TUE BOOK BUYER'S MANUAL: A CATALOGUE OF:~oreiin anR merit an IAohs IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF LITERATURE. WITH A CLASSIFIED INDEX. NEW YORK:,G. P. PUTNAM, 10 PARK PLACE. REMOVED FROM BROADWAY. 1852. N, B.-To COLLEGES, ACADEMIIES, PUBLIC LIBRA, RIE S, B 0 OKSELL ER S, and purch asers in quantities, a suitable and liberal discount will be made from the prices affixed. It is superfluous to mention that there imust be of necessity a great fluctuation in prices, produced by a variety of causes. The publisher of the present Catalog ue does not pretend that it is either complete or firee from errors; but to those who may favor him with orders, he is ready to guarantee that the prices charged shall be, on an average, as low as those of any other house in the trade, for the same editions. If any error or overcharge is pointed out by his correspondents, it shall be cheerfully corrected. And for those who'are twillin to confide in the experience and good faith of the advertiser, no pains will be spared to merit their confidence, g Particular attention given to orders for College and other Pablic Libraries. * * A SUPPLEMENT to this Manual, brought down to the latest 1moment, will be issued, gratis, in July, CATALOGUE OF FOREIGN AND AMERICAN BOOKS; COMPRISING USEFUL AND VALUABLE BOOKS IN EVERY CLASS OF LITERATURE, THE FINE ARTS, NATURAL HISTORY, SCIENCES, USEFUL ARTS, &c. MANY OF WHICH ARE SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED. FOR SALE BY GEORGE P. PUTNAM, No. 155 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. *** As many of the books are imported in small numbers, orders should specify if books not on hand shall be specially imported. They would be received in from 40 to 60 days. Abailard et Heloise. Lettres, tra- Abercrombie, (Dr. J.) On Diseases of duction nouvelle, par le bibliophile Jacob. 1 the Stomach, &c. 3d edition, foolscap 8vo. vol. in 12mo. brochb, 87e. Paris. cloth, $2 00. London, 1839. - Lettres, traduites sur les manuscrits de The Same. Svo. $1 50. Philadelphia. la Bibliotheque Royale, par E. Oddoul-pre- - On the Moral Feelings. 7th edition, ce'des d'un essai historique par M. et Mme. foolscap 8vo. $1 25. London, 1846. Guizot, et de extraits de MM. Michelet, Pope, The Same. 12mo. 50c. New York. &c. Illustree de 200 belles vignettes, fleurons, &c. 2 vols. grand in 8vo. $5 50. Paris. - On Diseases of the Bran and Spal A b b o t, (C.) Treatise on the Law relative to Crd. 4th edition, foolscap vo. cloth, 00. Merchant Ships and Seamen. In five parts. I By Charles Lord Tenterden. 8th edition, by The Same. Svo. $2 50. Philadelphia. W. Shee. Royal 8vo. cloth, $9 50. Lond. 1848. On the Intellectual Powers. 12th ediA bbo tt, (Jacob.) Summer in Scotland. 12mo. tion, foolscap 8vo. cloth, $2 00. London, 1846. cloth, $1 00. New York, 1848. The Same. 12mo. cloth, 50c. New York. - History of Mary, Queen of Scots. ISmo. A b e r d e e n, (Earl of.) Inquiry into Grecian cloth, 62c. New York, 1849. Architecture. Foolscap, Svo. cloth, $2 25. History of Alexander the Great. 18mo. London. cloth, 62c. New York, 1849. A b s t r a c t of the Field Exercise, and.wvoluKings and Queens; or, Life in the Pal- tions of the Army. 12mo. 87c. London. ace. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. New York, 1848. Abstract of Infantry Tactics. 1 mo. 5'c. History of Charles I. 18mo. cloth, 62c. Boston. " of Hannibal. 18mo. " 62c. Ackerman. Histories of the Universities - " of Julius Cesar. 18mo. 62c. of Oxford and Cambridge; Westminster Abof Queen Elizabeth." 62c. hbey; and Microcosm, or the Publllic Buildings c 62c. "of London. Illustratedl wraith 40(t Plates, PorA'Becket, (Thomas.) Life and Letters, by traits and Views, colored ill imitation of DrawRev. Dr. Giles. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $7 00. ings. 9 vols. elephant 4to. ~S5. Lond. 1812-16. London. Ac ton, Or Thoughlts in the Circle of Life. - Original Letters, Biographies, &c., in the 12mo. cloth, 1 New York, 1848. original Latin. Collected by Rev. Dr. Giles. 2mo. cloth, 1 New York, 1848. 8 vols. 8vo. cloth, $30 00. London. Acton, (Tb.) Cormplete Practical Treatise on Or, separately, as follows: Venereal Diseases, and their Immediate and Vita S. Thoma, ab E. Grim et Aliis, &c. 2 vols. vo Remote Consequences. Including Observacloth, $7 25a.'i tions on Certain Affections of the Uterus, atEpistolam S. Thomas. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $7 25. I tended with Discharges. 1 vol 8vo. and colGilberti Foliot Epistolme. 2 vols. 8vo. $7 25. ored atlas of plates, $9 50. London, 1841. Horberti de Bosham Opera. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $7 25. IThe Same. Colored, sheep, $3 00. New York 2 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Act on, (Eliza.) Modern Cookery in all its JM s ch ylu s. Seven Tragedies. Literally branches, reduced to a System of Easy Practice. translated. New edition, 8vo. cloth, $2 25. Cuts, 2d edition, foolscap 8vo. cloth, $1 25. Oxford. London, 1845. - Lexicon to. By the Rev. Th. Linwood. Adam, (Alex.) Roman Antiquities; or, an 2d edition, 8vo. cloth, $3 75. London, 1847. Account of the Manners and Customs of the i Esop. Fables: a new Version, chiefy from Romans; Enlarged by the Rev. J. R. Major. the original Greek; purified, and rendered fit Map, Svo. cloth, $1 75. London, 1835. for Young Persons and Families. By Rev. T. - Roman Antiquities; or, an Account of James. Illustrated with 100 beautiful woodthe Manners and Customs of the Romans. cuts, from designs by John Tenniel. Post 8vo. New edition, improved by Dr. Boyd. 100 en- cloth, $3 00. London, 1843. gravings. 12mo. sheep, $1 75. New York. Agassiz and Gould. Principles ofZooA d ams, (E.) The Polychromatic Ornaments logy; touching the Structure, Development, Disof Italy. Plates, royal 4to. $9 00. Lond. 1845. tribution and Natural Arrangement of the Races A d a m s, (Mrs.) Letters; with an Introductory of Animals, living and extinct. Numerous ilMemoir by her grandson, C. F. Adams. 4th lustrations. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Boston, 1848. edition, revised and enlarged, with the Letters A g a s s i z, (L.) Histoire Naturelle des Poisof J. Q. Adams to his Son, on the Study of the sons d'eau douce de 1'Europe Centrale. Royal Bible. Portrait. 12mo. cloth, $1 63. 8vo. in three parts. Colored plates, folio, Boston, 1848. $37 50. Neuchatel, 1842 (Thomas.) Exposition of the Second. Monographie d'Echinodermes Vivans et Epistle General of St. Peter. Imperial 8vo. Fossiles, devant former une histoire naturelle cloth, $6 00. London, 1842. complete de cette classe d'animaux. Text and (W. B.) English Pleasure Carriages; plates. Fourparts, 4to. $25 00. their Origin and History; with Descriptions of Neuchatel, 1839-42. New Inventions. Illustrated with numerous Monographie des Poissons Fossiles- du plates. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. London, 1S37. Vieux Gres Rouge ou Systeme Devonieu des A d c o k. Engineer's Pocket Book for 1842. iles Britaniques et de Russie. Three parts, 4to. $1 00. and three parts, colored plates, folio, $25 00. The Same, for 1350. $1 75. London, 1848. Neuchatel, 1844. A d c o c k, (H.) Rules and Data for the Steam Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles, comEngine. 12mo. 75c. London. prenant une introduction a 1l'etude de ces aniAddison, (C G.) History of the Knights maux; l'anatomie comparee des systemes orTemplars. Plates. Post 8vo. cloth. $5 50. ganiques qui peuvent contribuer'a faciliter la London. determination des especes Fossiles; une nouHistory of the Temple Church. Post velle classification des Poissons, exprimant 8vo. cloth, 1 50. London. leurs rapports avec la serie des formations; l'exposition des lois de leur succession et de On Contracts, and on Parties to Action ex leur dx veloppement durant toutes les metacontractu. 8vo. sheep, $4 00. Philadelphia. morphoses du globe terrestre, accompagnee de....- (Joseph.) Works; with Notes by Hurd. considerations geologiques generales; enfin, la 6 vols. royal Svo. $22 50. London, 1811. description d'environ mille especes qui n'ex~ - Works complete; comprising the whole istent plus et dont on a retabli les caracteres of the Spectator. Portrait. 3 vols. 8vo. sheep, d'apres les debris qui sont contenus dans les $5 00. New York, 1845. couches de la terre. Ten parts 4to. and four A dl e r, (G. J.) Progressive German Reader; parts, colored plates, folio, $162 00. adapted to the American edition of Ollendorf's Neuchatel, 1S33-43. German Grammar; with Notes and Vocabu- Etudes sur Les Glaciers. 8vo. et atlas de lary. 12mo. $1 New York, 1848. 32 planches, folio, $10 00. Neuchatel, 1840. A —---- Dictionary of the German and English -- Nouvelles etudes et experiences sur les Languages, compiled from the Works of Hil- Glaciers Actuels, leur structure, leur progres port, Fliigel, Grieb, Heyse, and others. In two sion et leur action physique sur le sol. 8vo. and parts. Royal 8vo. half Russia, $5 00. atlas, folio, $16 00. Paris, 1847. New York, 1849. - Etudes Critiques sur les Molusques Fosi sc h yli T rag e di e, (Gr. et Lat.) cum siles. Four parts 4to. beautiful plates. $27 00. Notis Variorum, Scholiis, et Var. Lect. edidit Neuchatel, 1840. Butler; viz. Agamemnon, Septem Contra The- -— Memoire sur les Moules de Molusques bas, Choephoree, Eumenides, Persae, Fragmenta. Vivans et Fossiles. 4to. $3. Neuchatel, 1839. 6 vols. 8vo. cloth, $6 00. London, 1811-16. Description des Echinodermes Fossiles de AE s c h y 1 u s. Tragedies; translated by Rev. la Suisse. Two parts, 4to. fine plates, $6 75. R. Potter. With an Essay on Grecian Drama. Neuchatel, 1839. 18mo. cloth, 50c. New York, ___ Nomenclator Zoologicus, continens Nomi--- Prometheus of. Edited by Pres. Woolsey. na Systematica Generum Animalium tam Vi12mo. cloth. 63c. Boston. ventium quam Fossilium, secundum ordinem --- Agamemnon of. Edited by Prof. Felton. alphabeticum disposita,' adjectis auctoribus, 12mo. cloth, 75c. Boston. libris in quibus reperiuntur, anno editionis, etys c hy 1 u s et Sophocles, et nostra mologia et familiis, ad quis pertinent, in variis Fragmenta, ed. Ahrens. Gr. et Lat. Royal classibus. Seven parts, 4to. $20 00. 8vo. paper, $3 75. Didot, Paris, 1845. Soleure, 1842-46. Foreign and American Books. 3 A ginco ur t. History of Art; by its Monu- Ak e nsi d e, (Mark.) Poetical Works. Foolsments, from its Decline in the Fourth Century cap Svo. cloth, $1 37; mor. $2 25; mor. by to its Restoration in the Sixteenth. Translated Havday, $2 50. Pickering-London, 1835. from the French of Seroux d'Agincourt. Withl Pleasures of Imagination. J. Aikin. 328 plates, comprising 3,325 subjects. The 12mo. $2 25. London. three volumes of the French work complete in Akerman, (J.Y.) NumismaticManual; or, one vol., large folio, $30 00. London, 1848. Guide to the collection of Greek, Roman, and *** This is a very elaborate, curious, and valuable work. English Coins. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth, $5 50. The price is a out one third of the original work, while it is more complete and more convenient. London, 1540. A g riculture. The Journal of, and Trans- --- Coins of the Romans relating to Britain, deactions of the Highland Agricultural Society. scribed and illustrated. 8vo. $2 25. Lond. 1844. A g ne 1, (H. R.) Chess for Winter Evenings; a Introduction to the Study of Ancient and Complete Guide to the Game. With illustra- Modern Coins. Plates. 12to. cloth, $1 75. tions, by R. W. Weir. 12mo. cloth, $1 75. London, 1848. New York. A lba n, (Dr. Ernst.) The High Pressure Steam Aid e M e m oi r e at la Usage des Officiers Engine investigated; an exposition of its comd'Artillerie, avec tableaux et planches. 1 vol. parative merits, and an Essay towards an im8vo. $3 00. Paris, 1844. proved system of construction, adapted espe- A la Usage des Officiers et sous Officiers ctally to secure Safety and Economy in its use. de Pontonniers. 1 vol. 12mo. 62c. Paris. Translated from the German, by William Pole. Plates. Parts 1 to 4. 2 vols. $4 50...- to the Military Sciences. Framed from London 1847-4S Contributions of Officers of the different ser- A.. Alc a n Essai sur l'industrie des matieres tesvices; and edited by a Committee of the tiles, comprenant le trvailc iet du coton, ~orps of Royal Engineers. Partsl1, 2, 3. In- tiles, comprenant le travail complet du coton, corps of Royal 8vo Engineers. Parts, 2, 3. 5 du lin, du chanvre, des laines, du cachemire, de perial 8vo. $13 50. London, 1845-4. 1 vol. Svo. avec un Atla sole, du caoutchouc. 1 vol. Svo. avec un AtAiken, (Edmund.) Designs for Villas and las de 36 planches. $7 50. Paris 1847. other Rural Buildings. 31 plates, 4to. $6 50. lPractical bservations london, 131. Alderson, (James.) Practical Observations SleWondhon, 1oe on some of the Diseases of the Stomach and A i k i n. Select Works of the British Poets; in a Alimentary Canal. Numerous colored plates. Chronological Series, from Ben Jonson to Scott. Svo. cloth, 83 50. London. With Biographical and Critical Notices. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, $7 00. Philadelphia. (M. A.) Essay on the Nature of Steam. ------ (John.) Letters from a Father to his Son, on various topics relative to Literature Aldine Britia Po t. Fifty-twovoland Conduct of Life. 12mo. mor. $2 umes, foolscap Svo. cloth, $65 00; calf extra, London, 18335. 105; mor. extra, by Hayday, $130. Pickering-London. (Lucy.) Life of Addison. 2 vols. post Burns,..... 3 vols. Dryden,......... 5 vols Svo. cloth, $1 50. London. Thomson,......... 2" Parnell,. 1" Collins,........... I" Swift,........... 3 " Memoirs of the Court of James the First. Kirke hite,. Young....... 2 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $7 00. Lond. 1822. Cowper,............. 3" Akenside,......1 - Memoirs of the Court of Elizabeth. 2 Surrey, (Earl of)... 1 Butler,.......... 2 Memoirs of the Court of Elizabeth. 2 Wyatt, (Sir Thos.) 1" Prior,........... 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $7 50. London, 1822. Beattie,..... 1 " Falconer,........ I Aime Martin. Education des Meres de Pope,.............. 3 " PGray,_.... I Goldsmith......... " Spenser,......... 5 famille, ou de la civilisation du genre humain Milton..... 3 " Churchill,....... 3 par les femmes. 3d edition. 1 vol. 12mo. 87c. Shalkpeare, 1 " Chaucer,. 6 Paris. Each volume, cloth, $1 37; calf, $2 37; mor. by Hayday, $2 500; mor. extra gilt, by Hayday, $3 00. Lettres t Sophie sur la Physique, la Ale an d e r, (Prof. J. A.) Commentaries on Chemie et l'Histoire Naturelle; nouvelle edi- the Earlier Prophecies of Isaiah. Royal Svo. tion. 1 vol. 12mo. 87c. Paris. cloth, $3 00. Ains w orth. Latin Dictionary. Reprinted - Commentaries on the Later Prophecies of from the best folio edition; with numerous Ad- Isaiah. Royal Svo. cloth, $2 50. New York ditions, Emendations, and Improvements, by " Thev are among the most learned and erudite works of the Rev. B. W. Beatson, A.M. Revised and the kind."-Clhristian Advocate and Journal. corrected by W. Ellis, Esq. A.M. Imp. 8vo. "The hand of the thoroughl scholar is evident throughcloth, 86 50. London, 1843. out"-Protestant Churchman. Ainsworth's Magazine. A Miscellany of - Progress and Present State of the ManuRomance, General Literature, and Art. olluf facture of Crude Iron. Svo. $1 25, Baltimore. trated by 200 engravings on steel and wood, by (W. Lindsay.) Anglo-Catholicism not tinted by 200 engravings onsteel, Apostolical. Svo. cloth, $2 25. Edinburgh, 1843. G. Cruikshank. 7 vols. medium 8vo. cloth, postolical. Edinbugh,43. ti 50c. X - Connexion of the Old and New Testa4(W T.) Travels in the Track of the ments. Svo. cloth, $3 50. London. ----- (W. T.) Travels in the Track of the Alger (Francis.) Elementary Treatise on Ten Thousand Greeks. Post 8vo. cloth, $2 50. Alger, (Francis.) Elementary Treatise on London, 18244. Mineralogy; comprising an Introduction to the Lt o, 1s. Science, by W. Phillips. Fifth edition from Airy, (Gt. B.) Explanation of the Solar Sys- the fourth London edition. By Robert Allan; tem. Post 8vo $2 25. London. containing the latest discoveries in American ------ Mathematical Tractson Physical Astron- and Foreign Mlineralogy. 5ro. cloth, $3 00. omy. 8vo. $4 50. London. Boston, 1844. 4 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Alham bra, (The.) Plans, Elevations, Sec- Almanac, British, and Companion. 12mo. tions, and Details, by O. Jones. 101 plates, of cloth. (Published annually.) $1 25. which;7 are printed in colors, and the remain- A lt ar, (the,) or Meditations in Verse on the der elaborate engravings in outline; from draw- Great Christian Sacrifice. 12mo. cloth, $1 50 ings taken on the spot in 1834, by the late London, 1849. Jules Goury; and in 1834 and 1837, by Owen Altars, Tabernacles, and Sepulchral Monu Jones. With a complete translation of the ments of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries, Arabic inscriptions, and an Historical Notice of existing at Rome; published under the patron the Kings of Granada, from the conquet of A existing at Rome; published under the patron the Kings of Granada, from the conquest of age of the celebrated Academy of St. Luke, by that city to the expulsion of the Moors. 2 vols. MM. Tosi and Becchio; edited by M. Mastraca. Columbia folio, half mor. top edge gilt. $150. 50 large engravings, imp. folio, half morocco, London. $16 00. London, 1843. A I i s o n, (Archibald.) Essay on the Nature and A m b r o s e, (Isaac.) Works, with a Memoir. Principles of Taste. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $6 00. 8vo. cloth, $1 50. London. London. A m b ro s ins, (St.) Opera Omnia-Studio et The Same, with corrections and improvements by labore monachorum ord. S. Benedicti. 4 vols. A. Mills. 12mo. cloth, 75c. New-York. royal 8vo. sewed, $8 50. History of Europe. Second edition, re- Paris, (J. P. Migne,) 1846. vised and corrected. 20 vols. post Svo. cloth, America n Biography. The Libraryof $35 00. American Biography, edited by Jared Sparks, The Same, calf extra, $50 00. London, 1848. assisted by several of the most distinguished The Same. 10 vols. Svo. sewed, $7 50. American writers. Portraits. First series. 10 Paris, (Baudry.) volumes. 12mo. $7 50. New York. The Same. 4 vols. 8vo. sheep, $5 00. Containing, viz. New York, 1847. Vol. I-Gen. Stark, C. B. Brown, Gen. Montgomery and Ethan Allen. - Atlas to History of Europe, construct- 2-Wilson (the Ornithologist,) Capt. John Smith. ed and arranged by Johnston, under the direc- 3 —General Arnold. tion of Mr. Alison; with a concise Vocabulary 4-General Wayne and Sir Henry Vane. 5-John Elliott, (the Apostle to the Indians.) of Military and Naval Terms. 96 maps, ob- 6-General Pinckney, W. Ellery, Cotton Mather. long 4to. cloth, $15 00. London, 1849. 7-Sir W. Phipps, L. M. Davidson, Gen. Putnam. 8 —Baron Steuben, Sebastian Cabot, Gen. Eaton. Epitome of the History of Europe; for 9-J.onathan Edwards, David Brainerd. Schools and Young Persons. 2d edition, post 10-Fulton, Gens. Hudson, Warren, and Marquette. Svo. cloth, $2 25. London, 1848. --- SECOND SERIES, complete, with a Gen-- Atlas to, containing 11 maps, 4to. cloth, eral Index to the whole. Plates. 15 vols. 12mo. 82 25. London, 1848. cloth, $1 00 per vol. Boston, 1844-47. ---- -History of, abridged by Gould. 8vo. Containing, viz. sheep, $1 25. lNew York. Vol. ]-La Salle, and Patrick Henry. Principles of Population, and their Con- 2-James Otis, and James Oglethorpe. nection with Human Happiness. 2 vols. 8vo. 3-John Sullivan, Jacob Leisler, Nathaniel Boon, cloth, $9 00. Edinburgh, 1s40. d4-Roger Williams, Timothy Dwight, and Count PuMIiscellanies. Portrait. 1 vol. Svo. cloth, laski. 5-Count Rumford, Zebulon Montgomery Pike, $1 25. IPhiladelphia Samuel Gorton. - The Military Life of the Duke of Marl- 6-Ezra Stiles, John Fitch, and Anne Hutchinson. borough. aps, 12mo. cloth, $1 SO. 7-John Ribault, Sebastian Rale, and William Palborough. ~aps, 12mo. cloth, $~1 50. ~ frey. New York, 1 4>S. 8 —Gen. Charles Lee, and Joseph Reed. (W. P.) Outlines of Pathology and Prac- 9-Leonard Calvert; Samuel Ward, Governor of Rhode Island; Thomas Posey, Major-Genetice of Medicine. Svo. $2 25. Philad. lS 44. ral and Governor of Indiana. Outlines of Physiology. 8vo. cloth, $3 00. 10-Nathaniel Greene. 11 —Commodore Stephen Decatur. Edinburgh. 12-Edward Preble, and William Penn. ( —- S. S.) Observations on Organic Altera- 13-Daniel Boone; Benjamin Lincoln, Major-General in the Army of the Revolution. tions of the Heart, &c. Foolscap 8vo. cloth, 14-John Ledyvari. 75e. London. 15-William R1. Davie; Samuel Kirkland, Missionary Al l e n, (M.) On Classification of the Insane. to the Isdians. 8vo. $1 75. London, 1837. A m eric an Farmer's Cyclopiedia. Svo. sheep, (R. L.) History and Description of Do- $4 00. Philadelphia. mestic Animals. 12mo. cloth, 75c. N. York. American Historical and Literary Curiosi(Joseph.) Battles of the British Navy. 24 ties. Edited by Smith and Watson. 4to. cloth, portraits. 2 thick vols. 12mo. cloth. $4 25. $6 00. New York. London, 1842. American in Paris; Or, Heath's PicAllom, (Thomas.) France illustrated; ex- turesque Annual, for 1843. By M. Jules Jahibiting its Landscape Scenery, Antiquities, nin. Illustrated by 18 engravings, from deMilitary and Ecclesiastical Architecture; with signs by Lami. Royal Svo. cloth gilt, $2 50. descriptions, by Rev. G. N. Wright. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1843. cloth, $15 00. London. American Scenery. A Series of eleAlmanac, American, and Repository of Use- gant engravings on Steel by Bartlett; with ful Knowledge. 12mo. (Published annually.) descriptions by N. P. Willis. 2 vols. 4to. $12. $1 00, L oston. London Foreign and American Books. 5 a& me ric a n (The) Loyalists: or, Biographical A n d r e w s, (E. A.) Latin Reader. 12mo 75c. Sketches of Adherents to the British Crown in Boston. the War of the Revolution. Alphabetically Latin Exercises. 12mo. 75c. Boston. arranged; with an Essay, by Lorenzo Sabine. and Stoddard's Latin Grammar. 12mo 8vo. cloth. $2 75. Boston, 1847. $1 25. Boston. American Journal of Science and Art. Con- The Parterre; or, Beauties of Flora ducted by Profs. Silliman, and B. Silliman, Jr. Twelve highly finished colored drawings; with Published bi-monthly. $5 00 per annum. Poetical Illustrations. Folio, $6 00 Analytical Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon; London, 1842. consisting of an Alphabetical Arrangement of A dry. Manual of Diaosis of Diseases of w t 1.. A n d r y. Manual of Diagnos s of Diseases of every Word and Ihflection contained in the OldFrench, byS. Testament Scriptures, precisely as they occur Kneeland. 12mo. cloth, 75c. Boston. in the Sacred Text; with the Grammatical Analysis of each word, &c. 4to. cloth, $12 00. Angle r's Souvenir. ByP. Fisher, Esq. (Bagster,) London, 1848. Embellished with upwards of sixty beautiful Anatomical Atlas. By Smith and Hor- engravings on steel, by Beckwith and Topham, ner. Imp'l 8vo. clo:h, $5 00. Philadelphia. and engraved borders. Foolscap 8vo. gilt, cloth, A n c i e n t A r m o r, Chronicle of, from the London, 1835. the Eleventh to Seventeenth Centuries; with Angl i n g, (Hand-book of.) Teaching FlyFishincr, Trolling, Bottom Fishing; with the descriptions, &c., by J. Hewitt. In case, $3 00. Fihing, Trolling, BottomFishing; with the -he Same. Elegantl colored, London. natural history of River Fish; and the best The Same. Elegantly colored, $5 50. London. modes of catching them. 12mo. cloth, $3 00. Ancient Baptismal Fonts. Nor- London, 1847. man, Early English, Decorated English, and Anglo-Catholic Theology-Library Perpendicular English. Drawn by Jof. vo. viz: and engraved by R. Roberts. Forty beautifully engraved plates. Imperial 8vo. $4 50. Andrews. (Bp.) Sermons. Vol. l-5. $16 00. London. - (Bp.) Pattern of Calechismal Doctrine. $3 00. Beveridge, (Bp.j) Vorks. 9 vols $29 00. Ancien t Monkish Historians of Britain-Ro- 3ramhall, (Archbishop.) Works. 4 vols. $9 00. geri de Wendover Chronica, sive Flores Histo- Boll, (Lp.) on lustification. 2 vols. $5 50. Cosins, (Blp.) Works. 2 vols. $6 00. riarum, nunc primum editit H. 0. Coxe. F. Crakenthorpe's Defensio Ecclesira Anglicana. $4 25. Nicholai Trireti Annales; ad fidern codicum Gunning on the Pascal, or Lent Fast. 8vo. $2.75. Manuscriptorum recensuit Thomas Hogg. 6 11ammond's Practical Catechism. $6 00. lickes' Two Treatises. 2 vols. $5 50. vols. 8vo. beautifully printed, boards. $24 00. Johnson's Works. 2 vols. $6 00. English Historical Society, London, 1841-48. Laud, (Archbishop.) Works. Vol. I. $2 00. Translated; ContaininBed's Ecclesias Marshall's Penitential Discipline. 1 vol. $2 00. --— ~~- Translated; Containing RRNicholson, (Bp.) on the Catechism. $2 00. tical History; Chronicles of Richard of Devi- Overall. (Bp.) Convocation Book. $2 50. zes; Works of Gildas and Nenniers; Geoffrey Thorndike's Works. 2 vols. $10 50. of Monmouth's British History; and Chronicles Wilson, (Bp.) Works, by Keeble. Vols. 2 & 3. $6 00. of the White Rose of York. Translated, with Ann a 1 s of Horticulture, and Year-book of In. Notes and Indices, by Rev. J. A. Giles. Illus- formation on Practical Gardening. Cuts, &c. trated with fac-similes of Original MSS. 6 vols. Royal 8vo. $3 00. London, 1546. 8vo, $21 00. London, 1841-45. Annesley, (J.) Researches into the Causes, A n d e r s e n, (Hans C.) Shoes of Fortune. Nature, and Treatment of the more Prevalent 16mo. cloth, 50c. New York. Diseases of India, and of Warm Climates. 2d - Wonderful Stories. First and Second edition, 8vo. cloth, $4 00. London. series. 75c. New York. Annual Scrap Book; A Selectionof Anderson, (Christopher.) The Annals of Paragraphs which have appeared in the News. the English Bible. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, papers and Periodicals. 12mo. cloth, 75c. $8 50. [I v. N. Y.] (Pickering,) London, 1845. London, 1888. ----- (George and Peter.) Gui(!e to the High- Annual Register, (Dodsley's,) published lands and Islands of Scotland, including Ork- yearly. $5 each. ney and Zetland; descriptive of their Scenery, *** Complete sets, from its commencement in 1758, im Statistics, Antiquities, and Natural History; ported to order. with numerous Historical and Traditional N\o- A n n u a i r e de l'etat Militaire de France, pour tices; Map, Tables of Distances, Notices of l'anniee 1846, publie sur les documents du minInns, an-l other information for Tourists. New istere de la guerre. 1 vol. in 12mo. $1 75. edition, cloth, $3 00. Edinburgh. Paris. An dr e, (le P.) CEuvres Philosophiques, Recu- A n s on, (Lord.) Life of, by Barrow. 8vo. cloth, eilles et Annotees, par V. Cousin. 1 vol. 12mo. $4 00. London. Paris, 1843. A n ste d, (D. F.) The Geologist's Text-book. A n d r e w s, (Bp.) Sermons. 5 vols. 8vo. cloth, 1 2mo. cloth, $1 00. London. $16 00. (Library of Anglo-CatholicTheology.) Geology; Introductory Description, and Oxford, 1842 Practical Illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, (Bishop.) Preces Privates quotidianau, $11 00. London, 1845. Graece etLatine. Editio tertia et emendatior. Ancient World; or, Picturesque Tour 12mo. cloth, $2 50. Londini, (Pickering,) 1848. through Creation. Plates. 8vo. cloth, $3 00. --- (E. A.) First Lessons in Latin. 1 vol. London, 1848. 18mo. 75c. Boston. The Same. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. Philad. 1847. 6 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Ansted, (D.F.) The Gold Seeker's Manual. Antiquites Mexicaines. Relation 12mo. cloth, $1 00. London, 1849. des Trois Expeditions de Col. Dupaix pour la The Same. 12mo. 25c. New York, 1849. Recherche des Antiquitis du Pays, notamment A n t h o n, (Prof.) Latin Lessons. 12mo. sheep, celles de Mitla et de Palenque. Avec les Des$1 00. New York. sins de Castaneda suivie d'un parallele de ces ------ Latin Prose Compositions, with a com- monumentsavec ceux de 1'Egypt et de l'Inde, plete course of Exercises. 12lmo. sheep, $1 00. par M. Alex. Lenoir, etc., etc.; d'une DissertaNew York. tion surl'Origine et sur la Linguistique des PopLatin Prosody and hMetre. 12mo. sheep, ulations Primitives des deux Ameriques, &c. &c. $1 00. New York. Par M. Warden, &c.; avec un Discours Preliminaire des Travaux et Documents divers de MM. Latin Versification, and a series of ProLatgressie Eerises. 2msification, and a series of Pro- Chateaubriand, Farcy, Galindo, Humboldt, et New York. de St. Priest. 2 vols. folio. [The second vol. -— Zumpt's Latin Grammar; corrected and containing several hundred plates and maps.] enlarged. L2mo. sheep, $1 00. New York. Half bound, red morocco, gilt tops, $150 00. Caesar's Commentaries on the Gallic A p o s to lic A g e. Incidents of the AposWar; and the First Book of the Greek Para- tolic Age in Great Britain. 12mo. cloth, $1 75. phrase, with Notes, &c. Map, Portrait, &c. Pickering, London, 1844. 12mo. sheep, $1 60. New York. Apple ton, (Pres.) Works of, embracing his -:Aneid of Virgil; with Notes, &c. 12mo. Course of Theological Lectures, Addresses, Sersheep, $2 00. New York. mons, &c.; with Memoir. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, Eclogues and Georgics of Virgil; with $2 50. Andover, 1837. Notes, &c. 12mo. sheep, $1 50. New York. Aquinas, (Thomas.) Commentary on the - Select Orations of Cicero; with Notes, Four Gospels, collected out of the Works of &-c. 12mo. sheep, $1 25. New York. the Fathers; translated from the Catena -- Sallust's History of the Jugurthine War Aurea. 4 vols. 8vo. cloth, $23 00. Oxford. and of the Conspiracy of Cataline. 12no. Arabian Nights' Entert ain - sheep, $1 00. New York. ments. The Thousand and One Nights; or, Horace; with Notes, &c. 12mo. sheep, the Arabian Nights' Entertainment, Trans75. New York. lated and arranged for Family Reading; with - First Greek Lessons. 12mo. sheep, $1 00. Notes, &c., by E. H. Lane. Illustrated with New York. several hundred engravings. 3 vols. post 8vo..-.. Greek Prose Composition. 12mo. sheep cloth, $6 00. London $1 00. New York. The Same. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $3 75. System of Greek Prosody and Metre. New York, 1848. 12mo. sheep, $1 00. New York. Arabian Nights. Translated by Fors--- Grammarofthe GreekLanguage. 12mo. ter. With an Historical Introduction, by G. sheep, $1 00. New York. M. Bussey. Neat wood-cuts. Royal Svo. cloth, --- New Greek Grammar, from the German $2 7"5. London, 1842. of Kiihner, Matthiae, &c. 12mo. sheep, $1 00. A r a g o. Lecons d'Astronomie professees a New York. l'Observatoire Royal; recueilles par un de ces Homer's Iliad; with Notes, &c. 12mo. eleves. 4th edition, avec portrait, et 7 planches. sheep, $2 00. 1 vol. in 12mo. $1 00. Paris, 1845. Anabasis of Xenophon; with Notes, &c. Aran, (F. A.) Practical Manual of the Dis12mo. sheep, $1 75. New York. eases of the Heart and Great Vessels. Trans--- Greek Reader, principally from the Ger- lated by W. A. Harris. 12mo. $1 00. man of Jacobs; with Notes. 12mo. sheep, Philadelphia, 1843. $1 75. New York. Arcet (d'), Payen, B13 run, etc. Diction------ Germany and Agricola of Tacitus; with naire des Arts et Manufactures, description des Notes. 12mo. sheep, $1 00. New York. proced's de l'industries FranCaise et etrangere. Cicero's de Senectute, de Amicitime, &c.; Illustre de plus de 2000 gravures sur bois dans with Notes. 12mo. sheep. New York. le texte, representantles machines et appareils _ —--- Xenophon's Memorabilia of Socrates; employes dans l'industrie. 3 vols. grand in from the text of Kiihner; with Notes. 12mo. 8vo. Paris, 1846. sheep, $1 25. New York. Archaeological Institute. Pro------ Classical Dictionary. Royal 8vo. sheep, ceedings at annual meetings held at Winches$4 75. New York. ter, for the years 1545-46. 2 vols. Svo. cloth, ------ Dictionary of Greek and Roman Anti- $12 00. London. quities. Royal 8vo. sheep, $4 75. New York. Journal. Published under the di--- School Dictionary of Antiquities. 12mo. rection of the Central Committee of the Archae$1 25. New York. ological Institute of Great Britain and Ire- (C. E.) Pilgrimage to Treves; through land. Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, 8vo. cloth, $14 00. the Valley of the Meuse and the Forest of Ar- London. dennes, in 1844. 12mo. cloth, 75c. New York. Album; or Museum of Natural AnA n ti q u a r i a n, (The) Repository; or, Miscel- tiquities; with Illustrations, colored and unlaneous Assemblage of Topography, History, colored, by T. W. Fairholt. 4to. cloth. Biography, Customs, and Manners. By Fran- London, 1845. cis Grove and Thomas Astle. Views, Portraits, Arc h ae olo g i st, (the,) and Journal of Anand Monuments, 4 vols. 4to. $32 00. tiquarian Science. Vol. I. Svo. $1 50. London, 1807. London, 1842 Foreign and American Books. 7 Ar ch i te ct, Builder, and Contractor's Pocket A ris t o t 1 e' s Poetics. Translated, with Notes, Book of Prices for 1849; together with Noti- and Two Dissertations on Poetical and Musical tia Architecturica. $2 00. London, 1849. Imitation, by Thomas Twining. 2 vols. 8vo. Architectura Canonica; or, Canons cloth, $3 00. London, 1812. of Church Architecture. 12mo. $1 15. -- Rhetoric. Literally translated from the London. Greek, with Notes; to which is added an Architecture, (Modern.) A series of Analysis of Aristotle's Rhetoric, by Thomas Twelve Designs for Modern Cottage and Villa Hobbes, of Malmesbury; and a series of AnaArchitecture. Plates colored. Oblong folio, lytical Questions. Post 8vo. cloth, $1 37. lytical Questions. Post 8vo. cloth, $1 37. half mor. $6 00. London, 1846. Architecture. Plates colored. Oblond fono, London, 1846. half mor. $6 00. London. Treatise on Rhetoric; literally translated, Glossary of Terms used in Grecian,. Ro- - TreatiseonRhetoric;literallytranslated, Glossary of Terms used in Grecian,. Ro- with Notes; together with an Analysis of Arisman, Italian, and Gothic Architecture. New e(li-, b tion, gratly enrged. lustrated by over totle's Rhetoric, by Thomas Hobbes, of Malmestion, greatly enlarged. Illustrated by over bury. 8vo. cloth, $3 00. Oxford, 1833. 1500 wood-cuts. 3 vols. 8vo. $15 00. bury. Oxford, 1845-46. A r m e n g au d, (alne.) Publication Industri- Abridged, from the fourth edition of the elle des Machines, Outils et Appareils les plas larger work. 440 cuts. 12mo. cloth, $1 75. perfectionnee et les plus recents, employes dans Oxford, 1846. les differentes branches de l'industrie Frangaise' et dtrangere. Tomes I to 4, in 8vo., accomo f Bir d s. (Library of Entertaining pagnr s chacun dun atlas. Paris 1845. Knowledge.) 12mo. cloth, 75c.; half calf, $1 50. London,1831. Armstrong, (Maj. Gen.) Notices of tje War of 1811. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, (1 50. A r g yll, (Duke of.) Presbytery Examined; an War of 1812. 2 vols. l2mo. cloth, $1 50. Essay, critical and historical, on the Ecclesias- New York. tical History of Scotland since the Reforma- (R.) An Essay on the Boilers of Steam tion. Post 8vo. cloth, $2 50. London, 1848. Engines; their Calculation, Construction, and Management, with a view to the Saving of Ariosto. Orlando Furioso. With Memoirs Fuel. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. London. and Notes, by Ant. Panizzi. 4 vols. 8vo. (Robert.) The Influence of Climate and $1.2 50. Pickering, London, 1834. other agents on the Human Constitution, with - The Orlando Furioso; translated into reference to the Causes and Prevention of DisEnglish verse, with notes by W. S. Rose. S ease, &c. 8vo. cloth, $2 25. London, 1843. vols. 8vo. $9 00. London, 1831. Treatise on Agriculture, with a DissertaThe Same. By John Hoole. 6 vols. 12mo. cloth, tion on the Kitchen and Fruit Garden. 18mo. $9 00. London. 50c. New York. A r i o s t e. Roland Furieux; traduction nou- A r n au 1 d, (Antoine.) (Euvres Philosophiques; velle, par Panckouke et Framely, avec une no- nouvelle edition; Collationnee sur les meiltice sur l'Arioste, par Abe Latour. 2 vols. in leurs textes et precedee d'une Introduction, par 12mo. $1 75. Paris. Jules, senior. 1 vol. 12mo. 87c. Paris. - L'Orlando Furioso. 2 vols. 12mo cloth, Ar nold, (Thomas, D.D.) Sermons, chiefly on $2 75. London, 1848. the Interpretation of Scripture. 8vo. calf exAristophanes' Plutus, Greek, from the tra, $4 75. London, 1845. text of Dindorf; with English Notes, Critical The Same. 12mo. cloth, 75c. New York, 1846. and Explanatory, by Cookesley. 8vo. cloth, A rnold, (Thomas, D.D.) History of Rome; $1 50. London, 1834. inhluding the later Roman Commonwealth. 3 - Plutus and the Frogs. Literally transla- vols. 8vo. cloth, $7 50. New York, 1846. ted into English Prose; with copious notes. - (Thomas.) Miscellaneous Works. Col8vo. cloth, $2 00. Oxford, Talboys, 1822. lected and republished. 8vo. cloth, $3 50. Birds; translated from the Greek; with London, 1845. copious notes, by the Rev. H. F. Cary, (trans- Introductory Lectures on Modern Histolator of Dante.) 8vo. cloth, $1. Lond. 1824. ry; with the Inaugural Lecture. Third edition. Comedies; translated into familiar blank 8vo. cloth, $2 25. London, 1845. verse, with Notes, Preliminary Observations of The Same. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. New York. each play, etc., by C. A. Wheelwright. 2 vols. (T. K.) Annales Veterum Regnorum et 8vo. cloth, $3 00. Oxford, 1837. Populorum, imprimis Romanorum, confecti a --- Comedies of, translated by T. Mitchell. Car. Timotheo Zurnptio. 12mo. cloth, $1 50. 2 vols. 8vo. $7 50. scarce. London, 1820. Londini, 1844. Aristophanis Comediae, ex Recensione Practical Introduction to Greek AcciDindorfii. 2 vols. 12mo. $1 75. Oxonii, 1845. dence. Third edition. 8vo. cloth, $1 50. Comcedita. Accedunt perditarum Fabu- London, 1844. larum Frag. ex Recensione G. Dindorfii. 7 vols. - A First and Second Latin Book and Prac8vo. cloth, $21 00. Oxonii, 1835. tical Grammar. Revised and carefully cor- -- Fragmenta, ed. G. Dindorf. Menander et rected, by J. A. Spencer, A.M. 1 vol. 12mo. Philemon. ed. Dabner. Gr. et Lat. Royal neatly bound, 75c. New York, 1847. 8vo. paper, $3 75; neat half calf, $5 00. ---- Latin Prose Composition. A Practical Didot, Paris, 1840. Introduction to Latin Prose Composition. Re. - ----- Scholia Graca, ed. G. Dindorf et Dubner. vised and corrected by J. A. Spencer, A.M. Royal 8vo. paper, $3 75; neat half calf, $5 00. 1 vol. 12mo. neatly bound, $1 00. Didot, Paris, 1849. New York, 1847 8 G. P. Putnam's Cat&7ogue of Arnold, (T.K.) AFirst Greek Book; with Artist's Book of P.ables; comEasy Exercises and Vocabulary. Revised and prising a Series of Original Fables, illustrated corrected by J. A. Spencer, A.M. 12mo. 622c. by 280 exquisitely beautiful engravings on New York, 1847. wood, by Harvey, and other eminent artists; ------ Greek Prose Composition. A Practical after designs by the late James Northcote, Introduction to Greek Prose Composition. Re- R.A. Post 8vo. cloth, full gilt, $3 00. vised and eorrected by J. A. Spencer, A.M. 1 London, 1845. vol. 12mo. 75c. New York. Ar rtizan Club. A Treatise on the Steam --- A Greek Reading Book; including a Engine, in its Application to Mines, Mills, Complete Treatise on the Greek Particles. Re- Steam Navigation, and Railways. Edited by vised by J. A. Spencer, A.M. 1 vol. 12mo. J. Bourne. Illustrated by 30 plates and 349 enNew York. gravings on wood. 3d edition, 4to. cloth, $8 00. Cornelius Nepos; with Practical Ques- London, 1849. tions and Answers, and an Imitative Exercise A r u n d a 1 e a n d B o no mi. Gallery of on each chapter. Revised, with Additional Antiquities, selected from the British Museum; Notes. by Professor Johnson, Professor of the with Descriptions, by S. Birch. Illustrated Latin Language in the University of the City of with 57 plates, some colored. 4to. cloth, $5 50. New York. One neat volume, 12mo. 62kc. London. A rn ott, (N.) Elements of Physics; or, Nat- Ash well, (S.) Practical Treatise on Partuural Philosophy, General and Medical; written rition. Plates. Svo. cloth, $5 00. for universal use in non-technical language; London, 1834. and containing new disquisitions and practical I'ractcal Tree on the Dise suggestions. 8vo. sheep, $2 50. Philadelphia. liar to Women. 3d edition, 8vo. cloth, e6 00. ----- On Warming and Ventilation. 8vo. London, 1848. cloth, $1 50. London. The Same. Edited by Prof. Goddard, 8vo. $5 00. A rn o u I d, (A.) Les Jesuites; Histoire, Types, Philadelphia. Mceurs, Mysteries. Illustris de 2 0 gravures A siat i c R e s e arc h e s; or, Transactions sur acier et 100 gravures sur bois. 2 vols. grand of the Society instituted at Bengal, for inquirin 8vo. $5 50. Paris, 1845-46. ing into the History and Antiquities, the Arts, A r rian on Coursing; translated into Scicnces, and Literature of Asia. 12 vols. Svo. English, with Annotations and a Memoir; to- $30 00. London, 1S06. gether with some account of the Canes Vena- A s mod e u s; or, The Devil on Two Sticks, tici of the Ancients. By the Rev. William by Le Sage; a new and greatly improved Dansey. Imp. 8vo. 25 fine lithographs, on India translation, by Joseph Thomas. Illustrated edipaper, cloth gilt, $3 00. London, 1831. tion, with 250 spirited and clever wood-cuts, by Art de Verifier les Dates des Faits Histori- Tony Johannot, imperial Svo. extra gilt, cloth, ques, des Inscriptions, des Chroniqueset autres $1 7.5. London, 1841. Anciens Monuments; ouvrage commence par *,* This is the large edition, and very superior to the demy les Benedictines de la Congregation de St. octavo publication, both in regard to the cuts and the transMaur. En avant Jesus Christ jusqu'a nos jours; lation. avec les tables. 41 vols. in 8vo. ]p50 00. A th ae ne um, (The,) Journal of English and Paris, 1821. Foreign Literature, Science, and the Arts, (pubA rt of Rigging; containing an Alpha- lished weekly.) 7 00 per year. betical Explanation of Terms and Phrases, and (The ) A Weekly Journal of Science, Directions for Operation. New edition, revised Literature, and the Fine Arts, from January, and recompiled, by George Biddlecombe. 15 1832, to January, 1847. 15 vols. 4to. half calf, steel engravings. 8vo. cloth, $3 75. $25 00. London, 1S43. A tlas of Maps; published by the Society for Art Union Historic Gallery of Portraits the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge; consisting and Paintings, with Memoirs. 2000 engrav- of one hundred and sixty maps of countries; ings. London. forty maps of cities, ancient and modern; six Vrhe Same. 2 vols. half mor. $5 50. London. of the stars, and one of the principal rivers; A — Thle Union of British Art. A Series of with indexes, &c.; colored. Large 4to., half Fifty India proofs, after designs by Wilkie, Tessia, o 0l. Prout, &c. Folio, cloth gilt, $6 50. London. The Same. Uncolored. $35 00. A r t is, (E. T.) Antediluvian Phytology, illus- Black's General Atlas; comprehending trated by a collection of the Fossil Remains of sixty-one maps, from the latest and most auPlants peculiar to the Coal Formations of Great thentic sources; engraved on steel; with geoBritain; including Remarks on the Systems of graphical descriptions, index, &c. Folio, halt Count Sternberg, Baron Schlothcimn, Professor mor. $13 50. Martius, and Mons. Brongniart; also Communi- — Black's School Atlas of Modern Geogracations from Professor Buckland, and other em - phy; a series of Twenty-five Maps, by W. inent Geologists. 4to. 25 plates, (pub. at ~2 Hughes; with Indlex, &c. 8vo. $2 75. 10s.) ~$ 50. London, 1838. Edinburgh, 1S46. Artist's Married Life; being that of Quinn's Historical Atlas A new ediAlbert Durer. Translated from the German tion, with maps on an enlarged scale, by W. of Leopold Schefer, by Mrs. J. R. Stodart. Hughes. Oblong folio, half morocco, $6 00. 12mo. antique boards. $1 75. London, 1848. The Same. Large folio, maps mounted. Half The Same. 12mo. boards, 75c. Boston, 1848. Russia, $10 00. Foreign and American Books. 9 t a tlas. Findlay's, (A. G.) Modern Atlas; form- A u g u s t i n, (St.) Opera omnia; opera et stuing a complete Compendium of Geography; dio monarchorum ord. S. Benedicti; editio exhibiting, in thirty maps the Extent, Dimen- Parisina, altera, emendatio et aucta. 22 vols sions, Physical and Political Arrangements of royal 8vo. sewed, $45 00. every country in the Known World: and con- Paris, Gaume, Bros. 1836. taining the latest discoveries in the Polar Re- i a and the Austrians; with Sketches of gions, Africa, Polynesia, &c. With an Intro- the Danube and theAustrians; witSketchesportraits duction, explanatory of the construction and the Danube and the Imperial States; portraits use of maps, and a copious Index for reference of the Emperor and Prince Metternich. 2 vols. post 8vo. $2 50. London, 1837. to the maps, &c. Royal 8vo. half calf, $3 50. London, 1845. Authors of England, by Chorley - Tanner's Universal Atlas, containing Sixteen portraits, engraved in high relief, acmaps of the various Empires, Kingdoms, States, companied by Biographical Sketches. 4to. and Republics of the World; with a special cloth, $3 50. London, 1838. map of each of the United States, plans of Autobiog raphy. A Collection of the Cities, &c. 4to. 117 maps, plans, and sections, most amusing lives ever published; compriscolored, halfmor. $12 00. Philad. 1844. ing the lives of Vidocq, Bellini, Du Barri, Gol~- The National Atlas of Historical, Com- doni, Marmontel, Whitfield, Lackington, Harmercial, and Political Geography; constructed dy, Vaux, Hume, Herbert, Eugene, Wolf Tone, from the most recent and authentic sources, by &c. 20 vols. 12mo. cloth, $10 00. London. A. K. Johnston; accompanied by maps and of a Working Man; by One who has illustrations of the Physical Geography of the whistled at the Plough. Post 8vo. cloth, $2 00. Globe; by Heinrich Berghaus; and an Ethno- London, 1848. graphic map of Europe, by Gustaf Kornbot. Large folio, half Russia, $40 00. Edinburgh. Autogra ph L e t t e r s. A Collection of -- ~ Phvsical Atlas; A Series of Maps and Original Letters; collected by the late WilNotes, illustrating the geographical distribu- am Upcott: with Porrails, &c. 3 rols. 4to. tion of Natural Phenomena, by A. K. Johnston;- based on the Physikalschen Atlas of A u t o g r a p h s of Royal, Noble, Learned, Professor Berghaus; with the co-operation of and Remarkable Personages, conspicuous in Sir David Brewster, Professors Forbes and Ni- English History, from the reign of Richard II. chols, Dr. Bone, G. R. Waterhouse, J. S. Rus- to that of Charles IL; with Biographical Mesel, and Dr. G. Kornbot, in divisions, viz. Ge- moirs, by J. G. Nicholls. Folio, cloth, 89 00. ology, Hydrography, Meteorology, Natural London History. Large folio, half Russia, 850 00. History. Large folio, half Russia, 50 00. A vr i 1l o n. The Year of Affections; or, AfEdinburgh. fections on the Love of God drawn from the Any of the divisions can be had separately. A cheaper Canticles, for Every Day in the Year. 12mo. edition, for the use of schools, is in preparation. Canticles, for Every Day in the Year. 2mo. cloth, $1 75. London, 1845. Chambers' Atlas for the People; accompanied by a Descriptive Introduction; 33 maps. Ayr e, (Joseph.) Researches into the Nature 4to. cloth, $3 50. Edinburgh. and Origin of Dropsies, and the Means for their -- Comprehensive Atlas of Modern Geogra- Cure and Prevention. Third edition. 8vo. cloth, phy; colored. Folio, half mor. $10 50. $1 75. ondon, 1847. London. A z a i s, (P. Hyac.) Cours de Philosophie Gener--- Arrowsmith's Atlas. Fifty-four maps, rale, ou Exposition simple, fidele et graduelle de colored. 4to. $9 00. London. tous les faits de l'ordre physique, psycholo- Morse's North American Atlas. 4to. half gique, intellectuel, moral et politique. 8 vols. roan, $2 75. New York. 8vo. $15 00. Paris, 1824. Au d ib e rt. Petit Manuel d'Accouchement - Des Compensations dans les Destinees Anormal; ou description pratique du forceps Humaines. 5th edition, 1 vol. 12mo. 75c. indicateur, representant sur les branches sur Paris, 1846. grand nombre de figures. 8vo. broch6, 50c. B a b a u 1 t. Dictionnaire Franqais et GeoAudubon, (J. J.) American Ornithological graphique, contenant, outre tous les mots de Biography. 5 vols. royal 8vo. cloth, $27 50. la langue Frangais, des sciences et des arts, la Philadelphia and London, 1831-39. nomenclature de toutes les communes de - Synopsis of the Birds of North America. France et des villes les plus remarquables du 8vo. cloth, $3 75. Edinburgh, 1839. monde. 2d edition. 2 vols. grand in 8vo. $9 00. Birds of America; from Drawings made Paris, 1846. in the United States and their Territories. I1- B abbage, (Charles.) The Economy of Malustrated with many hundred colored plates. chinery and Manufactures. 12mo. cloth, $1 50. 7 vols. royal 8vo. $75 00. New York, 1845. London, 1847. --- Birds of America, etc.; containing 185 Babes in the W o o d. Illustrated with plates of Birds, all of the natural size, beauti- designs by the Marchioness of Waterford; enfully colored. 4 vols. elephant folio,$800. graved by the best artists. Folio, $6 00. London, 1828. The Same; colored in imitation of the original A u gus tin. (St.) Confessions, revised from drawings. Mor. 812 00. a former translation by Dr. Pusey. 8vo. cloth, The Same; proof impressions on India paper, $2 50. Oxford, 1840. mounted on Bristol board, in portfolio, $15 00. The Same. 12mo. cloth,'75c. Boston. London. 10 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of B a b in g t o n, (C. C.) Manual of British Bota- B a g s t e r. Treasury Bible, interleaved with a ny. 2d edition, post 8vo. cloth, $3 00. Biblical Treasury of Parallel Passages, di London, 1847. Mor. extra, $9 00. Babrii. Fabulce ~Esopee, cum Fabularum, The English Hexapla; containing tlhe deperditarum Fragmentis; recensuit et bre- Six Early Translations. 4to. cloth, $12 00; viter illustravit, G. C. Lewis. 8vo. cloth, mor. extra, $18 00. $1 75. Oxford, 1846. - The Holy Scriptures. Translated by B ab r o n. Precis des Pratiques de l'Art Naval Miles Coverdale. 4to. $12 00. en France, en Espagne, et en Angleterre. 1 The various versions of the Holy Bible, published by Bagvol. in Svo. $1 75. Paris, 1817. ster & Sons, imported to order. Bachelier, (Jules.) Expos&e Critique et M, - Bailey, (P. J.) Festus, a Poem. 12,mo. cloth, thodique de l'Hydropatlhie, ou traitment des 00. Boston. Maladies pour l'eau fronde. 8vo. $1 00. Baillie, (M.) Morbid Anatomy of some of Bachelo r B ut te rfl y, The Veritable the most important parts of the Human Body. 12mo. $1 50. London, 1833. History of. Humorous Plates. Oblong folio. 75c. London. Bain, (A.) Application of Electric Fluid to B ac he l or of t h e A lba ny. B~y the UsefulArts. 8vo.clotb, $1 25. London. author of Falcon Family. 12mo. cloth, 62c. (W.) Essay on the Variation of the New York. Compass in Ships. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. Bachoffner. Chemistry as applied to the Londoa. Fine Arts. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. London, 1837. B aines, (E.) History of Cotton ManufacB a ck g a m mon, its History and Practice. tures in Great Britain. 8vo. cloth, $3 00. Cuts, 50c. London. London. Ba on's (Francis, Lord) Works. A new Baird, (Rev. Dr.) Protestantism in Italy. a c onIs (Francis, Lord) Works. A new 12mo. cloth, $1 00. New York edition, by Basil Montagu. 17 vols. 8vo. cloth, $100. New York $44 00. Pickering, London, 1835. Baker, (T.) Railway Engineering; or,Field " The most complete edition extant; it contains transla- Work, preparatory to the Construction of Railtions as well as the original of the Latin works; and is illus- ways; with a General Table for the Calculatrated by portraits, views, and fac-similes, with a new life of tion of Earthworks of Railways, Canals, &c. Bacon, by the editor." With two Auxiliary Tablies; also Tunnelling The Same. 3 vols. royal 8vo. cloth, $7 50. and Investigations of the Formulae for the Philadelphia. super-elevation of the exterior rail in curves. Works; both English and Latin, with an 8vo. cloth. $1 50. London,1848. Introductory Essay, and Copious Indexes, cor- B a k e we 11, (F. C.) Natural Evidence of a plete in 2 large vols. imperial 8vo. cloth, $S 50. Future Life; derived from the Properties and London, 1838. Actions of Animate and Inanimate Matter. 8vo. cloth, $1 62. London, 1840. Essays and Wisdom of the Ancients.,, Edited by Basil Montagu. Foolscap 8vo. cloth, (Robert.) Introduction to Geology. 8vo $1 25. London, 1845. cloth, 6 00. London. Essays, Moral, Economical, and Politica —-- Introduction to Mineralogy. 8vo. cloth, 12mo. cloth, 50c. Boston, 1835. $6 00. London. Advancement of Learning. Edited by Balbi, (Adrien.) Atlas Ethnographique du Basil Montagu. Foolscap gvo. cloth, $1 25. Globe, ou Classification des Peuples anciennes BasilMontagu Foolsap v o. clothndon, 1838 25. et modernes d'apres leurs langues, avec IntroLondon, 183. duction. 1 vol. in 8vo. et atlas, $7 50. -- - Essays or Counsels, Civil and Moral; and Paris, 1826. the Two Books of the Proficience and Advancement of Learning, Divine and Human. New Ball, (S.) An Account of the Cultivation and edition; with a Memoir and Notes, by W. C. Manufacture of Tea in China; with Remarks ediTaylor. Square moir and Notes, by00. C. on the Experiments now making for the IntroLondonTaylor. Square 18mo. loth,. duction of the Tea-tree into other parts of the London, 1840. World. 8vo. cloth, $4 25. London, 1849.. — Novum Organum; or, True Suggestions Ballantine, (James.) Treatise on Painted for the interpretation of Nature. Foolscap 8vo. Glass. Royal 8vo. clntin oth, $3 25. Londont cloth, $1 25. Pickering, London, 1844. a, - aThe Tram-esman's Book of Ornamental Badham, (C. D.) Treatise on the Esculent Designs; Adapted for the Cabinet-maker, Funguses of England; containing an account Iron-founder, Painter, Brass-founder, Silverof their Classical History, Uses, Character, smith, Wood-carver, &c. dc. 4to. cloth, $6 00. &c. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth, $6 50. London, 1848. London, 1847. Bagster, (Samuel.) The Management of Balzac, (De.) LaPeaude Chagrin; edition Bees; with Description of the Ladies' Safety princeps, imprimee sur magnifique papier jesus Hive. Forty wood-cuts. 12mo. cloth, $2 50. velin, ornee de 100 gravures sur acier, tirees dans le texte, d'apres les dessins de MM. HoPolyglot Bible, in Eight Languages of race Vernet, Johannot, Boulanger, Fragonard, the Old Testament, and Nine Languages of etc. 1 vol. grand in Svo. $4 25. Paris. the New. Folio, in sumptuous Turkey mor. (Euvres completes; edition de luxe, $80 00. ornefe de vignettes par Gavarny, Tony Johan--- The English Version. Thirteen maps, not, etc. 10 vols. in 8vo. demi veau, $35 00. chart, &c. Morocco, $6 50. Paris, 1842 Foreign and American Books. 11 Bancroft, (George.) History of the United Barrow, (Isaac, D.D.) Theological Works; States, from the Discovery of the American a new edition, including his Latin works. Por. Continent. Portraits, Maps, &c. 3 vols. 8vo. trait. 8 vols. 8vo. $32 00. Oxford, 1830 cloth, $6 00; half calf, $8 50; calf extra, $10. Works, with Life of the Author, by Rev Boston, 1847. James Hamilton. 3 vols. 8vo. $6 00. Banks and Bankers. Treatise on London, i43. Banking. Post 8vo. cloth, $3 00. London. Banking Pos o, $. L n. —-- (Sir J.) Voyages of Discovery and ReBannister, (J. T.) Survey of the Holy search within the Arctic Regions; from 1818 Land; Geography, History, and Destiny. 8vo. to present time. Portrait and maps. 8vo. half mor. silk sides, $5 60. London. cloth, $4 00. London, 1846. B a pt i s t r y; or, The Way of Eternal Life; (John.) Tour in Austria, Lombardy, the by Rev. J. Williams. Plates. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, Northern Tyrol, and Bavaria, in 1840. Demy 85 00. Oxford, 1842. 8vo. cloth, $1 00. London, 1841. Baran t e, (De.) Histoire des Ducs de Bourgogne, de la Maison de Valois, 1364-1477: Barry Cornwall, Songs of. 18mo.cloth, ornee de 110 gravures sur bois, papier de gilt, $100. London, 1847. Chine, et de 16 cartes geographiques. 12 vols. B art h e 1 e my e t M ery. Napoleon en in 8vo. demi maroquin, $24 00. Paris, 1837. Egypte, Waterloo et le Fils de lHomme, pre-, (Joseph.) Dictionary of the Italian cedes d'une notice litteraire, par Tissot, de Bar et ti, (Jsph)Ditoaroth tain l'Academie Frangaise; edition illustre par and English, and English and Italian languages; lAcademie rnet aise; edition illustre par... _... Horace Vernet et H. Bellange. 1 beau vol. to which is prefixed an Italian and English grand in Svo. ornee de 140 gravures et de 17 Grammar, ninth edition; corrected and im- vignettes tirees separement sur papier de proved, by C. Thompson. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, Chine. $3 00. Paris. $6 50. London, 1839.. Bartlett, (J. R.) Dictionary of AmericanB a r low, (H. B.) A Comparative Account isms. A Glossary of Words and Phrases, coland Delineation of Railway Engine and Car- loquially used in the United States. 8vo. cloth, riage Wheels. Engravings. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. $2 50. New York, 184.cloth, London, 1848. (Peter.) Treatise on the Strength of --— (E) On the Certainty of Medicine. 8vo. Timber, Cast Iron, and other materials; with cloth, 63c. Philadelphia, 1848. an Appendix, on the Power of Locomotive En- (W. H.) Walks about Jerusalem. Illusgines, &c., new edition. 8vo. plates, $4 50. trated. 8vo. half mor. $3 50. London. London, 1847. Forty Days in the Desert, in the Track Barnard, (H.) School Architecture; or, Con- of the Israelites. Illustrated. 8vo. $3 50. tributions to the Improvements of School- London. houses in the United States. 2d edition. 8vo.s' British Flora cloth, $200. N~ew York, 1548. B aarton and Castles' British Flora cloth, $2 00. New York, 1848. Medica; or, History of the Medicinal Plants of Baron, (John.) Life of Edward Jenner, with Great Britain. Illustrated with upwards of Illustrations of his Doctrines, and Selections two hundred colored figures of Plants. 2 vols. from his Correspondence. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 8vo. cloth, $10 00. $3 00. London, 1838. B Basilius, (St.) Opera omnia quae exstant, B a r on i a 1 Halls, Picturesque Edifices, and vel quce ejus nomine circumferuntur [Gr. et Ancient Churches of England; from drawings Lat.;] opera et studio Juliani Garnier; editio by Hardinge, Cattermole, Prout, Miller, Hol- Parisina, altera, emendata et aucta. 6 vols. land, and other eminent artists; executed un- royal Svo. sewed, $20 00. B 1 der the superintendence of Mr. Hardinge. Paris, Gaume, Brothers, 1839 The Text by S. C. Hall. 3 vols. fol. $34. Bas tiat, (J.) Sophisms of the Protective Barr. (J.) Anglican Church Architecture. Policy. Translated by Mrs. D. J. M'Cord; Plates. 12mo. cloth, $1 50. London. with an Introductory Letter by Dr. Lieber. Barreswil et Sobrero. Appendice 12mo. cloth, 75c. New York, 1848. a tous les Traits d'Analyse Chimique, recueil Bateman, (Dr. T.) Delineations of Cutades observations publiees depuis dix ans sur neous Diseases, exhibiting the Characteristic l'analyse qualitative et quantitative. 8vo. Appearance of the principal Genera and Spebroche, $2 00. Paris, 1843. cies; comprised in the Classification of the late Bar ret i, (Rev. Richard A. F.) Synopsis of Dr. Willan. 12 plates, beautifully and accuCriticisms upon those Passages of the Old Tes- rately colored. 4to. half mor., top edge gilt, tament, in which Modern Commentators have $28 00. London, 1844. differed from the authorized version, together B a u e r a n d H o o k e r' s Illustrations of with an explanation of various difficulties in the Genera of Ferns; in which the Characters the Hebrew and English Texts. Royal 8vo. of each Genus are displayed in the most elabcloth, vols. 1 and 2, $16 50. London, 1847. orate manner, in a series of magnified dissecVol. 3 Part 4 50 London 147. tions and Figures, highly finished in colors, after ------ Vol. 3, *Part I. $4 50. London, the beautiful drawings of Francis Bauer, Esq., Barr ington, (Archibald.) Manual for Stu- Botanical Draughtsman to Her Majesty; with dents of British Architecture; with a Table descriptive letter-press, by Sir William Jackshowing the Duration of each Style; and a son Hooker; complete in one large volume, Glossary. Chart, mounted on canvass, folded, imperial Svo. half mor. extra, top edges gilt, $2 00. London, 1843. $30 00. London, 1838-42. 12 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Baxter, (Richard.) PracticalWorks; with Bede, (Venerable.) Ecclesiastical History a Life of the Author, and a Critical Examina- and the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, with Notes, tion of his Writings by the Rev. W. Orme. Maps, &c. Edited by Rev. J. A. Giles. 12mo. Portrait. 23 vols. 8vo. $55 00. Lond. 1830. cloth, $1 25. (Bohn's Ant. Lib.) London. The Works of. With an Introductory Bedford, (F.) A Chartof Anglican Church Discourse by Rev. R. Philip. 4 vols. imperial Ornament; wherein are figured the Saints of 8vo. cloth, $17 50. London, 1838. the English Kalendar, with their appropriate Bay a r d, (H.) Manual Pratique de M1Id&- Emblems, the different Styles of Stained Glass, cine legale. 12mo. $1 25. Paris, 1844. etc., etc.; collected from ancient existing examBayl e. Dictionnaire Historique et Critique; ples. Colored, $1 75. London, 1845. nouvelle edition, augmentee de notes, extraits A Chart of Anglican Church Architec de Chaufepie, Joly, Lamounoie, L. J. Leclerc, ture, arranged chronologically, with examplea etc. etc. 10 vols. in Svo. demi veau, $44 00. Fifth edition, beautifully colored, $1 75.'Paris, 1820. London, 1845 Bayley, (Sir J.) Summary of the Law of Beecher, (Edward, D.D.) Baptism, with reBills of Exchange, &c.; with additions, by F. ference to its Import and Modes. 12mo. cloth, Bayley. Svo. $3 00. Lon-on, 1S30. $1 25. New York, 1848. B e at t i e. Poetical Works; with Memoir, by B e e c hey. Botany of Captain Beechey's Rev. A. Dyce. 1 vol. 12mo. cloth, $1 37; mo- Voyage; comprising an Account of the Plants rocco, $2 75. Pickering, London, 1831. collected by Messrs. Lay and Collie, and other -. The Castles and Abbeys of England; officers of the Expedition, during the Voyage from the National Records, Early Chronicles, to the Pacific and Behring's Straits, performed and other standard authorities. Beautifully il- in Her Majesty's ship Blossom, under the comlustrated. Royal Svo. cloth, $7 00. London. mand of Captain F. W. Beechey; by Sir Beat tie and Collins. Complete P- William Jackson Hooker and G.A. W. Aretical Works; with Memoirs of their Lives, by nott, Esq., illustrated by 100 plates, beautifully Thomas Miller. Illustrated with engravings, engraved complete in ten parts. Doneupin by S. Williams. 8vo. cloth, $3 50. Lond. 1846. one vol. 4to. extra cloth, $30 00. London, 1831-41. The Same. Morocco extra, $4 50. Lond. 1846. Beaumontand letchr.Drmati Zoology of Capt. Beechey's Voyage com-;B e a un o n t a n d F 1 e tion h e r. Dramatic piled from the Collections and Notes of Captain Works; with an Introduction by G. Darley. Beechey, and thle scientific gentlemen who acPortraits and vignettes. 2 vols. royal 8vo. cloth, companied the Expedition,-the Mammalia, by $9 00; calf, 812 00. Moxon, London. Dr. Richardson; Ornithology, by N. A. Vigors, New Edition, with Notes, and Biographi- Esq.; Fishes, by G. T. Lay, Esq., anld E. T. Bencal Memoir, by Rev. A. Dyce. 11 vols. 8vo. nett, Esq.; Crustacea, by Richard Owen, Esq.; cloth. $22. London, 1842-3. Reptiles, by John Edward Gray, Esq.; Shells, Beausobre and Lenfant. New Ver- by W. Sowerby, Esq.; and (Geology, by the sion of the Gospel according to St. Matthew. Rev. Dr. Buckland. Illustrated by 47 plates, 12mo. cloth, $1 00. London, 1838. containing many hundred figures, beautifully B ea uti e s of the Opera and Ballet. Engraved colored by Sowerby. 4to. extra cloth boards, by Charles Heath; from drawings by the first $22 00. London, 1839. artists. Each page of the letter-press surround- B e lc h e r, (Edward.) Treatise on Nautical ed by an ornamental border, printed in colors. Surveying; containing an Outline of the DuImperial 8vo. mor. extra, $8 50. ties of the Naval Surveyor, &c. Imperial Svo. The Same. French edition. Fancy cloth, $7 00. cloth, $6 50. London, 1835. Beaven, (James.) Help to Catechising. Belinaye, (H. G.) On the Removal of 12mo. cloth, 75c. London, 1843. Stone from the Bladder. 8vo. $1 25. Bech stein, (J. M.) Natural History of London, 1835. Cage Birds, their Management, Habits, Food, Bell 1, (Robert.) Lives of the Most Eminent Diseases, Treatment, Breeding, and the Me- English Poets. 2 vols. foolscap Svo. London. thods of catching them. Numerous wood-cuts. (Sir Charles.) Anatomy and Philosophy 12mo. cloth, gilt edges, $2 00. London, 1841. of Expression, as connected with the Fine B e ck e r, (Prof.) Charicles, or Illustrations Arts Thirdedition,enlarged. Numerous enof the Private Life of the Ancient Greeks; gravings and wood-cuts. Imperial 8vo. cloth, with Notes and Excursus; translated by Rev. $6 50. London,1845. F. Metcalfe. Illustrations. Post Svo. cloth, (Thomas.) History of British Quadru$s 50. London, 1845. peds; including the Cetacea. Illustrated by - Gallus; or, Roman Scenes of the Time nearly 200 wood-cuts. 8vo. cloth, $6 50. of Augustus; with Notes and Excursus, illus-London,1837. trative of the Manners and Customs 4f the Ro- (John.) Compositions from Morning and mans. Translated by Rev. F. Metcalfe. Illus- Evening Prayer. A series of thirty-six beautitrations. Post vo. cloth, $3 50. Lond. 1845. ful outline engravings. 4to. cloth, $5 00. London, 1844. B e o k m a n. History of Inventions, Discove- 1844. ries, and Origins. Fourth edition, carefully re —- (R.) History of Russia. 3 vols. 1mo. vised and enlarged, by Drs. Francis and Grif- cloth, $5 00. London. fith. With Mem.ir and Portraits. 2 vols. post B e n J o n s on, the Dramatic Works of. 8vo. cloth, $1 75. (Moxon's edition.) Royal 8vo. cloth, $4 50; (Bohn's Stand. Lib.) London. calf extra, $6 00. London. Foreign and American Books. 13 Bennett, (Prof. J. H.) On Cancerous and Bessemer, (H.) The Resistance of the Cancroid Growths. Illustrated by 190 engrav- Atmosphere to Railway Trains, and the ings on wood. 8vo. cloth, $3 50. Lond 1849. means of lessening the same; together with an Bentham, (Jeremy.) Works; edited by account of some improvements in Railway CarBowring. 11 vols. royal 8vo. $28 00. riage Axles. 4to. paper, two plates, 75c. London. London, 1847 Bentley, (Richard.) Boyle Lecture Ser- Bet ham, (Sir W.) Etruscan Literature and mons. Edited by Rev. A. Dyce, 8vo. cloth, Antiquities. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $12 00. $4 00. London, 1838. London. Works; containing Dissertations upon Bethu ne, (G. W.) History of a Penitent. the Epistles of Phalaris, Themistocles, Socra- 12mo. cloth, 50c. Philadelphia. tes, Euripides, and the Fables of /Esop; Ser- British Female Poets; with Biographical mons, Boyle Lecture; Remarks on Free-think- and Critical Notices. 12mo. cloth, $2 00; gilt, ing, &c. Edited, with copious Indices and $2 50; mor. $3 50. Philadelphia. Notes, by the Rev. Alexander Dyce. 3 vols., _. - Lays of Love and Faith. 8ro. cloth, $1 60. 8vo. cloth, $6 60. London, 1836-38. cloth gilt, $2 00. Philadelphia, 1848' Benvenuto Cellini. Memoirs, written by Himself. Now first collated with the new Bev an, (Edward.) The Honey Bee; its NatText of Guiseppe Molini, and enlarged. Trans- ural istory, Physiology, and Management. lated by Thomas Roscoe. With fine portrait. Plates. 12mo. cloth, 2 00. London, 1838. Post Svo., cloth, 87c. Bever idge, (Bp.) The Church Catechism (Bohn's Standard Lib.) London, 1847. Explained. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. B e r a n g e r, (J. P. de.) (Euvres Completes. Oxford, 1843. Nouvelle edition, illustrbe. 2 vols. grand in ~ (Bp.) Thesaurus Theologicae: or, a Com8vo. $8 00. Paris, 1847. plete System of Divinity summed up in Brief Berkeley,. (George.) Complete Works; Notes upon Select Places of the Old and New with an Account of his Life, and a translation Testaments. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $6 00. into English of the Latin Essays, by G. A. London, 1848. Wright. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $3 50. (Bp.) The Doctrines of the Church of London, 1843. England consonant to Scripture, Reason, and Ber n a I D i a z, Memoirs of. Written by the Fathers; in a Discourse upon the xxxix Ar. Himself; containing a True and Full Account tides. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $3 50. of the Discovery and Conquest of Mexico and London, 1846 New Spain. Translated by J. L. Lockhart. Bible Geography; or, Some Account 2 vols. Svo. cloth, $3 00. London. of the Countries and Places mentioned in Bernan, (W.) On the History and Art of Scripture. 16mo. cloth, 50c. London. Warming and Ventilating Rooms and Open Bible (La Sainte) en Latin et en Frangais, Buildings by Open Fires; Hypocausts; Ger- trad. de la Maitre de Sacy, suivie d'un dictionman, Dutch, Russian, and Swedish Stoves; naireetymologique, geographique, et ArchoSteam; Hot Water; Heated Air; &c. 240 logique. Avec 64 vignettes d'apres les dessins figures of Apparatus. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, de Deveria. 13 vols. grand in 8vo. demi ma$2 75. London, 1848. roquin, $40 00. Paris, 1828-34. Bernardi. L'Art de Donner des Bals et i.' e Soirees, ou le Glacier Royale. 12mo. $1 00. Paris, 1846. V., jussu recognita et Clementis VIII. auctoritate edita. 8vo. half morocco, $3 50. (de St. Pierre.) Paul et Virginie. Illus- Paris, 1844. tres par Tony Johannot, &c. 1 vol. grand in Pares, 1844. 8vo. $7 50. Paris. Biblical Inquirer. An Attempt to show that Scripture is its Own Interpreter, (Euvres completes; nouvelle edition, 8vo.cloth $1 0. London, 1846 ornes d'un tres-beau portrait. 2 vols. grandin Bibliotheca Londinensis. The 8vo. $650. Paris. Bibl otheca Londinensis. The London Catalogue of Books, published from Bernardus, (St.) Operaomnia, exsecundis 1814-46. Svo.cloth. $7 76. London, 1847. curis Johan. Mabillon; edition quarta, emendata et aucta. 4 vols. royal 8vo. $13 50. -- A Classified Index to the above; and Paris, Gaume, Brothers, 1839. serving as a Cey to it. 8vo. cloth, $4 50. B er ri n g t o n, (Joseph.) Literary History of London, 1848. the Middle Ages; comprehending an Account Bicker steth, (Rev. E.) The Signs of the of the State of Learning from the close of the Times in the East; or, Warning to the West. reign of Augustus to its Revival in the Fif- 12mo. cloth, $1 75. London. 1845. teenth century. Post Svo. cloth, 88c. B i glow, (Dr. J.) Plants of Boston and its (Bogue's European Lib.) London. Vicinity, with their Genera and Specific CharB e r t h o l 1 e t. Art of Dyeing and Bleaching; acters, &c. 3d edition, enlarged. 12mo. cloth, translated from the French; with Notes and $1 50. Boston, 1840. Engravings. By Andrew Ure. 8vo. cloth, - (J.) Treatise on the Materia Medica. $3 50. London, 1841. Svo. sheep, $2 00. Boston, 1822. Berzelius, (J. J.) The Use of the Blow- Bilson, (Thomas,D.D.) ThePerpetual Gov. pipe in Chemistry and Mineralogy. Translat- ernment of Christ's Church; new edition, with ed by J. D. Whitney. Post 8vo. cloth, $1 50. Biographical Notice by Rev. R. Eden. 8vo. Boston, 1845. cloth, $3 50. Oxford, 1842. 14 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Bin g h am, (Rev. Joseph.) Works; contain- Blake y, (Robert.) History of the Philosophy ing the Origines Ecclesiasticae, or Antiquities of Mind; embracing the Opinions of all writers of the Christian Church; new and improved on Mental Science, fiom the Earliest Period to edition, carefully revised, with an enlarged In- the Present Time. 4 vols Svo. cloth, $16 00. dex. 2 large vols, imperial 8vo., handsomely London, 1848. printed, extra cloth, 7 50. London, 1846. B 1 a k i s t o n, (Peyton.) Practical Observa"Bingham is a writer who does equal honor to the Eng- tions on Diseases of the Chest, and of the Prinlish clergy and to the English nation, and whose learning is only equalled by his moderation and impartiality.'-Quar- ciples of Auscultation. 8vo. cloth, $1 75. terly Review. Philadelphia, 1848. B i o g r a p h i a Britannica Literaria; or, Bio- B 1 a n c, (Louis.) History of Ten Years, 1830graphy of the Literary Characters of Great 1840. Maps, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 3 00. Britain and Ireland; arranged in chronological Philadelphia, 1848. order. By J. Wright. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, The Same. 2 vols. 8vo. calf, $7 00. London. $7 50. London. -~ History of the French Revolution. Vol. Biographie Universelle, Ancienne I. $1 75. Philadelphia, 1848. et Moderne, ou histoire, par ordre alphabetique, B 1 a n d. Experimental Essays on the Princide la vie publique et privee de tousles hommes, ples of Construction in Arches, Piers, Butqui se sont fait remarquer pour leurs ecrits, tresses, &c. Cuts. 8vo. cloth, $2 25. Lond. leurs actions, leurs talents, leurs vertus, ou Bloomfi e 1 d, (Robert.) Poems. Illustrated. leurs crimes; ouvrage redige par un societe de 12mo. cloth, $2 00. London. gens de lettres et de savants; avec le continuation. 81 vols. in Svo. demi veau, $175 00. (Rev. G B.) Paris. try Congregations. 12mo. cloth, $1 50. London, 1846. B iot, (J. B.) Trait6 Elementaire d'Astrono- London, 1846. mie Physique.(J Troisie'me edition, corrige. —-- (Rev. S. T.) The Greek Testament, with et augmentee. 4 vols. 8vo. and Atlases. $16 00. English Notes, Critical, Philological, and ExParis, 1844. planatory. Sixth edition. 2,vols. 8vo. cloth, Bir d, (Golding.) Elements of Natural Philos- $11 00. London, 1845. ophy; being an Experimental Introduction to The Same. Amerian edition. 2 vols. 8vo. the Study of the Physical Sciences; with 372 $5 50. Philadelphia. illustrations. From the revised and enlarged B l o x o m, (M. H.) Principles of Gothic Ecclethird London edition. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. siastical Architecture, with an Explanation of Philadelphia, 1848. Technical Terms, and a Glossary of Architectural Terms, collected from Building Contracts, Black, (W.) A Practical Treatise on Brew- and other Sources, prior to the Reformation ing. 8vo. cloth, $3 25. London, 1844. Illustrated with 228 wood-cuts, by 0. Jewett B lac km ore, (Rev. R. W.) Doctrine of the Eighth edition, enlarged. t2mo. cloth, $2 00. Russian Church; translated from the Sclavono- London, 1846. Russian Originals. 8vo. cloth, $3 00. Blun t, (C. F.) The Beauty of the Heavens; Aberdeen, 1845. a Pictorial Display of the Astronomical PheBlackwood's Magazine; from its nomena of the Universe, exhibited in 104 commencement in 1816, to December, 1846. Scenes, accompanying and illustrating a Fariliar Lecture on Astronomy, from Original 60 vols. 8vo. half calf, gilt backs, $100 00. milar Lecture on Astronomy from Original Drawings, Paintings, &-c. Small 4to. cloth, Blaine, (D. P.) Encyclopsedia of Rural $6 00. London, 1847. Sports. Numerous engravings on wood. Thick (Rev.) Works of; viz. Histories of our 8vo. cloth, $15 00. London. Saviour, of St. Paul and St. Peter; of Abra- Dictionary of Veterinary Art. 8vo. cloth, ham, Jacob, and Elisha; and Sermons. 4 vols. $6 25. London. 12mo. cloth, $4 00. Philadelphia. Canine Pathology. 8vo. cloth, $2 75. B o a s e, (H. S.) Treatise on Primary Geology, London. being an Examination, both Practical and The- Outlines of the Veterinary Art;or, a Trea- oretical, of the Older Formations. 8vo. cloth, tise on the Anatomy, Physiology, and Curative $2 00. London, 1S34. Treatment of the Diseases of the Horse; and Boccaccio' s D e c a m e r o n; or, Ten subordinately of those of neat Cattle and Days' Entertainment; in English, complete in Sheep; illustrated by Surgical and Anatomi- one vol. 8vo. cloth, gilt, 82 00. London, 1845. cal plates. Svo. cloth, $5 50. Bceckh. The Public Economy of Athens. Blair, (John.) Chronological and Historical Translated by G. C. Lewis. Second Edition, Tables; new edition, carefully corrected and revised and improved. 8vo. cloth, $5 50. brought down to the present time. Imperial London 8vo. half mor. $10 50. London. Bogue's European Library; a Collection of the Best Works of the Best Authors; ---- (Robert.) Grave, a Poem; with a Life at the low price of 88c. per volume; post 8vo. of the author, by R. H. Cromeke; with twelve cloth. plates, from designs by Blake. 4to. $7 50. London, 1813 The following works have appeared in this series. Each work is complete in itself, and any volume may be purchased - ----- (Rev. Hugh.) Sermons; with a Memoir, separately. byJames Finlayson. Svo. cloth, $2 00. Berrington's Literary History of the Middle Ages. 1 vol. Bonterwek'sHistory ofSpanish Literature. 1 vol. London, 1840. Carrel and Fox, Hist. of Counter English Revolution. 1 v. Foreign and American Books. 15 Dumas-Marguerite de Valois. 1 vol. B 0 j e s e n, (E. F.) Hand-book of Grecian AnDuppa and De Quincey-Lives of Michael Angelo and tiquities; with plates, &c., by T. K. Arnold. Raffaell. I vol. New York, 18 De Vigny-Cinq Mars. 1 vol. 12mo. $1' 00. New York, 1848. Gait and Cavendish, Life of Cardinal Wolsey. 1 vol. B o li n g b r o k e, Works of, with Life, &c. Guizot. History of Civilization in Europe. 3 vols.' History of English Revolutions. 1 vol. Portrait. 4 vols. 8vo. cloth, $8 00. Luther. Table Talk. I vol. Philadelphia, 1841. Aichelet. History of Roman Republics. I vol.es.) Natural History of British Mignet. History of French Revolution. 1 vol.) Natural History of British Michelet. Life of Luther. 1 vol. Song Birds; illustrated with figures the size of Roscoe's Life of Lorenzo de Medici. 1 vol. life, of the Birds, both Male and Female, in Tr i Leo Xthl. 2 vols. their most natural attitudes; their Nests and and Eggs, Food, Favorite Plants, Shrubs, Trees, Bohn, (H. G.) Catalogue of Books. Vol. I. &c.. &c., new edition, revised, and very considSvo. To be completed in 3 vols. London. erably augmented. Two vols. in 1, 4to. conBolhn's Antiquarian Library.- taining eighty beautifully colored plates, half $1 25. bound, mor. gilt backs and gilt edges, (pub. at Bede's Ecclesiastical History. 8. 8s.) $17 00. London, 1845. Bede's Ecclesiastical History. Brande's Popular Antiquities, 3 vols. B o n n y c as tl e, (John.) An Introduction to Chronicles of the Crusaders. Algebra. 12mo. $1 00. London, 18-6. Early Travels in Palestine. Ellis' Early English Metrical Romances. The Same. 12mo. sheep, 62c. New York, 1845. Mallets Northern Antiquities. - (Sir R. H.) Newfoundland in 1842; a Six Old English Chronicles. William of Malmesbury's Chronicles. Sequel to the Canadas in 1841. Maps. 2 vols. Roger of Wendover's Flowers of History. post 8vo. cloth, $2 50. London, 1842. -- Classical Library. Book of Ballads. Edited by Bon GaulHerodotus. Translated by Cary. $1 25. tier. Illustrated by Crowquill and Doyle. Thucydides. Translated by Dale. 87c. Second edition, enlarged. Square 16mo. cloth, Plato. Translated by Cary and others. gilt, $1 50. London, 1849. -- Scientific Library; $125. Book of British Ballads. Edited Staunton's Chess-Players' Hand-book. S. C. Hall. Each page beautifully illustrated Lectures on Painting, by the Royal Academicians. with the finest wood-cuts. 2 vols. small 4to. Humboldt's Cosmos. Translated by E. G. Otte. 2 vols. $1 00. London, 1842-43. -. Standard Library, in uniform Booke of Christmas Carols. Il12mo. vols., with Portraits, Indexes, &c.. bound Borders and Vignettes, in the Missal luminated Borders and Vignettes, in the Missal in cloth, 88c. per vol. style. Square post 8vo. $4 00. London. Beckman's History of Inventions. 2 vols. Benvenuto Cellini, Memoirs of. I vol. Book of C o s t u m e, from the Earliest Coxe's House of Austria. 3 vols. Period to the Present Time, by a Lady of Go Memoirs of Duke of Marlborough. 3 vols. Rank. Illustrated with upwards of 200 beauGoethe's Autobiography. Hall, (Robert.) Miscellaneous Works, &c. tiful engravings on wood, by Linton. 8vo. Hutchinson, (Col.j Memoirs of; by his Widow Lucy. cloth, gilt edges, $3 25. London, 1847. Lamartinezis' History of the Girongists. 3 vols. B o o k of P am i ly C r e s t s; comprisMachiavelli's History of Florence. ing nearly every Family Bearing, properly Menzel's History of Germany. 3 vols. blazoned and explained, accompanied by upMilton's Prose Works. 3 vols. Miltoer's Philoseophy of istory. 3vols. wards of four thousand engravings, with surRanke's History of the Popes. 3 vols. names of the bearers, Dictionary of Mottoes, Roscoe's Life of Lorenzo de Medici. &c. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $6 00. Lond. 1847. Leo Xth. 2 vols. Schiller's Works; viz. Thirty Years' War and Revolt of B o o k of G e m s; or, the Poets and ArtNetherlands; Historical Works. 3 vols. ists of Great Britain; consisting of Selections Schlegel's Lectures on Dramatic Literature. Sclegel's ectures on Philosophy ofDramatic Literature. from the most eminent Poets, accompanied by " Lectures on Philosophy of History. original Biographical Notices; embellished s jEsthetic and Miscellaneous Works. with upwards of 150 exquisitely beautiful line Sheridan's Dramatic Works. engravings, after Turner, Bonington, Landseer, Sismondi's History of the Literature of Europe, 2 vols. M'Clise, Roberts, Mulready, Paris, &c., &c.; Wheatley on Common Prayer. Wheay OHN'S EXTRAnn VOLUMP.. also, numerous engraved Autographs. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, gilt, $13 50. Grammont's Memoirs of the dourt of Charles II. 8vo cloth, gilt, $13 50. The Same. 3 vols. in mor. extra, gilt edges, Boileau - Despreaux. (Euvres Com- $20 00. London. pletes, avec des Notes historiques et litteraires, B o o k o f P e a r ls. Garland of Prose, par M. Amar, avec portrait. 4 vols. in 8vo. Poetry, and Verse. Plates. 8vo. $5 00. demi maroquin, $10 00. New York, 1849. (LEuvres Completes, avec des Notes his- Book of the Court; exhibiting the toriques et littbraires, et des recherches sur sa History, Duties, and Privileges of the several vie, sa famille et ses ouvrages, par M. Berrial Ranks of the English Nobility and Gentry, parSaint Prix, avec portrait, fac-simile, etc. 4 vols. ticularlyof the Great Oficers of State, and in 8vo. demi veau. $7 50. Paris, 1837. Members of the Royal Household, &c.; with an B o i s s e a u. Treatise on the Cholera Morbus. Introductory Essay. 8vo. extra cloth, gilt, Translated by Bedford. 8vo. $1 00. $2 25. London, 1844. New York, 1832. Book of the Months, and Circle of Boitar d. Nouveau Manuel complet des In- the Heavens. 28 beautiful illustrations by struments d'Agriculture et de Jardinage. Ormbe Harvey. 12mo. cloth, $2 00. de 121 planches, 8vo. broche, $3 25. Paris. London, 1842. 16 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Book of the Poets; from Chaucer to Bourne, (J.) Catechism of the Steam EnBeattie; with Biographical Notices, &c. 45 gine, illustrative of the Scientific Principles beautiful illustrations. 8vo. boards, $2 25. upon which its operation depends, and the PracLondon, 1842. tical Details of its Structure in its Applications The Same. Morocco extra, $4 00. to Mines, Mills, Steam navigation, and Railways. London, 1842. edition, 12mo. boards, $1 50. London, 1848. Bo on e, (Rev. C. T.) Outlines of Man's True The Same, (American edition.) 12mo. 75c. Interest. 12rno. cloth, $2 50. New York, 1849. Pickering, London, 1844. --- Railways in India. Second edition. With Booth, (Abraham.) Essayon the Kingdom of plates. 8vo. sewed, $1 50. London, 1848. Christ; with Introductoty Essay, by Dr. Steane. B o u s s i n g a u 1 t, (J. B.) Rural Economy in 12mo. cloth. T5c. London, 1846. its Relations with Chemistry, Physics, &e. B 0 pp, (F.) Vergleichende Grammatik des 12mo. cloth, $1 50. New York, 1845. Sanskrit, Zend, Griechi'en, Lateinischen, Lit- B o u t e11, (C.) Monumental Brasses and thawischen, Altslawischen, Gothischen und Slabs; an Historical and Descriptive Notice Deutschen. Small 4to. half mor. $11 00. of the Incised Monumental Memorials of the Berlin, 1842. Middle Ages, with numerous Illustrations. (Prof. F.) Comparative Grammar of the Svo. cloth, $3 00. London, 1848. Sanscrit, Zend, Greek, Latin, Lithuanian, B o u t e r w e k, (Frederick.) History of Gothic, German, and Sclavonic Languages. Spanish Literature. 2mo. cloth, 87c. Translated by Lt. Eastwick. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, (Bogue's European Library.) 1847. $12 00. London,1845. Bowditch. The Mecanique Celeste of La Borrow, (Geo.) The Bible in Spain; or, the Place. Translated, with Commentary, &c. 4 Journeys, Adventures, and Imprisonments of vols. imperial 4to. $40 00. Boston. an Englishman in an Attempt to circulate the Bourne, (V.) Poemata, L Scriptures in the Peninsula. New edition, 3, (V.) Poemata,Latinepartim redLivols. post 8vo. cloth, $1 50. London, 1843. ta, partim scripta. In English and Latin. 12mo. cloth, $2 50. B o s s u. Travels through that part of North Pickering, London, 1836. America called Louisiana. Translated from the French. 2 vols. 8vo. calf, $3 50. Boy s, (T. S.) London as It Is; illustrated in London, 1771 a Series of Twenty-six Views, exhibiting the Principal streets of London and CharacterisB o s s u et. CEuvres completes; portrait. 12 tic Accessories, Public Buildings, &c.; with vols. grand in 8vo. demi veau, $30 00. letter-press description in French and English. Paris, 1836. Royal Atlas, folio. Turkey mor. back. $10 00. Discours sur l'histoire universelle, pre- London. ced6 dune notice litteraire, par M. Tissot; il- Br a d le y, (Rev. Charles.) Practical Sermons lustree par 12 gravures sur acier du plus beau for every Sunday and principal Holydays in style, d'apres Murrillo, Tony Johannot, H. Ri- the Year. 8vo. cloth, $1 50. New York, 1844. gaud, etc. 2 magnifiques vols. grand in Svo. Sermons preached at Glasbury, and in demi maroquin. 15 00. Paris. St. James' Chapel, Clapham. 8vo. cloth, $1 25. Bos well. Life of Johnson, with his Tour New York, 1844. to the Hebrides, by the Right Hon. J. W. Bradley. Practical Geometry, Linear PerCroker. Second edition, with considerable ad- spective, and Projection; with Descriptions of ditions. Also, two supplementary volumes of the Principal Instruments used in Geometrical anecdotes. Illustrated with fifty lplates. 10 Drawing; with eight plates and numerous vols. foolscap 8vo. cloth, $10 00. Londonols. foolscp vo. cloth,1839. wood-cuts. Svo. cloth, lettered. $1 50. London, 1846. ----- The Same. 1 vol. royal 8vo. $4 50. London, 1848. Braithwaite, (W.) The Retrospect of Medicine. Published half yearly. $1 75 per B os worth, (J.) The Origin of the English, volume. Vols. 1 to 18, published. London. German, and Scandinavian Languages and Na-' tions; with a Sketch of their Early Literature, The Same. American reprint. 75c. per vol. and Short Chronological Specimens of Anglo- New York. Saxon, Friesic, Flemish, Dutch, German, from B ran d, (John.) Observations on the Popular the Maeso-Goth to the present time; Icelandic, Antiquities of Great Britain; chiefly illustratNorwegian, and Swedish; tracing the Progress ing the Origin of our Vulgar and Provincial of their Languages, and their connection with Customs, Ceremonies, and Superstitions. Armodern English, qc. Map of European Lan- ranged, revised, and greatly enlarged, by Sir guages prefixed. Royal 8vo. cloth, $6 00. Henry Ellis. New edition, with further addiLondon, 1848. tions. 3 vols. foolscap 8vo. cloth, $3 75. - Compendious Anglo-Saxon and English (Bohn's Ant. Library.) London, 1849. Dictionary. New and greatly enlarged edi- Bran d e, (W. T.) A Manual of Chemistry. tion. 8vo. cloth, $3 00. Sixth edition, greatly enlarged. 2 vols. 8vo. London and New York, 1848. cloth, $12 50 London, 1848. Bouisson, (F.) Dela Bile de ses Variiteis -- Dictionary of Science, Literature and Physiologiques de ses alterations morbides. Art. One volume, large 8vo. sheep, $4 00. 8vo. $1 25. Paris, 1843. New York. Foreign and American Books. 17 B r a n d o n, (R. and J. A.) Parish Churches; Massinger and Ford, 2 vols. being Perspective Views of English Ecclesias- Shakspeare. tical Structures; accompanied by Plans drawn in cloth, $4 50 a volume; full calf extra, $6 5 to a uniform scale and Letter-press descrip- The Same; with Chaucer and Spenser. 7 vols. tions. Imperial Svo. cloth, $8 75. uniformly bound in calf, antique, $45 00. London, 1848. British Es says. Modern British EssayBrees, (S.C.) Present System of Survey- ists: comprising Macaulay, Wilson, Scott, Caring and Engineering Arithmetic. 8vo. cloth, lyle, Talfourd and Stephens, Jeffreys, Sidney $3 25. London. Smith, Alison. 9 vols. 8vo. $12 00. Railway Practice; a Collection of Work- Philadelphia. ing Plans and Practical Details of Construc- B r i t i s h E s s a y i s t s; viz. Spectator, Tattion in the Public Works of the most celebrat- ler, Guardian, Rambler, Idler, Adventurer, Coned Engineers. First, second, third, and fourth noisseur, Looker In, Lounger, World, &c., with series. 4 vols. 4to. plates. London. Index. Edited, with Notes, &c., by Chalmers. Either series can be purchased separately. Portraits. 38 vols. foolscap 8vo. calf extra, --- Glossary of Civil Engineering; compris- 00. ing its Theory and Modern Practice. Engrav- The Same; calf, neat, $70 00. London, 1823. ings. 8vo. cloth, $3 25. - viz. Spectator, Tatler, Guardian, RamLondon, 1844. bler, Idler, Adventurer, Connoisseur. Portraits. Brenton, (Sir L. C.) Septuagint Version of 3 vols. 3vo. cloth, $7 00. London, 1829. the Old Testament, according to the Vatican The Same; half mor. $12 00. Text, translated into English; with the princi- British Florist; or, Lady's Journal of pal various Readings of the Alexandrian copy, Horticulture; illustrated by a selection of the and a Table of Comparative Chronology. 2 most elegant Flowering Plants now cultivated vols. 8vo. cloth, $6 50. London, 1844. in the English Garden and Green-house. 6 vols. B rev i a rum R o m an u m, ex decreto S. Svo., with eighty-one beautifully colored plates S. Concilii Tridentini restitutum. S. Pii V. Of Flowers and Groups, green cloth, extra, jussu editum, Clementis VIII. et Urbani VIII. (published at ~4 lOs.) $11 00. London, 1846. auctoritate recognitum. 4 vols. 12mo. half B r it is h G r a s s e s. Illustrations of British mor. $10 00. 1843. Grasses. Edited by Frederick Hanam; with Brewster, (Sir D.) Treatise on Magnetism. Description. Illustrated with Dried SpeciPost 8vo. cloth, $1 75. Edinburgh, 1S38. mens of the Plants. Folio mor. $17 00; silk, $~15 50. Bath. -- Treatise on the Microscope. Post 8vo. $15 50 cloth, $1 75. Edinburgh, 1837. British Husbandry, exhibiting the -- Treatise on Optics. 12mo. 75c. Farming Practice in various parts of the UnitPhiladelphia, 1848. ed Kingdom. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, $4 50. The Martyrs of Science. 12mo. cloth, British Museum Marbles and Antiqui$1 25. London, 1846. ties; containing 112 engravings of the most reBridgens, (R.) Furniture, with Candelabra markable Statuary and Sculpture, Egyptian and Interior Decoration. 4to. half mor. $6 00. Antiquities, Vases, &c., with letter-press deThe Same. Plates, colored, half mor. $11 00. scriptions, by Sir Henry Ellis. 12mo. cloth, London, 1838. gilt, $1 00. London. Bridges, in Theory, Practice, and Archi- B ritish Poe t B. Cabinet Editionof Select tecture. Theory of Bridges. General Princi- British Poets. 4 vols. 12mo. eloth, $3 50. ples of Construction; Theory of the Arch; Pa- London. pers on Foundation, &c., &c. 2 vols. in text in Edited by Walsh. 50 vols. 12mo. cloth, 1, and 2 vols. of plates, royal 8vo. half mor. $25 00. Philadelphia. $27 00. (The.) From Chaucer to Cowper; includThe Same; with the plates in folio. 2 vols. half ing the Series, edited with Prefaces, Biographmor. $33 50. London. ical and Critical, by Dr. Samuel Johnson, and B r i d g e s, (Rev. William.) The Works of; the most approved translations; the additional now first collected. Portrait. 5 vols. 8vo. Lives, by Alexander Chalmers. 21 vols. royal cloth, $8 50. London, 1845. 8vo. half mor. top edge gilt —in fine condition. British Association. Reports of the $100 00. London, 1810. Annual Meetings of the British Association for B r i t i s h P u lp i t. A Collection of Sermons the Advancement of Science. by the most eminent Divines. 6 vols. 8vo. British Butterflies and their Trans- cloth, $900. London, 1844. formations; arranged and illustrated in a Series of Plates, by H. N. Humphreys; with Broderip, (W.J.) Zoological Recreations. Characters and escriptions, bHhy J. D. West- Second edition, with additions. Post 8vo. cloth, Characters and Descriptions, $3 00. London, 1848. wood. Plates, beautifully colored, 4to. cloth, $12 00. London, 1841. B roo ke, (J.) Narrative of Events in Borneo Bri tish Dr am at i st s. Moxon's uniform and Celebes, down to the occupation of Laredition, viz. buan; from the Journals of Brooke; together editiaumont, viz.- lt lwith a Narrative of the operations of H. M. BeUn Jnsodon, vole.vol. S.Iris. By Capt. R. Mundy. Plates, maps, Wycherley, Congreve, Vanbrugh, Farquhar, &c.,1 vol. &c. 2 vols. Svo. cloth, $9 50. Lond. 1848. 2 18 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of B rooks, (J. H.) City, Town, and Country Ar- Brown, Sacred Architecture, its Rise, Prochitecture; being a series of Designs for Street gress, and Present State; embracing the BabyElevations, Shop Fronts, Buildings for Railway lonian, Indian, Egyptian, Greek, and Roman Towers, and Embellishments for Gentlemen's Temples; the Byzantine, Saxon, Lombard, Demenses, &c. Folio, cloth, $12 00. Norman, and Italian Churches. Sixty-three London, 1847. plates, and a Glossary of Terms. 4to. cloth, ----- -(J. T.) Four Months among the Gold $12 00. London. Finders in Alta California; being a Diary Browne, (H.) Ordo Saeculorum. A Treaof an Expedition from San Francisco to the tise on the Chronology of the Holy Scriptures. Gold Districts. Post 8vo. cloth, $2 50. 8vo. cloth, $3 50. London, 1844. The Same. 12mo. 7ac. London, 1849. (J. Ross.) Etchings of a Whaling Cruise, with Notes of a Sojourn on the Island of ZanziBrougham, (Lord.) Opinions on Politics, bar; to which is prefixed a History of the Theology, Law, Science, Education, Literature, Whale Fishery. Illustrated. Svo. cloth, $2 00. &c. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. New York, 1846. London, 1837. ~ —- (D. J.) Trees of America, Native and Political Philosophy; containing the Foreign, pictorially and botanically delinePrinciples of Government; Monarchical Gov- ated, and scientifically described. 8vo. cloth, ernment; Aristocracy; Aristocratic Govern- $3 00. New York, 1846. ment; Democracy; Mixed Monarchy. 3 vols. - (Sir Thomas.) Worls, complete; inSvo. cloth, $6 00. London, 1844-46. cluding his Vulgar Errors, Religio Medici, Urn Speeches upon Questions relating to Burial, Christian Morals, Correspondence, JourPublic Rights, Duties, and Interests, with a nals, and Tracts; many of them hitherto unCritical Dissertation upon the Eloquence of published; the whole collected and edited, the Ancients. 4 vols. &vo. cloth, $8 00. with a new Memoir, Notes, and Introduction, Edinburgh, 133S. by Simon Wilkin, F.L.S., fine portrait, 4 vols. B r o u s s a i s. De lIrritation et de la Folie. 2 8vo. extra cloth, (published at ~2 8s.) $9 00. vols. 8vo. $4 00. Paris, 1839. Pickering, London, 1836. Browning, (Robert.) Poems. New ediBro wn. Book of British Butterflies, Moths, tion. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $4 00. Lond. 1849. &c. Illustrated by 144 colored plates. 3 vols. 18mo. cloth, gilt, $2 25. London. Bryant, (W. C.) Poems. Illustrated with (William.) Antiquities of the Jews, twenty elegant plates, from designs by Leutz. carefully compiled from Authentic Sources, 8vo. cloth, $5 00; mor. $7 00. Philad. and their Customs illustrated from Modern Poems. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. Philad. Travels. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, (E.) What I saw in California; being $3 75. Edinburgh, 1826. the Journal of a Tour in 1846-7. 12mo. cloth,.-. (Capt. Thomas.) Conchologist's Text- $1 25. New York, 1848. book. Engravings. 12mo. cloth, $1 50. Brydges, (Sir Egerton.) Censura Literaria, Glasgow, 1839. containing Titles, Abstracts, and Opinions of Illustrations of the Land and Fresh-Water Old English Books, with Original Disquisitions, Conchology of Great Britain and Ireland, -with Articles of Biography, and other Literary AnFigures, Descriptions, and Localities of all the tiquities. 10 vols. 8vo. $18 00. Lond. 1804. Species; containing, on twenty-seven large Restituta; or, Titles, Extracts, and Charplates, 330 figures of all the known British acters of Old Books in English Literature reSpecies in their full size, accurately drawn vived. 4 vols. 8vo. $15 00. London, 1814. from nature. Royal 8vo. extra cloth, $3 00. - Archaica, containing a Reprint of several.-.. with the plates beautifully colored, ex- old English Prize Tracts, with Prefaces, Crititra cloth, $4 50. London, 1845. cal and Biographical. 2 vols. 4to. boards, This is the only work which gives all the British species in $15 00. London, 1815. their full size. B u c h a n an, (W. M.) Technological Diction_ —--— (Richard.) Rudiments of Drawing Cab- ary, explaining the Terms of the Arts, Sciinet and Upholstery Furniture. Illustrated ences, Literature, Professions, and Trades. by appropriate Figures aud Designs, propor- 12mo. cloth, $1 25. London, 1846. tioned upon Architectural Principles, on twen- (Robert.) Practical Essays on Mill ty-five plates; each accompanied with Explan- Work, and other Machinery, with Examples of atory Remarks. Second edition, improved. Modern Tools, &c., improved and edited by 4to. cloth, $6 00. 1835. Thomas Tredgold, C. E., and now re-edited, London, 1835. with the improvements of the Present Age, by - Domestic Architecture, containing a His- George Rennie, F.R.S., &c.; the text in one tory of the Science and the Principles of de- large vol. 8vo, and the plates, upwards of 70( signing Public Edifices, Private Dwelling in number, in an atlas folio, half morocco, Houses, &c. Sixty-three plates, containing Di- $14 50. London, 1845. agrams and Examples. 4to. cloth, $7 50. - Practical Examples of Modern Tools and London. other Machinery; being a Supplementary vol(James.) History of the Highlands and ume to Mr. Rennie's edition of Buchanan, "On the Highland Clans. Illustrated bya series of Mill Work, and other Machinery," by TredPortraits, Family Arms, &c. 4 vols. Svo. cloth, gold; text in royal 8vo., and 20 plates in atlas $8 00 London, 1847. folio, $5 00. London. Foreign and American Books. 19 Bucke, (Charles.) Beauties, Harmonies, and Bullinger. Sermons on the Sacraments. Sublimities of Nature; with Notes, Comnmen- 8vo. cloth, $1 50. Cambridge, 1840. taries, and Illustrations; and Occasional Re- Bulwer, (Edward Lytton.) Athens,itsRise marks on the Laws, Customs, Habits, and and Fall; with Views of the Literature, PhiManners of various Nations. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, losophy, and Social Life of the Athenian Peo$4 50. London, 1837. ple. 2 vois. 8vo. cloth, $4 00. London. Ruins of Ancient Cities; with General and Particular Accounts of their Rise, Fall, Pilgrims of the Rhine; embellished with and Present Condition. Plates. 2 vols. 18mo. twenty-seven exquisite line engravingsafter cloth, $2 25. London. David, Roberts, M'Cliss, and Parris, by Goodall, Willmore, and other first-rate artists. 8vo. Buck land. Geology and Mineralogy,con- cloth fullgilt $425 London sidered in reference to Natural Theology. 2 vols. Svo. $4 50. Philadoelphia. The Same; bound in morocco, gilt edges, $6 50. London. Budge, (J.) The Practical Miner's Guide; comprising a set of Trigonometrical Tables, Bungenee, (L.F.) Trois Sermons sous adapted to all the purposes of Oblique, Diago- Louis V. 3vols.2mo. $2 75. Paris,1849. nal, Vertical, Horizontal, and Traverse Drill- Bunsen, (C. C. J.) Egypt's Place in Uniing. 8vo. cloth, $350. London, 1845. versal History; an Historical Investigationin Bud in g e r, (M.) The Way of Faith; or, the Five Books. Plates, &c. Vol. I., 8vo. cloth, Abridged Bible; containing Selections from all $8 50. London, 1848. Books of Holy Writ. Translated from the 5th To be completed in 3 volumes. German Edition, by D. Asher. Post 8vo. cloth, The Constitution of the Church of the $2 00. - London, 1848. Future; a Practical Explanation of the CorBuel, (J.) Farmer's Instructor; Essays, Prac- respondence with the Right Honorable W tical Directions, &c., for the Management of Gladstone, on the German Church, Episcothe Farm and Garden. 2 vols. 18mo, $1 00. pacy, and Jerusalem. Post 8vo. cloth, $2 15. New York. London, 1848. Farmer's Companion; or, Essays on the Bunyan, (John.) Pilgrim's Progress, most Principles and Practice of American Husband- carefully collated with the edition containing ry. 12mo, 75 cents. New York. the Author's best Additions and Corrections, B u ffi e r. (Euvres Philosoph., ed. F. Bouillier. and a Life of the Authol, by the Rev. Robert 12mo. paper, $1 00. Paris. Philip. Royal 8vo. illustrated with wood-cuts - r_ S a and steel engravings, cloth, $4 50. Buffon. Histoire de ses Travaux et de ses and steel engravings, lot, 4 50. Idlees, par P. Flourens. 12mo. paper, $1 00. Paris, 1844. The Same. A new edition, carefully collated Euvres Choisies de, prcde d'une with the first edition; with a Life of Bunyan,'vre Choe by Rev. Geo. B. Cheever, D.D.; illustrated notice sur sa vie et ses ouvrages, par D. Sau- with about 300 beautiful enravings on ood, an r _ f t O O rat Awith about 300 beautiful engravings on wood, cie, et illustree par M. Werner. Cr. 8vo, cloth, 8vo.; uniform with the illustrated Milton, gilt edges, $2 00. Tours, 1847. Cowper, &c., $3 00. C —--— Euvres Completes, mises en ordre et The Same. 1 vol. 121o, 75 cents. prece.des d'une notice historique, par M. A. Harpers, New York. Richard; suives de deux volumes sur le progres des sciences physiques et naturelles, de- The Same. Royal Svo. in full morocco, gilt, puis la mort de Buffon; par M. le Baron Cu- $S 00. vier; avec 200 planches. 34 vols. grand in The Same. Various cheap editions. 8vo. demi veau, $50 00. Paris, 1827. Burder, (Samuel.) Oriental Customs; or, an --- Natural History; corrected and en- Illustration of the Sacred Scriptures, by Aplarged by John Wright. Wood-cuts, &c. 4 plication of the Customs and Manners of the vols. 12mo. morocco, $8 50. London, 1833. Eastern Nations, etc. 8vo. cloth. $2 00. Buist, (R.) The Rose Manual; containing London, 1i40. accurate descriptions of all the finest varieties (William.) Religious Ceremlonies and of Roses, with engravings. 2d edition, with Customs; or, the Forms of Wo,'-hi)ip practised additions. 12mo, 75 cents. Philadelphia. in the Several Nations of the Klown Wn orld Flower Garden Directory. 12mo, $1 25. Plates. 8vo. cloth, $3 00. London, 18-11. Philadelphia. Burgess, (T. H.) Eruptions f thle Face, Bulfinch, (S. G.) Laysof the Gospel. 12mo. Head, and Hands; with the l;te:t Improvecloth, T5c. Boston, 1845. ments in the Treatment of Dliset.4-.s of the Skin. Bull, (J.) Hints to Mothers for the Manage- Illustrated with colored platez. 8vo. cloth, ment of Health during Pregnancy. 16mo. $4 00. London, 1849. cloth, 50c. New York. B u r g o y n e, (J.) On the Blasting and Quar--- The Maternal Management of Children, rying of Stone for Building and other purposes. in Health and Disease. 12mo. cloth, 75c. Numerous engravings. 12mo. 25c. Philadelphia, 1S49. (Weale's Rudimentary Series.) (George, D.D.) Works, collected and London, 1849 revised by the Rev. Edward Burton, D.D., to Burke, (Edmund.) Works; beautifully print which is prefixed the Life of Bishop Bull, by ed on fine paper, in 9 vols. 8vo. cloth, $15 00 Robert Nelson, Esq. 8 vols. 8vo. cloth, $18 00. neat half ca}H $22 50; full calf, gilt, $28 00. Oxford, 1847. Boston, t889 20 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Burke, (Edmund.) Works; witha Biographi- Burnet, (Bishop.) The History of the Re. cal and Critical Introduction, by Rogers. 2 formation of the Church of England; new vols. imperial 8vo., closely but handsomely edition, with illustrative Notes and Index. 2 printed, extra cloth, $7 50. London, 1841. vols. imperial 8vo. cloth, $7 00. Lond. ] 1841. The Same. 3 vols. 8vo. sheep, $5 00. The Same.. 3 vols. 8vo. boards, $2 50. New York, 1847. New York, 1843. -~ — Correspondence of, between the years History of the Reformation of the Church 1744 and 1797. Edited by Earl Fitzwilliam of England. Illustrated with forty-seven porand Sir R. Burke. Portrait. 4 vols. 8vo. traits. 2 vols. royal 8vo. cloth, $t2 50; calf cloth, $14 00. London, 1844. extra, $17 00. London, 1S41. --- (J. and J. B.) Encyclopoedia of Heraldry; History of His Own Times; with Historior, General Armory of England, Scotland, and cal and Biographical Notes. Fifty-one porIreland; comprising a Registry of all Armo- traits. 2 vols. royal 8vo. cloth, $12 00; calf rial Bearings, Crests, and Mottoes, from the extra, $16 50. London, 1840. Earliest Period to the Present Time; includ- _- Exposition of the Thirty-nine Articles of ing the late Grants by the College of Arms. the Church of England. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. With an Introduction to Heraldry, and a Dic- London, 1841. tionary of Terms. Embellished with an elab- - (Jacob.) Notes on the Early Settlement orate frontispiece, richly illuminated in gold of the Northwestern Territory. 8vo. cloth, and colors; also wood-cuts. Third edition, en- $2 50. New York, 1847. larged. Imperial8vo. cloth, $7 00. ed. London, 1844. o (J.) Practical Essayson various branches of the Fine Arts; to which is added a CritiThe Royal Families of Epgland, Scot- cal Inquiry into the Principles and Practice of land, and Wales; with their Descendants, the late Sir David Wilkie. Post 8vo. cloth, Sovereigns, and Subjects. Vol. I., royal Svo. $1 75. London, 1848. cloth, $6 50. London, 1848. Illustrated Edition of Sir Joshua ReyGenealogical and Heraldia Dictionary of nolds on Painting. Twelve fine plates. 4to. the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Em- cloth, $6 00. London, 1842. pire. Tenth edition. Royal 8vo. cloth, $9 00. The Same. Large paper, proof-impressions of London, 1848. plates. Royal 4to. cloth, $12 00. Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of Treatise on Painting, in Four Parts. lthe Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Irethe Landed Gentry of Great Britain a00. Lond Iron.e- lustrated by examples from the Italian, Veneland. 2 vols Svo. cloth, $15 00. London. tian, Flemish, and Dutch Schools. 4to. cloth, -- Supplementary volume to the Same. $25 00. London, 1846. Sewed, $4 00. London, 1848.. Sewed, $ 00. London, 1848. Rembrandt and his Works; comprising -- (J. B.) The Historic Lands of England. a Short Account of His Life, with a Critical Illustrated. Imperial 8vo. cloth, $2 50. Examination into his Principles and Practice of London, 1847. Design, Light, Shade and Color. Illustrated by ------- (W.) The Mineral Springs of Western Examples of nineteen Etchings. 4to. cloth, Virginia; with Remarks on their Use. 16mo. $9 00. cloth, 50c. New York. The Same. Large paper, proof-impressions, only Burkitt, (Rev. Wm.) Expository Notes, Fifty printed. $30 00. London, 1848. with Practical Observations on the New Testa- Burns, (R.) Statistics of the Cotton Trade. ment. 2 vols. 8vo. sheep, $4 00. Philad. 1844. vo. cloth, $3 75. London, 1847. Burmeister, (Herman.) Manual of Ento- (Robert.) Works, with Life, by Allan mology; translated from the last German edi- Cunningham. Plates. 8 vols. 12mo. cloth tion, by W. E. Shuckard, with considerable ad- $9 00; calf extra, $16 00. London, 1835 ditions. Illustrated by thirty-three engravings on steel; in which are represented above five - Life and Works; edited by the Ettrick hundred subjects, chiefly Generic Distinctions, Shepherd and W. Motherwell. vols. 12mo. Anatomical Sections, Organs, Eggs, Larvwe, cloth, 5 00. Glasgow, 1841. &c. 8vo., $4 50. London, 1836. Works, complete; with Life by Allan B urnap, (G. W.) Expository Lectures on Cunningham, and Notes by Sir W. Scott, Campthe Principal Passages of the Scriptures which bell, Wordsworth, Lockhart, &c. Portrait. Roy. relate to the Doctrine of the Trinity. 12mo. al 8vo. cloth, $4 00; morocco, $7 00. cloth, $1 00. Boston, 1845. London, 1844. - Lectures to Young Men. 12mo. cloth, The Same; with thirty-four beautiful steel en$1 50. Baltimore. gravings; cloth, $5 00; mor. gilt, $7 50; mor. --- -Sphere and Duties of Woman. 12mo. extra gilt, $8 50. Lond. 1844. cloth, $1 00. Baltimore. Poetical Works, with Views and Notes, B run et. Manuel du Libraire, et de l'Ama- by Sir H. Nicolas. 3 vols. 12mo. cloth, 4 00; teur de Livres. 10 vols. 8vo, $22 50. mor. extra, $8 00. Pickering, London, 1843. The Same. 10 vols. bound in 5; half calf, $27 50, Poetical Works. 12mo. cloth, $1 50: Paris. morocco, $3 25. New York, 1847. ----- (Gustave.) Les Evangiles Apocryphes; Burr, (D.H.) American Atlas, comprising traduits et annotes. d'apres l'edition de J. C. 13 maps of the United States, on rollers. Thilo. 12mo. broche, $1 00 Paris, 1849. $50 00. Boston. Foreign and American Books. 21 Burr, (G.D.) Instructions in Practical Sur- Butler, (Charles.) HistoricalMemoirs of the veying. Second edition. Post 8vo. cloth, $2 25. English, Irish, and Scottish Catholics, since the London, 1847. Reformation. 4 vols. 8vo. cloth, $11 00. Burro u gh, (Jeremiah.) Exposition of the London, 1822. Prophecy of Hosea; with a Brief Notice of the (Fanny Kemble.) A Year of ConsolaAuthor. Imperial 8vo. cloth, $6 00. tion. 2mo. cloth, $1 00. New York. London, 1843. - (Samuel.) Poetical Works; Aldine ediBu rr o w, (E. J.) Elements of Conchology, tion. 2 vols. foolscap Svo. cloth, $4 00; or, according to the Linnsean System. Illustrated mor. extra, by Hayday, $6 00. by twenty-eight plates, containing numerous Pickering, London, 1835. figures, carefully colored. New edition, Svo. Hudibras. Edited by the Rev. T. Nash, cloth, $4 50. London, 13840. D.D., including such of Gray's Notes as are worthy of notice; a new edition, revised by J. The Same. Plates, plain, $2 50. Nicol; with 63 engraved portraits, &c., and 27 B u r r ow s, (G.) On Disorders of the Cerebral wood-cuts, with Notes, a Memoir, and Index. Circulations, &c. Colored Plates. 8vo. cloth, 2 vols. crown 8vo. cloth gilt, $6 00. $1 75. Philadelphia, 1848. London, 1847. B u r t o n. The Cromwellian Diary of Thomas The Same. Bound in 1 vol. cloth, without the B u r t o n. The Cromwellian Diary of Thomas Biurton, during the Protectorate. Published enraved portraits. $3 00. London, 1847. from the Transcript of Edward Hyde, Earl of The Same. With 40 Portraits. 2 vols. 12mo. Clarendon; with Notes by J. T. Rutt. 4 vols. cloth, 4 50. London, 1845. 8vo. cloth, $7 50. London. The Same. With Notes, by Nash. Illustrated (Edward.) Lecturesupon the Ecclesias- by Portraits. 16llo. cloth, $1 50; mor. extra, tical History of the First Three Centuries. Svo. cloth, $4 00. Oxford, 1845. B u x ton, (Thomas Fowell.) Memoirs of. Edited by his son, Charles Buxton. 2d ediB u r t o n' s Anatomy of Melancholy. Svo. cloth, tion. 8vo. cloth, C4 50. London, 1849. $2 50. New York. Bryan, (M.) Biographical and Critical DicBury, (J. T.) Remains of Ecclesiastical tionary of Painters and Engravers; with the Woodwork. Twenty-one plates, folio, $6 50. Ciphers, Monograms, and Marks used by each London, 1847. engraver. A new edition, with 1000 additionB ush, (G.) Anastasis; or, Resurrection of al memoirs, and new plates of Ciphers and the Body. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. New York. Monograms. By George Stanley. Royal 8vo. Hebrew Grammar, with Chrestomathy. cloth, portrait, $11 00. London, 1849. $1 25. New York. B y rne, (J. C.) Twelve Years' Wanderings in Illustrationsofthe Scripture. vo.cloth, the British Colonies; from 1835-47. Maps, — 2 Illustrations of the Scripture. Svo. cloth Plates, &c. 2 vols. Svo. cloth, $4 00. $~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 00. ~Londcn, 184S. (Mrs. Forbes.) Memoirs of the Queens.__ of France; from the second London edition. (0.) Encyclopedia of Machines, MechanWith portraits. 2 vols. 12mo. Muslin gilt, ex- ics, and Engineering, comprising working Wtra $2 00. Philadelphia drawings, and description of every important tra, $2 00. Philadelphia. rmachine in practical use in the United States. B u s h e, (G.) On Malformation and Diseases Great Britain, &c; designed for practical of the Rectum. 8vo., with Atlas, $3 50. working men, and those intended for the engiB u s hn ell, (Horace.) God in Christ: Three neering profession. In the course i publicaI (HoDiscourses, delivered at New Havi:en, Cam- tion in Nos. at 25 cents each; the work will bridge, and Andover; with a Preliminary Dis- extend to thirty numbers, and when completed sertation on Language. 12mo. cloth, a 1 25. will contain nearly 2,000 pages and 1,500 enHartford, 1649. gravings. New York. IH —-- -Practical, Short, and Direct Method of B us s e y' s History of Napoleon; illustrated Calculating the Logarithm of any given numby Horace Vernet. 2 vols. Svo. cloth, $5 50; ber, and the number corresponding to any published at ~2 2s. London, 1840. given logarithm. 12mo. 75 c. B u t 1 e r, (A.) The Lives of the Fathers, Mar- New York. tyrs, and of the principal Saints; compiled from Doctrine of Proportion clearly develOriginal Monuments, and other Authentic oped; or the Fifth Book of Euclid Simplified. Records. 12 vols. 8vo. cloth, $18 00. 8vo. $1 00. London. New and Improved System of Loga-.- (Bp.) Analogy of Religion. 8vo. cloth, rithms, with a Table. Folio, half mor. $6 50. 75 cents. New York. London, 1838. Sermons. 8vo. cloth, $1 00. New York. -- The First Six Books of the Elements of ------ Works. 8vo. cloth, $1 50. New York. Euclid; in which colored Diagrams and Symbols are used instead of Letters. Small 4to. - The Whole Works of; complete. 12mo. $6 25. Pickering, London, 1848. cloth, $1 25. London, 1839. Byron's (Lord) Works, with his Letters and. The Analogy of Religion, Natural and Journals, and his Life, by Thomas Moore. Revealed, to the Constitution and Course of 17 vols. 12mo., plates, cloth, $17 00; half mor. Nature. With Life, Notes, and Index, by W. gilt, $26 00; calf extra gilt, $32 00. Fitzgerald. 8vo. cloth, $3 00. Lond. 1848. Murray, Loend. 1847. 22 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Byron, (Lord.) Complete Poetical Works, Calvert, (G. H.) Scenes and Thoughts in with all the Notes; Portrait, and plate of Europe. 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. New Yerk. Newstead Abbey. Royal 8vo. cloth, $4 50; Calvin Translation Society's calf, $6 50; mor. extra gilt, $8 00. f, 0;mor tra gilt, $8 ublications. Four volumes are published,. annually; subscription to which is $7 50. The Same. Didot's beautifully printed edition, 7 vols. 8vo. paper, $12 00; half calf, gilt, BOOKS ALREADY PUBLISHED. $18 00. Baudry, Paris, 1835. Commentary on the Romans. 8vo. cloth. Life, Letters, and Journals, edited by cc " Acts of the Apostles. 2 vols. Thomas Moore, with Notes; complete, royal Svo. cloth. 8vo., with Portraits, vignettes. Cloth, $4 50; Institutes of the Christian Religion. 3 vols. 8vo. calf, $6 50; mor. extra gilt, $8 00. cloth. London, 1847. The Harmony of the Evangelists. 3 vols. 8ro. The Same. Cloth gilt, $5 00; mor. extra, $7 00. cloth. Philadelphia. Tracts on the Reformation. Vol. 1, 8vo. - Tales and Poems; a new and splendidly Commentary on the Book of Psalms. Vols. 1 and illustrated edition: cloth gilt, $5 00; mor. ex- 2, Svo. cloth, tra, $7 00. Philadelphia, 1849. Poems. 1 vol. p2mo. mor. 82 50. Lond. Commentary on the Twelve Minor Prophets. Poems. 1 vol 12mo. mor. $2 50. Lond. Vols. I and 2 8vo. cloth Vols. 1 and 2, 8vo. cloth. Complete Poetical Works; illustrated. Commentary on the Gospel of St. John. Vols. I vol. royal 8vo. cloth, $4 50; mor. 6 0. cloth New York. 1 and 2, 8vo. cloth. - Beauties (Gallery of;) a Series of Por- Calvin, (J.) Commentary on the Psalms traits of the Heroines of Lord Byron's Poems; of David. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, $5 75. from Drawings by the most eminent Artists; Oxford, 1840. Imp. Svo. mor. extra, $8 50. London. I- nstitutes of the Christian Religion. Bythner, (V.) The Lyre of David: or, Third Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $3 50. Analysis of the Psalms, wherein all the He- London, 1844. brew words are given, also in English, each ac- Life and Times, by Henry. Transcented, translated, analyzed, &c. 8vo. cloth, lated by Stebbing. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $7 " 0. $7 00. London, 1847. London. Cabanis. Rapportsdu Physiqueetdu Mo- Cambridge Classical Examinaral de l'homme. 12mo. paper, $1 00. tion Papers. 2 vols. 8vo. half cloth, $6 50. Paris, 1843. Cantab. 1830-31. C a bin e t Portrait Gallery of British Wor- Prize Poems: being a collection that have thies; illustrated with Portraits on steel. 6 obtained the Chancellor's gold medal. 12mo. vols. 18mo cloth gilt, $5 00. Loend. 1845. cloth, $1 25. London, 1847. Edition of Classic Tales; comprising the ~ Mathematics, by Farrar. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, most celebrated works of Imagination. 12mo. $4 50. New York. cloth, $6 00. London, 1847. C a m d e n S o c i e t y, the Publications of, C air n s, (William.) Treatise on Moral Free- $7 50 per annum. dom; containing Inquiries into the Operations Complete sets imported to order. of the Intellectual Principles in connection Campbell, (Thomas.) Life and Letters. generally with Moral Agency and Responsibil- By W. Beattie. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, $13 50. ity.'8vo. cloth, $3 50. London, 1844. Calaynos, a Tragedy. By 0. H.Boker. Pe- Lives of the Poets; with an Essay on 1P2mo. 7 5 cents. Philadelphia, 184. Poetry. Post vo.cloth 50. London,1848. Calcott, (Dr.) Grammar of Music; com- PoeticalWorks. 12mo. cloth,.50; prising a full explanation of all the Notes mor. extra,;3 00. New York. and Marks; and Treatises on the Sciences of Poems. 32mo. 50 cents. Melody, Harmony, and Rhythm; illustrated The Poetical Works; illustrated by with numerous examples. 12mo. cloth, 15 twenty vignettes on steel from designs by cents. London, 1849. Turner, and thirty-seven wood-cuts from deCallcott, (Lady.) Scripture Herbal. 120 signs by Harvey. 8vo. cloth, $6 00; mor. engravings. Square 8vo. cloth, $7 50. Lound. extra, by Hayday, $9 00. London, 1848 - (Mrs.) Essays towards the History of The Same. 12mo. wood-cuts, cloth, 92 50; mor Painting. Post 8vo. cloth, $1 50. extra, $4 50. London. London, 1836. Specimens of the British Poets; with Calm e t. Dictionary of the Bible. Ninth Biographical and Critical Notices, and an Esedition, greatly enlarged and improved. By say on English Poetry, fine portrait, &c. Roval Charles Taylor. 202 plates, 5 vols. 4to. cloth, 8vo. cloth,.~5 00. London, 1841. $26 50. London, 1847. Life of Petrarch. 2 vols. Svo. cloth, porThe Same, abridged. New edition. Royal Svo. traits of Petrarch and Laura, $2 50. cloth, $4 50. London, 1847. London, 1841. --- Dictionary of the Bible; revised, with.(Published at ~1 4s.) large additions. By E Robinson, D.D. Royal - Frederick the Great, his Court and Times. 8vo. cloth, $4 00. Boston. 2 vols. Svo. cloth, $2 25. London, 1844. Foreign and American Books. 23 Campbell, (Thomas.) Life of Mrs. Siddons. Capefigue, (M.) La Reforme etla Ligne. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. 12mo. $1 00. Paris. -- (John Lord.) Lives of the Lord Chan- La Ligue et Henri IV. 12mo. $100. cellors and Keepers of the Great Seal of Eng- Paris. land. 7 vols. 8vo. cloth, $12 00. Henri IV. 12mo, $1 00. Paris. Philadelphia, 1847. Richelieu. 12mo, $1 00. Paris. The Same. 7 vols. 8vo. cloth, $21 00. London. Malaazine et la Fronde. 12mo, $1 00. (J.) Lives of the British Admirals. Paris. Many engravings, foolscap 8vo. cloth, $2 00. Louis XIV. 12mo, $1 00. Paris. London. ______ Louis XIV. Son Gouvernement et ses Re(D.) A Practical Text-Book of Inorgan- lations Politiques avec l'Edrope. 2 vols. 12mo. ic Chemistry; with Qualitative and Quantita- I2 00. Paris. tive Analysis. 12mo. cloth, $1 75. tiveLondonnalysis. lmo1849. cloth, 75. Histoire de la Restauration. 4 vols. London, 1849. l12mo. $4 00. Paris. ------ (George, D.D.) Works of, complete. 6La Sociti et les Gouvernements de l'Euvols. Svo. cloth, $7 50. London. rope. Vol I. 8vo. paper, $1 25. _- Four Gospels, translated from the Greek, Paris, 1849. with Preliminary Dissertation, and Notices, C a r d w el, (Edward.) Lectures on the Critical and Explanatory. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, Coinage of the Greeks and Romans. 8vo. $4 75. London, 1839. cloth, $t 50. Oxford, 1832. The Same. 2 vols. 8vo. $4 00. New York. Documentary Annals of the Reformed -- Dissertation on the Miracles of our Sa- Church of England; being a Collection of Inviour. 8vo. cloth, $1 50. Lond. 1839. junctions, Declarations, Orders, Articles of Lectures on Ecclesiastical History. 8vo. Inquiry, &c, fiom 1546 to 1716; with Notes, cloth, $1 75. London. historical and explanatory. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, The Same. 8vo. $1 25. Philad. 1807. $5 50. Oxford, 1844..- Philosophy of Rhetoric. 12mo. cloth, -- Synodalia; a Collection of Articles of Re$1 25. New York. ligion, Canons, and Proceedings of Convocations, from 1547 to 1717; with notes. 2 vols. (W. W.) Annals of Tryon County; or, 8vo. cloth $5 50. Oxford 1842. the Border Warfare of New York. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. New York. - History of Conferences, and other Proceedings connected with the Revision of the Life and Writings of De Witt Clinton. Bookof Common Prayer, from 1558 to 1696. 8vo cloth, $1 50. New York, 1849. Svo. cloth, $2 50. Oxford, 1841. ---- Dictionary of Military Science; with Two Books of Common Prayer, set forth an Address to Gentlemen entering the Army. by Authority of Parliament, in the Reign of 8vo. $1 50. London. Edward VI., compared with each other. 8vo. Camus, (M.) On the Teeth of Wheels. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. Oxford, 1841. $3 75. London. Carey, (H. C.) The Past, the Present, and C an d o 11 e, (A. P. de.) Icones Selectee Planta- the Future. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. rum, quas in systemate universali descripsit Philadelphia, 1847. ex archetypis speciminibus a P. G. F. Turpin; Carleton, (Robert.) Something for Everydelineatse et edites B. Delessert; avec 600 body; gleaned from the Old Purchase, from planches. 5 vols. 4to. $44 00. Fields often Reaped. 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. Paris, 1820-46. New York, 1846. Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni (W.) Valentine McClutchy, the Irish Vegetabilis; sive enumeratio contracta ordi- Agent. Numerous plates, by Phiz. 8vo. cloth, num, generum specierumque plantarum hucus- $2 00. Dublin, 1847. que cognitarum. Tomes 1 to 12, $40 00. The. Black Prophet; a Tale of Irish Paris. Famine. Six illustrations. 8vo. fancy boards, Canning, (George.) SelectSpeeehes. Edit- $1 50. London, 1847. edby Robert Walsh. 8vo. cloth, $1 75. Carlisle, (A.) The Means of Preserving Philadelphia. Health and Prolonging Life, applied to HerediCanons and Decrees of the Sacred and tary Diseases, the Affections of Children, and (Ecumenical Council of Trent. Translated by the Disorders of Old Age. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. Rev. J. Waterworth; with Essays on the Ex- London, 1841. ternal and Internal History of the Council. Carlyle, (Thos.) Past and Present; Chart8vo. cloth, $3 50. London, 1848. ism. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. New York. C a n o n s of Discipline and Definitions of --- Heroes and Hero Worship; Sartor ReFaith of the Six (Ecumenical Councils; with sartus. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. New York. the remaining Canons of the Code of the Uni- - The French Revolution; a History. 2 versal Church; translated, with Notes, &c., by vols. 12mo. cloth, $2 00. New York. Rev. W. Hammond. 8vo. cloth, *2 00. The Life, Letters, and Speeches of Oliver Oxford, 1843. Cromwell. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. $2 00. C a p e fig u e, (M.) Histoire de Philippe Au- Fine edition, 2 vols. 8vo. with Portrait, $2 50. guste. 2 vols. 12mo, $2 00, Paris. New York. 24 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Carlyle, (T.) The Life of Schiller. 12mo. Carter, (John.) Ancient Architecture of cloth, 75c. New York. England; including the Orders during the Uniformly bound in half calf, 7 vols., $12 00; calf extra British, Roman, Saxon, and Norman Eras; also $15 00. under the Reigns of Henry III. and Edward --- Specimens of German Romance. 2 vols. III. Illustrated by 103 large engravings; 12mo. cloth, $2 50. Boston, 1848. comprising upwards of 2000 specimens, shown - Miscellanies. Svo. cloth, $2 00. in plan, eldvation, section, and detail. By J. Philadelphia. Britton. Royal folio, half mor. $25 00. (John A.) Dante's Divine Comedy, the London,1837. Inferno; a literal prose translation, with the Specimens of Gothic Architecture and text of the original, collated from the best edi- Ancient Buildings in England. 12 Views, tions, and Explanatory Notes. Portrait. Post etched by himself. 4 vols. square 12mo. half 8vo. cloth, $3 25. London, 1849. mor., $6 00. London, 1824.. -----—. B.) Stained or Painted Glass of The Same. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. N. York, 1849. Winchester Cathedral. Twenty-eight plates, Carpenter, (W. B.) Elements of Human highly wrought in colors. 4to. half mor., Physiology. Plates. Svo. sheep, $3 25. $11 00. London. Philadelphia, 1848. C ary, (H. J.) Translation of Dante. New ediPrinciples of Human Physiology. 8vo. tion, foolscap 8vo. cloth, $2 50. London, 1847. sheep, $3 76. Philadelphia. - (Rev. H.) Memoir of, with his Literary Vegetable Physiology. 12mo. cloth, 75 Journal and Letters. By his Son, Rev. H. cents. Philadelphia. Cary. Portrait. 2 vols. post Svo. cloth, $2 25. Zoology: being a Systematic Account of London, 1847. the General Structure, Habits, Instincts, and (H.) Memorials of the Great Civil War Uses of the Principal Families of the Animal in England, from 1646 to 1652. 2 vols. 8vo. Kingdom, as well as of the chief forms of Fos- cloth, $3 50. London, 1842. sil Remains. 2 vols. post 8vo. cloth, $6 00. ----- Lives of the English Poets, from Johnson London, 1845. to Kirke White. 12nmo. cloth, $1 00. Mechanical Philosophy, Horology, and London, 1846. Astronomy. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. Early French Poets. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Carpentery and Joinery; being London, 1846. a Comprehensive Guide-Book for-with Ele- -- Lexicon to HEerodotus, Greek and Engmentary Rules for the Drawing of Architec-!ish. Adapted to the text of Gaisford and ture in Perspective, and by Geometrical Rule; Baehr. 8vo. cloth, $2 25. Oxford, 1843. also, treating of Roofs, Trussed Girders, Floors, - Works of Plato; a new and literal verDomes, Staircases, and Hand-Rails, Shop sion; chiefly from the text of Stalebaum. Vol. Fronts, Verandas, Window-frames, Shutters, I. foolscap 8vo. cloth, $1 25. &c., &c.; and Public and Domestic Buildings, (Bohn's Class. Lib.) London, 1849. with Plans, Elevations, Sections, &c., &c. I1- Testimonies of the Fathers of the First lustrated with seventy-four engravings. By P. Four Centuries, to the Constitution and DocNicholson. 2 vols. 4to. cloth, $15 00. trines of the Church of England, as set forth in Carpenter's (The) New Guide-Book; ed- the XXXIX Articles. 8vo. cloth, $2 2-5. ited by Johnson and Nicholson. 4to. sheep, Oxford, 1835. $5 00. Philadelphia. Castle, (H. J.) Engineering Field Notes on C a r r, (Rev. J.) Synopsis of Practical Philoso- Parish and Railway Surveying and Levelling; phy, designed as a Manual for Architects, Sur- with Plans, Sections, &c., &c. Plates. vo. veyors, &c. 18mo. $1 50. London. First Three Sections of Newton's Princi- C as tillo, (Diaz Del.) Memoirs, written by pia; with copious Notes and Illustrations. byHimself Containing a true and full AcSvo. $1 50. count of the Discovery and Conquest of Mexico and New Spain. Translated by J. I. LockCarrel, (A.) History of the Counter-Revolu- hart. 2 vols. vo. cloth,.$3 50. Lond., 1844. tion in England for the Re-establishment of Popery under Charles II. and James II. 12mo. C a s t 1 e r e a gh. Memoirs and Corresponcloth, $1 00. London, 1846. dence of Viscount Castlereagh, second MarCarrier e, (Ed.) Le Climat de l'Italie, sons quis of Londonderry. Edited by his brother, Charles Vane. Vols. I. to IV. (Completing brohe Rap t Hygienique et Medical. 849. the Irish Rebellion.) 8vo. cloth, $17;0. brochW, $2 00. Paris, 1849. London, 1848-49. Carson, (J.) Illustrations of Medical Bota- Cathedral; (The) or, the Catholic and ny; consisting of colored figures of the Plants Apostolic Church in England. Illustrated with affording the important articles of the Materia engravings. 12mo. cloth, $2 25. Medica. 100 plates, beautifully colored. 2 Oxford, 1841. vols. 4to. cloth, $25 00. Philadelphia, 1848. Cathedral and Architectural Carte r, (John.) Ancient Sculpture and Paint- Antiquities. Britton's (J.) Historical and Deing in England; Notes by Sir S. R. Meyrick, scriptive Account of the Cathedrals of Great Dawson, Turner, and John Britton. 120 plates, Britain; i. e. Canterbury, York, Salisbury, Normany highly illuminated. 2 vols. in one, royal wich, Oxford, Winchester, Litchfield, Hereford, folio, half mor., $48 00. London, 1838. Wells, Exeter, Worcester, Peterborough, Glou Foreign and Amerzcan Books. 25 cester, and Bristol, 6 vols.; and The Architec- C a v e, (W., D.D.) Lives of the Apostles and tural Antiquities of Great Britain, 5 vols. The Evangelists; with an Introductory Discourse whole represented and illustrated in a series of concerning the Patriarchal, Mosaical, and EvanViews, Elevations, Plans, Sections, and De- gelical Dispensations. New edition, by Rev. H. tails of the Cathedrals, and other ancient Eng- Cary. 8vo. cloth $1 75. Oxford, 1840. lish edifices; together in 10 volumes, 4to. hand- Lives of the most eminent Fathers of the somnely bound in half green mor. gilt leaves Church. A new edition, by Rev. H. Cary. 3 and backs, $80 00. London, 1835-6. vols. 8vo. cloth, $5 00. London, 1840. C at h e r w o od, (Frederick.) Monuments of Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan. 25 l igion of the Ancient Christianity; ortheRePlates, elegantly colored, mounted on Bristol Rev.lI. Cary. 8vo.cloth, i 75. Oxford 1840. boards, in portfolio. London. C e c i 1, (Rev. H. Ca ry. Svo. cloth, ~1 75. Oxford, 1840. boards, in portfolio. London. ---- (A.) Treatise on Diseases of the Air Cecil, (Rev. R.) Works. 3 vols. 12mo. cloth, Passages. 8vo. cloth, $2 25. $2 00. New York. C atlin, (George.) Illustrations of the Man- Original Thoughts on Various Passages ners, Customs, and Conditions of the North of Scripture. 12mo. cloth, 1 00. American Indians. Illustrated with 360 engrav- New Yan is og; or, teReward1849.of ings. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. cloth, $7 25. Cecil and hs Dog orthe ewardof London, 1846. Virtue; illustrated with wood-cuts. 12mo. cloth gilt, 81 00. New York, 1849. Indian Portfolio; a Series of twenty-five,, plates; representing Hunting Scenes, &c., &c., C e l a r i u s' Drawing-Room Dances. Square of the North American Indians. Printed in 1Smo. cloth, $1 00. London. lithotint. Folio, half mor. $20 00. Fashionable Dancing. Square 18mo. The Same, colored, mounted on Bristol board in cloth, $2 00. London. portfolio, $35 00. London. Cellini, (Benvenuto,) Memoirs of, translat------ Notes of Eight Years' Travels and Resi- ed by T. Roscoe. 1 2mo. cloth, 87' cents. dence in Europe, with his North American In- London. dian Collection. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, with nume- C e n n i n i, (C.) Treatise on Painting; transrous illustrations. $4 00. London, 1848. lated by Mrs. Merrifield. Royal 8vo. cloth, Catlow, (A.) Conchologist's Nomenclator. $3 75 London. Svo. cloth, $6 50. London. C e n t u r y of Orchidaceous Plants; conPopular Field Botany; containing a Fa- sisting of a Hundred of those most worthy of miliar Description of the Plants most common Cultivation. Descriptions by Sir W. J. Hookmilar Description of the Plants most common to the British Isles. Illustrated with Twenty er; with an Introduction on their culture and totheBrsplates. Royal 16mo. cloth, enty 25. general management, by J. C. Lyons. Plates, plates. Royal 16mo. cloth, $2 25. London, 1848. beautifully colored. 4to. half mor., $32 50. London, 1849. The Same. Plates beautifully colored, $3 25. uixotte de la Mancha London, 1848. C e r v a n t e s. Don Quixotte de la Mancha; London, 1848. translated. Eighteen engravings on steel. Popular British Entomology. Square 12mo. cloth, $1 50; mor. extra, $3 00. 12mo. cloth, colored engravings, $3 00. London. London, 1848. _- Don Quixotte. Tony Johannot's beautiCattermole, (George.) Evenings at Had- fully illustrated edition. 3 vols. royal 8vo. don Hall. Twenty-four exquisite engravings on cloth, $9 00. London. steel, from designs by Himself; the letter- - Don Quixotte de la Mancha. Translated press by the Baroness de Carabella. Royal by Jarvis; and illustrated by Tony Johannot. 8vo. cloth, gilt edges, $4 50. London, 1848. 2 vols. royal Svo. cloth, $7 00; calf, $12 00. --- (Rev. R.) Literature of the Church of London, 1847. England. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $2 75. The Same. 2 vols. crown 8vo. cloth, $3 00. London, 1844. Philadelphia. Sacred Poetry of the Seventeenth Centu- (M. de.) El Buscapie. Crown 8vo. cloth, ry. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, portraits, $3 00. $1 50. London, 1849. London, 1836. C h a dw i c k, (John.) Essay on the Use of C a u 1 fi e 1 d. Portraits, Memoirs, and Charac- Alcoholic Liquors in Health and Disease. ters of Remarkable Persons; from the Reign 12mo. cloth, 75c. London, 1849. of Edward III. to the Revolution. 109 curious Chalmers, (A.) Works of the English plates. 3 vols. royal Svo. cloth, $8 50. Poets, from Chaucer to Cowper; including the London, 1813. series edited with prefaces, biographical and C a u ssi die r e, Memoires de, Ex-prefet de critical, by Dr. S. Johnson, and the most apPolice, et Representant du Peuple. 2 vols proved translations. 21 vols. royal 8vo. half 8vo, $3 50. Paris, 1849. green mor. gilt tops, $90 00. [Very scarce.] Cavaignac, (Gen.) Expedition dans le London, 1810. Sahara Algerien, en Avril et Mai, 1847; Rela- (Dr.T.) Works. 26 volumes. 12mo. tion du Voyage, Exploration Scientifique, Sou- cloth, $25 00. London. venirs, Impressions, &c. Par Felix Jacquot. Posthumous Works. Edited by the Rev. Illustrie; 1 vol. grand, in Svo. broche, $4 00. W. W. Hanna. 6 vols. 12mo. cloth, $6 00. Paris, 1849. New York, 1848. 26 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Chalmers, (Dr. T.) Miscellanies; embrac- Charnock, (Rev. Stephen.) Discourses ing Reviews, Essays, and Addresses. 8vo. upon the Existence and Attributes of God. 8vo. cloth, $1 50. New York, 1847. cloth, $2 50. London, 1845 C h a m b e r s, (Robert.) Miscellany of Tracts. - Works, by Parsons. 9 vols. $vo. cloth, 20 vols. bound in 10. 12mo. cloth. $7 50; half $30 00 calf, $10 00. Edinburgh. (lames.) History of Marine Architec------ The Select Writings of. 7 vols. 12mo. ture, illustrative of the Naval Architecture cloth, $8 00. Edinburgh. of all Nations, from the Earliest Period. Ancient Sea Margins as Memorials of Numerous fine plates. 3 vols. 4to. $18 00. Changes in the relative Level of Sea and Land. London 8vo. cloth, $2 75. Edinburgh, 1848. Chateaubriand, (Le Viscomte.) Les - Cyclopz~dia of English Literature. 2 Martyrs. 12mo. broche, $1 00; half mor. vols. 8vo. cloth, $4 00; half calf, $5 00. marble edges, $t 75. Paris, 1846. Edinburgh. - Itineraire de Paris a Jerusalem. 2 vols. ------- Information for the People. 2 vols. 8vo. 12mo. brochll, $1 75. cloth, $4 50; half calf, $5 50. Edinburgh. -- Le Genie du Christianisme. 2 vols. -- Atlas for the People. Thirty-four colored 12mo. broche, $1 75. Paris, 1S47. plates. 4to. cloth, $3 50. Edinburgh, 1848. - Les Natchez. 12mo. 87 cts.; half mor. -- (W. and R.) Treasury of Knowledge. $1 75. Paris, 1848. 12mo. half bound, 75 cents. New York, 1849. (Euvres completes; magnifique edition, -- (Sir W.) Treatiseon the Decorative Part illustr6e, avec plus de 90 gravures. 36 vols of Civil Architecture. Edited, with notes, by grand in 8vo. demi-maroquin, $75 00. J. P. Papworth. Many plates. $20 00. Paris, 1827. C h a m p 1 i n, (J. T.) Select Popular Orations Atala, Rene, Les Abencerages, suivis du of Dernosthenes. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Voyage en Amerique. 12mo. broche, 87 cts. Boston, 1848. half mor. marble edges, $1 75. Paris, 1847. Oration of Demosthenes on the Crown, -- The Congress of Verona; comprising a with Notes. 12mo. cloth, $1 00) portion of Memoirs of His Own Times. 2 vols. Boston,!847. 8vo. cloth, $3 00. LondonC han n in g, (W. E.) Works of. 6 vols. 12mo. Memoires d'outre Tombe. Vols. 1, 2, 3, cloth, $3 00. Boston. $2 00 each. [To be completed in 10 vols.] ~- Memoirs of, with Extracts from his Cor- Paris, 1849. respondence and Manuscripts. 3 vols. 12mo.- Memoirs of; written by Himself. Parts cloth, $3 00. Boston, 1848. 1, 2, 3, 75 cents each. [To be completed in 10 (Dr. W.) Treatise on Etherization in parts.] London, 1849. Childbirth. Illustrated by 581 cases. Royal - Sketches of English Literature; with 8vo. cloth, $2 00. Boston, 1S48. Considerations on the Spirit of the Times. Chants et Chansons Populairesdela Men, and Revolutions. 2 vols. Svo. cloth, France. Choix de chants guerriers, chansons $2 50. London, 1837. historiques et burlesques, politiques etsati- Chateauneuf, (A. de) Architectura Doriques, &c., &c. Engraved on steel. 3 vols. mestica; being a series of very tasty Exam4to. $14 00. ples of Interiors and Exteriors of Residences Chapman, (J. R.) Instruction to Young of the Gentry, erected in Hamburg, and its Marksmen on the Improved American Rifle. neighborhood; principally in the Italian style. Plates. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. New York. Nineteen fine engravings. 4to. cloth, $6 00. Chapone, (Mrs.) Letters on the Improve- London. ment of the Mind. 19mo. mor. gilt, $1 25. Chatham Papers; being the Corres (Sharpe's beautiful edition, with plates by pondence of William Pitt, Earl of Chatham. Westall.) London, 1829. Edited by the Executors of his son, John, Earl of Chatham; and published from the Original edbyAutenti and Confidential Letters from mes of illustrat- Manuscripts in their possession. 4 vols. 8vo. ed by Authentic and Confidential Letters from various Public and Private Collections; with extra cloth, $6 50. London, 1840. an Introduction and Notes. By the author of - (Earl.) The Speeches of; with Me"Memoirs of Sophia Dorothea." 2 vols. 8vo. moir, &c. Royal 8vo. cloth, $2 00. cloth, $8 50. London, 1848. London, 1848. Charlotte Elizabeth. Chapters on Chatterton, (Thos.) Poetical Works; Flowers. 12mo. cloth, $1 50. London, 1811. with Notices of his Life; History of the RowWorks. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $5 00. ley Controversy, a selection of his Letters, and New York. Notes, Critical and Explanatory. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $3 00. Cambridge, 1842 Charlton, (Foster.) Practical Method of Chatto, (W. A.) Gems of Wood Engraving Setting out a Circular Railway Curve. 8vo. principally taken from the London Illustrated 37 cents. London. News: with a History of the Art. Folio, Charm, (The.) A Series ofgraceful and ele- $6 50. London, 1847 gantly colored Groups, designed expressly for - Facts and Speculations on the Origin and this work. Folio, cloth gilt, $5 00. History of Playing Cards. Plates. 8vo. cloth, Philadelphia, 1848. $6 00. London, 1848. Foreign and Amerzcan Books. 27 C h a uc e r, (Geoffrey.) Poetical Works, with Chester field, (Earl of.) Works; includan Essay on his Language and Versification; ing Letters to his Son. 8vo. cloth, $1 75. and an Introductory Discourse, with Notes and New York. Glossary, by Thomas Tyrwhitt. Portrait, Glossary, by Thomas Tyrwhitt. Portrait, Child, (L. M.) Biographies of Good Wives. royal Svo. cloth, $4 00. London, 1847. l.mo. cloth, 75 cents. New York. The Same. Calf, $7 00; mor. $8 00; mor. ex- Philothea a Romance. tra, by H~ayday, $9 50. ---- Philothea; a Romance. 12mo. cloth, 75 tra, by Hayday, $9 50. cents. New York. Canterbury Tales; with an Essay on his Language and Versification; an Introductory History of the Condition of Women Discourse, Notes, and a Glossary, by T. Tyr- 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. whitt, Esq. 5 vols. 12mo. cloth, $15 00. New York, 1845. Pickering, London. Letters from New York. First and Selections from: by C. D. Deshler. 12mo. Second Series. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $1 75. cloth, 63 cents. New York. C ha u m on t' s Collection de Machines les (G.) The Advanced Drawing-book; with plus Interessantes et les plus Utiles, accom- twenty-four colored plates. Long 4to. $4 50. pagnees de Notices descriptives, et precedes Drawing-book of Objects. Studies from d'une Introduction sur les principes Generaux Still Life, for Young Pupils and Drawing de la Mecanique. 50 planches. Oblong folio, Classes in Schools. Oblong 4to. cloth, 1 50. boards, $3 50. Paris. Philadelphia, 1846. C h e e v e r, (G. B.) Lectures on the Pilgri's Little Sketch-book, a Course of very Easy Progress. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. ~ —---- Little Sketch-book, a Course of very Easy NeProgress. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Lessons in Landscapes, Figures, &c. 2 vol. oblong 4to.'75 cents. - The Hill Difficulty, with other Allego- oblong 4to. 75 cents. ries. l2mo. cloth, $1 25. New York, 1849. Chillingworth, (W.) Religion of Pro- -Wanderings of a Pilgrim to the Jung- testants, a Safe Way to Salvation. 12mo. frau and Mont Blanc. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. New York. C hi p p e n d a 1 e' s Ornaments and Inferior The Journal of the Pilgrims at Ply- Decorations, in the Old French style, for the mouth in New England, in 1620; reprinted from Interior Embellishment of Houses; for Carthe original volume, with notes and illustra- vers and Decorators; with Designs for Doors, tions. 12mo. cloth, $1 25; cloth gilt, $1 50(. Windows, Fireplaces, Ornamental Furniture, New York, 1849. &c. 220 Designs. 4to. half mor. $7 00. C heliu s, (T. M.) Systemof Surgery. Trans- C hiv a lr y, (Modern,) or, a New Orlando lated, with additional notes and observations, Furioso; with Illustrations, by George Cruikby J. F. South. 2 thick vols. 8vo. cloth, $15 00. shank. 2 vols post 8vo. boards, $2 50. [PubLondon, 1847. lished at ~1 Is.] London, 1845. Chemist, (The.) A Reporter of Chemical C hom e 1, (A. F.) Elements of General PaDiscoveries and Improvements. Edited by thology. Third edition. Translated by F. E. OliCharles and James Watt, for 1843, $3 50; ver and W. W. Morland. 8vo. sheep, $3 00. for 1844, $2 87; for 1845, $2 87; in 8vo. Boston, 1848. boards. Cboards.h ou mar a, (P. M. Theodore.) Memoires C h em i s try applied to the Arts. By Por- sur la Fortification, ou examen raisonne des ter. 9 vols. 8vo. sheep, $5 00. Philadelphia. Proprietes et des defauts des Fortifications ex- of Man. By Simons. 8vo. sheep, $3 50. istantes, indiquant de nouveaux moyens tres Philadelphia. simples pour ameliorer, a peu de frais, les of the Four Seasons. By Griffith. 12mo. places actuelles, et augmenter considerablecloth, $1 25. Philadelphia. ment la dur~e des sieges. 1 vol. Svo. avec ----- Outlines of Qualitative Analysis for the Atlas, $3 00. Paris, 1847. Guidance of Students of Chemistry. 8vo. 75 (T.) Considerations Militaires sur les cents. Memoires du Marechal Suchet et sur la BaC he n ier, (Andre.) Poesies, precedees d'une taille de Toulouse. 2 vols. 8vo. $2 50. notice, par H. de Latouche. 12mo. broche, Paris, 1840. $1 00. Paris, 1849. Chretien, (C. P.) An Essay on Lyrical...- Poesies Completes. 12mo. paper, $1 00. Method. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. London, 1848. Paris. Christian Evidences. By Watson, 1 (M.J.) (Euvres choises. 12mo. paper, Paley, Jenyn, Leslie, Chandler, Lyttelton, Campbell, Sherlock, and West; with PrefaC h erb ulier. Le Potage a la Tortue. 12mo. tory Remarks, by the Rev. J. S. Memes, paper, 32 cents. Paris, 1849. LL.D. Royal 8vo. cloth, $3 00. Cherry, (H. C.) Illustrations of the Saints' London, 1847. Days and other Festivals of the Church. 2 Gentleman's DailyWalk. BySirArchi*vols. in 1, 12mo. cloth, $2 75. London, 1842. bald Edmonstone. 12mo. cloth, 1 00. Chesterfield, (P. D. Stanhope, Earl of.) London, 1843 Letters; Edited, with notes, by Lord Mahon, Chris t ian' s (The) Half Hour Book. Fools4 vols. 8vo. half mor. gilt top, ports. $10 00. cap 8vo mor. extra, $4 00; 12mo. cloth, illuLondon, 1847 minated title, $1 50. London, 1847. 28 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Christian Scholar, (The.) Bytheau- Chrysostom, (St.) Operaoomniaqume exthor of the Cathedral. 12mo. cloth, $3 00. stant (Gr. et Lat.;) vel qu.e ejus nomine cirOxford, 1849. cumferuntur; opera et studio J. Bernardi de..- Treasury; containing Original Papers Montfauqon editio Parisina altera, emendata et by Begg, Bickersteth, Bonar, Brewster, Bunt- aucta. 26 vols. imp. 8vo. sewed, $75 00. ing, Cox, Fairbairn, Halley, Hamilton, King, Paris, Gaume Brothers, 1830. Kitto, Landsborough, Lorime, McCrie, Mont- Church, (W. A.) Patterns of Inlaid Tiles gomery, Payne, Parsons, Pike, Redford, Smith, from Churches in the Diocese of Oxford. 4to. Taylor, Thomson, Tweedie, Wardlaw, Wins- paper, $3 00. London, 1845. low, Wood, &c. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, $4 00. Churches of Cambridgeshire, Churches of Cambridgeshire, Lond, 1849. and the Isle of Ely. Published by the CamTreasury; consisting of the following bridge Camden Society. Beautifully illusExpositions and Treatises, edited by MEMES, trated. Svo. $3 50. viz.-Magee's Discourses and Dissertations on the Scriptural Doctrines of Atonement and Churchill, (Charles.) Poetical Works,with Sacrifice; Witherspoon's Practical Treatise on Copious Notes, and Life of the Author, by W. Regeneration; Boston's Crook in the Lot; Tooke. Portrait. 3 vols. 12mb. mor. gilt leaves, Guild's Moses Unveiled; Guild's Harmony of $7 00. (Aldineedition.) London, 1844. all the Prophets; Less's Authenticity, Uncor- - (F.) Theory and Practice of Midwifery, rupted Preservation, and Credibility of the New with Notes and Additions, by R. M. Huston, Testament; Stuart's Letters on the Divinity of M.D., with 128 wood-cuts. 8vo. sheep, $3 25. Christ. In 1 vol. royal 8vo. cloth, $2 50. Philadelphia, 1848. London, 1844. - Diseases of Females. 8vo. sheep, $3 00. Traite de M&anique Industrielle, ou Philadelphia. Expose de la Science de la Mecanique, deduite Churchyard Thoughts in Verse; de l'Experience et de l'Observation. 3 vols. Light in Darkness, or Sermons in Stones. By in 4to. et Atlas de sixty planches doubles, Joseph Snow. Wood-cuts. 12mo. cloth, $2 25. $22 50. London, 1847. -... (E.) Architectural Illustrations of Skelton Church Yorkshitectural Illustrations of Skel-50 Cicero, Life and Letters. By Middleton, Melton Church, Yorkshire. 4to. $4 50. moth, and Heberdeen. Royal 8vo. cloth, $4 50. (P.) La Morale Merveilleuse, Contes de London. Tous les Temps et de Tous les Pays. Royal 8vo. paper, illustrated with wood-cuts, $2 75. Cities and Towns in Scotland. Paris, 1844. Illustrated by a View of each City. Engraved Dispensatory; or, Co- by Lizard, and Descriptive Letter-press, by Christ iso n, (R.) Dispensatory; or, Com- Wilcox. OblongSvo. cloth, $1 75. mentary on the Pharmacopoeia of Great Britain. 2nd edition, with Supplement, revised and im- Civil Engineer and A r chitect's proved. 8vo. cloth, $6 00. Edinburgh, 1848. Journal; Scientific and Railway Gazette. ~ —- (R.) and Griffiths, (R. E.) Dispensatory; Published monthly. or, Commentary on the Pharmacopoeias of Ci vi E n g in e e r in g. Quarterly PaGreat Britain and the United States. 8vo. pers on Engineering; comprising several useful sheep, with 43 illustrations, $4 00. Papers on Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Philadelphia, 1848. &c., &c. Numerous elaborately engraved - On Poisons. 8vo. cloth, $3 00. plates. 6 vols. 4to. cloth, $37 50. London. Philadelphia. C iv i 1 E n g in e e r s, Transactions of the Chronicles of the Crusades; be- Institution of. Vol. 14; containing portraitof ing contemporary Narratives of the Crusade of Telford, 27 plates, and numerous vignette emRichard Cceur de Lion, by Richard of Devizes bellishments of portraits of Engineers and their and Geoffrey de Vinsauf; and of the Crusade works. $9 00. of St. Louis, by Lord John de Joinville. Illus- - Vol. I. Containing twenty-three finely trations, Notes, and Index. Foolscap Svo. cloth, engraved plates. $8 50. London. $1 25. (Bohn's Ant. Libr.) London, 1S4S. 25. (Bohn's Ant.C a i r b o i s, (M. Vial de.) Elements of NaChronological Tables of Univer- val Architecture. Translated fromthe French, sal History, (called "the OXFORD CHRO- by J. N. Strange. 8vo. $1 50. NOLOGICAL TABLES",) from the Earliest Life and AdminisPeriod to the Present Time; inwhich all the tration of; with Original Correspondence, c great Events, Civil, Religious, Scientific, and trEdtion of; with Original Cortrait. 3 vols. &c. Literary, of the various Nations of the World Edited by J. H. Lister. Portrait. 3 vols. vo. are placed, at one view, under the eye of the doth, $4 50. London, 1838. reader, in a series of Parallel Columns, so as to The History of the Rebellion and Civil exhibit the state of the whole Civilized World Wars in England. Royal 8vo. cloth, $6 00. at any Epoch, and at the same time form a The Same. 56 portraits. 2 vols. royal 8vo. cloth, continuous Chain ofHistory, with Genealogical $12 00; calf extra, $18 00. Tables of all the principal Dynasties. Com- The Same. 8 vols., plete in Three Sections, viz.-I. Ancient History. II. Middle Ages. III. Modern History. Clark e, (Dr. A.) Commentary on the Old With a most complete Index to the entire work. and New Testament. 6 vols. imperial 8vo. Folio, half bound mor. $6 00. $37 50. London. Oxford, Talboys, 1835-9 The Same. 4 vols. Svo. $12 00. New York. Foreign and American Books. 29 Clarke, (Dr. A.) Succession of Sacred Lit- Cleveland, (C. D.) Compendium of Engerature. 2vols. 8vo. cloth, $4 00. London. lish Literature from Mandeville to Cowper. (Hugh.) Introduction to Heraldry; con- 12mo. half bound, $1 25. taining the Origin and Use of Arms; rules Philadelphia, 1848. for Blazoning and Marshalling Coat Armors; a C i v e, (Robert, First Lord.) The Life of. By Dictionary of Heraldic Terms; Orders of the Rev. C. R. Gleig. 12mo. cloth, $2 00. Knighthood, illustrated and explained, &c.; London, 1848. embellished with 48 engravings, illustrative of C lo s e, (Rev. F.) Church Architecture, Scripupwards of 1000 examples, including the arms turally considered, from the Earliest Ages to of nearly 500 different families. Fourth edition, the Present Time. 12mo. $1 25. improved and enlarged. 12mo. cloth, $2 25. C lulo w. Aphorisms and Reflections; a. Miscellanvy of Thoughts and Opinions. Thick (J.) Elements of Drawing and Painting post 8vo. $1 50. London, 1843. in Water Colors. New edition. Imp. 16mo. Cobbetts French Grammar. I2mo. cloth, cloth, $2 75. London, 1848. 75 cents. New or, 14. - (Mrs. C.) Complete Concordance to Cobham, (The Good Lord.) The Life and Shakspeare. Royal 8vo. cloth, $6 00. (Lon- Times of. By Thomas Gaspey. 2 vols. post don price, $12 00.) London, 1845. 8vo cloth, $3 00. London, 1844. - - Book of Shakspeare Proverbs. 18mo. Coc k b u r n, (W.) ANewSystem of Geolcloth, 75 cents. London, 1848. ogy; dedicated to Professor Sedgwick. Post --- uvres Philosoph.; ed Jacques. 12mo. 8vo. cloth, $1 12. London, 1849. paper, $1 00. C oe, (B. H.) Drawing Cards. Studies in C 1 as sic a 1 M us e u m, a Journal of Phi- Drawing, in a Progressive Series of Lessons on lology, and of Ancient History and Literature. Cards; beginning with the most Elementary 5 vols. 8vo. cloth, $10 00. London, 1844. Studies, and adapted for use at Home and in Schools. In Ten Series, each containing about Clater, (F.) and Youatt, (W.) Every Man 1l studies. Each Series 25 cents. his own Farrier; containing the Causes, Symptoms, and most approved Methods of Cure, of C o ffi n, (J. H.) Elements of Conic Sections the Diseases of Horses; with Notes and Addi- and Analytical Geometry. 8vo. cloth, 75 cts. tions, by J. S. Skinner. 12mo. 75 cents. New York, 1848. Philadelphia. C o i n s o f E n g l1 a nd. Twenty-three - Every Man his own Cattle Doctor; con- Plates; printed in Gold, Silver, and Copper; taining the Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment with descriptions, and a slight sketch of the of all the Diseases incident to Oxen, Sheep, Progress of Coinage. Post Svo. fancy boards; and Swine. Wood-cuts. 12mo. 75 cents. $5 60. London, 1848. Philadelphia. Cole, (S. W.) American Fruit Book; with numerous engravings. 18mo. sheep, 50 cents. C 1 a u d e. Essay on the Composition of a Ser- numerous engravings. 8mo sheep, 0 cents. mon; with Notes and Illustrations, and One Hundred Skeletons of Sermons, by Rev. C. Coleman, (Rev. L.) Historical Geography Simeon. vol. 12mo. cloth $1 50. of the Bible. Illustrated by maps from the X London,1844. most authentic sources, of the countries mentioned in Scripture. 12mo. half bound, $1 25. Cl egg, (S.) Architecture of Machinery; an Philadelphia, 1849. Essay on Propriety of Form and Proportion; with a view to assist and improve Design. - (Ch.) The Mythology of the Hindus; Numerous cuts. 4to. half mor. $4 75. with notices of the various Mountain and Island London. Tribes of India; with numerous plates of the Hindu Deities 4to. cloth, $6 50. Practical Treatise on the Manufacture and Hindu Deities 4to. cloth, $6 0. Distribution of Coal Gas; its Introduction and London,1832. Progressive Improvement. Illustrated by en- Coleridge, (S. T.) Biographia Literaria; gravings from Working Drawings; with Gen- edited by his Son. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $2 00. eral Estimates. 4to. cloth, $8 50. New York. London, 1841. Poetical Works. 3 vols. 12mo. cloth, Cleghorn, (George.) Ancient and Modern $4 00; mor. $8 25. Pickering, London. Art, Historical and Critical. Second edition, Poems. 12mo. cloth, $1 00). New York. corrected and enlarged. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, Literary Remains. Edited by H. N. $.,3 50. London, 1848. Coleridge. 4 vols. 8vo. cloth, $12 00. Lond. Clement Lorimer; or, the Book with. Lectures upon Shakspeare, and other the Iron Clasps. Plates, in Cruikshank's best Dramatists. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $3 25. style. 12mo. cloth, $2 00. London, 1849. London, 1849. Clerk, (John.) Essay on Naval Tactics, Sys- The Friend; a Series of Essays to aid in tematical and Historical; with explanatory the Formation of Fixed Principles in Politics, plates. Third edition, with Notes by Lord Morals, and Religion, &c. 3 vols. 12mo. cloth, Rodney, and an Introduction by a Naval Offi- $4 50. London, 1847. cer. 8vo. boards, $4 50. Edinburgh, 1827. Hints towards the Formation of a mnore Clerk of Works, and Young Architects' comprehensive Theory of Life. Edited by Guide. By W. D. Haskoll. 12mo. cloth, $1 37k. Seth B. Watson. Post 8vo. cloth, 50 cents. London, 1849. Philadelphia, 184S. 30 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Coleridge, (S. T.) Confessions of an In- Comber, (Thomas, D.D.) A Companion to quiring Spirit. Edited, from the Author's MS., the Temple; or, A Help to Devotion, in the by H. N. Coleridge, Esq. 12mo. cloth, 50 cts. Use of Common Prayer. 7 vols. 8vo. cloth, Boston, 1841. $14 00. Oxford, 1841. C o 1 e y, (J. M.) Practical Treatise on the Dis- C o mb e s. Traite de l'Exploration des Mines. eases of Children. 8vo. cloth, $4 00. 3 vols. 8vo. avec une Atlas de 68 planches in London, 1546. folio. $12 50. Paris, 1845. Collation (A) of the principal English Comic English Grammar, (The.) A Translations of the Sacred Scriptures; wi New and Facetious Introduction to the English Memoirs of the principal Translators. By Tongue. Embellished with 50 characteristic Charles Roger. 4to. cloth, $3 50. illustrations by Leech. 12mo. cloth. 75 cts. London, 1847. London, 1840. Collier, (J. Payne.) A Book of Roxburghe Commentaries on the Principia Ballads. With wood-cuts. Foolscap 4to. of Sir Isaac Newton. Royal Svo. cloth, $1 25. boards, $6 00; mor. by Hayday, $12 00. London, 1846. London. C o m m in e s, Memoires de; pr(ece des d'une (J.) Ecclesiastical History of Great Notice Biographique. 12mo. half mor. marBritain. 9 vols. 8vo. cloth, $30 00. London. bled edges, $1 75. Paris, 1843 Collings, (J. B.) Gothic Ornaments; being Common Prayer, (The Book of;) Illu a Series of Examples of Enriched Details, minated and Illustrated with engravings, from (some superbly colored,) and Accessories of the Works of the Great Painters. In 1 vol. the Architecture of Great Britain. Vol. I. 4to. 8vo. mor. gilt leaves, $12 00. London, 1S45. cloth,'20 00. London, 1848. The Same. Boards, $7 50. Collins, (W.) Memoirs of the Life of; ith Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Selections from his Journals and Correspon- dSances de lAcademie des Sciences. l135 to dence. By his Son, W. Wilkie Collins. 2 1847. 25 vols. 4to. half calf, gilt, $75 00. vols. post 8vo. cloth, $6 00. London, 1849. C o m sto c k, (J. L.) History of the Precious Poetical Works; with a Memoir of the Metals. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. Author, and an Essay by Sir E. Brydges. Hartford, 1849. 12mo. cloth, $1 37; mor. $2 75. Elements of Botany. 12mo. sheep, $1 00. Pickering, London. New York. Collis, (J.) Builder's Portfolio of Street Elements of Chemistry. 12mo. sheep, Architecture: a Series of Original Designs for 75 cents. New York. Fronts of Houses of all classes. 4to. $6 00... Elements of Mineralogy. 12mo. sheep, Colman, (H.) European Life and Manners. 75 cents. New York. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $2 00. Boston, 1849. Conchologist's Nomenclator; or, L —---- European Agriculture and Rural Econ- Catalogue of Recent Species of Shells, with omy; from Personal Observation. Illustrated theirAuthorities, Synonymes, and References with engravings on steel. 2d edition. 2 vols. to Works- where figured or described. By 8vo. cloth, $5 00. Boston, 1849. Agnes Catlow, assisted by L. Reeve. Cloth, -~ Agriculture and Rural Economy of $6 00; or, interleaved with blank pages for reFrance, Belgium, Holland, and Switzerland. marks, half calf, $7 50. London. Crown 8vo. cloth, $1 25. Boston, 1848. Concile de Trente (le saint) cecumlnique et general, celebre sous Paul IlI., Jules C olo mba t and D e I s er e, on Diseases Ill, et Pie IV., precede d'un Essai Historique of Females; translated by Meigs. 8vo. sheep, sur ce Concile et sa reception en France; avec $3 50. Philadelphia. le texte Latin; Traduction nouvelle, par M. Colonization, A View of the Art of; l'Abbe Darsance. 2 vols. 8vo. $3 25. with Present Reference to the British Empire. Paris, 1842. In Letters between a Statesman and a Colo- C o n d e r' s Modern Traveller; a Descriptive, nist. Edited by Edward Gibbon Wakefield, Geegraphical, Historical, and Topographical one of the Writers. 8vo. cloth, 83 26. Account of the various countries of the Globe. London, 1849. 20 vols. 12mo. red cloth, $18 00. London. Color. The Principles of Design and Color; Condie, (D. F.) Practical Treatise on the together with the Matching of Colors. Illus- Diseases of Children. 8vo. sheep, i3 00 trated with plates. 4to. cloth, $2 50. Philadelphia, 184t London, 1847. C o n ey, (J.) Fifty-six Architectural Sketche., C o 1 t o n, (C.) Public Economy of the United Large Svo. $2 50. States. 8vo. cloth, $3 00. New York. - Beautiesof Continental Architecture; ii Combe, (A.) The Physiology of Digestion, a Series of Views of Ancient Cathedrals ant considered with relation to the Principles of other Remarkable Public Buildings. Folio, hall Dietetics. Fifth edition, revised and enlarged. mor. gilt edges. Illustrated with 28 plates 12mo. paper, 75 cents. Edinburgh, 1845. and 56 vignettes, $10 00. London, 1843. --- Treatise on the Physiological and Moral. Foreign Cathedrals, Hotels de Ville, Management of Infancy; with Notes and Town Halls, and other Remarkable Buildings a Supplementary Chapter, by John Bell, in France, Holland, Germany, and Italy. 32 M.D. Third edition. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. fine large plates, imperial folio, half mor. exPhiladelphia, 1842. tra, $22 00. London, 1842 Foreign and American Books. 31 Conquerors of the New World Coote, (Holmes.) The Homologies of the and their Bondsmen. By the Author of Es- Human Skeleton. 8vo. cloth, $1 25. says in the Intervals of Business, &c. 12mo. London, 1849. cloth, $1 50. London, 1848. C op e land, (J.) Dictionary of Practical C on s o l a tio; or, Comfort for the Afflicted. Medicine. 3 vols. 8vo. sheep, $15 00. Edited by the Rev. C. E. Kennaway; with New York. Preface bvy Archdeacon S. Wilberforce. 12mo. Co quere1, (Athanase.) Christianity; its cloth, $1 50. London, 1844. Perfect Adaptation to the Mental. Moral, and Constant, (B.) Adolphe; et d'une Essai SpiritualNatureof Man. TranslatedbyRev. sur Adolphe, par M. Gustave. Planche. 12mo. Dr. Davison; with an Introductory Notice of paper, $1 00. Paris, 1845. the State of the Protestant Church of France, Cours de Politique Constitutionelle. 3d by the Author. Post 8vo. $3 00. London. --- Cours de P'olitique Constitutionelle. 3d edition. 8vo. paper, $225. Bruxelles, 1837, Corneil]e, (P.) (Euvres completes, avec Co n t anri n i Fl1 e m i n g;* by B D'Israeli. 4 les Commentaires de Voltaire; avec portrait vols. in 2~. 12mo. half calf, neat, ~p2 50. et gravures. 12 vols. in 8vo, demi maroquin, London, 1832. $24 00. Paris, 1817. Coo k, (E. W.) Sixty-five plates of Shipping Chefs d'ceuvre, avec une Histoire abregee and Craft. 4to. cloth, $5 50. London, l29. du Theatre Francois, et une biographie de l'auand(Craft. Poems. lteur, et une choix de notes de divers Commenta(E.) Poems. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. teurs, par M. D. Sancie. Gravures. 1 vol. in New York. 8vo. $1 75. Tours, 1846. (Capt. James.) The Voyages of; with Chefs dEuvre de. 2 vols. o. broch, an Appendix, giving an Account of the Pres-uvre de. 2 vol. 18o bro ent Condition of the South Sea Islands. Illus- $100. Paris. trated with maps, and numerous engravings on - (P. et de Theo.) Theatre avec Notes et wood. 2 vols. imp. Svo. cloth, $7 00; calfex- Commentaires. 2 vols. 12mo. paper, $1 60. tra, $12 00. London, 1846., Paris, 1848. --- (G.) Historical View of Christianity. 3 C o r n e r, (Miss.) History of China and India. vols. 8vo. cloth, $3 50. Edinburgh, 1822. Pictorial and Descriptive. 180 engravings. C ook e sl ey, (G. G.) Selections from Ca- 8vo. cloth, gilt edges, $3 50. London. tullus, with English Notes; revised, with addi- C or n wal11, (Barry.) English Songs, and tional notes, by C. A. Bristed. 12mo. half bd., other small Poems. 18mo. cloth gilt, $1 00. 63 cents. New York, 1849. London, 1846. Cooley, (A. J.) The Book of Useful Know- Corpus Poetarum Latinorum; ledge; containing 6,000 Practical Receipts in edidit G. S. Walker, complete in one very all branches of Art, Manufacture, and Trade. thick vol. royal 8vo. cloth, $5 00. London, 1849. 8vo. sheep, $2 25. New York. This comprehensive volume contains a library of the Cooper, (J. F.) Early Works; (uniform poetical Latin classics, correctly printed from the best with Washington Irving's Works;) in 12mo. Catulls, Phvdrs, Statins, cloth, each volume, $1 25. Tibullus, Lucan, Silius Italicus, Propertiuns, Persius, Valerius Flaccus, ALREADY PUBLISHED. Lucretius, Juvenal, Calpurnius Siculus, The Spy. Virgil, Martial, Ausonius, The Pilot. Ovid, Sulpicia, Claudian. The Ways of the Hour. (A new work.) Horace, Corpus Juris Canonici Acade~ — Novels and Tales. 23 vols. 12mo. sheep, micum, emendatum et notis P. Lancellotti ii gilt, $14 00. Philadelphia. lustratum usuixue moderno, ad modum C. H. --- Naval History of the United States. 8vo. Freiesleben, ita accommodatum ut, uno quasi cloth, $2 00. Philadelphia. intuitu, omnes canones, causae et capitula inve, Sea Tales. 6 vols. 1 2mo. cloth, $3 00. niri possint, accesserunt loci communes et in Leather-Stocking Tales. 5 vols. 12mo. dices titulorum canonumque omnium summa cloth, f2 50. diligentia ac novo methodo concinnati. 2 vols ----- (Sir A.) Lectures on Surgery. Edited in 1, 4to. half Russia extra, 10 00. by Tyrrel. 8vo. sheep, $3 00. Philadelphia. Corson, (Dr. J. W.) Loiterings in Europe On Dislocations and Fractures. 8vo. or, Sketches of Travel. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. sheep, $3 50. Philadelphia. New York, 1848 On Hernia. 8vo. sheep, $4 00. C o ry, (J. P.) Metaphysical Inquiry into the _ Anatomy and, Diseases oftheBreast; Method, Objects, and Result of Ancient and t- anatomy and Diseases of the Breast; Modern Philosophy, and Mythological and with numerous plates. To which are added Chronological Inquiry. 3 vols. in 1, post 8vo. various Surgical Papers. Imperial 8vo. sheep, cloth, 2 00. London, 1833-7. $4 00. Philadelphia, 1845. Cosson et Germani's Atlas de la -. Testis and Thymus Gland. 8vo. sheep, Flore des Environs de Paris. 41 plates, con$3 650. Philadrelphia. taining 500 figures. 12mo. boards, $2 50. - (Samuel.) Dictionary of Practical Sur- Paris, 1845. gery. 8vo. $3 88. New York. Costello, (L. S.) The Rose Garden of Per--- First Lines in Surgery; with Notes by sia; beautifully printed with Colored Borders Parker. 2 vols. 8vo. sheep, $6 00. and Arabesque Illuminations. 12mo. mor. exNew York. tra, gilt leaves, $7 50. London, 1846 32 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Costello, (L. S.) Specimens of the Early Cousin, (V.) Fragments de Philosophie CarPoetry of France, from the Time of the Trou- tesienne. 12mo. paper, $1 00. Paris, 1845. badours and Trouveres to the Reign of Henri C o ventry, (Prof. C. B.) The Epidemic CholQuatre. Illustrated with illuminated engrav- era; its History, Causes, Pathology, and Treatings on vellum paper. 12mo. cloth, $ 75. ment. 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. Buffalo, 1849. London, 1835. Pilgrimage to Auvergne,from Picardy to Cowper, (Wm.) Poetical Works. (Aldine le Velay. Plates. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. edition.) 3 vols. foolscap 8vo. cloth, $4 00; London, 1842. mor. $7 00; mor. extra, by Hayday, $9 00. Pickering, London. C ostum e. Beauty's Costume; a Series of Pickering, London. Female Figures in the Dresses of all Times and Complete Works, edited by Southey; Nations. 12 fine engravings. 4to. cloth. comprising his Poems, Correspondence. and London. Translations; with a Life of the Author. Embellished with numerous exquisite engravings, Cottin, (Madame.) (Euvres; accompagnees after the designs of Harvey. 15 vols. post 8vo. d'une Notice sur sa Vie et ses Ouvrages. 2 vols. cloth, $15 00; half mor. $22 (0. 12mo. broche,, $1 75. Paris, 1844. London, 1835-7. Co t t i n g h a m, (L. N.) Gothic Ornaments. -- Poems; with Biographical and Critical Folio, $11 00. London. Introduction, by Dale; with 75 illustrations. --- Grecian and Roman Ornaments. Folio, 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, gilt edges, $3 75. $7 50. New York. The Smiths', Founders', and Ornamental The Same. In morocco, elegant, gilt leaves. Metal Worker's Director; comprising a Vari- $5 00. ety of Designs in the Present Taste for Gates, The Task, and other Poems; illustrated Piers, Balcony Buildings, Verandahs, &c. &c. with beautiful engravings. 12mo. cloth, $2 25. Folio, $13 00. Philadelphia, 1&45. Cottle, (A.) Reminiscences of Coleridge, Poetical Works; complete in one volSouthey, Lamb, and others. Portraits. Crown ume. Edited by the Rev. H. Carey. Royal 8vo. cloth, $2 50. London. Svo. cloth, $3 00. London, 1839. The Same. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. New York. The Same. In mor. extra, $6 00. C ou c h, (T.) Illustrations of Instinct, derived London, 1&39. from the Habits of British Animals. Post 8vo. - Works of. Edited by T. S. Grimshawe. cloth, $2 50. London. Royal 8vo. cloth, $4 50. London, 1848. Country House, (The.) With Designs. The Same Plates. Royal 8vo. cloth, $3 00. Edited by Lady Mary Fox. 4to. cloth, $7 50. New York, 1849. London,1843. Poetical Works. Edited, with Life, &c., Courtenay' s Mechanics. 80vo. by Grimshawe. 8 vols. 12mo. cloth, 6 50. sheep, $2 25. New York. London. T. P.) Commentaries on Shakspeare. 2 The Same. Half mor. gilt tops, $8 50. vols. crown 8vo. cloth, $2 50. The Same. 18mo. cloth, $1 25. Court and Times of James the The Same. o. l, $. First. Illustrated from Authentic and Confi- The Same. Mor. gilt, $2 50. dential Letters from various Public and Pri- The Same. With plates. Royal 18mo. $2 00; vate Collections. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $8 00. mor. gilt, $3 60. London, 1848. Cowper's Homer's Iliad and Court Etiquette; a Guide to Inter- Odyssey, in blank verse; edited by Southey. course with Royal, or Titled Person, Drawing 4 vols. foolscap 8vo. cloth, $4 50 Rooms, &c. Usages of Social Life, Rules of London, 1837. Precedence, &c., &c. By a Man of the World. C o x, (Joseph M.) Practical Observations on 16mo. cloth gilt, $1 25. London, 1849. Insanity; to which are subjoined, Remarks on C o us in, (V.) The Philosophy of the Beau- Medical Jurisprudence, as connected with tiful. Translated, with Notes, by Daniel. Diseased Intellect. Second edition, corrected 12mo. cloth, $1 50. London, 1848. and greatly enlarged. 8vo. boards, $1 75. The Same. 12mo. cloth, 62 cents. N. York, 1849. London, 1806. Elements of Psychology. Translated by (Frances E.) Sacred Hymns. TranslatC. S. Henry. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. New York. ed from the German. 24mo. mor. $2 00. Pickering, London, 1841. - Report on Education inPrussia. Trans- lated by Mrs. Austin. 8vo. cloth, 80 cents. Co x e, (W.) History of the House of Austria, tNew York, 1835c. cfrom 1218 to 1792. Portrait. 3 vols. 12mo cloth, $2 62. London, 1847. --- Cours de l'Histoire de la Philosophie Moderne et Ancienne. 12 vols. 12mo. paper, Memoirs of the Duke of Marlborough. $12 00. Paris, 1846. New edition, by Wade. Portrait. 3 vols. 12mo. Histoire de la Philosophie. 3 vols. 12mo. cloth, $2 62. London, 1847. paper, $2 25. Bruxelles, 1840. - (J. R.) Epitome of the Writings of HipCours de Philosophie-sur le Fondement pocrates and Galen. 8vo. sheep, $3 50. des Idbes Absolues du Vrai, du Beau et du Philadelphia. Bien. 12mo. paper, 75 cents. C ozz en, (J.) Geological History of New Bruxelles, 1S40. York Island. 8vo. cloth, $1 00. New York. Forezgn and American Books. 33 Crabbe, (Rev. G.) English Synonymes; C ri t c he t, (George.) Lectures on the Causes with Copious Illustrations and Explanations; and Treatment of Ulcers of the Lower Exdrawn from the best writers. 8vo. sheep, tremities. 8vo. cloth, $1 50. London, 1849.. $2 00. New York, 1847. Critic, (The) In Parliament and in Public. Tales and Poems. 2 vols. 12mo. mor. 12mo. cloth, $1 London, 1841. $5 00. London, 1846. Crocker. Elements of Land Surveying. - Poetical Works, complete in one hand- 5th edition, corrected throughout, and considsome volume. Portrait and vignette. Royal erably improved and modernized, by T. G. 8vo. cloth, $4 25. London. Bunt. To which are added Tables of Six An Outline of a System of Natural The- Figure Logarithms, &c., superintended by R. ology. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. Farley. Post. 8vo. cloth, $3 75. London. Pickering, London, 1840. (Charles.) Vale of Obscurity, the LaC r a d o c k, (Thos.) Chemistry of the Steam vant, and other Poems. Svo. paper, 50 cents. Engine Practically Considered. Illustrated Chichester, 1830. with ten large plates. 8vo- cloth, $2 25. Cr o ly, (Rev. G.) Divine Providence; or, the London.,.847. Three Cycles of Revelation; showing the Description of Cradock's Patent Univer- Parallelism of the Patriarchal, Jewish, and sal Condensing Steam Engine. 8vo. sewed, Christian Dispensations. 8vo. cloth, $1 50. 81 cents. London, 1847. London, 1834. Craig, (Rev. R.) Theocracy; or, the Prin- Cromwell, (O.) Letters andSpeeches. Edciples of the Jewish Religion and Polity adapt- ited by Carlyle. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. ed to all Nations and Times. Post 8vo. cloth, New York, 1845. $1 50. London, 1848. Crosby, (A.) Tables, illustrative of Greek C r a i k' s Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficul- Inflection. 12mo. cloth, 38c. 1841. ties. 3 vols. 18mo. cloth, $1 25. ties. 3 vols. 8mo cloth, $1 25. Crowe, (E.) Night-Side of Nature; or, - Do. Do. Female Examples. 18mo. cloth, Ghosts and Ghost-Seers. 2 vols. crown 8vo. 80 cents. London. bds. $6 50. London, 1849. --- Spenser and his Poetry. 3 vols. 1imo e cloth Spenser and his Poetry. vols. mo Cruikshank, (G.) Illustrations of Smolcloth, $1 25. London. let, Fielding, and Goldsmith. Containing 41 History of British Commerce. 3 vols. plates by that Original Artist. 12mo. cloth, 18mo. cloth, $1 25. London. 87 cents. London, 1836. History of Literature, &c., in England. Three Courses and a Desert. Illustrated 6 vols. 8mo. cloth, $2 70. with plates and wood-cuts, by George Cruik(G. L.) The Romance of the Peerage, shanks. Crown 8vo. half bound, $1 75. and Curiosities of Family History. Portraits. Vols. 1 and 2. $6 00. London, 1848-9. Table Book. Edited by Gilbert a Beckfur d()J a. bet; with Twelve steel and wood engravings, Craw f ur d, (J.) Journal of an Embassy to by George Cruikshanks. Imperial Svo extra the Courts of Siam and Cochin China. Plates. cloth, $3 50. London, 1845. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $3 50. London, 1830. Journal of an Embassy from the Governor-General of India to the Court of Ava; Endless Amusement; with numerous illustrawith an Appendix, containing a Description of tions on wood. 2 vols. in 1, 12mo. cloth, $2 50. Fossil Remains, by Professor Buckland and London, 1845. Mr. Clift. 2 vols. Svo. cloth, $3 50. Lond. 1834. Crus iu s, (G. C.) Complete Greek and EngC r e s ys Encyclopdia of Civil Engineering ish Lexicon of the Poems of Homer and the Homeridoe. Translated by Hy. Smith. 8vo. Historical, Theoretical, and Practical; 3000 Hee 3 b H t 1. illustrations. In one thick volume, royal 3vo. sheep, 3 00. Hartford, 1844. cloth, $18 00. London, 1847. Cruveilhier, (J.) Anatomy of the IliCreswell, (D.) Elements of the Theory of man Body. 8vo. cloth, $3 00. New Lor Mechanics; to which is added a Selection of Cud worth, (Ralph, D.D.) The True T:ntelProblems in Mechanics. 8vo. $1 25. lectual System of the Universe; with a T'reareuz e, (A. J. B.) Treatise on the Theory tise concerning Eternal and Illmmtable Imand Practice of Naval Architecture. 15 plates. ortality; with the Notes nd l)issertations of 4to. cloth, $3 50. Edinburgh, 1848. Dr. J. L. Moshiem. Translatedl by J. HarriC), to s * son. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, $6 60. richton, (Sir A.) Commentaries on Some London, 1845. Doctrines of a Dangerous Tendency in Medi- Intellectual System of the Universe. 2 cine, and on the General Principles of Safe vols. vo. cloth, 4 50. New York. Practice. 8vo. cloth, $2 75- London, 1842. Crichton and W heaton. A History Cuitt's Wanderings of a Pen and Pencil of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway; compre- among the Ruins of Olden Time. Comprising bending a Description of those Countries; with numerous Picturesque Views. Large folio, illustrations of their Natural History. Map half bound mor. 2' 00). London, 1848 and 12 engravings. Thick 12mo., cloth, Cullu 11 u m, (G. AV.) Description of a System $1 25. Edinburgh. of Military Bridges, with India Rubber PonCrisp, (E.) Treatise on the Structure, Dis- tons; prepared for the Use of the United eases, and Injuries of the Blood Vessels. 8vo. States Army. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. cloth, $4 50. London, 1847. New York, 1849. 3 34 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of C u lve r w e ll, (R. J.) Porneiapathology; or, C u s t, (Sir E.) Noctes Dominic; or, Sunday the Green Book. The Modern Treatment of Night Readings. 8vo. cloth, $4 50. London. Syphilis, &c. 12mo. paper, $1 50. London, 1842. Cu vier, (Baron.) The Animal Kingdom arm in g (Rev. J. G.) The Isle of Man ranged according to its Organization; serving CTuom m i g, (Rev. J. a*.) The Isle of Man; *as a Foundation for the Natural History of Anits History, Physical, Ecclesiastical, Civil, and imals. 4 vols. letter press, 4 vols., Colored Legendary. Plates. 8vo. cloth, $3 25. plates, 8vo. cloth, $25 00. o,1-.Animal Kingdom Described and Ar(Rev. J.) Apocalyptic Sketches; or, ranged in conformity with its Organization. Lectures on the Book of Revelations, delivered By Griffith, Lieut. Col. H. Smith, Pidgeon in 1847-5. Foolscap 8vo. cloth, $2 75. Gray and others. 814 plates. 16 vols. 8vo. London, 1848. Ga, a cloth, $70. London. (J.) Manual of Electro-Dynamics; with TheSame. Colored plates. vo. cloth, Notes and Additions, comprehending the latest Discoveries and Improvements. 8vo. cloth, $140 00. $3 50. -- The Animal Kingdom, arranged accordCu n d all, (Joseph.) On Ornamental Art, ing its Organization. New edition, with Addiapplied to Ancient and Modern Bookbinding. tions, by W. B. Carpenter and J. O. WestIllustrated with Col'd Plates. 4to. bds. $5 00. wood. Illustrated by 300 engravings on wood London, 184. and 34 on steel. Royal Svo. cloth, $6 50. Cunningham, (J. D.) A History of the London,1849. Sikhs, from the Origin of the Nation to the Animal Kingdom. The Classes AnneliBattles of the Sutlej. Maps. 8vo. cloth, da, Crustacea, and, Arachnida, as arranged by $4 50. London, 1849. Cuvier; with Additions by Griffith and Pidgeon. (A.) Cabinet Gallery of Pictures, by the Illustrated with 60 colored plates. In one thick First Masters of the English and Foreign volume, royal 8vo. cloth, $5 00. Lond. 1835. Schools. 73 line engravings. 2 vols. royal Animal Kingdom, arranged according to Svo. halfmor. gilt tops, $12 00. London, 1836. its Organization. (The Crustacea, Arachnida, Lives of the most Eminent British Paint- and Insecta, by P. A. Latreille. Translated ers, Sculptors, and Architects. Portraits. 6 ftom the French by H. M'Murtrie, M.D. Illusvols. 12mo. cloth, $7 00. trated with plates. 4 vols. 8vo. boards, $7 50. The Same. 5 vols. 18mo. cloth, $2 25. New York, 1831. New York. - Animal Kingdom. Fishes as arranged - (Peter.) A Hand-Book forLondon, Past by Cuvier; with Additions by Griffith and and Present. 2 vols. post 8vo. cloth, $7 00. Smith. 64 plates. In I large vol. royal 8vo. London, 1849. $5 00. London, 1S34. Curiosities of -Glass-Making; Cuvier and Zoology. A Popular.uriosities of a..sIM.;.....Biography, with an Historical Introduction by Apsley Pellat. Illustrated with Colored Biography, with an Historical Introduction plates and engravings. Small 4to. cloth, $3 50. and Sequel. 12mo. cloth, 63 cents. London, 1S49. London, 1844. Curling, (T. B.) On the Testis. 8vo. cloth, Cyprian, (St.) The Life and Times of; $3 00. Philadelphia. by G. A. Poole. 8vo. cloth, $2 75. $F3 00. Philadelphia. Oxford 1840. Curr, (J.) On Railway Locomotion and Oxford, 1840. Steam Navigation. 8vo. cloth, $3 50 Lond. D aille, (Rev. John.) Exposition of the Epistie of Paul to the Philippians; translated by Curti s's F lora L on dinens is; the Rev. J. Sherman. Imperial Svo. cloth, Revised and improved by George Graves; ex- $3 75. London, 1841. tended and continued by Sir W. Jackson Hook- Treatise on the Right Use of the Fathers, er; comprising the History of Plants indigen- in the Decision of this day exous to GIreat * Britain; their TsesT Economy, in the Decision of Controversies at this day exous to Great Britain; their Uses, Economy, istin in Ro. T ltd b S and various interesting Particulars, with Al- edition eion. t ed b y Jekyll 8vocloth habetical, Linmean, and other Indexes, tIe - edition, edited by Rev. G. Jekyll. 8vo. cloth, phabetical, Linneean, and other Indexes, the, * * * *, brawings made by Sydenham Edwards and 50. London, 1841. Lindley. 647 plates, exhibiting the full natu- Dale, (Thomas.) Poetical Works. New ediral size of each plant; with magnified dissec- tion. Foolscap 8vo. cloth, $2 25; mor. $3 50. tions of the parts of fructification, &c., all beau- London. tifully colored. 5 vols. folio, $156 00. D all away, (Rev. J.) A Series of Discourses London, 1835. upon Architecture in England; with Notes and The Same. Elegantly half bd. mor. top edges Illustrations. 8vo cloth, $3 50. gilt. $1 so 00. Botanical Magazine.d D a 1 t on, (John.) Meteorological Observa--- Botnical Magazine. Commenced in tions and Essays. Second edition. 8vo. $2 00. 1786; continued by Sir.W. Jackson Hooker. London. Illustrated by Fitch. Published in monthly ical Philosophy. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, numbers, each containing 7 plates, beautifullycal Phlosophy. 2 50. London. colored. $12 00 per annum. Curzon, (Hon. R.) Visitsto Monasteries in Dalrymple, (D.) Annals of Scotland. 2 the Levant. Illustrated with numerous wood- vols. 8vo. cloth, $9 50. London, cuts. Crown 8vo. cloth, $1 50; half calf Dalye 11, (J. G.) Rare and Remarkable Anneat. $2 25; whole calf gilt, marbled leaves, imals of Scotland. Plates. 2 vols. 4to. $38 00. $2 76. New York, 1849. London, 1S48. Foreign and Amerzcan Books. 35 Dalz el, (A.) Lectures on the Ancient Darlington's Agricultural Chemistry. Greeks. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $7 25. London. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Philadelphia. Dammii Lexicon, Homericum u- Agricultural Botany. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. et Pindaricum. Edited by Duncan. 4to cloth. Philadelphia. $3 50. London. D arwin, (Charles.) Journal of Researches D a n a, (James D.) System of Mineralogy, into the Natural History and Geology of the comprising the most Recent Discoveries; with Countries visited during the Voyage of H. M. numerous wood-cuts and four copper plate en- S. Beagle round the World. 2 vols. 12mo. gravings. Third edition, greatly enlarged and cloth, $1 00. improved. Svo. cloth, $3 50. New York, 1846. Neaw York, 1850. The Structure and Distribution of Coral ------ Manual of Mineralogy; including Ob- Reefs. With colored maps. 8vo. cloth, $4 75. servations on Mines. 260 illustrations. 12mo. London, 1842. sheep, $1 00. New Haven, 1849. Volcanic Islands. 8vo. cloth, $3 25. --- Geology of the United States Exploring London. Expedition; with an Atlas of plates in folio. Das Nibelungen Lied; or, Layof Royal 4to. $15 New York, 1849. the Last Nibelungers. Translated into EngOn Zoophytes. Being vol. 8 of the Unit- lish Verse, after Professor Carl Lachmann's ed States Exploring Expedition. 4to. cloth, collated and and corrected text. By J. Birch. $15 00. Philadelphia, 1848. 8vo. $2 00; half mor. $3 50. Berlin, 1843. --- Atlas to Do. folio, half mor. gilt top, Daubeny, (Charles.) Description of Accloth sides, 61 plates, many beautifully col- tive and Extinct Volcanoes, of Earthquakes, ored. $30 00. Philadelphia, 1849. and of Thermal Springs. Second edition, en-:- (R. H.) Seaman's Manual; containing a larged. 8vo. cloth, $6 00. London, 1848. Practical Treatise on Seamanship. Plates. 12mo. 75 cents. Boston. D'A ubigne, (J. H. M.) History of the, (W.) Picturesque Delineations of Great Reformation of the Sixteenth Century, in Daniels, (W.) Picturesque Delineations of Germany and Switzerland. 4 vols. 12mo the most Interesting Subjects from all branches Germany and Switzerland. Ne or 146 of Natural History. 125 engravings, with let- 5. New York, 1 ter-press descriptions 2 vols. small folio. hlf. Tle Same. 2 vols. l2mo. $1 50. mor. (Published at 15 guineas.) $19 t0. New York, 1846. London. The Protector. A Vindication. 12mo. (S. and W.) Oriental Scenery and An- cloth, $1 00. New York, 1848. tiquities; 15r) splendid Colored Views on the D a v enport's Dictionary of Biography. largest scale, of ths Architecture, Antiquities, 8vo. cloth, $2 00. Boston. and Landscape scenery of Hindostan. 6vols. Davidson' Universal Melodist; consistin 3, elephant folio, elegantly half bound mol. ino of the Music and Words of Popular, Stanwith full gilt backs and gilt edges. (Published dd,andOriginal Songs. 2vols. royal Svo. at ~210.) 300 00. cloth, $4 50. London, 1848. The Same. 3 vols. small folio, reduced from the above, and uncolored; half mor. gilt. (Pub- Songs of Charles Dibdin, Chronologioally lished at 18 guineas.) 40 00. Arranged, with Notes and the Music to the Daniel, (George.) Merrie in the best and most popular of the Melodies, with Danel, (George.) Merre England In th new Piano Forte accompaniments. Portrait. Olden Time. 2 vols. post 8vo. cloth, $2 75. 2 vols. royal vo. cloth, $4 50. London, 184a. London, 1S42.. Lno, 184. _ —--- (John.) Practical Miathematics. Svo. D a n i e ll1, (J. Frederic.) Introduction to the cloth, $4 50. Study of Chemical Philosophy; being a Pre- cch, paratory View of the Forces which concur to Key to Do. Svo. cloth, (2 12. London. the Production of Chemical Phenomena. 2d (Samuel.) Introduction tothe New Tesedition, revised and enlarged. Svo. elf. $6 00. tament. Vol. 1, 8vo. cloth, $3 75. London, 1S43. London, 1848. Elements of Meteorology; being the 3d _ - The Ecclesiastical Polity of the New edition, revised and enlarged, of Meteorological Testament Unfolded, and its Points of CoinciEssays. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $9 50. London. dence or Disagreement with Prevailing SysD ante. Poems. Translated by Cary. Illus- tems indicated. Svo. cloth, $3 00. trated. 16mo. cloth, $1 50; mor. $3 00. London, 1848. New York ----— (Lucretia ) Poetical Remains. Edited The Inferno. A Prose Translation. By by Miss Sedgwick. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. J. Carlyle. 12mo. cloth, $1 00). N. York, 1849. Philadelphia. D'A rb a y, (Madame.) Diary and Letters of. (Margaret.) Memoirs and Writings. EdIncluding notices of most of her contemporaries. ited by W. Irving. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, $5 50. Philadelphia, 1842. Philadelphia. The Same. 7 vols. post Svo. cloth, $12 00. - (Mrs.) Memoirs, &c. 12mo. 75 cents. London, 1842-46. Philadelphia. D a r bysh ire, (G. C.) Tables for setting out Davies, (Rev. J.) Supremacy of the ScripCurves for Railways, &c.; with Appendix, tures, the Divine Rule of Religion; with a containing Demonstrations and Rules. Ob- Recommendatory Letter, by Rev. J. P. Smith. long 12mo. $1 25. London. 12mo. cloth,.$1 50. London 1846. 36 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of D a vi e s, (Edward.) The Mythology and Rites Dec k er, (Col. C.) Petite Guerre (la) ou of the British Druids, ascertained by National Traite des Operations Secondaires de la GuerDocuments; and compared with the General ra. 18mo. $1 25. Bruxelles, 1838. Traditions and Customs of Heathenism; as il- D e c o rat o r, (The.) By J. Page. 48 plates. lustrated by the most eminent Antiquaries of 12mo. cloth, $1 75. our Age; with an Appendix, containing An- D Foe's Life and Times, by Wilson. 3 cient Poems and Extracts; with some Re- vols. Svo. cloth. London. marks on Ancient British Coins. Royal Svo. calf, $5 00. London, 1809. - Novels and Miscellaneous Works. 20 D a v i n c i, (L.) Treatise on Painting. Trans- vols. foolscap &vo. cloth, $15 00. London. lated by Rigaud. Crown 8vo. cloth, $3 00. Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. London. Foolscap 8vo. cloth, $1 25. London. Davis, (J. F.) The Chinese; a General Des- - New edition, printed in Old Style. Six cription of China and its Inhabitants. 3 vols. illustrations, fom l)esigns y Stothard. 4to. 18mo. half calf, neat, wood-cuts. 82 25. cloth, $2 25. London. London, 1544. -- Complete Works; with Memoir of his The Same. 2 vols. l'mo. cloth, $1t 50. Lond: Life and Writings, by William EHazlitt 3 vols. (A. J.) The Principles of Nature, her royal 8vo. cloth. 12 00. London. Divine Revelations,and a Voice to Mankind. De Grai's Stairbuilder's Guide. 8vo. Thick 8vo. cloth, $2 50. New York, 1847. cloth, $3 00. New York. Davis's Elements of Obstetric Medicine. D e Hart onourtsMartial 8vo.law sheep, -3 00. New York. 8vo.; plates 4to. $S 25. London. D avis on's Poetical Rhapsody; to which are De ell, (Xavier.) Travels in the Steppes added several other pieces; with Memoir and of the Caspian Sea. 8vo. cloth, 3 50. Notes, by Sir Harris Nicolas. 2 vols. post Svo. London, 1848. cloth, $2 75. London, 1826. D'Israeli, (I.) Amenities of Literature; consisting of Sketches and Characters of EngDa vy, (Sir Humphrey.) Collected Works; lish Literature. Second edition. 3 vols. 8vo. edited by his brother, J. Davy;'with Memoir cloth, 5 00. London, 1842. of his Life. 9 vols. 8vo. cloth, $13 50.ond. The Same. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $1 50. N. York. Elements of Agricultural Cemistry. Curiosities of Literature. Svo. cloth, —. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry. $2 50. New York. New edition, with Notes by J. Shier. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. London. - iscellanies of Literature. 2 vols. S8vo. Memoirs of the Life of; by Dr. Davy. 2 calf neat, $4 50. Paris, 1840. vols. 8vo. cloth, $3 50. London. (B.) Novels, in 1 vol. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. On the Safety Lamp. 8vo. cloth, with Philadelphia. folding plate, $1 50. London. D e L a B e c h e' s Report on the Geology (C.) The Architect, Engineer, and Ope- of Cornwall, Devon, and West Somerset. 8vo. rative Builder's Constructive Manual. 8vo. cloth, $4 25. London. cloth, $3 25. London. --- Geological Manual. Svo. sheep, $3 50. ---- Architectural Precedents; with Notes Philadelphia, 1832. and Observations. 8vo. cloth, $4 00. London. Selection of the Geological Memoirs contained in the Annales des Mines, written by Day, (G. F.) On Diseases of Advanced Life. Brongniart, Humboldt, Von Buch, &c.; togeth8vo. cloth, $1 25. Philadelphia, 15149. er with a Synoptical Table of Equivalent For(J.) Practical Treatise on the Construc- mations, and Table of the Classification of tion and Formation of Railways. Illustrated Mixed Rocks. Translated, with Notes and with Diagrams, and Original Useful Tables. Additions; illustrated by 11 folding plates, 12mo. cloth, $2 50. including a Geological inap of France. Svo. Deakin, (Rd.) Florigraphia Britannica. 4 extra cloth boards,$2 25. 1836. vols. 8vo. cloth, plates, plain, $13 50; colored, Delavigne, (C.) (Euvres Dramatique. 3 $19 50. London, 1848. vols., 12mo. paper, $3 00. Paris. D e Barante. Tableau de la Litterature. Messfeni6nnes et Poesies Diverses. 12mo. 12mo. paper, $1 00. paper, $1 00. Paris. Debrett. Genealogical Peerage of Great Delecluze, (E.J.) Romans, Contes et Britain and Ireland. Revised and Corrected to Nouvelles. 12mo. broche, $1 00. Paris, 1535. January, 15S49, by Henry Collen. Thick 8vo. D elessert, (M. Eugene.) Voyages dans half mor. $8 00. London, 1849. ]es deux Oceans, Atlantic et Pacifique, D e Burtin. A Treatise on the Knowledge 1844-47; Bresil, Etats Unis, Cap de BonneNecessary to Amateurs of Pictures. Translat- Esperance, Nouvelle Hollande, Nouvelle Zeed and Abridged, from the French of M. Fran- lande, Taiti, Philippines, Chine, Java, Indes cis Xavier de Burtin, by Robert White, Esq. Orientales, Egypt. Illustre. 1 vol. grand in with four plates. 8vo. cloth, $3 75. Lond. 1847. 8vo. $6 00. Paris, 1849. De Candolle, (A.) ProdromusSystematis Delagardette. Ruines de Paestum, ou Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis, sive enumeratio Posidonia. ancienne ville de la Grande Grece, Contracta Ordinum, Generum, Specierumque, mesurees, dessinees et restaurees, par DelagarPlantarum, &c. 12 vols. 8vo. paper, each dette, architecte. 1 vol. in folio, de 14 planches. $4 60. Paris, 1848. $6 00. Foreign and American Books. 37 D e L e u z e. Treatise on Animal Magnetism. D e s d o u i t s, (M.) Lemons'lmentaires Translated by Hawthorne. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. D'Astronomie. Crown 8vo. mor. gilt edges, New York. $2 25. Tours, 1844. D e L ol me On the Rise and Progress of the De Senancour. Obermann. 12mo. paEnglish Constitution. With an Introduction, per, $1 00. Paris. and Notes, by A. J. Stephens. 2 vols. vo. D e s h 1 e r, (C. O.) Selections from Chaucer. cloth, $3 50. London 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. New York, 1847. D e m a g u y. Science des Armoiries. Royal De Tocqueville's Democracyin Ame4to. colored, $30 00. Paris, 1848. rica. One vol. thick 8vo. cloth, $3 00. D e Morgan, (A.) Trigonometry andDou- New York, 1848. ble Algebra. Post 8vo. cloth, $2 25. D etourn elle. Nouveau Traite des cinq London, 1849. Ordres d'Architecture, d'apres J. A. de Vignole, ------- Differential and Integral Calculus. Thick dessine par Detournelle, Architecte. 1 vol in 8vo. cloth, $2 50. London, 1842. 4 de 21 planches, avec texte. $1 50. -- Elements of Arithmetic. Post Svo. cloth, - Grand Prix d'Architecture. 120 plates. $2 00. London, 1848. Folio, half calf, $22 00. Essay on Probabilities. 12mo. cloth, De Wette, (M. W.L.) Human Life; or, $2 00. I London, 1848. Practical Ethics. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $2 00. ~ —--- Formal Logic; or, the Calculus of In- Boston. ference. 8vo. cloth, $3'75. London, 1847. Theodore; or, the Sceptic's Conversion. Notices of Arithmetical Books. Post 8vo. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $2 00. Boston. cloth, $2 00. London, 1848. Introduction to the Canonical Books of ------ Treatise on the Globes. 8vo. cloth. $1 50. the Old Testament. Translated by Theodore London, 1847. Parker. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $4 50. Boston. D emps e y, (G. D.) The Practical Railway Dewey, (Orville.) Works. 3 vols. 12mo. Engineer. Examples of the Mechanical and cloth, $3 00. New York. Engineering Operations and Structures com- (L. D.) Wisdom for the Young; being bined in the making of a Railway. Fifty en- the Advice of Chief Justice Hale; with the gravings. 4to. half mor. $11 )00. Opinions of Distinguished Americans. 12mo. London, 1847. cloth, 75 cents. New York, 1847. D en d y, (W. C.) Phenomena of Dreams. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. London. D e y e u x. La Chassomanie, Poeme, ornee de Seize Grands Dessins a deux Teintes. 8vo. hf. cents.- Philosophy of Mystery. 2o clothrk, 1845. mor. gilt, gilt top, $5 00. Paris, 1844. cents. New York, 1845. Denison, (W.) Cricketer's Companion; Diary of the Times of Charles containing the Scores of the Grand and Princi- the Second; by the Hon. Henry Sidney. To pal Matches of Cricket, played at Lord's, and bich are added. Letters illustrative of the other Grounds, in the Season 1844. 12mo. TimesofJamesII. andWilliamIII. Edited, cloth, $1 00. London, 1845. with Notes, by R. W. Blencowe, Esq., A.M. Denma n, (T.). Midwifery. 8vo. sheep, Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $3 75. $3 50. Philadelphia. London, 1843. Dennis, (George.) Cities and Cemeteriesof Diary of the Times of George Etruria; with illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, the Fourth, interspersed with Original Letters $12 00. London, 1848. from the late Queen Caroline, and from various D en on'5AtiqitisoEgyt.vos.o other Distinguishcd Persons, (by Lady CharD vol. as Antiquities of Egypt0. 2 vols4to. lotte Bury, Maid of Honor to Queen Caroline, Text; I vol. folio, 109 plates, 238 00. Miss Sheridan, and John Galt.) New edition. D e P a m bour, (Comte.) The Theoryof the Beautiful portrait of the Queen. 4 vols. post Steam Engine. Svo. cloth, $3 25. Lond. 1839. 8vo. extra cloth, $4 75. London, 1S39 - Practical Treatise an Locomotive En- Diary of Lady Willoughby; (so gines. 8vo. cloth, $5 50. Londoni 1840. much of the) as relates to her Domestic HisD e Q u inc y, (M. Q.) Essay on the Nature, tory, and the Eventful Period of the Reign of the End, and the Means of Imitation in the Charles I. 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. Fine Arts. Svo. cloth, $2 00. New York, 1848. ----- Confessions of An Opium Eater. 12mo. The Same. Original edition; second part. 4to. 50 cents. Boston, 1848. $5 00. London. D e R e t z, (Cardinal.) Memoirs du Edition D i b di n, (T. F.) Introduction to the Classics. Collationnee, sur les Manuscrits authentiques 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $3 50. London. de la Bibliotheque Royale. 2 vols. 12mo. pa- -- Bibliomania; or, Book-Madness; a Bibper, $2 00; half mor. $3 50. Paris, 1846. liographical Romance, new edition, with conD e s c a r t e s. (Euvres, edition Jules Simon siderable Additions; including a Key to the 12mo. paper, $1 00. Paris. Assumed Characters in the Drama, and a SupDescription of a Series of Ge- plement. Handsomely printed; embellished by ological Models, illustrating the Nature of numerous wood-cuts. 2 vols. royal 8vo. $8 00. Stratification, Denudation, Coal Seams, Faults, -- (Charles.) Selected Songs, with Notes or Dislocations of Strata, Intersection of Mine- and Memoirs of the Author. Thick 18mo. ral Veins, &c. 12 lithographic drawings. $1 00. cloth gilt, $1 00. London, 1845 38 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of D i c h, (R.) On the Treatment of Dyspepsia. the Biography, Journal of Travel, and contem8vo. cloth, $1 75. Philadelphia. poraneous Associations in Art, of Albert Du-~ (Thos. LL.D.) Complete Works. 2 vols. rer, notices of his master, Wohlgemuth, and Svo. Philadelphia. his friend Pirckheymer; Adam Krafft, and his Sacrament-house at Nuremburg' some EngCelestial Scenery. 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. lih Examples of Painted and Stained lass of New York. an Earlier Date; the ancient Church and SaSidereal Heavens. 12mo. cloth, 50 cts. crament-House at Limbourg; the Works of New York. Dirk and Wouter Crabeth, &c. Numerous Practical Astronomer; with a Particular specimens of richly Painted and Stained Glass Account of the Earl of Rosse's Telescopes. Windows, and Ecclesiastical Decoration. 2 100 engravings. 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. vols. folio, half mor. $55 00. London. New York, 1846. Dix, (W. G.) Pompeii, and Other Poems. Christian Philosopher; or, the Connec- 12mo. boards, 75 cents. Boston, 1848. tion of Science and Philosophy with Religion. - (John H.) Treatise upon the Nature and Illustrated with engravings. 2 vols. 12mo. Treatment of Morbid Sensibility of the Retina, cloth, $1 25. London. or Weakness of Sight. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. Dickens, (Charles.) Works. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1S49. cloth, $3 50. Philadelphia. Doane, (A. S.) Magriere's Midwifery. Svo. Dealings with the Firm of Dombey and cloth, $5 00. New York. Son. Illustrations by H. K. Browne. 8vo. Magriere's Anatomy. 8vo cloth, 94 75. cloth, $5 00. London, 1848. New York. The Same. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $2 00. Surgery. 8vo. cloth, $4 50. N. York. The Same; without the plates. 2 vols. 12mo. Dobson, (E.) Rudiments of the Art of cloth, $1 25. New York. Building. 12mo. cloth. Illustrated with 118 _- Pictures from Italy. Wood-cuts. 12mo. cuts. 25 cts. London, 1849. cloth, $1 25. London, 1846..- Builder's and Architect's Instructor. American Edition. 35 cents. 8vo. cloth, $2 25. London. ------ Personal History and Experience of Da- Historical, Statistical, and Scientific Acvid Copperfield the Younger. Now publishing count of the Railways of Belgium, from 1834 in Nos. each 12J cents. New York. to 1842. Royal 8vo. cloth boards, $1 75. -- Works; uniform in 12mo. cloth, each - (Rev. W.) Subjects and Selections for $1 50. Latin and Greek Composition, in Prose and ALREADY PUBLISHED. Verse. 12mo. cloth, 63 cts. London, 1845. Pickwick Papers. Do d d. Beauties of Shakspeare; a new ediOld Curiosity Shop. tion, with two engravings. 18mo. cloth,.1 00. Nicholas Nickleby. London. Barnaby Rudge. London, 1849. ~ (G.) Chemical Manufactures of Great Martin Chuzzlewit. Cloth, 75 cents. Britain. lSmo. half calf neat, 75 cents. New York. London, 1844. -~Nicholas Nickleby. Svo. cloth, $1 50. - Textile Manufactures of Great Britain. Philadelphia. 6 vols. 18mo. half calf, cloth sides, and letterOliver Twist. 8vo. cloth, $1 25. ed. $5 00. London, 1844. Philadelphia. -- (Charles R.) The Peerage, Baronetage, _ - Pickwick Papers. 8vo. cloth, $1 50. and Knightage of Great Britain and Ireland Philadelphia. for 1839, including all the Titled Classes. Christmas Stories. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. 12mo. cloth, $3 00. London,1849. New York. ----- Annual Biography. 12mo. cloth, $1 09), D ic k son, (J. H.) Letters on the Improved London,1843. Mode in the Cultivation and Management of (C.) Manual of Dignities, Privileges, and Flax; with various Rules and Instructions. Precedents; including Lists of the Great Pub12mo. cloth, $1 12. London, 1846. lic Functionaries, from the Revolution to the -- (S.) Chrono-Thermal Practice of Medi- Present Time. Thick 12mno. cloth, $1 25. cine. 8vo. cloth, $1 00. New YTork. (S. H.) Manual of Pathology. $1. Do d d' s Church Historv of England, from the - (S.eH.) ManualoofkPatology. 10. Commencement of the Sixteenth Century to the Revolution in 16S8. With Notes, Addi------- Practice of Medicine. 2 vols. 8vo. $8 00. tions, and a Continuation by Rev. M. Tierney. New York. 5 vols. 8vo. cloth, $18 00. London, 1839. Difficulties of a Young Clergy- Doddridge's Rise and Progressof Religman in Times of Division. 12mo. cloth, $ 00, ion in the Soul. 18mo. cloth, 42 cents. London, 1844. New York. D i g b y, (R. H.) Broad Stone of Honor, in (Dr.) Miscellaneous Works. Imperial 8vo. Three Parts. 3 vols. 12mo. cloth, $7 50. cloth, $5 00. London. London, 1848. Dodo and its Kindred; Or, the HistoD i v e r s Works of Early Masters in Christian ry, Affinities, and Osteology of the Dodo, SolDecoration; with an Introduction, containing itaire, and other extinct Birds of the islands Foreign and American Books. 39 Mauritius, Rodriguez, and Bourbon. By H. E. D on ovan, (E.) Natural History of the InStrickland and A G. Melville. Eighteen sects of China. New edition, by J. O. Westplates and numerous wood illustrations. Roy- wood. 50 plates, containing upwards of 120 al 4to cloth, $6 50. London, 1848. exquisitely colored figures. 4to. cloth gilt, Dog-Fancier's Guide. Plain In- $13 50. Lond. 1842. structions for Breeding and Managing the - Works on British Natural History, viz. Several Varieties of Field, Sporting, and Fan- Insects, 16 vols.; Birds, 10 vols.; Shells, 5 cy Dogs. 12mo. cloth, 25 cents. vols.; Fishes, 5 vols.; Quadrupeds, 3 vols.;toLondon. gether 39 vols. Svo. bds. plates colored, $144. Dollman, (F. C.) Examples of Ancient The Same. Bound in 21 vols. half green mor. Pulpits existing in England, drawn from actual gilt edges and gilt backs, $180 00. measurement, with Descriptions. 4to. S 00. London. —-- British Birds. 214 colored plates. 11 London. vols. royal 8vo. bds. $38 00. D oll in g e r' s History of the Church, by Cox. British Fishes. 126 colored plates. 4 vols. 8vo. cloth, $10 25. London. vols. royal 8vo bes. 1 colore plates vols. royal 8vo. bds. $19 00. D o m e s t i c Sce n e s; by the Author of the --- British Quadrupeds. 72 colored plates. Baroness, &c. 12mo. cloth, $2 25. 3 vols. royal 8vo. bds. $9 00. London, 1848. DonLo ndon, 1848. (SeeCE TE ---- Natural History of British Quadrupeds; consisting of colored figures, accompanied with D o n' s General System of Gardenng and Bo- Scientific and General Descriptions. 8vo. half tany, containing a complete Enumeration and mor. 85 00. Description of all Plants hitherto known; with their Generic and Specific Characters, Places (M.) A Treatise on Chemistry 4tl of Growth, Time of Flowering, Mode of Cul- edition. Foolscap vo. cloth, $1 87. ture, and their Uses in Medicine and Domes- London. tic Economy, &c. founded upon Miller's Gar- D' O rm oy, (Louis.) Histoire de Paris en dener's Dictionary; and arranged according to 1843, d'apres les Publications Officielles les Revthe Natural System. Numerous wood-cuts. elations de l'Enquete et les Discussions de 4 vols. royal 4to. cloth, (published at ~14 8s.) l'Assemble Nationale. 12mo. broch', 75 cts. London, 1331-38. Paris, 1849. Do naldson's Treatise on Manures; their Doubleday, (Edward.) Butterflies. The Nature, Preparation. and Application. With Genera of Diurnal Lepidoptera: comprising wood-cuts, and plans of Farm Buildings. 2d their Generic Characters; a Notice of the Habedition. 8vo. cloth, lettered, $1 00. its and Transformations, and a catalogue of London, 1846. each Genus. Illustrated with 75 colored plates, (J. W.) Greek Grammar, for by W. C. Hewitson, Esq. Imperial 4to. cloth, (J. W.) Complete Greek Grammar, for about $63 00. the Use of Learners. 12mo. bound, $1 25. (Publishing in parts at 1 50 each; to be London, 1848. completed in 40 parts, 31 of which have apNew Cratylus. 8vo. cloth, $5 12. peared) London - (Thos.) A Financial, Monetary, and - - Greek Theatre. 8vo. cloth, $3 50. Statistical History of England, from the RevoLondon. lution, 16SS, to the Present Time. 8vo. cloth, Examples of Doorways, from Ancient $3 25. London, 1847. Buildings in Greece and Italy. Plates. 4to. D ouce, (F.) Illustrations of Shakspeare, and cloth, $9 50. of Ancient Manners; with Dissertations on - - Modern Doorways. Plates. 4to cloth, the Clowns and Fools of Shakspeare. Forty $9 50L. engravings. 8vo. cloth, $2 25. London. (Thos. L.) Architectural Maxims and Douglas, (Major General Sir Howard.) On Theorems. 8vo. cloth, bds. $1 75. Military Bridges. Plates. 8vo. $6 00. Donegan, (James.) Greek and English Douling, (W.) A Popular Natural History Lexicon. 8vo. sheep, $5 00. of Quadrupeds and Birds. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. Philadelphia. Dover, (Lord.) Life of Frederic the Great. D onn e, (Dr. John.) Works; including his 2 vols. Svo. cloth, $8 50. London. Sermons, Devotions, Poems, Letters, &c., edit- D own in g, (A. J.) Fruits and Fruit-Trees of ed, with a new Memoir, by the Rev. Henry Al- America; or, the Culture, Propagation, and ford. With fine portrait. 6 handsome vols. 8vo. Management in the Garden and Orchard, of cloth, (pub. at ~3 12s.) $12 00. Parker, 1839. Fruit-Trees generally. Illustrated with many The Same. 6 vols. 8vo. calf extra, $18 00. engravings. 12mo. $1 50. Devotions, with Two Sermons. To which New York, 1849. is prefixed his Life, by Isaac Walton. 12mo. --- Cottage Residences; or, a Series of Demorocco, gilt edges, $4 00; cloth, $1 75. signs for Rural Cottages and Cottage Villas. London, 1840. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. New York. l o novan, (Edward.) Natural History of ----- Treatise on the Theory and Practice of the Insects of India. New edition. by J. O. Landscape Gardening; with Remarks on RuWestwood. 58 plates, containing upwards of ral Architecture. Second edition, enlarged, 120 exquisitely colored figures. 4to. cloth, revised, and newly illustrated.- 8vo. cloth, gilt, $13 50. London, 1842. $3 50. New York. 40 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Downing, (A. J.) Country Houses; or, Dublin Dissector; or,Manualof AnatNew Designs for Rural Cottages, Farm-Houses, omy, by Harrison. 12mo. cloth, $2 75. and Villas, with Interior and Furniture. London. New York. The Same. 12mo. cloth, $2 00. New York. Doyle. Cyclopiedia of Practical Husbandry Ducatel's Toxicology. 12mo. cloth, and Rural Affairs. Edited by Rham. 8vo. $1 00. Baltimore. cloth, $2 75. London, 1843. Ducoin-Girardin. Entretiens sur la D r a k e, (N.) Memorials of Shakspeare; or, Physique et ses Applications les plus curieuses; Sketches of his Character and Genius; by orne de 2 portraits. 1 vol. in 8, $1 75. Various Writers. Now first Collected, withtt, (G. J.) Tec Prefatory Essay and Notes. 8vo. cloth, $3 00. Ductett, (G.J.) Technological F ilitary London, 1848. Dictionary; German, English, French. New Lonm on, 18. a Edition, German part. Svo. cloth, $6, 50. - Shakspeare and his Times; including a London 19 Biography of the Poet. Royal 8vo. calf, neat ef. Nature displayed in marble edges, $4 50. Paris, 1838.f Natureisplaye theTeachingof French. 2 vols. 8vo. bds., $5 00. -. (S.' G.) Tragedies of the Wilderness. Philadelphia. l2mo. cloth, $1 00. Nature displayed in the Teaching of -__ Book of the Indians. 8vo. cloth, $3 00. Spanish. 2 vols. 8vo. bds., $7 00. Drap e r, (J. W.) Chemistry of Plants. 4to. Philadelphia. cloth, plates, $2 50. New York. D u ffi n, (G. W.) On Deformity of the Spine, Text-book of Natural Philosophy. 1 2mo. cloth, 50 cents. New York. sheep, 75 cents. New York. D u fto n, (William.) The Nature and Treat------ Elements of Chemistry. 12mo. sheep, ment of Deafness and Diseases of the Ear, and illustrated, 75 cents. New York. the Treatment of the Deaf and Dumb. 12mo. Dramatic (American) Library, cloth, 63 cents. Philadelphia, 1848. Dramatic (American) Library, Containing Athenia of Damascus, a tragedy, D u gdale's Monasticon Anglicanum. New by Rufus Dawes; Bianca Visconti, by N. P. edition, with the whole of the Plates and Text Willis; and, Tortesa, the Usurer, by N. P. as originally published, by Caley, Ellis, BanWillis. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. dinel, and others, with every needed correction. New York, 1839. 8 vols. folio. half mor. gilt, $189 00. Drawing-Room Scrap-Book. Ed- Duke, (E.) DruidicalTemples of the County ited by Mrs. Norton. 4to. cloth, $4 50. of Wilts. 12mo. $t 50. London. London, 1849. Duke of Argyll's Essay on the EcclesiDredge, (J.) Suspension Bridge explained, astical History of Scotland, since the Reformaupon the Principles of the Lever, by W. Turn- tion. Second edition. 12mo. cloth, $1 50. bull; with a Specification, &c. of the Suspen- D u m as, (M. T.) Memoires de Chimie. 8vo. sion Bridge at Balloch Ferry, Dunbartonshire, and an Isometrical Projection. 8vo. cloth. Plate and wood-cuts, $1 50. - (A) Isabel de Baviere. 2 vols. 12mo. D ruitt, (Robert,) The Principles and Prac- broch6, $1 50. Paris, 1848. tize of Modern Surgery. A new American edi- --- Le Maitre D'Armes. 12mo. broch6, 75 tion, from the last and improved London; cents. Paris, 1848. edited by F. W. Sargent. Illustrated with Fernande. 12mo. broche, 75 cents. 193 wood engravings. 8vo. sheep, $3 25. Paris, 1848. Philadelphia, 1848. Un Fille du Regent. 12mo. broche, 75 D r u mm o n d, (Sir William.) Origines, or cents. Paris, 1848. Remarks on the Origin of Empires, States, and Le Comte de Monte Cristo. bds. 12mo. Cities. 4 vols. $vo. maps and plates, cloth, broche, $4 50. Paris, 1847. $9 50. 1824-29. brochS, $4 50. - Une Fille du Regtent. 3 vols. 12mo. ~ —- ~(J. L.) Observations on Natural Systems paper of Botany. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1849. --- Les Trois Mousquetaires. 2 vols. 12mo paper, $1 50. Paris, 1847. Drury, (Miss.) Friendsand Fortune. 12mo., rclothu $1 00. New Yorktun. 12849. D u mon t' s Plans, Elevations, and Sections cloth, $1 00. New York, 1849. of St. Peter's at Rome. 96 plates, folio, $13 50. -- (D.) Illustrations of Foreign Entomolo- gy. New edition, by J. 0. Westwood. 600 Dunc a n, (J. F.) Clinical Lectures, Dublin. Xvo. cloth. $1 50. London, 184S. figures, engraved by Moses Harris, correctly. $1 0. London, 184 and beautifully colored; in 3 vols. 4to. half (H) Sacred Philosophy of the Seasons. mor. neat, $41 00. London, 1837. 4 vols. 12mo. cloth, $3 00. New York. D r y d e n, (John.) Works of, in verse and (W.) Select Orations of Cicero. Transprose, with a Life, by Rev. John Mitford. lated into English, with Notes Historical, Crit2 vols. Svo. sheep, $3 75. New York, 1847. ical, and Explanatory. 8vo. cloth, $1 75. Dubourg, (M.) Views of the Remains of Oxford, 1841 Ancient Buildings in Rome and its Vicinity, D u n g 1 iso n, (R) Medical Student. post, with a Descriptive and Historical Account of 8vo. cloth, $-2 00. New York. each subject. 4to. cloth, colored plates, $10 00. Materia Medica, and Therapeutics. 2 vols. London, 1844 8vo. sheep, $5 59, Philadelphia. Foreign and American Books. 41 D u n g Ii s on' s Physiology. 2 vols. 8vo. sheep D u r e r, (A.) Passion of Our Lord Jesus $6 00. Philadelphia. Christ, from the thirty-eight original woodOn Human Health. 8vo sheep, $2 50. cuts. Small 4to. mor. $8 00. London. Philadelphia. Duval, Kaufman, Renaud, etautres The Practice of Medicine; a Treatise on architectes.-Petites maisons de villes et de Special Pathology and Therapeutics. Third campagne, choisies dans les quartiers neufs de edition. 2 vols. 8vo. sheep, $6 25. la capitale et aux environs de Paris. $16 00. Philadelphia, 1848. Premiere partie, composee de 60 pl. inNew Remedies. Fifth edition; with ex- folio, avec texte. $8 00. tensive additions. 8vo. sheep, $3 00. La Deuxieme Partie a pour titre; Fermes Philadelphia, 1846. modeles.-Recueil de constructions rurales et - Dictionary of Medical Science. Seventh communales, comprenant un choix d'exemples des batiments necessaires aux divers degr's de edition, carefully revised, and greatly enlarged. lexploitation agricole; des motifs ou modees thick 8vo. sheep, $4 00. Philadelphia, 1848. d'edifices et etablissements dutilite publique, Dunham. History of Europe during the appropriies nux besoins des communes suivant Middle Ages. 4 vols. 12mo. cloth, $6 75. leur importance, &c. $8 00. London. Dwight, (T.) Theology. 4 vols. 8vo. cloth, ------ History of the Germanic Empire, to the $6 00 French Revolution. 3 vols. 12mo. cloth, $5 00. Travels in New England and New York, London. 4 vols. 8vo. cloth, $7 50. New York.,.- History of Spain and Portugal, to the --- (M. A.) Grecian and Roman MytholoFrench Revolution. 5 vols. 12mo. cloth, $8 50. gy; with an Introduction by Taylor Lewis, London. Professor of Greek, in the University of New -- History of Denmark, Sweden, and Nor- York. 12mo. half bound, $1 50; Large paper, way. 3 vols. 12mo. cloth, $5 00. London. with illustrations. $3 00; cloth gilt, $3 50; half mor. top edge gilt, $3 75. --- History of Poland. 12mo. cloth, $1 75. half mor. top edge gilt, $3 75. London. New York, 1849. Dunha m. (Dr.) B ell 1, (R.) The Lives D wyer, (J.) Principles and Practice of HyDunham. (Dr.) Bell, (R.) The Lives draulic Engineering. $vo. cloth, $3 25. of British Dramatists. 2 vols. foolscap 8vo. draulic Engineering. vo. cloth, $3 25. cloth, $3 62. London.London, 184. D y c e, (A.) Remarks on Collier's and Knight's The Lives of the Early British Writers Shakspeare. 8vo. cloth, $2 75. London. of Great Britain. Foolscap Svo. cloth,, $1(The) and Color Maker's Companion London. containing upwards of 200 Receipts for makDunlop, (John.) Memoirs of Spain, during ing Colors on the most Approved Principles, the Reign of Philip IV. and Charles II. 1621- for all the various styles and fabrics now in 1700. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $3 50. existence. 12mo. cloth, gilt edges, $2 25. - History of Fiction; being a Critical Ac- Glasgow, 1849. count of the most celebrated Prose Works of Dyering, CalicoPrinting; including Fiction from the earliest Greek Romances to the latest Inventions and Improvements, with the Novels of the Present Age. Third edition. an Appendix, comprising Definitions of Chemi8vo, cloth. $4 50. London. cal Terms, with Tables of Weights, Measures, ----- (Robert G.) Travels in Central Alneri- Thermometers, Hydrometers, &c. By an Exca; with a Journal of nearly Three Years' perienced Dyer; and assisted by several SciResidence in the Country. To which is added entific Gentlemen. Illustrated with Engrava Short Sketch of the History of the Republic, ings on wood and steel. 8vo. cloth, $3 50. and an Account of its Climate, Productions, New York. Commerce, &c., &c.; with Map. Post 8vo. E a d i e, (John, LL.D.) Biblical Cyclopaedia; cloth, $3 50. London. or, Dictionary of Eastern Antiquities, GeograDunn, (M.) Treatise on the Winning and phy, Natural History, Sacred Annals, and BiogWorking of Collieries. Illustrated by Plans raphy, Theology, and BiblicalLiterature. Illusand Engravings. 8vo. cloth, $4 00. trative of the Old and New Testaments; with Dupin, (C.) Mathematics, practically ap- Maps and Pictorial Illustrations, drawn from plied to the useful and Fine Arts. Adapted to the most Authentic Sources. 8vo. cloth, $3 00. the state of the Arts in England, by Geo. Birk- E a r n s h a w, (S.) Treatise on Dynamics. beck, Esq., M.D. 8vo, cloth, $1 25. 8vo cloth, $4 25. London, London, 1827. Treatise on Statics; containing the TheDupuyten, (Baron.) Surgery. Translat- ory of the Equilibrium of Forces, and numered by A. S. Doane. 8vo. cloth, $1 25. ous Examples, illustrative of the General Philadelphia. Principles of the Science, &c. 8vo. $2 75. Durand. Recueil..et Parallele des Edifices Eastern Arts and Antlquities. de tout genre, Anciens et Moderns, remarqua- Cloth, 75 cents. Philadelphia. bles par leur beaute, &c.; above 100 fine large E as tl a k e, (C. L.) Contributions to the Litdetailed folio plates, half bound, $37 50. erature of the Fine Arts. 8vo. cloth, $3 75. Durer, (A.) Married Life of; by Schefer. London, 1848. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents, plain, gilt, $1 00. - (E. E.) Materials for a History of Oil Boston, 1849. Painting. 8vo. cloth, $3 75. London, 1848, 42 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Eaton and Wright's North Ameri- Egypt under Mahomet Ali; by can Botany. 8vo. cloth, $3 75. London. Prince Puckler Muskau. 3 vols, post, 8vo. Eaton's Engineering and Surveying. 4to. cloth, $4 50. hf bound, $1 75. New York. Egyptian Antiquities in the British Eberle. (J.) Notes and Lectures for Stu- Museum, drawn by Arundale and Bonomi, with dents. 8vo. sheep, $1 13. letter-press descriptions, by S. Birch, of the Practice of Medicine. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. British Museum, royal 4to., containing several sheep, $5 00. hundred figures of interesting subjects, represented on 57 elaborate plates, many colored; Therapeutics. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo. sheep, gilt cloth, with Egyptian devices in gold on $4 00. back and sides, $6 50. London, 1844. On Children. 8vo. sheep, $3 00. Colonel Egypt and the Pyramids. Colonel E c c 1 e s i a s t e s: The Words of the Preach- Vyse's great work on the Pyramids of Gizeh er; magnificently illuminated by Owen Jones; containing a detailed account of his extraordicuriously bound, in massive carved wood covers. nary Operations and Discoveries on the openRoyal 8vo. $12 00. London, 1849. ing of these interesting Monuments of AntiE cc 1 e s t on, (J.) Manual of English Anti- quity, with an account of his voyage into Upper quities. 8vo. cloth, $6 50. London. Egypt; to which is added an Appendix, by J. Ecclesiologist, (The.) With many S. Perring, Esq., (the engineer,) on the PyraPlates, illustrative of Churches and Church mids at Abou Roash, the Fayoum, &c., &c. 3 Decorations. First and Second Series. 10 vols. vols. impl. 8vo. with 125 plates, lithographed 8vo. $20 00. - by Haghe, cloth, bds. $13 00. 1840-42. Eckerman, (J. P.) Conversations with Ekin, (Ch.) Naval Battles from1744 to1814. Goethe. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Boston. 4to. cloth, $12 75. London. Eckfel1d and Du Bois. Manual of ____ Naval and UniversalSignals, in Symbols Coins. 4to. half bound, $5 00. Philadelphia. of Black and White. 8vo. cloth, m1 00. Eddy, (Rev. D. C.) Lectures to Young La- Eldon, (Life of.) By Horace Twiss. 3 vols. dies on Subjects of Practical Importance. 12mo. crown, 8vo. $12 75. London. cloth, 63 cents. Lowell, 1845. Eden, (T.E.) SearchforNitre,andtheTrue Elementary Book of Drawing, Nature of Guano; being an Account of a Voy- Shading, and Coloring, $4 50. Philadelphia. age to the South West Coast of Africa. 12mo. E liz abe th, (Charlotte.) The English Marcloth, 87 cents. London, 1846. tyrology; abridged from Fox. 2 vols. 12mo. E dga r, (Samuel.) The Variations of Pope- cloth, illustrated, $3 37. London, 1835. ry. Second edition. Svo. $2 00. Lond. 1838. Wrongs of Woman. Milliners and DressE dgeworth, (Miss.) Tales and Novels. makers. 18mo. cloth, 50 cents. New edition; in 9 vols. 12mo. cloth. Frontis- New York, 1843. pieces and Vignettes. $12 00. London, 1849. Second Causes; or, Up and Be Doing. Tales and Novels. Complete in 10 vols. 1Smo. cloth, 50 cents. New York, 1843. 12mo. cloth, $7 50. New York. Elkington on Land Draining. 8vo. cloth, --- Castle Rackrent; an Essay on Irish Bulls plates, $3 12. London. 12mo. mor. gilt, $2 00. London, 1532. 2mo. mor gilt, $2 00. London, 1832. 1 e t, (Mrs. E. F.) Family Pictures from the Edinburgh Cabinet Library. 38 Bible. 12mo. paper, 75 cents, cloth $1 25. vols. 12mo. cloth, $34 25. N. Y., 1849. Edinburgh Review, (The.) From The Same. Fine edition, roy. Svo. cloth, gilt $3 00. the commencement to October, 1849. 93 vols including the 2 vols. of Indexes. half calf, neat, The Same. Handsomely bound in mor. gilt $5 00. $130 00. A very fine set. Women of the American Revolution. 2 --— Selections from; comprising the best vols. 12mo. cloth, $2 25. New York, 1848. Articles from that Journal, from its commence- E 1 i o t t, (Rev. G. B.) Horse Apocalypticse; ment to the present time; with Preliminary or, Commentary on the Apocalypse, Critical Dissertation, &c. Edited by M..)Cross. 6 vols.and Historical, third edition, revised and cor8vo. sewed, $4 50. Paris, 1835. rected. 4 vols. 8vo. cloth, $12 00. E dw ard's Materia Medica. 8vo. sheep, $2 75. London, 1847. Philadelphia, -- (S.) Roman Liberty: a History, with a (Jonathan.) Works. 2 vols. ipl. 8vo. View of the Liberty of other Ancient Nations. cloth, lettered, $12 50. 1840. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. $4 50. New York. Elliot son' s Practical Medicine. By Roger --- (J.) On the Will. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Lee. 8vo. cloth, $7 50. London. New York.. Ellis, (George Viner.) Demonstrations of o(H. 1) Anatom5andPhysiology. 8vo. Anatomy; being a Guide to the Knowledge of the Human Body by Dissection. Second ediVoyage up the River Amazon. 12mo. tion, rewritten. 12mo. cloth, 2 parts, $3 75. cloth, $1 00. New York. London, 1843. E g an, (Ch.) Observations on the New French (G.) Specimens of Early English MetriLaw relative to Patents for Inventions. 4to. cal Romances. 12mo. cloth, $1 50. cloth, $1 50. London. London, 1848. Foreign and American Books. 43 E 1 1 i s, (Sir W. C.) On the Nature, Symptoms, Biography-on the Basis of the German ConCauses, and Treatment of Insanity; with Prac- versations Lexicon. Edited by F. Lieber, astical Observations on Lunatic Asylums, and a sisted by E. Wigglesworth. 14 vols. 8vo. cloth, Description of the Pauper Lunatic Asylum for $16 00. Philadelphia, 1848. the County of Middlesex, at Hanwell, with a Methodique-Repertoire universel de Detailed Account of its Management. Svo. extra, cloth, boards, $1 50. 1838. tout ce qui l'esprit humain a recueil de connaissances dans les temps anciens et modernes: —--- Specimens of Early English Poets, with divise par ordre de matieres, par une societe an Historical Sketch of the Rise and Progress de gens de lettres. 164 vols. avec 6,439 of the English Poetry and Language. Fifth planches, $300, au lieu de 4,206 francs. edition. 3 vols. small 8vo. cloth, gilt. $3 75. London, 1845 -- Des Gens Du Monde. Repertoire universel des sciences, des lettres, et des arts, avec The Same. Half mor. $4 50. des notices sur les principales families historThe Same. Mor, antique, $15 00. iques et sur les principaux personnages, morts The Same. 3 vols. 12mo. cloth, $2 75. et vivants, par une societe de savants. 22 vol. (Sir H.) Original Letters, Illustrative of 8vo. demi maroquin, $65. Paris, 1833. English History, with Notes and Illustrations Of Arts, Manufactures, and Machinery. 4 vols. 12mo. cloth, $4 00. London, 1846. By Peter Barlow; to which is prefixed an InTownley Gallery of Classic Sculpture. troductory View of the Principles of Manufac2 vols. 12mo. cloth, 81 37. London. tures, by Charles Babbage. Illustrated by E 1 li s' s Laws and Regulations of the Customs, 550 figures of Machinery and Implements. 4to. for 1846. 12mo. cloth, $2 00. Lond. 1846. cloth, $12 50. Ellis to n, (R. W.) Memoirs of; by George Of Religious Knowledge. royal Svo. Raymond; with illustrations by George Cruik- sheep, $5 00. Brattleboro. shank. Portrait. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. Of Useful Knowledge. 8vo calf, $5 00. London, 1844. New York. m e s, (J.) Memoirs of the Life of Sir Of Civil Engineering; Historical, TheorChristopher Wren. 4to. calf, plates, $6 00. etical, and Practical. Illustrated by upwards A General and Biographical Dictionary of 3(000 Engravings on wood, explanatory of of the Fine Arts. 8vo. cloth, $4 50. the Principal Machinery and Constructions Elphinstone, (Hon. M.) History of which come under the direction of the Civil India. 8vo. cloth, $6 50. London. Engineer. By E. Cresey. Thick 8vo. cloth, $18. ~ —-- Account of the Kingdom of Caubul and E n d 1 e ss A m u s e m e nt s. 18mo. cloth, its Dependencies in Persia, Tartary, and India, 62 cents. London. &c. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth,plates and maps, $300. Engineer's Manual of Geology London, 1842. and Mineralogy. 12mo. plates, $1 00. El s 1 e y, (Rev. J.) Annotations on the Four London. Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles. New edition, revised by R. Walker. Map, 8vo. Pocket Guide. By Kelt. 18mo. cloth, cloth, $3 00. Oxford, 1844. 75 cents. Boston. Elsemere, (Earl.) Guide to Northern Engineer's and Contractor's Archaeology. 8vo. cloth, $2 25. London. Pocket-Book. 12mo. mor. $1 87. Elwoo d, (Mrs) Memoirs of the Literary London, 1849. Ladies of England, from the commencement Engineer and Mechanic's Comto the last Century. 2 vols. post, 8vo. cloth, panion. By Scribner. $1 13. New York. $3 London, 1848. E n g i n e e r in g, Architectural and MechaniE m e r s o n. Trees of Massachusetts. 8vo. cal Drawing-Book; a series of Instructive Excloth, $3 00. Boston, 1846. amples, illustrated by 30 large folio Engravings, ~- - (R. W.) Poems. Fourth edition, 12mo. with descriptive letter-press. $5 00. $1 00. Boston, 1847. London. --- Essays. First and Second Series. 2 vols. From the French of Sganzin, $1 38. 12mo. cloth $1 50. Boston, 1848. Boston. E mm on' s Works, Complete. 6 vols. 8vo.'E n g 1 is h m an' s Greek Concordance of the sheep, $12 00. Boston. New Testament; being an Attempt at a VerE n ny on Hydraulic Maritime Works. 1 vol. bal Connection between the Greek and the 4to. and an Atlas of Plates, $6 00. London. English Texts; including a Concordance of Encyolop dia Britannica. Last edi- Proper Names, with Indexes, Greek-English and English-Greek. Second edition, with a tion, handsomely bound in half Russia, 21 vols. new Index. royal 8vo. sheep, $5 00. 4to. $145 00. 7th edition. Edinburgh, 1842. New York. Metropolitana. Complete in 27 volumes. Hebrew and Chaldee Concordance of the 4to. half Russia, marble edges, $160 00. Old Testament; being an Attempt at a VerLondon, 1845. bal Connection between the Original and the ----- Americana. A Popular Dictionary of English Translations, with Indexes; a List of Arts, Sciences, Literature, History, Politics, the Proper Names, and their occurrences, &c. and Biography. A new edition; including a &c. 2 vols. royal Svo. cloth, $22 00. Copious Collection of Articles in American London. 44 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of E n g e fi e 1 d, (Sir H.) Collection of Vases; Essay on the Credibility of the Existence of drawn and engraved by H. Moses. Impl. 8vo. the Kraken, Sea-Serpent, and other Sea Monhalf mor. $2 60. London, 1819. sters; with illustrations. 8vo. pamphlet, 75 Enigmas, Charades, Transpo- cents. London, 1S49. sitions, &c. 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. E u c l i d, (Dr. Lardner's.) The Six Books, with London, 1810. a Commentary and Geometrical Exercises; to Ensamples of Railway Making. which are Annexed a Treatise on Solid Ge28 plates. royal 8vo. cloth, $4 75. London. ometry, and Short Essays ol the Ancient Geometrical Analysis, and the Theory of Transver1Entertaining Naturalist. Edited sals. 8vo. ninth edition, cloth, $1 75. 1846. and enlarged by Mrs. Loudon. 12mo. cloth. Eu1er. Lettres e une Princesse $d. aistet. $2 25. L.E u I e r. Lettres'a une Princesse'd. Laistet. ~~~$2 25. London. l ~12mo. paper, $1 00. E o the n; or, Traces of Travel brought Home E ur i p ide s, (The Tragedies of.) Translatfrom the East. 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. ed by Potter. 3 vols. 18mo. cloth, $1 50. New York. New York. The Same. Beautifully illustrated with Engrav- Eu s e b iu s' Ecclesiastical History. Translaings on Steel. 12mo. cloth, gilt, $1 50. ted by Rev. C. F. Cruize. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. New York, 1848. Ep h e m e ra. A Hand-Book of Angling; E v a g riu s' Ecclesiastical History. 8vo. Teaching Fly-Fishing, Trolling, Bottom-Fish- cloth, $2 25. London, ing, Salmon-Fishing, the Natural History of Evangelia Sacra Slavice, quibus River Fish, and the best Modes of Catching olim in regum Francorum oleo Sacro inungenthem; with numerous wood engravings. Fools- dorum solemnibus uti solebat exclesia Remencap, 8vo cloth, $2 75. London. sis Vulgo Texte du sacre. Editit J. B. Silvestre, &c. 4to. whole bound in mor. richly blind Episodes of Insect Life. A Dis- tooled, edges gilt, and embossed, $25 00. course on the Instincts and Habits of Insects, Paris, 1S43, combining an Admixture of the Real and Ideal E v a n s, (W. J.) The Sugar Planter's Manuof Entomological Life, in a Series of Essays, al; being a Treatise on the Art of obtaining adapted to the Months of the Year. By Ach- Sugar from the Sugar-Cane. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. eta Domestica, Author of "Floral Fancies." Philadelphia. Numerous illustrations. Svo. cloth, $4 50. (Arthur B.) Leicestershire Words, PhraLondon, 1848. ses, and Proverbs. 12mo. cloth, $1 50. The Same. Colored plates, silk, $6 50. Pickering, London, 1947. Equestrian, (The.) A Hand-Book of (Rev. R. W.) Day in the Sanctuary; Horsemanship, containing Practical Rules for with an Introductory Treatise on Hymnology. Riding, Driving, and the Management of Horses, 12mo. oloth, $1 38. London, 1843 with illustrations by Frank Howard. 12mo. Bishoprick of Souls. 12mo. cloth, $1 75. cloth, plates, $1 00. London. London. 1844. E s c h e nb e r g, (J. J.) Manual of Classical Sketch of all Religions. New Edition; Literature. Translated by N. W. Fish. 8vo. improved, by the Rev. J.. Bransby. 12mo cloth, $4 00. Philadelphia. cloth, $1 25. London, 1841. aI (r- i(O. L.) The Young Millwright aud Mil E sdaile, (J.) Mesmerism in India, and its ler's Guide. 28 plates. Svo. sheep, $2 50. Application in Surgery, 12mo. cloth, $2 00. ler's Guide. 28 plates. Philadelphia. (JamesEP.) vening Bell, (The;) Or, The Hourof Espy, (James P.) The Philosophy ofStorms. Relating Entertaining Anecdotes. By Caro8vo. cloth. $2 00. Boston. line Reinhold. German and English. $1 75. Esquirol, (E.) On Mental Maladiesand Evenings with the Old Story their Treatment. Translated, with additions, Tellers. 12mo cloth gilt, $1 00; plain, 50. by Dr. Hunt. 8vo. cloth, $4 25. cents. New York, 1848. London, 1849. E v e 1 y n, (J.,) Sylva; or, a Discourse on ForOn Insanity. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. est Trees, and the Propagation of Timber; to Philadelphia. which is added the Terra, a Philosophic DisEsquiros, (Alphonse.) Histoire des Mon- course of Earth. 2 vols. royal 4to. cloth, tagnards; avec portraits et gravures sur acier. $1200. London, 1825. 2 vols. in Svo. demi maroquin, $5 50. Everett,(A. H.) Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. 2 series, 12mo. cloth, $3 00. Boston. E ss a y s; Written in the Intervals of Business. Essays. 2 series, 12mo. cloth, 3 00. Boston. 12mo. $1 50. Pickering, London, 1847 Ewald, (G. H. A.) Grammar of the Hebrew Language of the Old Testament, TransE s s a y on the Military Policy and Institutions lated by John Nicholson. 8vo. bds, $3 12. of the British Empire. 8vo. cloth, $3 75. Ewel 1' s Medical Companion. 8vo. sheep, London. $3 75. Philadelphia. Essays on Education,-viz. Hill's Ewbank, (T.) Descriptive and Historical National Education, 2 vols. 1836. The School- Account of Hydraulic and other Machines for master, 2 vols. Central Society of Education's Raising Water; with Observations on various Essays, 8 vols., and Prize Essays on Education, subjects connected with the Mechanic Arts; 1 vol.; together 8 vols. 12mo. cloth, 87 50. including the Progressive Development of the London, 1836-39. Steam Engine. 8vo. $2 50. New York. Foreign and American Books. 45 Examples in Architectural En- Family Joe Miller. A Drawing-Room Jest. gineering. 12mo. folio Atlas, $5 00. Book. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth, $1 50. London. London, 1847. Examples of Ancient Stained Fanny Hervey; or, the Mother's Choice. Glass Windows; comprising Accurate Fac-Sim- 2 vols. cr. 8vo. cloth, $5 00. London, 1849. iles in colors of the Windows of S t. Margaret's, F a r a d a y, (Michael.) Chemical ManipulaWestminster; St. Dunstan's in the East; St. tion; being Instructions to Students in ChemDunstan's in the West; Lincoln's Inn Chapel. istry on the Methods of performing Experifolio, $6 00. London. ments of Demonstration or Research, with E xl e y, (Thos.) Principles of Natural Phil- accuracy and success. Third edition, revised, osophy. 8vo. cloth, $4 25. London. 8vo. cloth, $5 50. London, 1842. Physical Optics; or, the Phenomena of Experimental Researches in Electricity. Optics Explained according to Mechanical 2vols. 8vo. cloth, $7 60. London. Science, and on the known Principles of Grav- F a r e y, (John.) A Treatise on the Steam itation. 8vo. bds. 75 cents. London, 1834. Engine, Historical, Practical, and Descriptive. 4to. illustrated by numerous wood-cuts and 25 Experimental Philosophy, (The copper-plates. bds. $31 50. London. Encyelopsedia of.) Comprising Magnetism, Electro-Magnetism, Electricity, Galvanism, F a r m e r' s T r e a s u r e, (The.) ContainHeat. Chemistry, and Meteorology. Illustrat- ing Falkner's Farmer's Manual, and Smith's ed by numerous engravings. 4to. cloth, $9 00. Productive Farming, bound together, 75 cents. London, 1848. New York. Exterior and Interior Finish- Farming for Ladies;or,a Guideto ings and Decorations, chiefly selected from the Poultry-yard, Dairy, and Piggery. 16mo. Examples at Paris; consisting of Doors, Win- cloth, $2 00. dows, Shop-Fronts, Sides of Rooms, Ceilings, Far n h am, (E. W.) Life in Prairie Land Library Fittings, Iron Railings, &c.; with de- 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. New York, 1847. tails. folio, $9 00. Paris. F arq u h ar's Plays. The Dramatic Works E x t o n, (Rev. R. B.) Sixty Lectures on the of Farquhar, Congreve, Wycherley, and VanSeveral Portions of the Psalms. 8vo. cloth, burgh, with Biographical and Critical Notices, $3 50. London, 1847. by Leigh Hunt. Beautifully printed in royal E y s e n b a c h, (G.) Histoire du Blason et Svo. cloth. Portrait and Vignette, $4 50. Science des Armoiries. Planches, Svo., $2 00. London,1846. Tours, 1848. F a u k n e r's Designs for Rural Monuments Tombs, and Tablets, 4to. $3 00. Fables of.msop, (The.) A new version, chiefly from original sources, by Rev. (T.) Designs for Organs. Impl. 4to. 20 Thomas James, with more than 100 illustra- plates, $2 50. tions, designed by John Tenniel. 8vo. cloth, Featherstonhaugh, (G.W.) A Canoe $3 00. London, 1848. Voyage up the Minnay Sotor; with an Account of the Lead and Copper Deposits in Fairborn, (H.) Treatise on the Political Wisconsin; of the Gold Region in the CheroEconomy of Railroads; in which the new mode kee country; and Sketches of Popular Manof Locomotion is considered in its Influence ners. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. upon the Affairs of Nature. 8vo cloth, $2 00. London, 1847. F a i r fa x, (The) Correspondence. Memoirs F e 11 o w s, (Sir Charles.) Discoveries in Anof the Reign of Charles the First. Edited by cient Lycia. roy. 8vo. cloth, plates. $12 75. G. W. Johnson. 2 vols. Svo. cloth, portraits, London. $9 00. London, 1848. __ Excursion in Asia Minor, roy. 8vo. plates F airholt, (F. W.) Home of Shakspeare. $7 50. London. Illustrated and described. 12mo. 75 cents. Fe tham. Resolves; Divine, Moral, and London. Political. 12mo. $1 50. Costume in England. A History of Pickering, Landon, 1840. Dress from the Earliest Period till the Close The Same. 4to. half mor. $3 00. of the 1Sth Century. Illustrated with above Pickering, London, 1845. 600 engravings on wood. 8vo. cloth, $8 00. F e 1 t o n, (C. C.) Iliad of Homer, from the London, 1846. Text of Wolf, with English Notes. Illustrated Falcone r, (W.) Poetical Works. Com- with Portrait and Flaxman's Designs. 8vo. plete in 1 vol. 12mo. mor. gilt edges, $3 00. cloth, $3 00. Boston, 1847. London, 1836. - Panegyricus of Isocrates, from the Text of Bremi, with English Notes, 12mo. cloth, 75 rine, to which is added a Vocabulary of French cents. Sea Phrases and Terms of Art, collected from Greek and Roman Metres. Translated the best authorities 4to. cloth. Published from the German of Munk. 12mo. sheep, $1 50. at $24 00; reduced to $8 00. Lond. 1815. Boston, 1844. F a 1 k n e r' s Farmer's Manual. A Practical Iliad of Homer, from the Text of Wolf; Treatise on the Nature and Value of Manures, with English Notes. 12mo. sheep. $1 50. &c., &c. 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. New York. Boston, 1848 46 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Felton, (0.0.) The Agamemnon of iEschy- Ficht e, (J. C.) Vocation of the Scholar. Post lus; with notes. 12mo. $1. Boston, 1847. 8vo. cloth, 60 cents. London. Greek Reader, containing Selections in - The Way towards the Blessed Life; or, Prose and Poetry; with English notes and a the Doctrine of Religion, and Outlines of the Lexicon. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. Hartford, 1842. Doctrine of Knowledge. Post 8vo. cloth, $1 75. P e n e 1 o n. (Euvres completes, precedes d'une London, 1849. notice sur sa vie et sur ses ecrits; avec por- Fi e d, (G.) Chromatics; or, the Analogy, Hartrait. 12 vols. in 8vo. demi veau, $20 00. Paris, 1826. mony, and Philosophy of Colors. $6 50. Lond. vres Phiosophiqes de nouve edi — Chromatography; or, a Treatise on Col(Euvres Philosophiques de, nouvelle edi- ors and Pigments, and of their Powers in ors and Pigments, and of their Powers in tion, par M. A. Jacques. 12mo. paper, $1 00. Painting. New edition. $4 00. Paris, 1845. - -- De l'Education des Filles. 12mo. $1 00. (Rev. H.M.) The Good and the Bad in Paris, 1845. the Roman Catholic Church, 12mo. paper, 121 cents. New York, 1849. ------- Aventures de Telemaque. 12mo. $1 00. cents. NewYork, 1849. Paris, 1846. (J. T.) Poems. Square 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. Boston, 1849. Penn, (J.) Paston Letters, written during cents. Boston, 1849. the Time of Henry VI. to Richard III. Edited F i el di n g, (T. H.) On the Knowledge and by Ramsay. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, 3 Restoration of Oil Paintings. 12mo. cloth, London. $1 25. London. P en w ic k, (H.) Essays on Field Fortifica- Theory and Practice of Painting in Oil tion. 18mo. cloth, $1 75. London. and Water Colors, for Landscapes, Portraits, &c. Illustrated with plates, some colored - (Thos.) Treatise on Subterranean Sur-.. veying. 8vo. cloth, $3 50. London. F e r g u s s n, (J.) An Essay on a Proposed Synopsis of Practical Perspective, Lineal new System of Fortification. Imp. 8vo. cloth, and iErial; with Remarks on Sketching from $3 75. London, 1849. Nature. Plates. 8vo. cloth, $6 50. An Historical Inquiry into the True Prin- London, 1843. ciples of Beauty in Art; more especially with --- Works, (Tom Jones, Amelia, Jonathan reference to Architecture. Plates. Colombier, Wild, Joseph Andrews, Plays, Essays, and 8vo. $9 00. London, 1849. Miscellanies,) complete in one thick volume, Illustrations of the Rock cut Temples of medium 8vo. with 20 capital plates by CruikIndia, with Descriptive Text. Svo. cloth, folio shank, extra red cloth, richly gilt, $4 25. atlas of plates, $15 00. London, 154S. ------ Essay on the Ancient Topography of Je- Pi nc h am, (J.) Directions for Laying off rusalem, with restored plans of the Temple, Ships. Roval Svo. plates in folio, $7 50. &c. &c. Imperial 8vo. cloth, bds, $4 75. ------ Treatise on Masting Ships. Royal 8vo. Astronomy Explained upon Sir I. New- plates in fi;lio, $7 50. London. ton's Principles; with Notes, &c., by Sir Finda y's Outline Geographical Atlas, with David Brewster. 2 vols. 26 plates, $3 50. the lines of Latitude and Longitude; intended as Ferguson, (R.) Essay on the most Im- Practical Lessons for Pupils to fill up. 4to portant Diseases of Women. Part I. Puerpe- paper, $1 37. London. ral Fever. crown 8vo. bds., $2 50. First of the Knickerbockers. A London, 1839. Tale of 1673. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. (A.) Historyof the Progress and Ter- New York, 1847. mination of the Roman Republic. Portrait. F i s h e r, (P.) Angler's Souvenir. Post 8vo. 8vo. cloth, $150. New York, 1849. mor. gilt, $4 75. London. (W.) System of Practical Surgery. 74 Fish b o urne, (E.G.) Lectures on Naval engravings. 8vo. sheep, $3 25. Philad. 1848. Architecture. 8vo. $1 75. London. Ferry' s Christ Church, Hampshire. Plates. Fisk, (W.) Travels inEurope. Svo. heep, 4to. $6 50. $3 25. New York. e s t u s. A Poem, by Philip James Bailey. (N. W.) Classical Antiquities. Sheep, 12mo. cloth gilt,gilt ege, $1 00. Bost. 1849. $2 00. Philadelphia. Fi c h t e, (J. G.) Memoirs of; by W. Smith. Manual of Classical Literature. 8ve Second edition. Post 8vo. cloth. $1 25. sheep, $3 00. Philadelphia The Same. 2moLondon, 148. Fitch's Dental Surgery. Svo The Same. 12mo. 50 cents. Boston. sheep, $3 25. Philadelphia Popular Works. Translated by William F i tgerald, (James E.) An Examination Smith. Portrait. Vols. 1 and 2; post 8vo. of the Charter and Proceedings of the Hudeach, cloth, $3 50. London, 1848, 7 son's Bay Company, with reference to the - Vocation of Man. Post 8vo. cloth, $1 37. Grant of Vancouver's Island. 12mo. cloth London. $1 175. London, 1849. The Nature of the Scholar. Post Svo. Fi t z r oy an d D a r w i n' s Zoology of the cloth, $1 09. London. Voyage of H. M. S. Beagle. Numerous plates, --- Characteristics of the Present Age. Post many colored. 8 vols. 4to. cloth, $30 00. 8vo. cloth, $2 12. London. London, 1840. Foreign and American Books. 47 Flaxman. Sou (Euvres. Recueil de ses F ollen, (MIrs.) Sketches of Married Life. Compositions gravees au trait par Reveil, con- 1 2mo. cloth, $1 00. Boston tenant Iliade d'Homere, 39 planches. Odys- Folso m, (G.) Letters and Despatches of see, 34 pl. Tragedies d'Eschyle, 34 pl. L'En- Cortez, 8vo. bds. $2 00. New York. fer du Dante. 34 pl. Le Purgatoire. 39 pl. Pontana, Trattato deli Acque Correnti. Le Paradis. 33 pl. Hesiode. 37 pl. Statues Folio cloth $6 00. et Cas Reliefs, 14 pl. Oblong 8vo. half mor. gilt, $12 00. Paris. Porbes, (E.) History of British Star Fishes. Compositions from Dante. Oblong 4to. half mor. $12 75. --- (Lieut. F. E.) Five Years in China; ------- Studies of Anatomy for Artists. Royal from 1842 to 1847, with an Account of the folio, cloth, $6 50. Occupation of the Islands of Labaun and Bor------ Outlines, illustrative of Homer's Iliad, neo by Her Majestys Forces. vo. cloth, Odyssey, Ovid, and iEschylus. 4 vols ob- wood-cuts, $2 00. London, 1848. long folio, *30 00. London, 1805. (J. L) The Danger of Superficial Knowledge; an Introductory Lecture to the ------ Lectures on Sculpture. Numerous plates. Course of Natural Philosophy in the Univer8vo. cloth, $6 50. sity of Edinburgh. 8vo. bds. 60 cents. -~ —-- Book of Prayer. Folio, cloth, $6 50. London, 1849. F'leming, (A.) Inquiry into the Physiolog- Pord, (John.) Dramatic Works. The Draical and Medicinal Properties of the Aconitum matic Works of Philip Massinger and John Napellus; to which are added Observations on Ford, with Biographical and Critical Notices. several other species of Aconitum. 8vo. cloth, By Henry Nelson Coleridge. Beautifully $1 50. London, 1845. printed in,1 vol. royal 8vo. cloth, portrait and (John.) Exposition of the Structure, Sys - vignette, $4 00. London, 1848. tematic Arrangement, Physical Distribution, (R.) Hand-Book for Spain, Andalusia, and Dietetical Uses of Moluscous Animals, in- &c. 2 vols. post 8vo. cloth, $4 75. London. cluding Shell Fish. Plates. 12mo. cloth, (J.) Spaniards and their Country. 12mo. $1 75. Edinburgh, 1837. cloth, $1 00. New York. Plemming and Tibbins' French and Foreign Quarterly Review, from English Dictionary. 8vo. sheep, $5 00. its commencement in 1827, to June, 1846. 37 Philadelphia. vols. 8vo. half calf, neat, $50 00. Fletcher's, (J.) Dramatic Works. The Formby, (Rev.H.) A Visit to the East; Complete Dramatic Works of Francis Beau- comprising Germany and the Danube, Conmont and John Fletcher; with Biographical stantinople, Asia Minor, Egypt, and Idumea. and Critical Notices, by John Darley. Beauti- 12mo. cloth, wood-cuts, $2 00. fully printed, with portraits and vignettes. 2 London, 143. vols. royal Svo. cloth, $8 00. London, 1840. Form and Sound. Can their Beauty (Rev. John.) Works. 4 vols. 8vo. sheep, be dependent on the same Physical Laws? $10 00. New York. A Critical Inquiry, by Thomas Purdie. Svo. Rudiments of Physiology. 8vo. cloth, cloth, plates, $2 25. Edinburgh, 1849. $5 75. FP orrester, (Fanny.) Alderbrook. 2 vols. Fl e u r y. Histoire Ecclesiastique; nouvelle in 1, thick 12mo. cloth, $1 63. Boston, 1849. edition augment6e de quatre livres compre- The Life and Adventures nant l'histoiredu XV. Siecle, avec une table of Oliver Goldsmith, a Biograpy in Four alphabetique. 6 vols. royal 8vo. $15 00. alphabetique. vols. royal8vo. 15Paris, 1843. Books. Plates, 8vo. cloth, gilt, $6 00. London, 1848. 1 o r e n c e G all e r y; containing more The Statesmen of the Commonwealth of than 200 line engravings of the Paintings and - The Statesmen of the Commonwealth of Sculpture of this splendid collection. 4 vols. England; with an Introductory Treatise on the folio, original binding, $1 13 50. Popular Progress in English History. 5 vols. foolscap, 8vo. with original Portraits of Pym, FPlorian. &(uvres completes; nouvelle edi- Eliot, Hampden, Cromwell, and an Historical tion, ornee d'un portrait, et de 42 gravures. 13 Scene of a Picture by Cattermole, cloth, $9 00. vol. in 8, demi veau, $18. Paris, 1823. London. ------ Fables, precedes d'une notice par Ch. The Same. 8vo. sheep, $2 00. Nodier, et suivies des poemes de Ruth et de New York, 1848. Tobie. 1 magnfique vol. grand in 8, illustre Forsyth, (W.) Treatise on Fruit-Trees. 8vo. par Victor Adam de 120 gravures en taille- cloth, $4 00. London. douce, et de 200 gravures sur bois, $3 50. douce, et de 200 gravures sur bois, $3 50. Hortensius; or, the Advocate. An HisFables, &c. 12mo. $1 00. Paris, 1846. torical Essay. Post 8vo. cloth, $3 75. Fl u g e l's Complete Dictionary of the English London, 1849. and German Languages, with Additions and F o s b r o o k e' s British Monachism; or, the Improvements, by C. Feiling and A. Heimann, Manners and Customs of the Nuns and Monks in 2 parts. 2 vols. 8vo. bds. $7 50. of England. Royal 8vo. cloth, plates and cuts, London, 1845. $4 50. London Fo 11 e n, (Chas.) Works. 5 vols. 12mo. cloth, -- Encyclopeedia of Antiquities and Archee$4 00. Boston. ology. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 145 plates, $9 50. 48 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of F o s br o o k e, (Rev. T. D.) A Treatise on F r an c e and the French Revolution; censistthe Arts, Manners, Manufactures, and Institu- ing of,-I. The Reign of Terror, a Collection of tions of the Greeks and Romans. 2 vols. Authentic Narratives of the Horrors commitfoolscap, 8vo. cloth, $3 75. ted by the Revolutionary Government of London. France, under Marat and Robespierre; written Fo s dick, (David.) German and English by Eye-witnesses of the Scenes, 2 vols.-II. Pocket Dictionary. Square 12mo. sheep, $1 75. Sketch of the History of France, fiom the SusBoston, 1847. pension of the Monarchy in 1792 to its re-establishment in 1815; with illustrative Official PaF o s s, (Edward.) The Judges of England; pers. Together, 3 vols. 8vo. portrait, &c., cloth with Sketches of their Lives and Miscellaneous lettered, $4 00. London, 1817-26. Notices connected with the Courts at Westminster from the time of the Conquest. vo1l.sP r a n c i s' s Chemical Experiments; illustrati and 2. 8vo. cloth, ti8 00. London, 1848. ing the Theory, Practice, and Application of the Science of Chemistry; and containing the Fos t e r, (J.) Essays on Decision of Charac- Properties, the Uses, Manufacture, Purificater. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. New York. tion, and Analysis of all Inorganic Substances. F o u ls t o n's Public Buildings of the West Numerous engravings. $1 75. London. of England. 100 detailed plates. Royal 4to. - (G.) Manual of Practical Levelling. cloth, $12 50. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. London. Fo u n t a i n s o f P a r i s. 84 plates. Folio, - Dictionary of Receipts in Manufactures, cloth. $12 50. &c. 8vo. cloth, $2 25. London. Fouque, (F. de La Motte.) Undine and (John.) History of the Bank of EngSintram and his Companions. 12mo. cloth gilt, land; its Times and Traditions. 2 vols. 12mo. gilt edges, $1 00; plain, 50 cts. N. York, 1848. cloth, $5 75. London, 1848. Fowl e r's Illustrations of the most Remark- - (G. W.).Analysis of the British Ferns able Examples of Ancient Stained Glass and and their Allies. Plates. 8vo. cloth, $1 75. Mosaic Pavements. 2 vols. atlas folio, 54 col- London, 1842. ored plates, $126 00. IFrank lin, (B.) Autobiography, with a Nar--- (R.) Observations on the Mental State rative of his Public Life and Services. By of the Deaf and Dumb. 12mo paper, 75 cts. Rev. H. Weld; with numerous Designs, by J Salisbury, 1843. G. Chapman. 8vo. cloth, $3 50. P o w n e, (G.) Elementary Chemistry, Theo- New York, 1648. retical and Practical. Edited, with Additions, Complete Works; with Life, by Jared by Robert Bridges. Numerous Illustrations. Sparks. 10 vols. 8vo. cloth, $20 00. Boston. 12mo. sheep, $1 50. Philadelphia. 1847. Pranks, (A. W.) A Book of Ornamental Rudimentary Chemistry, for the Use of Glazing Quarries, collected and Arranged from Beginners; to which is added an Essay on the Ancient Examples. Colored plates, 8vo. $4 00 Application of Chemistry to Agriculture. London, 1849. 82mo. 25 cents. Philadelphia, 1848. Fre em an, (E. A.) History of Architecture. Fox, (John.) Acts and monuments of matters Plate. 8vo. cloth, $4 25. London, 1849. most special and memorable, happening in the F r e m o n t, (Col. J. C.) Expedition to Oregon. Church, with an universal historie of the same, 8vo. 75 cents. Syracuse, wherein is set forth the bloody times, horrible - Tour through the Rocky Mountains, Calitroubles, and great persecutions against the fornia, and Oregon. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. true martyrs of Christ, as well by heathen Em- Buffalo. perors asnow lately practised by Romish Pre- Fre n ch, (B. F.) Historical Collections of late, especially in this Realme of England and Louisiana; embracing many rare and valuable Scotland. A new edition, with Preliminary Documents, relating to the Natural, Civil, and Dissertation, by Rev. G. Townsend; edited by Political History of that State. Compiled with Rev. S. R. Cattley. 8 vols. 8vo. cloth, $23 00. Historical and Biographical Notes. Svo. cloth, Philadelphia. $1 50. New York, 1846. Book of Martyrs. 8vo. sheep, $2 00. F r e s e n i u s, (Dr. G. Remigius.) Instruction Philadelphia. in Chemical Analysis (Qualitative;) with a - (Right Hon. Charles James.) Speeches Preface by Prof. Liebig. Edited by J. Lloyd in the House of Commons. Portrait. Royal Bullock. 2d edition, 8vo. cloth, $2 75. 8vo. cloth, $5 75. London, 1848. London. 1846, (Jos.) On the Teeth. 4to. cloth, $7 50. The Same. Aerican edition. $100. New York. Quantitative Analysis. 8vo. cloth, $4 00O a n d H ar ris on the Teeth. 8vo. New Methods of Alkalimetry, and of sheep, $5 00. Philadelphia. Determining the Commercial Value of Acids Fr a n c a is Peints Par Eux-Memes (les) En- and Manganese. $1 00. cyclopedie morale de la France au XIX. s Frey, (J. S. C. F.) Hebrew Grammar, with cle, par toutes les sommites litteraires de a Vocabulary. 8vo. cloth, $1 50. l'epoque; dessins par MM. Gavarni, Grandville, Fr i en dsa hip' s Offering and WinTony Johannot, etc. 8 vols. grand in 8vo.-il- terss Wreath. A Christmas and New Year's lustrees, gravures coloriees, $24 00. Present. 12mo. cloth, gilt edges, $1 12. Paris, 1841. Londoni Foreign and Amerzcan Books. 49 Friends in Council. Part I. Post Fuller, (A.) Works. Edited by Joseph Svo. cloth, $1 75. Pickering, Lond. 1847. Belcher. 3 vols. Svo. sheep, $7 50. The Same. Part II. Foolscap Svo. cloth, $2 50. Philadelphia. London, 1849. (S. M.) Papers on Literature and Art. F rithiof' s Saga. A Legend of Norway, 12mo. cloth, $1 25. New York. by Esaias Tegner. Translated from the Swe- Summer on the Lakes in 1843. 12mo dish, by George Stephens, with Life of the Au- cloth, 75 cents. Boston. thor, &c. 8vo. silk, portrait and plates, $3 50. (Col.) Views in the Himalaya. London, lS39. F ullerton, (Col.) Views in the Him alaya. roissart, (Sir John.) Chronicles of En, 1839. folio, plates, $7 75. London. Fr o i s s a r t, (Sir John.) Chronicles of England, France, Spain, and the adjoining Coun- F urnivall, (Dr. J.J.) Diagnosis, Preventries. 2 vols. royal Svo. cloth, illustrated with tion, and Treatment of Diseases of the Heart, wood-cuts, $7 50. London, 1544. and of Aneurism; with Observations on Illuminations. Illustrations of Froissart, Rheumatism. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. selected from MSS. in the BriLish -Museum, and London, 1845. the Bibliotheque du Roi; comprising 75 fine Plus eli, (Hen.) Lectures on Painting. 4to. plates, printed in colors and gold, being exact cloth. 1st and 2d series, $9 00. Londan. fac-similes of the originals. 2 vols. royal Svo. - -r cloth~~ sides $O. o. 4 1ab o u r d, (A.) Histoire de Napoleon Bohtsides,.18 00. Lond. 1544-5. -naparte. cr. 8vo. cloth, gilt, gilt edges, plates, Ballads of England, France, and Spain. $1 75. Tours, 1845. Svo. cloth, $4 00. Frome, (Capt.) Outline of the Method of e r t n e r's Works; consisting of Plans conducting a Trigonometrical Survey. En- Elevations, and Sections of the Public Build. gravcings and wood-cuts. So cloth, e3 75y. ings erected by this celebrated Architect in gravings and wood-cuts. Svo. cloth,,$3 75. Londlon. Bavaria. Large folio, numerous plates, $25 50. Fr o u d e, (J. A.) The Nemesis of Faith. Gairdner, (W.) Essay on Mineral and post Svo. cloth, $2 00. London. 1849. Thermal Springs. 12mo. cloth, $2 50. Frost, (J.) History of the United States., Edinburg. 400 illustrations, Svo. sheep, -$6 00. Essay on the Effects of Iodine. 8vo. Philadelphia. cloth, $1 25. London. Fry, (Rev. J.) New Translation and Exposi- (WV. T.) Contributions to the Pathology tion of the very Ancient Book of Job; with of the Kidneys. 24 engravings, 8vo. sewed, Notes. Svo. cloth, $2 50. London, 1827. 75 cenlts. London, 1849. (C.) An Autobiography and Letteers2. (C.) An Autobiogrphy and Lettes. Gail habau d. Ancient and Modern Archi12mo. cloth, $1 00. Philadelphia, 1849. tecture; consisting of Views, Plans, Elevations, -- (Elizabeth.) Memoirs of the Life of; Sectios,,, and Details of the most remarkable with Extracts from her Letters and Journals. Edifices in the World; giving examples of the Edited by two of her daughters 2 vols. Svo. Hindoo, Egyptian, Persian, Grecian, Roman, cloth, $3 50. Philadelphia, 147-S. Italian, Byzantine, Gothic, and Modern Styles. Fuerbach, (,A. R. Von.) Narratives of 3 vols. 4to. steel plates, $60 00. Lond. Remarkable Criminal Trials. Translated by Galbraith, (G.) Cotton-Spinner's ComLady Duff Gordon. 12mno. cloth, 50 cents. New York, 1846. I~panion. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. London. Fuller, (Thomas.) The History of the Holy Gallaudet, (Rev. T. H.) Class-Book of War. 121no. cloth, $1 63. Londlon, 1S40. Natural Theology for Common Schools and Memorials of the Life and Works of Rev. Acadeiiies. 18mo. bds. 50 cents. A. T. Russell. 12mo. cloth, portr;it. $1 50. Hartford, 1837. London, 1844. Gallery of Pictures by the First Mas (Thomas, D. D.) The Church History ters of English and Foreign Schools; nith of Britain, from tile Birth of Jesuls Clhrist to Biographical Notices, by Allan Cunnillgh:am. the year 16-18. New edition, by Nichols. 02 vols. royal Svo half mor. gilt tops fild back Plates, 3 vols. Svo. cloth, $6 50. 371 lates, $12 00. Louldoll, 1836. London, 1843. Galle r y of P o rtraits; with Memoirs. History of Cambridge andl Walthaln By E. Lodge. S vols. small Svo. half mor. gilt Abbey, and Defence of Church History against edges, $14 00. London. Dr. Heylye. rNew edition. Plates,.Svo ~3 25. London, 840. Galli, (C.) Essai sur le nom et la Langue isoyf ondon, 184g. des Anciens Celtes. cr. Svo. paper, $1 50. ------- The History of the Wrorthies of England.inte Etienne 1843. New edition, edited by Dr. Nuttall. 3 vols. 8vo. $6 50. London, 1840. G all, (.. J.) System of Phrenology. 12mo. Holy and Profane State; with Notes by cloth, gl 00. Philadelphia, 1S35. Nicholls. Plates, Svo cloth, $'2 25. Works. 6 vols., 12mo. cloth, $4 80. London, 1847. Boston. The Same. 8vo. calf, extra, $3 00. G all and, (A.) Les Mille et une Nuits (Rev. Andrew.) Complete Works; with contes Arabes; avec un Dissertation par M. Le a Memoir of his Life, by his Son. 1 large vol. B]aron Sylvestre de Sacy. 3 vols. royal 8vo. impl. 8vo. new edition, portrait, extra cloth, numerous wood-cuts, $9 00. bds. $7 50. Paris, 1840. 4t 50 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Gall a tin, (A.) The Right of the United Ga r n ier, (J.) Elements'de l'Economie PoStates of America to the North-Eastern Boun- litique expose des Notions Fundamentales de dary claimed by them; principally extracted cette Science. 12mo. paper, $3 50. from the statements laid before the King of Paris, 1848. the Netherlands. 8vo. bds. illustrated with 8 et Guillaumin Annuaire de l'Economie maps, $1 25. Politique et de la Statistique pour 1849. 12mo. New York, 1840. broche. Gallier, (J.) American Builder's Price Gas c, (M.) Le Livre des Peres de Famille Book and Estimator. 8vo. cloth, 50 cents. et des Instituteurs ou de 1'Education Publique, New York. au 19th Siecle. 12mo. paper, $1 00. alloway and Herbert. History Paris, 1843. and Progress of the Steam Engine.; to which Gaskin, (T.) Selections of the Trigois added an extensive Appendix, containing nometrical Problems proposed at St. John's minute descriptions of all the various improved College, Cambridge, from 1829 to 1845. Svo Boilers, with upwards of 200 Engravings. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. cloth, $5 00. London. cloth, $5 00. London. -Gatty, (A.) Origin, History, and Uses of Galloway, (T.) Treatise on Probability. the Bell. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. London. Cr. Svo. cloth, $1 75. Edinburgh. Gau, (F. C.) Antiquities de la Nubie, ou Galt, (Dr.) Treatment of Insanity. 8vo. Monuments inedits des bords du Nil. Folio, 63 cloth, $1 50. New York. planches. $36 00. Paris, 1821-7. *-~ — Practical Medicine, illustrated by Cases. Gau din, (T.) Traite complet de PhotoSvo. sheep, $2 50. Philadelphia. graphie. Expose complet des procedes rela--- (John.) The Provost and other Tales. tifs du Daguerreotype. 8vo. paper, $1 25. 1 2mo. cloth, frontispiece, $1 50. Paris, 1845. Edinburgh, 1842.G authi er's Le Plus Beaux Edifices de la Life of Cardinal Wolsey. 12mo. portrait, Ville de Genes et des Environs. 2 vols. folio. SS cents. London, 1846. 200 plates. $63 00. 1826-30. Gia m e o f N a tural H istory. A ------ (Theophile.) Mademoiselle de Maupin. 12mo. broche', $1 00. Paris, 1845. Series of Cards carefully drawn and colored, l2mo. broche, $1 00. representing the most important and interest- Nouvelles. 12mo. broch-, $1 00. ing of the Animal Creation; with Questions- Paris, 1845. in a case. 50 cents. - Voyage en Espagne. 12mo. broche, I1 00. Paris, 1845. Ga m e r G r e t h e l; or, German Popular Fairy Tales. Translated by E. Taylor, and G avard. Interior Views of the Palace ot illustrations by Cruikshank. $1 25. Versailles. Thirty plates. Folio, Coth, $12 50. London, 1848. Gav a rni. (Euvres choisies de, Revues, CorG ar sti n, (Major-General John;.) Treatise rigdes et nouvellement Classees par l'auteur. on Rivers and Torrents; with an Essay on Avec des Notices en tete de chaque serie, par Navigable Canals. 4to. cloth, plates, $4 50. M.M. Theophile Gautier and Laurent Jan. Gar dner, (D. P.) Medical Chemistry, for 4 vols. in 2, small folio, half mor. gilt tops, GaaChemistry, foar $14 00. Paris, 1846. the use of Students and the Profession; being a Manual of the Science, with its Application G e d d e s, (W.) Clinical Illustrations of Disto Toxicology, Physiology, Therapeutics, Hy- eases of India. 8vo. cloth, $4 75. London. giene, &c. Post 8vo. bound,,$1 50. Geiger, (F.C.) History of the Swedes. Philadelphia, 1849. Translated from the Swedish, by J. H. Turner, - Farmer's Dictionary; a Vocabulary of Esq. Svo. cloth, $2 25. London. the Technical Terms recently introduced into Gell et Ga n d y. Vues des Ruines de Agriculture and Horticulture, from various Sciences; and also a Compendium of Practical clitectes. 1 vol. gr. in 4 de 125 pl. sur papier Farming; with numerous illustrations. 12mo. vlin, gravyes, par Roux aine, avec texte hissheep, $1 75. New York, 1846. torique et descriptif. Prix: 150 fr. reduit a New Medical Dictionary. 8vo. sheep, $12 50. $2 50. New York. - Pompeiana; or, the Topography, Edi(E. W.) Elementary Principles deduced fices, and Ornaments of Pompeii, Original into Rules of Practice, for the Calculation of all Series, containing the Result of the Excavakinds of Railway Work. Plates.. Royal 8vo. tions previous to 1819, best edition, with up$3 00. wards of 100 beautiful line engravings by An Easy Introduction to Railway Men- Goodall, Cooke, Heath, Pye, &c. 2 vols. imp. suration. Illustrated by Drawings from Orig- 8vo cloth, $15 00. London,1824. inal Works, that have been carried out upon Gel 1, (Sir William.) Topography of Rome various English Railway Lines. Royal 8vo. and its Vicinity. An improved edition, com$4 50. plete in 2 vols. 8vo. with map and several G a r d en e r' s Monthly Volumes, viz. 1. The plates, cloth, lettered, $6 50. 1840-40. Potato. 2. The Cucumber and the Gooseber- G o e t h e. Correspondence with a Child. 2 vols. ry. 3 and 4. The Grape Vine.:, 5. The Au- 12mo. bds. $1 80. New York. ricular and Asparagus. 6 andit. The Pine -- Reinecke Fuchs, mit Zeichnungen ven Apple. 8. The Strawberry. To"gether 8 vols. W. Kaulbach. 4to. cloth, 72 plates, $12 50. 12mo. cloth, $4 00. London, 1847. Miinchen, 1847. Foreign and American Books. 51 Geldart's Halifax. Analysis of the Gibbs, (G.) Memoirs of the Administration Civil Law, in which a Comparison is occasion- of Washington and John Adams. Edited from ally made between the Roman Laws and those the Papers of Oliver Wolcott, Secretary to the of England. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. Treasury. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Cambridge, 1836. $4 50. New York, 1849. Gems of Art; a Collection of Thirty-six Engravings, after the most celebrated Paint- Gibbon, (E.) History of the Decline and ings by Rembrandt, Cuyp, Sir Joshua Rey- Fall of the Roman Empire. 4 vols. 8vo. sheep, ings by Rembrandt, Cuyp, Sir Joshua Rey-York. nolds, Poussin, Murillo, Teniers, Corregio, Van- $5 00. dervelde, Gainsborough, Northcote, &c., exe- The Sarms.'Royal 8vo. cloth, $5 50. cuted in mezzotint, by Reynolds, Turner, Brom- London, 1840. ley, &c. Folio, proof impressions, in a portfo- The Same. Edited, with Notes, &c.,by Rev. H. lio, lettered, $9 50. London. The Same. Eded, ith otes, &cby Rev.. H. Millman. 6 vols. 8vo. calf extra, $28 00. G ems of European Art. Edited by London, 1846. Mrs. S. C. Hall. 2 vols. 4to. cloth, $30 00ondon. The Same. 8 vols. Svo. tree marbled calf, $25. London, 1848. Gems of Epistolary Correspondence; selected from the best English Authors, Gib b o n s, (B.) On the Ventilation of Mines. from the time of Sir Philip Sidney to the pres- 8vo. cloth, $1 25. London. ent day. By R. A. Willmot. Post 8vo. cloth, Gibney, (J.) Treatise on the Properties $1 00; published at 7s. id. London, 1846. and Medical Application of the Vapor Bath. Geometry without Axioms; or, 8vo. bds. $2 25. London, 1829. the Book of Euclid's Elements; with altera- G i b s on, (W.) Surgery. 2 vols. Svo. sheep. tions and familiar notes. 8vo. cloth, 75 cents. $7 00. Philadelphia. G e o r g i an E r a; or, Modern British Biog- (R.) Surveying. 8vo. sheep, $1 25. raphy; comprising Memoris of the most Emi- Baltimore. nent Persons who have flourished in Great Britain, from the Accession of George the Gidde, (W.) Book of Sundry Draughts for First to the Demise of George the Fourth. 4. Glaziers, and not impertinent for Plasterers and vols. small 8vo. portraits on steel; cloth, ele- Gardeners. Edited by Shaw. 8vo. bds. 117 gantly gilt, $4 75. 1832. plates. 85 00. London, 1848. Ge o r g e I V. Diary, illustrative of the Life G i e s s e n. Outlines of Qualitative Analysis. and Times of George IV.; interspersed with By Henry Will; with a Preface by Baron LieOriginal Letters from the late Queen Caroline, big. Svo. cloth, $1 63. London, 1846. and from various other Distinguished Persons. Eras4o.o oct 5 G i ffo r a, (I.) Marine Botanist. An IntroPortraits. 4 vols.post vocloth. 3 7. duction to the Study of Algology; containing London,. descriptions of the commonest British Sea-weeds G eo r ge II. Memoirs of the Reign of; from and the best method of preserving them, with his succession to the Death of Queen Caroline. accurate drawings of some of the most remarkBy John Lord Hervey. Edited, from the Origi- able species, and some of the most beautiful nal MSS., by the Right Hon. J. W. Croker. 2 in colors. 12mo. cloth,.1 50. vols. 12mo. cloth, $.3 00. Philadelphia, 1812. Bath, 1849. G e r be r, (Fr.) Elements of the General and Gil bar t, (J. W.) The History and PrinciMinute Anatomy of Man and the Mamma- ples of Banking. Third edition, 8vo. bds. lia; with Notes and Appendix, by G. Gulliver. $2 75. London. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $7 00. London, 1842. G il be r t, (H.) Pulmonary Consumption, its Ge r s tae c her, (J.) Wanderings and For- Prevention and Cure established on new views tunes of some German Emigrants. 12mo. of the Pathology of the Disease. Svo. cloth, cloth, 75 cts. New York, 1848. O2 00. London, 1842. Gerey's Monumental Tablets. 12mo. $3 25. -__ (j.) Stained Glass of Canterbury CatheGe r v i n u s, (G. G.) Geschichte der Poeti- dral, and Fragments towards the History of schen National-Literatur der Deutschen. 5 Stained Glass and the Sister Arts of the Midvols. 8vo. paper, $19 00. Leipsig, 1838-44. Ile Ages 4to. bds. 10 plates, $1 50. G es e ni us' Hebrew Grammar, by Roediger. -- Modern Atlas of tile Earth-; with an In8vo. $2 00. New York, troduction to Physical and Historical Geogra-- Hebrew Grammar and English Lexicon, phy, and a copious consulting Index of 45,000 by Professor Robinson. 8ro. cloth, $6 0. places. By Robert Mudie. 4to. cloth, I; Boston. maps, colored, $7 00. London, 1S44. Ge s se r t, (Dr. M. A.) Art of Paintin on Gil B 1 a s. Translated by Smollett. Pictorial Glass, or Glass Staining; comprising the Mode Edition, illustrated by upwards of 500 beautiof preparing the Pigments and Fluxes; their fill wood Engravings, aftor the celebrated demanipulation, and the process for burning the signs of Gigoux. 2 vols. royal Svo. extra cloth, Colors in; with description of Furnace and bds. $7 00. London. Apparatus used for the same. 4to. boards, Gil B las, ith illustrations by George Cruik$1 50. shank. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, i2 50. Lond. G e t t y, (J. A.) Art of Rhetoric; or, the Ele- Lnd. ments of Oratory. 12mo. cloth. $1 00. 1 vol. 12mo. cloth,$1 50. Philadelphia, 1849. The Same. mor. $3 00. Lond. 52 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Gill, (C.) Application of the Angular Anal- Glad s t on e, (Hon. W. E.) TheState in its ysis to the Solution of Indeterminate Problems Relation with the Church. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, of the Second Degree. Post 8vo. cloth, $2 25. $3 50. London, 1841. New York. Glasgow Infant School Maga-------- (John, D. D.) Complete Body of Doc- zine. 18mo. cloth, $1 00. London, 1844. trinal and Practical Divinity; a System of Practical Mechanic; containing numerEvangelical Truths, deduced from Sacred ous illustrations. 6 vols. small folio, cloth, Scriptures. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $5 00. $15 00. London, 1839. A very useful and valuable book to all MeGilchrist. English and Hindostanee Dic- chanics and Engineers. tionary; with a Grammatical Introduction. G 1 a d w i n' s Elevation of Stephenson's Pa4to. cloth, $9 75. London, 1825. tent Locomotive Engine. Columbier size, G i l i e s, (J.) History of Ancient Greece; 3s. 6d., printed on hard paper, for coloring. its Colonies and Conquests from the earliest Glascock, (W. N.) Naval Officer's Manuaccounts, including the History of Literature, al. Post 8vo. cloth, $6 50. London. Philosophy, and the Fine Arts. 8 volsvo. Glass-Painting. An Inquiry into the cloth, $'10 00. London. Difference of Style observable in Ancient (Rev. J.) Historical Collections relating Glass-Painting, with Hints on Glass-Painting. to Remarkable Periods of the Success of the By an Amateur. Colored plates. 2 vols. $7 60. Gospel. Royal 8vo. cloth, *2. London, 184.5. Oxford, 1847. G il m an. (C.) VersesofaLifetime 12mo. Glei g, (Rev. G. R.) Memoirs of the Life of cloth, 87 cents. Boston, 1849. Right Hon. Warren Hastings. Portrait. 3 vols. - (Mrs.) The Sibyl; or, New Oracles from 8vo. cloth, $6 00. (Scarce.) London, 1841. the Poets; a Fanciful Diversion for the Draw- Lives of the Most Eminent British Miliing-Room. 12mo. cloth, extra gilt,,91 50 tarv Commanders. 3 vols. foolscap 8vo. cloth, New York, 1849. $5 50. London. G ill es p i e, (W. M.) Manual of the Princi- Glen d ennin g, (R.) Hints on the Culture ples and Practice of Road-Making; comprising of the Pineapple. 12mo. cloth, $1 50. the Location, Construction, and Improvement London of Roads, (common, Mac Adam, paved, plank, Gl i d o n, (G. K.) Otia,Egyptiaca. Discourses &c.) and Railroads. 8vo. cloth; with Supple- on Egyptian Archaology And Hierogliphical ment, $1 50. New York, 1848. Discoveries. 8vo. cloth, $2 25. London, 1849. Gilpin, (W. S.) Practical Hints upon Land- Glimpses of the Wonderful. An scape Gardening, with some Remarks upon Entertaining Account of Curiosities of Nature Domestic Architecture. Roy. Svo. cloth, $1 75. and Art. 1 st, 2d, and 3d Series. Square 16mo. London, 1835. cloth, eacll 75 cents. New York, 1846. ~ —— (W.) Works, viz.: Highlands of Scotland, 2 vols. Lakes of Cumberland, 2 vols. Glossary of Terms used in BLritObservations on the Western Part of England, ishHeraldry. 8vo. cloth, $5 00. London. 1 vol. Southern Tour, 1 vol. River Vye, 1 of Architecture. Several hunvol. Essays on Picturesque Subjects, 1 vol.; dred wood-cuts. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, $14 50. together, 8 vols. 8vo. bds. colored plates, $12 00. London, 1848. London, 1808. The Same. Abridged. $2 25. G i l r a y' s Caricatures, complete in one large Go d m a n, (J. D.) Natural History. 8vo. cloth, folio volume, handsomely half bound in mor.;3 00. Philadelphia. gilt, and gilt edges, $50 00. London, 1849. gilt, and gilt ed~es, $50 00. dwondon, 19(W.) Lives of the Necromancers. Gilroy, (C. G.) On Weaving. Svo. cloth, 12mo. cloth, 65 cents. New York. $5 00. New York. Goethe. Faust Translated by Lewis FiIGi r a r d on the Teeth of the Horse. By Gauly. more. Faust. clo 75 cents. Lewis Filmore. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. London, 1847. 12mo. colored plates, $1 37. London. Giradi n, (E. de.) Le Droit au Travail au The Same. Part the Second. Translated into Luxembourg et a l'Assemblee Nationale. 2 Englishbverse. lmo.cloth, $l 00. vols. 12mo. paper, $1 50. Paris, 1849. Pickering, London, 1842. (Madame de.) Poeie Completes. Werther. Traduit et precede d'une pre12mo. paper, $1 00. face par Pierre Leroux et accompagne d'un ------ Lettres Parisiennes. Travail Litteraire, par George Sand. Imperial - Lettres Parennes. 12mSvo. paper. Illustrated with ten beautiful enParis. gravings by Tony Johannot. $2 75. - (S. M.) Cours de Littbrature Drama- Paris, 1845. tique. 12mo. paper, $1 00. Paris. Le Faust de, Traduction Revue et comGiraud, (J. P.) Birds of Long Island. 8vo. plete, prec6diee d'un Essai sur Goithe, par M. cloth, $2 00. New York. Henri Blaze. Imperial Svo. paper. Illustr~e G i u 1 ani, (N.) Introduction au Code d'Har- par M. Tony Johannot. $3 25. Paris, 1847. monie Pratique et Thborique, ou Nouveau Sys- - Affinitgs Electives. Traduction nouvelle, teme de bassefondamentale. 8vo. sewed, <2 00. par Madame de Carlowitz. 12mo. broch6, Paris, 1847. $1 00. Paris, 1844. Glad s ton e, (Hon. W. E.) Church Princi- - Wilhelm Meister. Translated by Thos. ples considered in their Results. 8vo. cloth, Carlyle. 3 vols. post 8vo. cloth, $5 50. $1 75. London, 1840. London Foreign and American Books. 53 G o e t h e. Conversations with Eckerman. G o o d w i n' s Domestic Architecture; a SeTranslated by S. M. Fuller. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. ries of New Designs for Mansions, Villas, RecBoston. tory-Houses, Parsonage-Houses; Bailiffs', GarEssays on Art. Translated by S. G. deners', Gamekeepers', and Park-Gate Lodges; Ward. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. Boston. Cottages, and other Residences, in the Grecian, Egmont. Translated. 12mo. bds. 38 cts. Italian, and Old English style of Architecture; Boston. with Estimates; new edition, with twelve supplementary plates, plain. 2 vols. royal 4to. - Theory of Colors. Translated by East- ninety-six plates, cloth, $15 00. Lond. 1845. lake. 8vo. bds. $3 50. London, 1840. Faust. Translated by Heyward. 12mo. Expositions on part of the Epistle to the cloth, $1 00. New York. Ephesians, and on the Book of Revelations. 8vo. cloth, $3 00. London, 1842. ~ -- and Schiller's Correspondence. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. New York. -- (John.) Redemption Redeemed; a Dis-, Select M~inor Poems. Translated. 12mo. cussion of the great questions of Election, Rep-loth, Select Minor Poems.sTrans. l2mo. robation, and the Perseverance of the Saints. cloth, $utobiographG1 00. Bostodn. 2 New edition. Svo. $2 00. London, 1840. Autobiography; by Parke Godwin. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $2 25. New York, 1846-7. Collection of Problems and Examples, Goldfinch, (J.) Builder's Concomitant; adapted to the Elementary Course of MatheGoldfinch, (J.) Builder's Concomitant; matics. Svo. l 0. containing Tables of Superficial and Cubic Measure. 12mo. cloth, $1 50. - (Rev. H.) An Elementary Course of G ol d s m i t h, (Oliver.) The Life and Adven-Mathematics. Svo. cloth, $4 50. tures of; a Biography, in Four Books, by John Gordon, (Thomas.) History of the Greek Foster. Illustrated. Svo. cloth gilt, $6 00. Revolution, and of the Wars and Campaigns London, 1848. arising from the Struggle of the Greek Patriots The Life of; from a variety of Original in emancipating their country from the TurkSources. By James Prior. Portrait. 2 vols. ish yoke. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. $2 75. 8vo. cloth, $3 50. London, 1839. London, 1842. - Life of. By Washington Irving. Illus- --- Economy of the Marine Steam Engine. trated with numerous engravings. Royal Svo. Svo. cloth, plates, $3 25. London. cloth, $3 50; cloth gilt, $4 00; morocco, $5 00. Gore, (J.) Evolutions of Field Battery. The Same. 12mo. cloth, (uniform with Wash- lr2no. cloth, $1 00. London. ington Irving's Works,) $1 25. New York, 1849. G ort on, (J.) Biographical Dictionary. 3 Miscellaneous Works; with Life and vols. 8vo. cloth, $12 50. London. Miscellaneous Works; with Life and Notes. Illustrated from Designs by Stothard Go ss e, (P. H.) Birds of Jamaica. 12mo. and Cruikshank. 4 vols. 12mo. cloth, $4 00. cloth, $2 75. London, 1845. - Natural History-Birds. Foolscap 8vo. Poetical Works. Illustrated from De- cloth, $1 25. London 1849. signs by the Etching Club. Square 8vo. cloth, $2 75. New York. —. Popular British Ornithology; containing Vicar of Wakefield. Illustrated from a familiar and technical Description of the Designs by Mulready. 12rno. cloth gilt, $1 0Q; Birds of the British Isles. Colored plates, plain cloth, 50 cents. New York, 1849. square 12mo. cloth, $2 75. London, 1849. Letters fiom a Citizen of the World to Gostick, (J.) The Spirit of German Poetry. his Friends in the East. Square 12mo. cloth, Royal 8vo. paper, $1 25. London, 1845. $1 00. London, 1840. Gouin and Chatelier. Experiments -: History of the Earth and Animated Na- on the Locomotive Engine. 4to. cloth, $2 12. ture. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $8 00. London. London. The Same. $4 00. Philadelphia G r ac e L eslie; a Tale. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Golovine, (Ivan.) L'Europe Revolution- New York, 1848. naire. 12mo. paper, 81 00. Paris, 1849. Graham, (G. F.) An Essay on the Theory Golow ni n, (Capt.) Memoirs of a Captivi- and Practice of Musical Composition. 4to. ty in Japan in 1811, 1812, and 1813. 8 vols. cloth, $2 75. Edinburgh. Svo. cloth, $2 75. Gr a h a m e, (James.) History of the United Go od, (J. M.) Study of Medicine. By Coop- States of North America. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, er. 4 vols. Svo. cloth, $19 00. London. portrait, $5 00. Philadelphia, 1848. The Same. 2 vols. 8vo. sheep, $5 00. N. York. --- (J. J.) The Cold Water System, an Es--- The Book of Nature; with a Sketch of say exhibiting the real merits, &c. 8vo. cloth, the Author's Life. Complete in 1 vol. 8vo. $2 25. London, 1843. sheep, $1 25. Hartford, 1847. Modern Domestic Medicine. 8vo. cloth, Goodman, (Dr. G.) Court of King James 75 London. the First; in a series of Letters-now first (T.) Elements of Chemistry, 8vo. cloth, published from the Original MSS. 2 vols. $2 60. Philadelphia. 8vo. cloth, port, $3 50. London, 1839. --- (S.) Lectures on Human Life. 2 vols. G o o d w i n, (Thos.) Child of Light walking 8vo. cloth, $3 00. Boston. in Darkness. 12mo. cloth, 63 cents. Grant, (B. E.) Outlines of Comparative London, 1840. Anatomy. Svo. cloth, $7 50. London. 54 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue oJ Grant, (A.) History oftheNestorians. 12mo. Gray, (W.) Historical Sketch of the Origin cloth, $1 00. New York. of English Prose Literature, and Its Progress Grant ham, (John.) Iron as a Material for till the Reign of James I. 8vo. cloth, $1 00. Ship-Building. 8vo. cloth, 5 plates, $1 75. Oxford, 1885. (James.) The Earth's Antiquity in G ran vi lle, (A. B.) On Counter-Irritation, Harmony with the Miosaic Record of Creation. &c. 8vo. $1 50. Philadelphia. 12mo. cloth, $1 50. London, 1849. Grattan's Speeches; to which are - (Peter.) Tables and Formulae for the added his Letter on the Union, and a Memoir. Computation of Life Contingencies. 8vo. cloth, One thick vol 8vo. portrait, cloth, $1 75. $4 50. London, 1849. London, 1847. - Supplement to the Pharmacopceia, by (H.) Memoirs of the Life and Times of Theophilus Redwood. Second edition, thick Hon. H. Grattan, by his Son. 5 vols. 8vo. cloth, 8vo. cloth, $7 00. London, 1848. portrait, $6 50. London, 1849. G r a y d o n, (A.) Memoirs of his own Time; G r a v e s, (Dean.) Whole Works of; includ- with Reminiscences of the Men and Events of ing his Lectures on the Pentateuch, Essay on the Revolution. Edited by John Stockton the Apostles and Evangelists: with a Memoir Little. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. of his Life and Writings, by his son, Richard Philadelphia, 1846. H. Graves. Portrait, 4 vols. Svo. cloth, $9 00. G r e a t B r i t a i n. The Atlantic Steam Ship London, 1840. of 3,500 Tons, constructed of Iron, with Engines --- (R. J.) Clinical Lectures on the Prac- of 1000 to 2000 Horse-power, and the Screw tice of Medicine. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $7 25. Propeller. 25 engravings, folio, $5 00. London. London. G r a v i e r e, (E. J. de la.) Guerres Maritimes Greave's Essays for Sabbath Reading. sous la Republique et L'Empire. 2 vols. 12mo. 12mo. cloth, $1 50. 1840. paper, $2 00. Paris, 1847. G re e k Ec cle s ia s t i c al H is t o ri a n s. Gray and Percy's Key to the Old Eusebius. Ecclesiastical History to the 324th Testament and Apocrypha. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. Year of the Christian Era; a new translation, London, 1842. with Life of Eusebius, &c. Svo. cloth, $2 25. Gray, (S. F.) Operative Chemist. 2 vols. London, 1842. Svo. $5 00. Philadelphia. Theodoret. A History of the Church, in - (Mrs. H.) History of Etruria. Parts Five Books, from A. D. 322 to 427, with Me1 and 2, post 8vo. cloth, extra, each $2 50. oir of the Author, &c. 8vo. cloth, $2 53. Tour to the Sepulchres of Etruria in of the Church, in 1839. Post Svo. cloth, $6 50. London. Seven Books, from the Accession of Constantine (A.) Elements of Chemistry; containing to A. D. 445, translated from the Greek, with the Principles of the Science. Illustrated with Life of the Author, &c. 8vo. cloth, $2 25. Engravings. 12mo. sheep, 75 cents. London, 1844. New York-, 1849. Eusebius Pamuphilus. The Life of the ----- Genera of the Plants of the United Emperor Constantine, in Four Books. A new States. Illustrated by Figures and Analyses translation. 8vo. cloth, $2 25. Lond. 1845. from Nature, by Isaac Sprague. 2 vols. royal Sozomen. A History of the Church, in 8vo. cloth, 186 plates, $12 N Yok Nine Books, from A. D. 324 to A. D. 440. A N. Yor. 1849. new translation, with Life of the Author. 8vo. The Same. Vol. 2, royal Svo. cloth, 86 plates, cloth, $2 25. London, 1846. $6 00. Boston, 1849. Evagrius. A History of the Church, in -— ~ Hand-Book of Botany. Plates. 12mo. Six Books, from A. D. 431 to A. D. 594. A cloth, $1 75. New York. new translation, with Life of the Author. 8vo, ------ Manual of Botany of the Northern United cloth, $2 25. London, 1846. States. Plates, 12mo. cloth, $2 00. The Same. Complete set. 6 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1847. calf, extra, $21 50. -- -(M. E.) Figures of Molluscous Animals. Green, (J. H.) Vital Dynamics. Svo. cloth, Etched, for the use of Students. Vol. 1, 8vo. $1 63. London, 1840. 88 plates, $3 75. London, 1842. - Mental Dynamics, or Groundwork of a --- (Thomas.) Poetical Works, English and Professional Education. 8vo. cloth, $1 13. Latin; with Introductory Stanzas, by Rev. J. L. Lndon, 1817. Moultrie, and a Life, by Rev. J. Mitford. I- (J.) On the Skin. Cloth, $1 25. lustrated, 8vo. cloth, $3 50. Philadelphia London, 1847. London, 1847. - (H.) Treatise on Diseases of the AirThe Satme. Mor. extra, $6 00. Passages; comprising an Inquiry into the HisThe Aldine edition, 5 vols. foolscap, 8vo. tory, Causes, and Treatment of those Affections mor. $12 00. Pickering, London, 1841. of the Throat called Bronchitis, Chronic Laryn- Elegy in a Country Churchyard. Illus- gitis, Clergyman's Sore Throat, &c. 8vo. coltrated by the Etching Club. Proofs on India ored plates, $3 00. New York, 1S46. Paper. Colombier 8vo. mor. extra, $20 00. Observations on the Pathology of Croup, The Same. Illuminated in the Missal style, by with Remarks on its Treatment by Topical Owen Jones. Imp. 8vo. elegantly bound in Medications. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. patent relievo leather, $9 50. London. New York, 1849 Foreign and American Books. 55 Gre e ne, (R.) Dramatic Works; with Life, by Gri e s e I i c h, (Dr.) Manuel pour Servir A. Dyce. 2 vols. post 8vo. cloth, $6 50. a l'btude Critique de la Medecine HomceoLondon. pathique. Ttaduit par Schlesinger-Rahier. Greener, (William.) The Science of Gun- 12n"o. brocha, $1 50. Paris, 1S49. nery, as applied to the Use and Construction Griffin, (J. J.) Chemical Recreations. A of Fire-Arms. Plates, 8vo. cloth, $2 50. Popular Compendium of Experimental ChemLondon, 1841. istry. 16mo. cloth, $2 00. The Gun; or, a Treatise on the Various - (W. N.) Treatise on the Motion of a Descriptions of Small Arms. Svo. with illus- Rigid Body. Svo. cloth, $1 75. trations, bds. $4 50. London. Griffith, (F. A.) Artillerist's Manual. Greenhill's Exposition of the Prophet 18mno. cloth, $2 12. London. Ezekiel, with a brief Notice of the Author; one large vol. impl. 8vo. extra cloth, bds.?6 50. (T.) Chemistry of the Four Seasons. 1839. 12mo. cloth, wood-cuts, $3 00. Gree n how, (R.) History of Oregon and London,1846. California. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. New York. (R. E.) Medical Botany; or, DescripG re e nle a f, (S.) Examination of the Testi- tions of the more important Plants used il mrony of the Evangelists. 8vo. cloth, T3 75. Medicine, with their History, Properties, and Boston. Mode of Administration. 8vo. sheep, 300. illustrations, 83 50. Philadelphia, 1847. Gr e e n w o o, (F. W. P.) Sermons of Consolation. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Boston, 1847. - -- Natural System of Architecture. 4to. Sermons on Various Subjects. 2 vols. cloth, $3 25. London. 12mo. cloth, A2 50. Boston. Proportions of Greek Architecture. 4to. cloth, $2 25. London. Lives of the Twelve Apostles; with a cloth, $2 25. Life of John the Baptist. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. (Thomas.) Leading Idea of Christianity. Boston, 1846. 12mo. cloth, $1 12. London, 1838. (Col. G.) The Tree-Lifter; or, a New Grimboldt, (P.) Letters of William III. Method of Transplanting Forest-Trees 8vo. and Louis XIV., and of their Ministers. Illus$2 00. London. trating the Domestic and Foreign Policy during G r e c i a n O r n a m e n t s. A Series of the Period which followed the Revolution of Examples of Grecian Ornaments. 21 plates, 1658. Extrcted from the Archives of France finely engraved from drawings. Royal folio, and England, and from Family Papers. 2 vols. $4 50. London. 8vo. $9 00. London. G r e g o r y, (.) Mathematics for Practical G r i mm' s Tales from Eastern Land. TransMen; being a Common-place Book of Pure lated from the German, with fur colored illusand Mixed Mathematics. Revised and enlarged trations. Square, cloth, gilt, 75 cents. by Henry Law. 8vo. half mor. neat, $6 00. London, 184S. Gris wold, (R.) Prose Writers and LiteraMathematics for Practical Men. $1 75. ture of America. Royal Svo. cloth, portraits, Philadelphia. 63 75. Philadelphia (Dr. G.) Elements of the Theory and Female Poets of America. Svo. mor. Practice of Medicine. Designed for the Use gilt, $4 50. Cloth, gilt, $3 00. Philadelphia. of Students and Junior Practitioners. 8vo. cloth, $Poets and Poetry.of America. cvo. cloth, cloth, $5 00. London, 1839. )Cnpcugilt, $3 50. Cloth, $3 00. Philadelphia. ----- (J.) Conspectus Medicinae Theoreticae; or, a View of the Theory of Medicine. Trans- Poets and Poetry of England. Cloth, lated from the original Latin. 12mo. cloth, extra, $3 50. Cloth, $3 00. Philadelphia. $1 87. Edinburgh, 1844. Grohmann. Series of Views of Garden --- (D.F.) Examples of the Processes of Houses, Temples, &c. 4to. cloth, 37 plates, the Differential and Integral Calculus. Second $6 50. London. Edition. 8vo. cloth, $5 00. London. G r os e, (F.) Glossary of Provincial and --- (W.) Outlines of Chemistry, for the Use Local Words used in England, with Suppleof Students. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, illustrated ment, by Samuel Pegge. Cr. 8vo. cloth, $1 25. with wood-cuts, $3 25. London, 1846. London, 1839. ----- Treatise of Mechanics. 2 vols. 8vo. 45 Gross, (S. D.) Elements of Pathological large plates, $12 50. London. Anatomy. Illustrated by colored engravings G re y, (Geo.) Journals of Discovery in Aus- and wood-cuts. Royal 8vo. sheep, $5 00. tralia, 1837-39. 2 vols. 8vo. plates, $11 00. Philadelphia, 1849. London. __ General Anatomy. 8vo. sheep, $3 00. G rev ille, (R. K.) Algoe Britannice; or, a Philadelphia, 1828. Description of the Marine and other Articulated On Wounds of the Intestines. Cloth, Plants of the British Islands. 8vo. cloth, $12 50 $2 00. Philadelphia. Edinburgh, 1830. G r i e r's Mechanical Calculator. 12mo. cloth, Grote, (George.) The History of Greece. $2 75. London. Vols. 1 to 6, $3 00 each. London, 1846-49. --- Pocket Dictionary. 12mo. cloth, 200 Grotius de Veritate Religionis cuts, $2 75. Christianme. 12mo. bds. $1 00. Boston. 560 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Grouvelle et Jaunez, (MM.) Guide Gurney, (J.J.) A Winter in the West In. du Chauffeur et du Proprietaires de Machines dies, described in Familiar Letters to Henry a Vapeur. Svo. paper, with atlas and plates, Clay of Kentucky. 18mo. cloth, $1 25. $3 00. Paris, 1840. London, 1841. Gruner, (L.) Decorations of the Pavillion Gurwood, (Lieut. Col.) General Orders at Buckingham Palace. Folio cloth, S9 50. of the Duke of Wellington in Portugal, Spain, Colored plates. $31 50. London. and France, firom 1809 to 1814, in the Low Countries and France in 1815, and in France, Fresco Decorations and Stuccoes of the A o O f S Ar1my o f Occupation, from 1S16 to 1SIS. Svo. Churches and Palaces in Italy, during the bds. O a3 T5. London. 15th and 16th Centuries; with English Descriptions. 45 plates, folio, plain and colored. Gutch, (J. W.G.) The Literary and ScienLondon, 1845. tific Register and Almanac for 1849. 32mo. tuck. $1 00. London, 1549. G u e n o n, (M. F.) A Treatise on Milch Cows, 00. London, whereby the Quality and Quantity 4o Milk G u t hrie, (W.) Universal Geo graphv. 2 which any Cow will give may be determined. vols. 8vo. and atlas, $8 00. Phila. 1821. Translated from the French, by N. P. Trist. (G. J.) Lectures on Operative Surgery 8vo. cloth, 63 cents. New York. of the Eye. 8vo. cloth, $7 50. London. G u e r in. Manuel de l'Histoire des Conciles, Guy, (W. A.) Principles of Medical Jurispruou Trait6 Theologique, Critique, Historique, dence. 8vo. sheep, $3 00. New York. Analytique, et Chronologique des Conciles et Guyot, (Prof.) The Earth and Man. Lecdes Synodes, depuis le Concile de Jerusalem, tures on Comparative Physical Geography, in par les Apotres, jusqu'aux derniers Synodes its Relation to theistory of Manlind. Transtenus de nosjuors. 8vo. $2 50. late by Felto. o. plates, $ 5 Paris, 1846. lated by Felton. 12mo. plates,:t 25. Paris, 146. 30ston, l<49. Boston, 1549.. Guesses at Truth, by Two Brotllers. Gwilt's Encvclopredia of Architecture. Up1st and 2d Series. 12mo. cloth, $3 75.'wards of 1000 wood-cuts, thick Svo. 815 75. London, 1547. London. G u e s t, (R.) Treatise on Spinning Machinery. Notitia Italiana or, Notices of the most 8vo. cloth, $2 25. London. remarkable Buildings in Italy. bvo.;3 75.. Guicciardini, (F.) The Maxims of. London. Translated by Emma Martin, with Notes and Rudiments of Architecture 17 plates, Parallel Passages from the Works of Machia- of the orders, with their parts and proportions. velli, Lord Bacon, Pascal, Roclhefoucault, Mon- 8vo. cloth, $3 75. London. tesquieu, Burke, Talleyrand, M. Guizot, &c., and Elelents of Architectural Criticism, for a Sketch of the Life of Guicciardini. Square the Use of Students, Amateurs, and Reviewfoolscap, 8vo. with portrait, bds. $2 25. Bound ers. Svo. cloth, tl 50. London. in morocco, $4 50. London. in morocco, $4 50. London. Sciographvy; or, Examples of Shadows. Guide to Northern Archmeology. 24 plates, $3 25. London. For the Use of English Readers, by the Earl -__ Treatise on the Equilibrium of Arches. of Ellesmere. Royal Svo. cloth, $2 25. Svo. plates, $1 50. London. London, 184S. Lo ndn, - 1848. (Josh.) Rudiments of a Grammar of the G u i z o t. History of the English Revolution Anglo-Saxon Tongue. n vo. cloth,.81 76. of 1640. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. New York. London, 1829. History of Ctvilization. 4 vols. 12mo. Haber s h on's Half-timbered Houses. 4to. cloth,;3 50. New York. cloth, numerous plates, $15 00. London Histoire de la Civilization en France. Hackle, (Palmer.) Hints on Angling; witl - vols. 12mo. brochS, $4 00. Paris, 1847: Suggestions for Angling Excursions in France and Belgium. Svo. cloth, $1 25. --- Civilization en Europe. 12mo. $1 00. London, 1546. Paris, 1848. H a c k le y, (C. W.) Elements of Geometry. Essais sur l'Histoire de France. 12mo. 12mo. sheep, 75 cents. New York. $1 00. Paris, 1847. Treatise on Algebra. 8vo. sheep, $1 50. -- Iilstoire de la Civilization en France. 5 New York. vols. 12mo. paper, $2 50. Elements of Trigonometry. 8vo. sheep, Bruxelles, 1S39. $1 25. New York. Gulliver's Travels into severalRemote Had dock, (J. W.) Somnolism and PsycheNations of the World. By Jonathan Swift; ism; otherwise, Vital Magnetism or Mesinerwith a Life of the Author. Embellished with i, nsilere Plysiologically ant Philosonumerous engravings, by first-rate artists. 8vo. phically. Foolscap Svo. 37 cents. cloth, $1 50. London, 1848. London, 1849. Gull y, (J. M.) On Water-Cure in Chronic H a dfie ld, (Jarmes.) The Ecclesiastical, Diseases. Post 8vo. cloth, $2 12. Castellated, and Domestic Architecture of Diseases. Post 8vo. cloth, $2 12. London. England, from thle Norman Conquest to the 16th Century. Illustratelt by the best existing Gum m e r e's Astronomy. 8vo.sheep,3 00. examples, with P'lans, Elevations, Sections, Philadelphia. Details, and Exttrior and Interior Views, from G u n t h e r, (F. H.) New Manual of Homcao a Series of original measured drawings. Folio, pathic Veterinary Medicine, 8vo $3 00. cloth, f1l5 00. London, 1848. Foreign and American Books. 57 Haghe's Sketches in Belgium, Holland, &c. HIall, (Mrs. S.C.) The Book of British Bal2 vols. folio, of Exterior and Interior Views, lads. 2 vols. 4to. cloth, fancy binding. Protinted, each $25 00. London. fusely illustrated with exquisite engravings on H a h n H a h n, (Ida, Countess.) Adventures wood, by the first artists, $11 00. and Travels in Turkey. Egypt, and the Holyondon,1847. Land. 3 vols. cr. 8vo. cloth, $3 00. Loend. - (Mr. and Mrs. S. C.) Ireland, its Scenery, Character, Manners, &c. 3 vols. royal 8vo. H a h n e m a n, (Sam.) Organon of Homceo- cloth, illustrated with wood-cuts and plates, pathic Medicine. 8vo. cloth, $1 25. o19 i0. London, 1841-43. New York. 19 00. London, -~ —- On Chronic Diseases and ilomceopathic. - (Mrs. S. C.) Sketches of Irish Character. - On Chronic Diseases and Homceopathi Treatment. 5 vols. 8vo. cloth, $7 00. Royal Svo. cloth, gilt, 5 engravings by Maclise, New Yorlk. and numerous wood-cuts, $3 25. Loend. 1849. Hakewill, (Jas.) Picturesque Tour in ~ (Bp.) The Whole Works of; with some Italy, from drawings by Turner, and beautiful Account of his Life and Sufferings, by himself. outlines of the chief Museums of Sculpture and A new edition, revised and corrected. 12 vols. Painting. 4to. cloth, $12 50. London. 8vo. cloth, $28 00. London, 1837. - An Attempt to Determine the Exact. Contemplations on the Principal Passages Character of Elizabethan Architecture. Svo. of the Old and New Testaments. 6 vols. post cloth, 8 plates, $1 25. London. Svo. calf, extra, $6 00. London, 1836. RHakluyt Society's (The) Publications. The Same. Complete, Svo. $2 25. Lond. 1842. 8vo. cloth. Yearly Subscription, $7 50. Works - (Rev. Robert.) The whole Works of; already published: Raleigh's Discovery of the with Life by Gregory. 6 vols. 8vo. cloth, $10 00. Empire of Guiana. Sir Francis Drake-his London, 1843. Voyage, 1595. The Observations of Sir Richard Hawkins. The Select Letters of Christo-olscap, 8vo. cloth, 7 00. pher Columbus. 1847-8. Hale, (H.) The Ethnography and Philology Miscellaneous Works, with Life by of the UTnited States Exploring Expedition; Gregory, &c. Post 8vo. cloth, 88 cents. Loend. containing the Languages of the Pacific Islands (Captain Basil.) Patchwork; a new and the Western Coast of America generally. Series of Fragments of Voyages and Travels. Ioperial 4to. cloth, $10 00. Second edition, 12mo. handsomely printed, Philadelphia, 1S46. extra cloth. with the back very richly and ap(Mrs. C. V. R. M.) Saturday Evenings, propriately gilt with patchwork devices, $2 25. a Series of Moral and Religious Essays. 12mo. Moxon, 1842. cloth, 75 cents. New York, 1845. H all am, (H.) Works Complete, viz: HisHalf Hours with tile Best Authors; select- tory of Literature of Europe, 3 vols. History ed and arranged with Biographical and Critical of the Middle Ages, with Supplemental VolNotices, by Charles Knight. 4 vols. 12mo. $4 00. ume of Notes, 3 vols., and Constitutional HisNew York. tory of England, 2 vols., together, 8 vols. Svo. Halfpenny, (Jos.) Gothic Ornaments of calf, gilt marbled leaves, $40 00. the Cathedral Church of York. 4to. cloth, London,1846. $31 50. London. -- Historical Works. 4 vols. 8vo. sheep, Hall, (Rev. A.) Treatise on the Faith and 7 00. New York, 1847. Influence of the Gospel; with Introductory H a 11 e c k, (Fitzgreen) Poems. Cr. 8vo. Essay, by Thomas Chalmers. 12mo. cloth, cloth, beautifully printed and illustrated with post, $1 00. Glasgow, 1831. engravings on steel, mor. gilt, $6 00; cloth, ---- (James.) The Palceontology of New gilt, $4 00. New York, 1848. York. Vol. I. 4to. cloth, 100 plates, $6 00. Elements of Military Art and Science. New York, 1848. Plates, 12mo. cloth, $1 25. New York. - Wilderness and the War-Path. 12mo. H a ll ey, (R.) Inquiry into the Nature of the cloth, 60 cents. New York, 1849. Symbolic Institutions of the Christian Religion --- (Mrs. James.) Phantasia, and other usually called the Sacraments. 8vo. cloth, Poems. 8vo. plates, $1 50. Cloth, gilt, $2 00. $4 00. London, 1844. New York. Halliwell, (J. 0.) Dictionary of Archaic --- (John.) Select and Original Modern De- and Provincial Words. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, signs for Dwelling-Houses, for the Use of Car- $12 50. London, 1846. penters and Builders. 4to. cloth, 24 plates, The Nursery Rhymes of England. 4th $2 50. Baltimore, 1848. edition, with illustrations. 12mo. bds. $1 50. ---- (Rev. T. G.) A Treatise on the Differ- London, 1848. ential and Integral Calculus, and the Calculus Colla-tion of Letters Ilustrative of the of Variation. 8vo. cloth, $3 60. London. Progress of Science in England from the Reign - - (S. F.) Land-Owner's Manual. 8vo. of Elizabeth to that of Charles II. 75 cents. cloth, $2 00. Buffalo. London, 1841. --- ((Marshall.) The Principles of Diagnosis - Letters of the Kings of England; now with Notes, by John A. Sweet. 8vo. sheep, first collected from the originals. 2 vols. post $2 00. New York, 1839. 8vo. cloth, $3 75, London, 184S, 58 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of H alsted, (Caroline A.) Life and Timesof H annay, (James.) King Dobbs. Sketches Richard the Third, as Duke of Gloucester and in Ultra-Marine. 12mo. cloth, $2 00. King of England; in which all the Charges London, 1849. against him are Carefully Investigated and Hannett, (J.) Bibliopegia; or, the Art of Compared with the Statements of Cotemporary Book-Binding in all its branches. 12mo. cloth, Authorities. With an original portrait and $1 75. London, 1843. other illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $9 00. H a n s a r d's Pocket Peerage for 1S45. London. 12mo. cloth, i1 50. LocdcrL The Same. American edition, 8vo. cloth, $1 50. (T. C.) Treatise on Printing d Typ Philadelphia, 1844. Founding. Post 8vo. cloth, $1 75. London. H a m ilton, (Jos.) A Treatise on the Culti-, vation of the Pineapple. 12mo. cloth, $1 50 (G. A.) Book of Archery; being the London. Complete History and Practice of the Art, interspersed with numerous Anecdotes; form(W.) A Hand-Book or Concise Diction- ing a complete Manual for the Bowman. 8vo. ary of Terms used in the Arts and Sciences. cloth, engravings on steel, $3 25. 12mo. bds. $2 50. London, 1825. London, 1840. (Count A.) Fairy Tales and Romances. H a p p y H o m e, (The.) Affectionately InPortrait, 12mo. cloth, 88 cents. scribed to the Working People, by the Author London, 1849. of " Life in Earnest." 32mo. cloth, 75 cents. (W. J.) Researches in Asia Minor, London, 1848. Pontus, and Armenia; with some Account of H arcourt, (Rev. Vernon) The Doctrine their Antiquities and Geology. 2 vols. 8vo. of the Deluge. 2 vols. 8vo. $3 50. cloth, $3 00. London, 1842. London, 1838. Vases. Collection of Engravings from Hare, (Julius Charles.) The Duty of the Ancient Vases, mostly of pure Greek Work- Church in Times of Trial. 8vo. bds. $1 50. manship, now in the possession of Sir William London, 181S. Hamilton, with letter-press in English and Sermons Preached in Herstmonceux French: 3 vols. super-royal folio, containing Church. Vol. II. 3 50. London, 1849. upwards of 200 fine large engravings, capitally Guesses at Truth. 2 vols. executed in outline by Tischbein, Director of 2mo(C. cloth, 3 0. the Academy of Painting in Naples; stiff 12mo. cloth, London, 1847. covers, with lettered backs, $12 50. 1791. Harding, (G. D.) Lithographic DrawingBook. sm. folio, $3 25. London. a m m o n d, (H, D. D.) A Paraphrase and Annotations on all the Books of the New Tes- - Sketches of Park and Forest Scenery. tament. 4 vols. 8vo. cloth, $9 00. Royal folio, 26 plates in the tinted style, $15 75 London, 1845. London. (J. D.) Political History of New York. Lessons on Art. Royal folio, cloth. 3 vols. 8vo. sheep, $6 00. New York. plates, $7 50. London, 1849. Hampd en, (R. D.) Sermons Preached be- Principle and Practice of Art. 4to. cloth, fore the University of Oxford. 8vo. bds. $3 50. plates, 18 00. London, 1848. Elementary Art. Folio, cloth, plates, H an d, (The) Phrenologically Considered; $12 50. London, 1849. being a Glimpse at the Relation of the Mind H a rdw i c k, (Lord Chancellor.) The Life with the Organization of the Body. 12mo. of; v-:th selections from his Correspondence, cloth, plates. $1 25. London, 1848. Diary, Speeches, &c. By G. Harris. 3 vols. Hand-Book of Angling. By Ephe- Svo. cloth, $6 00. London, 1847. mera. 12mo. cloth, wood-cuts, $2 75. Hardy and Me Clintock, (Drs.) London, 1848. Practical Observations on Midwifery and the Hand-Book for Young Artists Diseases incident to the Puerperal State. Svo. and Amateurs in Oil Painting; with a new cloth, $3 25. Dublin, 1848. Explanatory and Critical Vocabulary. 12mo. Harlan, (R.) Medical and Physical Recloth, $1 25. New York, 1>48. searches. Cloth, $5 00. Phila. 1835. Hand-Book for London. Past and Harness, (Rev. W.) Parochial Sermons. Present. By Peter Cunningham. 2 thick 8vo. cloth, $1 50. London, 1838. vols. 12mo. cloth, 86 50. London, Pl49. IH a r r is, (Chapin A.) Dissertation on the Hand-Book of Water-Colors. A Diseases of the Maxillary Sinus. Svo. cloth, Brief Treatise on their Qualities and Effects $1 5'). Philadelphia, 1843. when Employed in Painting. 12no. 37 cents. - (W. S.) On the Nature of Thunder London, 1849. storms, and on the means of Protecting BuildH ann (J.) Theoretical and Practical Me- ings and Shipping against the Destructive chanics. Designed principally for practical Effects of Lightning. bvo. clothi, $3 25. men. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. London. London, 18S3. - Short Treatise on the Steam Engine; - (G.) Life of Lord Chancellor Hardwicke, adapted to the Use of Schools, in which are with Selections from his Correspondence, given Practical Rules for the Use of Engineers. Diaries, Speeches, and Judgments. 3 vols. 8vo. 12mo. cloth, $1. London, 1849. cloth, portrait, $6 00. London, 1847. Hanham, (F.) Natural Illustrations of - (John.) The Pre-Adamite Earth; ConBritish Grasses. Folio, cloth, $18 00. tributions to Theological Science. 12mo. cloth, London. 88 cents. Boston, 1849 Foreign and American Books. 59 H a r r i s, (C. A.) The Principles and Practice H as tin gs, (John.) Lectures on Yellow Feof Dental Surgery; with 156 illustrations. 3d ver, its Causes, Pathology, and Treatment. 8vo edition, royal 8vo. cloth, $4 00. cloth, 50 cents. Philadelphia, 1848. New York, 1848. H a sw ell, (C. W.) Engineer and Mechanic's ------ (W. C.) Wild Sports of Southern Africa. Pocket-Book; containing United States and Royal 8vo. cloth, beautifully colored, plates, Foreign Weights and Measures; Mensuration $12 50. London, 1841. of Surfaces and Solids, Steam, and the Steam - (T. W.) Treatise on the Insects of New Engine. 12mo. $1 25. New York. England. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. H a t c h e r, (W. H.) An Account of the ElecCambridge. tric Telegraph now in use for Railway and (Sir W. S.) Rudimentary Electricity. other purposes. 12mo. wood-cuts, 25 cents. Illustrated with wood-cuts, 12mno. cloth, 25 London. cents. London, 1849. Hatfield, (R. G.) The American HouseOn the Nature of Thunder-Storms, and Carpenter; a Treatise upon Architecture, toon the Means of Protecting Buildings and gether with the most Important Principles of Shipping against the Destructive Effects of Practical Geometry. Illustrated bymdre than Lightning. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. London. 300 engravings. Svo..$2 50. New York. H a r ris o n, (John.) On the Nervous System. Hattersley, (John.) First Course of 8vo. sheep, $2 00. Philadelphia. Mathematics. 8;o. cloth, $3 25. London. arry Lorrequer. 12phladep H aviland, (James.) Tables of Specific H a r r y L oer r e q u e r. 12 plates. By Gravities of all Substances. Svo. cloth, $1 50. Lever. 8vo. cloth, $1 25. Philadelphia. London. Ha rt. Essay on Spenser's Faery Queen. 8vo. - The Improved Portable Measurer; concloth, $3 00. New York. taining New Sets of Tables for Solid and Su- (J.) Practical Treatise on the Construc- perficial Measurement, &c. Long, narrow size, tion of Oblique Arches, 8vo. cloth, $3 00. suited for the Pocket, bound, 75 cents. Lond. London. a w e i s, (J. O. W.) Sketches of the Refor(J. C.) Romance of Yachting; Voyage mation and Elizabethan Age, taken from the the First. $1 00. New York, 1848. Contemporary Pulpit. 12mo. cloth, $1 75....- (Rev. Richard.) Ecclesiastical Records London, 144. of England, Ireland, and Scotland, from the Ha wks, (Rev. F. L.) Monuments of Central Fifth Century till the Reformation. 8vo. and Western America; with Comparative cloth, $2 25. Cambridge, 1846. Notices of those in Egypt, India, and Assyria. 8vo. cloth, with illustrations. H a r t 1 e y, (R. M.) Essay on Milk as an -- Egypt and its Monuments, as illustrative Article of Human Sustenance. 12mo. cloth, of Scripture History. 8vo. cloth, illustrated $1 00. New York, 1842. with engravings Hartshorn's Clinical Surgery. 12mo. New York, 1849. sheep, $1 50. Philadelphia. Ha wker. Instructions to Young Sportsmen H art man, (F.) Homeopathic Remedies, in all that Relates to Guns and Shooting. Svo. translated by A. H. Okie. 12mo. cloth, $1 75. plates and wood-cuts, $6 50. London, 1844. Philadelphia. The Same. To which is added the Hunting and Acute Diseases. Translated by C. J. Shooting of North America, with Descriptions IHempel. 2 vols. 1-2mo. cloth, $i2 00. of the Animals and Birds. By W. T. Porter. New York. 8vo. red cloth gilt, plates, $2 75. Philadelphia, 1846. H arvey, (W. H.) Neresis Australis; or, I- a w k e r, (Dr.) Spiritual Reflections on the lustrations of the Algem of the Southern Ocean. Chapters of Holy Scripture. 2 vols. 12mo. To be completed in 4 parts. Part 1, published, $1 00. London, 1845. $5 00. London. H a w k e s w o r t h, (John.) Account of the - Phycologia Britannica; or, History of Voyages undertaken by the Order of his Presthe British Sea-Weeds; containing colored ent Majesty, for making Discoveries in the figures, Generic and Specific Characters, Syno- Southern Hemisphere, and successively pernymes, and Descriptions of all the Species of formed by Com. Byron, Capts. Wallis, Carteret, Algae inhabiting the shores of the British Is- and Cook. 3 vols. 4to. full Russia, $10 00. land(s. (Now publishing in parts; to be com- London. 1783. pleted in sixty parts.) Plain, 75 cents each; H a w k i n s' Treatise on the Teeth of Wheels. colored, $1 50 each. London. 8vo. cloth, 18 plates, $3 75. London. Haskell, (A\I. D.) Assistant Engineer's Hawthorne, (N.) Twice Told Tales. 2 Railway Guide in Boring, Stumping, and vols. 12mo. cloth, $2 25. Boston, 1845. Striking out Centre Lines and Curves, setting Hay, (Sir A. L.) Castellated Architecture out Slopes and Foundations of Works, Work- of Aberdeenshire. Royal 4to. with 37 lithoing Sections and Land Plans, &c. &c. 60 wood- graphic illustrations, cloth, $12 75. cuts and 3 plates. 2 vols. 8vo. $11 00. Edinburgh, 184g. London, 1846-48. (D. R.) Original Geometrical Diaper ---- Clerk of the Works; or, Young Archi- Designs, for the Use of Decorative Painters, tect's Guide. 12mo. $1 50. London, 1848. Calico Printers, &c. 4 parts, folio, $4 00. H ask ell a n d S m it h' s Gazetteer of the --- Proportion; or, the Geometric Principle United States. 8vo. sheep, $3 00. of Beauty Analyzed. 4to. cloth, 17 plates, New York, 1846. $6 75. Edinburgh, 1843 60 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of H a y, (D. R.) A Nomenclature of Colors, Hues, H e a r n, (G. W.) Researches on Curves of the Tints, and Shades, applied to the Arts and Second Order; also on Cones and Spherical Natural Sciences. 8vo. 40 colored plates, $6 50. Conics, treated Analytically. 8vo. $1 50. Edinburgh, 1845. London, 1846. Laws of Harmonious Coloring, adapted He ather, (J. F.) Treatise on Mathematical to Interior Decoration, with Observations on Instruments. Illustrations, 25 cents. (Weale's the Practice of House Painting. $2 00. Series.) London, 1849. The Principles of Beauty in Coloring H eat: its Sources, Influence, and Results. Systemized. 8vo. $6 50. Square cloth gilt, plates, $1 00. Lond. 1841. First Principles of Symmetrical Beauty. H e be r, (R.) Narrative of a Journey through 12mo. plates, $2 00. the Upper Provinces of India in 1824-25. 2 - ---- The Natural Principle and Analogy of vols. 12mo. calf, neat, $5 00. London, 1S44. the Harmony of Form. 4to. $6 00. H ebert, (J.) Engineer's and Mechanic's On the Science of those Proportions by Encyclopaedia. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $9 00. which the Human Head and Countenance, as London. represented in Works of Ancient Greek Art, e c k e r, (J.. C.) The Epidemics of the are distinguished from those of Ordinary Na- Middle Ages. Svo. cloth, $1 00. Phila. 1837. ture. 4to. cloth, 26 plates, $11 00. Edinburgh, 1849. H e d g e, (F. H.) Prose Writers of Germany. H a y do n, (B. R.) Lectures on Painting and Royal 8vo. cloth, portraits, $3 50; cloth, exDesign. 2 vols. Svo. cloth, $7 50. 1844-46. tra, $4 00; mor. gilt, $5 50. Phila. 1848. Haydn. (Joseph) Dictionary of Dates and Heeren' s Historical Works. viz.: African Universal Reference, relating to all Ages and Nations. Asiatic Nations. European States Nations. 8vo. calf, gilt, tm. e. $6 00. and Colonies. Ancient Greece and Historical London, 1847. Treatises. Ancient History. 7 vols. Svo. calf, Hayter, (C.) Introduction to Perspective, extra, $32 50. London. Practical Geometry, Drawing, and Painting. He ideloff, (C.) Collection of ArchitecSvo. cloth, $4 50. London, 1844. tural Ornaments of the Middle Ages in the A New Practical Treatise on the Three B]yzantine and Gothic Styles. 4to. 128 plates, Primitive Colors. 8o. $2 75. London. $24 00. Nuremburg, 1844-46. olos.8vo2ondn:He 1i c o n ia; comprising a Selection of EngH a z 1 i t t, (W.) Characters of Shakspeare's Heicoia; comprising a Selection of EnPlays. 12mo. clotht 50(cents. N. YS 18s16e lish Poetry of the Elizabethan Age; written Plays. h.Co. 2mo. cloth, 54. or published between 1575 and 1604. Edited English Comic Writers..2mo. cloth, by J. Park. 3 vols. 4to half Russia, top edge 50 cents. New York, 1948. gilt, $25 00. London, 1815. English Poets. 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. H e m a n s, (Mrs.) Complete Poetical Works. New York, 1845. Reprinted entire from the last London Edition. ------- Dramatic Iistory of the Age of Eliza- Edited by her Sister. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, beth. 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. N. Y. 1845. $3 50. New York, 1847. The Spirit of the Age. 12mo. cloth, 50 The Same. Bound in morocco, gilt edges, $5 00. cents. New York. H e m m i n g, (G. W.) Treatise on the Differ--- The Life of Napoleon Buonaparte. 3 ential and Integral Calculus. 8vo. cloth, $2 75. vols. 12mo. cloth, $3 00. Phila. 1848. London. - Miscellanies. 5 vols. 12mo. cloth, $5 00. Hemp el, (C. J.) Homceopathic Domestic half mor. $7 00. Philadelphia. Physician. 1Smo. cloth, 50 cents. N. York. Head, (Sir E.) A Hand-Book of the History -- Organon of Homceopathic Medicine. Svo. of the Spanish and French Schools of Painting, cloth, $1 25. New York. intended as a Sequel to Kugler's Hand-Book. I end e r son, (W.) Inquiry into the Ho12mo. cloth, $3 25. London. mceopathic Practice. $1 5). New York. ------ (Sir G.) Tour of Many Days in Rome. Henderson and Forbes on Homrneo8 vols. 8vo. cloth, $10 00. London, 1849. pathic Practice. $1 00. New York. (Francis B.) Stokers and Pokers on the Hendric, (R., Jr.) Encyclopaedia of the London and North-Western Railway, the Elec- Fine Arts in the Tenth and Eleventh Centuries. tric Telegraph and the Halfway Clearing- Translated from the MS. of the Monk TheophiHouse. 12mo. paper, 75 cents. Lond. 1849. lus, with Notes. 8vo. cloth, $4 75. H e a d l e y, (J. T.) The Life of Oliver Crom- London, 1843. well. Thick l2mo. portrait. New York, 1848. Henry, (Matthew.) Commentary on the The Adirondack; or, Life in the Woods. Bible. Bickersteth's Edition, in 6 vols. 4to. 12mo. cloth, 8 illustrations, $1 25. new edition, printed on fine paper, $28 00. New York, 1849. London, 1846. Headlong Hall and Nightmare The Same. 6 vols. 4to. strongly bound in purlie Abbey-Evenings with the Old Story-Tellers. calf, grained and lettered, $38 00. Together, in 1 vol. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. (Capt. W. S.) Campaign Sketches of New York, 1845. War with Mexico. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. E ea d, (G.) Complete and Most Improved New York. System of Setting Out Railway Curves. 4to. ~ Chemistry. Edited by Dr. Hare. 2 vols. paper, wood-cuts, $1 00. London. 8vo. sheep, $5 00. Philadelphia. H earn, (E. M.) "The Man of Sin." 12mo. (Rev. C. S.) Epitome of Philosophy. 2 cloth, 87 cents. London, 1844. vols. 18mo. cloth, 90 cents. New York. Foreign and American Books. 61 Hen ry, (Paul.) The Life and Times of John e r s c h e 1l, (Sir J. F. W.) Manual of ScienCalvin, the great Reformer. Translated from tific Enquiry, prepared for the Use of Her the German, by Henry Stebbing. 2 vols. Svo. Majesty's Navy, and adapted for Travellers in cloth, $7 00. Lond6n, 1849. general. Post 8vo. wood-cuts, &c. $3 25. H e n s h a 11, (J.) A Practical Treatise on the London, 1849. Cultivation of Orchidaceous Plants; with Re- --- A Preliminary Discourse on the Study marks on their Geographical Distribution. Svo. of Natural Philosophy. New edition, foolscap, cloth,.3 50. London. Svo. cloth, $1 75. London. H e n s h a w, (Dr. J.) Meditations, Miscella- 12mo. cloth, 60 cents. New York. neous, Holy and Humane. 12mo. cloth, 50 Observations at the Cape of Good Hope, cents. Oxford, 1841. 1834-38. 4to. bds. $25 00. Lond. 1848. Hen slow, (Rev. J.S.) The Principles of Hervey, (Thos. K.) Book of Christmas; deDescriptive and Physiological Botany. 12mo. scriptive of the Customs, Ceremonies,'rradicloth, $1 75. London. tions, Superstitions, Fun, Feeling, and FestiviHenfrey, (A.) Outlines of Structural and ties of the Christmas Season. 12mo. cloth, 63 Physiological Botany. 12mo. cloth, $2 75. cents; cloth, gilt edges, $1 00. London. New York, 1848. Herberden, (Win.) On Cure of Diseases. Hetherington, (Rev. W. M.) The HisSvo. sheep, $t 50. Philadelphia. tory of Rome. 12mo. cloth, $1 37. Her be r t, (G.) Works in Prose and Verse. Edinburgh, 1839. 2 vols. Svo. mor. gilt, $13 00. Lond. 1846. He g h, (H.) Notices of the State of ReliThe Temple. Sacred Poems and Private gion in Geneva and Belgium. $1 25. Glasgow, 1844. Ejaculations, with the Country Parson. 18mo. Glasgow, 1844. cloth, neat, 75 cents. London, 1849. H e u r t I y, (Charles A.) Bampton Lectures, delivered at Oxford. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. The Poems and Remains of; with his Life. delivered at Oxford. o cloth, $2 0. by Walton, &c. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $3 00. Oxford, 1846. Mor. extra, $5 50. London, Pickering, 1842. Heustis on Diseases of Louisiana. 12mo. (L.) The Engineer's and Mechanic's cloth, 50 cents. New York. Encyclopaedia; comprehending Practical Illus- Hewitt, (Rev. O.) Problems and Theories trations of the Machinery and Processes em- in Plane Trigonometry. 8vo. $1 75. ployed in every Description of Manufacture of Hewitson, (W. C.) Illustrations of the the British Empire; with upwards of 2000 Eggs, &c. of British Birds. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, engravings. New edition, with considerable colored plates, $27 00. London. additions and improvements. 2 vols. 8vo. Hickok, (L. P.) Rational Psychology; or, cloth, $9 00. London, 1849. the Subjective Idea and the Objective Law of Herepath, (J.) Mathematical Physics; all Intelligence. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. or, the Mathematical Principles of Natural Auburn, 1848. Philosophy; with a Development of the Causes Hi e r onymus, (St.) Opera omnia, post of Heat, Gaseous Electricity, Gravitation, and monachorum S. Mauri, sed potissimum Joannis other great Phenomena of Nature. 2 vols. 8vo. Martinei reconsionem quibusdam ineditis monwith Tables and Diagrams, $9 00. umentis aliisque lucubrationibus aucta, notis London, 1847. et observationibus illustrata, studio et labore H e r d e r' s Spirit of Hebrew Poetry. 2 vols. Valarsii et Maffaeii. 11 vols. in 9, royal 8vo. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. Burlington. $16 50. Paris, 18456. H ering, (G.E.) Mountains and Lakes of HIiggins, (W.M.) The Book of Geology-; Switzerland. 4to. cloth, plates, $6 50. Lond. being an Elementary Treatise on that Science, Hermann's Manual of the Political An- &c. 12mo. cloth, $1 75. London. tiquities of Greece, Historically Considered. The House Painter, or Decorator's ComTranslated from the German. 8vo. extra cloth, panion; being a complete Treatise on the $3 00. Oxford, Talboys, 1836. Origin of Color, Laws of Harmonious Coloring, H e r o do tus. A New and Literal Version. Manufacture of Pigments, Oils, and Varnishes, From the Text of Baehr, with a Geographical and the Art of House Painting, Graining, and and General Index, by Henry Carey. 12mo. Marbling. Plates, 4to. cloth, $9 00. cloth, portrait, $1 50. London, 1848. London, 1841. H e r r i c k, (R.) Hesperides-his Works, both Hildreth, (R.) History of the United Humane and Divine. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, por- States, from the Discovery of the Continent to Humane and Divine. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, por- Government under the trait, $3 50; morocco, gilt edges, t$8 00. the Organization of Government under the cLondon, 1c54,6. Federal Constitution. 3 vols. royal Svo. cloth, e r s c h e 1, (Sir John.) Outlines of As- top edge gilt, $6 00. New York, 1849. Herschel, (Sir John.) Outlines of Astronomy; comprising a View of the Actual H ill, (W.) An Essay on the Theory and State of Knowledge in the Departments of Practice of Setting out Railway Curves. 8vo. Astronomy, both Descriptive and Physical; an plates and cuts, 50 cents. London. Elementary Exposition of its Principles, and a H i 1 1 y a r d. Practical Farming and Grazing. Rational Elucidation on the Theory of Gravity, Post Svo. cloth, $3 50. London. of the Chief Lunar and Planetary Perturba- H-ind's Farrierv. 12mo. sheep, $1 00. tions. 8vo. with steel plates, cr. 8vo. cloth, $5 50. Philadelphia. London, 1849. Hind, (J.) The Elements of Algebra; de---- American edition, 12mo. cloth, $1 75. signed for the Use of Students in the UniverPhiladelphia. I sity. Fifth edition, 8vo. $3 60. London. 62 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Hind, (Rev. S.) The Three Temples of the IHIobbes, (Thomas of, Malmesbury.) EnOne God contrasted. 8vo. bds. $1 7.. glish Works of. Now first collected, by Sir London, 1846. William Molesworth. 16 vols. 8vo. cloth, $560 00. Ei n d o s t a n; its Landscapes, Palaces, Tem- London. pies, Tombs, the Shores of the Red Sea, and Ho b 1 yn, (R. D.) A Dictionary of Scientific the Scenery of the Himalaya Mountains. 11- Terms. 12mo. cloth, $3 00. Lond. 1849. lustrated in a Series of Views drawn by Turner, Stanfield, Prout, &c. 2 vols. 4to. cloth, - 2mo.sheep, $1 50. Phila. 1846. gilt, $12 50. London. H o dge, (P. R.) Hydraulic Table for the Hints on Glass Painting: an In- use of Engineers, showing the Weight in quiry into the Difference of Style observable Pounds and the Number of Imperial Gallons in Ancient Glass Painting. By an Amateur. and Cubic Feet contained in Six Feet CylindriSvo. with an 8vo. volume of plates, $7 50. cal Pipe, with counterpart column, showing Oxford, 1849. the same Quantities for One Foot, and a column H i r s c h fel d. Theorie de l'Art des Jardins. of Circular Areas, &c., &c, on a sheet, $1 00. 5 vols. 4to. plates, $19 00. Paris. London, 1849. Historic Gallery of Portraits s The Steam Engine; its Origin and and Paintings; with brief Memoirs of the most Gradual Improvement from the Earliest to the celebrated Men of every Age and Country, Present Time. Illustrated with 48 plates in with engravings in outline. 2 vols. 8vo. half detail. Svo. with folio atlas of plates, $10 00. mor. $5 00. London. New York. History of Infusoria, Living and Analytical Principles and Practical ApFossil. 8vo. cloth, $3 75. London. plication of the Expansive Steam Engine. 4to. Historical Pictures of the Mid- half mor. plates, $18 00. London, 1849. die Ages in Black and White, made on the H o d g k i n, (Thos.) Lectures on the Morbid spot, by a Wandering Artist. 2 vols. 12mo. Anatomy of the Serous and Mucous Membranes. cloth, $3 London, 1846. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $7 00. Lond. 1836. His toire de la Vie des Saints des Peres et kinson, (E.) Experimental Redes Martyrs, cornposee par une societ8 d'Eccle- HO dgk ns on, (E.) Experimental Redes Martyrs, compose par une socit dEcce- searches on the Strength and other Properties siastiques et de Gens de Lettres. 400 plates. 2 of Cast Iron. 8vo. cloth, $3 5. Lond. 1842. vols. royal 8vo. half mor. $8 50. Paris. History (A) of Wonderful Inventions. Hoefer,(F.) HistoiredelaChimie. 2vols. 12mo. cloth, illustrated with spirited wood-cuts, 8vo. $4 25. Paris, 1843. 75 cents. New York. - Dictionnaire de Chimie et Physique. History of England. By Hume 12mo. $1 00. Paris, 1~46. and Smollett; with Continuation by Hughes. Hoffland, (T. C.) Specimens of Garden 17 vols. 12mo. calf extra, $50 00. Decorations and Scenery. Folio, cloth, plates, American edition, 6 vols. 12mo. cloth, $3 50. London. $4 50. Boston, 1849. $4 0. Boston, 49. Specimens of Garden Decorations and H it chc o c k, (Prof.) Elements of Geology. Ornamental Scenery, appropriate to Pleasure12mo. sheep, $1 25. New York. Grounds, &c. Folio, 23 plates,.9 50. Hittorf et Zanth. Architecture Mo- London, 1846. derne de la Sicily. Folio, half bound, 8vo. __ British Angler's Guide: new and enlarged plates, $30 00. Paris, 1835. Edition, revised and edited by Jesse. IllusHoare, (Rev. W. H.) Harmony of the Apoc- trated with wood-cuts and fine engravings on alypse with other Prophecies of Holy Scrip- steel. Thick 12mo. cloth, $3 50. Lond. 1848. ture; with Notes, and an Outline of the various Interpretations. $2 75. London, 1848. Ho ffman. Contes Fasntastiques Traduits (Prince.) Epochs of the Arts, including parP. Christian. 12mo. 1 00. Paris, 146. Hints on the Rise and Progress of Painting and H o g a r t h, (William.) Works. 150 steel Sculpture in Great Britain. 12mo. cloth, $1 75. engravings. 2 vols. 4to. cloth, $13 50. mor. London. $20 00. London, 1S49. (C.) A Practical Treatise on the Cultiva- - o tion of the Grape Vine on Open Walls; to - Memors of the Musical Drama. 2 vols. which is added, a Treatise on the Planting and 8vo. illustrated by capital portraits, including Managing of the Roots of Grape Vines. 12mro. Madame Mara, Farinelli, Dr. Arne, Mrs. Billbds. 75 cents. Boston, 1845. ington, Catalani, &c. Extra cloth, $2 50. H obart, (Rev. J. H.) An Apologyfor Apos-838. tolic Order and its Advocates. 12mo. cloth, H o g g' s Practical Treatise on the Culture of bds. 50 cents. New York, 1844. the Carnation, Pink, Auricula, Polyanthus, - (Bishop ) Posthumous Works; -with a Tulip, Hyacinth, Rose, and other Flowers, with Memoir of his Life, by Rev. William Berrian, a Dissertation on Soils and Manures. and CataD. D. 3 vols. Svo. cloth, $4 00. N. Y. 1833. logues of Esteemed Varieties. Foolscap Svo. o b b e s, (J. R.) Picture Collector's Manual, sixth edition, colored plates, extra cloth, $1 50. adapted to the Professional Man and the Ama- 1839. teur; being a Dictionary of Painters, contain- H o 1 b e in' s Dance of Death, with an Historiing 1500 more names than any other Work; cal and Literary Introduction. By an Antiwith an Alphabetical Arrangement of the quary; with 54 engravings, being the most Scholars, Imitators, and Copyists of the various accurate copies ever executed of these Gems Masters, and a Classification of Subjects. 2 of Art. Square post 8vo. cloth, $2 50. vols. Svo. cloth, $9 75. Lond. 1849. London, 1849. Foreign and American Books. 63 Holbrook, (J. E.) North American Her- Ho m e r's Iliad. Translated by William petology; or, a Description of the Reptiles in- Cowper, with Notes for the use of the Higher abiting the United States. 5 vols. 4to. plates, Classes in Schools and Academies. 12mo. $50 00. Philadelphia, 1842. cloth. $1 25. H ole, (Rev. Matthew.) Practical Discourses Translated by T. S. Brandreth, Esq. 2 on all the Parts and Offices of the Liturgy of vols. 12mo. cloth, $3 00. London, 1846. the Church of England. Edited by the Rev. and Odyssey. Translated by A. Pope, I. A. Giles. 4 vols. 8vo. cloth, $10 00. Esq. 2 vols. 18mo. cloth, $2 00. Lond. 1845. Pickering, London, 1837. Homer. The Prince of Poets. Translated H oll an d, (J.) Manufactures in Metal. 3 by George Chapman. 2 vols. cr. Svo. cloth, vols. small Svo. cloth, $5 50. Lond. 1834. Flaxman's Designs, $3 25). London, 1S43. Records; Biographical and Literary, of Homilies. Certain Sermons or Homilies upwards of One Hundred and Fifty Authors appointed to be read in Churches in the Time who have rendered the whole or parts of the of Queen Elizabeth. Svo. cloth, $2 25. Books of Psalms into English Verse. 2 vols. Oxford, 1S44. 8vo. cloth, $6 00. London, 1843. IHoo d, (Thos.) Prose and Verse. 12mo. cloth - Cruciana. Illustrations of the most gilt, gilt edges, $1 50; cloth, plain, $1 00. striking Aspects under which the Cross of Nem York, 1S48. Christ and Symbols derived from it have been - (George.) A History of Music in New contemplated by Piety, Superstition, Imagin- England, with Biographical Sketches of Reation, and Taste. Plates, 12mo. half mor. $2 50. formers and Psalmists. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. London, 1835. Boston, 1816. - (H.) Medical Notes and Reflections. 8vo. Hook, (T. G.) Life and Remains. By Rev sheep, $1 50. Philadelphia. R. H. Dalton. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, portrait, - - (G. C.) Philosophy of Animated Nature. $6 50. London, 1849. 8vo. cloth, $3 75. London. -- (Dr.) Holy Thoughts and Prayers; arranged for Daily Use on each Day of the Week, H ollis s on Electricity and Magnetism. 8vo. according to the Stated Hours of Prayer. cloth, 2 50. Boston. Square 18mo. cloth, 63 cents. Lond. 1849. H o 1 m e s, (A.) Annals of America from 1492 A Companion to the Altar; being Prayers, to 1826. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $4 00. Boston. Thanksgivings, and Meditations, to assist the...- (Oliver Wendell.) Poems. New and Devout Christian in his Preparation for and enlarged edition, illustrated with wood-cuts. Attendance at the Lord's Supper. 32mo. cloth, 12mo. cloth, gilt, $1 50; cloth, plain, $1 13. 75 cents. London, 1849. Boston, 1849. -- Church of England Vindicated against (J.) Art of Rhetoric or, the Elements Romanism and Ultra Protestantism. 12mo. (J.) Art of Rhetoric' or, the Elements London, 184-5. of Oratory. A new edition, edited by John cloth, $1 37. L on, 1845. A. Getty. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. The Cross of Christ; or, Meditations on Philadelphia, 1849. the Death and Passion of our Blessed Lord and (W. R.) Sketches on the Shores of the Saviour. 12mo. cloth, 63 cents. Caspian, Descriptive and Pictorial. 8vo. cloth, New York, 1845. plates, $1 50. London, 1845. Y Short Meditations for Every Day in the Year. Part II. Lent to the Fourth Sunday (E.) The Life of Mozart, including his after Easter. 12mo. cloth, $1 75. Correspondence. 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. London, 1849. New York, 1845. IHooker and Greville. Icones FiliHoltzapffel, (C.) Turning and Mechani- cum, or Figures and Descriptions of Ferns, cal Manipulation; intended as a work of Gene- many of which have been altogether unnoticed ral Reference and Practical Instruction on the by Botanists, or have not been correctly figured. Lathe, and the various Mechanical Pursuits 2 vols. folio, with 240 beautifully colored followed by Amateurs. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, i WvO plates, half bound, green morocco, gilt edges, wood-cuts, $10 50. (To be completed in 6 $75 00. 1829-31. vols.) London, 1846-7. Hook er, (Rev. H.) The Christian Life a H o 1 y G o s p e 1 s, (The) with numerous il- Fight of Faith. 18mo. cloth, 38 cents. lustrations on wood, engraved under the super- Philadelphia, 1848. intendence of Mr. Charles Heath. Folio, $9 50. -- (Dr. J. D.) Rhododendrons of the H olz, (F. W.) Architectonische Detail, zum Siklim-Himalaya. From Drawings and Deprakt, Gebrauch. 4to. plates, $10 00. scriptions made on the Spot. Imperial folio, Berlin, 1844.45. 10 highly-finished colored plates, $6 50. London,ining F 1849. Ho m a s s e. Cours Theorique et Pratique Exotic Flora' containing Figures and sur l'Art de la Teinture. 8vo. broch7~, $1 50. Descriptions of Rare or othewise Interesting Paris. Exotic Plants, especially of such as are deservHo m e, (Sir Everard.) Great Work on Com- ing of being cultivated in our gardens; togethparative Anatomy, being the Substance of his er with Remarks upon their Generic and Specinumerous Lectures, and including Explanations fic Characters, Natural Orders, History, Culof nearly all the Preparations in the Hunterian ture, Time of Flowering, &c., complete in 3 Collection; with a General Index. 6 vols. vols. imperial 8vo. containing 232 large and royal 4to. portrait and 861 fine plates after beautifully colored plates, extra cloth, gilt drawings by Bauer and others. Extra cloth bands, $38 00; elegantly half bound green boards, $25 00. 1814-28. morocco, gilt edges, $40 00. Lond. 1823- 27. 64 G. P. Putnrm's Catalogue of Hooker, (Sir W. J.) Journal of BotF.ny; H op kin, (J. D.) Scrap-Book of Elizabethan being a Second Series of Botanical Misceflany, Ornaments. 4to. cloth, plates, $6 00. Lond. containing Figures and Descriptions of such Hoppe r, (T.) Designs for the Houses of Plants as recommend themselves by their Parliament. Oblong folio, beautiful plates. Novelty, Variety, or by the U ses to vbilch they $31 50. London. are applied in the Arts, Medicine, &c. 4 vols o p p us (.) Practical Measuring made 8vo. cloth, $4 50. or.cdon, 1.834. Easy by a New Set of Tables. 88 cents. (Sir W. J.) Century el Jrchidaceous Derby, 1846. Plants, selected from the Magazine, Ho r ac e. The Works of Quintus Horatius with an Introduction and IP.aRcal Ilnstructions Flaccus. Illustrated chiefly from the Remains on their Culture. By J. (;. Lyons. 100 beauti- of Ancient Art, with a Life by the Rev. H. H. fully colored plates, 4te. (I}Ad, $31 50. Milman. Svo. Etruscan boards, $6 50. London, 1849. London, 1549. Flora.Bor.al.i- Aeicana; o o r n e, (R. H.) History of Napoleon. Illusof British North America; compiled princi- trated by Raffet and Horace Vernet. 2 vols. pally from thb Plants collected by Dr. Rich- royal 8vo. cloth, $5 00. London, 1844. ardson and Mr. Drummond on the late Northem Expeditions, under the command of Captain H o r n e, (Rev. T. H.) A Compendious IntroSir John Franklin; to which are added, by duction to the Study of the Bible; being an Permission of the Horticultural Society, those Analysis of his " Introduction to the Critical of Mr. Douglas and other Naturalists. Illus- Study and Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures." trated by 240 plates, 2 vols. royal 4to. extra New edition, corrected and enlarged. 12mo. cloth, $35 00. 1829-40. with maps and other engravings, bds. 82 75. London. (Rev. Richard.) The Works of; with Account of his Life and Death, by Isaac Wal- --- An Introduction to the Critical Study and ton. Edited and arranged by Rev. John Keble. Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures. A new 3 vols 8vo. cloth, $10 00. Oxford, 1841 edition, revised and corrected. 5 vols. 8vo. 2m,vols. 8vo.5 cloth, $4 00.Tw ith numerous maps and fac-similes of Biblical 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $4 00. Nesw York, 1844. Manuscripts, bound in calf, half extra, $19 00. The Works of,; with Life by, WNalton. 2 -- An Introduction to the Critical Study and vols. Svo. cloth, $4 50. Calf, extra, 86 50. Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures. 2 vols. Oxford, 1843. imp. Svo. bds. $3 50. New York, 1844. H o r n e r, (Leonard.) Memoirs of Francis A Manual of Biblical Bibliography. 8vo. Horner, M. P.; with Selections from his Cor- cloth, 3 25. London, 1839. respondence. 12mo. cloth, 88 cents. Horsley, (Sam.) Biblical Criticism, or the Edinburgh, 1849. First Fourteen Historical Books of the Old H o w e 11, (James.) Epistolce Ho-Elianre; Testament; also on the First Nine Prophetical Familiar Letters, Domestic and Foreign. cr. Books. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $8 75. Svo. old calf, $1 50. London, 1737. London, 1844. Hooper, (Miss Lucy.) The Complete Poeti- Hosking, (Win.) Guide to the Proper cal Works of. 8vo. cloth, handsomely printed Regulations of Building in Towns, as a Means and bound, $2 00. New York, 1848. of Promoting and Securing the Health, Comfort, and Safety of the Inhabitants. 12mo. (R.) Lexicon Medicum; or, Medical Dic- cloth $2 00. London, 148. tionary. Thick 8vo. sheep, $3 00. New York, 1848. -- Treatise on Architecture, Building, MaHo p e, (J.) A Treatise on the Diseases of the sonry, Joinery, and Carpentry, from the EnHeart and Great Vessels, and on the Affections cyclopedia Britannica. 4to. cloth, $4 00. which may be mistaken for them. Thick Svo. H o st e, (Paul.) Treatise on Naval Tactics. sheep, plates, $3 00. Phila. 1846. Translated by Captain Boswall. 4to. 52 plates. Designs for Household Furniture and In-?7 25; handsomely bound in mnor. gilt, and terior Decoration. Imperial folio, bds. $12 75. gilt leaves, $11 235. London, 1834. London, 1807. Hotel de Ville de Paris. A com(T.) Historical Essay on Architecture. plete Restoration of this Celebrated Building 2 vols. Svo. cloth, many engravings, $9 00. of the Renaissance Style; containing most London, 1810. beautiful outline engravings of the Exterior ------ Analytical Index to an Historical Essay and Interior, Plans, Elevations, Sections, Ceilon Architecture. 8vo. cloth, $1 25. Lond. ings, Details, and Ornaments. Imp. folio, (Rev. W.) Coleopterist's Manual, the $42 00. Predaceous Land and Water Beetles. 8vo. Hove y, (C. M.) Fruit-Trees of America, beautifully colored plates, cloth, $2 00. 1845. containing richly-colored engravings, accompaCostume of the Ancients, illustrated in nied with the Wood and Foliage of all the upwards of 320 beautifully engraved plates, choicest Fruits of the United States, from containing representations of Egyptian, Greek, Paintings from Nature, by W. Sharp. Royal and Roman Habits and Dresses. 2 vols. royal Svo. Boston, 1847. 8vo. new edition, with nearly 20 additional How a r d, (Frank.) The Spirit of the Plays plates, bds. $13 50. London, 1541. of Shakspeare, exhibited in a series of outline Hopkins, (Bp.) The Works of; with Me- plates Illustrative of the Story of each Play; moir of his Life and copious Indices. 2 vols. with Quotations and Descriptions. 5 vols. 8vo. imperial 8vo. cloth, $5 50. Edin. 1844. cloth, $12 00. London, 1833. Foreign and American Books. 65 Howard, (F.) The Science of Drawing; H ufeland, (C. W.) Enchiridion Medicum; being a Progressive Series of the Characteris- or Manual of the Practice of Medicine. Transtic Forms of Nature. 3 vols. $3 73. Lound. lated from the German. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. --- (H.) Course of Lectures on Painting, York, 1843. delivered at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts.H u g h e s, (W.) On the Construction of Maps. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. London. S8vo. bds. plates, $1 50. London. --- (T.) Practice of Making and Repairing On Color as a Means of Art, being an lRoads. 8vo. cloth, $1 25. London. Adaption of the Experience of Professors to the Practice of Amateurs. Illustrated by 18 - Comprehensive Tables for Calculations colored plates. Post 8vo. extra cloth gilt, $2 50. 1838. --- (S.) On Making Roads. 12mo. cloth. H o w s e, (J.) Grammar of the Cree Lan- wood-cuts, 25 cents. London, 1849. guage, with which is combined an Analysis of u g o, (Victor.) The Rhine and Father Ripa's the Chieppewa Dialect. Svo. cloth, M2 75 Memoirs of a Thirteen Years' Residence at the London, 1844. Court of Peking, in the Service of the Emperor of China, together in one volume. 12mo. Howship, (J.) On the Discrimination and cloth 1 2. Ne York145-6 Appearances of Surgical Diseases. 8vo. $3 25. New York, 145-6. London, 18101 H u g u en in, (Gen.) Description de la FabriHowitt, (W.) Homes and Haunts of the cation des Bouches a feu en font de fer et des HowE minent British Poets with illustrations projectiles a la fonderie de Liege, tr-lduit par most Emonent British Poets; 2ith illustrations Capt. Neusus. Svo. 13 planches,$3 00. 1839. by W. andl G. Measom. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $ 50; morocco gilt, gilt leaves,.12 0. Huish on Bees; their Natural History and London, 18417. General Managemlent. New and greatly imr- 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $3 o0,. proved edition, containing all the latest DisNew York, 1847. coveries and Improvements in every Depart- The Rural Life in England. Third edi- rment of the Apiary, with a Description of the c e a. most approved Hives now in use. Thick 12mo. Mdtion, corrected and revised 0. ith en dorrvng. port. and numerous wood-cuts, extra cloth gilt, Medium 8vo. cloth,'6 50. London. $1 30. London, 1844. - American edition, $1 00. Phila. I u 1 m a n d e 1, (C.) Manual of Lithography, The Rural and Social Life of Germany; or the Art of Drawing on Stone. 8vo. plates, with Characteristic Sketches of its Chief Cities $2 25. London, 1835. and Scenery; with above 50 illustrations. H u m b 1 e, (Wm.) Dictionary of Geology Medium 8vo. cloth, $6 50. Lond. 1849. and Mineralogy. 8vo. cloth, $1 50. - The Student Life in Germany; from the London, 1843. Unpublished MSS. of Dr. Cornelious. Svo. with H u m b o ld d t, (Von.) Cosmos; a Sketch of a 24 wood engravings, and 7 steel plates, cloth, Physical Description of the Universe. Trans$2 25. London, 1849. lated from the German, by E. C. Otte. 2 vols. American edition, $1 00. Phila. 12mo. cloth, $1 75. London. - Visits to Remarkable Places; Old Halls, ------ Authorized edition. Translated under Battle-Fields, and Scenes Illustrative of Strik- the direction of Lieut. Colonel Sabine. 2 vols. ing Passages in English History and Poetry. 12mo. paper, $1 50. London, 1849'. New edition, with 40 illustrations. Medium H u m e, (A.) The Learned Societies and 8vo. cloth, $6 50. Second Series, chiefly in Printing Clubs of the United Kingdom; being the Counties of Durham and Northumberland, an Account of their Respective Origin, History, and a Stroll along the Border. Medium 8vo. Objects, and Constitution, &c. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. cloth, $6 50. London. London, 1847. ------ American edition, 2 vols. $3 50. (D.) Life and Correspondence, by J: 11. Philadelphia. Burton. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $7 50. Lonl,,l. ------ (Mary.) Ballads and other Poems; with Humfrey, (Lieut. Col. J. H.) An Essay on a portrait, from a picture by Miss Gillies, en- the Modern System of Fortification, &dc.;flov. graved by W. H. Egleton. Cloth, o5 s50. $vo. cloth, plans, &c. $2 25. Lonio(,nl. London. Humphreys, (H. N.) Illuminated Books American edition, 12mo. cloth, 75 cents; of the ilMiddle Ages. Printed in cuirs; an with portrait, cloth, gilt, $1 25. l; 9. gold, folio cap $100 00. The Peasant and his Landlord. Translated from the Swedish of the Baroness Knor- TA!idon, 1S80. ring. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. N. Y. 1848. -- Coins of England. iintedl in gold, oc., H:oy a u, Ingenieur-Mecanicien. Art du ser- pThe Art of illumination; being rurier, comprenant les moyens de reconnatre a Guide to Modern Students in the Art of les qualitas des matieres, etc. 1 vol. in-folio Illuminating Books. Illustrated by exqisite de 17 pl. renfermant plus de 400 fig. et 36 Fac-Similes from Illumlinated MSS. of different pages de texte explicatif, $3. Paris, 1815. Periods, and other embellishments, in an ornaHoy t, (Rev. R.) Sketches of Life and Land- mental cover, $6 00. London, 1849. scape. 8vo. cloth, wood engravings, plain, 75 (J. H.) An Essay on the Modern Syscents; gilt extra, $1 25. New York. tem of Fortification adopted on the Rhine and Hu be r, (V. A.) The English Universities. Danube, and followed in all the Works conTranslated and abridged by F. W. Newman. structed since the Peace of 1815. Royal 8vo. 8 vols. 8vo. cloth, plates, $7 50. Lond. 1843. $2 26. London. 5 66 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Humphrey and Westwood. HIuntington, (Countess.) The Life and British Moths and their Transformation. Ar- Times of; with Index, &c. Portrait, 2 vols. ranged and illustrated in a Series of Plates, by 8vo. cloth, $3 50. London, 1844. H. N. Humphreys; with Characters and De- (Rev. W.) Works: with Additions and scriptions, by J. O. Westwood. 2 vols. 4to. Corrections by his Son, Ebenezer Huntington. cloth, 56 colored plates, $33 00. 6 thick vols. Svo. portraits and plates, cloth, London, 1843. lettered, $13 50. HEun dertpfun d, (L.) The Art of Paint- u n t i n g d o n (J. B.) Tables and Rules ing restored to its simplest and surest princi- for Facilitating the Calculation of Earthwork, ples. Translated from the German. Illusples. Translated from the German. Illus- Land, Curves, Distances, and Gradients. Svo. trated with colored plates. Post 8vo. $3 00. bds. 5 00. London. untLondon, (F849..) Tables of Gradients. 8vo. paper, $1 00. Hunt, (F. K.) Book of Art; or Cartoons, London. Frescoes, Sculptures, &c. Royal 4to. cloth, $4 25. London. H u r c o u r t, (R. D.) De l'eclairage au gaz; ~ —- (I. F.) Architectura Campegtra. 4to. d6velloppements sur la composition des gaz cloth, $4 50. London. destinees a l'iclairage, sur la construction des fourneaus et des chemines la pose des treyaus - Designs for Parsonage Houses, Alms- et les phenomenes de la lumiere. Sro. plates, Houses, &c. Royal 4to. 21 plates, half mor. $2 00. Paris, 1845. $3 75. London, 18S41. Designs for Gate Lodlges, Gamekeepers' Hurd, (Richard, Bishop of Worcester.) The Cottages, &c. Royal 4to. 13 plates, half mor. Complete Works of. 8 vols. 8vo. calf, portrait, $3 50. London, 1841. $11 75. London, 1811. ~ — Examples of Tudor Architecture, adapted H u s s e y, (Mrs. T. J.) Illustrations of British to Modern Habitations. Royal 4to. 37 plates, Mycology; containing figures and descriptions half mor. $6 50. London, 18:36. of the Funguses of interest and novelty, indigenous to Britain; with handsome colored draw(Leigh.) Imagination and Fancy; or ings. Publishing in monthly parts, $1 50 each. Selections from the English Poets, illustrative of those First Requisites of their Art-; ith Hutchinson, (John.) Experiments on Markings of the best Passages, Critical Notices, Building Materials. 8vo.cloth, 00. Lond. &c. 1 vol. 12mo. cloth, 6'2 cents; cloth gilt, and (G.) Treatise on the Causes and Princigilt edges, $1 00. New York, 1848. ples of Meteorological Phenomena; also two -- Stories from the Italian Poets; being a Essays, the one on Marsh Fevers, the other on Summary in Prose of the Poems of Dante, Mr. Owen's System of Equality. Svo. cloth, Pulci, Boiardo, Ariosto, and Tasso, with Coin- *2 50. Glasgow, 1843. ments throughout, occasional Passages Versi- (Lieut. Col.) Dog-Breaking. Plates fled, and Critical Notices of the Lives and Ge- 12mo. cloth, $l 75. London, 1848. nius of the Authors. 1 thick vol. cloth, $1 25; cloth gilt, gilt edges, $1 75. N. Y. 184. Hutto n, (Charles.) Mathematical Tables or; selected from the by Gregory. Royal 8vo. cloth, $5 50. Lond. Wit and Humor; selected from the! English Poets, with an illustrative Essay and Mathematics by Rutherford. Svo. cloth, Critical Comments. 12mo. cloth gilt, $1 00.',;5 00. London. New York, 1847. _ Mathematics. Key to Rutherford's edi- A Book for a Corner; being Selections tion of. By James Hickie. Svo. cloth, $2 25. in Prose and Verse from Authors the best London, 1849. suited to that mode of enjoyment, with Com-, (Re E.) Ministry of St. John ments on each, and a general Introduction. estabIe, (Rev E.) Ministry of St. John Illustrated with 80 wood engravings froml de- the Baptist, &c.. signs by F. W. Holmes and J. Franklin. 2 vols. H y m e r, (Rev. W.) The Theory of Algebraic 12mo. cloth, $3 50. London, 1849. Equations. 8vo. cloth, $1 75. Indicator; a Miscellany for the Fields Cambride, 1849. and Fireside. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. N. Y. 1849. -- (J.) A Treatise on the Integral Calcu---- (R.) Researches on Light; an Examina- lus, &c. 8vo. $3 50. tion of all the Phenomena connected with the A Treatise on Trigonometry and TrigroChemical and Molecular Changes produced by nometrical Tables and Logarithms. 8vo. cloth, the Influence of the Solar Rays, embracing all $2 75. the known Photogenic Processes and New Dis- A Treatise on Differential Equations coveries in the Art. 8vo. cloth, $3 25. and on the Calculus of Finite Differences. Svo. London, 1844. $3 50. Cambridge,!839. The Poetry of Science; or, Studies of the Illu m i n a t e d Ill u s t r at ions of the Physical Phenomena of Nature. 8vo. cloth, Bible, copied from Select MSS. of the Middle $3 50. London, 1848. Ages. By. T. O. Westwood. $17 00. H u n t e r, (Wm.) An Anglo-Saxon Grammar London, 1846. and Derivatives, and an Analysis of the Style Of Froissart, Selected from MSS. in the of Chaucer, Douglas, and Spenser. 8vo. cloth, British Museum and the Bibliotheque du Roi $1 50. London, 1832. Paris. By R. N. Humphreys, Esq 2 vols. ----- (H.) Sacred Biography; or, History of royal 8vo. half mor. comprising 72 illuminathe Patriarchs. Svo. cloth, $1 75. tions, beautifully executed, $20 (former price New York, 1844. $35.) London, 1844-5. Foreign and American Books. 67 Illu s tr at e d Co mm e n t a r y on the I n m a n, (W. S.) Report on Ventilation, WarmOld and New Testaments, chiefly explanatory ing, and Transmission of Sound. Svo. cloth, of the Manners and Customs mentioned in the plates, $2 2.5. London. Sacred Scriptures, and also of the History, (J.) Formulra and Rules for Making Geography, Natural History, and Antiquities; Calculations on Plans of Ships, with an Exambeing a republication of the Notes of the Pic- ple on their Application. Royal 8vo. paper, torial Bible. 5 vols. post 8vo. with upwards $1 00. London, 1849 of 600 fine wood-cuts, gilt cloth, $7 50. London, 18 0.I n n i s, (T.) The Skin in Health and Disease a Concise Manual, with Cases and Colored Illustration, (1') Journal universel, pa- Explanatory plates. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. raissant, tous les samedis, orne de gravures sur London, 1849. tous les sujets actuels, formant chaque six moisiscellanies. 2mo. clot 1 vol. in folio. Souscription a l'anne courante Insect M sseani 2mo. cloth, $9 00. wood-cuts, 75 cents. London, 1847. Illustrations of the Public Instructions for Establishing and ConBuildings of London. 165 engravings, origi- ducting Regsimental Schools. lSmo. paper, 25 nally edited by the late Augustus Pugin, J. cents. London, 1812. Gwilt, Britton, and others; newly edited and and Regulations for the Service and enlarged by W. H. Leeds. 2 vols. 8vo. half Management of Heavy Ordnance, $1 50. mor. $1S 00. London. Woolwich, 1SS5. Imitations of Celebrated Au- Integral Calculus. A Collection of thors; or, Imaginary Rejected Articles, in Examples on the Integral Calculus; in which Prose, by Lamb, James, and Horace Smith, every Operation of each Example is completeProfessor Wilson, Hazlitt, Leigh Hunt, &c. ly effected. By a Alember of the University. Fourth edition, post 8vo. extra cloth, $1 2.5. Svo. $1 3 5. London, 1841. Introductory Lectures delivered Inch bal d, (Mrs.) The British Theatre; or at Queen's College, London. 12mo.cloth, $1 50. a Collection of Plays which are Acted at London, 1849. Theatres Royal, Drury Lane, Covent Garden, In t r o d u c t i o n (An) to the Geometry and Haymarket, and Lyceum. 12 vols. 18mo. cloth, Science of Form; prepared from the Russian $0 00. London. Text-Books. 12mo. sheep, plates, 84 cents. Incidents of IMVissionary Enter- Boston, 1846. prise, illustrative of the Progress of the Gospel I n s tr um e n t a E c c lesiastica; a among the Heathen. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Series of Working Designs for the Furniture, Edinburgh, 1841. Fittings and Decorations of Churches and their Index Expurg atorius Vati- Precincts. Edited by the Ecclesiological Socanus; an Exact Reprint of the Roman Index ciety. 4to. 72 plates, $10 00. Lond. 1847. Expurgatorius; the only Vatican Index of the I nw o od, (W.) Tables for the Purchasing kind ever published. Edited, with a Preface, of Esttes, $c. Small Svo. for the pocket. by R. Gibbings. Thick 12mno. cloth, $1 25. $2 25. London. Dublin, 1S37. Dun, 1(H. XV.) The Erectheion at Athens. Index to the Principal Places in the World, Fr nts of Athenin Achitecture, and a Fragments of Athenian Architecture, and a (Modern,) with Reference to the Maps of the few Remains in Attica, Meara, and Epirus. Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Illustrated with outline plates folio, $7 00. By Rev. James Mickleburgh. 8vo. cloth, 21 75. London, 1844. Ionian Antiquities, publishedby the Dilettante Society. 2 vols. folio, half mor. - (An) of Subjects in Reviews and Periodi- %31 50. London. cals. To which no Index has been published. 8vo. paper,l $1 00; half bound, 1 25. Isl e o f i g gh t. Illustrated in a Series New York, 1S48. of colored Views in aqu-a-tint, by Mr. Percy Indicator (The) and Dynamometerl, vwith Roberts. from the original Drawings of the late their Practical Application to the Steam. Enl- 3Tr. F. Calvert, accompanied by a succinct gine. 8vo. cloth, plate, 1 5J). Lond. 14.7. Historical, Geographical, and Topographical Description of the Island. 4to. cloth, gilt, Infantry Siword Exercise. 12mo. plates, $3 00. London, 1846. paper, 37 cents. London, 1842. paper, 37 cents. London, 1842. Is n a r d, (Dr. J. A.) Aide Memoire de l'opeIngpen, (A.) Instructions for Collectilg, rateur, comprenant les operations elementaires, Rearing, and Preserving British and Foreign le liates drtrs les amputations dans la.Inects. ifimo. $1 25. contiquitk et dans la continuite des membres, Ingram, (J.) Memorials of Oxford. 3 vols. et lea r6zections des extremites articulaires, 8vo. cloth, with 21-8 engravings. By J. Le avec 69 planches. 12mo. broche, $1 60. Keux, from drawings by F. Mackenzie. $17 50. Paris, 1849. London, 1834-37. Italian School of Design; containInfinity (The) of Geometric Design Exem- ing 1'0( plates, chiefly engraved by Bartolozzi, plified, by R. W. Billings. 4to. clotk, illus- a[fter original paintings by the Great Masters, trated with 40 plates, $8 00. Lond. 1849. in the Collection of her Majesty. Imperial I n m an, (W.) An Essay on Symbolic Colors 4to. half mor..$19 00. London. in Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and Modern Irving, (Washington.) Works; a new and Times. Translated from the French of De complete edition, beautifully printed and un.iPortal. 4to. cloth bds. with illustrative en- formly bound. l2mo. cloth. gravings, $3 25. London. New York, 1848-. 68 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Irvi n g, (Washington.) Works. J acobi, (Dr. M.) On the Construction and THE FOLLOWING WORKS HAVE ALREADY APPEARED, Management of Hospitals for the Insane, with ANY OF WHICH MAY BE HAD SEPARATELY. a Particular Notice of the Institution at SiegThe Sketch-Book, 1 voL $1 25. burg. Translated by John Kitching. $3 00. Knickerbocker's History of New York, 1 London, 1841. vol. $ 25. Jacob - P e t i t. Ornements, Decorations, Intirieurs, Meubles et objets de gofit dans le Columbus and his, Copaio, 4 style de la renaissance, composts, desines et Columbus and his Companion, 3 vols. $4 00 graves. Folio, 75 planches, $12 59. Paris. Astoria, 1 vol. $1 50. Supplement to Do. Folio, 25 planches, $4 50. The Crayon Miscellany, 1 vol. $1 25. Paris. Bonneville's Adventures, 1 vol. $1 25. J a c o c k s, (A. B.) General Features of the vol.1Tales ofTl 25. Moral Government of God. 12mo. cloth, 31 cents. Boston, 1848. Oliver Goldsmith; a Biography 1 vol. $1 25. cents. Boston, 1848. Oliver Goldsmith;J a Biographyl k s o n, (J. R.) Minerals and their Uses, Either volume, or complete sets may also be had, substantially in a Series of Letters to a Lady. 12mo. cloth, bound in half calf, 75 cents extra; in half morocco, $1 00 extra; or full calf, $1 25 extra. colored plates, with 17 figures, $2 25. THE FOLLOWING WVILL APPEAR IN DUE COURSE. London, 1849. (T.) A Treatise on Wood Engraving, George Washington, a Biography, I vol. Historical and Practical. Royal 8vo. half The Alhambra, 1 vol. bound, 300 Illustrations, $!4 00. (Scarce.) Mohammed and his Successors, 2 vols. London, 1839. The Conquest of Granada, 1 vol. (Mrs.) The Practical Companion to the Miscellanies, 1 vol. 7Work-Table; containing Directions for Knit- The Book of the IHudson Smo. cloth, ting and Netting. ISmo. cloth, 50 cents. illustrated with 4 lithograph engravings, 50 London. cents; without plates, 38 cents. (E.) Practical Companion to the Workplt, New York, S49. Table; containing Directions for Knitting, Netting, and Crotchet-work. 12mo. cloth, gilt, ------ The Crayon Reading-Book; comprising 75 cents. London, 1845. selections from the various Writings of Washington Irving, prepared for the use of schools. Ja hn, (J.) Biblical Antiquities. Translated 12mo. half bound, 75 cents. N. Y. 1849. by Upham. Royal 8vo. cloth, $1 75. Lond. ----- Life and Voyages of Christopher Colum- | Historv of the Hebiew Commonwealth. bus, to which are added those of his Compan- Royal 8vo. cloth, $2 00. London. ions. Library edition, in 3 vols. Svo. cloth, J a h r, (G. H.) Manual of Homceopathic Medi$6 00; half mor. $8 50; full calf, $10 00. cine. 2 vols. post 8v,-. cloth, $9 75. Lond. New York, 1848. Jame e s I. The Court and Times of James ILLUSTRATED SERIES. | the First. Illustrated by Authentic and ConThe Sketch-Book. Illustrated with a fidential Letters. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $8 00. series of highly-finished engravings on wood, London, 1S48. from Designs by Darley and others, engraved (J. A.) The True Christian Exemplified in the best style by Childs, flerrick, cfC. in a Series of Addresses from a Pastor to his Square 8vo. cloth, $3 50; cloth gilt and gilt own People. 18mo. cloth, 32 cents. edges, $4 00; mor. in an original style, gilt New York, 1849. and gilt leaves, $6 00. New York, 14S.A Collection of Charges, Opinions, Olve- GdC) A Collection of Charges, Opinions, - Oliver Goldsmith, a Biography; with and Sentences of General Courts Martial. Svo. about 40 illustrations, selected by the Publisher cloth, $5 00. London, 1821. from Forster's Life of Goldsmith, beautifully (G. P. R.) A History of the Life of Edengraved on wood by W. Roberts. Svo. cloth, ward the IPlack Prince, and of various Events $2 50; cloth, gilt, $3 00; elegantly bound ill connected thelaeith, hlich occurred dui-ing 0, *, O connected therewith, which occurred during or. gilt learves, H.,i5 00. N the Reign of Edwrrd III. Kinlg of England. - Knickerbocker's History of New York. rn " ----— Illustrated ith 15 superior engravings o Second edition, 2 vols. foolscap Svo. map, cloth. Illustrated with 15 superior engra'ving, onl Act 50 I ondon wood, by the most eminent artists, from tlesiguns by Darley. 8vo. cloth,,$3 50; extra gilt, William the Third; comprising the His$4 00; calf, in antique style, $5 00; elegantly toy of his Reign, illustrated in a Series of unbound in mor. gilt leaves, -6 00. In protrless, published Letters, addressed to the Duke of to be followed by Shrewsbury, by James Vernon, Secretary of - Tales of a Traveller. fllustrated with State, with Introduction and Notes. 3 vols. 15 designs by Darley, engraved on wood in the cloth. London, 1 first style, by Childs, Herrick, Leslie, Bobbet, - (Jon Anell.) Tie Widov directed to Edmonds, &c. I vol. 8vo. cloth, $3 50; extra I the Widow's God. 18mo. cloth, 32 cents. gilt, $4 00; elegantly bound in mor. gilt leaves, New York, 1849 $6 00. --- Pastoral Addresses. 18mo. cloth, 50 ------ (Prof. Theodore.) The Conquest of cents. New York, 1841. Florida. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Jameson, (Mrs.) Sacred and Legendary New York, 1849. Art. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, illustrated with plates J acob's Historical Inquiry into the Produc- I etched by the Author, and wood engravings tion and Consumption of the Precious Metals. of the most exquisite character, $12 00. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $3 50. London, 1831. London, 1848. Fo rezgn and American Books. 69 Jameson, (Mrs.) LivesoftheEarlyItalian Jardine's Naturalist's Library. Painters. 2 vols. 18mo. cloth, $1 00. 40 vols. 12mo. colored plates, cloth lettered, London, 1846. top edges gilt, $50 00. 1834-43 Characteristics of XWomen 12mo. cloth, Or separately, $1 50 per vol. viz.: $1 00. Boston, 1846. 1. Humming Birds, vol. 1. 19. Birds of Western Africa, 2. Monkeys. vol. 2. ------ Legends of the Monastic Orders. 8vo. 3. Humming Birds, vol. 2. 20. British Birds, vol. 1. 4. Lions, Tigers, &c. 21. Fly-catchers. cloth, (shortly.) 5. Peacocks, Pheasants, &c. 22. British Quadrupeds. Beauties of the Court of Charles II. 6. Birds of the Game kind. 23. Amphibious Carnivora 7. Fishes, vol. 1. (Walrus, Seals, &c.) Large paper copy, proof impressions. Folio,. Coleopterous Insects 24. British Birds, vol. 2. mor. extra, $30 00. London. (Beetles.) 125. Dogs, vol. 1. 9. ColumbidX (Pigeons.) 26. Honey Bees. - Memoirs and Essays illustrative of Art, 10. British Diurnal Lepidop- 27. Fishes, vol. 2. tera (Butterflies) 28. Dogs, vol. 2. Literature, and Social Morals. 12mo. cloth, 11. Ruminating Animals 29. Introduction to Entomol50 cents. New York. (Deer, Antelopes, &c.) ogy. 12. Ruminating Animals 30. Marsupialia, or Pouched Companion to the Private Picture Gal- (Goats, Sheep, Cattle, Animals. leries in London; containing accurate Cata- 13 c. 31. Horses. 13. Pacihidermata (Elephants, 32. Fishes of Guiana, vol. 1. logues arranged alphabetically, preceded by Rhinosceroses, &c.) 33. Foreign Moths. an Historical and Critical Introduction, and an 14. British Nocturnal Lepi- 34. British Birds, vol. 3. Essay on Art, Artists, Collectors, and Con- dnptera(Moths,Sphinx- 35. Introduction to Mamma&C.) lia. noisseurs. 1 thick vol. post 8vo. extra cloth, 1.5. Parrots. 36. Sun Birds. $1 50. London, 1844. 16. WThales. 37. British Fishes, vol. 1. 17. Birds of WVestern Africa, 38. Fishes of Guiana, vol. 2. Ja m i e s o n, (A.) Manual of Map-Making. vol. 1. 39. British Fishes, vol. 2. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. G5lasgow. 18. Foreign Butterflies. 40. British Birds, vol. 4. Mechanics for Practical Men; being Ja rret, (Rev. T.) An Essay on Algebraical Treatises on the Composition and Resolution Development, &c. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. of Forces, the Centre of Gravity, and the Me- London, 1831. chanical Power. Fourth edition, 8vo. $2 25. J a r v e s, (J. J.) History of the Hawaiian or Mechanics of Fluids. Svo. cloth, $3 50. Sandwich Islands. 8vo. cloth, portraits and illustrations, $2 25. Boston, 1844. - Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish r) 0 r - J ay, (William.) A Review of the Causes and Language. Second edition, enlarged, including, the Supplement. 4 vols. 4to. cloth, lettered, Consequences of the Mexican War. l2mo. $25 003. London, 1S40. $23 00. London, 1840. cloth. Boston, 1849. (Rev. W.) Jubilee Memorial; being the J a n e E yr e. An Autobiography, edited by Sermons, Meetings, Presentations, and full AcCurrer Bell. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. count of the Jubilee Commemorating his Fifty Boston, 1848. Years' Ministry. 37 cents. New York, 1841. Jan in, (Jules.) L'Ane mort et la Femme - The Christian Contemplated, in a Course Guillotinee; illustre par Tony Johannot. 1 of Lectures. 18no. cloth, 50 cents. beau vol. grand in 8, orne de 140 gravures et New York, 1846. de 12 vignettes tirees se.parement, $2 50. J' ean, (H. W.) Solutions of Problems in...- Un Hiver a Paris, tableau des mceurs Trigonometry. Part 1. Designed as an Incontemporaines, illustre par 18 splendides troduction to Nautical Astronomy. 12mo. gravures sur acier par M. Heath, de Londres, cloth, $1 25. Portsea, 1843. d'apres les tableaux de M. Eugene Lami, et Jean Paul. Samtliche Werke in vier par des nombreuses gravures sur bois imprilnees Banden. Royal Svo. half mor. marbled leaves, dans le texte. 1 vol. grand in 8, gilt extra, with a beautifully engraved portrait, $12 00. $5 50. Paris, 1843. --- La Normandie historique. pittoresque et Richter's Flower, Fruit, and Thorn Pieces. monumenta!e, illustre par MM. Morel-Fatio, Translated by E. H. Noel. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, Tellier, Daubigny, Gigoux. H. Bellange, J. $1 50. London, 1845. Debon, Outhewaite, Alfred Johannot. I vol. - Life of Jean Paul Fr. Richter, compiled grand in 8, orne de 180 gravures, 23 vignettes from various sources, together with his Autosur acier et 2 cartes, 35. biography. Translated from the German, by ------ The American in Paris. Illustrated with Mrs. Lee. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. Boston. 18 engravings from Designs by M. Eugene 18 engravins from Desins by 1. Eugene R ichter's Walt and Vult; or, the Twins. Lami. -Royal 8vo. cloth, $2 50. Lond. 1843. Translated from the German, by Mrs. Lee. Jardin d e s Pla n tes, (Le.) Descrip- 2 vols. 1 mo. cloth, $2 00. Boston tion complete, Historique et Pittoresque du - Campaner Thal; or, the Immortality of Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, de la Menagerie, the Soul. Translated by Miss Bauer. 12mo. des serres, des Galleries de Mineralogie et paper, 15 cents. London, 1848. d'Anatomie et de la vall6e suisse par MM. P. Richter's Levana; or, the Doctrine of Bernard, L. Couailhac, Gervais et Emm. Le- EduRichter's Levanslated or, the Doctrine of maout et une Sociitt de Savants attaches an Education. Translated from the German. Museum d'Eistoire Naturelle. 2 vols. small Post 8vo. cloth, $3 25. London, 1848. folio, half mor. gil't tops, illustrated profusely - Reminiscences of the Best Hours of Life with engravings, many colored, on steel and for the Hour of Death, &c. 32mo. cloth, gilt wood, $16 00. Paris, 1842. edges, 37 cents. Boston. 70 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of J ebb, (Bp.) Pastoral Instructions on the J e r my n, (J.) Book of English Epithets, Character and Principles of the Church of Eng- Literal and Figurative; with Elementary Reland. 12mo. cloth, $1 63. London, 1844. marks and Minute References to abundant..- (J.) Treatises on Attack and Defence. Authorities. Imp. Svo. cloth, $2 50. 30 plates, third edition, 8vo. cloth, $4 25. London, 189. London, 1843. J e r o m e P a t u r o t. A la recherche de la Meilleure des Republiques, par Louis Reybaud. (Rev. J.) Literal Translation of the Edition illustrbe, par Tony Johannot. 1 vol. Book of the Psalms. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $6 25. grand in 8, i6. Paris, 1849. London, 1846. J e s s e, (John H.) Memoirs of the Chevalier, (Major.) Modern Prisons, their Construc- Prince Charles Edward, and their Adherents. tion and Ventilation. 4to. paper, 10 plates, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, portraits, $2 50. $3 50. London. London, 1843. and K no x, (Alexander.) Thirty ------ Memoirs of the Court of England from Years' Correspondence between. Edited by the Revolution in 16S8 to the Death of George the Rev. Charles Forster. Second edition, 2 II. 3 vols. 8vo. portraits,,$4 50. vols. Svo. cloth, $8 50. London. London, 1S46. A Literal Translation of the Book of ------ Memoirs of the Court of England during Psalms; intended to illustrate their Poetical the Reign of the Stuarts, including the Proand Moral Structure: to which is added Dis- tectorate. 4 vols. 8vo. cloth, portraits, $G 50. sertations on the word "Selah," and on the London, 1846. Authorship, Order, Titles, and Poetical Features - (E.) Favorite Haunts and Rural Studies, of the Psalms. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $6 50. including Visits to Spots of Interest in the London. Vicinity of Windsor and Eton. Post 8vo. Jefferson, (Thomas.) Memoirs, Corre- paper, wood-cuts, 75 cents. London, 1847. spondence, and Private Papers. Edited by - Anecdotes of Dogs. Small 4to. cloth, Thomas Jefferson Randolph. Portrait, 4 vols. with illustrations on steel, 3 50. Lond. 1846. 8vo. half calf, $7 50. London, 1829. J e u m o n t, (Dr. F. F. De.) M oire de Jeffrey, (Fra.) Miscellaneous Essays. 8vo. Medecine Pratique. 8vo. paper, 63 cents. cloth, $2 00. Philadelphia. Paris, 1S45. J'ehan, (L. F.) Botanique et Physiologie Jews, (Letters of Certain) to M. Voltaire; VYgetale. Cr. 8vo. Fr. calf gilt, and gilt edges, containing an Apology for their own People, $2 25. Tours, 1847. and for the Old Testament. Translated by Jelf, (W. E.) Twelve Sermons Preached,at Rev. Philip Lefranc. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. cloth, the Chapel Royal, Whitehall. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. Oxford, 1848. Jew el, (Dr.J.) Works. Editedby Richard W,. Jelf. 8 vols. Svo. cloth, $19 50. J en k s, (B.) Prayers and Offices of Devotion. Oxford, 1948. Altered and improved by Rev. Charles Simeon. J o b e r t, (Dr.) Traite de Chirurgie Plastique. 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. London, 1847. 2 vols. folio, with atlas of colored plates, $15 00. Jenkins, (J. S.) History of the War be- Johnes, (J.) Philological Proofs of the tween the United States and Mexico, from the Origin of the Human Race. 8vo. cloth, $1 7T. commencement of Hostilities to the Ratifica- London. tion of the Treaty of Peace. Thick 8vo. cloth Johnson, (C. W.) On Fertilizers. 8vo. gilt, many plates, 12mo. cloth, 1 25. cloth$4 25. London, 14. Auburn, 184S. (T. B.) The Sportsman's Encyclopedia; Je nkyn, (Rev. W.) An Exposition upon the comprising a complete Elucidation of the SciEpistle to St. Jude; new edition, by the Rev. ence and Practice of Hunting, Shooting, CoulsJ. Sherman. Imp. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. ing, Racing, Fishing, Hawkinog, Cock-Fighllting, London, 1839. and other Sports and Pastimes of Great Britain. Jenning~s, (Rev. David.) Je~wish Antiqui- Illustrated with engravings on steel and wood. ties; with a Dissertation on the Hebrew Lan- Svo. cloth,:5 75. London, 1S88. guage. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. London, 1839. -- (C. W.) A Dictionary of Modern GarJennour, (Rev. Alfred.) The Book of the dening. 1 mo. cloth, $3 Ou. London. Prophet Isaiah. Translated from the Hebrew. American edition, 81 75. 2 vols. 8vo. $3 00. London, 1830. Farmer's Encyclopcdia anli Dictionary J e n y n s, (Rev. L.) Observations in Natural of Rural Affairs; embracing all the m st Re. J e n s~ (ev. L. Obsevation in Ntural cent Discoveries in Agricultural Chemistry. History; with an Introduction on Habits ofes in Agricultural Ce Observing. 12mo. cloth, $3 00. London. Large Svo. $10 00. London. ovr- - Adapted to the United States. By J errold, (Douglas.) Chronicles of Clover- Governeur Emerson. Svo. $4 00. Phila. nook and the Hermit of Bellyefulle. 12mo. cloth, $1 37. London. — _ The Farmer's Medical Dictionary, for the Diseases of Animals. 12mo. cloth, $1 75. Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures. 12mo. London. cloth, 75 cents. London. cloth, 5 cents. London. (Samuel.) The Works of; with an ------- Man made of Money. Illustrated with Essay on his Life and Genius, by Arthur Mur12 plates on steel, from designs by J. Leach. phy. Portrait, 2 vols. bvo. cloth, $3 50; half post Svo. cloth, $2 00. London, 1849. rmor. $6 50. London, 1835. Foreign and Amerzcan Books. 71 Johnson, (Samuel.) Life of. By James Jomini, (Baron de.) Precis politique et Boswell; including the Tour to the Hebrides. Militaire de la Campagne de 1315. 12mo. Edited by J. W. Croker. A new edition, with broche, 75 cents. portraits, royal 8vo. cloth, $4 00. Principes de la stratigie, d6vellopes par London, 1843. la relation de la campagne de 1796 in Al- — Life of. By James Boswell. Edited by lemagne, par S. A. I. et R. L'Archiduc Malone. 1 vol. 8vo. cloth, $2 25. Charles; ouvrage traduit del'Allemand. 1 vol. London, 1349. royal 8vo. with an atlas of plans on a large ------- Diamond Dictionary. 32mo. very neat scale,,6 00. Bruxelles, 1841. edition, 38 cents. London, 1841. Vie politique et Militaire de Napoleon, (Dr. E.) Results of Hydropathy' or, racontee par lui-meme au tribunal de Cesar, Constipation not a Disease of the Bowels; In- d'Alexandre et de Frederic, faisant suite a digestion not a Disease of the Stomach, &c. l'Histoire des guerres de la Revolution. 2 vols. 12tmo. cloth, 50 cepts. New York. royal Svo. with an atlas of 36 plates, $12 00. (W.) Essays on the Diseases of Young Bruxelles, 1540. Women. Post 8vo. cloth, $1 50. Lond. 1849. Jones and N e w m an's American Ar--- (Cuthbert.) The Farmer's Encqyclopmedia chitect; conlprising original Designs of Cheap and Dictionary of Rural Affairs; embracing all Country anld Villae Residences, with details, the Recent Discoveries in Agricultural Chem- &c. 4to. sheep, $3 50. New York, 1848. istry; adapted to the Comprehension of Un- Jones, (T. R.) Natural History of AniRmals; scientific Readers. 8vo. illustrated by wood being the Substance of Three Courses of Lecengravings, cloth, $15 00. London. tures delivered before the Royal Institution of (- James, Dr.) A Tour in Ireland, with Great Britain. 12mo. cloth, $3 25. Meditations and Reflections. Cr. Svo. cloth, (T. W.) Manual of Ophthalmic Medicine portrait, $1 50. Lond. 1849. and Surgery. 12mo. cloth, $3 75. Lond. Jo h n s o n i a n a; a Collection of Miscellaneous Anecdotes and Sayings, gathered from The Principles and Practice of Ophthalnearly a hundred different Publications, and rnic Medicine and Surgery, with 102 illustranot contained in Boswell's Life of Johnson. tions. Thick 12mo. cloth, $2 00. Edited by J. W. Croker, M. P., complete in Philadelphia, 1847. one thick vol. foolscap, 8vo. portrait and frontis- - (H. B.) On Gravel, Calculus, and Gout; piece, extra cloth, gilt, $1 25. 18-15. being an Application of Professor Liebig's Jo li hnston' s Universal Atlas. A new edi- Physiology to the Prevention and Cure of tion of the Maps transferred fronm stone' with these Diseases. 8vo. cloth, $1 50. the addition of a copious and useful Index of London, 142. 40,000 names. Half bound in mor. gilt edges, --- (Maj. Gen. Sir J. T.) Journal of the b20 00. - Sieges carried on by the Army under the Duke - (A. K.) Index to the National Atlas. of Wellington in Spain from 1811 to 1814. 3 Folio sewed, $2 25. London, 1849. vols. Svo. cloth, 26 plates, $12 50. Lond. -- (James.) A Discourse on the Phenome- (O.) and Goury, (M. J.) Plans, Elena of Sensation, as connected with the Mental, vations, Sections, and Details of the AlhamPhysical, and Instinctive Faculties of Maln. bra, from Drawings taken on the Spot in 1834 8vo. cloth, $2 50. London, 1841. and 1837. 2 vols. royal folio, half mor. $150 00. - (Charles.) Travels in Southern Abys-London,1842. sinia, through the Country of Adal to the King- ----- Scenery of the Nile, from Cairo to the dom of Shoa. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, plates, $2 50. Second Cataract, from drawings made on the London, 1844. spot; with Historical Notices of the Monu-- (J. F. W.) The Use of Lime in Agri- ments, by Samuel Birch, Senior in the Departculture. 12mo. cloth, $1 75. London, 1849. nment of Antiquities in the British Museum, and Honorary Member of the Egyptian Socie---- Lectures on the Application of Chemis-. ties of Cairo. Royal folio, containing 30 large try and Geology to Agriculture. o1. 12mo1 50. and very fine tinted engravings, drawn on New York. stone by George Moore, (the Artist of Gally Joigneaux, (P.) Organisation du Travail Knight's Works) and a colored frontispiece. Agricole. 18mo. broch6. Half mor. $17 00. London, 1843. Jomini, (Baron de.) Traiti des Grandes- (Rev. R.) Essay on the Distribution of Operations Militaires, ou Histoire Critique et Wealth, and on the Sources of Taxation. Militaire des guerres de Frederic II. comparees 12mo. $2 50. London, 1844. au Systeme Moderne avec un recueil des Principes les plus importants de l'art de la guerre. (Wlliam.) An Autobiography of the 2 vols. royal 8vo. with an atlas of 26 plates late. Edited by his Son. o. cloth, $1 50. $12 00. Brux. 1840. London, 1846. ~ —- Histoire Critique et Militaire de la Revo- (E) Principles and Practice of Levellution. 4 vols. royal 8vo. atlas de 38 cartes et ling. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. London. plans, $27 50. Bruxelles, 1840. - (Rev. J.) Chronological and Analytical ------ Precis de l'art de la Guerre, ou Nouveau View of the Holy Bible. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. tableau analytique des principales combinai- Oxford, 1836. sons de la strategi de la grand tactique et - The Book of the Young; an Invitation de la politique Militaire. 8vo. orne de plans to Early Christian Piety. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. et de cartes, $2 00. Bruxelles, 1838. Oxford, 1537. 72 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Jonson, (Ben.) Dramatic Works. Comrn- un i u s. The Authorship of the Letters of plete, with Biographical Memoir, by William Junius Elucidated; including a Memoir of Gifford. Royal 8vo. cloth, portrait and Lieut. Col. Isaac Barre. By John Britton. vignette, $4 00; handsomely bound in calf, Portraits, 8vo. cloth, $2 75. London, 1848. marbled leaves, $6 00. Lond. 1815. - Letters..2 vols. 12mo. calf, Woodfall's J o p1 i n g, (J.) Practice of Isometrical Per- edition. London. spective. 8vo. bds. 3 plates and 173 diagrams. Jur ge n s e n. Principes de l'exact mesure $1 50. London, 1S42. du temps par horologes, ou Resume des prin- Taylo.'.i Principles of Linear Perspective. cipes de construction des horologes pour la 8vo. plates and diagrams, $3 25. London. plus exact mesure du temps. 4to. 17 planches, Jortin, (John, D. D.) Remarks on Ecclesi- $6 25. Paris. astical History; with Li'3 of the Author. 3 Juri eu, (Peter.) The Accomplishment of vols. 8vo. calf gilt, $7 00. Lond. 1805. the Scripture Prophecies; or, the Approaching Edited by Rev. W. Trollope. 2 vols. Svo. Deliverance of the Church. Svo. calf,.$2 00. cloth, $4 50; calf extra, $6 50. Lond. 1846. LoAdoti 16ns7. A Critical History of the Doctrines alld J o s e p h in e. Historical and Secret Memoirs Worships of the Church. 2 vols. Svo. calf, of the Empress Josephine. By Mademoiselle $3 50. London, 1705. M. A. Le Normand. Translated from the Ju s s i e u, (H. De.) Elements of Botany. French. by Jacob M. Howard, Esq. 2 vols. Translated by Wilson. 12mo. cloth, 3 76. post Svo. cloth, $2 00. New York, 1849. London, 1848. Josep h u s, (Flavius.) Works; with the Kallenbach's Atlas of the Germanic Three Dissertations concerning Jesus Christ, Middle Age Architecture. Oblong folio, cloth, John the Baptist, James the Just, God's Corn- $25 00. mand to Abraham, &c.; with an In(lex. K a m e s, (Lord.) Elements of Criticism. Translated by William Whiston. 3 vols. 8vo. $2 50. London, 1840. cloth, $6 50. Oxford, 1839. Kia n e, (Sir R.) Elements of Chemistry; in1 vol. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. Lond. 1843. cluding the most recent Discoveries and Ap- Translated by Whiston. 52 plates. 2 plications of the Science to Medicine and Pharvols. 8vo. cloth, $5 50. macy, and to the Arts, with additions and Josselyn, (R.) The Faded Flower and corrections, by J. W. Draper. 8vo. cloth,$1 75. J'osselyn, (R.) The New York. other Songs and little Poems. 12mo. bds. 50 Second edition, enlarged. 8vo. cloth, cents. Boston, 1849. $S 00. London. J o u ffr o y. Introduction to Ethics; including K an t, (J.) Critick of Pure Reason. Transa Critical Survey of Moral Systems. Trans- lated from the Original of Immanuel Kant. lated by W. H. Channing. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, Second edition, with Notes and Explanation $2 00. Boston, 1843. of Terms, by Francis Haywood. 8vo. $5 50. J o u r n a 1 of Design, (The.) A new Periodical London, 1`49. devoted to Ornamental Art and Design. The Kat er and Lardn er's Treatise on Mefirst part has ten actual Fabric Patterns in- chanics. 12mo. cloth, $l 75. Lound. 1830. serted and 30 wood engravings. (To be published monthly.) K e an, (Edmund.) The Life of. 12mo. cloth, lished monthly.) $1 00. New York, 1835. Vol. 1, 8vo. cloth, with 44 Fabric Patterns inserted and upwards of 200 engravings, Keats, (John.) Poetical Works. 12mo. $2 25. London, 1849. cloth, $1 00. New York, 14A6. of the Proceedings of the Philomathic In- Life, Letters, and Literary Remains, by stitution; or, Lectures, Essays, and Discussions. Monckton Milnes. 12mo. cloth, portrait, $ 1 25. 4 vols. Svo. cloth, $4 00. London, 1826. New York, 18S46. of a Few Months' Residence in Portugal K e b 1 e, (J.) Lyra Apostolica. lSmo. cloth, and Glimpses of the South of Spain. 2 vols. $1 00. Derby, 1S41. post Svo. cloth, $4 00. London, 1847. Lyra Innocentium. 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. of a Voyage to the Levant. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1848. paper, $3 50. Paris, 1848. - The Christian Year. Thoughts in Verse ----- of the American Oriental Society; com- for the Sundays and Holydays throughout the prising Original Papers Rela:ting to the East. Year. Illustrated edition. Square 12mno. Nos. 1 to 4, already published. clothl, I$ 03). Philadelphia. 181S. Jou sse's Piano-Forte Preceptor, with Exam-.Another edition. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. ples and Exercises from celebrated Composers. Philadelphia, 1 42. Oblong 4to. paper, 75 cents. Lond. 1848. Selections from Hooker. 181no. cloth, Jowett: (Rev. W.) Scripture Characters, 75 cents. Oxford, 1845. from Adam to Abraham. 12mo. cloth, 60 Keel in g, (\Vm.) Liturgiae Britannicze; or, cents. London, 1847. the several editions of the Book of Common J o y c e, (Jer.) Scientific Dialogues, by Greg- Prayer; from its compilation to its last revision, ory and Walker. 12mo. cloth, wood-cuts, arranged to show their respective variations. $1 75. London. Svo. cloth, $5 0. Pickering, 1842. Junkin, (Rev. D. X.) The Oath a Divine Keepsake des Jeunes PersonOrdinance and an Element of the Social Con- nes. Par Mme. La Comtesse Dash. Illustre stitution, &c. 12mo. cloth 50 cents. par Ernest Girard. Royal 8vo. cloth gilt and New York. emblazoned, $3 00. Paris. Foreign and American Books. 73 K e i g h t 1 e y, (Thos.) History of England. K e p p e 1, (G.) Narrative of Journey from 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $4 00. New York. India to England in 1824. 8vo. cloth, $1 50. History of Greece. 8vo. cloth, $1 75. Philadelphia, 1827. New York. - Expedition to Borneo. 12mo. cloth, 50 History of Rome. 8vo. cloth, $1 75. cents. New York. New York. K idd, (John.) On the Physical Condition of ---- History of the Roman Empire. 8vo. Man. 12mo. cloth, 60 cents. Phila. cloth, $1 7'5. New York. Kidder, (D. P.) Sketches of a Residence Mythology of Greece and Rome. 50 cents. and Travels in Brazil. 2 vols. post 8vo. cloth, New York. 50 engravings, $2 50. New York. Keith, (A.) Demonstration of the Truth of Kindersley, (E. C.) The very Joyous, the Christian Religion. 12mo. cloth, $1 38. and Pleasant, and Refreshing History of the New York. Feats, Exploits, Triumphs, and Atchievements - ---- The Signs of the Times, as denoted by of the Good Knight without Fear and without the Fulfilment of Historical Predictions 2 vols. Reproach, the Gentle Lord De Bayard. Square 12mo. cloth, $1 50. New York, 1842. 8vo. bds. $3 00. London, 1S48. On the Prophecies. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. K i n g' s Munimenta Antiqua; or, Observations New York. on Ancient Castles in Great Britain. 4 vols. ------ Evidence of the Truth of the Christian folio, 166 plates, $63 00. Religion, derived from the Fulfilment of Proph- Kin g, (T.) Working Ornaments and Forms. ecy. 12mo. mor. $3 50. Edin. 1545. Full size, for the use of the Cabinet MIanufac(Sir Robert M.) Memoirs and Corres- turer, Chair and Sofa Maker, Carver and pondence of; with a Memoir of Queen Caro- Turner, &c. 3 parts, folio, paper. lina Matilda of Denmark, and an Account of (Col. J. A.) Twenty-four Years in the the Revolution in 1772. Edited by Mrs. G. Argentine Republic. l2mo. cloth, $1 00. Smyth. Portrait, 2 vols. post 8vo. cloth, $7 50. New York. London, 1S49. Kingsborough, (Lord.) Antiquities of e l an d, (P.) Theory of Heat. Svo. cloth, Mexico, comprising, fac-similes of Ancient Mex$2 63. Cambridge, 1837. ican Paintings and Hieroglyphics, preserved in Kellogg, (E.) Labor and other Capital. the Royal Libraries of Paris, Berlin, Dresden, The Rights of each Secured, and the Wrongs Vienna; the Vatican and the Borgian Museum, of both Eradicated, &c. 8vo. cloth, $1 60. at Rome; the Institute at Bologna; the BodNew York, 1849. leian Library at Oxford; and various others; K elly's Universal Cambist and Commercial the greater part inedited. Also, the MonuInstructor. Second edition, corrected to 1835. ments of New Spain, by M. Dupaix. Illus2 vols. in 1, 4to. cloth lettered, $4 75. 1835. trated by upwards of one thousand elaborate - (Walter K.) History of the Year IS-IS. and highly interesting plates, accurately copied 12mo. cloth, $1 50. Londonl, 1849. from the originals, by A. Aglio. 9 vols. impl. K e s Eineer's Pocket Guide. mo. cloth, folio, very neatly half bound mor. gilt edges,.~elt's Engineer's Pocke Guide. lemo. cloth, 75 cents. New York. 200 00.. The Same, 9 vols. with the plates beautifully 2mo. cloth, $1 0.) Year of Consol New York. colored, half bound mor. gilt edges, $350 00. (John Mitchell.) Saxons in England' a K in glak e. Eothen; or, Traces of Eastern History of the English Commonwealth till the Travel. 12mo. cloth, 50 cents; illustrated, Period of the Norman Conquest. Svo. cloth, cloth extra, $1 50. New York, 1849. $8 00. London, 1849. Kin g s t on, (W. H. G.) Lusitanian SketchEKend all, (G. WV.) Narrative of Texan es of the Pen and Pencil. 2 vols. post 8vo. $2. Santa Fe Expedition across the great South- Kip, (Rev. W. J.) Early Jesuit Missions in western Prairies to the City of Mexico. 2 vols. North America. 12mo. cloth, map, $1 00. 12mo. plates, $2 00. New York. New York. ----— (H. E.) Designs for Schools and School- Kirby, (W.) and Spence, (W.) An InHouses, Parochial and National, in the Gothic, troduction to Entomology; or. Elements of the Old English, Tudor, and Elizabethan Styles. Natural History of Insects; comprising an Illustrated by a series of 21 plates of Plans, Account of Noxious and Useful Insects, of their Elevations, and Perspective Views, with Esti- Metamorphoses, Food, Stratagems, Habitations, mates and Descriptive letter-press. Folio, Societies, Motions, Noises, Hybernation, Incloth, $16 00. London. stinct, &c. Sixth edition, corrected and en- (Otis.) Monography; or, Description of larged. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $9 50. London. the Heavens, and atlas, $1 25. Phila. An Introduction to Entomology; or, EleKennedy, (J. P.) Memoirs of the Life of ments of the Natural History of Insects. 8vo. William Wirt, Attorney-General of the United colored plates, $2 50. Philadelphia. States. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, portrait, $3 50. K i r by's Wonderful Museum; or, Magazine Philadelphia, 1849. of Remarkable and Eccentric Characters, inK e n n i s h, (W.) A Method for Concen- cluding Curiosities of Nature and Art, from the trating the Fire of ~ Broadside of a Ship of remotest period to the present time, drawn War, with an Appendix, containing several from every authentic source. 6 vols. Svo. 124 important subjects connected with the Naval curious portraits and plates, cloth lettered, Service. 4to. cloth, 19 plates, $6 50. Lond. $7 50. 74 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Kirkaldy, (Sir William, of Grange.) Me- K napp, (Dr. F.) Chemical Technology; or, nioirs and Adventures of. 12mo. cloth, $3 25. Chemistry applied to the Arts and to ManuEdinburgh, 1847. factures. Translated and edited by Drs. Rod, (Mrs.) A New Home, ho'll nalds and Richardson, with Notes and AddiKi irkland, (Mrs.) A New Home, Who'll., Fallow? or, Glimpses of Life in the Far West tions, by Prof. W. R. Johnson. 2 vols. 8vo. or New Settlements of America. dcloth cloth, and upwards of 400 engravings, $7 50. $1 00. New York. Philadelphia, 1348.. Knight, (Charles.) William Shakspeare; a Western Clearings. 12mo. cloth,.50 Biography. Royal 8vo. half calf, gilt, profusecents. New York. ly illustrated with wood-cuts, $8 00. (Scarce.) - HEIolidays Abroad; or, Europe from the London, 1843. West. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $2 25. Penny Magazine; the last 2 vols. pubNew York, 1849. lished together in 1 vol. 12mo. cloth, wood-cuts, iirke W hite's Poems. 32mo. cloth, 63 75 cents. London, 146. cents. Philadelphia. Pictorial London. 6 vols. bound in 3 thick handsome vols. imperial 8vo. illustrated ------- Remains. 18mo. mor. gilt, port. $1 50. by 650 wood engravings, extra cloth, gilt backs, Glasgow, 1848. very elegant, $10 00. 1841-44. Kirk e, (W. S.) Hand-Book of Physiology. The Same. 6 vols. in 3, elegantly half bound Assisted by James Paget, with illustrations on mor. extra, gilt backs and gilt edges, $16 00. steel and wood. 12mo. cloth, $3 75. -- Pictorial Shakspeare. A few sets of the London, 1949. choice original copies (now very scarce), com- and P a g e t, (J.) Manual of Physiol- plete in 8 vols. royal 8vo. calf extra,.35 00. ogy. l2mo. sheep, 118 wood-cuts, $2 00. The Same, half mor. neat, $33 00. Philadelphia, 1849. (C.) Half Hours with Best Authors. 4 K i t B a m's Adventures; or, the Yarns of thick vols. 12mo. cloth, $6 00. New York. an Old Mariner. By Mary Cowden Clarke. - (Henry Gally.) Ecclesiastical Architee12mo. cloth, Cruikshank's plates, $1 50. ture of Italy. 2 vols. folio, half mor. 81 plates, London, 1849. ) $63 00. London, 1844. K i t c h e n e r, (Dr.) The Cook's Oracle and Saracenic and Norman Remains, to illusHousekeeper's Manual. 12mo. cloth, 88 cents. trate the Normans in Sicily. Imp. folio, half New York. mor. 30 plates, $22 00. London, 18,10. _()_r - _(F.) ScrollOrnaments; designed for the K itt o, (J.) Cyclopsdiaof Biblical Literature. use of Silversmiths, Chasers, Die-Silikers, Mod2 vols. 8vo. cloth, with maps, 7 50. ellers &c. 4to. cloth, $12 00. New York. o o c k, (Paul De.) Ua Grande Ville, nou- istory of Palestine. 12mo. cloth, 75 veau tableau de Paris, comique, critique et cents. New York, 1844. philosophique; illustrations de Gavarni, GiK 1 e u z e's Works; containing the Pinnacothe- goux, Victor Adam et Daumier. 2 vols. gran ca and other Public Buildings of Bavaria. in 8, $5 00. Folio, half bound, $31 50. Knowles, (J.) The Elements and Practice of Naval Architecture; or, a Treatise on Ship Klin g, (Herr.) Chess Euclid: a Collection Building. Illustrated with a series of 39 large of 200 Chess Problems and End Games. 8vo. draughts and numerous smaller engravings. cloth, $2 50. London, 1849. 4to. cloth, plates, folio, $35 00. London. Klipstein, (L. F.) Study of Modern Lan- Kohl, (J. G.) Scotland: Glasgow, the Clyde, guages. Imperial 8vo. cloth, $1 00. Edinburgh, the Forth, Stirling Drummond New York, 1849. Castle, Perth, Taymouth Castle, and the Lakes. 8vo. paper, 50 cents. London, 1844. -- Grammar of the Anglo-Saxon Lzanguages. Travels in Russia, Austria, Scotland, Eng12mo. cloth, $1 25. New York, 1848. land, and Wales. 8vo. cloth, $1 25. Analecta Anglo-Saxonica; with an In- Philadelphia. troductory Ethnological Essay and Notes, K o hl r au s c h's History of Germany, from Critical and Explanatory. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, the earliest period to the present time. Thick $3 50. New York, 1849. 8vo. $1 50. - A Glossary to Do. (In preparation.) K o r an. Translated from the original Arabic, with Explanatory Notes. and a Preliminary - Elfric's Anglo-Saxon Homily on the Discourse, by George Sale. Maps and plates, Birthday of St. Gregory; with a full rendering Svo. cloth, $2 50. London, 1835. into English, and Notes, &c. 12mo. cloth, 50 Krafft. Portes cochres et portes l'entr6e cents. New York, 1849. des maisons particulieres et edifices publics. lopstok's Odes from 1747 to 180. Partie separee de l'ouvrage ci-dessus denommn. KlopstocksOdes from 1747 the German, by. 1 vol. in folio, de 60 planches graves au trait, Translated from the German, by W. Nind. $7 00 12mo. cloth, $1 63. London, 1848. --- Mod'les de Dessin lineaire, appliqubs a K nap en, (D. M.) The Mechanic's Assistant; l'architecture, intitules: Ornementation de a thorough Practical Treatise on Mensuration l'architecture antique et moderne. 1 vol. inand the Sliding Rule. 12mo. half bound, fol. de 72 planches dessinees par J-Ch. Krafft, wood-cuts, $1 00. New York, 1848. graveis au trait, avec texte, $7 50. Foreign and American Books. 75 Kr a f ft, (J.-Ch.), Architecte. Maisons de cam- L a c r oi x, (S. F.) Elements of Algebra pagne, habitations rurales, chateaux, fermes, Translated zy J. Farrar, 2 vols. 8vo. sheep, plans de jardins (le France, d'Angleterre, d'Al- 44 00. Boston lemagne; decorations de jardins, etc. Cet LT a ctantius, (St.) Opera omnia, cum ouvrage, du format grand in-folio de 292 emendationibus turn disquisitionibus criticis planches avec texte explicatif, renferrnm dans aucta; editio novissima, precedunt S. Marcelson ensemble tout ce qui concerne la distribu- lini, S. Eusebii, S. Melchiadis, Anonymi, Cel;i, tion, l'arrangement, l'embellissement et la dec- omnia quae exstant Fragmenta. 2 vols. royal oration des maisons de campagne, parcs et 8vo. $4 50. Paris, 1844. jardins, classes en trois parties. 3 vols. in fev, (M.) The Beauties of Modern folio, $.30 o0. Lafe ver, (M.) The Beauties of Modern Architecture. Large 8vo. 58 plates, $5 00. Traite de l'Art de la charpente. Plans, New York. coupes et elevations de diverses productions L a r'ontaine, (Jean de.) (Euvres comexecutis tant en France que dans les pays pletes, mises en ordre, accompagnees de notes etrangers; publie par J.-Ch. Krafft, architecte. et augmrentees de plusieurs pieces inedites et Troisieme edition, mise en ordre et augment/ee de variantes, par M. Walckenaer, avec portrait. de 40 planches par Rondelet et Thiollet, archi- 6 vols. grand in 8, veau, $12 00. Paris, 1S22. tectes et professeurs. 2 vol. fol. $35 00. Le menle ouvrage, demi veau. $10 50. et T hio lle t. Choix des plus jolies Paris, 1822. maisons de Paris et de ses environs. Edifice - CEuvres completes avec les notes de tous et monuments publics presentes en plans, ele- les coinmentateurs, et des notices historiques vations, coupes et details de constructions. en tete de chaque ouvrage: avec portraits et Nouvelle edition, revue et mise en ordre, for- gravures. 6 vols. in 8, demi veau, $12 00. mat grand in-fol. contenant: Maisons particu- Paris, 1826. lieres et petits hotels; maisons a loyer et a - Fables et (Euvres diverses, avec des notes boutiques; maisons de commerce, magasins et et one nouvelle notice sur sa vie par Walckhotels garnis; pavillons, galeries, passages, enaer. 12no. broche, 1 vol. half mnor. $1 75. restaurants, cafhs, bains, glacieles et lavoirs; Paris, 1846. corps-de-garde, prisons, theatres, hopitaux, Laharpe. Abrege de l'histire generale des eglises, etc. Leves, mesures et dessines par voyages, contenant ce qu'il y a de plus reJ.-Ch. Krafft; et Thiollet, archlitectes, lS pl. marquable, de plus utile et de mieux avere gravies au trait, accompagnePes d'un texte; dans les pays ou les voyageurs out penetre, les ouvrage termine par 60 planches gravees, rep- mceuris des habitants, la religion, les usages, arts resentant les portes cocheres et portes d'entrees et sciences, commerce et manufactures-ornes des maisons particulieres et edifices publics tie de 24 gravures et dun bel atlas in folio. 24 Paris, levees, mesurees et dessinies par le vol. grand in 8, demi maroquin, $30 00. memes. 1 vol. grand in-folio de 218 pl. Paris, 1825. K a eO- DLycee ou Cours de Litterature, ancienne K r a m e r, (W-) On Diseases of the Ear. et moderne-Philosophie du dix huitieme Svo. cloth, $1 25. Philadelphia. siecle. 16 vol. grand in S, demi veau, $16 00. K r u d n e r, (Mme. de.) -Valerie avec preface Paris, 1825. de S. Beuve. 12mo. paper, $1 00. L aing, (S.) National Distress, its Causes and Kugh ler, (Dr. F.) Hand-Book of the Dic- Remedies. 8vo. cloth, 75 cents. Lond. 1841. tionary of Painting: German, Flemish, and --- (D.) Hints for Dwellings; consisting of Dutch Schools, with Notes, by Sir F. Head. original designs for Cottages, Farm-Houses, 12mio. cloth, S3 25. Villas, &c. 4to. cloth, plates, $6 00. K uh n er, (Dr. R.) Grammar of the Greek London, 1841. Language for the use of High Schools and (Samuel.) The Chronicles of the Kings Collegres. Translated from the German, by of Norway, from the earliest period of the HisProfessors Edwwards and Taylor. Svo. boards, tory of the Northern Sea-Kings to, the Middle Pfs3 00. aAndover. of the Twelfth Century, commonly called the - Elementary Grammar of the Latin Lan- Heimskringla. 3 vols. 8ro. cloth, $10 75. Lond. - Elementary Grammar of the Latin Language. Translated by Champlin. 12mo. half L a is n e, (J.) Aide-memoire portatif a roan, $1 50. Boston. l'usage des officiers du Genie. 12mo. paper, $2 75. Bruxelles, 1841. Kynaston, (Lieut. A. F.) Casualties $2 75 Bruxelles, 1841. Afloat, with Practical Suggestions for their L aj ola is, (Mle. N. de.) Le Livre des M1res Prevention and Remedy. 8vo. cloth, $2 25. de Famille. 12mo. paper, $[ 00. Paris, 1844. London, 1819. L a 11 e m an d, (M.) A Practical Treatise on L abe do l i e r e, (E. de.) Histoire de la the Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of Garde Nationale recit complet de toun los Spermatorrhea. Translated by H. J. McFaits qui l'ont Distinguee depuis son origine Dougal. Svo. cloth, $1 50. Phila. 1848. jusqu'en 1848. 12mo. paper, illustree par dix --- (F.) Revolutions Politiques et Sociales dessins colories, $1 00. Paris, 1848. de 1848. Predites en 1843. 12mo. 38 cents. Paris, 1848. L a b o r d e, (Le Cote de.) Les Dues de L a m a r c k'Conchology; containing a comBourgoyne etudes sur les Lettres, les Arts et plete Translation of his Descriptions of both'andustrie pendant le XVe Sicl0. PSeconde the Recent and Fossil Genera, illustrated by Parte. Tome L Preuves, $2 00. Paris, 1849. nearly 400 accurate Figures of Shells, drawn Voyage Pittoresque et Historique en by J. Mawe, edited by E. A. Crouch. Royal Espagne. 4 vols. grand en folio, half bound, 4to. extra cloth boards, $3 25. 1827. with numerous engravings, $126 00. The Same, with the plates beautifully colored, Paris, 1806. elegantly bound in gilt cloth, $9 60. 76 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Lamartine, (Alphonse de.) (Euvres com- Landor, (Walter Savage.) Works. 2 vols. pletes; nouvelle edition illustree, ornee du por- royal 8vo. cloth, $9 50: Russia gilt, marbled trait, de 30 vignettes, vues ou portraits graves leaves, $l2 00. London, 1846. sur acier d'apres les dessins de NMIM. Alfred et - (E. W.) Lofoden; or, the Exiles of NorTony Johannot, de 500 vignettes, culs-de-lampe, way. 2 vols. post 8vo. cloth, $6 0(. Lond. 1849. fleurons, graves sur bois; de titres graves avec L a n d s e e r, (C.) The Mother; a series of grandes vignettes, et la musique de plusieurs Pen and Ink Sketches, etched by Charles pieces. 2l vol. in S, demi maroquin, $55 00.; India P ap*ri 19AS. Lewis. 8 plates, folio prints, $6 50; India risn, 1 839-4. proofs, $St3 00; artist's proofs, $26 00. Histoire des Girondins. 8 vols. 12mo. London, 1S19. half mor. marbled edges, $14 00. Paris, 1845. Lane, (E. W.) Selections from the Kur-an, - La memne ouvrage. Imp. 8vo. broch e. commonly called the Koran; with an interBruxelles. woven Commentary. 8vo. cloth, $1 50. Histoire des Girondins. 8 vols. 12mo. London, 1843. paper, $8 00. Paris, 1S48. - Translation of the Thousand and One - Raphael. Pages de la vingtieme annie. Nights; or, the Arabian Nights' Entertain8vo. paper, $1 50. Paris, 1849. ments, with Explanatory Notes. A new ediHistory of the Girondists. Translated tion. 3 vols. 12mo. cloth, illustrated with 600 by H. T. Ryde. Portraits, 3 vols foolscap, wood-cuts, by Harvey, and illuminated titles, extra cloth, $2 63. London.' by Owen Jones, $6 00. London, 1847. - Pilgrimage to the Holy Land. 2 vols. Manners and Customs of the Modern 12mo. cloth, $1 75. New York, lS48. Egyptians; a new and enlarged edition, with - Raphael; or, Pagfes of the Book of Life great improvemlents. 2 vols. Svo. numerous at Twenty. Translated with sanction of Au- wood-cuts, printed to match Wilkinson's Anthor. Post Svo. cloth, $2 00. Lond. 1849. cient Egyptians, cloth, richly gilt backs, $4 00. Confidential Disclosures. Translated 142. from the French, by E. Plunkett. 12mno. cloth, - (Rev. B.) MIysteries of Tobacco. 12mo. 50 cents. New York, 1819. paper, 38 cents. New York. Histoire de la Revolution de 184S. 2 L an g, (J. D.) An Historical and Statistical vols. 8vo. broch6, $3 50. Paris, 1849. Account of New South Wales, both as a Penal Settlement and as a British Colony. 2 vols. The Same. Translated. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. cr 8vo cloth, and as a Bi ony. 140. cr 8vo cloth, $3 00. London, 1540. Lamb, (Charles.) Complete orks 1 ol. La ng l e y' s Ancient Masonry. 2 vols. folio Laznb, (Charles.) Complete Works. 1 vol. 1t 90London. royal Svo. cloth, portrait and vignette, $3 50; plates, $9 50. Lonon. calf gilt, $6 00. London, 1S40. Lanman, (C.) Letters from the Alleghany - Complete Works;- to which are prefixed Mountains. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. New York. his Letters and a Sketch of his Life, by Thos. - Canoe Voyage up the Mississippi. 12mo. Noon Talfourd. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, portrait, 50 cents. New York. $2 00. New York, 1549. ~ Letters from a Landscape Painter. l2mo. ---- Literary Sketches and Letters; being the cloth, 75 cents. Boston. final Memorials of Charles Lamb, never before Summer in the Wilderness. 12mo cloth, published, by Thomas Noon Talfourd. 12mo. 63 cents. New York. cloth, 75 cents. New York, 1849. Tour on the Sanguanay. 12mo. cloth, 63 Essays of Elia. 12mo. cloth, $1 00; cents. Philadelphia. cloth gilt, $1 25. New York, 1849. La Place, (P. S.) Precis de l'Histoire de - Specimens of the English Dramatic l'Astronomie. 8vo. paper, $1 00. Paris, 1821. Poets. 12mo. cloth, $1 25; cloth gilt, $1 50. (Le Marquis De.) uvres. vols. in New York, 1848 (Le Marquis De.) CEuvres. 7 vols. in New YorT, 18fr k. 4to. papier vellin, $30 00. Paris, 1843. -- (C. and MI.) Tales from Shakspeare. Trnslated, with a 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. New York. - Mecanique Celeste. Translated, with a Conmentary, by Bowditch. 4 vols. 4to. bhis. (E. B.) Studies of Ancient Domestic 5 00. Bosto 9-39 Architecture. Imperial 4to. half calf, 20 fine tn, plates, $7 50. London. The System of the World. Translated from the French and elucidated with ExplanLambert (Mis.) The Hand-Book of atory Notes, by Rev. Henry H. Blake. 2 vols. Needlework, with numerous illustrations, en- 8vo. boards, $7 25. London. graved by 0. J. Butler. 8vo. cloth, $1 50. 5,. New York, 1847. L apide, (Curnelius A.) Commentarii in Lamennais, (F. De.) CEuvres completes. Scripturam Sacrain. 20 vols. imp. 8vo. $37 50. Nouvelle edition. 10 vols. broche, $9 00. Lugduni. Paris, 1844. Lappenberg, (Dr. J. M.) History of - Amschaspands et Darvands. 12mo. England under the Anglo-Saxon Kings. paper, 75 cents. Bruxelles, 1843. Translated from the German, by Belnjamin - De L'Esclavage Moderne. 121no. paper, Thorpe. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $4 00. 25 cents. Bruxelles, 1840. London, 1845. - Affaires de Rome. 12mo. paper, $1 00. L a r dn e r, (Dr.) Cabinet Cyclopaedia; comBruxelles, 1837. prising a series of original Works on History, ----- Le Pays et le Gouvernement. 18mo. Biography, Literature, the Sciences, Arts, and broche, 25 cents. Manufactures. The series complete in 133 Landais, (N.) Lettres a Amelie sur le vols $200 00; separately,per vol. $1 75. Mariage. 12mo. paper, $1 00. Paris, 1845. London. Foreign and American Books. 77 Lardner, (Dr.) On the Steam Engine. Lavallee, (Th.) Histoire des Francaise 12mo. cloth, wood-cuts, 25 cents. Lond. 1849. 4 vols. 12mo. paper, $4 00. Steam Engine Explained and Illustrated, --- Histoire des Franqais depuis le Temps with an Account of its Invention and Progres- des Gaulois Jusquen 1830. 2 vols. small sive Improvemrent, anld its application to Navi- folio, half mor. gilt tops, illustrated with 80 gation and Railways. Seventh edition, 8vo. superb engravings on steel, forming a complete numerous engravings on wood, cloth, $2 00. gallery of portraits of the Kings of France and other celebrated men, $15 00. Paris, 1847. Treatise on the Differential and Tntegral,, Calculus. 8vo. $2 00. London, 1525. L avergne, (A. de.) Chateaux et. Ruines A Treatise on Arithmetic. Foolscap Historiques de France. Imperial Svo. paper, 8vo. cloth, $1 75. London. with illustrations by Theodore Frere, $2 75. Paris. ----- A Treatise on Geometry and its Appli- Law, (Henry.) Examples of the Modes of cation to the Arts. Foolscap Svo. upwards of Setting out Railway Curves. Plates, 8vo. 75 200 figures, cloth, $1 75. London. cents. London. A Treatise on Hydrostatics and Pneu- - Rudiments of Civil Engineering. Parts matics. New edition, foolscap 8vo. cloth, $l 75. 1 and 2. 12mo. 50 cents. London, 1849. London. Lawrence, (Sir Thos.) Engravings fromn...- A Treatise on Heat. 12mo. cloth, $1 7.5. the choicest works of. Folio, half mor. gilt, London, 1S33. gilt edges, 50 engravings, with accompanying and W a 1 k e r' s Manual of Electricity, letter-press descriptions and portrait, $25 00. Magnetism, and Meteorology. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1841. $3 50. _ Life and Correspondence, by Williams. -_ Works; containing Credibility of the 2 vols. Svo. fine portrait, cloth, $3 75. Gospel History, Jewish and Heathen Testi- London, 1831. monies, History of Heretics, and Sermons and - (W.) Treatise on the Diseases of the Tracts, with Life of the Author, by Dr. Kippis. Eye. Third edition, revised, corrected, and 10 vols. 8vo. best edition, extra cloth, lettered, enlarged, 1 thick vol. 8vo. 820 closely printed $~20 00. 1838. pages, extra cloth boards, $3 25. 1844. L arn ed, (Rev. S.) Life and Eloquence, by L awson, (Peter.) The Agriculturist's ManR. R. Gurley. 12mo. cloth, portrait, $1 25. ual; being a Familiar Description of the AgriNew York. cultural Plants cultivated in Europe. 8vo. L arr e y, (Baron D. J.) Surgical Memoirs of cloth, $2 25. Edinburgh. the Campaigns of Russia, Germany, and L ayard, (Austen Henry.) Nineveh and its France. Translated by J. C. Mercer. 8vo. Remains, with an Account of a Visit to the boards, $1 50. Philadelphia, 1832. Chaldean Christians of Kurdistan and the La s saigne, (M. J. L.) Dictionnaile des Yeridis, or Devil-Worshippers; and an Inquiry'Ractifs chinlliques employe's dansinto the Manners and Arts of the Ancient As-,i~actifs chimiques employ.s dans toutes les. syrians. 2 vols. Svo. $10 50. Lond. 1849. exp6riences dans les cours publics et particulieres. 8vo. broch, $2'75. Paris, 1539. American edition. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, plates and L at hm, (R. Y.) The English L ue cuts, $4 50; 2 vols. in 1, half mor. $5 00. Latham, (R. Y.) The English TLanguage. New York, 1849. Second edition, revised and enlarged. Svo. 8oth t e Monuments of Nineveh, from drawings cloth, $4 50. London, 181S. made on the spot. Folio, 100 plates in portLatimer, (Hugh.) Sermons and Remains. folio, $60 00. London, 1849. 2 vols. Svo. cloth. Cambridge, 1845 Lays of the Western World; Lato ur, (A. de.) Poesies completes. 12ino. containing "Love's Requiem," by C. F. Hoffpaper, 1t 00. man; "The Mother of Moses," by Mrs. Osgood; L aud, (Archbishop.) Conference between, "The Land of Dreams," by W. C. Bryant; and W\illiam Fisher, a Jesuit, by comrr.and of "Lees in the Cup of Life," by Mrs. S. G. Howe; King James. 8vo. $2 25. Oxford, 1S39. "I lie Night Cometh,' by Mr. Embury; " The Tournament of Acre," by W. H. Herbert; Liturgy, Episcopacy, and Church Ritual. "Greenwood," by Miss Pindar; "Worship," by 12mo. cloth, $1 25. Oxford, 1s40. Miss Bayard; "The Child's Mission," by Mrs. The Private Devotions of. 12mo. cloth, Emburiy. Beautifully printed in colors and $1 25.. Oxford, 1839. gold, designs by Mapleson, with borders and vignettes after the manner of the illuminated Laurence, (L.) Perspective Simplified. booksof the Middle Ages. 4to. handsomely 8vo. cloth, 10 plates, $2 25. London. bound in morocco, in antique style, gilt, and Lavater, (John Caspar.) Essays on Physi- gilt leaves, $12 00. New York, 1849. ognomy, designed to promote the Knowledge L ays of Ancient Babyland; to and the Love of Mankind. Translated by which are added divers small Histories not Holcroft. 8vo. cloth, many plates, 83 00. known to the Ancients. Dedicated, with much London, 1848. respect, but without permission, to the Babies ------ Physiognomy; or, the Cor'esponding of England. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Analyses between the Conformation of the Pickering, 1849. Features and the Ruling Passions of the Mind. L e a fl e t s o f M e m o r y; an Illuminated 12mo. cloth, 7 engravings, 75 cents. Annual for 1849. Edited by Reynell Coates, London, 1844. M. D. 8vo. mor. gilt,'$6 00. Phila. 1849. 78 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Leahy, (E.) A Practical Treatise on Mak- Legrew, (James.) A Few Remarks on the ing and Repairing Roads. Cr. 8vo. cloth, Sculpture of the Nations referred to in the Old plates, $1 50. London. Testament, deduced from an Examination of Le Bealle, (A.) Cours Elementaire Theo- some of their Idols. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. rique et Pratique de dessin Lineaire. 2 vols. London, 1845. 4to. boards, many plates, some colored, $5 50. L ei bn it z. CEuvres, edition amendie Paris. Jacques. 2 vols. 12mo. paper, $2 00. Paris. Le Canu, (Louis-Rene.) Etudes Chimiques L e ic h ha rdt, (Dr. Ludwig.) Journal of an sur le Sang Humain. 4to. paper, $1 00. Overland Expedition in Australia, from MoreParis, 1837. ton Bay to Port Essington, a distance of three Le Comte's Gothic Ornaments, and of the thousand miles, during the Years 1844-45. Renaissance Style. Folio, 76 plates, $15 75. $4 00. London, 1847. L e con t e. Ornements Gothiques de toutes L e i ght on, (Archbishop.) The Whole les epoques, et choix d'ornements de la Reiais- Works; with a Memoir, by Aikman. Svo. sance et des differents siecles,'a l'usage des cloth, $2 00. Edinburgh, 1840. peintres, decorateurs et architectes. 1 vol. in with Life, by Rev. J. Pearson. Portrait, fol. de 72 planches, avec description, cartonne, 2 vols. Svo. cloth, $5 00; calf, 87 50. $15 00. London, 1S46. - Variete ou choix d'ornements tires des Commentary on Peter; with Life, by ceuvres des maitres des seizieme, dix septieme Peason Complete in one thik hadsoml y et dix-huitieme siecles. 1 vol. in fol. de 72. planches, avec description, cartonne, $12 50. nted volue, vo. portrait, extra cloth, L e c o unt' s Practical Treatise on Railways. L e eu x's Memorials of Cambridge. 2 8vo. cloth, plates, $2 75. vols. 4to. $25 00. Londlon, 1842. L e c t u r e s on Subjects connected with Proph- Memorials of Oxford. Text by Dr. ecy, delivered at the request of the Edinburgh 2 M ols. oto fo25 00 Lond. 13-7 Association for Promoting the Study of Proph- gram ecy. 12mo. cloth, 1 00. Edin. 1843. Leland, (John, D.D.) The Divine Authority on Painting, by the Royal Academicians, of the Old and New Testaments asserted. Svo. Barry, Opie, and Fuseli. Edited, with Notes, cloth, $2 50. London, 1837. by R. N. Warner. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. The Advantage and Necessity of the London, 1S48. Christian Revelation shown from the State of Lee, (R.) Clinical Midwifery; comprising the Religion in the Ancient Heathen World. 2 Histories of 545 Cases of Difficult, Preternatu- vols. Svo. calf, $3 50. Philadelphia, 1818. ral, and Complicated Labor. 12mo. cloth, View of the Principal Deistical Writers $1 00. Philadelphia, 1849. that have appeared in England, etc. 8vo. cloth, - - Researches on the Pathology and Treat- 82 50. London, 1837. ment of some of the most important Diseases Le Monde. iistoire de tous los peuples, of Women. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. Lond. 1833. Grece et Italie, France, Allemagne. Pirusse, - (Edwin.) Animal Magnetismu and Ho- etc.. Russie, Pologne, etc., Terre Sainte. Anglemceopathy; with Notes illustrative of the In- terre Chine, Amelique et Oceanie, Espagne. fluence of the Mind on the Body. 12mo. cloth, 10 vol. in 8, demi veau, la 00. $1 50. London, 1843. Paris 1844-40. - (;Samuel.) An Inquiry into the Nature, Lemon, (Mark.) The Enchanted Doll; a Progress, and End of Prophecy, in Three Books. Fairy Tale for Little People, with Illust.rations I. On the Covenants. II. An Exposition of by Richard Doyle. 12mo. boards, 81 00. the Visions of the Prophet Daniel. III. An London, 1849. Exposition of the Revelation of St. John. With L e mpriere, (T. A':ssical Dictionary Preface and Introduction. 8vo. cloth, $4 00. containing a copious Account of all the Propet Cambridge, 1849. Names mentioned in Ancient Authors; with Tx- (Mrs. R., formerly Mrs. J. E. BoRditch.) Value of Coins, Weigrhts, and Measures used Taxidermy; or, the Art of Collecting, Repair- amongst the Greeks and Rormans, and a Chronoing, and Mounting Objects of Natural History. looical Table.'ITwentieth edition, corrected. For the use of Museums andTravellers. Sixth, edition, improved, with an Account of a Visit o. Clasia ic ta. Lonton. to Walton Falls, and Mr. Waterton's Method Classical Dictionary. Miniature edition of Preserving Animals. Foolscap Svo. with One very thick vol. 1Smio. cloth lettere., neatwood-cuts, cloth, $3 00. London. ly bound, $1 37. 1845. L e e d s, (W. H.) Illustrations of the Public (F. D.) Lectures upon the Col!ects of Buildings of London. 2 vols. Svo. half mor. the Book of Common Prayer. 8vo. cloth. 83 50. gilt tops, 165 Engravings, $19 00. London. London. 18-15. -- - Rudimentary Architecture for Beginners. Lenoir, (A.) Nouvelle Collection D'AraThe Orders and their Asthetic Principles. besques propres a la Decoration des A parte12mo. cloth, 25 cents. London, 1849. mens; dessinees k Rome, par L. Poussin et Lefevre, (M. A.) D'Asthme, Recherches centres celbres artistes. 4to. cloth, $3 25. Medicales sur la Nature, les Causes et le Leone, (The Abbate.) The Jesuit ConspirTraitement de cette Maladie. Svo. paper, 765 acy. The Secret Plan of the Order. 12mo. cents. Paris, 1847. cloth, $3 00. London, 1848. (Sir George.) An Apology for the L equeux. Manuale Compendium Juris CaNerves; or, their Influence and Importance in nonici ad usum seminariorum juxta temporum Health and Disease. Cr. Svo. cloth, $2 50. circumstantias accommodatum. 4 vols. 12mo. London, 1844. $4 50. Paris, 1843 Foreign and Amnerican Boois. 79 Lerebour, (N. P.) Treatise on Photo- Library of the Fathers of the graphy; containing the latest Discoveries and Holy Catholic Church, anterior to the Division Improvements appertaining to the Daguerreo- of the East and West. Translated by Meemtype. Translated by J. L. Egerton. Post 8vo. bers of the En(glish Church. cloth, $2 25. London, 1843. L e S a g e. Gil Bias de Santillane, precede VOLUMES PUBLISHED. d'une notice sur l'auteur, par M. Charles No- 1. St. Aunlcstine's Confessions. ThirJ edition, $2 50. dier; ornee de 600 dessins par Gigoux, graves 2. St Cyril's Lectures. Third edition, $3 00. ds texte..I vol 3. St Cylprian's Treatises, $3 00. sur bois et imprimes dans le texte. I sol. 4 and.. St. Chrysostom on 1 Corinthians. 2 vols. $5 00. grand in 8, $4 50. 6. St. Chryso-tom on Galatians and Ephesians, $3 00. Histoire de Gil Blas de Santillane. 12mo. 7. St. Chryanasius aonainst the Arians, 50. brocht, $1 00; half mor. $1 75. Paris, 1847. 9. St. (Chrvsostom, tiornilies on the Statues, $3 50. 10. Teitullian, vol. 1. $4 50. Les Hindoos, on Description de leurs 11. St. Chrvsostom, Homilies on St. Matthew, Part I. $3 50. Mceurs, Cottumes, et Ceremonies. Par Bal- 12. t. Chrysostom, Homilies on 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, an.3 tarand Solryns. 4 large folio vols. with several Phlilemona $3 50. hundred colored plates, $!50 00. Paris, 1808. 14. St. Chrysostoin, Homilies on Philirpians, &c. $4 50. Leslie, (Rev. Charles.) The Theological 165 st hr. o'tom Homilies on St. tte, rt. $3 0. 16. St. Auoustine's Scrmons, vol. 1, $4 125. Works of. 7 vols. Svo. cloth, $;17 50. 17. St. Cyp'rian's Epistles, $3 50. Oxford, 1832. 18. St. Grezory the Great, Morals on the Book of Job, vol. 1, $4 50. (John.) Rudiments of Plane Geometry, 19. St. Athanasilus against the Arians, Part II. $3 00. including Geometrical Analysis and Plane 2,. St. Augustine's Sermons., vol. 2, $4 25. G~eometry. 8vo.boards,$ 1 37. Edin.1828R. 21. St. Gregory the Great, Morals, &c. vol. 2, $4 50. 22. St. Augustine's Short Treatises, $4 75. ------ (Miss.) Directions for Cookery in its 23. St Gregory the Great, Morals, &c. vol. 3, Part I. $3 00. various branches. 12mo. sheep, $1 00. 24. St. Aurgutine on the Psalms, vol. 1, $:3 00. 25. St. Augustine on the Psalms. vol. 2, $3 00. Philadelphia, 1848. 26. st. Augustine on St. John, vol. 1, $4 25. ----- The House-Book; or, a Manual of Domestic Economy for Town and Country. 12mo.BIBLIOTHECA PATRUM. sheep, $1 00. Philadelphia, 1845. S. Aungustini Confessiones (Latin Text), $2 75. Artists of. Chrysostomi Homiliie in Matthivum (Greek Text), cum Lester, (C. Edwards.) The Artists of notis edit. F. Field, 3 vols. $12 00. America; a series of Biographical Sketches of s. Chrysostomi flomilix in S. Pauli Epist. ad Corinthios, (the American Artists, with portraits and designs Greek Text,) 2 vols. $7 50. on steel. 8vo. cloth, $1 25. New York, 1846. L e t t e r s on Entomology, intended for the Libr i, (M.) Reponse de, an Rapport de M. Amusement and Instruction of Young Persons. Bouchy. 8vo. brochb, 25 cents. Paris, 1848. 12mo. half bound, colored plates, $1 75. L i e big, (J.) Annual Report of the Progress London, 1525. of Chemistry and the Allied Sciences, Physics, L e v e r t o n- D o n a 1 d s o n. Collection des Mineralogy, and Geology. Part I. 8vo. paper, exemples les plus estimes des portes monu- 1 50. London, 1849. mentales de la Grece et de l'Italie, mesures et - Researches on the Chemistry of Food and dessints expres pour cet ouvrage. 1 vol. in 4, the Motion of the Juices. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. de 86 planches, avec texte, $4 00. New York. Levy, (Michel.) Traite d'Hygiene publique - Chemistry and Physics in Relation to et Privee. 2 vols. 8vo. paper, $;3 63. Physiology and Pathology. 8vo. cloth, $1 00. Paris, 1 844. London. L e w e s, (G. H.) The Life of Maximilien Animal Chemistry, or, Chemistry in its Robespierre; with Extracts from his Unpub- Application to Physiology and Pathology. lished Correspondence. Post $vo. cloth, $2 75. Edited by Gregory. 12mo. paper, 50 cents. London, 1S49. New York, 1848. American edition, $1 00. Phila. 1849. - Chemistry in its Applications to Agrie w i s' Illustrations of Kilpeck Church, with culture and Physiology. 12mo. cloth, 81 00. an Essay on Ecclesiastical Design. Imp. 4to. New York. $12 50. Familiar Letters on Chemistry and its - Early Fonts of England; containing Il- Relation to Commerce, Physiology, and Agrilustrations of the Font at Little Walsingham culture. 12mo. cloth, 25 cents. New York. Church, Norfolk. 4to. $6 50. London. Agricultural Chemistry; or. Chemistry (W.) A Treatise on the Game of Chess; in its Applications to Agriculture and Physicontaining an Introduction to the Game, and ology. Edited by Playfair and Gregory. 12mo. an Analysis of the various Openings of Games, paper, 75 cents; cloth, $1 00. N. York, 1848. with several new Modes of Attack and Defence, Life A, to which are added 25 new Chess Problems. L iefe Assu ance, k rbie n l SoSvo. cloth, $4 87. London, 1841. cieties, and Savings' Banks, by A. Burt. Svo. (G. C.) An Essay on the Influence of Authority in Matters of Opinion. 8vo. $3 00. L ife i n C a i for n i a during a Residence London, 1849. of Several Years in that Territory. 12mo. L e x i c o n. A new Hebrew-English Lexicon; cloth, $1 00. New York. containing all the Hebrew and Chaldee Words Li go ri, (St. A. M.) Compendium Theologiae in the Old Testament Scriptures, with their Moralis sive Medulla Theologiae Moralis HerMeanings in English. 12mo. cloth, $1 75. manni Busembaum, Societatis Jesu. 2 vols. London, 1814. $2 25. 80 G. P. Putnamn's Catalogue of Lindl e y, (John.) Flora Medica; a Botanical L ivermore, (A. A.) Lectures to Young Acc6unt of the most important Plants used in Men on their Moral Dangers and Duties. 12mo. Medicine in different parts of the World. 8vo. cloth, 50 cents. Boston, 1847. cloth, $5 50. _ The Four Gospels, with Commentary. 2 (G.) Guide to Orchard and Kitchen vols. 12mo. cloth, $2 25. Boston, 1847. Garden: or, an Account of the most valuable The Acts of the Apostles, with a ComFruits and Vegetables cultivated in Great Imentary. 12mo. cloth, 41 00. Boston, 1844. Britain, with Calendars of the Work required L i v e r s e e g e's Works, complete in 1 vol. in the Orchard and Kitchen Garden during folio, 37 plates in mezzotint, half mor. $16 00. every Month in the Year. Edited by John London. Lindlev. $vo. boards,.$4 75. London. Lindley. brods t d. L i z; a r s, (A. J.) Elements of Anatomy; inAn Introduction to Botany, with six tended as a Text-Book for Students. Thick copper-plates and numerous wood engravings. 12mo. cloth, 3 25. Edinburgh, 1544. Fourth edition,'with corrections and numerous additions. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, G6 50. Lloyd, (R.) Translation of MM. Gouin and London, 1848. Clhatelier's Experimental Researches upon the Bor,,igre Locomotive Engine on the Versailles and Paris Pomologia Britannica or, Figures and ai 4to. pper enavin Descriptions of the most important Varieties. t v s of Fruit cultivated in Great Britain. 3 vols. London. half calf, plates beautifully colored after Na- L o c k e, (John.) Philosophical Works, with ture,;,27 00. Lonlon, 1541. a Preliminary Discourse and Notes, by J. A. _ —an~d Huttonl, (WVm.) The Fossil St. John, Esq. Imp. 8vo. cloth, port. $3 50. Flora of Great Britain; or, Figures and Descriptions of the Vegetable Remains found in L o c k e a n d D o d d. Common-Place Book a Fossil State in this Country. 3,vols. S-vo. oftle Holy Scriptures. vo. cloth, 2 0. calf, illustrated with num;erous llates,.P30 00. London, 1842. London, 1531-33. L ockhart's History of the Conquast of -- MIledical and (Economical Botany. 8vo. Mexico and New Spain, and Memoirs of the cloth, with numerous illustrations, $2 00. Conquistador, Bernal Diaz del Castillo, written London, 1849. by himself, and now first completely translated ------ Elements of Botany, Structural and fiom the original Spanish, $3 75. 1844. Physiological. Svo. cloth, numerous wood-cuts, (J. G.) The Life of Sir Walter Scott, $3 530. London, 1848. Bart. 10 vols. 12mo. half mor. gilt backs and - The Theory of Horticulture; or, an At- marbled leaves, portraits and vignettes. $15 00. tempt to explain the Principal Operations of Edinburgh, 1845. Gardening upon Physiological Principles. 8vo. L o c o m o t i v e E n g i n e s. The Student's with illustrations on wood, cloth,:i3 50. Lond. Guide to the Locomotive Engine; containing A Synopsis of the British Flora; arranged full detailed representations of every feature according to the Natural Orders. Third edi- of Locomotive Engines, as constructed by diftion, with numerous additions, corrections, and ferent Engineers. Illustrated on 72 copperimprovements. 12mo. cloth,.83 25. Lond. plate engravings. 1 vol. 8vo. cloth, 86 00. (J.) The Vegetable Kingdom; or, the London, 1849. Structure, Classification, and Uses of Plants. Lodge, (Edmund.) Portlaits of Illustrious 8vo. cloth, 50( engravings, $6 50. Lond. 1846. Personages of Great Britain, with Biographical Lingard, (John, D. D.) The History and and Historical Memoirs of their Lives and AcAntiquities of the Anglo-Saxon Church. 2 vols. tions. 12 vols. imperial Svo. cloth, an original Svo. cloth, $7 00. London, 1845. copy, with early impressions,:$45 00. A History of England from the First In- London, 1835 vasion by the Romans to the Commencement Portraits of Illustrious Personages of of the Reign of William III. 13 vols. 12mo. Great Britain, with liiographical and listorical cloth, portraits and vignettes, $17 00. Memoirs of their Lives and Actions. Cabinet London, 1814. edition. 8 vols. 12mlo. cloth, $10 00. Lond. Lind say, (Lord.) Lives of the Lindsays; Illustrations of British History. Biograor, Memoirs of the Houses of Crawford and phy, and Mlanners, fiom Henry VII. to James Balcarres. 3 vols. Svo. cloth, $12 00. I., in orig'inal Papers, selected fioml tlh MISS. London, 1849. of the Noble Families of HIoward, Taibot, and ---- Letters on Egypt, Edom, and the Holy Cecil. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, $5 ()!.,Lond. 1838 Land. Fourth edition, revised. Post8vo. cloth, L omb ar die, (Les Monumlens de la) fiorr, $2 25. London, 1849. the Seventh to the Fourteenth Century, by F, Linnaeus and Jussieu; or, the Rise Osten. In parts, 6 large folio plates, each and Progress of Systematic Botany. 12mo. S5 50. 50 cents. New York. Londina Illustrata; or, Graphic IILin w o d, (W.) Anthologia Oxoniensis, lustrations of the most interesting and curious sive Florilegrium, e lusibus poeticis diversorum Architectural Monuments of the City and Oxoniensium Greecis et Latinis decerptum. Suburbs of London, by Wilkinson. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $4 25. London. imperial 4to. 207 Plates, half mor. $31 50. Lister, (T. H.) Life and Administration of London, 1819-25. Edward First, Earl of Clarendon, with original London Chemical Pocket-Boo k; Correspondence and Authentic Papers, never or, Memoranda Technica, arranged for the use before published. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, portrait, I of the Student. 12mo. half bound, 75 cents. $6 00. London, 1838. London. Foreign and American Books. 81 London Interiors; a series of beauti- Loudon, (J. C.) Suburban Gardener and ful Engravings of the Interiors of the great Villa Companion. 8vo. 300 cuts, $5 50. Public Buildings of the Metropolis, with Cos- London. tumes and Ceremonies. 50 plates, with De- Magazine; embracing many valuable scripti,,n. 4to. cloth, $6 50. London. communications on various subjects relating to Gardening, Agriculture, &c. 10 vols. 8vo. cloth, Long e t, (F. A.) Anatomie et Physiologie $18 00. du Systeme Nerveux de l'Homme et des Ani- _ An Encyclopaedia of Agriculture; com maux Vertibrgs. 2 vols. Svo. paper, $4 50. prising the Theory and Practice of the ValuParis, 1842. ation, Transfer, Laying out, Improvement, and Longfellow, (H. W.) The Poets and Management of Landed Property, and of the Poetry of Europe. Royal 8vo. cloth, $5 00; Cultivation and Economy of Animal and Vegemor. $7 00. Philadelphia, 1847. table Productions of Agriculture; including all Poems. Illustrations by D. Huntingdon, the latest improvements, a general History of and engraved by American Artists. Svo. cloth, Agriculture ir. all Countries, a Statistical View $3 50; mor. gilt, 85 00. Phila. 1848. of its present state, with Suggestions for its - Complete, cheap edition. Svo. paper, 63 future Progress in the British Isles, and Supcents. New York, 1849. plement, bringing down the Work to the Year Romance. 2mo cloth, 1844. Fifth edition, 8vo. with upwards of 1,100 $1 00Hyperion a engravings on wood, cloth, $10 00. Lond.. The Supplement, separately, sewed, $1 50. ----- Outre Mer; a Pilgrimage beyond the - An Encyclopaedia of Plants; including Sea. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Boston, 1848. all the Plants which are now found in or have The Estray; a Collection of Poems. been introduced into Great Britain; giving 12mo. cloth gilt, $1 00. Boston, 1847. their Natural History, accompanied by such - The Waif; a Collection of Poems. 12mo. descriptions, engraved figures, and elementary cloth, 87 cents. Boston, 1846. details, as may enable a beginner, who is a Voices of the Night. 2mo. cloth 7 mere English reader, to discover the name of - Voices of the Night. 12mo. cloth, 87 1 cents. Boston, 1845. every Plant which he may find in Flower, and acquire all the information respecting it which - Belfry of Bruges, and other Poems. is useful and interesting. The Specific Char12mo. cloth, 87 cents. Cambridge, 1846. acters by an eminent Botanist; the drawings - Ballads and other Poems. 12ino. cloth, by L D. C. Sowerby. A new edition, with 87 cents. Boston, 1848. Supplement and a new General Index. Svo. -- Poems on Slavery. 12mo. paper, 25 with nearly 10,000 wood engravings, cloth, cents. Boston. $20 00. - Evangeline; a Tale of Acadie. 12o. The Supplement, separately, 8vo. cloth, $4 50. ------ angeline a Tale of Acadie. 12no.,* London. boards, "/5 cents. Boston, 1849. Hortus Britannicus: a Catalogue of all - The Spanish Student; a Dramatic Poem. the Plants indigenous to or introduced into 12mo. cloth, 87 cents. Boston. Great Britain. Third edition, with a new - Kavanagh; a Tale. 12mo. cloth, 75 Supplement, prepared under the direction of cents. Boston, 1849. Mr. Loudon, by W. H. Baxter, and revised by L ongchene, (M. de.) Le Monde souterrain George Don. Svo. cloth, $9 50. u Merveilles Gologiques. 12mo. paper, The Supplement, separately, 8vo. sewed, 75 cents. Later do. do. $2 50. plates, 50 cents. Tours, 184t6.Later do. do. $. s, 0u, Encyclopaedia of Trees and Shrubs; beLoomis, (E.) Tables of Logarithms, of ing the Arboretum et Fructicetum Britannicum Numbers, and of Lines and Tangents for every abridged; containing the HIardy Trees and Ten Seconds of the Quadrant, with other use- Shrubs of Britain, with engravings of nearly ful Tables. 8vo. sheep, $1 (0O. New York. all the Species. 8vo. $14 00. Lo,'on. L'Orleanais. Histoire des Dlcs et du A new edition of the original Work. 8 vo(,. Svo. Duche D'Orleans par M. V. Philipon de la with above 400 octavo plates of Trees, and, upMadelaine. Illustree par MM. Baron, Francis, wards of 2,500 wood-cuts, cloth, 4283 -o)0. &c. Royal 8vo. paper, $3 75. Paris, 1845. Elon. c Ra. An Encyclopaedia of Cot t ge, Farm, and Lothian, (James.) Practical Hints on the Villa Architecture and Furniture: conitaining Culture and General Management of Alpine or numerous designs, from the \'illa to the CotRock Plants. 12mo. cloth, illustrated with tage and the Farm, including- F'arnm-Houses, colored plates, $1 00. London. Farumeries, and other Agricultulal. Buildings, L o u is L e M a s s o n, Ingenieur en chef Country Inns, Public H-llues, and Parochial des Ponts-et-Chaussees. Projet d'un palais Schools; with the requi-ite Fittings up, Fixabbatial pour l'abbaye de Royaument. 1 vol. tures, and Furniture, anllli iappropriate Offices, gr. atlas de 17 planches, dont trois doubles, et Gardens, and G;allden Scenery; each design texte, $4 00. accompanied by Analytical and Critical ReL o u d o n, (J. C.) Encyclopaedia of Garden- marks. New edlition, edited by Mrs. Loudon.'.I llustrated with several hundred engra bvo. with more than 2,000 engravings on wood, ing. Illustrated with several hundred engrav- cloth, $1 00. London. lugs, thick 8vo. cloth, ~10 00. London. ings, thick 8vo. cloth, $10 00. London.'i -- Hortus Lipgxosis Londinensis: or, a Cata- Suburban Horticulturist; an Attempt logue of all the Ligneous Plants cultivated in to Teach the Science and Practice of the Cul- the neighborhood of London; to which are ture of the Kitchen, Fruit, and Forcing Garden. added their usual prices in Nurseries. Svo. 8vo. illustrated, $4 50. London. cloth, $2 25. London. 6 82 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of. o u d o n, (J. C.) Self-Instruction for Young L o w, (D.) On the Domesticated Animals of Gardeners, Foresters, Bailiffs, Land Stewards, Great Britain; comprehending the Natural and and Farmers, in Arithmetic, Book-Keeping, Economical History of the Species and Breeds; Geometry, Mensuration, Practical Trigonome- Illustrations of the Properties of External try, Mechanics, Land Surveying, Levelling, Form, and Observations on the Principles and Planning, and Mapping, Architectural Draw- Practice of Breeding. 8vo. with engravings ing, and Isometrical Projection and Prospec- on wood, cloth, $7 50. London. tive; with Examples showing their Applic:- Elements of Practical Agriculture; comtions to Horticulture and Agricultural purposes. prehending the Cultivation of Plants, the HusWith a portrait of Mr. Loudon, and a Memoir bandry of Domestic Animals, and the Economy by Mrs. Loudon. 8vo. with wood engravings, of the Farm. Fifth edition, with alterations cloth, $2 25. London. and additions, and an entirely new set of above and W e s t w o o d' s Treatise on In- 200 wood-cuts. 8vo. cloth, $6 50. London. sects Injurious to Gardens, Forests, and Farms. - On Landed Property and the Economy Translated from the German of Kollar, illus- of Estates; comprehending the Relation of trated by 60 wood-cuts. Foolscap 8vo. extra Landlord and Tenant, and'the Principles and cloth, $1 25. 1840. Forms of Leases; Farm Buildings, Enclosures, -- ((Mrs.) Ladies' Flower Garden of Orna- Drains, Embankments, and other Rural Works; mental Bulbous Plants. 59 colored plates, 4to. Minerals and Woods. 8vo. with numerous cloth gilt, $14 00. London. wood engravings, cloth, $6 50. London. Ladies' Flower Garden of Ornamental Lowell, (James Russell.) Poems. First Perennials. 96 colored plates, 2 vols. 4to. cloth, and Second Series. 12mo. boards, $2 00. gilt, $22 00. Cambridge. British Wild Flowers. 60colored plates, - A Year's Life. (Earlier Poems.) 12mo. 4to. $14 00. boards, $1 00. Cambridge. Amateur Gardener's Calendar; being a Conversations on the Old Poets. 12mo. Monthly Guide as to what should be avoided boards, $1 00. Cambridge. as well as what should be done in a Garden The Vision of Sir Launfal. 12mo. bds. in each Month, with Plain Rules to do what is 25 cents. New York. requisite. Numerous illustrations. 12mo. cloth, - The Bigelow Papers. 12mo. boards, 75 $2 50. London. cents. New York, 1849. The Lady's Country Companion; or, - Fable for Critics; being a Glance at a How to Enjoy a Country Life Rationally. few of our Literary Progenies. 12mo. boards, New edition, fooiscap 8vo. with a steel plate 50 cents. New York, 1848. and wood engravings, cloth, $2' 2. Lond. and wood enravings, cloth, 2 25. Lond. Lo w e r, (M. A.) English Surnames; an EsGardening for Ladies, and the Ladies' say on Familiar Nomenclature, Historical, Companion to the Flower Garden. Edited by Etymological, and Humorous. Enlarged,with A. J. Downing. 12mo. illustrated, $1 25. several new chapters. 2 vols. post Svo. cloth, New York. $3 75. London, 1849. -- London edition, -1 75. ---- Curiosities of Heraldry, with illustrations ----- The Ladies'- Flower Garden of Orna- from old English writers, by Mark Antony mented Annuals. 4to. cloth, 48 colored plates, Lower. Numerous wood engravings. 8vo. $11 00. London, 1842. cloth gilt, $2 50. London, 1845. Flower Garden of Ornamental Green- L owne, (B. T.) Lectures on Animal Physihouse Plants. 4to. cloth, gilt, 42 plates, $12 00. ology; or, the Physical Condition of MIan. 6 London, 18S8. plates, 12mo. paper, 75 cents. Lond. 1842. L over, (Samuel.) Songs and Ballads; in- L o w t h, (Bishop.) The Works of. 3 vols. vo. cluding those sung in his Irish Evenings, and clot, 5 00; calf extra, $8 00. Lond. 1843. hitherto unpublished. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. New York. --- Isaiah, with a Preliminary Dissertation and Notes. Portrait, 8vo. cloth, $1 75. Low, (Hugh.) Sarawak; its Inhabitants and London 1839. Productions; being Notes during a Residence in that Country with his Excellency, \} Lectures on the Sacred Poetry of the in that Country with his Excellency, Mr. Hebrews, with the Notes of Michaelis and Brooke, $3 0. London,18 others. Portrait, 8vo. cloth, $1 75. (David.) An Inquiry into the Nature London. 1839. of the Simple Bodies of Chemistry, $3 00. L u by, (Rev. J.) The Elements of Geometry London, 1848. in general Terms; with Notes, &c.; also, a -- The Breeds of the Domesticated Aninials variety of Problems and Theorems, carefully of Great Britain described. The plates from arranged with Analysis, $2 25. drawings by W. Nicholson, reduced from a L u g ar, (R.) Sketches for Cottages, Rural series of oil paintings executed for the Agricul- Dwellings, &c. 4to. cloth, $7 25. Lesd. tural Museum of the University of Edinburgh, by W. Shiels. 2 vols. atlas quarto, with 56al Domestic Buildings. Imp. plates of Animals, beautifully colored after 4to. half bound, $10 25. London. Nature. Half bound in mor. $100 00; or in Villa Architecture; a Collection of four separate portions, as follows: the Ox atlas, Views, with Plans of Building executed in 4to. half bound in mor. $41 00; the Sheep England, Scotland, &c. Imp. 4to. cloth, $15 00. atlas, 4to. half mor. $41 00; the Horse atlas, London. 4to. half mor. 8 plates, $18 00; the Hog atlas, --- Country Gentleman's Architect. 4to. 4to. 5 plates, half mor. $12 50. London. cloth, $6 50. London. Foreign and American Books. 83 Lugol, (J. G.) Researches and Observations M'Cheyne, (Rev. R. M.) A Basket of on the Causes of Scrofulous Diseases. Trans- Fragments; being the Substance of Sermons lated, with an Introduction and Essay, by W. delivered. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. H. Ranking. 8vo. cloth, $3 00. Lond. 1844. Aberdeen, 1848. Luther, (Dr.M.) Geistliche Lieder. 12mlo. M''Clell a n, (G.) Principles and Practice cloth, portrait, $1 25. Lond. 1845. of Surgery. - 8vo. sheep, $3 50. Phila. Ly e 11, (Sir Charles.) Principles of Geology; M'Clintock, and Hardy. Practical or, the Modern Changes of the Earth and its Observations on Midwifery and the Diseases Inhabitants, considered as illustrative of Ge- incident to the Puerperal State. 8vo. cloth, ology. 8vo. cloth, maps and plates, $5 50. $3 25. London, 184S London, lS47. Travels in North America, in the Years c' C r m a c, (Dr.) Philosophy of Hlan 1841,'42, with Geolo.ical Observations on the Nature in its Physical, Tntellectual, and Moral United States, Canada, and Nova Scotia. 2 Relations. vo. cloth, $1 75. Lond. 1837. vols. 12mo. cloth, maps, $1 50. New York. - Translation of the Meditations of Marcus Second Visit to the United States. 2 Aurelius Antoninus, with the Manual of Epicvols. post 8vo. cloth, $5 50. London, 1849. tetus, and a Summary of Christian Morality. American edition, 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $1 50. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. London, 1844. New York, 1549. M' C r i e' s Life of John Knox, with illustraynch, (W.F.) Narrative of an Exploring tions of the History of the Reformation in Expedition to the Dead Sea and Source of the Scotland, Biographical Notices of the Principal Jordan. 8vo. cloth, with numerous engravings, Reformers, Sketches of the Progress of Litera$3 00. Philadelphia, 1819. ture during the Sixteenth Century, and an Ap(Miss A. C.) Poems. 8vo. cloth, illus- pendix of original Papers. New edition, with trated by Durand, Huntingdon, Darley, &c., numerous corrections, additions, and a Memoir, &c., $1 50; cloth gilt, $2 00; mor. extra, $3 00. &c., by Andrew C(richton. 1 thick vol. foolscap New York, 1849. 8vo. (560 pages), cloth, lettered, $1 00. 1847. L y so n's Environs of London; being an His- M' C u 10 lloch, (G. R ) An Account, Descriptorical Account of the Towns, Villages, and tive and Statistical, of the British Empire; exHamlets in the Counties of Surrey, Kent, Es- hibitingc its extent, Physical Capacities, Popusex, Herts, and Middlesex, -within 12 miles of lation, Industry, and Civil and Religious Instithat Capital; including the Middlesex Parishes, tutions. Third edition, corrected, enlarged, and interspersed with Biographical Anecdotes. 5 greatly improved. 2 thick vols. 8vo. cloth, vols. royal 4to. cloth, $19 00. Lond. $12 50. London. M c Cart n e y, (W.) Origin and Progress -- The Literature of Political Economy; of the United States. 121mo. cloth, $1 00. being a classified Catalogue of the principal Philadelphia. l-orks in the different Departments of Political M a c a u lay, (Thomas Babington) Critical Economy, with Historical, Critical, and Bioand Historical Essays contributed to the Edin- graphical Notices. 8vo. cloth, $4 25. burgh Review. Fourth edition, 3 vols. 8vo. _ A Dictionary, Ceoglaplical, Statistical, cloth, $10 75. London, 1848. and Historical, of the various Countries, Places, American edition, complete in I vol. with Lays and Principal Natural Objects in the World. of Ancient Rome. 8vo. cloth, $2 00; boards, A new edition. 2 v'ols. 8vo. with six large $1 50. Philadelphia, 1849. maps, cloth, $24 00. The new articles have Miscellaneous Writings. 5 vols. 12mno. been printed separately, as a Supplement to cloth, $5 00; half mor. $;7 00. Phila. 1843-4. the former edition; they comprise a full Ac-- Lays of Ancient Rome, with Ivry and count of the Present State of tile United Kingthe Armada. Post Svo. cloth, $1.50. dom, the Oregon Territory, &c. 8vo. sewed, London, 1848. R$1 50. London. ~ — History of England, from the Accession A Dictionary, Practical, Theoretical, of James II. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $5 50. and Historical, of Commerce and Commercial London, 1819. Navigfation. Illustrated with maps and plans. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $1 50. (Harpers' edi- An entirely new edition, corrected, enlarged, tion.) New York, 1849. and improved, with a Supplement. 8vo. cloth, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, portrait, $2 00. (But- $ls 00. ler & Co.'s edition.) Philadelphia, 1849. The Supplement to editions published in 1S44-46 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. | may be had separately, sewed, $1 50. Lond. Phillips, Boston, 1549. American edition. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $7 50. -- -History of England. Vols. 1 and 2, com- Philadelphia. plete in 1 vol. 8vo. cloth, 75 cents; boards, 60 Treatise on the Principles and Practical cents; paper, 50 cents; or in 2 vols. paper, Influence of Taxation and the Funding System. each 25 cents. Philadelphia, l149. New edition, 8vo. cloth, $3 00. Lond. 1848. (J. S.) Treatise on Field Fortifications. Treatise on the Succession to Property Second edition, 12mo. with a folio Atlas of vacant by Death. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. plates, $6 00. London, 1845. London, 1S48. (A.) Medical Dictionary. Svo. cloth, Universal Gazetteer. 2 vols. Svo. cloth, $4 25. London. >6' 00. New York. M ac call, (W.) Elements of Individualism; (J. H.) Researches in the Aboriginal a Series of Lectures. Cr. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. History of America. 8vo cloth, $2 00. London, 1847. Baltimore 84 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of M a c culloch, (John.) Essay on Malaria. M ackernan's Treatise on Silk Dyeing. 8vo. cloth, $4 75. London. Svo. cloth, $2 25. London....- On Marsh Fever, &c. 2 vols. Svo. $9 00. M a c k i n n o n, (W. A.) History of CivilizaLondon. tion. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $7 00. London. Proofs and Illustrations of the Attributes - (Col.) Origin and Services of the Coldof God. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, $6 50. stream Guards. 2 vols. Svo. cloth, $3 00. London, 1843. London. Maccullagh's Industrial History of Free Mackintosh, (Sir James.) Dissertation Nations; considered in Relation to their Do- on the Progress of Ethical Philosophy, with a mestic Institutions and External Policy. 2 vols. 8vo. $6 00.. 1846. Preface, by Rev. W. Whewell. 8vo. cloth, vols. Svo. 6 0. 1. $2 00. Edinburgh, 1837. - Use and Study of History. 8vo. cloth,.. $3 25. London. American edition, $1 25. Phila. Mac F arlane, (C.) Our Indian Empire, - - The History of England. 10 vols. foolsfrom its earliest Settlement to 1843. 2 vols. cap Svo. cloth, $16 00. London. 12mo. cloth, $2 25. History of England. 3 vols. 12mo. cloth, Glance at Revolutionized Italy: a Visit $1 50. New York. to Messina, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $5 75. -- The Life of Sir Thomas More. ReprintLondon, 1849. ed from the Cabinet Cyclopaedia, and intended MI' Gavin, (W.) Scots Worthies. 8vo. as a Present Book or School Prize. Foolscap cloth, portraits, $3 00. CGlasgow~, 1846-. 1 8vo. with Portrait, $1 50; cloth, or bound in Mac gillivray, (W.) A History of Brit- vellum gilt, $2 50. London. ish Birds, Indigenous and Migratory; including his their Organization, Habits, &c. Illustrated by Contributions to the Edinburgh Review. 3 numerous engravings. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, $5 00. vols. Svo. cloth, $2 50. London. D London. vol_ Miscellanies. 8vo. cloth, 1 75. - - Descriptions of the Rapacious Birds of, Gtreat Britain. Post Svo. plates and numerous Philadelphia. fine wood-cuts, cloth gilt. 1836. Mc Lean, (R.) Illustrations of Teething. M a c G r e g o r, (J.) Commercial Statistics. Royal 8vo. -3 00; colored, $3 75. Lond. 4vols. royal8vo.cloth, $3800. Lond. 1844-8. Macleod, (N.) and Dewar, (D.) A - Progress of America. 2 vols. royal Svo Dictionary of the Gaelic Language, in two Progress of America. 2 vols. royal Svo. Z. t cloth, $8 00. London, 1847 parts, Gaelic and English, and English and Machi av elli. History of Florence. 12mo. Gaelic. Thick 8vo. cloth, $3 25. Loud. 1845. cloth, $1 00. London. Voyage of H. M. S. Alceste. 8vo. cloth, Florentine Histories. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $2 75. London. $1 25. New York. Maclise, (J.) Comparative Osteology. Mc Into sh, (C.) The Greenhouse, Hot- Folio, cloth, $15 75. London. house, and Stove; including selected Lists of M c M a h o n, (B.) American Gardener. 8vo. the most beautiful Species of Exotic Flowering cloth, $3 5t). Philadelphia. Plants, and Directions for their Cultivation. Mc N'eile, (Rev. Hugh.) The Church and 12rno. cloth, gilt leaves, illustrated with several the Churches; or, the Church of God in Clhist beautifully colored plates, $3 00. Lond. 1840. and the Churches of Christ Militant here on The Orchard; including the Management Earth. 8vo. cloth, ~3 63. London, 1840. of Wall and Standard Fruit-Trees, and the Me N eill1, (Sir J.) Tables for Cutting, &c., Forcing Pit; with Groups of Fruit beautifully of Canals, Railroads, &c. 4to. cloth, $ 00. colored. 12mo. cloth, gilt leaves, $3 00. London. London, 1S39. Locomotive Engines. M'Ivor, (James.) Essay upon the Versifi1M:I yr, (James.) Essay upon the Versifi- ---- On Railways and Locomotive Engines. cation of Homer and his Digarima 8vo. cloth, S. cloth,, 1 5). London. $1 75. Dublin, 1S39. - On the Resistance of Water in Canals. Mackay, (A.) The Western World; or. 4to. cloth, $2 25. London. Travels in the United States in 146-7; in- Mackness, (J) The Moral Aspects of eluding a Chapter on California. 3 vols. post Medical Life, with Biographical Notices and 8vo. cloth, $9 00. London, 1 49. Illustrative Remarks. Svo. cloth, $1 75. (Chas.) History of London, with some London. Account of the Progress of its Institutions. Dyvphonia Clericorum; or, Clergyman's 8vo. cloth, $1 50. London. Sore Throat, its Pathology, Treatment. and Memoirs of Extraordinary and Popular Prevention. $vo. cloth, $1 5,0. Lound. 1S48. Delusions. 3 vols. 8vo. $12 50. London. Macnish's Modern Pythagorean: a Series -- The Thames and its Tributaries. 2 vols. of Tales, Essays, and Sketches. 2 vols. 12mo. 8vo. wood-cuts, $7 50. London. half calf,.3 25. 1Mackenzie, (M.) Marine Surveying, by Me Sherry, (James.) History of MaryHorsburg. Svo. cloth, $2 50. London. land from 1634 to 18418. 8vo. cloth,,2 00....- (F.) An Account of the Roof of King's Baltimore, 1849. College Chapel, Cambridge. 4to. plates, $2 25. M c Wi 11 a m s, (Robert.) Essay on Dry London. Rot an(l Forest Trees. 4to. $9 50. Lond. (Henry.) Novels and Miscellaneous Ma a g a s c a r, Past and Present, by a Works. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. New York. Resident. 12mo. cloth, $2 75. London. Complete Works. Portrait, 8 vols. 12mo. M a d g e, (Rev. Thomas.) Analytical View calf, $10 00. Edinburgh, 1838. of Puseyism. 8vo. cloth, $1 38. Lound. 1844. Foreign and American Books. 85 Madison Papers, (The.) Edited by Maitland, (Dr. Charles.) The Church in H. D. Gilpin. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, $9 00. the Catacombs; a Description of the Primitive New York. Church of Rome. Illustrated by its Sepulchral Magee, (Archbishop.) Works; comprising Remains. New edition, corrected, 8vo. with Discourses and Dissertations on the Scriptural numerous wood engravings, cloth, $4 25. Doctrines of Atonement and Sacrifice, Sermons, London. and Visitation Charges, with a Memoir of his M aj o r's Treatise on Insects prevalent to Life, by the Rev. A. H. Kenny, D. D. 2 vols. Fruit-Trees. 8vo. cloth, $3 25. London. $vo. extra cloth, ~5 50. 1842. vo. extra cloth, 5 50. 1842. M a c o l m, (H.) Travels in South Eastern Magendie, (F.) Human Physiology. 8vo. Asia. Svo. cloth, $1 50. Boston. sheep, $2 25. New York. - Memoir of Central India, including Malwa - Lectures on the Blood. 8vo. half sheep, and adjoining Provinces, with the History and $1 25. Philadelphia. copious illustrations of the Past and Present Formulary of New Remed(ies. Svo. Conrdition of that Country. 2 vols. 8vo. third sheep, 50 cents. Philadelphia. edition, with large map, gilt cloth, $5 50. 1832. M1Vagoon, (E. L.) Orators of the American Malan, (S. C.) Catalogue of the Eggs of Revolution. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. N. Y. 1848. British Birds. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. London. -- Living. Orators of America. 12mo. cloth, M a 1 e, (G. E.) Elements of Forensic Medi$1 25. cine. 8vo. cloth, $2 75. London, - Republican Christianity. 12mo. cloth, M ale b r a n c h e. (Euvres. Nouvelle edition, $1 25. Boston. par J. Simon. 2 vols. 12mo. foolscap, half mor. Proverbs for the People. 12mo. cloth, $3 50. Paris, 1846. 87 cents. M a lhe r b e, Rousseau, Lebrun, (Euvres Magoivar, (J. G.) On the Beautiful, the Choises poetiques. 12mo. $1 00; half mor. Picturesque, and Sublime. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. $1 50. Paris, 1844. M agrier's Anatomy, by Doane. 8vo. $1 50. Maliphant, (G.) Designs for Sepulchral New York. Monuments, Mural Tablets, &c. 4to. cloth, 31 Ma h an, (Prof. D. H.) Field Fortifications; plates, $6 00. London, 1836. containing Instructions on the Methods of Layv- M a 1 k i n, (B. H.) Classical Disquisitions and ing Out, Constructing, and Attacking Intrench- Curiosities, Critical and Historical. 8vo. cloth, ments, &c., &c. 16mo. cloth. many plates, $2 50. $1 00. New York, 18-48. M allet, (D.) Ballad of Edwin and Emma, ------ An Elementary Course of Civil Engineer- with Notes and Illustrations, by F. T. Dinsing. 8vo. cloth, wood-cuts, $3 00. dale. 12mo. cloth, plates, $1 50. Lond. 1849. New York, 1S48. - Northern Antiquities. 12mo. cloth, colC — Advanced Guard Outpost, and Detach- ored frontispiece, $1 25. Lond. 1848. ment Service of Troops, and the Manner of (R.) Three Reports upon improved Posting and Standing them in Presence of the Methods of constructing and working AtmosEnemy,$ c. 16mo. cloth, 75 cents. N. York. pheric Railways. 4to. paper, 10 plates, $2 25. M a h o n, (Lord.) Historical Essays. Square London. 12mo. cloth, $1 50. London, 1849. Malorti, (C. M.) Treatise on Permanent ------ Life of Louis, Prince of Conde, surnamed Fortification. Svo. $7 25. London. The Great. 12ino. cloth, $1 00. N. Y. 1848. Treatise on Trigonometrical Surveying Main, (J.) Village and Cottage Florist's 2 vols. Svo. cloth, $6 50. London. Directory; particularly the Management of the - Instructions for Military Plan Drawing best Stage, lied, and Border Flowers usually London cultivated in Britain. Second edition, foolscap Practical Field Fortification. o. cloth, Svo. extra cloth, bds. $4- 00. 1835. 1 75. London. --- The Villa and Cottage Florist's DirecThe Villa and Cottage Florist's Direor. 12o. cloth, - Theory of Field Fortification. 8vo. cloth, tory. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Hortus Dietica; or, Plants useful for Food. 18mo. cloth, $1 00. London. M alte-Brun, (C.) Universal Geography. 6 vols. Svo. sheep, $10 00. Philadelphia. -- Treatise on Breeding, Rearing, &c. Poultry. 12mo. cloth, $1 75. London. M anesca, (J.) Oral System of Teaching. the French Language. Fourth edition, royal M a in w a r i n g, (R.) Gleanings on Painting, 8vo. F3 00. New York. 8vo. $3 00. New York. &c. 8vo. cloth, $1 7:). M-a is t r e,(X.de.) uvrescompletes. 1mo. M a angall, (R.) Historical and Miscellaneous paper, $1 00. Questions, adapted for Schools in the United Du Pape. l12mo. paper, $1 00. Paris. States, by Mrs. Julia Lawrence. 12mo. half bound, wood-cuts, $1 00. New York, 1848. M aitland, (T. R.) Essays on Subjects connected with the Reformation in England. alangan, (J. C.) German Anthology; a 8vo. cloth, $4 50. London, 1849. Series of Translations from the most Popular, of the German Poets. 2 vols. 12mo cloth, ------- Dark Ages; a Series of Essays intended 1 75. Dublin 1845. $1 75. Dublin, 1845. to illustrate the state of Religion and Litera-. M ture in the Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelfth M a n n, (E.) Lectures on Education. 12mo. Centuries. Reprinted from the British Maga- cloth, 75 cents. Boston. zine, with corrections, and some additions. 1M anning, (H. G.) Sermons. 3 vols. 8vo. Second edition, Svo. cloth, $3 50. Lond. 1849. i cloth, $4 50. New York. 86 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of M ansfield, (E. D.) Legal Rights, Liabili- M a n ue de l'Architecte des Jardins, ou l'art ties, and Duties of Women, with an Introduc- de les composer et de les decorer in-IS, avec tory History, &c. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Boston. atlas de 132 planches, $3 75. Paris. ----- History of the Mexican War. 12mo. du Banquier agent de change et courtier cloth, $t 25. New York. in-18, 63 ccnts. Paris. - Silk-Grower's Manual, by G. Robbins. - des Fleurs Em.blematiques, ou leur His 12mo. 38 cents. Hartford. toire, leur Symbole, leur Langage, etc. avec M a n s i o n, (L.) Letters on Miniature Paint- les figures coloriees, in-1S, $1 50. Paris. ing. 18mo. cloth, $2 00. London. du Fondeur en tous metaux. 2 vols. in-18, orn's d'un grand nombre de planches, $1 75. M a an t, (Bp.) and D' O y l e y. Bible. 3 Paris. vols. 4to. calf, m. e. $15 00. London. - - du Mouleur, ou l'art de mouler en ------ Primitive Christianity exemplified and platre, carton-pierre, carton-cuir, cire, plomb, illustrated by the Acts of the Primitive Chris- argile, bois, ecaille, come, etc. I vol. in-18, tians. 8vo. cloth, $3 00. London, 1842. orne de figures, 63 cents. Paris. - Book of Psalms in an English Metrical --- du fabricant de Papiers carton et Art du Version, with Critical Notes. 8vo. bds. $2 00. formaire. 2 vol. in-18, avec atlas, $2 63. Paris. Oxford, 1824. -- du Graveur ou Trait complet de l'art de Mantell, (G. A.) Wonders of Geology. la gravure en tons genres. 1 vol. in-18, orne Edited by Prof. Silliman. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, de planches, 75 cents. Paris. $3 75. New Haven. de l'Horologer, ou guide des ouvriers qui - Thoughts on Animalcules; or, a Glimpse s'occupant de la construction des machines of the Invisible World revealed by the Micro- propres a mesurer le temps. 1 vol. in-18, orne scope. Small 4to. cloth, colored plates, $2 25. de planches, SS cents. Paris. London, 1549.' — du Fleuriste artificial, ou l'art d'imiter - Medals of Creation; or, First Lessons in d'apres nature toute espece de fleurs; suivi de Geology, and in the Study of Organic Remains; l'art du plumassier, in-1S, orne de figures, 75 t' certs. Paris, including Geological Excursions to the Isle of Sheppy, Brighton, Lewes, Tilgate Forest, -- du Teinturer, contenant lart de teindre Charnwood Forest, Faringdon, Swindon, Calne, en laine, soie, coton, fil, etc. 1 gros vol. in-18, Bath, Bristol, Clifton, Matlock, Crich Hill, &c., 75 cents. Paris. by Gideon Algernon Mantell, Esq., LL.D., _ du Verrier et du Fabricant de glaces, F.R.S., &c. 2 thick vols. foolscap 8vo. with cristaux, pierres precieuses factices, verres colored plates and several hundred beautiful colores, yeux artificiels. 1 gros vol. in-18, orne wood-cuts of Fossil Remains, cloth, elegantly de planches, 75 cents. Paris. gilt, $5 50. London, 1844. du Cordier, contenant la culture des - Wonders of Geology; or, a Familiar Ex- plantes textiles, l'extraction de la filasse et la position of Geological Phenomena. Sixth fabrication de toutes sortes der cordes, in-18, greatly enlarged and improved edition. 2 vols. 63 cents. Paris. post 8vo. colored plates, and upwards of 200 -- du Distillateur et Liquoriste, in-iS, 88 wood cuts, many of which are now first added, cents. Paris. gilt cloth, $4 75. London, 1845. _ —--- du fabricant de Tabac, son histoire, sa ------ Fossils of the South Downs; or, Illustra- culture et sa fabrication. 1 vol. in-lS, 63 cents. tions of the Geology of Sussex. Royal 4to. 42 Paris. plates, cloth bds. $12 50. 1822. du Tanneur, corroyeur Hongroyeur et Geological Excursions round the Isle of Boyandier. I vol. in-18, orne de planches, SS Wight, and along the adjacent Coast of Dorset- cents. Paris. shire, illustrative of the most interesting Geo- Chamoiseur, (du.) Maroquinier, peauslogical Phenomena and Organic Remains, with sier et parcheminier. iSmo. paper, plates, 75 Hints to Visitors, &c. One very elegantly cents. Paris. printed vol. post 8vo. (430 pages,) illustrated - du Coloriste, contenant le melange et by upwards of 100 fine wood engravings, and a l'emploi des couleurs ainsi que les differents Geological Map of the Isle of Wight, extra travaux de l'enluminure. 1Slno. broche, 63 cloth, richly gilt with Geological devices, $3 50. cents. Pat-is. 1847. -- de Blanchiment, et BIanchissage, netto--- Thoughts on a Pebble; or, First Lessons yage et d6graissage des fil, lin, coton, laine, soie, in Geology. Illustrated. Seventh edition, etc. 2 vol. in-lS, 1'25. Paris. $1 00. London. - du Bottier et du Cordonnier, in-IS, 75 M anton, (Thomas, D. D.) One hundred and cents. Paris. ninety Sermons on the Hundred and Nineteenth de l'essayeur de Metaux, in-1 S, 75 cents. Psalm. New edition, with a Life of the Au- Paris. thor, by Dr. Harris. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, $6 50; de l'Exploitation des mines Houilles, fer, half calf, neat, $7 50. London, 1842. plomb, cuivre, etain, argent, or, zinc, diamant, A Practical Exposition on St. James. etc. 2 vol. in-18, $1 75. Paris. Revised and corrected by Rev. J. Sherman. M a n u a 1 for the Study of Monumental BrassImp. 8vo. cloth, $1 75. Lond. 1840. es. Svo. cloth, 56 wood-cuts, $3 25. Lond. The Same, with Jenkin on Jude. Imp. 8vo. cloth, - of Gold and Silver Coins, by Eckfeldt 4$4 25. London, 1840. and Dubois. 4to. half roan, $5 00. Phila. Foreign and Anmerican Books. 87 M a nu a 1 of Heraldry; being a concise De-! M a r k s, (Rev. R.) Danger and Duty; or, a scription of the several Terms used. Illus- few Words on Popery, Puseyism, and the trated by 400 engravings on wood. 12mo. Present State of the Times. ISmo. cloth, 31 cloth, $1 75. London. cents. New York, 1844. of Ancient History, particularly with re- - Sermons. with an accompanying Prayer gard to the Constitutions, the Commerce, and to each, intended for Reading in Families and the Colonies of the States of Antiquity. Third Sick Rooms. 12mo. cloth, $1 50. edition, corrected and improved, Svo. extra London, 1845. cloth, $3 50. Oxford, Talboys, 1840. Marlborough Correspondence. Manzoni, (A.) Novels. The Betrothed Private Correspondence of Sarah, Duchess of Lovers and the Column of Infamy. 1 thick Marlborough, illustrative of the Court and vol. post Svo. cloth, $1 50. Lond. 1815. Times of Queen Anne; with her Sketches and M a p s of the Society for the Diffusion of Use- Opinions of her Contemporaries, and the Select ful Knowledge; containing 112 Maps, colored, Correspondence of her Husband. Portrait, with Index. Folio, half Russia, cloth sides, 2 vols. Svo. cloth, $3 75. London. $40 00. London, 1848. (Duke of) Memoirs of. By William M a r b o is, (B.) History of Louisiana. 8vo. Coxe. New edition, revised by John Wade. cloth, $2 00. Philadelphia. 3 vols. foolscap Svo. cloth, $2 62. (Bohn's Marcet, (Mrs.) Conversations on Chernis- Standard Librav.) London, 1848. try ~ in which the Elements of that Science are Atlas to. 4to. cloth, $3 00. London familiarly explained and illustrated by Experi- M a r ni o n t, (Marechal.) De L'Esprit des Inments. New edition, enlarged and improved stitutions Militaires. 8vo. brochei, $1 50. 2 vols. foolscap 8vo. cloth, $4 25. London. Paris, 1S46. Conversations on Land and Water. New M a r r i o t t i, (L.) Italy, Past and Present. edition, revised and corrected. Foolscap 8vo. 2 vols. post 8vo. cloth, $3 50. Lond. 1848. with colored map, showing the comparative altitude of Mountains, cloth, $1 63. Lond. Marriage Offering, (The.) A SelecConversations on Natural Philosophy; in tion from the best Writers. 12mo. cloth, 50 Conversations on Natural Philosophy; in cents. Boston, 1848. which the Elements of that Science are familiarly explained. New edition, enlarged and Marryatt, (Capt.) PoorJack. Royal8vo. corrected. Foolscap Svo. with 23 plates, cloth, cloth, 46 beautiful wood-cuts, from designs by $3 50. London. Stanfield, $2 75. London, 1842. ----— Conversations on Political Economy; in Diary in America. First and Second which the Elements of that Science are famil- Series. 6 vols. post 8v6. cloth, $4 50. iarly explained. New edition, revised and London, 1839. enlarged. Foolscap 8vo. cloth, $2 25. The Same. 2 vols. 8vo. $1 25. Phila. -- Conversations on Vegetable Physiology; (Francis T.) Borneo and the Indian comprehending the Elements of Botany, with Archipelago. Richly illustrated with numertheir application to Agriculture. New edition. ouslithographic drawings and engravings on Foolscap Svo. with 4 plates, cloth, $2 75. wood, from original sketches, by Mr. Marryatt. London. Imp. 8vo. cloth, $9 50. London. M a rc o - Po o' s Travels; greatly amended and enlarged. with copious Notes, by Hugh M a r s arsd e n, (Rev. J. H.) Hulsean Lectures. Murray. 18mo. cloth, maps, 50 cents. 8vo. cloth, $1 63. London, 1844. New York, 1845. M a r sh, (C. C.) Book-Keeping. Svo. cloth, M a r g a r e t; a Tale of the Real and Ideal, 63 cents. New York. Blight and Bloom; including Sketches of a (Rev. J.) The Remains of the late Place, not before described, called Mons Christi. President and Professor of Moral and IntellecPost Svo cloth, $1 00. Boston, 1847. tual Philosophy in the University of Vermont, M a r i e S t u a r t. Lettres, Instructions et with a Memoir of his Life. 8vo. cloth, $1 50. Meimoirs of. Publies sur les originaux et les Burlington. Manuscrits du State Paper Office de Londres, Marshall, (B.) Royal Naval Biography; accompagnees d'un Resume Chronologique. or, Memoirs of the Services of all the FlagPar le Prince Alexandre Labanoff. 7 vols. Officers, Superannuated Rear Admirals, Retired 8vo. paper, $6 50. London, 1S45. Captains, &c., who have been promoted since Marine S t ea m EnginQ, designed the present Year; with an Account of all the chiefly for the use of Naval Officers and En- Naval Actions and other important events, gineers. 8vo. cloth, $3 50. Lond. 1849. from the commencement of the late Reign, in M a r i v a u x. Marianne. Nouvelle edition, 1790, to the present period. 12 vols. 8vo. precedee d'une notice par J. Janin. 12mo cloth, $16 00. London, 1823-35. 1 00. Paris, 1846. (J. T.) The Farmer's Hand-Book; being Markham, (Mrs.) A History of Germany a full and complete Guide for the Farmer and from the Invasion by Marius, to the Battle of Emigrant. Illustrated, $1 00. New York; Leipsic, 1823. 12mo. $1 75. New York. - (T. W.) Notes on the Episcopal Polity - History of England. Edited by Miss E of the Holy Catholic Church. 12mo. cloth, Robbins. 12mo. sheep, 75 cents. New York. $1 25. New York, 18S4. M arkland, (T. H.) Remarks on English - (G.) Silver Coinage of Great Britain to Churches, and on the Expediency of rendering 1837. Royal 8vo. $3 75. London. Sepulchral Memorials subservient to Pious and (John ) Mode of Mounting and Working Christian uses. 12mo. cloth, $1 75. Ships' Guns. 4to. cloth, $3 75. London. 88 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Ma r s ha 1, (John.) Mode of Classification i Vol. VI Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Cape Breton, Prince of Ships. Svo. cloth, $2 00. London. Edward's Isle, the Bermudas, Newfbundland, and Hudson's Bay. ------- Writings upon the Federal Constitution. Vol. VII Gibraltar, Malta. the Ionian Islands, &c. 8vo. cloth, $3 50. Boston, 1839. Vol VIII. The East Indies. Vol I. containing Bengal, Madras, Bombay, Agra, &c. (W.) The Art of Reading Church Music; Vol IX. Ditto, Vol. II. Vol. X. British Possessions in the Indian and Atlantic 9ceans, founded on a Simple Explanation of the First viz.: Ceylon, Penang, Mlalacca, Singapore, Sierra Leole, Principles of Music. 12mo. cloth, 62 cents. the Gambia, Cape Coast Castle, Accra, the Falkland Islands, St. Helena, and Ascension. on Diseases of the Heart, Lungs, &c. Half sheep, $1 00. Philadelphia. Martineau, (Harriet.) Tales. Life in Mart e lli, (Chas.) The Naval Officer's Guide the Wilds; Hill and the Valley; Brooke and for Preparing Ships for Sea. 12mo. cloth, Brooke Farm; Briery Creek; Three Ages; $2 00. London. Farrers of Budge Row; Moral of many Fables; Charmed Sea; Berkeley the Farmer, parts 1 M a r t i n, (M.) China, Political, Commercial, and 2; Demerara; Ella of Garveloch; Weal and Social. 2 vols. 8vo. maps, &c. cloth, $4 25. and Woe in Garveloch; Homes Abroad; For London, 1847. Each and for All; French Wines and Politics; - (L. and C.) Civil Costume of Eng- Vanderput and Snoek; Loom and the Lugland from the Conquest to the present period. ger, 2 parts: Manchester Strike; Cousin Mar4to. cloth, 61 plates, printed in gold and colors, shall; Ireland; Sowers not Reapers; Cinna$16 00. London, 1842. mon and Pearls; Tales of the Tyne. 8 vols. (R. M.) Hudson's Bay Territories, and 16mo. cloth, gilt, $6 00. London. Vancouver's Island. 8vo. cloth, $2 25. Lond. The History of England during the - History of the British Colonies. Royal Thirty Years' Peace, 1814-1S46, plates; being Svo. cloth, $3 50. Lond. the Continuation of Knight's Pictorial History. - History, &c. of Eastern India. 3 vols. Vol. 1, imp. 8vo. $7 00. Lond. 1849. 8vo. cloth, plates and maps, $6 00. Lond. Eastern Life, Past and Present. 12mo. Statistics of the Colonies of the British cloth, $1 25. Philadelphia, 18418. Empire. Royal 8vo. cloth, $12 50. Lond. - Household Education. 12mo. cloth, 75 ----- (P. J.) Geological Memoir on Part of cents. Philadelphia, 1849. Sussex. 4to. cloth, $6 00. Lound. Forest and Game Law Tales. 3 vols. ------ (W. L.) Treatise on the Ox. Imp. 8vo. 12mo. cloth gilt, $1 75. London, 1843. cloth, $2 25. Lond. Life in the Sick-Room, with an Introduc--- (G. A.) The Undercliff, Isle of Wight; tion, by E. L. Follen. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. its Climate, History, and Natural Productions, Boston, 1845. with Panoramic View. Post 8vo. cloth, $j3 25. (James.) Endeavors after the Christian. London, 1849. Life. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, 84 50. Lound. 1849. - -- - -Bible Illustrations; a Series of splendid - Rationale of Religious Enquiry. 12mo. designs, with descriptions. 4 vols. folio, cloth, cloth, $1 25. Lond. $30 00(JO. Lou(d. Marvel, (Ik.) Fresh Gleanings; or, a New - (W. C.) Natural History of Man and Sheaf from the Old Fields of Continental EuMonkeys. 8vo. cloth, $4 75. Lond. rope. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. New York. - -- (F. P.) The History of North Carolina, Mask ol, (Rev. Wi.) TheAncientLiturgy from the earliest period. 2 vols. cr. 8vo. cloth, of the Church of England, according to the 4$13 00. New Orleans, 1829. uses of Sarum, Bangor, York, and Hereford, and - (Montgomery.) British Colonial Library; the Modern Roman Liturgy. Svo. cloth, <4 00. forming a popular and Authentic Description London, Pickering, 1816. of all the Colonies of the British Empire, and Holy Baptism; a Dissertation. Svo. embracing the History, Physical Geograplly, cloth, 4 75. London, 148. Geology, Climate, Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral Kingdoms, Government, Finance, Mili- Monunenta Bitualia Ecclesie A icant7 tary Defence, Commerce, Shipping, Monetary 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 8 00. Pickering, 1846 System, Religion, Population, White and Col- Mason, (R.) The Gentleman's New Pocket ored, Education and the Press, Emigration, Farrier; comnprising a general Description of Social State, &c., of each Settlement. Found- the Noble and Useful Animal, the Horse, with ed on Official and Public Documents, furnished an Essay on Mules, and a Supplement, by J. by Government, the Hon. East India Company, S. Skinner. 12mo. sheep, woodl-cuts,.1 25. &c. Illustrated by original maps and plates. Philadelphia, 1848. 10 vols. foolscap 8vo. extra cloth, boards, $S 00. ____ Practical Astronomer. 8vo. cloth, $1 50. 1848. New York. CONTENTS. M a s s e, (J. N.) Anatomic Synoptique ou Vol. I The Canadas, Upper and Lower. resume comnplet D'Anatomie descriptive du Vol. II. New South Wales, Van Dieman's Land, Swan Corps HIumain, comprenant L'Exposition sucRiver, and South Australia. cinta de toutes les Aponeroses. 12mo. cloth, Vol. III. The Cape of Good Hope, Mauritius, and Seychelles.. Pari, 144. New and enlarged edition, just published. 00. Paris, 1844. Vol. IV. The West Indies. Vol. I. Jamaica, Honduras, M assilon, (John-Baptist.) Sermons; to Trinidad, Tobago, Granada, the Bahamas, and the Virgin which is prefixed the Life of the Author. Svo. Isles. wich s prexed the Lfe of the Author. Svo. Vol. V. The West Indies. Vol. II. British Guiana, Barba- cloth, $2 00 London, 1849. does, St. Lucia, St Vincent's, Demerara, Essequibo, Ber- Sermons et Morceaux choises precedes bice, Anguilla, Tortola, St. Kitt's, Barbuda, Antigua, Se rmon e t Morceu. 00. Paris, 14ecedes Montserrat, Dominica, and Nevis. de son eoge. l2mo. 1 00. Paris, 1845 Foreign and American Books. 89 M as s i n g e r, (P.) Plays adapted for Family Ma u r i c e, (F. D.) The Prayer-Book ConReading and the use of Young Persons. 3 vols. sidered, especially in Reference to the Romish 12mo. cloth, $1 25. London, 1830. System. 12mo. cloth, $1 75. Lond. 1849. Plays, with Notes, Critical and Explana- (H. D.) The Kingdom of Christ; or, tory, by Gifford. Portrait, royal Svo. $3 25. Hints respecting the Principles, Constitution, Mass on, (Charles.) Narrative of various and Ordinances of the Catholic Church. 8vo. Journeys in Balochistan, Afghanistan, the Pun- cloth, $2 50. New York, 1843. jab, and Kalat, during a Residence in those M a u r y' s Treatise on the Dental Art, founded Countries: to which is added an Account of the the Insurrection at Kalat, and a Memoir of Eastern on Actual Experience. Translated from the Balochistan. 4 handsome vols. 8vo. with 20 French, with Notes and Additions, by T. B. illustrations on stone ands wood from drawitns Savier. 8vo. cloth, 241 lithographic figures illustrations on stone and wood from drawings and 54 wood-cuts, $2 25. Philadelphia. by the Author, and a large map, extra cloth, $7 50. 1844. M a we, (John.) Travels into the Interior of M a s t e r's Ice-Book, and everything connect- Brazil. 8vo. cloth, $5 50. London. ed with Ice. 8vo. cloth, $2 25. London. Treatise on Diamonds and other Precious Mathematician, (The.) Edited by W. Stones. 8vo. cloth, $4 50. London Rutherford and S. Fenwick. Vols. 1 and 2. M a x im s a n d H int s for an Angler, and 8vo. cloth, each $6 00. London, 1813. Miseries of Fishing. Illustrated with woodMatthe ws, (C.) Miscellaneous Writings. culs. 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. Svo. cloth, $1 00. New York. M ax imes de Guerre de Napoleon. 32mo. (W.) An Historical and Scientific De- broche, 50 cents. Bruxelles, 1837. scription of the Mode of Supplying London Travels in razil with Water. 8vo. boards, 19 plates, $2 7T5. Maximilian, (Prince.) London. in the Years 1815,'16,'17. 4to. cloth, $7 50. Compendium of Gas Lighting. 12mo. London, 1543. cloth, $1 50. London. Mlaxwell, (W. H.) Field-Book; being a Historical Sketch of Gas Lighting. 12mo. complete Dictionary of Field Sports. Illuscloth, $2 25. London. trated with numerous spirited wood-cuts. 8vo. (P.) Treatise on Naval Timber, &c. cloth, $7 50. London. Svo. cloth, $3 75. London. (J. S.) Czar, his Court and People. Matteucci, (C.) Lectures on the Physical 12mo. cloth, $1 00. New York, 1848. Phenomena of Living Beings. Translated by Life of the Duke of Wellington. 3 handPereria. 12mo. cloth, wood-cuts, $1 25. some vols. Svo. embellished with numerous Philadelphia, 1848. highly finished line engravings by Cooper and Mau n d, (B.) The Book of Hardy Flowers; other emin nt artists, consisting of battle pieces, or, Gardener's Edition of the Botanic Garden. portraits, military plans, and maps; besides a 4to. cloth, $2 75. London. great number of fine wood engravings. EleMaun der, (Samuel.) The Biographical gant, in gilt cloth, $10 75. 1841. Treasury; consisting of Memoirs, Sketches, and May (Sir J.) Observations on Mode of Atbrief Notices of above 12,000 eminent Persons of all Ages and Nations, from tihe Earliest tack, &c. of Heavy Artillery. Svo. cloth, $1 75. Period of History. Foolscap 8vo. cloth extra, $3 00; roan gilt, 83 50. Lound. 1847. (C.) American Female Poets, with Bi--- The Treasury of History; comprising a og-raphicaland Critical Notices. Cr. Svo. cloth, general Introductory Outline of Universal His- $2 00. Philadelphia, 1848. tory, Ancient and Modern, and a Series of sep —-- (R. C.) New Method of Setting out Railarate Histories of every Principal Nation that way Curves. 12mo. 75 certs. London. exists; their Rise, Progress, and Present Con- Maycock, (J. D.) Flora and Geology of dition, the Moral and Social Character of their Barbadoes. 8vo. cloth, $5 50. London. respective Inhabitants, their Religion, Manners, M a y e r, (Brantz.) A History of the Mexican and Customs, &c. New edition, foolscap Svo. War, with a View of the Causes that led to it. cloth, $3 00; roan, $3 50. Loud. (J.) The Sportsman's Directory, and ----- The Scientific and Literary Treasury; a Pa(J.) The Sportsman's Directory and new and popular Encyclopmedia of Science and the Belles-Lettres; including all Branches of cloth, $1 25. Science, and every Subject connected with Lit- M a y h e w, (Brothers.) The Magic of Kinderature and Art. Foolscap 8vo. cloth, $3 00; ness; or, the Wondrous Story of the Good roan, $3 50. London. Huan. Illustrated by Cruikshank and Kenny The Treasury of Knowledge, and Library Meadows. 12mo. cloth gilt, $1 75. of Reference, in two parts. New edition, thor- London, 1849. oughly revised and enlarged. Foolscap 8vo. The Same. 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. cloth. 3i 00; roan, $3 50. Lond. New York, 1849. - The Treasury of Natural History; or, a (Edward.) On the Horse's Mouth; popular Dictionary of Animated Nature; in showing the Age by the Teeth, &c. Colored which the Zoological Characteristics that dis- engraving. 8vo. cloth, $3 25. Lnd. 1849. tinguish the different Classes, Genera, and M a y n e, (Capt.) Military Reconnoissance. Species, will be found, combined with a variety 8vo. boards, $1 75. London of interesting information, illustrative Habits, (John.) A Dispensatory and TherapeuInstincts, and General Economy of the Animal tical Remembrancer, &c. Revised, with the Kingdom. Foolscap 8vo. with 800 engravings Addition of the Formulae of the United States on wood, designed expressly for this Work, Pharmacopceia, by R. S. Griffith. 12mo. cloth, $8 00; roan gilt, $3 50. London. $1 00. Philadelphia, 1848 90 G. P. Putinam's Catalogue of Mayo, (E.) Lessons on Objects as taught in Memoirs of Jeanne d'Arc, surnamed La the Pestalozzian Schools. 12mo. boards, $1 00. Pucelle d'Orleans; with the History of her London. Times. Post, 2 vols. 12mo. half calf, neat, $5 00. Lessons on Shells. 12mo. boards, $1 75. London, 1824. London. Memoria Technica; or, the Art of Ab------ (H.) On the Nervous System. ]2mo. breviating Difficult Studies. 12mo. boards, 50 cloth, $1 00. New York. cents. Boston, 18 19. (W. S.) Kaloolah; or, Journeyings to M e mor ial de l'Officier du Genie ou recueil the Djebel Kumri. 12mo. cloth, with two fine de Memoires, Experiences, Observations, et and spirited illustrations, by Darley. Second Prochdes Generaux propres a perfectionner edition, $1 50. New York, 1849. les Fortifications et les Constructiones Civiles - (Herbert.) Letters on the Truths con- et Militaires. 8 vols. 8vo. paper, Sl 00. tained in Popular Superstitions. Post Svo. Liege, 1844. cloth, $1 50. Frankfort, 1849. de l'Artillerie ou recueil Memoires, ExMe as on, (G. L.) Landscape Architecture periences, Observations et proc6dis relatifs au of Italian Painters. 4to. $25 00. Lond. service de l'artillerie, redige par les soins du Comiti avec l'approbation du Ministre de la Meckel, (J. F.) Manual of Anatomy. 3 Guerre. o vols. 8vo. broch6, $l0 00. vols. 8vo. sheep, $5 00. Phila. 1832. Bruxelles, 1839. Mechanical Problems, adapted to Memorials of the Rebellion of 1569. Svo. the Course of Reading pursued in the Univer- cloth, portrait, $5 50. Lond. 1S44. sity of Cambridge. 8vo. boards, $1 75.,mi Londonsity of Cambridge. vo. boars1 5. e m o i re s de Caussidere ex-Prefet de Police LoCneeDon, et representant du Peuple. 2 vols. Svo. paper, Medhurst, (W. H.) Chinese Dictionary; $3 50. Paris, 1849. (Hek-keen dialect.) Royal 4to. $13 00. MEMOIRES DE LINSTITUT NATIONAL London. DES SCIENCES ET DES ARTS. Japanese and English Vocabulary. 8vo. ~cloth, 83 (00 London, Sciences Physiques et Mathematiques, cloth, $%~3 00. London. 14 vols. Litterature et Beaux Arts, 5 vols. M e d win, (T.) Angler in Wales; or, Days Sciences Morales et Politiques, 5 vols. Base and Nights of Sportsmen. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, du Systeme Metrique, 3 vols. Savants Etran$4 00. London. gers, vols. 1 and 2. Acad6mies des Sciences, Meikle, (J.) The Traveller; or, Medita- 21 vols. Memoires presentes par divers tions on various Subjects. WTritten on board a savans, le serie, 2 vols. The' Same, 2d serie, Man-of-War. 12mo. cloth, 87 cents. 9 vols. Academie des Inscriptions et Belles Aberdeen, 1844. Lettres, 15 vols. Academie des Savans EtranMeigs, (C.) Females and their Diseases. gers, 1 vol. Academie des Sciences Morales 8vo. sheep, $3 50. Phila. 1848. et Politiques, 2d series, 5 vols. Notices et - Puerperal Fevers and Cural Plebitis. Extraits des Manuscrits de la Bibl. du roi, 14 12mo. sheep, $1 75. Philadelphia. vols. l2mo. sheep, 81 75. Philadelpha. In all 96 volumes quarto, handsomely bound, Velpeau's Midwifery. Svo. sheep, 83 50. half red morocco, $350 00. Plliladelphia. - (J. F.) Practical TiLt;tise on Diseases of M end h a m, (Rev. J.) The Literary Policy o(J. F.) Practical Titise on Diseases ofth, 75. Children. 12mo. sheep, $1 50. Phila. 1848. of the Church of Rome. -- (Charles D.) Obstetrics; the Science London, 1830. and the Art. With 120 illustrations. 8vo. - Acta Concilii Tridentini; anno 1572 et $3 50. Phila. 1849. 1573. 8vo. cloth, $3 00. London, 1842. M ellen, (G.) Book of the United States, its Life and Pontificate of Pope Pius V. Georaphy, History, Government, &c. 8vo Svo. cloth, $2 00. London, 1832. $2 75. EIartford - An Index of Prohibited Books, by ComMellingen on Management and Treatment mand of Pope Gregory XVI., in 1835; exhibitof the Insane. 12mo. 75 cents. Phila. 1841. ing the Literary Policy of the Church of Rome, $12 75. 1840. Melville, (Herman.) Typee; a Peep at Index ibrorum Prohibitoru 1840. a Sixto Polynesian Life during a Four Months' Resi- Index Librorum Prohibitorum a Sixto V. dence in a Valley of the Marquesas. 12mo. Papa. 4to. cloth, $1 50. Lond. 1835. cloth, &1 00. New York. Men den hall, (G.) Medical Vade Mecum. Omoo; or, a Narrative of Adventures in 12mo. cloth, $1 75. Phila. 1S48. the South Seas. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. Menzel's History of German Literature. New York, 1847. Translated by C. C. Felton. 3 vols. 12m-o. ------ Mardi, and the Voyage thither. 2 vols. cloth, $3 00. Boston. 12mo. cloth, $1 75. New York, 1849. (W.) History of Germany, from the earliest period to the present time. Translated M e m o i r s of the Kit Cat Club, with Kneller's by Mrs. G. Horrocks. 3 vols. 12mo. cloth, porportraits. Royal 4to. $25 00. London. traits, $2 63. London, 1849. of the Generals, Commodores, and other M e r e d i t h, (W. G.) Memorials of Charles Commanders of the American Revolution. John, King of Sweden and Norway; illustrative Royal 8vo. cloth, $3 50. of his Relations with the Emperor Napoleon, ------ of the Geological Society of Great Brit- &c. 8vo. cloth, $1 75. Lond. 1829. ain. 2 vols. royal 8vo. cloth, plates, $19 00. (H.) Account of the Gold Coast of London, 1847-8. Africa. 8vo. cloth, $2 75. Lond. Foreign and American Bobks. 91 M e r r i fi eld's Ancient Practice of Oil Paint- M i c h a u d. Histoire des croisades, 6e ediing, Original Treatises from the Twelfth to the tion, revue, corrigee et augmentke par M. Eighteenth Century, on the Art of Painting in Poujoulat, ornes de 14 vignettes sur acier et de Oil, Mosaic, &c., with Notes, &c., &c. 2 vols. 3 cartes des differents itine rares des croises. Svo. $8 00. London, 1549. 6 vol. in 8, demi veau, $14 00. Paris, 1941...- (Mrs.) The Art of Fresco Painting, as M ichaux, (F. A.) The North American practiced by the old Italian and Spanish Mas- Sylva; or, a Description of the Forest Trees of ters, with Observations and Notes. Svo. cloth, the United States, Canada and Nova Scotia, $82 25. London. &c. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. cloth. Illustrated with M e r i m e e. Chronique de Charles IX., etc., colored plates, $22 00. Philadelphia, 1841. etc. 12mo. paper, $1 00. Microscopic Objects, Animal,Veg- Colomba, la Mosaique, etc., etc. 12mo. etable, and Mineral, with Instructions for Prepaper, $1 00. paring and Viewing them. 12mo. cloth, col---- Thkatre de Clara Gazul, etc., etc. 12mo. ored plate, $1 50. Lond. 1847. paper, $1 00. M i d dle t o n, (Thomas.) Works, (Drama------ (M. J.) The Art of Painting in Oil and tic) and Life, with Notes, by Rev. A. Dyce. 5 in Fresco. 8vo. cloth, $3 75. London. vols. cr. 8vo. bds. $12 50. London. Merry Mount; a Romance of Massachu- Life of Cicero; Letters to several of his setts Bay. l2rno. cloth, 81 25. friends, by Melmoth; Letters to Atticus, by Merivale, (J. H.) Poems, Original and tHeberden. Complete in 1 thick vol. imp. 8vo. Translated. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $4 00. portrait, cloth lettered, $S 75. London, 1 38. M i d s h i p m an's (The) Friend; or, Hints Merrywe ather, (F. Somner.) Biblio- for the Cockpit, by A. P. E. Wilmot. 12mo. mania in the Middle Ages; or, Sketches of cloth, 87 cents. London, 1845. Bookworms, Collectors, Bible Students, Scribes, M ier's Travels in Chili and La Plata; inand Illuminators, from the Anglo-Saxon and cludinog Accounts respecting the Geography, Norman Periods, to the Introduction of Print- Geology, Statistics, Government, Finances, ing into England, with Anecdotes, &-c. 12mo. Agriculture, Manners, Customs, and the Mining cloth, $1t 50. London, 1849. Operations in Chili. Maps and plates, 2 vols. M e etcalf, (Samuel L.) New Theory of Ter- Svo. cloth, $2 50. London, 1826. restrial Magnetism. 8vo. cloth, S1 00. Mlignet, (A. P.) History of the French London, 1833. Revolution from 1789 to 1814. 8vo. cloth, M e ethuen, (H. H.) Life in the Wilderness; $1 35. New York, 1827. or, South Africa. Post Svo. cloth, plates, $83 25. (A. P.) History of the French RevoluLondon. tion. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. London. M e eurer, (M.) The Life of Martin Luther, (M.) ntonio Perez and Philip II. related from original authorities, with 16 en- Translated by. Cocks. Post 8vo. cloth gravings.8vo. clohporrat.20.Translated by C. Cocks. Post Svo. cloth, gravings. 8vo. cloth, portrait, $2 00. $2 63. London,1846. Meye r' s Illustrations of British Birds; con Milburn, (W.) Oriental Commerce, by Msis IsIlsrinoBrthBr;cn Thornton. Royal 8vo. cloth, $11 00. Lotd. SistinB of colored figures of Birds indigenous to hornton. Royal 8vo. cloth, 11 00. Lond. Great Britain, with fac-similes of their Eggs. Miles, (W.) The Horse's Foot, and how to Numerous plates, beautifully colored after keep it sound, with Illustrations. 12mo. cloth, Nature. 78 parts, 4to. containing 327 plates, 37 cents; paper, 25 cents. New York. $180 00. London, 1835-41. - (E.) An Epitome, Historical and StatisM e y r i c k' s Painted Illustrations of Ancient tical, descriptive of the Royal Naval Service Arms and Armor; a Critical Inquiry into An- of England. 8vo. cloth, colored plates, $3 00. cient Armor as it existed in Europe, but par- London. ticularly in England, from the Norman Con- - (Pliny.) Statistical Register and Book of quest to the Reign of Charles II., with a Glos- General Reference. 8vo. half roan, 75 cents. sary, &c., by Sir Samuel Rush Meyrick, LL.D., New York. F.S.A., &c., new and greatly improved edition, (H. A.) The Gospel Narratives, their corrected and enlarged throughout by the Au- Origin, Peculiarities, and Transmission. 12mo. thor himself, with the assistance of Literary cloth, 50 cents. Boston, 1848. and Antiquarian Friends (Albert Way, &c.) 3 (William.) The Horse's Foot, and how vols. imp. 4to. illustrated by more than 100 to keep it sound. New edition, with an Applates, splendidly illuminated, mostly in gold pendix on Shoeing in General, and Hunters in and silver, exhibiting some of the finest speci- particular. Imp. Svo. with illustrations, cloth, mens existing in England, also a new plate of $2 75. London. the Tournament of Locks and Keys. Neatly half bound mor. gilt extra, full gilt backs and The Appendix separately, "5 cents. edges, 960 00. 1844. Four casts or Models of Shoes may be had, disMichelet, (M.) Life of Martin Lutller. playing the different kinds of Shoeing, $1 00 12mo. cloth, $1 00. New York, 1S46. No. 1, Sioor $3 for general purposes. No. 1, Shod for general purposes. ------ History of the Roman Republic. 12mo. No. 2, Shod for Hunting. cloth, $1 00. London, 1847. No. 3, Shod with Leather.: - (J.) Du Pretre de la Femme de la No. 4, Foot prepared for Shoeing. Famille. 12muo. paper, 75 cents. Brux. 1846. Mill, (J. S.) Principles of Political Economy, ------ History of the French Revolution. Trans- with some of their Applications to Social lated by C. Cocks. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. Philosophy. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $8 50. London, 1848. London, 1848. 92 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Mill, (J. S.) Principles of Political Economy, M ilm a n, (Rev. H. H.) Poetical Works. 3 with some of their Applications to Social'l vols. 12mo. cloth, portrait, $3 00; mor. gilt Philosophy. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $4 50. leaves, $9 00. London, 1839. Boston, 1848. History of Christianity. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. -. (Chas.) Crusades and Chivalry. 8vo. New York. cloth, S1 25. Philadelphia. -- History of the Jews. 3 vols. 18mo. cloth Mill, (James.) History of British India. 6 $1 256. vOls. 8vo. cloth, $25 00. London. ol'Continuation of, by H londo. M. iln e, (D.) Essay on Comets, 4to. cloth, - Continuation of, by H. N. Wilson. 3 vols. 83 25. London. 8vo. cloth, $12 50. London. oc, $o. Plan for Floating Stranded Vessels. 8vo. - Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive. 8vo. cloth, $1 oo. Londoncloth, $2 00. New York. Millard, (S. W.) British Entomology (Josh.) Treatise on Annuities. 2 vol. 12mo. cloth, $2 75. London. 8vo. cloth, 9 00. Mills, (G.) Treatise on the Cultivation of (R. M.) Poems of Many Years. 12mo. the Cucumber. 12mo. cloth, $3 00. Lond. cloth, (8 cents. Boston, 1846. ------ Treatise on the Culture of the Pine Apple. Milner, (Rev. T.) The Gallery of Nature; 12mo. cloth, $1 50. London. a Pictorial and Descriptive Tour through Creation, illustrative of the W onders of Astronomy, Mill e n g e n, (Dr.) History of Duelling, in- Physical Geography, and Geology. 8vo. plates, eluding Narratives of the most remarkable $5 00; mor. gilt, $8 00. London. Personal Encounters that have taken place i I t i t z (A. de.) anuel des Consuls. 2 from the earliest period to the present time. vols.t, (A. de.)och, $2 0. Paris. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $2 75. London, 1841. Ancient Inedited Monuments of Grecian M itilton, (John.) Prose Works, with a BioI Ancient Inedited Monuments of Grecian graphical Introducticn, by R. W. Griswold. 2 Art. Imp. 4to. half mor. gilt top, fine plates, v ols. 8vo. cloth, in, by. ew York, 1847. $28 00. London. LIu dE $28 00. London. vols. 8vo. cloth, $4 00. New York, 1847. The Passions; or, Mind and Matter. I l- L'Allegro. Illustrated by the Etching lustrated by Considerations on Insanity. 8vo. Club. Imp. Svo. mor. gilt leaves. $2 50. -- Poetical Works. Edited by Todd. 4 M iller, (Von.) Leqons sur la Tactique des vols. 8vo. cloth, $15 00. London. Trois Armes Traduction par Lieut. Col. Huv- Poetical Works. 12mo. cloth, plates, brecht. 8vo. paper, with folio atlas of 32 $2 25. London. plates, $7 50. Bruxelles, 1846. Poetical Works. Edited by Sir E. -- (T.) Treatise on Water Color Painting Brydges. Plates from designs by Turner. 6 as applied to Landscapes, and the Figure for vols. 12nmo. cloth, $9 00. London. the use of the Amateur and Student. Illus- Complete in 1 vol. 8vo. cloth, Turner's trated by S plates, imp. 8vo. cloth, $6 00. designs, $4 50. London. London, 1848. - Paradise Lost. Small folio, beautifully - (G.) History Philosophically Illustratd printed in large type, neatly half bound in from the Fall of the Roman Empire to the morocco, and illustrated with numerous plates French Revolution. 4 vols. 12mo. cloth, $3 50. by John Martin, $10 00. London, 1849. London,(J. S.) History1849. Life of, by Todd. 8vo. cloth, $3 00. (J. S.) History of the Crinoidea. 4to. London. cloth plates, $16 00. London. cloth, plates, $16 00. London. _ -__ Practical Bee-Keeper. 12mo. cloth,$1 37. ----- (W. H.) Treatise on Crystallography. London. 8vo. cloth, $2 25. London. M in ard, (M.) Cours de Construction des - - ((Hugh.) The Old Red Sandstone; or, ouvrages Hydrauliques des ports de mer proNew Walks in an Old Field. 12mo. cloth, fesse a L'Ecole des ponts et Cliauss(es. 2 vols. $2 25. Edinburgh, 1847. 4to. paper, plates, $6 00. Paris, 1c46. -(W. H.) An Elementary Treatise on Mi n e r, (T. B.) American Bee-Keeper's Manthe Differential Calculus. Svo. cloth, $1 75. ual- a Practical Treatise. 12mo. wood-cuts, - (Thos.) Treatise on Water Color Paint-actical Treatise. ing. Imp. 8vo. $6 50. London 1 23. NeW York, 1849. -- (James.) Practice of Surgery. 8vo. - -(Charles.) History of Wyoming, in a sheep, $2 75. Philadelphia. Series of Letters to his Son, W. P. Miner. Svo. (Thos.) Rural Sketches. 12mo. cloth, cloth, maps, $2 50. Phia. 1845. $1 00. Philadelphia. M i n g a u d' s Game of Billiards. Translated M i 1 1 ev o y. Poesies avec Notice. 12mo. by Thurston. Royal 8vo. plates, $6 350. Lond. paper, $1 00. M i n i fi e, (W.) A Text-Book of Geometrical Millington, (J.) Treatise on Civil En- Drawing for the use of Mechanics and Schools. gineering. Royal 8vo. cloth, with numerous 8vo. half bound, 56 plates, $3 00. Balt. 1S49. illustrations, $2 50. Philadelphia, 1839. School Edition, 12mo. sheep, $1 25. Balt. 1849. Military Bridges. Description of a Minot, (G. R.) History of the Insurrection System of, with India Rubber Pontoons. Pre- in Massachusetts. 12mo. cloth, 67 cents. pared for the use of the United States Army, Cambridge. by Capt. George W. Cullum. 8vo. cloth, plates, of the Committee of Council on $2 00. New York, 1849. Education, with Appendices. 2 vols. cr. 8vo. M i 1 i z i a, (F.) The Lives of Celebrated Ar- cloth, $3 0. London, 1848. chitects, Ancient and Modern. Translated irabeau. A LfeHistory. 2 vols. lmo. from the Italian, by Mrs. E. Gray. 2 vols. Svo. cloth, portrait, $3 50. London, 1848. cloth, $3 50. London. The Same, 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Phila. 1849. Foreign and Anmerican Books. 93 M i r a b e a u. (Euvres, precedees d'une notice M o d e r n Painters. By a Graduate of Oxsur sa vie et ses ouvrages, par M. Merilhon. ford. Parts 1, 2, 3. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, 8 vol. in 8, demi veau, $12 00. Paris, 1834. $1 87. New York, 1847-8. Miracles of Our Saviour. Profusely Moehler, (J. A.) Athanase le grand et l'eIlluminated on every page with elaborate glise de son temps en lutte avec l'Arianisme. Borderinus of original and appropriate design, 3 vols. Svo. $4 00. Paris, 1840. composed from the works of the Old Illumin- Symbolism; or, Exposition of the Docators. Square foolscap, Svo. uniform in size with trinal Differences between Catholics and Pro"The Sermon on the Mount," and " Parables testants. Svo. cloth, $2 25. of Our Lord;" in a bindinog of novel character, designed and modelled expressly for this work, M o e c h. Ornements d'architecture pour l'e$6 50. London. $6 50. London. tude. 1 cahie r de 20 planches in folio lithoMit chell, (J.) Treatise on the Falsifica- g $,. tion of Food, and the Chemical Means em- Morenhaut, (J. A.) Voyages aux iles du ployed to detect them. 12mo. cloth,$2 00. Grand Ocean contenant des documens nonLontdon, 148. veaux sur la Geographie physique et politique, la Langue, la Litterature, la Religion, les - Manual of Practical Assaying, for the meurs, les usages, et les coutumes de leurs use of Metallurgists, &c.; with copious Tables, habitans, &c. &c. 2 vols. 8vo. paper, $5 50. &c. 12mo. cloth, $3 00. Loend. 1846. Paris, 1837. - (T. L.) Expeditions into Eastern Aus- Mofras, (M. D. de.) Exploration du Territralia. 2 vols. Svo. cloth, plates, $12 00. toire de l'Oregon, des Californies et de la mer London, 1839. mermeille. 4 vols. roy. 8vo. paper, with atlas Outlines of a System of Surveying. of maps, $25 00. Paris, 1844. Post 8vo. cloth, 91 50. London. M o h r a n d R e d w o o d's Practical PharExpedition into the Interior of Tropical macy; the Arrangements, Apparatus and MaAustralia. 8vo. cloth, $6 50. Lond. nipulations of the Pharmaceutical Shop and - (Colonel) Life of Wallenstein, Duke of Laboratory. Illustrated by four hundred enFriedland. Cr. 8vo. cloth, portrait, $3 00. gravings on wood. 8vo. cloth, $3 75. London. Lond. 1849. (Colonel.) Fall of Napoleon, an Histor- Practical Pharmacy, by Proctor. Cr. ical Memoir. 3 vols. post 8vo. cloth, $8 00. 8vo. sheep, $3 50. Philadelphia, 1848. London. M o h s, (F.) Characters of the Classes, &c. in (O. M.) The Planetary and Stellar Mineralogy. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. Lond. Worlds. 12mo. cloth, 17 engravings, $1 2:. - Treatise on Mineralogy, by Haidinger New York, 1848. 3 vols. post Svo. cloth, $11 00. London. (John.) Dendrologia, or Treatise on Forest Trees. 8vo. cloth, 94 50. London. M o i g no. Traith de Telegraphique ElecThuhs..on Tcltic an Mi.iyOn-.trique, renfermant son histoire, sa thiorie et la Thoughts on Tactics and Military Organ- description des appareils. Enriche de seize ization. 8vo. cloth, $3 25. Lond. planches. Svo. $3 00. Paris, 1849. - (T.) Translation of the Comedies of Aristophanes. 2 vols. Svo. bds..$7 O.50 Moee. Iuvres de, avec des Notes de Arstpans 1&22 vstous les Commentateurs. 2 vols. $1 50. London, I822. The Knlghts of Aristophanes, ith Notes,aris, 1847. Critical and Explanatory, adapted to the use - Euvres completes, avec des remarques of Schools and Universities. Svo. cloth, $2 75. grammaticales, des avertissemens et des obLondon, 1836. servations sur chaque piece, par Bret; pr6e Wk ofro cbd6s de la vie de Moliere, par Voltaire, et de Mit ford, (M.R.) TheWorksof-roseand son eloge, par Chamfort; avec planches. 6 Verse. Svo. cloth, $1 50. Philadelphia. vols. grand in S, demi veau, $20. Paris, 1821. (Miss.) Our Village. New Edition. 2 CEuvres, avec des remarques grammativol03. 12mo. cloth, 83 00. Lond. cales; des avertissemens et des observations - History of Greece, by Lord Redesdale, sur chaque piece, par M. Bret. 6 vol. in 8, the Chronology corrected and compared with 15 00. Paris, 1773. Clinton's Fasti Hellenici, by King, (Cadell'stes avec les Notes de last and much the best edition.) 8 vols. 8vo. to uvres C ommentateurs; edition publi Notes de gilt cloth, $12 00. Lond. 1838. L. Aime-Martin, ornes de 18 gravures et dun gilt~ cloth, 12 0(J. Lond. 18~38. tous les Commentateurs; edition publi~e par The Same, tree-marbled calf extra, by Clarke, L. Aime-Martin, ornes de 18 gravures et I'un T 2Sae 00. temaecafxrbClk, portrait, d'apres les dessins de Desenne. 8 vol. in 8, veau, $27 50. Moberly, (G.) Sermons preached at Win- in 8, veau, $27 50. chester College. 12mo. cloth, $2 00. Le meme ouvrage, demi veau, $22 00. London, 1848. Paris, 1824. M o d e rn Architecture. First Series. Exam- Theatre, avec des Notes de tous les Comples of Villas in the neighborhood of London. mentateurs. 2 vols. 12mo. $2 00. Paris, 1848. Colored plates. Oblong folio, cloth, $6 0/0. Moller, (De G.) An Essay on the Origin --- Second Series. Examples of Architec- and Progress of Gothic Architecture, $1 50. ture in the Suburbs of London. Colored plates. - (George.) Memorials of Ancient GerFolio, cloth, $6 00. London, 1848. Iman Gothic Architecture, with a Description Modern Orator. Roy. Svo. cloth. Burke's' of each Edifice, and an Essay on the Origin Speeches, $3 00. Erskine's Speeches, $1 75.! and Progress of Gothic Architecture, &c. &c. Fox's Speeches, $6 00. Pitt's (E. of Chatham.) 130 plates. 2 vols. folio in one, $25 00. Speeches, $1 75. Lond. 1845-7. London. 94 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of o n a s t i c and Social Life in the Twelfth M o o r e, (Thos.) Poetical Works, complete in century. 8vo. paper, 63 cents. This Book fur- one volume, $4 00. New York, nished the Text for Carlyle's I' Past and Pres- Lalla Rookh. Svo. cloth, extra, $5 00. ent." Philadelphia. M o net t e, (J. W.) History of the Discov- English E,;tion. Square 12mo. cloth, ery and Settlement of the Valley of the Missis- $1 25. Lond. 1849. sippi. 2 vols. 8 vo. cloth, $5 00. New York. - Irish Melodies. Square 12mo. cloth, Mon Journal. Evenements de 1815, par $1 25. London, 1849. Louis Philippe d'Orleans. 2 vols. 12mo. Life of Lord Byron 2 vols. 12mo. $1 50. Paris, 1849. cloth, $2 00. Philadelphia. M o n e y, (W.) Vade Mecum of Morbid Ana.- Letters and Journal of Lord Byron. 2 tomy. 8vo. sheep, $4 00. New York. vo19. 12mo. cloth, $2 75. New York. Monumenta Historica Britanni- - ~ Epicurean, a Tale; and Alciphron, a ca; or, Materials for the History of Britain Poem. 12mo. cloth, with 4 illustrations, by from the earliest period. Vol. 1, extending to Turner, $1 00. London, 1589. the Roman Conquest. Prepared and Illus- - (G.) Man and his Motives. 12mno. cloth, trated, with Notes, by the late Henry Petrie- 50 cents. New York. assisted by the Rev. J. Sharpe; finally com- -- Use of the Body in Relation to the Mind. pleted for publication, and with an Introduc- 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. New York, 1848. tion, by Thomas Duffus Hardy. Numerous - Power of the Soul over the Body. 12mo. plates, folio, half-bound, $30 00. Lond. 1849. cloth, 50 cents. New York, 184S. Montaigne, (Michel Sieur de.) Works (Rev. D.) The Christian System Vindi(comprising his Essays and Travels) newly cated against the more Popular Forms of Modern translated, with Life, Preface, and Bibliogra- Infidelity. 12mo. cloth, 81 00. phical Introduction by William Hazlitt. Roy. (H.) Dictionary of Quotations. Post 8vo. cloth, portrait, $4 50. Loud. 1843. vo cloth, $3 0. London. The Same. Roy. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. Phil..London.. Essais. Nouvelle edition prececde d'une - (J. B.) Lives of the Governors of New lettre a M. Villemain sur l'eloge de Montaigne, Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay. 8vo. cloth, par P. Christian. 12mo. paper, $1 00. $2 50. New York. Paris, 184S. Laws of Trade in the United States. M o n t a g u, (G.) Ornithological Dictionary, 12mo. sheep, 75 cents. New York. by Rennie. Svo. cloth, $6 50. Lond. M o o r s o m, (C. R.) Principles of Naval.... (J. A.) Guide tothe Study of Heraldry. Tactics. 8vo. cloth, $1 50. London. 4to. cloth, $5 50. -- (B.) Selections from the Works of Tay- Morale en Action (la) illustree, ou Recueil lor, Latimer, Hall, Milton, Barro, South, d'anecdotes propres a former le cceur et l'esprit Brown, Fuller and Bacon. lmo. cloth 50 des jeunes gens; redige sur un nouveau plan, Brown, Fuller and Bacon. 12mo. cloth, 50 cents; cloth, gilt, $1 00. New York, 1848. d'apres les meilleures histoires et nouvelles. 1 vol. in S, illustre de 300 vignettes dessinees M-o ontalb a, (A. R.) Fairy Tales from all par Camille Roqueplan, Lorentz, Girardet, etc. Nations. Illustrated by Richard Doyle. Square $1 75. Paris. 12mo. boards, $2 50. Lond. 1849. 12mo. boards, -$2 50. Loud. 1849. __ Merveilleuse (la), contes de tous les temps Monteath, (R.) Forester's Guide and et de tous les pays, illustres par MM. Ce]. NanProfitable Planter. 8vo. cloth, $4 75. Loend. teuil, Franqais, Lorentz, Seguin. 1 magnifique Montesquieu. Esprit des Lois. 12mo. vol. grand in 8, orne d:- 150 vignettes, 3 00. broche, $1 00. Paris, 1846. More, (Sir Thomas.) Life of, by Sir James Grandeur et Decadence des Romans, Let- Mackintosh. 12mo. cloth, portrait, $1 50. tres Persanes. 12mo. $1 00. Paris, 1845. London. M ontfalcon, (T.B.) et Poliniere, - Utopia; or, the Happy Republic with (A. P. I. de.) Traite de la Salubrit6 dans les the New Atlantis, by Lord Bacon. 1 vol. 12mlco. Grandes Villes. 8vo. paper, $1 87. cloth, $1 25. London, 1845. Paris, 1S46. -- (Hannah.) The Complete Works of; M ontgomery, (James.) Poetical Works. with a Memoir and Notes. Portrait, 9 vols. 4 vols. 12mo. cloth, portrait and vignettes, 12mto. cloth, $I) 0(). London, 1846. $6 00. Lond. The Same. 7 vols. 12mo. $6 50. New York. (Jas.) Poems. Edited by Griswold. Christian Morals. 18mo. mor. gilt leaves, 2 vols. 12mo. $3 00. Philadelphia. $1 00. London, 1S41. ~ —-- (G.W.) Narrative of a Journeyto Gua- M oreau, (F. J.) Practical Treatise on Midtemalain 1838. 8vo. cloth, $1 00. New York. wifery; exhibiting the Present Advanced Montholon, (Count.) Account of Napo- State of the Science. Translated by Thomas leon's Captivity at St. LHelena. 8vo. cloth, F. Breton, M. D., and edited by P. B. Goddard, $2 50. Phila. 1848. A. M., M. D. 30 plates. 4to. cloth, 1I0 00) colored, $20 00. Philadelphia. 1W o n t m o r e n c y. Exercise of the Lance. 4to. cloth, plates, $6 00. -- Fragments et Ornements d'Architectule 4to.clh, p s $6 0. dessines a Rome d'lpres l'antique, par Ch. Mont p ens i e r, (Mad.) Memoirs of, writ- Moreglu, architecte, contenant simples fragments ten by herself. Edited from the French. 3 avec le trait a cote, chapiteaux, entablements, vols. post Svo. cloth, $9 00. Loud. 1848. bases, corniches, details, frises, coupes, vases, Mo or e, (J. B.) Memoir? of American Gov- trepieds, autels, etc, 1 cahier de 36 planches ernors. Vol. 1, 8vo. clotk. f2 00. New York. in-folio, i6 00. Foreign and American Books. 95 More 1, (J. D.) On the Philosophical Ten-'M orton, (W. J.) Manual of Veterinary dencies of the Age. 8vo. cloth, $1 62 1 Pllarmacy. l2mo. cloth, $3 00. London. London, 1848.! __ (Rev. James.) The Monastic Annals of - Historical and Critical Viewv of the Teviotdale; or, the History and Antiquities of Speculative Philosophy of Europe in the Nine- the Abbeys of Jedburgh, Kelso, Melros, and teenth Century. $vo. cloth, $3 00. Dryburgh. 4to. half mor. fine steel engravings New York, 1548. on India paper, $9 00. Edinburgh, 1832. Phbilosophy of Religion. 12rno. cloth, I (S. G.) Human Anato i.v. 391 illustra$1 00. New York, 1849. tions. Svo. sheep, $8 00. Philalelphia. The Same. $3 50. London. On Pulmohary Consumption. Svo cloth, (L. A.) American Shepherd; being a $3 00. P'hiladelpllia, 137. History of Sheep, their Breed, Management, Crania Egyptica; or, Observations on &c- 12mo. cloth, S1 00. New York. Egyptian Ethnography, derived from Anatomy, -------- (Capt. B.) Four Voyages to the South IHistory, and the Monuments. 4to. p'ates,.3 50. Seas. Svo. cloth, $1 50. New York. Philadelphia, 1839. M orewoo d, (S.) History of Inebriating Crania Americana; or, a Comparative Liquors. 8vo. cloth, $4 75. London. View of the Skulls of various Aboriginal NaMorfit, (C.) Chemistry applied to thel tions of North and South America, with an Manufacture of Soap and Candles. 170 En- Essay on the Varieties of the Human Species. gravings. 8vo. cloth, $5 00. Phila. Imp. folio, 7S plates and co;ored maps,.$20 (0O. C) Philadelphia, 1839. Perfuimery, its Manufacture and Use. From the French of Celnart and others. 12mo. - (John.) The Nature and Property of cloth, wood-cuts, $1 00. 1847. Soils, the Best Means of I'ermanently inereasing their Productiveness, and on the Rents and - Chemical and Pharmaceutic Manipula- Profits of Agriculture. 8vo. cloth, $2 75. tions; a Manual of the Mechanical and Chemico-Mechanical Operations of the Laboratory. MI os e 1 e y, (Prof.) Mechanics. Edited by 12mo. cloth, $2 00. Philadelphia. Professor Renwick. 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. New York. Mlorgan, (J.) Lectures on Diseases of the Eye. Second edition, carefully revised and The Mechanical Principles of Engineerenlarged, with Notes, by J. J. France. Svo. ing and Architecture. 8vo. ith wood-cuts cloth,'5 00. London, 1848. and diagrams, cloth, $6 50. M o r i n, (A.) Aide Memoire de Mecanique. Illustrations of Practical Mechanics; bePratique k l'usage des Officiers d'Artillerie et ng the first volume of the Illustrations of des Ingenieurs Civil et Militaires. 8vo. paper, Science by the Professors of King's College.'$1 7. Bruxelles, 1815. New edition, foolscap 8vo. with numerous wood-cuts, cloth, $2 50. London. M o r i s on, (Rev. J.) The Protestant Reformation in all Countries, including Sketches of PAterie, V'azzas Tombs Mausoleums the State and Prospects of the Reformed Tripods, Paterre, Tazzas, Tombs, Mausoleums, the State and Prospects of the Reformed Sepulchral Chambers, Cinel ary U1 ns, SarcoChurches. 8vo. cloth, $1 63. London, 1843, Sepulchral Chambers, Cinerary Urns, Sarcophagi, Cippi, and other Ornaments. 170 plates, (Sir A.) Outlines of Lectures on the several of which are colored, with historical Nature. Causes, and Treatment of Insanity. and descriptive letter-press, by Hope. Small 8vo. cloth, portrait, $6 00. Lond. 1848. 4to cloth, $;7 50. 1814. - Lectures on Mental Diseases. 8vo. cloth, M o os h e im, (J. L.) Ecclesiastical History, $3 50. London, 1829. by Murdock. 8 vols. 8vo. sheep, $7 00. --- Pllhysiognomy of Mental Disease. Royal New York. 8vo. cloth, 100 plates, $21 00 Lond. 1840. By Maclain. 2 vols. 8vo. sheep, $3 50. Morrice, (A.) Treatise on Brewing. 8vo. New York. cloth, $2 50. London. M o s s, (J. W.) Manual of Classical BiograMorris, (R.) Flora Conspicua. Royal 8vo. ply. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $4 30. Lond. cloth, $12 59. London. M o t h e r w e 11, (William.) The Poetical (J.) Catalogue of British Fossils. 8vo. Works of, with Memoir, by James M'Conechy. cloth, $3 00. London. 12mo. bds. 15 cents. Boston, 1847. ---- (Rev. J. B.) Select Works of. S. Ephrem M o u 1 e, (T.) An Essay on the Roman Villas the Syrian. Translated out of the original of the Augustan Age. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. Svriac, with Notices and Indices. 8vo. cloth, $2 75. Oxford, 1847. M o u n t A u b u r n Illustrated in highly M o r r i s o n. Memoirs of the Life and Labors o finishe line engravings, from drawings taken Compiled b his Widow. 2 ols. on te spot, by James Stillie, with descriptive 5Compiled by his Widow. 2 vol. 8vo. cloth, Notices, by C. W. Walter. 4to. mor. gilt leaves, $7 00; cloth, $5 00. New York, 1847. (Robert) Chinese and English Diction- M o u t f o r d, (.) Euthanas or, Happy ary. 6 vols. royal 4to. bds. $95 00. Talk towards the End of Life. 12nLo. cloth, ------ Chinese and.English Grammar. 4to. $1 00. Boston, 1849. cloth, $0 50. Mudie, (R.) Natural History of Birds. Morse, (S. E.) North American Atlas. 1Smo. cloth, $1 25. London. Folio, half bound, $2 75. New York. The Feathered Tribes of the British - - School Geography. 4to. half bound, 50 Islands. 2 vols. cr. Svo. cloth, colored plates, cents. New York. $E 20. London. 96 G. P. Putnzam's Catalogue of M uhlenberg, (H. A.) The Life of Major- Murray, (John.) Memoir on the Diamond. General Peter Muhlenberg, of the Revolution- I no. cloth, $1 50. London. ary Army. 12mo. cloth, portrait, $1 00. - (J.) Materia Medica. 8vo. sheep, $2 00. Philadelphia, 1849. New York. Mulder, (G J.) Chemistry of Vegetable and Animal Physiology, with an Introduction - (Lindley.) English Grammar. 8vo. by J. F. W. Johnstone. 8vo. cloth, 20 plates, sheep, $2 0. New York. $9 00. London, 1849. --- (Hugh.) Historical Account of British.M u ller, (C. O.) Introduction to a Scientific America. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. System of Mythology. Translated by John w York. Leitch. 8vo. cloth, $4 00. Lond. 1844. (J. F.) Tile World of London. 12mo. History and Antiquities of the Doric cloth, $1 25. London, 1814. Race. Translated by Henry Tufnell. 2 vols. _ Hand-Book of Travel Talk, a Collection 8vo. bds. maps, $7 00. London, 1839. of Dialogues and Vocabularies intended to Francis the First. Twenty-five fac- I serve as Interpreter to Travellers in Germany, similes of original drawings of the Costumes, France, or Italy. Royal 18mo. cloth, $1 50. Fetes, and Ceremonies of the Renaissance London, 1847. Period. Mounted as drawings, in folio, and cIS~ll | Hand-Book for Travellers in Switzercolored, $63 00. London, 1S41.I. 1 land and the Alps of Savoy and Piedmont. (K. 0.) History of the Literature of 12imo. cloth, map and plates, $3 00. Ancient Greece. Svo. cloth, $2 25. Lonl. London, 1846. -- Ancient Art and its Remains; or, a Man- _ Hand-Book to Northern Italy. Thick ual of the Archleology of Art. Translated by 12mlo. cloth, map and plans, $3 50. J. Leitch. 8vo. cloth, $4 00. Lond. London, 1847. - (J.) Embryology, with the Physiology _ Hand-Book for Travellers in France. of Generation. Translated by Baly. Svo. 12 clth 5 ma L 8 cloth, plates and wood-cuts, $.` 25. Lond. 1849. The Physiology of the Senses, Voice, and Hand-Book for Egypt and Thebes, with Muscular Motion with the Mental Faculties. all the necessary Information for the Overland Translated, with Notes, by W. Baly. Illus- Passage to India. 1lmo. cloth, maps, $4 00. trated with numerous wood engravings. 8vo. London. cloth, $2 25. London, 1849. - - Hand-Book for Spain, Andalusia, Gray (Lieut.Gen.) The Life of Rodney. nada, Madrid, &c. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, maps, Mu n d y, (Lieut. Gen.) The Life of odney. 4 0ondon. 12mo. 75 cents. London. Munsell, (Joel.) Every Day Book of - Hand-Book for Northern Europe, Russia, Chronology and History. 2 vols. 12mo. sheep, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. 2 vols. 12mo. $2 00. Albany. cloth, maps, $7 00. London. Hand-Book for London, Past and Present, M u r p h y, (A.) Translation of Tacitus. 8vo. for S nth cloth $~2 50~ NewYork. Ca complete Guide for Stra-ngers visiting the cloth, $2W50.)Lectureso Partuine Yor. Metropolis. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth,'7 25. ----- (E. W.) Lectures on Parturition. 8vo. London, 1849. sheep, $2 V73. New- Yorklk. _ - Hand-Book for North Germany and the ------ Arabian Antiquities of Spain, represent- Rhine, Holland, Ielgium, and Prussia. 12mo. ing in 100 very highly finished line engravings cloth, maps, $3 50. London. by Le Keux, Finden, Landseer, G. Cooke, &c., Hand-Book for South Germany and the the most remarkable Remains of the Architecture, Sculpt re. Painting., and Mosics, of tAie Tyrol, Bavaria, Austria, Salzburgh, Austrian SurepnShlAra, Paintingos, and Mosaics, of the includig the of O lh, and Bavarian Alps and the Danube. 12mo. Spanish Arabs, now existing in the Peninsula, ondon. including the magnificenL Palace of A lhambra.,, the celebrated Mosque and Bridge at Cordova; Hand-Book for Centll Italy anl Rome. the Royal Villa of Generaliffe * and the Casa l12mo. cloth, maps,,$4 00. London. de Carbon; accompaniedl by letter-press. 1 Hand-Book foir Malta and the East, the vol. atlas folio, plates, half mor. $S75 00. 1813. Ionian Islands, lurkey, Asia Minor, and ConMurchison, (R. J.) Silurian System of st:antinople. 121mo. cloth, maps, $4 0L Geology. 2 vols. royal 4to. maps, $.)350 00. London, 1839. Mu s a u s. Legends of Rubezahl. Translated Geology of Russia and the Ural MLIoun- from the German. 12mo. cloth, gilt, plates, tains. 2 vols. 4to. cloth, maps, 950 00. $1 00. Lond. 1845. London, 1840. u s eum Criticu m; or, Cambridge ClasMurray, (H.) Encyclopmedia of Geography sical Researches, a Series of Philological Pa8 vols. Svo. sheep, $8 00. Phila. pers, Criticisms, Essays, Fragments of Greek (Hugh.) Encyclopwedia of Geography: and Roman Authors, unpublished Notes of comprising a complete Description of the Scholars, learned Correspondence and Memoirs, Earth: Exhibiting its Relation to the Heavenly &c. by many of the most talented Critics of Bodies, its Physical Structure, the Natuvlal the University, including Bishops Bloomlfield History of each Country, and the Industry, and Maltby, Professor Monk, Elmsley, Dr. BurCommerce, Political Institutions and Civil and ney, Hare, &c. &c. 2 vols. Svo. cloth, - 4 75. Social State of all Nations. New Edition. Cambridge, 1826. 8vo. with 82 maps, and upwards of 1,000 other The Same, tree-marbled, calf extra, for College wood-cuts, cloth, $18 00. London. Prizes, $7 50. Foreign and American Books. 97 M u sh e t, (D.) Papers on Iron and Steel,' Na re's Life and Times of Lord Burleigh. 3 Practical and Experimental, with copious Il- vols. 4to. cloth, portraits, $22 00. lustrative Notes. Plates, thick 8vo. cloth, London, 1828-31. $9 00. Lond. (E.) Glossary of Words, Phrases, &c., Musical Library, (The) a Selectionof inold Authors. 4to. $15 00. Lond. 1822. the best Vocal and Instrumental Music, both The Same. 8vo. $7 50. Stralsund, 1825. English and Foreign, edited by W. Ayrton, Narrien, (J.) Analytical. Geometry, with Esq. of the Opera House. 8 vols. folio, com- the Properties of Conic Sections, and an Apprehending more than four hundred pieces of pendix. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. Music, beautifully printed with metallic types, Treatise on Architecture. 4to. paper, $9 50. London, 1846. 23 plates, $3 25. London, 1849. ---- -8 vols. in 4, neatly half-bound mo- w Elements of Geometry; consisting of the rocco, emblematically gilt on the sides,.16 75. First Four and the Ninth Books of Euclid, with The Vocal and Instrumental may be had sep- the Principal Theorems in Proportion. 8vo. arately, each in 4 vols' $4 75. cloth, $3 00. Musset, (Alf.de.) Poesiescompletes. 12mo. -- (Prof.) Practical Astronomy and Gepaper, t$ 00. odesy. 8vo. cloth, $4 25. London. Com6dies et Proverbes. 12mo. paper, N ash. Picturesque Views of Paris. 2 vols. $1 00. 4to. cloth, $11 50. London. La Confession d'un Enfant du Siecle. Mansions of England in the Olden Time. 12mo. broche, $1 00. Paris, 184S. l2mo. broche, $1 00. Paris, 18485. Three Series, colored and mounted in portfolio, - Nouvelles. Les deux Maitresses, Em- $63 00. London. meline, Le Fils du Titien, Frederic et Berne- N a s o lo g y; or, Hints towards a Classification rette, Croisilles, Margot. 12mo. broche, $1 00. of Noses, by Eden Warwick. Cr. Svo. cloth, Paris, 1848. wood-cuts, $1 50. Lend. 1848. Mutiny at Spithead and the Nore. A History of, with an Inquiry into its Origin and National Cyclopadia of Useful Trea~tment. 12mo. cloth~, $1 25. Loncd. 1842. Knowledge. Vols. 1 to 8. Svo. cloth, each $1 50. London M u t t e r on Club Foot. 12mo. cloth, $1 25 PhiNadelphia. Natural History of New York State. ~Myers, (P. H.) The First of tPhiadelphia. 14 vols. 4to. cloth, colored copy. M.~e rsa, (P. H.) The First of the Knickerbockers. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. CONTENTS. New York, 1S43. Part I. ZOOLOGY.-Mammalia. By James E. De Kay. The Young Patroon; or, Christmas in 4to. cloth, 33 colored plates. 1690. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. l Ornithology. By James E. De Kay. 4to. cloth, 141 New York, 1849. Reptiles and Amphibia. By James E. De Kay. 2 N a p i e r, (Capt.) Florentine History, from vols. 4to. cloth, 79 colored plates. the earliest Authentic Records to the present ored Mollusca. By James E. De Kay. 4to. cloth, 53 colored plates. time. 6 vols. post Svo. cloth, $17 00. Lond. Part 1I. BOTANY.-Flora. By JohnTorrey, M. D. F. L. S. (W. F. P.) History of the Peninsular 2 vols. 4to. cloth, 15v colored plates. Part itt. MINERALOGY. —By Lewis C. Beck. 4to. cloth, War. 4 vols. 8vo. cloth, 63 50. Phila. with above 500 figures and 10 plates. The Same. 8vo. sheep, $3 25. New York. Part IV. GEOLOGY.-By W. W. Mather, comprising the Geology of the first Geological District. 4to. cloth, 146 plates, -- Montrose and the Covenanters. Illus- some colored. trated from original Documents. 2 vols. 8vo. - Comprising the Survey of the Second Geological District. By Ebenezer Emmons, M. D. 4to. cloth, 15 plates, cloth, $4 25. London, 1833. ~ Comprising the Survey of the Third Geological Dis Na p o l e on's Invasion of Russia; a Hlistory trict. By Lardner Vanuxem. 4to. cloth, wood-cuts. of. From the French of Eugene Labaume. -- Comprising a Survey of the Fourth Geological District. rench of Eugene Laba By James Hall. 4to. cloth, with nearly 200 Illustrations, 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. London, 1844. Maps, Views, Sections, &c. apo le o n and the Marsials of the EmpirePart V. AGRICULTURE.-By Ebenezer Emmons. 4to. _pl a ho empire. cloth,'4 plates. Mlaps and Views. 2 vols. post 8vo. cloth, 16 portraits on steel, PartV[. PAL EONTOLOGY. —By James Hall. Vol. I. $2 50. New Tork, 181l8. 4to. cloth, upwards of 100 plates. - (M.) Prcis des Guerree ecrite a I'Ile Natural Philosophy, by the Society Sainte He'lne sous la dictee de 1'Empereur, for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledlge, with par M. Marchand. Svo. $1 00. Paris, 1836. copious Indexes. 4 vols. 8vo. wool-ctS, cloth, 86 oo. ------ Maximes de guerre de Napoleon. 18mo. Nautical Alm0ana0.ll As -tlnonical broche, 83 cents. Bruxelles, 1837. Ephemeris. Published yearly, three years in Maxims of War. Translated from the advance, for the convenience of Mtariners and French, by Col. D'Aguilar. 1Smo. cloth, 5() Travellers. Royal Svo. paper, per year, $2 00. cents. New York. 1845. Londlon. --- --- g(uvres Choises, precedes d'une etude lit- N aut i c a l R o u t i n e a n d S t o wa g e, teraire. 12mo. broche, $1 00. Paris, 1844. with Short Rules in Navigation. By John - Gallery; or, Illustrations of the Life and McLeod Murplhy and W. N. Jeffers, Jun. Times of the Emperor, in a Series of Sketches, Royal 8vo. clotih, plates, $3 00. by some of the most distinguished Authors, New York, 1849. with 99 remarkably clever etchings on steel, N e a l, (Rev. D.) History of the Puritans, by Reveil and other eminent artists, from all from the Reformation to the Revolution in the most celebrated pictures produced in 1686. New edition, with Dr. Toulmin's Notes. France during the last forty years. Thick 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, $6 50. London, 1888. post 8vo. extra cloth, gilt edges, $2 50. American edition. 2 vols. Svo. sheep, London, 1846. $4 00. New York. 7 98 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of N e a 1 e. Views of the Seats, Mansions, and Cas- N e w b o l d, (T. J) British Settlements in ties of England. 2 vols. 4to. 400 views, India Malacca. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $7'75. paper, $22 00. London, 1818. Lond. 1839. - and Le Keux's Views of the Newell, (Rev. C.) History of the RevoluChurches of Great Britain, with Historical and tion in Texas and War of 1835-6. 12mo. cloth, Architectural Descriptions. 2 vols. royal 4to. 75 cents. New York, 1838. $2500. London, 1824-5. New England Gazetteer, by John N e a n d e r, (Dr. A.) General History of the Hayward. 8vo. sheep, $3 00. Concord, 1839. Christian Religion and Church. Translated N e w Hampshire. History of, by Geo. from the German, by Professor Joseph Torrey. Barstow. 8vo. sheep, $2 00. Concord. 2 vols. 8vo. portrait, $6 00. Boston. New Haven. History and Antiquities of, Life of Christ. Svo. sheep, $2 25. by J. W. Barber. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. New York. New Haven. - The Life of St. Chrysost,)m. Translated Newman, (J. W.) The Soul and her Aspifrom the German, by Rev. J. C. Stappleton. rations; an Essay towards the Natural History 8vo. cloth, $1 75. London, 1845. of the Soul, as the basis of Theology. Post N e ill, (H.) The Cure of Cataract, with a 8vo. cloth, $1 75. Lond. 1849. Practical Summary of the best Modes of Oper- - (Dr. F.) History of the Hebrew Monating. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. London. archy. From the Administration of Samuel on the Arteries, Nerves, Veins, and Lym- to the Babylonish Captivity. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. phatics. 12mo. cloth, $2 50. Phila. London, 1848.. - - o e(J. H.) Sermons bearing on Subjects -- and Smit h' s Compend of Medicine, of the Day. 8vo. cloth, $8 60. Surgery, &c. 12mo. sheep, many cuts, $3 00. London, 1843. Philadelphia. American edition. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Neison, (T. G.) Contributions to Vital New York, 1844. Statistics. 4to. cloth, $0 50. Lond. Statistics. 4to. cloth, 50. Lnd. (Charles.) Practical Hints on Land N eligan, (J. M.) Uses and Modes of Ad- Draining. 8vo.$1 00. London. ministering Medicines. 8vo. cloth, $3 75. London, 1847. -- (E.) History of British Ferns. Svo. cloth, illustrated by wood-cuts of the most --- American edition. 8vo. sheep, $2 00. beautiful kind, $7 50. London. a New York. - Introduction to a History of Insects. Ne ls on' s Letters and Dispatches. Edited Svo. cloth, $3 75. London. by Sir Harris Nicolas. 7 thick vols. 8vo. Syste of Nature. (uniform with the Wellington Dispatches), London.SystemofNature 8vo.oth,$3 00. cloth lettered, $21 00. 1845-46. ------ (Lord.) The Life and Naval Memoirs Nenham, (W.) HumanMagnetism. Its (Lord.) h Le and l Mclaims to Dispassionate Inquiry, being an atof. Compiled from original Documents andto Dispassionate nqury, being an atAuthentic Sources, bv Col. J. M. Tuck. Svo. tempt to show the utility of its application for Althenc and S, l wood-cuts, c1 25. the relief of Human Suffering. 12mo. cloth, cloth, portrait and numerous woodcuts, 1 25. London, 1848. $1 00. New York. emoirs of theN e w T e s t a m e n t. Translated by John Thomas Joseph Pettigre. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, Wycliffe, circa 1350, now first printed from a $10 00. London, 1840. contemporary MS. formerly in the Monastery of Sion, Middlesex. Small 4to. half mor. black -- (Robert.) A Companion forthe Festivals letter, $12 00. London, 1848. and Fasts of the Church of England. tSvo cloth, $2e 25. Oxford, 184'3. N ewton, (Rev:John.) Works. 2vols. Svo. cloth, ~`3 00. New York. N e s b i t' s Practical Mensuration and Land Surveying. 12mo. cloth $1 75_. Lond. The Works of, with Memoirs of his Life, N e u m an, (H.) Spanish Dictionarby the Rev. B. Cecil. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. ~Neum a nz, (H.) Spanish Dictionary. vol~s. London, 1840. 8vo. sheep, $3 75. Boston. -- (Sir I.) Principia. Translated by A. ----- Abridged edition. 12mo. sheep, 81 25. Motte, with Life, by N. W. Crittenden. Royal Philadelphia. 8vo. bound, $4 50. New York, 1848. ------ and B are t t i's Spanish-English and - (Thos., D. D.) Dissertations on the ProEnglish-Spanish Dictionary. Greatly improved phecies, which have been remarkably fulfilled, and enlarged by Dr. Seoane. 2 thick vols. and are now fulfilling. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. 8vo. extra cloth, $8 50. 1845. London, 1840. Abridged edition. 12mo. pearl, new edi- --- and Son, (Messrs.) List of all Pattion, roan lettered, $2 50. 1843. ents for Inventions granted in England. Alphabetically arranged. Published annually in Baretti y Seoane. Diccionario Svo. cloth, 75 cents. London. de las lenguas Espaiola fe Inglesa. 2 vols. _ - (W.) Display of Heraldry, with 700 8vo. broch, $6 50. Paris and Lyons. engravings on wood. 8vo. cloth, $4 25. N eville, (J.) An Inquiry into the Fall Ne- London, 1846. cessary in the Cross Section of Roads, and the N e w W o r 1 d, (The Conquerors of,) and Best Form of Cross Sections. 4to. paper, their Bondsmen; being a Narrative of the plates, 75 cents. London. Principal Events which led to Negro Slavery ~ — (W. B.) On Insanity, its Nature, Causes, in the West Indies and America. Vol. 1, and Cure. 8vo. cloth, $3 00. London. 12mo. cloth, $1 75. Pickering, 1848. Foreign and American Books. 99 New York Gazetteer, by Thomas Niebelungen Lied; or,the Layof the Gordon. 8vo. sheep, $3 00. Phil. 1846. Last Niebelungers. Translated into English Ne w York. History of, by Dunlap. 2 verse, after Prof. C. Lachman's Collated and vols. 1imo. cloth, $1 00. New York. Corrected Text, by Jonathan Birch. 8vo. N ic h ols, (J. B.) Illustrations of Literary sewed, $2 25; half mor. gilt, $3 50. History. 6 vols. 8vo. cloth, $48 50. Lond. London, 1848. Vol. 7, Svo. boards, $6 00. Lond. 1849. Ni e b u h r, (B. G.) Lectures on the History of Rome from the Earliest Times to the Fall Literary Anecdotes of the 18th Century. of the Western Empire. Edited by Dr. L. 9 vols. 8vo. cloth, $70 00. London. Schmitz. 2d Edition, with every addition deN i c ho 1, (Prof.) Architecture of the Heav- rivable for Dr. Isler's German Edition. 3 vols. ens. 12mo. cloth, $3 25. Edin. 1845. 8vo. cloth, $5 50. London, 1849. -- Neptune-being a Critical Account of the - History of Rome. 5 vols. in 2, 8vo. Discovery of the New Planet. 12mo. cloth, cloth, $4 00. Philadelphia. $1 75. Edin. 1848. Niles, (Hon. J. M.) History of South Amer---- The Stellar Universe; Views of its Ar- ica and Mexico, and a View of Texas. 8vo. rangement, Motions, and Evolutions. 12mo. cloth, $2 00. Hartford. cloth, $1 50. Edin. 1848. Ninimrod. Hurnting Reminiscences; compris. ------ Thoughts on some Important Points in ing Memoirs of Masters of Hounds, Notices of the System of the World. Illustrated. 12mo.. Crack Riders, and Characteristics of the Huntcloth, $3 75. Edin. 1847. ing Counties of England. 8vo. cloth, $4 00. Nicholson, (P.) Principles of Architec- -- Remarks on the Condition of Hunters, ture: comprising Fundamental Rules of the the Choice of Horses, and their Management. Art; also Rules for Shadows, and for the Five 8vo. cloth, $3 00. Lond. Orders. 8vo. cloth, 218 Engravings, by Lowry.'lThe Chase, the Turf, and the Road, with Edited by Gwilt. $7 50. London, 1848. spirited illustrations byv Alken and Gilbert. Carpentry; being a Comprehensive 12mo. cloth, $1 25. London, 1843. Guide-Book for Carpentry and Joinery. 2 vols No a d, (H. M.) Lectures on Electricity; com4to. plates, $15 00. London, 1849. prising Galvanism, Magnetism, Electro-MagArchitectural Dictionary. 2 vols. 4to. netism, Magneto nnd Thermo-Electricity. A plates, $25 00. London, 1810. new edition, 8vo. cloth, 300 wood-cuts, $3 75. Builder and Workman's Director, 141 London, 1849. copperplates, and numerous wood-cuts. 2 Chemical Manipulation and Analysis, vols. 4to. cloth, $17 00. Lonud. Qualitative and Quantitative. 8vo. cloth, $2 00). Phila. 1848. $12- Cabinet-maker's Guide. 4to. cloth, Noble, (James.) The Professional Practice of Architects and that of Measuring Surveyors. - - -Art of Masonry and Stone-cutting. 4to. -- - tear $I l y London,~ 1&~39. ~ 8vo. cloth, frontispiece, $3 25. London. 43 plates, $3 50. London,1839. N odier, (Chas.) Romans. 12mo. paper, -- Treatise on the Construction of Stair- $1 0'. Paris. cases and Hand-rails. 39 Engravings, 4to. Contes. 1'mo. paper, $1 00. cloth, $3 50. London, 1847. - Nouvelles. 12mo. paper, $1 00. --- On Projection. Numerous plates, 8vo. Souvenirs do la Revolution. 2mo. paper, cloth, $4 75. London.'1 00. Paris. (J.) Builder's Guide. Svo. cloth, $2 25. Contes Choisies; Trilby-La Fee aux London. Miettes-La Songe d'or-Baptiste Montauban, ------ Millwright's Guide. Svo. cloth, $2 25). L Tombe de l'homme mort. Edition illustr5e onon. de jolies vignettes. 1 vol. grand in 8, demi Operative Mechanic. Svo. cloth, $9 50., 00: Paris, 146. London. nmaroquin, $6 00. Paris, 1S46. - - (John.) Carpenter's Guide. 4to. sheep, No e h d e n's Germn Grammar. 12mo. $5 00. Philadelphia. sheep, $1 50. Boston. -- Operative Mechanic, and British Machin- N o l an, (Frederick.) The Egyptian Chronoloist. 2 vols. Svo. cloth, $4 50. Phil. gy analyzed, its Theory developed, and Prac--- Mechanic's Companion. Svo. sheep, tically applied and confirmed in its Dates and $2 25. Philadelphia. Details, from its Agreement with the Hiero(F.) Practice of Drawing and Painting glyphic Monuments and the Scripture ChronolLandscapes. 4to. cloth, $7 50. Lonud. ogy. 8vo. cloth,.-4 50. London, 1845. Nicolas, (Sir N. Harris.) A History of the Noland, (Robert.) The Legacy of an EtoRoyal Navy from the Earliest Times to the nian. Cr. Svo. cloth, $2 S7. Cambridge, 1846. Wars of the French Revolution. 2 vols. Svo. No 101 e k e n s and his Times, by C. T. Smith. cloth, $3 00. London, 1847. 2 vols. Svo. cloth, portrait, $7 50. London. History of the Orders of Knighthood of N o r d e n's Travels in Egypt and Nubia. the British Empire, &c. 4 vols. 4to. cloth,'Iranslated by Templeman. 2 vols. royal folio, many plates, $25 00. London, 1840-41. portrait and 160 plates, $20 00. Lound. 1757. N i c o 1l, (J.) Manual of Mineralogy; or, the N o r d h e i m e r, (I.) Critical Grammar of Natural History of the Mineral Kingdom, con- the Hebrew Language. 2 vols. Svo. cloth, taining a General Introduction to the Science $3 00. New York. and Descriptions of the Separate Species, in- Chrestomathy; or, a Grammatical Ana_cluding the more recent Discoveries and Chem- ysis of Selections from the Hebrew Scriptures, ical Analyses. Post 8vo. cloth, $3 75. with an Exercise in Hebrew Composition. Svo. Lond. 1819. half bound, $1 00. New York. 100 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Norman d, (M. A. Le.) Historical and Se- Nugent, (Thos.) French and English Diccret Memoirs of the Empress Josephine. tionary. 12mo. sheep, 62 cents. Phila. Translated by J. M. Howard. 2 vols. 12mo. Nursery Rhymes, Tales, and cloth, $2 00. 1849. Jingles. Small 4to. cloth, $2 25; colored, N o r m a nd' s Arabesque Ornaments. Folio, $3 25. London. 36 plates, $9 00. Nuts and Nut-crac kers. 12mo. cloth, (Ch.) et Queverdo. Nouveau gilt edges, plates and cuts, by Phiz, $1 75. recueil d'ornements et d'objets propres k la London, 1845. decoration des bitiments, tels que plafonds, N utt all's Classical and Archaeological Diefrises, panneaux, vases, candelabres, autels, tionary of the Manners, Customs, Laws, Institrepieds, cassoiettes, sarcophages, coupes, tutions, Architecture, Arts, &c. of the celecamees, bas reliefs, masques, lits, chaises, fau- brated Nations of Antiquity, and particularly teuils, bergeres, tables, bureaux, etc., etc. 3d of the Middle Ages; to which is prefixed a edition, composee de 4S planches gravees au Synoptical and Chronological View of Ancient trait, precedees d'une introduction a l'etude et History. 8vo. extra cloth, bds. $2 00. 1840. a la composition des ornements. 1 vol. in fol. (Thos.) United States and Canada. 2 cartonne, $6 00. vols. 12mo. $5 00. Boston, 1834. - Arcs de triomphe eleves l'Etoile, au O'Brien, (John.) Treatise on American Carrousel et autres lieux, graves l'eau forte Military Laws, and the Practice of Courts par Normand fils, accompagnes, d'un texte Martial, with Suggestions for their Improvehistorique et descriptif. In 4-oblong, $1 50. mnent. Svo. bds. 3 50. Phila. Normandy, (A.) Practical Introductionto (Rev. M.) A Treatise on Plane CoH. Rose's Treatise on Chemical Analysis. I1- ordinate Geometry; or, the Application of the lustrated by Synoptic Tables and numerous Method of Co-ordinates to the Solution of Formulae. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. Lond. 1849. Problems in Plane Geometry. 8vo. bds. $2 31. Norrie, (J. W.) Epitome of Practical Navi- Cambridge, 1844. gation. 8vo. bds. $4 75. London. (J.) Irish and English Dictionary, by Linear Tables for Correcting Refraction. Daly. Royal 8vo. cloth, $5 50. London. 8vo. cloth, $4 50. London. O b s e r v a t i o n s on a General Iron RailNautical Tables. Royal 8vo. cloth, $3 75. way. 8vo cloth, $2 50. London. London. on the Influence of Climate upon Wool. Naval Gazetteer. 12mo. cloth, $3 25. Svo. cloth, 82 25. London. London. on the Construction and Fitting up of Seaman's Daily Assistant. Svo. cloth, Meeting-Houses, &c. for Public Worship. I1$1 0O. London. lustrated by Plans, Sections, and Descriptions. North, (Hon. R.) Memoirs of Music, now 4to. plates, $3 2:5. London. first printed from the original Manuscript. 4to. I' B y r n e, (WV. R.) A Naval Biographical cloth, $4 50. London. Dictionary; comprising the Life and Services *. - (I. W.) Sermons on the Liturgy. Cr. of every Living Officer in her Majesty's Navy, 8vo. cloth, 82 50. London, 1844. from the rank of Admiral to that of Lieutenant. Nort h c ote, (James.) The Life of Titian, 1 thick vol. imp. 8vo. cloth, $11 00. with Anecdotes of the Distingruished Persons London, 1849. of his Time. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, portrait, O'C all a g h a n, (Dr. E. B.) History of New $2 50. London, 1-30. Netherlands; or, New York under the Dutch. Norton, (A.) On the Genuineness of the'2 vols. Svo. cloth, maps and fac-similes, 85 00. Gospel. 3 vols. Svo. cloth, $4 50. New York, 1848-9. Cambridge, 1846-48. O c k 1 e y. History of the Saracens. Revised, - Statement of Reasons for not Believing enlarged, and completed, with a Life of Mothe Doctrines of Trinitarians concerning the hammed. 12mo. cloth, post, 88 cents. Nature of God and the Person of Christ. l2mo. London, 154' cloth, $1 r00. Boston, 133.O ehle n s c hlceger's Gods of the Nortl --- Treatise on Astronomy. A new edition, Translated by W. E. Fry. Royal 8vo. cloth enlarged and illustrated, $2 00. New York. $4 205. London No tes on the Four Gospels and the Acts of O gil by, (Dr. J. D.) Catholic Church in Engthe Apostles. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, 86 00. land and America. 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. Pickering, 1838. London. Novum Testamentum Greecum. Okouneff, (N.) Considerations sur les Editio Hellenistica. E. G. Grinfield, M. A. 2 grand Operations de la Campagne de 1812 in vols. Svo. cloth, $12 00. London, 1843. Russia, etc. avec Bulow's Histoire de la CamNo y e s, (G. R.) New Translation of the He- pagne in 1800 en Allemagne et en Italie, etc. brew Prophets, arranged in Chronological etc. Royal Svo. paper, $5 00. order. 3 vols. 12mo. cloth, $3 38. Boston. O 1 d Alphabets, Monograms, Architectural Or. New Translation of the Book of Job, with naments, Sacred Illustrations, &c. 20 beautian Introduction and Notes, chiefly Explanatory. fully colored;nd illuminated plates. 4to. 2mo cloth, half mor. $7 50. London. Psalms, with an Introduction and Notes English and French Ornaments for the chiefly Explanatory. 12mo. cloth, 81 13. Interior Embellishment of Houses, for Carvers New Translation of the Proverbs, Eccle- and Decorators, with Designs for Doors, Winsiastes, and the Canticles, with Introductions dows, &c. &c., by Chippendale, Johnson, Inigo, and Notes, chiefly Explanatory. 1i mo. cloth, Jones, Locke, and others. 200 Designs in 100 $1 18. i Engravings. 4to. half mor. $7 50. Lond. Foreign and American Books. 101 Old England's Worthies: a Gallery of Por- i Orato rs (The) of France. Translated by traits from Authentic Sources of the most J. T. Headley, and edited by G. H. Colton. Eminent Statesmen, Sages. Warriors, Men of 12mo. cloth, portraits, $1 25. Letters and Science, with Illuminated Engr tv- New York, 1848. ings, and Illustrative Wood-Cuts. Folio, cloth, Oratory, (Library of.) Embracing Select $6 00. London, 1847. Speeches of Celebrated Orators of America, Olin, (Rev. S.) Travels in the East, Holy Ireland, and England. 4 vols. 8vo. cloth, Land, &c. 2 vols. 8vo cloth, $2 50. $5 00. Philadelphia. New York. Oram, (W.) Precepts and Observations on Oliphant, (Thos.) La Musa Madrigalesca; the Art of Coloring in Landscape Painting. or, a Collection of Madrigals, Ballets, Rounde- 4to. cloth, $1 50. London, 1310. lays, &c., chiefly of the Elizabethan Age, with Oregon and C alifornia in 1848, by Remarks and Annotations. Cr. 8vo. half calf, J. Q. Thornton. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $L 75. (scarce,) $3 00. London, 1837. New York, 1849. Oliver, (Steph.) Scenes and Recollections O r e g o n C o u n t y, History of, by Twiss. of Fly Fishing. 12mo. cloth, $2 50. London. 8vo. cloth, 75 cents. New York. O 1 1 e n d o r ff' s New Method of Learnino to Or e g o n and California Trail, by Parkman. Read, Write, and Speak a Language in Six o cloth, New ork, 1849. Months. Adapted to the German, for the use O rfila, (M. P.) Treatise on Poisons, with of Schools and Private Teachers. Edited by Supplement. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, $12 75. G. J. Adler. 12mo. half bound, $1 50. London. New York. Elements of Modern Chemistry. 8vo. Do. do. Adapted to the French. Edited cloth, $3 25. London. by J. L. Jewett. 12mo. half bound, $1 00. - Remedies Against Poison, by Black. - Do. do. Adapted to the Spanish. Edited 12mo. cloth,.l 50. London. by M. Velasquez and Simonne. 12mo. half 0 r i ental Album. Characters, Costumes, bound, $1 50. New York. and Modes of Life in the Valley of the Nile. ------- Do. do. Applied to the Italian. Edited Illustrated from Designs taken on the Spot, by Prof. Felix Foresti. 12mo. half bound, by E. Prisse. With Letter-Press Descriptions, $1 50. New York. byJ. A. St. John. 32 Plates, and 35 WoodOl m st e d, (Prof.) Letters on Astronomy. Cuts. Imp. folio, half mor. $30 00. Plates 12mo. cloth, with numerous engravings, 75 Tinted, $60 00. Colored and printed on Briscents. New York. tot Board, in portfolio, $80 00. Lond. 1848. System of Astronomy, with Supple- Oriental Outlines; or, a Rambler's ment. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. New Haven. Recollections of a Tour in Turkey and Greece, - School Astronomy. 12mo. bds. 75 cents. in 1838. By William Knight. 12mo. cloth, New York. map, $1 00. Lond. 1839. - Natural Philosophy. 8vo. cloth, new r i g in a 1 e t t e r s Relative to the Engedition, $3 00. New Haven. lish Reformation. Edited for the Parker SoStudent's Common Place Book. 12mo. ciety. By Rev. H. Robinson. 8vo. cloth, cloth, $1 75. New Haven. $2 25. Cambridge, 1847. s t e a d, (F. A.) Incidents of a Whaling Orme, (Rev. William.) The Life and Times Voyage. 12mo. cloth, $1 50. New York. of the Rev. Richard Baxter, with a Critical Olshausen, (H.) Commentary on the Examination of his Writings. 2 vols. Svo. Epistle of Paul to the Romans. 8vo. cloth, $,2 00. Boston, 1831. $3 25. Editnb. 18-19. Ornaments Displayed on a full size for O m e r o d, (E.L.) Clinical Observations on Working, proper for all Carvers, Painters, &c. the Pathology and Treatment of Continued containing a variety of Accurate Examples of Fever. 8vo. cloth,. 2 50. Lond. 1848. Foliages and Friezes. 33 folio plates, $4 50. London. O'Neil's Dictionary of Spanish Painters. Ornament ist; (The,)r, Artisan's Man2 vols. roy. Svo. cloth, $4 75. London, 1834. ual. Imp. 4to. cloth, $19 50. Lond. O n d e r d o n k, (H. K.) Documents and Let- Pictorial Guide to Niagara. 1mo ters intended to Illustrate the Revolutionarv c loth, 75 cents. Buffalo. Incidents of Queen's County, with Connectin,7 0 Orton, (Rev. Job.) Practical Works: conNarratives, Explanatory Notes, and additions sistingon, (Rev. Job.) Practical Works: on sisting of Discourses, Sacramental Meditations, 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. New York,, 1846. and Letters. 2 vols. Svo. cloth, $5 00. -- Revolutionary Incidents of Suffolk and London, 1842. King's Counties, with an Account of the Battle -- (J. W.) The Miner's Guide. 18mo. of Long Island, and the British Prisons, and cloth, 50 cents. New York, 1849. Prison-Ships at New York. 12mo. cloth, map, Os burn, (W.) Ancient Egypt; her Testi$1 25. New York, 1846. mony to the Truth of the Bible, being an InO n t h e S t a t e o f M an before the Pro- terpretation of the Inscriptions and Pictures mulgation of Christianity. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. which remain upon her Tombs and Temples. London, 1S48. Illustrated by Engravings and Colored Plates. Open Timber Roofs of the Middle 8vo. cloth, $4 00. London, 1846. Ages. Illustrated by Perspective and Work- O s go o d, (Mrs.) Letter about the Lions, in ing Drawings of some of the best varieties of Envelope. 13 cents. New York, 1849. Church Roofs, with Descriptive Letter-Press. Poems. Illustrated by Darley. 8vo. By Raphael and J. Arthur Brandon. 4to. cloth, gilt, $5 00; mor. extra, $7 00. cloth, 43 plates, $18 00. Loand. 1849. Philadelphia, 1849. 102 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Os goo d, (Mrs. F. S.) Floral Offering. 4to. Owen, (J. J.) Thucydides, from the Text of cloth, colored plates, $4 50. Phila. 1848. Dindorf. 1.2mo. bds. $2 00. New York ----- (Mrs.) Book of Poetry and Flowers. (Capt. W. F. W.) Narrativeof Voyages 12mo. cloth extra, $2 00. New York. to Explore the Shores of Africa, Arabia, and Osmond, (W.) Christian Memorials. 4to. Madagascar. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $1 12. cloth, 23 plates, $4 50. London, 1848. New York. Oss i an' s Po e ms. Translated by Mac- -- (John, D. D.) Exposition of St. Paul's pherson. Svo. cloth, $2 00. Philadelphia. Epistle to the Hebrews. New edition. 4 vols. The Same. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. New York. 8vo. cloth, $12 00. London, 1840. O t t 1 e y, (W. C.) A Treatise on the Differen- --- Preliminary Exercitations to the Expositial Calculus, with a Collection of Examples. tion of Hebrews. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. London. London, 1840. Otto, (J. A.) Treatise on the Violin. Trans- 0 x fo rd Chronological Tables of Ancient Hislated by Bishop. 8vo. paper, $1 00. Lond. tory, Synchronistically and Ethnographically ~ —--- (Dr. F.) HIistory of Russian Literature, arranged. Compiled from the best authorities. with a Lexicon of Russian Authors. Trans- Folio, half mor. $6 75. Oxford, 1836. lated by George Cox. Svo. cloth, $3 00. - Classics. Oxford, 1539. Euripides. Square 1l2mo. cloth, $1 25. Otway, (Rt.) Treatise on Steam Naviga- Homeri Ilias. do. do. 1 25. tion. 8vo. cloth, $2 25. London. Horatios. do. do. 63. Sophocles. do. do. 75. (T.) Dramatic Works. 2 vols. Svo. Thucydides. do. do. 125. cloth, $7 25. London. - English Prize Essays. New edition, O u r Young Men, their Importance and Claims. brought down to 1836. 5 vols. cr. 8vo. cloth, A Prize Essay, by F. A. Cox. 75 cents. $7 50. Oxford, 1836 New York. Tracts. 3 vols. Svo. cloth, $6 00. O u s e 1 e y, (Sir W.) Travels in various Coun- New York. tries in the East, more particularly Persia. 3 A Guide to the Architectural Antiquities vols. 4to. bds. 80 plates, $22 00. in the Neighborhood of Oxford. 8vo. numerous London, 1823. cuts, $5 50. Oxford. O u tlin e of Social Systems and Communities, _ Original Views in Oxford, its Colleges by Chas. Bray. 12mo. cloth, $1 50. Lond. Chapels, and Gardens; comprising 26 tinted Ovidii Opera, cum Notis, Burmanni, drawings on stone. By V. Gaucci, with hisBentleii et Variorum. 5 vols. royal 8vo. cloth, torical and descriptive Notices, by Chas Ollier. $12 50. Oxon, 1825. Royal atlas folio, Turkey mor. backs, $10 00. ----- Metamorphoses. Ed. by N. C. Brooks. London. 8vo. bds. illustrated with notes and wood-cuts, Oxley, (John.) Two' Expeditions in New $2 75. Philadelphia. South Wales. 4to. cloth, $15 00. London. Ovid's Fasti, with Introduction, and (T.) Gem of the Astral Sciences. 8vo. Notes, and Exercises, by Thos. Keightley. cloth, $3 25. London. 12mo. cloth, $2 00. London. P age, (J.) History and Guide for Drawing a — Metamorphoses and Epistles. Trans- the Acanthus and other Descriptions of Ornalated by Dryden, Pope, Addison, Congreve, mental Foliage. 12mro. cloth, 93 00. Lond. and others. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Decorator and Mechanic's Assistant. New York. Oblong, cloth, $1 63. London. Ow en, (Richard.) On the Nature of Limbs; w.n, (Richard.) On the Nature f Limbs; --- (D. P.) Theory and Practice of Teacha Discourse delivered before the Royal Institu- and of tion of Great Britain. Plates, 8vo. cloth,$1 75.; or, the Motes and Methods of Good London, 1849. School Keeping. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. History of British Fossil Mammals and New York. Birds. 8vo. illustrated by 237 wood-cuts, cloth, Paget, (J.) Travels in Hungary and Tran-;$8 50. London, 1846. sylvania. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $9 00. Lond. - On the Archetype and Homologiesnd f- (F. E.) Sermons on Duties of Daily On the Archetype and Homologies of the Vertebrate Skeleton. Svo. cloth, plates, Life. 12mo. cloth, $1 75. Rugeley, 1844. $3 00. London, 1848. Pain, (W.) The Practical House Carpenter; On Parthenogenesis; or, the Successive or, Youth's Instructor. 4to. cloth, $5 50. Production of Procreating Individuals from a London. Single Ovum. Plates, Svo. cloth, $1 50. Paine, (M.) Institutes; or, Philosophy of London, 1849. Medecine. 8vo. cloth, $2 75. New York. -— (R. D.) Hints on Public Architecture. --- Medical and Physiological Commentaries. 2 vols. bvo. cloth, $& 50. New York, 1 40. 4to. cloth, 113 illustrations, $6 00. vos. vo. coth, 50. New York, 40 New York, 1849. P a i x h an, (H. J.) Nouvelle Force Maritime, (J.) Anabasis of Xenophon, according et Application de Cette force a quelques parto the Text of Dindorf, with Notes, &c. 12mo. ties du service de l'armee de terre. 4to. $4 00. half bound, $1 25. New York. Paris, 1822. Cyropsedia. 12mo. bds. $1 50. Palais Farnese. Details of. By M. New York. Letarouilly. Folio, plates, $13 50. Odyssey of Homer, according to the Text P a 1 e y, (W.) The Works of, with Notes and of Wolfe, with Notes. 12mo. bds. $1 50. Illustrations, by James Paxton. 6 vols. 8vo, New York. half calf, $9 50. London, 1845. Foreign and American Books. 103 Paley, (W.) Horme Paulin'e; or, the Truth Pap with a Hatchet; being a Reply of the Scripture History of St. Paul Evinced. to Martin Mar-Prelate. Reprinted with an In12mo. cloth, 75 cents. New York, 1849.. troduction and Notes, by John Petherham. Works, i. e. Evidences of Christianity, 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. London, 1844. Moral and Political Philosophy, Natural The- Pap e r s on Enineering. 6 vols. 4to. numerology, and Hora Paulinte. 8vo. cloth, portrait ous Mechanical and Civil Engineering plates $1 50. London, 1844. $44 00. Natural Theology. By Brougham and Bell4vNatural The18olotgy. By Brouham and - Part XII., very recently published, to Bell. 4 vols. 18mo. cloth, $2 00. Lond. complete Sets, 5 50 (F. A.) Illustrations of Baptismal Fonts. _ on Subjects connected with the Duties Svo. cloth, 124 engravings, with descriptions, of the Corps of Royal Engineers. 4to. cloth, $6 00. London, 1844. illustrated with many engravings. Vol. 1, Manual of GothicMouldings; a Practical $4 75; Vol. 2, $7 50; Vol. 3, $7 50. Vol. 4, Treatise on their Formations, Gradual Develop- $S 50; Vol. 5, $10 75; Vol. 6, $10 75; Vol. ments, Combinations, and Varieties. 8vo. cloth, 7, $9 00; Vol. 8, $9 00; Vol. 9, $10 75. $2 50. London, 1849. $2 London, 1849 on Naval Architecture. 3 vols. Svo. cloth, Manual of Gothic Architecture. Fools- $20 0. London cap, 8vo. 70 illustrations, $2 00. Lond. 1847. Palfrey, (J. G.) Academical Lectures on Papworth, (J. B.) RuralResidences; conthe Jewish Scriptures and Antiquities. 2 vols. sisting of Designs for Cottages, Decol ate Cotroy Svo. cloth 5 00 Boston 1838 tages, Small Villas, &c. Imp. Svo. 27 colored royal Svo. cloth, $5 00. Boston, 1838. plates, $4 50. Lond. 1832. plates, 84 50. Lond. 1532. ---- Lowell Lectures on the Evidences of A Christianity, with a Discourse on the Life and A Series of Designs for Garden Buildings, Character of John Lowell, by Edward Everett. Gates, Fences, Railings, &c. 4to. cloth, $4 50. 2 vols. Svo. cloth, $2 75. Boston, 1843. London. a, (- FHints on Ornamental Gardening. Imp. P a 1 grave, (Sir F.) History of the Anglo- vo. $4 50. London. Saxons. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Lond. 1842.'. - (J. and WV.) Specimens of Decoration. Rise and Progress of the English Com- 4to. cloth, 83 00. monwealth, Anglo:Saxon Period, containing the Anglo-Saxon Policy, and the Institutions P a r a b 1 e s of our Lord, Richly Illuminated arising out of Laws and Usages which prevailed with Appropriate Borders, printed in Colors before the Conquest. 2 vols. 4to. $15 00. and in Black and Gold, with a Design from one London, 183X2. of the Early German Engravers. Square foolsThe Merchant and Friar. 12mo. cloth, cap. 8vo. bound in mor. in Missal style, $8 00. 50 cents. London. London, 1847. P all ad i o's Architecture. Translated by Richly Illuminated with Appropriate mWTare. Folio, half bound, $8 50. Lond. Borders, printed in Colors and Gold. Square P allavii. Histoire du Concile de Trent cr. 8vo. binding in antique style, $3 50. P allavicini. Histoire du Concile de Trent New York. New York. traduit pour la premiere fois, en Fran~ais sur i'original Italien, reediti par La Propaganda P. Robertson. Four Years in, by J. P. and W. en 1833; publiee par M. l'Abbe Migne. 3 vols. royal 8vo. $4 50. 18414. Philadelphia. Palliser, (Sir Hugh.) The Life of, Admiral P ardoe, (Miss.) River and the Desert; or, of the White, and Governor of Greenwich Hos- Recollections of the Rhone and the Chartreuse, pital. 8vo. cloth, portrait, $4 50. Lond. 1844. 2 vols. post 8vo. extra cloth boards, $1 75. 1838, P a 1 m e r, (S.) A Pentaglot Dictionary of the 1838. Terms employed in Anatomy, Physiology, City of the Magyar; or, Hungary and Pathology, Practical Medicine, Surgery, Ob- her Institutions in 18394 0. stetrics, Medical Jurisprudence, Materia Medi- T3 25. Loud. 1840. ca, Pharmacy, Medical Zoology, Botany, and The Court and Reign of Francis the Chemistry, &c. 8vo. cloth, $2 25. Lond. 1845. First, King of France. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, - (Major.) Detail of Line Movements, $2 00. Phila. 1849. &c. 8vo. cloth, $4 25. London. Louis XIV. and the Court of France in --- (Rev. William.) Origines Liturgicae; or, the 17th Century. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $3 50. Antiquities of the English Ritual. 2 vols. 8vo. New York. bds. $5 00. London, 1845. P a r do n. The Universal Picture Gallery, P a m b o u r, (Comte de.) The Theory of the comprising 40 Engravings from the Works of Steam Engine; a Series of Practical PFrmulse the best Masters, Ancient and Modern, beautito Determine the Velocity of any Engine with fully executed on wood. 4to cloth, $2 50. a given Load, &c. 8vo. bds. 83 50. P aris M o d e r n e. The Street Architecture London, 1839. of Paris. 2 vols. 4to. 300 plates, $29 00...- A Practical Treatise on Locomotive En- --- in 1841. By Mrs. Gore, with 21 highly gines, with Appendix. 8vo. cloth, $5 50. finished Engravings from Original Drawings, London, 1840. by Thos. Allom. Royal 8vo. cloth, gilt edges, P an c o a s t, (Dr. J.) Treatise on Operative $3 50. London, 1842. Surgery; comprising a Description of the --- and its Historical Scenes, with an AcVarious Processes of the Art, including all the count of the Revolution of 1830, and the Abnew Operations. 4to. cloth, 80 plates, $10 00. dication of the King. Plates, 2 vols. 12mo. colored, $20 00. New York. $1 50. London, 1848. 104 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Parish, (W.) Buenos Ayres, and Provinces Parry, (Capt.) Three Voyages for the Disof Rio de la Plata. 8vo. cloth. $4 25. Lond. covery of a North-west Passage from the AtP ark, (J. R.) Inquiry into the Laws of Ani- lantic to the Pacific, and Narrative of an Atmal Life. Royal 8vo. cloth, 84 25. Lond. tempt to reach the North Pole. 2 vole. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. New York. ------- (T.) Heliconia, comprising a Selection (Thos) On Diet, with its Influence on of English Poetry of the Elizabethan Age, Man. 8vo. cloth, $1 50. London written or published between 1575 and 1664.o cloth, 3 vols. 4to. half Russ. gilt tops, $30 00. (Fine (H.) Art of Bookbinding. 12mo. cloth, copy, newly bound.) London,11 5. $1 50. London. copy, newly (Josiaho.) Londonon, 1815.sop5Cambrian Plutarch; being Lives of EmParkes, (Josiah.) Essays on Philosophy inent Welshmen. Svo. cloth, $1 50. and Art of Land Drainage. 8vo. paper, 75 London, 1834. cents. London. P a r s e y, (A.) Art of Miniature Painting on Par k er, (Theodore.) Discourse of Matters Ivory. 12mo. cloth, $2 25. London. Pertaining to Religion. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. Perspective Rectified. 4to. cloth, $3 75. Boston, 1847. London. ~- -- Critical and Miscellaneous Writings. P a r s o n s. The Rose, its History-, Poetry, 12mo. cloth, $1 25. Boston. Culture, and Classification, with two large col(C.) Villa Rustica; selected from Build- ored plates and other engravings. 1 vol. royal ings and Scenes in the Vicinity of Rome and 8vo. cloth, $1 50. New York. Florence, and arranged for Rural and Domes- (U.) Physician for Ships. 12mo. cloth, tic Dwellings, with Plates and Details, publish- $1 00. Boston. ing in Parts, each $1 00. New York. P a r t e r r e, (The); or, Universal Story Teller; (R. G.) Aids to English Composition. a Collection of Original Tales, Romances, and Foolscap 8vo. cloth, 80 cents. New York. Historical Relations. Illustrated. 4 vols. 8vo. -cloth, 83 75. London, 1840. -x- A School Compendium of Natural and - or, Beauties of Flora, by Andrews. Imp. Experimental Philosophy. 12 mo. sheep, h 4to. cloth, 85 50. London. cents. New' Yorkr, 1848. or, Whole Art of Forming Flower Oar- (Rev. S.) Journal of an Exploring Tour dens. l2mo. cloth, $2 00. London. beyond the Rocky Mountains in 1835-6 and 7. P artingto n, (C. F.) The Mechanic's Li12mo. cloth, $1 25. Ithaca. brary; or, Book of Trades, comprehending a Parkin son. Organic Remains of a Former Series of Distinct Treatises and Practical World; or, Examination of the Mineralized Guides on every Subject. 1 thick vol. Svo. Remains of the Animals and Vegetables of the cloth, plates, $2 00. London. Antediluvian World. 3 vols. 4to. cloth, 54 Pascal. Pens6es. 12mo.paper,$1 00; half colored plates, by Sowerby, $15 7. mor. $.1 50 Paris, 1148. London, 1833. ______ Lettres ecrites a un Provincial. 12mo. P arkman, (Fr.) California and the Oregon $1 00; half mor. $1 50. Paris, 1846. Trail, being Sketches of Prairie and Rocky (Blaise.) The Provincial Letters of. A Mountain Life. 12mo. cloth, with Illustrations, new Transla:tion, with Introduction and Notes, by Darley, $1 25. New York, 1849. by Thos. McCrie. 12mo. cloth, portrait, $1 00. Offering of Sympathy for the Afflicted. Edinburgh, 1848. ISmo. cloth, 63 cents. Boston. (M.) The Miscellaneous Writings of; consisting of Letters, Essays, Conversations, Par nell, (Thos.) PoeticalWorks, with Life, and Thoughts. Newly Translated by M. P. by Rev. J. Mitford. 12mo. mor. gilt leaves, Faurre, with Introduction and Notes, by. portrait, $2 25. Pickeringr, 1833. Pearce. Post Svo. cloth, $2 50. Loud. 1849. -- (SirH.T.) ATreatise on Roads, wherein Pasley, (Sir C. W.) Essay on the Military the Principles on which Roads should be made Policy and Tnstitutions of the British Empire. are Explained and Illustrated. 8vo. cloth, 8vo. cloth, $3 75. London, 1847. $5 5. London,183. Complete Course of Practical Geometry (E. A.) Elements of Chemical Analy- and Plan Drawin,. Svo. cloth, $5 00. Lod. sis, Qualitative and Quantitative. 8vo. cloth, $4 o0. London_ -- Rules, chiefly deduced from Experiments for conducting the Practical Operations of a Applied Chemistry, in iManufactures, Siege. Svo. cloth, $3 75. Lond. Arts, and Domestic Economy. 12mo. cloth, Observations on the Expediency and illustrated, $1 00. New York.- Observations on the Expediency and Practicability of Simplifying and Improving Parrot, (Dr. F.) JourneytoArarat. Trans- the Measures, Weights, and Money used in this lated by W. D. Cooley. 12mo. cloth, with Country. Svo. bds. $1 50. London. maps and wood-cuts, 5 cents. ----- A Course of Elementary Fortification, inNew Yorlk, 1846. cluding Rules, deduced from Experiment, for P a r r y, (W. E.) Nautical Astronomy by Determnining the Strength of Revetments, Night. 4to. cloth, $2 75. London. Treated on a Principle of Peculior Perspicuity. ------ (Capt.) Voyages to the Arctic Regions. 8vo. plates and cuts, (nearly ready.) The first, with Appendix and Supplement, 2 Observations on Limees, Calcareous Cevols.: the Second, with Appendix, 2 vols.; the ments, Mortars, Stuccoes, and Concrete, and on Third, 1 vol.; the Fourth, 1 vol.; altogether Puzzolanas, Natural and Artificial, together 6 vols. 4to. illustrated with numerous fine en- with Rules deduced from numerous Experigravings, from $50 00 to $70 00. ments for making an Artificial Water Cement. London, 1821-27. Part 1, 8vo. cloth, $2 75. Lond. 1847. Foreign and American Books. 105 P a s s'a i c. A Group of Poems, touching that P a y ne's Universum; or, Pictorial World: River, by Flaccus. 12mo. bds. $1 00. being a Collection of engravings of Views in all New York countries, Portraits of Great Men, and SpeciPastor FPido. Italian, by Zotti. 12mo. mens of Works of Art, of all Ages, and of $2 25. London. every Character. 3 vols. 4to. cloth, $12 00. London. P a t o n, (A. A.) Servia, the Youngest Member of the European Family; or, a Residence P a y s o n, (Rev. E.) Memoir, Select Thoughts, in Belgrade in 1843-44. 8vo. cloth, 3 7. and Sermons. Compiled by Rev. A. Cummings. London, 18135. 3 vols. royal Svo. cloth, portrait, $6 75. Patrick, (Simon.) Advice to a Friend. Portland, 1846. Royal 18mo. cloth, 75 cents. Oxford, 1940. Peabody, (A. P.) Lectures on Christian Doctrine. 12mo. cloth, 81 cents. Boston, 1844. P atri c k, Lowth, Arnald, Whitby, and Lowman's Commentary and Paraphrase on the Old e a c o c k. Headlong Hall and Nightmare and New Testament, and the Apocrypha. A Abbey. 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. New York. new edition, with the Text at large. 4 vols. P e a c o c k e, (R. A.) Practical and Experiimp. Svo. cloth, $15 00. Phila. 1844. mental Researches in Hydraulics. 4to. paper, Patter so n, (R.) Letters on the Natural plates, $2 25. London. History of the Insects mentioned in Shak- Pearls of American Poetry, Illuminated, by speare's Plays. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. Lound. T. W. G. Mapleson. 4to. mor. gilt leaves, in Introduction to Zoology. 12mo cloth, antique style, $12 00. New York, 1848. illustrated with excellent wood engravings, P e a r s o n, (Bp.) The Minor Theological $1 76. Belfast, 1848. Works of; collected, with Memoir of the AuPattison, (William.) Sketches for Cottage thor, by Edward Churton. Portrait. 2 vols. Villas, Country Residences, Parsonage Houses, 8vo. cloth, $7 00. Oxford, 1844. Lodges, &c, &c, with Plans, Details, and Esti- An Exposition of the Creed. New Edimates. 31 plates, imp. 4to. cloth, $7 50. tion, Revised and Corrected. 8vo. cloth, London. $2 75. Lound. 1845. Paulding, (J. K.) American Comedies. An Exposition of the Creed, with an 12mo. bds. 75 cents. Phila. 1847. Appendix containing the Latin and Greek Paul and Virginia. By Bernardin de Creeds. Edited by Rev. W.S. Dobson. 8vo. Saint Pierre, with a Memoir of the Author. cloth, $2 00. New York, 1844. Embellished with illuminations and engravings (W.) An Introduction to Practical Asin Tint, by Devereux. Square 12mo. cloth, tronomy. 2 vols. 4to. cloth, only $20 00, $3 00. Phila. 1849. (published at $37 00.) Lond. 1824-1829. Paul, (A.) Essayon Ringworm. 8vo. cloth, Peck s ton, (ThomasS.) APractical Trea$1 75. London. tise on Gas-Lighting, in which the Gas Appa- Observations on Piles and Prolapsus. ratus generally in use is Explained and Illus8vo. cloth, $1 50. London. trated by 22 Appropriate Plates. 3d edition, - Remarks on Costiveness. 8vo. cloth, carefully corrected and adapted to the present $1 50. London. M~anufacture of Gas. 8vo. cloth, $7 50. London, 1841. P a uli, (C. W. H.) Analecta Hebraica, with Peel e, (G.) Dramatic Works, collected and Critical Notes and Tables of Paradigms of the Edited, with some Account of his Life and Conjugations of the Regular and Irregular Writings, by the Rev. A. Dyce. 3 vols. cr. Verbs. 8vo. cloth, 2d edition, with a key, $3 25. Svo. cloth, $8 50. Pickering. Oxford, 1842. Paul Jones. The Life of, by A. S. Mac- Peile, (T. W.) Annotations on St. Paul's kenzie. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, portrait, $1 00. First Epistle to the Corinthians, designed chiefly o New Yorka, 1845I. for the use of Students of the Greek Testa-. ment. $vo. cloth, $2 00. Lond. 1848. P a x t o n, (Joseph.) A Pocket Botanical Dictionarv: comprising the Names, History, and P e irc e, (B,) A History of Harvard UniverCulture of all Plants known in Britain; with a sity from its Foundation in the year 1636 to full Explanation of Technical terms. New the Period of the American Revolution. Cr. edition, with Supplement containing all the Svo. cloth, $2 50. Cambridge, 1833. new Plants since its appearance. 12mo. cloth, An Elementary Treatise on Sound, being 4 50. London, 1849. the Second Volume of a Course of Natural Treatise on the Cultivation of the Dahlia. Philosophy, designed for the use of Schools, 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. London. &c. Svo. cloth, $1 50. Boston, 1836. Payen. Precis de Chimie Industrielle, a lat (Apsley) Curiosities of Glass-makusage des Ecoles Preparatoires aux Professions ing, with Datails of the Processes and Produc Industrielles et des Fabricants. 8vo. paper, tions of Ancient and Modern Omented tions of Ancient and Modern Ornamented $4 50. Paris, 1849. Glass Manufacture. Plates, small 4to. $3 50. Payne, (G.) The Doctrine ot Original Sin; Lond. 1849. or, the Nature, State, and Character of Man e I ew, (Hon..) Sermonsonmanyofthe Unfolded. 8vo. cloth. Loud. 1845 eew, (Hon..) Sermonsonmanyofthe. Leading Doctrines and Duties taught by the - - (J. H.) Bee-Keeper's Guide. 12mo. Church of England. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $6 00. cloth, $1 25. London. London, 1848. 106 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Pellico, (Silvio.) Memoirs of Ten Years' Percy, (Bp.) Reliques of Ancient English Imprisonment, in Italian, with an English Poetry. New Edition, with Illuminated Titles. Translation, by Thos. Roscoe. 8vo. portrait, 3 vols. 12mo. cloth, $4 50. Beantifully bound paper, 75 cents. Paris, 1837. in morocco, in old style, with embossed gilt Pelouze, (T.) and E. Fr ewen. Cours edges,.$18 00. London, 1847. de Chimie Generale. 3 vols. Svo. with an At- Do. do. 3 vols. 18mo. cloth, $2 50. las of 46 plates, paper, $8 50. Paris, 1848-9. Moxon, 1844. P e n a n d I n k Sketches of Poets, Preachers, - 8vo. cloth, frontispiece and vignette, $2 50. and Politicians. Cr. 8vo. cloth, portrait, $2 25. London, 1844. London, 1846. Anecdotes on a variety of SubP enfold, (J. W.) Madeira Flowers, Fruit jects. 20 vols. 18Smo. cloth, $18 00. Lond. and Ferns. Royal 4to. $6 50. London. (Sholto and Ruben) A n e c dot e s, Penn, (Sir W.) Memorials of the Profes- in 1 vol. 8vo. sheep, $2 00. New York. sional Life and Times of, from 1644 to 1670, Perdonnet et Polonceau. Portby Granville Penn. 2 vols. 8vo. portrait. feuille de l'ingenieur des Chemins de fer. $3 50. London, 1833. Recueil de dessins, notes, Documents et devis Penny, (The,) Cyclopwedia, published by the relatifs a la construction des chemins de fer. Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, 11 livraisons in 8, avec un atlas in folio, de 132 with Supplement. 29 vols. half calf, cloth planches, $22 00. Paris. sides, marbled leaves, $75 00. P e r e i r a, (Jonathan.) Elements of Materia London, 1833-1848. Medica and Therapeutics. Third edition, enThe Same in 16 vols. half mor. cloth sides, mar- larged and improved, including Notices of most bled leaves, $70 00. of the Medical Substances in use in the CivilMa g a z ine. Published by the So- ized World, and forming an Encycloptedia of ciety for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Materia Medica. Vol. 1, royal 8vo. cloth, New Series. 5 vols. imp. Svo. cloth, $7 50. $7 00. London, 1849. London. The Elements of Materia Medica and P e n n s y lva ni a, Historical Collections of, Therapeutics, with Notes and Additions, by by Sherman Day. 8vo. cloth, $3 00. Lond. Joseph Carson. 2 vols. 8vo. sheep. P eop le' s, (The,) Music Book, comprising Philadelphia, 1846. Anthems, by the most Eminent English and Lectures on Polarized Light. 8vo. cloth, Foreign Composers, from the Period of the $1 75. London. Reformation to the Present Time, with an Ac- - Treatise on Food and Diet. 8vo. cloth, companiment for the Organ and Piano-forte. $4 75. London. Edited by J. Turle and E. Taylor. 3 vols. P e r e le Chaise. Monuments, Tombs, royal 8vo. cloth, $9 75. Lond. 1844. and Tablets from this celebrated Cemetery. Dictionary of the Bible. Edited by Dr. 4to. cloth, $21 00. Paris. Beard. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, maps and wood- P e r ki n's Eight Years in Persia. 8vo. cloth, cuts, $6 50. London, 1848. $3 50. Boston. Journal, (The.) A Magazine Illus- Pering, (R.) Treatise on the Anchor. 8vo. trated with excellent Wood-Cuts, Portraits of bds. $3 75. London. Celebrated Men, Copies of new and beautiful Paintings and Engravings, with Literary Arti- Perrault, (Ch.) Les Contes des des fes, illuscles, by some of the ablest living authors. 5 tres par un grand nombre de gravures sur bois vols. roy. Svo. cloth, 5 00. London. et 10 vignettes sur acier, coloriees avec le plus (General.) Memorsh,. comprisg grand soin, d'apres les dessins de MM. Pauquet Pepe, (General.) Memoirs of, comprising the freres. 1 beau vol. grand in 8, $2 50; gilt, Principal Military and Political Events of Mo- extra $3 50. Paris. dern Italy, written by himself. 3 vols. post d 8vo. cloth, $83 00. Lond. 1846. - Contes du temps passe, contenant le Petit Chaperon rouge, les Fees, Barbe-Bleu, La Belle P e p y s, (Samuel.) Diary and Correspondence an bois dormant, Cendrillon, le Petit Poucet, of, with a Life and Notes, by Richard Lord Riquet a Ia houppe et Peau d'ane; precedes Braybrooke. Vols. 1 to 5, cr. 8vo. cloth, por- d'une notice litteraire sur Challes Perrault, par traits. A new edition, each $3 00. M. E. de la Bedolliere; illustres par 100 inagLondon, 1848-9. nifiques gravures sur acier, avec un texte grave, The Life, Journals, and Correspondence destine a apprendre aux enfants a lire ]es of, including a Narrative of his Voyage to manuscrits. 1 vol. grand in 8, $4 50. Tangier. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, portraits, $3 00. Paris, 1843. London, 1841. Perrone. Prealectiones Theologicae; accuP e r ci e r e t P o n t a i n e. Choix de Mai- rante Migne, cursuum completorum in singulos sons de Plaisance de Rome Moderne. Folio, scientiee ecclesiasticse ramos editore. 2 vols. 75 plates, $41 00. royal 8vo. $4 50. Paris, 1842. Palais, Maisons, et autres Edifices de P e r r u s s e 1, (F.) Critique de l'Homceopathie Rome Moderne. 100 plates in 1 vol. folio, et de l'Allopathie. 8vo. paper, 75 cents. $16 00. Paris, 1843. Percival 1, (VV.) Lectures on the Veterina- Persoz, (J.) Traite Theorique et Pratique ry Art. 3 vols. 8vo. $14 00. Lond. de l'Impression des Tissus. 4 vol. in-8, avec ---- Lameness in the Horse, with Colored Li- 165 figures et 429 echantillons dans le texte et thographic Plates. 8vo. cloth, $6 25. accompagnes d'un atlas in-4 de 20 pl. dont 4 London, 1849. colorites, $18 00. Paris, 1846. Foreign and Amnerican Books. 107 P e sc he 1, (C. E.) Elements of Physics. Phillips, (Chas.) Recollections of Curran. Translated from the German, with Notes, by Svo. cloth, $3 25. London. E. West. 3 vols. 12mo. cloth, profusely illus- - De la Tenotomie sous-cutanee, ou des trated with wood-cuts, $5 75. Lond. 1845-8. operations qui se pratiquent pour la Guerison Peter, (W.). The Poets and Poetry of the des pieds-bots, du Torticolis, de la Contracture Ancients. 8vo. cloth, $3 00; In)r. $5 00. de la main et des Doights, &c. accompagne de Philadelphia, 1848. 12 planches. 8vo. paper, $1 63. Paris, 1841. Peter W ilk ins. Life and Adventures of. - (G.) Theory, &c. of Painting in Water 1l2mo. cloth, $1 00. London. Colors. 4to. cloth, $7 50. London. ------ American edition. 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. - Elements of the Syriac Grammar. 8vo. Hartford. cloth, $3 00. London. P e t e r Schle mi hl. German, with Eng- - (H.) Sylva Florifera; the Shrubbery. lish Version, by William Howitt. 16mo. cloth, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $6 50. London. $2 25. London. ___ The True Enjoyment of Angling. 12mo. ------ In America. Thick 12mo. cloth, $1 25. cloth, $3 25. London. Philadelphia, 1848. (H. C.) Code of Universal Naval SigPeters, (J. G.) Treatise on the Art of nals. Svo. cloth, $3 25. London. Horsemanship. Royal 8vo. cloth, $6 50. (J.) Palceozoic Fossils of Cornwall Devon, &c. 8vo. cloth, $2 75. London. P e t e r s o n' s Military Heroes of the Ameri- A Treatise on Geology. 12mo. cloth, can Revolution. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 83 00. $1 15. Edinburgh. Philadelphia. Facts. Thick P et it's Remarks on Church Architecture, - (Sir R.) A Million of London vwith illustrations. 2 vols. Svo. cloth, io10 75. London, 1841. -- (R.) Translation of the Pharmacopoeia Remarks on Architectural Character, with of the Royal College of Physicians of London, Remarks on Architectural Character, with in 1836, with Notes and Illustrations. Cloth, 44 etchings. Folio, cloth, $6. Oxford, 1846. 3 50. London. P e t i t e s Miseres de la Vie Humaine par old - The Eternal; or, the Attributes of JehoNick et Grandeville. 8vo. half mor. gilt top, vah, &c. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. Lond. 146. illustrated with numerous engravings, $5 )50. V Paris, 1546. - (Thos.) Lectures on Painting. Svo.,. cloth, $4 00. London. P e t rar c a. Le Rime, con le opere di Polizi-, ano, e note di diversi. 2 vols. Svo. portrait, --- (Sir Thos.) Wales, the Language, Social $2 5o. Parigi, 1836. Condition, Moral Character, and Religious e ta, 1. Opinions of the People, considered in their ReP etrarch' Is Life, by Thoras Cammpbell. lation to Education, with some Account of the 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, portraits of Petrarch and Provision made for Education in other parts of the Kingdom. 8vo. cloth, $4 25. P etrie, (G.) Round T6wers of Ireland. London, 1849. Imp. 8vo. cloth, $8.50. London. -- Lectures on the History and Principles P e t h e r h am, (John.) Historical Sketch of of Painting. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. Lond. 1833. Anglo-Saxon Literature. 8vo. cloth, $1 50. (W.) Introduction to Mineralogy, by London. Allan. Edited by Alger. Thick 12mo. cloth, P e t ti grew, (T. J.) On Superstitions con- $3 00. Boston, 1848. nected with the History and Practice of Medi- Outlines of the Geology of England and cine and Surgery. 8vo. cloth, $1 75. Wales. 8vo. cloth, $4 75. London. London, 1844. Petzholdt, (A.) Lectures to Farmers on - Inventor's Guide; comprising the Rules, Agricultzulal Chemistry. L 2mo. $1 25. Lond. Forms, and Proceedings for Securing Patent A mictria Chedist. 5 s. N2 Yor. Rights. 12mo. sheep, $1 00. Boston, 1837. rAmerican edition. 50 cents. New York. ------ Principles of Effect and Color, as applica8vo. bds. 37. ul, inusumDelploinum. ble to Landscape Painting, &c. 4to. 10 colored 8vo. bds. $1 37. London. Phantasmagoria of Fun. Edited,, and Illustrated by Alfred Crowquill. 2 vols. Curvilinear Designs for Ornaments. post Svo. cloth, wood-cuts, by Leech, Cruik- Folio, pltes, some colored, $19 00. Lond. shank, &c. $2 75. London, 1843. Philip Quarl's Life and Adventures. P h a r m a c o p co i a L o n a o n e n s i s. Square 18mo. clothe 63 cents. London. Pharmacopceia Londonensis. Square 18mo. cloth, 63 cents. London. By Phillips. 8vo. cloth, $3 25. London. Philip Ran do 1p h; a Tale of Virginia, P hili dor. Studies of Chess. 8vo. cloth, by Mary Gertrude. 12mo. cloth, $1 50. $3 50. London. London, 1844. Analysis of Chess, by Walker. 12mo. Philosophical Transactions of cloth, $2 25. London. the Royal Society, from its first Formation to Philip, (A. W.) Inquiry into the Laws of the Year 1800. Abridged by Shaw, Hutton, the Vital Functions. Svu. cloth, $3 75. and Pearson. 18 vols. 4to. calf, from $60 00 London. to $7Ct 00. London. ------ American edition. 8vo. sheep, $1 60. - Abstract of Papers, from the Year 1800 Philadelphia, 1818. to 1S43. 4 vols. 8vo. bds. $9 00. Lond. 1844. - Inquiry into the Nature of Sleep and Philosophy in Sport Made Science Death. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. London. in Earnest. 12mo. cloth, $2 25. Lond. 108 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Philpo t t, (Lieut. Col.) Report on the Ca- Pictorial Museum of Animated Nature; nal Navigation of the Canadas. 4to. map and containing some thousands of figures beautifully plates, $2 50. London. engraved on wood, and accompanied with P hi p p s, (E.) Guide to the Commerce of Letter-press, descriptive and illustrative. 2 Bengal. 4to. cloth,E$15 00. London. vols. folio, cloth, $10 25. London, 1846. Treatise on Indigo, &c. Royal 8vo. cloth, Picture Bible; or, a Pictorial History $2 75. London. of the Old and New Testament, by Rev. H. Picket, (W. V.) New System of Architec- Caunter, with 144 lignographic illustrations, ture, founded on the Forms of Nature, $2 25. by J. Martin and R. Westall. 8vo. cloth, $3 25. London. London, 1846. Pickering, (John.) Greek and English Pictures of the French; a Series Lexicon. Royal 8vo. sheep, $3 7.5. Boston. of Literary and Graphic Delineations of French (Chas.) The Races of Men and their Character, by Jules Janin, Balzac, Connenin, Distribution, being the 9th vol. of the United and other celebrated French Authors. Royal States Exploring Expedition. 4to. cloth, col- 8vo. cloth, 230 engravings, by cistinguished ored plates and map, $10 0t. Boston, 1848. Artists, $3 50. London, 1S40. Pick ton, (H.) Introduction to Lineal Draw- Picturesque Tour on the RiverThames ing and Mensuration, with Hints on the Arrange- in its Western Course, including particular Dement of Drawing Classes. Second edition, scriptions of Richmond, Windsor, and Hampton 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. London, 1849. Court. By John Fisher Murray. Illustrated Pi c to r i a (The) Book of Ballads, Tradition- with upwards of 100 highly finished wood enal and Romantic, with Introductory Notices, graings. Royal 8vo. cloth, $3 25. Lond. 1845. Glossary, and Notes. Edited by T. S. Moore. P i s c a t o r. The Practical Angler. 8vo. cloth, 8vo. half mor. illustrated with numerous en- plates, $2 75. London. gravings, $3 50. London, 1849. P iddin gton. (H.) The Sailor's HornDictionary of the Holy Bible; or, a Cy- Book; being a Practical Exposition of the Law clopmedia of Illustrations, Graphic, Historical, of Storms, and its uses to Mariners of all classand Descriptive, of the Sacred Writings, by es in all parts of the World. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. reference to the Manners, Customs, Rites, Tra- New York, 1848. ditions, Antiquities, and Literature of Eastern Pier c e, (B.) An Elementary Treatise on Nations. 2 vols. 4to. with upwards of 1000 Algebra, to which are added, Exponential illustrative wood-cuts, extra cloth, $7 50. Equations and Logarithms, 83 cents. London, 1846. Boston, 1846. - History of Napoleon, by G. M. Bussey. An Elementary Treatise on Plane and 2 vols. imp. 8vo. cloth, with 500 beautiful en- Solid Geometry. 12mo. sheep, 83 cents. gravings, by Horace Vernet,,$6 50. Boston, 1S47. London, 1840. An Elementary Treatise on Sound..vo. History of London. Edited by Charles cloth, plates, $1 50. Boston, 1836. Knight. 6 vols. in 8, royal 8vo. cloth, $9 50; On Trigonometry. 2mo. sheep, $1 50. half mor. gilt backs and edges, $13 50. Boston. London, 1841-44. - On Curves, Functions, and Forces. 12mo. ----- History of England; being a History sheep $1 25. Boston of the People as well as a History of the Kingdom to the end of the Reign of George III. P i e r s Ploughman's Vision and Creed. EdIllustrated with some thousand wood-cuts, by ited by Wright. 2 vols. 2mo.cloth, 6 50. G. L. Craik and Chas. McFarlane, assisted by Pickering. other Contributors. S vols. imp. 8vo. hand- Pigau t L ebru n. Mon Oncle Thomas. somely bound in calf, gilt backs, marbled 12mo. broch6, $1 00. leaves, $15 00; cloth, $30 00. Lond. 1838-44. Angelique et Jeanneton suivi de Gargon The Same. First 4 vols. imp. 8vo. cloth, $14 00. sans souci:. 12mo. brochb, $1 00. Paris, 1843. New York. Monsieur Botte. 12mo. broch6, $1 00. ------- History of Germany during the Reign of Les Barons de Felsheim. l2mo. brochb, Frederick the Great, including a complete His- $1 00. Paris, 1843. tory of the Silesian Campaigns and the Seven Years' War, by F. Kugler. Illustrated with - L'Enfant du Carnaval. 12mo. broch, 500 wood-cuts, by Adolph Menzel. Royal 8vo. $ 00. cloth, $3 50. London, 1845. L'Homm- a Projets. 12mo. brochbe, $1 00. - History of France and of the French Peo- Paris, 1834. ple, from the establishment of the Franks in Pig ott, (Grenville.) Manual of Scandinavian Gaul to the period of the French Revolution, Mytholoy; containing a Popular Account of by G. M. Bussey and T. Gaspey. 2 vols. royal the two Eddas, and of the Religion of Odin. 8vo. cloth, with 500 engravings on wood, $7 00. Illustrated by Translations from OehlenscblagLondon, 1843. er's Danish Poem, the Gods of the North. Svo. ------ History of Palestine, the Holy Land, and cloth, 83 75. Pickering, 1839. the Jews, by John Kitto, Editor of the Pictorial Pike, (B.) Illustrated Descriptive Catalogue Bible. 2 vols. royal 8vo. cloth, above 500 of Optical, Mathematical, and Philosophical wood-cuts, $7 50..London. Instruments. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $2 00. ------ Illustrations of New Zealand, from a New York. Series of original drawings, by S. C. Brees, P i grim' s, (The,) Progress, with a Life of Engineer to the New Zealand Company from John Bunyan, by Robert Southey. 12mo. cloth, 1841 to 1845. 4to. cloth, with 2 maps and 60 illustrated with 50 wood-cuts, 75 cents. plates, $12 50. London. New York, 1847. Foreign and American Books. 109 Pilgrim' s, (The,) Progress; a beautiful P itm an, (J.) Phonography adapted to Veredition, printed in the old-fashioned type of the batim Reporting. 8vo. paper, 75 cents. Seventeenth Century, with Red Letter Title, London. Marginal Glosses and References. Embellish P in Ss, by Contributors to the with an accurate portrait, engraved on steel. Plain Sermons, by Contributors to the with an accurate portrait, engraved on steel. Tracts for the Times. 10 vols. 8vo. bds. each 8vo. cloth, $3 00. Pickering, 1849. 2 00. London. Pilgrims, (The,) of the Rhine. By the Author of Pelham, Eugene Aram, &c. Svo. P 1 a c e, (F.) Principle of Population. Svo. mor. gilt leaves, illustrated with beautifal en- cloth, $2 50. London. gravings, $6 00. London, 1840. P lanck, (G. J.) Introduction to Sacred P i 1 k i n g ton, (M.) Dictionary of Painters. Philology and Interpretation. Translated by New edition, by Allan Cunningham, with 26 S. H. Turner. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. new Lives. 8vo. cloth, $4 50. Lond. 1840. New York, 1S84. P i 1p a y' s Fables, with wood-cuts. 12mo. P 1 a t o n i s. Scripta Grsece omnia ad Codicis cloth, $1 75. London. Manuscriptos recensuit variasque inde LecPin d a r. Translated by Rev. C. A. Wheel- tiones diligenter enotavit Immanuel Bekker wright. 12mo. 75 cents. annotationibus integris Stephani, Heindorfii, and An a c r e on' s Odes. Trans- Wyttenbachii, etc., etc. 11 vols. Svo. cloth, lated by Wheelwright and Bourne. 12mo. $25 00.. London, 1826. cloth, 50 cents. New York. P ato's Works. Translated by Sydenham Pinelli's Etchings of Italian Manners and and Taylor. 5 vols. 4to. $50 00. Lond.1804. Costume. Imp. 4to. half mor. 27 large and Divine Dialogues, with the Apology of spirited etchings, $4 60. Rome, 1840. Socrates. Translated, with Notes, from the and C o o k e' s Views in Rome. Roy. French of M. Dacier. 12mo. cloth, $1 75. 8vo. cloth, 27 fine plates, $2 25. Lond. 1834. London. Pinnock's Improved edition of Dr. Gold- The Phcedrus, Lysis, and Protagoras of smith's History of England from the Invasion Plato. New and Literal Translation, mainly of Julius Caesar to the Year 1945. 12mo. half from the Text of Bekker. By J. Wright. 12mo. bound, 88 cents. Phila. 1848. clotl, $1 50. London, 184S. - Pictorial History of England from the The Works of. Translated by Carey. Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Death of George Vols. 1 and 2, each $1 50. London, 1849. Third. 12mo. cloth, map and plates, $2 00. - His Life, Works, Opinions, and Influence, London. by E. Pond. 32mo. cloth extra, 38 cents. P iob ert, (G.) Cours D'Artillerie, partie Portland. Theorique. 8vo. orne de planches, $1 50. P a t t n e r, (Prof.. F.) Use of the Blow- raite D'Artillerie Theorique et Pratique. pipe in the Examination of Minerals, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. avec planches, $3 25. Translated by Musprat, with Preface, by Liebig. Bruxelles, 1838-44. Svo. cloth, wood-cuts, $3 25. Lond. 1845. Piranesi, Opere. 28 vols. atlas folio, Plautus, English Notes, $750 00. Roma, 1756-3. hiladephia 1Smo. cloth, 60 cents. Philadelphia. Vol. 1-4. Antichita Romane. Translated by Proudflt. 18mo. paper, 8 5-6. Monumenti degli Scipio-Antiquies Romane. ceno. paper, 8 7. Manificenza ed Architectura de Romani. cents. New York. 8. Differens ouvrages d'Architecture. 9-10. Diffbrens ouvrages d'Architecture Campus Martius. P a y fa i r's Euclid. Revised by James 11. Antichited'Albano e di Castel Gandolfo. Ryan. 8vo. sheep, $1 00. New York. 12-13. Vasi, Candelabri, Sarcofagi, Tripoda, etc. 14. Colona Trajana e Antonia. P linii, ex editione Gabrielis Brotier cum 15. Antichita di Paestum. notis et interpretatione in usum Delphini, etc. 16-17. Vedute di Roma. vols. 8vo. 00. 1826. 18-19. Statues Antiques-Teatro d'Ereolano. 12 vOLS. 8vo. cloth, $20 00. Valpy, 1826. 20-21. lManiere d'Adornaire J. Cammini-Disegni Guericino. P 1 o u g h, (The), the Loom, and the Anvil. 22-23. Scholia Italica PicturIe Diverses Gravures. 24-28. Various. Vol. 1, 8vo. sheep, $3 50. Phila. 1848-9. Piscatorial Reminiscences and Plutarchus. Ed Schaefer. 6 vols. 12mo. Gleanings. 12mo. cloth, $2 25. Pickering. fine paper, $11 00. Leips. P it c air' s Criminal Trials in Scotland, Vite parallele et Moralia. 15 vols. 12mo. 1488 to 1624. 4 vols. 4to. $41 00. Lond. paper, $7 25. Tauchnitz, Leips. Pitkin, (T.) Political and Civil History of Moralia ed Diibner, Grtece et Latine. 2 the United States, from 1763 to 1797. 2 vols. vols. royal 8vo. paper, $7 50. Paris. Svo. $5 00. New Haven, 1828. Statistics of the United States, I3. P u t a r c h' s Lives. Translated by J. and New Haven, 1835. W. Langhorne. 4 vols. 12mo. sheep, $3 50. P it m a n, (Rev. J. R.) Sermons on the Book New ork. of Psalms. 8vo. cloth, $2 25. 1 Lond. 1846. 1 8vo. sheep, $2 00. New York. (R. B.) On the Junction of the Atlantic P o c k e t - B o o k for Architects, Builders, and Pacific Oceans. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. Lond. Contractors, &c. 12mo. cloth, $1 87. Lond. (J.) Manual of Phonography; or, Art Pocket and the Stud; or, Hints for of Writing by Sound. 12mo. 60 cents. the Stable, by Harry Hieover. 12mo. cloth, London, 1848. $1 50. London. 110 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of P o o c k, (W. F.) Modern Finishings for Pont e y, (W.) Profitable Planter. 8vo. Rooms. 4to. cloth, $6 50. cloth, $3 25. London. ------ Designs for Churches and Chapels. 4to-. Rural Improver. 4to. cloth, $12 75. cloth, $6 50. London. - - Designs for Cottages, &c. 4to. cloth, - Forest Pruners Assistant. 8vo. $3 75. S9 50. London. London. Po e, (E. A.) Tales. 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. Poole, (Matthew.) Annotations upon the New York. Holy Bible, wherein the Sacred Text is insert- The Raven, and other Poems. 12mo. ed, and various Readings annexed, together cloth, 50 cents. New York. with the Parallel Scriptures; the more difficult ----- Eureka; or, the Universe, a Prose Poem. Terms in each Verse are explained, seeming 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. New york, Contradictions reconciled, Questions and Doubts P o ee ae c e n i c i G r a c i D i n d or f i. resolved, and the whole Text opened. 3 large Royal 8vo. cloth, $7 25. London. vols. imp. 8vo. extra cloth, $19 00 London, 1842. Poems and Pictures. A Collection London, 1842. of Ballads, Songs, and other Poems. Illustrat- (G. A.) History of Ecclesiastical Archied with wood engoravingrs of the most exquisite tecture in England. Svo. cloth, $3 75. kind, from designs by eminent English Artists, London, 1S49. with borders, &c. Small 4to. bound in mor. --- Index to Subjects in all the Reviews and in Antique style, gilt leaves, $15 00. Periodicals that have not Indexes. 8vo. paper, London, 1846. $1 00; half bound, $1 25. New York, 1848. Poetical Language of Flowers. Poore, (B. P.) The Rise and Fallof Louis Edited by E. O. Smith, and illustrated with Philippe, giving an Account of the French colored plates, $4 50. New York. Revolution, from its commencement in 1789. P o e t's Pleas a u nce, (The;) or, Garden 12mo. cloth, plates, $1 00. Boston, 1S18. of all Sorts of Pleasant Flowers, which our Pope, (A.) Works complete, with Notes Poets have, in Past time, for Pastime Planted. and Illustrations, by himself and others, to By Eden Warwick. Cr. 8vo. with ornamental which are added a new Life of the Author, by borders of Flowers and Insects, engraved on William Roscoe.. 8 vols. 8vo. beautifully wood and elegantly bound in mor. gilt backs bound in tree calf, by Riviere, marbled leaves, and leaves, $12 00. London, 1847. full gilt backs, portrait, $28 00. Lond, 1847. Points and Pickings; or, Informa- Aldine edition, with Memoirs, by Dyce. fion about China and the Chinese, with engrav- 3 vols. 12mo. cloth, $3 75; mor. gilt e(lges ings. 12mo. cloth, $1 76. London. $6 75; sup. extra, $9 00. London, 1840. P o 1 e, (W.) The Art of Painting on Glass; or, Glass Staining. 4to. $1 25. London. Works, complete in 1 vol. with Notes, by Dr. Warburton, with illustrations on steel. (Wmin.) Investigationofthe Comparative 12mo. cloth 1 0. London. Loss by Friction in Beam and Direct Action 2mo cloth, $1 50 Steam Engines. 4to. $1 00. London. Pop p e t B u e a u. L'Architecture Cornish Pumping Engine. 4Ito. cloth, gothique et son origine, demontrees par la with plates in folio, $9 50. London. cathedrale, l'eglise Saint-Jacques, l'ancienne olitical Dictnionary, Constitutional and Le- paroisse, et quelques autres restes de l'archiP ol i tic a l Dictionary, Constitutional and Le- a Lond. 1848. tecture germanique RIlatisbonne. L'ouvrage gal. H 4 vols. 12mo. cloth, $ i4 50. Lond. 18t8. fait connaitre successivement le style german- History of New York, with Portraits of ique proprement dit, le style byzantin, le style the Twelve Governors. 8vo. sheep, $1 50. de transition, enfin le style gothique pur. Prix Auburn. du vol. grand in-folio, de 50 pl. complet, carand Social Economy, its Practical Appli- tonne, $20 00. Paris. cations, by John Hill Burton. 12mo. cloth, 75 P o p u 1 a r B r r o rs. Explained and Illuscents. Edinburgh, 1849. trated, by John Timbs. Foolscap Svo. $1 50. P o ll e t, architecte. Recueil d'edifices d'archi- London, 1S41. tecture, grecque, romaine, gothique et de la Popular Flowers, their Cultivation, renaissance, suivi d'un essai sur la decoration Propagation, and General Treatment in all et l'ameublement des monuments de ces diver- Seasons, with Lists of Choice and Favorite ses epoques, grave par Roux aine. 1 vol. in- Varieties. Illustrated with beautifully colored folio, de 69) planches, avec'texte, $12 50. plates. 12mo. cloth, $1 75. London. Pollok, (R.) Course of Time; a Poem. Porcelain, (The,) Tower; or, Nine 12mo. cloth, $1 00. New York. Stories of China. Compiled from original Life, Letters, and Remains. By Rev. Sources. Cr. &vo. cloth. plates, 75 cents. James Scott, with portrait. 12mo. cloth, $1 00). London, 1841. New York. -_ and Glass. A Treatise on. 12mo. cloth, ---- (Thos.) An Attempt to Explain the 50 cents. Philadelphia. Phenomena of Heat. 8vo. cloth, $1 50. Lond. P o l y b ii O p e r a. Gr. et Lat. cura Scweig- P o r s o n, (Rd.) Adversaria. 8vo. bds. $5 s0. hceuser. 5 vols. 8vo. cloth, $16 00. Lond. London. Historia. 4 vols. 12ino. paper, $2 50. Opera Philologica et Critica, Bloomfield Tauchnitz, Leipsic. et Kidd. 5 vols. 8vo. cloth, $16 60. Lond. - History Translated. Royal 8vo. bds. Tracts and Criticisms, by Kidd. 8vo. $2 50, London. cloth, $4 25. London. Foreign and American Books. 111 Portal, (F. de.) An Essay on Symbolic Practical Sermons, byDignitariesand Colors in Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and other Clergymen of the United Church of EngModern Times. Translated by W. Inman. land and Ireland. Vols. 1 to 3. 8vo. cloth, 4to. cloth, plates, $3 25. London, 1845. $2 37 each. London, 1845-7. Porter's Progress of the Nation in its vari- P r a t t, (Anne.) The Field, the Garden, and ous Social and Economical Relations, from the the Woodland; or, interesting Facts respecting beginning of the Nineteenth Centurv to the Flowers and Plants in general. 12mo. cloth, present time. 2d edition, 1 vol. 8vo. $8 25. $1 00. London. London, 1846. London,-1846. (J. H.) Principles of Mechanical Philos(J. S.) Principles of Textual Criticism, with their application to the Texts of the Ol( oply. Svo. cloth, $6 50. London. and New Testaments, with 13 lithographed and P r e c is P o li t i q u e et. Militaire de la colored fac-similes of interesting Biblical MSS. Campagne (le 1815 pour servir de supplement 8vo. cloth, $4 75. London, 1849. et de rectification a la vie Politique Militaire --- (G. R.) Treatise on the Manufacture of de Napoleon. 8vo. $2 00. Paris, 1839. Porcelain and Glass. 12mo. cloth, $1 75. P r e s c o t t, (W.) History of Ferdinand and London. Isabella. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, portraits, $6 00; - Nature and Properties of the Sugar calf, full gilt backs and marbled leaves, $11 00. Cane. Svo. cloth, $3.75. Lond. - (A. L.) Chemistry of the Arts, on the Yok, 1 Basis of Gray. 8vo. cloth, $5 00. Phila. History of the Conquest of Mexico. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, $6 00; calf, uniform with the Portl ock, (Col.) Rudimentary Geology. above $11 00. New York 1847. 12mo. cloth, wood-cuts, 25 cents. Lound. 1849. Port s, Arsenal a, and Dockyards History of the Conquestof Peru. 2 vols. of France. Post Svo. cloth, $3 25. Lond. 8vo. cloth, portraits, $4 00; calf, uniform with the above, $8 00. New Yolrk, 1848. P ortwine, (E.) The Steam Engine, from the earliest to the present time. iSmo. cloth, P r e v o s t, (l'Abbe.) Histoire de Manon Leswood-cuts, 25 cents. London, 1847. cant, illustree de 100 vignettes, par Tony JoP o st, (A. C.) On the Cureof Strabismus and hannot; precedee d'une notice historique sur Stammering. 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. N. Y lauteur, par M. Jules Janin. 1 magnifique P o tte r' s Remains of the Monastic Architec- vol. grand in 8, avec titre et froutispiece en ture of England. Folio, half mor. 78 plates, couleur, rehausses d'or, $ 50. $29 00. London. Histoire de Manon Lescaut et du Cheva- Specimens of Ancient English Architec- lier Desgrieux. 12mo. broche, $1 00. ture, chiefly Parish Churches. 4to. 42 plates, Paris, 1846. $11 00. London. Price, (Uvedale.) On the Picturesque in (R.) An Elementary Treatise on Me- Scenery and Lancscape Gardening, with an chanics, for the Use of Junior University Stu- Essay on Taste, &c., by Sir Thos. Dick Lauder. dents. 8vo. cloth, $2 25. Lond. 1846. 8vo. cloth, 60 engravings, $3 75. Lond. 1842. -- (A.) Science applied to the Domestic Arts. 12mo. cloth, wood-cuts, 75 cents. N. Y. Treatise on the Differential Calculus, and Pou j o ulat. Histoire de la Revolution its Application to Geometry. 8vo. cloth, $3 50. Frangais, gravures sur acier. 2 vol. in 8, demion. veau, $3 50. Tours, 1848. History of the Mohammedan Empire. P o us s in, (N.) Life of, by Lady Calcott. 4 vols. 4to. cloth, $11 00. Lond. 1821. Svo. cloth, $3 25. London. Prichard, (J. C.) Researches into the - (G. T.) De la Puissance Americane, Physical History of Mankind. 5 vols. 8vo. origine, Institutions, esprit politique, ressources plates, $25 00. London, 1841-7. Militaires Agricoles, Commerciales et Industrielles des Etats-Unis. 2 vols. 8vo. $3 00. The Ntural History of Man; comrising Paris, 1848. Inquiries into the Modifying Influence of PhysP 1 F os, Z a. ical and Moral Agencies, on the different Tribes P o w e 1 1, (C. F.) Life of Maj. Gen. Zachary of tle Human Family. Third edition with 50 Taylor. 8vo. paper, 25 cents. New York. (Thns.) Living Authors of England. colored and 5 plain illustrations engraved on h2mo. clothl;, $ 00. News York, 1849 steel, and 97 engravings on wood. Roval 8vo. 12mo. cloth, St 00. New York, 1849. Po y n d e r, (John.) Literary Extracts from English and other Works, collected during hilf Ethnographic maps to accompany the a Century, together with some original Matter. above. Large folio, clot, bds. 7 50. First and Second Series. 3 vols. Svo. cloth, London, 1948. $8 00. London. - (A.) A History of Infusoria, Living and Practic e o f A rchitecture. By Fossil, with colored engravings. 8vo. cloth, Asher Benjamin. 4to. sheep, $4 50. Boston. second edition, $3 50. London, 1849. P rac tic al, (A,) Guide to the First Study of Pridden, (W.) History and Condition of the Greek Testament. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Australia. l2mo. cloth, $1 50. London. London, 1849. Pride au x, (Humphrey, D. D.) The Old Mechanic and Engineer's Magazine. 6 and New Testament connected in the History vols. 4to. cloth, plates, $15 00. Glasgow. of the Jews and neighboring Nations, from the Pharmacy, the Arrangements, Apparatus, declension of the Kingdoms of Israel and Juand Manipulations of the Pharmaceutical Shop dah, to the time of Christ. Maps and plates. and Laboratory. By Mohr and Redwood. 2 vols. cloth, $4 59; calf extra, $7 00. 8vo. $8 75. London. Oxford, 1889 112 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Pridham, (Charles.) An Historical, Politi- Provis, (John.) Tables for the Copper cal, and Statistical Account of Ceylon and its Trade. Svo. cloth, $9 00. London. Dependencies. Map, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, Pruen, (Rev. Thos.) View of the Church of $8 00. London, 1549-. the Living God, its Ministry and Service. 2 History of the Mauritius. Svo. clotl, vols. Svo. bds. $2 50. London, 1823. $4 50. London. 4 50 Leondo.h. American A s a- P u b 1 i c W o r k s of the United States pracPriest, (Josi-th.) American Antiquities aud tically Elucidated, by Detailed Drawings of Discoveries in the West. 8vo. cloth,.,1 50. the Aqueducts, Breakwaters, Bridges, Canals, Albany, 1S11. Floating Dry Docks, Gas Works, Harbors, LoP r i e s t 1 e y, (Rev. J.) Life of, by John Tow- comotive Engines, Steam Engines, and Stearnhill Rutt. 8vo. bds. $1 25. Lond. 1832. boats, Water Works, &c., the Architecture, ------ (Joseph.) A Course of Lectures on the Banks at Philadelphia, New York, Girard ColTheory of Language and Universal Grammar, lege, and other Public Edifices. Edited by and on Oratory and Criticism. 8vo. bds. $1 25. W. Strickland, E. H. Gill, and H. R. CampLondon, 1824. bell. 1 vol. 8vo. with folio atlas of Plates, ------ Lectures on History and General Policy. $10 0o. London, 1841. Royal 8vo. bds. $2 00. London, 1840. - of Great Britain; consisting of Railways, Prince, (W. R.) Manual of Roses. 12mo. Tunnels, Oblique Arches, Docks, Cast Iron cloth, 75 cents. Newv York. Bridges, &c., &c. Edited by F. W. Simms. P r i n c e t o n Essays, Theolo~gical antd Miscel- 153 plates, folio, half mor. $25 00. London. laneous, reprinted from the Princeton Review. Pu gin, (A. W.) The True Principles of First and Second Series. 8vo. cloth, $5 0(. Pointed or Christian Architecture. 4to. half New York. mor. 130 illustrations, $4 50. Lond. 1841. Prinsep, (G.A.) Account of Steam Vessels, The Present State of Ecclesiastical Ar&c. in India. Royal 4to. $6 50. London. chitecture in England. Svo. cloth, 36 illustraPri or, (M.) Poetical Works, with Life, by tions, $2 75. London, 1843. Rev. J. Mitford. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, portrait, - Contrasts; or, a Parallel between the $3 00. Pickering, 1835. Noble Edifices of the Middle Ages and corres---- (J.) Life of Burke, with numerous un- ponding Buildings of the present, showing the published Letters, Anecdotes, &ec. 8vo. cloth, present Decay of Taste. Accompanied by ap. portrait, $2 75. London, 1839. propriate Text. 4to. cloth, $9 00. Lond. 1841. --- Life of Goldsmith. 2 vols. Svo. cloth, Examples of Gothic Architecture, selecto$ 75. London, 1837. ed from Ancient Edifices in England, consisting Pritchard, (A.) Noteson Natural History, of Plans, Elevations, Sections, and parts at selected from the Microscopic Cabinet. 10 large, with Historical and Descriptive lettercolored plates, second edition, l mo. cloth, 75 press. Illustrated by 235 engravings, by Le cents. London, 1549. Keux. 3 vols. 4to. cloth, $48 00. Lond. 1838. Prize Cartoons Exhibited at Westmin- ------ and Le K eux. Specimens of the ster Hall. Folio, cloth,'.30 00. London. Architectural Antiquities of Normandy. 80 Second Exhibition. Folio, cloth, $6 50; plates, 4to. cloth, $15 75. London, 1828. proofs, $3 00. London. Glossary of Ecclesiastical Ornament and P r o c e e d in g s of the Electrical Society, Costume; setting forth the Origin, History, and 1841-3. Edited by Walker. Svo. cloth, $6 50. Signification of the various Emblems, Devices, London. and Symbolical Col.rs, peculiar to Christian P r o c to r, (Col.) The History of Italy from Design of the l iddle Ages, with elpecial referthe Fall of the Western Empire to the com- nce t the Decoration of the Sacred estments mencement of the,Wars of the French Revo- and Altar Furniture, formerly used in the Englution. Royal 8vo. cloth, $1 87. Lond. 1844. lish Church. Illustrated by nearly - plates splendidly printed in gold and colors. By A. P r o g r e s s of Machinery and Manufactures in Welby'Pugin, Architect. New edition, 1 manGreat Britain. 4to. bds..i 50. London. nificent vol. royal 4to. half mor. extra, t(op Prout, (S.) Hints on Light and Shadow, edges gilt, ~35 (0). 1846. Composition, &c., as applicable to Landscape Gothic Ornaments, selected from various Painting. Illustrated by Examples. 4to. cloth, Ancient Buildings both in Engl:ad and France. $7 50. London, 1838. 4to. half mor. $12 00. London, 184-14. - Sketches in France, Switzerland, and -- Paris and its Environs displayed in a Germany. Imp. folio, 26 plates, half morl. Series of Picturesque Views. 4to. cloth, $5 0) $21 00. London, 141. London. --- Sketches at Home and Abroad: being - OrnamentalTimber Gables, selectedfrom Examples of the Interiors and Exteriors of Ancient Examples in England and Normandy. Gothic Buildings. Imp. 4to. 48 plates, $12 50. Royal 4to. 30 plates, 6 50. London, 1839. London. London. An Apology for the Revival of Christian - (W.) On the Nature and Treatment of Architecture in England. -lto. half mlor. 83 50. Stomach and Renal Diseases. Fifth edition, London. revised. 8vo. cloth, 86 00. London, 1848. _ and B r i tton's Illustrations of the --- American edition. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. Public Buildings of London, with Historical Philadelphia. and Descriptive Accounts of each Edifice. - On Chemistry, Meteorology, &c. 63 cents. Edited by W. H. Leeds. 2 vols. large 8vo. Philadelphia. half mor. $19 00. London, 1833. Foreign and American Books. 113 P ul p i t C y cl o p a di a and Minister's Com- Q u a r 1 e, (Francis.) Emblems, Divine and panion. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. New York. Moral. Cuts. 16mo. cloth, $1 00. Purdie, (Thomas.) Form and Sound; Can London, 1845. their Beauty be dependent on the same Physi- - _ The School of the Heart. Cuts. 16mo. cal Laws? Plates, 8vo. cloth, $2 25. cloth, $1 50; together, unique binding, $3 00. Edinburgh, 1849. London, 1845. Pure Gold from the Rivers of Wisdom. ISmo. cloth, 31 cents. New York. Quarterly Papers on Architecture. 4 oP u r e M a t o e m a ti c s, (Encyclopsedia of.) vols. 4to. cloth, with about 500 wood, steel, and u Being M a tises from the s, (Encyclopedia etro- copper engravings, some highly and expensiveBeing Treatises from the Encyclopaedia Metro- London. politana. 4to. cloth, $9 00. London. y co ore, $ 0. London. P u rsh' s Flora Americana. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, Q u a r t e r 1 y R e v i e w, complete from its 24 p Fcoloraed, $6 50m. London, 1814. commencement in 1809 to 1846, with Indexes. ~~~24 plates, colored, $6 /77 vols. 8vo. half calf, neat, $125 00. Lond. P u s e y, (Dr.) Scriptural Views of Holy Baptism. 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. New York, 1843. Quarterly Journal of the Chemical (E. B.) Sermons for the Season, from Society of London. Edited by Dr. E. Ronalds. Advent to Whitsuntide. 8vo. cloth, $3 00. Vol. 1, 8vo. clothl, $4 00. London, 1847. London, 1848. Quatremere de Quincy. Hist. de P u tn a m, (G. P.) American Facts; Statistics la vie et des ouvrages des plus celebres archi. of the United States. 12mo. cloth, portraits tectes du XIe siecle jusqu'a la fin du XVIIIe. and map, $1 00. New York. 2 vols. Svo. 47 plates, $9 00. Paris, 1830 Library of American History; being rare Tracts illustrative of American History. Ed- Dictionnaire Historique d'Architecture. ited, with Notes, by Rev. F. L. Hawks. 8vo. 2 vols. 4to. $15 00. Paris, 1833. cloth. (In press.) Q u e k e t t' s Practical Treatise on the Micro-...- (Mrs.) Receipt-Book and Young House- scope; including the different Methods of Prekeeper's Assistant. 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. paring and Examining Animal, Vegetable, and Boston, 1849. Mineral Structures. Illustrated with 9 plates Putz, (W.) Manual of Ancient Geography and 241 wood engravings. 8vo. cloth, $6 00. and History. Translated from the Germ an, with Notes, by Rev. T. K. Arnold. 12mo. Q e s t e, (J) Treatise on Railwas,Surcloth, $1 00. New York. veying, and Levelling. 8vo. cloth, $1 75. P y m, (A.- G ) Narrative of Mutiny on board Brig Grampus, by E. A. Poe. 12mo. cloth, 63 Q uet e le t, (MI. A.) Letters on the Theory cents..New York. of Probabilities as applied to the Moral and P yn e, (Geo.) Elements of Perspective Political Sciences. Translated by 0. G. Downs. Parts 1 and 2. 12mo. cloth, plates and wood- 8vo. cloth, $3 50. Loud. 1849. cuts, 50 cents. London, 1849. Popular Instructions on the Calculations - Microcosm; a Series of 10W0 Subjects of of Probabilities. 12mo. cloth, 81 37. Lond. Rural and Domestic Scenery, Shipping, Craft, Sports, &c. Royal 4to. half bound, $12 75. Qnin' Steam Voyages on the Moselle, the London. Elbe, and Lakes of Italy,. with Notices of Qu a i n, (Rich.) Anatomy of the Arteries, Thuringen and Saxon Switzerland, &c. 2 vols. with its applications to Pathology and Opera- post 8vo. cloth, $2 75. London, 1843. tive Surgely, in lithographic drawings, the size Quincy, (J.) Life of Josiah Quincy. Imp. of and drawn from Nature, with Practical Com- 8vo. bds. $2 00. Boston, 1825. mentaries. Elephant folio, 87 plates,. finely 2 vols. colored, half mor. with an 8vo. volume of let- - History of Harvard University. 2 vols. ter-press, $70 00. London, 1844. royal Svo. plates, $5 00: Cambridge, 184!). and Wilson. The Vessels of the Quinet, (E.) Ultramontanism; or, the RoHuman Body. Royal folio, 50 plates, plain, man Church and Modern. Society. 12mo. cloth, cloth, $13 50; colored, $18 50. Lond. 1837. $1 50. Loldon, 147. ------- The Nerves of the Human Body. Royal Quintiliani Inatit. Oratorim folio, 38 plates, plain, $12 50; colored, cloth, cur Ingratmi 8vo cloth; i 25. London. $20 00.' Londlonl, 1839. cura Ingram. 8vo cloth; $3 25. London. $20 00. Lontdon, 1839. -- The Viscera of the Human Blody, includ- R a b e 1 a i s. CEuvres de com]pletes. 12mo. ing the Organs of Digestion, Respiration, Secre- paper, $1 00. Paris. tion, and Excretion. Royal folio, 32 plates, Euvres, edition,nnr un, augmentee de plain cloth, $10 50; colored, $81 00. London, 1840. pieces inedites, de son',ei drolatiques de PanThe Bones and Ligaments. Royal folio, tagruel, ouvrage postlnimo. avec l'explication 30 plates, plain, cloth, $10 50; colored, $13 50. en regard; des reoluarqles (le Le Duchat, de London, 1812. lBernier, de Le Alottenx,.le labbe de Marsy, de - The Muscles of the Humatn Body. Roy. Voltaire, de Gingene, etc.; et d'un nouveau folio, 51 plates, plain, cloth, $16 00,; colored, commentaire hito!ique et Philologique, par $37 00. London, 1836. Esmangart et oEloi Johanneau, avec 10 vig- Anatomical Plates, with References nettes, 2 portraits, 120 figures grotesques, etc. and Physiological Comments, illustrating the 9 vols. in 8, deoli veau, $18 00. -Paris, 1823. Structure of the different parts of the Body. --- Works. Translated from the French, by Third edition, revised, with Notes, by Joseph Sir Thomas Urquhart, Motteux, and Ozell, Pancoast. 4to. cloth, $15 00; colored, $30 00. with Explanatory Notes, by Duchat and others. Philadelphia, 1845. 2 vols. foolscap 8vo. cloth, $1 75. 1849. 8 114 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of R a c ine. Theatre complet precede d'une Ranke, (L) A History of Servia and the Notice par M. Anger. 12mo. brochb, $1 00; Servian Revolution. Translated from the Gerhalf mor. $1 50. Paris, 1848. man, by Mrs. A. Kerr. 8vo. cloth, $4 50. ----- (fJ) (Euvres choisies avec la vie de London. l'auteur et des notes de tousles commentateurs, -- Historr of the Reformation in Germany. par M. D. Sancie, gravures. 1 vol. in 8, maro- Translated by Sarah Austin. 3 vols. vo. quin, $1 75. Tours, 1847. cloth, $12 00. London, 1845. Radcliffe, (E. P. D.) The Noble Science; Rankin, (R.) Treatise on Life Assurances a few General Ideas on Fox Hunting, for the and Annuities. 8vo. cloth, $1 75. London. use of the Rising Generation. 8vo. cloth, plates, Half Yearly Abstract of Medical Science. $4 S0. London, 1839. 8vo. paper, per No 75 cents. Phila. Rae, (J.) Principles of Political Economy. Ranlett, (W. A,) The Architect; a Series Svo. cloth, $1 SO. Boston. of original designs, adapted to the United States. R a ff a e 1 e. The Cartoons of, from the orig- Illustrated with Elevations, Plans, Ground inals in Hampton Court Palace. Dranwn and Lots, &c. 2 vols. 4to. $12 00. New York. etched on steel, by John Burnet, accompanied R a n s o mn e, (J. A.) The Implements of Agriby a Critical Dissertation on each plate. Ele- culture. Royal 8vo. cloth, plates, $2 25. phant folio, $10 00; colored after the originals, London, 1843. $18 00. London, 1849. R a n s om' s Military Tactics. 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. Concord. Raffles, (Sir Stamford.) The History of Concord. Java. 2 vols. and his Life and Journals 2 Raper, (Lieut. H.) The Practice of Navigavols., together, 4 vols. 8vo. and atlas of plate, tion and Nautical Astronomy. 8vo. with Sup&c. $12 00. London, 1835. plement, $5 00. London, 1840. _1_o n_ Tables of Logarithms. Royal 8vo. cloth, Rag u e t, (Condy.) Principles of Free Trade. T 75r London. Svo. cloth, $2 00. Phliladelphlia. Railway Locomotive lManage- Raphael. Collection d'Arabesques et de Railway Locomotive Manage- tableaux antiques des bains de Titus et de ment, in a Series of Letters. 8vo. cloth, Si 0. tableaus antiques des bains de Titus et de London. Livie, peints par Raphael, dessines, graves et decrits par N. Ponce. Ouvrage utile aux R ailwway Wo rks; Portfolio of Views of peintres et decorateurs. 1 vol. in-fol. de 73 some of the most important Works on the planches, avec texte, cartonne, $12 50. Paris. Principal Railroads in England. Oblong folio, Cartoons, Book of, by R. Cattermole. cloth, $6 00. London, 1846. Svo. cloth, portrait of Raphael and 7 highly R a 1 fs, (J.) British Desmidieae; or, Fresh finished engravings, $1 75. Lond. 1845. Water Algae. Royal 8vo. cloth, $10 75. - Life, by Duppa, with Life of Michael London. Angelo, by Q. de Quincey. Post 8vo. cloth, Ralph, (T. S.) Icones Carpologicee; or, Fig- 8S cents. London, 1847. ures and Descriptions of Seeds, after the man- R a s k, (E.) Danish Grammar for Englishmen, ner of Gaertner. Part 1, Legumintosoe, contain- by epp. Svo. 1 50. London ing 40 plates, with about 209 figures. 4to. bds.1. Nouveau syste $5 00. London 1849. R a s p ail. Nouveau systeme de chimie orgab 1 ond,. nique. 3 vols. 8vo. paper et atlas, $9 00. Rambles in Sweden and Gottland, withParis, 183S etchings by the Wayside. By Sylvanus. 8vo.Ran (G. L.) Organnon; or, the Specific cloth, portrait and etchings,,$1 25. Lond. 1847. Healing Art. 8vo. cloth, $1 25. New York. Rammelsberg, (Dr. C.F.) Leitfadenfiir R aum er, (Von.) England in 1841; being a die qualitative chemische analyse. 8vo. paper, Series of Letters written to Friends in Germany. 87 cents. Berlin, t143. Translated from the German, by H. E. Llovd. Ramsbotham, (F. H.) Principles and 2 vols. Post 8vo. cloth, $2 75. Lond. 18412. Practice of Obstetric Medicine and Surgery..- America and the American People. 8vo. 8vo. sheep, $5 00. Philadelphia. cloth, $2 00. New York. Ra mshorn, (Lewis.) Dictionary of Latin R a y, (John.) Collection of Proverbs. 12mo. Synonymes, for the use of Schools and Private cloth, $2 25. London. Students. From the German, by F. Lieber. Rayer, (P.) A Theoretical and Practical 12mo. half bound, $1 25. Boston, 1839.'treatise on the Diseases of the Skin. TransR an d a 11, (H. S) Sheep Husbandry in the lated by R. Willis. 4to. cloth, plates, 816 00. South. 8So. cloth, $1 25. Phila. 1849. Philadelphia. Ranke (L.) History of the Pope,; of RoneReach, (A. B.) Clement Lorimer; or, the Ran ke, (L.) History of the Pope* of Rome Book with the Iron Clasps; a Romance. Illusduring the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centu- trated with several fine plates, by George Cruikries. Translated by Sarah Austin. 3 vols. shank. 12mo. cloth, 2 00. Lond. 1849. 8vo. cloth, $9 00. London, 1841. Read, (T. B.) Female Poets of America. History of the Popes of Rome. Trans- 8vo. cloth, $4 50; mor. gilt, $5 50. lated by E. Foster. 3 vols. foolscap 8vo. cloth, Philadelphia, 1818. $2 63. London, 1848. Readings for the Young, from Sir ------- History of the Popes. Trqnslated by W. Walter Scott. 3 vols. 12mo. cloth gilt, $3 50. Kelly. 8vo. cloth, $1 50. Philadelphia. London, 1S48. Memoirs of the House of Brandenburg, American edition. 2 vols. 12mo. $2 00. and History of Prussia, during the Seventeenth Philadelphia. and Eighteenth Centuries. Translated from Record of Edward, the Black the German, by Sir Alexander and Lady Duff Prince. Illuminated by Humphreys. Post Gordon. 8 vols. 8vo. cloth, $10 00. Lond. 1849. Svo. unique binding, $6 50. Lond. 1848. Foreign and American Books. 115 Recreation s of Christopher North. Svo. Rei d, (D. B.) Rudiments of Chemistry. cloth, $1 00. Philadelphia, 1848. Edited by Dr. M. Reese. 12mo. half bound, 70 cents. New York. -- in Science and Natural Philosophy, by 70 cents. Ne York. Dr. Hutton. A new edition, revised, with ad- Illustrations of the Theory and Practice ditions, by Edward Riddle. 8vo. cloth. 400 of Ventilation, with Remarks on Warming, &c. wood-cuts, $3 50. London. i8vo. cloth, $5 00. London. wod-u.s lootiug, by Crave t. $3ot - 5Ln. (A.) Dictionary of the English Lan- in Shooting, by Craven. Post 8vo. cloth, guage, with a Preface, by H. Reid. 12mno. 3 650. London. sheep, A1 00. New York, 1846. R edhea d, (T. W.) History of the French (Thos.) Treatise on Clock and WatchRevolution. 3 vols. 12mo. cloth, $2 25. making. Royal Svo. cloth, plates, $6 50. Edinburgh, 1849. Glasgow, 1847. Rees, (James.) Mysteries of City Life; or, (Lieut. Col.) Short Account of the FailStray Leaves from the World's Book. 12mo. ure of a part of the Brighton Chain Pier, in the cloth, $1 00. Philadelphia, 1849. Gale of November 30, 1836. (Papers, R. E. vol. 1, 4to.) London. R e e d, (Josep.) Life and Correspondence, by On Assaults, and Hints for the Compilahis Grandson, W. B. Reed. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, tion of an Aide-Memoire for the Corps of Royal portrait, $4 50. Philadelphia. Engineers. (Papers, R. E. Vol. 1,4to.) Lond. Reeve, (L.) Conchologia Systematica; or, Description of the Concrete Sea Wall at Complete System of Conchology, in which the Brighton, and the Groins which Defend the Lepades and Mollusca are described and classi- Foot of it. (Papers, R. E. vol. 1, 4to.) Lond. fled according to their Natural Organization and _- On Intrenchments as Supports in Battle, Habits. Illustrated with 300 plates of upwards and on the Necessity of completing the Miliof 1500 figures of Shells. 2 vols. 4to. cloth, tary Organization of the Royal Engineers. $36 00; plates elegantly colored, $60 00. Further Observations on Removing the Shingle London, 1843. along the Coast. On Hurricanes. (Papers, R. C:onchologia Iconica; or,Figures and De E. vol. 2, 4to.) London. scriptions of the Shells of Molluscous Animals, - On the Decomposition of Iron in Salt with Critical Remarks on their Synonymnes, Water, and of its Reconstruction in a Mineral Affinities, and Circumstances of Habitation. Form. (Papers, R. E. vol. 3,4to.) Lond. Publishing in monthly parts, each containing On Lodging Troops in Fortresses at their 8 plates beautifully colored, $3 00 each; un- Alarm Posts. (Papers, R. E. vol. 4, 4to.) Lond. colored, containing 6 plates, 75 cents. Rein hold, (Caloline.) The Evening Bell; ~ —-- 1Elements of Conchology; or, Introduction or, the Hour of Relating Entertaining Anecto the Natural History of Shells and their dotes for Dear Young People. Translated by Molluscous Inhabitants, their Structure, Calci- Rev. C. S. Mangan. 12mo. cloth, plates, fying Functions, and Habits, Geographical $175. Dublin, 1S48. Distribution, Affinities, Arrangement,and Enu- Rel fe, (I.) Principles of Harmony. Folio, meration of Species. Numerous illustrations, half bound, $6 50. London. colored. Royal vo. cloth, $12 00. RoStdie in Musical Science. 4to. cloth, London, 1849. $4 75. London. Regnard, (J. F.) Theatre suivide es voy- Remarks and Experiments on ages en Lapoine en Pologne, &-c. et de Ila various Woods, both Foreign and Domestic, by Provengale. nmo. $1 00. Paris, 1845. XLieuts. Nelson and Denison, Capts. Young, --- ~(Euvres de, suivies des (Euvres choisies Srmyth, and Sir R. Seppings. (Papers, R. E. de N. Destouches. Imp. 8vo. paper, $2 50. vol. 5, 4to.) London. Paris, 1836. Re m b r an d t and his Works; comprising a R e g n a u 1 t, (M. V.) Elementary Course of Short Account of his Life, with a Critical ExCrystallography. Svo. cloth, $1 00. Lound. amination into his Principles and Practice of Design, Light, Shade, and Color. Illustrated ----— Cours Elementaire de Chimie, avec with Exatmples from the Etchings of Remplanches intercales, dans le texte. 4 vols. brandt, by John Burnet. F. R. S. 4to. numer12mo. $6 50. Paris, 1849. ous plates, $9 00: proof impressions, (only 50 Re id, (T., D. D.) Essays on the Intellectual printed,) folio,,530 00. Powers of Man, and Analysis of Aristotle's R e mu s at, (MIme. de.) Education des femLogic, &c., by Wright. Svo. cloth, $2 60. mes. 12mo. paper, $1 00. London, 1843. Rendell, (J. M.) Particulars of the Construction of the Floating Bridge lately estab------ (T.) Philosophical Works. Edited by b b ( anT-.). f.. 1. lished across the Hamoaze, between Tor Point, Sir William Hamilton. Royal 8vo. clothle, *, Sir William H7milton. Royal 8vo. cloth, in the County of Cornwall, and Devonport, in 7 50. London. Devonshire (Trans. I. C. E. vol. 2, 4to.) Lond. (Lieut. Col.) An Attempt to Develop Particulars of the Construction of the the Law of Storms. Royal 8vo. bds. with 11 Lary Bridge near Plymouth. (Trans. I. C. E. charts, $2 75. London, 1849. vol. 1, 4to.) London. (John.) Young Surveyor's Preceptor. R e nn i e, (J.) Conspectus of Butterflies and 4to. cloth, $5 75. London. Moths. 1Smlo. cloth, $2 25. London. --- Bibliotheca Scoto Celtica, with Notes. (Sir John.) Account of the Breakwater 8vo. cloth, $3 75. London. at Plymouth. Folio, half bound, $25 00. -- (H.) The Steam Engine popularly de- London. scribed, with illustrations. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. - (Jas.) Bird Architecture and MiscellaLondon. nies. 3 vols. 1Smo. cloth, $1 37. Lond. 116 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Rennell, (Major.) Currents of the Atlantic Reynolds, (John.) On the Principle and Ocean. 8vo. cloth, with charts in folio, $19 00. Construction of Railways of Continuous BearLondon, 1832. ings. (Trans. I. C. E. vol. 2, 4to.) Lound. --- Geographical Illustrations of Xenophon. (Sir Joshua.) Graphic Works. 300 4to. cloth, $6 50. London. beautiful engravings, comprising nearly 400 ------- Geography of Herodotus. 2 vols. 8vo. subjects, engraved on steel, by S. W. Reynolds. $8 50. London. 3 vols. folio, elegantly half bound mor. gilt Re n wick, (J.) First Principles of Chemis- edges, $65 00. London. try. 18mo. half sheep, 75 cents. New York. | Literary Works; comprising his Dis-- First Principles of Natural Philosophy. courses delivered at the Royal Academy, on 1 8mo. cloth, wood-cuts, 75 cents. the Theory and Practice of Painting, also his Practical Mechanics. 18mo. half bound, Journey to Flanders and Holland, with Critiplates, $1 00. New York. cisms on Pictures-Du Fresnoy's Art of Paint------ (Prof.) Life of De Witt Clinton. 18mo. ing, in English Verse, with Latin Text subcloth, 50 cents. New York. joined, and Notes. A Tabular View of PaintR e p or t of the Railroad constructed from ers, from the Revival of the Art to the beginning of the last Century, to which is prefixed a Kingston to Dalkey, upon the Atmospheric System. 4to. paper, $12 50. London. lMemoir of the Author, with Remarks on his -- of Experiments made with a Shot Fur- Professional Character, illustrative of his Prinnace at Malta. (Papers, R. E. vol. 6. 4to.) ciples and Practice, by Henry William Beechey. London. New edition, 2 vols. foolscap, Svo. with porRepton, (H.) On Landscape Gardening and trait, gilt cloth, $3 00. London, 1846 Architecture, by J. C. Loudon. 8vo. cloth, The Discourses of. Illustrated by Ex250 engravings, $4 00. Lond. 1840. planatory Notes and plates, by John Burnet. Retz s ch, (Moritz.) Outlines to Shak- 4to.cloth, $5 50. London. speare's Dramatic Works, with Explanations Discourses on Painting. 12mo. cloth, in English. Oblong 4to. paper, 810 00. $1 25. London. Leipsic, 1836-45. - (J. N.) Pacific and Indian Oceans. 8vo. Outlines to Shakspeare's Othello, King cloth, $1 50. New York. Lear, and Merry Wives of Windsor. 4to. cloth, - Voyage of the United States Frigate each $4 00. Lonl. 1S35-44. Potomac around the Globe in 1831-34. 8vo. Illustrations to Schiller's Fridolin. Roy. cloth, $3 50. New York. 4to. containing 8 plates, engraved by Moses, Rhille, (The,) Italy, and Greece; in a Series stiff covers, $1 38. of Drawings by Cockburn, Titon, Bartlett Outline Illustrations to Schiller's "'Fight Leitch, and Wolfsenberger. 2 vols. 4to. cloth' with the Dragon." Royal 4to. containing 16 gilt, $9 00. London' plates, engraved by Moses, stiff covers, $2 25. Ru h 1 m a n, (M.) On Horizontal WaterR e e r e, (J. W.) Tour of Duty in California. wheels, especially Turbines or Whirl-wheels, 12mo. cloth, plates, $1 00. New Yorkl, 1819. their History, Construction, and Theory. IllusRevised Statutes of New York trated for the use of Mechanics. 4to. paper, State. By Duer, Butler, and Spencer, late | 2 25. ~ Dublin, 1846. Revisers of the Statutes, and published under Ri c a r d o, (D.) Principles of Political Econotheir Superintendence, pursuant to an Act of my and Taxation. Svo. cloth, $3 75. Lound. the Legislature. 3 vols. Svo. sheep, 212 50. -- Political Works, with a Notice of the Albany, 1846. Life and Writings of the Author, by J. R. McRevue des Deux Mondes. Subscription per Culloch. Svo. cloth, $4 50. Lond. 1846. yeGaenera5e de 0'Architectre et dies Travlux Ri c a u t i, (T. J.) Sketches for Rustic Work; Publics. Journal des Architects, des Archeo- including Bridges, Park and Garden Buildings, logues, des Inoenieurs et des rEntrepreneurs: - Seats, and Furniture, with descriptions and Publiee sous la Direction du iMd. Cesar Daly, Estimates of the Buildings. 4to. $3 50. elucide par des gravures sur bois, et accon- London, 1848. pagne de magni-fiqtues planches gravees stirR ic h, (Anthony.) Illustrated Companion to aci~er. 4to. 6 vols. published at 99 T00) each, the Latin Dictionary and Greek Lexicon; formParis, 1810-46. iing a Glossary of all the Words representing Pittoresque Anne 1848 cntain Tales visible objects connected with the Arts, Manuyittoresque Anne 1848r; containingl Tales by the best French Writers, and illustrated factures, and every-day Life of Greeks and Rowith 150 engravings. 1 handsome vol. irnp. mans, with representations of nearly two thou8vo. paper, $2 00. Paris, 1S48. sand objects from Antique. Post 8vo. cloth, Reybaud, (Louis.) Jerome Paturot a la1849. recherche de la Meilleure des Republiques. 4 ---- NarTative of a Journey to the Site of vols. 12mo. broch&e, $3 00. Paris, 1849. Babylon, with Remarks on Topography of Jerome Paturot a la recherche d'une Ancient Babylon, by Major Rennell. Also, position sociale. 2 vols. 16go. $1. 00. Paris. Narrative of a Journey to Persepolis, &c. 8vo. o. Ps. maps and plates, $3 25. Loud. 1839. Reynard, the Fox: a renowned Apo-, logue of the Middle Ages, reproduced in Rhylne, (C. H.) Specimens of Ornamental Turnby Samuel Naylor. 4to. printed in black let- ng. 4o. clotd 3 5. London. ter, with red letter Initials, &c. $6 00 R ic h a r d s, (Rev. James.) Sermons, with London, 1844. an Essay on his Character, by W. B. Sprague. -- Reinecke Fuchs, mit Zeichnungen Von W. 12mo. cloth, portrait. Albany, 1849. Kaulbach. 4to. cloth, 72 fine engravings on (T.) Welsh and English Dictionary. steel, $12 50. Miinchen, 1847. 8vo. cloth, $4 00. London. Foreign and American Books. 117 Richardson, (W.) Catalogue of 7,355 Riddell, (J. L.) Monograph of the Silver Stars, (Southern Hemisphere.) 4to. $1 50. Dollar. 8vo. cloth, $4 00. New Orleans, 1845. London.R id d l e, (Rev. J. E.) Ecclesiastical Chroand R on a 1 d s. Metallurgy and the nology; or, Annals of the Christian Church Chemistry of Metals. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, illus- from its foundation to the present time. 8vo. trated with numerous wood engravings. cloth, $4 00. London, 1840. ------ (Dr.) Dictionary of the English Lan- - Luther and his Times; or, a History of guage. 2 vols. 4to. $12 00. Philadelphia. the Rise and Progress of the German Reforma(C.) A new Dictionary of the English tion. 12mo. cloth, $1 75. London, 1837. Language; combining Explanations, with Etv- Manual of Christian Antiquities; or, an mology. New edition, 8vo. cloth, $4 50. Account of the Constitutions, Ministers, WorLondon, 1849. ship, &c., of the Ancient Church, with an Anal- and G r a y' s Zoology of the Erebus ysis of the Writings of the Anti-Nicene Fathers. and Terror. 4to. parts 1 to 18, each $3 00. Thick 8vo. cloth, $3 50. London, 1844-48. and S co t t' s English and Latin Lexi(John.) Fauna-Boreali Americana: or, con. Svo. cloth, $5 00 New York. the Zoology of the Northern Parts of British Rider, (W.) Principles of Perspective. 8vo. America. 4 vols. 4to. cloth, plates, $36 00. cloth, $2 25. London. London, 1829-36. Ridgley, (Thomas, D D.) A Body of DiArabic Grammar. 4to. $5 50. Lond. vinity, wherein the Doctrines of the Christian Persian, Arabic, and English Dictionary. Religion are Explained and Defended. 4 vols. Imp. 4to. cloth, $57 00. London, 1829. Svo. $4 50 Phila. 1814. (H. D.) Dogs, their origin and varieties, Ri dl e y, (Bp.) The Works of. 8vo. clothl, Directions as to their General Management, $3 75. Cambridge, Parker Society, 1841. with numerous original Anecdotes. 12mo. 25 Ri gby, (E.) Midwifery. 8vo. sheep, $2 81. cents. New York. Philadelphia. G- eology for Beginners; comprising a R i g g, (R.) Experimental Researches, ChemiFamiliar Explanation of Geology and its asso- cal and Agricultural, showing Carbon to be a ciate Sciences, Mineralogy, Physical Geology, Compound Body made by Plants, and DecomFossil Conchology, Fossil Botany, and Palveon- posed by Putrefaction. 8vo. bds. $1 75. tology: including Directions for forming Col- London, 1844. lections, &c. by G. F. Richardson, F. G. S., Rig gs, (E.) Manual of the Chaldee Lanformerly with Dr. Mantell, now of the British guage. 8vo. cloth, $1 75. Boston. Museum. Second edition, considerably en- Rimbault, (Dr. E. T.) Bibliographical larged and improved. 1 thick vol. post Svo. Account of the Musical and Poetical Works illustrated by upwards of 260 wood-cuts, cloth published in England in the Sixteenth and lettered, $2 25. 1846. Seventeenth Centuries. 8vo. cloth, $1 25. ------ (Josh.) On the Prevention of Accidents London, 1847. in Mines. Svo. cloth, $1 25. Loend. American edition. Svo. 75 cents. -- (J.) Travels in the Great Desert of New York, 1848. Sahara, in 1845-46. Numerous plates and (E. F.) Book of Christmas Carols, with maps. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $8 50. Loend. 1848. Melodies. Small 4to. 81 25. London. ----- Specimens of the Architecture of the _- Nursery Rhymes, with the Ancient Tunes Reigns of Elizabeth and James I. 4to. half Small 4to. $1 75. London. mor. 60 plates, $10 50. Lond. Rio, (A.) Collection of Tables for Navigation. L- Studies of old English Mansions. 4 vols. 4to. cloth, 19 00. 4to. cloth, $50 00. London. R i p a, (Father.) Memoirs of, during Thirteen (C. J.) Popular Treatise on the Warmn- Years' Residence at the Court of Peking, in ing and Ventilaticn of Buildings, showing the the Service of the Emperor of China, &c. Advantages of the Improved System of Heat- Translated from the Italian, by F. Prandi. ed Water, Circulation, &c. Plates, second edi- 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. New York. tion, 8vo. $2 00. London. -— WAetion, 8vo. $2 00. London. Rip 1 e y, (H.J.) Sacred Rhetoric; or, Com~- (W. A.) Reprints of Rare Tracts and position and Delivery of Sermons. 12mo. Imprints of Ancient Manuscripts, chiefly illus- cloth, 75 cents. Boston, 1849. trative of the History of the Northern Counties. Biography, 2 vols. Historical Tracts, 4 vols. (G.) Specimens of Foreign Standard Miscellaneous Tracts, l vol. Complete in 7 Literature. 14 vols. 12mo. each $1 00. vols. 12mo. bds. $40 00. Newcastle, 1517-49. Boston. R i c h m o n d, (Rev. Legh.) Annals of the Cousin, Jouffroy. and Constant's Philosophical Miscellanies, 2 vols. Poor A new edition, 12mo. cloth, portrait Goethe and Schiller's Select Minor Poems, translated, 1 vol. and engravings, 75 cents. Philadelphia. Eckerman's Conversations with Goethe, 1 vol. Jouffroy's Introduction to Ethics, 2 vols. R i c h t e r, (J. P. T.) Levana; or, the Doc- Menzel's German Literature, 3 vols. trine of Education. Translated from the er- De Wette', Theodore; or, the Skeptic's Conversion, 2 vols. trine of Education. Translated from the Ger- De Wette's Human Life; or, Practical Ethics, 2 vols. man. Post 8vo. cloth, $3 25. Lond. 1848. Brooks' Songs and Ballads, 1 vol. Rickman, (Thos.) Attempt to Discriminate Ritch, (J. W.) The American Architect; the different Styles of Architecture in England. comprising original designs of cheap Country 6vo. cloth, 0O plates, 465 wood-cuts, $6 00. and Villa Residences. 4to. cloth, $3 50. London, 1848. New York. 118 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of R i t c hi e, (Robt.) Rise, Progress, &c. of Rail- R o b i n s o n, (E.) Greek Lexicon of the New ways. 12mo. cloth, $2 75. London. Testament. 8vo. half Russia, $5 50. Boston. R i t t e r, (Dr.) History of Ancient Philosophy. G — esenius's Hebrew Lexicon. Svo. half Translated by Morrison. 4 vols. Svo. $10 00. Russia, $6 00. Boston. London. - and B r i t t o n' s Vitruvius Britannicus Rits on' s Various Works, as published by History of Woburn Abbey, Hatfield House, Pickering, the set, viz.: Robin Hood, 2 vols.; Hardwicke Hall, and Cassiobury Park. IllusAnnals of the Caledonians, 2 vols.; Ancient trated by Plans, Elevations, and Internal Songs and Ballads, 2 vols.; Memoirs of the Views of the Apartments. Imp. folio, half Celts, 1 vol.; Life of King Arthur, 1 vol.; An- mor. 44 plates, 825 00. Lond. 1847 cient Popular Poetry, 1 vol.; Fairy Tales, 1 Robison, (J.) Mechanical Philosophy, by vol.; Letters and Memoirs of Ritson, 2 vols.; Brewster. 4 vols. 8vo. cloth, $14 00. Lond. together, 12 vols. post Svo. cloth, $17 50. Robley, (A. J.) Selection of Madeira Flowers. Folio, $6 50. London. River Dove, (The,) with some Quiet Rhiovuert ov te, (The,) with some Quiet Roberts, (Joseph.) Oriental Illustrations Thoughts on the Happy Practice of Angling, of the Holy Scriptures, collected from the Cus12mo. cloth, printed in the old style, $2 00; of the Holy Scripture, collected from tile usmor ilt, $3 50. Pickering, 1847 toms, Rites, Literature, &c. of the Hindoos. Svo. cloth, $2 50. London, 1844. Roads and Railroads, (Vehicles and. 8vo. Modes of Travelling of,) of Ancient and Modern (W H.) Sctth Ale Brewer. vo Countries, with Accounts of Bridges, Tunnels, cloth, 25. London. and Canals, in various parts of the World. (Emma) East India Voyager; or, Ten l2mn-o. cloth, $1 00. Minutes' Advice to the Outward Bound. 12mo. Robin, (C.) Galerie des Gens de Lettres cloth, $2 00. London,1839. au XIXe Siecle, avec portraits, d'apres nature. (Mary.) The Seaside Companion; or, Imp. 8vo. paper, $4 00. Paris, 18484 Marine Natural History. 12mo. cloth, woodcuts, $1 50. London, 1835. ----- Du Microscope et des Injections. 8vo. (W.) History of Letter-Writing, from avec plancches, $3 25. Paris, 1849. the earliest period to the Fifth Century. 1 vol. Des Vegetaux qui croissent sur l'Homme 8vo. $3 50. London. et sur les Animaux vivants. Royal Svo. paper, R o b e r t s o n, (J. P. and W. P.) Letters on avec trois planches, $1 25. Paris, 1847. South America. 3 vols. post 8vo. $7 50. R ob in s on C r u s o e, (Life and Adventures London. of.) 8vo. cloth, 300 cuts, $1 75. New York. -- Four Years in Paraguay. 2 vols. 1i2mo. A fine edition, with plates, after Stot- $1 00. Philadelphia. hard's Designs. Cr. 8vo. cloth, $2 25. (W.) History of America. Svo. sheep, London, 1848. $1 75. New York. Ro b i n s o n, (Thos.) Scripture Characters; Treatise on the Teeth. 8vo. cloth, $1 75. or, a Practical Improvement of the Principal Philadelphia. Characters of the Old and New Testament. Dictionary of Latin Phrases, comprePortrait, Svo. cloth, $2 50. Lond. 1839. hending a Methodical Digest of the various (Dr.) Bibliotheca Sacra. Tracts and Phrases from the best Authors, which have Essays connected with Biblical Literature and been collected in all Phrapeological Works Theology. Complete in 1 vol. 8vo. cloth, $3 00. hitherto published, for the more speedy proNew York. gress of Students in Latin Composition. New - (E.) and Smith' I s Biblical Research- edition, with considerable Additions, Alteraes in Palestine, &c. 8 vols. 8vo. cloth, $8 00. tions, and Corrections, by Dr. Valpy. Post Boston. 8vo. roan lettered, 82 75. London. ----- -Complete Series of Cottage Architecture. American edition. Svo. sheep, $1 75. 6 vols. 4to. with 390 plates, half bound, mor. New York. $54 00. -~ — Historical Works; containing the History Or separately: of Scotland, History of the Reign of the EmRural Architecture, being a Series of peror Charles V., History of America, and HisDesigns for Ornamental Cottagesi;n 96 plates, torical Disquisition concerning Ancient India, h Eiat. Fout galy with an Account of the Life and Writings of dith Estimates. Fourth greatly 0mproved the Author, by Dugald Stewart. I large vol. edition, royal 4to. half mor. $13 50. 1837. New Sril ohlf Ora. C e. s. inmp. 8vo. portrait, cloth lettered, $6 50. 1S40..New Series of Ornamental Cottages and (Dr..) Works, with Life, by Duald Villas. plte s byHagand Allom. (Dr. W.) Works, with Life, by Dulgald Villas. 56 plates, by Harding and Allcm. -Stewart. 8 vols. Svo. calf gilt, marbled leaves, Royal 4to. half mor. $12 50. 1838. portrait, $23 25. cloth, $16 00. Lond. 1840. Ornamental Villas. 96 plates, half mor. 3 vols. 8vo. $3 Ci. New York. 313 50. 1836. $13 50. 1836. Robespierre, (M.) The Life of, with a Farm Buildings. 56 plates, half mor. Selection from his Correspondence, by G. H. $9 50. 1837. Lewis. 12mo. cloth, $2 50. London. ------ Lodges and Park Entrances. 43 plates, - 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Phila. 1849. half mor. $9 50. 1837. Robson, (Thos.) British Herald; an en-- Village Architecture. Fourth edition, larged Dictionary of Armorial Bearings of the with additional plate. 41 plates, half bound, Nobility and Gentry of Great Britain and Ireuniform, $7 00. 1837. land. 3 vols. 4to. $60 00. London. ----- (R.) Art of Curing, Pickling, &c. Meat R o by, (I) Popular Traditions of Lancashire. and Fish. 12mo. $1 37. London. 3 vols. 12mo. cloth, portrait, $4 00. Lon. 1843. Foreign and American Books. 119 R o d h am, (11.) Treatise on Land Surveying. R o s e, (Rev. H. J.) A new General BiographiSvo. cloth, $1 50. London. cal Dictionary. Vols. 1 to 12, Svo. cloth, Roger of Wendover. Flowers of His- $65 00. London. tory; comprising the History of England, from the Descent of the Saxons to A. D. 1235. Flowers. Square 18mo. cloth gilt, colored Formerly ascribed to Matthew Paris. To be plates,1 00. London, 1840. completed in 2 vols. Vol. 1, foolscap Svo. cloth, 1t 37. London, 1849. Garden of Persia: Poems. Translated Roger s, (Samuel.) Poems. 8vo. mor. gilt I from the Persian, by Louisa Costello. BeautiR o g e r s, (Samuel.) Poems. 8vo. mor. g fully illuminated. Svo. mot. gilt, $6 00. leaves, beautifully illustrated by Turner, $7 00.d London. London. Italy, a Poem. 8vo. mor. fine illustra- o sen m u 11 e r, (E. F.) Mineralogy and tions, by Turner, $7 00. London. Botany of the Bible. 12mo. cloth, $1 75. Poetical Works. Complete in 1 vol. London. 18mo. paper, 75 cents. Lond. 1846. R o s c o e' s Life of Leo X. and Lorenzo de:~ —-- (J.) Fruit Cultivator. 12mo. cloth, Medici. 3 vols. 8vo. tree-marbled calf, $14 00. $1 75. London. (Thomas.) Life of William the Con- Vegetable Cultivator. 12mo. cloth, $2 25. queror. Now first published from Official London. Records, &c. Post 8vo. cloth, $1 50. American Biography. 8vo. sheep, $8 50. London, 1848. Philadelphia. Ro get, (P. M.) Animal and Vegetable Ross, (Sir J. C.) Memoirs and CorrespondPhysiology. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. Phila. ence of Admiral Lord de Saumarez, from origRohne r, (G. W.) Treatise on Musical Com- inal Papers in the Possession of the Family. position. Post 4to. cloth, $4 75. Lond. 2 vols. Svo. cloth, portrait, $3 50. Lond. 183S. --- Key to Treatise on Musical Composition. A Voyage of Discovery and Research in $1 50. London. the Southern and Antarctic Regions during the R o a n d C a s h e. By Lever. 8v. cloth, Years 1829-43. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, maps, plates, and wood-cuts, $10 00. Lond. 1847. with illustrations by Phiz, $1 00. New York. R o 1 a n d o s Art of Fencing, by Forsyth. - (A.) Adventures of the First Settlers on 18mo. cloth, 82 75. London. the Oreoon or Columbia River; being a Nar-,Introduc Coursem of Fenc~ing. Royal rative of the Expedition fitted out by John Introductory Course of Fencing. ROya1 Jacob Astor to establish the Pacific Fur ComSvo. half bound, $i 00. London. Svo. half bound, $1 00. London. pany, with an Account of some Indian Tribes R o lin, (C.) Ancient History. 2 vols. Svo. on the Coast of the Pacific. Post 8vo. cloth, sheep, $3 75. New York. $3 25. London, 1].849. 6 vols. 8vo. half calf gilt, $11 00. Rossignon, (Jules.) Guide Pratique des London, 1847. emigrants en Californie et des Voyageurs dans R o m e, as seen by a New Yorker in 143-44, Amerique Espagnole. 2mo. paper, 32 cents with a map of Modern Rome. 12mo. clotli, l'Amerique Espagnole. 12mo. paper, 32 cents. with a map of Modern Rome. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. New York. Paris, 1849. Romil ly, (Sir Samuel.) Life of, wriotteck, (C.) History of the World. Romi ly, (SirSamuel.) ifeof, writtenby Translated by J. Jones. 4 vols. 8vo. cloth, himself, with his Letters and Political Diary. Tanslated by J. Jones. 4 vols. 8vo. cloth, Edited by his Sons. Third edition, 2 vols. $6 00. Philadelphia. foolscap 8vo. cloth, portrait, $2 50. Roujoux et Alfred M ainguet. London, 1841. Histoire d'Angleterre depuis les temps les plus R o n a 1 d' s Fly Fisher's Entomology. Illus- recules jusqu'a nos jours; nouvelle edition, entrated by colored representations of the Natu- tierement refondue, augmentee de plus d'un ral and Artificial Insect, &c. 8vo. cloth, 20 tiers, ornee de 500 gravures sur bois, et accomcopperplates, $3 50. Lond. 1839. pagnee de tableaux synoptiques, plans, cartes -- (Hugh.) Pyrus Malus Brentfordiensis; geographiques, etc. 2 beaux vol. grand in 8, or, a concise Description of Selected Apples, mor. gilt top, $9 00. Paris. with a Figure of each sort drawn from Nature R o u s s e a u, (J. B.) (Euvres completes, avec on stone, by his Daughter. 4to. cloth, 42 une commentaire historique et litteraire, preplates, containing some hundreds of beautifully cede d'un nouvel essai sur la vie et les ecrits de colored figures, $15 00. Lond. 1831. l'auteur; avec portrait, rare. 5 vols. in 8, demi Rondelet, (J.) Traite Theorique et pra- veau, $11 00. Paris, 1820. tique de lart de Batir. 6 vols. Svo. with atlas - (J. J.) CEuvres completes avec des of plates, $25 00. Paris. eclaircissements et des notes historiques par R o o r b a c h, (O. A.) Bibliotheca Americana; P. R. Auguis. 27 vols. grand in 8, demi veau, a Catalogue of American Publications, includ- $40 00. Paris, 1824-25. ing Reprints and original Works from 1820 to 1848, inclusive. Royal 8vo. cloth, $4 00. La Nouvelle Heloise,edition illustree par 1848, inclusive. Royal 8vo. cloth, $4 00. New York, 1849 MM. M Tony Johannot, Em. Hattier, Lepoitevin, Girardet, Guerin, de 250 beaux dessins, dont R o s e, (H.) Practical Treatise of Chemical 25 a 30 tires sur papier de Chine, et d'un Analysis; including Tables for Calculations in superbe frontispice avec portrait. 3 vol. grand Analysis. Translated from the French, and in 8, demi maroquin, $12 00. Paris, 1845. from the fourth German edition, with Notes and Additions, by A. Normandy. Qualitative Le meme ouvrage broche, $6 50. and Quantitative. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, $S 50. - La Nouvelle Heloise. 12mo. broch6, London, 1848. $1 00; half mor. $1 50. Paris, 1847. 120 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Rousseau, (J. J.) Emile ou de l'Educa- Ru c kert, (E. F.) Therapeutics of Homceotion. 12mo. paper, $1 00. Paris, 1848. pathy. Translated by Kempel. $3 50. - Les Confessions. Edition illustree par New York. Tony Johannot, Baron, Girardet, de 28 mag- Ruding, (Rev. R.) Annals of the Coinage nifiques vignettes. 1 vol. grand in 8, demi of Great Britain and its Dependencies, from maroquin, $6 00. Paris, 1545. the earliest period of Authentic History to the Le meme ouvrage broche, $4 00. Reign of Victoria. 3 vols. 4to. cloth, numerous Les Confessions. 12mo. brochie, $1 00; plates, $26 00. Lond. 1840. half mor. $1 50. Paris, 1846. Rues de Paris, (Les.) Paris, Ancien et Confessions Translated. 4 vols. 12mo. Moderne. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. paper, profusely illustrated with steel and wood engravings, R ousse 1. Systeme Physique et Moral de $6 50. Paris, 1844. la Femme. 12mo. paper, $1 00. Paris, 1845. 1Ruoff' s Repertory of Homceopathic Medicines. $1 50. New York. R o u t h' s Relique Sacrie; sive auctorum fere jam Perditorum secundi tertiique seculi post R u p p, (J. D.) History of all Religious DeChristum natum, que supersunt accedIunt nominations in the United States. 8vo. sheep, Synodi, et Epistolae Canonicse, Nicmeno Concilio $3 50. New York. Antiquiores. 5 vols. 8vo. cloth, $15 75. Rural Cemeteries of America. Oxford, 1846. 4to. mor. $11 00. New York. Roux de Luicy, (Le.) Les Cent nou- Rural Architecture. A Series of velles Nouvelles. 2 vols. 12mo. paper, $2 00. Drawings in the Italian style, for Villas, &c., Paris, 1841. made out practically as Working Plans, for the R o w an, (F.) New Modern French Reader. use of Gentlemen Building, with Forms of ConEdited by J. L. Jewett, 75 cents. New York. tract, Specifications, &c. Folio, bds. $6 00. R o w b o t h a m, (I.) Diamond Pocket Dic- London, 1843. tionary of the French and English Languages. R u s c h e n b e r g e r's Voyage round the 24mo. bound, $1 75. World in 1835-37. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $6 50. R o w e, (J.) New Principles of Political London. Economy. 8vo. $1 00. Boston. (W. S. W.) Natural History. 2 vols. R o w t o n, (Frederic.) The Female Poets of 12mo. half mor. $3 26. PhiLf Great Britain, Chronologically arranged, with Ru s h, (J.) On the Voice. 8vo. cloth, $3 00. Selections and Critical Remarks. 8vo. cloth, Philadelphia. $3 50. London, 1848. (R.) Memoranda of a Residence at the The Same, illustrated. Svo. cloth gilt, Court of London; comprising Incidents, Official $5 00; mor. $7 00. Phila. 1849. and Personal, from 1819 to 1825. 8vo. cloth, $ 150. Philadelphia. Royal Engineers. Papers on Subjects Philadelphia. connected with the Duties of the Corps of. R u skin, (John.) Modern Painters and LandVol. 1, second edition, plates and cuts. 4to. scape Painting. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $1 88. cloth, $4 7.5 - New York, 1848. ------ Vol. 2, second edition, plates and cuts. - Seven Lamps of Architecture. Imp. 4to. cloth, $7 26. Svo. embossed cloth, gilt top, 14 etchings, $6 50. London, 1849. Vol. 3, several plates and cuts- 4to. 14 etchings, 1 25. clt, 2.- 12mo. cloth, 14 etchings, $1 25. ~~~~~~cloth, $s~7 25t~. ~New York, 1849.....- Vol. 4, 40 plates and numerous cuts. 4to. R u ss e 1l, (W.) History of Modern Europe cloth, $8 50. to 1763, continued to 1825, by W. Jones. 3 Vol. 5, 60 plates and numerous cuts. vols. 8vo. sheep. New York. 4to. cloth, $11 00. (J. S.) Treatise on Steam and Stearz Vol. 6, 62 plates and 30 wood-cuts. 4to. Navigation. Post 8vo. cloth, $2 25. cloth, $11 00. Edinburgh, 184 - Vol. 7, plates and wood-cuts. 4to. cloth, Do. on Steam Engine, $2 25. $9 00. - (Jos.) A Treatise on Practical an. Vol. 8,plates and wood-cuts. 4to. cloth, Chemical Agriculture, with a Dissertation on $9 00. the Cultivation of the Soil. 8vo. $2 00......- Vol. 9, plates and wood-cuts. 4to. cloth, --- Life of Oliver Cromwell. 2 vols. 18mo. $11 00. London. cloth, $1 00. New York. Royle, (J.F.) Materia Medica and Thera- Russian and English Dictionpeutics, by Carson. 8vo. sheep, $3 50. ary. 18mo. bds. $1 50. London. Philadelphia. R u x t on' s Adventures in the Rocky Moun---- Botany of the Himalayan Mountains. 2 tains. 12mo. cloth, 63 cents. New York. vols. 4to. cloth, $70 00. London. ------- Life in the Far West. 12mo cloth, 63 Roxburgh, (W.) Description of Indian cents. New York, 1549. Plants. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $15 50. Lond. R y d e r, (A. P ) Practical Rules for Steering Roxburghe B allads, (The Book of.) from a Hurricane. 8vo. cloth, 63 cents. Lond. Edited by J. Payne Collier. Printed in imi- Rylan d, (J. E.) Lifj of John Foster. 2 tation of the old style. Small 4to. half mor. vols. in 1, 12mo. cloth, 1L 25. New York. $6 50. Lond. 184. S a a v e d r a, (Duc de Rivas.) Insurrection de Rubens, (P. P.) His Life and Genius Naples en 1847, traduite et precede d'une Translated from the German of Dr. Waagen, Introduction par Le Baron Leon D'Hervey. 2 by R. R. Noel. 12mo. cloth, $2 75. Loud. vols. Svo. broche, $3 00. Paris, 1849. Foreign and Amerzcan Books. 121 S ab b at h, (The); or, an Examination of the' Sa 1 e, (Sir R ) Note on the Defensive Works Six Texts commonly adduced from the New in Jellalabad. (Papers, R. E. vol. 6, 4to.) Testament in Proof of a Christian Sabbath. London. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. London, 1849. Salmon, (Geo.) Treatise on Conic Sections. S a bine, (L.) American Loyalists; or, Bio- 8vo. cloth, $3 75. London graphical Sketches of Adherents to the British S a 1t, (H.) Voyage to Abyssinia, and Travels Crown in the War of the Revolution. 8vo. into the Interior of that Country, with an Accloth, $2 75. Boston. count of the Portuguese Settlements on the - (Lieut. Col. iE.) Observations on Days East Coast of Africa. 4to. cloth, maps, charts, of unusual Magnetic Disturbance. Part 1, 4to. and plates, $5 50. London, 1844. cloth, $4 00. London, 1843. (Sam.) Statistics and Calculations re(Major E.) Report on the Magnetic garding Railways or Canals. 8vo. cloth, $2 12. Isoclinical and Isodynamic Lines in the British Manchester, 1845. Islands. 8vo. cloth, $1 50. Lond. 1839. Salter, (S. F.) Angler's Guide; being a Observations on Days of unusual Mag- Plain and Complete Practical Treatise on the netic Disturbance, made at the British Colonial Art of Angling,&c. 12mo.cloth, 88ood-cuts, Observatories, under the Departments of the $2 50. London, 1841. Ordnance and Admiralty. 8vo. bds. $3 50. Salverte, (E.) Philosophy of Magic, &c. London. Translated by A. T. Thomson. 2 vols. 8vo. S a c r e d H y m n s. Translated from the cloth, $2 50. London, 1841. German, by Frances E. Cox. 12mo. mor. gilt, Philosophy of Magic. 2 vols. 12mo. $2 00. London, 1841. cloth, $1. 00. New York, 1847. Sacred and Legendary Art. By Samuel, (E.) Historical Account of the Mrs. Jameson. With numerous illustrations British Army and of the Law Military. Com2 vols. Svo. $12 00. Lond. 1848. mentary on the Mutiny Act. Rules and ArtiSadler, (M. T.) Memoir of the Life and cles of War. Decisions of Courts Martial. 8vo. Writings of. 8vo. cloth, portrait, $1 25. half calf, $2 00. London, 1816. London, 1842. Sand, (G.) Jeannie. 2 vols. 12mo. paper, --- (Thos.) The Silent Pastor; or, Consola- $1 50. Bruxelles, 1845. tions for the Sick. lSmo. cloth, 50 cents. Le Meunier D'Angibault. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1848. paper, $1 75. Bruxelles, 1842. S a i n t e - B e u v e, Poesies completes. 12mo. Leone Leoni. 12mo. paper, 63 cents. paper, $1 00. Bruxelles, 1842. - Volupte. 12mo. paper, $1 00. Les Maitres Mosaistes. 12mo. paper, 63 Poesie franqaise au Seizieme siecle. cents. Bruxelles, 1842. l2mo. paper, $t 00. Paris. - Melchior, Mouny, Robin. 12mo. paper, Saintes, (Arnaud.) A Critical History of 50 cents. Bruxelles, 1S43. Rationalism in Germany, from its origin to Consuello. 4 vols. broche, $3 50. the present time. Translated and edited by Paris, 1845. Rev. Dr. Beard. 8vo. cloth, $3 00. _ Teverino. 12mo. paper, 63 cents. London, 1849. Bruxelles, 1845 Saint Edme. Repertoire generale des -The Works of. Translated by Matilda causes celebres anciennes et modernes. 15 M. Hays, viz.: The Last Aldini. Simon. vol. in 8, demi veau, $16 00. Paris, 1834. Mauprat. The Miller of Angibault. Letters Saintine, (X.) Picciola, edition illustree; of a Traveller. Andre. Mosaic Masters. 120 gravures sur bois, gravees par Porret, sur Oreo. Fanchette. The Companion of the les dessins de Johannot, Nanteuil, etc. 1 vol. Tour of France. 6 vols. 12mo. cloth, $7 50. grand in 8, $2 50. London, 1847. (X. B.) Picciola. l2mo. $1 00. (Me. Dudevant.) Consuelo. 2 vols. Paris, 1849. 12mo. bds. $1 50. Boston. Picciola. Imp. Svo. paper, illustrated The Countess of Rudolstadt; a Sequel with beautiful engravings, $3 00. Paris, 1847. to Consuelo. 2 vols. 12mo. $1 00. Boston. Saint-Pierre, (B. de.) Paul et Virginie Sands, (R. C.) The Writings of, in Prose la chaumiere Indienne. Imp. 8vo. paper, illus- and Verse, with a Memoir of the Author. 2 trated with a profusion of engravings on steel vols. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. New York, 1835. and wood, $7 50. Paris, 1839. Sand and Canvas. A Narrative of AdSaint Simon, (Le Duc de.) Memoirs ventures in Egypt, with a,Sojourn among the complets et authentiques sur le siecle de Louis Artists in Rome. Svo. cloth, colored plates, XIV. et la regence, publies sur le manuscrit $3 25. London. original entierement ecrit de la main de l'auteurS a n d b y' s Mesmerism and its Opponents. par le marquis de Saint Simon; nouvelle edi- 12mo. cloth, $1 50. London, 1848. tion, revue et corrigee; avec 38 portraits. 40 S an derson, (Bp.) Sermons, with Life of vol. en 39, demi veau, $25 00. Paris, 1840. the Author, by Izaac Walton, and Essay, by S a l a m b i e r. Principes d'Ornements pour Rev. R. Montgomery. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, l'architecture, depuis les fragments jusqu'aux $3 75. chapiteaux. Cours d'etudes dessines et graves S an d f o r d and M e r t on, (The Hisa la maniere du crayon, par Salambier Grand tory of,) by Mr. Thomas Day. 16mo. mor. in 4 de 40 planches, $4 00. gilt, plates, $1 50. London. 122 G. P. Putnzam's Catalogue of Sandham, (Capt.) On the Coast Defences Schefer, (L.) The Artist's Married Life; of Holland. (Papers, R. E. vol. 2, 4to.) Lond. being that of Albert Durer. Translated by Mode of Curing Smoky Chimneys, with Mrs. J. R. Stoddart. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Remarks on Count Rumford's System. (Pa- Boston, 1849. pers, R. E. vol. 2, 4to.) London. S c h e 1 i n g. Ecrits philosophiques et morS an d e y, (Archbishop.) The Sermons and ceaux propres a donner un idee generale de son Miscellaneous Pieces of. 8vo. cloth, $3 00. systeme. Trans. par Renard. 8vo. broche, London, Parker Society, 1841. $2 50. Paris, 1847. S a n i e r. Recueil complet de chiffres offrant S c h e u 1 t. Recueil d'Architecture levee et une collection de plus de 400 exemples a deux mesuree en Italie, par L.-F. Scheulte, architecte ou trois lettres au moyen desquels il est facile a Nantes. Un volume in-folio de 72 planches d'en composer d'autres et de les varier a l'in- avec texte, $12 00. Paris. fini. 34 pl. in-4o avec texte explicatif, 75 S c h i ll' s Outlines of Pathological Seminolocents. Paris, gy. 8vo. sheep, $1 75. Phila. S anti. Modeles de meubles et de decora- Schiller, (F.) Works Translated. Vols. tions interieures, tels que tables, secretaires, 1 to 4. 12mo. cloth, each 88 cents. commodes, bureaux, fauteuils, chaises, lits, London, 1847-49. alcoves, draperies de croisees, etc., dessines par Werke. 10 vols. 8vo. paper, beautifully Santi. Nouvelle edition composee de 86 pl. printed vols. 8vo. paper, beautifully epresentant un grand nombre de meubles de and illustrated with portrait, $9 00. tout les genres, a l'usage des ebenistes, tapis- Leipsic, 1844. siers, fabricants de bronze, etc. 1 vol. in-fol. History of the Revolt of the Netherlands. avec texte, $12 50. Paris. Trial and Execution of Counts Egmont and S a r tori us, (E.) The Person and Work Hon, and the Siege of Antwerp. 12mo cloth, of Christ. Translated by Rev. O. S. Stearns. 50 cents. New York, 1847. iSmo. cloth. Boston, 1S48. History of the Thirty Years' War. Sargeant, (F. W.) Minor Surgery. 12mo. Translated by Rev. A. J. W. Morrison. ]2mo. sheep, $1 50. Philadelphia. cloth, 50 cents. New York, 1846. (Epes.) Songs of the Sea and other The Bride of Messina. Translated by Poems. 12mo. bds. 75 cents. Boston. A. Lodge. 8vo. cloth, $1 37. Lond. 1841. S a v a g e, (Capt.) Description of the Landing Philosophical and.AEsthetic Letters and Wharf erected at Hobbs' Point, Milford Haven, Essays. Translated, with an Introduction, by for the Accommodation of Steam Packet Ser- J. Weiss. Post Svo. cloth, $1 25. Boston. vice at that Station, and of the Diving Bells Homage of the Arts. Translated by C. and Machinery used in the Erection. (Papers, T. Brooks. 12mo. bds. 03 cents. Boston. R. E. vol. 1, 4to.) London. - and Korner. Correspondence of; - (W.) A Treatise on the Preparationof and K0rner. Correspondence of; (W.) A Treatise on th and Colore d.prtion of comprising Sketches and Anecdotes of Goethe, Printing Inks, both Black and Colored. Svo. cloth, 812 50. London, 1832 the Schlegels, Wieland, and other contempora- Practical Hints on Decorative Printin ries, with Biographical Sketches and Notes, by illustrated with" "" Leonard Simpson, Esq. 3 vols. Svo. cloth, Folio, half mor. gilt tops, illustrated with col- $9 50. London, Esq1849. ored plates and specimens, $12 CO. London, 1842. Sc hle gel's Lectures on the Philosophy of Say, (J. B.) Political Economy. Svo. sheep, History. Translated from the German, by J. $1 75. Philadelphia. B. Robertson. 12mo. cloth, portrait, 88 cents. Saurin, (Rev. J.) Sermons. Translated, London,1847with additional Sermons, by Rev. S. Burder. Lectures on Dramatic Literature. Post 3 vols. 8vo. half calf neat, $7 50. Lond. 1836. 8vo. cloth, 88 cents. London. S c a r r o n. Le Roman Comique. Nouvelle Philosophy of Life and Language. 12mo. edition precedee d'une Notice sur l'auteur et cloth, 88 ceits. London. sur l'etat des lettres en France au dix-septieme Lectures on the History, of Literature. siecle par P. Christian. 12mo. broche, $1 00. 12mo. cloth, $1 50. London. Paris, 1846. Schleiden, (J. M.) Principles of Scientific Scenes on the Lakes; being a com- Botany; or, Botany as an Inductive Science. plete Guide to the Lakes, with Mr. Words- Translated by E. Lankester. 8vo. cloth, $6 00. worth's Description of the Scenery of the London, 1S49. Country. 12mo. cloth, plates and maps, $1 50. _ _ The Plant; a Biography, in a Series of Kendal, 1842. Popular Lectures. Translated by Arthur HenScenes in the Life of our Sa- frey. 5 colored plates and13 engravings. 8vo. viour. Edited by R. W. Griswold. Royal cloth, $4 50. London, 1848. 8vo. cloth gilt, plates, $3 00. Phila. 1848. Lives of the Patriarchs and Prophets. Schlosser, (F. C.) History of the EighEdited by the Rev. H. H. Weld. Royal Svo. teenth and Pai t of the Nineteenth Centuries. cloth gilt, plates, $3 00. Phila. 1848. Translated, with Notes, by D. Davidson. 6 Scenes and Thougts in Europe. vols. 8vo. cloth, $18 00. Lound. 1843-46. By an American. 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. S c h m it. Cours elementaire du dessin d'orNew York, 1848. nement, d'apres les types originaux de l'antiS c h a y e s, (A. G. B.) Treatise on the quite et du moyen-age, a l'usage des artistes, Pointed Style of Architecture in Belgium. des eleves et des ouvriers, par J. P. Schmit. Translated by H. Austin. 4to. bd. engravings, Un cahier de 27 planches petit in folio litho$3 25. Lond. 1545. graphiees, $4 00. Paris. Foreign and American Books. 123 S c h mit z, (Dr. L.) History of Rome. l2mo. S cot t, (Gen.) Infantry Tactics. 3 vols. cloth, 75 cents. New York. 12mo. cloth, plates, $2 50. New York. Grammar of the Latin Language. 12mo. And his Staff. Compiled from Public cloth, $ 00 Edinburgh, 1849. Documents and Private Correspondence. 12mo. S oh m u c k e r's Modern Infidelity. 12mo. cloth, portraits, $1 00. Phila. 1848. cloth, P1sl 00. Philadelphia. (James.) The Life, Letters, and Re- Psychology. l2mo. cloth, 1 00ork. mains of the Rev. Robert Pollok. 12mo. cloth, mit e (J.H) New York. portrait, 63 cents. New York, 1848. Sch mitzler, (J. H.) Statistique generate 6. methodique et complete de la France. 4 (Rev. Thos.) Family Bible. vols. Svo. paper, $9 00. Paris, 1846. 8vo. sheep, $12 00. Boston. c e Lo t P e 3 vols. imp. 8vo. cloth, $13 50. Lond. S c h o e n. L'Homme et on Perfectionnement. Theological Works. 8vo. cloth, $1 50. Svo. paper, $2 25. Paris, 1845. (V. raets Edinburgh, 1838. Scho mburg, (R. H.) History of Bar- (W. B.) Ornamentist; or. Artisan's badoes. Royal 8vo. cloth, $9 50. Lond. Manual, in the various Branches of Ornamental ----- Map to do. $6 50. London. Art, being a Series of Designs selected from S c h o m a n n, (G. F.) A Dissertation on the the best French and German Ornamentalists, Assemblies of the Athenians. $vo. cloth, &c. 4to. cloth, $16 00. Lond. 1845. $2 25. Cambridge, 1838. (Sir Walter.) Works complete, with School craft, (H. R.) Notes on the Iro- Life, by Lockhart. 98 vols. foolscap 8vo. quois; or, Contributions to American History, cloth, 198 engravings, best edition, $90 00; or Antiquities, and General Ethnology. 8vo. half mor. lettered, $130. London, 1829-89. cloth, colored plates, $2 50. Albany, 1848. -- Complete Works, with Life. (Abbotts~ —- Oneota; or, the Red Race of America. ford edition.) 17 vols. royal 8vo. cloth,numer8vo. cloth, $1 50. New York. ous wood-cuts and steel Engravings, $80 00. Sc h ram k e, (T.) Description of the New Waverly Novels. (A bbottsford edition. ) York Croton Aqueduct, in English, German, Waverly Novels. (Abbottsford edition.) York C~roton Aqueduct, in English, German, 12 vols. royal Svo. cloth, numerous plates and and French. 4to. 20 plates, $2 50. N. York. 12 volcuts, royal 0; calf gilt, marbled leaves Scituate, Mass. History of, to 1831, $SO 0o. Edin. 1842-46. by Thomas Dean. 8vo. cloth, $1 75. Boston. - Complete Works, i. e., Novels, Tales, Soc lavoni c, o r G la g oliti c G os - Prose, Poetry, Criticism, and Biography. 10 pels. Evangelia Sclavice: a singularly exact vols. Svo cloth, 10 00. Phila. 1847. and beautiful fac-simile of a very Ancient N- ovels and Tales. 48 vols. foolscap 8vo. Manuscript of the Sclavonic Gospels used at cloth, 9 plates, *36 00 Edin. 1829-83. the Coronation of the French Kings at Rheims, - Novels, Tales, and Romances. 25 vols. by M. Silvestre, with a Latin Translation oppo- 12mo. cloth, $20 00; half mor. $25 00. site. 4to. containing 63 finely engraved plates, Edinburgh, 1841-2. colored and illuminated, with a large plate of o- Do. (o. 5 vols. royal 8vo. cloth. (The the Sclavonic Characters; olive mor. richly edition,) $15 00. Edin. 1846. blind tooled in the old Style, leather joints and Waverlv Novels and Tldes. 27 vols. tooled edges, $30 50. Paris, 1843. 12mo. half roan, cloth sides, $18 00. Boston. (Only 100 copies printed.) Waverly Novels and Tales. 5 vols. 8vo. S c o ffe rn, (John.) The Manufacture of Su- cloth,,$5 00. Phila. 1847 gar in the Colonies and at Home Chemically Poetical Works. 12 vols. foolscap 8vo. considered. 8vo. cloth, $3 00. Lond. 1849. cloth, 24 engravings, $12 00. Edin. 1834. ------ Chemistry no Mystery. 12mo. cloth, - Do. do. 6 vols. 12mo. cloth, $6 00. $1 50. London. Edin. 1843. Sc o r e s by, (Rev. W.) Zoistic Magnetism. Poetical Works, containing The Lay of 12imo. cloth, $1 75. London, 1849. the Last Minstrel; Marmion; Lady of the Lake; Don Roderick; Rokeby; Ballads, LyrScott, (D.) The Engineer and Machinist's ics, and Songs. 1 vol. l6mo. cloth, $1 25; Assistant; being a Series of Plans, Sections, mom. $2 50. New York. and Elevations of Steam Engines, Spinning Poetical Works. Royal 8vo. cloth, 28 Machines, Mills for Grinding, Tools, &c., taken from Machines of Appoved Construction engravings from Turner, $4 50; minor. extra, from Machines of Approved Construction at 0 $8 00. Edinburgh, 1848. present in Operation, with Descriptions and _ _ Miscellaneous Prose Works. 28 vols. Instructions for Drawing Machinery. 2 vols. folio, half Russia, $20 00. London foolscap 8vo. cloth, 56 plates. $20 00. Edinburgh, 1834-36. Elements of Arithmetic and Algebra, - Miscellaneous Prose Works. 7 vols. for the use of the Royal Military College. 8vo. 8vo. paper, $5 25. Paris, 1837. cloth, $4 25. London. -_ Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. 8 --- Plane Trigonometry and Mensuration, vols. 12mo. cloth, 93 50. Phila. for the use of the Royal Military College. Svo. i Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft, cloth, $2 75. London. addressed to J. G. Lockhart. 12mo. cloth, ------- (R.) Practical Cotton Spinner; or, Man- $1 00. London, 1831. ufacturer's, or Manager's, Overlooker's, and The Lady of the Lake. 32mo. cloth, 50 Mechanic's Companion; being a comprehen- cents; mor. $1 25. New York. sive System of Calculations of Mill Gearing S c o t t ish Banker, (The.) A Popular and Machinery, with the most recent Improve- Exposition of the Practice of Banking in Scotments in Machinery. 8vo. cloth, plates, $4 00. land, by W. H. Logan. 18mo. cloth, 87 cents. London, 1846. Edin. 1845. 124 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of S e o u t e t t e n, (H.) On the Club Foot, &c. S e d gwi c k, (Miss.) Letters from Abroad. 8vo. sheep, t$2 00. Philadelphia. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $2 00. New York. Scribner, (J. M.) Engineer's, Contractor's, - Live and Let Live. 18mo. cloth, 50 and Surveyor's Pocket-Book. 12mo. $2 00. cents. New York. Engineer's and Mechanic's Companion. The Linwoods. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, 12mo. $1 50. New York. 1 50. New York. Scriptural Instruction fortheLeast and the Lowest; or, the Bible History in its Seguin, (E.) Noticesurla vie et les TraSimplest Form. 3 vols. t Smo. cloth, $s 50. vaux de Pereire Premier Instituteur des Sourds Bath, 14. et Muets en Fiance. 12mo. brochk, $1 00. Paris, 1847. Scrivener, (F. H.) A Supplement to the Paris, 1847. Authorized English Version of the New Testa- e 1lb y, (P. J.) A History of British Forest ment. Vol. 1, 8vo. cloth, $2 6. Trees Indigenous and Introduced. Illustrated.ickering, V1844. by nearly 200 engravings. Svo. cloth, $10 00. ~~~~~Pickering, 1844. t:London, 1842. (H.) A Comprehensive History of the Selden, (John.) Table Talk, with Preface, Iron Trade throughout the World, with an Ap- Notes and Life, by Si pendix, containing Official Tables and other 1848. London, 1s48. Public Documents. 8vo. cloth, $5 00. Lond. Another edition. 18mo. cloth, 75 cents. Scrope, (W.) Days and Nights of Salmon London, 75cents. Fishing, with a short Account of the Natural History and Habits of the Salmon, &c. Royal Selecta Praxis Medico-ChirurSvo. cloth, illustrated with plates fiom Land- gice quam Mosquae exercet Alexander Auvert, seer, &c. $10 00. London, 1843. Augustissimi omnium Russiarum Imperatorio Days of Deer Stalking in the Forest of Consiliarus Status, Medicinee et Chirurgite DoeAtholl, with some Account of the Nature and tor, etc. Typis et Figuris expressa Parisiis Habits of the Red Deer. Illustrated by en- Moderante AMsR. TARDIEU, Medice Facultatis gravings and wood-cuts, from Designs by the Parisiensis Professore, Nosoconisorum Civitatis Landseers. 8vo. cloth, $6 50. Lond. 1847. Medico, Anatomicie Societatis, ex-Preside, etc. L'ouvragre complet se composers de 24 livraiScudamore on the Production of Early sons distribuees en 4 parties. Chaque partie Swarms of Bees. 12mo. cloth,'75 cents. comnprend 6 livraisons de 5 planches chacune London. avec texte. Une livraison paraitra tous les Sears; (R.) Scenes and Sketches in Conti- deux mois. The first two parts, comprising 12 nental Europe, embracing Descriptions of livraisons, are now ready; price $60 00. Paris. France. Portugal, Spain, Italy, Sicily, Switzerland, Belgium, and Holland. 8vo. cloth, illus-S e 1 e t B r i t i s h P o e t s; containing the trated with numerous engravings, $2 50. Poetical Works of Milton, Cowper, Goldsmith,.New kYork, 184S. Thomson, Falconer, Akenside, Collins, Gray, - Bible Biography; or, the Lives an Somerville, Kirke White, Gay, Beattie, Burns, Chce Biof rap o the Paes r nd- Shenstone, Butler, Selections from Byron, HanCharacters of the Principal Personages record- nah More, Pope, Isaac Watts, Hayley, Mason ed in the Sacred Writings, &c. 8vo. cloth, Prior, Prahaoe, Logan, Dryden, Lyttleton, with several hundred engravings on wood, io Grh, an Lleo $2h 50. New Yorkn 1S48 feHammond, Charlotte Smith, Richardson, Bloom2 50. New York, 1S48. field, Gifford, and Canning. 4 vols. 12mo. S e a m a n, (E. C.) Essays on the Progress cloth, portraits and vignettes, $4 50. of Nations. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. New York. London, 1838. Sedgwick, (Miss.) Clarence; or, Twenty Select Christian Authors, with Years Since. 12mo. cloth, (uniform with Ir- Introductory Essays. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $3 00. ving's Works,) $1 25. New York, 1849. New York, 1849. Redwood. Author's revised edition, Senecam Opera Philosophica. complete in 1 vol. $1 25. New York. Ed. M. N. Bouillet. 3 vols. 8vo. t6 00.:-: — A New England Tale. 12mo. (In press.) Paris, 1827. New York, 1850. Senefelder, (A.) Complete Course of Stories for Young Persons. 1Smo. cloth, Lithography, and Art of Lithographic Printing, 50 cents. New York. with clear and explicit Instructions in all the The Morals of Manners; or, Hints for Branches of the Art, &c. 4to. plates, $4 50. our Young People. Square LSmo. cloth, wood- London, 1819. cuts, 25 cents. New York. Series of Instructive Examples ------ Facts and Fancies for School Day Read- in Architectural Engineering and Mechanical ing; a Sequel to Morals of Manners. Square Drawing. 30 plates in folio and 12mo. vol. of 18mo. cloth, 50 cents. New York, 1848. descriptive Text, $5 00. London. * —-- Means and Ends. 18mo. cloth, 50 cents. Sermon on the Mount Illuminated. New York. Paper, $2 00; mor. $4 00. Phila. - The Boy of Mount Rhigi. 18mo. cloth, S e r m o n s. The Scottish Pulpit, a Series of Sermons by the most eminent Divines of the The Poor Rich Man and the Rich Poor Scottish Church, forming a complete body of Man. 18mo. cloth, 50 cents. New York. Practical Divinity. 5 vols. 8vo. cloth, $7 50. Home. 18mo. cloth, 50 cents. Boston. Aberdeen, 1841. --- Hope Leslie. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. S e r vet us, (M.) The Life of, by W. H. New York. Drumrmond. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Lond. 1848. Foreign and American Books. 125 S e v i g n e, (Mme. de.) Nouveau choix des S h a k e s p e a r e's Plays. 7 vols. 8ro. cloth, Lettres. Cr. Svo. calf, gilt, portrait and vig- $10 00. Boston. nette, $2 00. Tours, 1S46ti. Works, with a Life, and a History of the Lettres choix nouveau tres conlplet, con- Stage, by Alexander Chalmers. 8 vols. Svo. tenant 318 lettres precede d'une notice et de cloth, portrait, $18 00. London, 1847. l'essai sur le style epistolaire par M. Suard. Plays, with his Life. Illustrated with 12mo. broch6, 81 00. Paris, 1847. Plays, ith his Lfe. Illustrated with many hundred wood-cuts. Edited by G. C. Lettres a su famille et a ses amis, aug- Verplanck, with Critical Introductions, Notes, mentee de plusieurs lettres inedites, des 105 &c.. original and selected. 3 vols. imp. 8vo. lettres publiees en 1814, des notes et notices half calf neat, $20 00; mor. extra, $25 00; de Gronvelle, et des reflexions de l'Abbe de cloth, $18 00. New York, 1847. Vauxcelles; precedees d'une nouvelle notice Dramatic Works. Edited,with Life,by biographique sur Mme. de Sevigne, accompagbiographique ur Me. de Sevigne, accompa- Thos. Campbell. Royal 8vo. cloth, portrait, nees de notes geographiques et historiques, par 00; calf, gilt back, marbled edges, 5 00; M. Gault do Saint Germzain. 25 portraits 84 00; calf, gilt backs, marbled edges, $5 00; M. Gault de Saint Germain. 25 portraits mor. gilt, $9 50. London. avant la lettre, desines par Deviera. 12 vols. in 8, veau, $30 00. Bowdler's Family edition, reprinted from the Sixth London edition. Svo. cloth, $3 00. ------ Lettres avec les Notes de tous les commentateurs. 6 vols. 12mo. $6 00. Paris, 1844. New York. - Dramatic Works. Complete in 1 vol. S e w all, (R. K.) Sketches of St. Augustine. Dramatic Works. Complete in 1 vol. Sewall, (R. K.) Sketches of St. Augustine. with Glossary. 12mo. cloth, gilt, S1 75. 12mo. cloth, plates, 63 cents. New York.2mo cloth, gilt, $ 75. London, 1849. S e w a r d, (John.) On Procuring Supplies Poems. 32mo. cloth, 75 cents. Phila. of Water for Cities and Towns, by BoUing. (Trans. I. C. E. vol 1, 4to.) Songs. Illustrated by the Etching Club. 4to. cloth,.8 00. London. Se w ell, (Miss.) Gertrude. 12mo. cloth,8 00. London. 75 cents. New York, 1848. ---- Seven Ages of Man. Illustrated by wood Margaret Percival. 2 vols. 1 2mo. cloth, engravings, from original Designs, by Mulready. $1 5:). New York, 1847. 8vo. cloth, gilt, $1 75. London. Walter Lorimer and other Tales. 12mo. Autobiographical Poems; being his Soncloth, plates, 7) cents. New York, 18,19. nets clearly developed with his Character, Amy Herbert; a Tale. 12mo. cloth, 75 drawn chiefly from his Works. & Charles cents. New York, 184S. A. Brown. Post 8vo. cloth, 88 cents. ------ (Rev. Wm.) Christian Morals. 12mo. London, 1838. cloth, $1 00. London, 1842. - Portfolio; a Series of 96 graphic IllusHistory of the Quakers. 2 vols. 8vo. trations, after Designs by the most eminent sheep, $3 50. New Yorlk. British Artists, including Smirke, Stothard, Stephanoff, Cooper, Westall, Hilton, Leslie, Se ym o u r' s Humorous Sketches; compris- Briggs, Corbould, Clint, &c., beautifully ening 86 exceedingly clever and amusing Carica- graved by Heath, Greatbach, Robinson, Pye, ture etchings, on steel. Illustrated by Alfred Finden, Engleheart, Armstrong, Rolls, and Crowquill. 2 vols. in 1, royal 8vo. cloth extra, others, in a case, with leather back. Imp. 8vo. gilt edges, $5 5:). 1843. $6 5o. Sganzi n, (M. J.) An Elementary Course - The Book of Shakspeare Gems; a Series of Civil Engineering, with Notes and Applica- of 45 Landscape Illustrations, finely engraved tions adapted to the United States. Translat- on steel, of some of the most interesting localied from the French. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. Boston. ties of Shakespeare's Dramas. 1 elegant 8vo. Shakespear, (J.) Hindustani Grammar. vol. rich Turkey mor. $7 00. Royal 8vo. bds. $4 25. London. Gallery of Female Characters, engraved Hindustani Selections. 2 vols. 4t,. bds. by Heath. Royal 8vo. mor. gilt edges, $9 00. $10 75. London. New York. - Introduction to f[industani. Royal 8vo. - Novels. 3 in 1 vol. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. cloth, $7 25). London. New York. S h a k e s p e ar e. A Reprint of the First Folio b h a d w e 11, (C. F. A.) Tables for FacilitaEdition of Heminge and Condell, in 1623. ting the Approximate Prediction of OccultaFolio, whole bound in calf, fine copy, portrait, tions and Eclipses for any Particular Place. $15 00. London, 1808. 8vo. bds. $1 75. London. ------ Knight's Pictorial edition, with Biography. Best edition. 8 vols. imp. 8vo. calf ex- S haw, (Thos. B.) Outlines of English Litertra, $40 00; half mor. $838 00. Lond. 1839-42. ature. 12mo.cloth,'1 25. Phila. 1849 - New edition. 7 vols, imp. 8vo. cloth, -- (S) The Chemistry of the several numerous engravings, $18 00; half mor. $24 00; Natural and Artificial Heterogeneous Comcalf, $25 00. Lond. 1848. pounds used in Manufacturing Porcelain, Glass, Plays and Poems. Valpy's Cabinet Pic- and Pottery. Royal 8vo. half calf, neat, $3 50. torial edition, with Life, Glossarial Notes, and (Only 250 copies of this work were printed.) Historical Digests of each Play, &c. 15 vols. London,1887. foolscap 8vo. with 171 plates engraved on (Edward.) Rural Architecture. 4to. steel, cloth, $13 50. 1843. sheep, $5 00. Boston. 126 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of S h a w, (H.) Illuminated Ornaments, selected S h e w, (Joel.) Water Cure. 12mo. cloth, from Manuscripts of the Middle Ages. 4 to. $1 00. New York. half bound, colored plates, $35 00. Loud. 1833. _ _ Hand-Book of Hydropathy. 12mo. cloth,.- and B rid g e n' s Designs for Furni- 75 cents. New York, 1844. ture, with Candelabra and Interior Decoration. 60 plates, royal 4to. half bound mor. uncut, lar Work on the Health Diet, ac. of Females $8 5o. London, 1835. and Children, with a full Account of the Pro--- Encyclopeedia of Ornaments. 4to. half cesses of the Water Cure. Revised by Dr. J. bound, plates, $8 50. London, 1842. Shew. 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. New York. Dresses and Decorations of the Middle Ages from the Seventh to the Seventeeth Cen- A ssistant by Blunt. 8vo. cloth 4 t's tury. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. cloth, beautifully il- NeA ork. luminated plates, $38 00. Lond. 1840-43. ew York. lumnaedplte,.38.The Rubric804 S h i r l e y, a Tale, by Currer Bell, Author of Sharpe, (Thomas, D. D.) The Rubricin the Jane Eyre. 12mo. cloth $1 0. Book of Common Prayer, and the Canons of, the Church of England. 8vo. cloth, $2 25. Oxford, 1834. S hi r 1 e y's Dramatic Works and Poems, --- (Archbishop.) The Life and Times of, ~with Notes, by W. Gifford, and an Account of by Henry Stephens. Svo. cloth, $3 50. Lond. Shirley's Life and Writings, and Additional Corresponding Atlas; comprising 54 Notes, by A. Dyce. 6 vols. 8 vo. cloth, $9 00, maps, constructed upon a System of Scale and ge paper. London, Proportion, from the most recent Authorities, S hob e r 1, (F.) Persecutions of Popery. 2 with a copious Consulting Index. Folio, half vols. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. London, 1844. mor. $10 00; colored, $15 00. 1849. Excursions in Normandy, illustrative of - (C.) Architectural Parallels; or, the the Character, Manners, Customs, and TradiProgress of Ecclesiastical Architecture traced tions of the People, &c., selected from the through the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries, Journal of a Traveller, by F. Shoberl. Plates, exhibited in a Series of Parallel Examples. 2 vols. post 8vo. cloth, $3 00. Lund. 1841. Folio, 121 tinted plates, half mor. $72 00. S h o o t e r' s Hand-Book; a Treatise on ~-0 London, 1849. Shooting. Post 8vo. cloth, $1 75. London. Shae, (W.) and Quain, (J.) Anato ni.Eddited by Joseph Leidy. 2 vols. vo. S h o r e s, (The,) and Islands of the Meditervheep, 500 illustratios, $6 50. Phila. 1849. ranean. Drawn by Temple, Leitch, Irton, and Allen. 3 vols. 4to. cloth gilt, $18 00. Sheil, (Hon. R. L.) Speeches, with a Me-tch of the moir. Edited by Thomas McNevin. 8vo. cloth, Short, (Thos. V.) $1 75. Dublin, IS45' the Church of England to the Revolution in 1688. 8vo. cloth, $4 00. Lond. 1840. Shel don, (F.) The Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border; being a Collection of Scottish Shuckard, (W. E.) The British ColeopBallads, Ancient, Remodelled, and Original, tera delineated, consisting of Figures of all the founded on well known Border Legends. Genera of British Beetles. Drawn in outline, Small 4to. beautifully printed in old style, by W. S. Spring. Svo. cloth, $5 50. $4 50. London, 1847. London, 1840. Shelley, (Percy Bysshe.) Poetical Works. Sibley, (C. K.) and Rutherford, (W.) Edited by Mrs. Shelley. 3 vols. foolscap Svo. Tables for Estimating the Contents in Cubic cloth, $4 00. London,1846. Yards of the Earthwork of RIailways and other Public Works 4to. cloth, $:4 2:5i. Lond. 18-17. The Same. 1 vol. royal Svo. cloth, $4 50; half Public Works. 4to. cloth, r4 25. Lond. 1847. Sib o r n e, (Capt W.) Waterloo Campaigns. calf, gilt, $6 00. Svo. cloth, maps, $2 00. Phila. 1845. Essays, Letters, Translations, and Frag- War in France and Belgium in 181 ments. Edited by Mrs. Shelley. 2 vols. 8vo. --- Wr in France and Belgium in 815. cloth, $3 50. Moxon, 1840. 8vo. cloth, with folio atlas of maps, -$9 50. Works. Edited by Foster. 12mo. $1 50. London. New York. Sid dons, (Mrs.) The Life of, by Thomas Life of, by Captain Medwin. 2 vols. Campbell. 12mo. cloth, portrait, $1 50. 12mo. cloth, $4 50. London, 1848. London. Shepherd, (C. U.) Treatise on Mineral- Sidney, (Rev. E.) Life of Rev. Rowland ogy. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $1 50. London. Hill. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. New York, 1S34. Sheridan, (Rt. Hon. B.) Speeches, witha (Hon. H.) Diary of the Times of Charles Sketch of his Life. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, $6 00. I.; including his Correspondence with the London,!1842. Countess of Sutherland, &c. 2 vols. Svo. cloth, - (R. B.) Dramatic Works. Complete in $2 75. London, 1843. 1 vol. 12mo. cloth, portrait, 88 cents. (Algernon.) Discourses concerning GovLondon, 1848. ernment. 2 vols. Svo. cloth, $3 50. Phila. S h e r l o c k, (Thos.) Discourses and Dissertations. 4 vols. 8vo. cloth, $7 75. Sigourney, (Mrs.) Scenes in my Native Oxford, 1842. Land. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. Boston, 1843. Sherwood, (Mrs.) Works. Complete ir -- Pleasant Memories of Pleasant Lands. 16 vols. 12mo. cloth, $13 50. New York 12mo. cloth, $1 25. Boston, 1844. Foreign and American Books. 127 Si gourney, (Mrs.) Poems, with 14 splen- Sim ms, (F. W.) Rules for Making and Redid illustrations from Designs by Darley. 8vo. pairing Roads. Svo. 75 cents. Lond. cloth gilt, $4 50; mor. $6 00. Phila. 1849. Public Works of Great Britain; RailO 9 f - Public Works of Great Br itain. RailSilk, Cotton, Linen, and Wool. ways, Tunnels, Bridges, Stations, Gas Works, History of Manufacture of, &c. 8vo. cloth, Canals, Locks, Canal Boats, Docks, Quays, $:3 00. New Yorlk. Harbors, &c.. Imp. folio, half mor. 153 plates, Silliman, (B. Jr.) First Principles of some colored, $32 0,0. London. Chemistry, for the use of Colleges and Schools. History of South C 12mo. sheep, $1 00. Phila. 1845. 12ro. sheep, $1 00. New Haven. S i I v e st r e' s Great Work of Ornamental **-..Geoglraphy of South Carolint. 1 21o. 75 Alphabets. Collection d'Alphabets Histories cents. Nea Hoven. et Fleuronnes, tires des diverses Bibliotheques de l'Europe. 60 beautiful plates, many of Life of Capt. John Smith. 122mo. cloth, lwhich are colored, atlas folio, (uniform with wood-cuts, $1 13. New York. the same author's great work, the Paleographie Life of the Chevalier Bayard. 12mo. Universelle,) $12 50. Paris, 1843. cloth, $1 00. New York. --- Paleographie Universelle, ou Collection The Wig(wam and the Cabin. 12mo. de fac-simile d'Ecritures de tous les Peuples et cloth, $1 25. New York, 1845. de tous les temps, tires des plus Authentiques Views and Reviews in American LiteraManuscrits existant dans les Archives et les Bibliotheques de France, d'Italie, d'Allemagne, Ne. I orl, IS415. et d'Angleterre; par M. Silvestre. Accom- n, pagnes d'Explications, Historiques et Descrip- Life of General Malion. 12mo. cloth, tives, par MM. Champollion Figeac et Aime $1 13. New York Champollions fils. 4 vols. atlas folio, contain- --- Mellichampe; a Legend of the Santee. ing upwards of 300 large and most beautifully 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $1.50. New York. executed fac-similes, on copper and stone, of M — artin Faber and other Tales. 2 vols. the finest and most interesting manuscripts of 12mo. cloth, $1 25. New York. every age and nation, drawn and painted The Partisan. 2 vols. 12mo. 81 25. by J. B. Silvestre, Calligraphist to the King New York. of France, firom the most authentic Documents, Missals, and other MSS. existing in France, S i m mon s, (T. F.) Remarks oi the ConstiItaly, Germany, and England, most richly illu- tution and Practice of Courts Matfffa, with a minated in the finest style of art. Unbound, Summary of the Laws of Evidence as connectin parts, $315 00. Paris, 1841. ed with such Costs. 8vo. cloth, $5 00 Lond.The Same. 4 vols. atlas folio, splendidly - Ideas as to the Effect of Heavy Ordnance half bound mor. gilt edges, $360 00. directed against and applied by Ships of War, Th —'e Same. 4 vols. atlas folio, splendidly particularly with reference to the use of Holbound in mor. gilt edges, by Wright, $420 00. low Shot and Loaded Shells. 8vo. plates, bds. S i m c o e' s Military Journal; a History of the $2 50. London, 137. Operations of a Partisan Corps called the Sim on, (J. F.) The Chemistry of Man. 8vo. Queen's Rangers, commanded by Lieut. Col sheep, $3 50. Philadelphia. J. G. Siiocoe during the War of the American Revolution, with Memoir of the Author. Imp. pimpson, (J. Y.) Anaesthesia; or,theEm8vo. hds. illustrated with 10 maps and plans ployment of Chloroform and Ether in Surgery, of Balttles, colored, $2 00. TNew Yorl;, 1544. Midwifery, &c. Svo. cloth, ~1 25. Phila. 1849. S i m e on' s Works, including his Skeletons of -- (F.) A Series of Ancient Baptismal Sermons and Horae Hornileticae; or, Discourses Fonts, Norman, Early English, Decorated Engdlgest,-d into one continued Series, and forming lish, and Perpendicular English. Imp. 8vo. a Comimentary upon every Book of the Old cloth, 40 plates, $4 75. London. and New Testament; to which are annexed Narrative of the Discoveries on the North an improved edition of Claude's Essay on the Coast of America, effected by the Officers of Composition of a Sermon, and very compre- the Hudson's Bay Company. 8vo. cloth, maps, hensive Indexes. Edited by Rev. Thomas $1 25 London, 1843. Hartwell Horne. 21 vols. 8vo. extra cloth, (A.) Life and Travels of Thomas Simp$35 00. London, 1836. son, the Arctic Discoverer. Svo. cloth, portrait, i m m s, (F. W.) Treatise on the Principles London, 1845. and Practice of Levelling Plates. Third edition. 8vo. cloth, $2 25. London. (Thos.) Select Exercises for Young Proficients in the Mathematics. 12mo. half Railways. Illustrated by 83 engravings, bound, 1 00. Lond. 1.792. with explanatory Text, containing the Specifications of the Works as executed. Folio, half (Sir George.) Narrative of a Journey mor. $15 00. London. round the World, (luring the Years 1841,'42. A Treatise on the Principal Mathemati- 2 vols. Svo. cloth, portrait and map, $8S 50. cal and Drawing Instruments employed by the London, tS47. Engineer, Architect, and Surveyor. Third edi- American edition. 8vo. cloth, $1 75. tion, with a description of the Theodolite, to- Philadelphia. gether with instructions in Field-work. Com- S i m s o n, (R) The Elements of Euclid, (the piled for the use of Students on commencing parts read at the University of Cambridge,) Practice, with numerous wood-cuts. 12mo. with Geometrical Problems for Solution. cloth, $1 75. London, 1849. 12mo. $1 75. London. 128 G. P. Putnin's Catalogue of Sinclair, (Cath.) HIolliday House; aSeries S luice-Gate. Investigation of the Posiof Tales. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. New York. tion of the Horizontal Axis of a Self-Acting Scotland and the Scotch. 12mo. cloth, Sluice-Gate. Translated from the Memorial 75 cents. N'ew York-. du Genie. (Papers, R. E. vol. 1, 4to.) Lond. - Shetland and the Shetlanders. 12mo' iSm all B ook s on Great Subjects. 3 vols. cloth, 88 cents. New York. 12mo. cloth, $2 50. Philadelphia. - Modern Accomplishments. 12mo. cloth, S ime dle y, (E.) History of Reformation in 75 cents. France. 3 vols. 12mo. cloth, $1 50. Modern Society. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. New York. New York. Sketches from Venetian History. 2 vols. S inn e t, (Mrs. P.) By-Ways of History from 12mo. cloth, $1 00. New York. the Twelfth to the Sixteenth Century. 2 vols. History of France from A. D. 843 to post 8vo. cloth, $2 50. London. 1529. Svo. cloth, with map, $1 75. London, 1835. S in n o t t, (J.) Manual of Light Infantry andon, 1835. other Duties. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. Lond. 1849. Sine e, (A.) The Sources of Physical Science. 8vo. cloth, $3 25. London, 1843. Sir r, (Henry Charles) China and the Chi-,, nese: their Religion, Character, Customs, and -- Elements of Electro-Biology; or, the Ialufactures; the Evils arising fi-om the Voltaic Mechanism of Man; of Electro-PathoOpium Trade, with a Glance at our Religious, and of lMoral, Political, and Commercial Intercourse Electro- Iherapeutics. Numerous engravings on wood. 8vo. cloth, $3 25. Lond. 1849. with the Country. Plates. 2 vol. 8vo. cloth, on wood. 8vo. clot, $3 25 Lond. 1849..$7 50. London, 1849. Elements of Electro-Metallurgy. New Si s m o n d i, (Simonde de.) Iistoire des edition, Svo. cloth, $4 50. London, 1849. Republiques Italiennes du moyen age; nou-. The Potato Plant, its uses and Properties, velle edition, ornes de belles gravures sur acier. together with the Causes of the Present Mala10 vol. in 8, demi veau, $18 00. Paris, 1840. dy, the Extension of that Disease to other 1-Histoire des FranSais. 31 vols. in 8, Plants, the Question of Famine arising theredemi vean, $70 00. Paris, 1821-42. from, and the best Means of Averting that History of the Fall of the Roman Em- Calamity. Svo. cloth, $2 00. Lond. 1846. pire; comprising a View of the Invasion and American edition. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. Settlementlof the Barbarians. 2 vols. foolscap New York. Svo. cloth, $3 50. London, 1832. S m e 11 i e, (W.) Philosophy of Natural HisHistory of the Literature of the South of tory. 1 2mo. cloth, $1 00. Boston. Europe. Translated by Roscoe, with Notes, Smirke's Specimens of Continental Archiby Cary, and a Memoir of the Author, and an tecture. Folio, colored plates, $4 50. Lond. enlarged Index. 2 vols. post 8vo. cloth, $1 75. Illustrations of the Architectural OrnaLondon, 1846. ments and Embellishments, and Painted Glass Political Economy and the History of of the Temple Church, London, from Drawings Government; a Series of Essays selected from by W. R. H. Essex. 4to. half mor. colored the Works of M. de Sismondi, with an Histori- plates, $13 50. London, 1845. cal Notice of his Life and Writings, by M. t. A Mignet. Translated by Roscoe, and illustrated Smith, (Miss Ann) Drawing-Book of Flowby Extracts from an unpublished Memoir, and ers. 15 plates, 8vo. cloth, 3 50. Baltimore. M. de Sismondi's Private Journals and Letters. (Albert.) Pottleton Legacy; a Story 8vo. cloth, $3 50. London, 1847. of Town and Country Life, with Illustrations, History of the Italian Republics, or of by H. K. Browne. 12mo. cloth, $2 00. the Origin, Progress, and Fall of Freedom in London, 1849. Italy, A. D. 476 to 1805. Foolscap Svo. cloth, -- (Augustus W.) An Elementary Treatise $1 75. London, 1l34. on Mechanics, embracing the Theory of Statics l —- 12mo. cloth, 63 cents. Neavw York. 1and Dynamics, and its Application to Solids i and Fluids. 8vo. cloth, $1 50. N. York, 1849. S ix D r a m a s, Illustrative of German Life, from the original of Princess Amelia of Saxony. --- (A.) An Inquiry into the Wealth of Illustrated with 6 outline plates. 8vo. cloth, Nations. Edited by MIacculloch. Svo. cloth, $3 00. London, 1848. $5 50. London. Sketches, by Boz. Svo. cloth. $1 25. - Cheap edition. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Philadelphia. - -- Do. with a Commentary by the Author - (The.) Three Tales; Walter Loriner. of "England and America." 4 vols. 122mo. The Emblems of Life, and the Lost Inher- cloth, $4 00. London, 1848. itance. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. New York, 1849. --- (C. H.) Lithology; or, Observations on Skinner, (J. S.) The Dog and the Sports- Stone used for Building. 4to. plates, 1 75. man; embracing the Uses, Breeding- Training, London, 1845. Diseases, &c., &c.; also, Hints to Shooters, -- The Natural History of the Human with various useful Receipts. Illustrations, Species; its Typical Forms, Primeval Distri12mo. 75 cents. Philadelphia. buting Filiations and Migrations. 12mo. cloth, Slick, (Sam.) Clockmaker; or,theSaying 34 colored plates, $2 50. London,1848. and Doings of Sam Slick of Slickville; to The Ancient Costume of Great Britain which is added, the Letter Bag of the Great and Ireland, from the Sixth to the Sixteenth Western, or Life in a Steamer. 8vo. paper, 75 Century. Folio, half mor. gilt, colored plates, cents. Paris, 1841. $25 00. London, 1848. Foreign and American Books. 129 Smith, (C. J.) Historical and Literary Curi- Smith, (Rev. Sidney.) Miscellanies. 8vo. osities; consisting of fac-similes of Original cloth, $1 00. Philadelphia. Documents and Autographs, Scenes of Remark.. Sermons. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Phila. able Events and Interesting Localities, Birth-. - _ Z s 1 D D t(W.) Dictionary of Greek and Roman places, Residences, Portraits, and Monuments d Roma Biography and Mythology. Illustrated with of Eminent Literary Characters, &c. 4to. half. s I v w numerous engravings on wood. 3 vols. royal mor. top gilt, 100 curious and interesting plates, 8vo. cloth, e1r 00. Lond. 1r44-49. 4 00. London, 1840. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiqui(E.) Account of a Journev through North-. (E.) Account of a Jourey through North- ties. Second edition, illustrated'with numerEastern Texas, undertaken in 1849, for the ous wood engravings. Thick royal 8vo. cloth, purposes of Emigration, &c. 12mo. cloth, 2 $5 00. London, 149. maps, 88 cents. London, 1849. maps, 88cents.London,-1 Chronological Tables of Greek and Ro- (Mrs. E. O.) Salamander; a Legend for man History, Civil an Literary from the Crsms oclt,7cet. man History, Civil and Literary, from the Christmas. 12mNo. cloth, 75 cewnts. rk First Olympiad, B. C. 776, to the Fall of the Ne ork, 188. Western Empire, A. D. 476, with Tables of (D.) The Practical Dyer's Guide; corm-. Greek and Roman Measures, Weights, and prising Practical Instructions in the Dyeing of Money. Svo. cloth, $1 50. Lond. 1849. Shot Cobourgs, Silk Striped Orleans, colored Or- (W. T.) Parturition and the Principles leans, from Black Warps, White Warps, &c., and Practice of Obstetrics. 12mo. sheep, $1 50. &c., with Patterns: to which the Art of Pad- Philadelphia, 1849. ding is annexed. Svo. cloth, $19 00. Smollett, (T.) Complete Works. 8vo. London,1849 cloth, $i 50. Philadelphia. (J. T.) On the Methods of Illuminating _ I Light-Houses, with a Description of a Recipro- Roderick Random. 12mo. sheep, 88 cating Light. (Trans. I. C. E. vol. 2, 4to.) cents. New York. London. - Peregrine Pickle. 8vo. paper, 50 cents. Essay on the Method of Illuminating Philadelphia. Light-Houses, with a Description of a Recipro- S myth, (Capt.) Cycle of Celestial Objects, cating Light.-On a New System of Fixed for the use of the Naval, Military, and Private Lights. (Papers, R. E. vol. 5, 4to.) Lond. Astronomers. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $11 00. Madras Light-House. Report of Progress London. in the Execution of the Newv Mlacllinery andlOn the Construction of Barracks for Illuminating Apparatus for the Madras Light. Tropical Climates. (Papers, R. E. vol. 2, 4to.) Description of a New Hydro-Pneumatic Lamp. London. (Papers, R. E. vol. 5, 4to.) London. (Mrs. Gillespie.) Memoirs and Corres(F. H.) Bot's Analytical Geometry. pondence of Sir Robert Murray Keith. 2 vols. (F. H.) cr. c vo. cloth, portraits, $7 50. Lond. 1849. 8vo. cloth, $1 25. New York. ctNe o - (J. W.) An Exposition of various Pas(Rev. G.) The Consular Cities of China - (J. W. An Exposition of various Pas 2mo. cloth, $1 25. New)TheConsularCits o. * sages of Scripture for the use of Families for every Day in the Year. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, - (John.) History of Virginia. 2 vols. $2 50. London, 1842. 8vo. cloth, $6 00. Richmond. (W.) Lectures on Modern History, from - - Memoirs of the Marquis of Pombal, with the Irruptions of the Northern Nations to the Extracts from his Writings. 2 vols. vo. cloth, close of the American Revolution, with a Pre$6 50. London, 1843. face, List of Books on American History, &c., (J. and H.) Rejected Addresses; or, by Professor Sparks. A new edition, 8vo. the new Theatrum Poetarum. Foolscap Svo. cloth, S3 B0. Boston, 1849. bds. Twentieth edition, portraits,,$l 50. Lectures on the French Revolution. 3 London, 1841. vols. Svo. cloth, $9 50. London. ------ (J. V. C.) NaturalHistory of the Fishes Evidences of Christianity. Second ediof Massachusetts. $1 50. Boston. tion, foolscap 8vo. cloth, $1 50. Lond. 184S. ----- (J. M.) Elements of Etiology and( Phi- Sn e ll, (J.) Guide to Operations on the losophy of Epidemics. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Teeth. Svo. sheep, $1 00. Phila. New York. S n e llin g, (1H. H.) The History and Prac----- (J. P.) The Relation between the Holy tice of the Art of Photography; or, the ProScriptures and some parts of Geological Sci- duction of Pictures by the Agency of Light. ence. Fifth edition, greatly enlarged. 8vo. 12mo. cloth, woodl-cuts, $1 00. N. York, 134-9. cloth, $2 75. Lonedon, 1848. Sn o w, (Jos.) Light in Darkness; or, Ser- On Scripture and Geology. 12mo. cloth, mons in Stones, Churchyard Thoughts in Verse. $1 25. New York. Square cr. 8vo. with designs for Headstones, - — and Horner's Anatomical Atlas. $1 50. London, 1845. 8vo. cloth, $5 00. Philadelphia. (R.) Observations on Imitation. 12mo. (Major J. T.) Observations on the Du- cloth, 75 cents. London. ties and Responsibilities involved in the Man- S n o w b a ll, (J. C.) The Elements of Plane agement of Mints. 8vo. bds. $2 25. and Spherical Trigonometry. 8vo. bds. $3 00. Madras, 1848. London. - - (J. A.) Productive Farming; a Familiar Elements of Mechanics. Svo. cloth, $2 25. Digest of the most Recent Discoveries of Lie- London. big, Davy, Johnstone, and other celebrated S o a m e s, (Rev. H.) The Latin Church duWriters on Vegetable Chemistry, &c. 12mo. ring Anglo-Saxon Times. 8vo. cloth, $4 50. paper, 50 cents. New York. London, 1848. 130 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Soane, (Sir John.) Public and Private Build- So uth, (I. F.) Household Surgery; or, ings. Folio, 56 plates, etched by Coney, $12 50. Hints on Emergencies. 12mo. cloth, $1 50. London. London. S oily, (E.) Syllabus of a complete Course --- (Theophilus.) Illustrated Fly-Fisher's of Lectures on Chemistry, including its Appli- Text-Book. A complete Guide to the Science cations to the Arts, Agriculture, and Mining. of Trout and Salmon Fishing, with 23 beautiful 8vo. cloth) $1 50. London, 1848. steel engravings. 8vo. cloth, $3 00. (Sam.) On the Brain. 8vo. sheep,London, 145. $O2 a5. Philadelphia. (Robert.) Sermons. 4 vols. 8vo. cloth, $2.Piaepi. $8 00. Philadelphia. Somerv ille, (Mary.) Connection of the ____- Sermons Preached on several Occasions, Physical Sciences. 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. including the Posthumous Discourse. 5 vols. New York. 8vo. cloth, $15 00. Oxford, 1842. Physical Geography. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. South g a t e, (Bp.) Narrative of a Visit to Philadelphia, 1848. tthe Syrian Church of Mesopotamia, &c. 12mo. S o n gs in the Des e rt; or, Bible Glean- cloth, with maps, $1. 00. New York. ings. 18mo. mor. gilt, 50 cents. London. Narrative of a Tour through Armenia, Son g s, M a drigals, an da s o n n et s. Kurdistan, Persia, and Mesopotamia. 2 vols. A Gathering of some of the most Pleasant 12mo. cloth, $1 50. New York. Flowers of Old English Poetry. Set in borders S o u t h e y, (Caroline.) Poetical Works. of colored ornaments and vignettes. Square 12mo. cloth, $1 00. New York. 16mo. fancy binding, 83 00. Lond. 1849. Chapters on Churchyards. 12mo. paper, S on g o f S o l o m o n. Illustrated by Owen 50 cents. New York. Jones. Post 8vo. embossed calf, gilt leaves, (Robert.) Complete Poetical Works. 1 $6 London. vol. royal bvo. cloth, portrait and vignette, Sophia Dorothea, (Consort of George View of Keswick, $6 00. London, 1845. I.) Memoirs of; including a Diary of the Con- - Poetical Works. 8vo. cloth, $3 50; versations of Illustrious Personages of those inor. $6 oJ. New York. Courts. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, Oliver Newman; a New England Tale, $6 00. London, 1848. (unfinished,) and other Poetical Remains. S o p-h o c l e s. The Antigone of, in Greek and 12mo. cloth, $1 50. Lond.1845. English, with an Introduction and Notes, by J. Chronicle of the Cid, from the Spanish. W. Donaldson. 8vo.cloth, $3 00. Lond. 1848. vo. cloth, $2 00. Lowell, 1846. T ragtedize, cum Scholiis bet. versione Common-Place Book. First Series, Latina- et Notis ex. ed. R. F. B. Brunck. 2 choice passages. Square. cr. 8vo. cloth, $3 75. vols. royal 8vo. bds. $6 00. Oxon, 1808. London, 1849. Ed. G. DindorfiiL 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $5 0. - American Edition. 8vo. cloth, $1 25. Oxon, 1836, New York, 1S49. Translated by Thomas Fracklin. vol. The Doctor. A new edition, edited by n12mo. cloth, b0 cents. New York. his Son-in-Law, J. W. Warter. Royal Svo. 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. New York. The Oxfrd Translation into Enlish cloth, portrait, $5 50. London, 1849. Prose 1i2mo. cloth, portrait, $I 2.5. - T lhe Book of the Church. 8vo. calf extra, Londbn, 1849. $5 00. London, 1$41. Sop with, (T~hos.) Treatise on Isometrical -'The History of Brazil. 3 vols. 4to. cloth, Drawing. 8vo. cloth, $3 75. London. $12 00. London, 1810-19. Geological Plans and Sections of Lead The Life of Wesley, and Rise and ProMines in Alston Moor and Teesdale. 4to. 3 gress of Methodism. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $S 00. plates, $3 25. London. London. Description of a Series of Geological (Rev. C. C.) Life and Correspondence Models. 12 plates, $1 00. London. of the late Robert Southey. 6 vols. cr. 8vo. cloth, portrait, per vol. $3 25. Lond. 1849-50. ----- Account of the Mining Districts of Alston Moor, Weardale, and Teesdale. 12mo. cloth, oua, (Mme. de.) Romans Choisis. 12mo. $1 50. London. paper, $1, 00. Paris. Plans of Coal and Iron Mines in 11. M. I- (Euvres, avec une notice par M. SainteForest of Dean. 16 copperplates, 20 inches euve. 12mo. $ 00. Paris, 1545. square, $7 50. London. Souvestre, (E.) Les Derniers Bretons. The Award of the Dean Forest Mining l2mo. paper, $1 00. Paris, 1843. Commissioners as to the Coal and Iron Mines S o w e r b y, (G. B.) The Conchological Manin Her Majesty's Forest of Dean, and the Rules ual. A new edition, considerably enlarged, and Regulations for Working the same, &c. with many plates. 8vo. cloth, $5 o0; colored, 8vo. cloth, $1 50. London. $10 00. London, 184G. ------ Projecting and Parallel Rulers for Con --- Conchological Illustrations; or, Colored structing Plans and Drawings in Isometrical Figures of all the hitherto Unfigured Shells. and other Modes of Projection, with Descrip- Complete in 200 parts, 8vo. comprising several tive letter-press, and a Specimen Sheet of thousand Figures of Shells, all beautifully colDrawing Paper. $1 00. London. ored, $45 00. 1841-45. Soulie, (Fr.) Sathaniel. 12mo. paper, 75 (James.) English Botany. 12 vols. cents. Paris, 1842. royal 8vo. cloth, $1170 00. London. Foreign and American Books. 131 Soy e r, (A.) The Modern Housewife; or, S piers, (A.) Manual of Commercial Terms, Menagere, comprising nearly 1000 Receipts for in French and English. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. the Economic and Judicious Preparation of Philadelphia, 1847. every Meal of the Day. 12mo. cloth, portrait General French and English Dictionary, and engravings, $2 25. Lond. 1849. newly composed. Svo. sheep, $4 50. The Gastronomic Rerenerator; a simpli- Paris, 1849. flied and entirely new System of Cookery, con- S p i n o z a. (Euvres, traduites par Saisset. 2 taining 2000 Practical Receipts for all Classes. vols. 12mo. paper, $2 00. Paris. 8vo. cloth, wood-cuts, $6 50. Lond. 1849. Opera Omnia, Ex. Edit. princ. denuo ed Spalding, (W.) History of Italy and the et praef. est C. H. Bruder. 3 vols. 16mo. Italian Islands. 3 vols. l8mo. cloth, $t 87. $2 75. Leipsic, 1846. New York. Spirit of the Woods, (The.) 8vo. S p a n i s h P o e t r y. Early Spanish Poetry half mor. gilt top, illustrated with colored enand Romances, edited by Riego. Las Doze gravings, 87 50. London, 1837. Triumphos de los doze Apostoles, Poema Heroico Christiano, por el Cartuxano (Don Juan S p o r t s m a n i n F r a n c e; comprising a Sporting Ramble through Picardy and Norde Padilla, el Homer v Dante Espanol,) andble through Picardy and Norvarious other Pieces. some accompanied by mandy, and Boar-Shooting in Lower Brittany. English Poetical Translations, by Dr. Bowring. olfrey Plates, vols. post vo.cloth, n' $2 25. London, 1841. 4to. large paper, portraits, bds. $2 25. 1841-2.., -,.~ S p r a g u e, (Chas.) Poetical and Prose Sp ark s, (Jared.) Life of George Washing- Writings. 12mo. cloth, 83 cents; bds. 75 cents. ton. Royal 8vo. cloth, illustrated with por- Boston, 1850. traits, plans, views, fac-similes, &c. $3 00.. H Boston. 8vo. (Capt.) History of the Florida War.. 8vo. cloth, 82 50. New York, 1843..- -- Life of Benjamin Franklin; containing,. the Autobiography, with Notes, and a Continu- Spring, (Gardiner.) The Power of the Pulation. Svo. cloth, $8 00. Boston. ZD ation. Svo. cloth, $3 00. Boston. pit; or, Thoughts addressed to Christian MinLife and Writings of Benjamin Franklin. isters and those who hear them. 12mo. cloth, Life and Writings of Benjamin Franklin. New York 1848. 10 vols. 8vo. cloth, portraits and plates,.25 00. portrait. Boston. S p r o u 1 e, (J.) Elements of Practical Agri-Life and Writings of George Washington. culture, comprehending the Nature, Properties, 12 vols. 8vo. cloth, portraits and plates, $18 00. and Iuprovements of Soils, the Structure, New York. Functions, an(l Cultivation of Plants, and the American ~Biography. 25 vols. 12nmo. 1Husbandry of the Domestic Animals of the cloth, plates, each $1 00. Boston, 1844-47.3 50. London. (For Contents, see page 4.) S pry' s British Coleoptera Delineated; containing Figures and Descriptions of all the.Specimens of the Architecture of the Genera of British Beetles. Edited by ShuckReigns of Queen Elizabeth and James I 60 ard. Svo. witll 94 plates, comprising 638 plates, printed in colors and gold, from draw- figures of Beetles, beautifully and most accuings by Richardson, Moore, and others. 4to. lettered half mor. $11t 00. London. rately drawn, cloth, lettered, $6 50. 1840. half mor. $11 00. London. Spec tat or, (The.) 8vo. cloth, portrait, Spurzheim, (J. G.) Anatomy of the $2 50; mor. elegant, gilt edges, $6 50. Brain. 8vo. cloth, plates, 82 50. Boston. London, 1S47. Phrenology. 8vo. cloth, $1 50. S p e e c h 1 e y, (W.) Treatise on the Vine New York, 1846. and Pine. 8vo. cloth, $5 50. London. Physiognomy. 8vo. cloth, plates, $2 88. S p e n c e r, (Rev. J. A ) The East; a Visiton. to Egypt, the Holy Land. 8vo. cloth, illustrat- Observations on the Deranged Manifestaed friom original drawin(rs. tions of the Mind; or, Insanity, with an AppenOn the Patent American Steam Pile- dix, by A. Brigham. 8vo. cloth, $1 50. Driving Machines. (Papers, R. E. 7ol. 6, 4to.) Boston, 1833. Londlon. Squier, (E. G.) and D avis, (E. H.) The On. te Se. Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley, On the System of combining Mechanical.. Ventilation with Warming by Steam Heat, as comprising the Results of extensive original Vadapted to Public Buildings. (Papers, R. Surveys and Explorations. 4to. cloth, plates adapted to Public Buildings. (Papers, R. E. and numerous wood-cuts, 0 00. and numerous wood-cuts,.$10 00. vol. 6, 4to.) London. New York, 1848. SEpenser, (E.) Poetical Works, with a Se- Stack, (Rich.) Lectures on the Acts of the lection of Notes, from various Commentators Apostles. 8vo. cloth, 75 cents. Lond.1805. and a Glossarial Index, with Life, by Rev. H. 8 vo. cl oth, 75 cents. Lond. 1805. J. Todd. Royal 8vo. cloth, with portrait, $4 00; t a c h o u s e, (Rev. Thos.) A History of tih Bible from the beginning of the World to calf, gilt backs and marbled leaves, $6 00. the Binning of the World to London, 1845. the Establishment of Christianity. New ediPoetical Works, with Life, by Rev. J. tion, with Notes, &c., by Dr. Dewar. Portrait, Poetical Works, with Life, by Rev. J. imp. 8vo. cloth, i 0. Lond. 1846. Mitford. 5 vols. 12mo. cloth, portrait, 86 50; vo. cloth, mor.neat, gilt leaves, $15 00. (Aldine edition.) S tael, (Mad. de.) De l'Allemagne. 12mo. London, 1839. brochl, $1 00; half mor. $1 50. Paris, 1849. Poetical Works. Edited by G. S. Hil- Corinne ou L'Italie. 12mo. $1 00; half lard. 5 vols. 12mo. portrait and Illuminated mor. $1 50. Paris, 1846. Title-Pages, cloth, $7 50. Boston, 1846. --- Corinne. Paper, 50 cents.? ew York. 132 G'. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Stael, (Mad. de.) Delphine.- 3 vols. 12mo. S taunton, (H.) Chess-Player's Handcloth, $1 25. Philadelphia. Book; a Popular and Scientific Introduction L-~~- Delphine. 12mo. paper, $l 00. Paris. to the Game of Chess, exemplified in Games actually played by the greatest masters. De la itterature. 12mo. cloth, illustrated with numerous diaRevolution Francais. 12mo. paper, $1 00. grams, $1 25. London, 1847. CEuvres Completes. 17 vols. Svo. broche, portrait, $12 7.5. Paris. Chess-Player's Companion; comprising a New Treatise on Odds, and a Collection of --- De L'Influence des Passions. 12mo. Games contested by the Author, with various broch&, 63 cents. Paris. distinguished Players during the last Ten - Lettres sur les ecrits et le caractere de Years, &c., &c. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. J. J. Rousseau. 12mo. brochi, 25 cents. Paris. London, 1849. Memoirs (dix ans d'exit), etc. 12mo. S t a v e I e y, (T. K.) On Posen. Instructions paper, $1 00. Paris. concerning the Model Towers approved of by Stalkartt, (M.) Naval Architecture; or, Napoleon. Translated by Lieut. Laffan. Rethe Rudiments and Rules of Ship Building ex- port on the Demolition of the Revetments of emplified in a Series of Draughts and Plans, some of the old Works at Sheerness in 1827. with Observations tending to the Improvement (Papers, R. E. vol. 3, 4to.) London. of that important Art. 2 vols. folio, 14 plates, Notes on Brixen and Verona in 1838. $25 00. London, 1 12. (Papers, R. E. vol. 4, 4to.) London. Stallo, (J. B.) The General Principles of S t e a m E n g i ne. By the Artisan Club. the Philosophy of Nature. 12mo. cloth, $91 00. Edited by Bourne. Third edition, 4to. cloth, Boston. wkS 0). London, 1849. Stan hope, (Lady Hester.) Memoirs relat- - The Marine Steam Engine, designed ed by herself. 3 vols. post 8vo. cloth, $0 50. chiefly for the use of Naval Officers and Engi- Travels. 3 vols. post 8vo. cloth, $5 50. neers. Plates, 8vo. cloth, $3 50. Lond. London. St e e l' s Ship-master's Assistant. Edited by Stanfield, (Chas.) Coast Scenery. Royal Graham Willllore, George Clements, and Wil8vo. cloth, $3 75. London. liam Tate. Thick Svo. cloth, plates, $8 50. Sketches on the Moselle, the Rhine, and London, 1846. the Mense. Imp. folio, half mor. 27 plates, Book of Niagara Falls. 50 cents. $22 50. London, 18S8. Buffalo. tanle y, (A. D.) An Elementary Treatise (W. E.) Hand-Book of Field Botany; of Spherical Geometry and Trigonometry. comprising the Flowering Plants, Ferns, &c. 12mo. cloth, 63 cents. New Haven, 1548. 12mo. cloth, $2 25. London. Logarithms of Numbers and Mathemati- S t e elin, (Capt.) Memorandum descripcal Tables. Svo. cloth, $2 00. New -!aven. tive of the Alterations made in a Cast Iron::~ —- Treatise on Diseases of the Bones. 8vo. Pump at the Jesuits' Barracks, Quebec, to encloth, $1 60. Phila. 1849. able it to resist the Action of Frost. (Papers, (W.) The Faith and Practice of a R. E. vol. 9, 4to.) London. Church of England Manl, with Notes, by Rev. St e in e r, (Ignace.) German and English Dr. Eden. 12tmo. cloth, $1 50. Reader. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. New York. (Bp.) Fa$miliar H-listory of irls. 12mo. Steinitz, (F.) The Ship, its Origin and Progress; being a General History, from its S tan ton, (H. B.) Sketches of Reforms and first Invention to the Latest Improvements; Reformers. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. fnorminl a complete Account of the Naval New York, 1849. Even~ts of the Ancients, the Middle Ages, and Stapf, (E.) Homceopathic Mlateria Medica. the Modern Epoch, to the close of 1848, &c. 8vo. $1 50. New York. 4to. half bound, 24 plates, $15 00. Lond. 1849. Staples, (Rev. G.) Macedonia; or, a Voice Steinmetz, (A.) History of the Jesuits, to the Christian Church. 1Smo. cloth, 50 cents. from their Foundation to their Suppression, by London, 1-47. Pope Clement XIV. 2 vols. Svo. cloth, $3 00. St ars, (The,) and the Earth; or, Thoughts Philadelphia. on Space, Time, and Eternity. 18mio cloth, 2.5 Sterne, (L.) Works; containing Tristram cents. Boston, 18 9 Shandy, Sentimental Journey through Fiance State, (The,) of Man before the Promulga- and It-aly, Serm:ons, Letters, &c., with a' Life tion of Christianity. 12mo. cloth, $1 0O). of the Author, written by himself. Royal 8vo. London, 1848. cloth, portrait,'t;:3 75. London, 1848. Statesman's, (The,) Manual. Presi- --- Works, with Life. Svo. cloth, $2 25. dents' Messages, Inaugural,Annual, and Special, Philadelphia. from 1189 to 1846, compiled from Official Stephanus Byzantinus, cum annoSources, by Edwin Williams. 2 vols. 8vo. tationibus Holstenii, Berkelii, et de Pinedo cloth, portraits, $5 00. New York, 1'48. cum G. Dindorfii Preefatione, cui insunt LecS t a t ii O p e r a omnia ex editione Bipontina tiones, libii vratislav. 4 vols. Svo. bds. $6 50. cum notis et interpretatione in usum Delphina, Leipsic, 1825. &C. 4 vols. Svo. bds. $S 00. Stephens, (H.) The Book of the Farm; Valpy, London, 1824. detailing the Labors of the Farmer, Steward, St a u n t o n, (H.) Chess-Player's Text-Book. Ploughman, &c., with numerous illustrations. Square paper, cloth, $1 00. Lound. 1849. i 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, $26 00. Edinburgh. Foreign and American Books. 133 St ep h en s, (H.) Manual of Practical Drain- S t. J o h n, (Chas.) Wild Sports of the Highing. 8vo. cloth, $1 00. Edinburgh. lands. Post 8vo. cloth, $1 75. London. ----- Practical Irrigator and Drainer. Svo.- - A Tour in Sutherlandshire, with Extracts cloth, $1 50. Edinburgh. from the Field Books of a Sportsman and Nat(Sir James.) Essays in Ecclesiastical uralist. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, plates, $4 50. Lond. Biography. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $7 00. (J. A.) The History of the Manners and London, 1849. Customs of Ancient Greece. 3 vols. 8vo. bds. Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. 12mo. $8 00. London, 1842. cloth, $1 25. Phila. 1843. - (P. B.) French Revolution in 1848. * —-- (Thomas.) The History of the Church 18mo. cloth, 63 cents. New York. of Scotland from the Reformation to the pres- S t ew ar t, (Dugald.) Elements of the Phient time. Portraits, 4 vols. 8vo. half calf, neat, losophy of the Human Mind, with References, $11 00; cloth, $7 50. London, 1843. Sectional Heads, Synoptical Tables of Contents, --- Illustrations of British Entomology, with &c. By Rev. 0. N. Wright. Svo. cloth, $2 50. several hundred colored figures. 12 vols. royal London, 1843. 8vo. half bound, $36 00. Lond. 1828. 8vo. sheep, $2 50. Boston, 1847. ------ (J. F.) Systematic Catalogue of British -- Works. 7 vols. 8vo. Cambridge. Insects; being an attempt to arrange the Indi- (Rev. C. S.) Residence in the Sandwich genous Insects with their Natural Affinities, Islands in 1822-25. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. N. Y. &c. 8vo. cloth, $4 75. Lond. 1829. -- (John.) Stable Economy; or, Manage(J. L.) Incidents of Travel in Egypt, ment of Horses. 12mo. cloth, $2 00. Edin. Arabia Petrwea, &c. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. New York. St. L igour i. The Way of Salvation. Incidents of Travel in Greece, Turkey, 12mo. cloth, 63 cents. Dublin, 1844. &c. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $1 75. New York. Stoc qu el er, (J. H.) The Oriental Inter- Incidents of Travel in Yucatan. 2 vols. preter, and Treasury of East India Knowledge. 8vo. cloth, $5 00. New York. Post 8vo. cloth, $3 25. London, 1848. --- Travels in Central America, Chiapas, and Sto c k h a r d t. Der Schule des Chimie. Yucatan. 2 vols. 8vo. map and 88 engravings, 12mo. paper, $2 50. Brunswick, 1849. $5 00. New York. S t o n e, (E. M.) History of Beverly, MassaStephens on, (Robert.) Description of chusetts, from its earliest Settlement. 12mo. Locomotive Steam Engines. 4 elaborately cloth, $1 00. Boston. engraved plates and numerous wood-cuts. 4to. (W. L.) Border Wars of the Revolution. cloth, $6 00. London. 2 vols. 18mo. cloth, 90 cents. New York. ~ —-- Report on the Atmospheric Railway - Life of Joseph Brandt. 2 vols. 8vo. $5 00. System. 27 tabular engraved plates. Medi- Life of Red Jacket. 8vo. cloth, $3 00. um 4to. $2 25. London. New York. Stev ens, (F.) Views of Cottages and (Mrs.) Chronicles of Fashion; or, EngFarm Houses in England and Wales. 4to. lish Society from the Time of Queen Elizabeth plates, $5 00. London. to the Present Day. 2 vols. Svo. calf, gilt, por-. (William.) History of the High School traits, $8 50. London, 1846. of Edinburgh. 12mo. cloth, $2 50. Lend. 1S49. (S.) Dictionnaire Classique Francais(W. B.) A History of Georgia from its Anglais et Anglais-Francais precede d'une InFirst Discovery to the Adoption of the Consti- troduction, etc., etc., par Shrubsole et Thiebaut. tution in 179S. Vol. 1, 8vo. cloth, $2 50. (To 8vo. paper, $1 50. Paris, 1844. be completed in 2 volutmes.) New York. be completetd d a r t, (T. T.) Angler's Companion to -St e v e n s on, (R) A Treatise on the Na- the Rivers and Lochs of Scotland. Post 8vo. ture and Properties of Algebraic Equations. cloth, plate, $3 00. Edinburgh, 1847. 8vo. bds. $1 63. Cambridge, 1835. (Col. W. L.) Life and Times of Red - (A.) Account of Skerryvore Light- Jacliet; or, Sayo-ye-wat-ha; being the Sequel House. 4to. cloth, plates, $19 00 Loend. to the History of the Six Nations. 8vo. cloth, --- (David.) Remarks on the Improvement $3 00. New York. of Tidal Rivers. 8vo. plates, $1 00. Lond. S torer's Cathedral Antiquities of England St illie, (A.) Elements of General Patholo- and Wales. 4 vols. 8vo. cloth, 256 plates, gy. 12mo. sheep, $1 50. Phila. $16 00. London. Stillingfleet, (Bishop.) OriginesSacrae; Storrow on Water Works. 12mo. cloth, or, a Rational Account of the Grounds of Natu- $1 25. Boston, ral and Revealed Religion. 2 vols. Svo. cloth, S t ory, (Jos.) Miscellaneous Writings. 8vo. $4 50. Oxford, 1t36. cloth, $1 75. Cambridge. ----- Vindication of Archbishop Laud. 2 vols. Story of the P eninsular War, by Svo. cloth, $4 50. Gen. C. W.Vane. 12mo. cloth, $1 00; paper, Sti rling, (John.) Essays and Tales. Edit- 7 5 cents. New York. ed by J. 0. Hare. 2 vols. er. 8vo. cloth, $6 00. S t o t h a r d' s Monumental Effigies of Great London, 1847. Britain. Folio, half mor. 147 engravings,..- (W.) Annals of the Artists of Spain. $50 00. London. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, illustrated with steel engrav- S to w e, (The,) Catalogue, Priced and Annoings, $17 00. London, 1849. tated, with a History of the Family of BuckSt. John, (B.) Adventures in the Lybian ingham and Chandois, Historical Notice of Desert, and the Oasis of Jupiter Ammon. Stowe, &c. Illustrated. 4to. half mor. $4 25. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. New York, 1849. London, 1849. 134 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Stow, (John.) Survey of London. Edited Stuart, (M.) Grammar of the New Testaby W. J. Thoms. Medium 8vo. $1 75. Lond. ment Dialect. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. Andover S t. P i e r r e, (Bernardin de.) Etudes de la - Hebrew Chrestomathy. 8vo. cloth, $1 75. Nature. 12mo. $1 00. Paris, 1845. New York. - (iEuvres Choises. 12mo. $L 00; half On the Apocalypse. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, mor. $1 75. Paris, 1846. $6 00. Andover. - Works; including Studies of Nature, by ---- et Revett, et J.-J. Hittoff, Rev. E. Clark. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $2 25. architectes. Antiquites d'Athenes et AntiquiLondon, 1846. tes de l'Attique, en 5 volumes, classees cornme suit: — - Studies of Nature. 8vo. sheep, $1 75. suit: — Philadel hi$ Antiquites de Athenes, mesurees et dessinees par J. Stuart et Philadelphia. N. Revett, peintre et architecte. Ouvrage traduit de l'AnSt. P au 1. The Life of St. Paul, the Apostle glais, par L. Feuillet, bibliothecaire de l'lnstitut de France, of the Gentiles, for Young Persons, by Rev. G. et publiee par C. P. Landon, peintre, et Clemence, architecte. of tihe Gentiles, for Young Persons, by Rev. G. Cette edition contient des sculptures du Parthenon, inconnues E. Biber. 12mo. cloth, $1 38. Lond. 1849. aux editeurs anglais, lesquelles ont ete gravees, d'apres les dessins recueilles sur les lieux avant leur destruction, par M. S t r a c h e y on Hamlet. An Attempt to find de Nointel. the Key to a Great Moral Problem by a Quatre volumes in-folio de 191 planches gravees au trait Methodical Analysis of the Play. 8vo. $1 50. et a l'eau-forte, par Ch. Normant et Beaujean-Ouvrare, termine et cartonne, $55 00. S t r a u s s, (Dr. F.) The Life of Jesus Critic- Le cinquieme volume se compose des Antiquites inedites de l'Attique, contenant les restes d'architecture d'Eleusis, de ally Examined. Translated from the German. Rhamnus, do Sunium et de Thuricus, par la Societe des 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, $6 00. London, 1846. Dilettanti. 1 vol. in-folio de 60 planches avec texte, $15 00. S t r e e t, (A. B.) Frontenac; or, the Atotarho and Re e t t' s Antiquities of Athens, of the Iroquois, a Metrical Romance. 1 2mo. measured and delineated. Abridged edition. cloth, portrait, $1 25. New York, 1848. 12mo. cloth, $3 50. London. S t u r m' s Morning Communings with God - Strickland, (oW.) Public 2Works of the or. Devotional Meditations for every Day in United States of America. 2 parts, folio, 40 the Year. Translated from the German. New plates, with Reports, Specifications, and Esti- edition, post Svo. cloth, $1 50. 1847. mates of the Public Works, &c. 1 vol. 8vo. _ explanatory of the plates, $14 00. London. (C.) Solution of Numerical Equations. Translated by W. H. Spiller. 4to. paper,.. — ~(Agnes.) Lives of the Queens of Eng- $2 12. London, 1835land. 12 vols. cr. 8vo. cloth, $38 00. Lond. S turt e vant, (S. T.) The Preacher's ManThe Same. 12 vols. in 6, 8vo. cloth, ual. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. New York. $10 00. Philadelphia. Su d d ard, (Rev. W.) The British Pulpit, S tr on g' s Illustrated Natural History. 8vo. Discourses by Eminent Divines of Great Britcloth, $1 75. New York. ain. 2 vols. Svo. cloth, $3 00. New York. Strutt's Dresses, from the Establishment Suckling, (Rev. A.) Memorials of the of the Saxons in Britain till the present time, Antiquities of the County of Suffolk; or, Hiswith an Historical Inquiry into every Branch torical, Genealogical, and Architectural Notices of Costume. 2 vols. 4to. cloth, 153 plates, of the several Towns and Villages in that $25 00. London. County. 4to. plates and wood-cuts, $12 50. The Regal and Ecclesiastical Antiquities London. of England. 4to. half mor. in Roxburghe Style, Antiquities, Architecture, Heraldry, and 72 plates, beautifully colored, $,25 00. Family History of the County of Essex. 4to. London, 1842. cloth, plates, $8 50. London. Sports and Pastimes of the People of Sue, (E.) The Wandering Jew. Illustrated. England. 8vo. cloth, $3 00. Lond. 1834' 8vo. cloth, $5 00. New York. Stu art, (J. and S.) Costume of the Scottish Hiitoire de la Marine Francaise. 4 vols. Highland Clans. Folio, colored plates, $38 00. 12mo. paper, 3 00. Paris, 1845. Vestiarium Scoticum; or, Book of Tar- S u e t o nii Opera onia ex editione Baumtans. Imp. 4to. $63 00. Edin. garten-crusii cum notis et interpretatione in usum Delphini, &c. 3 vols. Svo. bds. $7 00. ------ (Sir H.) The Planter's Guide; a Prac- Valpy, London, 1826. tical Essay on the best Method of giving im- Sullivan's Revolutionary Campaigns in.mediate Effect to Wood by the Transplanting Western New York. 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. of large Trees and Underwood. Third edition, Roceste. with Memoir of the Author. 8vo. cloth, $6 50. Rochester. London, 1848. Public Men of the Revolution from 17S3 (R.) A Dictionary of Architecture, His- to 1S1.5, with a Biographical Sketch of the Anthor, with additional Notes, by his Son, J. T. torical, Descriptive, Topographical, Decorative, Sull wi th additional Notes, by hila. 1847. Theoretical, and Mechanical. Illustrated by 1000 drawings of Subjects referred to in the Su m me r, (Thos. H.) Method of Finding a Work. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, $9 00. Lound. Ship's Position at Sea. $1 25. Boston. (Moses.) Hints on the Interpretation of S u m merfel d t, (H. A.) The Naval ArProphecy. 12mo. cloth, 638 cents. chitect's Portfolio, and the Student's Practical Andover, 1842. Instructor in the Constructing and Draughting --. A Critical History and Defence of the Ships of War, Mercantile and Steam Packet Old Testament Canona 12mo. cloth, $1 25. Service, Iron and Timber. 8vo. cloth, with Andover.I folio atlas, $3 76. London. Foreign and American Books. 135 S umner, (J. B.) Practical Exposition of the Sw e d e n borg, (E.) The Apocalypse ExGeneral Epistles of James, Peter, John, and plained. 5 vols. 8vo. cloth, $12 50. Boston. Jude, in the Form of Lectures. 8vo. cloth, -_ Treatise on Conjugal Love. 8vo. cloth, $2 75. London, 1840. $1 75. Boston. S u p p 1 e m e n t to the London Catalogue of _ On Heaven and Hell. 12mo. cloth, 75 Books, 1846-49, to the edition date, 1841, with cents. Boston. a Classified Index. 8vo. cloth, $2 75. Lod. ___ True -..True Christian Religion. 8vo. cloth, S u r e nn e, (Prof.) Standard Pronouncing $2 00. Boston. Dictionary of the French and English Lan- Swedish and English Dictionguages. 12mo. sheep, $1 50. New York. ary. 18mo. bd. $1 50. London. Surrey and Wyatt's Poems, with Swift, (D.) The Closing Years of Dean Memoir, by Sir Harris Nicolas. 2 vols. 12mno. Swift, (.) The Closing Years of Dean cloth $2 75.Pickerig. Swift's Life, containing several of his Poems,. hitherto unpublished, by W. R. Wilde. Svo. (Henry Howard, Earl of.) Poems. cloth, $1 75. Dublin, 1847. 12mo. mor. gilt, portrait, $2 25. Lond. 1S31. 2mo. mor. gilt, portrait, -$2 2. Lod. 131. (Dr. J.) Works; containing additional Sutt on, (C.) Disce Mori; Learn to Die. Letters, Tracts, and Poems, not hitherto pub18mo. cloth, $1 00. Oxford, 1840. lished, with Notes, and a Life of the Author, --- Do. do. Another edition. 18no. cloth, by Thos. Roscoe. 2 vols. royal 8vo. cloth, por37 cents. New York, 1845. trait, $7 50. London, 1843. -- Disce Vivere; Learn to Live. 1Smo. Poetical Works. (Aldine edition.) 3 cloth, $1 00. Oxford, 139. vols. 12mo.cloth,,$3 75; mor. neat,giltleaves, Swain, (C.) EnglishMelodies. 12no. cloth, $9 0W; another copy, $7 00. London, 1833. $1 75. London, 1S49. Syme, (J.) Principles of Surgery. 8vo. Swain son, (W.) Treatise on Taxidermy, sheep, $1 75. Phila. 1832. including a Bibliography of Natural History. S ymm, (W.) Elements of Perspective Draw12mo. cloth, $1 75. London, IS4). ing. New edition, by R. Couch. Long 4to. ------ and S h u c k a r d' s History and Clas- cloth, $1 00. London. sification of Insects. 12mo. cloth, $1 75. S y m o n s, (J. C.) Tactics for the Times as London, 1840. regards the Condition and Treatment of the ------ History and Classification ofFishl, Rep- Dangerous Classes. 8vo. cloth, plates, $2 00. tiles, &c. 2 vols. 1emo. cloth, wood engravings, London, 1849. $3 50. London, 1838-39. S y ri a, the Holy Land, and Asia Minor. n----- Natural History and Classification of lustrated in 129 Views, by Bartlett, Purser, Quadrupeds. 12mo. cloth, wood-cuts, S1 75. and A llom, with descriptive letter-press, by John Carne. 3 vols. 4to. cloth, plates, $16 00. --- Animals in Menageries. 12mo. cloth, 13 SI 75. London. London, 1837. Malacology; or, Classification of Shells Tables of Logarithms, Common and TrigoMao- r lsiiaino hls nometrical. 12mo. paper, $1 00. Lond. and Shell-Fish. 12mo. cloth, $1 75. Lound.nometrca. 12o. paper, $1 00. Discourse on the Study of Natural His- 8v. cloth, edidit F. Ritter. tory. 1~mo. cloth, $i1 5. ond. o 1834 1 0 to ry.- l mo. clo th, $1 s'75. Lond. 1834. I ___ _- The W orks of Cornelius Tacitus, with an - Habits and Instincts of Animals. 12mo. cloth, $1 a75 London. Essay, his Life, and Genius, Notes and SuppleclothitranCl, assification5. LofAnima. ment, by Arthur Murphy. 8vo. cloth,$2 00. History and Classification of Animals. London 1849. 12mo. cloth, $1 75. London. 1 2mo. cloth, $1 75. London. T a ill a n d i e r, (Saint-Rene.) Histoire de la *:~ History and Classification of Birds 2 Jeune Allemagne etudes Litteraires. 8vo. vols. 12mo. cloth, $3 50. Lond. 1836-37. paper, $2 00. Paris, 1848. ------ Exotic Conchology; or, Figures and De- T a lb o t, (H. F.) Pencil of Nature, being the scriptions of Rare, Beautiful, or Undescribed Actual Sketches taken from Nature, by the Shells, with new letter-press descriptions. 4to. Process known as the Talbotype. Royal 4to. half mor. 94 beautifully colored Shells, $15 00. part 1, $3 50; part 2, $6 50; parts 3 to 5, each London, 1841. $2 25. London. S w e e t, (R.) Cistineae; the Natural Order T a 1 e s explanatory of the Sacraments. 2 vols. of Cistus, or Rock Rose. Illustrated by col- 12mo cloth, $2 50. London, 1846. ored figures and descriptions of all the Species that could be procured in Great Britain. Roy. T a fo u r d, (Thos. N.) Tragedies and Po 8vo. cloth, $9 00. Lond. 1830. ems. 12mo. cloth, t3 cents. Boston, --- Flora Australasica; or, a Selection of - and Stephens' Miscellanies. 8vo. Handsome and Curious Plants, Natives of New cloth, 81 25. Philadelphia. Holland and the South Sea Islands. Royal Talleyrand, (Prince.) Reminiscences of, Svo. 56 beautifully colored plates, cloth, $10 00. with Extracts from his Manuscripts, Speeches, London, 1828. and Political Writings. 2 vols. post 8vo. cloth, Swedenborg, (E.) The Animal King- t6 00. London, 1848. dom considered. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $11 00. T a n n a h i 11' s Poems and Songs. Edited London. by Ramsay. 12mo. dloth, $1 50. Lound. ----- Principia; or, Principles of Natural Ta n q u e r e 1 on Lead Diseases, with Notes Things. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $9 00. Lond..and Additions on the Use of Lead Pipe and its Heavenly Arcana. 13 vols. 8vo. cloth, Substitutes. Translated by Dr. S. L. Dana. $16 50. Boston. 8vo. cloth, $2 25. Lowell, 1848. 136 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Tapp an, (Prof. H. P.) Elements of Logic, Tayl er, (Rev. C. B.) Mark Wilton; a Tale. together with an Introductory View of Philoso- 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. phy in general, and a Preliminary View of the - Facts in a Clergyman's Life. 12mo. 75 Reason. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. New York. cents. New York. The Doctrine of the Will applied to Moral - Thankfulness; a Narrative, comprising Agency and Responsibility. 12mo. cloth, Passages from the Diary of the Rev. A. Tem$1 00. New York. pie. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. ------ Review of Edwards' Inquiry into the (J. J.) Retrospect of the Religious Life Freedom of the Will. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. in England. Post'8vo. cloth, $1 75. New York. London, 1845. Appeal to Consciousness to Determine (J. N.) Plans for the Foundations of the Doctrine of the Will. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Harbors. 4to. cloth, $2 25. London. New York. T a r d i e u. Manuel de Pathologie et de Clinique (Thos.) Law Glossary of Foreign LanMedicales. 12mo. paper, $1 50. Paris, 1849. guages. 8vo. bds. 2 75. London. Treatise on Epidemic Cholera. Trans- Taylor, (A. S) Poisons in Relation to lated by S. L. Bigelow. 12mo. cloth, Sl 00. Medical Jurisprudence. 12mo. cloth, $3 75. Boston, 1849. London. Tar v er, (J. C.) Royal Phraseological Dic- - -- Medical Jurisprudence. 8vo. sheep, tionary. Vol. 1, English and French. Royal $2 50. Philadelphia. 8vo. $7 50. London. (B.) Principles of Linear Perspective, Ta s c h e r e a u, (M. J.) Histoire de la vie by Jopling. Svo. bds. $3 25. Lond. et des ouvrazes de Moliere. 12mo. paper, 50 (J. Bayard.) Poems and Ballads, with cents. Paris, 1844. portrait. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents; cloth gilt, T a s is t r o's Travels in the Southern States; extra, $1 25. New York. or, Random Shots and Southern Breezes. 2 " A spirit of boldness and vigor pervades the volume." vols. 12mo. cloth, $1 60. New York. "The Picturesque Ballads of California have a dash of boldness and adventure in them which contrasts pleasantly T a a s o. Godfrey of Bulloigne; or, the Recov- with the more purely sentimental poems." ery of Jerusalem. Done into English Histori- ----- Views A-Foot: or, Europe seen with cal Verse, from the Italian of Tasso, by Ed- Knapsacqk and Staff. New edition, with an ward Fairfax. Introductory Essay, by Leigh additional Chapter of Practical Information for Hunt, and the Lives of Tasso and Fairfax, by Pedestrians in Europe, and a Sketch of the Charles Knight. 1 vol. 12mo. $1 25; cloth Author in Pedestrian Costume; from a Drawgilt, $1 75. London. ing by T. Buchanan Read. 12mo. cloth, "The completest translation, and nearest like its original $1 25; fancy cloth, gilt extra, $1 75. N. Y. of any we have seen."-'LEItGH HUNT. "' here is a freshness and force in the book altogether un"' The Jerusalem Delivered is full, to the last stanza, of the usual in a Book of Travels. As a text-book for travellers the most delightful inventions, of the most charming pictures of work is essentially valuable; it tells how much can be accomchivalric and heroic sentiment, of portraits of brave men and plished with very limited means, when energy, curiosity, and beautiful women-in fine, a pr)digal mine of the choicest a love of adventure are the prompters; sympathy in his sucresources and effects of poetry. So it has been always known cess likewise, is another source of interest to the book. The to the world, so Fairfax brings it to US." —MIRROR. result of all this is, a wide-spread popularity as a writer, a very erusalem Delivered. Translated in the handsomely printed book, with a veiy handsome portrait of -- Jerusalem Delivered. Translated in the the Author, and we congratulate him upon the attainment of Spenserian Stanza, by J. H. Wiffen. 12mo. this and future honors."-UNION MAGAZINE. cloth, plates, $1 50; mor. $3 00. New York. Letters from California. 12mo. cloth. Tate, (W.) Modern Cambist; forming a New York. Manual of Foreign Exchanges in the different (Chas ) Treatise on Perspective. Roy Operations of Bills of Exchange and Bullion, 8vo. cloth, $4 50. London' withTables of Foreign Weights and Measures. Treatise on Drawing. Royal 8vo. cloth, Sixth edition, edited by his Son, William Tate. 3 25. London. 8vo. cloth, $3 75. London, 1847. (v.)coth atis, $3o'75.cLorialAndo, 1s (Emily,) England and its People. ------ (T.) A Treatise on Factorial Analysis, 1Smo roan, 1 2.. London with the Summation of Series; containing new Sabbath Recreations. 8mo. cloth, $1 50. Developments of Functions. Svo. cloth, 1 25. ondon50. ------ Principles of the Differential and Integral (H.) Bee-Keeper's Manual. 12mo. Calculus simplified. $1 38. Lond. cloth $1 25. London. (J. R.) Naval Book-Keeping. Royal -Edwin the Fair. limo. cloth, gilt, 87 8vo. cloth,.4 25. London cents. London, 1547. -- Theory and Practice of G}augling. 8vo. -- Philip Van Artevelde. 1Smo. cloth, 87 cloth, $3 50. London. cents. London, 1847. Tatham, (C. H.) Architectural Works -- Notes from Life, in Six Essays. New Royal folio, half bound, $45 00. Lond. edition, post 8vo. cloth, $2 00. Lond. 1548..-..... Grecian and Roman Ornaments. Folio, Notes from Books, in Four Essays. cloth, $16 75. London; 12mo. cloth, $2 75. Lond. 1849. -- Lexicon Egyptiaco-Latinum. 8vo. bds. (Isaac.) Ancient Christianity. 2 vols. $9 50. London. 8vo. cloth, $5 50. London, 1844. Ta yl e r, (Rev. C. B.) Margaret; or, the Elements of Thought. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. Pearl. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. New York. London, 1845. Lady Mary; or, Not of this World. - Fanaticism. 12mo. cloth, $1 75. 12mo. cloth,'75 cents. London, 1843 Foreign and American Books. 137 Taylor, (I.) Loyola and Jesuitism in its T a y lo r, (W. B.) Romantic Biography of Rudiments. Cr. 8vo. cloth, $3 25. the Age of Elizabeth. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $8 50. London, 1849. London. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. New York, 1849. --- History of Christianity. 12mo. cloth, - Physical Theory of another Life. 12mo. $1 50. London, 1844. cloth, 1 50. Pickering, 1847. (Jos.) Hindostanee and English DictionHome Education. 12mo. cloth, $1 50. ary, by Smyth. Svo. cloth, $19 00. Lond. London, 1942. - (W. C.) A Manual of Ancient and Mod- Lectures on Spiritual Christianity. 12mo. ern History 8vo. cloth, $2 50. New York. cloth, 87 cents. London, 1841. (W. S.) A Manual of Fresco and En---- Saturday Evening. 12mo. cloth, $1 50. caustic Painting, containing ample Instructions London, 1844. for executing Works of these descriptions. (Jane.) Contributions of Q. Q., with 8vo. cloth, $2 00. London. some Pieces not before published. 2 vols. -- Origin, Progress, and Present State of the 18mo. 87 cents. New York. Fine Arts in Great Britain. 2 vols. Svo. cloth, ---- Memoirs and Correspondence, by her wood-cuts, $2 75. London. Brother, Isaac Taylor. 18mo. cloth, 50 cents. ----- Life of William Cowper. 12mo. cloth, New York. 50 cents. --- (Jeremy.) Works, with Life, by Heber. History of the Revolutions of Europe. 2 15 vols. 8vo. cloth, $47 00. London. vols. Svo. cloth, $2 50. London. Do. do. By Eden and Heber. Vols. and Cr e s e y's Architectural Anti2 to 6. 8vo. cloth, each $3 00. Lond. 1847. quities of Rome Measured and Delineated. Holy L.ving and' Dying._2_vols o. Uniform with Stuart and Revett's Athens. 2 Holy Living and Dying. 2 vols. 8vo. vols folio half Russia $50 00 vols. folio, half Russia, $50 00. black mor. unique, $12 00. Pickering, Lond. - The Same. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $3 00;.' Tegne r, (Esaials.) Frithiof's Saga; a Lemor. extra, by Hayday, $8 09. Pickering, Lond. gend of Norway. Translated from the Swedish into English Verse, with an Introduction, Dying.Rule and Exercise of Holyring Living nd copious Notes, and a Mythological and Anti-. quadran Glossary, by George Stephens. 8vo. American edition. 12mno. cloth, $1 00. cloth, $3 00. London. New York. T e 1 e m a c h u s. Translated by Hawks--- (J.) Designs for Household Furniture. worth. 2 vols. 12ro. cloth, $1 25. New York. Imp. $vo half bound, $19 00. London. Upholsterer and Cabinet-Maker's Assist- Temple C h u r oh, (Architecture of) By Upholsterer and Cabinet-Maker's Assit- Essex and Smirke. 4to. plates, $12 50. Lond. ant. 2 vols. Svo. cloth, $12;J0. London. --- Diurnal Register, Remarks on the Ba-T e mpl e, (E.) TravelsinPeru. 2vols.vo rometer, &c. Oblong, $1 75. Lond. cloth, $9 50. London. (J. E.) The Fairy Ring; a new Collec- (W.) Memoirs of, by T. P. Courtenay. tion of Popular Tales. Translated from the 2 vols. Svo. cloth, $4 50. London. German of S. and W. Grimm, with 12 illiustra- (Sir W.) Works. 4 vols. Svo. cloth. tions, by Doyle. Square 12nmo. bds. $1 50; $12 00. London. cloth, $ 00. London, 1847. T e m p 1 e t o n, (W.) Operative Mechanic's - American edition, cloth gilt, $1 25. Workshop Companion, and the Scientific Gen(R.) Scientific Memoirs selected from tleman's Practical Assistant, &c. 18mo. $1 50. the Transactions of Foreign Academies of Sci- London, 1845. ence, and from Foreign Journals. Parts I to The Millwright's and Engineer's Pocket 14. 8vo. paper, each $1 75. London. Companion. 12mo. wood-cuts, $1 50. Lond. - (Thos.) Memoir of Mrs. Hannah More, - Engineer's Pocket-Book. 12mo. $1 75. with Notices of her Works, and Sketches of her London. Contemporaries. 12mo. cloth, $1 00 Contemporaries. 2mo cloth, $1 00 The Engineer's Common Place Book of London, 1838. Practical Reference. 12mo. $1 75. Lond. ----- (R. C.) Statistics of Coal. The Geographical and Geological Distribution of Fossil Mathematical Tables for Practical Men. Fuel or Mineral Combustibles, &c., with color- 12mo. $1 23. London. ed maps and diagrams. 8vo. cloth, $5 00. Incitements to the Studies of Steam and Philadelphia. the Steam Engine. 18mo. cloth, 63 cents. ------- (W.) Historic Survey of German Poetry, London. interspersed with various Translations. 3 vols. - The Engineer's Common Place Book of 8vo. cloth, $6 00. London, 1830. Practical Reference. Third edition, improved, - Memoirs of, by J. W. Robberds. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $1 50. London, 1848. 8vo. cloth, $9 00. London. The Locomotive Steam Engine popularly C- (W~.B.) History of the University of explained. Second edition, with lithographic Dublin, its Origin, Progress, and Present Con- illustrations. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. Lond. 1848. dition, with Biographical Notices, &c. 8vo. T e n nant, (W.) Anster Fair and other cloth, plates, $5 50. London, 1845. Poems. 12mo. cloth, $2 26. Lond. --- History of Mohammedanism. 12m1o. Tenneman's Manual of the History of cloth, $1 63. London. Philosophy. Translated from the German, by ----- Natural History of Society. 2 vols. post Rev. A. Johnson. 8vo. cloth, $3 00. Svo. cloth, $6 50. London. Oxford, 1888. 138 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Tennent, (J. E.) Copyright of Designs for Thaer, (A. D.) Principles of Agriculture. Printed Fabrics. Post 8vo. cloth, $1 50. Translated by W. Shaw and C. W. Johnson. London 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $8 00. London, 1844. - Pecchio and Humphrey's Picture of Than e, (J.) British Autography; a CollecGreece. 2 vols. post 8vo. cloth, $5 50. Lond. tion of fac-similes of the Handwriting of Royal Tennyson, (Alfred.) Poems complete. and Illustrious Personages. 3 vols. 4to. half 2 vols. 12mo. bds. $1 50; cloth, $1 75. Boston. mor. plates, $40 00. (Very scarce.) Lond. - The Princess; a Medley. Bds. 50 cents; Th at c h e r' s Biography of Distinguished cloth, 63 cents. Boston. Indians; or, an Historical Account of those InTerry, (C.) New Zealand, its Advantages, dividuals who have been Distinguished among &c. as a Colony. 8vo. cloth, $5 50. Lond. the North American Indians, as Orators, Warriors, Statesmen, and other Remarkable CharScene and Thoughts Foreign Londs. acters. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. N. York. Post 8vo. $1 75. London. T e r e n t i u s cum Notis et Scholiis variorum Tales of the American Revolution; being ex editione Zeunii cura Giles; acced. Index Rare and Remarkable Passages of the History copiosissimus. 8vo. cloth, $3 00. Lond.1837. of the War of 1776. 18mo. cloth, 37 cents. New York. T e r e n c e, with English Notes, by Dillaway. New York. limo. cloth, 63 cents. Philadelphia. - Indian Traits; being Sketches of the 18mo d cloth, 63 cents. P ciladelothia Manners, Customs, and Character of the North Translated by Colman. l2mo. cloth, American Natives. 2 vols. 1Smo. cloth, 75 $42 25. London. cents. New York. Translated by Phillips. 8vo. cloth, $1 00. London. The Drawing-Room Scrap-Book for 1850. Edited by Charles Mackay, with 36 - Translated by Cotter. 8vo. cloth, splendid engravings, elegantly bound in 4to. Londlon. cloth gilt, $6 00. London, 1850. Testament, (New,) as Translated by,, Wycliffe. 4to. half bound in black letter, The Game of Natural History; $12 50. London, 1t4S. being a Series of Animals pictured on cards The Greek Text of Griesbach. 12mo. and colored, in case, with Robinson Crusoe's cloth, $2 25. London. Farm-Yard. Square 18mo. half bound, designed to accompany the Game, $1 00; colorcloTranslated by Edgar Taylor. 12mo. ed, 1 25. New York, 1849. cloth, $2 25. London. W- ith English Notes, by Bloomfield. 2 Theime's English and German-German vols. 8vo. cloth, $12 00. London. and English Dictionary. 32mo. bds. $1 00. Teste, (A.) Practical Manual of Animal The King of the HEurons; a RoMagnetism. 12mo. cloth, $1 75. Lond. 1843. mance of the Last Century. 12mo. cloth, $1 00; T e x a n, (The.) A Description of the Climate, paper, 75 cents. New York. &c. of Texas. 12mo. cloth, t 00. Cincinnati. Theocritus, Bion et Mloschus. Square Texas, (History of.) By Rev. C. Newell. 12mo. paper, 25 cents. (Tauchnitzedition.) 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. New York, 1838. Leips. ----- and the Texans. By Gen. Foot. 2 vols. Recens. et edente Wordsworth, Svo. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. Philadelphia. clotb, $4 00. London. T h a c k e r a y, (W. M.) History of Samuel Bion and Moschus. Translated by ChapTitmarsh and the Great Hoggarty Diamond. man. Cr. 8vo. cloth, $3 00. London. Square i2mo. bds. engravings, $2 00. T h e o d o r e t' s Ecclesiastical History. 8vo. London, 149. cloth, $3 25. London. American edition, 25 cents. Dr. Birch and his Young Friends. 12mo. Theological Essays. Reprinted from bds. colored plates, $2 25. London. the "Princeton Review." First and Second Series. 2 vols. thick 8vo. cloth, $5 00. ------ Mre. Perkins' Ball. Square 12mo. bds. New York colored plates, $3 25. London. Irish Sketch Book. 2 vols. 12mo. en- Theophilus. Essays upon various Arts gravings, cloth, $5 00. Lond. 1845. in three Books, forming an Encyclopaedia of g Javinges 00.m i to Cairo. 12mo Art of the Eleventh Century. Translated with Journey from Cornhill to Cairo. 12mo. Notes, by Hendric. 8vo. cloth, $6 00. Lound. cloth, 50 cents. New York, 1S48. Vanity Fair. Svo. cloth, engravings, The Sha k espeare Calendar; or, Vaniy$1 25 F. 8 clotNew York, 1848. Wit and Wisdom for every Day in the Year. $1 25. NeEdited by W. C. Richards. 32mo. cloth, 37 --- History of Pendennis. 8vo. cloth, plates, cents; cloth gilt, 63 cents. New York. New York. Our Street. Square 12mo. bds. colored Thierry, (Augustin.) Histoire de la conplates, $2 25. London. quete de l'Angleterre par les Normands, avec (Rev. F.) Researches into the Ecclesias- Atlas et gravures. Lettres sur l'histoire de tical and Political State of Ancient Britain France. Dix ans d'etudes historiques. Recits under the Roman Emperors. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, des temps Merovingiens. S vol. in 8, et atlas, $6 50. London, 1S43. demi veau, $20 00. Paris, 1836-42. Thackrah, (C. T.) Effects of Trades on - Lettres sur l'Histoire de France, pour Health and Longevity. 8vo. cloth, $2 25. servir d'Introduction a l'etude de cette Histoire. London. 8vo. paper, $1 50. Brux. 1839 Foreign and American Books. 139 T h i e r r y, (M. A.) Historical Essays and T h o m a s, (J. J.) The American Fruit CulNarratives. Svo. cloth, $1 25. Phila. 1845. turist; containing Directions for the PropagaArchitecte. Arc de triomph de l'Etoile. tion and Culture of Fruit Trees in the Nursery, Plans, coupes, elevations, details de constru Orchard, and Garden, with Descriptions of the Plans, coupes, elevations, details de construction et sculptures d'apres les dessins de MM. Principal American and Foreign Varieties cularin Raiond et Goust 1 vol. grand in- tivated in the United States. 12mno. cloth, Chalgrin, Raimond, et Goust. 1 vol. grand infol. atlas de 26 pl. gravees avec le plus grand 0 engraving $1 00. Auburn, 1849. soin et texte historique et descriptif, bnd. (W.) Designs for Monuments and Chim$2)2 50O. Paris. ney Pieces. Imp. 8vo. bds. 24 plates, $5 00. London, 1843. T hi e r s. Ilistoire de la Revolution Francaise. London,1843. 9e edition, ornee de 50 nouvelles vignettes De Aquino, (St) Summa Theogravees sur acier par Burdet, d'apres les dessins logi opera et studio J. Carroli Renati Bill de Raffet. 10 vol. in 8, demi veau, $16 00. art; editio nova, accurate emandata. 10 vols. Paris, 1839. 8vo. $12 00. Lugduni, Guyot & Sons, 1847. Histoire de la Revolution Francaise. 5 Tho m p s o n, (B. F.) History of Long Islvols. l2mo. paper, $3 75. Brux. 1845. and. 2 vols. Svo. cloth, map and plates, $5 00. New York, 1S48. History ofthe French Revolution. Trans- (D.) Lunar and Horary Tables. Royal lated, with Notes and Illustrations from the 8vo. $3 00. London. most authentic sources, by Frederick Shoberl. (D. P.) Introduction to Meteorology. 5 vols. 8vo. cloth, illustrated by many engrav- 8vo. cloth, $3 75. London, 1849.'ngs, $6 50. London, 1846. ings, 6 50. Lonon, 1846. (E. P.) History of the Austrian Empire. -— I — History of the French Revolution. 4 Post 8vo. cloth, $3 50. London. vols. 8vo. cloth, $5 00. Phila. vols. 8vo. cloth, $5 00. Phila. _ Life in Russia: or, Discipline of Despot. Consulate and Empire of Napoleon. ism. Post 8vo. cloth, $3 50. Lond. Vol. 1, I8vo. cloth, $-1 50. Philadelphia. (E. P.) Note-Book of a Naturalist. Post Etudes historiques sur sa vie Privee, 8vo. cloth, $2 75. London. Politique, et Litteraire de par A. Laya. 2 vols. 8vo. paper, $3 75. Paris, 1846. - (G. A.) Geographical Dictionary of America. 5 vols. 4to. cloth, $63 00. Lond. - De la Propriete. Svo. paper, $1 25. Paris, 1848. (J.) Retreats; a Series of Designs, consisting of Plans and Elevations for Cottages, T hi mm' s (F.) Literature of Germany His- Villas, and Ornamental Buildings. 4to. cloth, torically Developed. 12mo. cloth, $2 00. 812 00. London. T hirlwall, (Rev. C.) History of Greece. (J.W.) TreatiseonHeatforHot Houses. A new edition. 8 vols. Svo. cloth, with maps, Svo paper, 75 cents. London. $26 00. London, 1845-8. (T.) First Principles of Chemistry. 2 -- History of Greece. 2 vols. 8vo. sheep, vols. Svo. cloth, $3 50. London. extra,,4 00. New York. extra, $4 00. New York.- - History of Mexico, from Documents made T h o m, (A.) Nature and Course of Storms in while Resident in that Country as American the Indian Ocean. 8vo. cloth, $3 50. Lond. Minister. 12ino. cloth, $1 63. New York. (W. J.) Collection of Early Prose Ro- (Wm.) The Natural History of Ireland. mances. 3 vols. post 8vo. cloth, $9 00. Vol. 1, Birds, comprising the Orders Raptores London, 1828. and Insessores. 8vo. cloth, $4 50. Lond. 1849. - -- Book of the Court, exhibiting the History, T h o m s o n, (Lieut. Col.) Failure of the Duties, and Privileges of the several Ranks of Masonry of the Defensive Building of Fort the Nobility and Gentry. 8vo. cloth, $6 00; Neuf. (Papers, R. E. vol. 8, 4to.) London. por. $2 00. London, 1844. por. $2 00. London,1844. Experiments on the Condensation of Thomas, (B.) Shooter's Guide. 12mo. Gravel and Sand. (Papers, R. E. vol. 7, 4to.) cloth, $2 (JO. London. London. - (R.) Observations on Railways. 8vo. Account of the Failure of a Floor in Edcloth, $1 00. London. inburgh in 1823. (Papers, R. E. vol. 7, 4to.) --- (Capt.) Views in Simla, in Indiil. Folio, London. cloth, $25 00. London. - On the Subject of Furnaces for Heating (Ed.) On the Coins of the Patau Sul- Shot. (Papers, R. E. vol. 1, 4to.) London. tans of Hindostan. 8vo. cloth, $3 00. Lond. Collection of the Songs of Burns, Scott, - (E.) The Workingman's Cottage Archi- and other eminent Lyric Poets, &c., with Symtecture; containing Plans, Elevations, and De- phonies and Accompaniments for the Piano tails for the Erection of Cheap, Comfortable, Forte, by Pleyel, Haydn Beethoven, &c. and Neat Cottages. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Composed for and Collected by George ThomNew York. son, F. A. S. 6 vols. royal 8vo. half mor. gilt (F. S.) Ancient Exchequers of England leaves, with 12 engravings, Music to each Song and Ireland. 8vo. cloth, $3 00. Lond. engraved on separate page, $22 00; por. $16 00. - - History of the State Paper Office. 8vo. London, 1822. cloth, $1 25. London. (Mrs.) Memoirs of the Court of Henry ----- (G.) Historical and Geographical Ac- VIII. 2 vols. 8vo. $8 60. London. count of the Province, &c. of Pennsylvania and Memoirs of the Duchess of Marlborough. of West New Jersey in America. (Reprint,) 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $8 50. Lond. in fac-simile, 12mo. cloth, map, $1 50. -- Memoirs of the Jacobites of 1715-45. 3 London, 1698. vols. 8vo. cloth, $10 50. London. 140 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of T h o m son, (A. T.) Domestic Management Tho m son, (Thos.) Chemistry of Organic of the Sick Room. Post 8vo. cloth, $3 25. Bodies. Svo. cloth, $7 25. London. London. (W.) An Outline of the Necessary Laws ~ —- - Elements of Materia Medica. Svo. cloth, of Thought; a Treatise on Pure and Applied $9 50. London. Logic. 12mo. cloth, $2 25. Lond. 1849. Lectures on Botany. Svo. cloth, $S.50. - and T w in i n g on Diseases of the London. Liver. Svo. sheep, $2 00. Phila. ----- London Dispensatory. 8vo. cloth, $6 50. T h o r e s by, (Ralph.) Diary and CorresLondon. pondence fioml 1677 to 1724. Edited by Rev. Conspectus of the Pharmacopceias. 12mo. J. Hunter. 4 vols. 8vo. cloth, $6 00. cloth, $1 63. London. London, 1830. - American edition. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Tho r m a n, (R.) The Taunus Railway; a New York. concise Account, Historical, Statistical, and Mechanical, of the Railway from Frankfort to ~- (Jas.) Differential and Integral Calcu- Wiesbaden. 4to. cloth, 25 plates, $3 75. lus. 8vo. cloth, $3 75. London. London. --- Elementary Treatise on Algebra. 12mo. Thorn, (Major.) Memoirs of the Conquest cloth, $1 50. London.'L of Java. Royal 4to. cloth, $t9 00. Lond. ------ Elements of Plane and Spherical Trigo- Memoirs of the War in India, in 1803-6. nometry. 8vo. cloth, $1 25. Lond. 4to. cloth, $16 50. London. (J.) Account of the Varioloid Epidemic T h o r n t h w a it e, (W. H.) Guide to Phoin Scotland. 8vo. cloth, $3 25. Lond. tography. 8vo. cloth, $1 00. London. Edinbulrgh Dispensatory. Svo. 8.T3 50. Tho r n t o n. Oregon and California in 1848, Sketches of the Varieties of the Small with an Appendix. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $1 75. Pox. 8vo. cloth, $3 50. Lond. New York, 1849. -- (J. P.) Memoir of David Hale, (late (W. T.) Over Population and its RemeEditor of the Journal of Commerce,) with Se- dy. 8vo. cloth, $3 25. London. lections from his Miscellaneous Writings. Plea for Peasant Proprietors. Post 8vo. 12mo. cloth, portrait, and interior view of the cloth $2 25. London 1848. Tabernacle, $l 25. Newv York, 185)0. Tabernacle, $1 25. New York, l85O. (Thos.) History of the Punjab. 2 vols. -- (James.) The Poetical Works, compris- post 8vo. $6 50. London. ing all his Pastoral, Dramatic, Lyrical, and Di- (Capt.) History of the East India Comdactic Poems, and a few of his Juvenile Pro- pany, Svo. cloth, $2 25. London. ductions, with Life of the Author, by Rev. P. Murdoch, and Notes, by Nicholls. Portrait, (Ed.) Chapters on Mdern History of British India. Svo. cloth, $6 50. Lond. 12mo. cloth, $2 00. London, 1849. PoeticalWorks._(Aldineedition.)_2 Gazetteer of Scinde. 2 vols. Svo. cloth, - Poetical Works. (Aldine edition.) 2 $7 50 London vols. 12mo. cloth, $2 50; mor. gilt edges, $6 00. Pickeringo, I -47. History of British India. 6 vols. 8vo. cloth, $29 00. London. - he Seasons. Beautifully printed and British Marine Concholoy. illustrated with exquisite wood engravings,.hon Thrp eI, mo. cloth, Mr3 i. London. with Life, by Patrick Murdoch, and edited by Bolton Corney. Square 8vo. mor. gilt edges, Our Army in the Rio Grande. 12mo. $4 00; cloth gilt, $2 75. New York, 1842. cloth, $1 00. Philadelphia. (R D.) School Chemistry; or, Practical Our Army at Monterey. 12mo. cloth, Rudiments of the Science. 12mno. cloth, $2 00. 75 cents. Philadelphia. London. Thorpe and Klipstein's Anglo-Sax(R.) Experimental Researches on the on Gospels. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. Food of Animals, and the Fattening of Cattle, New York, 1849. with Remarks on the Food of Man, founded on Three Coor ss and a Dessert. Crown Experiments, &c. 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. 8vo. half ior. with sone of Cruikshank's best New York. illustrations, 81 75. London, 1830. --- Essay on Magna Charta. 8vo. cloth, Thrilling Incidents of the American $5 00. London. Revolutionary War. Royal 8vo. cloth, 300 engravings, $3 50. - (Thos.) Elements of Chemistry. 8vo. i ~cloth, 2 25. - ~T h u c y d i d e s. Greece. 2 vols. square cloth, 3 25.edition) 1 00. Sciences of Heat of Electricity. Second 1mo. paper, (auchnitz edition,) 1 00. Leipsic. edition, 8vo. cloth, $4 50. De bello peloponnesiaco Libri VIII. cum ------ System of Chemistry. 4 vols. Svo. cloth. indice Historico, curavit ant. Richter. 8vo. London. paper, $2 25. Leipsic, 182S. Inorganic Chemistry. 2 vols. Svo. cloth. - Greek, with English Notes, by J. J. Brewing and Distillation, with Practical Owen. 12mo. bds. $2 00. New York, 1848. Instructions for Brewing Porter and Ales ac- --- Translated by Dale. 12mo. cloth, 88 cording to the English and Scotch Methods, by cents. London, 1848. William Stewart. Post 8vo. cloth, $2 25. - Translated by Bloomfield. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1849. cloth, $13 50. London. ------ Chemistry of Animal Bodies. 8vo. cloth. - Maps and Plans, Illustrative of. 8vo. $4 16. London. cloth, $3 60. London. Foreign and American Books. 141 T h u c y d i d e s. History of the Peloponne- T i m p s o n, (Rev. Thos.) Church History sian War. Translated by William Smith. through all Ages. 12mo. cloth, $2 25. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. New York, 1849. A Key to the Bible; containing a SumTraduit par Amb. Firmin Didot avec le mary of Biblical Knowledge, &c. 8vo. cloth, texte en regard et notes. 4 vols. 8vo. paper, maps and 124 engravings, $3 00. Lond. 1845. $5 00. Paris, 1833. Memoirs of Mrs. Elizabeth Fry. 12mo. With English Notes, by Bloomfleld. 2 cloth, portrait, 75 cents. London, 1847. vols. 8vo. cloth, $10 50. London. Tingry, (P. F.) House Painter and ColorT h u r m a n, (J.) Observations and Essays man's Guide. 12mo. cloth, $2 25. Lond. on Statistics of Insanity. 8vo. cloth, 4 5.The Varnisher's Guide; a Practical London. Treatise on the Art of Making and Applying o Varnishes. Third edition, 12mo. cloth, $1 50. T h yn n e, (Rev. W.) The History of Alge- London, 1849. braic Equations; a Chapter of Elementary Tinmouth, (N.) Inquiry relative to variAlgebra. 8vo. cloth, i1 75. Cambridge, 1849. ous important points of Seamanship, considered Ticknor, (G.) History of Spanish Liter- as a Branch of Practical Science. 8vo. cloth, ature. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, $6 00; sheep, $6 75; plates, $2 25. London, 1845. half calf, $7 50. New York, 1849. Titford, (W. T.) Hortus Americanus. 4to. --- (C.) Popular Treatise on Medical Phi- cloth, $10 50. London. losophy, &c. 1 2mo. cloth, 75 cents. T i t i a n, (Life of.) By Northcote, with AnecNew York, 1838. dotes. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, portrait, $2 75. T i e c k. Der Blaubert ein Marchen, with London, 1830. Translation, by Apel. 12mo. cloth, $1 63. London. Ti t sin gh, (M.) Illustrations of Japan. - (L.) Tales from the Phantasus. 12mo. Royal 4to. plates, $17 50. London. paper, $1 50. London. Tizard, (W. L.) Theory and Practice of T i e d e m a n n, (F.) Anatomy of the Fcetal Brewing. Svo. cloth, $7 50. Lond Brain, by Bennett. 8vo. cloth, $3 50. Lond. Tocqueville, (Alexis de.) Democracy - Cormparative Physiology, by Gully and in America. Translated by Henry Reeve, Esq. Lane. Svo. cloth, $3 50. London. with Preface, by J. C. Spencer. 8vo. cloth, Tiffany, (Osmond.) The Canton Chinese $2 00. New York, 1848. or, the American's Sojourn in the Celestial Tod, (J.) Travels in WesternIndia. Royal Empire. 12mo.cloth,87c.ents. Boston, 1849. 4t. cloth, $2287 cent 00. London. Tilke, (S.) Nature and Treatment of Dis- - (G.) PlansforHot Houses, Greenhouses, ease. 8vo, cloth, $3 00. London. &c. Folio, 12 60. London. Till, (W.) Description of the Coronation Todd, (Rev.) Student's Manual. 12mo. Medals from Edward VI. to Victoria. 12mno. cloth, 50 cents. Philadelphia. cloth, $1 50. London. - Index Rerum; or, Common Place Book Essay on the Roman Denarius, &c. for the Student, with a Specimen Page. 4to. 12mo. cloth, $2 25. London. half roan, $2 00. Philadelphia. Till o t s on, (Archbishop.) Works, with and Bow man. The Physiological Life, by Birch. 10 vols. Svo. cloth, $31 50. Anatomy and Physiology of Man. Cuts, 2 London. vols. 8vo. $9 00. London, 1849. Tilly, (B.) Tailor's Tutor and Cutting-Room -— (H. J.) Lives of Gower and Chaucer. Companion. Post 8vo. cloth, $1 50. London. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. London. Timbs, (John.) Year-Book of Facts in Sci- Tolfrey, (F.) Sportsmanin Canada. 2 vols. ence and Art; exhibiting the most important post 8vo. cloth, $6 50. London. Discoveries and Improvements of the past Toland, (John.) History of the Druids, by Year. Illustrated with engravings. 12mo. Huddleston. 8vo. cloth, $3 50. Lond. cloth, $1 50. (Published annually.) Tombleson's Views on the Thames. 4to. London, 1 S45 —5. cloth, plates, $6 00. London. Timkowski, (G.) Travels through Views on the Rhine. 2 vols.royal8vo. Mongolia to China. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, S9 00. cloth, plates, $9 00. London. London. T o m e s, (J.) Lectures on Dental Physiology T i mp e r 1 e y's Account of the Harbor and Surgery. 8vo. cloth, $3 75. Lond. and Docks at Kingston upon-Hull. (Paper in Trans. of I. C. Engineers, vol., 4to.) Lond. Tomkins, (T.) Beauties of Penmanship. Trans. of I. C. Engineers, vol. 1, 4to.) Lond. 4to. cloth, $9 50. London. (C. 1H.) Encyclopaedia of Literary and Tomline (Bishop.) Elements of Christian Typographical Anecdote, &c. Royal $vo.Tomline, (Bishop.) cloth, c Royal Svo50. Theology; containing Proofs of the Authenticity and Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures. - Songs of the Press and other Poems, rela- 8vo. cloth, $2 50. London, 1837. tive to the Art of Printers and Printing, with Notes, Biographical and Literary. 18mo. cloth, Tomlins, (F..) Brief Vie of the Eng$1 25. London,1845. lish Drama. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. Lond. - A History of England; combining the Timpso n, (Rev. Thos.) British Female Bi- various Histories of Rapin, Henry, Hume, ography; being select Memoirs of Pious Ladies Smollett, and Belsham. Corrected by reference in various Ranks of Public and Private Life. to Turner Lingard, Mackintosh, Hallam, Bro12mo. cloth, 75 cents. London, 1846. die, Godwin, and other sources. 3 vols. bound British Ecclesiastical History. i2mo. in 6 vols. 8vo. half calf, gilt backs, marbled cloth, $2 75. London. I leaves, portraits, $14 00. Lond. 1842. 142 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of To m 1i n son, (C.) Pneumatics for the use To wne's Farmer's and Gra~ier's Guide. of Beginners. 12mo. cloth, 25 cents. (Weale's Post Svo. $3 00. London. Rudimentary Series.) London, 1843. T ow e r, (J.) Domestic Gardener's Manual. ---- (L.) Recreations in Astronomy. Third 8vo. cloth, $4 00. London. edition, 12mo. cloth, $1 25. London. (J. B.) History, Description, and Illus- (C.) Rudimentary Mechanics for the trations of the Croton Aqueduct. Royal 4to. use of Beginners. Illustrations. 12mo. 25 cloth, with 25 engravings, $3 50. New York. cents. London, 1849. To wnley, (Jas.) Illustrations of Biblical Introduction to the Study of Natural Literature. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth,$12 50. Lond. Philosophy for the useof Beginners. 12mo. American edition. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, cloth, 25 cents. London, 1.849. $4 00. New York. Amusements in Chess. 12nmo. cloth, Literary History of the Bible. 12mo. $1 50. London. cloth, $1 75. London. T o ok e, (J. H.) Diversions of Purley. New - - Reasons of the Laws of Moses. 8vo. edition, revised and corrected, with additional cloth, $3 25. London. Notes, by Richard Taylor. 8vo. cloth, $3 75. - On Diseases of the Potato. Svo. cloth, London, 1840. 75 cents. London. ------ (T.) History of Prices in 1838,'39, with Townsend, (G.) Life and Defence of Remarks on the Corn Laws, and on some of Bishop Bonner. 8vo. cloth, $3 25. Lond. the Alterations proposed in the Banking Sys- Arrangement of the Old and New Testem. 8rvo. cloth, 83 50. London, 1840. - Arrangement of the Old and New T'estem. 8vo. cloth, $3 50. London, 1840. tament. 2 vols. 8vo. bds. $5 00. Boston. tamgent. 2 vols. 8vo. bds. $.; 00. Boston. Considerations on the State of the Cur- (G. F.) Ecclesiastical and Civil History rency. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. London. considered.: 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $9 50. Lond. - History of Prices from 1792 to 1839. 3 (Jos.) Journey through Spain. 2 vols. vols. 8vo. cloth, $14 50. London. 4to. $12 50. London.. —-- Thoughts on High and Low Prices. Svo- Memoirs of. 8vo. cloth, $2 75. Lond. cloth, $4 50. London. cloth, 4 50. London. Character of Moses as an Historian. 2 T o p ffe r. Nouvelles Genevoises. 12mo. pa- vols. 4to. cloth, $30 00. Lond. per, $1 00. Etymological Researches. 4to. cloth, Top a d y, (A. M.) Works, with Memoir. $6 50. London. 6 vols. 8vo. cloth, $16 25. London. 6 - c 12nGeological and Mineralogical Researches. Works, with Memoir. 8vo. cloth, $4 50. 4to. cloth, $6 30. London. London. Top i s, (John.) Observations on the Weath- (J. K.) Excursions in the Rocky 1l\ouner. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Lond. 1849. tains. 2 vols. Svo. cloth, $5 50. Lond. A Treatise on Analytical Mechanics; be- Townshend, (W. C.) Lives of Twelve ing the First Book of Mecanique Celeste of M. Eminent Judges. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $5 60. Le Comte Laplace Translated, with Notes. London. 8vo. cloth, $3 25. London. History of the House of Commons.' vols. 8vo. cloth, $$ 50. London. T o r r e n s, (R.) Essay on Wages and Com- vols. 8vo. cloth, $8 50. bination. Svo. cloth, $1 0. Lond. - Facts in Mesmerism, with a DispassionColonization in South Australia. 8vo. ate Inquiry into it. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. $30 Lond. T rNew York. Comme3cial and0olonialPoy. od. T r a c t s for the Christian Seasons. 4 parts, - Commercial and Colonial Policy. 8vo. i. e. 1, Advent; 2, Christmas; 3, Epiphany; cloth, $3 25. Lond. 4, Lent. 12mo. paper, S1 00. Oxford. Essay on the Production of Wealth. - For the People, designed to Vindicate 8vo. cloth, $3 50. London. Religious and Christian Liberty. 12mo. cloth, Torrey and Gray's Flora of North $1 75. London, 1840. America; containing descriptions of all the For the Times. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth,85 00. known Indigenous and Naturalized Plants New York. growing north of Mexico, according to the Nat- T r a c y, (J.) History of the Great Awakening ural System. Vol. 1, 8vo. cloth, $6 00. in the Time of Whitfield. Svo. cloth, $2 00. -- The Same. Vol. 2, parts I and 2, $1 50 New York. each; part 3, $1 00. Trail 1, (T. S.) Physical Geography. 12mo. Torrington, (Visct.) Farm Buildings, cloth, $1 25. Edinburgh. &c. Svo. paper, $1 50. Lond. T r ai t e des Arbres Fruitiers: contenant leur Tootten, (Col. J. G.) Essay on Aydraulic figure, leur description, leur culture, &c., par and Common Mortars, and Lime Burning. M. Duhamel du Monceau. 2 vols. 4to. calf, 8vo. cloth, $1 50. New York. gilt, plates, $12 00. Paris, 1768. - (Lieut.) The Naval Text-Book; contain- T r an s a c tio n s of the American Ethnologing a Series of Letters on Rigging, Equipping, ical Society. 2 vols. 8vo. paper, $5 00. and Managing Vessels; a Set of Tables for New York, 1845-48. Stationing in Watches, at Quarters, and for all Tr ap, (A,) to Catch a Sunbeam. 12mo. cloth, Evolutions, the Officers and Crews of all Ves- 25 cents. Boston, 1849. sels of War, &c., &c. 8vo. sheep, $3 00. T r a v e 1 s of Ali Bev in Morocco, &c. 2 vols. Boston, 1841. 4to. cloth, $38 00. London. Tottie, (C.) Designs for Sepulchral Monu- Of Marco Polo in the Thirteenth Century. ments. Folio, cloth, $10 75. Lond. 4to. cloth, $16 00. London. Foreign and American Books. 143 Travelle r's Guide from Pittsburg to the Tre ssan, (Le Comte de.) (Euvres comGulf of Mexico. $1 00. Cincinnati. pletes precedees d'une notice sur sa vie et ses T r a v e r s, (B.) Inflammation and the Heal- ouvrages par M. Campenon, edition revue et ing Process. 8vo. cloth, $3 25. Lond. corrigee, et accompagnee de notes, 16 gravures. - Inquiry on Injuries of the Intestines. 10 vol. in 8, veau, $15 00. Paris, 1822-23. 8vo. cloth, $4 50. London. T riglott Evangelists, in Greek, -- Inquiry on Constitutional Irritation. 2 Latin, and English Interlinear. Svo. cloth, vols. 8vo. cloth, $S 50. London. $8 50. London. Thre Same, with Grammar. Svo. cloth, ------ Synopsis of Diseases of the Eye. Svo. $95 0. London. cloth, $7 50. London. 0. London. cloth, $ 0. Londson.onBeedingRearnganFt - or separately, St. Matthew, 82 75; St. Tre atis e on Breeding, Rearing, and Fatten- Mark, $1 50; St. Luke, $2 75; St. John, $1 -'5. ing Poultry. Svo. St 50. London. O eing Poultry. Svo. $1 50. London. PrinTrim en, (A.) Church and Chapel Ar'chitec- On Dyeing and Calico Printing. Royal ture, from the earliest period, &c., to which are Svo. cloth, $3 50. New York. added 1000 authenticated Mouldings, selected - On Perspective. (Thenot's System.) from the best examples. Post 8vo. cloth, 8vo. cloth, $3 25. London. plates, $3 25. London, 1S49. ------ On the Steam Engine, by the Artizan T rimmer, (J.) Practical Geology and Club. 4to. cloth, plates, $8 00. London Mineralogy, with Instructions for the QualitaT r e a s u r y of Knowledge and Library of tive Analysis of Minerals. Svo. cloth, $3 50. Reference. 3 vols. 12mo. sheep, $4 00. London. New York, 184S. T rip er, (Louis.) Les Constitutions FranT redgold, (Thos.) An Account of some caises Depuis 1789-1848. 12mo. paper, $1 00. Experiments on the Expansion of Water by Paris, 1848. Heat. (Trans. I. C. E. vol. 1, 4to.) Lound. Tr o o p e, (Rev. W.) Belgium since the On the Steam Engine. New edition, Revolution of 1830, comprising a Topographical publishing ill monthly 4to. parts, with Addi- and Antiquarian Description of the Country, &c. 12mo. cloth, map, $1 50. Loud. 1842. tions, &c. Edited by J. Hann, in 7 divisions; &c.' 2mo. cloth, map, $i 50. Lond. 1842. 1. Locomotives, to be completed in 12 parts. History of Christ's Hospital. 4to. cloth. 2. Miarine Engines. 3. Stationary Engines. $12 50. London. 4. Engines for Raising Water. 5. Cornish - Analecta Theologica. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, Pumping Engine. 6. Engines for Mill Work. $3 25. London, 1842. 7. High-Pressure andNon-Condensing Engines. (Mrs.) A Visit to Italy. 2 vols. 8vo. 75 cents per part. cloth, $1 75. London, 1842. Practical Essay on the Strength of Cast -- Paris and the Parisians in 1835. 8vo. Iron and other Metals. Fourth edition, im- cloth, $1 50. proved and enlarged. 2 vols. 8vo. $7 50. (T. Augustus.) A Summer in Brittany. London. Edited by Frances Trollope: Colored plates, - Practical Examples of Modern Tools and 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $1 75. Lound. 1840. Machines. Plates in folio, text in Svo. $5 00. Trosseau, (A.) and Beloc, (H.) On London. Diseases of the Voice. 8vo. sheep, $2 50. An Elementary Illustration of the Prin- Philadelphia. ciples of Tension and of the Resistance of T rott er, (A.) Method of Farm Book-KeepBodies to being torn Asunder in the direction ing. Royal 8vo. half bound, S2 25. Lond. of their Length. (Trans. I. C. E. vol. 1, 4to.) Manual of Logarithms. 12mo. cloth, London. $1 25. London. -- Elementary Principles of Carpentry, with - (J.) A Key to Ingram's Concise System Practical Rules and Examples; to which is of Mathematics, containing Solutions of all the adlded, an Essay on the Nature and Properties Questions prescribed in that Work. 12mo. of Timber; also numerous Tables, &c. Third bds. $2 00. London. edition, with an Appendix, by P. Barlow. T r u e and Faithful Relation of a Worthye DisPlates, 4to. half mor. 12 50. Lod. 1840. course between ye late Colonell Hampden and --- Tracts on Hydraulics. 8vo. cloth, $3 50. Colonell Oliver Cromwell. Foolscap 4to. in London. appropriate Binding. Cloth, $1 50. T ree R o se, (The,) its Formation and Cul- London, 1847. ture. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. London. Truefitt, (G.) Architectural Sketches on Tre go, (C. B.) Pennsylvania; its Geography, the Continent. 8vo. cloth, $3 00. London. History, &c., with an Account of its Climate, Trumbull, (J.) Autobiography, Letters, Soil, Agriculture, Resources, &c. 12mo. cloth, and Reminiscences, from 1776 to 1841. Svo. map, $1 00. Philadelphia. cloth, $2 00. New York, 1841. T r en c h, (Sir F.) Papers relating to the (B) History of Connecticut. 2 vols. Thames Quay. 4to. cloth, $16 00. Lond. Svo. cloth, $6 00. New Haven. Trend all, (E. W.) Examples for Interior T s c h u di, (Dr. J. J. Von.) Travels in Peru. Finishings in Grecian and Italian Architecture. 1 vol. 12mo. cloth, $t 00. New York. Folio, cloth, $5j 50. London.'DesFolio, cloth, $5 50. Lron ondon. 1 " Braving the dangers of a land where throat-cutting is a --- Designs for Roofs of Iron, Stone, and popular pastime, and earthquakes and fevers more or less yelWood. 4to. cloth, $2 50. London. low, and vermin more or less venomous are amongst the indiTress, (.) Modern Churches; Designs, Es- genous comforts of the soil, a German, of high reputation as Tr e s s, (R.) Modern Churches Designs, Es- a naturalist and man of letters, has devoted four years of a timates, Working Drawings, and Specifications, life valuable to science to a residence and travels in the most of Modern' Churches already Erected. Imp. interesting districts of South America. the ancient empire of 4to. cloth, $5 00. London, 18M41. the Incas, the- scene of the conquests and cruelties of Francisco 4tO. cloth, $5 00. London, 1841. Pizarro." 144 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Tuck, (J.) Brewer's Guide. 8vo. cloth, $1 50. T ur nb ull, (D.) Cuba, with Notices of Porto London. I Rico and the Slave Trade. 8vo. cloth, map, Tucker, (Col. J. M.) The Life and Naval 2 00. London, 1840. Memoirs of Lord Nelson, compiled from original ------ (Rev. Robert.) The Genius of Italy; Documents. Svo. cloth, wood-cuts, portrait, being Sketches of Italian Life, Literature, and &c. $1 25. London. Religion. 1 vol. 12mo. new edition, $1 00; (A.) Light of Nature pursued with Life, 6 illustrations, extra, gilt edges, $2 00. by Mildmay. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 84 50. "Mr. Turnbull gives us the orange groves. and the founLondon, 1848 tains, and the gondolas, and the frescoes, and the ruins, with aitouches of personal adventure and sketches of biography, and --- American edition. 4 vols. 8vo. cloth, glimpses of the life, literature, and religion oc modern Italy, $6 00. Boston. seen with the quick comprehensive glances of an American (G.) Pi-ogress of the United States in traveller, impulsive, inquisitive, and enthusiastic. His book is a pleasant record of a tourist's impressions, without the inflicPopulation and Wealth in Fifty Years, as ex- tion of the tiresome minutiae of his everyday experience."hibited by the Decennial Census. 8vo. cloth, LITERARY WORLD. $1 25. New York. - (A.) Use of Aconitine, &c. 8vo. cloth, Elements of the Principles and Practice 1 00. of Midwifery, with numerous illustrations. (P.) Travels in Austria. 2 vols. 8vo. 12mo. cloth, $1 50. Philadelphia. cloth, $7 25. London. Tu c k e rman, (E.) Enumeration of North (R.) Dredge's Suspension Bridge exAmerican Lichens. 12mo. cloth, 38 cents. plained upon the Principles of the Lever, &c. Cambridge. Royal 8vo. cloth, plate and wood-cuts, $1 50. - Synopsis of North American Lichens. London. 8vo. cloth, 75 cents. Cambridge. (William.) A Treatise on the Strength, - (Henry.) Thoughts on the Poets. 1211o. Flexure, and Stiffness of Cast Iron Beams and cloth, 75 cents. New York. Columns, showing their fitness to Resist TransArtist's Life. 12mo. cloth, 75 cenits. verse Strains, Torsion, Compression. Tension, New York-. and Impulsion, with Tables of Constants. Svo. Italian Sketch-Book. 12mo. cloth,$1 00. cloth, 3 00. London, S32. New York. --- A Practical Treatise on the Strength and Characteristics of Literature. 12mo. Stiffness of Timber, intended as a Guide for cloth, 75 cents. Philadelphia. Engineers, Architects, &c. 8vo. cloth, $3 50. Tudor, (H.) Narrative of a Tour in North London. America. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $2 00. An Essay on the Construction of the Five London, 1834. Architectural Systems of Cast Iron Beams. - (W.) Life of James Otis. 8vo. cloth, 8vo. paper, 75 cents. London. $2 50. Boston, 1823. Essay on the Air-Pump and Atmospheric Tulk, (A.) and Henfrey's Anatomical Railway. 12no. cloth, $1 25. Lond. Manipulation; or, the Methods of Pursuing_ Sections of Cast Iron Beams. 8vo. Practical Investigations in Comparative Anat- paper, $1 25. London. omy and Physiology. 18mo. cloth, $2 25. Turn er, (D.) Account of a Tour in NorLondon, 1844 mandy, for the purpose of Investigating the Tue ome y, (M.) Report on thse Geology of Architectural Antiquities. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, South Carolina. 4to. cloth, map, plate, and plates, S 00. London. numerous wood-cuts, $2 50. -rColumbia, S. C. 1848. 50(Edward.) Elements of Chemistry; inT u p p e r, (M. F.) The Crock of Gold, a Ru- cluding the actual State and plevalent Docral Novel. 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. New York. trines of the Science. Edited by Baron Liebig and William Gregory. Eighth edition, thick ---- ~The Twins, a Domestic Novel; and 8vo. cloth, 9 00. London, 1847. Heart, a Social Novel. 1 vol. 1.2mo. cloth, 50 American edition. Edited by Rogers. cents. New YZr~orki. --- American edition. Edited tby Rogters. cents. New York. 8vo. sheep, $3 50. Phila. 1346. Proverbial Philosophy. 12mo. paper, 50 8vo. sheep, $_3 _0. Phila. I&46. cents; cloth, 75 cents; cloth gilt, 87 cents; y est. h e l lo. sheep, mor. $2 00. $1 25. Philadelphia. (J. M.) Proverbial Philosophy. Small Introduction to Chemical Combinations. -~ —--- (J. M.) Proverbial Philosophy. Small 1Smo. cloth, 75 cents. London. 4to. plates, cloth, $3 50; mor. gilt, gilt leaves, mo. cloth, 75 cents. $4 00. Philadelphia, is0. (J. M. W.) Views on Ihe Southern Coast - Proverbial Philosophy. Small 4to. cloth of England. 2 vols. 4to. plates, half bound, gilt, gilt edges, $2 50; mor. 83 50. 63 00. London. Newt York, 21849. - - Views or the Southeast Coast of EngMiniature edition. 18mo. cloth, 50 land. 4to. half bound, plates, $16 00. cents; cloth gilt, 76 cents; mor. $1 50. London, 1849. New York. Views in Richmondshire. Folio, cloth, - ---- Poetical Works, including Proverbial plates, $19 00. London. Philosophy, Hactenus, and a Thousand Lines, The Rivers of France. Royal 8vo. cloth, &c. 1 vol. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. New York. plates, $7 25. London. T urc an' s Practical Baker and Confectioner. Views in England and Wales. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $1 50. London. 4to. plates, $126 00. London. Turnbull, (Capt.) Description of the (Jas.) Treatise on the Horse's Foot. Coffer Dam used in the Construction of the Royal 8vo. cloth, $2 25. London. Piers of the Alexandria Aqueduct. (Papers, - (John.) Tables of Longitude. Royal R. E. vol. 3, 4to.) London. 8vo. cloth, $3 25. Lonon. Foreign and American Books. 145 Turner, (O.) History of the Holland Pur- Twiss, (T.) The Oregon Question examined chase of Western New York. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. in respect to Facts and the Laws of Nations. Buffalo, N. Y. 8vo. maps, cloth, $3 50. Lond. 1946. ------ (S.) History of England from the time - History and Discovery of the Oregon of the Anglo-Saxons to the Death of Elizabeth. Territory, &c. 8vo. cloth, 75 cents. N. York. 12 vols. 8vo. cloth, $4S 00. Lond. 1828-36. (H.) Life of the Lord Chancellor Eldon. History of the Anglo-Saxons from the 2 vols. Svo. cloth, $3 50. Phila. earliest period to the Norman Conquest. 3 View of the Progress of Political Econovols. 8vo. paper, $2 25. Paris, 1840. my in Europe. 8vo. cloth, $3 25. Lond. A- merican edition. 2 vols. 8vo. $4 50. Ty as, (Rob.) Favorite Field Flowers; or, Philadelphia Wild Flowers of England popularly described. - Sacred History of the World attempted 12 colored groups of flowers. 12mo. cloth gilt, to be Philosophically considered. 3 vols. 1Smo. $2 25. London, 1848. cloth, $1 50. New York. Tyerman and Bennet's Voyage (S. H.) Companion to the Book of Gen- round the World. Post 8vo. cloth, $2 25. esis. 8vo. cloth, $1 00. New York. London. T u r r e t in i Institutio Theologime Elenticae. - American edition, 3 vols. $1 87. Boston. 4 vols. Svo. cloth, $10 00. New York, 1846. T y 1 e r, (John.) Life and Speeches. 8vo. Turton, (William.) Conchylia Dithyra In- paper, 50 cents. New York. sularum Britannicarum. The Bivalve Shells (Sam.) Baconian Philosophy. 12mo. of the British Isles systematically arranged. cloth, $1 00. Baltimore. 20 colored plates, 4to. $15 00. Lond. Robert Burns as Poet and as Man. 12mo. - (John.) Angler's Manual; or, Fly-Fish- cloth, 75 cents. New York, 1848. er's Oracles. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Lond. Tyndale, (W.) The New Testament. The - Conchological Dictionary. 12mo. cloth, original edition of 1526, to which is added the plates, $2 75; colored, $4 25. London. essential Variations of Coverdale's, Cranmer's, Manual of British Shells, by Gray. Post the Genevan, &c, as Marginal Readings, by 8vo. cloth, $4 50. London. J. P. Dabney. 12mo. cloth, $1 75. Tuson, (E. W.) Anatomy, &c. of Inguinal Andover, 1837. and Femoral Hernia. Folio, $12 50. Lond. Tyrrell, (F.) On the Diseases of the Eye. ------ System of Myology, with Supplement. vols. 8vo. $10 75. London. 2 vols. folio, cloth, colored plates, $50 00. Tyt 1 e r, (A. F.) Essay on the Principles of London, 1828. Translation. 8vo. cloth, $3 50. London. ------ Treatment in Curvature of the Spine. Universal History. 2 vols. Svo. cloth, 8vo. cloth, $3 25. London, 1841. $3 25. Boston Tuthill, (Mrs. L. C.) History of Architec- Elements of General. History, by Nares. ture from the earliest times, with numerous 12mo. cloth, $4 25. London. llustrations. 8vo. cloth, plates, $3 50. History of Scotland. Third edition, 7 Philadelphia, 1848. vols 8vo. cloth, $22 00. Edin. 1845. The Nursery Book for Young Mothers. - Historical View of the Progress of Dis18mo. 50 cents. New York, 1849. covery on the more Northern Coasts of Ameri" This volume will be a welcome present to young mothers. ca. 18mlo. cloth, 50 cents. New York. It comprises familiar letters on all topics connected with the Ude, (Louis.) French Cook. Post 8vo. cloth, medical and educational departments of the Nursery, and is just such a book as every mother will find practically useful, $3 50. London. and all the more so as it is written by a competent and expe h I a n d (L.) Poems and Memoirs. Transrienced person of their own sex." a lated by A. Platt. 12mo. cloth, $2 50. Success in Life-the Merchant. A Biog- London, 1847. raphy, with Anecdotes and Practical Applica- Ul man, (C.) Worship of Genius and Chartion for new beginners. 12mo. cloth gilt, half acter of Christilnity. 12mo. cloth, 1 00. bound, 63 cents. New York, 1849. London. Success in Life-the Mechanic. A BioSuccess in Life-the Mechanic. A Bio U 11 o a an d Ju a n's Reports on South graphical Example. 1Amo. (To be followed America, by Barry. Royal 4to. cloth, $19 00. by " The Artist, The Artist, "The Lawyer," &c.) London. " The aim of this Series is to develop the talent and energy U 1 r i c i. Shakespeare's Dramatic Art and his of boys just merging into manhood, and to assist them in choosing their pursuits forlife." Relation to Calderon and Goethe. Svo. cloth, "Success! How the heart bounds at the exulting word. $2 50. London, 1847. Success! Man'saimfromthe momenthe placeshistiny foot Un Heros histoire contempoupon the floor till he lays his weary gray head in the grave. Success, the exciting motive to sll endeavor and its crowning raine. 12mo. broche, $1 00. Paris, 1840. glory."-ExTRACT FRaOMa PREFACE. United States Gaz e t te e r. By Twaml ey, (L. A.) Romance of Nature. Haskell and Smith. 8vo. sheep, $3 00. Svo. mor. gilt, colored plates, $9 00. New York, 1846. London, 1839. Universal History, Ancient and Mod~ — - Our Wild Flowers. Post Svo. mor. gilt ern, from the earliest accounts of Mankind to edges, beautifully colored plates, $6 00. the Peace of 1815; forming the third division London. of the Encycloptedia Metropolitana. Edited T w i n i n g, (H.) On the Philosophy of Paint- by Revs. E. Smedley, Hugh James Rose, Hening; a Theoretical and Practical Treatise. ry John Rose. Maps and charts. 5 vols. 4to. Imp. 8vo. cloth, $6 50. London, 1849. cloth, $30 00. London, 1848. 10 146 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Universal Songster; or, Museum of Valcour, (P. L. De.) Memoires sur l'AgriMirth; forming the most complete, extensive, culture et les Instruments aratoires et d'econoand valuable collection of Modern Songs in the my rurale. 8vo. avec atlas, $3 00. English Language. Illustrated by G. and R. Paris, 1841. Cruikshank. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, $4 50. Lond. Valentine, (John.) Elements of Practical Universal Picture Gallery; com- Harmony. 8vo. cloth, $1 00. London. prising engravings from the Works of the best (J. S.) The Assistant Engineer; emMasters, Ancient and Modern. 4to. cloth, bodying Ten Sets of Experiments on the plates, $2 50. London. Strength of Materials, by G. Rennie, with U ph a m's Life of Faith; embracing some of Working Drawings and Specifications, &c. the Scriptural Principles or Doctrines of Faith, 120 illustrations, 8vo. cloth, $6 50. &c. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. New York. London, 1848. --- Life of Madame C. Adorna; including Valentine Vox. 8vo. cloth, plates, 75 some leading Facts and Traits in her Religious cents. Philadelphia. Experience. 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. V all e r y, (M.) Correspondence inedite de New York. Mabillon et de Montfaucon avec l'Italie, suivie ------ Principles of the Interior; or, Hidden des lettres inedites du P. Quesnel. 3 vols. 8vo. Life. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. New York. paper, $4 50. Paris, 1847. ~ —-- Life, Religious Opinions, and Experience Valmore, (Mme. de.) Poesies, avec notice of Madame Guyon. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $2 00. par S. Beuve. 12mo. paper, $1 00. Treatise on the Will. 12mo. sheep, $1 25. New York. Valpy's Greek Grammar. Edited by An-'1 25. New York. thon. 12mo. bds. 50 cents. New York. -- Imperfect and Disordered Mental Action. 18mo. cloth, 50 cents. New York. Van Buren, (M.) Life of, by Crockett. Elements of Mental Philosophy; em- 12mo. cloth, 63 cents. New York. bracing the Two Departments of the Intellect Vandenhoff, (G.) Elocution. 12mo. and the Sensibilities. 2 vols. 12mo. sheep, roan, cloth sides, $1 13. New York. $2 50. New York. Vanderstracten's Improved Agricul(E.) History of Buddhism. Imp. 4to. ture. 8vo. cloth, $3 25. London. cloth, $19 00. London, 1829. V an e, (B.) Treatise on the Nail Trade. - - Sacred and Historical Books of Ceylon. Oblong 4to. cloth, $6 50. London. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, $12 50. London. V a n h e r m an. Every Man his own House U r e, (A.) Cotton Manufacture of Great Painter and Colorman. 8vo. cloth, $1 50. Britain. 2 vols. post 8vo. $6 50. Lond. 1836. London. ------ Philosophy of Manufactures. Post Svo. V an S chaack, (P.) Life of, by his Son, cloth, $3 25. London. H. C. Van Schaack. Svo. cloth, $2 50. --- Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and New York. Mines, to which is appended a Supplement of V a n W o r r e 11' s Dutch and Flemish Paintrecent improvements to the present time. 8vo. ers of the Old School. Square 1Smo. $3 25. sheep, with 1500 engravings, $5 00. London. New York, 1848. Varle y, (O.) Rudimentary Mineralogy. 2 - A new System of Geology, in which the parts. 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. Lond. 1849. great Revolutions of the Earth and Animated (.) Precepts of Landscape Drawing. Nature are Reconciled at once to Modern Sci- dto. cloth $1 50. London. ence and Sacred History. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. London. - Principles of Landscape Design. Folio, Urqu hart, (D.) Turkey and its Resources. half bound, $12 00. London. 8vo. cloth, $3 00. London. - Studies for Drawing Trees. 4to. cloth, Useful Arts, (Encyclopeedia of.) Illus- $1 50. London. trated with engravings. 4to. cloth, $6 00. Treatise on Drawing in Perspective. 4to. London. cloth, $2 75. London. Employed in the Construction of Dwell- --- (Mrs.) Engineer's Manual of Mineralogy ing Houses. 12mo. cloth, wood-cuts, 75 cents. and Geology. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Lond. London, 1845. Va s a r i, (G.) Vies des Peintres Sculpteurs - Employed in the Production of Clothing. et Architectes, traduit par L. Leclanche. 10 12mo. cloth, wood-cuts, 75 cents. Lond. 1845. vols. Svo. and atlas of plates, $15 00. -- Employed in the Production of Food. Paris, 1841. 12mo. cloth, wood-cuts, 75 cents. Lond. 1844. V at t e 1, (M. de.) Law of Nations, by Chitty. Usher, (Archbishop.) A Body of Divinity; Roval 8vo. bds. $6 50. London. or, the Sum and Substance of Christian Religion. New edition, by Dr. Robinson. 8vo. Vaughan, (R.) The Age and Christianity. cloth, $3 50. London, 1S41. 12mo. cloth, $1 75. London, 1849. - Life of, by C. R. Elrington. 8vo. cloth, - Age of Great Cities; or, Modern Civiliza$3 75. London. tion. Post 8vo. $2 25. London. Vail, (A.) Magnetic Telegraph. 8vo. half Protectorate of Oliver Cromwell. 2 vols. bound, $1 00. Philadelphia. Svo. cloth, $9 50. --- Notice sur les Indiens de l'Amerique du- Essays on History, Philosophy, and The. Nord. 8vo. map and plates, $1 50. ology. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $2 50. Paris, 1840. London, 1849. Foreign and American Books. 147 Vaughan, (Dr.) History of England from Vetus Testamentumn Griecum 1603 to 1688. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $3 75. juxta Septuaginta Interpretes, cum Latina London, 1S40. Translatione, ed. J. N. Jager. 2 vols. royal (W.) Essay on Headaches. 8vo. cloth, 8vo. paper, $7 00. Paris, 1839. $3 25. London. V e u illo t. Les pelerinages de Suisse, gra- Tracts on Docks and Commerce. 8vo. vures. 1 vol. in 8, maroquin, $1 75. cloth, $l 75. London. Tours, 1845. Vauthier e t L a c o u r. Monuments de V icars, (John.) England's Worthies under sculpture anciens et modernes, recueillis, des- whom all the Civil and Bloody Warres since sines et graves par Vauthier et Lacour. Nou- Anno 1642 to Anno 1647 are related. 12mo. velle edition, augmentee de 16 planches, repre- half mor. portrait, $1 50. (Reprint of 1647.) sentant entre autres le fronton du Pantheon, London, 1845. celui de la Madeleine, les huit statues qui V icat's Treatise on Mortars and Cements. decorent la place de la Concorde, et des trophees Translated by Smith, 8vo. cloth, $3 25. sur la valeur militaire, les arts, les sciences, la London, 1837. marine, etc. I vol. in folio de 84 planches V i co. La Science Nouvelle. 12mo. paper, avec texte, $14 00. Paris. $1 00. Paris, 1845. V a u x, (Thos.) System of Tillin;r and Ferti- V i c t o r H u g o. Notre Dame de Paris. 2 lizing Land. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. Lond. vols. 12mo. paper, $2 00. Paris. V e 1p e a u, (A.) Midwifery, by Meigs. 8vo. - Hans d'Islande. 12mo. paper, $1 00. sheep, $3 50. Philadelphia. Paris. - Operative Surgery, with Notes, by Val- Dernier Jour d'un condamme, et Bugentine Mott. 3 vols. 8vo. sheep, with atlas in Jargal. 12mo. paper, $1 00. Paris. 4to. $20 00. New York, 1847. Voix interieurs, et les Rayons et les omVenables, (R.) Aphorisms on Chemistry bres. 12mo. paper, $1 00. Paris. and Toxicology. 12mo. cloth, $2 25. Lond. - Theatre, Nouvelle edition. 2 vols. 12mo.. Clinical Report on Dropsies. 8vo. cloth, paper, $2 00. Paris. $2 50. London. Cromwell, drame. 12mo. paper, $1 0u Paris. - Treatise on Diabetes. 8vo. cloth, $3 25. Paris. London. Litterature et Philosophie. 12mo. paper, (R. L.) Domestic Manners of the Rus- $1 00. Paris. sians. Post 8vo. cloth, $2 75. London. Odes et Ballades. 12mo. paper, $1 00. Experienced Angler. 12mo. cloth, $2 25. Orientales. 12mo. paper, $1 00. Paris. London, 1828. - Feuilles d'automne et chants du CrepusV enturoli, (G.) Practical Mechanics, by cule. 12mo. paper, $1 00. Paris. Cresswell. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. - (Euvres. 16 vols. 12mo. half mor. $24 00. - Theory of Mechanics, by Cresswell. 8vo. Paris. cloth, $2 25. London. V i d o c q. Memoirs of, as a Convict Spy and Vericou r's Modern French Literature. Agent of the French Police. 12mo. cloth, 12mo. cloth, $1 25. Boston. plates, $1 50. London. V e r m o n t, (History of.) By Rev. H. Beck- Vie u s s e u x, (A.) The History of Switzerley, 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Burlington, Vt land from the first Irruption of the Northern, Dr o, oLnce. bl' Tribes to the present time. Svo. cloth, map, - Drawing-Book of Landscapes, by Bishop $1 25 London, 1846. Hopkins. 6 numbers, $2 50. Burlington, Vt. - Geological Report on, in 184,'46. 2 Vi e w s on the Nile, from Cairo to the Second parts, 12mo. paper, 75 cents. Burlington, Vt. Cataract, dlsvn on stone, by G. Moore, from, Hsor op, by T ps.. loth, Sketches taken in 1832 and 1833, by Owen $ 0 HiBstory of, by Thompson. 8vo. cloth, Jones and the late Jules Goury, with Historical $3 50. Burlington, Vt. Notices of the Monuments, by Samuel Birch. Ver non, (E. J.) Guide to the Anglo-Saxon Imp. folio, half mor. $16 00. Lond. 1843. Tongue. 12mo. cloth, $1 63. London. Vieyra's Portuguese Dictionary. 2 vols. Verplanck, (G. C.) Addresses on Ameri- 8vo. cloth, $10 75. London. can History, &c. 12mo. cloth, 63 cents. Portuguese Grammar. 8vo. bds. $2 25. New York. Influence of Moral Causes. lNmo. 19 Vigny, (A. de.) Cinq-Mars. 12mo. paper, Influence of Moral Causes. 12mo. 19 $1 00 Paris. cents. New York. MoralInfluenmcents. New York. 2 Stello. 12mo. paper, $1 00. Paris. Right Moral Influence. 12mo. cloth, 25$1 00. Paris. cents. New York.velles. 12mo. pape V ert o t, (Abbe de.) Histoire des Chevalier Theatre. l2mo. paper, $1 00. Paris. de Malte. 12mo. paper, 50 cents. Tours, 1847. Poesies completes. 12mo. paper, $1 00. V e s t i g e s of the Natural History of the Cre- Paris. ation, with Sequel. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Servitude et Grandeur Militaires. 12mo. New York. broche,.1 00. Paris, 1845. Another edition. 18mo. cloth, 38 cents. -- Cinq Mars; a Romance. Translated by New York, 1849. Hazlitt, 88 cents. London. Vet ha k e, (H.) Political Economy. 8vo. Vigor s, (N.) Inquiry into the Nature of cloth, $2 00. Philadelphia. Poetic License. Svc. cloth, $3 50. London. 148 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Villehardouin, (G. de.) Chronicles. Vit et, (M. L.) Etudes sur les Beaux Arts Translated by Smith. 8vo. cloth, $3 25. et sur la Litterature. 2 vols. 12mo. broche, London. $2 00. Paris, 1846. Villemain. Cours de Litterature Fran- Vocalist, (The.) Short and Easy Glees, caise. Tableau de la Litterature au XVIIIe by Mason and Webb, $1 00. Boston. siecle, 4 vols. Tableau de la Litterature du V o'd g e s, (W.) Mensuration, with Key. 2 Moven Age, 2 vols. Etude de Litterature vols. 12mo. sheep, $1 50. Philadelphia. ancienne et etrangere, 1 vol. Etudes d'His- Vo g e 1, (J.) Pathological Anatomy. 8vo. toire Moderne, 1 vol. Discours et Melanges sheep $3 00. Philadelphia. Litteraire, 1 vol. Tableau de l'Eloquence, Chretienne au IXe siecle, 10 vols. 12mo. -o (Dr. T.) Niger Flora; or, an Enumerabroche, $10 00. Paris, 1849. tion of the Plants of Western Tropical Africa, - Cours de Litterature Francaise. Tableau collected by the late Dr. Vogel in 1841. Edde la litterature au XVIII siecles. Littera- ited by Sir W. J. Hooker. 8vo. cloth, 2 views, dllet aX Isr a map and 60 plates 75. Lond. 1849. ture au moyen age. Etudes d'Histoire Mo- a map, and 50 plates, $5 75.. derne. Etudes de litterature. Discours et Vo gt, (C. F.) Letters on Chess; containing Melanges. 8 vol. in 8, demi maroquin, $20 00. an Account of some of the Principal Works on M sParis, 1846. that celebrated Game. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. Vinc e, (S.) The Principles of Hydrostatics. vo. bds. $1 25. London. Vo ic e s of the Church in Reply to Strauss; comprising Essays in Defence of Christianity, plaSystem of Astronomy. 3 vols. 4to. bds. by Divines of various Communions, collected plates, $31 50. (Scarce.) London. by Rev. J. R. Beard. 8vo. cloth, 3 0. by Rev. J. R. Beard. Svo. cloth, $3 50. - -The Elements of Astronomy, designed London. for the use of Students in the Universit. V n e y. (Euvres completes precedes d'une 8vo. $1 25. London. notice sur sa vie etses ecrits. 1 fort vol. grand Vine, (Rd.) Treatise on Diseases of the in 8, orne d'un portrait de gravures et de pluHorse. 8vo. cloth, $3 75. London. sieurs cartes, $3 50. Paris. Vi n e t, (A.) Etudes sur la Litterature Fran- (- - Euvres completes, precedees d'une notice caise au dix-neuvieme siecle, tome premier, sur sa vie et ses ecrits par Adolphus Bossange. Mad. De Stael et Chateaubriand. 8vo. $2 00. 8 vol. in 8, half veau, avec portrait, gravures et Paris, 1849. cartes, $12 00. Paris, 1825. - Vital Christianity. Translated by Rev. Voltaire. Theatre. 12mo. broche, $1 00; R. Turnbull. 12mo. cloth, $1 13. Boston. half mor. $1 50. Paris, 1845. Vi r gil i i Opera omnia, ed. Forbiger. 3 vols. Contes, Satires, Epitres, &c. 12mo. Svo. paper. Leipsic, 1845-6. broche, $1 00; half mor. $1 50. Paris, 1844..- Opera, in usum scholarum ad novissiman - ~ Romans. 12mo. broche, $1 00; half Heynii, editionem exacta. 8vo. bds. $3 00. mor. $1 50. Paris, 1845. London, 1819. Siecle de Louis XIV. 12mo. broche, Opera Latina. Square 12mo. paper, $1 00; half mor. $1 50. Paris, 1845. (Tanchnitz edition,) 63 cents. Leipsic. - Histoire de Charles XII. 12mo. $1 00; Edited by Drs. Schmitz and Zumpt. half mor. $1 60. Paris, 1845. 12mo. cloth, $1 38. Edin. 1848. -- (Euvres completes. 66 vols. in 8vo. avec ------ Delphini. 8vo. sheep, $1 75. Phila. 160 gravures, $75 00. Paris, Renouard, 1819-23. Virgil. The Works of, literally translated - Dictionnaire Philosophique. 8 vols. into English Prose, by Davidson. 12mo. cloth, 12mo. broche, $4 00. Paris. $1 00. London, 1S47. — I- La Henriade, poeme. 1 vol. in 8vo. Virginia. Historical Collections of, by H. paper, $1 50. Paris. Howe. 8vo. cloth, $3 50. Charleston. La Pucelle d'Orleans, poeme. 2 vols. --- The Mineral Springs of Western Virginia 12mo. une figure a chaque chant, $1 25. Paris. and their Use and Application to various Dis- Romans et Contes. 2 vols. in 8, broche, eases, by W. Burke. 12mo. cloth, map, 75 $2 50. Paris. cents. Newv York, 1846. cents. Nw York, 1846. Theatre complet. 7 forts vols. in 8, ornes - History of, by Howison. 2 vols. 8vo. de 45 gravures de Moreau, 8t5 00. Paris. cloth, $4 00. Richmond. - History of Charles XII. 12mo. cloth, History of Smith. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 1 00. Hartford. $6 00. Richmond. $600. Richmond. V0nVo Behr's Hand-Book of Anatomy. Svo. V i s c o nti on the Elgin Marbles. 8vo. cloth, sheep hrs 2 a. o hiladelphit $3 75. London. sheep, $2 25. Philadelphia. $3 75. London. Von Bonninghausen, (C.) TheraVis h n u P u r a n a; a System of Hindoo peutic Pocket Book. 8vo. half roan, $1 50. Mythology and Tradition. Translated from New York. the Sanscrit, by H. H. Wilson. 4to. cloth, Von Kobel, (F.) Instructions for the $12 50. Lontdon. Discrimination of Minerals by simple Chemical Vivian, (G.) Views from the Gardens of Experiments. 8vo. paper, 63 cents. Rome and Albano. Folio, cloth, $31 50. Glasgow, 1841. London. Von Raumer, (F.) America and the - *-Scenery in Portugal and Spain. Folio, American People. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. $25 00. London. New York, 1846. Foreign and American Books. 149 Voyage ou il vous Plaira. Livre Walbran, (C. J.) Dictionary of Shakeecrit a la plume et au crayon, avec vignettes, speare Quotations arranged in Alphabetical notes, legendes, commentaires, episodes, inci- order. 12mo. cloth, $1 50. Lond. 1849. dents et poesies, par MM. Tony Johannot, Al- W a 1 k e r' s Analysis of Beauty in Woman; fred de Musset et P. J. Stahl. 1 vol. grand in preceded by a Critical View of the general 8, $4 00. Paris. Hypotheses respecting Beauty, by Leonardo da V u li amy. Ornamental Sculpture. Imp. Vinci, Mengs, Winckelmann, Hume, Hogarth, folio, $18 00. London. Burke, Knight, Alison, and others. New ediV y se, (Col. Howard.) Operations carried on tion, royal 8vo. illustrated by 22 beautiful in the Pyramids of Gizeh in 1837, with an Ac- plates, after drawings from life, by H. Howard, count of a Voyage into Upper Egypt. 3 vols. by Gauci and Lane; elegantly bound in gilt 8vo. cloth, $12 00. London cloth, $6 50. 1846...- (R.) Treatise on Fox-Hunting. Royal (Mrs. A.) Female Beauty. Post Svo. 8vo. cloth, $12 50. London. bds. colored plates, $9 00. Lond. W a c e, (Master.) His Chronicle of the Nor- - (B. J.) Code of Signals for the Mercanman Conquest. From the Roman de Rou. tile Navy. Royal 8vo. cloth, 2 parts, $5 50. Translated, with Notes and Illustrations, by London, 1841. Edgar Taylor. 8vo. cloth, with numerous (C. V.) Electrotype Manipulation; bewood-cuts. London, 1840. ing the Theory and Plain Instructions in the Wade, (John.) Unreformed Abuses in Art of Working in Metals. 2 parts, 75 cents. Church and State, with a Preliminary Treatise Philadelphia on the Continental Revolutions. 12mo. 75 (Don.) Manly Exercises. 12mo. cloth, cents. London, 1849. wood-cuts, $1 50. Philadelphia. (J.) British History Chronologically Defensive Exercises. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. arranged, comprehending a Classified Analysis London. of Events and Occurrences in Church and State, -- Exercises for Young Ladies. 12mo. bds. from the First Invasion by the Romans to the plates, $2 75. London. Accession of Queen Victoria. Fifth edition, (G.) Chess Studies; comprising 1000 with Supplement. 8vo. cloth, $5 00. Games of Chess as really played by the first London, 1547. Chess-Players, &c. 8vo. cloth, $3 50. ----- (Thos.) Treatise on Dry Rot in Timber. London, 1844. 8vo. cloth, $1 50. London.. New Treatise on Chess. Fourth edition, W a dd i ngt o n, (Major Chas.) Account of 12mo. cloth, $3 00. Lond. 1847. the Battle of Meanee, with a Plan. (Papers, - Jaenisch's Chess Preceptor; a new AnalR. E. Vol. 9, 4to.) London. ysis of the Openings of Games. Translated --- (Dean.) History of the Church from the from the French, with Notes. 8vo. cloth, $4 00. Earliest Ages to the Reformation. Enlarged London. edition, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, $6 00. Lond. 1841. - (G. A ) Gatherings from Graveyards. American Edition. 8vo. cloth, $1 75. Svo. cloth, $2 50. London, 1844. New York. - (J.) On Ventilating and Lighting Tun--- History of the Church during the Refor- nels, particularly in reference to the one on mation. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, $6 00. the Leeds and Selby Railway. (Trans. I. C:. London, 1841. E. vol. 1, 4to.) London. W a g n e r, (R.) Comparative Anatomy of (J.) Criticaland Pronouncing Dictionary Vertebrate Animals, by Tulk. Svo. cloth, and Expositor of the English Language. 8vo. $2 75. London. sheep, $1 25. Philadelphia. W a gst a f f, (W. R.) History of the Society (Thos.) The Original, Essays, &c. Cr. of Friends, compiled from its Standard Records and older authentic Sources. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. 8vo. cloth, 2 50. LondonS New York. -~ (W. C.) Tailor's Philosophy; or, Sci W ai n w r i g h t, (J. M.) Women of the Bible. ence of Cutting. Svo. cloth, $8 25. Lond. Illustrated with finely executed engravings. Corpus Poetarum Latinorum. New ediRoyal 8vo. $7 00; mor. extra, $10 00. tion, royal Svo. cloth, $5 00. Lond. 1848, New York. Wall, (C. W.) Ancient Orthography of the Waistell's Designs for Architectural Jews. 3 vols. royal 8vo. $13 50. Lond. Buildings, by Jopling. 4to. $6 50. Lond. --- (Wm.) The History of Infant Baptism; W a k e, (Archbishop.) The Genuine Epistles together with Gale's Reflections and Dr. Wall's of the Apostolical Fathers, St. Clement, St.ition, by Dr. H. Cotton. 4 Polycarp, St. Ignatius, St. Barnabas, and the vols. &vo. cloth, $11 00. Oxford, 1846. Martyrdom of St. Polycarp and St. Ignatius. W a 11 a c e, (R.) Practical Mechanic's Pocket 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Oxford, 1841. Guide. 32mo. cloth, 50 cents. Glasgow. Wake fiel d, (E. J.) New Zealand in 1839 --- Universal Calculator's Pocket Guide. to 1S44. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $8 50. 32mo. cloth, 50 cents. Glasgow. London, 1845. ---- Mathematician's Pocket Guide. 32mo. Illustrations to Do. Folio, cloth, $19 00; cloth, 50 cents. Glasgow. colored, $28 00. Lond. 1845. --- Practical Engineer's Pocket Guide. 32mo. ---- England and America; a Comparison of cloth, 50 cents. Glasgow. the Social and Political State of both Nations. --- issertation on the True Age of the 8vo. cloth, $1 25. New York. World. 8vo. cloth, $3 7.5. Lond. 150 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Wallace, (W. C.) Wonders of Vision; a Walton and Cotton's Complete Treatise on the Eye. 12mo. cloth, 59 cents. Angler; or, the Contemplative Man's RecreaNew York, 1541. tion, with copious Notes, and a Bibliographical Wa 1 lb ridge, (Arthur.) Bizarre Fables. Preface, giving an Account of Fishing and 12mo. cloth, $1 38. London. Fishing-Books, from the earliest Antiquity, by 1Wa1 i ch, (N.) Planta Asiatice Rariores Rev. Dr. Bethune. 12mo. cloth, wood-cuts, $1 25; with portraits and engravings, $1 50; or, Descriptions and Figures of a select number large paper, t10 00. new York, 1848. of Unpublished East Indian Plants, in 12 parts, large paper, $10 00. New York, 1848. forming 3 vols. imp. folio, containing 300 beau- (W.) The Alpaca, its Naturalization in tifully colored plates, $144 00. Lond. 1830-32. the British Isles considered as a National mWaller, (J. A.) British Domestic Herbal. Benefit and as an Object of Immediate Utility 8vo. cloth, plates, $5 50; colored, $9 00. to the Farmer andanufacturer. 12mo. cloth, London. $1 37. Edin. Wallis, (S. T.) Glimpses of Spain; or, Account of the Peruvian Sheep. 8vo. Notes of an Unfinished Tour in 1847. 12mo. $2 50. London. cloth, $1 00. New York, 1849. - Account of the Philippine Islands. 8vo. Walpole, (Capt.) A Description, with cloth, $3 63. London. Memoranda, of the Bridge across the Kat River, - (W. L.) Amateur's Drawing-Book. Obat Fort Beaufort, Cape of Good Hope. (Papers, long folio, cloth, $3 63. London. R. E. vol. 7, 4to.) London. W andering Jew, (The.) Illustrated -- (Horace.) Anecdotes of Painting in edition. Svo. cloth, $5 00. New York. England, with some Account of the Principal Wanderings and Portunes of Artists, and Incidental Notes on the Arts. some German Emigrants. 12mo. cloth, 75 Also, a Catalogue of Engravers who have been cents. New York, 1848. born or resided in England. Corrected by the W a r b u r t o n, (Bp.) The Divine Legation late George Virtue, digested and published of Moses demonstrated, with an Account of the from his original MSS. with additions, by Rev. Life of the Author, by Bishop Hurd. New J. Delancey. New edition, revised, &c., by R. edition, plates, 3 vols. 8vo.,r7 50. Lond. 1846. N. Wornum. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, plates, $11 00. - (Eliott.) Memoirs of Prince Rupert and London, 1849. the Cavaliers, including their Private Corres------ Letters addressed to the Countess of pondence. Portraits, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, 12 00. Ossory from 1769 to 1797, now first printed London, 1849. from original MSS. Edited, with Notes, by The Crescent and the Cross; or, the RoRt. Hon. Vernon Smith. Portraits, 2 vols. mance and Reality of Eastern Travel. 1'2mo. 8vo. cloth, $9 00. London, 1848. cloth, $1 25. New York, 1848..- Letters; including numerousLettersnow - Hochelaga; or, England in the New first published from the original MSS. 4 vols. World. 12mno. cloth, $1 00. New York. 8vo. cloth, portrait, $8 00. Phila. 184-2. Conquest of Canada. 3 vols. 8vo. $8 50. New Letters to Sir Horace Mann. 2 vols. London, 1849. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. Phila..1844. The Same. 1 2mo. New York. - Memoirs of the Reign of King George War d, (F. O.) Outlines of Human Osteology. III. Edited, with Notes, by Sir Deniss Mar- 18mo. cloth, $1 75. London, 1838. chant. 2 vols 8vo. cloth, $2 50. Phila. 1846. (J. H.) On Ordnance and Steam. 8vo. W al s h, (Le V.) St. Louis et son siecle. cloth, $2 50. Philadelphia. Imp. 8vo. paper, illustrated with portraits, en- _ (N. B.) Treatise on the Growth of gravings, and wood-cuts, $5 50. Tours, 1847. Plants in Glazed Cases. Svo. cloth, 1. 50. ~ —--- (Robt.) Essay on Ancient Coins, Medals, London. and Gems. 12mo. cloth, $1 75. Lond. (Rev. W. G.) Ideal of a Christian --- Notices of Brazil in 1828 and'29. 2 vols. Church considered in Comparison with existing Svo, cloth, $10 00. London, 1836. Practice. 8vo. cloth, $2 25. Lond. 1844. --- (W. H.) Nature and Treatment of Can- - (W.) View of the History, Literature, cer. 8vo. cloth, $4 50. London, 1846. and Religion of the Hindoos. 3 vols. 8vo. Waller and Smith's Designs for Cot- cloth. London, 1817. tage and Villa Architecture. 4 parts, 4to. Ware, (H., Jr.) Complete Works. 4 vols. $10 00. London. 12mo. cloth, $3 50. Boston, 1846. W a 1 t o n, (Bishop.) Memoirs of the Life and --- (John.) Treatise on the Proportion of Writings of; with Notices of his Coadjutors on Arches. Royal Svo. cloth, $5 50. London. his Polyglot Bible, and his Vindication of it, (Sam.) Tracts on Vaults and Bridges. by Rev. H. J. Todd. Portrait, 2 vols. 8vo. Royal 8vo. $6 50. London. cloth, $2 50. London, 1821. Roya 8vo. $6 60. London. The Lives of Donne, Walton, 1Hooker, Remarks on Theatres. 8vo. cloth, $1 75. ----- The Lives of Donne, Walton, Hooker, Herbert, and Sanderson. By Izaak Walton. New edition, 12mo. green cloth, $1 00. (W.) Zenobia; or, the Fall of Palmyra; a Historical Romance. 2 vols. 12mo. $1 25. "The Lives are the most delightful kind of reading. Walton possesses an inimitable simplicity and vivacity of style."- New York. MRS. KIRKLAND. -- Julian; or, Scenes in Judea. 2 vols. ---- (I.) Angler, by Sir H. Nicholas. 2 vols. 12mo. $1 25. New York. imp. 8vo. cloth, plates, $38 00; L. P. $63 00. - Aurelian; or, Rome in the Third CenLondon, 1836. tury. 2 vols. 12mo. $1 26. New York. Foreign and American Books. 151 W a r n e r, (Jas. F.) Universal Dictionary of W a t e rs t o n, (R. C.) On Moral and SpirMusical Terms. 8vo. paper, 25 cents. itual Culture. 12mo. cloth, 67 cents. Boston. Boston. ___ (J. J.) A Method of Representing by - The Primary Note Reader; or, First Diagram and Estimating the Earth Work in Steps in Singing at Sight. 12mo. paper, 25 Excavations and Embankments. (Trans. I. C. cents. New York. | E. vol. 1, 4to.) London. -- Rudimental Lessons in Music, containing W aterton's Essays on Natural History. the Primary Instruction requisite for all begin- First and Second Series. 12mo. cloth, $4 25. ners in the Art. 18mo. bds. 50 cents. London, 1844. New York. Watherston, (J. H.) Art of Assaying (John.) On the Cultivation of Flax, c. Gold and Silver. Post 8vo. cloth, $1 00. 8vo. cloth, $2 25. London. London. Warren, (Jos.) Hints to Young Composers Watkins, (T. C.) Treatise on Cucumbers in Music. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. London. and Melons. 8vo. cloth, $1 00. London. --- (Rev. J.) A Treatise on the Geometric W a ts o n, (B. L.) Code of Signals for VesRepresentation of the Square Roots of Negative sels at Sea. 8vo. cloth, $3 25. London. Quantities. 8vo. cloth, $1 50. Lond. --- (IH. C.) Cybele Britannica; or, British ----- (S.) Ten Thousand a Year; a Novel. Plants and their Geographical Relations. 2 8vo. cloth, 75 cents. Phila. vols. 8vo. cloth, $6 50. Lond. 1t47-49. --- Diary of a Late Physician. 3 vols. 1Smo. (J. F.) Annals of New York City and muslin, $1 38. New York. State. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. New York. ---- Introduction to Law Studies. 8vo. $3 50. - Annals of Philadelphia. 2 vols. 8vo. New York. cloth, $4 00. Philadelphia. --- Moral, Social, and Professional Duties of -- (J. T.) Poetical Quotations; consisting Attorneys and Solicitors. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. of Elegant Extracts on every Subject, compiled New York. from various Auth'ors, and arranged under ap- Now and Then. 12mo. cloth, 63 cents. propriate heads. 8vo. cloth, plates, $3 50; New York. small edition, 1 2mo. cloth, without plates, $1 50. War r ington, (R.) Chemical Tables. Philadelphia, 1849. Oblong 4to. $1 00. London. - (Thos.) Practice of Physic, by Condie. -- (W.) History of Ancient Stained Glass. Svo. sheep, $3 25. Phila. 1849. Folio, bds. plates, $38 00. London. - (W.) The Forester's Manual. 12mo. Warto n, (Thos.) History of English Poetry. cloth, $1 25. London. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, $6 50. Lond. 1840. W at t, (Jas.) Life of, by M. Arago, with MeW a s hb u r n, (E.) Sketches of the Judicial moir of Machinery. 8vo. cloth, $1 00. Lond. History of Massachusetts from 1630 to the (P.) Progress and Science of Life InsuRevolution in 1775. 8vo. cloth, $1 50. rance. 8vo. cloth, $1 75. London. Boston, 1840. W atts, (I.) Horne Lyricae; Poems Sacred W ashington, (G.) Works and Life, by to Devotion and Piety, to Virtue, Honor, and Jared Sparks. 12 vols. 8vo. cloth, portrait and Friendship, and to the Memory of the Dead, plates, $18 00. New York. with Memoir of the Author, by Robert Southey. -- Life. By John Marshall. 5 vols. Svo. 18mo. cloth, 50 cents. London, 1S37. sheep, first edition, with atlas of plates, $10 00. W a v e r 1 e y, (The,) Gallery. A Series of Philadelphia, 1 804. 36 Portraits of Females, beautifully engraved. ----- The Same. Second edition, revised. 2 8vo. mor. $9 00. London. vols. 8vo. sheep, atlas, $5 00. Phila. Gems; being Illustrations of the Scenes --- Life of George Washington, by Washing- and Scenery of the Novels, &c. 8vo. cloth, ton Irving. 12mo. cloth. (In press.) $4 00; mor. $6 00. London, 1848. - - Life. By Jared Sparks, with maps, &c. Waylan d, (Prof.) Principles of Political 8vo. cloth, $3 00. Boston. Economy. 12mo. $1 25. Boston. ------ Agricultural Correspondence. 4to. cloth, (F.) Elements of Moral Science. 12mo. $3 50. New York. cloth, $1 25. Boston. W at e r C ure in A merica; an Ac- Elements of Political Economy, abridged. count of 220 Cases of various Diseases treated Half roan, 50 cents. Boston. with Water, by American Water Cure Physi- Sermons delivered at the Chapel of cians. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. New York. Brown University. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. W aterho u s e, (G. R.) A Natural History Boston. of the Mammalia. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, plates, W a y 1 en' s Ecclesiastical Tour in the United $14 50; colored, $20 75. Lond. 1846-48. States. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. New York. W a t e r 1 a n d, (Rev. D.) Works, to which W e a 1 e. Quarterly Papers on Architecture. is prefixed a Review of the Author's Life and Illustrated with above 500 wood, steel, and Writings, by W. Van Mildert. 6 vols. 8vo. copper engravings, many of which are highly cloth, $18 00. Oxford, 1843. and expensively colored. 4 vols. 4to. cloth, Oxfod, 143 $37 50. London. W at e r s t o n, (William.) Cyclopaedia of Rudimentary Work for Beginners. 2mo. Commerce, Mercantile Law, Finance, Commercial Geography, and Navigation. New edition, cloth, 25 cents per vol. with a Treatise on the Principles, Practice, and FnRST SERIES. History of Commerce, by J. R. M'Culloch. 1 Rudimentary Chemistry, by Professor Fownes, F. R. S. &c. very thick, closely printed vol. 8vo. (900 pages) Third edition, and on Agricultural Chemistry for the use of with 4 maps, extra cloth, armers. with 4 maps, extra cloth, $3 00. Lound. 1847. Natural Philosophy, by Charles Tomlinson. 152 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Rudimentary Geology, by Lieut. Col. Portlock, R. E., F. R. Rudimentary Art of Making Foundations, Concrete Works, S., F. G. S. &c. &c. by E. Dobson, C. E - Mineralogy, by D. Varley, Author of " Conversations - - Treatise on Limes, Calcareous Cements, Mortars, Staucon MineraloYy." Second edition, vol 1. cos, and Concrete, by George R. Burnell. C. E. Do. voW. 2. -- Art of Laying out and Making of Roads for New and - Mechanics; by Charles Tomlinson. Old Countries, by H. Law, C. E. - Electricity, by Sir Wm. Snow Harris, F. R. S. &c. -- Treatise on the Construction of Light-Houses, more - Pneumatics, by Chas. Tomlinson. particularly those of Britain, by Alan Stevenson, LL. B., - Civil Engineering, by Henry Law C. E. vol. 1. F.R.S. E., M. Inst. C. E. Do. vol. 2. Do. the Continuation of the same subject. Architecture (Orders), by W. H. Leeds, Esq. Law of Contracts for all kinds of Buildings, for EmDo. (Styles-their several examples), by Talbot Bury, ployers, Contractors, and Workmen, by David Gibbons, Archt., F. I. B. A. I Esq., Author of Treatises on the " Law of Dilapidations," - Principles of Design in Architecture, by E.Lacy Gar- and on the "Law of Fixtures," &c. bert, Archt. Treatise on Hydraulic Engineering and on Tunnelling - Perspective, by George Pyne, Artist, Author of" Prac- through various kinds of Strata, with Plates, forming a third tical Rules in Drawing for the Operative Builder and Young volume of the Engineering (and completing that subject), Student in Architecture," vol. 1, second edition. published in the First Series. Do. vol. 2, second edition. Treatise on Locomotive Engines, describing them on the various Railways for their several purposes, and their SECOND SERIEs. duty and efficiency, by J. Sewell. C. E. Rudimentary Art of Building, by E. Dobson, C. E., Assoc. - Treatise on Marine Engines and Steamboats, for Sailors Inst. C. E., Author of Railways of Belgium. and Engineers. Brick-Making, Tile-Making, by the same. Art of Ship-Building. The Elementary Principles, ---- Masonry and Stone-Cutting, by the same. with plates, by J. Peake, H. M. Naval Architect. -- Illustrations of the preceding, in 4to. atlas size, 13 Do. The Practice, with plates, by J. Peake, H. M. plateP. Naval Architect. House Painting and Mixing Colors, by George Field, -- Do. Masting, Mast-Making, and Rigging of Ships. Esq. Do. Sailor's Sea-Books, Directions for Signals, Flags.- Draining Districts and Lands, by G. Drysdale Dempsey, of all Maritime Nations. C. E. FIFTH SERIES. - Draining and Sewerage of Towns and Buildings, by C. Drysdale Dempsey, C. E. Rudimentary Treatise on Magnetism, by Sir W. Snow Harris, - Well-Sinking and Boring, by John George Swindell, F. R. S &c. Architect. --- Treatise on Conchology, &c. (Fossils and Shells,) - Use of Instruments generally, by I. F. Heather, M. A. vol I1. of the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. - Continuation of the same subjects, vol. 2. - Constructing Cranes for the Erection of Buildings and Elements of Music, with plates of Examples, vol. 1. for Hoisting Goods, by Joseph Glynn, F. R. S., C. E. 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Oblong the most eminent men in scholastic erudition and elementary 4to. by I. F. Heather, M. A. instruction have been selected, under the able management -- Do Applied to Mechanical Engineering (text.) By and editing of Mr. James Hann, Mathematical Master of 1. F. Heather, M. A. King's College, London, who, with the co-operation of the Atlas of plates illustrative (drawing-book.) Oblong following gentlemen, will produce a set of books that shall be 4to. By I. F. Heather, M. A. efficient both for public and self-instruction:- Dictionary of the Holy Bible, adapted for instructive W. S. B. Woolhouse, F. R. A. S., Actuary of the National popular use, with explanatory and easy reference, by Rev. Loan Fund. Author of several Scientific Works. J. II. Page, M. A., &c., &c. Henry Law. Civil Engineer, Editor and Author of several Professional Works. i The whole, forming a most useful and instructive James Haddon, Arithmetical and Second Mathematical Mas- Library of general instruction, in 75 volumes, ter, Kiiig's College, London. illustrated by numerous engravings, $22 50. Elementary Treatise on Arithmeiic, with numerous Mathe- London. matical and Commercial Examples for Eractice and SelfExamination. W e aver's Hints on Cottage Architecture; A Practical System of Book-Keeping, with Concise Modes of beig a Selection of Designs for Cottages, ith n ~~~~~being a Selection of Designs for Cottages, with Calculation, Forms of Commercial Documents in English, Plans E French, German, and Italian, Mercantile Phraseology, &c., Ins, levations,and Estimates. Folio, cloth, forming a complete Introduction to the Counting-House. $7 50. London. Elementary Treatise on Algebra. Sketches of Continental - Principles of Geometry. W e b b, (Rev. B.) Sketches of Continental - Principles of Analytical Geometry. Ecclesiology; or, Church Notes in Belgium, Elementary Treatise on Plane Trigonometry. Germany, and Italy. 8vo. cloth, $5 00. Treatise on Spherical Trigonometry. London, 18. Elements and Practice of Mensuration and Geodesy. London, 1S4. The whole System of Logarithmic Tables, for Reference and -.. (G. J.) American Glee-Book, 81 1 3. Practice Boston. Elementary Treatise on Popular Astronomy. Vocal Class-Book for Schools, 1 00. Principles and Practice of Statics and Dynamics. Theory and Practice of Nautical Astronomy and Navigation. Boston. Differential Calculus, in which the Principles will be clearly eb e r, (G ) Theory of Musical Co osielucidated. ~ ~ ~ ~'W eb er, (G.) Theory of Musical Coinposielcdated. 2 vol. vo. cloth, $5 00. Boston. Integral Calculus, in which the Principles will also be clearly tion. oso. elucidated. W e b b e r. Old Hicks, the Guide; or, AdvenCollection of Examples of the Differential and Integral Calcu- tures in the Camanche Country in Search of FOURTHsSERIES. a Gold Mine. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. New York. FOURTH St.uES. Rnudimentary Treatise on Cottage Building, or Hints for Im- W e b s t e r, (D.) Diplomatic and Official roving the Dwellings of the Laboring Poor, by Charles Papers. Svo. cloth, $1 75. New York, 1847. Eruce Allen, Architect. gruce Allen, Architect. Speeches and Forensic Arguments. 3 Treatise on Tubular Bridges. Girder Bridges, &c., more particularly the Conway and Britannia Bridges, de- volS. 8vo. cloth, $5 50. Boston, scribing the Experiments made to determine their form, (J..) Manual of hemistry. 8vo. strength, and efficiency, together with the construction of the same, the floating and raising the tubes, &c. cloth, $3 00. Boston. Foreign and American Books. 153 W ebster, (N.) American Dictionary, with-W ellington' s Maxims and Opinions. out Abridgment. 4to. sheep, containing the Selected from his Writings and Speeches, with whole Vocabulary of the quarto, with Correc- a Biographical Memoir, by G. H. Francis. tions, Improvements, and several thousand Ad- 8vo. post, $4 00. London, 1845. ditional Words, $6 00. Springfield, 1848. W e 1 ls, (J.) Epitome of Perspective. Folio, -- l)ictionary, abridged. Royal 8vo. sheep, cloth, $3 25. London. $3 5{0. New York. - - (W. C.) Essay on Vision, Dew, &c. with - (Thos.) Principles of Hydrostatics. Life. 8vo. cloth, $3 50. London. Post 8vo. cloth, $2 25. London. ----- On the Changes of Temperature conse- (N. A.) The Picturesque Antiquities of quent on any Change in the Density of Elas- Spain, described in a Series of Letters, with tic Fluids, considered especially with Reference illustrations, representing Moorish Palaces, to Steam. (Trans. I. C. E. vol. t, 4to.) Cathedrals, &c. Royal 8vo. $4 50. Lond. London. W e 1 s f o r d, (H.) On the Origin of the Eng(T.) An Encyclopedia of Domestic lish Language. 8vo. cloth, $3 25. Lond. Economy; comprising such Subjects as are most immediately connected with House-Keep- W e 11 ls t e d' s City of the Caliphs, and Traving. 8vo. sheep,$4 00. Ne York. els along the Shores of the Persian Gulf and shemeps ofPysc. 1o. clot, 2 the Mediterranean, including a Voyage to the - - Elenments of Physics. 12mo. cloth, 12 O0. Coast of Arabia, and a Tour on the Island of London, 1837. Socotra, Adventures among the Bedouin Arabs, -O- (W. H.) Voyage to the South Atlantic &c. 2 vols. 8vo. map and plates, cloth, $3 50. Ocean. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $S 50. London. 1840. Weddell, (Jas.) Voyage to the South W e my s s, (Thos.) Job and his Times; or, a Pole. 8vo. cloth, $]5 50. London. Picture of the Patriarchal Age, between Noah -- (T.) On Solving Numerical Equations. and Abraham, with a new Version of Job. 4to. $1 50. London. 8vo. cloth, 81 50. London, 1839. We e d e n, (John.) Treatise on the Growth W of Cucumbers. Svo. cloth, $3 25. London. e rn e r s Nomenclature of Colors, by Syme. 8vo. cloth, $4 25. London. W e e k s on the Management of Bees. 12mo. 38 cents. Boston. Practical Instructions for Flower Drawing. Royal 4to. $7 50. London. Weil, (Dr. G.) The Bible, Koran, and Talmud; or, Biblical Legends compiled from W erninok' s Dutch andEnglish Dictionary. Arabic Sources, and compared with Jewish Square 12mo. bds. $3 75. London. Tradition. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. London. W e s le y, (J.) Works. 7 vols. 8vo. sheep, - American edition, 50 cents. N. Y. 1848. $12 00. New York. W ei sb ach, (J.) Principles of the Mechan- Sermons. 3vols.8vo.$750. Lond_ ics of Machinery and Engineering. 1000 wood engravings. 2 vols. Svo. cloth, $7 50. - Journal from 1735 to 1790, being a RePhiladelphia, 1849. cord of his Travels and Labors. 2 vols. 8vo. Weiss, (Dr.) Inventions and Improvements sheep, $4 50. New York. in Surgical Instruments. 8vo. cloth, $4 50. - Life of, by Robert Southey. 2 vols. 8vo. London. cloth, $8 50. London. - (J.) Hand-Book of Hydropathy; for Professional and Domestic Use, with an Ap- Wesleyan Preacher, (The.) 4 vols. pendix on the best Mode of Forming Hydro- 8vo. cloth, $10 00. London. pathic Establishments. From the second Lon- W e s t, (Benj.) Life and Studies of, by John don edition. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Galt. 8vo. cloth, $4 25. London. Philadelphia, 1848. - (J.) Remarks on Management of Woods Weld, (C. R.) A History of the Royal So- and Plantations. 8vo. cloth, $1 75. Lond. ciety, with Memoirs of the Presidents. Compiled from Authentic Documents. 2 vols. cr. Westgarth, (W.) Australia Felix; or, bvo. cloth, $5 75. London. Account of Port Phillip. Post 8vo $3 25. - (Rev. H.) Women of the Scriptures. London. Svo. cloth, plates, $3 60; mor. $4 50. Phila. W e s t m a c o tt, (R.) British Galleries of (J.) Scenery of Killarney. Royal Svo. Painting. Royal 8vo. cloth, $3 50. Lond. cloth, $7 50. London. W estminster Review. From its W e llbeloved, (Rev. Chas.) Translation Commencement in January, 1824, to June, of the Bible. (A portion only.) 2 vols. 4to. 1S47. 47 vols. 8vo. half calf, neat,.$75 00. cloth, $21 00. London. W e s t w o o d' s Illuminated Illustrations of Wellington, (Duke of.) Life of, by Max- the Bible. Imp. 8vo. cloth, $9 50. Lond. well. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, plates and maps, - (J. O.) Modern Classification of Insecta $10 00. London, 1841. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $13 00. London. ----- Dispatches. Edited by Gurwood. 12 vols. 8vo. bds. $72 00. London. Entomologist's Text-Book; an Introduc- Dispatches of, during his various Cam- tion to the Natural History, Structure, Physipaigns in India, Denmark, Portugal, Spain, the ology, and Classification of Insects. 12mo. Low Countries, and France, from 1799 to 1818, colored plates, $1 50. London, 1838. compiled from Official and Authentic Docu- - British Butterflies and their Transformaments. By Lieut. Col. Gurwood. The com- tions, with Characters and Descriptions, arpressed edition, 1 thick vol. medium 8vo. gilt ranged and illustrated in a series of plates, by cloth, $4 50. London, 1842. H. N. Humphreys. 4to. $8 00. London. 154 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Westwood, (J. 0.) Cabinet of Oriental Whewell, (W.) Astronomy and General Entomology; being a Selection of some of the Physics considered with reference to Natural Rarer and more Beautiful Species of Insects, Theology. 12mo. cloth, $1 50. Lond. 1847. Natives of India and the adjacent Islands, the - Astronomy and General Physics. 12mo. greater portion of which are now for the first cloth, 60 cents. New York. time described and figured. 4to. colored W h e o, (H.) Student's Guide to plates, $12 00. London, 1848. Drawing in Perspective. Oblong 4to. $2 25. W e t t e n, (Robert.) Designs for Villas in London. the Italian Style of Architecture. 4to. cloth, Whipple, (E.) Lectures on Subjects con$9 50. London, 1848. nected with Literature and Life, 12mo. cloth, W h a r to n, (F.) State Trials of the United 63 cents. Boston, 1850. States during the Administrations of Washing- Essays and. Reviews. 2 vols. 12mo. ton and Adams. 8to. sheep, $4 50. cloth, $2 00. Boston, 1848. Philadelphia, 1849. W hist, its History and Practice. IllustraW h at ely, (Archbishop.) Christianity, In- tions by Meadows. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. dependent of Civil Government. 12mo. cloth, London. $1 00. New York. Whistlebinki'e. A Collectionof Songs. - Kingdom of Christ and Errors of Roman- Thick 18mo. cloth, $1 00. Glasgow. ism. 8vo. cloth, 75 cents. New York. W hi s t o n' s Josephus. Illustrated edition --- Logic, with Questions. 12mo. cloth, 81 of, complete; containing both the Antiquities cents. Boston. and the Wars of the Jews. 2 vols. 8vo. handRhetoric, with Questions 12mo. cloth, somely printed, embellished with 52 beautiful 81 cents. Boston. wood engravings, by various artists, cloth, ------ Lessons on Reasoning. 12mo. cloth, 63 $4 25. London, 1845. cents. Boston. Whit by, (Mrs.) Manual for Rearing Silk --- (Thos.) Remarks on some Characters Worms. 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. Lond. of Shakespeare. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. Lond. White, (C.) Belgic Revolution of 1830. 2 vols. post 8vo. $4 26. London. W h e a t 1 e y, (C.) Rational Illustration of the Book of Common Prayer. Imp. 8vo. cloth, (E.) Treatse on Bllards. Post 8vo. 87 cents. (Bohn's St. Lib.) Lond. 1848. (F. S.) History of Inventions and Dis(H.) The Rod and the Line; or, Prac- coveries. 8vo. cloth, $4 25. London. tical Hints and Dainty Devices for the Taking (.) Treatise on Weaving by and and of Trout, Grayling, &c. Foolscap 8vo. cloth PowerLoom. 8vo.loth,$4 25. Lond. 9 colored plates, $3 25. Lond. 1849. clrd e, 3(Gilbert.) Natural History of Selborne, W h e a t o n, (H.) History of the Law of Na- with Observations on various parts of Nature, tions in Europe and America, from the earliest and the Naturalist's Calendar. New edition, Times to the Treaty of Washington, 1842. with Additions, by Sir W. Jardine. 18mo. 8vo. sheep, $6 50. New York, 1845. many pretty wood-cuts of Birds, by Branston. ------ Elements of International Law. 8vo. extra cloth bds. 75 cents; plates beautifully cloth, $4 50. Philadelphia, 1846. colored, $1 50. London, 1836. W h e e 1 e r, (fI. G.) Biographical and Polit- Natural History of Selborne, with Notes, ical History of Congress. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, by Rev. L. Jenyns. 12mo. wood-cuts, $2 25. portraits, $6 00. New York. London, 1843. Whew e 11, (Prof.) History of the Inductive - (H. Kirke.) Poetical Works, with MeSciences, 3 vols. Philosophy of the Inductive moir, by Sir H. Nicolas. 12mo. cloth, $1 50; Sciences, 2 vols. Elements of Morality, 2 vols. mor. gilt edges, $3 00. Pickering. Together, 7 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, gilt backs and i marbled leaves, $32 50. Lond. 1837-45. - (J. B.) Memoirsof,byhimself. Edited - History of the Inductive Sciences from by Rev. J. H. Thom. 3 vols. post 8vo. cloth, the earliest to the present time. 3 vols. 8vo. 25. cloth, $12 00. London. (J.) Rural Architecture illustrated in a - Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences. 2 new Series of Designs for Ornamental Cottages vols. $vo. cloth, $9 00. London. vols. 8vo. cloth, $9 00. London. and Villas. Folio, 98 plates, $15 00. Lond. ------ (W.) The Mechanical Euclid; contain- — Dictionary of the Veterinary Art; coning the Elements of Mechanics and Hydro- taining Concise Explanations of the various statics, with Supplement. Fifth edition, 12mo. Terms used in Veterinary Medicine and Sur$1 50. London, 1849. gery. 12mo. cloth, $2 00. London. - Treatise on Dynamics. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, --- Improved Art of Farriery, with Additions $6 50.' by Rosser. Svo. cloth, plates, $2 50. On the Motion of Points Constrained and London, 1847. Resisted, and on the Motion of a Rigid Body. (Thos.) Theory and Practice of Ship 8vo. cloth, $3 75. Building. 8vo. plates, folio, $5 00. Lond..- Mechanics of Engineering. 8vo. cloth, W h i t e h e a d. East Jersey under the Pro$8 25. London. prietary Government. Svo. cloth, $2 50. E- lements of Moralityv and Polity. 2 New Jersey Historical Society, 1846. vols. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. New York. W Whites i d e, (J.) Italy in the Nineteenth ------- 2 vols. 8vo. calf, gilt, $7 00. Lond. 1845. Century. 3 vols. post 8vo. $9 50. Lond Foreign and American Books. 155 Whiting, (Thos.) Astronomy. 4to. cloth, W i ffe n, (J. H.) Historical Memoirs of the $14 50. London. House of Russell, from the time of the Norman W h i t 1 e y, (N.) The Application of Geology Conquest. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $12 00. to Agriculture and to the Improvement and London, 1833. Valuation of Land, with the Nature and Prop- W ig an, (Dr. A. L.) Duality of the Mind, erties of Soils, &c. $2 25. London, 1843. proved by the Structure, &c. &c. 8vo. cloth, W h hi t ock, (N.) Miniature Painter's Man- $4 00. London, 844. ual. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. London. W i g ger's, (Dr. G.) Life of Socrates. ---- On the Construction of Shop Fronts. 4to. Translated from the German, with Notes. cloth, $3 50. London. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. London, 1840. The Decorative Painter's and Glazier's W i g ht, (R.) Figures of Indian Plants. 4 Guide; containing the most approved Method vols. 4to. cloth, 1270 colored plates, $100 00. of Imitating Oak, Mahogany, Maple, Rose, and Madras, 1838-48. every other kind of Fancy Wood, Marbles, &c. ---- Illustrations of -Indian Botany. 2 vols. Also, Designs for Decorating Apartments. 4to. 134 colored plates, $37 00. 4to. cloth, 90 plates, mostly colored, $7 50. Madras, 1838-41. London, 1841. Selection of Neilgherry Plants. Drawn W hit 1 i n g, (H. J.) Original Designs for and colored from Nature. 4to. bds. 100 colorShop Fronts, forming a Collection suitable to ed plates, $22 50. Madras, 1846. Persons connected with the Practical part of Building. 4to. paper, $3 25. Lond. 1834. Wightwick's ModernEnglishGothicArchitecture. 8vo. paper, 5 plates, $2 25. W hit taker, (Henry.) The Practical Cab- London, 1845. inet-Maker and Upholsterer's Treasury of De- Palace of Architecture; a Romance of signs, House Furnisbing and Decorating Assist- Art and History. Imp. 8vo. cloth, 211 plates, ant, interspersed with Designs. 4to. cloth, $7 00. London, 1840. $8 60. London, 1849. - - (T. HI.) Diagrams of Chemical Decom- - Hints to Young Architects, together with positions. 8vo. cloth, $1 38. London. a Model Specification. 8vo. cloth, $2 25. London. Whittier's Supernaturalism in New Eng- American edition. Edited by Downing. land. 12mo. cloth, 38 cents. New York. 8vo. cloth, $1 50. New York. (J. G.) Poems. Illustrated with engravings, by H. Billings. 8vo. cloth gilt, $4 0. Wi o ff, (H.) Biographical and Personal Boston. Sketches of Napoleon Louis Bonaparte. 12mo. cloth, 63 cents. New York, 1849. Old Portraits and Modern Sketches. cloth,, 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. Boston, 1800. Wilberforce, (W.) Memoirs of, by his VW h it m a r s h on the Mulberry Tree and Sons. 5 vols. post 8vo. cloth, portrait, $183 50. Silk Worm. 12mo. cloth, 38 cents. Phila. London. W. N- N(R. J.) The Doctrine of the Incarnation Vt h i t t o c k, (N.) New Manual of Perspec- of our Lord Jesus Christ in its relation to Mantive for all Classes. Foolscap 8vo. $1 00. kind and the Church. Second edition, 8vo. London, 1849. cloth, $3 75. London, 1849. W h o l e, (The,) Duty of Man laid down in a,, Plain and Familiar Way for the Use of ali,-but (Bp.) Six Sermons, Preached before the especially the Meanest Reader, with Private University of Oxford, in St. Mary's Church, Devotions. l12mo. cloth, 1837,'38,'39. Second edition, foolscap 8vo. Devotions. 12mo. cloth, $2 00. cloth, $1 50. London,1848. Wik se W i 1 c o c k s, (T.) History of Russia. 12mo. Wicksted, (Thos.) Experime quiry cloth, (Thos. ExperimentaLondon. concerning the relative Power and Useful Ef- 1 75. fect produced by the Cornish, Boulton and Wil d, (C.) Architectural Grandeur in BelWatt Pumping Engines, and Cylindrical and gium, Germany, and France. 4to. cloth, 24 Wagon-Head Boilers. 4to. $2 00. Lond. plates, $5 00. London. Atlas to the above, containing 8 large - - (W.) Elementary and Practical Instrucelaborate illustrations of these'Engines, $12 00. tions on the Art of Building Cottages and On the Evaporative Power of Coal. Houses for the Humbler Classes. 8vo. cloth, (Paper in Engineer's and Contractor's Pocket- plates, $2 50. London, 1835 Book.) W i 1 d F 1 o w e r s and their Associations. - Description of the Balance-Gates at the Illustrated with Natural Plants, tastefully Compensation Reservoir of the E. L. Water arranged, elegantly bound, cloth extra, $6 00. Works at Old Ford. (Paper in Reports of the London, 1847. Royal Engineers, vol. 7, 4to.) W i 1 d e, (W. R.) Austria, its Literary and..- On the Effective Power of the High- Scientific Institutions. Post 8vo. cloth, $2 75. Pressure Expansive Condensing Engines in use London. at some of the Cornish Mines. (Trans. I. C. E. Wilke, (C.) Narrative of the United States vol. 2, 4to.) London. Exploring Expedition, during the Years 1838 T iffen, (J. H.) Garcilaso de la Vega. to 1842. 5 vols. 8vo. maps and plates, cloth, Post 8vo. cloth, $3 75. London. $10 00. Philadelphia, 1848. - Tasso's Jerusalem Delivered. 12mo. The Same. 5 vols. imp. 8vo. fine edition, cloth, plates, beautifully printed, $1 50; mor. with large maps and steel engravings, cloth, gilt edges, $3 00. New York. $25 00. Philadelphia, 1845. 156 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Wi 1 k e s, (C.) Narrative of the United States 1 W i I k i n s o n, (G.) South Australia, its Exploring Expedition, during the Years 1838 Advantages and its Resources; being a Deto 1842. 5 vols. 4to. cloth, maps and plates, scription of that Colony and a Manual of Iu$60 00. (Government edition.) Phila. 1845. formation for Emigrants. 8vo. cloth, $3 00. The Same. Vol. 6, containing Ethnology London. and Philology, by Horatio Hale. 4to. cloth, W ill' s Outlines of the Course of Qualitative $10 00. Philadelphia, 1846. Analysis followed in the Giessen Laboratory, The Same. Vol. 7. Dana on Zoophytes. with a Preface, by Baron Liebig. 8vo. $1 75. 4to. cloth, with an atlas of plates beautifully London. colored in folio, cloth, $45 00. Phila. 1848-49. American edition. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. Vol. 8. Dana's Geology of the United Boston, 1847. States Expedition. 4to. with an atlas of Willard, (Mrs. E.) A Treatise on the Moplates in folio, cloth, $15 00. Phila. 1849. tive Powers which produce the Circulation of Tol 9. Pickering's Races of Men and'the Blood. 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. New York. --- sol. 9. Pickering's Races of Men and their Distribution. 4to. cloth, colored plates Last Leaves of American History; comand map, $10 00. Boston, 1848. prising Histories of the Mexican War and California. 12mo. cloth, map, $1 00. - Western America; including Californiae York 1849. and Oregon, with maps of those Regions and R. of the Sacramento Valley. 8vo. paper, 75 RepublicofAmerica 8vo.sheep, $1 50. cents. Philadelphia, 1849. New York, 1845. tWi 1k i e (Sir D.) PSkechesin keyp, S Williams, (B.) Manual for Teaching aWn ilkie, (SirD.) SketchesinTurkey, Syr1a, Model Drawing from Solid Forms, the Models fouhded on those of M. Dupuis, combined with 1841. Imp. folio, half mor. 26 plates, $21 00.vo. cloth Londlo~n,1S43. a Popular View of Perspective. 8vo. cloth, L5 00. London, 1843. Spanish and Oriental Sketches, drawn on stone, by Joseph Nash. Imp. folio, half mor. Practical Geodesy; comprising Chain 26 plates, with portrait of Washington Irving Surveying and the Use of Surveying Instruconsulting the Archives at Cordova, $-25 00. ments, together with Trigonometrical, Colonial, London, 1847. Mining, and Maritime Surveying, also LevelLife of, by Allan Cunningham. 3 vols. ling and Hill Drawing, &c. 8vo. cloth, plates, --- Life of, by Allan Cunningham. 3 vols. $3 75. London, 1842. 8vo. cloth, portrait, $12 50. London. London, 1842. Ro(Capt.) Description of Wrought Iron - Modern Eypt nd Thebes; ben De- oofs erected over two Building Slips in the scription of Egypt, with Information for Trav- Royal Dockyard at Pembroke. (Papers, R. E ellers in that Country. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $10 00. vol. 9 4to.) London. London, 1843. Wilkins, (W.) ProlusionesArchitectonic-e; (C. J.) Principles of Medicine and or, Essays on Subjects connected with Grecian Pathology, by Clymer. Svo. sheep, 82 00. and Roman Architecture. Royal 4to. cloth, 40 Philadelphia fine engravings, $6 50. London. On Respiratory Organs, by Clymer. 8vo. (Chas.) Sanskrit Grammar. 4to. cloth, sheep, t2 50. Philadelphia $25 00. London. (C. W.) Treatise on the Combustion of W ilkins on, (W.) Account of Wallachia Coal. 4to. cloth, part 1, $3 25. London. and Moldavia. 8vo. $2 75. Lond. 1820. -- (D. E ) Life and Correspondence of Sir - Two Important Diseases of the Horse. Thomas Lawrence, with Portrait. 2 vols. Svo. 8vo. cloth, $3 75. London. cloth, $3 25. London, 1831. (H.) History of Engines of War. Svo. - (E.) The Statesman's Manual; Presicloth, $2 75. London. dents' Messages, Inaugural, Annual, and Special, from 1789 to 1846. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, Londina Illustrata; or, Graphic and His- $6 00. New York 1848 torical Illustrations of Interesting and Curious Monuments in the City of London, &c. 2 vols. --- (G.) Historical and Descriptive Memoir imp. 4to. half bound, 207 copperplate engrav- of the Town and Environs of Jerusalem, acings, $31 50. London, 181.9-25. companied by a map printed on Canvas, being ------ (Sir G.) Modern Egypt and Thebes. 2 a copy of the Ordnance Map. Svo. cloth, $2 50. vols. 8vo. $12 60. London, 1849. Manners and Customs of the Ancient The Holy City; Historical and TopoEgyptians, derived from Hieroglyphics, Sculp- graphical Notices of Jerusalem. Second editure, &c. still existing, compared with Ancient tion, with considerable additions, including the Authors. 5 vols. 8vo. cloth gilt, 600 illustra- Architectural History of the Holy Sepulchre, tions, $21 00; or whole bound in calf, neat, by Prof. Willis, Plan of the Town and Environs marbled leaves, $35 00. Lond. 1847. of Jerusalem. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $13 50. London, 1849. L ----- Dalmatia and Montenegro, with a Jour- n I ney to Mostar, in Herzegovina, and Remarks on (J.) History of the Native Bengal Infanthe Sclavonic Nations; the History of Dalma- try. 8vo. cloth, $3 75. London. tia and Ragusa; the Uscocs, &c. &c. 2 vols. Natural History of Minerals. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $12 00. London, 1848. 8vo. cloth, $4 25. London. (G.) Practical Geology and Architecture --- (J. F.) Account of Inventions and Disof Ireland. 8vo. cloth, $8 60. London. coveries. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $7 25. Lond. Foreign and American Books. 157 W illi ams, (J.M.) The Elements of Euclid, W i ls o n, (A.) Natural History of Birds. containing the First Six Books. 12mo. cloth, 4to. bds. with 135 figures, $3 00. $1 75. London. Edinburgh, 1839. ------ (M.) An Elementary Grammar of the - American Ornithology. 3 vols. 8vo. colSanskrit Language. 8vo. cloth, $4 00. Lond. ored plates, $25 00. London. (R. F.) Sketch of the Art of Sculpture and B onaparte's American Orin Wood. 8vo. cloth, $1 50. London. nithology. Edited by Robert Jameson. 4 --- (S. W.) A Survey of the Geography, vols. 12mo. cloth, $3 00. Edin. 183S. Government, Education, Social Life, Arts, Re- (E.) Human Anatomy. 8vo. sheep, ligion, &c. of the Chinese Empire and its In- $3 25. Philadelphia. habitants, with a new Map of the Empire, and - Practical Treatise on Diseases of the numerous illustrations. 2 vols. 12mo. half Skin &c. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. New York. bound, gilt top, $3 00. New York, 1848. bound, gilt top, $3 00. New York, 1848. _____ (H.) Sanskrit and English Dictionary. ----- (W. D.) History of Maine. 2 vols. Svo 4to. ) Sanskrit and English Dictiondon. sheep, $5 00. Hallowell, Me. (W. J.) Steam Manual for the British - An Introduction to the Grammar of the Navy. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. London. Sanskrit Language. 8vo. bds. $4 75. Lond. ------ Biography of American Physicians. 8vo. (Jas.) Natural History of Birds. 4to. cloth, $3 00. Philadelphia. cloth, $3 75. London. Willis, (N. P.) Complete Works. 1 vol. Natural History of Fishes. 4to. cloth, royal Svo. cloth, $5 00. New York. $2 75. London. --- Prose Works. 8vo. cloth, $3 00. Phila. Quadrupeds and Whales. 4to. $3 75. Poems 1 vol. 8vo. $2 00. New York. London. Poems, illustrated with engravings. 8vo. Treatise on Insects. 4to. cloth, $4 50. cloth gilt, $5 00; mor. $7 00. Phila. London Dashes at Life with a Free Pencil. 3 (J.) Treatise on Grammatical Punctuavols. 12mo. cloth, $2 25. London. tion. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. Lond. 1846. Rural Letters and other Records of - (J. M.) Historical and Traditional Tales Thought at Leisure. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. of the Scottish Border. 2 vols. Svo. $5 00. New York, 1849. New York, 1848. People I have Met. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. - (Josh.) French and English Dictionary. New York, 1850. Imp. Svo. cloth, $7 00. London, 1846. (R.) Urinary Diseases and their Treat- --- (Prof.) The Foresters; a Tale. 12mo. ment. 8vo. sheep, $1 50. Phila. 1839. cloth, 75 cents. New York. (Rev. R.) Architectural History of the - - Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. 3 Church of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem. vols. 12mo. cloth, $3 00. Phila. 1842. 8vo. cloth, plates, $2 50. Lond. 1849. 8vo. cloth, plates, $2 50. Lond. 1849. Another edition. 8vo. cloth, portrait, -.. (R.) Principles of Mechanism. Svo. $1 00. Phila. 1848. cloth, $4 60. London. _ _ —_- Rereations of Christopher North. 3 W ill m ott, (R. A.) Lives of the English vols. post 8vo. $9 50. Edinburgh. Sacred Poets. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $3 00. London. - (R.) A System of Plane and Spherical of EpistoryCorespondnce. w Trigonometry, to which is added a Treatise on Gems of Epistolary Correspondence, with Logarithms. 8vo. cloth, $3 00. Lond. Introductory and Biographical Notes. Cr. 8vo. cloth, <1 25. London, 18i46. Wil ton, (Countess of.) ArtofNeedle-Work cloth,, $1es 2..1i London,184h, from the earliest Ages, including some Notices Pictures of Christian Life. 12mo. cloth, of the Ancient Historical Tapestries. 12mo. 75 cents. London, 1841. cloth, $t 50. London, 1844. - Life of Bishop Jeremy Taylor, his Predecessors, Contemporaries, and Successors. 12mo. i nc k 1 e mann, (John.) The History of half calf, neat, $L 37. London, 1848. Ancient Art. Translated by G. H Lodge. Vol. 2. imp. 8vo. cloth, (Greek Art.) IllusWillson, (M.) American History, com- trated with 18 fine engravings, chiefly in outprising Historical Sketches of the Indian Tribes, line, $3 50. Boston, 1849. American Antiquities, History of the United States, History of the British Provinces, His- W i n d h a m and u s k i s s on' s tory of Mexico, and History of Texas. 8vo. Speeches. 8vo. sheep, $2 00. Phila cloth, wood-cuts, $2 00. New York, 1847. W i n d u s, (T.) On the Portland Vase. Roy. ----- (H,) Use of a Box of Colors. Imp. Svo. 4to. cloth, $12 00. London. $7 25. London. Winer, (W. C.) Idioms of the New TestaW i 1 m e, (B. P.). Hand-Book for Mapping, ment. Svo. cloth, $3 00. New York. Engineering, and Architectural Drawing. (G.B.) LexiconManuale Hebraicumet Plates, 4to. half bound, $7 50. London. Chaldaicum in veteris testamenti libros ordine ------ (B.) Manual of Writing and Printing etymologico descriptive. Svo. cloth, $6 00. Characters, Ancient and Modern. 4to. cloth, New York. $3 76. London. W i n k 1 e' s Architectural and Picturesque IIWi lmot, (T. E.) View of the Losses, &c. lustrations of the Cathedral Churches of Engof American Lovalists. 8vo. cloth, $2 75. land and Wales. 3 vols. royal 8vo. cloth, London. 150 steel engravings, $18 50. Lond. 158 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Winslow, (Rev. B. W.) Sermons and W o o d, (M. A.) Letters of Royal and IllustriPoetical Remains. Edited by Bishop Doane. ous Ladies of Great Britain. 3 vols. post 8vo. 8vo. cloth, $1 50. New York. cloth, $5'50. London, 1845. W irt, (W.) Life of Patrick Henry. 8vo. (N.) A Practical Treatise on Railroads. sheep, $1 75. Philadelphia. 8vo. cloth, wood-cuts, $2 50. Lond. 1838. W is e, (H.) Analysis of One Hundred Voy- --- (W.) Catalogue of Insects. 8vo. cloth, ages to and from India, &c. Royal 8vo. cloth, $19 00; colored, $50 00. London, 1839. $4 25. London. ~ Catalogue of Shells. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, Wishaw, (Francis.) The Railways of $13 00; colored, $42 00. Lond. 1828. Great Britain and Ireland practically described _ (W.) General Conchology. Royal 8vo. and illustrated. Second edition, with additions. cloth, $21 00. London. Plates, 4to. cloth, $10 00. Lond. Zoography; or, the Beauties of Nature Wiestar, (C.) Anatomy, with Notes, by Displayed, &c. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, $22 00. Horner. 2 vols. 8vo. sheep, $6 00. London, 1807-li. Philadelphia, 1842. PGeneral Conchology; or, a Description Wit h a m, (H.) Observations on Fossil Veg- of Shells arranged according to the Linnuean etables. 4to. cloth, $6 50. London. System, and illustrated with 60 plates. 8vo. W ithers, (W.) The Acacia Tree, Robinia $8 00. London. Pseudo Acacia; its Growth, Qualities, and (W. M.) Wandering Sketches of People Uses, with Observations on Planting, Manuring, and Things in South America, Polynesia, Caliand Pruning. 8vo. cloth, $6 00. Lond. 1842. fornia, and other places visited during a Cruise W it t i c h, (W.) Curiosities of Physical Ge- on board of the U.S. Ships Levant, Portsmouth, ography. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $1 00. Lond. and Savannah. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Philadelphia, 1849. W o d a r c h, (Chas.) Introduction to Con- Architectural Antiquities and Ruins of chology. Post 8vo. cloth, colored plates, $4 25. Palmyra and Balbec. 2 vols. in, imp. 8vo. containing 110 fine copperplate engravings, Wolff' s, (Dr.) Narrative of a Mission to some very large and folding, half mor. uncut, Bokhara in 1843-45, to ascertain the Fate of $L8 03. London, 1827. Colonel Stoddart and Captain Connolly. 8vo. Dispensatory of the --- Aand B a c he' s Dispensatory of the cloth, wood-cuts, $2 00. New York. W o 1 s e y, (Cardinal.) Life of, by John Galt. Philadelphia, 1849. 12mo. cloth, portrait, 87 cents. Lond. Suppressed History of Adams' AdminisW o m en o f t h e B i b 1 e; delineated in a tration. Edited by J. H. Sherburne, 1 2mo. Series of Sketches of Remarkable Females cloth, $1 25. Philadelphia. mentioned in the Holy Scriptures. Edited by W o o d brid ge and W illar d' s GeJ. M. Wainwright, D. D. Imp. 8vo. with 18 ography and Atlas of colored maps, $2 25. steel engravings, $7 00; mor. elegant, $10 00; Hartford. with colored plates, mor. elegant, $15 00. W o o d c r oft, (B.) A Sketch of the Origin New York. and Progress of Steam Navigation from AuW o men o f t h e O 1 d an d Ne w T e s- thentic Documents. 4to. half bound, plates, tament; a Series of Portraits, with Character- $3 50. London. istic Descriptions. Edited by W. B. Sprague, W o o df a 11' s Letters of Junius. Svo. cloth, D. D. Imp. 8vo. bds. illustrated with 18 fine $2 00. Middleboro', 1848. engravings, $7 00; mor. elegant, $10 00; col- W o d ho u s e, (R) Treatise on Astronoored, $15 00. New York, 1850. my. 2 vols 8vo. cloth, $9 00. Loud. W on d e rfu 1 Inventions. A History - Physical Astronomy. 8vo. cloth, $5 50. of, illustrated with numerous engravings on London. wood. 12mo. cloth, $1 50. Lond. 1849. Woo dville, (W.) Medical Botany enAmerican edition. 12mo. paper, 75 larged, by Sir W. J. Hooker. 5 vols. small cents; cloth, $1 00. New York, 1849. 4to. half bound, 310 plates, carefully colored Wo o d, (G. B.) Practice of Medicine. 2 after Nature, $31 50. London, 1832. vols. 8vo. sheep, $7 00. Phila. 1849. W oodw a r d, (Charles.) Familiar Intro- (H.) Designs for Furniture and Decora- duction to the Study of Polarized Light, with tion. Oblong 4to. $18 00; colored, $36 0. a Description of and Instructions for using the London, 1845. Table and Hydro-Oxygen Polariscope and Microscope. Engravings, 8vo. cloth, $1 00. ------ Designs for Chairs. Oblong folio, colored London, 1818. plates, $7 50. London. Woolhouse, (W. S.) Essay on Musical ---- -Designs for Mounting Berlin Needle- Intervals and Harmonies. 12mo. cloth, $1 50. Work. Folio, $6 00. London. London. (Jas.) Elements of Optics. 8vo. cloth, Woolsey, (T. D.) Alcestis of Euripides. $1 75. London. 12mo. cloth, 56 cents. Boston. -'Elements of Algebra. 8vo. bds. $1 50. Antigone of Sophocles. 12mo. cloth, 56 --- Personal Narrative of a Journey to the cents. Boston. Sources of the River Oxus. 8vo. map, $1 00. - Electra of Sophocles. 12mo. cloth, 56 London, 1841. cents. Boston. (J. G.) Footsteps to Drawing. Royal --- Prometheus of,Eschylus. 12mo. cloth, 4to. cloth, $6 50. London. 56 cents. Boston. Foreign and American Books. 159 Worcester, (J. E.) An Historical Atlas, Wright, (Thos.) Early Mysteries, and other containing a Series of Charts on History, My- Latin Poems of the Twelfth and Thirteenth thology, Chronology, and Biography. Folio, Centuries. 8vo. cloth, $3 25. Lond. 1838. half bound, $1 50. Boston, 1833. Early English Poetry. Printed in black --- (Marquis of.) Century of Inventions, by Letter. 4 vols. square 16mo. half mor. $6 00. Partington. 12mo. cloth, $2 25. London. London, 1836. ---— On Cutaneous Diseases. 8vo. sheep, Literature, Popular Superstitions, and $3 50. New York. History of England, in the Middle Ages. 2 (J. E.) Dictionary of the English Lan- vols. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. London, 1S46. guage. Svo. sheep, $3 50; or Library edition, - England under the House of Hanover, sheep, $5 00. Boston, 1846. its History and Condition during the Reigns of Words of Wisdom and Truth. the three Georges. Illustrated from the CariIlluminated in colors and gold. Small 4to. catures and Satires of the day, with numerous bds. $1 25. London. illustrations executed by F. W. Fairholt. W o r d s w o r t h, (Christopher.) On the Second edition, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $9 00. Canon of the Scriptures of the Old and New London, 1848. Testaments, and on the Apocrypha; being St. Patrick's Purgatory; an Essay on the the Hulsean Lectures for 1847. 8vo. cloth, Legends of Purgatory, Hell, and Paradise. $3 25. London, 1848. 12mo. cloth, $1 50. London, 1844. ----- Ancient Writings on Walls, &c. of Pom- --- (J. M. F.) The Principia of Newton, peii. 8vo. cloth, $1 50. London. with Notes, Examples, and Deductions, con - Elements of Instruction concerning the taining all that is Read at the University of Church and the Anglican Branch of it. 12mo. Cambridge. 8vo. bds. $2 50. cloth, $ 1 00. London, 1849. Cambridge, 1830. Greece, Pictorial, Descriptive, and His- Wyatt, (M. D.) Specimens of the Geomettorical, with 350 engravings on wood and 28 rical Mosaic of the Middle Ages, with a brief on steel. Royal 8vo. cloth, $8 00. Historical Notice of the Art, founded on Papers London, 1844. read before the Royal Institute of British Ar(W.) Poetical Works, complete in one chitects, Royal Society of Arts, &c. 21 magvol. royal 8vo. cloth, portrait and vignette, nificently illuminated plates, folio, $15 00. $6 00; mor. extra, $10 00. Lond. 1847. London, 1849. - Poetical Works. 7 vols. 12mo. cloth, - (Thos.) Natural History.'8vo. 49 col$8 75; mor. gilt edges, $20 00. Lond. 1846. ored plates, $7 00. Philadelphia. - - Poetical Works. Edited by Professor Manual of Conchology, according to the Reed. 1 vol. royal 8vo. $4 00. Phila. System laid down by Lamarck. 8vo. cloth, W o r n u m, (Ralph.) A Sketch of the His- 36 plates, $2 75; colored, $S 00. New York. tory of Painting, Ancient and Modern, showing --- Memoirs of the Generals, Commodores, its gradual and various Development, from the and other Commanders who distinguished earliest ages to the present time. 18mo. cloth, themselves in the American Army and Navy $1 00. London, 1847. during the Wars of the Revolution and 1812. W ott on, (Sir H.) and Rale i g h, (Sir W.) Royal 8vo. cloth, 82 engravings on steel, $2 50. Poems. Edited by J. Hannah. 12mo. cloth, Philadelphia, 1S48. $1 5). London. Wy ch e r ly, Congreve, Vanburgh, and FarW rang ell, (Von.) Narrative of an Expe- quhar's Dramatic Works, with Biographical dition to the Polar Seas in 1820 to 1823. New Notice, by Leigh Hunt, with portrait and vigedition, by Sabine. Post 8vo. cloth, map, nette. Royal Svo. cloth, $4 00; calf, m. e. $1 75. London, 1844. $6 00. London, 1840. W r ax all 1, (Sir N. W.) Historical Memoirs W y c i ff e, (John.) Translation of the New of my own Time. 8vo. cloth, $1 25. Testament, by Baber. 4to. cloth, $6 50. Philadelphia, 1845. London, 1810. - Posthumous Memoirs of his own Time. Wyl d's Popular Atlas of the World. Illus8vo. cloth, $1 25. Phila. 1845. trated by Geographical and Statistical DescripW r a y' s Practical Sugar Planter; a complete tions. 48 maps, $12 00; colored, $18 00. Account of the Manufacture of the Sugar Cane London, 1847-48. according to the latest and most improved Pro- X e n o ph n. Opera r. et Lt. 10 vols. cesses. 8vo. cloth, with numerous engravings, lemo. bds. $27 00; L. P. $40 00. London $60.L ndo, 188 - Opera omnia Grecse. 6 vols. square Wreck of the Glide, with Recollec- 12mo. paper, $2 00. Leipsic. tions of the Feejees, and of Wallis Island, from the MSS. of Mr. James Oliver. 12mo. Translated byvarious Authors. 1 thick 63 cents. New York. vol. 8vo. cloth, $3 00. New York, 1849. Wright, (Lieut. H.) A Brief Practical Trea- - Anabasis. Edited by Owen. 12mo. tise on Mortars, with an Account of the Pro- half bound, $1 25. New York. cesses employed at the Public Works in Boston --- Cyropcedia. Edited by Owen. 12mo. Harbor. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Boston, 1845 half bound, $1 50. New York. and H a 11 i w e ll' s Reliquee Antiquee. Memorabilia of Socrates. 12mo. cloth, Scraps from Ancient Manuscripts, illustrating $1 00. Philadelphia. chiefly Early English Literature and the Eng- Works complete. Translated by varilish Language. 2 vols. 8vo. $6 50. ous hands. Svo. cloth, $2 50. London, 1841. New York, 1849. 160 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Ximenes, (Cardinal.) Life of, by Barrett. Young, (E.) The Complaint; or, Night 8vo. cloth, $2 75. London. Thoughts on Life, Death, and Immortality. Y a r r e ll, (W.) History of British Birds. Royal 18mo. mor. gilt, gilt leaves, $1'75. Illustrated with wood-cuts of each Species. 3 London, 1848. vols. 8vo. cloth, $18 00. Lond. 1840. - Poems, with Memoir, by Mitford. 2 vols. History of British Fishes. Illustrated by 12mo. cloth, $3 00. Pickering. 400 beautiful wood-cuts. 2 vols. 8vo. $18 00. - Night Thoughts. 18mo. cloth, 38 cents. London, 1840. New York. -- Growth of Salmon in Fresh Water. (J.) Designs for Shop Fronts, Porticoes, Folio, cloth, $3 75. London. &c. 4to. cloth, $3 75. London. Yates, (Jas.) The Art of Weaving among Lectures on Intellectual Philosophy. the Ancients. 8vo. cloth, 16 plates, $7 50. 8vo. $2 50. London. London, 1843. - (J. R.) Cubic and Biquadratic Equa--- Modern History and Condition of, Egypt, tions. 12mo. cloth, $1 75. London. exhibited in a Personal Narrative of a Resi- Algebra. 8vo. sheep, $1 50. Phila. dence and Travels in that Country, with a History of Mohammed Ali, from 1801 to 1843 - Analyt eometry. 8vo. sheep, $1 50. interspersed with Illustrations of Scripture Geometry. 8vo. sheep, 1 60. Phila. History. 2 vols. 8vo. 15 plates, cloth, $3 75. - Mathematical Tables. 12mo. sheep, (Pub. at $8 00.) London, 1S43. $1 13. Phila. Account of New Zealand. Post 8vo- Mechanics. 8vo. sheep, $1 50. Phila. $3 25. London. Plane and Spherical Trigonometry. 8vo. -- Essays on the Currency and Circulation. sheep, $t 50. Philadelphia. 8vo. cloth, $1 50. London. On the Differential Calculus. 8vo. cloth, Year-Book of Facts in Science and Art $3 75. London. for 1848, exhibiting the most important Discov- On the Integral Calculus. 12mo. cloth, eries during the Year. Published annually, $2 75. London. with portrait and engravings. 12mo. cloth, -- Mathematical Dissertations. 8vo. cloth, $1 50. London. $3 00. London. Y o 11 an d, (Capt.) Extract of a Paper on a - - Theory and Solution of Algebraic EquaReflecting Level invented by Lieut. Col. Burel. tions. 8vo. cloth, $4 50. London. Translated from the "Memorial du Genie." (S.) Cotton Spinner's and Mechanic's (Papers, R. E. vol. 2, 4to.) London. Arithmetic. l2mo. 1 38. London. Y ork, (J. O.) Tables on the Weight of (Thus.) Discoveries in Hieroglyphical Wrought Iron. 12mo. $1 50. London. Wrought Iron. 2mo. $1 50. London. Literature. 8vo. cloth, $2 25. Loud. Y o s y' s Costume of Switzerland. 50 plates, esidence on the i beautifully colored, 2 vols. super-royal Svo. 41lR2mo.dclothe$1 8. Lond gilt cloth, $8 50. 1815. t, $8. (Alex.) Chronicles of the First Planters Youatt, (W.) Stock Raiser's Manual. 8vo. of the Colony of the Massachusetts Bay in cloth, $2 50. Philadelphia. New England, from 1623 to 1635. Svo. cloth, - ---- On the Horse. Edited by Skinner, $1 75. portrait, $2 50. Boston, 1846. Philadelphia. Chronicles of the Pilgrim Fathers of the On the Dog, by Lewis. 8vo. $1 50. Colony of New Plymouth in New England, Philadelphia. fromn 1602 to 1623, &c. Svo. cloth, portrait, and Clater's Cattle Doctor. 8vo. $2 50. Boston, 184-4 paper, 50 cents. Philadelphia. (T.) Lectures on Natural Philosophy. The Complete Grazier; or, Farmer's and 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $5 00. London Cattle-Breeder's and Dealer's Assistant. Svo. --- History of Mexico. 8vo. cloth, ):2 50. cloth, illustrated with 123 engravings,.5 00. New York. London. Y o u t h' s Hand-Book of Entertaining Knowl- he Pig; a Treatise on the Breed, Man- edge; in a Series of Familiar Conversations on agement, Feeding, and Medical Treatment of the most Interesting Productions of Nature Swine. 12mo. cloth, wood-cuts, 75 cents. and Art, &c. By a Lady. 2 vols. post 8vo. Philadelphia, 1847. cloth, 81 50. London, 1 S44. Young American's Primer. Illustra- Yriarte's Literary Fables. Translated by ted with some hundreds of wood-cuts. 12mo. Andrews. 8vo. cloth, $1 75. London. half cloth, 25 cents. New York, 1849. half cloth, 25 cents. New York, 1849. ____ Fabulas Literarias a Josse. Post Svo. Y o u n g B r e w e r' s Monitor. 8vo. cloth, paper, $2 25. London. $1 75. London. - Compendio de la Historia de Espana. Young, (A.) Natural History and Habits 12mo. $1 75. London. of the Salmon. 1 2mo. cloth, 50 cents. Lond. y u 1 e, (Major.) Mode of Constructing a and B r is b an e, (J.) Nautical Dic- Breakwater and of Stopping the Movement of tionary. Post 8vo. cloth, $3 25. Lound. Shingle on the Sea-Coast. (Papers, R. E. vol. (A. W.) First Lessons in Civil Govern- 8, 4to.) London. ment. 12mo. cloth, 67 cents. New York. Z a c h, (Le Baron de.) Correspondance AsScience of Government. 12mo. sheep, 75 tronomique et Geographique. 14 vol. in-8, cents. Buffalo. broche, $63 00. Paris. Foreign and Amerzcan Books. 161 Z astrow, (A. V.) Histoire de la Fortifica- Z o rnlin, (R. M.) Physical Geography. tion Permanente, traduite par Neuens. Svo. 12mo. cloth, $1 75. London, 1849. paper, with atlas, $6 00. Liege, 1.846. Z s c h o k k e, (Heinriche.) The Gold-Makers' Zent et Deshays. Renseignements sur Village. 38 cents. New York. le material de l'artillerie navale de la Grande- Tales. Translated by Park Godwin. Bretagne et les fabrications qui s'y rattachent, 12mo. $1 00. New York, 1845. recueillis en 1835. 4to. avec atlas en folio, Incidentsof Social Life amid the Europaper, $7 60. Paris, 1840. pean Alps. Translated. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Z i e g 1 e r' s Royal Lodges of Windsor Park. New York. Folio, $9 50; colored plates, $19 00. Lond. Folio, $9 50; colored plates, $19 00. Lond. -_ _ (H.) Hours of Meditation and DevotionZimmerman, (J. G.) OnSolitude. 12mo. al Reflection. Translated by J. D. Haas. cloth, 75 cents. New York. 12mo. cloth, $1 50. London, 1847. - Countries about the Caspian and Aral ~ Autobiography of. 8vo. cloth, $1 60. Seas. 8vo. cloth, $'2 25. London. London. Zornlin, (R. M.) Recreations in Geology. Zumpt, (Prof.) Grammar of the Latin Lan12mo. cloth, $1 50. London, 1841. guage. Translated by Leonhard Schmitz, with ---- -Recreations in Hydrology. 12mo. cloth, numerous additions, by the Author. 8vo. $1 75. London. cloth, $2 50. London, 1845. Whatis a Voltaic Battery? 18mo. cloth, -- American edition. 12mo. cloth, 88 cents. gilt, 75 cents. London. New York. ADDE DA. A c c o u n t of the Demolition of the Glaciere A 1 d e r s o n, (Col.) Report on the Manchester, Bastion at Quebec in 1828. (Papers, R. E. Cheshire, Staffordshire, and the South Unioan vol. 2, 4to.) London. Lines of Railway. (Papers, R. E. vol. 2, 4to.) A d a 1 b e r t, (Prince of Prussia.) Travels of, London. in the South of Europe and in Brazil, with a (Lieut. Col.) Notes on Acre and some Voyage up the Amazon and the Xingu. of the Coast Defences of Syria. (Papers, R. Translated by Sir R. H. Schomburgh and J. E. vol. 6, 4to.) London. G. Taylor. Plates, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $7 50. Additional Notes on Acre. (Papers, R. E. London, 1849. vol. 7, 4to.) London. A d a m as' Illustrated Descriptive Guide to the - On Horizontal Loopholes. (Papers, R. E. Watering Places of England and Companion to vol. 8, 4to.) London. the Coast. By E. L. Blanchard. 12mo. cloth, - On Siege Gunn and Mortar Platforms map and cuts, 50 cents. Lond. 1848. (Papers, R. E. vol. 8, 4to.) London. Adamson, (Rev. J. L.) Scripture Meta- Alexander, (Capt.) Description of a phors. 8vo. cloth. Edinburgh, 1849. Bomb-Proof erected at Woolwich, with detailed Zls chylus. The Prometheus and Aga- Experiments as to the Effects produced on it memnon of Translated into English Verse, l)y the Fire of Artillery. (Papers, R. E. vol. by H. H. Herbert. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. 1, 4to.) London. Cambridge, 1S4 9. (Sir Jas. E.) L'Acadie; or, Seven Years' MEsthetic Papers. Edited by E. P. Explorations in British America. 2 vols. post Peabody. 8vo. paper, $1 25. (To be pub- 8vo. cloth, $6 50. London, 1849. lished occasionally.) Boston, 1849. lished occasionally.) Boston, 1849. A 11 e n, (J.) An Inquiry into the Rise and A g u i 1 a r, (G.) Home Influence; a Tale for Growth of the Royal Prerogative, &c. New Mothers and Daughters, with Memoir of the edition, 8vo. cloth, $3 50. London, 1849. Author. 12mo. paper, 75 cents; cloth, $1 00. A m e r i c a n istoricl and Literary CuriosiNew York, 1849. ties; consisting of fac-similes of Original DocuAir y, (G. B.) Six Lectures on Astronomy, ments relating to the events of the Revolution, delivered at Ipswich. 8vo. cloth, illustrated &c., &c., with a variety of Relics, Antiquities, with steel engravings, $3 25. Lond. 1849. and Modern Autographs, collected and edited A ken s ide, (M.) The Pleasures of Imagin- by J. J. Smith and J. F. Watson. Fourth ediation. 12mo. bds. 75 cents. Lond. 1825. tion, 4to. half mor. gilt edges. $6.N. York, 1850. A l d e r so n, (Capt.) Memorandum on Pav- "A never failing source of amusement to the drawing-roor ing Stables. (Papers, R.. Vol 2 4to.) circle."-HoME JOURNAL. "' A volume of curiosities, not of Literature only, but of London. American History."-CoMrERcIcAL ADVERTISER. 11 162 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of A m e r i c a n Railroadb:crmed on a Foundation A t 1 a s of Physical Geography, constructed by of Piles. (Papers, R. E. vol. 6, 4to.) Lond. Augustus Petermann, with descriptive letterAmericus Vespucius. Life and press, embracing a general view of the Physier s b b. E. Lesteru and A. Foster. cal Phenomena of the Globe, by Rev. Thomas Voyages of, by C. E. Lester and. Foster. Milner. 4to. cloth, $5 00. Loend. 1849. e.pote, (M. 0. J.)La e Rom, etA v a n t - Postes de cavalerie legere par de A mp e re, (M. J. J.) La Grece, Rome, et Brack; suivi du Manual du service de la CavDante, etudes Litteraires d'apres nature. alerie, par le Compte de la Roche-Amyon. 12mo. paper,.$1 00. Paris. 12mo. cartonne, $1 60. 1844. An de rs en, (H. C.) Contes pour les ernfans Avedichian Origines et Raison de la Traduits. du Daneiq, par V.Caralp. Cr. 8vo. AAvedlchian Origines et Raison de la Traduits du Danois, par V. Caralp. Ci. 8vo. Liturgie Catholique en forme de Dictionnaire cloth gilt, and gilt edges, plates, $2 75. Paris. Liturgie Catholique en forD e de Dictionnaire ou Nations Historiques et Descriptives, suivies A nd r e, (L'Abbe.) Cours alphabetique et de la Liturgie Armenienne; traduite en FranMethodique de droit canon mis en rapport caise sur le texte Italien par J. B. E. Pascal. avec le droit civil, ecclesiastique, ancien et $2 50. Migne, 1844. moderne. 2 vols. royal Svo. $4 50. A y t o w n, (W. F.) Lays of the Scottish Migne, 1845. Cavaliers. Cr. 8vo. cloth gilt, $4 60. Animal B i ograp hy; consisting of Nar- London, 1849. ratives and Anecdotes illustrative of the Hab- Babbage, (C.) Tables of Logarithms of its, Dispositions, Instinct, and Sagacity of the the Natural Numbers from 1 to 108,000. various Tribes of Animals. yvo. bds. $1 50.,Fourth edition, 8vo. $1 75. London. London, 1840. B abc o c k, (J. S.) Visions and Voices, with A nthon, (Chas.) A System of Ancient and a Biographical Sketch of the Author. 12mo. Mediaeval Geography for Schools and Colleges. cloth, portrait, $1 00. Hartford, 1849. rvo. cloth, $1 50. New Tork, 1850., 8vo. cloth, $1 50. New York, 1 B a c o n. (Euvres, edition Francis Riaux. 2 Anto ine. Hotel des Monnaies de Paris. vols. 12mo. paper, $2 00. Paris. Plans des divers etages et coupe (lde l'Hotel des Monnaies a Paris. Un cahier grand in folio B a e y, (P. J.) The Angel World and other B aiIe y, (P. J) The Angel World and other de 12 planches granlld in folio, with texte, 3 50 Poes. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1850. 1,ciegnti Notic o Cete - (F.) Catalogue of Nine Thousand Fixed A r a g o' s Scientific Notices of Comets in gene- Stars. New edition 4to. $20 00. Lond. ral, and in particular of the Comet of 1882, a whose Revolution is of Six Years and Three whorters Duraevolution is of Six Years and Three tial Calculus, designed for the Use of Students London, 1S33 in the University. 8vo. $3 00. Loend. Popular Lectures on Astronomy. Trans- B a in b r i g g e, (Capt.) Project of Defence. lated, with Notes, by W. K. Kelly. Royal (Papers, R. E. vol. 9, 4to.) London. 8vo. paper, illustrated with numerous wood- B ai r d, (R.) History of the Albigenses, Vaucuts, 63 cents. London. dois, and Waldenses. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. Architecture of the Middle Ages in Philadelphia. Italy, by E. Cresey and G. L. Taylor. 4to. B a 1 fo u r, (J. H.) A Manual of Botany; be$8 00. London. ing an Introduction to the Study of the Structure, Physiology, and Classification of Plants. Aristarchus; or, the Principles of Coin- Illustrated with wood-cuts. 12mo. cloth, $3 75. position, containing a Methodical Arrangement Lonlon, 1849. of the Improprieties frequent in Writing and Lessons on Chemistry Conversation, &c.' Svo. clotil, Al 2.5. B a lm a i n e, (W. H.) Lessons on Chemistry Conversation, &c. 8vo. cloth, $1 25. London, 18 22. for the Use of Schcols, &c. $1 75. Art, (The,) of Sailmaking as Practiced in the B al t a r d. Vues des Monuments antiques et Royal Navy, and according to the most ap- principales fabriques de Rome, dessinees proved Methods in the Merchant Service. Svo cl'apres iature par Baltard,gravees a l'aquacloth, $2 75. London, 1843. tinte par Piringer. 1 vol. in 4 de 49 planches, $5 00. Paris. A rmini u s, (James.) Menmoirs of, by Rev. Balzac, (H. de.) CEuvres. 8 vols. imp.vo. N. Bangs. 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. paper s>4 00. Bruxelles 1&37 Newr Yorl, 1844. Yor, 18Louis Lambert, Seraphita. 12mo. paper, Armstrong, (John.) Lectures on the $1 00. Paris. Morbid Anatomy, Nature, &c. of Acute and La Recherche de l'Absolu. 12mo. paper, Chronic Diseases. Svo. sheep, $2 75. 0). Paris. Philadellphiia, 1837. _ _ Le Lis dans le Vailee. 12mo. paper, Arnold, (Thos.) Life and Correspondence, $1 00. Paris. by A. P. Stanley. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. _____- Histoire des Freize. 12mo. paper, $1 00. New York., New ork. Cesar Birotteau. 12mo. paper, $1 00. A sh 1 ey, (A.) The Art of Etching on Copper and Steel. Illustrated with 14 etchings by Le Medecin de Campagne. 12mo. paper, the Author, elegantly bound in a cover designed $1 J00. Paris. by Owen Jones, $3 25. Loend. 1849. - La Peau de Chagrin. 12mo. paper, $1 00. A s t r o n o m y, (Encyclopeedia of,) being the Le Pere Goriot. 12mo. paper, $1 00. Treatises from the Encyclopvedia Metropolitana. - Physiologie du Mariage. 12mo. paper, 4to. $6 00. London. $1 00. Paris. [ADDENDA.] Foreign.mnd American Books. 163 Bal z a c, (H. de.) Eugenie Grandet. 12mo. Beau marchais. Theatre precede d'une paper, $1 00. notice sur sa vie et ses ouvrages par M. Auger. - --- Scenes de la`: privee. 2 vols. 12mo. 12mo. $1 00. Paris, 1846. paper, $2 00. B e a u t i e s of the Court of Queen Victoria; --- Scenes de la vie de Province. 2 vols. comprising 14 portraits beautifully engraved. 12mo. paper, $2 00. 4to. cloth, extra gilt, $6 00. Lond. 1850. ----- Scenes de la vie Parisienne. 2 vols. Beauvalet et Ch. Normand. Frag12mo. paper, $2 00. ments d'Architecture, Sculpture, Peinture, Ara-- Le Depute d'Arcis Scenes de la vie besques, etc. dans le style antique. 2 vol. inPolitique. 2 vols. 12mo. paper, 63 centa. folio, contenant 144 pl. representant plus de Bruxelles, 1848. 700 sujets differents, $25 00. Paris. ----- Le Vicaire des Ardennes. 2 vols. 12mo. Belch e r, (Capt. Sir E.) Narrative of a paper, $1 00. Bruxelles, 1537. Voyage round the World during the Years Barante, (M. de.) Tableau de la Littera- 1836-42; including Details of the Naval Operture Francaise au Dix-Huitieme siecle. 12mo. ations in China. Map, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, paper, $1 00. Paris, 1847. $5 00. London, 1843. B a r e t t i. Dictionairio portatil Espanol- B ell' s Mechanism of the Hand and its Vital Ingles. 2 vols. 16mo. $1 25. Paris, 1848. Endowments as evincing Design. 12mo. cloth, Barlow, (P. W.) On the Strain to which wood-cuts, 63 cents. New York. Lock Gates are subjected. (Trans. I. C. E. vol. B e n j a m i n, (A.) The Architect; or, Prac1, 4to.) London. tical House Carpenter. 4to. 84 00. Boston. -- On the Force excited by Hydraulic Pres- B e n n e t t, (J.) Arcanum; comprising a sure in a Bramah Press, the Resisting Power concise Theory of Practicable Elementary and of the Cylinder, and Rules for computing the Definitive Geometry. 8vo. $1 50. Lond. Thickness of Metal for Presses of various Powers and Dimension. (Trans. I. C.. vol. 1, Ber anger, (P. J. de.) (Euvres de mises 4to.) London. 1 dans un nouvel ordre et ornees de 40 gravures. (P.) and Herschel,5 vols. 12mo. paper, $3 00. Brux. 1828. ~H (P.) and Herschel, (Sir J. W.) Encyclopeadia of Natulal Philosophy, being a Bernard, (Chas. de.) La Peau du Lion. portion of the Encyclopeedia Aletropolitana. 12mo. paper, 63 cents. Bruxelles. Illustrated with numerous engravings, 4to. B e t hun e, (Rev. G. W.) Essays, Orations, $12 00. London. and Occasional Discourses. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. (W. H.) Description to Diagrams for New York, 1S49. Facilitating the Construction of Oblique Arches. Large plate, 4to. $1 00. London. i g e, (Dr. W.) On the Thirty-Nine (W.)Large plate, 4to. Adverti 0 se ont dor Articles. Svo. cloth, $3 37. Oxford, 1846. (W.) Magnetical Advertisements; or, Diverse Pertinent Observations and approved Ex- B i b li c a 1 Reading-Book for Schools and periments concerning the Nature and Property Families, containing, with Illustrative Sketches of the Loadstone. A new edition, with Notes, in Sacred Biography, History, and Antiquities, by W.Sturgeon. 12mo. cloth, wood-cuts, $1 00. a Life of Chist, c. by the Author of the PeoLondon, 1843. ple's Dictionary of the Bible. 12mo. cloth, Barrett, (A. C.) The Propositions in Me- 1 25. London,1849. chanics and Hydrostatics which are required Bi e lfield, (C.F.) Gothic Ornaments drawn of Questionists not Candidates for Honors, with from examples executed in the Improved Illustrations and Examples. Cr. Svo. cloth, Papier Mache. 4to. $3 00. Lond. $1 87. Cambridge, 1847. B i g e 1 o w' s Useful Arts considered in conBartholomew, (A.) Specifications for nection -with the Applications of Science. 2 Practical Architecture, $6 00. Lond. vols. 121no. cloth, numerous wood-cuts, $1 50. Bartlett, (W. H.) The Nile Boat; or, New York. Glimpses of the Land of Egypt. Royal &vo. Biley, (E.) Supplement to the Horne Paulicloth, illustrated with 52 engravings drawn n.e of Arcllhdeacon Paley. 8vo. cloth, $2 25. upon steel, with maps and wood-cuts, $3 50. London, 1845. London, 1849. B i l i g s, (W.) Architectural Illustrations Barton, (Miss.) Selections from the Poelns of the T'emple Church. 31 plates, 4to. $8 00. and Letters of Barnard Barton. 122mo. cloth, London. $3 00. London, 1849. -___ Illustrations of the Architectural AntiquiB ayard, (Chevalier.) Life of, by V. G. t'ies of the County of Durhamn, Ecclesiastical, Simms. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. New York. Castelllated, and Domestic. $8 00. Lond. B e at t i e, (Dr. W.) Life and Tines of Thos. B ii nll g t o n, (J.) Architectural Director; Campbell, with an Introductory Letter, by being a Guide to B1uilders, Draughtsmen, StuWashington Irving, Esq. 2 vols. 12mo. clotl. dlents, and Workmen. Svo. cloth, plates, $3 0;W. New York, 1850. London, 1S34. Beatson, (Lieut.) Memoranda relative to Biographie Impartiale des Representants the Reconstruction of certain portions of the i du Peuple a l'Assemblee Nationale. 12mo. Admiralty Sea-Wall at Haslar Beach, Ports- paper, $1 50. Paris, 18.48. mouth. (Papers, R. E. vol. 6, 4to.) Lond-. B i r d, (Golding.) Lectures on Electricity and B e a u do u x, (Mme. C1.) La Science Mater- Galvanism in their Physiological and Theranelle oun Education morale et Intellectuelle des peutical Relations. 12mo. cloth, wood-cuts, Junes Filles. 12mo. paper, $1 00. Paris, 1844. $1 75. London, 1S49 164 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Blackburne, (E. L.) Sketches, Graphic Bonaparte, (Charles L.) American Orand Descriptive, for a History of the Decora- I nithology; or, Natural History of Birds inhabtive Painting of the Middle Ages as applied to iting the United States not given by Wilson, English Architecture. Illustrated by 24 plates, with figures drawn, engraved, and colored from highly illuminated. Imp. 4to. cloth, $16 00. Nature. 4 vols. folio, half mor..25 00. London. Philadelphia, 1825. Blacker, (W.) Catechism of Fly- aking, - (N.) Lifeof,bySir Walter Scott. 8vo. Angling, and Dyeing, comprising most essen- cloth, $1 50. New York. tial information. 12mo. bound, gilt edges, with Life of, by William Hazlitt. h vols. many engravings on steel, $3 73. Lond. 1S43. 12mo. cloth, $3 00. Philadelphia. Life of. Translated from the French of B lakey, (R.) Temporal Benefits of Chris- L'Ardeck. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $4 00. tianity exemplified in its Influence on the So- New York. cial, Intellectual, Civil, and Political Condition B on d, (J. B.) The Master Mariner's Guide in of Mankind. 8vo. cloth, $3 50. Lond. 1849. the Management of his Ship's Company, with Bl az e, (Henri.) Poesies completes. 12mo. respect to their Health, being designed to aopaper, $1 00. company a Ship's Medicine Chest 12mo. Blunt, (E. M.) American Coast Pilot; con- paper, 2a cents. Boston, 1847. taining Directions for the Principal Harbors, Bonnefoux, (Baron de.) Dictionnaire de Capes, and Headlands on the Coasts of North Marine a voiles et a vapeur, publie vons le and South America. 8vo. $4 00. New York. auspices de Ministre de la Marine Royal. 8vo. B 1 o c h, (M. E.) Plates to Bloch's Ichthyology. $ U0. Paris. 2 vols. folio, 216 beautifully colored plates, B o ok of Ruth, from the Holy Scriptures, with f30 00. uyaris 1793-95. colored borders from illuminated MSS. by H. $30 00. Paris, 93-95 Noel Humphreys. Square 12mo. embossed, Blond el et Lusson, Architectes. $6 00. Marche Saint-Germain. Plans, coupes, eleva- Bordwine, (J.) Memoirs of a Proposed tions et details de construction du nouveau New System of Permanent Fortification, marche Saint-Germain, le plus vaste et le plus $2 50. London. magnifique des marches de Paris, dessines et mesures par Blondel et Lusson, architectes. 1 B orgus, (M. J. A.) Tcaite elelentaire de cahier grand in-folio de 11 planches avec texte la composition des Machines. 10 vols. s explicatif, $2 50. Paris. 4to. calf, neat, numerous plates, $75 00. Paris, 1818-23. Bly th, (J.) Outlines of Qualitative Chemical B o r r o w, (George.) Lavengro; an AutobiAnalysis for the Use of Agricultural Students. ography. 12mo. cloth. New York. $1 38. Bor thw ick, (M. A.) Memoir of the Use B ob e e, (A.) De la Royaute et de la Demo- of Cast I-on in Piling, particularly at Brunscratie ou coup d'ceil. 8vo. 75 cents. wick Wharf, Blackwall. (Trans. 1. C. E. vol. Paris, 1849. 1, 4to.) London. Bobierre,. (A.) Traite de Manipulations Bossuet. (Euvres philosoph. ed. J. Simon. Chimiques Description Raisonnee de'Toutes 12n2o. paper, $1 00. Paris. les operations Chimiques et des appareils dont Discours sur l'histoire universelle. 1 2mo. elles necessitent l'emploi avec planches gravees paper, $1 00. Paris, 1846. et figures intercalees dans le texte. 8vo. paper, Oraisons Funebres precedes de l'essai sur $1 50. Paris, 1844. l'oraisson funebre par M. Villemain, &c. Bocc ace. Le Decameron ou les dix Jour- 12mo.$100. Paris,1845. nees galantes, translatees par S. de Castres, B ouch a r d at, (M. A.) Formulaire Veternouvelle edition, par P. Christian. 12ino. inaiLe; cOitenant le mode d'action, l'enploi et broche, $1 00. Paris, 1s46. les doses des medicaments simples et composes.,16mo. broche, $1 03. Paris, 1849. Boccaccio's Decmeron; or, Ten Days' Boucharlat's Elementary Tireatise on Entertainment. Translated from tle Italian, Mechanics. Translated from the French, with with Remarks on the Life and Writings of the additions and emendations, by Prof. E. H additions and emendations, by Prof. E. H. Author. Svo. cloth, $1 50. London, 184:). Conitenay. 8vo. sheep, plates, $2 25. Boileau-De-spreaux. (Euvres Poet- ~ New York. iques de avec les notes de tous les cornmenta- B o u c h u t, (E.) Traite des signes de la mort teurs par M. Aime-Martin. 12mo paper,$;l (l0. et des nioyens de prevenir les enterrements Paris, 1!S43. premlatures. 12no. paper, $L (0O. IParis, 1849. Boker, (G. H.) Anne Boleyn; a Tragedy, Boudin, (J. Ch. M3.) Statistique de l'etat in Five Acts. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. sanitaire et de la mortalite des armees de terre Philadelphia, 1850. et doe ter. Svo. broche, $1 00. Paris, 1846. Bolton, (Major.) Account of the Dam con- Etudes de Geologie Medicale sur la structed acrloss the Waste Channel at Long Phthisie l'ulmonaire et la Fievre Typhoide. Island, on the Rideau Canal, in 1836. (Papers, Svo. broche, 75 cents. Paris, 1845. R. E. vol. 4, 4to.) London. Essai de Geographie Medicale, ou etudes - (R.) History of Westchester County, sur les lois President a la distribution geoNew York. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $4 00. graphique des Maladies, &c. Svo. broche, 75 New York, 1848. cents. Paris, 1843. B o m ho f f, (D.) English and Dutch Diction- I B o u ill e, (R. de.) Histoire des ducs de Guise. ary. 2 vols. 12mo. paper, $4 50. Vols. 1 and 2, 8vo. paper, each $1 75. Nimmegen, 1832. Paris, 1849. [ADDENDA.] Foreign and American Books. 165 B ouill e t, (M. N.) Dictionnaire Universelle Brigham, (A.) Observations on the Influet de Geographie. Thick 8vo. paper, $6 00. ence of Religion upon the Health and Physical pp. 1968. Paris, 1849. Welfare of Mankind. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. B o wditch, (N.) New American Practical Boston, 1835. Navigator. Svo. $4 00. Newv York. Brillat- S a v arin. Physiologiedu Got. Bow dler, (J.) Practical Christianity, in a 12mo. paper, $1 00. Series of Essays. 18mo. cloth, 50 cents. B r i n k I e y' s Elements of Plane Astronomy. Boston, 1845. Edited by Lubv. Svo. $3 50. London. Bowen, (F.) Lowell Lectureson the Appli- British Association. Report of the cation of Metaphysical and Ethical Science to Eighteenth Meeting of the British Association the Evidences of Religion. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. for the Advancement of Science. 8vo. bds. Boston, 1849. $2 75. London, 1849. B ow m an' s Introduction to Practical Chem- B ronson, (Prof.) Elocution; or, Mental istry, including Analysis. 12mo. S1 25. and Vocal Philosophy, involving the Principles Philadelphia. of Reading and Speaking. 8vo. half sheep, Brack, (F. de.) Avant-postes de cavalerie $1 C0. Louisville, 1845. legere suivi du Manuel du Service de la cav- B rown, (Capt. Thos.) The Taxidermist's alerie leogere en campagne par le Comte de la Manual; or, the Art of Collecting, Preparing, Roche-Avmon. 12mo. broche, $1 50. and Preserving Objects of Natural History. Breda, 1S34. 12mo. cloth, plates, $1 00. Lond. 1849. B ra a ford, (D.) The Wonders of the Heav- -- (J. P.) The Turkish Evening Entertainens; being a Popular View of Astronomy, in- ments. The Wonders of Memorials, and the q Rarities of Anecdotes. By Ahmed Ben Hemcluding a full illustration of the Mechanismt of Rarities of Anecdote. By Ahed o the Turkthe Heavens. 4to. half bound, illustrated with den, the Kiyaya. Translated frot the Turkengravings, $6 00. Boston, 1845. ish, by J.P. Brown. i 2mrno. cloth, $1 00; cloth gilt, $1 75. New York. Brainard, (J. G. C.) The Poems of, a new (R.) Carpenter's Assistant; containing and Authentic Collection, with an original Me- an Account of the various Orders of Architecmoir of his Life. 12mo. cloth, portrait and ture. 60 plates, $4 00. Worcester. vignette, 63 cents. Hartford, 1842. vignette, 63 cents. Hartford, 1842. B r o w n i n g, (Robert.) Poems. 2 vols. Bramah and Sons' Experiments on the 12mo. cloth, $2 00. Boston, 1850. Force required to Fracture and Crush Stones. B r u y e r e, (L.) Etudes relatives a l'Art des (Trans. I. C. E. vol. l, 4to.) London. constructions, par L. Bruyere, ingenieur, inspec-- (F.) A Series of Experiments on the teur general des ponts et chaussees, directeur Strength of Cast Iron. (Trans. I. C.E. vol. 2, des travaux publics de Paris. Deux volumes 4to.) London. grand in-folio renfermant 184 planches gravees and W o o d s, (E.) On Certain Forms au trait avec texte explicatif, $30 00. Paris. of Locomotive Engines. (Trans. I. C. E. vol. -- Les Caracteres suivis de son discours a 2, 4to.) London. l'Academie Francaise. 12mo. paper, $1 00. Paris, 1846. Proof of -an Earthenware. Pipe for Lieut. B r y a n, [Michael.) Biographical and Critical Denison. (Papers, R. E. vol. 3, 4to.) Lond. Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, from the B rando n, (R. and J. A.) Analysis of Gothic Revival of the Art under Cimabue, the alleged Architecture. Illustrated by a Series of up- Discovery of Engraving by Finiguerra, to the wards of 700 examples of Doorways, Windows, present time, with the Ciphers, Monograms, &c. 2 vols. 4to..28 00. London. and Marks used by each Engraver. New ediB r a n d r e t h, (Capt. H1. R.) Notes on time tion, revised, enlarged, and continued; comIslandof Ascension. (Papers, R. E. vol. 4, 4to.) prising above 1000 additional Memoirs, and London. large accessories to the Lists of Pictures and Engravings. Also newv plates of Ciphers and - Memorandulll relative to a System of Monograms. By George Stanley. Imp. Svo. Barracks for the West Indies. (Papers, R. E. cloth, $g 1 00. London, 1849. B u c k, (Rev. Chas.) A Theological DictionB r e m e r, (Miss F.) Works. 12mo. cloth, ary; containing Definitions of all Religious each $1 Uniform with Irving's, Cooper's, Terms, &c. New American edition, by Rev. and Miss Sedgwick's Works. G. Bush. 8vo. sheep, $1 00. Phila. 1847. The Neighbors: a'I'Tale of Everyday Life, --- (G. W.) Practical and Theoretical Essay illustrated with a Portrait, and Preface written on Oblique Bridges. 12 large folding plates, expressly for this edition. 4to. cloth, $4 50. London. -- Home. 12mo. cloth, $l NewYork. B u uckingham, (J. S.) America, HistoriB re vi ar um Rom an u m. 4 thick volb. cal, Statistic, and Descriptive. 2 vols. 8vo. 12mo. mor. gilt ed(ges, $6 00. Dublin, 1814. cloth, portlait and cuts, 83 50. New York, 1841. B r e ws t er' s Letters on Natural Magic, France, Piedmont, Italy, Lombardy, the addressed to Sir W. Scott. 12mo. cloth, 50 Tyrol, and Bavaria; an Autumnal Tour. cents. New York. Plates, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $4 00. Lond. 1849. B ridg e m a n' s Young Gardener's Assistant. B u i s s o n, (Eugene.) La Famille son influ8vo. cloth, $2 00. New York. ence sur le developpement et le progres de Br i ffa u 1 t, (E.) Paris dans l'Eau. Illustre l'etre moral. 12mo. broche, 75 cents. pax Bertall. 12mo. paper, $1 00. Paris, 1844. Paris, 1849. 166 G. P. Putnc ir's Catalogue of Bull, (W.) Account of the Wooden Bridge Carter, (Mrs.) Letters to Mrs. Montague over the Calder at Mirfield, Yorkshire. between the Years 1755 and 1800, chiefly upon (Trans. I. C. E. vol. 2, 4to.) London. Literary and Moral Subjects 3 vols. in 1, Bunyan, (John.) The Pilgrim's Progress. vo. bds. $3 50. London, 1817. Illustrated with 300 engravings on Wood. Cat low, (A.) Popular Conchology; or, 8vo. cloth. New York. Shell Cabinet arranged, being an Introduction Burchell, (W. F.) Memoir of Thomas to the Modern System of Comnchology. 12mo. Burchell, Twenty-two Years a Missionary in cloth, numerous wood-cuts, $3 25. Jamaica. 12mo. cloth, portrait, $1 31. London, 1843. London, 1849. C a t t e rmo 1 e, (G.) Portfolio of Drawings; B u r d e r, (Rev. G.) Memoirs of, by Rev. H. containing 12 original Drawings, printed in F. Burder. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. Boston. lithrotinte, and cclored after the originals, B u r g h m a n, (Capt.) Coffer Dam construct- mounted on thick imperial boards, $60 00. ed in Devonport Dockyard. (Papers, R. E. London. vol. 8, 4to.) London. C e e 1 e y, (R.) Observations on the Variolm Vaccinoe. 8vo. bds. colored plates, 8.6 00. B urn e, (Peter.) The Teetotaler's Companion; Vaccie. o bds colored platester 140. or, a Plea for Temperance, &c. Royal 8vo.ester, 1840. cloth, colored plates, $2 50. Lond.1847. Chalmers, (Dr. Thos.) Congregational Sermons. 3 vols. 12mo. cloth, $g 50. Bu rn e t, (Bishop.) History of his own Times, Sermons. 3 vols. Glasgow.o cloth, $ from the Restoration of Charles II. to the Treaty of Peace at Utrecht. New edition, C h a p m a n, (F. H.) Naval Architecture, by with Historical and Biographical Notes. Por- Inman. 4to. cloth, $12 50. London. trait, imp. 8vo. cloth, $4 50. Lond. C h a pt a 1' s Chemistry applied to AgriculB urr, (A.) Memoirs of, by M. L. Davis. 2 ture, with an extra Chapter by Davy, Essay vols. 8vo. cloth, $3 75. New York. by Puvis, and Observations by Prof. Renwick. EBurton, (John Hill.) Political and Social Translated and edited by Rev. W. P. Page. Economy, its Practical Applications. Post C8mo. half sheep, 50 cents. 8vo. cloth, 75 cents. Edin. 1849. Ch as e, (H.) Treatise on the Radical Cure B ury et R ibau it. Modeles de marbrernia by Instruments. Svo. bds. $2 00. choisis en France et en Italie pour tout ce qui Philadelphia, 1836. concerne l'interieur des habitations et des C haud e t, (M.) L'Art de L'Essayeur. 8vo. monuments civils et religieux. 12 livraisons, broche, $2 50. Paris, 1835. formnant un vol. in-folio de 72 pl. dessinees par C h a sl e s, (P.) Etudes sur l'Espagne et sur Bury, architecte, et gravees par Ribault; car- les influences de la Litterature Espagnole en tonne avec son texte, $12 50. France et en Italie. 12mo. broclle, $1 00. B u s h n e l1, (Rev. H.) The Fathers of New Paris. England; an Oration before the New England Etudes sur les premiers temps du ChrisSociety. 12mo. paper, 13 cents; limp cloth, tianisme et sur le moyen age. 12mo. broche, 23 cents. New York, 1850. $1 00. Paris. B u t le r, (Rev. R. A.) Lives of the Fathers, Le Dix-Huitieme Siecle en Angleterre. Martyrs, and Saints. 12 vols. 32mo. cloth, 12mo. broche, $1 00. Paris. $5 00. New York. --- Etudes sur l'Antiquite precedees d'un Caffin, (Lieut.) A Description of a New Essai sur les phases de l'histoire Litteraire et Steam App.:ratus for Drying Gunpowder. sur les influences Intellectuelles des Races. (Papers, R. E. vol. 4, 4to.) London. 12mo. broche, $1 00. Paris, 1847. C alhou n, (J. C.) Life and Speeches of. - Etudes sur le Seizieme Siecle en France 8vo. cloth, $1 18. New York. precedees d'une histoire de la Litterature et de Callaway, (Thos.) A Dissertation upon la Langue Francaise de 1470 a 1610. 12mo. Dislocations and Fractures of the Clavicle and broche, $1 00. Paris. Shoulder Joint. 8vo. cloth, plates, $2 00. C h at e a u b r i a n d. Memoirs of, from his London, 1849.:Birth in 1768, till his return to France in 1800. Campbell, (Thos.) Frederick the Great, 12mo. cloth, portrait, $1 25. Lond. ]S49. his Court and Times, with an Introduction. 3 C he e v er, (Rev. H. T.) The I Whale and his vols. 12mo. cloth, $2 00. Phila. 1843. Captors; or, the Whalemen's Adventures and - (John Lord.) The Lives of thle Chief the Whale's Biography. 18mlo. cloth, 60) cents. Justices of England from the Norman Conquest New York, 1849. to Lord Mansfield. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, $6 00. Chefs - (uvre des Auteurs Comiques. London, 1849. 8vo. broche, $7 00. Paris, 1845. Canova, (A.) Works of, engraved in out- Des Auteurs Tragiques. 12mno. broche, line, by H. Moses, with descriptions, by the $1 75. Paris, 1845. Countess Albrizzi, and Memoir, by Count C h e v e r e ul. De la loi du contrast simulCicognara. 3 vols. royal Svo. half bound, 155 tane des coleurs et de l'assortiment des objets plates, $13 50. London. colores considere d'apres cette loi, dans les Carpenter, (W. H.) Pictorial Notices; rapports avec la peinture, les tapissieres des consisting of a Memoir of Sir A. Van Dyck, gobelins, les tapissieres de Beauvais pour with a Descriptive Catalogue of the Etchings meubles, les tapis de la Savonnerie, la mosaexecuted by him, and a variety of interesting ique, les vitraux colores, etc. 1 vol. in 8, avec particulars, &c. 4to. cloth, plates, $8 25. atlas in 4 de 40 planches colorees, $7 50. London, 1844. Paris, 1 839. [ADDENDA.] Foreign and American Books. 167 Ch e v r eu 1, (M. G.) Cours de Chimie Ap- C ow p e r, (W.) Homer's Iliad, with Notes pliquee a la teinture. 2 vols. 8vo. $6 00. for Colleges and Schools, by M. A. Dwight. Paris. 12-no. cloth, $1 25. New York. C hi 1 d, (Mrs.) Memoirs of Madame de Stael --- A Library edition. 8vo. cloth, illustrated and Madame Roland. 12mo. cloth, 63 cents. by Flaxinan's designs, $3 00; cloth gilt, $3 50. New York. New York, 1850. Christian Doctrines, fromtheWords Crockett, (D.) Life of,written by himof our Lord, of the Apostles, and the Prophets. self. 12mo. cloth, 63 cents. New York. 12mo. illuminated in colors and gold, and bound C r o s s e, (J. G.) A Treatise on the Formain embossed calf, gilt edges, $3 50. tion, Constituents, and Extraction of the UrinLondon, 1S49. ary Calculus. 4to. cloth, plates, $11 00. Christmas Tyde; a Series of Sacred London, 1841. Songs and Poetical Pieces suited to the Season. C r a w 1 e y, (Capt.) Method of reclaiming the 12mo. cloth, $1 50. Pickering, 1849. Tantamar and adjoining Marshes from the Sea. Churchill, (F.) OntheDiseses of Infants (Papers, R. E. vol. 8, 4to.) London. Ch ur chil, (F.) On the Diseases of Infants SuvyoaLiefraCnltuieth and Children. 8vo. sheep, $3 00. Survey of a Line for a Canal to unite the Philadelphia, 1S50. Bay of Fundy with the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Clark, (J. B.) Life of Dr. Adam Clarke. (Papers, R. E. vol. 8, 4to.) London. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. New York. -- Description of a Watercourse, Wharf, and Water-Wheel erected at Waltham Abbey, (John.) A Treatise on the Mulberry Tree and Silk Worm, and on the Production Esex, 18J45, with some Account of the and Manufacture of Silk. 2mo. cloth, wood Mode of Construction. (Papers, R. E. vol. 9, and anuactre f Xlk.12mlo. cloth, woodcuts, 0 cents. Philadelphia, 1839 4to.) London. cutsI, (.50 c ents. Peecaes2vlpha 1839 Cubit t, (WV.) An A bstract Account of Coals C 1 a y, (H.) Life and Speeches. 2 vols. Svo. used in Coke Ovens and Retorts, and Coke cloth, $1 50. " New York. produced from one Year's Work at the Ipswich Cl e a v e 1 and, (M.) Greenwood; a Direc- Gas Works. (Trans. I. C. E. vol. 1, 4to.) tory for Visitors. 12mo. cloth, 124 wood-cuts, London. $1 25; cloth gilt, $1 50. New York. 1849. Cuming's Memorandum with reference C o ad, (J.) A Memorandum of the Wonder- to the accompanying Sketches of the Officers' ful Providences of God to a Poor Unworthy Barracks erected at George Town, Demerara. Creature during the time of the Duke of Moo- Description of Barracks at Lucca in Jamaica. month's Rebellion, and to the Revolution in (Papers, R. E. vol. 2, 4to.) London 1688. Square foolscap Svo. $1 38. C u m i n g, (Rev. A.) A Memoir of the London, 1849. Rev. E. Payson,lateof Portland, Maine. Phick C o ghl an, (Rev. J) A Popular Companion 1Stmo. cloth, portrait, 63 cents. N York, 1830. to the Study of the Holy Scriptures. Svo. Cunningham, (Peter.) Thoughts on the cloth, wood-cuts, $3 50. Lond. 1843 Causes of Compass Variation and the Motions Colit, (Thos. W.) Puritanism; or, a Church- of Planets, Comets, Whirlwinds, Hurricanes, man's Defence against its Aspersions. 12mo. and Earthquakes. 12mo. sewed, 38 cents. cloth, $1 00. New York, 1845. London, 1843. Coleridge, (Sam. Taylor) Preliminary Curiosities of Modern Travel; a YearTreatise on Method. 12mo. cloth,'75 cents. Book of Adventure. 5 vols. 12mo. cloth gilt, London, 1849. plates, $4 00. London, 1844. Colton, (C.) The Life and Times of Henry Darner, (Hon. Mrs. G. L. D.) Diary of a Clay. 2 vols. royal Svo. cloth, portrait,.5 00. Tour in Greece, Turkey, Egypt, and the Holy New York, 1846. Land. 2 vols. post 8vo. cloth,plates, $83 00. C o m b e, (A.) Principles of Physiology applied London, 1842. to the Preservation of Health, &c. 18mo. Darlington, (W.) Memorials of John cloth, 50 cents. New York. Bartram and Humphry Marshall, with Notices - (G.) Elements of Phrenology. 12mo. of their Botanical Contemporaries. Svo. cloth, bds. 63 cents. Boston, 1835. plates, $2 75. Philadelphia, 1849. Con d e r, (Jos.) A DictionaryofGeography, Dana, (R. H.) Poems and Prose Writings. Ancient and Modern. 12mo. cloth, $2 75. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $2 50. New York, 1850. London, 1834. D a n i e 11' s Illustrations of Natural PhilosoCooper, (James.) Description of the Plan phy, prepared by James Renwick, LL.D. of Restoring the Arch Stones of Black Friar's 12mo. cloth, 69 cents. New York. Bridge. (Trans. I. C. E. vol. I, 4to) Loud. D avies, (J.) An Estimate of the Human ---- (W. W.) Practical Remarks on Near Mind; a Philosophical Inquiry, &c. 8vo. cloth, Sight, Aged Sight, and Improved Vision, with $4 25. London, 1849. Observations upon the Use of Glasses and an D e b a y, (A.) Medecine du Visage et Hygiene Artificial Light. 12mo. cloth, wood-cuts, $2 00. de la Pead, &c. 2mo. broche, 75 cents. London, 1847. Paris, 185r0. Corkran, (J. F.) History of the National Dechastelus, (J. P. Maurice.) Soixante Constituent Assembly from May, 1848. 12mo. ans de l'Histoire de France ou les oscillations cloth, 7.5 cents. New York, 1840. de 1'Esprit Humain. 12mo. broche, 60 cents. Co r mack, (J. R.) Natural History, Patho- i Paris, 1849. logy, and Treatment of the Epidemic Fever at D e 1 a Rive, (A.) Treatise on Electricity present prevailing in Edinburgh and other 2 vols. 8vo. illustrated with wood-cuts. Towns. vo. cloth, $1 75. Lond. 1843. Lonwon, 184.% 168 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Demps ey, (G. D.) On Railways. Descrip- Des c r ip ti o n of the Rolling Bridge at Fort tion of the Mode adopted for Repairing and ReSent, Jersey. Letter from Capt. G. ThomSupporting the Western Retaining Wall of the son, E. I. C. Engineers, to Col. Pasley, R. E. London and Birmingham Railway. (Papers, (Papers, R. E. vol. 4, 4to.) London. R. E. vol. 7, 4to.) London. ___ Of the Cast Iron Bridge erected over the - ~ -Description of the Saw Mills and Ma- River Trent, near the confluence of the Trent chinery for Raising Timber in Chatham Dockand Soar, on the line of the Midland Counties yard. (Papers, R. E. vol. 6, 4to.) Lond. Railway, and near the Village of Sawley, in Denison, (Lieut.) Description of a new the County of Derby. (Papers, R. E. vol. 4, Weigh Bridge lately erected in Woolwich 4to.) London. Dockyard. Description of a Single Coffer Damn across the entrance of the New Dock in Wool- Of a Wooden Swing Bridge erected over wich Dockyard. Notes on Injecting Cement the Grenville Canal, Canada. (Papers, R. E. or Hydraulic Lime into Leaky Joints of Mason- vol. 6, 4to.) London. ry. Description of the Roof of the Chapel of Of a Sa Mill used in America. (Pathe Royal Artillery Barracks at Woolwich, pers, R. E. vol. 6, 4to.) London. showing the Failure of the Principals and the Mode of Restoring them. (Papers, R. E. vol. Des mare s t, (A. G.) Considerations gene4, 4to.) London. rales sur la Classe des Crustaces des Especes - (Capt.) Description of the Machinery in de ces Animaux, qui vivent dans la mer, sur Operation at the Royal Arsenal for the Manu- les Cdtes, ou dans les eaux douces de la France. facture of Leaden Bullets by Compression. Svo. bds. 56 plates, $7 50. Paris, 1825. Description of a Dock lately constructed in D e t a i of some Experiments for the purpose Woolwlch Dock yard. (Papers, R. E. vol. 5, of ascertaining the Resistance of Brickwork 4to.) London. under various Conditions. (Papers, R. E. vol. - Description of some Iron Roofs erected 6, t) London. at different Places within the last few Years. (Papers, R. E. vol. 6, 4to.) London. D i s cu ss i o n, (The,) on the Character, Edu- Description of a Swing Bridge erected cation, Prerogatives, and Moral Influence of over the Canal in the Regent's Park. (Papers, Woman. 2mo.cloth,0 cents. Boston, 1837. R. E. vol. 7, 4to.) London. D itso n, (G.) Circassia; or, a Tour to the Description of the Balance Gates at the Caucasus. 8vo. cloth, $1 50. N. York, 1850. Compensation Reservoir of the East London D i x o n, (H.) The London Prisons, their Past Water Works at Old Ford, designed and erect- and Present Condition, witl some Account of ed by Thos. Wicksteed, C. E. (Papers, R. E. the more distinguished Persons who have been vo,. 7, 4to.) London. confined in them. Foolscap 8vo. cloth, i1 75. ----- Notes on Concrete; also, a Description of London, 1849. the Method adopted by Mr. Taylor for Underpinning with Concrete the Store-Houses in (RX V.) A Treatise on Heit. Part 1. Chatham Dockyard. (Papers, R. E. vol. 1, 4to.) 8vo. cloth, i3 15. Dublin, 1849. - Notes on the Charges of Military Mines. Don kin, (B.) An Account of some ExperiNotes on the Formation of Breaches by Artil- ments made in 1823,'24, for determining the lery, containing an Abstract of the Experiments Quantity of Water flowing through different at Metz, and an Account of the Practice against shaped orifices. (Trans. I. C. E. vol. 1, 4to.) Carnot's Wall at Woolwich. Rideau Dams London. Notes on Concrete. (Papers, R. E. vol. 2, 4to.) / Description of Mrs. H. Guy's Method of - A Series of Experiments on different giving a True Spherical Figure to Balls of kinds of American Timber. (Trans. I. C. E. Metal, Glass, Agate, or Hard Substances. vol. 2, 4to. ) London. (Trans. I. C. E. vol. 2, 4to.) London. --- Detailed Description of some of the (John.) Some Account of Borings for Works on the Rideau Canal, and of the Alter- Water in London and its Vicinity. (Trans. I. ations and Improvements made therein since C. E. vol. 1, 4to.) London the Opening of the Navigation. Description of a Series of Bridges erected across the River D o v er, (Lord.) Lives of the Sovereigns of Ottawa, connecting Upper and Lower Canada, Modern Europe. 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. and especially ofta Wooden Arch of 212 Feet New York. Spanl crossing the main branch of the River. D o u b o u r g, (J. H.) Life of Cheverus, Arch(Papers, R. E. vol. 3, 4to.) Londlo. bishop of Doubourg, sl 00. Phila. D en t, (E. J.) Treatise on the Aneroid; a newly invented Portable Barometer, with a ism from th e earliest Corru story of Christianshort Historical Notice of Barometers in gen- the eral. 8vo. papel,',0 cents. Lond. 1)49. |ty to the present time. Svo. cloth, $3 00. D e Q u i n c e y, (Thos.) Miscellaneous Writ- D e Yl k, 1849. ings oftheEnglishOpium Eater. 12mo. cloth. D oyl e, (R.) Mlanners and Customs of ye Boston, 1850. Englyshe in 1849. Small 4to. cloth, $1 75. The Logic of Political Economy. 8vo. London, 1849. cloth, $1 50. Edinburgh, 1844. Drak e, (S. G.) Indian Captives; or, Life in D e s c r i pt i o n of the Large Chimney for the Wigwam, being true Narratives of Captives Conveying the Smoke from the various Build- who have been carried away by the Indians ings connected with the Steam Machinery from the Frontier Settlements of the United Factory in Woolwich Dockyard. (Papers, R. States from the earliest period. 12mo. cloth, E. vol. 9, 4to.) London $1 25. Auburn, 1850. [ADDENDA.] Foreign and American Books. 169 Drawbridges of Bermuda. (Pa- Englemann, (W.) Bibliotheca Zoologica pers, R. E. vol. 9, 4to.) London. et Pakeontologica; or, a Systematic Catalogue D u g g a n, (George.) Specimens of the Stone, of the Works on those Sciences, published to Iron, and Wooden Bridges, Viaducts, Tunnels the end of 1845 in England, France, Germany, Culverts, &c. of the United States Railroads, Italy, Holland, and other Countries. 8vo. illustrated by drawings from Actual Measure3. Leipsig 1846. ment of the Works, with Appendix on the Bibliotheca Scriptoruin classicorum et Art of Bridge Building as practiced in Europe, Gr~ecorum et Latinorum; an Alphabetical Catalogue of the Greek and Latin Authors &c. &c. To be completed in 12 parts, illus- Ctoue of the Greek and Latin Authors trated with 48 folio plates, each part 75 cents. that have appeared in Germany, &c. up to New York, lS50. 1846. 8vo. paper, $2 50. Leipsig, 1S47. D u r a n d, (Lieut. H. M.) Notes on the Field Episodes of Insect Life. Second Series. Equipment of the Engineer Department, with Cr. 8vo. cloth, beautifully illustrated, $4 75; the Bengal Portion of the Army of the Indus. colored, $6 50. London, 1849 (Papers, R. E. vol. 6, 4to.) Lond. Ers k i n e, (Lord.) Speeches. Royal Svo. cloth, $1 50. London, ].846. - Passage of the Indus by the Bengal Por- E u 1 e r' s Letters on Natural Philosophy, with tion of the Army of the Indus. (Papers, R. E. Notes and Life, by Sir David Brewster, and vol. 4, 4to.) London. additional Notes, by Griscom. 2 vols. 12mo. East, (R.) The Two Dangerous Diseases of cloth, $1 00. New York. England, Consumption and Apoplexy, their E u ustac e, (J. C.) A Classical Tour through Nature, Causes, and Cure. 12mo. cloth, $1 50. Italy. 3 vols. post 8vo. cloth, map and plans, London, 1842. $4 50. London, 1841. East India Sketch-Book, (The.) Everest, (Rev. C. W.) The Poets of ConBy a Lady. 2 vols. post 8vo. bds. $2 50. necticut, with Biographical Sketches. 8vo. London, 1S33. cloth, with a vignette View of Connecticut River, $2 00. New York, 1549. E as t m an, (Mrs. M.) Dahcotah' or, Life,, and Legends of the Sioux around Fort Snelling.E x p e r i m e n t s carried on in Chatham by 12mo. cloth, plates, $1. 00. New York, 1849. the late Lieut. Hope on the Pressure of Earth against Revetments and the best form of ReEaton, (Amos.) Geological Text-Book pre- taining Walls. (Papers, R. E. vol. 7, 4to.) pared tfor Popular Lectures on North American London. Geology. 8vo. cloth. Albany, I,-0., F airb ai rn's Account of the Construction E h r e n b e r g, (C. G ) Die Infusions tlierchen of the Britannia and Conway Tubular Bridges. als vollkomme Organismen, with an atlas of Plates, large 8vo. half mor. plates, colored, in folio, $41 00. Leipsig, 1838. F air fi e 1 d, (J.) Life of Sumner Lincoln E 11 e t, (Mrs.) Evenings at Woodlawn. 1 2rno. Fairfield. 12mo. cloth, portrait, 50 cents. cloth, $1 25. New York, 1849. New York, 1817., Fanshawe, (Maj. Gen.) A Short Account Elwin, (F. H.) Mens Corporis; a Treatise of the Demolition of the Piers of the Entrance on the Operations of the Mind in Sleep. 12mo. Chamber of the Large Basin at Flushing in cloth, $2 00. London, 1813. 1809. (Papers, R. E. vol. 2, 4to.) Lond. Emerson, (R. W.) Nature, Lectures. Ad- - (Col.) Report on the Effect of Climate dresses, and Orations. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. on Yorkshire Paving. (Papers, R. E. vol. 3, Boston, 1849. 4to.) London. - Representative Men. Seven Lectures. Faris, (Capt.) Loopholed Barrack intended 1'2mo. cloth, $1 00. Boston, 1850. as a Keep for a Square Fort. (Papers, R. E. vol. 8, 4to.) London. E n o y c 1 o p ie di a of the Fine Arts. 4to. F a r r a r' s First Principles of the Differential cloth, $9 00. London. and Integral Calculus; or, the Doctrine of - Of the Useful Arts. 4to. cloth, $6 00. Fluxions. 8vo. bds. $1 00. Boston, 1836. Of Universal History, Ancient and Mod- Far ey, (J.) On the Relation between the ern, from the Creation of the World to the Temperature and Elastic Force of Steam, present time. 5 vols. 4to. cloth, $2S 00. when confined in a Boiler containing Water. Of Pure Mathematics. 4to. cloth, $9 5. (Trans. I. C. E. vol. 1, 4to.) London. - ____ An Approximate Rule for Calculating ------ Of Mechanical Philosophy. By Profs. the Velocity with which a Steam Vessel will Barlow and Sir J. Herschel. 4to. cloth, $ 12 00). be impelled through Still Water by the exer- -- Of Natural History. 4to. cloth, $16 50. tion of a given amount of Mechanical Power or Forcible Motion by Marine Steam Engines. ~- O)f Medical Sciences. 4to. cloth, $6 00. (Trans. I. C. E. vol. 1, 4to.) London..... — Of Astronomy. 4to cloth, $6 00. F au, (Dr. J.) The Anatomy of the External Of Experimental Philosophy. 4to cloth, Forms of Man, intended for the Use of Artists, $9 00. Painters, and Sculptors. Edited, with additions, by Robert Knox, M. D. 8vo. cloth, with En gin eer's and Mechanic's Pocket-Book. an atlas of 28 plates in 4to. $7 50; colored, 12mo. roan-tuck, wood engravings, $1 25. 811 00. London, 1849. New York, 1818. Federalist, (The,) on the New ConstituEnglemann, (W.) Bibliotheca Medico- tion written in the Year 1788, by A. HamilChirurgica et Anatomico-Physiologica. 8vo. ton, J. Madison, and John Jay, with an Appen. paper, $3 75. Leipsic, 1848. dix and Index. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. Phila. 1847 170 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Felton, (J. B.) The Horse Shoe; a Poem P rome, (Capt.) Account of the Causeswhich spoken before the Phi Beta Kappa Society in led to the Construction of the Rideau Canal, Cambridge, July 19, 1849. 12mo. 25 cents. connecting the Waters of Lake Ontario and the Cambridge, 1849. Ottawa, the Nature of the Communication - (Prof.) A History of the Acadians. prior to 1527, and a Description of the Works 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1850. by means of which it is converted into a Steamboat Navigation. (Papers, R. E. vol. 1, 4to.) F e r g U50~n. History of the Roman Repub- London. lic. New edition. 8vo. cloth, $L 5. London. iel, (J. A.) Experiments on the Poer Fry, (Rev. J.) New Translation and ExposiF i e 1 d, (J. A.) Experiments on the Power tion of the very Ancient Book of Job. 8vo. of Men. (Trans. I. C. E. vol. 2, 4to.) Lond. tion of the very$2 00. London 1827. On an Improved Canal Lock. (Trans. I. C. E. vol. 1, 4to.) London. Fleetwood's Life of Christ and History P in d 1 a y, (A. G.) A Classical Atlas to illus- the Jews. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. fhila trate Ancient Geography, comprised in 25 Fus t e r, (Dr.) Des Changements dans le maps, with an Index of Ancient and Modern climat de la France Histoire de ses Revolutions Names. 8vo. half bound, $3 75. N. Y. 1849. Mlteorologiques. Svo. paper, P1 38. Pisher, (E.) Marrow of Divinity. 1 2mo.Pari, 1845. cloth, $1 00. London, 1837.P urn is s, (W.) The Old World; or, Scenes PFit z g e r a l d, (Capt. W. R.) Memorandum and Cities in Foreign Lands, with map and of the Operations for Removing the Wreck of plates. 2mo. cloth, $1 25. New York, 1849. the Equitable Barque in the Fultah Reach of Waraga; or, the Charms of the Nile. the River Hooghly. (Papets, R. E. vol. 5, 12mo. cloth, colored plates, $1 50. 4to.) London. New York, 1S50. 1 e u r y, (M. l'Abbe.) Ecclesiastical History, Galt on', (D.) On Drawbridges, chiefly from from the Year 381 to 456. Translated, with the French of M. de Poncelet. (Papers, R. E. Notes and an Essay on the Miracles of the vol. 5, 4to.) London. Period. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, $9 75. 1842-44. G a r r o d and B a 11 a r d's Elements of Pollen, (E. L.) Life of Charles Follen. Materia Medica and Therapeutics. 8vo. cloth, 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Boston. $3 37. London, 1845. Foote, (Rev. W. H.) Sketches of Virginia, Gaudry, (L.) Cours pratique d'ArboriculHistorical and Biographical. - 8vo. cloth, $2 25. ture, &c. 1 2ino. broche, 75 cents. Paris, 1848. Philadelphia, 1850. G e n 1 i s, (Mme. de.) Le Siege de La Rochelle. Fo r m, (Tllhe,) of Solemnization of Matrimony. I2mo. broche, $1 00. Paris, 1S47. Illuminated in the Missal Style, by Owen Jones. Ge sn e r, (A.) New Brunswick; conprehend. Square 1Smo. white calf, $6 00. Lound. 1850. ing the Early History, an Account of the InFo r m a n, (Capt.) Treatises on several very dians, Settlement, Topography, Statistics, Cornimportant Subjects in Natural Philosophy. merce, Timber, Manufactures, Agriculture, 8vo. bds. 75 cents. (Scarce.) Fisheries, Geology, Natural History, Social and Shepton Mallet, 1832. Political State, Immigrants, and Contemplated P o r s yt h, (R.) Observations on Genesis Railways of that Province, with Notes for Emriand Exodus. 12mo. cloth, $1 50. Edin. 1846. grants. 8vo. cloth, plates, $2 00. Fos t e r, (Mrs.) Hand-Book of European Lit- London, 1S47. erature. Foolscap 8vo. cloth, $2 50. -- Industrial Resources of Nova Scotia, London, 1849. comprehending the Physical Geography, TopoF ou n t a i n, (The,) of Living Waters, by a graphy, Geology, Agriculture, Fisheries, Mines, Layman. 12mo. cloth, 50 cents; cloth gilt, Forests, Wild Lands, Lumbering, Manufactories, gilt edges, 75 cents. New York, 1849. Navigation, Commerce, Emigration, InproveFox, (W.) Plans and Elevations for Baths ments, Industry, Contemplated Railways, Natand Wash-Houses. Oblong folio, paper, plates, ural History, and Resources of the Province, $6 50. Liverpool, 1848. 8vo. cloth, with a map of the Province and (W. J.) On the Religious Ideas. 8vo. lithographed view of West Bay, near Partridge cloth, $3 25. London, 1849. Island, 81 50. Halifax, N. S. 1847. Foy, (DrI. F.) Manuel d'Hygiene. l2mo. Gibbs, (Prof. W.) A Chemical Text-Book. broche, $1 25. Paris, 1845. 12mno. cloth. New York. Francatelli, (C.E.) TheModern French Gibbes, (R. W.) Memoir of the Fossil Cook; a Practical Guide to the Culinary Art Genus Basilosaurus, from the Eocene Green in all its branches. Royal 8vo. cloth, $2 50. Sand of South Carolina. 4to. paper, plates, Philadelphia, 1846. $1 00. Philadellia, 1Y47. F r a n c is, (John.) Chronicles and Charac-t, (Jas.) Summary of te OccupaGilbert, (Jas.) Summary of the Occupaters of the Stock Exchange. 8vo. cloth, $5 75. tions of the People of Eigland, Wales,and don, riendship, L9e, and Tuth Scotland. 4to. bds. 3 colored maps,.1 25. friendship, Love, and Truth; containing Articles illustrative of the Principles London, 1844. of Odd Fellowship, contributed chiefly by G i e s, (Henry.) Lectures, Essays, and.. isMembers of the Order. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. cellaneous Writings. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1849. Boston, 1850. Frothing ham, (R.) History of the Siege Gilfi11 a n, (G.) A Second Gallery of Litof Boston and of Battles of Lexington, Concord, erary Portraits. Cr. 8vo. cloth, $3 25. and Bunker Hill. 8vo. cloth, maps and plates, Edinburgh, 1849. $2 25. Boston, 1849. - The Same. 12mo. New York, 1850. [ADDENDA.] Foreign and American Books. 171 Gillespie, (W. M.) Rome as seen by a Gray, (Thos.) The Works of, collated from New Yorker in 1843. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. the various editions, with Memoirs of his Life New York. and Writings, by William Mason. 8vo. cloth, Girardin, (E. de.) Les 52. 8 vol. 12mo. $1 50. London, 1827. broche. Contenant-1. Apostasie. 2. Le Gou- (J. T.) Exercises in Logic for Students. vernement le plus simple. 3. L'Equilibre 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. London, 1846 Financier par la Reforme Administrative.,. 4. Lab. 5. R e - -(G. R,) The Genera of Birds; compris4. La note cu 15 D~cemnbre. D. Respect de ing their Generic Characters, a Notice of the la Constitution. 6. La Constituante et la t Leislative., 8. La Politiqe de la Paix. Habits of each Genus, and an extensive List Legislative. 7, 8. La Politique de la Paix. ofSpecies,referred to their Genera. 3 v018. of Species, referred to their Genera. 3 vols. $2 00. Paris, 1819. imp 8vo. half mor. gilt tops, 186 plain and 185 ---- Questions Administratives et Financeres. colored plates, 8189 00. Lond. 1845-49. 12mo. broche, 75 cents. Paris, 1849. mo. broche, 5 cents. Paris, 1849.G r e e n, (J.) Description of the Perpendicular Le Pour et le Contre. 12mo. broche, Lifts for Passing Boats from one Level of 75 cents. Paris, 18-19. Canal to another, as erected on the Great G 1 a d s t o n e, (W. E.) The State in its Re- Western Canal. (Trans. I, C. E. vol. 2, 4to.) lations with the Church. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, London. $3 00. London, 1841. (M. A. E.) Lives of the Princesses of Gleig, (G. R.) True Story of the Battle of Engrland. 2 vols. post 8vo. cloth, portrait, Waterloo. 12mo. cloth, 88 cents. New York. $6 00. London, 1849. G 1 o s sa r y of Provincial Words used in Tees- G r e en e, (G. W.) Historical Studies. 12mo. dale, in the County of Durham. 12mo. cloth, cloth, $1 25. Putnam, New York, 1850. with map, $1 75. London,1849. Greener, (XW.) The Gun; or, a Treatise on G lo v e r, (R. M.) On the Pathology and the various Descriptions of Small Firearms. Treatment of Scrofula. 8vo. cloth, $2 87. 8vo bds. illustrated with plates and wood-cuts, London, 1846. $4 50. London, 1835. Glynn, (J) Description of Wharf Cranes G r e en d, (Grace.) Greenwood Leaves made by the Butterley Company. (Papers, a Collection of Sketches and Letters. 12mo. R. E. vol. 4, 4to.) London. cloth, 81 25. Boston, 1850. Description of a TraversingO Cane used Gregg, (Rev. T. D.) Free Thoughts on Proby the Butterley Company in erecting Cast testant Matters. 8vo.cloth, 1 75. Iron Bridges and other Public Works. (Papers, Dublin, 1847. R. E. vol. 5, 4to.) Loncldon. Gre s set, (P.) Le Dentiste des Familles ou Goldsmith, (O.) Miscellaneous Works. Manuel d'Hygiene de la Bouche. 12mo. broche, Edited by James Prior, comprising several 75 cents. Paris, 1845. Pieces now first published in this Country. Griffith, (I. W.) A Lift for the Lazy 4 vols. 12mno. cloth, $5 00. New York, 1849. Second edition, revised, corrected, and enlarged. - Letters from a Citizen of the World to 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. New York, 1850. his Friends in the East. Square 12mo. cloth, (J. W.) Practical Manual, &c. on the $1 00. London, 1840. Characters of the Blood and Secretions of the Gore, (Mrs.) The Rose Fancier's Manual. Hutnan Body. 121no. cloth, $1 37. Post 8vo. cloth, $1 50. Lond. 18~S. London, 1846. Goodrich, (S. G.) Memoirs of Celebrated Griffin, (J. J.) Chemical Recreations; a Women. ISmo. cloth, 63 cents. Boston. Popular Compendium of Experimental ChemG o o d w y n, (Capt.) The Taper Chain Ten- istry. Ninth edition, lmo. roan, $ 2-5. sion Bri(dge at Balbec Khal, Calcutta, in its System of Crystallography, with its renewed form, after the Failure in June, 1845. Application to Mineralogy. Svo. cloth, $4 25. (Papers, R. E. vol. 9, 4to.) London. Scientific Miscellany. 160 engravings. Gorh am, (G. C.) Examination before Ad- Thick 8vo. cloth,.4 00. mission to a Benefice, by the Bishop of Exeter, G r i s c o m' s Animal Mechanism and Physifollowed by Refusal to Institute on the Allega- ology.. 12mo. cloth, wood-cuts, 50 cents. tion of Unsound Doctrine respecting the iffi- New York. cacy of Baptism, $1 75. London, 1848. G r i ssw old, (Dr. R. W.) An Encyclopaedia G o s s e, (P. H.) Popular British Ornithology. of Biography, Ancient and'Modern, embracing Square 12mo. cloth, colored plates, $2 75. more than 2000 Articles relating to Americans. London, 1819. Edited from various sources. 3 vols. royal 8vo. Gostick, (J.) German Literature 12mo. cloth. New York, 1850. cloth, 75 cents. Edinburgh, 1849. Grouvelle et Jaunez, (MM.) Guide G r a h a m, (Lieut. Gen.) Memoranda relating du Chauffeur et du Proprietaire de Machines a to the Defence of Cadiz, and Explanatory Do- Vapeur. 8vo. paper, with atlas of plates, tails of the Position Intrenched by the Biitish $3 00. Paris, 1840. Troops under him in 1810. (Papers, R. E. Guthrie, (G. J.) Treatise on Gun-Shot vol. 3, 4to.) London Wounds. 8vo. bds. $4 50. Lond. 1827. Grant, (Capt.) On the Fact of Small Fish Hackley, (C. W.) Elementary Course of Falling during Rain in India. (Papers, R. E. Geometry. 12mo. sheep, 75 cents. vol. 2, 4to.) London. New York, 1847. Gravatt, (W.) Some Account of the seve- Haillot, (C. A.) Statistique Militaire et ral Sections through the Plastic Clay Forma- recherches sur l'Organization et les Institutions tion in the Vicinity of London. (Trans. I. C. des Armes etrangers. 3 vols. 12mo. $2 50. E. vol. 1, 4to.) London. Bruxelles, 1846. 172 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Hair, (T. H.) Sketches of the Coal Mines in Hays, (W. B.) Account of a Machine for Northumberland and Durham. 4to. plates, Cleansing and Deepening Small Rivers, in Use $12 50. London, 1839. on the Little Stour River, Kent. (Trans. I. C. Hal e, (Mrs. S. J.) Flora's Interpreter and E. vol. 2, 4to.) London. Fortuna Flora. 1 2mo. cloth gilt, colored plates, H e b e r, (Reginald.) The Poetical Works $2 00. Boston, 1849. of. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. Phila. 1841. -~- (Mrs. C. V. R. M.) Saturday Evenings; Henderson, (E.) The Vaudois; coma Series of Moral and Religious Essays. prising Observations made during a Tour to 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. New York, 1i45. the Vallevs of Piedmont, &c. 12mo. cloth, Halliwell, (J. O.) An Introduction to map, $1 75. London, 1845. Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream Henshaw, (J. S.) Manual for United 8vo. half inor. $1 50. Pickering, 1840. States Consuls; embracing their Rights, Duties, T he Life of William Shakespeare; in- Liabilities, and Emoluments. 121to. cloth, cluding many particulars respecting the Poet $1 25. New York, 1849. and his Family never before published. 8vo. half calf, gilt, illustrated with numerous wood- He n wo d, (W. J.) On the Expansive Accuts, $5 50. London, 1S48. tion of Steam in some of the Pumping Engines Hamilton, (Count A.) Fairy Tales and at the Cornish Mines. (Trans. I. C. E. vol. 2, Romances. 12mo. cloth, portrait, 88 cents. 4to.) London. London, 1849. He ring, (G. E.) The Mountains and the ------ (Joseph.) Treatise on the Cultivation Lakes; or, Sketches in Switzerland, the Tyrol, of the Pine Apple, &c. 12mo. cloth, $1 75. and Italy. Small folio, beautiful plates in London, 1844. lithotint, $8 00. London, 1845. Hampden, (R. D.) Sermons preached be- (Dr. C.) Medecine Homceopathique Dofore the University of Oxford, in the Cathedral mestique traduit par Dr. L. Marchant. 8vo. of Christ Church. 8vo. bds. $3 50. broche, $1 50. Paris, 1s49. London, 1848. H e r oi n e o f a W e e k, (The.) ConversaH a p p y I g n o r a n c e; or, the Church and tions for the Teacher and the Taught. Smo. State; a Religious Adventure, with Notes, by cloth, 75 cents. London, 1845. the Editors. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. He rs c h e 11, (Sir John.) Outlines of AsLondon, 1847. tronomy. Cr. Svo. cloth, plates, $1 75. Harding's Baronial Halls, Picturesque Philadelphia, 1849. Edifices, and Ancient Churches of England. Instructions for Making and Registering Drawn in lithotint, by W. Harding, with text, Meteorological Observations at various Stations by S. C. Hall. 3 vols. folio, half bound, $34 50. in Southern Africa and other Countries in the London, 1845. South Seas, as also at Sea. (Papers, R. E. vol. H a r n e s s, (Capt.) On Contoured Plans and 2, 4to.) London.. Defilade. (Papers, R. E. vol. 2, 4to.) Lond. On the Study of Philosophy; a Prelim--- ~Description of a small Observatory erect- inary Discourse. 12mo. cloth, 63 cents. ed at Chatham for the Use of the Officers of New York. the Corps of R. E. (Papers, R. E. vol. 7, 4to.) He rv e y, (James.) Meditations andl ConLondon. templations. 12mo. half mor. portrait, $1 25. ------ On Suspension Bridges. (Papers, R. E. London, 1840. vol. 9,4to.) London. (Lord.) Court and Times of George IL Harris, (Sergt.) An Account of the Mode 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $2 50. Phila. in which a Stranded Ship was Blown to Pieces, Hi ggins, (W. M.) The Entertaining Phllilosin a Letter to Col. Pasley. (Papers, R. E. vol. opher; an Exposition of the most interesting 2, 4to ) London. Phenomena of Natural and Experimental PhiDental Dictionary. 8vo. sheep, $5 00. losophy, &c. 1 2mo.cloth, 100 wood-cuts, $1 00. Philadel phia. London. H a r r is o n, (Thos. E.) Description of the H in d o s t a n, its Landscapes, Palaces, TemDrops used by the Stanhope and Tyne Rail- ples, Tombs, the Shores of the Dead Sea, and road Company for the Shipment of Coals at the Sublime and Romantic Scenery of the South Shields. (Trans. I. C. E. vol. 2, 4to.) Himalaya Mountains. Illustrated in a Series London. of Views drawn by Turner, Stanfield, Prout, H a s w e 11' s Engineer's and Mechanic's Pock- Cattermole, Roberts, Allomn, &c., with Descripet-Book. 12mo. roan-tuck, $1 25. tions, by Emma Roberts. 2 vols. 4to. cloth, New York, 1849. gilt, $15 00. London, 1845. Hautefeuille, (L. B.) Des Droits et des Histoire de Genevieve de Brabant, repreDevoirs des Nations neutres en Temps de sentee en Douze dessins au trait avec uni fronGuerre Maritime. 4 vols. Svo. broche, $7 50. tispiece graves, par Charles Johannot. 4to. Paris, 1849. paper, $2 00. Paris, 1813. H a w k e r, (R.) A Concordance and Dictionary to the Sacred Scriptures, both of the Old H i t c h c o ck, (E.) Report on the Geology, and New Testament, &c. i12mo. cloth, 1 50. Mineralogy, Botany, and Zoology of MassachuLondont, 18460. setts. 8vo. cloth, $5 00. Amherst, 1833. London, 1846. Hawkins, (E.) Historical Notices of the Final Report on the Geology of MassaMissions of the Church of England, &c. Svo. chusetts. 2 vols. 4to. cloth, colored maps, cloth, $2 75. London, 1845. $8 00. Northampton, 1841. Hawrks, (Rev. F. L.) Auricular Confession Ho dg e, (Paul R.) Analytical Principles and in the Protestant Episcopal Church considered Practical Application of the Expansive Steam in a Series of Letters. 12mo. paper, 25 cents; Engine. Plates, 4to. half mor. $18 00. cloth, 38 cents. New York, 1850. London, 1849. [ADDENDA.] Foreign and American Books. 173 t od gson, (Rev. C.) Family Prayers for Houns low, (T.) Description to acaooOne Month. Post Svo. cloth, $1 00. pany the Plans of the Method of Raising BuildLondon, 1843. lings by Screws in Canada and the United Ho ffm an, (C. F.) Winter in the West. 2 States. (Papers, R. E. vol. 6. 4to.) Lond. vols. 12mo. cloth, $1 50. New York. Hughes, (G. W.) Report on the System of H ol d ic h's Life of Prof. W. Fisk. 8vo. Drainage of Low Lands of Holland. (Papers, cloth, $2 00. New York. R. E. vol. 7, 4to.) London. oll y Gran ge: a Tale, by Me. de K.- I ull, (R.) Essays on Determination of Blood 12mo. cloth, plates, $1 00,. Lond. 1844. to the Head. 12mo. cloth, $1 75. H omer' s Iliad. Translated into English London, 1842. Blank Verse, by William Cowper. Edited by H u m bl e, (W.) Dictionary of Geology and Robert Southey, with Notes, by M. A. Dwight. Mineralogy; comprising such Terms in Botany, Royal 8vo. cloth gilt, illustrated with Flax- Chemistry, Comparative Anatomy, Conchology, man's designs, 93 50; cloth, $3 00; small Etymology, Paleontology, Zoology, and other paper, without plates, $! 2.5. N. York, 18S50. Branches of Natural History as are connected Hone, (W.) Everyday Book, 2 vols. Year with the Studyof Geology. 8vo. cloth, $1 50. Book, 1 vol. Table Book, 1 vol. In all, 4 vols. London, 1843. 8vo. profusely illustrated with wood engrav- H u m b 1 d t (W. V.) Letters to a Female ings, $8 00. London. Friend. Translated from the Second German Edition, by C. M. A. Cowper. 2 vols. post 8vo. H o me, (The,) Treasury; comprising new cloth, $3 25. London, 1849. Versions of Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, - (Baron Von.) Aspects of Nature in difGrumble and Cheery, the Eagle's Verdict, the ferent Lands and different Climates, with SciSleeping Beauty. Revised and illustrated.ate SmalI 4clthil,5cetsentific Elucidations. Translated by Mrs. NewSmall 4to. cloth gil1849, 0 cents. Sabine. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. Phila. 1849. New York, 1849e Hope, (Rev. F. W.) The Coleropterist's English edition. 2 vols. 12mo. paper, Manual, part 2, containing the Predaceocs $1 25; cloth, $1 50. London, 1849. Land and Water Beetles of Linneus and Fa- Personal Narrative of Travels in South bricius. Svo. cloth, colored plates, $2 00. America in 1799-180, 82 2 50. London, 183S. London, 1822-26. Hor me B i b i c ee; being a connected Series Voyages aux regions equinoxiales du nouveau continent, faits en 1799-1804 et vues of Notes on the Text and Literary History of des Cordilleres et Monuments Mexicains indiBibles or Sacred Books of the Jews and Chris genes de Aerique. 16 vol. in- figures tians, and the Books accounted Sacred by the gene e l'meriueParis, 1815-30.in- figures Mahometans, Hindoos, Parsees, Chinese, and p h r e y, (H. N.) Ancient Coins and Scandinavians. 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. H mphey, (H. N.) Ancient Coins and Boston, 1c45. Medals; an Historical Sketch of the Origin H oward, (Frank.) Imitative Art. Illus- and Progress of Coining Money in Greece and trations, foolscap 8vo. cloth. $1 25. Lond. her Colonies, &c. Illustrated by numerous ------ Lectures on Painting, with Memoir. fac-simile examples in actual Relief, and in Post 8vo. cloth, i2 2t. Lend. the Metals of the respective Coins. 8vo. bds. Sketcher's Manual. Plates, foolscap 8vo 0. London, 850. cloth, $1 25'.,ond~-. Hunt, (Robert.) Panthea; the Spirit of Nature. 8vo. cloth, $3 25. Loud. 1849 (J. E.) Eight Lectures on Truths most tore. vo. cloth, $3 25. Lond. 1849 opposed to Puseyism. 18mo. cloth, 75 cents Iunter, (Rev. J.) The Hallamshire GlosLondon, 1 45. sary. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Lond. 1829. Howe, (J) Outpouring of the Holy Spirit Hutchinson, (Lieut.) Account of the and the Redeemer's Dominion over the Invisi- Demolition and Removal by Blasting of a Porble World. 18mo. cloth, 75 cents. Lond tion of the Round Down Cliff, near Dover, in Howlett, (S. B.) Table for determining 1843. (Papers, R. E. vol. 6, 4to.) Lond. Altitudes with the Mountain Barometer. A On the Conducting Power of Water as new Method of Making Perspective Drawings applied to Submarine Explosions, by Voltaic from Plans and Dimensions. A new Field Electricity, with Details of Apparatus. (PaProtractor and Sketch-Book. A new Method pers, R. E. vol. 7, 4to.) London. of Plotting a Survey. A new Station Pointer, (Thos.) The History and Province of and a new Line Divider and Universal Scale. Massachusetts Bay, from 1749 to 1774, com(Papers, R. E. vol. 1, 4to ) London. prising a detailed Narrative of the Origin and Description of an Engraved Protractor. Early Stages of the American Revolution. (Papers, R. E. vol. 8, 4to.) London. 8vo. bds. -3 00. London, 1828. - - On Copying Maps and Plans. (Papers, H y d r a u 1 ic P r e s s for Proving Girders. R. E. vol. 5, 4to.) London. (Papers, R. E. vol. 6, 4to.) London. ----- Safety Box for connecting a Locomotive I m agination s and Imitations, Engine and Tender to the Train. (Papers, R. by Hope. Cr. 8vo. cloth, 82 00. Lound. 1846. E. vol. 4, 4to.) London. I n g 1 e b y, (J. T.) Facts and Cases in Ob~I —-- Description of a Barometer that requires stetric Medicine, with Observations on some no Corrections either for Zero or for Tempera- of the most important Diseases incidental to ture. (Papers, R. E. vol. 3, 4-to.) Lond. Females. Svo. bds. $3 00. Lond. N. D. - A Method of taking Perspective Outlines In t r o d u c t io n, (An,) to the Study of from Nature. (Papers, I. E. vol. 2, 4to) Gothic Architecture. Square 18mo. numerous London. wood-cuts, cloth, $1 25. Oxford, 1849. 174 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of I r elan d, (John.) Paganism and Christianity Jones, (Lieut. Col.) Account of the Destruccompared in a Course of Lectures. 8vo. cloth, tion of the Bridge at Carrack, with Gunpowder, $1 50. London, 1825' in 1845. (Papers, R. E. vol. 9, 4to.) Lond. I r o n R o o fs erected over Building Slips. Destruction of Banagher and Rooksey (Papers, R. E. vol. 9, 4to.) London. Bridges on the Shannon. (Papers, R. E. vol. Irvin g, (T.) The Fountain of Living Wa- 8, 4to.) London. ters. 1.8mo. cloth, 50 cents; cloth gilt. 75 -- (Col. J. T.) Memoranda relative to the cents. New York, 1S49. Lines thrown up to cover Lisbon in 1810. James, (G. P. R.) Dark Scenes of History. (Papers, R. E. vol. 3, 4to.) London. 12mo. paper, 75 cents; cloth, $1 00. (Major H. D.) Memoranda relating to New York, 1S50. the Well in Fort Regent, Jersey. (Papers, R. ~- (Rev. J. B.) Thoughts on Passages E. vol. 4, 4to.) London. selected from the Fathers. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Table on the Description and Weight of London, 1848. the Packages of various Articles of Traffic. Jameson, (Mrs.) Studies and Summer Notes on Lintz. Report on Paving Stables at Rambles in Canada. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth,l1 50. Brighton. (Papers, R. E. vol. 3, 4to.) Lound. New York. Jamieson, (A.) Mechanics of Fluids for Memoranda and Details of the Mode of Practical Men. 8vo.cloth, wood-cuts, $1 87. Building Houses, &c. in the Island of Malta. London, 1837. (Papers, R. E. vol. 5, 4to.) Lound. Jan e Ely r e; an Autobiography. Svo. paper, --- (Thos. R.) A General Outline of the 25 cents; a Library edition 12mo. cloth, Animal Kingdom and Manual of Comparative $1 00. New York, 1550. Anatomy. 8vo. cloth, illustrated with 336 J a r r in, (G. A.) The Italian Confectioner; wood engravings in the best style, $11 50. or, Complete Economy of Desserts. 12mo. London, 1841. cloth, portrait, $2 50. London, 18'29. J o n g h, (L. J. de.) Three Kinds of Cod Liver J e a n s, (H. W.) Rules and Examples in Oil comparatively considered with reference to Navigation. 12mo. paper, 63 cents. their Chemical and Therapeutic Properties. London, 1849. Translated by E. Carey, with Appendix, by - Problems in Astronomy, Surveying, and Dr. Dunglison. 12mo. cloth, 90 cents. Navigation, with their Solutions. 12mno. cloth, Philadelphia, 1849. $1 75. London, 1849. K a emtz, (L. F.) Course of Meteorology, Jebb, (Major.) On the Construction and Ven- by C. V. Walker. Thick 12mo. cloth, $3 75. tilation of Prisons. (Papers, R. E. vol. 7, 4to.) London, 1846. London. Kames, (Lord.) History of Man; or, the - Notes on the Theory and Practice of Wonders of Human Nature. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, Sinking Artesian Wells. (Papers, R. E. vol. $3 00. London, 1790. 5, 4to.) London K e a t i n g, (E. H.) Historical Centuries from --- (Capt.) Description of a Drawbridge on the Christian Era to the present time. 4to. the London and Birmingham Railway, at cloth, 3 75. London, 1546. Weedon. (Papers, R. E. vol. 3, 4to) Loud. K e it h, (A.) The Land of Israel according Jennings, (Lieut. E.) Hintson Sea Risks eth, (A.) The Land of Israel accoding to the Covenant with Abraham, &c. 12mo. addressed to Merchants, Ship-Owners, and th map and plates, l 25.. Yok, 4. Mariners. 8vo. cloth, $t 00. Lond. 1843. cloth Joohnes, (A. J.) Philological Proofs of the Kelly, (W. K.) Syria and the Holy Land, Original Unity and Recent Origin of the Hu- their Scencry and their People. Svo. cloth, man Race, derived from a Comparison of the illustrated with wood-cuts, $2 00. Lond. 1844. Languages of Asia, Europe, Africa, and Ameri- K e n n e d y, (J. P.) Memoirs of the Life of ca. 8vo. cloth, $1 25. Lound. 1S46. William "Wirt. A new and revised edition. J o hn st o n e, (Mrs.) The Edinburgh Tales, 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, portrait, 92 25. by various Authors, and edited by Mrs. John- Philadelphia, 1850. stone. 3 vols. in 1, Svo. cloth, $4 00. K el r i c k, (W.) The new American OrchardLondon, 1850. ist; or, an Account of the most valuable VariJ o h n s t o n, (J. F. W.) Experimental Agri- eties of Fruit of all Climates adapted to Culticulture; being the Results of Past and Sugges- vation in the United States, with an Appendix tions for Future Experiments in Scientific and on S:ilk, &c. &c. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Practical Agriculture. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. Boston, 1S41. London. - (J.) Essay on Primeval History. 1l2mo. J ones, (G.) Recollections of the Life, Prac- cloth, $1 50. London. tice, and Opinions of Sir Francis Chartlrey. Post 8vo. cloth, $2 50. Lond. 1849. King of the Eurons, (The.) 12mo. cloth, $1 00. New York, 1S50. ----- (Rev. J.) The Book of the Young; an Invitation to Early Christian Piety. 1'mo. K i n g, (R.) On the Preservation of Infants in cloth, $1 00. Oxford, 1837. Delivery. 12mo. cloth, $1 25. Lond. 1847. dloth, $1'l 00. O4xford, IS7. - (J. H.) Life of Ashbel Green, V. D. M. K ins e y, (Rev. W. M.) Portugal. Illustratbegun to be written by himself in his S2d ed in a Series of Letters. Imp. Svo. plates and Year, and continued to his 84th. 8vo. cloth, cuts, $5 00. London, 1823. portrait, $2 00. New York, 1849. K l o p s t o c k' s Sammtliche Werke. 12 - (J. E.) Account and Description of vols. in 6, half bound, $6 00. Leipzig, 1823. Youghal Bridge, designed by Alexander Nim- K nii g h t, (Chas.) Studies of Shakespeare. mo. (Trans. I. C. E. vol. 2, 4to.) Loud. 8vo. cloth, $2 25. London, 1849. [ADDENDA.] Foreign and American Books. 175 Knight' s Guides to Service and Trade. K n i g h t's Weekly and Monthly Volumes. 12mo. palper. Loend. Paper, 31 cents; cloth, 45 cents. Lond. Baker, (The,) 31 cents. - Lewes' Spanish Drama. I vol. Banker's Clerk, (The,) 75 cents. - McFarlane's Cabinet History of England. Carver and Gilder, (The,) 31 cents. 26 vols. Chemist and Druggist, (The,) 31 cents. -- McFarlane's Customs, Sports, &c. of South Clerk, (The,) 45 cents. Italy. 1 vol. Cook, (The,) 700 Receipts, 90 cents. McFarlane's Life of Sir T. Gresham. 1 vol. Cook with Confectioner, (The,) $1 50. McFarlane's Old English Novelties. 4 vols. Confectioner, (The,) 45 cents. - McFarlane's Romance of Travel-East. 2 Cooper, (The,) 31 cents. vols. Cowherd, (The,) 31 cents. M- alkin's Historical Parallels. 3 vols. Dairy-Maid, (The,) 25 cents. Martineau's Billow and the Rock; a Tale. - Farm-Bailiff, (The,) 45 cents. 1 vol. Farmer, (The, ) 60 cents. I Martineau's Feats on the Fiord. I vol. Gardener, (The,) 45 cents. - Memoirs of a Working Man. 1 vol. Governess, (The,) $1 00. Mind among the Spindles. 1 vol. Groom and Coachman, (The,) 60 cents. Nicolay's History of the Oregon Territory. - ousemaid, (The,) 25 cents. 1 vol. Joiner and Cabinet-Maker, (The,) 31 cents. Nugent's Sacred and Classic Lands. 2 vols. - Lady's Maid, (The,) 25 cents. - Paley's Natural Theology, by Lord BroughLaundry Maid, (The,) 25 cents. am and Sir C. Bell. 4 vols. Ma- id of all Work, (The,) 25 cents. - Planche's History of British Costume. 2 Miller, (The,) 31 cents. vols. - Mlliner and Dress-Maker, (The,) 31 cents. Plutarch's Lives, Selection by Prof. Long. Nurse, (The,) 31 cents. 5 vols. - Nursery-Maid, (The,) 31 cents. Pompeii, its Destruction and Re-discovery. Ploughman, Carter, &c. (The,) 31 cents. 2 vols. Plumber, Glazier, &c. (The,) 31 cents. Poole's Englishman in Egypt. 3 vols. Poultry-Maid, (The,) 31 cents. -Popular Tumults, illustrative of Social IgnoPrinter, (The,) 31 cents. rance. I vol. Shepherd, (The,) 31 cents. -- Pratt's Field, Garden, and Woodland. 1 Shoemaker, (The,) 75 cents. vol. - Tailor, (The,) 31 cents. -- Pratt's Flowers and their Associations. 1 nig h t' s Weekly and Monthly Volumes vol. Paper, 31 cents; cloth, 45 cents. Loud. - Racine, Moliere, Corneille, and the French Classic Drama. 3 vols. - Backwoods of Canada, by a Lady. 1 vol. - Rennie's Bird Architecture and Bird MiscelBacon, his Writings and Philosophy, by lanies. 3 vols. Craik. 3 vols. -- Rennie's Insect Architecture. 2 vols. Banfield's Industry of the Rhine, Agriculture, - Secret Societies of the Middle Ages. 2 vols. &c. 2 vols. Settlers and Convicts; or, the Australian - Book of Table-Talk, by various Contributors. Backwoods. 2 vols. 2 vols. -_ Smith's Philosophy of Health. 4 vols. Brougham's Dialogues on Instinct. 1 vol. -- Tasso's Recovery of Jerusalem, by Fairfax Brougham's Discourses on Objects, &c. of 2 vols. Science. 1 vol. Thorn's Rambles by Rivers. 4 vols. Brougham's Sketches of Statesmen, George - Vieusseux, Buildings and Revolutions of III. 6 vols. Paris. 3 vols. - Butler, his Hudibras and other Works, by — Vieusseux, Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. 2 Ramsay. 1 vol. vols. - Cabinet Portrait Gallery of British Worthies. - Wittich's Curiosities of Physical Geography. 12 ol potrits. 2 vols. portraits. - Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, &c. by Saul- __ Wittich's Visit to the West Coast of Norway ders. 3 vols. vol. Craik's History of British Commerce. 3 vols. - Wornums History of Painting, Ancient and C- raik's History of Literature, &c. in England. 6~ vols. C Modern. 2 vols.!.and. 6 vols. Craik's Pursuit of Knowledge. 3 vols. K y a n' s Process for the Preservation of Timber Craik's Spencer and his Poetry. 3 vols. from l'ry Rot, with a Description of the Tank Davis's Description of China and the Chinese. erected for that purpose in the Royal Arsenal, 3 vols. DvWolwich, by Col. Alderson. (Papers, R. E. Davis's Sketches of China. 1 vol., Dennis' Cid, Chronicle of the Poetry of Spain. vol. 1, 4to.) London. 1 vol. L ab o r d e, (M. La de.) Journey through - - Dodd's Account of the Manufactures of Great Arabia Petrea to lMount Sinai and the Excavated Britain. 6vols. c(ity of Petra, the Edom of the Prophecies. - Elephant, Horse, and Dog, by Knight and vo. cloth, p and enraving 3. 8vo. cloth, map and entgravings, $3 0C0. Martin. 3 vols. History of Monkeys. 1 vol. London, 1SS. -- H istory of Mammalia. 6 vols. } L a i r d of L o g a n' s Jest-Book. 1Smo. a- mesonl's Lives of italian Painters. 2 vols. cloth, 75 cents. Glasgow. Kitto's Lost Senses, Deafness and Blindness. 2 vols. L am b, (E. B.) Studies of Ancient Domestic Kstto's Physical Geography of the Holy Land. Architecture, principally selected from original -2 Knight'svols. Cs Drawings in the Collection of the late Sir R. Knirht's Capital and Labor, and Results of Burrell, with Observations on the Application Knight's Life of Caxton. 1 vol. of Ancient Architecture to the Pictorial ComKnight's Volume of Varieties. 1vol. position of Modern Edifices. 20 fine plates. Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare. 2 vols. Imp. 4to. $7 50. London. Lane's Arabian Tales and Anecdotes. 1 vol. - Lankester's Food of Man. 2 vols. L a n d e r, (W.) Ohservations on Painting Lewes' Biographical History of Philosophy. Timber when exposed to Damp. (Papers, R. 4 vols. E. vol. 5, 4to.) London. 176 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Land s b o r o u g h, (Rev. D.) Popular His- Leslie, (Chas.) Theological Works. 7 vols. tory of British Sea Weeds. Royal 16mo. 8vo. cloth, portrait, $16 00. Oxford, 1832. cloth, 22 plates, colored, $3 25. Lond. 1849. Lever, (Chas.) Roland Cashel. 8vo. cloth, L arc o m, (Capt.) Memoir of the Profession- with illustrations by Phiz, $1 00. al Life of the late Captain Drummond. (Pa- New York, 1850. pets, R. E. vol. 4, 4to.) London. perL e wi s, (Mrs. S. A.) Records of the Heart. Lardner, (N.) The Works of, with a Life, 12mo. bds. $1 00. New York, 1844. by Dr. Kippis. 10 vols. 8vo. cloth, $20 00. G. C.) BabFabul e. 12mo. London, 1833. - (G. C.) Babrii Fabulee 2Esopese. 12mo. London,183. cloth, $1 50. Oxonii, 1546. L a tha m, (P. M.) Lectures on Clinical La *tham, (P. M.) Lectures on Clinical (Col.). On the Use of Fascines in FormMedicine, comprising Diseases of the Heart. Foundations to uildings. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $2 25. Lond. 1846. vol. 6, 4to.) London. L aure, (The.) Fugitive Poetry of the betions on the Vlue of Fotres, Nineteenth Century. 18mo. mor. gilt edges,. O N81'ineteenth Century. l8mo. mor. gilt edges, Intrenched Camps, and Field Fortresses, their o. London, 183. Application to the present System of Railroads a w r en c e, (W.) A Treatise' on the Dis- for the Protection of the Metropolis South of eases of the Eye. Svo. cloth, $4 50. the Thames. (Papers, R. E. vol. 9, 4to.) London, 1811. London. --- Lectures on Comparative Anatomy, Report on the Applications of Forts, Physiology, Zoology, and the Natural History Towers,:nd Batteries to Coast Defences and of Man. 12mo. cloth, with 12 new engravings, Harbors. (Papers, R. E. vol. 7. 4to.) Lond. 85 cents. London, 1 48. - (W.) A Treatise on the Game of Chess, a y ard, (A. H) New Researches at Nine- containing several new Modes of Attack and veh, &c. 8vo. cloth, uniform with "Nineveh Defence, particularly the Gambits, to which and its Remains." (In preparation) N York are added 25 new Problems on Diagrams.,ea, (J.) Observations on the Genus Unio, Thick Svo. cloth, $5 50. Lond. 1849. with Descriptions of New Genera and Species Library of A necdote, (The,) conin the Families Naides, Conchm Colimlacea, taining the Remarkable Sayings, Efforts of Lymnneamna, Melaniana, and Peristomania, with Genius, Wit, and Hun or, &c. &c. 12mo. cloth, colored plates, $5 (0o. Philadelphia. 75 cents. London, 1839. L e B as's Life of Archbishop Cranmer. 2 Lillie, (Charles.) The British Perfumer; vols. 18mo. cloth, $1 00. New York. being a Collection of choice Receipts and ObLe bert, (H.) Physiologie Pathologique ou servations made during an extensive Practice recherches Cliniques, experimentales et Micro- of Thirty Years. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. acopiques sur l'lnflammation, etc. 2 vols. 8vo London, 1822. paper, with atlas of plates, $5 50. Paris, 1845. L i n d 1 e y, (G.) A Guide to the Orchard and Traite Pratique des Maladies Scrofuleuses Fruit Garden; or, an Account of the most et Tuberculeuses. 8vo. broche, $2 "75. valuable Fruits cultivated in Great Britain, Paris, 1849. with additions of all the most valuable Fruits Le e, (E.) Treatise on some Nervous Disor- Cultivated in America, by Michael Floy. 12mo. ders. 8vo. cloth, $2 25. Lond. 183S. cloth, colored plates, $1 50. New York, 1846. - The Baths and Watering Places of Eng- Li n ds a y, (Lord.) Sketches of the History land considered with reference to their Curative of Christian Art. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, $S 50. Efficacy, &c. 12mo. cloth, 50 cents London, 1547. London, 1848. i Li s t, (W. B.) Panama, Nicaragua, and TehuContinental Travel, with an Appendix antepec; or, Considerations upon the Questior on the Jnfluence of Climate, the Remedial Ad- of Communication between the Atlantic and vantages of Travelling, &c. Svo. cloth, plates, I Pacific Oceans. Map, 8vo. cloth, $1 25. $1 0. London, 1848. London, 18 9. Elements of Geology; containing a l)e- L i t 1 e, (W. J.) On Ankylosis, or Stiff Joint. scription of the Geological Formations mid 8vo. cloth, 52 75. London, 1i>43. Mineral Resources of the United Sttes L iv e r o r e, (. A.) Review of the Mexi12mo. cloth, wood-cuts, 50 cents. New York. can War. 12mo. cloth, A1 03. Buston, 18-0. (Mrs. R) Life of Baron Cuvier. 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. New York. I onldo n, (Tlhe,) Dissector; or, Guide to Anatolmy. Revised and corrected by J. Chais(Mrs.) Life and TimesofThomas Cran- ty, 1 0s). mer. 121mo. cloth, 50 cents. Boston, 1841.adelphia 1-42 Leech, (J.) Young Troublesome; or, Master Lopham, (J. A.) Wisconsin, its Geography, Jacky's Holidays. A Series of Etching4 on History, &c. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Milwauklie steel, $1 63; colored, $2 25. Lonud. 1549. Low ell, (J..) The Nooniog and other L e. Gai, (H.) Almanach Facetieux Recre-'oems 12mo. cloth. IHoston, 8 (.. atif, Comique et Proverbial pour 1850. 18mo0. Poems. 2 vols. 12mo. bds..1 30; cloth, broche, 25 cents. Paris, 1850. 1 75. 1Boston, 155, Almanach des Jeux, &c. I18 mo. broche, L o w ri e's Memoirs of the Rev. W. M. Low25 cents. Paris, 1550. rie, Missionary to China. 8vo. cloth, portrait, L eithead, (W.) Electricity, its Nature, tl 50. New York, S89. Operation, and Importance in the l'henomena Lloy d, (W. W.) Xanthian Marbles; the of the Universe. 12mo. cloth, $2 50. Nereid Monument; an Historical Mythological London, 1837. Essay. Svo. cloth, $2 25. Lond. 1845 [ADDENDA.] Foreign and American Books. 177 L u k e, (F. C.) Remarks on Herm Granite, M a n u a of Commercial Correspondence, Eng. with some Experiments on the Wear of differ- lish and French; or, a Selection of Commercial ent Granites. (Trans. I. C. E. vol. 1, 4to.) Phrases, taken from a number of Letters, &c., London. by a Merchant. 12mo. cloth: N. York, 1850. L u xmore, (Lieut.) Description of the Mant, (Rev. R.) Primitive Christianity exGroins used on the Coast of Sussex for Prevent- emplified and illustrated by the Acts of Primiing the Encroachments of the Sea. (Papers, tive Christians. Svo. cloth, $2 00. R. E. vol. 1, 4to.) London. London, 1842. Lympsfield and its Environs; being a Maran-Atha in Connection with the FuSeries of Views, with Descriptions of that Vil- ture History of the Jewish Nation. 12mo. lage and Objects of interest in its vicinity, and cloth, 50 cents. Dublin, 1839. the Old Oak Chair, a Ballad, with illustrations, M a r r y a tt, (Capt.) The Little Savage; by George Cruikshank. 8vo. cloth, plates, being the History of a Poy left alone on an 81 00. Westerham, 1838. Uninhabited Island. 12mo. paper, 38 cents; L y r e, (The.) Fugitive Poetry of the Nine- cloth, 50 cents. New York, 1849. teenth Century. 18mo. mor. gilt edges, beau- (J.) A History of Pottery and Porcetifully printed, $1 50. Lond. 1838. lain, with a' Description of the Manufacture M a c c ul o c h' s Researches in the Aborigi- from the earliest period in various Countries. nal History of America. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. 8vo. cloth, plates and wood-cuts. Lond. Baltimore. M a r s d e n, (W.) History of Sumatra. 4to. McLean, (John.) Notes of a Twenty-Five half bound, maps and plates, $6 50. Years' Service in the Hudson Bay Territory. London, 1811. 2 vols. post 8vo. cloth, $6 25. Lond. 1849. Marshall, (Major.) Memoranda on the Demolition of the South Face of Fort Schulembd 75Cull oc h (J. R.) On Commerce. vo. burg, Corfu. (Papers, R. E. vol. 2, 4to.) bds. 75 cents. London, 1833. London. M c F a r 1 a n e, (Charles.) The French Revo-M a r iv a u x. Marianne. 12mo. paper, 8$ 00. lution. Portraits and engravings, 2 vols. square Paris. 12mo. cloth, $4 50. London. M a rv e 1,. (M.) The Battle Summmer-Reign of Blouse. 12mo. cloth, $1 25, Mackay, (A.) The Western World; or, New York, 1850. Travels in the United States in 1846 and'47, exhibiting them in their latest Development, Maxim iilian. Prince of Wied's Travels in Social, Political, and Industrial. 2 vols. 12no. the Interior of North America. Translated by cloth, $2 00. Phila. 1849. H. E. Lloyd. 4to. half mor. gilt leaves, 84 elaborately colored plates, $150 00. M a c k e n z i e, (W.) Account of the Bridge London, 1843. over the Severn, near the Town of Tewkesbury, MaxwelI, (W. H.) Rambling Recollecin the County of Gloucester, designed by T. tions of a Soldier of Fortune. Cr. 8vo. cloth, Telford, and erected by him. (Trans. I. C. E. portrait $1 25. Dublin 1842 vol. 2, 4to.) London. M e 1 v i 1 e, (H.) Redburn, his First VoyMac hin e r y used in the Manufactory of age; being the Confessions of a Sailor Boy Cannon. (Papers, R. E. vol. 8, 4to.) Loud. and Reminiscences of the Son of a Gentleman M a c k i e, (W.) Castles, Palaces, and Prisons in the Merchant Service. 12mo. paper, 75 of Mary, Queen of Scots. Royal 8vo. cloth cents; cloth, $1 00. New York, 1849. gilt, plates, $7 50. Loud. 1849. Memoirs of Mrs. W. Veitch, Mr. Thomas M a c n e i, (Sir J.) New Canal Boat Experi- Hog, of Killearn, Mr. H. Erskine, and Mr. John ments. (Trans. I. C. E. vol. 1, 4to.) Lond. Carstairs. 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. Edin. 1847. ments. (Trans. I. C. E. vol. 1, 4to.) Loud. Madden, (R. R.) ~The Island of Cuba, its iMe me s, (J. S.) History of Sculpture, Paintadden, (R. R.) The Island of Cuba, its ing, &c. 1Smo. cloth, $1 00. London. Resources, Progress, and Prospects, considered M in relation especially to the Influence of its Meredith, (Mrs. C.) Romance of Nature; Prosperity on the Interests of the British West or, the Flower Seasons Illustrated Cr. Svo. India Colonies. 12mo. cloth, 1 2. ngreen mor. gilt, with 28 beautifully colored London, 1849. plates,.t0 00. London, 1839. Maginn, (W.) HonlericBallads; the Greek erriman, (S.) Synopsis of the vaious Text, with a Metrical Translation and Notes, kinds of Difficult Parturition, with Practical Text, with aMtrcalTrnsatRemarks. 8vo. cloth, $2 00. Lond. 1820. collected from Fraser's Magazine and revised. Foolscap 8vo. cloth, $1 75. Loud. 1849. M etcal f, (Dr. S. L.) A New Theory of Terrestrial Magnetism. Svo. cloth,.1I 00. Ma ire, (Dr.) Nouveau Guide des Meres de New York, 1833. Famille. 8vo. broche, $1 25. Paris, 1843. Miall, (E.) Views of the Voluntary PrinciManesca, (J.) A Philological Recorder ple. 12mo. cloth, $1 12. Lound. 1845. adapted to the Oral System of Teaching Liv- Mi cali, (G.) Monumenti Inediti a Illustraing Languages. Oblong paper, 63 cents. zione della storia degli antichi Popopli Italiani. New York, 1848. 8vo. bds. with atlas of plates, some colored, in Mann, (H.) A Few Thoughts to Young folio, $10 75. Firenze, 1844. Men, being the Substance of a Lecture. Svo. Middleton, (C.) On the Primitive Fapaper, 25 cents, Boston, 1850. thers. 12mo. paper, 25 cents. Lond. 1844. Manning, (H. E.) The Unity of the (H.) The Government and the Curreney. Church. 8vo. cloth, $3 00. Lond. 18145. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1860. 12 178 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of M i e r s, (John.) Description of the Machinery M u d i e, (R.) Gleanings pf Nature; containemployed in Deptford Dockyard for Spinning ing Fifty-seven Groups of Animals and Plants, Hemp and Manufacturing Ropes and Cables. with Popular Descriptions of their Habits. (Papers, R. E. vol. 5, 4to.) London. Imp. 8vo. cloth, colored plates, $2 75. M ill, (W. H.) Sermons on several occasions London, 1838. before the University of Cambridge. 8vo. Guide to the Observation of Nature; cloth, $3 00. Cambridge, 1845. or, Hints of Inducement to the Study of Miller, (W. H.) Elements of Hydrostatics Natural Productions, &c. 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. and Hydronamics. 8vo. bde. plates, $1 75. New York. Cambridge, 1831. M uehry, (Dr. A.) Comparative State of M ilman, (Rev. R.) The Life of Tasso. 2 Medicine in France, England, and Germany. vols. post Svo, cloth, $6 50. Lond. 1850. Translated by E. G. Davis. 8vo. bds. 1l 87. Milner, (T.) A Descriptive Atlas of As- Philadelphia, 1839. tronomy and of Physical and Political Geogra- Mullen, (Sam.) The Pilgrim of Beauty; phy. 4to. cloth, illustrated with 80 maps, the Cottager's Sabbath and other Poems, now $10 50; half bound in Russia, $12 50. first collected. 8vo. cloth, 23 steel engravings, London, 1849. $3 00. London, 1845. Mi m pr is, (R.) The Gospel History of our M u lle r, (K. D.) Handbuch des Archaeologie Lord's Life and Ministry, &c. 12mo. cloth, 75 der Kunst. 8vo. half calf, neat, $3 50. cents. London, 1842. Breslau, 1835. A Harmony of the Four Gospels. 12mo. M u r r a y, (Lindley.) The Power of Religion cloth, colored map, 75 cents. Loend. 1845. on the Mind, &c. 18mo. cloth, 38 cents. Mitch e 11, (Lieut. T. H.) System of Light London, 1845. Drill, &c. 12mo. cloth, plates, $1 25. (J.) System of Materia Medica. 2 London, 1S43. vols. 8vo. sheep, $1 50. New York, 1821. Montalba, (A. R.) Fairy Tales fromi all Nasmyth's Patent Steam HammerNations, with illustrations, by Doyle. Paper, Patent Steam Pile Driving Machine. (Papers, 70 cents; cloth, 88 cents; cloth, gilt edges, R. E. vol. 8, 4to.) London. $1 00. New York, 1849. Natural Philosophy for Beginners. Moore, (Thos.) Life of Lord Edward Fitz- 12mo. cloth, wood-cuts, 75 cents. Lond. 1845. gerald. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $l 00. New York. N e a 1 e, (Rev. J. M.) Hierologus; or, the -c~ —- Songs, Ballads, and Sacred Songs. 12mo. Church Tourists. 12mo. cloth, $1 75. cloth, $1 50. London, 1849. London, 1843 - Irish Melodies. Folio, beautifully illus-Ne an d e r, (Dr. A.) History of the Planting trated with Finden's Beauties, cloth, $6 00; and Training of the Christian Church by the mor. gilt, $12 00. Phila. 1850. Apostles. Translated by J. E. Ryland. 8vo. Lalla Rookh, with the Autobiographical cloth, $1 25. Phila. 1844. Preface from the Collective edition of the Au- Neilson, (J. B.) On the Hot Air Blast. thor's Poetical Works. 16mo. cloth, vignette, (Trans. I. C. E. vol. 1, 4to.) London. by Maclise, $1 50. Lend. 1849. - Irish Melodies. 16mo. cloth, with vi- (P.) Life and Adventures of Zamba, an nette by Maclies. $ 50. Lond. tS49. African Negro King, and his Experience of nette, by Maclise, $1 t 50. 1849...Slavery in South Carolina. Post 8vo. cloth, M o o r s o m, (Capt. C. R.) On the Principles portrait, $2 00. London, 1847. of Naval Tactics, with Exemplifications of the Practice, &c. 8vo.cloth,plates, 1 50. N e ls o n, (Lieut.) On Shot Furnaces; EngiBirmuingham, 1816. neering Details; Notices on the New VictualMoreau-Boutar d, (L. M. A. ) Precis ling Establishment at Devonport, with drawde Chirurgie Elementaire. 1in2mo. broche, 75 ings of its Cast Iron Roofs. (Papers, R. E. cents. Paris, 1845. vol. 4, 4to.) London. Mo rgan, (Lady.) Woman and her Master. f- Part of a Report on the last 150 Miles "2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Phila. of the Great Fish River, South Africa. (PaMorning, (The,) Exercises at Cripplegate, pers, R. E. vol. 5, 4to. cloth.) Loend. Moe ring, (The,) Exercises at Cripplegate, (R) Companion for the Festivals and 3 l h lv - (R.) Companion for the Festivals and St. Giles in the Fields, and in Southwark; be- Fasts of the Church of England, with Collects ing divers Sermons, preached A. D. 1659-1689. and Prayers for each Solemnity. Svo. cloth, Edited, with Notes and Translations, by James $2 25. Oxford, 1843. Nichols. 6 vols. 8vo. cloth, $16 50. London, 1844. -- (Capt.) Notes on Swing or Flying M o s c a, (Chevalier.) Details of the Construc- Bridges. Memoranda on Transition Lime and tion of a Stone Bridge erected over the Dora Limestone as obtained from different Quarries Riparia, near Turin. (Trans. I. C. E. vol. t Plymouth. 1(Papers, R. E. vol., 4to.) 4to.) London. London. M os e 1 ey' s Illustrations of Mechanics. Ed- - - (R. J.) Report on Beaufort Bridge. On ited by James Renwick. 12mo cloth, 50 cents. the Mode of Bending Timber adopted in PrusNew York. sia. Rough Sketch of the Suspension Bridge Treatise on Hydrostatics and Hydro- over the Lahn at Nassau. (Papers, R. E. vol. namics. 8vo. $3 75. Cambridge, 1830. 8, 4to.) London. M ott e, (P. H. de la.) On the various Appli- N e w c ome, (W.) An English Harmony of cations of Anastatic Printing and Papyrography, the Four Evangelists disposed after the Manwith illustrative Examples. Cr. 8vo. bds. 17 ner of the Greek. 8vo. cloth, map, $2 00. plates, $1 25. London, 1849. London, 1827. [ADDENDA.] Foreign and American Books. 179 Newm an, (S. P.) Elements of Political Opie, (Mrs.) Adeline Mowbray; or, the MoEconomy. 12mo. half bound, 75 cents, ther and Daughter; aTale. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. New York, 1841 London, 1844. Newton, (Rev. John.) The Works of, wit a Life of the Author, b the Rev. Richr It Or d, (Lieut. Col.) Horizontal Loophole and Loopholed Window. (Papers, R. E. vol. 8, Cecil, and an Introduction, by Rev. F. Cunning 4to.) Lond. ham. Royal 8vo. cloth, portrait, $6 00. London, 1839. (Major.) Notes to Aid in Correcting the Nicholas, (Sir H.) The Chronology of Operations of Ascertaining the Heights of History, containing Tables, Calculations, and Mountains by Means of Boiling Water. (PaStatements indispensable for Ascertaining the pers, R. E. vol. ~, 4to.) London. Dates of Historical events and of Public and O sm on d, (William.) Christian Memorials. Private Documents from the earliest period to 23 plates, 4to. cloth, $4 50. Lond. 1848. the present time. 12mo. cloth, $1 75. London, 1S40. Osler, (E.) Life of Admiral Viscount ExNicol, (W.) The Villa Garden Directory; mouth. 12mo. mor. gilt edges, $1 63. Ni col, (W.) The Villa Garden Directory; or, Monthly Index of Work to be done in Town London,1841. and Villa Gardens, &c. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Overman, (F.) The Manufacture of Iron Edinburgh, 1823. in all its Branches, &c., to which is added an Ni coll s, (Col.) Experiments tried at Que- Essay on the Manufacture of Steel. 8vo. cloth, bec as to the Properties and Adhesive Quali- 150 wood-cuts, $5 00. Phila. IS50. ties of Cements. (Papers, R. E. vol. 3, 4to.) Ou tr a m, (Lieut. F.) Description of the London. Method of Roofing in Use in the Southern X o e 1, (Rev. B. W.) Essay on Christian Bap- Concan in the East Indies. (Trans. I. C. E. tism. 18mo. cloth, 63 cents. New York. vol. 1, 4to.) London. N o t e s on the Employment of Sand for Foun- P al e y, (W.) Works, with Illustrative Notes, dations in Marshy or Soft Soil, compiled from and Life of the Author. Royal 8vo. Russia, an article in the Annales des Ponts et Chaus- gilt, portrait, S5 75. Lond. 1842. sees for 1S35. Memorandum of the Engineer operating at the Taking of Ghuznee in July, P a m er, (H. R.) Experiments on the Re1839. (Papers, R. E. vol. 4, 4to.) Lund. sistance of Barges moving on Canals. (Trans. I. C. E. vol. 1, 4to.) London. On the Ministry of Cardinal B. Pacca, I.C. E. vol. 1, 4to.) London. Secretary of State to Pope Pius VII. 8vo. (G. H.) On the Application of Steam as cloth, $2 50. Dublin, 18143. a moving Power, considered especially with N o u e t' s Life of Jesus Christ in Glory, adapt- reference to the Economy of Atmospheric and ed for the Use of Members of the Church of High-Pressure Steam (Trans. I. C. E. vol. 2, England. 12mo. cloth, $2 25. Lond. 184-7. 4to.) London. N uns of Minsk, (The.) Narrative of Parkes, (Jos.) On the Evaporation of WaMakren Mieczyslawska, Abbess of the Basilian ter from Steam Boilers. (Trans. I. C. E. vol. Convent of Minsk; or, the History of a Seven 2, 4 to.) London. Years' Persecution suffered for the Faith, by P a r nell, (E. A.) Dyeing and Calico Printher and her Nuns, &c. 12mo. cloth,.31 cents. ing. Svo. cloth, wood cuts, $2 25. London, 1846. London, 1849 O'B rien, (E.) The Lawyer, his Character and Rule of Holy Life. lo. mor. gilt, 3 25.P Pasley, (Sir C. W.) Extracts from a ReLon don, 184 2. port on the Copper Pontoons used in the Neapolitan Service in 1805, with Remarks on the Ogle, (N.) Mariame, the last of the Asmosn- Inefficiency of all Open Pontoons of the comean Princesses; an Historical Novel of Pales- mon Rectangular Form for the Passage of tine, $1 25. London, 1843. Rapid Rivers. (Papers, R. E. vol. 1, 4to.)'Cttinger, (E. M.) Bibliographie Biogra- London. phique; ou, Dictionnaire de 2600 ouvrages, I tant Anciens que Modernes, relatifs a I'Histoire P a t e r c u 1 u s, (M. V.) Abridgment of the de la vie Publique et Privee des Hornmmes cel- History of Rome. Svo. cloth, $1'25. ebres de tous les Tems et toutes les Nations. London, 1814. Royal 8vo. paper, S13 50. Lond. 1S49. Paulding, (J. K.) The Puritan and his 01 dersh aw, (Capt.) Description of the. mo cloth,1 25. One Arch Wooden Bridge of 205 feet span at New York, 1549. Paradenia, with an Account of the Execution IPeacock, (G.) Treatise on Algebra. 2 of the Work and the Means employed in throw- vols. Svo. bds. $7 75. Cambridge, 1842-45. ing it across the River Mahavillaganga, in Ceyion. (Papers, R. E. vol. 3, 4to.) London. P e e rs, (Rev. B. O.) American Education; Oliffe, (C.) WaRerley Sketch-Book. 8vo. or, Strictures on the Nature, Necessity, and Practicability of a System of National Educacalf, neat, $2 50. *Paris, 184 0. tion suited to the United States. 12mo. cloth, On the Means of Preventing Damp in Walls. 75 cents. New York, 183 Experiments on an Open Cast Iron Girder. Notes and Experiments on Iron Girders. Ex- P enric e, (Lieut) Journal of Practical periments on the Strength of the Principals of a Operations in Mining at Chatham in 1845, with Wrought Iron Roof. Memorandum on the Use Appendix. (Papers, R. E. vol. 8, 4to.) Lond. of Asphalte in Covering Casements. (Papers, -- On Embrasures. (Papers, R. E. vol. 9, R. E. vol. 7, 4to.) London. 4to.) London. 180 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of People's and Howitt's Journal. Pratt, (A.) The Pictorial Catechism of New Series. Vol. 1, royal 8vo. cloth, illus- Botany. Square 12mo. cloth, wood-cuts, $1 00. trated with engravings, $1 50. Lond. 1850. London, 1842. P e t t i g r e w, (Thos. J.) Bibliotheca Sus- Precept and Examples. Instructive sexiana; a Descriptive Catalogue, accompanied Letters and Lives of Eminent Men. 12mo. by Historical and Biographical Notices of the cloth. London, 1825. Manuscripts and Printed Books contained in P r ic h a r d, (W. B.) Treatise on Bar Harthe Library of his Royal Highness, the Duke bors. 4to. cloth, with colored plates, $5 75. of Sussex, in Kensington Palace. 3 parts, in 2 London. vols. royal Svo. half mor. $20 00. Loud. 1827. P r i d h a m, (Rev. J.) Church of England, Phelps, (R.) Elementary Treatise on Op- her Excellencies and Defects. 8vo. cloth, $1 75. tics; intended chiefly to Elucidate the Princi- London, 1842. ples of the Construction of Telescopes and P r o u d h o n, (P. J.) Les Confessions d'un some other Optical Instruments. with three Revolutionnaire pour servir a l'histoire de la other Tracts on Optics, &c. 8vo. half mor. Revolution de Fevrier. 12mo. broche,475 cents neat, $3 00. Cambridge, 1839. Paris, 1850. Phillpotts, (Lieut. Col.) Report on the Puckle, (James.) The Club; or, a Gray Canal Navigation of the Canadas. (Papers, Cap for a Green lead; a Dialogue between a R. E. vol. 5, 4to.) London. Father and Son. 12mo. cloth, gilt edges, portraits and wood-cuts, $1 00. Lend. 1839. Pine 11 i' s Etchings, illustrative of Italian Puritan Discipline 0. Lond. Manners and Costumes, comprising Picturesque P u r i t a n D i s c i p 1 i n e T r a c t s. Costumes of Rome. The Carnival, and the Hay any Worke for Cooper, by Martin Adventures of Massaroni, the Brigand. Folio, Mar-Prelate. 12mo. cloth, 76 cents. half mor. 27 plates, $5 00. Rome,l5S44. London, 1845. Piper, (Major.) Memorandum of the Mian- S4 - An Epistle to the Terrible Priests of the ~Pi p e r, (Major.) Memorandum of the Man- Convocation House, by Martin Mar-Prelate. ner in which the several Repairs of the Chain C o nvocation House by Martin Mar-Prelate. Pier at Brighton have been executed, together with some Reflections on its Construction and --- An Epitome of Dr. John Bridges' DeDurability. (Papers, R. E. vol. 2, 4to.) fence, by Martin Mar-Prelate. 12mo. cloth, 75 London. cents. London, 1843. Pocket Anatomist, (The.) 32mo. An Almond for a Parrot; a Reply to roan, 50 cents. Geneva, N. Y. 1843. Martin Mar-Prelate. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. Po e, (E. A.) The Works of, with Notices of London,1846. his Life and Genius, by N. P. Willis, J. R. Pu rsh, (F.) Flora Americe Septentrionalis; Lowell, and R. WN. Griswold. 2 vols. 12mo. or, a Systematic Arrangement and Classificacloth, portrait, $2 50. New York, 1850. tiaon of the Plants of North America. 2 vols. Politics for the People. 8vo. bs. Svo. cloth, 24 colored plates, $6 00. P o1i tics f o ~r t he P eope. 8vo. bds.London, 1844. 15 cents. London, 1848. cents. Londo, 1848. Put n a m, (G. P.) The World's ProgressPo o r A r tis t, (The;) or, Seven Eyesights or, Dictionary of Dates; being a Record of and but One Object. 12mo. cloth, $1 150. Remarkable Occurrences, Political, Literary, London, 1S50. and Scientific, in the Annals of all Nations. P o o e, (G. A.) Life and Times of St. Cy- Alphabetically and Synchronistically arranged. prian. Svo. cloth, $2 25. Oxford, 1S40. Svo. New York, 1850. Pope, (Chas.) The Merchant, Ship-OWner, R a m R a z, Essay on the Architecture of the and Ship-Master's Import and Export Guide. Hindoos. 4to. half bound, illustrated with 48 8vo. bds. $1 50. London, 15 3 1. plates, 812 00. London, 1834. --- The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope. Ramsay, (Thos.) Life and Literary ReEdited by the Rev. H. F. Carey. Royal 8vo. ains of Barbara Hofad. lmo. coth porcioth, vignette, $2 75. Lend. 1850. trait, $1 75. London, 1849. Port 1 elock, (Capt.) On the Superior Slopes - (A. C.) The Other Side; or, Notes for of Parapets. (Papers, R. E. vol. 8, 4to.) the History of the War between Mexico and London. the United States, written in Mexico, and transtNotes on Platforms, (Papers, R.LE. ol lated friom the Spanish. Thick 12mo. cloth, Notes on Platforms. (Papers, R. E. sol. portraits, $1 50. New York, 1850. Portwine (E.) The Steam Engine Readin g s in Natural Theology; or, the TesPortwine, (E.) The Steam En.ine from timony of Nalture to the Existence of God. the earliest period to the present time. At- at mospheric Railways. The Electric Printing nmo. calf, neat, te 00. London, 138. Telegraph, and Screw Propeller. 1 Sno. cloth, Remedies Suggested for the Peils of the 235 ~ cents. London, 1847. Nation. 1n2mo. cloth, $1 75. Lond. 1844. Posthumous Records of a London Clergy- Richards, (W. C.) The Shakespeare CalP-o s t h u m o u s Rlecords of a London Clergy- endar; or, Wit and Wisdom for every Day in endar; or, Wit and Wisdom for every Day in man. Edited by Rev. Hobart Caunter. 1>2no. the Year. 18ino. cloth, 38 cents; cloth, gilt, cloth, $1 00. London, >s35~. 63 cents. New York, 1849. Powell, (Thos.) Living Authors of Ameri- Rioffrey, (Dr.) Physical Education speca. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. New York, 1850. cially adapted to Young Ladies. 12mo. cloth. P o we r s' Sketches in New Zealand with Pen R o b i n s on, (Rev. P.) Immortality; a Poand Pencil. Post 8vo. plates, $3 75. em, in Ten Cantos. 12mo. cloth, $1 50. London, 1849. New York, 1846. [ADDENDA.] Foreign and Amerzcan Books. 181 R o m a n c e of Modern Travel; a Year-Book S m it h, (J. T.) The Streets of London. Cr. of Literature. 12mo. cloth, colored plates, 8vo. cloth, $1 00. London, 1849. $1 50. London, l'50. (Dr. S.) Philosophy of Health. 2 vols. Romer, (F.) Physiologyof the Human Voice. lSmo. cloth, wood-cuts, $1 75. Lond. 1848. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Lond. 1845. -- (G.) The Hebrew People from the origin R o s s, (W. A.) A Yacht Voyage to Norway, of the Nation to the time of Christ. Cr. 8vo. Denmark, and Sweden. Cr. Svo. cloth, plates, cloth, $3 75, Lond. 1849. $4 00. Lond. t849. - (Thos.) On the Nature, Causes, PrevenRyland, (J. E.) Life and Correspondence tion, and Treatment of Acute Hydrocephalus, of John Foster. Thick 12mo. cloth,.:1t 50. or Water Brain Fever. Cr. 8vo. cloth, $1 75. New York, 1849. London, 1845. Saint Leger; or, the Threads of Life. Smyth, (J. R.) Miscellaneous Contributions 12mo. cloth, $1 00. New York, 1850. to Pathology and Therapeutics. 8vo. cloth, Saravia, (H.) Treatise on the Different 83 00. London, 1844. Degrees of Christian Priesthood. 12mo. cloth, Sobieski and Stewart's Tales of' 175 cents. Oxford, 1840. the Century; or, Sketches of the Romance of Scandret, (J.) Sacrifice the Divine Ser- History, from 1746 to 184t. Post 8vo. cloth, vice. 18mo. cloth, 63 cents. Oxford, 1840. $1 75. Edinburgh, 1847. Scharling,,(E. A.) On the Chemical Dis- Sou th, (J. F.) Description of the Bones, for crimination of Vesical Calculi. Translated Students in Anatomy. 12mo. cloth, $2 25. from the Latin by S. E. Hoskins, M. D. Post London, 1837. 8vo. cloth, plates, $1 87. Lond. 1842. Sole r, (M, C. J.) Traductor Ingles.'12mo. Schmid, (Ch.) Contes. Traduction de la cloth, $2 50. Cambridge, 1840. Cerfberr de Medelsheim, illustrations par Ga- S o n g s of the Prophets, with Prose Remarks varni. Royal Svo. half mor. gilt edges, $8 5.). and Metrical Versions. 18mo. cloth, 50 cents. Paris, 1843. London, 1835. Scoutetten, (Dr. H.) Rapport sur l'Hy- Southey, (R.) Common-Place Book. Secdrotherapie. 8vo. broche, 50 cents. ond Series. (Special Collections.) Edited by Paris, 1844. J. W. Warter. 8vo. cloth, $5 25. Lond. 1849. Scott, (W.) Plane Trigonometry and Men- Spurzheim, (J. G.) Examination of Obsuration. Svo. roan, $2 63. Lond. 1845. jections to the Doctrines of Gall and Spurzheim. S c u 1 p t u r e and the Plastic Art, compiled 1 2mo. cloth, 50 cents. Boston, 1833. by the Author of the History of the Art of (G.) Phrenology; or, the Doctrine of Painting. 12mo. cloth, 1 00. Boston, 1850. Mental Phenomena. 2 vols. Svo. half calf, Sewell, (E. M.) The Child's First History $3 00. Boston, 1832. of Rome. i2mao.cloth, X50 cents. Steinbrenner, (C. C.) Traite sur la yew York, 1849. Vaccine. Svo. paper, S1 37. Paris, 1846. Seymour, (E. S ) Sketches of Minnesota, the New England of the West, with Incidents S t e in e t z, (Francis.) The Moderate Monof Travel in that Territory. 1 2mno. archy or, Principles of the British Constitution described in a Narrative of the Life and MaxW w, 1 85. itns of Alfred the Great and his Counsellors, Sharpe, (E) Decorated Winldows; a Series fiom nthe German of A. V. Haller, with Notes of Illustrations of the Window Tracery, or the and Commentaries on the present State of the Decorated Style of Ecclesiastical Architecture. Btitish Constitution. Plates, post 8vo. calf 8vo. cloth, plates, $6d 00. London, 1849. 3 25. London, 1849. Shirley, by the Author of Jane Eyre. 8vo. S t e v e n s o n, (W. F.) The Composition of paper, 38 cents; a Library edition, l2ino. Hydrogen and Non-decomposition of Water cloth, -l1 00. RNew York, 1849. demonstrated, &c. Second edition, 12mo. cloth, Shelley, (P. B.) Poetical Works, with Life. $1 00. London, 1849. 2 vols. 1]2mo. half mor. $4 50. Lond. 1834. St oc qu e ler, (J. H.) The Hand-Book of S idonia, the Sorceress, by the Author of India; a Guide to the Stranger and the Travthe Amber Witch. 8vo. paper, 50 cents. eller, and a Companion to the Resident. Cr. New York, 1849. 8vo. cloth, maps, $4 00. Lond. 1844 Si mo n, (John.) A Physiological Essay on the Thymus Gland. 4to. cloth, wood-cuts, it o d d ar t, (Sir John.) Universal Gram$6 50J. London, 1845. mar; or, the Pure Science of Language and 6mson, ( onon *(.) Glossology, or the Historical relations of LantSimson, (R. afOpera Quzedainr Reliqua. guage. 12mo. cloth, $1 75. Lond. 1849. 4to. old calf, $4 00. Glasgow, 1776. Stonehouse, (Sir J.) Life of, with ExS i n c a i r, (Catharine.) Sir E. Graham; or, tracts from his Tracts and Correspondence. Railway Speculators. 8vo. paper. 12mo. cloth, 75 cents. Oxford, 1844. New York, 1 850. S m it h, (H.) The Heart in its State by Na- S m n e r, (Chas.) Orations and Public Adture, and as Renewed by Grace. 18mo. cloth, dresses. 12mo.cloth. Boston, 1850. 50 cents. New York, 1844. Taylor, (C. B.) Legends and Records, chiefly ------- (Dr. A.) Illustrations of the Zoology of Historical. 12mo. half mor. gilt edges, plates, South Africa. 5 vols. 4to. cloth, 277 plates, $3 00. London, 1845. beautifully colored from Nature, $108 00.. (W. C.) Modern British Plutarch. Post -Loadon. 8vo. cloth, $1 75. London, 1846. 182 G. P. Putnam's Catalogue of Tay 1lor, (W. C*.) Illustrations of the Bible W e el s, (E.) An Historical Geography of the from the Monuments of Egypt. Cuts, &c. Old and New Testament. Svo. cloth, maps, 12mo. cloth, $1 75. London, 1838. 1 63. Oxford, 1840. T e m p 1 e, (E.) Christian's Daily Treasury; W he w e 11, (W.) Of Induction, with espea Religious Exercise for every Day in the cial reference to J. S. Mill's System of Logic. Year. 12mo. cloth, $1 00. Boston, 1847. 8vo. paper, 63 cents. London, 1849. Tes t e, (A.) Le Magnetisme Animal explique, Indications of the Creator. Second edi&c. 8vo. broche, $2 25. Paris, 1845. tion, with additional Preface. $vo. cloth, $1 63 Thackeray, (W. M.) Rebecca and Rowe- London, 1849. na; or, a Romance upon Romance. 12mo. White and Gould's Tyrolian Lyre; a cloth, plates, $1 50; colored, $2 75. Glee-Book. Oblong 4to. $1 00. Boston, 1847. London, 1849. Whit e, (G. S.) Memoirs of S. Slater, with a Thomson, (J.) First Six, Eleventh, and History of the Rise and Progress of the Cotton Twelfth Books of Euclid's Elements, &c. Manufacture in England and America, &c. 12mo. cloth, $1 50. Lond. 1845. 8vo. cloth, portrait and plates, $3 50. Th o r e, (A. M.) Etudes surles Maladies inci- Philadelphia, 1836. dentes des Alienes. 8vo. broche, $1 25. (G.) Statistics of the State of Georgia, Paris, 1847. including an Account of its Natural, Civil, and T r aill, (T. S.) Outlines of a Course of Lec- Ecclesiastical History, together with a particutures on Medical Jurisprudence. Post 8vo. lar Description of each County, Notices of the cloth, $1 25. Edin. 1840. Manners and Customs of its Aboriginal Tribes, Treasury of Pleasure Books, (A) and a correct Map of the State. 8vo. cloth, for Young Children, with 100 illustrations, by colored map, $2 50. Savannah,1849. Absolom and Weir, $1 25; colored, $2 25. -- (Rev. H.) Practical Reflections on the London, 1849. econd Advent. 12mo. cloth, 50 cents. Trebuchet, (A.) Jurisprudence de la New York, 1847. Medicine de la Chirurgie et de la Pharmacie en W h i t t i er, (J. G.) Songs of Labor and France. 8vo. broche, $2 50. Paris, 1834. other Poems. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1850. T ruman, (M.) Food and its Influence on Williams, (W. R.) Miscellanies. 8vo. Health and Disease. 12mo. cloth, $2 00. cloth, $1 25. New Yorl, 1850. London, 1842. T uc kerman, (H.T.) The Optimist. 12mo. Wi g htwi ck, (G.) Selection from the Mucloth. New uYork, 1850. seum of the Vatican of Vases, Altars, Chairs, &c. Folio, bds. $2 25. Lond. 1837. Tytler, (M. F.) Tales of the Great and Brave. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, $3 00. Willis, (W.) Journals of Rev. Thos. Smith Edinburgh, 18 2, and the Rev. Samuel Deane, Pastors of the Van M ons, (J. B.) Arbres Frutiers leur First Church in Portland, with Notes and BioCulture en Belgique et leur propagation par graphical Notices, and a Summary History of la graine. 2 vols. 12mo. paper, $2 00. Portland, Maine. Svo. cloth, portraits and Louvain, 1885. map, $2 00. Portland, 1S50. Virgilli Opera notis ex Editione Heyni- Woodhouse, (Rev. G. W.) Parochial ana excerptis Illustrata. 8vo. cloth, $3 00. Sermons. 8vo. bds. $4 25. Lond. 1844. London, 1889. Walker (Rev. S. A.) Church Missions in Woolley, (John.) Sermonspreachedin the Western Africa. 8vo. cloth,map, M50. Chapel of Rossal College, Fleetwood, $2 87; Dublin, 45. reduced to $1 75. London, 1847. (Rev. W.) Church Discipline. 18mo. Worgan, (T. H.) Speculum Ecclesiwe AngliclD Boston, 1844. canr; or, some Account of the Principles and cloth, 31 cents. Boston, 1844. Results of the Reformation of the Church of W a 1 s i n gh a m, (F.) A Search made into England. 8vo. cloth, $2 50. Lond. 1843. Matters of Religion. Post 8vo. cloth, $2 50; reduced to $1 50. London, 1843. Wors ley, (Thos.) Province of the Intellect W a r dl 1 a w, (R.) National Church Estab- in Religion. 2 vols. Svo. cloth, $4 0). lislhments examined in a Course of Lectures. London, 1846. 8vo. cloth, $2 25; reduced to $1 50. Lond. yatt, (Rev. G) Lachryma Ecclesia. Warter, (J. W.) The Teaching of the Prayer-Book, &c. 8vo. cloth, $2 00; reduced Young, (J. R.) Euclid's Elements. 12mo. o $1 50. London, 1845. cloth, $1 50. London, 1842. M en n e c h e t, (E.) Le Plutarque FrancaiseW in kl e's French Cathedrals, from Drawings vies des Hommes, et Femmes, Illustres de la on the Spot, by R. Garland, with Historical France. 8 vols. imp. 8vo. half mor. gilt leaves, and Descriptive Accoant. 4to. cloth, plates, portraits, $25 00. Paris, 1888. $11 50. London, 1837 Morea u, (A. L.) Icones Obstetricae; a Se- Cro ss, (M.) Selections from the Edinburgh ries of Sixty Plates. Folio, cloth, colored Review. 6 vols. 8vo. calf neat, $12 50. plates, $3i 00. Lond. 1.842. Paris, 1835 INDEX. Acoustics. Page. Page. Chaldini Traite d'Acoustique, Townley on Diseases of the Potato, 142 Higgins' Philosophy of Sound, Valcour ur lAgriculture.... 146 Pierce's Treatise on Sound, 105 Vanderstracten's Improved Agriculture, 146 Romer's Physiology of the Human Voice,. 181 Vaux's System of Tilling, &c.... 147 Rush on the Human Voice,... 120 Washington's Agricultural Correspondence, 151 Watson's Forester's Manual... 151 s t h e t i c s. Whitley's Application of Geology to Agriculture,. 155 &Esthetic Papers, edited by Miss Peabody,.. 161 A 1 g e b r a. Alison's Essays on Taste,.4 Cousin's Philosophy of the Beautifui,.32 Bonnycastle's Introduction to Algebra, 13 Emerson's Essays... 43 De Morgan's Double Algebra,. 37 Fergusson's Inquiry, &c. on Beauty in Art, 46 lackley's Treatise on Algebra.56 Form and Sound, 4... Hind's Elements of Algebra,....1 Goethe's Essays on Art.... 53Hymer on Algebraic Equations, 66 Magoivar on the Beautiful, &C.,.. 85 - On Differential Equations, 66 Purday on Form and Sound, 113 Jarret on Algebraical Development,..69 Purnay on Fom and Sound,113 6.....~14 La Croix's Elements of Algebra,....75 Walker's Analysis of Beauty in Woman,. 149 Croix's Elements ofAlgebra, 75 Penny Cyclopedia, (The.) 106 Pierce's'rreailise on Algebra,. 108 A g r i c u t u r e. (See Farming.) Peacock's Treatise on Algebra. Agriculture, Journal of Highland Society,, 3 Scott's Arithmetic and Algebra,. 123 Armstrong's Treatise on Agriculture, 7 Stevenon on Algebraic Equations.. 133 Bousingault's Rural Economy and Chemistry, 16 Sturm's Solution of Numerical Equations,. 134 British Ilusbandry.... 17 Tonson's Treatise on Algebra.. 140 Buel's Farmer's Instructor,... 19 Thyme's Hlistory of Algebraic Equations,. 141...... Companion.... 19 Weale's Elementary Treatise on Algebra, 152 Coleman's European Agriculture,... 30 Weddell on Solving Numerical Equations,. 153 - Continental Agriculture, 30 Wood's Elements of Algebra..158 Darlington's Agricultural Chemistry,... 35 Young on Cubic and Biquadratic Equations, 160 - Agricultural Botany.... 35 Algebra,.. 160 Davy's Agricultural Chemistry.... 36 Theory of Algebraic Equations,. 160 Dickson on the Cultivation of Flax,.. 38 A ha et Donaldson on Manures. 39 Downing's Fruits and Fruit-Trees of America, 39 Knight's Ornamental and Reversed Cyphers, Doyle's Cyclopaedia of Practical Husbandry, 40 Old Alphabets, Monograms. &c.. 100 Elkington on Land Draining,... 42 Sanier's Chiffies, 400 Examples,. 122 Gardener's Monthly Volumes.... 50 Shaw's Alphabets, Numerals and Devices of the Middle Gilpin's Works on the Picturesque, 52 Ages,. 125 Glendenning on the Pine Apple,... 5 Silvestre's Ornamental Alphabets.. 127 Greenwood's Tree Lifter.... 55 Hall's Land Owner's Manual.... 57 A mre r i c a, (British.) Hamilton on the Pine Apple,....58 Hoare on Cultivation of the Grape,... 6 Alexander's L'Acadie, or Seven Years in B. America, 161 Johnson on Fertilizers,. 70 Bonnycastle's Newfoundland,.... 15 Johnston on Une of Lime, 71 Fitzgerald's Hudson's Bay Company,.. 46 - Experimental Agriculture, 174 Geser's New Brunswick, 170 ------ Nova Scotiai.... 170 Lectures on Agriculture,.... 71 m Nova Scotia.170 Lawson's Ag riculturist's Manual, 7 Jameson's Studies, &c. in Canada...173 Knight's Backwoods of Canada.. 175 Liebig's Agricultural Chemistry, 79 Liebig's Aciultural OChemsry...i'ce GreMartin's Hudson's Bay Territories, 88 Lindley's Guide to Orchard and Kitchen Garden, 80 British Colonies, 88'rhoryof oricutur.,80 British Colonies,... 88'rheory of Horticulture,.o MacLean's Hudson's Bay Territory, 177 London's Magazine of Gardening. 81,Murray's British America. 96 Encyclopadia of Agriculture.81 Low's Elements of Practical Agriculture, 8 Nuttall's United States and Canada, 100 Low's~~~~~~~ ~.lmnt fPatclArclue 82 L- On Laudedns Praoperty, &c., Ag,82 Philpott on Canal Navigation of the Canadas,. 108 Tolfrey's Sportsman in Canada, 141 McIntosh's Orchard, Fruit-Trees, &c.,.. 84 Wor's or an 1 W arburton's Hocebeldan.... 150 Main's Hortus Dietica..... 85 ons oaa150 Marshall's Farmer's Hand-Book, 87 - Conquest of Canada.150 Mills on the Cucumber, 92 A.merica, (Central.) On the Pine Apple. 92 Monteath's Forester's Guide, &c.,.94 Catherwood's Central America, 25 Morton on the Nature and Property of Soils,.. 95 Dunlop's Central America, 41 Nat. Hist. of N. V. Agriculture, by E. Emmons, 97 Hawks' Monuments of Central America,. 59 Newman's Hints on Land Draining,. 98 List's Panama, Nicaragua, and Tehuantepec,,. 175 Park on Land Drainage. 104 Montgomery's Journey to Guatemala,. 94 Plough. (The,) Loom, and Anviil. 109 Stephens' Travels in Yucatan,.. 133 Pos'tey's Profitable Planter,.. 110 -- Travels in Central America, 133 -- RuralImprover.110 Wyld's Map of Central America,. - Forest Pruner's Assistant, 110 Ransome's Implements of Agriculture,. 114 America, (South.) Russell's Practical and Chemical Agriculture, 120 Adalbert's'Travels in Brazil, 161 Smee on the Potato Plant. 128 Edwards' Voyage up the River Amazon, 42 Soily on Agricultural Chemistry..... 130 Humboldt's Narrative of Travels in South America, 173 Speechley on the Vine and Pine, 131 - Voyages aux Regions Equinoxales,. 173 Sproule's Practical Agriculture,...131 Kidder's Travels in Brazil, 7 Stephens on Draining, 1333 King's Twenty-Four Years in the Argentine Republic, 73 Stuart's Planter's Guide. 134 Maximillian's Travels in Brazil,... 89 Thaer's Principles of Agriculture... 138 Maw's Travels in Brazil.... 89 Thomas' American Fruit Cuiturist,. 139 Mier's Travels in Chili and La Plata, 91 184 Index. Page. Page. Nile's History of South America,.. 99 Mellen's Book of the United States, 90 Paraguay, Four Years in, 103, 118 Memoirs of Generals of the American Revolution, 90 Prescott's Conquest of Peru,. II Michaux's North American Sylva,. 90 Robertson's Letters on South America, 118 Miner's History of Wyoming. 92 Tschudi's Travels in Peru,.... 143 Minot's Insurrection in Massachusetts, 92 Ulloa and Juan's Report on South America,.. 145 Mofras' Exploration de I'Oregon..92 Walsh's Notices of Brazil.150 Monette's History ofthe Valley of the Mississippi, 94 Wood's Sketches of South America,.. 158 Moore's Memoirs of American Governors,. 94 - Lives of Plymouth Governors, 94 America, (United States.) ___Laws of Trade in the United States, 94 4'1 1 Four Voyages to the South Sea,.. 95 American Historical and Literary Curiosities,. 4,161 Morse's North American Atlas,.95:- Scenery, 4 Morton's Crania Americana,.95 Bancroft's History of the United States,'11 Mount Auburn Illustrated,.95 Barber's History of New Jersey and Pennsylvania, Natural History of New York,... 97 ------ Historical Collections of Connecticut.. Newell's Revolution in Texas,.98 Antiquities of New Haven, New England Gazetteer, 98 Bartlett's Dictionary of Americanisms,.New Hamshir, History of, 98 ~ 1New Hampshire, History of',.....98 Bolton's History of Westchester County, ~ 164 New Haven, History of;.. 98 Bossu's Travels in Louisiana, 16 New World, the Conquerors of, &c. 98 Brooks' Foisr Months in California, 18 New York Gazetteer, by Gordon,... 99 Bryant's California. 18 - History of, by Dunlap.. 99 Buckingham's America, Historical, &c. 165 Nicolay's Oregon Territory, (Knight's,).. 175 Bunner's History of Louisiana, North Carolina, Sketches of, by Foot, Burr's American Atlas,.20 Norwich, Connecticut, History of. -- Memoirs of, by Davis, 166 Nuttall's United States and Canada,. 100 Bushnell's Fathers of New England, I 56 O'Brien on American Military Laws,. 100 Calhoun. Life and Speeches of, 168 O'Callaghan's History of the New Netherlands, 100 Campbell's Border Warfare of New Yrork,. 23 Onderdonk's Incidents of Queen County,. 101 - Life of De Witt Clinton. 21 -- Incidents of Suffolk and King's Counties, 101 Catlin's North American Indians,... 5 Oregon and California in 1848.. 101 -- Indian Portfolio, 25 Oregon County. HIistory of, by Twiss,. 101 Cheever's Journal of the Pilgrims, 27 Oregon and California Trail, 101 Colton's Public Economy of the United States, 30 O'Reilly's Sketches of Rochester, New York, Conquerors of the New World. 31 Orrs Pictorial Guide to Niagara, 101 Cooper's Naval History of the United States,. 31 Parker's Journey to the Rocky Mountains, 104 Dwight's Travels in New England, 41 Parkman's California and Oregon..104 Ellett's Women of the Revolution,.. 42 Pierce's History of Harvard University,. 105 Farnham's Life in Prarie Land, 45 Pennsylvania, Historical Collections of,.. 106 Featherstonhaugh's Canoe Voyage up the Minnay Peterson's Military Heroes of the Revolution, 107 Sotor, 45 Pitkin's History of the United States,.. 109 Federalist, (The,) 169 -- Statistics of the United States,. 109 Foote's Sketches of Virginia, 169 Political History of New York..110 Fremont's Expedition to Oregon, 48 Poussin's de la Puissance Anericane,.. 111 - Tour through the Rocky Mountains, 48 Priest's Anerican Antiquities, 112 French's Historical Collections of Louisiana,. 48 Public Works of the United States,. 112 Frost's History of the United States, 49 Putnam's American Facts.. 113 Frothingham's History of the Siege of Boston, 1.0 -- Library of American History,.. 113 Fuller's Summer on the Lakes,... 49 Q uincey's History of Harvard IJUniversity,. 113 Gallatin on the Northeastern Boundary, 51 Raumer's America and American People,. 114 Gibbs' Administration of Washington and Adams, 51 Revere's Tour of Duty in California,.. 116 Graham's History of the United States,.. 53 Robertson's History of America,.. 118 Gray's Manual of Botany of the United States, 54 Rogers' American Biography,.119 Graydon's Memoirs of his own Time, 54 Boss's First Settlers in Oregon, 119 Greenhow's Oregon and California, 55 Rossignon's Guide Pratique a California,. 119 Hale's Ethinography of the United States Expedition, 57 Rural Cemeteries of America.. 120 Hall's Pajeonto!ogy of New York,. 57 Ruxton's Adventures in the Rocky Mountains, 120 Hammond's Political History of New York, 58. Life in the Far West,.120 Hlaskell and Smith's Gazetteer of the United States, 59 Sclooleraft'sNotes on the Iroquois, 123 Headley's Adirondack, 6.-0 Oneota: or, the Red Race.. 123 Henry's War with Mexico,.60 Scituate, Massachusetts, History of,. 123 Hildreth's History of the United States,. 61 Scott, (Gen.) and his Staff, 123 Hitchcock's Geology of Massachusetts,. 172 Seymour's Sketches of Minnesota,. 181 Hoffman's Winter is the West,.17.. Simcoe's Military Journal during the Revolution, 127 Holmes' Annals of America,.63 Simm's History of South Carolina,. 127 Hutchinson's History of Massachusetts Bay, 173 Simpson's Discoveries on the North Coast of America, 127 Irving's Astoria,.. 68 Smith's Journey through Northeastern Texas,. 129 - Bonneville's Adventures,. 6. History of Virginia, 129 Conquest of Florida.. 68 Smith's Discovery of America by the Northmen, Jay's Review of the Mexican War,.69 Sprague's History of the Florida War,. 131 Jefferson's Memoirs. 70 Squier and Davies' Monuments of Mississippi Valley, 131 Jenkin's Mexican War, 7) Statesman's Manual, (The,)... 132 Kendall's Santa Fe Expedition,... 7 Steele's Book of Niagara f alls..132 Lanman's Alleghany Mountains,.. 76 Stevens' History of Georgia,.133 - Up the Mississippi,..76 Stone's History of Beverley, Massachusetts,. 133 - Tour on the Sanguanay,. 76 -- Border Wars of the Revolution, 133 Life in California. 79 Strickland's Public Works of the United States of Livermore's Review of the Mexican War,. 176 America,. 134 Lopham's Wisconsin, 176. Sullivan's Revolutionary Campaigns in Western New Ludewig's Literature of A. Local History,. York. 134 Lvell's Travels in North America, 83 -- Public Men of the Revolution, 134 Maccartney's Origin and Progress of the United States: 83 Tasistro's T'ravels in the Southern States, 136 Macculloch's Aboriginal History of America,. 83, 177 Taylor's lettters from California... 136 Macoregor's Progress of America. 84 Ternaux-Comnpans Voyages et Relations sur l~Amerique, Mackay's Western World, 84, 177 i exan. (The,) a Description of the Climate, &c., 138 McSherry's History of Maryland,... Texas, History of, by Rev. C. Newell, 138 Madison Papers, (The,). 85 -- And the Texans, by Gen. Foote, 138 Magoon's Orators of the American Revolution, 85 Thomas' Pennsylvania and West New Jersey, 139 - Living Orators of America,... 85 Thompson's History of Long Island,. 139 Mansfield's History of the Mexican War,. 86 Geographical Dictionary of America, 1.39 Marbois' History of Louisiana,.87 - History of Mexico... 139 Marryatt's Diary in America, 87 Thornton's Oregon and California,.. 140 Marshall on Federal Constitution, 88 Thorpe's Our Army in the Rio Grande, 140 Martin's History of North Carolina,.; 88 -- Our Army at Monterey,. 140 Maximillian's Travels in North America,. 177 Thrilling Incidents of the Revolutionary War 140 Mayer's History of the Mexican War, ~ 89 1 Tocqueville's Democracy in America, 141 Index. 185 Page. Page. rorrey and Gray's Flora of North America, 142 Arundale and Bonomi's Gallery of Antiquities,. 8 Tower's History of the Croton Aqueduct,... 142 Betham's Etruscan Literature and Antiquities, 13 Townsend's Excursions in the Rocky Moun:ains,. 142 Bohn's Antiquarian Library, 15 Traveller's Guide from Pittsburgh to Gulf of Mexico. 143 Bojesen's Hand-Book of Grecian Antiquities, 15 Trego's Pennsylvania, its Geography, &c.,.. 143 Boutell's Monumental Brasses. 16 Trumbull's History of Connecticut,.. 143 Brand's Antiquities of Great Britain,.. 16 Tucker's Progress of the United States,. 144 British Museum Marbles, &c., 17 Tudor's Narrative of a Tour in North America,. 144 Brown's Antiquities of the Jews,... 18 Tuorney's Geology of South Carolina, 144 Buck's Ruins of Ancient Cities,.. 19 Turner's History of Holland Purchase of W. N. York, 145 Cathedral, &c. Antiquities, by Britton,.. 24 Twiss' Oregon Question Examined,. 145 Catherwood's Monumentsof Central America,. 25 History and Discovery of Oregon,.. 145 Delgardette's Ruines de Pastumr, &c., 36 Tytler's View of the Discovery of North America, 145 Dennis' Cities and Cemetries of Etruria,. 37 United States Gazetteer,.145 Denon's AntiquitiesofEgypt,. 37 Vermont. History of, by Beckley,. 147 Dugdale's Monasticon Anglicanum,.. 37 -- History of, by Thompson,. 147 Duke's Druidical Temples 40 Geological Report on... 147 Eastern Arts and Antiquities,. 40 Verplanck's Addresses on American History,. 147 Eccleston's Manual of English Antiquities,. 41 Virginia, Historical Collections of,. 148 Ecclesiologist, (The.). 42 Mineral Springs of,. 148 Egyptian Antiquities....... 42 -- History of, by Howison,.148 Egypt anti the Pyramids, 42 History of, by Smith.. 148 Ellis' Townley Gallery. 42 Von Raumer's America and the Americans,. 148 Fergusson's Rock Cut Temples of India,.. 44 Washburn's Judicial History of Massachusetts,. 151 Fosbroke's British Monachism,... 47 Watson's Annals of New York City,.. 151, Encyclopaedia of Antiquities. 47 -- Annals of Philadelphia, 151 Arts of the Greeks and Romans,. 48 Waylen's Ecclesiastical Tour in the United States, 151 Gau's Antiquities de Nubie, 50 Warton's State Trials of the United States,. 154 Gell et Gandy's Vues des Ruines de Pompeii,. 50 Wheeler's Biographical History of Congress, 154 Gliddon's Otia Egyptica. 52 Whitehead's East Jersey under the Proprietary, &c., 154 Hamilton's Ancient Greek Vases,.. 58 White's Statistics of Georgia, 182 ~ Researches in Asia Minor,... 58 Wilkes' Narrative of the U. S. Exploring Expedition, 156 [land-Book for London, 58 - Western America, California, and Oregon, 156 Hawk's Monuments of Central America,.. 59 Willard's iast Leaves of American History,. 156 -- Egypt and its Monuments, 59 -- Republic of America.. 156 Ionian Antiquities, &c., 67 Williams' Presidents' Messages, &c.. 156 Jahn's Biblical Antiquities, 68 History of Maine..157 Jennings' Jewish Antiquities, 70 Biography of American Physicians, 157 Jones and Goury's Alharmbra, 717 Willis' Journals of Revs. Smith and Dean, of Portland, 182 Kingsborough's Antiquities of Mexico,.. 73 Willson's American History, Antiquities, &c., 157 Layard's Nineveh, 77, 176 Wood's Suppressed History of Adams' Administration, 158 Lloyd's Xanthian Marbles, 176 Wilmot's View of the Losses of American Loyalists, 157 Morton's Monastic Annals of Teviotdale,. 95 Wyatt's Generals of the Revolution.. 159 Moses' Antique Vases. &c., 95 Young's Residence dn the Mosquito Shore,. 160 Muller's History and Antiquities of the Dorians, 96 Chronicles of the First Planters... 160 Murphy's Arabian Antiquities in Spain,.. 96 -- Chronicles of the Pilgrim Fathers,. 160 Oxford Architectural Antiquities. 102 -- History of Mexico,.160 Petrie's Round Tlowers of Ireland, 107 Priest's American Antiquities,... 112 Riddle's Manual of Christian Antiquities,.. 117 A n a t omy. Smi hl's Di, tionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, 129 Anatomical Atlas, by Smith and Horner,. 5 Squier and Davis' Monuments of Mississippi Valley, 131 Armstrong's Moraid Anatomy,.162 Storer's Cathedral Antiquities. 133 Baillie's Morbid Anatomy.. 10 Strutt's Regal and Ecclesiastical Antiquities,. 134 Bell's Mechanism of the Hand.. 13 Stuart and Revett's Antiquities of Athens,. 134 Cooper's Anatomy of the Breast,. 31 Suckling's Antiquities of Suffolk, 134 Cruveilhier's Anatomy.. 33 Antiquities, &c of Essex,... 134 Doane's Magriere's Anatomy,.38 Taylor and Cresy's Architectural Antiquities of Rome, 137 Dublin Dissector,.40 Vyse on the Pyramids of Gizeh,.149 Ellis' Demonstrations of Anatomy,.42 Wells' Picturesque Antiquities of Spain,.. 153 Grant's Outlines of Conmparative Anatomy, 53 Wood's Antiquities of Palmyra and Balbec, 158 Gross' Pathological Anatomy,.55 - General Anatomy.. 55 Angling. Hodokin's Morbid Anatomy, 62 Angler's Souvenir, by Fisher,.5 Home on Comparative Anatomy.. 63 Hand-Book, 5 Lawrence's Lectures on Comparative Anatomy, 176 Blacker's Catechism of Angling Fly-Making, 164 Lizar's Elements of Anatomy, 80 Epsemera's Hand-Book of Anling, 44 Longer's Anatomie, 81 Fisher's Angler's Souvenir.46 London Dissector; or, Guide to Anatomy, 176 Hackle's Hints on Angling, 56 Magriere's Anatomy, by Doane,... 85 Hand-Bookof Angling, 58 Massie's Anatomnie Synoptique,... 88 Hoffiand's Angler, 62 Meckel's Mlanual of Anatomy, 90 Maxims and Hints for an Angler, 89 Morton's Human Anatomy,.. 95 Medwin's Angler in Wales, 90 Pocket Anatomist, (The,... 180 Oliver's Scenes, &c. of Fly-Fishing, 102 Quain's Anatomy,.113 Phillips' True Enjoyment of Angling, 107 Sharpey and Quain's Anatomy, 126 Piscator's Practical Angler, 108 Smith and Horner's Anatomical Atlas, 129 Piscatorial Reminiscences, 109 Spurzheim's Anatomy of the Branin, 131 River Dove, ('rhe,) and Practice ofAngling,. 118 Solly's Anatomy of the Brain,. 130 Ronald's Fly Fisher's Entomology, 119 Tiedlemann's Anatomy of the Fetal Brain, 141 Saltsr's Angler's Guide. 121 Todd ansi Bowman's Physiological Anatomy,. 141 Scrope's Salmon-Fishing,.124 Tulk and Henfrey's Anatomical Manipulation, 141 South's FlyFisher's Text-Book, 130 Tuson's Anatomy, &c. of Hernia,. 145 Stoddart'sAngler's Companion,.133 Vogel's Patlhological Anatomy, 148 Turton's Angler's Manual, 145 Von Behr's Hand- Book of Anatomy,.. 148 Venable's Experienced Angler, 146 Wilson's Human Anatomy,. 157 Walton's Angler, by Nicolas, 145 Wistar's Anatomy, with Notes, 158 - Angler, by Dr. Bethune, 150 Wheatley's Rod and the Line, 154 Antiquities. Armor. Armor. Adams' Roman Antiquities, 2 Altars, Tabernacles, &c. of 14th and 15th Centuries, 4 Ancient Armor, Chronicle of, 5 Ancient Armor, from 11th to 17th Centuries, 5 Meyrick's Illustrations of Arms and Armor, 91 -Baptismal Font, by Simpson.. 5 Antiquarian Repository, by Grove and Astle, 6 Ar oh o 1 o g y. ~Antiqr ites Mex~icaines..te,6 Archaeological Institute, Proceedings of, 6 American Historical and Literary Antiquities, 161 - Journal, 6 3.96 Index. Page. Page. Archaeological Album,..... 6 Gwilt's Notitia'taliana.. 56 Archaeologist, (The,).6 Rudiments of Architecture,.. 56 Brydges' Archicica.18 -Elements of Architectural Criticism,. 56 Elsmere's Northern Archaeology,....43, 56 Treatise on the Equilibrium of Arches... 56 Halliwell's Archseical Dictionary,. 57 Habershon's Half-Timbered Houses...56 Nare's Glossary of Words, Phrases, &c.,.... 97 Hadfield's Ecclesiastical, &c. Architecture,. 56 Nuttall's Archaeological Dictionary,.... 100 Hakewill's Elizabethan Architecture..... 57 Micali's Monumenti, &c., Popoli [taliani.............. 177 Halfpenny'sGothicOrnaments......................57 Muller's Handbuch des Archaeology,.......... 178 Hall's Modern Designs for Dwelling-Houses,. 57 Hart on Oblique Arches... 59 A r c h i t e c t u r e Haskell's Clerk of the Works...... 59 Aberdeen's Grecian Architecture.Hay's Castellated Architecture. 59 Aberdeen's Grecian Architecture,..................- I eildrsrctcual nmns,.......... 60 Heideldorf's Architectural Ornaments,. 60 Adams' Polychromatic Ornaments of Italy,.2..ittorfetZauh'sArchitecture...... 62 Aikins' Designs for Villas, &c., 13 Holz Architectionishe Detail.... 63 Antoine's Hotel des Monnais de Paris,.162 Hope's Essay on Architectre... 64 Architect and Builder's Pocket-Book,... Analytical Index to do....64 Architectura Canonica,.7 Hopper's Designs for House of Parliament... 64 Architecture, Modern,. 7 Hosling on RegulationsofBuilding,................... 64 - Glossary of, Regulat.ons o64 l'Treatise on Architecture,............. 64 Of the Middle Ages... 162 Hotel de Ville deParis... 64 Baltard's Vues des Monuments An.iques, 162 Hunt's Architectura Campestra.... 66 Barnard's School Architecture.. Designs for Parsonage Houses... 66 Baronial Halls of England,...D- )esigns for Gate-Lodges, &c.,.. 66 Barr's Anglican Church Architec*ure,. Examples of Tudor Architecture,.. 66 Barrington's Manual of British Architecture,. 11 Hutchinson's Experiments on Building Materials,..66 Bartholomew's Practical Architecture,. 163 Ingram's Memorials of Oxford,. 67 Beauvalet et Normaud's Architecture,.. 163 Infinity of Geometric Desin... 67 Bedford's Chart of Anglican Church Architecture,. 12 Instrumenta Eclesiastica.... 67 Benjamin's Architect,.163 Introduction to Study of Gothic Architecture,... 173 Billings' Architectural Illustrations-.. 163 Inwood's Erectheion at Athens.......67 - Architectural Antiquities of Durham, 163 Jones and Newman's American Architect,.71 Billington's Architectural Director.... 163 Plans, &c. of the Ahambra...... 71 Bland on the Construction of Arches.......... 14 Kallanbach's lliddle Age Architecture,... 72 Blondel et Lusson's Marche de St. Germain,.. 164 King's Munimenta Antique... 73 Bloxom's Gothic Architecture,.. 14 Kingsborough's Antiquities of Mexico... 73 Brandon's Parish Churches. 17 Kendall's DIesigns for School-Houses, &c.,.. 73 - Analysis of Gothic Architecture,...............165 Kleuze's Works,... 74 165 Klenze's Works,74 Bridges, Architecture, &c. of,. 17 Knight's Ecclesiastical Architecture,... 74 Brooks' Architecture. 18 Saracenic and Norman Remains....74 Brown's Domestic Architecture,. 18 Krafft's Portes Cocheres,.. 74 Sacred Architecture,.. 18 -.odeles do Dessin....74 Bury and Ribault's Modeles de Marbierie,. 166 7Architecte.... 7 6 Carr's Manual for Architects.........24 Maisons de Paris. 7............... Carter's Ancient Architecture,............... 24 La Fever's Beauties of Modern Architecture, 75.. - Gothic Architecture,.... 24 Laing's Hints for Dwellings,... 75 Cathedral and Architectural Antiquities,.. 24 ILamb's Ancient Domestic Architecture,. 76, 175 Chambers' Decorative and Civil Architecture,.. 26 Langley's Ancient Masonry... 76 Chateneuf's Architectura Domestica,.. 26 Leed's Buildings of London... 78 Christian's Architectural Illustrations,.. 28 Rudimentary Architecture,... 78 Churches of Cambridgeshire,.. 28 Le Keux's Memorialsof Cambridge,.. 78 Clerk of the Works,.29 Memorials of Oxford,.... 78 Close's Church Architecture,....... 29 Leverton DonaldsonExemples des Portes,........ 79 Collis' Street Architecture,.. 30 Lewis' Early Fonts,.. 79 Coney's Architectural Sketches,....................... 30 - - Illustrations of Kilpeck Church,............... 79 Continental Architecture,. 30 London's Encyclopadia, &c. of Cottage Architecture, 81 Foreign Cathedrals.. 30 Louis Le Masson's Projet d'un Palais, etc.,. 81 Country House, Illustrations of,. 32 Lugar's Sketches for Cottages, &c....82 Dallaway on Architecture,.. 35 Ornamental Domestic Buildings,.. 82 Davy's Architect, &c.... 36 Villa Architecture.... 82 Architectural Precedents,........... 36 Country Gentleman's Architect,..82 Denison's Description of Iron Roofs,. 168 Mackenzie's Roof of King's College Chapel,... 84 Detournelle's Nouveau Traite...... 37 Meason's Landscape Architecture,... 90 - Grande Prix d'Architecture,.. 37 Milizia's Lives of Architects,......92 Dobson's Rudiments of Building.. 38 Modern Architecture, First and Second Series, 93 Builder's and Architect's Instructor,..... 38 Moller's Essay on Gothic Architecture...... 93 Donaldson's Ancient Doorways,..39 -- Ancient German Gothic Architecture,.. 93 Modern Doorways,. 39 Moreau's Fragments et Ornaments d'Architecture,...95 Architectural Maxims,. 39 Moule on Roman Villas of Augustan Age,... 95 Downing's Cottage Residences....................... 39 Narrien's Treatise on Architecture,. 97 - Rural Residences, &c.,.. 39 Neale and Le Keux's Churches of Great Britain,..98 Country Houses............................... 40 Nicholson's Principlesof Architecture,... 99 Dumont's Plans, &c. of St. Peters.. 40 Architectural Dictionary.... 99 Durand's Editices de tout genre.... 41 Noble's Professional Practice of Architects... 99 Duval's Petites Maisons, &c.,......................... 41 Normand's Arcs de Triomphe,... 1........10 Fermes Modeles............................... 41 Observations on Construction of Meeting-hlouses,.. 100 Faulkner's Designs for Rural Monuments.. 45 Open Timber Roofs of the Middle 4 Ages, 103 Ferry's Christ Church.. 46 Owen's Hints on Public Architecture,.. 102 Fontana,.. 47 Oxford Architectural Antiquities,.. 102 Freeman's History of Architecture,.48. Ori.inal Views in,... 102 Foulston's Public Buildings... 48 Palais Farnese, Details of, 1... 02 Fountains of Paris,... 48 Paley's Baptismal Fonts... 103 Fox's Baths and Wash-Houses,....................... 170 Gothic Mouldings,... 103 Gaertner's Works..................................... 49 Gothic Architecture,... 103 Gailhabaud's Ancient and Modern Architecture........ 49 Palladio's Architecture.......................103 Gallier's Builder's Price Book.......................... 50 Papworth's Rural Residences,............ 103 Ganthier's Le Plus Beaux Edifices,.................... 50 Garden Buildings,................ 103 Gavard's Palace of Versailles,........................ 50 Specimens of Decoration................. 103 Gell and Gandy's Pompeii,......................... 50 Paris Modern Street Architecture,.................... 103 Glossary of Architecture...53 Parker's Villa Rustica............................... 104 Goldfinch's Builder's Concomitant,.................... 53 Pattison's Sketches for Cottage Villas......... 105 Goodwin's Domestic Architecture,................... 53 Percier et Fontaine choix de Maisons,...... 105 Griffith's Natural System of Architecture.. 55 Palais, Maisons, &c....106 - Proportions of Greek Architecture,.............. 55 Petit's Remarks on Church Architecture..........107 Grohmann's Garden Houses, &c..................... 55 -- Remarks on Architectural Character.... 107 Gwilt's Encyclopaedia of Architecture,.. 66 Petrie's Round Towersof Ireland........07 56Ptie's Round TowersVlu of Ireland,..................... 107 Index. 187 Page. Page. Pickett's New System of Architecture,............... 108 De Morgan's Elements of Arithmetic, 8 - - -37 Pocket-Book for Architects, &c.,........... 109 -- Arithmetical Books,............37 Pococke's Modern Finishings,.................... 110 Lardner on Arithmetic,..... 77 -- Designs for Churches and Chapels,............. 110 Penny Cyclopmdia. (The,)]06 -- Designs for Cottages.................... 110 Sturm on Numerical Equations,...........1 34 Poilet's Recueil d'Edifices d'Architecture,......... 110 Weale's Elementary Treatise on Arithmetic,..-...152 Poole's History of Ecclesiastical Architecture,... 110 Weddell on Solving Numerical Equations,. 153 Popp et Buleau l'Architecture Gothique,.1....... i10 Warren on Square Roots of Negative Quantities,... 151.... Potter's Monastic Architecture................. 111 Young Cotton-Spinner's Arithmetic,.-.................. ~ 160 - Ancient English Architecture............ 111 Practice of Architecture, by Benjamin......... Ill A r t, (See also Painting, Sculpture, &c.) Prout's Sketches in France and Switzerland,........ 112 3 - - Ivteriors, &c. of Gothic Buildings.... 112 Agincourt History of Art,........... Pugin on Christian Architecture,....... 112 Art Union Historic Gallery,.............. 8 -- Ecclesiastical Architecture.................. 112 of British Art. 8 Contrasts,..112 Beckrman's History of Inventions,...........12 - Examples of Gothic Architecture...... 112 Burnett's Practial Essas..20 and le Keux on Architecture of Normandy,. 112 -- Reynolds on Painting. -- Paris and its Environs,............ 112 Re rant20 - Ornamental Timbher Gables,......... 112 Cleghorn's Ancient and Modern Art,......... 29 Exampl~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~iers' orof ErGothe ic Archtecture..~............. 4 -- Apology for Christian Architecture,.... 112 Divers' Works of Ear Masters....... 38 and Britton's Publi Buildings of London,.. 112 Eastlake's Literature o the Fine Arts,.41 Quarterly Papers on Architecture,............113 Materials for a History of Oil Painting4 4........1. Q. La Quincy's Hist. de la vie et des Ourrages,. 113 Encyclopaedia of the Fine Arts,... 169 --- rictionnaire on....................... 113 Englefeld's Collection of Vases.44 Dict ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ — Rionbairnito q.......................- 1 a'~aoyo~tss.................-.-16 Ram Raz's Architecture of the Hindoos,......... 180 F1 Anatomy for Atitt. 169 Raulett's Architect..114 Faergusson on Beauty in rt,....4..6 Revue Generale de a Architecture.............. 116 Flxman's Works.47 Ricauti's Sketches for Rustic Work_.116 Florence Gallery.47 Richardson's Architecture of Elizabeth and James,. 117 Foshroke's Arts of the Greeks and Romans,o. 48 -- Old Enalish Mansions............ ~D 117 Gems of Art,............... 51 a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ndrrtonsPubieBid ng Artodo,...... 51' Rickman on Di~ferent Styles of Architecture,. 117 3- Eropean Art.51 Ritch's American Architect,.117 Goethe's Essays on Art,........53 Roinson's Series of Cottage Architecture,.......... 118 on Color............ 53 -— and Britton's Vitruvis Britannicus, f 118 Gruner's Decorations, &c........ 56 Rural Architecture,..o h120 Fresco Decorations......... 56 Ruskin's Seven Lamps of Architecture.120 Hamilton's Dictionary of Terms,.44 - 58 Schayc's Treatise on Pointed Architecture,... 122 Ancient Vases,......... 58 Scheult Renueil d'Architecture,. 122 Hand-Book of Oil Painting,.......58 Series of Examples in Architectural Engineering. 124 Harding's Lithographic Drawing-Book, - 59 Shas's Rural Architecture,.125 P Lessons on Art............ 58 Sharpe's Architectural Parallels,....... 12, — 6 Principles of Art,.58 -- ecorated Windows..............181 Elementary Art,..58 Simpson's Ancient Baptismal Fonts.. 127 rsydon on Painting and Design. ~ ~ ~ ~ 60 Smirke's Continental Architecture............~... ~~~. 128 Hay's Original Geometrical Designs,.59 Ranrket's CnietlArchitecture, 128 _141 _ —_ Architectural OrnamentA,...............n roportion..........59 Soane'sPu.lic an. Private Buildings.........1..... 30 Historical Gallery of Portraits..........62 Specimens of Architecture &c. of Elizaeth,.. 131 oare's Epochs of the Arts...... 62 Stevens' Views of Cottages and Farm Houses,. 1 l e'.....Picture Collector's Manual...62 Storer's Cathedral Antiquities,.133 Hogarth's Works,.. 62 Stuart's Dictionary of Architecture,...... 134 Holhein's Dance of Death,.. 62 -- and Revett's Antiquities of Athens,. 134 Bunt's Iook of Art,. 66 Tatham's Architectural Books. 136 Italian School of Design,. 67 Taylor and Cresy's Antiquities of Rome.137 Jameson's Sacred and Legendary Art,.68 Temple Church, Architecture of.137 Lives of Italian Painters,.. 117 69 ~~Tirh~~~~iers~' Architecr~e,.. 139'~ -~oboLegends of Monastic Orders,............ 69 Thiers' Architecte,. 139 oPicureGaleris 6 Thomas' Workigman's Cottage Architecture, 139 Companion to Picture Galleries,.69 Thompson's Retreats, a Series of Designs, &.,. 139 Larder's Cainet Cycop.redia........ - 76 To,.Vs Plans for Hot-Houses, Green-Houses, &c., 141 Lawrence, (Sir ofhos.)rWorks,. 177 Torrington's Farm Buildings, &c......142 indsay's History of Christian Art,....................176 Trentall's Examples for Interior Finishings............ 143 l orks.81 _- Designs for Roofs of Iron, Stone, &c., -.141 Lombardie, (les vEonumensdela,).....................(. on80 Tress' Modern Churches,Designs, &.143 Memoirs of Kit Kat Clu, Portraits..................... 90 Trimen's Church and Chapel Architecture,.. 143 Merrifield's Original Treatises,. - 91 Truefit's Architectural Sketches,. ay 143 Milengen's Inelited onurents,.Mu n.....92 Tuthill's History of Architecture,.145 Modern Pinters....... 93 Vasari's Vies des Peintres, Scupteurs, &,146 Muller's Ancient Art and its Remains.................96 -- anBr ito' s Vi t ruvius B reint a nis, cltq ~:............ 14618 raistell's IDesigs for Architectural Buildings,. 149 Pirane Opere.........109 iluPrize Cartoons Exhibited at Westminster,.............. 112 Wall and Smuith's Designs for Cottages. Prz Cron Ehit a Westm. 150.112 ineale's Quarterly Papers on Architecture......... 151 Pyne's Microcosm,....... 113 Weale's Quarterly Papers on Architecture,. - 15 Raffaelle's Cartoons. - 114 R- udimentary Architecture, hy Leeds,.. 1.52 _ —a Collection daArabesues,q.......... 114 - Rudimentary Architecture, hy T. Bury,..... 152 Rudimentary Architecture, hy E. L. Garhect, 152 Reynolds, (Sir J.) Graphic Works,.-116 -- Rudimentary TreatiseconrCottageEArchitecture, 152 Stirling's Annals of the Artists of Spain...... 133 Rudimentary Treatise on Cottage Architecture,.... 152' ---- Dictionary of Terms, &c...........152 Stowe. (The.) Catalogue. Illustrated.............. 143 Drawing-Book of Architecture,.15-2 Vauthier et Lacour's Sculpture,. - - ~ ~ - - ~ ~ 147 Weaver's Hints on Cottage Architecture, 152 Vitet's Etudes sur le Beaux Arts...................... 148 WZetter's Designs for Villas in Italian Style...........154 Viscoti on the Elgin Marbles,.148 White's Rural Architecture Illustrated.. 154 Walker's Analysis of Beauty in Woman......... 149 Wigyhtwick's Modern English Gothic Architecture,..n155 Wightwick's Vases, &c., from the Vatican, 182 Palace of Architecture.155 Winckelman's History of Greek Art................... 1157 - Hints to Young Architects.L155 sWindus on the Portland Vase....................... 157 S —harpe'~ ou ArchitecturlPrles....................... 126 Wtild's Architectural Grandeur in Belgium............ 155 Wilkins' Prolusiones Architectonic n5 A...................... 156 Wilkinson's Architecture of Ireland,............ 156 Manuel do Fleuriste Artificial........................ 86 Winkle's Cathedral Churches of England,.............157 mpnFrench Cathedrals. 182 Ass a yyin g. Wood's Architectural Antiquities of Palmyra. 158 Chaudet's lArt dEsayur,.166.................. Zeigler's Royal Lodges of Windsor Park,......... 161 Manuel de'Essayeur de Metaux,.. 86 Archery. Mitchell's Manual of Practical Assaying.............. 93 Ure's Dictionary of Arts, &c....................... 146 Hansard's Book of Archery,..58 Watherston's Art of Assaying,......................151 A r it h m e t i c, (not includingrA. S.Books.) Astronomy. Bree's Engineering and Surveying Arithmetici........H171 Airy's Explanation of the SolarSystem...............3. 188 Index. Page. Page. Airy s Six Lectures on Astronomy,................ 161 Doubleday's Financial History, &c.................... 39 Tractson Physical Astronomy,................ 3 Francis' Chronicles. &c. of Stock Exchange,........... 170 Almanack, American..................... 4 Gilbart's History of Banking,......................... 50 -- British,...................................... 4 Scottish Banker, (The,)....................... 123 Arago's Lecons d'Astronomy,...................... 6, 162 The Banker's Clerk. (Knight's Guide,)................. 175 -— on Comets...................1............... ]62 Tooke's History of Prices..............................142 Baily's Catalogue of 9000 Fixed Stars,................. 162 on the Currency,.................. 142 Biot's d'Astrouomie Physiqne,.....14 ---- Thoughts on High and Low Prices,............. 142 Blunt's Beauty of the tHeavens,............... 14 Book of the Months,............................. 15 B e e s. Bradford's Wonders of the HIeavens.................. 165 Man Bowditch's Mecanique Celeste of La Place,........... Baste' Management of Bees........................ 0 Brinkley's Elements of Plane Astronomy,............. Bevan on the Honey Bee........................13 Carpenter's Astronomy, &c. 24 CottH n's My Bee-Book, post8vo...................... Desdouit's Astronomy...................... 37 Huish on Bees.....................................65 Dick's Celestial Scenery.............................38 Huber on Bees........................ - Siderial Heavens............................. 38 Milton on Bees,....................... 92 Practical Astronomer,........................ 8 Miner on Bees...................9................2.. Encycloptedia of Astronomy,............ 2 Payne's Bee-Keeper's Guide.................... 105 Fergusson's Astronomy,.......46 Scudamore on Early Swarms of Bees,.............. 124 Gummere's Astronomy,.........6........... 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Jean's Problems in Astronomy,...................... 173 Gatty's Origin, History, and Uses of Bells,.............. 50 Kendall's Monography................... 73 PennyCyclopaedia,...............................106 La Place's Histoire de l'Astronomie,............. 76 Ure's Dictionary of Arts,...........................146 76~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 f — Euvres................. 76 -- ecanique Celeste.......................... 76 Belles Lettres. - System of the World,.................... 76 Mason's Practical Astronomer,................... 88 Addison's orks................................. 2 Milne's Essay on Comets.............................92 Ainsworth's Magazine.............................. 3 Milner's Gallery of Nature................... 92........ Ampere's La Greece, Rome et Dante,..........162 Mitchell's Planetary and Stellar Worlds,.............. o Alison's Mhiscellaneous Works..... 4 Mitchll'sPlantaryand Sella Words,.93 Arsa:hs or.........fCopoiton...... 16 Narrien's Practical Astronomy and Geodesy......... 9 Arsarlus, or, Principles of Composition..............162 Nautical Almanack and Astronomical Ephemeris,...... 9 Arnold's Miscellaneous ritings..................... Newton's Principia, by Motte,.. 98 Athenum, (The,................................. Nichol's Architecture of the Heavens.................. AUtors of England, by Chorley,. 9!Planet Neptune,..................... Barante's T'ableau de ia Litterature,.............163 Stellar Universe,..'................ 99 Bayle's Dictionnaire................. 12 Sy — sytem of the World,......................... 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Courtenay on Shakespeare.....2.....32 Craik's Spenser and his Poetry.............33 Atlas of the Society for Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, 8, 87 -- Bacon, his Philosophy and Writings,..... 175 -- Physical Geography,.................162 -- History of English Iiterature,................ 175 A~rrowsmithl's Atlas....,.....,.,.,........., - aru o nweg &.,........,.......,. 97 Arrosesmith's Atlas.....-9 Pursuit of Knowledge, &c.175 Balbi's Ethnographique Atlas,....... 10 Critic in Parliament,............ 33 Black's General Atlas,...................'................ ~~~~~~~~Black's General Atlas, ~..S Chaucer and Iris Canterbury Tales, by Ramsey......1.. 75 S — chool Atlas...................... 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Goldsmith's Miscellaneous Works........ 1.71 Gostick's German Literature,.............171 Knight's Guide-The Baker....................... 175 Gray's English Prose Literature,............. 54 Turcan's Practical Baker,................... 144 Greene's Historical Studies,..........................171 B a n k ing Greenwood Leaves.............................171 Griffith's Lift for the Lazy,.......................171 Banks and Bankers,................................ 11 Griswold's Prose Writers,..................5 Index. 189 Page. Page. Guesses at Truth, by Hare,......56 Tuckerman's Italian Sketch-Book,...... 144 Hallam's History of Literature,.57 - - Characteristics of Literature,..144 Half Hours with best Authors,..57. Turnbull's Genius of italy..... 144 Halliwell on Midsummer Night's Dream.. 172 Tyler'sBurnsas a Poet ad Man.. 145 e' Tytler's Es ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~145 Hart's Essay on Faery Queen...........59 Ttler's Essay on Translation..145 Hazlitt's Characters of Shakespeare,.... 60 Ulrici's Shakespeare's Dramatic Art.. 145 ---- English Comic Writers,.....................60 Vericour's Modern French Literature,.............147 - English Poets.................. 60 Victor Hugo's Litterature et Philosophie,.. 147 - Dramatic 6History0.. 60... 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Knight's Studmes of Shakiespeare,........174 Agausiz's Bibliographia Zoologia et Geologia, 8vo.,.... 2 Volume of Varieties........................... 175 r. Aspinwall's Bibliotheca Americana, Svo.,.. Laharpe's Cours de Litterateur,........................ 75 Laamb's Essays of Eliattraeu................. 76Barbiere Diet. Ouvrages Anonymes et Pseudonymes, 5 Lamb's Essays of Ella,................. 76 vols. 8vo.................... Landor's Works..................................... 76 Bandinel'sBibliotleca Bodleniae, fol.,......... Latham on the English Language......... 77 Bbl iothec a L ondinensis,. 13 C 11 el ~~~~~~~~Bibliotheca L[ondinensis'. Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopredia........Supplement to do........ 135 Lewis' pauish ralna,........... — i Supplement to do.....................la Lewis' Spanish Drama................................ 175 Bibliografiadei Romanzi, 8vo.,...... Lowell's Conversations on the Old Poets............... 82 Blaze's Bibliographie Musicale, 8vo......... 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Townley's Literary History of the Bible,.............. 142 Swainson's Bibliography of Natural History,...........13 Tuckerman's Thoughts on the Poets,.................. 144 Ternaux-Compans Bibliotheque Americane, 8vo......... * - Artist's Life......................144 - Bibliotheque Asiatique et Africaine, 8vo,....... 190 Index. Page. Page. Walton's Angler, (List of Books on Angling,)... 150I Clarke's Life of Dr. Adam Clarke............ 167 Warden's Bibliotheca Americana, 8vo............ Clay's Life and Speeches................ 167 Watt's Bibliotheca Britannica, 4 vols. 4to... Clive's Life, by Gleig.... 29 Wright's Biog. Brit. Literaria, vol. 1, 8vo.,. Coad's Memorandum of Wonderful Providences. 167 Cobham's Life, by Gaspey.. 29 B iog r a p h y, (Letters, Collected Works, &c.) Collins. (W ) Life of.30 ~Ah~elard and Eeloise Lettres... 1 ~Coltons Life of Clay..... 167 Abelard and Heloise Lettres...... 1 Comines, Memoires de. 30 A' Becket's Life and Letters,................... 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Loyalists, by Sabine. 5 Darlington's Memoirs of Bartr.m and Marshall.. 16' ~Americ~s Vespucius Life of,.~ Davenport's Dictionary of Biography. 3.5 Americus Vespucius. Life of,. 162 Davidson's (Margaret) Memoirs.3.5 Anson's Life, by Barrow,......5 Davy's orks.................... 36 Appleton's Worlks.................. 6 n Lifeay L..... 36 Arminius. Life of, by Bangs...... 162 D)efoe's Life and Works..... 36 Arnold's Life, by Stanley,....162 De Retz's Memoirs.... 37 Autobiography, a Collection of. Dewey's Works... 37 of a Workingman..... 9 Diary of Charles It.37 Bacon's (Lord) Works....... 10, 16 -- George IV...... 37 Balzac's CEuvres Completes.10, 162 Dodd's Annual Biography.38 Barante's Vies des Ducs de Bourgogne... 11 Dover's Life of Frederick the Great... 39 Baron's Life of Jenner..... 11 — Lives of the Sovereigns ofModern Europe..... 16 Barthelmy's Napoleon in Egypt,........... 11 Doubourg's Life of Archbihop Cheverus.............. 168 Bayard, (Chev.) 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Fry.......... 141 Babinvton's Manual of'British Botany................. 10 Titian's Life, by Northcote.....141 Badham's Esclent. Funguses................... 10 Todd's Lives of Gower and Chaucer...... 41 Balfotr's Msnual of Botany.162 Townsend's Lfe and Defence of Bishop Bonner........ 142 Ball's Tea Pla n t in Chin a....10 RMemoirs of.............:.................... 142 Barton anid Castle's British Flora................... 11 Townshend's Lives of the Twelve Judges...... 142 Bauer and looker's Ferns............ 11 Trumbull's Autobiography..143 Beecley's Botany of H M.. Blossom............... 12 Tucker's Life of Lord Nelson...... 144 Bi'low's Plants of Boston.............13 Tudor's Life of James Otis.......... 144 British Florist.17.............. British Floris~t....17 Twiss' Life of Lord Eldon....... 145;. — r........... r17 Tyler's Life and Speeches...... 145 Bro's'rees of America................... 18 Un Heros, Histoire Contemporaine....145 Buist's ose Manual............... 19 Upham's Life of M. C. Adorna.......146 Florer Garden Directory........9... ---- Life of TIVe. Goyone......,.,146 Calcott's Scripture Herbal...................... 22 Usher, (Archbishop.) Life of, by Elrington..... 146 Candolle's cones Selecta Plantarum.. 2 Vallery's Correspondence de Mabillon........ 146 - Prodromus....23 Van Buren's Life, by Crockett................... 146 Carson's Medical Botany.................... 24 Van Shaack's Life, by his Son......... 146 Catlow's Popular Field Botany.....25..... 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Lawrence....... 156 Botanical Miscellany, 3 vols. royal 8vo. $10.... - Biography of American Physicians..... 157 Exotic Flora... 63 Willis' Lives of Revs. Smith and Dean of Portland..... 182 Journal of Botany.................... 64 Willmot's Lives of English Sacred Poets.... 157 - Century of Orchidaceous Plants.64 Index. 193 Page. Page. Hooker's lsra Boreali-Americana..................... 64 B r i d g e s. (See Engineering.) Hovey's Fruit-Trees of America. 64 Hussey's British Mycology. 66 B uilding. Jehan's Botanique, &c. 70 Jnssieu's Elements of Botany.72 Alderson on Paving Stables.161 Landsborough's British Sea WVeeds... 176 Architect and Builder's Pocket Book................... 7 Lindley's Flora Medica. 80 Burnett's Treatise on Limes, Cements, &c.............. 152 Introduction to Botany............. 80 ~Introduction to Botany.. 80 Bricklayer's Directory, 18mo... - Elements of Botany.. 80 Clerk of the Works.. 29 Pomologia Britannica. 80 Denison's Notes onConcrete.16 s Notes on Cncrete......168 - and Hutton's Fossil Flora... SoDetail of Experiments on Brickwork....... 168 Medical and Economical Botany. 80 Dobson's Rudiments of Building.38 - Elements of Botany. 80 Elements of Botany.... 80 ~ Builder and Architect's Instructor............... 38 - Synopsis of British Flora.80 Bilder and Architect's Istructor... 8 SynpssfBitshFloa... 8 Art of Making Foundations.................... 152 Vegetable Kingdom.. 8 Gallier's Builder'sPrice Book.50 Linnteus and Jussien, or Progress of Botany.. 80 Goldfinch's Builder's Concomitant............. 53 Lothian's Management of Rock Plants.... 81 Hoking on egulation of Building.64 London's Encyclopwedia of Plants.. 81 Hounslow on Raising Buildings by Screws...... 173 Hortus Britannicus.. 81 Hutchinson's Experiments on Building Materials. 66 Encycloptedia of Trees and Shrubs..81 Jones on Building Houses in Malta............ 174 - Hortus ILignosis Lundoniensis.. 81 Lewis on Fascines in Foundations. 176 Ornamental Bulbous Plants.. 82 Nichols on Adhesive Properties of Cements.. 179 - Ornamental Perennials.. 82 Nicholson's Builder and Workman's Director.. 99 British Wild Flowers..82 Builder's Guide............... 99 --— Builder's Guide................. 99 - Ornamental Annuals............. 82 Notes on Sand for Foundations....................... 179 Ornamental Green-House Plants. 82 On the Prevention of Damp in Walls.179 Marcet's Vegetable Physiology.. 87 Outram on Roofing in the East Indies. 179 Maund's Book of Hardy Flowers...89 Pasley on Limes, Mortars, and Cements. 104 Maycock's Flora of Barbadoes. 89 Pocket Book for Builders, 8c.109 Michaux'uNorth American Sylva.. 91 Rondelet's l'Art de Batir. 119 Mitchell's Dendrologia.-........................ 93 Savage's Description of Wharf at Milford Haven..... 12 Morris' Flora Conspina. 95 Totten on hydraulic and Common Mortars..... 142 Natural History of New York, Botany, by J. Torrey. 97 Viat's Treatise on Mortars and Cements... 147 Newman's History of British Ferns............98W Newman's History of British Ferns 98 Ware on Proportion of Arches....................... 150 Paxton's Botanical Dictionary.. 15 roPptnfAh. 105 Tracts on Vaults and Bridges. 150 Penfold's Madeira Flowers, &c......................... 106 Remarks on Theatres. 150 ~~~Penny Cyclopter~dia.. 106 Weale's Dictionary of Terms.152 ~~~~~~Popular Flowers.. 110 Wild's Practical Instruction in the Art of Building. 155 Pratt's Field Garden and Woodland............. 175 Wright's Practical Treatise on Mortars.159 Flowers and their Associations. 175 Catechism ofBotany.............. 180 Calico-Printing. Pursh's Flora America Septentionalis. 180 Ralph's British Desmidies.. 114 Calico-Printing, Dyeing, &c................... 41 - Icones Carpologica............... 114 Encyclopoedia of Arts and Manufactures............... 43 Roble,'s Selection of Madeira Flowers. 118 Journal of Design (a Periodical,) 8vo.................. 72 Riogers' Fruit Cultivator. 119 Parnell on Dyeing and Calico-Printing.. 179 - Vegetable Cultivator. 119 Parnell's Applied Chemistry........................... 104 Ronald Pyrus Malus Brentfordiensis............. 119 Persoz de l'Impression des Tissus....................... 106 Rosenrriller's Botany of the Bible.............. 119 Tennent on Copyrioht of Designs...................... 138 Roxburgh's Description of Indian Plants.............. 120 Ure's Dictionary oArts..............................146 Royle's Botany of the Himalayan Mountains........... 120 Schleiden's Principles of Scientific Botany. 122 C a r r i a g e s. The Plant................................... 122 Adams on Pleasure Carriages......2 Selby's History of British Forest Trees. 124 Webster'sCyclopadia ofDomestic Economy..... 153 Sowerby's English Botany.. 130.. Steel's Hand-Book of Field Botany132 Carpentry, Joinery, &c. Sweet's Cistines, or Rock Rose. 135 Flora Australascia........................... 135 Benjamin's Practical House Carpenter. 163 Thomas' Afnerican Fruit Culturist.............. 139 Bridges, &c.. 17 Thomson's Lectures on Botany..... 140 Brown's Carpenter's Assistant............... 165 Titford's flortus Americanus........................ 141 Bury's Ecclesiastical Woodwork...................... 21 Torrey and Gray's Flora of North America...... 142 Carpentry, Joinery, &c............................... 24 Traite des Arbres Fruitiers.................. 132 Carpenter's New Guide Book......................... 24 Tuckerman's North American Lichens............ 142 De Graff's Stair Builder's Guide........... 36 Synopsis of North American Lichens. 144 Dollman's Ancient Pulpits, 39 Vogel's Niger Flora, or Plants of W. Africa. 148 Hatfield's House Carpenter. 59 Vallich's Plantae Asiaticse Rariores.. 1.. 18. 50 Knight's Guide, (The Joiner,).175 Waller's British Domestic Herbal..................... 150 Krafft's de l'Art de Charpente........................ 75 Watson's Cybele Britannica. 151 Nicholson's Carpentry.............................. 99 Wight's Figures of Indian Plants..................... ]55 Cabinet Maker's Guide....................... 99 Illustrations of Indian Botany............ 155 on Construction of Staircases. 99 - Selection of Neilgherry Plants............ 155 Carpenter's Guide............................ 99 Wild Flowers and their Associations............. 155 Pain's Practical House Carpenter...................... 102 Withers, the Acacia Tree, &c... 158 Thomson's Account of the Failure of a Floor.......... 139 WNoodville's Medical Botany................ 158 Tredgold's Elementary Principles of Carpentry. 143 Turnbull on Strength and Stiffness of Timber. 144 Bre w i ng Whitlock on Construction of Shop Fronts.............. 155 Whitling's Original Designs for do.155 Accum's Treatise on Brewing, l2mo...........Whittaker's Practical Cabinet Maker. 155 Black on Brewing.... 14 Young's Designs for Shop Fronts.....................160 Baverstock's Treatise on Brewing, 8vo.-. Chadwick's Practical Treatise on Brewing, 12mo....... Ham's Treatise on Brewing, 12mo Chemistry. Hayman's Treatise on Brewing, 12mo. Bachoffner, Chemistry applied to the Fine Arts. 10 Hitchcock's Practical Treatise on Brewing, 8vo. Balmaine's Essays on Chemistry. 162 Morris's Treatise on Brewing,.95 Barreswil, &c. Appendice a d'Analyse Chimiques. 11 Roberts' Scottish Ale Brewer........... 118 Berezelius' Use of the Blowpipe....................... 13 Shore's Practical Treatise on Brewing, 12mo............ Blythe's Outlines of Qualitative Analysis.............. 164 Thomson on Brewing and Distillation.. 140 Bobierre's Traite de Manipulation Chimique. 164 Tizard's Theory and Practice of Brewing........... 141 Boussingault's Rural Economy and Chemistry. 16 Tuck's Brewer's Guide............................... 144 Bowman's PracticalChemistry 165 Ure's Dictionary of Arts.............................. 146 Brande's Manual of Chemistry...... 16 Young Brewer's Monitor.................. 160 Campbell's Inorganic Chemistry...................2.. 3 Brick-Making. Chaptall's Chemistry, by Page........................ 166 Chemist, (The,)..................................f27 Dobson's Brick and Tile Making...............152 Chemistry applied to the Arts......................... 7 Knapp's Chemical Technology..................... 74 - of Man, by Simon.... 7 13 194 Index. Page. Page. Chemistry of the Four Seasons.,.. 27 C e s., Chemistry, Qualitative Analysis........... 27 Chevereul's Cours de Chimie. 167 Agnel's Chess for Winter Evenings.............. 3 Comstock's Elements of Chemistry. 30 Alexander's Beauties of Chess, royal 8vo... I)alton's Chemical Philosophy. 3 Carrera on Chess hy Lewis, 8vo.. Daniel's Introduction to Chemical Philosophy. 35 Cochrane's Treatise on Chess, 8vo.. Darlington's Agricultural Chemistry. 35 Chess Exemplified, 2mo.. Dodd's Chemical Manufactures. 38 - Player's Chronicle, (a Periodical, 8vo.,) Donovan's Treatise on Chemistry. 39 Games of Chess Between Lon. and Edin. Chess Club, 8vo. Draper's Chemistry of Plants. 40 Greco's Treatise on Chess by Lewis, 8vo............... - Elements of Chemistry........... 40 Hartley's Chtalaranga, or Game of Chess, 18mo. Dumas' Memoirs de Chimrie. 40 Kenny's Chess Exercises, 12mo... Faraday's Chemical Manipulation. 5 Chess Grammar, post 4to... Fowne's Elementary Chemistry. 48 Kllng'sChess Euclid. 74 - Rudinmentary Chemistry......................48 Lewis on the Game orChess....................... 79, 176 Francis' Chemical Experiments. 48 Phillidor's Analysis of Chess... 107 Fresenius' Chemical Analysis. 48 Studies of Chess... 107 Q&~~~~ualitative do.. 48 Pohlman's Chess by Tabular Demonstrations, royal 8vo.. New Method of Alkaliametry.................. 48 Sarratt's Gianuto and Selenus on Chess, 2 vols. post 8vo. Gardner's Medical Chemistry. 50 Iranslations on Chess, with Notes, 8vo.. Gibbs' Chemical Text-Book. 170 Treatise on Chess, 2 vols. 8vo. Giessen Outlines of Qualitative Analysis... 51 Treatise, Trans. by Lewis, post 8vo... Graham's Elements of Chemistry. 53 Stamma's Treatise on Chess by Lewis, 8vo............. Gray's Operative Chemist. 54 Staunton's Chess Player's Text Book.... 132 Elements of Chemistry 54 Chess Player's Hand-Book............. 132 Gregory's Outlines of Chemistry. 55 Chess Player's Companion......... 132 Griffin's Chemical Recreations.......55, 171 Souvenir of the Bristol Chess Club, 12mo.. Chemistry of the Four Seasons.. 55Stratagems of Chess, l.mo. Haviland's Tables of Specific Gravity. 9 Tomlinson's Amusements in Chess..................... 142 Henry's Chemistry, by Hare.60 Vogt's Letters on Chess............................. 148 HIoefer's Histoire de Chimie............... 62 alker on Chess Stides............ 149 -- Dictionnaire de Chimie.. 62 New Treatise on Chess..... 149 Johnston's Lectures on Chemistry, &c.. 71 Jaenish Chess Preceptor... 149 Kane's Elements of Chemistry.72 Chronology. Knapp's Chemicai Technology..... 74 Laseaigne'sDictionnaire des Reactifs....... 77 Alexander's Chronology of the Ancient World, 8vo..... Le Canu sur Ile Sang Humain 78 Artde Verifier des Dates.. 8 Liebig's Annual Report on Chemistry, &c.. 79 Barrow's Chronologic Hist. of Arctic Voyages. 11 -- Chemistry of Food 79 Bickmore's Tables of Comrnp. Chronology, 4to. - Chemistry and Physiology. 79 Hist. and Chronological Instruction, 12mo.. - Animal Chemistry..... 79 Belsham's Chron. of Reigns of George III. and IV. 32mo. - Chemistry and Agriculture................ 79 Blair'sChronological Tables.......................... 14 - Chemistry and Commerce....................... 79 Bruce's Chronological Tables of History, 18tmo..... Agricultural Chemistry. 79 Brown's Chronology of the Scriptures. 18 London Chemical Pocket-Book..................... 80 Boyle's Chronology of the 18th and 19th Centuries, 8vo. Low's Inquiry into Simple Bodies. 82 Universal Chronologist, 8vo. Marcet's Conversations on Chemistry.... 87 Chronology of the Last Fifty Years, 18mo.. Mitchell on Falsification of Food. 93 Chronological History of England, 8vo.. Morfit's Chemistry applied to Manufactures.... 95 Tables of Universal History..................... 28 Chemical Manipulation...................... 95 Cory'sInquiries, Chronological, &c.... 31 Mulder's Chemistry of Vegetable, &c. Phvsiology. 96 Cunnighame's Chronology of the Jews, Svo... Noad's Chemical Manipulation and Analysis. 99 - Scientific Chronology of 1839, 8vo. Normandy's Rose's Chemical Analysis. 100 - Septuagint and Hebrew Chronologies, 8vo.. Orfila's Elements of Modern Chemistry.. 101 Synopsis of Chronology to 1837, 8vo............ Parnell's Chemical Analysis. 104 Essay on Chronology, 12mo. Applied Chemistry................... 104 Fordyce's Chronology of Reigns of Geo. III., IV., 32mo.. Payen de Chimie Industrielle..105 Gilderdale's History and Chronology, 4to........ Pelouze et Frewen's Cours de Chimie.........106 Hale's New Analysis of Chronology, 4 vols. 8vo..... Penny Cyclopadia................ 106 Haydn's Dictionary of Dates. 60 Petzhold's Agricultural Chemistry. 107 Harmonv'lle's Diet. des Dates, des Faits, &c., 2 vols. 4to. Platther on the Use of the Blowpipe. 109 Hort's Chronology and Ancient History, 18mo. Porter's Chemistry of the Arts. 111 Howlett'sTablesof Chronology, 4to................... Prout on Chemistry, Meteorology, &c.... 112 Key's Hindoo Chronology, 2 vols. 8vo Quarterly Journal of Chemical Society. 113 Jarvis's Chronological Church History, 8vo. Rammelsburg die Qualitative Chemische. 114 Jones' Chronological View of the Bible. 71 Raspail de Chimie Organique. 114 Maydwell's Epitome of Chronology, 12mo. Regnault's Coursde Chimie. 11 Mirror of Time, 2 vols. 8vo. Reid's Rudiments of Chemistry... 115 Munsell's Every Day Book of Chronology 96 on Decomposition of Iron by Salt Water.. 115 Nicolas' Chronology of History.179 Renwick's First Principles of Chemistry. 116 Nolan's Egyptian Chronology Analyzed 99 Riggs' Researches on Carbon.117 Oxford Chronological Tables of History. 102 Rose's Chemical Analysis. 119 Putnam's The World's Progress. 180 Russell's Chemical Agriculture. 120 Ralfe's Naval Chronology, 3 vols. royal 8vo. Scharling's Chemical Tests of Calculi. 181 Riddle's Ecclesiastical Chronology..................... 117 Scoffern's Chemistry noMystery..................... 123 Sherwood's Chronology of Ancient History, 2 vols. 12mo. Shaw's Chemistry of Glass, Pottery, &c. 125 Skene's Chronology of the Old Testament, 18mo.... Silliman's First Principles of Chemistry.. 127 Stater's Ancient and Modern Chronology, 12mo........ Simon's Chemistry of Man 127 Smith's Chronology of Greek and Roman History...... 129 Solly's Chemistry of Agriculture.. 130 Tablet of Memory, 12mo...... Stockhardt's der Schule der Chimie........ 133 Tegg's Chronology, or Historian's Companion, 12mo..... Stevenson on Composition of Water.................. 181 Thomson's (A.) Elements of Chronology, &c., 12mo.... Thompsoo's First Principles of Chemistry. 139 Toone's Chronological Historian, 2 vols. 8vo.. Thomson's School Chemistry. 140 -- Chronological Record of Geo. III. and IV. 8vo.. Researches on Food of Animals. 140 Trusler's Chronology, l2mo. - Elements of Chemistry. 140 Wade's Chronology of British History..149 ---- System of Chemistry.............. 140 Wallace on the True Age of the Earth. 149 Inorganic Chemistry. 140 Wilkinson's Comparative Chronology, 4to. -- Chemistry of Animal Bodies. 140 Chemistry of Organic Bodies. 140 C 1 a s s i C s. Turner's Elements of Chemistry... 144 /Eschylus.2, 161 -- Chemistry, by Johnstone. 144 Esop. 2 -- on Chemical Combinations. 144 Anthon's Cvesar's Commentaries. 6 Warrington's Chemical Tables..151 - _ /Eneid of Virgil...................6.... Weale's Rudimentary Chemistry, by Fownes........... 151 -- clogues and Georgics of VirgiI............... 6 Webster's Manual of Chemistry........................ 152 -- Select Orations of Cicero.................... 6 Whittaker's Diagrams of Chemical Decompositions..... 155 - Sallus t...................6.................. Wdl's Outlines of Qualitative Analysis................ 156 - Horace...................6............ Index. 195?age. Page. Anthon's Homer's Iliad. 0 C0ins (See Numismatics.) -ub' XeohnsAaai.6 C o i a s. (See Numismatics) Xenophon's Anabass......... 6 - Tacitus-Germany and Agricola.. 6 Cicero de Senectuse, de Amicitiae.. 6 Col or. Xenophon's Memorabilia............. 6 Chevereul's de la loi du Contrast............... 166 Aristophanes, (Various,)..7 Color, Principle of Design and Color................... 30 Aristotle's Poetics, by Twining. 7 Field's Chromatics.46 Rhetoric, by Hobbes.. 7 Chromatography.46 Arnold's Cornelius Nepos............ 8 Goethe on Color.... 53 Babrii Fabulea Alsopi............... 10, 176 Hay's Nomenclature ofColor.60 Bentley's Critical Works............................ 13 Harmonious Coloring..........................60 Bloomfield's Greek Testament................ 14 -- Beauty in Coloring.60 Bohn's Classical Library...... 15 Hayter on the Three Primitive Colors.60 Champlin's Orations of Demosthenes................. 26 Higgins on Origin of Color, &c...61 Orations on the Crown.. 26 Boward on Color as a Means of Art. 65 Classical Museum.. 29 Hundertpfund's Art of Painting, &c.66 Cookesley's Catullus................. 31 Inman on Symbolic Colors...67 Corpus Poetarum Latinorum.. 31 Manuel du Coloriste. &c. 86 Damrmil Lexicon Homericum............. 35 Warner's Nomenclature of Colors. Dibdin's Introduction to the Classics.. 37 WVillson's Use of a Box of Colors..................... 157 Duncan's Select Orations of Cicero.. 40 Esehenberg's Manual of Classical Literature. 44 Engleman's Bib. Scrip. Ctassicorum... 169 Co m.. e r c e Euripides, by Potter.. 44 Clerk, (The,) Knight's Guide for. 175 Felton's Iliad of Homer. 45 Craik's 1Iistory of British Commerce. 175 Panegyricus of Isocrates..... 45 tlenshaw's Manual for United States Consuls. 172 Agamemnon of Eschylus........ 46 Kelly's Universal Cambist.... 73 Fisk's Classical Antiquities. 46 Low on Landed Property and Estates.. 82 Manual of Classical Literature.. 46 -- Commerce, (in Encyc. of U. Arts,)... 169 Herodotus.. 61 Macculloch's British Empire.. 83 Horace, with Life and Notes, by Milman.. 64 Dictionary, Geographical, &c. of the World.. 83 Homer...................... 63, 173 on Commerce................ 177 Lempriere's Classical Dictionary. 78 Commercial Dictionary........................ 83 Malkin's Classical Disquisitions......... 85 McCullagh's Commercial History of Free Nations. 84 Mitchel's Translation of Aristophanes. 93 Macgregor's Commercial Statistics. 84 Murphy's Translation of Tacitus............. 96 Manual of Commercial Correspondence. 177 Museum Criticurn.. 96 Manuel du Banquier Agent de Change... 86 OvidiiOpera. 102 Milburne's Oriental Commerce...91 Translated.. 102 Miltiz Manuel tdes Consuls... 92 Owen's Anabasis of Xenophon... 102 Pasley on Simplifying Weights, Coins, and Measures. 104 - Cyropredia...........102 Phippson tihe Commerce of Bengal... 107 Odyssey of Homer.... 102 Pope's Merchant's, &c. Guide... 180 Thucydides.... 102 Spier's Manualof Commercial Terms 131 Oxford Classics. 102 Stirling's Philosophy of Trae... Peters' Poetry of the Ancients. 107 Tate's Modern Cambist.... 136 Phaedrus Fabula.. 107 Tooke's History of Prices. 142 Pindar, translated by Wheelwright. 109 Vaughan's Tracts on Docks and Commerce. 147 and Anacreon, translated.............. 109 Waterston's Cyclopedia of Commerce................. 151 Platonis Scripta Grace............. 109 Plato's Works.....................109 C o m p a r a tiveAnatoI DivineDialogues.109 Comparative Anatomy. Divine Dln~~~oayes. ~109 Plautus. with English Notes... 109 Blumenbach's Comparative Anatomy, 8vo............. Translated by Proudfit..... 109 Cuvier's Lecons d'Anatomie Comparee....... Plinii ex. ed. Brotier. 109 Ever's Student's Compend of Comp. Anatomy, 8vo.. Plutarchus ed. Schaefer.. 109 Grant's Outlines of Comparative Anatomy..3. 53 Moralia ed. Dubner........ 109 Hassall's Microscopic Anatomy, 2 vols 8vo. $13 50.... Poeta Scenici Grarci Dindorfi................ 110 Home on Comparative Anatomy. 63 Polybii Opera..............110 Jones' Manual of Comparative Anatomy............... 174 - Historic....a............... 110 Lawrence's Lectures on Comparative Anatomy......... 175 Porson's Adversaria, by Kidd.. 110 Owen's Lectures on Corn. Anatomy, 2 vols. 8vo. $8 50. - Opera Philologi..........a...... 110 on Vertebrate Skeleton........................ 102 Quintiliani Opera.................. 113 Todd's Cyclopaedia of Anatomy....................... 141 Rennell's Geography of Xenophon.. 116 Tulk and Henfrey's Anatomical Manipulation.......... 144 Geography of Herodotus.. 116 Wagner's Comp. Anat. of Vertebrate Animals... 149 Seneca Opera Philosophica.. 120 Sophocles Tragedia. 130 C o n c h olo g y. (See 2Natural History.) - Translated..................130 Statii Opera. 132 Cookery. Stephanus Byzantinus............ 132 ~~~~~Suetoni~i Opera.. 134 Acton's Modern Cookery.............................. 2 ~~~~~~Tacitus Opera.. 135 UBrillat-Savarin's Physiologie du Gout.................. 165 - ~~Opera, translated.. 135 Cherbulier le Potage a la Tortue. 27 Terentius.. 138 Confectioner (The,) 175 Translated.138 Cook (The,).175 Theocritus, Bion and Moschus...38 Dolby's Cook's Dictionary, 8vo. - Translated....................8 Fratncatelli's Modern French Cook.. 70 ~~~Th~cydides.. ~'~40 French Domestic Cookery............................ -Translated...........ttO Hammond's Modern Domestic Cookery, 12mo. ~~Virgilii Opera Omnia. 148, 182 fHand-Book of Foreign Cookery, 12moo. Walker's Corp. Poet. Latinorum. 149 Kitchener's Tme Cook's Oracle.74 Woolsey's Alcestis of Euripides.158 Lady's Own Cookery, post Svo. Antigone of Sophiocles............ 158 Leslie's Cookery.79 - Electra of Sophocles.. 158 Master's Young Cook's Assistant, 12mo. -- Prometheus of!Eschylus. 158 Mason's Cookery, Svo Electraof~~ophocles — 158 Mason's Cookery, 8vo................................ Xenophon Opera Gr. et Lat... 159 Putnam's Receipt Book. 113 P — ranehesofs lated.................... 159 1 - hTranslated.. 159 Practical English and Foreign Cook, 12mo.. Robinson's Art of Curing. Pickling, &c............... 118 C O al. Soyer's Modern Ilousewife.. 131 Dunn on Winning and Working of Collieries.......... 41 -- Gastronomic Regenerator...................... 131 View of the CoalTrade of North of England Turcan's Practical Baker and Confectioner:............. 144 Holland's History of Fossil Fuel...... -- - --..Ude's French Cook......... 145 Johnston's Economy of a Coal Field................... Webster's Encyclopredia of Domestic Economy......... 153 Lyell's Geoloagy............~~~ ~~~. ~ ~ - ~ 83 Mammat's Geological Facts of Ashley Coal Field.. Cooperage. Manuel de l'Exploitation des Mines......... 86 Sopwith's Plans of Coal and Iron Mines.............. 130 Knight's Guide (The Cooper,)................... 175 Taylor's Statistics of Coal..... 137 Manuel de Tonnelier, &c., 12mo. 75 cts.............. 196 Index. Age. Page. C o st u m e Leslie's House-Book................7... Merle's Domestic Dictionary, 8vo... Book of Costume.15 Iobinson's Art of Cring, Pickling, c.......118 Beauties of Costume......... 32 Roberts'"British Wine-Maker, I2mo. Fairholt's Costume in England 45 Turcan's Practical Baker and Confectioner.....144 Hope's Costume of the Ancients.... 64 Watson's Housewife's Directory, 12mo,. Martin's Civil Costume of England........... 88 Webster's Encyclopaedia of Domestic Economy.......153 Muller's Francis the I., Costumes, &c............ 96 Oriental Album, Costumes, &c. 101 D r a i n i n g. Pinelli's Italian Manners and Costumes.........109, 180 Planche's History of British Costume.................. 175 Crawley on Reclaiming Marshes fronm the Sea........... 167 Pugin's Ecclesiastical Costume. 112 Dempsey on Draining Lands.... 152 Shaw's Dresses of the Middle Ages............ 126 -- Drainage and Sewerage of Towns.............. 152 Smith's Ancient Costume of Great Britain............128 Elkington on Land Draining. 42 Strutt's Dresses of England........................... 134 Hughes on Drainage of Low Lands of Holland.......... 173 Stuart's Costume of Highland Clans............ 134 Newman's Hints on Land Draining.................. 98 -- Vestiarum Scoticum................... 134 Park on Land Draining..........104 Walker's Female Beauty....1. 49 Stephens' Manual of Practical Draining.............. 133 Yosy's Costume of Switzerland...................... 160 Practical Irrigator and Drainer. 133 Cotton Spinning. Dramatic Literature. Baines' History of Cotton Manufactures........ 10 Eschyls, translated...............2, 161, 46 Burns' Statistics of Cotton Trade, 8vo................. Alfieri's Tragedies, translated by Lloyd, 3 vols. 12mo... Dodd's Textile Manufactures of Great Britain.. 38 Aristopanes, translated.7, 93 Aristophanes, translated... 7, 93 Galbraith's Cotton Spinner's Companion.............. 119 Baily's Festus.......................10, 46 Kennedy's Practical Cotton Spinner, 12mo............. Baillie's Plays on the Passions. 3 vols. 8vo............. Montgomery's Detail of Cotton Manufact. of U.... Beaumont and Fletcher, by Darley...... 12 Theory and Practice of Cotton Spinning... —..... by Dyce 12 Cotton Spinner's Manual.. Boker's Calaynos.. 22 Scott's Practical Cotton Spinner....................... 123 Anne Boleyn.164 Silk, Cotton, &c,, Manufacture of........... 127 Browning's Poetical Works........ 18, 165 ire on Cotton Manufacture......... 146 British Lramatists..17 -- Dictionary of Arts, &c...146 Bulwer's Dramatic Works, 8vo................ White's History of the Cotton Manufacture........... 182 Byron's Poetical Works. 21 Chefs d'CEuvre des Auteurs Comique............ 166 C y c lop ae d i a. (See also Encyclopcedias.) Tragique................... 166 Chamber's Cyclopedia of English Literature............ 26 Clarke's Concordance to Shakespeare.................. 29 Lardher's Cabinet Cyclopedia.76 Corneille'sTheatre..... 31 National Cyclopaedia (The,)....... 97 Delavigue's (]uvres Dramatiques............. 36 Penny Cyclopsedia (The,)................. 106 Dodsley's Old Plays, 12 vols. 8vo.................... Waterston's Cyclopsidia of Commerce.......... 151 Donaldson's Greek Theatre.. 39 Drake's Tragedies of the Wilderness................... 40 Differential and Int. Calculus. Dramatic Library................. 40 Bally and Lund's Differential Calculus.1.. 162 Euripides, translated by Potter..................... 44, 158 De Morgan's Differential and Integral Calculus..... 37 Farquhar's Plays...45 Farrar on Differential and Integral Calculus.169 Fletcher's Dramatic Vorks..47 Hall on Integral Calculus... Ford's Dramatic Works.............. 47 Hemming on Integral and Differential Calculus..60 Goethe's Faust...52 Hymer on Integral Calculus.66 Egmot. 53 GoldsmithTs Poetical Woiks...............53 integral Calculus, Examples of.67 Goldsmitl's oeticl Works... 53 Lardner on Differential and Integral Calculus..o Greene's Dramatic orks.. Miller on Diffirential Calculus......... Hazlitt on the Drama... Ottley on Differential Calculus..... Hu[nt's Poetical Works, 18mo.. Price on Differential Calculus... Inchbaldt's British Theatres......67 T ate's Principles of Differential Calculus............ Collection of Farces, 7 vols. 12mo... Tate's Principles of Differential Calculus. 136 - Thomson's Differential and Integral Calculus..... 140 Modern Theatre, 10 vols. 12mo... Weale's Differential and Integral Calculus. Jonson's Dramatic Works...p. 7o. Examples of do....152 Knowles' Dramatic Works, 3 vols. post 8vo... Young on Differential and Integral Calculus...160 L. de Vegas Chefs d'CEuvre Dramatiques, 2 vols. 12mo. Lamb's Specimens of Dramatic Poets.... 76 D i s tillati o n Longfellow's Spanish Student... 81 Lowell on the Old Poets. 82 Manuel du Distillateur et Liquoriste......8.... 6 Marlowe's l)ramatic Works, 3 vols. post 8vo. $9. Penny Cyclopdia.... 106 Massinger's Plays............89 Thomson on Brewing and Distillation........... 140 Middleton's Dramatic Works...91 Ure's Dictionary of A rts.1..... 46 Milton's Poetical Works.............................. 92 Moliere's CEnuvres. 93 Domesticated Animals. Musst's Comedies, &c.......................... 97 Allen's Domestic Animalse............... Old English D)rama, 2 vols. post 8vo................... 4 t Dog Fancier's Guide. Plays, 6 vols. 8vo. Low's Domesticated Animals... 82 Otway's Dramatic Works..................102 Main's Treatise on Poultry.......... Pauldins American Coedies..........10 Martin's Treatise on the Ox....88 Peele's DIramatic Works...................10 Morell's American Shepherd............... 9 I Peter's Poetry of thie Ancients......................... 107 Mudie's Domesticated Animals, t2mo... Plautus, translated.................................. 109 Randall's Sheep IHusbandry in the South... 114 Racine's Thealtre......................114 174 Richardson's Dogs. &c......17 hiller, transt.....................122 Stewart's Stable Economy. 133 Scott's Poetic-l Works...123 Treatise on Rearing, &c. Poultry.143 Shakespeares Poetical Works................125 1 3Shaespeare's Poemtical Works.................. 125 Walton on the Alpaca..150 Sheridans Dramatic orks..........................126 -- on the Peruvian Sheep. 150 Shirley's Dramatic Works........................ 126 Youatt's Stock Raiser's Manual160 Six Dramas of German Life.......................... 128 - on the Horse, by Skinner.,......... 160 Southev's Poetical Works............................ 130 ~- on the Hor~seb'Skne............ 160 - on the DIog. by Lewis............... Sophocles, translated........... 130, 158 -- Complete G~razier................ 160 Talfourd's Tragedies.........135 ---- Treatise on tie Pig.....,.., 160 Taylor's Edwin the Fair.... 136 -- Philip Van Artevelde............. 136 Do me stic Economy. Terence's Comedies, translated........................ 138 Thomson's Poetical Works........................... 140 Beecher's Domestic Economy............. Victor Hugo's Theatre................. 147 Bernard's'Art de donner des Bals, &c........ 13 Vigny's'Theatre................147 Cobbett's Cottage Economy, 12mo...1..... Voltaire's Theatre........148 Cooley's Book of Useful Knowledge................... 31 Webster's Dramatic Works, 4 vols. 8vo............... Copley's House-Keeper's Guide, 12mo.............. Wright's Early Mysteries...19.1.3....... 9 Donovan's Domestic Economy........... Wycherley, Congreve, &c..................... 159 Jarrin's Italian Confectioner......... 174 Young's Poems......................................160 Index. 197 Page. Page. Drawing and Perspective. Remusat's Education desFemmes.... 115 ~~Child's Drawing Book.2.. ~7 Richter's Levana, or Doctrine of Education....... 117 Child's Drawing Book.................. 270 Little Sketch Book.. 27 Rioffrey's Physical Education.180 - Advanced Drawing Book......... 27 Sedgewick's Morals of Manners...................... 124 Facts and Fancies............................ 124 Clarke's Elements of Drawing...2.9 Meansand E124 Means and Ends...............12 Coe's Drawingr Cards..................... 9 Con's Drawing Cards.29 Taylor's Home Education.157 Elementary Book of Drawing..............42 Elementary Book of Drawing. 42 Tuthill's Nursery-Book for Young Mothers. 145 Fielding's Perspective, &c. 46 Wilderspin's Instruction of Children, 12no............. Gwilt's Sciography, or Examples of Shadows........... 56 nsrui o M ~~~~~~~~~~~Young American's Primer.............. 160 Harding's Lithographic Drawing Book. 58 Howard's Science of Drawing..65 Electricity, Galvanism, &c. Howlitt's Mode of Taking Perspec. Outlines from Nature. 173 Jopling's Isometrical Perspective.......................' 72 Bain's Electric Fluid and Useful Arts............. 10 Linear Perspective.72 Variation of the Compass.10 Lawrence's Perspective Simplified. 77 Barl'w's Magnetical Advertisements. 163 Le Bealle de Dessin Lineare. 78 Bird's Lectures on Electricity and Galvanism.... 163 Minifie's Geometrical Drawing. 92 Brewster'sTreatise on Magnetism. 17 Nicholson on Projection.............................. 99 Bywater's Essay on Electricity, 8vo. Practice of Drawing, &c,. Landscapes. 99 Cummings' Electro-Dynamics........................ 34 Parsey's Perspective Rectified......................... 104 Cunningham's Essays on Electricity, post 8vo.. Pickton's Introduction to Lineal Drawing.............. 108 Cuthbertson's Electricity and Galvanism, 8vo.. Pyne's Elements of Perspective. 113 Dalton's Meteorological Observations. 34 Rider's Principles of Perspective. 117 Daniel's Elements of Meteorology. 35 Sanier's Chiffres, 400 Examples..... 122 De la Rive's Treatise on Electricity. 167 Smith's Drawing Book of Flowers. 128 Donovan's Essay on Galvanism, 8vo.. Sopwith on Isometrical Drawing. 130 Electrotype, (see Metallurgy).. Symm's Elements of Perspective. 135 Experimental Philosophy. 45 Taylor's Treatise on Drawing... 136 Fergusson's Introduction to Electricity, 8vo. -- Treatise on Perspective... 136 Farraday's Researches in Electricity..45 Principles of Linear Perspective. 136 Francis' Electrical Experiments, 8vo. Treatise on Perspective (Thenot's System,). 143 Greene's Electro-Magnetism, 12mo. Varley's Precepts of Landscape Drawing.. 146 Harrns on Thunder Storms. 58 -- Principles of Landscape Design................ 146 Rudimentary Electricity...................... 59 Studies for Drawing Trees.146 Rudimentary Magnetism.... 152 Treatise on Perspective........................ 146 Hatcheron Electric Telegraph........................ 59 Vermont Drawing Book of Landscapes................ 147 Hollis on Electricity. 63 Walton's Amateur's Drawing Book. 150 Le Beaume's Facts and Observations in Galvanism, lnmo. Wells' Epitome of Perspective. 153 Lardner's Manual of Electricity. 77 Werner's Practical Instructions, &c. 153 Liethead's Electricity, its Nature, &c. 176 Wichelo's Student's Guide to Drawing, &c. 154 MetcalPf's Terrestrial Magnetism................... 91, 177 Whittock's New Manual of Perepective... 155 Moigos' Telegraphique Electrique. 93 Williams' Manual for Teaching Model Drawing........ 156 Murphy's Theory of Electricity. 8vo..... Wood's Footsteps to Drawing. 158 Murray's Treatise on Atmospheric Electricity, 12mo.. Noad's Lectures on Electricity. 99 y e i n g. Peschell's Elements of Physics. 107 Proceedings of Electrical Society. 112 Bertholet's History of Dyeing and Bleaching....... 13 Roget's Electricity, Galvanism, &c., (in L. U. K.,) 91 Chevereul's Chimie Applique a la Teinture............. 167 Sahine on Magnetic Disturance.11 Dyer and Color Maker's Companion. 41 Report on Isoclinical Lines.121 Dyeing and Calico Printing, &c.41 Sturgeon'sLectureson Electricity. Encyclopeadia of Arts and Manufactures. Lectures on Galvanism. d Mauiaures........... 4 Lectures onGalvanism........................ Homassel's l'Art de la Teinture.. 63 Annals of Electricity. Mackerman's Treatise on Silk Dyeing..........84 Thomson's Sciences of Heat and Electricity. 140 Manuel du Teinturer. 8 6 Vail's Magnetic Telegraph..146 Packer's Dyer's Guide, l2mo.. Walker's Electrical Magazine. Parnell's Applied Chemistry.104 Watkins' Sketch of Electro-Magnetism, 8vo.... on Dyeing and Calico Printing. 179 Zornlin's What is a Voltaic Battery.................. 161 Runge's Chemistry of Dyeing. 8vo., pt. 1.. smith's Practical Dyer's Guide.. 129 Engineering Treatise on Dyeing, &c... 143 Tucker's Family Dyer and Scourer, 12mo. Adcock's Engineer's Pocket Book................... 2 Ure's Dictionary of' Arts, &c.................. 146 Alderson on Various Lines of Railway. 161 American Railroads Founded on Piles.......... 162 Ed uc a t i 0 on. Baker's Railway Engineering............... 10 Aime Martin's den Meres.. 3Barlow on the Strength of Timber......... 11 Aime Martin's des Meres........................ 3 on Strain of Lock Gates....... 163 Lettres a Sophie........3 on Hydraulic Pressure.....163 Beaudoux's la Science Maternelle. 163 Diagrams of Ohlique Arches.163 Cousin's Report on Public Instruction in Prussia. 32 Beaton on Reconstruction of Sea Walls. 163 Channing on Self-Culture, 32mo.. Bessemer on Resistance of Railway Trains. 13 Essays on Education. 4~4 Bolton's Dam across Rideau Canal, &c................ 164 Fenelon's de la Education les Filles.. 46 Borthwick on the Use ofCast Iron in Piling. 164 Fowler on the Deaf and Dumb......... 48 Bourne's Railways in India....16 Gall's End and Essence of Teaching, 12mo..... Bramalh's Experiments on Crush of Stones.. 165 Gasc's la Livre des Peres de Famille............. 50 Experiments on Cast Iron 165 Gems of Epistolary Correspondence. 51 on Proof of Earthenware Pipe. 165 Glasgow Infant School Magazine 52 Bree's Railway Practice. 17 Glimpses of the WN7onderful 52................o5 Glimpses of the Wonderful..~ 52 Glorssary of Civil Engineering.... 17 Governess, (The,) Knight's Guide. 175 Bruyere's L'Art des Constructions. 165 Green's Mental Dynamics.. 54 Buck's Practical Essay on Oblique Arches.............. 165 Heroine of a Week, Conversations, &c. 172 Bull's Account of Wooden Bridge over Calder.... 165 Huber on English Universities.. 65 Burghman on Construction of Coffer Dam, &c.. 166 Knight's Half Hours with Best Authors.... 74 CamusontheTeethof heels.23 Lajolais' le Livre des Meres de Famille......... 75 Charltonon Railway Curves......................... 26 Landais' Lettres a Amelie.. 76 Civil Eninee.g Journal..... 28 Macn's Lectures on Education, 12mo. cloth..-.. ngineering Papers.28 Martineau's Household Education... 88 Transactions. 28 Life in the Sick Room..... 88 Crawley's Survey for Canal from the Bay of Fundy. 167 Mayo's Lessons on Objects. 90 Cresy's Cyclopaedia of Civil Engineering.. 33, 43 Lessons on Shells. 90 Curr on Railroad Locomotion.. 34 Memoria Technica.................. 90 Darbys9ire on Railway Curves..........o.....l......35 Minutes of Council on Education........... 93 Day's Treatise on Railways........................36 Page's Theory and Practice of Teaching....... 102 Dempsey's Railway Engineer........................37 Peer's American Education................. 179 -- on Railways........................... 168 Progressive Education, by N. de Saussere, 3 vols. 12mo. I - on Saw Mills and Machinery..................168 Readings for the Young........................ 114 Denison on a New Weighbridge, &c. 168;nan;nn h~n ~hJ..r (~TI~r~-:rlrr 916 198 Index. Page. Page; Denison's Description of a Swing Bridge. 168 Public Works of Great Britain............. 112 - Detail of Works on Ridean Canal.... 168 Quested'sTreatiseon Railways........ 113 Description of a large Chimney at Woolwich. 168 Railway Locomotive Management............. 114 Rolling Bridge at Fort Regent........ 168 Work............... 114 Cast Iron Bridge over River Trent.............. 168 Reid on Failure of Brighton Chain Pier.115 - Wooden Swing Bridge.168 on Concrete Sea Wall at Brighton. 115 Dobson's Historical Account of Railways... 38 Rendell on Floating Bridge over the Hamoaze. 115 Drawbridges of Bermuda...169 on Lary Bridge at Plymouth. 115 Dredge's Suspension Bridge Explained. 40 Rennie on Breakwater at Plymouth 115 Duggan's Specimens of Bridges....... 169 Report on Atmospheric Railroad at Kingston........... 116 Dwyer's Hydraulic Engineering. 41 Reynolds on Railways.............. 116 Eaton's Engineering and Surveying. 42 Ritchie's Rise, Progress, &c. of Railways............... 118 Elkington on Land Draining............... 42 Roadsand Railroads. 118 Engineer's and Mechanic's Pocket Book.. 169 Royal Engineers' Papers............ 120 Manual of Geology.43 Scott's Engineer's and Machinist's Assistant............ 123 - Pocket Guide................. 43 Scribner's Engineer's. &c. Pocket-Book............... 124 and Mechanic's Companion........ 43 ) Engineer's and MIechanic's Companion. 124 Engineering Drawing Book.... 143 Seward on Procuring Water for Cities, &c.. 125 Enny on Hydraulic Maritime Works. 43 Sganzin's Course of Civil Engineering. 125 Ensamples of Railway Making.............. 44 Slbley and Rutherford's Tables for Earthwork.. 126 Ewbank on Hydraulic Engineering.............. 44 Simms' Railways Illustrated.......... 127 Examples in Architectural Engineering. 45 Public Works of Great Britain.127 Experiments on the Pressure of Earth..... 169 Stevenson on Atmospheric Railways. 133 Fairborn on the Economy of Railroads 45 Strickland's Public Works of the United States..... 134 Fairbairn's Britannia and Tubular Bridges...... 169 Templeton's Engineer's Common Place Book........... 137 Fanshaw's Demolition of Piers at Flushing.. 169 Thomas' Observations on Railways. 139 Farey on Calculating Speed of a Steamer. 169 Thomson's Failure of Masonry at Fort Neuf........ 139 Field on the Power of Men................... 170 - Experiments on Gravel and Sand....... 139 on Improved Canal Lock.... 170 Thorman's Account of the Taunus Railway... 140 Fitzgerald on Removing a Wreck..... 170 Timperley's Account of Kingston Docks, &c.. 141 Frome on the Rideau Canal......................... 170 Totten's Essay on Hydraulic, &c. Mortars. 142 Galton on Drawbridges... 170 Tower's History of the Croton Aqueduct. 142 Garstair's Treatise on Rivers and Torrents............... 50 Tredgold on Strength of Cast Iron.... 143 Gardner on Railway Work 50.-. Illustrations of Tension, &c.................. 143 Goodwyn on Taper Chain Tension Bridge. 171 Turnbull on CofferDam and Piers.... 144 Green on Lifts for Passing Boats on Canals 171 Dredge's Suspension Bridge.. 144 Harnesson Suspension Bridges.... 172 on Strength of Cast Iron Beams.144 Harris on Destroying Stranded Ships......... 172 on Strength of Timber..... 144 Haskell's Engineer's Railway Guide................... 59 on Architectural Construction, &c. 144 Haswell's Engineer's Pocket Book......59, 172 on Air-Pump and Atmospheric Railway.... 144 Hawkins on Teeth of Wheels... 59 Sections of Cast Iron Beams. 144 Head's Stokers and Pokers........................... 60 Trench's Papers relating to Thames Quay.... 143 Heald on Railway Curves.. 60 Valentine's Assistant Engineer.. 146 Hebert's Engineer's Cyclopedia............ 60 Walpole's Bridge across Kat River.... 150 Hill on Railway Curves............ 61 Waterston on Earthwork, &c..... 151 Hodge's Hydraulic Tables. 62 Weale's Civil Engineering, by Law.... 152 Howlett's Safety Box for Connecting Trains........ 173 Treatise on Tubular Bridges, &c.. 152 Hiughes' Tables for Earthwork........ 65 -- Treatise on Hydraulic Engineering. 152 Huntingdon's Tables for Earthwork. 66 Geometry applied to Engineering, by Heather.... 152 Tables of Gradients.......................... 66 Drawing-Book of Engineering, by Heather...... 152 Hutchinson on Blasting Dover Cliffs..173 Weisbach's Principles of Engineering. &c. ]53 - on Submarine Explosions.................. 173 Whewell's Mechanics of Engineering......... 154 Indicator (The,) and Dynamometer.................. 67 Wicksteed's Balance-Gates for Reservoirs.... 155 Iron Roofs Erected over Building Slips 174 Williams on Wrought Iron Roofs.... 156 Jebb's Drawbridge on L. and B. Railway............. 174 on Combustion of Coal 156 Jones' Description of Youghal Bridge........ 174 - - Account of Inventions and Discoveries..... 156 Tables of Weights of Various Articles........ 174 Wishaw's Railways of Great Britain..15$ Kelt's Engineer's Pocket Book..... 73 Wonderful Inventions, a History of. 158 Law on Railway Curves... 77 Wood'sPractical Treatise on Railroads..... 158 - Rudiments of Civil Engineering. 77 Tule's Mode of Constructing a Breakwater. 160 Lecount's Practical Treatise on Railways. 78 E.n graving. Luxmore on Preventing Encroachments of the Sea.... 177 Mackenzie's Bridge over the Severn.................. 177 Ashley's Art of Etching on Copper and Steel........... 162 McNeil's Canal Boat Experiments. 177 Bryan's Dictionary of'Painters and Engravers 166 Tables for Cutting Canals, &c... 84 Chatto's Gems of Wood Engraving............... 26 on Resistance of WYater in Canals 84 Fielding's Art of Engraving.... Mahan's Civil Engineering.85 Jackson's Treatise on Wood Engraving.... 68 Mallet on Atmospheric Railways.. 85 Manuel du Graveur ou I'Art de la Gravure. 86 Mathews' Mode of Supplying London with Water. 89 Ottley's Dictionary of Engravers, 8vo......... May on Railway Curves............................. 89 - History of the Art of Engraving, 2 vols. 4to...... Millington on Civil Engineering....... 92 Ure's Dictionary of Arts.... 146 Minard Cours de Construction, &..........9...... 92 Waldole's Catalogue of Engravers... Mosca's Account of the Stone Bridge over the Dora. 178 Moseley's Principles of Engineering....95 n c y o 1 p e di a s. (See Cyciopccdias.) Nelson's Last 150 Miles of the Great Fish River, S. Africa 178 Encvelopaedia Americana................. 43 -- Notes on Swing Bridges..... 178 of Astronomy...169 Notes on Beaufort Bridge... ]78 of Arts ad Manufactures.............43 Neville on Cross Sections of Roads................ 98 Britannica. 43 Oldershaw on Wooden Bridge 205 Feet Span........ 179 - of Experimental Philosophy................ 16 Ord's Notes on Correcting Heights.... 179 - of Fine Arts.. 169 Palmer's Experiments on Barges..179 -- des Gens du Monde. 43 Papers on Engineering.......................... 103 Methodique. 43 - on Subjects, &c., by Royal Engineers... 103 of Mechanical Philosophy.169 Pasley on Limes, Calcareous Cements, &e.104 - of Medical Sciences.... 169 Peacock's Researches in Hydraulics. 105 - Metropolitana...43 Penny Cyclopwdia. 106 of Natural History....169 Perdonnet et Polonceau Portfeuille, &c.. 106 -- of Pure Mathematics. 169 Phillpot on Canal Navigation. 180 of Universal History...169 Pierce on Curves, Functions, and Forces............... 108 of Useful Arts.. 169 Piper on the Chain Pier at Brighton.... 180 of Useful Knowledge.43 Pitman on Junction of Pacific and Atlantic 109 ----- of Farming, by Johnson.............70 Portlock on Slopes of Parapets....................... 180 - of Gardening, by London....81 on Platforms..... 180 of Agriculture, by London..... 81 Practical Mechanic and Engineer's Magazine........... 111 - of Plants, by London...................1..... Progress of Machinery, &o. in Great Britain......... 112 -- of Trees and Shrubs...........SI............... Public Works of ths United States......... 112 of Cottage, Farm, &c. Architectu........ 81S Index. 199 Page. Page. Eacyclopaedia of Machines, by Byrne............... 21 Farming for Ladies.............................. 45 of Domestic Economy, by Webster. 153 Gardner's Farmer's Dictionary.. 50 Hillyard's Practical Farming and Graziag.. 61 E n to m o 1 o g y. (See Natural History.) Johnson's Farmer's Encyclopedia, 70 Farmer's Medical Dictionary.. 70 E t h i c s Petzholdt's Lectures to Farmers....................... 107 Smith on Productive Farming. 129 Aristotle's Ethics by Chase, 8vo. Stephens' Book of the Farm 132 Brown's Lectures on Ethics. Towne's Farmer's and Grazier's Guide................ 142 De Wette's Human Life, or Practical Ethics. 37, 117 Emerson's Essays.43, ]69 Farm Servants. Essays Written in the Intervals of Business. 44 on Education... 44 Cowherd (The,) (Knight's Guide for...........175 Feltham's Resolves.. 45 Dairy Maid (The,) do..... 175 Forbes' Danger of Superficial knowledge. 47 Farm Bailiff (The,) do............... 175 Foster's Essays. 48 Groom and Coachman (The,) do.... 175 Friends in Council...49 Ploughman, Carter, &c. (The,) do.. 175 Guesses at Truth... 56 Poultry-Maid (The,) do. 175 Guicciardini's Maxims....................... 56 Shepherd ('The,) do..............175 Jouffroy's Introduction to Ethics...172, 117 Lamb's Essays of Elia.. 76 Fencing. Lieber's Manual of Political Ethics. Gribble's Treatise on Fencing 8vo..... Livermore's Lectures to Young Men. 80 Rolando's Art of Fencing. 119 McCormac's Meditations of M. Antoninus... 83 Introductory Course of do..................... 119 Mackintosh's Ethical philosophy..................... 84 Walker'sDefensive Exercises........................ 149 Mackness' Moral Aspects of Medical Life. 84 Montaigne's Essays................. Fc94 Montagu's Selections from Hooker, Taylor, &c... 94 1iction. Schoen's l'Homme et son Perfectionnement.. 123 Abbott's Kings and Queens..................... Schlegel's Philosophy of Life.. 122 Aguiliar's Home Influence, a Tale. 161 Selden's Table Talk.. 124 Andersen's Contes pour ls Enfans....... 162 Sewell's Christian Morals. 125 Shoes of Fortune............................ 5 Small Books on Great Subjects........ 18 -- Wonderful Stories........................... 5 Spectator (The,)..... 131 Improvisatore, 12mo. $1 50. Swedenborg's Treatise on Conjugal Love 135 Arabian Night's Entertainments..................... 6 Taylor's Notes from Life.186 Ariosto's Orlando Furioso...7.................. Townley's Reasons for the Laws of Moses 142 Artist's Married Life —Albert Durer................8, 41 - Book of Fables............................. 8 Et h n ology. Asmodeus, by LeSage........................... 8 Balbi's Atlas Ethnographique.10 Bahes in the Wood, Illustrated......... 9 Bartlett's Progress of Ethnology, 8vo.Bachelor Butterfly....10 Drake's Book of the Indians... 40 — of the Ahany. 10 -— of the Albany.................. I0 GDyot's Earth and Man. 56 Balzac's La Pean de Chagrin................. 10, 162 Guvot's ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - Eauthes a.................................. 56162 Hale's Ethnography................ 16257 Johnes on the Unity of the Human Race. 70, 174 Louis Lambert, Serap.............162 Johnston's Physical Atlas. 9 La Recherche de l'Absolu.................... 162 Kame's History of Man174 Le is dans Vallee............................ 162 Kidd on PhysicalCondition of Man................... isoire de Freize. 162 Lawrence's Iectures on Man.176 Casar Birotte..................... 162 Macculloch's Aboriginal History of America.83, 177 Medecin de Campagne.162 Martin's Natural History of Man...................... 88162 Morton's Crania Eyptca. Physiologie du Mariage........................ 162 Morton's Crania Egyptlea............................. 95.. Crania Americana.9...... nenie Graidet.65 ~O'~Brigny'ls'BomneAmericaine..Scenes de Ia vie Privee.... 163 O'Brignv's I' Hornroe Americaine,............ Pickering's Races of Men. 108 Scenes de a vie Parisiene..................163 cr Scenes de la vie de Province.163 Prichard's llistory of Mankind........................ o111 Natural History of Man.- L.....II LeDeputie d'Arcis.163 Ethnographic Maps to do....Le Vicaire des Ardennes...................... 163 Ethnographie Maps to do........... 111 ~Smy~h on the Unity of the Human Race~.Bernard's Le Penn de Lion........................... 163 Smy th on the Unity of the Humana. Squier and Davies Monuments of Mississippi Valley of a Penitent... Transactions of American Ethnological Society 142 Boccaccios Decameron... 14, 164 Vail's Notice sur les Indiens de l'Amerique.146 Bremer's The Neighbors.. 165 4Home. 165 Brown's Turkish Evening's Entertainments.......... 165 Face t i e. (See also Fiction.) Bulwer's Pilgrims of the Rhine. 19 Batchelor Butterfly (The,)... 80 - Novels, (various.).................... Book of Ballads by Bon Gaultier.....15 Bunan's Pilgrim's Progress.. 19, 166 Comic English Grammar.. 30 Cabinet Edition ofClassic Tales....................... 22 Crockett (Col. David,) Life of.. 167 Caton's Something for Everybody. 23 Cruikshank's Three Courses and a Desert.. 33 Valentine MClutchy. 23 - Table Book. 3 -Black Prophet.23 -......At Home...... Carlyle's Specimens of German Romances. 24 At Home....................33 Cecil and hisDo. 2 Daniel's Merrie England in the Olden Time 35Dog.25 Family Joe MiIlleir. 45Cervante's Don Quixotte dela Mancha................ 25 Jerrold's Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures. 70 El Buscapie....25 Johnsoniana... 71 Chateauhriand's les Martyrs. 26 Griffith's Lift for the Lazy.... 171 Les Natchez.20 Laird of Logan's Jest Book..... 175 Atala...26 Leech's History of Young Troublesome.176 Child's Philothea........27 Le Gai's Almanach Faeetieux..176 Letters from New York. 27 Almanach de.leux.176 Chivalry, Modern...... 27 ~Library of Anecdote.~176 ~Christian, La Morale Mervillease. 28 Library of Anco~.................176 2 Nuts and Nut Crackers......0 Clement oimer........... 1009 Petits Muliseres de la Vie Humaine.,107 Constant'sAdolphe........31 PetisNiseesdeaV-e~uain...................... 0 Contarini Fleming, by D'Israeli....................... 31 Phantasmagoria of Fun by Crowquill.................. 107 Cotarini Fleming, by D'Iraeli.31 Puckle's (The Club,).......................Cooper's N l31 S ~ketches by Boz.12~8 ~Cottin's fEuvres. 1 32 Wallbridge's Bizarre Fables.......................... 150 DeFe'sNovels.36 D'Israeli's Novels...........36 Fa rmin g (See Agriculture.) Delecluze's Romans. Contes, &c.................... 36 Dequincy's Opium Eater....... 36 American Farmer's Encyclopaedia.......... 4 Desennancour's Obermann......................... 37 Banfield's Industry of the Rhine....................... 175 De Wette's Theodore....... 37 Farmer (The,) Guide for.... 175 Diary of Lady VWilloughby..... 37 Falkner's Farmer's Manual........................... 45 Dibdin's Bibliomania.......................... 37 Farmer's Treasue (The,)............ 45 Dickens' various Works......................... 38 200 Index. Page. Page. Domestic Scenes.................................... 39 Maenish's Modern Pythagorean....................... 84 Drake's Indian Captives............................ 168 McFarlane's Old English Novelets.............. 175 Drury's Friends and Fortune.40 Maistre (X. de) CEuvres.............................. 85 Dumas' Works. (various,).................. 40 Manzoni's Novels................................... 87 Dunlop's History of Fiction.... 41 Margaret, a Tale ot the Real and Ideal............ 87 East India Sketch-Book. (The,). 169 Marivaux's Mariamme.............................87, 178 Eastman's Dahcotah, or Legends of the Sioux..... 169 Marryatt's Poor Jack................................. 87 Edgeworth's Tales and Novels......... 42 -- Little Savage................................. 177 Elizabeth's Wrongs of Women....... 42 Novels (Various)............................. -- Second Causes..... 42 Martineau's Tales.................................... 88 Ellett's Evenings at Woodtlawn................... 169 - Forest and Game Law Tales.................. 88 Evening Bell. (The). 44 Billow and the Rock................. 175 Evenings with the Old Story-Tellers............. 44 Feats of the Fiord......... 175 Fables of sEsop............45 The Playfellow... Fanny Hervey.... 45 The Hour and the Man......... Fenelon's Telemaque................... 46 - Deerbrook.......... Fielding's Works................... 46 Matthew's Miscellaneous Writings............... 89 First of the Knickerbockers................ 46 Mayhew's Magic of Kindness... 89 Florian's Fables.............. 47 -- Good Genius that turned all into Gold....... Follen's Sketcnes of Married Life.................... 47 Mayo's Kaloolah............. 90 Forrester's Alderbrook................... 47 Melville's Typee.......... 90 Fonquer's Undine and Sintram............... 48 - Omoo..90 Galland's les Mille et une Nuits.......... 49 -- Mardi........................ 178 Gait's The Provost.................... 50 Redburn................................. 178 Gammer Grethel's Fairy Tales................... 50 - White Jacket. Gauthier'sMe. de Manpin................... 50 Merimee's Chronique de Charles IX............. 91 --- Nouvelles................................ 50 Colomba.......................... 91 Genlis' La Seige de!a Rochelle....................... 170 - Theatre de Clara Gazul.............. 91 Gerstaecher's Wanderings of German Emigrants 51 Merry-Mount a Romance.................. 91 Gil Bias. 51 Miller's Rural Sketches.. 92 Goethe's Werter................................... 52 Mitford (Miss) The Vorks of........... 93 Elective Affinities...... 52 Montalba's Fairy Tales of all Nations....94, 178 Wilhelm Meister.. 52 More's Utopiaand Bacon'sAtlantis............. 94 Goldsmith's Vicarof Wakefield................. 53 Morale en Action, &c................... 94 Citizen of the World.......... 53 Mervielleu se.................... 94 Grace Leslie..................................... 53 Mountford's Euthanasy.. 95 Grim's Tales from Eastern Land.55 Moore's Epicurean, a Tale............................ 94 Gulliver's Travels...,..........,.,................ 56 Musaus Legends of Rubezhal...... 96 Hall's Wilderness and War Path.. 57 Musset'sConfession d'un Enfant Seicle................ 97 Sketches of Irish Character............. 57 / Nouvelles.................. 97 Hamilton's Fairy Tales.......................... 58, 172 Myer'sFirstofthe Knickerbockers..................... 97 lannay's King Dobbs5 - 5 The Young Patroon............ 97 Happy Home, (The,). 58 Nodier's Ramans, &c................................ 99 Harry Lorrequer............................ 59 Ogle's Mariame.................... 179 Hawthorne's Twice Told Tales........................ 59 Oliffib's Waverly Sketch Book............... 179 Mosses from an Old Manse, $1 25.Opie's Adeline Mowbray. 179 Headley's Adirondack............... 60 Palgrave's Merchant and the Friar........ 103 Headlong Hall and Nightmare Abbey.... t0 Parterre (The) or Universal Storry teller.. 104 Hoffman's Contes Fantastiques. 62 Pastor Fido (Italian)................................. 105 Holly Grange, a Tale. 173 Paul and Virginia by St. Pierre..105 Home Treasury. 173 Paulding's Pliritan and his Daughter............. 179 Hood's Prose and Verse............................ 63 Peacock's Headlong Hall and Nightmare Abbey.. 105 Ilowitt's Peasant and his Landlord........ 65 Perrault les Contes des fees............. 106 Hugo's Rhine, &c................................. 65 Peter Wilkins................... 107 Hunt's Panthea, or Spirit of Nature.173 Schlemihl...... 107 Irving's Sketch Book......... 68 Schlemihl in Americas..................... 107 Knickerbocker.................68 Phantasmagoria of Fun...... 107 - Bracebridge Ha.68 Phillip Quarl's Life and Adventures.................. 107 Crayon Miscellany... -8 Randolph, a Tale. 107 Tales of a Traveller....................... 68 Pigault Lebrun Mon Oncle Thomas................. 108 James' Novels, (various.).................. -- Angelique et Jeannetton............. 108 Jane Eyre, an Autobiography. 69, 174 Monsieur Botte.. 108 Janin's l'Ane Mort et la Femme Guillotirse........... 69 Les Barons de Felsheim...................108 Jean Paul's Flower, Fruit, and Thorn P eces........... 69 -- L'Enfant du Carvaval................... 108 - Walt and Volt.............................. 69 L'Homme a Projets.................... 108 Jerrold's Chronicles of Clovernook................... 70 Pilgrim's Progress by Bunyan...........108, 109 Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures. 70 of the Rhine... 109 Man madeo' Money........... 70 Pilpay's (Bidpai) Fables................. 109 Jerome Paturot............................. 70 Poe's Tales........110, 180 Johnstone's Edinburgh Tales................... 174 Poor Artist (The,)..................... 180 King of the Huroms, (The,)........................... 174 Porcelain Tower or Nine Stories of Chinat............. 110 Kirkland's New Home," Who'll Follow".. 74 Prevost's Histoire de Manon Lescaut. 111 Western Clearings............................ 74 Pym's Mutiny on Board Brig Grampus......... 113 Kit Bam's Adventures' 74 Rahelias CEuvres Completes........ 113 Kock's le Grande Ville.................. 74 --- Works Translated................... 113 Koran, (The....................................... 74 Reach's Clement Lorimer............ 14 Krudner's Valerie............................ 75 Rees' Mysteries of City Life.............. 115 La Fontaine's CEuvres............................... 75 Reinhold's The Evening Bell.... 115 Fables....................................... 75 Revue Pittoresque Anne, 1848.................... 116 Lamartine's Raphael............................... 76 Reybaud's Jerome Paturot.............. 116 Confidential Disclosures........................ 76 Reynard the Fox. 116 Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare................... 76, 175 Robinson Crusoe, Life, &c. of................ 118 Lammenais Amshaspands et Darvands................. 76 Roby's Traditions of Lancashire............ 118 Landor's Works, 2 vols............................... 76 Roland Cashel by Lever.................... 119 Lofoden, or Exiles of Norway................. 76 Rousseau's Euvres............................... 120 Lane's Arabian Nights............................... 76 Roux de Luicy les Cent Nouvelies..... 120 Arabian Tales and Anecdotes.................. 175 Sainte Beuve's Volpte....................... 121 Lemon's Enchanted Doll............................. 78 Saintine's Pcciola................... 121 Le Sage's Gil Bias................................... 79 St. Leger, or thie Threads of Life................. 181 Lever's Roland Cashel.......1.............. 175 St. Pierre's Paul and Virginia............ 121 Longfellow's Hyperion.......................... 81 Sand's (G.) Jeannie.........,........ 121 - Outre Mer........1............... 81 Le Meunier d'Angibault..................... 121 Evangeline..81 Leone Leoni..............121 Kavanagh............. 81 Les Maitres Mosaistes....... 121 Machiavelli's Florentine Histories..................... 84 M — elchior, Mouny, et Robin............. 121 Mackenzie's Novels................ 84 - Consuelo............................. 121 Index. 201 Page. Page. Sand's Teverino..... 121 Vigny's Servitnde et Grandeur Militaire............... 147 Works Translated by Miss Hayes. 121 Cinq Mars translated. 147 - Countess of Rudolstadt................... 121 Voltaire's Romans. 148 Sandford and Merton 121 Romans et Conres.... ]48 Scarron, Le Roman Comique......................... 122 Wallbridge's Bizarre Fables.. 149 Schmid's Contes... 181 Wandering Jew, (The,)..... 150 Schefer's Artist's Married Life.122 Wanderings, &c. of German Emigrants............ 150 Scott's Waverly Novels (Various Editions). 123 Ware's Zenobia.. 150 Sedgewick's (Miss,) Clarence. 123 Julian, or Scenes in Judea. 150 - Redwood 124 Aurelian, or Rome in the Third Century. 150 - A New England Tale. 124 Warren's Ten Thousand a Year. 151 Slories for Young Persons.124 Diary of a late Physician......... 151 -- Boy of Mount Rhigi.124 Now and Then......... 151 Poor Rich Man, &c 124 Webber's Old Hicks the Guide. 152 Home.... 124 WVillis, (N.P.) Works... 157 - Hope Leslie.............. 124 Dashles at Life with a Free Pencil............. 157 -- Live and Let Live........... 124 Rural Letters, &c.... 157 --- The Linwoods........................ ~ ~ ~ ~124 People I have Met.......................... 157 Sewell's Gertrude................... 125 Wilson's Tales of the Scottish Border.................. 157 -- Margaret Percival 125 -- The Foresters. 157 Walter Lorimer.125 Yriarte's Literary Fables. 160 -- Amy Herbert125. —. Fabulas Litterarias a Josse............. 160 Shakespeare Novels.. 125 Zschokke's Gold-Maker's Village. 160 Sherwood's Works.. 12 5 Tales. 161 Shirley, a Tale.......126, 181 Incidents of Social Life. 161 Sidonia the Sorceress. 181 Simms' Wigwam and Cabin.127.Fl1a x. Mellichampe... 127 - Martin Faber.. ~127 Dickson on Cultivation and Management of Flax....... 38 - The Partisan.127 Warnes on the Cultivation of Flax... 151 Sinclair's Holiday House.128 Modern Accomplishments. 128 Foo d. - Modern Society... 128 - ~ ~Sir B. Graham. ~181 Lankester's Food of Man.................... 175 SB~~~~ketches by Boze~. ~18 Parry on Diet and its Influence............... 104 ~~~The Three Tales. &c. ~128 Pereria's Treatise on Food and Diet............. 106 Slick's (Sam) The Clockmaker.12. P28 Thomson on Food of Animals. 140 Smith's The Pottleton Legacy........................ 128 Truman's Food, its Influence, &c.. 182 The Salamander. 129 Smollett's Complete Works.. 129 Fu r n i t u r e. (See Upholstery.) Roderick Random............................ 129 - Peregrine Pickle.............................. 129 Gardening Soheiska's and Stewart's Tales G...... 181 Soavestre's les Derniers Bretons.. 130 Bridgeman's Young Gardener's Assistant........... 165 Soulie's Sathauie... 130 Downing's Landscape Gardening. 52 Souza's Roman Choises. 130 Gilpin's Landscape Gardening. 52 Il E.uvres.................... ]30 Gaudry's Coors de Pratique d'Arboricnlture............. 170 Stael, (Me. de.) Corinne. 131 Gore'sRose Fancier'sManual................ 171 Delphine....... 132 lamilton on thePine Apple. 172 CEuvres Completes.......................... 132 Hirschfield's l'ArtdesJardins............... 6 Sterne's Works..132 Hofland's Garden Decorations.............. 62 Stirling's Essays and Tales....... 133 Hogg on the Culture of the Carnation, &c.. 62 St. Pierre's CEuvres Choises. 134 Johnson's Dictionary of Gardening.... 70 - Studies of Nature. 134 Kenrick's New American Orchardist. 174 Sue's Wandering Jew.... 134 Knight's Guide, (The Gardener,)................... 175 Tayler's Margaret, or the Pearl. 136 Lindley's Guide to the Orchard and Fruit Garden.. 176 -Lady tMary.......136 Lothian on Rock Plants... 81 Mark Wilton.... 136 London's Encycloperila of Gardening... 81 Facts in a Clergyman's Life... 136 Suburban Horticulturist..... 81 Thankfulnesa.... 136 Self-Instruction for Young Gardeners.. 82 Taylor's the Fairy Ring... 137 Ladies' Flower Garden................... 82 Legends and Records. 181 Ornamental Perennials........ 82 Telemachus, translated by Dr. Hawksworth. 137 British Wild Flowers.... 82 Thackeray's Great Hoggarty Diamond. 138 Amateur Gardener's Calendar... 82 Dr. Birch and his Young Friends. 138 -- Lady's Country Companion...... 82 -- rs. Perkins' Ball. 138 Gardening for Ladies. 82 - Irish Sketch-Book............... 138 Ornamental Annuals. 82 - Journey from Cornhill to Cairo......... 138 Ornamental Greenhouse Plants............ 82 Vanity Fair. 138 McIntosh's Green-House, Hot-House, and Stove........ 84 Rebecca and Rowena. 182 McMahon's American Gardener. 84 History of Pendennis. 138 Main's Florist's Directory............................. 85 Our Street.138 Manuel de l'Architecte desJardins...... 86 Thatcher's Tales of the American Revolution.......... 138 Mills on the Cucumber........................... 92 -- Indian Traits and Sketches.................. 138 -- on the Pine Apple........................... 92 The King of the Hurons. 138 Nichol's Villa Garden Directory.............. 170 Thom's Early Prose Romances. 139 Papworh on Ornamental Gardening............. 103 Three Courses and a Dessert. 140 Parson's the Rose, &c. its History, &c. 104 Tieck's der Blaubert ein Marchen.................... 141 Parterre, or Beauties of Flora................ 104 Tales from the Phantasus...................... 141 - or Art of Flower Gardens............... 104 Topfer's Nouvelle Genevoises........................ 142 Paxton's Cultivation of the Dahlia.................... 105 Trap to Catch a Sunbeam................. 142 Phillips' Sylva Florifera, or the Shrubbery.............. 107 Treasury of Pleasure Books.......................... 182 Pratt's the Field, Garden, and Woodland.. 111 Tressan's CEuvres Completes.......... 1]43 Price on Landscape Gardening......... 111 Tuckerman's'he Optimist........... 182 Prince's Manual of Roses........................... 112 Tupper's Crock of Gold.................144 Repton on Landscape Gardening.................... 116 - The Twins and Heart......................... 144 Rogers' Fruit Cultivator.......................... 119 Tuthill's Success in Life-The Merchant............... 145 -- Vegetable Cuiltivator.......................... 119 - Success in Life-The Mechanic............... 145 Ronald's Pyrus Mauins Brentfordiensis............. 119 Tytler's Tales of the Great and Brave.................. 182 Thomas' American Fruit Culturist................... 139 Valentine Vox................ 146 Tower's Domestic Gardener's Manual............. 142 Victor Hugo's Notre Dame de Paris................... 147 Tree Rose, (The,) its Formation and Culture............ 143 - Hans d'Islande............., ~ ~ ~ 14 Van Mons Arbres Fruitiers leur Culture............ 182 - Dernier Jour d'un Condamme................ 147 Ward's Growth of Plants in Glazed Cases............. 150 Vigny's Cinq Mars.......... ~ ~ ~ 147 Watkins on Cucumbers and Melons n m............. 151 -~ Stello ~~~~~............................... 147 WeedenonGrowthof Cucumbers............... 153 - Nouvelles................................ 147 West on Management of Woods and Plantations..... 153 202 Index.'age. Page. Gas. Nat. Hist. of N. Y. Geology, It Div. by W. W. Mather 97 Accum's Treatise on Gas Light, roya. Svo., 2d by Dr. E. Emmons 97 Clegg on the Manufacture of Coal Gas.29 3d byL. Vanuxem... 97 Cubitt's Account of Coal used in One Year, &c. 167 4th byJames Hall. 97 Phillips' Treatise on Geology.......................... 107 Hurcourt de l'Eclairage an Gas, &c........ s. 66ti107 ~~~~~~~~~~Knapp's Chemical TechnoOutlines of the Geology of England............. 107 Knapp's Chemical Technology. 74......................y I4 Portlock's Rudimentary Geology. 111 MYathews' Compendium of Gas L~ighting.,......... 89 -tes Histor Seth of Gas Lighting.89 Richardson's Geology forBeginners.................... 117 Historical Sketch of Gas Lighting. 89 Parnel'sAppliedChemistry104 Sopwith's Geological Plans, &c. 130 Geological Models.130 Peckston's Treatise on Gas Lighting. 105 Geol Townsend's Geological, &c. Researches................ 142 Pelouze Traite de l'Eclairage au Gas.Trimmer's Practical Geology.143 Trimmer's Practical Geology.............. 143 Ure's Dictionary of Arts146 Tuomey on Geology of South Carolina.144 G a z e t t er s. (See G ~eogra Ure's New System of Geology..146 G a z e t t e e r s. (See Geograhy.) Wilkinson's Practical Geology and Agriculture.. 156 ~Ge o ~gr ~aphy~ ~Zornlin's Recreations in Geology....161 Geography. Anthon's Ancient and Mediaeval Geography. 162 G e o m e t ry. Atlas of Physical Geography by Prettyman. 162 Bonillet's Dictionnaire Universelle.165 Bradley.Practical Geometry.. 1 Byrne's First Six Books of Euclid. 21 Conder's Dictionary of Geography16 EcdyrLan. 16744 De Morgan on the Globes..Go 37 mety w.ihu A.ioms. 3t Geometry without Axioms................ Guthrie's Universal Geography............ 56 ~Guthrie'sUnvesaGogapy.6Hackley's Elements of Geometry. 56, 171 Guyot's Comparative Physical Geography.56 Introduction to Geometry.67 Haskell and Smith's Gazetteer of the United States.. 59 Lardner on Geometry Humboldt's Cosmos.............................. 65 adeo emtr 7 Humboldt's Cosmos....65 Leslie's Plane Geometry. 79 AspectsofNature............ 173 Luby's Elements of Geometry... 82 Kitto's Physical Geography of the Holy Land. 175 Naren'sAnalytical Geometry. 97 LeMoud. Narrien's Analytical Geometry...97 Leod.783 - Elements of Geometry........ 97 Macculloch's Dictionary of Geography.B.nnPea. 83Co-ordin O'B rien on Plane and Co-ordinate Geometry,...... 100 -- Universal Gazetteer...,,,... 83 Pasley's Practical Geometry at... 104 Malte Brun's Universal Geography....85...... 104 Milner'sGalleryofNature........................... 9210 Pierce's Plaise and;elid Geometry..... ]08 Descriptive Atlas.................. 178. 108 Play fair ~ Euclid................................. 109 Morse's School Geography............................ 959 r' School Geography. 96 Simpson's Enuclid..127 MNrray's Encyclopedia of Geography.....Smith and Biot's Analytical Geometry. 129 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~New England~98 Stanley's Geometry, &c. 132 Putz's Manual of Ancient Geography..113 Thomson's Euclid c 182 Reunell's Geography of Xenophonu...........116..8 Renel's Geography of' Xenophon. 116 Weale's Principles of Geometry..152 Geography of Herodotus... 116 Principles of Analytic Geometry.152 Simms' Geography of South Carolina.. 127 Williams'Eles of 15 1 Williams' Elements of' Euclid............. 157 -- Somerville's Physical Geography.... 130 Youg'sAnalytical Geometry. 160 Thomson's Geographical Dictionary of America..... 139 G yt 160 Geom~e~try 160 Thornton's Gazetteer of Scinde.. 140 E.i.et..........16... Trail's Physical Geography.1 Ecd... e..142 Turner's Tables of Longitude..... 144 United States Gazetteer.. 145 Ga u ging. Wittich's Curiosities of Phvs'cal Geography... 158, 175 Boydell's Ullage Cask Gauger, 8vo... Woodbridge and Willard's Geography......... 158 Gutteridge's Stereonometry, or Gauging, 12mo...... Zornlin's Physical Geography.. 161 - Universal Gauger. 12mo..... Iley's Practical Gauger, post 8vo....... Geology. Jonas's Art of Gauging, 8vo. A ~assiz les Glaciers. 2Nesbit and Little's Practical Gauging, 12mo..... AgssieaS GSlacic ers..ok2 ymon'sPractical Gauger by Maynard, 12mo..... Ansted's Geological Text-Book......Tate's...Theor -nstd's eololica Tex-Boo r Tate's Theory and Practice of Gauging. 136 Geology... 1 -- Ancient World..... 5 Glass, Pottery, &c. (Manufac. of.) Bakewell's Introduction to Geology... 10 Boase's Primary Geology. 14 Aiken's Illustrations of Arts and Manufactures.... Buckland's Geology, &c.. ]8 Curiosities of Glass Making.... 34 Chambers' Ancient Sea Margins. 26 Encyclopedia of Arts and Manufactures.....43 Cockburn's Geology......... 29 Knapp's Chemical Technology....74 Cozzen's Geology of New York... 32 Manuel du Verrier...86 Dana's Geology of the U.S. Exploring Expedition.. 35 Marryatt's Pottery and Porcelain...177 Darwin's Journal of Researches, &c. 35 Parnell's Applied Chemistry. 104 on Coral Reefs.... 35 Pellatt on Glass Making... 105 on Volcanic Islands.......... 35 Porteron Porcelain and Glass. 111 Daubeny on Volcanoes.... 35 Shaw's Chemistry of Glass, Pottery, and Porcelain....125 De la Beche's Geology of Cornwall and Devon.. 36 Ure's Dictionary of Arts.....146 Geological Manual................... 36 Geological Memoirs... 36 Grammars. (See Language.) Description of Geological Models. 37 Eaton's Geological Text-Book.............. 167 Grin di n g. (Corn, &c.) Gravatt's Plastic Clay Formation of London. 171 Hamilton's Researches in Asia Minor.. 58 Knight's Guide (Tle Miller).....175 Harcourt's Doctrine of the Deluge.... Miller's Miller's Gu.de, 12mo. Higgins' Book of Geology............................. 61 Hitchcock's Elements of Geology.. 62 Gymnastics. Geology of Massachusetts.. 172 9Clias' Gymnastic Exercises, 8vo.. Humbles' Dictionaly of Geology................... 65, 173 Hamilton's Gymnastic Exercises, iSmo. Lee's Elements of Geology............... 176 Lee's Elements Lof Geology.. 176 Instructions in Gymnastic Exercises, Svo. Longchene's Le Monde Souterrain........ Vrio'TetenCi ogan's Geological Survey of Canada.. Voriano's Treatise on Caisthenic Exercises, 8vo.... Walker's Manly Exercises............................ 149 Lyell'. Principles of Geology.. 8 __............149 Mae's oPrinciples ofGeologyr 83 Defensive Exercises.149 Maneils WVonders of Geoogy............ 86............. 4 MedalsofCreation............................ 86 Exercises for Young Ladies.................... 149 - Medals of Creation.86 Fossils of the South Downs.86..Heat. - Geological Excursions.86 - Thoughts on a Pebble. 86 Dixon's Treatise on Heat.. 168 Martin's Geological Memoir of Part of S ussex.88 Fourier's Theorie Analytique de la Chaleur, 4to. plates.. Maycock's Flora and Geology of Barbadoes. 89 Heat and its Sources, &c...60 Memoirs of the Geological Society. 90 Kelland's Theory of Heat...73 Miller, (hugh.) Old Red Sandstone. 92 Lardner on Heat,....77 Milner's Gallery of Nature........................... 92 Melloni Memoire sur la Chaleur Rayonnante..... Murchison's Silurian System of Geology... 96 on Heat, in American Almanac for 1850........ Geology of Russia.......... 96 Metcalfe on Caloric, 2 voles, 8v. $10......... Index. 203 Page. Page. Ogg on Heat (in L. U. K.)......97 Burton's Cromwellian Diary.......21 Peclet's Traite de Chaleur.. Ecclesiastical History. 21 Peschel's Elements of Physics........ 107 Bush's History of the Queens of France................ 21 Pollock on the Phenomena of Heat................... 110 Bushnell's Fathers of New England.... 166 Thomson on Heat and Electricity.................... 140 Bussey's History of Napoleon..... 21 Trail on Thermometer and Pyrometer (in L. U. K.). 91 Capefigue's Various Works...... 23 Cardwell's Documentary Annals of the Church......... 23 e r a 1 d r y, Genealogies, Peerages, &c. History of Conferences23 History of Conferences............ 23 Barrington's Lectures on Heraldry, 12mo.. Carlyle's History of the French Revolution.. 23 Book of Family Crests... 15 -- History of Oliver Cromwell............. 23 the Court.................. 15 Carey's Civil War in England.. 24 Burke's Encyclopadia of Heraldry 20 Charles I., The Court and Times of............ 26 Royal Families.......................... 20 Charles' Etudes sur les Premier Temps..166 Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary........... 20 Le Dix-Huitieme Siecle.. 166 Clarke's Introduction to Heraldry.......... 29 Chateaubriand's Congress of Verona.. 26 Debrett Genealogical Peerage............. 36 Chatham's Speeches.... 26 Demaguy Science des Armoiries. 37 Cheever's Journal of the Pilgrims.. 27 Dodd's Peerage. &c.. 38 Chronicles of the Crusades. 28 Manual of Dignities......... 3 Chronological Tables. 28 Eysenbach's Histoire du Blazon..... 45 Clarendon's History of the Rebellion...28 Glossary of Heraldry... 52 Coleman's Historical Geography, &c.. 29 Hansard's Pocket Peerage.... 58 Conquerors of theNew World.... 31 Lower's English Surnames. 82 Cooper's Naval History of the U. S.. 31 Curiosities of Heraldry. 82 Corkran's Hist, of the National Constituent Assembly... 167 Mac Jan's Clans of Scotland, 2 vols. 4to. hf. bound.. Corner's History of China. 31 Manual of Heraldry......... 87 Court and Times of James I.. 32 Montagu's Guide to the Study of Heraldry. 94 Coxe's History of the House of Austria... 32 Newton's Display of Heraldry.98 -- Memoirs of Duke of Marlborough..32 Nicolas' History of the Orders of Knighthood..... 99 Craik's History of British Commerce.......33 Eobson's British Herald....118.. Crichton's History of Denmark, &c.... 33 Cromwell's Speeches, &c.. 33 H e r p e t 0oo1 0 g y. (See Natural History.) Cunningham's History of the Sikhs.. 34 Dalrymple's Annals of Scotland... 34 i e r 0 g 1 y ph i c s. D'Aubigne's History of the Reformation. 35 Ancient Alphabets and Hieroglyphs Explained, 4to The Protector..35 -- The Protector................. 35 Arundale and Bonomi's Gallery of Antiquities....... Dalzell's Lectures on the Ancient Greeks.............. 35 Deverell's Hieroglyphs, &c. 6 vols. 8vo..Deschastelus Soixanteansde l'Histoire.. 167 Denon's Antiquities of Egypt. 37 Dodd's Church History............................... 38 Egyptian Antiquities. 42 Dollinger's Church Ilstory.. 39 Gliddon's Otia Egyptica.6..2. D'Ormoy's Histoire de Paris en 1848. 39 -Doubleday's Financial History of England... 39 Lectures on Hieroglyphic Writing, sm. fol....... Hawks' Egypt and its MonumentsDrummond's Origines..40 Duke of Argyle's Ecclesiastical History.. 40 Hieroglyphics of Horapollo Nilous, post 8vo.....Dunhamk Astoryof El 41.. 4 on the Coffin of Mycerinus, fol..... Dunham's History ofGermanic Euro pe ire.................... 41 Salt's Phonetic System of Hieroglyphics, 8vo... Historyof Germanic Empire................ 41 Spineto's Lectures on Hieroglyphics, Svo....... History of Spain and Portugaln. 41 Wilkinson's Ancient Egyptians....1. 56 History of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. 41 Young's Discoveries in Hieroglyphics.....160 History of Poland.. 1 Dunlop's Memoirs of Spain.. 41 Hist 0 r y History of Fiction............... 41 Ekin's Naval Battles..42 Abbott's History of Mary Queen of Scots...... Ei' aa ate....... A Alxdtt's History of Mary Queen of Scots. 1 Ellet's Women of the American Revolution. 42 Alexander the Great.I Eliot's Roman Liherty..42 Charles the Firstn.1 Ellis's ILetters on English History.. 43 Hannibal.1 lphinstone's History ofIndia.........43 Julius Casar.. I Encyclopdiaof Universal History.................... 169 Queen Elizabeth............ - ~Queen Elizah~eth.~I Esquiros' Histoire des Montagnards. 44 Addison's History of the Kn ights Templars 2 Eusehins' Ecclesiastical History.... 44 Alison's History of Europe......4 Eragriuns' Ecclesiastical History. 44 Epitome of do.. 4 Fairfax's Memoirs of Charles 1.... 45 Atlas to do. 4 Felton's Iistory of the Acadians..170 Allen's Rise, &c. of Royal Prerogative.161 Fenn's Pason Letters..46 -Battles of the British Navy. 4 Fergusson'sRoman History.46, 170 Ancient Monkish Historians. 5 Folsom's Letters of Corte. 47 Ancient and Modern Universal History, 65 vols. 8vo. $36 Fleury, Histoire Eclesiastique... 47, 170 Annual Register (The,). 5 Foote's Sketchesof Virginia.. 170 Arnold's History of Rome.7 Fox's Speeches..48 -Lectures on Modern History. 7 France and the French Revolution.. 48 - Annales Veternm Regnorum. 7 Francis' History of the Bank of England........... 48 Arnould's Histoire les Jesuits. 8 French's Historical Collections..48 Art de Verifier les Dates. 8 Froissart's Chronicles..49 Autograph Letters, a Collection... 9 Frothingham's History of the Siege of Boston. 170 Letters by Nicholls. 9 Frost's History of the United States. 49 Baird's History of the Albigenses.. 62 Fuller's History of the Holy W.ar..49 Bancroft's History of the United States...... 11 Church History of Britain...49 Becker's Charicles.12 -12 History of Camnbridge and Waltham Abbey.....49 Gallus....... 12 Gabourd's Histoire de Napoleon...............49 Bede's Ecclesiastical History.12 Geifer's History ofthe Swedes.. 50 Bell's History of Russi.. 12 George's Annals of the Queens of Spain............... Berrisgion's Literary History of the Middle Ages. 13 George IV., Diary of the Times of... 1 Gerg IV, Diary of the Times of............ Betham'sEtruscan Literature and Antiquities.... 13 I., Memoirs of..51 Blair's Chronological'ablaes of History, &c.14 Gibb's Administration of Washington and Adams....... 51 Blanc (L ) History of Ten Years. 14 Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire....51 History of(the French Revolution........... 14 Gllies' History of Greece..2 Bobee's de la Royante et tie la Democratie.164 Historical Collections...52 Bolton's History of West Chester CountyN. Y.. 164 Gleig's True Stories of the Battle of Waterloo...171 Bossuet's I'Histoire Universelle........16, 164 Golovine's L'Europe Revolutionaire............3 Bonille's Histoire des Does de Guise.,,,,,,, 164 Goodman's Court of King James I...........63 Brown's History of the Highland Clans..IS Gordon's History of the Greek Revolution.... 53 Chronology of the Holy Scriptures..... IS,,18 Grahame's History of the United States 5.. 5....3 Bulwer's Athens, its Rise and 1Fall.,.. 19 Grant's History of the Nestorian Christians...........54 Bunsen's Egypt's Place in the World's History........19 Graviere's Gerres Maritimes...... 54 Burke's Historic Lands of England............ 20 ray's History of Etruria........54 Burnet's History of the Reformation................ 20 Greek Ecclesiastical Historians..4......... - History of His Own Times.... 0, 166 Greene's Historical Studies................171 - (J.) Settlement of N. W. Territory........... 20 Greenhow's History of Oregon and California....... 204 Index. Page. Page. Grimboldt's Letters of William III. 55 Memoirs of the Rebellion of 1569.... 90 Grote's History of Greece................... 55 Menzel's History of Germany................... 90 Guicciardini's Maxims............................... 56 Michelet's History of tie Roman Republic.............. 91 Gnizot's History of the English Revolution......... 56 --- History of the French Revolution.............91 - Historyof Civilization........................ 56 Michaud's IlistoiredesCroisades...................... 91 H- Iistoire dd Civilization en France.............56 Mignet's History of the French Revolution............ 91 - - Histoire de Civilization en Europe............ 56 -- Antonio Perez and Philip II................ 91 - listoire de France................... 56 Mill's History of the Crusades, &c......... 92 Hallam's Historical Works................... 57 -- History of British India..................... 92 Halliwell's Letters of the Kings of England......... 57 Miller's History Philosophically Illustrated.............. 92 Halsted's Richard the Third................ 58 Milman's History of Christianity............. 92 Hammond's Political History of New York......... 58 History of the Jews........................... 92 Hart'sEcclesiastical Records....................... 59 Miner's History of Wyoming.................. 92 Hawes' Sketches of the Reformation.................. 59 Minot's Insurrection in Massachusetts................. 92 Hawks' Egyptand itsMonuments..................... 59 Mitchell's FallofNapoleon........................... 93 Monumentsof America................ 59 Mitford'sHistoryof Greece................ 93 Heeren's Historical Works....~.............. 60 Monastic and Social Life in the 12th Century.......... 94 Henry's History ofthe War with Mexico............... 60 Monette's History of the Valley of the Missisippi....... 94 Herman's Manual of Political Antiquities........... 61 Monumenta Historica Britannica............ 94 Herodotus translated..............61 Montesquieu's Grandeur et Decadence des Romans...... 94 Hervey's Court and Times of George I................. [172 Montholon's Captivity of Napoleon at St. Helena....... 94 Hetherington's History of Rome..... 61 Morton's Monastic Annals of Teviotdale.............. 95 Hlldreth's History of the United States.......... 61 Mosheim's Ecclesiastical History................. 95 History of England, by Hume, &c......... 62 Muller's History of the Dorians................... 96 Historical Pictures of the Middle Ages......... 62 Murray's History of British America.................. 96 Holmes' Annals of America............ 63.Muller's History of Grecian Literature.......... 96 Jahn's History of the Hebrew Commonwealth.. Munsell's Every Day Book of History, &c............ 96 James I.. Court and Times of................... 68 Murphy's Translation of Tacitus................ 96 James' History of William I[.......... 68 M1utiny at Spithead, History of................... 97.- I)ark Scenes of History..............174 Napier's Florentine History............... 9' Jarves' History of the Sandwich Islands......... 69 History of the Peninsular War................. 97 Jay's Review of the Mexican War............... 69 -- Montrose and the Covenanters............ 97 Jenkins' History of the Mexican War.............. 70 Napoleon's Invasion of Russia...................... 97 Jesses' Memoirs of the Court of England........... 70 Pecis des Guerres........................... 97 Jortin's Remarks on Ecclesiastical History....... 72 Neal's History of the Puritans................... 97 Josephus' Jewish History................. 72 Neander's General History of the Church.......... 98, 178 Jurieu'sCritical History, &c. of the Church......... 72 Newell's History of the Revolution in Texas........... 98 Kame's History of Man................ 174 i Newman's History of the Hebrew Monarchy........... 98 Keating's Historical Centuries................ 174 New World (The,) Conquerors of................... 98 Keightley's Historical Works. 73 Niebuhr's Lectures on History of Rome........ 99 Kelly's History of the Year 1848..... 73 History of Rome........................ 99 Kenrick on Primeval History....... 174 Ockley's History of the Saracens......1 100 Kip's Early Jesuit Missions in North America........... 73 Oxfordl Chronological Tables of History............. 102 Kemble's Saxons in England................. 73 Palgrave's History of the Anglo-Saxons...... 103 Kitto's History of Palestine..................... 74 Rise, &c. of English Commonwealth......... 103 Kohlraush's History of Germany.................. 74 Pallavinci's Histoire du Concile de Trent....... 103 Labedoiliere Histoire de la Garde Nationale........... 75 Pardoe's Court and Reign of Francis I................. 103 Laing's Chronicles of Kings of Norway................ 75 --- Louis XIV. and his Court.......... 103 Lallemand's Revolutions Politiques.................. 75 Paterculus' History of Rome........................ 179 Lamartine's Histoire des Girondins.................. 76 Pictorial History of England...................... 108 -- History of the Revolution of 1848............... 76 Proudhon's Confessions d'un Revolutionaire...........180 Lammenais de I! Eselavage Modern................... 76 History of Germany........................... 108 Affairs de Rome................... 76 History of France............................ 108 - Le Pays et le Gonvernement................... 76 Pinnock's Goldsmith's History of England............. 109 Lang's History of New South Wales................. 76 ~ Pictorial History of England.................. 109 Lappenberg's History of England.................... 76 Pitkin's History of the United States.................. 109 Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia..................... 76 Political History of New York......................... 110 Lavalee Historie des Francaise................... 77 Polybius, History of................................1 10 Le Monde, Histoire de.............................. 78 Poujoulat's Hist. de la Revolution Francaise.......... 11 Leone's The Jesuit Conspiracy.................... 78 Prescott's Ferdinand and Isabella................... Ill Libri's Reponse de an M. Bouchy................... 79 -— Conquest of Peru............................. 111 Lingard's History of the Anglo-Saxon Church......... 80 --- Conquest of Mexico................... 1...... 111 HistoryofEnglandl............................ 80 Price'sHistoryoftheMahommedanEmpire............ 111 Livermore's Review of the Mexican War............... 176 Pridden's History of Australia........................ 111 Lockhart's History of the Conquest of Mexico.......... 80 Pridhamn's History of Ceylon........................ 112 Lodge's Illustrations of British History.................. 80 - History of the Manritius....................... 112 L'Orleanais, Memoirs of the Dues de.................. 81 Priestley's Lectures on History........................ 112 Macaulay's History of England................... 83 Proctor's History of Italy................... 112 Maccullagh's Use and Study of History.......... 84 Ramsay's The Other Side-History of the Mexican War 180 Macfarlane's Our Indian Empire..................... 84 Raffles' History of Java........................ 114 -- History of the French Revolution.............. 177 Ranke's History of the Popes........................ 114 History of England........................... 175 Memoir of House of Brandenburg............ 114 Macgregor's Progress of America................... 84 History of Servia....................... 114 Machiavelli's History of Florence................... 84 History of the Reformation................... 114 Mackay's History of London....................... 84 Record of Edward the Black Prince.................. 114 - History of Popular Delusions..................84 Redhead's History of the French Revolution.......... 115 Mackinnon's History of Civilization.................. 84 Richardson's Rare Tracts and Reprints................. 117 Mackintosh's History of England.............. 84 Roberts' History of Letter Writing.................... 118 McSherry's History of Maryland.................... 84 Robertson's Historical Works....................118 Madagascar, Past and Present........................ 84 Roger of Mendober'sChronicle....................... 119 Mahon's Historical Essays..................... 85 Rollin's Ancient History........................... 119 Maitland's Reformation in England.................. 85 Rotteck's History of the World....................... 119 Malkin'sHistorical Parallels................. 175 Roujoux et Mainguet's Histoire de Angleterre.......... 119 Mangall's Ilistorical Questions........................ 85 Russell's History of Modern Europe.................... 120'Mansfield's History of the Mexican War............... 86 Saavedra's Insurrection de Naples en 1647.............. 120 Manual of Ancient History...................... 87 Rush's Court of London...................1......... 120 Marbois' History of Louisiana......................... 80 Schlhler's History of the Revolt of the Netherlands...... 122 Markham's History of Germany................... 87 - History of Thirty Years' War............. 122 - History of England....................... 87 Schlegel's Philosophy of History................ 122 Marriotti's Italy, Past and Present................. 87 -- History of Literature....................... 122 Martin's History of the British Colonies...............88 Schlosser's History of the Eighteenth Century........... 122 - History of Eastern India..................... 88 Schmitz's History of Rome..................... 123 Martineau's History of England. 88 Schomburg's History of Barbadoes.................. 123 Marvel's B'ttle Summer. Reign of Blouse............. 177 Schoman on Assemblies of the Athenians........... 13 Maunder's freasury of History.................. 89 Scott and his Staff................... 12 Mayer's History of the Mexican War.................. 89 Seaman's Essay on the Progress of Nations.... 124 Index. 205 Page. I Page. Seweli's History of the Quakers. 125 Virginia, History of by Howison. 148 Child's History of Rome. 181 History of by Smith. 148 Siborne's Waterloo Campaigns..... 126 Volney's(Euvres Completes..... 148 War in France and Belgium 126 Voltaire's Seicle de Louis XIV. 148 Simcoe's Military Journal during the Revolution........ 127 Histoire de Charles X. 148 Sinnet's By-Ways of History. 128 Wace's Chronicle of the Norman Conquest.... 149 Sismondi's Histoire des Republiques Italiennes... 128 Wade on Unreformed Abuses, &c. 149 Histoire des Francais. 128 British History, Chronologically, &c. 149 - History of the Fall of the Roman Empire.... 128 Waddington's Account of the Battle of Meanee. 149 History of the Literature of South of Europe.... 128 History of the Church. 149 Smedley's History of the Reformation......... 128 History of the Church during the Reformation... 149 Sketches from Venetian History.. 128 Wagstaffs History of the Society of Friends....... 149 History of France. 128 Ward's History, Literature, &c. of the Hindoos. 150 Smith's Historical Curiosities. 129 Whiston's Translation of Josephus. 154 - History of Virginia....................... 129 White's Belgic Revolution of 1830. 154 - Chronological Tables of Greek, &c. History... 129 Wilcox's History of Russia 155 Smyth's Lectures on Modern History.... 129 Wilde's Austria and its Institutions. 155 - Lectures on French Revolution.... 129 Wilkinson's Manners and Customs of Ancient Egyptians 156 Soame's Latin Church in Anglo-Saxon Times.......... 129 Willard's Last Leaves of American History. 156 Southey's History of Brazil.. 130 - Republic of America. 156 Spalding's History of Italy. 131 Williams' Memoir of Jerusalem............. 156 Sprague's History of the Florida War. 131 History of the Native Bengal Infantry. 156 Stael (Made.) Allemagne. 131 Worcester's Historical Atlas. 159 - Revolution Francaise. 132 Wordsworth's History of Greece, Pictorial, &c. 159 Statesman's Manual (The,)... 132 Wraxall's Historical Memoirs of his Own Time......... 159 Steinmetz's History of the Jesuits......... 132 Posthumous Memoirs of my Own Time. 159 Stephens' History of the Church, &c. 133 Wright's England under the House of Hanover......... 159 Stevens' History of the High School, Edinburgh. 133 Wyatt's Generals, &c. of American Revolution. 159 -- History of Georgia........ 133 Xenophon's Works Translated.. 159 St. John's History of Greece. 133 Yates' Modern Ilistory, &c. of Egypt. 160 History of the French Revolution............... 133 Young's Chronicles of the First Planters... 160 Stone's Border Wars of the Revolution 133 Chronicles of the Pilgrim Fathers... 160 English Society from Elizabeth..... 133 -- History of Mexico.. 160 Story of the Peninsular War by Vane. 133 Yriarte's Compendio de la Historia de Espana... 160 Strickland's Queens of England.. 134 Sue's Histoire de la Marine Francaise.............. 134 H O r 0 O g y. Sullivan's Campaigns in Western New York........... 134 24 Taillandier's Histoire de la Jeune Allemagne............ 135 Carpenter's echanical Philosophy, &c.2 Dent on Chronometers, Watches, and Clocks. Taylor's (E.) England and its People......... 136 72 3urgensen de Construction des Horologes.........7 (B.) Letters from California. 136 Manuel de C'Horologer, &c Hoe.. 86 - History of Mohammedanism................ 137 Mnuel de'orologer, &c.86 Reid on Clock and Watch Making............. 115 Manual of Ancient and Modern History. 137 Rion C and mKi.1 Thompsson's Time and Time-Keepers. History of the Revolutions of Europe.......... 137 146 Ure's Dictionary of Arts, &c............... 4 Thackeray's Britain under the Roman Emperors.... 138 Theodoret's Ecclesiastical History. 138 I Horse. (See Domesticated Animals.) Thierry's Histoire de la Conquete de l'Angleterre.. 138 - Lettres sur L'Histoire de France. 138 H o r tic u it u re. (See Gardening.) Historical Essays.. 139 Thiers' Histoire de la Revolution Francaise............. 139 House Painting, Glazing, &c. - Consulate and Empire of Napoleon............ 139 - Etudes andEmpireof Napot.39 Bennet's Painter's and Glazier's Director, 18Smo..... Etades Historiques.............. 139 7 Carver's and Gilder's Guide.............. 7 Thirlwall's History of Greecearver's and Gilder's Guide.. 175139 Thlomas's History of Gthe State Paper Office.. 139 Cooper's Glass-Cutter and Glazier's Manual, post 8vo.... Thomas'sHistoryoftheSte Pa e. 139 Field's House Painting and Mixing Colors. 152 Historical Account of Pennsylvania.139 Frank's Book of Ornamental Glazing Quarries.. 48 Thompson's History of Long Island. 139 Practice of House Painting.60 Illstor? ufl~lexico. J39 Hay on Practice of House Painting...........6 History of Mexico............... 139 Historyrs of MexCo..tofH y139 Hall's Glass-Cutter's Assistant, small 4to. Memoirs of the Court of Henry VIII..... 139 61 History of the Austrian Empire.... 139 Higgins' House Painter. Plumber and Glazier, (The,).................. 175 Essay on Magna Charta............. 140 -- Essay on Magna Ciarta.140 Smeaton's Painter's and Gilder's Manual, ]Smo........ Thorn's Memoirs of the Conquest of Java.. 140'51 Shaw's Glazier's Book, tGidde's,) 51 - Memoirs of the War in India.... 140 Tingrys House Painter and Colorman's Guide.. 141 Thownton's History of the Punjab................ -e. 14014 -- Varnisher's Guide............... ]41 - History of thie East India Company............. 140 Vnherman's HousePinter.146 Vanherman's House Painter.......................... 146 - Chapters in Modern History of India... 140 Whitlock's Decorative Painter and Glazier's Guide...... 155 History ot'f British India.. 140 Thrilling Incidents of Revolutionary War. 140 House S e r v a n t s. Thucydides' History of Greece. 140, 141.. 175 Timpson's British Ecclesiastical History. 141 Knight's Guides to Service. Church History through all Ages.141 The Cook.. The Con fectioner..................... Toland's History of the Druids.141 The House. 1 Tomlin's history of England.. 141 Townsend's Ecclesiastical and Civil History.... 142 The Lady's Maid. Townshend's History of the House of Commons 142 The Laundry Maid......... Tracy's History of the Great Awakening....... 142 The Maid of All Work. True, &c. Discourse between Hampden and Cromwell. 143 The Nurse. Turner's History of England..145 Te Nursery Maid... - History of the Anglo-Saxons. 145 - Sacred IHlistory of the World............... 145 Hydraulics. Tytler's Universal History.... 145 Barlow on ForceExcited by Hydraulic Pressu-are..... 163 Elements of General History. 145 Crawley on Water-Wheel at Waltham Abbey.... 167 History of Scotland. 145 Denison's Description of Balance Gates... 168 Un Heros, IHistoire Contemporaine..... 145 Donkin's Experiments on Flowing Water... 168 Universal History, Ancient and Modern. 145 Dwyer's Hydraulic Engineering... 41 Upham's History of Buddhism 146 Ewbank on Hydraulic Engineering........... 44 Sacred and IHistorical Books of Ceylon..... 146 Garstin's Treatise on Rivers and Torrents. 50 Vaughan's Pratectorate of Oliver Cromwell........... 146 Hodges' Hydraulic Tables................ 62 - Historical Essays, &c..................... 146 Hydraulic Press for Proving Girders...................173 Ihistory of England................... 147 Jamieson's Mechanics of Fluids...................... 174 Vermont, History of by Beckley................... 147 McNeil on Resistance of Water in Canals.............. 84 -- History of by Thompson...................... 147 Matthews' Mode of Supplying London with Water..... 89 Verplanck's Addresses on American History............ 147 Milligan on Hydraulics, in L. U. K.)................ 91 Vertot's Hlistoire de Chevalier de Malte................ 147 Minard's Ouvrages Hydrauliques...................... 92 Vieo's La Science Nouvelle........................... 147 Peaooclte's Researches in Hydraulics.......... 105 Vieusseux's History of Switzerland...................147 Ruhlman on Horizontal Water-Wheels............... 116 Villehardouin's Chronicles...................... 148 Schramke's History of the Croton Aqueduct............ 123 Virginia, Historical Collections of..................... 148 Sluice Gate, Investigations on, &c................. 128 206 index. -ge. Page. Stehelin's Accountof Cast Iron Pump. 1.32 Harding's Sketches of Forest Scenery... 58 Stevenson on Improvement of Tidal Rivers.... 133 Baronial Halls...1 72 StorroWv on Water Works.133 Hawks' Egypt and its Monuments..... 9 Taylor's Plans for Foundations of Harbors........... 13a Hering's Mountains and Lakes of Switzerland. 61, 172 Tredgold's Tracts on Hydraulics...................... 143 Hindostan, its Landscapes, Palaces. &c. 62, 172 Zomlin's Recreations in Hydrology................... 161 Historic Gallery of Portraits..62 Hogarth's Works, Engraved by Himself, folio, $45. Hydrostatics and Hydronamics Holmes' Caspian Sea, Pictorial, &c.. 63 Barrett'sPropositions in Mechanics, &c..163 Homer's Iliad with Flaxman's Illustrations.167 Brou.gham's Hydrostatics, (in L. U. K.).. Howard's Illustrations to Shakespeare..... 64 Broughamrt's Treatise on Hydrost namics, (i &c L. U. K.)............. 97 Humphrey's Specimens of Ill. Books of Middle Ages..... 65 Hart's Treatise on Hydronaics, &c....... 6 Illuminated Illustrations to the Bible. 66 Jamieson's Mechanics of Fluids. 69 ILlustrations to Froissart. 66 -Ijiustrations to Froissart..6 Lardner on Hydrostatics, &c. 77 Illustration, (L') Journal..67 Miller's Elements of Hydrostatics. 178 Illustrations of Public Buildings of London.. 67 Moseley's Hydrostatics and Hydronamics. 178 Isle of W ight Illustrated.. 67 Newth's Statics, Dynamics, and Hydrostatics cr. 8vo. $1 75 Irving's Sketch-Book Illustrated..................... 68 Vince's Principles of Hydrostatics. 148 Oliver Goldsmit h Ilstrated.. 68 Walton's Problems in Hydrostatics, &c................ History of New York Illustrated............ 68 Webster's Principles of Hydrostatics... 153 Tales of a Traveller Illustrated.. 68 Whewell's Elements of Hydrostatics.154 - - Book of the Hudson Illustrated.... 68 Jameson's Beauties of the Court of Charles II. 69 H y g i e n e. Janin's La Normandie Historique. 69 Brigham's Influence of Religion on Health............. 165 Jardin des Plantes Historique, &c... 69 Bull's Hints to Mothers. 19 Jones' Scenery of the Nile..71 on the Management of Infancy. 19 Keepsake des Jeunes Personnes.... 72 Burne's Teetotaler's Companion.166 Knight's Penny Magazine.......... 74 Carlile on Health and Prolonging Life.............. 23 -- Pictorial Lon don..74 Chadwick on Alcohol in Health and Disease... 25 Kinglake's Oriental Life Illustrated..73 Combe's Physiology of Digestion 30 Kirby's Wonderful Museum..73 on Management of Infancy. 30 Landseer's The Mothers.. 76 Principles of Physiology. 167 Lawrence, (SirThos.) Engravingsfrom...........77 Debay's Medecne du Visage, &. 167 Lays ofthe Western World Illustrated............. 77 Foy's Manuel d'Hygiene............... 170 Londina Illustrata, by Wilkinson.. 80 Graham's Lectures on Human Life....................53 London Interiors..81 Johnson on Life, Health, and Disease............. Lodge's Portraits of Illustrious Persons................ 80 Lane's Mysteries of Tobacco.......................... 76 Lynch's Poems Illustrated........83 Levy's Traite d'Hygiene............................. 79 Martin's Bible Illustrations.....88 Montfalcon's Salubrite dans les Grandes Villes....... 94 Memoirs of Kit Kat Club, Portraits.....90 Moore's Use of the Body in relation to the Mind. 94 Meredith's Romance of Nature......... 177 Morewood's History of Inebriating Liquors............. 95 Miracles of OurSaviour Illuminated.............93 Parry on Diet and its Influence....................... 104 Mudie's Gleanings ofNature................. 178 Pereira's Treatise on Food and Diet.................... 106 Muller's Francis I., Costumes, &c............. 96 Smith's Philosophy of Hea lth.... 175, 181 Musee Francaise et Royal, 6 vols. folio, half bound.... Walker's Gatherings from Graveyards. 189 Napoleon Gallery, 100 Pictures................. 97 Nash's PicturesqueViewsofParis.............. 97 Hy dr o p a t h y. (See Medicite.) Mansions of England in the Olden Time. 97 Neale's Seats, Mansions, and Castles of England.. 98 I( and Le Keux's Churches of Britain...... 98 _llustrated Boo ks. (See also, Art.) OrientalAlbum, Costumes, &c.. 101 American, (The,) in Paris. 4 Owen's Hints on Public Architecture.. 102 Annual Scrap Book..... Parables of Our Lord.... 103 Beauties of the Opera and Ballet... 12 Pardon's Universal Picture Gallery...... 103 of the Court of Queen Victoria..... 163 Paris in 1841 by Mrs. Gore..103 Book of Ruth Illustrated.164 Payne's Universum..103 Briffault's Paris dans l'Ean.. 165 Penny Magazine..106 Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress...... 19 People's Journal. 106 Byron Beauties, Gallery of. 22 Pere le Chaise... 106 Cabinet Portrait Gallery........ 22 Petite Miseres de la Vie Humain............ 107 Cathedrals of Great Britain. 24 Pictorial Book of Ballads..... ]07 Cattermole's Evenings at Haddon Hall.... 25 Dictionary of the Bible.. 08 Portfolio of Drawings.... 166 History of Napoleon. ]08 Charm, (The,) a Series of Colored Groups.............. 26 History of London..108 Christian Doctrines Illustrated.... 167 -- History of England.................. 108 Cities and Towns of Scotland Illustrated 28 - History of Germany........ 108 Cook's Views of Shipping and Craft................ 31 History of France..108 Cruikshank's Illustrations to Smollett, Fielding, &c..... 33 History of Palestine. 108 Cunningham's Gallery of Pictures.... 34 -- Illustrations of New Zealand............. 108 Daniels' Oriental Scenery................. 35 Museum of Animated Nature.... 108 Divers' Works of Early Masters.38 Picture Bible. 108 Douce's Illustrations to Shakespeare................... 39 Picturesofthe French..108 Doyle's Manners and Customs of ye nDglyshe......... 168 Picturesque Tour on the River Thames............ 108 Drawing-Room Scrap-Book, &c................ 138 Pinelli's Italian Manners and Costume............ 109, 180 Duborg's Views of Ancient Buildings.................. 40 and Cooke's Views in Rome.............. 109 Durer's Passion of our Lord.... 41 Retzsch's Outlines, (Various).... 116 Ellet's Illustrated Scripture Gift Book. 42 Reynolds' Graphic Works.... 116 Fergusson's'Illustrations of Rock Cut Temples.......... 46 Rhine (The,) Italy and Greece Illustrated.. 116 Form of Matrimony Illustrated. 170 Sermon on the Mount Illustrated.. 124 Friendship's Offering.48 Seymour's Humorous Sketches... 125 Froissart, Illustrations to.49 Shakspeare's Songs Illustrated by Etching Club. 125 Fullerton's Views in the Himalaya.... 4J Seven Ages Illustrated..125 Game of Natural History. 50 - Portfolio. 125 Gallery of Pictures, by Cunningham. 49 - Gems..... 125 - - Portraits, by Lodge................... 49 Gallery. 125 Glimpses of the Wonderful................. 52 Spirit of the Woods.... 131 Gavard's Interior Views of Versailles......... 50 Stanfield's Coast Scenery................... 132 Gell and Gandy's Pompeii............... 50 - Sketches on the Moselle...................... 132 Gems of Art, a Collection................... 51 Syria, &c. Illustrated................................. 135 - European Art. Edited by Mrs. S. C. Hall...... 51 Thomas's Views in Simla, in India................... 139 Gilpin on the Picturesque.................. 52 Titsingh's Illustrations of Japan..................... 141 Gilray's Caricatures......................... 52 Tombleson's Views on the Thames.................... 141 Goldsmith's Vicar of Wakefield Illustrated.... 53 -- Views on the Rhine........................... 141 Gruner's Decorations of Pavillion at Buckingham Palace 56 Turner's Views on Southern Coastof England......... 144 --- Fresco Decorations, &c........................ 56 Views in Richmondshire....................... 144 Haghe's Sketches in Belgium............ 57 Rivers of France.......... 144 Hale's Flora's Interpreter........................ 172 Views in England and Wales.................. 144 Index. 207 Page. Page. Turner on Southern Coast of England.......... 144 Evans' LeicestershireWords, &c..................-. 44 Twamley's Romance of Nature.145 Ewald's Grammarofthe Hebrew Language............ 44 Our Wild Flowers............................ 145 Felton's Greek and Roman Metres.. 45 Tyas's Favorite Field Flowers................... 145 -- Greek Reader........... 46 Universal Picture Gallery.146 Flemming and Tibbins' French and English Dictionary. 47 Views on the Nile by Owen Jones, &c.147 Flugel's German and English Dictionary.. 47 Vivian's Views from the Gardens of Rome. 148 Fosdyck's German Dictionary.... 48 Scenery in Portugal and Spain 148 Frey's Hebrew Grammar... 48 Voyage on il vous Plaira.. 149 Geser ius' lebrew Grammar. 51 Wakefield's Illustrations to New Zealand. 149 Glossary of Provincial Vords used in Teesdale. 171 Wainwright's Women of the Bible.... 149 Grose's Provincial Glossary..... 55 Waverley Gallery 151 Gwilt's Rudiments of Anglo-Saxon Grammar.......... 56 -- Gems...................................... 151 Hale's Philology, &c. 57 We.d's Women of the Scriptures.. 153 Howse's Grammar of the Cree Language..... 65 Scenery of Killarney. 153 Hunter's Anglo-Saxon Grammar. 66 Wells' Picturesque Antiquities of Spain. 153 Hallamshire Glossary................ 173 Welsted's City of the Caliphs. 154 Jamieson's Dictionary of the Scotch Language..... 69 Westwood's Illuminated Illustrations of the Bible....... 154 Jermyn's Book of English Epithets. 70 Wilkie's Sketches in Turkey, Syria, &c. 156 Johnes' Philological Proofs. 70 - So —-- Spanish and Oriental Sketches. 156 Johnson's Dictionary.... 1 Wilkinson's Londina Illustrata... 156 Klipstein's Study of Modern Languages... 74 Women of the Bible by Wainwright................... 158 -- Grammar of thie Anglo-Saxon.... 74 of the Old and New Testament............... 158 - Analecta Anglo-Saxonica.. 74 Words of Visdomn and Truth.... 159 Kuhner's Greek Grammar... 75 Wordsworth's Greece, Pictorial, &c................... 159 -- Latin Grammar.............................. 75 Latham on English Language.... 77 I C h t h y o 1 o g y. (See Natural History.) Lexicon of Hebrew and English.... 79 McLeod and Dewar's Gaelic Dictionary........... 84 Ice. Manesca's Oral System of Teaching French... 85, 177 Medhurst's Chinese D)ictionary. 90 Master's Ice-Book.................................... ~~~89 Japanese and English Vocabulary. 90 Morrison's Chinese and English Dictionary.. 95 Indigo Chinese and English Grammar. 95 Murray's English Grammar. 96 Phipps' Treatise on Indigo........................... 108 Hand-Book of Travel Talk................... 96 Ure's Dictionary of Arts..146 Museum Criticum................................ 96 Nare's Glossary of Words, Phrases, &c.. 97 Infu s 0 r i a. (See Natural History.) Neuman's Spanish Dictionary.. 98 Noehden's German Grammar. 99 Insurance. (See Lfe Assurance.) Nordheimer's Hebrew Grammar...................... 99 ~ Se ife A s u r n 9. Chrestomathy.. 99 In v e n t i on s. (See Useful Arts.) Nugent's French and English Dictionary............... 100 Nuttall's Classical Dictionary. 100 O'Brien's Irish and English Dictionary. 100 I r o n. (See Metallurgy.) Ollendorf's New Method of Learning Languages... 101 Palmer's Pentaglott Dictionary of Terms. 103 J u r is p r u d e n c e. (See Law.) Parker's Aids to English Composition. 104 Pauli Analecta Hebraica.105 Language. Phillips' Elements of Syriac Grammar................. 107 Pickering's Greek and English Lexicon.108 Adler's German Reader....................... 2 Practical Guide to Study of Greek Testament.. 1 I1 - German and English Dictionary,............... 2 Priestley's Lectures on Language and Grammar......... 112 Ainsworth's Latin Dictionary. 3 Ramshorc's Latin Synonymes... 114 Analytical Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon. 5 Rask's Danish Grammar for Englishmen. 114 Andrews' First Lessons in Latin 5 Reid's English Dictionary. 115 Latin Reader.. 5 Rich's Companion to Latin Dictionary. 116 Latin Exercises............................... 5 Richards' Welsh and English Dictionary.... 116 and Stoddart's Latin Grammar. 5 Richardson's English Dictionary. 117 Anthon's Latin Lessons. 6 Arabic Grammar.117 Latin Prose Composition...................... 6 -- Persian, Arabic, and English Dictionary. 117 Latin Prosody and Metre.... 6 Riddle and Scott's English and Latin Lexicon.......... 117 Latin Versification 6 Riggs' Manual of the Chaldee Language. 117 - Zumpt's Latin Grammar............... 6 Robinson's GreekLexicon............................ 118 First Greek Lessons.......................... 6 Gesenius' Hebrew Lexicon.................... 118 - Greek Prose Composition. 6 Robertson's Dictionary of Latin Phrases.. 118 System of Greek Prosody and Metre............ 6 Rowan's New Modern French Reader.....1.......... 120 Greek Grammar. 6 Rowbotham's Dictionary, French and English. 120 New Greek Grammar.6 Russian and English Dictionary...................... 120 -- Greek Reader.6 Schlegel's Lectures on Life and Language...... 122 Classical Dictionary. 6 Schmitz's Grammar of the Latin Language. 123 - Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities. 6 Soler's Traductor Ingles. 181 -- School Dictionary of Antiquities. 6 Spiers' French and English Dictionary. 131 Arnold's Greek Accidence.7 Steiner's German and English Reader. 132 First and Second Latin Book. 7 Stocqueler's Oriental Interpreter....................... 133 - Latin Prose Composition........ 7 Stoddart's Universal Grammar....................... 181 First Greek Book.......................... 8 Stone's Dictionnaire Francaise et Anglaise. 133 Greek Prose Composition. 8 Stuart's Grammar of the New Testament.............134 Greek Reading Book........................ 8 - Hebrew Chrestomathy. 134 Babault's Dictionnaire Francaise................. 9 Surenne's French and English Dictionary............. 135 Baretti's Italian and English Dictionary.............. 11 Swedish and English Dictionary......... 135 -- Dictionnaire Espanol-Ingles.... 163 Tatham's Lexicon Egyptiaco-Latinum. 136 ftopp's Comparative Grammar. 16 Tarver's Phraseological Dictionary. 136 Bomhoff's English and Dutch Dictionary. 164 Taylor's Hindostanee and English Dictionary. 137 Bosworth's Origin of the English, German, &c. 16 Theime's English and German Dictionary. 138 -- Anglo-Saxon and English Dictionary........... 16 Thorpe and Klipstein's Anglo-Saxon Gospels........... 142 Bush's Hebrew Grammar...... 21 Tooke's Diversions of Purley 152 Carey's Lexicon to Herodotus. 24 Townsend's Etymological Researches. 142 Cobbett's French Grammar. 29 Valpy's Greek Grammar...... 146 Crosby's Greek Infiexion.. 33 Vernon's Guide to Anglo-Saxon................ 147 Crusius' Greek and English Lexicon. 33 Vieyra's Portuguese Dictionary................. 147 Dobson's Latin and Greek Composition... 38 -- Portuguese Grammar. 147 Donaldson's Greek Grammar. 39 Walker'sEnglish Dictionary. 149 - New Cratylus................. 39 Wall's Ancient Orthography of the Jews. 149 Donegan's Greek and English Lexicon.... 39 Webster's American Dictionary. 153 Dufief's Nature Displayed, French.................... 40 Welsford on Origin of the English Language........... 153 ----- Nature Displayed, Spanish...................40 Werninck's Dutch and English Dictionary........... 153 208 Index. Page Page. Wilkins' Sanskrit Grammar.......... 156 McKean's Practical Life Tables, 8vo.................. Williams' Elementary Grammarof Sanskrit........... 157 Milne's Treatise on Annuities.............. 92 Wilson's Sanskrit and English Dictionary.............. 157 Miller on Life and Fire Assurance, 8vo................ -- Introduction to Grammar of Sanskrit........... 157 Morgan's Tables of Persons Assured, folio.............. - French and English Dictionary................. 157 Nelson's Contributions to Vital Statistics.............. 98 Winer's Idioms of the New Testament................ 157 Park on Marine Insurance, 2 vols, royal vo............ - Lexicon Manuale Hebraicum et Chaldaicum.... 157 Penny Cyclopaedia (The,)......................... 106 Worcester's English Dictionary......... 159 Pocock's Nature, &c. of Insurance on Lives, 12moo. Young American's Primer............................ 160 Price on Reversionary Payments, 2 vols. 8vo.......... Zumpt's Grammar of the Latin Language............. 161 Quetelet's Theory of Probabilities............ 113 _ Calculations on Probabilities................... 113 L a w. Rankin on Lite Assurance and Annuities...... 114 Sang on Life Assurance, &c. folio............. Abbot (C.) On Ships and Seamen............. 1 Smith's Tables ofTerminable Annuities, 8vo........... Addison on Contracts.2 Watts' Progress of Life Insurance.151 Andre's Cosrs, &c. de Droit Canon, &c.............. 162 Bayley on Bills of Exchange......................... 12 Light. Corpus Juris Canonici............................... 31 De Lolme on the English Constitution................. 37 Barrister's Light, Heat, &c., vo. Egan on the New French Law of Patents............. 42 Biot's de la Polarization de la Lumiere, 4to. plates...... Ellis's Laws and Regulations of the Customs.......... 43 Bompas Light, Heat, &c. 8vo......................... Forsyth's Horcensius...,,,,,..,,,,,.47 Byvwater's Light and Vision, 8vo........... Geldart's Halifax on Civil Law..................... 51 Brewster on Polarized Light, (in L. U. K.)............. 97 Lequeux Manoale Com pendium Juris.........78 Higgins' Light and Optical Instruments, 8vo.......... Mansfield's Legal Rights of Women.................. 86 Hunt's Researches in Light.................6......... 66 Marshall on the Federal Constitution.88 Bunter's Influence of Light, 8vo.88 Montesquieu's Esprit de Lois... 94 yan's Elements of Light, royal 8vo................ Moore's Laws of Trade in the United States............ 94 Lloyd's Wave Theory of Light, 8vo........... O'Brien's Treatise on Military Laws...................100 - on Light and Vision, vo. - The Lawyer, his Character, &c...... 179 MacVicar's Medium of Light, 8vo................. Revised Statutes of New York................... 116 Manlus' Theorie de la Double Refraction, 4to. plates..... Tayler's Law Glossary of Foreign Languages........... 136 Peschel's Elements of Physics.......... 107 Taylor's Medical Jurisprudence...................... 131 Pereira's Lectures on Polarized Light.................106 Triper's Les Constitutions Francaise................... 143 Powell's Undulatory T'heory of Light, 8vo.............. Vattel's Laws of Nations..............146 Properties and Effects of Light, 16mo....... Warren's Introduction to Law Studies............. 151 Somerville on Connexion of Physical Sciences..........130 Duties of Attorneys and Solicitors.............. 151 Woodward on Polarized Light............ 158 Weale's Law of Contracts for Building....... 152 Webster's Diplomatic and Official Papers.............. 152 i h t- o e s. Speeches and Forensic Arguments..... 152 Wheaton's History of the Law of Nations...154.. Smeaton and ight-Houses, 18mo................... Elements of International Law.154 on Eddystone Light-House, folio........ Smith on Illuminating Light-Houses..... 129 ~~Madras Light-House............... L i b r a r i e s, (and other Collections.) MadrasLight-House.129 Stevenson on Bell-Rock Light-House, royal 4to.. Aldine Edition of the Poets............3 -— 3 on Skerrvvore Light-House........133 American Biography, Library of................... 4 on Construction of Light-Houses.......... 152 Anglo-Catholic Theology, Library of................. Weston's Letters on Eddystone Light-House, 4to........ Bogue's European Library............ 14 Bohn's Antiquarian Library.......................... 1 i t er ary Hi s t o r y. Classical Library................ 15 - Scientific Library................. 15 Antonio, (Nic.) Bibliotheca Vetus et Novao, 4 vols. fol. Standard Library.... 15 Ancient Indian Literature, 4to..................... Cavendish Society's Publicationss...... Barante's Tableau de la Litterature Francaise...... 163 Calvin Translation Society's Publications...... 22 Betham's Etruscan Literature, &c.................. 13 Camden Society's Publications............ 2....2 Berrington's Literary History of the Middle Ages......13 Edinburgh Cabinet Library......................... 42 Biographie Univerelle.................... 14 Greek Ecclesiastical Historians..........54 Boyd's History of Literature, 2 vols............... Hakluyt Society's Publications..........,57 Bosworth on Literature of Northern Nations............ 16 Jardine's Naturalist's Library................... 69 Bouterwek's history of Spanish Literature....... 16 Knight's Weekly and Monthly Volumes........ 175 Burder's Oriental Literature, 2 vols. 8vo...... -- Guides to Trade and Service........ 175 Carlyle's Miscellaneous Writings.........24 Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopadia........ 76 Collet's Relics of Literature, 8vo................ Library of the Fathers.......... 79 Craik's History of Literature, &c. in England........... 33 Martin's British Colonial Library...... 88 Chambers' Cyclopeedia of English Literature....... 26 Memoires de L'Institut National..o........ 90 Coruey's New Curiosities of Literature, post 8vo......... Natural History of New York State................... 97 Charpentier, Ilistoire des Lettres en Europe, 2 vols. Svo.. Oxford Classics..... 102 Chasles' Literature Francaise, 12mo................... 166 Percy Society's Publications............. Chateaubriand's Sketches of English Literature...... 26 Ray Society's Publications........ D'Israeli's Amenities of Literature 3......36 Ripley's Specimens of Foreign Literature............... 117 Miscellanies of Literature.................. 36 Royal Engineers, Papers of......... 120 -- Curiosities of Literature........... 36 Select British Poets.........................124 Drake's Shakespeare and his Times....................40 Shakespeare Society's Publications.......... Dunlop's History of Fiction, 2 vols........... 41 Weale's Rudimentary Works 15...................... 1 Duquesnel's Hist. Lit. avant Christ. 2 vols. 8vo......... R aHist. Lit. Cinq. prem. Siecle du Christ, 5 vols.... Edinburgh Review, (The,).................. L i fe A s s u r a n c e, Probabilities, &c. Edinburgs RSeview, (The,)ary.Rmne. 42 Ellis' Specimens of Early English Romances......... 42 Ansell's Treatise on Friendly Societies, 8vo............ - Specimens of Early English Poetry............ 42 Babbage's Comparative View of Institutions, 8vo....... Eichoff's Histoire, &c. de la Littersture des Slaves... Baily, Doctrine of Annuities Investigated, 4to.. ichorn's Literary History, (German,) 2 vols. 8vo....... Baylis' Arithmetic of Annuities, 8veo.......... - Do. from the Earliest Times, 6 vols. 8vo. (German) Burt on Life Assurance................... 79 Do. and Civilization of Europe, 3 vols. 8vo. (Ger.t De Morgan, Essay on Probabilities................... 37 Eschenberg's Manual of Classical Literature.......44 Dowdeswell's Law of Life and Fire Insurance, 12 too. Foreign Quarterly Review, (T'he,)............... 47 Ellis's Law of Fire and Life Insurance, 8vo.... Foster's Hiand-Book of European Literature..... 170 Farren on Life Contingencies, 8vo........... Gray's Historical Sketch of English Prose Literature..... Finlaison's Tables for Relief in Sickness, &c. 8vo........ Griswold's Prose Writers of America........... 55 Galloway's Treatise on Probabilities.......... 50 Gervinus' list. of German Poetry, (German,) 5 vols. 8vo. Gray on Life Contingencies................ 54 Hallam's History of the Literature of Europe 5....57 land-Book for Life Assurers, foolscap 8vo......... Hedge's Prose Writers of Germany............60 Hutchinson's View of Life Assurance, post 8vo........ Hippesley's Chapters on Early English Literature....... Inwood's Tables for Purchasing Estates...... 67 Hobhouse's State of Literature in Italy, 8vo............ James's Guide to Benefit Building Societies, 12mo...... La Harpe's Cours de Litterature, &c....7........ 5. Jones on Annuities and Reversionary Payments......... Lewes' Racine andI the French Class. Drama, 3 vols...175 Tables of Annuities. &c. 8vo.. Spanish Drama................... 175 Marshall's Law of Insurance, 2 vols. 8vo............ Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe........... 81 Index. 209 Page. Page& Macaulay's Miscellaneous Essays.............. 83 Camus on the Teeth of Wheels...................... 23 Marriotti's Italy, its Literatare, &c...... 87 Carpenter's Mechanical Philosophy................... 24 Menzel's Hist. Lit. of Germany....... 90 Chaumont's des Collection des Machines............... 27 Muller's History of the Literature of Greece. 96 Christian's Traite de Mecanique.......... 28 Nichol's Illustrations of Literary History........... 99 Clegg's Architecture of Machinery..................... 29 - - Literary Anecdotes..... 99 Dempsey's Description of a Saw-Mill............ 168 Otto's History of Russian Literature. 102 Description of an American Saw-Mill................ 168 Petherham's Hist. Sketch of Anglo-Saxon Literature.... 107 Encvclopaedia of Arts and Manufactures. 43 Retrospective Review,,The,) 16 vols. 8vo. of Civil Engineering........ 43 Roberts' History of Letter Writing........... 118 Glynn's Description of Wharf Cranes............... 171 Reeve's Progress of Romance.... Description of a Traversing Crane............ 171 Robinson's Literature, &c. of the Sclavic Nations....... Guest on Spinning Machinery................... 56 Schlegel'sLectures on the History of Literature.... 122 Hays' Machine for Deepening Rivers................. 172 - Lectures on Dramatic Literature............ 122 Knight's Results of Machinery, 18mo............ Shaw's Outlines of English Literature. 125 Machinery for Manufacturing Cannon............. 177 Sismondi's Literature of the South of Europe........... 128 Nasmnyth's Patent Steam Hammer, &c............ 178 Taylor's Survey of German Poetry..... 137 Spenser on Steam Pile Driving Machine.........131 Thimm's Literature of Germany.. 139 Tredgold's Examples of Modern Tools..... 143 Ticknor's History of Spanish Literature.... 141 Valcour's les Instruments Aratoires................... ]46 UlriciPs Shakespeare's Dramatic Art............ 145 Warr on Construction of Machinery, 8vo.............. Vericour's Modern French Literature................ 147 Weiss on Surgical Instruments................... 153 Villemain's Cours de Litterature Francaise........... 148 Whewell's Mechanical Euclid.................. 154 Vinet's Etudes sur ]a Litterature Francaise........... 148 White's History of Inventions................. 154 Warton's History of English Poetry............. 151 Williams' Inventions and Discoveries................. 156 Wright's Literature, &c. of the Middle Ages......... 159 Weisbach's Mechanics of Machinery.................. 153 Worcester's Century of Inventions................... 159 Li th ograph y. ~Year Book of Facts.............. 160 Lithography. Englemanir's Traite, &c. de Lithographie, 4to.......... Fielding on the Art of Engraving, royal 8vo..... M a g i c. Hulmandel's Manual of Lithography........ 65 Brewster's Lectures on Natural Magic................. 165 Penny Cyclopaedia (The,)......... 106 Collin de Plancy's Diet. des Sciences Occultes, 2 vols. 4to. Senefelder's Art of Lithography..... 124 Dictionnaire Infernal, 8vo.............. Ure's Dictionary of Arts...................146 Crowe's Night Side of Nature................... 33 Dendy's Philosophy of Mystery.............. 37 Lithology. -Godwin's Lives of the Necromancers... 52 Salverte's Philosophy of Magic..... 121 Bramah's Experiments on Fracture, &c. of Stones. 165 Scott's Demonology and Witch craft......... 123 Burgoyne on Quarrying Stone.... 152 Fanshaw's Effect of Climate on Stone. 169 Luke on Herm Granite. 177 M1i a gn e t i sm. (See Electricity.) Sepp's Different Sorts of Marble, 2 vols. 4to. $57....... Smith's Observations on Stone used for Building. 128 Man. a M a I1. Logarith m s. Drake's Book of the Indians....................... 40 Coote's Homoogies of the Human Skeleton.... 31 Babbage's Tables of Locgarithms........................ 16~2 Babbage's Tables of LogarithmsCabanai's Rapports du Physique, &c. de l'Homme.. 22 Carr's Table of Logarithms, Smo.Combe's Consttution of Man, mo... Cornhe's Constitution of Man, 18too.................... ~Byrn~e's Logarithms..~21 ~Field's Experiments on the Power of Men.............. 170 Dobson's Anti-Logarithmic Canon, folio.Fichte's Vocation of Man....46 Hutton's Mathematical Tables........ 66 Green'sVital Dynamics54 Littl ~ ~ ~ ~ Ge'ns ExpalaDnationsofogrts8o.......... Little's Explanations of Logarithms, 8vo..~. Hope on Origin and Prospects of Man, 3 vols. 8vo....... Loomis' Tables of Logarithms. 81 Martin's Natural History of Man........ 88 Farley's Tables of Six Figure Logarithms, 2mo Moore's Man and Iis Motives.....94 Penny Cyclopredia (The.).. 106 Owen's Homologies of the Vertebrate Skeleton...... 102 Nicholson's Tables of Logarithms, 8vo.Prichard's Natural History of Man................. Raper's Tables of Logarithms.114 Queteet on Man, royal 8vo... Riddle's Tables of Logarithms, 8vo........... Riddle's Tables of Logarithmsof, Smen.Smith's Natural History of the Human Species..... 128 Stanley's Logarithms offNumbers.132 State of Man before the Promulgation of Chris. 12mo.... ~~Tables of Logarithms. ~135 ~ ~Vestiges of the Natural History of the Creation......... 147 Templeton's Mathematical Tables.. 138 Wanlev's Wonders of the Little World, 2 v. roy. 8vo 1806. Trotter's Manual of Logarithms.143 West's Excellency of Man, 2mo. Wallace's Tables of Logarithms, 32mo.... Mathematicians'sPocket Guide............... 149 Weale's System of Logarithms....................... 152 Ma n u11 fa c t 11 r e s. ~oung's Mathematical Tables............... 160 Young's Mathematical Tables.160 Aikin's Arts and Manufactures, 12mo.......... -- Computations of Logarithms, lr2mo.. Alcan sur Matieres Textiles..................... 3 Arcet's Diet. des Arts et Manufactures............. 6 Armengaud sur Machiines de l'Industrie......... 7 Logic. Babbage's Economy of Manufactures................. 9 Boole's Mathematical Analysis of Logic, 8vo.. Baines' History of Cotton Manufacture....... 10 Bossanquet's New System of Logic, 8vo.......... Berthollet's History of Dyeing. &c.... 13 Chretien's Essay on Logical Method, 8vo. Cottingham's Smithfounder's Director..... 32 Coleridge on Method. 167 Dodd's Chemical Manufactures of Great Britain..... 38, 175 De Morgan's Formal Logic........................... 37 -- Textile Manufactures of Great Britais.... 38, 175 Gray's Exercises in Logic............................ 171 Encvclopwedia of Arts and Manufactures........ 43 Latham's First Outlines of Logic, 12mo.. Frncis' Receipts in Marnufactures. 48 Mill's Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive.. 92 Galbraith'sCotton Spinner's Companion... 49 Moberley's Lectures on Logic, 12mo.. Hoyau's Art du Serrurier.. 65 Murray's Compendium of Logic, 12mo........ Knapp's Chemical Technology.................. 74 Tappan's Elements of Logic...................... 136 Knight's Guides to Trade, &c..175 Thomson on Pure and Applied Logic..... 140 Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopoedia..... 76 Whately's Logic, with Questions.......... 154 Morfit on Manufacture of Soap and Candles... 95 Lessons on Reasoningsoning.......... 154 Parnell's Applied Chemistry.... 104 Whewell's of Induction.............................. 182 Porter on Manufacture of Pottery and Glass........ 111 Woolley's Introduction to Logic, 12mo................ Progress of Man. and Mach. of Great Britain, 4to........ 112 Reynolds' Receipts in the Arts, &c. Svo....... Scott's Practical Cotton Spinner.. 123 Machinery, Tools, c. Scrivener's History of the Iron Trade.................. 124 Armengaud sur Machines de l'Industrie.7 Shaw on the Manufacture of Pottery and Glass........ 125 Babbage's Economy of Machinery. 9 Silk, Cotton. &c, Manufacture of. 127 Barlow's Machinery, &c. of Great Britain, 4to....... Symons' Arts and Artisans at Home and Abroad, l2mo. Boitard's Instruments d'Agriculture.. 15 Ure on Cotton Manufacture......... 146 Borguis de la Composition des Machines.............. 164 - Philosophy of Manufactures.................. 146 Buchanan's Essay on Mill Work................... 18 -- Dictionary of Arts and Manufactnres........ 146: on Modern Tools........................... 18 Vane's Treatise on the Nail Trade........1........ 1 14 210 Index. Page. Page. M a p p i n g Pratt's Principles of Mechanical Philosophy.. 111 Harness on Contonred Plans and Defilade..............172 Progress of Machinery and Manufactures......112 Provis' Tables tbr the Copper Trade....................1 Howlett on Copying Maps and Plans..................173 Provis' Tales for the Copper Trade112 Hughes on the Construction of Maps.65 Robison's Mechanical Philosophy...... 118 Hughes on the Construction of Maps.............. 65 mt' rai o ehnc,,,,,,,,,, 2 Jamieson's Manual of Map Making............. 69 Smith's Treatise on Mechanics.128 Snowball's Elements of Mechanics.1.................. P29 Malorti on Military Plan Drawing.............. 85 Pasley'sGeometryandPlan Drawing.85 104 Tate's Exercises in Mechanics, 2mo... Pasley' Geomety and Pan Drawng. 104Templeton's Mechanic's Companion..137 Wilme's Hand-Book for Mapping, &c........157 Templeton's Mechanic's Companion............... 137 Millwright and Engineer's Companion.......... 137 ba so ~n r y. (See ~Bu~ild~isg.) Engineer's Pocket-Book. 137 M a ~so-nry. (See Building.) Engineer's Common-Place Book............137 Cooper's Plan of Restoring the Arch Stones, &c........ 167 Tomlinson's Rudimentary Mechanics.................. 142 Dobson on Masonry and Stone-Cutting.............. 152 Toplis' Analytical Mechanics............ 142 Nicholson's Art of Masonry..... 99 Venturoli's Practical Mechanics............. 147 Theory of Mechanics..... 148 M a the m a t i c s. Wallace's Practical Mechanic's Pocket-Book.. 149 Calculator's Pocket-Book...................... 149 Byrne's Doctrine of Proportion.21 Calculator's Pocket-ook. 149 Cambridge Mathematics, by Farrar.22 Practical Engineer's 149 Carr's Newton's Principia.-24 Whewell's Mechanical Euclid. 154 Carr's Newton's Principia.............. 24............ Cfi'Coc n29 Mechanics of Engineering. 154 Coffin'sl Conic Sections............................... 29 Mcaiso~~ieng,,,,,, 5 Willis' Principles of Mechanism.. J' Commentaries on Newton's Principia............ 30 Dav idson's Practical Mathematics. 35 Dupin's Mathematics............................. 41 M e d c i n e. Encyclopaedia of Pure Mathematics.............. 113, 169 Gill on Application of Angular Analysis..... 52 BIBLIoaRAPHY AND TERMS Goodwin's Collection of Problems. 53 Englemann's Bibliotheca Medico-Chirurgica.......169 Course of Mathematics.... 53 Palmer's Pentaglott Dictionary of Terms.....103 Gregory's Mathematics for Practical Men. 55 - Examples of the Processes................... 5 BLOOD. Hattersley's First Course of Mathematics. 59 Hearn on Curves of the Second Order.................. 60 Crisp on the Blood-Vesselscrtos.733 Griffith on the Blood and Secretions........171 Herepath's Mathematica] Physics............... 61 Herepath's Mathematical Psysics.......,,..,,,, 61 Hull on Determination of Blood to the Head......... 173 Hutton's Mathematical Tables.. 66 Mandies Lectures on the Blood.5.. M~agendie's Lectures on the Blood.................... -- Mathematics..................................66 Mathemathician, (The,)89......8 Willard's Motive Powers of the Blood............. 156 Mathematician, (The,)................. 89 Newton's Principia, by Cuittenden............ 98 Penny Cyclopaedia, (The,).....106 A b...BRAIsN, (Diseases of.) Pierce on Curves, Functions, and Forces.... 108 Abercrombie's Di seases of the Brain, &c.i. 1 Salmon's Treatise on Conic Sections....... 121 Burrow's Disorders of Cerebral Circulations...... 21 Simson's Opera Quaedam Relique.. 186 Smith on Hydrocephalus......181 Simpson's Exercises on the Mathematics.....127 Solly on the Brain.....H..130 Tate's Treatise on Factorial Analysis.......... 136 Vaughan'sEssayon Headaches....... 147 Templeton's Mathematical Tables. 8.CAU..... 138 Trotter's Key to Ingram's Mathematics....143 CALCULI Wallace's Mathematician's Pocket Guide........ 149 Crosse on Formation of Urinary Calculus..1...... 167 Wright's Principia of Newton. 159 Jones on Gravel, Calculus, &c............ 71 oung's Mathematical Tables.......... 160 Mathematical Dissertations 1 n............... 160 CANCER. Bennett on Cancer....................13 M e c h an i c s. Walshe on the Treatment of Cancer...........150 Barrett's Propositions in Mechanics. 163 Bell's Mechanism of the Hand..163Garn'sMdc CHEMISTRY. Bridge's Treatise on Mechanics, 8vo.... Gardner's Medical Chemistry........ 0 Boucharlat's Treatise on Mechanics... 164 Camus on the Teeth of Wheels...................... 23 CHEST, (Diseases of.) Courtenay's Mechanics................... 32 Blakiston on Diseases of the Chest........ 14 Creswell's Elements of Mechanics................. o33 Denison's Treatise on Mechanics, 8vo......... CHILDREN5 (Diseases of.) Donkin on Guy's Method of Making Spheres.. 168 Bull on the Management of Children................. 19 Encyclopaedia of Mechanical Philosophy...... 169 Churchill on the Diseases of Children.1...... 167 - Arts and Manufactures.. 43 Coley on Diseases of Children 30 Engineer and Mechanic's Companion.. 43 Condie on Diseases of Children 30. Evans' Young Millwright... 44 Eberleeon Children.............................. 42 Fergusson's Lectures on Mechanics. Svo... Meigs' Treatise on Diseases of Children.............90 Glasgow Practical Mechanic.. 52 Glynn on Construction of Cranes....... 152 CHOLERA. Gregory's Treatise on Mechanics............ 55 Boisseau on Cholera Morbus.1.. 15 Grier's Mechanical Calculator.. 55 Coventry's Epidemic Cholera..32 Pocket Dictionary.. 55 Cox on Cholera... Griffin on the Motion of a Rigid Body.... 55 Report on the Cholera in Paris, 8vo.. Griscom's Animal Mechanism.. 171 Tardicu's Treatise on Epidemic Cholera...............136 Hann's Theoretical and Practical Mechanics. 58 Hart's Treatise on Mechanics, tvo. CLIMATE. Haswell's Engineer's and Mechanic's Pocket-Book. 59 Annesley's DiseasesofIndia. 5 Hawkins on the Teeth of Wheels.. 59 Armstron,'s Influence of Climate...... 7 Hay's System of Mechanics, 8vo........ Carriere's Clmat de L'talie.24 Hebert's Mechanic's Encyclopadia................. 60 Geddeson Diseasesof India50 Jackson's Theoretical Mechanics, 8vo......... Heustison Diseases of Louisiana........61 Jamison's Mechanics for Practical Men........... 69 -- Mechanics of Fluids................. 6N....... 69 Kater and Lardner on Mechanics.....7....2 COUNTER-IRRITATION. Knapen's Mechanic's Assistant........................ 74 Granville on Counter-Irritation...................... 54 La Place's Analytical Mechanics, 8vo.. Mechanical Problems.... 90 CUTANEOUS DISEASES. Millington's Mechanical Philosophy, Svo......... Bateman on Cutaneous Diseases..................... 11 Moseley's Mechanics..........,.................... 95 Burgess' Eruptions of the Face.....1....9..u.... t... - Practical Mechanics....................... 95, 178 Ceeley on Variole Vaccine..............166 Nicholson's Millwright's Guide.. 99 Glover's Pathliology, &c. of Scrofula...........171 - Operative Mechanic..99 Green on the Skin.................... 54 -. Mechanic's Companion.......... 99 Innison the Skin................67 - Mechanical Exercises, 8vo.... Lebert's Maladies Scrofuleuses................ 176 Partington's Mechanic's Library.. 104 Lugol on Scrofulous Diseases...................... 83 Phillips' Inventor's Guide. 107 Paul's Essayon the Ringworm............105 Potter's Elementary Treatise on Mechanics......111 Rayer on Diseases of the Skin........ 114... Practical Mechanic's Magazine............ 111 Steinbrenner's Trait snur la Vaccine.............. 181 Index. 211 Page. Page. Thomson's Varieties of the Small Pox............... 140 HERNIA. Wilson on Diseases of the Skin................... 157 Chase on Cure of Hernia, by Instruments.............. 166 Worcesteron Cutaneous Diseases...................... 159 Cooper on Hernia31 DEATH. Bochut's Traite des Signs de la Mort.............. 164 HOMOPATHY. Phillipason Sleep and Death....,......................... RBachelier's Expose l'Hvdropathie.. 10 Reid's Philosophy of Death. Griesselich's Manuel pour ervir. 655 Reid's Philosophy of Death.ahnemann's Organon.. 57 DEFORMITIES. on Chronic Diseases. 57 Hartmann's Homceopathic Remedies........ 59 Duffin on Deformities of the Spine............... - Acute l)iseases...... 59 Mutter on Club Foot................................ 9omestic Physician60 Post on Strabismus and Stammering.................................... l o.a 60 Scoutettenron 124....... 60 Scoutettenon CluFoot.............................124 Henderson's Homeopathic Practice.... 60 Tuson on Curvature of the Spine...... 145 Hering's Medecine Hom pathique.............. 172 Jahr's Manual of Homumopathic Medicine.............. 68 DENTISTRY. Perrussel Critique de l'Homceopathie.......... 106 Fitch's Dental Surgery................................ 46 Rau's Organon, or Specific Healing Art.114 Fox on the Teeth. 48 Rucket's Therapeutics of Hommeopathy 120 Gresset's le Dentiste des Families............. 171 Ruoff's Repertory of Homceopathic Medicine........120 Harris on Dental Surgery.... 59 Stapff's Homceopathic Materia Medica............. 132 Dental Dictionary........................ 172 on Maxillary Sinus........................ 58 Maclean's Illustrations of Teething..................... 84 HYDROPAT. Maury on the Dental Art.................... 89 Bulwer and Forbes on Water-Cure, by Houghton.... Owen's Odontography, 2 vols. royal 8vo. $38 00.... Graham's Cold Water System.... Es Robertson's Treatise on the Teeth...................... 118 Gully on Water-Cure. 56 Snell's Guide to Operations on the Teeth............. 129 Johnson's Results of Hydropathy............... 71 Tome's Lectures on Dental Physiology.............. 141 Scoutetten sur l'Hydrotherapie....... 181 Shew on the Water-Cure 126 DIAGNOIS.1 Hand-Book of Hydropathy.. 126 Hall's Principles of Diagnosis.......57 Water-Cure for Ladies...................... 126 Ridge on Diagnosis of Diseases.................... Water-Cure in America.............................. 11 Schill's Pathological Seminology........1............... 122 Weiss' Hand-Book of Hydropathy..................... 153 DROPSY. INSANITY. Ayre on Dropsies............................ 9 Allen on Classification of the Insane................... 4 Venable's Clinical Reports on Dropsies................. 147 Cox on Insanity... 32 Ellis on Insanity. 42 RAR, (Diseasesof.) Esqnirol on Insanity...44 Dufton on Diseases of the Ear.....................40 Galt's Treatment of Insanity........50.. 50 Kitto's Lost Senses-Deafness.....................175 Jacobi on Hospitals for the Insane.... 68 Kramer on Diseases of the Ear..................... 75 Mellinen on the Insane.90 Morison's Lectures on Mental Diseases.... 95 EMBRYOLOGY. Morrison on Insanity. 95 Physiognomy of Mental Diseases........... 95 Agassiz's Lectures on Embryology, 8vo. 25 cents... Neville on nsanity....98 Muller's Embryology, &c.96 Spurzheim's Observations on Insanity................. 131 Velpeau's Embryologie ou Ovologie Humaine.. Thurman on Insanity......... 141 EPIDEMICS. Upham on Imperfect Mental Action................. 146 Cholera, (see Cholera,).................... IRRITATION, (Constitutional.) Cormack on Epidemic Fever...... 167 Hecker's Epidemics of the Middle Ages.... 60 Travers on Constitutional Irritation.143 Thomson's Account of the Varioloid Epidemic.......... 140 KIDNEYS. ETIOLOGY. Gairdner on the Kidneys............. 149 Armstrong's Influence of Climate........ 7 Maccu loch on Malaria..... 84 LIFE. Boudin's Etudes de Geologie Medicale.... 164 LiF. Essai de Geographi Meicale..................64 Matteucci's Phenomena of Living Beings............... Smith's Elements of Etiology.......................... 12902 Tanquerel on Lead Diseases.... 135 Park's Inquiry into the Laws of Animal Life........... 104 Thackrah's Effects of Trade on Health.................3 Phillips on Laws of Vital Functions................107 Willard's Motive Powers of the Blood............... 156 LIMBS. EYE, (Diseases of.) Owen on the Nature of Limbs...................... 102 Dix on Morbid Sensibility of the Retina................ 3 Jones' Manual of Ophthalmic Medicine................ 71 LIVER. Kitto's Lost Senses-Blindness........................ 175 Thomson and Twining on Diseases of the Liver. 140 Lawrence on the Eye... 77, 176 Morgan's Lectures on Diseases of the Eye.............. 95 LUNGS, (Diseases of.) Neil on Cure of Cataract............................. 98 Travers' Synopsis of Diseases of the Eye................ 143 Catherwood's Diseses of the Ar-Passages............. 25 Tyrrell on Diseases of the Eye...... 45.................. East on Consumpti o......................... 169 Gilbert's Pulmonary Consumption. 51 Green on Bronchitis.......... 54 FEVER. on Croup 54 Boudin's Etudes de Geologie Medicale. 164 Lefevre, D'Asthme, &c.............................. 78 Cormack on Epidemic Fever. 167 Mackness's Clergyman's Throat. 84 Fergusson on Puerperal Fever......................... 46 Morton on Pulmonary Consumption..... 95 Hastings on Yellow Fever........................... 59 Trosseau and Beloc on Diseases of the Voice............ 143 Macculloch on Marsh Fever.... 84 W illiams on Respiratory Organs..................... 156 Meigs' Puerperal Fevers. 90 Omerod's Clinical Observations on Fever.101 MATRI.... MEDICA. Biglow's Treatise on Materia Medica................. 13 zHEART. (Diseases of.) nDunglison's Materia Medica and Therapeutics...... 40 Alison on the Heart.................................. 4 Edwards' Materia Medica............................ 42 Andry on Diseases of the lieart........................ 5 Garrod and Ballard's Materia Medica.................. 170 Aran on Diseases of the Heart................... 6 Jough on Cod Liver Oil.............................. 174 Furnival on Diseases of the Heart..................... 49 Murray's Materia Medica.......................... 96, 178 Hope on Diseases of the Heart......................... 64 Pereira's Elements of Materia Medica................. 106 Latham on the Heart.............. 176 Royle's Materia Medica.......... 120 Marshall on Diseases of the Heart...................... 88 Thomson's Elements of Materia Medica............... 140 212 Index. Page., Page. MEDICAL BOTANY. Mayo on the Nervous System.......... 90 Carson's Medical Botany..........,,,, 24 Neill on the Arteries, Nerves, Veins, &c..... 98 Fleming's Aconitsm Napellus.47 Smee's Elements of Electro-Biology................... 128 Griffith's Medical Botany.... 55 Woodville's Medical Botany....... 158 OL A.E, (Diseae of.) Day on Diseases of Advanced Life................... 36 MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE. OSTEOLOGY. Bayard's Medecin Legale.....12L..... StEfoL. 1 Guy's Medical Jurisprudence. 56.......................e 56y. 8 Guy's Medical Jsrisprudence.. 56 Little on Ankylosis or Stiff Joint........ 176 Male's Elements of Forensic Medicine..65 Maclise's Comparative Osteology...... 84 Taylor on Medical Jurisprudence...... 136 Souths Description of the Bon181 Trail's Medical Jurisprudence. 182 Stanley on Diseases of the Bones.......... 132 Trebuchet's Jurisprudence de ]a Medecin..... 182 Ward's Outlines of Human Osteology.150 82Ward's Outlines of Human Gsteology.............. 150 PATHOLOGY. MEDICINE, (Principles and Practice of.) Alison's Pathology.4 AIlison's Pathology.................. 4 Alison's Pathology and Practice of Medicine........... 4 Chomel's Pathology. 27 Braithwaite's Retrospect of Medicine.. 16 Dickson's Manual of Pathology........ 38 Copeland's Dictionary of Medicine............ 31 Dunglison's Practice ofMedicine.... 41 Coxe's Epitome of Hippocrates and Galen.. 32 Glover's Pathology, &c. of Scrofula.... 171 Crichton's Commentaries..... 33 Lee's Pathology of Diseases of Women.... 78 Dickson's Practice of Medicine.... 38 Lebert's Physiologie Pathologique................ 176 Duncan's Clinical Lectures. 40 Schill's Pathological Seminology.............. 133 Dunglison's Medical Student............ 40 Stillie's Elements ofPathology................ 133 --- Practice of Medicine.......................... 41 Smyth's Pathology and Therapeutics..... 181 Dictionary of Medical Science. 41 Tardieu's Manuel de PathologIe.... 136 Eberlee's Notes and Lectures....... 42 Tilke'sNature and Treatment of Disease...... 141 -- Practice ofMedicine....... 42 Williams' Principles of Medicine and Pathology........ 156 Elliotson's Practical Medicine.... 42 Ewell's Medical Companion. 44 PHARMACY. Encyclopwdia of the Medical Sciences. 169 Bartlett on tie Certainty of Medicine... 11 Galt's Practical Medicine.50 Christison's Dispensatory..2 Gardner's New Medical Dictionary........ 50 Dickson's Chrono-Thermal 38,,Dicksoh's Chrono-ThermM1 Medicine,................. 38 Good's Study of Medicine..3 Dunlio' New Remedies........................ 41 Graham's Domestic Medicine....Eee. 53 Graves' Clinica' Lectures,................... 5,,,,,,, 34 Eberlee's Therapeutics............................... 42 Graenoy' Clinticalof L etursGaitdner on the Effects of Iodine..49 Gregory's Practice of Medicine........................ 5 Gray's Supplement to the Pharmacopwias... 54 Harlan's Medical Researches......................... 58 Gregory's Conspectus Medicine.................... 55 Heherden on Cure ofDiseases.61 Guide to Chemist and Druggist (Knight's).............. 176 Holland's Medical Notes................... 6Maendie' omular of New Remedies. Hooper's Lexicon Medicum. 64 Ma e's F uryoN85 Mayne's Dispensatory, &c. 89 ufeland's Enchiridion Medicun.65 Mohr and Redwood's Practical Pharmacy... 93, 111 Jeuonon's Memoires de MediaDicine...ar70 Nelligan on Uses and Administration of Medicine. 98 johnson's Farmer's Medical Dictionry 70 Pharacopceia Londoniensis................ 107 Macauley's Medical Dictionary............ 83 Medenhal'sMedical Vade83Mecum Phillips' Translation of the Pharmacopeia.............. 107 Mendenhall's Medical Vade Meeum................... 90 Thomson's London Dispensatory.......... 140 Muehry's Comparative State of Medicine............... 178 Conspectus of the Pharmaopias..... 140 -Conspectus of the Pharmacopseias........140 Neill and Smith's Compend of Medicine. 98 Edinburgh Dispensatory....... 140 Paine's Philosophy of Medicine....102 Turnbul's Use of Aconitine................... 144 - Commnentaries.10 W, O Von Bonninghausen's Therapeutic Pocket Book........ 148 Parson's Physician for Sbhips. 104 Wood and Bache's Dispensatory of the United States... 158 Pettigrew on Superstition Connected with Medicine 107 Rankin's Half Yearly Abstract of Medical Sciences..... 114 PHYSIOLOGY. Thomson's Domestic Management of Sick Room....... 140 Phyoloy. Thore, Maladies Incidentes des Alienes............... 182 Alison's Outlines of Physiology......4 Ticknor's Medical Philosophys......................... 141 Ticknor u Medical Philosophy.141 Broussais de l'Irritation et Folie.10........... Watson's Practice of Physic....................... 151 Cabanais' Rapports u Physique, &c................... 22 Wood's Practice of Medicine.................... 158 Carpenter's Human Physiology......................24 Combe's Principles of Physiology...... 167 MIDWIFERY Dunglison's Physiology...................41 Edwards' AnatomyandPhysiology............... 42 Ashwell on Parturition................... natomy and Phyiology.42 Adihert'sManueldAccouchement. 9Fletcher's Rudiments of Physiology................... 47 Audibert's Manuel d'Accouchement,................. 9KresIln-oko hsopa.. 7 Bull's Hints to Mothers.19 Kirke's [land-Book of Physiology.... 74 Churcll o...n. Miiery........2.19 Lebert's Physiologie Pathologique.. 176 Churchill on Midwifery..... 28 Davis's Ostetric Medicine.36 Lowne's Animal Physiology. 82 ~Denmanis's MbtidwMifery~.~ 3Magendie's Human Physiology...... 85 Denman's Midwifbry................. 31 Doane's Magriere's Midwifery...... 38Matteucci's Phenomena ofLiving Beings.............. 89 Doane's Magriege's Midwifery.............3 Hardy and MClintock's Midwifery58, 3 Muller'sPhysiology of the Senses.... 96 Paine's Physiological Commentaries........ 102 Ingleby's Facts and Cases in Obstetric Medicine.. 173 tars's. 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Tucker's Elements of Midwifdry................. 144 Coote's Homologies of the Human Skeleton......... 31 Owen's Archetype and Homologies of Human Skeleton 102 MINERAL WATERS. Gairdner on Mineral and Thermal Springs..... 49 SLEEP. Lee's Baths and Watering Places of England........... 176 Edwin on the Mind in Sleep.... 169 Virginia, the Mineral Springs of.. 148 Phillips' Nature of Sleep.... 107 MYOLOGY. sToMACH, (Diseases of.) Tuson's System of Myology. 145 Abercromhie on Diseases of the Stomach....... 1 Alderson on Diseases of the Stomach........ 3 NERvES AND NERVOUS SYSTEM. Boiison de la Bile.16 Harrison on Nervous System........................ 59 Dick on Dyspepsia. n ei"...........3.. Lefever's Apology for she Nerves........... 7... e Paul on Costivenessvasro n h tmc d....... 105..... Lee on NervousDisorders.176 Prout on he Stomach and Renal Diseases.112 Index. 213 Page. Page, SURGERY. Encyclopadia of Arts.... 43 Belinaye on the Removal of Stone.12 Holland on Manufactures in Metal............ 63 Calaway's Dislocations of the Shoulder Joint. 166 Jacobi'e Galvanopastik, 8vo. Chelius' System of Surgery 27 Jacobs on the Precious Metals......... 68 Cooper's Lectures on Surgery 31 Karsten's Manuel de la Metallurgie, 3 vols. 8vo......... on Dislocations and Fractures.................. 31 Lerebour's Traite de Galvanoplastique, 8vo..... Dictionary of Surgery.... 31 Manuel du Fondeur en tons Metaux........ 86 First Lines of Surgery.... 31 de Galvanoplastie, 18mo. $1 00......... Doane's Surgery.. 38 Mushet's Papers on Iron and Steel..... 97 Druitt's Modern Surgery..... 40 Neilson on Hot Air Blast.178 Dupuyten's Surgery. 41 Overmann on Manufacture of Iron....179 Fergusson's System of Practical Surgery. 46 Penny Cyclopredia, The). 106 Fitch's Dental Surgery. 46 Richardson and Ronalds' Metallurgy.................. 117 Gibsen's Surgery. 51 Shaw's Manual of Electro-Metallurgy, 8vo. Guthr:e's Operative Surgery.56 Scrivenor's History of the Iron Trade.................. 124 Harris on Dental Surgery............................. 59 Smee's Electro-Metallurgy.... 128 Hartshorn's Clinical Surgery.... 59 Solly's Syllabus of Chemistry, 8vo. $1 25. Howship on Surgical Diseases...65 Spencer's Electrography, 8vo. (Griffin's Mis.)..... Isnard's Aide Memoire de l'Operateur.................. 67 Ures Dictionary of Arts, &..... 146 Jobert's Traite de Chirurgerie. 70 Walker's Electrotype Manipulation........ 149 Larry's Surgical Memoirs. 77 Walter et Lablane Metallurgie Pratique, 4to. with Atlas McLellan's Practice of Surgery.........83.......... York on the Weight of Wrought Iron........ 160 Miller's Practice of Surgery.92 IA etaphys. aic. Moreau-Boutard's Precis de Chirurgerie..... 178 Pancoast's Operative Surgery..... 103 Abercrombie on the Intellectual Powers.............. I Phillips' de la Tenotomie sous Cutanee.... 107 Andre's CEuvres Philosophiques.. Sargeant's Minor Surgery. 122 Azais dans les Destinees Humaines............ 9 Selecta Praxis Medico-Chirurgicae.... 124 Berkeley's (Bishop) Works.... 13 Simpson on Chloroform in Surgery.... 127 Bowen's Metaphysical and Ethical Science. 165 South's Household Surgery. 130 Blakey's History of Philosophy........ 14 Syme's Principles of Surgery... 135 Butfier's (Euvres Philosoph.19 Velpeau's Operative Surgery..... 147 Cairns on Moral Freedom, &c.. 22 Weiss on Surgical Instruments............. 153 Clarke's (Euvres Philosophiqnes.... 29 Coleridge on the Idea of Life........29 TESTIS AND THYMUS GLAND. Cory's Metaphysical Enquiries........31 Cooper on Testis and Thymus Glands........... 31 Cousin'sElementsof Psychology 32 Curling on the Testis................................. 34 Philosoph. Ancienne et Moderne.. 32 Symon on Thymus Gland............................. 181 - Histoire dePhilosophie............... 32 Cours de Philosophie....32 TOXICOLOGY. Fragments, &c............................ 32 Christison on Poisons. 28 Jouffroy and Constant's Miscellanies. 117 Ducatel's Toxicology............ 40 Cudworth's Intellectual System of the Universe.... 33 Orfila's Treatise on Poisons................... 01 Davies' Estimate of the Human Mind................ 167 Remedies against Poisons. 101 - Principles of Nature........................... 39 Taylor on Poisons in relation to Jurisprudence.. 136 Dendy on Dreams.. 37 Venables' Aphorisms on Toxicology..................147 Descarte's Euvres. 37 Edwards on the Will.... 42 ULCERS. Fichte's Works, translated by Smith. 46 Critchett on Ulcers.......... Henry's Epitome of Philosophy... 60 Critchett on Ulcers.33 Hickok's Rational Psychology. 61 Hobbe's Works, by Molesworth.....62 URINARY OGANs, (Diseases of.) Johnston on the Phenomena of Sensation 71 Willis' Urinary Diseases, &c., and their Treatment.... 157 Kant's Critik of Pure Reason. 72 Leibnitz's CEuvres. 78 VAPOR BATH. Leland's Deistical Writers..78 Gibney on the Vapor Bath............................ 51 Lewison Mattersof Opinion..........................79 Locke's Philosophical Works..80 VENEREAL tIsSEASES. Lewes' Biographical History of Philosophy.... 175 Acton's Venereal Diseases....Maccall's Elements of Individualism.....83 1 Malebraiche's tEuvres.85 Culverwell's Porneiapathology. 31...................r.... 85 Culverwell's Porneiapatbology.. 31 Millengen's Mind and Matter....92 Lallemand on Spermatorrhrea...75 Morell's Philosophic Tendencies of the Age...... 92 Venables' Treatise on Diabetes...147 - Speculative Philosophy of Europe... 9 Reid on the Intellectual Powers.....................15 WOMEN, (Diseases of.) Philosophical Works.115 Philosophical Works.. ~~~] 15 Ashwell's Diseases of Women....... 8 itter's History of Ancient Philosophy... 118 Churchill on Diseases of Females. 28 Saintes'Critical History of Rationalism......... 121 Colombat and De [sere on Diseases of Females...... 30 Schelling's Ecrits Philosophiques.............122 Johnson's Diseases of Young Women..... 71 Schiller's Philosophical Letters 122 Lee's Pathology of Diseases of Women. 78 Schmucker's Psychology 123 Meigs' Females and their Diseases. 90 Spinoza's CEuvres....131 Roussel's Systeme, &c. de la Femme............ 120 Opera Omnia...131 Stewart's Philosophy of the Human Mind 133 WoUNDS. Tappan's Doctrine of the Will..136 Gross on Wounds of the Intestines. 55 — Review of Edwards' Enquiry............. 136 Guthrie's Treatise on Gun-Shot Wounds..... 171 Tenneman's Manual of Ancient Philosophy............ 137 Travers on Inflammation and Healing Process.. 143 Tucker's Light of Nature Pursued. 144 on Injuries of the Intestines.......... 143 Upham's Treatise on the Will.146 Elements of Mental Philosophy................. 146 M e s m1 e r i ms m Vico's La Science Nouvelle......... 147 W igan on the Duality of the Mind............... 15 Deiuze on Animal Magnetism..WgnothDulyofheMd. 37 Esdaile's Mesmerism in India....44 1Meteorology. Haddock's Somnolism and Psycheism....56 Lee's Animal Magnetism....78 Brocklesby's Elements of Meteorology, 12mo...... 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Penny Cyclopaedia (The,)............... 106 Culluim on Military Bridges.............. 33 Peschell's Elements of Physics................... 107 Cuming's Officers' Barracks in Jamaica...............167 Prout's Chemistry, Meteoroloy, &c................. 112 Decker's Petit Guerre................................ 36 Reid on the Law of Storms................... 115 De Hart on Courts-Martial................... 36 Renwick's Natural Philosophy................... 116 Denison on Making Lead Bullets by Compression....... 168 Taylor's Diurnal Register, &c.............. 137 -- Notes on Charges in Military Mines............ 168 Thom's Nature and Course of Storms................. 139 Douglas on Military Bridges..................... 39 Thompson's Introduction to Meteorology........... 139 Observations on Carnot's Fortification, 8vo. $2 50 Toplis' Observations on the Weather................ 142 Duckett's Military Dictionary............. 40 Durand's Notes on Field Equipment.......... 169 3aMilk end Miluch Cows. -- Passage of the Indus by the Bengal Army.. 169 Guenon's Treatise on Mitch Cows.............. 56 Faris on Loopholed Barrack as a Keep.. 169 ~Hartley's Essay on Milk..59 Fenwick on Field Fortification.............. 46 HUre's E~Dictionary of Arts........ 146 Fergusson's New System of Fortification............... 46 Ure's Dictionary of Arts............................... 146 Gore's Evolutions of Field Battery........... 53 Greener on Gunnery..................55 Millinery. (See Needlework.) Greener on Gunnery... 55 - the Gun................................. 55, 171 Howell's Hand-Book of Dress-making.................. Graham on the Defence of Cadiz....... 171 Knight's Guide (The Milliner, &c.)............... 175 Greenwood on Cavalry Sword Exercise, 12mo. 75 cts... Griffith's Artillerist's Manual............... 55 Mining Quarrying, &C. -- Notes on Military Law, 12mo. $1 50........... Miningctca Q1rr inGurwood's Orders of the Duke of Wellington. 56 Bu~dge's Practical Miner's Guide,. 19 Haillot's Statistiques Militaires...................... 171 Burgoyne's Blasting, &c. Stone................... 19, 152 Halleck's Military Art and Science.........57 Combe'sExploration des Mines....30 Henry'sCampaignSketches..... 60 Davy on the Safety Lamp.36.Henry's.Campaign.Sketches.636 Davy on the WniSafety Lamp. Colere.41...... 36 Hough on Courts Martial, 8vo. $4 25............... 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Plans of Coal and Iron Mines................ 130 Jay on Mexican War.69 Rules and Regulations of Working. 130 Jebb on Attack and Defence............. 70 Taylor's (R. C.) Statistics of Coal............. 137 Jenkins' History of Mexican War....70 Ure's Dictionary of Arts, &c.146 Jomini's Various Works............. 71 Jones's Illustrations of Sieges in Spain....... 71 Mi n er a l 0 g y. -- Destruction of Bridge at Carrack..1..... 74 Alger's Elementary Treatise on Mineralogy...... 3 Destruction of Bridges................. 174 Bakewell's Introduction to Mineralogy......... 10 — l Memoranda on Lines at Lisbon......... 174 Comstock's Elements of Mineralogy......... 30 Laisne's Aide Memoire Portatif................. 75 Dana's System of Mineralogy....................... 35 Landmann's Principles of Fortification, 8vo. $1 25...... - Manualof do....................... 35 -- Treatise on Mines and Mining, 8vo. $4 50...... 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Emerson's Poems.... 43 Mullen's Pilgrim of Beauty.178 Everett's Poets of Connecticut.. 169 Musset's PoesiesCompletes 97 Falconer's Poetical Works.............. 45 - Comedies and Proverbs................... 97 Farquhar's Plays.. 45 Niehelungen Lied, translated by Birch..... 99 Felton's The Horse Shoe, a Poem.. 170 Nursery Rhymes, Tales, and Jingles......... 100 Festus by Bailey..... 46 Oehlenschlreger's Gods of the North. 100 Field's Poems. 46 Oliphant's La Musa Madrigalesca. 101 Fletcher's Dramatic Works... 47 Osgood's Poems. 101 Ford's Dramatic Works. 47 Floral Offering.. 102 Frithiof's Saga Translated. ~~~................. 49 Book of Poetry and Flowers... 102 Froissart's Ballads................... 49 Ossian's Poems.3. 102 Gilman's Verses of a Life Time.................... 8.. 52 Otway's Dramatic Works............................ 102 The Sibyl....... 52 Ovid's Metamorphoses and Epistles translated. 102 Giradin's Poesies Completes.. 52 Parks' Heliconia. 104 Goethe's Faust.. 52 Parnell'sPoetical Works............................. 104 - Egmont..............53 Passaic, a Group of Poems......................... 105 Select Minor Poems.. 53 Paulding's American Comedies. 105 Goldsmith's Poetical Works.. 53 Pearls of American Poetry. 105 Gostick's Spirit of German Poetry. 53 Peele's Dramatic Works. 105 Gray's Poetical Works..... 54, 171 Percy's Reliques of Ancient English Poetry.... 106 Elegy...................... 54 Peters' Poets and Poetry of the Ancients.... 107 Greene's Dramatic Works......................... 55 Petrarca, Le Rime....................... 107 Griswold's Female Poets of America.................. 55 Pictorial Book of Ballads............ 108 - Poets and Poetry ofAmerica..... 55 Pier's Ploughman's Vision and Creed................. 108 of England... 55 Pindar, translated by Wheelwright. 109 Hall's (Mrs.) Phantasia and other Poems......... 57 and Anacreon. translated 109 - Book of Ballads................... 57 Plautus, translated by Proudfit..................., 109 Halleck's Poems................................. 57 Poe's Raven and other Tales................ 110 Halliwell's Nursery Rhymes.............. 57 -- Eureka, a Prose Poem................... 110 Hazlitt on Shakespeare's Plays............... 60 Poems and Pictures................. 110 - on English Poets.............................. 60 Poetical Language ofFlowers......................... 110 -- on Dramatic History.. 60 Poet's Pleasaunce..................... 110 Heber's Poetical Works................ 172 Pollok's Course of Time. 110 Heliconia by Park................................. 60 Pope'sWorks........... 110, 180 Hemans' Poetical Works. 66 Prior'sPoetical Works.112 Herbert's WorkB.s.............. 61 Racine's Theatre............................. 114 Herder's Hebrew Poetry............................. 61 Z(Euvres Choises...1.......... 14 Herrick's Hesperides. 61 Ray's Collection of Proverbs.......................... 114 Holmes' Poems.................................... 63 Read's Female Poetsof America. 114 Homer'sIliad,.............................. li63, 173 Reynard's (Euvres.............................. 115 Hood's Prose and Verse.. 63 Rimbault'sBook ofChristmasCarols.................. 117 Hooper's Poetical Works................ 64 Nursery Rhymes......................... 117 Hoyt's Lifeand Landscape...................,...... 65 Ritson'svarious Works. 118 Ilowitt's Ballads.......................... 65 Robinson's Immortality, a Poem...........180 Imaginations and Imitations............... 173 Rogers' Poems.l......... 119 Inchbald's British Theatre.... 67 Rose, Memoirs of. Queen of Flowers. 119 Jonson's Dramatic Works............... 72 Rose-Garden of Persia, by L. 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Poetical Works....................... 130 - Conversations with the Old Poets.............. 82 (R.) Poetical Works....................... 130 Lowth's Lectures on Hebrew Poetry. 82 --- Oliver Newman............................ 130 Lynch's (Miss) Poems........... 8 176 Chronicle of the Cid.......................... 130 Lyre (The,)...................1,,............ i 177 Spanish Poetry, by Dr. Bowring....................... 131 Index. 223.~-ge. Page. Spenser's Poetical Works................... 131 Grattan's Speeches,...................4.............. Sprague's Poetical Works................... 131 [low itt's Aristocracy of England, 12mo. $1 50.......... Street's Frontenac................................ 134 Joigneaux'sOrganization du Travail........ 71 Surrey and Wyatt's Poems.................. 135 Jones on Wealth and Taxation.................. 71 Poems. 135 Kellogg on Labor and other Capital................... 73 Swain's English Melodies.................... 135 Kelly's Universal Cambist............... 73 Swift's Poetical Works.................. 1]35 Knight's Capital and Labor, &c....... 175 Talfourd's Tragedies and Poems..................... 135 Laing's National Distress................... 75 Tannahill's Poems and Songs................... 135 Lewis on Utse and Abuse of Political Terms, 8vo.... Tasso's Godfrey of Bulloigne............... 136, 175 Mracculloch's Literature of Political Economy........83 -- Jerusalem Deliveredt.......................... 136 ~ on Taxation and Funding System.............. 83 Taylor's (J. B ) Poems and Ballads................... 136 - on Succession to Property..................... 85 - (.) Edwin the Fair.......................... 136 Malthus on Political Economy. 8vo................... Philip Van Artevelde...................1.... 136 Marcet's Conversations on Political Economy........... 87 Tegner's Frithiof's Saga, translated.................... 137 Middleton's Government and thle Country............. 17' Tennant's AnsterFair and other Poems............... 137 Mills' Principles of Political Economy.......... 91, 92 Tennyson's Poems..................... 138 --- on Unsettled Questions of Political Economy, 8vo ----- Princess.................................. 138 Macintyre on the Elective Franchise, 12mo. $1 00..... Terence's Comedies, translated........................ 138 Morrison's Ohs. on a Metallic Currency, 8vo. 75 cents.... Theocritus, Bion, and Moschus, translated............. 138 Newman's Elements of Political Economy............. 17? The Shakespeare Calendar........................... 138 Pasley on Simplifying Weights. Measures, &c........ 104 Thomson's Collection of Songs, &c.................... 139 Penny Cyclopedia, (TThe.) 106 - Poetical Works.............................. 140 Political Dictionary................... 110 -- The Seasons....................... 140 and Social Economy....................... 110 Tupper's Proverbial Philosophy................... 144 Politics for the People.......................... 180 -- Poetical WVorks................... 144 Rae's Principles of Political Economy.................. 114 Upland's Poems, translated........................... 145 Raguet's Principles of Free Trade...................1... 14 Universal Songster................... 146 Ricardo's Principles of Political Economy............. 116 Valmore's Poesies................................... 146 Political Works...................... 116 Victor Hugo's Voix Interleurs......................... 147 Rowe's New Principles of Political Economy........... 120 ~- Thseatre.................................. 147 Say on Political Economy........................... 122 - Cromwell, Drame........................... 147 Senior on Political Economy, (in Encyc. of U. Arts).... - Odes et Ballads................... 147 Sidney's (A.) Discourses on Government.............. 126 Orientales.............................. 147 Sismondi's Political Economy................ 128 Feuilles d'Automne........................... 147 Smith on the Wealth of Nations..................... 128 Vigny, (A. de.) Theatre........................... 147 Symons' Tactics for the Times....................... 135 -- Poesies Completes.......................... 147 Arts and Artisans at Home and Abroad, 12mo... 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K.) Poetical Works..................... 154 Twiss' Progress of Political Economy.................. 145 X~hittier's Poems............................... 155, 182 Vethake's Political Economy.......................... 147 Wiffen's Translation of Garcilaso de La Vega.......... 155 Wayland's Principles of Political Econonmy............ 151 - Translation of Tasso's Jerusalem Delivered...... 155 — Elements of Political Economy................. 151 Willis' Poems...................................... 157 Whately's Introductory Lectures on Pol. Economy, 8vo. Wordsworth's Poetical Works....................... 159 Woodfall's Letters of Junius......................... 158 Wotton and Raleigh's Poems........................ 159 Yates' Essays on the Currency and Circulation.......... 160 Wright's Early Mysteries, &c......................... 159 Young's First Lessons in Civil Government............ 166 - Early English Poetry...................1....... 59 Science of Government..................... 160 Wycherley, Congreve, &c. Dramatic Works............ 159 Young's Night Thoughts on Life, Death, &c............ 160 - Poems, by Mitford........................... 160 P Op ul at i o n. Alison's Principles of Population..................4... Political Econ 0 0 m y. American Almanac, (for Population of United States... 4 Alison on Population................................ 4 Doubleday's True Law of Population, 8vo.......... Banks and Bankers...................1............... i Gilbert's Population Tables of Great Britain, 4to......... Bastiat's Sophisms of the Protective Policy............. 11 Malthus' Principles of Population, 2 vols. 8vo........... Blanc's Essay on the Working Classes, 12mo........... Population of Great Britain in 1802, 2 vols. $2 25....... Blanqui's HBat. de l'Economie Politique en Europe, 2 vol. in 1812, $ 25............ Boeck's Public Economy of Athens.................. 14 in 1822, $2 25....... Brougham's Opinions on Politics.................. 18 in 1832, 3 vols. $6 50....... -. Political Philosopshy.......................... 18 in 1841,4 vol Is. $5 50....... --- Speeches..................................... 18 Comp. Account of, in 1801,'11,'21, and 1831, Bumer's Elements of British Industry, l2mo............. maps, $ 1 50................................ Button's Political and Social Economy............ 166 Thornton's Over-Population and its Remedy, 8vo........ Butt's Lectures on Home Industry, 8vo. $1 00.......... Carey's Past, Present, and Future................... 23 Carlyle's Past and Present................... 23 P O u 1 t r y. Cazenove on Political Economy, 8vo................... Colonization, by W/akefield....................... 30 Bennett's Poultry Book, l2mo. 84 cents................ Colton's Public Economy of the United States..........3 Bo-well's Poultry Yard, 12mo. 50 cents......... Constant's Politique Constitutionelle..................31 Dickson's Treatise on Poultry, l2mo. $1 75......... Crawford's Philosophy of Wealth, 12mo. $1 00......... Main's Treatise on Poultry.................. 85 De Quincey's Logic of Political Economy.............. 168 Treatise on Rearing, &c. Poultry..................... 143 De Tocqueville's Democracy in America............... 37 D)ick's Nature and Office of the State, 8vo. $2 25....... Dictionnaire Pohitique par G. Pazes, 8vo................ Preci us St nes. I)oubleday's Financial History of England........... 39 Barton's Petrifactions, Gems, &c. of Ireland, 4to....... Essay on Military Policy of Great Britain.............. 44 Dana's Mineralogy......................... 35 Federalist, The,).......................... 169 Jackson's Minerals and their Uses..................... 68 Garnier's,"Economie Politique....................... 50 Lapidary, Art of, (Ure's Dictionary)................... 146 Annuaire de Politique......................... 50 Maw's Treatise on Diamonds......................... 89 Gilbart's History of Banking................ 51 Miller's Treatise on Crystallography................ 92 Girardin's Le Droit du Travail................. 52 Murray's Memoir on the Diamond.96 -- Questions Administratives.................... 171 Nicol's Manual of Mineralogy................... 99 Le Pouret Le Contre.......................... 171 L — apidary, or history of Precious Stones, 4to..... 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Smart's Manual of Rhetoric, 12mo. 62 cts......... Farradav's Chemical Manipulation, (Printing Ink,)...... 45 udenhof's Elocution.......... 146 Figgin's Specimens of Printing Types, 8vo...... VW."ateley's Rhetoric, with Questions......... 154 Fry's Pantographia, (all known Alphabets,) royal 8vo.. - Specimens of Printing Types, royal 8vo...... Itansard's Treatise on Printing......... 5s Road Making. -- Typographia, 8vo. $19 00..... Gillespie on Road Making.............. 52 Hodgson's Essay on Stereotype Printing, post 8vo. Hughes on Making and Repairing Roads.............. 65 Houghton's Printer's Everyday Book. 12mo. $1 00.... on Making Roads. 65 Johnson's Typographia, or Printer's Instructor, 2 v. 12mo Roads, Railroads, and Vehicles, 12mo. 75 cts........... Kingston's System of Printing in Dry Colors. 12mo... Leahy on Road Making........... 78 Knight's Guide. 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Ure's Dictionary of Arts..................... 146 Smith's Printer's Grammar, 8vo....................... Sothebv's Typography of the 15th Century, folio........ i en c e. (General Treatises.) Stower's Printer's Price Book, 8vo.................... American Journal of Science and Art......5 Thomas's History of Printing in America, 12mo.......... Timperley'scycopdi ofAnecdote. 141 Annual of Science, I2mo. $1 25. Timperleygs Encyclopedia of necdote.141 Arott's Elements of Physics................ Pre ng's Manual royal Svo............141 Azais' Cours de Piiilosophie........................... 9 Varinke's lPrinter's Guidel loa v..mo.......Beckman's History of Inventions...................... 12 Van Winkle'sPrinter's m Guidre, 8vo....... Biglow's Useful Arts in Connexion with Science........ 163 Vtie's Histoire de i'Imprimiere, 8vo.................... IBird's Natural Philosophy.... 14 Wilson's Specimens of Modern Types, 4to.....BdN..tu Pio y....1... 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Philosophical Transactions of Royal Society.107 Sampson's Rationale of Crime, l2mo 88 cts....... Proceedings of A. A. for Advancement of Science in Bumpsoh's Rational~~~~~~~~e o Cim, 12too...... 88. e t s............... Wakefield's Facts on Punishment by Death, 8vo........ 1849, 8ivo................. Whately's Remarks on Transportation, 8vo. $1 75 Potter's Science Applied to Domestic Arts..... -- on Secondary Punishments, 8vo. $2 2 5.... Smee's Sources of Physical Science................... 128 Woolrych on Capital Punishment in England, 12mo. Somerville's Connection of the Physical Sciences....... 130 ~~$I1~~ ~ 50....Whewell's Hist. of the Inductive Sciences............ 154 $1 50~~~~~~~~........... — Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences........... 154 White's History of Inventions and Discoveries.......... l )4 P unc t U a t i on. Worcester's Century of Inventions.................... 169 Addison on Punctuation, 12mo. $1 00................. 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(See Engineering.) on Human Head........................... 60 Hervey's Illustrations ofN Modern Sculpture, 4to. $7 50... Reptiles. (See Nat. Hist. Herpetology.) Legrew on Scnlpture of Ancieit Nations.............. 78 Manuel du Moleur ou l'Art de Mioleur.....6....... 86 Rhetoric. - Meme's History of Sculpture............ 178 Report of Comrn. or Elgin Marbles, fol..... 122 Aristotle's Rhetoric by Hobbes, 12mo.................. Santi's Modeles de Metubles................... 122 Bronson's Elocution................. 165 Sculpture and the Plastic Arts............ 181 Campbell's Philosophy of Rhetoric................... 2 Schelling's Relation of the Plastic Arts, 12mo..... Ewing's Rhetorical Exercises, 12mo. $1 00............ Specimens of Ancient Sculpture, folio, $53 00.......... 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Manufacture of. 127 Game of Natural History............ 50 Taylor's Hand-Book of Silk, Cotton, &c. 18tmo........ Gilman'sThe Sibyl.. 52 Ure's Dictionary of Arts 146 Harris' Wild Sports of South Africa. 59 Whitby's Manual for Rearing Silk Worms. 154 Hawker on Shooting. 59 Whitmarsh on the Mulberry Tree and Silk Worm....... 167 HFlervey's Book of Christmas. 60 Johnson's Sportsman's Encyclopaedia. 71 So a p. McFarlane's Sports and Customsof South Italy.... 175 Dodd's Manufactures of Great Britain................ 175 Maxwell's Field Book.89 Mayer's Sportsman'sDietr.............8 Knapp's Chemical Technology. Mayer's Sportsman's Directory. 74 Morfit on Soap and Candles. Mingaird's Game of Billiards. 92 Mlorfit on Soap and Candles................ 35 Parnell's Applied Chemistry. 104 Nimrod's Hunting Reminiscences..... 99 - The Chase, the Turf, and the Road. 99 Peters' Art of Horsemanship.... 107 So i al Economy. 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Goldsmith's Citizen of the World.. 171 Strutt's Sports and Pastimes of England. ]34 Hautefeuille's des Droits et des Devoirs................172 The Game of Natural History.138 Thomas' Shooter's Guide,................ 139 Henshaw's Manual for United States Consuls 172 Thomas' Shooter's Guide.139 Jameson's Memoirs and Essays.102 Tolfrey's Sportsman in Canada.. 141 Mann's Lectures to Young Men.177 Vyses Treatise on Fox Hunting. 149 More's Utopia and Bacon's New Atlantis.... 94 Whist, its History and Practice.... 54 organ's Woman and herMaster.178 White's Treatise on Billiards... 154 Or Young Men, their Importance and Claims... 102 Youth's Hand-Book of Entertaining Knowledge....160 Ou o ng Men. their Importance and Claims......... 102 Outlineof Social Systems................... 102 Statistics and Dynamics. Political and Social Economy, by Burton.............. 110 Popular Errors Explained and Illustrated............... 110 Earnshaw on Dynamics................... 41 --- Tumults-Social Ignorance................... 175 on Statics....................... 41 Porter's Progress of the Nation............. Ill Heather's Treatise on Statics, royal 8vo. $1 75.... Poussin's de la Puissance Americane................. 11 Newth's Statics, Dynamics, and Hydrostatics, cr. 8vo.... Remedies for the Perils of the Nation.............. 180 Poinsot's Elements of Statics. 8vo. $1 25............... Secret Societies of the Middle Ages.................175 Warr's Treatise on Dynamics, 8vo. $1 38.............. Taylor's Natural History of Society................... 137 Weale's Principles of Statics and Dynamics............ 15 Thom's Book of the Court.................... 139 Whewell's Treatise on Dynamics.................... 154 Vaughan's Age of Great Cities.................... 146 - on the the Motion of Points Constrained..........15 15 226 Index. Page. Page. StatisticsO Pole on Cornish Pumping Engine.......... 110 Portwine on the Steam Engine................... 11, 180 American Almanac for 1850.. Reid on the Steam Engine.. 115 Banfield and Weld's Statistical Companion, 12mo. $1 50. Robinson's Nautical Steam Engine Explained, post 8vo. Boudin's Statistique de l'Etat Sanitaire. 164 $'2 25. Burns' Statistics of the Cotton Trade.................. 20 Russell on Steam Engine.......................... 120 Cleland's Glasgow Statistics, 8vo. $2 00... Sewell on Locomotive Engines...... 152 Cooke's Statistical Tables, folio, $19 00. Steam Engine byArtisan Club.... 132 Dissenting Statistics in England, 18mo. 75 cents.... Marine Steam Engine. 132 Goldsmith's Statistics of France, 8vo. $3 75. Stevenson on Locomotive Steam Engine...... 133 Haillot's Statistiques Militaires.171 Stuart's IHistory of the Steam Engine, 8vo. $3 25. Horton's Statistics and Political Economy, Svo. $3 75. Templeton's Incitements to Study of Steam. 137 Holloy's Notions Elernentaires de Statistiqne, 8vo.... on Locomotive Engines.... 13 Macculloch's Statistics of the British Empire.... 83 Tredgold on the Steam Engine 143 Dictionary of Statistics, &c. of the World...... 83 TreatiseontheSteam Engine................ 143 Macgregor's Commercial Statistics.................... 84 Treatise on Marine Steam Engine. 152 Macqueen's Statistics of the British Empire, 8vo. $2 50. Wickstead on Pumping Steam Engines. 155 Martin's Statistics of the British Colonies. 88 - on High-Pressure, Expansive, Condensing EnColonial Library. 88 gines....... 155 Mason's Statistics of Ireland, 3 vols. 8vo. $21 50... Miles'StatisticalRegistor.91 Steam Navigation. Neison's Vital Statistics............ 98 Palfrey's Statistics of Massachusetts, 8vo.. De la Beche and Playfair on Coal best suited to Steam Pitkin's Statistics of the United States. 109 Navy, $1 00. Popular Statistics and Geography, 12mo. 75 cents. Buchanan on Propelling Vessels by Steam, 8vo......... Porter's Progress of the Nation.... 111 Bonnefoux's Dictionnaire de Marine. 164 Putnam's American Facts... 113 Curt on Locomotion and Steam Navigation, 8vo. $3 75. Quetelet on Man, royal 8vo. $1 00.. Dodd's Dis. on Steam Engines and Packets, 8evo. $2 25.. Salt's Statisticsof Railways.... 121 Fairburn's Canal Steam Navigation, 8vo. $2 50......... Schmitzler's Statistique Generale. 123 Farey's Rule for Computing the Speed of Steamers. 169 Scotland, Statistical Account of, 15 vols. 8vo. $71 00. Gordon's Economy of Marine Steam Engine.. 53 Smither's Statistics of Liverpool, 8vo. $4 25...... McGeachy on Steam Navigation, 8vo. $1 00. Smyth's Statistics of Ireland, 8vo. $3 25. Macqueen's Mail Communication by Steam, 8vo. $2 25. Spackman's Statistical Tables, 12mo. $1 50. Main and Brown on the Marine Steam Engine, 8vo. Taylor's Statistics of Coal.... 137 $3 75....... Thurman's Statistics of Insanity........ 141 Otway on Steam Navigation...... 102 Transactions of Statistical Society, 11 vols. 8vo. $34 50.. Paixham's Nouvelle Force Maritime..... 102 Tredway's Statistics of the United States, 18mo. 75 cents Par. Rept. on Calamities by Steam Navigation, 75 cts... Tuckey's Maritime Statistics, 4 vols. 8vo. $17 oo00.... with 8 Plans, 1839, $1 25...... Williams' Statistics of the Bermudas, 8vo. $3 75. Prinsep's Steam Vessels in India..... 112 White's Statistics of Georgia........ 182 Report of Corn. on Corn. Steam Marine, plans, $1 50... Report of Corn. on Steam Coms. with India, Maps, &c. Steam. $3 50.... Ross's Treatise on Steam Navigation, 4to. $9 00.... Alderson on the Natnre of Steam.................... 3 Russell on Steam Navigation.1 ]20 Armstrong on Steam Boilers. 7 Williams' Steam Manual for British Navy..... 157 Buchanan on the Economy of Fuel, 8vo. $5 50... Woodcroft's History of Steam Navigation.............. 158 Cradock's Chemistry of the Steam Engine...... 33 De Pampour's Theory of the Steam Engine. 37 S u g a r, (Growth and Manufacture of.) Farey on Elastic Force of Steam. 169 aenwood on ExpansivcF e Action of Steam.172 Baudrimont's dn Suore et de la Fabrication, 8voe. 24 pl. $1 Palmer on EApplication of Steam, &. 179 Caine's Letters on the Otaheite Cane, &c. 8vo. $1 75... Parkes on Evaporation of Watea,&r. 179 Decaisne's Analyse de la Bette rave a Sucre, 8vo........ 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Porter on Nature and Properties of Sugar Cane. 111 Bourne's Catechism of the Steam Engine....... 16 Tropical Agriculturalist, 8vo. $6 50. Bramah and Woods on Locomotive Engines........... 165 Saint Croix de la Fabrication du Sucre, 8vo.... Cook's Hist. Notes on Steam Engine, with Plans, Mount- Scoffern on Manufacture of Sugar... 123 ed, $3 00.. Sugar and Coffee, Eight Reports on, 1848, $7 50........ Cradock's Condensing Engine.... 33 Growing Colonies' Distress, Reports on, $3 00... De Pambour on Locomotives..... 37 Cultivation in Louisiana, Cuba, &c. part 1, 8vo. Farey on the Steam Engine........ 45 Ure's Dictionary of Arts. 146 Galloway's History of the Steam Engine.. 50 Roughley's Jamaica Planter's Guide, 8vo. $3 76. Gladwin's Stephenson's Locomotive.. 52 Whitehouse's Essay on Culture and Man. of Sugar, 8vo. Gordon's Economy of Marine Steam Engine........... 53 Wray's Practical Sugar Planter. 159 Gouin on Locomotive Engine..... 53 Gronvelle's de Machines a Vapeur.56, 171 Surveying. Haun onthe Steam Engine.. 58 Hoblyn's Manual of the Steam Engine, 12mo. $1 75. Bree's Engineering and Surveying Arithmetic.......... 21 Hedge on Steam Engine................. 62 Burr on Practical Surveying.... 21 - Expansive Steam Engine. 62, 172 Castle's Surveying and Levelling.24 Lardner on Steam Engine. 77 Crocker's Land Surveying. 33 Lean's Improvement in Cornish Engines, roy. 8evo. $3 00 Fenwick on Subterranean Surveying..... 46 Lloyd's Trans. of Gouin on Locomotive..... 80 Francis' Manual of Levelling. 48 Locomotives, Student's Guide to.. 80 Frome on Trigonometrical Surveying. 49 Macneil on Railways and Locomotive Engines. 84 Gibson's Surveying......51 Main and Brown on the Marine Steam Engine, 8vo. Haviland's Improved Portable Measurer..... 59 $3 75..... Hoppus' Practical Measurer. 64 Marine Steam Engine. 87 Jones' Principles &c. of Levelling.... 71 Milne's Treatise on the Steam Engine, 8vo. $4 75... Mackenzie's Marine Surveying....................... 84 Pambour's Theory of the Steam Engine... 103 Malorti's Treatise on Trigonometrical Surveying........ 85 ------ on Locomotive Engines. 103 Mitchell's Outlines of Surveying....................... 93 Partington on the Steam Engine, $3 75.... Narrien's Geodesy, &c....................... 97 Penny Cyclopaedia......... 106 Nesbit's Mensuration and Land Surveying..... 98 Perdonnet, &c. Chemins de Fer..................... 106 Penny Cyclopaedia.. 106 Pole on Steam Engines................... 110 Quested on Surveying and Levelling............ 113 Index. 227 Page. Page. 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Page. Pagm Clarke's Succession cd Sacred Literature............... 29 Harcourt's Doctrine of the Deluge.................... 58 Claude on Composition of a Sermon 29 Hare's Dutyof the Church.......................58 Coghlan's Companion to the Holy Scriptures...........167 Sermons.. 58 Coit's Puritanism, or a Churchman's Defence.. 167 Harness' Parochial Sermons..........58 Coleridge's Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit..... 30 Harris' Preadamite Earth...... 58 Collation of the Scriptures............ 30 Hart's Ecclesiastical Records.......' 59 Collier's Ecclesiastical History............... 30 Ha'weis' Sketches of the Reformation....59 Comber's Help to Devotion. 30 Hawker's Spiritual Reflections.......... 59 Common Prayer.................................... 30 -- Concordance of the Old and New Testament..... 172 Concille de Trente... 30 - on Missions of Church of England............. 172 Consolatia by Kennaway............. 31 Hawks on Auricular Confession.............. 172 Cook's Historical View of Christianity.31 Egypt and its Monuments.59 Coquerel's Christianity........... 31 Hearn'sMan of Sin................................. 60 Craig's Theocracy. 33 Henry's Commentary on the Bible...... 60 Crabbe's Natural Theology....................... 33 Henshaw's Meditations.... 61 Croly's Divine Providence........................... 33 Herbert's Works. 61 Cumming's Apocalyptic Sketches.... 34 Herder's Spirit of Hebrew Poetry........ 61 Cust's Nodtes Dominica.... 34 Hervey's Meditations and Contemplations.172 Daillie on the Philippians 34 Heugh's Religion in Belgium, &c... 61 - on the PUse of the Fathers........ 34 Heurtly's Bampton Lectures........................ 61 Davidson's Introduction to the New Testament.......... 35 Hieronymus' Opera Omnia............. 61 - Ecclesiastical Polity of the New Testament....... 35 Hind's True Temples... 62 Davies' Supremacy of the Scriptures,.... 35 Histoire de la Vie des Saints.......62 De Wette's Introduction to the Old Testament.......... 37 Hoare's Harmony of the Apocalypse....... 62 Dewey's Works............ 37 Hobart's Apology for Apostolic Order......... 62 Dick's (Dr. Thos.) 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Hall's Treatise on Faith....... 57 Kitto's Cyclopaedia of Biblical Literature......7.... 75 (Bp.) Whole Works.................. 57 Klipstein's Anglo-Saxon Homily..........74 RK.) Whole Works,.,................ 57 Lapide's Commentarii in Scripturam7.....76 - Miscellaneous Works......................... 57 Lardher's Works......75....... 176 Halley on Symbolic Institutions........................ 57 Larned's Life and Eloquence.................. Hammond's Paraphrase of the New Testament.......... 58 Latimer's Sermons and Rem7ains.7 Hampden's Sermons...................... 58, 172 Laud's Conference, &c............................... 77 Happy Ignorance, or Church and State....... 172 - Liturgy, &c................ n Index. 229 Page, Page. 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W ell Sinking and Boring. On the Influence of Climate on Wool.......... 100 Donkin's Account of Boring for Water in London...... 168 On the Manufacture of Silk, Cotton, Wool, Linen, &c... 127 Jebb's Notes on Sinking Artesian Wells.............. 174 Reports, &c. on Cotton, Wool, &c. in India, 8vo $3 75 Jones on Well in Fort Regent, Jersey.............. 174 Southey's Treatise on Sheep and Wool, 8vo. $1 25..... Swindell on Well Sinking, Boring, &Zc..1.......... 152 Taylor's Hand-Book of Silk, Cotton, Wool, &c. 18mo. 75 cts................................. Walton on the Alpaca.......................... 150 Barlow on the Strength of Timber..................... 11 r t i n g. Billington on Oak Plantations, 8vo. $5 50.. Du.... Du Ponceau on the Chinese System of Writing, 8vo..... Brown's Trees of America............................ 18 Harding's German Text, Old English, &c. 4to. 25 cts... Crocker's Timber Dealer's Guide, 12mo. $1 50.......... 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