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DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE, NO. 31 CHAMBERS STREET, ~ NEW YORK, February 23, I882. Honz. WILLIAM R. GRACE, Mayor. SIR-In the quarterly and annual report which I transmitted to you on the I3th instant, I stated that under the direction of Mr. Isaac Newton, Chief-Engineer of the Croton aqueduct, with the assistance of Mr. E. S. Chesbrough, as Consulting Engineer, careful investigations and surveys have been made during the past year, to ascertain the best method of securing an additional water supply for the city; that these investigations and surveys have led to a definite plan for a new aqueduct from the Croton river to the city, the outlines of which I briefly stated; that upon examination the plan has received the approval of Mr. John B. Jervis, the distinguished constructor of the Croton aqueduct, Mr. James B. Francis, President of the American Society of Civil Engineers, and that it was also examined and approved by Mr. Robert K. Martin, under whose direction a similar work, the Baltimore water-works tunnel, was recently successfully constructed. I have now the honor of transmitting to you ChiefEngineer Newton's report of the proposed plan, with the opinions and approval of the eminent engineers who have examined it in all its various features. The facts and circumstances which have led to the immediate necessity of another aqueduct or conduit to bring a large additional supply of water to the city have been so often stated in previous reports of this Department, and they are so fully understood and appreciated by you, and I believe by the greater part of the people of this city, that they need no repetition here. The only questions which remain open for discussion are, as to the source from which the supply should be obtained, and the means of collecting it and conveying it to the city. iv I believe there is no difference of opinion among engineers and others who have given the subject attention and study, that in regard to geographical position, quality of water, and facility of means for conducting the water to the city, the Croton river and water-shed is the most desirable' source of supply. The only consideration which has led to the suggestion of other sources, is a supposition that the Croton water-shed cannot be relied upon to furnish enough water at all times for a new aqueduct of the required capacity. Let it be shown that this supposition or fear is groundless, and there can be no hesitation in rejecting, for very obvious and potent reasons, the propositions of obtaining pure fresh water from the upper Hudson river, from Lakes George, Erie, Ontario, or Champlain, from the Passaic or Hackensack rivers in New Jersey, from the Housatonic river in Massachusetts, or Connecticut, or from the streams in Rockland and Orange counties. The project of using the salt water which surrounds the city, as an auxiliary to the city's water supply, continues to be brought forward from time to time, by persons who have evidently not given the subject sufficient consideration. The objections to it are so apparent and conclusive, that engineers do not consider it worthy of serious consideration. In view of the many questions. however, which are put to me by citizens, why we do not propose or make preparations to use salt water, I will briefly state the objections to it. We have now 512 miles of iron pipes, with 5,427 stop-cocks, and 6,496 fire-hydrants, to distribute the Croton water in the streets of the city. To make the salt water of real service for the very limited purposes for which it can be used, it would be necessary to duplicate the greatest part of the distributing system, and to erect and maintain pumping machinery and stand pipes, at a total cost of probably not less than twelve to fifteen million dollars. Considering that less than five per cent. of the present water supply is used for extinguishing fires and for cleaning streets, the principal or almost exclusive uses to which salt water can be put, the cost of a salt-water system, as compared with any of the new projects for an additional fresh-water supply of ample proportions, is so enormous as to place it out of the V question on that ground alone. But there are other serious objections to it. The fire underwriters say that salt water used in extinguishing fires would be likely to do as much damage to merchandise as the flames themselves. The rapid corrosion of iron pipes along the riverfront, where they come in contact with salt water, shows that it would soon corrode the mains, stop-cocks, and hydrants, and, in the opinion of the Chief of the Fire Department, wear out the steam fire engines. For use on the streets it is so objectionable in a sanitary point of view, that several years ago the Board of Health prohibited and forbade street sprinkling with salt water. An additional fresh-water supply will not only accomplish all that can be attained by utilizing salt water, but will meet the many other equally important objects of an adequate water system, for which salt water would be useless. The salt-water plan may, therefore, be dismissed without further reference. The supposition or fear entertained by many that the Croton water-shed is not capable of furnishing a constant supply for a new and large aqueduct, shows an imperfect knowledge or misconception of the facts. Accurate observations and measurements of the rain-fall and of the quantity of water running over the Croton dam for the past sixteenyears, prove that in the driest of these years, i88o, the average daily flow of the Croton river was 250,000,000 gallons. All that is needed to secure that supply every day in the year is sufficient storage capacity. The capacity of the Croton water-shed to furnish a mininum supply of 250,000,000 gallons per day being proven, the whole question is narrowed down to the selection of the plans and means to secure sufficient storage and to conduct the water to the city. Chief-Engineer Newton's plan covers both the subject of storage, and that of a conduit from the Croton river to the city. In regard to storage it combines in the highest degree the merits of simplicity, efficiency and economy. Instead of constructing a number of smaller reservoirs on the slopes of the Croton water-shed, on sites established by surveys made under the direction of the Croton Aqueduct Board in 1857-58, it is proposed to build a dam on the Croton river at Quaker Bridge, about 414 miles below the present dam, and 5 miles above the mouth of the river, forming a reservoir of 3,635 vi acres in area, with a storage capacity of about 32,000,000,000 gallons above the level of the proposed new aqueduct. The advantages of this single reservoir as compared with a number of smaller ones in the upper portion of the water-shed are: 1st. It will receive the entire drainage of the 361 square miles of water-shed, including about 23 square miles below Croton lake, not included in any previous reports, plans, or calculations; on the other hand, the combined drainage area of a sufficient number of smaller reservoirs on the sites heretofore selected, to contain 32,000,000,000 gallons available water, would be less than 200 square miles. Consequently the large reservoir would fill much more rapidly than the smaller ones. 2d. The estimated cost of building this reservoir is $4,000,000 being at the rate of $I25 per one million gallons capacity. The cost of building the smaller reservoirs was estimated by my predecessor, the Hon. Allan Campbell, in his report of August 12, I879, at $200oo per I,000,000 gallons or $6,400,000 for a storage capacity equal to the large reservoir. 3d. Purity of water is better secured by large reservoirs than by smaller ones. 4th. By taking the proposed site the length of aqueduct required to convey the water to the city is shortened about ten miles, as compared with the plans proposed in I875. Though the dam is to be of unusual height, and will have to resist the weight of a very large body of water, the eminent and experienced engineers who have examined the entire plan pronounce it entirely practicable, as well as the best that can be adopted. Dams of nearly the same height have been successfully built and used in France and elsewhere. The conduit from the dam at Quaker Bridge to the Harlem river at High Bridge, is to be a masonry aqueduct, circular in shape, twelve feet in diameter, and capable of delivering about 250,000,000 gallons of water per day. The Harlem river and Manhattan valley are to be crossed by syphons, and the remainder of the conduit between the Harlem river and the Central Park reservoir is to be in tunnel wherever possible. The distance from Quaker Bridge to the Harlem Vll river, on the line selected, is 262 miles, only 9-o00 mile greater than an air line; it is ten miles shorter than the Sawmill river line, and 9Y miles shorter than the Bronx river line surveyed in I875 under the direction of General Fitz John Porter. It has the further most valuable advantage of being almost wholly in rock tunnel, thus securing the greatest possible strength and stability of the structure, with the least cost for supervision and maintenance after it is completed. The prominent features of the entire plan are: Ist. Large capacity and facility for collecting and storing water. The new reservoir will receive the entire drainage of the Croton water-shed, and hold 32,000,000,000 gallons of water above the level of the aqueduct, and can therefore supply 200,000,000 per day for I60 days without recourse to the flow of the river. With the 9,000,ooo,ooo gallons of water in existing storage reservoirs and lakes, and 5,000,000,000 gallons in the new reservoir about to be built on the east branch of the Croton, the total available storage capacity will be 46,000,000,000 gallons, sufficient to supply 200,000,000 gallons per day for 230 days. 2d. Large capacity and utmost attainable strength and security of the conduit to convey the water to the city. The new aqueduct will be capable of delivering 250,000,000 gallons per day, the entire minimum drainage of the Croton water-sheds. This will supply a population of 2,500,000 at the rate of oo00 gallons daily per capita, or 3,300,000 at the present rate of consumption (about 75 gallons daily per capita). Add to it the capacity of the present aqueduct, I00,000,ooo gallons per day, and we can, if needed in the far distant future, convey to the city that amount of water fro.n the Housatonic river, or any other proposed auxiliary to the Croton, and supply a population of 4,660,000 at the present rate of consumption. 3d. Economy of first cost of construction, as well as subsequent supervision and maintenance. The cost of the new dam, reservoir, and aqueduct, as above described, including everything necessary to deliver the water into Central Park reservoir is estimated at.......................... $I4,000,000 00 viii The cost of a new aqueduct of 150,000,000 gallons daily capacity by one of the two routes surveyed in 1875, with equal storage capacity as included in the new plan, and provision to deliver the water in the Central Park reservoir, is estimated as follows: Sawmill river route.. -........... Bronx river route.................... Cost of new plan per 1,000,000 gallons of conduit cap acity.............................. Cost of plans reported in 1875 per 1,000,000 gallons conduit capacity: Sawmill river route.................. Bronx river route.................. $19,493,000 00 20,119,000 00 48,o000oo oo 103,946 oo 108,121 00 The substitution of one large reservoir in place of eight or ten smaller ones, distributed over the entire water-shed, and the construction of the shortest practicable conduit, with the greatest proportion of rock tunnel, will involve much less labor for supervision and maintenance of the works after completion than the works proposed under any other plan. In conclusion, I can only repeat what I stated in my last quarterly report, that the character and reputation of the eminent engineers who have been engaged in the preparation and elaboration of this plan, and in its examination, is a guarantee that their conclusions give the best results which patient investigation, guided by professional ability, experience and judgment can secure. Very respectfully, HUBERT 0. THOMPSON, Commissioner of Public Works. NEW YORK WATER SUPPLY. Department of Public Works. HUBERT O. THOMPSON, COMMISSIONER. __- 4 — ------ REPORT OF ISAAC NEWTON, Chief Engineer of Croton Aqueduct, ON PLANS PROPOSED FOR STORING AND CONVEYING AN ADDITIONAL WATER SUPPLY TO THE CITY. OPINIONS OF THE CONSULTING ENGINEERS. TABLES OF RAIN-FALL, ETC., ETC. MAP SHOWING DRAINAGE AREA AND AQUEDUCT LINES. NEW YORK: MARTIN B. BROWN, PRINTER AND STATIONER, 49 AND 51 PARK PLACE. X882. I TABLE OF CONTENTS. -. -—. -. PAGE Report of Chief Engineer................................................ 5 Opinion of Consulting Engineer.................................................. ooo APPENDIX, OPINIONS OF THE CONSUITING ENGINEERS, ETC. O pinion of John B. Jervis....................................................... 23 Opinion of James B. Francis..................................................... 27 Opinion of Robert K. M artin..................................................... 31 Report and Estimates of the Sawmill river and Bronx river plans.................... 33 Estimate for conveying water from north side of High Bridge to Central Park reservoir... 4 Table I. Showing waste of water over Croton dam................................. 42 " 2. Average depth in Aqueduct and average delivery in gallons per day........... 45 " 3. Rain-fall in Croton basin................................................ 47 " 4. Rain-fall at receiving reservoir, High Bridge, Fordham, Tarrytown, Sing Sing, Croton Dam, and Boyd's Corners................................. 49 " 5. Comparison of rain-fall at different places................................ 52 ( 6. Rain-fall at North Salem, Croton basin................................... 53 " 7. Extract from report of Dr. Daniel Draper for I876; drought of I876.......... 55 " 8. Rain-fall receiving reservoir, Central Park................................ 57 " 9. Rain-fall at W est Point.......................................................... 59 " I. Storage drawn in I880 and 88..................................................... 61 ( I. Existing storage, artificial and natural..................................... 62 " 12. Per cent. of rain-fall running in the Croton................................ 63 Map showing drainage areas and aqueduct lines...........................to face page 63 0 NEW YORK WATER SUPPLY. E=iEs IPO ET TO HUBERT O. THOMPSON, Commissioner of Public Works, BY ISAAC NEWTON, Chief Engineer, Croton Aqueduct. CHIEF ENGINEER'S OFFICE, 1 NEW YORK, January 30, I882. Hon. H. O. THOMPSON, Commissioner of Public Works: SIR-I beg leave to present the following report of the result of the investigations and surveys made under my direction since my appointment as Chief Engineer, for a new aqueduct from the Croton river to New York. The surveys and maps previously made, together with other data on record, have been of great value, not only in the positive information they afford, but in the suggestions they have led to. Surveys for an additional supply made since the construction of the present aqueduct, have been those of the Croton water-shed of I857-58, and those made in 1875 under General F. J. Porter, for the Sawmill river and Bronx river plans. The description and estimates of the cost of construction for both these plans will be found in Appendix " A," attached to this report. At the beginning of my study of the subject of bringing additional water to the City of New York, the various sources from which it has 6 been proposed to obtain this supply were carefully looked into. These sources are the Croton, the Passaic, the Housatonic, and the Hudson and Hackensack rivers, and Lakes George, Erie, Ontario and Champlain, also the streams in Rockland and Orange counties. The use of wells and salt water to be raised into reservoirs by pumps for auxiliary supply was likewise considered. All the sources, i. e., from these rivers and lakes, with the exception of the Croton and Housatonic, were set aside as being out of the question on account of the immense cost, or uncertainty of sufficient supply; although some of them might be used as auxiliaries. Since becoming satisfied that the Croton river is by far the most available and the most economical source of supply, I have simply endeavored to determine the best plan for storing and conveying the water of this river to the city. The quality of the Croton as a pure and wholesome water, as well as the geological and other characteristics of the river basin are so well understood, that nothing on the subject need to be mentioned.* The meteorological history of the water-shed of the Croton, as far back as there are any records, shows that with adequate storage capacity at the head of the aqueduct, an average daily supply of about 250,000,000 t of, gallons can be relied upon in the driest years. The area of over 23 miles which will be added to the existing water-shed-i. e., to the area shown on the water-shed maps of I857-58-by the plan to be hereinafter described, would increase the average daily supply from I5,000,000 to 20,000,000 of gallons, thus making the total average daily supply of about 265,000,000 to 270,000,000 of United States gallons.4 The following views have formed the basis of my investigations and have led to the conclusions arrived at: Ist. The Croton water-shed is adequate to furnish all the city will need for many years to come, provided adequate storage capacity is provided. 2d. The storage reservoirs must ultimately be of sufficient capacity to hold all, or nearly all the water of the Croton in the driest years, * See Report, App. "A." t See rain-fall and other tables in Appendix. t The utmost safe capacity of present conduit is about Ioo,ooo,oco. 7 so that none, or but very little, can waste over the dam. And eventually to carry over a portion of the surplus of wet years to supply the deficiency of dry ones. 3d. The nearer the storage reservoirs to the entrance of the aqueduct, if they are of sufficient capacity, the greater will be the quantity of water that can be gathered from the entire Croton basin, and the more rapidly will the reservoirs fill again after being drawn down. The time required to fill the existing storage reservoirs and lakes, after they have been drawn down, is a warning on this point which should be heeded. All the water which falls on that part of the basin situated below the several storage dam sites shown on the maps of.857 and I858, above what is necessary to supply the aqueduct, will run into the Hudson river over the waste-weir of the aqueduct dam, unless storage is provided at that point; so without a reservoir at that locality, it will be impossible to secure storage in the dry years. Hence storage located at the entrance to the aqueduct is in the most advantageous position. 4th. The aqueduct capacity should be sufficient to convey all the water available from the Croton valley; it should also be enough to convey a portion of the water from other sources of supply, which can be led into the Croton basin. The capacity of an aqueduct Io feet in diameter, with an inclination of I foot to the mile, is about I68,ooo,ooo of gallons in 24 hours; while the capacity of an aqueduct 12 feet in diameter, with the same inclination, is no less than 270,000,000 in the same time. The excess of cost of the 12 feet over the Io feet conduit is believed to be of much less importance than the greater capacity obtained. 5th. The aqueduct as far as possible should be in tunnel, this construction being the safest, most durable, and the least exposed to malicious damage. The difference in the cost between tunneling and excavation, because of the improved appliances now available, has been greatly reduced since the Croton aqueduct was constructed; and the saving in length of conduit which can be effected by tunneling over a construction on a line located on or near the surface of the ground, added to the decreased land damages, will probably make the former fully as economical even in first cost. 6th. Wherever it is necessary to cross depressions in the line, the 8 aqueduct should be carried on masonry laid in mortar, or beneath the surface by syphons. 7th. Storage in the Croton basin is preferable to bringing water from the Housatonic for the purpose of providing against deficiency in the natural flow of the Croton.* LOCATION OF NEW AQUEDUCT DAM. It is evident this dam must be on one of three general sites: 1st. It may be above the present dam. 2d. The present dam may be used or another built immediately below it so as to raise the level of the Croton Lake. 3d. It may be on the river considerably below the existing Croton dam and embrace an additional drainage area to that which now supplies the city. As to the first site, taking that chosen by the surveys of 1875 to be the most eligible for this locality. It is 5 68-Ioo miles above the entrance to the existing aqueduct. Here the topography of the country is such that it is not practicable to raise the dam sufficiently above the grade of the proposed aqueduct to make a reservoir which would store any considerable amount. A large area of country would be flooded merely to get water into the aqueduct, and large portions of this area would be shoal water. The plans of 1875 contemplated a dam 30 feet higher than the present one, with no storage above the level required to keep the aqueduct full. Those plans require Io.6 miles on Sawmill river route, and 13 98-Ioo miles on the Bronx to be in tunnel, and would increase the length of the aqueduct from its commencement on the Croton to the High Bridge 3 2 I-I00 miles more than the present one, and nearly Io miles more than the line located this year. An aqueduct might be supplied from the level of the present lake, and about I3 miles above the present dam near Trout brook, and join the new line near the Pocantico river, making the length of conduit to High Bridge about 273^ miles. * Should the Croton basin ever prove inedequate to supply the city, it is possible that a supply may be obtained within the State of New York by crossing the Hudson by tunnel near Croton Point. When the time arrives this no doubt will be carefully examined before it is finally decided to construct conduits from other sources. 9 Take next the secondc site, near the present dam. It is regarded as impracticable to raise this dam, and the valley immediately below is not well adapted for another of much greater height. These plans moreover, would be inadequate without the construction of large storage reservoirs on the various branches of the Croton to secure a full supply of water for the aqueduct. Take the third site; a considerable distance below the present dam. An examination of the Croton river below this point to the Hudson, pointed out an apparently favorable dam site near Quaker Bridge, about 4 50-100 miles below the Croton dam, provided a rock foundation could be found. The geological characteristics of the valley and the sinking of pits led to making surveys for a dam at this place. The top waterline for the reservoir, or lake, as it would truly be, was run at 200 feet above mean tide, Croton grade. The present Croton lake is I66 17-100 feet above same datum. Calculations based upon these surveys show that the reservoir would contain over 32,000,000,000 of United States gallons of storage, above the level, necessary to supply an aqueduct capable of conveying about 250,000,000 per day to the city; or with a delivery of 200,000,000 per day (twice our present supply), the aqueduct would be supplied for I60 days without a gallon from the natural flow of the Croton. The existing storage in reservoirs and lakes is 9,ooo,ooo,ooo; the reservoir which will be begun in the spring, in order to place the full daily supply of I00,000,000, the full capacity of present aqueduct, beyond all doubt, and which is to contain about 5,00o,0oo,ooo, would make the total storage nearly 46,000,000,000 of gallons; sufficient to keep up a daily supply of 200,000,000, for nearly 230 days without the natural flow of the Croton. The great area, 3,635 acres, and great average depth of this new Croton lake would make it exceedingly valuable as a settling basin. The benefits of such a condition of the water supply can scarcely be overestimated, and hence the earnest efforts to take advantage of them. The dam now proposed is a work that would have been considered, at the time of the construction of the present aqueduct, of too great magnitude to be undertaken. The remarkable I0 progress of engineering since then makes such a structure the most advisable in this case. Successful works of the same character in France have given great satisfaction, and confirm fully the theories on this subject of Messrs. Montgolfier and Delocre, of France, and Professor Rankine, of England. The estimate of the cost of this dam, has been based upon no untried principles, but upon those so ably advocated by the eminent engineers above mentioned, and so signally justified by actual experience. It may here be mentioned that stone dams of nearly this height have existed in Spain for a long time, and have been proposed elsewhere. In fact, we find, that as far back as I835, a dam I50 feet high was proposed near the mouth of the Croton, for an aqueduct to supply this city. That dam, however, as far as the existing plans show, was entirely different in character from the one now recommended, not being in accordance with the principle so successfully carried out in France. Besides, it did not provide for any important amount of storage above the level of top water in the aqueduct; whereas, the great value of the one now recommended consists in storage capacity, sufficient to furnish 200,000,000 gallons daily for i6o days. Without this capacity it would probably be much cheaper to draw the city's supply from the present Croton lake. I I AREA AND CAPACITY OF PROPOSED NEW QUAKER BRIDGE. CROTON LAKE NEAR ELEVATION * ABOVE MEAN TIDE, FEET. 30 40 50 6o 70 8o 90o 110 120 130 140 150 i6o 170 i8o 190 200 I No. OF ACRES. 7I37 37 55 146 201 262 334 398 417 562 649 733 1,245 1,756 * 2,412 3,037 3,635 CUBIC FEET, NOT INCLUDING CROTON LAKE. 2,230,000 14,080,000 31,690,000 58,850,000 105,600,000 169,96o,ooo 253,790,000 360,730,000 488, 1 60,000 639, 130,Ooo 819,007,000 1,026,860,000 1,261,540,000 1, 600,140, 000 2,222,350,000 2,994,590,000 3,966,930,000 5,130,740,000 U. S. GALLONS, NOT INCLUDING CROTON LAKE. 16,680,400 105,318,400 237,041,200 440,198,000 789,888,000 1,27I,300,800 1,898,349,200 2,698,26o,400 3,651,436,800 4,780,692,400 6,126)643,600 7,680,912,800 9,436,319,200 12,417,847,200 16,623,178,000 22,399,533,000 29,672,636,400 38,377,935,200 Your predecessor, the Hon. Allan Campbell, an engineer of large experience, and who gave great attention to the water supply in his report of August I12, i879, referring to the storage reservoirs laid down on the water-shed maps of i857, says:" It is estimated "that the average cost per million gallons of all reservoirs projected " in the Croton basin will be $200, " and in the same report, referring to the storage capacity required for the proposed aqueduct * Croton datum. f The area of present Croton lake is included after the level of present dam is reached. f 2 of 1875: " To supply another aqueduct with I50,000,000 daily, " also on the basis of the driest years, additional storage to the " amount of about 30,000,000,000 gallons must be provided," which would then make the cost of the necessary storage $6,ooo,ooo. When it is remembered that the reservoirs projected in the Croton basin would flood for the most part fertile valleys, probably the best land in Putnam County, $200 per i,ooo,ooo gallons can hardly be considered too large an estimate for the total expense of all kinds necessary for impounding water. If a reservoir can be built on the site above pointed out and contain, as above stated, 32,000,000,000 of storage, the city can then afford to expend nearly $6,500,000 for such a work considered as a storage reservoir dam. Owing to the sterile and rocky character of most of the land this reservoir will flood, as well as its vast dimensions as compared with the size of the dam, it is estimated as hereinafter stated that the total cost of the reservoir, including dam, will not be over $4,000,000. But the storage it will contain is not the only advantage of a reservoir of this capacity, and located in this place. Ist. It saves nearly 1o miles in length of aqueduct over the location of dam made in 1875, and this saving would go far towards paying the whole cost of this reservoir. 2d. It is at the lowest end of the drainage of the Croton, and would collect water more rapidly and completely than other plans. 3d. It would add about 23 square miles to the area of the watershed, equivalent to an average daily supply of from 15,000,000 to 20,000,000 of gallons. 4th. It would afford a settling basin of the grandest proportions; the loss would be much less from evaporation and other sources on account of greater average depth. It would avoid conveying the water through miles of rivers, brooks, and, in many cases swamps, before it reaches the aqueduct, while in very cold weather the supply from such sources might be wholly cut off by frost, as was the case (with the water from the storage reservoirs) in the winter of i880-81. The difference in the cost between a dam and land necessary to raise the water near Quaker bridge I42 feet above tide-which is the level necessary to fill the aqueduct-and what would be necessary I3 1) to raise it 200 feet, is estimated to be about $2,000,000. Hence the cost of the storage for 32,000,000,000 would be about $60 per million of gallons, instead of $200, the cost per million by building on the sites far up in the Croton basin; or $2,000,000 instead of $6,400,000, for the same amount of storage, even if it could be collected in reservoirs higher up in the basin, as laid down on the Water-shed Map. STORAGE. The water-shed survey executed in I857-58, as before stated, was made chiefly for the purpose of selecting the most available sites for storage reservoirs. The following table contains a list of the sites then selected, together with other information of the utmost importance in studying this subject in order to reach a safe determination respecting the quantity of storage that can be secured in the Croton water shed by those reservoirs. '4 RESERVOIR SITES. Table -from Water-s ked Map of i857-58 of Croton Basin above the present Croton Aqueduct Dam. RESERVOIR.I A..... B...... C...... D...... E...... F...... G..... H........... J...... K...... L...... M...... N...... Acres. 485.-00 192.00 730.00 i, oo8. oo 303.-00 600.-75 452.1I9 384.67 449.00 191.-38 51I2.-74 262.75 492.25 I97.00 239.47 0. Gallons. 5,211,015,625 1,701,835,337 6,589,101,562 9,033,632,812 3,369,206,85 7 6, 120,335,937 4,861,035,156 2,490,062,500 4,205,820,654 2,314,074,703 5,671,449,219 2,328,217,733 4,392,131,445 1,676,049,171 2,182,337,109 Sq. Miles. 20. 45 15.2000 13.-7100 41.-9500 20.3700 12.5100O 20.9045 75.-4574 70. 5230 11.9I7I 78.9000o 26.8600 23.-3449 30. 9620 17.31P70 I.0 0. Fee. 64 0.9 74 72 6o 90 I-I Fee. 70 54' 545 33't 1,311 7570 925 1 1,170 Feet. 12,300 6,ooo i16,600 21,000 7,500 io,6oo 12,200 14,748 12,745 14,809 t 13,12 12,300 8,650 7,629 Miles. 9.500 1 12.750 14.300 20.250 23. 750 15.500 i8.700 I9.390 20.447 28.710 15.215 i6.539 13.831I 7.708 9.970 r. 1 a.o a) V V S-. I U I Feet. 390 500 550 500 600 56o 375 375 415 500 2.75 295 316 250 305 Entire drainage area of Croton Basin, 338 82-Iso square miles. The total drainage area of all these reservoirs foots up 480.30 square miles, while the entire area of the Croton basin is 338.82 square miles; this is because 'the computed drainage of some of the reservoirs overlaps that of others, which shows that the Croton Aqueduct Board did not contemplate that all of these sites could be made available as reservoirs to the extent indicated by this table. The drainage of some of them is so small that in a dry year they probably would not fill; for example, reservoir F, which has a 5 drainage area of but 12 51-IOO square miles with a capacity of 6, I20,ooo,ooo gallons. An inspection of this map shows that if every one of these reservoirs were built they would not receive the drainage of over about 200 square miles, because they do not furnish storage for the waters of large areas for which reservoir sites have not been found. The total estimated capacity of these reservoirs is 62,000,000,000 of gallons; of this amount 8,230,000,000 is already secured by reservoirs E and G, which have been built, one at Boyd's Corners, the other on the middle branch of the Croton; this leaves 53,770,000,000 as the remaining storage, assuming the drainage to be adequate to fill the reservoirs. It has been estimated that to supply another aqueduct on the basis of the driest years, with I50,ooo,ooo daily, additional storage to the extent of about 30,000,000,000 must be provided; but as before stated, if all these reservoirs could be built they could only receive the drainage of about two-thirds of the Croton basin. The balance of the drainage above the quantity necessary to supply the conduits would find its way into the Hudson over the waste-weir of the dam, if not secured near the mouth of the Croton. It is extremely doubtful if even 30,000,000,000 gallons could be secured beyond all peradventure by constructing storage reservoirs in the water-shed many miles above the entrance of the aqueduct. In short, the only way to secure the entire flow of the Croton in the driest years, is to have large storage capacity near the mouth of the river. THE HOUSATONIC AS A FEEDER FOR NEW AQUEDUCT. As stated in the quarterly report for August, I879, surveys were made for diverting the waters of the Housatonic into the Croton water-shed as a feeder for a new and large aqueduct. The plan proposed for conveying this water to the Croton, in general terms, was mainly an open canal with a sectional area of So square feet, and an inclination of one foot to the mile, the calculated capacity being Ioo,00o,ooo gallons daily. The comparison of this plan of obtaining water for the new aqueduct with that of storage has been carefully studied in all its bearings. The Housatonic is in Massachusetts and Connecticut, out of the authority of this State, which could, therefore, exercise no control over it, to prevent pollution, or enforce any regulations. The water would have to traverse about eighty miles with exposed surface before reaching the aqueduct, and in very cold weather there would be great danger of the supply being cut off or greatly diminished when the demand would be greatest. This river is no doubt liable to the same fluctuations of volume as the Croton, and there is no probability that in a season of extreme drought I00,000,000 per day estimated could be obtained; but if it could, the damages to mill rights would doubtless swell the cost much beyond the estimate. It would be necessary not only to pay for all rights injured below the point of intake, but for preventing mill owners above from holding back water nights and Sundays during seasons of drought. The yield of the Croton basin averaged during August, 1878, 123,000,000 of gallons daily; in December, 1880, its average was but 33,000,000, showing a falling off of 73 per cent. This proportion applied to the Housatonic shows that it could not be relied upon to furnish more than 54,000,000 a day, because the available area of the Housatonic basin is only about double that of the Croton. If the lowest daily yield of the Croton be taken, now known to be only about o0,000,000, then the Housatonic could not be relied upon for more than about 20,000,000 daily. The following table gives an estimate of storage required to supply conduits with 300 millions daily, supposing a year as dry as that of 1880, the driest yet known in the Croton Basin. For May............................... 3,797,500,000 gallons. For June........................... 5,962,500,000 For July.......................... 6, 130,560,000 For August............................. 6,200,000,000 For September......................... 6,ooo,o00,00o For October...................... 6,200,000,000 For November........................ 5,820,000,000 For December.......................... 6, 47,ooo,ooo000 Drawn from storage reservoirs............ 8,530,000,000 54,787,560,000 gallons. 17 Existing storage ponds and reservoirs............. $9,000,000,000 Quaker Bridge reservoir........................ 32,000,000,000 Reservoir I, to be built..................... 5,000,000,000 Still required.............................. 9,000,000,000 55,000,000,000 If the difference in cost was in favor of the Housatonic plan, as compared with that of constructing storage reservoirs on the Croton, the disadvantages the former presents are so great as to be decisive against it. HEAD OR LEVEL OF THE NEW SUPPLY IN NEW YORK CITY. It is seen by the description of the Sawmill river and Bronx river plans, that the aqueduct proposed was to end near Jerome Park, 3 oI-IOO miles from High Bridge and 7 88-Ioo miles from the receiving reservoir in the Central Park. At Jerome Park there was to be constructed a receiving reservoir of 600,000,000 gallons capacity. The elevation of the new aqueduct at Jerome Park was to be 30 feet higher than the present one; but a small proportion of this increased head would be available in the circulation on Manhattan Island, because the water was to be conveyed from Jerome Park reservoir to High Bridge and from thence under the Harlem river to the Central Park reservoir in cast iron pipes 48 inches in diameter. If ten lines of pipes of this diameter were laid for this purpose it is calculated that the loss of head or pressure from friction alone would be about 20 feet, when the aqueduct is discharging its full capacity, by the time the water reached the south side of Harlem river. As the main discharge would be into the Central Park reservoir, the pressure at which water could be delivered from that source would not be increased. The new works, wholly independent of the Croton, now being constructed, to convey the waters of the Bronx and Byram rivers will deliver water into reservoirs to be built at William's Bridge at an altitude of about I8o feet above tide, or about 50 feet higher than the present aqueduct, and the water which will be supplied from this 2 i8 source will suffice for the more elevated portions of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards.* No provision has been made in the Quaker Bridge plans for additional storage reservoirs within the city limits. The principal function of such reservoirs is to keep a supply in the city in case it is necessary to shut off the aqueduct. Hence the necessity for storage at this end will not be increased by building another aqueduct. Any important change, with the view of raising the level of the top water-line of the Central Park reservoir, would involve great expense, and could not in any event materially diminish the high service area necessary to be supplied by pumping. THE AQUEDUCT. Several lines have been run in order to get the best location for an aqueduct, as far as possible in rock tunnel, from the Quaker Bridge reservoir to the High Bridge. A favorable line was found which measures 26' miles to High Bridge, or only about 91-Ioo mile greater than an air line. This line is remarkable for the comparatively small depth of the shafts necessary for constructing the tunnels, which is a matter of great importance, both with respect to the cost and time required to execute the work. There would be required 33 shafts, averaging IOI feet in depth, between the entrance of the aqueduct and the High Bridge. It is proposed to cross the Harlem river by a syphon, either tunnel through rock, or pipes laid on river bottom; to cross Manhattan Valley by a similar syphon, and to build the rest of the aqueduct between the south side of Harlem and Central Park reservoir in tunnel wherever possible, the same as in Westchester County. It is proposed to make the aqueduct a circle in sections lined with brick, 12 feet in diameter, and to have it leave Quaker Bridge reservoir of New Croton lake at the level of about 142 feet above tide, thus permitting 58 feet of storage to be drawn, and to discharge into the Central Park reservoir at II9 feet above the same datum. Acres. * Area of Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards, New York City................. 12,317 Number of acres below Ioo feet mean tide, Croton datum, to be supplied from aqueduct 8,352 Number of acres between Ioo and I6o feet, to be supplied from Bronx.............. 2,617 Number above I60 feet, to be supplied from Yonkers or by pumping................ I,348 19 Such a conduit would have the capacity to deliver about 250,000,000 of United States gallons daily when filled to within a few inches of the top. I need hardly call attention to the great advantages a conduit in tunnel presents over any other mode; such a construction would be as imperishable as any structure can be, and it is no small matter that it would be removed as far as possible from the danger of injury by evil-doers. In preparing plans and making estimates for this conduit, I have had the invaluable aid of unrestricted access to all the plans and other data connected with the construction of the Baltimore aqueduct tunnel from Gunpowder Creek, kindly granted me by Robert K. Martin, the Chief-Engineer of the work. As this tunnel is in rock, and of the same size and character as the one herein proposed, we have a safe guide for estimates of cost. While the Croton tunnels are considerably longer in the aggregate than the Gunpowder (Baltimore) tunnel, they would have shafts of much less average depth and could consequently be worked more rapidly and advantageously. TIME REQUIRED TO COMPLETE THE PROPOSED WORK. The time required to construct the Baltimore tunnel may be taken as a guide in estimating the time necessary to complete the proposed Croton tunnels; as the drifts in the proposed work would be about the same length and through the same character of rock, while the shafts would be considerably less in depth, it can be executed in less time, other things being equal. Taking the most difficult section on the proposed line as the portion which would require the most time, and which would consequently govern the completion, it is estimated that the New York aqueduct can be constructed in three and a half years from time of commencement. It should be remembered that in tunnel construction the work would be carried on day and night, winter and summer. It is more difficult to estimate the time which would be required to complete the dam; it would probably be found necessary to suspend the work during the winter, say from three to four months each year; but when this dam has reached the height of 135 feet above mean tide, or ii9 feet above the ground, Croton datum, it can be made to supply the new conduit with about ioo,ooo,ooo gallons per day; 20 it is probable with a systematic prosecution of the work, it can be raised to this height in three and a half years, while a year and a half more would probably complete the work to the full height.* The estimated cost of the proposed aqueduct from Quaker Bridge reservoir to the receiving reservoir in the Central Park is $o0,000,000. As before stated, in making these estimates, I have had the aid of the experience gained in the construction of the Baltimore tunnel; the above estimate being based largely on that data, and on liberal prices for both labor and materials, it is believed that it may confidently be taken as the amount within which the work can be done. The proposed dam would be constructed wholly of masonry; were it not for the contingencies which may arise in securing a proper foundation, a very close estimate could be made of its cost. This being the case, and with the knowledge of the ground obtained by over one hundred test pits and explorations with diamond drills, I have estimated an amount for the dam and reservoir hereinbefore described which should place it beyond contingencies. The estimate for the dam and reservoir is $4,0ooo,ooo, which, added to the estimate for the aqueduct, would make the cost of the new water supply $I4,000,000. The details of these estimates are ready for your inspection. I estimated early last summer that an aqueduct of I5o,ooo,ooo daily supply, with the necessary storage capacity, could be built for $12,000,000; subsequent examination has shown that such a work could be constructed for less than that amount. But increasing the size of conduit to convey 250,000,000 per day, instead of 150,000,000, the total cost was augmented somewhat over $2,000,000; the excess in cost was considered small to expend for an additional daily supply of I00,000,ooo of gallons. With such an aqueduct in use and with pipes already laid, it is safe to say that the head (or pressure) which existed when the Croton water was introduced would be again enjoyed, provided the waste does not exceed the present amount. It is expected that the Department will be able to diminish the waste. * The Furens dam in France, 164 feet high, was completed its full height in four years. t Should the dam owing to unexpected difficulties in the foundation cost one, or even three millions more than the estimate, the Quaker Bridge plan would still retain its decided superiority. 21 The following tables-give the comparative cost and other particulars of the three plans mentioned in this report: Table of Comparison of the Plans which have been proposed for an Aqueduct from the Croton Basin; with Extension frolm Iigh Bridge to Central Park Reservoir..........._ _ QUAKER BRIDGE, I SAWMILL RIVER. BRONX RIVER. 188I PLAN. 1875 PLAN. 1875 PLAN.._ — - I _ I. Total length, miles................... 2. Capacity in million gallons daily......... 3. Total storage provided by plan in Croton basin, with dams just high enough tol fill aqueduct, million gallons daily.... 4. The same with dams, full height proposed, millions of gallons.................. 5. Total cost including no provision for storage............................ 6. Total cost including provision for 32,000,000,000oo storage................... 7. Cost of providing 32,000,000,000 gallons storage in Croton basin.............. 8. Area of new lake including present Croton lake, acres...................... 31.35 250 * 42.31 150 * 41.17 150 a 32,000 t $12,000,000 14,000,000 2,000,000 3,635 t $13,o93,414 t $13,719,529 ~ 19,493,414 ~ 20, I19,529 6,400,000 1,200 6,400,000 1,200 -- -- ----- * From profiles. t Estimate for aqueduct to High Bridge $Io,ooo,ooo, for dam without storage $2,ooo,000 (see page 41) = 12,000,003. t Estimate in Appendix "A " added to Mr. G. W. Birdsall's estimate (Appendix "B") for conveying the water to Central Park reservoir, by the plans contemplated in 1875. ~ The same as No. 5, with $6,400,oo0 for storage added. 7able of Comparison of the Plans which have been proposed for an Aqueduct from Croton Basin, terminating at High Bridge. QUAKER BRIDGE SAWMILL PLAN, 1881. PLAN, I. Total length from the Croton to High Bridge, miles...................... 26.51 2. Capacity, U. S. gallons in 24 hours,i millions............................ 250 3. Total cost with no additional storage..... $10,000,00 * $9,1 4. Total cost with 32,000,000,000 additional storage in Croton basin.............. t 12,0ooo,ooo 15,5 5. Cost per million of gallons of supply obtained, including 32,000,000,o00 additional storage in Croton basin....... 48,000 I * See estimate in Appendix " A." t Estimating increase in height of dam for storage to be $2,ooo,ooo, see page 13. t Adding cost of 32,000,000,000 storage at $200 per million. _. - RIVER BRONX RIVER 1875. PLAN, 1875. 36.52 I5o 91,989 91,989 03,946 36.08 150 * $9,818,104 t I6,2I8,104 io8,121 22 A large amount of field and office work has been accomplished during the season, among other things, the flow-line of Quaker Bridge reservoir, 78 miles, and 2I3 miles of cross section lines have been run; over IOO miles have been run in Westchester County. A great deal of detail survey has been done to determine the proposed dam site, besides other surveys of a similar character; 78 borings to rock have been made in Harlem river above High Bridge. The data obtained from the U. S. Geodetic and Coast Survey has been a valuable aid in topographical work along the line of proposed aqueduct. We have had the advantage of the trigonometrical points and the detail surveys made under the late Professor Bache by the officers of the Coast Survey. Over I00 test pits have been put down on the proposed dam site, and two diamond drills are accomplishing good results in the bed of the Croton. I have studied the entire subject with the aid of E. S. Chesbrough, Consulting Engineer. B. S. Church, Resident Engineer, from his long experience with the existing works has rendered valuable aid. The topographical work has been under the immediate charge of John Mechan, formerly of U. S. Coast Survey. I am indebted to J. W. Adams for assistance in making up the estimates, as well as details of plans of aqueduct on which they were based. Very respectfully submitted. ISAAC NEWTON, Chief Engineer. NEW YORK, January 31, I882. ISAAC NEWTON, Esq., Chief Engineer Croton Aqueduct. DEAR SIR-I concur with you in the views and recommendations of your report on the proposed additional supply of water for this city. E. S. CHESBROUGH, Consulting Engineer. APPENDIX. —._^. ---OPINION OF JOHN B. JERVIS, ESQ., CONSTRUCTOR OF THE CROTON AQUEDUCT.* ROME, N. Y., January 13, I882. To ISAAC NEWTON, Esq., Chief Engineer Croton Aqueduct, New York; DEAR SIR-I acknowledged your favor of Ioth December, I88I, also that of December 26, I88I. In the meantime I visited your office in New York, and obtained a knowledge of the general features of the plans and estimates of the proposed improvements for the supply of New York City with water. After full consultation with yourself and your Consulting Engineer, I now propose to reply to the questions you have propounded to me. FIRST QUESTION.-As to the Necessity of an Additional Supply of Water. As to this question, it does not appear necessary to go much into detail. For several years instead of adding to the supply as population increased, the over strained capacity of the present aqueduct has been the same, and no addition has been practicable to the supply needed for the largely increased population. A serious failure in the present aqueduct, which has been a source of anxiety for several years, may arrest its functions. New York has a very large shipping interest, that needs much water; since the introduction of the Croton, her manufactures have largely increased; she is reported now the largest manufacturing city in the United States. The present population is too large to depend for its current supply of water on one aqueduct. Without further discussion of this * Condensed by Mr. Jervis from his longer report. 24 question, I have no doubt that the important interests of the city demand an additional conduit. SECOND QUESTION.-Source of Supply. I noticed by the reports you gave me that surveys have been made, establishing the practicability of obtaining the supply from the Housatonic river in Massachusetts and Connecticut. Whatever feasibility there may be of drawing from this or any other source, it appears to me better that it should be held in reserve until the supply from the Croton valley is exhausted. THIRD QUESTION.-Position of Reservoirs for Storage-Importancc of having them Large and well down the Stream. No doubt, large reservoirs are to be preferred and the nearer the lower end of the valley, the more effectual will they be to secure the whole drainage of the basin. The securing of large reservoir sites, instead of several small ones, is decidedly important in securing pure water. The high dam at the lower end of the valley certainly provides for the most efficient method of securing the entire drainage of the Croton valley. FOURTH QUESTION.-Practicability of a High Stone Dam-Its Safety-Precautions to be Observed, Means of Passing Flood Water during Construction of the Foundation-Height of Main Dam above Flow-line —Length of Waste-weir and Height of Water to be permitted above Flow-line during and after Greatest Storms. As to general practicability, I have no doubt; but it will be a high dam, so far as can now be judged, about 230 feet above rock bottom, or I80 feet above surface of ground. You may require to go lower to secure a rock foundation for the highest part; your soundings not being complete, I do not think you will have to go materially lower than now appears probable. There will be no difficulty in making a wall of hydraulic masonry sufficient to sustain it against the power of the water above from overthrowing it. The main question will be the power of the material to resist the crushing force of this weight. 25 I think you will have no difficulty in obtaining stone in the vicinity of the location that will sustain the pressure. Good brick will bear near four times the weight without crushing. I have no hesitation in expressing the opinion that the Ulster cement, with clean sand, will make mortar and concrete sufficient for this work. If you can find cement that is stronger, it will be prudent to use it in the lower section of the dam. Means of Passing Floods during Construction. The floods of the river will, no doubt, embarrass the work of construction, and as this will be a work of years, the precautions should be very efficient. Such a work cannot be executed without many contingent embarrassments, and you will find occasion for the most vigilant assiduity and your best professional judgment will be demanded. The Height of Dam above Flow-line-Length of Waste-weir and Heigiht above Flow in Floods. The old dam has a waste-weir of 270 feet. In about 40 years since its construction, no flood has been reported except in one instance of a rise of 8 feet above the crest of the dam. If I understand the location, and I have no doubt it was well explained to me, the facilities for a waste-weir in the proposed dam are very good. Its position will be in the subsidiary dam that is required north of the main dam, where the waste-weir and the channel from it will be in solid rock. FIFTH QUESTION.-Conduit in the Tunnel as much as possible, instead of an Embankment or in slight Excavations. There can be no question that a conduit in a tunnel through solid rock will be more safe, and require less repair than one on any kind of filling or in light cuttings. In some cases the cost of filling in low grounds would be greater than that of tunnel in sound rock. SIXTH QUESTION.-Difference in Cost of Conduit of, say, 50,000,ooo daily and one of, say, 200,000,000 to 250,000,000 not Equal to the Value of the Increased Capacity. It would require more calculations than I am now able to make, to determine what the difference of value may be. There is, however. 26 no doubt the largt aduiit will be less expensive, as compared to capacity, than the smaller one. SEVENTH QUESTION.-Level of Central Park Reservoir to be Maintained in New Works, but General Head throughout the City to be greatly improved by Additional Supply, probably without New SMains at first. The new aqueduct will greatly improve the facility for keeping full head in the city reservoirs, and consequently maintain more efficiency in the pressure on the distribution pipes. Whether an increase of the city mains may be found necessary, will depend on the experience of the effect of a full head in the reservoirs. EIGHTH QUESTION.-Danger to a City of the Importance and Magnitude of New York, of depending wholly on one Aqueduct. As to the propriety of a second aqueduct there can be no doubt. Finally, I would say: ist. The dam you propose, is practicable. 2d. That it is the best, and, in fact, the only plan that can secure the whole source of the Croton valley for the supply of its waters to the City of New York. 3d. Furnishing, as it does, a reservoir of large capacity, it provides a supply of water of the purest condition practicable. 4th. Though there will be more or less embarrassment from the floods of the river during construction, there is no reason to doubt they may be successfully overcome by the engineering skill you will be able to exercise on this subject. 5th. As to line and plan of aqueduct you propose, I see nothing to suggest. Your view of this I regard as well taken. When the dam is carried to the height of the gate chamber, you can occupy the new aqueduct, should it be ready. This you will see. With sincere wishes for your success in the construction of this rather bold, but eminently important and, as I believe, quite practicable work, I submit this paper. Very respectfully, JOHN B. JERVIS, Consulting Engineer. 27 OPINION OF JAMES B. FRANCIS, ESQ., PRESIDENT OF AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. ISAAC NEWTON, Esq., Chief Engineer of Croton Aqueduct: DEAR SIR-In reply to your communication of the Ioth instant, requesting my opinion of the advisability of obtaining an additional supply of water for the City of New York, by the plan you describe, I have to say that, in addition to the brief description in your communication, I have been informed verbally by yourself and Mr. E. S. Chesbrough more fully on the subject; have read various printed reports and documents relating to the general subject of the water supply of the city; examined the maps, plans, and profiles of proposed plans in your office, and have made a personal examination of the site of some of the proposed works. From information gathered as above, I beg leave to offer the following remarks on the several parts of the plan described by you: Ist. To go to the Croton watershed for the additional supply. Every year there is a waste of water from the water-shed much greater than the quantity now supplied to the city. This can be made available, to a great extent, by additional storage reservoirs of sufficient capacity. The alternative is to divert a supply from the Housatonic river, by means of a canal and tunnel into the Croton valley, estimated to cost, with the damages to the mill property on the river, about $2,500,000. The canal provided for in the estimate I consider quite insufficient to provide for the obstruction to the flow from ice. I should recommend it to be made of much greater depth than proposed, with walled sides, instead of earth slopes, for at least part of the depth. As the canal would be about 30 miles long, this would add largely to the cost. I also consider the estimate of damages to the mill property much too low. The Housatonic river being in another State would be, as you suggest, a very serious objection. 28 Your estimate of the cost of sufficient storage on the Croton river is $4,ooo,ooo. The cost of the Housatonic plan, in my judgment, would not be very much less than this. There being no great saving in cost, the want of jurisdiction, to my mind, points decidedly to the Croton water-shed as being the proper source of supply. 2d. " To build a masonry dam on the bed rock near Quaker " bridge on the Croton, about 4'2 miles below the present dam, and " thereby raise the water level to 200 feet above tide." 3d. " This reservoir thus made, to contain about 32,000,000,000 "gallons of storage above the line which will keep water I i' 5" deep "in an aqueduct I2 feet diameter." This dam would be nearly 200 feet high in the highest part, and would be a work of great magnitude, but I think entirely practicable, and as it would include a larger water-shed than reservoirs higher up the river, and create an available storage capacity of 32,000,000,000 of gallons at an estimated cost of $4,000,000, or at the rate of $125 * per million gallons, it would appear to be the most economical mode of obtaining storage in the Croton water-shed. In the report of the Commissioner of Public Works for the quarter ending June 30, i879, "it is estimated that the average Cost per million gallons, of all the reservoirs projected in the Croton basin, xvill be $200." A point to be considered in a reservoir of this elevation and magnitude, is the probable loss from percolation, elsewhere than at the dam; the geological formation appears to be very favorable in this respect, but I think there would be some loss. I should expect, however, that the additional water-shed, which would be obtained at the proposed site, over that at the site of the present dam, would fully compensate for this loss. 4th. " To run the aqueduct from the dam to High Bridge as far as possible in tunnel, and to avoid embankments whenever " possible." The experience with the present Croton aqueduct is so clearly and distinctly in favor of avoiding embankments, and constructing either * This includes cost of dam to full height. 29 in tunnel or open cutting,-that I do not see that anything more need be said on that point. 5th. "To cross the Harlem river by a syphon, either tunnel through rock or pipes laid on river bottom; to cross Manhattan "valley by a similar syphon, and to build the rest of the aqueduct between High Bridge and the Central Park reservoir in tunnel "wherever possible." 6th. " To raise the gate-house at the present dam to suit the new " water level, and to thoroughly strengthen the present aqueduct "between this and the new dam." 7th. " When the new aqueduct is completed to rebuild those "portions of the present structure on embankment where it has shown "signs of weakness." I am not sufficiently familiar with the localities to express an opinion on all these points. Crossing the Harlem river by a high bridge I think should be avoided if possible, as being too much exposed to injury. Either of the modes you suggest would be far better in this respect, and I have no doubt much less expensive. The thorough repair of the present aqueduct as soon as the new one is in successful operation, is no more than ordinary prudence would require. Comparing the several plans to which you have called my attention: New aqueduct on the Sawmill river route with a new dam across the Croton river, one-quarter of a mile above the head of Croton lake; length from dam to High Bridge 36.52 miles, o0.06 miles being in tunnel; the supply to be derived from new reservoirs in the Croton basin: Estimate of cost of conduit and pipe work.......... $8,700,000 00 Cost of 32,000,000,000 gallons of storage capacity at $200....................................... 6,400,000 oo $15,I 00,00 00 30 New aqueduct on the Sawmill river route with new dam as above; the supply to be derived from the Housatonic river: Conduit and pipe work as above................. $8,700,000 oo Estimate of cost of supply. from the Housatonic, as per report of the Commissioner of Public Works for the quarter ending June 30, I879, $2,500,000; as stated above I consider this too low, for the present purpose say......................... $3,500,000 oo $12,200,000 00 By the plan you propose, called the Quaker bridge plan, the estimate is as follows, the estimate for the conduit for comparison with the other plans, being for a capacity of 150,000,000 of gallons per day, the same as for the preceding, requiring a conduit of not more than ten feet diameter: Dam and land damages for reservoir.............. $4,000,000 oo 27 miles of conduit............................ 8,028,000 oo $12,028,000 00 In view of the great objection of deriving the supply from a source not within the jurisdiction of the State of New York, I think the choice would lay between the two plans deriving the supply from the Croton water-shed. By the above estimates the cost would be much less by the plan you propose than by the Sawmill river plan, and I see no advantage that the latter plan would have to compensate for its increased cost; of the three plans considered as above, I have no hesitation in recommending the Quaker bridge plan as being the most advisable one to adopt. Very respectfully, JAMES B. FRANCIS. LOWELL, MASS., December 30, i88I. 31 OPINION OF ROBERT K. MARTIN, CHIEF ENGINEER (NEW) BALTIMORE WATER SUPPLY. BALTIMORE WATER DEPARTMENT, CHIEF ENGINEER'S OFFICE, CITY HALL, December 30, I88I. ISAAC NEWTON, Esq., Chief Engineer, Croton Aqueduct: SIR-I had the honor to receive from you a communication, dated December I4, I88I, containing your conclusions upon an additional water supply for New York City. Having examined the maps, plans, profiles, and reports relating to the matter, and after having made a personal inspection of the site of the proposed dam near Quaker bridge, and a careful study of the subject, I beg leave to present the following report: By reference to a " table showing waste of water over the Croton dam," it will be seen that a large amount of water annually goes to waste in the Croton water-shed. This waste, if stored, would be more than enough for your present wants, and will be sufficient in the future, for a largely increased consumption. Again, the Croton water-shed is the nearest large supply to your point of delivery. These facts influence me in saying that the most available source from which to obtain an additional water supply is the Croton watershed. In order to store the water of the Croton water-shed, you propose building a masonry dam on bed rock near Quaker bridge, 4' miles below the present Croton dam, and thereby raise the water-level in the Croton basin to 200 feet above tide, which will give a storage capacity of about 32,000,000,000 gallons. In my opinion a dam of such a height as you propose should be of masonry laid in hydraulic mortar, which, in the hands of competent engineers, I believe to be,entirely practicable. My own views are fully sustained by the experience of French engineers, with similar dams, of nearly the same height. You propose to build an aqueduct from the dam at Quaker bridge to High bridge, as far as possible in tunnel, and to avoid embankments wherever possible. 32 An aqueduct is the main artery of a water supply, and should be located where it will be safe and give the least trouble in the future. In my opinion, the best location for an aqueduct is in tunnel, where practicable. The form of an aqueduct that I would recommend should be circular, the diameter sufficient to preclude the possibility in the future of wishing that it had been larger. Harlem river and Manhattan valley can be crossed either with a tunnel or by pipes, laid on the river bottom, or beneath the surface. There can be no difficulty in the raising of the gate-house, at the present Croton dam, to suit the higher water-level, and also strengthen the present aqueduct between the present Croton dam and the proposed new dam. After your new aqueduct is completed, you can rebuild those portions of the present aqueduct, or embankment, where it has shown signs of weakness. I consider that no large city should be dependent on a single aqueduct for its water supply. Your plan of constructing a large storage supply at Quaker bridge is preferable to the building of storage reservoirs in the upper Croton basin. These storage reservoirs, in the upper Croton basin, can be availed of in the future, when the storage at Quaker bridge becomes inadequate. The Housatonic plan, as a source of supply in place of storage, has objections. It is located in an adjoining State, where it will be difficult to exercise control over pollutions, or enforce regulations. Furnishing a city with pure water through an open canal, at all seasons of the year, and guarding every avenue of pollution along its line, is a serious problem. Is it not possible that the Housatonic will be subjected to the same diminution of flow as the Croton during a drought, and may you not, eventually, have to resort to storage, to keep up this supply? After a careful study of the whole subject, I feel confident that the plan recommended by you is not only advisable, but the proper one for an additional supply of water for New York City. Respectfully submitted, ROBERT K. MARTIN, Chief Engineer. 33 "A A. REPORT ON SAW MILL RIVER AND BRONX RIVER PLANS. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, ENGINEER'S OFFICE, CITY HALL, NEW YORK CITY, January 3, 1876. Hon. FITZ JOHN PORTER, Commissioner of Public Works: SIR-In compliance with your instructions, two surveying parties were organized under Mr. Charles J. McAlpine and Mr. Horace Loomis, to ascertain the best route for another aqueduct between the Croton river and the Harlem river, at High bridge. These parties were placed under the charge of Mr. Thomas A. Emmett, who for the last four years has had charge of the reservoirs in the Croton valley, and whose report of the surveys and the estimated cost of the new aqueduct is hereto annexed. A careful examination of the Croton river was made, showing the most favorable place for another dam was about a quarter of a mile above the head of the Croton lake and just below the mouth of the Muscoot river. It is at this point proposed to raise a dam 30 feet above the lip of the present dam, which will form a reservoir and settling basin covering about 800 acres, and will be about seven miles in length and hold about 1,180,000,000 gallons. Surveys for the aqueduct were made across the divide to the head waters of the Bronx, and down that valley, and also further to the west to the Pocantico and Sawmill rivers. The length of the aqueduct from the reservoir to the High bridge, on the Bronx river route, will be 36.08 miles, and by the Sawmill river route 36.52 miles. The aqueduct will start from the Croton river with an elevation of thirty (30) feet above the present aqueduct, and descend on a grade of 12.67 inches per mile to the vicinity of Jerome Park, at which point the high grounds fall away so far as to render the continuance of the aqueduct of masonry expensive and objectionable. It is here proposed to construct a reservoir, and from this point carry the water in cast-iron pipes. The water in the reservoir will 3 34 stand forty-two (42) feet above that of the waters in the reservoirs in the Central Park. The estimate is based on an aqueduct of sufficient capacity to carry 150,000,000 gallons per day, which, with the present aqueduct carrying Ioo00,000ooo,ooo will give a daily supply of 250,000,000 gallons. The drainage area of the Croton basin, above the Croton dam, is 338 square miles. In the report of the Croton Aqueduct Board, made to the Common Council in I863, they estimate the daily flow of the Croton river at 338,832,I28 gallons. Mr. Tracy, late Chief Engineer of the Croton Aqueduct, in his report in May, I873, says: " For many years past the Department has kept a gauge of the daily quantity of water flowing over the Croton dam, in addition to that which is conveyed to the city by the aqueduct, and during the past ten years an average daily quantity of 340,000,000 gallons has run to waste over the dam, in addition to the quantity that was brought to the city." Professor Chandler, President of the Board of Health, who has made the Croton a special study, says of it: " We have an available supply of 387,000,000 gallons." Of the purity of the Croton water, he says: "The character of the Croton water-shed is of a nature to " guarantee water of the best quality. Mountains and hills of Lau"rentian gneiss receive the rain-fall, which is quickly absorbed and "filteredby the pure siliceous sands and gravels, to gush out in "numberless springs, feeding the brooks which bear the sparkling "waters to the ponds and reservoirs. From these flow the large "streams which by uniting form the Croton river. This is finally "expanded by the dam at the head of the aqueduct, into a broad, "deep lake, the fountain reservoir, or Croton lake, in which the "quiet waters deposit the finer sediments and thus undergo a final "purification before they are admitted to the aqueduct. Nowhere "along the streams can anything be found which can render the "waters impure. Rugged rocks or bright green pastures generally "border them. At certain seasons of the pear, as when the snows "melt in the spring, and the waters scour the still frozen earth, the "water is often discolored when it reaches the city, and alarmists "begin to discuss the danger to be apprehended from the poisons 35 "and miasmata which are derived from the bogs and morasses of "Westchester County and Putnam County. But we have never "been able to trace any sickness whatever to such sources, and do " not believe that any unwholesome impurities ever occur in our "water. The purity of the Croton water is remarkable." * The present aqueduct is now bringing into the city daily all the water that it can carry with safety, and it is necessary that steps be taken at once to bring in an additional supply. The importance of a full supply is too great to be dependent upon one aqueduct, and another should be built entirely away from and independent of the present, that in case of accident to one the other may not be affected by it. It is now impossible to keep the water out of the present aqueduct sufficient time to make the thorough repairs to it that it requires. Had we another aqueduct, the water could be drawn from it for such time as may be necessary to thoroughly repair it, when it could be made fully as good as when the Croton water was first brought through it in 1842. In order to keep the supply necessary for the city until another aqueduct is built, meters will be required on all places where extra water is used to stop the waste, and every effort made to stop the waste in private houses. By such exertions the demand may be kept down to the present supply until such a time as another aqueduct can be built. Work on the present aqueduct was commenced in the fall of I837, and the water brought through it and let into the reservoirs at Eighty-sixth street, in July, I842. The present facilities for excavating rock with steam drills will expedite work, but it will not be safe to expect the completion of the work and passage of water through it in less than three years after the work shall be placed under contract. The quantities of work in the estimate for the new aqueduct are full and the prices such as the work can be done for. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, JOHN C. CAMPBELL, Chief Engineer. * From Report of Croton Aqueduct Board, I863. 36 DEPARTMENT OF PUPLIC WORKS, ) ENGINEER'S OFFICE, CARMEL, PUTNAM COUNTY, NEW YORK, December 20, I875. JOHN C. CAMPBELL, Esq., ChiefEngineer: SIR-I herewith submit a report of operations in the field (together with profile and estimates) of the engineering parties who have been engaged in making surveys for a new aqueduct from the Croton to the Harlem river. The map is not quite completed, but will be sent to you in a few days. The first party, under the charge of Mr. Charles L. McAlpine, began work on the 20th of August, locating the site for a dam across the Croton river one-quarter of a mile above the head of Croton lake, and establishing a flow-line for a new lake or settling basin 30 feet higher than the lip of the present Croton dam. From the point where the dam was located a line was run down the east bank of the Croton lake on a descending grade of 0.020 per Ioo feet, or I 56-Ioo feet per mile, which grade was continued to the end of the line. Leaving Croton Lake at the mouth of the Kisco river, the line follows up that stream to the summit between it and the Bronx river, and down the Bronx to the end of the route. The length of this route to High Bridge is 36 8-IOO miles, of which 13 98-IOO miles is tunnel, I9 9-0oo miles in open cuts and embankments, and 3 I-IOO miles in castiron pipes to the High bridge over the Harlem river. The second party, under the charge of Mr. Horace Loomis, began on the 6th of September, at a point on Mr. McAlpine's line on the north bank of Kisco river, near its mouth, and crossing that river continued down Croton lake to a small stream called Trout or Van Cortland brook, and followed it to the summit or head waters of the Pocantico river; following down that stream four and a half miles, and thence across to Sawmill river valley, which was followed for twelve and a quarter miles, thence crossing the ridge to the valley of Tibbet's brook. In the valley of Tibbet's brook the line runs about three miles alongside of the present aqueduct, varying in distance from fifty to one hundred feet to the east of it, and on ground from thirty to forty feet higher. From where it leaves the aqueduct the line runs west of Woodlawn Cemetery and thence on high ground to its junction with Mr. McAlpine's line. The length of this route from 37 the dam at High bridge is 36 52-100 miles, of which Io 6-o00 miles is tunnel, 23 45-I00 miles is open cuts and embankments, and 3 I-IOO miles in pipes. For the lake above the dam two flow-lines were run, one of them thirty feet and the other twenty-five feet above the lip of Croton dam. The area of land covered by the upper flow-line will be 860 acres, and the capacity is estimated at I, 180,000,000 of gallons. The lower flowline will cover an area of 614 acres, and will contain about 765,000,000 of gallons. The upper flow-line covers the track of the Lake Mahopac branch of the Harlem Railroad, from one to six feet in depth, for a distance of 1,300 feet, and the lower flow-line for a distance of 400 feet nearly touches the track, the deepest place being one foot. The water by the upper flow-line will also cover about four feet above the lower chord of the railroad bridge across the Croton river, the track being laid on the upper one. Two points were examined for receiving reservoirs in the vicinity of Jerome Park, one containing 65 acres, with a capacity of about 600,000,000 of gallons, the other containing about 60 acres, with a capacity of about 550,000,000 of gallons. In making these surveys the country has been carefully.examined, and lines run through every gap or opening that was found between the Bronx river and Pocantico river and the Bronx river line, which runs from the summit along the head waters of Sawmill river to Unionville, is connected with the Sawmill river line a short distance below that place. In crossing Sprain Brook, on the Bronx river route, the estimate is for carrying the water across that valley in castiron pipes. The inside area of the proposed aqueduct is 75 32-100 feet. Estimates are made on the Bronx river and Sawmill river routes as being the most direct and presenting the fewest obstacles to the construction of an aqueduct, and I think the estimates annexed to this report will fully cover the cost. I am indebted to Messrs. McAlpine and Loomis, and the young men under them, for their careful and skillful prosecution of the surveys, and their promptness and dispatch in making up the estimates and profiles. Respectfully submitted, THOMAS A. EMMETT, Assistant Engineer in Charge. 38 ESTIMATES ON SAW MILL AND BRONX RIVER PLANS ACCOMPANYING ABOVE REPORT. Estimate for Lake and Damn at head of Nezw Aqueduct. 860 acres of land, including buildings................................ $300,oco oo Clearing and grubbing......................................... 5,000 00 8,500 cubic yards of earth excavation, at 25C............................ 2,125 00 24,000 " rock excavation, at $1.25........................... 30,co0 o0 2,C00 " tunnel cutting in rock, at $6....................... 12,000 00 90,000 " embankment, at 50c............................ 45,000 oo 500 " concrete masonry, at $6............................ 3,0oo oo 4,500 rubble masonry, at $5............................. 22,500 00 200 " brick masonry, at $12............................. 2,400 00 2,000 " cut-stone masonry, at $25.......................... 50,000 oo Gate-houses, gates, screens, etc........................................ 30,000 oo Making new road, raising railroad bank, and bridge...................... 30,000 oo $532,025 00 Estimate for New Aqueduct on Saw Mill River route, from Dam to High Bridge 36 52-100 miles, of which 10 o6-1oo miiles is in iFnnel, 23 45-100 miles in Open Ctt, etc., and 3 OI-100 miles by Pipes. 300 acres of land for right of way, at $500............................ Clearing and grubbing......................................... 66o,coo cubic yards of earth excavation, at 30c........................... I30,coo 254,coo 200,000 75,coo 65,00ooo 41,000 253,400 130,300 6,750 " rock excavation, at $1.50.......................... c" tunnel cutting in rock, at $6....................... " embankment, at 3 c.............................. " foundation wall, at $2.25......................... 4" protection wall, at $2.25.......................... ' - concrete masonry, at $6.......................... " rubble masonry, at $6............................. " brick masonry, at $IO............................. a hammer-dressed masonry, at $15.................. $150,000 00 5,000 00 198,000 00 195,ooo oo 195,000 00 1,524,000 00 6o,oco oo I68,750 oo 146,250 oo 246,000 00 1,520,400 00 1,303,000 00 101,250 00 3 miles of new roads........................................... 30,000 oo $5,645,650 00 3 OI-Ioo miles of 48-inch pipes (six lines), at $I32 per foot.......... 2,097,850 00 Gate-house................................................... 30,000 0 Estimate of dam............................................... 532,025 00 60 acres of land, at $2,000 per acre.................... $120,000 00 350,000 cubic yards of earth excavation, at 25c............... 87,500 oo 105,000 " rock excavation, at $1.25.............. 131,250 00 120,000 o" embankment, at 30c.................. 36,000 00 12,000 " puddle, at $i........................ 12,000 00 39 6,000 cubic yards of slope wall, at $2....................... $12,000 oo Gate-houses, gates, etc............................ 50,000 oo $448,750 00 $8,754,275 oo Add for superintendence and contingencies............................... 437,714 oo $9, 91,989 oo Estimatefor New Aqueduct on Bronx River Route, from Dam to High Bridge, 36 o8-IOO miles, of which 13 98-100 miles is in Tunnel, 19 09o00 miles in Open Cuts, etc., and 01-I0 miles by Pipes. 300 acres of land for right of way, at $500........................... Clearing and grubbing........................................ 350,000 cubic yards of earth excavation, at 30c.......................... 230,000 360,000 100,000 55,000 50,000 28,000 203,400 113,300 8,ooo " rock excavation, $1.50............................ " tunnel cutting in rock, at $6........................ " embankment, at 30~............................. " foundation wall, at $2.25......................... " protection wall, at $2.25.......................... " * concrete masonry, at $6........................... " rubble masonry, at $6............................ " brick masonry, at $ I............................. " hammer-dressed masonry, at $I5.................... $150,000 00 5,000 00 105,000 00 345,000 00 2,160,000 00 30,000 oo 123,750 00 112,500 00 i68,ooo 00 1,220,400 00 1,246,300 oo 120,000 00 40,000 00 396,ooo oo $6,241,950 oo 2,097,850 00oo 30,000 oo 532,025 00 2 gate-houses, etc., at Sprain brook............................... 18,000 lineal feet of 48-inch pipe, at $22.............................. 3 OI-Ioo miles of 48-inch pipes (6 lines), at $132 per foot................... Gate-house.......................................................... Estimate of dami..................................................... Reservoir near Jerome Park. 60 acres of land, at $2,000 per acre..................... $120,000 00 350,000 cubic yards of earth excavation, at 25c............... 87,500 oo 105,000 " rock excavation, at $I.25.............. 131,250 00 I20,000 " embankment, at 30c.................. 36,000 oo 12,000 " puddle, at $I........................ 12,000 oo 6,000 " slope wall, at $2.................... 12,000 oo Gate-houses, gates, etc.................................... 50,000 00 448,750 oo $9,350,575 oo Add for superintendence and contingencies.............................. 467,529 oo $9,818, o4 oo 40 EXTRACT FROM REPORT OF THE CROTON AQUEDUCT BOARD, MADE JANUARY 5, I863, TO THE COMMON COUNCIL. With an aggregate annual precipitation of rain and snow of 42 inches vertical height, which is about the average for many years past, the quantity falling upon the Croton basin, tributary to our works, is equal to an average of 667,674,257 gallons per day. Judging from experiments made in other localities, the physical and geological features of which,'while resembling the Croton basin to some degree, are less favorable as a whole, the loss from evaporation, vegetation, and such absorption as does not subsequently reappear in springs, may be put down as equal to 14 inches vertical height of the total annual rain-fall. Make a further deduction equivalent to one-sixth of the entire annual rain-fall, to cover loss by evaporation and filtration from storage reservoirs, and we find that a quantity equal to an average of 338,832,I28 gallons per day, would find its way to Croton dam and the inlet of our aqueduct. Were it necessary to use the entire yield of the Croton basin, a great portion, if not the whole of this quantity, could, by a proper system of storage reservoirs, be saved and made available. 41 Cc B., Estimate of Mr. G. W. Birdsall, First Assistant Engineer, for conveying water from termination of surveys of Saw-mill and Bronx river routes, north side of High Bridge, to Central Park Reservoirs. Estimated Cost of Laying 10-48" Pipe from North End of High Bridge to Connections with Central Park Reservoirs. Lineal Feet. From north end High Bridge, by Sedgwick and Ogden avenues, to McComb's Dam, 4,800 feet............................ 48,000 Across Harlem river to One Hundred and Fifty-third street, I,500 feet............ 15,000 McComb's Dam road and One Hundred and Fifty-third street, and Eighth avenue to North Gate-house, Central Park, 5 pipe, I6,000 feet........................... 80,ooo Seventh avenue and One Hundred and Fiftythird street to Fifth avenue and One Hundredth street and North Gate-house, Central Park, 5 pipe, I8,0oo feet....... 90,0oo Total lineal feet................... 233,000 82,ooo tons 48" pipe delivered at dock, at 30....... 350 tons specials and branches, at $75.... Stop-cocks, hydrants, etc.................. Hauling and laying 235,000 ft. 48" pipe, at $2....... 60,ooo cubic yards rock excavation, at $2.50....... 235,000 " earth excavation, at 30 c. 290,000 "( filling, at Io c................. 80,0oo square yards pavement to relay, at 25 c....... Extra expense crossing Harlem river6,ooo cubic yards concrete, at $Io...... 30,000 " excavation, at $5........... Contingencies........................ Add 10 per cent for engineering and contingencies....................... i i.................... I $2,460,000 00 26,250 00 71,000 co 470,000 oo 150,000 00 70,500 00oo 29,000 oo 20,000 00 60,000 oo00 150,000 00 40,000 00 I #42A67eno 00nn ~0 J. 1-r- ' j --.......... 354,675 oo.......... $3,90,425 00.. * TABLE 1. SHOWING WASTE OF WATER OVER CROTON DAM. 0 MLIONTHS. X u Uc January........ I0.45 February....... 2.18 March......... II.79 April........... 1 50 May............ 9. 16 June........... 1.29 July......... 3.66 August......... 5.65 September....... 80 October....... 3.27 November...... 8.03 December....... 9.90 Average daily waste) in U. S. gallons per year............. 1863. I Average Daily Waste IPer Month. Gallons. 492,889,805 577,015,622 593,52I,536 522,240,3 5 397,367,737 23,549,244 130,131,046 195,376,905 38,813,937 124,938,305 322,179,348 0r k-g Vt aQ5 2. 4-47 7. I 7.70 8.84 2.92 i.6 -2.00 4.7I 8.87 I864. Average Daily Waste Per Month. Gallons. 401,909,383 I48,840,523 260,810,911 293,170,821 354,266,997 84,015,412 50,596,702 50,574,082 144,042,562 359-55I,272 1865. 1866. 1867..... o.1. Average 0. U A e Average AverageAverage Daily c Daily L Daily OU r Waste Waste Waste Per Month ~ Per Month. o Per Month. ~.gE Gallons. a, Gallons. Gallons. 10.20 444,492,829 5-50 180,493,695 4-39 I29,o86,655 7.96 5.75 218,3I9,6801 i6.80,119,330,543 14-73 773,323,600o 365 I4.81 790,830,624 9-77 406,809,297 12.oo 551322,898 1i370 8.97 358,022,600 1O.03 420,795,777 9.93 4i7,567,753 I6.33 I.65 562,581,688 9 97 390,692,555 13 48 670,816,408 17 87 7.60 278,039,658 9.7~ 402,344,929 1I4-60 7S5,4T3,290 12.26 2.74 80,784,000 2.96 90,730,852 6.941 256,829,196 4.24 7.I31 279,56,724 3-97 139,504,2I2 13.40 700,459,214 7-30 0.12: I,348,r58 3-T3 1 69,831,484 9-33 417,856,399 16.73 0.15 2,998,362 2.59 I44,919,622 7.55 290,193,855 10.90 5.62 189,968,266 12.20 591,II5,654 9.27 359,947,474 I3.96 8.35 355,31o,l65 1o.96 499,294,183 7.71 298,024,947 3-85..... 296,850,229..... 379,655,150 *. 470,903,474.... i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I868. I869. o. Average | Average Daily | U Daily Waste Waste Per Month. Per Month. Gallons. E Gallons. 299,8I3,000 8.67 343,350,000 87,636,000o.......... 675,234,000o 6.48 847,972:500 867,997,coo 12.26 568,492,500 995,175,000 10.51 461,325,000 567,487,000 5.4I 170,25-,ooo I 6,122,000 1.48 24,337,500 261,12, 000.... i......... 908,37,000............... 476,797,ooo 9-45 387,750,000 693,150,000 8.TO 300,000,000 104,250,000 II. 9 496,875,000 504,424000.... 327,300,000 4P tI,, i 427,651,960 o 8.o6 32,47,98 IalIg9 - 316,223.620 205,333,524 TABLE I-(Continued). SHOWING WASTE OF WATER OVER CROTON DAM. 1870. 1871. 1872. I873. 1874. 1875. o 0. 0 o. MONTHS.,: AAverag Average X Average Av e Average A ra r. U Daily Da ly = Daily _ = Daily Da Wase Waste e Waste -c Waste Waste Waste 0 Per Month.. Per Month. * Per Month. Per Month. ~ Per Month.. Per Month. Gallons. c E Gallons. -2 E Gallons. r E Gallons. Gallons. Gallons. January...... 3.51 657,000,000 1.16 22,25,000 775 285,300,000 I3.34 639,322,500 1378 675,600,000 o.88 11,077,500 February..... 14.31 712,950,000 7.47 271,875,000 4.76 137,370,000 7.56 272,250,000 1o.68 465,ooo,000 11.83 533,925,000 March..... 12.19 557,550,000 12.40 585,000,000 550 170 872,500 12.09 550,950,000 10.76 472,500,000 1o.Io 419,250,000 April......... 14.64 739,050,000 8.20 307,500,000 11.36 5 7,500,000 20.50 I,22),820,000 12.45 585,000,000 16.45 888,ooo,ooo May.......... 7.14 255,000,003 7.85 292,500,000 4.96 147,750,000 20.88 1,375,000,030 10.84 478,500,000 6.80 231,525,000 June.......... 2.83 60,600,coo 5.57 172,5000000 4-94 I47,375,coo 0.72 8,550,000 3.41 82,500,000 0.70 8,550,000 July...... 0.82 9,000,030 2.42 51,750,000 i.16 o 20,775,00............... 3.o8 69,000,000 0.40 4,125,000 August........ 0.8 9,000,000 2.49 52,350,000 5.25 159,375,o0o 1.36 2r,ooo, o-o.99 37,425,000 15.07 771,750,000 September.................. 1.76 30,825,000 4.86 142,500,000 0,35 3,150,00 0.55,725,000 2.93 67,500,ooo October...... o. ro8 750,000 7.31 234,000,000 4-4~ 26,0C0,000 4.44 1 20,00,000 I.99 37,425,00 0.23,650,000 November.... 2.04 37,500,000 3.53 657,750,0o0 i 9.92 4[7,750,0c 5.78 206,250,000 1.23 20,250,000 8.05 300,000,000 December.... 2.04 37,500,000 8.58 330,000,000 5.93 187,500,000o.53 516,750,0:0 3.05 68,850,000 6.90 240,000,000 _ _ _ _ _ _ j _, _______ _. - - - Average daily waste) ji in U. S. gallons 256,325,00.... 250,680,00... 205,005,000.... 403,582,000..... 249,750,000.. 289,777,000 per year....... TABLE I-(Continued). SHOWING WASTE OF WATER OVER CROTON DAM. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. o Aea MONTHS. f Average So Average eraAverage Av Average Aver Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Waste Waste WasWasWae Waste c Waste Per Month.. Per Month. ~ g Per Month. Per Month ~ Per Month. ~ Per Month. -s Ga. Gallons. Gallons. G allons. Gallons. E Gallons. I I G a l l o n s. __ __ a79ioooo 2 40 - 30,85000 January...... 5-74 179,oo10,0 2.40 51,750,o00 9-50 387,967,500 5.54 171,cOO,o0 9.90 418,500,ooo 1.80 30,850,coo February..... I2.62 593,250,000 6.Ii 199,20D,000 T 3.11 628,000 000 9.40 382,500,000 11.04 483,750,000 11.97 547,500,000 March....... 18.34 1,035,000,000 19.65 1,155,900,000 13.08 620,925,000 13-74 675,000,000 10.79 472,500,000 17-58 973,175,000 April......... 1756 975,000,000 10.71 472,500,000 6.70 232,320,000 i6. 6 862,500,000 8.io 300,750,000 7.03 245,320,000 May......... 7.50 272,175,000 2.77 6i,350,000 5.99 194,700,000 740 268,500,000 2.89 67,500,000 5. 4 149,000,000 June......... 1.63 25,500,00 1.00oo 3,245,000 553 171,000,000 2.80 60,000,000 0.21 1,650,000 6.16 199,400,000 July.......... 017 900,000oo............... 37 -,6 50,o 0 1.40 22,50O,OOO 0.30 22,00,000 0.48 4,925,coo August................................. 1.39 22,875,000 4.00 105,975,000............................... September.......................... 6.8 1 245,250,000 93 105,000,000........................... October..... 2.50 52,372,500 2.47 52,350,000 1.51 24,375,000.................... November.....8o 30,825,000 13.68 672,225,000 6.87 246,000,000 2.60 54,000,000 0.63 6,0oo,ooo 0.13 918,c00 December.... 0.03 187,500 7.05 245,400,000 20 03 1,185,135,000 7.54 272,250,000 0.23 1,687,500 5.97 194,500,000 Average daily waste) in U. S. gallons 259,327,000..... 243,66i,000.... 334,140,000.. 25,300,000 146,233,000..... 9,465,600 per year..........) NOTE.-As the flow over a dam does not vary directly as the depth of water on it, and the averages being made from single daily measurements, the above table is not absolutely accurate, but as close an approximation as is required. TABLE 2. AVERAGE DEPTH IN AQUEDUCT AND AVERAGE DELIVERY IN GALLONS PER DAY. _ _ _ I I I868. 1869. I870. 1871. 1872. I873. 1874. MONTHS. 2 -o 0.2.b1 sc2 P. 4.j Qr >1 a) w t 2 = 02;.E. 5) 5d P" 2 '0~ 2 v:j - 0 Q) a) P 2 41) z a)b a, C~ EE P, January......... February....... March.......... April............ May........... June............ July............. August......... September.... October......... November...... December.... Feet..... 5-76 6.oo.... Gallons............................... 77,950,000 82,189,000.......... Feet. Gallons. I.............. 6.02 82,500,000 6.02 82,500,000 6.oo 82, 89,ooo 4.96 64,700,000 3-50 47,937,00o 6.13 84,900,ooo 6.oo 82,189,00o 6.37 88, co,ooo Feet. I 6.28 6.21 6.o8 5.62 5.96 6.ox 6.00 5.62 5.03 5.83 5.75 5-77 10 a, Gallons. 87,000,000 85,50o,ooo 83,565,000 75,775,000 81,300,000 82,190,000 82,189,000 76,000,000 65,000,000 79,382,000 77,960,000 78,000,000 5 M cn Q I Feet. 5.84 6.oo 5.90 5-95 6. o 6.02 6.15 6.05 6.oo 6.03 5.88 6.13 Gallon-. Feet. Gall ons. 82,i89,ooo 6.45 89,0~~,ooo 2) I a) I 80,797,000 6.39 0,,Q i Qa 82,89,ooo 6.52 90,07%o05 Gallons. Feet. Gallons. 7982,o,000 6.32,22540,000 82,189,000 6.45 88,000,000 80,797,000o 6.39 88,500,0o 0 81,300,000 6.60 i 91,290000 82,89,000oo 6.52 90,079,000 82,200,000 6.20 86,220,000 84,9I7,000 6.36 88,ooo,ooo 83,000,000 6.19 85,500,00D 82,189,000 6.38 88,500,0ooo 83,000,000 6.19 86,220,000 80,000,003 6.17 84,917,000 84,917,000 6.17 84,917,000 7.23 99,545, 0 7.02 96,834,000 6.75 6.8209 97,71377,000 6.25 99,58o,ooo 6 75 I 93,612,000 6.80 93,682,00ooo 7 -04 97,000,000ooo 7.36 10o,741,00ooo 7.66 102,838,ooo |7 *66 i r02,838,oso 12 I.2 cn U.U ^ tb a.n Q (I Feet. 6.8i 7.09 7.12 7.o0 6.85 7.0o 7.I7 7.28 7.41 7-37 7-33 '0 u o ~.' - a Gallons. 4 94,448,000 Cs 97,777,000 98,177,000 96,954,000 95,000,000 96,954,ooc 98,695,oco 98,395,000 100,000,000 io,o8o,ooo 100,94I,0oo 100,341,000 I I I I - TABLE 2 —(Continued). AVERAGE DEPTH IN AQUEDUCT AND AVERAGE DELIVERY IN GAILONS PER DAY. 1875. MONTHS. a cbs NO. _ a. Feet. Gallons. January......... 7.38 100,780,000 February........ 7.45 101,350,000 March.......... 751 101,89,0ooo April............ 7-49 oi,6oo,oco May........... 7.48 1o0,500oo,o June.. 7.50 101,746,000 July............ 7.48 101,500,000 August......... 7.57 102,320,000 September..... 7-58 1 12,338,oo0 October......... 60 102,458,000 November...... 756 102,200,000 December...... 758 102,338,000 -— --- —-- a Q Feet. 7.52 7.53 7.62 7.60 7.58 7-49 6.98 5-50 5-44 6.55 6.5~ 1876. P Q o ~ Gallons. Feet. 11o,866,ooo 7.09 101,926,000 7 35 102,518,000 7-35 102,578,000 7-43 102,458,000 7 45 102,338,000 7.32 1o1,686,ooo 7.12 96,784,000 6.8i 73,617,00o 5.-0 72,743,00ooo0 6.26 90,679,000 7.30 90,079,000 7.26 I877. '3 t > Q., Gallons. 97,877,000 100,541,000 100,541,000 101,280,000 101,480,000 100,241,000 98,177,000 94,528,000 64,81 0,000 87,646,000 100,041,000 99,651,000 1878. 1879. I880. ~bf boa o e C c tI. _ - - Feet. Gallons. Feet. Gallons. Feet. Gallons. 7.28 99,85I,000 7.33 100,341,oo000 i 734 Ico,441,ooo 7.26 99,65 ooo 732 00,24I,000 733 1o,341,oo 7.27 99,751,ooo 7-36 1o00,641,000oo 7 - 35 1oo,54,ooo00 7-27 9975,ooO 7-35 I00,54,000 7-35 100,541,000 7.2I 99,5o,ooo000 7.3I 100,141,000 7-32 1oo,24T,coo 7.30 C0o,041,000 7-3I 10oo,4,0oco 7.25 99,55I,ooo 7.29 99,94,ooo| 7-32 |100,24I,000 707 97,677,oco 7.27 99,75I,0ooo0 7.28 99,851,000 7.I7 98,695,oo0 7.30 100, 04,o00 7.02 97,oo4,oco 7I9 8 5oo 7.32 100,241,0C00 7-36 100,641,000 7.-12 98,I77,ooo 7-33 00,341,000oo 7-36 100,641,000 7.23 1 00,T41,000o 7.34 I,440,coo 7.34 10oo0,441,coo 7.09 97,677,coo -f~i~j I88I. Feet. Gallons. 2 04 7.- 31 97,9477,000oo 7.29 99,851,00ooo 7. 9 99,95441,o00 7.29 99,95xooo 7. 29 99,957,000 78,, 7.34 10,4,0 7.3 10,4,0 7.32j 10,4,3 -p C)\ TABLE 3. RAIN-FALL IN CROTON BASIN. 1866. II I MONTHS. Tanuary...... February..... March....... April......... May.......... June......... July.......... August....... September.... October...... November.... E 0 U 1.04 5.58 2.15 2.69 5.o6 4.41 4.27 5.50 6.i6 4.44 3.87 a) 0 U _ i 3.33 3.60 3.33 3-79 5.62 1 4.45 4.01 6.56 4.92 5.09 3.80o 3.27 51.77 i V2 U) C o 14 o:.................................... E cs 2 U o 1.26 4.90 2.46 3.I3 7.26 7.19 5.22 8.79 3.66 4-74 3.42 6.867. 3.7 868. 2.~ 5.28.... I.23 2.90 3>7! 547 3.87 5.25... 3.65 2. I3.... 0O.04.... I 13-05 6.98 3.62 20.47 933 3.66.... o63 o 87.... 3.I0.... 7-I4 4-65.... 2.....50 2 1.35.... 50.77.. 82.461 50-33 *... I869. UU 540 379.... 5 5-40 3-79 '....- 9-5I 5.75 3.64 6.37 9.5i 5.48.... 7.23 3.38 1 2.II 4-95 6.72 4.52 2.71 1.19 3-59... 2.06 2.26.. 2.75 1.97 1.92 i 7.71 2.64 3-20... 2.36 8.93 9-46 7.62 7.23 2.43 * — 3-74 5.74 596... 1.20 I 1870. 1871. 1872. I I I! I873 - 1 H tu C/) be te;n 0 0 0 o v( 0 U -,it.3 > u P) P4 I I o;: 4.88 2.91 3.25 1.82 2.28 5.65 6.13 1.76 1.73 3.42 4.69 0.57............ 2. 33 3.04 4.94 g.0 t I!.0 cn cr,._ 4.75 2.88 2.17 0.55 5.42 2.18 2.17 3.37 5.98 3.23 3.6I 4.46 4.72 4.58 1.68 6.18 4.91 1.03 3.12 1.76 3.58 42.86 6 I 4.41 5.74 5.77 3.91 5.32 3.29 6.25 2.40 0.82 3.48 3.55 i o; 0 U P; 5.25... O.IO.... 3.I6.... 4.31.... 3.99.... 0.52.... 10.27.... 4.78... 1.39.... 4.99 4.37 *4.10 I. 47.23 i.83 0.95 2.03 2.24 4-52 4.59 1.85 2.42 5.09 2-47 3.88 2.83 $4 b._ v,, *Iu Q) P4 2; be 1. be) I864. - bb 2.06 I 59 3.o0..o0 1.26 1.95 2.65 2.35 4.50 3.89 3.I6 7.49 5.17 4.54 0I.59 3.o8 2.4 1 5.07 2.20 1 2.61 4.61 5.98 7.88 11.81 5.19 1 4-49 6.86 2.70 2.69 5.72 4.82 4.00 8.95 3.05 3.09 2.90 41.79 39.8o 73.46 1.84..... I.49 5-49 3.04.... 4.95.... I.76.... 2.42.... 7.45.... 3.66.... 2.97 3.48 2.73.... 41.28.... 7.45 3.66 2.97 3.48 4.28 ~~ -P ~D.... 0.98,........ 4.89! 5.29 6.65 39.09 1.... 30.45 49.83.... 34.70.... Mean............... 3 3 6.... 3.65 3.26 54 |.... 4.15.... I.... 3-94 -.... 2.89 |.... 3-48 332 6.12 3-44!.... Men 4.539.. 28...8 33.2 34 TABLE 4-(Contnued). Showing Rain-fail and Melted Snow, in Inches, for each Month in the Years 1862 to 1870, inclusive, at Receiving Reservoir, High Bridge, iordha,n, Tarrytown, Sing Sing, Croton Dam, and Boyd's Corners. ---- l MONTHS. January...... February. M arch................... April.................... May..................... June...................... May. June. July............... August........... September............... October................... November................ December................ s. *5 2.66 3-79 4.85 3-77 4.9I 3.72 5-73 3.16 1.77 3.-93 2.69 4.16 1865. bO a bb E 0. 3.60 3.19 4-47.... 4.54 3.24 3.8I.. 583 4.03 8.03.... 3-8I 2.94 4.25 ** 5-51 6-37 13.88. 4.88 6.60 6.05 5.. 80 8.64 i 6.18. 2.55 3.30~ 5-31.... 85 2.7I 3-34. 4.85 3.63! 8.35.. 4 I4 3 48 6.30 4.95 3.76 5.20.... 52.31 51.29 84.07 I cd 0 U 3-43 2.86 5.03 2.95 7.38 3.41 3.05 8.12 2.23 4.56 3. I 3.87 (^ o..........I I.... I! I.... I.....5 a, I.OI 5.38 2.44 2.66 4.33 2.68 4.I3 5.48 3.69 5.41 3.16 a a. i.... 409.... 3.21.... 4.36 d O.... 6.03... I459.... 5.67.... 2.847 i 3-25 * --- 4~09.... 3.21.... 4-36.... 6.03 *- 4- 59.... 5. I6.... 2.87 i866. 1867. b4 cI 1.33 o.85 4.48 7.22 2.10 2.60 2.68 2.48 4.57 9.I2 3.39 7.78 3.63 7.87 6:72 8.42 6.23 9.22 5.7I1 5.60 3.08 6.75 3-38 7.79 47-30 75.70 a 0 ( U 2 o U C 1.04 3-33 5.58 3.60 2.15 3-33 2.69 3-79 5.o6 5.62 4-4I 4-45 4.27 4.01 5.50 6.56 6.i8 4.92 4.44 5.09 3.87 3.80 3.59 3.27 48.78 51.77 4-07 4-31 2.51 5.78 9.45 4.50 8.54 077 3-73 2.34 5.24 2.50 5.78 9-45 4-50 8-54 0.77 3-73 1.98 2-34.53 2.15 3.5 9.21 4.90 9.14 0.65 4-77 2.45 2.27 -- 0,C >0 1.32 5.87 3.63 2.96 6.34 9.24 4.34 I.04 o.66 5.87 2.59 2.43 0 0.89 4.12 2.20 2.91 6.15 6.09 4.48 8.81 0.24 4.84 2.74 2.26 bX -E 0.20 8.34 2.40 6.68 9.85 20.15 5.14 i5.i8 1.59 8.64 6.53 3.32 o a O 0 33 I ~ 1.26 2.II 4.92 3.00 2.46 1.49 3. 13 3-74 7.26 6.86 7.19 5.28 5.22 5.25 8.79 10.04 3.66 3.62 4.74 3.95 3.42 3.IO 1.98 1.62 (n 0 3.04 1.... 4-04 Total.......... 45.14 Mean.............. 3.76 - I I _,. 50.04.... I 43.41.... 47.31 4.17 I.. - 3.62.... 3-94 I I 53.32 47.08 56.29 45-73.... 4-36 4-32 7.06 I I 3-93 6-.3 4.44 1 3.92 4.69 3,81 88.02 54.03:5007 7.35 4-50 4t17 7-35 - - -- TABLE 4-(Continued). Showing Rain-fall and Melted Snow, in Inches, for each Month in the Years 1862 to I870, inclusive, at Receiving Reservoir, High Bridge, Fordhanm, Tarrytown, Sing Sing, Croton Dam, and Boyd's Corners. x868. MONTHS. I " g I' b be 1 L January.................. 4.53 5.57 4.03 February................. 2.32 ~ 0.36 2.91 March.................... 035 0.75 4-34 April................... 6.09 5.29 6.92 May..................... 6.14 10.4I 3.30 June................... 4.80 4.95 6.6o July...................... 5.58 7.22 6.39 August................... 8.65 4.86 4.5I September................ 930 9.09 9.76 October.................. 1.32 1.37 2.38 November............. 428 4. 90 5.32 December................. 2.77 2.56 3.26 Total.............. 56.13 57.33 59.72 Mean.............. 4.68 4.78 4.98 l l i b 2.8 5.20.72 I.io j 2.65 2.09 1.67 4.06 1 8.24 7.99 12.26 5.o6 8.86 5-94 4.95 5.86 I4.70 10. 19 21.97 0.72 o.i6 4.30 7.60 d o r. O 3.23 1.52 3.9I 5-47 13.78 7.II 3.65 13.05 20.47 0.63 7.14 > b 0 0 b. b0..0 c( 0 2 2.90 2.99 3.47 I. 38 5. 84 5 75 2.55 4.38 4.01 3.87 I.87 I.39 8.79 4-39 4-14 4.53 4-38 637 2.13 3.83 3.82 6.98 2.49 5-3I 9-33 2.46 3.57 0.87 7-03 7.65 4.65 3.28 3.55 2.35 5.47 5.47 50.33 48.41 54.50 4.I9 40-4 4 4-54 I869. E ZC4 3.68 7.50 6.33. 85 4.I4 6.37 3.28 3.13 3.oo 8.45 3.53 bp 0 b I Oi H i' 1U 4.74 3-95 5.40 4.83 3.80i 575 5.o6 10.64 9.5I I.96 2.72 3.38 4.38 7.64 6.72 2.74 1 4.62 1.9 2.66 3.82 2.06 3.02 4-55 I.97 2.70 5.61 2.64 7.84 16.98 8.93 2.70 10.03 7.23 7.77 1 8.62 5.74 50.40 82.98 60.52 4.20 6.925 5.04 bI 14.52 2.06 2.II { 2.o5 0 2.66 2.5 2. 7 2.2 6 3.53. 3.33 3.20 2.43 64 5. 2.90 3.75 5.96 2.0649 2.311 2. 05 3.59 2.66 2.50 2.07 93.4679 4.890 4.85 6.619 2.643 2.751 2.96 2.8475 5.96 2.0649 2.11 2.1105 48.36 42.33 39.87 44.89 4.03 3.53 332 3 374 1870. 2.64 '8.9 7.23 4.80 6.40 4.95 3.-9 6.00 2.7 2.77 7.05 i * — 2.98 4.I6 2.75 6.83 7.691 7.-7 1.i6 2.76 1 2.36 6. 8 6.95 i 7.62 2.55 4.04 1 3 74 1.96 I.33 I.20 4. 5 6.40 3.8o 5-45 2.30 2.o6 3-43 5.10 2.85 4-73 2.51 1.49 (I_ 2.68 4.64 | 2.50 5.10 55.19 93-42 82.46 56.36 44-87 75.70 > 56.5 44.63 4.59 7.79 6.88 4.69 3.74 6.3 468 3-74| 6-3I i 4-68 3.72 -- - TABLE 5. COMPARISON OF RAIN-FALL AT DIFFERENT PLACES. I ITI I I I i866. 1 867. I i868. I86o. I 187o. I I I I Croton Dam...... Boyd's Corers.... Southeast........ Sing Sing......... Tarrytown....... Kingsbridge...... West Point....... Central Park Observatory..... Central Park Receiving Res.... 48.78 51.77 75 7~ 47-30 47-.3 47.-5 52.23 43.40 54 03 50.77 88.02 45-73 56.29 57.83 54.66 53-32 82.46 50.33 93-42 55. 19 59-72 52.11 64.03 56.13 52 48.36 82.98 50.40 56.36 47.64 45-47 48.4I I - - 56.15 44-63 76.54 47-50 45.09 42.33 39.25 42-45 1871. 72.8i 48.94 9.35 60.39 57.90 52.41 5r.26 53-07 I872. 43. 48 40-74 55.60 42.75 48.43 56.38 42.49 47.02 46.08 43-87 66.94 50.44 52.36 44.83 47.99 49.71 1873. 1874. I875. 1 876. 1877. 1 878. 1 879. I 88o. 1 881. 36.93 42.37 71.87 49.38 *51. I2 47.60 45-83 52.86 53-52 43.66 75~90 59.58 52.44 54-09 40.90 45.31 58.14 40.68 66.24 47-74 43.32 48.x1 41.77 38.91 52.11 46.03 47.76 40.18 42.97 65.90 54-I4 48.78 48.66 49.86 5I-77 46.08 43.19 42.59 39.03 38.66 37.51 38.52 35.45... 33-53 36.64 36.14 50 77 46.17 (Cr tOj 48.39 46.30 36.26 36.86 --: TABLE 6. Showing Rain-fall and Melted Snozv at North Salem Croton Basin, N. Y.; Latitude, 41~ 20'; Longitude, 73~ 38'; Elevation, 36I feet. YEAR. I830........... 1831...........,832........... I833........... I834........... 1835......... 1838........... 1840........... 1841........... 1842........... 1843........... 1844......... 1845........... 1846.......... 1847........... 1848........... 1849........... I850.......... Inches. 2.18 2.09 3.I8 3-17 3.I7 1.52 6.12 2.45 1.46 6.20 1.55 2.51 2.77 4.94 4-07 3.6i 1.46 1.55 4.46 I'. Inches. 1.82 2.54 i.6i 1.13 I.I3 0.82 0.82 0.96 1.92 1.70 4.78 3.27 o.88 2.87 2.65 5.41 i.6o 2.09 4.67 Inches. 5-05 2.38 3.40 3-34 1.28 r.77 I 52 2.45 2.51 1.50 5.53 4.44 2.37 3.71 3.76 2.05 5.19 3.68 Inches. 1.76 5.79 2.97 I 57 4.38 6.25 2.04 4.18 4.38 4-95 4-03 1-73 1.62 1.95 1.28 1.23 1 35 Inches. 3.29 3.41 3.58 5.II 4.44 1.46 3.48 3.63 2.54 4-99 2.06 5-49 2.60 6.90 2.05 7.02 5.85 Inches. 5.97 3.3I 1.25 3.89 7.02 1.96 3.48 3.52 2.93 2.77 2.58 2.67 2.05 3-43 3.00 4.4I 1.09 5.41 Inches. 5.50 4.39 3.65 3.01 4-45 5.52 1.79 2.95 1.87 5.56 3.99 6.63 2.36 7.20 5.00 4.27 1.32 6.8I Inches. 0.4I 3.22 7.99 2.69 0.31 2.07 I *73 3.I9 1.78 6.05 8.74 I.59 3.40 5.11 3.25 1.27 7.24 4.97 - I - - I.0 O) Inches. 2.25 4.5o 2.25 3.o6 4.75 I 44 5.-4 2.70 2.06 3.80 5.00 1.96 3.84 0.35 5.33 2.o6 1.43 6.63 0 Inches. 4.81 6.51 3.78 9.90 2.15 3.42 3.42 5.82 4.08 4-57 5.80 4-33 4.I7 2.59 3.6i 2.56 7.88 1.64 4.50 4 a) 0 E?1 Inches. 3.4I 3.02 3.6o 1.97 0.83 1.88 3.91 2.81 4.17 2.53 3.9 I.23 5.48 4.78 3.02 2.81 4.42 Inches. 6.92 o.6o 3.67 4.21 I.57 2.78 0.95 3.91 5.56 2.67 1.50 3-57 3.80 2.93 4.88 3.88 3.24 S3 a a) P 0 - O Inches. Inches. 43.37 3.6i 41.76 3.48 40.93 3.4I 43~5 3.58 33.50 2.60 35.49 2.96 30.87 2.57 38.54 3.21 39.78 3.31 45.72 3.8I 48.91 4.o8 37.49 3-I2 39-50 3.30 45.67 3.80 44.80 3.73 34.62 2.88 42.65 3.55 55.02 4.58 42.41... DRIEST' MONTH IN THE YEAR. August........ December. December..... October. June.......... August. February...... October. August........ June. February...... April. December..... September. January....... October.. February...... January. March......... August. May.......... August. February...... July. April.......... November. September..... July. April.......... February. April.......... May. June.......... October. October....... May. February...... October. WETTEST MONTH IN THE YEAR. 2.73 7.6o 3.03 3.39 I I I. - Mean...... 3.07 2.27 3.11 3.01 4- -- 3.63 —08 4.I9 3.46 4.23 13.6 3.6 o8 2.29 3-30 I. I August, 1834, Driest Month of this Period................. 0.31 inches. Average Wettest Month, October......................... 4.50 inches. October, 1833, Wettest Month of this Period.............. 9.go Next Wettest Month, July.............................. 4.23 Average Annual Rain-fall................................. 4241 The above is taken from page 330 of " N. Y. Meteorology," by F. B. Hough, Average Driest Month, February, Mean................... 2.27 from Reports of Regents of University. Next Driest M,tonh November, Mean.................... 2.29 " 54 FROM REPORT OF DR. DANIEL DRAPER, 1876. THE DROUGHT OF I876. The most important meteorological phenomenon for the past year was the drought that caused great scarcity of Croton water in this city. It began with an unusually small fall of rain, the total amount for January being.94 inch, while the average for forty-one years is 3.30 inches. There are only two other years on record in which the rain-fall for that month was less; they are I839, when it was.69 inch, and 1849, when it was.6I inch. The following two months were above their averages, February having 4.8I inches, its average for forty-one years being 3.40 inches, while in March it was 8.79 inches, the average being 3.76. After this all the other months were below their averages, except September, which was I.6o above, as is shown in Table 7. 55 TABLE 7. TABLE showing Monthly and Annual Fall of Water for 46 years, in the Vicinity of New York City (at Fort Columbus, Deaf and Dumb Asylum, and New York Observatory, Central Park). INCHES. II I YJULY. YEAR. I JAN. FEB. IMAR. APRIL MAY. JUNE. JULY. AUG. SEPT. I i I ----/ - — 1- -~ 1836......0I.o9 2.0o 1.31 i2.66 0.63 6.46 I.44 1837.....2.70 3.70 8.20 7.50 9. 50 8.50 5.90 1838...... 393 3.70 4.10o 2.50 3.99 3.12 1.83 1839..... 0.69 2.05 2.46 3.35 8.37 4.94 1.35 1840.......84 1.84 2.92 2.03 2.39 2.40 i.8o 84..... 5.30 o.8o 235 3.93 3.95 4.65 4.90 1842......07 2.85 1.25 3.60 3.60 3.30 3.80 843...... 00 2oo.31 2.3 2.4.00 0.76.64 2 1844...... 2.66 1.03 4.50 0.55 3.41 2.37 6.oo { 1845...... 487 3.22 3.33 1.22 175 3.70.75. 1846...... 392 1301 3.82 4.OI 9.70 1.39 6.oi 2 I847...... 4.62 5.74 8.48 1.53 I2.8 6.78 2.62 848.....175 i.68 2.23.16 7.28 4.56 2.64 1849......o.6i 2.26 4.87 0.62 3.47 0.78143 I850...... 5.57 2.64 4.64 2.72 9.20 3.07 3.92 i85i1...... 1.46 4.50 1.70 6.94 4.73 0.90 4.72 I852...... 2.92 i 3.08 4.43 4.74 2.24 2. 3.25 853.... 4.4 4.98 203 3.32 5.80 4.80 4.40.i854..... 2.60 4.00 0.70 8.8o 7.70 j2.20 1.90 (i855...... 4.77 5.12 2.83 2.86 4.90 5.83 5.06 1856...... 398 0.66 2.08 2.72 I 4.78 3.58 2.79 1857...... 4.99.69 2.32 9.05 6.72 5.43 6.13 858..... 380 3.30 147 4.83 6.oo 6.42 4.32 ^ I859. 578 5.59 8.2I 5.10 I.57 4.60 476 ~ i86o......2.52 3.28 1.6o 3.21 4.54 21.43 3.33 I 186i...... 4.8 245 5.78 5.62 6.03 4.24 2.89 2 1862...... 5.60 4.17 4.54 2.14 3.84 9.03 5.85 31863...... 5 45 7.04 577 5.69 4.58 1.43 8.6o 864.......2.92 2.04 2.15 3.28 5.23 4.41 3.20 1865...... 340 4.06 832 4.14 5.56 0.42 5.21 {866...... 256 0.09 2.28 4.09 446 438.67 1867......2.54 5.53 4.09 247 5.70 1o.i8 5.76 1i868......4.00 23 3.69 642 7.19 4.66 6.44 869...... 253 6.87 4.61 1.39 4.15 4.40 3.15 870..... 4.4 2.83 333 5.1 1.83 2.82 3.76 2871......2.07 2.72 5.54 3.03 4.04 7.05 5.57 2872.......88 1.29 3.74 2.29 2.68 2.93 7.83 1873.....5.34 3.80 2.09 4.16 3.69 1.28 4.62 I 1874...5.33 2.04 2.22 8.77 2.24 2.78 5.o06 ^ 1i875...... 2 3.7 2.62 3.48 3.o0 2.33 2.72 4.89 1i876......0.94 4.8 879 3.06 303 2.66 3.65 1 i877.....2.62 1.24 556 273 0.95 280 5.73 878......4.46 375 327 1.97 37.19 3.08 4.62 2879......2.63 2.02 3.41 4.33 2.02 3.25 3.58 88......2.02 2.2 4.66 2.90.62 2.14 8.53 88......4.80 4.93 5.8 0.95 3.20 5.35.25 I I 2.37 3.40 6.30 2.io 4.79 4.96 4-92 3.59 4.25 11.84 2.50 2.90 2.81 2.10 15.26 3.o6 2.73 4-50 3.21 2.62 3.88 0.48 6.93 112.20 1.41 1.87 4.63 2.55 7.2 i 4-712 3.47 1.26 6.20 2.29 5-50 5.49.03 12.90 2.90 I.51 6.73 5.05 3.90 4.26 3-15 3-50 4.12 6.45 3.85 6.24 5.52 4-03 2.15 2.25 4.59 1.05 5.19 5.45 2.23 4.21 4.81 4.85 7.68 0.78 8.31 9.60 2.76 2.82 3.07 2.52 5.6o 2.34 6.29 2.95 9.56 3.24 2.43 8.24 8.97 1.89 2.28 5.28 2.77 1-33 7-97 4-05 7.95 2.37 ANNUAL OCT. Nov. DC. AMOUNT. 2.00 1.90 2.30 27.57 2.1I 2.90 6.10 65.5I 3.64 3.I0 2.24 4I290 1.45 2.19 7.61 42.97 4.59 2.90 I.oo 29.80 4.40 3.70 2.70 42.08 4.30 1.8o 3-50 33.98 5.91 2.82 3-34 41-37 4.08 1.73 2.82 36.38 2.50 3-40 2.51 34-08 1.34 8.36 2.99 48.91 2.13 6.29 6.35 64.85 6.61 1.59 4.02 36.80 5.63 1.88 4-OI 32.74 3.i6 2.33 5-36 54-53 2.95 4-53 3-72 40.88 2.06 6.07 4-45 43.84 3.90 6.8o 1.04 52.20 i.8o 3.95 8.6o 45.I8 7.37 3-00 6.86 53.01 i.I8 2.50 4-45 40.50 x.67 1.30 6.42 53.88 4.19 5-99 4-90 51.87.175 3-37 4-42 55-72 3.55 7-.5 4-05 45-17 3.46 8.09 I.73 54.65 6.86 5.631 2.9I 53-97 4.09 3.88 4.86 57-03 2.68 5-I6 5-90 47.61 4.94 4.I9 6.30 62.98 5.28 3.84 3.92 52.23 5.12 2.25 2.56 54.66 2.01 5.I3 4.27 64.03 6.48 2.30 5.02 45-47 4.97 2.42 2.i8 39.25 7.50 3-56 2.24 51.26 3.35 4.08 3-I8 42.49 2.73 4.63 2.96 47-99 1.70 2.30 2.82 45-83 2.85 3-78 2.12 40.90 1.42 3-.3 2.54 41.77 8.14 5.63 0.68 1 40.18 2.43 4-73 5-14 1 48.66.43 2.20 4-94 39-03 2.81 2.46 2.27 36.64 i.6o 2.36 4-.8 36.26 56 This drought has led me to examine the following question: Has there been in late years any change in the rain-fall of New York City or its vicinity to affect seriously its water supply? In a former report I discussed a question nearly related to this, viz.: "Does the clearing of land increase or diminish the fall of rain." We found that the wide-spread impression that the clearing of land diminishes the volume of rain is not based on fact. We shall have to study the present question in a similar manner, relying on the observations then used, and others that have since been collected. As the water supply of New York comes from the Croton river, we shall have to examine the table of the rain-fall on the shed of that river, but as the observations for it extend back only a few years, it becomes necessary to compare them with those of New York City. The annual observations at Boyd's Corners, which is within the Croton water-shed, are from I870 to I877, and those of this Observatory are for the same period. By the table it appears that the rain-fall of these stations varies from year to year, but in the means for the series there is a variation of only i.8 inch. This might be expected from topographical and other considerations. YEARS. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. MEAN. Boyd's Corners... 48.94 40.74 43.87 42.37 43.66 40.68 43.37 Central Park...... 51.26 42.49 47.99 4583 40.90 41.77 45.17 The fall at Boyd's Corners resembles that of the city. We may therefore use our city observations for the missing ones there. The fall in New York City bears, in like manner, a general resemblance to that of other adjacent cities, as Washington, Philadelphia, Providence; and since there exist very old observations made in those places, they may be used in investigating the rain-falls here. Of course it will be understood that I am not here speaking of the absolute rain-falls in those places, but the variations they exhibit, and using those variations as a guide to the determination in New York. TABLE 8. Jlonthly and Annual Fall of Rain, from January, I865, to December, I88I, at Receiving Reservoir, Central Park. I I I865. MONTHS. 0 S: En CI).0 S.C. 0 0.8 P4. 0 I),c t0 P. i866..0 0 0 0 0 CO C) 0) o.0 C I M 1 Q P4 P 1867. i868. I869. 1870. 1871. I I i 0 - cO I O I 0 I U Uc C w I o s' IF; o U) c in 0 c.a M 0 C3.0 0 a vI SO o 9r EA - C. 0 o aV 0 r. i i o. c C' rt.& o C) c,. I $1 0 r3 CO 3 o c.9 rct C's 0 0 C0 I 03 CO C) Y 0.i9 'd P4 v r. o C 0 t 0 n P, fanuary..................... 2.7 February............... 3-79 March..................... 4.85 April....................... 477 May............... 6.17 June....................... 377 July......... 5.63 August...................... 3-6 September.................. 2.46 October.................... 93 November................. 2.69 December................. 436 49.29 1872. 62 i.oi 8K34 5.28 X 13.34... 2.66.. 4-30 2.68.... 4-*I3.... 48.... 3.69 4.77 3.i6 10 2.71 25' 43-2I I873. 8K 7K 2........ 3.34 5.I5 5.24 2.25 5.78 9-45 4.50 8.54 0.77 3-73 1.98 2.34 53-07 2724 I3 I2%.12 | 2 4.53 2.32 3-35 6.09 6.I4 4.80 5.58 8.65 9.30 1.32 4.28 2.77 59-I | 59.'I3 253 I524 26 74 8....... 8 82 2.99 6.04 4.98 i.88 4.34 4.33 3.83 2.49 2.46 7-03 3.28 5-47 73 / 4.83 3 II 55 9K 3 i 4-34 1"I 4- 440. 2.o6.. 2.78.... 3.53 *3-.24....... 2.02.. 4.9~ 10.9 2.71. 63 2.49 5 29I 4245 28 — 29 42.45 [ 28, 4. O 4.03 5.74 3.I5 3 -15 4.06 8.05 6.04 6.30 2. 41 8.05 4.6o 2.10 58.63 21 I. 90 8%:. 69.... 4.08 2 2. 51.... 3.12.... 2.80.... 8.70.. 6.6i.... 3.6.... 2.94 4.51 7 4-57 48K 47.04 2K 4 4 4K 243 40o VUi 0 I r. 59I 5-91 3.95 2.35 3.87 3.96 1.18 6.oo 7 -84 4.04 3-40 3.4o 4-77 2.38 49.65 3.8 CZ I U c. CI0 I= I a Q I:-" 12 16 7 |7I C(n 1