11 I 4, 9 9 IFTRANSPOR LIBRAR 'OT:v 6 -5 L JI -B Sir It T 77 WN Ai; WN: jd *~* "r/r v: A, 24 I MNumbers to complwto tIe wovmk ITII.HEi -~ - I __ __ I_ I __ ___ __ EIC O il;l~~-~:, 1Mil _r~~'LCLlllc4 -~1- " — ut~-~CC*l~,, tvr;1cFi~iz)i'1~ r K rii, i 1 f* I WITH A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE DRAUGHTING, CONSTRUCTION AND PRINCIPLES OF THE LOCOMOTIVE ENGINE AND RAILWAY CARS 33alltjriilTd WITH LARGE AND DETAI LED ENGRAVINGS OF THE NEWEST AND MOS7 APPROVED ENG)(NESiAND WORKING DRAWINGS WHEREIN THE DIMENSIONS ARE CAREFULLY MARKED ALSO DIAGRAMS DEMONSTRATING THE CONSTRUCTION AND ACTION OF THE VALVES AND LINKS ACCORDING TO THE LATEST AND )BEST PRACTICE IN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS AND RAILROAD REPAIR MACHINE SHOPS IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BY ~ —~ ----~ Vb ^t fr b.U^iLA ^Kr(INK'AlKN(~Li.;^ U, t: I, i j I -1 - 5, 11 *.r - ' " "~~~....-> y - - ' - - J: -- ~ u ^ ' ^'v ^ ^ 1- ^ ^ ^ e - ^ ^ a^ i L Ni,.-x...c.s~ --- —ty~-:';"9J'I l~rnLSBYl HV THK1 N9269 Pearl Street __tm Sgrj _ I_ ~ _ ~__ K^ IrI -Ie ^ ' / tf),- f lt ( re( rrrIP lhr-, I r /~* I I.^ f h f U f}. f ^ U If r.f;^ ~. -4,\ —, a:r, 1 J, C.:2.(4 4- -.4-t -4 0 I, 4 W;t "A 1, i ,- N -1 l< oj C II a ns . I-.- f - c I *_1__11_ _~~ ~_ _II_ __ I_ _I _C I AMERICAN L.OCOMOTIOrVE EGl NEEl11N O..... - -.-d -.. -.- -..-..... -- - -..... - -. ---,-,-,) —.-. — INDEX O)F 1)IJATEJS. I General Shaded drawing of Enginle 44........................ General working drawings with dimernsions of lEngine 44........ General Sectional drawings of Elgine 44........................ D)etail drawingi of E1ngine 44........................ t I........ Skeleton working drawing of Engine 44...................... Detail drawings of Engine 44......................... Detail boiler drawings of Engine 44...................... Detail drawings of Boiler plates of Elnlgine 44,............... Detail drawings of Truck of Enlgrine 44................ Detail drawings of Fralme, et.. of Engine 44..................... Detail drawings of Main and (louplinlg rod^s, etc., of Enxginle 44.... General Tender drawings of Elngines 143 ind 44.................. Detail drawings of Tendser Frames of Efngines 143 and 44......... Illustration of Valve and Link Motion of Enginle 44............. Illustration of Valve and Link lotionl in Ihalf aud 1idgear of Eg1ine 44................... *........ General working drawing, with dimensions of Engine No. 143... General shaded drawing of Engine No. 143IS..................... General Sectional drawings of Engine No. 143................... General Worklng drawings, w itl dimensions of Danforth's LJocomllotive No. 750.......................................... General and detail drawings of Steam Indicator and l)iaralms... General Shaded drawings of Danforthl's Locomotive No. 750.....:. General Sectional drawing of Danfortd)'s Loemnotive No. 7f0....... General Shaded drawings of Pittsburg, IFo'rt Wyne^, C:hicagyo ltaill way Co. Passengelr Engine....... -......... *.. General Working drawings, with dimiens;iolts of P. F.i W. & Chicago Railway Co. Engine.......... * * * * - Detail drawings of )Danforth-l's Locomnotive No. 760.............. Drawings of S3team I ndicator Diagrams........................ Detail IDrawings of Dasnforthl locomlotive Truck of EnJgitle N1. 7fS0. D)etails of Danbforth Locomollltive Frame, etc., of EInlgie No. 750.... Details of I)anforlthl I:Locomotive G'rnte, etc., of Engine No.. 75... General Drawings of I)alforth LJ(ocomotive Tendelr (for Engine, N(. 7 51)...................... *. Working Drawing of I)anforth Tender Frame of Enlgirne No. 750(... Illustration of Valve iMotiuonl of Engiille No. 44 *......... Details of Danfortllhs lJocllotive 'etlder Truck of Engine No. W50-. Sectional D)rawings of P., F. W. & Chlicago Rtailway CoA.:Engilne.... Details of P., F. W. f (Clhicago tailway FEngine TIruck....... Details of P., F. W. of I>'anffrtl l'~enger Engine.. j! Gerseral Shaded drawings of (rnt Gr el Engine............ PL TBa, I \;v ~ i I.11 x -I. V xv Vi.V 1I j11 j 19i IX I xI XI1 XII XXHI XXV x I I XVII XVII I X v,11 xxvill XXIX S.XX X.XI xxn XXXII ~XIX XXXiI iSS'li XX S VrI II xxxvn XXXV SS.X} XXX11 xxxnx XS.xx IX xxxxIv,t, \t,' I V~' XXXXV XXXI]VI XXXVII X XV XI I XXXIX X.X XX ST XXX~rf X TSXJJI S Xlxxn PLATa.s Geteral drawing witl ditimensions of Grant Gravei E mjgile......... XXXXV Illuscrations of practlical problems in Geometry.................. XXXXVI DeItails (f tlhe Superintendent'^ l comotive StAr................. XXXXVIl G:(eneral shadied drawig of thie Superintnddefnts Locomrotive Star... XXXXVWII D)etails of the Superint.endent's Locomotive Str...,.... tX.*.,..;XXXTX )Detail s of the Gralnt Gravel\ Engine..................... LJ Details of tOme G;rant Grnvel engrine Tenldr L...i.....,............. I General etl c ioadrawi ngs of the Ianfortl. Pastalsenr locomotivef. LII Detfils of thie Grant Grav lI Engine..........L................... 1 *11 Dct3d.ila of tilt (;4itll Gravel Eng nine...............IV..... R New Stemtl Brako for llte Sruperinrtxident'ls Lco;lmotive Star..*,. LS' Thor construtctiton of,i Notli on of ixt(olnroflCnotmiv No.,...... LVI I)Details of lDanforih I^ith ng1r IaMXsticVtt ' r...... s.,.......... mLVII Dctttilo of Clio Snperintimndmtie Locomootive 8.tar......... LVnI I Ge riwril Working Drawing of Datnforth P1ksengrer llxxvmofve.... LIX.Gelceral drawing withl 4fituwsilonlH of XBaldwin Mogul Freight TEngin LX Generatl Sectional DbrfWinmgs of BIjfldWin Moguil Freight Einie..., L*XI Detail olf Denforth PasIi enger Locnlotfi ve.............?.,,. *.. LX2 The C(onStruction of the Iilnk Motio;U.......X..................., LX (Gietral Sliaded drawi ng of Baldwin Mogul Freight Lacomotlt.... LXIV General dIra wing witil li tdttneion^ of ldwliL Tank Switchin Eng ine LXV 1 )etAils of Bldwin T'l'tank Switehinig FEngile,.. *............... LXt VI Detais of IDanfott"m iln7 e.......................... * *.......... L 1 X X1! oIiicrml SecPtioiSl Drawingl of B3lrdwin "Confolid)ation*" Bogno.. *. LXXI 1 Fire grrate tirawswiog; of Iaoltwi Mogll Freight L omotive. *,..II XX IV T'Ile C lon^tmtfitct on ofr rt t Vai V elr v1t' ftlEgine No. 44.............., tXXV.f!tailo I f Boaldwin Mogul Freight Lowmnove. *e.. LX XVI I( teneral Tendelr dirwtin fo Baldwin Mogul FrPight L oIxmotvo... L XXV1I D:et1ails orf B0ll1l M."gul Frcirglt Il~meoirntive Trauck............. I * X VIIl Tinlllder Fratr of Bl( tlwlirt Mogul lFreight Loxronotie,.......,XXX )etailpf *r atld in ln {>mrsu}sltgium J^ Riine Track, etc,....*..,. LXXX IDetau^ (of aldwinr Ttak titching li n Cgine Tank................... lXXXI i Valve *mft litik Motion tf Baldwit Motl Freight Eine.,..,. LXXXII Visve tll7 d IUnk rMotiin of Baldwin Tank t wiichithig Engine........ LXXXIlt IVl er andl I,iLk M4tOi<~o of fildwin Cotl4lohdAiot tion..e L.. tXXXIV Ocnrrrrcrli rWorking rlgawing olf fink!ley I'sopengr lr jt}lwtmivr * *,... LXXXV OAenttral 9{t;e~atlJojl Oraw ing otf inklyl' t litr lwPameg oteine... LtmXX VI ID)ctais of IHfikhJthv PtIWO-{nI4r Ioenmotvre,.....X......X........... LXXXVI IDetails ofr klc Paf er X HWW1 Trucnk. * *,,............. LXXX VII ' Detailso ~f iley Eugftr EiB~......k.l.e,............ LXXXIX IDe-tailie <~f Ifihkley PIap- i#oger Engine.., * * *. * t. v... *...**. XC Dietrils rw) ifiim ltr* P^F^ngt? EfIngine ftrruek............ C..... I XC (Ieneral Dranw'ing# (if Itinklcy Ptt?~w1g p \_____ AO ii. ___ js_ __ ~ a S ^:^^~"'. /^2 ^^ ^ _^ '^ ~ ';., Tigq.1. ^,. A. A ^.A i ^N^~~ — ^~ —ri j2=::~ H^^__g^ J~ j [[I^1A'^ "'lli' JQ ___ ____ ___ j,~. A'1 aIb At? Sd" '57 ^____________M_____________________________________*, t..^,.'____________________________ ^^;._________________J, 1JL ^_,_,_^^,.._,.,^_-.-,^. 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New York.\ 1' -' - I F J, i9* I i ' " 0' //t Ilbot Iv I 1 Plate 116. _________________ -I A I ____________________________________________________________________________ S._- — ----______________________________________________________ ------— P --- —- --- —, —. ---- I II ~ ii *L I K ' * 2 a. - r% w v-v '-I c v,, C flal~L 0' 1' ' / 4' (5' 6' t d.9' so' ft - t4 SCALI4 INCH 0 TILE FOOT.;w? 0 0 A' KD 0 <0 - -*-* 14 E 0 - > I I * - ' t, - I I 0 IC' 15' -N zvtc, I- 2iq;" - ---. M -— __ — (7 I 0 0 I=ziig6: I 4 c cv k% 44 40i~ C *k$: p ' - 7'jQ4 - V - - Eamni2wvnfivq taAdqTsnrss*, in Meyaur tnt, sty Cv. WezssenWrn *nt*t (7/re (( 7MA'WW' ' - - - -., - N $ ELK a' - Do - 'I -5 -A-- - 4 I - cv A0 ? DO - 'C 7't - 6SJ. -- - 2, -- ( Ill 54 rn Kit - I I nate V. Fig 1 Fi5t Fig. 55 (orkfor [tedwaterpefte Scak31/' I1cu, / d i'; ~: V4-% A; 0 0 24 Side J'Thw Secbbn . I Steam J$7WSI* SCtLk U " 1' r::cI=r2 t..... - FigS? iv (7(3>T44. %9 q Plan Leverafor Steam U$istl& Leak t /' Viq69 Wi_ Plan (is1i'(q fbr (hi,,, ru' Stair q'? /' V P170 Seci&n SidxViem ilSig.56 Valve forirjfrctiuiq s/raid Ar into the/ted wa/cr pifte Scale/S If' ' tif A3 - 27< 4 b b Rmtt across Ike top of I? 1419$VI brrPf &c/r'cr/ of Ved or 26 Isi 0 'rt box Fiq. i:s Viq. 74i Ike/jail Section I: Crown bars to Ifoder 1( Cs4 Side /4tm Sectaii INg.6+ * Cormedion ef8teampftefor/;eattrq/'ted wab'r Plan 0 (YYlc3t P' __ 1k. 63 _ 0 0 ' 44 Sec/IOU t/iror#yb Dome Sade K I' AIuI,ko/e IV Front ' 611Q9C (4wk Sea/eat,' IFij 8&tion Plan ofCashng to couedVramp4oc inDome 7VW7ThT77j. *1 * =1 i I 12' ii 16 i ; k A (tMCt3 /' 0, Serdrfiti' I I tI / 4 flate VI.. 36 $,*;' " t -;* ** r! 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' j, tk ks- ---------------------— 4 WTA4 Longitudinal ~3cc/ion oflBo//cr, Scl _ L/ 4':k 23.X,?N.* -itsr 1,. P1a ofCrowu~ar ___ kg 82 ~'^^r'"^^'^^"^"^?^^'"' ^JJr-' *-* *' ** *' & '1 &roseioi liar. roe <2 0 0 0.0 0 k* 3s" /2 ' C '73$ JR Pie 0 0 0 (4 4 4'-pV* c —, 4 4 4 - 'o'2'.- 2-^*^ ' 0 ) 0'^ ^ ) K)? - C ) l( ) ) 0 Do 0 -0 0 ^/// \24-; 0 00 4 0(3 I L) - "i0'....) 1t - - 4 4. -hi, Seclion diroryh All. liq.8( 80 __ '4 ^/^* 0! ^ 0l (}3)oo54t-bo oQQoQooGoQ o0QQo'0 4. -V.... 4, -19a 2(i9 Pearl Sir.Xwliwk 1., - 4I I I 0 i "~ r -r. I r 1 I P-lainc VII * ~*~ ~ _ __ i- ----- -- - -- - * ~*~ ~ _ __ i- ----- -- - -- - C~ -- - ~ -_ 1- --— 9 ' p* r 9~,~ K;T i~ ) r% a 1$) I) i-) ai P fl.8$ 4Th f ~ /lW la ~!id oati f/ca. in~ airv S//Cr?'/ I - -. _ - _ C - 4 t ~~, -- ~ (S. It I j \'nP%hl~is~\R'~s~p`;P-':Y.i, i ~ i,;e~J II i I i 11 k. -'?'-9 cf ~~~~~~~ '~I~ -------— 1 i:::; ~ i:~ ) ()~i ) C! 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P(11 N, N, (%pola, 4 'ATfI/IIIT' /11 /burpur/.%, /1l(lltW / thicA' 21 GnraI(I1/5 Osheet'~ -N- il/-N ~ -- - ~~- 20 K 34' ~%hearpresenn,9crfourth a/h swii N I ~ I I rQs- - ---- h i-t 1 i,,I j i I I: 3 t' '' ~f; 1 j,,,,,,, 1\ '1 r I Li 1\ i / I I \ ' ii 1 - r \ ~. I i I i \ i 1 i I; ~I ' - - II..; r8, i i,,,, h ~~ I ~ I, ~ I, t F ~, ii\ r ~8 tII il I 1 i iSI i.' I I ~~ ~ i I 3' 111 I ii..8~ .I i,: I i~ ~I i I; ~~ e --- i i I i' ~ i 1 -I 1 i 4~L: 11 I I' I I ( j I t 1 I I 11 '::.- Jc-lf~rXis3Ys_ r ' '.,i ]I I 1 I f'B ': I ~ 1 ,, 1 I:~;O: 1 I Y ' I i 1 ' i i I ~ ' i I i j I I i 1 9,i,,,, ~, i I,I.L95n ~; i B 1 I (.:I ~. _.-tr —, r --- r ~ I;/ 7c?B~ .. ... Z43a i,! -'-I i --- 93 'U ~- -r; Fia.S"I - -- t -N - 16 N' N / t,;~ ~ jj~~tlP, jt ~~r p,~F~r i84 --?.f- SI — N, / 'N it! >\ C~ - -- S -N. 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' ' 'K 9 N - ' - - - - C 2 -''Pc t I ., Haifrear view o/Yruc/-r II2 *ole /1 1' 2/fseCtioll [heAt. ' Pd Q -/ litii'i o/Yla'rdh(r KJ 1111' ci 4 ci' Cu -1 t 1) '-C,, Ii Viq 123 9A5 2' 9 A 6 ~' "A' FTh Ikdfplai o/c0814;(q /brtrzwk Saile i ' C- P, - 2 V,4-4 A 11(111 of spririfi 4 '4 b UZ] "9.. X/Og C A AC q9 ' a' E#'s-. K' 9' XR,A ' -' 4 -p 4 "VA "TAt -'S.4'? ' -4 I 'j ' 3',' F 'C CAf C If —p - i INq. 110 '% K 'C, -,rs ci' 14 A" iIiqA11,f A 'C r" II '2-s -V I 'i ' 'C /&1" >2 0 Cr Cr. ' 'r,, Ccc (r/t('/,' s/ni',9 sb/c uteto Sca4' 14 1 / ' It 1: /1 tIFTI.. I' 36< e2 V -cr4!7;' ' 1: "Cs --- ' - 12 Ii _ _______ — 'C ---.__ ---- 7 mm --- — K A,3' *tt A 2 "- SC he,,c,'/6r (lay//Ic tie'ibk'. &a/e /4. I 2, C, ' - 'C. a _ 311 K ('24 I' ndoiern of'castiny fbi' truck - — — 4 t -I A ___ I t I 1'"' i Enter ___________________________________________ ' edtwa4iaqWAch/ihnqretiNdM C' T S -p ' I ' p 2 G.WEISSXNIIOIIKS ENGINEEIUNVrOVF'!CI 269 Pearl SIr.N KzrAtII4r6 I%9i&'wnfrir* a tk(/ft~ro(#ielibev;iauof(i4rrss at it i;s/drqfnn. ' p IZCCCCQ9 8 7 0 4 4,I 2 ' 0 SC'YI/C'/ 'mr/i. /rnhtr/bo( owYork. ' I p C i 1 * I p II I ' A 9' 4. 5','ggjjA S ' 6 4-.2 A' IV C' Scale - I Inch to the/bat I a:i ... f, f I f I" f f f It t t I I ff,, f I ( II ",, t,(, I I f, f I I 0 Plate IXI. *1 2i' 4t, eV(dC/0/t1f1t/WIk/(Ii/V earei tke Frame. II 'art: v loot Frame i U/Cd p ci 6 < ('4 - a FJ .tQA# -- P U EU e% 6' y C ____ _____ Zr 1 (,? 24 Ki7 '4. t ' -' 2'S'. ' > ';pE4:t; U 4 U 00 --- I: r C' 140j', cjq I 117 ' 1. (4'utrc Line of Xngtae - I foot. it1q'i'i0,1 of'Iflnuue Fig. 127.. I *< 0 0 QQ r, I r s is4 -CIIII ----~ ----_r__ll I K I I ~l~~`IHVI)lEWt 51? j — I.. ---------—;- ~ -- - --- — IA ~ 6P".Q~CP"..iUICr-6"1`;lji I ~ I I I eED;lp — ttCliSF$cs I i r;_ I: _ ~~I I I ---- - T- —IIIIII —[II ~ ---IIIIIIIII — -- - - — na" A' ' r" I;s&+I+- a; a;'f11 rt: ik /3 a 4'" 4' a qy ~e" 7. -~~ ~ Sd 1kw. — -~1~I-.T i -i —L~l ~~_ —~I~_~ ~-I —~-~il-iiEi-IX= C Jt2'l II 1;;j 4 r S I i 1 I7 32.- i j. r, m;e ~ t I':d'" 3 I, s i.. ~P Iig 155. I lirirl rrrlrr'/';'' Rid. _13raccl s~ rsd. I z 13 i - ii ii i i i i-i i i r i — i i;:i :i i i;iii - -- ii --—.... ii:i 3rj:,5-.1 rnrx7 F~/p, Akan (%nuierflnq Rod. r '4 ~~" B1racel [r~r1al Plaite e F F Ph.. r~;2~" ~ I II ' ""~...~ 'P 5,/i-> -n-k C) 4-t~a~il 2Z' L ly. Iru '2' */96-;-; 4' [ i2.I Iv — *+__.r 4 —I-.k Fi.130. ~r/$, k ~ d 34' at 1' I4/ r'ig fit. P1(1/ '$1'- I'_____ __. 14 JJ --- I *Is I"a'i A0'2 ~I I ' I',, C. Stz~ ' ' 9' I j 17r'1 C (C 6 ~h 99 ('aPlt R (Ade /b,7o~ka If LUTZI ~~*"Ti -- J3 F'] - -zn d Q?), Si,, U, 6 -r ------ ~ IUY 3iP --kS.kT 1: Vr B~' -I'~ ~~~~L' '3'Z idor lrGrrls ~l~ rri7~~~~~~~~ ~ ' -. 5'df i ~~ ~!~~ 'o IBSI i~o~n~ne I ' ', At'~ I I 'K Ii'iq 153. B'a I' ft - -. ---y!. 4*r B3cc 1II --- — Ij/- I~~ ~i - c '- - - I - 4'EA 9-~ 1 I~ ' a D I-Y --- —----— --- — r: ~ r _ _. _ /1 ~-f17!U. 11 41cc igS 161l. Side 'Flew. _~ -~~~ is" '~~ I ' '1' ~"t 'i'4 _____-' —' —4# 4{ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fle w 4 ' I/fO >4 f'4* 1 'Rd ". Qjffrt ] Ft -- ~ -s 'aai a — - - 2 Planr Yig~ S164. r~-~ 2$ Equcr~ilixing Spring /br 4/huirgs/raft. A 8-~9 J> 'a' 2 -' B, c w0 I P i i i ~~ c rr7i I~iJ 156. aa ~ 'ti/ i1' rU ----— 7' KU ___ C 1~1I Y_ 4Ran Ii~rntri Rod. _ ____ ~i ~r IA I 't I"I I-1 B 9 3:" E" a 6 I-Zy: 8 a ik.E'" ~ ~r __ 'i ~~~i~~~k~ 3i.flqM5B. i ~ ~ ~r I~~~~~~~I i ~ 11 t,- I ~ ~~ s I~ ~ i a --- - ~ -jee - -fD-~ -I~a - - ~, - -~2 ~ ~-~3~a ~i- ~ ~ a. — r~- -cs; ~q..*'V18f -.lldiilg~l T. 1 Link Rad o/J>,,k Us I' 2' 1> 2' 1' 4 Lint' AL b'li'b1 act eVide lk'w. JYota 'Urir F > 2>' A- a2'~~ ~-~ I ~ 'a~ h 4'" in-4~Fl~tT Fiy" t-.5 /64'lj,lrr r(- II..In rc3~; laSn.~'~~ 3 e A A"3" -- -I- A13 C 5: R~oc/$erska/tF'iq 163. 4 Lfj/S 24 ~~i d e~ -t~ ag "14>?4: i b eH /2' J']ron/ flew hiut'sadd/e 1-' if - -in~ --- -'_ —,ti ar -IV 12a i'2 ' S-~ 41"~b~ i4~:~4~ 4 CE~~~~ Lifiinq Shaftlalfi f srrliorr t ry~utxl..fpr Iia.lCiS. Ic` 1;-:ei P1, j- st iju` t` 3 r-:~-: ~1-: e aY ts it 1. 3LF" "%" — +i"-x.rrgr...... i-44" C 383. 1 91 x 3" (in lif/i guwi Vjq 167. A L16 I ~ J I~ I...~. 1~~ i ____ _ ____ _ ____ __ ~ _ _ _~ GWWEISSENBOR}ClS w~sIst~im r.OIFFLVE 269 Pearl St.Xew-York. 2/ L Kn..v anirif oda*n~~,~evr4(b&4ro~r aeOfrfksbra tAgrsa ~tiIA fW I S-" — Ic I ,w w. I Plate XI. 1__Y ___ Ii I 1__Y I ____ _ __ __ Fiq 413. I _I I__I v~~ i u u v W O D O O Q O Q W O 13 8 (i mlWr O \z< i1 4I j I j iW oo*g~ ~ *l*.~* 1 4.'lt. ~-QQcov lQO OOOOC~OOOQO~O O 0 OOO UooO O O oouoooaoo 0 03ooI~iC a v a00rj0 ooooob C ~ 24i 0 o 0 O 0~ 0 0 I) 11 S 3 3 3 3 O 5 - A — UO:Im A4 A*. ~71 A4' I i;~~ ~. 0 +64- -~ I - 1 1 II~ ~ I.. -- - - -- _ _ _A ' A2 o C 0 0 0 6f Q t(#; BE $ x 8 ~ -i a I_ _.1 _ I I; ~ I r __I -* ~ &4:ly" 5 ~1~65 kr51" nfl..:: I~~~N~ flr~n~VATION~Bh~ \ ~ to I Ihot CZ ,~03 0 0 ooo~o0oo00000 pC)OSOOC COOVCCC00C0000( 00000CC0CQOCC'0Q00C)C)C)0000C)0)0a ktSo~"_TP6553~mo rn o crl c17sn o~-UBTj%oa "C;q~O O O CC-CCi-CC 57`-iZQD 13 00 r7 V -, ir (! yr n c s CIC jiiCI-Cjl I~/' )r~jC.;I I _ —l*lc_ eCILL44. r i w'i f'iJI I Sll a a, ii a e o la Cbl!g a ;a ii r i i -,,~~) i-i) i -) ( o ) 7 --- —— 2 A2~ --- — C C 2" 08ti1)0 n I, O O O O r? n o C C1 o s o O o O O C o O O c~ O O o O O!p o o O u o!3 r;!O O u o O c c; o n c o 4 - k rS` f~8t 00oC~U~00iLI' I) 0 C — s'Q 0 so60a oo o oiC0~0C00C 0000 0)CCCCCCC00000 r ir fj ~ - iT ca ao~"_TPbb3~gi.m 6-rn o crl~~srs n o- U qas o o o c~ q- o o C 57iiZQ D i 3 o O o u -, ir (! 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' -,, ^ --- ^ ^ 610 ':~ ~, r lv _ _'l ^ ^ ^ ' ^ T ^ 1 ^ * ~ - - - ~ ^ ^ ^ * - - -. - -. - -. ^. _ _ _. -.... ^ < fa 2p SI I \ {L4p h : j \ I 4 - , - Ltd.reme positiotis of7inA 5rwte in hatfqear (brwaul SCUiC I It' tier (POt. LI St C (rWlkt/ (Ito/c 4.4' 1 r I qtr. ci C f;#Ni 46 u/ti g (33 44j/4 1> ' u/i - (live ('((('/11 ricrod iti/! dJ)(j0(( /btr (Y'C(W/rlC rod in 8 pbsdlO'i 4,g. 4. 01 Jr Act / \ 0 - Iii in.. - IIt if: 4/ K' r 9 ix *19 Ikyy ', - ---4f'/WW4'qd N fore (CC '74/ iree IA - 4rc rod iu P * Pot9i1/,i =-=- U I -. J77 1 \ -9 I K '-I G'ntreltitro/rnoubn - ----" 4 -; F 2 Li- 4It ----$3 * / I ' t Centre line of link i t \ \ in Thlfqtar /6mw N * k'i, I 4, < - -p — $ \ I \. Iraneloffiw na/tie A '2 \ 11 [Ut}i1KJ S -- talf genii tb/ward - — ---' *1 2 - < J' 3 /4) - 21 r 3IkrlEL j 45.. m t Q C a iy I j. pa;1 ) -5 '7 -5 - C A I IC /3), -N K t LJo -- -7$ — 77 I A" Sb, 4 ___ Ifs)) A" 6b' Ti9. I. A3 7 -~-fr 4) C- C ___ 9 5 -c - _ __ +tjj N K> B '4 ' - # ~ 7) 0 < 575 <79+" ) DV; . S ) Al _______ _______ A' 4' ii] -,ffi. - -. -tss ---. K I "44 III 42/.- - - C' 3) III - #6.4 "'4 42* III S '' zrT:rI$11111*7 C f" " '4 4$j ------- - 0 I I743- -..,-F '4. 7I:I..j: P C '"' ' -4 -C) 41 ./1 4-" N "'0 (e#rf fins ofRoiler -' &f 4 a -.. P P - ' - D' '1J --- B c — — jtkt j - - '-4 - BlDg ELEVATION '4 -ii. 6 'f I', I '12 A" C: RhiAR ELEVATION. /3' G.Wt$SS$NBOftNS S]. 289 pearl ' 4 ' I I 6' -7'.9' 9' fo #1-5 t' /3' /4' #6 r&t;RrRG I* I, Fntenyt #imodiiig toAd oftbnrw. intlir.,& ar IB?2..4v C thtscn/xri hi rhr(4'ba u/dr Lit rdur o/Oi;(qress cit Wdskiayfrm. '4dt' I /aii II,{A 4) /1w foci ' 2 ' ' a' I I,I ''' /t' yj' y' zo' a' 22 23 24 2.5' A6 r 26 30':41 '''3)"' 33' I I+. 7*,I r t 1Iat' XYI (K (C i;-;j K~ ~ K L~1 &SNSPQ5IAFIO U(IWM IM4S Ci JtU tLW UWM L~ ~' ..:~ --- —-- ~1 —I~~ —1 — -.l ---7 ---r-r —_-L== ---- - --- —- ---— — —; i ijjlj'i I? I 'I Ik TT m:i \ 1'~ ' jilljir ~.~~ ii!1/11:1 i i Pi iIljji Ii!r I i,. "e 1 I; QsJ.n i '1 t $- n a II ' i \i -~i 4 I:1. i Ii i:!$ i'i ~i i ii rBI! II II II ll*t II ii II III lil II I II II II It'U1 -1 lril I i /s ir 57 li:l ~I L,glLrl, iiii r.. ii ~, —~ ii ~, ii jl f:ii:/I (I jl' r '/ I ~iIr.! 1;i /Iii! iliii;II jj:i 1;:i tl; i; I IlllilLIIIII lilliillilli!!lll I- 1 —f - ---` ---II i'; i~I B> ( A MI. O IL~J IJL I.7 ~.-~t ~_ **~s~***~~^r__ ___ 0~ ~ 0000 0 2- 000 000,/7' N@O - 0&wisz8 ZR eRZNQ O O 7 260 P~ t.Nr~~0i i' _C Ilii( "Y ""Y I I i i,. 1 I:! sJ -$ii ' --- I 1 ~ ..li —,, it * a; t:i 11 s \ 3rr 11 i 1 I r i II /'.I__.__......._._._.__:,__I —, f1I1C rYKt ii!I fii: I I ~- --- \jj i..i _.-7 6 j7 O O Q O 13 Q O >- — Q O O Q O O Op r13Y,1 Ii i I:1. i ft~ IB ks i i / Q j j g t~ O O O O O O O gp i j! gSi I.i I ii ii oOOoc go i 'i~ilt r~ j Q O O Q O O O O O O O O O O I i Q O ii L I" F i:l i O O O O il) O O i O O i -; I s~:,:.,... j/ -r~C i:i 5~;I:J/.Ifl 1I~I~ —..~ —I___ —-II_-._-. 1--^-~ --- —~ 1 -— -1-_, — ~ --- —--- ----------— ~-; — ~ — ~~- -----— ~ ---~ ~I~,,, r I.r * r" i7~- ' ic ----—.-.111 —f-..~_ _~C_-IIII___X r_____ ~ I ~> Y I_ ii 1. r ci'C,... Scak~:oTaniecJlto tk f,ot.,ERSISER X v a;:, i eSBWe NvPyk _ __ __ __ I^ I' Plate IKYII. a_____ > \ I? 2r Fiqii. — c-i) t dm. K 4'0 rid -I /41 - F IL: I __(I. . I : Q)) 7 -- - U ( 'if 'fl I - --- ,>N L -fl 0 —fl- ci- -A - ---- / Koooeoc o%3ogo3o r //5qS6g o o66% __,o0c0 C 0 06cgogc jf[( 00ggg [gaG oRfkP 000 Ooooo C - 11 ccOoO6C I \ rQ4r [~{12g00 (N c' - N Na 44 '-t S2 N %b , o c QCJ -I i. j~{. *) *.!W r Wiyr-o —o-o )fl fl - QCQ-3-NQ4 (9 0 0 0 cC 0 5 ~t_0 09 osDtd I. C) Q 0 0U C 0 C) 0 c 0 Q () Q )Q 0' 0 CE? 0 0 0 0~0Q0QD0 0 0 0 E crc' 0 oooooboooaoo - -oo ooooooooOQ 7 -___________ __________________ ___ ______ __________________ __________________________;PORTATION CO WORKS -_- _ A V C i:4 A21 23 '3 - - ", 0 K 7t)x>tr*> (-I 2S C, 15. 0 4 'I, I I. JC r _ ___ --- —-_- - - ------- --- _ - - -- '1 -J 'C HALF SCTION FiAt!? 8gCPION THR"SMOKE BOX &CYLINDER THR"FI RE BOX LOifl Tfl INIAtL CCVWN et' ilaif ilorizoiltal Sectioii of Engine (If- i:n - II 1zII 7 D6* ' - I UK 1)6.6 K 43 (0 <> X2q., K-> t4 4;6 1%' KY) -'P r' 1 __;L[LL...z: cc::::m C1...71I. pg - "S:r 7 1z -- SwiIe 0/0/i /If(4 (Q(he/fHY 269 Fead5t I * * I 2 3' 6 -7, 8 9 6 6 6 Kaeivd W(VTV'b'q/ CJJC/(j(tI/ff/ s-s Id thevrar /St? kr (I. )h'issra/wr' Pt /1w (7/ba' '((Iw librarian,,/(6nqrr&nt/ kdtkitffioa. I A --- —--— ~ ---- --- — --- — ---- - - K - I. IS,;', 21 22 2# 24 26' 27?3 29 30 3/ t I ": A, ..-; 7. I. -.. t. I. I. -7 I 4. i,1 4 I)IAKFWTII Ii~TOc F Liti/iYLL 3LIiJLiUL LEJLLitW LJJLDTLI U-i n BIo re of Cyiinler 1$ inches Si roke of piston 2(frnches Diameer o driving Mieels 42 incheM hegtofIEn4ine 59 20 poun4S ruiiigode YoigUt oftn mne 66| 00 pounbiiimg re AWkighiton truc 13200 aunffds N C' I 4> 4 a KKIV1 (.> - J. 4. =- -7 -t. AZ I _.^^ N A et?^ n — 4''^ K Y 12-/ _. jO AID; ~' A3 R>' ' *^_ 6 _:.- "' A I ___ ). > _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H _._ __' J - *. - ^ ^ ^^ ^^ w c it ~ n o '^ ^ ^ -- -... L \ 4" 2;:: __- _^^ --- II'. 2 " (2;' --- —-- i tt- - 11 - ~'^*y \ n-, - -- jL F y* -^ i9ILjr42 ' <3i"' K7 a'S2 aii ^ /I-! A^ I Alt- ' l qii"rr 11r^ -~ Pr iR^-^ ' 2 y/ -* -xY ~ Ll f. F" 1 i ^ 14^' F6\,' ^ , ', ,. N \\ "2< \\ \N\~N N Q'o M t' P 2 A 1'W iA1~1 c- 9I 4, /9 '9" R.EAR VLgVATUX( 81O) j1A+Awjm~ >'cuM o/ uj jun, /0 i/sr liwi 4 i I.il 0 nfl IIfltA\Th Ao y r at in I .. I-i I 7 r FQJtWD____ Is — Fip.0. Top v/cu' Vi9t.A. I (0 - II} C I I I I (: I I I I I I I I I I I I IFi9.I. L r' I it __I I 6 - L - tc-$rx5 Jr,, 4; V K' fir 1' z - - 32,,I N It Th I I I -4 - ON 4. 44 , I y 4 '% -- Fiq5. tc > C4:42 Y 5 - A, IV4; - A' 4% 4 -~ 14% / /1 I 'I . -0: 0.. - ^ w4 H.- ^. -: ^ - - - - ^^ ^ l UiALF SgCTIk0 naw sBc'nw THR SMOKE BOX& CYLINDER THRiiFIRE BOX '\\ ^<^<7 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - 4-~l — --- -.ir Vy '^\ o LON&^^-pj | ~ I. fri. iC ', I if #:* i I 9 — Zr -v:::^ 9 - ^p 30 3,- - - - ^ ^ *- - - - --— * — - * ^2 Z Z ' * - * *- ~ - -2-...3 '~.'. ~,.... '... ~. ~ ~, ~.....,.... '.. _.....,. '....- - -. '.......... - \ _ 29 <1 jI ~.f II 4' i BU.LT' Al ThE CdP'14Nh WQRK, JAME. BONgOtHiosn -"warnrmslr I -----— -Ir ^^s^ttpff'^ KM _I) F? 11Z 54+ =1'. II rlt JV f ~I U7 ISWR ELEVATION 8Iwf flflkflON Bore of Cylinders 16 inches Stroke of Piston?4 inches lWeight of Engine in running order G5 29 5 porulds Weight on Driving Whe els 41444) pounds Drivers I Passenger Engine 5 feet 6 inches 1)iaweter Dri Frei pght Engine 5 feet Diameter Speed of Engine 60 Miles per hour 200 rear % H St&ewx A AF. 1 I " * I t 0 Plate XXffl.___________________________ ^.. ^,^. ^-^ ~/ ^..^ ^ ^.^ -. ^. -.jg 4 a. ja ja, ^____.!TJ!____ffn _ _^^ < — i =7- -— r^r:? i'ewww TOviarorw.' [ ^; J - *) ^* [_______y: ) ^ -^ \ 1^ / \ y / \ ^^, / T^. ^^ Fl( ^-J.^^ y^7.-:^-__Q$ '* —^r' ' -^ — |-^n==^ (^;^ ^' - | -.(^^' "" ""' MBTOHT mwwtm. ^ ^ ' JL- ^^__ ~~^~'^^^^ ---------------— L ----^ y^^^^^^K,''' Fia i ' /^^^. _______________________j ^i^^r^^_^' ^t '.-^^"^^^ * I Aoe |" ^,-.. ---...-...-. ^ ^* —t^^'!"^ ^ Ir --- —-— ^ — ^ --- —------ __ ^.- t ^ --- —-^ ^^,_., _j:^, ------ - - - *' ^-.. ---^-.-..-..^^-/'- -.... -...^.-^ —.-..-.^i^-^,...-....- -—.^.-.-.-.-. r ^ 1 ^ | T^ —^l, 1^ A. ^ L__J 11 L.XA..J _~~ A ^ - ^ B A" ^-^.;-.A-^<^-^^4-.-l^^ --- —-- ----- __ —^__,.......^^ _.^^.,.. ^^...^-LL-,..,... ^.^,..^.,.,,.M^......._,.., /-1 --- —--------— ^ --- —^-P —^7'-,..-r --- —- — \ ---\ --- i --- —-------------------— _. ^; ____[________ ___ ^^^.___.....,_. _^. i ^ ILqi ' r-,_L___ _____________U_______ *. <^-====^: * -t. ^ " i -;** - \ \ A2 / rl \ ^; " A~*..-.^.;-^-.-.-....^-^.j i: i (" —^-^: p- "'*r *; ] --- —^ * ^ --- —-L -^ f --- —-— l-f^ --- —-— ^f --- —--— i —_i^J_____\-,,-^] r-^ — - -i r^^^^.^^-^-^1 -^ —S —S". ^ il i ^~^j&==^'si C^) O^S-^2^: ~ i~; fe _^^.,.^g.,,, _,,,, AI... ^^yi,; / ^\)V 15 v^ Afes^^J'f"1^T1^~'tf^ r^^N^ ^,^.j.i^^.-^ _,,^ _ -^__^x ^F-^T^q^^ " '"^^^^s;::" ^3^-; r^-^^^x *5V5 ---^^^^.h -.| * ---—:l --- —* --- —;:::-t-" ---r —' ---^ ^ *': '^^^^^X 1 \ —^V —^^V tr -I ^9 - -----— ~1(~ i?-'^" - -* * 6'r MWOTCTiiwi i Myr Tiipr THE FIRE BOX REAR ELEVATION Scale ^ of an mclz= to a fooL ^_____.__________Jr-^^^js^i^s^^ omcis -------------------------- ^ p^^ 8t.Kewrk ^ j.. ^7 ^7 ^ --- ^ *1.:.L;^ ^ ~^^ '. ^/ /**. - y-~. --- —--— L-. --- —--— 1 --- —---— 1-. --- —--— ^,7 AJ'-SchowUin. dML J^ _L^ ^, 4_ ^ ^ ^? ^/ Scale! of an inch to the foot IlZuZIJIZ 0 / -Z" ^' 4' t I, i ~ /i I) O O I r /I i r I I / / \ I r — l-r I~.i' I ti a,~I, 1 r I O I, -~ Ic r ~1 -r42..IYI.. ---— i ---l.. I --- —-— / 1 -- ~Jr O;7- r ~i odo C) O rC ---~~~~ i 1. Pig~l;l I O O di / In St ramliswii2. ii- Fi~Ij.14. ~ Fq1 IiJ.1 1 `' -`r.,.,,;.. — I-;- 1. _....__... E ' "" -- - -— rC si'(w in I4jw in 8moy' Boa' t~!L2t ('ross Section -- (C-wi Jim') (9 Ill Pk h '"ai r--=i -I"'T1 i Fiq.8. EI 1' J (y I i,?`~ ~ — *e.c ---yl/ r - t ~-i — ~~- ~~~~ ~ -....-T ..-.7:.. i i I ' ' 1 i r....._.._.......I_.....1....._._..........-...............III....... I i o/ ----o~ —~r"-$ 0 0 0 0 L a ~p I 0 - /9" Ir 0 0tc~: 0'iot Fi~s yl 0 0 0 0 0 *o S1j (last ((avi lam)~ —~ Ok 9O 0' Plan 0' 0 ---.-~ L~- L Lf — -1-~ —; Pig.lb; I 1/ / E ~. i-ffi I:'"~) P j i ~/ h I I i,1 \ \ I I, f -;-A~-_-.-.. r '' I r bk,, 9( 1 i r — \ --— —/-A7' ~a I d I I// -t 1111 Ir O u O Ti.tT p_ i_;i ~i__ -_ I F1 ti zrss__J; ata B C c 1 Curpola (Lh~s.4 n I I ~ - n 1 n)nl - I Fig t&J '~~I-gzI Pl~u4 r — J4 C fA: ISect km 3 ~ Y jcQ~l AC3 - C I — -~ 18 --— 1_ Driving Fliwel. &'eftou fl Keccen tfrW __ ~~~_~~~~_~~~~_ _ r 1 12I; I0 II 9 B j i ff Ini I ' I, i: I t 1 Fi.9 F~t~ -- - t#f- 19 —h- -.~B -I 1 - I i.m 7v- -. K I I ~~11~~~4.,. L A1 L1 4 r li -a-~-.... I -- o ~- a Wrozhtl.~: r i ir r Fig.20 Sid j j N;ontron D' ~ ---c.... -—. ix, ~;..II i_ ~RI(1 0 ~ Crssed Etn e ~ _ICI 1 C ;:x i -u d~ ~: -~ i'j,.,,r —rr — r --- 11 1- — )I-~ -~-~ I~~-1~~~1 —*: --- —~~C __ ~ I-~-C~- -~ —~ ~-1.. I- -- II ~ --—;~-~-* 1,. r ) DUWRAS Y A Ikq.1t. U VP1. 15. K -80 Ii' b - 0 12i9. 32. ____ A-ii _____ -V __7 -.. — 1st note/i eu/i notch deli iwleb - 7 I 7th notch Iflid notch mid no/c/i, bakgenr 1? Fl1.83. -- 8?) Fig. 28. Fiq. 13. Fig.17. C 41 a 20 fnerewrnt of Va/nun' C ' -r -9 _ if)?i') 40 40 40 A 0 b 14i(J. 33. =1 0 10 20 J0 40 O Er/toast M&pre&ww fbr I5yr rrnl. rdrasc. aud YO 1W finaL. Id//Is iViq. 36. P01/n r — k' na/rh 'p4 no/rb 71 rd itotch KY , — 80 LitrE IA '':i yr. stbs 0 10 a 30 40 30 69 I et,,g4 /61/ --- tb notch K Vi9.33. ix _ _ 4 ':39. -g*, I --- U _ bKThw0.1v _ N 1 6-itt (1 Lb Plol Np3 No.4.. t- i{. 0 - No.4. V, N N ( a.,1 \\. I No6 K i I 1 j ~ -...... ' *':. ' 6.i x 4 STAlLS V MOGUL woo win r zo Side Arifv\T (4 fire dboor %rop vmw I) B Vi{j.43. I I; - r-t ~ YI= --, -' ---K I I I I K' : I 1 Cmdre 2> K ( -, A , I '4,t. flq.46 II 1 Fire doorfixture' N Longit. Section 3 - S Fiq.45> -1 -I13 I AL z Fiq,89. IA -4 P Hack View Iion1:pI.Seuion S C ale 11= to the foot Vertical Londiludinal Section 269 PearL StNewYork I I >1 8' - - L ' Scale ifrch=to a foot WIZIIIIZII4 ', I [ i I I I 4' 6' 9 IL, ft Fr tI I I~ ~ nrniLB. 0r MOGU~fiuf WCOI*MaeOTCtU N? 160 Dl 0t0XYH1T 4- itt t 'U flLLtLt. Fiq.44. ~!-. Half Plan of Frame.^ 4 C -p-. Cs 2/. (3c A' ) Scale for Frame 4 iuch=Ifool Scale 1kw all Details I4PlnLd- foot A A Side Vi'w of Frante B Fiqu6; Bolt to corwct.Sprii4 gx ' wih equal beam.:w Pro k iw a-'' -rff ti< r0'V ^T 9 9 Equalixt4g Beam Fig.64 E'Fronit Mew, q/ i cizf k^ ---/ -sr 27~.^-. ---^ -s.r w, --- -" S - w - Y-J- ^ Rexriewer Standl VIqBg 62 Rocker' Fi9.54 IPront View Box for eqiializing beam &Ji, Si rap -' 4, 7Fra c 1 r t-T --- —^~ -'A S-i ^ct iSy ie )nlVw 0m flrajTjJg Spniig t8c Saddle 41-i" -4 '7 foi' Springs [8 I; Side Mew Reversing Arms Back View Fiq..5'. fLA - 46 ilL]. ^-r 42 4-?- *^ <' I I II I Plate XXVIII >1 fl1 J4. . -_-I_____________________________________________ I I I I Orate Plan — Uk <- c r 0 4 K;Q{f;jz ___ __ - EZIIIZZII.4 --- —A --- —-, 7 1 - Ti- -— a - T -iL Fig.66. T \Il~\ l\\ \'\i\1 t '-4 - I -- tk, * C 17413 43 flg,74 0 C SideView.16.~ * , C 8 Side XThw Lever lo shill brate liars - 71K -j- (P Pliut A I Beaftr4forlio4to sH% Gxatel3ars, figs?? 0 ow I Q t sift 4 --- 6t K —i Coiuiec.hnt Iliece on Orate Ikirs C- di5 -___ I 0 >2-4'% 4Y -k5Z lAockView0 sf I El K'> a 9 1\ II [4j1 lixiector SideView > at Scale 3 inchto the foot _____ ~ - I. 2' I Viq 30. '5 - - -~ ( tni;nil I 0 ~Q;f -- j~5fci ic.' 'i" '6" U U ei ? if>) N r r (7t) 7 --- - 0 2 _____ 1 44' Vt ----- II I Q 0 0 6 — ~VK --- —---- 41 K I K o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 C tO1lgiIl[(l11k11 Sec lion tbroiik Grate I Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1iti, I 1 - I 324 1>' 1 I i-F-n C p C '>9 A P % P LA P Q P 2 Q II - - I$' K. - -," __ lii (18 U Scalfr of Grate awl Details I-Kin6h toThe foot a8 a'6 I I I Gm I II /i 4 9 Loiigitiidiiitil Sf4 lieU IIWIHJPdor, -- --- __________________________________________ a K II _______ __ I a _____ j} Scale6iwlu'stotliefoot III I I 7"" 2vt -- - Ftg 81 - V - Fat3> I... at? fln -n -i-c; (1. 1 ii. 4' 1 ~2 * i ic;-)h(je XLQIV -C 4L j4;i - -/ 4. *1 1< 4 a'5 w I I I ~-,It -4' - I '-N itt 'A 110 -T Tin p iii Viq.69 C Xs1ipaii iii Side View BackView of Trap ziaeviow .7O.__Iiackl'iece 01 jaiur a, I Itront liew BA 71. *Ic-- -mm e a <6" Mderlece or rraiue (I I I Plate LXXJX. '1. ii i3-/IB' d 3-' le% H~~k BLEVAYXOX~CI SIDE I~~~~~~~~~~~~IN R~R~LJP~~~tCW~VAIQNX~lsi~~"~llh: IIiq.2. It f )nr AC2 II A9F ( 06 o -'r'o~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 j~i- a ~ o C) 0 0 0 0 oo 0 0 o 0 0 4 — ~hI tef CL' I~~~ - a, ~4 0ii V t o o _ _ _ _ _ Vuv ----lvuu —uuvyu 'I A' _Il.-.. —L --- —rr — i5:-Ja o o; o o a a o bo o o a io o o o o so e iy I:3-~:_Z _. _Il. ---W. I v yu y I i xI t. -_ --- -_I r _ rA' ~F' II, >~, ' -— (/ ) ~ ~ ' 0ii 0- 0 00@0*0Q 0000000000 oOooooooesoa4 IS lo n — 1 -+i i ~i li~ 1 ~ -ao ooooooa ooo ckiz-~r 7, _Y I I ri, ii ' ', --- f-.? L.c~;+ll-~lllllllll —iI I: 11''1 '' 't.7: i I 11 _,-i5:Jro o o oe o o Oo.o_o osoaoo ooa o o o oo` o ao ooo OOE -1 p N i I r"ilrct-' ' ' 'I,,, ii 'I 'iili O i,,, r --- i i i i L II-,, I, i'* 7, 1,, o.I II -- ii j i 1 Q 1,,I, 5 ILi O 'e ir i r-i A2; I i ri L;11 _JLfiirla L.c ~ Y I i I i~i ~ ----~ - ---—., ---:._r -— W- 'i r r I, -- L;.i 1,.,,r~,~ j it~ tlil I; ~-~ — r r rc t_ r ~t?t~~IIIII -— ~ —1 'I! ! TI-- -tl;CI tT-i 1 -— i --- —-Q7;.I - 1-` r —,~5;-. I -Ilili- 7 --- - - — - --- —-- -_- — i I L _l-P 11 - 3 -saC — —~-:,~ — -1-` r -1__,. -;ts)l tt~o..~ rl 1 - I -~i- I- -- l.-t it I i I.r~ I L1_ I '7 it i ~. Il I -r'i rct ' — — I t::i ''' -— ~ -; I! ~ ' ~ I I I ~ ' ) I _ ft,' ~-f 'V IHJ - Ooooo -00oiO0- O000C000 c -- i ' --- —-;Chhn ouo CilLlh-i I-~ pCI~iu - wvls, 0000 00 QOjO 0 > o~ 900 oooO~~ QO_~_ ooc~ I —, — ------- I -- 111 7 -------- - -rl "I — - -.. --- ~~ -~- -cl -----— "-~'~L --- —--- _ ____ 1 roT? *KWr Scale A an iwjo ~ttdIfoot 04,sQ61' 269 VeadI ob~fl~cci ~.1 I i":~ I I,,.. I I;I Plate XXX ft \ ~2 F4:.5. B.. P -_.',>. Cl' H i* 4t At r-V -- I UTV7U: I F V TiZIL. F, r .. 1' 4 -, - )$ '3 'A<*' Kr* Eli 1 x A 4 1 * 2 2 '7,72,':7,7 I I II -I * - 14J 'Ll 'Li) I K l;l ____________ -- -N - Izr:;=tzm-_ - -, - - - 'r - ____________________________________ ________________________ ' 1' -rN-~ — I - L - - j TP —Th ---Ig( ) XI cJ& 0 -. C C C)%F I *0 p V4 1 - ,:,jIIi [I Ii II Ii ff 43 4] LJ L4ALV t cc cIyiitr+iLiFrli rt, rt r - r~ r ri r~ rt, rti r%, r%, r9, r r9, rt, r9i rt, rtl I;i I 2, T' lQ j I --- -tc'$ - __. ui22:. ----— 7 - 2 - I ill - I I! I I I I I I , I I i:i I I 1:1 LJJ Kt L4J 4] 4] L4J L4Jb dl C z C 5 en C YLiiM__ S tJ7TT1T I- I II ii Jfli ALL - - wz2Dzz KII I -H Li ----- I, -- I ' I : ' --- -- rt rti trt + I rt, It t-r rti rti ii rt ti rt, r'Th r'h - I rt rt, rti tTh rfl rt, I S /4 'K - Ii - I El — I II [I I iL:'[ Ii IKI I! I I I ii I K K I I I I I I - i 4 P 1 ' t ' - ' 711>F1P71 I 1- 1 1 -I I I i I 1 1 1 I I II I t I I I I I I I LL I- I I I ' - ' ' ' I ' -'- 15 I I I I I I ' I ' 1 h I I ' I I I I I I I I I I I I --------—,- - Lj At I ' I I jI ' I ' IL I j III't' - Led K — 7:7- w-t —1-1-rrhrI F'ZflmtZt ' N-L - r-x jA-;:czjr4-q q: [ A' El ni I- W4 I I,' C I ______ 4' K z 71 -- - vttAi - --- --- -- -- -- 'd - _ _ _ _ xv~~I - K r r —,tN x '- ',I —*' ' - I- I - — I /rm'1; V H, 'V 0 A' *4j' 64~ -6 J" A pyitWOF7 jg / suDS VIEW Scale 4 of an-indhdo a foot. I PlateiXiXXi. _ __ __ _ __ IFid.8. F po~siti i~ _ -— Iili~d/ersdurn olf Lapr Iick - ~ I I-& Its. 7 P1 '9, (1 ~r r _ ____~U 11M K ~)k 0 K ' "K~ K K" — ~ —4.," F] /, I 'S Z*~ r r i__ Ij E" r 7 F93...I S - i I i a 1 r -: t `a 1 rr a I 3 I/ I \\ r I, I I Ilt ~. \I \. r I ' — lf ---t-I I / I E C1 c I`- --- —-'-` --- -4' -ty 24 - inrf41l gear ~ forward. t~~ Fi.9 ~ t 21 Ml3 -4 21 It -— ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~ 0! — WE RO RC a- a w n 5044~~~.,,,~~~,,,~ ~it a.~~~~~~ ~Cilcl~ A -— ' I I I ~ i:1 -; ~. i~ r: - ~; YYr ~Vr VrYlu.niL11; —; —EK.W IIICILTI ly/ ylh ui'Y3 ltY II1Li rlh YL 'YIY,Y( U UcY, CMr urllh u, u a ft -~a I r d I r rL5etm ---, f"r 1 r - -------- I I r r I 1, 1 1r5, 9\EC iii i \Ilr //," Il /li I c I i.~iI —d' I ir i I r r r, i I, Y f II, i I 1 I of L I, I ' s C ZI.r — I 2 po4.-l-lC —~l I_ —I-_ ~ I I I K K ~ I --- ----- V3 to Co i. _ 1_1,1_-.._. -1_. __I. 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'i 3 23 ' I t \1 I I II I i I ~23. ~ 1 3 --- — W L c. 9 IS c: I I' L I I / I t;tE: I I I \I i; I 1.- ~I-.- I Oj r r r r I I J, 1 i f~o F I I I I I I I I I I vs4. 4 2 4' 1 -.5 I 6~ c --- —-~-t --- r" 5 -' I I\.... i I I I _ II 1 I I ' - - i F -ca-/ta poJ 'sf'1 17 --,4 is 4.) =;g F3 3h h ^O jf9 44 1 I i I 1 1 I I 1 I r r Hi '3 1 _ __ __ ps -. K- --— 4 __ ~ _ ~~ ~ 26 W- qIetVrkel~6 II f 'IT'I"CRTTP' rFllrCBIC _ —~~ ~ —~ ~:-~I —~r~~~-~ — -~ '~ -c: -Ldllllkl**Rkw-i_ I /T/,/;Q''/JUT'yk ~ t'//Er/A////'IY'XtBd J CCllllflll%rT/II11111111I'11 ~-CL*ILLL I I L._._-I f///EWBYCIQg. -I/CrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrWlrr r IV//I'/IIW/NYIIIRYA __ I I I I I 3 An DaTarts Ceittre ( 1 ) astiiis I4()WCV Piece 1an of: Truck I for Frwit ColtiLeun OIL i'iti ~v I 1' n 00 00 0 A'4O 00 OG 0 - - - 2 b F I1aii \ K: Vt ' K ITK'& I \ . < ~3f< lit 7 7 7 Sick View __ — r --- — -— __-__ Th*- * IN d lit OilI.Xixg 0 I: r'I '* 00 4 2. Sidle View 1. t3. 1 Ii~jt; 14 __LI 0 f A-I,! ';', * --- 0 J310 ( 0 - 1 ---- S tO"; 1 B' Frame Bearn4 4 — r — — '7 V Plain FrontView Si ri'ont View — DI/ ~1 V ' ' I v- — w- -_;: .: j: I Rod. for Rear crnnievtiou Side Vi ew --- 4. /3 deView / 'it!" 2i -A B — _w C \\\ ICY Ft TTITThTh r t- -4' 0 00 0 ' ' 0 A4 I 00 -: — . I &utde for rear connection ro& 0 HideYre I Fm YLW - L-7/C- -— A ' I -— 4W V --- I Scale of alt deta Scate of Truck finch - I Loot I SideView d'*i Front View Fig ii1. Side View qdJ 13 1W Side Bearing /I Viqs 20. I4oidView 6 - Side Vi ('W I 5/ tcj a4: -' I? Hate XXXInII__________________.__ -._// S 1ftSUSc rows WAYt & CHICAGO RAILWAY Ct WOOOBUmiHG STAN OAHD;m VWWT MK3WOTOT A /^'"j~i^N liIs^... ^ ^1?.,. — T ^ B~ T '~ ~ A S ^ - _ _ __ _ _ '*-^*- ^ ^ - ^ -' - ^f *>' i '" ^ "^'^* --- —-S A'~ p'}~ 7;:i^-^rm'~/ -^ 9^ I0 " - - \p (; ^ *- -wi-, -^.... ^'^ -". —. - -- — > ^ ^ *: \ ^ ^:r:^! --- —-B ----A Q5 rz rC if~t VI I z2 L:A /^~~ / M00 0 0 0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (_______ --- —--— y A ----rf '^*' /'''^/~ * ""l ~^/ < -^ —^ llfcls'S^i '^TT- \'\\\\C^^ \\ y LL^ <\ VK (.. r*/ / I i / — ~ g a 0 0 ^0 0 0 0~ 0 0Q 0 0 0 0 0^ 0 0 0 0 0 0 '0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0to 00 o b\ 0o —e —e qo 0 0 od, 0: 0 0, 0 0Go 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 07 0. ii 0 0 0 0 9/i0 0 0 0 0 0 i 00 0c~0 0 ---,^-000 d ______" 1 - "-i - /_ ^ ^-'^' -— ^ ^ - 000 A 25 ^ C — - '^- - -" ** - ni i. i' ^ _ g * — ^ ~~~..,~ __ __ __ _ M \ \ c8^'^^^9 ----------— i ' mi ' ' J IZZIZr ~^i w 7/ Am\ \\ Y^^./ / '\ ^^ ' jfl9.-^- - -t^/ I <____________________________;______________^ _ ^*-,-i** — - --- ^^. LO W U tf S - - flON --- —-— (^,M.-.. - I8W~ ms fn I ^ G~~tKBOK I~GH(RIO MGOrncs y.~ ~ PBcutrl St K anir,_n-._ AiX. Sehoenbein del - - --- - __________________________-. --- —---------------—. --- —---—.-' —.- '- -. --- -' , ' ' I It, k-' A14ttWz&1k A" i',s' ' 2ff' 2*' U' 29' 30.n o - -- 71KG, Scale,/ee healto the fool L_______. I i I i I *. —i —1, --- —L i l —^-fc —^-^-^" ^ ----^ —i —^ —i —^ --- —^ —i —^ --- —^ ----^ —^ —^ — -^ --- —y —' ---jBp ^8- S9- 3V J/ y ^ Sf y - r v J I -1 4 I I PlAt NXXXI -*.. LWS'L1 l-U - 1 ~_ -- -*~- LWSI , -u- - 1 __ TCTI 3T ~f?W or LMOCSWVM ramruwriWwAnne CE tU4WS 0 -^I -t~~t-a- 2* Centre Beariug ^'i9.1o. Plan_____ - - J - - - --- — K:J -^ - ------—. - - I c":- l;zn of'!'r?ck I'lrl~ IU~ Plan Q--6 ---- - -— -lt — -— - - ~ ~il —: --- —- --- --; ------------ — pu- — --- -- f;CT ---L-7. ; r ri4~ _I I jdtii___ _ Vi;hY..ts____________ _1111______.. _.I___T2_1.. _.___ Fronit View.^.^.... >K F1 Side View LaJ 1 t i^ ^..... — —....^. - -, ---. ----- ^ —^ --- —.-^ --- ——.^^ ^-..-. —.-. ---- --- (SP^-5 Side View Section Axletox 9i5l&Frame Plan |F* _ Fig~~~rl&- ^Sy<> -~-0- -F-SOSiFci Iie 5 k Outside Equalizer Pl-an k t I I. hI I,j fI!c --- —- i! ^, ^ -- ',!;* i ' I 4-~ Strp for oulside sprin4 -{ )' IE? Siei 20w SideTi~ew T roitT-View Truckr Front View Cross Section ----..-" --- —y --- Scafe? 16nc63*oyO foot r,, \\-\*-3-[/*' J. - - -- - ---- "- ---" — ---- —"I- --- I ] 1 1 I I I T ~lirx~ rizct~~ofoo;~~ r~ r x ~ a ~ I'n~?'~-l --- —-~11~ —~ --- —-- ~ -— z_-.lH a — _ -------- -- ^i' IV s Y 7V I ~ ' _ --— " --- C 0 6 t I I a . t 131 LAn YYYIT. 2 is LOCOM YS or A ft 3t RACWfl VORS i W4 0 ' - 0 PPm of Box Fiq22 (LiJdV}? '9' Ss5 --—, — * - Vt C l.4;,, Plan of Lid I91q. 24 Cast Iron.) Li >_ Wee for truck'box Fig.25 Plan (CastIron) 9 a;Lf eS I 2S t'C i 2 t a a a '4 9 Ca I Side fle'w of'WPde 4-4 - at, %7, * ' Fq a'0 BotiomYiew of Wedge U a'0 I I I p, 4% I t- I --- 4 1 I I 9 i I aq a'0 Fi9. 21.. Brass Castii4 for tmcktox Scale3 inclhS!lfoot Plan II ct -,' - bt i4S" t S En4 View -, q t IT -'tr biI > I I fig 29 Aq.2 Frornt View Side View b ?Aa it- 4= 44 '-C Fig 30 Sidr View Eccentric Scalle ti! inch. .. Ifoot SiJeiew Front View 7z- (C I astl7ifoIl) a I I 2; IA. ) t V a Figs33 LQ Eccentric Slrai ( Cast Iron) Scale 14 inch I fool Vrora View, I [KY 14T35 k C> )xFroflt Piece Sect ion idli_ I foot * V Fiq. 39. 41 2' 7 I ox Front Piece - Sect 1011. S c *1 Ic Section Fig,4Ki. Safety Valve Scale 6 inche-1 foot P1 in Sand Box (iearin Scale 14 inch.= ifoot Front View 1)oor.1 f(A4 Sect loll Vt ZL-2 ----2 —' - E.B. Kunkel's SafetyaIve a, 00 PLateXXXiVT C'F'; Afidd1e pJLVIIWJtQfIJJhW Lap ofThlreJirwk Le#i/ci - , I I. I I H ILWSTRATJOWw -- - SRQ7WIK& THE YMJ, SIN&LE I. I Ti9. t. I, TALl! )WflOR 0? LOCWWFM rTh 8: CRANKIK 24 RELATIVE POSITIONS WITff JIJAM&DOTJBLK EXHAUST PORTS (in f'ullgear forward) - S.-. V F -KR 0 22 If~ /7 (I 0 ---- - — - -. 1 wdlk K Stearn port /. I ii 7 tr& I -V BC I /1 I "4 Zr/2 ---/1 -- / I, ---— A IsII S / ci' 51'3h(WSL, port a I ' I I ' — ' " I net., I I, I 1, , I ' / ' I 7 I 6; 6 I;$%%- -< --- Ii ko I* 2Z A' - $9 ':4 I --- S Steam. 2 N S. S. -S -z 0......(44 Ii N. ---- - - - - -7 4 — 1 4 p-. 'K c'K., -S fl- II St 'S - --- ---- N S. Cr - I - - N 3 trhausL port I -4 EC K I port -; - F. y -.. --- —----—. ----— F --- S kC ->9 - -,v iC ____________________________________________________ 'N -I. __ - I j p - - -V /2 C --- 0 ii 0 f 4 ThA-~lh S ~iW~~2Ub:flfls I 9 ~ ~~e%~~~ -—, ---— I, I 13 -C- "I-f —2: —r* \\ — ~ ~ ( I I i' \ I.. ' VAunh r 7 I Fiq & ( p 2. D I El j. 11. i K' A, \ i ' d \?I i,.-Scaic~ fi dic itxaf 2 (1' *\ KY ) [ 'A.I I;, ' ', I i I I i I 1 I I: I 1 t I U (A /r I F'g. 18. El I A LI~ *1 C, 'p ' w1 I L 1 I I I I I I PA 40 Fig. 22. iY —'.A equal to 'tI I '* Plate IXXXVJII F Dflfl& im xxaMwm OF W U Az_ Scale of frame fioxi 1 _~ RMWAW aia vfe e foot - -5- I Cl 4: lb2 Fig.49. jiaff Plan ofFrame hi 4-, 'F. i'i Ii iJi ir -$ - - "4t - - -At —.'.,, L ri * Iu II II - hr -Wi ~' ____ -. ci — — 4 - yti:jsjYlj Ct - 1; tx r LI, K 6'4 * JfJ -* ii --— givE-'El 47, I ni -cm 413 2 -22' -c- 'i --; wy' C2 Ks --- g K - C 0 sC' WQ - II _____ '- AY - -<1/Ct *#Y -ott Fi1143. Sije view of Frame 13 XI 4~lft C 'S - w't - - t-'6 -': C S 6 9 I * IA - -Pt k 4- -14'9 - Li f' V. i- - 11* A — - ---— 14$?---- --— p I I I I I - I I k,-' '' I -- -';'t'I -: If I I II , tiC — &j-; ---IF -K S C ale of Detaih 2 inches to the foot k1 t K I }'ijs5O. Main rod I 1 "4 L:; - Ct I - Fl rK T FY777 [F -, K;: ># ' \-2-s \c fj I jffiyj' 1-ff*#L-M I I! I I 1< --- —------------------------ -I — - -V I?. I '-0 C I - - - —' --- cj>N flq52.Eccentric roff I I t4 : I -K3 --- —---------- - - - - - - - - - - - - ce I tl — 07 -; ----S —.-, I Figs - C + t FI~J S 55. Rocker shaft & arms I Ii Plate XXXfXI 1 -Vli V Y ~CCIIC --- III ~I II —~-,-7 —.r~- ----— r ----~-, -—, --- --— ------ -- ~ --- —----— ~ — -Vli V Y ~CCIIC I- - - -. ' Fiq 6.Gb 16 it~~~~~W iiO1L~R ai WWW-flf QPJfl Ci~W MARLE WOM2K$V 1G vl, -~~fnR - i - -~-Ja~El -., ~- r ~ Fig ~i. Halff Sect~ioa thprough Smokes Box l~qs 66. I~~ --- —-- * z U K I ii' F~ig.62~. cc3 0: 0 0 C 0 4?, C C C C C 0 C C C C 9> p C > 0 C, \ C 0, \ 0 C C C Scale IIIC/L. to ciol [bat trI I II I -7-i~ z _~ __ I I I, I 1 I,, 9W~ N" irtJ~~~ I -- - — ~I~ d k m V I ~ felortson~i...9i~~m ~r ~*4a R~ u~r &;~uWS1SSE3BOS$ 014ftk~mNG OFF! 26W ~Pearlq.SXI Mbtn#pYork C d ___ _____ _ __ _ __ ___ ___ __ 1 __ ___ _ ~j __ __ - —. - --- - 1. -- --- -. ~ -C I A. 11 I I 1.0, I xsorr - -c- Tm; LW1fOflFRE sTu Nil c, rn:Jit I _ mu? flfl K6 IFig.2. C. 1/ ',) ctb leo K KB j, K6 ScalQ ofari iruh/o a footlt4.rnJJii I I lf vs i ir I I 0 -F *dX —.21 22 -- rilA?4 z; 2 27 I r II I 0. I Pb if' XXX?'T DMAILA nrrn flPERTh; 136 2;,. "9 - SO --- -2 _______________________ Fig.5. % -A _________________ +, '% 1 I v-i e Pc Era tile - - - ___ Iig.7. 7& - -- 1' I %-2-2< C6 K I N. - K t 132 00 —. l''', 2f -- -: pJI Ftg.6. a' t Ii 1%' 0 -K 'V. iiP 11 I I I I44 --- - I I I I I 5 Ipt I C- I,i{ *)%, I St ' I I kU- I b ' I I K? 132 I -4 ---- < ky. v * 4.. _ Kb:;. a 191 -A 5<-V — *-j — - 4, C - - F-Tn — 9 - Is N Li> -4 - Steam Brake I 4 '1' 4 I, 2;: -1 Hq 12. Vt-. ici Fig.18. Fip1.11. 44 - I A 19. Scale.irirwk I / 4 r RtGgOM WCQMOm___tYL____ Dl'I-n YVVXIll Anfl~lffCtR CO(ALB A. Id 1C ^WV2VYV11_______________________________________________________________, --- —------------------------------- )rdt 4thie 1 _ _L~~| V^ —^ Diameter of (jrlinvder ftice ~~~-8 ^ Stroke of piston 22- inches ^ ^~-T^ ^ " A20-. " - ^ J ^ Fig.1. o4 " ^' "- ~ 0 0 0Q — Q Q o-*Q '""(? 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T- 0 ~_~" —__=_ __ -_=r. '""ir 0 0 0 0 0. 0!0 0' 0 1 0Y Q K^ 0 0 8 0 0 ^ ^.-^;.......- J~~~ ~ ~. __. - ^^ ~A27 ~ _ Ajf ^_ ____ — f^ 4 -5 ^^4IQP ^ *^ RAW? 8E8TION | W.? SECTION throiig1dyinder& SurolBoxi through Fire Box! *: WM~IWINIAhSECflON n __ -- - D8_______ ---- n 1^ vi-[ - - -^ -- — ^ -I..- - B- -* uY7Yg -- *- - j[_7-I 0 o ri --- 4~i - fT r ' (P*^7I ^^-i^^ l ^^ 2 ^....;| \rtp^ * 0 __. / ' 0 i 03VE2183sN.. mis a -oiw IN OfnCE___ J* r-.. ----^ __ B3 -a *: '" _:J 4'. I 0 I __ IL' ILflAiO I I s r O r~ t Ii LI I II I I- - _-~" ---L —~ ----" —" ---cc. -r i -- -- — i --- —-------- --- —— 7F i i I i iur ' I r I I I r 1- I 7 1?" /i F.LI1 r ii U i3~"J y~ ( k9- K y $( L' r:i 'U i Ir. i\'" \>Lg~ C- K1 ix, 'AIXXXXWLd I II.c II I1 oft J Pla t~e XYXXV. eanflwTBm~&d~g"~ CO~gAL P~~ate,~~i~~iXI~~. ~F~a~NG~l;"~~~ WCOMOTWS~' C_ _ __ __ I ~_; 'Ce5=- CS J &rn1E 2~1u~~~w~b1rion)E\1 }'19.6 Skatne' 6$~,todrefrt~a C 1.i i;r r' d n t ~_I ~~ __ ~ ~ __~ __I I I 1 I, ~ I 1 I 2'F~ *7~ 23'i~ 24~ 25' 26 i7 e 29 Vr ' - rCI 6n 1 I 7J '31 I I.. I I, - 4 1 I . I t I i I f I IPIateIXXXXVI. aOaLUMB IFiy.1. Yi92 C C Vt 3x ,-7 \ I -- I 1/ 0- ' V 119.4. d I 5/ 'Jul C) 1- ' I 6 j dzjf- >6 I / ' l 'it Q, C-, I '1 It I -At It Pig.5..4, jq 12. 'V IC -. — -tCt 9' 1 ci -;j <4? IQ S I I ,l " 1 ' 'U I/ ~4 __ I ___ fl915 J IFiqifi Ti9 17 I ri9. - II 6 6i C C C 11? C It / ' LIq 19. I! 7 I II - II I I C-, I TiM.8. I I" '7 6 90' 60' 70 6o So 40 JO tO III' r.q, i-i t - -I I Tiq. 9 C I., I 7_I I f - - - Cl> I IFIq.2t. err / I A' 1/ I I C.1 - Il, I fit1 2?. Viq.2& ii(j.lt) liq1l (1 ci I V.' a C ci t '6 Viq 29 cx -C Yi930. cc Il-I, I C.e d -'6 6 Viu 32. -K FI935. a m t1 6 0 a- /a - 8 V 11 C (I ---- 6 1 C I -a I ---- -F — I a t Fiy.43. I * - -, I I I I - - -, - - I 1 -- '- I $W;>K */ I I, V I I - I -4 - I liz ~ a C, I ' C ~L 6 K I NC ) Ii ( I I I I I j I Fiq.34. 'I j I N I- - I I (I a ' — 9 I I -' $1 "C I - I 1 C. (I - I. ' 11519 J7 f I I 1, A (I IC I 6 15q.67. ~jf) Ficj(5tV 6 -- - I I I, ci, I --- — K --- — I ri.49. C Tig.GC I a 6 1 'A I b / C In , ----I -,,, I -o x#t ci 6 I - — I Fiq.50. a' ___ I- -______ It >1 C Yiq.56. 1C 6 a' C 4 I 9' C -- -— 1 ' ccv I. I\,If I V 1<, 1 V C Fi9. 6 4. - - 7-I/I -5- -- --— I / J l% 6 Fig.63. q I: r A/c C Ii Si a I FLq.GOI t I' I -I', — 1 --- --- I 1'19.77. I I (It I -I 0 cit -If -IC 1 ' 1 I. -Ct '- -o --- —-— 'i --- —-it It 6 it d - - - -t - - m lFi~j.69. F, a _I. 7i - —. I 'Fit /7.- I r- -p I ft.- 'I I /7c, ' - K II 6 I - I - 4'. _ 0 Ia' I. 70. I - - - -. II I IN F" < I', I I I I C I ' I I 'I - 71 -I lr:zttI I - --- — --- t C, I IIq 84. c t2N I.2. Ii fly. 73. a — In9. 1'ig. 73. Ihq. 78. -V Fig. 79. 4 — 4JZII flcj 31 Fi~J13O. (I 'FR). B?. ______ 4% WI liq.9t..YI -c-tfi I I C- __ ci I a11993. 41k -r o C - --— I ~5' II hqlOO C___ VI Yiq.85. I Ir p. f. ~~ 4' Pl~ate XXEXXVII. V a a~Z~;~~ fQlk~~ $~IP~fm)~~flSd,~g t-~tON ( SWAS _ ~____ _ __ __ __ ~____ _ ___ I Scalet of D~etaiisian4i 14 inchl. ar t k --— 6) Fiq~Ki6 0..~.~~. c:-i II~i J rIg 4?. II-E21277 Fiqs.43. ' Sr Fiq.21. "Q;~1 cm PEiqs 27. ~~~r-2 C I Fig.21 8" II Iia 20 n f sL--..n 1 ES ---------------— 1_ _in! ITT] PW -7I F~iq s 3$t. 3 rJaL ly 1 PL_.(.._____ _________I`___ _____1L__;___ _ ____ -- .-I_._____II_II-::r;..II:J__.71I_1___ Cr ---L —Li --- —-L --- —-',E"Ly s 21. 1 p ho 2; I;'Y s 3 -B r7 Figt, i T; no-F -t — - z2? Fiys.~. rr' -;4 - i" I I -— I —Fis . gi ~: ------- 7 2-Y 4-L —__- 2 ~4 I 1 ---,.. _ ___+"CI-'w -r --- —- f f-'7 d i. I f I I I I I I lit! i, I i I I i,, ----; --- —- -1 --- —7 L I I I i i 1 rq f-y; II i I I I I,= _ = I- = ==r,=,=l- :, 4- -3 2 'a. *I~ 'I) IFg *I. F? n, Fi.32. ~ --- —------- -. --- —---— 'i-7"~- --------— ~ ---- ----—; r~ig s 33. -to Fi /t~ - ~ N *l 4'y P ~ ' L_ ' iqs4O/ -0 a~ 0 Scil of Truck Eil~nwk. 2 4 - I, ? I I I!I I I rrll I ' ~ I I I I I * ~~I~ I r I Fi1 I FI,, iII n 1 i n I,, ~Iti....... 1.;,..., C-e 7 -~ -- -~L-.~ ir' r'~r j1 n I rrW, -I I i, rJ.J irl 1 i I / 1 II ltJ3 ~L i: -e II I II -t )7 -7 1.~~2~ Side VilewM VrontfleWi V: -I- - —. -1 II -- —. I -. - ---------- ----- - - I 11111 3 11 I I I — ~ -- --......- -.- u.~ ~ = At a R: U Pl-a-te, XXXIXYII. C C,.A ~A ~. ~-Ykt-~AD TtW RPS~Xkc~itiaiE~w Wt) WOODCOVIK XMlaster-1 MecA', t l~ore of Cyhnder Iliadhes Stroke of, pisitoft 15 inches Diameter otc Jrivers 54 inches 6 H HEW HE WEE H DIE H WE I 11 ImOtsman., w, xci oFFIM ". itIL r-k I z'^4 A0 -) -r^y *v!^ i^ F a k ---i/f "'1 ^' '> Side View -5 'Iff ( ti, -, Plan of Ecp^itlizinL^ beam ---— ^t^-M, --- —. --- —--- - iT.. -- I 4 K-I Plan -— a - ----~~r — --- —--— —rf ---l.~ Fiqs 53. Palai Side View -:-~~ —;)(.- --- i Ii(Q 56. Side View Rear \b e- ari4 f —o"'.epwlz Relar1 bearing f'or eqjualssg beain CenrIre pin for epuilg.iheam ] —"i- K-~ "iSide View;;Iroiw - ^' J Ti9p57. $ I jO * I — i - t View Box coiinecting eqyualz. team be~aing -withl Truck - i 2Il22Z Plan ** 9- -------- Ia1Lners for Bear Tnrck | IA II l I — _^____ _____ hm__________ — — ^-' '. 60. Upper Piece Fiq) S5 (61 LoQw(T iPieCe ^*-^ Cen~tre Cast iiis for hear Thiick ti de:Yieiv Sude View Fig S 58,/ __ ' ^ ^ '~ *i , " 1., - , - - rIl 'O'., -..:,.,. -1I I, 4. DSTMWsMW LOPI Plate L. lkq. 7.Lonsitudiua1 Section thvollgh Cylindrr 1 J313 24 *. c8C >f 4 ,, I , ill I a; Ic - JE 1 — i-I ft Liii B3 11 a U V -If L .1 4 r $ g 6 Th r hi I -- \ S K S Ii L - I 1 I I I III '3 LbS Er B' \ In C,jt Transverse Section thromh f'Iq - ----------- -w — - - I throuK Steam -~ AteiwwSlidrViilve 2-Sj ---- C 144"C Ig15-v C * 4 7 #4: &Jfl Pi9. 9. flan View of uynnaer I 3 - - - K S2 &wFtz ~\; =.=;tujiY;ii =j ilL 447I 0 9 _J- + - KG i Transve Steainp ge SectiolL tiTrough. i e anti Smoke box - - — A4 -PPB SW C II in B' 1? a C 'C V I1 I I 4, i1r 11 NULL 7 e - Fi9.21. Throith' InsiffeViewof Cylinifer. it to Ya I stuffing a I1{Se(tou liVe rod ) QX - - — 47, Vi9.22. Section, tlwough driver Side Mte nfl hong Section. (- 6: *1 id F V ft II \ / 1' I FiqsIl. Sletnti (TIwsi. 4sf aS -a'Fiq.15. Long. Sect ion ofFeedi pinup 2t4W -- - a; - 10 ) 0 Plan view S LIZ;VLIIIi f i - %*,t & -, L-] 11b 114f RearYiew and Section Half Section anj Side View FIq.16. I Rear '1* INq S 2. Eccelitric & Straps ---— ___________ PlanView -% 1 a p2 Vt -va-i I i I I"^ Plate iLI.__________________________ fil. 3 Fig. 4. BKAirvirr 8IJDC XfcBVATlON raow YIEW for ANTHRAI~iTE Cix LOBURNIN AM&MLOWElll Oy~blVEI~fl byuilt b~y the ThO Yrcw Scal Ic an inrwA-to afod L wnIii__ )[ I \ I i j. j 4 i I i ~ I. ~| i I i i |, i 1> I ' KZZII-L I-

',,, I ' -, I ' IKr' 0 2 —' 24. 'I, -,'. < itosition orlink 'liv in full gear forward. Positions land jT give tire qreat(wt (rave! in the thibr of ihdc SM k g2 K2 -r-- V-j-_ I' C 2 Fi9.8.,. I - ILF - Horizontal - -------— ' --- (hitre line (?f drhriqsb b -I --- i - : 6~ - nkm '-jyi C of "- 1. 9 'Vt K, I;g A &'wx Fzy. II-. Pull year fbrwanl Jx —y- - - .- 2 c-PITh — -,, N ' - 'to-, \ N I ' K #i+.Mode offrndiny theposition ofReversing arm shaft. The motion of the link being taken in The direction of the &nlre hue of lPk for foir back and tMid gear and fbr fbre and back gear. 'ii 1~' Ibsitions of link arcs tri full qecir backwarj. Positions I awl 7 qive (he grwltst travet in the Omtre of hnik. - Q — -k -I, — ' '"I '\ \' '-2 - - -I' -,1 ii -- I Fig.9. V 8'; Fiq. 12.htlI year backward '4 I 6 ' 41 4 762 Qnfrcline of link arc ci'?! Ivy (i'ntre line oflink are ~1'?], Centre line of skaft -'fly If- - 9 it, it,:) - I -P \, -I < - 13. 1/ode of/hrdinq Meposdion afReversing arm shaft. The motion of/he link beinq tacken in cc horizontal direction in the Centre tine iif link [br fbre ba4 and.itlid year and for fore and back -1 — A' Xe? - 4. e Thsaions of' un/c arcs in rn >4 - Fiq.1O. ~it I =17 Th IL _ '- I2 id gear 4 - Vi9.13. JIid gear a-i? 1/ 1- '-I -cw — - - t7iKi~bhtdt&fltre -— " --- —---—. — line f s/ta - Thrwlt0r - 9FP940?YLJPI -- -- -I -'iT It -It-, - U ~/ 4'- - -' I 4 2 Scale U tuSh to a foot - -4-s - -.\',' I IC / - (' Plate VIIN. * Z~~~'~~~ w~ 5h~~~!.Fin Fiq 8 p 2 t(:9-, Scale 6 incites to the foot Fiq.26. Fi1. Fig. Scale 1U inch to the foot inches to the foot S Fig.20. Water Injector Scale 6 inches to a foot Viq.19. 1 10 (oyA' - }A3 N*t 3 inchtes to thet fooot Scale 3 inchles -to 4q I Plate LVIII. DETAILS FOR THE, i~emeiityiM Fl^ JS~EW Steant U arral 0 ' -..S >:j' AF.s71 "4^. (... 34 c __ __ _ _ K Viqsf67. *1 N Q4__ ^_____ __________^ * VFiqs63. ar; *^r '\ fi "^. Qb~jj 0Qk^i~i Figs 69. - - 11 4^ ~ Q)^ 4) ^oTj; & '* \ -.~ //fp/ -41 Ftq 74'.;t^ -~5.4i: *1 - 1I1 ct' - Ut' Fiq s79 p1 -43 5 6 75 Ct N' 5 jJ14 - ED VP1i 8 (75' fs{ i, 4. -^I'.4 -,, -- _' -— _ -- I E -~" *a' c=^l ~ nU' a^' $4V Ur "s Fig ~7I5.' -t4: 119 *S) 'jg^ —r — — ~^ ii^ [24.. L. Fits;8. -- - —. --- I ) ScaeSice to 44e foot fCr N ", C a r r....f 3-rjrF _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - I -.. _^ ^. * -.^ *< 4' 4. - 4' S. -- - - 5I 41 i~-; —. ~ ~I: 1 b "i S ~ ~;;PP ~:,I~ j t -I i f;i S a - r - i ~;%P P,I~ n j * ---- I I i "~~"~ I 1- - r i r s E fCB r~i I r / ~~ —' —"c ---t -— 4L" C+/,, CL r I ----r I I ii r J_ r n I I --- -ti t, ~rl,, I r f'i iL-Cr 8 — f ----~ \ -8 e~ e t i i I ~ --- —-----— _,erp " ~ ----$ c / "'~I -' - --- ---- --— 3jT --- —-~ — ------— 1 --- —-— (- I r i L ----% -II ----A — -r - - - - I" -- -— ' — 1 1 r I — -ul i -— ' --YI --- — f-l-t, -------— ~ --- —-- - -- - — r- - 1- - i /-1 1 1 I -- --- '~ —1 —" '-I-- ""' —-`' I r I r,_,,,,,,I 1 C5 tt 1 'I tCst- --- r I / 1 --— ---c ---- Ct - — 3 ----— 3' `.~QZ I -Qs- --- S -— rU-" --- ~ — r;d -— I —i-I4' E CB1 Y — — I r CL/ i c --------------- r CSa 1 1 1 r I,_ -f- r 1 Cf r t- ~C L sl I I I I, / r ii I I I I Jr- rt I j 9: 1.___________,__ -__L_ r / (r --- —re ---r I -—, — 'g * II I r *r I r r t I r 1 i 1 r Il:P;:d r t, I 'i - - -)- - - - ~- - -~- - ---- -- ~ — - - - - atLC,.C I — — jB i ~-4 -L i i 1 i --- —-9 ' rr —6 — " -- 'i r C C iJB It I:f I f ' /f I 1-" I i I I -9-* I ~iS-. zJ -e I1L 8 I \ c / 1 'C!/ I / — -~- I/ r I r I — f- —l t I - -~ ----~ I i \ e e e8 C ' i I,1 a I 1ir - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - — — - -- --- ---- -.- - - --- -- - --- I — I, I I t i~ i I, t __ - ---- ~~~ i ' i, i;l 1 I_,_ t --- — ~ - __... _ - ---:1.. ~ 1 ' -; _ ' 1:I I " 'IfZt e xeI - 9t~7.- - - - - - - - - --— T --- - - - - - - - - - - - - --- ------ -- - - - - -- - -F-- - ~- -~- -- liF: fil Fig. a.manV2ew. -C_-J;3~ DL C I Ds 6 tls -. -..6? — ---~-t41 ------------ ---—.ltzb ----ca:- --------- i FCj 1C111,j.. 1._..:..li II i~u'i i~$IL(C ar,I$ 9ji AO fT I. I ui" ---— I —~-~-~~~ —I ~-~:- P —ii-iXX-.iiL-r -. ~X.,, 1. u/ nSf, `' --';~ ---.. -.. ^.. --- —--- LB,OD rl jit If i -.; 3.:. 1 f......;...;.,.... 1E Tii' I:I Qi] C I.-. ----.~ --- — fl5Zt' --- —- -GI i ~;j: Db ( ~ P8; I;fl~ ) i I ;;` 'I-;` i'll' *-~"-"~'; "''.*1) — ~- ~ --- —-- -----------— I --- — —.-1;P —llr. ---- -..-.......... Bk I. *r —~1Cl^"i_._ *L ---~-'*~.~'-. ---.-.~ — ~. —''ly..-r.i "~~~~~~~ ~ -I~~ i*v- cm~I - ~337. - fl* —i - -- - - -- - - ---- ----- --- -i Fi. 08 anie,-_ 0-. 0.~6-~-~t4 e" --- —- -— 0-tz ---c: ------ H- C — G-O 0 --- A -Vt C VT~ 0f 3 St (4 F{6 ~j Ir*IIDOYP1131YI) 4 idL,fO d ffjDt I 3 a,z, a tin 1 f i I —: I ~ i::.. I E 1 i 1 ~- i I i I; ~1 I I I '4 7*'I a- 1,.:r gr:~~-.- x,- -: a Cr 7y r6' lq i I I e;i i , 1', I 0 4 Plate 14X. A2 rt.iI T414, I tMjJ*.Le S I A2, 23 Ah '; : '% > b (1 jfJ 6&~ -— J'r C;. Am A A '1 — --- — -3-i- - k - ----.tr ----M -,$ - - A'S REAB VIEW S < ~F]iEtIt V 'K MUfIV2I2 BUILT BY fl-I if SIDE EU&YAflOK B6:Th A20 I I 43 0 rn - C') \ IL _____________________ __________ &tdecvz theA tot4efbot _ I ! f 1 k I I I I I I 6' I' /I' It- a * ft I A -7 7 dv Jr i, 1 I I , 0 4, VI 4 flat e.LX[. Tiq.6. >115; wsw SEnCDWI ' i I C) -" —4 s8s8s~s pG Ph o8o8o 000 000 0190 41 rN.K C B9.1 U U: oooooooo 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 9(0 o OOQOO400opkiO 0 A' S -p 40'0000%000 00 Q t r-r:tTTh A 0 0 0 Q o'd o 0 do %&h---- I oLt&OO 0 0t 0 0,0 I 2, I - - - C_ 0 Crtoo au0&ILtflQ 0 2 K' HtQt- i j12J oiQ-4AW&4-S-4-a 4i Q LU (' ' ' C - - ~ D N) \;6i9 ~ ir" TANEfl'flMNAL SECTIOX ilironh Smoke Box. Uwouli Fire Box)JGUC FREIGHT LOCOYMGFIVE 0 45. - COil - 4 AI *.Plate LXI. f~ ~ ~ i -- DFjiETAILS~ wBSPP'mK a~N-xER LOCOMOVIVK rp --- —~ ---o- -^ [~~~ ^ -i:\ ^^-"' --- —-^-~$'"O))^G Hiorizontal Section throzi~i line AB. F'i.3'k 0i TFi.35. -ei — Furnace door - I 0 ' -... ----. 0; I^-~-'*; I 6. 4t 'SB (- a" C jij (t4 —4Y C: r -f f- * * - -* - - r - - ^. ^. -.. ^. - - ^ -- -.. -QF, ci L __e L ---7-IP1i I ' II 39. J [* PT Fiu.43:. 47 * ---^jl^::^ '-,. i..L_____________ N Ul 4* J__ a-If7~i-gs~ S Fig. 6 47I.( ift Fin. 541. Throttle MValve lever I TiN.438. 'N —4 - f —: - -- S ) " "*"* - -^ - ~- - * -- *' --- **- ' -1 C 4 Croshead. Fiq.~14. _ 3 '92 i 9a Equalizing E I Fi. 53. I, w 3 - Icain beariiid '9 31 g2 j F1q.55. o5 - */7//' [-7 '. Figsy52. -ReeY — rsnvier stand /: i? ' L I Revierainglfever stdnd- * Fig.40. IRocker Box. II Scae 1 iit iinch to the foot AJ { * 0- --- 4-... _~ 1 ~ I-:I I `." t. r -1 ib L -~ AI late L~Xm__________________________ Howr to findt f]h~t mi er travel, tlapI of\ cLt off m aM gmr$, wlius of linkc, lead..- — ^ ---,ipP. * " - ^^ ^\ *S2 ^^ /// IC^ ^/ /'' X,c; / ** ^ -~~ ~ ~!ig *f ^\.^.^M ^'*.-, H —.. '^ / ^ -^. —. ----i — """" ",%I- ^-H^F- ---— ' ^' tl /^.- -.;/ "3 * ' \/0 — -, * r- -' <,,y \ / i \ * ^ -r,^ -^ '..-4 --. —~~~~~ '-.^ - ^ ^...... —. - - -.^. - -. -:t \, / ',! "6'. '*-^ *. 4 ' r/^ ^ y' / *,; /^ ^ -*" -;^ -'-''-^ ^ '.- a^' -Is^../~~~~~ ~.^ * / f ".i " - - - -..r"Gb -L1| - ^''^ ~^ / ti/^ ^Fi / ^/^ 1. I~, ' //^ ~^ '* I'' &.; - P'late 1,Xm 'iF G 1 Horr, to linLt f]7ctgewr tBE, tdlSTI f)ri cLtofin aUqes.nulhss ol'linlc, lead C3,irplP. -fL cFlI ~B;t C V Q `:CS ~rs c~~ ~~i,~ a ~' $ c~ Pi kig' I c JI d i tl C,r: i ~' '4~3 t L'C t3 't.. tit r i i ~954 t Q r5~- tE I ict'05: f 'r~c-~" -L~ --- z1, r"~GbZ t~, Fi? r I f" I ' / r :-. .,I I I 1. J... _ i i cie i lh" V C r li/ '' Lit/. ~-pb- - bJj p Ib i ~i~s- J- _ r x~ -IP2 3 F)~ I I it I ( i s1 i I b6' i yb! I I, iC rzhb t i~ i I I r I,X) L4; `i i;gi) I d ir ~~ ~~26 o I i r~ -' ---rYr I I:`Q I f e3 r B r i 'sj Fe Fig.l$. rI 'c?; o 3 I Ati Lil I pC: r 9: 3j ~i~~.~~' Y i ~Il`~t~,a u~ al-C 3:- FI -^^' \(. \ I ' ^Ila /'' ' *, \ { '> * \ I \ lh1 ^ ^ I \-^ \ ______I?| \ 1.! T"'''''^^'^^^^ ^ --,,, ' "T ell Dia Pin Mue7 Lter /V' ' ' / oke of~f pitn..- ^.2inis ' -,f/\ ' * -^ b 'jy ' wtw ofe niec _ l ^ f — I" D r/ia^of.:..8srkeL ^ t^l ^i'e fon hf^ —.-.J'{m m ~ocnteo - \.1 -4 - - - - '4-" - - -- 1 C A It 'II/ ---- ' — \. - - - - --.5 --- 4v7'3T~7~" *,' P' _5'; 0' - II III Lthi 1/I 0 I: L - F f: / ~ ---' ---A — ~ — r -'7FIX171T Pri A1 J IrY ~r *rtCX'X'B: 20 *.'.r --- — — UP- lfl Ax '5 \ I 'I —.-. — - ' t7 - . - I;i 12 -- V 2 I *, rn --- —r-,-, a P * - I--I-II - -- -~ --- I. ------ --— — -1 - -—. --- -- -I ---- - - - I ~ —- — —1-111~1-~~-~~-~1I-~LI11- _ _ 1 _11 ___ I- -~ -- -—. II".I~ -~-~~1 - — ~C - -~ . —. ---~I ___...I-~IIIICLII*I hlPIIIC~L-.~~~r*111 1- ~W~~L; -*1")"1114 ~~1 W~~IID -LUI.. rY-*rCIIIL~IIWIII 1. ilii iii;; irr.. — ~ —i ri i_ ii --- ji — — -L — — i i i_i_j_ LL_lii I_-ii;. -..ii **-C.. LII~ llll~~lla-rUIIII -L~CII 1 ----- -1... L I; f I Plate 14XV. K. 13 Q;' I \, I ~. (4 0 wQ: . I I I ' I I ':t. K / -* 4 IS 7' I, 4' I I, I I I 1 1 I I 22 Ib I I I I t I I j I I I I I I I I I Fiq<,Topview I__ -. '____ T^"" lO.AFro t ie o \^ I i^ 1 S4 ^...-S ea pipe. —.-(?- _.- _- _ \\ fi''"_- i4g^ ">*^ ~ \c3 -t -- - <2<.. \ A __ L- Wi RA A ) IM T O t ~L4 Se IISe \ c- -t Jc — S I I rF I I II I I Ku 1i F-Uh _____ 14, ---;-; ~^ -- - I I S - =3F = = Q^ -4 se ^ ^ * C $se V. View N ^ A- UIL <. -... ^ i ^., 1tffiJI.. — (4j) - - V, I I I I 46 ___________________________________ I I - - 29;t' ** I I I I > - -, I I I I -1- -________________ _________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ --. - I I I I I I 43 f 1 ny - - /2 - K1 A:,; ic~ --— I I. - N I (i)fl- - - -I 139 ---— -- I __ F-. - ______ I I1 I 1-- I B10 I -' I,..i.j I VT 4 4*. TJOllgltlI(iilltli Seciioii L K - I I throudi I IV' 1.-.. --- —- ______________________________________ Fl Red] Steram pipes 1-in 19 ]nt;n 1 Ss t1 " rT K - I4 . )XIOTWVE WORKSi -1-J - \- \.-" -- 4jL - I^ ^..-^. ^ -. T^~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I I~r 1. j t ~._. ->i,' '"\ iFig.~~ 6.r n v r e S ciI. — ~; \: ^ ----. ---.~..~5,~.,.,.,.^ ^.,..-..- --- -- - - - * -- -. —.-. —^, / 1 jr Scal 2 nche tothe oot A'^^^^ ^ ^^ /^132 ^ ' Stear Q^ _ o ---_9t7}_______________ ---— 0 —*0 --- ^opViewY"of C) -- - - - j- jd -. -- - - -.- - - - - -- --.-> r ^ Q..~. Q...^^ L y t r~I2 Fig.q. 9.Transverse Section.1 Side View of I~ rI l L=L t~ 4 Iflate I4XVJI. rLv PARtUN Cd 4 -Er & 24 I' Fij. 51. Top view of EI>ne Frame (3 [ C) I TZJflF -0 -0: C —0 -& --- - -C> -0 — -0 C. 0 L 11t1i7 4 iILIjIj IAJ bILt7 LU'Jt OJL- J' r. -- 3 -:xt +t,-4 audit, ut rca w — (1' K --- — - c? f Ax__ -4 Side View. C 7 F -V 1?i9 S 3. Valve stein roLls. - - Et+ 6 13 2: S C )4 I Fig. 67. Top View. B 3' 7 K; 3j B3 Ikq. 66. SPite view of Guide rods. J33 I 1' the fo'ot: Fig.62 ti % 68. 4 2 5' 'I Fill.69. —rn — ' '2 Rocker arms Fip7O. "/I -Wa ~4 and Slut I Ct FiqJ2. -r;I 't 9' 94 -* - 2 4 - Fi~p6t. 4 -4' 4< '5 9 k- - a.6 i I j, -dw Plate LXVIIL '"cC^-?' - w~~lnJ I arsr~1, B ".^ l I __ __ HEAR VI~w sli flJ'Yn fiO Scale 4 aniuncihAo a foot G^W)KJ e^aSj*Z 269 Pearl?IN f fwf I I I I~ x h1.?; ^ a t e X I, ~ ~ ~.. ~.. ~.~~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~7 - LAN)) 4 2rsr ---— ---- - I - A ---. -.-. --- I,-,-'I' I' 'I / 1/ / L 4 INI1', 1ig.24 ^ --- —- Ircu'i^posdrf^t^.Arab1 faje ~c^y^b qd i ^/ ' \ \ ". —. I * / I- I \ -. K e rvl'f ap,,~,, ^^,-' — - I 1kC.19. ______ IJ4aWdkfl,_ /X!easedand ~zrupseon \ I N I r-~-i / / I i / i digritgrgs FI~ sio~ Ik 49 I 1 I' II IJ II -J I r! ltp fount '~"1 — 1 — r —t —- - Ste ami port Steam, jiort I I Tflote, mrtI I0 7 - \ '^^ ^^ ^ to tS -- - N-.. *It / ( * \.... \; ':! \ \ " \ / / / / / / / I* lb find the lap of the Vatat, sko&w Ike enroan ^the Crank pin at tkt^poirft of caftinq off in 11w crank circfr and the middle of the VoatSz^fmitkoutlapy) in a eorresponding posiftoio at right angles to the crank, in tire vatlue circt%, anid 1hw ditance? from Uhat point to af/ perticalt Une Through the. cenitr of the valve, or. crank circt& mitt be the lap required diagram ehbn'ing the gain by enereatsin,9the Value lmvet 1iq.23. -atW /- -,^ -i v f~ n 3 ~ ~ --,. / — ^ '^ I" I-'/ */ / -' ' /' V " / V 1 N \ IN I N\ K- \: I/- -,1 N IA %I \ j I N ' ----< release anti cmprf^ /^T4 tibP!h ~Y~thtkcsrri ^ /.Stean tobe cut off at! I 7JI 1,11 — I I -.J/ --- I /1\ 11 I. -r - / / lEt --- /, // / / / 1/ / / /' / / 1 / / 1' 1.- -- ~ I \ I> N~ar ^. St. N e w j. * Y - ' - / -' / '^*;-:-'7'-:'-./' I K lNate 14fl~. Ti gAl. 7 - - -4 --- A S -,w --— < twf~i0 ci o -o Q -0 o cx & oo oo —e- 0o, -oooo000000000000. A, Ai5S ci ~ S 0 A& 0 0 0 0 0 o0ooooooooooooo rO 0 0 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0'04X-0jb& U tJ) . 0000 0000000 00 I A2 % 13 M 34 ILkLF' SE GTIVR W44Lr sxno: flmnight)lin4er amihiellox llunni~h Fire Box I TC INWJ K BITIJ4T flY )fJfl%141c4dpA1111171w/Iny[ N' / /d//4r (OP. 4 717? t/4JJ'(X ( MIIADE giA 8at/cfbrcIetoafixg "'LI' L ' I . d P 3? C LOKGItIflIKAL SEC2flON 'I * c j5' I ______________ S wwgisscNBoJ3NS OFflcji Zr *t tc' n' ze' V 30' 34 32.33' 69' J. II I' 4i I 41 6 Plate LXXI. M ' p II g 2 A 20. 1 -y DI4 wM*iWY*M I 7 M~U# \ HR Cl I VazLb " 0 ' - ' I ' I / '. ______ a. a a % 4 - 4: % - Fig. 29. Eccentric and rod. - JAq.28. Fiq s 35. nrnvab[e wedy -.1 Fiqs 0 J) ea if we4~e 1 V 1 r 19.io.reeo. 1111111). Cf 4 Fig. 38. 'ft 1 S 's Safety Valve Fiqs 24. El) c - C -V I, - K 9 1 *,n 9 t; 0 4;d:9I: I I sc 4 - - I - - * p I t -7 'I 0' ~2 1 y /., I At0; I H9. 25 114 Equalizing spring for 4. S - — #~4 N C _-C --- d -- 6S -4 Q i Ftq. 32.Yertical Section K Q ' _____ _ — -K . V 'I - _ a t K #% C -C — t a - uZ N 4 -2 liflPw nrjjj.3 Lit] FLz —J LIZ- 2 - . -.. En —] U ---.- TI LIT I L- -J 1 rzztizz ii h -- - -' Scale 2 indhes to the foot. I fross lIea4 A If 6. - Viq. 27.Throttle Thive lever 7. 11 3 I'm *;- - ________;3f II# —. 14 F AO a% N __.t Dt - 4 - 7I rI 2-' Fm:- Ar 9 * -itry ~ I 14 N 0 k 11 1, 'di e i ). late LXXII N K' 7 Fij.3. _________ j-r —t -.-.- K ____ ____________ 4 =t ' ,x tj A A - ai,;', AOI I II " ' p A j/i g~ Zr ' 0 ' irk )4 I At IrPzt: a '1 ' T WON FORANTHRACITL COAL 7ATTEPiN tpp p K built b# L arrtlT i sIkC2 Ut (5-i 1 4', 24' - I At' '9 ii ' -p *' =' -: m = = '$1 '2 pjiA9 LPU Pu I - - sf1 K Ms 32 Aiti: A3 _____ __ --- r:4~ k __ ________ A" It A N> - It --- - Q ---- — 234 ____ '< I A '1, (4, K. A20 L:. p - - - - :jls. 9 4-' C I p5 -p 8 oo 0 0 00000 0 0 vt ~O-0 000 QQ 00 - - - Ys O0-O0 7, 5 [ S&2P Vfl tT' # I Fiq.2 iLl I N, aG P6 - - - -.- 77. _____ A WWE OBK Qomcs -..- " —P B' ii ewYort. ----- }iriir -A -H' -t - 'p - C -— * ----* --- —-— * —*U* --- rrr-2 iirir------------- - i _______________________________________ II ''I I if 4 ".', I I. I I ______ _ ~__ ___ _ __~ _ ____ I_ _ __I it Platfe LXXIV 1 I -- ---- -;- -- I R --— —.. ... - -...-1-`. ~ -~~ 1 —.... — ~ ---, ~~~ —~ -._. I 1 1 I ^ i_ j f-7 +i --- ------ - 1-h~ * --- - ~ -..-.~ -, _ ~ _,._ ~. - - ~ - ~-i-i - * - - - - - - ~. 1 I -,, -_L = ^ i;.- - - - _-1;J-1- --- r" — -' i 4- I-^:^; '- -l - i- l ' ' - ' ~ ~ I _ ___ I, C t ----Tt --- t- --- ---- L~ — i!. <-I-C-i - - -i --- —------- C__u~ —: L — ~?/ / *^,-."" — -- -f -- h'" -- -,, -J T~. r.. -- -- ^ — --- -* —_ 4-^ -- J-;i~ ^^^^^^ —:^-^ _^-^-. --- —.-! A ^ W ^- ------- -/ I 3^^: i I 1 \ CIC —CC -— -^ — ' rl,, ' * T ',T -1CI 1 i 1 I 1 rr I I 19 1, I ' t r `: ~ I i I I II L-C' ~rr*r** -0 - rf~l — I — -^- I LJ- I L^ | -^ -- L- -LJ4 T^- ----- ___ [: _____ 1 ______ L _ * 6^ - s; -- I * -- 1 ---- i |: -^ 000i " "T E 1 """" " '"]. r - - - -,, _ - - - - -..j- ^o o o b o ^.^.-?; -- ^ -- I — Z,- -- - -1^ O~ ^ ' --- r1 - ~ = i ^ ~ ~ ^ ~ ^ z: ^ m 1: ^o o ^ Zgg -- I I = -1 l -- - -- i ^ 0 0 0 p- I r-:I= _^ ~= ^z n_ ]" ' '" ^^:-^ _::^.^ -: ^[: "^afo ^\ r T l m - r - -rl rl ~F -J ti - - - v I , 1 1 ' - ~ - - C f 1 ' -<,^. \ ) Fiq.S.Plan View. i I I i i II: Ir I i II k -- -^ -— ^ —.^ ---- - - -4 - ^/ ---- 4 - -^ - 7 - t- ^- - - - - ^ < 4-t~ --- —^;; ^-.. --- —--— l-r'* _T I i I I' i /: ~ I:: II i tl I i -s I.... r 1 : / 1 r.ry _ __,il_ II Lli I B I '/ I I; i C I C t I11I i"~i -`t -' ""' TI — — --- — I I ~?t[-: ---~-tt~-3A -- -.- ~.__-3 ^-r" —~<- - -. - -.- - _, I Bl Scl i an inht afo rc-\ v —^ —",i~~~~~ -f- r- t --- —- ~ - ~ -- r ^ t —; ---. — i~~~~~~~~* * -i t-i -— l- ** -- *(- -I *~ -j ti t,, -- 'i* ( — * 4 — ^ ' or '^^::::=^ "^ - " ~-a -j- -~I-i_.__lJ *~._ ___ _ __ _ _ f-^ ^ - " -r - - ~ -.- ^ ^ - - ^ ___ a " j y. ^. 1 — 1i'-^ ---- — ^.-;- - - — ^ -^.-^ ^ --- — - - ' f ~^-\ ^ G-~ - - - - ^ v-^!^^ c-^^-^-n ^ — I 5)^ U.? i Jc........ -4T... ^Z ~Z ^. -.....4...- -- - -$ __ __ _~ _ _ -jS-y-^" -~-.- ' ---' - - -.^ ------— r 1 — ----------- * --- —---------- I IC II II Ir tI Plate ILXXYV.,, SROWIN& THE EFF ECT I _ ~ _Z., __r~ _~ ___. _____: P V I-"I SF INSIIW LAPI1N Vf FOA,QIF I I i -- --- ---- ------— ~ — --- - ILLb~ *WY K UiF~l l 8~ ' DECflEASJ1WrThE THAVE;LOF ThEE 'EED ENGINE V ~.. --- —~ --- __ V _ -- *1 ___________________ ;,'/ all \ Ni.i K $ Ni 'i \ N\ \ I *\. N \>N> ~ \$NN ~NNN N ~ \ \\ \\N \1 N\N X\N\ N N N N< NN I i i 1 ] Tai2ve wvll~ L;i 1 Yi l~f i is 5 I"i ~ rl: a"ii B fulue with - tira, I ch insldc~ lap ylpe wlt i EO' I iq 3 1~ Jr i nib 0?"!! l;lp i' r ILB~\, iI;t~"~''iihi ircirt, 1 rc;~"," L ~ r r II v / c 3u — V17A ~ II TI ~ YA I,- i if II Y3 f / --,, ~ I, I II II Y/J/1 / /:~'/lil/';/J'/////l////Jll=~3 1 i I I I, I:i 2Y I I a -- IRV~ ~s` *\ Stcamp El~xEa I, / -- / I. / N.. K K ~9terQ~rl12~t1 K/i i i II _c _ _ _ --— F - - --- — 4~d~ r T/a ~7~-r --- —e i? /~ ----— ~ --- --- f I a /O,~ S ~ ijii~ ~i u r i ~i i :\\\\\ i rr ic - ~-~~ ---- -~ ~ — --- -- --— 4CbF; T/a 7; tpa we i "c-^--I ilLI_ ~1.~-1 e* ~ik;* 24' 21" i Y Y --- ----- __ 5* %' ~llC3 —~-~-~~-31111Il-~~ ----Lslll~~ —. _ Scalle (S iune~to I-the foot: I 1 I 1 - __ _ __ f -- 0,kmn I A i ;Q Plate LXXVI Fig1l 0. Reverise L ever. Figll. Reverse Lever Rod. iETAILS FORTKOCUL9 tICGTiB COMOTIYC Fiql 9. ns ^ l l 1 *k I ^14 ^ - -- r-^TO - h~ OL? r- — I 1 'Q) - r V Nt a. V 'U. (-~ Thtl'iy * Zrt 3. 4'I.L-i -- ii Ni Fig.17. Fig.q6. Reverse Shaft e j L F412l2. trtrzrr —u-tr-c, r 4 - I Fig3. RockeP Arm. t fallO.Link. Fig4O.Valve Rods.. '-gr4 - I - ^ K1? r!I.~ i u, = I; / k, \LL I I:::= I. —p r V __.f ^ - i ".c "" " ^ t - "? C I jl s I i \ \ I I I, ~I 11 ~ I 4 -^ fg21.Valve.. I' cM I; 4- - ir -.^. - iV^ I '- - i i?.',-.. Fjiq14. Transverse EH uanizin Beam. F1igf 5. - --—:I ----- -- --- -------- -- -- -- -- -- ---- H,. eb c r 1 Nt i 3 t -I ftnr FigS a 'I -. —.Q —^ it. Fig.^.~ F89 r ~I "I.* -. - t'. e' Fig2 2. Valve Yoke. N' —^ t 'x r\. i -J I rl, I II d I. I i 1 I I I I I s-^ — E1.. - -K-^ ~1 i rc~c, -f --- —— ~I -----— c — i ~ u'~d -v I ~ t 'I i I I I a3 1ig'15.Long Equalizing Beam - - Fp3 Nt 0. pHO ^ 1 cli ttj Fig'2T. I.-. 'N K 4' V 19 N (* i K I:, g. — -&-r omncB^ I Id - 'ef >; I * - 1 11:'. ' * j Plate LXXVII._______________________ --------------- f F44. 4. REAR VIEW. / s si for BALBWONI &OOL~& PrRflSRT LOCOM OTIK~K Fiq.i.PLM4 VIEW. Sc e }- of an inehtothiefoot rr -7 -- I ~ -1- 1 -- ' " i ~^ X t -----—,1- I I/ 2 ---- I' —t'-2 —Z9~ '~ *r7 *f4' 7s1 iw ' fv' iff iff Sff-' 9./' S-&f ~.? ' Zf ^ ^v Q.WU$SENBOMS M^Otwtamo oItrc 9OCW0 Ppnarl St I~l~ ~ 0 0 9 I "t t P1 a to I XYXTU I 4 1' 19t1. Plan of Truck ScaIrI'~ Iroot. A5Zn Sot ... Fiq.I1. PI4in _ LOCCMOIIflNS r. I I 1 cv I A B'.34-N' - I B' 0 0 ' k- —. C en tr a Plate 44' L 1 - lv. 4. Side brace oilnwk - I '7 - --- — --- —-----------— W' --- —--- 0 C vi.- 74" --- —------- N' 74 )r I - I Vina9fl I - N' --- —--------------- - -a, tu7 -- TOD and bottom viece of Side Truss ---— N' Bolster Plate Is.,1 * I - r7g- 'I- N *'' — y N I ---I ' - ------— 4-4'-- — -- Yt 16. w-!61* -— ) Yront VieW 4' - I,J-i I I9t 4$ 0 B' I I 44I Q 00 \;12 FiqslB Bojster Pldte tflW ill I 1% 1 41 Fiq.-1O. Side Yiew - 199111 pring flO e -- I N Axle Box for Truck - - - #i912 -— I 6'Zr Yicj?3. Front View Viq. '20. SCCI(Ott liii' (1 b Fkf2l Section 1Ii: it 0 Plate LXXIX MK w; rum 4 r C Scale. 4 " I foot. F4 5. flj or nA ' 4 S t S3 I- I 0 0 A' I i I I irmrvri I F731rffi~ L4 I, I ' I II, I:111 I I A i I I I I '4 4. U 1< 0 6 I. (;t1 'I, e KG I 4 LI C - /0":Em5 inc 'a JxaLrLit I I Ij 3 G Ja A F -A Al I! I I m rn:; . I I. A4 II19 11, I A4 lit A w WI C I F, 7 1 -, 444 F I I- ': I 6 S 6 A 44. It . ' I p A A9 I L ' I ----- 4w 2 I I. ~., I... ----. I ,, — I F- I 2 I I I, to - A - & - -- - 4' 1~ N 4;.: j, 1 I, @;, 1 K I I I I I. I I I ' I {JJ1I[flJjJI, C,. F T ---T R $=, .7 -,-. I. L - -1 -A7:24J - I -L, c: - N K ] —4F —+ V 7 - p Lm go.cti '3 A6 1< I; A S '4 - I , I L.. 9 A K- - -.9 -- I, I I I I I1 -,: * a I I..... 10 A A L --- 1 t, I.'- 5, —- -. tA - I --- — I — - -. - - - aY&, I. -f -I a$ C C Zr z4 A4 4-:1gSc' I Gil I 1 &3 I ' -I. — 11 A5 -V1 AI; 19 1 If/I 3 II 4951'-. 4go,V 2 - J * 4 FTJT.4.....-...................... I I I, I .> I I I I I I I 0 0 $ at 'I A' Wi -4-: ' III I I I A4 I: I I I iI? V 13 LU 28 --- - -.9181 4 I j I I - 2 ' 1 A3 Settle 2 of an itich to the to ot mm1I T - - - 1 C;.7, S ft.1" I' v/, It /f, /5 - /6 17 T - -I 1 1? I II r .4J.4 - Plate LXXX. ~....'..' `;'.....;.. -.... - i ...........' -- ~_-__L ~__ I ~ ~....... `;-.....;... 111. —.. -......I - i ... ~ - - - -- -- - TtS IasBALDWIN FEjIGlAiND PUSRDM EN. Variable Exhaust Steampipe Nozzle. 3 F.~ F, s ir Section. Fig 11 Centre casting. i. F Side view. Fig.f Plain -I~;_^ | r:: * ~i.:;-'.. "-~':: '~. —l ---i -; ---, -.-. - ~., - - ^ Fulcrum for Equalizing B earn.: Fig.l7. Side view. Fig.lO Front view. ^1?' '' fdr Kingboli. VariableExhaust Stand. Foot Plate Bearing. -R S s i <-.-..J — ' Fig.l3. Side view. Fiq.14. Vertical Section Plan. 1'iq. 21. Front view. aini Sectioii. Fiq.22. Side view. -...-.,- -.. -,..~,~. ^....? '^ " ~ Fiq. 20. Front view: Firq. 2 5. Pnlat. I / I ''I I *I 1 II II N III U I 1 IrT I I i I 1 --- —-------— I.L r.L fi! I r- II /lft: r F 1F:_ -— '- -- -r 1 1,11,I -!-~u' " I -........- ^ t --- - ' \; ' 'eI..,.... '.. - -. *.., I'' - i, 1; t: v' ^'* *. c r.~...* '. I'.:....... I.,,, \ - -. I,w1' * J; - * 1 i~ r//t. *- ' - - ^ '* ' 1 K a' I ^^ s- -1 —I-;I ^ I.4 ---I 191 g.2(5. ^ I, L.. - Itt 1 ( - — ~~ — ~ —~ ---~-1 ---t- ~- ~ ~- ~~- ~~ ~ - -- -- -1IIlr-C71-t' —- I —'I —r-. -1-- '-~--. -1-~L t - - ^ I "s, I I i I, I I II I. I I II -. I I I II I II I )L i -L -CI~cj I 11 I I' I II I 1 I II` ~ T n vr -r pi r,; ~; -t-E-~ErrIia-:-'; ^-e-C- C~ ~I:- IL ~I i i. 'I -101-)-~ —~~; ~ —J-1-0- o-~ I —;r ~pr F:, _ i,.. 1 - — '- -- '' I G.WESIS8Z8B0 8I~tNflClR$G OfICU. 269 Pearl SlewYork. j - j 1 T~ I Scale 14 an inch to the footi ^ 0' _ _1 _~ _ _ LI.1 L 7 t9, SI J. I I. ----— r T_ _ ~_ I~ ~ ____ ~) _~L I "I. iI I rI *r I I b f~ In Plate LZXXXI. Plate IZXXXI. r -~~~ -------- - ----------- --- ~ ----- ~ --- — ----- -- -- --- -~ — ~ — ------- ---— ~ i -."~~A IL FOR ALDWYIN TANllK SWITCJIINVI ENGI~tck; t ~; ~ ~ i '1 Ill: oke >dd(k 1}tlS(?. SeIe lj==Ifoot. a b :k r J /41t z A 0 1<9" Fiq44.tposs Sectioii tiutab. C., (7) 2'g6 Side view..4 3 1~' VieW.idviw (I C) 0 (C? C;I C 0= 0 70 1 0; (7) N,, 0 0 0 0 C. C) 0 0 0 0 0 Sm~oke Box Ds1oor.,wScale ia=i foot. 9I '. bI' f-.A.T A1~ C-, (I J 'Js A~ (C S 0 i 0 0 0 G.WSIISS&$l~ C ERG q(J O~FfCC.. 269.Pearl St NEw~Yrt -- -- i..Y1 - -r 1 . i ----- -- ---- -r 1. ticale I titch to th~e fo~ot. - ~c rv 1 —1- n ------— t — l It- -I. " 5 *~se II_~ r _~~~1 _ _1 __ cllrliLI I 1 M T1 TI1 'L T LT ---c --- —--------— ~ ----~ — ---— 3 —i --- --- —----- - ---~I.. _...., ~- d r ~ --- — 1 r f' ac jl I 6' r 0' I N. I I I f. II I., 0, I 1 II I di Plate LXXXII. 1 25. Plan view. 13 a N. -%. & _ 4,.. /t B VALVE MW kL S LfO7ON N f L I GU FREIG I NGINE. 411 Ii', > j: - - - [S <5 ^w^^f ~y^~" '^wy^^^^w *^^^^ Fig.2 9. Side view. ii.L - - -- -I - > --- - -----—.^ -- - -^ _^ _- - - ^ -- 3'/" --- —- ^ --.4Y4 -Itt /,f " 1 I1 ' I I 16 1 1 1 \ \ ^ I,, 'N / (. I,,4 - - — flr --- -- -- j i / ttI GWEWXS$flBO$ 'S KNQ$UE4 Q Off ACR 26) Peirl St.New York. / / t - I ~ Scale inchl to t1e foot: -' -— r --- —-~" —i-1 --- -< * 6 --- --.- - -.-. -. "^ -,- 5 1 -~ J- -1. tI 0~ Plate LXXXIILL._________________ _ _ Fig.30 Plan view. __ _V___________i_ 0. p8 S'rW C oL-L^OI tQ:O 4 —; cI 7 I,^-1 ---. I ^ _ _. L - - - -A' ' '6 <; ~'..-_^^^, ---. ----..-^^ ffl, ITOSI I 1'^ \ \ \ SQ I .._. -y ~ 1% for rCrricIwr OR PWU ~R~G~ U^MOPNE. of I ~ ___) ', 2 Sc — ^^ "" k,^ 4,^ ^_____ BA DWIN LOCOMOTIY WORKS. / E15 ' J EI - ", - '\:-^ T, 118 " -- ^ "" "'" /7' /I - - - - ,, - - 5 - I 4C'-" -:-,, -, — /- -9J -4 - - /SJLC ----- 4 ',tf I "I ' :1, --— < ^**\*T ^(f>a.i,^...^"^y.... ---iT-*-*-f.t.^^*-i-i_+-j-~_ --- —-------------------— s --- —---- V Er" * I' / f -< '- I.1- \K: IVrU:! i;.s ( --- —---------— ^ ---( ---L-1 --- —— ' --- —-------------------------—! --- —---— ' --- —-----------------—, --- —-----,~, ~,~~,~_____________;_____________________^ '.^Ilil^___________________ i_________ —______ --- — ______________..ZA- Vi____'.<~LI.\i-tJS —i4L iNr.. 5-' --- —-----.__ to -'.-~..... 1;/B^ / / / / f i \ ^, r'. ~' j^- I ---^ - ^ ^^ \^ N r /' I x** ^ - - - ^,,*, - I t.- 1; / -4^ '/ N, ** *: -- - - - - — 4T... Is-. / / GawIussIE$nBOss ~NGINFXB~ OFFCE. 26 9 IPear1 St. New York. /./ --, s ''s * ^ * - 4- -- - - - L —. ---. 1i.9Sd view. -4'r-..- -- 4 --- — 4- 4- 4 4- 4 - - 4- 4- - --- - - - - - y ja4S"f. ---v --- —-----— _. 4 ---,-4 4 Q 71 '97 Scale A inch to the foot. i1.v rni r -~m St^ J' -^^m V S. I-. 0' '7, ft fJ4 F' -'/ f6 r' /Jl - 9^ ~' f^ /t. " AT f*' // flp /y /f izmzi I i I I I I I Plate LXXXV. I * '. --4 '% ta B ..jjjj27y r ,, I I -- 44t r '4 20 A I I: e4 N ci: 2 A sr:'A24 &NQ t;=czz * C: S U' *2' 44 M..,. Fig.3.RICAR VIEW. Fig. 1. SIDE ELEVATION. I KLZY C. 2 I (N - -J N tc:. - ,WS*I4$QR$$&IAWQI*0i SW QYFMZ. 269 Pearl St. NewYork. 1. Scale: it inch to the foot nilrmmmzzz 6 ' g ' ' I I I I I -z:L1111mE111211: a' ii' ri' iv' 'r' /1. /9'. tO-' Zr' -. .,. 4-.v c'* ' - *. - 0 0' r '-' m x - *4* 24' SC zr' 28' zs t t f , R I k 11 I il, f i li,1, 4- I I * * I Plate LXXXVI. 9 fL j 2r. I -i —K to C I r A. 21'- AIIk ~19 L-fm7;4t r1 r 'VN a,o Ooa~4ocfloooo, & ___ ___ 0:o o 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 a 22 o;ooooood oo 0 a a ooo4k &o 27 OAOOohQ & OKooooooo —o-. 0y,. 4 JQ5\0 0 0 0 0 Th% t 0 Ct7 1a~Q~p0 0 0 ii II I 0 c1 :o tWO 0 0 ot c 6 60 a a dwi q a //o gilL — ty-t- ~- e 0 0' 1 "0 A3 --- —------ -4-,-. 'C) 0 0 0 0,0 1 F* 7 V et;js a g \t 30 F r 55I C? t=z - . TRANSVER$EJ SECTION of ' of BMOKC BOX FIRE BOX Fiq. 6. Fiq.7. // '7k! Fig.4.LONGITUDINAL SECTION -----------— I -.3%rfA%..j -I 4. C ik rv F. S PIAI'J 00- " - 1 ~21 - -it -- I '7 -/ _ W5 ON / ' (r-; - ' UOUIYON4 - QAAS$J Bore of Oy'&dcr lb/wA es. StroP ofl4Voh 24?%~kcv. ci C '-t I. t 9 -U; C F ci ----------------------- I,' I 'C, Is* Ip c - - F'. I 'WPtoorunnnu ci nnnm.renwnn nrrt? nfl, 13 pp C'' --— tl --- ci To F tt..' * 'K -- - -. I it J*i S 'F wgeuucaaunj 0 WVUI4&D58V VaR LW!' B' 269 Pearl St.NeWybrk Scale 4 inch to the fool: rzvw -F I s' s' I I I 1 1 1 1 1 J;j*' /6' /7' f' -.1j' 2o- */' ii' *.g' *4' U' *(' *7' $O' I^ II I Hate LXXXVII.. N J c IFiq 14 S I B lb t 't N N w JI s S IA I Fig.39. Sectiont1irab. i rig40 Side Sec eehoitdftat A EJC -- /12 91 f I VaWe. 1% b N 1" >* Jf K Fin 9A tnnnihTdinnl S01inn a k ,-, Steam Chest B' B fir l(. - - ci -t -a — A AJ. ~1.1- ALKAL.. I. I, - 1$: I 4 - C * st'str j*Ajfl;jf N I - 'jit'J' — I Cylinder Fig.2 frP1an -- I N. BlastPipe. 1iq27tross Sectionthr. Fig~5dSectioit FigA37. FrontView. I I l IE:j&Dz I.' t& t21r I N I C -------— 4 B ed Plate. ~12 0 Q 0 t o P t2. - L3 I I -. --- — %/f -J --- I I - 4Jf *j 4414 I -— 1.0- Ii' 113 Q N I N N ) I r 0 P 0 V V I - 0 -.- I I. 0 4 0 ' - 6 - 11 B C B Fig34.B a I- -- -I ShaftI3Q Fiq-2&BaekView, Cross head. Fig. 32 SideView 4- - ----- /6 ckView. r1 4. p44 K:;v KP1 I C 4 j'1 Pump. - Si,,, - - p - I 4-4. i 5 1 I I - I — I — L, Il-4- * 9 I. I j253.Louq Section 3-.,N4 / . k h V1 54 pl. ---NA, p VW4yffi - '? - < *3, T T Check~lve. Fig.31.Sebtiou tiut at. r - - 14. t I. - 'S ~' k vcnv'i - i,. 'I.1 _____ 11 jI I - ':44. ~ 4)3 I 4 — I I 15t~fr, a ' I t 2 4kW -, *I I - I- * - Si * e I itJ.3).JlIiflO( in ' ___________________________ -. ---—. --- — ---- I Ii — NN F'ig.3O.ectioxi. - -li-ti N _________ 4 - V Pt CII'. 'P L -V ab. $calel} inch to the foot:. Li e.,.3, 4, 4 r -.:;.1 -. I I I I Ir A*L i~r i I I I I 1 5 ~a-eP ~1MEPR i f SCMW`DWas Plate LXXXV~TIII. -- - -- - - _1- -- — - -- I -- - -- - - _1- -- — - -- I., ~ I, I: ' r ~. -—;~- - Male Centre Cas~ting Fig. 41. Plan. Fi.2 Sideiew Scleti Fi.5. eqin liab F6 1 j I i I I Swiiw Motion C'entre Bearing Truck. Scale d:I. ~I --— r --- — -~ — r - -~ —, I 1 —r 1- —~T —. -I;.~-ri-. -I, 1 1 I r I IW2 K-"> t-; ~ i I U,- 3. f' 1, I r 'I' Is ~ a. F 1 i. -1.\ I CV ~ a I I If I I I I ~I I I, F -Q. I-, F I I I I I a ------- "F. IT r i. r I s: FC I - -g 1 i I F -FP I I rb I-~ II I8 1 '- I -k _1_ a 4 Spring Heel Seat. K. 47. Plan. fig.41. Side~iTiewi 1!" -I ~ 1 ~: I --- —-I aiD] - II ~I S —I- -~l "I ~, -~i-1-. a a Fig.48.BackView I I V.' -'/. 2 I. I p h j3-I' *'-. *I * __ IF~~i --- —~ W, L6Sa'N 'V. -~~ —I B rawr c a I I F II S 0 m I. Plan. I \ I I1 I~- Q N II " ~ ~ I~. tFiH I':: x24 F ~ - ~ E%:) I L I I I c I k 1 i*c k ~i F,.L.. -I ---- - -s'r~~ I I I r r -. - -.., ~. ~ - ~~ t ~-~~;Y~'61" F" ~~~ F1 F1 -rr 1 c r rvr c-r I I~c I' ~~ ' ' i - ' 31- /V ~rm qZ rr ff' ~P ~ LJnl.-. —...;/rl... C r F I I -rB. I F*dC.. Y r * L rl ';ru 6:'2e, L r /le 6J 2 st I 5; h,, F5' I r 1 —3 ~- r.I 1.., -)- — ~~ P3 I F i i r r 5 ~r 451: t: Pu r 1 9 r 1,1 k t r IsI ~5 1..i I 1 i 1 _ —c — C?3=-- P'~~-~ -ts i Tli ''7 '' '"1 r rr*' i r 1 \ r I \ i f: 1 r. i I I I I r a I II pT1 I rg-l CCeSd ~ brb r, 14 ~~ ICL i P FiS J * F I r ~ c I ~4 c~ L,......-.-.I~fi — ~ ~ — Fig. 39. Plan. a F; I I % C 4_ji$I; f~ /1~ -_ J -L' J ______ Y -- PStl I --- — -— 1~- - -- __ ~ ~Ii ll1ICi_ I -' ----f --- t - ~ i~.9 I ~t -? I Ih L —~ I I '31 r FZ I t --— fr~ --- —,i --- —— ~1-I 1/,,, 3 ' I -R -. D 5 // r I \ t Ilt 3 -r — I ' III L'F,I 1 I ill l'i Alh t \ I Ic- t, ?04k rC I I I -? — ---1C —~' -— l/j /I/.f'- JT-IT' —'7. L, -I I 1 L,-r \....... 1. 10., a. I t r I-, 'sj3 FJ F6 -C; 4 d ~I-u t t; II ~s '-c-rE": - t tr I1 i I I F61 ( — - - t j h ( rff i~ ~t i t r 1 i / i\ crr'J Illtl; I; Til / \ r Zp I T -, n thr. a.b. b F I / ~-, I -- -iCJ~r -I- LC-T — r cl_ t 4 - WI ---~ i.4O. Sectic - 's ~ _ ____ __ _ ___ __ _ __ __ _ I~ ~ ~ I - -- I -- - - I::...::: -. I I .. -.-y DETAILS O 1'MES lIGER ENOINDtrINET1KLEY LOCOMOTIYR WORKS. - ---- --- -------- --- -- ---- -; -- -- -. -I -;. 1.._. Sand Box. Fig. 6^. Plan. SandBox.Exhaust Pipe. aiZ b C Cf-~ — '*^ ^. -**^*,N' / Smoke Stack Sadldt. -,- ~: r I Ir ~ - 1 r 'Fi4.63. Cross iSection. (10 t 6 "b 9 is FMr* *; I 9SToi r I _c _ L_ _ _._ _ _Z pr ~-~ — r38 H ~ --- —------- — >-s- --- —------ ---— i —. 161 --- —-ci Th.170. Cylinder Oil Cup BF' 72. h h"... -I, — ~ ----)-rt"; "` I oaire Fig. 69. ha I y i Y I ~~ -td' r-le La q Dippei~ a h r ~i ~-.II EL r 3P a 3~jl~ 15",is.I I I i h r 1 r ScaleS111 c ---—.1 ii I I 1 K"t. ~Ilas II" 4F Nj.&4. Si(IcVie"A; Fji qll1 Ba ek Viecw. Fiq.82.Side View ion. Figd67.SideView. 1 3, t?.-F; 3 Fig. 77. Plan. V V -- ~~ r -Ay -^sy s^~.-u;u L! j lp i IIII 1:::: --- — -=:::::I::. -: =1:::-:::-::::- =: -~ Ia 0 DETAILS OFP PSlINGER KNOXN DV HINKLET LOCOMOTIVE W ORKS. Plate XC..IEt N'tirdYoke. - ib C i Fig. I U'1. Plan. B klides t Qi F ' J33 j e 91-Q J39 Fig. 104.IBack View. it J/^ -It Fig.1 Side View. 4,, Paae Rod. ( \[ 1 I Fig. 86. Side View. 13 7'71:.. - r S yIy e i.1 9 '.4* -&________"_____ 4* E z ---- 1 ' — - - - - 7. Side View. Whistle higging. us EC centrie Rod. Fig. 85. Side View. sii ~" 4- 'fCj s'^i' Holler Brace. Fig,tO0. - I ^ *'. Cvi. Cock Lever Rod. - Fiqg 107. ________ C 2 _ _ _ _ _ _____ ~.. ''*-.7 ", -** ** ir Fit. 9J1. Side View. -NN '-4 j Crank Pins. Fig. 91 5. Para~lle Pin. 0, s ' Iii ~,ci "A N sC ---.. I,/r BDamper tRod. I — (CIylinder ci'tckRig~ind. Fiq. 9 4.Drixdn ^ Axle. n? ^*y" r --- liiU I li*' i, t' I I Ii PLateXCI~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4~ -;. t'; irl; irl rl. - 1 -- -,- 1Nt N N D S OF~i~ P~ LASMUEN ENG~INE ~IN~,PNE LXdccrlrs LOCO OIVE 0 rl. - 1 -- - --. Y Fig. fit. Half Plan of Frame. t Scale 3 zj C 4 ie ->21 o 7' Irp L ---~ - -~ -LI, - ~~ rclt a ~ " ---~4 i I 2 '7 ,4t 1iy.,: N "- -r-9 6: *f ~" ~ Irbi" a $1 " Er' Re~verse Lever k - - - E Fiq~1tB. Rat'We~ T~w.Fiq.ltt Side View 1M. p3h 4- -. -- Jycy --— ~ ---- — ~X~Y- -------- ) - Revr~~\hlv Stein.:. —. --- -Eft - --- --- -> — 3. -I I -- - - 11 Er? R I Fig. 113. Plan -p airta~rc~ ITcnwar'- Ha'rI r Is; 1 I I U r I ~Lw Vtt~Lfl~, Lfl'VI~L~ -LLUF'L. 'ENi.1E1 jFig.1I6.Bac~k~iew.,t -, C' w F'it thy al) Fig.114. Sile Vew. N~ Link Hang~er. Et t -l' r -~9 A -BOSTON "* -;MASS. 1":~ROTO~. ~7-, ~~ / Fig. 3. PLAN. * G wns@uBOaBaNS EIIWSERIKoQ OQJ[T1Q 209. Pearl St NewYork. ~ ~ II IL lI J1 I* * B B z 0 Q a) H 'A T14J 4 4 i-v fj-o.- — & c~ -o e - c --— e- A —s -- e — * -0 --— 0 --"*- Et - - - ID Ae 0 r rn 4 ________________________ ____________ L&13 S i &U: - --— ll " ________ ____ 4 4 I A Zz A I - t A 12 A I I - I I 'I r' - - A? — - —,4. L1-*-* - " - I A7 * I jy S ' 1L12J, - A - - - -.- - - - - - I J ' I ________________________________________ ___________________________ ___________ 4, CI 4 B p B A S 4 'LLIL e N N 4 H I -. '-A Un 4 5; 2 - -04-AN,4 1: A I V N 3' A: - I. -. A 4 - a —A;, qH,' I I /f/4t -A 1 I .,tt}k ',: I I 0; I : ' *1 I ot Ax,: * ala AZ jtttI II K 5 di 4 11 ci'I I I 2 o 0 2 I I I Fw 05 0 - - - - N'4% I ______ ZA.w'kC- .2 I 4 '7 - - - 14 - I I I I 44 L___ 0 L. 4 -- -1 —.. - I * -rd I I 7-A.?. - -t- - r I A I.-.' 16 --; -.'J. I w >' 0 fJ' of I * 2- I' H) 2 rn t S it I *.1-I —f F fl" H I BE A ___________________________________ rreCA m I - ________ _ _ I fl1T1 N'tr~ ----—.- - -I-mi —i - - t1t I 4i - — 04 A — 0 --- —-C- - qV 9 --- — 1 I v-4 A -~22- — * I 12 vi f4I A A 4 -3 5 % ItO tO N A A o - 0 ~- - 0 -0 01 IA - e-A4-o- - - o 4 - 0 o -- -0 A o o -8 1 -9 B 9 — t w -— U 9- -0 --— 0 - -— 0 — or .j -c$ 1 4, I I I I I I I I I I, -I -'-1Fs - all I - I - a Fig. t PLAN. - - TENDERERAME / - 4 - - Xsforc -. - -. -— 62t-r --- - - ----— I - I - I AW, '45 I. YPAS8HOL L CO A --- —;fgj' --- I --- - -— H; ' *EII'I1 II I 10 - - - I- I H> — -c - I 2 1, KtX-J> *I K) - 14 " CC7 rAB)O S 0 LI ia N4 -I) /1j -- -- cY '/1 I? '7' Fig.fi. SIDE VIEW Scale 'ZI'. O.WflSSUNBORNS EKGWCERXNU OFflCE. 209. Pearl StNewYotk. a I * y t: I rcJrsl.1 Vlat0 XutV. LS1 t- ICLV a ~ --- —---— ~ --- —— ~ --- DETAIL8 orTjflflroa I gASSU(UERC LOGCOMUT.IY Tiiick 'vWieeL. Male Centge Casting. - 1. -. 9. < —~ I 2 Femule Cenire Casting. "s:(tetr-^..1; — — 3 Fit 2 2. Hang RodL,*-.. —,^f^; 3$1 4g; Fiq. 2 4. Transvers3e 'S eti-om -~B. c -+ 7 c L __ r -U- ___~~~- ^4 ----. —^\, [ I b- -- t -: -/ - - | ^f^ -....y --—.-''-/f-v ----. I ^ Casting' for Spring Heel. Rocker Seat Break lead. View. Fig. 2 0. SideView. Safety Beam Castinq. View. Fig. 18. Loip. Section. -4"^ —" — 67r --- —-i Ir _gpN Tender Truck. Lo eer eam Castir r- - t r-.r_ t V.i,..i. —.-.. — 4-.-,. ---i —j ---^-( ---?-. ---.* /0::'-: —: ----I - i i i: —$< — _1. - t —i -< - * --;! '- < $ —t- - Fig8 29. * A Fig. to. Front View..-( --- —-.. --- —-- Fig.11.Vertical Section. throng line. a.b. j;/ rr 1.talt I R miB tn 1 S 1 - t ;-? n--U III --- —~- I I j, Bf2 j pi:I 1, Ip i J..,... MU- ':'* u 'o 1 ul V.2-A K^ st^ 1T" " ^ ":" I Pf 4 -I I '~ 0* 4- rr J Lr.- r I i4 I ii f iI. r ' - | 1I 6jr, 0 4f' i p —. L5 *r h - f i a I ---— ri --- I --.% t )c1 ^ - Fig.3 0.tAe View.Fig.3tTramwsers t Section. Fig6 32.?33. Cover. ^4 'if Fig. 3 4. Scale 1 inclhito afoot. Scale of details l4 inch=l foot.... — -- --- ------- ---- 1 -—.- ~~ i L~ i * ~~ rt~o* L~ * ~* Plate XCV_______________________ amsiti a '!/ FigAI.EnJ View. 1icT 2. Side View of Frame. Fig.1. Siffe Elevation. Fig. 4. Transverse Section at the Bolster. * — - - - - - - - - — ~ ---...-. —'4r.-> --- ——. -.~..-.....-~..,- --- -- - icT.-.., ~. - - - - - -, -. - - - -.- - -. -. — I- - - > G.WE$S8ENBORNS ~N01N1E UW OFFICS. 269.Pearl StNeswYork. Scale tind to the foot7TTT -.. 9, *3''_____________________________________.i/ *^ ^.'..' ' ' - M 41F -,.,..... Ml;lil#,,,.-. I S,',- ,,,,,.,...,. %.%%:::.1 ',. , vl; '.-i,"'A',v,-.,.-I,....". —.,., t,.,,,, ""', :,, "....1.. , ---: -,-.', -,,',,V,,,,,-',''.',,,,,,-.." IT", R61,-, owk j:"-.,.,- '"i,,.',,.`- I -, ". 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