TEXT-BOOKS OF SCIENCE ADAPTED FOR THE USE OF ARTISANS AND STUDENTS IN PUBLIC AND SCIENCE SCHOOLS. CHEMICAL PHILOSOPHY. INTRODUCTION TO TMI SETJILY OF CHEMICAL PHILOSOPHY TIHE PRINCIPLES OF TIEORETICAL AND SYSTEMIA TIC CHEM'ISTRY BY WILLIAM A. TILDEN, D.Sc.LOND., F.C.S. LECTURER ON CHEMISTRY IN CLIFTON COLLEGE D. APPLETON AND CO. NEW YORK I876 PREFACE. THIS little volume is primarily intended for the use of students. It aims at presenting a synopsis, brief indeed, and probably imperfect, of the leading principles of chemistry in such a form as to give the subject a more decided educational direction than has been hitherto customary. In consideration of its peculiar fitness for developing the powers of observation, of reasoning, and of memory, no branch of experimental science deserves more emphatic recognition at the hands of educators than chemistry. In order, however, that its advantages may be reaped to the full, I believe that the methods of teaching very generally prevalent in schools require to be considerably modified. I think teachers ought to realise the fact that chemistry, as a school subject, is not taught with a view to its practical applications to medicine, manufactures, or the arts, but because the study is calculated to quicken the faculties of observation, to strengthen the memory, and to engender a power and a vi Preface. habit of continuous thought, as well as to arouse new interests and open up new fields to the imagination. It is of little consequence, in this view, whether or not the facts acquired can be turned to practical account; but it is of prime importance that the phenomena brought under their notice, and the manner in which those phenomena are presented, should be such as will compel the pupils to think. Notwithstanding that the book does not profess to be a complete treatise on the subject, its contents will, I believe, be found sufficiently comprehensive to afford a tolerably general view of chemical theory as it exists at the present time. My desire has been to assist the student in attaining to broad and philosophic views of chemistry as a whole, and to accustom him to regard it as one out of many branches of physical science rather than as a mystery standing apart from other studies. My little text-book embodies the substance of the lectures I have been giving for some time past to the more advanced classes in Clifton College. Notwithstanding that some portions of the book deal with subjects which are outside the course of ordinary elementary teaching, and must be admitted to be rather more difficult, I have not found them beyond the capacity of intelligent boys of fifteen to eighteen years of age, and I have every reason to be satisfied with the results hitherto obtained. Preface. vii The use which I propose to make of the book in my own.teaching is to get the more advanced classes to read it by small portions at a time, and to work out all the exercises, which, it must be understood, are merely suggestive, and will require to be copiously supplemented by any teacher who adopts the work. Such a course of study obviously cannot be undertaken except as the sequel to a series of experimental lessons, perhaps repeated more than once, in which the properties of the chief elements and some of their compounds have been demonstrated. As a guide to such a course no better book could be desired than the'Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry,' written by the late Professor W. A. Miller, and this has been hitherto the text-book of the junior classes under my charge. The molecular theory has been adopted in a somewhat rigid form, not by reason of any special convictions of my own regarding its permanence as a scientific truth, but because I am satisfied by long experience that, whatever form it may ultimately assume, it is even now a most important and almost indispensable aid to teaching chemistry. I cannot conclude without expressing my thanks to several scientific friends, who have in the kindest manner examined my manuscript and have favoured me with valuable suggestions and encouragement. I have, of course, not hesitated to avail myself of the viii Preface. stores of information contained in Watts' most valuable Dictionary. The exercises are for the most part culled either from examination papers given at Oxford, Cambridge, or London, or are taken from memoirs published in the journals of the various scientific societies. Many also are original. W. A. T. CLIFTON: May I876. CONTENTS. rAGH TABLE OF WEIGHTS, MEASURES, AND TEMPERATURES.. 2 SECTION 1. CHAPTER I. THE CONSTITUTION OF MATTER. Molecules-Atoms-Elements and Compounds-Special province of Chemistry-Solids and Fluids-Special peculiarities of Gases-Intermediate states of Matter... 3 CHAPTER II. FUSION AND SOLUTION. Relation of Melting Point to Molecular Weight-Solution of Solids-Solution is probably due to Chemical combinationCryohydrates — Crystallisation — Water of CrystallisationEfflorescence and Deliquescence-Solution of Gases-Law of Henry and Dalton-Absorption of Mixed Gases-Case of Atmospheric Air. x Contents. CHAPTER III. LIQUID DIFFUSION AND DIALYSIS. PACE Crystalloids and Colloids; separation of, by diffusion through Colloid Septa. 7 CHAPTER IV. EVAPORATION AND EBULLITION. Conditions of Ebullition-Boiling Points, their relation to Molecular Weight-Fractional Distillation-Liquefaction of Vapours and Gases..21 CHAPTER V. DIFFUSION AND DIALYSIS OF GASES. Law of Diffusion-Graham's Experiments-Relation of Diffusion Phenomena to the Molecular Theory-Passage of Gases through Colloid Septa-Occlusion of Hydrogen by Palladium, &c. 27 CHAPTER VI. RELATION OF GASES TO TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE. Boyle's Law-Law of Gay-Lussac and Charles-Examples of Calculations-Absolute Temperatures-Law of Avogadro. 32 CHAPTER VII. SPECTRA. Continuous Spectra of Solids, Liquids, and Dense VapoursBright Line Spectra of Ignited Gases-Spectral AnalysisAbsorption Spectra-Fraunhofer's Lines-Thermal and Chemical Spectra-Luminosity of Flame-Theories of Davy and Frankland. 39 EXERCISES ON SECTION I. 50 Contents. xi SE CTION II. CHAPTER VIII. ELEMENTS AND COMPOUNDS. "AGE Water a compound, Hydrogen and Oxygen Elements-Allotropic modification of Oxygen-Number of Elements-Their Distribution in Nature-Symbols and Atomic Weights-Formulae and Molecular Weights.53 CHAPTER IX. LAWS OF CHEMICAL COMBINATION. Definite Proportions-Multiple Proportions-Reciprocal Proportions-Law of Volumes-Percentage Composition-Dalton's Atomic Theory..59 CHAPTER X. EQUATIONS. CLASSIFICATION OF REACTIONS. Calculations of Weight and Volume in Chemical Changes-Classi. fication of Reactions-Combination of Entire MoleculesDecomposition of Molecules-Metameric Change —Single Metathesis-Double Metathesis- Substitution.. 65 CHAPTER XI. CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS DISTINGUISHED FROM MIXTURES. Properties of Compounds always different from those of their Constituents-Definite Composition of True Compounds xii Contents. PAGE Fractional Crystallisation of Solids; Fractional Distillation of Liquids; Fractional Solution and Diffusion of Gases-Discussion of Special Cases -Iron and Sulphur-Tartaric and Racemic Acids-Alcohol, Ether, Water-Toluidine-Hydrogen and Chlorine-Ethane and Hydrogen-Atmospheric Air. 72 CHAPTER XII. NOMENCLATURE. Names of Elements: of Binary Compounds; of Acids and Salts; of Carbon Compounds. 78 CHAPTER XIII. CONDITIONS OF CHEMICAL CHANGE. THEORIES REGARDING THE NATURE OF CHEMICAL ATTRACTION. In order to produce Chemical Action bodies must be in contact with each other-One must be Liquid or Gaseous-Assistance rendered by Elevation of Temperature-Heat generated by Chemical Combination-Correlation of Electricity and Chemical action —Effect of Physical conditions upon the interaction of Chemical Elements or Compounds-Effects of Mass-Bunsen's Experiments-Speculations as to the modus oj5erandi of Chemical Agents.85 CHAPTER XIV. COMBUSTION. Modern Explanation of Burning-Theory of Phlogiston-Temperature of Flame-Heat of Combustion-Problems 97 EXERCISES ON SECTION II.. I04 Contents. xiii SE CTI ON IIL. CHAPTER XV.' EQUIVALENTS AND ATOMIC WEIGHTS. PAGE Determination of Equivalent precedes the determination of Atomic Weight-Relation of Atomic Weight to Vapour Density of Volatile Elements-Atomic Weight the least weight of any Element found in one Molecule of any of its CompoundsLaw of Dulong and Petit-Exceptions —Isomorphism-Other Methods. Io9 CHAPTER XVI. MOLECULAR WEIGHTS AND FORMULIE. Percentage Composition-Formula deduced from PercentagesApplication of4he Law of Avogadro-Dual Nature of the Hydrogen Molecule-Relation of Molecular Weight to Vapour Density-Nascent State-Synthetical production of Hydrogen and Oxygen-Synthetical production of Compounds -Acids-Bases-Substitution Compounds.... I20 CHAPTER XVII. DISSOCIATION. Ammonium Salts - Calcium Carbonate- Efflorescent SaltsWater of Crystallisation-Sulphuric Acid-Physical Explanation of Dissociation-Ammonium Chloride-Phosphoric Chloride-Calomel-Experimental Evidence.... 130 xiv Contents. CHAPTER XVIII. TYPES. ATOMICITY. PAGE Types of Decomposition-Rational Formulse-Case of Sulphuric Acid —Different Combining Powers of Different AtomsValency and Atomicity-Atomicity of the Chief ElementsCompound Radicles-Saturated Compounds —Formulke Constructed according to the Theory of Atomicity-Graphic Formulae.1. 35 CHAPTER XIX. UNSATURATED COMPOUNDS. Valency generally changes by an even number of UnitsAtomicity therefore uniformly Artiad or Perissad-Even numbers - Exceptions - Nitric Oxide - Nitric PeroxideUranium Pentachloride-Tungsten and Molybdenum Penta. chlorides-Unsaturated Compounds acting as Radicles —Uisaturated Bodies are Stores of Energy-Valency of Common Salt Radicles.. I46 CHAPTER XX. ISOMERISM. Physical Isomerides-Polymeric Bodies-Metamerides-Allotropic Modifications of the Elements-Consumption of Energy in Production of Isomerides. I53 EXERCISES ON SECTION III. 162 Contezts. xv SECTIONV IV. CLASSIFICATION OF ELEMENTS. CHAPTER XXI. PAGE Division of Elements into Three Classes-Characters of Nonmetals-The Halogens-Atomicity of the Halogens-Oxygen, Sulphur, Selenion, Tellurium-Atomicity of Oxygen and Sulphur-Boron-Carbon and Silicon-Atomicity of Carbon and Silicon-Nitrogen and Phosphorus.... 7I CHAPTER XXII. Metalloids-Hydrogen-Tellurium-Tin, Titanium, ZirconiumAtomicity of Tin and Allied Elements-Vanadium, Arsenic, Antimony, Bismuth - Niobium and Tantalum - Molybdenum, Tungsten, Uranium. I98 CHAPTER XXIII. Metals-The Alkali-Metals-Alkaline-earth Metals-Zinc Group -Silver and Mercury-Indium, Thallium, Lead-Relations of Indium, Thallium, and Lead-Iron-copper GroupAtomicity of the Iron Group-Copper-Platinum GroupGold-Platinum, Iridium, Osmium-Palladium, Rhodium, Ruthenium. 210 EXERCISES ON SECTION IV........ 237 xvi Contelts. SECTION V. CLASSIFICATION OF COMPOUNDS. CHAPTER XXIV. ACIDS, BASES, SALTS. PAGI Classification of Acids-Determination of Basicity-Basic Oxides and Hydrates-Ammoniacal Bases-Salts.... 239 CHAPTER XXV. DERIVATIVES OF AMMONIA. The Ammonium Theory-Amines-Constitution of Ammonium Compounds-Phosphines, &c.-Amides. 250 CHAPTER XXVI. CARBON COMPOUNDS. Hyvdrocarbons and their Haloid Derivatives-Alcohols-Alcohols Classified-Ethers-Aldehyds and Ketones-Acids-Acids containing n-CO -OH are n-Basic-Basic Carbonaceous Derivatives of Ammonia - Compound Ethers - Organo-metallic Compounds. 257 EXERCISES ON SECTION V. 273 INDEX...... 77 CHEMICAL PHILOSOPHY. METRIC WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. PREFIXES,-Myria-............. 10,000. Kilo-.. 1000. Hecto-............ 100. Deka-............. 10. (. )............ 1. Deci-............. CentiMilli-I Inserting after the hyphen and in the brackets(1.) Metre, gives the measures of length. (2.) Litre,,,,, capacity. (3.) Gram,,, weight. LENGTH. 1 METRE = 10 decimetres. (10 dcm.) = 100 centimetres. (100 cm.) = 1000 millimetres. (1000 mm.) 1000 Metres= I Kilonmetre. CAPACITY. 1 LITRE = 1 cubic decimetre. (1 c.dcm.) = 1000 cubic centimetres. (1000 c.c.) WEIGHT. 1 GRAM or the weight of 1 c.c. of pure water at 4'C. = 10 decigrams. (10 dg.) 1= 00 centigrams (100 cg.) = 1000 milligrams. (1000 mg.) 1000 Grams= 1 Kilogram. ENGLISH EQUIVALENTS. NEARLY. ACCURATELY. 1 METRE = 3 feet 38 inches = 39'37079 inches. or 398 inches. 1 KILOMETRE 1100 yards = 1093'6331 yards. 1 LITRE =1 Impl. pint 1'760773414 pint. or 35 ounces. I GRAM = 15a grains = 15'4323s48 grains 1 KILOGRAM = 2w pounds = 2'2046213 pounds MEMORANDA. Weight of 1 litre of hydrogen (at 0~C. and under 760 mm. bar. pressure) -'0896 gram, or I crith. Therefore 1 gram of hydrogen measures 11'16 litres. Specific gravity of Hydrogen (Air = 1)'0693. Air (H = 1) =14'42. 5sC. - 9'F.. IC. - ~'F. and 1IF. = ~C. Cx9 To convert C. into F. temperatures - + 32 = F. (F - 32)5 To convert F. into C temperatures 9 = C. SECTION I. CHAPTER I. THE CONSTITUTION OF MATTER. IN order to facilitate the explanation of chemical phenomena, modern philosophers have found it convenient to revive, in a somewhat modified foirm, the ancient hypothesis that all bodies possessing extension and weight are made up of stuff, substance, or ntatter, which is not uniform and continuous throughout, but consists of separate very small portions. Each of these small masses, which are called zmoecuzes, is supposed to be to a certain extent independent of the rest and isolated from them. The hypothesis further requires us to suppose that the molecules constituting any given species of matter are all alike, in size, weight, and properties, and differ in these respects from other molecules. Thus the molecules contained in one drop of water are conceived to be precisely like the molecules in any other drop of the same liquid. Similarly the molecules in a given globule of the liquid metal mercury, or quicksilver, must be assumed to be like all other molecules of the same metal; but water molecules and mercury molecules differ altogether from each other in weight and chemical properties. It must be distinctly understood that molecules cannot be seen, and all the arguments upon which the assumption of their existence is founded, are derived from the examination of masses of appreciable magnitude. We know nothing of isolated individual molecules; the examination of these would be B 2 4 Chemical Philosophay. for obvious reasons impossible, and even if such a division were actually possible, the condition or properties of a single molecule would be in no way comparable with those of a mass of matter in which many molecules are imagined to be naturally aggregated by cohesion or otherwise. But we may assume that when one kind of matter affects chemically another kind, the smallest quantity of each which is capable of entering into the reaction consists of a determinate number of molecules. For the purposes contemplated in this book, then, a molecule may be defined as the unit of chemical action; that is, the smallest quantity which is able to take part in or result from a chemical change. The constituent parts of molecules* are called atomns. t These may be regarded as the primordial masses of which molecules are supposed to be built up. The atoms constituting a molecule must in some cases be assumed to be alike. The body made up of such molecules is called an element. Most commonly, however, there are reasons for considering that the atoms composing a given molecule are dissimilar, and then the body is a compound. The number of atoms in a molecule is very variable. A few elements have molecules which are assumed to consist of one atom only, others of two, three, or four; whilst in compound bodies the number may amount to hundreds. Chemistry is concerned chiefly with the investigation of those changes in properties which result from alterations in the internal constitution of molecules; whilst the study of those forces which affect entire molecules, and masses of molecules without regard to their composition, belongs to the domain of Physics. The materials which compose the earth's crust with its ocean and atmosphere and their inhabitants, may be roughly classified according to their mechanical condition into solids and fluids. Fluids are either liquids or gases. * Molecule, diminutive, from Lat. mzoes, a mass. t Atom, from &, not, and re/vW', I cut. Solids and Fluids. 5 A solid retains its form unless acted upon by pressure, by division with cutting instruments, by heat, or by solvents. Many solid bodies under suitable conditions assume definite geometric figures, which are generally bounded by plane faces, and thus give rise to crystals. This rigidity, by which the external form and relative position of parts is maintained, is due to what is called "cohesion." We should not, however, be justified in assuming that the constituent particles of solids are in a condition of absolute repose. Alteration of temperature and volume produced by the application of heat are attributable, according to the molecular theory, to the motion of the molecules, this motion being supposed to consist mainly in their rotation, or oscillation, or revolution, within a determinate space. A liquid is recognised by its mobility, and by always assuming when at rest a horizontal level surface, except just where it comes into contact with the vessel containing it. The several parts of a mass of liquid are not held together with the same amount of force that binds together the parts of a solid, but that liquids are not altogether destitute of cohesion is shown by the spheroidal form of the rain drop, or of water sprinkled upon a greasy surface. The volume of a liquid is scarcely affected appreciably by pressure, even when very great, and pressure communicated to any one part of a mass of liquid is transmitted almost instantly arnd without loss to every other part. From the phenomena of liquid diffusion which will be alluded to further on, it seems probable that the molecules of liquids move constantly from one part of the mass to another. These motions, however, are sluggish in comparison with the corresponding intestine movement which is observed in gases, and this is perhaps to be explained, at least in part, by the assumption that the molecules of liquids may be comparatively close together, so that their free motion is impeded by frequent collision. Gases differ from solids and liquids in the circumstance 6 Chemical Phzilosophy. that they seem to be entirely discharged from the influence of cohesion. A mass of gas exhibits no surface, like that of a liquid, and no gas can be confined in a vessel which does not enclose it on every side. The volume of a gas increases as the pressure upon it decreases (Law of Boyle), until when the pressure is nothing the bulk of the gas becomes greater than the capacity of any conceivable vessel. If, therefore, a small quantity of a gas be introduced into any part of a vacuous space, it immediately spreads itself out and pervades every portion of that space equally. Solids, liquids, and gases alike expand upon the application of heat, but whereas each solid and liquid increases by a fraction of'its volume which is peculiar to itself, all gases expand to practically the same extent by equal increment of temperature. In other words, whilst the co-efficients of expansion of solids and liquids are all different, those of true gases are the same in every case. On the hypothesis that a gas, like a solid or a liquid, is a congeries of small masses or molecules, there are reasons for supposing that the molecules of gases are in constant and very rapid motion from place to place, and that they move in straight lines. A given molecule, however, cannot be supposed to pursue an uninterrupted course for any appreciable distance, but probably takes a new direction on the approach of another molecule. These motions of translation which, in accordance with received views, have been here attributed to the molecules of gases and liquids, are directly related to the amount of heat which has been expended in producing the liquid from a solid, or the gas from a liquid. In other words, when heat is consumed in melting a solid, or in gasifying a liquid, it is necessary to admit that the vibratory motion to which the temperature of the heating agent is supposed to be due being communicated to the molecules of the object, may cause them not only to vibrate, but to move from place to The Molecu/ar Theory. 7 place; and this altered motion corresponds with change of state. For the further discussion of these speculations the reader must consult works on physics.* He will do well, however, constantly to set before his mind the fact that we possess at present no direct or positive proof even that molecules exist; still less have we any evidence regarding the conditions under which they may subsist in mass. The molecular hypothesis, however, is no longer in the position which it formerly held as a relic of the vague speculative philosophy of the ancients. It has been raised to the rank of a theory which bids fair to rival in completeness and importance the Newtonian theory of gravitation itself. In neither case does the theory admit of direct experimental proof; but both are accepted because they accord fully with the results of observation. The theory of molecules once admitted, all the recognised laws of chemical combination by weight and volume follow as necessary consequences. At the same time the phenomena connected with the physical properties of gases and liquids, such as the transmission of pressure and the remarkable laws of diffusion, find a rational and intelligible explanation such as no other hypothesis yet put forward has been competent to furnish. It is in fact not too much to assert that the rapid progress of modern chemistry and the intimate connection which it has been shown to have with other branches of physical science, as well as the illustrations it affords of the great doctrine of energy, are largely attributable to the general acceptance of this hypothesis. The science as it now stands may be regarded as a practical development of the molecular theory. nThe mathematical investigations of Krdnig and Clausius, and of Rankine and Clerk Maxwell, have led to the establishment of the dynamical theory of gases, and have given a powerful impetus to the general recognition of the molecular theory by physicists. The student is recommended to make himself acquainted with the discussion of the subject from this point of view, which is given in Clerk Maxwell's " Theory of Heat." 8 Chemical Philosophy. When a solid is transformed into a liquid, or a liquid into a gas, an apparently abrupt change of physical properties occurs, and heat is abundantly absorbed without producing elevation of temperature. But the transition from one state to another is by no means so sudden as appears from the consideration of cases like that of water. Many solids, such as iron, pass through an intermediate state, in which they are more or less plastic or viscid before they finally assume the liquid condition; and even the most perfect liquids with which we are acquainted are far from being absolutely mobile. Ether and alcohol, for example, flow more easily than water; but even these liquids exhibit a certain degree of viscosity. Experiments commenced in I822 by Caignard de la Tour, and since continued and extended by Dr. Andrews, have shown that matter is capable of existing in a somewhat analogous condition intermediate between the liquid and gaseous states: " By partially liquefying carbonic acid gas by pressure and then raising the temperature to 880 F., the surface of demnarcation between the liquid and gas becomes fainter, loses its curvature, and at last disappears. The space is then occupiec by a homogeneous fluid, which exhibits, when the pressure is suddenly diminished or the temperature slightly lowered, a peculiar appearance of moving or flickering strioe throughout its entire mass. At temperatures above 88~ F., no apparent liquefaction or separation into two distinct forms of matter could be effected even when a pressure of three or four hundred atmospheres was applied." (Andrews.) Nitrous oxide and sulphurous oxide, and other gases, give similar results. The striae referred to are most probably the result of changes in density, caused by slight changes of temperature or pressure, as in ordinary liquids or gases when heated. It thus appears that the various physical states of matter merge one into another by imperceptible gradations; and if we adopt the molecular theory we can see some explanation of this. The change of a solid into a liquid, and of a liquid into a gas, is the result of alteration, generally increase, in the distances between the molecules. It is clear that in passing, for example, from the relative positions corresponding with the liquid state into those belonging to the gas the molecules must occupy scccessive intervening spaces. In doing this they must occupy successively an infinite number of different positions which may give rise to an infinite number of temporary modifications in the physical condition of the body. 9 CHAPTER II. FUSION AND SOLUTION. Fusion of Solids. —When, by the application of heat, a dry solid, such as sulphur or lead, is made to assume the liquid state, it is said to melt or undergo fusion. But when sugar is placed in water, it disappears, and is said to dissolve, and the liquid which results from such combination is called a solution. This distinction in terms is necessary, if only for practical convenience. Amongst the elements the temperatures at which fusion occurs are very diverse, and there are but few cases in which any relation can be traced between this property and the chemical or other characteristics of the body. But among the compounds of carbon, which are very numerous, the determination of the melting point often serves as a convenient test whereby to distinguish two similar bodies from one another or to complete the identification of some substance under examination. As a general rule, it may, perhaps, be said that in a series of similar bodies those of smallest molecular weight melt at the lowest temperatures, as in the following examples:Melting Point. Molecular Weight. Sulphur I I5~ n32 Selenion 2170 n79'5 Tellurium about 5000 nI28 Formic acid 00 46 Acetic acid 17~ 6o Palmitic acid 62~ 256 Stearic acid 69'2 284 Cerotic acid 78~ 410 Melissic acid 880 452 Io Chemical Philosophy. There are, however, numerous exceptions to this rule. One example will suffice:Melting Point. Molecular Weight. Cadmium 3I5 I 12 Zinc 4230 65 Magnesium low red heat 24 In very many cases a mixture of two or more substances melts at a lower temperature than either of the ingredients. Mixtures of the fatty and other acids melt at lower temperatures than the pure acids; the carbonates of potassium and sodium melt more easily when mixed than when alone; an alloy of potassium and sodium is liquid at the ordinary temperature; and an alloy of cadmium, tin, lead, and bismuth melts in hot water. Solution of Solids.-The extent to which solid bodies are dissolved by liquids exhibits still greater diversity, and it is possible to generalise still less with regard to this property than when referring to the phenomena of fusion. The most general fact that has been observed is, that solubility increases with rise of temperature; or, in other words, a hot liquid dissolves a given solid more freely than the same liquid when cold. But although this statement is true of a very large number of soluble bodies, it is subject to some well-marked exceptions. Thus, common salt dissolves to very nearly the same extent in cold as in boiling water, and lime, calcium sulphate, barium acetate, and other salts are very decidedly less soluble in hot water than in cold. Liquids, too, are observed to exercise a certain selection in the solids they take up. Thus, water dissolves a vast number of salts, which, in the majority of cases, are insoluble, or nearly so, in alcohol. On the other hand, alcohol dissolves a great many carbonaceous substances, such as organic bases, resins, and camphor, which are almost unaffected by water. And, without straining the idea too far, it is not too much to say that there is in many cases a rela Solution of Solid Bodies. II tion observable between the chemical composition of the solvent and that of the solid it dissolves. Ether and benzene, both highly carbonaceous liquids, dissolve freely fats and other substances which are rich in carbon; carbon bisulphide is the best solvent for the common form of sulphur; phosphorus trichloride dissolves phosphorus. This relation cannot, however, be said to be general, and at present we possess no clue to the laws which regulate the solution of solids in liquids. It does appear, however, that the union between a liquid and the substance in solution resembles more or less closely the act of chemical combination. One reason for so regarding it is supplied by the thermal changes that accompany solution. In the process of dissolving many solids there is a very considerable reduction of temperature consequent upon the change of state which the solid undergoes, its liquefaction necessarily rendering a certain amount of heat latent. Freezing mixtures are often made on this principle. But in not a few other cases the temperature rises in a very marked degree. This is due to the heat generated by the combination of the solid with the liquid in which it is immersed, and is sufficient not only to satisfy the requirements of the change of condition which the solid undergoes in becoming a liquid, but also to raise the temperature of the resulting liquid. It has also been observed that some solutions, when further diluted with the same liquid, develop successive though smaller quantities of heat. It seems fair to attribute these continuous manifestations of heat to the process of aggregation of molecules under the influence of chemical attraction. This is in accordance with the very generally observed, though not universal, fact that chemical combination is attended by liberation of heat. Sulphuric acid furnishes an instance of the kind referred to. I2 CChemical Philosophy. Relative quantities of heat evolved by mixing sulphuric acid with successive quantities of water. One molecule of sulphuric acid with I mol. of water. 69'7 2 mols.,,.. 33'7 3 mols.,..5'4 4 mols.,,. 29 5 mols.,,7'3 &c. &c. 120 mols.,,.. Some interesting facts bearing on this question have lately been discovered by Professor Guthrie, who finds that all salts are capable of combining with definite quantities of water when their solutions are exposed to a sufficiently low temperature. And from the fact that the bodies thus obtained present a constant melting and solidifying point, a distinct crystalline form and other well-marked characteristics, it seems not unfair to regard them as true chemical compounds. Ammonium chloride, for example, is, under ordinary circumstances, an anhydrous salt; but when the temperature of its aqueous solution is reduced to - i5~0, a crystalline body is formed in which one molecule of the ammonium chloride is united to twelve molecules of water. In other cases these "cryohydrates," as they have been called, contain a much larger proportion, amounting to hundreds of molecules, of water. The process of solution of a solid body, then, would appear to consist in the combination of the body, in the first instance, with a certain limited, though relatively large quantity of the solvent forming a hydrate, which at ordinary temperatures above oo is a liquid, and this liquid then mixes with the rest of the solvent by the ordinary process of diffusion. Naturally connected with the production of solutions is the process of crystallisation, as it is in the gradual passage from the liquid to the solid state that we find the most generally useful method for the formation of crystals. Water of Crystalliziation. 13 The crystallisation of a crystallisable solid from its solutions occurs when the percentage of solid present in the liquid exceeds a certain limit dependent on the nature both of the solid and the liquid in which it is dissolved. This condition may be brought about either by allowing part of the solvent to evaporate, or by altering, in general by lowering the temperature. Crystals are then formed, and these crystals, in the majority of cases, contain not only the elements of the dissolved substance, but a portion of the solvent united to it in definite molecular proportions. This is particularly noticeable in the case of aqueous solutions, and the water thus combined is spoken of as water of crystallisation. Alcohol and benzene, and probably other liquids, unite with salts and other crystallisable bodies in the same manner. It is noteworthy that the proportion of water of crystallisation is principally dependent upon the temperature at which the process of crystallisation takes place. Thus, sulphate of sodium crystallises from water at temperatures above 400 C. in the anhydrous state. But at the ordinary temperature of the air, the solution deposits crystals which contain ten molecules of water with one molecule of the salt, whilst at - 70, the crystals formed contain I66 molecules of water. (Guthrie.) Water of crystallisation is always expelled from a salt by exposure in a vacuum, or at the temperature of boiling water. The water which is given off by many bodies at higher temperatures is supposed not to exist as such in the compound, but to be produced in consequence of decomposition. Some compounds, however, evolve at ordinary temperatures, a vapour of appreciable tension, and these soon lose a part or the whole of their water of crystallisation, at the same time crumbling away to a shapeless mass. Such salts are said to be efforescent. On the other hand, certain dry solids, such as potassium hydrate, and carbonate, calcium chloride, and chromium trioxide, have the power of condensing and combining with vapour of water so freely, 14 CIhzezmical Philosophy. that when exposed to the atmosphere, or to any gas containing moisture, they rapidly liquefy in the water which they thus absorb. Bodies of this kind are said to be deiquzescenzt. Solution of Gases.-All gases dissolve to a greater or less extent in water, but, unlike solids, their solubility diminishes as the temperature rises, so that in most cases* the dissolved gas may be completely expelled from a liquid by boiling, whilst the amount taken up may be greatly increased by cooling the liquid. Increase of pressure also augments the solubility of gases in a direct ratio. It is therefore necessary in making any statement as to the solubility of a gas to observe the conditions of temperature and pressure under which that solubility was estimated. The following examples will serve to show how greatly gases differ in the extent to which they dissolve in water. At oo C, and under a pressure of 7600 mm. barom. I volume of water will dissolve Hydrogen.... 0193 Nitrogen'020. o2o35 Oxygen.... 04 I4 Nitrous Oxide... 1'3052 Carbon Dioxide...'7967 H-lydrogen Sulphide.. 4'3706 Sulphur Dioxide. 79.789 Ammonia.... I488 The numbers given above represent volumes of the several gases measured at oo and 760 min., and constitute the co-efficz'ets of absorption of these gases at that particular temperature and pressure. The general statement that the weight of a gas dissolved by a liquid is directly proportionate to the pressure is often known as the law of Henry and Dalton. It admits of another expression; for since, according to the law of Boyle, * Exceptions occur in the cases of hydrochloric acid and some other gases. Absorption of Gases by Liquids. I5 the volume of a gas diminishes as the pressure upon it increases, it is obvious that the volume of gas thus held in solution must always be the same, whatever the pressure. These rules no longer hold good when the gas and the liquid exert a chemical action upon each other, and exceptions must also be recognised in the case of the more soluble gases, such as hydrochloric acid and ammonia. The determination of the absorption of gases by liquids may be applied in certain cases to the elucidation of some important theoretical and practical questions. Atmospheric air furnishes an example which will be worth the consideration of the student. When a mixture of gases is exposed to the action of a solvent, the quantity of each of the constituents dissolved by the liquid will depend first upon its co-efficient of solubility, and secondly upon the proportion in which it exists in the mixture. This proportion determines the pressure which each gas present exerts upon the surface of the liquid, and consequently regulates the amount of it which is dissolved. The total pressure produced by the mixture is therefore the sum of those partial pressures due separately to the individual constituents. To make this more clear: Suppose a very large vessel containing a very little water, and filled with oxygen, under a pressure of one atmosphere. It is plain that if four-fifths of the gas were removed the pressure would be reduced to one-fifth of an atmosphere, and the quantity of oxygen dissolved would be only onefifth the quantity taken up under the previous conditions, provided, of course, that the temperature remain constant. An exactly similar vessel can be conceived filled with nitrogen under one atmosphere, and containing a little water. If one-fifth of the nitrogen were removed, the pressure of the remainder would be only four-fifths of an atmosphere, and the quantity dissolved would be reduced to four-fifths. Lastly, a similar vessel, filled with atmospheric i6 Chemical Philosophy. air, contains a gas in which the conditions of the two previously supposed experiments are combined. Air is composed very nearly of four volumes of nitrogen to one volume of oxygen, and by reason of the greater solubility of oxygen the proportion of the two gases one to the other is found to be disturbed when air is shaken up with water, the dissolved gas being richer in oxygen, the residual air richer in nitrogen, than the original. No stronger evidence could be adduced in favour of the view generally held, that in atmospheric air the two main components are not united chemically, but are in a state of intimate mechanical mixture. Note.-The following is an example of the kind of problem that might occur in connexion with this subject: Calculate the percentage composition of the gas which would be dissolved by water exposed in a room full of air containing 79 N, 20'6 0, and'4 of C02 in Ioo volumes (temp. oo and bar. 760 mm.). Coeff. of sol. for oxygen...'04,,,, nitrogen..'02 carbondioxide. I79 The pressures are proportional to the volumes of the gases present. Therefore the relative quantities dissolved would be: Nitrogen 79 X.02 ='58 Oxygen 20'6 X'04 -'824 Carbondioxide'4 X I'79 ='716 The total quantity... = 20 The percentage composition of the dissolved gas would therefore be: Nitrogen... 5.6 Oxygen.. 26'4 Carbonic dioxide... 22. 9 I7 CHAPTER III. LIQUID DIFFUSION AND DIALYSIS. AN aqueous solution of sugar or of salt is heavier than water, and may be readily poured through a funnel with a long stem, into a glass of water in such a way as to form a separate stratum at the bottom. If the solution is coloured, it will soon be noticed that the colour gradually extends upwards through the liquid, until, after a few hours or a few days, according to circumstances, the whole liquid is uniformly tinged. But it is not necessary that the liquid should be coloured. The taste, specific gravity, refractive power, or the application of chemical tests, will soon give indications that the solution from below is mixing with the liquid above. This process of spontaneous intermixture is called diffusion. It results from the proper motion of the molecules of the liquid, and cannot be referred to the disturbing influences of changes of temperature. The rapidity with which diffusion of this kind takes place, and the limit of its action, depend very much upon the nature of the liquids employed. The power of interdiffusion is by no means universal among liquids, some liquids being, like mercury, oil, and water, quite incapable of mixing together under any circumstances; whilst others, such as water and solution of hydrochloric acid, mingle spontaneously in consequence of very rapid diffusion. We are indebted for nearly all the information we possess on this subject to the late Professor Graham. His experiments were conducted very nearly in the manner already described at the beginning of the chapter. The glass vessel in which diffusion was allowed to go on was graduated into equal divisions, from the bottom upwards; and after the introduction of the two liquids, the whole was left in a room, the temperature of which was kept as uniform as possible. C I 8 Chemical Philosoply. After a time, the liquid occupying successive divisions of the vessel, was removed by a small syphon, or pipette, and analysed, in order to ascertain the extent to which diffusion had taken place. In this way a number of conclusions were arrived at, amongst which the following are the most important: i. Bodies are divisible, as regards their diffusive power, into two classes. Those which diffuse most readily through a given liquid menstruum are, for the most part, crystallisable substances, and are termed by Graham crystalloids; whilst the least diffusible bodies are uncrystallisable with, in most cases, high molecular weight, and are denominated colloids.,* from their resemblance to glue, which may be taken as the type of this class. The following list supplies the times of equal diffusion by the substances there named; and it will be seen that albumen and caramel, both of which are uncrystallisable substances of somewhat indefinite composition, are far behind the rest: — Hydrochloric acid.. I Chloride of sodium.. 2'33 Sugar...... 7 Sulphate of magnesium... 7 Albumen..... 49 Caramel..... 98 Thus hydrochloric acid diffuses more than twice as rapidly as chloride of sodium, seven times as rapidly as sugar or magnesium sulphate, forty-nine times as rapidly as albumen, and nearly one hundred times as rapidly as caramel. Hydrochloric acid is one of the most diffusive substances known. 2. Equal rates of diffusion are exhibited in many cases by the members of isomorphous groups. Thus hydrochloric, hydrobromic, and hydriodic acids have nearly the same * K6XXa, glue. Dialysis. 9 diffusion rate; so also have the chlorides, bromides, and iodides of the alkali metals; the nitrates of barium, strontium, and calcium, and the sulphates of magnesium and zinc. 3. The rate of diffusion increases with the temperature, and when the solution is not too concentrated, is proportional to the strength of the solution. By taking advantage of this difference in diffusibility, mixed salts may be separated from one another to a certain extent, and crystalloids may be isolated pretty perfectly from admixture with colloids. In the practical application of this process, it has been found convenient to separate the liquids undergoing diffusion by some membrane or partition composed of colloid material, and this mode of diffusion, through a septum, is called dialysis. The process is a very simple one. The liquid holding in solution a mixture of crystalloids and colloids is placed in a sort of tray or sieve, formed of a sheet of parchment paper stretched over a hoop. This vessel, which is called the dialyser, is made to float in a dish of pure water, which, after a time, can be renewed if necessary. Under these circumstances, the crystalloids pass out by diffusion through the membrane (which must be perfectly free from holes), and by evaporating the liquid down may be obtained in a condition of tolerable purity. The application of this method led to the discovery of the soluble colloidal forms of ferric hydrate, silicic acid, alumina, and other bodies which had been previously known only in the pectous or gelatinoid condition, and the study of which could not fail to throw considerable light on the obscure natural processes by which these bodies are deposited as minerals in the crystalline form, and in a great state of purity. If, for example, we take a solution of silicate of sodium, and add to it a slight excess of hydrochloric acid, we obtain a perfectly clear liquid, which contains the very substance referred to above as colloid silicic C 2 20 Chemzical Philosophy. acid; but in this liquid it is mixed with the acid used and the common salt formed by the decomposition. The process of dialysis furnishes the means of separating these latter substances without causing the precipitation 6r other alteration of the silicic -acid, which is left on the dialyser in the form of a colourless limpid solution. This solution is, however, very unstable, especially when concentrated, and the addition of even very minute quantities of various salts causes the whole of the silica to separate out in the form of a translucent jelly, which cannot be re-dissolved, except by the addition of a fresh quantity of alkali. Liquid stannic, titanic, tungstic, and molybdic acids have been prepared by a similar process. The ultimate pectisation of liquid silicic acid and other colloids is preceded by a gradual thickening of the liquid, and just before gelatinising silicic acid flows like an oil. These effects are doubtless the result of the tendency of the particles of colloids to cohere, aggregate, and contract. This tendency manifests itself occasionally in the exercise of very considerable force. Thus the contraction of gelatine drying in a glass dish over sulphuric acid, together with the adhesion of the gelatine to the glass, is said to be sufficiently powerful to tear up the surface of the glass. Glass is itself a colloid, and the permanent adhesion between the surfaces of polished plates of glass is a wellknown circumstance, which is referred by Graham to this class of phenomena. 21 CHAPTER IV. EVAPORATION AND EBULLITION. A LIQUID boils when, by raising its temperature, the elasticity of the vapour formed at any point in the liquid is capable of overcoming the pressure at that point. This pressure is made up of the pressure of the atmosphere and that of the superincumbent stratum of liquid. In a vessel of inappreciable depth, and when the mercurial column in the barometer is 760 mm. high, alcohol boils at 78~'4 and water at 00oo~. The tension of alcohol vapour is, therefore, at any temperature below its boiling-point, greater than that of water, and alcohol is said to be more volatile than water. Nearly all liquids are volatile, but the temperatures at which they evaporate freely are very diverse. There is, for example, a wide range between the volatility of ether and of molten silver, or between that of liquid carbon dioxide and of metallic mercury. The observation of the boiling point of liquids is an operation of daily occurrence in the laboratory, and although very few general laws connecting the boiling point with chemical characters have been traced out, a few general observations have been made, to which the attention of the student must be directed. The conversion of a liquid into a gas or vapour is attended by the absorption of heat, and this heat is consumed in giving to the molecules of the liquid a new and more rapid motion. From this consideration it would appear that bodies formed of light molecules would be more easily vaporised than others constituted of complex and consequently heavy molecules. Such is indeed the case, and, in the broadest sense, such a statement would be nearly true. But when we examine 22 Chemical Philosophy. individual cases, we meet with so many exceptions and anomalies, that it is obvious such a law must be applied with extreme caution. It is, however, permissible to say that bodies which are strictly comparable in regard to chemical and other physical qualities do in nearly all cases exhibit the relation referred to. Among the elements the most noteworthy instances are the following:Molecular Weight. Boiling Point. Chlorine... -50~ Bromine... 6o 63~ Iodine... 254 1750 Oxygen... 32 permanently gaseous Sulphur.... 64? 4400 Selenion ~ ~ 159? below a red heat Tellurium. 258? white heat Nitrogen.. 28 permanently gaseous Phosphorus.. 124 290~ Arsenic... 300 volatilises at red heat without fusion Antimony.. 244? white heat Bismuth... 420? white heat Groups of similarly constituted compounds show the same relations. Molecular Weight. Boiling Point. Sulphur Dioxide. 64 -I0o Sulphur Trioxide. 80 460 But the most important cases are observable among the carbon compounds, which form homologous series, to which reference will be made hereafter. One example will suffice in this place. The following compounds all contain carbon and hydrogen in proportions which may be represented by the general formula CH2n +2:- Boiling Points. 23 Molecular Weight. Boiling Point. Methane (marsh gas) i6 gaseous Ethane... 30 gaseous Propane... 44 gaseous Tetrane... 58 ~1 Pentane... 72 38~ Hexane... 86 700 Heptane... 00oo 990 Octane... II4 1240 &c. &c. In this series, for every increase of I4 on the molecular weight, the boiling point rises by about 300 to 35~. In the determination of boiling points it is usual to observe, by an accurate thermometer, the temperature of the vapour evolved by the boiling liquid, and not that of the liquid itself. This precaution is necessary when glass vessels are, as usual, employed, in consequence of a peculiar adhesive attraction which glass exercises, and which causes the boiling point to be slightly raised above the true temperature of ebullition. This adhesion sometimes gives rise to the phenomenon of irregular ebullition or "bumping." The entire thread of mercury in the thermometer should be immersed in the vapour, so as to be heated by it, and the height of the barometer should be noted at the time of the experiment. This last is a precaution which is very generally neglected, and its neglect is probably the cause of some of the' discrepancies noticed between calculated and observed boiling points and between the results of different experiments. The determination of the boiling point is often useful in deciding as to whether a given liquid is a mixture or a homogeneous body. When heat is applied to a mixture of volatile liquids the mixture begins to boil at a temperature very near to the boiling point of its most volatile constituent, and if the temperature is not allowed to rise above 24 Chemnical Philosophy. this point, ebullition in most cases soon comes to an end. But if the application of heat is continued whilst the thermometer is kept in the vapour, the temperature may be observed to rise continuously till the whole of the liquid has boiled away. If this operation is conducted in a flask connected with a condensing apparatus and a receiver, and if the receiver is changed at intervals, so that the several portions which pass over between certain limits of temperature are received in separate vessels, a more or less complete separation of the constituents of the liquid may be effected. Such a process is called fractional distillation. The compression of a vapour tends to produce the same change of state as lowering its temperature. In either case the approximation of the molecules is attended sooner or later by the liquefaction of a part of the vapour. With these facts in view, and considering the generally close resemblance between vapours and those bodies which are commonly called true gases, Faraday came to the conclusion that the latter are not essentially different from the former, but are in truth the vapours of volatile liquids far removed at ordinary temperatures from their boiling points. This conclusion he verified experimentally by enclosing in strong A-shaped glass tubes materials capable of evolving the gases he wished to examine. On the application of a gentle heat to these materials gas was generated, and by its accumulation in the confined space, sufficient pressure was exerted to cause its partial liquefaction. In this way ammonia, chlorine, and other gases were reduced to the condition of limpid liquids, and by the combined use of pressure and low temperature, produced by powerful freezing mixtures, a great many other bodies, which till then had been known only in the gaseous form, were also liquefied. Larger apparatus constructed on the same principle as Faraday's glass tubes, were subsequently employed by different experimenters, and at the present time several gases, such as Liquefaction of Gases. 25 carbonic anhydride and nitrous oxide, are liquefied on a large scale by compressing them by powerful force-pumps into iron cylindrical bottles fitted with stopcocks. By such methods all known gases have been, with six exceptions, reduced to the liquid state. Those which refuse to liquefy, viz., oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbonic oxide, nitric oxide, and methane, are all gases of comparatively small density, though not less dense than some, e.g. steam and ammonia, which assume the liquid condition very readily. There can be very little doubt, therefore, that these six gases would yield like the rest if a sufficiently great pressure, assisted by very low temperature, could be applied. The evaporation of liquefied gases is attended by the absorption of much heat, and in some cases the reduction of temperature is such as to cause the solidification of part of the liquid. Carbonic anhydride can be obtained in the form of a white snow-like solid by allowing a fine stream of the liquefied gas to escape into the air. Part of it evaporates very rapidly, and so much heat is thus rendered latent that the remainder freezes. The following table shows the amount of pressure in atmospheres necessary at the temperature of o~ to liquefy some of the more important of the liquefiable gases:PRESSURE IN ATMOSPHERES-TEMP. 00 C. Sulphur dioxide..'53 Cyanogen..3 7 Hydriodic acid... 3'97 Ammonia..... 4'4 Chlorine. about 5 Hydrogen sulphide... Nitrous oxide.... 32 Carbon dioxide.... 38'5 Hydrochloric acid.. about 42 2G CChemical Philosopphy. Some of these may be liquefied by cold alone under the ordinary atmospheric pressure. ThusSulphur dioxide condenses at.. — Io0 Cyanogen...,,.. -22~ Ammonia...,,. -36 Chlorine...,,. -500 Carbon dioxide..,,. -87~ On the other hand, Dr. Andrews has found that if the temperature be raised to a certain point, a gas which is otherwise liquefiable can no longer be liquefied by pressure, even when it amounts to several hundred atmospheres. This point, which varies with the nature of the gas operated upon, is called the crilicalp/oint. In the case of carbon dioxide it is 3I~ C. It has been already stated earlier in the chapter that if we compare together liquids which consist of the same elements, and which present the same general properties, those which have the simplest constitution are the most readily converted into vapour. The converse is equally true. Comparing together similarly constituted gases and vapours, we find that those which are composed of simple molecules are more difficult to liquefy by cold or compression than others of more complex constitution. These facts are sometimes serviceable in helping to decide questions as to the relative complexity of two nearly allied compounds. For example, there are two oxides of carbon, both gaseous at ordinary temperatures, but one of them capable of liquefaction under pressure. It follows that the liquefiable oxide is in all probability made up of heavier molecules than the other, and this view is supported by a comparison of the densities of the two gases. Carbonic anhydride gas, which is liquefiable, is bulk for bulk I'57 times heavier than carbonic oxide. Nitrous and nitric oxide, ethylene and marsh gas, furnish examples of the same kind. 27 CHAPTER V. DIFFUSION AND DIALYSIS OF GASES. A VERY remarkable property of gases and vapours is their power of mixing with one another, even in opposition to gravity. " If a bottle of any odorous gas is opened in any part of a room of constant temperature and free from draughts, the smell of the gas soon becomes perceptible in every part of the room, and, after the lapse of a short time, equally in every part. Notwithstanding that, as in the case of sulphuretted hydrogen, a heavy gas may be selected for the experiment, it would be easy to prove by anaylsis of the air that every part of it is equally impregnated with the foreign matter. Other experimental illustrations of the same law may easily be devised. A bottle of hydrogen held mouth downwards in the air for a short time soon becomes explosible. A jar of air inverted over another filled with carbonic acid gas, soon acquires the power of giving, like carbonic acid, a precipitate with lime water. And this process of intermixture proceeds almost equally well if the gases are separated from each other by a partition formed of some porous material. A thin plate of unglazed earthenware, a slice of artificially compressed graphite, or a cake of dry plaster of Paris, may be employed for the purpose. A very effective form of apparatus consists of a clay battery cell closed by a cork, through which a yard or so of glass tubing open at both ends is made to pass. By means of this simple apparatus it may be shown that different gases penetrate the porous clay with different degrees of rapidity, and that light gases effect a passage more quickly than heavier ones. The con 28 Chemical PhilosofiAy. sequence of this difference of diffusion-rate is that a difference of pressure is established inside the cell, and if the open end of the tube is dipped into water a certain quantity of gas is expelled in bubbles from below, or the liquid is forced by the atmospheric pressure up the tube. If, for example, the clay vessel previously full of air is surrounded by hydrogen gas, intermixture of the air within and the hydrogen without takes place through the clay; but since the hydrogen diffuses more rapidly than the air, the quantity of gas within is rapidly increased, and some of it visibly finds its escape from the open end of the tube through the water. Early observations of and experiments upon gaseous diffusion were made by Priestley in the last century, and by Dobereiner in 1825; but Graham gave the explanation of the phenomena, and by precise and long-continued experiments established the law: The velocities of dzJflzsion of different gases are inversely proportional to the square roots of their densities. Graham's experiments were for the most part conducted with a very simple apparatus, consisting of a straight wide glass tube closed at its upper extremity by a disc of porous stucco or graphite. This tube was filled with hydrogen or other gas over the mercurial trough, the graphite plate being covered during this operation with a sheet of gutta percha. The mercury within the tube was kept at the same level as the mercury in the trough, in order that there might be no alteration of pressure whilst the diffusion was proceeding, and at the same time the temperature and barometric pressure were recorded. After the lapse of a certain interval, measured by a chronometer, the volume and coimposition of the residual gas could be determined. The following table embodies some of the results obtained in this way, the pressure and temperature being supposed to be the same in all cases: Law of Gaseous Diffision. 29 DIFFUSION OF GASES. ~~Name of Gas. D Square Root Velocity of NameofGas. Density. of Density. Density iffusion. Air. I Hydrogen.. o693'2632 3'7794 3'83 Marsh gas..'554'774 1'3375 I'344 Carbonic oxide. *9678'9837 I0'o65 1'oI49 Nitrogen..'9713 *9856 I'oI47 I'0143 Oxygen. I'Io56 I'055'95IO'9487 Carbonic dioxide I'529 I'2365'8087'812 It will be noticed that the observed rate of diffusion agrees very nearly with the rate calculated from the density of the gas, but in no case is there absolute concordance. This is, probably, in part due to the errors inevitable in any experimental investigation, especially where gases are concerned, but is also in some degree attributable to the fact that the diaphragm employed possesses an appreciable thickness, so that in passing through the pores the gas encounters considerable resistance. By taking advantage of the unequal diffusibility of gases of different density, a partial separation of mixed gases may in some cases be effected. The gases constituting atmospheric air, for example, may be, to some extent, separated from each other by causing a slow current of air to flow through a clay tube passing through a glass tube which has been exhausted as completely as possible by the air-pump. The nitrogen being lighter, and consequently more diffusible than the oxygen, passes more abundantly into the vacuous space, leaving the residual air richer in oxygen than it was originally. The physical explanation of the phenomena of diffusion depends directly upon the mechanical theory of gases, which has been (Chap. I.) already discussed. The molecules of a gas are supposed to move constantly in straight 30 Chemical Philosophy. lines till they come nearly into contact with other moving molecules, or with the walls of the containing vessel. If these walls are perforated at intervals with apertures large enough to permit the passage of a molecule, we may conceive that although many molecules continue to rebound as though the surface were impervious, yet that a great many others may find their way into and through these short passages, and so into the atmosphere beyond. Molecules from the external atmosphere may be assumed to pass inwards in precisely the same manner, and if the densities of the gases on the two sides of the partition are the same, the number of molecules passing inwards in a given time is exactly equal to the number passing outwards, and no change of volume or of pressure can result. But if the gases are of different densities, molecules of the lighter gas pass through more rapidly than those of the heavier, and a change is produced in the tension or elastic force of the gas enclosed in the porous vessel. This pressure, exerted by a gas in opposition to that which it has to bear when enclosed in a vessel, is represented according to the dynamical theory as the result of the continuous showering down of its moleeules upon the surfaces with which it is in contact. The molecules of different gases being of different weights, they must move with different degrees of velocity, the light molecules more rapidly than heavier ones, in order to produce the same amount of pressure. Hence, when the gas in contact with the porous surface is a light gas, its molecules must be supposed to fall upon a given area more frequently than when the gas employed is heavier, and consequently the opportunities for the escape of molecules through the pores are more frequent. Hence it is that light gases diffuse more rapidly than heavy gases. Gases have not only the power of passing by diffusion through porous substances, but under certain circumstances penetrate membranes, and even sheets of metal which are Passage of Gases througlh Membranes and Metals. 3 I absolutely destitute of pores. This phenomenon differs entirely from diffusion, for it is not found that the lightest gases traverse such substances most rapidly; indeed, the contrary is more generally the case. Moreover, the metals which are so remarkable f6r their power of transmitting some gases are absolutely impermeable by others. A few simple experiments will give the student an idea of the general character of the phenomena we are discussing. If a thin india-rubber balloon (such as are sold at the toy-shops), inflated with air, is immersed for a few minutes in a vessel full of, carbonic dioxide gas, the balloon becomes largely distended, and if a band of tape is fastened round it before the experiment, it generally bursts after immersion in the gas for a short time. A similar balloon filled with hydrogen or carbonic dioxide gas quickly collapses when exposed to the air. Such a film of rubber appears to have no porosity, but rather to resemble a film of liquid in its relations to gases. The penetration of the rubber and similar colloids by a gas appears to be due to the absorption of the gas by one surface of the colloid and its transmission to the other surface by the agency of liquid and not gaseous diffusion. The liquefied gas then volatilises into the vacuum or atmosphere on the other side. The passage of gases through metallic plates at a red heat is referred by Graham to a somewhat similar cause. Thus, at a red heat, both platinum and palladium, and even iron, are permeable by hydrogen gas; and this is evidently connected with the fact that the same metals are capable of absorbing and retaining considerable quantities of hydrogen when that element is presented to them under suitable conditions. Thus a sheet of palladium connected with the negative pole of a battery, and immersed in acidulated water, becomes charged with upwards of 200 times its volume of hydrogen gas. The same metal in a spongy state absorbs 686 times its volume of hydrogen when heated in the gas to 200~. This "occlusion" of 32 Clzenical'Phzilsoph y. hydrogen is not attended by any alteration in the appearance of the metal, although its volume is increased, and consequently its density diminished. Other gases are occluded in a similar manner by other metals; but in each case a certain selective power is manifested on the part of the metal. Thus, platinum and palladium take up hydrogen freely, but no other gas to an appreciable amount; iron takes up hydrogen and carbonic oxide, and melted silver absorbs' oxygen. CHAPTER VI. RELATION OF GASES TO TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE. Law of Boyle.-" The volume of a given mass of any gas varies inversely as the pressure." Thus, if V is the volume when the pressure is P The volume of the gas becomes 2 V when the pressure is.. 2 P 3 V,, 3 P 4V,,,,,,,, 4 P - V,,,,,,,) ~ n P Also 2V,,,,,,,, P 3 V P nV P Hence the pressure which is produced by the elastic force or tension of a gas is proportional to its density. So that if pressure increases, density increases, and volume diminishes. Also if volume increases,.fressure and density diminish. Law of Boyle. 33 Boyle's law is not absolutely obeyed by any known gas; but hydrogen and the other incondensable gases conform to it very nearly, and thus present the nearest approach to the condition of a perfect gas with which we are acquainted. With change of pressure the liquefiable gases and vapours increase or decrease in volume to a greater extent than permanent gases. The pressure and density of atmospheric air, and of gases which are in communication with it, are estimated by the aid of the barometer. This instrument, in its simplest form, consists of a straight glass tube, somewhat less than a metre long, and closed at one end. The tube is filled with pure mercury, free from air, and then inverted with the open end beneath the surface of pure mercury. The liquid metal then falls from the closed extremity, leaving a space which is generally referred to as the " Torricellian vacuum." It contains nothing but mercurial vapour. It is usual to consider that the atmosphere possesses its average and normal density when, at the sea level and at the temperature of o~C, the column of mercury sustained by the atmospheric pressure is 760 millimetres (or 29'92 inches) high, measuring from the surface of the mercury in the reservoir to the surface of the mercury within the tube. This amount of pressure is often spoken of as one athmospere. In accordance with the law of Boyle, the volume of a gas under altered barometric pressure, can be calculated by the formula: V PI V- P In which V is the given volume under pressure P, and V1 is the new volume when the pressure is altered to P1. So that Vi = x P. Examlpe.-Ioo volumes of air are measured off when D 34 Chemrnical Philosophy. the barometric pressure is 740 mm.; what will be the volume of the same air when the barometer stands at 76o mm.? Here V = ioo, P = 740, P1 = 760. Then V, =00 X 740 = 97'3 vols. 760 Ansrcer. LAW OF GAY-LUTSSAC AND CHARLES. Air expands by. of its volume at o~ for every increase 273 in temperature of I~ C. Thus 273 volumes of air at.. 00 Become 274,,,,. I~ 275,,,,20 276,,,. 3~ 2713+t,,,,,.. t~ Also 273,,, Become 272,,,,.. - I 271,, I,,. - 2~ 270,,,, ~ - 3 273-t,,,,. t~ And generally 273 + t at t~ become 273 + T at T~. This fraction - or'003665, is called the co-efficient of 273 expansion,, and represents almost exactly the increment or decrement which occurs in a measured volume of air or other permanent gas for every change of temperature of one degree centigrade, provided the pressure remains unchanged. The co-efficient of all gases is very nearly coincident with that of air, and for chemical purposes may, without inconvenience, be assumed to be the same. Strictly speaking, however, every gas has a co-efficient of its own, which, in the case of the liquefiable gases, is perceptibly Expansion of Gases by Heat. 35 greater than the number given above, as may be seen by the following table:Co-efficients of expansion for I~ C. Unliquefiable. Air....'003665 Nitrogen.... oo003668 Hydrogen.... 003667 Carbonic oxide...'003667 Liquefiable. Carbonic anhydride. 003. oo3688 Nitrous oxide... 003676 Cyanogen....'003829 Sulphurous anhydride..'003845 It seems not unreasonable to suppose that such differences are due in part to the fact that in vapours and in the liquefiable gases the influence of cohesion is not altogether annulled. It is conceivable that a vapour may consist of molecules which, unlike the independent and mutually repulsive molecules of perfect gases, may be connected together into companies, which move about much in the same way as individual molecules, but less rapidly. Examples.-A certain mass of air measures ioo cubic centimetres at o~; to find its volume at 1O~. 273 vols. of a gas at o~ become 273 + t vols. when the temp. is t~ C. In this case t = I o, Then 273 c.c. at o0 become 283 c.c. at o"~. I C.C.,,,,becomes 3 c.c. at I0O. 273 And Ioo c.c.,,,,,, 283 X 100. at. 273 Ans. Io3'66 c.c. Or employing the decimal equivalent to -2,, let V1 be the required volume and V the vol. given. D 2 36 Chemical Philosophy. Then V, = V (I +'00366 t) Ioo (i +'oo366 x io) 10o3 66 Ans. 300 c.c. of air at 20~; find the volume at o~. 273 + 20 at 20~ become 273 at o~ I,, becomes -7_ at o~ 293 And 300,,,, 273 x 300 at o~ 293 279'5 Ans. Or, using the decimal co-efficient, we say Vo, a certain volume of air at o0, becomes 300 c.c. at 20~, or Vo (I +'00366 x 20) = 300 Whence V. = 3- - = 279'5 c. c. Ans. I + -'oo366 x 20 500 c.c. of air at oo~; find the volume at - o0~. In this and all similar problems it is to be remembered that the co-efficient of expansion is a fraction of the volume which the gas occupies at o~, not at any other temperature. 273 + Io c.c. of air at Io~ measure 273 - io c.c. at - Io0 Therefore 500 c.c. of air at Io~ measure 263 x 5~~ or 464'6 c.c. at - io" 283 Or let V1, VO, and V T- o, be the volumes at the temperatures I10~, o, and -- o~ respectively; then V 10 -- o Vo(I- oo366 x Io) 3 x (I- oo366x Io) Ii+'.00366 x io = 464'6 c.c. Ans. Air or any other permanent gas diminishes by 2-73 of its volume for every degree of temperature travelling down the scale. If the same relations of volume to temperature A bsoliute Temperatures. 37 were maintained, it is obvious that at- 2730 the volume would be nil, and the gas cease to exist. Such a temperature has, however, never been attained; and if ever such a degree of cold were reached, there can be no doubt that a gas exposed to it would liquefy, or that some change would occur whereby the gas would be released from obedience to the ordinary law. Notwithstanding, however, that such a condition of things is practically beyond the reach of experiment, this consideration is important as furnishing the basis of an absolute scale of temperature. Calling - 2730 C the zero point, we represent absolute temperatures by adding 273 to the number of degrees upon the ordinary Centigrade scale. From what has already been stated regarding the expansion of gases, it follows that pressure being constant, the volume of a mass of gas varies directly as the absolute temperature. This statement is sometimes referred to as the law of Charles, to whom we owe the discovery* of the equal expansibility of the principal gases by heat. LAW OF AVOGADRO. It has been shown in the foregoing paragraphs that all gases, when under conditions sufficiently remote from those which induce their liquefaction, are affected in the same manner and to the same extent by changes of pressure and of temperature. Differences of density, of chemical composition, or of chemical properties, do not affect the generality of this statement. The volumes of heavy oxygen and light hydrogen, of simple nitrogen and compound marsh gas increase and decrease according to the same law. It is impossible to avoid the inference from these facts that these gases, so different chemically, must be physically constituted alike. If now we admit the hypothesis that gases, like other bodies, are made up of small independent * Towards the end of the last century. 38 Chemical Philosophy. masses called molecules, and that heat causes these molecules to separate from one another, whilst cold or pressure causes them to approach, we are led to the assumption that in equal volumes of different gases* there must exist the same number of molecules. This statement, originally enunciated by an Italian physicist, Avogadro, in I81I, may now be regarded as a well-established truth. But, like every other part of the molecular theory, this law owes its recognition by physicists and chemists not to any direct proof that can be adduced from experimental sources in support of such hypotheses, but to the fact that nearly all observed chemical phenomena do not only harmonise with such views, but find in them complete and satisfactory explanation. Admit the law of Avogadro, and we see at once why gases are equally expanded by heat, why they are equally contracted by cold and pressure, and why they combine together, according to the discovery of Gay-Lussac, in simple proportions by volume. In a later chapter will be shown some of the consequences which follow upon an application of this law, and the important progress of chemical theory which has resulted from its adoption. * Under the same circumstances of temperature and pressure. 39 CHAPTER VIT. SPECTRA. EMISSION SPECTRA. All bodies when heated to a sufficiently high temperature emit light; those which are densest being, as a rule, the most intensely luminous. When this light is examined by a prism the image formed by the refracted and dispersed rays appears in the form of a coloured band, which is called the spectrum. The apparatus employed for the purpose of observing the spectra of different kinds of light is called a spectroscope. The details of its construction are described in nearly all works on physics. Suffice it, therefore, to say that the light under examination is allowed to pass first through a fine slit in a metallic plate so arranged that the slit is parallel to the edges of the prism. The rays are then rendered parallel, by means of a pair of lenses placed in a tube which is fixed at the angle of minimum deviation with the first face of the prism. After passing through the prism the light is viewed through a telescope, which gives a magnified image of the spectrum. The spectrum of the light emitted by solids, liquids, and very dense gases, is found to be a continuous one, that is to say, the simple colours, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet, which are its components, merge one into the other gradually, and are not separated by dark intervals. The spectra furnished by ordinary gases or vapours, when ignited, consist, on the contrary, of bright lines, which are so many images of the slit of the spectroscope refracted in different degrees so as to be separated from one another. In the spaces between these bright bands there is in general no light. In some cases, however, a continuous spectrum is more or less distinctly visible. These differences are shown as far as possible without the aid of colour in the following diag a ms. The first represents 40 Chemica/l Philosoaphy. the appearance which is presented by the spectrum of an ignited solid, such as lime, or of a flame such as that of a candle, which is supposed to contain either solid matters or very dense vapours. The second is the spectrum of heated hydrogen gas. CONTINUOUS SPECTRUM. BRIGHT LINE SPECTRUM. Salts of the alkalis, of the alkaline earths, of copper and many other metals, have long been known to give light having peculiar and characteristic colours when heated in the blow-pipe flame or in the non-luminous flame of the Bunsen burner. Thus, sodium salts give yellow light, potassium violet, barium green, calcium orange-red, and lithium and strontium crimson flames. When flames coloured by the vapours of these salts are viewed with the spectroscope, they are found to exhibit a character similar to that of the gas hydrogen. That is to say, these spectra are made up of bright lines which are separated from each other by dark intervals. The appearance shown in each case is indicated by the diagrams on next page. When the same prism is employed these lines always occupy the same relative positions, and the lines produced by any one substance are not changed in position, or breadth, or intensity in the presence of another substance which, when ignited, gives out a different kind of light. Thus, if a flame coloured by sodium or one of its salts is viewed through the spectroscope, the bright yellow double band characteristic of sodium is alone visible. Spctra of Coloured Flames. 41 Another flame coloured by some compound of potassium gives only the red and deep blue lines peculiar to the ignited vapour of that metal. A third flame, into which is RED. YELLOW. BLUE. VIOLET. 0 introduced a mixture of potassium and sodium salts, appears U) ~ C y z ~ ~ ~ 42 Chemical Philosophy. yellow to the unaided eye, if the proportion of sodium present is more than infinitesimal. But after passing through the prism of the spectroscope this yellow light is resolved into, red and indigo potassium bands and the yellow sodium lines occupying exactly the same position as when observed separately. These facts constitute the basis of the method of spectral analysis. It is only necessary to bring before the slit of thespectroscope the incandescent vapour of a metal or other substance which it is desired to examine. The position and number of the bright lines visible through the telescope are at once an indication of the nature of the substance. The volatilisation of solid bodies and the necessary ignition of the vapour is effected most generally by the aid of the Bunsen gas-flame; but when this is incompetent to produce a temperature sufficiently high, the' oxy-hydrogen blow-pipe or the electric arc may be employed. The transmission of sparks from an induction coil between terminals to which metals can be attached is a convenient method for obtaining the spectra of such bodies as well as of gases such as nitrogen, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide, through which the sparks can be passed. The delicacy of the method of spectral observation is very great, far surpassing that of the most exact and sensitive of chemical tests, and by its aid the presence of exceedingly minute quantities of various elements can be detected with certainty and ease. Sodium and lithium, for example, are bodies which, even in excessively small quantity, are capable of giving very easily recognisable spectra, and, accordingly, their presence has been discovered in many substances in which it was formerly unsuspected. Sodium salts are, indeed, almost universally diffused in water, in the mineral constituents of the soil, in the tissues of plants and animals, and even in the dust suspended in the atmosphere. Spectroscopic analysis has also led to the discovery of Spectroscopic Analysis. 43 several elements previously unknown, and existing as unrecognised impurities in various substances. These newlydiscovered elements are all metals. Their names are given below: NAME. ORIGINAL SOURCE. DISCOVERER. DATE. Rubidium Diirckheim Bunsen 1859 Caesium Mineral Water Thallium Seleniferous pyrites Crookes I857 Indium Freiberg blende Reich & Richter I863 Gallium Zinc blende Lecoq de I875 from Pyrenese Boisbaudran It will be seen by reference to the diagrams that the spectra of the metals of the alkalis and of the alkaline earths are comparatively simple, consisting, in most cases, of a small number of lines, which are often widely separated and easily recognised. Several other metallic elements, under the same conditions, yield equally simple spectra::that of thallium, for example, consisting of a single green line, whilst the spectrum of indium exhibits one line in the blue and another in the indigo. The spectra of the heavy and less volatile metals are, however, in general, much more complex; the spectrum of iron, for instance, showing upwards of four hundred and fifty lines, many of them crowded together in the green. When a compound, such as the chloride of a metal like sodium, is heated in the Bunsen flame, it gives out light which is very generally identical with the light obtained from the incandescent vapour of the metal itself. Sometimes, however, this is not found to.be the case, and the spectra of certain compounds is different from that of either of the constituents, taken separately, and is, in general, more complex. The accompanying diagram exhibits a comparison of the spectra obtained by the introduction of solid calcium chloride into the non-luminous gas flame, and when the electric spark is passed over the same compound. 44 (kChemical Philosophy. The higher temperature in the second case causes a decomposition of the compound, and the observed lines, which are changed both in number and in refrangibility, are attributed to the glowing vapour of the metal calcium itself. ID The position of such lines is not altered at still higher temperatures, though not unfrequently new lines make their appearance. ABSORPTION SPECTRA. When a transparent coloured medium, such as a piece of glass or a coloured liquid, is brought into the path of a ray of light before it enters the spectroscope, certain portions of the spectrum disappear. The bands of darkness which are thus produced are due to the interception of certain portions of the light by the coloured glass or solution, or vapour, as the case may be. The resulting spectrum is called an absorption spectrum. It presents characteristics which in many cases are as decided as those of the emission spectrum, and the observation of absorption spectra may occasionally be turned to practical account in the recognition of the colouring matter of blood, of wines, and many other substances, as well as of certain coloured gases and vapours. When the absorbing medium is the vapour of an element A bsorption Spectra. 45 or of a compound which is volatile without decomposition, the dark lines of absorption occupy the same position as the bright lines in the spectrum of the light produced by the ignition of the same vapour. Thus, if a beam of light from a lamp is allowed to traverse a sufficiently thick stratum of sodium vapour, two dark lines close together make their appearance in the yellow; and if such a spectrum is viewed side by side with the ordinary spectrum of the monochromatic sodium light, the position of the dark absorption band is seen to coincide with that of the bright yellow lines. Such phenomena are explained by the law that gases and vapours are capable of absorbing and stopping the same rays of light which they emit at higher temperatures, when in the state of ignition or incandescence. This law has been experimentally verified by the examination not only of the absorption spectrum of sodium, but of other elements which give more complex spectra. The facts thus established have been employed in the solution of the very interesting problem presented by the light which reaches us from the san and other heavenly bodies. Sunlight examined by a spectroscope exhibits a spectrum from which none of the primary colours are absent, but which is traversed by a very large number of fine black lines, many of which were discovered so long ago as I814 by a German optician, Fraunhofer. They are usually known as Fraunhofer's lines. In the figure, the position of a few only of the most prominent is indicated, and they are distinguished by the letters used originally by Fraunhofer. A ]3C D. o F. H These dark spaces are now known to be absorption bands. It has been found that their positions coincide with 46 Chemical Philosophy. the lines of the spectra of many terrestrial elements; and the coincidences which have been observed are so absolute and so numerous as to lead to the inevitable conclusion that they are produced by the vapours of such bodies existing in the gaseous envelope of the sun. It is beyond the purpose of this book to give further details with regard to this most interesting question, which is, moreover, fully treated of in several well-known works specially devoted to the subject. THERMAL AND CHEMICAL SPECTRA. The eye enables us to recognise only a part of the spectrum of a luminous object. In addition to the rays which give the impression of light, there are others which produce heating effects, and others, again, the special function of which is to promote chemical combinations and decompositions. A sensitive thermometer exposed successively to different portions of the visible spectrum will indicate that the heatl ing effect is produced only towards the red end, and even that the maximum is attained amongst rays which are less refrangible than the extreme end of the visible red, and the spectrum of which lies beyond in darkness. The yellow and red luminous rays and the dark heating rays possess, however, little or no chemical power. This accords with the experience of photographers, who are accustomed to manipulate their sensitive plates in rooms illuminated by yellow light. The chemically active rays are confined almost entirely to the violet end of the spectrum, the exact position of the most active being found, however, to depend to a certain extent upon the nature of the substance submitted to their influence. Thus, silver salts are blackened, and hydrogen and chlorine are caused to combine most rapidly when exposed to that part of the violet end situated between the lines G and H of the solar spectrum, though more or less chemical activity is manifested some distance Thzermal and Chemical Spectra. 47 beyond the visible violet on the one side and as far as the middle of the green on the other; all perceptible action ceasing in the yellow or most luminousposition of the visible spectrum. These relations are exhibited by the three curves in the following diagram:A3 3B C D E! c The summit of each curve indicates the position of the maxima of heating, luminous, and chemical effects in the spectrum of sunlight, the vertical lines representing the chief dark lines in the solar spectrum. These curves are represented as overlapping one another, but it must not be supposed from this that there are three distinct sets of rays in the spectrum. In all probability the rays are of the same kind from end to end, but differ in wave-length and rapidity of vibration. The least refrangible rays are capable of producing the effects of heat, but are not capable of exciting the sensations of vision, whilst the vibrations which communicate the sensation of violet to the eye are also capable of effecting chemical change. LUMINOSITY OF FLAME. The cause of the luminosity of common candle and gas flames has long been a subject of interest, and two chief hypotheses have been framed with the object of explaining 48 Chemical Philosophy. it. Though neither of these hypotheses alone is capable of furnishing a complete explanation of every case, yet, taken together, they serve to account satisfactorily for the phenomena which are usually observed. According to the earlier hypothesis, proposed in I817 by Sir H. Davy, the luminosity of flame is attributed to the existence in the flame of particles of solid matter, which, being heated to a high temperature by the burning gases, emit light. These solid matters, supposed to exist in the flame, are deposited in the form of soot when a cold body is plunged into the flame. Such facts as the following were adduced by Davy in support of this hypothesis. The flame of hydrogen or of alcohol, burning in the usual way, emits only a very feeble light; but the introduction of solid matter, such as powdered charcoal, oxide of zinc, or dust of any kind, whether combustible or not, serves to render such a flame luminous. A bright flame is also produced by the combustion, in air or oxygen, of substances which, like metallic zinc, form solid products of combustion. On the other hand, sulphur, hydrogen, and carbonic oxide, which, in burning, yield entirely gaseous products, give, out light very sparingly. The spectroscope has also shown us that ordinary luminous flames yield a continuous spectrum of the same character as that usually produced by incandescent solids. The production of solid particles in a candle flame, or in the flame of coal-gas, or other hydrocarbon, is supposed to be due to the selective power of the oxygen of the air, in virtue of which it unites preferably with the hydrogen, leaving a part of the carbon in a solid form to be consumed as it reaches the higher parts of the flame. A candle flame burning steadily exhibits the form of a long cone with the apex pointing upwards. Other flames taper upwards in the same way. This form is, of course, due to the strong upward current produced in the air which immediately surrounds the flame, in consequence of the Luminzosity of.Fame. 49 heat. A close examination of the flame of a candle will show that it consists of several parts. At the base is a faintly luminous stratum of a blue colour. Higher up the luminosity increases, the most intense light proceeding from those parts which are near the middle; whilst the whole structure is surrounded by a transparent and almost invisible, but very hot, envelope of ignited gas. It is easy to show by many simple experiments that such a flame is only a shell of ignited gas, the process of combustion occurring only on the outside, the interior being filled with comparatively cool gas or vapour. Thus, if a sheet of paper is held for a moment horizontally across the flame it will receive a deposit of soot in the form of a ring. A slip of wood or a wire passed through the flame becomes ignited only at the two points where it cuts the outer portions of the flame, the part in contact with the interior remaining dark. The luminosity of such a flame is diminished if a sufficient quantity of air or oxygen is thrown into it, and at the same time it loses the power of depositing soot upon any cold object held in it. The flames of the blowpipe and the Bunsen burner are produced in this way, and present this character. Some experiments made a few years ago by Dr. Frankland, indicate that the ignition of solid particles of sooty matters in hydrocarbon flames may occasionally be the cause of the light emitted by such flames, but that in some cases at least the effect is not wholly attributable to this circumstance. Dr. Frankland has observed that when hydrogen is burnt in oxygen under great pressure the light of the flame, usually so pale, is increased to such an extent as to be capable of illuminating a page of print so that it can be read at some distance. The spectrum of hydrogen burning under pressure exhibits the three bands characteristic of hydrogen, but much broader and more or less nebulous at the edges, so that an approach to a continuous spectrum similar to that E 50 Chemical Philosophy. obtained from solid bodies is the result. A similar effect is produced by burning carbonic oxide. So that the argumer, founded upon the nature of the spectrum of an ordinary luminous flame has less weight than might otherwise be supposed. Moreover, in burning a series of substances, all of which yield volatile.products of combustion, it is found that many of them are capable of emitting a very vivid light, quite equal in brilliancy to the light produced by the ignition of many substances which are solid and not capable of vaporisation. Thus, the combustion of arsenic in oxygen is attended by the emission of a very brilliant white light, although all the substances present-the arsenic, the oxygen, and the arsenious oxide which is formed-are, at the temperature of ignition, entirely in a state of vapour. In such cases, therefore, the light cannot be attributed to glowing solid matter. It has been observed that the brilliancy of the light emitted by the combustion of such substances is nearly proportional to the density of the ignited vapours existing in the flame, provided that in each case the temperature is sufficiently high. In all probability, then, the luminosity of burning gas or tallow is due to the ignition of vaporous, but very dense, hydrocarbons, and is not to be ascribed to the presence of solid particles of carbon. The fact that ordinary flames are transparent is also difficult to reconcile with the latter hypothesis. EXERCISES ON SECTION I, I. Water is shaken up with a large volume of oxygen gas under a constant pressure of 765 mm. What volume of the gas will be contained in Io c. c. of the solution? 2. Water is exposed to an atmosphere consisting of 2I vols. of oxygen, with 79 volumes of nitrogen. Temp. o~; pressure, 760 mm. Coeffs. of sol., N -'02, O ='04. Exercises on Section I. 5 1 Calculate (a) the total volume of gas dissolved by 52'5 c. c. of water, and (b) the percentage composition of the gas. 3. Soda-water is charged under a pressure of 2'3 atmospheres. Calculate the volume of carbonic anhydride contained in 300 cubic-centimetres of such water. An atmosphere = 760 mm. barom. Coeff. of sol. for carbonic anhydride I'7967. 4. Sulphur dioxide is passed into water as long as it is absorbed. If the barometer stands at 745 mm., calculate the volume of gas contained in half a litre of the solution. Coeff. for sulphur dioxide, 79'789. 5. Water is shaken up with its own bulk of a mixture ot I volume of oxygen with 3 vols. of nitrogen. Supposing the temp. and pressure to remain normal and constant throughout the experiment, calculate the composition of the residual air. Coeff. of oxygen,'0411I4 Coeff. of nitrogen,'02035 Diflsion of Gases. 6. The specific gravity of chlorine is 35'5 (H = I). Compare its velocity of diffusion with that of hydrogen. 7. Specific gravity of ozone, 24; of carbonic anhydride, 22. Compare their velocities of diffusion with each other and with that of HI (sp. gr. I). 8. The rate of diffusion of a gas is observed to be'8 when that of air is I. Find its density. 9. Oxygen and hydrogen are separated by a porous plate, and 3'83 cubic-centimetres of hydrogen pass through the plate in a second, what volume of oxygen passes during the same time in the opposite direction? io. In the last question, suppose the original volume of the oxygen to have been 20 c. c., what will be the composition of the mixture formed in its place after three seconds, assuming the apparatus so arranged that no change of pressure occurs? Corrections of Gas-volumes for Chanzges of Pressure and Tenmperature. I. 00oo c. c. of air when bar. = 7.50 mm. Find the volume when bar. = 790 mm. I2. 250 c. c. of air when bar. = 765 mm. Find the volume when bar. = 745 mm. x3. What pressure in atmospheres would be required to make the density of hydrogen (sp. gr. o'0693) equal to that of air? E 2 52 Chemsical Philosophy. I4. Calculate the atmospheric pressure per square centimetre when the barometer stands at 760 mm. Weight of I c. c. of mercury I3-596 grams. 15. Find the atmospheric pressure per square decimetre when the barometer stands at 750 min. I6. What change of atmospheric pressure will be denoted by a change of I2 mm. in the barometric column. I 7. The weight of one litre of hydrogen at o~ and 760 mm. is'0896 gram or I crith. Calculate the weight of I litre of hydrogen measured off under a pressure of I400 mm. I8. Find the weight of I litre of nitrogen (sp. gr. 14); of lo litres of carbonic anhydride (sp. gr. 22); of 250 c. C. of oxygen (sp. gr. i6). i9. A mass of air at o~ measures Ioo0 c. c. What volume will it occupy at 20; at I5~'5; at I000? 20. A certain quantity of air is measured at 75~. What volume will it have at o~? 21. I000 c. c. of a gas at I2~'5. What volume at 75~? 22. 500 c. c. of a gas at Io0. What volume at 400~? 23. 300 c. c. of a gas at 25~. What will its volume be at - Io~? 24. 75 c. c. of nitrogen measured at 50o~. What volume at - 350? 25. 1500 c. C. of hydrogen measured at 20~. At what temperature will it measure Iooo c. c.? 26. Five degrees centigrade correspond with nine degrees on the Fahrenheit scale. Find the co-efficient of expansion of gases for 0~ F. 27. I50 c. c. of nitrogen are measured at Io~, and under a pressure of 500mm. of mercury. What will the volume become at I 6~4 when the pressure is 540 mm.? 28. A quantity of nitrogen confined in a tube standing over mercury in a mercurial trough measures 75'5 c. c.; temp. 15~; bar. 742 mm.; surface of mercury inside the tube above surface of mercury in the trough 122 mm. Find the volume which the gas would occupy at normal temperature and pressure. 29. I000 cubic feet of gas are put into a balloon of 1250 cubic feet capacity; temp. I8~; bar. 765 mm. After ascending a certain height it is found to be fully distended. What is the atmospheric pressure, temperature being 80? 30. A certain balloon is just capable of holding IO grams of hydrogen under standard conditions: what is its capacity? How much larger must it be made if it is required to sustain a diminished atmospheric pressure equal to 650 mm. bar.? 53 SECTION II. CHAPTER VIII. ELEMENTS AND COMPOUNDS. WHEN water is exposed to a very high temperature or made the vehicle of an electric current, it disappears and is replaced by an equal weight of a mixture of two gases, hydrogen and oxygen. These two gases will, under certain conditions, again give rise to water and to exactly the same amount of water as at first. Water then is said to be composed of oxygen and hydrogen. It is worth noting, however, that strictly speaking this can only mean that in proportion as the water is destroyed or ceases to exist, the gases make their appearance, and vice versa, for in water we have no resemblance to hydrogen or oxygen, neither can we detect either of those bodies in water except by this process of so-called decomnposition.' Now, if the hydrogen thus obtained from water is submitted to a repetition of the same kind of treatment or to any other that may suggest itself, it refuses utterly to yield up anything that is not hydrogen. In other words, it cannot * " Cavendish and Watt both discovered the composition of water. Cavendish established the facts; Watt, the idea. Cavendish says,'From inflammable air and dephlogisticated air water is produced.' Watt says,' Water consists or is composed of inflammable air and dephlogisticated air.' Between these forms of expression there is a wide distinction."-Liebig's Letlers on Chemistry, p. 58. 54 Chemical PhilosopIhy. be decomposed. We find then that certain bodies,* such as water, may be resolved into two or more different kinds of matter, and these are called compounds; whilst others like hydrogen cannot be split up in this manner by any means with which we are at present acquainted, and are regarded as elemrens. Instances, however, have not been wanting of bodies for a long time regarded as chemical elements ultimately showing their true character as compounds under the influence of some neWv agent or some improved mode of operating. For example, the alkalies potash and soda were regarded as elementary till Sir H. Davy showed them to be compounds of the metals potassium and sodium with oxygen and hydrogen, and the body represented as metallic vanadium by Berzelius turned out to be an oxide of vanadium when examined long afterwards by Roscoe. This term element is, therefore, used in no absolute sense, but is merely intended to imply that in the present state -of knowledge the bodies Lnus designated mus oDe regarded as simple substances. In the case of oxygen it is found that, by the action of electricity and otherwise, it may be converted into another gas, ozone, possessing remarkable characters quite distinct from those of oxygen. Nevertheless, oxygen ranks as an element because it yields in this way only one new body at a time, which by mere application of heat recovers its original properties, and that without loss or gain in weight. It must, therefore, be assumed that the altered properties exhibited under these circumstances are owing to a temporary rearrangement of its constituent particles. When, as in this case, elementary matter, stuff, or substance is capable of making its appearance in the form of two or more bodies having different properties, these are said to be alltrolric modifications of the element, and the phenomenon is spoken of as allotropy. (See Isomerism, Chap. XX.) * It must be understood that bodies of definite characters, and not mere mixtures, are here referred to. (See Chap. XI.) Distrizbution of the Chzief Elemients. 55 About sixty-three elements are known at the present time, but it is not improbable that a few new substances may be hereafter added to this number. It is not, however, very likely that any hitherto unknown elements will be found to occur in any considerable quantity among the constituents of the earth's crust, for every substance within reach of man has already been subjected to a very close scrutiny by chemists. It will be seen by reference to the following tabie that the materials which compose the solid earth, so far as we know it-the ocean, the atmosphere, and the bodies of the living beings which inhabit it-are made up of a few of these elements, the rest occurring in much smaller quantity, in some cases discoverable only by specially delicate methods: Water consists of i Hydrogen.. Oxygen. Air consists chiefly of.. f Oxygen. t Nitrogen. /Silica.. (Silicon.' Oxygen. | Calcium. Limestone. -.- i Magnesium. Carbon. Solid Earth Oxygen. consists chiefly of ( Silicon. Various silicates | Oxygen. forming crystallineJ Aluminium. rocks or beds of Iron. clay. Calcium. Potassium. ( Carbon. Plants consist chiefly of. Hydrogen. Oxygen. Carbon. Animals consist chiefly of. Hydrogen. Oxygen. l Nitrogen. 56 Chemical Philosopay. Chemists have found it convenient to adopt a system of symbols and formulae, whereby to represent the elements and those compounds the composition of which is known. Thus, to each of the elements is assigned a symbol formed generally of the initial letter of the Latin name of the element. For example, sulphur is represented by the symbol S; selenion, Se; silicon, Si; strontium, Sr; but silver (argentunz) is Ag, and sodium (natron) has the symbol, Na. But chemical symbols are not merely abbreviations contrived, like shorthand characters, for the purpose of saving trouble in writing the names. Each symbol represents one atom of the element for which it stands, and hence expresses a definite weight and volume of the element, which are identical with the proportions by weight and volume in which it enters into chemical combination. The weight of an atom of hydrogen is less than the weight of an atom of any other element. It is, therefore, convenient to consider the value of the symbol of hydrogen as cunity and the values of all other symbols greater than unity. But since nothing is known as to the absolute weight of an atom of hydrogen or of any other element, it should'be borne in mind that the atomic weights are in reality ratios or fractions, whose denominator is I, although they are always written in the form of whole numbers. In tthe following list are given the names of all the known elements, together with their symbols and atomic weights, and the student is recommended at once to commit to memory those which are printed in capital letters, leaving the rest to be learnt gradually as occasion may require: Elemeznts. 57 Name of Element. Symbol. Weight.omic I ALUMINIUM. Al 27'3 2 Antimony.. Sb (Stibium). I22 3 Arsenic... As... 75 4 Barium.. Ba.. I 3 7 5 Bismuth... Bi. 2Io0 6 Boron.. B... 11 I 7 BROMINE. Br... 80 8 Cadmium.. Cd... 112 9 Ccesium... Cs... I33 io CALCIUM.. Ca.. 40 I CARBON.. C... I2 12 Cerium.. Ce... 92 I3 CHLORINE.. Cl... 35'5 I4 Chromium.. Cr... 52 I5 Cobalt... C. 58'7 I6 COPPER. Cu: (Cuprum). 63.5'7 Didymium.. D... 95 I8 Erbium.. I 13 I9 FLUORINE.. F... I9 20 Glucinum. G1 9'3 21 Gold Au (Aurum).. I97 22 HYDROGEN H. I 23 Indium.. In.. I3'4 24 IODINE. I.. I27 25 Iridium... Ir'. I97 26 IRON. Fe. 56 27 Lanthanum La... 93 28 LEAD Pb (Plumbum). 207 29 Lithium. Li... 30 MAGNESIUM Mg.. 24 3I Manganese Mn. 55 32 MERCURY Hg (Hydrargyrum) 200 33 Molybdenum Mo... 96 34 Nickel.. Ni.58 7 35 Niobium. Nb... 94 36 NITROGEN.. N... 14 37 Osmium... Os. 1. I99 38 OXYGEN.. 0... I6 39 Palladium. Pd. 6.. o65 40 PHOSPHORUS. P... 31 41 Platinum.. Pt... I 97'5 42 POTASSIUMI K (Kalium). 39-I 43 Rhodium.. Ro.. I.4'5 44 Rubidium. Rb... 85'4 45 Ruthenium. Ru.. I04 5 46 Selenion. Se. 79 5 58 C/zeemical Philzosop/zy. Name of Element. Symbol. Wtigc t Weight. 47 SILVER.. Ag (Argentum). o8 48 SILICON Si 28 49 SODIUM. I Na (Natrium) 23 50 Strontium.. Sr... 875 51 SULPHUR.. S.. 32 52 Tantalum.. Ta... 82 53 Tellurium.. Te...I28 54 Thallium. I T1. 203'5 55 Thorium.. Th. Ii6 56 Tin... Sn (Stannum) I 18 57 Titanium. Ti 50 58 Tungsten. W (Wolfram). 184 59 Uranium. U.. U 240 6o Vanadium. V. ~ 5I 6I Yttrium. Y. 6I'7 62 ZINC. I Zn.. 65 63 Zirconium.. Zr... 89 6 In order to indicate combination between two elements their symbols are placed side by side, thus, HC1. When a molecule of a compound contains more than one atom of each or either of its constituents, the number of atoms is indicated by a small figure placed below the line. Thus the formula for water OH2 represents one atom of oxygen united with two atoms of hydrogen, and H3PO4 means that three atoms of hydrogen, one atom of phosphorus, and four atoms of oxygen are bound together in phosphoric acid. The formula, taken as a whole, is invariably assumed to represent a molecule of the compound, and the relative weight of this molecule is easily found by adding together the weights represented by the several symbols of which it is made up. This weight is called the molecular weight. In order to express two or more molecules a figure is placed at the beginning of the formula, and must be understood to multiply every symbol that follows it. For example, 20H2 represents two molecules of water, each consisting of two atoms of bydrogen with one atom of oxygen; in all, four atoms Laws of Ch/emical Combination. 59 of hydrogen and two atoms of oxygen. Occasionally brackets have to be introduced when some group of symbols occurs more than once. Aluminium sulphate, for example, has the formula Al, (SO4)3, which is thus written for the sake of assimilating the appearance of the formula to that of other sulphates, such as H2 SO4, BaSO4, FeSO4 &c. Resemblance between them would be less apparent if it were expressed as Al, S3 0,,. Care and a little practice are all that is necessary to avoid confusion in the use of formulae, and the student is therefore recommended to work out conscientiously all the examples given at the end of the section. CHAPTER IX. LAWS OF CHEMICAL COMBINATION. The extraction of the metals from their ores, the manufacture of alkalies, soap, glass, dyes, and a variety of' other useful applications of practical chemistry, were known to man in a more or less practical form from very early times. The alchemists extended the art of chemistry by the discovery of the processes for producing many acids and salts, and by the invention of much useful apparatus. The discovery of oxygen by Priestley, of chlorine by Scheele, the proof of the composition of water supplied by Cavendish, and the overthrow of the phlogistic theory by Lavoisier's explanation of combustion, were all great strides in advance which followed one another in rapid succession. But the foundation of chemistry as an exact science was only laid towards the end of the last Century, when the balance began to be used systematically in all chemical investigations. Exact determinations of the relative weights of bodies engaged in various chemical reactions were necessary for the establishment of those laws upon which chemical ideas 6o Chemical PhilosopAy. of the present day are founded. If we -start by admitting the molecular constitution of matter, it becomes unnecessary to make any formal statement of the laws which have been found to regulate the distribution of weight or quantity of matter involved in chemical actions. If we assume, for example, that the element oxygen is made up of molecules, all having the same properties and each composed of two atoms whose weight is sixteen times that of the hydrogen atom, it is obvious that only a definite number of those atoms can take part in forming a chemical compound. And if, as we believe, these atoms are indestructible by the chemical force, no fractional part of an atom can enter into such process; and if the number of atoms thus employed be represented as n, the weight of the substance will be I6n. But since the molecular theory was not always employed by chemists, and even at the present day is not adopted universally, it is desirable still to indicate the facts which have been observed in connection with this question. The three general statements or laws may be expressed as follows:LAW OF DEFINITE PROPORTIONS. The proportions in which bodies unite together chemically are definite and constant. In other words, a given chemical compound always consists of the same elements united in the same proportions. In order to form water, for example, union between hydrogen and oxygen occurs exactly in the proportion of two measures of the former to one measure of the latter. This corresponds with two parts by weight of hydrogen to sixteen parts by weight of oxygen, since oxygen is sixteen times heavier than hydrogen. The employment of any larger quantity of either element would only result in the excess being left uncombined. MJilpti.le and Reciprocal Proportio zs. 6 LAW OF MULTIPLE PROPORTIONS. When one body unites with another in several proportions, these quantities have a simple relation to one another. Oxygen combines with carbon, forming two oxides of carbon. In the one, three parts by weight of carbon are united to four parts of oxygen, whilst in the other three parts of carbon combine with twice this quantity or eight parts of oxygen. A great number of equally simple cases might be cited, and, doubtless, it was the study of such cases which in the first instance led to the enunciation of the law. In perhaps a still greater number of instances, however, it is by no means easy to trace its application. Among the numerous compounds of carbon with hydrogen, for example, are found such relations as the following, ~which represent the composition of the series of paraffins: Carbon. Hydrogen. Methane... 3 parts with I part Ethane ~ ~ ~ 4,, I Propane. ~ ~ 9,, 2,, Butane ~ ~ ~ 24,, 5,, Pentane ~ ~ ~ 5,, I Hexane ~ ~ ~ 36,, 7 Heptane... 21,, 4,, Octane.. 6,, 3,, Nonane... 27,, 5 Decane... 60,, I &c. &c. &c. LAW OF RECIPROCAL PROPORTIONS. The weights of two different elements, A and B, which combine with a third, C, represent the proportions in which they will themselves unite together if union between them is possible, or they bear some simple relation to those proportions. Thus, 351 parts of chlorine and 8o parts of bromine combine with 23 parts of sodium. Then, according to the law, when chlorine combines with bromine, 62 Chemical Philosophy. 351 parts of the former are required for every 80 parts of the latter. This may be rendered graphically somewhat in this manner:Sodiunl. m 23, / n So --- p 35'5 Bromine, with Chlorine. In other words, the combining weight of a body may always be represented as a multiple of the same number whatever state of combination it enters into, or m n is the combining weight, where m is a number peculiar to the body and n is some integer, LAW OF VOLUMES. When gases combine together they do so in equal volumes, or in volumes which have some simple relation one to another, as i to 2, I to 3, 2 to 3, and so on. For example, hydrochloric acid is formed by the union of I volume of hydrogen with i volume of chlorine; water -s formed by the union of 2 volumes of hydrogen, with i volume of oxygen; ammonia by the combination of 3 volumes of hydrogen with i volume of nitrogen; nitrous anhydride by the combination of 2 volumes of nitrogen with 3 volumes of oxygen, &c. Gay-Lussac's Law of Volumes. 63 These facts are recorded in the formulae HC1 H2O H3N N203 by which these compounds are commonly represented. It is important also to remember that whatever the volume of the vaporous elements before combination, the bulk of the resulting compound, measured in the gaseous state under the same conditions of temperature and pressure, is always two volumes. This will be again referred to in connection with the methods employed for the determination of molecular weights, and until those subjects have been discussed the student must be content to take upon trust all statements concerning molecular volumes, weights, and formulae. This law was first enunciated by Gay-Lussac very soon after the laws of reciprocal and multiple proportions by weight had been established by Dalton. We now see the connection between them and the dependence of the one upon the other, though this relation, from want of accurate knowledge, was not at first admitted by Dalton and other chemists. Originally a fact, depending upon experimental evidence only, this statement of Gay-Lussac's now stands in the more important position of a logical deduction from another law, the law of Avogadro (Chap. VI. p. 37). The results of analysis before Dalton's time were represented by numbers which expressed the proportion of each constituent in TOO parts of the compound. For example, in Ioo parts of red oxide of copper there areCopper.... 88.8 Oxygen.... I2 100'0 In black oxide of copper:Copper.... 7987 Oxygen.. 20o'I 3 10000 64 Chemical Philosophy. In carbonic oxide: — Carbon.... 42'85 Oxygen.... 57'14 I00'00 In carbonic anhydride:Carbon... 27'27 Oxygen. 72'72 I00'00 Dalton discovered reciprocal and multiple proportions by stripping from them the disguise in which this mode of representing composition enveloped them. For by taking the proportion of some one of the elements in a series of similar compounds as unity, and ascertaining by calculation the proportions which the others bear to it, it is easy to show that these proportions are simple multiples one of another. In the case of the two oxides of carbon, the composition of which has just been stated, if we calculate the ratio of the oxygen to the carbon in both of them, we find the proportion ill the second double that in the first. Thus, taking the carbon as unityCarbon. Oxygen. Carbon. Oxygen. 42'85 57'I4: I I'33 and 27'27 72'72:: I 2 66 Then plainly I'33 2'66:: I: 2 In other words, the proportion of oxygen by weight in carbonic anhydride gas is double that contained in carbonic oxide. Obviously the same fact may be expressed in another way by taking the oxygen as unity instead of the carbon:Oxygen. Carbon. Oxygen. Carbon. 57'I4 42'85:: I 750 72 72 27'27: I'375 Daltont's Atomic Theory. 65 Then-'750'375 2 I Or, we may say that carbonic anhydride contains half as much carbon as carbonic oxide. Similarly it will be found that the ratios of the oxygen in the several oxides of nitrogen, of sulphur, and of many of the metals are as I, 2, 3, &c., to I, 2, 3, &c., of the other constituent. Looking about for an explanation of these observations of his, it occurred to Dalton to resuscitate the ancient theory of the limited divisibility of matter. According to this view, matter is made up of definite small parts or particles called " atoms," because it was assumed that they could not be in any way cut or divided. This assumption of finite particles as an explanation of the phenomena of chemical combination thus became the basis of the modern theory of molecules. But Dalton's term "atom" was applied indiscriminately to the ultimate particles of compound as well as elementary bodies. The relative weights also assigned to these atoms were inferred from the results of the analysis of only a few compounds. Consequently the word " atom " in the' Daltonian system may be interpreted sometimes "'molecule," sometimes "atom," and in other cases it corresponds to the term "equivalent," as those words are now understood by chemists. CHAPTER X. EQUATIONS. CLASSIFICATIONS OF REACTIONS. Equations.- Chemical changes involve neither the destruction nor the creation of matter, but simply a redistribution of the materials of which the acting masses are composed, F 66 Chemical Philosopbly. In order, therefore, to represent symbolically the results of any given action it is only necessary to write down the formulae of the bodies engaged, and then to transpose their symbols in such a manner as to build up the formulae of the bodies which are produced. We thus arrive at equations in which the signs + - and = are employed, so far as the weights of matter are concerned, in the same sense as in algebra. The following examples will serve to show the manner in which chemical equations are to be read, as well as the mode of investigating the relative weight of the bodies which are formed or decomposed. The student should practise reading equations aloud, or writing them out at full length, according to these instructions:Equation given, 2HgO = 2Hg + 02. This means that two molecules, or 432 parts, by weight, of mercuric oxide yield two molecules, or 400 parts, by weight, of metallic mercury, and one molecule, or 32 parts, by weight, of oxygen. Young students, however, would do well to ensure precision by filling up such a scheme as the following:2HgO = 2 Hg + 02 No. of molecules 2 give 2 and I Name.. Mercuric oxide Mercury Oxygen Wt. of I mol.. 200 + I6 = 216 200 32 Whole weight. used 432 obtained 400 32 When gases or vaporisable bodies occur in such an equation we can express the volume of each by recollecting that, according to the law of Avogadro, the volumes of gaseous molecules under like conditions are equal. We may also connect together the weight and volume of a gas by applying a rule which will be more fully explained in the next section, namely, that the specific gravity of a body in Equations. 67 the gaseous state* is the half of its molecular weight. The weight of a molecule of carbonic anhydride, for example, is 44: its specific gravity is, therefore, 22, and the weight of a litre of the gas is 22 times as great as the weight of a litre of hydrogen measured at the same temperature and pressure. Now, the weight of a litre of hydrogen at o~C, and under a pressure equal to 760 mm. of the barometric column is'o896 gram or I crith. Hence, we may say that a litre of carbonic anhydride weighs 22 criths, or, if the weight is to be expressed in grams, it will be 22 X'o896 grams. Example. CI2 + 2- = 2HC1 A molecule of chlorine and a molecule of hydrogen produce two molecules of hydrochloric acid. C12 + H2 - 2HC1 No. of Molecules I I 2 Name.. Chlorine Hydrogen Hydrochloric acid or hydrogen chloride. Vt. of I molecule 7I 2 36'5 Whole weight. used 7I 2 obtained 73 Volume... I I obtained 2 or 2 or 2 or 4 If, now, we choose to attach a concrete value to the symbols, we express it thus: C12 + H2 = 2HC1. Weight 71 criths. 2 criths. 73 criths. or 7I x'o896 grams, 2 X'o896 grams, 73 x'o896 grams. Vol. 2 litres. 2 litres. 4 litres. The student having thoroughly mastered the foregoing examples, and worked some of the exercises given at the end of the section, is now in a position to solve such pro* The specific gravity of hydrogen being taken as I. F 2 68 Chemical Philosophy. blems as the following, which may be taken as representative:I. How many pounds of zinc are required to make 500 pounds of the crystallised sulphate? Formula of one molecule of crystallised zinc sulphate, Zn SO4. 7H20. Molecular weight 287. The symbol of zinc, Zn = 65, occurs only once in the formula of the sulphate. Hence, In 2871bs. of zinc sulphate there are 651bs. of zinc. ilb.,,,,,,65 lbs. of zinc. 287 500 lbs.,,,,,, would require 65 x 2 oolbs..287 6 287. 8ow many litr I3 3 of Zilstandard temperature 2. How many litres of oxygen (at standard temperature and pressure) are obtained by heating io grams of potassic chlorate? 2KCI03 = 2 KC1 + 302. or more simply KC10, = KC1 + I 02. I26'6 74'6 48. Taking the potassium chlorate in criths, we should obtain 3 litres of oxygen gas. ThenI22'6 criths or I22'6 x'o896 grams give 3 litres of oxygen. I gram would give 3 litres. I22'6 X'o896 Ans. 30 = 2'731 litres, or 273I c.c. 122'6 x 0o896 NOTE. -Taking'o896 gram as the weight of I litre of hydrogen, I gram is the weight of II I6 litres. This number is sometimes useful. Thus Classzfication of Reactions. 69 CLASSIFICATION OF REACTIONS. Chemical action may take place in a great many different ways, but every known chemical change to which bodies are subject may be referred to one or other of the following five typical modes of action:I. —Combination of entire molecules. ExamplesHg + CI2 = Hg C12. Mercury. Chlorine. Mercuric Chloride. CO + C12 = COC12 Carbonic Oxide. Chlorine. Carbonyl Chloride. NH3 + HC1 = NH4C1 Ammonia. Hydrochloric Acid. Ammonium Chloride. CaO + OH2 = Ca(HO)2 Calcium Oxide. Water. Calcium Hydrate. PbO2 + SO2 = PbSO4 Lead Peroxide. Sulphurous Anhydride Lead Sulphate. II. —Splitting zp of a comnpound molecule into its elements, or into simpler molecules. ExamplesCaCO,3 CaO + CO2 Calcium Calcium Carbonic Carbonate. Oxide. Anhydride. H2SO4 = H — 0 + SO3 Sulphuric Acid. Water. Sulphuric Anhydride. MnC14 = MnCl2 + C12 Manganic Manganous Chlorine. tetrachloride. Chloride. in the example worked out in the text, the calculation would be a trifle shorter, thus: KC103 give 03 I22'6 grams I6 x 3 grams. or I I I6 x 3 litres. Then Io grams of chlorate would give 33'48 x Io 48 X IO -- 2'73 litres. I22 *6 70 Chemical Phziosophy. HgI2 -= Hg + HgI2 Mercurous Iodide. Mercury. Mercuric Iodide. C7H605 = C6H603 + CO2 Gallic Acid. Pyrogallol. Carbonic Anhydride. Many familiar decompositions, which at first sight appear to belong to this class, are in reality double decompositions, as an examination of one or two cases will show. The decomposition of mercuric oxide by heat, for example, seems to consist in a simple resolution of the body in its elements, HgO = Hg + 0. But when we write the equation molecularly, HgO + HgO = Hg + Hg + 0, we may see that the decomposition of one molecule of the oxide necessitates the splitting up of another. In order to form one molecule of oxygen-and we believe one molecule to be the smallest quantity of the element capable of independent existence-we must take two atoms of it from two separate molecules of the oxide. The same remarks apply to other cases, such as the decomposition of potassium chlorate by heat. III.-Rearrangement of the atoms constittizng a molecule so as to give rise to a newr body. Two examples of this mode of transformation may be given here. (NH4)CNO converted by heat into CHN2,O Ammonium cyanate. Urea. C6H5CH3HN converted by heat into C6H4CH3H2N Methyl-Aniline, Toluidine. The further explanation of this kind of change is postponed to the chapter on " Isomerism." (Sec. III.). IV. Single Metalhesis.-In this kind of change an atom, or group of atoms, contained in a molecule is displaced by another atom or group. Dozuble and Single Decovmpositions. 7I Examples. Zn + 2HC1 = ZnC12 - H2 Zinc. Hydrochloric acid. Zinc chloride. Hydrogen. MgBr2 + C12 = MgC12 + Br2 Magnesium bromide. Chlorine. Magnesium chloride, Bromine. 2C5,HONO + SO2 = (C5H,10)2 S02 + 2NO Amyl nitrite. Sulphur dioxide. Amyl sulphate. Nitric oxide. Many cases of precisely the same character are not easy to find. The fact is, the great majority of reactions belong to the next class of double decompositions. Even some which seem to be single decompositions must in strictness be so considered; thus, the decomposition of hydrochloric acid by sodium must be represented in this mannerNa Na + HC1 + HC1 or Na5 + 2HC1 2NaCl + H2, not Na + HC1 = NaCi + H. V. DoubleklDeconrgosition, or Mfetathesis.-This is by far the most general mode of reaction. Two or more molecules coming together exchange some of their constituents so as to give rise to the same number, or to a greater number of molecules. We may, for the sake of completeness, classify double decompositions under three divisions:I. Those in which one of the reacting bodies is an element; e.g., Na2 + 20H12 = 2NaOH + H2 Sodium. Water. Sodium hydrate. Hydrogen. 2. Those in which both are compounds; e.g., Na,CO3 + CaCL2 - 2NaCl + CaC03 Sodium carbonate. Calcium chloride. Sodium chloride. Calcium carbonate. 3. Those which result in the formation of " substitution" compounds. This kind of reaction is not essentially different in its nature from cases i and 2, but substitution products among carbon compounds constitute 72 Chemical Philosophy. a class of bodies so remarkable in their characters as to deserve special notice. Some examples of their formation are given in this place, more particular mention being reserved for a later chapter. Examples. CH4 + C12 = CH3C1 + HC1 Methane. Chlorine. Chloromethane. Hydrochloric acid. C6H{ + NO2HO = C6HNO2 + H20 Benzene. Nitric acid. Nitrobenzene. Water. Co0H6 + NOC1 = C,,H,,NO + HC1 Turpentine. Nitrosyl chloride. Nitrosoterpene. Hydrochloric acid. CHAPTER XI. CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS DISTINGUISHED FROM MIXTURES. WHEN two bodies unite together to form a chemical compound, they merge so completely one into the other as to be no longer recognisable by any physical character. The properties of chemical compounds are always quite distinct from those of their constituents, and in general have not even a remote resemblance to them. In the glistening red crystalline powder called by chemists mercuric oxide and vulgarly " red precipitate," no trace can be detected by the eye, or by any other sense, of the liquid, volatile, silvery metal mercury, and the colourless, gaseous oxygen into which it is resolved by the action of heat. In water, again, whether examined in the condition of solid ice, liquid water, or vaporous steam, we should look in vain for any resemblance to the gaseous, unliquefiable elements, hydrogen and oxygen, of which it consists. Neither can we detect in the properties of water any that can be regarded as intermediate between those of the two constituents, or such as we should expect to find exhibited by a mixture in which each element retained its independence. Mixtitures and Chzemical Compounds. 73 The law of definite proportions furnishes another criterion by which the character of a body under examination may be judged as to its title to rank as a definite chemical species. In order to decide whether a given substance is a true chemical compound or a mere mechanical mixture, various considerations are employed by chemists, the nature of which depends very much upon the circumstances of each particular case. If a solid body is the subject of investigation, it is examined under a microscope, in order to see if its appearance is uniform throughout; or, if crystallisable, it is recrystallised, and the crystals compared with those of the original substance. If soluble in any liquid, it may be treated with a quantity of the solvent insufficient to take up the whole. The part dissolved, after getting rid of the solvent by evaporation or otherwise, ought to agree in every respect with the undissolved portion, if the original body is one compound and not a mixture. In the case of those liquids which are volatile, and which bear the application of heat without decomposition, the boiling point should remain constantly at the same temperature during the distillation of the whole, and portions taken from the retort and from the distillate in the receiver ought, in the case of definite compounds, to correspond in specific gravity and all other physical and chemical characters. When the body to be examined is a gas, the action of solvents is tried; and if, after such treatment, the relative proportions of the ingredients are undisturbed, the body may be regarded as probably consisting of one compound. This may be confirmed by observing whether these proportions agree with the combining weights of the elements present. The phenomena of gaseous diffusion are not unfrequently useful in helping to decide whether the elements in a given gas are chemically combined or mechanically mixed. Other means of a mechanical nature may be resorted to in special cases, and occasionally considerable ingenuity is called for in devising methods suited to the occasion. 74 Chemical Philosoplay One or two examples will render these matters more intelligible to the student. We will select cases in which the law of definite proportions would afford no assistance in the solution of the problem. Fifty-six parts of iron would unite with thirty-two parts by weight of sulphur; but the two elements may be mixed together in the state of fine powder, without exerting upon each other any chemical action whatever, the compound, ferrous sulphide, which would be formed by their union in these proportions being produced only when they are strongly heated together. The mixture of these two bodies, though it might be indistinguishable from the compound by appealing to the proportions of the two ingredients, would yet be easily recognised by such properties as the following:-Under a microscope particles of iron and particles of sulphur would be visible; a magnet would withdraw the iron from the powder, and leave the sulphur; carbon bisulphide would dissolve the sulphur, but would not affect the iron; a separation could be effected by merely stirring up in water, when the iron, by reason of its greater specific gravity, would sink quickly to the bottom, leaving the sulphur suspended; diluted sulphuric acid poured upon the mixture would evolve hydrogen gas. The chemical compound has a uniform appearance under the microscope; if reduced to powder, it could not be divided into two different portions by the use of a magnet, by any solvent, or by elutriation with water; and, lastly, the action of diluted sulphuric acid would result in the evolution of hydrogen sulphide gas, easily distinguishable from hydrogen by its odour, by its solubility in water, and by many other properties. The domain of organic chemistry supplies numerous problems of the kind we are considering. In certain kinds of tartar there exist the potassium salts of two acids, which have the same composition, but somewhat different properties. These acids are called respectively tartaric and racemic acids. The former rotates the Mixed L iquids. 75 plane of polarisation of a ray of polarised light to the right, whilst the latter is optically inactive. Crystals of tartaric acid are permanent in the air, whilst those of racemic acid contain a molecule of water, which, escaping at ordinary temperatures, renders the crystals efflorescent. Racemic acid and calcium racemate are decidedly, though not very greatly, less soluble than the corresponding tartaric acid and calcium tartrate. Hence it will be perceived that whilst it is perfectly easy to distinguish the pure acids from each other, the mere estimation of the amount of carbon and hydrogen, or even an examination of a great many of the salts, would not suffice to decide between the one or the other of them and a mixture of the two. A mixture of alcohol, water, and ether might be made in such proportions (46: I8: 74) that it would possess exactly the same composition as alcohol. But such a mixture would be at once distinguished from alcohol by its peculiar odour, and by separating into two layers on addition of water. When distilled, it would be found to boil at a much lower temperature than the boiling-point of alcohol; and after about three-fourths had passed over into the receiver, the liquid left behind in the retort would no longer smell of ether, and would be easily recognised as weak alcohol. Again, the commercial liquid alkaloid toluidine, is an oil which, when distilled, boils steadily at about 200~, and no difference of composition can be detected between the first portions of the distilled liquid and the last. And yet this substance is a mixture of two alkaloids of the same composition, one liquid, the other solid, the boiling points of which (200~ and i98~) differ so slightly that they cannot be separated by any kind of fractional distillation. The only process by which they can be completely separated depends upon the fact that the oxalate of solid toluidine is much less soluble in ether than the oxalate of the liquid base. By patient repetition of this treatment with ether two 76 Chemical Philosopa/y. salts are obtained, which, when recrystallised any number of times, undergo no further change in crystalline form and solubility. In this condition they are believed to be pure and homogeneous. Examples of mixtures of gases, presenting the same composition as true chemical compounds, might be easily multiplied. Thus, equal volumes of hydrogen and chlorine constitute a gaseous mixture which exhibits the colour and bleaching action of chlorine; and after shaking up with solution of soda, just one half its bulk of colourless inflammable hydrogen remains. Hydrochloric acid gas, which contains the same elements combined in the same proportions, is, on the contrary, a colourless gas which no longer possesses the bleaching power of chlorine, and is readily and completely soluble in water or in solution of soda. Ethane and hydrogen gases in equal volumes furnish a mixture which would be indistinguishable from marsh-gas by ordinary quantitative analysis. But recollecting that ethane is more than four times more soluble in water than hydrogen, whilst the rate of diffusion of hydrogen is nearly four times that of ethane-gas, it would not be difficult to distinguish the mixture from the compound. Further assistance might be derived from a study of the action of chemical agents upon the two gases. The. case of atmospheric air is one of so great irmportance, that its consideration demands some attention in this place. Neglecting accidental constituents, as well as the water vapour, and carbonic dioxide, which are always present, the analysis of air from various localities has led to the conclusion that it consists almost uniformly of 20o9 volumes of oxygen, with 79-I volumes of nitrogen. The question whether these two elements are united together chemically has been decided in the negative, in accordance with such considerations as the following: A tmospheric Air a Mixture. 77 I. The most accurate analyses seem to indicate that the proportion of oxygen to nitrogen in the atmosphere is not absolutely uniform, as would be the case if it were a compound. 2. The quantities of oxygen and nitrogen present do not bear any simple relation to the combining weights of those elements. 3. When oxygen and nitrogen are mixed together they show no signs of chemical action by evolution of heat or contraction of volume; and such a mixture, when due proportions are employed, resembles atmospheric air in every respect. 4. Water dissolves the constituents of the air in unequal proportions, so that by reason of the greater solubility of oxygen, the air which may be expelled from common water by boiling contains a larger proportion of that element than is present in atmospheric air.* A chemical compound would dissolve, as a whole, without change of composition. 5. When the rays emitted from a given source of heat are transmitted through different gases, it is found that compounds absorb a much larger amount than elementary gases or mixtures of elementary gases. Thus the amount of radiant heat absorbed by nitrous oxide, a colourless and transparent gas, is more than 350 times as great as the amount absorbed by a column of equal length of oxygen, nitrogen, or atmospheric air. Between the absorbent powers of the last three gases no difference can be detected, and the natural inference, therefore, is that they are similarly constituted. 6. The elements may be separated to a certain extent by the mechanical process of diffusion through a porous plate, called, in this case, atmolysis. It has also been discovered by Graham (see Chap. V., p. 3') that gases have the power of penetrating thin sheets of india-rubber, and that the rate at which oxygen passes * See also Chapter II., p. I5, Solubility of Gases. 78 Chemical Philosophy. through this material is more than two and a-half times that of nitrogen. Upon this observation he has based a very instructive experiment, which proves conclusively the fact that the oxygen of atmospheric air is not combined with the nitrogen. An airtight india-rubber bag is exhausted as completely as possible by the Sprengel air-pump. When the exhaustion is nearly perfect, it is found that gas can still be slowly extracted from the bag by continuing the operation; and this gas is found by analysis to consist of a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen, containing upwards of forty per cent. of the latter ingredient. The gases thus withdrawn from the bag result from the passage of the gases of the atmosphere through the india-rubber partition; the oxygen, however, more rapidly than the nitrogen. The explanation of this dialytic passage of gases through the apparently impermeable caoutchouc, appears to be that the gases are absorbed by the external film of that material, that they penetrate in this condition to the other side of the sheet, where evaporation occurs in consequence of exposure to an atmosphere of very feeble density. CHAPTER XII. NOMENCLATURE. A NAME may be used either for the purpose of indicating some particular person or object, or it may serve to point out relationships and to define the position which a thing holds in some system of classification. In the early days of chemistry the number of different bodies known was comparatively small, and mere indicative names fulfilled ali the requirements of the time. But when chemical research began to be regularly followed and crowds of new compounds were constantly presenting themselves, it became necessary to devise names which would serve, not merely to distinguish one compound from Cheimical Names. 79 another, but to indicate, at least in some degree, the relationship subsisting between allied bodies. The first attempts of this kind were naturally imperfect, the devices employed being wholly inadequate to the requirements of the case. For example, it soon became evident that the mere employment of adjectives, as in the names blue, green, and white vitriol, and the like, could have only a very limited application. It was only after oxygen had been discovered, and its compounds were called oxides by Lavoisier, that chemical names began to assume some appearance of precision. The nomenclature adopted by the leading chemists of that period has met with very general acceptance; and, although modified in detail, the system of the present day is based essentially upon the same principle. The names now employed by chemists for scientific purposes sometimes assume rather formidable dimensions, but unlike the fanciful names in use in connection with some branches of natural history, every syllable has a significance of its own. And, in spite of their length and frequent uncouthness, it may fairly be claimed for these names that they are in few cases inconvenient practically, whilst they do very fairly realise the idea originated by Lavoisier, namely, that of representing, as by a formula, the composition of the bodies for which they stand. Nevertheless, many of the old names dating their origin from the times of the alchemists have become, by long familiarity, so incorporated into the language of medicine, of commerce, and the arts, that it is neither possible nor advisable for the chemist to reject their use. In the majority of cases, indeed, they are very serviceable, and no chemical student should disdain to make himself acquainted with such terms as caustic ypotash, alum, borax, or oil of vitriol, wood-spirit or marsh-gas, and to use them when they express all that is required, alternatively with the more formal and systematic names, the employment of which, for certain 80 Chemical PhilosopAy. purposes, has been rendered necessary by the advance of knowledge. Lames of Elements.-Several of the metals —iron, copper, lead-were known in very early times. Those elements which have been discovered by more modern chemical research have received names which in some cases recall their origin, e.g., silicon (silex, flint); whilst others were suggested by some prominent characteristic, e.g., chlorine (XXwpoc, green), or by their chemical relations, real or supposed, eg., oxygen ('vbc, acid; yjEvvai, I generate). Metals which have been discovered in modern times have all been designated by Latinised names, with the termination " ium " * —potassium, sodium, lithium, thallium, &c.; whilst the names of the non-metallic elements are characterised by no syllable which is common to them all. lVames of Binary Comjounds.-When two elements are combined together, the last syllable or two of the name of one of them is changed into the suffix-ide. Thus, we have CaO, calcium oxide; HC1, hydrogen chloride; PbS, lead sulphide. In nearly all cases it is the name of the more negative or chlorous element which is thus modified, the name of the metal or corresponding element remaining unaltered. Prefixes from the Greek-mono-, di-, tri-, &c.-serve to indicate the number of atoms of the chlorous element present in a molecule of the compound. ThusN0,O is nitrogen monoxide. N202,, nitrogen dioxide. N203,, nitrogen trioxide. N204,, nitrogen tetroxide. N,O5,, nitrogen pentoxide. * Unfortunately this termination has been erroneously applied to the name of the non-metal selenium from a belief entertained at the time of its discovery that it was a metal. I have ventured in these pages to change the final syllable into on, selenion. The alteration of the name silicium into silicon within the last few years will, I hope, be considered sufficient precedent. Names of Binary Comnpounds. 8I Not unfrequently, however, when the actual number of atoms is doubtful, or when it is desired simply to indicate a relation between two compounds, that which contains the larger proportion of the chlorine or oxygen or similar substance is distinguished by the suffix ic, whilst the other ends in ous. Thus, in the foregoing series, we may distinguish: N20 as nitrous oxide. N0,O or NO as nitric oxide. SimilarlyN203 is nitrous anhydride. N205 is nitric anhydride. A few other marks serve in special cases, thus, Fe2O3, Cr2Oa, Mn2O3, A1203, are often called sesquioxides.* When there is a series of oxides, chlorides, or sulphides of the same elements, the syllables protot and per+ are sometimes prefixed to the name to indicate respectively the poorest and the richest in oxygen, chlorine, or sulphur, as the case may be. Thus, the two oxides of iron, which are usually represented by the formulae FeO and Fe2O3, may be distinguished by one or other of the following pairs of names, according as it is desired simply to indicate that the ratio of oxygen to iron is greater in the one compound than in the other; or to imply, what is a matter of far less certainty, that so many atoms of the two elements form one molecule of the compound. FeO, Ferrous oxide: Iron protoxide; Iron monoxide; or or Protoxide of iron. Monoxide of iron. Fe203, Ferric oxide: Iron peroxide; Iron sesquioxide; or or Peroxide of iron. Sesquioxide of iron. * Latin, sesqui, one and a half. + Greek, rpiroS, the first. + Greek,'re0p above, over, exceeding. G 82 Chemical Philosophy. Names of Acids and Sals. —The same principles guide the construction of the names of these compounds, and a single example will go far towards explaining their application. It happens, in the case of chlorine, that an unbroken succession of compounds is formed by the union of this element with hydrogen and oxygen. These are their names and formule: HC1... Hydrochloric acid. HC10... Hypochlorous acid. HC102... Chlorous acid. HC103... Chloric acid. HC104... Perchloric acid. Here, again, the terminations ous and ic serve to indicate different grades of oxidation, whilst the prefixes hypo and per respectively announce a smaller and a larger amount of oxygen than is contained in the chlorous and chloric acids. In the name hydrochloric acid, it is evident that the termination has nothing to do with the presence or absence of oxygen, and this use of the termination forms an exception to the general rule. If we consent to regard acids as salts of hydrogen, we may write names for this series of compounds which are constructed in all respects in the same manner as those which are applied to salts in general. Instead of We may write Hydrochloric acid.. Hydrogen chloride. Hypochlorous acid.. Hydrogen hypochlorite. Chlorous acid... Hydrogen chlorite. Chloric acid... Hydrogen chlorate. Perchloric acid... Hydrogen perchlorate. And here another rule must be attended to, namely, that when the name of a salt ends in ire, the name of the acid or hydrogen salt with which it corresponds terminates in ous, whilst salts in ate are derived from acids whose names end in zc. Names of Carbon Compozunds. 83 One more example will serve to emphasise this rule: H2SO3 Hydrogen sulphite or sulphurous acid. NaHSO3 Sodium-hydrogen sulphite, or acid sulphite of sodium. Na2SO3 Sodium sulphite, or disodium sulphite (neutral). H2SO4 Hydrogen sulphate or sulphuric acid. NaHSO4 Sodium hydrogen sulphate, or acid sulphate of sodium. Na2SO4 Sodium sulphate, or disodium sulphate (neutral) NAMES OF CARBON COMPOUNDS. Dr. Hofmann, a few years ago, made a proposition with the object of reducing to some degree of order the confused nomenclature of the very numerous compounds of carbon and hydrogen. The number of atoms of carbon is indicated by incorporating the Latin numeral into the name and introducing a vowel into the last syllable, in order to show the proportion of hydrogen. In the following table the words methane, ethane, propane, are based upon the names of the radicles methyl, ethyl, propyl, which have long been in use and are too familiar to be discarded:CH4 CH2 Methane. Methene. C2H6 C.2E14 C2H2 Ethane, Ethene. Ethine. C3Hs C3H6 C3H4 C3H2 Propane. Propene. Propine. Propone. C4H10 C4H8 C4H6 C4H4 C4H2 Tetrane. Tetrene. Tetrine. Tetrone. Tetrune. C5H12 C5H10 C5H8 C5H6 C C5H2 Pentane. Pentene. Pentine. Pentone. Pentune. The succeeding terms would run: sextane, septane, octane, nonane, decane, &c. G 2 84:Chlemical Philosophy. The radicles formed from these bodies by loss of hydrogen are furnished with the termination-yl; thus CH3 derived from methane by removing H is called methyl, CH is methenyl, C2H5 ethyl, and so on. Unfortunately, the names which have long been applied to a great many carbon compounds are in the majority of cases fanciful, and, even in allied compounds, have no relation or resemblance to one another. They generally bear some reference either to the original source of the body, or to some more or less prominent characteristic. Thus, formic acid is so called because it was originally obtained from the bodies of ants (formica, an ant), acetic acid because it was procured from vinegar (acetumo). In like manner succinic acid is the acid obtained by distillation of amber (succinum), and lactic acid from sour milk (lac). Attempts have been made to introduce some degree of system into this crowd of heterogeneous materials by restricting the use of certain terminations. Thus, the hydrocarbons of the aromatic series have names which all end in ene, thus, benzene, toluene, anthracene. Alcohols and bodies resembling them claim the terminal syllable ol; e.g., carbinol, phenol, thymol. Basic nitrogenous bodies are represented by names ending in ine, thus, ethylamine, quinine, strychnine. These conventions do serve their purpose to some extent, though the whole matter is in a condition far from satisfactory. Conditions of Chemical Change. 85 CHAPTER XIII. CONDITIONS OF CHEMICAL CHANGE.-THEORIES REGARDING THE NATURE OF CHEMICAL ATTRACTION., WE now proceed to discuss the general conditions under which chemical changes are brought about, together with some of the circumstances which have been found to modify the exercise of chemical attraction. I. Bodies act upon each other chemically only when, according to the usual phrase, they are in absolute contact, that is to say, when they are so near to each other that the distance between them is immeasurably small. In this respect chemical attraction differs from the forces of gravitation, electrical and magnetic induction, all of which are capable of operating through distances which are appreciable by our senses, and measurable by our instruments. On the other hand, it agrees thus far with the force to which we give the name cohesion, in virtue of which the molecules of bodies are held together in masses, and with adh/esion, which causes surfaces of various kinds after being closely approximated to remain united. 2. In order that bodies may act upon each other chemically, one of them at least must be in the liquid or in the gaseous state. That is to say, chemical action cannot proceed to any appreciable extent unless the several parts of the acting masses are free to move, so that the mutual interpenetration which chemical combination involves may not be interfered with. 3. Moderate elevation of temperature generally favours chemical combination, and is very frequently indispensable. In many cases it is obvious that heat assists merely by melting or vaporising one of the substances concerned; and when it gives no assistance, this may always be explained by the fact that the compound which might be formed is incapable of existing in the liquid or gaseous 86 Chemical Philosophy. state, as the case may be. Thus, iron and sulphur, or carbon and sulphur, have no action on each other, unless they are heated together very strongly. On the other hand, many salts unite with water of crystallisation only at very low temperatures; and nitric oxide, which is said to be capable of forming a compound with bromine, can only do so when the liquid is kept very cold. But in a great many cases, as in the combination of hydrogen and chlorine, or the explosion of gunpowder, application of heat to one portion of the mass is sufficient to cause the chemical disturbance in that part to be communicated to the whole. This is in reality a gradual operation, though sometimes proceeding very rapidly, and is due to the transference of the heat which is disengaged by the reaction of the first particles to the surrounding particles, and so from one part to another throughout the mass. Many bodies which combine together with the aid of heat are separated again when the temperature is carried too high. Mercury and oxygen afford an example of this. These two elements combine together slowly when at a temperature near the boiling-point of mercury; but the oxide which is formed is decomposed again below a red heat. In general, we may say that chemical attraction and heat are opposed in their action and effects. Whilst chemical attraction causes atoms to accumulate in molecules, heat tends to separate and scatter these atoms into simpler groups. And although, as in the production of polymeric compounds, heat seems sometimes to be capable of operating in a manner the reverse of that which has been stated, it must be remembered that in all such cases decomposition takes place at higher temperatures. 4. Heat is almost always generated when chemical combination takes place; and in every case, whether heat be absorbed or disengaged, the thermal change is as definite as are the weights of the materials engaged in the transaction. Heat generated in Chemical Reactions. 87 Whenever much heat is evolved, it is tolerably safe to conclude that the resulting compound is a stable one. The explanation of this appears to be, that in order to separate two bodies which are chemically combined, they must each receive as much heat as they lost when they entered into combination. In some cases heat appears to be absorbed; it is so, for example, when iodine combines with hydrogen, and when sulphur combines with carbon. But in such cases, after all due allowances have been made for the heat which becomes latent in consequence of the change from solid to liquid, or gas, the actual absorption of heat which is observed must be attributed to the fact that heat is used up in the decomposition of the elementary molecules which precedes, or is simultaneous with, the formation of the molecules of the compound. Thus, when hydrogen combines with iodine, the change is not simply H + I ='HI but is, strictly speaking, a double decomposition; thusH } +I ) t IH Now, if the heat required to effect the separation of H from H and I from I is greater than the amount of heat generated when 2H combines with 21, then the result will be negative, no heat will be given out, but a certain amount must be supplied from external sources. If we compare together the thermal effects of causing one gram of hydrogen to unite with equivalent quantities of chlorine, bromine, and iodine, we get the following numbers:H + C1 evolves.. 22000 heat units* (difference I356o0) * One unit of heat is in this case the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one gram of water from o~ to I~O 88 Chemical Philosophy. H + Br evolves.. 8440 heat units (difference 14480) H 4 I absorbs. 6040 heat units. These results agree with what we know of the chemical behaviour of these elements. Chlorine displaces bromine, and bromine displaces iodine from combination with hydrogen and the metals. Hydrogen, also, burns readily in chlorine gas, but witl.. great difficulty in bromine vapour, unless mixed with air; whilst with iodine, hydrogen will unite only when strongly heated with it. In the thermal differences given above we may also observe that iodine is more widely separated from bromine than is bromine from chlorine, and this corresponds with the well-known peculiarities of iodine, which, to some extent, isolate it from he other two elements. 5. Not only is heat generated when chemical action occurs, but in at least a great number of cases a definite amount of electricity is developed. Imagine a plate of zinc plunged into a solution of hydrochloric acid. The chlorine unites with the zinc, and leaves the hydrogen to escape in bubbles from the surface of the metal. If now a plate of platinum, which is not acted upon by hydrochloric acid, is immersed in the same liquid, and connected with the zinc by a wire, it will be observed that the hydrogen is no longer disengaged from the zinc plate, but collects upon the platinum in bubbles which rise to the surface of the liquid. If the wire is cut in two, that part which proceeds from the zinc can be shown, by a gold-leaf electroscope, to be charged with negative electricity, whilst the wire from the platinum is positive. If these wires are then attached to platinum plates dipping into a solution of some salt, such as iodide of potassium, which is easily decomposable, the elements of the salt are separated, the metal going to the electrode or terminal connected with the zinc or negative pole, and the non-metallic element making its appearance at the -Electrolysis. 89 electrode belonging to the platinum plate* of the battery that is, at the positive pole. This process of decomposition by the voltaic current is called " electrolysis." It deserves to be noticed that it can only take place when the body to be operated upon is in the liquid state. Now, just as the amount of heat evolved by a given chemical combination is definite and constant under the same circumstances, so the electrical effect produced by contact of the same bodies under the same circumstances is constant. When electrolysis occurs in the body through which the current is passing, the quantities of its constituents which are liberated are always proportional to their chemical equivalents, and, provided secondary actions are guarded against, these quantities are also chemically equivalent to the materials consumed in each cell of the battery. If, for example, in each cell 32-5 grams of zinc are dissolved, the current passing simultaneously through solutions of iodide of potassium, bromide of potassium, acidulated water, and sulphate of copper, would set free in the Ist Cell, I27 grams of iodine, 39'I grams of potassium.t 2nd,, 8o,, bromine 39',, 3rd,, 8,, oxygen, I,, hydrogen 4th,, 8,, oxygen, 3I'75,, copper The power of effecting electrolytic decomposition exhibited by different combinations of metals and liquids depends entirely upon the chemical characters of those bodies. The more energetic the chemical action the more powerful will be the electro-rrmotive force of the combination. Chemical action is therefore closely connected with electricity as well as with heat. * The elements which make their appearance at the negative pole are often referred to as electro-Jositive, whilst those which collect at the positive pole are electro-neative. The metals are generally electropositive, the non-metals electro-negative. + Hydrogen and caustic potash would, of course, be the actual products. 90 Chemical Philosophy. We have now to consider the influence of certain physical conditions in modifying the chemical action of bodies on one another. 6. When chloride of calcium and carbonate of ammonia are dissolved in separate portions of water, and the solutions are then mixed together, a precipitate of carbonate of calcium is thrown down, and chloride of ammonium remains in the mother liquid. But if these two salts, calcium carbonate and ammonium chloride, are mixed together in the dry state and heated, a decomposition occurs which is the reverse of the last, and by which the original compounds, chloride of calcium and carbonate of ammonia, are regenerated. Again, if acetic acid is poured into an aqueous solution of potassic carbonate, effervescence ensues from the escape of carbonic acid gas, and a solution of potassium acetate is formed. But if potassium acetate is dissolved in strong spirit of wine, a liquid in which carbonate of potassium is insoluble, a stream of carbonic acid gas transmitted through the solution is capable of decomposing the acetate, throwing down a precipitate of potassium carbonate. Experiments of this kind, which might easily be multiplied, show us that the character of a chemical reaction is very largely dependent upon the circumstances under which the operation is performed, so that a reaction which, under one set of conditions, takes place in a particular manner may be reversed when those conditions are suitably altered. We may accept it as very generally, though not quite universally, true, that when we mix together two soluble salts, which by double decomposition are capable of giving rise to an insoluble compound, that insoluble compound will be precipitated until complete decomposition of one or both the generating salts has taken place. If, for example, we take the two salts, barium chloride and sodium sulphate, knowing beforehand that barium sulphate is insoluble in water, we may Effects of Mass. 91 safely assert that a precipitate will be formed when the aqueous solutions of these'two salts are mixed together. Similar observations hold good with regard to mixtures of compounds which, amongst them, contain the elements of a gas or body volatile at the temperature of the experiment. In every case this volatile body is formed. Conversely, if we submit to pressure or to a very low temperature a mixture of substances which, under ordinary atmospheric conditions, evolves a gas, the chemical action is retarded, or sometimes prevented altogether. 7. When several bodies capable of acting on one another are mixed together, but the quantity of one of them largely preponderates overthe rest, some curious results arefrequently brought about. When, for example, a solution of bismuth or antimony chloride in hydrochloric acid is mixed with a little water, no change is perceptible to the eye, but the addition of a larger quantity of water throws down a white precipitate of the oxychloride, BiOCi or SbOCL. These decompositions take place according to the following equations:BiCNl + OH2 = BiOCl + 2HC1 SbCl3 + OH2 = SbOCl + 2HCl That is to say, one molecule or i8 parts by weight of water decompose one molecule or 3I6'5 parts of bismuth chloride or, 228'5 parts by weight of antimony chloride; and yet, if these proportions of the materials are brought into contact, only a partial decomposition takes place, and the reaction is completed only when a much larger quantity of water is added. In such a change as this we must remember that there are two antagonistic agents at work, namely, the water tending to decompose the chloride according to the equations given above, and the hydrochloric acid which is generated by that decomposition tending to reproduce the chloride. We may, therefore, consider that there are four bodies in presence of one another, and surrounded by water molecules. 92 Chemical PhiiosoJphy. Taking one case, We have BiCI13, OH2, BiOC1 and HC1. We may safely assume that when the number of water molecules present is augmented, the number of molecules of chloride decomposed by water in a given interval will increase, whilst the number of oxychloride molecules decomposed by the hydrochloric acid present will pari cpassu diminish, until the whole of the chloride is destroyed and precipitation is complete. If now to the liquid holding the precipitate in suspension we add hydrochloric acid in excess the action is reversed, and the precipitate disappears again. In such experiments as these the decomposition seems to proceed continuously as the quantity of the acting body is increased, any alteration in the proportions, however small, apparently producing a corresponding alteration in the extent to which decomposition takes place. 8. Experiments made by Bunsen show, however, that this is not always the case. When carbonic oxide and hydrogen are exploded with a quantity of oxygen not sufficient to burn them completely, the oxygen divides itself between the two gases in such a manner that the quantities of carbonic anhydride and water produced stand to one another in a simple atomic proportion. The results of Bunsen's experiments are given in the following table, the numbers in which denote volumes:Composition of Gaseous Quantities of CO and H. Ratio of Mixture. consumed by detonation. CO to H. 7257 CO I8'29H 94 0 I2-I8 C0 6-ioH 2 I 59'93 26'71 13 36 I3'o6 1366 I66I 36'70 42'I7 21'3 Io'79 31'47 I 3 40-12 47'I5 12.73 4'97 20 49 I 4 The results were the same whether the explosion took place in the dark, in diffused daylight, or in sunshine, and Bunsen's Experiments on Mass. 93 were not affected by the pressure to which the gaseous mixture was subjected. From these and similar results, Bunsen deduces the two following remarkable laws*: " I. When two or more bodies B, B'... are presented in excess to the body A, under circumstances favourable to their combination with it, the body A always selects of the bodies B, B', &c., quantities which stand to one another in a simple atomic relation, so that for i, 2, 3.... atoms of the one compound there are always formed I, 2, 3.... atoms of the other; and if in this manner there is formed one atom of the compound A B' in conjunction with an atom of A B, the mass of the body B may be increased relatively to that of B', up to a certain limit, without producing any alteration in the atomic proportion. "II. When a body, A, exerts a reducing action on a compound BC, present in excess, so that A and B combine together and C is set free; then if C can, in its turn, exert a reducing action on the newly-formed compound, AB, the final result of the action is that the reduced portion of BC is to the unreduced portion in a simple atomic proportion." In this case, again, the mass of the one constituent may, without altering the existing atomic relation, be increased to a certain limit, above which that relation undergoes changes by definite steps. 9. We gather from the foregoing considerations that chemical attraction or affinityt is the effect of a force sui generis, presenting peculiarities which distinguish it decisively from the rest of the physical forces with which we are acquainted. The distinguishing characteristics of chemical attraction, briefly recapitulated, seem to be as follows: * Watts' Dictionary, i. 860, to which the reader is referred for further details of experiments upon the influence of mass. + The word affinity seems to have arisen from a notion current among the early chemists, that when two bodies are capable of combining, there must be some resemblance or affinity between them, or that they contain some principle common to them both. 94 Chemical Philosophly. It operates only at inappreciable distances, the weights of the reacting masses being definite and invariable for the same substance. It is also, like ordinary adhesion, elective. In other words, a given element seems, as it were, to choose between two other elements presented to it, or to leave one element in order to combine with another, as when cinnabar is decomposed by metallic iron. Lastly, the manifestation of chemical attraction through the attendant phenomena of heat, light, and electricity, is directly related, in a quantitative manner, to the performance of mechanical work. Whatever may ultimately be concluded as to its real nature, one thing is clear, namely, that it is in some way intimately connected with motion of one kind or other in the bodies concerned. But in entering upon the discussion of this question regarding the real nature of chemical action, it must not be forgotten that we are venturing into a region which belongs entirely to conjecture, and is-at least, at presentaltogether beyond the reach of observation. From the very nature of things, no experimental test can be applied to any hypothesis that may be framed in the hope of explaining it. The student will therefore bear in mind that any suggestions that may be met with in these pages, in connection with this or kindred topics, must be accepted with all the reserve which the obscurity of the subject demands. As already explained (in Chap. I. and elsewhere), there are good reasons for believing that the molecules of liquids and gases subsist unceasingly in a state of motion. Their agitation is increased by heat, diminished by cold. In the course of this dance in which they are engaged, and the numerous encounters which must occur amongst them, it is conceivable that some of the molecules get broken up into atoms or atomic groups, which for a while wander about until they encounter some other atom or atomic group with Nature of Chemical A ttraction. 95 which they can unite. If the original body was homogeneous, the molecules which are thus reproduced are of the same kind as the original molecules. So long as this work of reproduction goes on at the same rate as the destruction, that is, so long as, in a given interval, the number of molecules decomposed and the number of molecules recomposed is the same, no change occurs in the properties of the body, because the average composition of the mass remains the same. In a mass of hydrochloric acid gas, for example, it is conceived that if it were possible to submit it to such a scrutiny, the greater part of the mass taken at any instant would be found to consist of molecules, each made up of an atom of hydrogen and an atom of chlorine; but that with these there would be associated a certain number of free atoms of hydrogen and chlorine interspersed amongst them. In the next instant, many of these free atoms would be seen yoked together again, whilst their places would be supplied by the disruption of fresh molecules. Now, suppose an opportunity occurs for diffusion to take place, either into a vacuum or into another gas, the lighter hydrogen atoms, moving much more rapidly than the chlorine, would pass away more rapidly into the new space, so that the residual gas would be richer in chlorine than at first. Dissociation has not actually been observed in the case of hydrochloric acid, but other gases and liquids exhibit phenomena of this kind in a very remarkable manner. (See " Dissociation," Chap. XVII.) Or imagine this hydrochloric acid dissolved in water, and made to perform the part of the exciting liquid in a voltaic cell. The zinc attracts the chlorine and combines with it, and the hydrogen is disengaged. Now, it is well known, that when pure or amalgamated zinc is used, the action goes on very slowly, but that it proceeds with great rapidity when the circuit is completed by connecting the two plates with a metallic wire. This seems to indicate that the zinc does not decom 96 Chemical Philosophy. pose the hydrochloric at all, but that it probably combines with the atoms of chlorine which it finds uncombined in the liquid. Under ordinary circumstances, these must be supposed to come into contact with it only through the operation of diffusion, and hence the process of combination is slow; but, under the influence of the electro-motive force, the dissociated atoms of chlorine are driven towards the zinc plate as fast as they become free, whilst the hydrogen atoms, under the same influence, travel in the opposite direction. The hypothesis we are now discussing also affords an explanation of the action of mass in determining the final results ~of a given chemical action. The student will be able to frame the conception for himself in any given case after perusing paragraph 7. Lastly, we may attempt to picture to ourselves the state of things which obtains when two bodies, such as hydrogen and chlorine, which have a great chemical affinity for each other, are brought together. So long as they are cool and in the dark, the process of combination is exceedingly slow, so slow, in fact, that they seem to have no action on each other. But once let the molecular agitation of even a small portion of the mixed gases be exalted to the right pitch, whether by heat or light, which is probably converted into heat, and the breaking-up of the elementary molecules proceeds rapidly throughout the entire mass, whilst new molecules of the compound, which are probably more stable than are those of either ingredient, are generated at a corresponding rate. If, however, certain limits of temperature be exceeded, the vibratory or other motion of the molecules may be sufficient to cause the disruption of increasing numbers of them until decomposition of the whole is complete. It has been conceived that the chemical elements may be formed of the same primordial matter distributed into molecules which vibrate or rotate in different specific Nature of Chemnical Attraction. 97 periods, and that these differences of movement may correspond with the observed differences in external qualities. Adopting such a hypothesis, it must be admitted that the molecules of a compound would almost certainly move in a manner different from the molecules of its constituents. Also, that when two molecules approach each other the movement of each must be more or less modified in consequence of the proximity of the other. If the motions proper to the one are in harmony with those of the other, they may join to form a new unit moving in a different path, and consequently give rise to a body impressed with new qualities. CHAPTER XIV. COMBUSTION. THE burning of wood, coal, charcoal, and other matters commonly employed as fuel, is a process with which everyone is familiar. Chemists know that the production of fire in the usual way is attended not merely by the consumption or alteration of the fuel, but by changes in the surrounding atmosphere, and that the presence of a sufficient supply of air is an indispensable condition in the operation. They explain the phenomena by stating that the process of burning consists essentially in the combination of the elements of the combustible body with the oxygen in the air, so much heat being developed that more or less of the solid combustible and of the products of combustion are raised to such a temperature that they emit light. Notwithstanding, then, that in ordinary fires the coals disappear and seem to be destroyed, they do in reality only evaporate away in the form of carbon dioxide and water, and if these products could be collected and weighed, their weight would H 98 Chemical Philosopy5y. be found to be made up of the united weight of the carbon and hydrogen of the coal, and the oxygen which is taken from the air. The phenomena of combustion may be observed equally well when other materials are employed. Thus copper burns in vapour of sulphur, hydrogen will burn in chlorine, whilst phosphorus and several metals become ignited spontaneously when introduced in the proper condition into the same gas. In every such case, the resulting product consists of a compound of the body which is burned with one or other of the constituents of the gaseous atmosphere which surrounds it. From this it is evident that the terms " combustible " and " supporter of combustion," as generally employed, involve an error, if they are taken to imply any difference of function; for that which in one experiment occupies the position of combustible, may be made the supporter of combustion or atmosphere in another. It is easy to show, for example, that not only will a jet of hydrogen burn in oxygen gas, but that a jet of oxygen burns equally well when surrounded by hydrogen. These are the views universally accepted at the present day. They serve to account for most of the facts, though the precise explanation of the heat and light which are developed is still unknown. Previously to the discovery of oxygen by Priestley, and the establishment of the modern theory of combustion by Lavoisier at the close of the last century, a remarkable theory had been for upwards of fifty years adopted by chemists. This was the celebrated theory of phlogiston* proposed by Stahl.t This phlogiston was supposed to be a substance of great tenuity, which, by combining with incombustible bodies, rendered them combustible. When such bodies are burnt, it was imagined that: the escape of the phlogiston in a peculiar condition of vibratory motion * pXo7t-r6s, anything set onfire. F Died at Berlin, I734. Theory of Phlogiston. a gave rise to the phenomena of fire. At the time t:e-iceas originally introduced, little was known of the part which the air plays in all ordinary burning. When accumulated facts proved conclusively that bodies by burning increase in weight, some attempts were made to prop up the theory by assuming that the presence of phlogiston gave bodies lightness instead of weight. The merit of the idea, however, lay not so much in providing an explanation of certain special cases of combustion, as in referring all cases of burning to a common cause, and in showing that the property of combustibility is capable of being transferred from one body to another. Oxides of the metals, for example, were regarded as ashes, or caxles, of the metals left after the escape of their phlogiston, which could be restored to them by contact with heated charcoal, a body which was supposed to be specially rich in the hypothetical inflammatory principle. Whilst we believe that the presence of no substance such as phlogiston is necessary for the production of fire, and that during the manifestation of the phenomena of combustion no loss of material occurs, yet it has been very justly pointed out that bodies, when they burn, do in truth part with something, and that is the potential energy or power of doing work which belongs to a state of chemical isolation. In order that combustion may commence in air the temperature of combustible bodies must in general be raised. The temperatures required in different cases are very diverse. Thus phosphorus, which liquefies at 44~, can scarcely be melted in the air without inflammation. Carbon disulphide vapour mixed with air takes fire if a glass rod heated to about r500 is brought into contact with it. Sulphur begins to burn at about 250o-far below its boiling point-whilst carbon and many hydrocarbons require a red heat. The temperature produced when the process of burning is once established is in general higher than that which is H 2 ICO Cihemnical Philosophy. requisite for the commencement of combination. This difference is illustrated by the action of platinum upon a mixture of hydrogen or coal gas and air. If a warm slip of clean platinum foil or a coil of platinum wire is held in a current of such mixed gases, the temperature of the metal rises rapidly, in consequence of combination taking place between those portions of the gases which are in immediate contact with it, combination extending to the surrounding mass only when the temperature reaches a certain point, and the platinum is nearly white hot. Similar phenomena may be observed in other cases when the heat evolved in the early stages of the process is allowed to accumulate. The spontaneous ignition of phosphorus, of finely pulverulent iron or lead (pyrophori), and of heaps of oily rags, may be referred to this cause. The exact temperature of flame is difficult to determine and is liable to vary. The temperature of a hydrogen flame, burning in air, has been estimated at about 2o8o0C, but when the flame is fed with pure oxygen its temperature rises to upwards of 4ooo0C. This is easily explained by the fact that in atmospheric air the oxygen is mixed with four times its bulk of nitrogen, which contributes nothing to the chemical action, and which, being raised to the same temperature, as the other gases present, consumes a great deal of heat. A temperature still higher is produced when a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen in due proportions is fired in a closed vessel, so that the heated gases are not allowed to expand. This expansion against atmospheric pressure is work the performance of which involves the consumption of heat. The temperature produced by the explosion of oxygen and hydrogen in a closed vessel has been estimated at about 525o~C. But although the temperatures producible by the same combustible under various circumstances are different, the actual amount of heat evolved in the combustion of the same weight of a given substance is always the same. This [Heat of Combustion. IOI statement can of course be accepted only on condition of uniformity in the circumstances attending the experiment. Thus it will appear from the table given below that, as in the case of carbon, the different allotropic modifications of the same substance may give rise to appreciably different amounts of heat. I- Units of hzeat developed by combustion of equal weigits of elements in oxygen. Kilograms of water Substance burned. Product. heated s~C by burning I kilo of each substance. Hydrogen...Water 34034 Carbon a Diamond... Dioxide 7770 b Natural Graphite...,, 7797 c Wood Charcoal... 80So Sulphur (native)... Dioxide 2220 Phosphorus (common).. Pentoxide 5747 Zinc... Oxide I330 Iron....Peroxide I582 II.- Units of heat evolved by combustion of atomic weigfhts. Kilos. of Weight in ~~~~water Name of Element. Weight in Product. heated'~C Kilograms. by the combustion. Hydrogen... I Water (liquid).. 34034 I Hydrochloric acid (gas) 22000.. Hydrobromic acid (gas) 8440 Carbon a Diamond... I2 Dioxide (gas).. 93240 b Graphite... I2,,,,.. 93560 c Charcoal... I2,,,,. 96960 Sulphur (native).. 32 Dioxide (gas).. 71042 Phosphorus (common) 31 Pentoxide (solid). 178157,,. ~ 3I Pentachloride (solid). Io7740 Tin.... I8 Dioxide (solid).. I35360 11. I Tetrachloride (liquid). I22880 I02 Chemical Philosophfy. The quantity of heat absolutely evolved also depends partly upon the physical condition of the products of combustion. Thus the number 34034 which expresses the heat evolved in the combination of one part by weight of hydrogen with eight parts of oxygen, represents not only the heat of chemical action, but the heat (amounting at the temperature of the experiment to about 5500 units) which is produced by the liquefaction of the resulting nine parts of steam. This relation of the amount of heat evolved to the physical state of the resulting compounds is further indicated by the results exhibited in the following table:Substance burned. Weight Product. Units of heat evolved. burned. Sn.. II8 SnO2 135360 SnO.. I34 SnO9 69584 x 2= 139168 Cu.. 63'5 C 0 38304 CuO.. 71'5 CUO I8304 X 2 = 36608 Graphite. 12 CO2 9356o CO.. 28 CO2 67284 x 2 = I34568 Here we find that when solid tin or copper is converted into its highest oxide, the amount of heat developed is, practically speaking, twice as great as the amount of heat developed in the conversion of the lower into the higher oxide. In other words, the two successive stages of oxidation, both of which result in the formation of solid products, are marked by the evolution of equal quantities of heat..The case of carbon is different. In the first stage of oxidation the process involves the conversion of solid carbon into gaseous carbonic oxide, whilst in the second stage the carbonic oxide, which is burnt, and the carbonic anhydride, which is formed, are both gaseous. There is no change of state. Hence the quantity of heat which is developed in the latter operation is nearly two-thirds instead of only one-half, the total quantity evolved in Problems on Combustion. I03 the formation of the same weight of carbonic anhydride from solid carbon. In order, therefore, to calculate the actual amount of heat obtainable by burning a given combustible, it is necessary to take these and other circumstances into consideration. The following examples, which are unencumbered by small corrections, and in which it is assumed that no heat is lost by radiation or conduction, will serve to indicate the general nature of such calculations. The combustion of I part by weight of wood charcoal evolves 8o80 units of heat. That is to say, I kilogram of charcoal would heat 8o8o kilos of water from o~ to Io, or I kilo. of water from o~ to 8080o. 12 kilograms of charcoal produce 44 kilos of carbonic anhydride, or I kilo produces 3'67 kilos, and if the heat produced by the combustion is communicated to this quantity of carbonic anhydride, and not to water, the temperature would be 8o8o or 22020, if the specific heat of carbonic anhydride were the same as that of water. But the specific heat of carbonic anhydride is only'2I64, when that of water is I. Hence, the temperature of the carbonic anhydride is 2202 X I or'2 I64' IoI75~, when the carbon is burnt in oxygen. Now if the combustion is performed in atmospheric air, which contains 77 per cent. of nitrogen, much heat is consumed in raising the temperature of this nitrogen. The 2'67 parts of oxygen required for the combustion of one part of carbon are accompanied by 8'93 parts of nitrogen, the specific heat of which is'2438. Therefore, when the combustion of carbon takes place in air, the temperature of the resulting mixture of gases cannot be higher than 80o8o' = 2720~ C. (3'67 x'2I64) + (8'93 x'2438) In practice, the temperature is not so high as this, partly because some heat is lost by radiation, some by conduction 104 Chemical Philosophy. through the solid unburnt charcoal, partly because an excess of atmospheric air over and above that actually required mingles with the products of combustion, and partly also because, in all probability, the specific heats are not constant, but increase as the temperature is higher. EXERCISES ON SECTION II. I. Give the names of the elements represented by the following symbols-Al, Sb, Fe, Mg, Hg, Mn, Ca, C, C1, I, N, P, K, S, Ag, Na, Br, Cu, F, H, Pb, O, Si, Zn. 2. Write down the symbols and atomic weights of Barium, boron, bromine; Calcium, carbon, copper; Magnesium, manganese, mercury, silver; Phosphorus, potassium, lead; Sulphur, sodium, silicon; Iron, iodine, chlorine, oxygen, nitrogen. 3. Read these symbols and formulae, thus:N2 represents one molecule of nitrogen, consisting of two atoms; 0, 02, OH2, 20H2, HC1, H2, C12, NH3, H3PO4, H2SO4, FeSO4, 2FeSO4, A12(SO4)3, I20H2, I2A12(S04)3, CO2, 3C02 4. Write down the formulhe and molecular weights of water, ammonia, hydrochloric acid, carbonic anhydride, sulphuric acid, ferrous sulphate, aluminic sulphate, phosphoric acid. 5. Write down the whole weight represented by each of the following expressions: 2HgO, IoOH2, 3FeS, 3FeS2, 2CS2, KC4HO6, K2C4H406, 5C7HgN, I2CH4, KA1(SO4)2 + I20H2, 3[NH4Cr(SO4)2 + I 2OH2]. 6. Name the following compounds:-BaO, CaO, MgO, ZnS, KC1, NaBr, AgF, H2S, HI, KCN, SSe, BN, H3P. 7. BaO, BaO2; Hg.0, HgO; FeS, FeS2; MnO, Mn.03, MnO2; FeO, Fe20O, Fe3O4; N20, N202, N203, N204, N205; P2S3, P2,S; SnCl2, SnC14; FeBr2, Fe2Br6; Cu2Cl2, CuC12; CrCl2, Cr2CI6, CrF6; SbBr3, SbBr,. 8. KNO2, KNO3 (-ate); K2SO, K,2SO4 (-ate); KC1, KC10, KC102, KC103 (-ate), KC104; KI, KIO3 (-ate), KIO4; Exercises on Section II. I05 NaHSO3, Na2SO3; Na2HPO4, Na3P4, NaH2PO4; HSPO2, H3PO3, H3PO4 (-ic); HC1, HC10, HBrO, HC102, HC103 II03, HC104, HBrO4. 9. Write out the following equations according to the scheme on page 66-: (a) Mn02 + 4HC1 = MnCl2 + C12 + 2H20. (b) 2KI + C12 = 2KC + 12. (c) SO2 + 20H2 + Cl2 = H2S04 + 2HC1. (d) NaN03 + H2SO4 = NaHS04 + HNO3. (e) 2MnO02 + 2H2SO4 = 2MnSO4 + 2H20 + 0.2 (f) 2K2Cr207 + 8H2S04 = 2K2SO4 + 2Cr2(S04)3 + 8H.20 + 302 Io. Write out the following equations according to the scheme oni page 67:(a) 20H2 + 2 C12 = 4HCl +.2(b) CO. + C (solid)= 2 CO. (c) 2CO + 02 = 2 CO2. (d) 2NH3 N.2 + 3 12. (e) 2NH, + 3 C12 = N2 + 6 HC1. (f) NH4NO3 (solid) = N20 + 2 H20. 1. Write out in symbolic equations(a) Ammonium chloride and calcium hydrate give ammonia, calcium chloride, and water. (b) Ammonium nitrite (heated) yields nitrogen and water. (c) Common salt and sulphuric acid yield sodium, hydrogen sulphate and hydrochloric acid. (d) Copper and nitric acid yield *copper nitrate, nitric oxide and water. (e) Mercury and sulphuric acid yield mercuric sulphate, sulphurous anhydride and water. (f) Antimonious sulphide and hydrochloric acid yield antimonious chloride and sulphuretted hydrogen. I2. Ilow many grams of oxygen are required to burn 24 grams of carbon and 32 grams of sulphur? I3. How many pounds of zinc are there in 350 pounds of the sul. phate, ZnSO4? I4. How much sulphur will give IOO kilograms of sulphuric acid H2S04? 15. How many pounds of black oxide of manganese are required to yield, by the action of hydrochloric acid, 112 pounds of chlorine? I6. How many pounds of chalk containing 96 per cent. of calcium carbonate CaC03 will neutralise 250 pounds of sulphuric acid? io6 Cihemical Phzilosopiay. (In the following examples the gases are supposed to be at normal temperature and pressure):I7. Find the weight of 20 litres of oxygen, of 50 litres of chlorine, of 250 litres of ammonia, I8. How many litres of oxygen are required to combine with a. I2 criths of carbon /. 2 grams of sulphur 7y. Io grams of carbon? I9. IIow many litres of chlorine are required to decompose 12 litres of hydriodic acid? (2HI + C12 = 2HC1 + I2) 20. How many litres of chlorine are required for the complete decomposition of Io litres of olefiant gas? C2H4 + 2C12 = C2 + 4HC1 2I. How many litres of hydrogen are obtained by dissolving 12 grams of magnesium in an acid? 22. What weight of potassium chlorate is required to yield 35000 cubic centimetres of oxygen? 23. What materials and what quantities would you employ in order to obtain 50 litres of each of the oxides of carbon? 24. How much mercuric eyanide, Hg(CN)2, must be used to furnish 50 c. c. of cyanogen, C2N2, assuming that 60 per cent. of the cyanogen is obtained in the gaseous form? 25. Red oxide of copper contains 88'8 parts of copper and 1I'2 parts of oxygen by weight; black oxide of copper contains 79-87 of copper and 20-13 of oxygen. If the formula of the black oxide is CuO, how should the red oxide be represented? 26. Water contains 88'8 of oxygen, II-I of hydrogen. If its formula is OH2, find the formula for peroxide of hydrogen, which contains 94'I2 0 and 5-88 H. 27. Two hydrocarbons have the following composition:I. II. Carbon. 85-7I _C 92'3 Hydrogen.. I4.29 - 4 77 Find the formula for II. 28. Show that the composition of the oxides of nitrogen, of manganese, and of chromium, are in accordance with the law of multiple proportion. 29. Examine the following equations, attach the name to each Exercises on Section II. I07 formula, and classify the reactions according to Chapter X., p. 69 to p. 7I, giving reasons in doubtful cases:(a) Na2 + 20H2 - 2ONaH + H2 (b) Fe + H2SO4.H2()= FeSO4.H20 + H2 (c) electrolysis) 2HC1 = H2 + Cl2 (d) SO2 + H202 = H2SO4 (e) (heat) 3MnO02 - Mn304 + 02 (f) OKH + HC1 = KC1 + OHI (g) 02H2 + 03 (ozone) = OH2 + 202 (h) SO3 + H2O HSO4 (i) PH3 + HI = PHI (j) N205 + H20 = 2HN03 (k) P205 + 3H20 = 2H3PO4 (1) 2KI + C12 = 2KC1 + I1 (1vi) C2H4 + Br2 = C2-I4Br,, ethene (n) NaNO3 + H2SO4 = HNO3 +.lNaHSO4 (o) (heat) 2KC103 KC1 + KCl + KC104 + 02 (p) MnO2 + SOs = MnSO (q) MnO2 + 2SOo = MnS20O (r) C2H402 + 3C12 = C2HCl302 + 3HC1 (s) K2S + CS2 = K2CS3 (t) C6HHO + HNO3 = C6H4NO2HO + H20 Phenol. (u) C21H-I402 + PC]5 = C2H3OC1 + POC13 + HC1 Acetyl Chloride. (v) C1oH16 + HC1 - CloH17C1 (w) 31-IC1 + HNO3 = 2H20 + NOC1 + C12 )x) As203 + 2HNO3 + 2H20 = 2H3As04 + N203 (y) (heat) NaNH4HPO4 = NaPO3 + NH3 + H20 (z) (heat) 2Na2HPO = Na4P207+ H20 30. How many cubic centimetres of ammonia (measured at I5~ and under 740 mm.) would be obtained from 5312 grams of ammonium chloride? 3I. How many cubic centimetres of sulphur dioxide (measuredat 20~ and 740 mm.) can be obtained by the action of copper on 20 grams of sulphuric acid? 32. What weight of water would be heated from o~ to I~ by the combustion of I gram of charcoal in oxygen? 33. What weight of water would be heated from o~ to I5~ by the combustion of I gram of hydrogen in chlorine? Io8 CChemical Philosophy. 34. Calculate the temperature of combustion of phosphorus burning in air. 35. Heat of combustion of hydrogen. 34034 units Latent heat of steam.... 536 Specific heat of steam....'475 Specific heat of nitrogen.'2438 Composition of air, N77, 023 parts by weight. With these data find the temperature of the hydrogen flame burning in air. Answer;34034 - (536 x 9) =27o8oC. (9 x'475) + (267 x'2438) Io9 SECTION III CHAPTER XV. EQUIVALENTS AND ATOMIC WEIGHTS. WHEN a strip of metallic copper is immersed in a slightly acid solution of mercuric chloride the mercury begins at once to be deposited, and copper is at the same time dissolved. After the lapse of a sufficient length of time the whole of the mercury will thus be thrown down and the liquid will then contain nothing but copper chloride. When this result has been brought about it will be found that for every Ioo parts by weight of metallic mercury obtained, 3 I7 5 parts of copper are consumed. If now a piece of iron is plunged into the solution of copper chloride the copper salt is in its turn decomposed and the whole of the metal recovered, iron being substituted for it. And if the weights of the metals which thus exchange places are determined, it will prove that in order to precipitate the 31'75 parts of copper in the liquid.28 parts of metallic iron must go into solution. Moreover, it is found that whenever one of these metals, mercury, copper, iron, is exchanged for another, the weights concerned are always in these proportions. These quantities are then said to be equivalent to one another. But, further, when iron is dissolved in hydrochloric or sulphuric acids, these 28 parts liberate from the acid one part by weight of hydrogen. In the three compounds, hydrochloric, hydrobromic, and I I C/zemical Philosophzy. hydriodic acids, 35'5 parts of chlorine, 80o parts of bromine, and 127 parts of iodine are united with I part by weight of hydrogen, and it is also found that when chlorine, bromine, or iodine takes the place of hydrogen, as they frequently do in carbon compounds, the quantities which replace I part by weight of hydrogen are represented by the same numbers. Again, the metals mercury, copper, and iron are capable of combining with chlorine, bromine, and iodine, forming various chlorides, bromides, and iodides; but the analysis of these compounds reveals the fact that these are all made up of their elements in proportions which may be represented as multiples of the numbers which have been found to be characteristic of the same elements in other cases. Thus there are two chlorides of iron, of which the first contains 28 parts of iron united to 35'5 parts of chlorine, whilst the second consists of 28 x 2 or 56 parts of iron, with 35'5 x 3 or I06'5 parts of chlorine. By such observations it is established that:ioo parts of mercury are equivalent to each other 28,, iron p and to i part of hydrogen. And that35'5 parts of chlorine 80,, bromine and to i part of hydrogen. T127,, iodine Also thatIoo parts of mercury or 31'75,, copper are at least sometimes or 28,, iron equivalent to35'5 parts of chlorine. or 80,, bromine. or 127,, iodine. Equivalents anzd Atomic Wezigts. Ii The term "equivalent," or "'equivalent number," was, however, formerly employed to designate the weights of the several elements, which are capable of entering into combination with one part by weight of hydrogen, and by some chemists it is still restricted to this sense. The exact experimental determination of these combining proportions is a matter of great importance, for it is in all cases the first step towards the establishment of the atomic weights. The methods used in these determinations vary according to the nature of the elements concerned, and cannot be dwelt upon in a work of this kind. It is unnecessary to draw up a complete list of the equivalent numbers of all the elements, because when the student has learnt by heart the atomic weights, he can always calculate the equivalents by a very simple operation. For the equivalent number, as must be obvious, bears a very simple relation to the weight of the atom, being in every case either identical with the atomic weight or an aliquot part of it. It must be remembered, however, that in actual practice the determination of the equivalent precedes the calculation of the atomic weight, for the former is a number which is found by experiment, whilst the latter is to a certain extent hypothetical. It has already been mentioned that in the system of atomic weights or ratios now universally employed by chemists, the atomic weight of hydrogen is taken as the unit. The atomic weights of all the other elements are fixed by reference to one or other of the following rules. In those few instances in which it is possible tc make use of all of them, it is found that the number indicated by the application of any one of these rules is identical, or nearly identical, with the number indicated by the others. This is, of course, important, as showing that these different considerations lead to the same conclusion; and, there I 2 Chemical Philosophay. fore, that our atomic weights belong to one and the same system. I. The atomic weight, as deduced from other considerations, is identical in a few cases with the specific gravity of the element in the gaseous state. This occurs in the case of the gases hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, chlorine, and the volatile bodies, bromine, iodine, sulphur, selenion, potassium, and probably sodium. Mercury, cadmium, and zinc are exceptions to this rule, as well as the non-metallic elements-arsenic and phosphorus. The three former produce vapours, the specific gravities of which, as compared with that of hydrogen, are the halves of their atomic weights, whilst the vapour densities of the two last are represented by numbers which are equal to twice the atomic weights. I Name of Elemelnt. Specific Gravity of Gas or Atomic Vapour. Weight. Hydrogen.. I I Oxygen.. 6 16 Nitrogen... 14 1 I4 Chlorine... 35'5 35'5 Bromine... 80 0So Iodine.... 27 127 Sulphur... 32 (at high temps.) 32 Selenion.. 79 ( do. do. ): 79 Potassium.39? 39 Sodium.. 23 23 Mercury... 00 1 200 Cadmium... 56 I2 Zinc.... 325? 1 65 Arsenic... 150 75 Phosphorus... 62 3 I II. According to the system here adopted, and which will be further dwelt upon in the next chapter, the bulk of one part by weight of hydrogen is regarded as the volume of the atom of that element, and is selected as the unit for comparison of other volumes, atomic and molecular. Twice Determination of A tomnic Wezgihts. I 13 this bulk of hydrogen contains a molecule, and all molecules in the gaseous state occupy the same volume. Now, according to the atomic theory, a molecule cannot contain less than one atom of any element; and, consequently, if we ascertain what is the smallest quantity of an element contained in a molecule of any compound of which it may be a constituent, we shall have determined the atomic weight of the element. The atomic weight, then, may be said to be the smallest weight of the element ever found in two volumes of the vapour of any of its volatile compounds, the bulk of one part bv weight of hydrogen, at the same temperature and pressure, being considered as one volume. Suppose, for example, it is required to find by this rule the atomic weight of oxygen, we have only to ascertain the vapour densities of a number of compounds containing that element and the weight of oxygen contained in each. The results are then tabulated in the following manner:Specific Gravity, Weiht of that is Weight Oe o Volatile Compounds containing of: Volume of Weight OxTgen conOxygen. G;as or Vapour at of Twoolumes. Twoae i same Temp. volumes. and Pressure. Water.... 9 18 16 Carbonic oxide.. 14 28 I6 Carbonic anhydride.. 22 44 32 Sulphurous anhydride. 32 64 32 Sulphuric anhydride.. 40 8o 48 Nitrous oxide... 22 44 I6 Nitric oxide... 5 30 I6 Alcohol.... 23 46 i6 Ether.... 37 74 16 Acetic acid... 30 6o 32 Etc. etc. etc. Two volumes of the vapour of any volatile compound, therefore, never contain less than i6 parts of oxygen, and hence I6 is accepted as its atomic weight. I I I4 Chemzical Philosophy. This is a rule of very general applicability, for although a great many of the elements, carbon for example, are quite incapable of being volatilised at any manageable temperature, they yield a large number of easily volatile compounds. There are, however, many metals which are neither vaporisable by themselves nor when in union with other elements. In such cases this rule cannot be applied, and information has to be sought in a different direction. III. Law of Dulong and Petit.-" The specific heats of the solid elements are inversely proportional to their atomic weights." Whence it follows that the product of the multiplication of the specific heat by the atomic weight is a constant number. In the following table are given the specific heats of the most important of the elements, together with their atomic weights:Name of the Element. Atomic Sp. Ht. of Sp. Ht. of Weight. Equal Weights. Atomic: Weights. Aluminium.,. 27'4'2143 5'87 Antimony... I22 o508 6'20 Arsenic..... 75'0814 6 I Bismuth.. 2IO'0308 6'47 Boron (crystallised).. I 2300 2'53 Bromine (solid).. |'0843 674 Cadmium.. i 2'0567 6'35 Carbon.. 12 a Wood charcoa..'241o 2 89 /5 Natural graphite.'2020 242 -y Diamond..'I469 I'76 Cobalt...'To67 6'29 Copper 63.. -5'0952 6'04 Gold. 97.0324 6.36 Iodine 1... I27'o54I 6 87 Iron.... 56'II38 6'37 I,eadl.. 207'0314 650 Lithium.... 7'9408 6'59 Magnesium.. 24'2499 6 -oo Mercury (solid).. 200 0319 638 Nickel.... 59' I092 6 44 Sptecfc Heat azd A tomnic Weizght. I 15 Atomic Sp. IHt. of Sp. Ht. of ame of the Weight. Equal Weights. Atomic Weights. Phosphorus... 3I a Common..'1895 5'87 /3 Red...' 698 5'26 Platinum. 197'5 i 0324 6'40 Potassium. 39I 1655 6'47 Silicon.... a Graphitoidal. I8I 5'07 p8 Crystallised..650 4 62 y Fused.. I38o 386 Silver..o8 0570 6'I6 Sodium. 23'2934 6'75 Sulphur (Octahedral) 32'I776 5'68 Tin.. x I8'0562 6'63 Zinc.... 65'0956 6'23 The greater number of the specific heats given in this table were determined by Regnault. A glance down the fourth column will show that, with three exceptions (boron, carbon, and silicon), the amount of heat required to produce the same clhange of temperature in the different elements is nearly the same in all cases when the quantities operated upon are in the proportion of their atomic weights. That the numbers representing the atomic heats are not found to be exactly identical is due partly to unavoidable errors in the estimation of the specific heats, and partly to the fact that the different elements are not dealt with under conditions which are strictly comparable with one another. Thus, solid mercury and solid bromine, at the temperatures at which the specific heats were determined, are much nearer to their melting points than are the solids, copper and iron, at the temperatures at which the same operation was per. formed upon them. Other circumstances, such as the assumption of different allotropic forms by some of the elements, tend to the introduction of further uncertainty. But assuming the rule, with the exceptions already named, we find that the atomic heat of a solid element may be represented on the average by the number 6'2. I 2 I 6 C(hemical Philosophy. Nevertheless, since the determination of specific heats is always attended by many sources of error, whilst the equivalent or combining proportion can be fixed with a very considerable degree of accuracy, the application of this law consists essentially in enabling us to decide as to what multiple of the equivalent is to be taken as the atomic weight. In doing this, we are guided by the formula 6'2 At. Wt. Sp. It. Suppose, for example, it is found that 29'5 parts of tin are equivalent to r part of hydrogen, and we require to find the atomic weight. The specific heat of tin is o0562, therefore 6'2 At. Wt. = o562 110'3 The atomic weight of tin is, however, not taken to be I0o'3, but rather such a multiple of 29'5 as comes nearest to that number, and this is found to be 29'5 x 4 or II8. IV. Law of Isomorp/hism.-If a crystal of common potash alum is immersed in a saturated solution of the purple chrome alum, the purple salt is deposited uniformly over the colourless nucleus, so that the crystal increases in bulk though it undergoes no alteration of form. The resulting crystal may be transferred to a solution of ammonia alum, or of iron, or manganese alum, and during every fresh immersion it receives a deposit of a different salt upon its surface, the crystalline form, that of the regular octahedron, being throughout preserved. If instead of-thus causing successive layers of the various alums to be superposed one upon the other, solutions of any two of these salts are mixed together, crystals of the same form are deposited containing the elements of both salts. The alums are double sulphates, all containing the same Isomnorphism. I 17 amount of water of crystallisation, and having a composition which may be represented by the general formula M' M.'" (SO4)2 + I20H in which M' may be Cs, Rb, K, Na, Am, T1 or Ag, and M "' may be Fe, Mn, Cr or Al. If, therefore, any two of these compounds are compared together, as for example Potash Alum - KAl(S04)2. I 2 0H% Soda Alum - NaAl(SO4)2. I20H2 it is obvious that atom for atom they have the same constitution, but the one contains potassium, the other sodium. This exchange of an atom of one element for an atom of another is in this case effected without producing any alteration in the crystalline structure of the resulting salt, and when bodies thus agree in chemical constitution and in crystalline form, they are said to be isomoorpihos. From the examination of a great many instances of the same kind, chemists have been led to infer that when two bodies, composed of the same or similar elements, crystallize in forms belonging to the same crystallographic system, they generally contain the same number of atoms united together in a similar manner. This statement must be considered to include cases in which groups of atoms (compound radicles) take the place and perform the part of single elementary atoms. The compounds of ammonia with acids, for example, are isomorphous with the corresponding salts of potassium, and a constitution is therefore attributed to the ammoniacal salts similar to that of the potassic salts, the symbols NH4 being the representative of the metal in these compounds. Thus in the following pairs of compounds there is the most complete concordance in chemical characters as well as in crystalline form. I i8 C/i6/ical Phiiosophy. Cubical. AmCl (Am = NH4) KCl. Four or Six. sided Prisms (Trimetric). Am2 S04 K2 SO4 Octahedral (Regular.) AmAI(SO,), I20H2 KAI(SO4)2 I20H2 Am2PtC16 K2PtCI6 Although some of the relations between external crystalline form and chemical constitution are still involved in obscurity, the existence of a great number of well-marked cases of isomorphismn is a fact which is familiar to every chemist, and occasionally the application of this principle has led to the settlement of questions relating to atomic weights, regarding which there had been previously more or less of uncertainty. For instance, alumina, the only known oxide of aluminium, is believed to have the same constitution as ferric oxide, because not only do the oxides themselves agree in crystalline form, but they are capable of replacing each other in their compounds without disturbing the crystalline structure of these bodies. Now, since ferric oxide is universally regarded as a sesquioxide, that is, containing in each molecule two atoms of the metal to three atoms of oxygen, alumina is believed to be formed upon the same type, and if the formula Fe,O, be employed to represent ferric oxide, A1,,03 must be admitted as the formula for alumina. If these considerations have to be applied to the determination of the atomic weight of the metal, we have only to refer to the analysis of alumina to find that Ioo parts contain 53'3 parts of aluminium, and 46'7,,,, oxygen. And since, according to the formula, we have 3 x T6 or 48 parts of oxygen united with 2x9 parts of metal, we can easily calculate the value of x (= 27'4), which is the atomic weight. Other instances of a like character would readily present IsomsoYrhis/m. I 19 themselves upon enquiry. The following is an interesting example:It is well known that the crystalline forms of sodium nitrate and calc-spar are nearly identical, and a crystal of calc-spar immersed in a saturated solution of the nitrate will grow by uniform deposition of that salt all over its surface. But arragonite (another form of calcium carbonate) is also found in the same form as potassium nitrate. All these, facts, then tend to prove that calcium carbonate probably contains the same number of atoms as the nitrates of potassium and sodium, and that its formula should be CaCO, if the others are KNO3 and NaNO, respectively. But this formula cannot be used unless we assume that the atomic weight of calcium is 40, a number which agrees with the value deduced from other considerations. V. In not a few cases the atomic weight selected for any element in accordance with the foregoing rules may receive support and confirmation from a study of the chemical reactions of some body containing the element in question. For example, we have evidence that in a molecule of water the hydrogen present is capable of being expelled in two equal parts by the action of the metal potassium or sodium, whilst the oxygen is not divisible in any such manner by chlorine or any other element which possesses the power of replacing it. Hence the formula H2O. Similar arguments might be applied in a slightly different manner. For example, 46 parts of formic acid are equivalent to 60 parts of acetic acid, since both saturate the same quantity of any base, and represent two volumes of vapour. The former contains I2 parts of carbon, the latter 24, SO that, according to rule II., p. I I3, we believe 46 parts of formic acid contain one atom of carbon, whilst an equivalent quantity of acetic acid contains two atoms. I20 Chemical Philosoplay. Further evidence of this may be found in the fact that when formic acid is submitted to electrolysis all its carbon goes to form carbon dioxide, whilst when acetic acid is electrolysed half its carbon goes to form carbon dioxide, whilst the other half combines with hydrogen and furnishes ethane. The carbon of acetic acid is, therefore, divisible in this operation into two equal parts, whilst that of formic acid seems to be in the literal sense atomic. CHAPTER XVI. MOLECULAR WEIGHTS AND FORMULE. WHEN a compound has been analysed, it is usual in the first instance to represent its composition by the percentages of the several elements of which it is made up. Acetic acid, for example, containsCarbon.. 40'o Hydrogen..... 6'6 Oxygen.. 53'4 in Ioo parts. The next step is to endeavour to write a,formula which, whilst expressing the same facts more compactly, gives, at the same time, the number of atoms of the constituent elements, and fixes the relative weight of the molecule. If the atomic weights of the elements were all equal, the formula would be a mere repetition of the percentages; but since they are different, the number of atoms of the several elements contained in equal weights must be inversely as their atomic weights. The simplest rule for deducing the formula of a compound from its percentage composition is, therefore, to divide the respective quantities by the atomic weights of the elements. Determination of Molecular Weights. 12I Thus, if we divide the percentages of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in acetic acid by the atomic weights of carbon, hydrogen,and oxygen respectively, we arrive at these results.* 40 I 2.. *...=3'3 6'6 53'4 3'3 6..*. 3*. So that evidently there are as many atoms of oxygen present as there are of carbon, and there are twice as many hydrogen atoms. The simplest formula, then, that can be written for acetic acid is C H,20, but whether this is to be taken as representing a molecule of acetic acid or whether the true formula is some multiple of this, such as C2H,02 or C3H6,O,, remains to be decided by considerations which now require to be examined. VAPOUR DENSITY AND MOLECULAR WEIGHT. According to the law of Avogadro (Chap. VI.), equal volumes of all truet gases, irrespective of chemical composition, contain under the same conditions of temperature and pressure the same number of molecules. It follows from this that the weights of equal volumes must be proportional to the weights of the molecules of which the gases are composed. This is the principle of the only direct method for ascertaining the relative weights of these molecules. Comparing together, for example, equal measures of hydrogen and hydrochloric acid gases, we find their respective weights represented by the numbers I and I8'25. But the weight of hydrogen contained in hydrochloric acid is exactly half the weight of the same element contained in an * See Examples and Exercises, p. I65, No. 25. t That is gases obeying the law of Boyle. 122 Czemical Philosophy. equal measure of hydrogen, and if we assume that there is one atom of hydrogen in a molecule of hydrochloric acid (and by the theory there cannot be less than one atom), we arrive at the conclusion that the molecule of hydrogen consists of at least two atoms. But, further, we have every reason to believe that whilst the molecule of hydrochloric acid contains at least one atom of hydrogen, it does not contain more than one atom. When metals act upon hydrochloric acid the hydrogen is expelled all at once, and not in several portions, as in the case of water and ammonia. So that assuming the atomic weight of hydrogen as I unit of weight, the molecule of hydrochloric acid must weigh 36'5 units. The weight of hydrogen equal in bulk to this, that is to say, one molecule of hydrogen or two unit volumes, must accordingly be 2." So that, in order to express the molecular weights of these gases, we must double their specific gravities, and this rule is applied to all gaseous and volatile bodies, with the few exceptions referred to in the next chapter. The application of this principle to those of the elements that are volatile leads to the conclusion that many of them, like hydrogen, consist of molecules having a duplex structure, whilst examples are not wanting of a more complex as well as of a simpler constitution. We come, in fact, to the following classification:* The student will now perceive why 2 volumes and not I volume or 3 or 4 volumes is regarded as the standard volume of molecules. One volume would be inconvenient, because we find that the molecule of hydrogen can be divided into two equal parts, and this would necessitate the use of fractions. Three volumes would be incorrect, because the hydrogen molecule is divisible into two and not into three atoms. Four volumes would also be inadmissible, because the same bulk, that is one molecule of hydrochloric acid, would then be represented as containing two atoms of hydrogen and two atoms of chlorine H2CI,. Whereas it is a matter of fact that neither the hydrogen nor the chlorine in hydrochloric acid is divisible into separate parts. Molecular Weights of Elements. I23 Afonrautomic fMolecules- olecular Formula. Weight. Mercury.. Hg. 200 Cadmium.. Cd I12 Zinc... Zn. 65 Diatomic Afiolecuzlcs:Hydrogen.. H2. 2 Oxygen.. 02. 32 Nitrogen.... N2. 28 Chlorine. C]. 7 r Bromine.B.. Br. i6o Iodine... I2. 254 Potassium.. K2. 78'2 Sulphur (at 9oo0). S2 ~ 64 lri-a/omic Aiolecule. Ozone.... 03 ~ 48 Te'ratomzic ffolecules Phosphorus... P4. 124 Arsenic.... As. 30oo HeTxatomic Jfoleczule Sulphur (at 500~).. S6. 192 Assuming, then, the equality in volume of gaseous molecules, and knowing that the molecule of hydrochloric acid contains an atom of hydrogen, the conclusion that a molecule of this element consists of two atoms is inevitable. But further evidence of this fact may be obtained from other considerations unconnected with the question o f the constitution of gases. NASCENT STATE. Thus, it is well known that bodies in the nascenzt state, that is, at the instant of their liberation from compounds, are capable of acting far more energetically than when they are employed in the bodily form. Hydrogen gas, for example, is generally incapable of combining with other I 24 Chemizcal P/ilosop/1/. bodies; but when materials such as zinc and dilute sulphuric acid, which are capable of yielding hydrogen, are employed, many decompositions and combinations may be brought about which would be otherwise impossible. Solution of sulphur dioxide may in this way be converted into hydrogen sulphide and water by the action of zinc and diluted hydrochloric acid, the nascent hydrogen attacking and combining with both the sulphur and the oxygen. An instructive experiment, illustrating the power both of nascent oxygen and hydrogen, consists in electrolysing a solution of hydrochloric acid coloured with indigo. The liquid in the neighbourhood of both poles is bleached; at the negative, because the hydrogen there liberated combines with the indigo and forms a colourless compound; at the positive, because the chlorine, acting on the water, disengages oxygen, which, whilst still nascent, combines with the elements of the indigo, producing a pale yellow substance. Neither oxygen nor hydrogen in the ordinary gaseous form is capable of producing these effects, which are usually supposed to be due to the superior powers of the atoms whilst still in the free state and before they have partly expended their energies by coupling in pairs or otherwise binding together in molecules. CATALYTIC ACTIONS. Metallic copper is incapable of expelling hydrogen from hydrochloric acid, even when boiled with it. But by adding hypophosphorous acid to a warm solution of sulphate of copper, a brown precipitate of cuprous hydride is thrown down, and this compound, in contact with hydrochloric acid, evolves hydrogen and furnishes cuprous chloride. This reaction can only be explained upon the assumption that it is the attraction of the hydrogen in the copper hydride for the hydrogen in the acid, superadded to that of the copper for the chlorine, which determines the metathesis: Catalytic Decompositions. 125 Cu2 /H H.- C1 H +,H H-Cl Cu / C1 + H-H 2~C1 H- H A great many reactions of a similar character are known chiefly among compounds containing a relatively large proportion of oxygen, part of which escapes in the gaseous form. Thus, when silver oxide is placed in contact with peroxide of hydrogen, the silver is reduced to the metallic state, water is formed, and oxygen gas evolved. Ag20O + H2O2 = Ag2 + HO + 02 In like manner, permanganic and chromic acids are decomposed by peroxide of hydrogen with evolution of oxygen gas; and in these and similar reactions it has been proved experimentally that half the oxygen comes from the peroxide, half from the acid or other body with which it is in contact. The conclusion seems inevitable that these two halves of the oxygen had an attraction for each other which was sufficient to upset the equilibrium of the unstable compounds of which they previously formed a part. SYNTHETICAL PRODUCTION OF MOLECULES. The cases that we have hitherto had undoer discussion have been chiefly those of the elements. If we have to examine into the constitution of compounds, we have yet several sources of information which will help in the solution of the problem of their molecular weights and formulae. One very important kind of argument is deduced from a knowledge of the mode or modes in which the compound may be formed, and of the products of its decomposition under the influence of reagents. For example, oxalate of sodium is formed when carbonic anhydride gas is passed over heated sodium. The change, however, might be represented by either of the following equations:Na + CO2 NaCO, or, Na2 + 2C02 = Na2C204 126 Chemzical Philosophy. But the doubt, if there were any, would be resolved in favour of the latter alternative, by the observation that when sodium oxalate is heated it yields carbonic oxide gas, leaving a residue of carbonate. Na2C204 - { Na2 CO3 The most direct and rational explanation of this is, that a molecule of the salt contains two atoms of carbon, as represented by the formula. Again, succinic acid may be built up from its elements by a succession of processes, which are briefly represented in the following series of equations, and from them we learn, even if no other evidence were forthcoming, that succinic acid contains at least four atoms of carbon in a molecule, and hence must have the formula here assigned to it. Carbon poles ignited by the electric current in hydrogen gas give rise to acetylene. C2 + H2 = C2 H2 Acetylene can be made to combine with hydrogen yielding ethylene, the known specific gravity of which gas renders impossible any doubt as to its molecular weight. C2H2 + H2 = C2H4 Ethylene combines with bromine thus, C2H4 + Br2 - C2H4Br2 This dibromide may be converted into a cyanide, C2H4Br2 + 2KCN = C2H4C2N2 + 2KBr. Lastly, this cyanide, under the influence of boiling alkali, assimilates the elements of water, and yields up its nitrogen in the form of ammonia. Cyanide of ethylene. Potassium succinate. CN + 2KHO + 2H20 C2H4CO 2K + 2NH ~Molecular Weczr/Its of Acids and Bases. I27 From this salt the acid may be procured by the action of sulphuric acid. Cs CO02K H C2H4{CO2I:. + SO4 s~ = C2H4 (C0211)2 +,2S04 Potassium Sulphuric Succinic Potassium succinate. acid. acid. sulphate, SATURATING POWER OF ACIDS AND BASES. In the examination of acids and bases, and other bodies. which are capable of entering into combination readily, or of suffering the replacement of some of their elements by simple reactions which do not involve destruction of the molecule, the process for determining the molecular weight is generally easy. Suppose, for instance, it is required to determine the molecular weight of sulphuric acid, it is only necessary to add to it various quantities of potash or soda to discover that there are two, and two only, distinct and definite sulphates of potassium and sodium, and that even double salts are possible, in which the two metals figure side by side, in place of the hydrogen of the acid. So that sulphuric acid and its salts are representable by such formula as the following:H SO4 K}S04 I SO4 } SO4 Na F $ N_ } SO4 Basic derivatives of ammonia are dealt with in a similar way. If we assume that the molecule of hydrochloric acid is represented by the symbols HCI(= 36'5), the problem is to find what weight of base will enter into combination with 36'5 parts of hydrochloric acid so as to produce a neutral compound. In the case of ammonia itself, the compound formed with hydrochloric acid is represented by the formula NH3HC1, in which NH3 stands for I7 parts by weight of ammonia. In some cases, it is practically I28 CZhemical Philosophy. more convenient to prepare the double salts which the hydrochloride of ammonia and all similarly constituted compounds form with platinic chloride. Ammonio-chloride of platinum has the formula 2(NH3'HCI).PtCJl, and that quantity of the basic body which, in this compound, is capable of taking the place of ammonia, NH3, is generally* taken to be its molecular weight. SUBSTITUTION COMPOUNDS. In other cases, especially when the compound under examination is neutral, and incapable of entering into combination with other bodies of known molecular weight, the results of " substitution" afford information in the direction required. To take an instance, the hydrocarbon benzene is a neutral liquid, neither acid nor basic, which forms no compounds whose constitution throws any light on the question of its molecular weight. It is volatile, and its vapour density would tell all that we require to know; namely, that to represent a molecule of it, we must use the formula C6H6; but even if we had not this evidence to appeal to, the same result would be indicated by the composition of the products which are formed from it under the agency of chlorine. Acted upon in this way, benzene yields the following series of compounds:C6H6 C6H5C1 C6H4C12 C6H3C13 C6H2C14 C6HC15 C6C16 From these formulae, it is clear that the operation consists in the removal of successive atoms of hydrogen, and * There are some exceptions, e.g., polyamines, which cannot be discussed here. Molecular Formula. i29 their replacement by atoms of chlorine; and consequently that a molecule of benzene is formed of six atoms of carbon associated with six atoms of hydrogen. This is a method o'r investigation very frequently resorted to among carbon compounds, and one of which examples will readily occur to the student. But notwithstanding the multiplicity of the rules which serve to guide chemists in the selection of formule whereby to represent molecules, there still remain a large number of bodies which cannot be dealt with by any method at present known. Hence many of the formulke commonly accepted and employed in chemical works are at best expressions of mere guesses enjoying various degrees of probability. Many difficulties occur, for example, among metallic compounds. The formula Cr03 is, generally used for chromic anhydride, not on account of any direct evidence in favour of it, but because of the existence of a volatile oxychloride CrOCl. and the analogy of these two compounds with sulphuric anhydride, SO3, and the corresponding oxychloride SOC1,, also on account of the isomorphism of the chromates and sulphates. Again, potassium permanganate is sometimes expressed by the formula KMnO4, which recalls its isomorphism with the perchlorate KCIO4, but the double formula K2MnO,8 has something to recommend it as satisfying the law of even numbers.* So also doubts exist as to the correct mode of representing salts like ferrous and stannous chlorides, there being some probability that the usual formulae FeCl2 and SnCI, should be doubled in order to represent the reacting units or molecules of these compounds. * See Chap. XIX. K I30 Chemical Philosophy. CHAPTER XVII. DISSOCIATION. A LUMP of solid ammonium carbonate, or a solution of the same salt, exposed to atmospheric air at common temperatures, loses ammonia, which escapes together with the vapour of water, and the solution, originally alkaline, becomes after a time neutral. The change may be thus represented: (NH3)2. o H2.Co = NH3.OH2CO2 + NH3 Ammonium Carbonate. Ammonium Bicarbonate. Or when a solution of ammonium oxalate, chloride or nitrate is boiled, a similar escape of ammonia may be observed, and the liquid acquires a distinctly acid reaction. (NH3)2H2C204 = NH3H2C204 + NH3 Ammonium Ammonium oxalate. acid oxalate. And if in either of these cases the ammonia thus evolved is brought into contact at a lower temperature with the solution from which it was produced, it will enter again into combination, and the original compound will be rege nerated. Again, when calcium carbonate is heated strongly in a vessel from which the air has been more or less completely removed by the air-pump, it suffers decomposition into lime which remains behind, and carbon dioxide gas which fills the vessel, CaCO3 = CaO + C02, and this decomposition proceeds until the evolved gas acquires a certain density or tension, which increases as the temperature rises. If now the whole is allowed to cool, the carbonic acid gas slowly recombines with the lime, and a vacuum is once more established. Calcium carbonate splits up in the same manner when a current of steam, or other gas into which the carbonic anhydride can diffuse, is passed over it whilst under the action of heat. Efflorescent Salts. 13 Decompositions like that of the ammonium salts or of calcium carbonate under the influence of heat, are examples of what is known as dissociatiozn, or, as it is sometimes more precisely termed, thermolysis. The word dissociation has acquired by careless use some degree of ambiguity, but in these pages its application will be restricted solely to those cases of decomposition in which certain bodies are resolved at an elevated temperature into simpler bodies, which are capable of reuniting and reproducing the original compound when the temperature is again allowed to fall.* We shall now consider several cases of dissociation. A crystal of sulphate of copper remains unaltered at ordinary temperatures in moist air; but if moderately heated, it loses its water of crystallisation, and crumbles down to a white powder. The same kind of decomposition takes place in many cases at the temperature of the air, and under ordinary conditions. Salts, which thus readily part with their water of crystallisation and fall away to powder, are said to be efforescent. Sulphate, carbonate, and phosphate of sodium afford examples of this kind of dissociation, which, however, presents nothing remarkable beyond the fact of occurring at comparatively low temperatures. In this respect, however, these phenomena are surpassed by those exhibited by salts, which, under ordinary circumstances, are deposited from solution void of water of crystallisation. As already mentioned (Chapter II, p. I2), such compounds have been found in every instance to combine with water when crystallised at temperatures below zero. The explanation of the existence of anhydrous crystals is simply that dissociation of the salt from the water occurs at or below the temperature at which the crystals are deposited. And even those salts which usually combine with water of crystallisation may be obtained * The decomposition of ferric salts and other similar compounds, when heated with water, ought not to be represented as cases of dissociation, being in reality the effects of mass. See Chap. XIII. K 2 132 C(zhezical Philosophy. in a lower state of hydration, or altogether destitute of water by causing them to crystallise at more or less elevated temperatures. Sodium sulphate furnishes a case in point. The crystals of this salt formed at ordinary temperatures contain ten molecules of water of crystallisation combined with one of the salt (Na2 SO,. I oOH2); when formed at I8~ they contain seven molecules of water (Na2 SO4,.70H,), whilst a solution heated to 340 yields crystals which contain no water at all. Similar phenomena are beautifully exhibited when the solutions of some coloured salts are heated. Chloride of cobalt especially lends itself to this kind of reaction. This salt forms crystals consisting of CoCI, + 60H,, and when dissolved in water it gives a red solution; but if the temperature is raised even very slightly the liquid changes in colour, becoming successively purple and blue, and these changes correspond with the formation of the compounds CoCl, + 40H, and CoCI, + 20H, respectively. When the temperature is again allowed to fall, the solution reassumes its original red, colour. This sort of dissociation, however, is not confined to water presumably subsisting as such in crystallised salts. Cases are by no means unknown in which a more profound decomposition is effected by the same agency of heat. Thus, sulphuric acid of any strength, whether containing excess of water or excess of sulphuric anhydride, when evaporated till a liquid of constant composition is obtained, leaves, not pure hydrogen sulphate, H2SO4, but a mixture containing the elements of that body with about Ir per cent. of water. And if pure hydrogen sulphate is heated to between 300 and 400o~, it gives off vapours of SO3, so as gradually to become reduced to the condition of common oil of vitriol, the stable hydrate referred to above. Furthermore, it is found that the specific gravity of the vapour of this compound is only about one quarter and not one half of the molecular weight as represented by the formula HISO, that is instead of being, in accordance Dissociation produced by Heat. 133 with the general rule (Chap. XVI, p. I 2 I), 49 times as heavy as an equal volume of hydrogen taken at the same temperature, it is only 4 2 241 times as heavy, or thereabouts. The physical explanation of these phenomena is to be found in a theory which has been already partly discussed (Chap. XIII.). We have every reason to believe that the phenomena observed are the results of two opposite and reciprocal actions: the one of decomposition, the other of recombination proceeding simultaneously. At low temperatures, when the composition of hydric sulphate is accurately represented by the formula HSO4 or H20, SO,, the number of molecules decomposed into HO and SO, is exactly counterbalanced by the number of molecules which are reconstituted in the same period by the reunion of these two substances. As the temperature rises and the agitation of the molecules in the mass becomes more vigorous, the number of molecules which undergo decomposition progressively increases, whilst the recombination pari passu continually decreases, till at length a point is reached in which the SO3 molecules, and the OH2 molecules become indifferent to each other, and recombination no longer takes place. When the temperature is allowed to fall these processes are reversed, and for every degree of temperature a certain definite relation subsists between the decomposition and recomposition, so that a kind of equilibrium is maintained. The compensating process being at high temperatures annulled, decomposition is complete, the vapour consists throughout of a uniform mixture of two different kinds of molecules, and consequently, by the law of Avogadro, it occupies twice the volume it would otherwise fill if dissociation did not take place. The chemically reacting unit of sulphuric acid H2SO4 is apparently incapable of subsisting in the state of vapour, and thus no conclusion respecting the chemical molecule of this body can be drawn from the specific gravity of its vapour. Ammonium chloride furnishes another instance in which 134 CChemical Philosophy. the usual relation between the vapour density and molecular weight is not preserved. The specific gravity of the vapour of ammonium chloride is only about i 3 instead of 27 as we should expect it to be. This anomaly is explained by the assumption that the vapour evolved by ammonium chloride is in reality formed of a mixture of ammonia and hydrochloric acid, which occupy double the volume they would fill if bound up together in a single molecule undivided by heat. In like manner, under ordinary circumstances, phosphoric chloride dissociates into phosphorous chloride and free chlorine, and calomel in vapour becomes a mixture of mercuric chloride and mercury. That the vapour densities of all these compounds are less than they should be according to theory, or, in other,words, the vapour-volumes of their molecules are greater than the volume occupied by all other vaporisable molecules, is a fact which cannot be disputed. That these anomalies may be ascribed to dissociation is also admitted on all hands, but the direct proof that dissociation has taken place in a given vapour is by no means easy to supply. In the case of sulphuric acid and of ammonium chloride, advantage has been taken of the difference in the diffusibility of the products into which these bodies are supposed to dissociate. Thus the vapour of sulphuric anhydride is much heavier and consequently less diffusible than vapour of water, so that when sulphuric acid is heated for several hours in a vessel with a capillary orifice, the water vapour escapes more rapidly than the sulphuric anhydride, and the latter gradually accumulates in the residue. Pentachloride of phosphorus has also been resolved into free chlorine and phosphorus trichloride, which may be to some extent separated by diffusion. Phosphorus pentachloride has been found to possess a normal vapour density when mixed with a sufficient quantity of the trichloride to prevent dissociation. In the case of sublimed calomel, we are enabled to con Dissociation of Vapours. I35 vict this substance of having submitted to dissociation whilst in the state of vapour, by appealing to the fact, well known to manufacturers, that it invariably contains small quantities of corrosive sublimate, and sometimes of metallic mercury, which have escaped recombination during the cooling down of the vapour. The following is a list of the most important cases of vaporous dissociation:Vapour Nature of decomposition of dissociated Molecule. Volumer Phosphoric chloride. Phosphorous chloride. Chlorine. vols. PC15 = PC13 + C12 4 Nitric oxide. N202 (See Chapter XIX.) 4 Nitric peroxide. N204 = NO2 + NO2 (See Chapter XIX.) Chloric peroxide. C1204 3? Sulphuric acid. Water. Sulphur trioxide. H2SO4 = 20 + SO3 4 Ammonium chloride. Ammonia. Hydrochloric acid. NH4C1 = NH3 + HC1 4 Ammonium sulphydrate. Ammonia. Hydrogen sulphide. NH4HS = NH3 + H2S 4 Isoamylic iodide. Amylene. Hydriodic acid. C5H111 CsH10 + HI 4 CHAPTER XVIII. TYPES.-ATOMICITY. BODIES which are capable of entering into chemical reactions in the same manner, giving rise under similar circumstances to new products, having similar properties, are said to belong to the same type. The idea that the chemical constitution of all known- bodies is modelled I36 Chemical Philosophy. upon a certain limited number of types supplies a means of classifying them according to their modes of transformation. Thus water is capable, in a variety of ways, of exchanging its oxygen and hydrogen for other elements and groups of elements (compound radicles), and the bodies which result from these exchanges retain, more or less perfectly, the chemical deportment of water, and are said to belong to the water type. Caustic potash, for example, is referred to the water type because, like water, it is capable of exchanging its oxygen for sulphur, and its hydrogen for a metal, for an elementary atom like chlorine, or for a group of atoms, such as ethyl or acetyl. As a memorandum of the correspondence in these transformations, the two series of derivatives may be formulated in a similar manner. Thus: HIS K H Kc i o H K C21130 C2H30 } O &c. &c. Formule of this kind are often spoken of as rational formulae. But water is not the only type. Hydrogen, hydrochloric acid, ammonia, and marsh-gas are other bodies which are often referred to as types of decomposition, each of which is imitated, more or less closely, by a considerable number of elements and compounds. The student will readily perceive that the list of bodies which might, for special purposes, be selected as types, may be extended and varied almost indefinitely. This plan of registering in the formula some of the facts Rational Formule. 137 which have been observed as to the possible transformations of a body, has led some chemists to infer that it is possible to represent symbolically the relative positions occupied by the atoms contained in molecules. The student will do well to approach such an idea with caution. Rational or descriptive formule of various kinds are valuable not only as memoranda of the possible modes of formation and decomposition of bodies, but are positively necessary to enable us to distinguish from one another bodies having the same ultimate composition, but different properties. But we know very little regarding the essential nature of molecules, and still less of their constituent atoms; and it is, to say the least, premature to attribute to these formulae a meaning which has so little to support it. Sulphuric acid furnishes a very good example of the kind of fact and argument upon which rational formulae are based. In this case, mere analysis tells us only that the compound contains an atom of sulphur, two atoms of hydrogen, and four atoms of oxygen, or SH204. But on examination of its salts, we find that both the atoms of hydrogen are replaceable by metals; and to indicate this basic function of the hydrogen, it is the custom to write it at the beginning of the formula, thus, H2SO4. When sulphuric acid is distilled with phosphoric chloride, it yields two products having respectively the formulae SO3HCl and S02C12. The former of these bodies results from the removal of an atom of oxygen and an atom of hydrogen from the sulphuric acid, whilst an atom of chlorine is taken up. SO4H2 - OH + C1 = SO3HC1. And this exchange is repeated when the second derivative is produced. SO3HC1 - OH + C1 = SO2C12. 138 ChzeCnical Philosophy. Either of the new compounds will reproduce sulphuric acid when dissolved in water. It seems, therefore, that sulphuric acid is capable of breaking up into the groups SO, and 2HO. And this is confirmed by the fact of the production of sulphates by the union of sulphur dioxide with peroxides, as in these instances:PbO2 + S02 = PbO2SO2 Lead peroxide. Sulphur dioxide. Lead sulphate. (HO)2 + SO2 = (HO)2SO0 Hydrogen Sulphur Hydrogen sulphate, peroxide. dioxide. or sulphuric acid. Such reactions as these and many others are recalled when we write the formula HOSO HO } or, HSO H}O in which it may be regarded as a derivative from two molecules of water, each of which has lost an atom of hydrogen, so that the two residues are united together by the group SO2. -But there are many cases in which we write such descriptive formulae with the utmost confidence that they express possible reactions, although such reactions, for various reasons, may never have been observed. The formulae that we now make use of are, to a great extent, based upon certain assumptions regarding those chemical properties of atoms which are referred to under the name " atomicity." In the formulae ClH OH2 NH3 CH4 we see one atom of chlorine combined with one atom of Valency and A tomicity. 139 hydrogen; one atom of oxygen with two of hydrogen; one atom of nitrogen with three of hydrogen; and one atom of carbon with four atoms of hydrogen; and no compound is known in which one atom of either of these elementschlorine, oxygen, nitrogen, or carbon-is united with a larger,quantity of hydrogen than is represented here. This difference of combining capacity is further illustrated by the fact that when chlorine is made to act upon water, ammonia, or marsh-gas, the hydrogen contained in one molecule of each of these compounds is distributed into so many separate molecules of hydrochloric acid. Thus, |+ | | give + 2 volumes of 2 volumes of I volume water vapour. chlorine. of oxygen. OH2 C1 0 4 volumes of hydrochloric acid. 2HCL Again, NH3 + 3C1 = 3HCl + N 2 Volumes. 3 Volumes. 6 Volumes. I Volume. The following succession of changes indicates the same thing in the case of marsh-gas:I. CH4 + C12 = CH3Cl + HC1 2 Volumes. 2 Volumes. 2 Volumes. 2 Volumes. 2. CH3Cl + C12 = CH2CI2 + HC1 3- CH2C12 + C12 = CHCI3 + HCl 4. CHC13 + C12 = CC14 + HC1 Thus the four atoms of hydrogen which, by the carbon in the marsh-gas, were united together into one molecule, I40 Czhemical P/zilosopzy. measuring 2 volumes, are separated into four molecules or eight volumes of hydrochloric acid. H C1 H Cl | C | H4 | yields H C1 H C1 In these cases, therefore, the combining value of an atom of chlorine is equal to that of one atom of hydrogen; it is univalent. We summarise these relations when we say that chlorine is a monad, because we never find it linked to more than one atom at a time. Hydrogen must also be a monad, for in the production of the compound HC1, whatever is the attraction of the chlorine for the hydrogen, there must be an equal attraction on the part of the hydrogen for the chlorine. As the result of similar observations, we find that the atom of oxygen is diad, of nitrogen triad or pentad, of carbon tetrad, the combining capacity or " valency " being in each case measured by the number of univalent atoms, such as hydrogen or chlorine, which one atom of these elements can respectively combine with or replace. The valency of the elementary atoms, though varying, is limited, and in different cases attains a different maximum. The term " atomicity " is employed to indicate the greatest number of atoms of one kind or another with which a given atom is ever observed to be united. To what the variation of valency may be due it is impossible to say in the present A4tomicity of Elements. 141 state of knowledge; it seems, at any rate, to have no very obvious relation either to the atomic weight or to the chemical energy of the element.* The atomicity of a few of the rare elements is still in obscurity, in consequence either of doubts regarding their atomic weights or a want -of knowledge as to the composition of their compounds; but those which have been sufficiently studied admit of classification into the six divisions displayed in the following table:ATOMICITY OF THE PRINCIPAL ELEMENTS. NON-METALS. Monads. Diads. Triads. Tetrads. Pentads. Hexads. F O B C N S 1 ~Cl i~ Si P Se B r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Te METALS AND METALLOIDS. Ag Hg Au Ir Ro f V Os Ru Cu - In Pt Pd As W Sb Mo H Cd TI Li Zn P b Bi U Na Mg Sn Cr K Ca Ti Ta Mn Rb Sr Zr Nb Fe Cs Ba Al Co Ni * Many facts seem to point to the conclusion that there is no absolute measure of atomicity. The capacity of saturation of a given atom depends upon the nature of the elements with which it is associated. I42 Chzemical PhZilosophy. An arrangement of this kind necessarily involves the separation of many elements which, in properties, are closely allied together, and the association of others which have very little in common. Thus we have to look for thallium among the triads, although it has strong points of resemblance on the one hand to the alkali metals, and on the other hand to lead. Oxygen, again, is separated from sulphur, aluminium from chromium and iron, lead from barium. This part of the subject will be again adverted to in a later chapter. Any portion of a molecule which is capable of being detached and transferred to some other molecule by way of decomposition is called a " radicle," whether it consist of a single atom or of a group of atoms. The term " compound radicle " is, however, not usually applied to a group unless it makes its appearance in several different bodies. Compound radicles present different degrees of quantivalence, just as do the atoms of which they are built up, so that they are capable of linking together various proportions of other elementary or compound radicles. This fact may be experimentally verified by such reactions as the following:Ordinary disodic phosphate is alkaline to test-paper, silver nitrate is neutral. When these two salts are mixed An atom of sulphur can take up no more than two atoms of hydrogen, but it is capable of forming a compound with four atoms of chlorine, or with three atoms of oxygen. In like manner, phosphorus forms the compounds PC13 and PCI5, but its affinity for hydrogen extends only to three atoms, PH3, though a fourth may be taken up if accompanied by an atom of iodine - PHI. It has also been observed that the chlorides corresponding with the highest oxides of many of the metals have not yet been produced, and seem to be incapable of existing. Thus there are the oxides CrO3, U03, As2Os, Ni203, but the chlorides Cr2C16, UC15, AsC13, and NiC12 indicate the limits of the capacity of these metals for chlorine. It is interesting to notice that in some cases in which the chloride is missing, the corresponding fluoride is known. The fluorides CrF6 and AsFs, the representatives of the unknown chlorides CrCl6 and AsC15, have been described. Valency of Cominpound Radicles. I43 together in equivalent proportions a yellow precipitate of phosphate of silver is thrown down, whilst the liquid becomes strongly acid. The reason of this is apparent when we express the metathesis in the form of an equation. AgNO3 N2 PO + AgNO3 Ag) Na4 N One molecule. Three molecules. ne molecule Two moleesof One molecule. Three molecules. One molecule Two molecules of of silver phosphate. sodium nitrate. HNO3 One molecule of nitric acid. The group PO is trivalent, and so it holds together the two atoms of sodium and one atom of hydrogen in one molecule. But when the interchange occurs, these become respectively united with three (NO3) groups, each of which is univalent, and incapable of connecting itself with more than one atom at a time. Three new molecules result, one of which is nitric acid, the presence of which can be recognised by test papers. The compound resulting from the union of two or more atoms is called a saturated compound, when the atomicity of each atom present is satisfied. This condition is fulfilled when one atom of a monad is combined with another monad, or when two atoms of a monad combine with one atom of a diad, or three of a monad with one of a triad, four monad or two diad atoms with one tetrad, and so forth. Examples of various orders of compounds are shown in the following formulae, in which the combining power of each atom present is supposed to be neutralised by that of I44 Chemnical Philosophy. other atoms. In the notation here introduced, it must be understood that the symbol placed on the left of a formula represents an atom to which all on the same line are directly united. Those also which are connected by a bracket, are united together. Thus, CH3 CH3 means that there are two atoms of tetrad carbon united by one-fourth of their combining power, whilst each retains three atoms of hydrogen. The same relations are expressed in this figure, or " graphic formula." H H I I H-C- C-H H H Of course the lines connecting the symbols are not designed to represent any substantive bond or link, but merely indicate the manner in which the combining capacity of each atom is disposed of. EXAMPLES OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND GRAPHIC FORMULiE. Hydrochloric acid. HC1 or H —C1 Water. OH2 or H-O-H Copper sulphide. CuS or Cu-S Hydrogen peroxide. OH or HO —O-H OH C1 Phosphorie chloride. | PC15 or C1 —P -C1 C1 C1 Graphic Formula. I45 C] Stannic chloride. I SnC14 or Cl-Sn —C1 I C1 O 0 Phosphoric oxide. 11 11 PO2 or P- O-P 0 II 11 P102 0 0 Acetic acid. H CH3 I II CHsH —C —C —O —H CO(OH) H-C-C-O-H H Aluminic chloride. C1 C1 (A1Cl3 a1 jAlCl3 or CI-AI-A1-C1 {Al l3 II I C1 C1 Sulphuric acid H- sO SO,2(OH)2 or S H-O/ % O Potassium dichromate. 0 0 CrO2(OK) 11 II O or K-O-Cr-O -Cr-O- K CrO2(OK) II II 0 0 146 Chemical Philosophy. CHAPTER XIX. UNSATURATED COMPOUNDS. WHEN several compounds are formed by the union of two elements in different proportions, it is very commonly noticed that the change of valency or combining capacity of the central atom to which the rest may be supposed to be attached, takes place by pairs of units. Thallium, tin, and phosphorus, for example, each form two chlorides; nitrogen combines with three atoms of hydrogen in ammonia, and with four atoms of hydrogen and an atom of chlorine in chloride of ammonium. Sulphur also yields compounds, in which one atom of that element is combined with two atoms of hydrogen, with two atoms of oxygen, and with two atoms of oxygen and two atoms of chlorine. The formulke of these compounds are represented as follows: TlCI SnC]2 PC]3 NH3 SH2 TlCI, SnC1l PCI5 NH4C1 SO, s 02,CI2 It will be observed that the difference in the first three cases amounts to two atoms of chlorine, which represent two atoms of hydrogen, the unit of valency. In the fourth case, one atom of hydrogen and one atom of chlorine have been added. In the fifth, the oxide SO2 may be taken to represent a hypothetical hydride SH4, whilst the oxychloride corresponds with the unknown compound S H,. In each series, the advance in combining power is equivalent to the assumption of two atoms of hydrogen. And so it IS in a large number of other cases. It seems, therefore, that, as a general rule, the index of valency of any given atom is either an even or an odd number; or, as it has been expressed, elements are Xitric Oxide and Peroxide. 147 uniformly either "artiad" or "perissad." * So that in all saturated compounds, and in the great majority of unsaturated compounds, the sum of the indices of valency of all the atoms present is an even number. But there are not wanting exceptions to these statements; and although the number is at present not great, the marked characters of these exceptions is sufficient to destroy much of the apparent significance of those more numerous instances which conform with them. The following are some of the most notable instances:Nitric Oxire. — This most remarkable compound is a colourless unliquefiable gas, almost insoluble in water, and unchanged by heat. It exhibits all the characteristics of an unsaturated compound. Thus it unites with oxygen, with chlorine, with sulphuric anhydride, and with many metallic salts. It is composed of 14 parts of nitrogen with I6 parts of oxygen; its specific gravity is I5 (H = I), and consequently its molecular weight is 30. It therefore contains one atom of nitrogen (perissad), combined with one atom of oxygen (artiad), and thus it breaks the law of even numbers. This difficulty might be avoided by employing the double formula, N202 or N _ O N =O but that its specific gravity and iicondensability point conclusively to the simpler expression NO as the symbol of its molecule. Vitric Peroxide.-Below 9~ this compound seems to be a colourless liquid, which solidifies at very low temperatures. But it cannot be volatilised without more or less complete dissociation. At the lowest temperature, 40' 2, at which its vapour has been examined, the vapour density was found to be 2'588 (air = I), whilst the formula N04. requires the vapour density to be 31 786. d cprtos even, and reptwcr6s odd. L 2 14( Chemical Philosophy. When the temperature of the vapour is gradually raised its orange colour deepens, till at about I80o it becomes almost black, and the density is then I'589. In this condition the formula NO, represents two volumes of the gas. This difference of constitution at high and low temperatures is further indicated by the fact that nitric peroxide does not combine with chlorine in the cold, although it does so when heated. Uranium Pentachloride. (UCI5 Roscoe).-This compound has recently been described, but as it cannot be converted into vapour without decomposition, its molecular weight is unknown. It is not improbable. therefore, that the molecule of the solid may really be U2C110 or UC1,5 UC15 in which case it would present nothing unusual from the point of view now under consideration. Tungsten and Miolybdenum Pentachlorides, WC15 and MioC5. —These compounds afford very remarkable instances of the association of an artiad atom with an uneven number of perissad atoms, and consequent infraction of the law under discussion. Hexachlbrides of both these elements, corresponding with their trioxides, exist; but these chlorides when heated are split up into pentachlorides and free chlorine. The pentachlorides are volatile without decomposition, and the vapours exhibit normal densities. Although nearly all unsaturated compounds are capable of entering into combination, and many of them perform the part of well-defined radicles, it does not follow that all radicles should be capable of isolation, and the definition of a radicle (p. 142) by no means involves this idea. On the contrary, we have already examined phenomena (pp. I 24, 1 25) which indicate that when a radicle of uneven quantivalence, such as H, C1 or N is liberated from combination, its atoms combine in pairs, and thus satisfy each other's attractions, Compound Radicles. i49 unless they find themselves in the presence of other radicles with which they can immediately unite. Compound radicles resemble elementary atoms in this respect. None of the following groups, for example, are known in the free state, the formulae representing semimolecules, or what may be termed chemical atoms of these radicles. Hydroxyl (OH)' contained in acids, alcohols, and metallic hydrates. Potassoxyl (OK)' contained in potassium oxysalts. Cyanogen (CN)' contained in cyanides. Ammonium (NH4)' contained in the salts of ammonia. Arsendimethyl (AsCH3) in kakodyl and its compounds. Methyl (CH3)' in methylic alcohol and derivatives. Amidogen (NH2)' in primary amines and amides. Methenyl (CH)"' in chloroform and similar bodies. When displaced from any of their compounds they do not remain isolated, but unite in pairs, producing molecules which in some cases are stable enough to maintain an independent existence. We have for example, Radicle Name. Corporate Name. Hydroxyl. Hydric Peroxide (OH)2 or 0,H, Potassoxyl. Potassic Dioxide (OK), or O0K1 Cyanogen. Cyanogen Gas (CN)2 or C2N2 Arsendimethyl Kakodyl (AsCH,3 or As2(C,), Methyl. Ethane (CH3)2 or C2H6. Methenyl. Acetylene (CH)2 or C2H2. The only free monad radicles known are the two bodies already described, namely, nitrosyl, or nitric oxide, NO, and nitryl or nitric peroxide, NO2. Instances of free diad radicles are, however, more numerous. Thus we have, * The dashes serve to indicate the usual valency of each group. 150 o Chemical Philosophy. Mercury.. Hg" Cadmium... Cd" -Cairbonic oxide (carbonyl). (CO)" Sulphur dioxide (theionyl). (SO2)" Ethene ~.. (C2H4)" Ammonia... (NHIL)" Molecules of this kind are of the same order as those referred to at the beginning of the chapter, but why in so many cases the number of unemployed units of valency should be an even number, has not yet been satisfactorily explained. An element in a free or unsaturated state may be compared to a body which has been raised to a height. In order to lift a body into an elevated position energy in some form must be expended, but the whole of that energy is recoverable in the form of heat or mechanical force when the body descends to its former level. It is just the same with a chemical element. Mechanical force, or its equivalent in the form of heat or electricity, is consumed *when a chemical compound is resolved into its constituents, and when these constituents come together again the same amount of energy is called into action. A body in an unsaturated state, then, like a stone on the roof of a house, possesses a store of potential energy which may at any time be called into activity. Accepting the definition of a " radicle " given in the last chapter, it is obvious that there are a great many commonly recognized radicles which can hardly be expected ever to assume a bodily existence apart from the compounds in which they occur associated with elements of a different chemical character. In all the carbonates, for example, a group consisting of one atom of carbon and three atoms of oxygen occurs, and this group is capable of being exchanged for C12 or (OH)2 or O by double decomposition. It is, therefore, entitled Compound Radicles. 15 to be spoken of as a compound radicle, although, by reason of the large proportion of oxygen it contains, its condition would be that of unstable equilibrium, even if it could assume temporarily an isolated existence. Similar remarks apply to such radicles as NO3 (of nitrates), C103 (of chlorates), S04 (of sulphates), P04 (of phosphates), and the rest, which under possible experimental conditions, have never yet been isolated. But, after all, it is necessary to remind the student that our system of notation is to be understood and employed only in a unitary sense. Every molecule is, with reason, regarded as one entire and undivided unit, whose actions and reactions proceed, not from the affinities of this or that element contained within it, but from the resultant of all the different forces, exerted by its several constituent parts. A chemical compound may be compared to a musical chord, constituted, doubtless, of many and complex elements, but communicating to the ear the impression of singleness and harmony. The doctrine of radicles, no less than that of atomicity, and the graphic notation founded upon it, is at present to be regarded solely in the light of a convenient, but not absolutely necessary, system of recording and comparing facts concerning the changes of composition to which bodies are subject under the influence of chemical attraction. Note.-The following memoranda will serve to assist the student in writing the formulae of many common salts. In order to construct any required formula it is only necessary to place a symbol or group of symbols, taken from under the positive sign, side by side with a symbol or group taken from under the negative sign, and to adjust the quantity of each so as to comply with their respective habits of combination. Thus let R' represent a univalent radicle, R",,, bivalent radicle, R"',,,, trivalent radicle, etc. 152 Chemical Philosophy. Then it is only necessary to remember that R' combines with R', 2 R' R", or R",,,, 3R' RI R" 3 R",,,, 2 R"', etc. In this way the student will readily learn to compose the unitary formulae of all the most commonly occurring compounds, without risk of falling into any serious error. _ _ W__ _ __ 0 ~H 0 + t4 -t M Wge - D 153 CHAPTER XX. ISOMERISM. SEVERAL bodies, though differing more or less in properties, may have the same composition. In such cases they are said to be isomeric. The differences observed among isomeric bodies sometimes extend only to their physical characteristics, sometimes to their chemical properties. Several cases require therefore to be considered. PHYSICAL ISOMERIDES. Sulphur, when crystallised from carbon disulphide, yields rhombic octahedra, the specific gravity of which is 2o07; whereas, if melted and allowed to cool, it crystallises in oblique rhombic prisms, having the specific gravity r'98. The prismatic variety soon changes spontaneously into the octahedral, which is the stable form, at the same time evolving heat. Sulphur is said to be dimorp/ozuls, as it crystallises in two forms, and these two modifications are often spoken of as allotropic states of the element. Many other examples might be cited of the same substance assuming different crystalline forms, the change of structure being almost invariably attended by differences of specific gravity and solubility. One form is generally less stable than the other, and sooner or later, especially under the influence of change of temperature, is converted into the permanent variety. When, as in these cases, two bodies chemically alike exhibit slight differences of physical characters —such as solubility, crystalline form, specific gravity, or action upon light-they may be regarded as one and the same substance, though more or less disguised, and such bodies may be distinguished as physically isomzeric. Examples of physical isomerism are not difficult to find either among mineral or carbonaceous compounds. Thus I 54 (YzChemical Philosophy. we have the two varieties of native calcium carbonate, arragonite and Iceland spar, as well as the curious instance of change of colour accompanying change of crystalline structure in the two modifications of mercuric iodide; whilst among carbon compounds, the varieties of tartaric acid (described in Chapter XII., p. 74) may be referred to, beside many members of the numerous class of hydrocarbons called terpenes. These terpenes (formula CIOH16) constitute the chief ingredients in the essential oils of turpentine, lemon, orange and bergamot, and others. They have the same composition, and under the influence of chemical agents yield similar compounds, but they differ in odour, boiling point, and rotating action on a ray of polarised light. The difference in all these cases probably arises not from any difference in chemical composition or constitution, but from the various modes in which the molecules of the bodies are associated together; such modification being connected with some peculiarity in the circumstances attending their formation. That a change of molecular structure is accompanied by a corresponding change of physical characters, is proved by the well-known fact that when a piece of glass is strongly compressed, either by mechanical means or by suddenly cooling it from a high temperature, it acquires the power of polarising light in a manner which it loses when the pressure is relieved. It has also been found that the rotatory power of solids, when in solution, varies with the nature of the liquid (itself optically inactive) in which they are dissolved. This is in all probability due to the formation of molecular combinations, of various degrees of complexity, between the liquid and the dissolved substance. (See Chap. II., p. Io) POLYMERIDES. Bodies containing the same elements united in the same proportion, but having different molecular weights, belong Polymzerism. I 5 to this class of isomerides. The following are some examples: Sulphur boils at 440o, and is converted into an orangecoloured vapour, the density of which, when taken at about 5000, is three times as great as it should be theoretically; whilst at Io000 it is only 32 times as great as that of hydrogen at the same temperature and pressure, thus confbrming with the ordinary rule. There seem, therefore, to be two varieties of the gaseous sulphur molecule, one of which is polymeric with the other. They may be represented by the formula S, and S6. Ozone, the molecule of which has been shown by various facts and arguments to have the formula 03, or 02, may also be regarded as polymeric with ordinary oxygen, 02. The two varieties of nitric peroxide NO2 and NO2 have already been described (p. I47). The latter is polymeric with the former. Of carbon compounds exhibiting similar relations, the hydrocarbons of the CnH2n, or olefine series, afford a prominent instance. The formulke of these bodies are all multiples of the first, methene CH2, which, however, is not known in the free state. Being at once polymeric and homologous with one another, they exhibit a regular gradation in their boiling-points and specific gravities, and form similar chemical compounds. Name. Formula. Boiling Point. I Ethene or ethylene. C2H4 Gas, liquefiable only under great pressure. Propene or propylene C H -17'8 1 Quartene or butylene. C4H 3~ Quintene or amylene C5H1o 35 Sextene or hexylene C65H 68 —70 etc. etc. etc. i56 Chemical Philosophy3,. Further illustrations are supplied by the two chlorides of cyanogen CNC1 and C3N3C13; by cyanic acid CNOH and cyanuric acid C3N303,H,3; also by the modifications of aldehyd C2H40, acraldehyd (C2HO)2 or C4HIO2, and paraldehyd (C2H10)3 or C6H,2C)03, and many others. METAMERIDES. We have now to consider a kind of isomerism, which occurs very frequently among carbon compounds. The nature of the phenomenon will be understood by comparing together several such compounds as the following, all of which are represented by the same empirical formula: — i. Propionic acid, C3H602, is a crystallisable acid, which, after melting, boils at I400. It is monobasic, forming one salt only with each of the metals, sodium, potassium, and silver. Its rational formula may, therefore, be written thus: HC3H502. 2. Ethylic formate is a colourless aromatic liquid, which boils at 560. When heated with caustic potash, it is resolved into ethylic alcohol and potassium formate. This mode of decomposition is recorded when we write the formula thus: C2H5.CHO2. 3. Methylic acetate is a colourless, volatile liquid, which also boils at 560, but when decomposed by an alkali, it yields wood spirit (methylic alcohol) and an acetate. So its formula must be CH,.C2H302. These three compounds, which have the same composition and molecular weight, but differ in the nature of the products they yield, when decomposed or acted upon by chemical agents, are said to be amtameric with one another. Many cases similar to the last two may easily be found amongst ethereal salts (compound ethers), ketones and other bodies, the molecules of which consist of two compound radicles united together by oxygen or a bivalent group. Pairs of such bodies may be called reciprocal metamerides, because the excess of carbon and hydrogen in one of the letamerism. 157 radicles is made up for by a corresponding deficiency in the other. General formulae for such pairs of isomerides among the compound ethers might be written thus: CnH2n- 10 O and C"H2p _ 1- O CpH2p 1 CnH2,, + 1 In many cases an extraordinary resemblance in physical properties may be observed in comparing together two bodies of this kind. Another instructive example of metameric relations is presented by the two classes of alcoholic cyanides. I. Cyanides.-By distilling ammonium acetate with phosphoric anhydride (a substance which has an extraordinary affinity for water), the ammonium salt is converted into a volatile body, long known as acetonitril, and boiling at 770. NH4C2H302 - 2OH2 = NC2H3 When acted upon by boiling alkali, it yields up its nitrogen in the form of ammonia, and regenerates an acetate. NC2H3 + OKH + OH2 = NH3 + C2H3(OK)O This reaction is explained by supposing that in acetonitril or methyl cyanide the two atoms of carbon are in direct union with each other, as represented by this diagram. N -- C - CH3. 2. Isocyanides or Carbamines. —These compounds undergo a different transformation when acted upon by hydrating agents. Notwithstanding that they have the same composition as the cyanides, they are scarcely affected by alkalies, though when boiled with diluted acids they are readily converted into formic acid and bases, in which the nitrogen is associated with part of the carbon. For example, methyl isocyanide treated in this manner yields methylamine and formic acid. NC2H3 + 2H20 = N {CH + CHO.OH Methyl isocyanide. Water. Methylamine. Formic acid. In these compounds, then, the nitrogen probably forms 15 8 Chemical Philosop/O. the link between the two atoms of carbon, in the manner shown by the following graphic formula:CN - CH3 ALLOTROPYMany of the elements are known to exist in the form of two or more modifications, which are very different in physical properties and to some extent also in chemical behaviour. One or two examples have been already referred to under the head of physical isomerism and of polymerism. It is probable that a closer examination of the different cases of allotropy known among the elements would enable us to range them all in one or other of these classes. At present, however, our knowledge will not allow us to adopt with any degree of confidence a final decision upon this point. In the earlier part of this chapter, prismatic sulphur is described as a physical or mechanical modification of the octahedral form of the element, and this is probably correct. But these two are not the only varieties of which this body is susceptible. By heating melted sulphur to a temperature of 2400 to 2500 it becomes extremely viscid, and if cooled suddenly whilst in this condition the viscid consistency is retained, and the product is a tough elastic solid quite different in aspect from ordinary sulphur. In this state it is insoluble in carbon bisulphide, a liquid which takes up octahedral sulphur very freely. After keeping a few hours it becomes brittle and crystalline, and recovers its solubility in the usual solvents.'The same change may be brought about in a few minutes by plunging it into hot water, and in this way a most interesting phenomenon may be observed. If a considerable quantity be immersed in water a few degrees below the boiling point, the water will be made to boil briskly by reason of the evolution of the heat which is extricated from the plastic sulphur during its conversion into the crystalline. A llot ropy. I59 In these transformations and in the insoluble character of this plastic sulphur, we may trace a close resemblance to the modifications to which certain carbon compounds, such as aldehyd, cyanic acid, and other bodies, are subject, and which are known to be the effect of polymeric changes. It seems not unreasonable to consider that the production of plastic sulphur may be brought about in the same way. Phosphorus presents us with an example of a somewhat similar kind. This element in its ordinary state is at common temperatures a solid of waxy consistence, which becomes brittle at low temperatures. Its specific gravity is I'82. It melts easily, dissolves in carbon disulphide, and by sublimation or solution it may be obtained in brilliant crystals in the form of regular octahedrons and dodecahedrons. When this body is heated to a temperature approaching 2500 it is slowly transformed into a dull red powder or mass, of specific gravity 2'I4, which is no longer soluble in carbon disulphide. It shows itself also in many ways less inclined to enter into chemical combination than common phosphorus, being far less easily inflammable and oxidisable, and unaffected by hot alkaline solutions. The explanation of this appears, at least very probably, to be that the molecules of the ordinary phosphorus combine together into more complex groupings to form the allotropic molecules, and so expend part of their chemical energy. How to reconcile with this view the fact that heat is absorbed and not evolved in the process is, however, not very clear. Carbon is another element which assumes several distinct forms, the relations of which are of great interest. We may divide these various modifications into two distinct groups, the crystalline and amorphous. Crystalline carbon is dimorphous. In one form it constitutes the diamond, which crystallises in octahedral forms of the regular system, and has a specific gravity on the average of 3'3. The other is graphite, or, as it is frequently 60o Chemical Philosophy. called, plumbago or black lead, the crystalline form of which, hexagonal plates, is quite incompatible with the form of the diamond. The average specific gravity of graphite is 2'2. If now we review the results which have been obtained by burning the different forms of crystalline carbon, we find that, allowing for slight experimental errors, the amount of heat evolved by the combustion of equal weights of diamond and graphite are practically the same. Twelve grams of each substance burnt in excess of oxygen disengage enough heat to raise the temperature of about 93,300 grams of water one degree, or as it is usually expressed, 93,300 units of heat are evolved. The exact numbers in each case are as follows:Diamond. 93240 Natural graphite.93560 mean Graphite from iron. 93140o 93350. The smallness of the difference observed would lead one to the belief that graphite and diamond possess the same atomic structure, and that they owe their peculiarities to different arrangement of their molecules —that in short they belong to the class of physical isomerides, were ii not for some remarkable facts in connection with their behaviour under the influence of chemical reagents. A mixture of nitric acid and potassium chlorate has no action on the diamond, even in the state of the finest dust, but under the influence of this powerful oxidising mixture, graphite is con. verted into a yellow crystalline substance, called by Sir B. Brodie, who discovered it, graphic acid. This compound contains CllH405 (Brodie), and when heated it decomposes violently, leaving a black graphitic residue, which still retains oxygen and hydrogen. Amorphous carbon may be obtained by a great variety of processes, and in each case the product exhibits more or less distinctly marked peculiarities. But neither vegetable nor animal charcoal, lamp-black, Energy of Isomerides. 1xI coKe, nor gas carbon yields by the action of potassic chlorate any substance of the nature of graphic acid, but only black soluble substances of indefinite composition. Twelve grams of wood, charcoal give out 96,960 units of heat when burnt so as to form carbonic anhydride, and other kinds of charcoal when deprived as completely as possible of hydrogen and oxygen, give numbers closely agreeing with this. Taking the average heat of combustion of crystalline carbon as 93,300 units, it is obvious that there is too great a difference here to be fairly accounted for by the hypothesis of experimental error, and consequently that there is some essential difference in the constitution of crystalline and amorphous carbon. The question whether this difference is sufficient to indicate a polymeric relation between these bodies remains to be answered. Silicon and boron form allotropes, which are analogous to those of carbon, and concerning which the same questions may be propounded. The study of a great number of cases has led to the discovery that the formation of any two isomeric bodies always involves the consumption of different amounts of hear Also, that when these bodies are burnt, or otherwise similarly decomposed, the disruption of their molecules is attended by the evolution of different amounts of heat. Tlis is nearly equivalent to saying that in order to produce equal weights of two isomerides different amounts of work must be expended in the two processes, and that different amounts of energy are stored up in the products. How is this energy disposed of? According to one view, and adopting the molecular theory, we may reply that the energy is employed in communicating to some atom or atoms within the molecule a new kind of motion whereby it acquires new chemical functions, and this change we figure to our minds, and render intelligible by the hypothesis that in the transformation of a body into its isomeride, the position of certain atoms contained within the molecule is M 162 Chemical Philosophy. changed. We endeavour to represent this change of function by altering the arrangement of the symbols which go to make up the formula of the body. Examples of this will be found freely scattered through these pages; but as an additional illustration, we might refer to an interesting case of isomeric change observed not long ago by Hofmann. It was found that methyl-aniline, (C6H5)'-N/ \H by protracted heating to a high temperature, is converted into toluidine, /H (CH3)-(C6H4)"-N In this metamorphosis an atom of hydrogen and an atom of methyl, CH3, appear to exchange functions, and in order to record this exchange the formulae are written in the above or some similar manner, though it by no means follows that we are to infer an exchange of place. But in expending energy upon some part of a molecule, it is not very probable that the energy of the molecule as a whole remains unaltered. Still, it is conceivable that in some cases it may be so, and a careful comparison of the chemical properties of a great many pairs of isomeric bodies would be of the highest interest, as in this way we might arrive at a solution of the question, whether bodies possessing a great store of energy are really more active in their chemical behaviour than others in the production of which a smaller amount of energy has been consumed. EXERCISES ON SECTION III. I. One atom of antimony is said to be equivalent to three, and one atom of zinc to two, atoms of sodium. Explain this statement. 2. Distinguish between atomic, equivalent, and molecular weights. Exercises on Section III. I63 Give the atomic and equivalent weights of mercury, zinc, chlorine, iodine, sulphur, iron, and copper. Also write down the molecular weights of H2S, PC15, AsH3, H2S04. 3. What weight of sulphuric acid can be precipitated by one gram of barium chloride? 4. What is the weight and volume (at normal temperature and pressure) of the hydrogen contained in Io grams of microcosmic salt, NaNH4HPO4.4H20? 5. Enumerate very briefly the various methods by which atomic weights may be determined; and indicate in the case of each of the following elements the method or methods which would be applicableoxygen, chlorine, potassium, mercury, carbon,'sulphur, lead, silver, arsenic, silicon, barium, copper, manganese. 6. The specific heat of iron is'I138. State approximately its atomic weight. 7. The specific heat of cadmium is'0567, and its equivalent 56. Give its atomic weight. 8. The equivalent of platinum is 49'4, and its perchloride has the formula PtC14. Find its specific heat. 9. The formula of water was formerly written thus, HO, and subsequently, for some years, H202 (assuming 0=8). Discuss both these formulae, pointing out any inconsistencies you may detect in them. Io. Complete the equation, Ag2O + H202 = Quote analogous reactions and explain the theoretical significance of these!acts. i i. The volume of the molecule of a compound body in the gaseous state is double the volume of the atom of hydrogen. Examine the truth of this statement; give the experimental facts upon which it is based, and discuss any exceptions to it with which you are acquainted. I2. Acetic acid contains C 40o'0, H 6'6, and 0 53'4 per cent.; and chloracetic acid contains 37'5 per cent, of chlorine. Calculate the molecular weight of acetic acid. 13. Explain the signification of the several formulhe for potassic sulphate, K2O. SO3; KO SO2; K2SO4 O O-K and S O O-K M 2 i64 CChemical Philosophy. 14. What is understood by the terms valency and atomirity respectively, and how would you ascertain the valency and atomicity of a given element, for example, of carbon or phosphorus? I5. What is the atomicity of each of the following radicles:S, O, C1, OH, NH4, NH3, NH2, NH, N, N2, PO, SO2? I6. With the help of the table on page 152 write down the formulae of the following salts:-Sodium fluoride, silver sulphate, mercuric cyanide, mercurous phosphate, barium chlorate, bismuth chloride, ferrous orthosilicate, cupric acetate, ferric nitrate, chromic oxalate, stannic phosphate, calcium hypochlorite, etc. etc. 17. The density of the vapour of ammonium chloride is said to be abnormal. Explain this statement, and give as far as you can experimental evidence in support of this view. i8. Define in a few words the terms allotroypy, metamerism, polymerisn. I9. A current of electricity is passed simultaneously through solutions of cupric and cuprous chloride. How much copper and how much chlorine are liberated from the cuprous chloride for every molecule of cupric chloride decomposed by the current? In what relation do these quantities stand to the quantity of zinc consumed in each cell of the battery, secondary actions being neglected? 20. The atomic weight of silver being Io8, and its specific heat'o57, another metal M, of which 70 parts unite with 35'5 parts of chlorine, is found to have the specific heat'0306. What is the atomic weight of this metal and the formula of its chloride? 2I. Give reasons for representing hydrobromic acid by a formula similar to that of hydrochloric acid; HC1, HBr. 22. Alcohol, ether, and acetic ether have the following rational formulae, H C2H5 C 30 What arguments could you draw from the existence of such bodies in favour of the number I6 as the atomic weight of oxygen? Why is it probably neither 8 nor 32? 23. The formula of the molecule or chemical unit of ammonia is NH3 What is the meaning of this formula, and what are the reasons for choosing it? Exercises on Section IIL. I65 24. A compound is found by analysis to have the following composition:Carbon.. 52'8 Hydrogen.. I3'04 Oxygen. 34'78 I00'00 To find its simplest formula. 25. The analysis of a compound leads to these numbersCarbon. 3720 Hydrogen. 7'90 Chlorine. 54'95 o00'05 It is not often that the formula can be calculated so easily as in the example given in the text and in the last exercise. It must be borne in mind that in actual practice a slight loss is incurred in the estimation of many elements. The number for hydrogen, however, generally comes out a trifle too high. Oxygen is always estimated by taking the difference between the total weight of the body analysed, and the sum of the weights of the constituents which have been actually weighed. In the present example we proceed in the following manner:Divide the percentages by the atomic weights in the usual way: 37 3' atoms of carbon. 12 7'9 79,,,, hydrogen. I 5495 = -154,,,, chlorine. 35'5 Divide the three quotients by the last, which is the least. 3- 2'01 atoms of carbon. I'54 7'9 - 5-I2,,,, hydrogen. 1'54 I-54 _ I atom of chlorine. I 54 Now recollecting that the percentages found by analysis are not exactly true, but only close approximations to the correct numbers, and remembering that the hydrogen is generally in slight excess, we may i66 Chemical Philosophy. safely reject the two small fractions which occur in the above numbers and the formula then reads CAHsCI. To prove that this represents correctly the composition of the body, it is well to recalculate the percentages on the basis of this formula. This calculation is performed in the following manner:C2 = I2 X 2 = 24 H5-= I x 5 = 5 Cl= 35'5 64'5 Then 24 X - 37020 64'5 5 x 10 64-5 7'75 35'5 x Ioo 64'5 And these theoretical numbers are seen to be very close to those obtained by experiment. Theory. Experiment. C 37'20..37'20 H 7'75. 7'90 C1 55'05. 54'95 26. What is the simplest formula you would assign to a substance containingCarbon. 54'5 Hydrogen. 9'2 Oxygen. 36'3 ill oo parts? 27. Also to the following body:Carbon..88 20 Hydrogen.I I'80 I00X00 28. And again to an organic base containingCarbon..63'78 Hydrogen..5.76 Nitrogen. 3'32 Oxygen..27'14 IOO'00 Exercises on Section II~. I67 29. From the following percentages calculate formule for the several compounds:Mzag netic Iron Pyrites. Iron....... 59'721 Sulphur.. 40'22 Iron Peroxide. Iron....... 70 Oxygen. 30) Hydrogen Peroxide. Hydrogen. 588 Oxygen.. 94'12 Cryolite. Sodium.. 32'79) Aluminium...... I3'02 Fluorine....... 54'I9) Mannite. Carbon..39.'3 Hydrogen. 77I - Oxygen. 52'98) Benzoic Acid. Carbon.6867 Hydrogen. 4'95' Oxygen. 26'38J Caffeine. Carbon.. 4905 Hydrogen 5'14 Nitrogen. 28-61 Oxygen... I7'20 Cane Sugar. Carbon. 4200oo) Hydrogen. 646 Oxygen.. 5154 Uric Acid. Carbon...357 Hydrogen... 2 38 Nitrogen... 33'33 Oxygen... 28'58 i68 Chemical Philosophy. 30. Find the formula of nitrosoterpene from these numbers — Carbon 72.57) Hydrogen. 897 in Ioo parts, Nitrogen. 8'74 and for nitrosoterpene hydrochloride from the following percentages: Carbon. 59'58 Hydrogen. 8-07 Nitrogen 7 20 Chlorine..745 3I. The silver salt of an organic acid was found by analysis to yield 47'1 per cent. of metallic silver. Determine its molecular weight. In the formation of the silver salt fiom the acid, Io8 parts of silver take the place of I part of hydrogen. Therefore, Molec. wt. of acid- I - molec. wt. of salt - Io8 or Molec. wt. of acid - molec. wt. of salt - io8 + I In the example given 47-I parts of silver are contained in Ioo parts of the salt. So that Io8 parts of silver are contained in Io8 X Ioo = 229 3 parts of the salt. This is, therefore, a number 47'~ identical with, or very near to, its molecular weight. The answer is, therefore, Molec. wt. required = 229'3 - I08 + I = I22'3, Or, since the atomic weights of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen are all integers, the fraction must be discarded, and the number becomes I22. This corresponds with the formula of benzoic acid; verify it. 32. Aniline containsCarbon...... 774 Hydrogen 7'5 per cent. Nitrogen.5.'o and its platino-chloride contains 32'9 per cent. of platinum, to find its molecular weight and formula. As explained in Chapter XVI., p. I27, the platinum salts of nitrogenous bases are constituted on the same type as that of ammonia. Hence we may rer resent the formula of platino-chloride of aniline thus, 2(Aniline + HC1) + PtC14 or Aniline + HCl + PtC14 2 Exercises onZ Section III. I69 The first question then is, what weight of platinum salt is represented by this formula. This is answered as follows:32'9 parts of platinum make Ioo parts of platinum salt, therefore I97'5 parts or one atom of platinum make I 97 5 32'9 parts, or 600. We have now to subtract from this the platinum perchloride and hydrochloric acid; half the remainder is the molecular weight of the aniline. 600 - 339'5 - 73 = 187' and 187'5 -- 93'7 Now, taking the percentage composition of aniline, we have to calculate the proportions of the three elements contained in 93'7 parts of the base. 100: 93'7:: 77'4 x x = 72'5 carbon. 100: 93'7: 7'5 v y = 7 o hydrogen. oo: 93'7:: I5'0 z z = I4'0 nitrogen. Hence the formula is obtained by dividing these numbers by the respective atomic weights. 72 5 2'5 = 6'o4 atoms of carbon. 7'0 7 atoms of hydrogen. -'40 _ I atom of nitrogen. I4 Hence, allowing for experimental error, which in this case is very small, the molecular formula required is C6H7N. 33.'I442 gram of anthraflavic acid gave'37I2 gram of CO2 and ~0448 gram of water. Calculate a formula. 34. A sulphide of tellurium and arsenic was analysed.'6347 gram of the mineral gave'2584 gram of tellurium,'3978 gram of ammoniomagnesium arsenate (MgN H4AsO4. H20), and I 6453 gram of barium sulphate. Calculate a formula. 170 Ch/nical PF/iz'osop/zy. 35. The analysis of trichloracetyl urea gave the following results:(a)'32IO gram gave'2060 gram of CO2 and'0453 gram of H20; (b)'0825 gram gave'oIo9 gram of nitrogen; (c)'I204 gram gave'25IO gram of AgCl. Calculate the formula of the compound. 36. Analysis of uranium pentachloride:Weight of substance taken..'8955 gram,,,, U308 found.... 6038,,,,, AgC,,... I'4997,, Calculate the formula. 37.'3807 gram of benzoic acid gave'9575 gram of CO, and'I698 gram of water. And *'4287 gram of benzoate of silver gave'2020 of silver. Calculate the rational formula of benzoic acid. 38.'5828 gram of platino-chloride of caffeine left after ignition'I43 gram of platinum. What are the molecular weight and formula of caffeine, which contains Carbon...... 49'05 Hydrogen..... 5'I4 cent Nitrogen.. 28~6I Oxygen. 7 20 39. The platinum salt of a volatile organic base was found by analysis to have the following percentage composition:-Carbon, 9'5; hydrogen, 3'2; nitrogen, 5'7; chlorine, 42'0; and platinum, 39'0. The vapour density of the base was found to be I'59 (air= I). Calculate from these data its molecular formula. 40. The silver salt of an organic acid contained 62 44 per cent. of metallic silver. It also contains I7-34 per cent. of carbon and I'73 per cent. of hydrogen. From these data endeavour to find a formula for the acid. 17I SECTION IV. CHAPTER XXI. CLASSIFICATION OF ELEMENTS. THE following list includes all but seven rare metallic elements, the consideration of which, obscure as their characters are, is unnecessary in a work like this. The numbers in the table represent the specific gravities of those which are solid, usually in the densest form in which they are known. I.-gNon-melallic or Oxygenic * Elements. Gaseous. 0, N, F (?), C1 (liquid I'33). Liquid. Br. 2'96 Solid. S (octahedral) 2'07 P (red). 2'2 Si (graphitic) 2'49 B (adamantine) 2'68 C (adamantine) 3'5 Se (crystalline) 4'5 I. ~ 4'95 * Oxygenic = acid-producing. 172 Chemical Philosophy. II. —Metadloids or Inpeyfect Afetals. Gaseous. H. Solid. Zr.. 4I5 V. ~ 5'5 As. 5'9 Te.. 625 Sb.. 68 Sn. ~ 7'3 Mo.. 8'6 Bi.. 9.8 W.. I76 U.. I8'4 Ti, Nb, Ta? III.-Afetais or Basigenic* Elements. Li.'578 K.865 Na..'97 Rb..'52 Cs..? Mg.. 17 Ca.. x8 Sr.. 2'5 Al.. 2 6 Ba. 40 Cr.. 68 Zn. 7'o In.. 7'2 Fe. 7'8 Mn.. 8o0 Ni.. 86 * Basigenic -, base-producing. Classizfcation of the Elements. 173 Cd 8'7 Cu.. 89 Co.. 89 Ag.. o'53 Ro..II'O Pb.. i'36 Ru.. 11'4 Pd.. II8 T1.. II'9 Hg (liquid at o~) 13'596 Au.. 19'34 Os.. 2I'4 Ir.. 2I'I5 Pt.. 2I'5 This division into three groups is adopted here for purposes of convenience, but the student must not infer that it is absolutely necessary. Indeed, as he goes on he will find that, as in all attempts to classify the things of nature, it is impossible to define precisely a border-line separating a given class of bodies from all others. Division I.-Non-metals. These elements, as a class, are characterised by no generality of physical properties. Three are incondensable gases, fluorine (?), oxygen, nitrogen; one, chlorine, is gaseous at ordinary temperatures, but liquefiable under pressure; one, bromine, is a liquid; the rest are brittle solids. Of these, iodine, sulphur, selenion, and phosphorus are fusible and vaporisable, the remaining three are distinguished by infusibility (?), absolute fixity, even at the highest attainable temperatures, by abnormal specific heats (Chap. XV., p. I I4), and by furnishing, in the cases of graphitic carbon and silicon, the only examples among the non-metals of electric conductivity. In their chemical characteristics, however, there is toler 174 Chemical Philosophy. able uniformity. They all, except boron*, combine with hydrogen; all, except fluorine, combine with oxygen, often in several proportions, and their oxides are either neutral and indifferent bodies, like carbonic oxide, or, the great majority, anhydrides, which by uniting with water form acids. NON-METALS.-CLASS I.-THE HALOGENS. Fluorine.. F = I9 Chlorine C 355) C1 + I Bromine Br =80 =81.25 Iodine.. I = I27 These elements are characterised by a remarkable family resemblance. The three last especially are constantly associated together in nature in the haloidt salts of potassium, sodium, etc., and in the ores of mercury, silver, and other heavy metals. They also agree very closely with one another in their general physical characters and chemical deportment. At ordinary temperatures chlorine is gaseous, bromine liquid, iodine solid; but bromine and iodine are volatile and yield heavy, coloured vapours, which, when largely diluted with air, have nearly the same odour as chlorine. Each forms with hydrogen a strongly acid compound, which under ordinary conditions is a colourless, fuming, very soluble gas, consisting of equal volumes of hydrogen and the vapour of the halogen, united without contraction. The chlorides, bromides, and iodides of the alkali metals crystallise in the same form, and the isomorphous replacement of the one halogen by another is observed in a great many other cases. The following table exhibits the formula of all the known oxides and acids of chlorine, bromine, and iodine, from which it will be seen that although there are many gaps to * Hydride of boron is not known, but the organo-boron compounds B(CH3)3, B(C2H5)3 may be considered to represent it. + as = sea-salt = common salt. The Halogens. I75 be filled up perhaps by future research, the correspondence, so far as it goes, is complete: Halogen Oxides and Corresponding Acids. C120 C1203 C1204 HC1 HClO HC102 HC10 HC103 HC104 HC103) No oxide of bromine known. HBr HBrO HBrO3 HBrO, I205 1207 HI HIQ (?) HI03 HIO4 The differences exhibited by chlorine, bromine, and iodine are strictly gradational: chlorine, with the smallest atomic weight, being most active, bromine next, and iodine the least energetic of the three. These differences are manifested by their relative affinities for the metals and hydrogen, chlorine displacing bromine, and bromine displacing iodine from such combinations. Indications of the same differences are afforded by the superior activity of chlorine as a bleaching agent, and by the energy with which it replaces hydrogen in carbon compounds. As in several other cases of nearly allied elements, to be referred to hereafter, the chemical activity diminishes in proportion to the increase of the atomic weight, and rise of boiling-point and specific gravity. (Chap. IV., p. 22.) The replacement of one or more atoms of hydrogen in a hydrocarbon by an equivalent quantity of one of the halogens, produces a neutral substitution compound; but if a similar replacement is effected in the molecule of a body which contains oxygen, the product not unfrequently presents well-marked acid properties. This is the case, for example, with some of the derivatives of phenol. This oxygenic tendency of the halogens is also indicated by the destruction of basic character in the amines or compound ammonias by the substitution of chlorine, bromine, I76 CChemical P/ilosophy. or iodine for their hydrogen, as is well shown by the chlorinated derivatives of aniline. Aniline C6H7N, a powerful base. Chloraniline C6H6C1N, less basic than aniline. Dichloraniline C6H,C12N, feeble base. Trichloraniline C6HC13N, neutral. Zodine. —Iodine presents one or two peculiarities which deserve special notice, as they serve to remove it to some slight extent from immediate association with the kindred elements, bromine and chlorine. In the first place, its affinity for hydrogen is decidedly less energetic than that of either of the other two elements. This is indicated first by the fact that iodine does not usually bleach vegetable colours; secondly, that, acting alone, it is incapable of producing ubstitution derivatives from carbon compounds.* Whenever substitution of chlorine, bromine, or iodine occurs, the hydrogen which is necessarily. eliminated goes to form the corresponding hydracid. Now, in the case of iodo-substitution compounds, it has been shown that they are all decomposed by the action of hydriodic acid, with reproduction of the original body and free iodine. Hence iodosubstitution compounds cannot be formed by the action of iodine, unless precautions are taken to remove or to destroy the hydriodic acid that may be produced. This is effected in various ways, usually by the action of mercuric oxide or iodic acid. The difficulty may also be got over in some instances by substituting iodine monochloride for iodine. Thus orcin acted upon by a solution of iodine chloride gives triiodorcin and hydrochloric acid, C7H802 + 3IC1 = C7H51302 + 3HC1. Another distinguishing characteristic of iodine is the intense colour exhibited by the vapour of the element itself, by its solutions in certain liquids, notably in carbon disulphide * See also Chap. XIII., p. 87. Heat of combination of iodine with hydrogen. Special Properties of Iodine. 177 by its compound with starch, and by many iodides, the corresponding chlorides or bromides being either colourless or very pale. Again, chlorine and bromine are more soluble in water than iodine, and are even capable of forming at low temperatures crystalline hydrates, having theformulae C12I oH2O, and Br2ioH20O, no such compound being formed by iodine. On the other hand, the solubility of chlorine and bromine is not appreciably increased by the addition of a chloride or bromide to the water in which they are to be dissolved. Iodine, however, is freely soluble in iodide of potassium, and indeed produces in this way a black liquid which probably contains an unstable triiodide of potassium, KI3. This compound is not known in the solid state, although analogous periodides are formed by the organic ammonium bases, some of which form crystals of great beauty. The following compounds, for example, containing the alkaloid caffeine, were examined by the author some years ago. (CsHION402H)I3 Caffonium triiodide. (CsHo0N402C H3) I3 Methyl-caffonium triiodide. (C8H10N402C2H5)13 Ethyl-caffonium triiodide. The iodates exhibit some anomalies for which there is no parallel among the chlorates. Thus, in addition to the normal potassic iodate, KIO, there are two other well crystallised salts, containing an excess of anhydride, for which it is difficult to find analogues, except, perhaps, among the chromates. Iodates. Chromates. KIO3 or K2,TO6 K2CrO4 K2s120.I205 K2CrO4. CrO3 K21206. 21205 K2CrO,. 2 Cr03 N 1 78 G~zChemical Philosophy. This tendency of iodine to accumulate in its compounds is just one of those characters which belongs especially to polyatomic elements, among which iodine seems, on the whole, entitled to be placed. FlZuoine. —This element has not at present been satisfactorily isolated, but there can be little doubt that it is a gas, probably colourless, having properties similar to those of chlorine or oxygen, but much more strongly marked. Fluorine is connected with the other halogens by the correspondence of hydrofluoric with hydrochloric acid, and by the isomorphism of the fluorides and chlorides. It is, however, widely separated from them, partly in consequence of its very extraordinary attraction for silicon, partly by the non-existence of any oxide or oxyacid of fluorine. In spite also of their general resemblance to the chlorides, bromides and iodides, individual fluorides differ in many cases from the corresponding chlorides. Thus fluoride of calcium is insoluble, chloride of calcium very soluble and deliquescent; fluoride of silver is soluble in water, chloride ot silver totally insoluble; fluoride of potassium soluble in water, but, unlike the neutral stable chloride, it yields an alkaline solution which probably contains caustic potash and the double hydrogen and potassium fluoride. 2KF + OH2 = KOH + KF.HF. The tendency to produce double salts of this kind has, indeed, led to the idea that fluorine may be really a diatomic element, like oxygen, with the atomic weight 38. The formulae of the double fluorides would then be comparable with those of oxygen compounds. Fluorides. Oxides. H2F analogous to H20 KHF,,,, KHO KBF,,,, KBO2 K2SiF3,,,, K2SiO3 K2SnF,,, K2SnO3 etc. etc. A tomicity of the Halogens. I79 These double fluorides, however, are not more numerous or prominent than are the double chlorides, bromides, and iodides, and it seems not unreasonable to explain their existence by a similar hypothesis. The atom F(=I 9) may be occasionally trivalent. If so, the constitution of fluoride of potassium and hydrogen may be represented as KF = FH, and that of the other fluorides, single and double, in a similar manner. Atomicity of the Halogens. —An atom of a halogen never replaces, in a direct manner, more than one atom of hydrogen. It must also be admitted that, in the haloid salts of these elements, 35'5 parts of chlorine and equivalent quantities of bromine, iodine, and fluorine, are almost always combined with the metallic representative of one part by weight of hydrogen. The halogens are therefore generally univalent. Nevertheless, many compounds are known, the existence of which can scarcely be accounted for, except upon the hypothesis of their occasional trivalent function. Thus, in addition to the normal iodides and iodo-substitution compounds, H'I, K'I, Hg"12, C2H3I'O2, iodine forms the following compounds, I"'C13, I"' (C2H302)3, KAgI 2, which may be written as follows, C1 C1\ /0O-C2H30 / \\ / I —C1 or I-C1 I -O-C2H30 K-I=I-Ag X // C1 C1/ l O —C2H30O In their oxygenated compounds, chlorine, bromine, and iodine present also a very marked resemblance to nitrogen, which is most generally (perhaps always) a triad. Thus we have hypochlorous and hyponitrous acids, both extremely unstable bodies, known chiefly in the form of their N 2 80 Chemical Philosophy. salts; chlorous and nitrous acids, also. very unstable; chloric and nitric acids, both liquid, easily decomposable, highly corrosive bodies, the salts of which are all soluble in water. The nitrogen analogue of perchloric acid is at present unknown. The formulae of these corresponding pairs of compounds are as follows: HC10 HClO 2 HC10O HCIO1 HNO HN02 HN03 A further correspondence is observable in their oxides, C]20 C1203 C1204 I205 N20 N203 N204 N205 Now, if we admit that nitrogen is trivalent in these comr pounds, the presumption that chlorine and its congeners are also trivalent is, at least, worthy of discussion. The following graphic formulae express the constitution of chloric and nitric acids upon this hypothesis:O 0 H —0-0Cl