REED'S HEAD LIGHT, FOR Loconomotive Engireers AND MACHINISTS. COMPRISING SUCH INFORMATION AS NECESSARY TO GIVE A GENERAL KNOWLEDGE OF THE CALCULATION AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE ENGINE, AND EXPLANATION OF THE LINK AND SLIDE VALVE, AND THEIR WORKING CENTRES; ILLUSTRATING THEIR MOVEMENTS, WITH WORKING VALVE TABLES OF THE LINK MOTION, SHOWING THE EFFECTS PRODUCED IN THE DISTRIBUTION OF STEAM, WITH DIFFERENT DIMENSBINS OF LAPS, LEADS a TRAVELS OF VALVES. PRACTICAL MODE O BSETTING VALVES AND EQIQALIZING TUIE CUT OFF. AOTICALm INSTCTIONS TO mANAa T;E LOCOm OTm, BY WM. W. REED, JMechaitic.Il Engineer. Attempt the end, and never stand to doubt; Nothing so hard, but search will find it out. PATERSON, N. J.: i PRESS tSTEAM BOOK AND JOB PRINTING HOUSE, MAIN ST., 1874. Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1874, by WM. W. REED in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. TO The Locomotive Engineer, AS A JESTIMONIAL of esteem, and admiration of his nobleness and steadiness of nerve, who controlls the power of the Locomotive when at his post of duty, and in whose care the lives of many depends, THIS VOLUME, Describing the Locomotive Steam Engine, one of the greatest works of man, by a Brother Engineer, THE AUTHOR. HAVE written this Book by the request of many Engineers and Machinists, who have desired me to get up a work on the American Locomotive Engine, in such manner that all interested may understand it. I give here the knowledge, from my experience of twenty-two years, as Practical Locomotive Engineer and Machinist. And I have taken care to present it in such a manner as to place within the reach of every Engineer and Machinist a general knowledge of the Locomotive Link and Slide Valve and their motion, and a comprehensive view of the causes which regulate the distribution of steam, and the form and dimensions of the Locomotive Engine. using the simple rules of arithmetic, which are familiar to all: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. with tables of different valve motion, showing the effect of Laps, Leads and Travel of Valve; in such a manner that the apprentice can easily understand. Also the management of the Locomotive from practice. There are many valuable works on the steam engine, but they are, in general, so complicated that a novice can scarcely comprehend the meaning of the terms used. There are also many other works which profess to accomplish this object, but they have fallen far short of giving the desired information. Many of them are mere compilations from theory, having a great many scientific errors; so that these works claim but little attention from one in search of this knowledge. I have given the different parts relating to the construction of the Locomotive and its workings. I hope my feeble efforts of many hours of hard labor may not only prove of value to all who may seek after the science, but in the description given. I trust a general idea may be had of the art as well as the science. REED'S IEIA.D LeqG-IIT. TROY WEIGHT. Troy weight is the weight used in weighing gold, silver and precious stones, diamonds excepted. 24 grains make I pennyweight. pwt. 20 pennyweights make I ounce. oz. I2 ounces make i pound. lb. APOTHECARIES. This is the same as Troy weight, but differently divided, and is used in mixing medicines. 20 grains make i scruple. sc. 3 scruples make I drachm. dr. 8 drachms make i ounce. oz. o —:0: --- AVOIRDUPOIS. This weight is used in almost all commercial transactions, and in the common dealings of life. 8 REED'S HEAD LIGHT I6 drachms make i ounce. oz. I6 ounces make I pound. lb. 25 pounds make I quarter. qr. 4 quarters make i hundred. cwt. 20 hundred weight make i ton T. Dr. Oz. Lb. Qr. Cwt. T. 26 i 256 I16 I 6,400 400 25 I 25,600 I,600 100 4 I 512,000 32,000 2,000 80 20 I -:0: -- LONG MEASURE. r2 inches (in.) make i foot. ft. 3 feet make i yard. yd. 5f yards, or I6i feet, make i rod or pole. rd. 40 rods make i furlong. fr. 8 furlongs, or 320 rods, make i mile. m. 3 miles make I league. lea. 69 I-6 miles, nearly, make I degree. deg. 360 degrees'nake I circle of the earth. In. Ft. Yd. Rd. Fr. M. 12 I 36 3 I 198 I6~ 5 T1 7,920 660 220 40 1 63,360 5,280 I,760 320 8 i FOR LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS. 9 SQUARE MEASURE, Or Measure of Surfaces. I44 square inches make I square foot. ft. 9 square feet make I square yard. yd. 30o square yards, or 272k square feet, I sqr. rod or pole. p 272, square feet, 40 square rods or poles make I rood. R. 4 roods or i60 poles make I acre. A. 640 acres make I square mile. In. Ft. Yd. P. R. A.S.M 144 1 1,296 9 1 39.204 2724 30( 1 1,568,160 10,890 1,210 40 1 6,272,640 43,560 4,840 160 4 1 4,014,489,600 27,878,400 3,097600 102,400 2,560 640 1 -:0: --- CUBIC, OR SOLID MEASURE. Is used in measuring such bodies or things as have length, breadth and thickness. 1,728 cubic inches make I cubic foot. cu. ft. 27 cubic feet make I cubic yard. cu. yd. 40 cubic feet make I cubic ton. T. i6 cubic feet make I cord foot. c. ft. 8 cord feet, or I cord of wood. c. 128 cubic feet, In. Ft. Yd. T. C. 1,728 I 46,656 27 I 69,120 40 I 13-27 1 221,184 128 4 20-27 3 1-5 1 10 8REED'S HEAD LIGHT WINE MEASURE. 4 gills (gi.) make I pint. pt. 2 pints make I quart. qt. 4 quarts make I gallon. gal. 63 gallons make I hogshead. hhd. 2 hogsheads make I pipe or butt. pi. 2 pipes make I tun. tun. Gi. Pt. Qt. Gal. Hhd. Pi. Tun. 4 I 8 2 32 8 4 I 2,016 504 252 63 I 4,032 I,oo8 504 126 2 I 8,064 2,oi6 I,oo8 252 4 2 I The standard unit of liquid measure, adopted by the Government of the United States, is the Winchester wine gallon, which contains 231 cubic inches. The imperial gallon, now adopted in Great Britain, contains 277 274-ooo000. The standard gallon measures 231 cubic inches, and contains 8.33 avoirdupois pounds of distilled water, at 39 ~82-Ioo Fahrenheit, the barometer at 30 inches. The gallon of the State of New York contains 8 lbs. pure water, at a maximum density, 221 I84-1000. -..:0: —-- BEER MEASURE 2 pints (pts.) make i quart. qt, 4 quarts make X gallon. gal. FOR LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS.:T 54 gallons make I hogshead. hhd. Pt. Qt. Gal. Hhd. 2 I 8 4 I 433 2I6 54:0: ------ DRY MEASURE. This measure is used in measuring grain, fruit, salt, coal, etc. 2 pints make I quart. qt. 8 quarts make I peck. pk. 4 pecks make I bushel. bus. 8 bushels make i quarter. qr. 36 bushels make I chaldron. ch. Pt. Qt. Pk. Bu. Ch. 2 I I6 8 1 64 32 4 I 2304 1152 144 36 I The standard bushel of dry measure adopted by the United States government in form of a cylinder, is i8 1-2 inches in diameter, and 8 inches deep, containing 2,150 42-100 cubic inches. The Imperial Bushel of Great Britian contains 2,218 I96-IO0O cubic inches. The standard gallon of United States contains 268 q-5 cubic inches. 12 REED'S HEAD LIGHT MIISCELLANEOUS. i Chaldron makes 36 bushels, or 44 8-IO cubic feet, standard measure. I Chaldron makes 36 imperial bushlels, or 57 25-I00 cubic feet. I bushel of bituminous coal weighs from 74 to 80 lbs. 26 bushels make I ton. I cubic foot of anthracite coal weighs 60 to 65 lbs. i cubic foot of bituminous coal weighs 55 to 60 lbs. I cubic foot of charcoal of hard wood, weighs I8 to I9 lbs. I cubic foot of charcoal soft wood weighs I6 to 7 lbs. i cord of wood weighs from 28co to 3400 lbs. I ton oftimber as usually surveyed contains 50 92-100 cubic feet. --:: ---- MEASURE OF TIME. 60 seconds make i minute. m. 60 minutes make I hour. h. 24 hours make I day. da. 7 days make I week. w. 365 i-4 days, or 52 wks. I 1-4 days, make I Julian year. y. 12 calendar months (mo.) I year. y. Sec. M. II. D. W. Y 60 I 3,600 60 I 86,400 1,440 24 I 604,800 0o,08o I68 7 I 31,557,600 525,960 8,766 365 I-4 52 5-28 I FOR LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS. 13 CIRCULAR IMEASURE. 60 seconds (") make i minute. 60 minutes make i degree. 30 degrees make I sign. 8 12 signs or 360 degs. make the circle of zodiac. c I, ~ s. c. 60 I 3,600 6o I IO8,000 I,800 30 i,296,00oo 21,6oo 360 12 Minutes are designated by an accent ('.) Seconds are designated by a double accent ('.) Degrees are expressed by writing a ~ over them as 37~ for 37 degrees. Thus: 37~, I5', 2i, 391", is read, 37 degrees, 15 minutes, 21 seconds and 39 thirds. ---- o: —MENSURATION OF SURFACES. A Surface is that which has length and breadth, without thickness. The Area of a figure is its surface or superficial contents. A Line is length, without breadth or thickness. A Plane is that in which if any two points be taken the straight line that joins them will lie wholly in it. An Angle is the inclination of opening of two lines which meet in a point. 14 rhtEED'S HEAD LIGHTT The Vertex of an angle is the point of meeting of the lines forming the angle. A RightAngle is an angle formed by one line falling perpendicularly on another, and it contains 90 degrees, and forms a quarter of a circle. An Acute Angle is an angle less than a right angle or less than go degrees. An Obtuse Angle is an angle greater than a right angle or more than go degrees. A Triangle is a plain figure having three angles. The Base of a triangle or other plain figure is one of its sides on which it may be supposed to stand. The Altitude of a triangle is a line drawn from one of its angles perpendicular to its opposite side or base. -:0: - 7o find the Area of a Triangle. RUTLE i. Multiply the base by half the altitude and he product will be the area. A Rectangle parallelogram. A Square parallelogram. A Rhomboid parallelogram. A Rhombus parallelogram have all their sides equal. FOR LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS. rt To find the Area of a Parallelogram. RULE i. Multiply the base by the altitude and the product will be the area. RULE 2. Add the three sides together, take half that sum and from this subtract each side separately, then multiply the half of the sum and these remainders together, and the square root of this product will be the area. -:: -- Trapezium. Trafezoid. Irregular Polygon. Fig. I. Fig. 2. Fag. 3. Tojfind the Area of Figures I, 2 and 3. RULE-Draw diagonals to divide the figure into trapeziums and triangles as the dotted lines show, find the area of each separately and add them together and the sum of the whole will be the area. ------:0:Tofind the Circumference of a Circle. RULE-Multiply tlhe diameter by 3.I416 the produclt will be the circumference. i6 REED'S HEAD LIGHT To find the Diameter of a Circle. RULE-Divide the circumference by 3.1416 the product will be the diameter. ------:0: —To find the Area of a Circle. RULE i. Multiply half the diameter by half of the circumference the product will be the area. RULE 2. Multiply the square of the diameter by 7854 and the product will be the area. -*:0: To find the side of Square inscribed in a given Circle. A Square is said to he inscribed in a Circle, when the vertices of its angles are in the circumference as shown by figure 4, Fig. 4. RULE-Multiply the diameter by.7o7io6 and the product is the side of the square inscribed. -:: -- To find the Area of an Oval or Ellipse. An Oval has two diameters or axes, the longer of FOR LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS. 17 which is called the transverse, and the shorter the conjugate diameter. RULE-Multiply the two diameters together, and the product by 7,854; the last product will be the area. O:O: —-- To find the Surface of a Sphere or Globe. RULE-Multiply the diameter by the circumference, and the product will be the surface.; — o:... MENSURATION OF SOLIDS. To find the Solidity or Volume of a Sphere or Globe. RULE-Multiply the surface by -th of the diameter, or multiply the cube of the diameter by 523,598, and the product will be the solid contents. --:O: To find the Solidity of a Cylinder. RULE-Multiply the area of the end by the length of cylinder, and the product will be the solid contents. —:o: — To find the Convex Surface of a Cylinder. RULE-Multiply the circumference by the length, the product will be the convex surface. 2 I8 REED'S HEAD LIGHT. To find the Solidity of a Pyramid or a Cone. RULE-Multiply the area of the base by one-third of its height, the product will be the solid contents.:0: - To find the Surface of a Frustrum of a Pyramid or a Cone. RULE-Add the circumference of the two ends together, and multiply this by half the slant height. then add the areas of the two ends to this product this will give the surface. --:0: -- 7o fnd the Solidity of a Frustrum of a Cone. RULE-Find the area of the'wo ends of the frustrum; multiply thlse two areas together and extract the square root of the product, to this root add the two areas, and multiply their sum by one-third of the height of the frustrum, the product will be the solid contents. --:o: To find the Solidity of a Spheroid or Oblong Oval RULE-Multiply the square of the shorter axis by the longer axis, and this product by.523598, which will give the solid contents. AREAS OF CYLINDERS. 19 AREAS OF CYLINDERS. FROM 2 INCHES TO 25 INCHES IN DIAMETER. DIAM. AREA. DIAM. AREA. DIAM. AREA. DIAM. AREA. 2 3.141 73 47.173 13 143.139 19 291.03 24 3.564 7 48.707 18i 145.802 19+ 294.83 2-Y 3.976 8 50.265 133 148.489 19* 298.64 2 4.430 84 61.848 134 151.201 19+ 302.48 2 4.908 8 53.456 14 153.858 19 306.35 2+ 5.411 8 55.088 14 156.699191 310.24 2- 5.939 8 56.745 14 159.485 20 314.16 2 6.491 8 58.426 14 162.295 20* 318.09 3 7.068 8 60.132 14 165.130 20' 322.06 38 7.669 8 61.862 14 167.980 20 3 326.05 3 8 8.295 9 63.671 14 170.873 20 330.06 4 8.946 94 65,396 14 173.782 20 334.10 3 9.621 9' 67.200 15 176.715 20 338.16 3+ 10,320 9 6 69.029 154 179.672 20 342.25 11.044 91 70.882 15 182.654 21 346.36 3 11.793 94 72.759 15- 185.661 21 350.49 4 12. 566 9 74. 662 151 188.692 21' 354.65 4* 13.364 9 76.588 15 191.748 214 358.84 4- 14.186 10 78.540 15; 194.828 21, 363.05 4| 15.033 10 80.515 145 197 983 21i 367.28 4 15.904 104 82.516 16 201.062 21- 371.54 44 16.800 10 84.540 164 204.216 214 375.82 43 17.720 10+ 86.690 16 207.897 22 880.13 4f 18.665 10 88.664 16 210.591 224 384.46 5i 19 635 10 89.762 16* 213.82 2'2 388.82 20.629 10 92.885 16; 217.07 22- 393.20 5' 21.647 11 95.033 16' 220 35 224 397.60 5 22.690 11 9)7.203 i 223,65 22 402.03 54 23.758 111 99.402 17 226.98 221 406.49 54 21.850 11 l101.623 17 230.33 22 410.91 5$ 25.967 11 103.869 -17 233.70 23 415.47 5 27.108 11' 106.139 17 237.10 23 420.00 6 28.274 l 11 108.434 17 240.52 234 424.55 6 29.464 11 110.753 17 243.97 23 429.13 6 30.679 12 113.097 1-' 24745 23+ 433.73 61 31.919 12 115.466 17, 20.94 23 438.36 61 33.183 121 117.859 18 254.46 23; 443.01 6 3134.471 124 120.276 18 i258.01 234 447.69 35.784 124 122.718 181 261.58 24 452.39 68 37.122 124 125.174 18- 265.18 244 457.11 7 38.484 12! 127.676 182 268.80 24 461.86 74 39.871 127 130.192 184 272.44 214 466.63 71 41.282 13 132.732 18 276 11 24 471.43 74 42.718 134 135.297 18 279.81 24 476.25 7* 44.178 13' 137.886 19 283.52 243 481.10 74 45.663 138 140.500 19 287.27 24| 485.97 20 BOILER IRON. RULE.-To find the area of a Cylinder, multiply the diameter of the cylinder by the diameter in inches, and multiply the product by the decimal.7854; the product will be the area in square inches. The principle of this Rule is that for every imaginable diameter of a circle, if a square be circumscribed around it, the circle will occupy.7854 part of such square. To get the solid contents of a cylinder, multiply its end area by the combined length of the stroke and clearance in inches; the product will be the capacity of the cylinder in cubic inches, which divided by I728 will give the cubic feet...-:O:: BOILER IRON. WEIGHT AND CUBIC INCHES PER SQUARE FOOT. Thickness. Cubic inches, Weight. A- I7~ 5 lbs. TW 26t 72 " RF 35 IO 1B 43- X 12 " 4333 w 52 I5 " 1T 6RF6 17 1 18 70 20 " RULE.-To get the weight of 1 inch iron, multiply the length by the width, both in inches, and multiply the product by.7, and point off three figures for decimals; the result is the weight in pounds. SPEEbD OP PISTONS. 21 For T- inch iron, the weight may be first found for 4 inch iron, and one-quarter of the sum so found may be then added to itself. For ~ inch iron, first find the weight for i inch iron, and add half as much more. For A inch iron, multiply the length by the width, both in inches, and multiply the product by.I4. Point off two figures for decimals, and the last product will be the weight in pounds. No. I iron is?- of an inch thick. No. 3 iron is -9 of an inch thick. No. 4 iron is i of an inch thick. No. 5 iron is -2 of an inch thick. No. 7 iron is -3 of an inch thick. - o: --- SPEED OF PISTONS. The speed of pistons of different engines varies in number of feet traveled per minute. Common Rule. Small Stationary..........9........ I90 to 23C feet. Large "................. 250 to 300 " Sound and River Bots r.......... 300 to 600 " Marine Engines................. 220 to 550 " Corliss Engines.................. 400 to 500 Locomotive..................... 400 to 650 " And sometimes................. Iooo to i oo " 22 WEIGHT OF RAILS PER MILE. WEIGHT OF RAILS PER MILE. This table shows the weight in tons per mile for a single track, for the different weight of rails per yard. WEIGHT PER YARD. WEIGHT PER MILE. Pounds. Tons. Cwt. Lbs. 40 70 8 45 78 4 50 88 18 52 91 14 40 55 96 16 57 103 6 40 60 I05 I2 64 II2 I2 80 70 II3 4 75 I22 -:0: --- DECIMALS OF ONE INCH. T'-.0625 9.5625 8.125 4.625,7'.IS75 -j.6875 i.25 4.75' -3125 I-|.8125 i.375 i.875 T.-4385 I1 -9375.5 5I I.0 DECIMALS OP ONE FOOT. 23 DECIMALS OF ONE FOOT. I inch.o046 61 inch.54i6 I inch.0833 7 inch.5833 i. inch.I25 71 inch.625 2 inch.1667 8 inch.6667 23 inch.2083 8- inch.7o83 3 inch.25 9 inch -75 31 inch.2916 93 inch.79I6 4 inch.3333 Io inch.8333 4a inch.375 io incl.875 5 inch.4166 ii inch.9I66 5- inch.4583 I inch.9583 6 inch.5 12 inch i. AREAS OF SAFETY VALVES. ln. Diam. Square In. In. Diam Square In, In. Diam. Square In. I 1 2.40 2 5.94 34 11.04 I4 2.76 2 6.49 3 I I.76 2 3.I4 3 7.07 4 12.57 28 3-55 34 7.67 4 I3.36 2 3-98 34 8.30 44 14-I9 24 4-43 34 8.95 4 5 I5o3 24 4.91 34 6.62 4 1 5.90 28 5.42.3 I0.32 4 68o In multiplying decimal numbers, allow as many places for decimals in the product as there are decimal places in the multiplier and multiplicand together. In dividing decimal numbers, allow as many places for decimals in the quotient as, taken with those of the divisor, will together make up the number of decimal places in the dividend. 24 AREAS OP PLUES. AREAS OF FLUES. reas of ireaAreas of 1 i nch Aress of 2 inch A reas of 2J inch Flues. Flues F lues. Flues..a ~S c o b o a m aP ^ a Ft. In. Squr. Ft Ft. In. Squr. Ft Ft. In. Squr. F Ft. In. Squr. Ft 9 0 4.123 9 0 4.417 9 0 4.712 9 0 5.303 9 1 4.161 9 1 4.48 9 1 4.756 9 5.952 9 2 4-200 9 2 4.499 9 2 4.800 9 2 5.401 9 3 4.238 9 3 4.539 9 3 4.843 9 3 5.450 9 4 4.276 9 4 4.580 9 4 4.887 9 4 5 499 9 5 4.314 9 5 4.621 9 5 4.931 9 5 5.548 9 6 4.352 9 6 4.662 9 6 4.974 9 6 5.597 9 7 4.391 9 7 4.703 9 7 5.018 9 7 5.646 9 8 4.429 9 8 4.744 9 8 5.062 9 8 5.695 9 9 4.46T 9 9 4.785 9 9 5.105 9 9 5.744 9 10 4.515 9 10 4.826 9 10 5.149 9 10 5.793 9 11 4.543 9 11 4.867 9 11 5.192 9 11 5.842 10 0 4.581 10 0 4.908 10 0 5.236 10 0 5:981 10 1 4.620 10 1 4.948 10 1 5.280 10 1 5.940 10 2 4.6158 10 2 4.989 10 2 5.325 10 2 5.989 10 3 4.696 10 3 5.030 10 3 5.367 10 3 6.038 10 4 4.764 10 4 5.071 10 4 5.411 10 4 6.087 0 5 4.772 10 5.12 10 5 5.454 10 5 6.136 10 6 4.811 10 6 5153 10 6 5.498 10 6 6.185 10 7 4.849 10 7 5.194 10 7 5.541 10 7 6.234 10 8 4.887 10 8 1.235 t10 8 5.185 10 8 6.283 1( 9 4.925 10 9 5.2T6 10 9 5.629 10 9 6.332 10 10 4,953 10 10 5.317 10 10 5.672 10 10 6.381 10 11 5.001 10 11 5.35 10 o 1 5.716 10 11 6.430 11 0 5.040 11 0 5.398 11 0 5.760 11 0 6.479 11 1 5.078 11 1 5.439 11 1 5.803 11 1 6.528 11 2 5.116 11 2 5.480 11 2 5.847 11 2 6.577 11 3 5.154 11 3 5.521 11 s 5.891 11 3 6.626 11 4 5.192 11 4 5.562 11 4 5.934 11 4 6.675 11 55.230 11 5 i5.603 1 L 5 5.978 11 5 6.724 11 6 5.269 11 6 5.644 11 6 6.(21 11 6 6.774 11 7 5.307 11 7 5.685 11 7 6.065 11 7 6.823 11 8 5.345 11 8 5.726 11 8 6.109 11 8 6.872 11 9 5.383 11 9 5.766 11 9 6.152 11 9 6.921 11 10 5.421 11 10 5.807 11 10 6.196 11 10 6.970 11 11 5.460 11 11 5.848 11 11 6.240 11 11 7.019 12 0 5.498 12 0 5.889 12 0 6.283 12 0 7.068 12 1 5.536 12 1 5.930 12 1 6.327 12 1 7.11 12 2 5.54 12 2 5.971 12 2 6.371 12 2 7.166 The above table is designed to facilitate the calculation of the heating surface of the flues of the Lococomotive Boiler, and is adapted for flues of various lengths, from 9 feet to 12 feet 2 inches long, and of various diameters: from i. to 2 inches, being such as are used in the Locomotive, RESISTANCE OF TRAINS. 25 EXAMPLE.-Required the heating surface of I50 flues, II inches exterior diameter; length of flues II feet. As we have found the length of flue (II foot) in the first column, and opposite, in the next column to the right, we find 5.040 feet, being the area of one flue; which, being multiplied by I50, gives the total area of 756 square feet of flue-heating surface: i jo x 5.040=756 square feet. ------:0: —--- RESISTANCE OF TRAINS. The resistance of railway trains, moving at a speed of 6 or 8 miles per hour, is rated at 8 lbs. per ton. The resistance increases as the speed of the train increases, on account of the small nozzles, counter pres. sure in cylinders, and the atmospheric resistance. At the rate of 30 miles per hour, the resistance will be about i6 lbs. per ton. At 6o miles per hour, the resistance is more than one half the power expended, in overcoming the atmospheric resistance. Resistance of trains on different roads, at a speed of 6 miles per hour; friction 8 lbs. per ton: 26 RESISTANCE OP TRAINS. TABLE. 5 Feet. 9.9 7 36.4 45 62 9 __ ___ C l Cs Level. 8. 70 Feet. 34.5 140 Feet. 61. 5 Feet. 9.9 75 " 36.4 $145. 62.9 10 " 11.8 80 " 8.3 150 64.8 15 " ]3.7 85 " 40.2 155 " 66.6 20 " 15.6 90 " 42.1 160 " 68 2 25 " 17.5 95 " 44. 165 " 70.5 30 " 19.4 100 45.9 170 " 72.3 35 " 21.2 105 " 47.7 175 74.2 40' 23.1 110 " 49.6 180 " 76. 45 " 25. 115 51. 185 " 78.1 50 "( 26.9 120 53.4 190 79.9 55 "' 28.8 125 55.3 195 " 81.8 60 (" 30.7 130 57. 200 83.7 65 " 32.6 135 " 59.1___ RUE.-To find the resistance of a train, on any grade, multiply the rise, in feet, per mile, by.3787, and point off four decimals; the product is the resistance of one ton, 2,003 lbs. R.What is the resistance of a freight train of 250 tons, on a 70 feet grade? EXAMPLE.-250 X 345==8,625 lbs. TEMPERATURE1 OP STEAM. 27 TABLE. Showing the temperature of steam, at different pressures, from I lb. per square inch, to 200 lbs.; and the quantity of steam produced fromr a cubic inch of water, according to pressure: Ea.i S l. S 5 11. 4~2t 3 5 1.s2 8 82 B a C s a0 ipt u E g-1 H iC 8 182.0 2985 33 25.8 8084 1~2 201.3 2050) I.7 7fi 27 14 209 0 1777 266.9 693 " rg 1 102.0 20954 26 213.0 1005 2 216.1 10907 27 215.1 971 3 141.0 7455 1 23 247.2 939 4 152.3 564 72 2149 2 909 5 1.4 4624 30 251.24 882 6 169.2 3901 31 253.1 855 7 176.0 3380 32 255.0 831 8 182.0 2985 3 2756. 8 808 9 187.4 2676 1 3t 258.6 786 1 0 192.4 2427 35 260.3 765 11 197.0 2222 36 262.0 746 12 201.3 201170 -7 2.7 727 13 20.3 1903 38 265.7 710 14 2090 1777 3 9 266.9 693 15 213.0 1669 40 268.4 677 16 216 4 1 572 4) 1 269.) 662 17 219 6 1487 4 2 271.4 647 18 222.6 1410 43 272.9 634 19 2256 1342 44 274.3 620 20 228 3 1280 45 275.7 608 21 2310 1224 46 277.1 536 22 233.6 1172 47 278.4 584 23 236.1 1125 48 279.7 573 24 238.4 1082 49 281.0 562 25 _240.7 1042 1 282.3 552 Pressure In lbs., 00. d0 9-1 9-14 49 49 9 - -1 -- 5M n M C = M C C: M M VI CP cn Cl T cn ^zn Zr Crr Za ^> O Cz 0 _ _ r C L Ch O C 0 z oo ~c rP Cosl I.-A 0 Coo oD;- i rp Cx t3o r Per square inch. Corresponding temper^ O r 3 _ OO 9 O O OO cO OO c cD c -s C Q cn ts o W oo oo hrnu C -s - C * -1 C: 4- L,_ 1 p C, O G -?1 ^ 4 — 4- W - C) C-o 0-, -P - ature, by FahrenCo s-cos~ i b — orO; n 4 oC~s C Crt O Cr heit's thermometer. 4 Pi Cubic inches of steay 0c3oo: cDC c to w w ck c ) 4 c; P rc^ Cr~ t Z roafrom a cubic inch of C: Cj -; -1 00 - O- C O - P LD 4 C tL r water, according to pressure. li., S-L ~i ~i ~-. ~.i r ~-e sPressure in lbs., i b cOOC - Z^O^ coN trD -4 tOCOCOtOcD ODCO Ocs CoCOOoO0 OO OoO oG0 00 00 0 O oo ooCoCo oC sC)C O 0 C (O W O 1 CQ ND I- - - z l OP, = LZ r Per square inch.'4 w ---------------- I —----— N- N cs~,~ c:~~~~ c c c Corresponding temperO o O co - tc ml Co CG 4- C t t - o- ~ c - m c -I p - ature, by Fah ren- -s.? -. c?. C..?C.t C3 C^ D 0 0 sc ror~ ~ o si o; ature, by Fahren- s~ - m z - ^ cc 00 r oom: C; O O; Co- r z o D " Co heit's thermometer. Cubic inches of steam i^ -, Dc NDc~Sb to <) h D w w 3 co co 03 c C o c o C3 co o o c c o O from a cubic inch of n l -1 o C o -A z -O c:; D ^ O O O t- to 1 l cO CO CO o +f Zr Zi AO O s, OFP w csco Co 3 1 o Z D O 1 - 0 c C - O c CS i - o o- 00 - 1 water, according to pressure. TABLE OF TIME. 29 TABLE OF TIME. This table gives the number of revolutions that are made by the driving wheels of different sizes, (from 4 feet to 7 feet in diameter), per minute, at different speeds, from 5 to 60 miles per hour: Speed per Hour, in Miles. Diameter of 5 10 15 1| 20 |1 25 1| 30 35 40 45 | 50 55 | 0o Driving Wheels. Eevolutions per Minute. Feet. Inches. 4 0 35 70 105 140 175 210 245 280 315 350 365 4g0 4 3 33 66 99 132 165 194 231 264 297 330 362 395 4 6 31 62 93 124 156 186 217 249 2801311 342 373 4 9 291 59 88 118 147 177 203 236 265 295 324 354 5 0 28 56 84 112 140 168 196 224 252 280 308 336 5 3 26 5dB 80 107 133 160 187 213 240 267 293 320. 5 6 254 51 76 102 127 153 178 204 229 255 280 306 5 9 241 48 73 97 122 146 170 195 219 243 267 292 6 0 23 46 70 93 117 140 163 186 210 233 255 280 6 3 224 45 67 89 112 134 156 178 201 223 244 268 6 6 21 43 64 86 108 129 151 172 194 216 237 259 6 9 20{ 40 61 81 111 121 142 164 182 222 223 243 7 0 20 401 60 80 1001120 140 160 180 200 220 240 Steam used at one revolution, in both cylinders of a Locomotive: Cylinder. bi t. Cyer. Crubc. Clnd Cubic feet. Cylinder. Cubic feet. 11 x16 3.5197 14 x18 6.4140 16tix22 10.8890 11 x20 4.3996 14 x20 7 1270 17 x20 10.5083 11,x16 3.8470 15 x18 7.3631 17 x22 11.5591 11{x20 5.0200 15 x20 8.1812 17 x24 12.6099 12 x16 4.1890 15 x22 8.9993 18 x20 11.78119 12 x18 4.7123 15 x24 9.8174 18 x22 12.95390 12 x20 5.2360 154x22 9.6090 18 x24 14.1371 12{x16 4.3550 16 x18 8.3775 19 x22 14.1490 12jx16 4.7280 16 x2O 9.3084 20 x22 15.9988 13 x20 6.140O 1i x22 0 23!)2 103 6 x26 12.1009 1.3x20 6.6268 16 x2 11.1700 15 4x26 11.1751 30 RESISTANCE OF TRAINS. RESISTANCE OF TRAINS. The following formulas are by D. K. CLARK, and are for the broad gauge. In this country some addition would be required for the inferior condition and sharper curvature of our roads. Actual resistance can only be ascertained by experiment; but it is probable that the following rules would give a result from 20 to 30 per cent. too low for the majority of our roads, as the rules were made upon very elaborate tests, on an excellent road, and under favorable circumstances. RULE I.-To find the total resistance of an engine, tender and train, at a given speed, square the speed in miles per hour, divide it by I7I, and add 8 to the quotient; the result is the total resistance at the rails, in pounds, per ton weight. RULE II.-To find the resistance of the train alone, at a given speed, square the speed in miles, per hour, divide it by 240, and add 6 to the quotient; the result is the resistance at the rails, in pounds, per ton weight. RuiLE; III.- To find the resistance of the engine and tender alone, with a given train, at a given speed, First. Find the resistance, as carriages, by Rule II. Second. Square the speed, and divide it by 600, and add 2 to the quotient; multiply the sum thus found, by the total weight of engine, tender, and train, and divide by the weight of the engine and tender; the quotient expresses the total machinery friction. Third. Add together the two results thus obtained, RESISTANCE OF TRAINS. 31 the sum is the whole resistance at the rails, in pounds, per ton weight. At slow speeds the principal resistance is friction, and this element is constant at all velocities; the additional resistance being dependant on concussions, the atmospheres, etc. Friction is a constant quantity of about 8 pounds per ton, at all speeds. This element varies with the condition of the cars. It would be said that an engine works harder in starting at a slow speed, than in running at a high speed. This is only apparently so, as the greater effort of the engine, in starting, is in increasing the speed, and not in maintaining it at any fixed point. In increasing the speed, the inertia of the train is to be overcome, of course. An engine, while it may not be able to make time with a heavy train, may yet be able to haul it slowly. The actual resistance of motion increases rapidly with the speed, especially where the road is not in good order. There are several reasons why the power of the engine diminishes at high speeds. One is the wiredrawing of steam through small and slow-opening ports, and small exhaust nozzles. Another is, that in working the engine, cutting off the steam close, which is done on high speeds, the power being thereby diminished, although the work done by a given amount of steam is increased. Another is the greater compression, which is a counterforce to the power. 32 PRESSURE ON BOILERS. PRESSURE ON BOILERS. The question has been asked what part of the boiler has the greatest pressure, when under steam. I have tested a boiler, by attaching steam guages to various parts: mud drum, bottom of leg, side and top, of boiler. Results, when there is no steam in the boiler; the guages attached to the lower parts of the boiler, show the weight of water; after steam has been raised, there is no difference; guages showing the same, up to 150 pounds pressure per square inch. -:0: RADIUS OF CURVES. For calculating the radius of a curve, when the angle of deflection and chord is given. Railroad curves are always laid off with chords of Ioo feet; and we often find, when speaking of curves, the angle of deflection is merely given. Now, to find the radius: 5,730 feet is a common radius, which is equal to a deflection of I~. RULE.-Divide the number of degrees deflected into 5,370; the product will be the radius of the curve; or divide the radius into 5,730, the product will be the degrees of the curve. EXAMPLE.-We have a curve with a deflection of 0~, and the chord of Ioo feet: 8)5,730 941, feet radius of curve. 34 TIME TABLE. EXPLANATION OF TIME TABLE. The Diagram on opposite page, shows how time-tables are prepared for running trains on railroads; the stations being laid off to a scale of miles one way, and the time in hours and minutes the other way. The broken lines show the time trains stop at stations, and passing-points. When making out a time-table, if the road be 175 miles long, lay out 175 lines, equal distance apart; then lay out the distance between stations, by counting each line for one mile, dividing up between lines for 2 and 4 miles when required, placing the name of station upon the line, and distance in miles between stations, as shown in diagram, it being necessary only to draw lines across the table that the names of stations come upon. Lay out the other way in hours and minutes for 24 hours. All the first-class trains are to be started first, running in both directions, giving speed per hour and time stopping at stations. Then the second-class trains, showing speed and time arriving in advance of first-class trains' time, giving proper clearance whiclf is generally about 10 minutes at passing-points. Example: In referring to time-table, we find that the Express leaves Newark 6.50 a. m., arriving at Ross 7.57 a. m., speed 30 miles per hour, passing the way Passenger at Ross, which left Newark 6.20 a. m., arriving 7.54 a. m., speed 23 miles per hour, Express arrives at Paterson 8.40 a. m.; way Passenger arrives 9.20 a. m. We also find a Freight and a Passenger train which left Paterson running from opposite direction, which have arrived at Ross; Freight 11 minutes, Passenger 3 minutes before the Express' arriving time, so as to take the side track for the Express. Trains of the same class have the same arriving time which can be seen by inspecting the table. Double track roads require 2 diagrams, one for each track to make out a time table, as the trains all run one way on each track, there being no meeting of trains. For want of space this diagram was laid out in hours and ten minutes instead of hours and minutes. PASOs 6 A.M. 7_ 8 9 _ 10j 11 12 I P.M. 2 1 1 PASSAW ^ i. 1 I I I I" t' i 9 k I I r m Ross \ - ^ / \ PA S I \m: im - --. _. Um N 2 < \ rII /7 _ _ _ _. ~ PM$s 5 - - - - \ L -~ - - _._.... _4 - - - - - - i - ^ 10 i H -O/ - - - — ^ - - - / - -^ ^ - J, - ^ 7^ l. - / -. - -. -. - / - z. -.. -. -...... BRASS, OR COMPOSITION. 37 BRASS, OR COMPOSITION. Babbit Metal.-2 lbs. copper, 4 lbs. antimony, and 41 lbs. tin. Mluntz Metal.-2 lbs. of zinc and 3 lbs. of copper. Locomotive Brasses.-6.3 to 7lbs. of copper, to 1 lb. of tin. Car Brasses.-5 lbs. of copper to I lb. of tin. Common rellow Brass.-2 lbs. of copper, i lb of zinc. Good gold color Brass,-8 lbs. copper, i lb. of tin, and 2- oz. zinc. Very Tough Brass.-8i lbs. of copper, I lb. of tin. Large Beell Metal.-4 lbs. of copper, 19 oz. of tin, ij oz. of zinc. Tombar, or Red Brass.-S lbs. copper, I lb. zinc. White Copper. —6 lbs. of copper, i lb. of arsenic. Brazing Solder, very hard.-3 lbs. of copper, I lb. of tin. Hard.-7 lbs. of common yellow brass, I lb. zinc. Soft.-5. lbs. eommon yellow brass, I lb. of tin, and i lb. of zinc. Plumbers' Solder.-i lb. of tin, I lb. of lead.'inmans' Solder.-i lb. of tin, 2 lbs. of lead. Pewter Solder.-2 lbs. of tin, I lb. of lead. Common Pewter.-4 lbs. of tin, I lb. of lead. A Metal that Expands in Cooling.-9 lbs. of lead, 2 lbs. of antimony, and I lb. of bismuth. The copper must be melted first. Mix or add the other metals, just before casting. Add the antimony, with small portions of tin; stir well before casting. 38 CASE-HARDENING. The metal should be strewn over with charcoal, to prevent oxidation. ---:0: --- CASE-HARDENING. As a general rule, tli3 Locomotive Engine has the links, and all the working parts belonging to the link and valve motion, case-hardened; also the slides and crank pins, when not made of steel. There are several methods of case-hardening. The quality and depth of steel required depends on the material used, the uniformity of the heat, and the time of remaining in the furnace. The best method consists in placing the articles to be operated upon in an iron box made for the purpose, with a layer of charred leather and bone dust; the articles to be so placed as not to touch each other, and to be well covered with the bone dust and charred leather, the lid of the box to be tightly fitted. The joints and lid of box must be luted with clay, so as to be air-tight. After the box has been in the furnace the required time, the contents must be speedily taken out of the box and suddenly immersed in cold water. The time of remaining in the furnace depends on the size of the articles to be hardened. For small work, from ten to twelve hours will answer; for links and slides, from twenty-six to twenty-eight lIours, to get a good depth of hardening. When not particular to the depth, it can be done with Prussiate of potash, by heating the iron to a red heat, and coat SHRINKAGE FOR STEEL TIRES. 39 ing it over with potash, and placing it in the tire again, a few minutes, then immersed in water. The temper may be taken out of a case-hardened piece of iron, so as to turn or file, by heating; the piece to be annealed to a dark red, and allowing it to cool in the open air. The hardening can be regained by re-heating the iron to a red heat, and immersing it in salt water; it will receive all of its previous hardness. ---:0: —-- SHRINKAGE FOR STEEL TIRES. There are many different opinions in regard to setting tires, as regards the shrinkage. The results from the following rules, have given good satisfaction: g of an inchfor a 3-foot 6-inch wheel. 25 of an inch for a 4-foot wheel. J- of an inch for a 4-foot 6-inch wheel. 2j of an inch for a 5-foot wheel. T' of an inch for a 5-foot 6-inch wheel.,1 of an inch for a 6-foot wheel. COUNTERBALANCING DRIVING-WHEELS. The reciprocating, as well as the revolving parts, are to be counterbalanced. All the revolving parts, attached to each crank-pin, must be counterbalanced in the wheel to which they are attached. 40 COUNTERBALANCING DRIVING WHtEEL9. The reciprocating parts are to be equally divided, according to the number of driving-wheels. For an outside-cylinder, four-wheel, connected-engine, proceed as follows:-For each side get the weight of piston, piston-rod, cross-head, pump-plunger, and cross-head end of main rod; call these the reciprocating parts. Then get the weight of the crank-pin, the crank-pin boss, the back end of main rod, and one-half the weight of the parallel rod; to this add one-half of the above reciprocating weight. The product will be the weight to be counterbalanced in the forward, or main driving-wheel. For the back driving-wheel, get the weight of its caank-pin, the crank-pin boss, and one-half of the parallel rod; to this add the remaining half of the reciprocating weight, the product will be the weight to be counterbalanced in the back wheel. For an inside-cylinder, four-wheel, connected-engine, proceed the same as before, to get the weight of the reciprocating parts; then get the weight of the crank end of main rod, crank-wrist, and one crankthrow; deduct one-quarter of their total weight, and add the whole'weight of the outside crank-pin, crankpin boss, and one-half of parallel rod; to this add one-half of the reciprocating weight. The product will be the weight; to be counterbalanced in the forward or main driving-wheel. For the back wheel, take the revolving weight attached to the crank-pin, and one-half of the reciproca COUNTERBALANCING DRIVING WHEESS. 41 ting weight, the same as for an outside-cylinder, or outside-connected engine, as it is termed. Next find the centre of gravity of the counterweight to be used; after the shape is fixed upon, cut out a wooden template, and find its centre of gravity, by suspending it freely, first from one corner, and dropping a plumb-line from the point of suspension, and marking its position, and then repeating the operation from another corner, and noting the point of intersection of the line with the first position, which will be the centre of gravity. Now, having determined the position which the counter-weight will occupy, its exact weight may be determined by multiplying the weight respectively to be balanced in each wheel, by the length of the crank, and divide the product by the distance of the centre of gravity from the centre of the axle; the product is the weight of counterbalance for each wheel. If three or more counter-weights are to be used together, in the same wheel, a common centre of gravity must be found for all, by drawing an arc through the centre of gravity of the balances, and connecting the centres of gravity ot the two outside balances by a straight line; then take from the middle of straight line one-third of the distance between the straight line and the curved line which cuts through the centres, which will be the common centre of gravity. When very small wheels are used,,as is commonly the case with heavy engines of the Mogul and con0olidation patterns, it is often difficult to get room for 42 POWER OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. counterbalances of the requisite weight in each wheel; under these circumstances the weight is divided equally for each wheel, or attached, as circumstances will admit. Passenger engines, with large wheels, are often counterbalanced by casting the spokes and rim of the wheel hollow, and filling them with lead. --:o: -- POWER OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. The adhesive power of the Locomotive is the power of the engine, derived from the weight on its drivingwheels; therefore, the force which propels the train upon the rail, is the adhesion between the tires of the driving-wheels and the rails. If the friction between these less than the friction between the wheels on the train and the rails, the driving-wheels will slip and turn, without advancing on the rail. An engine, with six-driving-wheels connected, or ten-wheel engine, as it is termed, has a much larger proportion of the whole weight of the engine brought into action on the rails for producing adhesion, than is the case with the four driving wheel connected, or eight-wheel engine, as it is termed, as the truck of the eight-wheel engine carries a little over one-third of the whole weight of engine on the truck, which is unavoidable; while'the ten-wheel, or six-wheel connected engine only carries one-'ifth of its actual weight on the engine truck, and a larger proportion of the whole weight is POWER OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. 43 made available, and the power increased. If the pressure of steam in the boiler be increased to equal the additional adhesion of engine, the adhesion of the eight-wheel, or four-wheel connected-engine is overcome, generally, with I30 lbs. pressure of steam per square ineh. There is another consideration; this greater weight of the six-wheel connected engine on the rails, produces greater friction to be overcome by the cylinders; the greater, therefore, the proportion of power absorbed, and greater the wear and tear of the parts of the engine and the rails. The four-wheel switch engine, without a truck, has the total weight of the engine on the driving-wheels; therefore a switch engine, weighing 20 tons, will have same power as a 30-ton eight-wheel engine, the weight on driving-wheels of both engines will be the same. The tractive force of the Locomotive is the power of the engine, derived from the pressure of steam on the piston, applied to the crank and diameter of wheel. The power of the Locomotive is measured by the moving force at the tread of the tires, and is called the tractive force; and equals the load the Locomotive could raise out of a pit, by means of a belt passing over a pully, and attached to the tread or face of one of the driving-wheels. 44 POWER OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. Rule to Calculate the Horse Power oj the Locomotive Engine. Multiply the area of piston by the pressure per square inch of steam used, which will be about i of the pressure indicated by the steam guage; the onethird being deducted for the effects of early exhaust, compression, and condensation, as steam loses pressure directly as it expands. Multiply the last product by the number of revolutions per minute; multiply this by twice the length of stroke, in feet; divide the last product by 33.000, the result will be the power of one cylinder, which multiplied by 2, will give the power of both cylinders, and will be the horse power ot the Locomotive. EXAMPLE.-Area of cylinder 200 inches; pressure per square inch, 80 lbs. x 200= 6,000 lbs. Drivingwheel 5 feet diameter, 15 miles per hour, gives 84 turns per minute, 84 x I6;ooo==,344,00ooo foot-pounds. Stroke 2 feet x 2= —4x I,344,000=5,376,000 footpounds — 33,ooo=I62jrr horse power. This being one cylinder, x 2=3259y horse power of the Locomotive, POWER OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. 45 2oo inches area of cylinder. 80 lbs. pressure per square inch. I6,ooo total pressure. 84 revolutions per minute. 64,0oo 128,000 1,344,000 foot-pounds. 4 feet, being twice the length of stroke, 33,,000)5,376,000 foot-pounds. i62 -A power of one cylinder. 2 cylinders. 325 T9 horse power of Locomotive. o: O: For Calculating the 7ractive Power of the Locomotive. RULE ISt.-Multiply the diameter of the cylinder in inches, by itself; multiply the product by the working or average pressure in the cylinder, in pounds per square inch. Multiply this product by length of stroke, in inches, and divide the last product by the diameter of the wheel, in inches, the quotient will be the tractive power. RUILE 2d.-The power of the Locomotive may be roughly computed by calling it equal to ith of the total weight on the driving-wheels, When the rails 46 POWER OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. are dry, and in good condition, the insistant weight is usually regarded as a safe basis for ordinary calculation; hence 6th of the weight upon the driving-wheels of a Locomotive is called its tractive power. EXAMPLE.-Required to find the tractive power or a Locomotive, when total weight on drivers is z2 tons. q One ton, 2,000 lbs. x 20==4,ooo lbs. -6=6,6669 tractive power. One ton, 2,000 lbs. Weight on drivers, 20 tons. 6)40,000 lbs. weight on drivers. 6,666- lbs., 6th of weight on drivers or tractive power, that is: this Locomotive will draw, when the rails are in good condition, 6,666 lbs; and this load drawn is called the tractive power, or the power of the Locomotive.: —- 0: Friction of Cars. This term signifies the power required to draw a car on a level road, on a smooth rail. It is usually estimated that 8 lbs. is sufficient to draw i ton. A spring balance would be extended to 8 lbs. for every ton drawn in a car; thus, if a car contained X tons, the spring balance would indicate 16 pounds over and above the weight required to draw the empty car. POWER OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. 47 The reader will observe that the tractive power is expressed in pounds, the same as the friction, so that one can be converted into the other. EXAMPLE.-Required the friction of a train of 40 ears, weight 20 tons to the car: 40 cars x 20 tons= cdoo tons x 8 lbs., 6,400 lbs. of friction, or tractive power required to draw this train. 40 cars. 20 tons. 8oo tons. 8 lbs. per car. 6,400 lbs. of friction. -:: -- Horse Power per Hour. When using high-pressure steam, for every cubic foot of water used, when tile engine is in good order, and using dry steam, may be considered one-horse power; therefore, when using a tender containing I,800 gallons of water, which is equal to 240 cubic feet in one hour, would be exerting 240-horse power per hour. ----:o: DIMENSIONS OF PARTS OF LOCOMOTIVE. To find the inside diameter of a Locomotive boiler. RULE.-Multiply the diameter of the cylinder in inches, by 2.98; the product will be the diameter of the boiler in inches. 48 DIMENSIONS OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. EXAMPLE.-Required the inside diameter of a Locomotive boiler, the diameter of cylinder being I6 inches: I6 x 2.98==47-%Y inches. -:o: Length of Boilers. The length of Locomotive boilers is from i8 feet to 21 feet; length of flues generally from I I feet to II feet 2 or 3 inches, IX inches inside diameter. -:0: - Diameter of Steam Dome. When using one dome it is necessary to have it large enough to prevent the raising of water; the diameter or:height may vary, according to circumstances. RULE.-For a I6-inch cylinder the dome will be 26 inches in diameter, and 30 inches high, omitting the dome cover; this size dome would answer for either a 15 or I7-inch cylinder. --:o: -- Area of Fire Grate. To find the area of the iirc grate of a Locomotive boiler: RULE.-Multiply the diameter of the cylinder by 87; the product will be tb- in square feet. DIMENSIONS OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. 49 EXAMPLE.-To find the area of the fire grate surface of a Locomotive boiler, the cylinder being 16 inches in diameter: i6 x.87= I3-Ty square feet of grate surface.:0: ---- Area of Heating Surface. To find the area of effective heating surface of a Locomotive boiler: RULE.-Multiply the diameter of the cylinder by its diameter, and multiply the product by 7; divide, the last product by 2; the quotient will be the area of effective heating surface, in square feet. EXAMPLE.-TO find the effective heating surface, the cylinder being 16 inches in diameter: 16 x I6= 256 x 7=I,792-2 ==896 square feet. -;o; --- Safety Valve. In calculating the safety-valve, it does not require much exactness; all that is necessary is to have it large enough to free the boiler from its surplus steam, when the steam is shut off from the cylinders. RULE.-One square inch of area of safety valve to i square foot of area of fire grate surface, will fill the demand. In all cases this proportion gives the largest area of safety valves in use on Locomotives. The Locomotive generally has two safety-valves, each valve having half the area of that of a single valve. 4 50. DIMENSIONS OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. Safety- Valve Lever. To find the length of a safety-valve lever, when the spring balance is used: RULE.-Multiply the area of the valve in square inches, by Ioo lbs. pressure per square inch; divide the product by 56 lbs., and multiply the last product by the distance between the tulcrum and valve; the quotient will be the length of safety-valve lever. EXAMPLE.-To find the length of safety-valve lever, the area ot valve being 6 inches: Area of valve,....... 6 inches. Lbs. press. per sq'r in. Ioo Total pressure..... 56)600 (io~ Weight,. ....... 56 3 in. dist. between - fulcrum and valve 40 32- in., total length of lever. 56 lbs. on the end of a lever equals Ioo lbs. indicated on spring balance; 28 lbs. on end of lever will indicate 50 lbs. on spring balance; 14 lbs. on end of lever will indicate 25 lbs. on spring balance, etc. -:o: - How to Weigh a Safety- Valve. Fasten an upright piece on each of the two sides of the frame of a common platform scales; to fasten a piece of plank at each end, so as to form a bridge across the scales without interfering with the platform of the scales; screw the stem of the fulcrum into the DIMENSIONS OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. 51 top of this plank; place the valve upon the platform of the scales, and let the lever rest upon the top of the valve, at the same distance from the joint that it is fixed at when upon the engine; then multiply the area of the valve, in squ are inches, by the pressure required, the spring balance being attached to the end of the lever, and fastened at its other end, the same as it is attached upon the boiler; we can now set the weight of the platform scales to the number of pounds equal to the product already obtained; and the tension of the spring balance regulated by its nut and screw, which is just sufficient to balance the scalebeam, will show the point at which the spring balance will hold the safety-valve to that pressure. -:0: "' Cubical contents of water in a Locomotive Boiler. To find the cubical contents of water in the boiler, when having 3 guages of water: RULE.-Multiply the diameter of the cylinder, in inches, by its diameter; multiply the product by 9, and divide the last product by 18; the quotient will be the cubical contents of the water in the boiler, in cubic feet. EXAMPLE.-TO find the cubical contents of water in a boiler of a Locomotive, the diameter of cylinder being i6 inches: I6 x 16=256 x 9=2,304 -18=128 cubic feet of water, or about 96v gallons. tS2 DIMENSIONS OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. Feed Pumps for a Locomotive. A Locomotive has two pumps, or one pump and one injector. A great many roads have adopted the rule of using two pumps and: one injector, which is a decided improvement. Either pump should be capable of keeping up the supply of water at all times. The pump plungers of the Locomotive are worked in several ways; generally they are full-stroke pumps, the plunger being attached to the cross-head, and has the same stroke as the piston. RULE.-The diameter for a full-stroke pump is 1 to the inch of the diameter of the cylinder. Half-stroke pumps will be twice the area of the full-stroke pump. To find the diameter of a full-stroke pump-plunger, divide the diameter of the cylinder in inches, by 8; the product will be the diameter of the plunger. EXAMPLE.-To find the diameter of a pump-plungbr, for a Locomotive whose cylinder is i6 inches in diameter: I6- 8-z- inch diameter. Feed Pipes of the Locomotive. The feed-pipe of the Locomotive is not particular to' size, so long as it is large enough. General practice gives from one-quarter to a half inch larger in diameter than the pump-plunger, so as to give full supply to the' pump. IMENSIONS OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. Diameter of Steam-Pipe. To find the diareter of a steam-pipe for a Locomotive: RULE.-Multiply the diameter of the cylinder, in inches, by its diameter.; multiply the product by.03; the product will be the diameter of the steam-pipe, in inches. EXAMPLE.-To find the diameter of steam-pipe of the Locomotive, the cylinder being i6 inches in diameter: I6 x I6=256 x.o3=.7.68 inches diameter.:0: --- Throw of Eccentric. How to get the throw of eccentric, or travel of valve. RULE.-It is found by adding together the width of both steam-ports, and the lap on both ends of the valve; this productwill give the exact opening of steam-port, one-half inch more being added to the above product so that the edges of the valve will travel about a quarter of an inch beyond the inside edge of steam-port, on the bridge, to insure a full opening ot port, when the joints have become worn. EXAMPLE. Width of front port.... incn. Width of back port.... I; inch. Lap of front end...... i inch. Lap of back end.... i inch. For wear of joints..... ~ inch. Total....... $ inches travel of valve. 54 DIMENSIONS OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. Diameter or Branch Pipe. To find the diameter of the branch-pipe of the Locomotive. RULE.-Multiply the diameter of cylinder, in inch es, by its diameter; multiply the product by.021, the quotient is the diameter of the branch-pipe, in inches. EXAMPLE.-TO find the diameter of the branchpipe for a Locomotive, when the cylinder is 16 inches in diameter: i6 x i6=256 x.02I=5TVF- inches in diameter. -:0: --- Area of Steam Port. The area of steam-port of the Locomotive cylinder is generally about T- of the area of the cylinder; the length of ports varies, as well as the width, according to the designers' ideas. General practice gives length ot steam-port one inch less than the diameter of cylinder, and about i~ inches wide. RULE.-To find the area of a steam-port for a Locomotive cylinder, multiply the diameter of the cylinder, in inches, by its diameter, then multiply the product by.074; the product given will be the area in square inches. This is the simplest rule, and does not require to have the area of cylinder. EXAMPLE.-To find the area of steam-port, when the cylinder is i6 inches in diameter: i6 x I6-256 x.o74=i8-?V square inches. DIMENSIONS OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. 55 Area of Exhaust Port. To find the area of exhaust-port, the exhaust-port is required to be twice the area of the steam-port; the length of exhaust-port will be the same as the steamport. RULE.-Multiply the diameter of cylinder, in inches, by its diameter; multiply the product by.I48; the product will be the area in square inches. EXAMPLE.-To find the area of an exhaust-port, the cylinder being 16 inches in diameter: I6 x i6=256 x.I48 —37-8ffY square inches. --:0: —Thickness of Bridges between ports. Width of bridges, between steam and exhaust-ports, vary in thickness, from a of an inch to i inch; general practice gives ix to I4 inches. ---:01 ------ Diameter of Piston Rod. RULE.-TO find the diameter of a piston-rod for a Locomotive, divide the diameter of the cylinder, in inches, by 6; the product will be the diameter of the piston-rod, in inches. EXAMPLE.-The diameter of the cylinder being I6 inches: i6.-6=2t inches in diameter. 56 DIMENSIONS OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. Thickness of Piston. RULE.-TO find the thickness of piston for a Locomotive, multiply the diameter of cylinder by 2; divide the product by 8; this product will be the thickness of the piston, in inches. EXAMPLE.-The diameter of cylinder being I6 inches i6 x 2==32 -8=4 inches, thickness of piston. --:0: --- Diameter of Crank-Pin. To find the diameter of the crank-pin of a Locomotive. RULE.-Multiply the diameter of the cylinder, in inches, by its diameter, and divide the product by 64; the product will be the diameter, in inches. EXAMPLE.-To find the diameter of crank-pin for a Locomotive, when the cylinder is I6 inches in diameter: I6 x I6-=256 -64=4 inches. The width of a crank-pin journal should be the same as the diameter. --:0: Cross-Head Wrist-Pin. RULE.-To find the diameter of the wrist-pin of a Locomotive, multiply the diameter of the cylinder, in inches, by its diameter, and divide the product by 72; the product will be the diameter, in inches. EXAMPLE.-Diameter of cylinder being x6 inches? 16 x I6z=256 -72-=3 inches. DIMENSIONS OF TIIE LOCOMOTIVE. 57 Smoke-Stack or Chimney. The smoke-stack of the Locomotive varies in size. Practice has shown that the stack made the same diameter, or one inch less than the diameter of the cylinder, gives the best results. Height of stack not to exceed 14 feet 3 inches from the rail. --:o:Safety, or Fusible Plug. The safety, or fusible plug, is a brass bolt I4 inches in diameter, and 2 inches long, with a hole drilled and tapped through it, and filled with lead, and is located about in the centre of the crown-sheet in the furnace, and screwed about ~ of an inch through the sheet; the lead will melt out of this plug if the boiler becomes short of water; and gives notice of danger. The lead should be removed every six months, as the plug will corrode over on the end with sediment from the water, and prevent it from giving an alarm. ,- 0o Built at Rogers' Locomotive Works, Paterson. I. J. — 44 —---- Cylinder 16x24 inches. Weight of Engine empty, on truck........................................... 22,000 pounds. Weight on driving-wheels.................................................. 36,050 pounds. Total weight of empty Engine.......................... 58,050 pounds. Weight of Engine, with two guages of water, on truck........................ 23,394 pounds. 0'- " " " " on driving-wheels.............. 41,576 pounds. Total weight of Engine................................ 64,9T0 pounds. t Weight of tender, empty.................................................... 20,310 pounds. " " with water..................................... 36,690pounds. 4 i " with water and coal............4......5........... 4,280 pounds. Tender holds 2,047 gallons of water, and 8,590 pounds of coaL Water in boiler, 865 gallons. DIMENSIONS; OF THE LOCOMOTIVL 6I IMPORTANT DIMENSIONS OF A LOCOMOTIVE ENGINE. Such as are in general use, for I8 x 20, 17 x 22,, x6 x 24, four-wheel connected-engines. One inch in bore, or two inches in stroke, are classed as one size of a Locomotive. Diameter of cylinder............ I6 inches. Length of stroke................ 20, 22, 24 Steam ports; length of port I inch less than bore of cylinder.... Ii x 15 Exhaust ports; length of port I inch less than bore of cylinder 24 x 15 " Outside lap.................... Inside lap............... Throw of eccentric............ 5 " Lead, in full stroke..**........... Horizontal distance from centre of axle to centre of rocker...... 5 feet 5 " Centre of rocker above centre line of engine........-.~..*...... 7 Length of rocker arms.. 9.... Radius of centre of link......-.... S feet I- Knuckle-joint centres, back of centre line of link, toward axle.. 24 " Distance between knuckle-joint centres.............. 3 3 Length of eccentric-rods, from centre of eccentric-strap to centre of knuckle-joints..........'.. 2+z feet 5- " 62 DIMENSIONS OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. Horizontal distance of lifting-shaft, forward of centre line of axle. 4 feet g inches. Centre of lifting-shaft, above centre line of engine............... 12 t " Length of hanger............... 14 Length of lifting-shaft arms, from centre to centre............. i6 I Length of slot in link............ I84 " Width of slot.................. 2 " Horizontal distance from centre of lifting-shaft to centre of rocker i64' < Upper rocker-arm set back....... i Cylinder elevated to the foot..... Point of suspension, back toward axle..... * 9........ 3 Diameter of main crank-pin journal 3a " Length of main rod 34 times the length of stroke............. 70, 77, 84 " Length of journal of main crankpin..................... 4 " Parallel-rod journals, diameter and length................... 3 " Wrist-pin of cross-head......... 34 " Length...................... 3 Driving-axles (diameter)........ 64 " Truck-axles (diameter).......... 4 " Length of boiler............... I9 feet 7 Length of smoke-arch........... 38 Diameter of boiler.............. 47 " Rise of wagon-top above cylinder part of boiler............... 8 DIMENSIONS OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. 63 Steam-dome diameter........... 26 inches. Height, omitting cap of dome..... 30 " Length of fire-box, outside....... 68 Width of fire-box, outside, being the greatest width admissable between the frames of a 4-foot 8-inch guage.............. 40 Water-space, between furnacesheets..................... 3 " Length of flues................. feet. Diameter of flues, inside......... I Number of flues................ 50 Height of crown-sheet, above top of grate-bars............. 57 Surface of fire-grate........... I3 square feet. Heating surface of fire-box....... 83 " Heating surface of flues........ 756 " Total heating surface...... 839 " " In this calculation the space of fire-box door, and area of the flue opening in the fire-box in the fluesheet, are deducted from total area. This will give 4T7J square feet heating surface to i inch of cylinder; or 52PI~ square feet to I inch of bore of cylinder. Total weight of engine, with 3 guages of water in boiler.... 65,ooo pounds. Number of gallons of water in boiler.................... 950 Diameter of nozzles............ 2a inches. 64 DIMENSIONS OF THE LOCOM1IOTIVE. Weight on drivers, with water... 41,050 pounds. Weight on engine truck......... 23,950 pounds. Height to top of stack from the rail...................... 14 feet 3 inches. Diameter of body of stack....... 15 Diameter of top of stack....... 28 " Diameter of largest part of stack.. 48 " Diameter of petticoat, or lift-pipe. I03 " Diameter of flare of bottom of petticoat............. 1.9 i Position of petticoat, from top of boiler....................~ 2 " Bottom set at the fourth row of flues from the bottom. ----:0: - IMPORTANT DIMENSIONS OF A LOCOMOTIVE ENGINE, For cylinders i8 x 24, 19 x 22, 17 x 26, 20 x 20, fourwheel connected engine: Diameter of cylinder........... 18 inches. Length of stroke................ 24 Steam ports; length of ports i inch less than bore of cylinder.... I1 x I7 Exhaust ports; length of ports I inch less than bore of cylinder 2 x 17 " Outside lap.................... I Inside lap, line and line, or....... 312 Throw of eccentric.............. 5 " DIMENSIONS OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. 65 Lead, in full stbke.............., 1 inches. Horizontal distance, from centre of axle to centre of rocker...... 5 feet 94 Centre of rocker, above center line of engine................... 6 " Length of rocker-arms........... IC, Radius of centre of link.......... 5 feet 5 Knuckle-joint centres, back of centre line of link, toward axle.. 4 (( Distance between knuckle-joint centres................... 13~ 3 Length of'eccentric-rods, from centre of eccentric-strap to centre of knuckle-joints............ q feet 6 " Horizontal distance of lifting-shaft, forward of centre line of axle. 4 feet 5 Centre of lifting-shaft, above centre line of engine........... IIA " Length of hanger.............. I5 i Length of lifting-shaft arms, from centre to centre............. i6 Length of slot in link............ 19 " Width of slot................. 2' Horizontal distance from centre of lifting-shaft to centre of rocker I6L " Upper rocker-arm, set back...... " Cylinder elevated to the foot...... " Point of suspension, back toward axle....................... Diameter of main crank-pin journal 4i 5 66 DIMENSIONS OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. Length of main rod 3 times the length of stroke. Length of journal of main crank-pin 44 inches. Parallel-rod journals, diameter and length..................... 31 " Wrist-pin of cross-head.......... 31 Length........................ 3* Driving-axles (diameter)........ 7 Truck-axles (diameter).......... 5 Length of boiler................ 20 feet 7 Length of smoke arch.......... 39 Diameter of boiler............. 49. " Rise of wagon-top above cylinder part of boiler............... 8 " Steam-dome diameter........... 28 Height, omitting cap of dome.... 30 Length of fire-box, outside....... 72 Width of fire-box outside, being the greatest width admissable between the frames of a 4-foot 8k-inch guage.............. 40 Water-space between furnacesheets.............. 3... Length of flues................ II feet 4 Diameter of flues, inside......... I I Number of flues................ 174 Height of crown-sheet above top of grate-bars................. 59 " Surface of fire grate............. I5} square feet. DIMENSIONS OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. 61 Heating surface of fire-box...... 94T5 square feet Heating surface of flues......... * g3 " Total Heating surface... 997T,5 " " In this calculation the space of fire-box door, and area of the flue opening in the fire-box in the fluesheet, are deducted from total area. This will give 4 square feet of heating surface to I inch area of cylinder, or 55 T3Vs square feet to I inch of bore of cylinder. Total weight of engine with 3 guages of water in boiler..... 6S 69,800 pounds. Number of gallons of water in boiler...........e....... 1,200 Diameter of nozzles........ o... 3 inches. Weight on drivers, with water... 42,500 pounds. Weight on engine truck......... 27,300 pounds. Height to top of stack from the rail.............. I4 feet 3 inches. Diameter of body of stack....... 7 " Diameter of top of stack........ 29 (" Diameter of largest part of stack. 48 " Diameter of petticoat, or lift-pipe. 12' "' Diameter of flare of bottom of petticoat.....0. o.......... 22 Position of petticoat from top of boiler..................... 2 "4 Bottom set at the fourth row of flues from the bottom. 68 DIMENSIONS OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. Exhaust Nozzles. Exhaust nozzles are a very important part of a Locomotive, and they should be large enough. If too small will choke the engine by the back pressure, which will take considerable of the power of the engine to overcome; besides, it will cause a great waste in fuel. -:0: ---- Clearance of Exhaust. If the cone in stack be too large, it will not give proper clearance to the exhaust; or if the top of the stack be too small, it will choke the exhaust to such an extent as will take a great portion of the power of the engine to overcome; also will consume double the quantity of fuel.:: -- Boiler. The boiler is the most important part of a Locomo. tive Engine, and should be large enough. The proper results of an engine depend, in a great degree, on the boiler being capable of generating a sufficient amount of steam, without contracting the exhaust nozzles to such extent as to choke the engine in the exhaust. When the boiler is not large enough there is a great waste in fuel as well as of power. The Locomotive DIMENSIONS OP THE LOCOMOTIVE. 69 boiler consists of three parts: the barrel, or cylinder, containing the flues; the fire-box, and smoke-box. The barrel, smoke-box, and outside shell of fire-box, are made of steel or iron, of the best quality, from i-inch to *-inch thick, riveted together with i-inch rivets, placed Ia inches apart. The inside shell of fire-box is made of the best Sligo iron or steel, from -,-inch to -{-inch thick; or of copper, i-inch to F-inch thick. The flue-sheet, when made of copper, for the furnace end, is made of i-inch or g-inch thickness. The furnace is made square, the crownsheet being strengthened by riveting stay-bars to it, with i-inch rivets, placed 4 inches apart, from centre to centre of rivets. The crown-bars run cross-wise the crown-sheet, and are made of wrought iron, 4 inches deep in the centre, and 3i inches at the ends, by 7 or i-inch wide, and are made in pairs, welded together at the ends; they are so cut that the ends will rest on the vertical side sheets of fire-box, and are raised ij inches above the crown-sheet, washers being placed between the crown-sheet and bars, at each rivet. The bars are raised, so as to allow the water to circulate as much as possible on the top of the crown-sheet. The outside and inside shell of furnace are separated, for admitting a 3-inch water-space between them, and the two are united by a bar of wrought iron, 3 inches wide by 2 inches deep, riveted between them at the bottom. The inside shell of furnace is also secured to the outside sheet by stay-bolts, i-inch in diameter, which are screwed through both 70 DIMENSIONS OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. sheets, and riveted, spaced 4 inches apart from centre to centre. This is termed high-pressure stayed. In stationary and other low-pressure boilers, the staybolts are placed from 8 to 1 inches from centre to centre, which is termed low-pressure stayed. The flues occupy about two-thirds of the cylinder part of the boiler; the other third remaining above the flues for water and steam room. The flues are placed in rows, i-inch being the distance between any two flues; the length of flues varying from IO to 13 feet, according to the designers' ideas. As a general rule, for engines, with cylinders from 14 to I8 inches in diameter, the II-foot flue is used; the external diameter being 2 inches. The smoke-box comprises the front end of the cylinder part of boiler, forward of the front flue-sheet, occupying about 38 inches of the length of boiler. The head of front flue-sheet is made of 1-inch iron, flanged around the edge, to rivet to the cylinder part of boiler. The front end of smoke-box has a ring made of 2-inch square wrought iron, riveted on the inside, for the purpose of strengthening the front end, and staying the cylinders, to which the plate holding the door is bolted. For the convenience of cleaning the boiler, four large hand-holes, oval in shape, 31 x 2; inches, are cut, one in each bottom corner of leg of boiler, and one in the bottom of front flue-sheet, which are much larger than the screw-plug formerly used. Practice has shown that the former screw-plug, about I inches in diameter, was too small to ensure a proper cleaning. DIMENSIONS OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. 7I To complete the stay of boiler, I must mention a series of horizontal stay-bolts, from the back boilerhead to the front flue-sheet. They are 8 in number, made of I-inch round iron; they are attached to the sheets by crow-feet riveted to the sheets, with 2 rivets; an eye on the end of rods, for an inch bolt to go through. There are also 12 stay-rods, six on each side, running on an angle from the crown-bars to top of boiler. The steam-dome is placed over the-centre of crown-sheet, stayed with 8 vertical 8-inch round iron rods, 4 on each side, running from the crownbars to the sides of the dome. The dome-cap, or cover, is made of cast iron, held down by 7-inch studs, 4j inches from centre to centre of studs, which are tapped into a solid ring, made of 2-inch square wrought iron, which is riveted to the top inside of dome; the bolts are on the outside of the joint. By this arrangement the steam has no access to them, and they are preserved from corrosion and rust. The same arrangement, for the preserving of bolts holding down the steam-chest cover, by casting sockets on the inside of the steam-chest for the bolts to pass through which come outside of the joints, so as the steam will not have access to them. In consequence of this they can be unscrewed, if necessary, without breaking. 72 DIMENSIONS OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. Framing. The frame of a Locomotive, to which the boiler and machinery are attached, is made of the best hammered wrought iron; and generally made in two pieces, jointed firmly at the forward pedestal, when for an 8-wheel engine, meaning four driving-wheels and a truck with four wheels. When six-wheel, connected with four-wheel truck, or the ten-wheel engine, as it is termed; and the Mogul engine, with six driving-wheels connected, witll half-truck with two wheels, are jointed back of the middle pedestal. This is done for the convenience of taking down the back ends, or that part of frame which surrounds the fiurnace. When rebuilding or repairing the furnace the frames are strong, and firmly braced and bolted to its place. One of the superiorities of an engine consists in the proper proportioning of material, and the strong manner in which all parts are united and secured together. To produce strength, firmness, and steadiness of motion, the length of pedestal being at least 41 inches longer than the driving-boxes, to prevent the box from striking the top or bottom of frame, when oscillating. The springs used are similar to the ordinary carriage spring, with plates, held together at the centre by a band, and are allowed to slide on each other at the ends; the upper plate terminates with a tip or flange, to prevent the hanger, or springstrap from slipping off; the lower end of hanger is attached to the under side of the frame by a pin pass DIMENSIONS OF THE LCCOMOTIVE. 73 ing through ends of hanger. The centre of the spring rests upon a saddle that astrides the frame, the ends of saddle setting in recesses on the edges of drivingboxes, the other end of spring being attached to the equalizing-beam, which are about twice the length of the driving-spring, to effect an easy-riding engine. A very essential quality in a Locomotive, is to have an equal distribution of the weighlt upon the wheels. In the Mogul, or ten-wheel engine, the drivingwheels carry four-fifths of the total weight, and the engine-truck one-fifth; one-fifth being sufficient to keep the truck-wheels from climbing the rail. The truck of an eight-wheel engine carries a little over onethird of the total weight, leaving less than two-thirds for the driving-wheels, about one-third for the back drivers, and a little less than one-third for the front drivers. The axles only bear against the top of the driving-box, which are lined with brass, II inches thick, the bottom of box forming a reservoir or cellar, as it is termed, underneath the bearing, filled with oil and waste, to lubricate the journal. The upper part of the box has a reservoir for oil, also, which is supplied to the journal by holes drilled down through the brass. The Locomotive driving wheels vary in size, from 38 inches to 75 inches in diameter; 75 inches being about the largest used in this country; and are invariably made of cast iron, with hollow spokes, using iron or steel tires, from 24 to 3 inches in thickness. It is necessary to mention that chilled tires are used on some roads, for switch engines. The engine 74 DIMENSIONS OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. truck-wheels are cast iron, with chilled faces, generally; sometimes steel tires are used on the leading truck-wheels, for an engine running very fast trains, as it is believed, by some master mechanics, that they are safer. There has been much controversy in regard to the question of which has the superiority: the four or six-wheel connected-engine, in regard to moving cars and safeness. It is most probable that the question will remain for some time to come for a decision, as each party claim equal advantages. The four-wheel connected-engine is preferable for fast running; they also curve easier, and it is claimed that the four-wheel engine will make more trips in the year than the six-wheel connected-engine; consequently, they will move as many cars, at less expense, when including the wear of machinery and of track. There is no doubt that the Locomotives are now becoming too heavy in weight to be supported by four driving-wheels, without doing injury to the machinery and rails. There can be an equal damage done with the six-wheel connected-engine; for, when the rail is greasy, or partially wet, the engineer is required to increase the adhesion by using sand on the rail, and a greater strain is thus produced than can exist in the case of a four-wheel engine, more particularly when on a curve. It is necessary to make the middle or forward tire without a flange, to facilitate the moving of the engine around curves. DINMiStsos 6P Tau LOCOMOTIVg. 75 Locomotive Tender. A tender for a Locomotive should be large enough; generally they are too small in the water-space. The coal or wood-space can be less, in most cases. The water-space should be capable of holding I25 gallons for each inch of diameter of cylinder. That will give, for a cylinder I6 inches in diameter: i6 x 125= 2,200 gallons; which will be 200 more gallons than they now hold. The common mode of connecting the engine to the tender, is by means of a draw-bar, with an eye at each end, which enters the draw-head castings of the engine and tender, and held together by a pin passing through the draw-head casting and eye of draw-bar. The buffers of the engine and tender should be closely joined together, as it contributes greatly to prevent oscillation and other irregular motions of the engine. The best safeguard against excessive oscillation is to have the driving-wheels properly counterbalanced. The weight of tenders varies according to their construction. The weight of tenders for 15, I6, and 17inch cylinders, without water or fuel, varies from IS, ooo to 22,000 lbs. The tender-trucks.should be placed under the tender so as to have nearly an equal weight on each truck, when loaded with fuel and water. m W I WILLIAM S. HUDSON'S PATENT LOCOMOTIVE, For Road Construction or Switching Purposes. -:o:ER BUILT AT THE ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, PATERSON, N. J. DIMENSIONS OF ENGINE I'COPIAPO." 77 ENGINE' COPIAPO," Built at The Rogers Locomotive Works. Cylinder 15 x 20Six driving-wheels, 40 inches in diameter. Two-wheel truck forward. Two-wheel truck rear. Weight of Engine Empty. Weight on forward truck............. 6,051 lbs. Weight on front driving-wheels.....1... Ic,806 lbs. Weight on middle driving-wheels...... 17,380 lbs. Weight on back driving-wheels........ 17,380 lbs. Weight on rear truck........... 5,040 lbs. Total weight............... 6,65 lbs. Weight in running order, with two gauges of water in boiler (about 70o gallons). Water in tank 1,6oo gallons, and 3,800 pounds of coal. Weight on forward truck.............. 9,172 lbs. Weight on forward drivers............ 21,I 1 lbs. Weight on middle drivers............. 23,I1 lbs. Weight on back drivers............... 23,111 lbs. Weight on back truck................ 7,357 bs. Total weight of engine....... 83,86I lbs. 78 MOULDING AND CASTING. MOULDING AND CASTING. Moulding and casting the cylinders of the Locomotive are of more importance than all other castings, and require more ingenuity to make the mould and the cores, and secure them in their places in such manner as to allow the gases to escape as they become heated. The cylinders are cast in dry loam, which is done by building the mould of brick, and facing the brick on the inside with loam. This method of moulding does not require a complete pattern, as the form of the casting can be determined by sweeps and templates. The preparation of the loam is a very important part of the construction; it is composed of coarse, medium, and fine sands, with a mixture of clay, water, and sawdust, with some other ingredidients; the whole is brought to the consistency of mortar; the requirements of the loam are porosity, to allow the gases to escape. After the form of the mould is completed it is placed in an oven and kept under a certain heat until baked, then taken out, and the cores placed in their respective places. The form is now ready to receive the metal. A single mistake, or the slightest carelessness, may cause the loss of the casting. -:o: ECCENTRIC. There is securely fastened to the driving-shaft, with keys or set-screws, a contrivance called an eccentric, which serves to transfer a reciprocating motion to the ECCENTRIC. 79 slide-valve. Upon close inspection, it appears that this is only a mechanical shift for a crank. The Locomotive has two eccentrics, one for the forward motion, and the other for the backward motion, for each cylinder, fixed firmly upon the driving-shaft. The motion of the eccentric is transferred to the valve direct or indirect; in case of indirect, the motion is transferred by means of the rock-shaft. When direct, the motion is transferred direct to the valve, as the valve-rod is connected to the link by means of a fork-end valve-rod. Direct motion is applied to an inside-connected Locomotive engine. When the steam-chests lie between the cylinders, the valve stands vertical, or in other words, the valve works on the side of the cylinder. In this case, it is necessary to use springs to keep the valves up to their places, when not using steam. The eccentrics and eccentricstraps are made of good cast iron metal. The eccentrics are generally cast solid; the straps are made in two halves, secured together by bolts with jam-nuts; some prefer to have the bolts tapped or screwed through one lug of the strap, and use one jam-nut. There is a dowel-pin fitted in the lugs of the eccentricstraps, to keep them in their proper places. It is well to put three or four pieces of tin between the lugs before they are turned out, for the convenience of adjustment, or taking up the lost motion. 80 ADMISSION OF STEAM INTO CYLINDER. ADMISSION OF. STEAM FROM THE BOILER TO THE CYLINDERS. The admission of steam, from the boiler to the cylinders, is regulated by the common slide, or poppet valve, which is called a throttle-valve, when used for this purpose, which is opened and shut with a hand lever, and is controlled by the engineer, the valve being placed in the dome or in the smoke-box, as desired. The throttle-box, as it is termed, that contains the throttle-valve, is attached to the dry-pipe, which receives the steam from the highest part ot the steamdome, and conveys the steam through two branchpipes, one for each cylinder, that conveys the steam to the cylinders. -:0: HOW STEAM IS ADMITTED INTO CYLINDERS. Steam is admitted into the cyliuders by means of the plain slide-valve, which is a device by which the receiving and discharging of the steam is regulated, for the opposite ends of the cylinder, and it is called the D valve; it derives its name from the resemblance of a half circle, or D, in the exhaust cavity, which sets over the ports or openings which convey the steam to and from the cylinders, which are three in number. The middle port is termed the exhaustport; the other two are termed the steam-ports. The HOW STEAM IS ADMITTED INTO CYLINDER. 8I effect, then, of moving the valve backwards and forwards, over the ports, as is done by the eccentrics, is to establish a passage alternately between each cylinder-port and the exhaust passage, whereby the steam escapes. And while the steam is escaping from one end of the piston, the position of the valve is such that a free communication exists between the boiler and the other end or side of piston. The piston is, therefore, forced backward and forward in the cylinder, alternately, the valves so changing their position, before the piston arrives at the end of its stroke, that the pressure is by that time thrown to the reverse side of the piston. so as to force it into motion in the opposite direction The valve does not move forward when the pistoa does, nor does it move forward when the piston moves back, but it moves from the lead line to the extremity of its travel, and back again; while the piston only makes a movement one way, from one end of cylinder to the other. ----—: ---— I CLEARANCE. The term clearance is used to express the extent of the space which exist between the piston, at the extreme end of stroke and the cylinder-head, and the valve-face, or the cubic contents of the steam-passage and the unoccupied portion of the cylinder by the piston. For each stroke of piston this space must be filled with steam, which in no way tends to improve 6 82 CLEARANCE.-LATERAL MOTION. the action of the engine, but rather increases the amount of steam to be exhausted on the return stroke. It becomes necessary to make the valve-face as ne:ar to the bore of cylinder as possible, and have as small a space between the piston and cylinder-head, to reduce the cubic contents of the passage to its smallest capacity. -:0: — LATERAL MOTION. Lateral motion is understood to be the clearance or distance between the rails and flanges of driving and truck-wheels. Practice has shown that roads with heavy curves require at least three-quarters of an inch, to enable the engine to run the curves; the back drivers are given one-eighth of an inch less than the forward drivers.:0: LINK MOTION. The link motion may be classed as two motions, viz: First. The stationary link, with shifting block. Second. The shifting link, with stationary block. The stationery link, with a shifting block, is a direct motion; the valve-rod taking hold of the link-block by means of a fork end valve-rod. The stationary L1RK MOTION, 83 link motion has a constant lead for all the notches for forward and back motion, which is obtained by curving the link to the radius of the valve-rod, taking the distance from centre of knuckle-joint of valve-rod to centre of link-block, which gives the radius of the link. The position of the eccentric of direct motion is the reverse to that of indirect motion. By drawing a line from the full throw of the eccentric, through the centre of axle of an indirect motion, and then turn the eccentric just half way round, to the position corresponding with the line through centre of axle, will be the position of the eccentric of a direct motion, when using the same lap and lead. In other words, the eccentrics of direct motion are moved from the right angle position of the crank, to get the required lead; while the indirect eccentric is moved to the crank to get the required lead. Should there be no lap or lead in consideration, then, in both cases, the eccentric would be exactiy at the right angle position to the crank, or one-fourth of a circle from the crank. The eccentric of direct motion leads the crank; that of indirect follows the crank. The lifting link, with stationary block attached to the lower arm of rock-shaft, which transfers the motion of eccentric to the valve, is the link used on Locomotives generally in the United States. In the shifting link the lead varies with the working of the steam expansively, the greater degree of expansion; that is, the less the admission, the greater, also, is the lead. The lead is least in full-stroke, and greatest in mid-gear; 84 LINK MOTION. and the motion can be so adjusted that the same lead is obtained for the back stroke as that of the front stroke, for cutting-off at the various points of stroke; this equality is obtained by locating the centre of saddle-stud, or point of suspension, as it is termed, and by making the radius of the link about three-quarters of an inch to the foot less radius than the horizontal distance between the centre of axle and the centre of lower locker-arm stud, or link-block pin. This reduction is to assist to equalize the cut-off. The motion of the link is composed of a compound motion of the eccentrics, and is governed mostly by the eccentric-rod that is nearest to the link-block. When the block is in the centre of the link the motion is composed equally of the two eccentric-rods, and gives the smallest amount of motion that is given to the valve. The various percentages of admission of steam is obtained by shifting the link on the block, or shifting the block in the link; the nearer the block is to the end of link the greater the motion, or travel of valve, and admission of steam, as the steam varies with the travel of valve. The point of suspension ot the link has the greatest influence in regulating an equal distribution of steam. The position of the point of suspension, or locating the centre of stud on the saddle, is fonnd by clamping the saddle to the link temporarily, until the cut-off is set, which locates the point of suspension. The distribution is effected slightly by the length of connecting-rod, in relation to that of the crank. By shortening the connecting-rod and throw of crank, we LINK MOTION. 85 increase the back stroke admission, and the less is the admission for the front stroke; therefore, the term link motion, so far as it involves the relation of the valve motion, to that of the connecting-rod and crank, includes the proportion of the crank motion. Some builders give unequal laps, the front end of valve having more lap than the back end of valve. This is done to equalize the opening and closing of steam-ports. This is not necessary, as it is done by the proper locating of the point of suspension and curvature of link, which has just been described. COI:I~~~~~A C's Y~~~~~~~~~~~~.$~ O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~......t C~~~Ct~~~~~_mr~~FI ~~~~~~~ O~ a;3~~~~~~~~~ EXPLANATION OF CUT ON OPPOSITE PAGE. 87 Explanation of ]Figs. 3 and 4. Fig. 3 is indirect motion, the rock-shaft being used. This link motion is in general use in the United States. A, the crank-pin, on the back centre. B, the full throw of forward eccentric, which follows the crank. C, the full throw of back motion eccentric, which leads the crank when the engine is moving forward. 1J, the eccentric-rods. E, the link. F, linkhanger. H, lifting-shaft. 1, rocker-shaft. J, the valve-rod. K, showing the valve on lead-line on back steam-port. 0, throat of valve. 2, exhaust port. P, steam-ports. Fig 4 is direct motion, the valve-rod taking hold of link-block by means of a fork-end volve-rod. A, the crank-pin, on back centre. B, the full throw of forward eccentric, which leads the crank-pin. (It will be observed that the full throw of eccentric is right the reverse of that shown on Fig. 3.) C, the full throw of back motion eccentric, which is also reverse to that shown by Fig. 3; still the valve is on the lead-line at the same end of cylinder, the rocker-shaft causing this change of position of eccentrics, as it is plainly seen, when using the rock-shaft; if the full throw of eccentrics be moved forward, to the same position as shown by Fig. 4, then the lower rocker-arm would be forward, and the upper arm of rocker would be moved back, and the lead-line would be given to the front steam-port, instead of the back port; not like the direct motion, when the full throw of eccentrics moves forward the valve moves forward also; consequently, when the rocker is used, the eccentrics must be placed right to the reverse of direct motion to give the opening of steam-port to right end of cylinder. D, eccentric-rods. E, link. F, hanger. H, fork-end of valve-rod. I, valve-rod.,T, lifting-shaft. K, knuckle-joint centres of valve-rod. L, lifter, M, valve, showing lead on back steam-port, 88 SLIP OF LINK.-RADIUS OF LINK. SLIP OF THE LINK. In planning the link motion it is necessary to reduce the slip of the link as much as possible, without interfering with the equalizing of the cut-off, because the greater the slip the greater will be the wear of the link and block, for the block moves on a fixed circle, while the link raises and falls for each stroke of the engine; therefore the link will slide back and forth on its block. The greatest amount of slip is given when working in full stroke; the slip will grow less as the link-block draws near the centre of the link. The slip may be reduced by increasing the length of link, or reducing the lap. The greatest amount of slip is produced by moving the knuckle-joint centres back from the centre line of link toward axle. RADIUS OF LINK. The radius of the link varies much, as there are different opinions entertained in regard to this subject. Some curve the link to the horizontal distance between the centre of axle and centre of rocker; others increase this radius; others deduct about three-quarters of an inch to the foot, making the radius less than the horizontal distance between the centre of axle and centre of rocker. The latter will give the best motion. This reduction is made to assist in equalizing the cut-off. POINT OF SUSPENSION. 89 POINT OF SUSPENSION. The point of suspension, or the locating of the stud on the saddle, is a very essential point, as it regulates the admission of steam, or in other words, it equalizes the motion of the valve, so as to cut off the steam on the forward and return stroke, at the same distance from each end of stroke, at the various points the engine is set to cut-off at. The point of suspension is either located by the workings of the model, or by fastening the saddle to the link with clamps, temporarily, until the valves are set and the cut-off equalized, which locates the position of centre of stud on the saddle, or point of supension, as it is termed; which varies in its location from the centre line of link to one inch back of centre line of link toward axle, which is caused by the locating and imperfection of the working centres. The greatest variation is caused by the greater distance of the eccentric-rods taking hold of the link, from centre line of links horizontally, toward axle. Those centres vary from 24 inches to 3A inches, from centre line of link, according to the design of the builder, which causes the stud on saddle to be moved in the same direction. All saddles are located in the centre of length of link. f-4 Fig. 5 represents a valve, without lap; the distance between outside edges of valve being the same distance as the distance between the outside edges of steam ports; the throat, or cavity of valve being the same as the distance between the inner edges of steam-port. 92 LAP OP VALVE. LAP. Lap is an elongation of the valve-face, to a certain extent, over the steam-ports, whereby the port is closed sooner than it would be otherwise. The lap varies from i to I inch on each end of valve, as the circumstances may require for the motion designed. Lap is chiefly to work the steam expansively. Without lap, when using the single slide or D valve there can be no expansion, because it operates in such a manner that the steam is admitted t6 the cylinder throughout the whole of each stroke, while the other end is open for the exhaust, and that the exhaust and admission of steam takes place at the same time, at the end of each stroke. In cutting-off at half-stroke, then the valve would be cutting-off the steam at half-stroke from one end of cylinder; at the same time the valve would be just opening to admit steam to the other end of cylinder; and expansion and compression would also take place; at the same time the position of the eccentric would be at a right angle to the crank. By moving the eccentric a little toward the crank, and fastening it there, then the steam would be admitted before the piston reached the end of the stroke. Lap causes the valve to reach the end of its travel, or its full opening of port, for steam and exhaust, earlier in the course of the stoke. For each stroke of the piston there are four distinct events that take place, caused by the moving of the valve over the steam-port: the admissiotn, expansion, compression, and the exhaustion of LEAD. 93 the steam. The outer edges of the valve and steamports work together, and regulate the admission and expansion of the steam; while the inner edges of the valve and of the steam-ports together, determine the points of compression, and release, or opening of exhaust. There is also sometimes, lap given to the inside of the valves, which is termed inside lap; which hastens compression and prolongs expansion. Inside lap never exceeds twenty-five per-cent. of the outside lap; generally there is none, (which is termed line-inline;) often as much as ith of an inch less than none, which causes early release, or commencement of exhaust, and exhaust closes, and compression takes place at a later period of the stroke. --- O: - LEAD. This term is applied to the amount of opening the valve has for the admission of steam, when the piston is just beginning its stroke. It is found expedient that the valve should have opened a little to admit steam on the reverse side of the piston, before the stroke terminates, to cause a sufficient amount of compression, to neutralize an effect due to the imperfect workmanship, as well as the continual wear in the boxes of the crank and cross-head wrist pins. The amount of this opening, which is given by turning the eccentric more or less around upon the shaft, is what is termed lead. Lead is a very essential point, and too much should not be given, as it will cause premature or too 94 INCREASE OF LEAD. early admission of steam, which is a great detriment to the working of the engine, as it causes too great amount of counter pressure. The lead requisite may vary for different engines, and also for the same engine, when hauling freight or passenger trains. Lead should not exceed W-inch, in full stroke, for the link motion, if the engine be required to work in the notches approaching mid-gear. — o:INCREASE OF LEAD. Increase of lead is produced by changing the engine from full stroke to mid-gear. The lead will increase from — th to ~-ths of an inch. The length of eccentric rods control the amount of increase of lead. The shorter the eccentric rods the greater will be the increase; it is also impossible, with this motion, to stop the engine, by placing the engine in midgear, as one or both valves will give opening of steam-port, to the amount of lead given in full stroke to one port, and the amount of increase of lead added to the same. The cause of the increase of the lead is that the eccentric rods sweep from different centres; the curves described are different from that which would be sweeping from the centre of the axle, when the engine is on the forward dead-centre, and in mid-gear, the link-block will be in the centre of link, and both eccentric-rods will reach their greatest horizontal distance forward, toward the rocker, while the engine is on the dead-centre; and by raising or lowering the link, INCREASE OF LEAD. 95 the eccentric-straps change their position on the eccentrics, moving the rods from the extreme throw forward, back toward axle, thereby lessening the horizontal reach of the eccentric-rods, from the rocker. Therefore, by changing the motion of engine from full stroke to mid-gear, the lower rocker-arm will move forward, and the upper rocker-arm will move back, which gives the increase of lead. When the engine is on the back dead-centre, and in mid-gear, the link block in centre of link, both eccentric-rods will reach their lesser horizontal distance from the rocker, as the full throw of the eccentrics are in the opposite direction from the rocker, vic. versa from that when on the forward centre; and by raising or lowering the link to full stroke, the eccentric-straps change their position on the eccentrics, the same as when on the forward centre. Moving the eccentricrods from their full throw, which causes. the eccentric-rods to move ahead toward the rocker the same amount as they move back, when on the forward centre. Therefore, by changing the engine from full stroke to mid-gear, the lower rocker-arm moves back, and the upper rocker-arm moves ahead, giving the same increase of lead to the back port, as given when on the forward centre, to the forward port. If the rods be changed, so as the back motion rods take hold at the top of the link, instead of the bottom, then the lead will be most in full stroke, instead of mid-gear, vice versa, as the movement becomes reversed. Fig. 6 represents a valve with 3-inch outside lap on each end of valve, cut being 4 size. Distance between outside edges of valve-face being 11 inches longer than extreme distance between outside edges of steam-ports; inside having no lap-throat of valve, being the same width as distance between inner edges of steam-port. The position of valve, as shown, is termed on the lap-line, meaning that the valve-face has an equal lap on each side of the steam-ports. 98 COMPRESSION.-COUNTER PRESSURE. COMPRESSION. Compression is the term used to express the distance the piston moves in the cylinder, after release or exhaust has taken place and the exhaust passage closed by the return stroke of the valve; whereby the communication is cut off from the exhaust-port and that end of cylinder, and compression takes place between the piston and cylinder-head, for a period, at the latter end of stroke. The distance that compression takes place, from end of stroke, is governed by the lap of valve, and the distance that the steam is cut-off from the beginning of the stroke. When working in the full-stroke notch the compression is small, not exceeding ij inches of the stroke. Compression increases as the period of expansion is increased, when working in the eighth notch, or cutting off the steam at onethird of the stroke. Compression commences about one-third from end of stroke; therefore the piston works about one-third of the stroke against compression. COUNTER PRESSURE. Counter pressure is the resistance given to the piston, which is caused by the admission of steam to the opposite end of cylinder, before the preceding stroke has been finished, caused by having too much lead. PREMATURE LEAD.-LEAD ON EXHAUST. 99 PREMATURE LEAD. Premature lead is the opening of steam-port to admit steam too early in the course of the preceding stroke. If, from any cause, the valve should open to admit steam to the opposite end of cylinder, prior to the piston reaching the end of its preceding stroke; it is termed premature, or too early lead, and causes a heavy counter pressure, or resistance to the progress of the piston.:0: - LEAD ON EXHAUST. Lead on exhaust is the opening given to the steamport by the inner edge of valve-face passing over the inner edge of steam-port, for the pent-up steam to escape, which rushes into the exhaust chamber or cavity of valve, into the exhaust passage, and escapes into the chimney or stack. The amount of opening given, when the engine is on the dead-centre, is termed that amount of lead on exhaust. -. —:0: ---- CONSTRUCTION OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. First. The boiler is placed on the construction track, and leveled by the barrel, or cylinder part, and plumbed by the sides of the furnace. Second. The frames are placed in their position, and leveled by the top side, and squared by the centre of pedestal jaws; lines being drawn the entire length tOO CONSTRUCTION OF THR LOCOMOTIVE. of frame, set by the face of pedestals, to test the correctness of frame, and see if they are parallel, being the same width at both ends, guages being used to keep the frame to its place. The frame is now properly secured to its place by temporary braces and clamps, until the expansion braces have been fitted, and the front ends properly secured to buffer beam. Lines are now drawn, for the purpose of setting up the cylinders, which are drawn from the back end of frame to the buffer beam, set by the face of pedestalS to locate the line centres, so as to set the cylinder liinefrom buffer beam to line board, which is placed in the centre of main driving pedestals. All line centres, for heights, widths, and horizontal distances, for all parts of the engine, are received from the drawing room. When the saddle is independent of the cylinders, it is set by the same line the cylinders are set by, using the same care as when setting the cylinders, it being leveled by the exhaust-pipe faces; cylinders being leveled by the valve-seat faces. The slides are set up by the cylinder line, and adjusted by means of a long temporary piston-rod, which just fits the piston gland of cylinder-head. The front end of this temporary rod is held to centre of cylinder by means of a spider set in front end of cylinder, being bored out to a proper fit to receive the rod. The back end of rod having been fitted to the crosshead, the slides are how adjusted, so that the crosshead will move back and forth, attached to the rod, without binding. CONSTRUCTION OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. 101 Third. Fitting up the pumps, rockers, and liftingshaft, working from cylinder line and centre of pedestal. In the meantime the flues, steam, or dry pipe, and branch pipe, that conveys the steam to cylinders, have all been fitted to their places; the safetyvalve is attached to the dome-cap, and the cap is screwed down to its place; gauge-cocks having been tapped and screwed to their places, the first one being located 24 inches to 3 inches above the highest point of crown-sheet; the second gauge is located I} inches es above the first one; the third gauge ih inches above the second one. The front end of crown-sheet being generally elevated above the back end, varying from one-halt inch to two and one-half inches. Fourth. The boiler is steamed up, to test the workmanship, and caulk such leaks as it may need. The driving-wheels are now placed under the engine; also the engine truck and the engine truck centre, which is bolted to the bottom side of saddle, and is located in the centre of saddle, between the frames. The bottom braces of pedestals being bolted to their places, and wedges properly adjusted, which is done by squaring the wheels, by drawing a line parallel with the pedestal faces and adjusting the main driving-wheels with the wedges, so that the face of tire or driving-wheel, whichever has been faced, is parallel with the line drawn. The other driving-wheels are squared with trams, by placing the centres of axles on both sides, the same distance apart. The engine is now raised up, so that the wheels are 102 CONSTRUCTION OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. free from the rail; the driving boxes being properly wedged in the centre of pedestals, so that props car be placed under the bottom of frame, to keep the engine off the track, for the purpose of setting the valves and trying the engine with steam, etc.; side braces being used to keep the engine firm in its place. Fifth. To get the length of the main rods. RULE —Place the cross-head in the middle of its travel, which is done by attaching the cross-head to the piston-rod, and moving the cross-head until the piston strikes both cylinder-heads, so as to get the clearance and the middle of its travel. Then take the distance from centre of wrist-pin of cross-head to centre of axle, which will be the length of the main rod. Length of parallel rods: the distance between the centre of driving axles will be the length of parallel rods. The length of lifting-shaft arms are not less than the distance the link-block works in the link, or the length of slot in link, deducting the length of linkblock. Length of rocker-arms vary from one and a half times to twice the throw of eccentric, according to the designers' ideas. LENGTH OF VALVE RODS. 103 LENGTH OF VALVE ROD. Place the valve on the valve-seat, so as the valve will have an equal lap on both sides of the steam-ports alike, which is termed the lap-line; then place the upper rocker-arm in a right angle position to the alides; take the distance between the centre of rockersrm pin and the valve, which will be the length of valve rod. -:::O: ---- LENGTH OF ECCENTRIC RODS. Place the upper rocker-arm in a right angle position to the slides; take the distance between the centre of axle, and centre of lower rocker-arm or linkblock pin; this will give the length from centre of eccentric-strap to the centre of knuckle-joint of link. By deducting the distance from the centre-line of link to the centre of knuckle-joint of link, will be the proper length of eccentric-rods. The length may also be taken, by placing the valve on the lap line, so as the valve covers both steamports alike; then place the crank-pin on the forward or back dead-centre, and place the extreme throw of eccentrics to the right angle position to the crank, the forward eccentric following the crank; the-back eccentric leading the crank-pin; the link is required now to be raised so as the link-block is in the centre of the link, and the knuckle-joint centres both oua the same plumb 104 LINGTH OF REACH-ROD. line of engine; take the distance from the centre of knuckle-joint pins to the eccentric-straps, where the eccentric-rods take hold; this gives the length of the eccentric-rods. LENGTH OF REACH-ROD. Place the reverse lever in a vertical position; raise the link by the lifting-shaft until the link-block is in the centre of the link; take the distance between the centres of lifting-shaft arm pin and the reverse lever pin, where the reach-rod takes hold; this gives the length of reach-rod. so:O -- VALVE SETTING. Place the ciiank in a position corresponding to the end of the stroke; or, in other words, place the crankpin so that it is in a line with the centre of axle and centre of cross-head wrist-pin; this is termed the dead-centre. The most practical way to get the deadcentre is to move the engine ahead, until the crosshead is up to within a quarter of an inch of the full stroke of engine; then scribe a line across the crosshead and slides, and fasten a straight-edge or rule to the top of wheel cover, or any convenient place, so as to scribe a line on the face of the tire; then again move the engine forward over the centre, past the line VALVE SETTING. 105 scribed on the slides, then move the engine back, until the line scribed on the cross-head is to the line that is scribed on the slides; now scribe another line from the same side of rule or straight-edge, on the tire; find the centre between the two lines scribed on the tire; bring this centre to the rule; the engine is now on the dead-centre, or in the position corresponding to the end of stroke. Move the engine again, until the cross-head has reached the other end of the slides; proceed in the same manner as before, scribing from the same side of rule, on the tire. To find that centre, continue in the same manner on the opposite side, by fastening a rule or straight-edge to some convenient place, or on the wheel cover, scribing from the same side of rule each time, to get centres for that engine, scribing on the cross-heads and slides, the same as done for opposite side. We will now proceed to set the valves, by placing the engine on the dead-centre. Next in order, drop the links, so as the link-block will be F-inch from the end:of link, which will allow for the wear of the joints, as the weight is all downward; the crank is thus placed on the deadcentre. The valves must be adjusted so as to have the proper amount of lead, which is required at the commencement of each stroke; the eccentrics must be turned around upon the shaft to their proper place. The best method is to place the full throw of eccentrics to a right angle position to the crank. When commencing to shift the eccentrics for lead, then move the eccentrics forward toward the crank-pin, iaitil lo6 VALVE SETTtNTG. the proper lead is obtained; then lengthen or shorten the eccentric-rods, until the same lead, or opening of port is obtained on the back centre that there is when the crank-pin is on the forward centre; it may be possible that two or three shifts may be required to get them just right. In setting the forward motion, the wheels must be moved forward, when coming to the dead centre. In setting the back motion, the wheels must be moved back, when coming to the dead centre, so as to take up all the lost motion. In setting the cut-off, or marking off the circle for the reversal lever latch, which is done after the valves have been set right in full stroke, having an equal lead when the crank is either on the back or forward centre; then proceed to set the valve to cut off the steam at any point of the stroke desired, by moving the engine forward, until the cross-head has reached the point of stroke that the steam is to be cut off at Suppose the engine be required to cut off at Io inches, move the engine forward until the cross-head has moved io inches from end of stroke; lift the link, by the reverse lever, until the valve has just closed the steam opening of the steam-port; then scribe a line on the circle from both sides of the reverse lever latch. Supposing the next point desired to cut off at will be I2 inches: move the engine forward until the cross-head has moved 12 inches from end of stroke; lift the link with the reverse lever again, until the valve has just closed the steam opening of the steam-port, mark the circle again for the notch for the reverse lever latch, VALVE SETTING. 107 Continue in the same manner until all the desired points have been obtained. In setting the cut-off it is necessary to move the engine forward, until the cross-head has traveled the full length of stroke, and back again on the return stroke, so as to see if the valve cuts off at the same point of stroke moving forward, that it does in moving back, on the return stroke. Should there be a deviation in cutting off, it can be obviated by shifting the saddle a trifle, from centre line of link toward axle. Then, again, should the saddle have been permanently fixed to the link, so as it cannot he moved, it will be necessary to cut off, accurately, at half stroke, or at the point where the engine is mostly used; this can be done by lengthening or shortening the eccentricrod, as it may be required. l t A Z Fig. 7 is the same valve as Fig. 6, showing the position of the valve when on the lead-line, as it is termed; meaning that the valve is just opened a little, to admit steam, as shown by the dart passing down $<}~ ~ into the steam-port, B. When the engine is on the dead-centre, this amount of opening given is termed that amount of lead. The opening of port through which the dart is ascending from steam-port B to throat of valve A, is termed lead on exhaust. The distance from inside edge of valve to inside edge of steam-port, when the engine is on the dead-centre, is termed that amount of lead on exhaust. C is the exhaust port that leads into the exhaust passage to the stack; D the bridges, or metal, between steam and exhaust-port. 110 POSITIONS OF ECCENTRICS. POSITIONS OF ECCENTRICIS. To locate the eccentrics to their proper places on the axle, before the wheels are placed under the engine: Place the centre of crank-pin and centre of axle in a perpendicular line with a plumb-line or level; then place the full throw of eccentrics at the right angle position to the crank-pin, so that the full throw of eccentrics will be in the opposite direction to each other; then drop a plumb-line over the face of each eccentric, if the rocker-shaft be used. Move each eccentric toward the crank, until the distance between the faces of eccentrics and plumb-line measures the distance equal to the lap and lead of one end of the valve, which will be the proper position of eccentrics. EXAMPLE.-If the eccentrics be 14 inches in diameter, and the throw of eccentrics be 5 inches, then the distance from centre of axle to face of full throw of each eccentric will be 91 inches, and the horizontal distance from face to face of full throw of eccentrics will be twice 9~ inches, making 19 inches distance between the extreme faces. If we now drop a plumb-line from the face of each eccentric, the lines will be 19 inches apart, the distance the same as eccentric faces. If the lap be i-inch, and lead h-inch, on each end of valve, then the lap and lead will be I inch; the distance that the eccentrics to be moved from plumb-line toward crank-pin; or, in other words, the extreme distarce between faces of eccentrics now, will be 17 inches, POSITIONS OF ECCENTRICS. I I instead of 19 inches, each eccentric will measure 8~ inches from centre of axle to a perpendicular line now drawn from faces of eccentrics; or, if the lap be 8-inch and lead T —inch, making 13-inch, the distance from faces of eccentrics to plumb-line, or the extreme horizontal distance between faces of eccentrics now will be I7H inches, instead of 19 inches; and the distance from centre of axle to perpendicular line, at face of eccentrics, will be 8j- inches. If the lap and lead be increased to equal half the throw of eccentric, which will be 24 inches, 24 inches then would be the distance required of eccentric to be noved from the perpendicular line drawn at the faces of full throw of eccentrics. This would bring the full throw of eccentrics exactly to the position of the crank, both eccentrics would be in the same position; it is plainly seen that lap and lead causes the full throw of eccentrics to be moved toward each other. It is to be remembered, if the motion be direct, the eccentrics will require to be moved, in the opposite direction, the same distance from the right angle position from the crank. 1-4 0 _ VALma ~. F I0 EXHAiUs s a////////m/ ET i. g//. StEApoiJOn o Z 8STIFAM PPORT EXHAUST 8TEAMOFR Fig. 8 is the same valve as Figs. 6 and 7. Fig. 8 shows the position of valve when ~ given its full opening of steam-port. The opening of port is measured from outside edge oo of steam-port to outside edge of valve; this gives more distance than the width of port, for the full stroke notch, as the valve travels a little beyond the inside edge of steam-port. 114 TABLES OF LINK MOTION. TABLES OF LINK MOTION. Valve tables of link motion, showing the different effects produred in the distribution of steam, with different laps, leads, travel of valves, and points of suspension, or locating the centre of stud on saddle. Table No. I, page 115, of link motion, was taken from an engine cylinder I5 inches in diameter; stroke 24 inches; valve having no lap; face of valve being the total length between the extreme outside edges of steam-ports; the width of exhaust cavity, or throat of valve being just the width of extreme distance of inner edges of steam-ports; throw of eccentric 4 inches; lead given, in full stroke, j-inch; rocker-shaft is used; position of eccentrics being nearly at the right angle to the crank-pin. If there was no lead in consideration, then the full throw of eccentric would be just at right angles to the crank-pin, or one-quarter of the circle from the crank-pin; therefore, with this valve, as the table shows, the valve is in the middle of its stroke when the piston is at the end of its stroke, and the valve closes both the steam and exhaust passages, and is ready, with the slightest possible advance, to open, both for the return stroke of the piston. In referring to the table, we find, when cutting-off at any point of the stroke, that the steam will be admitted to the opposite side of piston at the same time; and, when cutting-off at half stroke, the link block will be in the centre of link, and the valve will be in the midle of its stroke, cutting off the steam from one end of VALVE TABLE OF LINK MOTION-NO. I. Steam Cuts Exhaust co Opening of off. Exhaust loses and Lead on Lead on C1,4 or Steam Port Expansion Opens. Compress- Steam Port Exhaust.; f ~. o _ begins, __ _ ion begins "o ri Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. 2 79 i| -17 9 9 I 9 9 9 9 T 95 -5WW X l 5 3 7' I4 I'7'7'7'7'7' 7 it i i 7d 62 0 A2 a2;4 4 4 64 d o 1 Js 7TW J9 19 19 19 5 5 5 5 I1 5 5 _ 9_ I 2 12 1 2 12 12 | - T - 12 3J 5 i -7 1 -4___1 I_ 1 T7 7 r __4 Table of Link Motion, taken from an Engine cylinder, 15 inches diameter; stroke 24 inches; steamports 14x inches; exhaust ports 14 inches; e t ports 4 ih throw of eccentric 4 inches; lead 1 inch, in full stroke; stud on saddle 5-32 back of centre line of link, towards axle; valve having no outside or inside lap, the length of valve face being the total length between the extreme outside edges of steam ports; the width of exhaust cavity, or throat of valve, being just the width of distance between the inner edges of steam port; rocker-shaft being used. I6 TABLES OF LINK MOTION. the cylinder. when the valve will be just opening to receive steam in the other end of cylinder. The table shows that, when the steam is cut off at half stroke, or any other point of stroke, the exhaust opens at the same time, for the same end of cylinder, and the exhaust closes, and steam is admitted in the opposite end of cylinder all at the same time; therefore, without laps, we have admission, expansion, release, or exhausting, and compression, all taking place at the same time; therefore, it becomes necessary to make the valve longer, so as to lap over the steam-ports at both ends, when in the middle of the stroke. By increasing the lead, it would give an earlier release, or, in other words, the exhaust will take place sooner; this will bring another difficulty, in the shape of premature or too early lead, for the same distance from end of stroke; that release or exhaust takes place on one end of cylinder, lead would take place the same distance from the other end of cylinder. It is plainly seen that a valve without lap cannot be used for the Locomotive, when using the single valve, as the exhaust or release does not take place at the right time, as it takes place at the end of stroke, and there is no time for the exhaust to take place prior to the end of stroke, and the steam cannot be worked expansively, without lap, for the expansion of steam in the cylinders takes place during the intervals between the suppression and release of the steam admitted to the cylinder. Lap of valve provides expansive action of the steam; for this object lap is given without lap, when using ~w^ ~ VALVE TABLE OF LINK MOTION.-NO. II. ] Steam cuts Exhaust I! j Opening of f. Exhaust closes, and on Lead on I O d ps Steam Port Expansion Opens. compress- Steam Port Exhaust..o _ begins. ion begins. ___ Inch. nch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. nch. nch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Ich. Inch. &4 k Inch. Inch. Inch. Ianch. sInch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Iinch. Inch. Ianch. 1Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. 1 7 i 95 4 1 I, II 22 3 223 s 23la 231 2,3 o 1 2 2 79 2 I I 9 Ig94 22 22 22 22 A 19 9 1 ~ 3 71 I | T 1 7 II 7 20Ji 20 204 20 2 4 - 4 6 i I15 IS I9 9 9 e 19 9 i s ie 1N 5 59 I I5 15T 1 13 I31 19 19 19 19; i i I I 44 6 50 441212 12 18 4i 8418 4 4 4 4 4 4 $ 6 50 I1 I I2 I2 | I8 Iskl IS*1 ISg~; i* | II | ~ 1 7 41 I d 1 I0 IO0 I 7 17 i6 - i 4 4 4f 1 2 8 33 i I 1 8 8 I5 I5 1'15 |I5 i i t. l 3 Cylinder 15 inches diameter,; stroke 24 inches; steam-ports 14x1t3 inches; exhaust-ports 14x2M inches; throw of eccentric 4 inches; lead 1-16 inch, in full stroke; stud on saddle 14 inch back of centre line of link, towards axle; outside lap % inch on each end of valve, face being y inch longer than the extreme distance between the outside edges of steam-port, inside having no lap; width of cavity, or throat of valve, the total distance between the inner edges of steam-ports, rocker-shaft being used. li8 TABLES OF LtNK MOTIOCN. the common D, or slide valve, there can be no expansion, as the table shows, because then the compression and the release of steam admitted to one end of cylinder, occurs at the same time. There is no difficulty in getting steam into the cylinders, as the steam rushes in, corresponding with the travel of piston. After the steam has exerted its force, it is then required to have a free and rapid departure, by having a wide passage before the piston has reached the end of its stroke. TABLE NO. 2.-In referring to this table we find what may be called a short lap valve, as the lap is much shorter than is used in a Locomotive with link motion, it being a -th lap valve, having i-inch on each end, the length of valve-face being a of an inch longer than the extreme distance between the outside edges of steam-ports, the inside having no lap, the throat or cavity of valve being the same width as the distance between the inner edges of steam-ports; lead Tf-inch in full stroke, rock shaft being used; diameter of cylinder 15 inches; stroke 24 inches; throw of eccentric 4 inches, being the same motion as Table No. I, except the increase of lap. In referring to tables, we find a very different motion, as Table No. 2 shows that we have gained the position required for the valve for admission of steam, for all the notches, nearly to half stroke; we also find a decided improvement toward working the steam expansively, as the table shows, from the fourth to the eighth notch. That twentyfive per cent. of the distance that the steam follows the Zs f VALVE TABLE OF LINK MOTION-NO. III. & _.~ ~ Steam cuts Exhaust Openi ^ Opeing flof f Exhaust |closes, and Lead on Lead on d Steam Port Expansion pens. compress- Steam Port Exhaust. o.. 0 o begins. ion begins. - P4 ____ egns._______ion begins._____ ___ or #o o Z W e.- __ __ no __ 1 Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. I ncnch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch.Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Ih. Inch. I 91 4 1 1It 21 22 22 23 22 2 2 23 g g k g SZ 2 79 21 ITi I I9 I9k 214 214 219 2139 9 I k 1 3 i 3 714 2^ S t I7 I7- 20i 20i 20i 204 ^ 7 2 Q I 1 v 4 62 21 I 2 15 15 19 19 19 I19 T 9 I 1 T T- a 2* 0 5 59 2* 1i to a 3xl3 o7i ap 1 in7 o4 ec Ten o Ae 2f o 6 50 2 | I2 1I2 I6 I 168 I 16Q I T 3;0 7 4I II } 2 10 Io I 15I5 I 15I5 T T1 1 - T 4i + 8_ 33 1I T9- TII 8 8 13 I3 13 I3! T1 5 3 6 Table of link motion, taken from an engine cylinder 15 inches diameter; stroke 24 inches; steam-ports 14x1Y inches; exhaust-ports 14x234 inches; throw of eccentric 4 inches; lead % inch, in full stroke; centre of stud on saddle % inch back of centre line of link, toward axle; outside lap % inch on each end of valve; face of valve being % inch longer than the total distance between the outside edges of steam-ports, inside having no lap; the width of cavity. oL throat of valve, the total distance between the inner edges of steam-ports, rocker-shaft being used. 120 TABLES OF LINK MOTION. piston is worked expansively, from the fourth to the eighth notch. We also find the same difficulty as that shown in Table No. I, by premature or too early lead, as we find, by referring to Table, that lead commences Ii inches from end of stroke, when working in the fourth notch, and i4 inches from end of stroke, when cutting off at half-stroke, or working in the sixth notch; and when working in the eighth notch, or cutting off at 8 inches, one-third of the stroke, premature lead takes place 3 inches from end of stroke, causing a counter-pressure that would be a difficult matter to overcome, without the increasing of lap, when giving lead for the full-stroke notch. TABLE No. 3.-Taken from the same engine as that of Table No. 2, with the lead increased to ~ inch, in full-stroke, we therefore learn from Table No. 3, by increasing the lead, lessens the period of expansion, and hastens compression, and increases premature, or too early lead. By referring to this table, when cutting off at half-stroke, we find that premature lead has increased over one hundred per cent. above that shown in Table No. 2; and, when cutting off at one-third of the stroke, we also find one hundred per cent. of increase of premature lead, showing that lead is not to be allowed, as it creates a terrible counter-pressure by the premature or too early admission of steam, which rapidly increases with lead, as is shown by the tables. VALVE TABLE OF LINK MOTION-NO. IV. Gn. Steam Cuts Exhaust u > Opening of off. Exhaust closes, andLead on Lead on S team Port Expansion Opens. Compress- Steam Port Exhaust. * o.2o _o __ begins, ion begins __o _ 5 |3 |> |& F& 4 s __ _ _ _ |C; _> _ |__ l E j IX^ Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. 2 I 88 43 Ig 2i 21i 2I1 23 22: 23 22 5 I I 0 o 4 62 4 24 16 5 15 194 J19 19 I i98 6 S I I9 a IT v: 5 59 2 4 4 I 43* I3I 8 I 8I 18 4 1 34318 iA I 4 S 5 6 5~ 29 - 12 12 I7 7 1 7 1 7 7 I a, 2 7 419 2g ~ 10 10 i6 16 16 16 ( 46 i1 i6 f 4 3 71 3 [ I7 17[ 209 2'4 20O4 2034 8 3 23 ~ 4 8 8134'4 1' 41 4i y4 A' %i 4 622 2j T Q 1 I 5 | 59 2-k I 8 381 I4; Isg I4g I44 rl 1 l I L I-3-1 4 3,3 2~,~/ f 8 8~ 14~x i ~L{[ I4$1 J44 x~ I ~gb. 9 9 L Table of Link Motion, cylinder 16 inches diameter; stroke 24 inches; steam-ports 14 x 1I inches; exhaust 14 x 25 Inches; throw of eccentric 4l inches; lead 5-16 inch, in full stroke; centre of stud on saddle 3-32 inch back of centre line of link, toward axle; outside lap s inch on each end of valve, face of valve being 13 inches longer than the extreme distance between outside edges of steam-ports, inside having no lap, the cavity or throat of valve being the same width as the distance between the inner edges of steam-ports; rocker-shaft being used. 122 TABLES bi LINk MOTION. TABLE NO. 4.-Diameter of cylinler I6 inches; stroke 24 inches; throw of eccentric 4. inches; lap of valve I inch on each end, length of valve-face being If inches longer than the total distance between the outside edges of steam-ports, inside having no lap; the width of throat, or cavity of valve, being the same length as the distance between the inside edges of steam-ports. This table shows the effect of T5 inch lead, in full stroke, with } inch lap. In referring back to Tables No's 2 and 3, we find that the distribution of steam, in Table No. 4, is a little better than Table No. 3, and not so good as Table No. 2, as the period of expansion is lessened six per cent. and compression hastened sixteen per cent. earlier in the stroke; and premature, or early lead, is increased twentyseven per cent. earlier than is shown in Table No. 2. It is easily to be seen that lead, in all cases, creates a counter-pressure, by premature admission ot steam, and lessens the period ot expansion, and hastens compression; it also makes the period of expansion nearly the same quantity, from the fourth to the eighth notch. TABLE NO. 5.-Diameter of cylinder I6 inches; stroke 24 inches; throw of eccentric 5 inches; lap of valve i inch on each end of valve; length of valveface I} inches longer than the extreme distance between the outside edges of steam-port; inside lap - inch on each end of valve; throat, or cavity of valve being I inch narrower than distance between inner edges of steam-ports; lead, in full-stroke, -T3 inch, forward motion; back motion * inch less than none, rocker-shaft is used. This valve gives a fair table, Itq ~ VALVE TABLE OF LINK MOTION-NO. V. h. Steam Cuts Exhaust Opening of off Exhaust closes an Lead on Lead on o off. closesLad o n Steam Port Expansion Opens. Compress- Steam Port Exhaust.'l o.3 F..2 o begins, ion begins. ___ o _0 _ F ~ 1 f | i J I l ll II 1| II il| |1 11 i; D i~r |Xw;2 j~w j; X |> IQa I'N0.4 4 _ _ __A _________ _ A_ __ __- _ _ Inch.!Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch.Inch. Ich. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. 84 5 Ig I2 220120k 23 4 234 221 222 12 58 1 T 0o g 2 79 43 I 1 I19 191 22k 22 22" 2222 1 I I 0 o 4 62 3- 4 4 I5 1 15 2I^ 21 I9i I93 5 T I-15 4 4 i4 59 3- - - 134 134 2oj 2oj 10 19 -s 4 T - 5 3 19 36 6 1 19 1 I;: 6 50 2k - 12 12 I98 19 I8 8 I I 5 I I I 1 9 9 7 52:EO 7 4I 23 | 1 0 I I8~ I8I I7 1 -4 I1| I4 10- 4 6 s 9 3 11B' 6 S Q i 4 Ii 9 IT rW i T 6 32 T_7 7 5 T16 1 T~' ~ |l 8 1 33 2 -r7 8 816 I78l 17 16k I It 1O IS II Ta - 1L a Ii Table of Link Motion, cylinder 16 inches diameter; stroke 24 inches; steam-ports 14 x 1I inches; exhaust ports 15 x 23 inches; throw of eccentric 5 inches; lead 3-16 inch, in full stroke, forward motion; back motion blind having,, inch less than no lead in full stroke; centre of saddle stud 1 inch back of centre line of link, toward axle; outside lap % Inch on each end of valve, face of valve being 1M inches longer than the distance between outside edges of steam-ports, inside having no lap, the cavity or throat of valve being y inch narrower than the distance between the inner edges of steam-ports; a rocker-shaft being used. 1 4 TABL3LS Ot LINK MOTION. the distribution of steam is good; the perfection of the motion consists in the nicety with which its motion is timed, relatively, with the motion of the piston. The movement of the piston is absolutely dependent upon the proper timing of the admission and release or exhausting of the steam. We cannot get a perfect motion, as we have the back pressure or compression to contend with, if we give clearance to overcome the compression, that is, to widen the throat or cavity of valve, to overcome the compression; the consequence, then, the loss will be greater than the gain, as the release or exhaust will take place too early in the stroke, which will be a loss of power and a waste of fuel. It will be observed, by referring to Table No. 5, showing, that when lead is increased in the forward motion, and the lead taken off the back motion, as in this case, the increase of lead will be less, when changing the engine from full-stroke to mid-gear. As wiU be seen, by looking over the table, that we have about the same lead, when working in the eighth notch, or cutting off at one-third of the stroke, as when set with Tl inch lead for forward and back motion. TABLE NO. 6.-It will be observed, by referring to this table, which is the same motion, taken from the same engine as Table No. 5, except the lead, it being,l inch for forward and back stroke, showing that there is no particular gain received by increasing the lead for the forward motion, and decreasing the lead of the back motion, as is done on engine of Table No. vr% VALVE TABLE OF LINK MOTION.-NO. VI. ~.4. Steam cuts Exhaust. Opening of off. Exhaust closes, and Load on Lead on 1 d Steam Port Expansion Opens. compress- Steam Port Exhaust. E. o *.o o _ begins. ion begins. ______ Z | i Y ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ <~ ^ su ~ a>-^ ca\., a3 M <3I c. i.. I A _ _) _______ _ __I__ _ _ _ _,__r n I 89 5 IW 2I1 2z1 23 23 2 2 23 1 -1 k 4 1 1 O I 2 7 Inch. I 9 i 22 22IIn 22. I. I. c. I. tC 3 7I 3-* 5 X I7 1 2 21 * 1 h2I 21 T I T1W 1 +6 i4 3 2 II 2 2 2 _ O 4 62 3i i 15 I52 2Iz20 20 i I I 5 59 23 I345 I3 20 20 19 I9i I 4 I I 4 6 p: 6 50 2- 4 4 12 I2 20 20 Il8 I 4 j I II SW W 20-.12 2x9 ~ I7-917 ~ 7 4 I 22 K4 I02 I 10 19 I 9 17-1 I7 1 I I T l 8 332 - 8 81 8 x8 115i 151 20 U1 8 I I 1I T Table of link jnotion, cylinder 16 inches diameter; stroke 24 inches; steam-ports 15x1yjinches; exhaust-ports 15x2y inches; throw of eccentric 5 inches; lead 1-16 inch, in full stroke; centre of saddle stud Y, inch back of centre line of link, toward axle; outside lap % inch on each end of valve; face of valve being 1% inches longer than the extreme distance between the outside edges of steam-ports; inside lap % inch on each end; the cavity, or throat of valve being l3 inch narrower than the distance between the inner edges of steam-ports, rocker-shaft being used. 126 TABLES OF LINK MOTION. 5, as both tables show about the same distribution of steam, except in full-stroke notch. There is a gain in favor of engine of Table No. 5, as it shows that the release or exhaust takes place a little sooner, which is of importance at this point. When working in fullstroke this gain will be overcome by the absence of lead, when working the engine in back motion, as there will not be any lead in back motion, from the first to the third notch, until the piston has passed the centre; the remaining notches will have sufficient lead. TABLES No's 7 and 8.-Showing the effect of inside lap; cylinder I6 inches; stroke 24 inches; throw of eccentric 5 inches; lap i inch on each end of valve, face of valve being 2 inches longer than the total distance between the outside edges of steam-port; insides lap j inch on each end of valve; the throat or cavity of valve being 3 inch narrower than the distance between inner edges of steam-ports. TABLE No. 8 having no inside lap, throat or cavity of valve being the same distance between the inner edges of steam-ports. By referring to Tables 7 and 8, we find that both tables show nearly the same percentage of release and compression, from the beginning of the stroke, tor the full-stroke notch. Table No. 7, with j inch inside lap, shows, that when working in the sixth, or half-stroke notch, that release takes place seven per cent. later in the stroke, and that compression begins seven per cent. earlier, from the beginning of the stroke, than is showi;'n Table No. cT ~ VALVE TABLE OF LINK MOTION-NO. VII., OeigoSteam cuts Exhaust Opening of ff, Exhaust closes, and Lead on Lead on ~ ~ sm * d c Steam Port Expansion Opens compress- Steam Port Exhaust. i -.. o begins. ion begins. o _ 0 O Z H -C vQ y 14 t42 - __ AQ4 - _ 5 g4 1 - _ A __ _ ya S | 1 | Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Incnch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. b I 83 4-II j 5 3i 206 221-6 2 16 A YJ 0:z 2 79 4T1 I Ii i I9 I96 =231 23k 21 211 * k 1. 3 O z~ 1 3 71 3 1 0 I t a^6tI7I72 20 20a k 6 -6 1 5;1 5 1 6 |1 T3' { B 7' 2T 4 6 16 16 6 o 4 62 3+ i | 1I5 iI 5 22 22 I9 ^I94 | 37- 3 -P 7 * Z 5 59 3Ti5w + 1i I3'I3 2I i S I8T9 I8 | is is IS IS 0 16 g 6^ 50 3k' | i 12 12 20o 20 1I8 I7nh is is s IS IS In 1I6 ~ 8 337 41 g | 8 1 9 19 kI' jI5 i i I i __ _ II I} I 9-] 23I_9 4 Table of link motion, cylinder 16 inches diameter; stroke 24 inches; steam-ports 15x13 inches; exhaust-ports 15x23J inches; throw of eccentric 4 inches; lead 1-16 inch, in full stroke; centre of saddle stud 3-32 inch back of centre line of link, toward axle; outside lap 1 inch on each end of valve, face of valve being 2 inches longer than the distance between the outside edges of steam-port, inside lap 2 inch on each end; the throat or cavity of valveI being 4 inch narrower than the distance between the inner edges of steam-ports, rocker-shaft being used. ! 8 TABLES OF LINK MOTION. 8, with no inside lap. Table No. 7 shows, when working in the eighth notch, or cutting off at one-third of the stroke, with I inch inside lap, that release takes place eight per cent later in the stroke, and compression begins eight per cent. earlier, from beginning of stroke, than is shown in table No. 8, with no inside lap; showing that inside lap prolongs expansion, and likewise increases the period of compression, to the same extent that release is deferred. TABLES No's 9 and Io.-Showing the effects produced by increasing the throw of the eccentric. Table No. 9 showing the effect of 4i inches throw of eccentric; Table No. io showing the effect of 64 inches throw of eccentric. Both tables were taken from the same engine, cylinder I6 inches in diameter; stroke 22 inches; outside lap a inch, on each end of valve, making the valve-face i4 inches longer than the total distance between the outside edges of steamports; inside has no lap, or line-and-line, as it is termed; the throat, or cavity of valve being the same width as the distance between the inner edges of steam-ports; lead yls inch in full-stroke. By referring to the tables, we find very little difference in the distribution of steam, as both tables show about the same, for the four points of distribution: admission, expansion, compression, and release or exhaust, takes place at the same time in both tables. Table No. Io shows again in favor of 61 inch throw of eccentric, by the increase of lead and opening of steam-ports; as Table No. o1 shows an average of twenty per cent. ' | VALVE TABLE OF LINK MOTION-NO. VIII. d - — Steam cuts Exhaust Opening of off Exhaust closes, and Lead on Lead on | Steam Port Expansion Opens. compress- Steam Port Exhaust. | O. 0o o begins. ion begins. _____ 000:: I I ~lInch. inch. Inch.linch. lInch. In ch. I nc h. Inch. Inc h. Inc h. Inc h nch. Inc h. I nc h. Ih. 5Z 2 79 41 I 1 I I9 I 9-22 22 2 i 4 o O 4 62 3* Q X I5 15 20| 208 20| 204| -7 g7- -3 3 4 I ~9 5 59 3* i 5 -- 1 I^ 1I 204 0o 20A 20 A; I I i A 1 S 6 50 3*; 4 12'12 I9* I94 I94 192 | 4 i i g 16 1 " 7 4I 21-6 1 W l ^ IO|0 IS- 18^ 180 18-.;;I I 9 i I C 4a 8 1332 1 1 8 18 I7;I 7 1 171 17 _ 7;; __ |_ Table of link motion, cylinder 16 inches diameter; stroke 24 inches; steam-ports 15x1l inches; exhaust-ports 15x23 inches; throw of eccentric 5 inches; lcad 1-16 inch, in full stroke; centre of saddle stud 3-32 inch back of centre line of link, toward axle; outside lap 1 nch on each end of valve, face of valve being 2 inches longer than the total distance between the outside edges of steam-ports, inside having nc lap, the cavity or throat of valve being the same width as the distance between inner edges of steam-ports, rocker-shaft being used. 14 1 5I 3 15 15 5 1 62 3~26 41 2-1-_ T7/ -4 IO IO ij o, I oj j 218 a - O IO II8 I4 Table of link motion, cylinder 16 Inches diamieter;' stroke 24 inches; steam-ports 15xlY4 inches; exhaust-ports 15x2X inches; throw of eccentric 5 inches; Icad 1-16 inch, in full stroke; centre of saddle stud 3-32 inch back of centre line of link, toward axle; outside lap1 inch on each end of valve, face of valve being 2 inches longer than the total distance between the outside edges of steam-ports, inside having nc lap, the cavity or throat of valve being the same width as the distance between inner edges of steam-ports, rocker-shaft being used. t30 TABLES OF LINK MOTION' more lead, for all the notches, from the third to the eighth notch, and a less wire-drawing of steam, as the opening of steam-port averages ten per cent. more opening, from the first to the sixth notch, than is shown in Table No. 9. The seventh and eighth notches show the same for both tables. We also find a loss of power, by counter-pressure, produced by the increasing of fifty per cent. of premature or too early lead; consequently, the counter-pressure will give greater resistance than will be gained by the increasing of opening of steam-port. We also find, by increasing the throw of the eccentric to 6; inches, that we have increased the slip of link about sixty per cent. above that produced by the 4~ inch throw of eccentric, as will be seen by referring to the tables. We find, by increasing the throw of eccentric, it also changes the location of the centre of stud on saddle, causing it to move horizontally toward the axle, which causes the increase of slip of link. The location of centre of stud on saddle, for the 41 inch throw of eccentric, being?- inch back of centre line of link, toward axle, the 61 inch throw of eccentric being a inch back of centre line of link, toward axle, and in the middle of the length of link. All saddles are generally placed in the centre of the length of link. TABLES No's I and I2.-Showing the effect produced on the same engine, by moving the point of suspension less than 4 inch. Cylinder 16 inches in diameter: stroke 22 inches; throw of eccentrics 4' inches; lead i inch in full-stroke; outside lap G inch 8I) -.. |VALVE TABLE OF LINK MOTION.-NO. IX. I. Steam cuts Exhaust Opening of off. Exhaust closes, and Lead on Lead on ~ o Steam Port Expansion Opens. compress- Steam Port Exhaust.: c.'o o -o [ begins. ion begins. | oo o z 0 _1 4 h o H o a Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. I nch. Inch. Inch. I Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch, z I 91 4* IT9 I4 I9S I9 21 t 2IIslg2 l 2I I zi V 1 -1 i 4 0 4 2 83 34 I S-i S lI 2o0 204204 2034 * & ~4 Inch. I~nch. Innch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch, W 4 624 9 I4 I4 19 9 I 2 i i 14 1 1 3 tQ 5 562j 9 I 2 I 22 I -i8 18$18^ IS i i Ii i8 44; r% X 6 50~ 27IL I III I 1 17' I 7 i I I 2 82 I1 I S204 203 20-' 2 0 I 20[~ 0 I I 16 4 4 4I 4 733 29I6 20 2020 20 7-~ - 63 173.ii2 -ay - T 3t 4 63 21 - 14 I 4-f6 19I9 19 t 9 I _ g r. ~6 7 4I 2 9 9 9 I2- 9 9 I6 1 6 I6 IS 1 I61 I M 6 50 f2c I 2 1 I I I *I74 I* t * -r 3 79 6 7 6 9 9 8 32 26 4 7 7 1I4 1I4S I4l I-4 i- 7 I I Table of link motion, cylinder 16 inches diameter; stroke 22 inches; steam-ports 15xl3inches; exhaust-ports TSx2y) Inches; throw of eccentric 4)I inches; lead 1-16 inch, in full stroke; centre of stud on saddle 3 inch back of centre line of link, toward axle; outside lap % inch on each end of valve; inside having no lap being line and line; the throat of valve being the same width as the distance between the inner edges of steam-ports, rocker-shaft being used. 132 TABLES OF LINK MOTION. on each end of valve, face of valve being Ix inches longer than the extreme distance between outside edges of steam-ports, inside having no lap; the cavity or throat of valve being the same width as the distance between the inner edges of steam-ports, rockshaft being used. Referring to Table No. Ii, the point of suspension, or the locating the centre of stud on saddle;. of an inch back of centre line of link, toward axle, it will be observed that the value of the back stroke admission of steam is greatest; while the opening of steam-port, for front stroke, is greater than the opening of steam-port, for back stroke. It will be observed, also, that exhaust and compression take place on the front stroke sooner than on the back stroke, which is the reverse to that shown on Valve Table No. 12, with point of suspension or centre of saddle-stud located kj inch forward of centre line of link toward cylinder; which shows the greatest value of admission of steam is given on the front stroke, and opening of steam-port greatest on the back stroke, and the exhaust and compression takes place earlier on the back stroke, vice versa from that shown on Table No. iI, showing clearly that the proper place for the location of the centre of stud on saddle would be, for this particular motion, about on the centre line of link. It will also be observed that both tables show about the same distribution of steam, in full-stroke; while changing from full-stioke to half-stroke, and mid-gear, the change of motion takes place, showing the quality of the link motion derived from the lo <,r ~ VAIVE TABLE OF LINK MOTION- NO. X. Steam Cuts Exhaust S I p' Opening of off. Exhaust closes and Lead on Lead on. Q)~~~~~~~~~~fe n.. clse, a n c o ] Steam Port Expansion Opens. Compress- Steam Port Exhaust. 4 o [.2 o[ o begins, ___ _ion begins g _o Z:-j | | a O r |; C) 0 a| c~ ~0 too i::1 o do i::l o o o.o o oo $4 $4 $4 Cf 4 0g., k;., Cs.. CZ$4 * CZ $4,.$4 k P Q ~o! I~ I=" 1 1 ~ It~l~'-.':'i'"'"l Hi~/~l~~'""it'-IIl"'"~l l'-l i o _ ^ C mn cc_-__cc c, _ _ I ls pr- W U ] Inch.!In Ich. I nch. Inch. Inch. Inch. IIn ch. inch. Inch. inch. Inch. Inch. |Inch. Inch. I 91 61-36; 2} 21 220[!20 21 2 1 21 2I- - 2I 1 1. 3 It 0 42 916 Z 2 I IS2 4- 1i I I I8 I8 120 30-1 20 20- -' I 6- 132 1 4j 2 1 6 6 1z iz 32Y 1. 8 5 I9 5. AI 3 73 3- {u I6 I6 I98 lT 9 I69 UI9 3 I^ 1 k 2 1 4 o 4 63 2 | -'6 I4 I4 I8 IS4 | 118 1 I-6 1 I-1 6 I1T 16 i 5 -'56 211 8 I2& I12 I7 7- 175'7k -16 I-T'i l IT'6 - i A I 6 1 56 I L II 7Io I7 I771- 1716 I7-1 - 1s I t I —1 F I -6 1~ ~Z I I _7 7 41 2 | -1 9 68 -1 i 6k i6 16k I6 6 16 I- I I4 | 8 I32 2j 1 7 7 i4g I4 AI i4 1 4 I2 II3 I 4 | Table of Link Motion, cylinder 16 inches diameter; stroke 22 inches; steam-ports 15x 14 inches; exhaust ports, 15 x 2g3 inches; throw of eccentric 6y3 inches; lead 1-16 inch, in full stroke; centre of stud on saddle % inch back of centre line of link, toward axle; outside lap % inch on each end of valve, face of valve being 13 inches longer than the extreme distance between outside edges of steam-ports, ins:de having no lap, the cavity or throat of valve being the same width as the distance between the inner edges of steam-ports; a rocker-shaft being used. 134'TABLES OF LINK MOTION. cating the centre of stud on saddle of link, or point of suspension, as it is termed. The point of suspension being the most important of all the working centres, in regard to equalizing the cut-off or regulating the distribution of steam. TABLE No. 13.-Showing the effect of transferring the motion of Valve Table No. I I to a 24-inch stroke engine, by lengthening the crank and main rod to their proper lengths; the eccentrics and eccentricrods were notilisturbed. Table No. I I being a 22-inch stroke engine, the length of connecting-rod being 77 inches, or 31 times the length of stroke; the length of connecting-rod of Valve Table No. 13, 84 inches, being the proper length for a 24-inch stroke engine, being 31 times the length of stroke. It will be observed, by referring to Table No. I3, that the location of centre of saddle stud;- of an inch back of centre-line of link, towards axle, is the proper place for this motion, as the table shows that an equal distribution of steam takes place for admission, expansion, release and compression for the front and back stroke, also an equal opening ot steam-port. We also learn, from Valve Tables No's II and I3, the distribution derived from the link, is affected slightly by the length of connecting-rod and throw of crank; as we find, by lengthening the crank 2 inches, and connecting-rod 7 inches, we have gained an increase for the front stroke, and less admission of steam for the back stroke, than that shown in Table No. II, with a shorter connecting-rod and crank; the eccentrics required the same position eCc) VALVE TABLE OF LINK MOTION-NO. XI. Oi. g Steam Cuts Exhaust o o | | Opening of off. Exhaust closes, and Lead on Lead on |0 J~ o R ^ Steam Port Expansion Opens. Compress- Steam Port Exhaust.' 4' begins, ion begfins _ _ _ _ ^ ~ Inch. IncL. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. A I 90 4 I 1 7 ei 19 2 24 2 I 2lg 220 2 2I 8 4 1W 0 2 77 3 I 17 20 20 20 20 4 3 7I 2^ 1 5 - ^ 1 1 I5 I5~ I9~ I9l I9i I9~ i *93 i a 1 -5S d Cs zc - 4 59 2 %1 I3 I i 18 184 1 1 I I -1 - i 5 0 5 50 -5 3 " 17 7 7'7' 43 P 2 J- 2-A 2 9 5 Table of Link Motion, cylinder 16 inches (liameter; stroke 22 inches; steam-ports 14xI I inches; exhaust ports, 142x2S inches; throw of eccentric 43 inches; leadi-S inzll, in full stroke centra of stad on saddIle 3-32 inoh back of centre line of link, toward axle; outside lap % inch on each end of valve, face of valv6e being i Inches longer than the 5 6 I6: 2 - extreme distance between outside edges of steam-ports, inside having no lap, the cavity or throat of valve being the same width as the distance between the inner edges of steam-ports; a rocker-shaft being used. i1 a 1 a B~ tI6 TABLES OF LINK MOTION. on the axle for both engines, also the same length of eccentric-rods precisely; therefore, the term link motion, so far as it involves the relation of the valve motion to that of the connecting-rod and crank, includes the proportion of the piston motion. TABLES NO'S 14 and 15.-Taken from the same engine, showing the effect produced by increasing the horizontal distance between the centre of knucklejoints and centre line of link, toward axle, to 4 inches, being il inches more than is generally given; cyiinder i6 inches in diameter; stroke 24 inches; throw of eccentric 5~ inches; lead * inch, in full stroke; centre of stud on saddle, of Table No. I4, I incl, back of centre line of link; No. 15, i inch back of centre line of link, toward axle; outside lap 4 inch on each end of valve, face of valve being Il inches longer than the total distance between the outside edges of steamports; inside lap i inch on each end of valve, the cavity or throat of valve being * inch narrower than the distance between the inner edges of steam-ports; rock-shaft used. By referring to Table No. 14, we learn, by increasing the horizontal distance from 2, inches to 4 inches, between the centre of knucklejoint and centre line of link, toward axle, that it causes considerable change in the motion, as Table No. 14 shows an average increase of 70 per cent. of slip of link above that shown in Table No. I5, with knucklejoint centres 23 inches back of CC:1iCre line of link, being il inches less distance than that of Table No. 14. We also learn from Table No. 14, that prema De ~ VALVE TABLE OF LINK MOTION-NO. XII. I _ ISteam cuts Exhaust _ g Opening of ff, Exhaust closes, and Lead on Lead on O Steam Port Expansion Opens. compress- Steam Port Exhaust. i " C o o o begins. ion begins. _ _ __ 7 i 1 -1i |s I5 s g n o 9 no 0 05 2 9 2 n 4 09 2 -7- - l I3 I88 I8L I4 CZ 0 -5 C., 0 ____ i__k_ o^..qA —-- k - _1 P__A F ___ In In Inch. I nch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inh. Inch. I nch. Inch. Inch. Inch. v. 6 II2-16 t9 4 Hi I9a Ii -a2 26 I6i I 21 2IA 6 1 3 3 0 ~ I4 | 90 44 2 i1 I 20 21 2I 4 18 4 8 4 8 4 4 4 | 2 7734 3'I7 17 207 2 0-"-3 I 204 16' 7 b, 27 2 3 04a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 6I41 2 I9 29 5 5f 9~ 17 3 2 1 i 74 72 164 o lin m i i i di; s e 22 i; s s 14l i s; e s s 4Z 59 2Q;s 9r a I 3 — I3 I~ IS~a rS 3 r~g s 9 29 2 - 16 T- 6-6 50 16 32.II I7-17 I7 1Ge7 Y1 a l F;7 2 2 Llj_3_79[ I6I I ~- II o3 179I 1L 31 31 Table of link motion, cylinder 16 inches diameter; stroke 22 inches; steam-ports 14x1Y inches; exhaust-ports 14x2y inches; throw of eccentric 43/ inches; lead ~ inch, in full stroke; centre of stud on saddle', inch forward of centre line of link, toward cylinders; outside lap % inch on each end of valve, face of valve being 1:/ inches longer than the extreme distance between the outside edges of steam-ports, inside having no lap, the width of cavity or throat of valve being the same distance as between inner edges of steam-ports, rocker-shaft being used. VALVE TABLE OF LINK MOTION.-NO. XIII. Steam cuts Exhaust I ~ a 4 Opening of off. Exhaust closes, and Lead on Lead on.| o J Steam Port Expansion Opens. compress- Steam Port Exhaust.., 2o I cQ ~._ begins. ion begins. - -a _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ -c^ r ^ < < -o.4> a t 4-4) t MI 2 ~~~ |C A d | 9 w s 4 4, " | |~ 4 0:; |W D O; 2 -4 S Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. -Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch, 2I 91 4 I 1 21 2I3I23 223 231 4 4 14 I 4 7 1 l 2 79 31 I I6 I 1 194 221 22- 222 221 1 T 17a 1 I fc 3 71 f2 25 4 I 7 17 i 21 21 14 24 5 1 6 A 62 24 41 11. 5 2 2 20 15 X A 4 62 2 ( 3r 1 6T 15 I5 20 20 120 20 - 1 6 1 6 -1 4 5 59 23 9 T I34 I34I9I I919 I94 1 T 1 i Wa 5 1515 s. 6 50 24 122 I2 I 8 6 1- 1 6J 1 II: 1 7 41 2 I IO I0o |I7 127 |I7 I7 5 1 13 H [ I' F _8__33 12 S 8 8 JI5 I15 5 i I5J 2W Bj g- 8 32 22 ~ 33.L -I 1511514 11 PT 2 Table of link motion, cylinder 16 inches diameter; stroke 24 inches; steam-ports 14xlyinches; exhaust-ports 14x2ay inches; throw of eccentric 44 inches; lead Y inch full stroke, centre of stud on saddle 3-32 back of centre line of link, toward axle; outside lap % inch on each end of valve; face of valve being 1J inches longer than the extreme distance between outer edges of steam ports; inside having no lap the cavity or throat of valve being the width ot tl the distance between the inner edges of steam-ports, rocker-shafts being used. TABLES OF LINK MOTION. 139 ture or too early lead, takes place 54 per cent. earlier, on an average, from the fifth to the eighth notch, than is shown in Table No. I5, with 2I inches distance between knuckle-joint centres and centre line of link, the location of centre of stud on saddle 1 inch back of centre line of link, toward axle, and in centre of length of link, the valve receiving the same travel as the throw of eccentric; while that of Valve Table No. I4, with knuckle-joint centre 4 inches back of centre line of link, the valve receives -3 inch less travel than the throw of the eccentric; also showing an average of 25 per cent. less opening of steam-port, which is caused by the centre of stud on saddle being located I inch back of centre line of link, toward axle. It will be observed the greater the distance the knuckle-joint centres are from the centre line of link the greater will be the distance of the locating of the centre of stud on saddle, in the same direction from the centre line ot link, which will also cause a greater amount of slip of link on the block, and increase of premature or too early lead. We therefore learn, from Valve Tables No.'s 14 and 15, by increasing the horizontal distance I4 inches more than the general rule, from the centre line of link, back toward axle, we meet with difficulties, in the shape of increase of slip of link, also premature lead, decrease of travel of valve, and also less opening of steam-port; while the admission, expansion, release, exhaust, and compression show no material change, both tables showing the same. VALVE TABLE OF LINK MOTION.-NO. XIV. 1.b. Steam cuts Exhaust ~I | o Opening of off. Exhaust closes, and Lead on Lead on I o c n Steam Port Expansion Opens. compress- Steam Port Exhaust. - c Z o. *. ___ begins. ion begins. o o 0 2 79 3a 4 I I. I 9 1 9 2 I o4-0 2.} 2 2 [ 6L 1 a H O 0 0 Z 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O aO 0 o 4 63 2 00.1 -6 T 5 I 5 2 20 4 2 D A 9 - 1 6 1 WI I 4 63- Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. I nch. Inch. Inch s 1 90 57^ i4 ij 2- 1 2i 23 23| I 123 23 I I - 2 1 i o1 2 579 3k I 193 19 220 229 22, 2 I. 7 15 i 8 W 71 6 50 2 - 2 17 1 2 1 9 2,I 2I 20i 1L z 9 1 3 7 412 i8 1717 i62 5 1 i1 i H 3 62 218- U T 2 94 TU I I TG 41 159 I5 -0 20 33 2 50 Z 8 7I 17 i64 1I5 ikS T 1 I I 2 8 2# S i6113 2s Table of link motion, cylinder 16 inches diameter; stroke 24 inches; steam-ports 1.5x lMinches; exhaust-ports 15x2y' inches; throw of eccentric 53 inches; lead 1 inch full stroke, centre of stud on saddle 1 inch back of centre line of link, toward axle; outside lap I inch on each end of valve; face of valve being 1 inches longer than the total distance between outside edges of steam ports; inside lap 1-16 inch on each end of valve; the cavity or throat of valve t being y inch narrower than the distance between inner edges of steam-ports, rocker-shaft being used. 5"t ~ VALVE TABLE OF LINK MOTION-NO. XV. ~.J~.S~ fSteam Cuts Exhaust a S' Opening of off. Exhaust closes and Lead on Lead on -Ee P., $ o Steam Port Expansion Opens. Compress- Steam Port Exhaust. ~3 o. _______ begins, ion begins ___ 0 79 3~ | I| 19 |I9,|2 3S 2C D2 - k z 6 50 K5 1 1S I2 I2 190 190 I 1 1 1 S_ I 0, x 2% inches; throw of eccentric 5 inches; lead - inch, in full stroke; centre of stu on sadle inch back of centre line of link, toward ale; outside lap ch. on each end o valve, Ide lap 1-16 Inch on each end of valve 31 2- 4 8 TL M lon, 1n i m slro 8 4; 4 144 1ne6ms; exhausg por, CI 4s 623q 4R 4m 1515 4 (12 4-9 4 1 4 if Ii 4 4 Inch15 x c I Inch. ri nch. Inch. Inh In inch Inch i e;nch. c Inch. Ionch. Inch. Inch, Inck oh. centre line of link, toward axle; outside lap isinch on each end of valve, inside lap 1-10 inch on each end of valve, thiroat-of valve being Xk Inch narrower than the distance between inner edges of steam-ports; rocker-shaft being used. 142 TABLES OP LINK MOTION. TABLE No. I6.-Shows the effect of changing the location of lifting-shaft, by removing it from above the centre of axle and placing it on the same vertical line of engine, below centre ot axle. It will be understood that tables No's 15 and I6 were taken from the same engine, no other alteration being made whatever, except the changing of position of lifting-shaft, which was I2z inches above centre line of axle, it being changed to I54 inches below centre line of axle, that being the proper location when placed below the centre line of axle, the cylinder being elevated -3 inch to the foot. By referring to the tables, we learn that there is no particular gain produced by the changing of the location of lifting-shaft in the distribution of steam, as admission, expansion, compression and release take place at the same time in both tables. TABLE No. I5.-Shows a slight gain in the opening of steam-ports, for the first and second notches, that being of no importance, as no gain would be derived from the increase or opening for these two notches, the full-stroke notches having sufficient opening to supply the demand for the cylinder; the notches at and approaching mid-gear, is where an increase of opening would be of importance, as the steam be comes wire-drawn by the small opening of steam-port, which cannot be avoided when using the link as a cut-off. TABLES No.'s 8 and I8.-Showing the effect oi lap, both engines having the same motion, except the out VALVE TABLE OF LINK MOTION-NO. XVI. Steam cuts Exhaust.. Opening of of Exhaust closes, and Lead on Lead on | fl ^ Steam Port Expansion Opens. comlpress- Steam Port Exhaust.' C) O0 0 O. begins. ion begins. c____ _ | 4 r; | | 1 I 1 Q Q Q > 0:> | R I 91 5I ^5 I 3 2I 22 2323 231 3T - 1 I 0 2 79 3S i I 9 2-226 2I| 22 Q { T 1 2 ) 1 )Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. I Inch. 4 16 4 4 4 -4 3 71 3T1 29 I 77 26 1I 2I 206 207: 1 1 B 1'26 I a 3B o 4 623 | 15 1I5 200. 20 200 2 20 I I 8 5 59 2 | 2 H 2t I3- 1 I3 I1 I99 9 911 1 I9 i 9 S 6 50 221,, 12 I2 i87 19 iS IS | fi I I i I-4 6 7 441 2 0 14 IO iS |IS 1 I67 1I67 I- c I- I v 8 33 2 { |5 8 8 I6l I64 I5 54 g I i l I- 3I 1 7o Table of link motion, cylinder 16x24 inches; steam-ports 15x13x inches exhaust-port 15x2y3 inches; throw of eccentric 85y inches; lead Y inch, in full stroke; centre of stud on saddle, inch back of centre line of link, toward axle; outside lap X inch on each end of valve, inside lap 1-16 inch on each end of valve; throat of valve being y inch narrower than the distance between inner edges of steam-ports, rocker-shaft used. VALVE TABLE OF LINK MOTION.-NO. XVII. -.. bteam cuts Exhaust Q. off. Opening of Exhaust closes, and Lead on Lead on, | O |Expansin 3team rt Opens. compress- Steam Port Exhaust. o.o o. begins. ion begins. o o_ 0 0 m l Z; I a | d | t J | ) 2; 4; 9:; q 2; 2 |> > | ~ ~ _ 4 ~ ~ | V | C o _ _ _ _ o ____ PI AW AC O I 90 5 ~ 21 2I1'1 Il I 234 23_ 23m - 23;; ~ -- 4 -4 - 1 3 2 79 3; 1I9 I194 I; I4 223S23 223% 22- 5D 5 25 2f5 1 4 h 3 71 3r 7 1I7 # 22! 23'20 20 3 3 13 3 o 4 62 24 I 5 1I45 C- -- 2 II 2 1a I 9 1 1 1 1 0 1 A3 5 549 2 I1 1 8 1 20 21^2 1) 4 4 I 4 88 I98 4 6 50 2-1fI1 12 IT 1. 193 29 i i7; 7 - 1 22 ~ I 7 4I 3 1 202 12 1 2I0 | 210 130 6 -94 4 1 i i s [n 5 5 i8 _ % i I~ 19 19 <58 168 I9 & 96 - 7 8 L 33 24;:817414 I II74,I5S |54 U9 9 29 29 33 2i S i -81 4 IS!I7i I 5 I5~ -:;y U IS Table of link motion, cylinder 16 inches diameter; stroke 24 inches; steam-ports 14xlMinches; exhaust-ports 14x2yJ inches; throw of eccentric 5 inches; lead 1-16 inch full stroke, centre of stud on saddle Y inch back of centre line of link, toward axle; outside lap, inch on each end of valve; face of valve being 1, inches longer than the extreme. distance between outside edges of steam ports; inside lap Y inch on each end of valve; the cavity or throat of valve r being y inch narrower than the distance between inner edges of steam-ports, rocker-shaft being used. TABLES OF LINK MOTION. I45 side lap. Table No. I8, cylinder I6 inches in diameeter; stroke 24 inches; throw of eccentric 5 inches; lap I inch on each end of valve, face of valve being I4 inches longer than the total distance between the outside edges of steam-ports, inside having no lap; throat or cavity of valve being the sanre width as the distance between the inner edges of steam-ports. TABLE No. i8.-With a inch outside lap, shows that the steam follows the piston 8 per cent. further, when working in full-stroke notch, than is shown in table No. 8, with i inch outside lap. For all the rest of the notches we find a gain much in favor of Table No. 8, with I inch outside lap, above Table No. i8, with I inch outside lap, as the steam is deferred to 3 per cent. later period of the stroke. We also find, by referring to Table No. 8, with I inch outside lap, that compression takes place 8 per cent. later in the stroke, on an average, for all the notches, from the fifth to the eighth notch, above that shown in Valve Table No. I8, with - inch lap. We also find that premature lead is reduced to a proper quantity, by increasing the lap to I inch outside. By referring to Table No. 8, we find 40 per cent. less premature lead than is shown in Table No. I8. By referring back to Table No. 7, with I inch outside lap, and I inch inside lap, we have decreased the power of engine, as the table shows that, by adding inside lap, we increase compression 14 per cent., while expansion is only increased 9 per cent., and does not show as good a working table as Table No. 18, with I inch outside, and no inside lap. 10 VALVE TABLE OF LINK MOTION-NO. XVIII. Ilb4 I~Steam cuts Exhaust, 6? Opening of off, Exhaust closes, and Lead on Lead on Steam coses, Exands i o D o f Steam Port Expansion Opens. compress- Steam Port Exhaust. | 0o.. o begins. ion begins. ___ __ S Zi Q | 4' A 1 A Y 0 g4 -| | o 0o "~, 003; I 90 41t I- I~;t I t 2I i 2 I 4 3116 23- 2I3 i'23-l T T T 6 T-H +k 0 O K 2 79 3i It I1* 9 I92 2 29622 196' A 2i! 2 1 6 5 59 In. h. Inch. inch. inc I3n. I I9nc. i. 4. ~. 6 50 2 7 12 I2 19 19 19 19 4 i 6 1 H- 7 41 26 1 I O I S 10o 18 2I7 1 o8 1I7o 6 I 1 I 1 8 33 2 t; 8 8 I64a i6 I 6a |i6 -39 2 I 413 I - J Table of link motion, cylinder 17 inches diameter; stroke 24 inches; steam-ports 16x1l4 inches; exhaust-port 16x24 inches; throw of eccentric 5 Inches; lead 1-16 inch, in full stroke; centre of stud on saddle Y. inch back of centre line of llnk, toward axle; outside lap % inch on each end of valve; face of valve 1 inches longer than the extreme distance'.0 between outside edges of steam-ports; inside no lap; width of cavity or throat of valve the total distance between inner edges of steam-port; rocker-shaft used. ^I+ __VALVE TABLE OF LINK MOTION-NO. XIX.. Steam Cuts Exhaust a Opening of off. Exhaust closes, and Lead on Lead on Sm S team Port Expansion Opens. Compress- Steam Port Exhaust. B a ~. ___I o -begins, ion begins. __ _ 0 _ _ - 1- r r n r S _ f _ | n M I 88 4 C IA 19 I9l|2I 21r 21 21 -1 1 4 4 I 03 5 2 82 3Ih I 1 I8 I8nc2h ^ I Inc 2 0c I2nc * 1- 1 In 3 73 3i 16 I6 I2oI 20o I9 19 - i 8 - 0 o 4 63 24 - 14 I49 19 9 I8 | | I 2 18W 4I 5 56 2 I T T1 I 2 I | I 17 17 2 2 i 7 7 1 1 46 1 6 4 1 34 6 50 2 1 41 i II I 8!I8 I7 17 I i 1 1 7 41 21 9 9 177I6 I6 1 3 | 8 63 21 11 1 4 1 64r 15 8 3 2li 3 61 64! 14^ 1 6 4 | 563 2 W 9 9 1 7 I 3- IW St! I 7 6T & 7 -a J 64S 1 5 1 1 Table of Link Motion, cylinder 16 inches diameter; stroke 22 inches; steam-ports 14x 1 inches; exhaust ports, 14 x 2 inches; throw of eccentric 43j inches; lead 1-16 Inch, in full stroke; centre of stud on saddle 3 inch back of centre line of link, toward axle; outside lap % inch on each end of valve, face of valve being 1 inches longer than the total distance between the outside edges of steam-ports; inside lap 1-16 inch on each end of valve; cavity or throat of valve being Y inch narrower than the distance between inner edges of steam-ports; rocker-shaft being used. 148 TABLES OF LINK MOTION. We learn, from the tables, that lap may be increased to such extent as to work the steam about one-third, or a trifle over, of the stroke, expansively, when cutting off the steam at one-third of the stroke, leaving nearly one-third for compression. By increasing the inside lap, to work the steam by expansion, to a later period, the compression will take place earlier in the stroke, to the same amount as expansion is deferred, the compression creating a greater resistance than is gained by the increased period of expansion of steam, as the pressure of steam is reduced and compression increased. By cutting off at an earlier period than one-third of stroke the steam becomes too much wiredrawn, as the opening of steam-port will not be sufficient to fill the demand of cylinder. To accomplish much work a valve may be made to cut off at onetenth of the stroke, when using two valves, one as a cut-off valve, the other as a main valve, the same as the old fashioned hook motion, with independent cutoff. We learn from the valve tables given, that the distribution of steam is not affected by changing the width of steam-ports, by cutting them out, or narrowing up the bridges between the steam and exhaust ports, if the valve be changed also, so as to have the same lap and lead as before the ports were widened; as we learn from the tables that lap, lead, and travel of valve control the distribution of steam, the valve controlling the four distinct movements of steam for each revolution of the crank: admission, expansion, $ VALVE TABLE OF LINK MOTION.-NO. XX. vh I. ISteam cuts Exhaust | Opening of o. Exhaust loses, and Lead on Lead on 0 o * oSteam Port Expansion Opens. compress- Steam Port Exhaust. | * ___ begins. ion begins.__ o8 ~ 4 a, - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -, _ _ -~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o ~ 1 o4 l. C 4 ot D o/ CT 14 o o ) C4 0 CC o [~ 1 D o o, o, Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch.. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch, z: I 90 4-i I I g 21 21 3 23-g i 231 22 224 15 I' W 1 W 02 -W I2 7-9 3 I 3 5 5 21 2 1 1 I91 234 x 4z *52 2~ar T6 30 4 81 3'9 64 4 YZ U7 i 3 I3k 221 22J 20~ 20k -A- 3 1 1 1 3 4 3 7 I 3* 13 I7 I 22 22 20 20 1 61 1 ~ 4 62 2 1 16 I5 15 22 2i1 19 i8S 4 4 4 3 4 C 5 59 2 I9 T16 I3 I32I 2 7 T84 I 4 3 I I 4 -6 9 _9 1 -6 4 4 P 6 50 2- 12 4 4 64 23 62 2-0T - T3 6 < 7 41[2 - 17o 220T T2 15T 15 2 / i 4 A 7 4I 1 1-f -1 | I0 I0 20 1 934 I5 I5' 9 25 25 - | 8 t~ / 393328819 8443k 9 25/ 25 I' 33 2 9 i 8 I9 | I8 I4 I3ji T _9 T W2 -2# I| Table of link motion, [cylinder 16 inches diameter; stroke 24 inches; steam-ports 15xlMinches; exhaust-port 15x234 inches; throw of eccentric 5 inches; lead 1-16 inch full stroke, centre of stud on saddle 3 inch back of centre line of link, toward axle; outside lap y inch on each end of valve; face of valve being 13I inches longer than the extreme distance between outside edges of steam ports; inside lap y inch on each end of valve; the cavity or throat of valve being, inch narrower than the distance between inner edges of steam-ports, rocker-shaft being used. VALVE TABLE OF LINK MOTION-NO. XXI. _^ ^ ISteam cuts Exhaust v. Opening ofI off, Exhaust closes and Lead on Lead on | d >,Steam Port Expansion Opens. compress- Steam Port Exhaust.' o O 0 0o O ___ begins. ion begins. _____. 4 6 1 16 |Z 15o I5 20= ~t 1 I93 4-1^ I - ^ Cs 5 5 Q 1 9 3 4 | 4)1 4 I a: Inch.9 Inch. Inchh. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. inch. Inch. ~2- ]2I2I2 2 |1 3 |23 1 13 la 14 I 2 79 4 I t 1 2 - 1i 22 2 2I 217 4 I 16 O z 3 71 3 I I t7 23 23 2 O~~~3 s 3B " 4 62 3V ieg j 15 15 204 208 I9| 19i S ~ IT1 IT' 5 ^ 5 59 24 ]I 64 I13 131 194 194 14 183 I 8 1 132 323 9 9 36 211 ~ 4 1 212 8I i8I 177 17 317 1 3- I; i I s34 2 1 7 41 10 10 i7i i6 16 3 it 2 59 2 8 8 6 k 7123 3 22 j__33 2T t W _ _g 866 I64 15 1_5' 3 i. I 22 _2 Table of link motion, cylinder 18 inches diameter; stroke 24 inches; steam-ports 17xty1 inches; exhaust-port lTx2, inches; throw of eccentric 5 inches; lead 1-8 inch, in full stroke; centre of stud on saddle % inch back of centre line of link, toward axle; outside lap % inch on each end of v alve; face of valve 13J inches longer than the extreme distance 0 between outside edges of steam-ports; inside lap 1-16 inch on each end of valve; throat or cavity of valve being; inch l narrower than the distance between inside edges of steam-ports; rocker-shaft used. TABLES OF LINC MOTION. 151 compression and exhaust. The outside edges of steam-ports, with outside edges of valve, regulate the admission and expansion, while the inner edges of the steam-port, with inner edges of valve, regulate the exhaust and compression; as lap, lead, and travel or valve regulate the distribution of steam, and alteration of any of these will affect the motion in a definable manner. As the period of admission varies with the variation of either lap, lead, or travel of valve, so also does that of expansion, which increases as the admission decreases; and a red(Lction of the period of admission will be the result of an increase of lap or increase of lead, or reduction of travel of valve. Each of these elements reach their extreme qualities, as shown by the tables, as follows: lap i inch on each end of valve, for fast time, inside, line-and-line; for freight - inch on each end of vlJve, inside. line-andline; lead not to exceed I inch in full stroke; when required to work engine in the mid-gear notches travel of valve reaches its maximum when traveling the distance equal to the width of both steam-ports and lap of both ends of valve, added together; to the quotient, add i inch, this will give the maximum of travel of valve. These tables answer for all engines, whether 2o, 22, or 24-inch stroke, as we learn from the tables that the point of suspension would be the only point aflccted by the changing of crank, from a 20-inch stroke to a 24-inch stroke engine, the eccentrics require the same position; also the same lengths of eccentrio-rod 152 TABLES Oi LINK MOTION. for ill lengths o0 stroke, when using the same valve motion. The general influences common to the link motion has been pointed out and illustrated with tables with some minuteness, sufficient to show that a correct working link motion can be obtained for all cases. There is also a sufficient number of valve tables given, with different dimensions of lap, leads, and travel of valve, so that the engineer can find a table corresponding with the motion of his engine; also a table that will correspond with any alterations that he may suggest, giving a clear idea of his suggestions, without experimenting with his engine or the use of a model ,m MOVEMENT OF VALVE. Steam cuts Opening of traveling, I mences to Piston tra- I.iels while off Steam Port iston move back valve has S otea Portacvalve has 0_ moves on. I again. no motion. 0 c -— Inch Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. Z1o a a 0 2 I9g I94 Ii 3 5 51 8 94a 32 1 4 46 ~ 47 3a 3~ f3 |7 17 i? k i i 4_t 454a 7| Si 34 34 z 4 15 15 3 3t 31 534a 65 21 3 32 1 1 2'7 11 5 I31 13 1 48 5-41 i 2 8 16 6~ 12 12 6 A I& 2 4~ 4t 2 1 2z 2- 4 7o o Io I 2 30 I2 I 3 3* 24 ^ Q8 8 8 7 4 - 2 2 I4 24 This table shows the distance the Piston moves from the commencement of its stroke; before the Valve gives Its full travel or opening of steam port, when there is no loss motion. Also, showing the distance that the Piston travels while the valve has no movement, for a short period after reaching its full travel before commencing to move back again. This table was taken from Engine Cylinder 16x24 inches; link motion; rocker-shaft used. Throw of eccentric, 5 inches; outside lap of valve, % inch on each end; inside lap, 1-16 inch on each end; lead on steam port, 1-16 inch full stroke. 154 rITAfjLE 6f LAP AND LEAD. TABLE OF LAP AND LEAD. Showing the amount of lap, lead, and travel oi valve, used in Locomotive Engines now running in the United States: Locomotives running in the vicinity oj N7ew York City, N. X FAST EXPRESS TRAINS. Inches. Outside lap, from...................... to Inside lap, (mostly line-and-line) to..... Lead, full stroke.................. 1 16 Throw of eccentric................... 4 to 5 FREIGHT ENGINES. Outside lap, from.. to Outside lap, from...................... y to 4 Inside lap, (mostly line-and-line) to...... 16 16 Lead, full stroke, from................ 16 to -1, Throw of eccentric, fromn............... 4 to 5 Vicinity of Boston. FAST EXPRESS TRAINS. Outside lap, from....................... to I Inside lap, (line-and-line)............... Lead, full stroke, from.................. to 16 Throw of eccentric, from..............4 to 5 Bufalo, Cincinnati, St. Louis,.Aev Orleans,'and Western Roads. Outside lap, from...................... to I Inside lap, (line-and-line) to........... Travel of valve, from...................40 to 5 Lead, full stroke, from...............' o to *r MANAGEMENT OP TH1 LOCOMOTIVE. 155 MANAGEMENT OF LOCOMOTIVE. Duty of an Engineer, and Management of an Engine. The duty of an engineer is to know when his engine is in good order, so as to he ready for duty when required. It is also the duty of an engineer to thoroughly understand the time card, and rules and regulations of the road that he is employed on, so that he may know his rights of the road, and avoid all mistakes. When running byorders he must not leave a station until he is positive that he understands the order given. When on the road he should keep a diligent watch, to see that the road is clear, and a good lookout for signals, so that he can stop his train in time, if possible. An engine must be handled with care, and should work its steam expansively, by cutting off the steam as closely as possible, which is done by the reverse lever, after the engine has gained its headway. There is a large amount of fuel saved by working the steam expansively. In this particular point a great difference is shown in fuel, also in the wear of an engine, when different engineers run the same engine for ecme length of time. In firing an engine a little good judgment is very requisite, as it gets steam and saves fuel. It is also necessary to study the nature of the fuel, to know how to fire it. 156 MANAGEMENT OF TIE1 LOCOMOTIVV. When burning wood the furnace door must be kept open as short a time as possible; if the draught-pipe is of proper size, and located right, with proper proportioned stack, there will be no need of filling up the furrace above the door with wood. Care should be taken not to throw the wood against the flue ends, as it will cause them to leak. Keep the damper open in firing, when using steam. Every engine should have two dampers, one on each end ot ash pan, to avoid trouble in snow storms; the dampers and door should never be closed at the same time, when working steam, as it will cause the flues to leak. The fire should be very low on reaching terminal station. On approaching a heavy grade the engine should be properly primed with a good head of steam and a furnace full of wood, and kept so while ascending the grade. The dampers should be perfectly tight, so when shut, and not using steam, there will be no steam generated. An engine, when blowing off steam, wastes fuel and water. Anthracite coal requires an even heavy fire at all times. There is no necessity for dumping fire, only when necessary to wash the boiler. By drawing the coal to the back end of furnace, leaving the grate-bars bare in front, the fire may be kept for a week, it necessary. Bituminous coal is very different from anthracite, it comprising many different kinds and qualities, from a slack and slag mixed, to the pure block. The latter is almost equal to anthracite. Some of the former MANAGEMENT OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. 157 produces large quantities of clinker. As a general rule, a shallow fire is the best, and, by breaking the lumps into small pieces, will prevent it from clinkering, it there is not too much put in the furnace at one firing. In carrying water in a Locomotive boiler it is best to carry the water as high as possible, and work dry steam, as the same heat will generate more steam from 9oo gallons of water than it will from 8oo gallons. The valves and cylinders require to be oiled with melted tallow or lard oil. When running down grade it is well to have a little steam passing through the cylinders. Tallow should be used sparingly, and often; the valves and cylinders should be oiled always before going in the round house, to prevent them from rusting. Damp steam or water should never be worked through the cylinders, if it can be avoided, as it does much harm, damaging the packing and roughening the valves and cylinders, and frequently cutting them; it also strains the engine, by compressing the water between the cylinder heads and piston. The throttle should be pulled out just far enough to do the work required. An engine will run much easier with just enough steam, than it will with the full pressure of the boiler on the valves all the time. Pumping properly is a very nice point in running an engine. An engineer should know that his pumps are all right, and be sure that they are working just as he wishes them. There is no honor in running Io or 158 MANAGEEENT OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. 15 miles without trying the gauge-cocks to see where the water is. No engineer should put such confidence in his pumps, as they are very treacherous at times. An engineer should not run any further distance, without trying his water, than it would take his engine to use one gauge of water out of the boiler; then he would always be on the safe side. Burning an engine is generally caused by too much confidence being placed in pumps. Examination should be made of the principal parts of the engine, such as the bearings, keys, nuts, and other parts of the running gear, as often as convenient, when stopping at stations along the road. Care should be taken not to slip the tender truck wheels, by setting up the brakes too tight, as slipping heats and softens the chill, thus making flat spots on the wheels. Use sand as little as possible, as it makes the train pull hard. Care must be taken to avoid slipping the drivingwheels as much as possible, as it not only strains the engine but cuts out the tires. An engineer should not start out on his run without a hammer and wrenches, such as are needed about his engine; also pinch-bar and jack-screws. The most important articles are a red light and red flag, particularly on roads having a single track. No time should be lost in getting out a flag ahead of the engine, when, from any cause the train has to stand on main line, on approaching train's time. MANAGEMENT OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. 159 Should the engine get off the rails the first duty is to notice the position in which the engine stands; if the front end pitches down, so as to take the water from the crown-sheet, or should the engine lie on its side, so as to take the water from the side sheet, then the'fire must be put out. Either wood or coal fire can be put out by shoveling sand, sod, or ice into the furnace, if there is no-water at hand. If an engineer has an engine that does not steam free, the nozzles should not be made smaller, unless they are large sized for that class engine, in most cases, the exhaust nozzles are too small. The contracting of the exhaust nozzles should be the last resort to get steam. Contracting of nozzles, choking up top of stack, and increasing inside lap, all have the same effect in choking the engine. The boiler should be kept clean by blowing out as often as the nature of the water may require; and, after blowing out, one of the gauge cocks or the blowoff cock should be kept open. If the blow-off cock and gauge cock are closed there will be a vacuum produced by the steam that is left in the boiler, and cause the flues to leak, if the boiler has been any length of time in use. For loosening the scale in the boiler a little mahogany sawdust put in the boiler answers a very good purpose. The boiler should be blown out after the next trip. A leaky boiler may be stopped by putting 2 pounds of common black tea in the boiler, some white oak t6o M.ANAGEMENT OF THE LOCOMOTtIV. bark, or some of the liquid from the baik. Thesc articles will also prevent the water from foaming. The eccentrics should be marked on the axle, so if they slip they can be easily set to their places again. If an eccentric should slip, and not be marked, it can be easily set by placing the full throw of the eccentric to the right angle position to the crank. This can be done by counting the spokes in the wheel; one-fourth of the number of spokes in the wheel, from the crank, will be the right angle position to the crank. The full throw of eccentric can now be set by the eye, to the right angle position to the crank, then mark the eccentric and axle to correspond with each other; if it is an indirect motion the rocker-shaft will be used, and the eccentrics must be moved toward the crank, from the mark made on the axle, i4 times the distance of the lap and lead, when added together. For example: lap V inch, lead I- inch, total g inch; 4i times i inch making I 16 inch; I 5 inch distance eccentric is to be moved toward crank, from mark made on axle. It will be understood that IS times the lap and lead will not define the position for all engines, but will answer for most of the'engines now running on the roads in the United States. Some engines will require their eccentrics to be moved a trifle further than I4 times the lap and lead; others a trifle less, as the diameter of axle and diameter and thro,~ of eccentric, govern the the distance that the eccentric has to move around on the shaft, from the mark made. It will be understood, that the smaller the axle is, the MANAGEMENT OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. 16I less the distance to be moved. As a rule: by moving an eccentric I4 times the lap and lead, as described above, will be near enough to its position for any engine to take its train to its destination. It will be so near right that it can be set just right, if necessary, by the exhaust; if a trifle too heavy, move the eccentric back a little from the crank; if the exhaust is a little too light, move the eccentric a trifle toward the crank. It is to be remembered, that when the rocker-shaft is used, the go-a-head, or forward eccentric, has to be moved forward, for lead, trom the right angle position to the crank; and the back motion eccentric has to be moved backward, from the right angle position to the crank. The forward eccentric follows the crank when the engine is moving forward; the backing eccentric follows the crank when moving backward. When direct motion, no rocker shaft being used, the position of the eccentric will be riglht the reverse. If any accident should occur to the connection ot the valve-gear of one cylinder, when on the road, the main-rod and valve-rod must be disconnected on that side, and the piston moved to the back end of cyliinder, and the valve moved beck, so that there is a slight opening given to the front end of steam-port. This will hold the piston to the back end of cylinder; the back cylinder-cock should be taken out or left open; the front cock must be kept closed When this is done there is no occasion to block the cross-head. In case of an eccentiic-rod breaking, the eccentricstrap must be taken down; if it is left on it will turn 11 I62 MANAGEMENT OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. around with the eccentric, and the extension, where the eccentric-rod fastens, will punch a hole in the leg of'he boiler. Should a branch-pipe burst, or the steam-chest get broken, the steam may be shut ofi from that side, so as to get in with one cylinder, by slackening up the nuts o. the bolts of the top joint of branch-pipe, and slipping a piece of tank or thin iron between the end of branch-pipe and the brass ring; a piece cut out ot the man-hole cover of the tank will do very nicely, if there is nothing else at hand. The engine should not be reversed unless there is danger, as it strains the engine, and pumps hot air and cinders into the cylinders. The packing should never be left in the stuffingboxes until it is rotten and burned, as it then scratches the rods; nor should the packing be set up too tight, as it will make the engine work stiff, and pound, and may break the stuffing-box bolts. In keying up the rods care must be taken not to get them too tight. When the parallel-rod boxes are fitted the engine must be placed on the centre, and stand on an even track, so -hat the boxes are the same height in both pedestals, The brasses at the back end of the rods must be left a little slack, so as to let the driving boxes rise and fall in the pedestals without straining the rods and keys. If one parallel, or side rod, as it is called, should break, the one on the opposite side must be taken down; if left on it will break or twist the axle. MANAGEMENT OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. 63 If a spring-strap break, and there is no extra strap on the engine, it can be held temporarily with a chain. If a spring should break, when on the road, a piece of rubber and wood, or wood alone, must be put on top of the driving-box, to keep the box in its place. If an engine should break down, when on the road, the engineer should make an effort to repair the parts broken, in such manner as to enable him to take his train to the next station or terminus of his run, as the circumstances may require. When working with one cylinder, and the engine stops on the centre, with a heavy train, the engine and tender must be disconnected from the train, and the wheels slipped, so as to stand off the centre; with a light train it can be done with a pinch-bar. It the throttle lever rod should break or become detached, let the steam down, so that the engine can be handled by the reverse lever. To stop, place the reverse lever so that the engine is in mid-gear, and apply the brakes. With the V hooks set the cut-off valve so as to cover its ports. When an engine is foaming it can be detected by the spluttering sound of steam and water coming out of the gauge-cocks, when open, which is very different in sound from steam or water. If all tie gaugecocks give that spluttering sound, then it would be dangerous, in most cases, to shut off the steam to stop the engine, as the water would fall below the crown 64 MANAGEMENT OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. sheet, and then the top flues and crown-sheet would become bare for want of water, and get red hot; the flues would collapse, and the crown-sheet would come down; there would be danger also of the boiler bursting. When an engine is foaming badly, the pump feed must be increased, and the engine throttled down a little, so as to lessen the speed until one or two gauge cocks show solid water. The pressure of steam must be kept up; it the steam is allowed to go down, then the water will fall with the steam and the engine will foam worse. The steam must be shut off carefully, to try the water, when within about a mile of the station, to see if there is sufficient water in the boiler to stop with safety, if not, the pump feed can be increased so as to get sufficient water by the time the station is reached. If, from any cause, sufficient water cannot be got into the boiler to stop with safety, and the train must be taken through, then, when approaching a stat.on the engine must be cut loose from the train and be pumped up, which is termed running for water. If the boiler be filled full ot water, and the engine run backward, the scum can be worked off through the cylinders; if there is no blow cock, then it, will not go all over the engine; when this is done it will be of much benefit. The valves should always be oiled after working water through them. Engines foam from several causes: water containing alkali, lime, vegetable or animal matter will cause foaming, if the boiler is not washed out often. Oil, soap or soda, are the worst articles to produce foaming. New boilers MANAGEMENT OF TIHE LOCOMOTIVE. I65 will foam until the enamel is off the iron. Preventatives: wash boiler often; sugar, vinegar, tea, or white oak bark, will stop foaming. It often occurs that when a locomotive engine has a pound, it is difficult for a young engineer to find the cause. To find the cause, an examination should be made of the connecting-rod brasses; if the brasses are not too loose on the pins the keys must not be driven to stop the pound, but proceed further to find the cause, by examining the driving-box brasses and driving-box wedges. Also, examine the set-screw that holds the back of the wedge against the pedestal, if it is too long it will press against the driving box, and cause a pound. Proceed next to caliper the tires to see if they are all the same size. If one tire is softer than the rest, that tire will wear faster than the rest, and become smaller in diameter, and will have to slip every revolution. The difference between the circumference of that tire and the larger ones, will cause a pound; or, if one tire is harder than the rest, so as not to wear ak:fast as the other tires, it will cause a pound, the same aA if it was smaller. There will be no difficulty in finding the cause of the engine pounding, it proceeding as above described. The cylinder-cocks may be used, when the valves or packing blows, to find out where the blow is located. When testing the valves, the reverse lever must be in the centre notch, so that the engine will be in mid-gear, and the crank-pin vertical with the centre of axle; or, in other words, the position of I66 MANAGEMENT OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. crank must be at half-stroke, on the side of engine to be examined. Next in order, set the tender brake, and admit steam in the steam-chest. Should the valve not be tight, or blow, as it is termed, the ste im will come out of the cylinder-cocks. Should the face or flange of the valve be worn thin, then the pressure may force the valve to be tight when not in motion. The blow, when the flanges are thin, trembles, caused by the vibration of the valve. If the blow is in the packing, it can be detected by watching the cylinder-cocks. If the blow continues throughout the stroke, when working full-stroke, it will be in the packing. It may also be told by the sound of exhaust, by watching the stroke of piston. If stuck in a snow bank, and the water becomes low in the boiler, disconnect the front ends of parallelrods, and oil well the rails and forward drivingwheels. The wheels can now be slipped, to fill the boiler, with both pumps, with little or no damage, either to rail or tire. It often occurs that the check-valve becomes stuck up, as it is termed, meaning that the valve is off.its seat, caused by something getting between the valveface and valve-seat, or between the side of valve and valve-cage bars, so that there is a free communication between the boiler and pump, giving the pressure of steam in boiler on pump-valve; also heating up the pump to such a degree that the pump-plunger has no action, in regard to receiving or discharging water. the plunger workin- open the elasticity of the steam MANAGEMENT OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. 167 in the pump. To get the pump to work, the steam must be condensed in the pump, and the temperature reduced. As soon as the temperature of pump becomes less than I200 Fahrenheit. the pump will commence working. To cool the pump throw water on the pump and ingress pipe, or by closing the pump feed from tender, and putting the heater on full; then open the petcock until the hot water is entirely blown out of pump, close the heater-cock, and put the pump on full. The water coming in contact with the steam that is left in the feed-pipe, after the heater has been shut off, will form a partial vacuum, which will assist the flow of water from the tank to the pump, and cool the pump sufficiently to cause it to start working. Generally, the superfluous matter will be removed from the check-va've shortly after the pump starts to work. The check-valve might be removed altogether from the check-chamber, so far as the benefits derived, while the pump is working. When running at a moderate rate of speed, the pump would work the same. The check-valve gives the same support to the pump that it does to the injector, when not in use. The clteck-valve prevents the steam and hot watet from flowing from the boiler to the pump, when the pump is not working; also giving the same protection to the injector, enabling it to be always ready for duty, when the check-valve is in order. When taken off or putting on the cylinder-head and steam chest covers, care must be taken to sla k the t63 MANAGEMENT OF THE LOCOMOTIVV'. oLuts all around. When tightening them up, the joints should be fair, and the nuts all set down slightly before they are tightened up firmiy. If tightened up on one side first there is danger of breaking the cover. When lining and keying up th. main rod it is ver important that the same length of rod be retained, in spite of the wear of the brasses, for there is danger of the piston striking against the cylinder-head, as the clearance is very small, sometimes not exceeding -3g inch on each end, which is done to economize fuel and steam. The cross-head should be moved with a bar (before the main rod is attached) until the piston strikes the cylinder-head. To find the amount of clearance allowed for each end of cylinder, scribe a line on the slides for the cross-head to travel, when attached to the main rod. The driving-box wedges are another important part of ihe Locomotive Engine, and require to be kept properly adjusted, so that the wheel centres are the same tram or distance apart. The forward wedges of the main drivers should not be altered, only when squaring up the engine, which is.seldom needed more than _nce a year. T'he petticoat pipe may be properly adjusted by observing the flame in the furnace. It the petticoat be too high there will be no lame at the furnace door. and the flame will look dark and smoky, and the greater part of the flame and heat will pass through the bottom flues, leaving the top flues to be stopped up with ashes, for the want of draught to Keep them MANAGEMENT OF TIIE LOCOMOTIVE. I69 open. If the petticoat be too low, then the flame will roll out of the furnace door, when open. and will cause the furnace door to become very hot, when shut; and the greater draught will pass through the top flues. causing the bottom flues to stop up for the want of draught through them. When the petticoat pipe is properly located, the flame will flicker out of the furnace door, when open; and there will be an equal draught through the flues, and they will generally keep open, and the flame will look white like, and full of bright sparks. When the smoke comes out of furnace door, it is evident that the difficulty lies in the top of the stack: the netting being too fine, or the cone too large; otherwise there is not sufficient height from top o.' straight part of stack to bottom side of cone. Atl engines have sufficient heatii g surface. and will gnerate all the steam required, if the stack and petticoat pipe be properly proportioned anc' colrectly set. There is one more item to which I will call attention, in regard to keeping an engine on the road some len th of time without having to go in the shop for new rod brasses, etc.; that is, to let well enough alone. Never drive a key inless there is need of it: and always drive them when they need to be drivel. FIRST LOCOMOTIVES. 17t FIRST LOCOMOTIVES. The first Locomotive (or street wagon) on record, is credited to Oliver Evans, of Philadelphia, in the year I804; the wheels being driven by belts running on pulleys attached to the outer side of the wheels. George Stevensons' Locomotive " Rocket," was built in the year I829, at Manchester, England. The first Locomotive in America, "John Bull," was built in England, in I830. The first trip, run by Horatio Allen, (connected with the Novelty Works, of New York City,) who set up the engine, and run it on the Mohawk and Hudson River Road, in the year I831. Locomotive " Ironsides" built at Baldwin's works, Philadelphia, Pa., in the year I832. IMPORTANT INVENTIONS OF LOCOMOTIVES. The Locomotive boiler, as now in use, was invented by M. Sequin, an engineer of Annonnay, France, in the year I828. The petticoat, or lift-pipe, was invented by Mr. Mathew, about the year 1849. 172 INVENTIONS OP LOCOMOTIVES. The use of a separate cut-off valve was patented by WTm. Norris and S. H. Long, December 30, 1833. T1 e first centre bearing truck has been credited to Wm. S. Hudson, Supt. Rogers Locomotive Works, Paterson, N. J., as early as 1838. The first four-driving-wheel connected-engine, without a truck, is credited to Henry R. Campbell, of New Hampshire, in I839. The equalizing beam was patented by Harrison and Eas wick, of Philadelphia, Pa., in the year I838 or 1839. The use of four eccentrics was patented by William Norris and C. H. Long, of Philadelphia, Pa., in the year 1833. The bonnet pipe was patented by Leonard Phleger, in the year I840, then of the Philadelphia and Baltimore Road. William Norris, or Philadelphia, Pa., has the credit of applying the first steam whistle to the Locomotive " Carlisle," built tor the Cumberland Valley Road, in the year I834. Sha p and Roberts counterbalanced driving-wheels in I837. George S. Griggs, of the Boston and Providence Road, used counterbalances in I838, without knowing of Sharp's application. The variable independent cut-off was patented by E. Rogers, of Cleveland, Ohio, in 1849. INVENTIONS OF LOCOMOTIVES. 173 The first ten-wheel engine built in America, was made by Norris Brothers, Philadelphia, Pa., in I847. Walter McQueen has the credit of using the first air chamber on a pump, in 1846. The self-adjusting, or equalizing truck of a Locomotive, was inven'ed by John L. White, in 1849, now master mechanic on the E. and C. Railroad, at Evansville, Ind. The link was first used on the Great Western Railway, England, and patented by Mr. Gooch, in 1843. The link was introduced in the United States by Mr. Howc, (a workman from Robert Stephenson & Co.'s shop, of Newcastle, England), in 1843. There are more than a score of men claiming to have been the first to use the heater pipes, for protecting the pumps fiom freezing. We believe heater pipes were used by Uncle Joe Woods, on the Paterson and Hudson River Railroad, when there were but very few railroads in this country. The American combination, or swing truck was patented by Levi Bissell, in 1858; A. F Smith, in I862; and Wm. S. Hudson, in 1864. The blower has been used on the Locomotive, to increase the draught, when not using steam, since I850; many claiming to have been the first to use it. There have been four patents taken out on the blower since 1857, 174 FASTEST TIME ON RECORD. FASTEST TIME ON RECORD. The following fast time has been recorded as having been made on different roads: Ten miles in 8 minutes; Hamburgh to Buffalo, Lake Shore and Erie Road. Fourteen miles in 1 minutes, with locomotive and 6 cars; New York Central Road. Eighteen miles in 15 minutes; Paddington to Slough, England. Twenty-six miles in 33 minutes; Springfield, Mass., to Hartford, Ct.; N. H. H. and S. Road. Seventy-one miles in 78 minutes; locomotive and directors' car; Syracuse to Fairport; New York Central Road. Ninety-one miles in go minutes; special train; Janesville to Chicago; Illinois Central Road. Eighty-one miles in 82 minutes; special train; Rochester to Syracuse; New York Central Road. Three hundred and five miles in 452 minutes; A1bany to Niagara Falls; New York Central Road. If tie above report of time made, be correct, when making io miles in 8 minutes, with a 5-foot b-inch wheel, the valves would have opened and closed, for a; miss on and exhaustion of steam, for both cylinders, 3,< 6o times per minute. Number of exhausts made per minute, 1,530. Number of times steam admitted to cylinder per minute 1,530. Revolutions made per minute, 382.5. Number of feet piston travels per minute, 1,530. THE RAILROADS OF THE WORLD. 175 THE RAILROADS OF THE WORLD. Interesting facts concerning the railroads of the world. European lines are taken up to a very recent date-3Ist July, I874-while those of other lines refer to I873. From these data it appears that the total lengths of the railways of the world are as follows: Europe has 8I,o93 English miles of railroads; America 78,459; Asia 6,049; Africa I,II9, and Australia 1,420. Of the various countries in Europe, Great Britain had, in 1872, in round figures, I6,ooo miles of railroad, or 505, miles to every one million of people. The German Empire came next, with a total length of 15,000 miles, or 370 to each million of people. Then comes France, with I2,ooo miles, or 34II to the million. Then Russia, with Io,500 miles, or 149 to the million people. Then Austria, with io,20oomiles, or 285A to the million of population. Italy has 4,Ioo miles; Spain 3,300; Belgium 2,Ioo; Sweden 1,496; Holland and Luxembourg I,I6I; Switzerland 936; Turkey 828; Roumania 598; Portugal 532; Norway 308; and Greece only 7. Great Britain has the greatest mileage of railroad, compared with population, and Greece the least. Russia is very low compared with Great Biitain, I49 miles to the million, while Great Britain has 5051. Belgium, however, has the greatest mileage, compared with territory, being as 70 to 50 miles to the square " kilo." 176 MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. Number of Locomotives running in the United States, in the Fall of I873, 14,000. Heaviest Locomotive on record, is the " Pennsylvania," on the Reading Railroad, weight 60 tons; diameter of cylinder 20 inches; stroke 26 inches; of the consolidated pattern; being 12 wheels connected; no truck; driving-wheels 4 feet in diameter. Wide rails.-It has been proved that an engine will pull more cars on the flat-head rail, and the tires wear longer than on a narrow, or round-top rail. Movement of piston, in relation to the movement of engine.-The first inch of stroke the engine moves six times as far, while the piston is making the first inch ot stroke, as when making the middle inch; the second inch of stroke a little over twice as far; the third inch a trifle over one and one-half times; the fourth inch a trifle less than one and one-half times; the last inch the engine will move a trifle less than it does in making the first inch. This difference is caused by the crank traveling a greater distance, while the piston is moving the first half of stroke, than it does when moving the last half of stroke. If we select the inclined plane, to compare with the action of the crank, (as the principle involved in it is quite similar to the power exerted and transmitted by the MISCELLANEOUS. I77 crank), we learn that the last inch of the stroke exerts as much force as any other inch of the stroke; but the pressure on the crank at any moment, or at any one point of the last inch of the stroke, is less than at any moment of the middle of stroke. The engine cannot start a load with the same ease when the piston is at the end of stroke, as when it is in the middle of stroke. Water level on grades.-In ascending an 8o-foot grade the water will be 3 inches higher at the firebox than at the front end, supposing the boiler to be 17 feet long, from front flue sheet. The safest seat in a railroad train is in the middle of the middle car. There are some chances of danger that are the same anywhere in the train; but others are least in the above-named place. Does the top of a driving-wheel of a Locomotive travel faster than the bottom, when rolling along the rail?-We would answer that it does. For an illustration: if there be a perpendicular line scribed on the face of the wheel, passing through the centre of axle, from the point where the tire touches the rail, to the highest point of face of tire, and another line scribed on the rail corresponding with the mai'k on the face of tire; if we now roll the wheel llth of a revolution on the rail, and drop a line from the mark scribed on the top of wheel to the rail, we find that the bottom of the wheel has only traveled -3'th of the distance that the top of the wheel has traveled. And when the wheel has made kth of a revolution, by dropping a line as be12 178 MI SCELLANEOUS. fore, from the mark made on top of wheel to the rail, we find the top of wheel has traveled 21 times the distance that the bottom has traveled. And at 4 of a revvolution 44 times as far. Then, again, if we scribe a line across the face of wheel, passing through the centre of axle horizontally with the rail, we find, by moving the wheel 1 th of a revolution, that the side of wheel that is ascending has traveled 50 per cent. further than the side that is descending. And at ith of a revolution, the side ascending has traveled 125 per cent. further distance. And at 4 turn 350 per cent. further distance. At 3, 515 per cent. further distance. And, when the wheel has made 4 a revolution, we find, by dropping a line to the rail from the mark made on the tire, that the top of wheel has traveled 451 per cent. greater distance on the rail than the bottom has traveled. The line on face of wheel is now horizontal, for the top to ascend again. Movement of the wheel.-The wheel does not describe a circle when rolling along on the road, but sweeps an arc of a circle; the radius of the arc is 34 times the diameter of the wheel. If a pencil or scribe be fixed to the edge of tire, so as to scribe the movement of the wheel, on a board or paper fixed for the purpose, the lines scribed will be like the following diagram: MISCELLANEOUS. 179 A the wheel; b the arc scribed, with pencil at A the wheel; b b the arc scribed, with pencil at tached to edge of tire; c the commencing of the preceding arc; e the terminus of arc; ab, at the top of wheel, indicates the pencil scribing the arc; ff the rail. It will be observed that the wheel scribes the arc from the rail, that being the centre of gravity; the centre being a shifting centre, changing the centre while scribing the arc. Question.-If each of two Locomotives can pull So,ooo pounds, on a dead pull, and they are connected and draw in opposite directions, what will be the strain on the draw-bar between them? Answer. —o,ooo pounds. Crank at half stroke.-When the piston is at half stroke the crank is not at right angles with the centre line of engine. The crank-pin goes farther during one-half of the stroke of the piston than in the other halt. Pressure on the crank-pin.-The average pressure on the crank-pin, throughout a revolution, is less than i of that on the piston with which it is connected; for the crank pin goes more than one-half as far aglin, at a revolution, than the length o. two strokes of the piston. i8o MISCELLANEOUS. Weighing an engine under steam.-An engine weighs more on the track, if blowing off steam; the reaction of the steam against the air weights the engine down. In case of an explosion, where the upper part of the boiler gives away, the reaction is so great as to bend down, and even break the rails. Pressure on the slides.-In running an engine forward the cross-head presses upward all the time; in going backward the pressure is downward. If the steam is blown from the boiler at the pressure of I5 pounds, or over, the hand may be borne in it without experiencing any inconvenience. When the steam emerges so slow as to have time to condense, its latent heat is given off, and it will scald. Fulcrum of driving-wheels.-The fulcrum of pressure is at the centre of the wheel, and not on the rail. An engine will start no heavier lcad with the crank up, than if it be down, at same angles. Pressure of the pump valves.-There is no more pressure in the pump than in the boiler, but a glass air vessel, on a Locomotive pump, showed that tlae air was more compressed when the pump was running slow, and the valves came down to their seats at every stroke, than when the pump was going. fast, and the valves did not come quite down. The under side of the valve is about two-thirds as large as the top; yet it must have a total pressure on the bottom more than equal to that on the top, in order to raise it up; the pressure on the valve is equal to the area of opening of water passage. MISCELLANEOUS. 18I Heat in Locomotive furnace.-Wood 2,800~oo; bituminous coal, 3,000~; anthracite coal, 3,300~. The air admitted by the draft to the furnace is expanded to about six times its original volume. INDEX. A. Page. Admission of Steam to Cylinder......................................80 Area of Cylinder,...........................................................19 do Circle,..............................................................16 do Exhaust Port....................................................55 do Flues........................................................... 24 do Fire Grate.................................... 48 do Heating Surface..................................................49 do Triangles,................................................. 14 do Safety Valves...................................................23 do Steam Port,.....................................................54 Apothecary Weight,..........................................................7 Avoirdupois W eight..........................................................7 B. Boiler Construction,.......................................................68 Brass Composition,..........................................................37 Boiler Leaking.............................................................159 Boiler, length of.........................................48 Beer Measure...............................................................10 Boiler Staying,...............................................................69 Boiler Pressure..............................................................32 Branch Pipe...............................................................54 Boiler, washing out.......................................................159 Boiler, gallons of water in,........................... 59, 63, 67, 77 184 INDEX. C. Page. Compression,..............................................................98 Clearance,.....................................................................81 Circumference of Circle,.................................................15 Choking an Engine.......................................................159 Cubical Contents of Water in Boiler,............................ 51 Counter-balancing Driving Wheels,...................................39 Case Hardening.............................................................38 Construction of Locomotive,........................................ 99 Crank Movement,.......................179 Circular Measure,............................................................13 Counter Pressure..........................................................98 Crank Pin,............5G...............................56 Check Valve,...............................................................166 D. Diameter of Branch Pipe,.................................54 Diameter of Circles,.......................................................16 Degrees of Heat in Furnace............................................181 Duty of an Engineer,..1............................................... 155 Diameter of Steam Dome,................................................48 Decimal of an Inch,......................................................22 Decimal of a Foot,..........................................................23 Dry Measure................................................................11 Dimensions of parts of Locomotive,..............................47 Diameter of Steam Pipe.............................................. 54 Diameter of Piston Rod,..................................................55 Duty when off the track,...............................................59 E. Eccentric.......................................................78 Exhaust Clearance.........................................................68 Eccentric, position of................................... 86, 110, 160 Engine, having a pound,.................................................165 tIDEx. 185 F. Page. Framing,......................................................................72 Friction of Cars.............................................................46 Firing Engine................................................. 155 First Locomotive...............................................171 Fast Time,..............................................................174 G. Grades, table of,....................................................... 26 H. Heating Surface,...................................................49, 63, 67 Heating Surface of Flues,.........................................63, 67 Heaviest Locomotive,..................................................176 Horse Power, per hour......................................... 47 How to Weigh Safety Valve,............................................50 I. Important dimensions of Locomotive,...............................61 do Inventions of parts of Locomotive,.................171 L. L ap,............................................................................. 92 Lead,..................9............................................. 93 Lead, Premature,.......................................................... 99 Lead, increase of,...........................................................94 Lead on Exhaust,............................................................99 Lateral Motion,.............................................................82 Link Motion,.................................................................83 Long Measure,.................................................................8 Length of Main Rod,................................................101 do Parallel Rod,.................................................102 do Rocker Arm,................................ 102 t86 INDEX. Page. Length of Valve Rod.....................................................103 do Eccentric Rod,.............................................104 do Reach Rod,................................................ 105 Lining up Rods,...........................................................162 M. Moulding and Casting,....................................................78 Miscellaneous Measures,.................................................112 Metal between Ports,......................................................55 Measure of Time,............................................................12 Mensuration of Solids,.....................................................17 Mensuration of Surface..................................................13 Movement of Valve with Piston.......................................153 N. Number of Locomotives,................................................176 P. Packing.....................................................................162 Piston,..........................................................................56 Pumping Engine..........................................................157 Prevent Foaming,................................163 Power of Locomotive,................................................... 42 Premature Lead,.............................................................99 Petticoat Adjustment,..............................................168 Piston Rod,.................................................................55 Piston having blow or leak,....................................165 Pressure on Slides........................................180 Point of Suspension......................................................89 R. Radius of Link,...........................................................88 Radius of Curves,..........................................................32 INDEX. I87 Page. Resistance of Grades,..................................... 26 Resistance of Trains,...............................................25, 30 Railroads of the World.................................................175 Revolutions of Driving Wheels, per hour.........................29 S. Speed of Pistons,..........................................................21 Safety Valve Lever.......................................................50 Setting an Eccentric,............................................110 Steam Dom e,........................................................... 71 Slip of Link,................................................................ 88 Stopping Leaks of Boiler,............................................... 159 Square Measure......................................... 9..9 Steam Pipe Bursting,..................................... 162 Safety Plug...................................................................57 Shrinkage of Steel Tire,................................39 Steam used at one revolution,..........................................129 Safety Valve,......................................................... 49 Safety Valve Lever.......................................................50 Setting up Wedges,........................................................168 T. Tender, 7...................................................75 Thickness of Bridges...................................................55 Throttle Detached,.......................................................163 Throw of Eccentric,........................................................53 Table of Flue Surface,.....................................................24 do Steam Temperature,........................................27 do Speeds..................................................... 29 do Laps and Lead,...............................................154 do Movement of Valve,.......................153 Time Table..................................................................35 Tractive Power,...........................................................45 Travel of Valve,........................... 53 ilS INDHX. Page. Throttle Valve,........................................................... 80 Troy Weight.......................................................7 Table of Link Motion,.................................................115 do No. 1, without Lap, Lead 8 inch............... 115 do No. 2, Lap 8 inch, Lead 1-16 inch,.........................117 do No. 3, Lap 8 inch, Lead 3 inch,..............................119 do No. 4, Lap 4 inch, Lead, 5-16 inch........................121 do No. 5, Lap 8- inch, inside Lap inch, Lead 3-16 forward motion, back motion blind, having 8 inch less than no lead,.......................................................123 Table No. 6, Lap - inch, inside Lap, Lead 1-16 inch....... 125 do No. 7, Lap 1 inch, inside Lap 4, Lead 1-16 inch,.......127 do No. 8, Lap 1 inch, inside line-and-line, Lead 1-16 inch, 129 do No. 9, Lap 4 inch, inside line-and-line, throw of eccentric 4~ inch, Lead 1-16 inch,..........................131 do No. 10, Lap 4 inch, inside line-and-line, throw of eccentric 6- inches, Lead -16 inch,.133 do No. 11, Lap 8 inch inside line-and-line; Lead 1 inch,..135 do No. 12, same as No. 11,.......................................... 37 do No. 13, same at No's. 11 and 12,.............................138 do No. 14, Lap 4 inch, inside lap 1-16 inch, Lead 8 inch, 140 do No. 15, same as No. 14,..........................................141 do No. 16, same as No.'s 14 and 15,..............................143 do No. 17, Lap 4 inch, inside Lap 8 inch, Lead 1-16 inch, 144 do No. 18, Lap 4 inch, inside line-and-line Lead 1-16 inch, 146 do No. 19, Lap 4 inch, inside 1-16 inch, Lead 1-16 inch,.147 do No. 20, Lap 4 inch, inside 4 inch, Lead 1-16 inch,......149 do No. 21, Lap 3 inch, inside 1-16 inch, Lead l inch....... 150 Tables No.'s 5 & 6 showing effect of taking lead of back motion, and increasinglead on forward motion. Tables No.'s 7 & 8, showing effect of inside lap. Tables No.'s 9 & 10, showing the effect of increasing the throw of eccentric. Tables No.'s 11 & 12, showing the effects of changing point of suspension. INDEX. 189 Tables No.'s 11 & 13, changing length of stroke; 14 & 15, changing working centres. Tables No.'s 15 & 16, changing position of liftiLg shaft. Tables No.'s 8 & 18, show the effect of lap. V. Page; Valve w ithout lap.........................................................91 do with lap on lap line,....................................... 97 do on lead line,.........................................................109 do showing full opening of port,.................................113 do B low................................................................. 165 do setting,..............................................................104 W. Weight of Locomotive...........................59, 77 Working with one cylinder...............................164 W ine M easure..............................................................10 Wheel Movement,........................................................179 Weight on Driving Wheels..............................................3 W heels and Tire......................................................... 74 Water in Boiler,.....................................................59 & 77 Weight of Rails per mile...............................................22 Wrist Pin of Cross-head,................................................56 Weight of Tender........................................... 9 & 75 ESTABLISHED 1860. JOHN INGLIS, Jr. & CO., ATTORNEYS, -AlNDSolicitors of American and Foreign Patents,:0: - NEW YORK OFFICE: 39 Park Row, 1st Flooi, Room 6. Branch Offices in Washington, Montreal, London, Paris, Berlin, Brussels and Vienna. *:O: We attend to the procuring of Patents in the United States, Canada, and all Foreign Countries. Obtain Extensions of seven years on Patents about to expire; secure Reissues, etc.; conduct Interferences, Registration of Trade Marks, Labels and Prints; Copywrlghts, and all other business relating to Patents, in a prompt and reliable manner, and on most favorable terms. In making application for a patent, it is not usually necessary for inventors at a distance, to leave home. The model being sent by express, and one or more letters (with fee) explaining it, by mail, the drawings and papers are prepared and sent to the inventor for examination and signature. Correspondence invited from all persons interested. ADVICE AND CONSULTATION FREE.