1 I c~fV 0 7-1 -7.'a 7 GOVERNMENT OF PORTO RICO UNIVERSITY OF PORTO RICO "I University Bulletin RESULTS Anthropometric OF THE Measurements AMONG THE STUDENTS AT THE University of Porto Rico JANUARY, 1917 COMPILED BY FRED K. FLEAGLE, Dean College of Liberal Arts SAN JUAN, P. R. BUREAU OFr SUPPLLIMS. PRtINTING, AND TrRANSPORTATION 1917 FOREWORD. 1, At the regular quarterly meeting of the board of Trustees of tlhe University of Porto Rico held on July 19, 1915, the following resoh lution was passed: "That every student enrolled in the University in the future, exceplt the pupils in the Practice School, shall pay to the dean of his -i lepartment a fee of $1.50 for the University Health Service; that " two-thirds of this fee shall go to the medical officer making the necessary examinations, and one-third to the University Athletic Association; that in return, the medical officer shall make at least two medical examinations of each student every year, and shall treat students free of charge on recommendation of the dean, and shall attend athletic games, and care for students in cases of accident; and that the Athletic Association shall issue each student a ticket granting free admission to all games held under its auspices during tle year.'" In accordance with this resolution, the results of the first three examinations are here made public, with the liope tlat they may.be of some value in solving one of the many problemis confronting us in ILatin America. It is believed that this represents the first effort to determine the physical development of the Porto Rican, and prolbably of the Latin American as well. The measurements for the wolunl used as a basis for this study were taken by Miss Mary Stewart an( Miss Mary Russell, physical instructors for woinen in the Uiniversity of Porto Rico, while the measurements for men were taken by )ir. Luis A. Saliva, University physician, and Lieut. Bates Tucker, physical instructor for men. The physical examination in the ease of both sexes was given by Dr. Saliva. FRED. K. FLEAGLE, Dean, College of Liberal Arts. 3 ANTHROPOMETRIC MEASUREMENTS AMONG STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PORTO RICO. The results of the third physical and anthrop~onietric examination of all the students in the University of Porto Rico has given stifficient data to justify certain conclusions. In the three (Exanilnations a total of 1,41 2 students haive been examined, of whom 61 6 were mien and 796 were women. The average age of the iien examined was 1.9.59 years and of the women 1-8.45 years. A (comparison of the blowing power (in potunds) for the first examination in September, 1915, and the second examination in June, 1916, for b)0th men and women, shows a distinct gain during the school year, resulting from regular and systematic physical exercises. 15 years................ 16 years................ 1.7 years................ 18 years................ 19 years-............... 20 years................ 21 years and more........... MenI Sept., 191 J1 ne. 1)916 - --- - 1.62 29.(00 2.00 2. 28 2.20 2.55 2.12 2.91I 2.21 2.52 2.38 3. 03 2.30 2.55 Sept., 191o5 Jun)e, 191I6 1.36..... 1.39. 1.16 I9 1.11 2.25 1.15 1.30 1.05 2.50.1)8 1.30) Following is a comparison of the results of the examination in blowing power for the two examinations of Septemnber, 1915, and September, 1916. Here we find in both years a gradually increasing percentage on the part of the men and a gradnally decreasing percentage on the part of the women, according to age.,it is very prob~able that this steady decrease on the lpart of the women as they advance in age is due to failure to take the proO~er dmilount of exercise and to i mproper modes of dress. 1-5 years................ 1J years................ 17 years................ 18 years................ 19 years................ 20 years................. 21 years and more........... Men Wo'Smen 191 5 1916. 1915 1916 1.62 2.29 1.36 1.82 2.0 1.58. 1.39 1. 75 2.24)0 2. 56 1 16 1.5(4 2.12 2.49 1.1 1.78 2.21 2.45. 1.15 1.66 2.38 2.7-05 1.05 1.77 2. 3(4 2.84.98 1. 53 4 The following table shows the average amount of chest expansion (difference between chest expanded and chest contracted in inches) for men and women. Here also there is a gradual increase on the part of the men, though not so regular nor so marked as in the blowing power and with a notable exception at 16 years of age. On the part of the women, the highest per cent is also reached at 16, there being little difference between the averages for the other years, and a. decrease for the women of more than 21 years of age. It will be noted that the women of 18, 19, and 20 years of age surpass the men of equal age. Men Women 15 y ears.................................................. 2.36 2.61 16 years................................................. 4.00 3.10 17 years.............................................. 2.66 2.61 18 years.............................................. 2.93 2.95 19 years................................................ 2.86 3.03 20 years................................................ 2.81 3.09 21 years and more....................................... 3.01 2.96 Judging a good condition as equal to 90 per cent, and imperfect as equal to 70 per cent in the test of sight, hearing, condition of teeth, heart, and lungs, the students examined averaged as follows for the two years: Men Women Sept.. 1915 Sept.. 1916 Sept, 1915 Sept., 1916 Sight................................. 79,95 83.91 78.10 82.04 H1earing............................. 86.12 88.04 89.78 89.16 Condition of teeth................. 76.10 78.59 79.21 80.60 H eart............................. 88.30 89.56 88.69 88.71 Lungs.............................. 84.69 89.34 75.54 89.54 We note that in both examinations the men surpassed the wormen in sight, whereas the women have higher averages regarding hearing an(d condition of the teeth. While in 1915 they surpassed the men in general condition of the heart and fell below in condition of the lungs, in 1916 the situation is exactly reversed. Probably the latter examination represents more truly the average, as it was more ninulte and rigorous than the one given in 1915. It will be noted that the general condition of students is much better in 1916 than it was in 1915. 5 Among the 450 students examined in September, 1916, it was found that 1 61 were suffering from defective sight. Most of these cases were such as can be relieved by the use of glasses. Of the total number examined, 29 were found who had defective hearing, 21 had some weakness of the heart, and 11 were found who had weak lungs. One case of well-defined tuberculosis was discovered, and the student sent home. Several more cases were noted for monthly observation by the University physician. Of the total number, 9 had adenoids, while 229, or more than half the student body, were found to be in need of dental treatment. A hemoglobin test was made this year by the Tallqvist method of all students examined, and it found that the average results obtained were 80.04 for the men and 77.60 per cent for the women. The average for Porto Rico should not fall below 85 per cent, and the average found indicates a poverty of blood that demands attention. The above results emphasize the urgent need of physical examinations and tie treatment of physical defects among the grade children. By the time students reach the University much harm has been (lone which could have been avoided had attention been called earlier to the need of specific treatment. School and medical men of to-day are agreed that the defects mentioned interfere seriously with the intellectual ability and progress of the child, and to leave the matter till the student is of university age is a serious mistake. The university does all it can to call attention to physical defects and sug. gest remedies for them, but in many cases the delay has been such that the best results cannot be obtained from the treatment. Following are tables showing the anthropometric measurements of male and female students in the University of Porto Rico, Tables A to L, inclusive, showing the results, by years, of the successive examinations. These tables show that tie students of a certain age at tie time of any given examination compare very closely with the students of the same age at the time of the other examinations, so that the general average measurements for each group examined, as given in Tables N to Y, inclusive, may be accepted as representing very closely the average man or woman of the age indicated. It will be noted that in Table N the Porto Rican boy of 16 has the advantage over the American boy of 16 in nearly all the measurements. The same is true in Table 0, showing the development at 17 years of age. In Table P, showing both at the age of 18, the development is nearly the same, while in Table Q, representing the developmient at 19, the American boy is in the lead. There seems to be 6 little additional development of the Porto Rican boy after the age of 18, while there is a continuous development on the part of the American boy up to and including the twenty-second year. In the case of the girls, the Porto Rican girls of 16 and 17 show a better general development than American girls of the same ages (Tables T and U), while in Table V, at the age of 18, measurements average about the same. From this age, however, the American girl continues to develop, while the measurements given in Tables W, X, and Y show that the physical development of the Porto Rican girl practically ceases. The development of the American boy and girl as regards hip and thigh measurements equals or surpasses the Porto Rican boy or girl, however, even at 16 or 17, thus indicating the general tendency toward a heavier, larger, final bodily development in the case of the northern people. In Tables M and Z where the general averages of Porto Ricanl men and women from 16 to 28 years of age are-compared with the averages of American men and women from 17 to 30 years of age, it is seen that the American men surpass the Porto Rican men in every measurement except the depth of chest, and the American women except in regard to depth of chest and waist measure. This is probably the result of malnutrition due to improper feeding of children, resulting in consequent softening of the bones and protrusion of the breast bone, and the same cause would increase the girth of the waist. The prevalent marked depth of chest in both men and women indi(cates that this characteristic is tending to become a racial characteristic among the Porto Ricans. If the statements made above, to the effect that at the age of 18 the physical development of the Porto Rican man and woman has practically reached its highest point, we may consider that an average of the measurements of the men and women from and after that age would give us what would practically be the representative physical development of the Porto Rican adult. These averages are foundi in Table XX. For the working out of a standard for Porto Rican developmlent; it would be unfair to accept the standards set for people of another race and of another climate, and while it is not claimed that the figures in Table XX represent the ideal of physical development for the adult in Porto Rico, it is urged that they be accepted as the representative development until data shall he collected which will disprove them. 7 TABLE A.-Average anthropoinetric measireenents of male studentts 16 years of age for three successive examinations. Sept, 1915 June, 1916 Sept., 1916 Height......................... 64.76 64. 64.50 W eight............................... 111.17 101.81 103.33 Shoulders........................ 14.89 14.09 14.25 Chest, transversal.................... 10.03 9.88 9.17 Chest, ant. post......................... 7.80 7.84 7.72 Neck.................................. 12.60 12.81 12.50 Chest, muscular.................. 30.82 31.19 82.17 Chest, natural.......................... 29.87 30.38 30.50 Chest, expanded.......................31.78 32.75 33.75 Chest, contracted....................... 28.16 29.88 29.75 W aist................................... 26.91 28.09 26.83 Wraist...~~~ ~r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r 26.91, 28.09 26.83 Hips.................................... 31.57 28.56 31.33 Right arm down...................... 8.64 8.38 7.03 Right arm up........................... 9.48 9.03 9.75 Right forearm.......................... 9.16 9.31 9. Left arm down.......................... 8.48 8.47 6.91 LTeft arm up........................... 10.03 8.91 9.13 Left forearm.................... 8.....98 9.19 9.25 Right thigh............................. 18. 17.50 17. Right calf............................ 12.50 12.28 12.33 Left thigh............. 1......4 17.17.17 Left calf......................... 12.73 12.28 12. TArE 1:.-Averrag anthropometric mneasurcments of male stutdents 17 years old for three successive examinattions. Sept., 1915 Jtune, 1916 Sept., 1916 Height................................ 62.75 65. 65.53 W eight................................ 111.33 111.08 117.83 Shoulders............................. 15.34 14.91 15.09 Chest, transversal...................... 10.33 10.01 10. (?hest, ant. post............ 7.98 7.98 8.01 Neck.................................. 12.98 13.09 12.90 (Chest, muscular........................ 31.59 31.77 33.07 Chest, natural......................... 30.57 31.19 32.15 Chest. exanded........32.45 33.35 34.21 Chest, contracted.................... 30.11 30.72 31.55 W aist................................ 24.38 22.07 28.69 Hips............................... 32.30 31.25 33. Right arm down........................77 8.93 7.21 Right arm up......................9...56 9.52 9.58 Right forearm...................9.70 9.69 9.29 Left arm down....................... 8.24 8.77 7.02 TLeft arm up............................. 9.45 9.20 9.35 ILeft forearm............................ 9.08 9.68 9.14 Right thigh............................ 18.26 18.40 16.92 Right calf............................. 12.62 13.16 12.94 eft thigh............................... 17.89 18.42 17.45 Left calf................................ 12.60 12.98 12.75 8 TABLE C.-A rerage anthropomeiric measurements of male students 18 years old for three successive examinations. Sept., 1915 H eight................................ W eight.............................. Shoulders........................... Chest, transversal...................... Chest, ant. post......................... N eck................................... Chest, muscular....................... Chest, natural.......................... Chest, expanded...................... Chest, contracted......................... Waist......................... H ip s.................................... Right arm down....................... Right arm up........................ Right forearm...................... Left arm down...................... Left arm up......................... Left forearm......................... Right thigh......................... Right calf.......................... Left thigh............................. Left calf............................. 65.34 115.92 15.47 10.35 8.20 13.08 31.61 30.46 32.76 30.25 27.48 31.98 8.99 9.82 9.49 8.75 9.57 9.25 18.28 12.55 18.04 13.10 Jlunc, 1916 65.10 118.04 16.12 10.49 7.99 13.10 34.16 31.86 34.09 31.50 28.04 30.99 9.42 9.49 9.64 8.88 9.40 9.74 18.96 12.88 18.47 12.90 Sept., 1M6; 66.72! 121.32; 15,2Z 10.23 8.23 13.33 33.57 32.77 35.01 32.08 29.33 33.26 8.29 9.88 9.60 8.08: 9.63 9A.4 18.40) 13.04 17.91 13. 13 TABLE I).-A'er'age caltlropometriic measurements of male stIde lcts 19 years -old for three successive examinations. H eigh t................................. W eight............................ Shoulders.............................. Chest, transversal..................... Chest, ant, post...................... N eck................................. Chest, muscular..................... Chest, natural........................ Chest, expanded........................ Chest, contracted..................... Waist............................... H ip s................................ Right arm down...................... Right arm up........................ Right forearm...................... Left arm down...................... Left arm up........................ Left forearm......................... Right thigh......................... Right calf............................ Left thigh...................... Left calf................... Sept., 1915 65.60 113.52 15.42 10.33 8.09 13. 30.76 30.45 32.49 30.20 26.70 30.87 8.73 9.64 9.01 8.62 9.50 9. (f1 9.o6 18.24 12.60 17.76 12.59 June. 1916 65. 20 103.68 15.07 10.38 8.02 13.69 32.44 32.33 33.68 31.13 26.61 31.15 8.91 9.41 9.78 8.74 (. 27 9.44 18.55 13.24 18.58 13.23 Sept., 191 ) 65. (i2 117.38 15.18 10.10 8.18 13.25 33.43 32.59 34.69 31.83' 28.16 33.28 7.46 10. 9.22 7.68 9.63: 9.21 18.22f 12.82' 18. 36; 12.75 9 TABLE E.-Average anthropometric rmeasirements of male studelts 20 years old for three successive examinations. Sept., 1915 June, 1916 Sept., 1916 Height.............................65.88 66. 65.86 Weight................................ 116.32 113.10 110.55 Shoulders............................. 15.75 14.65 14.51 (Chest, transversal..................... 10.51 10.34 10.34 iihest, ant. post........................ 7.09 8.03 8.19 Neck................................. 13.33 13.30 13.26,Chest, muscular....................... 31.29 32.47 33.25 -Chest, natural.......................... 30.95 32.03 32.12 VChest, expanded....................... 33.06 32.73 34.32 VChest, contracted...................... 30.70 31.85 31.51 Waist............................... 27.51 27.22 28. H i ps.................................... 32.61 30.51 32.68 Right arm down.................. 9.20 9.03 6.98 Right arm up........................... 9.90 9.89 9.65 Right forearm.......................... 9.60 9.73 9.12 Left arm down......................... 8.84 8.90 7.03 Left arm up.......................... 9.78 9.59 9.85 Ieft forearm......................... 9.43 9.57 9.17 Right thigh............................. 18.41 18.46 18.14 Right calf.......................... 12.91 13.00 12.89 Left thigh............................... 18.17 18.30 17.75 Left calf............................... 12.85 13.11 12.77 'TAlll.: F.-Average cnthtropometric measurements of male studenrts 21 yccrs and 0over for three successive examinations. Sept., 1915 June, 1916 Sept., 1916 Hleight................................... 66.21 66.18 W eight............................... 120.31 125.76 118.58 Shoullders.............................. 15.56 15.81 16.01 Chest, transversal...................... 10.55 10.81 10.75 Chest, ant. post......................... 8.10 8.32 8.26 Neck................................. 13.45 13.63 13.54 (Clhest, muscular...................... 32.59 33.51 33.83 ( hest, natural....................... 31.56 32.71 32.64 Chest, expanded........................ 33.66 34.67 34.94 Chest, contracted..................... 31.42 31.99 31.93 W aist................................ 28.22 28.83 29.46 ilps.............................. 32.82 31.97 33.1: Right arm down...................... 9.04 9.18 8.13 Right arm up.......................... 10.02 9.97 9.83 Right forearm.........................9.63 9.87 9.59 Left arm down....................... 8.86 8.96 7.88 L{eft arm up......................... 9.86 9.74 9.67 Left forearm............................ 9.73 9.5T 9.92 fight thigh............................ 18.57 18.32 17.99 Right calf.............................. 12.61 12.88 12.82 left thigh...........................18.24 18.30 17.96 Left calf.............................. 12.53 13.01 12.83 10 TA.ILE G. —Average anthropometric measurenments of female students 16 years of age for three successive examinations. Sept., 1915 June, 1916 Sept., 1916 Height.......................61.73 61.60 61.5 Weight.............................. 105.59 112.20 107.99 Shoulders.......................... 13.43 13.55 13.88 Chest, transversal..................... 9.21 9.13 9.61 Chest, ant. post........................ 6.4 6.67 6.77 N eck................................. 11.96 12.34 11.74 Chest, muscular...................79 30.61 29.743 Chest, natural........................ 29.07 29.53 29.26 Chest, expanded....................... 31.06 31.6531.46 Chest, contracted....................... 28.28 29.63 28.36 Waist............................ 25.40 25.48 25.48 I- ps...................................: 34.01 32.75 33.06 Right arm down..................... 8.09 8.05 8.92 Right arm up........................... 8.75 Right forearm.......................... 8.25 9.29 9.96 Left arm down......................... 7.98 8.50 8.76 Left arm up............................ 1 Left frarm......up........ 8.546 j 8.45 8.81 Left forearm..........................8.12 9.27.27 Right thighl.......................... 17.85 19.95 19.06 Right calf............................ 12.23 13.21 12.6 Left thigh............................ 17.84 19.68 18.98 Left calf.............................. 12.24 13.20 12.74 TABLE H.-eAverage anthropomnetric measurements of female students 17 years of age for three successive examina.itions. Sept., 1915.u ne, 191 Sept., 1916 Height........................... 61.46 63. 62.23 W eight................................ 104.69 111.93 05.7 Shoulders........................... 13.41 13.62 13.78 Chest, transversal.................. 8.98 9.14 9.75 Chest, ant. post...................6.90 6.. Neck............................ 12.01 12.34 11.63 Chest, muscular....................... 29.75 29.93 360.04 Chest, natural....................... 28.77 29.29 29.5; Chest, expanded....................... 30.71 31.46 31.19 Chest, contracted................ 27.83 29.73 28.58 Waist..................... 2724.77 26.95 24.89 Hips........................... 33.46 34.83. 33.6 Right arm down..................... 8.10 8.34 8.57 Right arm up. -. - -.................... 8.64 8.55 9.68 Right forearm........................ 8.28 9.43 8.27 Left arm down..........................6 8.8.50 Left arm up...................8.61 8.51 9.49 Left forearm........................... 8.12 9.39 8.11 Right thigh............................ 17.88 19.39 18.59 Right calf..................... 12.37 13.01 12.46 Left thigh.............................. 17.85 19.09 18.47 Left calf............................ 12.33 13. 12.49 11 'TAILE I. —A crage onthropometrie mieasuremelnts of feloalc.-tu(dlts 18 yearv (;f age for three successive exami'natiols Sept., 1915 June, 1916 Sept., 1916 H eight................................. 60.84 60.24 61.93 Weight.......................... 103.25 104.34 107.37 Shoulders............................ 13.37 13.47 13.83 (Chest, transversal..................... 8.96 9.01 9.86 Chest, ant. post......................... 7.06 7.03 6.79 Neck................................... 11.96 12.12 11.69 (Chest, muscular........................ 29.83 30.10 30.69 Chest, natural.......................... 28.92 29.68 29.83 Chest, expanded........................ 30.93 31.19 31.71 Chest, contracted....................... 28.53 28.90 28.76 W aist.................................. 24.42 25.84 24.83 1 ips.................................. 33.16 32.85 33.79 Right arm down........................ 8.05 8.49 8.59 Right arm up....................... 8.64 8.29 9.67 Right forearm...................... 8.24 9.14 8.33 Left arm down........................ 7.94 8.34 `.58 Left arm up........................... 8.58 8.23 9.59 Left forearm............................ 8.11 9.20 8.19 Right thigh......... 17.93 19.31 18.89 Right calf......................... 12.37 13.08 12.62 4Left thigh...............17.93 18.71 18.69 Left calf..........................12.34 12.82 12.55 TL'AEBLtI..-Avc(raqg anthrolpometric ineasurenments of felmale s.tucdelts 1 years of age for three successive examilnationls. Sept., 1915 June, 1916 Sept., 1916 lHeight.................1.15 62.90 61.80 W eight................................. 107.82 107.76 106.34 Shoulders............................... 13.62 13.55 13.83 (Chest, transversal.................... 9.08 9.905 9.95 Chest, ant. post........................ 7.11 7.01 6.85 Neck........................ 12.21 12.15 11.66 Vhest, muscular..................... 30.16 30.12 30.49 C'hest, natural...................... 29.38 29.44 29.50 'tChest, expanded..................... 31.47 30.52 1 32.05 C(hest, contracted.................... 28.60 29.77 29.02 W aist.................................. 25.09 25.27 24.50 ips.................................. 33.76 30.63 33.16 Right arm down...................... 8.33 8.47 1 8.92 ttight arm up......................... 8.92 8.37 9.76 Rtight forearm......................... 8.41 9.20 8.22 Left arm down n............... 8.23 8.35 8.60 Left arm up.................. 8.74 8.32 9.52 Left forearm........................... 8.28 9.42 8.14 light thigh...................18.30 18.92 18.87 Riight calf..........................4 12.89 12.55 Left thigh............................ 18. 19 18.193 18.69 Left calf................................ 1247 12.77 12.59 TABLE K.-Average anthropometric mcasurceiments for fem7ale students 20 years of age for three successive examinitlions. Height................................. W eight............................... Shoulders........................... -Chest, transversal..................... Chest, ant. post..................... N eck.......................... Chest, muscular....................... Chest, natural.......................... Chest, expanded..................... Chest, contracted....................... W aist............................... l ips.................................... iEight arm down...................... Right arm up......................... Right forearm......................... Left arm down................... Left arm up....................... Left forearm........................... Right thigh........................... lR ight calf........................ L eft thigh.............................. Left calf............................... sept., 1915 - i 62. 106.85 13.48 8.86 6.95 12.03 29.91 28.73 30.73 27.89 24.64 33.65 8.13 8.17 8.28 8.08 8.65 8.20 17.98 12.63 17.97 12.61 June, 1916 63.10 106.21 13.59 9.06 7.43 12.58 30.58 29.90 30.29 28.16 26.55 33.09 8.65 8.36 9.14 8.50 8.03 9.21 18.73 12.92 18.25 12.89 Sept.. 1916 61.78 107.87 13.83 9.92 6.78 11.72 30.76 30.10 32.03 28.94 24.93 34.09 8.77 9.68 8.20 8.;63 9.55 8.08 18.90 12.52 18.77 12.63 "I'ABLE L.-Atver(lae f a(thropoiletric mIeasuremetlts of femahle stiudents;2l el.'ars and over for three sueccqsive (e(xat i attions. Hleight............................... AW eight.................................:S houlders............................. *Chest, transversal......................,Chest, ant. post........................ N eck.................................. 'Chest, m uscular..................... Chest, natural..................... Chest, expanded.....................,Chest, contracted.................... ~W aist.................................. H ip s................................. Right arm down...................... RIight arm up.. Right forearm up..................... lRight forearm. ' 1,eft arm down....................... Left arm up............................ Left forearm........................... -1ight thigh........................... Right calf............................ Left thigh.......................... Left calf.............................. Sept., 19)15 61.97 108.84 13.77 9.18 6.84 12.02 30.25 29.38 31.27 28.52 24,65 34.05 8.06 8.92 8.26 7.93 8.81 8.06 18.65 12.34 18.64 12.26 June. 1916i 61.42 112.78 13.64 9.11 7.12 12.12 29.66 28.45 31.28 28.57 25.50 34.93 8.70 8.59 9.45 8.50 8.,35 9.23 19.58 12.68 19.62 12.66 Seppt.. 1916 62.82 115.68 14.03 10. 6.83 11.84 30.71 30.12 32.13 29.17 25.01 34.28 8.70 9.48 8.49 8.65 9.65 8.37 19.08 13.09 18.98 13.11 13 TArLE TN. H eight................................ Weigh t..................... Shoulders........................... Chest, transversal...................... Chest, ant. post......................... N eck.............................. Chest, m uscular...................... Chest, natural........................ Chest, expanded........................ Chest, contracted....................... W aist................................ Hips.................................... Right arm down...................... Right arm up....................... Right fore rmi......................... Left arm down......................... Left arm up......................... Left forearm............................ Right thigh........................... R ight calf.............................. Left thigh............................. Left calf............................. Average measurements of 25 male students 16 years of age 64.42 105.44 14.41 9.69 7.79 1?.64 31.39 30.25 32.76 29.26 27.28 30.49 8.02 9.42 9.16 7.95 9.36 9.14 17.50 12.37 17.46 12.34 t..e.P.... Average measurements of Yale male students 16.7 years of age 62. 100. 14.2: 9. 6.3. 12.2 29.2 31. 24.5 31.3 8.3 9.5 8.9 8.1 9.5 8.7 17.2 12. 17. 12. TABLE 0. H-eight............................. Weight................................ Shoulders............................. Chest, transversal...................... Chest, ant. post...................... Neck................................ (Chest, muscular........................ Chest, natural.......................... Chest, expanded....................... Chest, contracted...................... W aist............................... H ip s................................. Right arm down...................... Right arm tup........................ Right forearm......................... Left arm down........................ Left arm up............................ Left forearm........................... R ight thigh.......................... Right calf........................... Left thigh.............................. Left calf............................... Average measurements of 75 male students 17 years of age 64.41 113.41 15.11 10.11 7.99 12.99 32.14 31.30 33.34 30.79 25.05 32.18 8.30 9.55 9.56 8.01 9.33 9.30 17.86 12.91 17.92 12.78 Average measurements of Yale male students 17.1 years of age 63.2 109. 14.5 9.2 6.5 12.$ 30.1 32. 25.4 32. 8.6 9.7 9.1 8.4 9.7 8.9 17.7 12.2 17.5 12.2 14 TABLE P. Height............................... W eight.............................. Shoulders........................ Chest, transversal....................... Chest, ant. post....................... Neck.............................. Chest, muscular....................... Chest, natural.......................... Chest, expanded....................... Chest, contracted..................... Waist................................. H ips................................. Right arm down........................ Right arm up........................ Right forearm.......................... Left arm down.......................... Left arm up.......................... Left forearm........................... Right thigh........................... Right calf.......................... L eft thigh............................. Left calf................................ Average measurements of 92 male students 18 years of age 65.72 118.43 15.60 10.36 8.14 13.14 33.11 31.69 33.95 31.28 28.08 32.08 8.90 9.73 9.58 8.57 9.50 9.47 18.55 12.82 18.14 13.04 Average measurements of Yale students 18 years of age 65.5 122. 15.3 10. 6.8 13.1 31.9 33.7................ 27. 33.5 9.1 10.6 9.6 9. 1 o. 6 9.4 18.9 12.9 18.7 12.9 TABLE Q. Average measulre- Average measure ments of 107 male ments of Yale stustudents 19 years of dents 19.1 years of age age Heighht.......................... 65.4767. Weight............................. 11.53 131. Shoulders....................5.22 I15.8 Chest. transversal...................... 10.27 10.4 Chest, ant, post........................ 8.15 7.2 N eck................................ 13.31 13.5 Chest, muscular........................ 32.21................. Chest, natural......................... 31.79 33.1 Chest, expanded........................ 3.6235. ('Chest, contracted................1..... 31.05............... Waist................................ 27.15 28.1 flips............................ 1.77 34.6 Right arm down....................4) 9.7 Right arm up......................... 9.(68 11.2 Right forearm...................... 9.34 1. Left arm down........................ 8.35 9.5 ILeft arm up......................... 9.47 1.2 Left forearm...................... 9.24 9.8 Right thigh........................ 18.34 19.8 Right calf............................ 12.89 13.5 Left thigh............................. 18.23 19.6 Left calf................................ 12.86 13.5 15 TABLE R. Average measurements of 78 male students 20 years of age Height.............................. 65.91 Weight.......................... 113.32 Shoulders....................... 14.97 Chest, transversal................. 10.39 Chest, ant. post......................... 7.77 Neck............................... 13.29 Chest, muscular.......................32.34 Chest, natural..........................31.70 Chest, expanded........................ 33.37 Chest, contracted...................... 31.35 Waist............................. 27.58 H ips................................. 31.93 Hight arm down................. 8.40 Right arm up........................ 9.81 Right forearm......................... 9.48 Ieft arm down..........................25 Left arm up.......................... 9.74 Left forearm............................39 Right thigh........................ 18.34 Right calf.1............................12 93 Left thigh...............................18.07 Left calf............................... 12.91 Average measurements of Yale students 20 years of age 68.4 143. 16.~ 10.9 7.4 14. 34.5. 36.3 29.2 35.7 10.3 11.9 10.5 10. 11.9 10.2 20. 6 14. 20.4 14. TABLE S....,, - - *- - - - -. - - In st j an W eigh t................................. Shoulders............................ Chest, transversal.................... Chest, ant. post........................ N eck.................................. ('hest, muscullar..................... Chest, natural...................... Chest, expanded....................... Chest, contracted...................... W aist.................................. Hips.................................... Right arm downi...................... Right arm up......................... Right forearm...................... I,eft arm down......................,Left arm up................... Left forearm.......................... R ight thigh............................ R ight calf........................... Left thigh........................... L e ft calf............................... 16 Average measureients of 223 male udents 21 years la over 66.37 121.55 15.79 10.55 8.23 13.54 33.31 32.30 34.42 31.78 28.84 32.64 8.78 9.94 9.69 s.57 9.75 9.74 18 29 12.77 18.17 1 2.7f9 Average measuremients of Yale students 22.6 years of age 71. 164. 17. 12.1 7.# 14.6 36.6 38.6.............. - i 31.1 37.5 11.1 12.9 11.1 II. 12.9 10.8 22. 14.8 21.8 14.8 TABLE r Height............................ Weight............................... Shoulders....... Chest, transversal..................... 'Chest, ant. post........................ N eck..................................,Chest, muscular....................... -Chest, natural......................... Chest, expanded........................ -Chest, contracted...................... 'W aist.................................. H ips.................................. Right arm down....................... 'Right arm up...................... Right forearm......................... Left arm down......................... Left arm up........................ Left forearm.................. R ight thigh............................ Right ealf............................. Left thigh........................... Left calf.............................. r. Average measurements of 53 female Porto Rican students of 16 years of age 61.61 108.59 13.62 9.32 6.76 12.01 29.94 29.27 31.39 28.76 25.45 33.27 8.35 9.03 9.17 8.41 8.61 8.55 18.95 12.68 18.83 12.73 Average measurements of fenale students in Oberlin College, 16.5 years of age 59.8 94.6 13.3 5.8 11.3 27.5 29.8 22.4 32.2................ 8.9 8.2 8.6 18.8 11.6 18.8 11.6 TABL E T. Height................ W eight............... Shoulders............ Chest, transversal... Chest, ant. post....... Neck................. Chest, muscular...... Chest, natural........ (Chest, expanded...... Chest, contracted..... Waist................ H ips.................. Right arm down..... 'Right arm up......... Rtight forearm........ Left arm down....... Left arm up.......... I1ft forearm.......... 'Right thigh.......... Right calf............. Left thigh............. Left calf.............. Average measurements of 131 female Porto Rican students 17 years of age 62.33 107.46 13.60 9.29 6.80 11.99 29.91 29.19 31.12 28.71 25.54 33.97 8.34 8.96 8.66 8.37 8.87 8.54 18.62 12.61 18.47 12.61 17 Average measurements of female students in Wellesly College 17 years of age 57.9 88.2 12.8.................. 5.7 11.1 i. I.................. 25.4 27. 21.3 30.3 8.7 7.2 8.6 7.1 17.9 11.4 17.8 11.3 Average measurements of female stu dents in Oberlin (Cot, lege 17 years of age 60.2 97.7 13.5 5.9 11.4................. 28.3 30.1 3(). 1................. '2'2.7 33.................. 9. 8.3 8.9 8.1 19.2 11.8 19.2 11.8 TABLE V. Height......... Weight......... Shoulders. Chest, transversal Chest, ant. l)ost.... Neck......... Chest, muscular. Chest, natural. Chest, expanded. Chest, contracted. W~aist......... Right arm down.... Right arm up..... Right forearm..... Left arm down..... Left arm up...... Left forearm...... Right thigh. Right calf....... Left thigh....... heft calf........ Average measurements of 216 femnale Porto Rican students of 18 years of age Average measurements of female stiidentis In Wellesly College 18.1 years of age f; 1. 104.99 1 3.5 6 9.28 63.96 11.92:30.21 2)9.48 31.28 28.7:3 2 5. 03 '43.27 8.38 8.87 8.57 8.29 8.80 8.50 18.71 12.69 18.44 12.57 130. 3 101.5 13.5 6.3 11.5 26.9 29.4 22.8 32.4 9.6 7.8 9.4 7.7 19.6 12.2 19.5 12.2 Average measuirements of female students in Oberlin College 18.1 years of age 61.4 104.3 13.9 6.2 30.7 23.4 34.2 9.4 8.4 ~20.1 12.2 20.0 -12.2' A met Por of 11, h1eight. -....... Weight........ Shoulders......... Chest, trans versa1I Chest, ant. post. Neck......... Chest, muscular Chest, natural.... Chest, expanded Chest, contracted. Waist......... I-ips.......... Right armn down. Right arm fill)..... Right forearm..... Left arm down. - L~eft arm uip...... Left forearm..... Right thigh...... Right calf........Left thigh... ---... Left calf....... TABLE verage inefta~Urits of 212 femaifle. to Rican students D years of age 107.31 1,3.607 9.36 (3.99 12.01 30.26 29.44 31.35 29.13 2 8.57 8.61 8.86 8.6 1 18.69 12.64 18.60 12.61 Average measurements of female students in Wellesly College 19) years (of age (32. 111.8 14. 6.7 11.9 27.9 30.6 23.8 33.9 10.2 8.3 10. 8.1 2-0.8 12.9 2)0.7 12.8 Average measuremonts of female students in Oberlin College 1(9.I years of age (32.4 14.1 6.4 11.9 29.6 31A1 24. 3 5. 2 9.8 8.8 9.6 8.6 20.8 12.53 i8 TABLE X. Average measuremients of 93 female Porto Rican students of 20 years of age Hreight..........62.29 Weight......... 106.98 Shoulders.............13.63 Chest, transversal (9.28 Chest, ant. post. 7.05 Neck..........12.11 Chest, muscular... 30.42 Chest, natural.....29.58 Chest, expanded....31.02 Chest, contracted. 28.33 Waist..........25.37 Hips... 33.61 Right arm down....8.52 Right arm up.....8.92 Right forearm.....8.54 Left arm down.....8.40 Left arm up......8.74 Left forearm......8.49 flight thigh......18.54 Right calf....... 12.69 Left thigh......18.33 Left calf........12.71 Average measure- Aeaeiesiv ments of femiale stu- AveragofemaeaSturdlents in NNVellesymet f eal t ColgI 0 er fdeutsIn Oberlin Colaolge 2 e r flege 20 years of age 63.5 63. 1 121.1 116.1 1 4.4 14.4 12.3 12.2 29. 30.3 31.6 3)2.2 24.8 2 4. d 35.5 36.1 10.7 10.2 8.7. 9. 10.5 10. 8.6 8.8 2)1.9 21.4 13.4 12.9 21.8 21.3 13.4 1 2.9t TABLE Y. Average measurements of 70 female Porto Rican students 21 and mnore years of age Average measurements of female students in Wellesly College 22.7 years of age Average, meaisureMenits of female students in Oberlin college 22 years of age, Height.......... Weight. Shoulders......... Chest, transversal Chest, ant. post.... Neck......... Chest, muscular.... Chest, natural..... Chest, expanded. Chest, contracted. Waist......... Hips......... Right arm down. ~Right arm up..... Right forearm. ---- Left arm down.. Left arm up...... Left forearm...... Right thigh...... Right calf...... Left thigh....... Left calf......... 62.07 1l12.43 13.81 9.43 6.93 11.99 30.21 29.32 31.56 28.75 25).0 5 34.42 8.49 8.99 8.73 8.36 8.94 8.55 19.10,12.70 19.08 12. 68 1.40.4 15.2 7.6 13. 31.3 26.7 38.2 11.7 9.4 11.4 9.3 23.9 14.5 23.7 14.4 64.,5 -125.6(4 14.8 6.9 12.5. 3 1.4 33. 25.5. 37.7 10.7, 9.3,{ 10.61 9.2' 22.4 113. 5 22.4 13.5. 19 TABLE M. eight................................. W eight................................ Chest, transversal..................... Chest, ant. post........................ Shoulders.......................... N eck................................. Chest, contracted....................... Chest, expanded........................ W aist........................... Right forearm.......................... Left forearm........................... Right arm up.................. Right arm down....................... Left arm up................. Left arm down........................ R ight thigh............................ Left thigh.............................. Right calf............................... Left calf............................. Average measurements of Porto Rican male students from 16 to 28 years of age 64.94 110.67 10.26 7.92 15.06 13.05 30.63 33.25 27.92 9.33 9.20 9.61 8.45 9.42 8.22 17.97 17.83 12.64 12.66 Average measurements of American men from 17 to 30 of age 67.6 138.6 10.8 7.5 16.1 13.9 33.7 36.7 29.1 10.4 10.4 11.9 10.4 11.8 10.3 20.3 20.2 13.8 13.8 TABLE Z. Average measurements of Porto Rican Average measurestudents (female) ments of American from 16 to 28 years woman from 17 to 30 of age years of age Height................................ 61.78 62.9 Weight................................. 107.82 116. Chest, transversal................... 9.35 10. Chest, ant. post........................93 6.8 Shoulders............................. 13.64 14.4 Neck.................................. 11.98 12.1 Chest, natural..................... 29.19 29.7 Chest, contracted.................... 28.57 29.6 CIhest, expanded............... 31.29 32. Waist...................................25.14 24.3 fHips.................................. 33.76 35.7 Right forearm..................... 8.71 8.8 Left forearm...........................8.61 8.6 Right arm down......................8.44 9.8 Left arm down.................... 8.40 9.7 Right arm up..........................99 10.8 Left arm up..........................8.82 10.6 Right thigh..................... 18.79 21.1 Left thigh.....................1...... 18.65 21. Right calf..............................12.66 13. Left calf.......[.................... 12.64 13. 20 TABLE XX.-Representative development of Porto Rican students at the Univcrsit of Porto Rico of more than 18 years of age. Men Women Height.................................................. 65.87 61.83 W eight.................................................. 1607.93 Shoulders..................................... 15.39 1.67 Chest, transversal........................................ 10.39 9.34 Chest, ant. post................................... 8.07 6.9 Neck................................... 13.32 12.01 Chest, m uscular....................................... 32.74 30.27 C hest, natural.......................................... 31.87 2.4 Chest, expanded........................................ 33.84 31.30 Chest, contracted.........................................i 31.36 28.23 WVaist................................................. 27.96 2).0S H ip s......................................... 32.13 33.45 Right arm down..........................................62 8.49 R ight arm up.........................................7 9 8. 95 Right forearm..........................................53 8 (61 Left arm down..................................... 8.43 S.36 L eft arm p......................................... 9.61 8.83 Left forearm............................................ 9.46 8.29 R ight thigh.............................................. 18.38 18.76 Right calf................................ 12.85 12.68 Left thigh................................... 18.15 18.61 Left calf.................................................. 12.90 12.64 At the time the first measurements were taken in the JUniversity, letters were addressed to the chief educational institutions in all Latin American countries, asking if similar work llad been done thier(,.ln(1 if so, requesting information and data. The only affirmative resplollnse was from the Mluo^eo Nacional of Santiago, Chili. This institution has done something along the line of anthropometric measurements. but with a younger class of boys, tle greatest number of studenlts measured being under sixteen years of age. Data was sent only tf'oI boys. From a. comparison of thie measurements of the boys of thle two( countries, it will be noted that the Chilean boys surpass tile Porlo Ricanl boys at all ages in height and weight, the difference in weight )eing very marked. The (hilean b)oys also surpass the Porto Rican boys in girth of chest, breadthl of chest, and, beginning with nineteen years of age, depth of chest. The fact that the Porto Rican boy, though outweighed and outmeasured 1)y the Chilean boy up to nineteen years of age, has a greater deptli of chest and girth of waist tends to prove a statement made earlier in this b)llletin to the effect tiat t ih i-evelolpment of the Porto Rican along these lines is abnormal. Measurements were sent from Chili in the metric system, an(d we1( t:.ansposed into the English system by the writer. The chest measlure 21 for Porto Rican boys in the following tables does not correspond to measurements given in previous tables, inasmuch as the Chilean chest Inea urements were an average between the figures for chest expanded and those for chest contracted. The same method was used for the siimple chest measurements given in the following comparisens: TABLE XXX.-Tables showing comparative development of Porto Rican and Chilean boys from 16 to 20 years of oge. l'orto Rico Chili Number observed.......................... 16. 340. Height.................................... 64.42 64.49 Weight................................. 1 05.44 123.64 16 years Chest................................... 31.01 33.09 Chest, transversal......................... 9.69 10.34 (hest, ant. post.......................... 7.79 7.66 Waist.................................... 27.28 25.11 Number observed.......................... 75. 248. H eight................................. 64.41 65.43 W eight............................ 113.41 128.48 17 yea rs Chest................................ 32.06 33.52 Chest, transversal..................... I 1 1.72 (:hest, ant. ost............................. 7.99 7.97 Waist............................... 25.05 25.54 Number observedl..................... 92. 138. H eight..................................... 65.72 65.86 W eight.....................................118.43 j 133.32 18 years -C Cherst................................. |3 2.61 34.33 (Chest, transversal...................... 10.36 11.04 Chest, ant. post..................... 8.14 8.09. W aist............................ 2...... 28.0 26.09 Number observed...76.............. 107. 65. H eig ht................................... 65.47 65.94 Weight........................1........ 111.53 133.98 1! yvears - (Ihest................................. 32.33 34.66 Chest, transversal.......................... 10.27 11.35 C('hest, ant. post............................ 8.15 8.17 W aist................................... 27.15 26.13 Num ber observedt......................... 7. 7 8. eight................................ 1. 5.91 66. 18 W eight................................... 113.32 13.52 290 y lrs (Chest............................. 32.36 34.71 Chest, transversal....................... 0.39 11.43 Chest, ant. post........................... 7 7 8.33 VWa ist......................2.............. 58 2.5 26.44 22 I B 87ao 6 4 ] UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN,,'~1~ 10C~3 9015 03047 3279 fufefr f 4 K*~ lee sFd J I