TABULAR STATEMENTS lFROM 1840 TO 1870, OF THE |gricltural Xjroducts ojf the jfate and erritorie OF T 11 E'UNITED STATES OF A.MELRICA, CTASSIFIED BY THEIR PROXIMITY TO THE OCEANS AND OTHER NAVIGABLE WATERS, NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL. BY SAMUEL B. RIGGILES, MlErBFR OF THE NEW-YORK CHAMBER OF (Col(tfEtROt,. PRESS OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. 1874, TABULAR STATEMENTS RROM 1840 TO 1870o OF THE gritcutural j}rodurcfs t tie $pates and n ertitorits OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, GLAVtFib 33s THEIR PROXIMITY TO THE OCEANS AND OTHER NAVIGABLE WATERS, NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL. BY SAMUEL B. RUGGLES, MMJEBR. OF THE NEW.YoRK CHAMBER OF COMxxROB. PRESS OP THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. 1874. Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1874, by SAMUEL B. RUGGLES, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. JOHN W. AXMERAN, PRINTER, No. 47 Cedar Street, N. Y. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. THE Tables in the present work have been prepared and published in two separate portions. The first portion, from page 1 to page 37, inclusive, which was published in March, exhibits in detail the agricultural products of each of the States and Territories of the United States, which are re.arranged, not in alphabetical order, as in the official census, but topographically, by their proximity to the oceans and other navigable waters. The States and Territories are classified in seven groups, of which-I. Embraces the New-England States; II. The Middle Atlantic States III. The interior States north of the Ohio and on the Upper Lakes and Upper Mississippi; IV. The Southern Atlantic States; V. The Southwestern States south of the Ohio and on the Gulf of Mexico; VI. The States on the Pacific and adjacent Territories, and VII. The Territories in and east of the Rocky Mountains; to which is added, to complete the whole, the District of Columbia. The separate products of each subdivision of agriculture in each of these States and Territories, including the aggregate products of each group, are exhibited whenever practicable in juxtaposition, so as to show the amount of each at. the end of each of the decades, closing with 1850, 1860 and 1870. The second portion, from page 38 to page 49, inclusive, contains a General Summary of the principal items embraced in the first portion, and is followed bygeographical and other comparisons of products and values in the respective groups, and especially by full and classified tables of the agricultural population in each group, which is itself further distributed in a further table by " Nationalities," showing the population, native born and foreign born. On this basis, a more'minute analysis exhibits the average portions per head of agricultural wealth acquired by the native born and foreign born population, and especially for the information of immigrants, the monetary values per head acquired by the natives of each of the eight European nations sending the largest number of their people to the United States. It is believed, that the developments exhibited in these tables may possibly facilitate, if they do not guide, to some extent, the legislative action, State and national, now so much needed to cheapen transportation from the'interior to the oceans. The author does not seek or desire to re-open, by the present work, any political controversies in past years in respect to the capacity of the Interior States to increase the commerce of the Erie Canal, in which he may have been a party If-it should become necessary, in order to remove any lingering prejudices or misapprehensions, he may possibly review those controversies, id a separate " Histoy of the fforts in Newz-York, from 1834 to 1874, to Secure and Increase the Commerce of the West." NEW-YORE, April 21, 1874. AGRRICULTURAL PRODUCTS OF THE STATESF AND TERItTORIBS OF T-HE UNI~ITE STATESS: (C1asified by thpeiroximity to the oceans and other nauigable waters. By SAMUzL B. RUGGLS, Member of the N. Y. Ch. amber of GComma re. ATLANTIC STATES-MAIN To DELAWARE, IcLUSIE. New. Rhode Gon- TOTAL NeW- New- Penn- Dea- T...BX.C...T.l84. Ma Hnew Eamp. Vermont. eucetts. Island. necticut. NEw-ENL York. Jersjey. sylaia. ware. Population,.................. 1840, 501,793 284,574 291,948 737,699 108,830 309,978 2,234,822 2,428,921 373,306 1,724,033 78,085 4,604,345 CEREALS. Wheat, bushels,................ 848,166 422,124 495,800 157,923 3,098 87,009 2,014,120 12,286,418 774,203 13,213,077 315,165 26,588,863 Indian Corn, bushels............... 950,528 1,162,572 1,119,678 1,809,192. 450,498 1,500,441 6,992,909 10,972,286 4,361,975 14,240,022 2,099,359 31,673,642 Oats, "............... 1,076,409 1,296,114 2,222,584 1,319,680 171,517 1,453,262 7,539,566 20,675,847 3,083,524 20,641,819. 927,405 45,328,595 Rye,............... 137,941 308,148 230,993 536,014 34,521 737,424 1,985,041 2,979,323 1,665,620 6,613,873 33,546 11,292,362 Barley,.............. 355,161 121,899 54,781 165,319 66,490 33,759 797,409 2,520,068 12,501 209,893 5,260 2.747.722 Buckwheat, ".............. 51,543 105,103 228,416 87,000 2,979 30a^043 778,084 2,287,885 2,113,742 11,299 5,29,043 Total Cereals,..29................................................................. 20,107,129......................122,,227 Potatoes, bushels,................... 10,392,280 6,206,606 8,869,751 5,385,652 911,973 3,414,238 35,180,500 30,123,614 2,072,069 9,535,663) 200,712 41,932,058 Sugar, lbs.,......................... 257,464 1,16,368 4,647,934 579,227 50 51,764 6,698,807 10,048,109 56 2,265,75i.... 12,313,920 Orchard Products, value............ $149,384 $239,979 $213,944 $389,177 $32,098 $296,232 $1,320,814 $1,701,935 $464,006 $618,179 $28,211 $2,812,331 Market " "............. 51,579 18,085 16,276 283,904 67,741 61,936 499,521 499,126 249,613 232,912, 4,035 985,686 Hops, lb,......................... 36,940 243,425 48,137 254,795 113 4,573 587,983 447,250 4,531 49,481 746 502,008 Hay, tons,.......................... 691,358 496,107 836,739 569,395 63,449 420,704 3,083,752 3,127,047 334,861 1,311,643. 22,483 4,796,034 A-IMALS AND OTHER PRODUCTS. Horses and Mules,............... 59,208 43,892 62,402 61,484 8,024 34,650 269,660 474,543 70,502 365,129 14,421 924,595 Neat Cattle,................... 327,255 275,562 384,341 282,574 36,891 238,650 1,545,273 1,911,244 220,202 1,172,665 53,883 3,357,994 Dairy Products, value,.............. $1,496,902 $1,638,543 $2,008,737 $2,373,299 $223,229 $1,376,534 $9,117,244 $10,496,021 $1,328,032 $3,187,292 $113,828 $15,125,173 Sheep,.......................... 649,264 617,390 1,681,819 378,226 90,146 403,462 3,820,307 5,118,777 219,285 1,767,620 39,247 7,144,929 Wool, lbs........................... 1,465,551 1,260,517 3,699,235 941,906 183,830 889,870 8,440,909 9,845,295 397,207 3,048,564 64,404 13,355,470 Hogs........................... 117,386 121,671 203,800 143,221 30,659 131,961 748,698 1,900,065 261,443 1,503,964 74,228 3,739,700 Tobacco, lbs........................ 30 115 585 64,955 317 471,657 537,659, 744 1,922 325,018 272 327,956 Cotton, "......................................................... 334 334 Hemp and Flax, tons,................ 38 26 29 2X 138X 1,130% 2,165, 2,649, 52X 5,998% STATES NORTH OF THE OHIO RIVER. Wisconsin Iowa M80.our$. TOTAL. By CaENSUS OF 1840. Ohio. Indiana. Michigan. Illinois. Te tor. Territory. isouri TTAL. Population,................1840, 1,519,467.... 685,866.... 212,267.... 476,183.... 30,945.... 43,112.... 383,702.... 3,351,542 CEREALS. Wheat, bushels,............... 16,571,661.... 4,049,375.... 2,157,108.... 3,335,393.... 212,116.... 154,693.... 1,037,386.... 27,517,732 Indian Corn, bushels............. 33,668,144.... 28,155,887.... 2,277,039.... 22,634,211.... 379,359.... 1,406,241.... 17,332,524.... 105,853,405 Oats, "............. 14,393,103.... 5,981,605.... 2,114,051.... 4,988,008.... 406,514.....416,385.... 2,234,947.... 30,334,613 Rye "............ 814,205.... 129,621.... 34,236.... 88,197.... 1,965.... 3,792.... 68,608.... 1,140,624 Barley, "............ 212,440.... 28,015-.... 127,802.... 82,251.... 11,062.... 728.... 9,801... 472,099 Buckwheat, "............ 633,139.... 49,019.... 113,592.... 57,884.... 10,654.... 6,212.... 15,318... 885,818 Total Cereals...................................................................................................................................... 166,204,291 Rice, lbs.................................... 460....0.... 510 to Potatoes, bushels,................ 5,805,021.... 1,525,794.... 2,109,205.... 2,025,520.... 419,608.... 234,063.... 783,768.... 12,902,979 Sugar, lbs......................... 6,363,386.... 3,727,795... 1,329,784.... 399,813.... 135,288.... 41,450.... 274,853... 12,272,369 Orchard Products, value,......... $475,271.... $110,055.... $16,075.... $126,756.... $37.... $50.... $90,878.... $819,122 Market " "........ 97,606.... 61,212.... 4,051.... 71,911.... 3,106.... 2,170.... 37,181.... 277,237 Hops, lbs.,....................... 62,195.... 38,591.... 11,381.... 17,742.... 133.... 83.... 789.... 130,914 Hay, tons........................ 1,022,037.... 178,029.... 130,805.... 164,932.... 30,938.... 17,953.... 49,083.... 1,593,777 ANIMALS AND OTHER PRODUCTS. Horses and Mules............... 430,527.... 241,036.. 30,144.... 199,235.... 5,735.... 10,794.... 196,032.... 1,113,503 Neat Cattle,...................... 1.217,874.... 619,980.... 185,190.... 626,274.... 30,269.... 38,049.... 433,875.... 3,151,511 Dairy Products, value,............ $1,848,869 $.... 742,269.... $301,052.... $428,175....$35,677.... $23,609.... $100,432.... $3,480,083 Sheep........................... 2,028,401.... 675,982.... 99,618.... 395,672.... 3,462.... 15,354.... 348,018... 3,566,507 Wool, lbs.,....................... 3,685,315.... 1,237,919.... 153,375.... 650,007.... 6,777.... 23,039.... 562,265.... 6,318,697 Hogs,.......................... 2,099,746.... 1,623,608.... 295,890.... 1,495,254.... 51,383.... 104,899.... 1,271,161.... 6,941,941 Tobacco, lbs.,.................... 5,942,275.... 1,820,306.... 1,602.... 664,326.... 115.... 8,076.... 9,067,913.... 17,404,613 Cotton -....................... 180........ 200,947................. 121,122.... 322,249 Hemp and Flax, tons............. 9,080M.... 8,60 755.... 755.... 1,976M.... 2.. 313.... 18,010o.... 38,743M ATLANTIC STATES-MARYLAND TO FLORIDA, INCLUSIVE. igortA souah BY CmENSUS O 1840. Maryland. Virginia. Georgia. Florida. TOTAL. Carolina. Carolina. Population.......................1840, 470,019.... 1,239,797.... 753,419.... 594,398.... 691,392.... 54,477.... 3,803.502 CEREALS. Wheat, bushels....................... 3,345,783.... 10,109,716.... 1,960,855.... 968,354.... 1,801,830.... 412.... 18,186,950 Indian Corn, bushels,................ 8,233,086.... 34,577,591....23,893,763....14,722,805....20,905,122.... 898,974.... 103,231,341 Oats, "................. 3,534,211.... 13,451,062.... 3,193,941.... 1,480,208.... 1,610,030.... 13,829.... 23,289,281 Rye, "................. 723,577.... 1,482,799.... 213,971.... 44,738.... 60,693.... 305.... 2,526,083 Barley, "................. 3,594.... 87,430.... 3,574.... 3,967.... 12,979.... 30... 111,574 Buckwheat, "................ 73,606.... 243,822.... 15,391.... 72.... 141............ 333,032 Total Cereals................................................................................................................................... 147,670,261 Total Cereals,....147,670,261 Potatoes, bushels..................... 1,036,433.... 2,944,660.... 2,609,239.... 2,698,313.... 1,291,866.... 264,617.... 10,844,628 Sugar, lbs.......................... 36,266.... 1,541,833.... 17,163.... 30,000.... 329,744.... 275.317.... 2,230,323 Orchard Products, value.............. $105,740.... $705,765.... $386,006.... $52,275.... $156,122.... $1,035.... $1,406,943 Market " ".............. 133,197.... 92,359.... 28,475.... 38,187.... 19,346.... 11,758.... 323,322 Hops, lbs.,............................ 2,357.... 10,597.... 1,063.... 93.... 773............ 14,883 Hay tons,............................. 106,687X.... 364,708X.... 101,369.... 24,618.... 16,969%.... 1,197.... 615,549% ANIMALS AND OTHER PRODUCTS. Horses and Mules,..................... 92,220... 326,438.... 166,608.... 129,921.... 157,540.... 12,043.... 884,770 NeatCattle,. 225,714.... 1,024,148.... 617,371.... 572,608.... 884,414.... 118,081.... 3,442,336 Dairy Products, value................. $457,466.... $1,480,488.... $674,349.... $577,810.... $605,172.... $23,094.... $3,818,379 Sheep................................ 257,922.... 1,293,772.... 538,279.... 232,981.... 267,107.... 7,198.... 2,597,259 Wool, lbs.,........................... 488,201.... 2,538,374.... 625,044.... 299,170.... 371,303.... 7,285.... 4,329,377 Hogs................................... 416,943.... 1,992,155.... 1,649,716.... 878,532.... 1,457,755.... 92,680.... 6,487,781 Tobacco, lbs......................... 24,816,012.... 75,347,106.... 16,772,359.... 51,519.... 162,894.... 75,274.... 117,225,164 Rice, lbs.,.................................... 2,956.... 2,820,388....60,590,861....12,384,732.... 481,420.... 76,280,357 Cotton, "......................... 5,673.... 3,494,483.... 51,926,190....61,710,274....163,392,396....12,110,533.... 292,639,549 Hemp and Flax, tons................'488.... 25,594j.... 9,879%............10.... 2.... 35,974% STATESSOUTH OF THE OHIO RIVER AND ON THE GULF OF MEXICO. Bf CMsus o 1840. Kentucky. Tennessee. Arkansas. Misissipp, Alabama. Louisiana. TOTAL. Population................1840, 779,828.... 829,210.... 97,574..- 375,651.... 590,756.... 352,411.... 8,025,430 CEREZAS.40 Wheat, bushels,............... 4,803,152.... 4,569,692.... 105,f8.... 196626.... 828,02 60.... 10,503,460 Indian Corn, bushels.......... 39,847,120.... 44,986,188.... 4,846,632.... 13,161,237.... 20,947,004.... 5,952,912. 129,741,093 Oats,. 7155,974.... 7,035,678,... 189,553.... 668,624.... 1,406,358.... 107,353... 16,563,535 Rye, ".......... 1,321,373.... 304,320.... 6,219.... 11,444.... 51,008.... 1,812.... 1,696,176 Barley, ".......... 17,491.... 4,809.... 760.... 1,654.... 7,692........ 32,406 Bpkwheat, "......... 8,169.... 17,118.... 88.... 61.... 58........ 25,494 Total Cereals,..................................................................................................................................... 158,662,169 Potatoes, bushels. 1,055,085.... 1,904,370.... 293,608.... 1,630,100.... 1,708,356.... 834,341.... 7,425,860 Sugar, lbs.................... 1,377,835.... 258,073.... 1,548.... 77 10,143... 119,947,720.... 121,595,390 Orchard Products, value,....... $434,935... $367,105.... $10,680.... $14,458.... $55,240.... $11,769.... $894,187 Market "k 4. 125,071.... 19,812.... 2,736.... 42,896 31,978.... 210,042.... 46253 Hops, lbs................. 742 850............ 154 825.... 115....86 Hay, tons..................... 88,306.... 31,233... 58.... 171.... 12,718.... 24,651.... 157,665 ANDIALS AND OTHER PRoDUCTS. Horses and Mules,39,8.... 341,409.... 51,472.... 109,22.... 143,147.... 9,88.... 1140,996 Neat Cattle.................... 787,098.... 822,851.... 188,786.... 623,197.... 668,018.... 381,248.... 3,471,198 Dairy Products, value.......... $931,363.... $472,141.... $59,205.... $359,585.... $265,200.... $153,069.... $2,240,563 Sheep,........................ 1,008,240... 741,593.... 42,151.... 128,367.... 163,243.... 8.... 2,181,666 Wool, lbs.,..................... 1,786,847.... 1,0620,33.... 64,943.... 175,196.... 220,353.... 49,283... 3,356,954 Orchrd Poducs, vlue........ $ 495.... $37,0 393$1,605... $14,45.. $5200.. 1,209:.... $9,8 Hogs............. 2,310,533... 2,926,607.... 1,001,209.... 1,423,878.... 323,220.... 8,37,50 Tobacco, lbs.................... 29,550,432....... 145,49.... 83,471 27.3,302 1.... 11,824.... 83,61877 Rice, lbs.,.............86.... 1,.... 5.... 777,1.... 149,019.... 3,604,534.... 4,560,555 Cotton,........... 691,456....... 27,7091,277.... 6,028,642.... 193,401,577.... 11,138,823.... 1528,5.... 497,517,143 Hemp and Flax, tons.......... 9,9928.... 3,344,.... 1,03943.... 1.,.95........14,39754 ATLANTIC STATES-MAINE TO DELAWARE, INCLUSIVE. TOTAL TOTAL 1850, 1860 AND 18F70. Maim. hMrmpsr Ver chasette h Cmnectc. Six oewYo. ~.wJersei.. Delaware. Fo 1860sh re.. chusetts. 181and. STATES.' STATES. Population,.............1850, 583,169 317,976 314,120 994,614 147,545 370,792 2,728,116 3,097,394 489,55 2,311,786 91,32 5,990,267...........1860, 628,279 326,073 315,098 1,231,066 174,620 460,147 3,135,283 3,880,735 672,035 2,906,215 112,216 7,571,201 "...........1870, 626,915 318,300 330,551 1,457,851 217,858 537,454 3,487,924.4,882,759 906,096 3,521,951 125,015 8,935,821 LAD r FARMs. Acres improved....... 1850, 2,0,9596 2,251,488 2,601,409 2,133,436 356,487 1,768,178 11,150,594 12,408,964 1,767,991 8,628,619 580,862 23,386,436 "" 6......1860, 2,704,133 2,367,034 2,823,157 2,155,512 335,128 1,830,807 12,215,771 14,358,403 1,944,441 10,463,296 637,065 27,403,205 "......1870, 2.917,793 2,334,487 3,073,257 1,736,221 289,030 1,646,752 11,997,540 15,627,206 1,976,474 11,515,965 698,115 29,817,760 " unimproved,...1850, 2,515,797 1,140,926 1,524,413 1,222,576 197,451 615,701 7,216,864 6,710,120 984,955 6,294,728 375,282 14,365,085 " "....1860, 3,023,538 1,377,591 1,451,257 1,183,212 186,096 673,457 7,895,151 6,616,555 1,039,084 6,548,844 367,230 14,571,718 "'"....1870, 2,920,265 1,271,507 1,455,547 994,062 213,278 717,664 7,572,323 6,563,604 1,013,087 6,478,235 854,207 14,409,083 Area of State, acres,,. 1870, 22,400,000 5,939,200 6,535,680 4,992,000 835,840 3,040,000 43,742,720 30,080,000 5,324,800 29,440,000 1,356,800 66,201,600 Value of Farms, $.... 1850, 54,861,74855,245,997 63,367,227109,076,34717,070,802 72,726,422 372,348,543 554,546,642 120,237,511 407,876,099'18,880,031 1,101,540,283 " Farm. Implements and Machinery, $....1850, 2,284,557 2,314,125 2,739,282 3,209,584 497,201 1,892,541 12,937,290 22,084,926 4,425,503 14,722,541 510,279 41,743,249 ValueofLive Stock, $, 1850, 9,705,726 8,871,901 12,643,228 9,647,710 1,532,637 7,467,490 49,868,692 73,574,499 10,679,291 41,500,053 1,849,281 127,603,124 $435,154,525 $1,270,886,656 Value of Farms, $....1860, 78,688,525 69,689,761 94,289,045123,255,948 19,550,553 90,830,005 476,303,837 803,343,593 180,250,338 662,050,707 31,426,357 1,677,070,995 " Farm. Implements and Machinery, $.. 1860, 3,298,327 2,683,012 3,665,955 3,894,998 586,791 2,339,481 16,468,564 29,166,695 5,746,567 22,442,842 817,883 58,173,987 Vale of Live Stock,$,1860, 15,437,533 10,924,627 16,241,989 12,737,744 2,042,044 11,311,079 68,695,016 103,856,296 16,134,693 69,672,726 3,144,706 192,808,421 $561,467,417 $1,928,053,403 Value of Farms, $.....1870, 102,961,951 80,589,313 139,367,075 116,432,784 21,574,968 14,241,382 585,167,473 1,272,857,766 257,523,376 1,043,481,582 46,712,870 2,620,575,594 " Farm. Implements and Machinery, $...1870, 4,809,113 3,459,943 5,250,279 5,000,879 786,246 3,246,599 22,553,059 45,997,712 7,887,991 35,658,196 1,201,644 90,745,543 ValueofLiveStock,$,1870, 23,357,12915,246,545 23,888,835 17,049,228 3,135,132 17,545,038 100,221,907 175,882,712 21,443,463 115,647,075 4,257,323 317,230,573 $707,942,439 $3,028,561,710 COMPARATIVE AMOUNTS I1T Maine. New- e aesa- Rhode TOTAL TOTAL t850, 1860 AND 1870. e. asare Vermont. huse. I ".....................1870, 490,606 269,416 134,968.... 125.... 1,185.... 896,300 Galls. Cane Molasses................. 1850,.... 30,079 7,223 83,428 18,318 10,9.31,177 18 441,918 11,512,161, "................1860,........ 2,830 85,115 10,016 13,439,772.... 408,358 13,946,091, " "...............1870,........ 3,629 166,009 152,164 4,585,150 72,008 246,062 5,225,022 Maple "................1850, 44 4'860.t..-. 140,076 74,372................214,572 Sorghum............... 1850,.................................3 3....4... 7 5 4 " u356,705 5 7........... 115,604 112.,412 1,348,464 4*4................ 1870, 780,829 1,740,453 1,254,701 267,269 67,509 180 147,203 174,509 4,432,658 Orchard products.................... 1850,.... $106,230 $52,894 $15,408 $50,405 $22,359 $40,141 $12,505 $299,942 4"................ 1.... 604,849 305,003 223,312 254,718 114,339 56,025 48,047 1,606,293 "".....................1870, 848,773 1,231,385 571,520 37,590 71,018 142,129 157,219 69,172 3,128,06 Galls. Domestic Wine.................. 1850,.... 8,093 92 220 407 15 35 99961,'* "................1860,.... 179,948 13,566 18,267 7.262 2,912 1,004 14,199 237158...~...~......18570, 093 6'02,360 15,778 ~,15683,055578 8,734 6,216 02970 COMPARATIVE AMOUNTS In West 1850, 1860 AND 1870.'Virginia. 1850, 1860 AND 1870 rirgi&ia. Kentucky. Tennessee. Alabama. Mississippi. Louisiana. Arkansas. Texas. TOTAL, Market Garden products.............. 1850,.... $303,120 $97,183 $84,821 $46,250 $148,329 $17,150 $12,354 $709,207..............1860,.... 458,245 303,226 163,062 124.2819 413,169 37,845 178,374 1,678,202.............. 1870, 69,974 527,329 301,093 139,636 61,735 176,969 55,697 74,924 1,407,357 Bush. Peas and Beans,................1850,.... 202,574 369,321 892,701 1,072,757 161,732 285,738 179,350 3,164,173................1860,.... 288,346 547,803 1,482,036 1,954,666 431,148 440,472 341,961 5,486,432 t " "................1870, 31,449 119,926 194,535 156,574 176,417 26,888 47,376 42,654 795,819 Tons Hay,.............................1850,.... 113.747 74,091 32,685 12,504 25,752 3,976 8,354 271,109 " "............................1860,.... 158,476 143,499 62,211 32,901 52,721 9,356 11,865 471,029............................1870, 224,164 204,399 116,582 10,613 8,324 8,776 6,839 18,982 598,679 Bushels Clover, Flax and Grass Seeds,.1850,.... 100,512 33,118 754 643 99 847 36 136,009.... "' k 4 1860,.... 93,744 60,047 942 1,095 701 3,808 5,813 166,150' " " " 1870, 10,200 53,104 24,329 218 90 1 289 506 88,737 ANIMALS. Horses,................................1850, 315,682 270,636 128,001 115,460 89,514 60,197 76,760 1,056,250................................1860,... 355,704 290,882 127,063 117,571 78,703 140,198 825,698 1,435,819 "................................1870, 90,479 317,034 247,254 80,770 90,221 59,738 92,013 424,504 1,402,283 Working Oxen,.......................1850,.... 62,274 86,255 66,961 83,485 54,968 34,239 51,285 439467........................1S60,.... 108,999 102,153 88,316 105,603 60,353 78,707 172,492 716,633......................1876, 18,937 69,719 63,970 59,176 58,146 32,596 35,387 132,407 370,338 Other Cattle,..........................1850,.... 442,763 414,051 433,263 436,254 414,798 165,320 61,018 2,367,467? "...........................1860, 457,845 413,060 454,543 416,660 326,787 318,089 2,761,736 5,148,720...........................1870, 178,309 382,993 336,529 257,347 269,030 200,589 193,5S9 2,933,588 4,751,974 Milch Cows,.......................... 1850,.... 247,475 250,456 227,791 214,231 105,576 93,151 217,811 1,356,491'..........................1860,.... 269,215 249,514 230,537 207,646 129,662 171,003 601,540 1,859,117..........................1870, 104,434 217,615 243,197 170,640 173,899 102,G76 128,959 428,043 1,598,868 Sheep,................................1850,.... 1,102,091 811,591 371,80 304,929 110,333 91,256 100,530 2,892610 "................................1860,.... 938,990 773,317 370,156 352,632 181,253 202,753 753,363 3,572,464 "................................1870, 552,327 936,765 826,783 241,934 232,732 118,602 161,077 714,351 3,784,571 185U, 1860 A UND 1870. Wsinia. Kentucky. Tennessee. Alabama. Mississipi. Louisiana. Arkansas. eas. TOTAL. Hogs....................... 1850,.... 2,891,163 3,104,800 1,904,540 1,582,734 597,301 836,727 692,022 11,609,287 "................................1860,.... 2,330,595 2,347,321 1,747,321 1,532,768 634,525 1,171,630 1,371,532 11,135,692...............................1870, 268,031 1,838,227 1,828,690 719,757 814,381 338,326 841,129 1,202,445 7,850,986 Value of Animals slaughtered or sold for slaughter, SS50,.... $6,462,598 $6,401,765 $4,823,485 $3,636,582 $1,453,990 $1,163,313 $1,116,137 $25,062,870,, " " " 1860,.... 11,640,738 12,430,768 10,237,131 7,809,153 2,095,330 3,878,990 5,143,6353 53,235,745, " " l" 1870, $4,914,792 24,121,861 15,856,880 4,670,146 4,090,818 817,831 3,843,923 4,835,284 63,151,535 Value of Leather tanned...............1870, 527,016 1,009,906 921,497 239,386 129,407 27,250 42,528 60,524 2,957,514 DAIRY PRODUCTS. Lbs. Butter,......................... 1850,..... 9,947,523 8,139,585 4,008,811 4,346,234 683,069 1,854,239 2,344,900 31,324,361 "..........................1860,.... 11,716,609 10,017,787 6,028,478 5,006,610 1,444,742 4,067,556 5,850,583 44;132,365 "...........................1870, 5,044,475 11,874,978 9,571,069 3,213,753 2,613,521 322,405 2,753,931 3,712,747 39,106,879 " per cow,..................1870, 48 47 39 18 15 3 21 8 24 " Cheese.........................1850,.... 213,954 177,681 31,412 21,191 1,957 30,088 95,299 571,582 "..........................1860,.... 190,400 135,575 15,923 4,427 6,153 16,810 275,128 644,416 " "......................1870, 32,429 115,219 142,240 2,732 3,099 11,747 2,119 34,342 343,927 " Butterand Cheese,................1850,.... 10,161,477 8,317,266 4,040,223 4,367,425 685,026 1,884,327 2,440,199 31,895,943 " " "................1860,.... 11,907,009 10,153,362 6,044,401 5,011,037 1,450,895 4,084,366 6,125,711 44,776,781...." "...............1870, 5,076,904 1!,990,197 9,713,309 3,216,485 2,616,620 334,152 2,756,050 3,747,089 39,450,806 " Butter and Cheese per cow from Dairies................................1870, 48 48 39 18 15 3 21 8 24 Lbs. Factory Cheese,.................. 1870,.... 246,000.................... 246,000 " " per cow,................ 1870,.................................. Galls. Milk sold,..................... 1870, 144,895 1,345,779 415,786 104,657 17,052 833,928 31,350 62,771 2,956,218 Lbs. Honey and Bees Wax,...........1850,.... 1,158,019 1,036,572 897,021 397,460 96,701 192,338 380,825 4,158,936 - " " " " "...........1860,.... 1,837,031 1,618,282 148,220 750,840 276,451 857,276 622,396 6,110,496 " " * "...............1870, 386,914 1,204,057 1,091,235 343,441 208,971 40,009 289,613 288,424 3,852,664 COMI'ARATIY AxOUN'I n4 West 1850,A180R E Aw x1870. Wirstn. Kentucky. Tennessee. Alabama. Mississipli. Louisiana. Arkansas. Texas. TOTAL. Lbs. Hops,....185,.... 4,309 1,032 276 473 125 157 6,379 " "............................1860,.... 5,899 1,581 507 248 27 146 1238,531 "............................1870, 1,031 947 565 382........ 25 512,651 "Tobacco10......................... 18555,501,196 20,148,932 164,990 49,9.60 26,878 218,936 66,897 76,177,789.......................1860,.... 108,126,840 43,448,097 232,914 159,141 39,940 989,980 97,914 153,094,826........................ 1870, 2,046,452 105,305,869 21,465,452 152,742 61,012 15,541 594,886 59,706 129,701,660 " Rice............................1850,.... 5,688 258,854 2.312,252 2,719,856 4,425,349 63,179 88,203 9,873,381 "............................1860,........ 40,372 493,465 809,082 6,331,257 16,831 26,031 7,717,038.10 ".........3...................1870,.... 3,399 222,945 374,627 15,854,012 73,021 63,844 16,591,848 Cotton, bales, 400 lbs. each......... 1850,... 758 194,532 564,429 484,292 178,737 65,344 M8$ 72 1,546,164 " "...........1860,..... 296,464 989,955 1,202,507 777,738 367,393 431,46.3 4,065,520 " " " "...........1870, 2 1,080 181,842 429,482 564,938 350,832 247,968 350,623 2,126,767 Lbs. Wool,............................1850,.... 2,297,433 1,364,378 657,118 559,619 109,897 182,595 131,917 5,302,957 "............................1860,.... 2,329,105 1,405,236 775,117 665,959 290,847 410,3S2 1,493,738 7,370,384 " "............................1870, 1,593,541 2,284,450 1,389,762 381,253 288,285 140,428 214,784 1,251,328 7,493,831'> Fllax,............................1850,.... 2,100,116 368,131 3,921 665.... 12,291 1,048 2,486,172 "............................1860,.... 723,234 164,294 111 50.... 3,S21 115 896,625 "............................1870, 82,276 237,268 80,930 37 100.... 420 25 401,056 Tons Hemp,..................:.... 1850.... 17,787 595.... 7....15.... 18,404............................1860,.... 39,409 2,243........ 1 447 179 42,279 " "..........................1870, 37 7,777 1,033....3........5 8,855 Silk Cocoons,.........................1850,.... 1,2S1 1,923 167 2 29....22 3,424..........................1860,.... 340 71 815 10....5 27 768 " "..;................. 870,.... 1870,45 153.... 81 1.... 230 Forest Products.......................1870, $363,668 $574,994 $335,317 $85,933 $39,975 $92,596 $34,225 $66,81 $1,593,549 Value of Sawed Lumber, Shingles and Staves...............................1870, 1,478,399 3,662,086 3,390,687 1,359,083 2,160,667 1,212,037 1,344,403 1,960,851 16,568,213 PRODUCT OF MANUFACTURES of all kinds, 1859,.... 21,710,212 9,725,608 4,528,876 2,912,068 6,779,417 537,908 1,168,538 47,362,627......~ " 1860,... 37,931,2.10 17,987,225 10,588,566 6,590,687 15,587,473 2,880,573 6,577,202 9S,142,971 *" " " "1870, 241l02,201 54,625,809 34,362,636 13,040,644 8,154,758 24,161,905 4,629,234 11,517,302 174,594.489 STATES AND TERRITORIES ON THE PACIFIC AND IN THE INTERIOR WEST OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS. STATES. TERRITORIES. COMPARATIVE AMOUNTS IN.- ----, —-_ 1850, 1860 AND 1870. California. Nevada. Oregon. Washington. Idaho. Utah. New-Mexico. Arizona. TOTAL. Population...........................1850, 92,597.... 13,294........ 11,380 61,547.... 188,818 ".1....................... 860, 839,994 6,857 52,465 11,594.... 40,273 93,516.... 584,699 -~"..............1870, 660,247 42,491 90,923 23,955 14,999 86,786 91,874 9,658 920,933 LAiD xN FARMS. Acres improved,......................1850, 32,454.... 132,857.... 16,333 166,201.... 347,845,,,.....................1860, 2,468,034 14,132 896,414 81,869.... 77,219 149,274.... 3,686,942 "...................... 0, 6,218,133 92,644 1,116,290 192,016 26,603 118,755 143,007 14,585 7,922,033 " unimproved,...................1850, 3,861,531.... 299,951........ 30,516 124,370.... 4,316,368 "...................1860, 6,262,000 41,986 1,164,125 284,287.... 12,692 1,25,635.... 9,030,725 "................1870, 5,208,972 115,866 1,272,962 457,123 0,536 29,606 690542 7,222 7,832,829 Area of State in acres................. 1870, 122,707,840 68,640,000 59,975,360 44,796,160 55,228,160 54,064,640 77,568,640 72,906,240 555,887,040 3 Cash value of Farms.................. S50, $3,874,041.... $2,849,170........ $311,799 $1,653,922.... $8,679,932 " Farm. Implements, &c.,..1850, 103,483.... 183,423........ 84,288 77,960.... 449,154 " of Live Stock.............1850, 3,351,058.... 1,876,189....... 546,968 1,494,629.... 7,268,844 $16,397,930 Cash value of Farms,.. 1860, $48,726,804 $302,340 $15,200,593 $2,217,842.... $1,333,355 $2,707,886.... $70,488,320 " Farm. Implements, &c.,..1860, 2,558,506 11,081 952,313 190,402.... 242,889 192,917.... 4,148,126 " " of Live Stock.............1860, 35,585,017 177,638 5,946,255 1,099,911.... 1,516,707 4,499,746.... 48,825,274 $123,461,720 Cash value of Farms................. 1870, $141,240,028 $1,485,505 $22,352,989 $3,978,341 $492,860 $2,297,922 $2,260,139 $161,340 $174,269,134 F Parm. Implements, &c.,..1870, 5,316,690 163,718 1,293,717 280,551 59,295 291,390 121,114 20,105 7,546,580 " " of Live Stock.............. 1870, 37,964,752 1,445,449 6,828,675 2,103,343 520,580 2,149,814 2,389,157 143,996 53,545,766 $235,361,470 Population of 10 years and over engaged in Agriculture,.....................1870, 47,863 2,070 13,248 3,771 1,462 10,428 18,668 1,285 98,795 Average agricultural wealth of each,.. 1870,.....;........................ $2,382 STATES. r.ERRITORIES. COMPARATIVE AMOUNTS I,-.. I I -— % —-- -_ 1850,1860 AND 1870. California. Nevada. Oregon. Washington. Idaho. Utah. New-Mexico. Arizona. TOTA1. Total estimated value of all farm productions, including betterments and additions to stock,......................1870, $49,856,024 $1,659,713 $7,122,790 $2,111,902 $637,797 $1,973,142 $1,905,060 $277,998 $65,544,426 Wages paid during the year, including value of board....................... 1870, 10,369,247 438,350 719,875 215,522 153,007 133,695 523,888 104,620 12,658,204 PRODUCTS IN DETAIL-CEREALS. Bushels Wheat harvested............. 1850, 17,328.... 211,943........ 107,702 196,516.... 533,489 " " "............1860, 5,928,470 3,631 826,776 86,219... 384,892 434,309.... 7,664,297 " " "............1870, 16,672,702 228,866 2,340,746 217,043 75,650 558,473 352,822 27,052 20,473,354 " Indian Corn................1850, 12,236.... 20,918........ 9,899 365,411.... 408,464 " "................1860, 510,708 460 76,122 4,712.... 90,482 709,304.... 1,391,788 " " "................1870, 1,221,222 9,660 72,138 21,781 5,750 99,557 640,823 32,041 2,102,972 " Oats........................1850,........ 61,214.... 10,900 5.... 72,119."........................1860, 1,043,006 1,082 885,673 134,334.... 63,211 7,246.... 2,134,552 co "........................1870, 1,757,507 55,916 2,029,909 255,169 100,119 65,650 67,660 25 4,331,955 0 R" ye,........................1850,.... 106........ 210........ 316 "..........................1860, 52,140 98 2,704 144.... 754 1,300.... 57,140 ".......................1870, 26,275 310 3,890 4,453 1,756 1,312 42.... 38,038 " Buckwheat,.1850,.................1850,............. 332 100.... 432 "...............1860, 76,857.... 2,749 707.... 68 6.... 80,387 ".................1870, 21,928 985 1,645 316.... 178 10.... 25,062 " Barley,....................1850, 9,712.i.............. 1,799 6.... 11,516 "....................... 1860, 4,415,426 1,597 26,254 4,621.... 9,976 6,099.... 4i463,973 "......................1870, 8,783,490 295,452 210,736 55,787 72,316 49,117 3,876 55,077 9,525,851 TOTAL C=REAL PRODUCT OP THE EIGHT STATES AND TERRITORIES AND RATIO TO TOTAL POPULATION. Product in Eight p ai Cereals Wheat States and Territories. Poulatiwn perHead. per Head. 1850,........................... 1,026,336 188,818 5.9 2.9 1860........................... 15,792,137 584,699 23. 12.1 1870............................. 36,497,232 920,933 39.6 22.2 STATES. TERRITOBrIs. FLOURING AND GRIST MILL PRODUCTS ST-TS —- -T-RR- --- s IN 1850, 1860 AD) 1870. California. Nevada. Oregon. Washington. Idaho. Utah. New-Mexico. Arizona. TOTAL. Bushels Grain ground,................1870, 8,127,131 73,550 1,849,623 287,957 81,200 517,288 358,810 28,000 11,326,559 Value,................................1870, $7,090,541 $80,100 $1,274,286 $214,038 $162,5C0 $5S2,q.55 $437,131 $48,100 $9,889,651 Value of Product,...................... 1870, 9,036,386 97,920 1,972,444 321,103 211,010 782,846 725,292 75,000 13,222,001 Bushels Potatoes...................1850, 9,292.... 91,326........ 43,968 3.... 144,589 44....................1860, 1,789,463 5,686 303,319 163,594.... 141,001 5,223.... 2,408,2S6 " "..................1870, 2,049,227 129,249 481,710 280,719 64,534 323,645 3,102 575 3,332,761 " Sweet Potatoes,,............ 1850, 1,000................ 60........ 1,060''.............1860, 214,307 200 335 18...... 1 80.... 215,040 " " ~.............1870, 202,035.... 1,970 425 163 16 204,609 Lbs. Cane Sugar,..................... 1850,........................... 11 ~ 11 1870o Gls" " " M e.....................1860,................................ " ".....................1850,..........................1 StlMaple" C.....................1850,....................................'................1860,........... Ga ls. 186e 55.... 1...,918, 4 6 G & 44..............e.e..18609.... e.... Maple 1................33........ 24.... 67458 4,236.... 4,318 Ocards ro M ts s...............1850,.... 7............ 40 $........46 St.10 7.... 4 7, 2 10,.......30.80 1348 $97Sorghum16 $7................ 1850 me "t................1850, 55....315............ 58,36....,292 41 11 44................1870. 333 3,651.... 612... 67,446 1,?65 73,807 Orchard products..................... $17,700.... $1,271.... $27,202:" ".....................1860, 754,236 478,479 $20,619.... $9,281 19,651... 1,282,266 11 "....................1870, 1,384,480 $900 810,041'71,863 $2 43,938 13,609.... 1,825,556 Galls. Domestic Wine,.................1850, 58,055....................60,418.................1860, 246,518.... 2,603 179 60 8,260.... 257,620 " "................1870, 1,814,656 711 1,751 235.... 3,131 19,686.... 1,840,170 COMPARATIVE AM. uN~s IN ____ STATES. TERRITORIES. COXPABATIVE AouNTs n If —- e-.... 1850, 1860 AND 1870. California. Nevada. Oregon. Washington. Idaho. Utah. New-Mexico. Arizona. TOTAL. Market garden products................ 1850, $75,275.... $90,241........ $23,868 $6,679... $196,063.............1860, 1,161,855 $2,225 75,605 $24,399.... 9,830 17,664.... 1,291,578 "~...............1870, 1,059,779 31,235 105,371 74,462 $24,577 8,700 64,132 $2,850 1,371,106 Bushels Peas and Beans..............1850, 2,292.... 6,566.... 289 15,688.... 24,835 ~" ~................1860, 165,574 15 34,407 10,850.... 2,535 38,514.... 251,895............., 380,010 414 12,575 15,790 610 9,291 28,856 3,417 450,963 Tons Hay,.............................1850, 2,038.... 373........ 4,805........7,216 ".............................1860, 305,655 2,213 27,986 4,580.... 19,235 1,113.... 360,782 " ".............................1870, 551,773 33,855 75,357 30,233 6,985 27,305 4,209 109 729,826 Bushels Clover, Flax and Grass Seeds, 1850,.....,..26....... 7........33 tl" ~ " " " ~ 1860, 376.... 5,322 348....185....... 6,231 " " " " 1870, 15,623 71 12,208 1,566 14 5.......29,487 AIMALS.' Horses,................................1850, 21,719.... 8,046........ 2,429 5,079.... 37,273 "..................1~.....1....860, 160,610 541 36,772 4,772.... 4,565 10,066.... 217,326."...........;..............1870, 192,373 7,520 51,702 11,138 2,151 11,068 5,033 335 281,220 Working Oxen,-....... 1850, 4,780... 8,114........ 5,266 12,257.... 30,417..........................1860, 26,004 620 7,469 2,571.... 9,168 25,266.... 71,098.........................1870, 5,944 2,443 2,441 2,181 522 3,479 19,774 587 37,371 Other Cattle.......................... 1850, 253,599.... 24,188........ 2,49 10,085.... 290,361............................1860, 948,731 3,904 93,492 16,228.... 12,959 29,094.... 1,104,408 9L ~i " "..........................1870, 461,361 22,899 69,431 28,135 5,763 18,138 21,343 3,607 630,677 Milch Cows......................, 4280.... 50, 4,09,427 4.... 4,861 10,635.... 29,203 t....~.........................1860, 205,407 947 53,170 9,660.... 11,967 31,369.... 815,520...............................1870, 164,093 6,174 48,325 16,938 4,171 17,563 16,417 938 274,619 Sheep................................. 1850, 17,574.... 15,382........ 3,262 377,271.... 413,489 I 87,332 830,116 ~~~~~~~~~~.... 2,05o0o..................................1860, 1,088,002 376 86,052 10,157.... 87,332 830,116.... 2,052,035...................1870, 2,768,187 11,018 318,123 44,063 1,021 59,672 619,438 803 3,822,325 STATES. T ITOIS. COMPARATIVE AMOUNTS IN -"' —' —------- 1850, 1860 AND 1870. California. Nevada. Oregon. Washington. Idaho. Utah. New-Mexico. Arizona. ToTA. Hogs................................. 1850, 2,776.... 30,235.... 914 7,314.... 41,239 ".................................1860, 456,396 3,571 81,615 6,883.... 6,707 10,313.... 6565.485 ".................................1870, 444,617 8,295 119,455 17,491 2,316 8,150 11,267 720 602,311 Value of Animals slaughtered or sold for slaughter, 1850, $107,173.... $164,530....... $67,935 $82,125.... $421,813 " " 1860, 3,449,823 $9,385 648,465 $80,909........ 244,862 $347,105 4,780,549 6 6 C. 16, 34.9,2 W 6845 $099..... 17,8272,65 940 8,337 " t'* 1870, 6,112,503 104,471 1,365,737 292,280 $57,932 172,382 224,765 9,400 8,339,470 " of Leather tanned............. 1870, 751,046.... 73,555 24,465.... 49,964........ 899,030 DAIRY STOCK AND PRODUCTS. Lbs. Butter,........................... 1850, 705.... 211,464.... 3....,309 111.... 295,589..........................1860, 3,095,035 7,700 1,000,157 153,092.... 316,046 13,259.... 4,585.289...........1870, 7,969,744 110,880 1,418,373 407,306 111,480 310,335 12,912 800 10,341,830 " " per cow,.................1870, 48 17 29 24 26 17........37 " Cheese..........................1850, 150.... 36,980........ 30,998 5,843.... 73,976 ~ ".........................1860, 1,343,689.... 105,379 12,146.... 53,331 37,240.... 1,551,785 co..........................1870, 3,395,074.... 79,33 17,465 4,464 69,603 27,239 14,500 3,607,678 " Butter and Cheese,...............1850, 855.... 248,444.... 114,307 5,959.... 369,565....................1860, 4,438,724 7,700 1,105,536 165,238.... 369,377 50,499.... 6,137,074 * " C t...............1870, 11,364,818 110,880 1,497,706 424,771 115,944 379,938 40,151 15,300 13,949,508 t" " " " per Cow from Dairies,................................. 1870, 69 17 30 25 27 21 2 16 50 Lbs. Factory Cheese,..................1870,........ 49,000.................... 49,000 " " " per Cow,.........1870,.... I....1..........1 Gallons Milk sold...................... 1870, 3,693,021 63,850 107,367 21,060 11,250 11,240 813 4,800 3,913,401 Lbs. Honey and Bees Wax................ 10 2 1....12 " " " "............1860, 12,860.... 1,000 5,820................ 19,680 " " " 1...........1870, 299,229 363 68,065 26,265.... 588........ 394,510 Hops,...........................1850,........ 8........ 50....... 58 "..........................., 80.... 493 44....545........ 1,162 " "............................1870, 625,064.... 9,745 6,162 21 322........ 641,314 STATES. TERRITORIES. COMPARATIVE AMOUNTS IN............ 1850,'1860 AND) 1870. California. Nevada. Oregon. Washington. Idaho. Utah. New-M'exico. Arizona. TOTAL. Lbs. Tobacco,.........................1850, 1,000.... 325........ 70 8,467.... 9,862.........................1860, 3,150.... 405 10........ 7,044.... 10,609.........................1870, 63,809 25 3,847 1,682........ 8,587 10 78,050, Rice.1,..........................................................1860, 2,140.... 2.....140 ". 1870,............................ Cotton, bales, 400 lbs. each...... 1850,....................... tl; " " tl "......1860,................:::: "~~~ ~~~~~~~~~136'19... "155 1870, 134 106............ 22...... 162 "Wool............................1850, 5,520.... 29,686........ 9,222 32,901....7 329............................1860, 2,683,109. 330 219,012 19,819... 74,765 492,645.... 389680............................1876, 11,391,743 27,029 1,080,638 162,713 3,415 109,018 684,930 679 13,460,165 " Flax.1850,....... 640....180.... 550........ 1190 c.................................. 162........ 4,343........ 4505S..........1870, 31,740.... 40,474........ 10........ 72,224 Tons Hemp.180............................1850,..... I 1...........................1870", 20............ "".Silk.Cocoons.1........... 180,.............. "t " " "'......................... 18.. ~~~~8 0 4 16.................... 58 "Wo..........................1870, 3,5872.... 2,8........ 9,2 2 91...'.[ ~, ^8~ Foiest products....................... 1870, $566,017 $0,700 $259,220 $19,705... $500.... $882,942 Value of Sawed Lumber, Shingles and Staves,..............................1870, 5,227,064 432,500 1,014,211 1,307,585 $56,850 661,431 121,225 $10,000 8,830,866 PRODUCT OP MANUFACTURES of all kinds, 1850, 12,862,522.... 2,236,640........ 291,220 249,910.... 15,640292 " 1860, 68,253,28.... 2,976,761 1,406,921.... 900,153 1,249,123.... 74,786186 " 1870, 66594,556 15,870,539 6,877,387 2,851,05..1047,624 2,343,019 1,489,868 185,410 97,259,455 TERRITORIES EAST OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS. [A portion of Colorado is woest and a portion of New-Mexico is east of the Rocky Mountains.] BY CENSUS OF 1870, Colorado..Dakota. Wyoming. Montana. TOTAL. Population........................................... 1870, 89,864.... 14,181.... 9,118.... 20,595.... 3,758 LAND IN FARMS. Acres improved............................................1870, 95,594.... 42,645.... 338... 84,674.... 223,251 " unimproved.........................................1870, 224,752.... 259,731.... 4,003.... 54,863.... 543,349 Area of Territory, acres,...................................1870, 66,880,000.... 96,596,480'.. 66,832,320.... 92,016,640.... 322,325,440 Cash Value of Farms.......................................1870, $3,385,748.... $2,085,265.... $18,187.... $729,193.... $6,218,393 " Farming Implements and Machinery........1870, 2T2,601.... 142,612.... 5,723.... 145,438.... 566,377 " " Live Stock,...................................1870, 2,871,102.... 779,952.... 441,795.... 1,818,693.... 5,911,542 $12,696,312 Population of 10 years and over engaged in agriculture.....1870, 6,462.... 2,522.... 165.. 2,111.... 11,260 C Average wealth of each.................................... 1870,............................... $1,127 Total yearly value of all farm products, including betterments and increase of stock.....................................1870, $2,335,106.... $495,657.... $42,760.... $1,676,660.... $4,550,183 Wages paid during the year, including value of board..... 1870, 416,236.... 71,156.... 3,015.... 325,213.... 815,680 PRODUCTS IN DETAIL-Q(EREALS. Bushels Wheat harvested.................................. 1870, 258,474.... 170,662............ 181,184.... 610,320 " Indian Corn........................................1870, 231,903.... 1:33,140......... 320.... 365,363 " Oats,...............................................1870, 332,940.... 114,327.... 100.... 149,367.... 596,734 Rye,................................... 1870, 5,235................ 1,141.... 6,376 " Buckwheat........................................1870, 178.... 179............ 988.... 1,345 Barley.............................................1870, 35,141... 4,118........ 85,756.... 125,015 TOTAL CEREAL PRODUCT OF THE FOUR TERRITORIES AND RATIO TO TOTAL POPULATION. Product in Cereals Wheat the Four Territories. Popuaon.per Head. per Head, 180,................... 1,705,153 83,758 20.3 7.3 BY CIENsus op 1870. (Colorado. Dakota. Wyoming. Montana. TOTAL. FLOUR AND GRIST MILL PRODUCTS. Bushels Grain ground.......................................1870, 344,787.... 75,000........... 200,630.... 620,417 Value,.......................................................1870, $439,706.... $60,680............ $366,070.... $S66,456 Value of Products............................................ 1870, 616,856.... 80,990........ 480,859.... 1,178,705 Bushels Irish Potatoes,.....................................1870, 121,442.... 50,177.... 617.... 91,477.... 264,713 " Sweet Potatoes,.................. 1870, 60.......................... 60 Lbs. Cane Sugar.............................................1870,...................................... " Maple "............................ 1870,............................... Galls. Cane Molasses,......... 1..............................1S70,............................ " Maple "....................................... 1870........ " Sorghum"........................................1870,............ 1,230 Sorghum ".. 1870,........ 20.................... 1,230 Orchard Products...........................................1870, $9.......................... $9 Galls. Domestic Wine,.............. 1870, 67 co Market Garden Products,.................................. 1S70, $55,020.. $500............ $35,130.... $90,650 Bushels Peas and Beans,.........................1870, 7,500.... 456 4.... 2,414.... 10,374 Tons Hay,................................................1870, 19,787.... 13,347....'3,180.... 18,727.... 55,041 Bu.chels Clover, Flax and Grass Seeds,......................1870,........................ 31.... 31 AA LS. Horses...................................................... 1870, 6,446.... 2,514.584.... 5,289.... 14,833 Working Oxen,....1870, 5,566.... 2,125.... 922.... 1,761.... 10,.374 Other Cattle,..................................... 1870, 40,153.... 6,191.... 9,501.... 22,545.... 78,390 DAmY STOCK AND PRODUCTS. 3Milch Cows..................................................1870, 25017.... 4,151.... 707.... 12,432.... 42,307 Sheep........................................................1870, 120,928.... 1,901.... 6,409.... 2,024.... 131,262 ogs,... 1870, 5,509.... 2,033.... 146..2. 2,599.... 10,287 Value of Animals slaughtered, or sold for slaughter,.......... 1870, $252,391.... $22,066.... $11,712.... $169,092.... $455,264 Value of Leather Tanned,...................................... 18.... BY CENSUS OF 1870. Colorado. Dakota. JVyomtng. Montana. TOTAL. DAIRY PRODUCTS. Lbs. Butter,..................................................1870, 392,920.... 209,735.... 1,200.... 408,080.... 1,011,935 " Cheese,................................................1870, 33,626.... 1,850............ 25,603.... 61,079 " Butter and Cheese,................................... 1870, 426,546.... 211,585.1,200 433,68.... 1,073,014 "Butter and Cheese, per Cow, from Dairies,............. 1870, 17.... 51.... 1.... 34.... 25 " Factory Cheese.....................................1870,. 4,000.................. 4,000 " per Cow............................... 1870, Galls. Milk sold.............................................1870, 19,520........ 4,980.... 105,186.... 129,686 Lbs. Honey and Beeswax,....................... 1870,........ 116.................. 116 t Hops,...................................................1870,................ "Tobacco,.........................................1870, 890.................... 600.... 1,490 " Rice....................................................1870,.............. " Cotton,................................................1870,.................... Wool,..................................................1870, 204,925.... 8,810.... 30,000.... 100.... 243,835 " Flax,...................................................1870,............ Tons Hemp...1870,.... Tons Hemp,..................................................1870,................................ Lbs. Silk Cocoons,........1870,.................................. Forest Products.............................................1870,........ $700.... $918.... $1,618 Value of Sawed Lumber, Shingles and Staves...............1870, $324,370.... $72,280.... $268,000.... $130,957.... $1,095,607 PRODUCTS OF MANUFACTURES of all kinds,................. 1870, 2,852,820.... 178,570.... 765,424..... 2,494,511.... 6,291,325 The Census of the United States does not state the products of Alaska, nor of the "Indian Territory," a fertile region of 68,991 square miles, (or 44,154,940 acres,) lying west of Arkansas. The " DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA," formerly 10 miles square, (or 64,000 acres,) now reduced to 43,712 acres, produced, in 1870, with a population of 131,700, cereal products, 44,043 bushels; hay, 4,495 tons; garden products, value, $112,034; value of farms, including utensils and live stock, $3,954,956; value of products of all manufactures, $9,292,172. It will be seen, that the preceding tables, which are topographically re-arranged from the Census by the proximity of the States and Territories to navigable waters, seek only to embrace the agricultural products and the lands used for agriculture in the different portions of the United States. The statistics of the products of manufactures are given in general terms at the foot of each grand division, only for the purpose of showing domestic equivalents to that extent, exchangeable for the products of agriculture, and of thereby exhibiting these immense elements of the inter-State commerce of the United States. 38 SUMMARY OF PRINCIPAL PRODUCTS BY GROUPS OF STATES AND TERRITORIES. 30th June, 1840. 1850. 1860. 1870. I. NORTH EASTERN.-Six New-England States. Area, 43,742,720 acres. Acres improved, 11,997,540. Population......................... 2,234,822 2,728,116 3,135,283 3,487,924 Cash Value of Farms, (including farming utensils and machinery and live stock,)...................... $435,154,525 $561,467,417 $707,942,439 Bushels of Cereals, viz., Wheat, Rye, Indian Corn, Oats, Barley and Buckwheat,................. 20,107,129 22,069,147 24,758,165 20,485,924 Wheat, (included in Cereals,)...... 2,014,120 1,090,894 1,083,193 1,000,193 Tons of Hay...................... 3,083,752 3,463,652 3,869,200 3,936,560 Lbs.Butter and Cheese from dairies, 64,603,464 71,043,784 73,106,515 60,853,726 Cheese from factories......................... 5,124,595 Value of Animals slaughtered or sold for slaughter.................. $10,401,658 $15,987,239 $22,962,001 Products of all manufactures,.... 283,372,747 468,599,287 1,009,116,732 II. MIDDLE ATLANTIC STATES.-NewYork to Delaware, inclusive. Area, 66,201,600 acres. Acres improved, 29,817,760. Population,........................ 4,604,345 5,990,267 7,570,201 8,935,821 Cash Value of Farms, (including as above,)............................. $1,270,886,656 $1,928,653,403 $3,028,551,710 Bushels of Cereals.................. 122,801,227 152,484,764 182,487,709 195,703,985 Wheat, (included in Cereals,)...... 26,588,863 30,572,890 24,399,429 35,048,339 Tons of Hay........................ 4,796,034 6,037,876 6,355,905 9,026,289 Lbs. Butter and Cheese from dairies, 90,751,036 182,802,420 225,141,336 201,373,873 Cheese from factories,.......................... 80,093,622 Value of Animals slaughtered, &c.,.... $24,865,048 $33,934,130 $64,618,188 Products of all manufactures,.......... 487,142,711 755,191,133 168,348,109 III. CENTRAL INTERIOR.-Ten States north of Ohio Ri ver, (Ohio to Kan. sas and Nebraska, inclusive.) Area, 384,510,080 acres. Acres improved, 78,366,864. Population......................... 3,351,542 6,403,595 9,091,879 12,966,930 Cash Value of Farms, (including as above,).............................. $914,627,424 $2,523,255,738 $5,132,815,399 Bushels of Cereals,................ 166,204,291 311,652,066 577,255,715 812,151,925 Wheat, (included in Cereals,)...... 27,517,732 43,842,038 95,004,185 195,768,918 Tons of Hay....................... 1,593,777 3,336,319 7,059,190 12,439,892 Lbs.Butter and Cheese from dairies, 20,830,488 105,110,250 181,307,799 223,366,845 Cheese from factories,......................... 23,903,742 Value of Animals slaughtered, &c.,.... $25,419,079 $62,722,801 $208,586,441 Products of all manufactures........... 146,348,545 346,675,290 1,072,933,358 39 30th June, 1840. 1850. 1860. 1870. IV. SOUTHEASTERN.-Atlantic States, (.llaryland to Florida, inclusive.) Area, 158,071,520 acres. Acres improved, 26,916,356. Population........................ 3,803,502 4,535,871 5,177,407 5,154,881 Cash Value of Farms, (including as above,)............................. $6S3,126,567 $1,168,833,983 $749,022,625 Bushels of Cereals................. 147,670,261 166,313,045 180,454,033 111,307.101 Wheat, (included in Cereals.)...... 18,186,950 19,99)3,236 27,811,515 18,963,776 Tons of Hay,..................... 615,549 719,591 963,755 527,742 Lbs. Butter and Cheese from dairies, 22,910,274 27,641,865 32,854,787 22,402,. 19 Cheese from factories,................. 61,300 Value of Animals slaughtered, &c.,.... $25,982,736 $42,902,013 $54,164,957 Cotton, bales of 400 lbs.,........... 731,598 923,915 1,278,646 8S3,:341 lTobacco, lbs........................ 117,225,164 91,692,333 197,085,052 64,502.59G Rice, "...................... 76,280,164 205,439,416 179,434,085 57,043,173 Cane Sugar, hhds....................... 5,063 3,072 2,686 Products of all manufactures........... $86,553,336 $187,054,607 $179,719,761 V. SOUTHWESTERN.-Interior States south of Ohio River, and on Gulf of Mexico, (W. Virginia to Texas, inclusive.) Area, 366,317,120 acres. Acres improved, 33,669,029. Population........................ 3,025,430 4,303,522 5,768,658 6,876,424 Cash Value of Farms, (including as above),............................. $645,258,155 $1,672,117,171 $1,254,614,196 Bushels of Cereals,.................. 158,662,169 207,486,080 238,798,127 209,008,672 Wheat, (included in Cereals,)...... 10,503,460 4,436,027.17,128,600 16, 97,464 Tons of Hay....................... 157,665 211,109 471,029 598,679 Lbs.Butter and Cheese from dairies, 13,265,178 31,324,361 44,132,365 39,106,879 Cheese from factories,.............. 24(,000 Value of Animals slaughtered, &c.,.... $25,062,395 $53,235,743 $63,151,535 Cotton, bales of 400 lbs............. 1,243,792 1,546,164 4,065,520 2,126,767 Tobacco, lbs....................... 83,612,377 76,177,789 153,094,826 129,701,038 Rice, "................. 4,560,555 9,813,359 7,700,207 16,591,859 Cane Sugar, hhds....................... 242,514 227,508 84,302 Products of all manufactures....... $47,362,627 $98,142,971 $174,594,489 VI. STATES AND TERRITORIES ON THE PACIFIC AND IN THE INTERIOR WEST OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS, ( California, Oregon, Vevada, Washington, Idaho, Utah, Arizona and New-Mexico.) Area, 555,887,040 acres. Acres improved, 7,922,033. Population.................... 188,818 684,699 920,933 Cash Value of Farms, (including as above,).............. $16,397,930 $123,461,720 $235,861,470 Bushels of Cereals,.............. 1,026,336 15,792,137 36,497,232 Wheat, (included in Cereals,)... 533,489 7,664,297, 20,473,354 Tons of Hay...... 7,216 360,782 729,826 Lbs.Butter and Cheese from dairies,.... 869,565 6,137,074 13,049,503 Cheese from factories..................... 49,000 Value of Animals slaughtered, &c.,.... $421,813 $4,780,549 $8,339,470 Tobacco, lbs.,.... 9,862 10,609 78,050 Cotton, bales of 400 lbs........ 155 16g Products of all manufactures.......... $15,640,292 $74,786,186 $97,259,455 40 30ot June, 1840, 1850. 1860. 1870. VII. TERRITORIES IN AND EAST OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS, (Colorado, Montana, Wyoming and Dakota.) Area, 322,325,440 acres. Acres improved, 223,251. Population............................. 89,114 83,758 Cash Value of Farms, (including as above,)..................... $12,697,312 Bushels of Cereals............................. 1,705,153 Wheat, (included in Cereals,)................ 610,820 Tons of Hay,........................... 55,041 Lbs.Butter and Cheese from dairies,............ 1,073,014 Cheese from factories,............. 4,000 Value of Animals slaughtered, &c.,........ $455,264 Tobacco, lbs.,................................. 1,490 Sheep...................................... 131,262 Products of all manufactures,............ $6,291,325 VIII. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Area, 43,722 acres. Population......................... 43,712 51,687 75,080 131,700 Cash Value of Farms, (including as above,).............. $1,842,343 $3,153,315 $3,839,680 Bushels of Cereals,..................... 96,702 130,687 44,033 Tons of Hay....................... 2,279 8,180 2,019 Lbs.Butter and Cheese from dairies,.... 16,372 18,835 4.495 Market Garden Products,.................. $112,(34 Products of all manufactures........... $2,690,258 $5,412,102 $9,292,172 GENERAL SUMMARY OF TIlE UNITED STATES. 30th June, 1840. 1850. 1860. 1870. Area, (exclusive of Alaska,) 1,897,055,520 acres. Acres improved, 188,912,833. Population......................... 17,069,453 23,191,876 31,443,321 38,558,371 Cash Value of Farms, including farming implements and machinery and live stock,............... $3,967,343,580 $7,980,493,063$11,124,958,747 Bushels of Cereals,................ 615,535,077 867,453,967 1,239,039,947 1,387,279,223 Wheat, (included in Cereals,)...... 84,811,175 100,468,574 172,933,579 287,745,626 Tons of Hay....................... 10,246,777 13,838,642 19,083,896 27,316,048 Butter and Cheese, lbs........... 202,410,440 418,881,199 563,345,299 677,017,095 Value of Animals slaughtered or sold for slaughter................... $111,703,142 $213,618,682 $398,956,376 Tobacco, lbs.,......................... 199,752,655 434,299,461 262,735,341 Cotton, bales of 400 lbs.,........ 2,469,093 5,387,052 3,011,996 Rice, lbs............................ 215,313,487 187,167,032 73,635,021 Cane Sugar, hhds................... 267,577 230,932 87,943 Products of all manufactures,.... $1,019,106,616 $1,885,861,676 $4,232,325,493 [The values in the preceding tables for the years 1850 and 1860 are expressed in currency redeemable in gold; those for 1870 in paper, the gold premium in that year being 123 pei cent.] 41 EXPLANATORY. THE preceding summary embraces only a portion of the large mass of particulars in respect to all the States and Territories, which are contained in the extended and detailed tables, from page 5 to page 37, inclusive. They have been prepared mainly for the purpose of verifying the general results stated in the summary, beyond the possibility of doubt or cavil in any quarter, however prejudiced or ill-disposed. Each of those tables occupies six pages, and follows the order of groups or grand divisions of States presented in the summary. Disregarding alphabetical arrangement, the States are classified only by their comparative proximity to navigable waters. The particulars, all of which are derived from official statements in the Census of the United States, are now placed by triplets in juxtaposition, so as to exhibit in respect to each, the amount shown at the close of the three decades ending in 1850, 1860 and 1870. By this arrangement, the tables show at a glance the comparative effects upon the various branches and subdivisions of agriculture, produced by the four years of war, closing in 1865. In each of these grand divisions, the separate heads are consecutively arranged as follows: Total Population; Acres Improved; Acres Unimproved; Area of State in Acres; Value of Farms, of Farming Implements and Machinery, and Live Stock; Population engaged in Agriculture; Yearly Product of Farms; Wages Paid during the Year; Cereals, under the separate heads, Wheat, Indian Corn, Oats, Rye, Buckwheat, Barley; Flouring and Grist Mills Products; Potatoes; Maple Sugar and Molasses; Orchard Products; Domestic Wines; Market Garden Products; Peas and Beans; Hay; Clover, Flax and Grass Seeds; Horses; Oxen; Other Cattle; Milch Cows; Sheep; Swine, tabulated as Hogs; Animals Slaughtered; Leather; Butter and Cheese in Dairies and Factories; Average pounds per Cow; Honey and Wax; Hops; Tobacco; Rice; Cotton; Wool; Flax; Hemp, Silk Cocoons; Forest Products; Sawed Lumber, Staves, &c., General Product of all Manufactures. It will be seen that many interesting facts are stated for 1870, which had not been collected under any census in any previous year. A brief outline is prefixed, from page 1 to page 4, presenting the meagre details obtained from the census taken in 1840, which had been confined by Congress to a comparatively narrow field of inquiry. The distinguished Superintendent of the United States Census for 1870, in his "Remarks on Wealth," treating the exaggeration in prices by the paper currency as having been far less on " fixed capital" (such as farms) than on " commodities immediately merchantable," (such as wheat or cotton, when carried to market,) expresses the opinion, that the valuation of the latter " cannot have been increased by less than 30 to 40 per cent." The actual value of the farms of the United States must depend very largely, if not wholly, on their yearly product and its accessibility to market. If any considerable portion of that product is carried to Europe, the price of that portion can only be measured by the actual " money" of Europe, in gold or silver, which price in its turn must largely affect, if it do not control, the price in the United States. 42 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT BY GEOGRAPHICAL DIVISIONS. I. CEREAL PRODUCTS. NORTHERN- 1840. 1850. 1860. 1870. NEW-ENGLAND STATES,....bushels, 20,107,120 22,069,147 24,758,665 20,485,714 MIDDLE ATLANTIC STATES, (NewYork to Delaware, inclusive,).... 122,899,127 152,484,769 182,487,709 195,703,985 INTERIOR STATES, north of Ohio River, (Ohio to Kansas, inclusive,) 166,204,291 311,652,066 577,255,715 812,151,925 Total.......................... 309,210,438 486,206,977 784,502,089 1,028,341,574 SOUTHERNSOUTHERN ATLANTIC STATES, (Maryland to Florida, inclusive,)....... 147,678,261 166,363,045 180,451,033 111,723,089 INTERIOR STATES, south of the Ohio River and on Gulf of Mexico, (West Virginia to Texas, inclusive,)............................. 158,662,169 214,280,003 258,136,372 209,007,169 Total........................... 306,310,430 380,643,048 438,587,405 320,730,258 * Cotton, bales, 400 lbs.1....... 1,975,390 2,470,079 5,344,165 3,010,108 WESTERNPACIFIC STATES AND ADJACENT TERRITORIES, (California, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah, New-Mexico and Arizona,)........... 1,026,336 15,792,137 36,497,232 TERRITORIES in and east of the Rocky Mountains,........................... 1,705,153 II. " CASH VALUE OF. FARMS," "FARMING IMPLEMENTS AND MACHINERY," AND " LIVE STOCK." NORTHERN- 1850. 1860. 1870. NEW-ENGLAND STATES,......................... $435,154,525 $561,467,417 $707,942,439 MIDDLE ATLANTIC STATES,..................... 1,270,886,656 1,928,053,403 3,028,551,350 INTERIOR STATES, north of Ohio River,........ 914,672,424 2,523,255,738 5,132,815,399 Total..................................... $2,620,713,605 $5,012,776,558 $8,869,309,368 SOUTHERNSOUTHERN ATLANTIC STATES.................. $683,126,567 $1,168,833,983 $749,022,625 INTERIOR STATES, south of Ohio River and on Gulf of Mexico,............................. 645,258,155 1,672,117,171 1,254,614,196 Total...................................... $1,328,384,702 $2,840,951,154 $2,003,636,821 WESTERNPACIFIC STATES AND TERRITORIES adjacent,... $16,397,930 $123,461,720 $235,361,470 TERRITORIES in and east of Rocky Mountains,........ 12,696,312 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA,....................... $1,842,343 $3,159,315 $3,839,680 * The fact that the product of cotton in the United States, (used so largely in clothing the population of Europe,) though temporarily diminished by the war, had nevertheless increased in 1870 more than twenty per cent. over the product in 1850, is of world-wide importance. 43 1870. Comparative Valuation by the Acre of the "Farms," &c., in the United States. [The Valuation of Farms includes the unimproved acres in each. The Farms embrace less than one-fourth of the total area of the States and Territories.] Valuation Improved Unimp'd Per Acre Net yearly Rate GROUPS OF STATES. of Farms. Acres. Acres. Improved. Product. percent. New-England States........ $707,942,439 11,997,540 7,572,323 $66.00 $124,098,254 17 Middle Atlantic States,..... 3,023,551,710 29,817,760 14,409,083 100.00 420,724,620 13 North of the Ohio........... 5,132,815,399 78,366,864 60,546,029 66.00 887,532,782 17 Southern Atlantic,......... 749,022,625 26,916,356 58,704,806 38.00 220,789,337 29 Southwestern,south ofOhio, 1,254,614,196 33,669,029 74,202,612 28.00 418,091,476 33 Pacific States & Territories, 235,361,470 7,922,033 7,832,829 57.00 52,886,722 22 Territories east of Rocky Mountains................. 12,696,312 223,251 543,349 56.00 3,784,503 29 188,912,833 218,811,031 Separate States of the Group " North of the Ohio." Valuation Improved Unimp'd Per Acre Net yearly Rate STATES. of Farms. Acres. Acres. Improved. Product. percent. Ohio......................... $1,200,458,541 14,469,133 7,243,287 $82.96 $181,776,129 15 Indiana..................... 736,257,562 10,104,279 8,015,369 72.86 113,238,954 15 Michigan.................. 461,762,426 5,096,939 4,922,203 90.60 73,087,492 15 Illinois,.................... 1,104,839,631 19,329,952 6,552,909 57.15 188,521,818 17. Wisconsin,................. 359,964,310 5,899,343 5,815,978 64.42 69,844,922 19 Minnesota,................. 124,687,403 2,322,102 4,161,726 53.65 28,987,199 23 Iowa,...................... 496,159,156 9,396,467 6,145,326 52.70 105,008,863 21 Missouri,... 492,789,746 9,130,615 12,576,605 53.97 94,258,272 19 Kansas...... 117,553,537 1,971,003 3,685,876 59.13 25,111,199 21 Nebraska................... 38,343,087 647,031 1,426,750 59.26 7,722,264 20 $5,132,815,399 78,366,864 60,546,029 Comparative Cereal and Dairy Products of States near the Ocean and States tn the Interior. Agricul- Value net Products Pounds Value of GROUPS OF STATES. tural Popu- yearly Bushels per of Dairy Per Animals lation. Products. of Cereals. head. Products. head. slaught'd. The four Middle Atlantic States, New-York, NewJersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware........... 713,475 $420,724,620 195,703,670 174 *281,467,495 395 $64,618,188 The ten Interior States north of the Ohio and on the Upper Lakes and Upper Mississippi and Missouri Rivers,........... 2,032,821 887,532,782 812,151,925 396 t252,270,587 124 208,586,441 [The States on the Upper Mississippi send oats and Indian corn in large quantities to feed the milch cows in the upland and midland counties of New-York. Their comparative productiveness in each of the States and Territories, is fully shown in the detailed tables.] Yearly Supplies of Wheat for each Group, (estimating six bushels yearly per head for its local population.) Yearly Surplusfor exDeficiencies. port beyond the New-England States.............19,926,851 local consumpMiddle Atlantic............. 18,566,587 tion. Southern...... 12,015,510 States north of the Ohio River,.. 116,962,328 Southwestern Atlantic States,.... 24,361,080 " on the Pacific,............ 14,947,756 District of Columbia.............. 770,000 " and Territories east of the' - _ Rocky Mountains............. 17,972 75,640,028 131,928,056 * By 2,214,511 Milch Cows, (average 126 lbs.) t By 3,289,856 Milch.Cows, (average 76 lbs.) 1870. NATIONALITIES OF PERSONS, AGED TEN YEARS AND OVER, ENGAGED IN AGRICULTURE IN THE UNITED STATES. FOREIGN BORN. NATIVE., - ------- England Sweden, Nor- China Total United Ire- and Scot- British way and and Foreign NEW-ENGLAND STATES. Total. Males. Females. States. Germany. land. Wales. land. America. Denmark.France. Japan. Birth. Maine,.:....................... 82,011 81,956 55 78,514 42 777 214 59 2,377 6 8.... 3,483 New-Hampshire................... 46,573 46,562 11 44,215 15 694 299 62 932 1 4 1 2,008 Vermont........................... 57,983 57,889 94 50,920 30 1,998 360 232 4,429 2 9.... 7,060 Massachusetts..................... 72,810 72,756 54 61,614 429 7,422 728 240 2,149 40 54 1 11,063 Rhode Island...................... 11,780 11,767 13 10,570 40 694 113 32 301 5 1.... 1,186 Connecticut..................... 43,653 43,523 130 37,540 755 3,823 753 20) 362 57 64.... 6,014 Total,........................ 314,810 314,453 357 283,373 1,311 15,408 2,467 816 10,550 111 140 2 30,814 MIDDLE ATLANTIC STATES: New-York,........................ 374,323 373,455 868 304,441 16,990 27,923 11.714 2,528 6,601 501 2,273.... 68,530 New-Jersey,........................ 63,128 62,943 185 54,331 3,139 3,977 847 193 69 62 177.... 8,464 P Pennsylvania,.................. 260,051 258,772 1,279 237,215 9,501 8,014 2,789 670 300 157 782 1 22,214 Delaware............................ 15,973 15,907 66 15,465 75 254 131 16 4 1 19.... 500 Total........................... 713,475 711,077 2,398 611,452 29,705 40,168 15,481 3,407 6,974 721 3,25 1 99,708 STATES NORTH OF THE OHIO: Ohio............................... 9,024 396,267 757 349,469 25,060 7,513 6,101 991 1,319 125 3,566 2 44,677 Indiana............................. 266,777 266,349 428 242,567 14,873 3,506 1,880 428 739 387 1,176 2 22,991 Michigan........................... 187,211 187,036 175 144,717 12,324 6,680 8,000 1,703 10,781 493 566.... 40,552 Illinois,............................. 376,441 375,407 1,034 292,177 37,717 15,617 11,248 2,870 4,479 7,372 2,473 1 81,777 Wisconsin,..................... 159,687 158,300 1,387 70,431 37,252 13,914 10,669 2,034 4,043 12,254 810.... 80,976 Minnesota,......................... 75,157 74,663 494 32,460 12,952 6,205 1,934 697 2,288 15,501 440.... 40,017 Iowa,............................ 210,263 209,907 356 160,312 16,924 10,668 5,568 1,431 2,435 6,S84 836 2 44,748 Missouri........................... 263,918 262,595 1,323 240,279 13,976 3,517 2,322 475 1,028 393 463.... 22,174 Kansas........................... 73,228 72,918 310 61,193 3,395 2,416 2,039 482 876 1,525 360.. 11,093 Nebraska.......................... 23,115 23,083 32 15,481 3,583 892 940 228 441 828 106.... 7,018 Total,................... 2,032,821 2,026,525 6,296 1,609,086 178,056 70,928 50,701 11,339 28,429 45,767 10,796 7 396,023 FPOREIN BOmN. iATIVE. -----—......... England Sweden, Nor- China Total United. Ire- and Scot- British way and and Foreign SoUTHEAs TEER ATLATICo STATES: Total. Males. Females. States. Germany. land. Wales. land. America. Denmark. France. Japan. Birth. Maryland........................ 80,449 79,197 1,252 77,250 1,843 913 247 64 10 8 33.... 3,123 Virginia........................... 244,550 228,082 16,468 243,227 360 460 256 95 37 13 26 3 1,250 North Carolina................ 269,238 241,010 28,228 268,876 56 71 86 72... 4 8.... 297 South Carolina..................... 206,654 147,708 58,946 206,173 128 194 60 22 2 30 5.... 441 Georgia........................... 336,145 262,152 73,993 335,487 181 269 81 35 13 10 20.... 609 Florida,............................ 42,492 36,944 5,548 42,197 53 55 38 24 3 8 14.... 195 Total............................ 1,179,528 995,093 184,435 1,173,210 2,621 1,962 768 312 65 73 111 3 5,915 SOUTHWESTERN STATES SOUTH O O OHIO RIVER: West Virginia,..................... 73,960 73,725 235 72,199 607 773 176 49 13 1 1 1... 1,650 Kentucky............................ 261,080 257,426 3,654 256,528 2,291 1,469 293 73 25 29 185.... 4,365 Tennessee.......................... 267,020 247,953 19,067 265,541 322 632 151 59 38 43 37.... 1,282 Alabama,............ 291,628'226,768 64,S60 290,901 171 276 7 53 1 16 29.... 553'P Mississippi......................... 259,199 193,725 65,474 257,454 410 520 177 68 20 313 57.... 1,565 Louisiana,........................ 141,467 114,530 26,937 139,381 488 376 133 49 14 54 632 10 1,756 Arkansas,........................... 109,310 100,669 8,641 108,390 229 261 115 24 23 41 49 72 814 Texas.............................. 166,753 152,722 14,031 155,413 4,226 466 354 116 120 191 383 2 5.858 Total,............. 1,570,417 1,367,518 202,899 1,545,807 8,744 4,773 1,406 491 254 688 1,403 84 17,843 PACIFIC STATES AND TERRITORIES I California....................... 47,863 47,580 283 30,629 2,756 3,803 1,809 663 955 588 572 2,694 13,840 Nevada,............................ 2,070 2,063 7 1,412 125 118 131 41 92 51 22 27 607 Oregon...................... 13,248 13,232 16 11,856 287 284 274 100 179 45 55 34 1,258 Washington........................ 3,771 3,759 12 2,733 176 235 164 97 207 80 21 980 Idaho...................... 1,462 1,462 0 1,046 42 64 182 9 51 37 7 10 402 Utah............................... 10,428 10,417 11 4,542 57 76 3,354 465 59 1,577 5.... 5,593 New-Mexico....................... 18,668 18,432 236 18,127 48 27 7 1... 2 15.... 100 Arizona............................ 1,285 1,284 1 533 49 36 14 6 20 3 7.... 135 Total........................... 98,795 98,229 566 70,878 3,540 4,643 5,935 1,382 1,563 2,383 704 2,765 22,915 FOEIGoN BORN. NATIVE. - - - England Sweden, Nor- China Total TERBIORIES IN AND EAST OF ROCKY United Ire- and Scot- British way and and Foreign MOUNTAINS: Total. Males. Fenaiwes. States. Germany. land. Wales. land. America. Denmark.France. Japan. Birth. Colorado............................ 6,46 6,462 0 5,593 229 165 143 34 89 34 31.... 725 Dakota............................. 2,522 2,522 0 1,247 89 136 50 15 221 657 12.... 1,180 Wyoming,.......................... 165 164 1 136 4 6 7 5 4.2.... 28 Montana,............................ 2,111 2,110 1 1,478 96 165 118 25 138 45 19.... 606 Total,2........................ 11,260 58 2 8,454 418 472 818 79 452 736 64.... 2,539 DISTRICT OF COLMBIA.............. 1,365 1,350 15 1,103 136 71 25 15 1 1 3... 252 TOTAL AGRICULTURAL POPULA- ------- TION OF THE UNITED STATES,.. 5,922,471 5,525,503 396,968 5,303,363 224,531 138,925 77,173 17,850 48,288 50,480 16,472 2,861 576,059 Natives of foreign countries not specified in preceding table,....................................................................... 43,028 619,087 THE PROBABLE RATE OF INCREASE IN THE AGRICULTURAL POPULATION MAY BE DEDUCED FROM THE POLLOWING FACTS: < 1. The total population in the United States in 1870 was.......... 38,558,571 4. The actual "net" immigration into the U. S., (deducting re-emiThe portion engaged in agriculture in 1870 was.................. 5,992,471 gration,) as shown by the official tables of the Treasury DeA little exceeding 15 per cent. partment, was, in the year ending June 30, 1871....... 321,350 2. The natives of foreign countries included in this portion, as " 1872....... 404,806 shown by the preceding table, were.......................... 619,087 " 1873, of Nearly 10.30 per cent. which 36,822 were designated as " Farmers,"........ 451,893 3. The natural increase of the total population, 38,558,571, in the 1,17,049 three years from June 30, 1870, at 2kf per cent. yearly, (a rate Of which 10 per cent. would be................117,74 probably below the fact,) would be 863,957, of which 15 per cent. would be....29.......2................................. 129,592 Increase in three years.................................. 247,96 The population of Europe, which, in the year 1776, did not exceed 110 millions, amounted in 1868 to 296 millions. With its natural increase of very nearly two millions yearly, it has now reached 307 millions, and will probably exceed 350 millions at the close of the year 1900. With this rate of increase Europe could certainly well afford to contribute at least one million yearly, to increase the population of the United States, the agricultural portion ot which would furnish so largely the vegetable and animal food required by her over-crowded and under-fed populations. This subject, so interesting to both Continents, is more fully examined in The Relations of American Agriculture to the American Unioh and the Commerce and Population of the World, to be re-published with these Tables. 1870. PROPORTION OF VALUES IN FARMS, &c., AND THEIR NET YEARLY PRODUCTS, BELONGING TO NATIVE AND TO FOREIGN BORN POPULATION. [In" Farms" are included Farming Implements and Machinery and Live Stock. In " Yearly Products," Betterments and Increased Stock. In " Wages," the Value of Board. The proportions for each of the States and Territories maybe readily computed from the particulars Classified in the detailed Tables, from page 5 to page 37, inclusive.] Population aged 10 years and over, en- Valuation Ratio per Gross yearly Wages paid, Net yearly Ratio gaged in Agricul- of Farms. Head. Products. including Board. Products. per ture. Head. IN ALL THE STATES AND TERRITORIES,............... 5,922,471.. $11,124,958,747.. $1,878.. $2,447,538,658.. $310,286,275.. $2,13725,3.. $360 Varying Ratios in the different Groups: IN NEW-ENGLAND STATES.............................. 314,810.. 707,942,439.. 2,248.. 154,026,309.. 20,728,055.. 133,298,254.. 423 " MIDDLE ATLANTIC STATES,........................... 713,475.. 3,028,551,710.. 4,244.. 488,369,045.. 67,644,425.. 420,724,620.. 589 "STATES NORTH OF THE OHIO RIVER................. 2,032,821.. 5,132,815,399.. 2,524.. 978,671,442.. 91,138,660.. 887,532,782.. 436 " SOUTHERN ATLANTIC STATES,........................ 1,179,528.. 749,022,625.. 635.. 276,174,044.. 55,384,707 220,789,337.. 187 " SOUTHWESTERN STATES SOUTH OF THE OHIO RIVER,. 1,570,417.. 1,254,614,196.. 798.. 479,883,692.. 61,792,216.. 418,091,476.. 264 " PACIFIC STATES AND TERRITORIES,................. 98,795.. 235,361,470.. 2,382.. 65,544,426.. 12,658,204.. 52,886,222.. 535 "TERRITORIES IN AND EAST OF ROCKY MOUNTAINS,.... 11,260.. 12,696,312. 1,127.. 4,550,183.. 815,680.. 3,734,503.. 331 " DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA............................ 1,365.. 3,855,630. 2,824.. 319,517.. 124,328.. 195,189.. 142 5,922,471.. $11,124,659,781 $2,447,538,658.. $310,286,275.. $2,137,252,383 The facts are well worthy of notice, that the proportion of " Wages Paid" from the " Yearly Product," shown by the Table, for the whole United States, is thirteen per cent.; in the New-England States, nearly twenty per cent.; but in the ten States north of the Ohio, less than nine per cent. The Table very satisfactorily illustrates the momentous truth announced by the Superintendent of the Census of 1870, and pregnant with consequences so far-reaching in the future of the American Union, that " the American farmer is, at least in nine hundred and ninety-five cases out of a thousand, the owner of the land he cultivates." Net Yearly Net Yearly Farms. Product. Farms. Product. Proportions of the total,........................... $11,124,958,707 $2,137,252,883 Proportions in the States north of the Ohio River,.. $5,132,815,399 $887,532,782 Average per head for total population,........... $1,878 $360 Average per head for their population.......... $2,524 $436 Belonging to the 5,303,363 natives of the U. S.,.. $9,959,715,714 $1,909,210.680 224,531 Germany,... 421,669,218 80,831,160 Belonging to the 1,609,086 natives of the US.,..... $4,062,330,064 $701,761,496 " I 18,056 "' Germany....... 449,413,334 77,632,416 " 138,925 " Ireland,..... 260,901,150 50,013,000 77,173 " England and " 0,928 " Ireland........ 179,022,272 30,924,608 * " 50,701o " England and Wales,...... 144,930,894 27,782,280 Wales " E l324 22 " 17,859 " Scotland.... 33,589,202 6,429,2409 Br.A c,. 90,64,86 17,8 0 " " 11,389 " Scotland....... 28,745,836 4,965,604 48,288 " Br. America,. 90,684,864 17,383,680. 5,48,, 2. 8,n 8r. " " 28,129 " British America, 70,997,596 12,264,344 50,480 " Sweden, Nor- 50,480,wdeno- " " 45,767 " Sweden, Norway way and Den- and Denmark,. 115,515,908 19,524,412 Go mark... 94,80,440 18,172,00 " 0,796 " France......... 27,249,104 4,707,056 " " 16,472 " France,...... 36,934,416 5,929,920 $11,043,176,898 $2,115,752,760 $5,092,256,438 $873,8S5,572 Residue, to natives of other countries. The detailed table of " Nationalities," (pages 44, 45 and 46,) furnishes the particunlars needed for similar computations of values belonging to the foreign born agricultural population in any of the other groups of States, or in any separate State or Territory. 49 GENERAL CONCLUSIONS. It is believed, that the preceding Tables practically and sufficiently establish the following propositions: 1. The agriculture of the American Union is the broad and enduring basis of its national strength. 2. Its agricultural population of 5,922,471 in 1870 had created and acquired a property in agricultural wealth valued at $11,124,958,747, showing an average