DEPARTIMENT OF TIHE INTERIOR. UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF THE TERRITORIES F. V. HAYDEN, U. S. GEOLOGIST-IN-CHARGE. MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS.-No. 1. LI STS OF E LEVAT O NS PRINCIPALLY IN THAT PORTION OF THE UNITED STATES WEST OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER. THIRD EDITION. COLLATED AND ARRANGED BY HENRY GANNETT 9 M. E. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1875. In this third edition of the "List of Elevations " I have been enabled -to increase largely the list of towns, cities, &c. Most of these elevations are from railroad levels, and give the elevation of the track. For many of the others I am indebted to the Dictionary of Elevations recently published by Dr. J. M. Toner. Many of them, especially of military posts, are derived from the records of the medical department of the U. S. Army, while the remainder are barometrical measurements, drawn from various sources. The list of mountain peaks has been largely increased, partly by ex-tending the scope of the list, making it include the Appalachian system. The orography of this system has been thoroughly studied by Professor A. Guyot, and the elevations of the peaks in this system rest on his.authority. In addition to these, the elevations of a few of the best-known rnountains in foreign countries are given. The list of passes, in high ranges, has been doubled in size. The additions have been made from various sources, which are specified in the list. For purposes of comparison I have added to the list of plateaux in the UTnited States a list of the best-known ones in foreign countries. The list of lakes I have extended in order to include those in all parts of the country. The table of elevations of the limit to the growth of timber is extremely incomplete. Its elevation in Colorado and in parts of Wyoming and Montana has been determined by a sufficient number of observations, under different conditions, to fix it quite accurately. But in other parts of the United States observations are very few, or entirely wanting. Elevations at the water-level of rivers have been but slightly increased in number. On the Mississippi River several have been corrected and a -few added. The number of railroad profiles has been largely increased. I am especially indebted, in the preparation of this edition, to Mr. -James T. Gardner, of this survey, for his valuable assistance in collecting and arranging material; also to Professor Hayden, Professor A. Guyot, Professor William H. Brewer, Professor Thomas, and to railroad officials'who have favored me with profiles of their roads. SECTION I. MISCELLANEOUS TABLES. T/lULl I. ELEVATIONS OF TOWNS, CITIES, ETC. Arkansas. Cities, Towns, &. Eleva- ElevaCities, Towns, &C. tion. Cities, Towns, &c. tion. tion. tion. Feet. Feet. Beebe........................... 35 Judsonia....................... - 209 Cabot........................... 279 Little Rock................ —R. R. 309 Camden 1.................... 123 Madison —-........ —--------—. 283 Campbell........................ 223 McAlmont...................... 263 Fayetteville-.... 1, 350 Minturn ---------------—.. —-. 251 Fort Smith...................... 460 Napoleon- -....................... 142 Fulton.......................... 242 Newport. - - -2.............. 218 Gaines' Landing- -......... 757 O'Kean................-........ 261 Garner.......................... 211 Peach Orchard ——. ---—. —----- 276 Higginson....................... 210 Pittsburgh...................... 418 Holland......................... 243 Preston. —-—. —... ------------ 790 Hopefield....................... 294 Russell —-------- ------ - 223 Jacksonport ---------------—.. - 214 Washiugton...........-...... 660 Jacksonville..................... 273 Miliss nuri. Aurora -........................ 1,350 Elston -. —----—.. -... - ---- 715 Belmont. —------------------ R. R. 328 Ely.-......................1. R. 731 Bergen. —......................... 515 Fairfield ----------- --- ---.. —- 977 Billings......................... 1, 375 Farmer's City —-.. —-. -—. ——. 885 Bottsville-........................ 763 Fayette-......... -.. 767 Bourbon —................... 933 Franklin-.......... RR. 480 Brookfield..................R. R. 802 Fredericktown-.................. 756 Brunswick. -................. 692 Gallagher....... - -. 785 Buckland -.-......... 889 Gasconade. —-—. —-...... —----- 483 Cadet............-............... 80i5 Glenallen. —----------—. —-. 452 Calhoun-......................... 884 Glendale... —. —-...... —---—. 568 California —...-............. 864 Granby City.-. —-.. —. —-R. R. 1, 063 Cameron...................R. R. 1, 067 Hannewell..................... 740 Carbon.....................R.R. 867 Harlem.. —--------------—.R. E. 782 Chamois-................-........ 531 Hermitage.- - -..... —.......-. 1, 037 Charleston....................... 3 9 Hibernia. —------ -----—. —-- 400 Chiltenham...................... 458 Holden......-.............R. R. 854 Clarence...................R. R. 867 Independence --—.. —-—. —R.R. 1,034 Clinton-...-....... 917 Ironton —--- ---.. —--------- 912 Darley —....................... 1,627 Jefferson City -...............R. 556 Deerfield..................... 901 Kansas City-....... R. R. 764 De Soto-......................... 494 Kingsville-...-................. 924 Dixon. —..R...-..........1. R. 1,168 La Clede -............R. R. 830 Dorchester-................-...... 1, 275 Ladree —-----—. —---- -------- 855 Doren.......................... 870 Lakeman................. R. R. 792 Dozier-.......................... 455 La Monte —---. —- —. —-. —-.- 878 Dresden......................... 806 La Plata --- ----- - -8 ——. —--- 98 Dundee....-................ 536 Lathrop -.......... —— R. R, 105 ~6 r~~LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. rifssouri-Contin ned. Eleva- ElevaCities, Towns, &c. El ities Towns, &c Elevation. tion. Feet. Feet. Leasburgh.......- -... 1,022 IReelsville —............-......-... 599 Logan....... -...... 1,362 Ritchville......-......-..... 1,060 Macon......H......... R.R. 919 Rockville............ —.......... 811 Marble Hill...................... 411 Rolla.................-....R.R. 1,201 Marquand — 5............. 564 Roseville....................... 595 Marshfield.................. R. 1,521 St. Genevieve —........ —-- --- 37'2 Meramac -...... -..............-. 435 St. Joseph.................R. R. 820 Mexico-........................... 790 St. Louis, City directrix... -.R. R. 428 Middlebrook 1,144 " high water in Miss. Miller's Landing............... 508 river in 1844....R. R. 436 Moneteau —.....-.......... 904 " low water (extreme). —- 394 Monroe....................R.R. 794 St. Paul....................... 428 Montgomery..................... -790 Schell City.... -................ 864 Morisson --—... —-....- -...... 522 Sedalia-H R............R.R. 889 Morley.-...................1 338 Seneca- RH...............R. R 883 Moselle-.................... R. R. 955 Shelbina-H....... R.R. 718 Neelysville.-.................... 298 Sleeper.......................... 1,201 Neosho City. —................ 1,015 Smithton. —. —. —. —-- ---- --- 888 New Madrid -. —. -... —.......... 530 Springfield................ R.. 1, 382 Newport4................... 4- Stanton - -1, 004 Niaugua --------—.- -1 —-------. 1, 420 Stewartsville —--—. —----------- 955 Oakland 611 Stockton- -........... ——. 8491 Ogden...........-....... 500 Sullivan.-.... —- -... —-........ 959' Ohio City....................... 505 Sulphur Spring..........-......-. 403 Osage City.........- -. 541 Sylvania-..................... 477 Osborn............-........... 1,033 Syracuse-................-..... 944 Otterville....................-...-. 695 Taylorville..................... 470 Pacific......................R.R. 480 Utica-.....................HR. E 796 Palmyra...-.-...........6...R.R. 694 Verona-.............-...... 1,250 Piedmont-......................... 495 Warrensburgh -.......... R.R. 874 Pierce City-................. R.R. 1, 225 Webster........................ 525 Plattsburgh.... -............... 914 Wellesbury.............. 778 Plymouth....................... 1,356 Woodlawn.-. —------- ---- ---- 824 Prairie City- 771 Yeatman....................... 485 lowca. Ackley --—... —......... -. R.H. 1,144 Calamus.-................... — 720 Adel --—.. —-..-.-..... —------- 1,074 California Junction -HR.-R. H. 1, 020' Afton -----------------—....... 1,223 Carroll-H......... H.R. 1,272, Agency -—..-.... ——. —-.R.-R.R 809 Cascade -- 75..........2... 752 Albia --— R. —--- —. —-—. —R.R. 956 Casey-.......................... 1,208 Albion.-.................... R.. R 946 Cedar Creek —--------. —-------- 616 Algona. ——. —-----—. —-. —-— j 1,500 Cedar Falls ----- ---- - 878 Alpine.. ——... —---—.. —-. —-- 622 Cedar Rapids. ——. — H.. —R. R. 741 Ames......................-R.R. 934 (Cedar River) 719 Barnum. ---------------—.. —---, 1173 Ceres ---------—. —------------ 825 Batavia ------------------- R.. R. 648 Chariton --—... —. —----- R. 1,041 Bearohs -. —--------- --------—. 1, 238 Charles City..-1............., 037 Beaver Station -H.....-.... RH. 1, 039 Chelsea-. ——......H-........ H. 798 Belfast ---—.. —---. —--------- 516 Chequaque H....R.R. 61-2 BellepaineH...............R. P.i 831 Clierokee -. —---- -----------— i 1,204 Big Creek --------—.- -------—. 590 Chillicothe -H..H....o...i 654 Big Mound Summit -R.. 745 Clear Lake......... 984 Blairstown -... H....-H...H... R.. 850 Clinton, Iligh water in Miss. Blencoe-..H.H —-. ——.... —-.R. 1,062 river in 1864.- H..R. - -P. 584 Bonaparte -H..-..........R. H. 565 Clinton bridge.-.............R.. 602 Boone -H.-....-.....-.......P..i 951 1 Colfax. -—..7.........-......... 753 Boonesborough...... —. —------ 1, 1 160 Colo-H.-..-.............. R,. 1, 055 Burlingtcn, high water in Miss.' Comstock. —-......-6-...... —.- 684 riverH H..........R.. 529 Coon }Hiver-1. —.... —.. —........ 017' LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. 7 Iowa —-Continued. Eleva- ElevaCities, Towns, &C. tion. Cities, Towns, &C. tion. tion, tion. Feet. Feet. Corning....................R.R. 1,140 Julian —................. 845 Council Bluffs-...............R.R. 1, 000 Kellogg........................ 821 Council Grove.1.......,257 Keokuk...................R.R. 508 Crawfordsville 710 Kilbourne......-................ 591 Crescent....................R.. 1, 009 Le Grand -P....-........R. R. 949 Cresco.......................... 1, 858 Le Mars -—...-...... —........ 1, 196 Cromwell...................R.R. 1,233 Liscomb -..I...- -.........R. R. 1, 015 Croton.......................... 521 Little Sioux...............R.R. 1,042 DanvilleP......... R.R. 722 Lucas.......................... 857 Davenport,datumC.,R.I &P..R. R. 560 Lyons City.................... 630 high water in Miss. Madison........................ 600 river. —-....R. R. 570 Manchester-................. 925 " low water in Miss. Marshall..................R.R. 906 river.........R. R. 553 Melrose.P..................R.R. 863 Dennison R..P.6.....9....... R.R. 1269 Middletown.. —-..-.......R. R. 731 Des Moines............586 Missouri Valley Junction.. R..R.R 1,020 Dewitt.......................... 698 Mitchell. —..........- -. -- -1,195 Downing........................ 65 Modale-.........R. R. 1,021 Dubuque, low water in Miss. Moingona -P —---— R.R. 919 river..........R.R. 599 Mona.......................... 868 Dunlap -.........R.R. 1,109 MondaminR...............R.R. 1,031 Durant........... 714 Mount Pleasant............R.R. 732 Dysart.......................... 38 Muscatine...................... 586 Earlham...................... 1, 088 Nashua ------- ---- - 993 East Orange.-................... 605 Nevada -PP.-..............R.. 1,013 East Side...................R.R. 1,390 NewJefferson-P._.......R.R. 1,069 Eddyville 6..55............ 655 Newton.. ——. ——. —------... 1,400 Eldora R..........R. R 1 022 Nodaway —P. —. —...-.....R. R 1,093 Elkadar -- 74 N...wy................ Norway....R. R. 808 Fairbanks —...........1,083 Oakland...-.........R. R. 1,205 Fairfax....................R.R. 780 Onawa City.-.P..... - -....R.R. 1,068 Fairfield -P........ R..R. 775 Orfor d.-...................R.R. 864 Farley Junction.................. 41 Osceola -P................R. R. 1, 134 Farmington......................1,128 Ottumwa —-------- -....-..R. R 639 Fayette Village -- 1,00.........00. Paradise — P...-...-.......R.. 1,146 Floyd's Bluffs — P.....- P...R. 1, 404 Pleasant Plain -..... —-—... -.. 950 Fort Atkinson................... 700 Quasqueton. ——.-.- -.-.-... i... 888 Fort Croghan -------- —.......1,250 Red Oak -P.-..... ——. —— R.R. 1,048 Fort Des Moines —..............780 Rossville —........-........- -. - 1,400 Fort Dodge......................1,024 Russell....................R 1,028 Fort Madison.................... 550 St. Augusta. —-—. -..-......... 1,197 FredericP --------—..........R. 744 St. Mary's-. —..-........... 1,200 Fulton.......................... 741 Sac City --—...-..- -........ —- 900. Given. —.-...- -.......-.........499 ScrantonP P. ——.. —-—. —...R.. 1, 089, Glendale -P —...- —.. —-— R. P. 752 Sergeant's Bluffs ----- P. R. 1, 114 Glenwood -P..-..P-........R.R. 996 Sheldoi. —-—. —-—. —.. —..... 706 Glidden -.........P........R.R. 1,238 Sibley -..... -......... —....... 1,485 Grove City -.........1,253 Sioux City... —---—...R. 1, 123 Gutbrie -------—.- -------------- 1, 251 Skunk River -----—. — ---—.. 905 Guttenberg -- - 690 Sloan.. —----— P —--—.-....R.. 1,091 Hagar -.P —.-..,- - -. R. 1, 045 Staunwood. —-—. —------—.. —. 862 H11armony -. R. 1,06 State Centr ~-P —-- -P. R. 1,082 S0 I teamr~boat Iock -- ---------- RZ,. 11. 2 Harrisgrove - -- -- - 900 Stea boat Rock 1.. 1,024 Hazard ---------- ------------—. 1,405 Thayec —-. —......... —. 1,002 Hesperi --...........720 T1iptop..-P..-.....1..3........ I 1, 437 Highland........... R. PR. 1,311 Toledo.-13-..-............R. R. 827 Homestead ----- ----- - 848 Tyrone --------— P. P. 829 Honey-creek Station —----- - 1, 020 Unlion —-.P —-. —---—.. R. 953 Independence ------------------ 850 Vail -. —-------- R1. 1, 272 Independent..................- -. 614 Vallisca -.................. R. R. i1, 072 Iowa City-P. P...~..._.]......R.. 626 1Tawtersgrove............, T 8 Iowa Palls.......-.............. 1, 070 Victoria - ---------- -- Jamesville —-------------------—.i 910 Walcott. —-... —.......... —.- 711 8 LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. Iowa-Continued. Eleva- ElevaCities, Towns, &c. Eion. Cities, Towns, &c. tion. tion. tion. Feet. Feet. Walnut............P...R 1, 056 Westside. -.............R. R. 1,339 Washington................ R. i 757 Whitfield..............R.R. 685 Waubech.-................... 988 Woodbine...............R. R. 1,070 Minnesota. Afton ---—... —----------------- 950 Gorton-.................... R. R. 1, 008 Aiken -................... R.R. 600 Grand Crossing................. 626 Albany. —-.. —..... —. —--- R. R. 1,187 Hancock..................R. R. 1,141 Aldrich -.-........ —-----.R. R 1, 326 Hawley -.....P.........R.R. 1,150 Alexandria -.. —..... —---- R.R. 1, 382 Hayward.................R. R. 1, 240 Anoka - --- -..-.1.R.. 869 Heron Lake...............-R. R. 1, 394 Atwater....................R.R. 1,198 Herman....................R. 1,054 Audubon.. —... —---------- R. R. 1, 308 Iersey....................R.R. 1,465 Averill.P...... R.PR. 918 Hinckley.-P......RR. 1,023 Avon -----—. —----------— R.R. 1,116 Hobart....................R.R. 1,384 Bass Lake..-..... R. R. 921 Hospers........................ 1,438 Beaver —--—.. —---------------- 1,600 Hutchison-..................... 1,050 Beaver Bay --—....-.. —------- 1,270 Ida-.......................R.R. 1,402 Becker. —.. —------------- R. R. 963 Isinours...................R. R. 888 Belle Plaine-. ——.........-.R. 781 Itasca-...........R. R. 856 Belleprairie.-...............R. R. 1, 125 Kandiyohi -R P............R.R. 1, 207 Bellevue. —-—. —. —------ R.R. 1,075 Kasota....................R.R. 853 Beltrami -. —-. —---—. —--- RR.. 903 Kettle River-...............R.R. 1, 112 Benson. -------—. —----- R. 1,033 Kimberley-.......... R. R. 1,231 Bigelow............... L......R.. 1,603 Kirkhoven-...............R.R. 1,095 Big Lake..................R.PR. 921 Kittson... -P...... R.R. 886 Bingliam Lake I....L...?.R.R. 1,397 La Crescent...... —.....-...... 742 Blakeley ----—... —---- --— R.R. 785 Lake Crystal..............-R. R. 1, 053 Bois Francs -..-.... —-—........- 1,238 Lanesboroughh.L.... L....?R.R. 831 Borup...............- ---- -RI.. 912 Langola.-............R.R. 1,054 Brainerd ------—. —--------. R. 1,204 Le Mars --..- -........R. R. 1,196 Breckenridge. ——. —----- R. R. 948 Le Sueur.-............R.R. 811 Burlington - ----------- 645 Litchfield-. —...-.... P...... R. 1,116 Butterfield —--- ----------— R. R. 1,163 Little Falls --------- —.-,.R. R. 1,109 Campbell. —... —----------— R.R. 968 Long Lake....... —.-....R. R. 940 Chatfield. --—. —--------- ---- 900 Lvle -................-...... 1, 306 Christina. —--------------- R. R. 1,219 Madelia...................R.R. 998 Clear Lake.-.... —... —--— R.R. 984 Mankato..................R.R. 849 Clearwater -—.. —---------- 975 Manonim..................-R. R. 833 Cockato -..........R.R 1,013 Marion......................... 1,200 Crookston......... —.. - 881 Melrose...................-R.R. 1,196 Crow Wing-................. RR. 1, 181 Minneapolis. —-P.R —----- R.R. 821 Darwin ---—. —----------- R.R. 1,118 Minneaska -..................... 1,600 De Grafft --—. —-----. ----— R.R. 1, 047 Minniesta-...................... 764 Delano. —-.P.. —----------- R.R. 914 Moorhead -...............R. R. 904 Dctroit..................... R.R. 1,362 Moose Lake...............-R. R. 1, 052 Doran. —. —.. —-------- — R, R. 959 Morris....................R. R. 1,113 Douglass -..... ----------- R. R. 1, i12 Motley...P............R.. 1,220 Duluth..................... R. R. 605 Mountain Lake-...P........R.. 1,277 East Henderson. ——.. —--— R. R. 791 Muskoda -P.............. P.R.R. 1, 083 Elk River.....-.............R.R. 894 New Ulm....................... 1,500 Evansville-..................R.R. 1, 345 Norman................... R.R. 1, 322 IFelton ---- ------------. R.R. 916 Oakdale -------— R.R. 967 Forest Lake —... —-------------- 904 Oakes.....................R.R. 1,228 Fort Ridgley - - 1,230 Osakis....................R.R. 1, 328 Fort Ripley -........ —- --- R. R. 1, 130 Ottowa-.. —-.. ——.. ——.- R. R. 847 Fort Snelling ----- ---- - 820 Owatona...............-...-.... 1, 204 Fountain..-.......... R.R. 1,289 Perham -................R.R. 1,366 Frazee —. --—.1, — -----— 409 Pillager R. R. 1, 180 Glyndon.....P.... —. —---— R-.R 923 Pine City.................. R.P. 944 LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. 9 ]Mfinnesota —Conti nued. Cities, Towns, &c. Etion. Cities, Towns, &C. Elevation. tion. tion Feet. II Feet. Rabbit Run -----—. —.... R.R. 968 Sicottes...................R. R. 1,265 Ramsey ------------------— R.R. 1,207 South Bend................R.R 866 Randall. —----- -—.. —-—.. R.R 1,036 Stanley.-......... R. 902 Red River Falls. —--—.. —-.- R. R. 1, 122 Stillwater.-..........R.R. 756 Rolette.....................R.R. 894 Stockton....................... - -849 Rush City —--..... —----— R. R. 909 Swede Grove -.............R.R 1,177 Rushford...................-R. R. 7111 Thomson..................R. R. 1, 027 St. Anthony-........... R. R. 829 Tintab....................R.R. 982 St. Anthony's Falls- -.............. 820 Tumuli....................R.R. 1,196 St. Cloud, west side Miss. riv- -. R.R 1, 025 Two Rivers................R. R. 1, 124 " low water Miss. riv. -R. R. 953 Victoria...................R.R. 1,366 St. James...................R. R. 1, 058 Wabashaw........ 850 St. John's..................R. R. 1, 107 Wadena...................R. R. 1, 349 St. Joseph..................R. R. 1,074 Watab.................R.BR. 1, 048 St. Oloff...........R.R 1,335 Waverley.................RR. 998 St. Paul, low water Miss. riv..R. R. 676 Wayzata......R......R.R. 922 high water Miss. riv. -. R. 697 West Union................R. R. 1, 323 DIepot............ R.R. 689 Wilder....................R. R. 1, 423 St. Vincent, bank of Red riv. - R. R. 792 Wild Rice................... 910 high water 1866.. R. R. 787 Willmar..............R. R. 1,115 usualwat'rsurface R.R. 758 Windom..................R.R. 1, 326 Sank Centre................. R.P 1,239 /Winnebago City..........R. R 1, 089 Sauk Rapids................RR. 1 999 ]Withington..............R.R. 1, 266 Miss. riv.......PR.E. 982 i Worthington..............R. R. 1, 563 Shakopee.................... 845 Wyoming.P.. P..........R. 897 Sibley......................R.E. 960 Texas. Alleyton......................... 222 Fort Duncan.................... 1, 460 Austin200 Fort Ewell..................... 200 Benchley90!o rEwl................... Benchley....... --- 1. 306 Fort Gates......... 1000 Benton.......................... 435 Fort Graham. —--------------—. 900 Bluff............................ 180 Fort Inge.. —---—.-... ——. —--- 845 Bonham........................ 435 Fort Lancaster... —---—....... - 350 Bremard..................... 460 Fort Lincoln.................... 900 Brenham........................ 350 Fort Martin Scott........ 1, 300 Camp Concordia............ 3,600 Fort Mason................. 1,2 00 Camp Verde.................. 1,400 Fort McIntosh................. 806 Castroville..................... 672 Fort McKavett. —-.......... —-. 2,060 Cedar Grove..................... 60 Fort Merrill................. 150 Chappell Hill.................... 542 Fort Polk............ 15 Columbus....................... 250 Fort Quitman........3...... 3710'Corpus Christi............... 20 Fort Stockton.......4........ 4910 Cross Roads........67...... 672 Fort Terrett............ 1.. 1. 320 Cypress..................... 156 Fort Worth..................... 1,100 Dallas.......................... 467 Frontera..............3.......,796 Deloraine..960 Fulton......................... 242 Edinburgh...................... 422 Giddings...................... 536 Elciario........................ 3, 607 Gilmer...................... 950 Elgin........................... 600 Goliad................... 50 Englewood.................R.R. 420 Gonzales....................... 150 Ennis........................... 547 Groesbeck —-- ----—.......... 481 Eureka......................... 69 Hammond --- ---—.. —-----—. 410 Fort Belknap................... 1,600 Harrisburgh.................... 38 Fort Bliss.................. 3, 830 Harrison.......526.......... 526 Fort Brown —-.. —-.. —........ —- 165 Hearne....................R.R. 310 Fort Chadbourne..............2, 120 Helena....................... 600 Fort Clark.............. 3, 830 Hockley................2.... 225 Fort Croghan............... 1, 000 Houston-... BR. 50 Fort Davis.................. 4,700 Howe......................... 859 10 LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. Texas-Continued. Cities, Towns, &c. tion.Cities Towns, &c.Elevation. tion. Feet. Feet. Humboldt- ----------- 887 Pecos Springs -... —....-.. ——.. 3, 098 Hutchins —--------------------- 470 Perry..-...............-.... 483Indianola —-- ------------------- 25 Piedro Runta................... 744 Jacksonville................-R. R. 527 Plano..........................- - 667 Jewett..........-........ R.R. 527 Presidio del Norte............... 2, 779 Keche. ——.. ——....... —-- R. R. 285 Quihi --—... — -..- -............ 856 Killgore —. —----—.. —..- -R. R. 371 Random........................ 147 Lake —.. —.. —-...........R.R. 315 Reagan ----------- -—.-. —..... 375 Laredo-. —-.. —-...-............ 806 Red River City. —.............- 572 Larissa. ——. —-—. —----------- 755 i Reynolds —-—.. —-..H. —-— R.R. 421 Lavaco —--------------—. —--- 17 Rice ------------- -— 473. Ledbetter ---—. —-—. —-—.- - 464 Richardson..................... 643 Leon Spring.....................2, 807 Ringgold Barracks. -........ 521 Listerdale -—. —-—. ——.. —---- 1, 000 San Antonio.-................. 600 Long View.................-R. R. 336 Seco........................... 689 Mchinney... —..-.. —-- -—.-.. 700 Sherman ---—. —-... —....... 745 Mexia ------------ -. —- ---—. —- 537 Tehuacana.. —-------—. —------ 482. Miller ---—... —------—. —------ 508 Thompson. —.. —.. —-------- --- 121 Millican ---------- ------ 300 Thornton ——. —---—.. 496 Navasoto ------------------------ 219 Tinge.......................... 892 Neches..-................... R.R. 413 Troupe -------- -R.R. 465 Oakwoods ---- ------—.. -— R. R. 277 Union Hill - -- ------—.. —. -.. 542 Ojo Escondido ---. -. -..... —... 2,311 Van Alstyne.-8 —.-............. 803 Overton-R R. 509 Waco —------ -------- ------ 395 Paige --------—. —----—. —--- 573 IWebberville...... —-----—.. 394 Peach Creek -----------. —-. —--- 256 Wellborn —-. —-—.. —-------- 323. Indian Territory. Atoka....... -----—. —--------- 574 Fort Washita. ——..............645 Caddo -.......................... 723 Kingfisher 950 Choteau Station ------- - 646 McAllister --------. —---------- 702 Fort Arbuckle.-......1,000 Perryville -.-...-........ 528 Fort Gibson —-- —. —----------- 560 Verdigris.-.-................. 480 -Fort Towvson --------- - 300 Kansas. Abilene —---—.. —..- ----—.R.R. 1,173 Carbondale..-...... —--.........1,089 Americus —-..-.... —---------- 1, 177 Carlyl]e.. —-. —-... —----- R. R. 3, 064 Ames ---—. —------------------ 790 Chapman Creek -....R......... R. 1, 132 Armstrong. ——.. —.......- R.R. 673 Chetopa-.- - -..-...-............ 851 Atchison. —------- -----— R. R. 810 Cheyenne Wells ----—. —-------- 4,179 Aubrey --—... ---- ---- --------- 3,135 Cimmaron -. —-.-.-. —------ 2, 655 Avon. —------. —------------ 775 Circleville --—. —..........R. R. 1, 124 Axtel —-------. —-. ---- --— R.R. 1,371 Clinton. --—..- ----. —--------- 762 Baldwin City —-—.. —---------- 947 Cottonwood......... —-—....... 1, 192. Barnard. —-—..... —--------- 687 Council Grove. —--—............ 1,000 Bavaria. —-.H.........R. 1,289 Coyote -. —- - -.....R.R. 2,608 Baxter Springs --.....817. Cumming —------ ------ -------- 1015 Beattie --------—. —------—. R. 1. 1,302 Detroit — -.. —-—. —------—... 1, 153 Belleville.-.... —---------- R. R. 1,544 Eagnle Tail- —.F............R.R. 3,452 Belvoir ---------—.7 —---- ------ 77 Edo'~ardsville..............R. R. 801 Blackwolf -H......R.R. 1,583 Ellinwood........ ——... 1, 759 Brookville ------ -R. R. 13, 3 Ellis-R. R. 2, 135 T,;olk Creek. —----------------- 748 Ellsworth-... --..-.-......R.. 1,556 Buffalo. —-------—.. —----— R.R. 2,793 Elm CreekR.-.......R. 1 1,586 Buloker Hill -..... -...... — R. R. 1,882 Elwood-...................... 775 Bt3rlingame —.-..... —--------- 800 Eipolria -.....-................ 1,169 Camp Cirley.-.... —. —------- 2 106 Fairfield -.......................- 1,744 LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. 11 Kansas-Continued. Eleva- ElevaCities Towns, &C.tion. Cities, Towns, &c. tion. tion. tion. Feet. Feet. Fairbury -.............R. R 1,324 Ogallah -—. — --------— R.R. 2,385 Fall Leaf...................R. R 827 Ogden-.... —- -.-........R.R 1,078 Florence............ 1, 363 Osage Mission-.................. 1, 000 Fort Atkinson................... 2, 330 Paola ------ -------- 875 Fort Harker................ R.R. 1,600 Pardee —-....- --—. -.-. —-—. 1,155 Fort Hays.......................2,019 Parker.-.......... —-....... -- 921 Fort Leavenworth. -------—. —. - 896 Park's Fort. —-------- - R.. 2, 463 Fort Riley..................R. R. 1,090 Parson's..-...... —----------- 366 Fort Scott-................... 1, 000 PerryvilleF..............R.R. 870 Fort Wallace.................... 3, 203 Pierceville-............-.......... 2, 800 Fort Zarah......................, 870 Pond Creek................-R. R. 3, 291 Fossil......................R.R. 1,850 Raymond....................... 1,699 Frankfort-....................... 1, 394 Reading. 1, 082 Gardner. —..... 800 Red Vermillion............. -- - R. R. 1, 054 Godfrey............. 5,505 Richland-.......... -............ 807 Gopherr.................... 3, 336 Ridgeway......- -................ 903 Grantville-...............R. R. 895 Rockspring-................ R.R. 1,459 Grasshopper.........9.......... 908 Rossville-R.................R.R. 951 Great Bend..-4,226 Russell-.......-............. 1,734 Grinnell-......... R.R. 2,922 Rvan -F..................R. 900 Hamlin.................... R,, R. 2 99 Rssbell...................R.R.....31 Ha~mlin-F,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,.R.. 991 Sabetha -................R. R. 1,316 Hanover -R R............R.R. 1, 236 St. Francis-..........-........... 906 Hartford..................-......1, 106 St. George.................R. R. 1, 018 Hays -............R, R. 2, 009 St. Mary's................R.R. 973 Hepler.......................... 1, 112 / Salinea-R................ R. 1,243 Hiawatha. - -............R. R. 1, 102 Sand Springs Tank-.. —---- R. R. 1,164 Hollenburg................ R. 1,267 Sargent.................-....... 3, 425 Horton-.............1,204 Secondine —-.. —-.... —. —-R.R. 809 Humboldt.........................954 Seneca-.............R.R. 1,162 Hutchinson-........-.............1,500 Severance-R...........R. 910 Iola.. —................ 854 Sheridan. —R.. 3, 121 Junction City —— R. F. 1, 100 SherlockC. —............ 2, 925 Labettel-......................... 7 —-----------— 53 La Cygne.......725 Silver Lake. —---------.. R. 933 Ladore.......................... 928 Skiddy..................-...... 1,245 Larned........................ 2,021 Solomon City..........-....R.R. 1,193 Lawrence......-....... R., R. 846 State Line -. R. R. 764 Leavenworth, high wat'r Mo.riv.R.R. 789 Steele City..R...........R.R. 1,277 low wat'r Mo.riv. Stranger-..R..........R.R. 807 (city datum).. R. R. 764 Summit Siding-..............R. 1,672 Lecompton — 825.............. 825 Syracuse...............-........ 3, 247 Lenape..................... R. 799 Tecumseh.. —-. --------—. —-.- 1,234 Louisville - F.. F..1,.0...... R...RR14 Tiblow ---—. ——.- ---—.- R. F. 811 Manhattan.F. R..1......... R. 1. 042 Topeka..........-.........R. R. 904 Manville 98...0.......R.R. 980 Troy -—. —--—.. —. —---.R.R. 1,099 Marysville.................. 1, 164 Vermillion Tank. —---- -—.F. R. 989 Medina.....................R.R. 871 WVliakarusa.. —--—. —-------—. 930 Meriden......................... 993 Walker...........-.......R.R. 1,962 Monotony -F................R. 3,792 Wallace-.........F.....R.R. 3, 319 Monument...................R. 3199 Wamego ---—. ----------— R.R. 1,018 Muncy Siding -. F..........R.R. 685 Washingion.F............ R.R. 1, 324 Netawaka.................. R. 1,148 Wathena -. —..... ——. ——.R.R. 824 New Chicago..-....... —- -.-... 933 Wild Horse —. —. —- --- -..... 4,340 Newman................... R. R. 879 Williamstown ---.. —--—. —---- 915 Newton.. —..1.-. — - -......... 1,448 Wlilliamsville -- F ——......R.P. F 869 North Fork Bend --—.-...R. R. 1,946 Wilson —-. —. —-..-.. —-.. R. R 1,702 Norway.................... R.R., 049 Wyandotte. —. —--—... —--... - 707 12 LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. Nebraska. Eleva- Cities Towis & ElevaCities, Towns, &c., Towns &. tion. tion. Feet. Feet. Alexandria - ER............ R.R. 1,416 Jefferson..-...........R.. R.. 2, 087 Alkali......................R.R. 3, 076 Julesburgh-....... E...R.R 3, 538 Antelope...................R.R. 4,750 Juniata................... R.R 1,978 Ashland....................R.R. 1,091 Kearney...................R.R. 2,144 Barton..........-................ 3,421 Kearney Junction........R. R. 2, 157 Belvidere-...................R.R. 1,509 Kenesaw-.................. R. 2, 057 Big Spring........-.........R. R. 3, 363 Ketchum. —-......... 1,272 Brady Island —---.. —....- R. R. 2,675 Lincoln-R.... R...R. R 1, 154 Brownson....................... 4,200 Lockwood..........-..... 1,800 Brul6-..... —. —.- —. —-.-R.iR. 3, 304 Lodgepole-.................R.R. 3,838 Bushnell..... —.I- - —. ——.-. R. 4, 898 Lone Tree........-.........R. R. 1,724 Carlton....-..............R.R. 1,562 Louisville-................. R. R. 1,029 Cayote-ER R...............R.R. 2,478 Lowell-R R............R.R. 2, 074 Chapman's-............... R.R. 1,798 McPherson..........E......R.R. 2,735 Chappel. —..-. —..-... —----—.. 5,702 Nebraska City................-.. 1,005 Clark's-R.......... R. R. 1,648 Newcastle-..... -................. 800 Coleraine-..................... 1,518 Newton -R.............R.R. 1,141 Colton...-....................... 4,042 Nichols.................... R.R. 2, 920 Columbus- R.................R.R. 1,470 North Bend................R. R. 1,297 Concord-......................... 752 North Platte-...............R.R. 2,827 Crete. —-—.. —.. —...... —-.-. R. 1, 360 Nursery Hill.................... 1,266 Davenport. ——.. —.. —-.R. R. 1,668 O'Fallon......-...........R.R. 3, 014 Denton-E.R. R. 1,238 Ogalalla-...................R. 3, 228 Dewitt....-...................... 1,255 Omaha, low water Mo. riv-........ 978 Dexter-.............. 3, 000 " high water Mo. riv.. ——. — 997 Dorchester. —-.. —-.........R. R. 1, 493 Omaha (Depot)...-.. ----.R. R. 1,060 EdenE......................RR. 1,737 Omaha Junction............R. R. 989 El Dorado. —------------------- 1,692 Overton...................R. R. 2, 343 Elkhorn.-ER........R R. 1,188 Papillion.................. R. R. 1,010 Elm Creek..................R.ER. 2,279 Pawnee -R............R.R. 1,945 Fairbury-................R. R. 1, 324 Pine Bluff -ER..ER........R.R. 5, 064 Fairfield........ —...-.....R. R. 1,788 Pioneer Grove.................. 1,400 Fairmount.-E......... R.R. 1,648 Plattsmouth...............R.R. 972 Falls City-.................. 806 Plum CreekE..R...... R. 2,408 Fontenelle-..........-. 1,000 Potter.....................R. R. 4,408 Fort Calhoun -............ 1,327 Red Cloud-....................... 1, 650 Fort Clarke-................... 1,876 Richland....................... 1,350 Fort Kearney......- E...E..R. P 2, 130 Rock Bluff..................... 1,100 Fort McPherson.................., 695 Rogers....................-..... 1, 359 Fremont-................... R. R. 1,214 Roscoe E...R. E.....R....R.R. 3, 143 Gannett-.............. 2,752 Salem...........................817 Georgetown...-E...........R.R. 1,852 Schuyler..................R. R. 1, 373 Gibbon E...R..........R.R.`2,084 Sidney-....................R.R. 4,111 Gilmore-.........R.R. 1,014 Silver Creek-...............R.ER. 1,572 Glendale-1,............... 1,300 South Bend................-R. R. 991 Grafton E.................... R. 1,704 IStevenson- E..............R. R.`2,208 Grand Island..-... R... R. 1,798 Summit Siding.-.... — E —R. R. 1, 180 Greenwood.................R. R. 1,130 Table Rock.............-........ 932 Harvard-...................R. R. 1,807 Tecumseh —..........-.... 1,015 Hastings E...............R.. R. 1,944 Valley-....................R. R. 1,158 Herman......................... 1,067 Warren...................R' R. 2,608 Highland................... E.R. 1,419 Washington —.-......... 1,025 Idaho ER.....................R.R.`2,011 Waverley. -R.R. 1,126 Inland.....................R. R. 1,887 Willow Island..R.........ER..2, 549 Ionia...3...................., 3, 000 Wood River......-.........R. R. 2, 012 Jackson -E.R...........R.R. 1,508 LISTS OF ELEVATIONS, 13 Dakota. Eleva- ElevaCities, Towns, &c. Cities Towns, &c. tion. tion. Feet. Feet. Bois des Sioux-................... 1,039 Fort Sully...................... 1,398 Elk Point....................... 1,180 Fort Union..................... 1,970 Fort Berthold —..... 1,873 Fort Wadsworth ------.... —--- - 1,896 Fort Buford..................... 2,017 Richland-...................... 1,247 Fort Clarke....-..-1,82........ 1 827 Square House....2..........,120 Fort Pierre -... — -... 1,558 Vermillion...................... 1, 200 Fort Randall. 1, 245 Yankton Agency. —-...-..-... 1,900 Fort Ransom..................... 1,438 New Mexico. Abiquin-..00 Jemez......................... 5, 629 Aqua Fria...- -..7,757 Lagoma........................ 6, 000 Alamosa -...-....-....... 4, 200 Laguna Colorado.....- -. 4, 586 Albuquerque —......... 5, 032 Laguna de los Caballos......... 7,615 Anton Chico. —-- - - --- 5,414 Las Vegas -................-..-.. 6, 418: Atrisco. 5, 033 Le Jarra-....................... 6,942 Bent's Cation Ranche-........... 4 820 Loma.......................... 7, 000 Biyendante. —-- - ------- 5,406 Loma Parda................-.... 6, 393 Cebolleta........................- 6, 200 Ojo del Pescado-................. 6,551 Covero.................. 5,880 Old Zuni............ -..... 7,414 Elizabethtown...-.. -............ 8,200 Payanda........ 4,833 El Moro..- -. 7,238 Pecos Villag-e..6, 366 El Paso-...... -................. 3, 940 Petia Blanca - - 5,289 El Rito -..... -... 5, 784 Queletes.... —.. — --------—. —- 5,193 Fort Bascomr........... 3,726 Rayado............-............ 6,946 Fort Bayard - -4............. 4, 450 Remances. —--------—. -------- 6,185 Fort Conrad...... -............... 4, 576 San Antonio. —-----—. -------- 6, 409 Fort Craig ----—. —-.. ——. —---- 4,576 Sandia-..........-............... 5, 056 Fort Cummings-.... -.............. 5, 126 San Domingo-..-............-. 5, 100 Fort Defiance-.................... 6,500 San Felipe --—.. —-... —.. —-- 5,171 Fort Fillmore-........-........... 3, 937 Santa Clara-..................... 6,511 Fort Marcy.........-............. 6,846 Santa F.6 ------—.- -7 —----. 7.047 Fort McRae-...... -............... 4, 500 Sheep Springs-................... 5, 310 Fort Stanton...-................. 5, 000 Socorro. —------ --—. ----—. —- 4,560 Fort Taos. —......8, 000 Taos...- -............ 8, 000 Fort Thorn..... -...... 4,500 Trinidad...... —..... 5,725 Fort Union...................... 6, 670 Village of the Vegas —--.-....... 6,418 Fort Webster.................. 6,350 Whetstone.. —---—.. —---—. — 6, 360 Fort Wingate.....-.............. 6, 649 Zandia. ——... —.. —---------—. 5,056 Isleta —.....-.......... 4,768 iZuni. —---—.. -----—.. —----- 6, 355 Colorado. Acequia --—... —-----. —.-R. R. 5, 529 Box Elder -..1..?.R. R. 5, 546 Agate..-..............R. R. 5, 476 Breckenridge ----- --- - 9, 492 Alma —------ —.- —............ 10,868 Camp Loma. ——.. —-.. —---—.. 8, 069 Arapahoe...................R. R. 4, 024 Cation City —.........- —...... 5, 494 Aroya. —-..... —-.. ——. —-R. R. 4,666 Caribou-....................-.... 9, 167 Badito... —.......-...... 6,530 Carlisle Springs. ——... —-.R. R. 4, 952 Bent's Fort.................R. R. 4,039 Carr Station....- -............... 5, 869 Bergen's Ranch......-.-......... 7,752 Cedar Point.. R. R. 5,730 Berst's- R............ R. 6, 811 Central City... —-—. —..- -. 8, 300 Bijou....................R.R. 5,221 Cheyenne Wells -..... R.R. 4,295 Black Hawk..................... 7,543 Christ Lake -...-............... 7,186 Boonville...................R.R. 4,497 Citadel. —---------.. —— R.R. 6,122 Boulder -.......................... 5,536 Colorado City.. —.. ——......... 6, 342 1.4 LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. Colorado-Continued. Eleva- ElevaCities, Towns, &c. tion. Cities, Towns, &c. tion. tion. tion. Feet. Feet. Colorado Springs.... — R. R 5, 986 Kenosha House-................. 9, 840 Corlis Springs......- - -............. 5,975 Kiowa....................R. R. 5,514 Dayton-..-..-... 9,265 Kit Carson.................R. R. 4,307 Deer Trail- -..................R. R. 5, 203 Labran-............R.R. 5,182 Denver-....-...............-R. R. 5,196 Lake.....................R.R. 5, 319 Denver Pacific Junction...... — R. R. 5,211 Larkspur..................R. R. 6, 665 Divide-1.........R. R. 7, 208 Las Animas...............R. R. 3, 967 Douglas-....................-R. R. 6, 324 Little Buttes..............R. R. 5,'7O Dudley.....................-R. R. 10, 435 Littleton................. R.IR. 5, 361 Empire.......-..-.... -.... 8,583 Manitou, rock around Manitou Eureka........ —............R. R. 4,263 springR.... R...R.R. 6, 297 Evans....-.....-....-......... 4, 745 Masonville.........-....-........ 6, 960 Fairplay....... —............R. R. 9,964 Meadows..................-R.R. 4,801 Fall River.. —..................... 7,526 Middle Boulder-...........-...... 8, 067 First View......- - R. R. 4,595 Mill City 7, 826 Fort Collins - -............ 4,815 Mirage-.....................R. R. 4,859 Fort Garland-..7................ 7,681 Missouri City.....- -......... 9, 073 Fort Lupton -......... 5, 027 Montezuma — 1.............. 10,113 Fort Lyon.......................3, 874 Montgomery-. -............. 11, 005 Fort Massachusetts —... —- —.-.- 8, 365 Monument -.............. R. R. 6, 354 Fort Morgan -...........4, 500 Mosca.......................... 7, 950 Fort Reynolds. - - -- 4,500 Mount Vernon —............. 6, 421 Fort Sedgwick -..............-.. 3, 600 Nevada City......- -. 8, 800 Fountain.....-R.......R. R. 5, 562 Old Oro —............ 10, 071 Georgetown..- -................ 8, 412 Oro City.......... —............. 10,528 Godfrey-..........-......... R. R. 5, 621 Pierce Station...................-5, 107 Golden City, city and railroad Plattville......... —. 4, 960 directrix-..R. R.. 5,729 Plum..................... R.R. 5,834 Gold Hill.....-..... —...-..........8, 600 Pueblo (north)........R.R 4,701 Granite.......................... 8,707 Pueblo (south)....R.......R.R. 4, 674 Grant.- -.................... 8, R 587 River Bend-....-..... R.R. 5,511 Greeley -...-.............. -.. 4,779 Saguache. —...........-........ 7,632 Greenland-.................R. R. 6, 927 St. Charles..................... 5,130 Hamilton. ------- - --- 9, 567 St. John's-...-..-......... 10,625 Henry's R.......R....... R. R 6,983 St. Vrains.-......-.. 5, 256 Hermisillo....................... 4,723 Salt Works- -.....-......... 8,826 Hot Springs...........-. 7, 725 Schuyler-..... - -.......R.R 5,354 Huerfano Junction.........-. - 4,563 Spring Valley................... 6,647 Hughes —............. —. —----- 5, 070 Swallow's Nest.............-R. R. 4, 860 Hugo......................-R.. R 5, 068 Tarryall..-...............-. 10,078 Huntsville ----------—.- - ----—. 6, 770 Valley Station ------ -—.-.....- 4,500 Husted's.........-...... R.R. 6, 599 Widefield-..............H.R.. 5,712 Idaho 7-7,330 Wild HorseH..........R.R. 4,456 Jefferson..... - -.. -....9,692 Wild Horse Spring -.........R. R. 4, 330 Johnson Station- -.......-.... 5, 006 Wood Valley................... 5, 533 Wyoming. Archer.....................R.R. 6, 038 Carbon....................-R.R. 6,760 Aspen......................R. R. 7,825 Carter.....................R R.R 6,535 Atlantic City —.................. 7,666 Cheyenne —- -.- -.. —....R.R. 6, 075 Baxter.......................... 6,300 Church Buttes-.............R.R. 6, 303 Big Pond Stage Station- -....... 6,541 Como.....................R. R. 6,692 Bitter Creek................R.R. 6, 681 Cooper's Lake.............R.R. 7,062 Black Buttes-................ R.R. 6,595 Creston -..................R. R. 7, 030 Boleter.......................... -4, 325 Dana.....................R. R. 6, 882 Bridger -R.............. R.R.. 6,760 Deer Creek Agency............. 5, 000 Bryan........-,...........R.R. 6, 328 Egbert R...................R.R. 5,310 Buford.................-....R.R. 7,810 Fillmore...-...-........... 6,885 LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. 15 Wyoming —Continued. Cities, Towns, &c. Elevtion.a- Cities, Towns C. Elevation. tion. Feet. Feet. Fort Bridger -...- -6 ——...-.. 65 215 Millis —.................-.. 6,790 Fort Fetterman................... 5, 012 Miser-...... R.. R. 6, 824 Fort Ilalleck-............-...... 7, 800 Otto-......................R. R. 6,756 Fort Laramie....-....-.. 4,519 Pacific Springs -...........-..-.. 7,144 Fort Phil. Kearney-..........-..... 6,000 Percy............-......... R.R. 6,958 Fort Sanders -...... R. 7, 185 Piedmont-....................... 6, 528 Fort Stambaugh.. —-.......... 7,684 Pine Bluffs.......... -........... 5,026 Fort Steele......-...........R. R. 6,845 Point of Rocks...... - -.......R. R. 6, 484 Gilbert's Trading Post. - -....... -7, 400 Rawlins...................-R. R. 6,735 Granite Cation -............R. R. 7,329 Red Buttes............-...R. R. 7, 360 Granger....................R. R. 6,257 Red Desert-R............R.R. 7,708 Green River -............R. R. 6, 130 Rock Creek.......-........R. R. 6,703 Grennville -........R. R.. 6, 564 Rock Springs.-..........., R.R. 6,272 Haliville -6....9.............. 6,590 St. Mary's -R............ R. 6,757 Hampton..-..................-. 6,500 Salt Wells.................R. R. 6, 353 Harney............-........R. R. 7,885 Separation.................R.R. 6,901 -azard-....................E.R. 6,363 Sherman..................-R.R. 8,271 Hillsdale...................R. R. 5, 629 Simpson -.............R. R. 6, 907 Howell.......................... 7, 090 South Pass City.................. - 7,857 Independence Rock- -............... 6,167 Sulphur Springs-................. 7, 690 Laramie.................... R. R 7,143 Sweetwater Bridge..-...-..7, 000 Latham ----—.... - -----------—. 6, 900 Table Rock...............1. R. 6, 887 Lawrence -....-... -.. 6, 200 Three Crossings- -................. 6, 134 LeroyR.................. R-R. 7,110 Walcott's..-...-.........-........ 6, 800 Lookout....................R.R. 7,185 Washakie-R...............R.R. 6,697 Marston-......................... 6,245 Wilcox..............-.......... 7,033 Medecine Bow-R........... R.R. 6,561 Wyoming City-............R. R. 7, 087 Montana. Argenta......................... 6, 337 Fort Ellis. —-........... 4, 935 Bannack........................ 5,896 Fort Owen...................... 3, 284 Beaverhead...................... 4, 464 Fort Shaw --—. —.............. 6, 000 Beavertown.................... 4, 942 Gallatin City.................... 4, 132 Bighorn City.................... 2,831 Helena.-............ 4,266 Blackfoot Agency-. -.._ 3,169 Jefferson City- -.. ——... ——.. 4,776 Boteler's Ranch —.............. 4,825 Missoula. —-------—. —------ 3,900 Bouldertown -..............-...... 5,000 Montana City --- -. —--—....-. 4, 191 Bozeman ------—..- ----------—. 4,900 Sheridan....................... 5,221 Cantonment Jordan...........-..-.. 2,990 Virginia City.......-............. 5,824 Deer Lodge-.... -... 4,654 Whitehall...................... 4,639 Fort Benton..:.................. 2, 780 Arizona. Anvil Rock...................... 5,170 Fort Whipple............ —....... 5,700 Aubrey City..................... 398 Hualpais Spring.......-.......... 4,258 Big Cation.............. -...1,426 Leroux Spring --—. —-—. —--—. 7,373 Camp Date Creek..-............ 3,726 Navajo Spring-.... -..... 5,626 Camp McPherson......-.......... 3,726 Peacock Spring. - -.... 3,170 Camp Skull Valley............... 5, 000 Pearl Spring..-............. 5, 315 Colorado Chiquito................ 4,773 Saccaton.....- -..... 1,066 Fort Buchanan-......... 5,330 Truxton Springs.......- - 3,783 Fort Canby... —-.-.6, 500 Tubac 3,000 Fort Mojave.-.......... 604 Val de Chino................... 5,754 Fort Rock Spring 4,972 Yampa Junction......- -. 5, 369 16 LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. Utah. Eleva- ElevaCities, Towns, &c. tion.Cities, Towns, &c.E I tion. tion. Feet. Feet. American Fork............ 4,596 Kanara................... 5,449 Beaver.......................... 5, 927 Kelton....................R.R. 4, 500 Blue Creek.1.............R. R. 4, 360 Lake.......................... 4,223 Bonneville.................. R.R. 4, 310 Lehi......................... 4, 584 Bennington..................... 5,798 Logan......................... 4,557 Bovine........................... 4,347 Lucin-.....................R. R. 4,400 Brigham City-...-....... 4,226 Matlin.....................R.R. 4,821 Buckhorn Spring -................. 5,688 Mill Spring..................... 6, 504 Camp Douglass.... -.............. 4,800 Montpelier..................... 5,793 Camp Floyd —.......4,860 Monument.................R.R. 4,290 Castle Rock I.R............R.R. 6, 282 Mount Pleasant................-. 5, 875 Cedar City...................... 5,726 Nephi......................... 4,938 Centreville...................... 4, 233 Oak Creek —....-.............. 5, 158 Circleville..................-... 5, 624 Ogden....................R.R. 4, 303 Copenhagen —...........-.... 4,999 Paragoonah-.......-....... 6,2229 Corinne....................-R.R. 4,294 Parowan....-... -............. 5,910 Cottonwood-....................... 4, 200 Payson......................... 4,541 Deseret City.....-......... 4,642 Promontory..............R. R. 4,943 Devil's Gate.....-.........R. R. 4, 835 Provo.......................... 4, 363 Draper.......................... 4, 511 Richmond. —-.. —-—. —------—. 4,641 Echo-..........R. R. 5, 507 Rozel.....................R.R. 4,600 Ephraim...........-. - 5, 633 St. Mary's -.................... 6, 20 Evanston-.......R. R. 6, 870 Salt Lake City -....-......... 4, 320 Fairfield..........-. 4, 866 Session Settlement....-........... 4, 183 Farmington ----—.. —--- ---—.- 4,296 Silver City.........-............ 6, 369 Faust Station................... 5,296 Smithfield ------—........... —. 4,616 Fillmore -.........-............ 6, 025 Terrace-.............R. R. 4, 450 Fish Spring-. 4,269 Uintah.......... R. R. 4,524 Fort Crittenden-.... -....... 4, 860 Wahsatch.................R. R. 6,870 Franklin -...........-4,552 Wanship-............-........... 6, 200 Gunnison ---—.-........... 5, 144 Weber -...........R. R. 5, 096 Hanging Rock. -—.. —-—. ——..- 5,974 Wellsville-..................... 4, 568 Hebron. —-—...-....- ---- --—.- 5, 474 Willard City ---- ------ 4,350 Hyde Park...................... 4,553 Willow Spring.................. 4421 Iron City —.... —. —-............- 6,099 Idaho. American Falls.........-......-. 4, 320 Lapway-........................ -2, 00( Cantonment Loring....-.......... 4,700 Malade City —-----. —--- -.... 4,700 Cceur d'Alene Mission-....-........ 2,280 Market Lake.. —.... —.- ----—. 4, 795 Florence-............-............ 8,000 Salmon City —.. —-......... ——. 4, 030 Fort Bois6....-.................. 2,100 Soda Springs —.............. -- 5,738 Fort Hall.... - -..... 4,754 Tay]or's Bridge ---- --- - 4, 627 Nevada. Argenta....................R. R. 4,575 Carson City............. —........ 4,720' Austin —-—... —-- —. —-------- 6, 451 Cedar......- -............... 5, 976 Battle Mountain-.....R. R. 4,534 Clark's-....................R. R. 4, 290 Be-o-wa-we................R. R. 4,717 Clifton-......................... 6, 339 Bishop-............ 5,423 Cluro................. 4,785 Brown's....................R. R. 3,955 Cottonwood Springs........... 3, 449 Butterfield Springs-........-.....-. 5, 324 Coyote -......-... -....... —-.. 2,440 Camp Halleck. -.....-. 5,600 Crystal Spring -..-......... 4,718 Camp McDermot...........-...... 4,700 Dayton...- -..... 4,490 Camp McGarry...-.....-. 6, 000 Deeth.......................... 5,340 Carlin..-..................R. R. 4,930 Elko...................... R.. 5, 030 LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. 17 Nevada —Conitinued. Cities, Towns, &c. tion. Cities, Towns, &c. tioElevaFeet. Feet. Fort Churchill.. —..-.-. —--—. 4, 284 Pioche. —--------- -—. —----—. 5, 942 Fort Ruby.. ——.. —. —-- 5, 922 Raspberry --—.. —-.. R. R. 4, 354 Golgonda-H...... R.R. 4, 419 Reno —------ -—. —------- R.R. 4, 525 Halleck..-H............. R. R. 5, 220 St. Thomas -----—. — ---—. —. 1, 600 Hiko - --------- -- ------ —. —-- 3, 881 San Juan ----------------- 8, 075 Homer.-................. 5, 823 Shoshone-.. R.. 4, 665 Hot Springs. -..H —-- ---- R. R. 4, 098 Star City -— o —-—. —-----—.- 7, 500 Humboldt H......-..R. R.. 4, 262 Stone House- ---—. R. R. 4, 449 Independence. —...-. H...... RR. 6, 115 Tecoma -----— H --—..- -. R. 4, 600 Indian Springs-....... 3, 402 Toano --- ---—.. —-----— R. R.. 5, 964 Kingstonl.-.....-. -.-. —... —-- 6, 247 Tulasco. ----------- -----—. R. 5, 418 Las Vegas... 2, 074'Tule. —-----—.. — --—. —--- 4, 315 Loray -.H........... R.. 5, 400 Tule Springs. —-------------- 2, 366 Lovelock's -H —-- -------- R. R. 4,100 Union ---—. —--—. --—. 6, 160 Lyonsville. —------- --------—.... 5, 401 Verdi ------------- ---—.. R.. 4, 915 Moleen. —-—. —---......... R. R. 5, 000 Virginia City. —-—.- --- -—. 6, 200 Montello..-H............... R. 4, 800 Vista -. -. ----.... 4, 400 Nevada City. —.... —------.. 6, 205 Wadsworth -H.............. R. 4, 104 Oreana ---— H —-----—. R.R. 4,206 VFells- -- -— H..-.. —--- R. R. 5,650 Osino -.......... — --- R. R.. 5,100 W Test Point. ----- ---------- --- 1, 755 Palisade........... —--------—. 4, 841 White Plains -... —--- —... R. 3, 921 Pequop —------— H ---.- R. R. 6, 180 Winnemucca --------—. R. 4, 355 California. Acampo -- -------- 59 Dutch Flat................ R. R. 3, 425 Alta ----- R. R. 3, 625 Elk Grove ---------- -- 53 Altamont --—.-.-. —----- -. —---- 740 Ellis. —------.-...- ----—. —-- 75 Anaheim -.- - -. 262 Emigrant Gap ----—. —-.R. R. 5, 300 Anderson............... — ------ 433 Eureka. ——. —--------- ------ 5, 223 Anita. —-------------- - --------- 161 Florin. —-------------------- 42 Arcade -H- R. R. 76 Folsom City --------------—. 180 Auburn -H —------------- R. R. 1, 357 Fort Bidwell - -... —-—. 4, 680 Aurora --- -- 7,468 Fort Crook - -- 3, 390 Baker's Ranch -. —..-. -.- 3, 285 Fort Humboldt..- —... ——. 50 Banta - -. - 30 Fort Jones -----— 2 —-—......... 2, 570 Battle Hill ------------ - -----—. 2, 389 Fort Miller -----------. —---- 402 Benecia. -—. —-------—. —-- 64 Fort Reading.. —- 5. —--—. —.- 596 Berenda ----.. —-. —------- 256 Fort Ross — 50 Blue Cation --------— H —-.-. R. 4,700 Fort Tejon - -3, 240 Boca.. —-— H —-.- ----- R. R. 5, 533 Fort Yuma ----- - - 180 Borden ----------------- ----- 172 Fresno —----------------------- 292 Bronco.. ——. --—. ——.- 5, 341 Georgetown ---—. —----—..- 2, 433 Camp Babbitt.- - - 384 Gilroy -----—.. —----------—. 193 Camp Far West ------------ -- 175 Gold Run -------. —---— R. R.. 3,245 Camptonville. ——. —--------—. 2, 388 Goshen --—. —--—. —.-.-. 286 Camp Union --- 54 Grass Valley. —--- 2, 090 Capitan Grande. —---—. —---—.- 730 Gridley... —-------------- 97 Carizzo. —------------------- 431 Hamilton --------—. - -260 Cascade ---------------- 6, 541 Hollister.. —----------. ——. 284 Clhico ---—. —--------- - 193 Hooker ------------------—. 543 Cisco ------— H —-------—. R. 5, 911 Hubertville --- ---------—...- 980 Clayton. —--------------- -.. -. 76 Illinoistown -----—.... —-- 2, 234 Colfax' -HR. R. 3, 448 Independence.. —--—. —-. —--- 4, 800 Colona --------------—. —----- 835 Jackson ----------------------- 934 Columbia --—. —---------- --—. 2, 314 Junction... —--—. —--. R. 189 Cottonwood. —---------—...- - 423 Keysville.. —-------- --------—. 2, 558 Decoto. --------— 8 Kingston..6.... —1, 1,118 Downieville. - —................. 2,200 Lanes........................... 2,664 Drum Barracks. —-. —--- -..- 32 Lathrop...................... 48 2 LE 18 LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. California-Continued. Eleva- ElevaCities, Towns, &c. ti.Eleva- Cities Towns, &C.Elevation. Feet. Feet. Latrobe --------------—. —---—. 771 San Buenaventura.............. 12 Lawrence ---—. —-.- -.. —----- 66 San Dieoo ----—.- -..- - -..... 30 Lincoln --------—.- ---------—. 161 San Felipe — -- -2. —...... -, 456 Livermore —---— R -------— R. IL. 520 San Fernando Mission -. —--—.- 1, 043 Lone Pine ----------------------- 3, 917 San Francisco-R —.- -...R. 0 Los Angeles --------- -..-........ 250 San Jose ------ --------—....R. 114 Macon --. —-----------—....... 450 San Leandro.................... 48 Marion —---------- --—. —------ 74 San Lorenzo --------- — 7........ 35 Mail Spring -—....- -..- 3,793 San Luis Obispo - -..-......... 402 Martin's. —--------—. ——. —-- 1, 982 San Lnis Rey -—. ——.. —----- 20 Marysville —----------—... —---- 80 San Miguel --—. - -...-....... 616 Mayfield -. ——. —-—... —. —--- 34 San Pascual ------—. ——.. —--. 716 Melrose -------------—. —------- 18 San Pedro —------------------ 30 Merced -----------------------. 171 San Raphael -. —-. —-......... 0 Mesquite Wells —.... ——. —---- 3,672 Santa Barbara --------- ------—. 20 Midway -----—. -... —.. —---- - 351 Santa Catalene. —- ------------- 3, 000 Mineral Bar -----—.- ---------. 1, 121 Santa Clara -------—. —--------- 98 Modesto. —---------—. —- -.... -. 91 Santa Isabella -----—.- ------ 3, 050 Monte ---------—.- ----------—. 354 Santa Isabella Rancho ---------- 2, 957 Monterey --------—.- ---------—. 140 Scheffer's Hot Springs -—. —----- 4,094 Montezuma I. —--------- 1,787 Shaw's Flat ----- — 2, —-, 270 Nevada ----------------— 2 —-- -, 573 Sheridan ------ ------ 113 Newcastle ----—. ——. —R —. R.R. 920 Shingle Springs ----—.- ------—. 1, 422 Niles. ——. —----. —.. —-.-...... 148 Soledad -------—. —----------. 3, 213 Oakland.. —-- ----—. -. —--—. 123 Sonora ----- --— 1, 971 Pajara ----—. —--------— 2. 22 Soto -------— 186 Paradise ------------------... 1-25 Stockton —. —--------- -R.. R.R 46 Penryn ---—. — -. —------ 624 Strawberry Valley-. —-.......... 3, 710 Pino ---------—. —---. —-----—. 403 Sunoe ------------ -------------- 264 Pleasanton --------------------- 3, 153 Sutler —...... — -. —--------- 919 Placerville —----. —--—. —-—. 2,109 Sycamore. ——. —. — -—. —----- 302 Plainsburg ----—.... —. —--- -, -209 Tah-ee-chap-pi.. —----- ------ 4,017 Quiqual-mingo —---------------- 1, 084 Tamarac....... —. —-----—. 6, 209 Qn incy —------ --—. —---------- 3, 500 Tassett —-----------— 83 Rawson ----------—. ——. —----- 228 Tehama ---------------------- 222 Red Bluff —------. —------------ 308 Tipton -. —---- - -.-..... —2.`. I75 Redding -.......... 566 Trinidad —.... -............ —-- 5, 820 RedwoodCCity ------ - - -........ 10 Truckee ------—.. R.R. 5,866 Rincon. —------------------- 2.. 2, 050 Tulare ---------—. -—.....2.... 290 Roble --------—.. —----------- 179 Tullock ----------------------- 106 Rocklin ---—. --—. —-..... R. 269 Vacaville ------—. ——. —-------- 175 Rock Spring —---------. —. —--- 4, 898 Vallejo —----- ---—. —------- 0 Sacramento --------------- R.R. 82 Vina —------------------------ 211 Sackett's Wells -------- ---------. 312 Warner's Ranch --—. —-------- 3, 022 Salinas City ----—.-. —-------- 42 Wheatland --------------------- 84 San Benito --- 1 —... —. —.. -. 140 Yankee Jim's-.. —..-...-...-. 3, 185 San Bernardino -—... —---------- 1,118 Yreka --—.. —---------—. ——. 4, 000 San Bruno ----------- 16 Oregon. Albany..-. —-...-.. -..-...- —. 600 Fort Umpqua ------------------- 8 Auburn -----------------------— 3, 300 Lapwai ----------—. ---—.. —. 1, 000 Dalles -------------------------- 200 Oregon City --------------------- 2.0 Eola --------------------- 500 Portland -------------—. —----- 150 Fort Dalles. —----------- - ---. - 350 Port Orford —- ------------------ 50 Fort Klamath ---------------—. 4,200 Salem —------------ -.... —--- 382 Fort Lane. —-. -- 2,000 Wallamet...................... 10 Fort Okanagon -..8-............... 10 LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. 19 ITashington. Cities Towns &C. Eleva- Cities, Towns, &c. ElevaI tion. tion. Feet..Feet. Camp Pickett —--................. —- -----—. 150 Fort Townsend... —--- ----- 135 Camp Semiahmoo ----------—.- 11 Fort Vancouver -----—... —--—. 50 Cantonment Stevens.............. —-------- 3, 412 Fort Walla Walla............... 1, 396 Fort Bellingham —. ——.. —-—. 88 Kalama ---------------- ----- 45 Fort Cascades.-.... 50 Olympia-. ---- - ----- ------ 300 Fort George ---------------—. 100 Steilacoom -------------------—. 1, 300 Fort Steilacoom ---------------- 300 Vancouver ---—. --—., —------- 0 IR. R. indicates that the elevation was determined by railroad levels, and is the level of the track at the railroad station. 20 LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. TaJ0RE LE II. MOUNTAINS IN THE UNITED STATES. Names, Range. Names. Range. ~~State or Authority or ~ 8 ElevaTerritory. Reference. tion. leet. Mt. Adams........... White -............ N. H ---- Toner's Dict. of El. -- 5, 794 Mt. Adams...-...... Cascade..-. T —..-.. Vansant. ——.. 13, 258 Samie ---------- ------------------—. —---- Peterman's map. —. 9, 570 Mt Agamenticus -.......... —---------—. Me ------ Toner's Dict. of El. 673 Mt. Alexander.. —--- Alleghanies -..___.. N. C- - Guyot-Am. Jour. -- -- 6,447 Mt. A.ntoro.-...... Sawatch.-..-. —-. - Colo- Hayden... —------ b 14, 245 Mt. Baker.......-.. Cascade...-. W.... W. T --—. Peterman's map. -- 11,100 Saume -.-. ——. — -—. —-........ —U......... S. Coast Survey- b 10,760 B3ald Mt ------- - Allegha nies.. - --- - Guyot.. ——...- -.. — 5,550 Mt. Bald-y —------—...- --------------—. Utah -... Engineer Corps. —.- -- 11,730 Alt Balley -............ ------- --------— Cal- - - ----- - -- 6, 357 _Balsam Cone —......- Alleghanies. - -...... Guyot..-....... -— 6, 671 Bear Butte........... Black Hills-ak.... Dak. Peterman's map —... 3, 500 Mt. Bechler --------- Wahsatch ------ Utah. - - Hayden —.. —---- a 9,716 Mt. BelkEnap -------—.. —-.. —-----—. Utah. - Engineer Corps —..-.. — 11,894 Bergen Peak —.. —--- Colorado. —------- Colo. - Hayden.. —..-... a 9, 555 Big Crtaggy Mt. —-- Alleghanies. Gu-yot -- ------ -- 6, 090 Big Stone Mt --------- Alleghanies -.............. —-- Guvot ----—. —-- --- 5,614 Mt. Blackmore...-. — Rocky.- --- - Mont -. — }-Hayden ---- h — 1(, 134 Black Brother -------- Alleghanies...... —............Guyot ---------- - ----- 6,619 BlackstockKnobh- A. Alleghanies_. -..... —....... Guyot... —..-. -- - 6,380 Blue Mt -----------—.. —------—......- - N. H -... Guyot............. --- 4, 370 Bowlen's Pyramid -—. - Alleghanies... —---------- I. Gunyot...-......... —. 6,348 Mt. Brewer........... Sierra Nevada-.... Cal. —--- Whitney --- - h-.. b 13, 886 Bridger's Peak ------ Rocky.-.......... Mont —. — Hayden......... b 9, 002 Mt. Buckley Alleghanies.. ——. -N. C Guyot --—.. —-...... 6, 599 Buckskin Mt.. —-- — Park. —------------ Colo- Hayden. —.,...... a 14, 296 Buffalo Penak......h. Park —. Colo Hayden - 13,541 Bull's Head ---------- Alleghanies...... —... ---— Guyot......... — --. - 5, 935 BunkerHill (north p'k) - -N- ev — King - ---- 1l, 1,735 Bunker Hill (south p'k) ----—.- -N —------ Nev. King -—........ --- 11,602 Mt. Byers ------------ Rocky -.....Colo Hayden --------- - b 12, 778 Camieron's Cone. —--- Colorado-......... Colob Hayden.... — t 11, 460` Camel Hump --------- Green ---—. —.... Vt. —-. Guyot... —......- --- 4, 088 Mt. Canby ---------—..- ----------. Colo-. Ruffner -.- - h..... 1b 3, 100 Ciannon Mt -..-....- ----------—. N. H --- Guyot ----------—. - 3, 850 Capituol............. Elk. —------------ Co-lo - — Hayden - -- - t 13,992 Mt. Carlos -.....Coast- C...... Cal - W-. Wlitney —......h... 4,977 Carriiain Mt - -. —-. N.H _. I Guyot.. —-—. — - -- - 4, 678 Cair's iMt.. —..-.... N.H...I Guyot... — -..-...., 480 11t. (Carter - -—. —-- White. —---- -N. H -—....- Guyot...- —........ 4, 830 Castle Peak. —----—. Elk. —... —...... Colo-.- Hayden — h —---- b 14,106 Castle Peak. —----—.. Sierra Nevada-. Cal. ——. Peterman's map. - ---- 13,000 Cattail Peak --------- Alleghanies.. Guyot --------—. —-- 6,611 Charleston Peak. —--------- - - Nev Pet,rman's map — 10,874 Checolsum Mt........ Cascade -------- Wv. T -- Peterman-s map - - 5, 706 Cheyenne Mt -----—. Colorado —------—.Colo --- Hayden. —----—. t 9, 948 Chicorira Mt- - - W..- -. White..-.......... N. H1 - Guyot. —------—. —- 3, 540 Chief --------------- Colorado -------—. Colo.- - Hayden.. —- -—.h. 11,8;33 Chilhowee Mt.-.-... Alleghanies —-- -- -.. —- Guyot.. —. —- - -.. 2, 452 Chimney Peak ----—. Alleghanies ----- -...... Guyot...... - - —. - -6, 2:' 4 Chimzv Knohb -. —-- Alleghanies.. —.. —- -.. Guyot. ---—. —-. 5,588 Chuchubum,Mt... Cascade -.......- WT T.... Peterman's map —... 11,700 Mit. Clay --—.. ——.- - White.... -----—. N. H - - - Guyot -.. —.. -. -5,553 Cliugman's Mt....... Alleghanies.................. Guyot --- 6,707 LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. 21 Mountains in the Unitel States-Continued. State or Authority or ElevaNames. Range. 0NaesRng. Territory.' Reference. tion. Feet. Clingman's Dome.. Alleghanies.-........ - Guyot.........6.... 6,60 Alt. Clinton —.. ——. White. — -. —. —--—. Guyot. -------—. - - 4, 320 Cloud Peak-. R -ocky -...-....... Mont --- Peterman's map-. —-- 7, 300 Cockscomb Mt.-..... Alleghanies.-G..... ---— Guyot ---------—.- - 5,426 Cold Mt.-.-.-....... Alleghanies.... —.... Guyot... —.. 6, 063 Cold Spring Mt.. -. Alleghanies..... —--—. -- Guyot.... —----—. 5, 915 Mt. Collins... —-—. - Alleghanies...-.....- Tenn.. - Guyot -—.. —-..- ---- 6, P18 Corner Knob.-.A... -Alleghanies -.. —- - -...... Guyot —... — -. ---- 5, 246 Craggy Pinnacle-.... Alleghanies. - -........ Guyot........... - -.. — 5, 945 Crawford Mt -------- White --—..N ——.. HI ---- Guyot --—.. ——. —-- 3, 134 Crestones. —... —-. — Sangre de Cristo.. Colo-... Hayden... —-.. —--- 14, 233 Cross Knob. —..... Alieghanies ----—. Tenn -. — Guyot.. —-.. ——. —-- 5, 931 Mt. Curtis A.. —------ Alleghanies. —-—. Tenn —.- Guyot -—..-........ 6, 568 Mit. Dana. —-.. —--- Sierra Nevada-... Cal..... Whitney. ——. —-- b 13, 277 Mt. Davidson...... —.-. —---------------- Nev-._ King -—.. —. —----- 7,827 Dawes Peak ---------- Tiintas..-... Utah. ---- Peterman's map -- - -—.. 13, 300 Deer Mt -—...-...... Alleghanies --—. —----- - Guyot. - -6, 233 Mt. Delano. —-- ---------------- Mont —-- Hayden. —------- b 10,200 Monte Diablo.-C...... Coasti —--------- Cal. —-- Whitney. —---—.- b 3, 856 Mt. Doane... —. —-- Rocky..... —-—. Wyo - - Hayden. —-—.-.. —-- 10,118 Double Mt -- ---- -. --- - - -......... Tex- Peterman's map -..- 3, 824 Double Spring Mt -. — Alleghanies.......... Guyot.-....-... ---- 6, 380 -E" -------- Elk —-- ---------- Colo-.. Hayden. ——..- t 13,174 Echo Mt. ——.. —----- White.....-I —. N. H ---- Guyot -... ——. —--- 3, 170 Mt. Elbert............ Sawatch........... Colo-H... Hayden —---- 14, 324 Electric Peak.-..... Rocky......-...... Mont -... Hayden. —-—...- b 10, 992 Mt. Ellis ------- Rocky.-..... -Mont —.- Hayden. ——..... b 8, 419 Emigrant Peak-.-.... Rocky.....-..... Mont — O- Hayden...........a 10,629 Mt. Emma ----—....... —---— No. _..... v-[ King... -------—.. — 6,546 Engineer Mt...... —------ - -. Colo.-... Ruffner...b..... b 13, 266 Eagle Peak -......... Rocky... ~..- -. —-.-Mont ---- Peterman's map -- 7-.. 7,500 Equinox Mt —------------------ Vt ------ Guyot...... -- 3,872 Mt. Evans. --—.-... Colorado-......... Coo-.... CHayden. ——. —--- b 14, 330 Fisher's Peak -------- Raton --— C —------ Colo -. — --—. —-------- ---- 7,759 Flat Mt..... Rocky.....-.. Wyo -. — Hayden. ——. —.. b 9,704 Mt Flora -—.. —-—.- Rocky....... Colo-.... Parry. ——... —-.. b 12,878 Mt. Franklin -------- White............ N. H —.. Guyot...... - 4, 904 Fremont's Peak. ——. Rocky........ Wyo.... Fremont -—....-.. b 13,570 Galena Mt. —...- Colo-.... Ruffiler-....b 12, 978 Mt. Garfield. —.. —-. — Rocky-.. --------- Idaho. —. Hayden.. —-..... b 9,704 Gass Mt. -------—.. —-- --------------- Nev - Peterman's map.- -.. 6, 200 Geneva Peak -----—.- -... -------- Nev - Ki King.-... —--. 10, 994 Mt. Gibbs- Alleghanies....- -....... Guyot.. -..... 66 591 Gilbert's Peak ----—. Uintas —-- --------------- King --—.- -—....- - 13, 250 Globe Peak ------—.. —.. — Nev-.. King. —--- ---- 11, 237 Gothic Mt-... ——. Elk. -----------—. Colo- H.. Hayden —-. t ——.- 12, 498 Grandfather Mt ------ Alleghanies. —--- ------- Guyot -------- ---—....5, 897 Grafton Peak ------—. —---------........ Nev -.... Engineer Corps --—.- 10, 964 Graybeard.-........- Alleghanies...... -. —.... Guyot..-. - 5,448 Graylock -------—. —------------------- Mass ---- Guyot..... —- 3,505 Gray's Peak.......... Rocky.......... Colo-.... Hayden.-....... b 14, 341 Same- -—.. ——. —------------ --------- Whitey. —----- b 14,145 Great Bald Mt.. -..... Alleghanies —-.- - -------- Gunyot.............. 4, 722 Great Frog Mt........ Alleghanies-...... Tenn.... Guyot............ 4, 226 Great Hogback...... Alleghanies........... Guyot....... 4,792 Greenhorn Mt....... Wet.-.-... Colo-.-. [ Hayden. ——. —--- b 12, 230 Grizzy Peak.... —---- Sawatch —. —---- Colo. —-. Hayden.. —-..... b 13, 962 Mt. Guyot........... Alleghanies.. —-—. Ten -.. - Guyot... 6,636 Mt. Guyot -...... —-. Rocky... —-... —-. Colo. —.- Parry...........- b 13,223 Same........... — ----- Hayden -...b. 13, 565 Hairy Bear.......... Alleghanies.... ——. Guyot............. 6, 610 22 LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. Mountains in the United States-Continued, Names. Range. State or Authority or " S ElevaTerritory. Reference. tion. Feet. Mt. Hamilton......... Coast...-. Cal.. —-- Whitney --—. —-- b 4, 440 Hangover Mt. ——..- Alleghanies.........-....Guyot. —-- - 5,600 Mt. Harvard....... Sawatch,.. —-... Colo. —- Hayden........... b 14, 384 Same --------------------— Whitney... —---- b 14, 270 Hayden Peak........ Uintas. —........ Utah... Peterman's map —. —-- 13, 500 Mt. Hayden —--. —--- Teton............. Idaho....- Hayden. —-. ——.- t 13, 858 Mt. Henry..-......... Alleghanies....- -. Guyot............. - 6, 373 Herrick Mt -... —-—.. Green ----------- Vt -... Guyot.. ——. —----- -- 2, 692 High Pinnacle........ Alleghanies... —--- ---------- Guyot... —------- 5, 690 Mt. Hodges.......... Uintas —. —. — ---------- King...-......... 13, 500 Holy Cross...-..... Sawatch.. —-----—. Colo_ Hayden —-----—. t 14, 176 Mt. Holyoke-......................-...... Mass -—. Toner's Dict. of El.. - 1, 120 Mt. Hood —-—. —---- Cascade.........-. W. T ---- Williamson. —-------- 11,225 Hoosac Mt.............................. Mass -.- Toner's Dict. of El. - - 2, 510 Mt. Hope —......-......... Ariz.... Peterman's map..- - 6, 321 Horseshoe Mt........ Park............. Colo-.....- Whitney.-... —-- b 13, 806 HIuckleberry Knob -. -- Alleghanies..... Guyot.. ---------- ---- 5,484 Hunt's Peak.-....... Sangre de Cristo.. - Colo- Hayden. ——.t... t 12, 446 Inyan Kara...-.... Black Hills -. Wy —.-.o -.- Peterman's map -...- 6, 600 Italia-Mt ----------- Elk............... -Colo.- Hayden —--------- b 13, 431 James' Peak -------- Colorado.-....... Colo- Hayden ——. —--- b 13, 283 Mt. Jefferson -----—. -White............ N.H -— Guyot ---—.. —------- 5, 714 Mt. Jefferson -....... Cascade. —-—.- W. T —. Humboldt (quoted) ---- 15, 500 Junaleska.. —----—.. Alleghanies.-. —.... —-------- Guyot. ——.. —--. -- 6,223 Mt. Katahdin ----- ------------ ------—.. Me.-..- Toner's Dict. of El. - -. 5,200 Mt. Kate --------—. —------------------- Nev- -... King.- - 6, 187 Mt. Kaweah -—...-.. Sierra Nevada...- Cal_._. Toner's Dict. of El.- 14, 000 Mt. Kearsage -W-...... White. —--— N. H -... Toner's Diet. of El.-. - 2, 460 Killington Peak -.. —. Green ------ Vt ----- Guyot... —----- - 4,221 Kinsman Mt. - - -N. H -- -- Guyot.. ——... —.. —. 4,200 Kioway Peak --—... — - --. —---—.. — — Texas. -.. Peterman's map -.- -- 2, 895 Mt. Lafayette........ White -.-........ N. H.... Guyot.- 5, 290 La Plata It ----—. —. Sawatch. —.-...... Colo-. Hayden —-------- b 14,302 Laramie Peak -. —. —--- ----—. —.. —---- Wyo... —-- Peterman's map -..- -. 10, 000 Lassen's Butte-....-. Sierra Nevada-_.. Cal. --—. — Whitney..... b.... 10,577 Laurel Peak --------- Alleghanies. —-—.-. —----—. Guyot. —------------- 5, 922 Mt. Leconte.......... Alleghanies -.-.. ----- Guyot —---.- - --------- 6, 612 Lickstone Mt -. —---- Alleghanies......... Guyot.. --—.. —..., 707 Mt. Lincoln..-.... Green -—. —-..Vt ------ Guyot.. -. —..- -. 4, 078 Mt. Lincoln.......... Park ----------—. Colo —--- Whitney.. -.-.. b 14, 124 Same —---- --— Hayden —.-...... 1 14, 297 Lone Peak-...U... -....... ------- tah.. -. - Peterman's map-. 10,713 Long's Peak.Co...... Colbrado ---------- Colo.... Powell. —-----—.b 14, 050 Same. —-—. —-. —---------—. ——. —-- Hayden. —-. —--- b 14, 271 Mt. Love............. Alleghanies -. —-. --------- Guyot. ——. - -6, 443 Lufter Knob -...... Alleghanies. —----------- Guyot. — 6.....,232 Mt. Lyell............ Sierra Nevada —- Cal- Whitney.-b... —. b 13,217 Mt. Madison —....... White............ N. H... Toner's Dict. of El. --- 5, 365 Mad River Peak...... — White -..... N. H... Guyot....- -. -- 4, 397 Mt. Mansfield -.. —-- - -—. - -..-........ Vt ----- Toner's Dict. of El. - -- 4, 430 Mariposa Peak.. —-. Coast.. —......... Cal.. —-- Whitney.. ——. -..-. 3,700 Maroon Mt. —------- Elk. ---—. —----- Colo- -.. Hayden —------—. t 14, 000 Massive Mt.. ——.. — Sawatch ---------- Colo ----- Hayden ---------- t 14,368 Master Knob.A..... Alleghanies.. —-. — Tenn -...- Guyot.. ——.. ——. 6, 013 Mt. McClellan........ Colorado -.. Colo-.. Hayden --—.. —-. t 13,423 Mt. McIntyre......... Adirondacks...... N. Y - Toner's Dict. of El.. --- 5,183 Mt. Mill.. —----—. Elk.. ——... ——. Colo- -. Ruffner-...........b 12, 350 Mt. Mingus. ——... —- Alleghanies.. —-..- ---------- Guyot.. ---—. ——... 5, 694 Mt. Mitchell... —.. - -- Alleghanies -.... Guyot.. ——.. —-. --- 6,582 Mt. Monadnock -- White...-N. H ---- Guyot............. 3, 718 Moosehillock --------- White ---- - N. H. Guyot -..... 4,790 LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. 23 Mountains in the Unitedl States-Continued. Stale or Authority or 7 Eleva-.~~Names. I ~ nTerritory. Reference. tion. Feet. Mt. Morijah..-....... White -—. I N. H.. Guyot.............. 4,653 Mud-creek Bald Mt.. Alleghanies........ Ga ------ Guyot.. ——...- -- -... — 4, 705 Mt, Munroe. —--- W —-- White. ——. —---- N. H -... Toner's Diet. of El.. —- 5,384 Mt. Nebo. ---------------------- ----- Utah. - - Engineer Corps —-. —-- 11,992 Neighbor............. Alleghanies... Tenn -.... - Guyot............ 5,771 Mt. Ocona.. —. —---- Alleghanies. --—. —---------— Got -. - —...6, 135 Mt. Olcott. —-------- I —------------------ Nev ----- Engineer Corps —. —. 7,974 Old Baldy.-....... ocky....-.. Mont -..- Hayden.-......... 9,711 Old Field Mt —. —-. Alleghanies ---- - — yot........ -5- - —.0 50 Otter, Peaks of-.. —-. Alleghanies ----- Va —-— Guyot. --- --- -- 3, 993 Mt. Ouray.-..-..... Sawatch.......-C. Colo. —-- Hayden...-..... b 14,043 Owl's Head —--- —... —--------------- N. H.- - Guyot.. ——. ——. 2 —-, 950 Panther Knob..-..... Alleghanies....... G — - Guyot. —--------- ---- 5, 359 Park Cone.. —-—. —-- Elk.. ——. —----- Colo- -... Hayden —... —--- b 12, 052 Parkview Mt —-----— Rocky — C-....- olo-..... Hayden. —-- b 12, 433 Parry's Peak -..-..... —--------------- - -- - Parry —----------- b 13, 133 Peck's Peak -. —- -..- Alleghanies...... —----. Guyot. —-..... —-—.. 6,232 Mt. Pemigawassett- -- -N.1. Gnyot.. —.. - ---- 4,420 Perry Knob.-.. Alleganies. —--—. —------- Guyot.. —------------ 5,026 Picacho Mt. - - -Ariz.-.-. Peterman's map -- --- 4, 754 Pico Mt --—. —------ Green --—.. —--- Vt ------ Guyot -------------.. 3,954 Pike's Peak-..... Colorado. —------ Colo. - U.S. Signal Service. 1 14. 147 Same. ---------------------------------------- Parry --—. ——. —b 14,216 Pilot Peak-...- - -- Sierra Nevada-. —-. Cal. —--- Peterman's map —--- 7,500 Mt. Pinos ----------- Coast.. ----- ------ Cal. ----- - Peterman's map --- —.- 9,500 Mt. Pisgah-.......... Alleghanies..-..- -.... —----- Guyot. ------ ----- ---- 5, 757 Platte Mt -.-.. —----- Colorado... —---- Colo —.. Hayden —... —--- a 9, 343 Mt. Pleasant —------- White ------------ N.H ---- Guyot --—. ---- ---- 4, 764 Point of Rocks —---—. —----------------- Nev -- King.... -.. 9, 610 Potatoe Top.-....... Alleghanies...... —---- ------ Guyot ---------—. -.... 6,393 Mt. Powell —------- Park ------------ Colo —.. Hayden. ——. -—.t 13, 398 Mt. Princeton ----—.. Sawatch --—. —--- Colo. —. Hayden. —------ b 14,199 Mt. Prometheus. ---—. ---—. —---------- Nev —. King -. —-----—. —-.. 8,256 Mt. Putnam -----—.. Portneuf........ - Idaho -—. Haiyden. ——. —-- b 8, 854 Quandary Peak..-.... Park ------------- Colo. —- Hayden ------—.. t 14,269 Mlt. Rainier. ——. —-- Cascade -------— W. T --- Coast Survey. —-- b 14, 444 Raven's Knob. —. —--- Alleghanies. Guyot.... ------- - - 6, 230 Rawhide Peak............Wyo -y Peterman's map —... 6, 370 Mt. Ripley ------- ------- - Cal —. Peterman's map.. —- _ 7,500 Mt. Rito Alto -..- —. Sangre de Cristo -- Colo — Hayden ----—...- -. 12,989 Roan Mt -- --........ Alleghanies -. —--- ----—. Guyot - -........- -- 6, 306 Rockstand Knob..... -. Alleghanies. —-...- --- - Guyot -. —-- -- - - -- 6, 002 Rocky Trail Mt.. —-...-. Alleghanies. —----- -- -- - Guyot —...... — - - 6, 488 Mt. Rosalie —-. —---- Colorado —-------- Coo —--- Hayden —---. t... 14, 340 Mt. Rose.. ---—. —-.. ------------------- Nev --- King -------- -.. —-- 6, 448 Mt. Rowter —-—.... —------------------ Colo —--- Ruffner. —----—.- h' 13,750 Mt. Safford.. —-. —-A. - Alleghanies.-..... Tenn —. Guyot.. --—. —--- -. 6, 535 Mt. St. Elias. —------ Cascade --—. —--- B. A —-- Malespina —-----.... 17, 854 Same --—... —---—. - ---------—. —- - La Perouse.-... — -—. 12,661 Same —-----—. —------------------- --------- Eng. Hydro. Charts. - -. 14, 970 Mt. St. Helens........ Cascade ---------- W. T.... Humboldt -------- -- 15, 500 Same -—. — ----... —----—. —------- - Peterman's map --—. 9, 750 Mt. San Antonio. —----—. —------- -.. Cal. —-- Coast Smurvey. —-- b 9,931 Mt. San Bernardino... —--. —--- -------- Cal. -— Whitney.-.. b 11, 600 San Carlos Peak ---—. Coast -----—. —--- Cal. -— Whitney.. —-. — b 4, 977 Mt. San Francisco-.-...- --—..........- Ariz - - - - - Pacific R. R. Report - - - 12, 052 San Juan Peak-.. ——. —. — -------------- Nev -..- King... —-. —--- 10, 982 Mt. Shasta ----—. —-- Sierra Nevada-..... Cal. — Whitney.- - --. -.- b 14, 442 Mt. Shavano —------- Sawatch.- _...Colo —-.Hayden-h- 14,093 Sheep Mt ----- Park -.. —. —---- Colo Hayden....- a 13, 432 Mt. Sheridan......... Rocky.....- Wyo.. Hayden...........b 10, 420 24 LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. 1Mountains in the United States-Continued. Names. Range. State or Authority or ElevaTerritory. Reference. ~ tion. Feet. Shrewsbury Peak —. — Green. —--------- Vt Guyot. —- ---- 3, 845 Mt. Silliman.. -—.- Sierra Nevada —. Cal ---- Whitney ----—. — b 11, 623 Mt. Silverheels ------ Park -......-_ Colo. —-- Whitney. —-—. — b 13,650 Same —... ——.. —------—. —-—.. —- --- - Hayden —. —--—. b 13, 897 Skalahum ------—... Cascade ------—.- W. T —. Peterman's map -.-. —. 7,400 Skiotah...... ------— Rocky..... Mont -- Peterminan's map ----. 6, 800 Skomekan -------—. Cascade. —-—. —. W. T... Petermans map -. —. - 8, 400 Snaky Mt- -...- —.. Alleghanies. —--- ----—. Guyot ---—........... - 5,195 Snow-Mass -------- Elk —- --—...... Colo-.... Hayden........... b 13, 961 Sopris' Peak.-....... - Elk ---—.. —--... Colo -—.- Hayden- -.-...... b 12, 972 Standing Indian.....-. Alleghanies.- - Guyot -.. ------- - 5,518 Mt. Sugarloaf........ Alleghanies -. —------—.. —- Guyot —. -6, 403 M.t. Sugarloaf —... —--—. —----------- Nev - -- King -. —------- 6,164 Table Mt ---—.. ——. —-----—.. —----- N. tH ---- Guyot. ——..-...... - 3, 305 Tchopahk Mt -...... Cascade —. —----- W. T... Peterman's map -.-. 7, 200 Teocalli Mt -. —----- Elk.-. —.. —. —C. - Colo-. Hayden. —-—. --- t 13, 274 Thermometer Knob-._ Alleghanies. -... ——. — Guyot ----—. - -- 6, 157 Three Broth'rs(high'st) Alleghanies........ —.......... Guyot. - -5, 907 Thunderhead- A -—. -Alleghanies -. —-.. —-. — --—. Guyot. — ----- - 5,520 Thunder Knob -...... Alleghanies.. —-—.: —. —--- Guyot -- - -.... -- -... 682 Mt. Tohkwano ------- Uintas —. —----—. Utah —.- King....... -.... -13, 500 Mt. Torrey. —-—... Colorado.... —-—. Colo-.. -— Hayden-........... b 14, 336 Same —----—.. —-...-......... — --- Whitney.- b.. b 14,192 Tray Mt. ——.. —--- Alleghanies. —----- Ga.-.Guyot. — —. 4, 426 Tremont Mt-... —-- -.. —---—....- -. —-- N. H - - -. Guyot... —--------—. -- 3, 393 Tricorner Knob --—. Alleghanies. —....... —------ Guyot.' ---- —.. 6, 188 Tri-pyramid —.... —--—. —- -—. —---- N. H -. —. Guyot. --—. —--- - 4, 085 Turkey Knob -.. —-- Alleghanies....-.. —- ---—.. Guyot - ---------—. - 4,740 Twin Mt..-........... White ----—. —-— N. H ---- Guyot. — -.......- -.- ~ 4,930 Mt. Tyndall ---------- Sierra Nevada —.. Cal. —-. — Whitney.._ —-. b 14,386 Uncompahbgra Peak. - Uncompahgra..... Colo ----- Hayden ---------- t 14,540 Ute Peak —... —--- Rocky... —......... Colo -.. -- Hayden -.. —--—. b 11, 968 Velie's Peak-.-...... Rocky...... -. — _.Colo —- Parry.-.......... b 13, 456 Mt. Wachusett.. —--—.. —------—... —-. Mass --—.... Guyot.. -...... 2, 018 Ward's Peak. -. — - Rocky...- -.. —---- Mont..- -.. Hayden -._ ----- b 10, 371 Mt. Washburn -... Rocky......... Wyo ---- Hayden -------—. b 10,388 Mt. Washington...... White —......... N. H.... Guyot.. —-.... —.-.... 6, 28i8 Wedge Mt. —-—.. —---------—. —---—. Colo-.._ Ruffner -......... b 13, 350 Westener's Bald. —---- Alleghanies.. —-.. —--- -- ---- Guyot.. ——.. —-—.-..- 5, 692 Wheeler Peak -.. —--- -----—. —---—. Nev. —-- Engineer Corps -. —- -- 12, 063 White-face ------- -... —N.. ——.. ——. —. N.H _-_. Guyot.. ——.. —--- —. 4, 030 White-rock Mt —---- Elk ——. —-. Co.lo- Hayden. —------- b 13, 847 White-side ----------- Alleghanies. —------- - ---—. Guyot... —----------—. 4,931 White-top -..-..... Alleghanies-. —-—. Va., N. C. Guyot. --—. ——. —-- 5,530 & Tenn. Mt. Whitney......... Sierra Nevada. — Cal... —-- Whitney. —.. ——. b 14, 887 Willey Mt —-----..-. Whi-ite - -... N. H --- Guyot --—..-....... 4,300 Worthington Peak..... —-. —. —---—..-.. Nev -.. Engineer Corps. —- --- 8,400 Mt. Wright --—. ——. Rocky.. ----------- Colo-. Parry —-—. ---—. b 11, 800 Mt. Yale. —-—. —---- Rocky.. -. —-. —. Colo-.. Whitney.-.. h.... b 14, 081 Same —-------—... —- ---—: —--------- ---.. Hayden. —----—.. t 14,151 Yeates' Knob --- - Alleghanies ----- -- ---- Guyot.. —-—. ——. —-- - 5, 975 Yellow Mt.. —------- Alleghanies.-.. ---— Guyot.. — 5, 105 At corner of the three States. a. Aneroid barometer. i. Levels. b. Mercurial barometer. t. Trigonometrical measurement. LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. 25 TJRBLE III, FOREIGN MOUNTAINS. Name. Range. Country. Elevation. _peet. Aconcagua................ Andes.- -.. —---------- Bolivia -2............ 23,910 Antisana ------- - Andes. —---- --------. Quito............. —.... 19, 137 Antuco -A —------------... ndes. —-----------—. Chili —-. —-. —----—. 8,918 Ariquipa. —-----—. —---- Andes -----—.......... Bolivia ---------------- 20, 320 Mont Blanc. —-. ---— Alps -- -.............. France -----—.. —--—. 15,646 Mt. Buckland ------------ - ----- - Tierra del Fuego —------ 4, 060 Chimborazo-.. —.......... Andes -- --— 2-...........- -. ——. —------—... 21,440 Chipicani —---. —--------- Andes - -.Peru. —-------------- 19,745 Chuquibamba.. —-...-... Andes —-—. —-------—. Bolivia. —. —-. —---—.. 21,000 Cotopaxi -—.............. Andes -.-...- -......... Quito.-.. —--------—. 18, 875 Coyambe -----—. —-—. —- Andes.-........... Quito ---- --—. 19,535 Mt Darwin - ----------- ----- Tierra del Fuego-..-.. 6, 800 Doga Bang. —. -....... Himalayas -------------- - ----- 23, 762 Doora Ghaut........ - Himalayas ------- ---------------- -17,750 Dwalalgiri- _....... Himalayas ------ ------- - ---- - 26,826 Dyarmur- --------—... Himalayas -—.. — -... —— 2..- -. - -.. -. 26,629 Mt. Erebus -----—. —-------......... —------------. South Victoria —------- 12, 400 Mt. Etna.-. —.................... — ----------- Sicily ---—. —-—.. ——. 10,874 Mt. Everest ------------ Himalayas -------------......... —-—...-.-.... 29, 002 Mt. Hecla —- ------------------— Iceland -------—. —-—. 5,210 Himalayan Rangea ---—.-.,- - -.., - - -. - -.-. —... ——.-.............. Ilinica - -.- -..-.-.-.............-....-........ —. Equador -17,380 Illirnani.................. Andes................. Quito —--—. —-------- 21,149 Irasu......-....................................... Guatemala ------------ 11,478 Itamba - ----- ----- ---------— Brazil -. —. —-—. ------ 5, 960 Iztaccituatl..h.-........................ M - - - -Mexico.. ——.. —.. ——. 15,705 Jorullo - --—......................... —---------—. Mexico.-.-. —---------- 4, 265 Kamet..-....... Himalayas ------------- - ----— 25, 373 Kanchinjinga ------ Himalayas -- - - - - -- - 28,156 Kilaueah- - - Hawaii --—. —------ 3, 870 La Mesada-........ Andes -------. Bolivia --- ------ 19,356 Malabar_ -------- --- - ------- -Javaa ----. —-.. —. —--- 7,556 Mauna Loa Hawaii -----—. —------ 13,120 Mauna Kea. —------------------------—....-.-.. Hawaii --—.- --------- 13,645 Merapi —-------- --- -- - - - Java ----—.. —------—. 9,708 Mont Cenis -------------—........- - -—. —--------- Savoy. ——.. —-------- 6,778 Monte Rosa....-....... Alps ----------------- - --- - 15,208 Morne Garou -................................. Antilles -—. —---------- 5, 007 Orizaba ----- -................. —--------------—. Mexico. —---—. —------ 17, 374 Perote —-----—.- Andes --------------- - -----— 13, 514 Pichincha. —...... Andes --—.Q........... Quito. ——.. ——.. —---- 15, 924 Pomerape.........-...... Andes ---—.-......... Bolivia. ----------—.- 21,700 Popocatapetl.. —- -.-. —-- Andes -—... —------ Mexico --—. —-----—. 17, 717 Sahama ------------------ Andes ------------------- - 22, 350 St. Gothard -............ Alps ---- ---------- - ----- 6,976 Santiago. —------ -.. —-. Andes —.. —-- —. —.- Chili --------------—. 15,100 Sorato.- ------------------ Andes -. —-........... Bolivia -------------—. 1, 290 Mt. Stokes. —--—. —--. -. —-------------.... Patagonia ——. —.-. —-- 6, 400 Stromboli.t- --------------------- --- - ---------- 2,957 Teneriffe ----- -----—.-. —-----------------—................. — - —...12,., 182 Tolima —-.............-. Andes ------ --------- Quito —-----—.. —--—. 18, 020 Toluco --..... —--- ----—. —........... Mexico --------------- 15, 542 Tristan da C unha —---. —-- -----------------—...... —. —---------------- 8, 236 Ungarang. —-........- ----—. —-------------—.... Java ----—... —---—. 7,100 Urclhinskaja —--..-.. —. —. —. -.-. —-.-........ Kamschatka —-. —--- 11,721 Vandama —---—. ------------— Canary Islands —---—.- 1, 835 Vesuvius. —---------- - -------- Italy. -_ - -I. 8, 479 * Up to 1870, thirteen peaks of elevations above 25, 000 feet had been measured, and fifty-nine above 20, 000, principally in the Western Himalayas, by the India Surveys. 26- LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. TJ.B.LE IV. PASSES. ~Name. Range. State or Authority or ElevaTerritory. Reference. tion. Feet. Agate,- ---- ---------— Nev --------------- 7, 615 Argentine Rocky ---—.. —--- Colo --—. -... —------------ 13, 100 Beale's —-- K. P. R. R.. 5,127 Beckwourth --........ Sierra Nevada ------ ---- --- ---- -— 4, 682 Berthoud- ----— Rocky..-......... -Colo- -: Parry.. —... —--- 11, 349 Same —..-.-......... —------- Colo-....Hayden. ——.. —--- 11, 313 Big Creek ------------—.. —-----—........- - Nev —.- King --—...........8, 922 Boulder.-......... Rocky. —---------- Colo —.. Hayden -. —------ - 11,613 Boundary -. —.......... Rocky....... P. R. R. Report... 6, 030 Cadotte's ----- - Rocky ------------. ——.. —. P. R. R. Report.... 6, 044 Cajon. —--- - Sierra Nevada. —-.. —- ------ P. R. R. Report —. 4, 676 Campbell's - -—.......- ---------- ------- ---- A. & P. R. R...... 7,152 Cation lanco --------—............- - -—.-...... K.P.R. R-.... 6, 917 Cedar Mt -----------—. Utah --—.. —--.-.. ——. P. R.R. Report.- 6, 364 Chemenevis....................... — - -.......- K. P. R. R -----... 675 Cimmaron. —-....... —-—.. -.-.... - --—.. -- -. K.P.R. R ---—. -- 6,166 Cochetopa ---—. —..... Rocky ---—. ---- - Colo —-:. P. R. R. Report- -—. 10, 032 Costillo -...............Rocky -—.- - --- Palmer.-.. —----- 9, 520 Deer Lodge ---- -- Rocky.-........ Mont ---- N. P.R. R. ----- 6, 276 Ebbitt's --—... —.......... — - - P. -R. R.R. Report.- 8,793 Flathead. ---- ---- Rocky ------- -Mont — %- P. R. R. Report 5,459 Flathead.. —-------- — Bridger —. —------— Mont -- - Hayden. —-.. —-—. 6,769 Fremont's - - -Cal --—. —----------—,-... 7, 200 Georgia --—.. —--—. Rocky.. ——. —.. Coo- -.... Parry ---—.... — 11,487 Gore's ---------------—..... — --—.. —. —-- Colo- -... Peterman's map ---- 9, 000 Goshoot ------— Toano ----- -- Nev —--- U. P. R. R —-6 -, 065 Guadelupe --------------------------------- - - P. P. R. Report -. — 5,717 Hamilton - - -Colo —-- Ruffer ---------- 12, 370 Hastings - --- -- Pequop —- ------- - U. P. R. R —— 6,220 Hoosier ---------------- Park - --- Co-lo_.Whitney —-—.. —-. 11,364 Hueco - - -Cal-. P.R. R. Report... 4, 812 Hum-pah-ya-mup - - - - Cal.- P. R. R. Report.- 5, 351 Indian --—............... —--—. —--—..Nev- K. King ---—. ——.... 9, 057 Ives'. ----- —.-.- -............. — -—.-. —---— e U.P.R.R.R. —-. —, 076 Jones'-. -...... Rocky -... —-------— Colo-] —. Parry... — -------- 12, 400 Kananaskie....... Rocky....... B. A ----- Palliser ---—.. —-. 5, 985 Kutanie -------------—. Rocky.- -........ B., A- -. - Palliser -—....... 6, 000 Lake Creek --—....... Sawatch....... Colo -... Hayden —--—.. —-. 12, 329 Lewis & Clarke........ Rocky.. —-........ Mont ---- P, R. R. Report.. 6, 323 Livermore's —--------—.Coast ---- ------—. Cal..-... Whitney....-... 686 Longo's —.............. Rocky...... Colo ----- Palmer -........... 7,660 Lost Knife —------------ Rocky.. —-........ Colo -... Palmer. —--- --- 8,400 Madelin - -. —---------- Sierra Nevada..- Cal. ---- P. R. R. Report - -- 5,667 Madison. ---------- - -. Rocky. —---------- Mont, -.. P. R. R. Report ----- 6,911 Marias...... —-------- Rocky -— M —----—. Mont -- P.R. R. Report.... 8,500 McCabe's --- ----------- Cedar ---—.- --------— U. P.. R. R --- ---- 5,019 Mechanic's.-. —-. —-—. Blue -------—. —------- U. P. R. R ----... - 4, 226 Mohave -................................. —----— A.P... - 1,475 Mono —------- Sierra Nevada —-- Cal ----- Whitney -------—. 10,765 Musca —----- -- -- - -- Colo —-- Ruffher ——.-.... 9, 353 Navajo....- ----—............. —-...... - — K.P.R-. R.R.... 7,177 New —-- ---—. —---—. Sierra Nevada -- - --. P. PR. R. Report -. - 3, 164 Nugent's 3, 256 Pacheco ------------------ - Cal- Whitney. ——. —..- 1,470 Panoche... -—.......................... Cal. —--- Whitney........... 2,500 LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. 27 Passes-Continued. State or Authority or ElevaName. Range. Territory. Reference. tion. Feet. Pequop. —-------------------------—.. — —. —-... --— U.P.R. R -—...... 6,143 Piute ------------- - Wahsatch -. — - K. P. R. R -- 2, 579 Post Oak. —.. —----------..... ——. —----------- Palmer -...-..... 7,475 Puncho -------------- Sawatch. —---------- Colo...- Ruffner.-......... 9,353 Railroad. —-.............. Ariz.-... Ives -......-...... 3,764 Raton-. —- -........... —-.-................ CCoo —---. —-------— 5,806..., Red Dome —...- -.-...... — --------- ----- U. P. R. R -. —----- 4,720 Red Rock ------—.-. — Rocky............. Wyo ---- Hayden ---—.7, —. 7,271 Reed's ------—....... Humboldt.....- - -. - -. U. P. R. R -----... 5,850 Roubideau's. -....Rocky............. Colo -- P. R. R. Report ---- 9, 772 Runks —-U -................................, P.R. R. —.... 4,148 St. Vramn's ------ ---— I —--------------.....Wyo ---- Peterman's map --, 000 San Fernando.-.-..... Sierra Nevada... —. — Cal —-—. P. R. R. Report...1,940 San Francisco ---------- Rocky... —-----—. Colo --— Palmer —----. —--- 8, 560 San Francisquito.-...... Sierra Nevada.. —-- Cal -. P. R. R. Report..... 3,718 San Gorgonio........... Sierra Nevada. ——. Cal —--- P.R. R. Report... 2, 800 Sangre de Cristo ------- Rocky...... —-.. - Colo..... P. R. R. Report ---- 9, 186 Schenousky's........... Pequop ----------- - U.P.R.R......... 6, 355 Sitgreave's -S........... Sierra Nevada ----- Cal ----- Ives -........3, 652 Slate River -.......... Elk............... Colo-.-.. Hayden.. —------ 11,579 Soledad —--- -- - -- Cal. —--- A. & P. R. R. - ---- 3,215 Sonora ------ - Sierra Nevada.-..... Cal —-- P. R. R. Report -... 10,115 South —--- ---------- Rocky..- - -----— Mont -- - P. R. R. Report.. 7,490 South Nez Perce........ Rocky. —-- -------. Mont —.- P.R.R. Report 8, 000 Summit --------------- Rocky..-... —---- - Oregon.. - P. R. R. Report -—.- 5,595 Tah-ee-chay-pah -.. Sierra Nevada. —.. Cal —. P. R. R. Report -.... 4, 008 Tarryall................ Park ---—. —---- Colo-.. Hayden. —- -------- -.12, 176 Teijon.................. Sierra Nevada. —..... Cal -. P.R. R. Report - --- 5, 364 Tennessee.............. Sawatch - -... Colo-.. Hayden.-...... 10,418 Teton................. Teton- -.............. Wyo..I Hayden —--—. —.. 8,464 Thompson's —----- ---------- I Wyo -- - Peterman's map-... 8, 190 Tonto --— Ariz A. & P. R. R -.. — 7,529 Trinchera.. —--—..... ——. —--—. —--. ---------- K. P. R. R ----.... 7,079 Trout Creek............ Park..... —-----—. -Colo Whitney --—...-. 9, 320 Truckee -----—..-.. - Sierra Nevada. —.... Nev --— P. R. R. Report, —-. 7,200 Tyghee-R. —.......... -Rocky.,- -.......... Wyo -. Hayden. —. —---—. 7,063 Union. -------— Rocky -. ----- -- W -- Raynolds -*.....'10, 000 Vermillion........-...... Rocky............ B. A- Palliser -------- 4,944 Wahsatch -........ Rocky. —---—. —---- -- --- P. R. R. Report.. 7, 820 Walker's -------------- Sierra Nevada —...... Cal —--- P.R.R. Report.. 5, 302 Wallapi --......... Rocky.- -........... K. P. R. R —-.. —- 3,473 Warner's. —........... Sierra Nevada.....-. Cal ---- P.R.R. Report.... 3, 570 Weston's........... - -— Park.............. — -. Colo —--- Hayden ---- 11,676 Whipple's.......................................... K.P.R. R. -........ 7,206 Wild Flax ----------—. Rocky. —---------- --- Palmer. -.......... 8, 900 Yampa.. —-.......... — -— K-. -.....-, —---- K. P. R. R-... 5, 241 Zuni.- -- --- ---------- N. M...................... l' K.P. R.-.. R7,926 "Approximate. 2 8 LISTS OF ELFVATIONS TJBLE r. PLATEAUX IN THE UNITED STATES. Coteau des Prairies, Dakota.....................-.... —-----—.. —.. —— 1, 800 to 2, 000 North Park, Colorado-................................... —---—. ——.average 8, 000 Middle Park, Colorado.-.. —...-...... — --- ----------.. ——. average 7, 500 South Park, Colorado.-..-....................- ----—. --------- 8, 000 to 10,000 San Luis Valley, Colorado --—. —----- --------—...... —----------—., 000 to 8, 000 Animas Park, Colorado -........... —. ——.................. ——..- ----- ---- -7, 000 Llano Estacado, Texas and New Mexico.... —-. --—. —-------—....3, 200 to 4, 700 Colorado Plateau, Arizona.. —-—.. —..average 5, 500 Salt Lake Valley, Utah. ——... —...... ---—..... —------—. —-. —-— 4, 200 to 4, 500 Laramie Plains, Wyoming..-....a..... --------- - ---..- - -------— a.. average 7, 000 Snake River Plain, Idaho... —.......-...- - --. 4, 000 to 4, 500 Sevier Lake Basin, Utah.-4,7 —......... —-- -—. ----—.. ----- ---—.. — - 4,700 Humboldt River Basin (Lassen's Meadows) ---—. ——.......... ——. —----—...- 4, 2013 Carson River Basin -—................................... —-- ----------------— 3, 800 WValker's River Basin..............-.... —...-........ —-------. -------- 4, 100 Mdojave River Basin............................................................1, 100 TJBLE Pr1. PLATEAUX IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES. (From Humboldt.) Abyssinia, Africa.........................-; —. 6,075 Antisana, South America --—...-... —.... —---- —. —- ------—..- 13, 451 Auvergne, France...................... -....... ---—. —-—. 1, 087 Axim, Abyssinia. —-- - --------------------- 7, 034 Bavaria. ------...............- 1,663 Caracas, South America.-......-.-....-.-. —--—. —---. - --- 3, 070 Vallev of Cashmir, India ----—................ 5, 346 Castile, Spain.-................................... 2, 238 Caxamarla. Peru --—...,..........-.....- -....... —----------------- 9, 021 Desert of Gobi-.............. 4, 623 Mexico..... - 7 - --....- - -—. —. —----- 7, 482 Mysore.-...................,......... 2, 942 Orange River, South Africa.-..............-..... —-—. ——...- ---------- 6, 395 Popayan-. - -.. - --- 5, 755 Potosi, South America..-. —-------------------------------- --. —-. —. --— 13, 665 Province de los Pastos.-..1 —-— 1....... —---------------------— 10, 231 Quito.-.- - ---—.. —-......... —..-. —----------------- ------- ----—. —-. — 9,528 ( Upper Thibet................. —----------------. —---- 9, 592! Middle Thibet.-. —--... —------ ----- - -—. —--- 9, 995 Thibet J Little Thibet -. — -------------- --- -------—. —-- ----- 6, 300 IDeotsuh -—. —--- -...-.-.. —-- ------- -—. —-—.. —---—. -- 11,977 Sacred Lakes.-1 —---- ------.-.1A —-------------------— 14,965 I Near Ladak ---—. —-----—.. —-—. ——. ----------------- 13,429 General elevation in Thibet between long. 730 and 850~ --—..- ----- ----—. ---— 11,500 Santa F6 de Bogota, South America............................ --------------- -—. —--- 8, 413 Near Lake Titicaca, South America -............... — —. —.... —- -—.12, 853 LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. 29 TJ B L E P11. LAKES. Name. Eleva- Name. Elevation. tion. Feet. Feet. Bear, Utahl-. ——. -----. ——. 5, 931 Minnetonka, Minnesota..........-. 913 Carson, Nevada..-............ - 3, 840 Moosehead, Maine-. - -....... 1, 038 Cass, Minnesota1......, 402 Ontario. 250 Champlain, New York. —--------- 101 Osborn's, Colorado ---—.. —------ 8, 821 Coeur d'Aiene, Washington Ter.... 2,150 Pemidji, Minnesota -----------—. 1, 456 Devil's, Dakota. —-.... —--—. —-. 1,467 Pend Oreille, Idaho --—. —----- 2, 093 Drummond, Virginia ------------- 21 Quinsigamond, Massachusetts.... - 361 Erie. ---------------- --------- 573 Rainy......................... 1,100 George, New York. —.. - 324 St. Clair -.....-. - 570 Graham, Minnesota. 1, 403 San Luis, Colorado.............. —. 7, 500 Great Salt, Utah. —----- -----—. 4, 200 Sebago, Maine..- -. —. —-------- 270 Henderson, New York —-----—. 1,936 Self's, Minnesota.. —..8.. 842 Henry's, Idaho ----------—.....- 6, 443 Sevier, Utah ---------------- 4, 690 Heron, Minnesota —----- 361 Shoshone, Woyming.- -......... 7, 870 Huron ------------ --------- - 589 Superior.- -- -------- 600 Itasca, Minnesota ---------—. ——. 1, 575 Tahoe, California. —--- -.. 6, 700 Kaniskusahkee, Idaho.. —-2....., 431 Traverse, Minnesota ------------ 1, 456 Klamath, Oregon. —-----------—. 4, 131 Twin Lakes, Colorado ----—. — 9, 357 Lac qui Parle, Minnesota —-. —--- 946 Walker's, Nevada (estimated) 3, 840 Lake of the Woods. ——. —----- 1, 040 Winnebago.-. —---- - --—. 748 Leech, Minnesota. —-—. ---—. 1, 330 Winnepiseogee, New Hampshire. - 518 Lewis, Wyoming. -... —-. ——. 7, 882 Winnepeg-. - —... —------- 630 Mahopac, New York.. —-. ——. — 660 Yellowstone... —-. —---------- 7, 788 Michigan.-...................... 589 T.IBLE F'il. ELEVATION OF THE TIMBER LINE. Latitude 450 to 460: Latitude 390 to 400: Mt. Delano, Montana. —------ 8, 800 Gray's Peak, Colorado-.. 11, 100 Ward's Peak, Montana ------- 9, 200 Mt. Evans.-.. ——... —--—.- 11, 200 Mt. Blackmore, Molntana ----- 9,600 James' Peak. —-----—.. — --- 11, 000 Arapahoe Peak ---------------- 11,000 Latitude 44~ to 450: Mt. Byers, Colorado -------—. 11, 300 Cascade Range.-.... —-. 7, 000 Mt. Powell, Colorado... -.-.... 11, 500 Electric Peak, Wyoming.... 9,400 Mt. Guyot, Colorado........... 11, 600 Mt. Washburn, Wyoming..-. 9, 900 Mt. Silverheels, Colorado...... 11,400 Mt. Lincoln, Colorado —-- ---- 11, 900 Massive Mt., Colorado ---- -—. 11,400 Latitude 430 to 440: Mt. Elbert. Colorado.-.... 11,700 Mt. Hayden, Wyo., Teton Range 11, 000 La Plata Mt., Colorado. -..... 11,900 Wind River Mountains.- - 10, 200 Grizzly Peak, Colorado. -. —---- 11, 600 White Rock Mt., Colorado 11,700 Latitude 41c to 42~: 380 to 39 Mt. Shasta, California.-... 8 000 Latitude 38~ to 39~: Pike's Peak. Colorado. ----. —-- 11, 500 Latitude 400 to 410: Buffalo Peak, Colorado........ 11,900 Gilbert's Peak, Uinta Mountains. 11, 100 Mt. Princeton, Colorado. 11, 300 Long's Preak, Colorado... —.... 1, 100 Mt. Princeton, Colorado-11,300 o. A's dubonPeak, Colorado. — 11,300 Cunningham Pass, Colorado —- 11,500 Mt. Lillie, Colorado. —---—.. 11,000 Latitude 350 to 36~: Parkview Mt., Colorado -------- 11, 000 San Francisco Mt., Arizona 11, 547 SECTION II. ELEVATIONS AT WATER-LEVEL OF RIVERS. Mississippi River. From Eleva- Fall per mouth. tion. mile. Authority. Miles. Feet. Feet. Source.. —-.. —-. —----------------------- 2,616 1,680 -—. —-- Nicollet. Lake Itasca. —-------------—. —---------- 2, 610 1, 575 17.50 do. Entrance to Lake Traverse..-.. — 2., 520 1,456 1. 32 do. Entrance to Lake Cass. —---- --- ---—. — 2-.. 475 1, 402 1. 20 do. Mouth of Leech Lake River.. ---. —---- ----- 2,395 1,356 0.57 do. Head of Falls of Peckagama. —------—. --- 2,347 1, 340 0. 33 do. Mouth of Swan River......................, 284 1, 290 0.73 do. Mouth of Sandy Lake River —-----—. —---- 2, 246 1, 253 0. 95 do. Mouth of Pine River ------------- -. —--—.. 2,149 1,176 0.79 do. Mouth of Crow Wing River................. 2,101 1,130 0. 95 do. Sank Rapids --- - -..-................... —------ 982 -—. —. - Railroad levels. St. Cloud (low water)......................-... 953........ do. St. Anthony (high water) --------------..-.- ------ 791. —----- do. One-half mile below St. Anthony's Falls (low water) ----------- 711..... do. St. Paul (high water) ------—. —-----—. —-. —------ 697.... do. St. Paul (low water) —--------- ---------—. 1,944 676 2. 93 do. La Crosse ---—. —---—. —--. —----- ---- 1,800 639 0.22 do. Prairie du Chien........................... 1,739 600 0. 64 do. Dubuque (low water)...................... —........ 599........ do. Rock Island (highwater of 1852)......... —--.........567........ do. Burlington (high water of 1851) —-----------... ——.. 529... do. Keokuk (high water of 1851). —-—.....- —..... Keokuk (extreme low water) -. —-----—. —... ——. — 482... do. Quincy (high water of 1851)................ —........ 493 -------- do. Quincy (low water of 1854). --------------.. —-—. — 472 -------- do. St. Louis (high water of 1844) ---—.- -.... ----—. 436... do. St. Louis (high water of 1858)............... -432........ do. St. Louis (high water of 1851)................ ——.- 431. do. St. Louis (extreme low water). —--—. —---. -... —-.. 394........ do. St-Louis (ordinary level)................... 1,270 408 -----—. do. Cairo. —------------------------- - 1,097 322 0.50 do. Columbus. -------—. —----------—. -1,076 310 0. 57 do. Memphis................................... 872 221 0.44 do. Gaines Landing-.............. 647 149 0. 32 do. Natchez —-------- -—. —-----—. —----.. 378 66 0.31 do. Baton Rouge —. —-. —------------------—. 245 34 0. 24 do. Mouth.................................... 0 0 0.14 do. Red River of Louisiana. Source —-....................................1, 200 2,450 ------- ------- Preston.................................. 20 641 4.80Fulton- ---- --—. —--- 595 242 1. 80 Head of raft............................... 405 207 0.20Shreveport. —--------- 330 180 0. 36 Mouth of Black River..................... 30 58 0.'41 Mouth.-................................... 0 54 0.14 (31) 32 LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. Canadian River. From Eleva- Fall per mouth. tion. mile. Miles. Feet. Feet. Mouth of Spring Creek.... 2. 2, 678 Mouth of Valley Creek....-. 2, 505 Mouth of Wine Creek................. —- ---............. 2, 454 -. Mouth of Wolf Creek...-................................ 2, 319 Epsomr Springs.. —. - 2,171 Fort Smith. ----------------------- 466. Average fall per mile from the mouth of Pajarito Creek, for two hundred miles eastward, is about nine feet. Kansas River. Mouth of Saline River.-.................. 1,5.92 -—.. —Fort Riley-...-........................ -.-............ 132 678 Manhattan -----. 115 624 3. 18 Topeka. 65 504 2.40 Lawrence --------------— 39 444 2. 31 Wyandotte (mouth). 0 382 1.59 Arkansas River. Source -------—. ——.. —-..-. ------------------ -. 1, 514 10,000 Mouth of Fontaine qui Bouille-...-. 1, 364 4, 880 34. 13 Mouth of Apishpa Creek.... -...-..-...- -........ 1, 323 4, 371 12. 41 Twenlty-four miles above Bent's Fort........ —............ 1, 313 4, 091 28. 00 Near Bent's Fort......................................... 1, 289 3, 672 17. 45 1,272 3, 537 7. 09 1, 249 3, 328 9. 08 1, 228 3,166 14.72 West line of Kansas-........... 1, 207 3, 047 5. 66 1,184 2, 852 8.47 1,163 2, 692 7.62 1,141 2,556 6.18 Santa F6 Crossing.............. —-—,. 1,12 2,431 6. 25 Near Fort Atkinson................-....-.....-......... 1, 095 2, 331 3. 85 Second Coon Creek-.. -..2................ 2, 2244..... First Coon Creek..-.-.............-..... 2,004 Mouth of Pawnee Fork.-..... —..... -.......-. 1,962 Mlouth of Walnut Creek. --—.... 1,8 72 Great Bend.. —------------------------------------ -. "992 1,658 Near Fort Gibson.- ---- --------- -....... 642 560 3.14 Near Fort Smith..... 522 418 1.18 Little Rock. —--------- -- 250 252 0. 61 Mouth ----- -— 0-. ----— 50 162 0. 36 Platte River. Junction of North and South Platte ----—......-.-......... 2, 789 Above Fort Kearney........................ 88,750 65 2, 500 10. 87 47 21335 9.17 11 2, 075 7.22 Mouth. Average fll per mile throughout its length, aout six feet 966 Average fall per mile throughout its length, about six feet. LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. 33 North Platte River. From Eleva- Fall per mouth. tion. mile. Miles. Feet. Feet. Above the mouth of Ash Creek.... —- ---—. —-----—... --—. 135 4,250... —-- 110 3, 985 10. 60 92 3, 950 1.94 75 3, 820 7. 64 50 3, 641 7.16 42 3, 575 8.25 23 3, 460 6. 05 0 3, 325 5.87 Mouth (at North Platte)..................-..... 2, 789....... Average fall per mile from Fort Fetterman to mouth, seven feet. South Platte River. From Denver. Head, near Mt. Lincoln, Colorado --—. —-. —-—. —--—. —-. 118 11, 000.... Fairplay, South Park, Colorado. - ------------- ---- 104 9, 800 1 86 Foot of South Park, Colorado.. 68 7, 990 50 Head of Canion —------- --------- ----- ----- 60 7, 747 30 Foot of Cation.... —-----------—. —--- 18 5, 300 58 Denver, Colorado.-.-. 0 5, 000 17 Mouth. — 2, 789 9 to 10 Missouri River. From mouth. Three Forks (bead)....2 —-----—... —------—. 2, 8-24 4, 100 ---- Mouth of Sun River. —-------------------- -------------- 2, 689 3, 573 3. 90 Foot of Falls. ----- ----—. ——. —---------------------- 2, 670 2, 964 31. 59 Fort Benton -------. —------ 2, 644 2, 845 4. 56 Fort Union.-.......... —-—. 1, 894 2, 194 0. 88 Seven miles above the mouth of Muddy Creek............... 1, 843 1, 974 4. 31 Fort Berthold ---------------.. --------- 1, 676 1, 873 0. 60 Three miles above La Fontaine Rouge —. —--------—. 1,639 1, 834 1. 05 Fort Pierre......... —--—. —-. —------------—. 1, 246 1, 475 0. 91 Shyenne Agency. —-----—. —-—.. —-—. - -------.-.-.... 1,415 Fort Sully. — -------—..... —-—. - 1. 398... Sioux City (low water). —.. —— 842 1, 104 Sioux City (bed of river)....1.....-.-.-. i, 094 Omaha (high water)... —--.. ——.-.. ——.. —----- 997. Omaha (low water). —-........ ---------------—.. ——.- 978. Omaha (bed of river)......... -—....... 964 St. Joseph (high water)..... —----------—.' 484 820 Kansas City (high water in 1844). —. —---—.. —--- -._ —. 771 Mouth. —------- -. 0 416 Yellowstone River. From month of Shields's River. Yellowstone Lake.... -.-........ —-- 105. 5 7,788 Top of Upper Falls (height, 140 feet) --—...-....... 90. 5 7,693 6. 3 Top of Lower Falls (height, 397 feet)... 90. 0 7, 485 13.6 Mouth of Tower Creek. —-- --—.. —--—. —---------- ---- 77. 0 6, 207 67. 8 Mouth of Gardiner's River.-.... —--------—. —-—. —--. 54. 0 5, 360 53. 6 Mouth of Cation Creek. ------- 38.0 5, 058 21. 8 Head of Lower Cation. —-------—..-.- -------------—. 8. 0;4,3 12. 2 Mouth of Big Horn........... —-----. —. 2, 831. Mouth...................................... —---— 2, 184 - 3 LE 34 LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. Big Horn River. From Eleva- Fall per mouth. tion. mile. Miles. Feet. Peet. Source.- —'.. —-- ---- -—. —------------------- ----- -- - - 7,527 Moluth of Popo Agie-.-. — ----—............. 5, 347 -------- Leaves Big Horn Mountains -. - 3, 534 Mouth.-.. —----- --------- - - --- --. 2, 831 Jefferson River. At head of Red Rock Creek, (main fork,) about.-. ------ 6,500........ At Beaverhead.-...-.......... --—.-. 4, 888. At mouth of Big Hole River -........................- - —.-.- 4, 786. At bride.. —-... 4, 672 At mouth of Hell Cahon Creek -........ —. — —.. —-. 4, 598. At mouth of Fish Creek -—. — ------------------ - -. —----- 4,457 -. —--- At mouth of' White Tail Deer Creek. —....... —.......... 4, 351. At mouth of North Boulder Creek...-.. — —. —- - - -........ 4, 303....... A t head of cahon -- -------------—. — —. —----------—. —. 4,276 -. —---- At foot of cation.-.............................. ---— 4,219. —--- - At mouth --. 4,100' Big Hole River, (branch of Jefferson.) At mouth of Divide Creek. —......... 5, 499. At cantion - -................................- -. —---- 5, 311 At mouth of Camp Creek.......... --....... ---..-.... —- - ---- 5, 203 At mouth -- - -. 4,786. Madison River. Head, Madison Lake.-.-. —---.. — -—. —-—... —--- 170 8, 301 In ipper Geyser Basin-.-........- -.... —--—. 160 7, 367 93. 4 Mouth of East Fork-. ---------— 48 7, 237 10. 8 Mouth of Gibbon's Fork. —--—. —--------------------- 142 6, 808 71. 5 Mouth of South Fork (head of Middle Catlon) —. ——.. —-. 116 6, 567 9. 3 Middle of Middle Cation —--------------------------------- 103 6, 348 16. 8 Mouth of Indian Creek. —------------------------------ 66 5, 494 23. 1 Opposite Virginia City. ---------- 55 5, 026 42. 5 Head of Lower Cation.. ——..-.. —---. —-.. —-—.. —-- 41 4, 848 12. 7 Foot of Lower Cantion.-................................. 23 4, 521 18. 2 Mouth -------—..-............ —--—. —------------- 0 4,129 17. 0 Gallatin River. Head................................. 93 6, 823 -..__Ten miles above cafnon. —-- --—..- -------------------- 67 6, 149 26. 0 Middle of canion —------------------- -------------------- 52 5, 586 37. 5 Foot of caton.-..-..; —-------—; —------------------ 4 5,215 41. 4 Bridge... —. —- --- ---------------------------........... 4,493 30. 1 Mlouth..-....-.-. -...... —--- ------------------------- 0 4, 098 19.8 j~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. 35 Colorado River. (From Ives's Report.) From Eleva- Fall per mouth. tion. mile. Miles. Feet. Feet. Shallow Rapid. —-. —-. —- --------------------—. ——. 500 860.... Shallow Rapid ---—. —----. —-----—. —---------------—. 489 790 6. 36 Deep Rapid... —-------------—. —----------------------- 456 656 4. 06 Mojave Valley ----- -----------------------—. —------ —. 411 565 2.02 Mojave Caion —--- --------- -----------------------—. --- 382 524 1.41 Mouth of Williams's River —------------—. —------------- 340 465 1.40 Beaver Island —--—. —--------------- -------------------- 322 440 1.39 Riverside Mountain. —----------------... —------------- --- 302 409 1.55 Halfway Bend —-.. —------—.. —-. —-----------. —------- 279 378 1.35 Long Shoals —-. ----------— 260 350 1.47 Long Bend. —-—..... —----- ---. —..... —- --------- 239 322 1.33 Foot of Great Colorado Valley............... 210 282 1.38 Canebrake Caion —---—. —--------- ----------—. —------- 188 252 1.36 Purple Hill Pass. ——.... — ---—. —-—.. —----------------- 175 234 1. 38 Explorer's Pass-... —-. —. —---------—. ——. —-—.. —----- 166 222 1.33 Fort Yuma -—. —-----. —- -------------—. —-. —---- ---- 150 200 1. 38 Cocopa Village -.. —......... —-.-.- - -—.. —-.- -—. —-—. 132 172 1.56 Cocopa Village.. ——. —. —--------------- - ------------- 119 155 1. 31 Cocopa Village ----. —------------—..- -------—. —---—. 109 140 1.50 Cocopa Village. —----. —. —-. —..-.... —--------------—. 99 128 1.20 Cocopa Village --------------- - ---------- -------- 89 112 1.60 Clocopa Village -..-7 —---... — --—...... —---. —-------—. 78 97 1.36 Cocopa Village — ----—.- -....- —. —------------------- 64 77 1.43 Cocopa Village -------- ---—.. —--—.. —-—... —--------- 48 54 1.44 Robinson's Landing - -10 0 1. 42 Williams's River, (branch of Rio Colorado.) Head --—., —. —..- ----—. —-... —----- -- ------------- 752.138 5, 360 56. 00 128 4,812 54.80 80 2,243 53.52 71 1),945 33.11 67 1,853 23.00 62 1,657 39.80 52 1,308 34.90 40 1, 184 10. 33 28 899 23.75 17 693 18. 72 13 504 47.25 Mouth.. —. —-------------------------------------— 0 78 9.69 Rio Puerco. From Navajo Springs. Navajo Springs.........................................-0 5,655........ Mouth of Leroux Fork —.. --—...-.. —--- —.-.. -. - ----- 46 5, 016 59 4,802 16.46 67 4,735 8.38 77 4,675 6.00 86 4,618 6.33 102 4,594 1.50 LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. Gila River. From Eleva- Fall per mouth. tion. mile. Miles. Feet. Feet. 578 4, 347 -- 418 3,732 3. 8 390 3,147 20.9 327 2,674 7.5 230 1,751 9.5 193 1,419 9.0 126 845 8. 6 87 293 11.3 Mouth. -------.. ——. —------ -------- ------------- 0 254 0. 5 Mkfojave River. Mojave depot camp. —---------.... — --—. —--- ---- 2, 664........ Miles fiom above.-. —----- ------------------------- 20 2, 22734 2,117 7.85 58 1, 820 12. 38 89 1,111 22. 87 Rio Grande River. In San Luis Valley (about). —------ ---------------------— 7,500. Peila Blanca --—..-.. —-----—. —. ------------—. —-- --- 5,288. Mouth of Rio Galisteo -..... —-—. —-------------- -- 5, 242. Albuquerque —... —-- - -.-...... 5, 026. Isleta... —--- ---- ---------- --------------------------- 4, 910 Socorro. ----------—..... —------—. —---------------------- —. 4, 560Alamosa.. —------------------------ ---- -------------- -. 4, 200 El Paso ---------------------------------- ------------ ---—. 3, 800 Mean fall per mile from Pefia Blanca to Isleta, 5.86 feet. Sacramento River. From Fort Reading. 170 4, 472 — o 138 3,622 26.57 Mouth of Fall River........o......... 124 3, 250 26. 57 110 2,867 27.36 88 2,177 31.36 80 1,730 55. 88 64 1,156 35. 87 49 1,078 5.20 Mouth of McCloud's River...... 0.... 0................. 33 922 9.75 22 837 7.73 Fort Reading......... 0 675 7. 36 LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. 37 PRate of fall of the principal rivers of Iowa. Rivers. Part of course. Fall per Authority. mile. Ft. In. Mississippi.......... From Lansing to the confluence of the 0 6 J. E. Ainsworth. Missouri. Missouri.-........ From Sioux City to Council Bluffs --- 1 0 Railroad levels. Des Moines - -. —.. From Fort Dodge to Ottumwa ---- - 2 4 do. Des-Moines —-- --—. From Ottumwa to the mouth --- - 1 11 do. Raccoon. —---------- From forks of the river to its mouth. - 2 do. North Raccoon. —--- From Jefferson to the forks.-......4 0 do. Skunk............. From Colfax Station to Oakland --- 2 2 do. Skunk. —----------- From Oakland to the mouth-1 6 do. Iowa. -From Iowa Falls to Iowa City -------- 3 1 do. Iowa ------- ------- From Iowa City to the mouth ---- 2 4 do. Cedar ------ ---- From State boundary to Cedar Falls - 3 7 do. Cedar - ---------- From Cedar Falls to Moscow --—.. 2 5 do. Cedar -------------- From Moscow to the mouth ------- 2 0 do. Wapsipinicon ------- From Independence to the mouth 2 10 J. E. Ainsworth. Maquoketa -------- From Manchester to the mouth....... 3 4 do. Turkey ---- -------- From Crane Creek to the mouth -. —. 5 0 Railroad levels. TJpper Iowa. From Decorah to the mouth — 5 —-—. 8 6 do. East Nishnabotany — From Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific 2 5 do. Railroad to the mouth. West Nishnabotany.. From Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific 2 8 do. Railroad to the mouth. Boyer. -------------- From Dennison to the mouth -------- 3 3 do. Little Sioux. —------ From Cherokee to Smithland -------- 2 6 do. Little Sioux --------- From Smithland to the mouth 0 4 do. Floyd- -- From fork of Willow Creek to the 3 0 J. E. Ainsworth. mouth. The average rate of fall ofFeet. Bitter Root River. —------- -. —---- ---- —..... —........-.....- --------- 11. 1 Blackfoot Fork ---------- ---—........................ -- ------------------—... — ---- 30. 0 Clarke's Fork (of Columbia) --... —.. —--------------------—.1 —. ——. —-----. 11.0 Pecos River..... —------—........... —------------ ---—.... --—.. —---------- 4. 0 Snake River, from mouth of Ross Fork north.................................... 6. 0 SECTION III. RIAILROAD PROFILES. Atlantic & Pacific Railroad. Miles. Eleva- Miles Elevation. tion. Feet. Feet. St. Louis (directrix)...... 0 428 Campbell's Pass —...... 1, 366 7, 152 Pacific.-.-.-. 37 480 Fort Wingate (2 miles Moselle.-... —----—. 49. 2 955 north of fort). —--- 1, 382 6, 622 Rolla. — ----------...... 113.75 1, 201 Arizona Boundary.-.... 1,420 5, 890 Gasconade River........ 127 640 Sunset Crossing -------- 1,521 4, 760 Dixon -----... 138. 5 1,168 Tonto Pass. —--. ——. 1,604 7, 529 Marshfield......-... 217. 58 1, 521 Cedar Summit --------- 1, 624 6, 908 Springfield.-......... 241.9 1,382 Partridge.-......... 1, 646 5, 506 Pierce City -. —---------- 291. 57 1, 225 Beale's Road.-....... 1, 650 5, 520 Granby -..... 306. 56 1, 063 Laja Summit..... —--- 1,674 6, 308 Seneca. —............... 330. 25 883 Aubrey Valley..-...... 1, 695 5, 180 Missouri State line.. - 331 802 Peacock Mts. —-.. —---- 1,741 3, 408 Vinita Junction (with the Wallapi Pass -. —-_- 1, 767 3, 440 M., K. & T. R. R 403 Mohave Gap -—. 1, 796 1, 475 Arkansas River -....... 494 574 Colorado River, at the Kingfisher Creek........ 614 950 Needles.. —---- —. 1, 817 355 North Fork -. —------- - 651 1, 428 Piute Summit -------—. 1, 855 2, 579 Canadian River Junction. 670 1, 519 Perry Basin. -—.. —-. 1, 895 728 Texas Boundary -------- 770 2, 020 Agua Azul --—. —- -. 1, 932 1, 999 New Mexico Boundary - 970 2,735 Crater Pass -------—. 1, 947 2, 300 Fort Bascom ----- I, 021 3,726 Mohave River. —------- 2, 007 2, 400 Anton Chico 1, 114 5, 690 Soledad Pass —-. —--- 2, 103 3, 215 Catnon Blanco | —------ 1,152 6,960 San Buenaventura....... 2,168 12 San Domingo (valley of the Santa arbaa -. 1, 204 10 Rio Grande River) 1, 199 5, 100 San Luis Summit ---—. 2, 301 1, 561 Albuquerque ---— i.- 1, 234 4, 836 Walsunville. —--------- 2, 437 28 Isleta (leave Rio Grande) - 1, 247 4,768 San Francisco- - 2, 537 48 Kansas Pacific Railroad. State line between Kansas i Rossville.-........- 83 951 and Missouri. —--- 0 764 St. Mary's -.....-....90 973 Armstrong.............. 1 673 Vermillion Tank.. —-- 98 989 Muncy Siding- 8 685 Wamego.- --—.. 104 1, 018 Secondine - 9 809 St. George. - —, 110 1, 018 Edouardsville...-..13 801 Manhattan - -........119 1, 042 Tiblow.- --- --—.- 16 811 Ogden --... 129 1, 078 Lenape.22 799 Fort Riley..- -135 1, 090 Stranger. —------. 27 807 Junction City.-. --- 138 1, 100 Fall Leaf ----------- 31 827 Chapman Creek.... 150 1,132 Lawrence and Leaven- Detroit -.-....-.... 157 1,153 worth Junction.- - 36 832 Abilene ----- -.....-162 1, 173 Lawrence -—.... 38 846 Sand Spring Tank..... 166 1,164 Buck Creek.-........ 45 864 Solomon. —---—...171 1, 193 Williamsville48 869 Salina.- - 185 1, 243 Perrvville. -------- - - 51 870 Bavaria -----..-.....194 1,289 Medina-52 1 871 Brookville.. ——. —.. 200 1, 366 Newman,............... 55 89 Rockspring....- - 205 1,459 Grantville. 60 895 Elm Creek.... —.. 210 1, 586 Topeka 67 904 i Summit Siding........ 21i 1, 672 Silver Lake............. 77 933 Fort Harker. —.-..218 1, 600 (39) 4 0 LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. Kansas Pacific Railroad-Continued. Miles. Eleva- Miles levation. tion. Feet. Feet. Ellsworth.. —-------- 223 1, 556 Arapahoe. ---—. —---- 452 4, 024 Blackwolf -...- --..- - 230 1, 583 Cheyenne Wells --—..- 462 4, 295 Wilson -. ------- 239 1, 702 First View. —-—. —--- 472 4, 595 Bunker Hill - - 252 1, 882 Eureka ------ -.... 483 4, 263 Fossil-...- ------- 262 1,850 Kit Carson............. 487 4, 307 Walker. ——. —-—. —-- 274 1,962 Wild Horse. -.- - 499 4, 456 North Fork Bend. - - - - - - 278 1, 946 Aroya -.. — - - - - 510 4, 666 Hays --------- ---—. 289 2, 009 Mirage —------ -------- 523 4,859 Ellis. ——.. ——. —-- 302 2, 135 Hugo -------—. —---- 534 5, 068 Ogallah ---------—. — 312 2, 385 Lake. —. —---—. —. — 547 5, 319 Parlk's Fort. —---. — -... — 2,463 River Bend. —--------- 555 5, 511 Coyote. —-.. —------- 336 2, 608 Cedar Point. —--- - 562 5, 730 Buffalo —--- --------- 350 2, 793 Godfrey ——. — ------- 566 5, 621 Grinnell. —-—. ------- 364 2,922 Agate ----- ---—.. —. 572 5, 476 Carlvle. —-- ---—.- --- 376 3, 064 Deer Trail ----- -. 583 5, 203 Mon tulml ent..... —- - 386 3, 199 Bijou.- - -.........-... 595 5, 221 Gopher. —------ ---- - 397 3, 336 Kiowa --------------- 608 5, 514 Sheridan. - --------- 405 3, 121 Box Elder. — - 617 5, 546 Wallace............ — -- 3, 319 1 Schuvler.. - -629 5, 354 Pond Creek.- --- —.. --- 422 3, 291 Denver Pacific Junction. 636 5, 211 Eagle Tail............. 429 3, 452 Denver........... - -639 5,197 Monotony -...-..-. 437 3, 792 Arkcansas Valley Railroad. Kit Carson ------------- 4,307 46 4,039 Big Sandy Creek 1 4, 297 Las Aninas ------------ 50 3, 967 5 4, 363 60 3,966 Rush Creek ----------- 8 4, 262 Bent's Fort -............ 66 4, 039 Summit --------------- 12 4, 462 70 4,052 22 4, 375 80 4,151 Wild Horse Spring 23 4, 330 90 4, 262 24 4, 380 100 4,328 26 4, 367 110 4,400 29 4, 425 Boonville ------------- 120 4, 497 34 4,445 130 4,622 36 4, 356 Pueblo -----—. 136 4, 674 Leavenworth branch of the Kansas Pacific Railroad. Junction (2 miles east of Lawrence) 832 Even slope down to the Missouri Undulating plateau summits not over 938 River —----. —------------—. 813 Valley of Stranger's River -—. —-. 718 Missouri Pacific Junction-. ——.. 778 Plateau summit ----------------- 973 Leavenworth —. 783 Denver & South Park Railroad, (prelirminary line.) Denver. —-. --—. —------—. 5, 196 Kenosha House.. 9, 702 Foot of caton of the South Platte-.- 5, 564 Kenosha Summit. —---------—. 10, 001 Follows up the cation of South Platte. Jeff'erson Creek, South Park --—. 9, 592 Mouth of the North Fork -------.. 6, 110 Michigan Creek. 9, 502 Follows up valley of the North Fork. Tarryall Creek..-........... 9, 849 Mouth of Elk Creek. ——.. ——. 6, 337 Trout Creek -—... ——...-. 9, 707 Mouth of Deer Creek. ——.. —-. 7, 157 Beaver Creek —. ——. —-—..- 9, 994 Trout Creek ---—. ——. —--—. 7,567 Fairplay -------------------- 9, 964 Bailey's Ranche —--—. —----—. 7,742 Middle Fork South Platte..... —-- 10, 313 Hepburn's Park.. —-----. —-—. 8, 237 Mouth of Mosquito Creek —------ 10, 328 Grant --------—. -------—. —-. 8, 587 Dudley --------------—. ——. 10, 435 Godfrey's Ranche ------ 8, 982 LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. 41 Denver & Rio Grande Railroad. Eleva- ElevaMiles. Miles. tion. tion. ~IFeet. Feet. Denver ------— 1..... 0 5, 196 Widefield ----------—. 84 5,712 Littleton —... —-------- 10 5, 361 Fountain ----—.... -—. 89 5, 562 Acequia.-.... -- -.. —-.- 17 5,529 Little Buttes. -----—... 94 5,370 Plum. —------ -.... ----- 25 5,834 North Pueblo — -...... 118 4,701 Citadel ---—... - -----—. 31 6, 122 South Pueblo. -. —--—. 120 4, 674 Douglas. —---- -—. 35 6, 324 Meadows —-..... —---- 129 4, 801 Larkspur.-..-. -....... 43 6, 665 Swallow's Nest - ------- 134 4, 860 Greenland ---—. —-—. 47 6, 927 Carlisle Springs. —-—. -- 141 4, 952 Divide. — ---—.-. —-—. 52 7, 208 Beaver Creek. —--- -.143 4, 999 Henry's —. —........ 56 6,983 Labran -......- - 153 5, 182 Berst's - —.-. -......... 58 6, 811 Coal Banks -—.. —--—. 155 5, 356 Husted's --—... - ------- 62 6,599 Oil Creek ------—. —--- 156 5, 177 Monument ------- —.-. —- 67 6, 354 Cation City........... —. 160 5, 494 Colorado Springs —---—. 76 5,986 Chicago & Northwestern Railroad, (Iowa division.) Clinton, Iowa (high wate!' in Miss. Moingona —---------—... -—. 919 River in!864) ---—. -- ---- 584 Beaver —- --—. —-—. —-----—.. 1, 039 Clinton (bridge) ---------------- 602 Hagar -------- --------------- 1,045 Cedar Rapids (Cedar River) 7..... 719 New Jefferson ------ ----—. -—. 1, 069 Fairfax —. —-. —. —--- —.-... 780 Coon River —----------------- 1, 017 Norway. ——.- —................ 808 Scranton -----.................. 1, 089 Blairstown ---. —---------------- 850 Glidden. — —.. —--------------- 1, 238 Belleplaine ------------ 831 Carroll ---—. —-- ----—. ---.-. 1, 272 Chelsea.. ——........ —------- 798 East Side --------—. —-—.-.... 1, 390 Toledo -.......................... 827 Tip-top. —-- ------------------.1, 438 Iowa River —--------—......... 847 West Side. —-1 —--------. —----- 1, 340 Orford ----------------...... 864 Vail —---------—. —----------- 1,273 Le Grand —---- ----------------- 949 Dennison-. 1, 270 Marshall ------------------------- 906 Paradise ---------------------- 1,148 State Centre —-----—. —........ 1, 082 Dunlap ----- ---- ----—. —---- 1,111 Colo. ——.... —.-........ 1, 055 Woodbine -1.,....... 1, 072 Nevada --—.-...... - -- --- 1,013 Missouri Valley Junction --. —-—. 1, 020 Skunk River --------------------- 905 Honey Creek. -------- - -1, 022 Ames —----------------------—. 934 Crescent. —-—.. —-—... —----—. 1, 009 Boone --------------------------- 951 Council Bluffs --------—.. ——. 1, 000 Des Moines River —--- - --- 965 Burlington & Missouri River Railroad. High water in Mississippi River at Tyrone. —---------------- 829 Burlington -------------------- 529 Melrose ----------—. ——. —-—. 863 Middletown —- ----- - 731 Russell. —---------- 1, 028 Danville-.......... —..... 722 Chariton -------— 1, —---------- 1,041 Mt. Pleasant -----------------—.- 732 White Breast River ------—. —--- 840 Skunk River (low water). —----—. 558 Osceola ------------------ 1, 134 Chequaque -------------------- 612 Oakland_ ----- ---- -- 1,205 Glendale -. —---------—. —----- 752 Four-mile Creek (Thayer Station)- 1,033 Fairfield ------. ---------------- 775 Grand River. —----------------- 1,017 Whitfield....... —--—.. —-...... 685 Highland Station (summit).....-. 1,311 Batavia --—. —--—. —-. —----—. 648 Cromwell. —----- ---—. —-—. 1,233 Agency —--. —-.-.......... 809 Corning —-. —------------------ 1,140 Ottumwa... —-------—... — -... 639 Nodaway —. —----------------- 1,093 Des Moines River —. —........ — 614 East Nodaway River............ 1, 014 Chillicothe ---------------------- 654 Middle Nodaway River. —------- 1, 015 Frederick -.. - -.............. 744 Vallisca —---------------------- 1, 072 Albia........................... 955 West Nodaway River. —.. ——.- - 1,113 42 LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. Burlington & Missouri River Railroad-Continued. Eleva- Elevationi. tion. Feet. Feet. Middle Tarkeo River.- -. 1 8 Greenwood.-...... - --- - 1, 130 Eed Oak. —------- -.. —-- 1, 048 Waverly. ----------- - 1,126 East Nishnabotany River - ------- 1, 020 Newton. - -.. 1, 141 Walnut- -1...................., (56 Lincoln.. —---------------, 1,154 Harmony ---.. —--- 1, 056 Denton-..- -. 1, 238 West Nishnabotany River -------- 974 Highland ----------—. —---- 1, 419 Glenwood ----------------—. —-- 996 Crete. —--- -------------------- 1, 360 Pacific Station on Council Bluffs & Dorchester - -. 1, 493 St. Joseph Railroad -- 966 Fairmount.- -, 648 Missouri 1Kiver (high water)....-.. 960 Grafton. 1, 704 Missouri River (low water) —.... 944 Harvard - -1, 807 Plattsmouth......-.... —...... 972 Inland. —.-.-. —.. —-—... —.... 1, 887 Omaha Junction - - - - - - - - - - - - 989 Juniata. —-—. —-- -..- 1, 978 Louisville. ——..-........ —-. 1, 0-29 Kenesaw —.... —- - - 2, 057 South Bend -------------—. —--- 991 Lowell. —-.. —--.. —------. 2, 074 Ashland.-...........-........ 1, 091 Kearney Junction.- -----—. 2,157 KeokGuk Northern and Iowa YNorthern Central Railroads. Bonaparte - -. 565 English River (low water) - - - 607 Big Mound Summit ----—. —------ 745 Iowa lRiver at crossing one mile Summit near Salem. 720 below Iowa City. - - —. 62(1 Skunk }iver at Oakland (low water) 560 Brown Summit.- -... 864 Burlington & Missouri River R. R. Cedar River.. —---------. 711 at Mt Pleasant. ——. 732 Chicago & Northwestern depot at I Summit west of Crawfordsville 737 Cedar Rapids —----- ---------- 741 Washington..... 757 Central Railroad of Iowa. Crossing of Iowa River. ——. 922 Eldora. —--------------------...1, 022 Albion. - — 946 Eldora village -------. 1, 052 Albion village.-................ 971 1 Steamboat Rock.. —---—. —---- 1, 024 Liscom.b ----------------------— 1, 015 1 Steamboat Rock village. —- 1, 058 Liscomb village.-. —---- 1, 025 Water in Iowa River at Steamboat Union. —----............ —----- 953 Rock ----.. —------- ---—. 1, 008 Union village. ——. —------------ 953 Ackley ------------ ------— j 1, 144 Crossing of south fork of Iowa River. 943 Sioux City & Pacific Railroad. Missouri Valley Junction. 1, 020 Sloan --- -.-.. —-. —. ——..- 1, 091 California Junction. —- - -........ 1, 020 Sargeant's Bluffs -. —.. —-- 1,114 Modale. —---—.. 1, 021 Floyd's Bluffs. 1, 404 Mondamin -. —------- ---------- - 1, 031 Sioux City --------------------- 1, 123 Little Sioux. - -1, 042 Low water in Missouri River at Blencoe ----------- -------------- 1, 062 Sioux City —------------------ 1,104 Onawa ------ -.....- 1, 068 LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. 43 Hannibal & St. Joseph Railroad. Eleva- Mies ElevaMiles. tion. tion. Feet. Feet. Hannibal ----—.- ---—. 0 794 Macon —--— 0 —-------- 70 919 Palmyra. —----------- 15 694 Brookfield. —---- ----—. 104 802 Ely ----------------- 24 731 La Clede —. —. —— 1 —. 109 830 Monroe —--------------- 30 794 Utica —---------------- 135 796 Lakemarn. ---—. —------- 42 782 Cameron —------------- 171 1, 067 Shelbina.-..- -......... 47 718 Lathrop...-.- -........ 187 1, 105 Clarence ------- 59 867 Harlem ------- 223 782 Carbon --—. ----------- 67 867 Kansas City —-—.. ——. 225 764 Missouri Pacific Railroad. St. Louis (directrix). --—.- 0 428 Warrensburg. --—. —-- 218 874 Franklin —-- ----------- 3 480 Holden --------------- 232 854 Gasconade Riv. (low wat'r) 88 496 Lee's Suinmit.-.. —..... 259.5 1,054 Osage River (low water)- 117 521 Independence(fairgro'nd) 272 1, 034 Jefferson City.. —.... - -..- 125 556 Big Blue Riv. (low water)..8.-. 718 Sedalia.-:....... 188.5 889 Kansas City (levee) -. 282 764 International and Houston & Great Northern Railroads. Houston. —-----—.. —---- 0 50 Killgore --—.. ——. —-- 222 371 Neches.. —--—.. —-—. 163 413 Longview.. —-. ——. —-- 235 336 Hearne. —-------------- 175 310 Oakwoods. —......... 336 277 Jacksonville ---------—. 179 527 Keechi ----- ---------- 346 285 Reynolds... —---—. -- -- 185 521 Jewett ---------.... 363 527 Troupe ------- - 197 465 Lake ---------—... —. 385 315 Overton -...... 210 509 Englewood ------ 395 420 St. Joseph & Denver City Railroad. St. Joseph (high water in Beattie —------- - 98.5 1, 302 Missouri River) -0..... 0 820 Marysville. ——........ 112 1, 164 St. Joseph (low water in Hanover ----------—... 127.5 1, 236 Missouri River). —..... —--—. 800 Hollenburg --—.-.....- 136.5 1, 267 Wathena. —.... —-. —--- 4. 5 824 Steele City.. —------—. 141 1, 277 Troy —. —------—. —- 13 1, 099 Fairbury ---------. —-. 152 1, 324 A. & N. Junction —------ 14.5 1,117 Alexandria ----------—. 166. 5 1,416 Norway ---—. --—. —-- 18 1, 049 Belvidere-.-. -.-...... 175.5 1,509 Ryan. —--—.. —-. —-—.- 22 900 Carleton. —----—. —--- 183 1, 562 Severance-.. —-. —------ 24 910 Davenport.... -. —----- 190.5 1, 668 Wolf River Crossing -... 25 907 Eden —----—. -------- 200 1, 737 North Robinson. -. —----- 33 957 Fairfield ------------—. 208 1, 788 Manville --------------- 36.5 980 Georgetown.-. —. —-... 217.5 1, 852 Hiawatha —------------- 42 1,102 Hastings. —.. —.. —---- 226 1,944 Hamlin —-- -----—. —-- 49.5 991 Idaho. —--—. —. — -—. 234.5 2, 011 Sabetha -.. —-----------. 60 1,316 Jefferson —------- ---—. 242. 5 2, 087 Seneca. —------—.- - --- 77 1,162 Fort Kearney — -.. —-- 261 2, 130 Axtell ----.... —. —--—. 88.5 1,371 Kearney Junction. —--- 267 2,157 44 LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. Manhattan branch of the St. Joseph & Denver City Railroad, (From near A. & N. Junction to Manhattan, Kansas.) Miles. Eleva- Miles. Elevation. tion. Feet. Feet. Junction - --- -........- 0 1,124 Soldier Creek. -57.5 1,148 Little Grasshopper Creek. 25 976 Summit.-. ------—. — 65 1, 400 ~Walhut Creek. 29 974 Red Vermillion ------- 72. 5 1, 054 Netawalka.. --- -.. —-- - 36.5 1,148 Louisville ----—. 87. 5 1, 014 Circleville -51.5 1, 124 Manhattan.. 102. 5 1, 042 Branch of the St. Joseph and Denver City Railroad, (Fromz a point between Hanover and Hollenburg to the Republican River.) Little Blue River....-. 0 1,234 Belleville.. —-- -—. —-. 43. 5 1, 544 Washington.. -. 11. 5 1, 324 Republican River. ——. 53. 5 1, 439 Mill Creek. 2. 5 1,284 UTion Pacific Railroad. Omaha (track at depot) - 0 1, 060 Potter ------- ---------- 433 4, 408 Summit Siding.- --. 4 1, 180 Antelope............... 451 4,750 Gilmore. --- — 10 1,014 Bushnell. —----------- 463 4, 898 Papillion. —. —- ---- 15 1,010 Pine Bluffs -. 473 5, 064 Elkhorn ----- ---------- 29 1,188 Egbert --—.. —-------- 484 5, 310 Valley ------------------ 35 1,158 Hillsdale...... —.. ---—. 496 5, 629 Fremont. —-—. —-- 47 1,214 Archer. — 508 6, 038 North Bend. ---— 62 1,297 Cheyenne... 516 6, 075 Schuyler- -... —-- 76 1, 373 Hazard - - 523 6, 363 Columbus ------- ---- - 92 11, 470 Otto.- - 531 6, 756 Jackson ----------—. 99 1, 508 Granite Cation.......... 536 7, 329 Silver Creek -------—. 109 1, 572 Buford 542 7, 810 Clark's. —--- -...... 121 1, 648 Sherman. —---- -----—. 549 8, 271 Lone Tree. —--------—. 132 1,724 Harney. —----—. —--- 558 7, 885 Chapman. -----. - -142 1, 798 Red Buttes. —--- -- 564 7, 360 Grand Island.. —- -. 154 1, 798 Fort Sanders - -..-..... 570 7, 185 Pawnee --—. —-—. —--- 162 1, 945 Laramie. —.. ——..... 573 7, 143 Wood River. —----- 172 2, 012 Wyoming.. —----—.. 587 7, 087 Gibbon. —--—. ---—. -—. 183 2, 084 Cooper's Lake --------- 602 7, 062 Kearney.- -. 191 2,144 Lookout - -.. —-- 606 7,185 Stevenson. —--------- 201 2, 08 Miser ---—. —-------- 614 6, 824 Elm Creek ----------- 212 2,279 Rock Creek.-. ——. —- 623 6,703 Overton... —------- 221 2, 343 Como ----- - - 638 6,692 Plum Creek -—.- -..- 230 2, 408 Medicine Bow ----—..- 645 6,561 Coyote. ------- 240 2, 478 Carbon. —---—. —--- 656 6, 760 Willow Island ---------- 250 2, 549 Simpson. ------ --- 662 6, 907 Warren -------- -—. 60 2, 608 Percy -------------- 669 6, 958 Brady Island --—. ----- 8 2,675 Dana.............. 675 6, 882 McPherson 277 2, 735 St. Mary's ---------—. 680 6, 757 North Platte --—.. —. 291 2, 827 Fort Steele.. —. —. 696 6, 845 Nichols — 299 2, 920 Grennville -----—. —-- 704 6, 564 O'Fallon ------- ------- 308 3, 014 Rawlins.... ——.- —. — 709 6, 735 Alkali.-. —---- ---- - 322 3, 076 Separation. -- -- 723 6, 901 Roscoe.- -. 332 3, 143 Creston -----—.. -— 7. 737 7, 030 Ogallalla. —------ ---—. 342 3, 228 Wash-a-kie.- -...... 752 6,696 Brul6 ----- -. ——.. —-. 351 3, 304 Red Desert. ——.. —--- 761 7, 708 Big Spring...-......... 361 3, 363 Table Rock.. —------—. 775 6, 887 Julesburg --------—... 377 3,538 Bitter Creek. 785 6, 681 Lodoe Pole -- -397 i 3, 838 Black Buttes. —--.. 794 6, 595 Sidney. 414 4,111 Point of Rocks - -.. 805 6,484 LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. 45 Untion Pacific Railroad-Continued. Miles. Eleva- iles. levaMiles. Miles. tion. tion.. Feet. Feet. Salt Wells.-. —- ---—. 817 6, 353 Piedmont.... —---—.... 937 6, 528 Rock Springs —....... 831 6, 272 Aspen.......... 955 7, 825 Green River ---------—. 845 6,130 Wahsatch -.......-..... 966 6, 870 Bryan. —--------------- 858 6, 328 Castle Rock....... 975 6, 282 Granger........ 876 6, 257 Echo --- -- -—. —-. --- 991 5, 507 Church Buttes —-. ——. 887 6, 303 Weber.- -. 1, 007 5, 096 Carter -. —-- —. -.-... 904 6, 535 Devil's Gate - - 1, 019 4, 835 Bridger —..... 913 6, 760 Uintah.- -1, 024 4, 524 Leroy. - 928 7,110 Ogden. --------—. —- 1, 032 4, 303 Central Pacific Railroad. Ogden.......-. 0 4, 303 Humboldt —...-.... 460 4, 262 Bonneville -.........8 4, 310 Oreana. —-----—. —---- 482 4,206 Corinne....... 23 4, 294 Lovelock's - - 493 4, 100 Blue Creek.. 41 4, 360 Brown's.- -509 3, 955 Promontory.-........ 52 4, 943 White Plains -.. —--. 521 3, 921 Rozel 60 4,6(00 Hot Springs. —...-.. 536 4, 098 Monument.. —. —..... 73 4, 290 Wadsworth- -.. —--- 555 4, 104 Kelton - 91 4, 500 Clark's.- - 570 4, 290 Matlin. 107 4, 821 Camp 37 —....-... 582 4, 400 Terrace-.-.............. 121 4, 450 Reno -—.. ——....- 590 4, 525 Lucin -................. 146 4, 400 Verdi California -...- 601 4, 915 Tecoma-........... 155 4,600 Boca -------------- 616 5, 560 Montello -............ 165 4, 800 Truckee — 625 5, 866 Loray. —-------------- 174 5, 400 Summit ----- ---- 639 7, 042 Toaio -- 183 5, 964 Cisco. ----— 6. —-- 652 5,911 Pequop --------------—. 195 6,180 Emigrant Gap. —-- - 660 5, 300 Independence. 204 6,115 Blue Caon..- - - - -.. 665 4, 700 Wells-2............... 219 5, 650 Alta. —............ 674 3, 6-25 Tulasco..-....... 227 5, 418 Dutch Flat ----—.. —- 677 3, 425 Halleck-251 5., 220 Gold Run - -679 3, 245 Osino ---... ——. 265 5, 100 Colfax -........... 690 3, 448 Elko.. —- - ----- 275 5, 030 Auburn.. 708 1, 385 Moleen-2... 287 5, 000 Newcastle -. —---- -- 713 920 Carlin..-.............. 298 4, 930 Rocklin.- -722 269 Be-o-wa-we..-....... 326 4, 717 Junction.-...7-......26 189 Shoshone-. 336 4, 665 Arcade. - -736 76 Argenta. —.......... 347 4, 575 Sacramento. —..... 744 56 Battle Mountain. - 359 4, 534 Stockton-7 -. 792 46 Stone House - 378 4, 4 i9 Livermore. ----- ---- 835 520 Golgoonda..-...... 402 4, 419 San Jos6. —-—... 855 114 Winnemucca.- 4 419 355 San Francisco...... 882 0 Raspberry.... 440 4,354 Saint Paul & Pacific Railroad. FProlll St. Paul. Low water in Mississippi River at Saint Paul -----------—. —---- 0 676 Saint Paul Depot.-. —------------ ---—.-.-.-.-.-. — 0 689 Base of the capitol, Saint Paul-. —-----..-0-........... O 7829 Bluffs head of Robert street. —-------------- -----------------—. -- 901 Summit avenue bluff. - -- -- -- ---------. —--------------- -------- 910 Summit, between Saint Paul and Saint Anthony, 3 feet cut.............. 5 Junction at Saint Anthony -...-.-.-......... ----- - -- ------ 9. 5 829 Mississippi River. low water, at Nicollet Island, Saint Anthony ----. 9. 5 791 Minneapolis Station —------------------ 10.5 821 Mississippi River, low water, half-mile below Saint Anthony's Falls.... 9.5 711~ 46 LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. Saint Paul & Pacific Railroad-Contiuued. From ElevaSt. Paul. tion. Miles. Feet. Self's Lake, water ----------------- --— 17 842 Wayzata Station -. ——. ——.. —-.. —--------—. —.. —- -... —-... —-. 24 922 Lake Minnetonka, water --------------------— 25 913 Long Lake Station -.. —----—. —--—. ——. —-. —----------. —----- 28 940 Crow River crossing, track. —-..........-....................... 40 914 Delano. ——... —--—. —-----------—.. ——.. —----—. —--------- 40 914 Waverly Station -------------------------------------------------- 48.5 998 Twelve-mile Creek ——. —----------------------------------------- 51.5 986 Hioward Lake - ------- ----—. —--—. —----------—. —-------------- 54 1, 040 Smith Lake.. —----—. —-.. —-—. —----------------------------- 57 1, 040 59 1,043 Sucker Creek, track ——.. —. —--—. —-—.. —-—. —-—.- -------—. 60 1, 003 Sucker Creek, water —------------—.. —-. —-—. —----------- ------- 60 979 62 1,068 Cokato Station, at Collingwood Creek.. —-----—. —------------------ 64 1, 013 67.5 1,107 Level of marsh-.6.. ----------------------------- ----------------—. 68.5 1,078 69.5 1,108 Darwin, Big Prairie 72 1,118 Litchfield Station —----------- ------------- ------ ------ 79 1, 116 Swede Grove Station.. —---- -------- ---------------------------- 86 1,177 Anderson's Hill, cut fifteen feet -------— 8 —---------- --- -- 9 1, 202 Summit, Atwater —. —--------—. —----------. —----—.. —------ -. 91 1, 198 Cut 10~ feet. —-....- ------------------------—. ----- -- 92 1,228 Highest point on line, cut three feet —. —--.-... —---------—. —--- -. 95. 5 1, 255 Very rolling surface to Kandiyohi Station. —------—.. -—. —-. —-- ---- 98 1, 207 Willmar, Foot Lake ------—. —--—. ——. —----------- -------- - - 105 1, 115 Saint John's. —--- -—. ——. ——. —-. ——. ——. ——. —--—. —------ 110. 5 1,107 Nearly level to Kirkhoven —---— 118 1, 095 Smooth surface to De Graff Station-1.1. —-. ——. ——. —---------- 12- 7, 047 Sharp summit, cut sixteen feet ---—. —-----------—. —--—. ------ -. 132 1, 052 Gradual descent, smooth surface, to Benson Station.- -.................. 134 1, 033 Chippewa River, bridge track. —----------. ——. —----—.. ——. ——. 135. 5 1, 021 Chippewa River, water -. —-------—. — ------. ——.. —--- ----- -. 135. 5 1, 012 Gradual ascent, smooth surface, to Randall Station --—.... —--—. —-- 141 1, 036 Gradual ascent, smooth surface, to 147-mile post ------ ----- 147 1,060 Hancock Station... —-—. —------------------------------—.. —- ---- 150 1, 141 Sunmit ----. —. —------—. —-—.. —-—. —---------- - --------- -—. 151. 5 1,158 Pomme de Terre River, track-..-.. —---------—. ——.. —----------- 155. 5 1, 064 Pomme de Terre River, water —---------------------- 15. 5 1, 053 Morris Station --------------- ----- ------- 159 1, 113 Sunmmit 161-mile post. ——... —. ----- ----—. —- ---- -...- -..- -.. —. 161 1, 142 Smooth surface to Douglas Station. —-----------—.. ——.. —--------- 167. 5 1, 112 Gradual descent, smooth surface to Herman Station -----------------—. 178 1,054 Smooth surface to Mustinka Creek -- —..............- ------------ -. 184. 5 1, 012 Smooth surface to Gorton —--------- ----------- --- --— 185. 5 1, 008 Smooth surface to Tiutah... —--------------- -.. —------------- ---- 194. 5 982 Smooth surface to Rabbit Run -------------------------------------- 201 968 Smooth surface to Campbell Station. ——... —-. —--------------------- 202 968 Smooth surface to Doran Station ----------- ------ 209 959 Smooth surface to Breckenridge Station --------------- 217 948 Branch line of the Saint Paiul & Pacific Railroad, (From Saint Anthony to Brainerd.) Junction at Saint Anthon-y —-----. —......................... 9.5 829 Manomin --; -— 1 —---—. ----—.- -. —--. - -..7.........-.1.7,. 833 Rice Creek, water level............................................. 17 807 Coon Creek, water level —- --------—....... —--...........21. 5 817 Anoka.......................................................... 27 869 LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. 47 Branch line of the Saint Paul & Pacific Railroad-Continued. From ElevaSt. Paul. tion. Miles. Feet. Rum River, water level. —-... ——. —-.. —----—.. —----—....../ 27. 5 831 Itaska-. —. —-— A —--. —.. —---....................... 34 886 Elk River Station -----------—. —----- —. ----—.- —. —.... 39 894 Elk River, water level. —--—. —. —-----------—. —.- -....-....... 43 881 Big Lake Station.... —-----—.......... —----------—.....-. 48 921 Becker -. —-----—. —. —-..... —------------------------ 56 963 Clear Lake Station -.. —--------—..-............... —............ 63 984 Saint Cloud, east shore of Mississippi River ---....................... 73. 5 1, 011 Saint Cloud, west shore of Mississippi Rive r -. —---.. —---------- 75 1, 025 Mississippi River at Saint Cloud, water -. —--------—. —-.-... -..-....... 953 Mississippi River at Sank Rapids, water -—... —-—..- -..-....-. - -- 982 Sank Rapids Station —-.. —..... —--.- ---..- -............... 76 999 Watab Station ---------------------------------------—. 82 1, 048 Little Rock River, track -. —-----—. —---------—. —-------—.. 85 1, 015 Little Rock River, water -------------------------- ----- 85 1, 002 Langola Station -—.. —......... —-- -8 —-.. -—. —..... —--- 89 1, 054 Platte River, track -—..-. —----—. -----------------.. -. —... 95 1, 064 Platte River, water —. ——.-9 —--------—.. —-. —-- -. -.. —-.-... 95 1, 054 Bellevue ------------------------- -------------------------------- 96 1, 075 Smooth surface to Little Falls, track -—... —--- —. —.......... 106 1,109 Smooth surface to Belle Prairie --—. —--------—. —----------—,.. 11125 Summit ---......... —----—. —----—. --—............ 118.5 1,167 Fort Ripley -.-... —. —.-.-....... —..-...-.. —..-.............. 120 1, 153 Nokay River, water ----- 1 —— 2 —--------- ---- -------- - 10 1, 134 Crow Wing. —--------------—...-.., - -.-...................... 127 1,181 Buffalo Creek ----------------—. -—. — ----------------------- 133. 5 1, 198 Buffalo Creek, low water... —-------—. —----- -—..- -. - ----—.. 133. 5 1, 167 Summit between Buffalo and Buckhorn Creeks -. —-------—. —.-..-.. 134. 5 1,196 Buckhorn Creek, track --.. ——. —-.-...... —.-.. —----------- 136 1, 159 Buckborn Creek, low water -----------—. —-----—. —------ -—.. 136 1, 141 Broken surface to Brainerd, Northern Pacific Junction.. —---- -....-... 137 1, 208 Saint Vincent branch of the Saint Paul & Pacific Railroad. East Saint Cloud Station ------—. —---------... —--—.-. —--------- 74 1,011 Low water in Mississippi River at Saint Cloud ----—. —--. —----- 74 953 West Saint Cloud -.-. —----—. —-------—.... —. —.. —---------- 75 1, 025 Sank River, track -... —- -—.. —-----------------—. —.. 78. 5 1, 034 Sank River, first crossing, water --—. —----—.. —-----. —-—. ——.- 78. 5 1, 017 Sharp Ridge, cut fifteen feet ---------—.. —-------. —--—. - ----- 79 1, 039 Saint Joe --------— 8 —-— 2 —-—. — ----------------------...... 82 1, 074 Watab Creek, track -----------------------------------------. 83. 5 1,058 Sharp Ridge, cut seventeen feet --—. —.. ——. ——. —--------------- 86 1, 086 Broken surface to summit -. —-. —. —--------------------------- 87. 5 1,136 Broken surface to Avon - - ---—. —-—. ——. —-—. —------------- 90 1, 116 Broken surface to Two Rivers, water.-94-.. -........................ 5 1, 124 Broken surface to Albany 96. 95 1, 187 Broken surface to summit, near 99-mile post —-. —------—.. —-.. —-- 99 1, 236 Broken surface to Getchell's Creek, water -----—. —------—.. —-.. - 101 1, 181 Broken surface to Oakes, a summit -—....- --—. —.-.. —----—. 103 1, 228 Broken surface to Sank River, second crossing, water ---—...... —--- 106 1,157 Broken surface to Melrose —-----------—. —. —--------------------- 108 1, 196 Smooth surface to third crossing of Sank River, second crossing, track -. 111 1, 199 Third crossing of Sank River, water-111 1, 187 Broken surface to summit, cut fifteen feet, section 24, township 126, range 34 ----...-. ——..... ——. —-- ------—. ---—. —-. —-.. 114 1,280 Broken surface to fourth crossing Sank River, track --. —-.. —------- 116 1,226 Sank River, low water —--—.. —-—. —--. —-. —-—. —------—. —.- - 116 1, 243 Smooth surface to Sank Center Station - -- --------. —---- -----—. —-.117 1, 239 Broken surface, cut of fourteen feet - —...- -......... —-------------- 120 1, 293 Broken surface to summit, cut of seventeen feet 1............... 121 1, 312 4'8 LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. Saint Vincent brainch of the Saint Paul & Pacific Railroad.c-Continutied. From ElevaSt. Paul. tion. Miles. Feet. Creek, track.-1 —-—....22......... 122. 5 1,266 Undulating surface to West Union Station.-.......... —-—. —-- 125 1, 323 Broken surface to Osakis Station.- 131 1, 328 Summit, section 22, township 128, range 36 ------------------------- 132. 5 1, 394 Broken surface to 135-mile post ------------------------------------ 135 1, 327 Victoria ------- ----------------------------------- ------ ---- 136 1, 366 138-mile post ---—. —----. —---- --------.. — —... 138 1, 403 Broken surface to creek, track. --—. —-------- -- 139. 5 1, 359 Broken surface to Alexandria-...- -. ----------------------------—. 142 1, 382 Very broken surface to Ida Station --------------------.. —--- 151 1, 402 Broken surface to Chippewa River, track -158 1, 360 Chippewa River, water ------------- -------------- - 158 1, 3?0 Evansville Station, cut twenty-eight feet, fill immediately of fifteen feet- 160 1, 345 Very broken surface to summit, cut thirty feet.- -----------—.. - 161 1, 369 Very broken surface to Christina Station, cut and fill at Christina of forty-two feet.-. —---- -------------—.... —-—. 166 1, 219 Very broken surface to summit, cut five feet —- -----------------—. 169. 5 1,287 Very broken surface to Saint Oloff.-. —------------------------—. 173. 5 1, 335 Very broken surface to summit, cut three feet -----. —---. —-----—. 176 1, 257 Very broken descent to Pomme de Terre River, track -........ 179 1, 230 Pomme (le Terre River, water. —-—. —------- 179 1,196 Pomme de Terre River, bottom -. —--------------------------------- 179 1,192 Broken surface to Tumuli Station. --— 1 ——... ——. —.. —-. 180 1, 196 Broken and irregular descent to Reed River Crossing, water.- -—...... 186. 5 1, 062 Red River, bottom ----- ------------—. ——. —----—. 186. 5 1, 017 Ried River Falls Station.-............................... 187 1,122 Undulating, slow descent to 192-mile post.- -----—.... 192 1, 099 Section 1, township 133, range 45 ---—. —— 2... ---.. -—. 00 1, 067 Smooth surface to 204-mile post -2.. —-. —--------------—. 204 1, 064 Section 15, township 135, range 45. —----------------------------- 210 1, 096 Smooth surface to 212-mile post -. --------—. —--------------—. 212 1, 105 Smooth surface to 216-mile post ------------------------------—. 216 1, 029 Smooth surface to section 31, township 137, range 45.. —-. — -------- 220 1, 019 Smooth surface to Wilson River, track -------------- ------- 222 1, 003 Wilson River, bottom. —---.. —-- 222 988 Smooth surface, slow descent to Glyndon, N. P. R. R. Junction. —----- 238. 5 923 Smooth surface to Buffalo River, track --—. —-. — ---. —-- --- 241. 5 919 Buffalo River, water-. —------------------------ 241. 5 906 Buffalo River, bottom ------- ------------- ---------- 241. 5 901 Smooth, level sur'ace, Averill Station. ——....... —----- ------ - 246 918 Smooth surface to Felton Station ------------— 2 —-—. 53 916 Smooth surface to Borup Station --—............ —-. —--... —---- 259 912 Smooth surface to Wild Rice River and Station, track -----— 2 —.. —.. 266 910 Wild Rice River, bottom.-....-. —------ ---—.. —--- ----------- 266 896 Wild Rice River, water. —--------------------. - ---—. —-. —. — 266 901 Smooth surface to Elm Creek, water -— 2 —---------------. —--- 268 891 Smooth surface to Stanley Station -2 —-... ——. —---- ---—..-.. 273 902 Smooth surface to Rolette Station.-.. —---- ------------—.- 280 894 Smooth surface to Beltramli Station ---------------------------------- 285. 5 903 Smooth surface to Sand Hill River, water. —------------------------ 286 899 Smooth surface to Kittson Station. —--------- ---------------------- 296 886 Smooth surface to top of first bluff, Red Lake River —-—. 302. 5 862 Red Lake River, track on bridge ------------------ --—. ——. —- 302. 5 848 Red Lake River, water level. —--- -—. —------------—. —-—.. 302. 5 841 Red Lake River, bottom -..- - --------.. —---- ---. —----- 302. 5 824 Top of bluff on north side Red Lake River - --------.. —--—. — -- 303 869 Smooth surface, gentle ascent to summit.-. —----------------------- 308 889 Smooth surface to 310-mile post. 310 904 Smooth surface to 320-mile post -.::: —----------- 320 886 Smooth surface to 330-mile post... 330 843 Smooth surface to Snake Hill River, water.-........ —-----—. —------ 333. 5 841 The valley is just a mile across, with single well-defined bluffs. LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. 49 Saint Vincent branch of the Saint Paul & Pacific Railroad.-Continued. From ElevaSt. Paul. tion. Miles. Feet. Smooth surface to 340-mile post.. — —.- ------ ---- 340 851 Smooth surface to Middle River, track —- ---- - 343. 5 847 Middle River, water -----------------------------------—. —------ 343. 5 834 Middle River, bottom.-.. —---- ------—..- --—. —------------ 343. 5 831 Smooth surface to section 8, township 157, range 48. —--. —-—.. ——. 350 839 Smooth surface to Tamarack River, track - - - 351 830 Tamarack River, water - - -351 817 Tamarack River, bottom —-. ----------. —------------ ---- ---------.51 815 Smooth surface to south branch of Two Rivers, track. —. —----- - 375 815 South branch of Two Rivers, water.. —---------...... —----------—. 375 803 South branch of Two Rivers, bottom -----—.. ——.- ------—. —.. 375 787 Smooth surface to north branch of Two Rivers, track -----—. — -. 380 801 North branch of Two Rivers, water - - - 380 787 North branch of Two Rivers, bottom.- - - 380 781 Smooth surface to 392-mile post. —--- ---------------- ---. 392 798 Slow, irregular descent to the immediate bank of Red River, track ---- 394 791 Saint Vincent, bank of Red River --------------------—. —---------- 394 792 Saint Vincent, bottom of Red River - - 394 744 Saint Vincent, high water of 1866. —-...... —... —--.-.. —- 394 787 Saint Vincent, usual water-surface.- - - 394 758 NOTE.-From mile-post 131 to 188 there are frequent fills and cuts. Saint Paul & Siozux City and Sioux City & Saint Paul Railroads. Belle Plaine.... —. —--— 7 781 Blakeley. —--------------------—.. —-----. ——. —----------- 52 785 East Henderson.. —----------------- --------—. —------—. —--- 791 Le Sueur.. —----—. --------- --- - -------- I63 811 Ottawa ----------- ------------------- ---------------—.- --- ---- 69 847 Kasota. —-. —----------.. ------------------------------------- 77 853 Mankato ------------------- -------—. —----- -------------------- 86- 849 South Bend. —-------- -------------— 9. —-—.- --------------- 90 866 Lake Crystal.. --—.. ——. —-—. —---------- -. ——... —----- 100 1, 053 Madelia --------------- ----------— 1 —---- --------—. ——.- ---- 110 998 Saint James. ----------—.... —---------------—. —------------- 121.. 1,058 B utterfield.. -. -.......................- 130 1, 163 Mountain Lake -........... —.. ------------------- - ------- 137 1, 277 Bingham Lake..... —----------------—.. —-—.... —-.. —-.- 143 1, 397 Wiridom.... —148 1, 326 Wilder ------—.. -—.... —... -............ —-- ----—.- 154 1,423 Heron Lake.. —--—. —---------- ----... —-------... —. —-- 160 1, 394 Hersey... —-- 170 1, 465 Worthington. —--—. —-... —------ ----- 178 1,563 Bigelow.. —-----—. —. —-----—....... ——.. ——... —----—. —-- 188 1,603 Sibley... —. 196 1,485 Le Mars... -- - —. - - - - - —.. - - -- - - --- - - - -.- 245 1,196 Saint Paul, Stillwater & Taylor's Falls Railroad. Saint Paul (low water in Mississippi River).......................... 0 676 Saint Paul (high water in Mississippi River).-... 0 697 Junction with Saint Paul & Pacific Railroad... 5 762 Crossing, Lake Superior & Mississippi Railroad, Phalen's Creek, track.. —...... 817 Grade of Lake Superior & Mississippi Railroad here is twenty feet lower -- - 797 Phalen's Creek, (bottom,) third crossing. —--------- --—.. —---....... 2... 791 Broken surface to second crossing of Phalen's Creek, track............ 3 841 Phalen's Creek, second crossing, bottom......................... 3 826 4LE 50 LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. Saint Paul, Stillcater & Taylor's Falls Railroad-Continued. From ElevaSt. Paul. tion. Miles. Feet. Broken surface to first crossing of Phalen's Creek, track..3. 5 859 First crossing of Phalen's Creek, bottom-3................. 3. 5 841 Broken surface to creek at Ames's farm, track --- 4.5 911 Creek at Ames's farm, bottom -. —---. —----.. —----. —. —--- -- 4. 5 880 Broken ascent to beginning of descent to the Mississippi River, cut fifteen feet --------------------------------------------—. —------ - 6 976 Broken surface to Tamarack Swamp, track. 6. 5 966 Tamarack Swamp, natural surface -----—.. —---- - - 6. 5 961 Summit one-half mile west of Oakdale Station, cut ten feet -.. —. —--- 8 996 Oakdale Station ----- --- ---- ------------------------------ 8.5 967 Broken surface to the level of Lower Bass Lake.-................... 12 874 Level of Upper Bass Lake.-... ——................. —--......... 12 888 Bass Lake Station -... 12 921 Nearly level and smooth surface to Weir's Station -,................ 13 911 Summit four miles from Stillwater - -. —-------------------------- - 15 917 Crossing West Wisconsin Railroad, cut seventeen feet.-..-. —-. —-. 15. 5 875 Broken descent to marsh, bottom -...-........ —--—. —-—. 17. 5 741 Center of gravel ridge one and a half miles from Stillwater, cut fifty feet ---------------—. -------------—. —-. ——. —------------ 17.5 761 Broken descent to high water at Stillwater ------------—... —-.- 19 675 Low water in Saint Croix Lake at Stillwater.- -. ——. ——, —-—. --- 19 655 / Lakce Superior & Mississippi Railroad. From Duluth. Surface of Lake Superior at Duluth in 1870.......................... 0 600 Duluth. —--------------- ---—. —---.. —-----------—. —--. -- 0 605 Thomson, Dalles of the Saint Louis River.-.-2 —-— 2 —-------- 24 1, 027 Highest point on entire line, both of grade and natural surface.-...... 33 1, 166 Moose Lake Depot.-.. —-. —.. —-... —... —---..- - -—.- 45 1, 052 Kettle River Depot. ground a little to the north and south fifteen to twenty feet higher-..-...-..............-. —------------------------,, 60 1, 112 Hinckley, at Grindstone River ---—. —--—... —- -.7. 78 1, 023 Lowest place between Hinckley and next summit - -.............. - -......... 1, 005 Summit ---------------.. — --------. —--------------—. —- —, 80 1, 023 Summit, 20 feet higher than at one-half mile to the north or south.-.... 86 985 Pine City, at Snake River.-..... —----. ----------- 90 944 Two and a half miles south of Snake River, at summit..- - —................ - - 978 Rush City, at creek'. ——.. —-.. —-.... ——. —--. —-—.-.. —-- 101 908k Goose Lake ---------------------------------- -------- ---------.... 886 Between.Goose Lake and North Branch --. --------------- - —. —..... 915 North Branch, at creek. —---------- -.. --- ---,- - 113 883 Between North Branch and Wyoming ---—. —-.. —-—. —--- -.....- 906 Wyoming, at the river -—.. —-------—. —. — -. — - -. 125 887 Wyoming Depot ----- —... —-.. —-—. —. —------------..- 125 897 Forest Lake Depot. —. --—. — -—. —-----....- - --—. -. 129 904 Summit between Forest Lake and Rice Creek. —--—. 132 953 Rice Creekt. —----—.. —--. —-—. —----—. —--—. —. - 1331 916 Centreville Depot............ —-------.......... —--- --...- -.. 138 927 Junction at White Bear Lake --- -. —--------- —. —----- - 143 920 Summit between White Bear Lake and Saint Paul, eight feet cut- 1451 959 Between Phalen's Lake and Saint Paul ---------------—. —--------- 151~ 870 Lowest known water in Mississippi River at St. Paul (extreme range twenty-one feet) 155 676 Highest known'water in Mississippi River at Saint Paul..-............ 155 697 ~ Descending gradually from Rush City to Goose Lake. t Country generally level for five miles south of Rice Creek. LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. 1 Northern Pacific Railroad. From ElevaDuluth. tion. Miles. Feet. Duluth, level of Lake Superior --—......... —0 —..... —----- 0 600 Junction, natural ground —-—. ---- ---------- -- 24 1, 079 Junction, grade. ——. —-. —-—. —-----...- -. —------------ 24.2 1,080 Otter Creek, bed of creek ------------------------------------------ 27 1, 126 natural ground —---. —. —-.-.............. — 34 1, 1,333 Norman, grade -------—..-. —-..-.-.... —.. —. —------------ 34. 1 1,322 Kettle River, bed of river -—. --------—. —--..- -.-. —-—....... 41. 7 1, 285 natural ground........... ---------------------- 44. 7 1, 329 Island Lake, grade ------------------------------------ 46 1,305 Tamarack River, bed of river.. ——. —------—. —----------------—. 51. 7 1,285 natural ground. —.......... —..-.. —--------- 51.9 1,309 natural ground --------------------------------. 55.2 1, 278 Sicottes, grade.. ——..-.....-.-.... —. —---—.. —.. —---------- 58. 1 1,265 Hay River, bed of river --—.. ——. —-... —........................62. 2 1, 222 natural ground. —------------—... -..-..... —--- 62. 8 1, 238 Sandy River, bed of river ---—... —---—... —----—... —-.- --- 65. 4 1,213 natural ground..-.-... —. —-----—.. —-.. —-—. - 72. 3 1,212 natural ground......- -......... 73. 8 1,260 Kimberly, grade —-—.. —----—. —. —..- -----------..-..... —------ 76 1, 231 Rice River, bed of river. —-. —...-.......... —. —---—.. ---------—. 76. 5 1, 203 natural ground --------- - --- - 80. 8 1,248 Sisabagama Creek, bed of creek.. —-... —--—. —-. ——....- -..... — 83. 35 1, 200 natural ground. —-—. —------—.... —------—. 85.3 1,235 Aiken, grade. ——. —--—........ —-----—. —-----------—.... —. — 87.1 1,202 Mud River, bed of river ----—. —-----------—. —-... ——..... ——. 87. 7 1, 186 natural ground - —.-.......... ——...-......... 90. 2 1, 2 L8 Cedar River, bed of river -—. —-...-.. —---- -—. —---—. -—. -—.. —- 91. 8 1, 193 natural ground --. —---—. ——. —-—.... —.. —--- -- 97. 5 1,299 Withing ton, grade. —-. —..-....-....... —--------------—. — 98.2 1,266 natural ground -.... —----—.....-..-................ 103. 6 1, 297 Brainard, grade. —-. —---. —. —-----------—.... —...... —------ - 115 1,204 Mississippi River, bed of river ---—. —-... — --------------—. — --—. 115. 5 1,138 Banks of the Mississippi River, grade.................................. 1,204 Frenchman's, grade ----------- -120. 6 1,199 natural ground........................................ 120.9 1,206 Gull River, bed of river —.-.... —-—.. —...-...-........... 122. 5 1, 161 natural ground -.-. —...... —. — -------------—..... —.. 124.7 1,204 Pillager Creek, bed of creek.......................................-127. 6 1, 166 Pillager, glade —----------------—.. —------—.. —------—. —--—. 128.2 1,180 Pillager, natural ground. 135. 5 1, 222 Crow Wing River, bed of river..................................... 136.5 1, 197 Motley, grade —-. —------—. —\..................................... 137.1 1,220 natural ground............................................ 141. 5 1, 250 Hayden's Branch, bed of creek.. --------------—. —----—. -—. —-—. 143. 3 1, 224 natural ground -------------- 150. 9 1,342 Aldrich, grade --------- ----------------------------- 151. 3 1, 326 Partridge River, bed of river -----—. —-----------------—. —- ---—. 151. 5 1, 304 natural ground --—. —------—. —-—. —.-......... 155. 3 1, 347 Wing River, bed of river.-......................................... 156.5 1, 312 natural, ground ------—.. —-----—.. —--—.- --.. —--- 158. 2 1,357 Union Creek, bed cf creek -. —.. ——. —.. -..................... 161. 3 1, 320 Wadena, grade. —....... 161.9 1,349 natural ground..................... 164.1 1,354 Leaf River, bed of river...............-........... 166.4 1,307 Frazee, grade- -........"....-......... 174.8 [1,409 natural ground. —---—. —---—.... —. —--—.. ----—. 177. 2 1, 431 Otter Tail River, bed of river......... —....... 183. 4 1, 318 Perham, gradeJ -- 1 185.5 1,366 natural ground -- ------- ------- ---- --- 190.7 1, 379 Otter Tail River, bed of river....................................... 192. 6 1, 335 Hobart, grade -------------------------- 195. 4 1, 384 natural ground. —..............1...................... 196. 1 1,402 Otter Tail River, bed of river....................................... 196.2 1, 353 6~~2 ~LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. Northern Pacific Railroad-Co ntinued. From ElevaDuluth. tion. Miles. Feet. Otter Tail River, natural ground ------------------------------------- 201.4 1,420 Pelican River, bed of river -.. —------------------- 205. 8 1, 337 Detroit, grade-.. ------------------------ 206. 6 1,362 natural ground --—.2 ——.-.-...-..................10-.. 7 1, 406 Oak Lalke, grade -....-...........................-... 210. 9 1, 367 Audubon, grade —.-........................-..... - - - - - - 213. 6 1, 308 natural ground —----------------—. 214.7 1, 267 natural ground —------------------ -. 217.0 1, 348 Lake Side, grade ------------------ ----— 219. 2 1,333 Hay Creek, bed of creek - ------------------- -224. 2 1,200 Hay Creek, bed of creek -2-.- —... — -. —............26. 6 1,167 Buffalo River, bed of river. —-—.- -.-.,-....................227.. 4 1, 150 Buffalo River, bed of river ----------------------------------------- 230. 1 1, 132 Hawley, grade -—.. — -- —.- - - - -..-...-........... 230. 4 1, 150 natural ground ------------------------------------------- 231. 4 1, 195 Muskoda, grade —---- ----------------— 234. 9 1, 083 Buffalo Rivor, bed of river ----—..-....-...........,.............. 238. 3 938 Red River Flats, natural ground —---------------- 242 978 Glyndon, grade.. ---------------- ----— 243. 2 923 Moorhead, grade -—. —. —................. -... -... — - - -. 252 904 Red River, bed of river ----------—.- -.. —. —- —....... 252. 2 857 Red River Banks, natural ground ----—.- -.- -.. - - -.-............. 902 First Cheyenne crossing-. —-—. —-. —--------—.....- —... - - 258 900 Summit between two crossings —..- -........................... 306 1,445 Second Cheyenne crossingo —---.- -..-.................. 311 1,230 Lake Eckelson -----—. —-. —-- ------—......... 329 1,418 Summit between Cheyenne and James Rivers -............ — - -— 342 1,495 James River —-------. —-- ------—................. 346 1,393 On Cotean du Missouri ---------------—.-. —--—...................366 1,861 Divide on Coteau du Missouri —..-............................... 387 1,795 On Coteau du Missouri ---------------------— 425 1, 873 Missouri River, at mouth of Heart River ---..................... 440. 5 1, 700 Southern Minnesota Railroad. Grand Crossing, Mississippi River, opposite La Crosse —-..- - -................. 626 Rushford -------------------------------- 711 Lanesborough —.-. —-—.. —.-.. —. —............................ 831 Isinour's, section 20, township 103, range 10.-. —-. —---—..-..-....... 888 Fountain --—....... —-—......., -......- -.-............... 1, 289 Grand Meadow, section 24, township 103, range 15. —.......................... 1, 325 Section 13, township 103, range 16 ----—. —--—............................ 1, 402 Ramsey, grade Milwaukee & Saint Paul Railroad.-.'.... 1,207 Hayward ---—..-.... —............................................ 1,240 Winnebago City.-.-................ —-----—..... —... —..... -... -- - - 1, 089 Water in Blue Earth River, one mile west of Winnebago City - --------- 1, 004 Section 25, township 104, range 30 -------------------- - 1,106 Section 1, township 103, range 33.-..-...... ——....... 1,215 Section 25, township 104, range 36-1.-. —.... —......................... 1, 381 Water in Des Moines River —........................-....-.-, —--- -- 1, 280 Heron Lake -—. —. —-...-..........-.,-. — -. —..-.... - - —. 1, 361 Graham Lake... —-. —-----—.... -..-.. -.. —....................... 1,403 Section 3, township 102, range 22-1.......,......., -.............. I,315 Section 33, town:ship 101, range 21 ---..- -..................................1, 250 Section 36, township 101, range 24 -------------------- - 1,222 Section 31, township 101, range 24.. —--—.- -..-. — - -.-...... - 1,245 SECTION IV. BAROMETRIC PROFILES. Section across the table land of ]lexico, (Humboldt.) ElevaMiles. tion. tion. Direction, north 650 west: Feet. Vera Cruz —-------------- ------—.-............. 0 0 Cerro Gordo —. —.- - -....-.- -..................... 42 224 Xalapa -----—..-.-.. —.-..-......................... 57 479 San Miguel el Soldado --------—. —. —... —..................... 62 581 Parage de Carros -.. —.... —.- ---........... -....... 69 7, 392 Las Vigas -.- -. — -—.-.. —..-................. 72 7, 821 El Manzanillo -..-...-......................... 78 7,879 Rio Frio ---------------------------— 7,661 Direction, south 520 west: Cruz Blanca - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - 7, 699 Perote -" —--— 85 7, 724 El Porta Chuello. -95. 5 7,839 Venta de Sotto ------------------------ 100.5 7,686 Venta de el Ojo de Agua -1.. —--—.-..-....-............. 112.5 7,469 El Pinal — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 123 8, 364 Acaxete -............................................-....... 130 7, 277 Cocosingo -----—...- --.-.-., — - -................... 137 7,603 Direction, north 76c west: El Puebla de los Angeles -...............-..-............- 152 7,200 San Francisco Ocotlan ----—.. —--------------------------- ---. 162.5 7,680 Saint Martin -................................................. 178.5 7, 712 Venta de Tesmelucos ------------------- - 187.5 8, 269 Venta de el Agua....-....-........................ 191 9, 476 Venta de Rio Frio -------—.. —..- -..-..- -..- -........- 194.5 10, 123 Barancas de Joannes ------------------- - 196.5 10,487 Venta de Cordoba —. —-.-.-................. —.............. 205.5 8,697 Venta de Chalco ----------------------- 212.5 7, 711 City of Mexico —--------------------—. 230 7,469 Direction, south 140 west: San Augustin de las Cuevas.................................... 239 7,615 La Cruz del Marques ------------------------------------------ 251 9, 821 Guchilaque. —-—.............-., -------—.......... 261 8, 013 Cuernavaca —------ - - - - -- - 265 5,429 Puentla de Istla.. —-.-.....-......................... 288 3, 223 Tepecuacuilca-.- - -..- -..-.-.................... 312. 5 3, 319 Fuenta d'Estola —-----.....- -.-.......... —------------ 331.5 2,699 Mescala —---- - -------------------— 356 1,695 Sopilote. —.........................-..................... 365 3,306 Sampango —. —---------—.-.-.. —....................-... 374 3,587 Chilpansingo-.....-...-..._-. — - -.................... 379 4, 527 Masatlan -------------------------— 386 4, 169 Acaguisotla — - -. —...................-.. —.-..-...... 391 3,223 Alto de Caxones —---- -................................... 393 3,741 Venta de Ia Moxonera ------------ - —........................ 402 2, 539 Venta de Tierra Colorada ------------------------------------- 407 1, 311 Yal del Papagayo — - -—..- -..-...- -.................... 409 627 Alto del Peregrino —-------------------------------—.- 411 1,138 Val del Peregrino-.- -..-.......- -. —................ 413 544 Alto de los Pozuellos... —--- ---.... —--—. —--------—... —. 417 1,471 El Exido —---............................................... 433 1,362 Acapulco. —----------------------—....- --- —... 442 0 (53) 54 LISTS OF EI,EVATIONS Plateau qf Mexico —Line from the City of Mexico to Santa Fd, N. M. Miles. Elevation. Feet. Mexico --—. —--------------- - -. —---------- ----—.......Humboldt - - 7, 469 Tula ---------—.H —-------------- ---------- -----—.....Humboldt - -6,733 San Juan del Rio —-------—.. —... —- - -.............Humboldt — —. —-- 6,490 Queretaro. —-—.H —-- ------------ -....- -... -...... Humboldt. -- -- - 6, 362 Celaya ---—.. —. —----—... —-—. —-—. —--. -......Humbo!dt -- -- -- 6, 017 Salamanco. —---—.- -----------—. ----------- —.-.....Humboldt -....-5,761 Guanaxuato —- -.H —-----—. - ---—. —-------—.. —---—.Humboldt.. — -- - 6, 836 Silao -.......,.................................-Burkart —- - -- 5,911 Villa de Leon. —------—. —---------------------------- Burkart —-- --- - 6, 133 Lagas —---- --------—.. ——. —.. —------------------— Burkart - —... - - 6, 376 Aguas Calientes. ——. -—. ——. —----—. —.- --- ------...Burkart -—..- - - 6,261 San Luis Potosi ---------—. —-------------- -----—.-..Burkart. —----- 6, 090 Zacatecas -------—. —---—.. ——. —--- ----------- ----— Burkart -8....- - 8, 038 Fresnillo -----—. —--- --. —--—. —--------------— Burkart —- -.. 7,244 Durango.. —---—.. ——.. —-..... —-....... —-. —.. -..Oleiza.-....- - -- 6, 848 Parras —-—. ——.. —-—. ——.. —.... —----------—.-Wizlizenus.. - -. 4, 985 Saltillo-.......-. ——...- -...-....-.......-.....-.....Wizlizenus..... 5, 240 El Bolson de Mapini-...................................Wizlizenus.. —... 4, 100 Chihuahua -W... —--------------------- -—... —---....Wizlizenus -- 4, 638 Cosiquiriachi. —----------------—. ---—...-.... —---- - Wizlizenus-.. —-- 6, 273 Paso del Norte ---— W —-—. —-------------------------- Wizlizenus - 3, 810 Santa F. —---------------------—.- —.-....... —---.Wizlizenus - -7,047 Survey of the Mexican boundary, by Major W. fH. Emory. Fort Brown, Texas —. —--------------------------—... —----- 165 Ringgold Barracks-.. —-. ——.. — --------.. —---—.- ------------—.. —-- 522 Edinburgh -—.. ——....- ----—.. —-.. —---------—. —------- 422 Fort McIntosh —-----. —. —----—. —--------------------------—. —-- --- 806 Fort Duncan -------------—. —----------------------- -.1 —--—...,- 461 San Antonio ------—. —--—. —------------------------------ 579 Castroville ------------- ----- ---------------------------------- --- 672 Quihi-..... —.. —.... 856 Rio Seco --. —-------------—. —-—. —--------------------—. —-- ---- 937 Comanche Creek - -------- ----.... —-—. —-. — —. ——. — -- ---- 924 Camp near Fort Inge.. —-------. —-----—.. —----.. —---------- 911 Camp near Nueces --—.........-.. - -.. — -... - —..- -... —-. - 932 Elm Creek. —----------—. --—... ——. —-... —------------- -—.-.. —-. 1, 094 Zoqueti Creek -—...... —-... —--.. —------—. —-—. —--------. —-- —. 983 San Felipe —- ------ - ------ ------ ---- ------- 818 Painted Caves-......................................................-. 952 San Pedro River --------------------------------------—. —-—. —-- - --- 1, 810 Second crossing San Pedro River --------------------- ------------ -- 1,843 Head of San Pedro River.. ——.. —-.. ——. ——. —------------------- - --- 1, 681 Howard's Spring ------------ --------------------------------- - --- 2,054 Live Oak Creek --—. —---- --------------- ---------- ------—..... —-.2I, 0)83 Pecos —- --—.. —----- -. —----—. ----------------— 2 —-—. ——, —----- 027 Escondido Spring. —------- ------. —------------—. —-----—. ——. —-- -- 2, 806 Leon Spring - — 3,098 Limpia --------------------—. —.. —---—. —------------ --— 4., —-.. 4004 Head of Limpia. —. —-------------—. —-—.. —-----------------—...4, 688 Eagle Spring- -..... —---- -... —--------.. —---—. ——. —--------------- 4,536 Station near Presidio del Norte -—. —----—. —--. —---------------- - --- -2.2 779 Rio Bravo (where road from San Antonio strikes it) —. —--- - — 3... —-., — 3484 San Elceario ---- ---------------- ---- -------------- ---- - --- 3, 607 Initial point on Rio Bravo (parallel 310 47' N.) -..... —-----------------. —- ---- 3, 684 Frontera............... —-3,.......... 3796 Neides's Spring --—.. ——. ——. —..-. —--------- -----—.. —---..- - --—. 4,310 Cpok's Spring.......................... 4,777 Santa Rita del Cobre...............................................6, 106 LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. 55 Survey of the Mexican boundary, by Major W. H. Emory.-Colntinued. Miles. Elevation. Feet. Ojo de Vaca-.......................................................... 4,989 Carrizalillo. —----------------------------—............... —.- 4, 455 Espia —...-........... —---—.......4.........., —. —.. -- 4,028 Ojo de Inez -----—......... —.-.......... —------- 5,293 Qjo de Perro ---------------------------------------------------—..... 4,692 Alamo de Hueco —----- -—.. —---.. —.-............. —------ 4,650 Ojo de Picacho.-. —-. —----—. -------- ------.. —---- -- ----- 4, 694 Salt Lake (parallel 320 22' N.) ------ ---.. — -----------------. —-- ------ 3, 994 Salt Lake Spring (Playa de los Pimos). —---- ----—. ——. —. —---- ---- 4, 194 Quercus Cation ------—.. —--....... —....-......... —-------. 4, 170 Camp on Gila, near Mount Graham. —-—..-. —--—... —-—. —------- --- 92,976 Summit of San Luis Mountain —---. —----------------------- ------ - - 5, 819 Ojo de San Luis. —................. —---—.-..... ——. —-------....... 5, 044 Guadelupe Cation -------------—. —-----—.. —------ —. —----------—.. 4 448 San Bernardino —.......... — - --—................. —---------—. - -- -- 3, 677 Agua Prieta —--—.. —.. —-------------------—.. —--—.I —-—. —.. —...- 4,017 Spring at head of Rio San Pedro. —----—. —---------------------------—. 4, 384 Rio San Pedro (near parallel 320 22' N.) ------------—.. ——.. ——. ——..- 3,718 Summit of pass near Santa Cruz.. —---..-.. —--------- —.. ——. —- ---.. 5,470 Santa Cruz ---------—. —---—.. —---- ---- ----- -------------—. —--. —- 4,498 Los Nogales ----—. —------—.. —----—. —----------—. —--------------- 3,836 Junction of Gila and Colorado -----------------—.... —----------- -- ----- 75 New initial point on Colorado.. —. —---------—. —-—.. —-. —--. —-. —. 156 Route of Lieutenant Emory, from Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, to San Diego, Calbfornia. Fort Leavenworth --— 0 —------—.. —--------—. —- ----------—. 0 ------- Camp 2, on Stranger's Creek —. —......... —-. —-.-... —-. —-- —.. —--- 1, 044 Camp 3, on Kansas River.... —------ --.. —----—.-..-.. —------—. —---- 850 Camp 4, Oregon Trail, on the Makurissi.... - --—. —-—. ——. —---—. — 43 781 Camp 5, on the Santa F6 road............ —---- - 1, 060 Camp 6, on 110 Creek. —-—. —----------—.- ------—.. —--—. —----- ---- 1, 179 Camp 8, at Big John Spring.. —----—. —. —--.. —-- -------- ----- 124 1, 456 Camp 9, at Diamond Spring --------------------- 144 1,511 Canmp 10, on Cottonwood Stream —. ——. ——. —-----—.. —-.. —-. 173 1, 372 Camp 12, on Little Arkansas..... —-----—. ——. —----------—. —- --- 1, 695 Camp 13, on branch of Cow Creek —----------------- ---------- 231 1,703 Camp 14, on Arkansas River where the Santa F6 road first strikes it - -. 253 1, 642 Camp 15, on Arkansas River —---------...... —. ——. —---------—. —-- --- 1, 840 Camp 16, on the Pawnee Fork.-.. —-—. ——. —-----------—.- -—. 288 1,932 Camp 19, on the Arkansas -----------—... -----—. --—.-.... ---- 2,196 Camp 20, in Jackson Grove. ——... ——. —----------—... —.. —--—. 352 2, 519 Camp 21, on the Arkansas —. —--------------------------- ----- - 2 —..., 652 Camp 22, on the Arkansas.. —--— 2..- —.... —-. —--—. —---—. — ------- 940 Camp 23, on the Arkansas -. —--—.. —------------- ------------—.- 418 2, 988 Camp 24, on the Arkansas ---------------------------------------------- 3, 268 Camp 25, on the Arkansas ---—, —------------------------— 3 —--- I —-- -----, 319 Camp 26, on the Arkansas --- ------------------ ---- 482 3, 396 Camp 27, on the Arkansas --—. —. —-....... -....... ——. —---------- ----- 3, 594 Camp 28, on the Arkansas - -------- ----- -------- --------- ---- 3,779 Camp 29, on the Arkansas --------------- -- -------------- ----- 3, 862 Camp 30, near Bent's Fort — -------—. —----—.. —-.. —----------- 564 3,942 Camp 31, on the Timpa -. —--------—.. -...... —. —--- ---. —-- 4, 523 Camp 32, on the Timpa --- ----—.................................- 598 4,761 Camp 33, at Hole in the Prairie ---—.... —-—. — -—. —----—.. —--- ---;- 5, 560 Camp 34, on the Purgatory - ---—..... —-—.. —. — -......- 651 5, 896 Camp 35, in the valley of the Raton ------------------------------- 668 7, 169 Summit of the Raton --------—... —. —-. —--— 7 ----— 7 —-----. —-- ---- 54 Camp 36, on the Canadian....................... I -..............- 685 6,112 56 LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. Route of Lieutenant Emory, from Fort Leavenworth, &c. —Continued. tion. Feet. Camp 38, on Cummaron Citon.-.-.......,........-. 715 6, 027 Camp 39, on the Ocate.................. —-------................ -—. 6, 946 Camnp 40, at the Pools.-.-....................................... 765 6, 670 Camp 41, on the Sapillo. —..-.-.-.-.-.-........... —---- - - 6, 395 Camp 42, at the village of the Vegas.-............................. 792 6, 418 Camp 43, at Vernal Springs --- -. 811 6,299 Camp 44, one-half mile south of the Pecos.-.... —---------—. 6, 346 Camp 45, on the Pecos, near Pecos Village --,. - --- - 6, 366 Camp 48, two miles below San Felipe. —. 5, 158 Camp 51, near Pualta. —---- -—.. --- -----—. 4, 862 Camp 58, on the Rio del Norte, where the road strikes it.-...... —... 4, 910 Camp 59, one mile south of San Dia -.-.............. —.............. 4, 846 Camp 61, seven miles below Albuquerque, on the Rio del Norte ----.- -. 4, 756 Camp 62, seven miles below Isoletta, on the Rio del Norte. — 959 4, 636 Camp 63, nine miles below Tom6e. —-----------—. —---------- —. --- 4, 670 Camp 66, near Socorro.. ——. —---- ----—. —--—. —-.. -.. 4, 563 Camp 70, oh the east side of the Rio del Norte --..-. —--------- -—. --- 4, 241 Camp 75, in the mountains, between the Rio del Norte and the copper mines -------— 1, —------- 1.54 5, 426 Camp 76, near the copper mines.-................ —6., 6,167 Camp 78, on the Gila --....-. 1, 209 4, 347 Camp 79, on the Gila. —----------------------------- --------- ---- 4, 096 Camp 80, on the Gila-.. —. —-—. — -. —----.. — ----—. 3, 959 Camp 81, on the Gila-.-......................... —... —1, 259 3,732 Camp 82, on the Gila. —------------—. —. —. —-- 3, 615 Camp 83, on the Gila. —-.. ——. --—. —-- ----—. ——. ——. —-—. - 1, 297 3,147 Camp 84, on the Gila. -------- --- 2,969 Ca-mp 85, on the Gila ----------- —.... —....-. ------—. 2, 852 Camp 86, on the Gila.. —-. ——. —-- -------—... 1, 360 2, 674 Camp 87, on Rio San Francisco, two miles from its mouth -------------- 1, 369 2, 557 Camp 89, on Disappointment Creek —.............. 1,390 3, 781 Camp 90, on the Gila. —.-.....-.-.............2, 172. Camp 91, on the San Pedro.-... —------------------------ 1, 428 2,1 15 Camp 92, on the Gila. —--—..... —---.. — —. —-----------—... 2, 122 Camp 93, on the Gila —----- 1,457 1,751 Camp 94, Carson's Plains, on the Gila. —- —. 1,596 Camp 95, Carson's Plains, on the Gila. -- ---------- --- --- 1, 494 1, 419 Camp 96, in the Pimos Village, on the Gila.un............ —.. — - 1, 308 Camp 99, on the Gila. —----------—. - —... —--- ----—. —- - 1,561 -845 Camp 100, on the Gila.-... —------—... —-------..... —------- -—. 501 Camp 101, on the Gila -—..1 ——. —----- ---. —------------------, 600 293 Camp 102, on the Gila.. —-—. ——. —---—. —. —--------- ------- ---- 231 Camp 103, on the Gila. —-—... —-------- --—. —. —------..... 1, 639 236 Camp 104, on the Gila. —2.. —-.... -------.. 248 Camp 105, on the Gila - 1, 665 253 Camp 106, on the Gila, near its mouth.-.. —-- -—. —-—.... —-—. 1, 687 254 Camp 108, on the Jornada. —...... — -- - 210 Camp 109, on the Jornada.-.. —--- ----- -----. —. - -- -- ---- 176 Camp 110, at a salt lake on the Jornada —. —--—.... —--- -.. ----- 52 Camp 111, on the Jornada........................-.............. 1, 786 445 Camp 112, Valla Citron.. — --—. —---......-.- -. 1, 802 1, 539 Divide --—.. —----. —-—. —- -- ------------------- - ----. —---- 2, 670 Camp 114, at Warner's Agua Caliente --..... 1,837 3, 013 Camp 115, Santa Isabella, on Captain Storer's Ranch ----—. —------—. 3, 050 Camp 117, San Pascual................ — -—..- -. —---------- --—. 716 San Diego....... —-........ —---- —. —-- -—. — - --.. -—.- 1, 916 30 LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. 57 Route of Lieutenant Parke, from San Diego, California, to Gila River. (Pacific Railroad Report, Vol. VII.) Miles. Elevation. Feet. Bay of San Diego -----—.0-.,... —.. --..... 0 Mission of San Diego.-....... 7 64 Outlet Cajon Gap. —. —. ——... —-.... —. —-------- 10 101 Head Cajon Gap --— 12 —--—. —-—. ---- ----- ---. ——. 12 283 Cajon Rancho ----------------— 20 —------------. 20 412 Capitan Grande (Indian village) -.............. 32 730 Head Oakwood Canon ---—. —-----—.. —-------—...- - 47 2, 985 Santa Isabel Rancho.-. —---—..- -.. —-—. ——.- - ---—.-... 49 2, 957 Santa Isabel Summit..-.-.-.-.-.-.-............................... 51 3, 360 San Jos6.. —..... 55 2,768 Warner's Rancho -. —-—.._ —................................... 59 3, 022 Warner's Pass. —------ -. —- --- -, — ---—,- ~ ——. ——.. —----- 64 3, 630 San Felipe ---------- 75 2,455 Mouth of cafion (desert valley) --— 8 ------... ——.. ——..- —. —- 80 1,920 Gorge of valley - -- --- --- 87 1,476 Base of mountain (Colorado Desert).. — -.. — --—.. —-.-. — ---- 99 680 Arroyo of Carriso Creek (Colorado Desert).... 110 50 Arroyo of New River (Colorado Desert).. —------—. —------—..- 130 -100 Near Cook's Well (Colorado Desert).. —-. ——. —--------.. —-. 171 500 Mouth of Yuma River (at Fort Yuma). —--------— o —-. —-.. —---- 189 180 Route of Captatn Pope. (Pacific Railroad Report, Vol. II.) Red River, near Preston —...... —- -----.. — 641 Preston —--------., —- 0 790 Big Mineral — - 15 1, 228 East edge of Lower Cross Timbers ------—... —--.. —---- - --- 24 1, 365 Clear Fork of Trinity...............-. -—...- --—.-. —----------- 46 1, 370 Elm Fork of Trinity. —..-...................-.. —------------- 57 1, 602 East edge of Upper Cross Timbers. —..... —----. — --- -----.- ---- 65 1,783 West Fork of Trinity —.-.-.-.-.-...-. 131 1, 524 Divide between Brazos and Trinity Rivers --—.... — ----------- - 138 1, 707 Clear Fork. —----—. — 187 2,119 Divide between Colorado and Brazos Rivers -------------------- ---- 285 4, 237 Colorado River. —-------------- -------—..... — —.. ——. 308 3, 989 Sulphur springs near border of Llano Estacado. —--------- ------ --- 352 4, 277 East margin of Llano Estamado. —--------. ——. —-. —---------- 355 4, 430 Summit of Llano Estacado.-.. ——. --—. —---- --—.. — ---- ------ 443 4,707 West margin of Llano Estacado. -------- 474 4, 144 Pecos at mouth of Delaware Creek.. ——... —------.. —-----—.. 476 4, 069 Head-springs of Delaware Creek ----—.. —-----.... —------- 507 4,172 Summit of Guadelupe Pass ------------ 531 5, 717 Ojo del Cuerbo. _ —--------------—... -. ------- 554 3, 893 Sierra de los Alamos.. — ----------------- ----- ----- ------ ----- 589 4, 568 Summit of Hueco Pass. —-. —-. — - —. —--- ---- --- ---- ---- 605 4, 812 Hueco Tanks -.- ------------------ ------—., ----—. —-- - --- 612 3, 935 Molino, on Rio Grande (near El Paso). —-.. —------------—. —-—. 636 3, 830 Route of Lieutenant Whipple. (Pacific Railroad Surveys, Vol. IV.) Napoleon, Arkansas. —.... -—. ——. —----- - ---—. 1 —----------- 142 Little Rock, Arkansas. -. -- --------------- - ------ 351 Fort Smith.-. —- - - --. — ----. — 0 —---------------- 0 466 Camp Creek (from Fort Smith). —------------ 23 568 First camp on Sans Bois Creek --------------------------—.. —--- 49 552 Santa Rita Creek.-. —---—. —--- ----. ——. —------------------- 64 680 La Honda.-. —-.,.. —-------- ------ --— 9 ----------—. —--. —- - 79 632 ~58~ ~LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. Route of Lieutenant Whipple-Continued. Miles. ElevaMiles. tion. Feet. Shawnee Village ---—......... —----- ---. —.. —.-........ —-- 117 812 Head of Boggy River.. -------------------—.. —--- ------- ---—.- 146 917 Topofki Creek ---—...............-.. —--—. —.-... —--------- 164 1,152 Beaversville —1 7.. —-.7........................................ 1, 083 Little Creek ------- - —..- —.- -. —.. —-. —..... —-------------- 194 1, 199 First camp on Walnut Creek -- -------------- -- 207 1,137 Second camp on Walnut Creek ------------------—. —----------—.- 218 1, 440 Branch Creek --------- --. —- ----------------- 235 1, 402 Deer Creek -------------. —--—.-.... 249 1, 392 Deer Creek Spring —2 -..., —--. - -- —. —.............. 259 1,692 Natural Mound Creek --- ------------------ 277 1,735 Gypsum Creek ------------------------....... —-. —--- - - 292 1,711 Comet Creek ----—. —. ——..... —-------------- 305 1,614 Silver Creek --—. —................ —3 ——.- -.- --—. —-............ 316 1,803 Oak Creek -------------------------—. —--------—. —-------- 329 1,748 Epsom Spring —.... — -. ---------- ---—.............. —. -... 343 2, 171 Sweet Water Run -----—.......... —------------------- ---—..- 355 2, 214 Canadian River -- ------------------------ 372 2,162 Mouth of Wolf Creek ----------------- --------------------—......- 385 2, 319 Mouth of Wine Creek ---—. —--------------—. ------—. — -....... 403 2, 454 Mouth of Valley Creek —. —.. —-------—. —. —. —------—.... 414 2,505 Mouth of Spring Creek ---—. —---.. —-------—. —.-......-..... 428 2,678 Llano Estacado: Last camp on Canadian River.. —-. —---------------------------- 447 2, 847 Highest intermediate point............. — --— 3, 276 White Sandy Creek ------------------—. —--------------. 463 3, 184 Divide, —------------------------------------------------ --------- 3, 389 Shady Creek-.-........... ——. —---------------------- 482 3, 265 D ivid e. ---—.,,-.,...,,.,,,.,,.,,,.,..,,,...................................... Divide -------------------------------------------------------- 3, 536 Beautiful View Creek -------------------------------------—... 498 3, 405 Divide-. —-------------------------------------------------------------- 3,804 Rincon de la Cruz ------------------—. —---------------------- 515 3,778 Divide -------------------—.. —------—,,,,,,, —------------- --—, —-- 4,070 Rocky Dell Creek -----—. —------.. — -...-.-........ 540 3, 932 Divide —-------------------------------------------------------------- 4,056 Cailada Truxillo ---------------------------------------—. —- g559 3, 938 Divide —--....................... —------------—. -........... —-- 4,253 Branch of Tucumcari Creek -------------—.- -. —----— 582 4, 125 Tucumcari Creek —----- -- - ------------ 601 4,262 Laguna Colorado.[ --- —. —- --------------------- ----- -------- 620 4,587 Arroyo Cuerbito —---------------------- -. 639 4,848 Hurrah Creek ----------------------—. —-------------------------. 651 5, 047 Sheep Spring -.-...-..-......... 671 5, 464 Anton Chico. —. ——.- -.-......... ——.-.. —.....-............. 678 5, 373 Cafion Blanco —......-..-............ —---—..-............... 698 6, 320 Laguna Blanco.-... —..-.................. —------------------ - 713 6, 796 San Pedro Pass. —. —-----—. -.......-. —- ---------------- -------- 731 6, 251 San Antonio —................- --------........-......... 753 6,409 Albuquerque -------------------------- - 769 5, 026 Atrisco ----— I —-------------------- - 771 5,033 Isleta (on river bank') -..-............... — -----------—. ——. 783 4,910 Isleta (top of bluff)..-................. —----- --------—. —----- —. —- 5, 052 Divide —--------------------------------- ------—,, 5,575 Rio Puerco (in river bed) —............................ —--------—. 804 5, 193 Divide.-....- —......... —-------------------------------— 50 — ----- 5,705 Rio San Jos6 (near ruins of Rita).... —-----------------------.... -- 822 5,556 Covero- -.-...-..-.-.-,-.-.-. —.............-................... 835 5,880 Hay Camp —.-. —--................. —----- -----—. ——..- 848 6,081 Campbell's Pass....- --—. ——.. -.. -... —---------- -—.. —------- ----- 6,952 East slope of Sierra Madre..-. —.-............ — 865... -...- - - 865 7,031 Summit (on the road).... —... -..-............... —. —.. —---- -------- 8, 076 Agua Fria --------------------------- - 872 7,757 Inscription Rock (El Moro)......................................... 888 7,238 LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. 59 Route of Lieutenant Whipple-Continued. ElevaMiles. tion. Feet. Ojo del Pescado -—. —-—. —-----------------. —. — -............ 902 6,551 Tuni River —------- --------------------- -------- ---------- 912 6, 336 Arch Spring —--------- ----------------------------------— 921 6,350 Cedar Forest.-.. —----—.. —.-,-.- --- ---. —--—. 932 6, 162 Jacob's Well --- ----------------- ---------------------------- 951 5, 973 Navajo Springs ---------------------- 958 5,655 Carriso Creek... —--- --------------—.. ——.. — -—.. ——.. ——.. —- 961 5,550 Lithodendron Creek ---------------------------------------------- 980 5,500 First camp on Flax River. ——. —-—. —-------—. —-—.. —--------- 1,003 5, 016 Eighth camp on Flax River -------—. —-----—.. —----- -. —----- 1,060 4,594 Cosnino Caves -.. —-. —--- -------.. —----..... — -- - - -. 1,087 6,139 Near San Francisco Springs.. ------------—. —--- ---------------—.. 1, 098 6,666 Laroux's Spring -------—. —--------.... —----—. — -------- -. 1,107 7, 378 San Francisco Peak —- --------- ----—. —. —-. —------—. —---—. -.. —-- 12, 052 Junction of Cafion Diablo and Flax River —---------------- ----- --—.. —- 4,594 Lava Creek --....... —--—. —--------------------------. —----—.. 1, 139 6,318 Partridge Creek ----------------. —------—. —-------------------- 1, 156 5,122 Val de China (near Picacho) -—. —-—. —----—. —------. —---—.- 1,172 4,734 Pueblo Creek.-.. —........- —. —---—......-........... 1,189 5,203 First camp on Williams's River. ——. —----.. —------—. —- 1,201 5,752 Fourth camp on Williams's River -------------------- 1,218 4,814 White Cliff Creek -. —-—. -- - - -------------—. —-------- 1,244 3,526 Fifth camp on Williams's River -. —----—. ——.... —. —---—.. -- --- 1,267 2, 243 Tenth camp on Williams's River. ----—. —-. —. —-... -—. ------ 1,295 1,308 Thirteenth camp on Williams's River......... --------- 1,310 1,014 Sixteenth camp on Williams's River - -... 1,329 694 Mouth of Williams's River-..-.-....... -------------- ----- -- 1,346 378 First camp on Colorado River —------------..- -—. —- -----—...... 1,350 398 Last camp on Colorado River - -.. —-----------.......... —---—..- -- 1,397 430 Yucca Grove ---------------------------—...... — ---------- 1,437 4,382 Rock Spring —.-........... — -—. —-------- ---—... —------- 1,444 4, 896 Near Marl Spring —---—.-.. --------- ------- - 1,461 3,793 Soda Lake -------------—..... —--------—..................1,488 1,002 First camp on Mohave River --—. —. —-. —---—.. ——. 1,501 1, 216 Fifth camp on Mohave River _....... -... -...- --.. 1,560 2,474 Northeast slope of San Bernardino Mountain — - -.. - —...... —---—.. 1, 583 3, 442 Summit Cajon Pass...- -............- -.... —------—. ------- 4, 560 Cajon Creek................... ------. —--------—. —----—..........' 2, 5.7 Cajon Creek.~~~ —---- 1,597' 2,527 Cocomungo Creek. —------------- -.. 1,611 1,223 San Gabriel Creek.... --... ---—. —------------ ------ 1,635 249 Near Los Angeles. —----- -- - ---- ----—. —------ ---------------- 1,647 352 Los Angeles -----—.............. —------------------------ - 1,649 250 San Pedro. ——............................................. -1,673 30 Route of Captain Gunnison and Lieutenant Beckwith. (Pacific Railroad Report, Vol. 1I.) Low-water mark at St. Louis, Missouri - - -.. —------- --. —----- 0 375 Three miles west of Westport.- -t..3.......... — - 3 990 Pawnee Fork — -----------........... 297 1,962 First Coon Creek- - - -. -- -......... —- ---------- ----------- 318 2,004 Second Coon Creek. ——. —. —---------- --------------—..-........ 337 2,245 Near Fort Atkinson, Arkansas River.-... -......- -.. -.. 365 2, 331 Camp 22, on Arkansas River.-r... —-—.-. — --- ---- 391 2, 431 Camp 23, on Arkansas Riverx-.. ------------------—.. 1 410 2,556 Camp 24, on Arkansas River........... —-- 4 33 2,692 Camp 25, on Arkansas River, —--.-... —--------—.. —— 4 —-. —-.. 454 2,852 Camp 26, on Arkansas Riverr.,-,.- -..... -.......................,- - 1 479 3, 047 Big Timbers, on Arkansas River -. —--- -- -----—.-.-.-.-.. —.-. 501 3,166 Camp 28, on Arkansas River- ---......................................... 521 3,328 60 LISTS OF ELEVA'TIONS. Route of Captain Gunnison and Lieutenant Beckwith -Continued. ElevaMiles. tion. Feet. Camp 29, on Arkansas River..-... —-. — —. 544 3, 537 Near Bent's Fort.-........... —--------—. 559 3,671 Camp 32, ford of Arkansas River —----.593 4, 371 Apishpa River-.-.-....................................... 621 4, 860 Camp 35, plain near Apishpa River.-.......... —-- - 636 5, 702 Camp 36, plain near Cuchara River. —----------.................. 653 5, 851 Camp 37, on Cuchura River. 664 6, 109 Huerfano River, near the butte- - 674 6, 099 Camp 39, on Huerfano River. 688 6, 976 Base of the Sierra Blanca. 696 7, 463 Camp 41, in Sangre de Cristo Pass.-. 701 8,757 Top of the mountainl 9, 852 Summit of the pass.. —-. —.................................9, 396 Camp 42, Sangr'e de Cristo Valley. 705 9, 041 Camp 43, Sangre de Cristo Valley. —---..................- - 711 8, 412 Near old Fort Massachusetts.-................................ 721 8, 365 White Mountain Springs.-........ 732 7, 829 Near Roubideau's Pass..-......... —-—. 745 7, 638 Near Williams's Pass 755 7, 723 Chatillon's Creek -............................. 764 7 5033 Leroux's Creek. -777 7, 698 Homan's Creek. -. 782 7,548 Sahwatch Creek -.............................. 797 7, 567 Foot of Cochetopa Pass.-........... — - - 824 8, 960 Summit of Cochetopa Pass.-.............. 828 10, 032 Camp 55, near Camp Rock............- —. 850 8, 515 Coochetopa Creek.-.......-.....-. 866 7, 681 Gunnison River. —-.-.... 880 7, 428 Camp 58, Gunnison River ---.......- —. 894 7, 293 Summit of right bank of Lake Fork..-.................... ---—. 8, 171 Lake Fork (on stream).-......... —----------- 902 7, 236 Mountain Creek -—...-.-.......... -. —........ 907 8, 054 Summit of mesa. —-..8.........-.... 8, 286 Cebolla Creek, first branch.............................. 920 7, 026 Crossing of Cedar Creek. — 999 6, 962 Camp 65, Uncompahgre River. —... —-. ------------------------—. 949 6, 085 Camp 66, Uncompahgre River.-............ 967 5, 332 Kahnah Creek-... —---- 996 4, 704 Camp 69, Grand River................... 1, 010 4, 449 Camp 70, Grand River. —---—......-...... 1, 019 4, 410 Little Salt Creek --. 1, 033 4, 274 Bitterwater River.-.....................................1, 055 4, 486 Rainwater Creek...-...-.-... 1, 071 4, 454 Camp 75, Rainwater Creek -----........... — - - - - - 1, 093 4, 642 Camp 77, Green River -1.. - 1, lt2 3, 873 Camp 78, Green River --—.-....... —-1, 1,23 3, 828 Akanaquint Spring.-... —-- -........ —-- 1, 139 4, 457 Camp 80, Dry Creek.-............-.-, 1, 155 4,753 White River.-..1............................................. 1,165 4, 592 Clever Creek --------------------------------------------------- - 1,174 4,958 Standingwater Creek..-...................................... 1,198 5, 719 San Rafael Creek, second branch -. 1, 211 5, 429 Garambulla River..... —-------------- 1,223 5,729 Dividing ridge 1,230 6, 246 Big Rock Creek -1....... —----—., 236 5,958 Oak Springs -----— 1, — 252 6,789 Summit Wahsatch Pass -1........-.... 1258 7, 820 Salt Creek. -..................................... 1, 263 6, 977 Swambah Creek ------.. ----------------------------------- 1, 268 7, 623 Ungottahbikin Creek -.1.... —-., 276 6, 551 Sevier River. -— 1, 291 5, 019 San Pete Creek.-........................ 1, 303 4, 960 Camp 94, Sevier River............... 1322 4, 869 LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. 61 Route of Captain Gunnison and Lieutenant Beckwith-Continued. Miles. ElevaMiles. tion. Feet. Camp 95, north bend, Sevier River................................ — 1, 324 4, 783 Summit of ridge north of Lake Valley ---—. —-... —-—.. —- -... 1, 329 5, 376 Lake Valley. -- -- -. —-..-..- 1, 336 5, 237 Summit of ridge south of Lake Valley................................ ------ 1, 339 5, 871 Cedar Springs. —---- ----—..... —-----—.. — -------------------- 1, 348 5, 131 Camp 98, Sevier River...-.-..................................... 1, 374 4, 692 Pioneer Creek ------..-.. -...... 1, 420 4, 921 Nephi.. —--------- ----—... — 1, 473 4, 938 Payson-................... 1, 498 4, 541 American Fork -...................... —------------------------—. 1,531 4, 596 Willow Creek ----.1,547 4,733 Cottonwood Creek ----- -- - -1, 558 4, 241 Salt Lake City ---- ----—. —-----—... —-------—....-..... 1, 568 4, 351 Route of Lieutenant Beckwith, from Salt Lake City to Green River. (Pacific Railroad Report, Vol. IL) Salt Lake City.-.. —-------—.. —-------- 0 4, 351 Session Settlement.-... —---. —------------------------------—. 10 4, 183 Weber River-... —---........ —. 29 4, 430 Weber River (Camp 2).-. —-- ----—................ 37 4, 842 Dry Creek.-..-............................... 58 5,419 White Clay Creek ----------------------........... 64 5, 692 Sulphur Creek. —--...:........ 104 7,495 Divide between Bear and Muddy Rivers --—..-.-.... - -. 110 8,133 Muddy River.. ——...... —-—.................-.............. 116 7,779 Divide of Muddy and Black's Forks..-....... 121 8, 374 Black's Fork........-... —... —------------------ 125 7, 880 Henry's Fork.-.................. 156 7,137 Dry Timber Creek. —-----------------....-...... 163 7, 025 Route of Lieutenant Beckwith, from Green River to Salt Lake City. (Pacific Railroad Report, Vol. II.) Green River-.. —--------------------------------------------- 0. Pass between Smith's and Henry's Forks-. 32 7, 530 Smith's Fork.-... —........................................... 54 6, 971 Divide between Muddy and Black's Forks -------------------------—. 65 7,447 Muddy Creek -------—. —-......-....... 70 6,964 Bear River.- ---... — - - - - —. 94 7, 196 White Clay Creek -...-. 105 7, 009 White Clay Creek.-.-............................. 114 6, 535 Weber River- --. 146 5, 672 Weber River, Kamas Prairie.-........................ 158 6, 320 Divide on Kamas Prairie. -- 6, 505 Bank of Timpanogos River -1.......... 167 6, 243 Timpanogos River.-......... 172 6, 056 Head of cation of same.-.-..-. —-------...... —----—. 188 5,485 Timpanogos River....-.-.................... 199 5,057 American Fork... 213 4,596 Route of Lieutenant Beckwith, fronm Salt Lake City to Fort Reading, California. (Pacific Railroad Report, Vol. II.) Salt Lake City.. —-----.. -. 0 4, 351 Mountain Creek -.-..........- - - - -.....-.. 71 4, 444 Dry' Creek 81 5, 470 Summit of Cedar Mountain Pass................ 88 6, 364 62 LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. Route of Lieutenant Beckwith, from Salt Lake, &c.-Continued. Miles. ElevaMiles. tion. Feet. Fish Creek —- ----- - - -- - - ----- -- ---— 154 5, 077 F]ranklin River ----—. —------------- -------------. —-------------- 239 6, 004 Franklin River --------- -------- ---------------------- 254 6, 061 Pass in Humboldt Mountains —--- - ----------------—. —--. —-—. —-- 264 6, 579 Pass in Humboldt Mountains —----—. —----------------------------- 331 6, 848 South Fork of Humboldt River —------—. —-------------------------- 357 6, 066 Summit of Quartz Mountain......................................... -395 7, 615 Agate Pass. —-- ---—. —----------------------------------—..... 396 5, 006 Humboldt River -—.... —-----------------—............ —-- -- 524 4, 141 Humboldt River Crossing —.-.......... —------—..-..... —--- 531 4, 147 Lassen's Meadows -- -.. —-------- ------------------------------- 534 4, 152 Valley of Mud Lake -- - - -—. —--—...............................- 632 4, 134 East base of Sierra Nevada ----------------------------------------- 642 4,118 Foot of Madelin Pass, Smoky Creek. —-... —-—. —-—.. ——. —- --- 661 4,370 Madelin Pass ---------------------------------------------------- 674 4, 914 Summit of Madelin Pass —--—. —-6 —--— 4 —----------------—. —---- 6 5, 668 Broad Summit of Sierra Nevada. ----------- ------------- -- - 686 5,620 Sacramento River.-7 —-..... —--- -—.... —------------------------ 746. 4,472 Head of upper cation of same -. —.. ——. —-—.. —-..- -... —----- 765 4, 154 Foot of upper cation of same ----—. —-—. —-—. —------------------ 79 3, 622 Head of second cation (mouth of Fall River) ---------------------—. 792 3,250 Foot of second cation ---- --- --- ----- -- -- --- - 802 2, 937 Mouth of Canoe Creek —--- ------—. —-. —-. —------------------- 806 2, 867 Sacramento River.................................... —-- ---------- 829 2, 177 Sacramento River —.... ——. —--—. —------ - ----------------------- 836 1,730 Sacramento River.. —86 —-. —-— 3 —---------—. —-- ------------------ 1,156 Sacramento River —-----------------------------------------------.868 1,078 Dribblesby's Ferry................................................. 878 954 Mouth of McCloud's River --- ----- ------------------—. 883 922 Sacramento River —- --- --------------- ---------- ---—' -- 895 837 Fort Reading --—. ——....9............. —--—.. -—. —. —-.. ——.-... 675 Route of Lieutenant Beckwith, from Mud Lake to Fort Reading, via NVobles Pass. Mud Lake --—. —--—. —-- ------ ---—. —------------------------- 645 4,079 Honey Lake --—.. —-----—. —. —---.. —-..-. —-—. —........I -—. 703 4, 095 Willow Creek. —---. —----------------- -------------. —-- ----- 714 4,080 Roop's Ranch —--- -------------—. —-- --------------—..-.. —--- 723 4, 181 Divide between Susan River and Summit Creek.. — -... —...- ---...... 743 5,454 Divide between Summit and Pine Creeks -. — —. —-—.. —. —. —. —-.- 752 5,802 Black Butte Creek —--.. —--------------------- --------. —----------- 7 5, 085 Wolf Creek -... ------- 791 5,983 Western summit of Sierra Nevada -—. —. —- ------------ --—. — ----—. 793 6, 074 Battle Creek ---- --- - ---- ------------- 798 5, 825 Fort Reading —--—. ---—.. —--—. —-—.. —-.. —-—. —. —--- ------ 841 675 Route of -Lieutenant Williamson, from Martinez, near Benicia, to Fort Yuma, California. (Pacific Railroad Report, Vol. V.) Martinez-.......................................................... 0........ Livermore's Ranch --------- ------- -- 40 Entrance to Livermore's Pass....................................... 44 481 Summit of Livermore's Pass -—. — --.. —..... —-—. - -------------- 48 686 Elk Horn —------- -------- ------ ------------ ----- 55 89 Grayson, on San Joaquin River....................................... 82 Fort Miller, on San Joaquin River................................... 194 402 Summit of Tejon Pass -.................................. 386 5, 364 Eastern base of Sierra Nevada 393 3, 483 Summit of San Francisquito Pass..-......................... 411 3, 437 LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. 63 Route of Lieutenant Williamson, from Martinez, &c.-Continued. Miles. ElevaMliles. tion. Feet. Summit of San Fernando Pass -------------------- 434 1, 940 Mission of San Fernando. —....-.... —.. — -................ 440 1, 048 San Bernardino.... —--................ —--—.-..- -................. 535 1,118 Summit of San Gorgonio Pass —.-.-.-.-...... —--------—.. 562 2, 808 Hot Spring ---—.- -..-.......... —---—.- -..-. ——...............588 572 Deep Well —--- -.- -.-. --- - —................-.,,,_ -- 598 160 Cohuilla Village -—. —--------------------------------------------- 614 85 Salt Creek -----—.-.-................ —------------------------- 656 -70 San Diego ----— 0... —. —....- -.................................. Summit of Warren's Pass ------—. —---------- 69 3, 780 San Felipe (Indian village) -- -..-.... — -................ 79 2,176 Divide between San Felipe and Carrizo Creeks —--. —---------------- 88Last water in Carrizo Creek --------------------------------------- 116.431 Big Laguna —----------------------------------------------------- 140 - 70 Alamo Mocho ----------------------------------------------------- 164 -70 Cook's Wells. -----. —. —. —--------—................ 186 62 Algodones. —--—.. —-------------------------------------—....... — 197 46 Camp near Pilot Knob —-.- -.. —....................... 202 115 Fort Yuma (75 feet above river) -2-........................... 208 108 Route of Lieutenant Williamson, from Benicia, California, to Fort Vancouver. (Pacific Railroad Report, Vol. VF.) Benicia ---------------------------------------------------------- 0.... Camp 2, nearCordelia..-15 —.- -.- -..,- —.................... I 69 Camp 3, near Vacaville --... — - - - -............ 26 304 Cache Creek. —..-..-................................... 53 295 Camp 5. near Nicholas -------—..-., —--..................... 76 289 Camp 6, opposite Marysville ---—....-. —........ ------ 94 281 Camp 7, near Feather River -. —-1 —---------------------—... —-- 100 252 Camp 8, near Hamilton -..... —.. —---............................ 115 260 Chico Creek ------------------------------------------------------- 137 308 Deer Creek.- ---................................................. 157 363 Antelope Creek —... —---..................................... 176 420 Fort Reading.. —-......................................... 200 518 Mouth of McCloud's River- -. — - -..-.................. -. 235 922 Camp 19, near Pit River.................. 314 2, 784 Summit of Stoneman's Ridge -.-..................... 320 4, 080 Camp 20, near mouth of Fall River ---------------------------------- 325 3, 304 Camp 21, near Upper Cation-............ -------- 338 3, 346 Last camp on Pit River............................................ 369 4,212 Spring Branch.................................................... 380 4,876 Wright Lake.-.-......................................... 410 4,470 Camp 26, near Natural Bridge ----------------- - 435 4, 014 Divide —--------------------------------------------------------—.. 460 4,177 Upper Klamath Lake ------------------------ 476 4, 131 Camp 31, Klamath River -. —---—.- —.-.., —- -........ 506 4,437 Camp 34, Klamath Marsh -.-............................ 523 4, 526 Water-hole —- --—................................................ 541 4, 864 Des Chutes River -—. —--—.- -.,-...................... 560 4,411 Near source of Des Chutes River- ---..-..................... 577 4,592'Summit Pass (through CasCade Mountains) -------------- 585 5, 595 Middle fork of Willamette River ---------------- - 600 2, 788 Camp 46, middle fork. —------------------------------—.. —.. -. 626 1,154 Camp 48, first settlement. —--—. —-----—..- -.......... 650 738 McKenzie's Fork --------------—.-. —---------------—.............674 512 Calapooya Creek. —.-..... — -.............................. 69t 440 North Fork of Santiam River -—................................. 721 448 Opposite Portland................................................. 779 66 Opposite Vancouver................................................ 786 105 64 LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. U. S. Geological Survey of the Territories-Prof. V. aF. V. yde. From Ogden, Utah, toEFort -Ellis, Montana. Miles. Elevation. Feet. Ogden, camp ---—. -—. —---. -., —.-,... ——.. —- 0 4, 517 Water Tank, near Saline Springs —---... -......-..-, 12 4,191 Willard City -—. —------------------- -------------------------—.. 16 4, 350 Second bridge over Box Elder Creek. —- -.... —-. 25 4, 762 Copenhagen. —----------—, —- 27 4,999 Divide between Box Elder Creek and Bear River -.. —--------------- 31 5,615 Wellsville...... —-------,,,..,,.,.,, 40 4, 568 Logan.-....-......-. 49 4, 557 Hyde Park,,............... —-,,.. —-. -55 4,553 Richmond —,.,, 64 4, 641 Franklin. —-------—..,.-. 70 4,552 Bear River Bridge. ——........-.-. -.-... 81 4, 543 Clifton.. —-----—..... —---- 87 4,893 Oxford. ——,,, —----—.. —-..,-,-...- ----—, —------- 7-.. 93 4, 862 Divide between Bear and Port Neuf Rivers. —---—. -94 5, 042 Red Rock Ranch —------.- 101 4,711 Divide between Ross Fork and Blackfoot Fork. ——. —-. —-----—. —-- 171 5, 072 Taylor's Bridge, over Snake River. —- -........................ — 203 4, 627 Market Lake-. -- 223 4,795 Desert Wells -------------,, -.,-. ---------—,, -.,, 236 4,816 Camas Creek Ranch ----- ------. —--------------------—. -246 4, 722 Dry Creek stage station ----- 268 5,689 Pleasant Valley stage station. —---...-.. —--------—.. —--- 276 6, 086 Continental Divide-,.-....................................... 286 6,480 Junction stage station-.-..-.-.......... —---------- 294 6, 329 Divide between Willow and Red Rock Creeks -------------------- 296 6,268 Red Rock Creek ----------------------— 2... —-----------..99 6, 041 )livide between Red Rock and Big Sage Creeks. —-- ------------- 303 6, 307 Divide between Big Sage and Black-tail Deer Creeks.-.- - —.-. - 316 7, 044 Black-tail Deer Creek -,. —--—. —-......... —-.- 323 5, 973 Divide between Black-tail Deer and Stinkingwater Creeks - -330 6, 657 Mouth of Sweetwater Cation. —......... —..-...... 334 5, 872 End of Sweetwater Cation ---------------- 336 5, 607 Divide between Stinkingwater and Alder Creeks.. —-.- —.... —--- 356 6, 492 Nevada City... — ----—.......-,.......-,.-,,,. 359 5, 548 Virginia City-,,,, - 360 5,713 Divide between Madison and Jefferson Rivers ---------------------- 364 6, 857 Madison River... —-- -. —------—. -.. -... 3.72 5, 177 Meadow Creek ---------—,,, —-,-.-. — -,,.- -,., — - - -, 381 5, 086 Divide between Meadow and Hot Spring Creeks. —-—.-. —--- 384 5, 836 Hot Spring Creekl -................,.. —----- 387 4, 804 Madison River Bridge-., - 397 4, 342 Divide between Madison and Gallatin Rivers ---... — ----- ----- 411 4, 834 West Gallatin River Bridge -—....... —-- -.- 418 4, 618 Middle Gallatin River ---—.-.-.-.-. —--- ----------- ---------- -419 4,587 Bozeman.-.....,.................... 426 4, 655 Fort Ellis......................................................... 430 4,789 LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. 65 U. S. Geological Survey of the Territories-Prof. F. V. Hayden, From Fort Ellis, Montana, to Fort Bridger, Wyoming. Miles. Elevation. Feet. Fort Ellis..... —. --- - -—.-. ——. ----—. —----- - - - --- ---—. ——. 0 4,789 Hamilton........................... —.... ---....-. 22 4, 357 Allen's Ranch.-... —.. —------- -- ---------—................ 42 4, 396 Divide between Willow Creek and South Boulder River................- - 61 4, 948 South Boulder River................ —------------- ---—.. —-----------—. 64 4,565 Fish Creek stage station.-.-.-. —----------- -.. —-—. —-- ------- 83 4, 134 Parson's Bridge over Jefferson River.........- - -8.......... 84 4, 083 Beaverhead Rock stage station. —---. —-------- ------------.. —-. 114 4, 464 Beaverhead River Ford. —. - -------- ---------------------------—. 149 5,130 Horseplain Creek --------------------- ------ ----------—. —----- 171 6, 252 Divide between Horseplain and Red Rock Creeks ------—. ——. —-. 182 7, 405 Continental Divide ------—.. —-—.. —---.. —- ------------ ------- 198 7,255 Soda Springs --.. —-...,- -.-.-... — - -—. ——. 363 5, 529 St. George.-.................. —.. ——. 383 5, 771 Bennington ------------ ------ - - ------------- 390 5, 798. Montpellier..-. —--—. ---- ---------------—. - ---------- 394 5, 793 Bear River Bridge. -...... —----- ------ —...- --- -..-. -—. 397 5, 744 Ovid. -—, —----------—, —-------------------------------------- 400 5, 760 Paris —.. —-----—.. —-. —. ——. —--- -----—.. —. —------ ---- 404 5, 836 Bloomington.-.. —-.- - --- -.- - 407 5, 905 St. Charles..-.. —-------- -------- ------ ---—. —. --- 412 5, 932 Fish Haven ----.. —-- ----------------------—. —--- ---- ----— ~ 417 5, 932 South boundary of Idaho -----. -- 420. Lake Town. —------- --- —. —----- --. —---—. —-- - 433 6, 001 Randolph.-.- -. — ------- -........... —--.-. ---- -- ---- - 454 6, 442 Evanston -- --- --- - --- --- 487 6, 835 Fort Bridger -...-..-.. —-.. —-—. 528 6, 656 Route of W. W. De Lacy, from Helena to Salmon Citt; Montanta. Helena...,, —-----—.. ——. ——. —..,,, —-. —-—.-. —,-. —- 0 4,296 Summit between Helena and Montana City.. - —.................................. 4, 353 Montana City -.. —.. —-.-. —-—.-... ——. —--—. —-. —----- 8. 4,191 Ten-Mile Station —-- --- ------ ------------- -- 10 4,244 Crossing of Big Prickly Pear Creek —.-,. 4, 356 Clancy Creek-.' ---------------. —-—... —-------. -- 4, 457 Second crossing of Big Prickly Pear Creek.. -—..... ------—. 4, 780 Jefferson City. ——... —-......... —------ ------- --. —---- -—.... 4, 776 Beavertown ------------------------------------------ --------- 24 4, 942 Sterrett's.-.-.. --------.. —-------------—.. —- --- —... 5,217 Bouldertown.- ------------ ----------------------------------- -- -- 5, 000 Boulder Creek. ----. --------- ---------------- ---- ---- 4, 997 Captain Cook's, on Little Boulder Creek-. —--------------------—. 34 4, 995 Basin Station. —----.. ——... —----- -. —-----—. -.. —------ ---- 44 5, 437 Whitehall -------- -—.. —- 58 4, 639 Pipestone Creek ---—. ----—. —----—...... —----- ------------- 4, 463 Right bank of Jefferson River. --------- -— 4, 565 Fish Creek. —. —. —-- ----—... —----- - --—. --------.... —-—. 4, 570 Jefferson Bridge.. ——. —. -.. —-... ——. —---- ----—. ——. —---.- 78 4, 672 Gaffney's..8..7 -............................................ " 4, 838 Sheridan. ---------- 5, 221 Virginia City ----------—.. — -. —---------—.- -.. —----... —.- 5, 778 Lorraine's — - --- ---- 4, 9992 Beaverhead Station... —--- -- -..... — -—. —. -—... —- --—.. — 102 4, 888 Lovell's.. ----------- ------ ---------------------------------- 126. 5 5, 465 Argenta.-.-..... —-—.-.-... — - - —.-. —-—...... ——. —. —.. — 140. 5 6, 337 5 LE 6;~ ~~LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. Route of W. W. De Lacy, from Hielena, &c.-Continued. ElevaMiles. tion. Feet. Goodrich's house at Bannack —-- -—. —--------—. —-.-.... —- -- 155.. 5 5, 896 Divide between Bannack and Horse Plain Creek --------. —-------- ------ 6, 056 Mart. Barrett's, on H6rse Plain Creek -..............-167. 5 5, 665 Pomaine's...... —.170. 5 5, 826 Hamilton's, at mouth of Jeff. Davis Gulch........ 0.... --- -- 187. 5 6.536 Summit of Rocky Mountains..................... 193.5 7; 796 Stevenson's Junction, Limhi Valley --- ----- —..-205. 5 6, 084 IHall's... —2 —-..................... —------------—. 235.5 4,996 Salmon City —..2 —-—..........-..........-..- -. — -.. - - 255.5 4, 030 Route of Lieutenant Warren, froom Fort Pierre to Fort Kearney. Fort Pierre....................................................0.... Little Missouri River. —-......... —- —.-.. —... —. ----—. —-...5 1, 478 Medicine Creek. —--------------—... — ------------------...33 2,220 White River --------------- ------ --,.-52 1,580 Two-Tail Creek.-.- -.. —.. —-... —..-......................72 1,760 Dog's-Ears Creek -.. —..-.......... —---—.....................- 87 2, 230 Turtle Hill River -—. ——. —--— 1 —------- ---—. —--. —----------- 01 1,995 Rapid River. ——... —.. —... ——.. ——.. —.. ——. —------—. —--- 125 2,115 Les Buttes de Sable —--- --- --- -.... —--------------------—. —---- 160 2, 330 Muddy Creek. -----—.. —-. —----- --------—. —-------—. —---- -- 235 2, 393 Platte River.-... ——.- W. —--------—. — -------—. ——.- ----—. -.- 290 2,075 Fort Kearney.-3... —----.... ——. —-.. —.-.........,..... 000 Route of Governor Stevens, from Fort Benton to Umatila River. (Pacific Railroad Report, Vol. XII.) Between Stations. One-half mile above Fort Benton-.-.................-...- - —.-... — -—. - 2,769 On Missouri River ---------------------------------------- -.35 2, 480 On Missouri River at Cracon du Nez..................-.............. 37 2,752 Milk River, two miles below trading-house -—...................... —-.. - - 2, 388 Crossing of Marias River........................................... - 60 2, 683 Teton River ----—.. —-..t —. —----------------------------. —--—. 14 3, 109 Teton River --—...... —--—. —---—.. —.-... —-—.-. ——. —-—.- 52 3, 692 Su:t River, on bluff ----—... —-... -...8........... —-. —-------- 8 4, 309 Junction of Forks of Sun River. —----------------- 1 4, 114 Top of Divide-1.7 —------—.- —.-......................... --- 17 4, 934 Valley of Dearborn River -- -.1 ——. -—.......-................... 4, 665 Lewis and Clarke's Pass -.. —-. —---—..-.................. 12 6,537 Big Blackfoot, below mouth of Lander's Fork. —---- ----------------- 15 4, 610 Mouth of Salmon Trout Creek...................................... 21 4,426 Near Mouth of Big Blackfoot -.-.-.. —.-,-. —---. —--------- 51 3, 247 Mouth of Saint Regis de Borgia River.-. —------------—. —. —---- 57 2,894 Left bank of Bitter Root River --------------- ----------------......7 2,763 Left bank of Bitter Root River —-------- ---------- 1 2,530 Saint Regis de Borgia River -----------------—. —---------- - 15 3, 020 Kamas Prairie ------- ----- --------------- 73 2,867 Lapwai, at Craig's -----—... —--...-.-...-...- -.. —-------- 53 1,240 Fork of Clearwater and Snake Rivers-................................ 16 612 Touchet River, at Fork............................................. 47 2,046 Walla-Walla River, at mission..................................... 32 579 Tamallamp Creek-.................................................. 4 532 Wild Horse Creek................................................. 12 1,704 Umatilla River -........... —-.......-....-......-.. —-... 15 1,020 Umatilla River, six miles above agency.. -........................ 18 583 LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. 67 Route from Lakce Superior to Winnipeg Lake. (Hind's Exploring ENxpedition.) - Miles. Elevation. Feet. Fort William —— 0.-...... 0 600 Pointe des Meurons-..-... —----------. —-- - - - -----------.. 10 604 Nicollet Portage................-......... 33 845 Portage des Maitres -.. -. -.-.... 48 944 Great Dog Lake.........-....-..... ——. 66 1,311 Barribre Portage................................................... 96 1, 317 Savanne Lake...................................................... 107 1,469 Thousand Lakes.................................................. 143 1, 433 Cannibal's Lake.-.........1...... —--. -—.... —---—. 159 1,386 Pickerel Lake.......... —-- - --—.. —--------—. — --—. —---..183 1,281 Sturgeon Lake -...................... 208 1,156 Lac la Croix.-........... —----------- —.. —--—.. ——.. 233 1, 117 Grand Falls Portage.-................... —.. —------- 245 1, 066 Lake Nameaukan. ——.......- - - --—... --—.... 257 1, 045 Rainy Lake. —-........ —. —------ --- —.. —---------—.301 1, 035 Manitou Rapids.-..................... —------- ---—....- 336 996 Lake of the Woods................................................. 453 978: Grande D6charge............................................. 487 950 De l'sle Portage................................................... 510 901 Chute A.Jacques Portage -...5..3...3......... 533 885 Roche Brfl6e Portage....-... —-. —-. —-. —- ----------.544 843 Otter Falls-...... 560 810 Bonnet Lake —----- -----. —-- - - -. - - -- - - 585 744 Silver Falls Portage — 597 656 Winnipeg Lake.-.. ----------------—. 616 628 PROFILES FROM THE NINETY-FIFTH MERIDIAN TO THE PACIFIC OCEAN. The following table exhibits six approximate profiles across the country from the 95th meridian west of Greenwich to the Pacific coast, along the 32d, 35th, 39th, 41st, 45th, and 48th parallels of latitude. The elevations given are the mean elevations, as nearly as they can be determined, of the country lying between the two meridians, one degree apart, and in.the neighborhood, that is, within about 15', of the parallel. These do not assume to be accurate profiles, hbut, as the material at hand seems to warrant me in making a beginning in this direction, I have prepared these, with the intention of correcting them as I obtain more material and a more intimate knowledge of the country. (69) 70 LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. Degrees of 32d Parallel. 35th Parallel. 39th Parallel. Longitude. Mean elevation. Mean elevation. Mean elevation. Feet. Feet. Feet. 95 to 96... 500 650 1, 000 96to 97..- 800 800 1, 000 99 to 98... 1, 000 1, 200 1,200 98to 99... 1,200 1, 500 1, 500 99 to 100... 1,500 1, 900 2, 000 100 to 101... 2,000 2,500 2, 500 101 to 102... 3, 000 3, 500 3, 500 Llano Estacado. Llano Estacado. 102 to 103... 4,500 4,000 4,000 Llano Estacado. Llano Estacado. 103 to 104.. 4,000 4,100 5,000 Llano Estacado. Llano Estacado. 104 to 105.. 4, 000 4, 500 6, 000 Valley of Rio Pecos. Head of Rio Pecos. 105 to 106... 4,500 5,000 9,000 XI,' Colorado Range and So'th Park. 106 to 107... 4,000 5, 500 11,000 Valley of Rio Grande. Sawatch and Elk Ranges. 107 to 108... 4,500 7,000 8,000 SierraMadre Plateau. Zuni Mountains. Elk Range. 108 to 109... 5, 000 6, 500 4,500 Sierra Madre Plateau. Plateau of the Upper Colorado. 109 to 110... 5, 000 5,500 4,500 Plateau of the Upper Colorado. 110 to 111. 4,000 5, 000 4,800 Colorado Plateau. Plateau of the Upper Colorado. 111 to 112... 3 000 - 6, 000 5, 500 San Francisco Mts. Wahsatch Range. 112 to 113... 3, 000 5, 000 5, 000 Great Interior Basin. 113 to 114... Enters Mexico...... 4,000 5, 000 Great Interior Basin. 114 to 115....................... 1,500 5,500 Valley of Rio Colorado. Great Interior Basin. 115 to 116...................... 2, 500 6, 000 Great Interior Basin. 116 to 117............. 2, 000 6, 000 Great Interior Basin. 117 to 118....................... 2, 500 5,500 Great Interior Basin. 118 to 119..................... 4,500 4,500 Sierra Nevada Range. Plateau of Walker Lake. 119 to 120....................... 3, 000 6, 000 Coast Range. 120 to 1Zl....................... 0 7, 500 Sierra Nevada Range. 121 to 122............................................ 500 San Joaquin Valley. 122 to 123................. 1,500 Coast Range. 123 to 124........................................... 0 124...... -................................................. —.. -------- Mean elevation of Section.................... 3500, 500 4,500 LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. 71 41st Parallel. 45th Parallel. 48th Parallel. vMean elevation. Mean elevation. Mean elevation. Feet. Feet. Feet. 1,000 1,000 1,500 1,200 1,000 1,200 Valley of Red River. 1, 600 1,500 1,500 Coteau des Prairies. 2, 000 1,500 1,500 Devil's Lake. 2, 300 2, 000 1,500 Coteau du Missouri. 2, 600 1,500 1,500 Valley of Missouri River. Coteau du Missouri. 3, 000 2, 000 2, 000 Coteau du Missouri. 3,500 2,500 1,800 Valley of Missouri River. 4, 500 3, 000 2,000 Valley of Missouri River. 6,000 2,500'2,000 Valley of Missouri River. 8, 000 3, 000 2, 100 Laramie Range. Valley of Missouri River. 8,000 3,000 2,200 North Park and Main Range. 7,000 5,000 2,500 7,000 5, 000 2, 500 Big Horn Mts. and Valley. Little Rocky Mountains. 6,000 7, 000 2, 500 Yellowstone Range. 7,500 7,000 2,500 Uintah Mountains. Valley of Yellowstone River. Valley of Missouri River. 6, 000 7,000 3, 000 Wahsatch Range. Valley of the Madison River. Valley of Teton I'iver. 4,200 6, 500 4, 000 Great Salt Lake. Valley of the Jefferson River. 5,000 6,500 1 5,000 Great Salt Lake Desert. Main Range and Valley of the Main Range. Salmon River. 6,000 5,000 3,000 Great Interior Basin. Salmon River Plateau. 5,000 4,000 3, 000 Great Interior Basin. Salmon River Plateau. 4,500 3, 000 2, 500 Great Interior Basin. Snake River Plateau. 4,500 2, 000 2,500 Great Interior Basin. 4,500 3.500 1,500 Great Interior Basin. Blue Mountains. 5, 000 2,500 1, 000 Great Interior Basin. Valley of Columbia River. 5,500 2,000 1,500 Valley of Des Chutes River. 4,000 3, 000 1,000 Valley of Sacramento River. 5,000 1,500 500 Sierra Nevada Range. 1,000 1,000 1,000 Valley of Klamath River. Coast Range. 0 0 0 4,300 3, 200 2, 300 72 LISTS OF ELEVATIONS. MEAN ELEVATIONS OF THE STATES AND TERRITORIES WEST OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER. State or Territory. ton.leva-State or Territory.levation. tion. Feet. Feet Arizona.-.-.-................... 4, 200 Missouri..-..-..-.... 800 Arkansas -. —-------------------- 350 Montana........ -.............. 3, 950 California. ---—. —-2, 800 Nebraska. -.... 2, 550 Colorado ----------------... 6, 600 Nevada.-............ 4, 900 Dakota.... —.. —-—. —-------- 1, 950 New Mexico -.. ——..... 5, 400 Idaho.. —-----—.....- - 3, 800 Oregon.-.-.-. 2, 700 Indian Territory...-..- --—. ——. 1, 250 Texas.- -. -... ——. —.- -..-. 1, 870 Iowa.... —------------------- - 925 Utah.-. 5,100 Kansas..-..... --------—.. 1, 780 Washington.-1.... 1, 800 Minnesota..-... 1, 050 Wyoming..- 6, 450 INDEX. Page. Arizona, towns in. ——............................................................ 15 Arkansas, towns in- --—.. —-.. ------.-.... —-—. -—..-. - -—..... -...-......... 5 Arkansas River -----. —. -..... —-. —-----—.- I,,,,.... - -................ 32 Arkansas Valley Railroad ---—..... ——. —--..-...... —.......................40 Atlantic & Pacific Railroad —..... —-------—.... —.-........- 39 Baronmetric Profiles --------—......- —.... —---—. —- —. —----------------—. 53 Beckwith, Lieut., Route from Salt Lake City to Green River-....-.-....... —.-........ 61 Route from Green River to Salt Lake City -- ---------— 61 Route from Salt Lake City to Fort Reading, California -. —--—... - 61 Route from Mud Lakes to Fort Reading. — --—. ------------—...- 62 Big Hole River ---—. —---. —---- ----------------—.- -..-..-............. 34 Big Horn River --..... —-—. —. —.. — -..... —-- --- ---.....- -...34 Burlington & Missouri River Railroad ---- ---.. —---—.-.-. —-----------—..... 41 California, towns in --—.-. —---------------------------------—..................17 Canadian River -----------------—. —---------------. ——. —------------....32 Central Railroad of Iowa —-------------------------------------------------- 42 Central Pacific Railroad. ——.- ------—. —-. —--—. —-—. —-------------—.- -. ——. 45 Chicago & Northwestern Railroad -. —.-. —.............................-...... 41 Cities, towns, etc., elevations of ------ —. -- --—.-...- -.- -. --.... —--- 5 Colorado, towns in —. —--—. —------—.. —----—... —---- —. —---—.. —-. —--- 13 Colorado River -- ------ --------------- ------------------------ --—.- —........ 35 Cross Sections across the western part of the United States. —. —----- --- -.. ——. — --- 69 Dakota, towns in. —--------------—... —. —-.- ---------—.- -...-... — —. —-—. 13 De Lacy, Route from Helena, Montana, to Salmon City.... —-—.-.-.. —..... 65 Denver & Rio Grande Railroad —.. —------------- ------------------------—. —-- 41 Denver & South Park Railroad —---—. —--------—. —------------------------ ---- 40 Emory, Lieut., Route from Fort Leavenworth Kansas, to San Diego, California —..-... 55 Gallatin River. ——. —-------—. —----- -----—. —----------------------- -. —----- 34 Gila River. —------------------------------- ------------------------------- 36 Gunnison, Capt., and Beckwith, Lieut., Route from St. Louis, Missouri, to Salt Lake City. 59 Hannibal & St. Joseph Railroad —.. —.............. —-. -. —-------—. -—.... —-— 43 Hayden, F. V., Route from Ogden, Utah, to Fort Ellis, Montana.. —................... 64 Route from Fort Ellis, Montana, to Fort Bridger, Wyoming........... 65 Hind, Route from Lake Superior to Winnipeg Lake --------- -. —.-................-. 67 Idaho, towns in.. —-----------—. —-.....-.... —-.- -- -.............. 16 Indian Territory, towns in.-..... ——.... —.... —-.. —. ——. —. —- —.... —-. 10 International and Houston & Great Northern Railroads of Texas --—.. —-----. —. —-43 Iowa, towns in ---------—. —-----------—. —. —--. ——. ——. —-----... —------ - 6 Iowa rivers, Rate of fall of- 37 Iow rier, Rte f all of -----— ~ —------- -----------—. —---. —----—. —-. —----— 3 Jefferson River ----- ---------—. —--------------—.- --------------. —----------- 34 Kansas, towns ill n —-.. ——...... —-. — -—..... —---—. —-. —--—. —-..... —- 10 Kansas River - -------- ------ ------ -----—...- -... --—. —-----—. —--—. — 32 Kansas Pacific Railroad. 39 Leavenworth branch of -......40 Keokuk Northern and Iowa Northern Central Railroads - --- --—. —---------------.- 42 Lakes ——. —------------------—. —-—.. —------------------- —. —----------— 29 Lake Superior & Mississippi Railroad. ——. —----—.. —-. —---—. ——..... —--—. — 50 Madison River.... —----- 34 Madion Rver ~ —-- -—. —--- ------ ---- ---- ---- ----—. —--- ---- ------ ---- ---- 3 Mean elevations of States and Territories. ——. —-------------------------------—. 72 Mexican boundary Survey, Route of the. —--—.. —.....-............. —. —-- --—. — 54 Mexico, Table-land of, cross section.. —--------- ---—..-... ——.... ——.. —-—. — 53 longitudinal section.............. 54 Minnesota, towns in ---—. ——. ——.. —-..... —-.. —- ------—. —-. —------—..-... 8 Mississippi River -- --—. - -. - —. -..-................- - -.-. —.....-......- -. 31 Missouri, towns in. —-.. ——.. —--- ----- -...... —-.. ——.. ——. —--—.. -------- - 5 Missouri Pacific Railroad -—. —-----—.. —--------—.... —--- -—. —---.. —--. —-- 43 Missouri River --------------------—. —----------------------------------------- 33 Mohave River —--- ---—. —-. —------—. —- ---------------------------—. ------- 36 Montana, towns in ——.. —-.. —----—. ——.. —--. —----—... ——. —--—.- -- 15 Mountains, foreign....................................-........................... 25 6LE HI, INDEX. Page, Mountains, United States-.-..-.... —-. —-—...................... ---. 20 Nebraska, towns in.... —..... —..-...... 12 Nevada, towns in.. —-—............-....-............. 16 New Mexico, towns in...................................................... 13 Northern Pacific Railroad.... 51 North Platte River. —..........-..... 33 Oregon. towns in...-.... 18 Parke, Lieut., Route from San Diego, California, to the Gila River. —. -. —--------—. 57 Passes ------------------ ---- -- --------- ------------— 26 Plateaux in foreign countries....................... —. --—................ 28 the United States. —-—..- ---------—.. —------—. —----... —--- 28 Platte River ----------—.. — 32 Pope, Captain. Route from Preston, Arkansas, to Molino, on the Rio Grande -......... 57 Railroad profiles --- ----.. —-..-.-..-.........-..... 39 Red River of Louisiana. —.. -----... ---—. —-------------. —---... 31 Rio Grande. —-.. —.... —- --------. —-------—.... —. 36 Rio Puerco --------- ---- - ---- -- --- ---- ----- -- - - ---—.- ------ ----------- 35 Sacramento River --------—. —--------------- -- --------..-.-. 36 St. Joseph & Denver City Railroad..- -...... —-----------—. 43 Branch of, to the Republican River. - -... —-. —---- 44 Manhattan branch of -------------—.. —-------- 44 St. Paul & Pacific Railroad.... —-------------------------—.... —----------- - 45 Branch of, from St. Anthony to Brainerd.... —........ 46 St. Vincent branch of.- -----------------—. ——. —---- 47 St. Paul & Sioux City and Sioux City & St. Paul Railroads -- 49 St. Paul, Stillwater & Taylor's Falls Railroad. —-.. —.- ---—.. —--.. —.-. 49 Sioux City & Pacific Railroad........... —.... 42 Southern Minnesota Railroad. —-- -- ------- ---.. 52 South Platte River. —-. ----—. —-—.. —---. —--- -.... —--—. —-------- 33 Stevens, Governor. Route from Fort Benton to the Umatilla River. --..-...... 66 Texas, towns in. —----------—.. —--—. —-. —---------------------------------- 9 Timber-line -. —-.... —-..- - ---—......... —--- 29 Union Pacific Railroad. —. —---- -----. —------- ----—. - -—... ---- --- -.44 Utah, towns in ----- -------------------------------------------------------- 16 Warren, Lieutenant. Route from Fort Pierre to Fort Kearney -----—.... — - 66 Washington Territory, towns in -..... —-—. —..... ——. 19 Water-level of rivers......................... —----------—................... —---------- 31 Whipple, Lieutenant. Route on the 35th parallel.-.-....-..-............ 57 Williams River -----------. —. —-----------—. ----------------------------- 35 Williamson, Lieutenant. Route from Benicia, California, to Fort Vancouver -. —..- 63 Martinez, California to Fort Yuma --------------- 62 Wyoming, towns in —. —..-.-.... —-- 14 Yellowstone River ------—. —-—. ---------—. —---. —----—.-. —-- --------- 33