T ABLES OF INTEREST BY MONTHS AND DAYS AWR BY CURIIENT DAYS AT 360 AND AT 365 TO THE YEAR: COMPUTED AT SEYEN PER CENT., AND ADA'PTED T-0 OTHER RATES. DECIMALLY ARRANGED UNDER THE HlEAD OF TIME. -43VGETE:IER WITH FACTORS FOR CALCULATING DISCOUNT, AND CONVENIENT TIMIE TABLES. BY GEORGE A. STANSBURY,,COUNSELLOR AT LAW. SECOND ED IT ON. NEW-YORK: PUBLISHED BY HARPER & BROTHERS, Z2-9 & 331 PEARL STREET, FRANKLIN SQUARE.,s85 6. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1844, by HAEPER & BROTHERS, in the Clerk's Office of the Sonthern District of New-York. RE C M ME N DATIONS. I have examinedl, in manuscript, a set of Interest I lished. will be very valuable, particularly to the banks Tables compiled by Judge Stansbury. They are con- of this state. F. W. EDMONDS, structed upon the decimal principle, by a method ex- Cashier. tremely simple and easily understood, and possess the great advantage over other tables of stating the inter- Mr. Stausbury has submitted to us, in manuscript, a, est of any given sum upon a single page. It seems to set of Tables of Interest, with the general plan of mne that, as the work becomes known, it will at once which we are much pleased. He has succeeded in eftake the place of all other tables in those states where fecting the proper object of such a work, in presenting the seven per cent. rate of interest is established. in a concise and simple manner, calculations of interJ. G. FORBES, est ready made for all ordinary business operations of late Bank Commissioner. that character; and the system by which the work is Syracuse, May 27tb, 1843. compiled certainly affords a strong presumption of its correctness. We are of the opinion, that as the work I have examined with some care an Interest Table, becomes knowns, it will meet the approval of those for compiled by Mr. Stansbury, upon the decimal principle, whose use it is designed, and cheerfully recommend it which seems to me to be a valuable improvement upon to public patronage. G. A. WORTH, the tables now ia use. President City ]ank, New-York. By placing the time at the head of the table instead T. J. WATERS, of the amount, the whole computation is made upon Comptroller New-York Life Insuranlce and Trust Company. the single page under observation, and in decimals, J. F. ENTZ, which are applicable to any amount of principal by a Bo-keepe and Ao Hltant N. Life Insurae and Trust Co. proper use oi the decimal point. I. FISK, proper use rjt' tlee d ~point. ~Cashier American Exchange Bank. The value of the improvement seems to me to con- BROWN, EROTHERS, & Co. sist in the adoption of the decimal principle, and in the placing of time instead of amounts at the head of the page. In both these respects, I think Mr. Stansbury Wmae are muc pleased with the examination we have has made an improvement upon the interest tables now made of Judge Stansbury's Tables of Interest. The in use, that will, if examined, meet with the favour of arrangement, though new and very condensed, is sufthe business public. C. STEBBINS, ficiently simple and practical, and the specimens of late Bank Commissioner. calculation accompanying the manuscript furnish us Cazenovia, July 11th, t8431 satisfactory assurance on the very important point of the correctness of the work. I concur with Mr. Stebbins in the above opinion and In our opinion, it will be found a very useful book, recommendation. GIDEON HAWLEY, not only for banks and large commercial houses, but Wte Regent of the University- for every business man who has interest computations to make, under such circumstances that he cannot rely I fully concur in the preceding opinion of Colonel with perfect confidence on the operations of his pen. Stebbins, andI in recommending Mr. Stansbury's tables We do not hesitate, therefore, to recommend it as as a decided improvement upon those now in use. eminently deserving of public patronage. THOMAS W. OLCOTT, S.. GOODWIN, Cashier Farmers' and Mechanics' Bankce, t Circuit.. Albany, July I 77,,8-.,Clerk in Chancery, 7th Circuit. I. N. STARIN, Cashier Cayuga County Bank. I have exa:nined tae general arrangement, and the HAMILTON WHITE, principle of constructing and verifying a set of Interest Cashier Onondaga County Bank.'rables at seven per cent., compiled by Mr. Stansbury, A. H. HOVEY, and they appear to me to be a valuable improvement Teller Onondaga County Bank. upon the tables at that rate now in use. HORACE WHITE, The improved arrangement consists in giving upon Cashier Bank of Syracuse. a single page under observation, the result for any R. N. WASHBURN, amount of principal in a very concise and obvious M. W. BENNETT, manner, perhaps equally as convenient as in Mr. Chap- Cashier Bank ofSalina. man's tables at six per cent. THOS. ROCKWELL, Mr. Stansbury's method of testing the accuracy of Cashier Ontario Branch Bank. his tables is very satisfactory, and, if pursued with or- B. B. LANSING, dinary care, cannot fail to ensure the entire correctness Cashier Oneida Bank. of the work. The practical convenience and presumptive accura- Syracuse, July 3, 1843. cy of the work are so great, that it cannot, in my opin- Dear Sir, ion, fail to meet with general favour among business- I have examined your Tables of Interest with conmen, when it becomes known and its merits under- siderable care and attention. * * * I have, for several stood. PHILIP PHELPS, years past, used Preston's Tables, and have not failed Deputy Comptroller. to discover the serious inconvenience and danger of Albany, July, 1843. being compelled to look for the interest of different portions of one sum upon several different and distant Mechanics' Bank, New-York, July 20, 1843. pages of his book, and to add together a large numI have examined Mr. Stansbury's seven per cent. In- ber of items of interest. The saving of labour by findterest Tables, and am pleased with the simplicity of ing the interest of any sum upon the same page, and their arrangement, and the accuracy with which the with, at most, the addition of three items, is very great. calculations superiority, ine my opinion, over other similar The rules for finding the interest of any sum are so Their superiority, in my opinion, over other similar simple, that no one can err in using them. * " * The works, consists in the facility of arriving at the interest practical advantages of yerr in using them * * The on any sum from one dollar to $100,000, and from one kind must commend it to the faour of business-men day to one year, without turning over a single page. CH. B. SEDGWiCK, If, in passing through the printer's hands, he allows Master in Chancery. no errors to creep in, I consider the work, when pub- Hon. George A. Staunsbury. P R E F A CE. IN offering to the public a new set of Interest Tables, the author is, of course, understood to claim for his work a superiority, in some respects, over those now in use. The labor of computing, arranging, and revising an original work of this kind is very great, and would not be undertaken without some assurance of its utility. It is the object of this preface to set forth briefly the grounds of this assurance in the present case. The convenience of all books of reference of this nature depends principally upon the plan adopted in arranging them. The fewer pages it is necessary to turn to in arriving at any required result, and the fewer places on a page to be consulted, the better; not so much, perhaps, on account of the time consumed in multiplied references, as of the liability to err in some of the steps which a diffuse arrangement must require. The belief is entertained that in this important particular the present work is a decided improvement upon any that has preceded it. A table for any one period of time is so condensed as to occupy, in sufficiently large type, less than one third of a page, and is yet so comprehensive as to exhibit interest for that period on from one to ten thousand dollars, by addition of two items at most, and also gives at sight the interest on cents and on thousands of dollars, up to one hundred thousand. A series of such tables is inserted, one for each period of time less than a year, and a year table is placed on each two pages exposed to view at the same tine, so that interest may be found, without turning a leaf during the process, upon any occasion within the range of ordinary business transactions. The method of using the tables is sufficiently simple and practical. To render the work more generally useful, and to consult in particular the convenience of those whose business requires them to test interest calculations made sometimes by one and sometimes by another of the prevailing methods of estimating time, tables are inserted by months and days, and by current days, at both 360 and 365 to the year. With this arrangement, and the rule which is given for converting interest at seven per cent. into interest at any other rate, the work is made to embrace all the cases that can occur in the computation of interest. Several noted decisions in the courts of this state, made before the revision of the statutes, though they permitted calculation by months, required that, for the days there might be less than a month, the' 365 day rule should be resorted to; the inconvenience of this mixed process, however, prevented its passing into general use, even in this state, and the only practical result of the decisions adverted to was. that in the comparatively few cases to which the statute of usury would apply, time was estimated altogether by days as 365ths. The Revised Statutes expressly authorize the method of computing by months and days, yet the author is not aware that there has been any change of approved tables at seven per cent., adapting them to the existing law and custom of this state. It will be evident, on a little reflection, that, by the statutes referred to, days less than a month are regarded as 360ths, and, consequently, give more interest than when regarded as 365ths. Slight as this difference may seem, those who act in behalf of others, as trustees, guardians, attorneys, masters in chancery, &c., are not at liberty to adopt any other than the legal standard, and of those who may be free to choose, few will probably be disposed to relinquish, in receiving interest, what may legally be demanded when they pay it. Bankers, merchants, and, indeed, all who have so many interest calculations to make as to require the convenience of a table, will find that in the aggregate the difference referred to is not to be disregarded, and the uniformity so desirable in business affairs can be preserved only by using tables which conform to the practice of those who calculate with the pen. PR E FA Ce These considerations have led the author to believe that the present tables will be found more generally useful and convenient than any now before the public. But if the favorable opinions of those to whom the manuscript has been submitted have led him to err in judgment on this point, he has resolved, at all events, to entitle himself' to the confidence in his care and accuracy which the undertaking invites. No precautions have been omitted which were thought necessary to accomplish the object of preparing a set of tables which, if their general design and arrangement should not meet the approval anticipated, should, at least, be correct in every figure. For this purpose, a system of repeated checks and revisions has been resorted to, which, though exceedingly protracted and laborious in its execution, may easily be described sufficiently to enable every person to judge for himself of the reliance it deserves. The interest tables were revised in manuscript by the progressive incre'ase in the in-. terest of each amount of principal fobr successive periods of' time, and also by the progressive increase under each period of time tkor successive amounts of principal. These progressions being one across the page from left to right, and the other down the page perpendicularly, afforded a cross check which scarcely leaves a possibility of error. From the nature of decimals, also, each tenth term in every progression proved itself' by inspec-:tion of a previous term in the same series, which ought to consist of the s-ine figures. though the decimal point is changed; this test, applied to every tenth term, furnished of itself s.trong evidence of the accuracy of the nine intermediate terms of a regular series ~constructed by repeated additions. Each factor for discount was tested by calculating the present value and the discount independently by Rule of' Three, and adding together the value, the discount, and the remainders after division, which furnished a familiar test of both calculations to the last figaure of the remainders. The last figure in the interest as well as in the discount is in all cases increased by a unit when the fraction omitted would be half or more. In passing through the press, the printed sheets were twice compared with the manuScript by different proof-readers, and finally corrected by the author's revising the whole by means of the progression down the page, and also by comparing each calculation with some other to which it should be equal, or from which it should differ by some obvious'and simple amount. This system, the outlines of wh ch have been sketched, is no doubt sufficient, if pursued with care, to ensure the entire correctness of the printed page. The author, having hirm-. self bestowed all necessary care in revising the work, being confident of its entire accuracy, offers a reward of twenty-five dollars for the detection of any calculation which i.s erroneous to the amount of a unit. This sum will be paid to the person who shall first, within one year, give information, of the existence of an error, and is placed in the hands of the publishers to meet any call that may he made under this offer. GE0O. A STANSBURYL New- York, January, 1844. CONTENTS. Page General Calendar or Time Table. 8, 9 93 Day Calendar. 10 Division of the Year...... INTEREST BY CALENDAR MONTHS AND DAYS. Explanation.. 12, 13 Tables.....14-133 INTEREST BY CURRENT DAYS AT 360 TO THE YEAR. Explanation.......... 12, 13 Tables......14-133 Interest at any Rate Per Cent..134 New Method of stating Interest on an Account 134 INTEREST BY CURRENT DAYS AT 365 TO THE YEAR. Explanation......... 135 Tables.......... e. 136-182 REBATE OR DISCOUNT. Explanation 183 Tables....184, 185 Averaging Accounts...... 186 Compound Averages..........188 GENERAL CALENDAR. __ March. April. may. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Date -N 0. DateO Date NO. Date NO. Date NO. Date NO. Date NO. Date NO. D ale NO. Date -NO. Date NO 1 0 1 31 1 61 1 92 1 122 1 153 1 184 1 214 1 24.5 1275 1306 1 337 2 1 93 2 123 2 154 2 185 2 215 2 246 2 2276 2 307 2338 3 2 3 33 3 63 3 94 3 124 3 155 3 186 3 216 3'247 3 277 3 308 3 339 4 3 4134 4 64 4 95 4 125 4 156 4 187 4 217 4 248 4 278 4 309 4 340 5 4 5,35 5 65 5 96 5 126 5 157 5 188 5 218 5 249 5 279 5310 5 341 6 5 6 36 6 66 6 97 6 127 6 158 6 189 6 219 6 250 6'280 6 311 6 342 7. 6 -7 37 7 67 7 98 7 128 7 159 7 190 7 220 7251 7 281 7 312 7 343 8 7 8 38 8 68 8 99 8 129 8 160 8 191 8 221 8 252 8 282 8 313 8 344 9 8 9 39 9 69 9 100 9 130 9 161 9 192 9 222 9 253 9 283 9 314 9 345 10 9 10 40 1070 10101 10 131 10 162 10 193 10 223 10 254 10 284 10 315 101346 11:10 11 41 11 71 11 102 11 132 11 163 11 194 11 224 11 255 11 285 11 316 111347 12:11 12 42 12 72 12 103 12 133 12 164 12 195 12 225 12 256 12 286 12 317 121348 13112 13843 13 73 13 104 13 134 13 165 13 196 13 226 13 257 13 287 13 318 131349 14:13 14 44 14 74 14 105 14 135 14 166 14 197 14 227 14 258 14 288 14 319 14 350 1514 15 45 15 75 15 106 15 136 15 167 15 198 15 228 15 259 15 289 15 320 1.51351 16'15 16 46 16 76 16 107 16 137 16168 161199 16 229 16 260 16 290 16 321 161352 17 16 17 47 17 77 17 108 17 138 17 169 17 200 17 230 17 261 17 291 17 322 172353 18117 18 48 18 78 18 109 18 139 18 170 18 201 18 231 18 262 18 292 18323 1.8354 19 18 19:49 1979 19 110 19 140 19 171 191202 19 232 19 263 19 293 19 324 191355 20119 20 50 20 80 20 111 20 141-.20 172 20 203 20 233 20 264 20294 20 325 201356 21'20 21 51 21 81 21 112 21 142 21 173 21 204 21 234 21 265 21 295 21 2 326 21357 22:21 22 52 22 82 22 113 22 143 22 174 221205 22 235 22 266 22 296! 22 327 221358 23 22 23 53:23 83 23 114 23 144 23 175 23 206 23 236 231267 23 297 23 328 231359 24 23 24 54 2484 24 115 24 145 24 176 24 207 24 237 24 268 24298 24 2 329 24360 25124 25 55 25 85 25 116 25 146 25 177 25 208 25 238 25 269 25 299 25 330 251361 26 25 26 56 26 86 26 117 26 147 26 178 26 209 26 239 26 270 26 3 331 26 362 27 26 27:57 27 87 271118 27 148 27179 27 210 27 240 27i271 27 301 27 332 27:363 /28 27 28 58 28188 281119 281149 28 180 28 211 281241. 28!272 28302 28333 28364 29128 29159 2989 29 120 29 150 29 181 29 212 29 242 291273 29 303 29 334 30129 30 60 3090 301121 30 151 30 182 30 213 30j243 30 174 30304 30(35 31 30 31 9L 31 152 31 183 31 244 31:305 31 33'.;RE:;P EXPLANATION. In the table containcd, on this and the following page, each day in two years is numbered in its order, commelncing from the first of March. The number for any date stands under the month, and to the right of the day of the month. Thus, the number for December 15th is 289, in the first year, and in the second year 654, which shows that from | March 1st to December 15th of the same year is 289 days, and from March 1st to the 15th of December in the following year is 654 days. The table may be used to find the day on which a note, made payable in a given number of days from its date-, will fall: due. For this purpose, find the number corresponding to the date of your note, and add the days it has to run; the sum of these two numbers will indicate the day required. EXAMPLE. When will a note at 64 days become due if dated November 20th? Under November, and to the right of 20, stands 264, to which add 64. and the sum 328 will be found standing under January and to the right of 23, which shows the time to.be, without grace, January 23d; with grace, January 26th. The same result might. have been obtained by using the table for the second year on the following page. It is advisable, however, always to find the date of your note and its corresponding number in the table on this page, for in that case the two pages in confnexion will answer for any note that has less than a year to run; whereas, if the number for the date is taken from the next page, the table will only extend to the following February. LEPAF-YEAR.. Whenever the number, which is obtained by the necessary addition as above directed, is 365 or over, the tables may require correction, for the last of February is then included in the time the note has to run; and if it should contain 29 days,. the note will become due one day sooner than the table indicates. EXAMPLE. When will a note at 90 days become due which' is dated December 25th, 1847. The number for December 25th is 299: by adding 90: we obtain 389. which corresponds to March 25th; but as February, 1848, wil contain 2'9 days, the note wvill be due, without grace, March 24th, 1848. 8l _____,_~_~___~__ __ ~___~_ G E N E R AL CALE ND AR. |[arch. April. Play. ~June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Dat NO Date NO. Date NO. Date NO. Date NO. Dat NO. Date NO. Date NO. Date NO. Date NO. Date NO. Date NO. 1 365 1 396 1 4261 14571 1487 1 518 11549 1 579 11610 1 640 1 671 1 702 2 366 2 397'2 427 2 458 21488 21519 21550 21580 2 611 21641 21672 2 703 3 367 3 398 31428 31459 3 489 3 520 3 551 3 581 3 612 3 642 3 673 3 704[ 4368 4399 4429 429 4 460 4 490 41521 4 552 41582 41613 4 643 41674 41705 - 5 369 51400 5 430 5 461 5 491 5 522 51553 5583 51614 1 51644 51675 5 706 6 370 6 401 6 431 6 462 6 492 6 523 6 554 6 584 6 615 6 645 6 676 6 707 7 371 7 402 7 432 7 463 7 493 7 524 7 555 7 585 7 616 7 646 7 677 7 708 8 372 8 403 8 433 8 464 8 494 8 525 8 556 8 586 8 617 8 647 8 678 8 709 9 373 9 404 9 434 9 465 9 495 9 526 9 557 9 587 9 618 9 648 9 679 91710 10 374 101405 10 435 10 466 101496 10 527 10 558 101588 10 619 10 649 101680 10 711 11 375 11 406 11 436 11 467 11 497 11 528 11 559 11 589 11 620 11 650 11 681 11 712 12 376 12 407 12 437 12 468 12 498 12 529 12 560 12 590 12 621 12 651 12 682 12 713 13 377 13 408 13i438 13t'469 13 499 13 530 13 561 13 591 13 622 13 652 13 683 13 714 141378 14 409 141439 141470 14 500 14 531 14 562 14 592 14 623 14 653 14 684 14 715 15 379 15 410 15a440 151471 15 501 115 532 15 563 15 593 15 624 15 654 1i5685 15 716 16 380 16 411 l1-6 441 16 472 16150)2 161533 16 564 16 594 16 625 16 655 16 686 16 717 17 381 1171412 17 442 171473 17 503 17 534 17 565 171595 17 626 17 656 17 687 17 718 182') 218 413 181443 181474 l18i,504 18535 181566 18 596 1s 627 18 657 18 688 138719 191383 19 414 19 444 19 475 19j505 1953619 567 19 597 19 628 19 658 19 689 19 720 201384 20 415 201445 20 476 20:1506 20 537 20 568 20 598 20 629 20 659 20 690 201721 211385 21 416 211446 211477 211507 21538 21 569 21 599 21 630 21 660 21 691 211722 221386 22 417 22!447 221478 221508 221539 22 570 2'2 600'22 631 22 661 22 692 221723 231387 231418 231448 231479 23 509~ 231540 23 571 23 601 23 632 23 662 23 693 231724 241388 24 419 241449 241480 24510 241541. 241572 24 602 241633 24 663 24 694 24]725 251389 251420?25 450 251481 2.5151: [251542 25 573 251603 125 634 25 664 251695 251726 26 390 26 421 26 451 26 482 26.512 26 543 26 574 26 604 26 635 26 665 26 696 26 727 271391 927 422 27 452 27 483 271513 271544 27 575 27 605 27 636 27 666 27 697 27 728 28 392 28 423 28 45a3 28 484 28 514 28 545 28 576 28 606 28 637 28 667 28 698 28 1729 291393 29 424 291454 291485 291515 2191546 291577 291607 29 638 29 668'291699 291730 3301394130}425 301455 301486 301516 ]301547 301578 301608 30 639 301669 301700 31 395 311456 31 517 31 548 31 609 31 670 31 701 EXPLANATION. iThe table may also be used to find the number of days interv~ning-between any two dates. For this purpose, find the number which corresponds to the last or ending date, and subtract the number which corresponds to the earliest date; the difference will be the number of days required. Observe that in estimating time it is always proper to include one date and exclude the other. EXAMPLE. What number of days is included between June 15th and December 22d? Under December, and to the right of 22 (on this page), find 661, and deduct 471, which stands under June and to the right of 15; the difference, 190, is the number of days required. The same result might have been obtained by the table for the first year, on the preceding page. But when the proposed time embraces the last of February, the ending date is always to be looked for in the table on this page; the earliest date will then be found in- the table on the preceding page; whereas, if the ending date and its corresponding numberiare taken from the first part of the table, the Calendar will not answer for any period that. includes the last of February. Whenever the February included.between the two dates has 29 days, the table requires correction; for there will, in that case, be one more day between the two proposed dates than I w ii be shown by' the above-described process. AVERAGING ACCOUNTS.'This Calendar is also of very great service in averaging accounts, as has been before explaited under that head. The:first of March whici iit is there proposed to adopt as the starting-point in estimating the'number of days, should always be that which corresponds to 0 in the table on' the preceding page, so a ave: as: few figures as possible, by which to multiply in performing therocess of averagig, als to make he?' table' answer for any account of"a year's standirg, which it Imilig not. do i'i'b first of:March on this page ere taken as the (late fromn which to estinate th'e numb-er of' d Sa Y p~~~~~~~octmt ~~;':~rlt~:r~ i;~S 93 DAY CALENDAR. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. -Nov. Dec. D)ate Due DateDue Date ue Date Due )te Due D)ate Due Date Due Date Due Date Due te Due Date Due ate Due 1 415 1 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 4 2 5 2 6 2 3 2 4 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 4 2 3 2 3 2 5 3 6 3 7X 3 4 3 5 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 5 3 4 3 4 3 6 4 7 4 8 4 5 4 6 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 6 4 5 4 5 4 7 5 8 5 9 5 6 5 7 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 7 5 6 5 6 5 8 6 9610 6 10 7 6 8 6 7 6 7 6 6 6 8 7 6 7 6 9 7 10 7811 7 8 7 9 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 9 7 8 7 8 7 10 8 11 8 12 89 810 89 89 8 9 8 9 8 10 89 8 9 8 11 9 12 9 13 9 10 911 9 10 910 9 10 9 10 9 11 9 10 9 10 9 12 10 13 10 14 10 11 10 12 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 12 10 11 10 11 10 13 1114 11 15 11 12 11 13 11 12 11 12 11 12 1o1 12 11 13 11 12 11 12 11 14 12 15 12 16 12 13 12 14 12 13 12 13 12 13 12 13 12 14 12 13 12 13 12 15 13 16 13 17 13 14 13 15 13 14 13 14 13 14 13 14 13 15 13 14 13 14 13 16 14 17 14118 14115 14 16 14115 14115 14115 14115 14116 14 15 114 15 1417 15118 1519 15 16 1517 11516 15116 11516 11516 1517 115116!15116 15118 16119 16 20 16 17 16 18 1617 11617 116 17 16 17 11618 11617 116117 16119 17 20 17 21 17 18 17 19 17 18 1718 17 118 1718 17 19 17 18 17 18 17 20 1821 811822 181'9 18120 1819 1819 1819 1819 18 20 18 19 18119 18 21 19122 19 23 19 20 19 21 19 20 19120 11920 119120 19 21 119 20 19 20 19122 20123 20 24 20 21 2022 2021 2021 20 21 20211 22022 22021 20 21 20123 21 24 21 25 2122 21 23 21 22 21 22 21 22 21 22 21 23 2122 21 22 21 24 22 25 22 26 22 23 22 24 22 23 22 23 22 23 22 23 22 24 22 23 22 23 22 25 23 26 23 27 23 24 23 25 23 24 23 24 23 24 23 24 23 25 23 24 23 24 23 26 24 27 24 28 24 215 24 26 24 25 24 25 24 25 24 25 24 26 24 25 24 25 24 27 25128 25 29 25 26. 25 27 25 26 25126 i25 26 25 26 25 27 25 26 25 26 25 28 26 29 26130 26127 26 28 26127 26127 26127 26127 26128 26127 2627 26 229 27 30 27 31 27 28 27 29 27 28 27/28 27 28 27 28 27 29 27128 27 28 27130' 28 1 28 1 28 29 28 30 28 29 28 29 28 29 28 29 28 30 28 29 28 1 28 31 29 2 29 1 29130 29 31 29 30. 29 30 29 30 29 30 29 31 29130 29 2 29 1 30 3 o 301 1 30 1 30 31 30 1 30 31 30 1 130 1 30 31 30 3 [30 2 31 4 31 2. 31 I 31 3. 31 2 31 1 31 3 E X P L A N A T I O N. This Calendar shdWs the day of the month on which any 90 day note will fall due, grace included. At the top of the table find the month in which the note bears date, and in the left-hand column, under that month, find the day of the date; immediately to the right stands the corrected day of the month when the note falls due, including the three days of grace. The day of the month being known, no difficulty or doubt can arise as to the month. It is generally the third from that of the date, sometimes the fore part of the fourth month. The interval of a month is so large a portion of the whole time as to leave, with ordinary attention, no room for mistake. EXAMPLES. To find when a note bearing date the 17th of June, and payable in 90 days, will be due, grace included. Under the head of June, and against 17 in the left-hand column, stands 18, showing that it falls due on the 18th. It is evident that the month will be September. A note at 90 days, bearing date March 31, is due, grace included, on the second day of the month; but this is evidently not the third month (June), for that interval is but little over two months; it becomes due, therefore, July 2. LEAP-YEAR. The table requires correction whenever a 29th of February, which occurs only every fourth year, is included between the date of the note and the day when, by this table, it appears to fall due. It will be due in such cases one day sooner than the table indicates; but if dated on the 29th of February the table requires no correction. EXAMPLE. A note at 90 days, dated December 27th, 1843, would appear by the table to fall due on the 30th of a month, which must, of course, be March; but as February, 1844, has 29 days, the note is in fact due, grace included, on the 29th of March, 1844. The return of leap-year is shown by the circumstance that the number of the year is divisible by four without remainder; 1848 will be leap-year, because four is contained in 1848 four hundred and sixty-two times without a remainder. 10] DIVISION OI TEl -YE&A. STATUTES fixing the rate of interest prescribe the rate by the year; but when the computation is to be made for less than a year, the practice is not uniform, some persons taking the proportion in one way and some in another. The course generally adopted is, to estimate each calendar month as one twelfth of the year, and the intermediate days as thirtieths of a twelfth, or 360ths of a year. This method of taking aliquot parts according to the arithmetical rule called Practice, is taught in schools, and is everywhere allowed by law. It may be regarded as the general rule, to which those I am about to mention are exceptions. The following clause in the Revised Statutes of New-York is generally understood to prescribe this rule, though by some it is supposed to refer to the mercantile rule, as stated below. The clause is this, " For the purpose of calculating interest, a (calendar) month shall be considered the twelfth part of a year, and as consisting of thirty days; and interest for any number of days less than thirty shall be estimated by the proportion which such number of days shall bear to thirty." Another method of computing at 6 per cent. is to multiply the principal by the days and divide by 6000. This supposes every 60 days to yield 1 per cent., and, therefore, estimates the year to consist of 360 days. The difference between the former rule and this is, that by the first, every ca.lendar month (containing sometimes 31, sometimes 30, and even, in case of February, only 28 or 29 days) is called the twelfth of a year, whereas by the latter, every 30 current days are called a twelfth. This way of dividing the year originated in one of the first bank charters granted in the United States [the charter of the Bank of North America], which fixed the rate of discount as 2 per cent. for 30 days. It- will be observed that this is equivalent to 6 per cent. for a year of 360 days. From its having been prescribed in the first American bank charter, this rule of calculation prevails very generally among banks and merchants in all those states where the rate is 6 per cent. The banks in the District of Columbia and in several of the states are authorized by statute to use it. The banks in New-York use it in computing at 6 per cent. It may, therefore, very properly be called the bank and mercantile rule in the United States. It is used to considerable extent in the 7 per cent. states; all that is necessary for 7 per cent., is to compute as above for 6 per cent., and then add one sixth. The banks in New-York, however, never adopt this rule in discounting at 7 per cent., because the statute above quoted has not yet received a judicial construction, and it is doubtful whether it will be held to sanction the mercantile rule. In this state, an excess, however slight, if taken in advance on a loan, would work a forfeiture of the whole sum loaned; so that, for greater safety, the banks adhere to the 365 day rule, when discounting at the legal rate of 7 per cent. A third way of dividing the year in casting interest, more strictly accurate than either of the preceding, is to reckon by days at 365 to the year, and it is probably only the inconvenience of this rule that prevents its being established by law. The interest accounts of foreign correspondents are usually made, out in this way. Local laws and customs cannot control in such cases, and the convenience which justifies less accurate rules for ordinary business does not require the same laxity among regular accountants in heavy commercial transactions. Accordingly, the cominercial rule is to take days as 365ths, and many individuals in this country adhere to the same strict rule in all their interest calculations. A series of decisions in the courts of New-York, made previous to the statute above quoted, pointed out still another rule. They sanctioned the taking of months as twelfths, but required the days less than a month to be estimated as 365ths; thus requiring two distinct processes in every case where the time consists of months and odd days. The practical result of these decisions was, that in cases of loans, where a slight excess taken in advance would work a forfeiture of the whole debt, the strict commercial rule was adopted; but in other cases, days were still reckoned as 30ths of a month. The decisions referred to created great consternation, as they put in jeopardy much of the bank capital of this state, which had been loaned by the mercantile rule. In other states statutes were passed, as above stated, for the express purpose of protecting their banks against the influence of these decisions; and on the revision of the statutes of this state, the rule was abrogated here. It does not now prevail in any of the states. EXPLANATION OF THE TABLES ENTITLED INTEREST AT SE.VEN PER GENT. TIME. These tables are constructed in such a manner as to show interest either by calendar months and days, or by current days at 360 to the year. [See division of the year on the preceding page.] It will be observed that there is a series of small tables, each table occupying about one third of a page, and separated one from the other by heavy black lines. The time for which a table is calculated is placed at its top in months and days; the same period of time is also stated at the bottom of the table in days counting 30 to the month, or 360 to the year. Every table, therefore, shows interest either for the months and days standing at the top, or for the days at the foot. The time begins with one day, and increases regularly to a year; so that if you wish to find interest for any period less than a year-say for 9 months and 11 days-turn to the table having at its top 9 months and 11 days, and you may there find the interest of any amount, by a process which will be hereafter described. If you wish to find interest for days-say 257 dayslook for time at the foot of the tables, and you will find 257 days under the head of 8 months and 17 days. Consequently, you are to use the table for 8 months and 17 days in computing for 257 days. In the same manner you may find a table for any other period less than a year. It will be noticed that every opening of the book presents to view a table for one year, half on the left hand page and half on the right, and interest for 2, 3, &c., years may be obtained by doubling,:trebling, &c., the interest for a year. By this arrangement, it is obvious that when your time exceeds a year, if you turn to that portion of it which is less than a year, you can find interest for the whole time, years and all, without turning a leaf, by using the year table for the years, and the proper table for the rest of the time. PRINCIPAL. The columns of principal in every table, which are distinguished by the word Prin. at the top, contain all the numbers in regular succession from 1 to 99, and represent either dollars or hundreds of dollars; that is to say, you may call the columns of principal $1, $2, $3, &c., up to $99, or, supposing two ciphers to be added to each number (the ciphers are omitted to prevent an unnecessary accumulation of figures), you have $100, $200, $300, &c., up to $9900 (99 hundred). So that in every table you have any number of dollars of principal, up to $100, and also any whole hundreds up to $10.000. The thousands are included as tens of hundreds, for $6.000 is 60 hundred, $7.200 is 72 hundred, &c. Every number in the columns of principal has its interest at the right; and you will observe that there are two decimal points, a dot and a comma, in every amount of interest. The object of inserting these points is this: when the number in the column of principal is called dollars, the dot in the interest points off cents, and, consequently, the figures to the right of the comma are mere fractions of a cent. But when the number in the column of principal is regarded as hundreds of dollars, the comma in the interest points off cents, and, consequently, the interest is read as if the dot were erased from the table. By reference to the table for 5 months and 11 days, you will find that the interest of principal 54 is 1.69,050, and hence if you wish to know the interest of 54 dollars for 5 months and 11 days, it is shown to be $1.G9 and a fraction, and the interest of 54 hundred ($5400) is likewise shown to be $169.05-in the first case the dot, and in the last the comma pointing off cents. In the table for 138 days.08,050 is the interest standing to the right of principal 3, consequently the interest of $3 is.08 (8 cents) and a fraction; but the interest of $300 is $8.05. In this manner you may find the interest on any number of dollars up to 99 dollars, and also on any whole hundreds up to $0900 (99 hundred). EXPLANATION OF THE TABLES. 13 The course of proceeding for uneven amounts over $100 is sufficiently obvious. Find the in. terest on the hundreds of dollars contained in your principal, and add the interest for the dollars less than a hundred. Take for example $973 for 4 months and 16 days. The proper division of all such amounts is eflected by supposing the two right-hand figures to be pointed off thus: 9.73, that is to say, 9 hundred 73 dollars. The interest of 9 hundred ($900), found as before directed, is... $23.80 The interest of 73 dollars is... $ 1.93 And the interest required is......... $25.73 If the interest of $9178 were required, the parts would be 91.78, that is to say, 91 hundred 78 dollars-for principal $5009, the parts are 50.09, 50 hundred 9 dollars; so in all cases you are to suppose the two right-hand figures to be pointed off, and find the interest of one section as hundreds, and the other as dollars. Other methods of dividing the principal into parts might be adopted, but that of dollars and hundreds is the most natural as well as the most comprehensive. No other rule would include every dollar in $10.000 by adding only two items. It is also the safest course; for then the tables always present to view the dividing point between dollars and cents of interest; and you have only to make the proper selection. If you happen to take the wrong point, the interest will be a hundred times too large or a hundred times too small, and so gross an error cannot well escape detection. The division of dollars and hundreds ought, therefore, to be strictly adhered to. INTEREST ON CONTS. The columns of principal may be called cents, and in that case, the figure of interest before the dot, if there be one, is cents. By reference to the table for 5 months and 18 days, the interest of 64 cents will be found to be 2 cents; and it will be seen that for this period of time it requires 31 cents to yield I cent interest. In computing for dollars and cents, it will be found most convenient to take the interest of cents first, because the interest is so small that it may easily be remembered until you find interest on your dollars; you can then add without putting pen to paper. Throucghout these tables the next figure to the right of cents is mills, and should be noticed when accuracy is required; for it is customary in the result of any calculation to treat 5 mills or over as equal to a cent, but to disregard less than 5. Thus the interest of $60 for 5 months and 3 days will be found to be $1.78 and 5 mills, which is treated in business transactions as $1.79. But the interest of $1900 for 5 months and 5 days is only $57.26, the 4 mills (see table) being disregarded. Whenever it becomes necessary to compute interest on a principal of $10.000 or more, the columns of principal may be called thousands of dollars, and in that case the comma is to be considered as removed past one figure towards the right, in which position it will point off cents. By reference to the proper table, it will be seen that the interest of $98000 for 11 months and 19 days is $6650.39. ALTERNATION. In the calculation of interest, dollars and days are convertible terms. For instance, the interest of $87 for 75 days is the same as the interest of $75 for 87 days, and so in any other case dollars and days may be'alternated. The tables furnish a very convenient method of finding by alternation the interest on any number of dollars up to 360 for any number of days (at 360 to the year) up to 99 days. Within these limits call your dollars days and your days dollars, and you have the interest by inspection, whereas it might be necessary, according to the preceding directions, to add together two items of interest. For example, suppose the interest of $225 for 48 days is required -it is the same as the interest of $48 for 225 days-which is found by inspection to be $2.10. INTEREST BY MONTHS may also be found by alternation if each month is estimated as 30 days. Thus if the interest of $293 for 2 months and 6 days is required-this time (at 30 days to the month) is 66 days, and the interest requited is the same as that of $66 for 293 days, which is found by inspection to be $3.76. INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 1 DAY. - 2 DAYS. 3 DAYS. Pri n. Interest. Pri. Interest. Prin. Inteest. Prin. Interest. Prin. nterest. Prill. Interest. 1.00,019 51.00,992 1.00,039 1 51.01,983 1.00,058 51.02,975 2.00,039 - 52.01,011 2.00,078 52.02,022 2.00,117 52.03,033 3.0O,058 53.01,031 3.00,117 53.02,061 3.00,175 53.03,092 4.00,078 54.019050 4.00,156 54.02,100 4.00,233 54.03,150 5.00,097 55.01,069 5.00,194 55.02,139 5.00,292 55.03.2081 6.00,117 56.01,089 6.00,233 56.02,178 6.00,350 56.03,267 7.00,136 57.01,108 7.00,272 57.02,217 7.00,408 57.03,325 8.00,156 58.01,128 8.00,311 58.02,256 8.00,467 58.03,383 9.00,175 59.01,147 9.00,350 59.02,294 9.00,525 59.03,442'10.00,194 60W.01,167 10.00,389 60.02,333 10.00,583 60.03,500 11.00,214 61.01,186 11.00,428 61.02,372 11.00,642 61.03,558 12.00,233 62.01,206 12.00,467 62.02,411 12.00,700 62.03,617 13.00,253 63.01,225 13.00,506 63.02,450 13.00,758 63.03,675 14.00,272 64.01,244]. 14.00,544 64.02,489 14.00,817 64.03,733 15.00,292 65.01,264 15.00,583 65.02,528 15.00,875 65.03,792 16.00,311 66.01,283 16.00,622 66.02,567 16.00,933 66.03,850 17.00,331 67.01,303 17.00,661 67.02,606 17.00,992 67.039908 18.00,350 68.01,322 18.00,700 68.02,644 18.01,050 68.03,967 19.00,369 69.01,342 19'.00,739 69.02,683 19.01,108 69.04,025 20.00,389 70.01,361 20.00,778 70.02,722 20.01,167 70.04,083 21.00,408 71.01,381 21.00,817 71.02,761 21.01,225 71.04,142 22.00,428 72.01,400 22.00,856 72.02,800 22.01,283 72.04,200 23.00,447 73.01,419 23.00,894 73.02,839 23.01,342 73.04,258 24.00,467 74.01,439 24.00,933 74.02,878 24.01,400 74.04,317 25.00,486 75.01,458 25.00,972 75.02,917 25.01,458 75.04,375 26.00,506 76.01,478 26.01,011 76.02,956 26.01,517 76.04,433 27.00,525 77.01,497 27.01,050 77.02,994 27.01,575 77.04,492 28.00,544 78.01,517 28.01,089 78.03,033 28.01,633 78.04,550 29.00,564 79.01,536 29.01,128 79.03,072 29.01,692 79.043608 30.00,583 80.01,556 30.01,167 80.03,111 30.01,750 80.04,667 31.00,603 81.01,575 31.01,206 81.03,1.50 31.01,808 8 1.04,725., 32.00,622 82.01,594 32.01,244 82.03,189 32.01,867 -82.04,783 33.00,642 83.01,614 33.01,283 83.03,228 33.01,925 83.04,842 34.00,661 84.01,633 34.01,322 84.03,267 34.01,983 84.04,900 35.00,681 85.01,653 35.01,361 85.03,306 35.02,042 85.04,958 36.00,700 86.01,672 36.01,400 86.03,344 36.02,100 86.05,017 37.00,719 87.01,692 37.01,439 87.03,383 37.02,158 87.05,075 38.00,739 88.01,711 38.01,478 88.03,422 38.02,217 88.0 5,133 39.00,758 89.01,731 39.01,517 89.03,461 39.02,275 89.05,192 40.00,778 90.01,750 40.01,556 90.03,500 40.02,333 90.05,250 41.00,797 91.01,769 41 -.01,594 91.03,539 41.02,392 91.05,308 42.00,817 92.01,789 42.01,633 92.03,578 42.02,450 92.05,367 43.00,836 93.01,808 43.01,672 93.03,617 43.02,508 93.05,425 44.00,856 94.01,828 44.01,711 94.03,656 44.02,567 94.05,483 45.00,875 95.01,847 45.01,750 95.03,694 45.02,625 95.05,542 46.00,894 96.01,867 46.01,789 96.03,733 46.02,683 96.05,600 47.00,914 97.01,886. 47.01,828 97.03,772 47.02,742 97.05,658 48.00,933 98.01,906 48.01,867 98.03,811 48.02,800 98.05,717' 49.00,953 99.01,925 49.01,906 99.03,850 49.02,858 99.05 775 15.00,972 1 D Day. 50.01,944 2 2 Days. 50.02,917 3 Days. _ ONE YEAR. Prin. Interest. IPrin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin.[ Interest. IIPrin. Interest. 1 1.07,00 111.77,00 21 11.47,00 31 2.17,00 41 12.87,00 2 1.14,00 12.84,00 22 1.54,00 32 2.24,00 42 2.94,00 3 I.21,00 113.91,00 1123 1.61,00 1133 2.31,00 1 43 3.01,00~ 4.28,00 14.98,00 24 1. 68,00 34 2.38,0'0 44 3.08,00 5.35,00 115 1.05,00 125 1 175,00 35 2.45,00 45 13.15,00 6.42,00 - 16 1.12,00 26 1.82,00 36 2.52,00 146 13.22,00 7.49,00 00 17 0 1.19, 27 1 1.89,00 -i 137 1 2.59,00 1{ 47 1 3.29,00 8.56,00 18 1.26,00 28 1.96,00 138 1 2.66,00 481 3.36,00 [I 1 19 1.63,00 119 1 1.33,00 ] 29 2.03,00 1391 2.73,00 1149 3.43,00 14] 11101.70,00 112011.40,00 1}3012.10,00 140 12.80,00 /1501 3.50,00 INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 4 DAYS. 5 DAYS. 6 DAYS. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.00,078 51.03,967 1.00,097 51.04,958 1.00,117 51.05,950 2.00,156 52.04,044 2.00,194 52 -.05,056 2.00,233 52.06,067 3.00,233 53.04,122 3.00,292 53.05,153 3.00,350 53.06,183 4.00,311 54.04,200 4.00,389 54.05,250 4.00,467 54.06,300 5.00,389 55.04,278 5.00,486 55.05,347 5.00,583 55.06,417 6.00,467 56.04,356 6.00,583 56.05,444 6.00,700 56.06,533 7.00,544 57.04,433 7.00,681 57.05,542 7.00,817 57.06,650 8.00,622 58.04,511 8.00,778 58.05,639 8.00,933 58.06,767 9.00,700 59.04,589 9.00,875 59.05,736 9.01,050 59.06,883 10.00,778 60.04,667 10.00,972 60.05,833 10.01,167 60.07,000 11.00,856 61.04,744 11.01,069 61.05,931 11.01,283 61.07,117 12.00,933 62.04,822 12.01,167 62.06,028 12.01,400 62.07,233 13.01,011 63.04,900 13.01,264 63.06,125 13.01,517 63.07,350 14.01,089 64.04,978 14.01,361 64.06,222 14.01,633 64.07,467 15.01,167 65.05,056 15.01,458 65.06,319 15.01,750 65.07,583 16.01,244 66.05,133 16.01,556 66.06,417 16.01,867 66.07,700 17.01,322 67.05,211 17.01,653 67.06,514 17.01,983 67.07,817 18.01,400 68.05,289 18.01,750 68.06,611 18.02,100 68.07,933 19.01,478 69.05,367 19.01,847 69.06,708 19.02,217 69.08,050 20.01,556 70.05,444 20.01,944 70.06,806 20.02,333 70.08,167 21.01,633 71.05,522 21.02,042 71.06,903 21.02,450 71.08,283 22.01,711 72.05,600 22.02,139 72.07,000 22.02,567 72.08,400 23.01,789 73.05,678 23.02,236 73.07,097 23.02,683 73.08,517 24.01,867 74.05,756 24.02,333 74.07,194 24.02,800 74.08,633 25.01,944 75.05,833 25.02,431 75.07,292 25.02,917 75.08,750 26.02,022 76.05,911 26.02,528 76.07,389 26.03,033 76.08,867 27.02,100 77.05,989 27.02,625 77.07,486 27.03,150 77.08,983 98.02,178 78.06,067 28.02,722 78.07,583 28.03,267 78.09,100 29.02,256 79.06,144 29.02,819 79.07,681 29.03,383 79.09,217 30.02,333 80.06,222 30.02,917 80.07,778 30.03,500 80.09,333 31.02,411 81.06,300 31.03,014 81.07,875 31.03,617 81.09,450 32.02,489 82.06,378 32.03,111 82.07,972 32.03,733 82.09,567 33.02,567 83.06,456 33.03,208 83.08,069 33.03,850 83.09,683 34.02,644 84.06,533 34.03,306 84.08,167 34.03,967 84.09,800 35.02,722 85.06,611 35.03,403 85.08,264 35.04,083 85.09,917 36.02,800 86.06,689 36.03,500 86.08,361 36.04,200 86.10,033 37.02,878 87.06,767 37.03,597 87.08,458 37.04,317 87.10,150 38.02,956 88.06,844 38.03,694 88.08,556 38.04,433 88.10,267 39.03,033 89.06,922 39.03,792 89.08,653 39.04,550 89.10,383 40.03,111 90.07,000 40.03,889 90.08,750 40.04,667 90.10,500 41.03,189 91.07,078 41.03,986 91.08,847 41.04,783 91.10,617 42.03,267 92.07,156 42.04,083 92.08,944 42.04,900 92.10,733 43.03,344 93.07,233 43.04,181 93.09,042 43.05,017 93.10,850 44.03,422 94.07,311 44.04,278 94.09,139 44.05,133 94.10,967j 45.03,500 95.07,389 45.04,375 95.09,236 45.05,250 95.11,0831 46.03,578 96.07,467 46.04,472 96.09,333 46.05,367 96.11,200 47.03,656 97.07,544 47.04,569 97.09,431 47.05,483 97.11,317 48.03,733 98.07,622 48.04,667 98.09,528 48.05,600 98.11,433 49.03,811 99.07,700 49.04,764 99.09,625 49.05,717 99.1.1,550 50.03,889 4 Days 50.04,861 5 Days. 50.05,833 6Days. __ O NE - YEAR. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 3.57,00 61' 4.27,00 711 4.97,00 81 1 5.6700 91 16.37,00 52 1 3.64,00 162 4.34,00 721 5.04,00 821 5.7400 921 6.44,00 53 3.71,00 h63 4.41,00 il73 5.11,00 831 5.81,00 93 1 6.51,00 54 13.78,00 641 4.48,00 74 5.18,00 84 5.88,00 94 16.58,00 55 t 3.85,00 65 4.55,00 75 5.25,00 85 s 5.95,00 195 6.65,00 56 1 3.92,00 66 | 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 86 6.02,00 96 i 6.72,00 57 3.99,00 671 4.69,00 77 5.39,00 87 16.09,00 1971 6.79,00 58 4.06,00 68 4.76,00 78 5.46,00 88 [ 6.16,00 98 6.86,00 591 4.13,00 69 4.83,00 79 5.53,00 l89 16.23,00 99 6.93,00 60 4.20,00 701 4.90,00 80 5.60,00 90 6.30,00] 5 60'U - i- - U INTE R ES T AT S E VEN -PER, CENT. i 7 DAYS. 8 DAYS. 9 DAYS. - Prill. Interest. I Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. teres 1.00,136 51.06 942 1.00,156 51.07,933 1.00,175 51.08,925 i 2.00,272 52.07,078 2.00,311 52.08,089 2.00,350 52.09,1001 3.00,408 53.07j214 3.00,467 53.08,244 3.00,525 53.09,275 4.00,544 54.07,350 4.00,622 54.08,400 4.00,700 54.09,450, 5.00,681 55.07,486 5.00,778 55.08,556 5.00,875 55.09,6251| 6.00,817 56.07,622 6.00,933 56.08,711 6.01,050 56.09,800 7.00,953 57.07,758 7.01,089 57.08,867 7.01,225 57.09,9751 8.01,089 58.07,894 8.01,244 58.09,022 8.01,400 58.10,150 9.01,225 59.08,031 9.01,400 59.09,178 9.01,575 59.10,325 10.01,)361 60'.08,167 10.01,556 60.09,333 10.01,750 60.10,500 11.01,497 61.08,303 11.01,711 61.09,489 11.01,925 61.10,675 12.01,633 62..08,439 12.01,867 62.09,644 1]2.02,100 62.10,850 13.01,769 63.08,575 13.02,022 63.09,800 13.02,275 63.11,025 14.01,906 64.08,711 14.02,178 64.09,956 14.02,450 64.11,200 15.02,042 65.08,847 15.02,333 65.10,111 15.02,625 65.11,375 16.02,178 66.083,983 16.02,489 66.10,267 16.02,800 66.11,550 17.02,314 67.09,119 17.02,644 67.10,422 17.02,975 67.11,725 18.02,450 68.09,256 18.02,800 68.10,578 18.03,150 68.11,900 19.02,586 69.09,392 19.02,956 69.10,733 19.03,325 69.12,075 20.027722 70.09,528 20.03,111 70.10,889 20.03,500 70.12,250 21.02,858 71.09,664 21.03,267 71.11,044 21.03,675 71.12,425 22.02,994 72.09,800 22.03,422 72.11,200 22.03,850 72.12,600 23.03,131 73.09,936 23.03,578 73.11,356 23.04,025 73.12,775 24.03,267 74.10,072 24.03,733 74.11,511 24.04,200 74.12,950 25.03,403 75.10,208 25.03,889 75.11,667 25.04,375 75.13,125 26.03,539 76.10,344 26.04,044 76.11,822 26.04,550 76.13,300 27.03,675 77.10,481 27.04,200 77.11,978 27.04,725 77.13,475 28.03,811 78.10,617 28.04,356 78.12,133 28.04,900 78.13,650 29.03,947 79.10,753 29.04,511: 79.12,289 29.05,075 79.13,825 30.04,083 80.10,889 30.04,667 80.12,444 30.05,250 80.14,000 31.04,219 81.11,025 31.04,822 81.12,600 31.05,425 81.14,175 32.04,356 82.117161 32.04,978 82.12,756 32.05,600 82.14,350 33.04,492 83.11,297 33.05,133 83.12,911 33.05,775 83.14,525 34.04,628 84.11,433 t,34.05,289 84.13,067 34.05,950 84.14,700 35'.04,764 85.11,569 35.05,444 85.13,222 35.06,125 85.14,875 36.04,900 86.11,706 36.05,600 86.13,378 36.06,300 86.15,050 37.05,036 87.11,842 37.05,756 87.13,533 37.06,475 87.15,225 38.05,172 88.11,978 38.05,911 88.13,689 38.06,650 88.15,400 391.05,308 89.12,114 39.06,067 89.13,844 39.06,825 89.15,575 40.05,444 90.12,250 40.06,222 90.14,000 40.07,000 90.15,750 41.05,581 91.12,386 41.06,378 91.14,156 41.07,175 91.15,925 42.05,717 92.12,522 42.06,533 92.14,311 42.07,350 92.16,100 43.05,853 93.12,658 43.06,689 93.14,467 43.07,525 93.16,275 44.05,989 94.12,794 44.06,844 94.14,622 44.07,700 94.16,450 45.06,125 95.12,931 45.07,000 95.14,778 45.07,875 95.16,625 46.06,261 96.13,067 46.07,156 96.14,933 46.08,050 96.16,800 47.06,397 97.13,203 47.07,311 97.15,089 47.08,225 97.16,975 48.06,533 98.13,339 48.07,467 98.15,244 48.08,400 98.17,150 49.06,669 99.13.475 49.07,622 99.15,400 49.08,575 99.17,325 50.06,806 7 Days. 50.07,778 8 Days. 50.08,750 9 Days......... 9 Days.ONE YEAR. Prin Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Intelest. Prin.l Interest. 1.07,00 11.77,00 21 I 1.47,00 31 2.17,00 41 2.87,00 2.14,00 12.84,00 22 1.54,00 32 2.24,00 42 2.94,00 3.21,00 13.91,00 23 1.61,00 33 2.31,00 43 3.01,00 4.28,00 14.98,00 24 1.68,00 34 2.38,00 44 3.08,00 5.35,00 15 11.05,00 25 1.75,00 35 2.45,00 45 3.15,00 6.42,00 16 1.12,00 26 1.82,00 36 2.52,00 46 3.22,00 7.49,00 17 1.19,00 27 1.89,00 37 2.59,00 47 3.29,00 8.56,00 18 1.26,00 28 1.96,00 38 2.66,00 48 3.36,00 9.63,00 19 1.33,00 29 2.03,00 39 2.73,00 49 3.43,00 16] 10.70,00 20 1.40,00 30 2.10,00 40 2.80,00 50 3.50,00 INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 10 DAYS. _ 11 DAYS. 12 DAYS, Pri. Interest. Prn. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin Interest. 1.00,194 51.099917 1.00,214 51.10,908 1.00,233 51.11,900 2.00,389 52.10,111 2.00,428 52.11,122 2.00,467 52.12,133 3.00,583 53.10,306 3.00,642 53.11,336 3.00,700 53.12,367 4.00,778 54.10,500 4.00,856 54.11,550 4.00,933 54.12,600 5.00,972 55.10,694 5.01,069 55.11,764 5.01,167 55.12,833 6.01,167 56.10,889 6.01,283 56.11,978 6.01,400 56.13,067 7.01,361 57.11,083 7.01,497 57.12,192 7.01,633 57.13,300 8.01,556 58.11,278 8.01,711 58.12,406 8.01,867 58.13,533 9.01,750 59.11,472 9.01,925 59.12,619 9.02,100 59.13,767 10.01,944 60.11,667 10.02,139 60.12,833 10.02,333 60.14,000 11.02,139 61.11,861 11.02,353 61.13,047 11.02,567 61.14,233 12.02,333 62.12,056 12.02,567 62.13,261 12.02,800 62.14,467 13.02,528 63.12,250 13.02,781 63.13,475 13.03,033 63.14,700 14.02,722 64.12,444 14.02,994 64.13,689 14.03,267 64.14,933 15.02,917 65.12,639 15.03,208 65'.13,903 15.03,500 65.15,167 16.03,111 66.12,833 16.03,422 66.14,117 16.03,733 66.15,400 17.03,306 67.13,028 17.03,636 67.14,331 17.03,967 67.15,633 18.03,500 68.13,222 18.03,850 68.14,544 18.04,200 68.15,867 19.03,694 69.13,417 19.04,064 69.14,758 19.04,433 69.16,100 20.03,889 70.13,611 20.04,278 70.14,972 20.04,667 70.16,333 f21.04,083 71.13,806 21.04,492 71.15,186 21.04,900 71.16,567 22.04,278 72.14,000 22.04,706 72.15,400 22.05,133 72.16,800 23.04,472 73.14,194 23.04,919 73.15,614 23.059367 73.17,033 24.04,667 74.14,389 24.05,133 74.15,828 24.05,600 74.17,267 25.04,861 75.14,583 25.05,347 75.16,042 25.05,833 75.17,500 26.05,056 76.14,778 26.05,561 76.16,256 26.06,067 76.17,733 27.05,250 77.14,972 27.05,775 77.16,469 27.06,300 77.17,967 28.05,444 78.15,167 28.05,989 78.16,683 28.06,533 78.18,200 29.05,639 79.15,361 29.06,203 79.16,897 29.06,767 79.18,433 30.05,833 80.15,556 30.06,417 80.17,111 30.07,000 80.18,667 31.06,028 81.15,750 31.06,631 81.17,325 31.07,233 81.18,900 32.06,222 82.15,944 32.06,844 82.17,539 3'2.07,467 82.19,133 33.06,417 83.16,139 33.07,058 83.17,753 33.07,700 83.19,367 34.06,611 84.16,333 34.07,272 84.17,967 34.07,933 84.19,600 35.06,806 85.16,528 35.07,486 85.18,181 35.08,167 85.19,833 36.07,000 86 16,722 36.07,700 86.18,394 36.08,400 86.20,067 37.07,194 87.16,917 37.07,914 87.18,608 37.08,633 87.20,300 38.079389 88.17,111 38.08,128 88.18,822 38.08,867 88.20,533 39.07,583 89.17,306 39.08,342 89.19,036 39.09,100 89.20,767 40.07,778 90.17,500 40.08,556 90.19,250 40.09,333 90.21,000 41.07,972 91.17,694 41.08,769 91.19,464 41.09,567 91.21,233 42.08,167 92.17,889 42.08,983 92.19,678 42.09,800 92.21,467 43.08,361 93.18,083 43.09,197 93.19,892 43.10,033 93.21,700 44.08,556 94.18,278 44.09,411 94.20,106 44.10,267 94.21,933 45.08,750 95.18,472 45.09,625 95.20,319 45.10,500 95.22,167 46.08,944 96.18,667 46.09,839 96.20,533 46.10,733 96.22,400 47.09,139 97.18,861 47.10,053 97.20,747 47.10,967 97.22,633 48.09,333 98.19,056 48.10,267 98.20,961 48.11,200 98.22,867 49.09,528 99.19,250 49.10,481 99.21,175 49.119433 99.23,100 50.09,722 10O D0ays. 5.10,694 11 Days. 50.119667 12 Days. ONE YEAR. - Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 3.57,00 61 4.27,00 71 4.97,00 81 5.67,00 91 6.37,00 52 3.64,00 62 4.34,00 72 5.04,00 82 5.74,00 92 6.44,00 53 3.71,00 63 4.41,00 73 5.11,00 83 5.81,00 93 6.51,00 54 3.78,00 64 4.48,00 74 5.18,00 84 5.88 00 94 6.58,00 55 3.85,00 65 4.55,00 75 5.25,00 85 5.95,00 95 6.65,00 56 3.92,00 66 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 86 6.02,00 96 6.72300 57 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 77 5.39,00 87 6.09,00 97 6.79,00 58 4.06,00 68 4.76,00 78 5.46,00 88 6.16,00 98 6.86,00 59 4.13,00 69 4.83,00 79 5.53,00 89 6.23,00 99 6.93,00 60 4.20,00 70 4.90,00 80 5.60,00 90 6.30,00 __ ______ 17 13 DAYS. H DAYS. 1_ 5 DAYS._ ril. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Puin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Pn. Interest. 1.00,253 51.12,892 1.00,272 51.13,883 1.00,292 51.148,75 2.00,506 52.13,144 2.00,544 52.14,156 2.00,583 52.15,167 3.00,758 53.13,397 3.00,817 53.14,428 3.00,875 1 53.15,458! 4.01,011 54.13,650 4.01,089 54.14,700) 4.01,167 54.15,750 5.01,264 55.13,903 5.01,361 55.14,972 5.01,458 55.1o6,042 6.01,517 56.14)156 6.01,633 56.15,244 6.01,750 56.16,333 7.01,769 57.14,408 7.01,906 57.15,517 7.02,042 57.16,625 8.02,022 58.14,661 8.02,178 58.15,789 8.02,333 58.16,917 9.02,275 59.14,914 9.02,450 59.16,061 9.02,625 59.17,208 10.02,528 60.15,167 10.02,722 60.16,333 10.02,917 60.17,500 11.02,781 61.15,419 11.02,994 61.16,606 11.03,208 61.17,792 12.03,033 62.15,672 12.03,267 62.16,878 12.03,500 62.18,083 13.03,286 63.15,925 13.03,539 63.17,150 13.03,792 63.18,375 14.03,539 64.16,178 14.03Z811 64.17,422 14.04,083 64.18,667 15.03,792 65.16,431 15.04,083 65.17,694 15.04,375 65.18,958 16~.04,044 66.16,683 16.04,356 66.17,967 16.04,667 66.19,250 17.04,297 67.16,936 17.04,628 67.18,239 17.04,958 67.19,542 18.04,550 68.17,189 18.04,900 68.18,511 18.05,250 68.19,833 19.04,803 69.17,442 19.05,172 69.18,783 19.05,542 169.20125 20.05,056 70.17,694 20.05,444 70.19,056 20.05,833 70.20,417 21.059308 71.17,947 21.05,717 71.19,328 21.06,125 71.20,7081 22.05,561 72.18,200 22.05,989 72.19,600 22.06,417 72.21,000 23.05,814 73.18,453 23.06,261 73.19,872 23.06,708.73.21,292:24.06,067 74.18,706 24.06,533 74.20,144 24.07,000 74.21,583 25.069319 75.18,958 25.06,806 75.20,417 25.07,292 75.21,875 26.06,572 76.19,211 26.07,078 76.20,689 26.07,583 76.22,167 27.06,825 77.19,464 27.07,350 77.20,961 27.07,875.77.22,458 28.07,078 78.19,717 28.07,622 78.21,233 28.08,167 78.22,750 29.07,331 79.19,969 29.07,894 79.21,5)06i 29.08,458 79.23,042 30.07,583 80.20,222 30.08,167 80.21,778 30.08,750 80).23,333 31.07,836 81.20,475 31.08,439 81.22,050 31.09,042 81.23,625 32.08,089 82.20,728 32.08,711 82.22,322 32.09,333 82.23,917 33.08,342 83.20,981 33.08,983 83.22,594 33.09,625 83.24,208 34.08,594 84.21,233 34.09,256 84.22,867 34.09,917 84.24,500 35.08,847 85.21,486 35.09,528 85.23,139 35.10,208 85.24,792 36.09,100 86.21,739 36.09,800 86.23,411 36.10,500 86.25,083 37.09,353 8 7.21,992 37.10,072 87.23,683 37.10,792 87.25.375 38.09,606 88.22,2 44 38.10,344 88.23,956 38.11,083 88.25,667 39.09,858 89.22,497 39.10,617 89.24,228 39.11,375 89.25,958 40.10,111 90.22,750 40.10,889 90.24,500 40.11,667 90.26,259 41.10,364 91.23,003 41.11,161 91.24,772 41.11,958 91.26,542 42.10,617 92.23,256 42.11,433 92.25,044 42.1.2,250 92.26,833 43.10,869 93.23,508 43.11,706 93.25,317 43.12,542 93.27,125 44.11,122 94.23,761 44.11,978 94.259589 44.12,833 94.27,417 45.11,375 95.24,014 45.12,250 95.25,861 45.13,125 95.27,708 46.11,628 96.24,267 46.12,522 96.26,133 46.13,417 96.28,000 47.11,881 97.24,519 47.12,794 97.26,406 47.13,708 97.28,292 48.12,133 98.24,772 48.13,067 98.26,678 48.14,000 98.28.583 49.12,386 99.25,025 49.13,339 99.26,950 49.14,292 99.28,875 50.12,639 13 ]ayS' 50.13,611 1l.Z DayS. 50.14,583 15 ays. 0 N E YEAR __ __ Prin. Interest. IPrin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. iPriu. Interest. 1.07,00 11.77,00 21 1.47,00 31 2.17,00) 41 2.87,00 2.14,00 12.84,00 22 1.54,00 32 12.24,00 42 2.94,00 31.21,00 13.91,00 23 1.61,00 33 2.31,00 43 3.01,00 4.28,00 14.98,00 24 1.68,00 34 2.38,00 I 44 3.08,00 5.35,00 15 1.05,00 25 1.75,00 35 2.45,00 45 3.15,00 61.42,00 16 1.12,00 26 1.82,00 36 2.52,00 4613.22,00 7.49,00 17 1.19,00 27 1.89,00 37 2.59,00 47 3.29,00 8.56,00 18 1.26,00 28 1.96,00 38 1 2.66,00 48 3.36,00 9.63,00 11W19 11.33,00 29 2.03,00 1139 2.73,00 49 3.43,00 8] 11 10 1.70,00 20 1.40,00 3010,00 0 2.80,00 o50 3.50,00 lS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ II~ ~ INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 16 DAYS, 17 DAYS. 18 DAYS. Pl'rin. Interest. Pln. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. IDteest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.00,311 51.15,867 1..00,331 51.16,858 1.00,350 51.17,850 2.00,622 52.16,178 2.00,661 52.17,189 2.00,700 52.18,200 3.00,933 53.16,489 3.00,992 53.17,519 3.017050 53.18,55() 4.01,244 54.16,800 4.01,322 54.17,850 4.01,400 54.18,900 5.01,556 55.17,111 5.01,653 55.18,181 5.01,750 55.19,250 6.01,867 56.17,422{ 6.01,983 56 18511 6.02,10 56.19,600 7.02,178 57.17,733 7.02,314 57.18,842 7.02,450 57.19,950 8.02,489 58.18,044 8.02,644 58.19,172 8.02,800 58.20,300 9.02,800 59.18,356 9.02,975 59.19,503 9.03,150 59.209650 10.03,111 60 -.18,667 10.03,306 60.19,833 10.03,500 60.21,000 11.03,422 61.18,978 11.03,636 61.20,164 11.03,850 61.21,350 12.03,733 62.19,289 12.03,967 62.20,494 12.04,200 62.21,700 13.04,044 63.19,600 13.04,297 63.20,825 13.04,550 63.22,050 14.04,356 64.19,911 14.04,628' 64.21,156 14.04,900 64.22,400 15.04,667 65.20,222 15.04,958 65.219486 15.05,250 65.22,750 16.04,978 66.20,533 16.05,289 66.21,817 16.059600 66.23,100 17.05,289 67.20,844 17.05,619 67.22,147 17.05,950 67.23,'450 18.05 600 68.21,156 18.05,950 68.22,478 18.06,300 68.23,800 19.05,911 69.21,467 19.06,281 69.22,808 19.06,650 69.24,150[ 20.06,9222 70.21,778 20.06,611 70.23,139 20.07,000 70.24,500 21.06,533 71.22,089 21.06,942 71.23,469 21.07,350 71 24 850 22.06,844 72.22,400 22,07,272 72.23,800 22.07,700 72.25,200 23.0()7156 73.22,711 23.07,603 73.24,131 23.08,050 73.25,550 24.07,467 74.23,022 24.07,933 74.24,461 24.08,400 74.25,900 25.07,778 75.23,333 25.08,264 75.24,792 25.08,750 75.26,250 26.08 089 76.23,644 26.08,594 76.25,122 26.09,100 76.26,600 27.08,400 77.23,956 27.08,925 77.25,453 27.09,450 77.26,950 28.08g711 78.24,267 28.09,256 78.25,783 28.09,800 78.27,300 29.09 022 79.24,578 29.09,586 79.26,114 29.10,150 79.27,650 30).09,333 180.24,889 30.09,917 80.26,444 30.109500 80.28,000 31.09,644| 81.25,200 31.10,247 81.26,775 31.10,850 81.28,350 132.0931956 82.25,511 32.10,578 82.27,106 32.11,200 82.28,700.33 10,267 83.25,822 33.109908 83.27,436 33.11,550 83.29,050 34.10,578 84.26,133 34.119239 84.27,767 34.11,900 84.29,400!35.10,889 85.26,444 35.11,569 85.289097 35.12,250 85.29,750 36.11,200 86.26,756 36.11,900 86.28,428 36.12,600 86.30,100.37 11,511 87.27,067 37.12,231 87.28,758 37.12,950 87.30,450 38.11,822 88.27,378 38.12,561 88.29,089 38.13,300 88.30,800 39.12 133 89.27,689 39.12,892 89.29,419 39.13,650 89.31,150 40.12,444 90.28,000 40.13,222 90.29,750 40.14,000 90.31,500 41.12,756 91.28,311 41.13,553 91.30,081 41.14,350 91.31,850 42.13,067 92.28,622 42.13,883 92.30,411 42.14,700 92.32,200! 43.13,378 93.28,933 43.14,214 93.30,742 43.15,050 93.32,5501 44.13,689 94.29,244 44.14,544 94.31,072 44.15,400 94.32,900 45.14,000 95.29,556 45.14,875 95.31,403 45.15,750 95.33,250 46.14,311 96.29,867 46.15,206 96.31,733 46.16,100 96.33,600 47.14,622 97.30,178 47.15,536 97.32,064 47.16,450 97.33,950 48.149933 98.30,489 48.15,867 98.32,394 48.16,800 98.34,300 49.15,244 99.30,800 49.16,197 99.32,725 49.17,150 99.34,650.50.15,556 16 D0 ays. 50.16,528 Days. 50.17,500 18 ays. _O N E Y E A R. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 3.57,00 61 4.27,00 71 4.97,00 81 5.67,00 91 6.37,00 52 3.64,00 62 14.34,00 72 5.04,00 82 5.74,00 92 6.44,00 53 3.71,00 63 4.41900 73 5.11,00 83 5.81,00 93 6.51,00 54 3.78,00 64 4.48,00 74 5.18,00 84 5.88,00 94 6.58,00 55 3.85,00 65 4.55,00 75 5.25,00 85 5.95,00 95 6.65,00 56 3.92,00 66 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 86 6.02,00 96 6.72900 57 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 77 5.39,00 87 6.09,00 97 1 6.79,00 58 4.06,00 68 4.76,00 78 5.46,00 88 6.16,00 98 6.86,00 59 4.13,00 69 4.83,00 79 5.53,00 89 6.23,00 99 6.93,00 60 4.20,00 1170 4.9Q,00 80 5.60,00 90 6.30,00'11 r9' INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CEN T. 19 DAYS. 20 DAYS. 21 DAYS. Prim. Interest.- Frin. lntetest. Prin. Interest. Primn. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.00,369 51.18,842 1.00,389 51.19,833 1.00,408 51.20,825 2.00,73'9 52.19,211 2.00,778 52.20,222! 2.00,817 52.21,233 3.01,108 53.19,581 3.01,167 53.20,6411 3.01,225 53.21,642 4.01,478 -54.19,950 4.01 556 54.21,000 4.01,633 54.22,050 5.01,847- 55.20,319 5.01,944 55.21,389 5.02,042 55.22,458 6.02,217 56.20,689 6.02,333 56-.21,778 6.02,450 56.22,867 7.02,586 57.21,058 7.02,722 57.22,167 7.02,858: -57.23,275 8.02,956 58-.21,428 8.03,111 58.22,556 8.03,;267 58.23,683 9.03,325 59.21,797 9.03,500 59.22,944 9.03,675 59.24,092 10.03,694 60.22,167 10.03,889 60'.23,333 10.04,083 60.24,500 11.04,064 61.22,536 11.04,278' 61.23,722 11.04,492 61.24,908 12.04,433 62.22,906 12.04,667 62.24,111 12.04,900 62.25;317 13.04,803 63.23,275 13.05,056 6;3.24,500 13.05,308: 63.25,725 14.05,172 64.23,644 14.05,444 64.24,889 14.05.717 64.26,133 15.05,542 65.24,014 15'.05,833 65.25,278 15.06,125 65.26,542 16.05,911 66.24,383 16-.06,222 66&.25,667 16.06,533 66.26,950 7T.06,281 67.24,753 17.06,611 67.26,056 17.06,942 67.27,358 18.06,650 68.25,122 18.07,000 68-.26,444 18.07,350 68.27,767 19.07,019 69.25,492 19.07,389 69.26,8,33 19.07,758 69.28,175 20.07,389 70.25,861 20.07,778 70.27,222 20.08,167 270.28,583 21.07,758 71.26,231 21.08,167 71.27,611 21.08,575 71.28,992 22.08,128 72.26,600 22.08,556 72.28,000 22.08,983 72.29,400 23.08,497 73.26,969 23.08,944 73;.28,389 23.09 392 73.29,808 24.08,867 74.27,339 24 -09,333 74.28,778 24.09`800 74.30,217 25.09,236 5t.27,708:25.09,722 75.29,167 25.10,208 75.30,625 [26.09,606 76.28,078 26.10;111 76.29,556 26.10,617 76.31,033 27.09,975 77.28:447 27.10,500 77.29,944 27.11,025 77.31,442 28.10,344 78;.28,817!28.10,889 78.30,333 28.11,433 78.31,850 29.10,714 79.29,186 29.11,278 79.30,722 29.11,842 79.32.258 30.11,083 80.29,556 30.11,667 80.31,111 30.12,250 80.32,667 31.11,453 81.29,925 31.12,056 81.31,500 31.12,658 81.33,075 32.11,822 82.30,294 32.12,444 82.31,889 32.13,067 82.33,483 33.12,192 83.30,664:33.12,833 83.32,278,33.13,475 83.33,892 34.12,561 84.31,033 34 -.13222 84.32,667 34.13,883 84.34,300 35.12,931 85.31,403 35.13,611 85.33;056 35.14,292 85.34,708 36 1.13,300 86.31,772 36.14,000 86.33,444 36.14,700 86.35,117 37.13,669 87.32,142 37.14,389 87.33,833 37.15,108 87.35,525 38.14,039 -S.32,511 38-.14,778 88.34,222 38.15,517 88.35,933 39.14,408 8 9 32,881 39@.15,167 89.34,611 39.15,925 89.36,342 40.14,778 90.33 250 40 -.15,556 90.35,000 40 1A6,333 90.36,750 41.15,147 91.33,619 41.15,944 91.35,389 41.16,742 91.37,158 42.15,517 92.33,989 42.16,333 92.35,778 42.17,150 92.37,567 43.15,886 93.34,358 43.16,722 93.36,167 43.17,558 93.37,975 44.16,256 94.34,728 44.17,111 94.36,556 44.17,967 94.38,383 45.16,625 195.35,097 45.17,500 95.36.944 45.18.375'1 95.38,792 46.16,994 96.35,467 46.17,889 96.37 333 46.18,783 96.39,200 47.17,364 97.35,836 47.18,278 97.37,722 47.19,192 97.39,608 48.17,733 98.36,206 48.18,667 98.38,111 48.19,600 98.40,017 149.18,103 99.36,575 49.19,056 99.38 500 49.20,008 199.40,425 50..18,472 19 Days. 50.19,444 2i Days. 50.20,417 2I, Days. ONE Y E A R. Prin Interest. Prin. Interest. fPrin.| Interest. PriI. Interest. Pri.i Interest. 1.07,00 11.77,00 211 1.47,00 31 2.17(,00 41 2.87,00 2.14,00 1112.84,00 11 22 1.54,00 32;2.24,00 42 12.94,00 3.21,00 13.91,00 23t 1.61,00 33[ 2.31,00 143 13.01,00 1 4.28,00 14.98,00 24 11.68,00 34 2.38,00 144 3'.08,00 5.35,00 15 1.05,00 25 1.75,00 35 12.45,00 11451 3.15,00 6 I 42,00 16 1 1.12,00 26 1.82,00 36 12.52,00 46 3.22,00, || 7.49,00 17 1.19,00 27 1.89,00 37 2.59,00 47:3.29o00O 8.56,00 118 1.26,00 28 1.96,00 38 12.66,00 48 31.36,00 I || 9[.63,00 |19 1.33,00 |29 2.03,00 [39 |2.73,00 49 3.43',00[ 20] 10!.70,00 120 1 1.40o00 30 2.10,00 140 2.80,00 II50 3.50,00 INTERES T AT S EVEN PER CENT. 22 DAYS. 23 DAYS. 24 DAYS. I Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. lri'i. Interest. Prin. I:lterest. i Prn.I Interest. 1.00,428 51.21,817 1.00,447 1.51.22,808 1.00467 51.23,800 2.00,856 52.22,244 2.00,894'52.23,256 2.00,933 152.24,267 3.01,283 53.22,672 3.01,342 53.23,703 3.01,400! 53.24,733 4.01,711 54.23,100 4.01,789 54.24,150 4.01,867 54.25,200 5.02,139 55.23,528 5.02,236 55.24,597 5.02,333 55.25,667 6.02,567 56.23,956 6.02,683 56.25,044 6.02,800 56.26,133 7.02,994 57.24,383 7.03,131 57.25,492 7.03,267 57.26,600 8.03,422 58.24,811 8.03,578 58.25,939 8.03,733 58.27,067 9.03,850 59.25,239 9.04,025 59.26,386 9.049200 59.27,533 10.04,278 60.25,667 10.04,472 60.26,833 10.04,667 60.;28,000 11.04,706 61.26,094 11.04,919 61.27,281 11.05,133 61.28,467 12.05,133 62.;26,522 12.05,367 62.27,728 12.05,600 62;28,933 13.05,561 G63.26,950 13.05.814 63.28,175 13.06,067 63.29,400 14.05,989 64.27,378 14.06,261 64.28,622 14.06,533 64.29,867 15.06,417 65.27,806 15.06,708 65.29,069 15.07,000 65.30,333 16.06,844 66.28,233 16.07,156 66.29,517 16.07,467 66.30,800 17.07,272 67.28,661 17.07,603 67.29,964 17.07,933 67.31,267 18.07,700 68.29,089 18.08,050 68.30,411 18.08,400 68.31,733 119.08,128 69.29,517 19.08,497 69.30,858 19.08,867 69.32,200 i120.08,556 70.29,944 20.08,944 70.31,306 20.09,333 70.32,667 21.08,983 71.30,372 21.09,392 71.31,753 21.09,800 71.33,133 122.09,411 72.30,800 22.09,839 72.32,200 22.10,267 72.33,600 23.09,839 73.31,228 23.10,286 73.32,647 23.10,733 73.34,067'24.10,267 74.31,656 24.10,733 74.33,094 24.11,200 74.34,533 25.10,694 75.32,083 25.11,181 75-.33,542 25.11,667 75.35,000 26.11,122 76.32,511 26.11,628 76.33,989 26.12,133 76.35,467 27.11,550 77.32,939 27.12,075 77.34,436 27.12,600 77.35,933 28.11,978 78.33,367 28.12,522 78.34,883 28.13,067 78.36,400 29.12,406 79.33,794 29.12,969 79.35,331 29.13,533 79.36,867 30.12,833 80.34,222 30.13,417 80.35,778 30.14,000 80~.37,333 31.13,261 81.34.650 31.13,864 81.36,225 31.14,467 81.37,800 32.13,689 82.35,078 32.14,311 82.36,672 32.14,933 82.38,267 33.14,117 83.35,506 33.14,758 83.37,119 33.15,400 83.38,733 34.14,544 84.35,933 34.15,206 84.37,567 34.15,867 84.39,200 35.14,972 85.36,361 35.15,653 85.38,014 35.16,333 85.39,667 36.15,400 86.36,789 36.16,100 86.38,461 36.16,800 86.40,133 37.15,828 87.37,217 37.16,547 87.38,908 37.17,267 87.40,600 38.16,256 88.37,644 38.16,994 88.39,356 38.17,733 88.41,067 39.16,683 89.38,072 39.17,442 89.39,803 39.18,200 89.41,533 40.17,111 90.38,500 40.17,889 90.40,250 40.18,667 90.42,000 41.17,539 91.38,928 41.18,336 91.40,697 41.19,133 91.42,467 42.17,967 92.39,356 42.18,783 92.41,144 42.19,600 92.42,933 43.18,394 93.39,783 43.19 231 93.41,592 43.20,067 93.43,400 44.18,822 94.40,211 44.19,678 94.42,039 44.20,533 94.43,867 45.19,250 95.40,639 45.20,125 95.42,486 45-.21,000 95.44,333 46.19,678 96.41,067 46.20,572 96.42,933 46'.21,467 96.44,800 47.20,106 97.41,494 47.21,019 97.43,381 47.21,933 97.45,267 48.20,533 98.41,922 48.21,467 98.43,828 48.22,400 98.45,733 49.20,961 99.42,350 49.21,914 99.44,275 49.22,867 99.46,200 50.21,389 22 Days. 50.22,361 23, Days. 50.23,333 24 Days. -_____ ONE YEAR. Prin. Interest. -Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. ]Prin: Interest. 51 3.57,00 [161 4.27,00 711 4.97,00 811 5.67,00 191 16.37,00 52 3.64,00 621 4.34,00 72 15.04,00 82 1 5.74,00 92 6.44,00 53 3.71,00 63 4.41,00 73 5.11,00 83 15.81,00 93 16.51,00 54 3.78,00 164 14.48,00 74 5.18,00 84 15.88,00 94 6.58,00 551 3.85,00 65 4.55,00 75 15.25,00 85 15.95,00 951 6.65,00 56 13.92,00 66 14.62,00 76 1 5.32,00 86/ 6.02,00 96 6.72,00': 571 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 77 5.39,00 87 6.09,00 971 679,00 581 4.06,00 68 14.76,00 [78 15.46,00 88 1'6.16,00 98 16.86,00 159 4.13,00 169 14.83,00 tt79 15.53,00 89 16.23, 00 99 1.93,00 [60 4.20,00 1 70 4.90.00 1180 5.60,00 90 6.30,00 11 I l _ 21 INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 25 DAYS. _ 26 DAYS. 27 DAYS. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prinll. Interest. Pi-ln. Interest. IPrin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.00,486 151.24792 1 00,506 51.25,783 1.00,525 51.26,775 2.00,972 52.25,278 2.019011 52.26,289 2.01,050 52.27,300 3.01,458 53.25,764 3.01 517 53.26,794 3.01,575 53.27,825 4.01,944 54.26,250 4.02,022 54.27,300 4.02,100 54.28,3501 5.02,431 55.26,736 5.02,528 55.27806 5.02,625 55.28,875 1 6.02,917 56.27,222 6.03,033 56.28,311 i.03,150 56.29,400 7.03,403 57.279708 7.03,539 57.28,81 7.03,675 57.29,9"25 8.03,889 58.28,194 8.04,044 58.29,322 8.049200 58.30,450 9.04,375 59.28,681 9 04,550 59.29,828 9.04,725 59.30,975 10.04,861 60.29,167 10.05,056 60.30,333 10.05,250 60.31,500 11.05,347 61.29,653 11.05,561 61.30,839 11.05,775 61.32,025 12.059833 62.309139 12.06,067 62.31,344 12.06,300 62.32,550 13.06,319 63.30,625 13.06,572 63.319850 13.069825 63.33,075 14.06,806 64.31,111 14.07,078 64.32,356 14.07,350 64.33,600 15.07,292 65.31,597 15.079583 65.32,861 15.07,875 65.34,125 16.07,778 66.329083 16.08,089 66.33,367 16.08,400 66.34,650 17.08)264 67.32,569 17.08,594 67.33,872 17.08,925 67.35,175 18.08,750 68.33,056 18.09,100 68.34,378 18.099450 68.359700 19.099236 69.33,542 19.09,606 69.34,883 19.09,975 69.36,225 20.09,722 70.34,028 20.10,111 70.35,389 20.10,500 70.36,750 21.10,208 71.34,514 21.10,617 71.35,894 21 11,025 71.37,275 22.10,694 72.359000 22.119122 72.36,400 22.11,550 72.37,800 23.11,181 73.35,486 23.11,628 73.36,906 23.12,075 73.38,325 24.11,667 74.359972 24.12,133 74.37 411 24.12,600 74.38,850 25.12,153 75.36,458 25.12,639 75.37,917 25.13,125 75.39,375 26.12,639 76.36,944 26.13,144 76.38,422 26.13,650 76.39,900 27.13,125 77.37,431 27.13,650 77.38,928 27.14,175 77.40,425 28.13,611 78.37,917 28.14,156 78.39,433 28.14,700 78.40,950 29.14,097 79.38,403 29.14,661 79.39,939 29.15,225 79.41,475 30.14,583 80.38,889 30.15,167 80.40,444 30.15,750 80.42,000 31.15,069 81.39,375 31.15,672 81.40,950 31.16,275 81.42,525 32.15,556 82.39,861 32.16,178 82.41,456 32.16,800 82.43)050 33.16,042 83.40,347 33.16,683 83.41,961 33.17,325 83.43,575 34.16,528 84.40,833 34.17,189 84.42,467 34.179850 84.44,100 35.17,014 85.41,319 35.179694 85.42,972 35.18,375 85.44,625 36.17,500 86.41,806 36.18,200 86.43,478 36.18,900 86.45,150 37.17,986 87.42,292 37.18,706 87.43,983 37.19,425 87.459675 38.18,472 88.42,778 38.19,211 88.44,489 38.19,950 88.46,200 39.18,958 89.43,264 39.199717 89.44,994 39.20,475 89.46,725 40.19,444 90.43,750 40.20,222 90.45,500 40.21,000 90.47,250 41.19,931 91.44,236 41.20,728 91.46,006 41.21,525 91.47,775 142.20,417 92.44,722 42.21,233 92.46,511 42.22,050 92.48,300 43.20,903 93.45,208 43.21,739 93.47,017 43.229575 93.48,825 44.21,389 94.45,694 44.22,244 94.47,522 44.23,100 94.49,350 45.21,875 95.46,181 45.22,9750 95.489028 45.233625 95.49,875 46.22,361 96.46,667 46.23,256 96.48,533 46.24,150 96.50)400 47.22,847 97.47,153 47.23,761 97.49,039 47.24,675 97.50,925 48.23,333 98.47,639 48.24,267 198.49,544 48.25,200 98.51,450 49.23,819 99.48,125 49.24,772 99.50,050 49.25,725 99.51,975 50.24,306 25 ays 50.25,278 26 i ays 50.26,250 2';ys. ON E YEAR. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. iPrin. Interest. 1.07,00 1 1.77,00 21 1.47,00 31 2.17,00 41 2.87,00 2.14,00 12.84,00 22 1.54,00 32 2.24,00 42 2.94900 3.21,00 13.91,00 23 1.61,00 33 2.31,00 43 3.01900 4.28,00 14.98,00 24 1.68,00 34 2.38,00 44 3.08,00 5.35,00 15 1.05,00 25 1.75,00 35 2.45,00 45 3.15,00 6.42,00 16 1.12,00 26 1.82,00 36 2.52,00 46 3.22,00 7.49,00 17 1.19,00 27 1.89,00 37 2.59,00 47 3.29,00 8.56,00 18 1.26,00 28 1.96,00 38 2.66,00 48 3.36,00 9.63,00 19 1.33,00 29 2.03,00 39 12.73,00 49 3.43,00 22] 10.70,00 120 11.40,00 130 12.10,00 j40 2.80,00 50 3.50,00... _ _.]_ _ _ INTEREST AT S-EVEN PER CENT. 28 DAYS. 29 DAYS._ M ONTH. Prill. Interest. Prn. Interest. rn. Iaterest. Prin. Intelest. Prin. Interest. Prilln. Interest. 1.00544 51.27,767 1.009564 51.28,758 1.00,583 51.29,450' 2.01,089 52.28,311 2.01,128 52.29,322 2.01,167 52.30,333 3.01,633 53.28,856 3.01,692 53.29,886 3.01,750 53.30,917 4.02,178 54.29,400 4.02,256 54.30,450 4.02,333 54.31,500 5.02,722 55.29,944 5.02,819 55.31,014 5.029917 55.329083 6.03,267 56.30,489 6.03,383 56.31,578 6.03,500 56.32,667 7.03,811 57.31,033 7.03,947 57.32,142 7.04,083 57.33,250 8.04 356 58.31,578 8.04,5111 58.32,706 8.04,667 58.33,833 9.04,900 59.32,122 9.05,075 59.33,269 9.05,250 59.34,417 1 0.05,444 60.32,667 10.05,639 60.33,833 10.05,833 60.35,000 11.059989 61.33,211 11.06,203 61.34,397 11.069417 61.35,583 2.06,533 62.33,756 12.06,767 62.34,961 12.07,000 62.36,167 13.07,078 63.34,300 13.07,331 63.35,525 1 13.07,583 63.36,750 14.079622 64.34,844 14.07,894 64.369089 14.08,167 64.379333 1.5.08167 65.35,389 15.08,458 65.36,653 15.08,750 65.37,917 16.08,711 66.35,933 16.09,022 66.37,217 16.09,333 66..38,500 17.09,256 67.36,478 17.09,586 67.37,781 17.09,917 67.39,083 18.09,800 68.37,022 18.10,150 68.38,344 18.10,500 68.39,667 19.10,344 69.37,567 19.10,714 69.38,908 19.11,083 69.40,250 20.10,889 70.38,111 20.11,278 70.39,472 20.11,667 70.40,833 21.11,433 71.38,656 21.11,842 71.40,036 21.12,250 71.41,417 22.11,978 72.39,200 22.12,406 72.40,600 22.12,833 72.42,000 23.12,522 73.39,744 23.12,969 73.41,164 23.13,417 73.42,583 24.13,067 74.409289 24.13,533 74.41,728 24.14,000 74.43,167 25.13,611 75.40,833 25.14,097 75.42,292 25.14,583 75.43,750 26.14,156 76.41,378 26.14,661 76.42,856, 6.15,167 76.44,333 27.14,700 77.41,922 27.15,225 77.43,419 27.15,9750 77.44,917 28.15,244 78.42,467 28.15,789 78.43,983 28.16,333 78.45,500 29.15,789 79.43,011 29.16,353 79.44,547 29.16,917 79.46,083 30.16,333 80.43,556 30 6,917 80.45,111 30.17,500 80.46,6671 31 16,878 81.44,100 31.17,481 81.45,675 31.18,083 81.47,250 32.17,422 82.44, 44 32.18,044 82.46,239 32.18,667 82.47,833 33.179967 83.45,189 33.18,608 83.46,803 33.19,250 83.48,417 34.18,511 84.45,733 34.19,172 84.47,367 34.19,833 84.49,000 35.19)056 85.46,278 35.19,736 85.47,931 35.20,417 85.49,583 36.19,600 86.46,822 36.20,300 86.48,494 36.21,000 86.50,167 37.20,144 87.47,367 37.20,864 87.49,058 37.21,583 87.50,750 38.20.689 88.47,911 38.21,428 88.49,622 38.22,167 88.51,333 39.21,233 89.48,456 39.21,992 89.50,186 39.22,750 89.51,917 40.21,778 90.49,000, 40.22,556 90.50,750 40.23,333 90.52,500 41.22,322 91.49,544 41.23,119 91.51,314 41.23,917 91.53,083 42.22,867 92.50,089 42.23,683 92.51,878 4.24,500 92.53,667 43.23,411 93.50,633 43.24,247 93.52,442 43.25,083 93.54,250 44|.23,956 94.51,178 44.24,811 94.53,006 44.25,667 94.54,833 45.24,500 95.51,722 45.25,375 95.53,569 45.26,250 95.55,417 46,25,O44 98.52,267 46.259939 96.54,133 46.26,833 96.56,000 47.25,589 97.52,811 47.26,503 97.54,697 47.27,417 97.56,583 48.26,133 98.53,356 48.27,067 98.55,261 48.28,000 98.57,167 49.26,678 99.53,900 49.27,631 99.55,825 49.28,583 99.57,750 50.27,222 2 y 50.28,194 29 ays. 50.29,167 | ays. ]_ - -- ON E YEAR. - Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. IPrin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 3.57,00 61 4.27,00 [ 71 4.97,00 81 5.67,00 91 6.37,00 52 3.64,00 62 4.34,00 721 5.04,00 82 i 5.74,900 92 6.44,00 53 3.71,00 63 4.4100 731 5.11,00 83 15.81,00 93 6.51,00 54 1 3.78,00 1[64 4.48,00 1741 5.18,00 84 15.88,00 941 6.58,00 55 3.85,00 65 4.55,0 75 5.25,00 856 5.9500 95 6.6500 56 1 3.92,00 66 1 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 86 16.02,00 96 6.72,00 57 |3.99,00 67 4.699,00 77 5.39,00 87 6.09,00 97 6.79,00! 58 40-6,00) | 68 4.76,00 78 5.46,00 88 16.16,00 | 98 6.86 00 5981 4.13,0 0 69 0 45.53,00 8/9 1 6.23,00 99 6.93,00 60 4.20,00 70 4.90,00 80 5.60,00 90 n6.30,00 " A ( A INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 1 Month and 1 Day. 1 Month and 2 Days. I Month and 3 Days. Prin. Interest. Pri n. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. IPrin.t Int erest. 1.00,603 51.30,742 1.00,622 51.31,733 1.00,642 I 51.32,725 2.01,206 52.31,344 2.01,244 52.32,356 2.01,283 52.33,367 3.01,808 53.31,947 3.01,867 53.32,978 3.01,925 53.34,008! 4.02,411 54.32,550 4.02,489 54.33,600 4.02,567 54.34,650 5.03,014 55.33,153 5.03,111 55.34,222 5.03,208 55.35,292 6.03,617 56.33,756 6.03,733 56.34,844 6.03,850 56.35,933! 7.04,219 57.34,358 7.04,356 57.35,467 7.04,492 57.36,5751 8.04,822 58.34,961 8.04,978 58.36,089 8.05,133 58.37,217 9.05,425 59.35,564 9.05,600 59.36,711 9.05,775 59.37,858 10.06,028 60.36,167 10.06,222 60.37,333 10.06,417 60.38,500 11.06,631 61.36,769 11.06,844 61.37,956 11.07,058 61.39,142 12.07,233 62.37,372 12.07,467 62.38,578 12.07,700 62.39,783 13.07,836 63.37,975 13.08,089 63.39,200 13.08,342 63.40,425 14.08,439 64.38,578 14.08,711 64.39,822 14.08,983 64.41,067 15.09,042 65.39,181 15.09)333 65.40,444 15.09,625 65.41,708 16.09,644 66.39,783 16.09,956 66.41,067 16.10,267 66.42,350 17.10,247 67.40,386 17.10,578 67.41,689 17.10,908 67.42,992 18.10,850 68.40,989 18.11,200 68.42,311 18.11,550 68.43,633 19.11,453 69.41,592 19.11,822 69.42,933 19.12,192 69.44,275 20.12,056 70.42,194 20.12,444 70.43,556 20.12,833 70.44,917 21.12,658 71.42,797 21.13,067 71.44,178 21.13,475 71.45,558 22.13,261 72.43,400 22.13,689 72.44,800 22.14,117 72.46,200 23.13,864 73.44,003 23.14,311 73.45,422 23.14,758 73.46,842 24.14,467 74.44,606 24.14,933 74.46,044 24.15,400 74.47,483 25.15,069 75.45,208 25.15,556 75.46,667 25.16,042 75.48,125 26.15,672 76.45,811 26.16,178 76.47,289 26.16,683 76.48,767 27.16,275 77.46,414 27.16,800 77.47,911 27.17,325 77.49,408 28.16,878 78.47,017 28.17,422 78.48,533 28.17,967 78.50,050 29.17,481 79.47,619 29.18,044 79.49,156 29.18,608 79.50,692 30.18,083 80.48,222 30.18,667 80.49,778 30.19,250 80.51,333 31.18,686 81.48,825 31.19,289 81.50,400 31.19,892 81.51,975 32.19,289 82.49,428 32.19,911 82.51,022 32.20,533 82.52,617 33.19,892 83.50,031 33.20,533 83.51,644 33.21,175 83.53,258 34.20,494 84.50,633 34.21,156 84.52,267 34.21,817 84.53,900 35.21,097 85.51,236 35.21,778 85.52,889 35.22,458 85.54,542 36.21,700 86.51,839 36.22,400 86.53,511 36.23,100 86.55,183 37.22,303 87.52,442 37.23,022 87.54,133 37.23,742 87.55,825 38.22,906 88.53,044 38.23,644 88.54,756 38.24,383 88.56,467 39.23,508 89.53,647 39.24,267 89.55,378 39.25,025 89.57,108 40.24,111 90.54,250 40.24,889 90.56,000 40.25,667 90.57,750 41.24,714 91.54,853 41.25,511 91.56,622 41.26,308 91.58,392 42.25,317 92.55,456 42.26,133 92.57,244 42.26,950 92.59,033 43.25,919 93.56,058 43.26,756 93.57,867 43.27,592 93.599675 44.26,522 94.56,661 44.27,378 94.58,489 44.28,233 94.60,317 45.27,125 95.57,264 45.28,000 95.59,111 45.28,875 95.60,958 46.27,728 96.57,867 46.28,622 96.59,733 46.29,517 96.61,6)0 47.28,331 97.58,469 47.29,244 97.60,356 47.30,158 97.62,242 48.28,933 98.59,072 48.29,867 98.60,978 48.30,800 98.62,883 49.29,536 99..59,675 49.30,489 99.61,600 49.31,442 99.63,525 50.30,139 31 Days. 50.31,111 32 Days. 50.32,083 133 Days. _ONE YEAR. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.07,00 11.77,00 21 1.47,00 31 2.17,00 41 2.87,00 2.14,00 12.84,00 22 1.54,00 32 2.24,00 42 2.94,00 3.21,00 13.91,00 23 1.61,00 33 2.31,00 43 13.01,00 4.28,00 14.98,00 24 1.68,00 34 2.38,00 44 3.08,00 1I ][ 5.35,00 [1511.05,00 25 1.75,00 35 2.45,00 145 3.15,00 6..42,00 16 1.12,00 [ 26 1.82,00 36 2.52,00 46 3.22,00 7.49,00 17 1.19,00! 27 1.89,00 37 2.59,00 47 3.29,00 I 18.56,00 18 1.26,00!! 28 1.96,00 I 38 2.66,00 / 48 3.36,00 I I t 9 9.63,00 l 1911.33,00 | 29 2.03,00 39 2.73,00 [49 3.43,00! 124] 11 0.70,00 ll 2011.40,00 jj3012.10,00 1(4012.80,00 1)5013.50,00 INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. I Month and 4 Days. 1 Month and 5 Days. 1 Month and 6 Days. Pria. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.00,661 51.33,717 1.00,681 51.34,708 1.00,700 51.35,700 2.01,322 52.34,378 2.01,361 52.35,389 2.01,400 52.36,400 3.01,983 53.35,039 3.02,042 53.36,069 3.02,100 53.37,100 4.02,644 54.35,700 4.02,722 54.36,750 4.02,800 54.37,800 5.03,306 55.36,361 5.03,403 55.37,431 5.03,500 55.38,500 6.03,967 56.37,022 6.04,083 56.38,111 6.04,200 56.39,200 7.04,628 57.37,683 7.04,764 57.38,792 7.04,900 57.39,900 8.05,289 58.38;344 8.05,444 58.39,472 8.05,600 58.40,600 9.05,950 59.39,006 9.06,125 59.40,153 9.06,300 59.41,300 I0.06,611 60.39,667 10.06,806 60.40,833 10.07,000 60.42,000 11.07,272 61.40,328! 11.07,486 61.41,514 11.07,700 61.42,700 12.07,933 62.40,989 12.08,167 62.42,194 12.08,400 62.43,400 13.08,594 63.41,650 13.08,847 63.42,875 13.09,100 63.44,100 14.09,256 64.42,311 14.09,528 64.43,556 14.09,800 64.44,800 15.09,917 65.42,972 15.10,208 65.44,236 15.10,500 65.45,500 16.10,578 66.43,633 16.10,889 66.44,917 16.11,200 66.46,200 17.11,239 67.44;294 17.11,569 67.45,597! 17.11,900 67.46,9)0 18.11,900 68.44,956 18.12,250 68.46,278 18.12,600 68.47,600 19.12,561 69.45,617 19.12,931 69.46,958 19.13,300 69.48,300 20.13,222 70.46,278 20.13,611 70.479639 20.14,000 70.49,000 21.13,883 71.46,939 21.14,292 71.48,319 21.14,700 71.49,700 22.14,544 72.47,600 22.14,972 72.49,000 22.15,400 72.50,400 22.15,206 73.48,261 23.15,653 73.49,681 23.16,100 73.51,100 24.15,867 74.48,922 24.16,333 74.50,361 24.16 800 74.51,800 25.16,528 75.49,583 25.17,014 75.51,042 25.17,500 75.52,500 126.17,189 76.50,244 26.17,694 76.51,722 26.18,200 76.53,200 27.17,850 77.50,906 27.18,375 77.52,403 27.18,900 77.53,900 28.18,511 78.51,567 28.19,056 78.53,083 28.19,600 78.54,600 29.19,172 79.52,228 29.19,736 79.53,764 29.20,300 79.55,300 30.19,833 80.52,889 30.20,417 80.54,444 30.21,000 80.56,000 31.20,494 81.53,550 31.21,097 81.55,125 31.21,700 181.56,700 32.21,156 82.54,211 32.21,778 82.55,806 32.22,400 82.57,400 33.21,817 83.54,872 33.22,458 83.56,486 33.23,100 83.58,100 34.22,478 84.55,533 34.23,139 84.57,167 34.23,800 84.58,800 35.23,139 85.56,194 35.23,819 85.57,847 35.24,500 85.59,500 36.23,800 86.56,856 36.24,500 86.58,528 36.25,200 86.60,200'37.24,461 87.57,517 37.25,181 87.59,208 37.25,900 87.60,900 38.25,122 88.58,178 38.25,861 88.599889 38.26,600 88.61,600 39.25,783 89.58,839 39.26,542 89.60,569 39.27,300 89.62,300 40.26,444 90.59,500 40.27,222 90.61,250 40.28,000 90.63,000 41.27,106 91.60,161 41.27,903 91.61,931 41.28,700 91.63,700 42.27,767 92.60,822 42.28,583 92.62,611 42.29,400 92.64,400 43.28,428 93.61,483 43.29,264 93.63,292 43.30,100 93.65,100 44.29,089 94.62,144 44.29,944 94.63,972 44.30,800 94.65,800 45.29,750 95.62,806 45.30,625 95.64,653 45.31,500 95.66,500 46.30,411 96.63,467 46.31,306 96.65,333 46.32,200 96.67,200 47.31,072 97.64,128 47.31,986 97.66,014 47.32,900 97.67,900 48.31,733 98.64,789 48.32,667 98.66,694 48.33,600 98.68,600 49.32,394 99.65,450 49.33,347 99.67,375 49.34,300 99.69,300 50.33,056 39. Days, 50.34,028 5 DayS. 50.35,000 36 Days. ______ O NOE YEAR. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. I-Iterest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 1 3.57,00 61 4.27,00 I71 4.97,00 81 1 5.67,00 91 16.37,00 52 3.64,00 62 4.34,00 72 1 5.04,00 82 5.74,00 92 6.44,00 53 1 3.71,00 63 i 4.41,00 73 5.11,00 83 1 5.81,00 93 6.51,00 54 13.78,00 64 14.48,00 74 5.18,00 84 5.88,00 94 6.58,00 55 3.85,00 65 4.55,00 751 5.25,00 851 5.95,00 95 6.65,00 [I || 56 3.92,00 66 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 86 6.02,00 96 6.72,00 57 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 77 5.39,00 87 6.09,00 97 6.79,00 58 4.06,00 68 4.76,00 78 5.46,00 88 6.16,00 98 6.86,00 59 4.13,00 I 69 4.83,00 79 15.53,00 189 6.23,00 [/99 6.93,00 601 4.20,00 170 4.90,00 180 1 5.60,00 [90 6.30,00 11 I _ r[25! INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 1 Nonth and 7 Days. 1 Nonth and 8 Days. I Month and 9 Day's, Prin. Interest. Prill. interest. Prin. Interest. Priun. Interest. Prill. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.00,719 51.36,692 1.00,739 51.37,683 1.00)758 51.38,s67 2.01)439 52.37,411 2.01478 52.389,422 2.019517 52.39,433 3.02,158 53.38,131 3.02,217 53.39,161 3.02,275 53.40,192 4.02,878 54.38,850 4.02,956 54.39,900 4.03,033 54.40,950 5.03,597 55.39,569 5.03,694 55.40,639 5.03,792 55.419708 6.04,317 56.40,289..04,433 56.41,378 6.04,550 56.42,467 7.05,036 57.41,008 7.05,172 57.42,117 7.05,308 57.43,225 8.05,5756 58.41,728 8.05,911 58.42:856 8.06,067 58.435983 9.06,475 59.42,447 9.06,650 59.43,594 9.06,)825 59.44,742 10.07,194 60.43,167 10.07,389 60.44,333 10.07,583 60.455500 11.07,914 61.43,886 11.08,128 61.459072 11.08,342 61.463258 12.08,633 62.44,606 12.08,867 62.45,811 12.09,100 62.47,017 13.09)353 63.45,325 13.09,606 63.465550 13.09,858 63.47J,75 14.10,072 64.46,044 14.10,344 64.47,289 14.10,617 64.48,)33 15.10,792 65.46, 764 15.11,083 65.48,028 15.11,375 65.49,292 16.11,511 66.47,483 16.11,822 66.48J67 16.12,133 66.50,050 17.12,231 67.48,203 17.12,561 67.49,506 17.12,892 67.50,808 18.121950 68.48,922 18.13,300 i68.50,244 18.13,650 68.51,567 19.13,669 69.49,642 19.14,039 69.50,983 19.14,408 69.52,320 20.14,389 70.50,361 20.14,778 70.51,722 20.15,167 70.53,083 21.15,108 71.51,081 21.15,517 71.52,461 21.159925 71.53,842 22.15,828 72.51,800 22.169256 72.532200 22.16,683 72.54,600 23.16,547 73.52,519 23.169994 73.53,939 23.17,442 73.552358 24.17,267 74.53,239 24.17,733 74.54,678 24.18,200 74.56,117 25.17,986 75.539958 25.18,472 75.55,417 25.18,958 75.569875 26.18,706 76.541678 26.196211 76.561156 26.19,717 76.57,633 27.199425 77.55,397 27.19,950 77.56,894 27.20)475 77.58,392 28.20)144 78.56,117 28.20,689 78.57,633 28.21,233 78.59,150 29.20,864 79.56,836 29.21,428 179.58,372 29.21,992 79.59,908 30.2,583 80.57,556 30.22,167 80.59,111 30.22)750 80.60,667 31.22,303 81.58,275 31.22,906 81.59,850 31.23,508 81.61,425 32.23,022 82.58,994 32.23,644 82.60,589 32.24,267 82.62,183 33.237J42 83.59,714 33.24383 183.619328 33.25,025; 83.62,942 34.24,461 84.60,433 34.25,122 84.62,067 34.25J783 84.63,700 35.25,181 85.61,153 35.25,861 85.62,806 35.26,542 85.64,458 36.25,900 86.619,872 36.26,600 86.63,544 36.27,300 86.65,217 37.26,619 87.62,592 37.27,339 87.64)283 37.28,058 87.65,975 38.27,339 88.63,311 38.28,078 88.659022 38.28,817 88.66,733 39.28,058 89.64,031 39.28,817 I 89.o65,761 39.29,575 89.67,492 40.28,778 90.64,750 40.29,556 90.66,500 40.30,333 90.68,250 41.293497 91.65,469 41.30,294 91.67,239 41.31,092 91.69,008 42.30,217 92.66,189 42.319033 92.67,978 42.31,850 92.69,767 43.30,936 93.66,908 43.31,772 93.68,717 43.32,608 93.70,525 44.31,656 94.67,628 44.32,511 94.69,456 44.33,367 94.71,283 45.32,375 95.68,347 45.33,250 95.70,194 45.34,125 95.72,042 46.3094 96 69067 46.33,989 96.70 33 46.34,883 96.72)800 47.33,814 97.69,786 47.34,728 97.719672 47.35,642 97.73,558 48.34,533 98.70,506 348 35,467 98.72,411 48.36,400 98.74)317 49.35,253 99.719225 49.369206 99.73,150 49.37,158 99.75,075 50.35,972.37 lia5$ 1 50.36,944' ay. 50.379917 3.3dad 7 Ba, 1 Bays4. 3,47a 9,. ONE YEAR. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prim. Interest. Prin. Interest. Primn. Interest. 1.07,00 11.77,00 21 1.4700 31 2.1700 41 2.8 7,00 2.14900 12.84,00 22 1.5400 32.24,00 42 2. 94900 3. 219030 131.9100 23 1. 61900 33 2.31,00 43 3.01,00 4.28,00 14.98,00 24 1.68,00 34 2.38900 44 3.08,00 5.35,00 15 1.05,00 25 1.7500 35 2.45,00 45 3. 1500 6.42900 16 1.12,00 26 1.82,00 36 2.52900 46 3.22,00 7.49,00 17 1.19,00 27 1.89,00 37 2.59,00 47 3.29,00 8.56,00 18 1. 1.26,00 28 1.96,00 38 2.66S00 48 3.36,00 9.63,00 19 1.33,00 29 2.03,00 39 2.73,00 49 3.43,00 16] 10 70,00 20 1.40,00 30 2, 4 2.80,0 0 35 0 _ _501 ________________________ - ue 5 n03,389 55 D2,778 5 M08 55 1.43,847 5.003I 5 an 4 91172 D 7.0,48 5.3944,333 7.05,581 57 1.45,442.05,717 57.46,550/ 8.06,26222.405,111 8.06,378 52.46,2394.06)533 58.47,367 9.07,000 59.4582289 3.07,75392 59.47,25036.07350 59.48,183 14.0777 54.42,006 4.1 0 7,972 54.47,8330 10.08167 654.494,100 11.0889 556 61.47,4448 11.3769 55.43,847 11.08,83 6155.44917 12.09,333 62.48,2225 12.09,567 62.49,428] 12.04,900 62.50,633 13.10,111 63.449,000 13.105,581 5763.450,442 13.10,617 63.51,450| 11.089556 /1 61.479444 1I1.08J6!9 61.48,631,11.08,983 61.49,817 14.10,889 64.49,778 14.11,161 64.51,022 14.11,433 64.52,267 15.11,667 65.50,556 15.11,958 65.51,819 15.12,250 65.53 083 16.12,444 66.51,333 16.129756 66.52,617 16.13,067 66.53,900 17.13,222 67.521114 17.139553 67.53)414 17.13,883 67.54,717 18.14,000 68.52,889 18.14,350 68.54,211 18.14,700 68.55,533 19 14,778 69.53,667 19.15,147 69.55,008f 19.15,517 69.56,3508 20.15,556 70.54,444 20.15,944 70.55,806 20.16,333 70.57,167 ]21.16,333 71.55,222 21.16,742 71.56,603 21.17,150 71.57,983| 22.175111 72.56,000 22.17,539 72.57,400 22.17,967 72.58,800' 123.17,889 73.56,778 23.18,336 73.58,197 23.18,783 73.59,617;24.18,667 74.57,556 24.199133 74.58,994 24.19,600 74.60,433 25.19,444 75.58,333 25.19,931 75.59,792 25.20,417 75.61,250 26.20,222 76 59 26.20,728 76.60,589 26.21,233 76.62,067 27.21,000 77.59,889 27.21,525 77.61,386 27.22,050 77.62,883 28.21,778 78.60,667 28.22,322 78.62,183 28.22,867 7|8.63,700 29.22,556 79.61,444 29.23,119 79.62,981 29.23,683 79.64,517 1 30.23,333 80.62,222 30.23,917 8 0.63,778 30.24,500 80.65,333 3 1.24,111 81.63,000 3] 1.24,714 81.64,575 31.25,317 81.66,150 32.24,889 82.63,778] 32.25,511 82.65,372 32.26,133 82.66,937 33.25,667 83.64,556 3 3.26,308 83.66,169 33.26,950 83.67,783 3 4.26,444 8 4.65,333 34.27,106 84.66,967 34.27,767 84.68,600 35.27,222 85.66,111 35.27,903 85.67,764 35.28,583 85.69,417 36.28,000 86.66,889 36.28,700 86.68,561 36.29,400 86.70,233 37.289778 87.67,667 37.29,497 87.69,358 37.30,217 87.71,050 38.29,556 8.68,444 38.30,294 88.70,156 38.31,033 88.719867 39.30,333 89.69,222 39.31,092 89.70,953 39.31,850 89.72,683 40.31,111 90.70,000 40.31,889 90.71,750 40.32,667 90.73,500 41.31,889 91.70,778 4 01.32,686 91.72j547 41.33,483 91.74,317 42.32,667 92.71.556 42.33,483 92.73,344 42.34,300 92.75,133 43.33,444 93.72,333 43.34,281 93.74,142 43.35,117 93.75,950 44.34,222 94.73,111 44.35,078 94.74,939 44.35,933 94.76,767 45.35,000 95.73,889 45.35,875 95.75,736 45.36,750 95.77,583 46.35,778 98. 74,667 46.36,672 96.76,533 46.37,567 96.78,400 47.36,556.75,444 47.37,469 97.77,331 47.38,383 97.79,2171 48.379333 98.76,222 48.38,267 98.78,128 48.39,200 98.80,033 49.38,111 99.77,000 49.39,064 99.78,925 49.40,017 99.80,850 50.38,889 1 ays. 50.39,861 41 B, $. 50.40,833 12 Das. O NE YEARN Prin. Interest. IPri n. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Piin., Interest. 51 3.57,00 61 4.27,00 71 4.97,00 81 5.67,00 91 6.37,00 52 13.64,00 62 4.34,00 72 15.04,0 82 5.74,00 92 6.4400 53 3.71,00 63 4.41,00 73 5.11,00 83 581,00 93 6.51,00 54 3.78,00 64 4.48,00 74 5.18,00 84 5.88,00 94 6.58,00 55 3.85,00 1165 4.55,00 75 5.25,00 851 5.95,00 951 6.65,00 56 3.92,00 66 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 86 6.02,00 96 6.72,00 57 3.99,00 67 4,69,00 77 5.39,00 87 6.09,00 97 6.79,00 58 ) 4.06,00 68 4.76,00 178 15.46,00 881 6.1600 1[98 6.86,00 59 4.13,00 A 69 4.83,00 1 79 |5.53,00 || 89A 6.23,00 || 99 6.93,00 || 100 4.'20,00 70 4.90|00 80 i5.60,00 90| 6.30,00 [ 7 _ 7 1 Month and 13 Days. 1 Month and 14 Days. 1 Month and 15 Days. Prin. Lierest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. lrin. Interest, prin. Interest. Prin. Int erest. 1.00,836 51.42,642 1.00,856 51.43,633 1.00,875 51.44,625 2.01,672 52.43,478 2.01,711 52.44,489 2.01,750 52.45,500 3I.02,508 53.44,314 3.02,567 53.45,344 3.02,626 53.46,375.03344 54.45,150 4.03,422 54.46,200 4.03,500 54.47,250 5 04181 55.45,986 5.04,278 55.47,056 5.04,375 55.48,125 6.05,017 56.46,822 6.05,133 56.47,911 6.05,250 56.49,000,.05,853 57.47,658 7.05,989 57.48,767 7.06,125 57.49,875 8.06,689 58.48,494 8.06,844 58.49,622 8.07,000 58.50,750 9.07,525 59.49,331 9.07,700 59.50,478 9.07,875 59.51,625 10.08,361 60.50,167 10.08,556 60.51,333 10.08,750 60.52,500 11.09,197 61.51,003 J11.09,411 61.52,189 11.09,625 61.53,375 12.10,033 62.51,839 12.10,267 62.53,044 12.10,500 62.54,250 13.10,869 63.52,675 13.11,122 63.53,900 13.11,375 63.55,125 14.11,706 64.53,511 14.11,978 64.54,756 14.12,250 64.56,000 15.12,542 65.54,347 15.12,833 65.55,611 15.13,125 65.56,875 16.13,378 66.55,183 16.13,689 66.56,467 16.14,000 66.57,750 17.14,214 67.56,019 17.14,544 67.57,322 17.14,875 67.58,625 18.15,050 68.56,856 18.15,400 68.58,178 18.15,750 68.59,500 19.15,886 69.57,692 19.16,256 69.599033 19.16,625 69.60,375 20.16,722 70.58,528 20.17,111 70.59,889 20.1.7,500 70.61,250 21.17,558 71.59,364 21.17,967 71.60,744 21.18,375 71.62,125 2-2.18,394 72.60,200 22.18,822 72.61,600 22.19,250 72.63,0001 23.19,231 73.61,036 23.19,678 73.62,456 23.20,125 73.63,875 24.20,067 74.61,872 24.20,533 74.63,311 24.21,000 74.64,750 25.20,903 75.62,708 25.21,389 75.64,167 25.21,875 75.65,625 26.21,739 76.63,544 26.22,244 76.65,022 26.22,75.0 76.66,500 27.22,575 77.64,381 27.23,100 77.65,878 27.23,625 77.67,375 28.23,411 78.65,217 28.23,956 78.66,733 28.24,500 78.68,250 29.24,247 79.66,053 29.24,811 79.67,589 29.25,375 79.69,125 i i30.25,083 80.66,889- 30.25,667 80.68,444 30.26,250 80.70,000 31.25,919 81.67,725 31.26,522 81.69,300 31.27,125 81.70,875 32.26,756 82.68,561 32.27,378 82.70,156 32.28,000 82.71,750 33.27,592 83.69,397 33.28,233 83.71,011 33.28,875 83.72,625 34.28,428 84.70,233 34.29,089 84.71,867 34.29,750 84.73,500 35.29,264 85.71,069 35.29,944 85.72,722 35.30,625 85.74,375 36.30,100 86.71,906 36.30,800 86.73,578 36.31,500 86.75,250 37.30,936 87.72,742 37.31,656 87.74,433 37.32,375 87.76,125 38/.31,772 88.73,578 38.32,511 88.75,289 38.33,250 88.77,000 39.32,608 89.74,414 39.33,367 89.76,144 39.34,125 89.77,875 40.33,444 90.75,250 40.34,222 90.77,000 40.35,000 90.78,750 41.34,281 91.76,086 41.35,078 91.77,856 41.35,875 91.79,625 4,2.35,117 92.76,922 42.35,933 92.78,711 42.36,750 92.80,500 43.35,953 93.77,758 43.36,789 93.79,567 43.37,625 93.81,375 44.36,789 94.78,594 44.37,644 94.80,422 44.38,500 94.82,250 45.37,625 95.79,431 45.38,500 95.81,278 45.39,375 95.83,125 46.38,461 96.80,267 46.39,356 96.82,133 46.40,250 96.84,000 47.39,297 97.81,103 47.40,211 97.82,989 47.41,125 97.84,875 48.40,133 98.81,939 48.41,067 98.83,844 48.42,000 98.85,750 49.40,969 99.82,775 49.41,922 99.84,700 49.42,875 99.86,625 50.41,806 13 Days. 50.42,778 4L Days. 50.43,750 45 Days. __I ~ ONE YEAR. Prin. Interest. IPrin. Interest. P-rin. Interest. Prill. interest. Prin. Interest. 1.07,00 11. 77,00 | 21 1.47,00 31 2.17,00 41 2.87,00 2 1 14,00 12.84,00 22 1.54,00 32 2.24,00 42 2.94,00 3.21,00 13.91,00 23 1.61,00 33 1- 2.31,00 43 [ 3.01,00 4 1 28,00 14.98,00 24 1.68,00 34 2.38,00 44 3.08,00 5.35,00 15 1.05,00 25 1.75,00 35 2.45,00 45 3.15,00 6. 42,00 16 1.12,00 26 1.82,00 36 2.52,00 46 3.22,00 7.49,00 17 1.19,00 27 1.89,00 37 2.59,00 / 47 3.29,00 8 1.56,00 18 1. 126,00 28 1. 196,00 38 2.66,00 48 3.36,00 9.63,00 19 1.33,00 29 2.03,00 39 2.73,00 I49 3.43,00 I'8s_ 10.70,00 120 11.40,00 3012.10,00 [40 2.80,00 51 [1 3.50,00 INTEREST R ET AT SEVEN PER CE N T. 1 Month and 16 Days. 1 Month and 17 Days. 1 Month and 18 Days. Prin. Interest. Prinl. Interest. Prin. Interest. Pi-in. Intelest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.00,894 51.45,617 1.00,914 51.46,608 1.00,933 51.47,6001 2.01,789 52.46,511 2.01,828 52.47,522 2.01,867 52.48s533 3.02,683 53.47,406 3.02,742 53.48,436 3L.02,800 53.49,467 4.03,578 54.48,300 4.03,656 54.491350 4.03,733 54.50,400 5.04,472 55.49,194 5.04,569 55.50,264 5.04,667 55.51,333 6.05,367 56.50,089 6.05,483 56.51,178 6.05,600 56.52, 267 7.06,261- 57.50,983 7.06,397 57.52,092 7.06,533 57.53,200 8.07,156 58.51,878 8.07,311 58.53,006 8.07,4M7 58.54,133 9.08,050 59.52,772 9.08,225 59.53,919 9.08,400 59.55,067 10.08,944 60.53,667 10.09,139 60.54,833 10.09,333 60.56000 11.09,839 61.54,561 11.10,053 61.55,747 11.10,267 61.56,933 12.10,733 62.55,456 12.10,967 62.56,661 12.11,200 62.57,867 13.11,628 63.56,350 13.11,881 63.57,575 13.12,133 63.58,800 14.12,522 64.57,244 14.12,794 64.58,489 14.13,067 64.59,733 15.13,417 65.58,139 15.13,708 65.59,403 15.14,000 65.60,667 16.14,311 66.59,033 16.14,622 66.60,317 16.14,933 66.61,600 17.15,206 67.59,928 17.15,536 67.61,231 17 -.15,867 67.62,533 18.16,100 68.60,822 18.16,450 68.62,144 18.16,800 68.63,467 19.16,994 69.61,717 19.17,364 69.63,058 19.17,733 69.64,400 20.17,889 70.62,611 20.18,278 70.63.972 20.189667 70.65,333 21.18,783 71.63,506 21.19,192 71.64,886 21.19,600 71.66,267 22.19,678 72.64,400 22.20,106 72.65,800 22.20,533 72.67,200 23.20,572 73.65,294 23.21,019 73.66,714 23.21,467 73.68,133 24.21,467 74.66,189 24.21,933 74.67,628 24.22,400 74.69,067 25.22,361 75.67,083 25.22,847 75.68,542 25.23,333 75.70,000 26.23,256 76.67,978 26.23,761 76.69,456 26.24,267 76.70,933 27.24,150 77.68,872 27.24,675 77.70,369 27.25,200 77.71,867 28.25,044 78.69,767 28.25,589 78.71,283 28.26,133 78.72 800 29.25,939 79.70,661 29.26,503 79.72,197 29.27,067 79.73,733 30.26,833 80.71,556 30.27,417 80.73,111 30.28,000 80.74,667 31.27,728 81.72,450 31.28,331 81.74,025 31.281933 81.75,600 32.28,622 1 82.73,344 32.29,244 82.74,939 32.29,867 82.76,533 33.29,517 83.74,239 33.30,158 83.75.853 33.30,800 83.77,467 34.30,411 84.75,133 34.31,072 84.76,767 34.31,733 84.78,400 35.31,306 85.76,028 35.31.986 85.77,681 35.32,667 85.79,333 36.32,200 86.76X922 36.32,900 86.78,594 36.33,600 86.80,267 37.33,094 87.77,817 37.33,814 87.79,508 37.34,533 87.819200 38.33,989 88.78,711 38.34,728 88.80,422 38.35,467 88.82,133 39.34,883 89.79,606 39.35,642 89.81,336 39.36,400 89.83,067 40.35,778 90.80,500 40.36,556 90.82,250 40.37,333 90.84,000 41.36,672 91.81,394 41.37,469 91.83,164 41.38,267 91.84,933 42.37,567 92.82,289 42.38,383 92.84,078 42.39,200 92.85,867 43.38,461 93.83,183 43.39,297 93.84,992 43.40,133 93.86,800 44.39,356 94.84,078 44.40,211 94.85,906 44.41,067 94.87,733 45.40,250 95.84,972 45.41,125 95.86,819 45.42,000 95.88,667 46.41,144 96.85,867 46.42,039 96.87,733 46.42,933 96.89,600 47.42,039 97.86,761 47.42,953 97.88,647 47.43,867 97.90,533 48.42,933 98.87,656 48.43,867 98.891561 48.44,800 98.91,467 49.43,828 99.88,550 49.44,781 99.90,475 49.45,733 99.92;400 50.44,722 6 D ays 50.45,694 4 Days. _50.46,667 48 Days. ONE YEAR. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51!3.57,00 61 4.27,00 71 1 4.97,00 81 5.67,00 91 6.37,00 52 3.64,00!62 4.34,00 72 5.04,00 82 5.74,00 92 6.44,00 53 3.71,00 163 ( 4.41,00 73 5.11,00 83 5.81,00 93 6.51,00 54 3.78,00 64 1 4.48,00 74 5.18,00 84 5.88,00 94 6.58,00 55 3.85,00 65 4.55,00 75 5.25,00 85 5.95,00 95 6.65,00 56 3.9200 066 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 86 6.02,00 96 6.72,00 [ 57 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 77 5.39,00 87 6.09,00 97 6.79,00 58 4.06,00 68 4.76,00 78 5.46,00 88 6.16,00 98 6.86,00 59 4.13,00 69 4.83,00 79 5.53,00 89 6.23,00 i9916.93,00, 1 60.4.20,00 i70 4.90,00 80 5.60,00 90 6.30,00 1 [ 1 Month and 19 Days. 1 Ilonth and 20 Days, I M1Yonth and 21 Days. Prin. Interest. Pi in. ilterest. Prinl. Interest. iPrin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.00,953 51.48,592 11.00,972 51.49,583 1.00C992 51.50,575 2.01,90)6 | 52.49,544 2.01,944 52.50,556 2.01983 52.51,567 3.02,858 53.50,497 3.02,917 53.51,528 3.02,975 53.52,558 4.03,811 54.51,450 4.03,889 54.52,500 4.03,967 54.53,550 5.04,764 55.52,403 5.04,861 55.53,472 5.04,958 55.54,542 6.05,717 56.53,356 6.05,833 56.54,444 6.05,950 56.55,533 7.06,669 57.54,308 7.06,806 57.55,417 7.06,942. 57.56,525 8.07,622 58.55,261 8.07,778 58.56,389 8.07,933 58.57,517 9.08,575 59.56,214 9.08,750 59.57,361 9.08,925 59.58,508 10.09,528 60.57,167 10.09,722 60.58,333 10.09,917 60.59,500 11.109481 61.58,119 11.10,694 61.59,306 11.10,908 61.60,492 12.11,433 62.59,072 12.11,667 62.60,278 12.11,900 62.61,483 13.12,386 63.60,025 13.12,639 63.61,250 13.12)892 63.62,475 14.13,339 64.60,978 14.13,611 64.62,222 14.13,883 64.63,467 15.14,292 65.61,931 15.14,583 65.63,194 15.14,875 65.64,458 16.15,244 66.62,883 16.15,556 66.64,167 16.15,867 66.65,450 17.16,197 67.63,836 17.16,528 67.65,139 17.16,858 67.66,442 18.17,150 68.64,789 18.17,500 68.66,111 18.17,850 68.67,433 19.18,103 69.65,742 19.18,472 69.67,083 19.18,842 69.68,425 20.19,056 70.66,694 20.19,444 70.68,056 20.19,833 70.69,417 21.20,008 71.67,647 21.20,417 71.69,028 21.20,825 71.70,408 22.20,961 72.68,600 22.21,389 72.70,000 22.21,817 72.71,400 23.21,914 73.69,553 23.22,361 73.70,972 23.22,808 73.72,392 24.22,867 74.70,506 24.23,333 74.71,944 24.23,800 74.73,383 25.23,819 75.71,458 25.24,306 75.72,917 2 5.24,792 75.74,375 26.24,772 76.72,411 26.25,278 76.73,889 26.25,783 76.75,367 27.25,725 77.73,364 27.26,250 77.74,861 27.26,775 77.76,358 28.26,678 78.74,317 28.27,222 78.75,833 28.27,767 78..77,350 29.279631 79.75,269 29.28,194 79.76,806 29.28,758 79.78,342 30.28,583 80.76,222 30.29,167 80.77,778 30.29,750 80.79,333 31.29,536 8-1.77,175 31.30,139 81.78,750 31.30,742 81.80,325 32.30,489 82.78,128 32.31,111 82.79,722 32.31,733 82.81,317 33.31,442 83.79)081 33.32,083 83.80,694 33.32,725 83.82,308 34.32,394 84.80,033 34.33,056 84.81,667 34.33,717 84.839300 35.33,347 85.80,986 35.34,028 85.82 639 35.34,708 85.84,292 36I.34,300 86.819939 36.35,000 86.83)611 36.35,700 86.85,283 37.35,253 87.82,892 37.359972 87.84,583 37.36,692 87.86,275 38.36,206 88.83,844 38.36,944 88.85,556 38.37,683 88.87,267 39.37,158 89.84,797 39.37,917 89.86,528 39.38,675 89.889258 40.38,111 90.85,750 40.389889 90.87,500 40.39,667 90.8.,250 41.39,064 91.86,703 41.39,861 91.88,472 41.40,658 91.90,242 42.40,017 92.87,656 42.40,833 92.89,444 42.41,650 92.91,233 43.40,969 93.88,608 43.41,806 93.90,417 43.42,642 93.92,225 44.41,922 94.89,561 44.42,778 94.91,389 44.43,633 94.93,217 45.42,875 95.90,514 45.43,750 95.92,361 45.44,625 95.94,208 46.43,828 96.91,467 46.44,722 96.93,333 46.45,617 96.95,200 47.44,781 97.92,419 47.45,694 97.94,306 47.46,608 97.96,192 48.45,733 98.93,372 48.46,667 98.95,278 48.47,600 98.97,183 49.46,686 99.94,325 49.47,639 99.96,250 49.48,592 99.98,175 50.47,639 i9 y S 50.48,611 51 ays- 50.49,583 0 N E YEAR. Prin Interest. ItPrin. Iterest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Pri. Interest. |.07,00 11.77,00 21 1.47,00 31 2.17,00 41 2.87,00 2.14,00 12.84,00 22 1 1.54,00 32 i 2.24,00 42 2.94,00 3.21,00 13.91,00 23 1.61,00 33 2.31,00 43 3.01900 4.28,00 14.98,00 24 1.68,00 34 2.38,00 44 3.08,00 5.35,00 15 1.05,00 25 1.75,00 35. 2.45,00 45 3.15,00 6 1.42,00 16 1.12,00 26 1.82,00 36 2.52,00 46 3.22,00 7.49,00 17 1.19,00 27 1.89,00 37 2.59,00 47 3.29,00 8.56,00 18 1.26,00 28 1.96,00 38 2.66,00 48 3.36,00 9.63,00 19 1.33,00 29 2.03,00 39 2.73,00 49 3.43,00 0 10.70,00 120 1.40,00 130 2.10,00 140 2.80,00 150 3.50,00 1 lMonth and 22 Days. 1 Mlonth and 23 Days. 1 lM onth and 24 Days. Pril,. Interest. Prinl. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. I.01,011 51.51,567 1.01,031 51.52,558 1.01,050 51.53,550 2.02,022 52.52,578 2.02,061 52.53,589 2.02,100 52.54,600 3.03,033 53.53,589 3.039092 53.549619 3.03,150 53.55,650 4.04,044 54.54,600 4.04,122 54.55,650 4.04,200 54.56,700 5.05,056 55.55,611 5.05,153 55.56,681 5.05,250 55.57,750 6.06,067 56.56,622 6.06,183 56.57,711 6.06,300 56.58,800o 7.07,078 57.57,633 7.07,214 57.58,742 7.07,350 57.59,850 8.08,089 58.58,644 8.08,244 58.59,772 8.08,400 58.60,900 9.09,100 59.59,656 9.099275 59.60)803 9.093450 59.619950 10.10,111 60.60,667 10.10,306 60.61,833 10.10,500 60.63,000 11.11,122 H61.61,678 11.11,336 61.62,864 11.11,550 61.64,050 12.12,133 62.62,689 12.12,367 62.63,894 12.12,600 62.65,100 1 3.13,144 63.63,700 13.13,397 63.64,925 13.13,650 63.66,150 14.14,156 64.64,711 14.14,428 64.65,956 14.14,700 64.67,200 15.15,167 65.65,722 15.15,458 65.66,986 15.15,750 65.68,250 16.16,178 66.66,733 16.16,489 66.68,0171 16.16,800 66.69,300 17.17,189 67.67,744 17.17,519 67.69,047 17.17,850 67.70,350 18.18,200 68.68,756 18.18,550 68.70,078 18.18,900 68.71,400 19.19,211 69.69,767 19.19,581 69.71,108 19.19,950 69.72,450 20.20,222 70.70,778 20.20,611 70.72,139 20.21,000 70.73,500 21.21,233 71.71,789 21.21,642 71.73,169 21.22,050 71.74,550.22.22,244 72.72,800. 22.22,672 72.74,200 22.23,100 72.75,600 23.23,256 73.73,811 23.23,703 73.75,231 23.24,150 73.76,650 24.249267 |74.74,822 24.24,733 74.76,261 24.25,200 74.77,700 25.25,278 75.75,833 25.25,764 75.77,292 25.26,250 75.78,750 26.26,289 76.76,844 26.26,794 76.78,322 26.27,300 76.79,800 27.27,300 77.77,856 27.27,825 77.79,353 27.28,350 77.80,850 28.28,311 78.78,867 28.28,856 78.80,383 28.29,400 78.81,900 29.29,322 79.79,878 29.29,886 79.81,414 29.30,450 79.82,950 30.30,333 80.80,889 S 30.30,917 80.82,444 30.31,500 80.84,000 31.31,344 81.81,900 31.31,947 81.83,475 31.32,550 81.85,050 32.32,356 82.82,911 32.32,978 82.84,506 32.33,600 82.86,100 33.33,367 83.83,922 33.34,008 83.85,536 33.34,650 83.87,150 34.34,378 84.84,933 34.35,039 84.86,567 34.35,700 84.88,200 35.35,389 85.85,944 35.36,069 85.87,597 35.36,750 85.89,250 36.36,400 86.86,956 36.373100 86.88,628] 36.37,800 86.90,300 37.37,411 87.87,967 37.38,131 87.89,658 37.38,850 87.91,350 38.38,422 88.88,978 38.39,161 88.90,689 38.39,900 88.92,400 39.39,433 89.89,989 39.40,192 89.91,719 39.40,950 89.93,450 40.40,444 90.91,000 40.41,222 90.92,750] 40.42,000 90.94,500 41.41,456 91.92,011 41.42,253 91.93,781 41.43,050 91.95,550 42.42,467 92.93,022 42.43,283 92.94,811 42.44,100 92.96,600 43.43,478 93.94,033 43.449314 93.95,842 43.45,150 93.97,650 44.44,489 94.95,044 44.45,344 94.96,872 44.46,200 94.98,700 45.45,500 95.96,056 45.46,375 95.97,903 45.47,250 95.99,750 46.46,511 96.97,067 46.47,406 96.98,933 46.48,300 96 1.00,800 47.47,522 97.98,078 47.48,436 97.99,964 47.49,350 97 1.01,850 48.48,533 98.99,089 48.49,467 98 1.00,994 48.50,400 98 1.02,900 49.49,544 99 1.00,100 49.50,497 99 1.02,025 49.51,450 99 1.03,950 50.509556,2 y$ 50.51,528 53 B aye. 50.52,500 54 a 52 Days. 154 Days ON E YEAR. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 13.57,00 61 14.27,00,i 71 4.97,00 81 5.67,00 91 16.37,00 52 1 3.64,00 62 4.3400 721 5.0400 82 574,00 921 6.44,00 53 3.71,00 631 4.41,00 73 5.11,00 831 5.81,00 93 6.51, 1 00 54 1 3.78,00 64 1 4.48,00 74 5.18,00 84 5.88,00 94 6.58,00 55 1 3.85,00 65 14.55,00 175 5.25,00 851 5.95,00 95 6.65,00 56 3.92,00 66 1 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 86 16.02,00 96 16.72,00 571 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 177 5.39,00 871 6.09,00 97 6.79,00 58 14.06,00 68 4.76,00! 78 15.46,00 88 16.16,00 98 6.86,00 59 14.13,00 69 14.83,00.179 15.53,00 1 891 6.23,00 1199 1 6.93,00 I_ 1604.20,00 170 4.9000 180 15.60,00 o901 6.3000 1 I 31 INTEREST AT SEVEN PER C E NT. 1 Month and 25 Days. 1 Month and 26 Days. 1 Month and 27 Days. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. interest. Prln. Interest. 1.01,069 51.54,542 1.01,089 51.55,533 1.01,10o8 51.56,525 2.02,139 52.55,611 2.02,178 52.56,622 2.02,217 52.57,633 3.03,208 53.56,681 3.03,267 53.57,711 3.03,325 53.583742 4.04,278 54.57,750 4.04,356 54.58,800 4.04,433 54.59,850 5.05,347 55.58,819 5.05,444 55.59,889 5.05,542 55.60,958 6.06,417 56.59,889 6.06,533 56.60,978 6.06,650 56.62,067 7.07,486 57.60,958 7.07,622 57.62,067 7.07,758 57.673,175 8.08,556 58.62,028 8.08,711 58.63,156 8.08,867 58.64,283 9.09,625 59.63,097 9.09,800 59.64,244 9.09,975 59.65,392 10.10,694 60.64,167 10.10,889 60.65,333 10.11,083 60.66,500) 11.11,764 61.65,236 11.11,978 61.66,422 11.12,192 61.67,608 12.12,833 62.66,306 12.13,067 62.67,511 12.13,300 62.68,717 13.13,903 63.67,375 13.14,156 63.68,600 13.14,408 63.69-3825 14.14,972 64.68,444 14.15,244 64.69,689 14.15,517 64.70,933 15.16,042 65.69,514 15.16,333 65.70,778 15.16,625 65.72,042 16.17,111 66.70,583 16.17,422 66.71,867 16.17,733 66.73,150) 17.18,181 67.71,653 17.18,511 67.72,956 17.18,842 67.74,258 18.19,250 68.723722 18.19,600 68.74,044 18.19,950 68.75,367 19.20,319 69.73,792 19.20,689 69.75,133 19.21,058 69.76,475 20.21,389 70.74,861 20.21,778 70.76,222 20.22,167 70.77,583 21.22,458 71.75,931 21.22,867 71.77,311 21.23,275 71.78,6(92 22.23,528 72.77,000 22.23,956 72.78,400 22.24,383 72.79,80( 23.24,597 73.78,069 23.25,044 73.79,489 23.25,492 73.80,9908 24.25,667 74.79,139 24.26,133 74.80,578 24.26,600 74..82,017 25.26,736 75.80,208 25.27,222 75.81,667 25.27,708 75.83,125 26.27,806 76.81,278 26.28,311 76.82,756 26.28,817 76.84:233 27.28,875 77.82,347 27.29,400 77.83,844 27.29,925 77.85,342 28.29,944 78.83,417 28.30,489 78.84,933 28.31,033 78.86,45( 29.31,014 79,.84,486 29.31,578 79.86,022 29.32,142 79.87,558 30.32,083 80.85,556 30.32,667 80.87,111 30.33,250 80.88,667 31.33,153 81.86,625 31.33,756 81.88,200 31.34,358 81.89,775 32.34,222 82.87,694 32.34,844 82.89,289 32.35,467 82.90,883 33.35,292 83.88,764 33.35,933 83.90,378 33.36,575 83.91,992 34.36,361 84.89,833 34.37,022 84.91,467 34.37,683 84.93,100 [ 35.37,431 85.90,903 35.38,111 85.92,556 35.38,792 85.94,208. 36.38,500 86.91,972 36.39,200 86.93,644 36.39,900 86.95,317 37.39,569 87.93,042 37.40,289 87.94,733 37.41,008 87.961425 38.40,639 88.94,111 38.41,378 88.95,822 38.42,117 88.97,53339.41,708 89.95,181 39.42,467 89.96,911 39.435225 89.98,642 40.42,778 90).96,250 40.43,556 90.98,000 40.44 333 90.99,750 41.43,847 91.97,319 41.44,644 91.99,089 41.45,442 91 1.00,858 42.44,917 92.98,389 42.45,733 92 1.00,178 42.46,550 92 1.01,967, 43.45,986 93.99,458 43.46,822 93 1.01,267 43.47,658 93 1.03,075 44.47,056 94 1.00,528 44.47,911 94 1.02,356 44.48,767 94 1.04,1831 45.48,125 95 1.01,597 45.49,000 95 1.03,444 45.49,875 95 1.05,292 46.49,194 96 1.02,667 46.50,089 96 1.04,533 46.50,983 96 1.06,400 47.50,264 97 1.03,736 47.51,178 97 1.05,622 47.52,092 97 1.07 508 48.51,333 98 1.04,806 48.52,267 98 1.06,711 48.53,200 98 1.08o,17 49.52,403 99 1.05.875 49.53,356 99 1.07,800 49.54.308 99 1.09,72. 50.53,472 55 Days. 50.54,444 56 Days. 50.55,417 57 Days ______-| ONE YEAR. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.07,00 111.77,00 1121 1.47,00 131 2.17,00 41 2.87,00 2.14,00 12.84,00 221 1.54,00 32 2.24,00 42 12.94,00 3.21,00 13.91,00 2311.61,00 33 2.31,00 4313.01,00 4.28,00 14.98,00 24 11.68,00 34 2.38,00 44 3.08,00 51.35,00 15 1.05,00 25 11.75,00 35 2.45,00 45 13.15,00 61.42,00 16 1.12,00 2611.82,00 36 2.52,00 46 3.22,00 7.49,00 17 1.19,00 27 1.89,00 37 2.59,00 47 3.29,00 8.56,00 118 1.26,00 28 11.96,00 1138 2.66;00 48 3.36,00 9.63,00 19 1.33,00 1129 2.03,00 39 12.73,00 49 3.43,00 32] I10.70,00 20 1.40,00 3012.10,00 40 2.80,00 /50 3.50,00 i - 5 I-S - S-' - INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. i Month and 28 Days. 1 Month and 29 Days. 2 MONTHS. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.01,128 51.57,517 1.01,147 51.58,508 1.01,167 51.59,500 2.02,256 52.58,644 2.02,294 52.59,656 2.02,333 52.60,667 3.03,383 53.59,772 3.03,442 53.60,803 3.03,500 53.61,833 4.04,511 54.60,900 4.04,589 54.61,950 4.04,667 54.63,000 5.05639 55 62028 5.05,736 55.63,097 5.05,833 55.64,167 6.06,767 56.63,156 6.06,883 56.64,244 6.07,000 56.65,333 7.07,894 57.64,283 7.08,031 57.65,392 7.08,167 57.66,500 8.09,022 58.65,411 8.09,178 58.66,539 8.09,333 58.67,667 9.10,150 59.66,539 9.10,325 59.67,686 9.10,500 59.68,833 10.11,278 60.67,667 10.11,472 60.68,833 10.11,667 60.70,000 11.12,406 61.68,794 11.12,619 61.69,981 11.12,833 61.71,167 12.13,533 62.69,922 12.13,767 62.71,128 12.14,000 62.72,333 13.14,661 63.71,050 13.14,914 63.72,275 13.15,167 63.73,500 14.15,789 64.72,178 14.16,061 64.73,422 14.16,333 64.74,667 15.16,917 65.73,306 15.17,208 65.74,569 15.17,500 65.75,833 16.18,044 66.74,433 16.18,356 66.75,717 16.18,667 66.77,000 17.19,172 67.75,561 17.19,503 67.76,864 17.19,833 67.78,167 18.20,300 68.76,689 18.20,650 68.78,011 18.21,000 68.79,333 19.21,428 69.77,817 19.21,797 69.79,158 19.22,167 69.80,500 20.22,556 70.78,944 20.22,944 70.80,306 20.23,333 70.81,667 21.23,683 71.80,072 21.24,092 71.81,453 21.24,500 71.82,833I 22.24,811 72.81,200 22.25,239 72.82,600 22.25,667 72.84,000! 23.25,939 73.82,328 23.26,386 73.83,747 23.26,833 73.85,167 24.27,067 74.83,456 24.27,533 74.84,894 24.28,000 74.86,333 25.28,194 75.84,583 25.28,681 75.86,042 25.29,167 75.87,500 26.29,322 76.85,711 26.29,828 76.87,189 26.30,333 76.88,667 27.30,450 77.86,839 27.30,975 77.88,336 27.31,500 77.89,833 28.31,578 78.87,967 28.32,122 78.89,483 28.32,667 78.91,000 29.32,706 79.89,094 29.33,269 79.90,631 29..33,833 79.92,167 30.33,833 80.90,222 30.34,417 80.91,778 30.35,000 80.93,333 31.34,961 81.91,350 31.35,564 81.92,925 31.36,167 81.94,500 32.36,089 82.92,478 32.36,711 82.94,072 32.37,333'82.95,667 33.37,217 83.93,606 33.37,858 83.95,219 33.38,500 83.96,833 34.38,344 84.94,733 34.39,006 84.96,367 34.39,667 84.98,000 35.39,472 85.95,861 35.40,153 85.97,514 35.40,833 85.99,167 36.40,600 86.96,989 36.41,300 86.98,661 36.42,000 86 11.00,333 37.41,728 87.98,117 37.42,447 87.99,808 37.43,167 87 11.01,500 38.42,856 88.99,244 38.43,594 88 1.00,956 38.44,333 88 1.02,667 39.43,983 89 1.00,372 39.44,742 89 1.02,103 39.45,500 89 1.03,833 40.45,111 90 1.01,500 40.45,889 90 1.03,250 40.46,667 90 1.05,000 41.46,239 91 1.02,628 41.47,036 91 1.04,397 41.47,833 91 1.06,167 42.47,367 92 1.03,756 42.48,183 92 1.05,544 42.49,000 92 1.07,333 43.48,494 93 1.04,883 43.49,331 93 1.06,692 43.50,167 93 1.08,500 44.49,622 94 1.06,011 44.50,478 94 1.07,839 44.51,333 94 1.09,667 45.50,750 95 1.07,139 45.51,625 95 1.08,986 45.52,500 95 1.10,833 46 51,878 96 1.08,267 46.52,772 96 1.10,133 46.53,667 96 1.12,000 47.53,006 97 1.09,394 47.53,919 97 1.11,281 47.54,833 97 1.13,167 48.54,133 98 1.10,.522 48.55,067 98 1.12,428 48.56,000 98 1.14,3333 49.55,261 99 1.11,650 491.56,214 99 1.13,575 49.57,167 99 1.15,5001 50.56,389 ays. 5.57361 50.58,333 60 Days. | ONE YEAR. -! Prin. Interest. Prin.J Interest. Prii. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 5 1 3.57,00 61 ) 4.27,00 71 4.97,00 81 5.67,00 91 1 6.37,00 52 3.64,00 62 4.34,00 172 5.04,00 82 5.74,00 92 6.44,00 53 3.71,00 63- 4.41,00 73 5.11,00 83 5.81,00 93 6.51,00 54 3.78,00 64 4.48,00 74 5.18,00 84 5.88,00 94 6.58,00 55 3.85,00 65 4.55,00 175 5.25,00 85 5.95,00 95 6.65,00 56 3.92,00 66 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 86 6.02,00 96 6.72,00 57 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 77 5.39,00 87 6.09,00 97 6.79,00 58 4.06,00 68 4.76,00 78 5.46,00 88 6.16,00 98 6.86,00 59 4.13,00 69 4'.83,00 79 5.53,00 189 6.23,00 99 1 6.93,00 60 4.20,00 70 4.90,00 80 5.60,00 -90 6.30,00 [3 6 m.3 0,0 C~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' I N T EREST AT S E V E N PER CENT. 2 Ponths and 1 Day. 2 Months and 2 Days. 2 Nonths and 3 Days. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. IPrn. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.01,186 51.60,492 1.01,206 51.61,483 1.01,225 51.62,475 2.02,372 52.61,678 2.02,411 52.62,689 2.02,450 52.63,700 3.03,558 53.62,864 3.03,617 53.63,894 3.03,675 53.64,925 4.04,744 54.64,050 4.04,822 54.65,100 4.04,900 54.66,150 5.05,931 55.65,236 5.06,028 55.66,306 5.06,125 55.67,375 6.07,117 56.66,422 6.07,233 56.67,511 6.07,350 56.68,600 7.08,303 57.67,608 7.08,439 57.68,717 7.08,575 57.69,825 8.09,489 58.68,794 8.09,644 58.69,922 8.09,800 58.71,050 9.10,675 59.69,981 9.10,850 59.71,128 9.11,025 59.72,275 10.11,861 60.71,167 10.12,056 60.72,333 10.12,250 60.73,500 11.13,047 61.72,353 11.13,261 61.73,539 11.13,475 61.74,725 12.14,233 62.73,539 12.14,467 62.74,744 12.14,700 62.75,950 13.15,419 63.74,725 13.15,672 63.75,950 13.15,925 63.77,175 14. 16,606 64.75,91 1 14.16,878 64.77,156 14.17,150 64.78,400 15.17,792 65.77,097 15.18,083 65.78,361 15.18,375 65.79,625 16.18,978 66.78,283 16.19,289 66.79,567 16.19,600 66.80,850 17.20,164 67.79,469 17.20,494 67.80,772 17.20,825 67.82,075 18.21,350 68.80,656 18.21,700 68.81,978 18.22,050 68.83,300 19.22,536 69.81,842 19.22,906 69.83,183 19.23,275 69.84,525 20.23,722 70.83,028 20.24,111 70.84,389 20.24,500 70.85,750 21.24,908 71.84,214 21.25,317 71.85,594 21.25,725 71.86,975 22.26,094 72.85,400 22.26,522 72.86,800 22.26,950 72.88,200 23.27,281 73.86)586 23.27,728 73.88,006 23.28,175 73.89,425 24.28,467 74.87,772 24.28,933 7 4.89,211 24.29,400 74.90,650 25.29,653 75.88,958 25.30,139 75.90,417 25.30,625 75.91,875 26.30,839 76.90,144 26.31,344 76.91,622 26.31,850 76.93,100 27.32,025 77.91,331 27.32,550 77.92,828 27.33,075 77.94,325 28.33,211 78.92,517 28.33,756 78.94,033 28.34,300 78.95,550 29.34,397 79.93,703 29.34,961 79.95,239 29.35,525 79.96,775 30.35,583 80.94,889 30.36,167 80.96,444 30.36,750 80.98,000 31.36,769 81.96,075 31.37,372 81.97,650 31.37,975 81.99,225 32.37,956 82.97,261 32.38,578 82.98,856 32.39,200 82 1.00,450 33.39,142 83.98,447 33.39,783 83 1.00,061 33.40,425 83 1.01,675 34.40,328 84.99,633 34.40,989 84 1.01,267 34.41,650 84 1.02,900 35.41,514 85 1.00,819 35.42,194 85 1.02,472 35.42,875 85 1.04,125 36.42,700 86 1.02,006 36.43,400 86 1.03,678 36.44,100 86 1.05,350 37.43,886 87 1.03,192 137.44,606 87 1.04,883 37.45,325 87 1.06,575 38.45,072 88 1.04,378 38.45,811 88 1.06,089 38.46,550 88 1.07,800 39.46,258 891.05,5641 39.47,017 89 1.07,294 39.47,775 89 1.09,025 40.47,444 90 1.06,750 40.48,222 90 1.08,500 40.49,000 90 1.10,250 41.48,631 91 1.07,936 41.49,428 91 1.09,706 41.50,225 91 1.11,475 42.49,817 92 1.09,122 42.50,633 92 1.10,911 42.51,450 92 1.12,700 43.51,003 93 1.10,308 43.51,839 93 1.12;117 43.52,675 93 1.13,925 44.52,189 94 1.11,494 44.53,044 94 1.13,322 44.53,900 94 1.15,150 45.53,375 95 11.12,681 45.54,250 95 1.14,528 45.55,125 95 1.16,375 46.54,561 96 1.13,867 46.55,456 98 1.15,733 46.56,350 96 1.17,600 47.55,747 97 1.15,053 47.56,661 97 1.16,939 47.57,575 97 1.18,825 48.56,933 98 1.16,239 48.57,867 98 1.18,144 48.58,800 98 1.20,050 49.58,119 99 1.17,425 49.59,072 99 1.19,350 49.60,025 99 1.21,275 50.59,306 61 Days. 50.60,278 62 Days. 50.61,250 63 Days. 12.07,00 11.77,00 21 1.47,00 31 2.1700 41 2.87,00 2.14,00 12.84,00 22 1.54,00 32 2.249, 00 42 21.94,00 3.21,00 113.91,00 23 1.61,00 33 2.31,00 143 3.01,00 2.3 4.28,00 14.98,00 24 1.68,00 34 2.38,00 944 3.08,00 5.35,00 15 1.05,00 25 1.75,00 35 2.45,00 45 3.15,00 6.42,00 16 1.12,00 26 1.82,00 36 2.52,00 46 3.22,00 7.49,00 17 1.19,00 27 1.89,00 37 2.59,00 47 3.29,00 8.56,00 18 10.26,00 28 1.96,00 38 2.66,00 48 3.36,00 - 3.39.63,00 119 1.33,00 1 29 2.03,00 31 392.73,00 149 3.43,005 34] 10.70, 2011.40,00 30.10,00 40.80,00 18 50 13.50,00 i - 33.39,142 |1 -3|.98,447! 3 3.39,783 83/1.00,06! 33.40,425 - i 3 /1.01,675I INTEREST A T SEVEN PER CENT. 2 Months and 4 Days. 2 Mlonths and 5 Days. 2 Months and 6 Days. Prin. Interest. P in. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest Pri n teest. Pri Interest. rn. Interest. 1.01,244 51.63,467 1.01,264 51.64,458 1.01,283 51.65,450 2.02,489 52,.64,711 2.029528 52.65,722 2.02,567 52.66,733 3.03,733 53.65,956 3.03,792 53.66,986 3'.03,850 53.68,017 4.04,978 54.67,200 4.05,056 54.68,250 4.05,133 54.69,300 5.06,222 55.68,444 5.06,319 55.69,514 5.06,417 55.70,583 6.07,467 56.69,689 6.07,583 56.70,778 6.07,700 56.71,867 7.08,711 57.70,933 7.08,847 57.72,042 7.08,983 57.73,150 8.09,956 58.72,178 8.10,111 58.73,306 8.10,267 58.74,433 9.11,200 59.73,422 9.11,375 59.74,569 9.11,550 59.75,717 10.129444 60:.74,667 10.12,639 60.75,833 10.12,833 60.77,000 11.13,689 61.75,9 111.13,903 61.77,097 11.14,117 61.78,283 12.14,933 62.77,156 12.15,167 62.78,361 12.15,400 62.79,567 13.16,178 63.78,400 13.16,431 63.79,625 13.16,683 63.80,850 14.17,422 64.79,644 14.17,694 64.80,889 14.17,967 64.82,133 15.18,667 65.80,889 15.18,958 65.82,153 15.19,250 65.83,417 16.19,911 66.82,133 16.20,222 66.83,417 16.20,533 66.84,700 17.21,156 67.83,378 17.21,486 67.84,681 17.21,817 67.85,983 18.22,400 68.84,622 18.22,750 68.85,944 18.23,100 68.87,267 19.23,644 69.85,867 19.24,014 69.87,208 19.24,383 69.88,550 20.24,889 70.87,111 20.25,278 70.88,472 20.25,667 70.89,833 21.26,133 71.88,356 21.26,542 71.89,736 21.26,950 71.91,117 22.27,378 72.89,600 22.27,806 72.91,000 22.28,233 72.92,400 23.28,622 73.90,844 23.29,069 73.92,264 23.29,517 73.93,683 24.29,867 74.92,089 24.30,333 74.93,528 24.30,800 74.94,967 25.31,111 75.93,333 25.31,597 75.94,792 25.32,083 75.96,250 26.32,356 76.94,578 26.32,861 76.96,056 26.33,367 76.97,533 27.33,600 77.95,822 27.34,125 77.97,319 27.34,650 77.98,817 28.34,844 78.97,067 28.35,389 78.98,583 28.35,933 78 1.00,100 29.36,089 79.98,311 29.36,653 79.99,847 29.37,217 79 1.01,383 30.37,333 80.99,556 30.37,917 80 1.01,111 30.389500 80 1.02,667 31.38,578 81 1.00,800 31.39,181 81 1.02,375 31.39,783 81 1.03,950 32.39,822 82 1.02,044 32.40,444 82 1.03,639 32.41,067 82 1.05,233 33.41,067 83 1.03,289 33.41,708 83 1.04,903 33.42,350 83 1.06,517 34.42,311 84 1.04,533 34.42,972 84 1.06,167 34.43,633 84 1.07,800 3,5.43,556 85 1.057778 35.44,236 85 1.07,431 35.44,917 85 1.09,083 36 f44,800 86 1.07,022 36.45,500 86 1.08,694 36.46,200 86 1.10,367 37,.46,044 87 1.08,267 37.46,764 87 1.09,958 37.47,483 87 1.11,650 38.47,289 88 1.09,511 38.48,028 88 1.11,222 38.48,767 88 1.12,933 39.48,533 89 1.10,756 39.49,292 89 1.12,486 39.50,050 89 1.14,217 40.49,778 90 1.12,000 40.50,556 90 1.13,750 40.51,333 90 1.15,500 41.51,022 91 1.13,244 41.51,819 91 1.15,014 41.52,617 91 1.16,783j 42.52,267 92 1.14,489 42.53,083 92 1.16,278 42.53,900 92 1.18,067 43.53,511 193 1.15,733 43.54,347 93 1.17,542 43.55,183 93 1.19,350 44.54,756 94 1.16,978 44.55,611 94 1.18,806 44.56,467 94 1.20,633 45.56,000 1 95 1.18,222 45.56,875 95 1.20,069 45.57,750 95 1.21,9171 46.57,244 96 1.19,467 46.58,139 96 1.21,333 46.59,033 96 1.239200 47.58,489 97 1.20,711 47.59,403 97 1.22,597 47.60,317 97 1.24,483. 48.59,733 98 1.21,956 48.60,667 98 1.23,861 48.61,600 98 1.25767 49.60,978 99 1.23,200 49.61,931 99 1.25,25 49.62,883 99 1.27,050' 50.62,222 64Days. 50.63,194 65 Days. 50.64,167 ONE YEAR. iPrin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin.l Interest. Prin.l Interest. Prin. Interest. II 51 3.57,00 61 4.27,00 71 4.97,00 81 5.67,00 91 6.37,00 52 3.64,00 62 4.34,00 72 5.04,00 82 1-5.74,00 92 6.44,00 53 3.71,00 63 4.41,00 73 5.11,00 83 15.81,00 93 6.51,00 54 3.78,00 64 4.48,00 74 5.18,00 84 5.88,00 94 6.58,00 55 13.85,00 65 4.55,00 75 5.25,00 85 5.95,00 95 6.65,00 56 3.92,00 66 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 86 6.02,00 96 6.72,00 57 13.99,00 67 4.69,00 11 77 15.39,00 87 16.09,00 97 16.79,00, 58 4.06,00 68 4.76,00 78 5.46,00 88 6.16,00 98 6.86,00 59 14.13,00 11694.83,00 79 5.53,00 89 6.23,00 99 6.93,00 60 4.20,00 70 490,00 80 5.60,00 90 6.30,00 35 INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CUENT. 2 Months and 7 Days. 2 Months and 8 Days 2 Months and 9 Days. Prin. Interest, Prin. I.nteresVt Prin. Interest. Prin, Interest. Prin.i Irnterest. Prin., Interest. 1.01,303 51.66,442 1.01,322 51.67,433 1.01,342 51.68,425 2.02,606 52.67,744 2'.02,644 52.68,756 2.02,68a 52.69,767 3.03,908 53.69,947 3'.03,967 538.70,078 3.04,025 53.71,108 4.05,211 54.70,350 4.05,289 54'.71,400 4.05,367 54.72,450 5.06,514 55.71,653 5.06,611 55.72,722 5.06,708 55.73,792 6.07,817 56.72,956 6.07,933 56.74,044 6.08,050 56.75,133 7.09,119 57.74,258 7.09,256 57.75,367 7.09,392 57.76,475 8.i0,422 58.75,561 8.10,578 58.76,689 8.10,733 58.77,817 9.1 1,725 59.76,8i64 9.11,900 59' 78,0I1 9.12,075 59.79,158 10.13,028 60.78,167 10.13,222 60.79,333 10.13,417 60.80,500 11.14,331 61.79,469 11.14,544 61.80,656 11.14,758 61.81,842 12.15,6:3G 62.80,772 12.15,867 62.81,978 12.16,100 62.83,183 13.16,936 63.82,075 13.17,189 63.83,300 13,17,442 63.84,525 14.18,239 64.83,378 14-.18,511 64.84,622 14 18,783 64,85,867 15.19,542 65,84,681 15.19,833 65.85,944 15.20,125 65.87,208 16.20,844 66.85,983 16.21,156 66.87,267 16.21,467 66.88,550 17.22,147 67.87,286 17.22,478 67.88,589 17.22,808 67.89,892 18.23,450 68.88,589 18.23,800 68.89,911 18'.24,150 68.91,233 19.24,753 69.89,892 19.25,122 69.91,233 19'.25,492 69.92,575 20.26,056 70.91,194 20.26,444 70.92,556 20.26,833 70.93,917 21.27,358 71'92,497 21.27,767 71.93,878 21.289175 71.95,258 22.28,661 72.93,800 22.29,089 72.95,200 22.29,517 72.96,600 23.29,964 73.95,103 23.30,411 73.96,522 23.30,858 73.97,942 24.31,267 74.96,406 24.31,733 74.97,844 24.32,200 74.99,283 25.32,569 75.97,708 25.33,056 75.99,167 25.33,542 75 1.00,625 26.33,872 76.99,011 26.34,378 76 1.00,489 26.3488'3 76 1.01,967 27.35,175 77 100,314 27.35,700'77 1.01,811 27.36,225 77 1.03,308 28.36,478 78 1.01,617 28.37,022 78 1.03,133 28.37,567 78 1.04,650 29.37,781 79 1.02,019 29.38,a344 79 1.04,456 29.38,908 79 1.05,992 30.39,083 80 1.04,222 30.399667 80 1.05,778 30.40,250 80 1.07,333 31.40,386 81 1.05,52'5 31.40,989 81 1.07,100 31.41,592 81.08,675 32.41,689 82 1.06,828 32.42,311 82 1.08,422 32.42,933 82:-1.10,017 33.42,992 83 14.08,131 33.43,633 83 1.09,744 33.44,275 83 1.11,358 34.44,294 84 1.09,433 34.44,956 84 t'.11,067 34.45,617 84 1.12,700 35.45,597 85 1.10,736 35.46,278 85 1.12,389 35.46,958 85 1.14,042 36.46,900 86 1.12,039 36.47,600 86 1.13,711'36.48,300 86 1.15,383 37.48,203 87 1.13,342 37.48;922 87 1.15,033'37.49,642 87 1.16,725 38.49,506 88.1.14,644 38.50,24-4 88 1.16,356 38.50,983 88 1.18,067 39.50,808 89 1.15,947 39f.51,567 89 1.17,678 139.52,325 89 1.19,408 40.52,111 90 1.17,250 40.52,889 90 1.19,000 40.53,667 90 1.20,750 41.53,414 91 1.18,553 41.54,211 9It 1.20,322 41.55,008 91 1.22,092 42.54,717 92 I.19,856 42.55,533 92 1.21,644 42.56,350 92 1.23,433 43.56,019 93 1.21,158 43.56,856 93 1.22,967 43.57,692 93 1.24,775 44.57,322 94 1.22,461 44.58,178 94 1.24,289 44.59,033 94 1.26,117 45.58,625 95 1.23,764 45.59,500 95 1.25,611 45.60,375 95 1.27,458 46.59,928 96 1.2569067 46.60,822 96 1.26,9033 46.61,717 96 1.28,800 47.61,231 97 1.26,369 47.62,144 97 1.28,256 47.63,058 97 1.30,142 48.62,533 98 1.27,672 48.63,467 98 1.29,578 48.64,400 98 1.31,483 49.63,836 99 1.28,975 49.64,789 99 1.30,900 49.65,742 99 1.32,825 50.65,139 67 Days. 50.66,11 68 Days. 50.67,083 69 Days. ONE YEAR. Prin. Interest. IPrin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1rin. Interest. 1.07,00 11.77,00 21 1.47,00 31 2.17,00 41 2.87,00 2.14,00 12.84,00 22 1.54,00 32 2.24,00 42 2.94.00 3.21,00 13.91,00 23 1.61,00 33 2.31,00 43 3.01,00 4.28,00 14.98S,00 24 1.68,00 34 2.38,00 44 3.08,00 5.35,00 15 1.0500 25 1.75,00 35 2.4500 45 3.15,00 6.42,00 16 1.12,00 26 1.82,00 36 2.52,00 46 3.22,00 7.49,00 17 1.19,00 27 1.89,00 37 2.59,00 47 3.29,00 8.56,00 18 1.26,00 28 1.96,00 38 2.66,00 48 3.36,00 9 1'.63,00 19 19.33,00 11 29 2.03,00 ll 39 2.73,00 49 3.43,001 36] 10.70,00 20 1.40,00 30 2.10,00 40 2.80,00 50 3.50,00 INT EREST AT'SEVEN PER CENT. 12 Months and 10 Days. 2 Months and 11 Days. 2 Months and 12 Days. Prin. t Interest. Prin. I Interest. Prin Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Pri. Interest. 1.01,361 51.69,417 1.01,381 51.70,408 1.01,400 51.71,400 2.02,722 52.70,778 22.02,761 52.71,789 2.02,800 52.72,800 3.04,083 53-.72,139 3.04,142 53!.73,169 3:.04,200 53.74,200 4.05,444 54.73,500 4.05,522 54.74,550 4.05,600 54.75,600 5.06,806 55.74,861 5.06,903 55.-75,931 5.07,000 55.77,000 6.08,167 56.76,222 6I.08,283 56.77,311 6,.08.400 56;-7'8,400 7.09,528 57.77,583 7.09,664 57.78,692 7.09,800 57.79,800 8.10,889 58.78,944 8.11,044 58.80,072 8.11,200 58: 81,200 9.129250 59.80,306 9.12,425 59.81,453 9.12,600 59;.82,600 10.13,611 60.81,667 10.13,806 60.82,833 10.14,000 60.84,000 11.14,972 61.83,028 11.15,186 61.84,214 11.15,400 6-1.85,400 12.16,333 62.84,389 12.16,567 62.85,594 12.16,800 62.86,800 13.17,694 63.85,750 13.17,947 63.86,975 13.18,200 63.88,200 14.19,056 64.87,111 14.19,328 64.88,356 14.19,600 64.89,600 15.20,417 65.88,472 15.20,708 65.89,736 15.21,000 65.91,000 16.21,778 66.89,833 16i.22,089 66.91,117 16,.22,400 66.92,400 17.23,139 67.91,194 17.23,469 67.92,497 17.23,800 67.93,800 18.24,500 68.92,556 18.24,850 68.93,878 18.25,200 68.95,200 19.25,861 69.93,917 19.26,231 69.95,258 19.26)600 69.96,600 20.27,222 70.95,278 20.27,611 70.96,639 20.28,000 70.98,000 21.28,583 71.96,639 21.28,992 71.98,019 21.29,400 71.99,400 22.29,944 72.98,000 22.30,372 72.99,400 22i.30;800 72 1.00,800 23.31,306 73.99,361 23.31,753 73 1.00,781 23:.32,200 73 1.02,200 24.32,667 74 1.00,722 24.33,133 74 1.02,161 24'.33,600 74 1.03,600 25.34,028 75 1.02,083 25.34,514 75 1.03,542 25.35,000 75 1.05,000 26.35,389 76 1.03,444 26.35,894 76 1.04,922 26.36,400 76 1.06,400 27.36,750 77 1.04,806 27.37,275 77 1.06,303 27.37,800 77 1.07,800 28.38,111 78 1.06,167 28.38,656 78 1.07,683 28.39,200 78 1.09,200 29.39,472 79 1.07,528 29.40,036 79 1.09,064 29.407600 79 1.10,600 30.40,833 80 1.08,889 30.419417 80 1.10,444 30.42,00 80 1.12,000 31.42,194 81 1.10,250 31.42,797 81 1.11,825 31.43,400 81 1.13,400 32.43,556 82 1.11,611 32.44,178 82 1.13,206 32-1.44,800 82 1.14,800 33.44,917 83 1.12,972 33.45,558 83 1.14,586 33..46,200 83 1.16,200 34.46,278 84 1.14,333 34.46,939 84 1.15,967 34.479600 84 1.17,600 35.47,639 85 1.15,694 35.48,319 85 1.17,347 35.49,000 85 1.19,000 36.49,000 86 1.17,056 36.49,700 86 1.18,728 36.50,400 86 1.20,400 37.50,361 87 1.18,417 37~.51,081 87 1.20,108 37.51,800 87 1.21,800 38.51,722 88 1.19,778 38.52,461 88 1.21,489 38.53,200 88 1.23,200 39.53,083 89 1.21,139 39.53,842 89 1.22,869 39.54,600 89 1.24,600 40.54,444 90 1.22,500 40.55,222 90 1.24,250 40.56,000 90 1.26,000 41.55,806 91 1.23,861 41.56,603 91 1.25,631 41.57,400 91 1.27,400 42.57,167 92 1;25,222 42-.57,983 92 1.27,011 42.58;800. 92 1.28,800 43.58,528 93 1.26,583 43.5'9 364 93 1.28,392 43.60,200 93 1.30,200 44.59)889 94 1.27,944 44.60,744 94 1.29,772 441.61,600 94 1.31,600 45.61,250 95 1.29,306 45.62,125 95' 1;31,153 45t.63,000 95 1.33,000 46.62,611 96 1.30,667 46.63,506 96, 1.32,533 46.64,400 96 1.34,400 47.63,972 97 1.32,028 47.64,886 97 1.33,914 47,.65,800 97 1.35,800 48.65,333 98 1.33,389 48.66,267 98' 1.35,294 48.67,200 98 1.37,200 49.66,694 99 1.34,750 49.67,647 99 1.36,675 49.68,600 99 1.38,600 50.680 69028 71 Days. 50.70,000 72' Days. ONE YEAR. Prin.-: Interest. Prin.j Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. |Prin. Interest. 51 3.57,00 61 4.27,00 71 4.97,00 81 5.67,00 1191 6.37,00 52 3.64,00 62 4.34,00 72 5.04,00 82 5.74,00 92 6.44,00 53 3.71,00 63: 4.41,00 73 5.11,00 83 5.'81,00 93 6.51,00 54 3.78,00 64: 4.48,00 74 5.18,00 84 5;.88,00 94 6.58,00; 55 3.85,00 65 4.55,00 75 5.25,00 85 5.95,00 95 6.65,00 56 3.92,00 66 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 86 6.02,00 96 6.72,00! 57 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 77 5.39,00 87 6.09,00 97 6.79,0011 58 4.06,00 68 4.76,00 78 5.46,00 88 6.'16,00 98' 6.86,00 f59 4.13,00 69 4.83,00 79 5.53,00 89 1'6.23,00 991 6.93,00, 63 4.20,00 1 70 4.90,00 80 5.60,00 901 6.30,00 [" 37 INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 2 lonths and 13 Days. 2 Months and 14 Days. 2 Months and 15 Days. Prin Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.01,419 51.72,392 1.01,439 51.73,383 1.01,458 51.74,375 2.02,839 52.73,811 2.02,878 52.74,822 2.02,917 52.75,833 3.04,258 53.75,231 3.04,317 53.76,261 3.04,375 53.77,292 4.05,678 54.76,650 4.05,756 54.77,700 4.05,833 54.78,750 5.07,097 55.78,069 5.07,194 55.79,139 5.07,292 55.80,208 6.08,517 56.79,489 6.08,633 56.80,578 6.08,750 56.81,667 7.09,936 57.80,908 7.10,072 57.82,017 7.10,208 57.83,125 8.11,356 58.82,328 8.11,511 58.83,456 8.11,667 58.84,583 9.12,775 59.83,747 9.12,950 59.84,894 9.13,125 59.86,042 10.14,194 60.85,167 10.14,389 60.869333 10.14,583 60.87,500 11.15,614 61.86,586 11.15,828 61.87,772 11.16,042 61.88,958 12.17,033 62.88,006 12.17,267 62.89,211 12.17,500 62.90,417 13.18,453 63.89,425 13.18,706 63.90,650 13.18,958 63.91,875 14.19,872 64.90,844 14.20,144 64.92,089 14.20,417 64.93,333 15.21,292 65.92,264 15.21,583 65.93,528 15.21,875 65.94,792 16.22,711 -66.93,683 16.23,022 66.94,967 16.23,333 66.96,250 17.24,131 67.95,103 17.24,461 67.96,406 17.24,792 67.97,708 18.25,550 68.96,522 18.25,900 68.97,844 18.26,250 68.99,167 19.26,969 -69.97,942 19.27,339 69.99,283 19.27,708 69 1.00,625 20.28,389 70.99,361 20.28,778 70 1.00,722 20.29,167 70 1.02,083 21.29,808 71 1.00,781 21.30,217 71 1.02,161 21.30,625 71 1.03,542 22.31,228 72 1.02,200 22.31,656 72 1.03,600 22.32,083 72 1.05,000 23.32,647 73 1.03,619 23.33,094 73 1.05,039 23.33,542 73 1.06,458 24.34,067 74 1.05,039 24.34,533 74 1.06,478 24.35,000 74 1.07,917 25.35,486 75 1.06,458 25.35,972 75 1.07,917 25.36,458 75 1.09,375 26.36,906 76 1.07,878 26.37,411 76 1.09,356 26.37,917 76 1.10,833 27.38,325 77 1.09,297 27.38,850 77 1.10,794 27.39,375 77 1.12,292 28.39,744 78 1.10,717 28.40,289 78 1.12,233 28.40,833 78 1.13,750 29.41,164 79 1.12,136 29.41,728 79 1.13,672 29.42,292 79 1.15,208 30.42,583 80 1.13,556 30.43,167 80 1.15,111 30.43,750 80 1.16,667 31.44,003 81 1.14,975 31.44,606 81 1.16,550 31.45,208 81 1.18,125 32.45,422 82 1.16,394 32.46,044 82 1.17,989 32.46,667 82 1.19,583 33.46,842 83 1.17,814 33.47,483 83 1.19,428 33.48,125 83 1.21,042 34.48,261 84 1.19,233 34.48,922 84 1.20,867 34.49,583 -84 1.22,500 35.49,681 85 1.20,653 35.50361 85 1.22,306 35.51,042 851.23,958 36.51,100 86 1.22,072 36.51,800 86 1.23,744 36.52,500 86 1.25,417 37.52,519 87 1.23,492 37.53,239 87 1.25,183 37.53,958 87 1.26,875 38.53,939 88 1.24,911 38.54,678 88 1.26,622 38.55,417 88 1.28,333 39.55,358 89 1.26,331 39.56,117 89 1.28,061 39.56,875 89 1.29,792 40.56,778 90 1.27,750 40.57,556 90 1.29,500 40.58,333 90 1.31,250 41.58,197 91 1.29,169 41.58,994 91 1.30,939 41.59,792 91 1.32,708 42.59,617 92 1.30,589 42.60,433 92 1.32,378 42.61,250 92 1.34,167 43.61,036 93 1.32,008 43.61,872 93 1.33,817 43.62,708 93 1.35,625 44.62,456 94 1.33,428 44.63,311 94 1.35,256 44.64,167 94 1.37,083 45.63,875 95 1.34,847 45.64,750 95 1.36,694 45.65,625 95 1.38,542 46.65,294 96 1.36,267 46.66,189 96 1.38,133 46.67,083 96 1.40,000 47.66,714 97 1.37,686 47.67,628 97 1.39,572 47.68,542 97 1.41,458 48.68,133 98 1.39,106 48.69,067 98 1.41,011 48.70,000 98 1.42,917 49.69,553 99 1.40,525 49.70,506 99 1.42,450 49.71,458 99 1.44,375 50.70,972 73 Days. 50.71,944 74 Days. 50.72,917 75 Days.. O N E YEAR. Prin. Interest. IPrin Interest. /Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.07,00 11.77,00 21 1.47,00 31 2.17,00 41 2.87,00 2.14,00 12.84,00 22 1.54,00 32 2.24,00 42 2.94,00 3.21,00 113.91,00 23 1.61,00 33 2.31,00 43 3.01,00 4.28,00 l 14.98,00 24 1.68,00 34 2.38,00 44 3.08,00 5.35,00 15 1.05,00 25 1.75,00 35 2.45,00 45 3.15,00 6.42,00 i 16 1.12,00 26 1.82,00 36 2.52,00 46 3.22,00 7.49,00 17 1.19,00 27 1.89,00 37 2.59,00 47 3.29,00 8.56,00 118 1.26,00 28 1.96,00 38 2.66,00 48 3.36,00 9 9.63,00 19 1.33,00 29 2.03,00 39 2.73,00 49 3.43,00 8 10i.70,00 I 20 1.40,00 30 2.10,00 40 2.80,00 5 3.50,00 INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. I2 Months and 16 Days. 2 lonths and 17 Days. 2 Months and 18 Days. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest.'rin Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.01,478 51.75,367 1.01,497 51.76,358 1.01,517 51 -.77,350 2.02,956 52.76,844 2.02,994 52.77,856 2.03,033 52.78,867 3.04,433 53:.78,322 3.04,492 53.79,353 3.04,550 53.80,383 4.05,911 54.79,800 4.05,989 54.80,850 4.06,067 54.81,900 5.07,389 55.81,278 5.07,486 55.82,347 5.07,583 55.83,417 6.08,867 56.82,756 6.08,983 56.83,844 6.09,100 56.84,933 7.10,344 57.84,233 7.10,481 57.85,342 7.10,617 57.86,450 8.11,822 58.85,711 8.11,978 58.86,839 8.12,133 58.87,967 9.13,300 59.87,189 9.13,475 59.88,336 9.13,650 59.89,483 10.14,778 60.88,667 10.14,972 60.89,833 10.15,167 60.91,000 11.16,256 61.90,144 11.16,469 61.91,331 11.16,683 61.92,517 12.17,733 62.91,622 12.17,967 62.92,828 12.18,200 62.94,033 13.19,211 63.93,100 13.19,464 63.94,325 13.19,717 63.95,550 14.20,689 64.94,578 14.20,961 64.95,822 14.21,233 64.97,067 15.22,167 65.96,056 15.22,458 65.97,319 15.22,750 65.98,583 16.23,644 66.97,533 16.23,956 66.98,817 16.24,267 66 1.00,100 17.25,122 67 -.99,011 17.25,453 67 1.00,314 17.25,783 67 1.01,617 18.269600 68 1.00,489 18.26,950 68 1.01,811 18.27,300 68 1.03,133 19.28,078 69 1.01,967 19-.28,447 69 1.03,308 19.28,817 69 1.04,650 20.29,556 70 1.03,444 20.29,944 70 1.04,806 20.30,333 70 1.069167 21.31,033 71 1.04,922 21.31,442 71 1.06,303 21.31,850 71 1.07,683 22.32,511 72 1.06,400 22.32,939 72 1.07,800 22.33,367 72 1.09,200 23.33,989 73 1.079878 23.34,436 73 1.09,297 23.34,883 73 1.10,717 24.35,467 74 1.09,356 24.35,933 74 1.10,794 24.36,400 74 1.12,233 25.36,944 75 1.10,833 25.37,431 75 1.12,292 25.37,917 75 1.13,750 26.38,422 76 1.12,311 26.38,928 76 1.13,789 26.39,433 76 1.15,267 27.39,900 77 1.13,789 27.40,425 77 1.15,286 27.40,950 77 1.16,783 28.41,378 78 1.15,267 28.41,922 78 1.16,783 28.42,467 78 1.18,300 29.42,856 79 1.16,744 29.43,419 79 1.18,281 29.43,983 79 1.19,817 30.44,333 80 1.18,222 30.44,917 80 1.19,778 30.45,500 80 1.21,333 31.45,811 81 1.19,700 31.46,414 81 1.21,275 31.47,017 81 1.22,850 32.47,289 82 1.21,178 32.47,911 82 1.22,772 32.48,533 82 1.24,367 33.48,767 83 1.22,656 33.49,408 83 1.24,269 33.50,050 83 1.25,883 34.50,244 84 1.24,133 34.50,906 84 1.25,767 34.51,567 84 1.27,400 35.51,722 85 1.25,611 35.52,403 85 1.27,264 35.53,083 85 1.28,917 36.53,200 86 1.27,089 36.53,900 86 1.28,761 36.54,600 86 1.30,433 37.54,678 87 1.28,567 37.55,397 87 1.30,258 37.56,117 87 1.31,950 38.56,156 88 1.30,044 38.56,894 88 1.31,756 38.57,633 88 1.33,467 39.57,633 89 1.31,522 39.58,392 89 1.33,9253 39.59,150 89 1.34,983 40.59,111 90 1.33,000 40.59,889 90 1.34,750 40.60,667 90 1.36,500 41.60,589 91 1.34,478 41.61,386 91 1.36,247 41.62,183 91 1.38,017 42.62,067 92 1.35,956 42.62,883 92 1.37,744 42.63,700 92 1.39,533 43.63,544 93 1.37,433 43.64,381 93 1.39,242 43.65,217 93 1.41,050 44.65,022 94 1.38,911 44.65,878 94 1.40,739 44.66,733 94 1.42,567 45.66,500 95 1.40,389 45.67,375 95 1.42,236 45.68,250 95 1.44,083 46.67,978 96 1.41,867 46.68,872 96 1.43,733 46.69,767 96 1.45,600 47.69,456 97 1.43,344 47.70,369 97 1.45,231 47.71,283 97 1.47,117 48.70,933 98 1.44,822 48.71,867 98 1.46,728 48.72,800 98 1.48,633 49.72,411 99 1.46,300 49.73,364 99 1.48,225 49.74,317 99 1.50,150 50.73,889 76 Days. 50.74,861'77 Days. 50.75,833'8t Days. O N_ E YEAR. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prn. Interest. Prin. Interest. ll. nterest. 51 3.57,00 61 4.27,00 71 4.97,00 81 5.67,00 91 6.37,00 52 3.64,00 62 4.34,00 72 5.04,00 82 5.74,00 92 6.44,00 53 3.71,00 63 4.41,00 73 5.11,00 83 5.8100 93 6.51,00 54 3.78,00 64 4.48,00 74 5.18,00 84 5.88,00 94 6.58,00 55 3.85,00 65 4.55,00 75 5.25,00 85 5.95,00 95 6.65,00 56 3.92,00 66 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 86 6.02,00 -96 6.72,00 57 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 77 5.39,00 87 6.09,00 97 6.79,00 58 4.06,00 68 4.76,00 78 5.46,00 88 6.1600 98. 6.86,00 59 4.13,00 69 4.83,00 79 5.53,00 89 6.23,00 99 6.93,00 60 4.20,00 70 4.90,00 805.000 90 6.3000 3 U i I i I U INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 2 Months and 19 Days. 2 Months and 20 Days. 2 Months and 21 Days, Prin.j Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Interest Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.01,536 51.78,342 1.01,556 51.79,333 1.01,575 51.80,325 2.03,072 52.79,878 2.03,111 52.80,889 2.03,150 52.81,900 3.04,608 53.81,414 3.04,667 53.82,444 3.04,725 53.83,475 4.06,144 54.82,950 4.06,222 54.84,000 4.06,300 54.85,050 5.07,681 55.84,486 5.07,778 55.85,556 5.07,875 55.86,625 6.09,217 56.86,022 6.09,333 56 -.87,111 6.09,450 56.88,200 7.10,753 57.87,558 7.10,889 57.88,667 7.11,025 57.89,775 8.12,289 58.89,094 8.12,444 58.90,222 8.12,600 58.91,350 9.13,825 59.90,631 9.14,000 59.91,778 9.14,175 59.92,925 10.15,361!60.92,167 10.15,556 60.93,333 10.15,750 60.94,500 11.16,897 61.93,703 11.17,111 61.94,889 11.17,325 61.96,075 12.18,433 62.: 95,239 12.18,667 62.96,444 12.18,900 62.97,650 13.19,969 63.96,775 13.20,222:63.98,000 13.20,475 63.99,225 14.21,506 64.98,311 14.21,778 64.99,556 14.22,050 64 1.00,800 15.23,042 65.99,847 15.23,333 165.01,111 15.23,625 65 1.02,375 16.24,578 66 [1.01,383 16.24,889 66 1.02,667 16.25,200 66 1.03,950 17.26,114 67 1.02,919 17.26,444 67 1.04,222 17.26,775 67 1.05,525 18.27,650 68 -1.04,456 18.28,000 68 1.05,778 18.28,350 68 11.07,100 19.29,186 69 1.05,992 19.29,556 ]69 1.07,333 19.29,925 69 1.08,675 20.30,722 70 1.07,528 20.31,111 70 1.08,889 20.31,500 70 1.10,250 21.32;258 71 1.09,064 21.32,667 71 1.10,444 21.33,075 71 1.11,825 22.33,794 72 1.10,600 22.34,222 72 1.12,000 22.34,650 72 1.13,400 23.35,331 73 1.12,136 23.35,778 73 1.13,556 23.36,225 73 1.14,975 24.36,867 - 74 1.13,672 24.37,333 74 1.15,111 24.37,800 74 1.16,550 25.38,403 75 1.15,208 25.38,889 75. 1.16,667 25.39,375 75 1.18,125 26.39,939 76 1.16,744 26.40,444 76 1.18,222 26.40,950 76 1.19,700 27.41,475 77 1.18,281 27.42,000 77 1.199778 27.42,525 77 1.21,275 28.43,011 78 1.19,817 28.43,556 78 1.21,333 28.44,100 78 1.22,850 29.44,547 79 1.21,353 29.45,111 79 1.22,889 29.45,675 79 1.24,4251 30.46,083 80 1.22,889 30.46,667 80 1.24,444 30.47,250 80 1.26,000 31.47,619 81 1.24,425 31.48,222 81 1.26,000 31.48,825 81 1.27,575 32.49,156 82 1.25,961 32.49,778 82 1.27,556 32.50,400 82 1.29,150 33.50,692 83 1.27,497 33'.51,333 83 1.29,111 33.51,975 83 1.30,725 34.52,228 84 1.29,033 34.52,889 84 1.30,667 34.53,550 84 1.32,300 356.53,764 85 1.30,569 35.54,444 85 1.32,222 35.55,125 85 1.33,875 36.55,300 86 1.32,106 36.56,000 86 1.33,778 36.56,700 86 1.35,450 37.56,836 87 1.33,642 37.57,556 87 1.35,333 37.58,275 87 1.37,025 38.58,372 88 1.35,178 38.59,111 88 1.36,889 38.59,850 88 1.38,600 39.59,908 89 1.36,714 39.60,667 89 1.38,444 39.61,425 89 1.40,175 40.61,444 90 1.38,250 40.62,222 90 1.40,000 40.63,000 90 1.41,750 41.62,981 91 1.39,786 41.63,778 91 1.41,556 41.64,575 91 1.43,325 42.64,517 92 1.41,322 42.65,333 92 1.43,111 42.66,150 92 1.44,900 43.66,053 93 1.42,858 43.66,889 93 1.44,667 43.67,725 93 1.46,475 44.67,589 94 1.44,394 44.68,444 94 1.46,222 44.69,300 94 1.48,050 45.69,125 95 1.45,931 45.70,000 95 1.47,778 45.70,875 95 1.49,625 46.70,661 96 1.47,467 46.71,556 96 1.49,333 46.72,450 96 1.51,200 47.72,197 97 1.49,003 47.73,111 97 1.50,889 47.74,025 97 1.52,775 48.73,733 98 1.50,539 48.74,667 98 1.52,444 48.75,600 98 1.54,350 49.75,269 99 1.52,075 49.76,222 99 1.54,000 49.77,175 99 1.55,925 50.76,806 79 Days. 50.77,778 80 Days. 50.78,750 81 Days. ONE YEAR. IPrin. Interest. IPrin. Interest. lPrin. Interest. _Prin. Interest. Prim I nterest. 1.07,00 111.77,00 121 1.47,00 31 2.17,00 41 2.87,00 2.14,00 I12.84,00 [22 1.54,00 [32 2.24,00 {42 2.94,00[ 3.21,00 13.91,00 23 1.61,00 33 2.31,00 43 3.01,00 4.28,00 14.98,00 24 1.68,00 1134 2.38,00 44 3.08,00 5.35,00 /15 1.05,00 I25 1.75,00 l35 2.45,00 45 3.15,00 I 6.42,00 [16 1.12,00 [2611.82,00 /36 2.52,00 46 3.22,00l t |7.49,00 |17 1.19,00 |27 1.89,00 |37 2.59,00 47 |3.29,00 8.56,00 11811.26,00 128 1.96,00 13812.66,00 48 3.36,00 9.63;00 I19[ 1.33,00 1 29 2.03,00 { 39 2.73,00 49 13.43,00 - -il.]__ -[10.70,00 1[20 1.40,00 [[30 2.10,00 l]401 2.80,00 50 13.50,00 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " -'...... a..........,... INTEREST AT SEVE N P:ER CENT. 2 Months and 22 Days. 2 Months and 23 Days. 2 MZonths and 24 Days. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin,. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.01,594 51.81,317 1.01,614 51.82,308 1.01,633 51.83,300 2.03,189 52.82,911 2.03,228 52.83,922 2.03,267 52.84,933 3.04,783 53.84,506 3.04,842 53.85,536 3.04,900 53.86,567 4.06,378 54.86,100 4.06,456 54.87,150 4.06,533 54.88,200 5.07,972 55.87,694 5.08,069 55.88,764 5.08,167 55.89,833 6.09,567 56.89,289 6.09,683 56.90,378 6.09,800 56.91,467 7.11,161 57.90,883 7.11,297 57.91,992 7.11,433 57.93,100 8~.12,756 58.92,478 8.12,911 58.93,606 8.13,067 58.94,733 9.14,350 59.94,072 9.14,525 59.95,219 9.14,700 59.96,367 10.15,944 60.95,667 10.16,139 60.96,833 10 16,333 60.98,000 11.17,539 61.97,261 11.17,753 61.98,447 11.17,967 61.99,633 12.19,133 62.98,856 12.19,367 62 1.00,061 12.19,600 62 1.01,267 13.20,728 63 1.00,450 13.20,981 63 1.01,675 13.21,233 63 1.02,900 14.22,322 64 1.02,044 14.22,594 64 1.03,289 14 22,867 64 1.04,533 15.239917 65 1.03,639 15.24,208 65 11.04,903 15.24,500 65 1.06,167 16.25,511 66 1.05,233 16.25,822 66 1.06,517 16.26,133 66 1.07,800 17.27,106 67 1.06,828 17.27,436 67 1.08,131 17.27,767 67 1.09,433 18.28,700 68 1.08,422 18.29,050 68 1.09,744 18.29,400 68 1.11,067 19.30,294 69 1110,017 19.30,664 69 1.11,358 19.31,033 69 1.12,700 20.31,889 70 1.11,611 20.32,278 70 1.12,972 20.32,667 70 1.14,333 21.33,483 71 1.13,206 21.33,892 71 1.14,586 21.34,300 71 1.15,967 22.35,078 72 1.14,800 22.35,506 72 1.16,200 22.35,933 72 1.17,600 23.36,672 73 11.16,394 23.37,119 73 1.17,814 23.37,567 73 1.19,233 24.38,267 74 1.17,989 24.38,733 74 1.19,428 24.39,200 74 1.20,867 25.39,861 75 1.19,583 25.40,347 75 1.21,042 25.40,833 75 1.22,500 26.41,456 76 1.21,178 26.41,961 76 11.22,656 26.42,467 76 1.24,133 27.43,050 77 1.22,772 27.43,575 77 1.24,269 27.44,100 77 1.25,767 28.44,644 78 1.24,367 28.45,189 78 1.25,883 28.45,733 78 1.27,400 29.46,239 79 1.25,961 29.46,803 79 1.27,497 29.47,367 79 1.29,033 30.47,833 80 1.27,556 30.48,417 80 1.29,111 30.49,000 80 1.30,667 31.49,428 81 1.29,150 31.50,031 81 1.30,725 31.50,633 81 1.32,300 32.51,022 82 1.30,744 32.51,644 82 1.32,339 32.52,267 82 1.33933 33.52,617 83 1.32,339 33.53,258 83 1.33,953 33.53,900 83 1.35,567 34.54,211 84 1.33,933 34.54,872 84 1.35,567 34.55,533 84 1.37,200 35.55,806 85 1.35,528 35.56,486 85 1.37,181 35.57,167 85 1.38,833 36.57,400 86 1.37,122 36.58,100 86 1.38,794 36.58,800 86 1.40,467 37.58,994 87 1.38,717 37.59,714 87 1.40,408 37.60,433 87 1.42,100 38.60,589 88 1.40,311 38.61,328 88 1.42,022 38.62,067 88 1.43,733 39.62,183 89 1.41,906 39.62,942 89 1.43,636 39.63,700 89 1.45,367 40.63,778 90 1.43,500 40.64,556 90 1.45,250 40.65,333 90 1.47,000 41.65,372 91 1.45,094 41.66,169 91 1.46,864 41.66,967 91 1.48,633 42.66,967 92 1.46,689 42.67,783 92 1.48,478 42.68,600 92 1.50,267 43.68,561 93 1.48,283 43.69,397 93 1.50,092 43.70,233 93 1.51,900 44.70,156 94 1.49,878 44.71,011 94 1.51,706 44.71,867 94 1.53,533 45.71,750 95 1.51,472 45.72,625 95 1.53,319 45.73,500 95 1.55,167 46.73,344 96 1.53,067 46.74,239 96 1.54,933 46.75,133 96 1.56,800 47.74,939 97 1.54,661 47.75,853 97 1.56,547 47.76,767 97 1.58,433 48.76,533 98 1.56,256 48.77,467 98 1.58,161 48.78,400 98 1.60,067 49.78,128 99 1.57,850 49.79,081 99 1.59,775 49.80,033 99 1.61,700 50.79,722 8l Days. 50.80,694 83 Da ys. 50.81,667 84 Days. ONE YEAR. Prin. Interest. Pri Interest. rin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 3.57,00 61 4.27,00 71 4.97,00 81 5.67,00 91 6.37,00 52 3.64,00 62 4.34,00 72 5.04,00 82 5.74,00 92 6.44,00 53 3.71,00 63 4.41,00 73 5.11,00 83 5.81,00 93 6.51,00 54 3.78,00 64 4.48,00 74 5.18,00 84 5.88,00 94 6.58,00 55 3.85,00 65 4.55,00 75 5.25,00 85 5.95,00 95 6.65,00 56 3.92,00 66 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 86 6.02,00 96 6.72,00 57 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 77 5.39,00 87 6.09,00 97 6.79,00 58 4.06,00 68 4.76,00 78 5.46,00 88 6.16,00 98 6.86,00 59 4.13,00 69 4.83,00 79 5.53,00 89 6.23,00 996.93,00 60 4.20,00 70 4.90,00 80 5.60,00 906.30,00'1 INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 2 Months and 25 Days. 2 Months and 26 Days. 2 months anand 27 Days. Prin. Interest. Prin. Inte Pest. Prin. Interest. Prill. Interest. PJrin. Interest. Prinil. Interest. 1.01,653 51.84,292 1.01,672 51.85 283 1.01,692 51.86,275 2.03,306 52.85,944 2.03,344 52.86,956 2.03,383 52.87,967 3.04,958 53.87,597 3.05,017 53.88,628 3.05,075 53.89,658 4.06,611 54.89,250 4.06,689 54.90,300 4.06,767 54.91,350 5.08,264 55.90,903 5.08,361 55.91,972 5.08,458 55.93,042 6.09,917 56.92,556 6.10,033 56.93,644 6.10,150 56.94,733 7.11,569 57.94 208 7.11,706 57.95,317 7.11,842 57.96,425 8.13,222 58.95,861 8.13,378 58.96,989 8.13,533 58.98,117 9.14,875 59.97,514 9.15,050 59.98,661 9.15,225 59.99,808 10.16,528 60.99,167 10.16,722 60 1.00,333 10.16,917 60 1.01,500 11.18,181 61 1.00,819 11.18,394 61 1.02,006 11.18,608 61 1.03,192 12.19,833 62 1.02,472 12.20,067 62 1.03,678 12.20,300 62 1.04,883 13.21,486 63 1.04,125 13.21,739 63 1.05,350 13.21,992 63 1.06,575 14.23,139 64 1.05,778 14.23,411 64 1.07,022 14.23,683 64 1.08,267 15.24,792 65 1.07,43.1 15.25,083 65 1.08,694 15.25,375 65 1.09,958 16.26,444 66 1.09,083 16.26,756 66 1.10,367 16.27,067 66 1.11,650 17.28,097 67 1.10,736 17.28,428 67 1.12,039 17.28,758 67 1.13,342 18.29,750 68 1.12,389 18.30,100 68 1.13,711 18.30,450 68 1.15,033 19.31,403 69 1.14,042 19.31,772 69 1.15,383 19.32,142 69 1.16,725 20.33,056 70 1.15,694 20.33,444 70 1.17,056 20.33,833 70 1.18,417 21.34,708 71 1.17,347 21.35,117 71 1.18,728 21.35,525 71 1.20,108 22.36,361 72 1.19,000 22.36,789 72 1.20,400 22.37,217 72 1.21,800 23.38,014 73 1.20,653 23.38,461 73 1.22,072 23.38,908 73 1.23,492 24.39,667 74 1.22 306 24.40,133 74 1.23,744 24.40,600 74 1.25,183 25.41,319 75 1.23,958 25.41,806 75 1.25,417 25.42,292 75 1.26,875 26.42,972 76 1.25,611 26.43,478 76 1.27,089 26.43,983 76 1.28,567 27.44,625 77 1.279264 27.45,150 77 1.28,761 27.45,675 77 1.30,258 128.46,278 78 1.28:917 28.46,822 78 1.30,433 28.47,367 78 1.31,950 29.47,931 79 1.30,569 29.48,494 79 1.32,106 29.49,058 79 1.33,642 30.49,583 80 1.32,222 30.50,167 80 1.33,778 30.50,750 80 1.3a5,333 31.51,236 81 1.33,875 31.51,839 81 1.35,450 31.52,442 81 1.37,025 32.52,889 82 1.35,528 32.53,511 82 1.37,122 32.54,133 82 1.38,717 33.54,542 83 1.37,181 33.55,183 83 1.38,794 33.55,825 83 1.40,408 34.56,194 84 1.38,833 34.56,856 84 1.40,467 34.57,517 84 1.42,100 35.57,847 85 1.40,486 35.58,528 85 1.42,139 35.59,208 85 1.43,792 36.59,500 86 1.42,139 36.60,200 86 1.43,811 36.60,900 86 1.45,483 37.61,153 87 1.43,792 37.61,872 87 1.45,483 37.62,592 87 1.47,175 38.62,806 88 1.45,444 38.63,544 88 1.47,156 38.64,283 88 1.48,867 39.64,458 89 1.47,097 39.65,217 89 1.48,828 39.65,975 89 1.50,558 40.66,111 90 1.48,750 40.66,889 90 1.50,500 40.67,667 90 1.52,250 41.67,764 91 1.50,403 41.68,561 91 1.52,172 41.69,358 91 1.53,942 42.69,417 92 1.52,056 42.70,233 92 1.53,844 42.71,050 92 1.55,633 43.71,069 93 1..53,708 43.71,906 93 1.55,517 43.72,742 93 1.57,325 44.72,722 94 1.55,361 44.73,578 94 1.57,189 44.74,433 94 1.59,017 45.74,375 95 1.57,014 45.75,250 95 1.58,861 45.76,125 95 1.60,708 46.76,028 96 1.58,667 46.76,922 96 1.60,533 46.77,817 96 1.62,400 47.77,681 97 1.60,319 47.78,594 97 1.62,206 47.79,508 97 1.64,092 48.79,333 98 1.61,972 48.80,267 98 1.63,878 48.81,200 98 1.65,783 49.80,986 99 1.63i625 49.81,939 99 1.65,550 49.82,892 99 1.67,475 50.82,639 85 Days. 50.83,611 86 Days. 50.84,583 8' XDays. ON E YEA-R. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. ItPrin. Interest. I'in. lnterest. 1.07,00 1111.77,00 21 1.47900 31 2.17,00 41 2.87,00 2.14,00 12.84,00 22 1.54,00 32 2.24,00 42 2.94,00 3.21,00 113.91,00 23 1.61,00 33 2.31,00 43 3.01,00 4.28,00 14.98,00 24 1.68,00 34 2.38,00 44 3.08,00 5.35,00 15 1.05,00 25 1.75,00 35 2.45,00 45 3.15,00 6.42,00 16 1.12,00 26 1.82,00 36 2.52,00 46 3.22,00 7.49,00 17 1.19,00 27 1.89,00 37 2.59,00 47 3.29,00 8.56,00 18 1.26,00 28 1.96,00 38 2.66,00 48 3.36,00 91.63,00 19 1.33,00 1129 2.03,00 n 1 39 2.73,00 49 3.43,00 12] 11101.7000 201.40,0 0 201.40,00 1130 2.10,00 14012.80,00 115013.50,00 ] IN TEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. l2 Months and 28 Days. 2 Xonths and 29 Days. 3 MONTHS. ri. Interest. Prn. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.01,711 51.87,267 1.01,731 51.88,258 1.01,750 51.89,250 2.03,422 52.88,978 2.03,461 52.89,989 2.03,500 52.91,000 3.05,133 53.90,689 3.05,192 53.91,719 3.05,250 53.92,750 4.06,844 54.92,400 4.06,922 54.93,450 4.07,000 54.94,500 5.08,556 55.94,111 5.08,653 55.95,181 5.08,750 55.96,250 6.10,267 56.95,822 6.10,383 56.96,911 6.10,500 56.98,000 7.11,978 57.97,533 7.12,114 57.98,642 7.12,250 57.99,750 8.13,689 58.99,244 8.13,844 58 1.00,372 8.14,000 58 1.01,500 9.15,400 59 1.00,956 9.15,575 59 1.02,103 9.15,750 59 1.03,250 10.17,111 60 1.02,667 10.17,306 60 1.03,833 10.17,500 60 1.05,000 11.18,822 61 1.04,378 11.19,036 61 1.05,564 11.19,250 61 1.06,750 12.20,533 62 1.06,089 12.20,767 62 1.07,294 12.21,000 62 1.08,500 13.22,244 63 1.07,800 13.22,497 63 1.09,025 13.22,750 63 1.10,250 14.23,956 64 1.09,511 14.24,228 64 1.10,756 14.24,500 64 1.12,000 15.25,667 65 1.11,222 15.25,958 65 1.12,486 15.26,250 65 1.13,750 16.27,378 66 1.12,933 16.27,689 66 1.14,217 16.28,000 66 1.15,500 17.29,089 67 1.14,644 17.29,419 67 1.15,947 17.29,750 i67 1.17,250 18.30,800 68 1.16,356 18.31,150 68 1.17,678 18.31,500 68 1.19,000 19.32,511 69 1.18,067 19.32,881 69 1.19,408 19.33,250 69 1.20,750 20.34,222 70 1.19,778 20.34,611 70 1.21,139 20.35,000 70 1.22,500 21.35,933 71 1.21,489 21.36,342 71 1.22,869 21.36,750 71 1.24,250 22.37,644 72 1.23,200 22.38,072 72 1.24,600 22.38,500 72 1.26,000 23.39,356 73 1.24,911 23.39,803 73 1.26,331 23.40,250 73 1.27,750 24.41,067 74 1.26,622 24.41,533 74 1.28,061 24.42,000 74 1.29,500 25.42,778 75 1.28,333 25.43,264 75 1.29,792 25.43,750 75 1.31,250 26.44,489 76 1.30,044 26.44,994 76 1.31,522 26.45,500 76 1.33,000 27.46,200 77 1.31,756 27.46,725 77 1.33,253 27.47,250 77 1.34,750 28.47,911 78 1.33,467 28.48,456 78 1.34,983 28.49,000 78 1.36,500 29.49,622 79 1.35,178 29.50,186 79 1.36,714 29.50,750 79 1.38,250 30.51,333 80 1.36,889 30.51,917 80 1.38,444 30.52,500 80 1.40,000 31.53,044 81 1.38,600 31.53,647 81 1.40,175 31.54,250 81 1.41,750 32.54,756 82 1.40,311 -32.55,378 82 1.41,906 32.56,000 82 1.43,500 33.56,467 83 1.42,022 33.57,108 83 1.43,636 33.57,750 83 1.45,250 34.58,178 84 1.43,733 34.58,839 84 1.45,367 34.59,500 84 1.47,000 35.59,889 85 1.45,444 35.60,569 85 1.47,097 35.61,250 85 1.48,750 36.61,600 86 1.47,156 36.62,300 86 1.48,828 36.63,000 86 1.509500 37.63,311 87 1.48,867 37.64,031 87 1.50,558'37.64,750 87 1.52 250 38.65,022 88 1.50,578 38.65,761 88 1.52,289'38.66,500 88 1.54,000 39.66,733 8911.52,289 39.67,492 89 1.54,019 39.68,250 89 1.55,750 40.68,444 90 1.54,000 40.69,222 90 1.55,750 40.70,000 90 1.57,500 41.70,156 91 1.55,711 41.70,953 91 1.57,481 41.71,750 91 1.59,250 42.71,867 92 1.57,422 42.72,683 92 1.59,211 42.73,500: 92 1.61,000 43.73,578 9311.59,133 43.74,414 93 1.60,942 43.75,250 93 1.62,750 44.75,289 94 1.60,844 44.76,144 94 1.62,672 44.77,000 94 1.64,500 45.77,000 95 1.62,556 45.77,875 95 1.64,403 45.78,750! 95 1.66,250 46.78,711 96 1.64,267 46.79,606 96 1.66,133 46.809500 96 1.68;000 47.80,422 97 1.65,978 47.81,336 97 1.67,864 47.82,250 97 1.69,750 48.82,133 9811.67,689 48.83067 98 1.69,594 48.84,000 98 1.71,500 49.83,844 99 1.69,400 49.84,797 99 1.71,325 49.85,750 99 1.73,250 50.85,556 [88 Days. 50.86,528 89 Days. 50.87,500 9'0 tDays. 0 N E Y EA R. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 3.57,00 61 4.27,00 71 4.97,00 81 5.67,00 91 6.37,00 52 3.64,00 62 4.34,00 72 5.04,00 82 5.74,00 92 6.44,001 53 3.71,00 63 4.41,00 73 5.11,00 83 5.81,00 93 6.51,00 54 3.78,00 64 4.48,00 74 5.18,00 84 5.88,00 -94 6.58,00 55 3.85,00 65 4.55,00 75 5.25,00 85 5.95,00 95 6.65,00 56 3.92,00 66 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 86 6.02,00 96 6.72,00 57 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 77 5.39,00 87 6.09,00 97 6.79,00 58 4.06,00 68 4.76,00 78 5.46,00 88 6.16,00 198 6.86,00 59 4.13,00 69 4.83,00 79 5.53,00 89 6.23,00 99 6.93,00 60 4.20,00 70 4.90,00 80 5.60,00 90 6.30,00 1 1 4 INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 3 Months and 1 Day. 3 Months and 2 Days. 3 Months and 3 Days. Prin.'Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin.' Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.01,769 51.90,242 1.01,789 51.91,233 1.01,808 51.92,225 21.03,539 52.92,011 2.03,578 52.93,022 2.03,617 52.94,033 3.0,5,308 53.93,781 3.05,367 53.94,811 3.05,425 53.95,842 4.07,078 54.95,550 4.07,156 54.96,600 4.07,233 54.97,650 5.08,847 55.97,319 5.08,944 55.98,389 5.09,042 55.99,458 6!.10,617 56.99,089 6.10,733 56 1.00,178 6.10,850 56 1.01,267 7.12,386 57 1.00,858 7.12,522 57 1.01,967 7.12,658 57 1.03,075 8.14,156 58 1.02,628 8.14,311 58 1.03,756 8.14,467 58 1.04,883 9.15,925 59 1.04,397 9.16,100 59 1.05,544 9.16,275 59 1.06,692 10.17,694 60 1.06,167 10.17,889 60 1.07,333 10.18,083 60 1.08,500 11.19,464 61 1.07,936 11.19,678 61 1.09,122 11.19,892 61 1.10,308 12.21,233 62 1.09,706 12.21,467 62 1.10,911 12.21,700 62 1.12,117 13.23,003 63 1.11,475 13.23,256 63 1.12,700 13.23,508 63 1.13,925 14.24,772 64 1.13,244 14.25,044 64 1.14,489 14.25,317 64 1.15,733 15.26,542 65 1.15,014 15.26,833 65 1.16,278 15.27,125 65 1.17,542 16.28,311 66 1.16,783 16.28,622 66 1.18,067 16.28,933 66 1.19,350 17.30,081 67 1.18,553 17.30,411 67 1.19,856 17.30,742 67 1.21,158 18.31,850 68 1.20,322 18.32,200 68 1.219644 18.32,550 68 1.22,967 19.33,619 69 1.22,092 19.33,989 69 1.23,433 19.34,358 69 1.24,775 20.35,389 70 1.23,861 20.35,778 70 1.25,222 20.36,167 70 1.26,583 21.37,158 71 1.25,631 21.37,567 71 1.27,011 21.37,975 71 1.28,392 22.38,928 72 1.27,400 22.39,356 72 1.28,800 22.39,783 72 1.30,200 23.40,697 73 1.29,169 23.41,144 73 1.30,589 23.41,592 73 1.32,008 24.42,467 74 1.30,939 24.42,933 74 1.32,378 24.43,400 74 1.33,817 25.44,236 75 1.32,708 25.44,722 75 1.34,167 25.45,208 75 1.35,625 26.46,006 76 1.34,478 26.46,511 76 1.35,956 26.47,017 76 1.37,433 127.47,775 77 1.36,247 27.48,300 77 1.37,744 27.48,825 77 1.39,242 28.49,544 78 1.38,017 28.50,089 78 1.39,533 28.50,633 78 1.41,050 29.51,314 79 1.39,786 29.51,878 79 1.41,322 29.52,442 79 1.42,858 30.53,083 80 1.41,556 30.53,667 80 1.43,111 30.54,250 80 1.44,667 31.54,853 81 1.43,325 31.55,456 81 1.44,900 31.56,058 81 1.46,475 32.56,622 82 1.45,094 32.57,244 82 1.46,689 32.57,867 82 1.48,283 33.58,392 83 1.46,864 33.59,033 83 1.48,478 33.59,675 83 1.50,092 34.60,161 84 1.48,633 34.60,822 84 1.50,267 34.61,483 84 1.51,900 35.61,931 85 1.50,403 35.62,611 85 1.52,056 35.63,292 85 1.53,708 36.63,700 86 1.52,172 36.64,400 86 1.53,844 36.65,100 86 1.55,517 37.65,469 87 1.53,942 37.66,189 87 1.55,633 37.66,908 87 1.57,325 38.67,239 88 1.55,711 38.67,978 88 1.57,422 38.68,717 88 1.59,133 39.69,008 89 1.57,481 39.69,767 89 1.59,211 39.70,525 89 1.60,942 40.70,778 90 1.59,250 40.71,556 90 1.61,000 40.72,333 90 1.62,750 41.72,547 91 1.61,019 41.73,344 91 1.62,789 41.74,142 91 1.64,558 42.74,317 92 1.62,789 42.75,133 92 1.64,578 42.75,950 92 1.66,367 43.76,086 93 1.64,558 43.76,922 93 1.66,367 43.77,758 93 1.68,175 44.77,856 94 1.66,328 44.78,711 94 1.68,156 44.79,567 94 1.69,983 45.79,625 95 1.68,097 45.809500 95 1.69,944 45.81,375 95 1.71,792 46.81,394 96 1.69,867 46.82,289 96 1.71,733 46.83,183 96 1.73,600 47.83,164 97 1.71,636 47.84,078 97 1.73,522 47.84,992 97 1.75,408 48.84,933 98 1.73,406 48.85,867 98 1.75,311 48.86,800 98 1.77,217 49.86,703 99 1.75,175 49.87,656 99 1.77,100 49.88,608 99 1.79,025 50.88,472 91 Days. 50.89,444 92 Days. 50.90,417 93 Days. ONE YEAR. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.07,00 11.77,00 21 1.47,00 31 2.17,00 41 2.87,00 2.14,00 12.84,00 22 1.54,00 32 2.24,00 42 2.94,00 3.21,00 13.91,00 23 1.61,00 33 2.31,00 43 3.01,00 4.28,00 14.98,00 24 1.68,00 34 2.38,00 44 3.08,00 5.35,00 15 1.05,00 25 1.75,00 35 2.45,00 45 3.15,00 6.42,00 16 1.12,00 26 1.82,00 36 2.52,00 46 3.22,00 7.49,00 17 1.19,00 27 1.89,00 37 2.59,00 47 3.29,00 8.56,00 18 1.26,00 28 1.96,00 38 2.66,00 48 3.36,00 9.63,00 19 1.33,00 29 2.03,00 39 2.73,00 49 3.43,00 144] 110.70,00 20 1.40,00 30 2.10,00 40 2.80,00 50 3.50,00 3 MIonths and 4 Days. 3 Months and 5 Days. 3 MIonths and 6 Days. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. prin.P Interest. Prn. Interest. Prin. interest. Prin. Interest. 1.01,828 51.93,217 1.01,847 51.94,208 1.01867 51.95,20() 2.03,656 52.95,044 2.03,694 52.96,056 2,03,733 52.97,067 3.05,483 53.96,872 3.05,542 53.97,903 3.05,600 53.98,933 4.07,311 54.98,700 4.07,389 54.99,750 4.07,467 54 1.00,800 5.09,139 55 1.00,528 5.09,236 55 1.01,597 5.09,333 55 1.02,667 6.10,967 56 1.02,356 6.11,083 56 1.03,444 6.11,20'0 56 1.04,533 7.12,794 57 1.04,183 7.12,931 57 1.05,292 7.13,067 57 1.06,400 8.14,622 58 1.06,011 8.14,778 58 1.07,139 8.149933 58 1.08,267 9.16,450 59 1.07,839 9.16,625 59 1.08,986 9.16,800 59 1.10,133 10.18,278 60 1.09,667 10.18,472 60 1.109833 10.18,667 60 1.12,000 11.20,106 61 1.11,494 11.20,319 61 1.12)681 11.20,533 61 1.13,867 12.21X933 62 1.13,322 12.22,167 62 1.14,528 12.22,400 62 1.15,733 13.23,761 63 1.15,150 13.24,014 63 1.16,375 13.24,267 63 1.17,600 14.25,589 64 1.16,978 14.25,861 64 1.18,222 14.26,133 64 1. 19,467 15.27,417 65 1.18,806 15.27,708 65 1.20,069 15.28,000 65 1.21,333 16.29,244 66 1.20,633 16.29,556 66 1.21,917 16.29,867 66 1.23,200 17.31,072 67 1.22,461 17.31,403 67 1.23,764 17.31,733 67 1.25,067 18.32,900 68 1.24,289 18.33)250 68 1.25,611 18.33,600 68 1.26,933 19.34,728 69 1.26,117 19.35,097 69 1.27,458 19.35,467 69 1.28,800 20.36,556 70 1.27,944 20.36,944 70 1.29,306 20.37,333 70 1.30,667 21.38,383 71 1.29,772 21.38,792 71 1.31,153 21.39,200 71 1.32,533 22.40,211 72 1.31,600 22.40,639 72 1.33,000 22.41,067 72 1.34,400 23.42,039 73 1.33,428 23.42,486 73 1.34,847 23.42,933 73 1.36,267 24.43,867 74 1.35,256 24.44,333 74 1.36,694 24.44,800 74 1.38,133 25.45,694 75 1.37,083 25.46,181 75 1.38,542 25.46,667 75 1.40,000 26.47,522 76 1.38,911 26.48,028 76 1.409389 26.48,533 76 1.41,867 27.49,350 77 1.40,739 27.49,875 77 1.42,236 27.50,400 77 1.43,733 28.51,178 78 1.42,567 28.51,722 78 1.44,083 28.52,267 78 1.45,600 29.53,006 79 1.44)394 29.539569 79 1.45,931 29.54,133 79 1.47,467 30.54,833 80 1.46,222 30.55,417 80 1.47,778 30.56,000 80 1.49)333 31.56,661 81 1.48,050 31.57,264 81 1.49,625 31.57,867 81 1.51,200 32.58,489 82 1.49,878 32.59,111 82 1.51,472 32.59,733 82 1.53,067 33.60,317 83 1.51,706 33.609958 83 1.53,319 33.61,600 83 1.54,933 34.62,144 84 1.53,533 34.62,806 84 1.55,167 34.63,467 84 1.56,800 35.63,972 85 1.55,361 35.64,653 85 1.57,014 35.65,333 85 1.58.667 36.65,800 86 1.57,189 36.66,500 86 1.58,861 36.67,200 86 1.60,533 37.67,628 87 1.59,017 37.68,347 87 1.60,708 37.69,067 87 1.62,400 38.69,456 88 1.60,844 38.70,194 88 1.62,556 38.70,933 88 1.64,267 39.71,283 89 1.62,672 39.72,042 89 1.64,403 39.72,800 89 1.66,133 40.73,111 90 1.64,500 40.73,889 90 1.66,250 40.74,667 90 1.68,000 41.74,939 91 1.66,328 41.75,736 91 1.68,097 41.76,533 91 1.69,867 42.76,767 92 1.68,156 42.77,583 92 1.69,944 42.78,400 92 1.71,733 43.78,594 93 1.69,983 43.79,431 93 1.71,792 43.80,267 93 1.73,600 44.80,422 94 1.71,811 44.81,278 94 1.73,639 44.82,133 94 1.75,467 45.82,250 95 1.73,639 45.83,125 95 1.75,486 45.84,000 95 1.77,333 46.84,078 96 1.75,467 46.84,972 96 1.77,333 46.85,867 96 1.79,200 47.85,906 97 1.77,294 47.86,819 97 1.79,181 47.87,733 97 1.81,067 48.87,733 98 1.79,122 48.88,667 98 1.81,028 48.89,600 98 1.82,933 49.89,561 99 1.80,950 49.90,514 99 1.82 875 49.91,467 99 1.84,800 50.91,389 941 Days. 50.92,361 95 Days. 50.93,333 96 Days. ON E YEAR. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 3.57,00 61 4.27,00 771 4.97,00 81 5.67,00 l91 6.37,00 52 3.64,00 62 4.34,00 72 5.04,00 82 5.74,00 92 16.44,00 53 3.71,00 63 4.41,00 73 5.11,00 /83 5.81,00 l93 6.51,00 54 3.78,00 64 4.48,00 74 5.18,00 84 5.88,00 94 6.58,00 55 3.85,00 65 4.55,00 75 5.25,00 i85 5.95,00 ]95 6.65,00 56 3.92,00 66 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 86 6.02,00 l96 6.72,00 57 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 77 5.39,00 1187 6.09,00 97 6.79,00 58 4.06,00 68 4.76,00 78 5.46,00 88 6.16,00 98 6.86,00 I -60 4.20,00 I 70! 4.90,00A 80 5.60,00 90 6.30,00 n n I1 [451 IN TEREST AT 1SEVEN PER CENT. 3 Yonths and 7 Days. 3 Months and 8 Days. 3 Months and 9 Days. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Inteltest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.01,886 51.96,192 1.01,906 51.97,183 1.01,925 51.98,175 2.03,772 52.98,078 2.03,811 52.99,089 2.03,850 52 1.00,100 3.05,658 53.99,964 3.05,717 53 1.00,994 3.05,775 53 1.02,025 4.07,544 54 1.01,850 4.07,622 54 1.02,900 4.07,700 54 1.03,950 5.09,431 55 1.03,736 5.09,528 55 1.04,806 5.09,625 55 1.05,875 6.11,317 56 1.05,622 6.11,433 56 1.06,711 6.11,550 56 1.07,800 7.13,203 57 1.07,508 7.13,339 57 1.08,617 7.139475 57 1.09,725 8.15,089 58 1.09,394 8.15,244 58 1.10,522 8.15,400 58 1.11,650 9.16,975 59 1.11,281 9.17,150 59 1.123428 9.17,325 59 1.13,575 10.18,861 60 1.13,167 10.19,056 60 1.14,333 10.19,250 60 1.15,500 11.20,747 61 1.15,053 11.20,961 61 1.16,239 11.21,175 61 1.17,425 12.22,633 62 1.16,939 12.22,867 62 1.18,144 12.23,100 62 1.19,350 13.24,519 63 1.18j825 13.24,772 63 1.20,050 13.25,025 63 1.21,275 14.26,406 64 1.20,711 14.26,678 64 1.21,956 14.26,950 64 1.23,200 15.28,292 65 1.22,597 15.28,583 65 1.23,861 15.28,875 65 1.25,125 16.30,178 66 1.24,483 16.30,489 66 1.25,767 16.30,800 66 1.27,050 17.32,064 67 1.26,369 17.32,394 67 1.27,672 17.32,725 67 1.28,975 18.33,950 68 1.28,256: 18.34,300 68 1.29,578 18.34,650 68 1.30,900 19.35,836 69 1.30,]42 19.369206 69 1.31,483 19.36,575 69 1.32,825 20.37,722 70 1.32,028 20.38,111 70 1.33,389 20.38,500 70 1.34,750 21.39,608 71 1.33,914 21.40,017 71 1.35,294 21.40,425 71 1.36,675 22.41,494 72 1.359800 22.41,922 72 1.37,200 22.42,350 72 1.38,600 23.43,381 73 1.37,686 23.43,828 73 1.39,106 23.44,275 73 1.40,525 24.45,267 74 1.39,572 24.45,733 74 1.41,011 24.46,200 74 1.42,450 25.47,153 75 1.41,458 25.47,639 75 1.42,917 25.48,125 75 1.44,375 26.49,039 76 1.43,344 26.49,544 76 1.44,822 26.50,050 76 1.46,300 27.50,925 77 1.45,231 27.51,450 77 1.46,728 27.51,975 77 1.48,225 28.52,811 78 1.47,117 28.53,356 78 1.48,633 28.53,900 78 1.50,150 29.54,697 79 1.49,003 29.55,261 79 1.50,539 29.55,825 79 1.52,075 30.56,583 80 1.50,889 30.57,167 80 1.52,444 30.57,750 80 1.54,000 31.58,469 81 1.52,775 31.59,072 81 1.54,350 31.59,675 81 1.55,925 32.60,356 82 1.54,661 32.60,978 82 1.56,256 32.61,600 82 1.57,850 33.62,242 83 1.56,547 33.62,883 83 1.58,161 33.63,525 83 1.59,775 34.64,128 84 1.58,433 34.64,789 84 1.60,067 34.65,450 84 1.61,700 35.66,014 85 1.60,319 35.669694 85 1.61,972 35.67,375 85 1.63,625 36.67,900 86 1.62,206 36.68,600 86 1.63,878 36.69,300 86 1.65,550 37.69,786 87 1.64,092 37.709506 87 1.65,783 37.71,225 87 1.67,475 38.71,672 88 1.65,978 38.72,411 88 1.67,689 38.73,150 88 1.69,400 39.73,558 89 1.67,864 39.74,317 89 1.69,594 39.75,075 89 1.71,325 40.75,444 90 1.69,750 40.76,222 90 1.71,500 40.77,000 90 1.73,250 41.77,331 91 1.71,636 41.78,128 91 1.73,406 41.78,925 91 1.75,175 42.79,217 92 1.73,522 42.80,033 92 1.75,311 42.80850 92 1.77,1001 43.81,103 93 1.75,408 43.81,939 93 1.77,217 43.82,775 93 1.79,025 44.82,989 94 1.77,294 44.83,844 94- 1.79,122 44.84,700 i 94 1.80,950 45.84,875 95 1.79,181 45.85-750 95 1.81,028 45.86,625 95 1.82,875 46.86,761 96 1.81,067 46.87,656 96' 1.82,933 46.88,550 96 1.84,800 47.88,647 97 1.82,953 47.89,561 97 1.84,839 47.90,475 97 1.86,725 48.90,533 98 1.84,839 48.91,467 98 1.86,744 48.92,400 98 1.88,650 49.92,419 99 1.86,725 49.93,372 99 1.88,650 49.949325 99 1.90,575 50.94,306 97' Days. 50.95,278 98 Days. 50.96,250 99 Days.] O N E YEAR. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.07,00 l 11.77,00 } 21 1.47,00 1131 2.17,00 41 12.87,00 2.14,00 12.84,00 22 11.54,00 132 2.24,00 421 2.94,00 3.21,00 I 13.91,00 123 1.61,00 33 2.31,00 43 3.01,00 4.28,00 14.98,00 24 1.68,00 1134 2.38,00 44 13.08,00 5.35,00 15 11.05,00 25 1.75,00 1135 2.45,00 45 1 3.15,00 6.42,00 16 1.12,00 26 1.82,00 36 2.52,00 461 3.22,00 7.49,00 17 1.19,00 27 1.89,00 /i37 2.59,00 471 3.29,00 8-.56,00 1 I18 1.26,00 128 1.96,00 138 2.66,00 1148 3.36,00 9.63,00 19 1.33,00 I29 12.03,00 139 2.73,00 49 3.43,00,46] 10.70,00 20 1.40,00 30 2.10,00 1 40 2.80,00 50 3.50,00 INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 3 Months and 10 Days. 3 Months and 11 Days, 3 Months and 12 Days. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.01,944 51.99,167 1.01,964 51 1.00,158 1.01,983 51 1.01,150 2.03,889 52 1.01,111 2.03,928 52 1.02,122 2.03,967 52 1.03,133 3.05,833 53 1.03,056 3.05,892 53 1.04,086 3.05,950 53 1.05,117 4.07,778 54 1.05,000 4.07,856 54 1.06,050 4.07,933 54 1.07,100 5.09,722 55 1.06,944 5.09,819 55 1.08,014 5.09,917 55 1.09,083 6.11,667 56 1.08,889 6.11,783 56 1.09,978 6.11,900 56 1.11,067 7.13,611 57 1.10,833 7.13,747 57 1.11,942 7.13,883 57 1.13,050 8.15,556 58 1.12,778 8.15,711 58 1.13,906 8.15,867 58 1.15,033 9.17,500 59 1.14,722 9.17,675 59 1.15,869 9.17,850 59 1.17,017 10.19,444 60 1.16,667 10.19,639 60 1.17,833 10.19,833 60 1.19,000 11.21,389 61 1.18,611 11.21,603 61 1.19,797 11.21,817 61 1.20,983 12.23,333 62 1.20,556 12.23,567 62 1.21,761 12.23,800 62 1.22,967 13.25,278 63 1.22,500 13.25,531 63 1.23,725 13.25,783 63 1.24,950 14.27,222 64 1.24,444 14.27,494 64 1.25,689 14.27,767 64 1.26,933 15.29,167 65 1.26,389 15.299458 65 1.27,653 15.29,750 65 1.28,917 16.31,111 66 1.28,333 16.31,422 66 1.29,617 16.31,733 66 1.30,900 17.33,056 67 1.30,278 17.33,386 67 1.31,581 17.33,717 67 1.32,883 18.35,000 68 1.32,222 18.35,350 68 1.33,544 18.35,700 68 1.34,867 19.36,944 69 1.34,167 19.37,314 69 1.35,508 19.37,683 69 1.36,850 20.38,889 70 1.36,111 20.39,278 70 1.37,472 20.39,667 70 1.38,833 21.40,833 71 1.38,056 21.41,242 71 1.39,436 21.41,650 71 1.40,817 22.42,778 72 1.40,000 22.43,206 72 1.41,400 22.43,633 72 1.42,800 23.44,722 73 1.41,944 23.45,169 73 1.43,364 23.45,617 73 1.44,783 24.46,667 74 1.43,889 24.47,133 74 1.45,328 24.47,600 74 1.46,767 25.48,611 75 1.45,833 25.49,097 75 1.47,292 25.499583 75 1.48,750 26.50,556 76 1.47,778 26.51,061 76 1.49,256 26.51,567 76 1.50,733 27.52,500 77 1.49,722 27.53,025 77 1.51,219 27.53,550 77 1.52,717 28.54,444 78 1.51,667 28.54,989 78 1.53,183 28.55,533 78 1.54,700 29.56,389 79 1.53,611 29.56,953 79 1.55,147 29.57,517 79 1.56,683 30.58,333 80 1.55,556 30.58,917 80 1.57,111 30.59,500 80 1.589667 31.60,278 81 1.57,500 31.60,881 81 1.59,075 31.61,483 81 1.60,650 32.62,222 82 1.59,444 32.62,844 82 1.61,039 32.63,467 82 1.62,633 33.64,167 83 1.61,389 33.64,808 83 1.63,003 33.65,450 83 1.64,617 34.66,111 84 1.63,333 34.66,772 84 1.64,967 \34.67,433 84 1.66,600 35.68,056 85 1.65,278 35.68,736 85 1.66,931 35.69,417 85 1.68,583 36.70,000 86 1.67,222 36.70,700 86 1.68,894 36.71,400 86 1.70,567 37.71,944 87 1.69,167 37.729664 87 1.70,858 37.73,383 87 1.72,550 38.73,889 88 1.71,111 38.74,628 88 1.72,822 38.75,367 88 1.74,533 39.75,833 89 1.73,056 39.769592 89 1.74,786 39.77,350 89 1.76,517 40.77,778 90 1.75,000 40.78,556 90 1.76,750 40.79,333 90 1.78,500 41.79,722 91 1.76,944 41.80,519 91 1.78,714 41.81,317 91 1.80,483 42.81,667 92 1.78,889 42.82,483 92 1.80,678 42.83,300 92 1.82,467 43.83,611 93 1.80,833 43.84,447 93 1.82,642 43.85,283 93 1.84,450 44.85,556 94 1.82,778 44.86,411 94 1.84,606 44.87,267 94 1.86,433 45.87,500 95 1.84,722 45.88,375 95 1.86,569 45.89,250 95 1.88,417 46.89,444 96 1.86,667 46.90,339 96 1.88,533 46.91,233 96 1.90,400 47.91,389 97 1.88,611 47.92,303 97 1.90,497 47.93,217 97 1.92,383 48.93,333 98 1.909556 48.94,267 98 1.92,461 48.95,200 98 1.94,367 49.95,278 99 1.92,500 49.96,231.99 1.94425 49.97,183 99 1.96,350 50.97,222 1OODays. 50.98,194 i1l1 Days. 50.99,167 1O2Days,!..... 10 ay. Ias, __I ONE YEAR. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 3.57,00 61 4.27,00 71 4.97,00 81 5.67900 91 6.37,00 52 3.64,00 62 4.34,00 72 5.04,00 82 5.74,00 92 6.44,00 53 3.71,00 63 4.41,00 73 5.11,00 83 5.81,00 93 6.51,00 54 3.78,00 64 4.48,00 74 5.18,00 84 5.88,00 94 6.58,00 55 3.85,00 65 4.55,00 75 5.25,00 85 -5.95,00 95 6.65,00 56 3.92,00 66 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 86 6.02,00 96 6.72,00 57 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 77 5.39,00 87 6.09,00 97 6.79,00 58 4.06,00 68 4.76,00 78 5.46,00 88 6.16,00 98 6.86,00 59 4.13,00 1 69 4.83,00 79 5.53,00 89 6.23,00 11 99 6.93,00 11 60 4.20,00 70 4.90,00 80 5.60,00 90 6.30,00 11 _1 _11 471 I N TERESIT AT SEVE'N PER -CENT. 13 Months and 13 Days. 3 Months and 14 Days, 3 Months and 15 Days. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. I[Prin. Interest. 1.02,003 51 1.02,142 1.02,022 51 1.03,133 1.02,042 51 1.04,125 2.04,006 52 1.04,144 2.04,044 52 1.05,156 2.04,083 52 1.06,167 3.06,008 53 1.06,147 3.06,067 53 1.07,178 3.06,125 53 1.08,208 4.08,011 54 1.08,150 4.08,089 54 1.09,200 4.08,167 54 1.10,250 5.10,014 55 1.10,153 5.10,111 55 1.11,222 5.10,208 55 1.12,292 6.12,017 56 1.12,156 6.12,133 56 1.13,244 6.12,250 56 1.14,333 7.14,019 57 1.14,158 7.14,156 57 1.15,267 7.14.292 57 1.16,375 8.16,022 58 1.16,161 8.16,178.58 1.17,289 8.16,333 58 1.18,417 9.18,025 59 1.18,164 9.18,200 59 1.19,311 9.18,375 59 1.20,458 10.20,028 60 1.20,167 10.20,222 60 1.21,333 10.20,417 60 1.22,500 11.22,031 61 1.22,169 11.22,244 61 1.23,356 11.22,458 61 1.24,542 12.24,033 62 1.24,172 12.24,267 62 1.25,378 12.24,500 62 1.26,583 13.26,036 63 1.26,175 13.26,289 63 1.27,400 13.26,542 63 1.28,625 14.28,039 64 1.28,178 14.28,311 64 1.29,422 14.28,583 64 1.30,667 15.30,042 65 1.30,181 15.30,333 65 1.31,444 15.30,625 65 1.32,708 16.32,044 66 1.32,183 16.32,356 66 1.33,467 16.32,667 66 1.34,750 17.34,047 67 1.34,186 17.34,378 67 1.35,489 17.34,708 67 1.36,792 18.36,050 68 1.36,189 18.36,400 68 1.37,511 18.36,750 68 1.38,833 19.38,053 69 1.38.192 19.38,422 69 1.39,533 19.38,792 69 1.40,875 20.40,056 70 1.40,194 20.40,444 70 1.41,556 20.40,833 70 1.42,917 21.42,058, 71 1.42,197 21.42,467 71 1.43,578 21.42,875 71 1 44,958 22.44,061 72 1.44,200 22.44,489 72 1.45,600 22.44,917 72 1.47,000 23.46,064 73 1.46,203 23.46,511 73 1.47,622 23.46,958 73 1.49,042 24.48,067 74 1.48,206 24.48,533 74 1.49,644 24.49,000 74 1.51,083 25.50,069 75 1.50,208 25.50,556 75 1.51,667 25.51,042 75 1.53,125 26.52,072 76 1.52,211 26.52,578 76 1.53,689 26.53,083 76 1.55,167 27.54.075 77 1.54,214 27.54,600 77 1.55,711 27.55,125 77 1.57,208 28.56,078 78 1.56.217 28.56,622 78 1.57,733 28.57,167 78 1.59,250 29.58,081 79 1.58,219 29.58,644 79 1.59,756 29.59,208 79 1.61,292 30.60,083 80 1.60,222 30.60,667 80 1.61,778 30.61,250 80 1.63,333 31.62,086 81 1.62,225 31.62,689 81 1.63,800 31.63,292 81 1.65,375 32.64,089 82 1.64,228 32.64,711 82 1.65,822 32.65,333 82 1.67,417 33.66,092 83 166,231 33.66,733 83 1.67.844 33.67,375 83 1.69,458 34.68,094 84 1.68,233 34.68,756 84 1.69,867 34.69,417 84 1.71,500 35.70,097 85 1.70,236 35.70,778 85 1.71,889 35.71,458 85 1.73,542 36.72,100 86 1.72,239 36.72,800 86 1.73,911 36.73,500 86 1.75,583 -37.74,103 87 1.74,242 37.74,822 87 1.75,933 37.75,542 87 1.77,625 38.76,106 88 1.76,244 38.76,844 88 1.77,956 38.77,583 88 1.79,667 39.78,108 89 1.78,247 39.78,867 89 1.79,978 39.79,625 89 1.81,708 40.80,111 90 1.80,250 40.80,889 90 1.82,000 40.81,667 90 1.83,750 41.82,114 91 1.82,253 41.82,911 91 1.84,022 41.83,708 91 1.85,792 42.84,117 92 1.84,256 42.84,933 92 1.86,044 42.85,750 92 1.87,833 43.86,119 93 1.86,258 43.86,956 93 1.88,067 43.87,792 93 1.89,875 44.88,122 94 1.88,261 44.88,978 94 1.90,089 44.89.833 94 1.91,917 45.90,125 95 1.90,264 45.91,000 95 1.92,111 45.91,87.5 95 1.93,958 46.92,128 96 1.92,267 46.93,022 96 1.94,133 46.93,917 96 1.96,000 47.94,131 97 1.94,269 97 1.96,156 47.95,958 97 1.98,042 48.96,133 98 1.96,272 48.97,067 98 1.98,178 48.98,000 98 2.00,083 49.98,136 99 1.98,275 49.99,089 99 2.00,200 49 1.00.042 99 2.02,125 50 1.00,139 103 Days. 50 101,111 Days. 50 1.02,083 1305 Days. ONE YE:A'R. | Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.07,00 1 1.77,00 21 1.47,00 31 2.17,00 41 2.87,00 2.14,00 i 12.84,00 22 1.54,00 32 1 224,00 42 2.94,00 3.21,00 13.91,00 23 1.61.00 33 2.31,0-0 143 3.01,00 4.28.00 14.98,00 24 1.68,00 34 2.38.00 44 3.08,00 5.35,00 15 1.05,00 25 1.75,00 35 2.45.00 45 3.15,00 6.42,00 16 1.12,00 26 1.82,00 36 2.52,00 46 3.22.00 7.49,00 1 7 1.19,00 27 1.89,00 37 2.59,00 47 3.29,00 8.56,00 18 1.26,00 28 1.96,00 1 38 2.66,00 48 3.36,00 9.63,00 19 1.33,00 129 2.03,00 1139 2.73,00 49 3.43,00 48] 1-0.70,00 1 20 1.40,00 30 2.10,00 140 2.80,00 1 50.50,00 _ U~~~~~~~ _ I.. _. INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 3 Months and 16 Days. 3 months and 17 Days. 3 months and 18 Days. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.02,061 51 1.05,117 1.02,081 51 1.06,108 1.02,100 51 1.07,100 2.04,122 52 1.07,178 2.04,161 52 1.08,189 2.04,200 52 1.09,200 3.06,183 53 1.09,239 3.06,242 53 1.10,269 3.06,300 53 1.11,300 4.08,244 54 1.11,300 4.08,322 54 1.12,350 4.08,400 54 1.13,400 5.10 306 55 1.13,361 5.10,403 55 1.14,431 5.10,500 55 1.15,500 6.12,367 56 1.15,422 6.12,483 56 1.16,511 6.12,600 56 1.17,600 7.14,428 57 1.17,483 7.14,564 57 1.18,592 7.14,700 57 1.19,700 8.16,489 58 1.19,544 8.16,644 58 1.20,672 8.16,800 58 1.21,800 9.18,550 59 1.21,606 9.18,725 59 1.22,753 9.18,900 59 1.23,900 10.20,611 60 1.23,667 10.20,806 60 1.24,833 10.21,000 60 1.26,000 11.22,672 61 1.25,728 11.22,886 61 1.26,914 11.23,100 61 1.28,100 12.24,733 62 1.27,789 12.24,967 62 1.28,994 12.25,200 62 1.30,200 13.26,794 63 1.29,850 13.27,047 63 1.31,075 13.27,300 63 1.32,300 14.28,856 64 1.31,911 14.29,128 64 1.33,156 14.29,400 64 1.34,400 15.30,917 65.1.33,972 15.31,208 65 1.35,236 15.31,500 65 1.36,500 16.32,978 66 1.36,033 16.33,289 66 1.37,317 16.33,600 66 1.38,600 17.35,039 67 1.38,094 17.35,369 67 1.39,397 17.35,700 67 1.40,700 18.37,100 68 1.40,156 18.37,450 68 1.41,478 18.37,800 68 1.42,800 19.39,161 69 1.42,217 19.39,531 69 1.43,558 19.39,900 69 1.44,900 20.41,222 70 1.44,278 20.41,611 70 1.45,639 20.42,000 70 1.47,000 21.43,283 71 1.46,339 21.43,692 71 1.47,719 21.44,100 71 1.49,100 22.45,344 72 1.48,400 22.45,772 72 1.49,800 22.46,200 72 1.51,200 23.47,406 73 1.50,461 23.47,853 73 1.51,881 23.48,300 73 1.53,300 24.49,467 74 1.52,522 24.49,933 74 1.53,961 24.50,400 74 1.55,400 25.51,528 75 1.54,583 25.52,014 75 1.56,042 25.52,500 75 1.57,500 26.53,589 76 1.56,644 26.54,094 76 1.58,122 26.54,600 76 1.59,600 27.55,650 77 1.58,706 27.56,175 77 1.60,203 27.56,700 77 1.61,700 28.57,711 78 1.60,767 28.58,256 78 1.62,283 28.58,800 78 1.63,800 29.59,772 79 1.62,828 29.60,336 79 1.64,364 29.60,900 79 1.65,900 30.61,833 80 1.64,889 30.62,417 80 1.66,444 30.63,000 80 1.68,000 31.63,894 81 1.66,950 31.64,497 81 1.68,525 31.65,100 81 1.70,100 32.65,956 82 1.69,011 32.66,578 82 1.70,606 32.67,200 82 1.72,200 33.68,017 83 1.71,072 33.68,658 83 1.72,686 33.69,300 83 1.74,300 34.70,078 84 1.73,133 34.70,739 84 1.74,767 34.71,400 84 1.76,400 35.72,139 85 1.75,194 35.72,819 85 1.76,847 35.73,500 85 1.78,500 36.74,200 86 1.77,256 36.74,900 86 1.78,928 36.75,600 86 1.80,600 37.76,261 87 1.79,317 37.76,981 87 1.81,008 37.77,700 87 1.82,700 38.78,322 88 1.81,378 38.79,061 88 1.83,089 38.79,800 88 1.84,800 39.80,383 89 1.83,439 39.81,142 89 1.85,169 39.81,900 89 1.86,900 40.82,444 90 1.85,500 40.83,222 90 1.87,250 40.84,000 90 1.89,000 41.84,506 91 1.87,561 41.85,303 91 1.89,331 41.86,100 91 1.91,100 42.86,567 92 1.89,622 42.87,383 92 1.91,411 42.88,200 92 1.93,200 43.88,628 93 1.91,683 43.89,464 93 1.93,492 43.90,300 93 1.95,300 44.90,689 94 1.93,744 44.91,544 94 1.95,572 44.92,400 94 1.97,400 45.92,750 95 1.95,806 45.93,625 95 1.97,653 45.94,500 95 1.99,500 46.94,811 96 1.97,867 46.95,706 96 1.99,733 46.96,600 96 2.01,600 47.96,872 97 1.99,928 47.97,786 97 2.01,814 47.98,700 97 2.03,700 48.98,933 98 2.01,989 48.99,867 98 2.03,894 48 1.00,800 98 2.05,800 49 1.00,994 99 2.04I050 49 1.01,947 99 2.05,975 49 1.02,900 99 2.07,900 50 1.03,0t |56.6 Days. 50 1.04,028 107 Days. 50 1.05,000 lOBDays. _ ONE YEAR. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 3.57,00 61 4.27,00 71 4.97,00 81 5.67,00 91 6.37,00 52 3.64,00 62 4.34,00 72 5.04,00 82 5.74,00 92 6.44,00 53 3.71,00 63 4.41,00 73 5.11,00 1 83 5.81,00 93 6.51,00 54 3.78,00 64 4.48,00 74 5.18,00 84 5.88,00 94 6.58,00 55 3.85,00 65 4.55,00 75 5.25,00 85 5.95,00 95 6.65,00 56 3.92,00 66 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 86 6.02,00 96 61.72,00 57 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 77 5.39,00 87 6.09,00 97 6.79,00 58 4.06,00 68 4.76,00 78 5.46,00 88 6.16,00 98 6.86,00 59 4.13,00 69 4.83,00 79 5.53,00 89 6.23,00 199 6.93,00 60 4.20,00 70 4.90,00 80 5.60,00 90 6.30,00 I 4 D INTER:ES T AT S E V EN PER CEN T. | 3 months and 19 Days. 3 Months and 20 Days. 3 Months and 21 Days. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Intere st. 1.02,119.51 1.08,092 1.02,139 51 1.09,083 1.02,158 51 1.10,075 2.04,239 52 1.10,211 2.04,278 52 1.11,222 2.04,317 52 1.12,233 3.06,358 53 1.12,331 3.06,417 53 1.13,361.3.06,475 53 1.14,392 4.08,478 54 1.14,450 4.08,556 54 1.15,500 4.08,633 54 1.16,550 5.10,597 55 1.16,569 5.10,694 55 1.17,639 5.10,792 55 1.18,708 6.12,717 56 1.18,689 6.12,833 56 1.19,778 6.12,950 56 1.20,867 7.14,836 57 1.20,808 7.14,972 57 1.21,917 7.15,108 57 1.23,025 8.16,956 58 1.22,928 8.17,111 58 1.24,056 8.17,267 58 1.25,183 9.19,075 59 1.25,047 9.19,250 59 1.26,194 9.19,425 59 1.27,342 10.21,194 60 1.27,167 10.21,389 60 1.28,333 10.21,583 60 1.29,500 11.23,314 61 1.29,286 11.23,528 61 1.30,472 11.23,742 61 1.31,658 12.25,433 62 1.31,406 12.25,667 62 1.32,611 12.25,900 62 1.33,817 13.27,553 63 1.33,525 13.27,806 63 1.34,750 13.28,058 63 1.35,975 14.29,672 64 1.35,644 14.29,944 64 1.36,889 14.30,217 64 1.38,133 15.31,792 65 1.37,764 15.32,083 65 1.39,028 15.32,375 65 1.40,292 16.33,911 66 1.39,883 16.34,222 66 1.41,167 16.34,533 66 1.42,450 17.36,031 67 1.42,003 17.36,361 67 1.43,306 17.36,692 67 1.44,608 18.38,150 68 1.44,122 18.38,500 68 1.45,444 18.38,850 68 1.46,767 19.40,269 69 1.46,242 19.40,639 69 1.47,583 19.41,008 69 1.48,925 20.42,389 70 1.48,361 20.42,778 70 1.49,722 20.43,167 70 1.51,083 21.44,508 71 1.50,481 21.44,917 71 1.51,861[ 21.45,325 71 1.53,242 22.46,628 72 1.52,600 22.47,056 72 1.54,000 22.47,483 72 1.55,400 23.48,747 73 1.54,719 23.49,194 73 1.56,139 23.49,642 73 1.57,558 24.50,867 74 1.56,839 24.51,333 74 1.58,278 24.51,800 74 1.59,717 25.52,986 75 1.58,958 25.53,472 75 1.60,417 25.53,958 75 1.61,875 26.55,106 76 1.61,078 26.55,611 76 1.62,556 26.56,117 76 1.64,033 27.57,225 77 1.63,197 27.57,750 77 1.64,694 27.58,275 77 1.66,192 28.59,344 78 1.65,317 28.59,889 78 1.66,833 28.60,433 78 1.68,350 29.61,464 79 1.67,436 29.62,028 79 1.68,972 29.62,592 79 1.70,508 30.63,583 80 1.69,556 30.64,167 80 1.71,111 30.64,750 80 1.72,667 31.65,703 81 1.71,675 31.66,306 81 1.73,250 31.66,908 81 1.74,825 32.67,822 82 1.73,794 32.68,444 82 1.75,389 32.69,067 82 1.76,983 33.69,942 83 1.75,914 33.70,583 83 1.77,528 33.71,225 83 1.79,142 34.72,061 84 1.78,033 34.72,722 84 1.79,667 34.73,383 84 1.81,300 35.74,181 85 1.80,153 35.74,861 85 1.81,806 35.75,542 85 1.83,458 36.76,300 86 1.82,272 36.77,000 86 1.83,944 36.77,700 86 1.85,617 37.78,419 87 1.84,392 37.79,139 87 1.86,083 37.79,858 87 1.87,775 38.80,539 88 1.86,511 38.81,278 88 1.88,222 38.82,017 88 1.89,933 39.82,658 89 1.88,631 39.83,417 89 1.90,361 39.84,175 89 1.92,092 40.84,778 90 1.90,750 40.85,556 90 1.92,500 40.86,333 90 1.94,250 41.86,897 91 1.92,869 41.87,694 91 1.94,639 41.88,492 91 1.96,408 42.89,017 92 1.94,989 42.89,833 92 1.96,778 42.90,650 92 1.98,567 43.91,136 93 1.97,108 43.91,972 93 1.98,9171 43.92,808 93 2.00,725 44.93,256 94 1.99,228 44.94,111 94 2.01,056 144.94,967 94 2.02,883 45.95,375 95 2.01,347 45.96,250 95 2.03,194 45.97,125 95 2.05,042 46.97,494 96 2.03,467 46.98,389 96 2.05,3331 46.99,283 96 2.07,200 47.99,614 [ 97 2.05,586 47 1.00,528 97 2.07,472 147 1.01,442 97 2.09,358 48 1.01,733 i 98 2.07,706 48 1.02,667 98 2.09,6111 48 1.03,600 98 2.11,517 -49 1.03,853 99 2.09,825 49 1.04,806 99 2.11,750 49 1.05,758 99 2.13,675 50 1.05,972 1lO 09Days. 50 1.06,944 11.ODays. 50 1.07,917 llDays. 109Days. I I[. Days. ONE YEAR. Prin, Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. In erest. Prin. Interest. 1.07,00 11.77,00 21 1.47,00 31 2.17,00 41 2.87,00 2.14,00 12.84,00 22 1.54,00 32 2.24,00 42 2.94,00 3.21,00 13.91,00 23 1.61,00 33 2.31,00 43 3.01,00 4.28,00 14.98,00 24 1.68,00 34 2.38,00 44 3.08,00 5.35,00 15 1.05,00 25 1.75,00 35 2.45,00 45 3.15,00 6.42,00 16 1.12,00 26 1.82,00 36 2.52,00 46 3.22,00 7.49,00 17 1.19,00 27 1.89,00 37 2.59,00 47 3.29,00 8.56,00 18 1.26,00 28 1.96,00 38 2.66,00 48 3.36,00 91.63,00 19 1.33,00 29 2.03,00 3912.73,00 49 3.43,00 50] 101.70,00 20 1.40,00 30 2.10,00 4012.80,00 50 3.50,00!,1 --- - 3 Months and 22 Days. 3 Months and 23 Days. 3 Months and 24 Days, Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest.'Prin. Interest. 1.02,178 51 1.11,067 1.02,197 51 1.12,058 1.02,217 51 1.13,050 2.04,356 52 1.13,244 2.04,394 52 1.14,256 2.04,433 52 1.15,267 3.06,533 53 1.15,422 3.06,592 53 1.16,453 3.06,650 53 1.17,483 4.08,711 54 1.17,600 4.08,789 54 1.18,650 4.08,867 54 1.19,700 5.10,889 55 1.19,778 5.10,986 55 1.20,847 5.11,083 55 1.21,917 6.13,067 56 1.21,956 6.13,183 56 1.23,044 6.13,300 56 1.24,133 7.15,244 57 1.24,133 7.15,381 57 1.25,242 7.15,517 57 1.26 350 8.17,422 58 1.26,311 8.17,578 58 1.27,439 8.17,733 58 1.28,567 9.19,600 59 1.28,489 9.19,775 59 1.29,636 9.19,950 59 1.30,783 10.21,778 60 1.30,667 10.21,972 60 1.31,833 10.22,167 60 1.33,000 11.23,956 61 1.32,844 11.24,169 61 1.34,031 11.24,383 61 1.35,217 12.26,133 62 1.35,022 12.26,367 62 1.36,228 12.26,600 62 1.37,433 13.28,311 63 1.37,200 13.28,564 63 1.38,425 13.28,817 63 1.39,650 14.30,489 64 1.39,378 14.30,761 64 1.40,622 14.31,033 64 1.41,867 15.32,667 65 1.41,556 15.32,958 65 1.42,819 15.33,250 65 1.44,083 16.34,844 66 1.43,733 16.35,156 66 1.45,017 16.35,467 66 1.46,300 17.37,022 67 1.45,911 17.37,353 67 1.47,214 17.37,683 67 1.48,517 18.39,200 168 1.48,089 18.39,550 68 1.49,411 18.39,900 68 1.50,733 19.41,378 69 1.50,267 19.41,747 69 1.51,608 19.42,117 69 1.52,950 20.43,556 70 1.52,444 20.43,944 70 1.53,806 20.44,333 70 1.55,167 21.45,733 71 1.54,622 21.46,142 71 1.56,003 21.46,550 71 1.57,383 22.47,911 72 1.56,800 22.48,339 72 1.58,200 22.48,767 72 1.59,600 23.50,089 73 1.58,978 23.50,536 73 1.60,397 23.50,983 73 1.61,817 24.52,267 74 1.61,156 24.52,733 74 1.62,594 24.53,200 74 1.64,033 25.54,444 75 1.63,333 25.54,931 75 1.64,792 25.55,417 75 1.66,250 26.56,622 76 1.65,511 26.57,128 76 1.66,989 26.57,633 76 1.68,467 27.58,800 77 1.67.689 27.59,325 77 1.69,186 27.59,850 77 1.70,683 28.60,978 78 1.69,867 28.61,522 78 1.71,383 28.62,067 78 1.72,900 29.63,156 79 1.72,044 29.63,719 79 1.73,581 29.64,283 79 1.75,117 30.65,333 80 1.74,222 30.65,917 80 1.75,778 30.66,500 80 1.77,333 31.67,511 81 1.76,400 31.68,114 81 1.77,975 31.68,717 81 1.79,550 32.69,689 82 1.78,578 32.70,311 82 1.80,172 32.70,933 82 1.81,767 33.71,867 83 1.80,756 33.72,508 83 1.82,369 33.73,150 83 1.83,983 34.74,044 84 1.82,933 34.74,706 84 1.84,567 34.75,367 84 1.86,200 35.76.222 85 1.85,111 35.76,903 85 1.86,764 35.77,583 85 1.88,417 t36.78,400 86 1.87,289:36.79,100 86 1.88,961 36.79,800 86 1.90,633 37.80,578 87 1.89,467 37.81,297 87 1.91,158 37.82,017 87 1.92,850 38.82,756 88 1.91,644 38.83,494 88 1.93,356 38.84,233 88 1.95,067 39.84,933 89 1.93,822 39.85,692 89 1.95,553 39.86,450 89 1.97,283 40.87,111 90 1.96,000 40.87,889 90 1.97,750 40.88,667 90 1.99,500 41.89,289 91 1.98,178 41.90,086 91 1.99,947 41.90,883 91 2.01,717 42.91,467 92 2.00,356 42.92,283 92 2.02,144 42.93,100 92 2.03,933 43.93,644 93 2.02,533 43.94,481 93 2.04,342 43.95,317 93 2.06,150 44.95,822 94 2.04,711 44.96,678 94 2.06,539 44.97,533 94 2.08,367 45.98,000 95 2.06,889 45.98,875 95 2.08,736 45.99,750 95 2.10,583 46 1.00,178 96 2.09,067 46 1.01,072 96 2.10,933 46 1.01,967 96 2.12,800 47 1.02,356 97 2.11,244 47 1.03,269 97 2.13,131 47 1.04,183 97 2.15,017 48 1.04,533 98 2.13,422 48 1.05,467 98 2.15,328 48 1.06,400 98 2.17,233 49 1.06,711 99 2.15,600 49 1.07,664 99 2.17,525 49 1.08,617 99 2.19,450 50 1.08,889 312Days. 50 1.09,861 3 3 Days. 50 1.10,833 ll4][Days. O N E YEAR. IPrIn. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Int Interest. 51 3.57,00 61 4.27,900 71 54.976700 91 6.37,00 52 3.64,00 62 4.34,00 72 2 5.07400 92 6.44,00 53 3.71,00 63 4.41,00 73 5.11,00 83 5.81,00 93 6.51, 54 3.78,00 64 4.48,00 74 5.18,00 84 5.88700 94 6.58,00 55 3.85,00 65 4.55,00 75 5.25,00 85 5.95,00 95 6.65,00 56 3.92,00 66 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 86 6.02,00 96 6.72,00 57 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 77 5.39,00 87 6.09,00 97 6.79,00 5814.06,00 68 4.76,00 78 5.46,00 88 6.16,00 98 6.86,00 59 4.13,00 69 4.83,00 1179 5.53,00 89 6.2300 99 6.9300 60 4.20,00 70 4.90,00 560,00 90 6.30,00 INTE'REST AT SEV E N PER CENT. 3 Months and 25 Days. 3 Months and 26 Days. 3 onths and 27 Days. Prin. Interest. P. rirn Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.02,236 51 1.14,042 1.02,256 51 1.15,033 1.02t275 51 1.16,025 2.04,4'72 52 1.16,278 2.04,511 52 1.17,289 2.04,550 52 1.18,300 3.06,1'08 53 1.18,514 3,06;767 53 1.19,544 3!.06,825 53 1.20,575 4.08,944 54 1.2"0,750 4"'.09,022 54 1.21,800) 4.09,100 54 1.22,850 5.11,181 155 1. 22,98'6 5.11,218' 55 1.24,056 5.11,375 55 1.25,125 6.13,417 56 1.25,222 6.13,533 56 1.26,311; 6..13,650 56 1.27,400 7.15,653'57 1.27,458 7 <.15,789 57 1.28,567 7 -.15,925'57 1.29,675 8.17,8!89' 58 1.29,694 8.18,044 58~' 1.30,822 8.18,200 58 1.31,950 9.20,125 59 L~31,931 9 7.20,300 59 1-* 33,078 9 -,.20,475:59 1.34,225 10.22,361 60 1.34,167 10.22,556 60 1.35,333 10.22,750 60 1i.36,500 11.24,597 61 1.36,403 11.24,811 61 1.37,58'9 11.25,025 61 1.38,775 12.26,833 62 1.38,639 12.27,067 62 1.39,844 12.27,300 62 1.41,050 13.29,069 63 1.40,875 13.,9;322 63 1.42,100 13,29,575 63 1.43,325 14.31,306 64 1.43,111 14.31,578 64 1.44,356 14 -:.31 850 64 1.45,600 15.33,542 65 1.45,347 1-5.33 833 65 146,61I1 15.34,125 65 1.47,875 16.35,778 66 1.47,583' 16.36,089 66'1.48,867 16.36,400 166:1.50,150 17.38,014 67 -1.49,819:17.38,344' 67 1.51,122 17.38,675 67 1.52,425 18.40,250 68 1.52,056 18.40,600 68 1.53,378 18.40,950 68' 1o54,700 19.42,486 609' 1.54,292 i19.42,856 69:1.55,63S3 -19.43,225 69' 1.56,975 20.44,722 70- 1.56,528 20.45,111' 70 1.57,889!20.45,500"' 70 1.59;250 21.46,958 71 1.58,764 21.47,367 71 1.60,14:4 i21.47,7175 71 1.61,525 22.49,194 72 1.61,000 22.49,622 72 1.62,400 22.50,050 72 1.63,800 23.51,431 73 1.63,236 23.51,878 73 1.64,656 23.52,325 73;1 I.06,075 24.53,667 74 1.65,472 24.54,133 74 1.66,911.24.54,600' 74 1.68,350 25.55,903 75 1.67,708 25.56,3S89 75 1.69,167 25.56,875 75 1.70,625 26.58;139 76 1.69,944 26.58,644 76 1.71,422 26.59,150 76; 1.72,900 27.00,3'75 77' 1.72,181!27'.60,900 77 1.73,678 27.61,425 77 1.75,175 28.62,611 78 1.74,417 i28'.63,156 78'1.75,933 28.63,700' 78 1.77,450 29.64,847 79 1.76,653 29.65,411 79 1.78,189 i29.65,975 79: 1.79,725 30'.67,083 80 1.78,889 30.67,667 80 1.80,444 30.68,250' 80' 1.82,000 31.69,319- 8'1 1.81,125`31.69,922 81 1.82,700 131.7;0,525' 81 1.84,275 32:.71,556 82 1.83,361 i32.72,178' 82'1.84,956'32.72,800 82 186,550 33.73,192 83 1.85,597:33.74,433 83 1.87,211:33.75,075 83 1.88,8251 34.76,028' 84 1.87,833 341.76,689' 84 1.89,467!34.77,350 84 1.91,1001 35.78,264 85 1.90,069 35.78,944 85'1.91,722'35.79,625 85 1.93,375 36.80,500 86 1.92,306 36.81,200 86 1.93,978.36.8'1,900' 86 1.95,650 37.82,736 87 1.94,542!37.83,456' 87 1.96,233 i37.84,175 87 1.97,925 38.84,972 88' 1.96,178 38.85,711 88 <1.98,489 i38.86,450 88 2.00,200 13.87,208' 89' 1.99,014 39'.87,96-7 89 2.00,744:39.88,725 809 2.02,475 4ff.89,444 90 2.01,250 40.90,222 90,2.03,000 40.91,000' 90 2.04,750' 41.91,681 91 2.03,486:41.92,478' 91 2.05,256 41.93,275 91 2.07,025 42.93,917 92 2.05,722 42.94,733 92 2.07,511 i42.95,550 92 2.09,300 43.96,153 9312.07,958 43.96,989 93 12.09,767 A43.97,825 93 2.11,575 44.98,389 94 2.10,194 44.99,244 94;2.12,022!44 1.00,100 94 2.13,850 45 1.00,625 95 2.12,431 45 1.01,500 95 2.14,278 45 1.02,375 95 2.16,125 46 1.02,861 96 2.14,667;46 1.03,756 96 2.16,533 46 1.04,650 96 2.18,400 47 1.05,097 97 2.16,903 ]47 1.06,011 97 2.18,789 47 1.06,925 97 2.20,675 48 1.07,333 98' 2,19,139; 48 1.08,267 98 2.21,044 48 1.0o9200 98' 2.22,950 49 1.09,569 99 2.21,375 49' 1.10,522 99 2.23,300 49 1A11,475 99 2.25,225 50 1.11,806 1,115 Days. 50 1.12,778 1ll 6 3Days. 50 1.13,750 1 7 7 Days, QON E Y EAR.I 1rin. Interest. [[Prin. Interest. Pll'in.. Interest. IlMrin.[ Interest. [IPrin. Interest. 1.07,00 11.77,00 1121 1.47,00 31 12.17,00 41 12.87,00 2.14,00 1112.84,00' 122 1.54,00' 32 12.24,00 42 2.94,00 3"-.21,00 13.91,00 23 1.6100- 33 2.31,00 431 301,00 4.28,00 14.98'001 |24-1 1.68,00' 34 12.38,00 I 44 3~0I,00 5 5.35,00 15 1.05,00 [25 1.75,00' 35 12.45,00 [45 13.15,00 6.42,00 16 1.12,00| [26 1.82,00 36 12.52,0(0 46 13.22,00 7.49,00 17 1.19,00 27 1.89,00 37 12.59,00 47 3.29,00 81.56,00/ 18 1.26,00 28 1.96,00 38 12.66,00 48 3.36,00 9.63,00 1'19 1.33,00 1 29 2.03,00 139 2.73,00 49 3.43,00 t21 11101.70,00 1[20 1.40,00 [301 2.10,00 {40 2.80,00 [50 3.50,00_ I N'TEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. - 3 Months and 28 Days. 3 Months and 29 Days. 4 MONTHS. Prin. Interest. Prin., Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.02,294 51 1.17,017 1.02,314 51 1.18,008 1.02,333 51 1.19,000 2.04,589 52 1.19,311 2.04,628 52 1.20,322 2.04,667 4 52 1.21,333 3.06,883 53! 1.21,606 3i'.06,942 53 1.22,636 3.07,000 53 1.23,667 4.09,178!54: 1.23,900 4.09,256 54 1.24,950 4.09,333 54 1.26,000 5.11,472 55' 1.26,194 5.11,569 55 1.27,264 5.11,667 55 1.28,333 6.13,767 56 1.28,489 6.13,883 56 1.29,578 6.14,000 56 1.30,667 7.16,061 57 1.30,783 7.16,197 57 1.31,892 7.16,333 57 1.33,000 8.18-356 58' 1.33,078 8.18,511 58 1.34,206 8.18,667 58 1.35,333 9.20,650 59 1.35,372 9.20,825 59 1.36,519 9.21,000 59 1.37,667 10.22,944 60 1.37,667 10.23,139 60 1.38,833 10.23,333 60 1.40,000 11.26,239 61. 1.39,961 11.25,453 61 1.41,147 11.25,667 61 1.42,833 12.27,533 62: 1.42,256 12.27,767 62 1.43,461 12.289000 62- 1.44,667 13.29,828 63 1.44,550 13.30,081 63 1.45,775 13.30,333 63; 1.47,000 14.32,122 64~ 1.46.844 14.32,394 64 1.48,089 14.32,667 64 1.49,333 15.34,417 65' 1.49,139 15.34,708 65 1.50,403 15.35,000 65 1.51,667 16.36,711 66; 1.51,433 16.37,022 66 1.52,717 16.37,333 66 1.54,000 17.39,006 67 1.53,728 17.39,336 67 1.55,031 17.39,667 67 1.56,333 18.41,300 68 1.56,022 18.41,650 68 1.57,344 18.42,000 68 1.58,667 19.43,594 69 1.58,317 19.43,964 69 1.59,658 19.44,333 69 1.61,000 20.45),89 70: 1.60,611 20.46,278 70 1.61,972 20.46,667 70 1.63,333 21.48,183 71 1.62,906 21.48,592 71 1.64,286 21.49,000 1 71 1.65,667 22.50,478 72; 1.65,200 2:2:~.50,906 72; 1.66,600 22.51;333 72 1.68,000 23.52,772 73' 1.67,494 23'.53,219 73 1.68,914 23.53,667 73' 1.70,333 24.55,067 74: 1.69,789 24.55,533 74 1.71,228 24.56,000 74; 1.72,667 25.57,361 75; 1.72,083 25.57.847 75 1 73,542 25.58,333 75 1.75,000 26.59,656 76!' 1.74,378 26.60,161 76 1.75,856 26.60,667 76 1.77,333 27.61,950 77 1.76,672 27.62,475 77 1.78,169 27.63,000 77 1.79,667 28.64,244 78 1.78,967 28.64,789 78 1.80,483 28.65,333 78' 1.82,000 29.66,539 79 1.817261 29.67,103 79 1.82,797 29.67,667 79 1.84,333 30.68,833 80 1.83,556 30:.69,417 80 1.85,111 30.70,000 80 1.86,667 31.71,128 81 1.85,850 31.71,731 81 1.87,425 31:.72,333 81 1.89,000 32.73,422 82 1.88,144 32.74,044 82 1.89,739 32.74,667 82 1.91,333 33.75,717 83 1.90,439 33.76,358 83 1.92,053 33.77,000 83 1.93,667 34.78,011 84 1.92,733 34.78,672 84 1.94,367 34.79,333 84 1.96,000 35.80'396 85 1.95,028 35.8),986 85 1.96,681 35.81,667 85 1.98,333 36.82,600 86 1.97,322 36.83,300 86 1.98,994 36'.84,000 86 2.00,667 37.84,894 87 1.99,617 37.85,614 87 2.01,308 37.86,333 87 2.03,000 38.87,189 88 2.01,911 38.87,928 88 2.03,622 38.88,667 88 2.05,333 39!.89,483 89"' 2.04,206 39.93,242 89 2.05,936 39.91,000 89 2.07,667 40.91;778 90' 2.06,500 40'.92,556 90 2.08,250 40.93,333 90 2.10,000 41.94,072 91' 2.08,794 41.94,869 91 2.10,564 41.95;,667 91 2.12,833 42.96,367 92' 2. 11,089 42.97,183 92 2.12,878 42.98,000 92 2.14,667 43.98,661 93' 2.13,383 43.99,497 93 2.15,192 43 1.00,333 93; 2.T7,000 44 1.00,956 94' 2.1i5,678 44 1.01,811 94' 2.17,506 44 1.02,667 94 2.19,333 45 1.039250 951 2.17,972 45 1.04,125 95 2.19,819 45 1.05,000 95 2.21,667 46 1.05,544 96'; 2.20,267 46 1.06,439 96i 2.22,133 46 1.07,333 96 2.24,000 47 1.07,839 97 2.22,561 47 1.08;753 97 2.24,447 47 1.09,667 97' 2.26,333 48 1.10;133 98 2.24,856 48 1.11,067 98'- 2.26,761 48 1:12,000 98i 2.28,667 49 1.12,428 99 2.27,150 49 1.13,381 99 2.29,075 49 1.14,333 99 2.31,000 50 1.14,722 liBSDays. 50 1.15,694 ll9Days. 50 1.16,667 l2ODays. O N E Y E AR. __ -Prin. Interest. Pri-mt Interest. Prin, Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. I-nterest. 51 13.57,03 61 4.27,00 71' 4.97,00 81 5.67,00 91 6.37,00 52 3.64,00 62 4.34,00 721 5.04,00 82 5.74,00 921 6.4:4,00 53 3.71,00 63 4.41,00 73: 5.11,00 83 5.81,00 93 6.51,00 54 3.78,00 64 14.48,00 74 5.18,00 84 5.88;00 941 6.5,00 55|'3.85,00 65 |'4.55,00 75 5.25,00 85 5.95,00 95, 6.65,00 56'v3.92,00 66'4.62,00 76 5.32,00 86 6.02,00 96 6;.72,00 57 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 77 5.39,00 87'6.09,00 97 6.79,00 58 4.06,00 68 4.76,00 78 5.46,00 88 6.16;00 98 6.86,00 59 4.13,00 69 4.83,00 679 1 5.53,00 89 6.23,00 99 6.9A3,00 A 6014.20,00 704.90,00 80 5.60,00 790 6.30,00 1 [ 5 ILNTEREST AT S EVEN PER CEN.T. 4 Months and 1 Day. 4 -Months and 2 Days. 4 Bonths and 3 Days. Prin. Interest. - Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.02,353 51 1.19,992 1.02,372 51 1.20,983 1.02,392 51 1.21,975 2.04,706 52 1.22,344 2.04,744 52 1.23,356 2.04,783 52 1.24,367 3.07,058 53 1.24,697 3.07,117 53 1.25,728 3.07,175 53 1.26,758 4.09,411 -54 1.27,050 4.09,489 54 1.28,100 4.09,567 54 1.29,150 5.11,764 55 1.29,403 5.11,861 55 1.30,472 5.11,958 55 1.31,542 6.14,117 56 1.31,756 6.14,233 56 1.32,844 6.14,350 56 1.33,933 7.16,469 57 1.34,108 7.16,606 57 1.35,217 7.16,742 57 1.36,325 8.18;822 58 1.36,461 8.18,978 58 1.37,589 8.19,133 58 1.38,717 9.21,175 59 1.38,814 9.21,350 59 1.39,961 9.21,525 59 1.41,108 10.23,528 60 1.41,167 10.23,722 60 1.42,333 10.23,917 60 1.43,500 11.25,88'1 61 1.43,519 11.26,094 61 1.44,706 11.26,308 61 1.45,892 12.28',233 62 1.45,872 12.28,467 62 1.47,078 12.28,700 62 1.48,283 13.30,586 63 1.48,225 13.30,839 63 1.49,450 13.31,092 63 1.50,675 14.32,939 64 1.50,578 14.33,211 64 1.51,822 14.33,483 64 1.53,067 15.35,292 65 1.52,931 15.35,583 65 1.54,194 15.35,875 65 1.55,458 16.37,644 66 1.55,283 16.37,956 66 1.56,567 16.38,267 66 1.57,850 17.39,997 67 1.57,636 17.40,328 67 1.58,939 17.40,658 67 1.60,242 18.42,350 68' 1.59,989 18.42,700 68 1.61,311 18.43,050 68 1.62,633 19.44,703 69 1.62,342 19.45,072 69 1.63,683 19.45,442 69' 1.65,025 20.47,056 70 1.64,694 20.47,444 70 1.66,056 20.47,83'3 70 1.67,417 21.49,408 71 1.67,047 21.499,817 71 1.68,428 21.50,225 71 1.69,808 22.51,761 72 1.69,400 22.52,189 72 1.70,800 22.52,617 72 1.72,200 23.54,114 73 1.71,753 23.54,561 73 1.73,172 23.55,008 73 1.74,592 24.56,467 74 1.74,106 24.56,933 74 1.75,544 24.57,400 74 1.76,983!25.58,819 75 1.76,458 25.59,306'75 1.77,917 25.59,792 75 1.79,375 26.61,172 76 1.78,811 26.61,678 76 1.80,289 26.62,183 76 1.81,767 27.63,525 77 1.81,164 27.64,050 77 1.82,661 27.64,575 77 1.84,158 28.65,878 78 1.83,517 28.66,422 78 1.85,033 28.66,967 78 1.86,550 29.68,231 79 1.85,869 29.68,794 79 1.87,406 29.69,358 79 1.88,942 30.70,583 80 1.88,222 30.71,167 80 1.89,778 30.71,750 80 1.91,333 31.72,936 81 1.90,575 31.73,539 81 1.92,150 31.74,142 81 1.93,725 32.75,289 82 1.92,928 32.75,911 82 1.94,522 32.76,533 82 1.96,117 33.77,642 83 1.95,281 33.78,283 83. 1.96,894 33.78,925 83 1.98,508 34.79,994 84 1.97,633 34.80,656 84 1.99,267 34.81,317 84 2.00,900 35.82,347 85 1.99,986 35.83,028 85 2.01,639 35.83,708 85 2.03,292 36.84,700 86 2.02,339 36.85,400 86 2.04,011 36.86,100 86 2.05,683 37.87,053 87 2.04,692 37.87,772 87 2.06,383 37.88,492 87 2.08,0751 38.89,406 88 2.07,044 38.90,144 88 2.08,756 38.90,883 88 2.10,467 39.91,758 89 2.09,397 39.92,517 89 2.11,128 39.93,275 89 2.12,858 40.94,111 90 2.11,750 40.94,889 90 2.13,500 40.95,667 90 2.15,2501 41.96,464 91 2.14,103 41.97,261 91 2.15,872 41.98,058 91 2.17,6421 42.98,817 92 2.16,456 42.99,633 92 2.18,244 42 1.00,450 92 2.20,0331 43 1.01,169 93 2.18,808 43 1.02,006 93 2.20,617 43 1.02,842 93 2.22,425 44 1.03,522 94 2.21,161 44 1.04,378 94 2.22,989 44 1.05,233 94 2.24,817 45 1.05,875 95 2.23,514 45 1.06,750 95 2.25,361 45 1.07,625 95 2.27,208 46 1.08,228 96 2.25,867 46 1.09,122 96 2.27,733 46 1.10,017 96 2.29,600 47 1.10,581 97 2.28,219 47 1.11,494 97 2.30,106 47 1.12,408 97 2.31,9921 48 1.12,933 98 2.30,572 48 1.13,867 98 2.32,478 48 1.14,8'00 98 2.34,3831 49 1.15,286 99 2.32,925 49 1.16,239 99 2.34,850 49 1.17,192 99 2.36,775' 50 1.17,639 la2lDays. 50 1.18,611 l2 2Days. 50 1.19,583 i23Days. ONE YEAR. Prin.b Interest. IjPrin.l Interest. iPrin.l Interest. Prin.l Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.07,00 1111.77,00 1 21 11.47,00 1131 12.17,00 41 /~2.87,00 2 1.14,00 1/121.84,00 22 1.54,00 32 2.24,00 42 2.94,00 3.21,00 - t13.91,00 tt23 1.61,00 33 2.31,00 l143 13.01,00 4 4.28,00 [ 141.98,00 24 1.68,00 34 2.38,00 1 44 3.08,00 5.35,00 115 1.05,00 112511.75,00 35 12.45,00 1451 3.15,00 6.42,00 16 11.12,00 26 1.82,00 36 2.52,00 46 3.22,00 7 1.49,00 171 11.19,00 1127 1189,00 37 2.59,00 47 13.29,00 81.56,00 18 1.26,00 28 0 1138 2.66,00 48 3.36,00 9.63,00 11 19 1.33,00 1a 29 2.03,00 / 39 2.73,00 / i49 3.43,00 541 101.70,00 11201 1.40,00 1130 12.10,00 11401 2.80,00 1150 3.50,00 INTEREST AT S EVEN PER CENT. 4 lonths and 4 Days. 4 Months and 5 Days. 4 Months and 6 Days. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.02,411 51 1.22,967 1.02,431 51 1.23,958 1.02,450 51 1.24,950 2.04,822 52 1.25,378 2.04,861 52 1.26,389 2.04,900 52 1.27,400. 3.07,233 53 1.27,789 3.07,292 53 1.28,819 3.07,350 53 1.29,850 4.09,644 54 1.30,200 4.09,722 54 1.31,250 4.09,800 54 1.32,300 5.12,056 55 1.32,611 5.12,153 55 1.33.681 5.12,250 55 1.34,750: 6.14,467 56 1.35,022 6.14,583 56 1.36.111 6.14,700 56 1.37,200 7.16,878 57 1.37,433 7.17,014 57 1.38 542 7.17,150 57 1.39,650 8.19,289 58 1.39,844 8.19,444 58 1.40,972 8.19,600 58 1.42,100 9.21,700 59 1.42,256 9.21,875 59 1.43,403 9.22,050 59 1.44,550 10.24,111 60 1.44,667 10.24,306 60 1.45,833 1.24,500 60 1.47,000 11.26,522 61 1.47,078 11.26,736 61 1.48,264 11.26,950 61 1.49,450 12.28,933 62 1.49,489 12.29,167 62 1.50,694 12.29,400 62 1.51,900 13.31,344 63 1.51,900 13.31,597 63 1.53,125 13.31,850 63 1.54,350 14.33,756 64 1.54,311 14.34,028 64 1.55,556 14.34,300 64 1.56,800 15.36,167 65 1.56,722 15.36,458 65 1.57,986 15.36,750 65 1.59,250 16.38,578 66 1.59,133 16.38,889 66 1.60,417 16.39,200 66 1.61,700 17.40,989 67 1.61,544 17.41,319 67 1.62,847 17.41,650 67 1.64,150 18.43,400 68 1.63,956 18.43,750 68 1.65,278 18.44,100 68 1.66,600 19.459811 69 1.66,367 19.46,181 69 1.67,708 19.46,550 69 1.69,050 20.48,222 70 1.68,778 20.48,611 70 1.70,139 20.49,000 70 1.71,500 21.50,633 71 1.719189: 21.51,042 71 1.72,569 21.51,450 71 1.73,950 22.53,044 72 1.73,600 22.53,472 72 1.75,000 22.53,900 72 1.76,400 23.55,456 73 1.76,011 23.55,903 73 1.77,431 23.56,350 73 1.78,850 24.57,867 74 1.78,422 24.58,333 74 1.79,861 24.58,800 74 1.81,300 25.60,278 75 1.80,833 25.60,764 75 1.82,292 25.61,250 75 1.83,750 26.62,689 76 1.83,244 26.63,194 76 1.84,722 26.63,700 76 1.86,200 27.65,100 77 1.85,656 27.65,625 77 1.87,153 27.66,150 77 1.88,650 28.67,511 78 1.88,067 28.68,056 78 1.89,583 28.68,600 78 1.91,100 29.69,922 79 1.90,478 29.70,486 79 1.92,014 29.71,050 79 1.93,550 30.72,333 80 1.92,889 30.72,917 80 1.94,444 30.73,500 80 1.96,000 31.74,744 81 1.95,300 31.75,347 81 1.96,875 31.75,950 81 1.98,450 32.77,156 82 1.97,711 32.77,778 82 1.99,306 32.78,400 82 2.00,900 33.79,567 83 2.00,122 33.80,208 83 2.01,736 33.80,850 83 2.03,350 34.81,978 84 2.02,533 34.82,639 84 2.04,167 34.83,300 84 2.05,800 35.84,389 85 2.04,944 35.85,069 85 2.06,597 35.85,750 85 2.08,250 36.86,800 86 2.07,356 36.87,500 86 2.09,028 36.88,200 86 2.10,700 37.89,211 87 2.09,767 37.89,931 87 2.11,458 37.90,650 87 2.13,150 38.91,622 88 2.12,178 38.92,361 88 2.13,889 38.93,100 88 2.15,600 39.94,033 89 2.14,589 39.94,792 89 2.16,319 39.95,550 89 2.18,050 40.96,444 90 2.17,000 40.97,222 90 2.18,750 40.98,000 90 2.20,500 41.98,856 91 2.19,411 41.99,653 91 2.21,181 41 1.00,450 91 2.22,950 42 1.01,267 92 2.21,822 42 1.02,083 92 2.23,611 42 1.02,900 92 2.25,400 43 1.03,678 93 2.24,233 43 1.04,514 93 2.26,042 43 1.05,350 93 2.27,850 44 1.06,089 94 2.26,644 44 1.06,944 94 2.28,472 44 1.07,800 94 2.30,300 45 1.08,500 95 2.29,056 45 1.09,375 95 2.30,903 45 1.10,250 95 2.32,750 46 1.10,911 96 2.31,467 46 1.11,806 96 2.33,333 46 1.12,700 96 2.35,200 47 1.13,322 97 2.33,878 47 1.14,236 97 2.35,764 47 1.15,150 97 2.37,650 48 1.15,733 98 2.36,289 48 1.16,667 98 2.38,194 48 1.17,600 98 2.40,100 49 1.18,144 99 2.38,700 49 1.19,097 99 2.40,625 49 1.20,050 99 2.42,550 50 1.20,556 124Days. 50 1.21,528 -l225Days 50 1.22,500 126Days. _ONE YEAR. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin.' Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 3.57,00 61 1 4.27,00 171 1 4.97,00 81 5.67,00 1 91 6.37,00 52 3.64,00 62 1 4.34,00 72 15.04,00 82 5.74,00 1l 921 6.44,00 53 3.71,00 63 4.41,00 73 15.11,00 83 5.81,00 1193 6.51,00 54 3.78,00 64 4.48,00 1174 1 5.18,00 11 84 15.88,00 94 6.58,00 55 3.85,00 65; 4.55,00 75 15.25,00 85 15.95,00 95 16.65,00 56 3.92,00 66 4.62,00 76 1 5.32,00 86 6.02,00 96 6.72,00 57 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 77 1 5.39,00 87 6.09,00 97 6.79,00 58 4.06,00 68 4.76,00 78 5.46,00 88 6.16,00 1 98 6.86,00 59 4.13,00 [69 4.83,00 117915.53,00 ]89 16.23,00 99 6.93,00 60 4.20,00 70 4.90,00 180 5.60,00 /90 6.30,00 1i / t[ [55 INTERE ST A TE EN PER CENT. 4 Ionths and 7 Days. 4 Months and 8 Days. 4 Months and 9 Days. Prixn. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Pn Interst Pri Interest 1.02,469 51 1.25,942 1.02,489 51 1.26,933 1.02,508 51 1.27,925 2.04,939 52 1.28,411 2.04,978 52 1.29,422 2.05,017 52 1.30,433 3.07,408 53 1.30,881 3.07,467 53 1.31,911 3.07,525 53 1.32,942 4.09,878 54 1.33,350 4.09,956 54 1.34,400 4.10,033 54 1.35,450 5.12,347 55 1.35,819 5.12,444 55 1.36,889 5.12,542 55 1.37,958 6.14,817 56 1.38,289 6.14,933 56 1.39,378 6.15,050 56 1.40,467 7.17,286 57 1.40,758 7.17,422 57 1.41,867 7.17,558 57 1.42,975 8.19,756 58 1.43,228 8.19,911 58 1.44,356 8.20,067 58 1.45,483 9.22,225 59 1.45,697 9.22,400 59 1.46,844 9.22,575 59 1.47,992 10.24,694 60 1.48,167 10.24,889 60 1.49,333 10.25,083 60 1.50,500 11.27,164 61 1.50,636 11.27,378 61 1.51,822 11.27,592 61 1.53,008 12.29,633 62 1.53,106 12.29,867 62 1.54,311 12.30,100 62 1.55,517 13.32,103 63 1.55,575 13.32,356 63 1.56,800 13.32,608 63 1.58,025 14.34,572 64 1.58,044 14.34,844 64 1.59,289 14.35,117 64 1.60,533 15.37,042 65 1.60,514 15.37,333 65 1.61,778 15.37,625 65 1.63,042 16.39,511 66 1.62,983 16.39,822 66 1.64,267 16.40,133 66 1.65,550 17.41,981 67 1.65,453 17.42,311 67 1.66,756 17.42,642 67 1.68,058 18.44,450 68 1.67,922 18.44,800 68 1.69,244 18.45,150 68 1.70,567 19.46,919 69 1.70,392 19.47,289 69 1.71,733 19.47,658 69 1.73,075 20.49,389 70 1.72,861 20.49,778 70 1.74,222 20.50,167 70 1.75,583:21.51,858 71 1.75,331 21.52,267 71 1.76,711 21.52,675 71 1.78,092 22.54,328 72 1.77,800 22.54,756 72 1.79,200 22.55,183 72 1.80,600.56,797 73 1.80,269 23.57,244 73 1.81,689 23.57,692 73 1.83,108 24.59,267 74 1.82,739 24.59,733 74 1.84,178 24.60,200 74 1.85,617 25.61,736 75 1.85,208 25.62,222 75 1.86,667 25.62,708 75 1.88,125 26.64,206 76 1.87,678 26.64,711 76 1.89,156 26.65,217 76 1.90,633 27.66,675 77 1.90,147 27.67,200 77 1.91,644 27.67,725 77 1.93,142 28.69,144 78 1.92,617 28..69,689 78 1.94,133 28.70,233 78 1.95,650 29.71,614 79 1.95,086 29.72,178 79 1.96,622 29.729742 79 1.98,158 30.74,083 80 1.97,556 30.74,667 80 1.99,111 30.75,250 80 2.00,667 31.76,553 81 2.00,025 31.77,156 81 2.01,600 31.77,758 81 2.03,175 32.79,022 82 2.02,494 32.79,644 82 2.04,089 32.80,267 82 2.05,683 33.81,492 83 2.049964 33.82,133 83 2.06,578 33.82,775 83 2.08,192 34.83,961 84 2.07,433 34.84,622 84 2.09,067 34.85,283 84 2.10,700 35.86,431 85 2.09,903 35.87,111 85 2.11,.556 35.87,792 85 2.13,208 36.88,900 86 2.12,372 36.89,600 86 2.14,044 36.90,300 86 2.15,717 37.91,369 87 2.14,842 37.92,089 87 2.16,533 37.92,808 87 2.18,225 38.93,839 88 2.17,311 38.94,578 88 2.19,022 38.95,317 88 2.20,733 39.96,308 89 2.19,781 39.97,067 89 2.21,511 39.97,825 89 2.23,242 40.98,778 90 2.22,250 40.99,556 90 2.24,000 40 1.00,333 90 2.25,750 41 1.01,247 91 2.24,719 41 1.02,044 91 2.26,489 41 1.02,842 91 2.28,258 42 1.03,717 92 2.27,189 42 1.04,533 92 2.28,978 42 1.05,350 92 2.30,767 43 1.06,186 93 2.29,658 43 1.07,022 93 2.31,467 43 1.07,858 93 2.33,275 44 1.08,656 94 2.32,128 44 1.09,511 94 2.33,956 44 1.10,367 94 2.35,783 45 1.11,125 95 2.34,597 45 1.12,000 95 2.36,444 45 1.12,875 95 2.38,292 46 1.13,594 96 2.37,067 46 1.14,489 96 2.38,933 46 1.15,383 96 2.40,800 47 1.16,064 97 2.39,536 47 1.16,978 97 2.41,422 47 1.17,892 97 2.43,308 48 1.18,533 98 2.42,006 48 1.19,467 98 2.43,911 48 1.20,400 98 2.45,817 49 1.21,003 99 2.44,475 49 1.21,956 99 2.469400 49 1.22,908 99 2.48,325 50 1.23,472 127 Days. 50 1.24,444 128 Days. 50 1.25,417 129 Days. ONE YEAR. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.07,00 11.77,00 21 1.47,00 31 2.17,00 41 2.87,00 2.14,00 12.84,00 22 1.54,00 32 2.24,00 42 2.94,00 3.21,00 13.91,00 23 1.61,00 33 2.31,00 43 3.01,00 4.28,00 14.98,00 24 1.68,00 34 2.38,00 44 3.08,00 5.35,00 15 1.05,00 25 1.75,00 35 2.45,00 45 3.15,00 6.42,00 16 1.12,00 26 1.82,00 36 2.52,00 46 3.22,00 7.49,00 17 1.19,00 27 1.89,00 37 2.59,00 47 3.29,00 8.56,00 18 1.26,00 28 1.96,00 38 2.66,00 48 3.36,00 9.63,00 19 1.33,00 29 2.03,00 39 12.73,00 49 3.43,00 56] 10.70,00 120 1.40,00 130 12.10,00 140 2.80,00 1150 3.50,00 INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 4 Months and 10 Days. 4 Months and 11 Days, 4 Months and 12 Days. rin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prn. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.02,528 51 1.28,917 1.02,547 51 1.29,908 1.02,567 51 1.30,900 2.05,056 52 1.31,444 2.05,094 52 1.32,456 2.05,133 52! 1.33,467 3.07,583 53 1.33,972 3.07,642 53 1.35,003 3.07,700 53 1.369033 4.10,111 54 1.36,500 4.10,189 54 1.37,550 4.10,267 54 1.38,600 5.12,639 55 1.39,028 5.12,736 55 1.40,097 5.12,833 55 1.41,167 6.15,167 56 1.41,556 6.15,283 56 1.42,644 6.15,400 56 1.43,733 7.17,694 57 1.44,083 7.17,831 57 1.45,192 7.17,967 57 1.46,300 8.20,222 58 1.46,611 8.20,378 58 1.47,739 8.20,533 58 1.48,867 9.22,750 59 1.49,139 9.22,925 59 1.50,286 9.23,100 59 1.51,433 10.25,278 60 1.51,667 10.25,472 60 1.52,833 10.25,667 60 1.54,000 11.27,806 61 1.54,194 11.28,019 61 1.55,381 11.28,233 61 1.56,567 12.30,333 62 1.56,722 12.30,567 62 1.57,928 12.30,800 62 1.59,133 13.32,861 63 1.59,250 13.33,114 63 1.60,475 13.33,367 63 1.61,700 14.35,389 64 1.61,778 14.35,661 64 1.63,022 14.35,933 64 1.64,267 15.37,917 65 1.64,306 15.38,208 65 1.65,569 15.38,500 65 1.66,833 16.40,444 66 1.66,833 16.40,756 66 1.68,117 16.41,067 66 1.69,400 17.42,972 67 1.69,361 17.43,303 67 1.70,664 17.43,633 67 1.71,967 18.45,500 68 1.71,889 18.45,850 68 1.73,211 18.46,200 68 1.74,533 19.48,028 69 1.74,417 19.48,397 69 1.75,758 19.48,767 69 1.77,100 20.50,556 70 1.76,944 20.50,944 70 1.78,306 20.51,333 70 1.79,667 21.53,083 71 1.79,472 21.53,492 71 1.80,853 21.53,900 71 1.82,233 22.55,611 72 1.82,000 22.56,039 72 1.83,400 22.56,467 72 1.84,800 23.58,139 73 1.84,528 23.58,586 73 1.85;947 23.59,033 73 1.87,367 24.60,667 74 1.87,056 24.61,133 74 1.88,494 24.61,600 74 1.89,933 25.63,194 75 1.89,583 25.63,681 75 1.91,042 25.64,167 75 1.92,500 26.65,722 76 1.92.111 26.66,228 76 1.93,589 26.66,733 76 1.95,067 27.68,250 77 1.94,639 27.68,775 77 1.96,136 27.69,300 77 1.97,633 28.70,778 78 1.97,167 28.71,322 78 1.98,683 28.71,867 78 2.00,200 29.73,306 79 1.99,694 29.73,869 79 2.01,231 29.74,433 79 2.02,767 30.75,833 80 2.02,222 30.76,417 80 2.03,778 30.77,000 80 2.05,333 31.78,361 81 2.04,750 31.78,964 81 2.06,325 31.79,567 81 2.07,900 32.80,889 82 2.07,278 32.81,511 82 2.08,872 32.82,133 82 2.10,467 33.83,417 83 2.09,806 33.84,058 83 2.11,419 33.84,700 83 2.13,033 34.85,944 84 2.12,333 34.86,606 84 2.13,967 34.87,267 84 2.15,600 35.88,472 85 2.14,861 35.89,153 85 2.16,514 35.89,833 85 2.18,167 36.91,000 86 2.17,389 36.91,700 86 2.19,061 36.92,400 86 2.20,733 37.93,528 87 2.19,917 37.94,247 87 2.21,608 37.94,967 87 2.23,300 38.96,056 88 2.22,444 38.96,794 88 2.24,156 38.97,533 88 2.25,867 39.98,583 89 2.24,972 39.99,342 89 2.26,703 39 1.00,100 89 2.28,433 40 1.01,111 90 2.27,500 40 1.01,889 90 2.29,250 40 1.02,667 90 2.31,000 41 1.03,639 91 2.30,028 41 1.04,436 91 2.31,797 41 1.05,233 91 2.33,567 42 1.06,167 92 2.32,556 42 1.06,983 92 2.343344 42 1.07,800 92 2.36,133 43 1.08,694.93 2.35,083 43 1.09,531 93 2.36,892 43 1.10,367 93 2.38,700 44 1.11,222 94 2.37,611 44 1.12,078 94 2.39,439 44 1.12,933 94 2.41,267 45 1.13,750 95 2.40,139 45 1.14,625 95 2.41,986 45 1.15,500 95 2.43,833 46 1.16,278 96 2.42,667 46 1.17,172 96 2.44,533 46 1.18,067 96 2.469400 47 1.18,806 97 2.45,194 47 1.19,719 97 2.47,081 47 1.20,633 97 2.48,967 48 1.21,333 98 2.47,722 48 1.22,267 98 2.49,628 48 1.23,200 98 2.51,533 49 1.23,861 99 2.50,250 49 1.24,814 99 2.52,175 49 1.25,767 99 2.54,100 50 1.26,389 L30Days 50 1.27,361 l 531lDays 1.28,333 1-32Days 0 N E YEAR. Prin. Interest. Primn. Iiterest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 3.57,00 61 4.27,00 71 4.97,00 81 5.67,00 91 6.37,00 52 3.64,00 62 4.34,00 72 5.04,00 82 5.74,00 92 6.44,00 53 3.71,00 63 441,00 73 5.11,00 83 5.81,00 93 6.51,00 54 3.78,00 64 4.48,00 74 5.18,00 84 5.88,00 94 6.58,00 55 3.85,00 65 4.55,00 75 5.25,00 85 5.95,00 95 6.65,00 56 3.92,00 66 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 86 6.02,00 96 6.72,00 57 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 77 5.39,00 87 6.09,00 97 6.79,00 58 4.06,00 68 4.76,00 78 5.46,00 88 6.16,0.0 98 686,00 59 4.13,00 69 4.83,00 79 5.53,00 8916.23,00 99 6.93,00 60 4.20,00 70 4.90,00 80 5.60,00 90 6.30,00 ITERESfiT AT SEVEN aPER C E N T. 4 lonths and 1 3 Days. 4 Months and 14 Days. 4 Months and 1 Days. rin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.02j586 51 1.31,892 1.029606 51 1.32j883 1.02,625 51 1.333875 2.0-,172 52 1.34,478 2.05,211 52 1.35,489 2.05,250 52 1.36,500 3.07,758 53 1.37,064 3.07,817 53 1.38,094 3.07,875 53 1.39,125 4.10,344 54 1.39,650 4.10,422 54 1.40,700 4.10,500 54 1.41,750 5.12,931 55 1.42,236 5.13,028 55 1.43,306 5.13,125 55 1.44,375 6.15,517 56 1.44,822 6.15,633 56 1.45,911 6.15,750 56 1.47,000 7.18,103 57 1.47,408 7.18,239 57 1.48,517 7.18,375 57 1.49,625 8.20,689 58 1.49,994 8.20,844 58 1.51,122 8.21,000 58 1.52,250 9.23,275 59 1.52,581 9.23,450 59 1.53,728 9.23,625 59 1.54,875 10.25,861 60 1.55,167 10.26,056 60 1.56,333 10.26,250 60 1.57,500 11.28,447 61 1.57,753 11.28,661 61 1.58,939 11.28,875 61 1.60,125 12.31,033 62 1.60,339 12.31,267 62 1.61,544 12.31,500 62 1.62,750 13.33,619 63 1.62,925 13.33,872 63 1.64,150 13.34,125 63 1.65,375 14.36,206 64 1.65,511 14.36,478 64 1.66,756 14.36,750 64 1.68,000 15.38,792 65 1.68,097 15.39,083 65 1.69,361 15.39,375 65 1.70,625 16.41,378 66 1.70,683 16.41,689 66 1.71,967 16.42,000 66 1.73,250 17.43,964 67 1.73,269 17.44,294 67 1.74,572 17.44,625 67 1.75,875 18.46,550 68 1.75,856 18.46,900 68 1.77,178 18.47,250 68 1.78,500 19.49,136 69 1.78,442 19.49,506 69 1.79,783 19.49,875 69 1.81,125 20.51,722 70 1.81,028 20.52,111 70 1.82,389 20.52,500 70 1.83,750 21.54,308 71 1.83,614 21.54,717 71 1.84,994 21.55,125 71 1.86,375 22.56,894 72 1.86,200 22.57,322 72 1.87,600 22.57,750 72 1.89,000 23.59,481 73 1.88,786 23.59,928 73 1.90,206 23.60,375 73 1.91,625 24.62,067 74 1.91,372 24.62,533 74 1.92,811 24.63,000 74 1.94,250 25.64,653 75 1.93,958 25.65,139 75 1.95,417 25.65,625 75 1.96,875 26.67,239 76 1.96,544 26.67,744 76 1.98,022 26.68,250 76 1.99,500 27.69,825 77 1.99,131 27.70,350 77 2.00,628 27.70,875 77 2.02,125 28.72,411 78 2.019717 28.72,956 78 2.03,233 28.73,500 78 2.04,750 29.74,997 79 2.04,303 29.75,561 79 2.05,839 29.76,125 79 2.07,375 30.77,583 80 2.06,889 30.78,167 80 2.08,444 30.78,750 80 2.10,000 31.80,169 81 2.09,475 31.80,772 81 2.11,050 31.81,375 81 2.12,625 32.82,756 82 2.12,061 32.83,378 82 2.13,656 32.84,000 82 2.15,250 38.85,342 83 2.14,647 33.85,983 83 2.16,261 33.86,625 83 2.17,875 34.87,928 84 2.17,233 34.88,589 84 2.18,867 34.89,250 84 2.20,500 35.90,.514 85 2.19,819 35.91,194 85 2.21,472 35.91,875 85 2w23,125 36.93,100 86 2.22,406 36.93,800 86 2.24,078 36.94,500 86 2.25,750 37.95,686 87 2.24,992 37.96,406 87 2.26,683 37.97,125 87 2.28,375 38.98,272 88 2.27,578 38.99,011 88 2.29,289 38.99,750 88 2.31,000 39 1.00,858 89 2.30,164 39 1.01,617 89 2.31,894 39 1.02,375 89 2.33,625 40 1.03,444 90 2.32,750 40 1.04,222 90 2.34,500 40 1.05,000 90 2.36,250 41 1.06,031 91 2.35,336 41 1.06,828 91 2.37,106 41 1.07,625 91 2.38,875 42 1.08,617 92 2.37,922 42 1.09,433 92 2.39,711 42 1.10,250 92 2.41,500 43 1.11,203 93 2.40,508 43 1.12,039 93 2.42,317 43 1.12,875 93 2.44,125 44 1.13,789 94 2.43,094 44 1.14,644 94 2.44,922 44 1.15,500 94 2.46,750 45 1.16,375 95 1 2.45,681 45 1.17,250 95 2.47,528 45 1.18,125 95 2.49,375 46 1.18,961 96 1 2.48,267 416 1.19,856 96 2.50,133 46 1.20,750 96 2.52,000 47 1.21,547 97 2.50,853 47 1.22,461 97 2.52,739 47 1.23,375 97 2.54,625 48 1.24,133 98 2.53,439 48 1.25,067 98 2.55,344 48 1.26,000 98 2.57,250 49 1.26,719 99 2.56,025 49 1.27,672 99 2.57,950 49 1.28,625 99 2.59,875 50 1.29,306 13Dy. 50 1.30,278 jl34Days 50 1.31,250 135Days. 33as _1L43as I __5ay. 133Iays ONE YEAR. Prin. Interest. IPrin. Interest. IIPrin. Interest. lPrin.l Interest. IPrin.l Interest. 1 1.07,00 11.77,00 21 1.47,00 31 2.17,00 41 2.87,00 2. 14,00 12.84,00 |22 1.54,00 32 2.24,00 42 2.94,00 3 1.21,00 13.91,00 23 1.61,00 33 2.31,00 43 3.01,00 4.28,00 14.98,00 124 1.68,00 34 2.38,00 44 3.08,00 5 1.35,00 15 1.05,00 25 1.75,00 35 2.45,00 45 3.15,00 6.42,00 16 1 1.12,00 26 1 1.82,00 36 2.52,00 46 3.22,00 7.49,00 117 1.19,00 27 1 1.89,00 37 2.59,00 47 3.29,00 8.56,00 18 1.26,00 28 1 1.96,00 38 1 2.66,00 1 48 1 3.36,00 9.63,00 19 1 33 00 29 2.03,00 39 2.73,00 49 3.43,00 58] 10.70,00 20 ( 1.40,00 30 2.10,00 40 2.80,00 (150 3.50,00 INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 4 Months and 16 Days. 4 Months and 17 Days. 4 Months and 18 Days, Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Ihterest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.02,644 51 1.34,867 1.02,664 51 1.35,858 1.02,683 51 1.36,850 2.05,289 52 1.37,511 2.05,328 52 1.38,522 2.05,367 52 1.39,533 3.07,933 53 1.40,156 3.07,992 53 1.41,186 3.08,050 53 1.42,217 4.10,578 54 1.42,800 4.10,656 54 1.43,850 4.10,733 54 1.44,900 5.13,222 55 1.45,444 5.13,319 55 1.46,514 5.13,417 55 1.47,583 6'.15,867 56 1.48,089 6.15,983 56 1.49,178 6.16,100 56 1.50,267 7.18,511 57 1.50,733 7.18,647 57 1.51,842 7.18,783 57 1.52,950 8.21,156 58 1.53,378 8.21,311 58 1.54,506 8.21,467 58 1.55,633 9.23,800 59 1.56,022 9.23,975 59 1.57,169 9.24,150 59 1.58,317 10.26,444 60 1.58,667 10.26,639 60 1.59,833 10.26,833 60 1.61,000 11.29,089 61 1.61,311 11.29,303 61 1.62,497 11.29,517 61 1.63,683 12.31,733 62 1.63,956 12.31,967 62 1.65,161 12.32,200 62 1.66,367 13.34,378 63 1.66,600 13.34,631 63 1.67,825 13.34,883 63 1.69,050 14.37,022 64 1.69,244 14.37,294 64 1.70,489 14.37,567 64 1.71,733 15.39,667 65 1.71,889 15.39,958 65 1.73,153 15.40,250 65 1.74,417 16.42,311 66 1.74,533 16.42,622 66 1.75,817 16.42,933 66 1.77,100 17.44,956 67 1.77,178 17.45,286 67 1.78,481 17.45,617 67 1.79,783 18.47,600 68 1.79,822 18.47,950 68 1.81,144 18.48,300 68 1.82,467 19.50,244 69 1.82,467 19.50,614 69 1.83,808 19.50,983 69 1.85,150 20.52,889 70 1.85,111 20.53,278 70 1.86,472 20.53,667 70 1.87,833 21.55,533 71 1.87,756 21.55,942 71 1.89,136 21.56,350 71 1.90,517 22.58,178 72 1.90,400 22.58,606 72 1.91,800 22.59,033 72 1.93,200 23.60,822 73 1.93,044 23.61,269 73 1.94,464 23.61,717 73 1.95,883 24.63,467 74 1.95,689 24.63,933 74 1.97,128 24.64,400 74 1.98,567 25.66,111 75 1.98,3333 25.66,597 75 1.99,792 25.67,083 75 2.01,250 26.68,756 76 2.00,978 26.69,261 76 2.02,456 26.69,767 76 2.03,933 27.71,400 77 2.03,622 27.71,925 77 2.05,119 27.72,450 77 2.061617 28.74,044 78 2.06,267 28.74,589 78 2.07,783 28.75,133 78 2.09,300 29.76,689 79 2.08,911 29.77,253 79 2.10,447 29.77,817 79 2.11,983 30.79,333 80 2.11,556 30.79,917 80 2.13,111 30.80,500 80 2.14,667 31.81,978 81 2.14,200 31.82,581 81 2.15,775 31.83,183 81 2.171350 32.84,622 82 2.16,844 32.85,244 82 2.18,439 32.85,867 82 2.20 033 33.87,267 83 2.19,489 33.87,908 83 2.21,103 33.88,550 83 2.22,717 34.89,911 84 2.22,133 84.90,572 84 2.23,767 34.91,233 84 2.25,400 35.92,556 85 2.24,778 35.93,236 85 2.26,431 35.93,917 85 2.28,083 36.95,200 86 2.27,422 36.95,900 86 2.29,094 36.96,600 86 2.30,767 37.97,844 87 2.30,067 37.98,564 87 2.31,758 37.99,283 87 2.33,450 38 1.00,489 88 2.32,711 38 1.01,228 88 2.34,422 38 1.01,967 88 2.36,133 39 1.03,133 89 2.35,356 39 1.03,892 89 2.37,086 39 1.04,650 89 2.38,817 40 1.05,778 90 2.38,000 40 1.06,556 90 2.39,750 40 1.07,333 90 2.41,500 41 1.08,422 91 2.40,644 41 1.09,219 91 2.42,414 41 1.10,017 91 2.44 183 42 1.11,067 92 2.43,289 42 1.11,883 92 2.45,078 42 1.12,700 92 2.46,867 43 1.13,711 93 2.45,933 43 1.14,547 93 2.47,742 43 1.15,383 93 2.49,550 44 1.16,356 94 2.48,578 44 1.17,211 94 2.50,406 44 1.18,067 94 2.52,233 45 1.19,000 95 2.51,222 45 1.19,875 95 2.53,069 45 1.20,750 95 2.54,917 46 1.21,644 96 2.53,867 46 1.22,539 96 2.55,733 46 1.23,433 96 2.57,600 47 1.24,289 97 2.56,511 47 1.25,203 97 2.58,397 47 1.26,117 97 2.60,283 48 1.26,933 98 2.59,156 48 1.27,867 98 2.61,061 48 1.28,800 98 2.62,967 49 1.29,578 99 2.61,800 49 1.30,531 99 2.63,725 49 1.31,483 99 2.65,650 50 1.32,222 1361Days. 50 1.33,194 137?Days. 50 134,167 138Days.. ONE YEAR. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 3.57,00 61 4.27,00 71 4.97,00 I81 5.67,00 91 6.37,00 52 3.64,00 62 4.34,00 72 5.04,00 82 5.74,00 92 6.44,00 53 3.71,00 63 4.41,00 73 5.11,00 83 5.81,00 93 6.51,00 54 3.78,00 64 4.48,00 74 5.18,00 84 5.88,00 94 6*58,00 55 3.85,00 65 4.55,00 75 5.25,00 85 5.95,00 95 6.65,00 56 3.92,00 66 4.6200 76 5.32,00 86 6.02,00 96 6.7200 57 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 77 5.39,00 87 6.09,00 97 6.79,00 58 4.06,00 68 4.76,00 78 5.46,00 88 6.16,00 98 6.86,00 59 4.13,00 69 4.83,00 79 1553,00 8916.23,00 99 6.93,00 i~~~i i~~~~i -59 INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 4 Months and 19 Days. 4 Mlonths and 20 Days. 4 Months and 21 Days. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest..Prim. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.02,703 51 1.37,842 1.02,722 51 1.389833 1.02,742 51 1.39,825 2.05,406 52 1.40,544 2.05,444 52 1.41,556 2.05,483 52 1.42,567 3.08,108 53 1.43,247 3.08,167 53 1.44,278 3.08,225 53 1.45,308 4.10,811 54 1.45,950 4.10,889 54 1.47,000 4.10,967 54 1.48,050 5.138514 55 1.48,653 5.13,611 55 1.49,722 5.13,708 55 1.50,792 6.16,217 56 1.51,356 6.16,333 56 1.52,444 6.16,450 56 1.53,533 7.18,919 57 1.54,058 7.19,056 57 1.55,167 7.19,192 57 1.56,275 8.219622 58 1.56,761 8.21,778 58 1.57,889 8.219933 58 1.59,017 9.24,325 59 1.59,464 9.24,500 59 1.60,611 9.24,675 59 1.61,758 10.27,028 60 1.62,167 10.27,222 60 1.63,333 10.27,417 60 1.64,500 11.29,731 61 1.64,869 11.29,944 61 1.66,056 11.30,158 61 1.67,242 12.32,433 62 1.67,572 12.32,667 62 1.68,778 12.32,900 62 1.69,983 13.35,136 63 1.70,275 13.35,389 63 1.71,500 13.35,642 63 1.72,725 14.37,839 64 1.72,978 14.38,111 64 1.74,222 14.38,383 64 1.75,467 15.40,542 65 1.759681 15.40,833 65 1.76,944 15.419125 65 1.78,208 16.43,244 66 1.78,383 16.439556 66 1.79,667 16.43,867 66 1.80,950 17.45,947 67 1.81,086 17.46,278 67 1.82,389 17.46,608 67 1.83,692 18.48,650 68 1.83,789 18.49,000 68 1.85,111 18.49,350 68 1.86,433 19.51,353 69 1.86,492 19.51,722 69 1.87,833 19.52,092 69 1.89,175 20.54,056 70 1.89,194 20.54,444 70 1.90,556 20.54,833 70 1.91,917 21.56,758 71 1.91,897 21.57,167 71 1.93,278 21.57,575 71 1.94,658 22.59,461 72 1.94,600 22.59,889 72 1.96,000 22.60,317 72 1.97,400 23.62,164 73 1.97,303 23.62,611 73 1.98,722 23.63,058 73 2.00,142 24.64,867 74 2.00,006 24.65,333 74 2.01,444 24.65,800 74 2.02,883 25.67,569 75 2.02,708 25.68,056 75 2.04,167 25.68,542 75 2.05,625 26.70,272 76 2.05,411 26.70,778 76 2.06,889 26.71,283 76 2.08,367 27.72,975 77 2.08,114 27.73,500 77 2.09,611 27.74,025 77 2.11,108 28.75,678 78 2.10,817 28.76,222 78 2.12,333 28.76,767 78 2.13,850 29.78,381 79 2.13,519 29.78,944 79 2.15,056 29.79,508 79 2.16,592 30.81,083 80 2.16,222 30.81,667 80 2.17,778 30.82,250 80 2.19,333 31.83,786 81 2.18,925 31.84,389 81 2.20,500 31.84,992 81 2.22,075 32.86,489 82 2.21,628 32.87,111 82 2.23,222 32.87,733 82 2.24,817 33.89,192 83 2.24,331 33.89,833 83 2.25,944 33.90,475 83 2.27,558 34.91,894 84 2.27,033 34.92,556 84 2.28,667 34.93,217 84 2.30,300 35.94,597 85 2.29,736 35.95,278 85 2.31,389 35.95,958 85 2.33,042 36.97,300 86 2.32,439 36.98,000 86 2.34,111 36.98,700 86 2.35,783 37 1.00,003 87 2.35,142 37 1.00,722 87 2.36,833 37 1.01,442 87 2.38,525 38 1.02,706 88 2.37,844 38 1.03,444 88 2.39,556 38 1.04,183 88 2.41,267 39 1.05,408 89 2.40,547 39 1.06,167 89 2.42,278 39 1.06,925 89 2.44,008 40 1.08,111 90 2.43,250 40 1.08,889 90 2.45,000 40 1.09,667 90 2.46,750 41 1.10,814 91 2.45,953 41 1.11,611 91 2.47,722 41 1.12,408 91 2.49,492 42 1.13,517 92 2.48,656 42 1.14,333 92 2.50,444 42 1.15,150 92 2.52,233 43 1.16,219 93 2.51,358 43 1.17,056 93 2.53,167 43 1.17,892 93 2.54,975 44 1.18,922 94 2.54,061 44 1.19,778 94 2.55,889 44 1.20,633 94 2.57,717 45 1.21,625 95 2.56,764 45 1.22,500 95 2.58,611 45 1.23,375 95 2.60,458 46 1.24,328 96 2.59,467 46 1.25,222 96 2.61,333 46 1.26,117 96 2.63,200 47 1.27,031 97 2.62,169 47 1.27,944 97 2.64,056 47 1.28,858 97 2.65,942 48 1.29,733 98 2.64,872 48 1.30,667 98 2.66,778 48 1.31,600 98 2.68,683 49 1.32,436 99 2.67,575 49 1.33,389 99 2.69,500 49 1.34,342 99 2.71,425 50 1.35,139 139 Days. 50 1.36,11 140 Days.50 1.37,083 1 Days __ONE YEAR. 139Da~~~s. 1.36,111 l~0Days... Prin. Interest. IPrin. Interest. IPrin. Interest. [Prin. Interest. ]Prin. Interest. 1.07,00 1 11.77,00 12111.47,00 31 2.17,00 141 2.87,00 2.14,00 l12.84,00 122 1.54,00 132 2.24,00 14212.94,00 3.21,00 1 13.91,00 23 1.61,00 13312.31,00 [4313.01,00 4.28,00 I14.98,00 [24 1.68,00 34 2.38,00 44 3.08,00 5.35,00 15 1.05,00 1125 1.75,00 35 2.45,00 45 3.15,00 61.42,00 16 1.12,00 626 1.82,00 /36 2.52,00 /4613.22,00 7.49,00 [17 1.19,00 27 1.89,00 [37 2.59,00 47 3.29,00 8.56,00 18 1.26,00 128 1.96,00 138 2.66,00 /48 3.36,00 9.63,00 I{ 19 1.33,00 II 29 2'03,00 l 39 2.73,00 1 49 3.43,00/1 /6o] 10 1.70,00o2 IO1.40,00 30 20/.10,00 /401 2.80,00 /1501 3.50,001 INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 4 Months and 22 Days. 4 Months and 23 Days. 4 BMonths and 24 Davs. Pri n. Interest. Pri n. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prii. Interest. [Prin. Interest. Prin. l1t ees t. 1.02,761 51 1.40,817 1.02,781 51 1.41,808 1.02,800 51 1.42 89') 2.05,522 52 1.43,578 2.05,561 52 1.44,589 2.05,600 52 1.45,600 3.08,283 53 1.46,339 3.08,342 53 1.47,369 3.08,400 53 1, 48;400 4.11,044 54 1.49,100 4.11,122 54'1.50,150 4.11,200 54 1.51I200 5.13,806 55 1.51,861 5.13,903 55 1.52,931 5.14,000 55 1.5410,00 6.16,567 56 1.54,622 6.16,683 56 1.55,i711 6.16,800 56 1.569800 7.19,328 57 1.57,383 7.19,464 57 1.58,492 7.19,600 57 1.5 9,6 ) 8.22,089 58 1.60,144 8.22,244 58 1.61,272 8.22,400 58 1.624 00 9.24,850 59 1.62,906 9.25,025 59 1.64.053 9.25,200 59 1.65,200 10.27,611 60 1.65,667 10.27,806 60 1.66,833 10.28,000 60 1.68 000 11.30,372 61 1.68,428 11.30,586 61 1.69,614 11.30,800 61 1.70),800 12.33,133 62 1.71,189 12.33,367 62 1.72,394 12.33,600 62 1. 73,600 13.35,894 63 1.73,950 13.36,147 63 1.75,175 13.36,400 63 1.76,400 14.38,656 64 1.76,711 14.38,928 64 1.77,956 14.39,200 64 1.79,20( 15.41,417 65 1.79,472 15.41,708 65 1.80,736 15.42,000 65 1.82,000 16.44,178 66 1.82,233 16.44,489 66 1.83;517 16.44,800 66 1.8 4,80) 17.46,939 67 1.84,994 17.47,269 67 1.86,297 17.47,600 67 1.875600 18.49,700 68 1.87,756 18.50,050 68 1.894078 18.50,400 68 190 400 19.52,461 69 1.90,517 19.52,831 69 1.91,858 19.53,200 69 1.93,200 20.55,222 70 1.93,278 20.55,611 70 1.94,639 20.56,000 70 1.968000 21.57,983 71 1.96,039 21.58,392 71 1.97,419 21.58,800 71 1.98:800 22.60,744 72 1.98,800 22.61,172 72 2.00,200 22.61,600 72 2.01.60 23.63,506 73 2.01,561 23.63,953 73 2.02,981 23.64,400 73 2,04 40f0 24.66,267 74 2.04,322 24.66,733 74 2.05,761 24.67,200 74 2.07,00 25.69,028 75 2.07,083 25.69,514 75 2.08,542 25.70,000 75 2.10,000 26.71,789 76 2.09,844 26.72,294 76 2.11,322 26.72,800 76 2.12,800 27.74,550 77 2.12,606 27.75,075 77 2.14,103 27.75,600 77 2.15.60 28.77,311 78 2.15,367 28.77,856 78 2.16,883 28.78,400 78 2.18,400 29.80,072 79 2.18,128 29.80,636 79 2.19,664 29.81,200 79 2.o 212 0| 30.82,833 80 2.20,889 30.83,417 80 2.22.444 30.84,000 80 2.24 000 31.85,594 81 2.23,650 31.86,197 81 2.25 225 31.86.800 81. 2.26,800 32.88,356 82 2.26,411 32.88,978 82 2.28.006 32.89 600 82 2.29,000 33.91,117 83 2.29,172 33.91,758 83 2.30,786 33.92,400 83 2,32,400 34.93,878 84 2.31,933 34.94,539 84 2.33,567 34.95,200 84 20o5, 2Pi)0 35.96,639 85 2.34,694 35.97,319 85 2.36,347 35.98,000 85 2.38,000 36.99,400 86 2.37,456 36 1.00,100 86 2.39,128 36 1.00,800 86 24) 8;80 37 1.02,161 87 2.40,217 37 1.02,881' 87 2.41,908 37 1.03,600 87':2.43(600 38 1.04,922 88 2.42,978 38 1.05,661 88 2.44,689 38 1.06,400 88 2.46,400 39 1.07,683 89 2.45,739 39 1.08,442 89 2.47,469 39 11.09,200 89 2.49 9 30 40 1.10,444 90 2.48,500 40 1.11,222 90 2.50,250 40 1.12,00O 90 2.57"000 41 1.13,206 91 2.51,261 41 1.14,003 91 2.53,031 41 1.14,800 91 2.548001 42 1.15,967 92 2.54,022 42 1.16,783 92 2.55,811 42 1.17,600 92 2.57,600 43 1.18,728 93 2.56,783 43 1.19,564 93 2.58,592 43 1.20,400 93 2.60,400 44 1.21,489 94 2.59,544 44 1.22,344 94 2.61,372 44 1.23,200 94 2.63,2t00 45 1.24,250 95 2.62,306 45 1.25,125 95 2.64,153 45 1.26,000 95 2,66 000I 46 1.27,011 96 2.65,067 46 1.27,906 96 2.66,933 46 1.28 800 96 2.68,800 47 1.29,772 97 2.67,828 47 1.30,686 97 2.69,714 47 11.31,600 97 2.71,600 48 1.32,533 98 2.70,589 48 1.33,467 98 2.72,494 48 1.34,400 98 2.74-400 49 1.35,294 99 2.73,350 49 1.36,247 99 2.75,275 49 1.37,200 99 [ 2.77,2100 50 1.38,056 4Day 50 1.39028 50 1.40,000 04's0 _ ONE YEAR. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Inteiest. 51 3.57,00 61 4.27,00 71 14.97,00 81 1 5.67,00 91 6.37,00 52 3.64,00 1162 4.34,00 72 5.04,00 82 -5.74,00 92 16.44,00 53 3.71,00 63 4.41,00 73 5.11,00 183 15.8'1,00 93 16.51,00 54 3.78,00 164 4.48,00!,4 5.18,00 84 5.88,00 94 16.58,00 55 3.85,00 65 4.55,00 75 5.25,00 85 15.95,00 95 6.65,00 56 3.92,00 66 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 86 6.02,00 96 16.72,00 57 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 77 5.39,00 87 16.09,00 11 971 6.79,00 58 4.06,00 68 4.76,00 781 5.46,00 88 16.16,00 98 16.86,00 59 14.13,00 69 4.83,00 79 5.53,00 89 6.2300 99 6.93,00 60 4.20,00 70 4.90,00 80 5.60,00 9016.30,00 INTEREST A.T SEVEN PER CENT. 4 Months and 25 Days. 4 Months and 26 Days. 4 Months and 27 Days. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. - Prin. Interest. 1.02,819 51 1.43,792 1.02,839 51 1.44,783 1.02,858 51 1145 775 2.05,639 52 1.46,611 2.05,678 52 1.47,622 2.05,717 52 1.48,633 3.08,458 53 1.49,431 3.08,517 53 1.50,461 3.08,575 53 1.51,492 4.11,278 54 1.52,250 4.11,356 54 1.53,300 4.11,433 54 1.54,350 5-.14,097 55 1.55,069 5.14,194 55 1.56,139 5.14,292 55 1.57,208 6;.16,917 56 1.57,889 6.17,033 56 1.58,978 6.17,150 56 1.60,067 7!.19,736 57 1.60,708 7.19,872 57 1.61,817 7.20,008 57 1.62,925 8'.22,556 58 1.63,528 8.22,711 58 1.64,656 8.22,867 58 1.65,783 9.25,375 59 1.66,347 9.25,550 59 1.67,494 9.25,725 59 1.68,642 10.28,194 60 1.69,167 10.28,389 60 1.70,333 10.28,583 60 1.71,500 11.31,014 61 1.71,986 11.31,228 61 1.73,172 11.31,442 61 1.74,358 12.33,833 62 1.74,806 12.34,067 62 1.76,011 12.34,300 62 1.77,217 13.36,653 63 1.77,625 13.36,906 63 1.78,850 13.37,158 63 1.80,075 14.39,472 64 1.80,444 14.39,744 64 1.81,689 14.40,017 64 1.82,933 15.42,292 65 1.83,264 15.42,583 65 1.84,528 15.42,875 65 1.85,792 16.45,111 66 1.86,083 16.45,422 66 1.87,367 16.45,733 66 1.88,650 17.47,931 67 1.88,903 17.48,261 67 1.90,206 17.48,592 67 1.91,508 18.50,750 68 1.91,722 18.51,100 68 1.93,044 18.51,450 68 1.94,367 19.53,569 69 1.94,542 19.53,939 69 1.95,883 19.54,308 69 1.97,225 20.56,389 70 1.97,361 20.56,778 70 1.98,722 20.57,167 70 2.00,083 21.59,208 71 2.00,181 21.599617 71 2.01,561 21.60,025 71 2.02,942 22.62,028 72 2.03,000 22.62,456 72 2.04,400 22.62,883 72 2.05,800 23.64,847 73 2.05,819 23.65,294 73 2.07,239 23.65,742 73 2.08,658 24.67,667 74 2.08,639 24.68,133 74 2.10,078 24.68,600 74 2.11,517 25.70,486 75 2.11,458 25.70,972 75 2.12,917 25.71,458 75 2.14,375 26.73,306 76 2.14,278 26.73,811 76 2.15,756 26.74,317 76 2.17,233 27.76,125 77 2.17,097 27.76,650 77 2.18,594 27.77,175 77 2.20,092 28.78,944 78 2.19,917 28.79,489 78 2.21,433 28.80,033 78 2.22,950 29.81,764 79 2.22,736 29.82,328 79 2.24,272 29.82,892 79 2.25,808 30.84,583 80 2.25,556 30.85,167 80 2.27,111 30.85,750 80 2.28,667 31.87,403 81 2.28,375 31.88,006 81 2.29,950 31.88,608 81 2.31,525 32.90,222 82 2.31,194 32.90,844 82 2.32,789 32.91,467 82 2.34,383 33.93,042 83 2.34,014 33.93,683 83 2.35,628 33.94,325 83 2.37,242 34.95,861 84 2.36,833 34.96,522 84 2.38,467 34.97,183 84 2.40,100 35.98,681 85 2.39,653 35.991361 85 2.41,306 35 1.00,042 85 2.42,958 36 1.01,500 86 2.42,472 36 1.02,200 86 2.44,144 36 1.02,900 86 2.45,817 37 1.04,319 87 2.45,292 3711.05,039 87 2.46,983 37 1.05,758 87 2.48,675 38 1.07,139 88 2.48,111 38 1.07,878 88 2.49,822 38 1.08,617 88 2.51,533 39 1.09,958 89 2.50,931 39 1.10,717 89 2.52,661 39 1.11,475 89 2.54,392 40 1.12,778 90 2.53,750 40 1.13,556 90 2.55,500 40 1.14,333 90 2.57,250 41 1.15,597 91 2.56,569 4111.16,394 91 2.58,339 41 1.17,192 91 2.60,108 42 1.18,417 92 2.59,389 42 1.19,233 92 2.61,178 42 1.20,050 92 2.62,967 43 1.21,236 93 2.62,208 4311.22,072 93 2.64,017 43 1.22,908 93 2.65,825 44 1.24,056 94 2.65,028 44 1.24,911 94 2.66,856 44 1.25,767 94 2.68,683 45 1.26,875 95 2.67,847 45 1.27,750 950 2.69,694 45 1.28,625 95 2.71,542 46 1.29,694 96 2.70,667 4611.30,589 96 2.72,533 46 1.31,483 96 2.74,400 47 1.32,514 97 2.73,486 47 1.33,428 97 2.75,372 47 1.34,342 97 2.77,258 48 1.35,333 98 2.76,306 4811.36,267 98 2.78,211 48 1.37,200 98 2.80,117 49 1.38,153 99 2.79,125 49 1.39,106 99 2.81,050 49 1.40,058 99 2.82,975 50 1.40,972 l45Days. 50 1.41,944 l46Days 50 1.42,917 |4 7Days _''....'....ONE YEAR. Prin. Interest. IlPrin.l Interest. ]]Prin.l Interest. I]Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. I1.07,00 11.77,00 1121 1.47,00 31 12.17,00 41 12.87,00 21.14,00 1112.84,00 11 22 1.54,00 32 2.24,00 42 2.94,00 3.21,00 13.91,00 23 1.61,00 33 2.31,00 43 3.01,00 41.28,00 14.98,00 24 1.68,00 34 2.38,00 44 3.08,00 5.35,00 1 15 1.05,00 1t25 1.75,00 35 12.45,00 45 3.15,00 61.42,00 16 1.12,00 26 1.82,00 36 2.52,00 46 3.22,00 7.49,00 17 1.19,00 27 1.89,00 37 2.59,00 47 3.29,00 81.56,00 18 1.2600 128 1.96,00 38 12.66,00 11 481 3.36,00 9 1.63,00 19 1.33,00 112912.03,00 I 39 12.73,00 1149 3.43,00 62] I110.70,00 20 1:.40,00 ] 30 2.10,00 4012.80,00 HJ501 3.50,00 INTEREST AT SE:VEN PER CENT. 14 onths and 28 Days. 4 mIonths and 29 Days. 5 MONTHS. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. -Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.02,878 51 1.46,767 1.02,897 51 1.47,758 1.02,917 51 1.48,750 2.05,756 52 1.49,644 2.05,794 52 1.50,656 2.05,833 52 1.51,667 3.08,633 53 1.52,522 3.08,692 53 1.53,553 3.08,750 53 1.54,583 4.11,511 54 1.55,400 4.11,589 54 1.56,450 4.11,667 54 1.57,500 5.14,389 55 1.58,278 5.14,486 55 1.59,347 5.14,583 55 1.60,417 6.17,267 56 1.61,156 6.17,383 56 1.62,244 6.17,500 56 1.63,333 7.20,144 57 1.64,033 7.20,281 57 1.65,142 7.20,417 57 1.66,250 8.23,022 58 1.66,911 8.23,178 58 1.68,039 8.23,333 58 1.69,167 9.25,900 59 1.69,789 9.26,075 59 1.70,936 9.26,250 59 1.72,083 10.28,778 60 1.72,667 10.28,972 60 1.73,833 10.29,167 60 1.75,000 11.31,656 61 1.75,544 11.31,869 61 1.76,731 11.32,083 61 1.77,917 12.34,533 62 1.78,422 12.34,767 62 1.79,628 12.35,000 62 1.80,833 13.37,411 63 1.81,300 13.37,664 63 1.82,525 13.37,917 63 1.83,750 14.40,289 64 1.84,178 14.40,561 64 1.85,422 14.40,833 64 1 86,667 15.43,167 65 1.87,056 15.43,458 65 1.88,319 15.43,750 65 1.89,583 16.46,044 66 1.89,933 16.46,356 66 1.91,217 16.46,667 66 1.92,500 17.48,922 67 1.92,811 17.49,253 67 1.94,114 17.49,583 67 1.95,417 18.51,800 68 1.95,689 18.52,150 68 1.97,011 18.52,500 68 1.98,333 19.54,678 69 1.98,567 19.55,047 69 1.99,908 19.55,417 69 2.01,250 20.57,556 70 2.01,444 20.57,944 70 2.02,806 20.58,333 70 2.04,167 21.60,433 71 2.04,322 21.60,842 71 2.05,703 21.61,250 71 2.07,083 22.63,311 72 2.07,200 22.63,739 72 2.08,600 22.64,167 72 2.10,000 23.66,189 73 2.10,078 23.66,636 73 2.11,497 23.67,083 73 2.12,917 24.69,067 74 2.12,956 24.69,533 74 2.14,394 24.70,000 74 2.15,833 25.71,944 75 2.'15,833 25.72,431 75 2.17,292 25.72,917 75 2.18,750 26.74,822 76 2.18,711 26.75,328 76 2.20,189 26.75,833 76 2.21,667 27.77,700 77 2.21,589 27.78,225 77 2.23,086 27.78,750 77 2.24,583 28.80,578 78 2.24,467 28.81,122 78 2.25,983 28.81,667 78 2.27,500 29.83,456 79 2.27,344 29.84,019 79 2.28,881 29.84,583 79 2.30,417 30.86,333 80 2.30,222 30.86,917 80 2.31,778 30.87,500 80 2.33,333 31.89,211 181 2.33,100 31.89,814 81 2.34,675 31.90,417 81 2.36,250 32.92,089 82 2.35,978 32.92,711 82 2.37,572 32.93,333 82 2.39,167 33.94,967 83 2.38,856 33.95,608 83 2.40,469 33.96,250 83 2.42,083 34.97,844 84 2.41,733 34.98,506 84 2.43,367 34.99,167 84 2.45,000 35 1.00,722 85 2.44,611 35 1.01,403 85 2.46,264 35 1.02,083 85 2.47,917 36 1.03,600 86 2.47,489 36 1.04,300 86 2.49,161 36 1.05,000 86 12.50,833 37 1.06,478 87 2.50,367 37 1.07,197 87 2.52,058 37 1.07,917 87 2.53,750 38 1.09,356 88 2.53,244 38 1.10,094 88 2.54,956 38 1.10,833 88 2.56,667 39 1.12,233 89 2.56,122 39 1.12,992 89 2.57,853 39 1.13,750 89 2.59,583 40 1.15,111 90 2.59,000 40 1.15,889 90 2.60,750 40 1.16,667 90 2.62,500 41 1.17,989 91 2.61,878 41 1.18,786 91 2.63,647 41 1.19,583 91 2.65,417 42 1.20,867 92 2.64,756 42 1.21,683 92 2.66,544 42 1.22,500 92 2.68,333 43 1.23,744 93 2,67,633 43 1.24,581 93 2.69,442 43 1.25,417 93 2.71,250 44 1.26,622 94 2.70,511 44 1.27,478 94 2.72,339 44 1.28,333 94 2.74,167 45 1.29,500 95 2.73,389 45 1.30,375 95 2.75,236 4511.31,250 95 2.77,083 46 1.32,378 96 2.76,267 46 1.33,272 96 2.78,133 46 1.34,167 96 2.80,000 47 1.35,256 97 2.79,144 47 1.36,169 97 2.81,031 4711.37,083 97 2.82,917 4S 1.38,133 198 2.82,022 48 1.39,067 98 2.83,928 4811.40,000 98 2.85,833 49 1.41,011 99 2.84.900 49 1.41,964 99 2.86,825 4911.42,917 99 2.88,750 50 1.43,889 11 4 8 Days. 50 1.44,861 1l49 Days. 50 1.45,833 L5 Days. O N E YEAR. Prin. Interest. lPrin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 13.57,00 61 14.27,00 71 14.97,00 81 5.67,00 91 16.37,00 52 13.64,00 62 4.34,00 72 5.04,00 82 5.74,00 92 6.44,00 531 3.71,00 1163 14.41,00 73 5.11,00 83 5.81,00 93 6.51,00 54 3.78,00 64 4.48,00 74 5.18,00 84 5.88,00 94 6.58,00 55 13.85,00 65 4.55,00 75 15.25,00 85 15.95,00 95 6.65,00 56 3.92,00 66 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 86 6'.02,00 96 1672,00 57J 399,00 67 4.69,00 77 5.39,00 87 6.09,00 97 6.79,00 58 4.06,00 1168 4.76,00 1178 5.46,00 88 6.16,00 98 6.86,00 59 4.13,00 69 614.83,00 79 715.53,00 189 16.23,00 99 6.93,00 60 4.20,00 1170 4.90,00 /80 5.60,00 90 6.30,00 _ _ __ [63 I N T E R E ST AT E N P E R C E NT. 5 Months and 1 Day. 5 Months and 2 Days. 5 Months and 3 Days. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.02,936 51 1.49,742 1.02,956 51 1.50,733 1.02,975 51 1.51,725 2.05,872 52 1.52,678 2.05,911 52 1.53,689 2.05,950 52 1.54,700 3.08,808 53 1.55,614 3.08,867 53 1.56,644 3.08,925 53 1.57,675 4.11,744 54 1.58,550 4.11,822 54 1.59,600 4.11,900 54 1.60,650 5.14,681 55 1.61,486 5.14,778 55 1.62,556 5.14,875 55 1.63,625 6.17,617 56 1.64,422 6.17,733 56 1.65,511 6.17,850 56 1.66,600 7.20,553 57 1.67,358 7.20,689 57 1.68,467 7.20,825 57 1.69,575 8.23,489 58 1.70,294 8.23,644 58 1.71,422 8 23,800 58 1.72,550 9.26,425 59 1.73,231 9.26,600 59 1.74,378 9.26,775 59 1.75,525 10.29,361 60 1.76,167 10.29.556 60 1.77,333 10.29,750 60 1.78,500 11.32,297 61 1.79,103 11.32,511 61 1.80,289 11.32,725 61 1.81,475 12.35,233 62 1.82,039 12.35,467 62 1.83,244 12.35,700 62 1.84,450 13.38,169 63 1.84,975 13.38,422 63 1.86,200 13.38,675 63 1.87,425 14.41,106 64 1.87,911 14.41,378 64 1.89,156 14.41,650 64 1.90,400 15.44,042 65 1.90,847 15.44,333 65 1.92,111 15.44,625 65 1.93,375 16.465978 66 1.93,783 16.47,289 66 1.95,067 16.47,600 66 1.96,350 17.49,914 67 1.96,719 17.50,244 67 1.98,022 17.50,575 67 1.99,325 18.52,850 68 1.99,656 18.53,200 68 2.00,978 18.53,550 68 2.02,300 19.55,786 69 2.02,592 19.56,156 69 2.03,933 19.56,525 69 2.05,275 20.58,722 70 2.05,528 20.59,111 70 2.06,889 20.59,500 70 2.08,250 21.61,658 71 2.08,464 21.62,067 71 2.09,844 21.62,475 71 2.11,225 22.64,594 72 2.11,400 22.65,022 72 2.12,800 22.659450 72 2 14 200 23.67,531 73 2.14,336 23.67,978 73 2.15,756 23.68,425 73 2.17,175 124.70,467 74 2.17,272 24.70,933 74 2.18,711 24.71,400 74 2.20,150 t25.73,403 75 2.20,208 25.73,889 75 2.21,667 25.74,375 75 2.23,125 126.76,339 76 2.23,144 26.76,844 76 2.24,622 26.77,350 76 2.26,100 i27.79,275 77 2.26,081 27.79,800 77 2.27,578 27.80,325 77 2.29,075 28.82,211 78 2.29,017 28.82,756 78 2.30,533 28.83,300 78 2.32,050 j29.85,147 79 2.31,953 29.85,711 79 2.33,489 29.86,275 79 2.35,025 30.88,083 80 2.34,889 30.88,667 80 2.36,444 30.89,250 80 2.38,000 131.91,019 81 2.37,825 31.91,622 81 2.39,400 31.92,225 81 2.40,975 j32.93,956 82 2.40,761 32.94,578 82 2.42,356 32.95,200 82 2.43,950 33 96 892 83 2.43,697 33.97,533 83 2.45,311 33.98,175 83 2.46,925 34.99,828 84 2.46,633 34 1.00,489 84 2.48,267 34 1.01,150 84 2.49,900 35 1.02,764 85 2.49,569 35 1.03,444 85 2.51,222 35 1.04,125 85 2.52,875 36 1.05,700 86 2.52,506 36 1.06,400 86 2.54,178 36 1.07,100 86 2.55,850 37 1.08,636 87 2.55,442 37 1.09,356 87 2.57,133 37 1.10,075 87 2.58,825 38 1.11,572 88 2.58,378 38 1.12,311 88 2.60,089 38 1.13,050 88 2.61,800 39 1.14,508 89 2.61,314 39 1.15,267 89 2.63,044 39 1.16,025 89 2.64,775 40 1.17,444 90 2.64,250 40 1.18,222 90 2.66,000 40 1.19,000 90 2.67,750 41 1.20,381 91 2.67,186 41 1.21,178 91 2.68,956 41 1.21,975 91 2.70,725 42 1.23,317 92 2.70,122 42 1.24,133 92 2.71,911 42 1.24,950 92 2.73,700 43 1.26,253 93 2.73,058 43 1.27,089 93 2.74,867 43 1.27,925 93 2.76,675 44 1.29,189 94 2.75,994 44 1.30,044 94 2.77,822 44 1.30,900 94 2.79,650 45 1.32,125 95 2.78,931 45 1.33,000 95 2.80,778 45 11.33,875 95 2.82,625 46 1.35,061 96 2.81,867 46 1.35,956 96 2.83,733 46 1.36,850 96 2.85,600 47 1.37,997 97 2.84,803 47 1.38,911 97 2.86,689 47 1.39,825 97 2.88,575 4811.40,933 98 2.87,739 48 1.41,867 98 2.89,644 48 1.42,800 98 2.91,550 49 1.43,869 99 2.90,675 49 1.44,822 99 2.92,600 49 1.45,775 99 2.94,525 50 1.46,806 IlS1ays 50 1.47,778 l52D ays. 50 1.48,750 1[.53Days. ONE E, YEA AIR. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Pin. Inteest. Pi. Interest. 1.07,00 111.77,00 21 1.47,00 31 2.17,00 41 2.87,00 2.14,00 12.84,00 22 1.54,00 32 2.24,00 42 2.94,00 3.21,00 13.91,00 23 1.61,00 33 2.31,00 43 3.01,00 4.28,00 14.98,00 24 1 1.68,00 34 2.38,00 44 3.08,00 5.35,00 15 1.05,00 25 1.75,00 35 2.45,00 45 3.15,00 6.42900 16 1.12,00 26 1.82,00 36 2.52,00 46 3.22,00 7.49,00 17 1.19,00 27 1.89,00 37 2.59,00 47 3.29,00 8.56;00 18 1.26,00 28 1.96,00 38 2.66,00 48 3.36,00 9.63,00 19 1.33,00 29 2.03,00 39 2.73,00 49 3.43,00 64] 10.70,00 20 1.40,00 30 2.10,00 40 2.80,00 50 3.50,00 -. -. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 5 Months and 4 Days. 5 Months and 5 Days. 5 Months and 6 Days. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.02,994 51 1.52,717 1.03,014 51 1.53,708 1.03,033 51 1.54,700 2.05,989 52 1.55,711 2.06,028 52 1.56,722 2.06,067 52 1.57,733 3.08,983 53 1.58,706 3.09,042 53 1.59,736 3.09,100 53 1.60,767 4.11,978 54 1.61,700 4.12,056 54 1.62,750 4.12,133 54 1.63,800 5.14,972 55 1.64,694 5.15,069 55 1.65,764 5.15,167 55 1.66,833 6.17,967 56 1.67,689 6.18,083 56 1.68,778 6.18,200 56 1.69,867 7.20,961 57 1.70,683 7.21,097 57 1.71,792 7.21,233 57 1.72,900 8.23,956 58 1.73,678 8.24,111 58 1.74,806 8.24,267 58 1.75,933 9.26,950 59 1.76,672 9.27,125 59 1.77,819 9.27,300 59 1.78,967 10.29,944 60 1.79,667 10.30,139 60 1.80,833 10.30,333 60 1.82,000 11.32,939 61 1.82,661 11.33,153 61 1.83.847 11.33,367 61 1.85,033 12.35,933 62 1.85,656 12.36,167 62 1.86,861 12.36,400 62 1.88,067 13.38,928 63 1.88,650 13.39,181 63 1.89,875 13.39,433 63 1.91,100 14.41,922 64 1.91,644 14.42,194 64 1.92,889 14.42,467 64 1.94,133 15.44,917 65 1.94,639 15.45,208 65 1.95,903 15.45,500 65 1.97,167 16.47,911 66 1.97,633 16.48,222 66 1.98,917 16.48,533 66 2.00,200 17.50,906 67 2.00,628 17.51,236 67 2.01,931 17.51,567 67 2.03,233 18.53,900 68 2.03,622 18.54,250 68 2.04,944 18.54,600 68 2.06,267 19.56,894 69 2.06,617 19.57,264 69 2.07,958 19.57,633 69 2.09,300 20.59,889 70 2.09,611 20.60,278 70 2.10,972 20.60,667 70 2.12,333 21.62,883 71 2.12,606 21.63,292 71 2.13,986 21.63,700 71 2.15,367 22.65,878 72 2.15,600 22.66,306 72 2.17,000 22.66,733 72 2.18,400 23.68,872 73 2.18,594 23.69,319 73 2.20,014 23.69,767 73 2.21,433 24.71,867 74 2.21,589 24.72,333 74 2.23,028 24.72,800 74 2.24,467 25.74,861 75 2.24,583 25.75,347 75 2.26,042 25.75,833 75 2.27,500 26.77,856 76 2.27,578 26.78,361 76 2.29,056 26.78,867 76 2.30,533 27.80,850 77 2.30,572 27.81,375 77 2.32,069 27.81,900 77 2.33,567 28.83,844 78 2.33,567 28.84,389 78 2.35,083 28.84,933 78 2.36,600 29.86,839 79 2.36,561 29.87,403 79 2.38,097 29.87,967 79 2.39,633 30.89,833 80 2.39,556 30.90,417 80 2.41,111 30.91,000 80 2.42,667 31.92,828 81 2.42,550 31.93,431 81 2.44,125 31.94,033 81 2.45,700 32.95,822 82 2.45,544 32.96,444 82 2.47,139 32.97,067 82 2.48,733 33.98,817 83 2.48,539 33.99,458 83 2.50,153 33 1.00,100 83 2.51,767 34 1.01,811 84 2.51,533 34 1.02,472 84 2.53,167 34 1.03,133 84 2.54,800 35 1.04,806 85 2.54,528 35 1.05,486 85 2.56,181 35 1.06,167 85 2.57,833 36 1.07,800 86 2.57,522 36 1.08,500 86 2.59,194 36 1.09,200 86 2.60,867 37 1.10,794 87 2.60,517 37 1.11,514 87 2.62,208 37 1.12,233 87 2.63,900 38 1.13,789 88 2.63,511 38 1.14,528 88 2.65,222 38 1.15,267 88 2.66,933 39 1.16,783 89 2.66,506 39 1.17,542 89 2.68,236 39 1.18,300 89 2.69,967 40 1.19,778 90 2.69,500 40 1.20,556 90 2.71,250 40 1.21,333 90 2.73,000 41 1.22,772 91 2.72,494 41 1.23,569 91 2.74,264 41 1.24,367 91 2.76,033 42 1.25,767 92 2.75,489 42 1.26,583 92 2.77,278 42 1.27,400 92 2.79,067 43 1.28,761 93 2.78,483 43 1.29,597 93 2.80,292 43 1.30,433 93 2.82,100 44 1.31,756 94 2.81,478 44 1.32,611 94 2.83,306 44 1.33,467 94 2.85,133 45 1.34,750 95 2.84,472 45 1.35,625 95 2.86,319 45 1.36,500 95 2.88,167 46 1.37,744 96 2.87,467 46 1.38,639 96 2.89,333 46 1.39,533 96 2.91,200 47 1.40,739 97 2.90,461 47 1.41,653 97 2.92,347 47 1.42,567 97 2.94,233 48 1.43,733 98 2.93,456 48 1.44,667 98 2.95,361 48 1.45,600 98 2.97,267 49 1.46,728 99 2.96,450 49 1.47,681 99 2.98,375 49 1.48,633 99 3.00,300 50 1.49,722 m151Days. 50 1.50,694 155Days. 50 1.51,667 156D ay., 4._.,..Iy__ ONE YEAR. Prin. Interest. Prin.l Ilterest. Prin. Interest. Pril. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 3.57,00 61 4.27,00 71 4.97,00 81 5.67,00 91 6.37,00 52 3.64,00 62 4.34,00 72 5.04,00 82 5.74,00 92 6.44,00 53 3.71,00 63 4.41,00 73 5.11,00 83 5.81,00 93 6.51,00 54 3.78,00 64 4.48,00 74 5.18,00 84 5.88,00 94 6.58,00 55 3.85,00 65 4.55,00 75 5.25,00 85 5.95,00 95 6.65,00 56 3.92,00 66 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 86 6.02.00 96 6.72,00 57 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 77 5.39,00 87 6.09,00 97 6.79,00 58 4.06,00 68 4.76,00 78 5.46,00 88 6.16,00 98 6.86,00 59 4.13,00 69 4.83,00 79 15.53,00 89 6.23,00 99 6.93,00 60 4.20,00 70 4.90,00 80 5.60,00 90 6.30,00 II I III i I I'' r 6E INT E R EST AT S EVEN PER CENT. 5 Months and 7 Days. 5 Months and 8 Days. 5 Months and 9 Days. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin, Intelest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest 1.03,053 51 1.55,692 1.03,072 51 1.56,683 1.03,092 51 1.57,675 2.06,106 52 1.58,744 2.06,144 52 1.59,756 2.06,183 52 1.60,767 3.09,158 53 1.61,797 3.09,217 53 1.62,828 3.09,275 53 1.63,858 4.12,2'1 54 1.64,850 4.12,289 54 1.65,900 4.12,367 54 1.66,950 5.15,264 55 1.67,903 5.15,361 55 1.68,972 5.15,458 55 1.70,042 6.18,317 56 1.70,956 6.18,433 56 1.72,044 6.18,550 56 1.73,133 7.21,369 57 1.74,008 7.21,506 57 1.75,117 7.21,642 57 1.76,225 8.24,422 58 1.77,061 8.24,578 58 1.78,189 8.24,733 58 1.79,317 9.27,475 59 1.80,114 9.27,650 59 1.81,261 9.27,825 59 1.82,408 10.30,528 60 1.83,167 10.30,722 60 1.84,333 10.30,917 60 1.85,500 11.33,581 61 1.86,219 11.33,794 61 1.87,406 11.34,008 61 1.88,592 12.36,633 62 1.89,272 12.36;867 62 1.90,478 12.37,100 62 1.91,683 13.39,686 63 1.92,325 13.39,939 63 1.93,550 13.40,192 63 1.94,775 14.42,739 64 1.95,378 14.43,011 64 1.96,622 14.43,283 64 1.97,867 15.45,792 65 1.98,431 15.46,083 65 1.99,694 15.46,375 65 2.00,958 16.48,844 66 2.01,483 16.49,156 66 2.02,767 16.49,467 66 2.04,050 17.51,897 67 2.04,536 17.52,228 67 2.05,839 17.52,558 67 2.07,142 18.54,950 68 2.07,589 18.55,300 68 2.08,911 18.55,650 68 2.10,233 19.58,003 69 2.10,642 19.58)372 69 2.11,983 19.58,742 69 2.13,325 20.61,056 70 2.13,694 20.61,444 70 2.15,056 20.61,833 70 2.16,417 21.64,108 71 2.16,747 21.64,517 71 2.18,128 21.64,925 71 2.19,508 22.67,161 72 2.19,800 22.67,589 72 2.21,200 22.68,017 72 2.22,600 23.70,214 73 2.22,853 23.70,661 73 2.24,272 23.71,108 73 2.25,692 24.73,267 74 2.25,906 24.73,733 74 2.27,344 24.74,200 74 2.28,783 25.76,319 75 2.28,958 25.76,806 75 2.30,417 25.77,292 75 2.31,875 26.79,372 76 2.32,011 26.79,878 76 2.33,489 26.80,383 76 2.34,967 27.82,425 77 2.35,064 27.82)950 77 2.36,561 27.83,475 77 2.38,058 28.85,478 78 2.38,117 28.86,022 78 2.39,633 28.86,567 78 2.419150 29.88,531 79 2.41,169 29.89,094 79 2.42,706 29.89,658 79 2.44,242 30.91,583 80 2.44,222 30.92,167 80 2.45,778 30.92,750 80 2.47,333 31.94,636 81 2.47,275 31.95,239 81 2.48,850 31.95,842 81 2.50,425 32.97,689 82 2.50,328 32.98,311 82 2.51,922 32.98,933 82 2.53,517 133 1.00,742 83 2.53,381 33 1.01,383 83 2.54,994 33 1.02,025 83 2.56,608 34 1.03,794 84 2.56,433 34 1.04,456 84 2.58,067 34 1.05,117 84 2.59,700 35 1.06,847 85 2.59,486 35 1.07,528 85 2.61,139 35 1.0S,208 85 2.62,792 136 1.09,900 86 2.62,539 36 1.10,600 86 2.64,211 36 1.11,300 86 2.65,883 37 1.12,953 87 2.65,592 37 1.13,672 87 2.67,283 37 1.14,392 87 2.68,975 38 1.16,006 88 12.68,644 38 1.16,744 88 2.70,356 38 1.17,483 88 2.72,067 39 1.19,058 89 12.71,697 39 1.19,817 189 2.73,428 39 1.20,575 89 2.75,158 40 1.22,111 90 2.74,750 40 1.22,889 /90 2.76,500 40 1.23,667 90 2.78,250 41 1.25,164 91 2.77,803 41 1.25,961 91 2.79,572 41 1.26,758 91 2.81,342 42 1.28,217 92 2.80,856 42 1.29,033 92 2.82,644 42 1.29,850 92 2.84,433 43 1.31,269 93 12.83,908 43 1.32,106 93 2.85,717 43 1.32,942 93 2.87,525 44 1.34,322 941 2.86,961 44 1.35,178 94 2.88,789 44 1.36,033 94 2.90,617 45 1.37,375 95 2.90,014 45 1.38,250 95 2.91,861 45 1.39,125 95 2.93,708 46 1.40,428 96 2.93,067 46 1.41,322 96 2.94,933 46 1.42,217 96 2.96,800 47 1.43,481 97 2.96,119 47 1.44,394 97 2.98,006 47 1.45,308 97 2.99,892 48 1.46,533 98 2.99,172 48 1.47,467 98 3.01,078 48 1.48,400 98 3.02,983 49 1.49,586 1199 3.02,225 49 1.50,539 j99 3.04,150 49 1.51,492 99 3.06,075 50 1.52,639 157Days. 50 1.53,611 5i585ays.4,583 I~~~~~ 7.as...~~.15Dy __I~6 O NE YEAR. Prin. Interest. IPrin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. IPrin. Interest. 1.07,00 11.77,00 121 1.47,00 31 2.17,00 41 2.87,00 2.14,00 12.84,00 22 1.54,00 32 2.24,00 42 2.94,00 3 1.21,00 113.91,00 23 1.61,00 33 2.31,00 43 3.01,00 4 1.28,00 14.98,00 24 1 1.68,00 34 2.38,00 44 1 3.08,00 5.35,00 15 1.05,00 25 1.75,00 35 2.45,00 45 3.15,00 6.42,00 16 1.12,00 126 1.82,00 36 2.52,00 46 3.22,00 7.49,00 17 1 1.19,00 27 1.89,00 37 1 2.59,00 47 3.29,00 8.56,00 18 1.26,00 28 1.96,00 38 2.66,00 48 3.36,00 9.63,00 19 1.33,00 29 2.03,00 39 2.73,00 49 3.43,00 166] |1 10 1.70,00 20 1.40,00 )) 30 2.10,00 1140 2.80,00 Ij 50 1 3.50,00.!. ~. ~ ~ I. __-_ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ INTEREST AT SIEVEN PER CENT. 5 IMonths and 10 Days.. 5 Months and 11 Days. 5 Months and 12 Days. Prin. Interest. Prin.. Interest. Prin.'Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prln. Interest. 1.03,111 51 1.58,667 1.03,131 51 1.59,658 1.03,150 51, 1.60,650 2.06,222 52! 1.61,778 2.06,261 52; 1.62,789 2,.06,300 52 1.63,800 3.09,333 53 1.64,889 3.09,392 53 1.:65,919 3'.09,450 53: 1.66,950 4.12,444 54 1.68,000 4i.12,522 54 1.69,050 4.12,600 54 1.70,100 5.15,556 i55 1.71,111 5.i5,653 55 1.72,181 5.15,750 557 1.73,250 6.1,667 56 1.74,222 6.18,783 56 1.75,311 6.18,90( 56i! 1.76,400 7.21,778 57 1.77,333 7.21,914 57 1.78,442 7.22,050 57 1.79,550 8.24,8;89 58 1.80,444 8'.25,044 58' 1.81,572 8.25,200 58 1.82,700 9.28,000 59 1.83,556 9.28,175 59 1.84,703 9.28,350 59 1.85,850 10.31,111 60 1.86,667 10.31,306 60 1.87,833 10.31,500 60 1.89,000 11.34,222 61 1.89,778 11.34,436 61 1.90,964 11.34,650 61 1.92,150 12.37,3:33 62 1.92,889 12.37,567 62.1 1.94,094 12.37;800 62 1.9N5,300 13.40,444 63 1.96,000 13.40,6097 63- 1.97,225 13.40,950 63 1.9S,450 14.43,556 64 1.99,111 14.43,828 64' 2.00,356 14.44,100 64 2.01,6001 15.46,7 65 2.02,222 15.46,958 1 65 2.03,486 15.47,250 65 2.04,750 16.49,778 66 2.05,333 16.50,089 66 2.06,617 16.50,400 66 12.07,900 17.52,889 67' 2.08,444 17.53,219 67 2.09,747 17.53,550 67 2.11,050 18.56,000 68 2.11,556 18S.56,350 68 2.12,878 18.56,700 68 2.14,200 19.599111 - 69 2.14,667 19.59,481 69 2.16,008 19.59,850 69 2.17,350 20.62,222 70 2.17,778 20.62,611 70 2.19,139 20.63,000 70 2.20,500 21.65,333 71 2.20,889 21.65,742 71 2.22,269 21.66,150 71 2.23,650 22.68,444 72 2.24,000 22.68,8`72 72 2.25,400 22.69,300 72 2.26,800 23.71,556!73 2.27,111 23.72,003 73 2.28,531 23,.72,450 73 2.29,950 24.74,667 74 2.30,222 24.75,133 74 2.31,661 24,.75,600 74 2.33,100 25.77,778 75 2.33,333 25.78,264 75 2.34,792 25.78,750 75 2.36,250 26.80,889 76 2.369444 26.81,394 76 2.37,922 26..81,900 76 2.39,400 27.84,000 77 2.39,556 27.84,525 77 2.41,053 27,1.85,050 77 2.42,550 28.87,111 78'1 2.42,667 28.87,656 78 2.44,183 28'.88,200 78 2.45,700 29.90,222 79 2.45,778 29.909786 79 2.47,314 29.91,350 79 2.48,850 30.93,333 80 2.48,889 30.93,917 80. 2.50,444 30.94,500 80, 2.52,000 31.96,444 81 2.52,000 31.97,047 81 2.53,575 31.97,650 81 2.55,150 32.99,556 82 2.55,111 32 1.00,178 82 2.56,706 32 1.00,800 82 2.58,300 33 1.02,667:83 2.58,222 33 1.03,308 83 2.59,836 3311.03,950 83 2.61,450 34 1.05,778 84 2.61,333 34 1.06,439 84 2.62,967 34 1.07,100 84 2.64,600 35 1.08,889 i 85 2.64,444 35 1.09,569 85 2.66,097 35 1.10,2'50 85 2.67,750 36 1.12,000 86 2.67,556 36 1.12,700 86 2.69,228 36 1.13,400 86. 2.70,900 37 1.15,111 87 2.70,667 37 1.15,831 87 2.72,358 37 1.16,550 j 87 2.74,050 38 1.18,222 88 2.73,778 38 1.18,961 88 2.75,489 38 1.19,700 88 2.77,200 39 1.21,333 89 2.76,889 39 1.22,092 89 2.18,619 39 1.22,850 89 2.80,350 40 1.24,444 90 2.80,000 40 1.25,222 90 2.81,750 40 1.26,000 90: 2.83,500 41 1.27,556 91 2.83,111 41 1.28,353 91; 2.84,881 41 1.29,150 91 2.86,650 42 1.30,667 92 2.86,222 42 1.31)483 92 2.88,011 42 1.32,300 92 2.89,800 43 1.33,778 93 2.899333 43 1.34,614 93'2.91,142 43 1.35,450 93 - 2.92,950 44 1.36,889 94 2.92,444 44 1-37,744 94 2.94,272 44 1.38,600 94 2.96,100 45 1.40,000 95 2.95,556 45 1.40,875 95 2.97,403 45 1.41,150 95 2.99,250 46 1.43,111 96 2.98,667 46 1.44,006 96 3.00,533 46 1.44,900 96 3.02,400 47 1.46,222 97 3.01,778 47 1.47,136 97 3.03,664 47 1.48,050 97 3.05,550 48 1.49,333 98 3.04,889 48 1.50,267 98 3.06,794 48 1.51,200 98 3.08,700 49 1.52,444 99 3.08,000 49 1.53,397 99 3.09,925 49 1.54,350 99 3.11,850 50 1.55,556 136Days 650 1.56,528 16lDays. 50 1.57,500 162Days O N()1 E Y IE A R. —' lPrin. Interest. Prin. Interest_. Prin. Int-eres-t. Prn. Interest. lPrin. Interest. 51 13.57,00 I61: 4.27,00 71 4.97,00 81 5.67,00 I91 6.37,00 52 ]3.64,00 I162t 4.34,00;72 5.04,00 I82 5.74,00 I92 6.44,00 53 3.71,00 63 4.41,00 73 5.11,00 ]83 5.81,00 1193 6.51,00 54l 3.78,00 1164 4.48,00 74 5.18,00 184 5.88,00 94 16.58,00 55 3.85,00 165 4.55,00 75 5.25,00 185 5.95,00 /95 6.65,00 56 3.92,00 [ 66 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 86 6.02,00 96 6.72,00 57 3.99,00 ]67 4.69,00 i 77 5.39,00 l87 6.09,00 {97 6.79,00 58 14.06,00 l68 4.76,00 I78 5.46,00 /88 6.16,00 1198 6.86,00 59 14.13,00 169 4.83,00 179 / 5.53,00 189 / 6.23,00 199 ] 6.93,00 {I 60 I 4.20,00 11701 4.90,00 [[80t 5.60,00 [[ 90 16.30,00 tt [ 11 [67 INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT.' 5 months and 13 Days. 5 months and 14 Days. 5 MIonths and 15 Days. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Priim. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.03,169 51 1.61,642 1.03,189 51 1.62,633 1.03,208 51 1.63,625 2.06,339 52 1.64,811 2.06,378 52 1.65,822 2.06,417 52 1.66,833 3.09,508 53 1.67,981 3.09,567 53 1.69,011 3.09,625.53 1.70,042 4.12,678 54 1.71,150 4.12,756 54 1.72,200 4.12,833 54 1.73,250 5.15,847 I 55 1.74,319 5.15,944 55 1.75,389 5.16,042 55 1.76,458 6.19,017 56 1.77,489 6.19,133 56 1.78,578 6.19,250 56 1.79,667 7.22,186 57 1.80,658 7.22,322 57 1.81,767 7.22,458 57 1.82,875 8.25,356 58 1.83,828 8.25,511;58 1.84,956 8.25,667 58 1.86,083 9.28,525 59 1.86,997 9.28,700 59 1.88,144 9.28,875 59 1.89,292 10.31,694 60 1.90,167 10.31,889 60 1.91,333 10.32,083 60 1.92,500 11.34,864 61 1.93,336 11.35,078 61 1.94,522 11.35,292 61 1.95,708 12.38,033 62 1.96,506 12.38,267 62 1.97,711 12.38,500 62 1.98,917 13.41,203 63 1.99,675 13.41,456 63 2.00,900 13.41,708 63 2.02,125 14.44,372 64 2.02,844 14.44,644 64 2.04,089 14.44,917 64 2.05,333i 15.47,542 65 2.06,014i 15.47,833 65 2.07,278 15.48,125 65 2.08,542 16.50,711 66 2.09,183 16.51,022 66 2.10,467 16.51,333 66 2.11,750 17.53,881 67 2.12,353 17.54,211 67 2.13,656 17.54,542 67 2.14,958 18.57,050 68 2.15,522 18.57,400 68 2.16,844 18.57,750 68 2.18,167 19.60,219 69 2.18,692 19.60,589 69 2.20,033 19.60)958 69 2.21,375 20.63,389 70 2.21-,861 20.63,778 70 2.23,222 20.64,167 70 2.24,583 21.66,558 71 2.25,031 21.66,967 71 2.26,411 21.67,375 71 2.27,792 22.69,728 72 2.28,200 22.70,156 72 2.29,600 22.70,583 72 2.31,000 23.72,897 73 2.31,369 23.73,344 73 2.32,789 23.73,792 73 2.34,208 24.76,067 74 2.34,539 24.76,533 74 2.35,978 24.779000 74 2.37,417 25.79,236 75 2.37,708 25.79,722 75 2.39,167 25.80,208 75 2.40,625 26.82,406 76 2.40,878 26.82,911 76 2.42,356 26.83,417 76 2.43,833 27.85,575 77 2.44,047 27.86,100 77 2.45,544 27.86,625 77 2.47,042 28.88,744 78 2.47,217 28.89,289 78 2.48,733 28.89,833 78 2.50,250 29.91,914 79 2.50,386 29.92,478 79 2.51,922 29.93,042 79 2.53,458 30.95,083 80 2.53,556 30.95,667 80 2.559111 30.96,250 80 2.56,667 31.98,253 81 2.56,725 31.98,856 81 2.58,300 31.99,458 81 2.59)875 32 1.01,422 82 2.59,894 32 1.02,044 82 2.61.489 32 1.02,667 82 2.63,083 33 1.04,592 83 2.63,064 33 1.05,233 83 2.64 678 33 1.05,875 83 2.66,292 34 1.07,761 84 2.66,233 34 1.08,422 84 2.67-867 34 1.09,083 84 2.69,500 35 1.10,931 85 2.69,403 35 1.11,611 85 2.71,056 35 1.12,292 85 2.72,708 36 1.14,100 86 2.72.572 36 1.14,800 86 2.74`244 36 1.15,500 86 2.75,917 37 1.17,269 87 2.75,742 37 1.17,989 87 2.77,433 37 1.18,708 87 2.79,125 38 1.20,439 88 2.78,911 38 1.21,178 88 2.80,622 38 1.21,917 88 2.82,333 39 1.23,608 89 2.82,081 39 1.24.367 89 2.83,811 39 1.25,125 89 2.85,542 40 1.26,778 90 2.85,250 40 1.27,556 90 2.87,000 40 1.28,33'3 90 2.88,750 41 1.29,947 91 2.88,419 41 1.30,744. 91 2.90,189 41 1.31,542 91 2.91,958 42 1.33,117 92 2.91,589 42 1.33,933 92 2.93,378 A42 1.34,750 92 2|.95,167 43 1.36,286 93 2.94,758 43 1.37,122 93 2.96 567 43 1.37,958 93 2.98,375 44 1.39,456 94 2.97,928 44 1.40,311 94 2.99,756 44 1.41,167 94 3.01,583 45 1.42,625 95 3.01,097 45 1.43)500 95 3.02,944 45 1.44:375 95 3.04,792 46 1.45,794 96 3.04,267 46 1.46,689 96 3.06,133 46 1.47,583 96 3.08,000 47 1.48,964 97 3.07,436 47 1.49,878 97 3.09,322 47 1.50,792 97 3.11,208 48 1.52,133 98 3.10,606 48 1.53,067 98 3.12,511 48 1.54,000 98 3.14,417 49 1.55,303 99 3.13.775 49 1.56,256 99 3.15.700 49 1.57,208 99 3.17,625 50 1.58,472 l6533Days. 50 1.59,444 l64Days. 50 1.60,417 l65 ays ONE YEAR. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.07,00 11.77,00 21 1.47,00 31 2.17,00 41 12.87,00 2.14,00 12.84,00 |22 1.54,00 32 2.24,00 42 2.94,00 3 {.21,00 13.91,00 { G 23 1.61,00 3 33 2.31,00 43 3.01,00 4.28,00 14.98,00 124 1.68,00 34 2.38;00 44 3.0800o 5.35,00 1 15 1.05,00 125 11.75,00 1351:2.45,00 1145 3.15,00 6.42,00 16 1.12,00 l 26 [ 1.82,00 36 12.52;0)0 0 461 3.22,00 7 11 7.49,00 17 1.19,00 11- 27 1.89,00 37 12.59,00 1147 3.29,00 [* [ [ 8 1.56,00 18 1.26,00 128 11.96,00 1[ 38 1:2.66,00 1148 3.36,00 91.63,00 19 l9 1.33,00 [29 2.03,00 3'9 [2.73800 i]49 3.43;00l f685 H10 *70,00 1120 1. 40,00 [30 2.10,00 1140 2.80,00' 150 3.50,00o INTEREST AT SE V E N P E R CENT. 5 Months and 16 Days. 5 Months and 17 Days. 55 Months and 18 Days. Prin. Interest. Pri. Interest. n. Interest. Prin. nterest. rin. Interest. I Prin. Interest. 1.03,228 51 1.64,617 1.03,247 51 1.65,608 1.03,267 51 1.66,600 2.06,456 52 1.67,844 2.06,494 52 1.68,856 2.06,533 52 1.69,867 3.09,683 53 1.71,072 3.09,742 53 1.72,103 3.09,800 53 1.73,133 4.12,911 54 1.74,300 4.12,989 54 1.75,350 4.13,067 54 1.76,400 5.16,139 55 1.77,528 5.16,236- 55 1.78,597 5.16,333 55 1.79,667 6.19,367 56 1.80,756 6.19,483 56 1.81,844 6.19,600 56 1.82,933 7.22,594 657 1.83,983 7.22,731 57 1.85,092 7.22,867 57 1.86,200 8.25,822 58'1.87,211 8.25,978 58 1.88,339 8.26,133 58 1.89,467 9.29,050 59 1.90,439 9.29,225 59 1.91,586 9.29,400 59 1.92,733 10.32,278 60 1.93,667 10.32,472 60 1.94,833 10.32,667 60 1.96,000 11.35,506 61 1.96,894 11.35,719 61 1.98,081 11.35,933 61 1.99,267 12.38,733 62 2.00,122 12.38,967 62 2.01,328 12.39,200 162 2.02,533 13.41,961 63 2.03,350 13.42,214 63 2.04,575 13.42,467 63 2.05,800 14.45,189 64 2.06,578 14.45,461 64 2.07,822 14.45,733 64 2.09,067 15.489417 65, 2.09,806 15.48,708 65 2.11,069 15.49,000 65 2.12,333 16.51,644 66 2.13,033 16.51,956 66 2.14,317 16.52,267 66 2.15,600 17.54,872 67. 2.16,261 17.55,203 67 2.17,564 17.55,533 67 2.18,867 18.58,100 68' 2.19,489' 18.58,450 68 2.20,811 18.58,800 68 2.22,133 19.61,3:28 69! 2.22,717 19.61,697 69 2.24,058 19.62,067 69 2.25,400 20.64,556 70' 2.25,944 20.64,944 70 2.27,306 20.65,333 70 2.28,667 21.679783 71 2.29,172 21.68,192 71 2.30,553 21.68,600 71 2.31,933 22.71,011 72 2.32,400 22.71,439 72 2.33,800 22.71,867 72 2.35,200 23.74,239 73 2.35,628 23.74,686 73 2.37,047 23.75,133 73 2.38,467 24-.77,467 74 2.38,856 24.77,933 74 2.40,294 24.78,400 74 2.41,733 25.80,694 75 2.42,083 25.81,181 75 2.43,542 25.81,667 75 2.45,000 26.83,922 76 2.45,311 26.84,428 76 2.46,789 26.84,933 76 2.48,267 27.87,150 77 2.48,539 27.87,675 77 2.50,036 27.88,200 77 2.51,533 28.909378 78 2.51,767 28.90,922 78 2.53,283 28..91,467 78 2.54,800 29.93,606 79 2.54,994 29.94,169 79 2.56,531 29.94,733 79 2.58,067 30.96,833 80 2.58,222 30.97,417 80 2.59,778 30.98,000 80 2.61,333 31 1.00,061 81 2.61,450 31 1.00,664 81 2.63,025 31 1.01,267 81 2.64,600 32 1.03,289 82 2.64,678 32 1.03,911 82- 2.66,272 32 1.04,533 82 2.67,867 33 1.06,517 83 2.67,906. 33 1.07,158 83 2.69,519 33 1.07,800 83 2.71,133 34 1.09,744 84 2.71,133 34 1.10,406 84 2.72,767 34 1.11,067 84 2.74,400 35 1.12,972 85 2.74,361' 35 1.13,653 85 2.76,014 35 1.14,333 85 2.77,667 36 1.16,200 86 2.77,589 36 1.16,900 86 2.79,261 36 1.17,600 86 2.80,933 37 1.19,428 87! 2.80,817; 37 1.20,147 87 2.82,508 37 1.20,867 87 2.84,200 38 1.22,656 88 2.84,044 38 1.23,394 88 2.85,756 38 1.24,133 88 2.87,467 39 1.25,883 89- 2.87,272 39 1.26,642 89 2.89,003 39 1.27,400 89 2.90,733 40 1.29,111 90 2.90,500: 40 1.29,889 90 2.92,250 40 1.30,667 90 2.94,000 41 1.32,339 91 2.93,728 41 1.33,136 91 2.95,497 41 1.33,933 91 2.97,267 42 1.35,567 92 2.96,956 42 1.36,383 92 2.98,744 42 1.37,200 92 3.00,533 43 1.38,794 93: 3.00,183 43 1.39,631 93 3.01,992 43 1.40,467 93 3.03,-800 44 1.42,022 94 3.03,411 44 1.42,878 94 3.05,239 44 1.43,733 94 3.07,067 45 1.45,250 95 3.06,639 45 1.46,125 95 3.08,486 45 1.47,000 95 3.10,333 46 1.48,478 96 3.09,867 46 1.49,372 96 3.11,733 46 1.50,267 96 3.13,600 47 1.51,706 97 3.13,094 47 1.52,619 97 3.14,981 47 1.53,533 97 3.16,867 48 1.54,933 98 3.16,322 48 1.55,867 98 3.18,228 48 1.56,800 98 3.20,133 49 1.58,161 99 3.19,550 49 1.59,114 99 3.21,475 49 1.60,067 99 3.23,400 50 1.61,389 li663Days. 50 1.62,361 167Days. 50 1.63,333 l68Days ON E YEAR. Prin.t Interest. IPrin. Interest. Itrin. Interest. Interest. Prn. Interest. 51 3.57,00 61 4.27,00 71 4.97,00 81 5.67,00 91 6.37,00 52 3.64,00 62 4.34,00 72 5.04,00 82 5.74,00 92 6.44,00 53' 3.71,00 63 4.41,00 73 5.11,00 83 5.81,00 93 6.51,00 54.1 3.78,00 64 4.48,00 74 5.18,00 84-5.88,00 94 6.58,00 55 13.85,00 65 4.55,00 75 5.25,00 85 5.95,00 95 6.65,00 56 3.92,00 66 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 86 6.02,00 96 6.72,00 57 13.99,00 67 4.69,00 -77 5.39,00 87 6.09,00 97 6.79,00 58 4.06,00 68 4.76,00 785.46,00 88 6.16,00 198 6.86,00 59 4.13,00 69 4.83,00 79 5.53,00 89 1 6.23,00 99 6.93,00 60 4.20,00 1170 4.90.00 180 5.60,00 90 6.30,00 s INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 5 Months and 19 Days. 5 Months and 20 Days. 5 Months and 21 Days. Prit Interest. Pr in. Interest. Prn Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.03,286 51 1.67,592 1.03,306 51 1.68,583 1.03,325 51 1.69,575 2.06,572 52' 1.70,878 2.06,611 52 171,889 2.06,650 52 1.72,900 3.09,858 53 1.74,164 3.09,917 53 1.75,194 3.09,975 53 1.76,225 4.13,144 54 1.77,450 4.13;222 54 1.78,500 4.13,300 54 1.79;550 5.16,43f 55- 1.80,736 5.16,528 55 1.81,806 5 G16,625 55:" 1.2,875 6.19,717 56 1.84,022 6;.19,833 56 185,111 6.19,950 56 1.86,200 7.23,003P 57 1.87,308 7.23;,139 57 1,8.8,4I7 7.23,275 57 1.89,525 8.26,289 58 1.90,594 8.26,444 58 1.91,722 8.26,600 58 1.92,850 9.29,575 59 1.93,881 9'9.29,750 59 1.95,028 9.29,925:59 1.96,175 10.32,861 60 1.97,167 10.33,056 60 1.98,333 10.33,250 60 1.99,500 11.36,147 61 2.00,453 I1.36,361 61 2.01,639 11.36,575 61 2.02,825 12.39,4!33 62 2.03,739 12.39,667 62 2.04,944 12.39,900 62 2.06,150 13.42,719 63 2.07,025 I3.42,972 63.2.08,250 13.43,225 63- 2.09,475 14.46,906 6'4 2.10,311 14.46,278 64 2.11,556 14.46,550 64' 2.12,800 15.49,292 65 2.13,597 15.49,583 65 2.14,861 15.49,875 65 2;16,125 16'.52,578 66 2.16,883 16.52,889 66 "2.18,167 16.553,200 66 2.19,450 17.55,864 67 2.20,169 17.56,194 67 2.21,472 17. 56,525 67 2.22,775 18'.59,150 68 2.23,456 18.59;500 68 2.24,778 18.59)850 68 2.26,100 19.62,436 69 2.26,742 19.62,8-06 69 2.28,083 19.63,175 69 2.29,425 20.65,722 70 2.30,028 20.66,111 70 2.31,389 20.66,500 70 2.32,750 21.69,008' 71 2.33,314 21.69,417' 71 2.34,694 21.69,825 71! 2.36,075 22.72,294 72 2.36,600 22.72,722 72 2.38,000 22.73,150 I72 2.39,400 23.75,581 73 2.39,886 23.76,028 73 2.4.1,306 23.76,475 7.3 2.42,725 24.78,867 74 2-.43,172 24.79,3a33 74 2.44,611 24.79,800 74 2.46,050 25.82,153' 75 2.46,458 25.82,639' 75'2.47,917 25.83,125'75 2.49 375 26.85,439 76' 2.49,744 26.85?944 76 2.51,222 26.864'50 76 2.52 700 27.88,725 77' 2.53,031'27.89,250 77 2254,528 27.89,775 77 2'C56 025 28.92,0-11 78 2.56,317 28.92,556 78 2.57,833 28 93,100 78S 2.59,350 29.95,2297 79' 2.59,603 29..95,861 79 2.61,139 29 1.96,425 79 2.62,675 30.9-8,583 8'0 2.62,889 30.99,167 80'2.64,444 30.99,750 80 2.66,000 31 1.01,869 81 2.66,175 31 1.02,472 81 2.67,750 31 1.03,075 81 2.69;325 32 1.05,156 82 2.69,461 32 1.05,778 82 2.71,056 32 1.06,400 8&2 2;72,650 33 1.08,442 83 2.72,747 33 1.09,083 83 2.74,361 33 1.09,725- 83 2.75,975 34 1.11,728' 84 2.76,033 34 1.12,389: 84 2.77,667 34 1.13,050 84 "2.79,300 35 1.15,014 85 2.79,319 35 1-.15;694 85 2.80,972 35 1.16,375 85 - 2.82,6251 36 1.18300 8'6' 2'.82,606 36 1.19,000 86 2.84,278 36 1.19,700 86 2.85,950 37 1.21,586 87 2.85,892 37 1.22,306 87 2.87,583 37:1.23,025 87 2.89,2751 38 1.24,8172 88 2.89,178' 38 1.25,611 88'.2.90,889 38 1.26,350- 88 2.92,600. 39 1.28,158' 89 2.92,464 39'1.28,917 89 2.94,194 39 1.29,675 89 2.95,925 40' 1.31,444 90 2.95,750 40 1.32,222 90 2.97,500 40 1.33,000? 90 2.99,250 41 1.34,731 91 2.99,036 41 1.35,528 91 3.00,806 41 1.36,325 91 3.02,575 42 1.38;017 92 3'.02,322 42 1.38,833 92 33.04,111 42 1.39,650. 9-2 3.05,900 43 1.41,303 93' 3;05,608 43 1.42,139 93 3.07,417 43 1.42,975 93 3.09,225 44 1.44,589 94' 3.08,894 44 1.45,444 94 3.10,722!44 1.46,300 94 3.12,550 45' 1.47,875 95 3.12,181 45 1.48,750 95'3.14,028 145 1.49,625!95 3.15,875 46 i1.51,161 96 3.1'5,467 46 1.52,056 96 3.17,333 46 1.52,950- 96 3.19,200 47 1.54,447 97 3.18,753 47 1.55,361 97 3.20,639 47 1.56,275 i97 3.22,525 48R 1.57,733 98 3;22,039 48 1.58,667 98 3.23,944 48 1.59,600. 98 ~3.25,850 49 1.61,019 99 3.25,325 49 1.61,972 99 3.27,250 49 1.62,925- 99!3.29,175 50 1.64,306 1.69Days. 50.65,278 l7Days. 50 1.66,2.50' 7lDays. __|~Q GN; E YE AR. IPrin Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. liPrin.l Interest. i[Prin. Interest. 1 1.07,00 11.77,00 21 11.47,00 31 12.17,00 41 12.87,00 2.14,00 12..84,00 22t |1.54,o0 32 |2.24,00 42 2.94,00 - 3'.21,00 13 a.91,00 23.'1.61,00. 331 2.31,00 43: 3.01,00 4.28;00 14.98,00 24 1.68,009 34 2.38,00 44 1 3.08,00 11 51.35,00 15 1 105,00 25 1m.75,00~ 35 12.45,00- 45 3.15,00 11 6 /.42,100 1 0 l 26 1.82,00[ 36 2.52,00 46 3.22,00 7 1.4-900 17 1I19,00 27 / 1.89,00. 37 2.59,00- 47 1 3.29,00 8.56,00 18o 1.26,00 28 1.96,0 38 1 2.66,00 1148 3.36,00:9.63,00~ 191.33;00 29 12.03,00. 1 39 2.73,00 l49 3.43,00 - i701 % oo 10.70,00 201 1.40 0,00 130 2.10,0 0 3.50 INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 5 Months and 22 Days. 5'Months and 23 Days. 5 Months and 24 Days, Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin Interest. Prin. Interest. Pnrn. Interest. Prin. Inlerest. - 1.03,344 51 1.70,567 1.03,364 51 1.71,558 1.03,383 51 1.72,550 2.06,689 52 1.73,911 2.06,728 52 1.74,922 2.06,767 52 1.75,93'3 3.10,033 53 1.77,256 3.10,092 53 1.78,286 3.10,150 53 1.79,317 4.13,378 54 1.80,600 4.13,456 54 1.81,650 4.13,533 54 1.82,700 5,16,722 55 1.83,944 5.16,819 55 1.85,014 5.16,917 55 1.86,083 6.20,067 56 1.87,289 6.20,183 56 1.88,378 6.20,300 56 1.89,467 7.23,411 57 1.90,633 7.23,547 57. 1.91,742 7.23,683 57 1.92,850 8.26,756 58 1.93,978 8.26,911 58 1.95,106 8.27,067 58 1.96,233 9.30,100 59 1.97,322 9.30,275 59! 1.98,469 9.30,450 59 1.99,617 10.33,444 60 2.00,667 10.33,639 60; 2.01,833 10.33,833' 60 2.03,000 11.36,789 61 2.04,011 11.37,003 61! 2.05,197 11.37,217 61 2.06,383 12.40,133 62 2.07,356 12.40,367 62 2.08,561 12.40,600 62 2.09,767 13;.43,478 63 2.10,700 13.43,731 63 2.11,925 13.43,983 63 2.13,150 14.46,822 64 2.14,044 14.47,094 64 2.15,289 14;.47,367 64 2.16,533 15'.50,167 65 2.17,389 15.50,458 65' 2.18,653 15.50,750 65 2.19,917, 16..53,511 66 2.20,733 16.53,822 66 2.22,017 16.54,133 66 2.23,300 17.56,856 67 2.24,078 17.57,186 67 2.25,381 17.57,517 67 2.26,683 18.60,200 68 2.27,422 18.60,550 68 2.28,744 18.60,900 68 2.30,067 19.639544 69 2.30,767 19.63,914 69 2.32,108 19.64,283 69 2.33,450 20.66,889 70 2.34,111 20.67,278 70 2.35,472 20.67,667 70 2.36,833 21.70,233 71 2.37,456 21.70,642 71 2.38,836 21.71,050 71 2.40,217 22.73,578 72 2.40,800 22.74,006 72 2.42,200 22.74,433 72 2.43,600 23.76,922 73 2.44,144 23.77,369 73 2.45,564 23.77,817 73 2.46,983 24.80,267 74 2.47,489 24.80,733 74 2.48,928 24.81,200 74 2.50,367 25.83,611 75 2.50,833 25.84,097 75 2.52,292 25.84,583 75 2.53,750 26.86,956 76 2.54,178 26.87,461 76 2.55,656 26.87,967 76 2.57,133 27.90,300 77 2.57,522 27.90,825 77 2.59,019 27.91,350 77 2.60,517 28.93,644 78 2.60,867 28.94,189 78! 2.62,383 28.94,733 78 2.63,900 29.96,989 79 2.64,211 29.97,553 79 2.65,747 29.98,117 79 2.67,283 30 1.00,333 80 2.67,556 30 1.00,917 80 2.69,111 30 1.01,500 80 2.70,667 31 1.03,678 81 2.70,900 31 1.04,281 81 2.72,475 31 1.04,883 81 2.74,050 32 1.07,022 82 2.74,244 32 1.07,644 82 2.75,839 32 1.08,267 82 2.77,433 33'1.10,367 83 2.77,589 33 1.11,008 83 2.79,203 33 1.11,650 83 2.80,817 34 1.13,711 84 2.80,933 34 1.14,372 84 2.82,567 34 1.15,033 84 2.84,200 35 1.17,056 85 2.84,278 35 1.17,736 85 2.85,931 35 1.18,417 85 2.87,583 36 1.20,400 86 2.87,622 36 1.21,100 86 2.89,294 36 1.21,800 86 2.90,967 37 1.23,744 87 2.90,967 37 1.24,464 87 2.92,658 37 1.25,183 87 2.94,350 38 1.27,089 88 2.94,311 38 1.27,828 88 2.96,022 38 1.28,567 88 2.97,733 39 1.30,433 89 2.97,656 39 1.31,192 89 2.99,386 39 1.31,950 89 3.01,117 40 1.33,778 90 3.01,000 40 1.34,556 90 3.02,750 40 1.35,333 90 3.04,500 41 1.37,122 91 3.04,344 41 1.37,919 91 3.06,114 41 1.38,717 91 3.07,883 42 1.40,467 92 3.07,689 42 1.41,283 92 3.09,478 42 1.42,100 92 3.11,267 43 1.43,811 93 - 3.11,033 43 1.44,647 93 3.12,842 43 1.45,483 93 3.14,650 44 1.47,156 94 3.14,378 44 1.48,011 94 3.16,206 44 1.48,867 94 3.18,033 45'1.50,500 95 3.17,722 45 1.51,375 95 3.19,569 45 1.52,250 95 3.21,417 46; 1.53,844 96 3.21,067 46 1.54,739 96 3.22,933 46 1.55,633 96 3.24,800 47 1.57,189 97 3.24,411 47 1.58,103 97 3.26,297 47 1.59,017 97 3.28,183 48 1.60,533 98 3.27;756 48 1.61,467 98 3.29,661 48 1.62,400 98 3.31,567 49 1.63,878 99 3.31,100 49 1.64,831 99 3.33,025 49 1.65,783 99 3.34,950 50 1.67,222 12 Days. 50 1.68,194 173 Days. 50 1.69,167 174l Days. ONE YEAR. Frin.r Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin.l Interest.' Prin. Interest. 51 3.57,00 61 4.27,00 71 4.97,00 81 5.67,00 91 6.37,00 52 3.64,00 1 62; 4.34,00 72 5.04,00 1 82 5.74,00 192 6.44,00 531 3.71,00 63 1 4.41,00 73 5.11,00 83 5.81,00 93 6.51,00 541 3.78,00 64 4.48,00 74 5.18,00 i 84 5.88,00: 94 6.58,00 55 3.85,00 65 i4.55,00 75 5.25,00 85 5.95,00 95 6.65,00 56 3.92,00 66 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 861 6.02,00 96 6.72,00 57 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 77 5.39,00 87 6.09,00 97 6.79,00 58 4.06,00 68 4.76 5.6,00 88 6.16,00 98 6.86,00 59 4.13,00 1169 4.83,00 79 5.53,00 89 6.23,00 99 6.93,00 1 160 4.20,00 70 4.90,00 1180 15.60,00 90 6.30,00 _ _ 1_ _711:__~~~~~ [U0-.2,0 I04.0,0 O INTEREST AT S EVEN PER CENT. 5 Months and 25 Days. 5 Months and 26 Days. 5 Months and 27 Days. Pris,. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prn. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.03,403 51 1.73,542 1.03,422 51 1.74,533 1.03,442 51 1.75,525 2.06,806 52 1.76,944 2.06,844 52 1.77,956 2.06,883 52 1.78,967 3.10,208 53 1.80,347 3.10,267 53 1.81,378 3.10,325 53 1.82,408 4.13,611 54 1.83,750 4.13,689 54 1.84,800 4.13,767 54 1.85,850 5.17,014 55 1.87,153 5.17,111 55 1.88,222 5.17,208 55 1.89,292 6.20,417 56 1.90,556 6.20,533 56 1.91,644 6.20,650 56 1.92,733 7.23,819 57 1.93,958 7.23,956 57 1.95,067 7.24,092 57 1.96,175 8.27,222 58 1.97,361 8.27,378 58 1.98,489 8.27,533 58 1.99,617 9.30,625 59 2.00,764 9.30,800 59 2.01,911 9.30,975 59 2.03,058 10.34,028 60 2.04,167 10.34,222 60 2.05,333 10.34,417 60 2.06,500 11.37,431 61 2.07,569 11.37,644 61 2.08,756 11.37,858 61 2.09,942 12.40,833 62 2.10,972 12.41,067 62 2.12,178 12.41,300 62 2.13,383 13.44,236 63 2.14,375 13.44,489 63 2.15,600 13.44,742 63 2.16,825 14.47,639 64 2.17,778 14.47,911 64 2.19,022 14.48,183 64 2.20,267 15.51,042 65 2.21,181 15.51,333 65 2.22,444 15.51,625 65 2.23,708 16.54,444 66 2.24,583 16.54,756 66 2.25,867 16.55,067 66 2.27,150 17.57,847 67 2.27,986 17.58,178 67 2.29,289 17.58,508 67 2.30,592 18.61,250 68 2.31,389 18.61,600 68 2.32,711 1 8.61,950 68 2.34,033 19.64,653 69 2.34,792 19.65,022 69 2.36,133 19.65,392 69 2.37,475 20.68,056 70 2.38,194 20.68,444 70 2.39,556 20.68,833 70 2.40,917 21.71,458 71 2.41,597 21.71,867 71 2.42,978 21.72,275 71 2.44,358 22.74,861 72 2.45,000 22.75,289 72 2.46,400 22.75,717 72 2.47,800 23.78,264 73 2.48,403 23.78,711 73 2.49,822 23.79,158 73 2.51,242 24.81,667 74 2.51,806 24.82,133 74 2.53,244 24.82,600 74 2.54,683 25.85,069 75 2.55,208 25.85,556 75 2.56,667 25.86,042 75 2.58,125 26.88,472 76 2.58,611 26.88,978 76 2.60,089 26.89,483 76 2.61,567 27.91,875 77 2.62,014 27.92,400 77 2.63,511 27.92,925 77 2.65,008 28.95,278 78 2.65,417 28.95,822 78 2.66,933 28.96,367 78 2.68,450 29.98,681 79 2.68,819 29.99,244 79 2.70,356 29.99,808 79 2.71,892 30 1.02,083 80 2.72,222 30 1.02,667 80 2.73,778 30 1.03,250 80 2.75,333 31 1.05,486 81 2.75,625 31 1.06,089 81 2.77,200 31 1.06,692 81 2.78,775 32 1.08,889 82 2.79,028 32 1.09,511 82 2.80,622 32 1.10,133 82 2.82,217 33 1.12,292 83 2.82,431 33 1.12,933 83 2.84,044 33 1.13,575 83 2.85,658 34 1.15,694 84 2.85,833 34 1.16,356 84 2.87,467 34 1.17,017 84 2.89,100 35 1.19,097 85 2.89,236 35 1.19,778 85 2.90,889 35 1.20,458 85 2.92,542 36 1.22,500 86 2.92,639 36 1.23,200 86 2.94,311 36 1.23,900 86 2.95,983 37 1.25,903 87 2.96,042 37 1.26,622 87 2.97,733 37 1.27,342 87 2.99,425 38 1.29,306 88 2.99,444 38 1.30,044 88 3.01,156 38 1.30,783 88 3.02,867 39 1.32,708 89 3.02,847 39 1.33,467 89 3.04,578 39 1.34,225 89 3.06,308 40 1.36,111 90 3.06,250 40 1.36,889 90 3.08,000 40 1.37,667 90 3.09,750 41 1.39,514 91 3.09,653 41 1.409311 91 3.11,422 41 1.41,108 91 3.13,192 42 1.42,917 92 3.13,056 42 1.43,733 92 3.14,844 42 1.44,550 92 3.16,633 43 1.46,319 93 3.16,458 43 1.47,156 93 3.18,267 43 1.47,992 93 3.20,075 44 1.49,722 94 3.19,861 44 1.50,578 94 3.21,689- 44 1.51,433 94 3.23,517 45 1.53,125 95 3.23,264 45 1.54,000 95 3.25,111 45 1.54,875 95 3.26,958 46 1.56,528 96 3.26,667 46 1.57,422 96 3.28,533 46 1.58,317 96 3.30,400 47 1.59,931 97 3.30,069 47 1.60,844 97 3.31,956 47 1.61,758 97 3.33,842 48 1.63,333 98 3. 33,472 48 1.64,267 98 3.35,378 48 1.65,200 98 3.37,283 49 1.66,736 99 3.36,875 49 1.67,689 99 3.38,800 49 1.68,642 99 3.40,725 50 1.70,139 L75Days. 50 1.71,111 1 6Bays. 50 1.72,083 77yDays _ N E Y E A R. Prin. Interest. IPrin. Ihterst. Prin. Interest. Prin.. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.07,00 11.77,00 21 1.47,00 31 2.17,00 11 41 2.87,00 2.14,00 12.84,00 22 1.54,00 32 2.24,00 42 12.94,00 31.21,00 13.91,00 23 1.61,00 133 2.31,00 43 3.01,00 4 4.28;00 141.9800 1.68,00 11 34 12.38,00 I 44 13.0800 11 l5 1.35,00 15 1 1.05,00 1[25 1.75,00 35 2.45,00 3 451 3.15,00 6 1].42,00 16 11.12,00 26 1.82,00 36 2.52,00 46 3.22,00 7 1.49,00 /117 1.19,00 27 1.89,00 37 2.59,00 47 3.29,00 8 1.56,00 18 11.2,00 2j 1.96,00 38 2.66900 48 3.36,00 9.63,00 19 19. 33,00 j29 2.03,00 | 39 2.73,00 || 49 3.43,00 || 72] / 10J.70,00 120 1.40,00 30 12.10,00 14 2.80,00 il 501 3.50,00 INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 5 MIJonths and 28 Days. 5 Months and 29 Days. 6. MOINTHS. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. - Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.03,461 51 1.76,517 1.03,481 51 1.77,508 1.039500 51 1.78,500 2.06,922 52 1.79,978 2.06,961 52 1.809989 2.07,000 52 1.82,000 3.10,383 53 1.83,439 3.10,442 53 1.84,469 3.10,500 53 1.85,500 4.13,844 54 1.86,900 4.13,922 54 1.87,950 4.14,000 54 1.89,000 5.17,306 55 1.90,361 5.17,403 55 1.91,431 5.17,500 55 1.92,500 6.20,767 56 1.93,822 6.20,883 56 1.94,911 6.21,000 56 1.96,000 7.24,228 57 1.979283 7.24,364 57 1.98,392 7.24,500 57 1.99,500 8.27,689 58 2.00,744 8.27,844 58 2.01,872 8.28,000 58 2.03,000 9.31,150 59 2.04,206 9.31,325 59 2.05,353 9.31,500 59 2.06,500 10.34,611 60 2.07,667 10.34,806 60 2.08,833 10.35,000 60 2.109000 11.38,072 61 2.11,128 11.38,286 61 2.12,314 11.38,500 61 2.13,500 12.41,533 62 2.14,589 12.41,767 62 2.15,794 1]2.42,000 62 2.17,000 13.44,994 63 2.18,050 13.45,247 63 2.19.275 13.45,500 63 2.20,500 14.48,456 64 2.21,511 14.48,728 64 2.22,756 14.49,000 64 2.24,000 15.51,917 65 2.24,972 1 5.52,208 65 2.26,236 15.52,500 65 2.27,500 16.559378 66 2.28,433 16.55,689 66 2.29,717 16.56,000 66 2.31,000 17.58,839 67 2.31,894 17.59,169 67 2.33,197 17.59,500 67 2.34,500 18.62,300 68 2.35,356 18.62,650 68 2.36,678 18.63,000 68 2.38,000 19.65,761 69 2.38,817 19.66,131 69 2.40,158 19.66,500 69 2.41,500 20.69,222 70 2.42,278 20.69,611 70 2.43,639 20.70,000 70 2.45,000 21.72,683 71 2.45,739 21.73,092 71 2.47,119 i21.73,500 71 2.48,500 22.76,144 72 2.49,200 22.76,572 72 2.50,600 22.77,000 72 2.52,000 23.79,606 73 2.52,661 23.80,053 73 2.54,081 23.80,500 73 2.55,500 24.83,067 74 2.56,122 24.83,533 74 2.57,561 24.84,000 74 2.59,000 25.86,528 75 2.59,583 25.87,014 75 2.61,042 25.87,500 75 2.62,500 26.89,989 i76 2.63,044 26.90,494 76 2.64,522 26.91,000 76 2.66,000 27.93,450 77 2.66,506 27.93,975 77 2.68,003 27.94,500 77 2.69,500 28.96,911 78 2.699967 28.97,456 78 2.71,483 28.98,000 78 2.73,000 29 1.00,372 79 2.73,428 29 1.00,936 79 2.74,964 29 1.01,500 79 2.76,500 30 1.03,833 80 2.76,889 30 1.049417 80 2.78,444 30 1.05,000 80 2.80,000 31 1.07,294 81 2.80,350 31 1.07,897 81 2.81,925 31 1.08,500 81 2.83,500 32 1.10,756 82 2.83,811 32 1.411,378 82 2.85,406 32 1.12,000 82 2.87,000 33 1.14,217 83 2.87,272 33 1.14,858 83 2.88,886 33 1.159500 83 2.90,500 34 1.17,678 84 2.90,733 34 1.18,339 84 2.92,367 34 1.19,000 84 2.94,000 35 1.21,139 85 2.94,194 35 1.21,819 85 2.95,847 35 1.22,500 85 2.97,500 36 1.24,600 86 2.97,656 36 1.25,300 86 2.99,328 36 1.26,000 86 3.01,000 37 1.28)061 87 3.01,117 37 1.28,781 87 3.02,808 37 1.29,500 87 3.04,500 38 1.31,522 88 3.04,578 38 1.329261 88 3.06,289 38 1.33,000 88 3.08,000 39 1.34,983 89 3.08,039 39 1.35,742 89 3.09,769 39 1.36,500 89 3.11,500 40 1.38,444 90 3.119500 40 1.39,222 90 3.13,250 40 1.40,000 90 3.15,000 41 1.41,906 91 3.14,961 41 1.42,703 91 3.16,731 41 1.43,500 91 3.18,500 42 1.45,367 92 3.18,422 42 1.46,183 92 3.20,21i 42 1.47,000 92 3.22,000 43 1.48,828 93 3.213883 43 1.49,664 93 3.23,692 43 1.50,500 93 3.25,500 44 11.52,289 94 3.25,344 44 1.53,144 94 3.27,172 44 1.54,000 94 3.29,000 45 1.55,750 95 3.28,806 45 1.56,625 95 3.30,653 45 1.57,500 95 3.32,500'46 1.59,211 96 3.32,267 46 1.60,106 96 3.34,133 46 1.61,000 96 3.36,000 47 1.62,672 97 3.35,728 47 1.63,586 97 3.37,614 47 1.64,500 97 3.39,500 48 1.66,133 98 3.39,189 48 1.67,067 98 3.41,094 48 1.68,000 98 3.43,000 49 1.69,594 99 3.42,650 49 1.70,547, 99 3.44,575 49 1.71,500 99 3.46,500 50 1.73,056 1| B8Day"S 50 1.74,028 |7g9 Da-ys 50 1.75,000 i.BODays/ ONE YEAR. m Prin. Interest. Prin. Iiterest. Prin.l Interest. n. Interest.' Prin. Interest. 51 3.57,00 61 4.27,00 71 4.97,00 81 15.67,00 91 6.37,00 52 3.64,00 62 4.34,00 72 5.04,00 82 |5.74,00 92 6.44,00 53 3.71,00 63 4.41,00 73 5.11,00 83 5.81,00 93 6.51,00 54 3.78,00 64 4.48,00 74 5.18,00 84 5.88,00 94 6.58,00 55 3.85,00 65 4.55,00 75 5.25,00 85 15.95,00 95 6.65,00 56 3.92,00 66 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 86 6.02,00 96 6.72,00! 57 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 77 5.39,00 87 6.09,00 97 6.79,00 58 4.06,00 68 4.76.00 78 5.46,00 88 6.16,00 98 6.86,00 59 4.13,00 69 4.83,00 79 5.53,00: 1189 6.23,00 1199 6.93,00 6014.20,00 17014.90,00 18015.60,00 190 6.30,00 11! [7 J Months and I Day. u6 Months and 2 Days. 6 Months and 3 Days. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.03,519 51 1.79,492 1.03,539 51 1.80,483 1.03,558 51 1.81 475 2.07,039 52 1.83,011 2.07,078 52 1.84,022 2.07,117 52 1.85,033 I.10,558 53 1.86,531 3.10,617 53 1.87,561 3.10,675 53 1.88,592 4.14,078 54 1.90,050 4.14,156 54 1.91,100 4.14,233 54 1.92,150 5.17,597 55 1.93,569 5.17,694 55 1.94,639 5.17,792 55 1.95,708 6.21,117 56 1.97,089 6.21,233 56 1.98,178 6.21,350 56 1.99,267 7.24,636 57 2.00,608 7.24,772 57 2.01,717 7.24,908 57 2.02,825 8.28,156 58 2.04,128 8.28,311 58 2.05,256 8.28,467 58 2.06,383 9.31,675 59 2.07,647 9.31,850 59 2.08,794 9.32,025 59 2.09,942 10.35,194 60 2.11,167 10.35,389 60 2.12,333 10.35,583 60 2.13,500 11.38,714 61 2.14,686 11.38,928 61 2.15,872 11.39,142 61 2.17,058 12.42,233 62 2.18,206 12.42,467 62 2.19,411 12.42,700 62 2.20,617 13.45,753 63 2.21,725 13.46,006 63 2.22,950 13.46,258 63 2.24,175 14.49,272 64 2.25,244 14.49,544 64 2.26,489 14.49,817 64 2.27,733 15.52,792 65 2.28,764 15.53,083 65 2.30,028 15.53,375 65 2.31,292 16.56,311 66 2.32,283 16.56,622 66 2.33,567 16.56,933 66 2.34,850 17.59,831 67 2.35,803 17.60,161 67 2.37,106 17.60,492 67 2.38,408 18.63,350 68 2.39,322 18.63,700 68 2.40,644 18.64,050 68 2.41,967 19.66,869 69 2.42,842 19.67,239 69 2.44,183 19.67,608 69 2.45,525 20.70,389 70 2.46,361 20.70,778 70 2.47,722 20.71,167 70 2.49,083 21.73,908 71 2.49,881 21.74,317 71 2.51,261 21.74,725 71 2.52,642 22.77,428 72 2.53,400 22.77,856 72 2.54,800 22.78,283 72 2.56,200 23.80,947 73 2.56,919 23.81,394 73 2.58,339 23.81,842 73 2.59,758 24.84,467 74 2.60,439 24.84,933 74 2.61,878 24.85,400 74 2.63,317 25.87,986 75 2.63,958 25.88,472 75 2.65,417 25.88,958 75 2.66,875 26.91,506 76 *2.67,478 26.92,011 76 2.68,956 26.92,517 76 2.70,433 27.95,025 77 2.70,997 27.95,550 77 2.72,494 27.96,075 77 2.73,992 28.98,544 78 2.74,517 28.99,089 78 2.76,033 28.99,633 78 2.77,550() 29 1.02,064 79 2.78,036 29 1.02,628 79 2.79,572 29 1.03,192 79 2.81,108 30 1.05,583 80 2.81,556 30 1.06,167 80 2.83,111 30 1.06,750 80 2.84,667 31 1.09,103 81 2.85,075 31 1.09,706 81 2.86,650 31 1.10,308 81 2.889225 32 1.12,622 82 2.883594 32 1.13,244 82 2.90,189 32 1.13,867 82 2.91,783 33 1.16,142 83 2.92,114 33 1.16,783 83 2.93,728 33 1.17,425 83 2.95,342 34 1.19,661 84 2.95,633 34 1.20,322 84 2.97,267 34 1.20,983 84 2.98,900 35 1.23,181 85 2.99,153 35 1.23,861 85 3.00,806 35 1.24,542 85 3.02,458 36 1.26,700 86 3.02,672 36 1.27,400 86 3.04,344 36 1.28,100 86 3.06,017 37 1.30,219 87 3.06,192 37 1.30,939 87 3.07,88-3 37 1.31,658 87 3.09,575 38 1.33,739 88 3.09,711 38 1.34,478 88 3.11,422 38 1.35,217 88 3.13,133 39 1.37,258 89 3.13,231 39 1.38,017 89 3.14,961 39 1.38,775 89 3.16,692 40 1.40,778 90 3.16,750 40 1.41,556 90 3.18,500 40 1.42,333 90 3.20,250 41 1.44,297 91 3.20,269 41 1.45,094 91 3.22,039 41 1.45,892 91 3.23,808 42 1.47,817 92 3.23,789 42 1.48,633 92 3.25,578 42 1.49,450 92 3.27,367 43 1.51,336 93 3.27,308 43 1.52,172 93 3.29,117 43 1.53,008 93 3.30,925 44 1.54,856 94 3.30,828 44 1.55,711 94 3.32,656 44 1.56,567 94 3.34,483 45 1.58,375 95 3.34,347 45 1.59,250 95 3.36,194 45 1.60,125 95 3.38,042 46 1.61,894 96 3.37,867 46 1.62,789 96 3.39,733 46 1.63,683 96 3.41,600 47 1.65,414 97 3.41,386 47 1.66,328 97 3.43,272 47 1.67,242 97 3.45,158 48' 1.68,933 98 3.44,906 48 1.69,867 98 3.46,811 48 1.70,800 98 3.48,717 49 1.72,453 99 3.48,425 49 1.73,406 99 3.50,350 49 1.74,358 99 3.52,275 50 1.75,972 1 81 Days.. 50 1.76,944 8]ays. 50 1.77,917 |83Days,.. I _ONE YEAR R. Prin. Interest. Prin.l Interest. IPrin. Interest. IPrin-t Interest. IIPrin.l Interest. I 1.07,00 11.77,00 21 1.47,00 31 12.17,00 41 2.87,00 2 i.14,00 12.84,00 22 1.54,00 32 12.24,00 42 2.94,00 3.21,00 13.91,00 23 1.61,00 33 12.31,00 43 3.01,00 4.28,00 14.98,00 24 1.68,00 tl 34 2.38,00 44 3.08,00 5.35,00 15 1.05,00 25 1.75,00 35 12.45,00 I 45 13.15,00 6 I.42,00 16 1.12,00 26.82,00 36 2.52,00 46 3.22,00 7 1.49,00 17 1.19,00 27 1.89,00 l37 12.59,00 47 13.29,00 81.56,00 18 1.26,00 28 1.96,00 38 2.66,00 48 13.36,00 9.63,00 19 1.33,00 29 2.03,00 39 2.73,00 49 3.43,00 74] 10.70,00 oo20 1.40,00 30 2.10,00 40 2.80,00 50 3.50,00 , INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. |6 Months and 4 Days. 6 Months and 5 Days. 6 Months and 6 Days. Prin. In terest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prirl. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.03,578 51 1.82,467 1.03,597 51 1.83,458 1.03,617 51 1.84,450 2.07,156 52 1.86,044 2.07,194 52 1.87,056 2.07,233 52 1.88,067 3.10,733 53 1.89,622 3.10,792 53 1.90,653 3.10,850 53 1.91,683 4.14,311 54 1.93,200 4.14,389 54 1.94,250 4.14,467 54 1.95,300 5.17,889 55 1.96,778 5.17,986 55 1.97,847 5.18,083 55 1.98,917 6.21,467 56 2.00,356 6.21,583 56 2.01,444 6.21,700 56 2.02,533 7.25,044 57 2.03,933 7.25,181 57 2.05,042 7.25,317 57 2.06,150 8.28,622 58 2.07,511 8.28~778 58 2.08,639 8.28,933 58 2.09,767 9.32,200 59 2.11,089 9.32,375 59 2.12,236 9.32,550 59 2.139383 10.35,778 60 2.14,667 10.35,972 60 2.15,833 10.36,167 60 2.17,000 11.39,356 61 2.18,244 11.39,569 61 2.19,431 11.39,783 61 2.20,617 12.42,933 62 2.21,822 12.43,167 62 2.23,028 12.43,400 62 2.24,233 13.46,511 63 2.25,400 13.46,764 63 2.26,625 13.47,017 63 2.27,850 14.50,089 64 2.28,978 14.50,361 64 2.30,222 14.50,633 64 2.31,467 15;.53,667 65 2.32,556 15.53,958 65 2.33,819 15.54,250 652.35,083 16.57,244 66 2.36,133 16.57,556 66 2.37,417 16.57,867 66 2.38,700 17.60,822 67 2.39,711 17.61,153 67 2.41,014 17.61,483 67 2.42,317 18.64,400 68 2.43,289 18.64,750 68 2.44,611 18.65,100 68 2.45,933 19.67,978 69 2.46,867 19.68,347 69 2.48,208 19.68,717 69 2.49,550 20.71,556 70 2.50,444 20.71,944 70 2.51,806 20.72,333 70 2.53,167 21.75,133 71 2.54,022 21.75,542 71 2.55,403 21.75,950 71 2.56,783 22.78,711 72 2.57,600 22.79,139 72 2.59,000 22.79;567 722.60,400 23.82,289 73 2.61,178 23.82,736 73 2.62,597 23.83,183 73 2.64,017 24.85,867 74 2.64,756 24.86,333 74 2.66,194 24.86,800 74 2.67,633 25.89,444 75 2.68j333 25.89,931 75 2.69,792 25.90,417 75 2.71,250 26.93,022 76 2.71,911 26.93,528 76 2.73,389 26.94,033 76 2.74,867 27.96,600 77 2.75,489 27.97,125 77 2.76,986 27.97,650 77 2.78,483 28 1.00,178 78 2.79,067 28 1.00,722 78 2.80,583 28 1.01,267 78 2.82,100 29 1.03,756 79 2.82,644 29 1.04,319 79 2.84,181 29 1.04,883 79 2.85,717 30 1.07,333 80 2.86,222 30 1.07,917 80 2.87,778 30 1.08,500 80 2.89,333 31 1.10,911 81 2.89,800 31 1.11,514 81 2.91,375 31 1.12,117 81 2.92,950 32 1.14,489 82 2.93,378 32 1.15,111 82 2.949972 32 1.15,733 82 2.96,567 33 1.18,067 83 2.96,956 33 1.18,708 83 2.98,569 33 1.19,350 83 3.00,183 34 1.21,644 84 3.00,533 34 1.22,306 84 3.02,167 34 1.22,967 84 3.039800 35 1.25,222 85 3.04,111 35 1.25,903 85 3.05,764 35 1.26,583 85 3.07,417 36 1.28,800 86 3.07,689 36 1.29,500 86 3.09,361 36 1.30,200 86 3.11,033 37 1.32,378 87 3.11,267 37 1.33,097 87 3.12,958 37 1.33,817 87 3.14,650 38 1.35,956 88 3.14,844 38 1.36,694 88 3.16,556 38 1.37,433 88 3.18,267 39 1.39,533 89 3.18,422 39 1.40,292 89 3.20,153 39 1.41,050 89 3.21,883 40 1.43,111 90 3.22,000 40 1.43,889 90 3.23,750 40 1.44,667 90 3.25,500 41 1.46,689 91 3.25,578 41 1.47,486 91 3.27,347 41 1.48,283 91 3.29,117 42 1.50,267 92 3.29,156 42 1.51,083 92 3.30,944 42 1.51,900 92 3.32,733 43 1.53,844 93 3.32,733 43 1.54,681 93 3.34,542 43 1.55,517 93 3.36,350 44 1.57,422 94 3.36,311 44 1.58,278 94 3.38,139 44 1.59,133 94 3.39,967 45 1.61,000 95 3.39,889 45 1.61,875 95 3.41,736 45 1.62,750 95 3.43,583 46 1.64,578 96 3.43,467 46 1.65,472 96 3.45,333 46 1.66,367 96 3.47,200 47 1.68,156 97 3.47,044 47 1.69,069 97 3.48,931 47 1.69,983 97 3.50,817 48 1.71,733 98 3.50,622 48 1.72,667 98 3.52,528 48 1.73,600 98 3.54,433 49 1.75,311 99 3.54,200 49 1.76,264 99 3.56,125 49 1.77,217 99 3.58,050 50 1.78,889 18Days. 50 1.79,861 l85Days. 50 1.80,833 l86Days.83as.8Das 18 y.. ONE YEAR. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prn. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 3.57,00 61 4.27,00 71 4.97,00 81 5.67,00 91 6.37,00 52 3.64,00 62 4.34,00 72 5.04,00 82 5.74,00 92 6.44,00 53 3.71,00 63 4.41,00 73 5.11,00 83 5.81,00 93 6.51,00 54 3.78,00 64 4.48,00 74 5.18,00 84 5.88,00 94 6.58,00 55 3.85,00 65 4.55,00 75 5.25,00 85 5.95,09 95 6;.65,00 56 3.92,00 66 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 86 6.02,00 96 6.72,00 57 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 77 5.39,00 87 6.09,00 97 6.79,00 58 4.06,00 68 4.76,00 78 5.46,00 88' 6.16,00 98 6.86,00 59 4.13,00 69 4.83,00 79 5.53,00 |89 6.23,00 99 6.93,00 60 4.20,00 70 4.90,00 80 5.60,00 90 6.30,00 INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 6 Months and 7 Days. 6 Months and 8 Days. 6 FMonths and 9 Days. Prin.j Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.03,636 51 1.85,442 1.03,656 51 1.86,433 1.03,675 51 1.87,425 2.07,272 52 1.89,078 2.07,311 52 1.90,089 2.07,350 52 1.91,100 3.10,908 53 1.92,714 3.10,967 53 1.93,744 3.11,025 53 1.94,775 4.14,544 54 1.96,350 4.14,622 54 1.97,400 4.14,700 54 1.98,450 5.18,181 55 1.99,986 5.18,278 55 2.01,056 5.18,375 55 2.02,125 6.21,817 56 2.03,622 6.21,933 56 2.04,711 6.22,050 56 2.05,800 7.25,453 57 2.07,258 7.25,589 57 2.08,367 7.25,725 57 2.09,475 8.29,089 58 2.10,894 8.29,244 58 2.12,022 8.29,400 58 2.13,150 9.32,725 59 2.14,531 9.32,900 59 2.15,678 9.33,075 59 2.16,825 10.36,361 60 2.18,167 10.36,556 60 2.1'9,333 10.36,750 60 2.20,500 11.39,997 61 2.21,803 11.40,211 61 2.22,989 11.40,425 61 2.24,175 12.43,633 62 2.25,439 12.43,867 62 2.26,644 12.44,100 62 2.27,850 13.47,269 63 2.29,075 13.47,522 63 2.30,300 13.47,775 63 2.31,525 14.50,906 64 2.32,711 14.51,178 64 2.33,956 14.51,450 64 2.35,200 15.54,542 65 2.36,347 15.54,833 65 2.37,611 15.55,125 65 2.38,875 16.58,178 66 2.39,983 16.58,489 66 2.41,267 16.58,800 66 2.42,550 17.61,814 67 2.43,619 17.62,144 67 2.44,922 17.62,475 67 2.46,225 18.65,450 68 2.47,256 i18.65,800 68 2.48,578 18.66,150 68 2.49,900 19.69,086 69 2.50,892 19.69,456 69 2.52,233 19.69,825 69 2.53,575 20.72,722 70 2.54,528 20.73,111 70 2.55,889 20.73,500 70 2.57,250 21.76,358 71 2.58,164 21.76,767 71 2.59,544 21.77,175 71 2.60,925 22.79,994 72 2.61,800 22.80,422 72 2.63,200 22.80,850 -72 2.64,60. 23.83,631 73 2.65,436 23.84,078 73 2.66,856 23.84,525 73 2.68,27 24.87,267 74 2.69,072 24.87,733 74 2.70,511 24.88,200 74 2.71,950 25.90,903 75 2.72,708 25.91,389 75 2.74,167 25.91,875 75 2.75,625 26.94,539 76 2.76,344 26.95,044 76 2.77,822 26.95,550 76 2.79,300 27.98,175 717 2.79,981 27.98,700 77 2.81,478 27.99,225 77 2.82,975 28 1.01,811 78 2.83,617 28 1.02,356 78 2.85,133 28 1.02,900 78 2.8,6,650 29 1.05,447 79 2.87,253 29 1.06,011 79 2.88,789 29 1.06,575 79 2.90,325 30 1.09,083 80 2.90,889 30 1.09,667 80 2.92,444 30 1.10,250 80 2.94,000 31 1.12,719 81 2.94,525 31 1.13,322 81 2.96,100 31 1.13,925 81 2.97,675 32 1.16,356 82 2.98,161 32 1.16,978 82 2.99,756 32 1.17,600 82 3.01,350 33 1.19,992 83 3.01,797 33 1.20,633 83 3.03,411 33 1.21,275 83 3.05,025 34 1.23,628 84 3.05,433 34 1.24,289 84 3.07,067 34 1.24,950 84 3.08,700 35 1.27,264 85 3.09,069 35 1.27,944 85 3.10,722 35 1.28,625 85 3.12,375 36 1.30,900 86 3.12,706 36 1.31,600 86 3.14,378 36 1.32,300 86 3.16,050 37 1.34,536 87 3.16,342 37 1.35,256 87 3.18,033 37 1.35,975 87 3.19,725 38 1.38,172 88 3.19,978 38 1.38,911 88 3.21,689 38 1.39,650 88 3.23,400' 39 1.41,808 89 3.23,614 39 1.42,567 89 3.259344 39 1.43,325 89 3.27,075 40 1.45,444 90 3.27,250 40 1.46,222 90 3.29,000 40 1.47,000 90 3.30,750 41 1.49,081 91 3.30,886 41 1.49,878 91 3.32,656 41 1.50,675 91 3.34,425 42 1.52,717 92 3.34,522 42 1..5'3,533 92 3.36,311 42 1.54,350 92 3.38,100 143 1.56,353 93 3.38,158 43 1.57,189 93 3.39,967 43 1.58,025 93 3.41,775 44 1.59,989 94 3.41,794 44 1.60,844 94 3.43,622 44 1.61,700 94 3.45,450 45 1.63,625 95 3.45,431 45 1.64,500 95 3.47,278 45 1.65,375 95 3.49,125 46 1.67,261 96 3.49,067 46 1.68,156 96 3.50,933 46 1.69,050 96 3.52,800 47 1.70.897 97 3.52,703 47 1.71,811 97 3.54,589.47 1.72,725 97 3.56,475 48 1.74,533 j 98 3.56,339 48 1.75,467 98 3.58,244 48 1.76,400 98 3.60,150 49 1.78,169 99 3.59,975 49 1.79,122 99 3.61,900 49 1.80,075 99 3.63,825 50 1.81;806 l87Days. 50,1.82,778 l88Days 50 1.83,750 189Days. Pril O N E YEAR. in Interest. Prin.'Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin., Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.07,00 11.77,00 21 1.47,00 31 2.17,00 41 2.87,00 2.14,00 12.84,00 22 1.54,00 32 2.24,00 42 2.94,00 3.21,00 13.91,00 23 1.61,00 33- 2.31,00 43 3.01,00 4.28,00 14.98,00. 24 1.68,00 34 2.38,00 44 3.08,00 5.35,00 15 1.05,00 25 1.75,00 35 2.45,00 45 3.15,00 6.42,00 16 1.12,00 26 1.82,00 36 2.52,00 46 3.22,00 7.49,00 17 1.19,00 27 1.89,00 37 2.59,00 47 3.29,00 81.56,00 1118 1.26,00 28 1.96,00 38 2.66,00 48 3.36,00 9.63,00 19 1.33,00 |29 2.03,00 3912.73,00 49 3.43,00 76] 1101.70,00 112011.40,00 1130 2.10,00 4012.80,00 1150 3.50,00 _~ ~~~ _ INTERE'T AT SEVEN PERi C E N T. 6 Months and 10 Days. 6 Months and 11 Days. 6 Months and 12 Days. Prin. Interest. Pri n. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. IPrln. Interest. 1.03,694 51 1.88,417 1.03,714 51 1.89,408 1.03,733 51 1.90,400 2.07,389 52 1.92,111 2.07,428 52 1.93,122 2.07,467 52 1.94,133 3.11,083 53 1.95,806 3.11,142 53 1.96,836 3.11,200 53 1.97,867 4.14,778 54 1.99,500 4.14,856 54 2.00,550 4.14,933 54 2.01,600 5.18,472 55 2.03,194 5.18,569 55 2.04,264 5.18,667 55 2.05,333 6.22,167 56 2.06,889 6.22,283 56 2.07,978 6.22,400 56 2.09,067 7.25,861 57 2.10,583 7.25,997 57 2.11,692 7.26,133 57 2.12,800 8.29,556 58 2.14,278 8.29,711 58 2.15,406 8.29,867 58 2.16,533 9.33,250 59 2.17,972 9.33,425 59 2.19,119 9.33,600 59 2.20,267 10.36,944 60 2.21,667 10.37,139 60 2.22,833 10.37,333 60 2.24,000 11.40,639 61 2.25,361 11.40,853 61 2.26,547 11.41,067 61 2.27,733 12.44,333 62 2.29,056 12.44,567 62 2.30,261 12.44,800 62 2.31,467 13.48,028 63 2.32,750 13.48,281 63 2.33,975 13.48,533 63 2.35,200 14.51,722 64 2.36,444 14.51,994 64 2.37,689 14.52,267 64 2.38,933 15.55,417 65 2.40,139 15.55,708 65 2.41,403 15.56,000 65 2.42,667 16.59,111 66 2.43,833 16.59,422 66 2.45,117 16.59,733 66 2.46,400 17.62,806 67 2.47,528 17.63,136 67 2.48,831 17.63,467 67 2.50,133 18.66,500 68 2.51,222 18.66,850 68 2.52,544 18.67,200 68 2.53,867 19.70,194 69 2.54,917 19.70,564 69 2.56,258 19.70,933 69 2.57,600 20.73,889 70 2.58,611 20.74,278 70 2.59,972 20.74,667 70 2.61,333 21.77,583 71 2.62,306 21.77,992 71 2.63,686 21.78,400 71 2.65,067 22.81,278 72 2.66,000 22.81,706 72 2.67,400 22.82,133 72 2.68)800 23.84,972 73 2.69,694 23.85,419 73 2.71 114 23.85,867 73 2.72,533 24.88,667 74 2.73,389 24.89,133 74 2.74,828 24.89,600 74 2.76,267 25.92,361 75 2.77,083 25.92,847 75 2.78,542 25.93,333 75 2.80,000 26.96,056 76 2.80,778 26.96,561 76 2.82,256 26.97,067 76 2.83,733 27.99,750 77 2.84,472 27 1.00,275 77 2.85,969 27 1.00,800 77 2.879467 28 1.03,444 78 2.88,167 28 1.03,989 78 2.89,683 28 1.04,533 78 2.91,200 29 1.07,139 79 2.91,861 29 1.07,703 79 2.93,397 29 1.08,267 79 2.94,933 30 1.10,833 80 2.95,556 30 1.11,417 80 2.97,111 30 1.12,000 80 2.98,667 31 1.14,528 81 2.99,250 31 1.15,131 81 3.00,825 31 1.15,733 81 3.02,400 32 1.18,222 82 3.02,944 32 1.18,844 82 3.04,539 32 1.19,467 82 3.06,133 33 1.21,917 83 3.06,639 33 1.22,558 83 3.08,253 33 1.23,200 83 3.09,867 34 1.25,611 84 3.10,333 34 1.26,272 84 3.11,967 34 1.26,933 84 3.13,600 35 1.29,306 85 3.14,028 35 1.29,986 85 3.15,681 35 1.3'0,667 85 3.17,333 36 1.33,000 86 3.17,722 36 1.33,700 86 3.19,394 36 1.34,400 86 3.21,067 37 1.36,694 87 3.21,417 37 1.37,414 87 3.23,108 37 1.38,133 87 3.24,800 38 1.40,389 88 3.25,111 38 1.41,128 88 3.26,822 38 1.41,867 88 3.28,533 39 1.44,083 89 3.28,806 39 1.44,842 89 3.30,536 39 1.45,600 89 3.32,267 40 1'.47,778 90 3.32,500 40 1.48,556 90 3.34,250 40 1.49,333 90 3.36,000 41 1.51,472 91 3.36,194 41 1.52,269 91 3.37,964 41 1.53,067 91 3.39,733 42 1.55,167 92 3.39,889 42 1.55,983 92 3.41,678 42 1.56,8'00 92 3.43,467 43 1.58,861 93 3.43)583 43 1.59,697 93 3.45,392 43 1.60,533 93 3.47,200 44 1.62,556 94 3.47,278 44 1.63,411 94 3.49,106 44 1.64,267 94 3.50,933 45 1.66,250 95 3.50,972 45 1.67,125 95 3.52,819 45 1.68,000 95 3.54,667 46 1.69,944 96 3.54,667 46 1.70,839 96 3.56,533 46 1.71,733 96 3.58,400 47 1.73,639 97 3.58,361 47 1.74,553 97 3.60,247 47 1.75,467 97 3.62,133 48 1.77,333 98 3.62,056 48 1.78,267 98 3.63,961 48 1.79,200 98 3.65,867 49 1.81,028 99 3.65,750 49 1.81,981 99 3.67,675 49 1.82,933 99 3.69,600 50 1.84,722 19t Days. 50 1.85,694 1 9 1 Days. 50 1.86,667 192DaysONE YEAR. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 3.57,00 61 4.27,00 71 4.97,00 81 5.67,00 91 6.37,00 52 3.64,00 62 4.34,00 72 5.04,00 82 5.74,00 92 6.44,00 53 3.71,00 63 4.41,00 73 5.11,00 83 5.81,00 93 6.51,00 54 3.78,00 64 4.48,00 74 5.18,00 84 5.88,00 94 6.58,00 55 3.85,00 65 4.55,00 75 5.25,00 85 5.95,00 95 6.65,00 56 3.92,00 66 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 86 6.02,00 96 6.72,00 57 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 77 5.39,00 87 6.09,00 97 6.79,00 58 4.06,00 68 4.76,00 78 5.46,00 88 6.16,00 98 6.86,00 59 4.13,00 69 4.83,00 79 5.53,00 89 6.23,00 99 6.93,00 60 4.20,00 70 4.90,00 80 5.60,00 90 6.30,00 INTER EST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 6 months and 13 Days. 6 Months and 14 Days. 6 Months and 15 Days. Prin. Interest. Prn. Interest. s. Prin. Interest. IPrin. Interest. "Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.03,753 551 1.91,392 1.03,772 51 1.92,383 1.03,792 51 1.93,375 2.07,506 52 1.95,144 2.07,544 52 1.96,156 2.07,583 52 1.97,167 3.11,258 5-3 1.95,897 3.11,317 53 1.99,928 3.11,375 53 2.00,958 4.15,011 54 2.02,650 4.15,089 54 2.03,700 4.15,167 54 2.04,750 5.18,764 55 2.06,403 5.18,861 55 2.07,472 5.18,958 55 2.08,542 6.22,517 56 2.10,156 6.22,633 56 2.11,244 6.22,750 56 2.12,333 7.26,269 57 2.13,908 7.26,406 57 2.15,017 7.26,542 57 2.16,125 8.30,022 58 2.17,661 8.30,178 58 2.18,789 8.30,333 58 2.19,917 9.33,775 59 2.21,414 9.33,950 59 2.22,561 9.34,125 59 2.23,708 10.37,528 60 2.25,167 10.37,722 60 2.26,333 10.37,917 60 2.27,500 11.41,281 61 2.28,919 11.41,494 61 2.30,106 11.41,708 61 2.31,292 12.45,033 62 2.32,672 12.45,267 62 2.33,878 12.45,500 62 2.35,083 13.48,786 63 2.36,425 13.49,039 63 2.37,650 13.49,292 63 2.38,875 14i.52,539 64 2.40,178 14.52,811 64 2.41,422 14.53,083 64 2.42,667 15.56,292 65 2.43,931 15.56,583 65 2.45,194 15.56,875 65 2.46,458 16'.60,044 66 2.47,683 16.60,356 66 2.48,967 16.60,667 66 2.50,250 17.63,797 67 2.51,436 17.64,128 67 2.52,739 17.64,458 67 2.54,042 18.67,550 68 2.55,189 18.67,900 68 2.56,511 18.68,250 68 2.57,833 19.71,303 69 2.58,942 19.71,672 69 2.60,283 19.72,042 69 2.61,625 20.75,056 70 2.62,694 20.75,444 70 2.64,056 20.75,833 70 2.65,417 21.78,808 71 2.66,447 21.79,217 71 2.67,828 21.79,625 71 2.69,208 22.82.561 72 2.70,200 22.82,989 72 2.71,600 22.83,417 72 2.73,000 23.86)314 73 2.73,953 23.86,761 73 2.75,372 23.87,208 73 2.76,792 24.90,067 74 2.77,706 24.90,533 74 2.79,144 24.91,000 74 2.80,583 25.93,819 75 2.81,458 25.94,306 75 2.82,917 25.94,792 75 2.84,375 26.97,572 76 2.85,211 26.98,078 76 2.86,689 26.98,583 76 2.88,167 27 1.01,325 77 2.88,964 27 1.01,850 77 2.90,461 27 1.02,375 77 2.91,9581 28 1.05,078 78 2.92,717 28 1.05,622 78 2.94,233 28 1.06,167 78 2.95,750 29 1.08,831 79 2.96,469 29 1.09,394 79 2.98,006 29 1.09,958 79 2.99,542 30 1.12,583 80 3.00,222 30 1.13,167 80 3.01,778 30 1.13,750 80 3.03,333 31 1.16,336 81 3.03,975 31 1.16,939 81 3.05,550 31 1.17,542 81 3.07,125 32 1.20,089 82 3.07,728 32 1.20,711 82 3.09,322 32 1.21,333 82 3.10,917 33 1.23,842 83 3.11,481 33 1.24,483 83 3.13,094 33 1.25,125 83 3.14,708 34 1.27,594 84 3.15,233 34 1.28,256 84 3.16)867 34 1.28,917 84 3.18,500 35 1.31,347 85 3.18,986 35 1.32,028 85 3.20,639 35 1.32,708 85 3.22,292 36 1.35,100 86 3.22,739 36 1.35,800 86 3.~24,411 36 1.36,500 86 3.26,083 37 1.38,853 87 3.26,492 37 1.39)572 87 3.28,183 37 1.40,292 87 3.29,875 38 1.42,606 88 3.30,244 38 1.43,344 88 3.31,956 38 1.44,083 88 3.33,667 39 1.46,358 89 3.33,997 39 1.47,117 89 3.35,728 39 1.47,875 89 3.37,458 40 1.50,111 90 3.37,750 40 1.50,889 90 3.39,500 40 1.51,667 90 3.41,250 41 1.53,864 91 3.41,503 41 1.54,661 91 3.43,272 41 1.55,458 91 3.45,042 42 1.57,617 92 3.45,256 42 1.58,433 92 3.47,044 42 1.59,250 92 3.48,833 43 1.61,369 93 3.49,008 43 1.62,206 93 3.50,817 43 1.63,042 93 3.52,625 44 1.65,122 94 3.52,761 44 1.65,978 94 3.54,589 44 1.66,833 94 3.56,417 45 1.68,875 95 3.56,514 45 1.69,750 95 3.58,361 45 1.70,625 95 3.60,208 46 1.72,628 96 3.60,267 46 1.73,522 96 3.62,133 46 1.74,417 96 3.64,000 47 1.76,381 97 3.64,019 47 1.77,294 97 3.65,906 47 1.78,208 97 3.67,792 48 1.80,133 98 3.67,772 48 1.81,067 98 3.69,678 48 1.82,000 98 3.71,583 49 1.83,886 99 3.71,525 49 1.84,839 99 3.73,450 49 1.85,792 99 3.75,375 50 1.87,639 l93Days. 50 1.88,611 9Days. 50 1.89,583 19 Days. ONE YEAR. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.07,00 11.77,00 21 1.47,00 31 2.17,00 41 2.87,00 2.14,00 12.84,00 22 1.54,00 32 2.24,00 4'2 2.94,00 3.21,00 13.91,00 23 1.61,00 33 2.31,00 43 3.01,00 4.28,00 14.98,00 24 1.68,00 34 2.38,00 44 3.08,00 5.35,00 15 1.05,00 25 1.75,00 35 2.45,00 45 3.15,00 6.42,00 16 1.12,00 26 1.82,00 36 2.52,00 46 3.22,00 7.49,00 17 1.19,00 27 1.89,00 37 2.59,00 47 3.29,00 8.56,00 18 1.26,00 28 1.96,00 38 2.66,00 48 3.36,00 9.63,00 19 1.33,00 29 2.03,00 39 2.73,00 49 3.43,00 78] 10.70,00 20 1.40,00 30 2.10,00 40 2.80,00 50 3.50,00 - i ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i - i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I iNTEREST AT SEVEN PER C EN T. 6 lIonths and 16 Days. 6 Months and 17 Days, 6 Months and 18 Days. PZri. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.03,811 51 1.943367 1.03,831 51 1.95,358 1.03,850 51 1.96,350 2.07,622 52 1.98,178 2.07,661 52 1.99,189 2.07,700 52 2.00,200 3.11,433 53 2.01,989 3.11,492 53 2.03,019 3.11,550 53 2.04,050 4.15,244 54 2.05,800 4.15,322 54 2.06,850 4.15,400 54 2.07,900 5.19,056 55 2.09,611 5.19,153 55 2.10,681 5.19,250 55 2.11,750 6.22,867 56 2.13,422 6.22,983 56 2.14,511 6.23,100 56 2.15,600 7.26,678 57 2.17,233 7.26,814 57 2.18,342 7.26,950 57 2.19,450 8.30,489 58 2.21,044 8.30,644 58 2.22,172 8.30,800 58 2.23,300 9.34,300 59 2.24,856 9.34,475 59 2.26,003 9.34,650 59 2.27,150 10.38,111 60 2.28,667 10.38,306 60 2.29,833 10.38,500 60 2.31,000 11.41,922 61 2.32,478 11.42,136 61 2.33,664 11.42,350 61 2.34,850 12.45,733 62 2.36,289 12.45,967 62 2.37,494 1.2.46,200 62 2.38,700 13.49,544 63 2.40,100 13.49,797 63 2.41,325 13.50,050 63 2.42,550 14.53,356 64 2.43,911 14.53,628 64 2.45,156 14.53,900 64 2.46,400 15.57,167 65 2.47,722 15.57,458 65 2.48,986 15.57,750 65 2.50,250 16.60,978 66 2.51,533 16.61,289 66 2.52,817 16.61,600 66 2.54,100 17.64,789 67 2.55,344 17.65,119 67 2.56,647 17.65,450 67 2.57,950 18.68,600 68 2.59,156 18.68,950 68 2.60,478 18.69,300 68 2.61,800 19.72,411 69 2.62,967 19.72,781 69 2.64,308 19.73,150 69 2.65,650 20.76,222 70 2.66,778 20.76,611 70 2.68,139 20.77,000 70 2.69,500 21.80,033 71 2.70,589 21.80,442 71 2.71,969 21.80,850 71 2.73,350 22.83,844 72 2.74,400 22.84,272 72 2.75,800 22.84,700 72 2.77,200 23.87,656 73 2.78,211 23.88,103 73 2.79,631 23.88,550 73 2.81,050 24.91,467 74 2.82,022 24.91,933 74 2.83,461 24.92,400 74 2.84,900 25.95,278 75 2.85,833 25.95,764 75 2.87,292 25.96,250 75 2.88,750 26.99,089 76 2.89,644 26.99,594 76 2.91,122 26 1.00,100 76 2.92,600 27 1.02,900 77 2.93,456 27 1.03,425 77 2.94,953 27 1.03,950 77 2.96,450 28 1.06,711 78 2.97,267 28 1.07,256 78 2.98,783 28 1.07,800 78 3.00,300 29 1.10,522 79 3.01,078 29 1.11,086 79 3.02,614 29 1.11,650 79 3.04,150 30 1.14,333 80 3.04,889 30 1.14,917 80 3.06,444 30 1.15,500 80 3.08,000 31 1.18,144 81 3.08,700 31 1.189747 81 3.10,275 31 1.19,350 81 3.11,850 32 1.21,956 82 3.12,511 32 1.22,578 82 3.14,106 32 1.23,200 82 3.15,700 33 1.25,767 83 3.16,322 33 1.26,408 83 3.17,936 33 1.27,050 83 3.19,550 34 1.29,578 84 3.20,133 34 1.30,239 84 3.21,767 34 1.30,900 84 3.23,400 35 1.33,389 85 3.23,944 35 1.34,069 85 3.25,597 35 1.34,750 85 3.27,250 36 1.37,200 86 3.27,756 36 1.37,900 86 3.29,428 36 1.38,600 86 3.31,100 37 1.41,011 87 3.31,567 37 1.41,731 87 3.33,258 37 1.42,450 87 3.34,950 38 1.44,822 88 3.35,378 38 1.45,561 88 3.37,089 38 1.46,300 88 3.38,800 39 1.48,633 89 3.39,189 39 1.49,392 89 3.40,919 39 1.50,150 89 3.42,650 49 1.52,444 90 3.43,000 40 1.53,222 90 3.44,750 40 1.54,000 90 3.46,500 41 1.56,256 91 3.46,811 41 1.57,053 91 3.48,581 41 1.57,850 91 3.50,350 4'2 1.60,067 92 3.50,622 42 1.60,883 92 3.52,411 42 1.61,700 92 3.54,200 43 1.63,878 93 3.54,433 43 1.64,714 93 3.56,242 43 1.65,550 93 3.58,050 44 1.67,689 94 3.58,244 44 1.68,544 94 3.60,072 44 1.69,400 94 3.619900 45 1.71,500 95 3.62,056 45 1.72,375 95 3.63,903 45 1.73,250 95 3.65,750 46 1.75,311 96 3.65,867 46 1.76,206 96 3.67,733 46 1.77,100 96 3.69,600 47 1.79,122 97 3.69,678 47 1.80,036 97 3.71,564 47 1.80,950 97 3.73,450 48 1.82,933 98 3.73,489 48 1.83,867 98 3.75,394 48 1.84,800 98 3.77,300 49 1.86,744 99 3.77,300 49 1.87,697 99 3.79,225 49 1.88,650 99 3.81,150 50 1.90,556 196 Days. 50 1.91,528 l97 Days. 50 1.92,500 1198Days O NE YEAR. Prin.l Interest. Prin.l Interest. Prn. Interest. rn. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 3.57,00 61 14.27,00 71 4.97,00 81 5.67,00 91 6.37,00 52 3.64,00 62 4.34,00 72 15.04,00 825.74,00 926.44,00 53 13.71,00 63 14.41,00 73 5.11,00 183 5.81,00 93 6.51,00 54 13.78,00 11 64 14.48,00 74 5.18,00 84 5.88,00 94 6.58,00 55 3.85,00 65 4.55,00 75 5.25,00 85 5.95,00 95 6.65,00 56 3.92,00 66 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 86 6.02,00 96 6.72,00 57 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 77 5.39,00 87 6.09,00 97 6.79,00 58 4.06,00 68 4.76,00 78 5.46,00 88 6.16,00 98 6.86,00 59 4.13,00 69 - 4.83,00 1/ 79 5.53,00 8 89 6.23,00 99 6.93,00 60 4.20,00 1170 14.90,00 1 80 5.60,00 [90 6.30,00 1 INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 6 Months and 19 Days. 6 Months and 20 Days. 6 months and 21 Days. i'rin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.03,869 51 1.97,342 1.03,889 51 1.98,333 1.03,908 51 1.99,325 2.07,739 52 2.01,211 2.07,778 52 2.02,222 2.07,817 52 2.03,233 3.11,608 53 2.05,081 3.11,667 53 2.06,111 3.11,725 53 2.07,142 4.15,478 54 2.08,950 4.15,556 54 2.10,000 4.15,633 54 2.11,050 5.19,347 55 2.12,819 5 19,444 55 2.13,889 5.19,542 55 2.14,958 6.23,217 56 2.16,689 6.23,333 56 2.17,778 6.23,450 56 2.18,867 7.27,086 57 2.20,558 7.27,222 57 2.21,667 7.27,358 57 2.22,775 8.30,956 58 2.24,428 8.31,111 58 2.25,556 8.31,267 58 2.26,683 9.34,825 59 2.28,297 9.35,000 59 2.29,444 9.35,175 59 2.30,592 10.38,694 60 2.32,167 10.38,889 60 2.33,333 10.39.083 60 2.345500 11.42,564 6 1 2.36,036 11.429778 61 2.37,222 11.42,992 61 2.38,408 12.46,433 62 2.39,906 12.46,667 62 2.41,111 12.46,900 62 2.42,317 13.50,303 63 2.43,775 13.50,556 63 2.45,000 13.50,808 63 2.46,225 14.54,172 64 2.47,644 14.54,444 64 2.48,889 14.54,717 64 2.50,133 15.58,042 65 2.51,514 15.58,333 65 2.52,778 15.58,625 65 2.54,042 16.61,911 66 2.55,383 16.62,222 66 2.56,667 16.62,533 66 2.57,950 17.65,781 67 2.59,253 17.66,111 67 2.60,556 17.66,442 67 2.61,858 18.69,650 68 2.63,122 18.70,000 68 2.64,444 18.70,350 68 2.65,767 19.73,519 69 2.66,992 19.73,889 69 2.68,333 19.74,258 69 2.69,675 20.77,389 70 2.70,861 20.77,778 70 2.72,222 20.78,167 70 2.73,583 21.81,258 71 2.74,731 21.81,667 71 2.76,111 21.82,075 71 2.77,492 22.85,128 72 2.78,600 22.85,556 72 2.80,000 22.85,983 72 2.81,400 23.88,997 73 2.82,469 23.89,444 73 2.83,889 23.89,892 73 2.85,308 24.92,867 74 2.86,339 24.93,333 74 2.87,778 24.93,800 74 2.89,217 25.96,736 75 2.90,208 25.97,222 75 2.91,667 25.97,708 75 2.93,125 26 1.00,606 76 2.94,078 26 1.01,111 76 2.95,556 26 1.01,617 76 2.97,033 27 1.04,475 77 2.97,947 27 1.05,000 77 2.99,444 27 1.05,525 77 3.00,942 28 1.08,344 78 3.01,817 28 1.08,889 78 3.03,333 28 1.09,433 78 3.04,850 29 1.12,214 79 3.05,686 29 1.12,778 79 3.07,222 29 1.13,342 79 3.08,758 30 1.16,083 80 3.09,556 30 1.16,667 80 3.11,111 30 1.17,250 80 3.12,667 31 1.19,953 81 3.13,425 31 1.20,556 81 3.15,000 31 1.21,158 81 3.16,575 32 1.23,822 82 3.17,294 32 1.24,444 82 3.18,889 32 1.25,067 82 3.20,483 33 1.27,692 83 3.21,164 33 1.28,333 83 3.22,778 33 1.28,975 83 3.24?392 34 1.31,561 84 3.25,033 34 1.32,222 84 3.26,667 34 1.32,883 84 3.28,300 35 1.35,431 85 3.28,903 35 1.36,111 85 3.30,556 35 1.36,792 85 3.32,208 36 1.39,300 86 3.32,772 36 1.40,000 86 3.34,444 36 1.40,700 86 3.36,117 37 1.43,169 87 3.36,642 37 1.43,889 87 3.38,333 37 1.44,608 87 3.40,025 38 1.47,039 88 3.40,511 38 1.47,778 88 3.42,222 38 1.48,517 88 3.43,933 39 1.50,908 89 3.44,381 39 1.51,667 89 3.46,111 39 1.52,425 89 3.47,842 40 1.54,778 90 3.48,250 40 1.55,556 90 3.50,000 40 1.56,333 90 3.51,750 41 1.58,647 91 3.52,119 41 1.59,444 91 3.53,889 41 1.60,242 91 3.55,658 42 1.62,517 92 3.55,989 42 1.63,333 92 3.57,778 42 1.64,150 92 3.59,567 43 1.66,386 93 3.59,858 43 1.67,222 93 3.61,667 43 1.68,058 93 3.63,475 44 1.70,256 94 3.63,728 44 1.71,111 94 3.65,556 44 1.71,967 94 3.67,383 45 1.74,125 95 3.67,597 45 1.75,000 95 3.69,444 4511.75,875 05 3.71,292 46 1.77,994 96 3.71,467 46 1.78,889 96 3.73,333 46 1.79,783 96 3.75,200 47 1.81,864 97 3.75,336 47 1.82,778 97 3.77,222 47 1.83,692 97 3.79,108 48 1.85,733 98 3.79,206 48 1.86,667 98 3.81,111 4811.87,600 98 3.83,017 49 1.89,603 99 3.83,075 49 1.90,556 99 3.85,000 49 1.91,508 99 3.86,925 50 1.93,472 199Days. 50 1.94,444 ja00Days. 50 1.95,417 201 1[Days[ O N E YEAR. Prin. Interest. Prin, Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.07,00 11.77,00 21 1.47,00 31 [2.17,00 41 12.87,00 2.14,00 [j 12.84,00 22 1.54,00 32 2.24,00 42 2.94,00 3[.21,00 131.91,00 23 1.61,00 33 12.31,00 43 3.01,00 4 I.28,00 14.98,00 241 1.68,00 34 2.38,00 44 3.08,00 51.35,00 15 11.05,00 25 1.75,00 35 12.45,00 45 13.15,00 61.42,00 16 1.12,00 26 1.82,00 36 2.52,00 /46 3.22,00 71.49,00 17 1.19,00 27 1.89,00 37 12.59,00 47 13.29,00 8.56,00 18 1.26,00 28 1.96,00 38 12.66,00 48 3.36,00 9.63,00 19 1.33,00 29 2.0300 39 2.73,00 149 3.43,00 so] 10 l1.70,00 11o20 1.40,00 30 2.10,00 40 2.80,00 50 3.50,00 E' ---- U - I,, j m INTEREST AT ATSEV-EN'PER- CENT. 6 IMonths and 22 Days. 6 Months and 23 Days. 6 Months and 24 Days. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest.'Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.03,928 51 2.00,317 1.03,947 51 2.01,308 1.03,967 51 2.02,300 2.07,856 52 2.04,244 2.07,894 52 2.05,256 2.07,933 52 2..06,267 3.11,783 53 2.08,172 3.11,842 53 2.'09,203 3.11,900 53 2.10,233 4.15,711 54 2.12,100 4.15,789 54 2.13,150 4.15,867 54 2.14,200 5.19,639 55 2.16.028 5.19,736 55 2.17,097 5.19,833 55 2.18,167 6.23,567 56 2.19,956 6.23,683 56 2.21,044 6.23,800 56 2.22,133 7.27,494 57 2.239883 7.27,631 57 2.24,992 7.27,767 57 2.26,100 8.31,422 58 2.27,811 8.31,578 58 2.28,939 8.31,733 58 2.30,067 9.35,350 59 2.31,739 9.35,525 59 2.32,886 9.35,700 59 2.34,033 10.39,278 60 2.35,667 10.39,472 60 2.36,833 10.39,667 60 2.38,000 11.43,206 61 2.39,594 11.43,419 61 2.40,781 11.43,633 61 2.41,967 12.47,133 62 2.43,522 12.47,367 62 2.44,728 12.47,600 62 2.45,933 13.51,061 63 2.47,450 13.51,314 63 2.48,675 13.51,567 63 2.49,900 14.54,989 64 2.51,378 14.55,261 64 2.52,622 14.55,533 64 2.53,867 15.58,917 65 2.55,306 15.59,208 65 2.56,569 15.59,500 65 2.57,833 16.62,844 66 2.59,233 16.63,156 66 2.60,517 16.63,467 66 2.61,800 17.66,772 67 2.63,161 17.67,103 67 2.64,464 17.67,433 67 2.65,767 18.70,700 68 2.67,089 18.71,050 68 2.68,411 18.71,400 68 2.69,733 19.74,628 69 2.71,017 19.74,997 69 2.72,358 19.75,367 69 2.73,700 20.78,556 70 2.74,944 20.78,944 70 2.76,306 20.79,333 70 2.77,667 21.82,483 71 2.78,872 21.82,892 71 2.80,253 21.83,300 71 2.81,633 22.86,411. 72 2.82,800 22.86,839 72 2.84,200 22.87,267 72 2.85,600 23.90,339 73 2.86,728 23.90,786 73 2.88,147 23.91,233 73 2.89,567 24.94,267 74 2.90,656 24.94,733 74 2.92,094 24.95,200 74 2.93,533 25.98,194 75 2.94,583 25.98,681 75 2.96,042 25.99,167 75 2.97,500 26 1.02,122 76 2.98,511 26 1.02,628 76 2.99,989 26 1.03,133 76 3.01,467 27 1.06,050 77 3.02,439 27 1.06,575 77 3.03,936 27 1.07,10Q 77 3.05,433 28 1.09,978 78 3.06,367 28 1.10,522 78 3.07,883 28 1.11,067 78 3.09,400 29 1.13,906 79 3.10,294 29 1.14,469 79 3.11,831 29 1.15,.033 79 3.13,367 30 1.17,833 80 3.14,222 30 1.18,417 80 3.15,778 30 1.19,000 80 3.17,333 31 1.21,761 81 3.18,150 31 1.22,364 81 3.19,725 31 1.22,967 81 3.21,300 32 1.25,689 82 3.22,078 32 1.26,311 82 3.23,672 32 1.26,933 82 3.25,267 33 1.29,617 83 3.26,006 33 1.30,258 83 3.27,619 33 1.30,900 83 3.29,233 34 1.33,544 11 84 3.29,933 34 1.34,206 84 3.31,567 34 1.34,867 84 3.33 200 35 1.37,472 85 3.33,861 35 1.38,153 85 3.35,514 35 1.38,833 85 3.37,167 36 1.41,400 86 3.37,789 36 1.42,100 86 3.39,461 36 1.42,800 86!3.41,133 37 1.45,328 87 3.41,717 37 1.46,047 87 3.43,408 37 1.46,767 87 3.45,100 38 1.49,256 88 3.45,644 38 1.49,9'94 88 3.47,356 38 1.50,733 88 3.49,067 39 1.53,183 89 3.49,572 39 1.53,942 89 3.51,303 39 1.54,700 89 3.53,033 40 1.57,111 90 3.53,500 40 1.57,889 90 3.55,250 40 1.58,667 90 3.57,000 41 1.61,039 91 3.57,428 41 1.61,836 91 3.59,197 41 1.62,633 9'1 3.60,967 42 1.64,967 92 3.61,356 42 1.65,783 92 3.63,144 42 1.66,600 92 3.64,933 43 1.68,894 93 3.65,283 43 1.69,731 93 3.67,092 43 1.70,567 93 3.68,900 44 1.72,822 94 3.69,211 44 1.73,678 94 3.71,039 44 1.74,533 94 3.72,867 45 1.76,750 95 3.73,139 45 1.77,625 95 3.74,986 45 1.78,500 95 3.76,833 46 1.80,678 96 3.77,067 46 1.81,572 96 3.78,933 46 1.82,467 96 3.80,800 47 1.84,606 97 3.80,994 47 1.85,519 97 3.82,881 47 1.86,433 97 3.84,767 48 1.88,533 98 3.84,922 48 1.89,467 98 3.86,828 48 1.90,400 98 3.88',733 49 1.92,461 99 3.88,850 49 1.93,414 99 3.90,775 49 1.94,367 99 3.92,700 50 1.96,389 2?92Days. 50 1.97,361 203Days. 50 1.98,333 204LDays. ONE YEAR. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest; Pyin. Interest. IPrin. Interest. 51 3.57,00 61 4.27,00 71 4.97,00 81 5.67,00 91 6.37,00 52 3.64,00 62 4.34,00 72 5.04,00 82 5.74,00 92 6.44,00 53 3.71,00 63 4.41,00 73 5.11,00 83 5.81,;00 93 6.51,00 54 3.78,00 64 4.48,00 74 5.18,00 84 5.88,00 94 6.58,00 55 3.85,00 65 4.55,00 75 5.25,00 85 5.95,00 - 195 6.65,00 56 3.92,00 66 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 186 6.02,00 96 6.72,00 57 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 77 5.39,00 87 6.09,00 97 6.79,00 58 4.06,00 68 4.76,00 78 5.46,00 88 6.16,00 98 6.86,00 59 4.13,00 69 4.83,00 79 5.53,00 89 6.23,00 99 6.93,00 60 4.20,00 70 4.90.00 80 5.60,00 |90 6.30,00 [8i F ~ ~ _. INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 6 Months and 25 Days. 6 Months and 26 Days. 6 Months and 27 Days. Prin.1 Interest. Prian. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin.' Interest. Prin. Interest. 1Prin. Interest. 1.03,986 51 2.03,292 1.04,006 51 2.04,283 1.04,025 51 2.05,275 2.07,972 52 2.07,278 2.08,011 52 2.08,289 2.08,050 52 2.09,300 3.11,958 53 2.11,264 3.12,017 53 2.12,294 3.12,075 53 2.13,325 4.15,944 54 2.15,250 4.16,022 54 2.16,300 4.16,100 54 2.17,350 5.19,931 55 2.19,236 5.20,028 55 2.20,306 5.20,125 55 2.21,375 6.23,917 56 2.23,222 6.24,033 56 2.24,311 6.24,150 56 2.25,400 7.27,903 57 2.27,208 7.28,039 57 2.28,317 7.28,175 57 2.29,425 8.31,889 58 2.31,194 8.32,044 58 2.32,322 8.32,200 58 2.33,450 9.35,875 59 2.35,181 9.36,050 59 2.36,328 9.36,225 59 2.37,475 10.39,861 60 2.39,167 10.40,056 60 2.40,333 10.40,250 60 2.41,500 11.43,847 61 2.43,153 11.44,061 61 2.44,339 11.44,275 61 2.45,52.5 12.47,833 62 2.47,139 12.48,067 62 2.48,344 12.48,300 62 2.49,550 13.51,819 63 2.51,125 13.52,072 63 2.52,350 13.52,325 63 2.53,575 14.55,806 64 2.55,111 14.56,078 64 2.56,356 14.56,350 64 2.57,600 15.59,792 65 2.59,097 15.609083 65 2.60,361 15.60,375 65 2.61,625 16.63,778 66 2.63,083 16.64,089 66 2.64,367 16.64,400 66 2.65,650 17.67,764 67 2.67,069 17.68,094 67 2.68,372 17.68,425 67 2.69,675 18.71,750 68 2.71,056 18.72,100 68 2.72,378 18.72,450 68 2.73,700 19.75,736 69 2.75,042 19.76,106 69 2.76,383 19.76,475 69 2.77,725 20.79,722 70 2.79,028 20.80,111 70 2.80,389 20.80,500 70 2.81,750 21.83,708 71 2.83,014 21.84,117 71 2.84,394 21.84,525 71 2.85,775 22.87,694 72 2.87,000 22.88,122 72 2.88,400 22.88,550 72 2.89,800 23.91,681 73 2.90,986 23.92,128 73 2.92,406 23.92,575 73 2.93,825 24.95,667 74 2.94,972 24.96,133 74 2.96,411 24.96,600 74 2.97,850 25.99,653 75 2.98,958 25 1.00,139 75 3.00,417 25 1.00,625 75 3.01,875 26 1.03,639 76 3.02,944 26 1.04,144 76 3.04,422 26 1.04,650 76 3.05,900 27 1.07,625 77 3.06,931 27 1.08,150 77 3.08,428 27 1.08,675 77 3.09,925 128 1.11,611 78 3.10,917 28 1.12,156 78 3.12,433 28 1.12,700 78 3.13,950 129 1.15,597 79 3.14,903 29 1.16,161 79 3.16,439 29 1.16,725 79 3.17,975 30 1.19,583 80 3.18,889 30 1.20,167 80 3.20,444 30 1.20,750 80 3.22,000 31 1.23,569 81 3.22,875 31 1.24,172 81 3.24,450 31 1.24,775 81 3.26,025 32 1.27,556 82 3.26,861 32 1.28,178 82 3.28,456 32 1.28,800 82 3.30,050 33 1.31,542 83 3.30,847 33 1.32,183 83 3.32,461 33 1.32,825 83 3.34,075 34 1.35,528 84 3.34,833 34 1.36,189 84 3.36,467 34 1.36,850 84 3.38,100 35 1.39,514 85 3.38,819 35 1.40,194 85 3.40,472 35 1.40,875 85 3.42,125 36 1.43,500 86 3.42,806 36 1.44,200 86 3.44,478 36 1.44,900 86 3.46,150 37 1.47,486 87 3.46,792 37 1.48,206 87 3.48,483 37 1.48,925 87 3.50,175 38 1.51,472 88 3.50,778 38 1.52,211 88 3.52,489 38 1.52,950 88 3.54,200 39 1.55,458 89 3.54,764 39 1.56,217 89 3.56,494 39 1.56,975 89 3.58,225i 40 1.59,444 90 3.58,750 40 1.60,222 90 3.60.500 40 1.61,000 90 3.62,250 41 1.63,431 91 3.62,736 41 1.64,228 91 3.64,506 41 1.65,025 91 3.66,275 4211.67,417 92 3.66,722 42 1.68,233 92 3.68)511 42 1.69,050 92 3.70,300 43 1.71,403 93 3.70,708 43 1.72,239 93 3.72,517 43 1.73,075 93 3.74,325 44 1.75,389 94 3.74,694 44 1.76,244 94 3.76,522 44 1.77,100 94 3.78,350 45 1.79,375 95 3.78,681 45 1.80,250 95 3.80,528 45 1.81,125 95 3.82,375 46 1.83,361 96 3.82,667 46 1.84,256 96 3.84,533 46 1.85,150 96 3.86,400 47 1.87,347 97'3.86,653 47 1.88,261 97 3.88,539 47 1.89,175 97 3.90,425 48 1.91,333 98 3.90,639 48 1.92,267 98 3.92,544 48 1.93,200 98 3.94,450 49 1.95,319 99 3.94,625 49 1.96,272 99 3.96,550 49 1.97,225 99 3.98,475 50 1.99,306 1205Days. 50 2.00,278 1206 Days. 50 2.01,250 21O7 Days. _ ONE YEAR. Prin. Interest. IPrin. Interest. lPrin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin.l Interest. 1.07,00 11.77,00 21 1.47,00 31 1 2.17,00 41.2.87,00 2.14,00 12.84,00 22 1.54,00 32 2.24,00 42 2.94,00 3.21,00 113.91,00 23 1.61,00 33 12.31,00 43 3.01,00 4.28,00 14 1.98,00 24 1.68,00 34 2.38,00 44 3.08,00 5.35,00 15 1.05,00 25 1 1.75,00 35 2.45,00 j45 3.15,00 6.42,00 16 1.12,00 26 1 1.82,00 36 2.52,00 46 3.22,00 7.49,00 17 1.19,00 27 1.89,00 37 2.59,00 47 3.29,00 8.56,00 18 1.26,00 28 1 1.96,00 38 1 2.66,00 48 1 3.36,00 9.63,00 19 1.33,00 29 2.03,00 1 39 2.73,00 2149 3.43,00 82] I10.70,00 120 1.40,00 30 12.10,00 11401 2.80,00 50 3.50,00 mum 2. 1 40 i/2 {. 32 40 m122'40 { / I INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 6 Months and 28 Days. 6 Months and 29 Days. 7 MONTHS. Prin. Interest. Pri n. Interest.. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. lnteresf. Prin. Interest. 1.04,044 51 2.06,267 1.04,064 51 2.07,258 1.04,083 51 2.08,250 2.08,089 52 2.10,311 2.08,128 52 2.11,322 2.08,167 52 2.12,333 3.12,133 53 2.14-356 3.12,192.53 2.15,386 3.12,250 53 2.16,417 4.16,178 54 2.18,400 4.16,256 54 2.19,450 4.16,.333 54 2.20,500 5.20,222 55 2.22,444 5.20,319 55 2.23,514 5.20,417 55 2.24,583 6.24,267 56 2.26,4891 6. 6.24,383 56 2.27,578 6.24,500 56 2.28,667 7.28,311 57 2.30l,533 7.28,447 57 2.31,642 7.28,583 57 2.32,750 8.32,356 58 2.34,578 8.32,511 58 2.35,706 8.32,667 58 2.36,833 9.36,400 159 2-.38,622 9.36,575 59 2.39,769 9.36,750 59 2.40,917 10.40,444 60 2.42,667 10.40,639 60i 2.43,833 10.40,833 60 2.45,000 11.44,489 61 2.46,71 11.44,703 61 2.47,897 11.44,917 61 2.49,083 12.48,533 62 2.50,756 12.48,767 62 -2.51,961 12.49,000 62 2.53,167 13.52,578 63 2.54,800 13.52,831 63 2.56,025 13.53,083 63 2.57,250 14.56,622 64 2.58,844 14.56,894 64 2.60,089 14.57,167 64 2.61,333 15.60,667 65 2.62,889 15.60,958 65 2.64,153 15.61,250 65 2.65,417 16.64,711 66 2.66,933 16.65,022 66] 2.68,217 16.65,333 66 2.69,500 117.68,756 67 2.70,978 17.69,086 67 2.72,281 17.69,417 67 2.73,583 18.72,800 68 2.75,022 18.73,150 68 2.76,344 18.73,500 68 2.77,667 19.76,844 69 2.79,067 19.77,214 69 2.80,408 19.77,583 69 2.81,750 20.80,889 70 2.83,111 20.81,278 70 2.84,472 20.81,667 70 2.85,833 *21.84,933 71 2.87,156 21 -.85,342 71 2.88,536 21.85,750 71 2.89,917 22.88,978 72 2.91,200 22.89,406 72 2.92,600 22.89,833 72 2.94,000 23.93,022 73 2.95,244 23.93,469 73 2.96,664 23.93,917 73 2.98,083 24.97,067 74 2.99,289 24.97,533 74 3.00,728 24.98,000 74 3.02,167 25 1.01,111 75 3.03,333 25 1.01,597 75 3.04,792 25 1.02,083 75 3.06,250 26 1.05,156 76 3.07,378 26 1.05,661 76 3.08,856 26 1.06,167 76 3.10,333 27 1.09,200 77 3.11,422 2711.09,725 t 77 3.12,919 *27 1.10,250 77 3.14,417 28 1.13,244 78 3.15,467 28 1.13,789 78 3.16,983 28 1.14,333 78 3.18,500() 29 1.17,289 79 3.19,511 29 1.17,853 79 3.21,047 29 1.18,417 79 3.22,583 30 1.21,333 80 3.23,556 30 1.21,917 80 3.25,111 30 1.22,500 80 3.26,667 1 31 1.25,378 81 3.27,600 31 1.25,981 81 3.29.175 31 1.26,583 81 3.30,7501 32 1.29,422 82 [3.31,644 32 1.30,044 82 3.33,239 32 1.30,667 82 3.34 833 33 1.33,467 83 3.35,689 [33 1.34,108 83 3.37,303 33 1.34,750 83 3.38,917 34 1.37,511 84 3.39,733 34 1.38,172 84 3.41,367 34 1.38,833 84 3.43,000 35 1.41,556 85 3.43,778 35 1.42,236 85 3.45,431 35 1.42,917 85 3.47,083 36 1.45,600 86 3.47,822 36 1.46,300 86 3.49,494 36 1.47,000 86 3.51,167 37 1.49,644 87 3.51,867 37 1.50,364 87 3.53,558 37 1.51,083 87 3.55,250 38 1.53,689 88 3.55,911 38 1.54,428 88 3.57,622 38 1.55,167 88 3.59,333 39 1.57,733 89 3.59,956 39 1.58,492 89 3.61,686 39 1.59,250 89 3.63417 40 1.61,778 90 3.64,000 40 1.62,556 90 3.65,750 40 1.63,333 90 3.67,500 41 1.65,822 91 3.68,044 41 1.66,619 91 3.69,814 41 1.67,417 91 3.71,583 42 1.69,867 92 3.72,089 42 1.70,683 92 3.73,878 42 1.71,500 92 3.75,667 43 1.73,911 93 3.76,133 43 1.74,747 93 3.77,942 43 1.75,583 93 3.79,7)50 44 1.77,956 94 3.80,178 44 1.78,811 94 3.82,006 44 1.79,667 94 3.83,833 45 1.82,000 95 3.84,222 45 1.82,875 95 3.86,069 45 1.83,750 95 3.87,917 46 1.86,044 96 3.88,267 46 1.86,939 96 3.90,133 46 1.87,833 96 3.92,000 47 1.90,089 97 3.92,311 47 1.91,003 97 3.94,197 47 1.91,917 97 3.96,083 48 1.94,133 98 3.96,356 48 1.95,067 98 3.98,261 48 1.96,000 98 4.00,167 49 1.98,178 99 4.00,400 49 1.99,131 99 4.02,325 49 2.00,083 99 4.04,250 50 2.02,222 20ODays. 50 2.03,194 a29 Days. 50 2.04 167 21ODays oN8Days-l 209 Days. __.a I ONE YEAR. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 13.57,00 61 14.27,00 71 14.97,00 81 15.67,00 91 6.37,00 52 3.64,00 62 4.34,00 1721 5.04,00 82 5.74,00 92.6.44,00 53 3.71,00 63 1 4.41,00 73 5.11,00 83 5.81,00 93 6.51,00 54 3.78,00 64 4.48,00 74 15.18,00 84 15.88,00 94 6.58,00 55 3.85,00 65 4.55,00 75 5.25,00 85 5.95,00 95 16.65,00 56 3.92,00 66 14.62,00 76 15.32,00 86 16.02,00 96 6.72,00 57 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 77 5.39,00 87 6.09,00 97 16.79,00 58 14.06,00 68 4.76,00 78 5.46,00 88 16.16,00 [ 98 6.86,00 59 14.13,00 69 - 4.83,00 1 79 5.53,00 89 16.23,00 99 16.93,00 6014.20,00 1170 4.90,00 80 so 5.60,00 90 6.30o,00 11 [83 i'NT'EREST AT SEV E N P E R CENT. 7 Months and 1 Day. 7 Months and 2 Days. 7 Months and 3 Days. Prin. Interest. Piin-. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin.''terest..Prn. Interest..Prim. Interest. I.04,103 51 2.09,242 1 I.04,122 51 2.10,233:1.04,142 51 2.11,225 2'.08206 52 2.13;'44 2.08,244 52 2.14,356 2.08,283' 52 2.15,367 3.I12,308" 53 2.17447 3.12,367T i53 2.18,478'.12,435 53'12.19,508 4.16;411 54 2.21,550 4.161489i 54 2222,600 4'.16,567 54 2.23,650 5'~.20,514' 55 2.25;653 5.20,611 55 2.26,722 5.20,7081 55 21'27,792 6.24,617 56 2.29,756 6.24,733' 56 2.30,814 4 6;.24,850 56 2.31,933 7.28;,719 57 2.33,858 7''.28,856 57 2.34',967 7.28',992 57':2.36,075 8.32,822 58: 2.37,961 8'.32,978; 58 2.39,089'".33;13'3 58'240,217 9.36,925 59" 2.42,064 9'.37,100 59 2.43,211 9'.37,275 59 2.44,358 10.41,028S 60 2.469,67 100.41,222 60 2.47,333 10.41,417 60 2.48,500 11.45,131 61 2.50,269 11.45,344 61 2.51,456 11.45,558' 6_1 2.52,642 12.49;233' 62 2.54;372 12.49,467 62:2.55,578 12.49,700 62 2.56,783 13.53,336 63' 2.58,475 13.53,58? 63 2.59,700 13'.53,842 63 2.60,925 14.57;439' 64' 2.62,578 14.57,711 64'2.63,822 14.57;98:3' 64 2.65,067: 15.61,542" 65 2.66,681 15.61,833 65 "2.67,944 SI'.62,125 65 2.69,208 16.65,644 66 2.70,783 16.65,956 66 2.72,067 16.66';267 66 2.73,350 17.69,747' 67 2.74,886 17'.70,078' 67 2.76,189 17-.70,408 67 2.77,492 18.73,850 68 2.78;989 18'.71,200 68' 2.80,341 18'.74;550 68 2.81,633 19.77,953' 69 2.83;092 19'.78,322 69 2.84,433 19-'.78,692 69 2.85,775 20.82,056 70 2.87,1'94 20.82,444 70 2.88,556 20.82;833 70 2.89,917 21.86,158 712 91,297 21.86,567 71 2.92,678 2'1.86,975 71 2.94,058 22.90,261 722.95,400 22.90,689 72 2.96,800 22.91,117 72 2.98,200 23.9',3'64 73' 2.99`503 23.94,811 73 3.00,922 23'.95,258' 73 3.02,342 24.98,467 74 3.03,6D06: 24.98;93'3 74:3105,04'4 24.99400 74 3.06,483 25 1.02,569 75 3.07,708 25 1'.03,056 75 3.09,167 25 1.03,542 75 3.10,625 26'1.06,672 76 3.1,1111 26 1.07,178 76 3.13,289'26 1.07,683' 76 3.14,767 27 1.10,775 77' 3'.15,914 27 1.11,300 77 3.17,411 27 1.11,825 77 3.18,908 28 1.14,878 78 3.20;017 28' 1.15,422 78 3.2'1,53.1 28 1.15,967' 78 3.23,050 29 1.18,981 79 3.24,f19 29: 1.19,544 79 3.25,656 29 1'.20,108 79" 3.27,192 30 1.23,083' 80 3.28,222 30 1.23;667' 80 3.29;7778':30 1l24;250 80 3.31,333 31 1.27, 186 81 3.32,325 31 1.27;789" 81 3.33;900 31 1.28,393 81 3:35;475 32 1.31,289' 82 3.36,428'? 3' 1.31,911 82 3.38,022 32 1.32,533' 82 3.39,617 33 1.35,392 83' 3140,531 33 1.36,033 83 3'42,144 3~3 1.36,675 83 3.43,758 34 1.39,494 84 8.44,633' 34 1.40,156' 84 3146;267 34 1.40,817' 84 3.47,900 35 1.43,597 85 3.48;736 35 1.44,278' 85 3.50,3'89 35 1.44,958' 85 3.52,042 36 1.47,700 8'6 3.52,839 36 1.48;400 86 3'54,511 36 1.49;100 8'6 3.56,183 37 1.51,803 87 3.56,942 37 1.52,522 87 3.58,63'3 37 1.53;242 87 3.60,325 38 1.55,906 88 3.61,044 38'.56,644 88 3.62,756 38"'1.57,383' 88 3.64,467 391.60,008 89 3'.65,147 39' 1.60,767' 89 3.66,878.39" 1.61,525 89, 3.68,608 49 1.64,11 90 3.69,250 40 1.641,889 90 3.71,000'40 1.65,667 90 3.72,750 41 1.68,214 91 3.73,353 41 1.609011 91 3175,122 41'1.69,808' 91 3.76,892 42 1.72,317 92 3.77,456 42 f.73;133' 92 3279,244'42 1.73;950 92 3.81,033 43 1.76,419 93 3.81,558 43' 1.77,256f 93 3.83,3 67:43 1.78,092 93' 3.85,175'44 1.80,522 94 3.83,661 44 1.81,378' 94 3.87,489 44 1.82,233' 94 3.89,317. 45 1.84,625 95 3.89,764 45 1.85,500 95,3.91,611 45 1.86,375 95 3.93;458 46'1.88,728 96 3.93,867 46 1.89,622 906 3.95,733 46 1'.90,517 96 3.97,600 47 1.92,831 97 3.97,969 47 1.93,744 97 3.99,856 47 1.94,658 97 4.01,742 48 1.96,933' 98 4.02,072 48 1.97,867 98 4.03,978'48 1.98,800 98 4.05,883 49 2.01,036 99 4.06,175 49 2.01,989 99 4.08,100 49 2.02,942 9'9 4:10,025 50 2.05,139 21Days. 50 2.06,111 2.2.Das. 50 2.07,083?13aS ONE YEAR..:Prin4' Interest,:Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest.'Prin. i Interest. IPrin. Interest. 1.07,00 11.77,00 21 1.47,00 31 2.17,00 41 2.87,00 2.14,00 12.8400' 2'2 1.54,00 32 2.24,00 42 2.94,00 3.21,00 13.91,00 23' 1.61,00 33 2.31,00 43 3.01,00.28,00 14.98,00 24 11.68,00 34 2.38,00 44 3.08,00 5.35,00 15 1.05,00 25 1.75,09 35 2.45,00 45 3.15,00 6.42,00 1 16 1.12',00 26:1.82,00 36 2.52,00 46 3.22,00 7.49,00 17 1.19,00 27 1.89;,00 37 2.59,00 47 3.29,00 8.56,00 118 1.26,00 28' 1.96,00 38' 2.66,00 48 3.36,00 9'.63,00 19 1.33,00 29' 2,03;00 39' 2.73,00 49 3.43,00 S4] 10.70,00 20 1.40,00 3'0 2.i0,00 40 2.80,00 {50 3.50,00 '- INTER-EST AT SEVEN PE'R CENT. I 7 Months and 4 Days. 7 Months and 5 Days. 7 Months and 6 Days. Prin. Interest.!Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Iterest. Prin - Interest. 1.04,161 51 2.12,217 1.04,181 51 2.13,208 1.04,200 51 2.14,200 2.08,322 52 2.16,378 2.08,361 52 2.17,389 2.08,400 52 2.18,400 3.12,483 53 2.20,5398 3.12,542 53 2.21,569 3.12,600 53' 2.22,600 4.16,644 54 2.24,700 4;.16,722 54 2.25,750 4.;16,800 54 2.26,800 5.20,806 55 2.28,861 5.20,903 55 2.29,931 5.21,000 55 2.31,000 6.24,967 56 2.33,022 6,.259083 56 2.34,111 6.25,200 56 2.35,200 7.29128 57: 2.37,183 7.29,264 57 2.38,292 7.29,400 57 2.39,400 8.33,289 58; 2.41,344 8.33,444 58 2.42,472 8i.33,600 58 2.43,600 9.37,450 59 2.45,506 9,.37,625 59 2.46,653 9.37,800 59 2.-47,800 10.41,611 60, 2.49,667 101.41,806 60 2.50,833 10.42,000 60, 2.52,000 11.45,772 61 2.53,828 11.45,9'86 61 2.55,014 11.46,200 61 2.56,200 12.49,933 62 2.57,989 12.50,167 62 2.59,194 12.50,400 62 2.60,400 13,.54,094 63 2.62,150 13.54,347 63 2.63,375 13.54,600 63 2.64,600 14!.58,256 64 2.66,311 14.58,528 64 2.67,556 14.58,800 64 2.68,800 15..62,417 65 2.70,472 15.62,708 65 2.71,736 15.63,000 65 2.73,000 16.66,578 66 2.74,633 16.66,889 66 2.75,917 16.67,200 66 2.77,200 17.70,739 67, 2.78,794 17.71,069 67 2.80,097 17.71,400 67 2.81,400 18.74,900 68 2.82,956 18.75,250 68 2.84,278 18.75,600 68 2.85,600 19.79,061 69 2.87,117 19|.79,431 69 2.88,458 19.79,800 69 2.89,800 20.83,222 70, 2.91,278 20;.83,611 70 2.92,639 20.84,000 70 2.94,000 21.87 383 71. 2.95,439 21.87,792 71 2.96,819 21.88,200 71, 2.98,200 22.91,544 72 2.99,600 22.91,972 72 3.01,000 22.92,400 72 3.02,400 23.95,706 73 3.03,761 231.96,153 73 3.05,181 23.96,600 73 3.06,600 24.99,867 74 3.07,922 24 1.00,333 74 3.09,361 24 1.00,800 74 3.10,800 25 1.04,028 75 3.12,083 25 1.04,514 75. 3.13,542 25 1.05,000 75 3.15,000 26 1.08,189 76 3.16,244 26.1.08,694 76 3.17,722 26 1.09,200 76 3.19,200 27 1.12,350 77 3.20,406 27 1.12,875 77 3.21,903 27 1.13,400 77 3.23,400 28 1.16,511 78, 3.24,567 28 1.17,056 78, 3.26,083 28 1.17,600 78, 3.27,600 29 1.20,672 79 3.28,728 29 11.21,236 79: 3.30,264 29 1.21,800 79 3.31,800 30 1.243833 80 3.32,889 30 1.25,417 80 3.34,444 30 1.26,000 80 3.36,000 31 1.28,994 81 3.37,050 31 1.29,597 81 3.38,625 31 1.30,200 81 3.40,200 32 1.33,156 82 3.41,211 32 1.33,778 82 3.42,806 32 1.34,400 82, 3.44,400 33 1.37,317 83 3.45,372 33 1.37,958 83 3.46,986 33 1.38,600 83 13.48,600 34 1.41,478 84 3.49,533 34 1.42,139 84 3.51,167 34 1.42,800 84; 3.52,800 35 1.45,639 85 3.53,694 35 1.46,319 85 3.55,347 35 1.47,000 85 3.57,000 36 1.49,8 )0 86 3.57,856 36 1.50,500 86 3.59,528 36 1.51,200 86 3.61,200 37 1.53,961 87 3.62,017 37 1.54,681 87 3.63,708 37 1.55,400 87 3.65,400 38 1.58,122 88 3.66,178 38 1.58,861 88 3.67,889 38 1.59,600 88 3.69,600 39 1.62,283 89 3.70,339 39 1.63,042 89 3.72,069 39 1.63,800 89 3.73,800 40 1.66,444 90 3.74,500 40 1.67,222 90 3.76,250 40 1.68,000 90 3.78,000 41 1.70,606 91 3.78,661 41 1.71,403 91 3.80,431 41 1.72,200 91 3.82,200 42. 1.74,767 92 3.82,822 42 1.75,583 92 3.84,611 42 11.76,400 92 3.86,400 43 1.78,928 93 3.86,983 43 1.79,764 93 3.88,792 43 1.80,600 93 3.90,600 44 1.83,089 941 3.91,144 44 1.83,944 94 3.92,972 44 1.84,800 94 3.94,800 45 1.87,250 95i 3.95,306 45 1.88,125 95 3.97,153 45 1.89,000 95 3.99,000 46 1.91,411 96 3.99,467 46 1.92,306 96. 4.01,333 46 1.93,200 96. 4.03,200 47 1.95,572 97 4.03,628 47 1.96,486 97 4.05,514 47. 1.97,400 971 4.07,400 48 1.99,733 98, 4.07,789 48 2.00,667 981 4.09,694 48 2.01,600 1 98; 4.11,600 49 2.03,$894 99 4.11,950 49 2.04,847 99 4.13,875 49 2.05,800 99 1 4.15,800 50 2.08,056 24 LDays. 50 2.09,028 5 Days. 50 2.10,000 216Days.... 2I5Days. _000 -16Days. _ ONE YEAR.i Prin terest. lPrinw Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin.' Interest. 51 3.57,00 6114.27,00 71 4.97,00 81 5.67,00 91 6.37,001 52- 3.64,00 62 4.34,00 72.5.04,00 82 5.74,00 92 6.44,00 531 3.71,00 63 4.41,00 73 5.11,00 83,5.81,00 93 6.51,00 54 3.78,00 64 4.48;00 74 5.18,00 84 5,88,00 94 6.58,00. 55 3.85,00 65- 4.55,00 75 5.25,00 85 5.95;00 95 6.65,00 56 3.92,00 66 i 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 86 6.02,00 96 6.72,00 57 3.99,00 67- 4.69;00 77 5.39,00 87 6.09,00 97 6.79,00 58 4.006,00 68 4.76,00 78 5.46,00 88 6.16,00 98| 6.86,00 59 4.13,00 69 4.83,00 79 5.53,00 89 1-6.23,00 99 6.93,,00 60 4.20,00 11701 4.90,00 80 5.60,00 90 6.30,00 [8 M..onths and s. 7 Days. 7 Mon.ths and Das - 5.21,097 55 2.32,069 5.21,194 55 2.33,139 5.21,292 55 2.34,208 6.25,317 56 2.3"6,289 6.25,433 56 2.37,378 6.25,550 56 2.38,467 7.29,536 57 2.40,508- 7.29,672 57 2.41,617 7.29,808 57 2.42,725 8.33,756 58' 2.44,728 8.33,911 58 2.45,856 8.34,067 58 2.46,983 9.37,975 59 — 2.48,947- 9.38-,150 59 2.50,094 9.38,325 59 2.51,242 10.42,19-4'60 2.53;167' 10.42,389 60 2.54, 333 10.42,583 60 2.55,500 11.46,414 61 2.57,386 11.46,628 61 2.58,572 11:.46,842 61 2.59,758 12.50,633 62 2.61,606 12.50,867 62 2.62,811 12.51,100 62 2.64,017 13.54,853 63'' 2.65,825- 13.55,106 63 2.67,050 13.55,358 63 2.68,275 14.59,072 64 2.70,044' 14.59,344 64'2.71,289 14.59,617 64 2.72,533 15.63;292 65 2.74,264 15.63,583 65 2.75,528 -15.63,875 65 2.76,792 16.67,511 66 2.78~,483' 16.67,822 66 2.79,767 16.68,133 66 2.81,050 17.71,731 67 2.82,703 17.72,061 67 2.84,006 17.72,392 67 2.85,308 18.75,950 68 2.86,922 /18.76,300 68 2.88,244 18.76,650 68' 2.89,567 19.80,169 69r 2.91,142 1'19.80,539 69 2.92,483:19.80,908 69 2.93,825 20.84,389 70 2'.95,361 20.84,778 70 2.96,722 20.85,167 70 2.98,083 21.88,608 71 2.99,581'21:.89,017 71 3.00,961 21.89;425 71 3.02,342 22.92,828 72 3.03,800 22.93,256 72 3.05,200 22.93,683 72 3.06,600 23.97,047 73 3.08,019 23.97,494 73 3.09,439 23:.97,942 73 3.10,858 24 1.01,267 74 3.12,239 24 1.01,733- 74 3.13,678 24 1.02,200 74 3.15,117 25 1.05,486 75 3.16,458- 25 1.05,972 75 3.17,917 25 1.06,458 75 3.19,375 26 1.09,706 76 3.20,678 26 1.10,211 76 3.22,156 26 1.10,717 76 3.23,633 27 1.13,925 77 3.24,897 27'1.14,450 77 3.26,394 27 1.14,975 77 3.27,892 28 1.18,144 78 3.29,117' 28 1.18,689 78 3.30,633 28 1.19,233' 78 3.32,150 29 1.22,364 79 3.3'3336 29 1.22,928 79 3.34,872 29 1.23,492 79 3.36,408 30 1.26,583 80 3.37,556 30 1.27,167 80 3.39,111 i30 1.27,750 80 3.40,667 31 1.30,803 81 3.41,775 31 1.31,406 81 3.43,350 31 1.32,008- 81 3.44,925 32 1.35,022 82 3.45,994 32 1.35,644 82 3.47,589 32 1.36,267 82 3.49,183 33 1.39,242 83 3.50,214 33 1.39,883 83 3.51,828 33 1.40,525 83 3.53,442 34 1.43,461 84 3.54,433 34 1.44,122 84 3.56,067 34 1.44,783 84 3.57,700 35 1.47,681 85 3.58,653 35 1.48,361 85 3.60,306 35 1.49,042 85 3.61,958 36 1.51,900 86 3.62,872 36 1.52,600 86 3.64,544 36 1.53,300 86 3.66,217 37 1.56,119 87 3.67,092 37 1.56,839 87 3.68,783 37 1.57,558 87 3.70,475 38 1.60,339 88 3.71,311 38 1.61,078 88 3.73,022 38 1.61,817 88 3.74,733 39 1.64,558 89 3.75,531 39 1.65,317 89 3.77,261 39 1.66,075 89 3.78,992 40 1.68,778 90 3.79,750 40 1.69,556 90 3.81,500 40 1.70,333 90 3.83,250 41 1.72,997 91 3.83,969 41 1.73,794 91 3.85,739 41 1.74,592 91 3.87,508 42 1.77,217 92 3:.88,189 42 1.78,033 92 3.89,978 42;1.78,850 92 3.91,767 43 1.81,436 93 3.92,408 43 1.82,272 93 3.94,217 43 1.83,108 93 3.96,025 44 1.85,656 94 3.96,628 44 1.86,511 94 3.98,456 44 1.87,367 94 4.00,283 45 1.89,875 95 4.00,847 45 1.90,750 95 4.02,694 45 1.91,625 95 4.04,542 46 1.94,094 96 4.05,067 46 1.94,989 96 4.06,933 46 1.95,883 96 4.08,800 47 1.98,314 97 4.09,286 47 1.99,228 97 4.11,172 47 2.00,142 97 4.13,058 48 2.02,533 98 4.13,506 48 2.03,467 98 4.15,411 48 2.04,400 98 4.17,317 49 2.06,753- 99 4.17,725 49 2.07,706 99 4.19,650 49 2.08,658 99 4.21,575 50 2.10,972 2lI7Days 50 2.11,944 2218Days. 5012.12,917 2l9Days. ONE YEAR. n Interest;. Prin. Ilterest. Pin. Interest. Prin. Interest. rin. Interest. 1.07,00 11.77,00 21 1.47,00 31 12.17,00 41 2.87,00 2.14,00 12.84,00 22 1.54,00 32 2.24,00 42 2.94,00 3.21,00 H13.91,00 23 1.61,00 33 2.31,00 431 3.01,00 llI 41.28,00 14.98,00 24 1.68,00 34 2.38,00 944 3.08,00 5.35,00 11 15 1.05,00 25 1.75,00 35 [2.45,00 45 3.15,00 6.42,00 1116 1.12,00 26 1.82,00 36 [2.52,00 46 13.22,00 7.49,00 17 1.19,00 27 1.89,00 37 2.59,00 47 3.29,00 81.56,00 18 1 1.26,00 28 1.96,00 381 2.66,00 481 3.36,00 II ] 91.63,00 19 1.33,00 29 2.03,00 39 2.73,00 49 3.43,00 86s] 1.O70,00 20 1.40,00 30 2.10,00 40 2.80,00 50 3.50,00 I NTEREST AT SE VEN PER CENT. 7 months and 10 Days. [7 Months and 11 Days. 7 Months and 12 Days. Priun. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.04,278 51 2.18,167 1.04,297 51 2.19,158 1.04 317 51 2.20,150 2.08,556 52 2.22,444 2.08,594 52 2.23,456 2.08,633 52 2.24,467 3.12,833 53 2.26,722 3.12,892 53 2.27,753 3.12,950 53 2.28,783 4.17,111 54] 2.31,000 4.17,189 54 2.32,050 4.17,267 54 2.33,100 5.21,389 55 2.35,278 5.21,486 55 2.36,347 5.21,583 55 2.37,417 6.25,667 56{ 2.39,556 6.25,783 56 2.40,644 6.25,900 56 2.41,733 7.29,944 57. 2.43,833 7.30,081 57 2.44,942 7. 30,217 57 2.46,050 8.34,222 58 2.48,111 8.34,378 58 2.49,239 8.34,533 581 2.50;367 9.38,500 59 2.52,389 9.38,675 59 2.53,536 9.38,850 59 2.54,683 10.42,778 60 2.56,667 10.42,972 60 2.57,833 10.43,167 60 2.59,000 11.47,056 61 2.60,944 11.47,269 61 2.62,131 11.47,483 61 2.63;317 12.51,333 62 2.65,222 12.51,567 62 2.66,428 12.519800 62 2.67,633 13.55,611 63. 2.69,500 13.55,864 63 2.70,725 13.56,117 63 2.71,950/ 14.59,889 64 2.73,778 14.60,161 64 2.75,022 14.60,433 64 2.76,267 15.64,167 65. 2.78,056 15.64,458 65 2.79,319 15.64,750 65 2.80,583 16.68,444 66 2.82,333 16.68,756 66 2.83,617 16.69,007 66 2.84,900 17.72,722 67 2.86,611 17.73,053 67 2.87,914 17.73,383 67 2.89,217 18.77,000 68 2.90,889 18.77,350 68 2.92,211 18.77,700 68 2.93,533 19.81,278 69 2.95,1671 19.81,647 69 2.96,508 19.82,017 69 2.97,8501 20.85,556 70[ 2.99,444 20.85,944 70 3.00,806 20.86,333 70 3.02,167 21.89,833 71 3.03,7221 21.90,242 71 3.05,103 21.90,650 71 3.06,483 22.94,111: 72 3.08,000 22.94,539 72 3.09,400 22.94,967 72 3.10,800 23.98,3839 73 3.12,278 23.98,836 73 3.13,697 23.99,283 73 3.15,117 24 1.02,667 74 3.16,5.56 24 1.03,133 74 3.17,994 24 1.03,600 74 3.19,433 25 1.06,944 75 3.20,833 25 1.07,431 75 3.22,292 25 1.07,917 75 3.23,750 26 1.11,222 76 3.25,111 26 1.11,728 76 3.26,589 26 1.12,233 76. 3.28,067 27 1.15,500 77 3.29,389 27 1.16,025 77 3.30,886 27 1.16,550 77 3.32,383 28 1.19,778 78 3.33,667 28 1.20,322 78 3.35,183 28 1.20,867 78 3.36,700 29 1.24,056 79[ 3.37,944 29 1.24,619 79 3.39,481 29 1.25,183 79 3.41,017 30 1.28,333 80 3.42,222 30 1.28,917 80 3.43,778 30 1.29,500 80 3.45,333 31 1.32,611 81 3.46,500 31 1.33,214 81 3.48,075 31 1.33,817 81 3.49,650 32 1.36,889 82 3.50,778 32 1.37,511 82 3.52,372 32 1.38,133 82 3.53,967 33 1.41,167 83 3.55,0356 3 1.41,808 83 3.56,669 33 1.42,450 83 3.58,283 34 1.45,444 84 3.59,333 34 1.46,106 84 3.60,967 34 1.46,767 84 3.62,600 35 1.49,722 85 3.63,611 35 1.50,403 85 3.65,264 35 1.51,083 85 3.66,917 36 1.54,000 86 3.67,889 36 1.54,700 86 3.69,561 36 1.55,400 86 3.71,233 37 1.58,278 87 3.72,167 37 1.58,997 87 3.73,858 37 1.59,717 87 3.75,550 38 1.62,556 88 3.76,444 38 1.63,294 88 3.78,156 38 1.64,033 88 3.79,867 39 1.66,833 89 3.80,722 39 1.67,592 89 3.82,453 39 1.68,350 89 3.84,183 40 1.71,111 90 3.85,000! 40 1.71,889 90 3.86,750 40 1.72,667 90 3.88,500 41 1.75,389 91 3.89,278 41 1.76,186 91 3.91,047 41 1.76,983 91 3.92,817 42 1.79,667 92 3.93,556 42 1.80,483 92 3.95,344 42 1.81,300 92 3.97,133 43 1.83,944 [ 93 3.97,833 43 1.84,781 93 3.99,642 43 1.85,617 93 4.01,450 44 1.88,222 94 4.02,111 44 1.89,078 94 4.03,939 44 1.89,933 94 4.05,767 45 1.92,500 95 4.06,389 45 1.93,375 95 4.08,236 45 1.94,250 95 4.10,083 46 1.96,778 96 4.10,667 46 1.97,672 96 4.12,533 46 1.98,567 96 4.14,400 47 2.01,056 97 4.14,944 47 2.01,969 97 4.16,831 47 2.02,883 97 4.18,717 48 2.05,333 98 4.19,222 48 2.06,267 98 4.21,128 48 2.07,200 98 4.23,033 49 2.09,611 99 4.23,500 49 2.10,564 99 4.25,425 49 2.11,517 99 4.27,350 50 2.13889 502.14,861 221Days. 50 2.15,833 2221a ys. ONE YEAR. Prin. Interest. lPrin.l Interest. Prin.l Interest. IP'rin.l Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 1 3.57,00 16 1 4.27,00 1711 4.97,00 1181 1 5.67,00 91 16.37,00 52 3.64,00 62 4.34,00 72 5.04,00 82 5.74,00 92 6.44,00 53 3.71,00 63 4.41,00 73 5.11,00 83 15.81,00 93 6.51,00 54 3.78,00 64 14.48,00 74 5.18,00 84 15.88,00 94 6.58,00 55 3.85,00 65 4.55,00 175 5.25,00 85 5.95,00 95 6.65,00 56 3.92,00 66 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 86 6.02,00 96 6.72,00 57 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 77 5.39,00 87 16.09,00 97 6.79,00 58 14.06,00' 68 4.76,00 78 15.46,00 88 6.16,00 98 6.86,00 59 4.13,00 69 4.83,00 79 5.53,00 89 16.23,00 99 6.93,00 60 4.20,00 A 70 4.90,00 A 80 5.60,00 | 901 6.30,00 1 1 1 [7 INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 7 Months and 13 Days. 7 Months and 14 Days. 7 Months and 15 Days. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.04,336 51 2.21,142 1.04,356 51 2.22,133 1.04,375 51 2.23,125 2.08,672 52 2.25,478 2.08,711 52 2.26,489 2.08,750 52 2.27,500 3.13,008 53 2.29,814 3.13,067 53 2.30,844 3.13,125 53 2.31,875 4.17,344 54 2.34,150 4.17,422 54 2.35,200 4.17,500 54 2.36,250 5.21,681 55 2.38,486 5.21,778 55 2.39,556 5.21,875 55 2.40,625 6.26,017 56 2.42,822 6.26,133 56 2.43,911 6.26,250 56 2.45,000 7.30,353 57 2.47,158 7.30,489 57 2.48,267 7.30,625 57 2.49,375 8.34,689 58 2.51,494 8.34,844 58 2.52,622 8.35,000 58 2.53,750 9.39,025 59 2.55,831 9.39,200 59 2.56,978 9.39,375 59 2.58,125 10.43,361 60 2.60,167 10.43,556 60 2.61,333 10.43,750 60 2.62,500 11.47,697 61 2.64,503 11.47,911 61 2.65,689 11.48,125 61 2.66,875 12.52,033 62 2.68,839 12.52,267 62 2.70,044 12.52,500 62 2.71,250 13.56,369 63 2.73,175 13.56,622 63 2.74,400 13.56,875 63 2.75,625 14.60,706 64 2.77,511 14.60,978 64 2.78,756 14.61,250 64 2.80,000 15.65,042 65 2.81,847 15.65,333 65 2.83,111 15.65,625 65 2.84,375 16.69,378 66 2.86,183 16.69,689 66 2.87,467 16.70,000 66 2.88,750 17.73,714 67 2.90,519 17.74,044 67 2.91,822 17.74,375 67 2.93,125 18.78,050 68 2.94,856 18.78,400 68 2.96,178 18.78,750 68 2.97,500 19.82,386 69 2.99,192 19.82,756 69 3.00,533 19.83,125 69 3.01,875 20.86,722 70 3.03,528 20.87,111 70 3.04,889 20.87,500 70 3.06,250 21.91,058 71 3.07,864 21.91,467 71 3.09,244 21.91,875 71 3.10,625 22.95,394 72 3.12,200 22.95,822 72 3.13,600 22.96,250 72 3.15,000 23.99,731 73 3.16,536 23 1.00,178 73 3.17,956 23 1.00,625 73 3.19,375 24 1.04,067 74 3.20,872 24 1.04,533 74 3.22,311 24 1.05,000 74 3.23,750 25 1.08,403 75 3.25,208 25 1.08,889 75 3.26,667 25 1.09,375 75 3.28,125 26 1.12,739 76 3.29,544 26 1.13,244 76 3.31,022 26 1.13,750 76 3.32,500 27 1.17,075 77 3.33,881 27 1.17,600 77 3.35,378 27 1.18,125 77 3.36,875 28 1.21,411 78 3.38,217 28 1.21,956 78 3.39,733 28 1.22,500 78 3.41,250 29 1.25,747 79 3.42,553 29 1.26,311 79 3.44,089 29 1.26,875 79 3.45,625 30 1.30,083 80 3.46,889 30 1.30,667 80 3.48,444 30 1.31,250 80 3.50,000 31 1.34,419 81 3.51,225 31 1.35,022 81 3.52,800 31 1.35,625 81 3.54,375 32 1.38,756 82 3.55,561 32 1.39,378 82 3.57,156 32 1.40,000 82 3.58,750 3311.43,092 83 3.59,897 33 1.43,733 83 3.61,511 33 1.44,375 83 3.63,125 34 1.47,428 84 3.64,233 34 1.48,089 84 3.65,867 34 1.48,750 84 3.67,500 35 1.51,764 85 3.68,569 35 1.52,444 85 3.70,222 35 1.53,125 85 3.71,875 36 1.56,100 86 3.72,906 36 1.56,800 86 3.74,578 36 1.57,500 86 3.76,250 37 1.60,436 87 3.77,242 37 1.61,156 87 3.78,933 37 1.61,875 87 3.80,625 38 1.64,772 88 3.81,578 38 1.65,511 88 3.83,289 38 1.66,250 88 3.85,000 39 1.69,108 89 3.85,914 39 1.69,867 89 3.87,644 39 1.70,625 89 3.89,375 40 1.73,444 90 3.90,250 40 1.74,222 90 3.92,000 40 1.75,000 90 3.93,750 41 1.77,781 91 3.94,586 41 1.78,578 91 3.96,356 41 1.79,375 91 3.98,125 42 1.82,117 92 3.98,922 42 11.82,933 92 4.00,711 4211.83,750 92 4.02,500 43 1.86,453 93 4.03,258 43 1.87,289 93 4.05,067 43 1.88,125 193 4.06,875 44 1.90,789 94 4.07,594 4411.91,644 94 4.09,422 44 1.92,500 94 4.11,250 45 1.95,125 95 4.11,931 45 1.96,000 95 4.13,778 45 1.96,875 95 4.15,625 46 1.99,461 96 4.16,267 46 2.00,356 96 4.18,133 46 2.01,250 96 4.20,000 47 2.03,797 97 4.20,603 4712.04,711 97 4.22,489 47 2.05,625 97 4.24,375 48 2.08,133 98 4.24,939 4812.09,067 98 4.26,844 4812.10,000 98 4.28,750 49 2.12,469 99 4.29,275 49 2.13,422 99 4.31,200 4912.14,375 99 4.33,125 50 2.16,806 223Days. 50 2.17,778 124Days 50 2.18,750 223Days.1 1224Days.1 225]~.5 Is. _ ONE YEAR. IIPrin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prii.l Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.07,00 11.77,00 21 1.47,00 31 2.17,00 41 12.87,00 2.14,00 12.84,00 22 1.54,00 32 2.24,00 42 2.94,00 3.21,00 13.91,00 23 1.61,00 33 2.31,00 43 3.01,00 4.28,00 14.98,00 24 1.68,00 34 2.38,00 44 3.08,00 5.35,00 15 1.05,00 25 1.75,00 35 2.45,00 45 3.15,00 6.42,00 16 1.12,00 126 1.82,00 36 2.52,00 46 3.22,00 7.49,00 17 1.19,00 27 1.89,00 37 2.59,00 47 3.29,00 8.56,00 18 1.26,00 28 1.96,00 38 2.66,00 48 3.36,00 9.63,00 19 1.33,00 29 2.03,00 39 2.73,00 49 3.43,00 88 10 1.70,00 20 11.40,00 30 2.10,00 40 2.80,00 50 3.50,00 _~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~., E INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 7 Mlonths and 16 Days. 7 MIonths and 17 Days. 7 Months and 18 Days. Prin. terest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.04o394 51 2.24,117 1.04,414 51 2.25,108 1.04,433 51 2.269100 2.08,789 52 2.28,511 2.08,828 52 2.29,522 2.08,867 52 2.30,533 3.13,183 53 2.32,906 3.13,242 53 2.33,936 3.13,300 53 2.34,967 4.17,578 54 2.37,300 4.17,656 54 2.38.350 4.17,733 54 2.39,400 5.21,972 55 2.41,694 5.22,069 55 2.42,764 5.22,167 55 2.43,833 6.26,367 56 2.46,089 6.26,483 56 2.47,178 6.26,600 56 2.48,267 7.30,761 57 2.50,483 7.30,897 57 2.51,592 7.31,033 57 2.52,700I 8.35,156 58 2.54,878 8.35,311 58 2.56,006 8.35,467 58 2.57,133 9.39,550 59 2.59,272 9.39,725 59 2.60,419 9.39,900 59 2.61,567 10.43,944 60 2.63,667 10.44,139 60 2.64,833 10.44,333 60 2.66,000 11.48,339 61 2.68,061 11.48,553 61 2.69,247 11.48,767 61 2.709433 12.52,733 62 2.72,456 12.52,967 62 2.73,661 12.53,200 62 2.74,867 13.57,128 63 2.76,850 13.57,381 63 2.78,075 13.57,633 63 2.79,300 14.61,522 64 2.81,244 14.61,794 64 2.82,489 14.62,067 64 2.83,733 15.65,917 65 2.85,639 15.66,208 65 2.86,903 15.66,500 65 2.88,167 16.70,311 66 2.90,033 16.70,622 66 2.91,317 16.70,933 66 2.92,600 17.74,706 67 2.94,428 17.75,036 67 2.95,731 17.75,367 67 2.97,033 18.79,100 68 2.98,822 18.79,450 68 3.00,144 18.79,800 68 3.01,467 19.83,494 69 3.03,217 19.839g64 69 3.04,558 19.84,233 69 3.05,900 20.879889 70 3.07,611 20.88,278 70 3.08,972 20.88,667 70 3.10,333 21.92,283 71 3.12,006 21.92,692 71 3.13,386 21.93,100 71 3.14,767 22.96,678 72 3.16,400 22.97,106 72 3.17,800 22.97,533 72 3.19,200 23 1.01,072 73 3.20,794 23 1.01,519 73 3.22,214 23 1.01,967 73 3.23,633 24 1.05,467 74 3.25,189 24 1.05,933 74 3.26,628 24 1.06,400 74 3.28,067 25 1.09,861 75 3.29,583 25 11.0,347 75 3.31,042 25 1.10,833 75 3.32,500 26 1.14,256 76: 3.33,978 26 1.14,761 76 3.35,456 26 1.15,267 76 3.36,933 27 1.18,650 77 3.38,372 27 1.19,175 77 3.39,869 27 1.19,700 77 3.41,367 28 1.23,044 78 3.42,767 28 1.23,589 78 3.44,283 28 1.24,133 78 3.45,800 29 1.27,439 79 3.47,161 29 1.28,003 79 3.48,697 29 1.28,567 79 3.50,233 30 1.31,833 80 3.51,556 30 1.329417 80 3.53,111 30 1.33,000 80 3.54,667 31 1.36,228 81 3.55,950 31 1.36,831 81 3.57,525 31 1.37,433 81 3.59,100 32 1.40,622 82 3.60,344 32 1.41,244 82 3.61,939 32 1.41,867 82 3.63,533 33 1.45,017 83 3.64,739 33 1.45,658 83 3.669353 33 1.46,300 83 3.67,967 34 1.49,411 84 3.69,133 34 1.50,072 84 3.70,767 34 1.50,733 84 3.72,400 35 1.53,806 85 3.73,528 35 1.54,486 85 3.75,181 35 1.55,167 85 3.76,833 36 1 58,200 86 3.77,922 36 1.58,900 86 3.79,594 36 1.59,600 86 3.81,267 37 1.629594 87 3.82,317 37 1.63,314 87 3.84,008 37 1.64,033 87 3.85,700 38 1.66,989 88 3.86,711 38 1.67,728 88 3.88,422 38 1.68,467 88 3.90,133 39 1.71,383 89 3.91,106 39 1.72,142 89 3.92,836 39 1.72,900 89 3.94,567 40 1.75,778 90 3.95,500 40 1.76,556 90 3.97,250 40 1.77,333 90 3.99,000 41 1.80,172 91 3.99,894 41 1.80,969 91 4.01,664 41 1.81,767 91 4.03,433 i 42 1.84,567 92 4.04,289 42 1.85,383 92 4.06,078 42 1.86,200 92 4.07,867 43 1.88,961 93 4.08,683 43 1.89,797 93 4.10,492 43 1.90,633 93 4.12,300 44 1.93,356 94 4.13,078 44 1.94,211 94 4.14,906 44 1.95,067 94 4.16,733 45 1.97,750 95 4.17,472 45 1.98,625 95 4.19,319 45 1.99,500 95 4.21,167 46 2.02,144 96 4.21,867 46 2.03,039 96 4.23,733 46 2.03,933 96 4.25,600 47 2.06,539 97 4.26,261 47 2.07,453 97 4.28,147 47 2.08,367 97 4.30,033 48 2.10,933 98 4.30,656 48 2.11,867 98 4.32,561 48 2.12,800 98 4.34,467 49 2.159 328 99 4.35,050 49 2.16,281 99 4.36,975 49 2.17,233 99 4.38,900 50 2.19,722 2263Days. 50 2.20,694 227 Days. 50 2.21,667 122 3Days ONE YEAR. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 3.57,00 61 4.27,00 71 4.97,00 81 5.67,00 91 6.37,00 52 3.64,00 62 4.34,00 72 5.04,00 82 5.74,00 92 6.44,00 53 3.71,00 63 4.41,00 73 5.11,00 83 5.81,00 93 6.51,00 54 3.78,00 64 4.48,00 74 5.18,00 84 5.88,00 94 6.58,00 55 3.85,00 65 4.55,00 75 5.25,00 85 5.95,00 95 6.65,00 56 3.92,00 66 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 86 6.02,00 96 6.72,00 57 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 77 5.39,00 87 6.09,00 97 6.79,00 58 14.06,00 68 4.76,00 78 5.46,00 88 6.16,00 98 6.86,00 59 4.13,00 6914.83,00 79 5.53,00 89 6.23,00 99 6.93,00 60 4.20,00 70 4.90,00 80 5.60,00 90 6.30,00 9 INTEREST A T S E V EN P E R C E NT. 7 Months and 19 Days. 7 Months and 20 Days. 7 Months and 21 Days. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. IPrin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.04,453 51 2.27,092 1.04,472 51 2.28,083 1.04,492 51 2.29,075 2.08,906 52 2.31,544 2.08,944 52 2.32,556 2.08,983 52 2.33,567 3.13,358 53 2.35,997 3.13,417 53 2.37,028 3.13,475 53 2.38,058 4.17,811 54 2.40,450 4.17,889 54 2.41,500 4'.17,967 54 2.42,550 5.22,264 55 2.44,903 5.22,361 55 2.45,972 5.22,458 55 2.47,042 6.26,717 56 2.49,356 6.26,833 56 2.50,444 6.26,950 56. 2.51,533 7.31,169 57 2.53,808 7.31,306 57 2.54,917 7.31,442 57 2.56,025 8.35,622 58 2.58,261 8.35,778 58 2.59,389 8.35,933 58 2.60,517 9.40,075 59 2.62,714 9.40,250 59 2.63,861 9.40,425 59 2.65,008 10.44,528 60 2.67,167 10.44,722 60 2.68,333 10.44,917 60 2.69,500 11.48,981 61 2.71,619 11.49,194 61 2.72,806 11.49,408 61 2.73,992 12.53,433 62 2.76,072 12.53,667 62 2.77,278 12.53,900 62 2.78,483 13.57,886 63 2.80,525 13.58,139 63 2.81,750 13.58,392 63 2.82,975 14.62,339 64 2.84,978 14.62,611 64 2.86,222 14.62,883 64 2.87,467 15.66,792 65 2.89,431 15.67,083 65 2.90,694 15.67,375 65 2.91,958 16.71,244 66 2.93,883 16.71,556 66 2.95,167 16.71,867 66 2.96,450 17.75,697 67 2.98,336 17.76,028 67 2.99,639 17.76,358 67 3.00,942 18.80,150 68 3.02,789 18.80,500 68 3.04,111 18.80,850 68 3.05,433 19.84,603 69 3.07,242 19.84,972 69:3.08,583 19.85,342 69 3.09,925 20.89,056 70 3.11,694 20.89,444 70 3.13,056 20.89,833 70 3.14,41.7 21.93,508 71 3.16,147 21.93,917 71 3.17,528 21.94,325 71 3.18,908 22.97,961 72 3.20,600 22.98,389 72 3.22,000 22.98,817 72 3.23,400 23 1.02,414 73' 3.25,053 23 1.02,861 73 3.26,472 23 1.03,308 73 3.27,892 24 1.06,867 74 3.29,506 24 1.07,333 74 3.30,944 24 1.07,800 74 3.32,383 25 1.11,319 75 3.33,958 25 1.11,806 75 3.35,417 25 1.12,292 75 3.36,875 26 1.15,772 76 3.38,411 26 1.16,278 76 3.39,889 26 1.16,783 76 3.41,367 27 1.20,'225 77 3.42,864 27 1.20,750 77 3.44,361 27 1.21,275 77 3.45,858 28 1.24,678 78 3.47,317 28 1.25,222 78 3.48,833 28 1.25,767 78 3.50,350 29 1.29,131 79 3.51,769 29 1.29,694 79 3.53,306 29 1.30,258 79 3.54,842 30 1.33,583 80 3.56,222 30 1.34,167 80 3.57,778 30 1.34,750 80 3.59,333 31 1.38,036 81 3.60,675 31 1.38,639 81 3.62,250 31 1.39,242 81 3.63,825 32 1. 42,489 82 3.65,128 32 1.43,111 82 3.66,722 32 1.43,733 82 3.68,317 33 1.46,942 83 3.69,581 33 1.47,583 83 3.71,194 33 1.48,225 83 3.72,808 34 1.51,394 84 3.74,033 34 1.52,056 84 3.75,667 34 1.52,717 84 3.77,300 35 1.55,847 85 3.78,486 35 1.56,528 85 3.80,139 35 1.57,208 85i 3.81,792 36 1.60,300 86 3.82,939 36 1.61,000 86 3.84,611 36 1.61,700 86 3.86,283 37 1.64,753 87 3.87,392 37 1.65,472 87 3.89,083 37 1.66,192 87 3.90,775 38 1.69,206 88 3.91,844 38 1.69,944 88 3.93,556 38 1.70,683 88 3.95,267 39 1.73,658 89 3.96,297 39 1.74,417 89 3.98,028 39 1.75,175 89 3.99,758 40 1.78,111 90 4.00,750 40 1.73,889 90 4.02,500 40 1.79,667 90 4.04,250 41 1.82,564 91 4.05,203 41 1.83,361 91 4.06,972 41 1.84,158 91 4.08,742 42 1.87,017 92 4.09,656 42 1.87,833 92 4.11,444 42 1.88,650 92 4.13,233 43 1.91,469 93 4.14,108 4311.92,306 93 4.15,917 43 1.93,142 93 4.17,725 44 1.95,922 94 4.18,561 44 1.96,778 94 4.20,389 44 1.97,633 94 4.22,217 45 2.00,375 95 4.23,014 45 2.01,250 95 4.24,861 45 2.02,125 95 4.26,708 46 2.04,828 96 4.27,467 46 2.05,722 96 4.29,333 46 2.06,617 96 4.31,200 47 2.09,281 97 4.31,919 47 2.10,194 97 4.33,806 47 2.11,108 97 4.35,692 48 2.13,733 98 4.36,372 48 2.14,667 98 4.38,278 48 2.15,600 98 4.40,183 49 2.18,186 99 4.40,825 49 2.19,139 99 4.42,750 49 2.20,092 99 4.44,675 50 2.22,639 2291ays. 50 2.23,611 2301Days. 50 2.24,583 231Days.l _| _ _ ONE YEAR. P ]rin. Interest. [IPrin. Interest. lPrin. Interest. IPrin. Interest. lPrin. Interest.. 07900 111.77,00 21 1.47,00 113112.17,00 ]4112.87,001 2.1-4,00 12.84,00 l2211.54,00 1 32 2.24,00 4212.94,00 31.21,00 [13.91,00 [23 1.61,00 13312.31,00 114313.01,00 4.28,00 /14.98,00 2411.68,00 34 2.38,00 4413.08,00 51.35,00 15 l1.05,00 2511.75,00 35 2.45,00 14513.15,00 61.42,00 /16 1.12,00'2611.82,00 136 2.52,00 46 3.22,00 71.49,00 /1711.19,00 127 1.89,00 137 2.59,00 14713.29,00 8 1.56,00 18 1.26,00 /28 1.96,00 38 2.66,00 48 3.36,00 91.63,00 //19/1.33,00 1/2912.03,00 l/39 2.73,00 11491 3.43,001/.~ iim 17 Dmonths and 22 Days. 7 DMonths and 23 Days. 7 Months and 24 Days.Pri l. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Pril. Interest. Pri. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.04,511 51 2.30,067 1.04,531 51 2.31,058 1.04,550 51 2.32,050 ~1 2.09,022 52 2.34,578 2.09,061 52 2.35,589 2.09,100 52 2.36,600 3.13,533 53 2.39,089 3.13,592 53 2.40,119 3.13,650 53 2.41,150 li 4.18,044 54 2.43,600 4.18,122 54 2.44,650 4.18,200 54 2.45,700,15.22,556 55 2.48,111 5.22,653 55 2.49,181 5.22,750 55 2.50,250 6.27,067 56 2.52,622 6.27,183 56 2.53,711 6.27,300 56 2.54,800 7.31,578 57 2.57,133 7.31,714 57 2.58,242 7.31,850 57 2.59,350 8.36,089 58 2.61,644 8.36,244 58 2.62,772 8.36,400 58 2.63,900 9.40,600 59 2.66,156 9.40,775 59 2.67,303 9.40,950 59 2.689450 10.45,111 60 2.70,667 10.45,306 60 2.71,833 10.45,6500 60 2.73,000 1.49,622 61 2.75,178 11.49,836 61 2.76,364 11.50,050 61 2.77,550 12.54,133 62 2.79,6891 12.54,367 62 2.80,894 12.54,600 62 2.82,100 163 2.84,200 13.58,9644 63 2.85,425 13.59,150 63 2.86,650 14.63,156 64 2.88,711 14.63,428 64 2.89,956 14.63,700 64 2.91,200 15.67,667 65 2.93,222 15.67,958 65 2.94,486 15.68,250 65 2.95,750 16.72,178 66 2.97,733 16.72,489 66 2.99,017 16.72,800 66 3.00,300 17.76,689 67 3.02,244 17.77,019 67 3.03,547 17.77,350 67 3.04,850 18.81,200 68 3.06,756 18.81,550 68 3.08,078 18.81,900 68 3.09,400 19.85,711 69 3.11,267 19.86,081 69 3.12,608 19.86,450 69 3.13,950 20.90,222 70 3.15,778 20.90,611 70 3.17,139 20.91,000 70 3.18,500 21.94,733 71 3.20,289 21.95,142 71 3.21,669 21.95,550 71 3.23,050 22.99,244 72 3.24,800 22.99,672 72 3.26,200 22 1.00,100 72 3.27,600 23 1.03,756 73 3.29,311 23 1.04,203 73 3.30,731 23 1.04,650 73 3.32,150 24 1.08,267 74 3.33,822 24 1.08,733 74 3.35,261 24 1.09,200 74 3.36,700 25 1.12,778 75 3.38,333 25 1.13,264 75 3.39,792 25 1.13,750 75 3.41,250 26 1.17,289 76 3.42,844 26 1.17,794 76 3.44,322 26 1.18,300 76 3.45,800 27 1.21,800 77 3.47,356 27 1.22,325 77 3.48,853 27 1.22,850 77 3.50,350 28 1.26.311 78 3.51,867 28 1.26,856'78 3.53,383 28 1.27,400 78 3.54,900 29 1.30,822 79 3.56,378 29 1.31,386 79 3.57,914 29 1.31,950 79 3.59,450 30 1.35,333 80 3.60,889 30 1.35,917 80 3.62,444 30 1.36,500 80 3.64,000 31 1.39,844 81 3.65,400 31 1.40,447 81 3.66,975 31 1.41,050 81 3.68,550 32 1.44,356 82 3.69,911 32 1.44,978 82 3.71,506 32 1.45,600 82 3.73,100 33 1.48,867 83 3.74,422 33 1.49,508 83 3.76,036 33 1.50,150 83 3.77,650 34 1.53,378 84 3.78,933 34 1.54,039 84 3.80,567 34 1.54,700 84 3.82,200 35 1.57,889 85 3.83,444 35 1.58,569 85 3.85,097 35 1.59,250 85 3.86,750 36 1.62,400 86 3.87,956 36 1.63,100 86 3.89,628 36 1.63,800 86 3.91,300 37 1.66,911 87 3.92,467 37 1.67,631 87 3.94,158 37 1.68,350 87 3.95,850 38 1.71,422 88 3.96,978 38 1.72,161 88 3.98,689 38 1.72,900 88 4.00,400 39 1.75,933 89 4.01,489 39 1.76,692 89 4.03,219 39 1.77,450 89 4.04,950'40 1.80,444 90 4.06,000 4011.81,222 9014.07,750 4011.82,000 90 4.09,500 41 1.84,956 91 4.10,511 41 1.85,753 91 4.12,281 41 1.86,550 91 4.14,050 42 1.89,467 92 4.15,022 42 1.90,283 92 4.16,811 42 1.91,100 92 4.18,600 43 1.93,978 93 4.19,533 43 1.94,814 93 4.21,342 43 1.95,650 93 4.23,150 44 1.98,489 94 4.24,044 44 1.99,344 94 4.25,872 44 2.00,200 94 4.27,700 45 2.03,000 95 4.28,556 45 2.03,875 95 4.30,403 45 2.04,750 95 4.32,250 46 2.07,511 96 4.33,067 46 2.08,406 96 4.34,933 46 2.09,300 96 4.36,80( 47 2.12,022 97 4.37,578 47 2.12,936 97 4.39,464 47 2.13,850 97 4.41,350 48 2.16,533 98 4.42,089 48 2.17,467 98 4.43,994 48 2.18,400 98 4.45,900 49 2.21,044 99 4.46,600 49 2.21,997 99 4.48,525 49 2.22,950 99 4.50,450 50 2.25,556 232Days. 50 2.26,528 233Days._ 50 2.27,500 234Days. ONE YEAR.Priin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 3.57,00 61 4.27,00 71 14.97,00 81 5.67,00 91 6.37,00 52 3.64,00 62 4.34,00 72 1 5.04,00 82 5.700 92 6.44,00 53 1 3.71,00 63 4.41,00 73 5.11,00 83 5.81,00 93 6.51,00 54 3.78,00 64 4.48,00 74 5.18,00 84 5.88,00 94 6.58,00 55 3.85,00 65 4.55,00 75 5.25,00 85 5.95,00 95 6.65,00 56 3.92,00 66 4.62,00 76 15.32,00 86 6.02,00 96 6.72,00 57 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 77 15.39,00 87 6.09,00 97 6.79,00 58 4.06,00 68 4.76,00 1178 5.46,00 88 6.16,00 98 6.86,00 59 4.13,00 69,00 69 4.83,00 117915.53,00 89 6.23,00 99 6.93,00 60 14.20,00 70 4.90,00 180 15.60,00 90 6.30,00 11'91 INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 7 Mlonths and 25 Days. 7 Months and 26 Days. 7 lIonths and 27 Days. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.04,569 51 2.33,042 1.04,589 51 2.34,033 1.04,608 51 2.35,025 2;.09,139 52 2.37,611 2.09,178 52 2.38,622 2.09,217 52 2.39,633 3.13,708 53 2.42,181 3.13,767 53 2.43,211 3.13,825 53 2.44,242 41.18,278 54 2.46,750 4.18,356 54 2.47,800 4.18,433 54 2.48,850 5.22,847 55 2.51,319 5.22,944 55 2.52,389 5.23,042 55 2.53,458 6.27,417 56 2.55,889 6.27,533 56i 2.56,978 6.27,650 56 2.58,067 7.31,986 57 2.60,458 7.32,122 57 2.61,567 7.32,258 57 2.62,675 8.36,556 58 2.65,028 8.36,711 58 2.66,156 8.36,867 58 2.67,283 9.41,125 59 2.69,597 9.41,300 59; 2.70,744 9.41,475 59 2.71,892 10.45,694 60 2.74,167 10.45,889 60 2.75,333 10.46,083 60 2.76,500 11.50,264 61 2.78,736 11.50,478 61 2.79,922 11.50,692 61 2.81,108 12.54,833 62 2.83,306 12.55,067 62 2.84,511 12.55,300 62 2.85,717 13.59,403 63 2.87,875 13.59,656 63 2.89,100 13.59,908 63 2.90,325 14.63,972 64 2.92,444 14.64,244 64 2.93,689 14.64,517 64 2.94,933 15.68,542 65 2.97,014 15.68,833 65 2.98,278 15.69,125 65 2.99,542 16.73,111 66 3.01,583 16.73,422 66 3.02,867 16.73,733 66 3.04,150 17.77,681 67 3.06,153 17.78,011 67 3.07,456 17.78,342 67 3.08,758 18.82,250 68 3.10,722 18.82,600 68 3.12,044 18.82,950 68 3.13,367 19.86,819 69 3.15,292 19.87,189 69 3.16,633 19.87,558 69 3.17,975 20.91,389 70 3.19,861 20.91,778 70 3.21,222 20.92,167 70 3.22,583 21.95,958 71 3.24,431 21.96,367 71 3.25,811 21.96,775 71 3.27,192 22 1.00,528 72 3.29,000 22 1.00,956 72 3.30,400 22 1.01,383 72 3.31,800 23 1.05,097 73 3.33,569 23 1.05,544 73 3.34,989 23 1.05,992 73 3.36,408 24 1.09,667 74 3.38,139 24 1.10,133 74 3.39,578 24 1.10,600 74 3.41,017 25 1.14,236 75 3.42,708 25 1.14,722 75 3.44,167 25 1.15,208 75 3.45,625 26 1.18,806 76 3.47,278 26 1.19,311 76 3.48,756 26 1.19,817 76 3.50,233 27 1.23,375 77 3.51,847 27 1.25,900 77 3.53,344 27 1.24,425 77 3.54,842 28 1.27,944 78:3.56,417 28 1.28,489 78 3.57,933 28 1.29,033 78 3.59,450 29 1.32,514 79 3.60,986 29 1.33,078 79 3.62,522 29 1.33,642 79 3.64,058 30 1.37,083 80 3.65,556 30 1.37,667 80 3.67,111 30 1.38,250 80 3.68,667 31 1.41,653 8 1 3.70,125 31 1.42,256 81 3.71,700 31 1.42,858 81 3.73,275 32 1.46,222 82 3.74,694 32 1.46,844 82 3.76,289 32 1.47,467 82 3.77,883 33 1.50,792 83 3.79,264 33 1.51,433 83 3.80,878 33 1.52,075 83 3.82,492 34 1.55,361 84 3.83,833 34 1.56,022 84 3.85,467 34 1.56,683 84 3.87,100 35 1.59,931 85 3.88,403 35 1.60,611 85 3.90,056 35 1.61,292 85 3.91,708 36 1.64,500 86 3.92,972 36 1.65,200 886 3.94,644 36 1.65,900 86 3.96,317 37 1.69,069 87 3.97,542 37 1.69,789 871 3.99,233 37 1.70,508 87 4.00,925 38 1.73,639 88 4.02,111 38 1.74,378 88 4.03,822 38 1.75,117 88 4.05,533{ 39 1.78,208 89 4.06,681 39 1.78,967 89 4.08,411 39 1.79,725 89 4.10,1421 40 1.82,778 90 4.11,250 40 1.83-,556 90 4.13,000 40 1.84,333 90 4.14,7850 41 1.87,347 91 4.15,819 41 1.885,44 91 4.17,589 41 1.88,942 91 4.19,358 42 1.91;917 92 4.20,389 42 1.92,733 927 4.22,178 42 1.93,550 92 4.23,967 43 1.96,4,86 93 4.24,958 43 1.97,322 93 4.26,767 43 1.98,158 93 4.28,575 44 2.01,056 94 4.29,528 44 2.01,911 94 4.31,356 44 2.02,767 94 4.33,183 45 2.05,625 95 4.34,097 45 2.06,500 95 4.35,944 45 2.07,375 95 4.37,792 46 2.10,194 96 4.38,667 46 2.11,)89 96 4.40,533 46 2.11,983 96 4.42,400 47 2.14,764 973 4.43,236 47 2.15,678 97 4.45,122 47 2.16,592 97 4.47,008 48 2.19,333 98 4.47,806 48 2.20,267 98 4.49,711 48 2.21,200 98 4.51,617 49 2.23,903 99 4.52,375 49 2.24,856 99 4.54,300 49 2.25,808 99 4.56,225 50 2.28,472 235 Days. 50 2.29,444 236 DaysF 150 2.30,417 237 Days. _ ONE YEAR. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin.. Interest. Prin. Interest. Pri n. Interest. 1.07,00 11.77,00 21 1.47,00 31 2.17,00 41 2.87,00 2.1-4,00 12.84,00 22 1 1.54,00 32 2.24,00 42 1 2.94,00 3.21,00 13.91,00 23 1 1.61,00 33 1 2.31,00 43 1 3.01,00 4.28,00 14.98,00 24 1.68,00 34 1 2.38,00 44 13.08,00 5.35,00 15 1.05,00 25 1 1.75,00 35 1 2.45,00 45 1 3.15,00 6.42,00 16 1.12,00 26 1.82,00 36 1 2.52,00 46 i 3.22,00 7.49,00 17 1.19,0 27 1 89,00 37 2.59,00 47 | 3.29,00 8;.56,00 18 1.26,00 28 1.96,00 38 2.66,00 48 2 3.36,300 9.63,00 19 11.33,00 29 12.03,001 39 2.73,00 49 1 3.43,00 92 110.70,00. 1120 1 40,00 930 2.10,00 40 2.80,00 50 3.50,00 41 1:87,347 91 4.15,819/ 41 1.88,144 {{ 91{ 4.17,559/ 41 1.88,942 91 4.19,358~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I N T E RE S T AT S E T E N P E R C E NT. 7 Months and 28 Days. 7 Months and 29 Days. 8 MONTHS. Prini. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. rin. Interest. Prin. Interest 1.04,628 51 2.36,017 1.04,647 51 2.37,008 1.04,667 51 2.38,000 2.09,256 52 2.40,644 2.09,294 52 2.41,656 2.09,333 52 12.42,667 3.13,883 53 2.45,272 3.13,942 53 2A46,303 3.14,000 53 2.47,333 4.18,511 54 2.49,900 4.18,589 54 2.50,950 4.18,667 54 2.52,000 5.23,139 55 2.54,528 5.23,236 55 2.55,597 5.23,333 55 2.56,667 6.27,767 56 2.59,156 6.27,883 56 2.60,244 6.28,000 56 2.61,333 7.32,394 57 2.63,783 7.32,531 57 2'.64,892 7.32,667 57 2.66,000 8.37,022 58 2.68,411 8.37,178 58 2.69,539 8.37,333 58 2.70,667 9.41,650 59 2.73,039 9.41,825 59 2.74,186 9.42,000 59 2.75,333 10.46,278 60 2.77,667 10.46,472 60 2.78,833 10.46,667 60 2.80,000 11.50,906 61 2.82,294 11.51,119 61 2.83,481 11.51,333 61 2.84,667 12.55,533 62 2.86,922 12.55,767 62 2.88,128 12.56,000 62 2.89,333 13.60,161 63 2.91,550 13.60,414 63 2.92,775 13.60,667 63 2.94,000 14.64,789 64 2.96,178 14.65,061 64 2.97,422 14.65,333 64 2.98,667 15.69,417 65 3.00,806 15.69,708 65 3.02,069 15.70,000 65 3.03,333 16.74,044 66 3.05,433 16.74,356 66 3.06,717 16.74,667 66 3.08,000 17.78,672 67 3.10,061 17.79,003 67 3.11,364 17.79,333 67 3.12,667 18.83,300 68 3.14,689 18.83,650 68 3.16,011 18.84,000 68 3.17,333 19.87,928 69 3.19,317 19.88,297 69 3.20,658 19.88,667 69 3.22,000 20.92,556 70 3.23,944 20.92,944 70 3.25,306 20.93,333 70 3-.26,667 21.97,183 71 3.28,572 21.97,592 71 3.29,953 21.98,000 71 3.31,333 22 1.01,811 72 3.33,200 22 1.02,239 72 3.34;600 22 1.02,667 72 3.36,000 23 1.06,439 73 3.37,828 23 1.06,886 73 3.39,247 23 1.07,333 73 3.40,667 24 1.11,067 74 3.42,456 24 1.11,533 74 3.43,894 24 1.12,000 74 3.45,333 25 1.15,694 75 3.47,083 25 1.16,181 75 3.48,542 25 1.16,667 75 3.50,000 26 1.20,322 76 3.51,711 26 1.20,828 76 3.53,189 26 1.21,333 76 3.54,667 27 1.24,950 77 3.56,339 27 1.25,475 77 3.57,836 27 1.26,000 77 3.59,333 28 1.29,578 78 3.60,967 28 1.30,122 78 3.62,483 28 1.30,667 78 3.64,000 29 1.34,206 79 3.65,594 29 1.34,769 79 3.67,131 29 1.35,333 79 3.68,667 30 1.38,833 80 3.70,222 30 1.39,417 80 3.71,778 30 1.40,000 80 3.73,333 31 1.43,461 81 3.74,850 31 1.44,064 81 3.76,425 31 1.44,667 81 3.78,000 32 1.48,089 82 3.79,478 32 1.48,711 82 3.81,072 32 1.49,333 82 3.82,667 33 1.52,717 83 3.84,106 33 1.53,358 83 3.85,719 33 1.54,000 83 3.87,333 34 1.57,344 84 3.88,733 34 1.58,006 84 3.90,367 34 1.58,667 84 3.92,000 35 1.61,972 85 3.93,361 35 1.62,653 85 3.95,014 35 1.63,333 85 3.96,667 36 1.66,600 86 3.97,989 36 1.67,300 86 3.99,661 36 1.68,000 86 4.01,333 37 1.71,228 87 4.02,617 37 1.71,947 87 4.04,308 37 1.72,667 87 4.06,000 38 1.75,856 88 4.07,244 38 1.76,594 88 4.08,956 38 1.77,333 88 4.10,667 39 1.80,483 89 4.11,872 39 1.81,242 89 4.13,603 39 1.82,000 89 4.15,333 40 1.85,111 90 4.16,500 40 1.85,889 90 4.18,250 40 1.86,667 90 4.20,000 41 1.89,739 91 4A.21,128 41 1.90,536 91 4.22,897 41 1.91,333 91 4.24,667 42 1.94,367 92 4.25,756 42 1.95,183 92 4.27,544 42 1.96,000 92 4.29,333 43' 1.98,994 93 4.30,383 43 1.99,831 93 14.32,192 43 2.00,667 93 4.34,000 44 2.03,622 94 4.35,011 44 2.04,478 94 4.36,839 44 2.05,333 94 4.38,667 45 2.08,250 95 4.39,639 45 2.09,125 95 4.41,486 45 2.10,000 95 4.43,333 46 2.12,878 96 4.44,267 46 2.13,772 96 4.46,133 46 2.14,667 96 4.48,000 47 2.17,506 97 4.48,894 47 2.18,419 97 4.50,781 47 2.19,333 97 4.52,667 48 2.22,133 98 4.53,522 48 2.23,067 98 4.55,428 48 2.24,000 98 4.57,333 49 2.26,761 99 4.58,150 49 2.27,714 99 4.60,075 49 2.28,667 99 4.62,000 50 2.31,389 238Days. 50 2.32,361 239 Days. 50 2.33,333 24O Days ONE YEAR. R. Prin. Interest. Prin. Ilterest. Prin. Interest. in. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 3.57,00 61 4.27,00 71 4.97,00 81 5.67,00 91 6.37,00 52 3.64,00 62 14.34,00 72 5.04,00 82 5.74,00 9216.44,00 53 / 3.71,00 63 4.41,00 731 5.11,00 83 5.81,00 93 6.51,00 54 3.78,00 1164 4.48,00 74 5.18,00' 184 5.88,00 94 6.58,00 55 3.85,00 65 4.55,00 75 5.25,00' 85 5.95,00 95 6.65,00 56 3.92,00 66 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 8616.02,00 9616.72,00 57 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 77 15.39,00' 87 6.09;00 1976.79,00 58 4.06,00 168 4.76,00 78 5.46,00' /88 6.16,00 98 6.86,001 5914.13,00 69 4.83,00 79 5.53,00 896.2300 996.93,00 60 4.20,00 || 70 |4.90,00 80 5.60,00 90 6.30,00 8 Months and 1 Day. 8 Months and 2 Days. 8 Months and 3 Days. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.04,686 51 2.38,992 1.04,706 51 2.39,983 1.04,725 51 2.40,975 2.09,372 52 2.43,678 2.09,411 52 2.44,689 2.09,450 52 2.45,700 3.14,058 53 2.48,364 3;.14,117 53 2.49,394 3.14,175 53 2.50.425 4.18,744 54 2.53,050 4.18,822 54 2.54,100 4.18,900 54 2.55,150 5.23,431 55 2.57,736 5.23,528 55 2.58,806 5.23,625 55 2.59,875 6.28,117 56 2.62,4221 6.28,233 56 62.3,511 6.28,350 56 2.64,600 7.32,803 57 2.67,108 7.32,939 57. 2.68,217 7.33,075 57 2.69,325 8.37,489 58 2.71,794 8.37,644 58 2.72,922 8.37,800 58 2.74,050 I 9.42,175 59 2.76,481 9.42,350 59 2.77,628 9.42,525 59 2.78,775 10.46,861 60 2.81,167 10.47,056 60 2.82,333 10.47,250 60 2.83,500 11.51,547 61 2.85,853 11.51,761 61 2.87,039 11.51,975 61 2.88,225 12.56,233 62 2.90,539 12.56,467 62 2.91,744 12.56,700 62 2.92,950 13.60,919 63 2.95,225 13.61,172 63 2.96,450 13.61,425 63 2.97,675 14.65,606 64 2.99,911 14.65,878 64 3.01,156 14.66,150 64 3.02,400 15.70,292 65 3.04,597 15.70,583 65 3.05,861 15.70,875 65 3.07,125 16.74,978 66 3.09,283 16.75,289 66 3.10,567 16.75,600 66 3.11,850 17.79,664 67 3.13,969 17.79,994 67 3.15,272 17.80,325 67 3.16,575 18.84,350 68 3.18,656 18.84,700 68 3.19,978 18.85,050 68 3.21,300 19.89,036 69 3.23,342 19.89,406 69 3.24,683 19.89,775 69 3.26,025 20.93,722 70 3.28,028 20.94,111 70 3.29,389 20.94,500 70 3.30,750 21.98,408 71 3.32,714 21.98,817 71 3.34,094 21.99,225 71 3.35,475 22 1.03,094 72 3.37,400 22 1.03,522 72 3.38,800 22 1.03,950 72 3.40,200 23 1.07,781 73 3.42,086 23 1.08,228 73 3.43,506 23 1.08,675 73 3.44,925 24 1.12,467 74 3.46,772 24 1.12,933 74 3.48,211 24 1.13,400 74 3.49,650 25 1.17,153 75 3.51,458 25 1.17,639 75 3.52,917 25 1.18,125 75 3.54,375 26 1.21,839 76 3.56,144 26 1.22,344 76 3.57,622 26 1.22,850 76 3.59,100 27 1.26,525 77 3.60,831 27 1.27,050 77 3.62,328 27 1.27,575 77 3.63,825 28 1.31,211 78 3.65,517 28 1.31,756 78 3.67,033 28 1.32,300 78 3.68,550 29 1.35,897 79 3.70,203 29 1.36,461 79 3.71,739 29 1.37,025 79 3.73,275 30 1.40,583 80 3.74,889 30 1.41,167 80 3.76,444 30 1.41,750 80 3.78,000 31 1.45,269 81 3.79,575 31 1.45,872 81 3.81,150 31 1.46,475 81 3.82,725 32 1.49,956 82 3.84,261 32 1.50,578 82 3.85,856 32 1.51,200 82 3.87,450 33 1.54,642 83 3.88,947 33 1.55,283 83 3.90,561 33 1.55,925 83 3.92,175 34 1.59,328 84 3.93,633 34 1.59,989 84 3.95,267 34 1.60,650 84 3.96,900 35 1.64,014 85 3.98,319 35 1.64,694 85 3.99,972 35 1.65,375 85 4.01,625 36 1.68,700 86 4.03,006 36 1.69,400 86 4.04,678 36 1.70,100 86 4.06'350 37 1.73,386 87 4.07,692 37 1.74,106 87 4.09,383 37 1.74,825 87 4.11,075 38 1.78,072 88 4.12,378 38 1.78,811 88 4.14,089 38 1.79,550 88 4.15,800 39 1.82,758 89 4.17,064 39 1.83,517 89 4.18,794 39 1.84,275 89 4.20,525 40 1.87,444 90 4.21,750 40 1.88,222 90 4.23 500 40 1.89,000 90 4.25,250 41 1.92,131 91 4;26,436 41 1.92,928 91 4.28,206 41 1.93,725 91 4.29,975 42 1.96,817 92 4.31,122 42 1.97,633 92 4.32,911 42 1.98,450 92 4.34,700 43 2.01,503 93 4.35,808 43 2.02,339 93 4.37,617 43 2.03,175 93 4.39,425 44 2.06,189 94 4.40,494 44 2.07,044 94 4.42,322 44 2.07,900 94 4.44,150 4512.10,875 95 4.45,181 45 2.11,750 95 4.47,028 45 2.12,625 95 4.48,875 46 2.15,561 96 4.49,867 46 2.16,456 96 4.51,733 46 2.17,350 96 4.53,600 4712.20,247 97 4.54,553 47 2.21,161 97 4.56,439 47 2.22,075 97 4.58,325 48 2.24,933 98 4.59,239 48 2.25,867 98 4.61,144 48 2.26,800 98 4.63,050 49 2.29,619 99 4.63,925 49 2.30,572 99 4.65,850 4912.31,525 99 4.67,775 50 2.34,306 2'1Q Days. 50 2.35,278 1242Days. 502.36,250 1243Days ______ ONE YEAR. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1 1.07,00 I11.7700 21 1.47,00 31 2.17,00 41 2.87,00 2.14,00 V12.84,00 22 1.54,00 i32 2.24,00 42 2.947,00 i/ 3 3.21,00 13.91,00 23 1.61,00 33 2.31,00 43 3.01,00 4 1.28900 14.98s,00 24 1.68,00 134 2.38,00 44 3.08,00 5.3500 15 1.05,00 25 1.75,00 35 2.45,00 45 3.15,00 6.42,00 16 1.12,00 26 1.82,61 00 I36 2.52,00 46 3.22,001 71.49,00 17 1.19,00 27 1.89,00 l37 2.59,00 47 3.29,00! 8 1.56,00 s 1.26,00 28 1.96,00 ]38 2.66,00 48 3.36,00 l 9 1.63,00 19 1.33,00 29 2.03,00 1139 2.73,00 49 3.43,00 1 1194] l[ 101.70,00 120 1.40,00 30 2.10,00 II40 2.80,00 50 3.50,00 IN T E R E ST AT SE VEN P E R C E NT. 8:Months and 4 Days. 8 Months and 5 Days. 8 Months and 6 Days. Pri n I nterest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Pri-n. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.04,744 51 2.41,967 1.04,764 51 2.42,958 1.04,783 51 2.43,950 2.09,489 52 2.46,711 2.09,528 52 2.47,722 2.09,567 52 2.48,733 [ 3.14,233 53 2.51,456 3.14,292 53 2.52,486 3.14,350 53 2.53,517 4.18,978 54 2.56,200 4.19,056 54 2.57,250 4.19,133 54 2.58,300 5.23,722 55 2.60,944 5.23,819 55 2.62,014 5.23,917 55 2.63,083 6.28,467 56 2.65,689 6.28,583 56 2.66,778 6.28,700 56 2.67,867 7.33,211 57 2.70,433 7.33,347 57 2.71,542 7.33,483 57 2.72,650 8.37,956 58 2.75,178 8.38,111 58 2.76,306 8.38,267 58 2.77,433 9.42,700 59 2.79,922 9.42,875 59 2.81,069 9.43,050V 59 2.82,217 10.47,444 60 2.84,667 10.47,639 60 2.85,833 10.47,833 60 2.87,000 11.52,189 61 2.89,411 11.52,403 61 2.90,597 11.52,617 61 2.91,783 12.56,933 62 2.94,156 12.57,167 62 2.95361 12.57,400 62 2.96,567 13.61,678 63 2.98,900 13.61,931 63 3.00,125 13.62,183 63 3.01,350 114.66,422 64 3.03,644 14.66,694 64 3.04,889 14.66,967 64 3.06,133 135.71,167 65 3.08,389 15.71,458 65 3.09,653 15.71,750 65 3.10,917 16.75,911 66 3.13,133 16.76,222 66 3.14,417 16.76,533 66 3.15,700 17.80,656 67 3.17,878 [17.80,986 67 3.19,181 17.81,317 67 3.20,483 18.85,400 68 3.22,622 18.85,750 68 3.23,944 18.86,100 68 3.25,267 19.90,144 69 3.27,367 19.90,514 69 3.28,708 19.90883 69 3.30,050 20.94,889 70 3.32,111 *20.959278 70 3.33,472 20.95,667 70 3.34,833 21.99,633 71 3.36,856 21 1.00,042 71 3.38,236 21 1.00,450 71 3.39,617 22 1.04,378 72 13.41,600 22 1.04,806 72 3.43,000 22 1.05,233 72 3.44,400 23 1.09,122 73 3.46,344 23 1.09,569 73 3.47,764 23 1.10,017 73 3.49,183 24 1.13,867 74 3.51,089 24 1.14,333 1 74 3.52,528 24 1.14,800 74 3.53,967 25 1.18,611 175 3.55,833 25 1.19,097 175 3.57,292 25 1.19,583 75 3.58,750 26 1.23,356 76 3.60,578 2611.23,861 76 3.62,056 26 1.24,367 76 3.63,533 27 1.28,100 77 3.65,322 27 1.28,625 77 3.66,819 27 1.29,1.50 77 3.68,317 28 1.32,844 78 3.70,067 28 1.33,389 78 3.71,583 28 1.33,933 78 3.73,100 29 1.37,589 79 3.74,811 29 1.38,153 79 3.76,347 29 1.38,717 79 3.77,883 30 1.42,333 80 3.79,556 30 1.42,917 80 3.81,111 30 1.43,500 80 3.82,667 31 1.47,078 81 3.84,300 31 1.47,681 81 3.85,875 31 1.48,283 81 3.87,450 32 1.51,822 82 3.89,044 32 1.52,444 82 3.90,639 32 1.53,067 82 3.92,233 33 1.56,567 83 3.93,789 33 1.57,208 83 3.95,403 33 1.57,850 83 13.97,017 34 1.619311 184 3.98 533 34 1.61,972 84 4.00,167 34 1.62,633 84 4.01,800 35 1.66,056 851 403,278 35 1.66,736 85 4.04,931 35 1.67,417 85 4.06,583 36 1.70,800 86 4.08,022 36 1.71,500 86 4.09,694 36 1.72,200 86 4.11,367 37 1.75,544 187 4.12,767 37 1.76,264 87 4.14,458 37 1.76,983 87 14.16,150;38 1.80,289 88 14.17,511 38 1.81,028 11 88 4.19,222 38 1.81,767 88 4.20,933 39 1.85,033 89 4.22,256 39 1.85,792 89 4.23,986 39 1.86,550 89 4.25,717 40 1.89,778 90 4.27,000 40 1.90,556 90 4.28,7501 40 1.91,333 | 90 4.30,500 41 1.94,522 1 91 1 4.31,744 41 1.95,31.9 91 4.33,514 41 1.96,117 91 4.35,283 42 1.999267 92 ( 4.36,489 42 2.00,083 92 14.38,278 42 2.00,900 92 14.40,067 43 2.04,0111. 93 / 4.41,233 43 2.04,847 931 4.43,042 43 2.05,683 {1 93 4.44,850 44'2.08,756 94 1 4.45,978 441 2.09,611 94 1 4.47,806 44 2.10,467 94 1 4.49,633 45 2.13,500 95 4.50,722 45 2.14,375 95 4.52,569 45 2.15,250 95 14.54,417 46 2.18,244 96 4.55,467 46 2.19,139 96 4.57,333 46 2.20,033 96 4.59,200 147 2.22,989 97 4.60,211 47 2.23,903 97 4.62,097 47 2.24,817 97 4.63,983 148 2.27,733 1 98 4.64,956 48 2.28,667 98 4.66,861 48 2.29,600 98 4.68,767 49 2.32,478 99 4.69,700 49 2.33,431 99 4.71,625 4912.34,383 99 4.73,550 50 2.37,222 2 —Days- 50 2.389194 245Days. 50 2.39,167 ONE Y EAR. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 3.57,00 61 1 4.27,00 71 4.97,00 81 1 5.67,00 91 6.37,00 52 3.64,00 62 4.34,00 72 5.04,00 82 5.74,00 92 6.44,00 53 3.71,00 63 1 4.41,00 11 73 1 5.11,00 83 15.81,00 93 16.51,00 54 13.78,00 64 4.48,00 74 5.18,00 84 5.88,00 94 6.58,00 55 i 3.85,00 651 4.55,00 75 1 5.25,00 85 1 5.95,00 95 6.65,00 56 3.92,00 661 4.62,00 76 1 5.32,00 86 6.02,00 96 6.72,00 57 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 77 1 5.39,00 1 87 1 6.09,00 11 97 6.79,00 58 1 4.06,00 68 47.6,00 78 5.46,00 88 6.16,00 98 6 6.86,00 59 4.13,00 69 4.83,00 79 5.53,00 89 6.23,00 99 6.93,00 60 4.20,00 170 4.90,00 80 5.60,00 90 6.30,00 11 1. 1. 95 _ ~ ~ i _ i m INTEREST A T S E V E N P E R CE NT.| 8 Months and 7 Days. 8 Months and 8 Days. 8 Mlonths and 9 Days. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Intelest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.04,803 51 2.44,942 1.04,822 51 2.45,933 1.04,842 51 2.46,925 2.09,606 52 2.49,744 2.09,644 52 2.50,756 2.09,683 52 2.51,767 3.14,408 53 2.54,547 3.14,467 53 2.55,578 3.14,525 53 2.56,608 4.19,211 54 2.59,350 4.19,289 54 2.60,400 4.19,367 54 2.61,450 5.24,014 55 2.64,153 5.24,111 55 2.65,222 5.24,208 55 2.66,292 6.28,817 56 2.68,956 6.28,933 56 2.70,044 6.29,050 56 2.71,133 7.33,619 57 2.73,758 7.33,756 57 2.74,867 7.33,892 57 2.75,975 8.38,422 58 2.78,561 8.38,578 58 2.79,689 8.38,733 58 2.80,817 9.43,225 59 2.83,364 9.43,400 59 2.84,511 9.43,575 59 2.85,658 10.48,028 60 2.88,167 10.48,222 60 2.89,333 10.48,417 60 2.90,500 11.52,831 61 2.92,969 11.53,044 61 2.94,156 11.53,258 61 2.95,342 12.57,633 62 2.97,772 12.57,867 62 2.98,978 12.58,100 62 3.00,183 13.62,436 63 3.02,575 13.62,689 63 3.03,800 13.62,942 63 3.05,025 14.67,239 64 3.07,378 14.67,511 64 3.08,622 14.67,783 64 3.09,867 15.72,042 65 3.12,181 15.72,333 65 3.13,444 15.72,625 65 3.14,708 16.76,844 66 3.16,983 16.77,156 66 3.18,267 16.77,467 66 3.19,550 17.81,647 67 3.21,786 17.81,978 67 3.23,089 17.82,308 67 3.24,392 18.86,450 68 3.26,589 18.86,800 68 3.27,911 18.87,150 68 3.29,233 19.91,253 69 3.31,392 19.91,622 69 3.32,733 19.91,992 69 3.34,075 20.96,056 70 3.36,194 20.96,444 70 3.37,556 20.96,833 70 3.38,917 21 1.00,858 71 3.40,997 21 1.01,267 71 3.42,378 21 1.01,675 71 3.43,758 22 1.05,661 72 3.45,800 22 1.06,089 72 3.47,200 22 1.06,517 72 3.48,600 23 1.10,464 73 3.50,603 23 1.10,911 73 3.52,022 23 1.11,358 73 3.53,442 24 1.15,267 74 3.55,406 24 1.15,733 74 3.56,844 24 1.16,200 74 3.58,283 25 1.20,069 75 3.60,208 25 1.20,556 75 3.61,667 25 1.21,042 75 3.63,125 26 1.24,872 76 3.65,011 26 1.25,378 76 3.66,489 26 1.25,883 76 3.679967 27 1.29,675 77 3.69,814 27 1.30,200 77 3.71,311 27 1.30,725 77 3.72,808 28 1.34,478 78 3.74,617 28 1.35,022 78 3.76,133 28 1.35,567 78 3.77,650 29 1.39,281 79 3.79,419 29 1.39,844 79 3.80,956 29 1.40,408 79 3.82,492 30 1.44,083 80 3.84,222 30 1.44,667 80 3.85,778 30 1.45,250 80 3.87,333 31 1.48,886 81 3.89,025 31 1.49,489 81 3.90,600 31 1.50,092 81 3.92,175 32 1.53,689 82 3.93,828 32 1.54,311 82 3.95,422 32 1.54,933 82 3.97,017 33 11.58,492 83 3.98,631 33 1.59,133 83 4.00,244 33 1.59,775 83 4.01,858 34 1.63,294 84 4.03,433 34 1.63,956 84 4.05,067 34 1.64,617 84 4.06,700 35 1.68,097 85 4.08,236 35 1.68,778 85 4.09.,889 35 1.69,458 85 4.11,542 36 1.72,900 86 4.13,039 36 1.73,600 86 4.14,711 36 1.74,300 86 4.169383 37 1.77,703 87 4.17,842 37 1.78,422 87 4.19,533 37 1.79,142 87 4.21,225 38 1.82,506 88 4.22,644 38 1.83,244 88 4.24,356 38 1.83,983 88 4.26,067 39 1.87,308 89 4.27,447 39 1.88,067 89 4.29,178 39 1.88,825 89 4.30,908 40 1.92,111 90 4.32,250 40 1.92,889 90 4.34,000 40 1.93,667 90 4.35,750 41 1.96,914 91 4.37,053 41 1.97,711 91 4.38,822 41 1.98,508 91 4.40,592 42 2.01,717 92 4.41,856 42 2.02,533 92 4.43,644 42 2.03,350 92 4.45,433 43 2.06,519 93 4.46,658 43 2.07,356 93 4.48,467 43 2.08,192 93 4.50,2751 44 12.19322 94 4.51,461 44 2.12,178 94 4.53,289 44 2.13,033 94 4.55,117? 45 216,125 95 4.56,264 45 2.17,000 95 4.58,111 45 2.17,875 95 4.59,958 46 1:2.20,928 96 4.61,067 46 2.21,822 96 4.62,933 46 2.22,717 96 4.64,800 47;2.25,731 97 4.65,S69 47 2.26,644 97 4.67,756 47 2.27,558 97 4.69,62 48:2.30,533 98 4.70,672 48 2.31,467 98 4.72,578 48 2.32,400 98 4.74,483 49 2.35,336 99 4.75,475 49 2.36,289 99 4.77,400 49 2.37,242 99 4.79,325 50 2.40,139 24l7Days. 50 2.41,111 524Days. 50 2.42,083 2'49 Days - 4,111 248Da.s 2 4.,09.. ONE YEAR. Prin. Interest. -lPrin. Interest. I Prin. Interest. IIPrin.t Interest. IPrin. Interest. i 1.07,00 11.77,00 21 1.47,00 31 2.17,00 41 2.87,00 2.14,00 121.84,00 2211.54,00 32 2.24,00 42 2.94,00 3.21,00 13.91,00 23 1.61,00' 33 2.31,00 43 1301,00 41.28,00 14.98,00 24 1.68,00' 34 2.38,00 44i 3.08,00 51.35,00 15 1.05,00 25 1.75,00 35 2.45,00 45 3.15,00 6 1.42,00 16 1.12,00 26 1.82,00 36 2.52,00 46 i 3.22,00 71.49,00 17 1 1.19,00 27 1.89,00 37 2.59,00 47 13.29,00 8.56,00 18 1.26,00 28 1.96,00 138 2.600 48 3.36,00 91.63,00 19 1 1.33,00 29 2.03,00 319 2.73,00 49 3.43,00 96]: 10.70,00 1120 11.40,00 1130 12.10,00- 11401 2.80,00 150 3.50,00. - _ U.. | INTEREST E AT SE VEN PER CENT. 8 -Months and 10 Days. 8 Months and 11 Days. 8 Months and 12 Days. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Pnrin. Interest. 1.04,861 51 2.47,917 1.04,881 51 2.48,908 1.04,900 51 2.49,900 12.09,722 652 2.52,778 2.09,761 52 2.53,789 2 -.09,800 52 2.54,800 3.14,583 53 -2.57,639 3.14,642 53 2.58,669 3.14,700 53 2.59,700 4.19,444 54 2.62,500 4.19,522 54 2.63,550 4.19,600 54 2.64,600 5.24,306 55 2.67,361 5.24,403 55 2.68,431 5.24,500 55 2.697,500 6.29,167 56 2.72,222 6.29,283 56 2.73,311 6.29,400 56 2.74,400 7.34,028 57 2.77,083 7.34,164 57 2.78,192 7.34,300 57 2.79,300 8.38,889 58 2.81,944 8.39,044 -58 2.83,072 8.39,200 58 2.84,200 9.43,750 59 2.86,806 9.43,925 59 2.87,953 9.44,100 59 2.89,100 10.48,611 60 2.91,667 10.48,806 60 2.92,833 10.49,000 60 2.94,00 11.53,472 61 2.96,528 11.53,686 61 2.97,714 11.3,900 -61 2.98,900 12.58,333 62 3.01,389 12.58,567 62 3.02,594 12.58,800 62 3.03,800 13.63,194 63 3.06,250 13.63,447 63 3.07,475 13.63,700 63 3.08,700 14.68,056 64 3.11,111 14.68,328 64 3.12,356 14.68,600 64 3 13,600 15.72,917 65 3.15,972 15.73,208 65 3.17,236 15.73,500 65 3.18,500 16.77,778 66 3.20,833 16.78,089 66 3.22,117 16.78,400 66 3.23,400 17.82,639 67 3.25,694 17.82,969 67 3.26,997 17.83,300 67 3.28,300 18.87,500 68 3.30,556 18.87,850 68 3.31,878 18.88,200 68 3.33,200 19.92,361 69 3.35,417 19.92,731 69 3.36,758 19.93,100 69 3.38,100 20.97,222 70 3.40,278 20.97,611 70 3.41,639 20.98,000 70 3.43,000 21 1.02,083 71 3.45,139 21 1.02,492 71 3.46,519 21 1.02,900 71 3.47,900 22 1.06,944 72 3.50,000 22 1.07,372 72 3.51,400 22 1.07,800 72 3.52,800 23 1.11,806 73 3.54,861 23 1.12,253 73 3.56,281 23 1.12,700 73 3.57,700 24 1.16,667 74 3.59,722 24 1.17,133 74 3.61,161 24 1.17,600 74 3.62,600 25 1.21,528 75 3.64,583 25 1.22,014 75 3.66,042 25 1.22,500 75 3.67,500 26 1.26,389 76 3.69,444 26 1.26,894 76 3.70,922 26 1.27,400 76 3.72,400 27 1.31,250 77 3.74,306 27 1.31,775 77 3.75,803 27 1.32,300 77 3.71,300 28 1.36,111 78 3.79,167 28 1.36,656 78 3.80,683 28 1.37,200 78 3.82,200 29 1.40,972 79 3.84,028 29 1.41,536 79 3.85,564 29 1.42,100 79 3.87,100 30 1.45,833 80 3.88,889 30 1.46,417 80 3.90,444 30 1.47,000 80 3.92,000 31 1.50,694 81 3.93,750 31 1.51,297 81 3.95,325 31 1.51,900 181 3.96,900 32 1.55,556 1 82 3.98,611 32 1.56,178 82 4.00,206 32 1.56,800 82 4.01,800 33 1.60,417 83 4.03,472 33 1.61,058 83 4.05,086 33 1.61,700 83 4.06,700 34 1.65,278 84 4.08,333 3411.65,939 84 4.09,967 34 1.66,600 84 4.11,600 35 1.70,139 85 4.13,194 35 11.70,819 85 4.14,847 35 1.71,500 85 4.16,500 36 1.75,000 86 4.18,056 36 1.75,700 86 4.19,728 36 1.76,400 86 4.21,400 37 1.79,861 1 87 4.22,917 37 11.80,581 87 4.24,608 37 1.81,300 87 4.26,300 38 1.84,722 88 4.27,778 38 1.85,461 88 4.29,489 38 1,86,200 88 4.31,200 39 -1.89,583 89 4.32,639 3911.90,342 89 4.34,369 39 1.91,100 89 4.36,100 40 1.94,444 90 4.37,500 40 1.95,222 90 -4.39,250 4011.96,000 90 4.41,000 41 1.99,306 91 4.42,361 412.600,103 91 4.44,131 411 2.00,900 91 4.45,900 42 2.04,167 92 4.47,222 42 2.04,983 92 4.49,011 4212.05,800 92 4.50,800 43 2.09,028 93 4.52,083 43 2.09,864 93 4.53,892 43 12.10,700 93 4.55,700 44 2.13,889 1 94 4.56,944 44 12.14,744 94 4.58,772 4412.15,600 94 4.60,600 45 2.18,750 95' 4.61,806 45 2.19,625 95 4.63,653 45 2.20,500 1 95 4.65,500 46 2.23,611 96 4.66,667 46 12.24,506 96 4.68,533 46 12.25,400 96 4.709400 47 2.28,472 97 4.71,528 47 2.29,386 1 97 4.73,414 4712.30,300 97 4.75,300 48 2.33,333 98 4.76,389 4812.34,267 98 4.78,294 48 2.35,200 98 4.80,200 49 12.8,194 I99 4.81,250 4912.39,147 99 4.83,175 4912.40,100 99 4.85,100 50 2.43,056 j25 5Days. 50 2.44,028 125 lDays. 50 2.45,000 125 Days. | ONE YEAR. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 3.57,00 61 4.27,00 71 4.97,QO 81 5.67,00 91 6.37,00 52 13.64,00 62 4.34,00 72 5.0400 82 5.7400 92 6.44,00 53 3.71,00 63 14.41,00 73 5.11,00 83 5.81,00 93 6.5100 54 3.78,00 1164 4.48,00 74 5.18900 84 5.88,00 94 6.58,00 55 3.85,00 1165 4.55,00 75 5.25,00 85 5.95,00 95 6.65,00 56 3.92,00 166 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 86 6.0200 96 6.72,00 57 3. 99,00 67 4.69,00 77 5.39,00 87 6.09,00 97 6.79,00 58 1 4.06,00 11 68 4.76,00 78 5.46,00 88 6-.16,00 98 6.86,00 59 14.13,00 1-69 4.83,00 79 5.53,00 89d 6.23,00 4 99 6.93,00 60 4.20,00 / 70 4.90,00 80 5.60,00 90 6.30,00 *II I Il I INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 8 Months and 13 Days. 8 Months and 14 Days. 8 Months and 15 Days. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.04,919 51 2.50,892 1.04,939 51 2.51,883 1.04,958 51 2.52,875 2.09,839 52 2.55,811 2.09,878 52 2.56,822 2.09,917 52 2.57,833 3.14,758 53 2.60,731 3.14,817 53 2.61,761 3.14,875 53 2.62,792 4.19,678 54 2.65,650 4.19,756 54 2.66,700 4.19,833 54 2.67,750 5.24,597 55 2.70,569 5.24,694 55 2.71,639 5.24,792 55 2.72,708 6.29,517 56 2.75,489 6.29,633 56 2.76,578 6.29,750 56 2.77,667 7.34,436 57 2.80,408 7.34,572 57 2.81,517 7.34,708 57 2.82,625 8.39,356 58 2.85,328 8.39,511 58 2.86,456 8.39,667 58 2.87,583 9.44,275 59 2.90,247 9.44,450 -59 2.91,394 9.44,625 59 2.92,542 10.49,194 60 2.95,167 10.49,389 60 2.96,333 10.49,583 60 2.97,500 11.54,114 61 3.00,086 11.54,328 61 3.01,272 11.54,542 61 3.02,458 12.59,033 62 3.05,006 12.59,267 62 3.06,211 12.59,500 62 3.07,417 13.63,953 63 3.09,925 13.64,206 63 3.11,150 13.64,458 63 3.12,375 14:68,872 64 3.14,844 14.69,144 64 3.16,089 14.69,417 64 3.17,333 15.73,792 65 3.19,764 15.74,083 65 3.21,028 15.74,375 65 3.22,292 16.78,711 66 3.24,683 16.79,022 66 3.25,967 16.79,333 66 3.27,250 17.83,631 67 3.29,603 17.83,961 67 3.30,906 17.84,292 67 3.32,208 18.88,550 68 3.34,522 18.88,900 68 3.35,844 18.89,250 68 3.37,167 19.93,469 69 3.39,442 19.93,839 69 3.40,783 19.94,208 69 3.42,125 20.98,389 70 3.44,361 20.98,778 70 3.45,722 20.99,167 70 3.47,083 21 1.03,308 71 3.49,281 21 1.03,717 71 3.50,661 21 1.04,125 71 3.52,042 22 1.08,228 72 3.54,200 22 1.08,656 72 3.55,600 22 1.09,083 72 3.57,000 23 1.13,147 73 3.59,119 23 1.13,594 73 3.60,539 23 1.14,042 73 3.61,958 24 1.18,067 74 3.64,039 24 1.18,533 74 3.65,478 24 1.19,000 74 3.66,917 25 1.22,986 75 3.68,958 25 1.23,472 75 3.70,417 25 1.23,958 75 3.71,875 26 1.27,906 76 3.73,878 26 1.28,411 76 3.75,356 26 1.28,917 76 3.76,833 27 1.32,825 77 3.78,797 27 1.33,350 77 3.80,294 27 1.33,875 77 3.81,792 28 1.37,744 78 3.83,717 28 1.38,289 78 3.85,233 28 1.38,833 78 3.86,750 29 1.42,664 79 3.88,636 29 1.43,228 79 3.90,172 29 1.43,792 79 3.91,708 30 1.47,583 1 80 3.93,556 30 1.48,167 80 3.95,111 30 1.48,750 80 3.96,667 31 1.52,503 11 813.98,475 31 1.53,106 81 4.00,050 31 1.53,708 81 4.01,625 32 1.57,422 82 4.03,394 32 1.58,044 82 4.04,989 32 1.58,667 82 4.06,583 33 1.62,342 83 4.08,314 33 1.62,983 83 4.09,928 33 1.63,625 83 4.11,542 34 1.67,261 84 4.13,233 34 1.67,922 84 4.14,867 34 1.68,583 84 4.16,500 35 1.72,181 85 4.18,153 35 1.72,861 85 4.19,806 35 1.73,542 85 4.21,458 36 1.77,100 86 4.23,072 36 1.77,800 86 4.24,744 36 1.78,500 86 4.26,417 37 1.82,019 87 4.27,992 37 1.82,739 87 4.29,683 37 1.83,458 87 4.31,375 38 1.86,939 1188 4.32,911 38 1.87,678 88 4.34,622 38 1.88,417 88 4.36,333 39 1.91,858, 89 4.37,831 39 1.92,617 89 4.39,561 3911.93,375 89 4.41,292 40 1.96,778 90 4.42,750 40 1.97,556 90 4.44,500 40 1.98,333 90 4.46,250 41 2.01,697 91 4.47,669 41 2.02,494 91 4.49,439 41 2.03,292 91 4.51,208 42 2.06,617 92 4.52,589 42 2.07,433 92 4.54,378 42 12.08,250 92 4.56,167 43 2.11,536 93 4.57,508 43 2.12,372 93 4.59,317 43 2.13,208 93 4.61,125 44 2.16,456 94 4.62,428 44 2.17,311 94 4.64,256 4412.18,167 94 4.66,083 45 2.21,375 95 4.67,347 45 2.22,250!95 4.69,194 4512.23,125 95 4.71,042 46 2.26,294 96 4.72,267 46 2.27,189 96 4.74,133 46 2.28,083 96 4.76,000 47 2.31,214 97 4.77,186 47 2.32,128 97 4.79,072 47 12.33,042 97 4.80,958 48 2.36,133 98 4.82,106 48 2.37,067 198 4.84,011 4812.38,000 98 4.85,917 49 2.41,053 99 4.87,025 49 2.42,006 99 4.88,950 4912.42,958 99 4.90,875 50 2.45,972 25a3Days. 50 2.46,944 1254Days. 50 2.47,917 255Days. ONE YEAR. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.07,00 11.77,00 121 1.47,00 31 12.17,00 41 2.87,00 21.14,00 12.84,00 22 1.54,00 32 2.24,00 42 12.94,00 31.21,00 13.91,00 23 1.61,00 33 12.31,00 43 13.01,00 4.28,00 14.98,00 1 24 1.68,00 34 12.38,00 11 44 13.08,00 5.35,00 1115 1 1.05,00 1 25 1.75,00 - 35 12.45,00 45 3.15,00 6.42,00 16 1.12,00 - 26 1.82,00 1-36 1 2.52,00 1146 3.22,00 7 1.49,00 117 1.19,00 1127 1.89,00 37 2.59,00 147 3.29,00 8.56,00 18 1 1.26,00 28 1 1.96,00 38 2.66,00 48 3.36,00 9 1.63,00 19 1 1.33,00 29 2.03,00 39 2.73,00 49 3.43,00 - 10.70,00 2 1 1.4000 30 2.100 0 1240'2.80,00 50 3.50,00 8 Months and 16 Days. 8 months and 17 Days. 8 Months and 18 Days. Prin. Interest. PTin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.04,978 51 2.53,867 1.04,997 51 2.54,858 1.05,017 51 2.55,850( 2.09,956 52, 2.58,844 2.09,994 52 2.59,856 2.10,033 52 2.60,867 3.14,933 53 2.63,822 3.14,992 53 2.64,853 3.15,050 53 2.65,883 4.19,911 54 2.68,800 4.19,989 54 2.69,850 4.20,067 54 2.70,900! 5i.24,889 55 2.73,778 5.24,986 55 2.74,847 53.25,083 55 2.75,917 6.29,867 56 2.78,756 6.29,983 56 2.79,844 6.30,100 56 2.80,933 7.84,844 57; 2.83,733 7.34,981 57 2t,84,842 7.35,117 57 2.85,950 8.39,822 58, 2.88,711 8.39,978 58 2.89,839 8.40,133 58 2.90,967 9.44,800 59 2.93,689 9.44,975 59 2.94,836 9.45,150 59 2.95,983 10.49,778 60: 2.98,667 10.49,972 60 2.99,833 10.50,167 60 3.01,000 11.54,756 61 3.03,644 11.54,969 61 3.04,831 11.55,183 61 3.06,017 12.59,733 62 3.08,622 12.59,967 62 3.09,828 12.60,200 62 3.11,033 13.64,711 63 3.13,600 13.64,964 63 3.14,825 13.65,217 63 3.16,050 14.69,689 64 3.18,578 14.69,961 64 3.19,822 14.70,233 64 3.21,067 15.74,667 65 3.23,556 15.74,958 65 3.24,819 15.75,250 65 3.26,083 16.79,644 66 3.28,533 16.79,956 66 3.29,817 16.80,267 66 3.31,100 17.84,622 67. 3.33,511 17.84,953 67 3.34,814 17.85,283 67 3.36,117 18.89,600 68 3.38,489 18.89,950 68 3.39,811 18.90,300 68 3.41,133 19.94,578 69 3.43,467 19.94,947 69 3.44,808 19.95,317 69 3.46,150 20.99,556 70 3.48,444 20.99,944 70 3.49,806 20 1.00,333 70 3.51,167 21 1.04,533 71 3.53,422 21 1.04,942 71 3.54,803 21 1.05,350 71 3.56,183 22 1.09,511 72 3.58,400 22 1.09,939 72 3.59,800 22 1.10,367 72 3.61,200 23 1.14,489 73 3.63,378 23 1.14,936 73 3.64,797 23 1.15,383 73 3.66,217 24 1.19,467 74 3.68,356 24 1.19,933 74 3.69,794 24 1.20,400 74 3.71,233 25 1.24,444 75 3.73,333 25 1.24,931 75 3.74,792 25 1.25,417 75 3.76,250 26 1.29,422 76 3.78,311 26 1.29,928 76 3.79,789 26 1.30,433 76 3.81,267 27 1.34,400 77 3.83,289 27 1.34,925 77 3.84,786 27 1.35,450 77 3.86,283 28 1.39,378 78 3.88,267 28 1.39,922 78 3.89,783 28 1.40,467 78 3.91,300 29 1.44,356 79 3.93,244 29 1.44,919 79 3.94,781 29 1.45,483 79 3.96,317 30 1.49,333 80 3.98,222 30 1.49,917 80 3.99,778 30 1.50,500 80 4.01,333 31 1.54,311 81 4.03,200 31 1.54,914 81 4.04,775 31 1.55,517 81 4.06,350 32 1.59,289 82 4.08,178 32 1.59,911 82 4.09,772 32 1.60,533 82 4.11,367 33 1.64,267 83 4.13,156 33 1.64,908 83 4.14,769 33 1.65,550 83 4.16,383 34 1.69,244 84 4.18,133 34 1.69,906 84 4.19,767 34 1.70,567 84 4.21,400 35 1.74,222 85 4.23,111 35 1.74,903 85 4.24,764 35 1.75,583 85 4.26,417 36 1.79,200 86 4.28,089 36 1.79,900 86 4.29,761 36 1.80,600 86 4.31,433, 37 1.84,178 87 4.33,067 37 1.84,897 87 4.34,758 37 1.85,617 87 4.36,450 38. 1.89,156 88 4.38,044 38 1.89,894 88 4.39,756 38 1.90,633 88 4.41,467 39 1.94,133 89 4.43,022 39 1.94,892 89 4.44,753 39 1.95,650 891 4.46,483 40 1.99,111 90 4.48,000 40 1.99,889 90 4.49,750 40 2.00,667 90' 4.51,500 41 2.04,089 91 4.52,978 41 2.04,886 91 4.54,747 41 2.05,683 91 4.56,517 42 2.09,067 92 4.57,956 42 2.09,883 92 4.59,744 42 2.10,700 92 4.61,533 43 2.14,044 93 4.62,933 43 2.14,881 93 4.64,742 43 2.15,717 93 4.66,550 44 2.19,022 94 4.67,911 44 2.19,878 94 4.69,739 44 2.20,733 94 4.71,567 45 2.24,000 95 4.72,889 45 2.24,875 95 4.74,736 45 2.25,750 95 4.76,583 46 2.28,978 96 4.77,867 46 2.29,872 96 4.79,733 46 2.30,767 96 4.81,600 47 2.33,956 97 4.82,844 47 2.34,869 97 4.84,731 47 2.35,783 97 4.86,617 48 2.38,933 98 4.87,822 48 2.39,867 98 4.89,728 48 2.40,800 98 4.91,633 49 2.43,9.11 99 4.92,800 49 2.44,864 99 4.94,725 49 2.45,817 99 4.96,650 50 2.48,889 256DayDas. 502.49,861 257Days. 50 2.50,833 258Days o N E YEAR. PPtin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 3.57,00 61 4.27,00 71 4.97,00 81 5.67,00 91 6.37,00 52 3.64,00 62 4.34,00 72 5.04,00 82 5.74,00 92 6.44,00 53 3.71,00 63 4.41,00 73 5.11,00 83 5.81,00 93 6.51,00 54 3.78,00 64 4.48,00 74 5.18,00 84 5.88,00'94 6.58,00 55 3.85,00 65 4.55,00 75 5.25,00 85 5.95,00 95 6.65,00 56 3.92,00 66 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 86 6.02,00 96 6.72,00 57 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 77 5.39,00 87 6.09,00 97 6.'9,00 58 4.06,00 68 4.76,00 78 15.46,00 88 6.16,00 98 6.86,00 59 4.13,00 69 4.83,00 79 5.53,00 89 6.23,00 99 6.93,00 60 4.20,00 70 14.90,00 80 5.60,00 90 6.30,00 l 9 I N T E R E S T AT. S E V E N PER C E NT..8 Months and 19 Days. 8 months and 20 Days. 8 Months and 21 Days. Prin. Interest. Prin. i Interest. Prin.l Interest. Prin. Interest. P rin. Interest. |in. Interest. 1.05,036 51 2.56,842 1.05,056 51 2.57,833 1.05,075 51 2.58,825 2.10,072 52 2.61,878k 2.10,111 52 2.62,889 2.10,150 52 2.63,900 3.15,108 53 2.66,914 3.15,167 53 2.67,944 3.15,225 53 2.68,975 4.20,144 54 2.71,950 4.20,222 54 2.73,000 4.20,300 54 2.74,050 5.25,181 55 2.76,986 5.25,278 55 2.78,056 5.25,375 55 2.79,125 6.30!,217 56 2.82,022 6.30,333 56 2.83,111 6.30,450 56 2.84,200 7.35,253 57 2.87,058 7.35,389 57 2.88,167 7.35,525 57 2.89,275 8.40,289'3 58 2.92,094 8.40,444 58 2.93,222 8.40,600 58 2.94,350 9.45,325 59 2.97,131 9.45,500 59 2.98,278 9.45,675 59 2.99,425 10.50,361 60 3.02,167 10.50,556 60 3.03,333;10.50,750 60 3.04,500 11.55,397 61 3.07,203 11.55,611 61 3.08,3891 l1.55,825 61 3.09,575 12.60,433 62 3.12,239 12.60,667 62 3.13,444 12.60,900 62 3.14,650 13.65,469 63 3.17,275 13.65,722 63 3.18,500 13.65,975 63 3.19,725 14.70 506 64 3.22,311 14.70,778:64 3.23,556 14.71,050 64 3.24,800 15.75,542 65 3.27,347 15.75,833 165 3.28,611 15.76,125 65 3,29,875 16.80,578 66 3.32,383 16.80,889 66 3.33,667 16.81,200 66 3.34,950 17.85,614 67 3.37,419 17.85,944 67 3.38,722 17.86,275 67 3.40,025 18.90,650 68 3.42,456 18.91,000 68 3.43,778 18.91,350 68 3.45,100 19.95,686 69 3.47,492 19.96,056 69 3.48,833[ 19.96,425 69 3.50,175 20 1.00,722 70 3.52,528/ 20 1.01,111 70 3.53,889 20 1.01,500 70 3.55,250 21 1.05,758 71 3.57.564 21 1.06,167 71 3.58,944 21 1.06,575 71 3.60,325 22 1.10,794 72 3.62,600 22 1.11,222 72 3.64,000 22 1.11,650 72 3.65,400 23 1.15,831 73 3.67,636 23 1.16,278 73 3.69,056 23 1.16,725 73 3.70,475 24 1.20,867 74 3.72,672 24 1.21,333 74 3.74,111 24 1.21,800 74 3.75,550 25 1.25,903 75 3.77,708 25 1.26,389 75 3.79,167 i25 1.26,875 75 3.80,625 26 1.30,939 76 3.82,744 26 1.31,444 76 3.84,222 26 1.31,950 76 1 3.85,700 27 1.35,975 77 3.87,781 27 1.36,500 77 3.89,278'27 1.37,025 77 3.90,775 28 1.41,011 78 3.92,817 28 1.41,556 78 3.94,3333 28 1.42,100 78 3.95,850 29 1.46,047 79 3.97,853 29 1.46,611 79 3.99,389 29 1.47,175 79 4.00,925 30 1.51,083 80 4.02,889 30 1.51,667 80 4.04,444 30 1.52,250 80 4.06,000 31 1.56,119 81 4.07,925 31 1.56,722 81 4.09,500 31 1.57,325 81 4.11,075 32 1.61,156 82 4.12,961 32 1.61,778 82 4.14,556 32 1.62,400 82 4.16,150 33 1.66,192 83 4.17,997 33 1.66,833 83 4.19,611 33 1.67,475 83 4.21,225 34 1.71,228 84 4.23,033 34 11.71,889 84 4.24,667 34 1.72,550 84 4.26,300 35 1.76,264 85 4.28,069 35 1.76,944 85 4.29,722 35 1.77,625 85 4.31,375 36 1.81,300 86 4.33,106 36 1.82,000 86 4.34,778 36 1.82,700 86 4.36,450 37 1.86,336 87 4.38,142 37 1.87,056 87 4.39,833 37 1.87,775 87 4.41,525 38 1.91,372 88 4.43,178 38 1.92,111 88 4.44,889 38 1.92,850 88 4.46,600 39 1.96,408 89 4.48,214 39 1.97,167 89 4.49,944 39 1.97,925 89 4.51,675 40 2.01,444 90 4.53,250 40 2.02,222 90 4.55,000 40 2.03,000 90 4.56,750 41 2.06,481 91 4.58,286 41 2.07,278 91 4.60,056 41 2.08,075 91 4.61,825 42 2.11,517 92 4.63,322 42 2.12,333 92 4.65,111 42 2.13,150 92 4.66,900 43 )2.16,553 93 4.68,358 43 2.17,389 93 4.70,167 43 2.18,225 93 4.71,975 44 2.21,589 94 4.73,394 44 2.22,444 94 4.75,222 44 2.23,300 94 4.77,050 45 2.26,625 95 4.78,431 45 2.27,500 95 4.80,278 45 2.28,375 95 4.82,125 46 2.31,661 96 4.83,467 46 2.32,556 96 4.85,333 46 2.33,450 96 4.87,200 47 2.36,697 97 4.88,503 47 12.37,611 97 4.90,389 47 2.38,525 97 4.92,275 48 2.41,733 98 4.93,539 48 2.42,667 4.95,444 48 2.43,600 98 4.97,350 49 2.46,769 99 4.98,575 49 2.47,722 99 5.00,500 49 12.48,675 99 5.02,425 50 2.51,806 259 Days. 50 2.52,778 260Days. 50 2.53,750 261 Days. ONE YEAR. Prinl Interest. Prin.i Interest. ][Prin. Interest. Prin.l Interest. IPrin. Interest. 1.07,00 11.77, 21 1.4700 31 2.17,00 41 2.87,00 21.14,00 12..84,00 22 11.54,00 32 12.24,00 42 12.94,00 3 1.21,00 13.91,00 23 I 1.61,00 33 2.31,00 43 1 3.01,00 4.28,00 14.98,00 24 1 1.68,00 — 34 2.38,00 44 1 3.08,00 5.35,00 15 1.05,00 25 1.75,00 35 2.45,00 45 13.15,00 61.42,00 16 1.12,00 26 1.82,00 36 12.52,00 46 3.22,00 7.49,00 17 1.19,00 27 1.89,00 37 2.59,00 47 3.29,00 8.56,00 18 1.26,00 28 1.96,00 38 2.66,00 48 3.36,00 9 1.63,00 19 1.33,00 29 12.03,00 39 2.73,00 49 3.43,00 100] 110.70,00 120 1.40,00 /3012.10,00 14012.80,00 150 3.50,00H IN T E R E; S T AT SE V E N PE R C E NT. 8 Months and 22 Days. 8 Months and 23 Days. 8 Mlonths and 24 Days. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. -Interest. 1.05,094 51 2.59,817 1.05,114 51 2.60,808 1.05,133 51 2.61,800 2.10,189 52 2.64,911 2.10,228 52. 2,65,922 2.10,267 52 2.66,933 3.15,283 53 2.70,006 3.15,342 53 2.71,036 3.15,400 3 2.72,067 4.20,378 54 2.75,100 4.20,456 54 2.76,150 4.20,533 54 2.77,200 5.25,472 55 2.80,194 5.25,569 55 2.81,264 5.25,667 555 2.82,333 6.30,567 56 2.85,289 6.30,683 56 2.86,378 6.30,800 56 -2.87,467 7.35,661 57 2.90,383 7.35,797 57 2.91,492 7.35,933 57 2.92,600 8.40,756 58 2.95,478 8.40,911 58 2.96,606 8.41,067 58 2.97,733 9.45,850 59 3.00,572 9.46,025 59 3.01,719 9.46,200 59 3.02,867 10.50,944 60 3.05,667 10.51,139 60 3.06,833 10.51,333 60 3.08,000 11.56,039 61 3.10,761 11 56,253 61 3.11,947 11.56,467 61 3.13,133 12.61,133 62 3.15,856 12.61,367 62 3.17,061 12.61,600 62 3.18,267 13.66,228 63 3.20,950 13.66,481 63 3.22,175 13.66,733 63 3.23,400 14.71,322 64 3.26,044 14.71,594 64 3.27,289 14.71,867 64 3.28,533 15.76,417 65 3.31,139 15.76,708 65 3.32,403 15.77,000 65 3.33,667 16 815511 66 3.36,233 16.81,822 66 3.37,517 16.82,133 66 3.38,800 17.869,606 67 3.41,328 17.86,936 67 3.42,631 17.87,267 67 3.43,933 18.91,700 68 3.46,422 18.92,050 68 3.47,744 18.92,400 68 3.49,067 19.91,794 69 3.51,517 19.97,164 69 3.52,858 19.97,533 69 3.54,200 20 1.01,889 70 3.56,611 20 1.02,278 70 3.57,972 20 1.02,667 70 3.59,333 21 1.06,983 -71 3.61,706 21 1.07,392 71 3.63,086 21 1.07,800 71. 3.64,467 22 1.12,078 72 3.66,800 22 1.12,506 72 3.68,200 22 1.12,933 72 3.69,600 23 1.17,172 73 3.71,894 23 1.17,619 73 3.73,314 23 1.18,067 73 3.74,733 24 1.22,267 74 3.76,989 24 1.22,733 74 3.78,428 24 1.23,200 74 3.79,867 25 1.27,361 75 3.82,083 25 1.27,847 75 3.83,542 25 1.28,333 75 3.85,00 26 1.32,456 76 3.87,178 26 1.32,961 76 3.88,656 26 1.33,467 76 3.90,133 27 1.37,550 77 3.92,272 27 1.38,075 77 3.93,769 27 1.38,600 77 3.95,267 28 1.42,644 78 3.97,367 28 1.43,189 78 3.98,883 28 1.43,733 78 4.00,400 29 1.47,739 79 4.02,461.29 1.48,303 79 4.03,997 29 1,48,867 79 4.05,533 30 1.52,833 80 4.07,556 30 1.53,417 80 4.09,111 30 1.54,000 80 4.10,667 31 1.57,928 81 4.12,650 31 1.58,531 81 4.14,225 31 1.59,133 81 4.15,800 32 1.63,022 82 4.17,744 32 1.63,644 82 4.19,339 32 1.64,267 82 4.20,933 33 1.68,117 83 4.22,839 33 1.68,758 83 4.24,453 33 1.69,400 83 4.26,067 34 1.73,211 840 4.27,933 34 1.73,872 84 4.29,567 34 1.74,533 84 4.31,200 35 1.78,306 85 4.33,028 35 1.78,986 85 4.34,681 35 1.79,667 85 4.36,333 36 1.83,4(00 86- 4.38,122 36 1.84,100 86 4.39,794 36 11.84,800 86 4.41,467 37 1.88,494 87 4.43,217' 37 1.89,214 87 4.44,908 37 1.89,933 87 4.46,600 38 1.93,589 88 4.48,311 38 1.94,328 88 4.50,022 38,1.95,067 88 4.51,733 39 1.98,683 89 4.53,406 39 1.99,442 89 4.55,136 39 2.00,200 89 4.56,867 40 2.03,778 90 4.58,500 40 2.04,556 90 4.60,250 40 2.05,333 90 4.62,000 41 2.08,872 91 4.63,594 41 2.09,669 91 4.65,364 41 2.10,467 91 4.67,133 42 2.13,967 92 4.68,689 42 2.14,783 92 4.70,478 42 2.15,600 92 4.72,267 43 2.19,9061 93 4.73,783 43 2.19,897 93 4.75,592 43 2.20,733 93 4.77,400 44 2.24,156 94 4.78,878 44 2.25,011 94 4.80,706 44 2.25,867 94 4.82,533 45 2.29,250 95 4.83,972 45 2.30,125 95 4.85,819 45 2.31,000 95 4.87,667 46 2.34,344 96 4.89,067 46 2.35,239 96 4.90,933 46 2.36,133 96 4.92,800 47 2.39,439 97 4.94,161 47 2.40,353 97 4.96,047 47 2.41,267 97 4.97,933 48 2.44,533 98 4.99,256 48 2.45,467 98 5.01,161 48 2.46,400 98 5.03,067 49 2.49,628 99 5.04,350 49 2.50,581 99 5.06,275 49 2.51,533 99 5.08,200 50 2.54,722 |1262DaB ys. 50 2.55,694 263Days. 50 2.56,667 26IBays ONE Y E A R Prinl Interest. 1Prinm Interest. P'rin. Interest. Prin. lrnterest. Prin. Interest. 51 1 3.57,00 61 4.27,00 71 4.97,00 81 1 5.67,00 91 1 6.37,00 52 1 3.64,00 62 4.34,00 72 1 5.04,00 82 5.74,00 92 1 6.44,00 53 3.71,00 63 4.41,00 73 1 5.11,00 183 5.81,00 93 6.51,00 54 3.78,00 64 4.48,00 74 5.18,00 84 1 5.88,00 94 6.58,00 55 1 3.85,00 65 1 4.55,00 75 1 5.25,00 85 1 5.95,00 95 6.65,00 56 3.92,00 66 14.62,00 76 5.32,00 86 1 6.02,00 96 6.72,00 57 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 77 5.39,00 87 6.09,00 97 6.79,00 58 1 4.06,00 68 4.76,00 78 5.46,00 88 16.16,00 98 6.86,00 59 4.13,00 69 4.83,00 79 5.53,00 89 6.23,00 99 16.93,00 60 4.20,00 70 4.90.00 80 5.60,00 90 16.30,00 ii 1 II [101 INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CEN T. 8' Months and 25 Days. 8 Months and 26 Days, 8 Months and 27 Days. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. rin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin Interest. 1.05,153 51 2.62,792 1.05,172 51 2.63,783 1.05,192 51 2.64,775 2.10,306 52 2.67,944 2.10,344 52 2.68,956 2.10,383 52 2.69,967 3.15,458 53 2.731097 3.15,517 53.2.74,128 3.15,575 53. 2.75,158 4.20,611 54,2.7.8,250 4.20,689 54,2.79,300 4.20,767 54 2.80,350 5.25,764 55 2.83,403 5.25,861 55 2.84,472 5.25,958 55 2.85,542 6.30,917 56.2.88,556 6.31,033 56 2.89,644 6.31,150 56 2.90,733 7.36,069 57. 2.93,708 7.3'6,206 57;2.94,817 7.36,342'57 2.95,925 8.41,222 58 2.98,861 8.41,3.78 58 2.99,989 8.41,533 58 3.01,117 9.46,375 59. 3.04,014 9.46,550 59 3.05,161 9.46,725 59 3.06,308 10.51,528 60 3.09,167 10.51,722 60 3.10,333 10.51,917 60 3.11,500 11.56,681 61 3.14,319 11.56,894 61 3.15,506 11.57,108 61 3.16,692 12.61,833 62 3.19,472. 12.62,067 62 3.20,678 12.62,300 62 3.21,883 13.66,986 63 3.24,625 13.67,23'9 63 3.25,850 13.67,492 63^ 3.27,075 14.72,139 64 3.29,778 14.72,411 64 3.31,022 14.72,683 641 3.32,267 15.77,292 65 3.34,931 15.77',58'3 65 3'.36,194,875 65' 3;37,458 16.82,444 66 3.40,083 16.82,756 66.3.41,367 16,.83,067 66 3.42,650 17.87,597 67 3.45,236 17.87,928 67 3.46,539 17.88,2528 67 3.47,842 18.92,750 68 3.50,389 18.93,100 68 3.51,711 18.93,450 68 3.53,033 19.97,903 69 3.55,542 19.98,272 69;3.56,883 19.98,642 69 3.58,225 20 1.03,056 70 3.60,694 20 1.03,44a4 70 3.62,056 20 1.03,833 70 3.63,417 21 1.08,208 71 3.65,847 21 1.08,617 71 3.67,228 21 1.09,025 71 3.68,608 22.1.13,361 72 3.71,0.00 22 1.13,789 72'3.72,400 22 1.14,217. 72 3.73,800 23 1.18,514 73 3.76,153 23 1.18,961 73 3.77,572 23 1..19,408:73 3.78,992 24 1.23,667 74 3.81,306 24 1.24,133 74 3.82,744 24 1.24,600 74 3.84,183 25 1.28,819'75 3.86,458 25 1.29,306 75 3.87,917 25 1.29,792 75 3.89,375 26 1.33,972 76 3.91,6:11 26 1.34,478 76 3.93,089 26 1.34,983.76 3.94,567 27 1.39,125 77 3.96,764 27 1.39,650 77 3.98,261 27 1.40,175 77 3.99,758 28 1.44,278 78 4.01,917 28 1.44,822 78 4.03,433 28 1.45,367 78 4.04,950 29 1.49,431 79 4.07,069 29 1.49,994 79.4.08,606 29 1.50,558 79 4.10,142 30 1.54,583 80 4.12,222 30 1.55,167 80.4.13,778 30 1.55,750 80 4.15,333 31 1.59,736 81 4.17,375 31 1.60,339 81 4.18,950 31 1.60,942 81 1420,525 32 11.64,889 82 4.22,528 32 1.65,511 82 4.24,122 32 1.66,133 82 4.25,717 33 1.70,042 83 4.27,681 33 1.70,683 83 4.29,294 33 1.71,325 83 4.30,908 34 1.75,194 84 4.32,833 34 1.75,856 84 4.34,467 34 1.76,517 84 4.36,1.00 35 1.80,347 85 4.37,986 35 1.81,028 85 4.39,639 35 1.81,708 85 4.41,292 36 1.85,500 86 4.43,139 36 1.86,200. 86' 4.44,811 36 1.86,900 86 4.46,483 37 1.90,653 87 4.48,292 37 1.91,372 87 4.49,983 37 1.92,092 87 4.51,675 38 1.95,806 88 4.53,444 38 1.96,544 88 4.55,156 38 1.97,283 88 4.56,867 39 2.00,958 89 4.58,597 39 2.01,717 89.4.60,328 39 2.02,475 89; 4.62,058 40 2.06,111 90 4.63,750 40 2.06,889 90 4.65,500 40 2.07,667 90 4.67,250 41 2.11,264 91 4.68,9-03 41 2.12,061 91 4.70,672 41 2.1.2,858 91 4.72,442 42. 2.16,417 92 4.74,056 42 2.17;233 92 4.75,844 42 2.18,050 92 4.77,633 43. 2.2:1,569 93 4.79,208 43 2.22;406 93 4.81,017 43 2.23;242 93 4.82,825 44 2.26,722 94 4.84,361 44 2.27,578 94 4.86,189 44 2.28,433 94 4.88,017 45 2.31,875 1 95 4.89,514 45 2.32,750 95 4.91,361 45 2.33,625 95 4.93,208 46 2.37,028 96. 4.94,667 46 2.37,922 96,4.96,533 46 2.38,817 96 4.98,400 47 2.42,181 1 97 4.99,819 47 2.43,094: 97 5.01,706 47 2.44,008' 97 5.03,592 48 2.47,333: 98:5'.04,972 48 2.48,267 98 5.06,878 48 2.49,200 98 5.08,783 49 2.52,486 99, 5.10,125 49 2.53,439 99 5.12,050 49 2.54,392 99' 5.13,975 50 2.57,639 1265-Days, 50 2.58;611 266ay 2.59,58 26 Ds. O_ NE YEARS I'rin. Ihterest. {]Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. "Prin. Imtere. Prin. Interest. 1.07,00. 1 1.77,0-0 21.1.47,00 31 2.17,00 41 2.87,00 2.1 1 84,00 12.84,00 22 1.54,00, 32,2.24,00 42 2.94,00 31.21,00 13.91,00 23 1.61,00 33 2.31,00 43 3.01,00 4.28,00 14.98,001 24 1.68,00 34 2.38,00 44 3.08,00 5..35,00 15 11.05,00. 25 1.75,00 35 2.45,00 45 3.15,00 6,.42,00 16 11.12,00. 26 1.82,00 36 2.52,00 46 3.22,00 7 1.49,00 17 1.1%900 27 1.89,00 37 2.59,00 47 3.29,00 81.56,00 18 1.26,00 28 1.96,00 38 12.66,00 48 3.36,00 9.63,00 19 1.33,00 29 2.03,00 39 2.73,00 49 3.43,00 02] 10.70,00 20 1.40,00 1130 2.10,00 40 2.80,00 50 3.50,00..I.. INTEREST AT SEVEN PER_ CENT. 8 Months and 28 Days. 8 Months and 29 Days. 9 MONTHS. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin.' Interest.' Pri n. Interest. Prin. Int erest. 1.05,211 51 2.65,767 1.05,231 51 2.66,758 1.05,250 51 2.67.750 2.10,422 52 2.70,978 2.10,461 52! 2.71,989 2.10,500 52 2.73,000' 3.15,633 53 2.76,189 3.15,692 53 i 2.77,219 3.15,750 53 2.78,250 4.20,844 54 2.81,400 4.20,922 54 2.82,450 4.21,000 54 2.83,500 5.26,056 55 2.86,611 5.26,153 55; 2.87,681 5.26,250 55 2.88,750 6.31,267 56 2.91,822 6.31,383 56 2.92,911 6.31,500 56 2.94,000 7.36,478 57 2.97,033 7.36,614 57 2.98,142 7.36,750 57 2.99,250 8.41,689 58 3.02,244 8.41,844 58 3.03,372 8.42,000 58 3.04,500 9.46,900 59 3.07,456 9.47,075 59 3.08,603 9.47,250 59 3.09,750 10.52,111 60 3.12,667 10.52,306 60 3.13,833 10.52,500 60 3.15,000 11.57,322 61 3.17,878 11.57,536 61 3.19,064 11.57,750 61 3.20,250 12.62,533 62 3.23,089 12.62,767 62 3.24,294 12.63,000 62 3.25,500 13.67,744 63 3.28,300 13.67,997 63 3.29,525 13.68,250 63 3.30,750 14:.72,956 64 3.33,511 14.73,228 64 3.34,756 14.73,500 64 3.36,000 15.78,167 65 3.38,722 15.78,458 65 3.39,986 15.78,750 65 3.41,250 16.83,378 66 3.43,933 16.83,689 66 3.45,217' 16.84,000 66 3.46,500 17.88,589 67 3.49,144 17.88,919 67 3.50,447 17.89,250 67' 3.51,750 18.93,800 68 3.54,356 18.94,150 68 - 3.55,678 18.94,500 68 3.57,000 19.99,011 69 3.59,567 19.99,381 69 3.60,908 19.99,750 69 3.62,250 20 1.04,222 70 3.64,778 20 1.04,611 70 3.66,139 20 1.05,000 70 3.67,500 21 1.09,433 71 3.69,989 21 1.09,842 71 3.71,369 21 1.10,250 71 3.72,750 22 1.14,644 72 3.75,200 22 1.15,072 72 3.76,600 22 1.15,500 72 3.78,000 23 1.19,856 73 3.80,411 23 1.20,303 73 3.81,831 23 1.20,750 73 3.83,250 24 1.25,067 74 3.85,622 24 1.25,533 -74 3.87,061 24 1.26,000 74 3.88,500 25 1.30,278 75 3.90,833 25 1.30,764 75 3.92,292 25 1.31,250 75 3.93,750 26 1.35,489 76 3.96,044 26 1.35,994 76 3.97,522 26 1.36,500 76 3.99,000 27 1.40,700 77 4.01,256 27 1.41,225 77 4.02,753 27 1.41,750 77 4.04,250 28 1.45,911 78 4.06,467 28 1.46,456 78 4.07,983 28 1.47,000 78 4.09,500 29 1.51,122 79 4.11,678 29 1.51,686 79 4.13,214 29 1.52,250 79 4.14,750 30 1.56,333 80 4.16,889 30 1.56,917 80 4.18,444 30 1.57,500 80 4.20,000 31 1.61,544 81 4.22,100 31 1.62,147 81 4.23,675 31 1.62,750 81 4.25,250 32 1.66,756 82 4.27,311 32 1.67,378 82 4.28,906 32 1.68,000 82 4.30,500 33 1.71,967 83 4.32,522 33 1.72,608 83 4.34,136 33 1.73,250 83 4.35,750 34 1.77,178 84 4.37,733 34 1.77,839 84 4.39,367 34 1.78,500 84 4.41,000 35 1.82,389 85 4.42,944' 35 1.83,069 85 4.44,597 35 1.83,750 85 4.46,250 36 1.87,600 86 4.48,156 36 1.88,300 86 4.49,828 36 1.89,000 86 4.51,500 37 1.92,811 87 4.53,367 37 1.93,531 87 4.55,058 37 1.94,250 87 4.56,750 38 1.98,022 88 4.58,578 38 1.98,761 88 4.60,289 38 1.99,500 88 4.62,000 39 2.03,233 89 4.63,789 39 2.03,992 89 4.65,519 39 2.04,750 89 4.67,250 40 2.08,444 90 4.69,000 40 2.09,222 90 4.70,750 40 2.10,000 90 4.72,500 41 2.13,656 91 4.74,211 41 2.14,453 91 4.75,981 41 2.15,250 91 4.77,750 42 (2.18,867 92 4.79,422 42 2.19,683 92 4.81,211 42 2.20,500 92 4.83,000 43 2.24,078 93 4.84,633 43 2.24,914 93 4.86,442 43 2.25,750 93 4.88,250 44 2.29,289 94 4.89,844 44 2.30,144 94 4.91,672 44 2.31,000 94 4.93,500 45 2.34,500 95 4.95,056 45 2.35,375 95 4.96,903 45 2.36,250 95 4.98,750 46 2.39,711 96 5.00,267 46 2.40,606 96 5.02,133 46 2.41,500 96 5.04,000 47 2.44,922 97 5.05,478 47 2.45,836 97 5.07,364 47 2.46,750 97 5.09,250 48 2.50,133 98 5.10,689 48 2.51,067 98 5.12,594 48 2.52,000 98 5.14,500 49 2.55,344 99 5.15,900 49 2.56,297 99 5.17,825 49 2.57,250 99 5.19,750 50 2.60,556 268 Days 50 2.61,528 269Days. 50 2.62,500 2 0Days. O N E YEAR. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1 51 3.57,00 61 4.27,00 71 4.97,00 81 5.67,00 91 6.37,00 I 52 3.64,00 62 4.34,00 72 5.04,00 82 5.74,00 92 6.44,00 53 3.71,00 63 4.41,00 73 5.11,00 83 5.81,00 93 6.51,00 54 3.78,00 64 4.48,00 74 5.18,00 84 5.88,00 94 6.58,00 55 3.85,00 65 4.55,00 75 5.25,00 85 5.95,00 1 95 6.65,00 56 3.92,00 66 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 86 6.02,00 96 6.72,00 57 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 77 5.39,00 87 6.09,00 97 6.79,00 58 4.06,00 68 4.76,00 78 5.46,00 88 6.16,00 98 6.86,00 59 4.13,00 694.83,00 79 5.53,00 896.23,00 69 4.83,00 795.53,00 896.23,00 99.93,00 60 4.20,00 70 4.90,00 80 5.60,00 9016.30,00 1 1 1 o103 IN T E R E S T AT S E V N P E R C E N T 9 months and 1 Day. 9 Months and 2 Days. 9 months and 3 Days. Prim. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Intetest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.05,269 51 2.68,742 1.05,289 51 2.69,733 1.05,308 51 2.70,725 2.10,5$9 152 2.74,011 2.10,578 52 2.75,022 2.10,617 52 2.76,033 3.15,808 53 2.79,281 3.15,867 53 2.80,311 3.15,925 53 2.81,342 i4.21,078 54 2.84,550 4.21,156 54 2.85,600 4.21,233 54 2.86,650 5.26,347 55 2.89,819 5i.26,444 55 2.90,889 5.26,542 55 2.91,958 6.31,617 56 2.95,089 6.31,733 56 2.96,178 6.31,850 56 2.97,267 7.36,886 57 3.00,358 7.37,02'2 57 3.01,467 7.37,158 57 3.02,575 8.42,156 58 3.05,628 8.42,311 58 3.06,756 8.42,467 58 3.07,883 9.47,425 59 3.1-0,897 9.47,600 59 3.12,044 9.47,775 59 3.13,192 0.52,694 60 3.16,167 10.52,889 60 3.17,333 10.53,083 60 3.18,500 11.57,964 61 3.21,436 11.58,178 61 3.22,622 11.58,392 61 3.23,808 12.63,233 62 3.26,706 12.63,467 62 3.27,911 12.63,700 62 3.29,117 13.68,503 63 3.31,975 13.68,756 63 3.33,200 13.69,008 63 3.34,425 14.73,772 64 3.37,244 14.74,044 64 3.38,489 14.74,317 64 *3.39,733 15.79,042 65 3.42,514 15.79,333 65 3.43,778 15.79,625 65 3.45,042 16.84,311 66 3.47,783 16.84,622 66 3.49,067 16.84,933 66 3.50,350 17.89,581 67 3.53,053 17.89,911 67 3.54,356 17.90,242 67 3.55,658 18.94,850 68 3.58,322 18.95,200 68 3.59,644 18.95,550 68 3.60,967 19 1.00,119 69 3.63,592 19 1.00,489 69 3.64,933 19 1.00,858 69 3.66,275 20 1.05,389 70 3.68,861 20 1.05,778 70 3.70,222 20 1.06,167 70 3.71,583 21 1.10,6B58 71 3.74,131 21 1.11,067 71 3.75,511 21 1.11,475 71 3.76,892 22 1.15,928 72 3.79,400 22 1.16,356 72 3.80,800 22 1.16,783 72 3.82,200 23 1.21,197 73 3.84,669 23 1.21,644 73 3.86,089 23 1.22,092 73 3.87,508 24 1.26,467 74 3.89,939 24 1.26,933 74 3.91,378 24 1.27,400 74 3.92,817 25 1.31,736 75 3.95,208 25 1.32,222 75 3.96,667 25 1.32,708 75 3.98,125 26 1.37,006 76 4.00,478 26 1.37,511 76 4.01,956 26 1.38,017 76 4.03,433 27 1.42,275 77 4.05,747 27 1.42,800 77 4.07,244 27 1.43,325 77 4.08,742 28 1.47,544 78 4. 11,017 28 1.48,089 78 4.12,533 28 1.48,633 78 4.14,050 29 1.52,814 79 4.16,286 29 1.53,378 79 4.17,822 29 1.53,942 79 4.19,358 30 1.58,083 80 4.21,556 30 1.58,667 80 4.23,111 30 1.59,250 80 4.24,667 31 1.63,353 81 4.26,825 31 1.63,956 81 4.28,400 31 1.64,558 81 4.29,975 32 1.68,622 82 4.32,094 32 1.69,244 82 4.33,689 32 1.69,867 82 4.35,283 i33 1.73,892 83 4.37,364 33 1.74,533 83 4.38,978 33 1.75,175 83 4.40,592 34 1.79,161 84 4.42,633 34 1.79,822 84 4.44,267 34 1.80,483 84 4.459900 35 1.84,431 85 4.47,903 35 1.8.5,111 85 4.49,556 35 1.85,792 85 4.51,208' 36 1.89,700 86 4.53,172 36 1.90,400 86 4.54,844 36 1.91,100 86 4.56,517 37 1.94,969 87 4.58,442 37 1.95,689 87 4.60,133 37 1.96,408 87 4.61,825 38 2.00,239 88 4.63,711 38 2.00,978 88 4.65,422 38 2.01,717 88 4.67,133 39 2.05,508 89 4.68,981 39 2.06,267 89 4.70,711 39 2.07,025 89 4.72,442 40 2.10,778 90 4.74,250 40 2.11,556 90 4.76,000 40 2.12,333 90 4. 77,750 41 2.16,047 91 4.79,519 41 2.16,844 91 4.81,289 41 2.17,642 91 4.83,058 42 2.21,317 92 4.84,789 42 2.22,133 92 4.86,578 42 2.22,950 92 4.88,367 43 2.26,586 93 4.90,058 43 2.27,422 93 4.91,867 43 2.28,258 93 4.93,675 44 2.31,856 94 4.95,328 44 2.32,711 94 4.97,156 44 2.33,567 94 4.98,983 45 2.37,125 95 5.00,597 45 2.38,000 95 5.02,444 45 2.38,875 95 5.04,292 46 2.42,394 96 5.05,867 46 2.43,289 96 5.07,733 46 2.44,183 96 5.09,600 47 2.47,664 97 5.11,136 47 2.48,578 97 5.13,022 47 2.49,492 97 5.14,908 48 2.52,933 98 5.16,406 48 2.53,867 98 5.18,311 48 2.54,800 198 5.20,217 49 2.58,203 99 5.21,675 49 2.59,156 99 5.23,600 49 2.60,108 99 5.25,525 50 2.63,472 27l1Days 50 2.64,444 272 Days 50 2.65,417 |273D a I~~~~2Ias.27.a.1 I7Da __|: ONE YEAR. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.07,00 11.77,00 21 1.47,00 31 2.17900 41 2.87,00 2.14,00 12.84,00 22 1.54,00 32 2.24,00 42 2.94,00 3.21,00 13.91,00 23 1.61,00 33 2.31,00 43 3.01,00 4.28,00 14.98,00 24 1.68,00 34 2.38,00 44 3.08,00 5.35,00 15 1.05,00 25 1.75,00 35 2.45,00 45 3.15,00 6.42,00 16 1.12,00 26 1.82,00 36 2.52,00 46 3.22,00 7.49,00 17 1.19,00 27 1.89,00 37 2.59,00 47 3.29,00 8.56,00 18 1.26,00' 28 1.96,00 38 2.66,00 48 3.36,00 19.63,00 I 19 1.33,00 I 29 2.03,00 39 2.73,00 49 3.43,00 1O04] 110. 70,00 120 1.140,00 130 2.10,00 140 2.80,00 150 3.5S0,00 INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT.' 9 Months and 4 Days. 9 Months and 5 Days. 9 months and 6 Days. Prir. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.05,328 51 2.71,717 1.05,347 51 2.72,708 1.05,367 51 2.73,700 2.10,656 52 2.77,044 2.10,694 52 2.78,056 2.10,733 52 2.79,067 3.15,983 53 2.82,372 3.16,042 53 2.83,403 3.16,100 53 2.849433 4.21,311 54 2.87,70'0 4.21,389 54 2.88,750 4.21,467 54 2.89,800 5.26,639 55 2.93,028 5.26,736 55 2.94,097 5.26,833 55 2.95,167 6.31,967 56 2.98,356 6.32,083 56 2.99,444 6.32,200 56 3.00,533 7.37,294 57 3.03,683 7.37,431 57 3.04,792 7.37,567 57 3.05,900 8.429622 58 3.09,011 8.42,778 58 3.10,139 8.42,933 58 3.11,267 9.47,950 59 3.14,339 9.48,125 59 3.15,486 9.48,300 59 3.16,633 10.53,278 60 3.1'9,667 10.53,472 60 3.20,833 10.53,667 60 3.22,000 11.58,606 61 3.24,994 11.58,819 61 3.26,181 11.59,033 61 3.27,367 12.639933 62 3.30,322 12.64,167 62 3.31,528 12.64,400 62 3.32,733 13.69,261 63 3.35,650 13.69,514 63 3.36,875 13.69,767 63 3.38,100 14.74,589 64 3.40,978 14.74,861 64 3.42,222 14.75,133 64 3.43,467 15.79,917 65 3.46,306 15.80,208 65 3.47,569 15.80,500 65 3.48,833 16.85,244 66 3.51,633 16.85,556 66 3.52,917 16.85,867 66 3.54,200 17.90,572 67 3.56,961 17.90,903 67 3.58,264 17.91,233 67 3.599567 18.95,900 68 3.62,289 18.96,250 68 3.63,611 18.96,600 68 3.64,933 19 1.01,228 69 3.67,617 19 1.01,597 69 3.68,958 19 1.01,967 69 3.7'0,300 20 1.06,556 70 3.72,944 20 1.06,944 70 3.74,306 20 1.07,333 70 3.75,667 21 1.119883 71 3.78,272 21 1.12,292 71 3.79,653 21 1.12,700 71 3.81,033 22 1.17,211 72 3.83,600 22 1.17,639 72 3.85,000 22 1.18,067 72 3.86,400 23 1.22,539 73 3.88,928 23 1.22,986 73 3.90,347 23 1.23,433 73 3.91,767 24 1.27,867 74 3.94,256 24 1.28,333 74 3.95,694 24 1.28,800 74 3.97,133 25 1.33,194 75 3.99,583 25 1.33,681 75 4.01,042 25 1.34,167 75 4.02,500 26 1.38,522 76 4.04,911 26 1.39,028 76 4.06,389 26 1.39,533 76 4.07,867 27 1.43,850 77 4.10,239 27 1.44,375 77 4.11,736 27 1.44,900 77 4.13,233 28 1.49,178 78 4.15,567 28 1.49,722 78 4.17,083 28 1.50,267 78 4.18,600 29 1.54,506 79 4.20,894 29 1.55,069 79 4.22,431 29 1.55,633 79 4.23,967 30 1.59,833 80 4.26,222 30 1.60,417 80 4.27,778 30 1.61,000 80 4.29,333 31 1.'65,161 81 4.31,550 31 1.65,764 81 4.33,125 31 1.66,367 81 4.34,700 32 1.70,489 82 4.36,878 32 1.71,111 82 4.38,472 32 1.71,733 82 4.40,067 33 1.75,817 83 4.42,206 33 1.76,458 83 4.43,819 33 1.77,100 83 4.45,433 34 1.81,144 84 4.47,533 34 1.81,806 84 4.49,167 34 1.$82,467 84 4.50,800 35 1.86,472 85 4.52,861 35 1.87,153 85 4.54,514 35 1.87,833 85 4.56,167 36 1.91,800 86 4.58,189 36 1.92,500 86 4.59,861 36 1.93,200 86 4.61,533 37 1.97,128 87 4.63,517 37 1.97,847 87 4.65,208 37 1.98,567 87 4.66,900 38 2.02,456 88 4.68,844 38 2.03,194 88 4.70,556 38 2.03,933 88 4.72,267 39 2.07,783 89 4.74,172 39 2.089542 89 4.75,903 39 2.09,300 89 4.77,633 40 2.13,111 90 4.79,500 40 2.-13,889 90 4.81,250 40 2.14,667 90 4.83,000 41 2.18,439 91 4.84,828 41 2.19,236 91 4.86,597 41 2.20,033 91 4.88,367 42 2.23,767 92 4.90,156 42 2.24,583 92 4.91,944 42 2.25,400 92 4.93,733 43 2.29,094 93 4.95,483 43 2.29,931 93 4.97,292 43 2.30,767 93 4.99,100 44 2.34,422 94 5.00,811 44 2.35,278 94 5.02,639 44 2.36,133 94 5.04,467 45 2.39,750 95 5.06,139 45 2.40,625 95 5.07,986 45 2.41,500 95 5.0'9,833 46 2.45,078 96 5.11,467 46 2.45,972 96 5.13,333 46 2.46,867 96 5.15,200 47 2.50,406 97 5.16,794 47 2.51,319 97 5.18,681 47 2.52,233 97 5.20,567 48 2.55,733 98 5.22,122 48 2.56,667 98 5.24,028 48 2.57,600 98 5.25,933 49 2.61,061 99 5.27 450 49 2.62,014 99 5.29,375 49 2.62,967 99 5.315300 50 2.66,389 274: ays 50ll 2.67,361 275Days. 50. 2.68,333 I _275 ays..276Days ONE YEAR. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin., Interest. IPrin.l Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 3.57,00 16114.27,00 71 4.97,00 181 15.67,00 91 6.37,00 52 3.64,00 11621 4.34,00 72 5.04,00 821 5.74,00 92 6.44,00 53 3.71,00 631 4.41,00 73 5.11,00 11 83 5.81,00 931 6.51,00 54 3.78,00 64 4.48,00' 74 5.18,00 84 5.88,00 1 94 6.58,00 55 3.85,00 1 65 4.55,00 75 5.25,00 851 5.95,00 95 6.65,00 56 3.92,00 661 462,00 76 1532,00 86 6.02,00 96 6.72,00 57 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 7 7 15.39,00 87 16.09,00 1197 6.79,00 58 4.06,00 6168 4.76,00 [78 5.46,00 88 1 6.16,00 98 6.86,00 59 4.13,00 69 14.83,00 79 5.53,2 00 896.23,00 99 6.93,00 ]60 4.20,00 [ 7014.90,00 180 1 5.60,00 1190 6.30,00 11! ]] _5 INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 9 Months and 7 Days. 9 Months and 8 Days. 9 Months and 9 Days. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.05,386 51 2.74,692 1.05,406 51 2.75,683 1.05,425 51 2.76,675 2.10,772 52 2.80,078 2.10,811 52 2.81,089 2.10,850 52 2.82,100 3.16,158 53 2.85,464 3.16,217 53 2.86,494 3.16,275 53 2.87,525 4.21,544 54 2.90,850 4.21,622 54 2.91,900 4.21,700 54 2.92,950 5.26,931 55 2.96,236 5.27,028 55 2.97,306 5.27,125 55 2.98,375 6.32,317 56 3.01,622 6.32,433 56 3.02,711 6.32,550 56 3.03,800 7.37,703 57 3.07,008 7.37,839 57 3.08,117 7.37,975 57 3.09,225 8.43,089 58 3.12,394 8.43,244 58 3.13,522 8.43,400 58 3.14,650 9.48,475 59 3.17,781 9.48,650 59 3.18,928 9.48,825 59 3.20,075 10.53,861 60 3.23,167 10.54,056 60 3.24,333 10.54,250 60 3.25,500 11.59,247 61 3.28,553 11.59,461 61 3.29,739 11.59,675 61 3.30,925 12.64,633 62 3.33,939 12.64,867 62 3.35,144 12.65,100 62 3.36,350 13.70,019 63 3.39,325 13.70,272 63 3.40,550 13.70,525 63 3.41,775 14.75,406 64 3.44,711 14.75,678 64 3.45,956 14.75,950 64 3.47,200 15.80,792 65 3.50,097 15.81,083 65 3.51,361 15.81,375 65 3.52,625 16.86,178 66 3.55,483 16.86,489 66 3.56,767 16.86,800 66 3.58,050 17.91,564 67 3.60,869 17.91,894 67 3.62,172 17.92,225 67 3.63,475 18.96,950 68 3.66,256 18.97,300 68 3.67,578 18.97,650 68 3.68,900 19 1.02,336 69 3.71,642 19 1.02,706 69 3.72,983 19 1.03,075 69 3.74,325 20 1.07,722 70 3.77,028 20 1.08,111 70 3.78,389 20 1.08,500 70 3.79,750 21 1.13,108 71 3.82,414 21 1.13,517 71 3.83,794 21 1.13,925 71 3.85,175 22 1.18,494 72 3.87,800 22 1.18,922 72 3.89,200 22 1.19,350 72 3.90,600 23 1.23,881 73 3.93,186 23 1.24,328 73 3.94,606 23 1.24,775 73 3.96,025 24 1.29,267 74 3.98,572 24 1.29,733 74 4.00,011 24 1.30,200 74 4.01,450 25 1.34,653 75 4.03,958 25 1.35,139 75 4.05,417 25 1.35,625 75 4.06,875 26 1.40,039 76 4.09,344 26 1.40,544 76 4.10,822 26 1.41,050 76 4.12,300 27 1.45,425 77 4.14,731 27 1.45,950 77 4.16,228 27 1.46,475 77 4.17,725 28 1.50,811 78 4.20,117 28 1.51,356 78 4.21,633 28 1.51,900 78 4.23,150 29 1.56,197 79 4.25,503 29 1.56,761 79 4.27,039 29 1.57,325 79 4.28,575 30 1.61,583 80 4.30,889 30 1.62,167 80 4.32,444 30 1.62,750 80 4.34,000 31 1.66,969 81 4.36,275 31 1.67,572 81 4.37,850 31 1.68,175 81 4.39,425 32 1.72,356 82 4.41,661 32 1.72,978 82 4.43,256 32 1.73,600 82 4.44,850 33 1.77,742 83 4.47,047 33 1.78,383 83 4.48,661 33 1.79,025 83 4.50,275 34 1.83,128 84 4.52,433 34 1.83,789 84 4.54,067 34 1.84,450 84 4.55,700 35 1.88,514 85 4.57,819 35 1.89,194 85 4.59,472 35 1.89,875 85 4.61,125 36 1.93,900 86 4.63,206 36 1.94,600 86 4.64,878 36 1.95,300 86 4.66,550 37 1.99,286 87 4.68,592 37 2.00,006 87 4.70,283 37 2.00,725 87 4.71,975 38 2.04,672 88 4.73,978 38 2.05,411 88 4.75,689 38 2.06,150 88 4.77,400 39 2.10,058 89 4.79,364 39 2.10,817 89 4.81,094 39 2.11,575 89 4.82,825 40 2.15,444 90 4.84,750 40 2.16,222 90 4.86,500 40 2.17,000 90 4.88,250 41 2.20,831 91 4.90,136 41 2.21,628 91 4.91,906 41 2.22,425 91 4.93,675 42 2.26,217 92 4.95,522 42 2.27,033 92 4.97,311 42 2.27,850 92 4.99,100 43 2.31,603 93 5.00,908 43 2.32,439 93 5.02,717 43 2.33,275 93 5.04,525 44 2.36,989 94 5.06,294 44 2.37,844 94 5.08,122 44 2.38,700 94 5.09,950 45 2.42,375 95 5.11,681 45 2.43,250 95 5.13,528 45 2.44,125 95 5.15,375 46 2.47,761 96 5.17,067 46 2.48,656 96 5.18,933 46 2.49,550 96 5.20,800 47 2.53,147 97 5.22,453 47 2.54,061 97 5.24,339 47 2.54,975 97 5.26,225 48 2.58,533 98 5.27,839 48 2.59,467 98 5.29,744 48 2.60,400 98 5.31,650 49 2.63,919 99 5.33,225 49 2.64,872 99 5.35,150 49 2.65,825 99 5.37,075 50 2.69,306 277 Days. 50 2.70,278 278 Days. 50 2.71,250 79 Days. O N E Y E AR. Prin. Interest. IPrin.l Interest. IPrin.l Interest. -lPrin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.07,00 111.77,00 21 1.47,00 31 2.17,00 41 2.87,00 21.14,00 12.84,00 22 1.54,00 32 12.24,00 42 2.94,00 31.21,00 13.91,00 23 1.61,00 33 12.31,00 43 13.01,00 4.28,00 1114.98,00 2411.68,00 34 2.38,00 44 13.08,00 51.35,00 15 1.05,00 25 1.75,00 35 2.45,00 45 3.15,00 6.42,00 16 1.12,00 26 1.82,00 36 2.52,00 46 3.22,00 7.49,00 17 1.19,00 27 1.89,00 1137 2.59,00 47 13.29,00 8 8.56,00 18 1.26,00 28 1.96,00 38 2.66,00 481 3.36,00 9.63,00 [1911.33,00 [2912.03,00 I 3912.73,00 [4913.43,00 106] 110.70,00 20 1.40,00 30 2.10,00 40 2.80,00 50 3.50,00 -~~~~~~~~~ i ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i - I - U -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 9 Months and 10 Days. 9 Months and 11 Days. 9 Months and 12 Days. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. I Interest. F Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.05,444 51 2.77,667 1.05,464 51 2.78,658 1.05,483 51 2.79,650 2.10,889 52 2.83,111 2.10,928 52 2.84,122 2.10,967 52 2.85,133 3.16,333 53 2.88,556 3.16,392 53 2.89,586 3.16,450 53 2.90,617 4.21,778 54 2.94,000 4.21,856 54 2.95,050 4.21,933 54 12.96,100 5.27,222 55 2.99,444 5.27,319 55 3.00,514 5.27,417 55: 3.01,583 6.32,667 56 3.04,889 6.32,783 56 3.05,978 6.32,900 156 3.07,067 7.38,111 57 3.10,333 7.38,247 57 3.11,442 7.38,383:57 3.12,550 8.43,556 58 3.15,778 8.43,711 58 3.16,906 8.4;3,867 58 3.18,033 9.49,000 59 3.21,222 9.49,175 59 3.22,369 9.49,350 159 3.23,517 10.54,444 60 3.26,667 10.54,639 60 3.27,833 10.54,833 60 3.29,000 11.59,889 61 3.32,111 11.60,103 61 3.33,297 11.60,317 61 3.34,483 12.65,333 62 3.37,556 12.65,567 62 3.38,761 12.65,800 62 3.39,967 13.70,778 63 3.43,000 13.71,031 63 3.44,225 13.71,283 63 3.45,450 14.76,222 64 3.48,444 14.76,494 64 3.49,689 14.76,767 64 3.50,933 15.81,667 65 3.53,889 15.81,958 65 3.55,153 15.82,250 65 3.56,417 16.87,111 66 3.59,333 16.879422 66 3.60,617 16.87,733 66 3.61,900 17.92,556 67 3.64,778 17.92,886 67 3.66,081 17.93,217 67 3.67,383 18.98,000 68 3.70,222 18.98,350 68 3.71,544 18.98,700 68 3.72,867 19 1:1.03,444 69 3.75,667 19 1.03,814 69 3.77,008 19 1.04,183 69 3.78,350 20 1.08,889 70 3.81,111 20 1.09,278 70 3.82,472 20 1.09,667 70 3.83,833 21:1.14,333 71 3.86,556 21 1.14,742 71 3.87,936 21 1.15,150 71 3.89,317 22 1.19,778 72 3.92,000 22 1.20,206 72 3.93,400 22 1.20,633 72 3.94,800 23 1.25,222 73 3.97,444 23 1.25,669 73 3.98,864 23 1.26,117 73 4.00,283 24 1.30,667 74 4.02,889 24 1.31,133 74 4.04,328 24 1.31,600 74 4.05,767 25 1.36,111 75 4.08,333 25 1.36,597 75 4.09,792 25 1.37,083 75 4.11,250 26 1.41,556 76 4.13,778 26 1.42,061 76 4.15,256 26 1.42,567 76 4.16,733 27 1.47,000 77 4.19,222 27 1.47,525 77 4.20,719 27 1.48,050 77 4.22,217 28 1.52,444 78 4.24,667 28 1.52,989 78 4.26,183 28 1.53,533 78 4.27,700 29 1.57,889 79 4.30,111 29 1.58,453 79 4.31,647 29 1.59,017 79 4.33,183 30 11.63,333 80 4.35,556 30 1.63,917 80 4.37,111 30 1.64,500 80 4.38,667 31 1.68,778 81 4.41,000 31 1.69,381 81 4.42,575 31 1.69,983 81 4.44,150 32 1.74,222 82 4.46,444 32 1.74,844 82 4.48,039 32 1.75,467 82 4.49,633 33 1.79,667 83 4.51,889 33 1.80,308 83 4.53,503 33 1.80,950 83 4.55,117 34 1.85,111 84 4.57,333 34 1.85,772 84 4.58,967 34 1.86,433 84 4.60,600 35 1.190,556 85 4.62,778 35 1.91,236 85 4.64,431 35 1.91,917 85 4.66,083 36 1.96,000 86 4.68,222 36 1.96,700 86 4.69,894 36 1.97,400 86 4.71,567 37 2.01,444 87 4.73,667 37 2.02,164 87 4.75,358 37 2.02,883 87 4.77,050 38 i2.06,889 88 4.79,111 38 2.07,628 88 4.80,822 38 2.08,367 88 4.82,533 39 12.12,333 89 4.84,556 39 2.13,092 89 4.86,286 39 2.13,850 89 4.88,017 40 12;17,778 90 4.90,000 40 2.18,556 90 4.91,750 40 2.19,333 90 4.93,500 41 2.23,222 91 4.95,444 41 2.24,019 91 4.97,214 41 2.24,817 91 4.98,983 42 2.28,667 92 5.00,889 42 2.29,483 92 5.02,678 42 2.30,300 92 5.04,467 43 2.34,111 93 5.06,333 43 2.34,947 93 5.08,142 43 2.35,783 93 5.09,950 44 2.39,556 94 5.11,778 44 2.40,411 94 5.13,606 44 2.41,267 94 5.15,433 45 2.45,000 95 5.17,222 45 2.45,875 95 5.19,069 45 2.46,750 95 5.20,917 46 2.50,444 96 5.22,667 46 2.51,339 96 5.24,533 46 2.52,233 96 5.26,400 47 2.55,889 97 5.28,111 47 2.56,803 97 5.29,997 47 2.57,717 97 5.31,883 48 2.61,333 98 5.33,556 48 2.62,267 98 5.35,461 48 2.63,200 98 5.37,367 49 2.66,778 99 5.39,000 49 2.67,731 99 5.40,925 49 2.68,683 99 5.42,850 50 2.72.222 280ODays. 50 2.73,194 281 Days. 50 2.74,167 as2Days. ON E YEAR. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 3.57,00 61 4.27,00 71 4.97,00 81 5.67,00 91 6.37,00 52 3.64,00 62 4.34,00 72 5.04,00 82 5.74,00 92 6.44,00 53 3.71,00 63 4.41,00 73 5.11,00 83 5.81,00 93 6.51,00 54 3.78,00 64 4.48,00 74 5.18,00 84 5.88,00 94 6.58,00 55 3.85,00 65 4.55,00 75 5.25,00 85 5.95,00 95 6.65,00 56 3.92,00 66 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 86 6.02,00 96 6.72,00 57 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 77 5.39,00 87 6.09,00 97 6.79,00 58 4.06,00 68 4.76,00 78 5.46,00 88 6.16,00 98 6.86,00 59 4.13,00 69 4.83,00 179 5.53,00 89 6.23,00 99 6.93,00 11 60 4.20,00 70 4.90,00 80 5.60,00 90 6.30,00 107 9 Months and 13 Days. 9 Months and 14 Days. 9 Months and 15 Days. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Pril. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin Interest. 1.05,503 51 2.80,642 1.05,522 51 2.81,633 1.05,542 51 2.82,625 2.11,006 52 2.86,144 2.11,044 52 2.87,156 2.11,083 52 2.88,167 3.16,508 53 2.91,647 3.16,567 53 2.92,678 3.16,625 53 2.93,708 4.22,011 54 2.97,150 4.22,089 54 2.98,200 4.22,167 54 2.99,250 5.27,514 55 3.02,653 5.27,611 55 3.03,722 5.27,708 55 3.04,792 6.33,017 56 3.08,156 6.33,133 56 3.09,244 6.33,250 56 3.10,333 7.38,519 57 3.13,658 7.38,656 57 3.14,767 7.38,792 57 3.15,875 8.44,022 58 3.19,161 8.44,178 58 3.20,289 8.44,333 58 3.21,417 9.49,525 59 3.24,664 9.49,700 59 3.25,811 9.49,875 59 3.26,958 10.55,028 60 3.30,167 10.55,222 60 3.31,333 10.55,417 60 3.32,500 11.60,531 61 3.35,669 11.60,744 61 3.36,856 11.60,958 61 3.38,042 12.66,033 62 3.41,172 12.66,267 62 3.42,378 12.66,500 62 3.43,583 13.71,536 63 3.46,675 13.71,789 63 3.47,900 13.72,042 63 3.49,125 14.77,039 64 3.52,178 14.77,311 64 3.53,422 14.779583 64 3.54,667 15.82,542 65 3.57,681 15.82,833 65 3.58,944 15.83,125 65 3.60,208 16.88,044 66 3.63,183 16.88,356 66 3.64,467 16.889667 66 3.65,750 17.93,547 67 3.68,686 17.93,878 67 3.69,989 17.94,208 67 3.71,292 18.99,050 68 3.74,189 18.99,400 68 3.75,511 18.99,750 68 3.76,833 19 1.04,553 69 3.79,692 19 1.04,922 69 3.81,033 19 1.05,292 69 3.82,375 20 1.10,056 70 3.85,194 20 1.10,444 70 3.86,556 20 1.10,833 70 3.87,917 21 1.15,558 71 3.90,697 21 1.15,967 71 3.92,078 21 1.16,375 71 3.93,458 22 1.21,061 72 3.96,200 22 1.21,489 72 3.97,600 22 1.21,917 72 3.99,000 23 1.26,564 73 4.01,703 23 1.27,011 73 4.03,122 23 1.27,458 73 4.04,542 24 1.32,067 74 4.07,206 24 1.32,533 74 4.08,644 24 1.33,000 74 4.10,083 25 1.37,569 75 4.12,708 25 1.38,056 75 4.14,167 25 1.38,542 75 4.15,625 26 1.43,072 76 4.18,211 26 1.43,578 76 4.19,689 26 1.44,083 76 4.21,167 27 1.48,575 77 4.23,714 27 1.49,100 77 4.25,211 27 1.49,625 77 4.26,708 28 1.54,078 78 4.29,217 28 1.54.622 78 4.30,733 28 1.55,167 78 4.32,250 29 1.59,581 79 4.34,719 29 1.60,144 79 4.36,256 29 1.60,708 79 4.37,792 30 1.65,083 80 4.40,222 30 1.659667 80 4.41,778 30 1.66,250 80 4.43,333 31 1.70,586 81 4.45,725 31 1.71,189 81 4.47,300 31 1.71,792 81 4.48,875 32 1.76,089 82 4.51,228 32 1.76,711 82 4.52,822 32 1.77,333 82 4.54,417 33 1.81,592 83 4.56,731 33 1.82,233 83 4.58,344 33 1.82,875 83 4.59,9568 34 1.87,094 84 4.62,233 34 1.87,756 84 4.63,867 34 1.88,417 84 4.65,500 35 1.92,597 85 4.67,736 35 1.93,278 85 4.69,389 35 1.93,958 85 4.71,042 36 1.98,100 86 4.73,239 36 1.98,800 86 4.74,911 36 1.99,500 86 4.76,583 37 2.03,603 87 4.78,742 37 2.04,322 87 4.80,433 37 2.05,042 87 4.82,125 38 2.09,106 88 4.84,244 38 2.09,844 88 4.85,956 38 2.10,583 88 4.87,667 39 2.14,608 89 4.89,747 39 2.15,367 89 4.91,478 39 2.16,125 89 4.93,208 40 2.20,111 90 4.95,250 40 2.20,889 90 4.97,000 40 2.21,667 90 4.98,750 41 2.25,614 91 5.00,753 41 2.26,411 91 5.02,522 41 2.27,208 91 5.04,292 42 2.31,117 92 5.06,256 42 2.31,933 92 5.08,044 42 2.32,750 92 5.09,833 43 2.36,619 93 5.11,758 43 2.37,456 93 5.13,567 43 2.38,292 93 5.15,375 44 2.42,122 94 5.17,261 44 2.42,978 94 5.19,089 44 2.43,833 94 5.20,917 45 2.47,625 95 5.22,764 45 2.48,500 95 5.24,611 45 2.49,375 95 5.26,458 46 2.53,128 96 5.28,267 46 2.54,022 96 5.30,133 46 2.54,917 96 5.32,000 47 2.58,631 97 5.33,769 47 2.59,544 97 5.35,656 47 2.60,458 97 5.37,542 48 2.64,133 98 5.39,272 48 2.65,067 98 5.41,178 48 2.66,000 98 5.43,083 49 2.69,636 99 5.44,775 49 2.70,589 99 5.46,700 49 2.71,542 99 5.48,625 50 2.75,139 283Days. 50 2.76,111 284Days. 50 2.77,083 285 ays. ONE Y E A Ri Prin. nterst. Prin:nteres t. IPrin. Interest. IIPri n. Interest. Prin. Interest. eres 1.07,00 I 111.77,00 21 1.47,00 31 2.17,00 41 2.87,00 I 2.14,00 12.84,00 1122 1.54,00 32 2.24,00 42 12.94,00 3.21,00 1131.91,00 123 1.61,00 33 12.31,00 43 13.01,00 4.28,00 114.1.98,00 1124 1.68,00 1 341 2.38,00 1144 3.08,00 5.35,00 115 1.05,00 25 1.75,00 35 2.45100 45 3.15,00 6.42,00 16 1.12,00 26 1.82,00 36 2.52,00 46 13.22,00 7.49,00 171 1.19,00 1/27 1.89,00 37 12.59,00 47 3.29,00 8.56,00 18 1.26,00 281 1.96,00 1 38 12.66,00 1 48 3.36,00 9.63,00 119 1.33,00 29 2.03,00 39 2.73,00 49 3.43,00 I08s] 1110.70,00 1201 1.40,00 1 301 2.10,00 It40 2.80,00 1150 3.50,00 INT-EREST A.'T SEVEN PER CENT. 9 Mlonths and 16 Days. 9 Months and 17 Days, 9 lMIonths and 18 Days, Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin..JInterest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Inl erest. 1.05,561 51 2.83,617 1.05,581 51 2.84,608 1.05,600 51 2.85,600 2.11,122 52 2.89,178 2.11,161 52 2.90,189 2.11,200 52 2.91,200 3.16,683 53 2.94,739 3.16,742 53 2.95,769 3.16,800 53 12.96,800 4.22,244 54 3.00,300 4.22,322 54 3.01,350 4.22,400 54 3.02,400 5.27,806 55 3.05,861 5.27,903 55 3.06,931 5.28,000 55 3.08,000 6.33,367 56 3.11,422 6.33,483 56 3.12,511 6.33,600 56 3.139600 7.38,928 57 3.16,983 7.39,064 57 3.18,092 7.39,200 57 3.19,200 8.44,489 58 3.22,544 8.44,644 58 3.23,672 8.44,800 58 3.24,800 9.50,050 59 3,28,106 9.50,225 59 3.29,253 9.50,400 59 3.30,400 10.55,611 60 3.33,667 10.55,806 60 3.34,833 10.56,000 60 3.36,000 11.61,172 61 3.39,228 11.61,386 61 3.40,414 11.61,600 61 3.41,600 12.66,733 62 3.44,789 12.66,967 62 3.45,994 12.67,200 62 3.47,200 13.72,294 63 3.50,350 13.72,547 63 3.51,575 13.72,800 63 3.52,800 14.77,856 64 3.55,911 14.78,128 64 3.57,156 14.78,400 64 3.58,400 15.83,417 65 3.61,472 15.837708 65 3.62,736 15.84,000 65 3.64,000 16.88,978 66 3.67,033 16.89,289 66 3.68,317 16.89,600 66 3.69,600 17.94,539 67 3.72,594 17.94,869 67 3.73,897 17.95,200 67 3.75,200 18 1.00,100 68 3.78,156 18 1.00,450 68 3.79,478 18 1.00,800 68 3.80,800 19 1.05,661 69 3.83,717 19 1.06,031 69 3.85,058 19 1.06,400 69 3.86,400 20 1.11,222 70 3.89,278 20 1.11,611 70 3.90,639 20 1.12,000 70 3.92,000 21 1.16,783 71 3.94,839 21 1.17,192 71 3.96,219 21 1.17,600 71 3.97,600 22 1.22,344 72 4.00,400 22 1.22,772 72 4.01,800 22 1.23,200 72 4.03,200 23 1.27,906 73 4.05,961 23 1.28,353 73 4.07,381 23 1.28,800 73 4.08,800 24 1.33,467 74 4.11,522 24 1.33,933 74 4.12,961 24 1.34,400 74 4.14,400 25 1.39,028 75 4.17,083 25 1.39,514 75 4.18,542 25 1.40,000 75 4.20,000 26 1.44,589 76 4.22,644 26 1.45,094 76 4.24,122 26 1.45,600 76 4.25,600 27 1.50,150 77 4.28,206 27 1.50,675 77 4.29,703 27 1.51,200 77 4.31,200 28 1.55,711 78 4.33,767 28 1.56,256 78 4.35,283 28 1.56,800 78 4.36,800 29 1.61,272 79 4.39,328 29 1.61,836 79 4.40,864 29 1.62,400 79 4.42,400 30 1.66,833 80 4.44,889 30 1.67,417 80 4.46,444 30 1.68,000 80 4.48,000 31 1.72,394 81 4.50,450 31 1.72,997 81 4.52,025 31 1.73,600 81 4.53,9600 32 1.77,956 82 4.56,011 32 1.78,578 82 4.57,606 32 1.79,200 82 4.59,200 33 1.83,517 83 4.61,572 33 1.84,158 83 4.63,186 33 1.84,800 83 4.64,800 34 1.89,078 84 4.67,133 34 1.89,739 84 4.68,767 34 1.90,400 84 4.70,400 35 1.94,639 85 4.72,694 35 1.95,319 85 4.74,347 35 1.96,000 85 4.76,000 36 2.00,200 86 4.78,256 36 2.00,900 86 4.79,928 36 2.01,600 86 4.819600 37 2.05,761 87 4.83,817 37 2.06,481 87 4.85,508 37 2.07,200 87 4.87,200 38 2.11,322 88 4.89,378 38 2.12,061 88 4.91,089 38 2.12,800 88 4.92,800 39 2.16,883 89 4.94,939 39 2.17,642 89 4.96,669 39 2.18,400 89 4.98,400 40 2.22,444 90 5.00,500 40 2.23,222 90 5.02,250 40 2.24,000 90 5.04,000 41 2.28,006 91 5.06,061 41 2.28,803 91 5.07,831 41 2.29,600 91 5.09,6G0 42 2.33,567 92 5.11,622 42 2.34,383 92 5.13,411 42 2.35,200 92 5.1.5,200 43 2.39,128 93 5.17,183 43 2.39,964 93 5.18 992 43 2.40,800 93 5.20,800 44 2.44,689 94 5.22,744 44 2.45,544 94 5.24,572 44 2.46,400 94 5.26,400 45 2.50,250 95 5.28,306 45 2.51,125 95 5.30,153 45 2.52,000 95 5.32,000 46 2.55,811 96 5.33,867 46 2.56,706 96 5.35,733 46 2.57,600 96 5.37,600 47 2.61,372 97 5.39,428 47 2.62,286 97 5.41,314 47 2.63,200 97 5.43,200 48 2.66,933 98 5.44,989 48 2.67,867 98 5.46,894 48 2.68,800 98 5.48,800 49 2.72,494 99 5.50,550 49 2.73,447 99 5.52,475 49 2.74,400 99 5.54,400 50 2.78,056 286Days. 50 12.79,028 528Days 50 2.80,000 2 8Days. O N E Y E A-R. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 3.57,00 61 4.27,00 71 4.97,00 81 5.67,00 91 6.37,00 52 3.64,00 62 4.34,00 72 5.04,00 82 5.74,00 92[ 6.44,00 53.3.71,00 63 4.41,00 73 5.1100 83 5.81,00 93 16.51,00 54 13.78,00 11 604 4.48,00 7415.18,00 84 5.88,00 94 6.58,00 55 3.85,00 651 4.55,00 7515.25,00 8515.95,00 95 6.65,00 56 3.92,00 66 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 8616.02,00 96 6.72,00 57 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 1 77 5.39,00 87 6.09,00 97 6.79,00 58 4.06,00 68 14.76,00 78 5.46,00 88 6.16,00 98 6.86,00 59 4.13,00 69 4.83,00 79 5.53,00 8916.23,00 99 6.93,00 60 4.20,00 70 4.90,00 80 5.60,00 90 6.30,00 11 1_1____ INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 9 Months and 19 Days. 9 Months and 20 Days. 9 months and 21 Days. Prin. Interest. Prinm Interest. Prin. Interest. Priln. Intel-est. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.05,619 51;: 2.86,592 1.05,639 51 2.87,583 1.05,658 51 2.88,575 2.11,239 52 2.92,211 2.11,278 52 2.93,222 2.11,317 52 2.94,233 3.16,858 53 2.97,831 3.16,917 53 2.98,861 3.16,975 53 2.99,892 4.22,478 54 3.03,450 4.22,556 54 3.04,500 4.22,633 54 3.05,550 5.28,097 55' 3.09,069 5.28,194 55 3.10,139 5.28,292 55 3.11,208 6.33,717 56 3.14,689 6.33,833 56 3.15,778 6.33,950 56 3.16,867 7.39,336 57 3.20,308 7.39,472 57 3.21,417 7.39,608 57 3.22,525 8.44,956 58 3.25,928 8.45,111 58 3.27,056 8.45,267 58 3.28,183 9.50,575 59 3.31,547 9.50,750 59 3.32,694 9.50,925 59 3.33,842 10.56,194 60 3.37,167 10.56,389 60 3.38,333 10.56,583 60 3.39,500 11.61,814 61 3.42,786 11.62,028 61 3.43,972 11.62,242 61 3.45,158 12.67,433 62 3.48,406 12.67,667 62 3.49,611 12.67,900 62 3.50,817 13.73,053 63 3.54,025 13.73,306 63 3.55,250 13.73,558 63 3.56,475 14.78,672 64 3.59,644 14.78,944 64 3.60,889 14.79,217 64 3.62,133 15.84,292 65 3.65,264 15.84,583 65 3.66,528 15.84,875 65 3.67,792 16.89,911 66 3.70,883 16.90,222 66 3.72,167 16.90,533 66 3.73,450 17.95,531 67 3.76,503 17.95,861 67 3.77,806 17.96,192 67 3.79,108 18 1.01,150 68 3.82,122 18 1.01,500 68 3.83,444 18 1.01,850 68 3.84,767 19 1.06,769 69 3.87,742 19 1.07,139 69 3.89,083 19 1.07,508 69 3.90,425 20 1.12,389 70 3.93,361 20 1.12,778 70 3.94,722 20 1.13,167 70 3.96,083 21 1.18,008 71 3.98,981 21 1.18,417 71 4.00,361 21 1.18,825 71 4.01,742 22 1.23,628 72 4.04,600 22 1.24,056 72 4.06,000 22 1.24,483 72 4.07,400 23 1.29,247 73 4.10,219 23 1.29,694 73 4.11,639 23 1.30,142 73 4. 13,058 24 1.34,867 74 4.15,839 24 1.35,333 74 4.17,278 24 1.35,800 74 4.18,717 25 1.40,486 75 4.21,458 25 1.40,972 75 4.22,917 25 1.41,458 75 4.24,375 26 1.46,106 76 4.27,078 26 1.46,611 76 4.28,556 26 1.47,117 76 4.30,033 27 1.51,725 77 4.32,697 27 1.52,250 77 4.34,194 27 1.52,775 77 4.35,692 28 1.57,344 78 4.38,317 28 1.57,889 78 4.39,833 28 1.58,433 78 4.41,350 29 1.62,964 79 4.43,936 29 1.63,528 79 4.45,472 29 1.64,092 79 4.47,008 30 1.68,583 80 4.49,556 30 1.69,167 80 4.51,111 30 1.69,750 80 4.52,667 31 1.74,203 81 4.55,175 31 1.74,806 81 4.56,750 31 1.75,408 81 4.58,325 32 1.79,822 82 4.60,794 32 1.80,444 82 4.62,389 32 1.81,067 82 4.63,983 33 1.85,442 83 4.66,414 33 1.86,083 83 4.68,028 33 1.86,725 83 4.69,642 34 1.91,061 84 4.72,033 34 1.91,722 84 4.73,667 34 1.92,383 84 4.75,300 35 1.96,681 85 4.77,653 35 1.97,361 85 4.79,306 35 1.98,042 85 4.80,958 36 2.02,300 86 4.83,272 36 2.03,000 86 4.84,944 36 2.03,700 86 4.86,617 37 2.07,919 87 4.88,892 37 2.08,639 87 4.90,583 37 2.09,358 87 4.92,275! 38 2.13,539 88 4.94,511 38 2.14,278 88 4.96,222 38 2.15,017 88 4.97,933 39 2.19,158 89 5.00,131 39 2.19,917 89 5.01,861 39 2.20,675 89 5.03,592 40 2.24,778 90 5.05,750 40 2.25,556 90 5.07,500 40 2.26,333 90 5.09,250 41 2.30,397 91 5.11,369 41 2.31,194 91 5.13,139 41 2.31,992 91 5.14,908 42 2.36,017 92 5.16,989 42 2.36,833 92 5.18,778 42 2.37,650 92 5.20,567 43 2.41,636 93 5.22,608 43 2.42,472 93 5.24,417 43 2.43,308 93 5.26,225 44 2.47,256 94 5.28,228 44 2.48,111 94 5.30,056 44 2.48,967 94 5.31,883 45 2.52,875 95 5.33,847 45 2.53,750 95 5.35,694 45 2.54,625 95 5.37,542 46 2.58,494 96 5.39,467 46 2.59,389 96 5.41,333 46 2.60,283 96 5.43,200 47 2.64,114 97 5.45,086 47 2.65,028 97 5.46,972 47 2.65,942 97 5.48,858 48 2.69,733 98 5.50,706 48 2.70,667 98 5.52,611 48 2.71,600 98 5.54,517 49 2.75,353 99 5.56,325 49 2.76,306 99 5.58,250 49 2.77,258 99 5.60,175 50 2.80,972 50 2.81,944 ODays 5 2.82,917 291Days 289]Days. 2901Day s. ONE YEAR. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.07,00 11.77,00 21 1.47,00 31 2.17,00 41 2.87,00 21.14,00 12.84,00 22 1.54,00 32 2.24,00 42 2.94,00 3 121,00 13.91,00 23 1.61,00 33 2.31,00 43 13.01,00 41.28,00 14.98,00 24 1.68,00 34 2.38,00 44 3.08,00 5.35,00 15 1.05,00 25 1.75,00 35 2.45,00 45 3.15,00 6.42,00 16 1.12,00 26 1.82,00 36 2.52,00 46 13.22,00 7.49,00 17 1.19,00 27 1.89,00 37 2.'59,00 47 3.29,00 8.56,00 18 1.26,00 28 1.96,00 38 2.66,00 48 3.36,00 9.63,00 19 1 1.33,00 29 2.03,00 39 2.73,00 49 3.43,00 110] II101.70,00 20 1.40,00 1130 2.10,00 1140 2.80,00 11501 83.50,00 INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 9 Mlonths and 22 Days. 9 months and 23 Days. 9 Months and 24 Days. prill. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prii. Interest. 1.05,678 51 2.89,567 1.05,697 51 2.90,558 1.05,717 51 2.91,550 2.11,356 52 2.95,244 2.11,394 52 2.96,256 2.11,433 52 2.97,267 3.17,033 53 3.00,922 3.17,092 53 3.01,953 3.17,150 53 3.02,983 4.22,711 54 3.06,600 4.22,789 54 3.07,650 4.22,867 54 3.08,700 5.28,389 55 3.12,278 5.28,486 55 3.13,347 5.28,583 55 3.14,417 6.34,067 56 3.17,956 6.34,183 56 3.19,044 6.34,300 56 3.20,133 7.39,744 57 3.23,633 7.39,881 57 3.24,742 7.40,017 57 3.25,850 8.45,422 58 3.29,311 8.45,578 58 3.30,439 8.45,733 58 3.31,567 9.51,100 59 3.34,989 9.51,275 59 3.36,136 9.51,450 59 3.37,283 10.56,778 60 3.40,667 10.56,972 60 3.41,833 10.57,167 60 3.43,00 11.62,456 61 3.46,344 11.62,669 61 3.47,531 11.62,883 61 3.48,717 12.68,133 62 3.52,022 12.68,367 62 3.53,228 12.68,600 62 3.54,433 13.73,811 63 3.57,700 13.74,064 63 3.58,925 13.74,317 63 3.60,150 14.79,489 64 3.63~378 14.79,761 64 3.64,622 14.80,033 64 3.65,867 15.85,167 65 3.69,056 15.85,458 65 3.70,319 15.85,750 65 3.71,583 16.90,844 66 3.74,733 16.91,156 66 3.76,017 16.91,467 66 3.77,300 17.96,522 67 3.80,411 17.96,853 67 3.81,714 17.97,183 67 3.83,017 18 1.02,200 68 3.86,089 18 1.02,550 68 3.87,411 18 1.02,900 68 3.88,733 19 1.07,878 69 3.91,767 19 1.08,247 69 3.93,108 19 1.08,617 69 3.94,450 20 1.13,556 70 3.97,444 20 1.13,944 70 3.98,806 20 1.14,333 70 4.00,167 21 1.19,233 71 4.03,122 21 1.19,642 71 4.04,503 21 1.20,050 71 4.05,883 22 1.24,911 72 4.08,800 22 1.25,339 72 4.10,200 22 1.25,767 72 4.11,600 23 1.30,589 73 4.14,478 23 1.31,036 73 4.15,897 23 1.31,483 73 4.17,317 24 1.36,267 74 4.20,156 24 1.36,733 74 4.21,594 24 1.37,200 74 4.23,033 25 1.41,944 75 4.25,833 25 1.42,431 75 4.27,292 25 1.42,917 75 4.28,750 26 1.47,622 76 4.31,511 26 1.48,128 76 4.32,989 26 1.48,633 76 4.34,467 27 1.53,300 77 4.37,189 27 1.53,825 77 4.38,686 27 1.54,350 77 4.40,183 28 1.58,978 78 4.42,867 28 1.59,522 78 4.44,383 28 1.60,067 78 4.45,900 29 1.64,656 79 4.48,544 29 1.65,219 79 4.50,081 29 1.65,783 79 4.51,617 130 1.70,333 80 4.54,222 30 1.70,917 80 4.55,778 30 1.71,500 80 4.57,333 31 1.76,011 81 4.59,900 31 1.76,614 81 4.61,475 31 1.77,217 81 4.63,050 32 1.81,689 82 4.65,578 32 1.82,311 82 4.67,172 32 1.82,933 82 4.68,767 33 1.87,367 83 4.71,256 33 1.88,008 83 4.72,869 33 1.88,650 83 4.74,483 34 1.93,044 84 4.76,933 34 1.93,706 84 4.78,567 34 1.94,367 84 4.80,200 35 1.98,722 85 4.82,611 35 1.99,403 85 4.84,264 35 2.00,083 85 4.85,917 36 2.04,400 86 4.88,289 36 2.05,100 86 4.89,961 36 2.05,800 86 4.91,633 37 2.10,078 87 4.93,967 37 2.10,797 87 4.95,658 37 2.11,517 87 4.97,350 38 2.15,756 88 4.99,644 38 2.16,494 88 5.01,356 38 2.17,233 88 5.03,067 39 2.21,433 89 5.05,322 39 2.22,192 89 5.07,053 39 2.22,950 89 5.08,783 40 2.27,111 90 5.11,000 40 2.27,889 90 5.12,750 40 2.28,667 90 5.14,500 41 2.32,789 91 5.16,678 41 2.33,586 91 5.18,447 41 2.34,383 91 5.20,217 42 2.38,467 92 5.22,356 42 2.39,283 92 5.24,144 42 2.40,100 92 5.25,933 43 2.44,144 93 5.28,033 43 2.44,981 93 5.29,842 43 2.45,817 93 5.31,650 44 2.49,822 94 5.33,711 44 2.50,678 94 5.35,539 44 2.51,533 94 5.37,367 45 2.55,500 95 5.39,389 45 2.56,375 95 5.41,236 45 2.57,250 95 5.43,083 46 2.61,178 96 5.45,067 46 2.62,072 96 5.46,933 46 2.62,967 96 5.48,800 47 2.66,856 97 5.50,744 47 2.67,769 97 5.52,631 47 2.68,683 97 5.54,517 48 2.72,533 98 5.56,422 48 2.73,467 98 5.58,328 48 2.74,400 98 5.60,233 49 2.78,211 99 5.62,100 49 2.79,164 99 5.64,025 49 2.80,117 99 5.65,950 50 2.83,889 292Days. 50 2.84,861 293Days. 50 2.85,833 294Days. __I ONE YEAR. Prin. Interest. [Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 3.57,00 61 4.27,00 71 4.97,00 81 5.67,00 91 6.37,00 52 3.64,00 62 4.34,00 72 5.04,00 82 5.74,,00 926.44 53 3.71,00 63 4.41,00 73 5.11,00 83 5.81,00 93 6.51,00 54 3.78,00 64 4.48,00 74 5.18,00 84 5.88,00 94 6.58,00 55 3.85,00 65 4.55,00 75 5.25,00 85 5.95,00 95 6.65,00 56 3.92,00 66 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 86 6.02,00 96 6.72,00 57 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 77 5.39,00 l87 6.09,00 97 6.79,00 58 4.06,00 68 4.76,00 78 5.46,00 88 6.16,00 98 6.86,00 59 4.13,00 69 4.83,00 179 5.53,00 89 6.23,00 99 6.93,00 60 4.20,00 70 4.90,00 [80 5.60,00 90 6.30,00!1 1! I N T ERE ST AT S EV EN P E R C E NT. 9 Ilonths and 25 Days. 9 Months and 26 Days. 9 lonths and 27 Days. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.05,736 51 2.92,542 1.05,756 51 2.93,533 1.05,775 51 2.94,5251 2.11,472 52 2.98,278 2.11,511 52 2.99,289 2.11,550 52 3.00,300. 3.17,208 53 3.04,014 3.17,267 53 3.05,044 3.17,325 53 3.06,075i 4.22,944 54 3.09,750 4.23,022 54 3.10,800 4.23,100 54 3.11,850 5.28,681 55 3.15,486 5.28,778 55 3.16,556 5.28,875 55 3.17,625i 6.34,417 56 3.21,222 6.34,533 56 3.22,311 6.34,650 56 3.23,400 7.40,153 57 3.26,958 7.40,289 57 3.28,067 7.40,425 57 3.29,1758.45,889 58 3.32,694 8.46,044 58 3.33,822 8.46,200 58 3.349950 9.51,625 59 3.38,431 9.519800 59 3.39,578 9.51,975 59 3.40,725 10.57,361 60 3.44,167 10.57,556 60 3.45,333 10.57,750 60 3.46,500 11.63,097 61 3.49,903 11.63,311 61 3.51,089 11.63,525 61 3.52,275] 12.68,833 62 3.55,639 12.69,067 62 3.56,844 12.69,300 62 3.58,050 13.74,569 63 3.61,375 13.74,822 63 3.62,600 13.75,075 63 3.63,825 14.80,306 64 3.67,111 14.80,578 64 3.68,356 14.80,850 64 3.69,600J[ 15.86,042 65 3.72,847 15.86,333 65 3.74,111 15.86,625 65 3.75,375 16.91,778 66 3.78,583 16.92,089 66 3.79,867 16.92,400 66 3.81,150l 17.97,514 67 3.84,319 17.97,844 67 3.85,622 17.98,175 67 3.86,925 18 1.03,250 68 3.90,056 18 1.03,600 68 3.91,378 18 1.03,950 68 3.92,700 19 1.08,986 69 3.95,792 19 1.09,356 69 3.97,133 19 1.09,725 69 3.98,475 20 1.14,722 70 4.01,528 20 1.15,111 70 4.02,889 20 1.15,500 70 4.04,250 21 1.20,458 71 4.07,264 21 1.20,867 71 4.08,644 21 1.21,275 71 4.10,025 22 1.26,194 72 4.13,000 22 1.26,622 72 4.14,400 22 1.27,050 72 4.1f5,800l 23 1.31,931 73 4.18,736 23 1.32,378 73 4.20,156 23 1.32,825 73 4.21,575 24 1.37,667 74 4.24,472 24 1.38,133 74 4.25,911 24 1.38,600 74 4.27,350 25 1.43,403 75 4.30,208 25 1.43,889 75 4.31,667 25 1.44,375 75 4.33,125 26 1.49,139 76 4.35,944 26 1.49,644 76 4.37,422 26 1.50,150 76 4.38,900 27 1.54,875 77 4.41,681 27 1.55,400 77 4.43,178 27 1.55,925 77 4.44,675 28 1.60,611 78 4.47,417 28 1.61,156 78 4.48,933 28 1.61,700 78 4.50,450 29 1.66,347 79 4.53,153 29 1.66,911 79 4.54,689 29 1.67,475 79 4.56,225 30 1.72,083 80 4.58,889 30 1.72,667 80 4.60,444 30 1.73,250 80 4.62,000) 31 1.77,819 81 4.64,625 31 1.78,422 81 4.669200 31 1.79,025 81 4.67,775 32 1.83,556 82 4.70,361 32 1.84,178 82 4.71,956 3.2 1.84,800 82 4.73,550 33 1.89,292 83 4.76,097 33 1.89,933 83 4.77,711 33 1.90,575 83 4.79,3250 34 1.95,028 84 4.81,833 34 1.95,689 84 4.83,467 34 1.96,350 84 4.85,100 35 2.00,764 85 4.87,569 35 2.01,444 85 4.89,222 35 2.02,125 85 4.90,875 36 2.06,500 86 4.93,306 36 2.07,200 86 4.94,978 36 2.07,900 86 4.96,650 37 2.12,236 87 4.99,042 37 2.12,956 87 5.00,733 37 2.13,675 87 5.02 425 38 2.17,972 88 5.04,778 38 2.18,711 88 5.06,489 38 2.19,450 88 5:08,200 39 2.23,708 89 5.10,514 39 2.24,467 89 5.12,244 39 2.25,225 89 5.13,975] 40 2.29,444 90 5.16,250 40 2.30,222 90 5.18,000 40 2.31,000 90 5.19,750 41 2.35,181 91 5.21,986 41 2.'35,978 91 5.23,756 41 2.36,775 91 5.25,525 42 2.40,917 92 5.27,722 42 2.41,733 92 5.29,511 42 2.42,550 92 5.31,300 43 2.46,653 93 5.33,458 43 2.47,489 93 5.35,267 43 2.48,325 93 5.37,075 1 44 2.52,389 94 5.39,194 44 2.53,244 94 5.41,022 44 2.54,100 94 5.42,850 i 45 2.58,125 95 5.44,931 45 2.59,000 95 5.46,778 45 2.59,875 95 5.48,625 46 2.63,861 96 5.50,667 46 2.64,756 96 5.52,533 46 2.65,650 96 5.54,400 47 2.69,597 97 5.56,403 47 2.70,511 97 5.58,289 47 2.71,425 97 5.60,175 48 2.75,333 98 5.62,139 48 2.76,267 98 5.64,044 48 2.77,200 98 5.65,950 49 2.81,069 99 5.67,875 49 2.82,022 99 5.69,800 49 2.82,975 99 5.71,725 50 2.86,806 295Days. 50 2.87,778 29D50 2.88,750 29:295Days. _ 2 Da ys.._29 Days:. ONN E YEAR. IPrin.l Interest. ]Prin.- Interest. ]]Prin. IInter est. -Prisi. Interest. Pn. Interest 1.07,00 11.77,00 21 1.47,00 3112.1:7,00 I4112.87,00 2.14,00 12;84,00 22 1.54,00 32 12.2400 42 12.-9400 3.21,00 13.91,00 23 1.61,00 33 2.31,00 43 3.01i00 4.28,00 14.98,00 24 1.68,00 34 12.38.00 44 3.08,00 5.35,00 15 1.05,00 25 1 75,00 35 2.45,00 45 3.15,00 6.42,00 16 11.12,00 26.8200 36 2.52,00 46 3.225,00~ 7.49,00 17 1.19,00 27 1.89,00 37 2.59,00 47 13.29I00 8.56,00 18 1.26,00 28 1.96,00 38 2.66,00 48 3.36,00 9.63,00 19 1.33,00 29 2.03,00 39 2.73,00 49: 3.43,00 112] 110.70,00 II20 1.40,00 130 12.10,00 140 2.80,00 l50 -3.50,00 I N T E R E S T AT SEVEN PER CENT. 9 Months and 28 Days. 9 Months and 29 Days. 10 MONTHS. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Inteest. Pri. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.05,794 51 2.95,517 1.05,814 51 2.96,508 1.05,833 51 2.97,500 2.11,589 52 3.01,311 2.11,628 52 3.02,322 2.11,667 52 3.03,333 3.17,383 53 3.07,106 3.17,442 53 3.08,136 3.17,500 53 3.09,167 4.23,178 54 3.12,900 4.23,256 54 3.13,950 4.23,333 54 3.15,000 5.28,972 55 3.18,694 5.29,069 55 3.19,764 5.29,167 55 3.20,833 6.34,767 56 3.24,489 6.34,883 56 3.25,578 6.35,000 56 3.26,667 7.40,561 57 3.30,283 7.40,697 57 3.31,392 7.40,833 57 3.32,500 8.46.356 58 3.36,078 8.46,511 58 3.37,206 8.46,667 58 3.38,333 9.52,150 59 3.41,872 9.52,325 59 3.43,0.19 9.52,500 59 3.44,167 10.57,944 60 3.47,667 10.58,139 60 3.48,833 10.58,333 60 3.50,000 11.639739 61 3.53,461 11.63,953 61 3.54,647 11.64,167 61 3.55,833 12.69,533 62 3.59,256 12.69,767 62 3.60,461 12.70,000 62 3.61,667 13.75,328 63 3.65,050 13.75,581 63 3.66,275 13.75,833 63 3.67,500 14.81,122 64 3.70,844 14.81,394 64 3.72,089 14.81,667 64 3.73,333 15.869917 65 3.76,639 15.87,208 65 3.77,903 15.87,500 65 3.79,167 1-6.92,711 66 3.82,433 16.93,022 66 3.83,717 16.93,333 66 3.85,000 17.98,506 67 3.88,228 17.98,836 67 3.89,531 17.99,167 67 3.90,833, 18 1.04,300 68 3.94,022 18 1.04,650 68 3.95,344 18 1.05,000 68 3.96,667j 19 1.10,094 69 3.99,817 19 1.10,464 69 4.01,158 19 1.10,833 69 4.02,500. 20 1.15,889 70 4.05,611 20 1.16,278 70 4.06,972 20 1.16,667 70 4.08,333: 21 1.21,683 71 4.11,406 21 1.22,092 71 4.12,786 21 1.22,500 71 4.14,167, 22 1.27,478 72 4.17,200 22 1.27,906 72 4.18,600 22 1.28,333 72 4.20,00023 1.33,272 73 4.22,994 23 1.33,719 73 4.24,414 23 1.34,167 73 4.25,833 24 1.39,067 74 4.28,789 24 1.39,533 74 4.30,228 24 1.40,000 74 4.31,667 25 1.44,861 75 4.34,583 25 1.45,347 75 4.36,042 25 1.45,833 75 4.37,500 26 1.50,656 76 4.40,378 26 1.51,161 76 4.41,856 26 1.51,667 76 4.43,333 27 1.56,450 77 4.46,172 27 1.56,975 77 4.47,669 27 1.57,500 77 4.49,167 28 1.62,244 78 4.51,967 -28 1.62,789 78 4.53,483 28 1.63,333 78 4.55,000 29 1.68,039 79 4.57,761 29 1.68,603 79 4.59,297 29 1.69,167 79 4.60,833 30 1.73,833 80 4.63,556 30 1.74,417 80 4.65,111 30 1.75,000 80 4.66,667 31 1.79,628 81 4.69,350 31 1.80,231 81 4.70,925 31 1.80,833 81 4.72,500 32 1.85,422 82 4.75,144 32 1.86,044 82 4.76,739 32 1.86,667 82 4.78,333 33 1.91,217 83 4.80,939 33 1.91,858 83 4.82,553 33 1.92,500 83 4.84,167 34 1.97,011 84 4.86,733 34 1.97,672 84 4.88,367 34 1.98,333 84 4.90,000 35 2.02,806 85 4.92,528 35 2.03,486 85 4.94,181 35 2.04,167 85 4.95,833 36 2.08,600 86 4.98,322 36 2.09,300 86 4.99,994 36 2.10,000 86 5.01,667 37 2.14,394 87 5.04,117 37 2.15,114 87 5.05,808 37 2.15,833 87 5.07,500 38 2.20,189 88 5.09,911 38 2.20,928 [ 88 5.11,622 38 2.21,667 88 5.13,333 39 2.25,983 89 5.15,706 39 2.26,742 89 5.17,436 39 2.27,500 89 5.19,167 40 2.31,778. 90 5.21,500 40 2.32,556 90 5.23,250 40 2.33,333 90 5.25,000 41 2.37,572 91 5.27,294 41 2.38,369 91 5.29,064 41 2.39,167 91 5.30,833 42 2.43,367 92 5.33,089 42 2.44,183 92 5.34,878 42 2.45,000 92 5.36,667 43 2.49,161 93 5.38,883 43 2.49,997 93 5.40,692 43 2.50,833 193 5.42,500 44 2.54,956 94 5.44,678 44 2.55,811 94 5.46,506 44 2.56,667 94 5.48,333 45 2.60,750 95 5.50,4702 45 2.61,625 95 5.52,319 45 2.62,500 95 5.54,167 46 2.66,544 96 5.56,267 46 2.67,439 96 5.58,133 46 2.68,333 96 5.60,000 47 2.72,339 97 5.62,061 47 2.73,253 97 5.63,947 47 2.74,167 97 5.65,833 48 2.78,133 98 5.67,856 48 2.79,067 98 5.69,761 48 2.80,000 98 5.71,667 49 2.83,928 99 5.73,650 49 2.84,881 99 5.75,575 49 2.85,833 99 5.77,500 50 2.89,722 298 Days. 50 2.90,694 299Days. 50 2.91,667 300 Days, ONE YEAR. 1 Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 1 3.57,00 61 4.27,00 71 1 4.97,00 81 5.67,00 91 6.37,00 52 3.64,00 62 4.34,00 72 5,000 82 5.74,00 92 6.44,00 53 3.71,00 63 4.41,00 73.15.11,00 83 5.81,00 93 6.51,00 54 3.78,00 64 4.48,00 74 5.18,00 84 1 5.88,00 94 1 6.58,00 55 1 3.85,00 65 4.55,00 75 1 5.25,00 85 1 5.95,00 95 1 6.65,00 56 1 3.92,00 66 1 4.62,00 76 1 5.32,00 86 6.02,00 96 6.72,00 57 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 - 77 5.39,00 87 1 6.09,00 97 1 6.79,00 58 4.06,00 68 1 4.76,00 78 1 5.46,00 88 1 6.16,00 98 6.86,00 59 1 4.13,00 1 69 l;4.83,00 79 15.53,00 89 1 6.23,00 99 1 6.93,00 60 4.20,00 11714.90,00 11801-5.60,00 190 6.30,00 11 13 I 1 E~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I N T E R E S T AT S E V E N P E R CENT. 10 Months and 1 Day. 10 Months and 2 Days! 10 Months and 3 Days. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.05,853 51 2.98,492 1.05,872 51 2.99,483 1.05)892 51 3.00,475 2.11,706 - 52 3.04,344 2.11,744 52 3.05,356 2.11,783 52 3.06,367 3.17,558 53 3.10,197 3.17,617 53 3.11,228 3.17,675 53 3.12,258 4.23,411 54 3.16,050 4.23,489 54 3.17,100 4.23,567 54 3.18,150 5.29,264 55 3.21,903 5.29,361 55 3.22,972 5.29,458 55 3.24,042 6.35,117 56 3.27,756 6.35,233 56 3.28,844 6.35,350 56 3.29,933 7.40,969 57 3.33,608 7.41,106 57 3.347717 7.41,242 57 3.35,825 8.46,822 58 3.39,461 8.46,978 58 3.40,589 8.47,133 58 3.41,717 9.52,675 59 3.45,314 9.52,850 59 3.46,461 9.53,025 59 3.47,608 10.5s,528 60 3.51,167 10.58,722 60 3.52,333 10.58,917 60 3.53,500 11.64,381 61 3.57,019 11.64,594 61 3.58,206 11.64,808 61 3.59,392 12.70,233 62 3.62,872 12.70,467 62 3.64,078 12.70,700 62 3.65,283 13.76,086 63 3.68,725 13.76,339 63 3.69,950 13.76,592 63 3.71,175 14.81,939 64 3.74,578 14.82,211 64 3.75,822 14.82,483 64 3.77,067 15.87,792 65 3.80,431 15.88,083 65 3.81,694 15.88,375 65 3.82,958 16.93,644 66 3.86,283 16.93,956 66 3.87,567 16.94,267 66 3.88,850 17.99,497 67 3.92,136 17.99,828 67 3.93,439 17 1.00,158 67 3.94,742 18 1.05,350 68 3.97,989 18 1.05,700 68 3.99,311 18 1.06,050 68 4.00,633 19 1.11,203 69 4.03,842 19 1.11,572 69 4.05,183 19 1.11,942 69 4.06,525 120 1.17,056 70 4.09,694 20 1.17,444 70 4.11,056 20 1.17,833 70 4.12,417.21 1.22,908 71 4.15,547 21 1.23,317 71 4.16,928 21 1.23,725 71 4.18,308 22 1.28,761 72 4.21,400 22 1.29,189 72 4.22,800 22 1.29,617 72 4.24,200 23 1.34,614 73 4.27,253 23 1.35,061 73 4.28,672 23 1.35,508 73 4.30,092 24 1.40,467 74 4.33,106 24 1.40,933 74 4.34,544 24 1.41,400 /74 4.35,983 25 1.46,319 75 4.38,958 25 1.46,806 75 4.40,417 25 1.47,292 75 4.41,875 26 1.52,172 76 4.44,811 26 1.52,678 76 4.46,289 26 1.53,183 76 4.47,767 27 1.58,025 77 4.50,664 27 1.58,550 77 4.52,161 27 1.59,075 77 4.53,658 28 1.63,878 78 4.56,517 28 1.64,422 78 4.58,033 28 1.64,967 78 4.59,550 29 1.69,731 79 4.62,369 29 1.70,294 79 4.63,906 29 1.70,858 79 4.65,442 30 1.75,583 80 4.68,222 30 1.76,167 80 4.69,778 30 1.76,750 80 4.71,333 31 1.81,436 81 4.74,075 31 1.82,039 81 4.75,650 31 1.82,642 81 4.77, 225 32 1.87,289 82 4.79,928 32 1.87,911 82 4.81,522 32 1.88,.533 82 4.83,117 33 1.93,142 83 4.85,781 33 1.93,783 83 4.87,394 3311.94,425 83 4.89,008 34 1.98,994 84 4.91,633 34 1.99,656 84 4.93,267 34 12.00,317 84 4.94,900 35 2.04,847 85 4.97,486 35 2.05,528 185 4.99,139 35 2.06,208 85 5.00,792 36 2.10,700 86 5.03,339 36 2.11,400 86 5.05,011 36 2.12,100 86 5.06,683 37 2.16,553 87 5.09,192 37 2.17,272 87 5.10,883 37 2.17,992 87 5.12,575 38 2.22,406 88 5.15,044 38 2.23,144 I88 5.16,756 38 2.23,883 188 5.18,467 39 2.28,258 89 5.20,897 39 2.29,017 89 5.22,628 39 2.29,775 I89 5.24,358 40 2.34,111 90 5.26,750 40 2.34,889 90 1 5.28,500 40 2.35,667 1190 1 5.30,250 41 2.39,964 91 5.32,603 41 2.40,761 91 5.34,372 41 2.41,558 91 5.36,142 42 2.45,817 92 5.38,456 42 2.46,633 92 5.40,244 42 2.47,450 92 5.42,033 43 2.51,669 93 5.44,308 43 2.52,506 93 1 5.46,117 43 2.53,342 93 1 5.47,925 44 2.57,522 94 5.50,161 44 2.58,378 94 5.51,989 44 2.59,233 94 1 5.53,817 45 2.63,375 95 5.56,014 45 2.64,250 195 5.57,861 45 2.65,125 95 1 5.59,708 46 2.69,228 96 5.61,867 46 2.70,122 96 5.63,733 46 2.71,017 96 1 5.65,600 147 2.75,081 97 5.67,719 47 2.75,994 97 5.69,606 47 2.76,908 97 1 5.71,492 48 2.80,933 98 5.73,572 48 2.81,867 98 5.75,478 48 2.82,800 98 5.77,383 49 2.86,786 99 5.79,425 49 2.87,739 99 5.81,350 49 2.88,692 99 5.83,275 50 2.92,639 3OlDays. 50 2.93,611 3O2Days. 50 2.94,583 3Days. __| ~ ~ ON E YEAR. |_ Pnin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. IPrin. Interest. Prin. Interest.. 1.07,00 11.7,00 21 1.47,00 1131 2.17,00 141 12.87,00 2.14,00 12.84,00 22 1.54,00 32 2.24,00 42 2.94,00 3.21,00 13.91,00 123 1.61,00 331 2.31,00 /43 3.01,00 41.28,00 14.98,00 24 1.68,00 34 2.38,00 144 13.08,00 5.35,00 15 1.05,00 25 1.75,00 35 2.45,00 I45 13.15,00 6.42,00 16 1.12,00 26 1.82,00 I 36 2.52,0 1146 3.22,00 71.49,00 17 1.19,00 27 1.89 00 37 2.59,00 47 3.29,00 81.56,00 18 1.26,00 281 1.96 0) 38 12.66,00 48 3.36,00 91.63,00 1119 1.33,00 29 2.0300 1 39 1 2.73,00 49343,00.114]:1110.70,00 20 1.40,00 30 2.10,00 {140 2.80,00 /50 3.50,00 -. m m u n 10 Months and 4 Days.. 10 Months and 5 Days. 10 Months and 6 Days, Prin. Interest. Pri n. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.05,911 51 3.01,467 1.05,931 51 3.02,458 1.05,950 51 3.03,450 2.11,822 52: 3.07,378 2.11,861 52 3.08,389 2.11,900 52 3.09,400) 3.17,733 53 3.13,289 3.17,792 53 3.14,319 3.17,850 53- 3.15,35() 4.23,644 54 3.19,200 4.23,722 54 3.20,250 4.23,800 54 3.21,300 5.29,556 55 3.25,111 5.29,653 55 3.26,181 5.29,750 55 3.27,250 6.35,467 56 3.31,022 6.35,583 56 3.32,111 6.35,700 56 3.33,200 7.41,378 57 3.36,933 7.41,514 57 3.38,042 7.41,650 57 3.39,150 8.47,289 58 3.42,844 8.47,444 58[ 3.43,972 8.47,600 58 3.45,100 9.53,200 59 3.48,756 9.53,375 59 3.49,903 9.53,550 59 3.51,050 10.59,111 60 3.54,667 10.59,306 60 3.55,833 10.59,500 60 3.57,000 11:.65,022 61 3.60,578 11.65,236 611 3.61,764 11.65,450 61 3.62,950 12.70,933 62 3.66,489 12.71,167 62 3.67,694 12.71,400 62 3.68,900 13.76,844 63 3.72,400 13.77,097 63~ 3.73,625 13.77,350 63 3.74,850 14.82,756 64 3.78,311 14.83,028 641 3.79,556 14.83,300 64, 3.80,800 15.88,667 65 3.84,222 15.88,958 65 3.85,486 15.89,250 65 3.86,750 16.94,578 66 3.90,133 16.94,889 66 3.91,417 16.95,200 66 3.92,700 17 1.00,489 67 3.96,044 17 1.00,819 67 3.97,347 17 1.01,150 67 3.98,650 18 1.06,400 68 4.01,956 18 1.06,750 681 4.03,278 18 1.07,100 68 4.04,600 19 1.12,311 69 4.07,867 19 1.12,681 69 4.09,208 19 1.13,050 69 4.10,550 20 1.18,222 70 4.13,778 20 1.18,611 70 4.15,139 20 1.19,000 70 4.16,500 21 1.24,133 71 -4.19,689 21 1.24,542 71 4.21,069 21 1.24,950 71 4.22,450 22 1.30,044 72 4.25,600 22 1.30,472 72 4.27,000 22 1.30,900 72 4.28,400 23 1.35,956 73 4.31,511 23 1.36,403 73 4.32,931 23 1.36,850 73 4.34,350 24 1.41,867 74 4.37,422 24 1.42,333 74 4.38,861 24 1.42,800 74 4.40,300 25 1.47,778 75 4.43,333 25 1.48,264 75 4.44,792 25 1.48,750 75 4.46,250 26 1.53,689 76 4.49,244 26 1.54,194 76 4.50,722 26 1.54,700 76 4.52,200 27 1.59,600 77 4.55,156 27 1.60,125 77 4.56,653 27 1.60,650 77 4.58,150 28 1.65,511 78 4.61,067 28 1.66,056 78 4.62,583 28 1.66,600 78 4.64,100 29 1.71,422 79 4.66,978 29 1.71,986 79 4.68,51,4 29 1.72,550 79 4.70,050 30 1.77,333 80 4.72,889 30 1.77,917 80 4.74,444 30 1.78,500 80 4.76,000 31 1.83,244 81 4.78,800 31 1.83,847 81 4.80,375 31 1.84,450 81 4.81,950 32 1.89,156 82 4.84,711 32 1.89,778 82 4.86,306 32 1.90,400 82 4.87,900 33 1.95,067 83 4.90,622 33 1.95,708 83 4.92,236 33 1.96,350 83: 4.93,850 34 2.00,978 84 4.96,533 34 -2.01,639 84 4.98,167 34 2.02,300 84 4.99,800 35 2.06,889 85 5.02,444 35 2.07,569 85 5.04,097 35 2.08,250 85 5.05,750 36 2.12,800 86 5.08,356 36 -2.13,500 86 5.10,028 36 2.14,200 86 15.11,700 37 2.18,711 87 5.14,267 37 - 2.19,431 87, 5.15,958 37 2.20,150 87 5.17,650 38 2.24,622 88 5.20,178 38 2.25,361 88 -5.21,889 38 2.26,100 88 5.23,600 39 2.30,533 89 5.26,089 39 2.31,292 89 5.27,819 39 2.32,050 89 5.29,550 40 2.36,444 90 5.32,000 40 2.37,222 90 5.33,750 40 2.38,000 90 5.35,500 41 2.42,356 91 5.37,911 41 2.43,153 91 5.39,681 41 2.43,950 91 5.41,450 42 2.48,267 92 5.43,822 42 2.49,083 92 5.45,611 42 2.49,900 92 5.47,400 43 2.54,178 93 5.49,733 43 2.55,014 93 5.51,542 43 2.55,850 93- 5.53,350 44 2.60,089 94 5.55,644 44 2.60,944 94 5.57,472 44 2.61,800 94 5.59,300 45 2.66,000 95 5.61,556 45 2.66,875 95. 5.63,403 45 2.67,750 -95. 5.65,250 46 2.71,911 96 5.67,467 46. 2.72,806 96 5.69,333 46 2.73,700 96 5.71,200 47 2.77,822 97 5.73,378 47 2.78,736 97 5.75,264 47 2.79,650 97 5.77,150 48 2.83,733 98 5.79,289 48 2.84,667 98 5.81,194 48- 2.85,600 98 5.83,100 49 2.89,644 99 5.85,200 49- 2.90,597 99 5.87,125 49 2.91,550 99 5.89,050 50 2.95,556 304Days. 50 2.96,528 305Days. 50 2.97,500 3o6Days. __ ONE YE A R. Prin. Interest. Prin.l Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin Interest. 51 i 3.57,00 61 4.27,00 71 4.97,00 81 5.67,00 91 6.37,00 52 3.64,00 62 4.34,00 72 5.04,00 821 5.74,00 92 6.44,00 53 3.71,00 631 4.41,00' 73 5.11,00 831 5.81,00 93 6.51,00 5413.78,00 64 4.48,00 74 5.18,00 841 5.88,00 94 6.58,00 55- 3.85,00 65 4.55,00 75 5.25,00 85 5.95,00 95 6.65,00 56 3.92,00 66 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 86 6.02,00 96 6.72,00 57 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 77 5.39,00 87 6.09,00 97 6.79,00 58 4.06,00 68 4.76,00 78 - 5.46,00 88 6.16,00 98 6.86,00 59 4.13,00 69 4.83,00 79 5.53,00 89 6.23,00 99 6.93,00 60 4.20,00 70 4.90,00 180 5.60,00 90 6.30,00 [115A [ll ~ ~ ~ i i i UI' INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 10 Mlonths and 7 Days. 10 Mionths and 8 Days. 10 Months and 9 Days. Pr. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin.. interest. 1.05,969 51 3.04,442 1.05,989 51 3.05,433 1.06,008 51 3.06,425 2.11,939 52 8.10,411 2.11,978 52 3.11,422 2.12,017 52 3.12,433 3.17,908 53 3'.16,381 3.17,967 53 3.17,411 3.18,025 53 3.18,442 4.23,878 54 3.22,350 4.23,956 54 3.23,400 4.24,033 54 3.24,450 5.29,847 55 3.28,319 5.29,944 55 3.29,389 5.30,042 55 3.30,458 6.35 817 56 3.34,289 6.35,933 56 3.35,378R 6.36,050 56 3.36,467 7.41,786 57 3.40,258 7.41,922 57 3.41,367 7.42,058 57 3.42,475 8.47,756 58 3.46,228 8.47,911 58 3.47,356 8.48,067 58 3.48,483 9.53,725 59 3.52,197 9.53,900 59 3.53,344 9.54,075 59 3.54,492;10.59,694 60 3.58,167 10.599889 60 3.59,333 10.60,083 60 3.60,500 11.65,664 61 3.64,136 11.65,878 61 3.65,322 11.66,092 61 3.66 508 12.71,633 62 3.70,106 12.71,867 62 3.71,311 12.72,100 62 3.72,517 13.77,603 63 3.76,075 13.779856 63 3r.77,300 13.78,108 63 3.78,525 14.83,572 64 3.82,044 14.83,844 64 3.83,289' 14.8'4,117 64 3.84,533 15.89,542 65 3.88,014 15.89,833 65 3.89,278 I5.90,125 65 3.90,542 16.95,511 66 3.93,983 16.95,822 66 3.95,267 16.96,133 66 3.96,550 17 1.01,481 67 3.99,953 17 1.01,811 67 4.01,256 17 1.02,142 67 4.02,558 18 1.07,450 68 4.05,922 18 1.07,800 68 4.07,244 18 1.(8,150 68 4.08,567 19 1.13,419 69 4.11,892 19 1.13,789 69 4.13,233 19 1.14,158 69 4.14,575 20 1.19,389 70 4.17,861 20 1.19,778 70 4.19,222 20 1.20,167 70 4.20,583 21 1.25,358 71 4.23,831 21 1.25,767 71 4.25,211 21 1.26,175 71 4.26,592 22 1.31,328 72 4.29,800 22 1.31,756 72 4.31,200 22 1.32,183 72 4.32,600 23 1.37,297 73 4.35,769 23 1.37,744.73 4.37,189 23 1.38,19'2 73 4.38,608 24 1.43,267 74 4.41,739 24 1.43,733 74 4.43,178 24 1.44,2'00 74 4.44,617 25 1.49,236 75 4.47,708 25 1.49,722 75 4.49,167 25 1.50,208 75 4.50,625 26 1.55,206 76 4.53,678 26 1.55,711 76 4.55,156 26 1.56,217 76 4.56,633 27 1.61,175 77 4.59,647 27 1.61,700 77 4.61,144 27 1.62,225 77 4.62,642 28 1.679144 78 4.65,617 28 1.67,689 78 4.67,133 28 1.68,233 78 4.68,650 29 1.73,114 79 4.71,586 29 1.73,678 79 4.73,122 29 1.74,242 79 4.74,658 30 1.79,083 80 4.77,556 30 1.79,667 80 4.79,111 30 1.80,250 80 4.80,667 31 1.859053 81 4.83,525 31 1.85,656 81 4.85,100 31 1.86,258 81 4.86,675 32 1.91,022 82 4.89,494 32 1.91,644 82 4.91,089 32 1.92,267 82 4.92,683 33 1.96,992 83 4.95,464 33 1.97,633 83 4.97,078 33 1.98,275 83 4.98,692 34 2.02,961 84 5.01,433 34 2.03,622 84 5.03,067 34 2.04,283 84 5.04,700 35 2.08,931 85 5.07,403 35 2.09,611 85 5.09,056 35 2.10,292 85 5.10,708 36 2.14,900 86 5.13,372 36 2.15,600 86 5.15,044 36 2.16,300 86 5.16,717 37 2.20,869 87 5.19,342 37 2.21,589 87 5.21,033 37 2.22,308 87 5.22,725 38 2.26,839 88 5.25,311 38 2.27,578 88 5.27,022 38 2.28,317 88 5.28,733 39 2.32,808 89 5.31,281 39 2.33,567 89 5.33,011 39 2.34,325 89 5.34,742 40 2.38,778 90 5.37,250 40 2.39,556 90 5.39,000 40 2.40,333 90 5.40,750 41 2.44,747 91 5.43,219 41 2.45,544 91 5.44,989 41 2.46,342 91 5.46,758 42 2.50,717 92 5.49.189 42 2.51,533 92 5.50,978 42 2.52,350 92 5.52,767 43 2.56,686 93 5.55,158 43 2.57,522 93 5.56,967 43 2.58,358 93 5.58,775 44 2.62,656 94 5.61,128 44 2.63,511 94 5.62,956 44 2.64,367 94 5.64,783 45 2.68,625 95 5.67,097 45 2.69,500 95 5.68,944 45 2.70,375 95 5.70,792 46 2.74,594 96 5.73,067 46 2.75,489 96 5.74,933 46 2.76,383 96 5.76,800 47 2.80,564 97 5.79,036 47 2.81,478 97 5.80,922 47 2.82,392 97 5.82,808 48 2.86,533 98 5.85,006 48 2.87,467 98 5.86,911 48 2.88,400 98 5.88,817 49 2.92,503 99 5.90,975 49 2.934.56 99 5.92,900 49 2.94,408 99 5.94,825;50 2.98,472 3ODays. 50 2.99,444 308 Days. 50 3.00,417 ONE YEAR. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. irn, Interest. Pilln. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.07,00 11.77,00 21 1.47,00 31 2.17,00 -41 2.87,00 2.14,00 12.84,00 22 1.54,00 32 2.24,00 42 2.94,00 3.21,00 13.91,00 23 1.61,00 33 2.31,00 43' 3.01,00 4.28,00 14.98,00 24 1.68,00 34 2.38,00 44 3.08,001 5.35,00 15 1.05,00 25 1.75,00 35 2.45,00 45 3.15,00' 6.42,00 16 1.12,00 26 1.82,00 36 2.52,00 46 3.22,00.7.49,00 17 1.19,00 27 1.89,00 37 2.59,00 47 3.29;00 1'.56,00 18 1.26,00 28 1.96,00 38 2.66,00 48 3.36,00 9.63,00 19 1.33,00 29 2.03,00 39 2.73,00 49 3.43,00 116] 10.70,00 |20 1.40,00 |30 2.10,00 |40 2.80,00 50 3.50.00 |~~~~~~~ m. INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 10 Months and 10 Days. 10 months and 11 Days, 10 Months and 12 Days. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Plin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest, Prin. Interest. 1.06,028 51 3.07,417 1.06,047 51 3.08,408 1.06,067 51 3.09,400 2.12,056 52 3.13,444 2.12,094 52 3.14,456 2.12,133 52 3.15,467 3.18,083 53 3.19,472 3.18,142 53 3.20,503 3.18,200 53 3.21,533 4.24,111 54 3.25,500 4.24,189 54 3.26,550 4.24,267 54. 3.27,600 5.30,139 55 3.31,528 5.30,236 55 3.32,597 5.30,333 55 3.33,667 6.36,167 56 3.37,556 6.36,283 56 3.38,644 6 -36,400 56 3.39,733 7.42,194 57 3.43,5833 7.42,331 57 3.44,692 7.42,467 57 3.45,800 8.48,222 58: 3.49,611 8.48,378 58 3.50,739 8.48,533 58 3.51,867 9.54,250 59 3.55,639 9.54,425 59 3.56,786 9.54,600 59 3.57,933 10.60,278 60 3.61,667 10.60,472 60 3.62,833 10.60,667 60 3.64,000 11.66,308 61 3.67,694 11.66,519 61 3.68,881 11.66,733 61 3.70,067 12.72,333, 62 3.73,722 12.72,567 62 3.74,928 412.72S800 62 3.76,133 13.78,361 63 3.79,750 13.78,614 63 3.80,975 13.78,867 63 3.82,200 14.84,389 64 3.85,778 14.84,661 64 3.87,022 14.84,933 64 3.88,267 15.90,417 65 3.91,806 15.90,708 65 3.93,069 15.91,000 65 3.94,333 16.96,444 66 3.97,833 16.96,756 66 3.99,117 16.97,067 66 4.00,400 17 1.02,472 67 4.03,861 17 1.02,803 67 4.05,164 17 1.03,133 67 4.06,467 18 1.08,500 68 4.09,889 18 1.08,850 68 4.11,211 18 1.09,200 68 4.12,533 19 1.14,528 69 4.15,917 19 1.14,897 69 4.17,258 1 9 1.15,267 69 4.18,600.2 1.20,556 70 4.21,944 20 1.20,944 70 4.23,306 20 1.21,333 70 4.24,667 21 1.26,583 71 4.27,972 21 1.26,992 71 4.29)353 21 1.279400 71 4.30,733 22 1.32,611 72 4.34,000 22 1.'33,039 72 4.35,400 22 1.33,467 72 4.36,800 23 1.38,639 73 4.40,028 23 1.39,086 73 4.41,447 23 1.39,533 73 4.42,867 24 1.44,667 74 4.46,056 24 1.45,133 74 4.47,494 24 1.45,600 74 4.48,933 25 1.50,694 75 4.52,083 25 1.51,181 75 4.53]542 25 1.51,667 75 4.55,000 26 1.56,722 76 4.58,111 26 1.57,228 76 4.59,589 26 1.57,733 76 4.61,067 27 1.62,750 77 4.64,139 27 1.63,275 77 4.65,636 27 1.63,800 77 4.67,133 28 1.68,778 78i 4.70,167 28 1.69,322 78 4.71,683 28 1.69,867 78 4.73,200 29 1.74,806 79! 4.76,194 29 1.75,369 79 4.77,731 29 1.75,933 79 4.79,267 30 1.80,833 80 4.82,222 30 1.81,417 80 4.83,778 30 1.82,000 80 4.85,333 31 1.86,861 81 4.889250 31 1.87,464 81 4.89,825 31 1.88,067 81 4.91,400 32 11.92,889 82 4.94,278 32 1.93,511 82 4.95,872 32 1.94,133 82 4.97,467 133 1.98,917 83 5.00,306 33 1.99,558 83 5.01,919 33 2.00,200 83 5.03,533 34 2.04,944 84 5.06,333 34 2.05,606 84 5.07,967 34 2.06,267 84 5.09,600 35 2.10,972 85 5.12,361 35 2.11,653 85 5.14,014 35 2.12,333 85 5.15,667 36 2.17,000 86 5.18,389 36 2.17,700 86 5.20,061 36 2.18,400 86 5.21,733 37 2.23,028 87 5.24,417 37 2.23,747 87 5.26,108 37 2.24,467 87 5.27,800 38 2.29,056 88 5.30,444 38 2.29,794 88 5.32,156 38 2.30,533 88 5.33,867 39 2.35,083 89 5.36,472 39 2.35,842 89 5.38,203 39 2.36,600 89 5.39,933 40 2.41,111 90 5.42,500 40 2.41,889 90 5.44,250 40 2.42,667 90 5.46,000 41 2.47,139 91 5.48,528 41 2.47,936 91 5.509297 41 2.48,733 91 5.52,067 42 2.53,167 92! 5.54,556 42 2.53,983 92 5.56,344 42 2.54,800 92 5.58,133 43 2.59,194! 93 5.60,583 43 2.60,031 93 5.62,392 43 2.60,867 93 5.64,200 44 2.65,222 94 5.669611 44 2.66,078 94 5.68,439 44 2.66,933 94 5.70,267 45 2.71,250 95 5.72,639 45 2.72,125 95 5.74,486 45 2.73,000 95 5.76,333 46 2.77,278 96 5.78,667 46 2.78,172 96 5.80,533 46 2.79,067 96 5.82,400 47 2.83,306 97 5.84,694 47 2.84,219 97 5.86,581 47 2.85,133 97 5.88,467 48 2.89,333 98 5.90,722 48 2.90,267 98 5.92,628 48 2.91,200 98 5.94,533 49 2.95,361 99 5.96,750 49 2.96,314 99 5.98,675 49 2.97,267 99 6.00,600.50 3.01,389 31Obays. 50 3.02,361 3llDays 50 3.039333 3_2Days. ONE YEAR. Prin. Interest. IPriln" Illterest. Ill'rin. Interest. iPrin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51. 3.57,00 161 4.27,00 71 4.97,00 81 5.67,00 91 6.37,00 52- 3.64,00 62 14.34,00 72 5.04,00 82 5.74,00 92 6.44,00 53 3.71,00 63- 4.41,00 731 5.11,00 83 5.81,00 93 6.51,00 54 3.78,00 64; 4.48,00 74 5.18,00 84 5.88,00 94 6.58,00 55 3.85,00 65 4.55,00 75 5.25,00 85 5.95,00 95 6.65,00 56{ 3.92,00 66 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 86 6.02,00 96 6.72,00 57 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 77 5.39,00 87 6.09,00 97 6.79,00 58 4.06,00 68 4.76,00 78 5.46,00 88 6.16,00 98 6.86,00 59 4.13,00 69 4.83,00 79 5.53,00 8916.23,00 99 6.93,00 l 60 4.20,00 170 4.90,00 180 5.60,00 11906.30,00 I ___ INTEREST AT SEVEN P ER CENT. 10 Months and 13 Days. 10 Months and 14 Days. 10 Mlonths and 15 Days. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.06,086 51 3.10,392 1.06,106 51 3.11,383 1.06,125 51 3.12,375 2.12,172 52 3.16,478 2.12,211 52 3.17,489 2.12,250 52 3.18,500 3.18,258 53 3.22,564 3.18,317 53 3.23,594 3 1.18,375 53 3.24,625 4.24,344 54 3.28,650 4.24,422 54:3.29,700 4.24,500 54 3.30,750 5.30,431 55 3.34,736 5.30,528 55 3.35,806 5.30,625 55 3.36,875 6.36,517 56 3.40,822 6.36,633 56 3.41,911 6.36,750 56 3.43,000 7.42,603 57 3.46,908 7.42,739 57 3.48,017 7.42,875 57 3.49,125 8.48,689 58 3.52,994 8.48,844 58 3.54,122 8.49,000 58 3.55,250 9.54,775 59 3.59,081 9.54,950 59 3.60,228 9.55,125 59 3.61,375 10.60,861 60 3.65,167 10.61,056 60 3.66,333 10.61,250' 60 3.67,500 11.66,947 61 3.71,253 11.67,161 61 3.72,439 11.67,375 61 3.73,625 12.73,033 62 3.77,339 12.73,267 62 3.78,544 12.73,500 62 3.79,750 13.79,119 63 3.83,425 13.79,372 63 3.84,650 13.79,625 63 3.85,875 14.85,206 64 3.89,511 14.85,478 64 3.90,756 14.85,750 64 3.92,000 15.91,292 65 3.95,597 15.91,583 65 3.96,861 15.91,875 65 3.98,125 16.97,378 66 4.01,683 16.97,689 66 4.02,967 16.98,000 66 4.04,250 17 1.03,464 67 4.07,769 17 1.03,794 67 4.09,072 17 1.04,125 67 4.10,375 18 1.09,550 68 4.13,856 18 1.09,900 68 4.15,178 18 1.10,250 68 4.16,500 19 1.15 636 69 4.19,942 19 1.16,006 69 4.21,283 19 1.16,375 69 4.22,625 20 1.21,722 70 4.26,028 20 1.22,111 70 4.27,389 20 1.22,500 70 4.28,750 21 1.27,808 71 4.32,114 21 1.28,217 71 4.33,494 21 1.28,625 71 4.34,875 22 1.33,894 72 4.38,200 22 1.34,322 72 4.39,600 22 1.34,750 72 4.41,000 23 1.39,981 73 4.44,286 23 1.40,428 73 4.45,706 23 1.40,875 73 4.47,125 24 1.46,067 74 4.50,372 24 1.46,533 74 4.51,811 24 1.47,000 74 4.53,250 25 1.52,153 75 4.56,458 25 1.52,639 75 4.57,917 25 1.53,125 75 4.59,375 26 1.58,239 76 4.62,544 26 1.58,744 76 4.64,022 26 1.59,250 76 4.65,500 27 1.64,325 77 4.68,631 27 1.64,850 77 4'70,128 27 1.65,375 77 4.71,625 28 1.70,411 78 4.74,717 28 1.70,956 78 4.76,233 28 1.71,500 78 4.77,750 29 1.76,497 79 4.80,803 29 1.77,061 79 4.82,339 29 1.77,625 79 4.83,875 30 1.82,583 80 4.86,889 30 1.83,167 80 4.88,444 30 1.83,750 80 4.909000 31 1.88,669 81 4.92,975 31 1.89,272 81 4.94,550 31 1.89,875 81 4.96,125 32 1.94,756 82 4.99,061 32 1.95,378 82 5.00,656 32 1.96,000:82 5.02,250 33 2.00,842 83 5.05,147 33 2.01,483 83 5.06,761 33 2.02,125 83 5.08,375 34 2.06,928 84 5.11,233 34 2.07,589 84 5.12,867 34 2.08,250 84 5.14,500 35 2.13,014 85 5.17,319 35 2.13;694 85 5.18,972 35 2.14,375 85 5.20,625 36 2.19,100 86 5.23;406 36 2.19;800 86 5.25,078 36 2.20,500 86 5.26,750 37 2.25,186 87 5.29;492 37 2.25,906 87.5.31,183 37 2.26,625 87 5.32,875 38 2.3'1,272 88' 5.35,578 38 2.32,011 88 5.37,289 38 2.32,750 88 5.39,000 39 2.37,358 89 5.41,664 39 2.38,117 89 5.43,394 39 2.38,875 89 5.45,125 40 2.43;444 90 5.47,750 40 2.44,222 90 5.49,50 40 42.45,000 90 5.51,250 41 2.49;531 91 5.53,836 41 2.50,328 91 5.55,606 41 2.51,125 91 5.57,375 42 2.55,617 92 5.59;922 42 2.56,433 92 5.61,711 42 2.57,250 92 5.63,500 43 2.61,703 93 5.66,008 43 2.62,539 93 15.67,817 43 2.6'3,375 93 5.69,625 44 2.67,789 94' 5.72,094 44 2.68,644 94 5.73,922 44 2.69,500.94 5.75,750 45 2.73,875 95 5.78;181 45 2.74,750 95 5.80,028 45 2.75,625 95 5.81,875 46 2.79,961 96 5.84,267 46 2.80,856 96 5.86;133 46 2.81,750 96 5.88,000 47 2.86,047 97 5.90,353 47 2.86,961 97 5.92,239 47 2.87,875 97 5.94,125 48 2.92,133 98- 5.96,439 48 2.93,06T 98 5.98,344 48 2.94,000 98 6.00,250 49 2.98,219 99 6.02,525 49 2.99,172 99 6.04,450 49 3.00,125 99 6.06,375.50 3.04,306 31L3 Days. 50 3.05,278 31i4Days. 50 3.06,250 3l]5Days. O N.E YEAR. Prin. Interest. IIPrin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.~07,00 11.77,00 21 11.47,00 31 2.17,00 41 2.87,00 2 1.14;00' 12.84,00" 22 1.5400 32 12.24,00 1142 2.94,00 3.21,00 13.91,00' 23 1161,00 33 2.31,00 43 13.01,00 41.28;00 1 14.98,00 24 1.68,00 34 2.3'8,00 44 3.08,00 5 1.35,00 15 11.05,00f 25 1.75,00 35 12.45;00 45 13.15,00 6.42,00 16 11.12,00 26 1.82,00 36 2.52;00 [[46 3.22,00 71.49;00 17 1. 19,00 27 11.89,00 1 3712.59;00 47 3.29,00 8 51 1 1.5'6,00 28 1.96,00 38 2.66,00.6,00 11.96,00.66, 4813.36,00 I [1 9.63,00 19 1.33,00 29 2.03,00 39~2.73,00 {49 3.43,00 118]. I 10.70,00 o20 1.40,00 30 2.10,00 40 2.80,00 1150 3.50,00 INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 10 Months and 16 Days. 10 Months and 17 Days. 10 Months and 18 Days Prin. nterest. Prin Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.06,144 51.3.13,367 1.06,164 51 3.14,358 1.06,183 51 3.15,350 2.12,289 52 3.19,511 2.12,328 52 3.20,522 2.12,367 52 3.21,533 3.18,433 53 3.25,656 3.18,492 53 3.26,686 3.18,550 53 3.27,717 4.24,578 54 3.31,800 4.24,656 -54 3.32,850 4.24,733 54 3.33,900 5.30,722 55 3.37,944 5.30,819 55 3.39,014 5.30,917 55 3.40,083 6.36,867 56 3.44,089 6 -.36,983 56; 3.45,178 6.37,100 56 3.46,267 7.43,011 57 3.50,233 7.43,147 57 3.51,342 7.43,283 57 3.52,450 8.49,156 58 3.56,378 8.49,311 58 3.57.,506 8.49,467 58 3.58,633 9.55,300 59 3.62,522 9.55,475 59 3.63,669 9.55,650 59 3.64,817 10.61,444 60 3.68,667 10.61,639 60 3.69,833 10.61,833 60 3.71,000 11.67,589 61 3.74,811 11.67,803 61 3.75,997 11.68,017 61 3.77,183 12.73,733 62 3.80,956 12.73,967 62 3.82,161 12.74,200 62 3.83,367 13.79,878 63 3.87,100 13.80,131 63 3.88,325 13.80,383 63 3.89,550 14.86,022 64 3.93,244 14.86,294 64 3.94,489 14.86,567 64 3.95,733 15.92,167 65 3.99,389 15.92,458 65 4.00,653 15.92,750 65 4.01,917 16.98,311 666 4.05,533 16.98,622 66 4.06,817 16.98,933 66 4.08,100 17 1.04,456 67 4.11,678 17 1.04,786 67 4.12,981 17 1.05,117 67 4.14,283 18 1.10,600 68 4.17,822 18 1.10,950 68 4.19,144 18 1.11,300 68 4.20,467 19 1.16,744 69 4.23,967 19 1.17,114 69 4.25,308 19 1.17,483 69 4.26,650 20 1.22,889 70 4.30,111 20 1.23,278 70 4.31,472 20 1.23,667 70 4.32,833 21 1.29,033 71 4.36,256 21 1.29,442 71 4.37,636 21 1.29,850 71 4.39,017 22 1.35,178 72 4.42,400 22 1.35,606 72 4.43,800 22 1.36,033 72 4.45,200 23 1.41,322 73 4.48,544 23 1.41,769 73 4.49,964 23 1.42,217 73 4.51,383 24 1.47,467 74 4.54,689 24 1.47,933 74 4.56,128 24 1.48,400 74 4.57,567 25 1.53,611 75 4.60,833 25 1.54,097 75 4.62,292 25 1.54,583 75 4.63,750 26 1.59,756 76 4.66,978 26 1.60,261 76 4.68,456 26 1.60,767 76 4.69,933 27 1.65,900 77 4.73,122 27 1.66,425 77 4.74,619 27 1.66,950 77 4.76,117 28 1.72,044 78 4.79,267 28 1.72,589 78 4.80,783 28 1.73,133 78 4.82,300 29 1.78,189 79 4.85,411 29 1.78,753 79 4.86,947 29 1.79,317 79 4.88,483 30 1.84,333 80 4.91,556 30 1.84,917 80 4.93,111 30 1.85,500 80 4.94,667 31 1.90,478 81 4.97,700 31 1.91,081 81 4.99,275 31 1.91,683 81 5.00,850 32 1.96,622 82 5.03,844 32 1.97,244 82 5.05,439 32 1.97,867 82 5.07,033 33 2.02,767 83 5.09,989 33 2.03,408 83 5.11,603 33 2.04,050 83 5.13,217 34 2.08,911 84 5.16,133 34 2.09,572 84 5.17,767 34 2.10,233 841 5.19,400 35 2.15,056 85 5.22,278 35 2.15,736 85 5.23,931 35 2.16,417 85, 5.25,583 36 2.21,200 86 5.28,422 36 2.21,900 86 5.30,094 36 2.22,600 86 5.31,767 37 2.27,344 87 5.34,567 37 2.28,064 87 5.36,258 37 2.28,783 87 5.37,950 38 2.33,489 88 5.40,711 38 2.34,228 88 5.42,422 38 2.34,967 88 5.44,133 39 2.39,633 89 5.46,856 39 2.40,392 89 5.48,586 39 2.41,150 89i 5.50,317 40 2.45,778 90 5.53,000 40 2.46,556 90 5.54,750 40 2.47,333 90 5.56,500 41 2.51,922 91 5.59,144 41 2.52,719 91 5.60,914 41 2.53,517 91 5.62,683 42 2.58,067 92 5.65,289 42 2.58,883 92 5.67,078 42 2.59,700 92 5.68,867 43 2.64,211 93 5.71,433 43 2.65,047 93 5.73,242 43 2.65,883 93i 5.75,050 44 2.70,356 94 5.77,578 44 2.71,211 94 5.79,406 44 2.72,067 94 5.81,233 45 2.76,500 95 5.83,722 45 2.77,375 95 5.85,569 4512.78,250 95 5.87,417 46 2.82,644 96 5.89,867 46 2.83,539 96 5.91,733 4612.84,4'33 96: 5.93,600 47 2.88,789 97. 5.96,011 47 2.89,703 97 5.97,897 47 2.90(),617 97 5.99,783 48 2.94,933 98! 6.02,156 48 2.95,867 98 6.04,061 48 2.96,800 98 6.05,967 49 3.01,078 99 6.08.300 49 3.02,031 99 6.10,225 49 3.02,983 99! 6.12,150 50 3.07,222 316Days. 50 3.08,194 3 7Days. 50 3.09,167 318Days ONE YEAR. Prim. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. IPrin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 3.57,00 61 4.27,00 71 4.97,00 81 5.67,00 91 6.37,00 52 13.64,00 62 4.34,00 72 15.04,00 821 5.74,00 92 16.44,00 53 3.71,00 63 4.41,00 73 5.11,00 83 5.81,00 93 6.51,00 54 3.78,00 64 4.48,00 74 5.18,00| 84 5.88,00 94 6.58,00 55 3.85,00 65 4.55,00 7515.25,00 85 15.95,00 95 6.65,00 56 3.92,00 66 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 86 6.02,00 96 6.72,00 57 3.99,00 67- 4.69,00:77 1539,00 87' 6.09,00 97 6.79,00 58 4.06,00 68 4.76,00 78 5.46,00 88 6.16,00 98 6.86,00 59 4.13,00 69 4.83,00 79 5.53,00 89 6.23,00 99 6.93,00 60 4.20,00 70 4.90,00 80 5.60,00 j 90 6.30,00 11 i [119 INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 10 Months and 19 Days. 10 Nonths and 20 Days. 10 months and 21 Days. Prin. Inferest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.06,203 51 3.16,342 1.o6,222 51 3.17,333 1.08,242 51 3.18,325 2.12,406 52 3.22,544 2.12,444 52 3.23,556 2.12,483 52 3.24,567 3.18,608 53 3.28,747 3.18,667 53 3.29,778 3.18,725 53 3.30,808 4.24,811 54 3.34,950 4.24,889 54 3.36,000 4.24,967 54 3.37,050 5.31,014 55 3.41,153 5.31,111 55 3.42,222 5.31,208 55 3.43,292 6.37,217 56 3.47,356 6.37,333 56 3.48,444 6.37,450 56 3.49,533 7.43,419 57 3.53,558 7.43,556 57 3.54,667 7.43,692 57 3.55,775 8.49,622 58 3.59,761 8.49,778 58 3.60,889 8.49,933 58 3.62,017 9.55,825 59 3.65,964 9.56,000 59 3.67,111 9.56,175 59 3.68,258 10.62,028 60 3.72,167 10.62,222 60 3.73,333 10.62,417 60 3.74,500 11.68,231 61 3.78,369 11.68,444 61 3.79,556 11.68,658 61 3.8'0,742 112.74,433 62 3.84,572 12.74,667 62 3.85,778 12.74,900 62 3.86,983:13.80,636 63 3.90,775 13.80,889 63 3.92,000 13.81,142 63 3.93,225 14.86,839 64 3.96,978 14.87,111 64 3.98,222 14.87,383 64 3.99,467 15.93,042 65 4.03,181 15.93,333 65 4.04,444 15.93,625 65 4.05,708:16.99,244 66 4.09,383 16.99,556 66 4.10,667 16.99,867 66 4.11,950 17 1.05,447 67 4.15,586 17 1.05,778 67 4.16,889 17 1.06,108 67 4.18,192 18 1.11,650 68 4.21,789 18 1.12,000 68 4.23,111 18 1.12,350 68 4.24,433 19 1.17,853 69 4.27,992 19 1.18,222 69 4.29,333 19 1.18,592 69 4.30,675 20 1.24,056 70 4.34,1941 20 1.24,444 70 4.35,556 20 1.24,833 70 4.36,917 21 1.30,258 71 4.40,397 21 1.30,667 71 4.41,778 21 1.31,075 71 4.43,158 22 1.36,461 72 4.46,600 22 1.36,889 72 4.48,000 22 1.37,317 72 4.49,400 23 1.42,664 73 4.52,803 23 1.43,111 73 4.54,222 23 1.43,558 73 4.55,642 24 1.48,867 74 4.59,006 24 1.49,333 74 4.60,444 24 1.49,800 74 4.61,883 25 1.55,069 75 4.65,208 25 1.55,556 75 4.66,667 25 1.56,042 75 4.68,125 26 1.61,272 76 4.71,411 26 1.61,778 76 4.72,889 26 1.62,283 76 4.74,367 27 1.67,475 77 4.77,614 27 1.68,000 77 4.79,111 27 1.68,525 77 4.80,608.28 1.73,678 78 4.83,817 28 1.74,222 78 4.85,333 28 1.74,767 78 4.86,850 29 1.79,881 79 4.90,019 29 1.80,444 79 4.91,556 29 1.81,008 79 4.93,092 30 1.86,083 80 4.96,222 30 1.86,667 80 4.97,778 30 1.87,250 80 4.99,333 31 1.92,286 81 5.02,425 31 1.92,889 81 5.04,000 31 1.93,492 81 5.05,575 32 1.98,489 82 5.08,628 32 1.99,111 82 5.10,222 32 1.99,733 82 5.11,817 33 2.04,692 83 5.14,831 33 2.05,333 83 5.16,444 33 2.05,975 83 5.189058 34 2.10,894 84 5.21,033 34 2.11,556 84 5.22,667 34 2.12,217 84 5.24,300 35 2.17,097 85 5.27,236 35 2.17,778 85 5.28,889 35 2.18,458 85 5.30,542 36 2.23,300 86 5.33,439 36 2.24,000 86 5.35,111 36 2.24,700 86 5.36,783 37 2.29,503 87 5.39,642 37 2.30),222 87 5.41,333 37 2.30,942 87 5.43,025 38 2.35,706 88 5.45,844 38 2.36,444 88 5.47,556 38 2.37,183 88 5.49,267 39 2.41,908 89 5.52,047 39 2.42,667 89 5.53,778 39 2.43,425 89 5.55,508 40 2.48,111 90 5.58,250 40 2.48,889 90 5.60,000 40 2.49,667 90 5.61,750 41 2.54,314 91 5.64,453 41 2.55,111 91 5.66,222 41 2.55,908 91 5.67,992 42 2.60,517 92 5.70,656 42 2.61,333 92. 5.72,444 42 2.62,150 92 5.74,233 43 2.66,719 93 5.76,858 43 2.67,556 93 5.78,667 43 2.68,392 93 5.80,475 44 2.72,922 94 5.83,061 44 2.73,778 94 5.84,889 44 2.74,633 94 5.86,717 45 2.79,125 95 5.89,264 45 2.80,000 95 5.91,111 45 2.80,875 95 5.92,958 46 2.85,328 96 5.95,467 46 2.86,222 96 5.97,333 46 2.87,117 96 5.99,200 47 2.91,531 97 6.01,669 47 2.92,444 97 6.03,556 47 2.93,358 97 6.05,442 48 2.97,733 98 6.07,872 48 2.98,667 9'8 6.09,778 48 2.99,600 98 6.11,683 49 3.03,936 99 6.14,075 49 3.04,889 99 6.16,000 49 3.05,842 99 6.17,925 50 3.10,139 319Days. 50 3.11,111 32ODays. 50 3.12,083 32laDays. O N E Y E A R. Prin. Interest. IPrin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Pri-n. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1,07,00 11.77,00 /21 11.47,00 31 2.17,00 41 2.87,00 2.14,00 112.84,00 22 1.54,00 32 2.24,00 42 2.94,00 3.21,00 131.91,00 23 1.61,00.3 12.31,00 |43 3.01,00 4.28,00 14.98,00 24 1.68,00 34 2.38,00 [ 44 3.08,00 5.35,00 15 1.05,00 25 1.75,00 35 2.45,00 1 45 3.15,00 6.42,00 16 11.12,00 26 1.82,00 36 2.52,00 46 3.22,00 7 /.49,00 17 1.19,00 27 1.89,00 37 2.59,00 47 I 3.29,00 8.56,00 18 11.26,00 128 1.96,00 38 2.66,00 48 3.35,00 9.63,00 119 1.33,00 I 29 2.03,00 1139 2.73,00 49 3.43,00 i 120] 1-0.70,00 1201.40,00 13012.10,00 114012.80,00 1150 3.50,00 INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 110 Months and 22 Days. 10 Mlonths and 23 Days. 10 Months and 24 Days. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.06,261 51 3.19,317 1.06,281 51 3.20,308 1.06,300 51 3.21,300 2.12,522 52 3.25,578 2.12,561 52 3.26,589 2.12,600 52 3.27,600 3.18,783 53 3.31,839 3.18,842 53 3.32,869 3.18,900 53 3.33,900 4.25,044 54 3.38,100 4.25,122 54 3.39,150 4.25,200 54 3.40,200 5.31,306 55 3.44,361 5.31,403 55 3.45,431 5.31,500 55 3.46,500 6.37,567 56 3.50,622 6.37,683 56 3.51,711 6.37,800 56 3.52,800 7.43,828 57 3.56,883 7.43,964 57 3.57,992 7.44,100 57 3.59,100 8.50,089 58 3.63,144 8.50,244 58 3.64,272 8.50,400 58 3.65,400 9.56,350 59 3.69.406 9.56,525 59 3.70,553 9.56,700 59 3.71,700 10.62,611 60 3.75,667 10.62,806 60 3.76,833 -10.63,000 60 3.78,000 11.68,872 61 3.81,928 1 1.69,086 61 3.83,1141 11.69,300 61 3.84,300 12.75,133 62 3.88,189 12.75,367 62 3.89,394 12.75,600 62 3.90,600 13.81,394 63 3.94,450 13.81,647 63 3.95,675 13.81,900 63 3.96,900 14.87,656 64 4.00,711 14.87,928 64 4.01,956 14.88,200 64 4.03,200 15.93,917 65 4.06,972 15.94,208 65 4.08,236 15.94,500 65 4.09,500 16 1.00,178 66 4.13,2331 16 1.00,489 66 4.14,517 16 1.00,8000 166 4.15,800 17 1.06,439 67 4.19,494 17 1.06,769 67 4.20,797 17 1.07,100 67 4.22,100 18 1.12,700 68 4.25,756 18 1.13,050 68 4.27,078 18 1.13,400 68 4.28,400 19 1.18,961 69 4.32,017 19 1.19,331 69 4.33,358 19 1.19,700 69 4.34,700 20 1.25,222 70 4.38,278 20 1.25,611 70 4.39,639 20 1.26,000 70 4.41,000 21 1.31,483 71 4.44,539 21 1.31,892 71 4.45,919 21 1.32,300 71 4.47,300 22 1.37,744 72 4.50,800 22 1.38,172 72 4.52,200 22 1.38,600 72 4.53,600 23 1.44,006 73 4.57,061 23 1.44,453 73 4.58,481 23 1.44,900 73 4.59,900 24 1.50,267 74 4.63,322 24 1.50,733 74 4.64,761 24 1.51,200 74 4.66,200 25 1.56,528 75 4.69,583 25 1.57,014 75 4.71,042 25 1.57,500 75 4.72,500 26 1.62,789 76 4.75,844 26 1.63,294 76 4.77,322 26 1.63,800 76 4.78,800 27 1.69,050 77 4.82,106 27 1.69,575 77 4.83,603 27 1.70,100 77 4.85,100 28 1.75,311 78 4.88,367 28 1.75,856 78 4.89,883 28 1.76,400 78 4.91,400 29 1.81,572 79 4.94,628 29 1.82,136 79 4.96,164 29 1.82,700 79 4.97,700 30 1.87,833 80 5.00,889 30 1.88,417 80 5.02,444 130 1.89,000 80 5.04,000 31 1.94,094 81 5.07,150 31 1.94,697 81 5.08,725 31 1.95,300 81 5.10,300 32 2.00,356 82 5.13,411 32 2.00,978 82 5.15,006 32 2.01,600 82 5.16,600 33 2.06,617 83 5.19,672 33 2.07,258 83 5.21,286 33 2.07,900 83 5.22,900 34 2.12,878 84 5.25,933 34 2.13,539 84 5.27,567 34 2.14,200 84 5.29,200 35 2.19,139 85 5.32,194 35 2.19,819 85 5.33,847 35 2.20,500 85 5.35,500 136 2.25,400 86 5.38,456 36 2.26,100 86 5.40,128 36 2.26,800 86 5.41,800 37 2.31,661 87 5.44,717 37 2.32,381 87 5.46,408 37 2.339100 87 5.48,100 38 2.37,922 88 5.50,978 38 2.38,661 88 5.52,689 38 2.39,400 88 5.54,400 39 2.44,183 89 5.57,239 39 2.44,942 89 5.58,969 39 2.45,700 89 5.60,700 40 2.50,444 90 5.63,500 40 2.51,222 1 90 5.65,250 40 2.52,000 90 5.67,000 41 2.56,706 91 5.69,761 41 2.57,503 91 5.71,531 41 2.58,300 91 5.73,300 42 2.62,967 92 5.76,022 42 2.63,783 92 5.77,811 42 2.64,600 92 5.79,600 43 2.69,228 93 5.82,283 43 2.70,064 93 5.84,092 143 2.70,900 93 5,85,900 44 2.75,489 94 5.88,544 44 2.76,344 94 5.90,372 44 2.77,200 94 5.92,200 45 2.81,750 95 5.94,806 45 2.82,625 95 5.96,653 45 2.83,500 95 5.98,500 46 2.88,011 96 6.01,067 46 2.88,906 1196 6.02,933 46 2.89,800 96 6.04,800 47 2.94,272 97 6.07,328 47 2.95,186 97 6.09,214 -47 2.96,100 97 6.11,100 48 3.00,533 98 6.13,589 48 3.01,467 98 6.15,494 48 3.02,400 98 6.17,400 49 3.06,794 99 6.199850 49 3.07,747 99 6.21,775 49 3.08,700 99 6.23,700 50 3.13,056 3 a 50 3.14,028 323Dys 50 3.15,000 324Days. ONE YEAR. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. nterest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 1 3.57,00 61 4.27,00 71 4.97,00 81 5.67,00 91 6.37,00 52 3.64,00 62 4.34,00 72 5.04,00- 82 5.74,00 92 6.44,00 53 3.71,00 63 4-.41,00 73 5.11,00 83 5.81,00 93 6.51,00 54 3.78,00 64 4.48,00 74 5.18,00 84 5.88,00 94 6.58,00 55 3.85,00 I 65 4.55,00 75 5.25,00 85 5.95,00 95 6.65,00 56 3.92,00 66 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 86 6.02,00 96 6.72,00 57 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 77 5.39,00 87 6.09,00 97 6.79,00 58 4.06,00 68 4.76,00 78 5.46,00 88 6.16,00 98 6.86,00 59 4.13,00 69 4.83,00 79 5.53,00 8916.23,00 99 6.93,00 60 4.20,00 1170 4.90,00 80 5.60,00 90 6.30,00 11 11 1;_.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'2 INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 10 Months and 25 Days. 10 Months and 26 Days., 10 Months and 27 Days. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.06,319 51 3.22,292 1.06,339 51 3.23,283 1.06,358 51 3.24,275 2.12,639 52 3.28,611 2.12,678 52 3.29,622 2.12,717 52 3.30,633 3.18,958 53 3.34,931 3.19,017 53 3.35,961 3.19,075 53 3.36,992 4 25 278 54 3.41,250 4.25,356 54 3.42,300 4.25,433 54 3.43,350 5.31,597 55 3.47,569 5.31,694 55 3.48,639 5.31,792 55 3.49,708 6.37,917 56 3.53,889 6.38,033 56 3.54,978 6.38,150 56 3.56,067 7.44,236 57 3.60,208 7.44,372 57 3.61,317 7 44,508 57 3.62,425 8.50,556 58 3.66,528 8.50,711 58 3.67,656 8.50,867 58 3.68,783 9.56,875 59 3.72,847 9.57,050 59 3.73,994 9.57,225 59 3.75,142 10.63,194 60 3.79,167 10.63,389 60 3.80,333 10.63,583 60 3.81,500 11.69,514 61 3.85,486 11.69,728 61 3.86,672 11.69,942 61 3.87,858 12.75,833 62 3.91,806 12-.76,067 62 3.93,011 12.76,300 62 3.94,217 13.82,153 63 3.98,125 13.82,406 63 3.99,350 13.82,658 63 4.00,575 14.88,472 64 4.04,444 14.88,744 64 4.05,689 14.89,017 64 4.06,933 15.94,792 65 4.10,764 15.95,083 65 4.12,028 15.95,375 65 4.13,292 16 1.01,111 66 4.17,083 16 1.01,422 66 4.18,367 16 1.01,733 66 4.19,650 17 1.07,431 67 4.239403 17 1.07,761 67 4.24,706 17 1.08,092 67 4.26,008 18 1.13,750 68 4.29,722 18 1.14,100 68 4.31,044 18 1.14,450 68 4.32,367: 19 1.20,069 69 4.36,042 19 1.20,439 69 4.37,383 19 1.20,808 69 4.38,725 20 1.26,389 70 4.42,361 20 1.26,778 70 4.43,722 20 1.27,167 70 4.45,083 21 1.32,708 71 4.48,681 21 1.33,117 71 4.50,061 21 1.33,525 71 4.51,442 22 1.39,028 72 4.55,000 22 1.39,456 72 4.56,400 22 1.39,883 72 4.57,800 23 1.45,347 73 4.61,319 23 1.45,794 73 4.62,739 23 1.46,242 73 4.64,158 24 1.51,667 74 4.67,639 24 1.52,133 74 4.69,078 24 1'52,600 74 4.70,517 25 1.57,986 75 4.73,958 25 1.58,472 75 4.75,417 25 1.58,958 75 4.76,875 26 1.64,306 76 4.80,278 26 1.64,811 76 4.81,756 26 1.65,317 76 4.83,233 27 1.70,625 77 4.86,597 27 1.71,150 77 4.88,094 27 1.71,675 77 4.89,592 28 1.76,944 78 4.92,917 28 1.77,489 78 4.94,433 28 1.78,033 78 4.95,950 29 1..83,264 79 4.99,236 29 1.83,828 79 5.00,772 29 1.84,392 79 5.02,308 30 1.89,583 80 5.05,556 30 1.90,167 80 5.07,111 30 1.90,750 80 5.089667 31 1.95,903 81 5.11,875 31 1.96,506 81 5.13,450 31 1.97,108 81 5.15,025 32 2.02,222 82 5.18,194 32 2.02,844 82 5.19,789 32 2.03,467 82 5.21,383 33 2.08,542 83 5.24,514 33 2.09,183 83 5.26,128 33 2.09,825 83 5.27,742 34 2.14)861 84 5.30,833 34 2.15,522 84 5.32,467 34 2.16,183 84 5.34,100 35 2.21,181 85 5.37,153 35 2.21,861 85 5.38,806 35 2.22,542 85 5.40,458 36 2.27,500 86 5.43,472 36 2.28,200 86 5.45,144 36 2.28,900 86 5.46,817 37 2.33,819 87 5.49,792 37 2.34,539 87 5.51,483 37 2.35,258 87 5.53,175 38 2.40,139 88 5.56,111 38 2.40,878 88 5.57,822 38 2.41,617 88 5.59,533 39 2.46,458 89 5.62,431 39 2.47,217 89 5.64,161 39 2.47,975 89 5.65,892 40 2.52,778 90 5.68,750 40 2.53,556 90 5.70,500 40 2.54,333 90 5.72,'250 41 2.59,097 91 5.75,069 41 2.59,894 91 5.76,839 41 2.60,692 91 5.78,6t)9 42 2.65,417 92 5.81,389 42 2.66,233 92 5.83,178 42 2.67,050 92 5.84,967 43 2.71,736 93 5.87,708 43 2.72,572 93 5.89,517 43 2.73,408 93 5.91,325 44 2.78,056 94 5.94,028 44 2.78,911 94 5.95,856 44 2.79,767 94 5.97,683 45 2.84,375 95 6.00,347 45 2.85,250 95 6.02,194 45 2.86,125 95 6.04,042 46 2.90,694 96 6.06,667 46 2.91,589 96 6.08,533 46 2.92,483 96 6.10,400 47 2.97,014 97 6.12,986 47 2.97,928 97 6.14,872 47 2.98,842 97 6.16,758 48 3.03,333 98 6.19,306 48 3.04,267 98 6.21,211 48 3.05,200 98 6.23,117 49 3.09,653 99 6.25,625 49 3.10,606 99 6.27,550 49 3.11,558 99 6.29,475 50 3.15,972 325 DSays. 50 3.16,944 326Days. 50 3.17,917 3217 ays. 3253Days...63_-ys.I327 Days. _______| ONE YEAR. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prinl. Interest. 1.07,00 11.77,00 21 1.47,00 31 2.17,00 41 2.87,00 2 1.14,00 12.84,00 22 1.54,00 32 2.24,00 42 2.94,00 3.21,00 13.91,00 1123 1.61,00 33 2.31,00 43 3.01,00 4.28,00 141.98,00 24 1.68,00 34 2.38,00 44 13.08,00 51.35,00 15 1.05,00 25 1.75,00 35 12.45,00 45 13.15,00 6.42,00 16 1.12,00 26 1.82,00 36 2.52,00 46 3.22,00 71.49,00 17 1.19,00 27 1.89,00 37 2.59,00 47 3.29,00 81.56,00 18 1.26,00 28 1.96,00 38 2.66,00 48 13.36,00 9.63,00 19 ]1.33,0)0 0 29 2.03,00 / 39 2.73,00 149 3.43,00 {122] {i10.70,00 1 20 1.40,00 [30 2.10,00 40 2.80,00 1150 3.50,00 - I U - I ~ ~ ~ i - i - i INTEREST AT SEVEN PER C E N T. 10 Months and 28 Days. 10 Mlonths and 29 Days. 11 MONTHS. Prins. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prn. Interest Prin Interest. Psin. Interest. 1.06,378 51 3.25,267 1.06,397 51 3.26,258 1.06,417 51 3.27,250 2.12,756 52 3.31,644 2.12,794 52 3.32,656 2.12,833 52 3.33,667 3.19,133 53 3.38,022 3.19,192 53 3.39,053 3.19,250 53 3.40,083 4.25,511. 54 3.44,400 4.25,589 54 3.45,450 4.25,667 54 3.46,500 5.31,889 55 3.50,778 5.31,986 55 3.51,847 5.32,083 55!3.52,917 6.38,267 56 3.57,156 6.38,383 56 3.58,244 6.38,500 56 3.59,333 7.44,644 57 3.63,533 7.44,781 57 3.64,642 7.44,917 57 3.65,750 8.51,022 58 3.69,911 8.51,178 58 3.71,039 8.51,333 58 3.72,167 9.57,400 59 3.76,289 9.57,575 59 3.77,436 9.57,750 59 3.78,583 10.63,778 60 3.82,667 10.63,972 60 3.83,833 10.64,167 60 3.85,000 11.70,156 61 3.89,044 11.70,369 61 3.90,231 11.70,583 61 3.91,417 12.76,533 62 3.95,422 12.76,767 62 3.96,628 12.77,000 62 3.97,833 13.82,911 63 4.01,800 13.83,164 63 4.03,025 13.83,417 63 4.04,250 14.89,289 64 4.08,178 14.89,561 64 4.09,422 14.89,833 64 4.10,667 15.95,667 65 4.14,556 15.95,958 65 4.15,819 15.96,250 65 4.17,083 16 1.02,044 66 4.20,933 1 6 1.02,356 66 4.22,217 16 1.02,667 66 4.23,500 17 1.08,422 67 4.27,311 17 1.08,753 67 4.28,614 17 1.09,083 67 4.29,917 18 1.14,800 68 4.33,689 18 1.15,150 68 4.35,011 18 1.15,500 68 4.36,333 19 1.21,178 69 4.40,067 19 1.21,547 69 4.41,408 19 1.21,917 69 4.42,750 20 1.27,556 70 4.46,444 20 1.27,944 70 4.47,806 20 1.28,333 70 4.49,167 21 1.33,933 71 4.52,822 21 1.34,342 71 4.54,203 21 1.34,750 71 4.55,583 22 1.40,311 72 4.59,200 22 1.40,739 72 4.60,600 22 1.41,167 72 4.62,000 23 1.46,689 73 4.65,578 23 1.47,136 73 4.66,997 23 1.47,6583 73 4.68,417 24 1.53,067 74 4.71,956 24 1.53,533 74 4.73,394 24 1.549000 74 4.74,833 25 1.59,444 75 4.78,333 25 1.59,931 75 4.79,792 25 1.60,417 75 4.81,250 26 1.65,822 76 4.84,711 26 1.66,328 76 4.86,189 26 1.66,833 76 4.87,667 27 1.72,200 77 4.91,089 27 1.72,725 77 4.92,586 27 1.73,250 77 4.94,083 28 1.78,578 78 4.97,467 28 1.79,122 78 4.98,983 28 1.79,667 78 5.00,500 29 1.84,956 79 5.03,844 29 1.85,519 79 5.059381 29 1.86,083 79 5.061917 30 1.91,333 80 5.10,222 30 1.91,917 80 5.11,778 30 1.92,500 80'5.13,333 31 1.97,711 81 5.16,600 31 1.98,314 81 5.18,175 31 1.98,917 81 5.19,750 322.04,089 82 5.22,978 32 2.04,711 82 5.24,572 32 2.05,333 82 5.26,167 33 2.10,467 83 5.29,356 33 2.11,108 83 5.30,969 33 2.11,750 83 5,32,583 34 2.16,844 84 5.35,733 34 2.17,506 84'5.37,367 34 2.18,167 84 5.39,000 35 2.23,222 85 5.42,111 35 2.23,903 85 5.43,764 35 2.24,583 85 5.45,417 36 2.29,600 86 5.48,489 36 2.30,300 86 5.50,161 36 2.31,000 86 5.51,833 37 2.35,978 87 5.54,867 37 2.36,697 87 5.56,558 37 2.37,417 87 5.58,250 38 2.42,356 88 5.61,244 38 2.43,094 88 5.62,956 38 2.43,833 88 5.64,667 39 2.48,733 89 5.67,622 39 2.49,492 89 5.69,353 39 2.50,250 89 5.71,083 40 2.55,111 90 5.74,000 40 2.55,889 90 5.75,750 40 2.56,667 90 5.77,500 41 2.61,489 91 5.80,378 41 2.62,286 91 5.82,147 41 2.63,083 91 5.83,917 42 2.67,867 92 5.86,756 42 2.68,683 92 5.88,544 42 2.69,500 92 i5.90,333 43 2.74,244 93 5.93,133 43 2.75,081 93 5.94,942 43 2.75,917 93 15.96,750 44 2.80,622 94 5.99,511 44 2.81,478 94 6.01,339 44 2.82,333 94 6.03,167 45 2.87,000 95 6.05,889 45 2.87,875 95 6.07,736 45 2.88,750 95 16.09,583 46 2.93,378 96 6.12,267 46 2.94,272 96 6.14,133 46 2.9'5,167 96 6.16,000 47 2.99,756 97 6.18,644 47 3.00,669 97 6.20,531 47 3.01,583' 97 6.22,417 48 3.06,133 98 6.25,022 48 3.07,067 98 6.26,928 48 3'.08,000 98'6.28,833 49 3.12,511 99 6.31,400 49 3.13,464 99 6.33,325 49 33.14,417 99 6.35,250 50 3.18,889 32 -8 Days. 50 3.19,861 329 Days. 50 3.20,833 330 Days ONE YEAR. Prin. Interest. IPrin. Interest. lPrin. Interest. -Prin. Interest. ]Prin. Interest. 51 3.57,00 61 4.27,00 I 71 4.97,00 181 5.67,00 91 6.37,00 152 3.64,00 62'4.34,00 72 5.04,00 I82 5.74,00 I 92 6.44,00 53 3.71,00 [[63 4.41,00 73 5.11,00 83' 5.81,00 [93 6.51,00 [ 54 3.78,00 1164 4.48,00 74 5.18,00 84 5.88,00 I 94 6.58;00 55 3.85,00 |65 4.55,00 75 5.25,00 |85 5.95,00 |95 6.65,00 56 3.92,00 66 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 I 86 6.02,00 96 6.72,00 57 3.99,00 [67 4.69,00 77 5.39,00 l87$ 6.09,00 97 6.79,00 [ 58 4.06,00 68 4.76,00 I78 5.46,00 8I 6s6.16,00 98 6.86,00 I [ 59I 54.13,00 [ 69 4.83,00 179 5.53,00 8189 6.23,00 H 99 6.93,00~ I[ I60 ] 4.20,00 1] 70 ] 4.90,00 180 5.60,00 I190 ] 6.30,00 /I / r. 3 I N T ER EST AT S E VEN P-ER C E NT. 11 Months and 1 Day. 11 Months and 2 Days. 11 Months and 3 Days. Prill. Interest. Pri]. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.06,436 51 3.28,242 1.06,456 51 3.29,233 1.06,475 51 3.30,225 2.12,872 52 3.34,678 2.12,911 52 3.35,689 2.12,950 52 3.36,700 3].19,308 53 3.41,114 3.19,367 53 3.42,144 3.19,425 53 3.43,175 4.25,744 54 3.47,550 4.25,822 54 3.48,600 4.25,900 54 3.49,650 5.32,181 55 3.53,986 5.32,278 55 3.55,056 5.32,375 55 3.56,125 6.38,617 56 3.60,422 6.38,733 56 3.61,511 6.38,850 56 3.62,600 7.45,053 57 3.66,858 7.45,189 57 3.67,967 7.45,325 57 3.69,075 8.51,489 58 3.73,294 8.51,644 58 3.74,422 8.51,800 58 3.75,550 9.57,925 59 3.79,731 9.58,100 59 3.80,878 9.58,275 59 3.82,025 10.64,361 60 3.86,167 10.64,556 60 3.87,333 10.64,750 60 3.88,500 11.70,797 61 3.92,603 11.71,011 61 3.93,789 11.71,225 61 3.94,975 12.77,233 62 3.99,039 12.77,467 62 4.00,244 12.77,700 62 4.01,450 13-.83,669 63 4.05,475 13.83,922 63 4.06,700 13.84,175 63 4.07,925 14.90,106 64 4.11,911 14.90,378 64 4.13,156 14.90,650 64 4.14,400 15.96,542 65 4.18,347 15 5.96,833 65 4.19,611 15.97,125 65 4.20,875 16 1.02,978 66 4.24,783 16 1.03,289 66 4.26,067 16 1.03,600 66 4.27,350 17 1.09,414 67 4.31,219 17 1.09,744 67 4.32,522 17 1.10,075 67 4.33,825 18 1.15,850 68 4.37,656 18 1.16,200 68 4.38,978 18 1.16,550 68 4.40,300 19 1.22,286 69 4.44,092 19 1.22,656 69 4.45,433 19 1.23,025 l/69 4.46,775 20 1.28,722 70 4.50,528 20 1.29,111 70 4.51,889 20 1.29,500 70 4.53,250 21 1.35,158 71 4.56,964 21 1.35,567 71 4.58,344 21 1.35,975 71 4.59,725 22 1.41,594 72 4.63,400 22 1.42,022 72 4.64,800 22 1.42,450 72 4.66,200 23 1.48,031 73 4.69,836 23 1.48,478 73 4.71,256 23 1.48,925 73 4.72,675 24 1.54,467 74 4.76,272 24 1.54,933 74 4.77,711 24 1.55,400 74 4.79,150 25 1.60,903 75 4.82,708 25 1.61,389- 75 4.84,167 25 1.61,875 75 4.85,625 26 1.67,339 76 4.89,144 26 1.67,844 76 4.90,622 26 1.68,350 76 4.92,100 27 1.73,775 77 4.95,581 27 1.74,300 77 4.97,078 27 1.74,825 77 4.98,575 28 1.80,211 78 5.02,017 028 1.80,756 78 5.03,533 28 1.81,300 78 5.05,050 29 1.86,647 79 5.08,453 29 1.87,211 79 5.09,989 29 1.87,775 79 5.11,525 30 1.93,083 80 5.14,889 30 1.93,667 80.5.16,444 30 1.94,250 80 5.18,000 31 1.99,519 81 5.21,325 31 2.00,122 81 5.22,900 31 2.00,725 81 5.24,475 32 2.05,956 82 5.27,761 32 2.06,578 82 5.29,356 32 2.07,200 82 5.30,950 33 2.12,392 83 5.34,197 33 2.13,033 83 5.35,811 33 2.13,675 83 5.37,425 34 2.18,828 84 5.40,633 34 2.19,489 84 5.42,267 34 2.20,150 84 5.43,900 35 2.25,264 85 5.47,069 35 2.25,944 85 5.48,722 35 2.26,625 85 5.50,375 36 2.31,700 86 5.53,17506 36 2.32,400 86 5.56,850 37 22.38,136 87 5.59,942.37 2.38,856 87 5.61,633 37 2.39,575 87 5.63,325 38 2.44,572 88 5.66,378 38 2.45,311 88 5.68,089 38 2.46,050 88 5.69,800 39 2.51,008 89 5.72,814 39 2.51,767 89 5.74,544 39 2.52,525 89 5.76,275 40 2.57,444 90 5.79,250. 40 2.58,222 90 5.81,000 40 2.59,000 90 5.82,750 41 2.63,881 91 5.85,686.41 2.64,678 91 5.87,456 41 2.65,475 91 5.89,225 42 2.70,317 92 5.92,122 42 2.71,133 92 5.93,911 42 2.71,950 92 5.95,700 43 2.76,753 93 5.98,558 43 2.77,589 93 6.00,367 43 2.78,425 93 6.02,175 44 2.83,189 94 6.04,994 44 2.84,044 94 6.06,822 44 2.84,900 94 6.08,650 45 2.89,625 95 6.11,431 45 2.90,500 95 6.13,278 45 2.91,375 95 6.15,125 46 2.96,061 96 6.17,867. 46 2.96,956 96 6.19,733 46 2.97,850 96 6.21,600 47 3.02,497 97 6.24,303 47 3.03,411 97 6.26,189 47 3.04,325 97 6.28,075 48 3.08j933 98 6.30,73 9.48 3.09,867 98 6.32,644 48 3.10,800 98 6.34,550 49 3.153 99 6.37,175 49 3.16,322 99 6.39,100 49 3.17,275 99 6.41,025 50 3.21,806 331 Days. 50 3.22,778 332Days 50 3.23,750 333 ON E YEAR. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. IPrin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.07,00 11.77,00 21 1.47,00 31 2.17,00 1141 2.87,00 2.14,00 12.84,00 22 1.54,00 32 2.24,00 42 2.94,00 3.21,00 13.91,00 23 1.61,00 33 2.31,00 43 3.01,00 4.28,00 14.98,00 24 1.68,00 34 2.38,00 1144 13.08,00 5.35,00 15 1.05,00 25 11.75,00 35 2.45,00 45 3.15,00 6.42,00 1 16 1.12,00 26 1.82,00 11 36 2.52,00 46 3.22,00 7.49,00 17 1.19,00 27 11.89,00 37 12.59,00 1}47 3.29,00 8.56,00 8 8 1.26,00 28 1.96,00 38 12.66,00 1148 13.36,00 9/.63,00 19 1.33,00 29 2.03,00 39 1 2.73,00 49 3.43,00 12-4] 10.70,00 20 1.40,00 130 12.10,00 40 12.80,00 50 3.650,00 INTER EST AT SE V E:N PER CE-NT. 11l Months and 4 Days. 11 Months and 5 Days. 11 MDonths and 6 Days. i' ll. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Pri'. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.06,494 51 3.31,217 1.06,514 51 3.32,208 1 06533 51 3.33200 2.12,989 52 3.37,711 2.13,028 52 3.38,722 2.13,067 52 3.39!,733 3.19,483 53 83.44,206 3.19,542 53'3.45,236 3.19,600 53 3.46,267 4.25,978 54 3.50,700 4.26,056 54 3.51,750 4.26,133 54 3.52,800 5.32,472 55 3.57,194 5.32,569 55 3.58,264 5.32,667 55 3.59,333 6.38,967 56 3.63,689 6.39,083 56 3.64,778 6.39,200 56 3.65,867 7.45,461 57 3.70,183 7.45,597 57 3.71,292 7-.45,733 57 3.72,400 8.51,956 58 3.76,678 8.52,111 58 3.77,806 8.52,267 58 3.78 933 9.58,450 59 3.83,172 9.58,625 59 3.84,319 9.58,800 59 3.85,467 10.64,944 60 3.89,667 10.65,139 60 3.90,833 10.65,333 160 3.92,000 11.71,439 61 3.96,161 11.71,653 61 3.97,347 11.71,8'67 61 3.98,533 12.77,933 62 4.02,656 12.78,167 62 4.03,861 112.78,400 62 4.05,067 13.84,428 63 4.09,150 13.84,681 63 4.10,375 13.84,933 63 4.11,600 14.90,922 64 4.15,644 14.91,194 64 4.16,889: 14.91,467 64 4.18,133 15.97,417 65 4.22,139 15.97,708 65 4.23,403 15.98,000 65 4.24,667 16 1.03,911 66 4.28,633 16 1.04,222 66 4.29,917 16 1.04,533 66 4.31,200 17 1.10,406 67 4.35,128 17 1.10,736 67 4.36,431 17 1.11,067 67 4.37,733 18 1.16,900 68 4.41,622 18 1.17,250 68 4.42,944 18 1.17,600 68 4.44,267 19 1.23,394 69 4.48,117 19 1.23,764 1 69 4.49,458 19 1.24,133 69 4.50,800 20 1.29,889 70 4.54,611 20 1.30,278 70 4.55,972 20 1.30,667 70 4.57,333 21 1.36,383 71 4.61,106 21 1.36,792 71 4.62,486 21 1.37,200 71 4.63,867 22 1.42,878 72 4.67,600 22 1.43,306 72 4.69,000 22 1.43,733 72 4.70,400 23 1.49,372 73 4.74,094 23 1.49,819 73 4.75,514 23 1.50,267 73 4.76,933 24 le.55,867 74 4.809,589 24 1. 56,333 74 4.82,028 24 1.56,800 74 4.83,467 25 1.62,361 75 4.87,083 25 1.62,847 75 4.88,542 25 1.63,333 75 4.90,000 26 1.68,856 76 4.93,578 26 1.69,361 76 4.95,056 26 1.69,867 76 4.96,533 27 1.75,350 77 5.00,072 27 1.75,875 77 5.01,569 27 1.76,400 77 5.03,067 28 1.81,844 78 5.06,567 28 1.82,389 78 5.08,083 28 1.82,933 78 5.09,600 29 1.88,339 79 5.13,061 29 1.88,903 79 5.14,597 29 1.89,467 79 5.16,133 30 1.94,833 80 5.19,556 30 11.95,417 80 5.21,111 30 1.96,000 80 5.22,667 31 2.01,328 81 5.26,050 3112.01,931 81 5.27,625 31 2.02,533 81 5.29,200 32 2.07,822 82 5.32,544 32 2.08,444 82 5.34,139 32 2.09,067 82 5.35,733 33 2.14,317 83 5.39,039 33 2.14,958 83 5.40,653 33 2.15,600 83 5.42,267 34 2.20,811 84 5.45,533 34 2.21,472 84 5.47,167 34 2.22,133 184 5.48,800 35 2.27,306 85 5.52,028 35 2.27,986 85 5.53,681 35 2.28,667 85 5.55,333 36 2.33,800 86 5.58,522 36 2.34,500 86 5.60,194 36 2.35,200 86 5.61,867 37 2.40,294 87 5.65,017 37 2.41,014 87 5.66,708 37 2.41,733 87 5.68,400 38 2.46,789 88 5.71,511 38 2.47,528 88 5.73,222 38 2.48,267 88 5.74,933 39 2.53,283 89 5.78,006 39 2.54,042 89 5.79,736 39 2.54,800 89 5.81,467 40 2.59,778 90 5.84,500 40 2.60,556 90 5.86,250 40 2.61,333 90 5.88,000 41 2.66,272 91 5.90,994 41 2.67,069, 91 5.92,764 41 2.67,867 91 5.94,533 42 2.72,767 92 5.97,489 42 2.73,583 92 5.99,278 42 2.74,400 92 6.01,067 43 2.79,261 93 6.03,983 43 2.80,097 93 6.05,792 43 2.80,933 -93 6.07,600 44 2.85,756 94 6.10,478 44 2.86,611 94 6.12,306 44 2.87,467 94 6.14,133 45 2.92,250 95 6.16,972 45 2.93,125 95 6.18,819 45 2.94,000 95 6.20,667 46 2.98,744 96 6.23,467 46 2.99,639 96 6.25,333 46 3.00,533 96 6.27,200 47 3.05,239 97 6.29,961 47 3.06,153 97 6.31,847 47 3.07,067 97 6.33,733. 48 3.11,733 98 6.36,456 48 3.12,667 98 6.38,361 48 3.13,600 98 6.40,2671 49 3.18,228 99 6.42,950 49 3.19,181 99 6.44,875 49 3.20,133 99 6.46,800 50 3.24,722 334Days. 50 3.25,694 1335Days 50 3.26,667.336Days. ONE YEAR. Prin. Interest. -Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 511 3.57,00 61 4.27,00 71 4.97,00 81 5.67,00 91 6.37,00 52 3.64,00 62 4.34,00 72 5.04,00 82 5.74,00 92 16.44,00) 53 3.71,00 1 63 4.41,00 73 15.11,00 83 5.81,00 93 16.51,00 54 13.78,00 64 4.48,00 1 74 5.18,00 84 5.88,00 94 6.58,00 55 3.85,00 65 4.55,00 75 5.25,00 85 5.95,00 95 16.65,00 56 3.92,00 66 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 86 6.02,00 96 6.72,00 57 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 77 5.39,00 87 6.09,00 97 6.79,00 58 4.06,00 68 4.76,00 78 5.46,00 88 6.16,00 98 6.86,00 59 4.13,00 169 4.83,00 [ 79 5.53,00 89 6.23,00 99 6.93,00 /6014.20,00 1 7014.9000 1 8015.60,00,90/6.30,00 1.., 1!25 -.. - I N T ER EST AT S E V E N P E R C E N T. 11 Months and 7 Days. 11 Months and 8 Days. 11 Months and 9 Days. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Intei est. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.06,553 51 3.34,192 1.06,572 51 3.35,183 1.06,592 51 3.36,175 2.13,106 52 3.40,744 2.13,144 52 3.41,756 2.13,183 52 3.42,767 3.19,658 53 3.47,297 3.19,717 53 3.48,328 3.19,775 53 3.49,358 4.26,211 54 3.53,850 4.26,289 54 3.54,900 4.26,367 54 3.55,950 5.32,764 55 3.60,403 5.32,861 55 3.61,472 5.32,958 55 3.62,542 6.39,317 56 3.66,956 6.39,433 56 3.68,044 6.39,550 56 3.69,133 7.45,869 57 3.73,508 7.46,006 57 3.74,617 7.46,142 57 3.75,725 8.52,422 58 3.80,061 8.52,578 58 3.81,189 8.52,733 58 3.82,317 9.58,975 59 3.86,614 9.59,150 59 3.87,761 9.59,325 59 3.88,908 10.65,528 60 3.93,167 10.65,722 60 3.94,333 10.65,917 60 3.95,500 11.72,081 61 3.99,719 11.72,294 61 4.00,906 11.72,508 61 4.02,092 12.78,633 62 4.06,272 12.78,867 62 4.07,478 12.79,100 62 4.08,683 13.85,186 63 4.12,825 13.85,439 63 4.14,050 13.85,692 63 4.15,275 14.91,739 64 4.19,378 14.92,011 64 4.20,622 14.92,283 64 4.21,867 15.98,292 65 4.25,931 15.98,583 65 4.27,194 15.98,875 65 4.28,458 16 1.04,844 66 4.32,483 16 1.05,156 66 4.33,767 16 1.05,467 66 4.35,050 17 1.11,397 67 4.39,036 17 1.11,728 67 4.40,339 17 1.12,058 67 4.41,642 18 1.17,950 68 4.45,589 18 1.18,300 68 4.46,911 18 1.18,650 68 4.48,233 19 1.24,503 69 4.52,142 19 1.24,872 69 4.53,483 19 1.25,242 69 4.54,825 20 1.31,056 70 4.58,694 20 1.31,444 70 4.60,056 20 1.31,833 70 4.61,417 21 1.37,608 71 4.65,247 21 1.38,017 71 4.66,628 21 1.38,425 71 4.68,008 22 1.44,161 72 4.71,800 22 1.44,589 72 4.73,200 22 1.45,017 72 4.74,600 23 1.50,714 73 4.78,353 23 1.51,161 73 4.79,772 23 1.51,608 73 4.81,192 24 1.57,267 74 4.84,906 24 1.57,733 74 4.86,344 24 1.58,200 74 4.87,783 25 1.63,819 75 4.91,458 25 1.64,306 75 4.92,917 25 1.64,792 75 4.94,375 26 1.70,372 76 4.98,011 26 1.70,878 76 4.99,489 26 1.71,383 76 5.00,967 27 1.76,925 77 5.04,564 27 1.77,450 77 5.06,061 27 1.77,975 77 5.07,558 28 1.83,478 78 5.11,117 28 1.84,022 78 5.12,633 28 1.84,567 78 5.14,150 29 1.90,031 79 5.17,669 29 1.9()0,594 79 5.19,206 29 1.91,158 79 5.20,742 30 1.961583 80 5.24,222 30 1.97,167 80 5.25,778 30 1.97,750 80 5.27,333 31 *2.03,136 81 5.30;775 31 2.03,739 81 5.32,350 31 2.04,342 81 5.33,925 32 2.09,689 82 5.37,328 32 2.10,311 82 5.38,922 32 2.10,933 82 5.40,517 33 2.16,242 83 5.43,881 33 2.16,883 83 5.45,494 33 2.17,525 83 5.47,108 34 2.22,794 84 5.50,433 34 2.23,456 84 5.52,067 34 2.24,117 84 5.53,700 35 2.29,347 85 5.56,986 35 2.30,028 85 5.58,639 35 2.30,708 85 5.60,292 36 2.35,900 86 5.63,539 36 2.36,600 86 5.65,211 36 2.37,300 86 5.66,883 37 2.42,453 87 5.70,092 37 2.43,172 87 5.71,783 37 2.43,892 87 5.73,475 38 2.49,006 88 5.76,644 38 2.49,744 88 5.78,356 38 2.50,483 88 5.80,061 39 2.55,558 89 5.83,197 39 2.56,317 89 5.84,928 39 2.57,075 89 5.86,658 40 2.62,111 90 5.89,750 40 2.62,889 90 5.91,500 40 2.63,667 90 5.93,250 41 2.68,664 91 5.96,303 41 2.69,461 91 5.98,072 41 2.70,258 91 5.99,842 42 2.75,217 92 6.02,856 42 2.76,033 92 6.04,644 42 2.76,850 92 6 069433 43 2.81,769 93 6.09,408 43 2.82,606 93 6.11,217 43 2.83,442 93 6.13,025 44 2.88,322 94 6.15,961 44 2.89,178 94 6.17,789 44 2.90,033 94 6.19,617 45 2.94,875 95 6.22,514 45 2.95,750 95 6.24$361 45 2.96,625 95 6.26,208 46 3.01,428 96 6.29,067 46 3.02,322 96 6.30,933 46 3.03,217 96 6.32,800 47 3.07,981 97 6.35,619 47 3.08,894 97 6.37,506 47 3.09,808 97 6.39,392 48 3.14,533 98 6.42,172 48 3.15,467 98 6.44,078 48 3.16,400 98 6.45 983 49 3.21,086 99 6.48,725 49 3.22,039 99 6.50,650 49 3.22,992 99 6.52,575' 50 3.27,639 337Days. 50 3.28,611 338 Days. 50 3.29,583 339Days. __T~ ON E YEAR. Prin.l Interest. Prin. Interest. Ptin. interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1 1.07,00 11.77,00 1121 1.47,00 1131 2.17,00 41 2.87,00 2.14,00 12.84,00. 22 1 1.54,00 32 2.24,00 42 1 2.94,00 3.21,00 13.91,00 23 1.61,00 1133 2.31,00 43 3.01,00 4.28,00 14.98,00 24 1 1.68,00 34 2.38,00 44 1 3.08,00 5.35,00 15 1 1.05,00 25 1 1.75,00 35 2.45,00 45 1 3.15,00 6.42,00 16 1 1.12,00 26 1.82,00 36 2.52,00 46 1 3.22,00 7.49,00 17 1.19,00 27 1 1.89,00 37 2.59,00 47 1 3.29,00 8.56,00 18 1 1.26,00 28 1 1.96,00 38 2.66,00 48 3.36,00 9.63,00 19 1.33,00 29 2.03,00 39 2.73,00 49 13.43,00 126] 110 1.70,00 120 1140,00 130 12.10,00 1140 12.80,00 1!50 13.50,00 -.. I - I -I - I I, i. i - i - i - m INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 11 FMonths and 10 Days. 11 MIonths and 11 Days. 11 Months and 12 Days, Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.06,611 51 3.37,167 1.069631 51 3.38,158 1.06,650 51 3.39,150 2.13,222 52 3.43,778 2.13,261 52 3.44,789 2.13,300 52 3.45,800 3.199833 53 3.50,389 3.19,892 53 3.51,419 3.19,950 53 3.52,450 4.26,444 54 3.57,000 4.26,522 54 3.58,050 4,.26,600 54 3.59,100 5.33,056 55 3.63,611 5.33,153 55 3.64,681 5.33,250 55 3.65,750 6.39,667 56 3.70,222 6.39,783 56 3.71,311 6.39,900 56 3.72,400 7.46,278 57 3.76,833 7.46,414 57 3.77,942 7.46,550 57 3.79,050 8.52,889 58 3.83,444 8.53,044 58 3.84,572 8.53,200 58 3.85,700 9.59,500 59 3.90,056 9.59,675 59 3.91,203 9.59,850 59 3.92,350 10.66,11 60 3.96,667 10.66,306 60 3.97,833 10.66,500 60 3.99,000 11.72,722 61 4.03,278 11.72,936 61 4.04,464 11.73,150 61 4.05,650 12.79,333 62 4.09,889 12.79,567 62 4.11,094 12.79,800 62 4.12,300 13.85,944 63 4.16,500 13.86,197 63 4.17,725 13.86,450 63 4.18,950 14.92,556 64 4.23,111 14.92,828 64 4.24,356 14.93,100 64 4.25,600 15.99,167 65 4.29,722 15.99,458 65 4.30,986 15.99,750 65 4.32,250 16 1.05,778 66 4.36,333 16 1.06,089 66 4.37,617 16 1.06,400 66 4.38,900 17 1.12,389 67 4.42,944 17 1.12,719 67 4.44,247 17 1.13,050 67 4.45,550 18 1.19,000 68 4.49,556 18 1.19,350 68 4.50,878 18 1.19,700 68 4.52,200 19 1.25,611 69 4.56,167 1 9 1.25,981 69 4.57,508 19 1.26,350 69 4.58,850 20 1.32,222 70 4.62,778 20 1.32,611 70 4.64,139 20 1.33,000 70 4.65,500 21 1.38,833 71 4.69,389 21 1.39,242 71 4.70,769 21 1.39,650 71 4.72,150 22 1.45,444 72 4.76,000 22 1.45,872 72 4.77,400 22 1.46,300 72 4.78,800 23 1.52,056 73 4.82,611 23 1.52,503 73 4.84,031 23 1.52,950 73 4.85,450 24 1.58,667 74 4.89,222 24 1.59,133 74 4.90,661 24 1.59,600 74 4.92,100 25 1.65,278 75 4.95,833 25 1.65,764 75 4.97,292 25 1.66,250 75 4.98,750 26 1.71,889 76 5.02,444 26 1.72,394 76 5.03,922 26 1.72,900 76 5.05,400 27 1.78,500 77 5.09,056 27 1.79,025 77 5.10,553 27 1.79,550 77 5.12,050 28 1.85,111 78 5.15,667 28 1.85,656 78 5.17,183 28 1.86,200 78 5. 18,700 29 1.91,722 79 5.22,278 29 1.92,286 79 5.23,814 29 1.92,850 79 5.25,350 30 1.98,333 80 5.28,889 30 1.98,917 80 5.30,444 30 1.99,500 80 5.32,000 31 2.04,944 81 5.35,500 31 2.05,547 81 5.37,075 31 2.06,150 81 5.38,650 32 2.11,556 82 5.42,111 32 2.12,178 82 5.43,706 32 2.12,800 82 5.45,300 33 2.18,167 83 5.48,722 33 2.18,808 83 5.50,336 33 2.19,450 83 5.51,950 34 2.24,778 84 5.55,333 34 2.25,439 84 5.56,967 34 2.26,100 84 5.58,600 35 2.31,389 85 5.61,944 35 2.32,069 85 5.63,597 35 2.32,750 85 5.65,250 36 2.38,000 86 5.68,556 36 2.38,700 86 5.70,228 36 2.39,400 86 5.71,900 37 2.44,611 87 5.75,167 37 2.45,331 87 5.76,858 37 2.46,050 87 5.78,550 38 2.51,222 88 5.81,778 38 2.51,961 88 5.83,489 38 2.52,700 88 5.85,200 39 2.57,833 89 5.88,389 39 2.58,592 89 5.90,119 39 2.59,350 89 5.91,850 40 2.64,444 90 5.95,000 40 2.65,222 90 5.96,750 40 2.66,000 90 5.98,500 41 2.71,056 91 6.01,611 41 2.71,853 91 6.03,381 41 2.72,650 91 6.05,150 42 2.77,667 92 6.08,222 42 2.78,483 92 6.10,011 42 2.79,300 92 6.11,800 43 2.84,278 93 6.14,833 43 2.85,114 93 6.16,642 43 2.85,950 93 6.18,450 44 2.90,889 94 6.21,444 44 2.91,744 94 6.23,272 44 2.92,600 94 6.25,100 45 2.97,500 95 6.28,056 45 2.98,375 95 6.29,903 45 2.99,250 95 6.31,750 46 3.04,111 96 6.34,667 46 3.05,006 96 6.36,533 46 3.05,900 96 6.38,400 47 3.10,722 97 6.41,278 47 3.11,636 97 6.43,164 47 3.12,550 97 6.45,050 48 3.17,333 98 6.47,889 48 3.18,267 98 6.49,794 48 3.19,200 98 6.51,700 49 3.23,944 99 6.54,500 49 3.24,897 99 6.56,425 49 3.25,850 99 6.58,350 50 3.30,556 3tODay s, 50 3.31,528 3~1Days. 50 3.32,500,342Days O N E Y E A R. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 3.57,00 6 1 4.27,00 71 4.97,00 81 1 5.67,00 91 6.37,00 52 3.64,00 62 4.34,00 72 5.04,00 82 5.74,00 92 6.44,00 53 3.71,00 63 4.41,00 73 5.11,00 83 5.81,00 93 6.51,00 54 3.78,00 64 4.48,00 74 5.18,00 84 5.88,00 94 6.58,00 55 3.85,00! 65 4.55,00 75 5.25,00 85 5.95,00 95 6.65,00 56 3.92,00 66 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 86 6.02,00 96 6.72,00 57 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 77 5.39,00 87 6.09,00 97 6.79,00 58 4.06,00 68 14.76,00 78 5.46,00 88 6.16,00 98 6.86,00 59 4.13,00 69 4.83,00 79 5.53,00 89 6.23,00 99 6.93,00 60 4.20)00 70 4:9),00 80 5.60,00 90 6.30,00 [ * __[712 INTEREST AT SEVEN P E R C E N T. 11 Months and 13 Days. 11 Months and 14 Days. 11 Ionths and 15 Days. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.06,669 51 3.40,142 1.06,689 51 3.41,133 1.06,708 51 3.42,125 2.13,339 52 -3.46,811 2.13,378 52 3.47,822 2.13,417 52 3.48,833 3.20,008 53 3.53,481 3.20,067 53 3.54,511 3.20,125 53 3.55,542 4.26,678 54 3.60,150 4.26,756 54 3.61,200 4.26,833 54 3.62,250 5.33,347 55 3.6(,819 5.33,444 55 3.67,889 5.33,542 55 3.68,958 6.40,017 56 3.73,489 6.40,133 56 3.74,578 6.40,250 56 3.75,667 7.46,686 57 3.80,158 7.46,822 57 3.81,267 7.46,958 57 3.82,375 8.53,356 58 3.86,828 8.53,511 58 3.87,956 8.53,667 58 3.89,083 9.60,025 59 3.9.3,497 9.60,200 59 3.94,644 9.60,375 59 3.95,792 10.66,694 60 4.00,167 10.66,889 60 4.01,333 10.67,083 60 4.02,500 11.73,364 61 4.06,836 11.73,578 61 4.08,022 11.73,792 61 4.09,208 12.80,033 62 4.13,506 12.80,267 62 4.14,711 12.80,500 62 4.15,917 13.86,703 63 4.20,175 13.86,956 63 4.21,400 13.87,208 63 4.22,625 14.93,372 64 4.26,844 14.93,644 64 4.28,089 14.93,917 64 4.29,333 15 1.00,042 65 4.33,514 15 1.00,333 65 4.34,778 15 1.00,625 65 4.36,042 16 1.06,711 66 4.40,183 16 1.07,022 66 4.41,467 16 1.07,333 66 4.42,750 17 1.13,381 67 4.46,853 17 1.13,711 67 4.48,156 17 1.14,042 67 4.49,458 18 1.20,050 68 4.53,522 18 1.20,400 68 4.54,844 18 1.20,750 68 4.56,167 19 1.26,719 69 4.60,192 19 1.27,089 69 4.61,533 19 1.27,458 69 4.62,875 20 1.33,389 70 4.66,861 20 1.33,778 70 4.68,222 20 1.34,167 70 4.69,583 21 1.40,058 71 4.73,531 21 1.40,467 71 4.74,911 21 1.40,875 71 4.76,292 22 1.46,728 72 4.80,200 22 1.47,156 72 4.81,600 22 1.47,583 72 4.83,000 23 1.53,397 73 4.86,869 23 1.53,844 73 4.88,289 23 1.54,292 73 4.89,708 24 1.60,067 74 4.93,539 24 1.60,533 74 4.94,978 24 1.61,000 74 4.96,417 25 1.66,736 75 5.00,208 25 1.67,222 75 5.01,667 25 1.67,708 75 5.03,125 26 1.73,406 76 5.06,878 26 1.73,911 76 5.08,356 26 1.74,417 76 5.09,833 27 1.80,075 77 5.13,547 27 1.80,600 77 5.15,044 27 1.81,125 77 5.16,542 28 1.86,744 78 5.20,217 28 1.87,289 78 5.21,733 28 1.87,833 78 5.23,250 29 1.93,414 79 5.26,886 29 1.93,978 79 5.28,422 29 1.94,542 79 5.29,958 30 2.00,083 80 5.33,556 30 2.00,667 80 5.35,111 30 2.01,250 80 5.36,667 31 2.06,753 81 5.40,225 31 2.07,356 81 5.41,800 31 2.07,958 81 5.43,375 32 2.13,422 82 5.46,894 32 2.14,044 82 5.48,489 32 2.14,667 82 5.50,083 33 2.20,092 83 5.53,564 33 2.20,733 83 5.55,178 33 2.21,375 83 5.56,792 34 2.26,761 84 5.60,233 34 2.27,422 84 5.61,867 34 2.28,083 84 5.63,500 35 2.33,431 85 5.66,903 35 2.34,111 85 5.68,5.56 35 2.34,792 85 5.70,208 36 2.40,100 86 5.73,572 36 2.40,800 86 5.75,244 36 2.41,500 86 5.76,917 37 2.46,769 87 5.80,242 37 2.47,489 87 5.81,933 37 2.48,208 87 5.83,625 38 2.53,439 88 5.86,911 38 2.54,178 88 5.88,622 38 2.54,917 88 5.90,333 39 2.60,108 89 5.93,581 39 2.60,867 89 5.95,311 39 2.61,625 89 5.97,042 40 2.66,778 90 6.00,250 40 2.67,556 90 6.02,000 40 2.68,333 90 6.03,750 41 2.73,447 91 6.06,919 41 2.74,244 91 6.08,689 41 2.75,042 91 6.10,458 42 2.80,117 92 6.13,589 42 2.80,933 92 6.15,378 42 2.81,750 92 6.17,167 43 2.86,786 93 6.20,258 43 2.87,622 93 6.22,067 43 2.88,458 93 6.23,875 44 2.93,456 94 6.26,928 44 2.94,311 94 6.28,756 44 2.95,167 94 6.30,583 45 3.00,125 95 6.33,597 45 3.01,000 95 6.35,444 45 3.01,875 95 6.37,292 46 3.06,794 96 6.40,267 46 3.07,689 96 6.42,133 46 3.08,583 96 6.44,000 47 3.13,464 97 6.46,936 47 3.14,378 97 6.48,822 47 3.15,292 97 6.50,708 48 3.20,133 98 6.53,606 48 3.21,067 98 6.55,511 48 3.22,000 98 6.57,417 49 3.26,803 99 6.60,275 49 3.27,756 99 6.62,200 49 3.28,708 99 6.64,125 50 3.33,472 343DayS.= 50 3.34,444 3I4 Days. 50 3.35,417 34 5ays. _ ONE YEAR. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin.l Interest. rin. Interest. 1.07,00 11.77,00 21 1.47,00 31 2.17,00 4 1 2.87,00 2.14,00 121.84,00 22 1.54,00 32 2.24,00 42 ]2.94,00 3.21,00 13.91,00 i23 1 1.61,00 33 1 2.31,00 43 13.01,00 4.28,00 14.98,00 24 1.68,00 / 34 12.38,00 44 13.08,00 5.35,00 1 5 11.05,00 25 1.75,00 1 35 12.45,00 45 13.15,00 6.42,00 16 1.12,00 261 1.82,00 11 36 / 2.52,00 46 1-3.22,00 7.49,00 17 1.19,00 27 1.89,00 37 12.59,00 417 3.29,00 8.56,00 18 1.26,00 28 1.96,00 11 38 12.66,00 48 13.36,00 9.63,00 1 19 1.33,00 291 2.03,00 39 12.73,00 49 13.43,00 128] {/10.70,00 1 20 - 1.40,00 130 2.10,00 1/40 1 2.80,00 50 13.50,00 INTEREST AT SE VEN PER CENT. I IMonths and 16 Days. 11 Mlonths and 17 Days._ 11 months and 18 Days. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. prin. Interest. Prin.. Interest. 1.06,728 51 3.43,117 1.06,747 51 3.44,108 1.06,767 51 3.45,100 2.13,456 52 3.49,844 2.13,494 52 3.50,856 2.13,533 52 3.51,867 3.20,183 53 3.56,572 3.20,242 53 3.57,603 3.20,300 53 3.58,633 4.26,911 54 3.63,300 4.26,989 54 3.64,350 4.27,067 54 3.65,400 5.33,639 55 3.70,028 5.33,736 55 3.71,097 5.33,833 55 3.72,167 6.40,367 H56 3.76,756 6.40,483 56 3.77,844 6.40,600.56 3.78,933 7.47,094 57 3.83,483 7.47,231 57 3.84,592 7.47,367 57 3.85,700 8.53,822 58 3.90,211. 8.53,978 58 3.91,339 8.54,133 58 3.92,467 9.60,550 59 3.96,939 9.60,725 59 3.98,086 9.60,900 59 3.99,233 10.67,278 60 4.03,667 10.67,472 60 4.04,833 10.67,667 60 4.06,000 11.74,006 61 4.10,394 11.74,219 61 4.11,581 11.74,433 61 4.12,767 12.80,733 62 4.17,122 12.80,967 62 4.18,328 12.81,200 - 62 4.19,533 13.87,461 63 4.23,850 13.87,714 63 4.25,075 13.87,967 63 4.26,300 14.94,189 64 4.30,578 14.94,461 64 4.31,822 14.94,733 64 4.33,067 15 1.00,917 65 4.37,306 15 1.01,208 65 4.38,569 15 1.01,500 65 4.39,833 16 1.07,644 66'4.44,033 16 1.07,956 66 4.45,317 16 1.08,267 66 4.46,600 17 1.14,372 67 4.50,761 17 1.14,703 67 4.52,064 17 1.15,033 67 4.53,367 18 1.21,100 68 4.57,489 18 1.21,450 68 4.58,811 18 1.21,800 68 4.60,133 19 1.27,828 69 4.64,217 19 1.28,197 69 4.65,558 19 1.28,567 69 4.66,900 20 1.34,556 70 4.70,944 20 1.34,944 70 4.72,306 20 1.35,333 70 4.73,667 21 1.41,283 71 4.77,672 21 1.41,692 71 4.79,053 21 1.42,100 71 4.80,433 22 1.48,011 72 4.84,400 22 1.48,439 72 4.85,800 22 1.48,867 72 4.87,200 23 1.54,739 73 4.91,128 23 1.55,186 73 4.92,547 23 1.55,633 73 4.93,967 24 1.61,467 74 4.97,856 24 1.61,933 74 4.99,294 24 1.62,400 74 5.00,733 25 1.68,194 75 5.04,583 25 1.68,681 75 5.06,042 25 1.69,167 75 5.07,500 26 1.74,922 76 5.11,311 26 1.75,428 76 5.12,789 26 1.75,933 76 5.14,267 27 1.81,650 77 5.18,039 27 1.82,175 77 5.19,536 27 1.82,700 77 5.21,033 28 1.88,378 78 5.24,767 28 1.88,922 78 5.26,283 28 1.89,467 78 5.275,800 29 1.95,106 79 5.31,494 29 1.95,669 79 5.33,031 29 1.96,233 79 5.34,567 30 2.01,833 80 5.38,222 30 2.02,417 80 5.39,778 30 2.03,000 80 5.41,333 31 2.08,561 81 5.44,950 31 2.09,164 81 5.46,525 31 2.09,767 81 5.48,100 32 2.15,289 82 5.51,678 32 2.15,911 82 5.53,272 32 2.16,533 82 ]5.54,867 33 2.229017 83 5.58,406 33 2.22,658 83 5.60,019 33 2.23,300 83 5.61,633 34 2.28,744 84 5.65,133 34 2.29,406 84 5.66,767 34 2.30,067 84 5.68,400 35 2.35,472 85 5.71,861 35 2.36,153 85 5.73,514 35 2.36,833 85 5.75,167 36 2.42,200 86 5.78,589 36 2.42,900 86 5.80,261 36 2.43,600 86 5.81,933 37 2.48,928 87 5.85,317 37 2.49,647 87 5.87,008 37 2.50,367 87 5.88,700 38 2.55,656 88 5.92,044 38 2.56,394 88 5.93,756 38 2.57,133 88 5.95,467 39 2.62,383 89 5.98,772 39 2.63,142 89 6.00,503 39 2.63,900 89 6.02,233 40 2.69,111 90 6.05,500 40 2.69,889 90 6.07,250 40 2.70,667 90 6.09,000 41 2.75,839 91 6.12,228 41 2.76,636 91 6.13,997 41 2.77,433 91 6.15,767 42 2.82,567 92 6.18,956 42 2.83,383 92 6.20,744 42 2.84,200 192 6.22,533 43 2.89,294 93 6.25,683 43 2.90,131 93 6.27,492 43 2.90,967 93 6.29,300 44 2.96,022 94 6.32,411 44 2.96,878 94 6.34,239 44 2.97,733 94 6.36,067 45 3.02,750 95 6.39,139 45 3.03,625 95 6.40,986 45 3.04,500 95 6.42,833 46 3.09,478 96 6.45,867 46 3.10,372 96 6.47,733 46 3.11,267 96 6.49,600 47 3.16,206 97 6.52,594 47 3.17,119 97 6.54,481 47 3.18,033 97 6.56,367 48 3.22,933 98 6.59,322 48 3.23,867 98 6.61,228 48 3.24,800 98 6.63,133 49 3. 29,661 99 6.66,050 49 3.30,614 99 6.67,975 49 3.31,567 99 6.69,900 50 3.36,389 34Dy 50 3.37,361 347 Days 50 3.38,333 348Bay ONE YEAR. Prin. Interest. Prin. Iterest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 3.57,00 61 4.27,00 71 4.97,00 81 5.67,00 91 6.37,00 52 3.64,00 62 4.34,00 72 5.04,00 82 5.74,00 92 6.44,00 53 3.71,00 63 4.41,00 73 5.11,00 83 5.81,00 93 6.51,00 54 3.78,00 64 4.48,00 74 5.18,00 84 5.88,00 94 6.58,00 55 3.85,00 65 4.55,00 75 5.25,00 8 5.95,00 95 6.65,00 56 3.92,00 66 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 86 6.02,00 96 6.72,00 57 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 77 5.39,00 87 6.09,00 97 6.79,00 58 4.06,00 68 4.76,00 78 5.46,00 88 6.16,00 98 6.86,00 59 4.13,00 69 4.83,00 79 5.53,00 89 6.23,00 99 6.93,00 60 4.20,00 70 4.90,00 80 5.60,00 90 6.30,00 __ ______ l29 INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 11 MIonths and 19 Days. 11 Months and 20 Days. 11 MIonths and 21 Days. L'rin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Ilterest, Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.06,786 51:3.46,092 1.06,806 51 3.47,083 1.06,825 51 3.48,075 2.13,572 b2 3.52,878 2.13,611 52 3.53,889 2.13,650 52 3.54,900 3.20,358 53 3.59,664 3.20,417 53 3.60,694 3.20,475 53 3.619725 4.27,144 54 3.66,450 4.27,222 54 3.67,500 4.27,300 54 3.68,550 5.33,931 55 3.73,236 5.34,028 55 3.74,306 5.34,125 55 3.759375 6.40,717 56 3.80,022 6.40,833 56 3.81,111 6.40,950 56 3.82,200 7.47,503 57 3.86,808 7.47,639 57 3.87,917 7.47,775 57 3.89,025 8.54,289 58 3.93,594 8.54,444 58 3.94,722 8.54,600 58 3.95,850 9.61,075 59 4.00,381 9.61,250 59 4.01,528 9.61,425 59 4.02,675 10.67,861 60 4.07,167 10.68,056 60 4.08,333 10.68,250 60 4.09,500 11.74,647 61 4.13,953 11.74,861 61 4.15,139 11.75,075 61 4.16,325 12.81,433 62 4.20,739 12.81,667 62 4.21,944 12.81,900 62 4.23,150 13.88,219 63 4.27,525 13.88,472 63 4.28,750 13.88,725 63 4.29,975 14.95,006 64 4.34,311 14.95,278 64 4.35,556 14.95,550 64 4.36,800 15 1.01,792 65 4.41,097 15 1.02,083 65 4.42,361 15 1.02,375 65 4.43,625 16 1.08,578 66 4.47,883 16 1.08,889 66 4.49,167 16 1.09,200 66 4.50,450 17 1.15,364 67 4.54,669 17 1.15,694 67 4.55,972 17 1.16,025 67 4.57,275 18 1.22,150 68 4.61,456 18 1.22,500 68 4.62,778 18 1.22,850 68 4.64,100 19 1.28,936 69 4.68,242 19 1.29,306 69 4.69,583 19 1.29,675 69 4.70,925 20 1.35,722 70 4.75,028 20 1.36,111 70 4.76,389 20 1.36,500 70 4.77,750 21 1.42,508 71 4.81,814 21 1.42,917 71 4.83,194 21 1.43,325 71 4.84,575 22 1.49,294 72 4.88,600 22 1.49,722 72 4.90,000 22 1.50,150 72 4.91,400 23 1.56,081 73 4.95,386 23 1.56,528 73 4.96,806 23 1.56,975 73 4.98,225 24 1.62,867 74 5.02,172 24 1.63,333 74 5.03,611 24 1.63,800 74 5.05,050 25 1.69,653 75 5.08,958 25 1.70,139 75 5.10,417 25 1.70,625 75 5.11,875 26 1.76,439 76 5.15,744 26 1.76,944 76 5.17,222 26 1.77,450 76 5.18,700 27 1.83,225 77 5.22,531 27 1.83,750 77 5.24,028 27 1.84,275 77 5.25,525 28 1.90,011 78 5.29,317 28 1.90,556 78 5.30,833 28 1.91,100 78 5.32,350 29 1.96,797 79 5.36,103 29 1.97,361 79 5.37,639 29 1.97,925 79 5.39,175 30 2.03,583 80 5.42,889 30 2.04,167 80 5.44,444 30 2.04,750 80 5.46,000 31 2.10,369 81 5.49,675 31 2.10,972 81 5.51,250 31 2.11,575 81 5.52,825 32 2.17,156 82 5.56,461 32 2.17,778 82 5.58,056 32 2.18,400 82 5.59,650 33 2.239942 83 5.63,247 33 2.24,583 83 5.64,861 3312.25,225 83 5.66,475 34 2.30,728 84 5.70,033 34 2.31,389 84 5.71,667 34 2.32,050 84 5.73,300 35 2.37,514 85 5.76,819 35 2.38,194 85 5.78,472 35 2.38,875 85 5.80,125 36 2.44,300 86 5.83,606 36 2.45,000 86 5.85,278 36 2.45,700 86 5.86,950 37 2.51,086 87 5.90,392 37 2.51,806 87 5.92,083 37 2.52,525 87 5.93,775 38 2.57,872 88 5.97,178 3812.58,611 88 5.98,889 3812.59,350 88 6.00,600 39 2.64,658 89 6.03,964 39 2.65,417 89 6.05,694 39 2.66,175 89 6.07,425 40 2.71,444 90 6.10,750 40 2.72,222 90 6.12,500 40 2.73,000 90 6.14,250 41 2.78,231 91 6.17,536 41 2.79,028 91 6.19,306 41 2.79,825 91 6.21,075 42 2.85,017 92 6.24,322 42 2.85,833 92 6.26,111 42 2.86,650 92 6.27,900 43 2.91,803 93 6.31,108 43 2.92,639 93 6.32,917 43 2.93,475 93 6.34,725 44 2.98,589 94 6.37,894 44 2.99,444 94 6.39,722 44 3.00,300 94 6.41,550 45 3.05,375 95 6.44,681 45 3.06,250 95 6.46,528 45 3.07,125 95 6.48,375 46 3.12,161 96 6.51,467 46 3.13,056 96 6.53,333 4613.13,950 96 6.55,200 47 3.189947 97 6.58,253 47 3.19,861 97 6.60,139 47 3.20,775 97 6.62,025 48 3.25,'733 98 6.65,039 48 3.26,667 98 6.66,944 48 3.27,600 98 6.68,850 49 3.32,519 99 6.71,825 49 3.33,472 99 6.73,750 4913.34,425 99 6.75,675 50 3.39,306 39 Days._ 50 3.40,278 13soDays 50 3.41,250 35L Days. _ ONE YEAR. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1 1.07,00 11.77,00 21 1.47,00 31 2.17,00 41 2.87,00 2.14,00 12.84,00 22 1.54,00 32 2.24,00 42 2.94,00 3.21,00 13.91,00 23 11.61,00 33 2.31,00 431 3.01,00 4.28,00 14.98,00 24 1.68,00 [34 2.38,00 44 3.08,00 5.35,00 15 1.05,00 25 1.75,00 35 2.45,00 45 3.15,00 -6 l.42,00 16 11.12,00 26 1.82,00 36 2.52,00. 46 3.22,00 7.49,00 17 1.19,00 27 1.89,00 37 12.59,00 47 13.29,00 8.56,00 181 1.26,00 28 1.96,00 [ 38 2.66,00 48 3.36,00 9.63,00 19 l 1.33,00 29 2.03,00 392.73,00 392.73,00 49 13.43,00 30] [10.70,00 20 1.40,00 11130 2.10,00 1 40 12.80,00 1150 3.50,00 m m _ _ - __ INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 11ii Months and 22 Days. 11 Months and 23 Days. 11 Months and 24 Days. Prin. Interest, Prin Interest. rin. Iterest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. [res.'Interest. 1.06,844 51 3.49,067 1.06,864 51 3.50,058 1.06,883 51 3.51,050 2.13,689 52 3.55,911, 2.13,728 52 3.56,922 2.13,767 52) 3.57, 933 3.20,533 53 3.62,756 3.20,592 53, 363,786 3.20,650 53 3.64'817 4.27,378 54 3.69,600 4.27,456 54 3.70,650 4.27,533 54 3.71,700 5.34,222 55 &3.i76,444 5.34,319 55 3.77,514 5.34,417 55 3.78,583 6.41,067 56 3.83,289 6.41,183 56 3.84;378 6.41,300 56 3.85,467 7.47,911 57 3.90,133 7.48,047 57- 3.91,242 7.48,1-8, 57 3.92)350 8.54,756 58 3.96,978 8.54,911 58 3.98,106 8.55,067 58: 3.99,233 9.61,600 59 4.03,822:9.61,775 59 4.04,969 9.61,950 59 4.06,117 10.68,444 60 4.10,667 10il.68,639 60 4.11,833 10.68,833 60 4.13,000 11.75,289 61 -4.17,511 11,.75,503 61 4.18,697 11.75,717 61 4.19,883 12.82,133 62 4.24,356 -1Q2.82,367 62 4.25,561 12.82,600 62 4.26,767 13.88,978 63 4;31,200 13.89,231 63 4.32,425[ 13.89,483 63 4.33,650 14.95,822 64;- 4.38,044 14.96,094 64 4.39,289 14.96,367 64 4.40,533 15 1.02,667 65 4.44,889 15 1.02,958 65 4.46,153 15 1.0o3,250 65 4.47,417 16 1.09,511 66. 4.51,733 16 1.09,822 66 4.53,017 16 1.10,133 66 4.54,300 17 1. 16356 67, 4.58,578 17 1.16,686 67 4.59,881 17 1.17017 67 4.61,183 18; 1.23,200) 68 4.65,422 18 1.23,550 68 4.66,744 18 1.2:3;900 68 4.68,067 19 1.30,044 69 4.72,267 19 1.30,414 69 4.73,608 19 1.30,783 69 4.74,950 20 1.36,889 70 4.79,1111 20 1.37,278 70 4.80,472 20 1.37,667 970 4.81,833 21 1.43,733 71 4.85,956 21 1.44,142 71 4.87,336 21 1.44,550 71 4.88,717 22 1.50,578 72[ 4.92,800 22 1.51,006 72 4.94,200 22 1.51,433 72 4.95,600 23 1.57,422 73 1 4.99,644 23 1.57,869 73 5.01,064 23 1.58,317 73- 5.02,483 24 1.64,267 74 5.06,489 24 1.64,733 74 5.07,928 24 1.65,200 74 5.09,367 25 1.71,111 75 |5.13,333 25 1.71,597 75 5.14,792 25 1.72,083 -75 5.16,250 26 1.77,956 76| 5.20,178 26 1.78,461 76 5.21,656 26 1.78,967 76. 5.23,1:33 27 1.84;s00 77 5.27,022 27 1.85,325 77 5.28,519 27 1.8-5;850 77: 5.30,017 28 1.91,644 78 5.33,867 28 1.92,189 78 5.35,383 28 1.92,733 78 5.36,900 29 1.98,489 79 5.40,711 29 1.99,053 79 5.42,247 29 1.99,6917 79 5.43,783 30 2.05;333 80 5.47,556 30 2.05,917 80 5.49,111 30 2.06,500 80 5.530,667 31 2.12,1178 81 5.54,400 31 2.12,781'81 -5.55,975 31 2.13,383 81 5.57,550 32 2.19,022 82- 5.61,244 32 2.19,644 82 5.62,839'32 2.20,267 -82 5.64,433 33 2.25,867 83[ 5.68,089 33 2.26,508 83 5.69,703 33 2.27,150 83 5.71,317 34 12.32,711 84 5.74,933 34 2.33,372 84; 5.76,567 34 2.34,039 84 5.78,200 35 12.39,556 85 5.81,778 35 2.40,236 85- 5.83,431 35 2.40,917 85 5.85,0831 36 )2.46,400 86 5.88,622 36 2.47,100 86 5.90,294 36 2.47;800 86 65.91,967 37 2.53,244 87 5.95,467 37 2..53,964 87 5.97,158 37 2.54,683 87 5.98,850 38 2.60,089 88 6.02,311 38 2.60,828 88 6.04,022 38 2.61,567 88 6.05,733 39 (2.66,933 89 6.09,156 39 2.67,692 89 6.10,886'39 2.68,450 89 6.12,617 40 12.73,778 90 6.16,000 40 2.74,556 90 6.17,750 40 2.75;333 90 6.19,500 41 2.80,622 91 6.22,844 41 2.81,419 91 6.24,614 41 2.82,217 91 6.26,383 42 12.87,467 92 6.29,689 42 2.,88,283 92 6.31,478 42 2.89,100 -2 6.33,267 43 ]2.94,311 93 6.36,533 43 2.95,147 93 6.38;342 43 2.95,983 9-3 6.40,150 44f 3.01,156 94 6.43,378 44 3.02,011 94 6.45,206 44 3.02,867 94 6.47,033 45 |3.08,000 95z 6.50,222 45 3.08,875 95 6.52,069- 45 3.09,750 95 6.53,917 46 3.14,844 96t 6.57,067 46 3.15,739 96 6.58,933 46 3.16,633 96 6.60,800 47 3.21,689 97 6.63,911 47 3.22,603 97 6.65,797J 47 3.23,517 97 6.67,683 48 3.28,533 98- 6.70,756 48 3.29,467 98 6.72,661 48 3.30,400 98 6.74,567 49 3.35,378 99 6.77,600 49 3.36,331 99 6.79,525 49 3.37,283 99 6.81,450 50 3.42,222 352Days. 50 3.43,194 353Days. 50 3.44,167 35IDay _ ONE YEAR. Prii. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. interest. Prin. nterest. Prin. Interest. 51 3.57,00 6114.27,00 7114.97,00 81 5.67,00 91 6.37,00 52 3.64,00 62 4.34,00 72 5.04,00 82 5.74,00 92 6.44,00 53 3.71,00 63 4.41,00 73 5.11,00 83 5.81,00 -93 6.51,00 54- 3.78,00 64 4.48,00 74 5.18,00 84 5.88,00 94 6.58,00 55 3.85,00 65 - 4.55,00 75 5.25,00 85 5.95,00 95 6.65,00 566 3.92,00 66 4.62,00 76 5.32,00 86 6.02,00 96 6.72,00 57 | 3.99,00 67 4.69,00 77 5.39,00 87 6.09,00 97 6.79 00 58 4.06,00 68 4.76,00 78 5.46,00 88 6.16,00 98 6.86,00 59 4.13,00 69 4.83,00 79 5.53,00 89 6.23,000,0 99 6.93,00 1 i 60 4.20,00 70 4.90,00 80 5.60,00 90 6.30,00 Ii i~i. i I ~i I N TER EST AT SEVEN P:ER CENT. 11 Months and 25 Days. 11 Months and 26 Days. 11 Months and 27 Days. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. PPrin. Inteiest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.06,903 51 3.52,042 1 06,922 51 3.53,033 1 06,942 51 3.54,025 2.13,806 52 3.58,944 2.13,844 52 3.59,956 2.13,883 52 3.60,967 3.20,708 53 3.65,847 3.20,767 53 3.66,878 3.20,825 53 3.67908 4.27,6111 54 3.72,750 4.27,689 54 3.739800 4.27,767 54 3.74,850 65.34,514 55 3.79,653 5,34,611 55 3.80,722 5.34,708 55 3.81,792 6.41,417 56 3.86,556 6.41,533 56 3.87,644 6.41,650 56 3'.88,733 7..48,319 57 3.93,458 7.48,456 57 3'.94,567 7.48592 57 3.95,675 8.55,222 58 4.00,361 8.55,378 58 4.01,489 8.55,533 58 4.02,617 9.62,125 59 4.07,264 9.62,300 59 4.08,411 9.62,475 59 4.09,558 10.69,028 60 4.14,167 10.69,222 60 4.15,333 10.69,417 60 4.16,500 11.75,931 61 4.21,069 -11.76,144 61 4.22,256 11.76,358 61 4.23,442 12.82,833 62 4.27,972 12.83,067 62 4.29,178; 12.83,300 62 4.30,383 13.89,736 63 4.34,875 13.89,989 63 4.36,100 13.90,242 63 4.37,325 14.96,639 64 4.41,778 14.96,911 64 4.43,022 14.97,183 64 4.44,267 15 1.03,542 65 4.48,681 15 1.03,833 65 4.49,944 15 1.04,125 65 4.51,208 16 1.10,444 66 4.55,583 16 1.10,756 66 4.56,867 16 1.11,067 66 4.58,150 17 1.17,347 67 4.62,486 17 1.17,678 67 4.63,789 17 1.18,008 67 4.65,092 18 1.24,250 68 4.69,389 18 1.24,600 68 4.70,711 18 1.24,950 68 4.72,033 19 1.31 153 69 4.76,292 19 1.31,522 69 4.77,633. 19 1.31,892 69 4.78,975 20 1.38,056 70 4.83,194 20 1.38,444 70 4.84,556 20 1.38,833 70 4.85,917 21 1.44,958 71 4.90,097 21 1.45,367 71 4.91,478 21 1.45,775 71 4.92,858 22 1.51,861 72 4.97,000 22 1.52,289 72 4.98,400 22 1.52,717 72 4.99,800 23 1.58,764 73 5.03,903 23 1.59,211 73 5.05,322 23 1.59,658 73 5.06,742 24 1.65,667 74 5.10,806 24 1.66,133 74 5.12,244 24 1.66,600 74 5.13,683 25 1.72,569 75 5.17,708 25 1.73,056 75 5.19,167 25 1.73,542 75 5.20,625 26 1.79,472 76 5.24,611 26 1.79,978 76 5.26,089 26 1.80,483 76 5.27,5671 27 1.86,375 77 5.31,514 27 1.86,900 77 5.33,011 27 1.87,425 77 5.34,508 28 1.93,278 78 5.38,417 28 1.93,822 78 5.39,933 28 1.94,367 78 5.41,450 29 2.00,181 79 5.45,319 29 2.00,744 79 5.46,856 29 2.01,308 79 5.48,392 30 2.07,083 80 5.52,222 30 2.07,667 80 5.53,778 30 2.08,250 80 5.55,333 31 2.13,986 81 5.59,125 31 2.14,589 81 5.60,700 31 2.15,192 81 5.62,275 32 2.20,889 82 5.66,028 32 2.21,511 82 5.67,622 32 2.22,133 82 5.69,217 33 2.27,792 83 5.72,931 33 2.28,433 83 5.74,544 33 2.29,075 83 5.76,158 34 2.34,694 84 5.79,833 34 2.35,356 84 5.81,467 34 2.36,017 84 5.83,100 35 2.41,597 85 5'.86,736 35 2.42,278 85 5.88,389 35 2.42,958 85 5.90,042 36 2.48,500 86 5.93,639 36 2.49,200 86 5.95,311 36 2.49,900 86 5.96,983 37 2.55,403 87 6.00,542 37 2.56,122 87 6.02,233 37 2.56,842 87 6.03,925 38 2.62,306 88 6.07,444 38 2.63,044 88 6.09,156 38 2.63,783 88 6.10,867 39 2.69,208 89 6.14,347 39 2.69,967 89 6.16,078 39 2.70,725 89 6.17,808 40 2.76,111 90 6.21,250 40 2.76,889 90 6.23.000 40 2.77,667 90 6.24,750 41 2.83,014 91 6.28,153 41 2.83,811 91 6.29,922 41 2.84,608 91 6.31,692 42 2.89,917 92 6.35,056 42 2.90,733 92 6.36,844 42 2.91,550 92 6.38,633 43 2.96,819 93 6.41,958 43 2.97,656 93 6.43,767 43 2.98,492 93 6.45,575 44 3.03,722 94 6.48,861 44 3.04,578 94 6.50,689 44 3.05,433 94 6.52,517 45 3.10,625 95 6.55,764 45 3.11,500 95 6.57,611 45 3.1'2,375 95 6.59,458 46 3.17,528 96 6.62,667 46'3.18,422 96 6.64,533 46 3.19,317 96 6.66,400 47 3.24,431 97 6.69,569 47 3.25,344 97 6.71,456 47 3.26,258 97 6.73,342 48 3.31,333 -98 6.76,472 48 3.32,267 98 6.78;378 48 3.33,200 98 6.80,283 49 3.38,236 99 6.83,375 49 3.39,189 99 6.85,300 49 3.40,142 99 6.87,225 50 3.45,139 355Days. 50 6,111 50 3.47111083 35Days. __ ONE YE-AR. Prin. Interest. IPrin Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.07,00 11.77,00 21 1.47,00 131 2.17,00 41 2.87,00 2.14,00 12.84,00 22 1i.54,00 32 2.24,00 42 2.94,00 3.21,00 1[131.91,00 23 11.61,00:'"33 2.31,00 43 3.01,00 4.28,00 14.98,00 24 11.68',00' 1:34 2.38,00 44 3.08,00 5.35,00 15 1.05,00 25 1.75,00;35 12.45,00 45 3.15,00 6.42,00 16 1.12,00 26 1.82.00 ]i36 2.52,00 46 3.22,00 7.49,00 17 1.19,00 |27 1.89,00 37 2.5900 47 3.29,00 81.56,00 18 1.26,00 128 1.96,00 138' 2.66,00 48 3.36,00 9.63,00 19 1.33-00 1 29 12.0300 39 1 2.73,00 1 49 3.43,00 /"~3 110.70,00,/ 20 1.40,00 /-30 2.10,00 1140 1 2.80,00 5013.50,00 INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 11 Months and 28 Days. 11 Months and 29 Days, 1 YEAR, P ri Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin Interest Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.06,961 51 3.55,017 1.06,981 51 3.56,008 1.07,000 51 3.57,000 2.13,922 52 3.61,978 2.13,961 52 3.62,989 2.14,000 52 3.64,000 3.20,883 53 3.68,939 3.20,942:53 3.69,969 3.21,000 53 3.71,000 4.27,844 54 3.75,900 4.27,922 54 3.76,950 4.28,000 54 3.78,000 5.34,806 55 3.82,861 5.34,903 55 3.83,931 5.35,000 55 3.85,000 6.41,767 56 3.89,822 6.41,883 - 56 3.90,911 6.42,000 56 3.92,000 7.48,728 57 3.96,783 7.48,864 57 3.97,892: 7.49,000 57 3.99,000 8.55,689 58 4.03,744 8.55,844 58 4.04,872 8.56,000 58 4.06,000 9.62,650 59 4.10,706 9.62,825 59 4.11,853 9.63,000 59 4.13,000 10.69,611 60 4.17,667 10.69,806 60 4.18,833 10.70,000 60 4.20,000 11.76,572 61 4.24,628 11.76,786 61 4.25,814 11.77.000 61 4.27,000 12.83,533 62 4.31,589 12.83,767 62 4.32,794 12.84,000 62 4.34,000 13.90,494 63 4.38,550 13.90,747 63 4.39,775 13.91,000 63 4.41,000 14.97,456 64 4.45,511 14.97,728 64 4.46,756 14.98,000 64 4.48,000 15 1.04,417 65 4.52,472 15 1.04,70:8 65 4.53,736 15 1.05,000 65 4.55,000 16 1.11,378 66 4.59,433 16 1.11,689 66 4.60,717 16 1.12,000 66 4.62,000 17 1.18,339 67 4.66,394 17 1.18,669 67 4.67,697 17 1.19,000 67 4.69,000 18 1.25,300 68 4.73,356 18 1.25,650 68 4.74,678 18 1.26,000 68 4.76,000 19 1.32)261 69 4.80,317 19 1.32,631 69!::4.81,658 19 1.33,000 69 4.83,000 20 1.39.222 70 4.87,278 20 1.39,611 70 4.88,639 20 1.40,000 70 4.90,000 21 1.46,183 71 4.94,239 21 1.46,592 71 4.95,619 21 1.47,000 71 4.97,000 22 1.53,144 72 5.01,200 22 1.53,572 72 5.02,600 22 1.54,000 72 5.04,000 23 1.60,106 73 5.08,161 23 1.60,553 73 5.09,581 23 1.61,000 73 5.11,000 24 1.67,067 74 5.15,122 24 1.67,533 74 5.16,561 24 1.68,000 74 5.18,000 25 1.74,028 75 5.22,083 25 1:.74,514 75 5.23,542 25 1.75,000 75 5.25,000 26 1.80,989 76 5.29,044 26 1.81,494 76 5.30,522 26 1.82,000 76 5.32,000 27 1.87,950 77 5.36,006 27 1.88,475 77 5.37,503 27 1.89,000 77 5.39,000 28 1.943911 78 5.42,967 28 1.95,456 78 -5.44,483 28 1.96,000 78 15.46,000 29 2.01,872 79 5.49,928 29 2.02,436 79 5.51,464 29 2.03,000 79 5.53,000 30 2.08,833 80 5.56,889 30 2.09,417 80 5.58,444 30 2.10,000 80 5.60,000 31 2.15,794 81 5.63,850 31 2.16,397 81 5.65,425 31 2.17,000 -81 5.67,000 32 2.22,756 82 5.70,811 32 2.23,378 82 5.72.406 32 2.24,000 82 5.74,000 33 2.29,717 83 5.77,772 33 2.30,358 83 5.79,386 33 2.31,000 83 5.81,000 34 2.36,678 84 5.84,733 34 2.37,339 84 5.86,367 34 2.38,000 84 5.88,000 35 2.43,639 85 5.91,694 35 2.44,319 85 5.93,347 35 2.45,000 85 5.95,000 36 2.50,600 86 5.98,656 36 2.51,300 86 6.00,328 36 2.52,000 86 6.02,000 37 2.57,561 87 6.05,617 37 2.58,281 87 6.07,308 37 2.59,000 87 6.09,000 38 2.64,522 88 6.12,578 38 2.65,261 88 6.14,289 38 2.66,000 88 6.16,000 39 2.71,483 89 6.19,539 39 2.72,242 89 6.21,269 39 2.73,000 89 6.23,000 40 2.78,444 90 6.26,500 40 2.79,222 90 6.28,250 40 2.80,000 90 6.30,000 41 2.85,406 91 6.33,461 41 2.86,203 91 6.35,231 41 2.87,000 91 6.37,000 42 2.92,367 92 6.40,422 42 2.93,183 92 6.42,211 42 2.94,000 92 6.44,000 43 2.99,328 93 6.47,383 43 3.00,164 93 6,.49,192 43 3.01,000 93 6.51,000 44 3.06'289 94 6.54,344 44 3.07,144 94 i6.56,172 44 3.08,000 94 6.58,000 45 3.13,250 95 6.61,306 45 3.14,125 95 6.63,153 45 3.15,000 95 6.65,000 46 3.20,211 96 6.68,267 46 3.21,106 96 6.70,133 46 3.22,000 96 6.72,000 47 3.27,172 97 6.75,228 47 3.28,086 97 6.77,114 47 3.29,000 97 6.79,000 48 3.34,133 98 6.82,189 48 3.35,067 98 6.84,094 48 3.36,000 98 6.86,000 49 3.41,094 99 6.89,150 49 3.42,047 99 6.91,075 49 3.43,000 99 6.93,000 50 3.48,056 358Days. 50 3.49,028 1359Days.1 50 3.50,000 360Bays, ONE- Y EAR.Prin.0 Interest. Prin. Interest Pin. Inteest. Pin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 3.57,00 61 4.27,00 71 4.97,00 8i 5.67,00 91 16.37,00 52 3.64,00 62 4.34,00 72 5.04,00'82 5.74,00 92 -6.44,00 53 3.71,00 63 4.41,00 73 5.11,00 83 5.81,00 93 6.51,00 54 3.78,00 64 4.48,00 74 5.18,00 84 5.88,00 94 6.58,00 55 3.85,00 65 4.55,00 75 5.25,00 1 85 5.95,00 95 6.65,00 56 3.92,00 66 4:.62,00 76 15.32,00 86:6.02,00 96 6.72,00 57 3.-99,00 67 4.69,00 77 5.39,00 87 6.09,00:97 6B.79,00 58 4.06,00 68 4.76,00 78 5.46,00 88 6.16,00 98 6.86,00 59 4.13,00 1169 4.83,00 1179 5.53,00 189 6.23,00 996.92300 60 14.20,00 1170 4.90,00 1180 5.60,00 190 6.30,00 [133 INTEREST AT ANY RATE PER CEN!T?. THE interest of any sum for any period of time is evidently in proportion to the rate per cent. a which the calculation is made; a double rate gives double interest, half the rate gives half the interest, &c. This consideration gives rise to the following directions. SIX IPER ClNT. To find interest at six per cent., you have only to make the calculation by:these tables at 7 per cent., and deduct one seventh part. EIlGHT PER CENT. To find interest at eight per cent., compute by the tables at 7. per cent., and add: one seventh. ANY RAT;: PEIR ClENT. Compute- at 7 per cent. by the tables, multiply the interest. thus, found by your proposed rate, and didvide the product by seven. If the interest of $1500 for 8 months and 15 days at 5 per cent. is required, you find by thetables that the interest at 7 per cent. is $74.37}; multiply this amount by 5 (your proposed rate),. and the product is $371.87,-, which, divided by 7, gives $53.12~, the interest required. In stating interest on an account at any other rate than 7 per cent., it is not necessary to correct each separate item. of interest. The operation may be performed once for all. on the balance ofi interest; for instance, suppose you, are to make out 6. per, cent. interest on, an account current, youm may make the whole calculation at 7 per cent. by the tables,. and have only to deduct one seventh from the balance of interest at 7 per cent.; it leaves the balance at 6 per cents NEW METHOD OF STATING INTEREST ON' A AN ACCOUNT. The plan proposed is best explained by an illustrative example. Take.for instance, the follow;s ing debit side of an account current. DR. HORTON AND CRANE. 1844. Days. nt. April 13' To merchandise 102 10:12' 40: 0&, "t 30 " cash, 1d19 2.73 118 00, May 21 " merehd. at 90 days 233 34.57 763 00M Oct. 17 " cash 289 9.88 175 00> Nov. 30 "cash, 333 19.43, 300 00, Int. from Jan. 1... 76.68, Int. on $1866;is.. 125.54 Less int. on items. 76.68 i —-—' 4S',86 48 86 Dec. 13 Amount due...... e 1914 86 In this example time- is. always counted forward from 1st of January, 1844,. both in eomputing on the separate items and on the aggregate $1866. Any other date than 1st January might have been assumed, provided the time were always counted forward from the same date. Interest is comn puted upon each item. up to. the period whien that item ought to draw interest;. in the above account; it is to the date of each item. except the third; but on. that the interest is computed to 22d of Anu gust, the day on which it becomes a cash charge. The interest on the aggregate, $1866, is computed from Ist January, 1844, up to the time of rendering the account, Dec. 13th. It is very obvious, that the interest charged above is correct; for the $125.54 includes interest on each item for the whole period, from Jan.- 1 to Dec. 13, but in. deducting $76.68,. an allowance is made on each itemfor all the time that it should not draw interest.. rThe convenience of this method will be evident to every accountant. As the time is always counted forward, interest from the opening of the account or any other convenient date may be em. tered on the l-edger either in a separate. column,. or in red ink, this entry of interest may be madeat the time of' posting or at any other convenient time, even before you know the date at which the account it to, be closed; and then, when the account is to be closed, one simple calculation of interest on the amount of debits an.l one on the anm)unt of credits,.enables you to state the balane, ef interest.. EXPLANATION OF THE TABLES ENTITLED COMMERCIAL INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. THESE tables show interest by days, allowing 365 to the year. Interest computed by this rule is called commercial interest, because it is generally computed in this way by foreign commercial correspondents; but in this country the prevailing custom is otherwise. Many individuals, however, in the United States, adopt the same division of the year, although local laws and usage, for the sake of convenience, allow greater laxity in the rule of calculation. The banks of the State of New-York generally adopt the commercial rule in calculating at 7 per cent., except in case of notes made payable in a certain number of months, in which case it is not unusual to estimate the time by calendar months as twelfths of the year. [See Division of the Year, page 11.] Each of the small tables has at the top the time for which it is calculated, beginning at I day and increasing regularly to 146 days. In looking for interest for any period less than 146 days, the time will be found at the top of the proper table, and the interest of any amount is found in that table by the same process as in the preceding tables. If, for example the interest of $3183 for 93 days is required (at 365 days to the year), turn to the table having at the top 93 days. Yourthere find the interest of $3100 (31 hundred) to be... $55.29 And the interest of $83. 1.48 The interest required is..... $56.77 It will be observed that at every opening of the book there is a table for 146 days, half on the right-hand page and half on the left. The object of this arrangement is to extend the tables to twice 146, that is to say, 292 days, without turning a leaf. The manner of doing this may be explained by taking for example 187 days: interest for this period is to be found by adding the interest for 146 days to the interest for 41 days; and, therefore, " 187 days" is placed at the foot of the table for " 41 days." In all the other tables, also, the days at the foot are such a number as is obtained by adding 146 to those at the top; so that, if interest is requiredfor any number of days from 146 to 292, the time will be found at the foot of the proper table in which you are to find interest for that part of your time, and then add interest for 146 days, as found at the bottom of the page. If, for example, the interest of $2800 for 253 days (at 365 to the year) is required, turn to the table which has at the foot 253 days. In that table you find interest of $2800 for 107 days, viz. $57.46 In the table for 146 days the interest of $2800 is..... 78.40 So that the interest for 253 days is...... $135.86 The number 146 was selected because that period embraces most occasions where commercial interest at 7 per cent. is required; and when the period is so long as to require the double process, all loss or gain by fractions is avoided, because there are no fractions in the interest for 146 days, that is to say, the interest on each amount of principal happens to be round numbers ending with ciphers. If commercial interest is required for any period exceeding 292 days, it may be found by using the table for 292 days, on the last page of these tables, and also the proper table for the excess of days over 292. Thus, to ascertain the interest of $26.000 for 341 days, The interest for 292 days is....... 456.00 And for 49 days it is......... 244.33 The interest for 341 days is......... $1700.33 In this way fractions of interest are also avoided, because there are no fractions for the period of 292 days. COMMERCIAL INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 1 DAY. 2 DAYS. 3 DAYS. Prin Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. | Prin. Interest. Prirn. Interest. 1.00,019 51.00,978 1.00,038 51.01,956 1.00,058 51.02,934 2.00,038 52.00,997 2.00,077 52.01,995 2.00,115 52.02,992 3.00,058 53.01,016 3.00,115 53.02,033 3.00,173 53.03,049 4.00,077 54.01,036 4.00,153 54.02,071 4.00,230 54.03,107 5.00,096 55.01,055 5.00,192 55.02,110 5.00,288 55.03,164 6.00,115 56.01,074 -6.00,230 56.02,148 6 -.00,345i 56.03,222 7.00,134 57.01,093 7.00,268 57.02,186 7.00,403 57.03,279 8.00,153 58.01,112 8.00,307 58.02,225 8.00,460 58.03,337 9.00,173 59.01,132 9.00,345 59.02,263 9.00,518. 59.03,395 10.00,192 60.01,151 10.00,384 60.02,301 10.00,575 60.03,452 11.00,211 61.01,170 11.00,422 61 -.02,340 11.00,633 61.03,510 12.00,230: 62.01,189 12.00,460 62.02,378 12.00,690 62.03,567 13.00,249 63.01,208 13.00,499 63.02,416 13.00,748!63.03,625 14.00,268 64.01,227 14.00,537 64.02,455 14.00,805 64.03,682 15.00,288 65.01,247 15.00,575 65.02,493 15.00,863 65.03,740 16.00,307 66.01,266 16.00,614 66.02,532 16.00,921 66.03,797 17.00,326 67.01,285 17.00,652 67.02,570 17.00,978 67.03,855 18.00,345 68.01,304 18.00,690 68.02,608 18.01,036 68.03,912 19.00,364 69.01,323 19.00,729 69.02,647 19.01,093 69.03,970 20.00,384 70.01,342 20.00,767 70.02,685 20.01,151 70.04,027 21.00,403 71.01,362 21.00,805 71.02,723 21.01,208 71.04,085 22.00,422 72.01,381 22.00,844 72.02,762 22.01,266 72.04,142 23.00,441 73.01,400 23.00,882 73.02,800 23.01,323 73.04,200 24.00,460 74.01,419 24.00,921 74.02,838 24.01,381 74.04,258 25.00,479 75.01,438 25.00,959 75.02,877 25.01,438 75.04,315 26.00,499 760.01,458 26.00,997 76.02,915 26.01,496 76.04,373 27.00,518 77.01,477 27.01,036 77!.02,953 27.01,553 77.04,430 28.00,537 78.01,496 28.01,074 78.02,992 28.01,611 78.04,488 29.00,556 79.01,515 29.01,112 79.03,030 29.01,668 79.04,545 30.00,575 80.01,534 30.01,151 80.03,068 30.01,726 80.04,603 31.00,595 81.01,553 31.01,189 81.03,107 31.01,784 81..04,660 32.00,614:82.01,573 32.01-,227 82.03,145 32.01,841 82.04,718 33.00,633 83 2.01,592 33.01,266 83.03,184 33.01,899 83.04,775 34.00,652 84.01,611 34.01,304 84.03,222 34.01,956 84.04,833 *35.00,671 85.01,630 35.01,342 85.03,260 35.02,014 85.04,890 36.00,690 86:01,649 36.01,381 86.03,299 36.02,071 86.04,948 37.00,710: 87.01,668 37.01,419 87.03,337 37.02,129 87.05,005 38.00,729 88.01,688 38.01,458 88.03,375 38.02,186 88.05,063 39.00,748 89.01,707 39.01,496 89.03,414 39.02,244 89.05,121 40.00,767 90.01,726 40.01,534 90.03,452 40.02,301 90.05,178 41.00,786 91.01,745 41.01,573 91.03,490 41.02,359 91.05,236 42:.00,805 92.01,764 -42.01,61i 92.03,529 42.02,416 92.05,293 43.00,825 93.01,784 43.01,649 93.03,567 43.02,474 93.05,351 44.00,844 94.01,803 44.01,688 -94.03,605 44.02,532 94.05,408 45.00,863 95.01,822 45.01,726 95.03,644 45.02,589 95.05 466 46.00,882 96.01,841 46.01,764 96.03,682 46.02,647 96.05,523 47.00,901 97.01,860 47.01,803 97.03,721 47.02,704 97.05,581 48.00,921 98.01,879 48.01,841 98.03,759 48.02,762 98.05,638 49.00,940 99.01,899 49.01,879 99.03,797 49.02,819 99.05,696 50.00,959 1471Days. 50.01,918 l4B8 Days. 50.02,877 l49Days. 146 DAYS. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.02,80 11.30,80 21.58,80 31.86,80 41 1.14,80 2.05,60 12.33,60 122.61,60 132.89,60 42 1.17,60 3.08,40 13.36,40 23 1.64,40 133.92,40 43 1.20,40 4.11,20 14.39,20 24.67,20 34.95,20 44 1.23,20 5.14,00 15.42,00 25.70,00 35.98,00 45 1.26,00 6.16,80 16.44,80 26.72,80 36 1.00,80 146 1.28,80 7.19,60 17.47,60 27.75,60 37 1.03,60 47 1.31,60 8..22,40 18.50,40 28.78,40 38 1.06,40 48 1.34,40 9.25,20 1119.53,20 29,81,20 39 1.09,20 49 1.37,20 134*] 10.28,00 20.56,00 30.84,00 40 1.12,00 50 1.40,00. ~ ~ m ICOMMERCIAL INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT.4 DAYS. 5 DAYS, 6 DAYS. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Ilterest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin Interest. 1:.00,077 51.03,912 1.00,096 51.04,890 1.00,115 51.05,868 2.00,153 52.03,989 2.00,192 52.04,986 2.00,230 52.05,984 3.00,230 53.04,066 3.00,288 53.05,082 3.00,345 53.06,099 4.00,307 54.04,142 4.00,384 54.05,178 4.00,460 54.06,214 5.00,384 55.04,219 5.00,479 55.05,274 5.00,575 55.06,329 6.00,460 56.04,296 6.00,575 56.05,370 6.00,690 56.06,444 7.00,537 57.04,373 7.00,671 57.05,466 7.00,805 57.06,559 8.00,614 58.04,449 8.00,767 58.05,562 8.00,921 58.06,674 9.00,690 59.04,526 9.00,863 59.05,658 9.01,036 59.06,789 10.00,767 60.04,603 10.009959 60.059753 10.01,151 60.06,904 11.00,844 61.04,679 11,01,055 61.05,849 11.01,266 61.07,019 12.00,921 62.04,756 12.01,151 62.05,945 12.01,381 62.07,134 13.00,997 63.04,833 13.01,247 63.06,041 13.01,496 63.07,249 14.01,074 64.04,910 14.01,342 64.06,137 14.01,611 64.07,364 15.01,151 65.04,986 15.01,438 65.06,233 15.01,726 65.07,479 16.01,227 66.05,063 16.01,534 66.06,329 16.01,841 66.07,595 17.01,304 67.05,140 17.01,630 67.06,425 17.01,956 67.07,710 18.01,381 68.05,216 18.01,726 68.06,521 18.02,071 68.07,825 19.01,458 69.059293 19.01,822 69.06,616 19.02,186 69.07,940 20.01,.534 70.05,370 20.01,918 70.06,712 20.02,301 70.08,055 21.01,611 71.05,447 21.02,014 71.06,808 21.02,416 71.08,170 22.01,688 72.05,523 22.02,110 72.06,904 22.02,532 72.08,285 23.01,764 73.05,600 23.02,205 73.07,000 23.02,647 73.08,400 24.01,841 74.05,677 24.02,301 74.07,096 24.02,762 74.08,515 25.01,918 75.05,753 25.029397 75.07,192 25.02,877 75.08,630 29.01,995 76.05,830 26.02,493 76.07,288 26.02,992 76.08,745 27.02,071 77.05,907 27.02,589 77.07,384 27.03,107 77.08,860 28.02,148 78.05,984 28.02,685 78.07,479 28.03,222 78.08,975 29.02,225 79.06,060 29.02,781 79.079575 29.03,337 79.09,090 39.02,301 80.06,137 30.02,877 80.07,671 30.03,452 80.09,205 31.02,378 81.06,214 31.02,973 81.07,767 31.03,567 81.09,321 32.02,455 82:069290 32.03)068 82.07,863 32.03,682 82.09,436 33.029532 83.06,367 33.03,164 83.07,959 33.03,797 83.09,551 34.02,608 84.06,444 34.03,260 84.08,055 34.03,912'84.09,666 35.02,685 85.06,521 35.03,356 85.08,151 35.04,027 85.09,781 36.02,762 86.06,597 36.03,452 86.08,247 36.04,142 86.09,896 37.02,838 87.06,674 37.03,548 87.08,342 37.04,258 87.10,011 38.02,915 88.06,751 38.03,644 88.08,438 38.04,373 88.10,126 39.02,992 89.06,827 39.03,740 89.08,534 39.04,488 89.10,241 40.03,068 90.06,904 40.03,836 90.08,630 40.04,603 90.10,356 41.03,145 91.06,981 41.03,932 91.08,726 41.04,718 91.10,471 42.03,222 92.07,058 42.04,027 92.089822 42.04,833 92.10,586 43.03,299 93.07,134 43.04,123 93.08,918 43.04,948 93.10,701 44.03,375 94.07,211 44.04,219 94.09,014 44.05,063 94.10,816 45.03,452 95.07,288 45.04,315 95.09,110 45.05,178 95.10,932 46.03,529 96.07,364 46.04,411 96.09,205 46.05,293 96.11,047 47.03,605 97.07,441 47.04,507 97.0930.1 47.05,408 97.11,162 48.039682 98.07,518 48.04,603 98.09,397 48.05,523 98.11,277 49.03,759 99.07,595 49.04,699 99.09,493 49.05,638 99.11,392 50.03,836 150 Days. 50.04,795 5 ays 50.05,753 l52Days. 146 DAYS. Prin. Interest. lPrin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 1.42,80 61 1.70,80 71 1.98,80 81 1 2.26,80 91 2.54,80 52 1.45,60 62 1.73,60 72 2.01,60 82 2.29,60 92 2.57,60 53 1.48,40 63 1 1.76,40 73 2.04,40 83 2.32,40 93 2.60,40 54 1.51,20 64 1.79,20 74 2.07,20 84 2.35,20 94 2.63,20 55 1.54,00 65 1.82,00 75 2.10,00 85 - 2.38,00 95 2.66,00 56 1.56,80 66 1.84,80 76 2.12,80 86 2.40,80 96 2.68,80 57 1.59,60 67 1.87,60 77 2.15,60 87 2.43,60 97 2.71,60 58 1.62,40 168 1.90,40 78 2.18,40 88 2.46,40 198 2.74,40 59 1.65,20 69 1.93,20 79 2.21,20 89 2.49,20 199 2.77,20 60 1.68,00 70 1.96,00 180 2.24,00 90 2.52,00 11- 135 COMMERCIAL INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 7 DAYS. 8 DAYS. 9 DAYS. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. rin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.00,134 51.06,847 1.00,153 51.07,825 1.00,173 51.08,803 2.00,268 52.06,981 2.00,307 52.07,978 2.00,345 52.08,975 3.00,403 53.07,115 3.00,460 53.08,132 3.00,518 53.09,148 4.00,537 54.07,249 4.00,614 54.08,285 4.00,690 54.09,321 5.00,671 55.07,384 5.00,767 55.08,438 5.00,863 55.099493 6.00,805 56.07,518 6.00,921 56.08,592 6.01,036 56.09,666 7.00,940 57.07,652 7.01,074 57.08,745 7.01,208 57.09,838 8.01,074 58.07,786 8.01,227 58.08,899 8.01,381 58.10,011 9.01,208 59.07,921 9.01,381 59.09,052 9.01,553 59.10,184 10.01,342 60.08,055 10.01,534 60.09,205 10.01,726 60.10,356 11.01,477 61.08,189 11.01,688 61.09,359 11.01,899 61.10,529 12.01,611 62.08,323 12.01,841 62.09,512 12.02,071 62.10,701 13.01,745 63.08,458 13.01,995 63.09,666 13.02,244 63.10,874 14.01,879 64.08,592 14.02,148 64.09,819 14.02,416 64.11,047 15.02,014 65.08,726 15.02,301 65.09,973 15.02,589 65.11,219 16.02,148 66.08,860 16.02,455 66.10,126 16.02,762 66.11,392 17.02,282 67.08,995 17.02,608 67.10,279 17.02,934 67.117564 18.02,416 68.09,129 18.02,762 68.10,433 18.03,107 68.11,737 19.02,551 69.09,263 19.02,915 69.10,586 19.03,279 69.11,910 20.02,685 70.09,397 20.03,068 70.10,740 20.03,452 70.12,082 21.02,819 71.09,532 21.03,222 71.10,893 21.03,625 71.12,255 22.02,953 72.09,666 22.03,375 72.11,047 22.03,797 72.12,427 23.03,088 73.09,800 23.03,529 73.11,200 23.03,970 73.12,600 24.03,222 74.09,934 24.03,682 74.11,353 24.04,142 74.12,773 25.03,356 75.10,068 25.03,836 75.11,507 25.04,315 75.12,945 26.03,490 76.10,203 26.03,989 76.11,660 26.04,488 76.13,118 27.03,625 77.10,337 27.04,142 77.11,814 27.04,660 77.13,290 28.03,759 78.10,471 28.04,296 78.11,967 28.04,833 78.13,463 29.03,893 79.10,605 29.04,449 79.12,121 29.05,005 79.13,636 30.04,027 80.10,740 30.04,603 80.12,274 30.05,178 80.13,808 31.04,162 81.10,874 31.04,756 81.12,427 31.05,351 81.13,981 32.04,296 82.11,008 32.04,910 82.12,581 32.05,523 82.14,153 33.04,430 83.11,142 33.05,063 83.12,734 33.05,696 83.14,326 34.04,564 84.11,277 34.05,216 84.12,888 34.05,868 84.14,499, 35.04,699 85.11,411 35.05,370 85.13,041 35.06,041 85.14,671 36.04,833 86.11,545 36.05,523 86.13,195 36.06,214 86.14,844 37.04,967 87.11,679 37.05,677 87.13,348 37.06,386 87.15,016 38.05,101 88.11,814 38.05,830 88.13,501 38.06,559 88.15,189 39.05,236 89.11,948 39.05,984 89.13,655 39.06,732 89.159362 40.05,370 90.12,082 40.06,137 90.13,808 40.06,904 90.15,534 41.05,504 91.12,216 41.06,290 91.13,962 41.07,077 91.15,707 42.05,638 92.12,351 42.06,444 92.14,115 42.07,249 92.15,879 43.05,773 93.12,485 43.06,597 93.14,268 43.07,422 93.16,052 44.05,907 94.12,619 44.06,751 94.14,422 44.07,595 94.16,225 45.06,041 95.12,753 45.06,904 95.14,575 45.07,767 95.16,397 46.06,175 96.12,888 46.07,058 96.14,729 46.07,940 96.16,570 47.06,310 97.13,022 47.07,211 97.14,882 47.08,112 97.16,742 48.06,444 98.13,156 48.07,364 98.15,036 48.08,285 98.16,915 49.06,578 99.13,290 49.07,518 99.15,189 49.08,458 99.17,088 50.06,712 153Days. 50.07,671 154Days. 50.08,630 155 Days. 146 DAYS. Prin. Interest. Prin.l Interest. Prin. Interest. IPrin. Interest. I nterest. 1.02,80 11.30,80 21.58,80 31.86,80 41 11.14,80, I 21.05,60 12 1.33,60 11221.61,60 32.89,60 42 11.17,60 3.08,40 13.36,40 23.64,40 33.92,40 43 1.20,40 4.11,20 14.39,20 11241.67,20 34.95,20 11 44 1.23,20 5.14,00 15.42,00 25.70,00 35.98,00 45 1.26,00 6.16,80 16 1.44,80 26.72,80 36 1.00,80 46 1.28,80 7.19,60 17.47,60 127.75,60 37 1.03,60 47 1.31,60 8.22,40 18 1.50,40 28 1.78,40 38 11.06,40 48 1.34,40 91.25,20 19 I.53,20 I 9.81,20 11 39 1.09,20 49 1 1.37,20 136] I I10.28,00 20.56,00 11301.84,00 114011.12,00 15~0 1.40,00 COMMERCIAL INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 10 DAYS, 11 DAYS, 12 DAYS, Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.00,192 51.09,781 1.00,211 51.10,759 1.00,230 51.11,737 2.00,384 52.09,973 2.00,422 52.10,970 2.00,460 52.11,967 3.00,575 53.10,164 3.00,633 53.11,181 3.00,690 53.12,197 4.00,767 54.10,356 4.00,844 54.11,392 4.00,921 54.12,427 5.00,959 55.10,548 5.01,055 55.11,603 5.01,151 55.12,658 6.01,51 56.10,740 6.01,266 56.11,814 6.01,381 56.12,888 7.01,342 57.10,932 7.01,477 57.12,025 7.01,611 57.13,118 8.01,534 58.11,123 8.01,688 58.12,236 8.01,841 58.13,348 9.01,726 59:.11,315 9.01,899 59.12,447 9.02,071 59.13,578 10.01,918 60.11,507 10.02,110 60.12,658 10.02,301 60.13,808 11.02,110 61.11,699 11.02,321 61.12,868 11.02,532 61.14,038 12.02,301 62.11,890 12.02,532 62.13,079 12.02,762 62.14,268 13.02,493 63.12,082 13.02,742 63.13,290 13.02,992 63.14,499 14.02,685 64.12,274 14.02,953 64.13,501 14.03,222 64.14,729 15.02,877 65.12,466 15.03,164 65.13,712 15.03,452 65.14,959 16.03,068 66.12,658 16.03,375 66.13,923 16.03,682 66.15,189 17.03,260 67.12,849 17.03,586 67.14,134 17.03,912 67.15,419 18.03,452 68.13,041 18.03,797 68.14,345 18.04,142 68.15,649 1.9.03,644 69.13,233 19.04,008 69.14,556 19.04,373 69.15,879 20.03,836 70.13,425 20.04,219 70.14,767 20.04,603 70.16,110 21.04,027 71.13,616 21.04,430 71.14,978 21.04,833 71.16,340 22.04,219 72.13,808 22.04,641 72.15,189 22.05,063 72.16,570 23.04,411 73.14,000 23.04,852 73.15,400 23.05,293 73.16,800 24.04,603 74.14,192 24.05,063 74.15,611 24.05,523 74.17,030 25.04,795 75.14,384 25.05,274 75.15,822 25.05,753 75.17,260 26.04,986 76.14,575 26.05,485 76.16,033 26.05,984 76.17,490 27.05,178 77.14,767 27.05,696 77.16,244 27.06,214 77.17,721 28.05,370 78.14,959 28.05,907 78.16,455 28.06,444 78.17,951 29.05,562 79.15,151 29.06,118 79.16,666 29.06,674 79.18,181 30.05,753 80.15,342 30.06,329 80.16,877 30.06,904 80.18,411 31.05,945 81.15,534 31.06,540 81.17,088 31.07,134 81.18,641 32.06,137 82.15,726 32.06,751 82.17,299 32.07,364 82.18,871 33.06,329 83.15,918 33.06,962 83.17,510 33.07,595 83.19,101 34.06,521 84.16,110 34.07,173 84.17,721 34.07,825 84.19,332 35.06,712 85.16,301 35.07,384 85.17,932 35.08,055 85.19,562 36.06,904 86.16,493 36.07,595 86.18,142 36.08,285 86.19,792 37.07,096 87.16,685 37.07,805 87.18,353 37.08,515 87.20,022 38.07,288 88.16,877 38.08,016 88.18,564 38.08,745 88.20,252 39.07,479 89.17,068 39.08,227 s 89.18,775 39.08,975 89.20,482 40.07,671 90.17,260 40.08,438 90.18,986 40.09,205 90.20,712 41.07,863 91.17,452 41.08,649 91.19,197 41.09,436 91.20,942 42.08,055 92.17,644 42.08,860 92.19,408 42.09,666 92.21,173 43.08,247 93.17,836 43.09,071 93.19,619 43.09,896 93.21,403 44.08,438 94.18,027 44.09,282 94.19,830 44.10,126 94.21,633 45.08,630 95.18,219 45.09,493 95.20,041 45.10,356 95.21,863 46.08,822 96.18,411 46.09,704 96.20,252 46.10,586 96.22,093 47.09,014 97.18,603 47.09,915 97.20,463 47.10,816 97.22,323 48.09,205 98.18,795 48.10,126 98.20,674 48.11,047 98.22,553 49.09,397 99.18,986 49.10,337 99.20,885 49.11,277 99.22,784 50.09,589 L56 Days. 50.10,548 157Days 50.11,507 158Days. 146 DAYS. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 1.42,80 61 1.70,80 71 1.98,80 81 2.26,80 9112.54,80 52 1.45,60 62 11.73,60 1172 2.01,60 82 2.29,60 92 2.57,60 53 1.48,40 63 1.76,40 73 2.04,40 83 12.32,40 93 2.60,40 54 ]1.51,20 64 1.79,20 74 2.07,20 84 2.35,20 94 2.63,20 55" 1.54,00 165 1.82,00 75 2.10,00 85 2.38,00 95 2.66,00 56 1.56,80. 66 1.84,80 16 76 2.12,80 86 2.40,80 9612.68,80 57 1.59,60 167 1.87,60 77 12.15,60 87 2.43,60 97" 2.71,60 58 1.62,40 168 1.90,40 78:.2.18,40 88 2.46,40 9812.74,40 59 1.65,20 6911.93,20 1179 2.21,20 89 2.49,20 99 2.77,201 60 1.68,00 70 1.96,00 80 2.24,00 90 2.52,00 _ _ [ [137 COMMERCIAL INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 13 DAYS. 14 DAYS. 15 DAYS, Prin.. Interest. rrin. Interest. rinrn. Interest. Prin. IntePrest Prin. Interest. Prin teres. 1.00,249 51.12,715 1.00,268 51.13,693 1.00,288 51.14,671 2.00,499 52.12,964 2.00,537 52.13,962 2.00,575 52.14,959 3.00,748 53.13,214.3.00,805 53.14,230 3.00,863 53.15,247 4.00,997 54.13,463 4.01,074 54.14,499 4.01,151 54.15,534 5.01,247 55.13,712 5.01,342 55.14,767 5.01,438 55.15,822 6.01,496 56.13,962 6.01,611 56.15,036 6.01,726 56.16,110 7.01,745 57.14,211 7.01,879 57.15,304 7.02,014 57.16,397 8.01,995 58.14,460 8.02,148 58.15,573 8.02,301 58.16,685 9.02,244 59.14,710 9.02,416 59.15,841 9.02,589 59.16,973 10.02,493 60.14,959 10.02,685 60.16,110 10.02,877 60.17,260 11.02,742 61.15,208 11.02,953 61.16,378 11.03,164 61.17,548 12.02,992 62.15,458 12.03,222 62.16,647 12.03,452 62.17,836 13.03,241 63.15,707 13.03,490 63.16,915 13.03,740 63.18,123 14.03,490 64.15,956 14.03,759 64.17,184 14.04,027 64.18,411 15.03,740 65.16,205 15.04,027 65.17,452 15.04,315 65.18,699 16.03,989 66.16,455 16.04,296 66.17,721 16.04,603 66.18,986 17.04,238 67.16,704 17.04,564 67.17,989 17.04,890 67.19,274 18.04,488 68.16,953 18.04,833 68.18,258 18.05,178 68.19,562 19.04,737 69.17,203 19.05,101 69.18,526 19.05,466 69.19,849 20.04,986 70.17,452 20.05,370 70.18,795 20.05,753 70.20,137 21.05,236 71.17,701 21.05,638 71.19,063 21.06,041 71.20,425 22.05,485 172.17,951 22.05,907 72.19,332 22.06,329 72.20,712 23.05,734 73.18,200 23.06,175 73.19,600 23.06,616 73.21,000 24.05,984 74.18,449 24.06,444 74.19,868 24.06,904 74.21,288 25.06,233. 75.18,699 25.06,712 75.20,137 25.07,192 75.21,575 26.06,482 76.18,948 26.06,981 76.20,405 26.07,479 76 21,863 27.06,732 77.19,197 27.07,249 77.20,674 27.07,767 77.22,151 28.06,981 78.19,447 28.07,518 78.20,942 28.08,055 78.22,438 29.07,230 79.19,696 29.07,786 79.21,211 29.08,342 79.22,726 30.07,479 80.19,945 30.08,055 80.21,479 30.08,630 80.23,014 31.07,729 81.20,195 31.08,323 81.21,748 31.08,918 81.23,301 32.07,978 82.20,444 32.08,592 82.22,016 32.09,205 82.23,589 33.08,227 83.20,693 33.08,860 83.22,285 33.09,493 83.23,877 34.08,477 84.20,942 34.09,129 84.22,553 34.09,781 84.24,164 35,08,726 85.21,192 35.09,397 85.22,822 35.10,068 85.24,452 36.08,975 86.21,441 36.09,666 86.23,090 36.10,356 86.24,740 37.09,225 87.21,690 37.09,934 87.23,359 37.10,644 87.25,027 38.09,474 88.21,940 38.10,203 88,23,627 38.10,932 88.25,315 39.09,723 89.22,189 39.10,471 89.23,896 39.11,219 89.25,603 40.09,973 90.22,438 40.10,740 90.24,164 40.11,507 90.25,890 41.10,222 91.22,688 41.11,008 91.24,433 41.11,795 91.26,178 42.10,471 92.22,937 42.11,277 92.24,701 42.12,082 92.26,466 43.10,721 93.23,186 43.11,545 93.24,970 43.12,370 93.26,753 44.10,970 94.23,436 44.11,814 94.25,238 44.12,658 94.27,041 45.11,219 95.23,685 45.12,082 95.25,507 45,12,945 95.27,329 46.11,468 96.23,934 46.12,351 96,25,775 46.13,233 96.27,616 47.11,718 97.24,184 47.12,619 97.26,044 47.13,521 97.27,904 48.11,967 98.24,433 48.12,888 98.26,312 48.13,808 98.28,192 49.12,216 99.24,682 49.13,156 99.26,581 49.14,096 99.28,479 50.12,466 l59DaYs. 50.13,425 l6ODays. 50.14,384 llD s. II-SO~~ays. IGO~a0s. 14,384 Daysi 146 DAYS. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.02,80 11.30,80 21.58,80 31.86,80 41 1.14,80 2.05,60 12.33,60 22.61,60 32.89,60 42 1.17,60 3.08,40 13.36,40 23.64,40 33.92,40 43 1.20,40 4.11,20 14.39,20 24.67,20 34.95,20 44 1.23,20 5.14,00 15.42,00 25.70,00 35.98,00 45 1.26,00 6.16,80 16.44,80 26.72,80 36 1.00,80 46 1.28,80 7.19,60 17.47,60 27.75,60 37 1.03,60 47 1.31,60 8.22,40 18.50,40 28..78,40 38 1.06,40 48 1.34,40 9.25,20 19.53,20 29 S.81,20 39 1.09,20 49 1.37,20 138] 10.28,00 20.56,00 30.84,00 40 1.12,00 50 1.40,00 COMMERCIAL IN:TEREST'AT A SEVEN PER CENT. 16 DAYS. 17 DAYS. 18 DAYS. Prin. Interest. Prin, Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin.[ Interest. Prin. Interest 1.00,307 51.15,649 1.00,326 51.16,627 1.00,345 51.17,605 2.00,614 52.15,956 2.00,652 52.16,953 2.00,690 52.17,9;51 3.00,921 53.16,263 3.00,978 53.17,279 3.01,036 53.18,296 4.01,227 54,16,570 4.01,304 54.17,605 4.01,381 54.18,641 5.01,534 55.16,877 5.01,630 55.17,932 5.01,726 551.18,986 6.01,841 56.17,184 6'.01,956 56.18,258 6.02,071 56.19,332 7.02,148 57.17,490 7.02,282 57.18,584 7.02,416 57.19,677 8.02,455 58.17,797 8.02,608 58.18,910 8.02,762 58.20,022 9.02,762 59.18,104 9.02,934 59.19,236 9.03,107 59.20,367 10.03,068 60.18)411 10.03,260 60.19,562 10.03,452 60.20,712'11.03,375 61.18,718 11.03,586 61.19,888 11.03,797 61.21,058 12.03,682 62.19)025 12.03,912 62.20,214 12.04,142 62.21,403 13.03,989 63.19,332 13.04,238 63.20,540 13.04,488 63.21,748 14.04,296 64.19,638 14.04,564 64.20,866 14.04,833 64.22,093 15.04,603 65.19;945 15.04,890 65.21,192 15.05,178 65.22,438 16.04,910 66.20,252 16.05,216 66.21,518 16.05,523 66.22,784 17.05,216 67.20,559 17.05,542 67.21,844 17.05,868 67.23,129 18.05,523 68.20,866 18.05,868 68.22,170 18.06, 214 68.23,474 19.05,830 69.21,173 19.06,195 69.22,496 19.06,559 69.23,819 20.06,137 70.21,479 20.06,521 70.22,822 20.06,904 70.24,164 21.06,444 71.21,786 21.06,847 71.23,148 21.07,249 71.24,510 22.06,751 72.22,093 22.07,173 72.23,474 22.07,595 72.24,855 23.07,058 73.22,400 23.07,499 73.23,800 23.07,940 73.25,200 24.07,364 74.22,707 24.07,825 74.24,126 24.08,285 74.25,545 25.07,671 75.23,014 25.08,151 75.24,452 25.08,630 75.25,890 26.07,978 76.23,321 26.08,477 76.24,778 26.08,975 76.26,236 27.08,285 77.23,627 27.08,803 77.25,104 27.09,321 77.26,581 28.08,592 78.23,934 28.09,129 78.25,430 28.09,666 78.26,926 29.08,899 79.24,241 29.09,455 79.25,756 29.10,O11 79.27,271 30.09,205 80.24,548 30.09,781 80.26,082 30.10,356 80.27,616 31.09,512 81.24,855 31.10,107 81.26,408 31.10,701 81.27,962 32.09,819 82.25,162 32.10,433 82.26,734 32.11,047 82.28,307 33.10,126 83.25,468 33.10,759 83.27,060 33.11,392 83.28,652 34.10,433 84.25,775 34.11,085 84.27,386 34.11,737 84.28,997 35.10,740 85.26,082 35.11,411 85.27,712 35.12,082 85.29,342 36.11,047 86.26,389 36.11,737 86.28,038 36.12,427 86.29,688 37.11,353 87.26,696 37.12,063 87.28,364 37.12,773 87.30,033 38.11,660 88.27,003 38.12,389 88.28,690 38.13,118 88.30,378 39.11,967 89.27,310 39.12,715 89.29,016 39.13,463 89.30,723 40.12,274 90.27,616 40.13,041 90.29,342 40.13,808 90.31,068 41.12,581 91.27,923 41.13,367 91.29,668 41.14,153 91.31,414 42.12,888 92.28,230 42.13,693 92.29,995 42.14,499 92.31,759 43.13,195 93.28,537 43.14,019 93.30,321 43.14,844 93.32,104 44.13,501 94.28,844 44.14,345 94.30,647 44.15,189 94.32,449 45.13,808 95.29,151 45.14,671 95.30,973 45.15,534 95.32,795 46.14,115 96.29,458 46.14,997 96.31,299 46.15,879 96.33,140 47.14,422 97.29,764 47.15,323 97.31,625 47.16,225 97.33,485 48.14,729 98.30,071 48.15,649 98.31,951 48.16,570 98.33,830 49.15,036 99.30,378 49.15,975 99.32,277 49.16,915 99.34,176 50.15,342 162Days. 50.16,301 l63Day as 50.17,260 1164Days 1 4'6 D AY S. Prin. Interest. Prin. I Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 1.42,80 61 1.70,80 71 1.98,80 81 2.26,80 911 2.54,80 52 1.45,60 62 1.73,60 72 2.01,60 82 2.29,60 92 2.57,60 53 1.48,40 63 1.76 10 73 2.04,40 8312.32,40 93 2.60,40 54 1 51,20 64 1.79,20 74 2.07,20 84 2.35,20 94 2.63,20 55 1.54,00 65 1.82)00 75 2.10,00 85 2.38,00 95 2.66,00 56 1.56,80 166 1.84,80 76 2.12,80 86 2.40,80 96 2.68,80 57 1.59,60 67 1.87,60 77 2.15,60 87 2.43,60 97 2.71,60 58 1.62,40 681.90,40 78 2.18,40 88 2.46,40 98 2.74,40 59 0 1.65,20 1169 a1.93,20 179 2.21,20 1189 2.49,20 1199 2.77,20 60 1 1.68,00 70 1 1.96,00 1 8012.24,00 90 2.52,00 1 1 1 13 COMMERCIAL INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 19 DAYS. 20 DAYS. 21 DAYS. Prin Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.00,364 51.18,584 1.00,384 51.19,562 1.00,403 51.20,540 2.00,729 52.18,948 2.00,767 52.19,945 2.00,805 52.20,942 3.01,093 53.19,312 3.01,151 53.20,329 3.01,208 53.21,345 4.01,458 54.19,677 4.01,534 54.20,712 4.01,611 54.21,748 5.01,822 55.20,041 5.01,918 55.21,096 5.02,014 55.22,151 6.02,186 56.20,405 6.02,301 56.21,479 6.02,416 56.22,553 7.02,551 57.20,770 7.02,685 57.21,863 7.02,819 57.22,956 8.02,915 58.21,134 8.03,068 58.22,247 8.03,222 58.23,359 9.03,279 59.21,499 9.03,452 59.22,630 9.03,625 59.23,762 10.03,644 60.21,863 10.03,836 60.23,014 10.04,027 60.24,164 11.04,008 61.22,227 11.04,219 61.23,397 11.04,430 61.24,567 12.04,373 62.22,592 12.04,603 62.23,781 12.04,833 62.24,970 13.04,737 63.22,956 13.04,986 63.24,164 13.05,236 63.25,373 14.05,101 64.23,321 14.05,370 64.24,548 14.05,638 64.25,775 15.05,466 65.23,685 15.05,753 65.24,932 15'.06,041 65.26,178 16.05,830 66.24,049 16.06,137 66.25,315 16.06,444 66.26,581 17.06,195 67.24,414 17.06,521 67.25,699 17.06,847 67.26,984 18.06,559 68.24,778 18.06,904 68.26,082 18.07,249 68.27,386 19.06,923 69.25,142 19.07,288 69.26,466 19.07,652 69.27,789 20.07,288 70.25,507 20.07,671 70.26,849 20.08,055 70.28,192 21.07,652 71.25,871 21.08,055 71.27,233 21.08,458 71.28,595 22.08,016 72.26,236 22.08,438 72.27,616 22.08,860 72.28,997 23.08,381 73.26,600 23.08,822 73.28,000 23.09,263 73.29,400 24.08,745 74.26,964 24.09,205 74.28,384 24.09,666 74.29,803 25.09,110 75.27,329 25.09,589 75.28,767 25.10,068 75.30,205 26.09,474 76.27,693 26.09,973 76.29,151 26.10,471 76.30,608 27.09,838 77.28,058 27.10,356 77.29,534 27.10,874 77.31,011 28.10,203 78.28,422 28.10,740 78.29,918 28.11,277 78.31,414 29.10,567 79.28,786 29'.11,123 79.30,301 29.11,679 79.31,816 30.10,932 80.29,151 30.11,507 80.30,685 30.12,082 80.32,219 31.11,296 81.29,515 31.11,890 81.31,068 31.12,485 81.32,622 32.11,660 82.29,879 32.12,274 82.31,452 32.12,888 82.33,025 33.12,025 83.30,244 33.12,658 83.31,836 33.13,290 83.33,427 34.12j389 84.30,608 34.13,041 84.32,219 34.13,693 84.33,830 35.12,753 85.30,973 35.13,425 85.32,603 35.14,096 85.34,233 36.13,118 86.31,337 36.13,808 86.32,986 36.14,499 86.34,636 37.13,482 87.31,701 37.14,192 87.33,370 37.14,901 87.35,038 38.13,847 88.32,066 38.14,575 88.33,753 38.15,304 88.35,441.39.14,211 89.32,430 39.14,959 89.34,137 39.15,707 89.35,844 40.14,575 90.32,795 40.15,342 90.34,521 40.16,110 90.36,247 41.14,940 91.33,159 41.15,726 91.34,904 41.16,512 91.36,649 42.15,304 92.33,523 42.16,110 92.35,288 42.16,915 92.37,052 43.15,668 93.33,888 43.16,493 93.35,671 43.17,318 93-.37,455 44.16,033 94.34,252 44.16,877 94.36,055 44.17,721 94.37,858 45.16,397 95.34,616 45.17,260 95.36,438 45.18,123 95.38,260 46.16,762 96.34,981 46.17,644 96.36,822 46.18,526 96.38,663 47.17,126 97.35,345 47.18,027 97.37,205 47.18,929 97.39,066 485.17,490 98.35,710 48.18,411 98.37,589 48.19,332 98.39,468 49.17,855 99.36,074 49.18,795 99.37,973 49.19,734 99.39,871 50.18,219 l6 5Days 50.19,178 l66Days. 50.20,137 1 7Days. 146 DAYS. I Prin.\ Interest. Prin. Interest. Priin. Interest. Pri-n. Interest. iPrin. Interest. 1.02,80 11.30,80 21.58,80 31.86,80 41 1.14,80 2.05,60 12.33,60 22. 61,60 32.89,60 42 1.17,60.08,40 13.36,40 23.64,4o0 33.92,40 43 11.20,40 4.11,20 14.39,20 24.67,20 34.95,20 44 1.23,20 5l.14,00 15 1.42,00 25.70,0)0 135.98,00 45 11.26,00 6.16,80 16.44,80 26.72,80 36 1.00,80 146 1.28,80 7. 19,60 17.47,60 27.75,60 37 1.03,60 47 1 1.31,60 8.22,40 1 18.50,40 28.78,40! 38 1.06,40 48 1.34,40 9 f.25,20 19.53,20 29.81,20 I 39 1.09,20 H49 1.37,2011 140] l 10 |.28,00 1120.56,00 30.84,00 40o1.12,00!50o1.40,00] |,I i U I u,,. - COMMERCIAL INTE.REST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 22 DAYS. 23 DAYS. 24 DAYS. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. linterest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.00,422 51.21,518 1.00,441 51.22,496 1.00,460 51.23,474 2.00,844 52.21,940 2.00,882 52.22,937 2.00,921 52.23,934 3.01,266 53.22,362 3.01,323 53.23,378 3.01,381 53.24,395 4.01,688 54.22,784 4.01,764 54.23,819 4.01,841 54.24,855 5.02,110 55.23,205 5.02,205 55.24,260 5.02,301 55.25,315 6.02,532 56.23,627 6.02,647 56.24,701 6.02,762 56.25,775 7.02,953 57.24,049 7.03,088 57.25,142 7.03,222 57.26,236 8.03,375 58.24,471 8.03,529 58.25,584 8.03,682 58.26,696 9.03,797 59.24,893 9.03,970 59.26,025 9.04,142 59.27,156 10.04,219 60.25,315 10.04,411 60.26,466 10.04,603 60.27,616 11.04,641 61.25,737 11.04,852 61.26,907 11.05,063 61.28,077 12.05,063 62.26,159 12.05,293 62.27,348 12.05,523 62.28,537 13.05,485 63.26,581 13.05,734 63.27,789 13.05,984 63.28,997 14.05,907 64.27,003 14.06,175 64.28,230 14.06,444 64.29,458 15.06,329 65.27,425 15.06,616 65.28,671 15.06,904 65.29,918 16.06,751 66.27,847 16.07,058 66.29,112 16.07,364 66.30,378 17.07,173 67.28,268 17.07,499 67.29,553 17.07,825 67.30,838 18.07,595 68.28,690 18.07,940 68.29,995 18.08,285 68.31,299 19.08,016 69.29,112 19.08,381 69.30,436 19.08,745 69.31,759 20.08,438 70.29,534 20.08,822 70.30,877 20.09,205 70.32,219 21.08,860 71.29,956 21.09,263 71.31,318 21.09,666 71.32,679 22.09,282 72.30,378 22.09,704 72.31,759 22.10,126 72.33,140 23.09.704 73.30,800 23.10,145 73.32,200 23.10,586 73.33,600 24.10,126 74.31,222 24.10,586 74.32,641 24.11,047 74.34,060 25.10,548 75.31,644 25.11,027 75.33,082 25.11,507 75.34,521 26.10,970 76.32,066 26.11,468 76.33,523 26.11,967 76.34,981 27.11,392 77.32,488 27.11,910 77.33,964 27.12,427 77.35,441 28.11,814 78.32,910 28.12,351 78.34,405 28.12,888 78.35,901 29.12,236 79.33,332 29.12,792 79.34,847 29.13,348 79.36,362 30.12,658 80.33,753 30.13,233 80.35,288 30.13,808 80.36,822 31.13,079 81.34,175 31.13,674 81.35,729 31,14,268 81.37,282 32.13,501 82.34,597 32.14,115 82.36,170 32.14,729 82.37,742 33.13,923 83.35,019 33.14,556 83.36,611 33.15,189 83.38,203 34.14,345 84.35,441 34.14,997 84.37,052 34.15,649 84.38,663 35.14,767 85.35,863 35.15,438 85.37,493 35.16,110 85.39,123 36.15,189 86.369285 36.15,879 86.37,934 36.16,570 86.39,584 37.15,611 87.36,707 37.16,321 87.38,375 37.17,030 87.40,044 38.169033 88.37,129 38.16,762 88.38,816 38.17,490 88.40,504 39.16,455 89.37,551 39.17,203 89.39,258 39.17,951 89.40,964 40.169,877 90.37,973 40.17,644 90.39,699 40.18,411 90.41,4251 41.17,299 91.38,395 41.18,085 91.40,140 41.18,871 91,41,885 42.17,721 92.38,816 42,.18,526 92.40,581 42.19,332 92.42,345 43.18,142 93.39,238 43.18,967 93.41,022 43.19,792 93.42,805 44.18,564 94.39,660 44.19,408 94.41,463 44.20,252 94.43,266 45.18,986 95.40,082 45.19,849 95.41,904 45.20,712 95.43,726 46.19,408 96.40,504 46.20,290 96.42,345 46.21,173 96.44,186 47.19,830 97.40,926 47.20,732 97.42,786 47.21,633 97.44,647 48.20,252 98.41,348 48.21,173 98.43,227 48.22,093 98.45,107 49.20,674 99.41,770 49.21,614 99.43,668 49.22,553 99.45,567 50.21,096 168 Days. 50.22,055 169Days. 50.23,014 170Days. 146 DAYS. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 1.42,80 61 1.70,80 i71 1.98,80 1181 2.26,80 91 12.54,80 52 1 1.45,60 62 1.73,60 72 2.01,60 82 2.29,60 92 2.57,60 53 1.48,40 63 1.76,40 73 2.04,40 83 2.32,40 931 2.60,40 i54 1.51,20 64 1.79,20 74 2.07,20 84 2.35,20 94 12.63,20 55 11.54,00 65 1.82,00 175 12.10,00 85 2.38,00 95 2.66,00 56 1.56,80 66 11.84,80 76 2.12,80 86 2.40,80 96 12.68,80 57 1.59,60 67 1.87,60 177 2.15,60 87 2.43,60 97 2.71,60 58 1.62,40 68 1.90,40 178 2.18,40 88 2.46,40 98 12.74,40 N 59 I 1.65,20 69 1.93,20 l 79 12.21,20 i 89 12.49,20 11 9912.77,20 1 _ 60 168,00170 1.96,00 80 2.24,00 90 2.52,00 1 I 1 141 COMMERCIAL INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 25 DAYS. 26 DAYS. 27 DAYS. Pri —. interest. Prin. Interest. Irin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. IPrin. Interest. 1-.00,479 51.24,452 1.00,499 51.25,430 1.00,518 51.26,408 2 -2.00,959 52.24,932 2.00,997 52.25,929 2.01,036 52.26,926 3.01,438 53.25,411 3.01,496 53.26,427 3 -.01,553 53.27,444 4.01,918 54.25,890 4.01,995 54.26,926 4.02,071 54.27,962 5.02,397 55.26,370 5.02,493 55.27,425 5.02,589 55.28,479 6.02,877 56.26,849 6.02,992 56.27,923 6.03,107 156.28,997 7.03,356 57.27,329 7.03,490 57.28,422 7.03,625 57.299515 8.039836 58.27,808 8.03,989 58.28,921 8.04,142 58.30,033 9.04,315 59.28,288 9.04,488 59.29,419 9.04,660 59.30,551 10.04,795 60.28,767 10.04,986 60.29,918 10.05,178 60.31,068 11.05,274 61.29,247 11.05,485 61.30,416 11.05,696 61.31,586 12.05,753 62.29,726 12.05,984 62.30,915 12.06,214 62.32,104 13.06,233 63.30,205 13.06,482 63.31,414 13.06,732 63.32,622 14.06,712 64.30,685 14.06,981 64.31,912 14.07,249 64.33,]40 15.07,192 65.31,164 15.07,479 65.32,411 15.07,767 65.33,658 16.07,671 66.31,644 16.07,978 66.32,910 16.08,285 66.34,175 17.08,151 67.32,123 17.08,477 67.33,408 17.08,803 67.34,693 18.08,630 68.32,603 18.08,975 68.33,907 18.09,321 68.35,211 19.09,110 69.33,082 19.(9,474 69.34,405 19.09,838 69.35,729 20.09,589 70.33,562 20.09,973 70.34,904 20.10,356 70.36,247 21.10,068 71.34,041 21.10,471 71.35,403 21.10,874 71.36,764 22.10,548 72.34,521 22.10,970 72.35,901 22.11,392 72.37,282 23 1.11,027 73.35,000 23.11,468 73.36,400 23.11,910 73.37,800 24:.11,507 74.35,479 24.11,967 74.36,899 24.12,427 74.38,318 25.11,986 75.35,959 25.12,466 75.37,397 25.12,945 75.38,836 26.12,466 76.36,438 26.12,964 76.37,896 26.13,463 76.39,353 27.12,945 77.36,918 27.13,463 77.38,395 27.13,981 77.39,871 28.13,425 78.37,397 28.13,962 78.38,893 28.14,499 78.40,389 29.13,904 79.37,877 29.14,460 79.39,392 29.15,016 79.40,907 30.14,384 80.38,356 30.14 959 80.39,890 30.15,534 80.41,425 31.14,863 81.38,836 31.15,458 81.40,389 31.16,052 81.41,942 32.15,342 82.39,315 32.15,956 82.40,888 32.16,570 82.42,460 33.15,822 83.39,795 33.16,455 83.41,386 33.17,088 83.429978 34.16,301 84.40,274 34.16,953 84.41,885 34.17,605 84.43,496 35.16,781 85.40,753 35.1l,452 85.42,384 35.18,123 85.449014 36.17,260 86.41,233 36.17,9.51 86.42,882 36.18,641 86.44,532 37.17,740 87.41,712 37.18,449 87.43,381 37.19,159 87.45,049 38.18,219 88.42,192 38.18,948 88.43,879 38.19,677 88.45,567 39.18,699 89.42,671 39.1,447 89.4,378 39.20,195 89.46,085 40.19,178 90.43,151 40.19,945 90.44,877 40.20,712 90.46,603 41.19,658 91.43,630 41.20,444 91.45,375 41.21,230 91.47,121 42.20,137 92.44,110 42.20,942 92.45,874 42.21,748 92.47,638 43.20,616 93.44,589 43.21,441 93.46,373 43.22,266 93.48,156 44.21,096 94.45,068 44.219940 94.461871 44.22,784 94.48,674 45-.21,575 95.45,548 45.22,438 95.47,370 45.23,301 95.49,192 46.22,055 96.46,027 46.22,937 96.47,868 46.23,819 96.49,710 47.22,534 97.46,507 47.23,436 97.48,367 47.24,337 97.50,227 48.23,014 98.46,986 48.23,934 98.489866 48.24,855 98.50,745 49.23,493 99.47,466 49.24,433 99.49,364 49.25,373 99.51,263 50.23,973 l7lXDay s. 50.24,932 l72Da ys. 50.25,890 173Days. 146 DAYS. -Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prirn. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.02,80 11.30.80 21 1.58,80 31.86,80 41 1.14,80 21.05,60 12.33.60 22.61,60 32.89,60 42 1.17,60 3.08,40 13.36,40 23.64,40 33.92,40 43 1.20,40 4.11,20 14.39,20 24.67,20 34.95,20 44 1.23,20 5.14,00 15 1.42,00 25.70,00 35.98,00 1145 1 1.26,00 6.16,80 1 6.44,80 26.72,80 36 1.00,80 46 1.28,80 71.19,60 17 i.47,60 27 1.75,60 37 1.03,60 47 / 1.31,60 8.22,40 18.50,40 28.78,40 38 1.06,40 48 1.34,40 1 9 1.25,20 19.53,20 29.81,20 39 1.09,20 49 1.37,20 142] 10.28,00 20.56,00 30.84,00 01.12,0 50 1.40,00 I~ ~~~~~~] 98u-,61I2,5 18 5,4 C G OMME RCIAL INTEREST AT:S-EVEN PER -CENT. 28 DAYS., 29 DAYS. 30 DAYS. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest.. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin Interest. 1.00,537 51.27,386 1.00,556 51.28,364 1.00,575 51.29,342 2.01,074 52.27,923 2.01,112 52.28,921 2.01,151 52.29,918 3.01,611 53.28,460 3.01,668 53.29,477 3.01,726 53.30,493 4.02,148 54.28,997 4.02,225 54.30,033 4.02,301 54.31,068 5.02,685 55.29,534 5.02,781 55.30,589 5.02,877 55.31,644 6.03)222 56.30,071 6.03,337 56.31,145 6.03,452 56.32,219 7.03,759 57.30,608 7.03,893 57.31,701 7.04,027 57.32,795 8.04,296 58.31,145 8.04,449 58.32,258 8.04,603 58.33,370 9.04,833 59.31,682 9.05,005 59.32,814 9.05,178 59.33,945 10.05,370 60.32,219 10.05,562 60.33,370 10.05,753 60.34,521 11.05,907 61.32,756 11.06,118 61.33,926 11.06,329 61.35,096 12.06,444 62.33,293 12.06,674 62.34,482 12.06,904 62.35,671 13.06,981 63.33,830 13.07,230 63.35,038 13.07,479 63.36,247 14.07,518 64.34,367 14.07,786 64.35,595 14.08,055 64.36,822 15.08,055 65.34,904 15.08,342 65.36,151 15.08,630 65.37,397 16.08,592 66.35,441 16.08,899 66.36,707 16.09,205 66.37,973 17.09,129 67.35,978 17.09,455 67.37,263 17.09,781 67.38,548 18.09,666 68.36,515 18.10,011 68.37,819 18.10,356 68.39,123 19.10,203 69.37,052 19.10,567 69.38,375 19.10,932 69.39,699 20.10,740 70.37,589 20.11,123 70.38,932 20.11,507 70.40,274 21.11,277 71.38,126 21.11,679 71.39.488 21.12,082 71.40,849 22.11,814 72.38,663 22.12,236 72.405044 22.12,658 72.41,425 23.12,351 73.39,200 23.12,792 73.40,600 23.13,233 73.42,000 24.12,888 74.39,737 24.13,348 74.41156 24.13,808 74.42,575 25.13,425 75.40,274 25.13,904 75.41,712 25.14,384 75.43,151 26.13,962 76.40,811 26.14,460 76.42,268 26.14,959 76.43,726 27.14,499 77.41,348 27.15,016 77.42,825 27.15,534 77.44,301 28.15,036 78.41,885 28.15,573 78.43,381 28.16,110 78.44,877 29.15,573 79.42,422 29.16,129 79.43,937 29.16,685 79.45,452 30.16,110 80.42,959 30.16,685 80.44,493 30.17,260 80.46,027 31.16,647 81.43,496 31.17,241 81.45,049 31.17,836 81.46,603 32.17,184 82.44,033 32.17,797 82.45,605 32.18,411 82 -.47,178 33.17,721 83.44,570 33.18,353 83.46,162 33.18,986 83.47,753 34.18,258 84.45,107 34.18,910 84.46,718 34.19,562 84.48,329 35.18,795 85.45,644 35.19,466 85.47,274 35.20,137 85.48,904 36.19,332 86.46,181 36.20,022 86.47,830 36.20,712 86.49,479 37.19,868 87.46,718 37.20,578 87.48,386 37.21,288 87.50,055 38.20,405 88.47,255 38.21,134 88.48,942 38.21,863 88.50,630 39.20,942 89.47,792 39.21,690 89.49,499 39.22,438 89.51,205 40.21,479 90.48,329 40.22,247 90.50,055 40.23,014 90.51,781 41.22,016 91.48,866 41.22,803 91.50,611 41.23,589 91.52,356 42.22,553 92.49,403 42.23,359 92.51,167 42.24,164 92.52,932 43.23,090 93.49,940 43.23,915 93.51,723 43.24,740 931.53,507 44.23,627 94.50,477 44.24,471 94.52,279 44.25,315 94.54,082 45.24,164 95.51,014 45.25,027 95.52,836 45.25,890 95.54,658 46.24,701 96.51,551 46.25,584 96.53,392 46.26,466 96.55,233 47.25,238 97.52,088 47.26,140 97.53,948 47.27,041 97.55,808 48.25,775 98.52,625 48.26,696 98.54,504 48.27,616 98.56,384 49.26,312 99.53,162 49.27,252 99.55,060 49.28,192 99.56,959 50.26,849 Day 50.27,808 l5Days. 50.28,767 176Bays 1 146 DAYS. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. I Prim. Interestest Prn. Interest. 51 1.42,80 161 1.70,80 71 1.98,80 81 12.26,80 91 2.54,80 52 1.45,60 1 62 1.73,60 1172 12.01,60 82 2.29,60 92 2.57,60 53 1.48,40: 63 1.76,40 73 2.04,40 83 12.32,40 932.60,40 54 1.51,20 64 1.79,20 74 2.07,20 84 2.35,20 9412.63,20 55 1.54,00 65 1.82,00 75 12.10,00 85 2.38,00 95 2.66,00 56 1.56,80 66 1.84,80 76 2.12,80 1186 12.40,80 96 2.68,80 57 1.59,60 1167 1.87,60 77 2.15,60 87 2.43,60 97 2.71 60 58 1.62,40 168 1.90,40 78 2.18,40 11 8812.46,40 98 2.74,40 59 1.65,20 69 1.93,20 79 2.21,20 89 2.49,20 99 2.77,20 60 1.68,00 1170 1.96,00 80:2.24,00 19012.52,00 __ / -] [143 K COMMERCIAL INT'E-REST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 31 DAYS 32 DAYS. 33 DAYS. Priin Interest. Prin. Interest. IPrin. Interest. Prin. Inteiest. Prin. Interest. Prin. InIlterest. 1.00,595 51.30,321 1.00,614 51.31,299 1.00,633 51.32,277 2.01,189 52.30,915 2.01,227 52.31,912 2.01,266 52.32,910 3.01,784 53.31,510 3.01,841 53.32,526 3.01,899 53.33,542 4.02,378 54.32,104 4.02,455 54.33,140 4.02,532 54.34,175 5.02,973 55.32,699 5.03,068 55.33,753 5.03,164 55.34,808 6.03,567 56.33,293 6.03,682 56.34,367 6.03,797 56.35,441 7.04,162 57.33,888 7.04,296 57.34,981 7.04,430 57.36,074 8.04,756 58.34,482 8.04,910 58.35,595 8.05,063 58.36,707 9.05,351 59.35,077 9.05,523 59.36,208 9.05,696 59.37,340 10.05,945 60.35,671 10.06,137 60.36,822 10.06,329 60.37,973 11..06,540 61.36,266 11.06,751 61.37,436 11.06,962 61.38,605 12.07,134 62.36,860 12.07,364 62.38,049 12.07,595 62.39,238 13.07,729 63.37,455 13.07,978 63.38,663 13.08,227 63.39,871 14.08,323 64.38,049 14.08,592 64.39,277 14.08,860 64.40,504 15.08,918 65.38,644 15.09,205 65.39,890 15.09,493 65.41,137 16.09,512 66.39,238 16.09,819 66.40,504 16.10,126 66.41,770 17.10,107 67.39,833 17.10,433 67.41,118 17.10,759 67.42,403 18.10,701 68.40,427 18.11,047 68.41,732 18.11,392 68.43,036 19.11,296 69.41,022 19.11,660 69.42,345 19.12,025 69.43,668 20.11,890 70.41,616 20.12,274 70.42,959 20.12,658 70.44,301 21.12,485 71.42,211 21.12,888 71.43,573 21.13,290 71.44,934 22.13,079 72.42,805 22.13,501 72.44,186 22.13,923 72.45,567 23.13,674 73.43,400 23.14,115 73.44,800 23.14,556 73.46,200 24.14,268 74.43,995 24.14,729 74.45,414 24.15,189 74.46,833 25.14,863 75.44,589 25.15,342 75.46,027 25.15,822 75.47,466 26.15,458 76.45,184 26.15,956 76.46,641 26.16,455 76.48,099 27.16,052 77.45,778 27.16,570 77.47,255 27.17,088 77.48,732 28.16,647 78.46,373 28.17,184 78.47,868 28.17,721 78.49,364 29.17,241 -79.46,967 29.17,797 79.48,482 29.18,353 79.49,997 30.17,836 80.47,562 30.18,411 80.49,096 30.18,986 80.50,630 31.18,430 81.48,156 31.19,025 81.49,710 31.19,619 81.51,263 32.19,025 82.48,751 32.19,638 82.509323 32.20,252 82.51,896 33.19,619 83.49,345 33.20,252 83.50)937 33.20,885 83.52,529 34.20,214 84.49,940 34.20,866 84.51,551 34.21,518 84.53,162 35.20,808 85.50,534 35.21,479 85.52,164 35.22,151 85.53,795 36.21,403 86.51,129 36.22,093 86.52,778 36.22,784 86.54,427 37.21,997 87.51,723 37.22,707 87.53,392 37.23,416 87.55,060 38.22,592 88.52,318 38.23,321 88.54,005 38.24,049 88.55,693 39.23,186 89.52,912 39.23,934 89.54,619 39.24,682 89.56,326 40.23,781 90.53,507 40.24,548 90.55,233 40.25,315 90.56,959 41.24,375 91.54,101 41.25,162 91.559847 41.25,948 91.57,592 42.24,970 92.54,696 42.25,775 92.56,460 42.26,581 92.58,225 43.25,564 93.55,290 43.26,389 93.57,074 43.27,214 93.58,858 44.26,159 94.55,885 44.27,003 94.57,688 44.27,847 94.59,490 45.26,753 95.56,479 45.27,616 95.58,301 45.28,479 95.60,123 46.27,348 96.57,074 46.28,230 96.58,915 46.29,112 96.60,756 47.27,942 97.57,668 47.28,844 97.59,529 47.29,745 97.61,389 48.28,537 98.58,263 48.29,458 98.60,142 48.30,378 98.62,022 49.29,132 99.58,858 49.30,071 99.60,756 49.31,011 99.62,655 50.29726 7 7Days.. 50 30,685 78Days. 50.31,644.79Days _77Da s.. ___3.a _s=1 _179Da's s 1_ 146 DAYS. j Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. IPri. Interest. P. Interest. Prin. Iterest.11 1.02,80 11 11.30,80 21.58,80 31.86,80 41 1.14,80 21.05,60 12.33,60 22.61,60 32.8960 42 1.317,60 3. 08,40 13.36,40 23.64,40 33.92,40 43 1.20,40 41.11,20 14 1.39,20 24.67,20 34.95,20 44 1.23,20 5.14,00 15.42,00 25 1.70,00 35.9800 45 1.26,00 6 1.16,80 16.44,80 26.72,80 36 1.00,80 46 1.28,80 7.19,60 171.47,60 27 1.75,60 37 1.03,60 47 1.31,60 8.22,40 18.50,40 28.78,40 38 1.06,40 48 1.34,40 I9.25,20 119.53,20'29.81,20 39 1.09,20 49 1.37,20 144] 1[0 28s,00 /20.56,00 1130.84,00 40 1.112,00 1150 1.40,00._...U _.i i.. I I ] I iCOM41MERCIAL INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENTN K -~4 DAYS. 35 DAYS. 3__ 6 _ DAYS.'Prin Interest. Prin Inerest. Prin.' Interes Prin:- In.rest. Pei. Interest. Prin. Ant: rest. 1,.00,652 51.33,255 1.00,671 51:.34,233 1.00,690 51.35,211t 2,.01,304 52.33,907 2.01,342 t52.34,904] 2.01,'381 52.35,901 [ 3.01,956 53:.34,559 3,.02,014 53].35,575 3.0A,071 53.36,5921i 4.02,60s 54.35,211 4.02,685 54.36,247 4.02;;762 54.37,282 5.03,260 55t.30,863 5.03,356 55':.30,918 5.03,452 55,.37,973 6.03,912 56.36,515 6.04,027 56.37,589 6.04,142 56.38,66:3 7.04,564 57,.37,16'7 7.04,699 57:.38,260 7..04,833 57.39353 8.05,216 58a.37,819 8.05,370 58.38,032 8.05,523 58.40,044[ 9.05,868 59,.38,471 9.06,041 59.30,603 0.06,214 59.40'r734 10.06,521 60.39,123 10.06,712 60.40,274 10.06,904 60.41,425 I11.07,173 611.30,775 11.07,384 61.40,945 11.07,595 61.42,115 12.07,825 62.40,427 12.08,055 629t.41,616 12.08,285 62.42,805 13.08,477 63~.41,079 13:.08,726 63:.42,288 13.08,975 63.43,496 1 4.09,129 64.41,732 14i.09,397 64.42,959 14.09,666 64.44,186 15.09,781 65it.42,384 15|.10,068 65.43,630 ~ 5.10,856 65.44,877: 16.10,433 66't.43,036 16..10,740 66.44,301 16.11,047 66.45,567 17.11,085 67[.431688 17.11,411 67.44,9713 17.11,737 67.46,258 18~.11,737 68 —.44,340 18.12,082 68,.45,644 18.12,427 68.46,948 19.12,389 691.44,992 19.12,753 69.46,315 19.13,118 69.47,638 20.13,041 70,1.45,644 20.13,425 70.46,986 20.13,808 70.48,329 21.13,693 71.46296 21,.14,a96 71.47,658 21.14,499 71.49,019 22,.14,345 72,-.46,948 22.14,767 72.48329 22t.15,189 72.49,710 23.14,997 73..4'7,600 23.15,438 73.49,000 23.15,879 ~73.50,400 24.15,649 74-.48,252 24.16,110 74.49,671 24.16,570 74.51,00 2516 301 75-.48,904 25.16,781 751.50,342 25.17,260 75[:51,78111 26.16,953 76.40,556 26.17,452 76;.51,014 26.17,951 76].52,47'1 27.17,605 77-.50,28 2.18,123 77.51,685 27.18,641 771.53,16'21 I.50,~208 27 278 28..189,258.50,860 28.18,795.52,356 28.19,,332 78.53,8 29.18,-910 79/.51512 29.19,466 79.53,021 29.20,022 79..54,542 30.19,562 80.52,104 30.20,137 80.53,699 30.20,712 8 0.55,233 3t1.20,214 8"1.52,816 31.20,808 81.54,370'31,.21,403 811.55,923 32.20,866 8t2.53,468 32.21,479 8s2.55,041 32.22,093 82,.56.614 33.21,518 83.54,121 33.22,151 83.55,712 33.22,784 83.57,304 34.22,170 84.54,773! 34.22,822 84,.56,384 34.23,474.57,995 35..22,822 85l.55,425 35.23,493 85.57,055 35.24,164 85.58,685 36.23,474 86:.560,077 36.24,164 86:.57%726 36.24,855 86.59,375 37.24,126 87-~.56,729 37.24,836 87.58,397 37.25,545 87.60,066 38.24,7{78 881.57,381 38.25,4507 88.59,068 138.26,236 88.60,756 39I.25,430 89{.58,0.33 39.26,178 891.59,740.26,926 189.61,447 40.26,082 90.58,685 40.26,849 90.60,411 40.27,616 0.62,137 41.26,7.34 91.59,337[ 41.27,521 91.61,082 41.28,307 91.62,827 42.27,386 92.59,989 42.28,192 92.61,753 42.28,907 92.68,518 43.28,038 93.60,641 43.28,863 93.62,425 43.29,688 93:.1.64,208 44.28,690 94.61,293 44.29,534 94.63,096 44.30,378 94.64,899 45[.29,342 95..61,945 45.30,205 95.63.767 45.31,068 [95.65,589 46.29,995 96.62,597 46.30,877 96.64,438 46.31,759 96.66,279 47.30,647 97.63,249 47.31,548 97[.65,10 47.32,449 97.66,970 48.31,299 98.6-3,901 48.32,219 98.65,781 48[.33,140 98.679660 49.31,951 99.64,553 4.32890 99.66,452 49.33,830'99.69,351 50.32,603 9O] 50.33,562 ll y 50.34,5219 _. 146 D.A7Y6S. Prin. Intereet. Prin. Interest. Pin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prn; It]{t Pin' Prin Interest. l 51 1.42,80 61 1.70,80 I71 1.98,80 81 2.26,80 91 2.54,80 52 1.45,60 62- 1.73,60 72I 2.01,60 82 2.29,60 92i2.57,60 53 1.48,40 63 1.76,40 73l 2.04,40 83 2.32,40 93 2,60,40 54 1.51,2.0 64" 1.79,20 74 2.07,20 84t 2.35,20 94 2.63,20i 55 1.54,00 65- 1.82,00 75 2.10,00 85 2.38,00 95 2.66,00 56 1.56,80 66:1 1.84,80 7]6: 2.12,80 186 2.40,80 96 2.68,80 57 1.59,60 67 1.87,60 7]7 2.15,60 ]87 2.43,60 97 2.71,60 58 1.62,40 68 1.90,40 78 2.18,40 88t 2.46,40 98 2.74~40 59 - 1.65,20 609-1 1.93,20 79 2.21,20 899/ 2.49,20 99 2.77,20 I ]6011'68,00 70'o1.96,00 80 2".24,00 90 2".52,00[[I t!'4] COM-MERCIAL INTEREST AT AT SEVEN PER C:ENT.' 37 DAYS. 38; DAYS, 39 DAYS, Prin. nterest. Interest. IPrin. Interest. Pri. Iterest. Prin. Interest. liPrin.r Interest. 1.00,710 51.36,189 1.00,729 51.37,167 1.00,748 51.38,145 2.01,419 52.36,899 2.01,458 52.37,896 2.01,496:52.38,893 3.02,129: 53.37,608 3.02,186 53.38,625 3.02,244 53.39,641 4.02,838 54.38,318 4.02,915 54.39,353 4.02992 54.40,389 5.03,548' 55.39,027 5.03,644 55.40,082 5.03,740 55.41,137 6.04,258 56.39,737 6.04,373 56.40,811 6.04,488 56.41,885 7.041967 57.40,447 7.05,101 57.41,540 7.05,236 57.42,633 8.05,677 58.41,156 8.05,830 58.42,268 8.05,984 58.43,381 9.06,386 59.41,866 9.06,559 59.42,997, 9.06,732'59[.44,129 10.07,096 60.42,575 10.07,288 60.43,726 10.07,479 60.44,877 11.07,805 61.43,285 11.08,016 61.44,455 11.08,227 61.45,625 12.08,515 62.43,9951 12.08,745 62.45,184 12.08,975 62.46,373 13.09,225 63.44,704 13.09,474 63.45,912 13.09,723 63.47,121 14.09,934 64.45,414 14.10,203 64.46,64,1 14.10,471 64.47,868 15.10,644 65.46,123 15.10,932 65.47,370 15.11,219' 65.48,616! 16.11,353 66.46,833 16.11,660 66.48,099- 16.11,967 66.49,364j 17.12,063 67.47,542 17.12,389 67.48,827 17.12,715 67.50,112 18.12,773 68.48,252 18.13,118 68.49;556 18.13,463 68.50,860 19.13,482 69.48,962 19.13,847 69.50,285 19.14,211 69.51,608 20.14,192 70.49,671 20.14,575 70;.51,014 20.14,959 70.52,356 21.14,901 71.50,381 21.15,304 71.51,742 21.15,707 71.53,104 22.15,611 72.51,090 22.16,033 72.52,471 22.16,455 72.53,852 23.16,321 73.51,800 23.16,762 73.53,200 23.179203 73.54,600 24.17,030 74.52,510 24.17,490 74.53,929 24.17,951 74.55,348 25.17,740 75.53,219 25.18,219 75.54,658 25.18,699 75.56,096 26.18,449 76.53,929 26.18,948 76.55,386 26.19,447 76.56,844 27.19,159 77.54,638 27.19,677 77.56,115 27.20,195 77.57,592 28.19,868 78.55,348 28.20,405 78.56,844 28.20,942 78.58,340 29.20,578 79.56,058 29.21,134 179.57,573 29.21,690 79.59,088 30.21,288 80.56,767 30.21,863 80.58,301 30.22,438 80.59,836 31.21,997 81.57,477 31.22,592 81.59,030 31.23,186 81.60,584 32.22,707 8-2.58,186 32.23,321 82.59,759 32.23,934 82.61,332 33.23,416 83.58,896 33.24,049 83.60,488 33.24,682 83.62,(79 34.24,126 84.59,605 34.24,778 84.61,216 34.25,430 84.62,827 35.24,836 85.60,315 35.25,507 85.61,945 35.26,178 85.63,575 36.25,545 86.61,025 36.26,236 86.62,674 36.26,926 86.64,323 37.26,255 87.61,734 37.26,964 87.63,403 37.27,674 87.65,0711 38.26 964 88.62,444 38.27,693 88.64,132 38.28,422 88.65,819 39.27,674 89.63,153 39.28,422 89.64,860 39.29,170 89.66,567 40.289384 90.63,863 40.29,151 90.65,589 40.29,918 90.67,315 41.29,093 91.64,573 41.29,879 91.66,318 41.30,666 91.68,063 42.29,803 92.65,282 42.30,608 92.67.,047 42.31,414 92.68,811 43.30,512 93.65,992 43.31,337 93.67,775 43.32,162 93.69,5591 44.31,222 94.66,701 44.32,066 94.68,504 44.32,910 94.70,307 4;5.31,932 95.67,411 45.32,795 95.69,233 45.33,658 95.71,055 46.32,641 96.68,121! 46.33,523 96.69,962 46.34,405 96.71,803 47.33,351 97.68,830 47.34,252 97.70,690 47.35,153 97.72,551 48.34,060 98.69,540 48.34,981 98.71,419 48.35,901 98.73,299 49.34,770 99.70,249 49.35,710 99.72,148 49.36,649 99.74,047 50.35,479 1.183Days. 50.36,438 1 S Days. 50.37,397 185 Days. 1 4 6 DAYS. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. IPril. nterest. Prin. nterest. Prn Interest. 1.02.80 11.30,80 21.58,80 31.86,80 41 1.14,80 2.05,60 12.33,60 22.61 60 32.89,60 42 1.17,60 31.08,40 13.36,40 23.64,40 33.92,40 43 1.20,40 4.11,20 14.39,20 24.67,20 34.95,20 44 1.23,20 5.14,00 15.42,00 25.70,(0 35.98,00 45 1.26,00 6.16,80 16.44,80 26.72,80 36 1.00,80 46 1.28,80 7.19,60 17.47,60 27.75,60 37 1.03,60 47 1.31,60 8 22,40 18.50,40 28.78,40 38 - 1.06,40 481.34,40 9.25,20 19.53,20 29.81,20 3911.09,20 1149 1.37,20 146] 10.28,00 1201.56,00 1130.84,00 140 1.12,00 50 1.40,00 COMMERCIAL, INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 40 DAYS. 41 DAYS. 42 DAYS. Pri/l. Interest. Prin. Irlterest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. P n.Interest. 1.00,767 51.39,123~ I.00,786 51.40J101 I.00,805 51.41,079 2.01,54 52.39,890 2.01,573' 52.401888 2.019611 52.41,8855 3.02,301 53.40,658 3.029359, 53.41,674 3.02,416 53.42,690 4.03,068 54.419425 4.03J145 54,42,460 4..03,222 54.43, 496 5.03,836 55.42J192 5.03,932 55.43 247 5'.04,027 55.44,301 6.04,603 56.42~959 6.04,718 56.449033 6..0833 56.45,107 7.05,370 57.43,726 7;.05.504 57.44,819: 7~.05,638 57.459912 8.06,137 58.44,493 8.069290 58.4 5,605 $.06,444 58.46,718 9.06,904 59.45,260 9.07~077.59.469392 9.07,249 59.47,52-3'10.07,671 60.46,027 10.07,86-3 60.479178 10.08,055 60.48,3291 11.089438 61~.469 795 1 1.08~649 61,.479964 11.08,860 61.49J134 12.09,205 62.47 562 12:.09,436 62.489751 12.09,666 62.49,940 13.09,973 ~63:.48~329 13.10,222 63.49,537 13.10,471 63.50,745 14.10,740 64.499096 14 -.117008 64.50,323 14.119277 64.51~551 15.119507 65.499 863 15.11,795 65.51,110 15.12,082 65.521356 16.123274 66.50,630 16.12,581 66.51,896 16.12,888 66.53J162 17.13,041 67.51, 397 17.13,367 67.5.2,682 17.13,693 67.53.967 18.13,808 68.52,164 18.149153 68..53,468 18.143499 68.54,773 19.14,575 69.52,932 19.149940 69.54,'2155 19.157304 69.55,578 20.15,312 70.539699 20.15,726 70.55M041 20.161110 70.569384 21.16,110 71.54,466 21.16,512 71.55,827 21!.16,9i5 71.57tI89 22.16987-7 72.559233 22.177299 72.56,614 22.179721 72.579995 23.179644 73.56,000 23.189085 73.57 400 23.18,526 73.589800 24.18,411 74.56,767 24.18,871 74.5S,186 24.19,332 74.59,605 25.199178 75.57,534 25.19,658 75.58,973 25.20,137 75,.60,411 26.19,945 76.58,-301 26.20,444 76.59,759 26.20,942 76.61,216 27.201712 77.59,068 27:.21.,230 77.60,545 27.219748 77.62,022 28.219479 78.59,836 28.22,016 78.61,332 28.22,553 78.62,827 29.22%247 79.60,603 29.22,803 79.62,118 29.23,359 -79.63,633 30.23,014 SO.619370 30.23,589 SO.612,904.30.24J164 SO.649438 31'.23,781 $1,.62,137 31:.24,375 81.63,690 31.24~970 81.65,244 32.24,548 82 -.62,904 32,25,162 82.64,477 32..25,775 82.669049 33.25,315 83.63,671 33.25,948 83.65,263 33.26,581 83.66,855 34-.26,082 84.64,438 34.26,734 S 4,669049 84.27,386 84.6 7,660 35.269849 85.659205 35.279521 5.66836 35.28,192 S5.689466 36.279616 86.659973 36.28,307 86.679622 36.289997 86.69,271 37~.28,3834 87.669740 37.29,093 87.68,408 37.29,803 87.709077 38.29,151 8S.67,507 38.29,879 S88.69,195 38.30,60)8 88.709882 39:.29,918 89.68,274 389.30,666 89.69,981 39.31,414 89.71,688' 40.30,685 90.69,041 40.3-19452 90.70,767 40.32,219 90 -.729493 41.319452 91.69,808 41:.32,238 91.719553 41.33,05 91.73,299 42.32,219 92.709575 42.33X05 92.72,340 42.33,830 92.74,104 43.32,986 93.719342 43.33~811 93.7391261 43.34,636 93.749910 44.339753 94.72,!.10 44.34,597 94.73,912 44.35,441 94.759715 45.34~521 95.729877 45.359384 95.-74~699 45.36,247 95.76X52 46:.359288 96.73,644 46.369170 96.75,485 46.379052 96.77,326, 47.36,055 97.74,411 47.36,956 97.76,271 47.379858 97.78,132 48.369822 98.75,178~ 48.379742 98.77,058 48.38,663 98.78,937 49.379589 99.75,945 49,38,529 99.77,844 49.399468 99.79,742: 150.38)356 50.39,315 5o 4,7'1861)ays. IlWDaps.. 4,18374s 14 46 DAYS. 511.42,80 611.70,80'71!" 1.98,80:1 81/2,26,80 912.54.8101 53 1.48,40 631.76,40 73~ 2.04,40';l 83 2'32'40,9 2.60,40/ 54 1.51,20 641.79,20 74. 2.07,20 i 841 2.35,20 942.63,20/ 55 1.54,00 651.82,00 75:; 2.10,00' [85 [2.38,00 952.66,001 56 1.56980.'61.84,80 76 2.12,80:6- s62'40,80~9 2.68,80. t 57' 1.59,60 671.87,60: 77' 2.15,60.:{ 87/ 2.43,60: 972'71,60 [ 58 1.62,40::81.90,40 78 2.18940::88; 2'46'40 982.749401 5916,0 1.3,0 79 21,20;[[ 89I 2, 9, 2.77,2 on 60 1.80 I.60 8052.24,00 -[90 —5n,00 COMMERCIAL INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 43 DAY _ 44 DAYS. i5 DAYS. Prin. Interest. tPrin. Ifiterest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Intetest. Pi-in. Interest. 1.00,825 651.42,058 1.00,844 51.43,036 1.00,863 51.44,014 2.01,640 52.42,882 2.01,688 52-.43,879 2.01,726 52.44,877 3.02,474 53.43,707 3.02,532 53.44,723 3.02,589[ 53.45,740 4.03;299 54.44,532 4.03,375 54.45,567 4.03,452 54.46,603 5.0'4,123 5 5.45,356 5.04,219 55.46,411 5.04,315 55.47,466 6.04,948 56.46,181 6.05,063 56.47,255 6.05,178 56.48,329 7.;0.5,773 57.47,005 7.05,907' 57'.48,099 7.06,041 57.49,192 8.06,597 58.47,830 8.06,751 58.48;942 8.06,904 58.50,055 9.07,422 59.48,655 9.07,595'5 59.4,786 9.07,767 59.50,918 10.08,247 60.419,479 10.08,438' 60.50,4730 10.08,630 6 0.51,781 11.09,071 -61.50,304 11.09282 61.51',474 11.09,493 61.52,644 12.09,896 ~62.51,129 12.10j26 62.5%,318 12.10,356 62.53,507 i3.10,721 63.51,953 13.10,970 63 -.53,162 13.11,219 63.54,370 14. II,545 -64.52,778 14.11814 6.54005 14.12,082 641.55,233 15.12,370 65.53,603 15.12,658 65.54,849 15.12,945 65.56,096'16.13,195 66.54,427 16.13,501 66.55,693 16.13,808 66.56,959 17|.14,019' 67.55,252 17.14,345 67.56,537 17.14,671 67.57,822 18.14,844 168.56,077 18.15,189 1168.57,381 18.15,534 68.58,685 19-.15,668' 169.56;901 19.16,033 69.58 225 19.16,397 69.59,548 20.r6,493 70.57,726 20.16,877 70.59,068 20.17,260 70.60,411 21.17,3184' 71.58,551 21.17,721 71.59j912 21.18,123 71.61,274 22.188;142' 72.59;375 22.18,564 72.60,756 22.18,986 72.62,137 23.18,967 73.60,200 23.19,408 73.61,600 23.19,849 73.63,000 24.19,792 74.61;025[ 24.20,252 74.62,444 24.20,712 74.63,863 25.20,616 75.61,849 25.21,096 75.63,288 25.21,575 75.64,726 26.21,441 76.62,674 26.21,940 76.64,132 26.22,438 76.65,589 27.'2,266.77.63;499 27.22,784 77.64,975 27.23,301 77.66,452'28.23,090 78.64,323 28.23,627 78'.65,819 28.24,164 78.67,315 29.23,915- 79.65,148 29.24,471 79.66,663 29.25,027 79.68,178 30.24;740 80.65,973 30.25,315 80.67,507 30.25,890 80.69,041 31.25,564 81.66,797 31.26,159 81.68,351 31.26,753 81'.69,904 32.26;389 182.67,622 32.27;003' 82.69,195 32.27,616 82.70,767 33.27,214' 83.68;447 331.27,847 83.70,038 33.28,479 83.71,630 34'.28,038' 84.69;271 34.28,690 84.70,882 34.29,342 84.72,493 35.28,863' 185.7U,096 35.29,534 1185.71,726 35.30,205 85.73,356 36.29,688 86.70,921 36.30,378 86.72,570 36.31,068 86.74,219 37.30,512 87.71,745 37.31,222 87.73,414' 37 1.31,932 87.75,082 38.31,337 188.72,570 38.32,066 88.74,258 38.32,795' 188.75,945 39.32,162 89.73,395 39.32,910 89.75,101 39.33,658' 89.76,808 40.32,986 90.74,219 40.33,753 90.75,945 40.34,521 90.77,671.41.33;811 91.75,044 41.34,597 91.76,789 41.35,384 91.78,534 42.314,636 92.75,868 42.35,441 92.77,633 42.36,247 92.79,397 43.35,460 93.76,693 43.36,285 93.78,477 43.37,110 93.80,260 44.36,285 194.77,518 44.37,129 94.79,321 44.37,973 94.81,123 -45.37,110 95.78,3'42 45.37,973 95.80,164 45.38,836 95.81,986 46.37,934 96.79;167 46'.38-816 96-.81,008 46.39,699 96.82,849 47'.38,759- 1197.79,992 47.39,660 97.81,852 47.40,562 97.83,712 48 1.39;584 | 98.80,816 481.40;504 98'.82,696 48.41,425 98.84,575 49'.40;408' 99.81,641 49.41,348 99.83,540 49.42,288' 99.85,438 50.41,233 1l[89Days. 50.42,192 1l19ODays. 50.43,151 l9l Days. _ 1 46 DDA Y S. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prilr. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.02,80 11.30,80 21.58,80 311.86,80 141 1.14,80 2.05,60 12.33,60 22.61,60 32.89,60 42 1.17,60 31.08,40 13 1.36,40' 23.64,40 331.92,40 43 1.20,40 4.11,20 14.39,20 24.67,20 34.95,20 44 1.23,20 5.14,00 15.42,0(f 25.70,00 35.98,00 45 1.26,00 16.16,80 16&.44,80 26.72,80 36 1.0080 46 1.28,80 7..19,60 17.47,60 27.75,60 1137 1.03,60 47 1.31,60 8 1.22,40 181.50,40 28.78,40 38 1.06,40 48 1.34,40 9'-.25,20 19'.53,20 29.81,20 [ 39 1.09,20 49 1.37,20 11481 1j10;.28,00 1120[.56,00' 30.84,00 1140~1.12,00 50 1.40,00 .iCOMMERCIAL INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 46 DAYS. 47 DAYS. 48 DAYS. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin Interest. 1.00,882 51.44,992 1.00,901 51.45,970 1.00,921 51.46,9482.01,764 52.45,874 2.01,803 52.46,871 2.01,841 52.47,868 3.02,647 53.46,756 3.02,704 53.47,773 3.02,762 53.48,789 4.03,529 54.47,638 4.03,605 54.48,674 4.03,682 54.49,710 5.04,411 55.48,521 5.04,507 55.49,575 5.04,603 55.50,630 6.05,293 56.49,403 6.05,408 56.50,477 6.05,523 56.51,551 7.06,175 57.50,285 7.06,310 57.51,378 7.06,444 57.52,471 8.07,058 58.51,167 8.07,211 58.52,279 8.07,364 58.53,392 9.07,940 59.52,049 9.08,112 59.53,181 9.08,285 59.54,312 10.08,822 60.52,932 10.09,014 60.54,082 10.09,205 60.55,233 11.09,704 61.53,814 11.09,915 61.54,984 11.10,126 61.56,153 12.10,586 62.54,696 12.10,816 62.55,885 12.11,047 62.57,074 13.11,468 63.55,578 13.11,718 63.56,786 13.11,967 63.57,995 14.12,351 64.56,460 14.12,619 64.57,688 14.12,888 64.58,915 15.13,233 65.57,342 15.13,521 65.58,589 15.13,808 65.59,836 16.14,115 66.58,225 16.14,422 66.59,490 16.14,729 66.60,756 17.14,997 67.59,107 17.15,323 67.60-392 17.15,649 67.61,677 18.15,879 68.59,989 18.16,225 68.61,293 18.16,570 68.62,597 19.16,762 69.60,S71 19.17,126 69.62,195 19.17,490 69.63,518 20.17,644 70.61,753 20.18,027 70.63,096 20.18,411 70.64,438 21.18,526 71.62,636 21.18,929 71.63,997 21.19,332 71.65,359 22.19,408 72.63,518 22.19,830 72.64,899 22.20,252 72.66,279 23.20,290 73.64,400 23.20,732 73.65,800 23.21,173 73.67,200 24.21,173 74.65,282 24.21,633 74.66,701 24.22,093 74.68,121 25.22,055 75.66,164 25.22,534 75.67,603 25.23,014 75.69,041 26.22,937 76.67,047 26.23,436 76.68,504 26.23,934 76.69,962 27.23,819 77.67,929 27.24,337 77.69,405 27.24,855 77.70,882 28.24,701 78.68,811 28.25,238 78.70,307 28.25,775 78.71,803 29.25,584 79.69,693 29.26,140 79.71,208 29.26,696 79.72,723 30.26,466 80.70,575 30.27,041 80.72,110 30.27,616 80.73,644 31.27,348 81.71,458 31.27,942 81.73,011 31.28,537 81.74,564 32.28,230 82.72,340 32.28,844 82.73,912 32.29,458 82.75,485 33.29,112 83.73,222 33.29,745 83.74,814 33.30,378 83.76,405 34.29,995 84.74,104 34.30,647 84.75,715 34.31,299 84.77,326 35.30,877 85.74,986 35.31,548 85.76,616 35.32,219 85.78,247 36.31,759 86.75,868 36.32,449 86.77,518 36.33,140 86.79,167 37.32,641 87.76,751 37.33,351 87.78,419 37.34,060 87.80,088 38.33,523 88.77,633 38.34,252 88.79,321 38.34,981 88.81,008 39.34,405 89.78,515 39.35,153 89.80,222 39.35,901 89.81,929 40.35,288 90.79,397 40.36,055 90.81,123 40.36,822 90.82,849 41.36,170 91.80,279 41.36,956 91.82,025 41.37,742 91.83,770 42.37,052 92.81,162 42.37,858 92.82,926 42.38,663 92.84,690 43.37,934 93.82,044 43.38,759 93.83,827 43.39,584 93.85,611 44.38,816 94.82,926 44.39,660 94.84,729 44.40,504 94.86,532 45.39,699 95.83,808 45.40,562 95.85,630 45.41,425 95.87,452 46.40,581 96.84,690 46.41,463 96.86,532 46.42,345 96.88,373 47.41,463 97.85,573 47.42,364 97.87,433 47.43,266 97.89,293 48.42,345 98.86,455 48.43,266 98.88,334 48.44,186 98.90,214 49.43,227 99.87,337 49.44,167 99.89,236 49.45,107 99.91,134 50.44,110 l92Days. 50.45,068 93Days. 50.46,027 l94Days. 146 DAYS. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 1.42,80 61 1.70,80 71 1.98,80 81 2.26,80 91 2.54,80 52 1.45,60 62 1.73,60 72 2.01,60 82 2.29,60 92 2.57,60 53 1.148,40 63 1.76,40 73 2.04,40 83 2.32,40 93 2.60,40 54 11.51,20 64 1.79,20 74 2.07,20 84 12.35,20 9412.6320 55 1154,00 65 1.82,00 75 2.10,00 8512.38s00 95 1266,00 56 1. 56,80 66 1.84,80 76 2.12,80 86 2.40,80 9612.68,80 57 1.59,60 67 1.87,60 77 2.15,60 87 12.43,60 9712.71,60 58 1.62,40 68 1.90,40 78 2.18,40 88 2.46,40 98 2.74,40 59 1.65,20 69 1.93,20 79 2.21,20 189 2.49,20 [[ 99 2.77,2011 60 1.68,00 70 1.96,00 80 2.24,00 9012.52,00 1 149 COMMERCIAL INTEREST AT SE-VEN- PER CENT. 49 DAYS. 50 DAYS. 51 DAYS. Prin Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Intelest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.00,940 51.47,926 1.00,959 51.48,904 1.00,978 51.49,882 2.01,879 52.48,866 2.01,918 52.49,863 2.01,956 52.50,860 3.02,819 53.49,805 3.02,877 53.50,822 3.02,934 53.51,838 4.03,759 54.50,745 4.03,836 54.51,781 4.03,912 54 52,816 5.04,699 55.51,685 5.04,795 55.52,740 5.04,890 55.53,795 6.05,638 56.52,625 6.05,753 56.53,699 6.05,868 56.54,773 7.06,578 57.53,564 7.06,712 57.54,658 7.06,847 57.55,751 8.07,518 58.54,504 8.07,671 58.55,616 8.07,825 58.56,729 9.08,458 59.55,444 9.08,630 59.56,575 9.08,803 59.57,707 10.09,397 60.56,384 10.09,589 60.57,534 10.09,781 60.58,685 11.10,337 61.57,323 11.10,548 61.58,493 11.10,759 61.59,663 12.11,277 62.58,263 12.11,507 62.59,452 12.11,737 62.60,641 13.12,216 63.59,203 13.12,466 63.60,411 13.12,715 63.61,619 14.13,156 64.60,142 14.13,425 64.61,370 14.13,693 64.62,597 15.14,096 65.61,082 15.14,384 65.62,329 15.14,671 65.63,575 16.15,036 66.62,022 16.15,342 66.63,288 16.15,649 66.64,553 17.15,975 67.62,962 17.16,301 67.64,247 17.16,627 67.65,532 18.16,915 68.63,901 18.17,260 68.65,205 18.17,605 68.66,510 19.17,855 69.64,841 19.18,219 69.66,164 19.18,584 69.67,488 20.18,795 70.65,781 20.19,178 70.67,123 20.19,562 70.68,466 21.19,734 71.66,721 21.20,137 71.68,082 21.20,540 71.69,444 22.20,674 72.67,660 22.21,096 72.69,041 22.21,518 72,70,422 23.21,614 73.68,600 23.22,055 73.70,000 23.22,496 73.71,400 24.22,553 74.69,540 24.23,014 74.70,959 24.23,474 74.72,378 25.23,493 75.70,479 25.23,973 75.71,918 25.24,452 75.73,356 26.24,433 76.71,419 26.24,932 76.72,877 26.25,430 76.74,334 27.25,373 77.72,359 27.25,890 77.73,836 27.26,408 77.7,5j312 28.26,312 78.73,299 28.26,849 78.74,795 28.27,386 78.76,290 29.27,252 79.74,238 29.27,808 79.75,753 29.28,364 79.77,268 30.28,192 80.75,178 30.28,767 80.76,712 30.29,342 80.78,247 31.29,132 81.76,118 31.29,726 81.77,671 31.30,321 81.79,225 32.30,071 82.77,058 32.30,685 82.78,630 32,31,299 82.80,203 33.31,011 83.77,997 33.31,644 83.79,589 33.32,277 83.81,1,81 34.31,951 84.78,937 34.32,603 84.80,548 34.33,255 84.82,159 35.32,890 85.79,877 35.33,562 85.81,507 35.34,233 85.83,137 36.33,830 86.80,816 36.34,521 86.82,466 36.35,211 86.84,115 37.34,770 87.81,756 37.35,479 87.83,425 37.369189 87.85,093 38.35,710 88.82,696 38.36,438 88.84,384 38.37,167 88.86,071 39.36,649 89.83,636 39.37,397 89.85,342 39.38,145 89.87,049 40.37,589 90.84,575 40.38,356 90.86,301 40.39,123 90.88,027 41.38,529 91.85,515 41.39,315 91.87,260 41.40,101 91.89,005 42.39,468 92.86,455 42.40,274 92.88,219 42.41,079 92.89,984 43.40,408 93.87,395 43.41,233 93.89,178 43.42,058 93.90,962 44.41,348 94.889334 44.42,192 94.90,137 44.43,036 94.91,940 45.42,288 95.89,274 45.43,151 95.91,096 45.44,014 95.92,918 46.43,227 96.90,214 46.44,110 96.92,055 46.44,992 96.93,896 47.44,167 97.91,153 47.45,068 97.93,014 47.45,970 97.94,874 48.45,107 98.92,093 48.46,027 98.93,973 48.46,948 98.95,852 49.46,047 99.93,033 49.46,986 99.94,932 49.47,926 99.96,830 50.46,986 195Days. 50 47,945 l196Days. 50.48,904 197 ays.l 1 46 DAYS. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Pri.l Interest. IPrin. Interest. 1.02,80 11.30,80 121.58,80 31.86,80 41 1.14,80 21.05,60 112.33,60 122.61,60 32.8960 42 1.17,60 3.08,40 13.36,40 23.64,40: 33.92,40 43 1.20,40:4.11,20 14.39,20 24.67,20 34.95,20 44 1.23,20 5.14,00 115.42,00 25.70,00 35.98,00 45 1.26,00 6.16,80 16.44,80 26.72,80 36 1.00,80: 46 1.28,80 7.19,60 17.47,60 27.75,60 37 1.03,60 47 1.31,60 8.22,40 18.50,40 28.78,40 38 1.06,40 148 1.34,40 9.25,20 19.53,20 19.53,20 29.81,20 39 1.09,20 1149 1.37,20 10 10.28,00 20.56,00 30.84,00 40 1.12,00 50 1.40,00 COMMERCIAL INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 52 DAYS. 53 DAYS. 54 DAYS. rin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.009997 51.50,860 1.01,016 51.51,838 1.019036. 51.52816 2.01,995 52.51,858 2.02,033 52.52,855 2.02,071 52.53,852 3.02,992 53.52,855 3.03,049 53.53,871 3.03,107 53.54,888 4.03,989 54.53,852 4.04,066 54.54,888 4.049142 54.55,923 5.04,986 55.54,849 5.05,082 55.55,904 5.05,178 55.56,959 6.05,984 56.55,847 6.06,099 56.56,921 6.06,214 56.57,995 7.069981 57.56,844 7.07,115 57.57,937 7.07,249 57.59,030 8.07,978 58.57,841 8.08,132 58.58,953 8.08,285 58.60,066 9.08,975 59.58,838 9.09,148 59.59,970 9.09,321 59.61,101 10.09,973 60.59,836 10.10,164 60.60,986 10.10,356 60.62,137 11.10,970 61.60,833 11.11,181 61.62,003 11.11,392 61.63,173 12.11,967 62.61,830 12.12,197 62.63,019 12.12,427 62.64,208 13.12,964 63.62,827 13.13,214 63.64,036 13.13,463 63.65,244 14.13,962 64.63,825 14.14,230 64.65,052 14.14,499 64.66,279 15.149959 65.64,822 15.15,247 65.66,068 15.159534 65.67,315 16.15,956 66.65,819 16.16,263 66.67,085 16.169570 66.68,351 17.16,953 67.66,816 17.17,279 67.68,101 17.179605 67.69,386 18.17,951 68.67,814 18.18,296 68.69,118 18.18,641 68.70,422 19.18,948 69.68,811 19.19,312 69.70,134 19.19,677 69.71,458 20.19,945 70.69,808 20.20,329 70.71,151 20.20,712 70.72,493 21.20,942 71.70,805 21.21,345 71.72,167 21.21,748 71.73,529 22.21,940 72.71,803 22.22,362 72.73,184 22.22,784 72.74,564 23.229937 73.72,800 23.23,378 73.74,200 23.23,819 73.75,600 24.23,934 74.73,797 24.24,395 74.75,216 24.24,855 74.76,636 25.24,932 75.74,795 25.25,411 75.76,233 25.25,890 75.77,671 26.25,929 76.75,792 26.26,427 76.77,249 26.26,926 76.78,707 27.26,926 77.76,789 27.27,444 77.78,266 27.27,962 77.79,742 28.27,923 78.77,786 28.28,460 78.79,282 28.289997 78.80,778 29.28,921 79.78,784 29.29,477 79.80,299 29.30,033 79.811814 30.29,918 80.79,781 30.30,493 80.81,315 30.31,068 80.82,849 31.30,915 81.80,778 31.31,510 81.82,332 131.32,104 81.83,885 32.31,912 82.81,775 32.32,526 82.83,.3481 32.33,140 82.84,921 33.32,910 83.82,773 33.33,542 83.84,364 33.34,175 83.85,956 34.33,907 84.83,770 34.34,559 84.85,381 34.35,211 84.86,992 35.34,904 85.84,767 35.35,575 85.86,397 35.36,247 85.88,027 36.35,901 86.85,764 36.36,592 86.87,414 36.37,282 86.89,063 37.36,899 87.86,762 37.37,608 87.88,430 37.38,318 87.90,099 38.37,896 88.87,759 38.38,625 88.89,447 38.39,353 88.91,134 39.38,893 89.88,756 39.39,641 89.90,463 39.40,389 89.92,170 40.39,890 90.89,753 40.40,658 90.91,479 40.41,425 90.93,205 41.40,888 91.90,751 41.41,674 91.92,496 41.42,460 91.94,241 42.41,885 92.91,748 42.42,690 92.93,512 42.43,496 92.95,277 43.42,882 93.92,745 43.43,707 93.94,529 43.44)532 93 -.96,312 44.43,879 94.93,742 44.44,723 94.95,5451 44.45,567 94.97,348 45.44,877 95.94,740 45.45,740 95.96,562 45 46,603 95.98,384 46.45)874 96.95,737 46.46,756 96.97,578 46.47,638 96.99,419 47.46,871 97.96,7-34 47.47,773 97.98,595 47.48,674 97 1.00,4551 48.47,868 98.97,732 48.48,789 98.99,611 48.49,710 98 1.01,4901 49.48866 99.98 729 49.49,805 99 1.00,627 49.50,745 99 1.02,526 50.49,863 98Days. 50.50,822 199 Days. 50.51,781 200Days, __: ______ 146 DAYS. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 1.42,80 61 1.70,80 71 1.98,80 81 2.26,80 91 2.54,80 52 1.45,60 62 1.73,60 72 2.01,60 82 2.29,60 92 2.57,60 53 1.48,40 63 1.76,40 73 2.04,40 83 2.32,40 93 2.60,40 54 1.51,20 64 1.79,20 74 2.07,20 84 2.35,20 94 2.63,20 55 1.54,00 65 1.82,00 75 2.10,00 85 2.38,00 95 2.66,00 56 1.56,80 66 1.84,80 76 2.12,80 86 2.40,80 96 2.68,80 57 1.59,60 67 1.87,60 77 2.15,60 i 87 2.43,60 97 2.71,60 58 1.62,40 68 1.90,40 78 2.18,40 88 2.46,40 98 2.74,40 59 1.65,20 6911.93,20 21,0 79 2.21,20 89 2.49,20 99 2.7720 60 1.68,00 |70 1.96,00 80 2.24,00 90 -2.52,00 1 i r]5: iCOMMERCIAL INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. | 55 DAYS. 56 DAYS. 57 DAYS. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. interest. 1.01,055 51.53,795 1.01,074 51.54,773 1.01,093 51.55,751 2.02,110 52.54,849 2.02,148 52.55,847 2.02,186 52.56,844 3.03,164 53.55,904 3.03,222 53.56,921 3.03,279 53.579937 4.04,219 54.56,959 4.04,296 54.57,995 4.04,373 54.59,030 5.05,274 55.58,014 5.05,370 55.59,068 5.05,466 55.60,123 6.06,329 56.599068 6.06,444 56.60,142 6.06,559 56.61,216 7.07,384 57.60,123 7.07,518 57.61,216 7.07,652 57.62,310 8.08,438 58.61,178 8.08,592 58.62,290 8.08,745 58.63,403 9.09,493 59.62,233 9.09,666 59.63,364 9.09,838 59.64,496 10.10,548 60.63,288 10.10,740 60.64,438 10.10,932 60.65,589 11.11,603 61.64,342 11.11,814 61.65,512 11.12,025 61.66,682 12.12,658 62.65,397 12.12,888 62.66,586 12.13,118 62.67,775 13.13,712 63.66,452 13.13,962 63.67,660 13.14,211 63.685868 14.14,767 64.67,507 14.15,036 64.68,734 14.15,304 64.69,962 15.15,822 65.68,562 15.16,110 65.69,808 15.16,397 65.71,055 16.16,877 66.69,616 16.17,184 66.70,882 16.17,490 66.72,148 17.17,932 67.70,671 17.18,258 67.71,956 17.18,584 67.73,241 18.18,986 68.71,726 18.19,332 68.73,030 18.19,677 68.74,334 19.20,041 69.72,781 19.20,405 69.74,104 19.20,770 69.75,427 20.21,096 70.73,836 20.21,479 70.75,178 20.21,863 70.76,521 21.22,151 71.74,890 21.22,553 71.76,252 21.22,956 71.77,614 22.23,205 72.75,945 22.23,627 72.77,326 22.24,049 72.78,707 23.24,260 73.77,000 23.24,701 73.78,400 23.25,142 73.79,800 24.25,315 74.78,055 24.25,775 74.79,474 24.26,236 74.80,893 25.26,370 75.79,110 25.26,849 75.80,548 25.27,329 75.81,986 26.27,425 76.80,164 26.27,923 76.81,622 26.28,422 76.83,079 27.28,479 77.81,219 27.28,997 77.82,696 27.29,515 77.84,173 28.29,534 78.82,274 28.30,071 78.83,770 28.30,608 78.85,266 29.30,589 79.83,329 29.31,145 79.84,844 29.31,701 79.86,359 30.31,644 80.84,384 30.32,219 80.85,918 30.32,795 80.87,452 31.32,699 81.85,438 31.33,293 81.86,992 31.33,888 81.88,545 32.33,753 82.86,493 32.34,367 82.88,066 32.34,981 82.89)638 33.34,808 83.87,548 33.35,441 83.89,140 33.36,074 83.90,732 34.35,863 84.88,603 34.36,515 84.90,214 34.37,167 84.91,825 35.36,918 85.89,658 35.37,589 85.91,288 35.38,260 85.92,918 36.37,973 86.90,712 36.38,663 86.92,362 36.39,353 86.94,011 37.39,027 87.91,767 37.39,737 87.93,436 37.40,447 87.95,104 38.40,082 88.92,822 38.40,811 88.94,510 38.41,540 88.96,197 39.41,137 89.93,877 39.41,885 89.95,584 39.42,633 89.97,290 40.42,192 90.94,932 40.42,959 90.96,658 40.43,726 90.98,384 41.43,247 91.957986 41.44,033 91.97,732 41.44,819 91.99,477 42.44,301 92.97,041 42.45,107 92.98,805 42.45,912 92 1.00,570 43.45,356 93.98,096 43.46,181 93.99,879 43.47,005 93 1.01,663 44.46,411 94.99,151 44.47,255 94 1.00,953 44.48,099 94 1.02,756 45.47,466 95 1.00,205 45.48,329 95 1.02,027 45.49,192 95 1.03,849 46.48,521 96 1.01,260 46.49,403 96 1.03,101 46.50,285 96 1.04,942 47.499575 97 1.02,315 47.50,477 97 1.04,175 47.51,378 97 1.06,036 48.50,630 98 1.03,370 48.51,551 98 1.05,249 48.52,471 98 1.07,129 49.51,685 99 1.04,425 49.52,625 99 1.06,323 49.53,564 99 1.08,222 50.52,740 201 Days. 50.53,699 202 Days. 50.54,658 203 Days 146 DAYS. _ Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Pr.n. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.02,80 1 1.30,80 21.58,80 31.86,80 41 1.14,80 2.05,60 12 -.33,60 1122.61,60 i[32.89,60 42 1 1.17,60 3.08,40 13 [.36,40 I23 1.64,40 33.92,40 43 1.20,40 4.11,20 14 1.39,20 124.67,20 34.95,20 44 1.23,20 5.14,00 115.42,00 25 1.70,00 1135.98,00 45 1.26,00 6.16,80 16.44,80 ][26.72,80 36 1.00,80 46 1.28,80 7.19,60 17.47,60 127.75,60 37! 1.03,60 47 1.31,60 8.22s40 18 1.50,40 I28 1.78,40 38 1.06,40 48 1.34,40 9.25,20 19 1.53,20 1129.81,20 l39 1.09,20 1149 1.37,20 152]I 101.8,00 05600 30 /0.84,00 40 1.12,00 50 1.40,00..E~ U 1I COMMERCIAL INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT.,I 58 DAYS. 59 DAYS. 60 DAYS,___ Pl'ri.1 Interest. Prin interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prim. Interest. Prin Interest. 1.01,112 51.56,729 1.01,132 51.57,707 1.01151 51.58,685 2.02,225 52.57,841 2.02,263 52.58,838 2.02,301 52.59,836 3.03,337 53.58,953 3.03,395 53.59,970 3.03,452 53.60,986 4.04,449 54.60,066 4.04,526 54.61,101 4.04,603 54.62,137 5.05,562 55.61,178 5.05,658 55.62,233 5.05,753 55.63,288 6.06,674 56.62,290 6.06,789 56.63,364 6.06,904 56.64,438 7.07,786 57.63,403 7.07,921 57.64,496 7.08,055 57.65,589 8.08,899 58.64,515 8.09,052 58.65,627 8.09,205 58.66.740 9;.10,011 59.65,627 9.10,184 59.66,759 9.10,356 59.67,890 10'.11,123 60.66,740 10.11,315 60.67,890 10.11,507 60.69,041 11.12,236 61.67,852 11.12,447 61.69,022 11.12,658 61.70,192 12.13,348 62.68,964 12.13,578 62.70,153 12.13,808 62.71,342 13.14,460 63.70,077 13.14,710 63.71,285 13.14,959 63.72,493 14.15,573 64.71,189 14.15,841 64.72,416 14.16,110 64.73,644 15.16,685 65.72,301 15.16,973 65.73,548 15.17,260 65.74,795 16.17,797 66.73,414 16.18,104 66.74,679 16.18,411 66.75,945 17.18,910 67.74,526 17.19,236 67.75,811 17.19,562 67.77,096 18.20,022 68.75,638 18.20,367 68.76,942 18.20,712 68.789247 19.21,134 69.76,751 19.21,499 69.78,074 19.21,863 69.79,397 20.22,247 70.77,863 20.22,630 70.79,205 20.23,014 70.80,548 21.23,359 71.78,975 21.23,762 71.805337 21.24,164 71.81,699 22.24,471 72.80,088 22.24,893 72.81,468 22.25,315 72.82,849 23.25,584 73.81,200 23.26,025 73.82,600 23.26,466 73.84,000 24-.26,696 74.829312 24.27,156 74.83,732 24.27,616 74.85,151 25.27,808 75.83,425 25.28,288 75.84,863 25.28,767 75.86,301 26.28,921 76.84,537 26.29,419 76.85,995 26.29,918 76.87,452 27.30,033 77.85,649 27.30,551 77.87,126 27.31,068 77.88,603 28.31,145 78.86,762 28.31,682 78.88,258 28.32,219 78.89,753 29-.32,258 79.87874 *29.32,814 79.89,389 29.33,370 79.90,904 30.33,370 80.88,986 30.33,945 80.90,521 30.34,521 80.92,055 31.34,482 81.90,099 31.35,077 81.91,652 31.35,671 81.93,205 32.35,595 82.91,211 32.36,208 82.92,784 32.36,822 82.94,356 33.36,707 83.92,323 33.37,340 83.939915 33.37,973 83.95,507 34.37,819 84.93,436 34.38,471 84.95,047 34.39,123 84.96,658 35.38,932 85.94,5481 35.39,603 85.96,178 35 5.40,274 85.97,808 36.40,044 86.959660 36.40,734 86.979310 36.41,425 86.98,959 37.41,156 87.96,773 37.41,866 87.98,441 37.42,575 87 1.00,110 38.42,268 88.97,885 38.42,997 88.999573 38.43,726 88 1.01,260 39.43381 89.98,997 39.44,129 89 1.00,704 39 9.44,877 89 1.02,411 40;.44,493 90 1.00,110 40.45,260 90 1.01,836 40.46,027 90 1.03562 41.45,605 91 1.01,222 41.46,392 91 1.02,967 41.47,178 91 1.04,712 42.46,718 92 1.02,334 42.47,523 92 1.04,099 42.48,329 92 1.05,863 43.47,830 93 1.03,447 43.48,655 93 1.05,230 43.49,479 93 1.07,014 44.48,942 94 1.04,559 44.49,786 94 1.06,362 44.50,630 94 1.08,164 45.50,055 95 1.05,671 45.50,918 95 1.07,493 45.51,781 95 1.09,315 46.51,167 - 96 1.06,784 46.52,049 96 1.08,625 46.52,932 96 1.10,466 47.52,279 97 1.07,896 47.53.181 97 1.09,756 47.54,082 97 1.11,616 48.53,392 98 1.09,008 48.54,312 98 1.10,888 48.55,233 98 1.12,767 49.54,504 99 1.10,121 49.55,444 99 1.12,019 49.56,384 99 1.13,918 50.55,616 2O4Days. 50.56,575 2O53Days 50.57,534 206 Days 146 DAYS. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. lrin. interest. IPrin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 1.42,80 61 1.70,80 71 1.98,80 81 2.26,80 911 2.54,80 52 1.45,60 1 62 1.73,60 72 2.01,60 82 2.29,60 92 2.57,60 53 1.48,40 63 1.76,40 73 12.04,40 83 2.:32,40 93 2.6040 54 ) 1.51,20 64 1 1.79,20 1 74 2.07,20 84 2.35,20 94 2.63,20 55 I 1.54,00 1 65 1 1.82,00 75! 2.10,00 85 1 2.38,00 95.1 2.66,00 561 1.56,80 66 1.84,80 76 o 2.12,80 86 1 2.40,80 96 2.68,80 57 1.59,60 1 67 1.87960 77! 2.15,60 87 2.43,60 97 2.71,60 58 1.62,40 68 1.90,40 78 [ 2.18,40 88 2.46,40 981 2.74,40 59 1.65,20 [ 691 1.93,20 79 12.21,20 89 2.49,20 99 2.77,20 II II 60 1.68,00 1 70 ( 1.96,00 1 80 1 2.24,00 1 90 1 2.52,00 1[ ] 1 r1531 COM MERCIAL INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 61 DAYS, 62 DAYS. 63 DAYS. PrI. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.01,170 51.59,663 1.01,189 51.60,641 1.01,208 51.61,619 2.02,340 52.60,833 2.02,378 52.61,830 2.02,416 52.62,827 3.03,510 53.62,003 3.03,567 53.63,019 3.03,625 53.64,036 4.04,679 54.63,173 4.04,756 54.64,208 4.04,833 54.65,244 5.05,849 55.64,342 5.05,945 55.65,397 5.06,041 55.66,452 6.07,019 56.65,512 6.07,134 56.66,586 6.07,249 56.67,660 7.08,189 57.66,682 7.08,323 57.67,775 7.08,458 57.68,868 8.09,359 58.67,852 8.09,512 58.68,964 8.09,666 58.70,077 9.10,529 59.69,022 9.10,701 59.70,153 9.10,874 59.71,285 10.11,699 60.70,192 10.11,890 60.71,342 10.12,082 60.72,493 11.12,868 61.71,362 11.13,079 61.72,532 11.13,290 61.73,701 12.14,038 62.72,532 12.14,268 62.73,721 12.14,499 62.74,910 13.15,208 63.73,701 13.15,458 63.74,910 13.15,707 63.76,118 14.16,378 64.74,871 14.16,647 64.76,099 14.16,915 64.77,326 15.17,548 65.76,041 15.17,836 65.77,288 15.18,123 65.78,534 16.18,718 66.77,211 16.19,025 66.78,477 16.19,332 66.79,742 17.19,888 67.78,381 17.20,214 67.79,666 17.20,540 67.80,951 18.21,058 68.79,551 18.21,403 68.80,855 18.21,748 68.82,159 19.22,227 69.80,721 19.22,592 69.82,044 19.22,956 69.83,367 20.23,397 70.81,890 20.23,781 70.83,233 20.24,164 70.84,575 21.24,567 71.83,060 21.24,970 71.84,422 21.25,373 71.85,784 22.25,737 72.84,230 22.26,159 72.85,611 22.26,581 72.86,992 23.26,907 73.85,400 23.27,348 73.86,800 23.27,789 73.88,200 24.28,077 74.86,570 24.28,537 74.87,989 24.28,997 74.89,408 25.29,247 75.87,740 25.29,726 75.89,178 25.30,205 75.90,616 26.30,416 76.88,910 26.30,915 76.90,367 26.31,414 76.91,825 27.31,586 77.90,079 27.32,104 77.91,556 27.32,622 77.93,033 28.32,756 78.91,249 28.33,293 78.92,745 28.33,830 78.94,241 29.33,926 79.92,419 29.34,482 79.93,934 29.35,038 79.95,449 30.35,096 80.93,589 30.35,671 80.95,123 30.36,247 80.96,658 3 1.36,266 8 1.94,759 3 1.36,860 81.96,312 3 1.37,455 81.97,866 32.37,436 82.95,929 32.38,049 82.97,501 32.38,663 82.99,074 33.38,605 83.97,099 33.39,238 83.98,690 33,39,871 83 1.00,282 34.39,775 84.98,268 34.40,427 84.99,879 34.41,079 84 1.01,490 35.40,945 85.99,438 35.41,616 85 1.01,068 35.42,288 85 1.02,699 36.42,115 86 1.00,608 36.42,805 86 1.02,258 36.43,496 86 1.03,907 37.43,285 87 1.01,778 37.43,995 87 1.03,447 37.44,704 87 1.05,115 38.44,455 88 1.02,948 38.45,184 88 1.04,636 38.45,912 88 1.06,323 39.45,625 89 1.04,118 39.46,373 89 1.05,825 39.47,121 89 1.07,532 40.46,795 90 1.05,288 40.47,562 90 1.07,014 40.48,329 90 1.08,740 41.47,964 91 1.06,458 41.48,751 91 1.08,203 41.49,537 91 1.09,948 42.49,134 92 1.07,627 42.49,940 92 1.09,392 42.50,745 92 1.11,156 43.50,304 93 1.08,797 43.51,129 93 1.10,581 43.51,953 93 1.12,364 44.51,474 94 1.09,967 44.52,318 94 1.11,770 44.53,162 94 1.13,573 45.52,644 95 1.11,137 45.53,507 95 1.12,959 45.54,370 95 1.14,781 46.53,814 96 1.12,307 46.54,696 96 1.14,148 46.55,578 96 1.15,989 47.54,984 97 1.13,477 47.55,885 97 1.15,337 47.56,786 97 1.17,197 48.56,153 98 1.14,647 48.57,074 98 1.16,526 48.57,995 98 1.18,405 49.57,323 99 1.15,816 49.58,263 99 1.17,715 49.59,203 99 1.19,614 50.58,493 50.59,452 50.60,411 12.07Days. 20SDays. 5 209D.0 12Og ay's.l 1 46 DAYS. irin. Interest. Irin. Interest..Prin. Interest. Pri. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.02,80 11.30,80 21.58,80 31.86,80 41 1.14,80 2.05,60 12.33,60 22,61,60 32.89,60 42 1.17,60 3.08,40 13.36,40 23.64,40 33.92,40 43 1.20,40 4.11,20 14.39,20 24.67,20 34.95,20 44 1.23,20 5.14,00 15.42,00 25.70,00 35.98,00 45 1.26,00 6.16,80 16.44,80 26.72,80 36 1.00,80 46 1.28,80 7.19,60 17.47,60 27:- -.75,60 37 1.03,60 47 1.31,60 8,22,40 18.50,40 28.78,40 38 1.06,40 48 1.34,40 9.25,20.19.53,20 29.81,20 39 1.09,20 1149 1.37,20 154] 1 110.28,00 20.56,00'30.84,00 40 1.12,00 50 1.40,00 IGCO-MMERCIAL INTEREST AT - SEVEN' PER.CENT.~ 64 DAYS. 6 5 DAYS,. 66 DAYS. rin. Interest. Prin. Interest. | Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.01,227 51.62,597 1.01,247 51.63,575 1.01,266 51.64,553 2.02,455 52.63,825 2.02,493 52.64,822 2.02,532 52.65,819 3.03,682 53.65,052 3.03,740 53.66,068 3.03,797 53.67,085 4.04,910 54.66,279 4.04,986 54.67,315 4.05,063 54.68,351 5.06,137 55.67,507 5.06,233 55.68,562 5.06,329 155.69,616 6.07,364 56.68,734 6.07,479 56.69,808 6.07,595 56.70,882 7.08,592 57.69,962 7.08,726 57.71,055 7.08,860 57.72,148 8.09,819 58.71,189 8.09,973 58.72,301 8.10,126 58.73,414 9.11,047 59.72,416 9.11,219 59.73,548 9.11,392 59.74,679' 10.12,274 60.73,644 10.12,466 60.74,795 10.12,658 60.75,945 11.13,501 61.74,871 11.13,712 61.76,041 11.13,923 61.77,211 12.14,729 62.76,099 12.14,959 62.77,288 12.15,189 62.78,477 13.15,956 63.77,326 13.16,205 63.78,534 13.16,455 63.79,742 14.17,184 64.78,553 14-.17,452 64.79,781 14.17,721 64.81,008 15.18,411 65.79,781 15.18,699 65.81,027 15.18,986 65.82,274 16.19,638 66.81,008 16.19,945 66.82,274 16.20,252 [ 66.83,540 17.20,866 67.82,236 17.21,192 67.83,521 17.21,518 67.84,8051 18.22,093 68.83,463 18.22,438 68.84,767 18.22,784 68.86,0711 19.23,321 69.84,690 19.23,685 69.86,014 19.24,049 69.87,337 20.24,548 70.85,918 20.24,932 70.87,260 20.25,315 70.88,603 21.25,775 71.87,145 21.26,178 71.88.507 21.26,581 71.89,868 22.27,003 72.88,373 22.27,425 72.89,753 22.27,847 72.91,134 23.28,230 73.89,600 23.28,671 73.91,000 23.29,112 73.92,400 24.29,458 74.90,827 24.29,918 74.92,247 24.30,378 74.93,666 25.30,685 75.92,055 25.31,164 175.93,493 25.31,644 75.94,932 26.31,912 76.93,282 26.32,411 76.94,740 26.32,910 76.96,197 27.33,140 77.94,510 27.33,658 77.95,986 27.34,175 77.97,463 28.34,367 78.95,737 28.34,904 78.97,233 28 -.35,441 78.98,729 29.35,595 79.96,964 29.36,151 79.98,479 29.36,707 79.99,995 30.36,822 80.98,192 30.37,397 80.99,726 30.37,973 80 1.01,260 31.38,049 81.99,419 31.38,644 81 1.00,973 31.39,238 81 1.02,526 32.39,277 82 1.00,647 32.39,890 82 1.02,219 32.40,504 82 1.03,792 33.40,504 83 1.01,874 33.41,137 83 1.03,466 33.41,770 83 1.05,058; 34.41,732 84 1.03,101 34.42,384 84 1.04,712 34.43,036 84 1.06,323 35.42,959 85 1.04,329 35.43,630 85 1.05,959 35.44,301 85 1.07,589 36.44,186 86 1.05,556 36.44,877 1186 1.07,205 36.45,567 86 1.08,855 37.45,414 87 1.06,784 37.46,123 87 1.08,452 37.46,833 87 1.10,121 38.46,641 88 1.08,011 38.47,370 88 1.09,699 38.48,099 88 1.11,386 39.47,868 89 1.09,238 39.48,616 89 1.10,945 39.49,364 89 1.12,652 40.49,096 90 1.10,466 40.49,863 90 1.12,192 40.50,630 90 1.13,918 41.50,323 91 1.11,693 41.51,110 91 1.13,438 41.51,896 91 1.15,184 42.51,551 92 1.12,921 42.52,356 92 1.14,685 42.53,162 92 1.16,449 43.52,778 93 1.14,148 43.53,603 93 1.15,932 43.54,427 93 1.17,715 44.54,005 94 1.15,375 44.54,849 94 1.17,178 44.55,693 94 1.18,981 45.55,233 95 1.16,603 45.56,096 95 1.18,425 45.56,959 95 1.20,247 46.56,460 96 1.17,830 46.57,342: 96 1.19,671 46.58,225 96 1.21,512 47.57,688 97 1.19,058 47.58,589 97 1.20,918 47.59,490 97 1.22,778 48.58,915 98 1.20,285 48.59,836 98 11.22,164 48.60,756 98 1.24,044 49.60,142 99 1.21,512 49.61,082 99 1.23,411 49.62,022 99 1.25,310 50.61,370 2lODays. = 50.62,329 211Days. 50.63,288 212Da-ysl 1- 4 6 DAYS. Prin. Interest. Prin.! Interest. Prin.l Interest.: iPrin. Interest. IPrin.l Interest. I1 51 1.42,80 61 1.70,80 171 1.98,80 11811 2.26,80 1911 2.54,80 52 1.45,60 62 1.73,60 1172 2.01,60 1182 2.29,60 921 2.57,60 53 1.48,40 1163 1.7640 73 12.04,40 83 2.32,40 93 2.60,40 54 1.51,20 64 1.79,20 74 / 2.07,204 84 12.35,20 94 2.63,20 55 1.54,00 65 1.82,00 75 2.10,00 85 2.38,00 95 12.66,00 56 1.56,80 66 1.84,80 76'2.12,80 86 2.40,80 96 2.68,80 57 1.59,60 67 1.87,60 77 1"2.15,60 1 87 2.43,60 971 2.71,60 58 1.62,40 68 1.90,40 78 2.18,40 88 2.46,40 1198 2.74,40 591 1.65,20 169 1.93,20 179 12.21,20 - 89-t 2.49,20 119912.77,20l n 6011.68,00 [70 11.96,00 1/80 2.24,00 1190 2.-52,00 1I I II [155' [COMMERC IAL INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 67 DAYS. 68 DAYS. 69 DAYS. I' n Intereist. Pirn. Inte-rest. s-sn. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.01,285 51.65,532 1.01,304 51.66,510 1.01,323 51.67,488 2.02,570 52.66,816 2.02,608 52.67,814 2.02,647 52.68,811 3.03,855 53.68,101 3.03,912 53.69,118 3.03,970 53.70,134 4.05,140 54.69,386 4.05,216 54.70,422 4.05,293 54.71,458 5.06,425 55.70,671 5.06,521 55.71,726 5.06,616 55.72,781 6.07,710 56.71,956 6.07,825 56.73,030 6.07,940 56.74,104 7.08,995 57.73,241 7.09,129 57.74,334 7.09,263 57.75,427 8.10,279 58.74,526 8.10,433 58.75,638 8.10,586 58.76,751 9.11,564 59.75,811 9.11,737 59.76,942 9.11,910 59.78,074 10.12,849 60.77,096 10.13,041 60.78,247 10.13,233 60.79,397 11.149,134 61.785,381 1 1.14,345 61.79,551 11.14,556 61.80,721 12.15,419 62i.79,666 12.15,649 62.80,855 12.15,879 62.82,044 13.16,704 63-.80,951 13.16,953 63.82,159 13.17,203 63.83,367 14.17,989 64.82,236 14.18,258 64.83,463 14.18,526 64.84,690 15.19,274 65.83,521 15.19,562 65.84,767 15.19,849 65.86,014 16.20,559 66.84,805 16.20,866 66.86,071 16.21,173 66.87,337 17.21,844 67.86,090 17.22,170 67.87,B375 17.22,496 67.88,660 18.23,129 68.87,375 18.23,474 68.88,679 1 8.23,819 68.89,984 19.24,414 69.88,660 19.24,778 69.89,984 19.25,142 69.911,307} 20.25,699 70.89,945 20.26,082 70.91,288 20.26,466 70.92,630'21.26,984 71.91,230 21.27,386 71.92,592 21.27,789 71.93,953 22.28,268 72.92,515 22.28,690 72.93,896 22.29,112 72.95,277 23.29,553 73.93,800 23.29,995 73.95,200 23.30,436 73.96,600 24.30,838 74.95,085 24.31,299 74.96,504 24.31,759 74.97,923 25.32,123 75.96,370 25.32,603 75.97,808 25.33,082 75.99,247 26.33,408 76.97,655 26.33,907 76.99,112 26.34,405 76 1.00,570 27~.34,693 77.98,940 27.35,211 77 1.00,416 27.35,729 77 1.01,893 28.35,978 78 1.00,225 28.36,515 78 1.01,721 28.37,052 78 1.03,216 29.37,263 79 1.01,510 29.37,819 79 1.03,025 29.38,375 79 1.04,540: 30.38,548 80 1.02,795 30.39,123 80 1.04,329 30.39,699 80 1.05,863 31.39,833 81 1.04,079 31.40,427 81 1.05,633 31.41,022 81 1.07,186 32.41,118 82 1.05,364 32.41,732 82 1.06,937 32.42,345 82 1.08,510, 33.42,403 83 1.06,649 33.43,036 83 1.08,241 33.43,668 83 1.09,833 34.43,688 84 1.07,934 34.44,340 84 1.09,545 34.44,992 84 1.11,156 35.44,973 85 1.09,219 35.45,644 85 1.10,'849 35.46,315 85 1.12,479 36.46,258 86 1.10,504 36.46,948 86 1.12,153 36.47,638 86 1.13,803 37.47,542 87 1.11,789 37.48,252 87 1.13,458 37.48,962 87 1.15,126 38.48,827 88 1.13,074 38.49,556 88 1.14,762 38.50,285 88 1.16,449 39.50,112 89 1.14,359 39.50,860 89 1.16,066 39.51,608 89 1.17,773 40.51,397 90 1.15,644 40.52,164 90 1.17,370 40.52,932 90 1.19,096 41.52,682 91 1.16,929 41.53,468 91 1.18,674 41.54,255 91 1.20,419 42.53,967 92 1.18,214 42.54,773 92 1.19,978 42.55,578 92 1.21,742 43.55,252 93 1.19,499 43.56,077 93 1.21,282 43.56,901 93 1.23,0661 44.56,537 94 1.20,784 44.57,381 94 1.22,586 44.58,225 94 1.24,389 45.57,822 95 1.22,068 45.58,685 95 1.23,890 45.59,548 95 1.25,712 46.59,107' 96 1.23,353 46.59,989 96 1.25,195 46.60,871 96 1.27,036 47.60,392 97 1.24,638 47.61,293 97 1.26,499 47.62,195 97 1.28,359 48.61,677 98 1.25,923 48.62,597 -98 1.27,803 48.63,518 98 1.29,a682 49.62,962 99 1.27,208 49.63,901 99 1.29,107 49.64,841 99 1.31,005 50.64,247 213Days. 50.65,205 1214Days. 50.66,164 21SDays./ 1 46 DAYS. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. psrin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.02,80 11.30,80 21.58,80 31.86,80 41 1.14,80 2.05,60 1 12:.33,60 622.61,60 32.89,60 42 1.17,60 3.08,40 1 13-.36,40 23.64,40 33.92,40 43 1.20,40 4.11,20 14.39,20 24.67,20 34.95,20 44 1.23,20 5.14,00 15.42,00'25.70,00 35.98,00 45 1.26,00 6.16,80 16.44,80 26.72,80 36 1.00,80 46 1.28,80 7.19,60 17.47,60 27.75,60 37 1.03,60 47 1.31,60 8.22,40 18 -.50,40 128,.78,40 38 1.06,40 48 1.34,40 9.25,20 19 1.53,20 1129 1.81,20 39 1.09,20 49 1.37,20 156] 10.28,00 20.56,00 30.84,00 1140 1.12,00 50 1.40,00 COMMERCIAL INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 70 DAYS. V71 DAYS. 72 DAYS. Prim. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.01,342 51.68,466 1.01,362 51.69,444 1.01,381 51.70,422 2.02,685 52.69,808 2.02,723 52.70,805 2.02,762 52.71,803 3.04,027 53.71,151 3.04,085 53.72,167 3.04,142 53.73,184 4.05,370 54.72,493 4.05,447 54.73,529 4.05,523 54.74,564 5.06,712 55.73,836 5.06,808 55.74,890 5.06,904 55.75,945 6.08,055 56.75,178 6.08,170 56.76,252 6.08,285 56.77,326 7.09,397 57.76,521 7.09,532 57.77,614 7.09,666 57.78,707 8.10,740 58.77,863 8.10,893 58.78,975 8.11,047 58.80,088 9.12,082 59.79,205 9.12,255 59.80,337 9.12,427 59.81,468 10.13,425 60.80,548 10.13,616 60.81,699 10.13,808 60.82,849 11.14,767 61.81,890 11.14,978 61.83,060 11.15,189 61.84,230 12.16,110 62.83,233 12.16,340 62.849422 12.16,570 62.85,611 13.17,452 63.84,575 13.17,701 63.85,784 13.17,951 63.86,992 14.18,795 64.85,918 14.19,063 64'.87,145 14.19,332 64.88,373 15.20,137 65.87,260 15.20,425 65.88,507 15.20,712 65.89,753 16.21,479 66.88,603 16.21,786 66.89,868 16.22,093 66.91,134 17.22,822 67.89,945 17.23,148 67.91,230 17.23,474 67.92,515 18.24,164 68.91,288 18.24,510 68.92,592 18.24,855 68.93,896 19.25,507 69.929630 19.25,871 69.93,953 19.26,236 69.95,277 20.26,849 70.93,973 20.27,233 70.95,315 20.27,616 70.96,658 21.28,192 71.95,315 21.28,595 71.96,677 21.28,997 71.98,038 22.29,534 72.96,658 22.29,956 72.98,038 22.30,378 72.99,419 23.30,877 73.98,000 23.31,318 73.99,400 23.31,759 73 1.00,800 24.32,219 74.99,342 24.32,679 74 1.00,762 24.33,140 74 1.02,181 25.33,562 75 1.00,685 25.34,041 75 1.02,123 25.34,521 75 1.03,562 26.34,904 76 1.02,027 26.35,403 76 1.03,485 26.35,901 76 1.04,942 27.36,247 77 1.03,370 27.36,764 77 1.04,847 27.37,282 77 1.06,323 28.37,589 78 1.04,712 28.38,126 78 1.06,208 28.38,663 78 1.07,704 29.38,932 79 1.06,055 29.39,488 79 1.07,570 29.40,044 79 1.09,085 30.40,274 80 1.07,397 30.40,849 80 1.08,932 30.41,425 80 1.10,466 31.'41,616 81 1.08,740 31.42,211 81 1.10,293 31.42,805 81 1.11,847 32.42,959 82 1.10,082 32.43,573 82 1.11,655 32.44,186 82 1.13,227 33.44,301 83 1.11,425 33.44,934 83 1.13,016 33.45,567 83 1.14,608 34.45,644 84 1.12,767 34.46,296 84 1.14,378 34.46,948 84 1.15,989 35.46,986 85 1.14,110 35.47,658 85 1.15,740 35.48,329 85 1.17,370 36.48,329 86 1.15,452 36.49,019 86 1.17,101 36.493710 86 1.18,751 37.49,671 87 1.16,795 37.50,381 87 1.18,463 37.51,090 87 1.20,132 38.51,014 88 1.18,137 38.51,742 88 1.19,825 38.52,471 88 1.21,512 39.529356 89 1.19,479 39.53,104 89 1.21,186 39.53,852 89 1.22,893 40.53,699 90 1.20,822 40.54,46 90 1.22,548 40.55,233 90 1.24,274 41.55,041 91 1.22,164 41.55,827 91 1.23,910 41.56,614 91 1.25,655 42.56,384 92 1.23,507 42.57,189 92 1.25,271 42.57,995 92 1.27,036 43.57,726 93 1.24,849 43.58,551 93 1.26,633 43.59,375 93 1.28,416 44.59,068 94 1.26,192 44.59,912 94 1.27,995 44.60,756 94 1.29,797 45.60,411 95 1.27,534 45.61,274 95 1.29,356 45.62,137 95 1.31,178 46.61,753 96 1.28,877 46.62,636 96 1.30,718 46.63,518 96 1.32,559 47.63,096 97 1.30,219 47.63,997 97 1.32,079 47.64,899 97 1.33,940 48.649438 98 1.31,562 48.65,359 98 1.33,441 48.66,279 98 1.35,321 49.65,781 99 1.32,904 49.66,721 99 1.34,803 49.67,660 99 1.36,701 50.67,123 2l6Days. 50.68,082 1 27Days. 50.69,041 218Days..... _"..ays _ I 1 146 DAYS. IPrin. Interest. IPrin. I Interest. IPrin. Interest. Prin. Intere-st. ]Prin. I Interest. il i 51 1.42,80 I61 1.70,80 71 1.98,80 [81 2.26,80 1191 2.54,80 52 11.45,60 162 1.73,60 11 72 2.01,60 82 2.2960 92 2.57,60 53 1.48,40 1163 1.76,40 173 2.04,40 1183 2.32,40 93 12.60,40 54 1.51,20 1164 1.79,20 174 2.07,20 84 2.35,20 94 2.63,20 55 1.54,00 165 1.82,00 175 2.10,00 85 2.38,00 95 2.66,00 56 1156,80 66 1.84,80 176 2.12,80 186. 2.40,80 96 2.68,80 57 1 -59,60 167 1.87,60 77 2.15,60 1871 2.43,60 97 12.71,60 58 11.62,40 l68 1.90,40 78 2.18,40 I88 1 2.46,40 98 2.74,40 59 11.65,2 16911.93,2 0 6.93, 79 12.21,20 89 12.49,20 [99 2".77,20 l] I!601.68,00 11701 1.96,00 Il80 2.24,00 1190 12.52,00 [1 1 1 57[ 1 COMMERCIAL INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 73 DAYS. 74 DAYS. 75 DAYS. Prim. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prini. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.01,400 51.71,400 1.01,419 51.72,378 1.01,438 51.73,356 2.02,800 52.72,800 2.02,838 52.73,797 2.02,877 52.74,795 3.04,200 53.74,200 3.04,258 53.75,216 3.04,315 53.76,233 4.05,600 54.75,600 4.05,677 54.76,636 4.05,753 54.77,671 5.07,000 55.77,000 5.07,096 55.78,055 5.07,192 55.79,110 6.08,400 56.78,400 6.08,515 56.79,474 6.08,630 56.80,548 7.09,800 57.79,800 7.09,934 57.80,893 7.10,068 57.81,986 8.11,200 58.81,200 8.11,353 58.82,312 8.11,507 58.83,425 9.12,600 59.82,600 9.12,773 59.83,732 9.12,945 59.84,863 10.14,000 60.84,000 10.14,192 60.85,151 10.14,384 60.86,301 11.15,400 61.85,400 11.15,611 61.86,570 11.15,822 61.87,740 12.16,800 62.86,800 12.17,030 62.87,989 12.17,260 62.89,178 13.18,200 63.88,200 13.18,449 63.89,408 13.18,699 63.90,616 14.19,600 64.89,600 14.19,868 64.90,827 14.20,137 64.92,055 15.21,000 65.91,000 15.21,288 65.92,247 15.21,575 65.93,493 16.22,400 66.92,400 16.22,707 66.93,666 16.23,014 66.94,932 17.23,800 67.93,800 17.24,126 67.95,085 17.24,452 67.96,370 18.25,200 68.95,200 18.25,545 68.96,504 18.25,890 68.97,808 19.26,600 69.96,600 19.269964 69.97,923 19.27,329 69.99,247 20.28,000 70.98,000 20.28,384 70.99,342 20.28,767 70 1.00,685 21.29,400 71.99,400 21.29,803 71 1.00,762 21.30,205 71 1.02,123 22.30,800 72 1.00,800 22.31,222 72 1.02,181 22.31,644 72 1.03,562 23.32,200 73 1.02,200 23.32,641 73 1.03,600 23.33,082 73 1.05,000 24.33,600 74 1.03,600 24.34,060 74 1.05,019 24.34,521 74 1.06,438 25.35,000 75 1.05,000 25.35,479 75 1.06,438 25.35,959 75 1.07,877 26.36,400 76 1.06,400 26.36,899 76 1.07,858 26.37,397 76 1.09,315 27.37,800 77 1.07,800 27.38,318 77 1.09,277 27.38,836 77 1.10,753 28.39,200 78 1.09,200 28.39,737 78 1.10,696 28.40,274 78 1.12,192 29.40,600 79 1.10,600 29.41,156 79 1.12,115 29.41,712 79 1.13,630 30.42,000 80 1.12,000 30.42,575 80 1.13,534 30.43,151 80 1.15,068 31.43,400 81 1.13,400 31.43,995 81 1.14,953 31.44,589 81 1.16,507 32.44,800 82 1.14,800 32.45,414 82 1.16,373 32.46,027 82 1.179945 33.46,200 83 1.16,200 33.469833 83 1.17,792 33.47,466 83 1.19,384 34.47,600 84 1.17,600 34.48,252 84 1.19,211 34.48,904 84 1.20,822:35.49,000 85 1.19,000 35.49,671 85 1.20,630 35.50,342 85 1.22,260 36.50,400 86 1.20,400 36.51,090 86 1.22,049 36.51,781 86 1.23,699 37.51,800 87 1.21,800 37.52,510 87 1.23,468 37.53,219 87 1.25,137 38.53,200 88 1.23,200 38.53,929 88 1.24,888 38.54,658 88 1.26,575 39.54,600 89 1.24,600 39.55,348 89 1.26,307 39.56,096 89 1.28,014 40.56,000 90 1.26,000 40.56,767 90 1.27,726 40.57,534 90 1.29,452 41.57,400 91 1.27,400 41.58,186 91 1.29,145 41.58,973 91 1.30,890 42.58,800 92 1.28,800 42.59,605 92 1.30,564 42.60,411 92 1.32,329 43.60,200 93 1.30,200 43.61,025 93 1.31,984 43.61,849 93 1.33,767 44.61,600 94 1.31,600 44.62,444 94 1.33,403 44.63,288 94 1.35,205 45.63,000 95 1.33,000 45.63,863 95 1.34,822 45.64,726 95 1.36,644 46.64,400 96 1.34,400 46.65,282 96 1.36,241 46.66,164 96 1.38,082 47.65,800 97 1.35,800 47.66,701 97 1.37,660 47.67,603 97 1.39,521 48.67,200 98 1.37,200 48.68,121 98 1.39,079 48.69,041 98 1.40,959 49.68,600 99 1.38,600 49.69,540 99 1.40,499 49.70,479 99 1.42,397 50.70,000 29 Days 50.70,959 22Days 50.71,918 221. 146 DAYS. Prin Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.02,80 11.30,80 21.58,80 31.86,80 41 1.14,80 2.05,60 12.33,60 22.61,60 32.89,60 42 1.17,60 3.08,40 13.36,40 23.64,40 33.92,40 43 1.20,40 4.11,20 14.39,20 24.67,20 34.95,20 44 1.23,20 5.14,00 15.42,00 25.70,00 35.98,00 45 1.26,00 6.16,80 16.44,80 26.72,80 36 1.00,80 46 1.28,80 7.19,60 17.47,60 27.75,60 37 1.03,60 47 1.31,60 8.22,40 18.50,40 28.78,40 38 1.06,40 48 1.34,40 9.25,20 19.53,20 29.81,20 39 1.09,20 49. 1.37,20 158] 10.28,00 20.56,00 30.84,00 1140 1.12,00 1 50 1 1.40,00 COMMERCIAL INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 76 DAYS. 77 DAYS. 78 DAYS, Prin. Interest. Prin Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin Interest. 1.01,458 51.74,334 1.01)477 51.75,312 1.01,496 51.76,290 2.02,915 52.75,792 2.02,953 52.76,789 2.02,992 52.77,786 3.04,373 53.77,249 3.04,430 53.78,266 3.04,488 53.79,282 4.05,830 54.78,707 4.05,907 54.79,742 4.05,984 54.80,778 5.07,288 55.80,164 5.07,384 55.81,219 5.07,479 55.82,274 6.08,745 56.81,622 6.08,860 56.82,696 6.08,975 56.83,770 7.10,203 57.83,079 7.10,337 57.84,173 7.10,471 57.85,266 8.11,660 58.84,537 8.11,814 58.85,649 8.11,967 58.86,762 9.13,118 59.85,995 9.13,290 59.87,126 9.13,463 59.88,258 10.14,575 60.87,452 10.14,767 60.88,603 10.14,959 60.89,753 11.16,033 61.88,910 11.16,244 61.90,079 11.16,455 61.91,249 12.17,490 62.90,367 12.17,721 62.91,556 12.17,951 62.92,745 13.18,948 63.91,825 13.19,197 63.93,033 13.19,447 63.94,241 14.20,405 64.93,282 14.20,674 64.94,510 14.20,942 64.95,737 15.21,863 65.94,740 15.22,151 65.95,986 15.22,438 65.97,233 16.23,321 66.96,197 16.23,627 66.97,463 16.23,934 66.98,729 17.24,778 67.97,655 17.25,104 67.98,940 17.25,430 67 1.00,225 18.26,236 68.99,112 18.26,581 68 1.00,416 18.26,926 68 1.01,721 19.27,693 69 1.00,570 19.28,058 69 1.01,893 19.28,422 69 1.03,216 20.29,151 70 1.02,027 20.29,534 70 1.03,370 20.29,918 70 1.04,712 21.30,608 71 1.03,485 21.31,011 71 1.04,847 21.31,414 71 1.06,208 22.32,066 72 1.04,942 22.32,488 72 1.06,323 22.32,910 72 1.07,704 23.33,523 73 1.06,400 23.33,964 73 1.07,800 23.34,405 73 1.09,200 24.34,981 74 1.07,858 24.35,441 74 1.09,277 24.35,901 74 1.10,696 25.36,438 75 1.09,315 25.36,918 75 1.10,753 25.37,397 75 1.12,192 26.37,896 76 1.10,773 26.38,395 76 1.12,230 26.38,893 76 1.13,688 27.39,353 77 1.12,230 27.39,871 77 1.13,707 27.40,389 77 1.15,184 28.40,811 78 1.13,688 28.41,348 78 1.15,184 28.41,885 78 1.16,679 29.42,268 79 1.15,145 29.42,825 79 1.16,660 29.43,381 79 1.18,175 30.43,726 80 1.16,603 30.44,301 80 1.18,137 30.44,877 80 1.19,671 31.45,184 81 1.18,060 31.45,778 81 1.19,614 31.46,373 81 1.21,167 32.46,641 82 1.19,518 32.47,255 82 1.21,090 32.47,868 82 1.22,663 33.48,099 83 1.20,975 33.48,732 83 1.22,567 33.49,364 83 1.24,159 34.49,556 84 1.22,433 34.50,208 84 1.24,044 34.50,860 84 1.25,655 35.51,014 85 1.23,890 35.51,685 85 1.25,521 35.52,356 85 1.27,151 36.52,471 86 1.25,348 36.53,162 86 1.26,997 36.53,852 86 1.28,647 37.53,929 87 1.26,805 37.54,638 87 1.28,474 37.55,348 87 1.30,142 38.55,386 88 1.28,263 38.56,115 88 1.29,951 38.56,844 88 1.31,6381 39.56,844 89 1.29,721 39.57,592 89 1.31,427 39.58,340 89 1.33,134 40.58,301 90 1.31,178 40.59,068 90 1.32,904 40.59,836 90 1.34,6301 41.59,759 91 1.32,636 41.60,545 91 1.34,381 41.61,332 91 1.36,126 42.61,216 92 1.34,093 42.62,022 92 1.35,858 42.62,827 92 1.37,622 43.62,674 93 1.35,551 43.63,499 93 1.37,334 43.64,323 93 1.39,118 44.64,132 94 1.37,008 44.64,975 94 1.38,811 44.65,819 94 1.40,614 45.65,589 95 1.38,466 45.66,452 95 1.40,288 45.67,315 95 1.42,110 46.67,047 96 1.39,923 46.67,929 96 1.41,764 46.68,811 96 1.43,605 47.68,504 97 1.41,381 47.69,405 97 1.43,241 47.70,307 97 1.45,101 48.69,962 98 1.42,838 48.70,882 98 1.44,718 48.71,803 98 1.46,597 49.71,419 99 1.44,296 49.72,359 99 1.46,195 49.73,299 99 1.48,093 50.72,877 222 Days. 50.73,836 223 ay.50s.74,795 224Days. 146 DAYS. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. -iPrin.l Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 1.42,80 6 61 1.70,80 71 1.98,80 81 12.26,80 191 12.54,80 52 1.45,60 62 1.73,60 72 2.01,60 82 2.29,60 92 257,60 53 | 1.48,40 63 1.76,40 73 2.04,40 83 2.32,40 93 | 2.60,40 54 1.51,20 64 1.79,20 74 2.07,20 84 2.35,20 94 2.63,20 55 1.54,00 65 1.82,00 75 12.10,00 } 81 2.38,00 95 2.66,00 56 1.56,80 66 11.84,80 /761 2.12,80 86 2.40,80 96 2.68,80 57 1 1.59,60 67 1 1.87,60 77 1 2.15,60 87 2.43,60 97 / 2.71,60 58 1.62,40 68 1.90,40 78 1 2.18,40 88 2.46,40 I1 98 2.74,40 59 1 1.65,20 69 1.93,20 79 2.21,20 89 2.49,20 99 2.77,20 60 1.68,00 |70 1.96,00 80 12.24,00 /9012.52,00 II / [1i r - - - - ~-W~ - -.'-''-:'"-'W i ——'-' —---- ~ -— ~..L.. COMMERCIAL INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT.[ 79 DAYS. 80 DAYS. 81 DAYS, Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. interest. Prin. Interest. 1.01,515 51.77,268 1.01,534 51.78,247 1.01,553 51.79,225 2.03,030 52.78,784 2.03,068 52.79,781 2.03,107 52.80,778 3.04,545 53.80,299 3.04,603 53.81,315 3.04,660 53.82,332 4.06,060 54.81,814 4.06,137 54.82,849 4.06,214 54.83,885 5.07,575 55.83,329 5.07,671 55.84,384 5.07,767 55.85,438 6.09,090 56.84,844 6.09,205 56.85,918 6.09,321 56.86,992 7.10,605 57.86,359 7.10,740 57.87,452 7.10,874 57.88,545 8.12,121 58.87,874 8.12,274 58.88,986 8.12,427 58.90,099 9.13,636 59.89,389 9.13,808 59.90,521 9.13,981 59.91,652 10.15,151 60.90,904 10.15,342 60.92,055 10.15,534 60.939205 11.16,666 61.92,419 11.16,877 61.93,589 11.17,088 61.94,759 12.18,181 62.939934 12.18,411 62.95,123 12.18,641 62.96,312 13.19,696 63.95,449 13.19,945 63.96,658 13.20,195 63.97,866 14.21,211 64.96,964 14.21,479 64.98,192 14.21,748 64.99,419 15;.22,726 65.98,479 15.23,014 65.99,726 15.23,301 65 1.00,973 16'-.24,241 66.99,995 16.24,548 66 1.01,260 16.24,855 66 1.02,526 17.25,756 67 1.01,510 17.26,082 67 1.02,795 17.26,408 67 1.04,079 18.27,271 68 1.03,025 18.27,616 68 1.04,329 18.27,962 68 1.05,633 19.28,786 69 1.04,540 19.29,151 69 1.05,863 19.29,515 69 1.07,186 20.30,301 70 1.06,055 20.30,685 70 1.07,397 20.31,068 70 1.08,740 21.31,816 71 1.07,570 21.32,219 71 1.08,932 21.32,622 71 1.10,293 22.33,332 72 1.09,085 22.33,753 72 1.10,466 22.34,175 72 1.11,847 23.34,847 973 1.10,600 23.35,288 73 1.12,000 23.35,729 73 1.13,400 24.36,362 74 1.12,115 24.36,822 74 1.13,534 24.37,282 74 1.14,953 25.37,877 75 1.13,630 25.38,356 75 1.15,068 25.38,836 75 1.16,507 26.39,392 76 1.15,145 26.39,890 76 1.16,603 26.40,389 76 1.18,060 27.40,907 77 1.16,660 27.41,425 77 1.18,137 27.41,942 77 1.19,614 28.42,422 78 1.18,175 28.42,959 78 1.19,671 28.43,496 78 1.21,167 29-.43,937 79 1.19,690 29.44,493 79 1.21,205 29.45,049 79 1.22,721 30;.45,452 80 1.219205 30.46,027 80 1.22,740 30.46,603 80 1.24,274 31.46,967 81 1.22,721 31.47,562 81 1.24,274 31.48,156 81 1.25,827 32.48,482 82 1.24,2'36 32.49,096 82 1.25,808 32.49:710 82 1.27,381 33.49,997 83 1.25,751 33.50,630 83 1.27,342 33.51,263 83 1.28,934 34.51,512 84 1.27,266 34.52,164 84 1.28,877 34.52,816 84 1.30,488 35.53,027 85 1.28,781 35.53,699 85 1.30,411 35.54,370 85 1.329041 36.54,542 86 1.30,296 36.55,233 86 1.319945 36.55,923 86 1.33,595 37.56,058 87 1.31,811 37.56,767 87 1.33,479 37.57,477 87 1.35,148 38.57,573 88 1.33,326 38.58,301 88 1.35,014 38.59,030 88 1.36,701 39.59,088 89 1.34,841 39.59,836 89 1.36,548 39.60,584 89 1.38,255 40.60,603 90 1.36,356 40.61,370 90 1.38,082 40.62,137 90 1.39,808 41.62,118 91 1.37,871 41.62,904 91 1.39,616 41.63,690 91 1.41,362 42.63,633 92 1.39,386 42.64,438 92 1.41,151 42.65,244 92 1.42,915 43.65,148 93 1.40,901 43.65,973 93 1.42,685 43.66,797 93 1.44,468 44..66,663!94 1.42,416 44.67,507 94 1.44,219 44.68,351 94 1.46,022 45.68,178 95 1.43,932 45.69,041 95 1.45,753 45.69,904 95 1.47,575 46.69,693 96 1.45,447 46.70,575 96 1.47,288 46.71,458 96 1.49,129 47.71,208 97 1.46,962 47.72,110 97 1.48,822 47.73,011 97 1.50,682 48.72,723 98 1.48,477 48.73,644 98 1.50,356 48.74,564 98 1.52,236 49.74,238 99 1.49,992 49.75,178 99 1.51,890 49.76,118 99 1.53,789 50.75,753 225Days. 50.76,712 226 Days. 50.77,671 225. D.I 146 DAYS. lPrin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin.[ Interest. 1.02,80 11.30,80 21.58,80 31.86,80 41 1.14,80 2.05,60 1[12.33,60 22.61,60 32.89,60 42 1.17,60 3.08,40 13 1 36,40 23 64,40 33.92,40 43 1.20,40 4.11,20 i 14.39,20 l 24.67,20 34.95,20 44 1.23,20 5.14,00 15.42,00 25.70,00 35.98,00 45 1.26,00 6. 16,80 16.44,80 26.72,80 36 | 1.00,80 46 1.28,80 7.19,60 17.47,60 27.75,60 37 1.03,60 47 1.31,60 8].22,40 18.50,40 28.78,40 38 1.06,40 48 1.34,40 9.25,20 1119.53,20 129.81,20 39 1.09,20 49 1.37,20 1603 1101.28,00 1201.56,00 130 1.84,00 1140 1112,00 1150 1140,00 COMMERCIAL INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 82 DAYS. 83 DAYS, 84 DAYS, n. Inteest. Pn. Inteest. rin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. iPrin. lntei est. 1.01,573 51.80,203 1.01,592 51.81,181 1.01,611 51.82,159 1 2.03,145 52.81,775 2.03,184 52.82,773 2 i03,222 52.83,770( 3.04,718 53.83,348 3.04;775 53.84,364 3.04;833 53.85,381j 4.06,290 54.84,921 4.06;367 54.85,956 4,,06,44-4 54.86,992 5.07,863 55.86,493 5.07,959 55.87,548 5.08,055 55.88,603 6.09,436 56.88,066 6.09,551 56.'89,140 6.09,666 56,.90,214 7.11,008 57.89,638 7T..11,142 57.90,732 7.11,277 571.91,825 8.12,581 58.91,211 8.12,734 58.92,323 8.12,888 58.93,436 9.14,153 59.:92784 9:.:14,326 59:.93,915 9.14,499 59.95,047 10.15,726 60. 94,356 10.15,918 60.959507 10:.16,110 60. 96,658 11.17,299 61.95;929 11.17,510 61.97,099 11.17;721 61.98,268 12.18,871 62.97,501 12;.19,101 62.98,690 12.19'332 62-.99,879 13.20,444 63.i99,074 13.20,693 63 1.00,282 13.20;942 63 1.01,490 14.22,016 64 1.00,647 14.22,285 64 1.01,874 14.22,553 64: 1.03,101 15.23,589 65. 1.02,219 15.23,877'65; 1.03,466 15.24,164 65 1.04,712 16.25,162 66 1.03,792 16.25,468 66 1.05,058 16.25,775 66 1.06,823 17.26,734 67 1.05,364 17;.27,060'67 1.06,649 17.27,386 67 1.07,934 18.28,307 68 1.06,937 18.28;652 68 1.08,241 18.28,997 68 1.09,545 19.29,879 69 1.08,510 19.30,244 69 1.09,833 19.30,60S 6-9 1.11,156 20.31,452 70 1.10,082 20.31;836 70 1.11,425 20.32,219 70 1.12,767 21.33,025 71 1.11,655 21.3'3,427 71 1.13,016 21.33;830 71 1.14,378 22.34,597 72 1.13,227 22.35,019 72' 1.14,608 22.35,441 72 1.15,989 23.36,170 73 1.14,800 23.36,611 723 1.16,200 23.37,052 73 1.17,600 24.37,742 74 1.16,373 24.38,203 74 1.17,792 24.38,663 74 1.19,211 25.39,315 75 1.17,945 25.39,795 75 1.19,384 25.40,274 75. 1.20,822 26.40,888 76 1.19,518 26.41,386 76 1.20,975 26.41,885 76 1.22,433 271.42,460 77 1.21,090 27.42,978 77 1.22,567 27,.43496 77 1.24,044 28.44,033 78' 1.22,663 28.44,570 78 1.24,159 28.45,107 78. 1.25;655 29;.45,605 79 1.24,236 29.46,162 79 1.25,751, 29.46;718 79| 1.27,266 30.47,178 80 1.25,808 30.47,753 80 1.27,342 30.48,329 80 1.28,877 31.48;751 81 1.27,381 31.49,345 81 1.28,-934 31.49,940 81 1.30,488 3.2.50,323 82 1.28,953 32.50,937 82 1.301526 32.51,551 82 1.32,099 33.51,896 83 1.3Q0526 33.52,529 83 1J.32,118 33.53,162 83 1.33,710 34.53,468 84 1.32,099 34.54,121 84 1.33,710 34.54,773 84 1.35,321 35.55,041 85 1.33,671 35.55,712 85 1.35,301 35.56,384 85 1.36,932 36.56,614 86 1.35,244 36.57,304 86 1.36,893. 36.57,995 861 1.38,542 37.58,186 87 1.36,816 37.589896 87 1.38,485 37:.59,605 87 1.40,153 38.59,759 88 1.38,389 38.60,488 88 1 40,077 38:.61,216 88 1.41,764 39.61,332 89 1.39,962 39.62,079 89 1.41,668 39.62,827 89 1.43,375 40.62,904 90. 1.41,534 40.63,671 90 1.43,260 40..64,438 90: 1.44,986 41.664,477 91 1.43,107 41.65,263 91 1.44,852 41.66,049'91 1.46,597 42.66,049 92 1.44,679 42.66,855 92 1.46,4444 42.67660'92 1.48,208 43.67,622 93' 1.46,252 43.68,447 93 1.48,036 43.69,271'93 1.49,819'44.69,195'94 1.47,825 44.70,038 94 1.49,627 44.70,882'94' 1.51,430 45.70,767 95 1.49,397 45.71,630 "95 1.51,219 45.72,493 95 1.53,041'46.72,340 96 1.50,970 46.73,222'96 1.52,811 46.74,10J4 96i 1.54,652 47.73,912 97 1.52,542 47.74,814 971 1.54,403 47..75,715 97 1.56,263 48.75,485 98 1.54,115 48.76,405 98 1.55,995 48 -.77,326 "98 1.57,874 49.77,058 99 1.55,688 49.77,997 99 1.57,586 49.78,937'99 1.59,485 50.78,630 228 Days 50.79,589 229 Days. 50.80,548 23ODay 228Days. 49Days3 146 DAYS. Prin.| Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 1.42,80 61 1.70,80 71 1.98,80 81 2.26,80 91 2.54,80 52 1.4'5,60 62 1.73;60 72 1 2.01,60 821 229,60 92 2.57,60 53 1.48,40 63 1 76,40 73 2.04,40 183- 2.32,4b0 93 2.60,40 54 1.51;20 64 1.79;20 74 2.07,20 84 2.35,0 1 94 2.63,20 55 1 1;54,00 65 182,00 75 10,00 85 2.38,00 95 2.66,00 56 156;80 66 1.84,80 76 2.12,80 86 2.40,80 96 2.68,80 57 1.59,60 1167 1.87,60 77.'15,60'87l 2.43,60 97 2.71,60 58 1.62,40 68 1.90,40 78 12.18,;40 88 2.46,40 98 2.74,40 59 1.65,20 69 1.93,20 79 2;21,20 1 89 2.49,20 99 2.77,20 I!160 1.68,00 17011.96,00 /8012.24,00 19012.52,00 1 ___ COM MERCIAL INTERES-T AT SEVENN PER CENT,'85 DAYS, 86 DAYS. 87 DAYS. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interlest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.01,630 51.83,137 1.01,649 51.84,115 1.01,668 51.85,093 2.03,260 52.84,767 2.03,299 52.85,764 2.03,337 52.86,762 3.04,890 53.86,397 3.04,948 53.87,414 3.05,005 53.88,430 4.06,521 54.88,027 4.06,597 54.89,0631 4.06,674 154.90,099 5.08,151 55.89,658 5.08,247 55.90,712 5.08,342 55.91,767 6.09,781 56.91,288 6.09,896 56.92,362 6.10,011 156.93,436 7.11,411 57.92,918 7.11,545 57.94,011 7.11,679 57.95,104 8.13,041 58.94,548 8.13,195 58.95,660 8.13,348 58.96,773 9.14,671 59.96,178 9.14,844 59.97,310 9.15,016 59.98,441 10.16,301 60.97,808 10.16,493 60.98,959 10.16,685 60 1.00,110 11.17,932 61.99,438 11.18,142 61 1.00,608 11.18,353 61 1.01,778 12.19,562 62 1.01,068 12.19,792 62 1.02,258' 12.20,022 62 1.03,447 13.21,192 63 1.02,699 13.21,441 63 1.03,907 13.21,690 63 1.05,115 14.22,822 64 1.04,329 14.239090 64 1.05,556: 14.23,359 64 1.06,784 15.24,452 65 1.05,959 15.24,740 65 1.07,205 15.25,027 65 1.08,452 16.26,082 66 1.07,589 16.26,389 66 1.08,855 16.26,696 66 1.10,121 17.27,712 67 1.09,219 17.28,038 67 1.10,504 17.28,364 67 1.11,789 18.29,342 68 1.10,849 18.29,688 68 1.12,153 18.30,033 68 1.13,458 19.30,973 69 1.12,479 19.31,337 69 1.13,803 19.31,701 69 1.15,126 20.32,603 70 1.14,110 20.32,986 70 1.15,452 20.33,370 70 1.16,795 21.34,233 71 1.15,740 21.34,636 71 1.17,101 21.35,038 71 1.18,463 22.35,863 72 1.17,370 22.36,285 72 1.18,751 22.36,707 72 1.20,132 23.37,493 73 1.19,000 23.37,934 73 1.20,400 23.38,375 73 1.21,800 24.39,123 74 1.20,630 24.39,584 74 1.22,049 24.40,044 74 1.23,468 25.40,753 75 1.22,260 25.41,233 75 1.23,699 25.41,712 75 1.25,137 26.42,384 76 1.23,890 26.42,882 76 1.259348 26.43,381 76 1.26,805 27.44,014 77 1.25,521 27.44,532 77 1.26,997 27.45,049 77 1.28,474 28.45,644 78 1.27,151 28.46,181 78 1.28,647 28.46,718 78 1.30,142 29.47,274 79 1.28,781 29.47,830 79 1.30,296 29.48,386 79 1.31,811 30.48,904 80 1.30,411 30.49,479 80 1.31,945 30.50,055 80 1.33,479 31.50,534 81 1.32,041 31.51,129 81 1.33,595 31.51,723 81 1.35,148 32.52,164 82 1.33,671 32.52,778 82 1.35,244 32.53,392 82 1.36,816 }33.53,795 83 1.35,301 33.54,427 83 1.36,893 33.55,060 83 1.38,485 34.55,425 84 1.36,932 34.56,077 84 1.38,542 34.56,729 84 1.40,153 35.57,055 85 1.38Z562 35.57,726 85 1.40,192 35.58,397 85 1.41,822 36.58,685 86 1.40,192 36.59,375 86 1.41,841 36.60,066 86 1.43,490 37.60,315 87 1.417822 37.61,025 87 1.43,490 37.61,734 87 1.45,159 38.61,945 88 1.43,452 38.62,674 88 1.45,140 38.63,403 88 1.46,827 39.63,575 89 1.45,082 39.64,323 89 1.46,789 39.65,071 89 1.48,496 40.65,205 90 1.46,712 40.65,973 90 1.48,438 40.66,740 90 1.50,164 41.66,836 91 1.48,342 41.67,622 91 1.50,088 41.68,408 91 1.51,833 42.68,466 92 1.49,973 42.69,271 92 1.51,737 42.70,077 92 1.53,501 43.70,096 93 1.51,603 43.70,921 93 1.53,386 43.71,745 93 1.55,170 44.71,726 94 1.53,233 44.72,570 94 1.55,036 44.73,414 94 1.56,838 45.73,356 95 1.54,863 45.74,219 95 1.56,685 45.75,082 95 1.58,507 46.74,986 96 1.56,493 46.75,868 96 1.58,334 46.76,751 96 1.60,175 47.76,616 97 1.58,123 47.77,518 97 1.59,984 47.78,419 97 1.61,844 48.78,247 98 1.59 753 48.79,167 98 1.61,633 48.80,088 98 1.63,512 49.79,877 99 1.61,384 49.80,816 99 1.63,282 49.81,756 99 1.65,1811 60.81,507 231Days.. 50.82,466 232Days_ 50.83,425 233Days. i 146 DAYS. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Pfrin Interest. Prim. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.02,80 11.30,80 21.58,80 31.86,80 41 1.14,80: 2:.05,60 12.33,60 22.61,60 32.89,60 42 1.17,60 31.08,40 13.36,40 23.64,40 33.92,40 43 1.20,460 4.11,20 14.39,20 24.67,20 34.95,20 44 1.23,20 5.14,00 15.42,00 25.70,00 35.98,00 45 1.26100 6.16,80 16.44,80 26.72,80 36 1.00,80 46 1.28980 7.19,60 17.47,60 27.75,60 37 1.03,60 47 1.31,60 8.22,40 18.50,40 28.78,40 38 1.06,40 48 1.34,40 9 i.25,20 19.53,20 29.81,20 139 1.09,20 49 1.37,20 162B] 1i 10.28,00 120.56,00 1 30.84,00 1140 1.12,00 150 1.40,00 4 ~ ~~~ _1 _ COMMERCIAL INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 88 DAYS, 89 DAYS. 90 DAYS. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.01,688 51.86,071 1.01,707 51.87,049 1.01,726 51.88,027 2.03,375 52.87,759 2.03,414 52.88,756 2.03,452 52.89,753 3.05,063 53.89,447 3.05,121 53.90,463 3.05,178 53.91,479, 4.06,751 54.91,134 4.06,827 54.92,170 4.06,904 54.93,2051 5.08,438 55.92,822 5.08,534 55.93,877 5.08,630 55.94,93l2 6.10,126 56.94,510 6.10,241 56.95,584 6.10,356 56.96,658 7.11,814 57.96,197 7.11,948 57.97,290 7.12,082 57.98,384 8.13,501 58.97,885 8.13,655 58.98,997 8.13,808 58 1.00,110 9.15,189 59.99,573 9.15,362 59 1.00,704 9.15,534 59 1.01,836 10.16,877 60 1.01,260 10.17,068 60 1.02,411 10.17,260 60 1.03,562 11.18,564 61 1.02,948 11.18,775 61 1.04,118 11.18,986 61 1.05,288 12.20,252 62 1.04,636 12.20,482 62 1.05,825 12.20,712 62 1.07,014 13.21,940 63 1.06,323 13.22,189 63 1.07,532 13.22,438 63 1.08,740 14.23,627 64 1.08,011 14.23,896 64 1.09,238 14.24,164 64 1.10,466 15.25,315 65 1.09,699 15.25,603 65 1.10,945 15.25,890 65 1.12,192 16.27,003 66 1.11,386 16.27,310 66 1.12,652 16.27,616 66 1.13,918 17.28,690 67 1.13,074 17.29,016 67 1.14,359 17.29,342 67 1.15,644 18.30,378 68 1.14,762 18.30,723 68 1.16,066 18.31,068 68 1.17,370 19.32,066 69 1.16,449 19.32,430 69 1.17,773 19.32,795 69 1.19,096 20.33,753 70 1.18,137 20.34,137 70 1.19.479 20.34,521 70 1.20,822 21.35,441 71 1.19,825 21.35,844 71 1.21,186 21.36,247 71 1.22,548 22.37,129 72 1.21,512 22.37,551 72 1.22,893 22.37,973 72 1.24,274 23.38,816 73 1.23,200 23.39,258 73 1.24,600 23.39,699 73 1.26,000 -24.40,504 74 1.24,888 24.40,964 74 1.26,307 24.41,425 74 1.27,726 25.42,192 75 1.26,575 25.42,671 75 1.28,014 25.43,151 75 1.29,452 26.43,879 76 1.28,263 26.44,378 76 1.29,721 26.44,877 76 1.31,178 27.45,567 77 1.29,951 27.46,085 77 1.31,427 27.46,603 77 1.32,904 28.47,255 78 1.-31,638 28.47,792 78 1.33,134 28.48,329 78 1.34,630 29.48,942 79 1.33,326 29.49,499 79 1.34,841 29.50,055 79 1.36,356 30.50,630 80 1.35,014 30.51,205 80 1.36,548 30.51,781 80 1.38,082 31.52,318 81 1.36,701 31.52,912 81 1.38,255 31.53,507 81 1.39,808 32.54,005 82 1.38,389 32.54,619 82 1.39,962 32.55,233 82 1.41,534 33.55,693 83 1.40,077 33.56,326 83 1.41,668 33.56,959 83 1.43,260 34.57,381 84 1.41,764 34.58,033 84 1.43,3755 34.58,685 84 1.44,986 35.59,068 85 1.43,452 35.59,740 85 1.45,082 35.60,411 85 1.46,712 36.60,756 86 1.45,140 36.61,447 86 1.46,789 36.62,137 86 1.48,438 37.62,444 87 1.46,827 37.63,153 87 1.48,496 37.63,863 87 1.50,164 38.64,132 88 1.48,515 138.64,860 88 1.50,203 38.65,589 88 1.51,890 39.65,819 89 1."50,203 39.66,567 89 1.51,910 39.67,315 89 1.53,616 40.67,507 90 1.51,890 40.68,274 90 1.53,616 40.69,041 90 1.55,342 41.69,195 91 1.53,578 41.69,981 91 1.55,323 41.70,767 91 1.57,068 42.70,882 92 1.55,266 42.71,688 92 1.57,030 42.72,493 92 1.58,795 43.72,570 93 1.56,953 43.73,395 93 1.58,737 43.74,219 93 1.60,521 44.74,258 94 1.58,641 44.75,101 94 1.60,444 44.75,945 94 1.62,247 45.75,945 95 1.60,329 45.76,808 95 1.62,151 45.77,671 95 1.63,973 46.77,633 96 1.62,016 46.78,515 96 1.63,858 46.79,397 96 1.65,699 47.79,321 97 1.63,704 47.80,222 97 1.65,564 47.81,123 97 1.67,425 48.81,008 98 1.65,392 48.81,929 98 1.67,271 48.82,849 98 1.69,151 49.82,696 99 1.67,079 49.83,636 99 1.68,978 49.84,575 99 1.70,877 50.84,384 34Days. 50.85,342 50.86,301 236Days. 146 D A YS.. [Prin.l Interest. Prin. Intevrest. IlPT-in.l Interest. IPrin.l Interest. tlPrin. Interest. 51 1.42,80 1161 1.70,s80 71 1.98,s80 1 81 2.26,80 1191 2.54,80 52 1.45,60 1 621 1.73,60 tl 72 2.01,60 82 2.29,60 92 2.57,60 53 1.48,40 1163 1.76,40 73 2.04,40 83 2.32,40 93 2.60,40 54 11.51,20 64 1.79,20 74 2.07,20 1 84 2.35,20 94 2.63,20 5511.54,00 1165 1.82,00 175 2.10,00 85 2.3800 95 [2.66,00 561 1.56,80 66 1.84,80 76 2.12,80 86 2.40,80 96 2.68,80 57 11.59,60 67 1 1.87,60 11 77 2.15,60 87 2.43,60 97 2.71,60 58 1.62,40 168 1.90,40 78 2.18,40 88 2.46,40 1198 2.74,40 59 1.65,20 69 1.93,20 |1 79 2.21,20 189 2.49,20 99 2.77,20 6011.68,00 1170 1.96,00 1 80 2.24,00 1190 2.52,00 _I _ I] r163 - COMMERCI:AL INTEREST ATr SEVEN PER CENT. 91 DAYS, 92 DAYS. 93 DAYS. Prin. interest. Prin.m Interest. Prin. Interest. iPrin. Interest. Prin. t Interest. IlPrin. Interest. 1.01,45 51.89,005 1.01,764 51.89,984 1.01,784 51.90,962 2.03,490 52.90,751 2.03,529 52.91,748 2.03,567 52.92,745 3.05o236 i53'.92,496 3.05,298 53 1,93,512 3.05,351 53.94,529 4.06,981 54.94,241 4.07,058 i54.95,277 4.07,134 54.96,312 5.08,726 55.95,986 5.08,822 55.97,041 5.08,918 55.98,096 6.10,471 561.97,732 6.10,586 56.98,805 6.10,701.56.99,879 7.12,216 57.99;477 7.12,351 57 1.00,570 7.12,485 57 1.01,663 8.13,962 158 1.01,222 8.14,115 58 11.02,334 8.14,268 58 1.03,447.15,707' [59 1.02,967 9.15,879 159 1.04,099 9.16,052 59]1.05,230 10.17,452 60 1.04,712 10O.17,644 60 1.05,863 10.17,836 60 1.07,014 11.19,197 61 1.06,458 11.19,408 6111.07,627 11.19,619 6111.08,797 12.20,942 62 1.08,203 12.21,173 62 1.09,392 12.21,403 62 1.10,581 13.22,6881 63.09,948 13.22,937 63 1.11,156 13.23,186 6311.12,364 14.24,43-3 64 1.11,693 14.24,701 64 1.12,921 14.24,970 64 1.14,148 15.26,178 65 1.13,438 15.26,466 65 1.14,685 15.26,753 65 [1.15,932 16.27,923 66 1.15,184 1.28,230 66 1.16,449 16.28,537 66 1.17,715 17.29,668 67 1.16,9291 17.29,995 67 1.18,214 17.30,321 67 1.19,499 18.31,414 68 1.18,674 18.31,759 68 1.19,978 18.32,104 68 1.21,282 19.33,159 i69 1.20,419 119.33,523 69 1.21,742 19.33,888 69 1.23,066 20'.34,904 70 ~1.22,164 20.35,288 70 1.23,507 20'.35,671 70 1.24,849 21'.36,649' 71 1.23,910 21.37,052 [71 1.25,271'21.37,455 71 1.26,633 22.38i395" 72 1.25,655 22.38,816 /72 1.27,036' 22.39,2385 72 1.28,416 23.40,140 [73 11.27,400 [23.40,581 [73 1.28,800[ 23.41,02t 73 1.30,200 24.41,885' 74 1.29,145 24.42,345 74 1.30,564 24.42,805 7411.31,984 25.43,630 1/75 1.30,890 25.44,110 ]75 1.32,329 25.44,589 75 1.33,767 26.45,375- 76 1.32,636 26.45,874 176 1.34,093 26.46,373 76 1.35,551 27.47,121 77 1.34,381 27.47,638 77 1.35,858 27.48,156 77'1.37,3341 28.48,866' /78 1.36,126 28.49,403 I78 1.37,622 28.49,940 78 1.39,118} 29.50,611' [79 1.37,871 291.51,167 79 1.39,386 29.51,723 79 1.40,901 30.52,356 t80 1.39,616 30.52,932 80 1o.41,151 30.53,507 80 1.42,685 31.54,101 /81 1.41,362 31.54,696 81 1.42,915 31.55,290 81 1.44,468 32.55,847' 82 1.43,107 32.56,460 82 1.44,679 32.57,074 82'1.46,252 33'.57,592 83 1.44,852 33.58,225 183 1.46,444 33.58,858 83 1.48,036 34'.59;337'-' /84 1.46,597 34.59,989 ] 84' 1.48,208 34.60,641 84 1.49,819 35.61,082 8511.48,342 35.61,753 85'1.49,973 35.62,425 85 1.51,603 36'.62,827 /861 1.50,088 136.63,518 86 1.51,737 36.64,208 86 1.53,386 37.64,573' 87| 1.51,833 137.65,282 87 1.53,501 37.65,992 87 1.55,170 38.66,318 188 1.53,5781 38.67,047 88 1.55,266 38.67,775 88 1.56,953 39.68,063 89 1.55,323 39.68,811 89 1.57,030 39.69,559 89 1.58,737 40.69,808 90 1.57,068 40.70,575 90 1.58,795 40.71,342 90 1.60,521 41'.71,553 91 1.58,814 41.72,340 91 1'.60,559 41.73,126 91 1.62,304 42'.73,299 92 1.60,559 42.74,104 92 1.62,323 42'.74;910 92 1.64,088 43.75,044 93 1.62,304 43.75,868 93 1.64,088 43.76,693 93 1.65,871 44.76,789' 94 1..64,0491 44.77,633 94 1.65,852 44.78,477 94 1.67,655 45.78,534'1 95 "11.65,795 45.79,397 95 11.67,616 45.80,260 95 1.69,438 46.80,279 96 1.67,540 46.81,162 96 1.69,381 46.82,044 96 1.71,22 47.82,025' 97 1.69,285 147.82,926 97 [1.71,145 47.83,827' 97'I.73,005 48'.83,770' 98 1.71,030 48.84,690 98 1.72,910 48.85,611 98 1.74,789 49.85,515 99 1.72;775 149.86,455 99 1.74,674 49.87,395 99 1.76,573 50.87,260 237Days. 50.88,219 238Days. 50.89,178 239Day. 146 DAYS. Prn. Interest. Prin. Ixterest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.02,80 11.30,80 21.58,80 31.86,80 41 1.14,80 2.05,60 12.33,60 22.61,60 32.89i60 42 1.17,60 i 3.08,40 13.36,40 23.64,40 33.92,40 43 1.20,40 4.11,20 14.39,20 24.67,20 34.95,20 44 1.23,20 5.14,00 15.42,00 25.70,00 35.98,00 45 1.26,00 6.16,80 16.44,80 26.72,80 36 100,80 46 1.28,80 7.19,60 17.47,60 27.75,60 37 1.03,60 47 1.31,60 8 22,40 18.50,40 28.78,40 38 1.06,40 48 1.34,40 C9.25,20 19'.53,20' 29.81,20 39 1.09,20 49 1O.37,20 164]: 10.28,00 20.56,00 30.8:4,00 40 1,12,00 50 1.40,00 !COMMERCIAL INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 94 DAYS. 95 DAYS. 96 DAYS. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.01,803 51.91,940 1.01,822 51.92,918 1.01,841 51.93,896 2.03,605 52.93,742 2.03,644 52.94,740 2.03,682 52.95,737 3.05,408 53.95,545 3.05,466 53.96,562 3.05,523 53.97,578 4.07,211 54.97,348 4.07,288 54.98,384 4.07,364 54.99,419 5.09,014 55.99,151 5.09,110 55 1.00,205 5.09,205 55 1.01,260 6.10,816 56 1.00,953 6.10,932 56 1.02,027 6.11,047 56 1.03,101 7.12,619 57 1.02,756 7.12,753 57 1.03,849 7.12,888 57 1.04,942 8.14,422 58 1.04,559 8.14,575 58 1.05,671 8.14,729 58 1.06,784 9.16,225 59 1.06,362 9.16,397 59 1.07,493 9.16,570 59 1.08,625 10.18,027 60 1.08,164 10.18,219 60 1.09,315 10.18,411 60 1.10,466 11.19,830 61 1.09,967 11.20,041 61 1.11,137 11.20,252 61 1.12,307 12.21,633 62 1.11,770 12.21,863 62 1.12,959 12.22,093 62 1.14,148 13.23,436 63 1.13,573 13.23,685 63 1.14,781 13.23,934 63 1.15,989 14.25,238 64 1. 15,375 14.25,507 64 1.16,603 14.25,775 64 1.17,830 15.27,041 65 1.17,178 15.27,329 65 1.18,425 15.27,616 65 1.19,671 16.28,844 66 1.18,981 16.29,151 66 1.20,247 16.29,458 66 1.21,512 17.30,647 67 1.20,784 17.30,973 67 1.22,068 17.31,299 67 1.23,353 18.32,449 68 1.22,586 18.32,795 68 1.239890 18.33,140 68 1.25,195 19.34,252 69 1.54,389 19.34,616 69 1.25,712 19.34,981 69 1.27,036 20.36,055 70 1.26,192 20.36,438 70 1.27,534 20.36,822 70 1.28,877 21.37,858 71 1.27,995 21.38,260 71 1.29,356 21.38,663 71 1.30,718 22.39,660 72 1.29,797 22.40,082 72 1.31,178 22.40,504 72 1.32,559 23.41,463 73 1.31,600 23.41,904 73 1.33,000 23.42,345 73 1.34,400 124.43,266 74 1.33,403 24.43,726 74 1.34,822 24.44,186 74 1.36,241 25.45,068 75 1.35,205 25.45,548 75 1.36,644 25.46,027 75 1.38,082 26.46,871 76 1.37,008 26.47,370 76 1.38,466 26.47,868 76 1.39,923 27.48,674 77 1.38,811 27.49,192 77 1.40,288 27.49,710 77 1.41,764 28.50,477 78 1.40,614 28.51,014 78 1.42,110 28.51,551 78 1.43,605 29.52,279 79 1.42,416 29.52,836 79 1.43,932 29.53,392 79 1.45,447 30.54,082 80 1.44,219 30.54,658 80 1.45,753 30.55,233 80 1.47,288 31.55,885 81 1.46,022 31.56,479 81 1.47,575 31.57,074 81 1.49,129 32.57,688 82 1.47,825 32.58,301 82 1.49,397 32.58,915 82 1.50,970 33.59,490 83 1.49,627 33.60,123 83 1.51,219 33.60,756 83 1.52,811 34.61,293 84 1.51,430 34.61,945 84 1.53,041 34.62,597 84 1.54,652 35.63,096 85 1.53,233 35.63,767 85 1.54,863 35.64,438 85 1.56,493 36.64,899 86 1.55,036 36.65,589 86 1.56,685 36.66,279 86 1.58,334 37.66,701 87 1.56,838 37.67,411 87 1.58,507 37.68,121 87 1.60,175 38.68,504 88 1.58,641 38.69,233 88 1.60,329 38.69,962 88 1.62,016 39.70,307 89 1.60,444 39.71,055 89 1.62,151 39.71,803 89 1.63,858 40.72,110 90 1.62,247 40.72,877 90 1.63,973 40.73,644 90 1.65,699 41.73,912 91 1.64,049 41.74,699 91 1.65,795 41.75,485 91 1.67,540 42.75,715 92 1.65,852 42.76,521 92 1.67,616 42.77,326 92 1.69,381 43.77,518 93 1.67,655 43.78,342 93 1.69,438 43.79,167 93 1.71,222 44.79,321 94 1.69,458 44.80,164 94 1.71,260 44.81,008 94 1.73,063 45.81,123 95 1.71,260 45.81,986 95 1.73,082 45.82,849 95 1.74,904 46.82,926 96 1.73,063 46.83,808 96 1.74,904 46.84,690 96 1.76,745 47.84,729 97 1.74,866 47.85,630 97 1.76,726 47.86,532 97 1.78,586 48.86,532 98 1.76,668 48.87,452 98 1.78,548 48.88,373 98 1.80,427 49.889334 99 1.78,471 49.89,274 99 1.80,370 49.90,214 99 1.82,268 50.90,137 24O Days. 50.91,096 241Days. 50.92,055 242Days..1 4 6 D AY S. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. IlPrin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin.l Interest. 51 1.42,80 61 1.70,80 71 1.98,80 811 2.26,80 91 12.54,80 52 1.45,60 62 1.73,60 72 2.01,60 82 2.29,60 92 2.57,60 53 1.48,40 63 1.76,40 73 2.04,40 83 2.32,40 93 2.60,40 54 1.51,20 64 1.79,20 1174 2.07,20 84 2.35,20 94 2.63,20 55 1.54,00 65 1.82,00 75 2.10,00 85 2.38,00 951 2.66,00 56 1.56,80 66 1.84,80 ]76 2.12,80 86 12.40,80 96 2.68,80 57 1.59,60 67 1.87,60 77 2.15,60 87 2.43,60 97 2.71,60 58 1.62,40 68 1.90,40 78 2.18,40 88 2.46,40 198 2.74,40 59 1.65,20 69 1.93,20 179 2.21,20 I 89 2.49,20 199 2.77,20 1] 60 1.68,00 70 1.96,00 [80 2.24,00 ]90 2.52,00 [ 1 165 COM MERCIAL INTERIEST AT SEVEN PER CENT< 97 DAYS. 98 DAYS. 99 DAYS. Pri.i Interest. Prn Interest. Prin. Iterest. Pr. Interest. Prn. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.01,860 51.94874 1.01,879 51.95,852 1.01,899 51.96,830 2.03,721 52.96,734 2 03,759 52.97,732 2 03,797 52.98,729 o3.05,581 53.98,595 3.05,638 53.99,611 3.05,696 53 1.00,627 4.07,441 54 1.00,455 4.07,518 54 1.01,490 4.07,595 154 1.02,526 5.09,301 55 1.02,315 5.09,397 55. 1.03,370 5.09,493 55 1.04,425 6.11,162 56 1.04,175 6.11,277 56 1.05,249 6.11,392 56 1.06,323 7.13,022 57 1.06,036 7.13,156 57 1.07,129 7.13,290 57 1.08,222 8.14,882 58 1.07,896 8.15,036 58 1.09,008 8.15,189 58 1.10,121 9.16,742 59 1.09,756 9.16,915 59 1.10,888 9.17,088 59 1.12,019 10.18,603 60 1.11,616 10.18,795 60 1.12,767 10.18,986 60 1.13,918 11.20,463 61 1.13,477 11.20,674 61 1.14,647 11.20,885 61 1.15,816 12.22,323 62 1.15,337 12.22,553 62 1.169526 12.22,784 62 1.17,715 13.24,184 63 1.17,197 13.24,433 63 1.18,405 13.24,682 63 1.19,614 14.26,044 64 1.19,058 14.26,312 64 1.20,285 14.26,581 64 1.21,512 15.27,904 65 1.20,918 15.28,1 92 65 1.22,164 15.28,479 65 1.23,411 16.29,764 66 1.22,778 16.30,071 66 1.24,044 16.30,378 66 1.25,310 17.31,625 67 1.24,638 17.31,951 67 1.25,923 17.32,277 67 1.27,208 18.33,485 68 1.26,499 18.33,830 68 1.27,803 18.34,175 68 1.29,107 19.35,345 69 1.28,359 19.35,710 69 1.29,682 19.36,074 69 1.31,005 20.37,205 70 1.30,219 20.37,589 70 1.31,562 20.37,973 70 1.32,904 21.39,066 l 71 1.32,079 21.39,468 71 1.33,441 21.39,871 71 1.34,803 22.40,926 72 1.33,940 22.41,348 72 1.35,321 22.41,770 72 1.36,701 23.42,786 73 1.35,800 23.43,227 73 1.37,200 23.43,668 73 1.38,600 24.44,647 74 1.37,660 24.45,107 74 1.39,079 24.45,567 74 1.40,499 25.46,507 75 1.39,521 25.46,986 75 1.40,959 25.47,466 75 1.42,397 26.48,367 76 1.41,381 26.48,866 76 1.42,838 26.49,364 76 1.44,296 27.50,227 - 77 1.43,241 27.50,745 77 1.44,718 27.51,263 77 1.46,195 28.52,088 78 1.45,101 28.52,625 78 1.46,597 28.53,162 78 1.48,093 29.53,948 79 1.46,962 29.54,504 79 1.48,477 29.55,060 79 1.49,992 30.559808 80 1.48,822 30.56,384 80 1.50,356 30.56,959 80 1.51,890 31.57,668 81 1.50,682 31.58,263 81 1.52,236 31.58,858 81 1.53,789 32.59,529 82 1.52,542 32.60,142 82 1.54,115 32.60,756 82 1.55,688 33.61,389 83 1.54,403 33.62,0922 83 1.55,995 33.62,655 83 1.57,586 34.63,249 84 1.56,263 34.63,901 84 1.57,874 34.64,553 84 1.59,485 35.65,110 85 1.58,123 35.65,781 85 1.59,753 35.66,452 85 1.61,384 36.66,970- 86 1.59,984 36.67,660 86 1.61,633 36.68,351 86 1.63,282 37.68,830 87 1.61,844 37.69,540 87 1.63,512 37.70,249 87 1.65,181 38.70,690 88 1.63,704 38.71,419 88 1.65,392 38.72,148 88 1.67,079 39.72,551 89 1.65,564 39.73,299 89 1.67,271 39.74,047 89 1.68,978 40.74,411 90 1.67,425 40.75,178 90 1.69,151 40.75,945 90 1.70,877 41.76,271 91 1.69,285 41.77,058 91 1.71,030 41.77,844 91 1.72,775 42.78,132 92 1.71,145 42.78,937 92 1.72,910 42.79,742 92 1.74,674 43.79,992 93 1.73,005 43.80,816 93 1.74,789 43.81,641 93 1.76,573 44.81,852 94 1.74,866 44.82,696 94 1.76,668 44.83,540 94 1.78,471 45.83,712 95 1.76,726 45.84,575 95 1.78,548 45.85,438 95 1.80,370 46.85,573 96 1.78,586 46.86,455 96 1.80,427 46.87,337 96 1.82268 47.87,433 97 1.80,447 47.88,334 q 97 1.82,307 47.89,236 97 1.84,167 48.89,293 98 1.82,307 48.90,214 98 1.84,186 48.91,134 98 1.86066 49.91,153 99 1.84,167 49.92,093 99 1.86,066 49.93,033 99 1.87,964 50.93,014 243 Days. 50.93,973 2Days. 50.94,932 245 -ayS 146 DAYS. __ Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. IPrin. Interest. IPrin. Interest. IPrin. Interest. 1 r.02,80 1 11.30,80 1[21.58,80 31.86,80 41 1.14,80 2.05,60 1 12 1.33,60 I1 22 1.61,60 32.89,60 42 11.17,60 3.08,40 tl13 2.36,40 23.6,40 331.92,40 43 1 1.20,40 4.11,20 14.39,20 24.67,20 134.95,20 44 11.23,20 5.14,00 1 15.42,00 25.70,00 I 35.98,00 145 1.26,00 6.16,80 16.44,80 26.72,80 1 36 1 1.00,80 l 46 1.28,80 7.19,60 17.47,60 27.75,60 (( 37 1.03,60 47 1.31,60 8.22,40 18.50,40 1128.78,40 38 1 1.06,40 48 1.34,40 9.25,20 l 19.53,20 129.81,20 ) 39 1.09,20 149 1.37,20 166] }101.28,00 2011. t 56,00 1130 i.84,00 1140 1.12,00 50 1.40,00 -_Ifl.mEE_ COMMERCIAL INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 100 DAYS. 101 DAYS, 102 DAYS. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. IPrin. Interest. Prin. Interest.'Prin Interest. 1.01,918 51.97,808 1.019937'51.98,786 1.01,956 51.99,764 2.03,836 52.99,726 2.03,874 52 1.00,723 2.03,912 52 1.01,721 3.05,753 53 1.01,644 3.05,811 53 1.02,660 3.05,868 53 1.03,677 4.07,671 54 1.03,562 4.07,748 54 1.04,597 4.07,825 54 1.05,633 5.09,589 55 1.05,479 5.09,6815 55 1.06,534 5.099781 55 1.07,589 6.11,507 56 1.07,397 6.11,622 56 1.08,471 6.11,737 56 1.09,545 7.13,425 57 1.09,315 7.13,559 57 1.10,408 7.13,693 57 1.11,501 8.15,342 58 1.11,233 8.15,496 58 1.12,345 8.15,649 58 1.13,458 9.17,260 59 1.13,151 9.17,433 59 1.14,282 9.17,605 59 1.15,414 10.19,178 60 1.15,068 10.19,370 60 1.16,219 10.19,562 60 1.17,370 11.21,096 61 1.16,986 11.21,307 61 1.18,156 11.21,518 61 1.19,326 12.23,014 62 1.18,904 12.239244 62 1.20,093 12.23,474 62 1.21,282 13.24,932 63 1.20,822 13.25,181 63 1.22,030 13.259430 63 1.23,238 14.26,849 64 1.22,740 14.27,118 64 1.23,967 14.27,386 64 1.25,195 15.28,767 65 1.24,658 15.29,055 65 1.25,904 15.29,342 65 1.27,151 16.30,685 66 1.26,575 16.309992 66 1.27,841 16.31,299 66 1.29,107 17.32,603 67 1.28,493 17.32,929 67 1.29,778 17.33,255 67 1.31,063 18.34,521 68 1.30,411 18.34,866 68 1.31,715 18.35,211 68 1.33,019 19.36,438 69 1.32,329 19.369803 69 1.33,652 19.37,167 69 1.34,975 20.38,356 70 1.34,247 20.389740 70 1.35,589 20.39,123 70 1.36,932 21.409274 71 1.36,164 21.409677 71 1.37,526 21.41,079 71 1.38,888 22.42,192 72 1.38,082 22.429614 72 1.39,463 22.43,036 72 1.40,844 23.44,110 73 1.40,000 23.44,551 73 1.41,400 23.449992 73 1.42,800 24.46,027 74 1.41,918 24.46,488 74 1.43,337 24.46,948 74 1.44,756 25.47,945 75 1.43,836 25.48,425 75 1.459274 25.48,904 75 1.46,712 26.49,863 76 1.45,753 26.50,362 76 1.47,211 26.509860 76 1.48,668 27.519781 77 1.47,671 27.52,299 77 1.49,148 27.52,816 77 1.50,625 28.53,699 78 1.49,589 28.54,236 78 1.51,085 28.54,773 78 1.52,581 29.55,616 79 1.51,507 29.56,173 79 1.53,022 29.569729 79 1.54,537 30.57,534 80 1.53,425 30.58,110 80 1.54,959 30.58,685 80 1.56,493 31.59,452 81 1.55,342 31.60,047 81 1.56,896 31.60,641 81 1.58,449 32.61,370 82 1.57,260 32.61,984 82 1.58,833 32.62,597 82 1.60,405 33.63,288 83 1.59,178 33.63,921 83 1.60,770 33.64,553 83 1.62,362 34.65,205 84 1.61,096 34.65,858 84 1.62,707 34.66,510 84 1.64,318 35.67,123 85 1.63,014 35.679795 85 1.64,644 -35.68,466 85 1.66,274 36.69,041 86 1.64,932 36.699732 86 1.66,581 36.70,422 86 1.68,230 37.70,959 87 1.66,849 37.71,668 87 1.68,518 37.72,378 87 1.70,186 38.729877 88 1.68,767 38.73,605 88 1.70,455 38.74,334 88 1.72,142 39.74,795 89 1.70,685 39.75,542 89 1.72,392 39.76,290 89 1.74,099 40.76,712 90 1.72,603 40.77,479 90 1.74,329 40.78,247 90 1.76,055 41.78,630 91 1.74,521 41.79,416 91 1.76,266 41.80,203 91 1.78,011 42.809548 92 1.76,438 42.81,353 92 1.78,203 42.82,159 92 1.79,967 43.82,466 93 1.78,356 43.83,290 93 1.80,140 43.84,115 93 1.81,923 44.84,384 94 1.80,274 44.85,227 94 1 82,077 44.86,071 94 1.83,879 45.86,301 95 1.829192 45.87,164 95 1. 84014 45.88,027 95 1.85,836 46.88,219 96 1.84,110 46.89,101 96 1.85,951 46.89,984 96 1.87,792 47.90,137 97 1.86,027 47.91,038 97 1.87,888 47.91,940 97 1.89,748 48.92,055 98 1.87,945 48.92,975 98 1.89,825 48.93,896 98 1.91,704 49.93,973 99 1.89,863 49.94,912 99 1.91,762 49.95,852 99 1.93,660 50.95,890 246 Days. 50.96,849 12 72D~as 50.97,808 248Days. 146 DAYS. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. ilPr'in. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 1.42,80 61 1.70,80 71 1.98,80 81 2.26,80 91 2.54,80 52 1.45,60 62 1.73,60 1 72 2.01.60 82 2.29,60 92 2.57,60 53 1.48,40 63 1.76,40'73 2.04,40 83 2.32,40 193 2.60,40 54 1.51,20 64 1.79,20 71 74 2.07,20 84 2.35,20 94 2.63,20 55 1.54,00 65 1.82,00 75 2.10,00. 85 2.38,00 95 2.66,00 56 1.56,80 | 66 1.84,80 76 2.12,80 86 2.40,80 96 2.68,80 57 1.59,60 67 1.87,60 j 77 2.15.60 87 12.43,60 - 97 2.71,60 58 1.62,40 68 1.90,40 1 78 2.18,40 88 2.46,40 98 2.74,40 59 1.65,20!69 1.93,20 l 79 2.2120 89 2.4-9,20 99 1277,20 60 1.68,00 7 0 1.96.24,00 90240 252,00 I! __ _ [1_7A COMMERCIAL INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 103 DAYS. 104 DAYS. 105 DAYS. h'iin I nterest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.01,975 51 1.00,742 1.01,995 51 1.01,721 1.02,014 51 1.02,699 2.03,951 52 1.02,718 2.03,989 52 1.03,715 2.04,027 52 1.04,712 3.05,926 53 1.04,693 3.05,984 53 1.05,710 3.06,041 53 1.06,726 4.07,901 54 1.06,668 4.07,978 54 1.07,704 4.08,055 54 1.08,740 5.09,877 55 1.08,644 5.09,973 55 1.09,699 5.10,068 55 1.10,753 6.11,852 56 1.10,619 6.11,967 56 1.11,693 6.12,082 56 1.12,767 7.13,827 57 1.12,595 7.13,962 57 1.13,688 7.149096 57 1.14,781 S.15,803 58 1.14,570 8.15,956 58 1.15,682 8.16,110 58 1.16,795 9.17,778 59 1.16,545 9.17,951 59 1.17,677 9.18,123 59 1.18,808 1 0O.19,753 60 1.189521 10.19,945 60 1.19,671 10.20,137 60 1.209822 11.21,729 61 1.20,496 11.21,940 61 1.21,666 11.22,151 61 1.22,836 12.23,704 62 1.22,471 12.23,934 62 1.23,660 12.24.164 62 1.24,849 13.25,679 63 1.24,447 13.25,929 63 1.25,655 13.26,178 63 1.26,863 14.27,655 64 1.26,422 14.27.923 64 1.27,649 14.28,192 64 1.28,877 15.29,630 65 1.28,397 15.29,918 65 1.29,644 15.30,205 65 1.30,890 16.31,605 66 1.30,373 16.31,912 66 1.31,638 16.32,219 66 1.32,904 17.33,581 67 1.32,348 17.33,907 67 1.33,633 17.34,233 67 1.34,918 18.35,556 68 1.34,323 18.35,901 68 1.35,627 18.36,247 68 1.36,932 19.37,532 69 1.36,299 19.37,896 69 1.37,622 19.38,260 69 1.38,945 20.39,507 70 1.38,274 20.39,890 70 1.39,616 20.40,274 70 1.40,959 21.41,482 71 1.40,249 21.41,885 71 1.41,611 21.42,288 71 1.42,973 22.43,458 72 1.42,225 22.43,879 72 1.43,605 22.44,301 72 1.44,986 23.45,433 73 1.44,200 23.45,874 73 1.45,600 23.46,315 73 1.47,000 24.47,408 74 1.46,175 24.47,868 74 1.47,595 24.48,329 74 1.49,014 25.49,384 75 1.48,151 25.49,863 75 1.49,589 25.50,342 75 1.51,027 26.51,359 76 1.50,126 26.51,858 76 1.51,584 26.52,356 76 1.53,041 27.53,334 77 1.52,101 27.53,852 77 1.53,578 27.54,370 77 1.55,055 28.55,310 78 1.54,077 28.55,847 78 1.55,573 28.56,384 78 1.57,068 29.57,285 79 1.56,052 29.57,841 79 1.57,567 29.58,397 79 1.59,082 30.59,260 80 1.58,027 30.59,836 80 1.59,562 30.60,411 80 1.61,096 31.61,236 81 1.60,003 31.61,830 81 1.61,556 31.62,425 81 1.63,110 32.63,211 82 1.61,978 32.63,825 82 1.63,551 32.64,438 82 1.65,123 33.65,186 83 1.63,953 33.65,819 83 1.65,545 33.66,452 83 1.67,137 34.67,162 84 1.65,929 34.67,814 84 1.67,540 34.68,466 84 1.69,151 35.69,137 85 1.67,904 35.69,808 85 1.69,534 35.70,479 85 1.71,164 36.71,112 86 1.69,879 36.71,803 86 1.71,529 36.72,493 86 1.73,178 37.73,088 87 1.71,855 37.73,797 87 1.73,523 37.74,507 87 1.75,192 38.75,063 88 1.73,830 38.75,792 88 1.75,518 38.76,521 88 1.77,205 39.77,038 89 1.75,805 39.77,786 89 1.77,512 39.7S,534 89 1.79,219 40.79,014 90 1.77,781 40.79,781 90 1.79,507 40.80,548 90 1.81,233 41.80,989 91 1.79,756 41.81,775 91 1.81,501 41.82,562 91 1.83,247 42.82,964 92 1.81,732 42.83,770 92 1.83,496 42.84,575 92 1.85,260 43.84,940 93 1.83,707 43.85,764 93 1.85,490 43.86,589 93 1.87,274 44.86,915 94 1.85,682 44.87,759 94 1.87,485 44.88,603 94 1.89,288 45.88S890 95 1.87,658 45.89,753 95 1.89,479 45.90,616 95 1.91,301 46.90,866 96 1.89,633 46.91,748 96 1.91,474 46.92,630 96 1.93,315 47.92,841 97 1.91,608 47.93,742 97 1.93,468 47.94,644 97 1.95,329 48.94,816 98 1.93,584 48.95,737 98 1.95,463 48.96,658 98 1.97,342 49.96,792 99 1.95,559 49.97,732 99 1.97,458 49.98,671 99 1.99,356 50.98,767 249Days. 50.99,726 5ODays 50 1.00,685251Dys'249nays. ~250 Days.1.065-5,~s __l~ 146 DAYS. Prin. Interest. IPrin. Interest. Prin. Interest. sPrin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.02,80 11.30,80 21.58,80 31.86,80 41 1.14,80 2.05,60 12.33,60 22.61,60 132.89,60 42 1.17,60 3.08,40 13.36,40 23.64,40 33.92,40 43 1.20,40 4.11,20 14.39,20 24.67,20 34.95,20 44 1.23,20 5.14,00 15.42,00 25.70,00 35.98,00 45 1.26,00 6.16,80 16.44,80 26.72,80 36 1.00,80 46 1.28,80 7.19,60 17.47,60 27.75,60 37 1.03,60 47 1.31,60 8.22,40 18.50,40 28.78,40 38 1.06,40 48 1.34,40 9 25,20 19.53,20 129.81,20 " 39 1.09,20 A 49 1.37,20 11 6,~ 11 10.28,00 20.56,00 30.84,00 40 1.12,00 50 1.40,00 CO(MMERCIAL INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT.| 106 DAYS. 107 DAYS, 108 DAYS. Prin Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.02,033 51 1.03,677 1.02,052 51 1.04,655 1.02,071 51 1.05,633 2.04,066 52 1.05,710 2.04,104 52 1.06,707 2.04,142 52 1.07,704 3.06,099 53 1.07,742 3.06,156 53 1.08,759 3.06,214 53 1.09,775 4.08,132 54 1.09,775 4.08,208 54 1.10,811 4.08,285 54 1.11,847 5.10,164 55 1.11,808 5.10,260 55 1.12,863 5.10,356 55 1.13,918 6.12,197 56 1.13,841 6.12,312 56 1.14,915 6.12,427 56 1.15,989 7.14,230 57 1.15,874 7.14,364 57 1.16,967 7.14,499 57 1.18,060 8.16,263 58 1.17,907 8.16,416 58 1.19,019 8.16,570 58 1.209132 9.18,296 59 1.19,940 9.18,468 59 1.21,071 9.189641 59 1.22,203 10.20,329 60 1.21,973 10.20,521 60 1.23,123 10.20,712 60 1.24,274 11.22,362 61 1.24,005 11.22,573 61 1.25,175 11.22,784 61 1.26,345 12.24,395 62 11.26,038 12.24,625 62 1.27,227 12.24,855 62 1.28,416 13.26,427 63 1.28,071 13.26,677 63 1.29,279 13.26,926 63 1.30,488 14.28,460 64 1.30,104 14.28,729 64 1.31,332 14.28,997 64 1.32,559 15.30,493 65 1.32,137 15.30,781 65 1.33,384 15.31,068 65 1.34,630 16.32,526 66 1.34,170 16.32,833 66 1.35,436 16.33,140 66 1.36,701 17.34,559 67 1.36,203 17.34,885 67 1.37,488 17.35,211 67 1.38,773 18.36,592 68 1.38,236 18.36,937 68 1.39,540 18.37,282 68 1.40,844 19.38,625 69 1.40,268 19.38,989 69 1.41,592 19.39,353 69 1.42,915 20.40,658 70 1.42,301 20.41,041 70 1.43,644 20.41,425 70 1.44,986 21.42,690 71 1.44,334 21.43,093 71 1.45,696 21.43,496 71 1.47,058 22.44,723 72 1.46,367 22.45,145 72 1.47,748 22.45,567 72 1.49,129 23.46,756 73 1.48,400 23.47,197 73 1.49,800 23.47,638 73 1.51,200 *24.48,789 74 1.50,433 24.49,249 74 1.51,852 24.49,710 74 1.53,271 25.50,822 75 1.52,466 25.51,301 75 1.53,904 25.51,781 75 1.55,342 26.52,855 76 1.54,499 26.53,353 76 1.55,956 26.53,852 76 1.57,414 27.54,888 77 1.56,532 27.55,405 77 1.58,008 27.55,923 77 1.59,485 28.56,921 78 1.58,564 28.57,458 78 1.60,060 28.57,995 78 1.61,556 29.58,953 79 1.60,597 29.59,510 79 1.62,112 29.60,066 79 1.63,627 30.60,986 80 1.62,630 30.61,562 80 1.64,164 30.62,137 80 1.65,699 31.63,019 81 1.64,663 31.63,614 81 1.66,216 31.64,208 81 1.67,770 32.65,052 82 1.66,696 32.65,666 82 1.68,268 32.66,279 82 1.69,841 33.67,085 83 1.68,729 33.67,718 83 1.70,321 33.68,351 83 1.71,912 34.69,118 84 1.70,762 34.69,770 84 1.72,373 34.70,422 84 1.73,984 35.71,151 85 1.72,795 35.71,822 85 1.74,425 35.72,493 85 1.76,055 36.73,184 86 1.74,827 36.73,874 86 1.76,477 36.74,564 86 1.78,126 37.75,216 87 1.76,860 37.75,926 87 1.78,529 37.76,636 87 1.80),197 38.77,249 88 1.78,893 38.77,978 88 1.80,581 38.78,707 88 1.82,268 39.79,282 89 1.80,926 39.80,030 89 1.82,633 39.80,778 89 1.84,340 40.81,315 90 1.82,959 40.82,082 90 1.84,685 40.82,849 90 1.86,411 41.83,348 911 1.84,992 41.84,134 91 1.86,737 41.84,921 91 1.88,482 42.85,381 92 1.87,025 42.86,186 92 1.88,789 42.86,992 92 1.90,553 43.87,414 93 11.89,058 43.88,238 93 1.90,841 43.89,063 93 1.92,625 44.89,447 94 1.91,090 44.90,290 94 1.92,893 44.91,134 94 1.94,696 45.91,479 95 1.93,123 45.92,342 95 1.94,945 45.93,205 95 1.96,767 46.93,512 96 1 1.95,156 46.94,395 96 1.96,997 46.95,277 96 1.98,838 47.95,545 97 1.97,189 47.96,447 97 1.99,049 47.97,348 97 2.00,910 48.97,578 98 1.99,222 48.98,499 98 2.01,101 48.99,419 98 2.02,981 49.99,611 99 2.01,255 49 1.00,551 99 2.03,153 49 1.01,490 99 2.05,052 50 1.01,644 252Days 50 1.02,603 253Days. 50 1.03,562 254Days............. 146 DAYS. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 1.42,80 61 1.70,80 71 1.98,80 81 2.26,80 91 2.54,80 52 1 1.45,60 62 1.73,60 72 2.01,60 82 2.29,60 92 2.57,60 53 1.48,40 63 1.76,40 73 2.04,40 83 2.32,40 93 2.60,40 54 1.51,20 64 1.79,20 174 2.07,20 84 2.35,20 94 2.63,20 55 1.54,00 65 1.82,00 75 2.10,00 85 2.38,00 95 2.66,00 56 1.56,80 66 1.84,80 76 2.12,80 86 2.40,80 196 2.68,80 57 1.59,60 67 1.87,60 77 2.15,60 87 2.43,60 97 2.71,60 58 1.62,40 68 1.90,40 78 2.18,40 88 2.46,40 198 2.74,40 59 1.65,20 69 1.93,20 79 2.21,20 8912.49,20 199 2.77,20 60 1.68,00,70 1.96,00 80 2.24,00 1190 2.52,00 1 _ _[169 -~~~~~~~~~~~~un f COMMERC IAL INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 109 DAYS. 110 DAYS. 111 DAYS. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. I Prin. Interest. Ptrin. Interest. Prin. Interest. lrinl. Interest. 1.02,090 51 1.06,611 1.02,110 51 1.07,589 1.02,129 51 1.08,567 2.04,181 52 1.08,701 2.04,219 52 1.09,699 2.04,258 52 1.10,696 3.06,271 53 1.10,792 3.06,329 53 1.11,808 3.06,386 53 1.12,825 4.08,362 54 1.12,882 4.08,438 54 1.13,918 4.08,515 54 1.14,953 5.10,452 55 1.14,973 5.10,548 55 1.16,027 5.10,644 55 1.17,082 6.12,542 56 1.17,063 6.12,658 56 1.18,137 6.12,773 56 1.19,211 7.14,633 57 1.19,153 7.14,767 57 1.20,247 7.14,901 57 1.21,340 8.16,723 58 1.21,244 8.16,877 58 1.22,356 8.17,030 58 1.23,468 9.18,814 59 1.23,334 9.18,986 59 1.24,466 9.19,159 59 1.25,597 10.20,904 60 1.25,425 10.21,096 60 1.26,575 10.21,288 60 1.27,726 11.22,995 61 1.27,515 11.23,205 61 1.28,685 11.23,416 61 1.29,855 12.25,085 62 1.29,605 12.25,315 62 1.30,795 12.25,545 62 1.31,984 13.27,175 63 1.31,696 13.27,425 63 1.32,904 13.27,674 63 1.34,112 14.29,266 64 1.33,786 14.29,534 64 1.35,014 14.29,803 64 1.36,241 15.31,356 65 1.35,877 15.31,644 65 1.37,123 15.31,932 65 1.38,370 16.33,447 66 1.37,967 16.33,753 66 1.39,233 16.34,060 66 1.40,499 17.35,537 67 1.40,058 17.35,863 67 1.41,342 17.36,189 67 1.42,627 18.37,627 68 1.42,148 18.37,973 68 1.43,452 18.38,318 68 1.44,756 19.39,718 69 1.44,238 19.40,082 69 1.45,562 19.40,447 69 1.46,885 20.41,808 70 1.46,329 20.42,192 70 1.47,671 20.42,575 70 1.49,014 21.43,899 71 1.48,419 21.44,301 71 1.49,781 21.44,704 71 1.51,142 22.45,989 72 1.50,510 22.46,411 72 1.51,890 22.46,833 72 1.53,271 23.48,079 73 1.52,600 23.48,521 73 1.54,000 23.48,962 73 1.55,400 24.50,170 74 1.54,690 24.50,630 74 1.56,110 24.51,090 74 1.57,529 25.52,260 75 1.569781 25.52,740 75 1.58,219 25.53,219 75 1.59,658 26.54,351 76 1.58,871 26.54,849 76 1.60,329 26.55,348 76 1.61,786 27.56,441 77 1.60,962 27.56,959 77 1.62,438 27.57,477 77 1.63,915 28.58,532 78 1.63,052 28.59,068 78 1.64,548 28.59,605 78 1.66,044 29.60,622 79 1.65,142 29.61,178 79 1.66,658 29.61,734 79 1.68,173 30.62,712 80 1.67,233 30.63,288 80 1.68,767 30.63,863 80 1.70,301 31.64,803 81 1.69,323 31.65,397 81 1.70,877 31.65,992 81 1.72,43() 32.66,893 82 1.71,414 32.67,507 82 1.72,986 32.68,121 82 1.74,559 133.68,984 83 1.73,504 33.69,616 83 1.75,096 33.70,249 83 1.76,688 34.71,074 84 1.75,595 34.71,726 84 1.77,205 34.72,378 84 1.78,816 35.73,164 85 1.77,685 35.73,836 85 1.79,315 35.74,507 85 1.80,945 36.75,255 86 1.79,775 36.75,945 86 1.81,425 36.76,636 86 1.83,074 37.77,345 87 1.81,866 37.78,055 87 1.83,534 37.78,764 87 1.85,203 38.79,436 88 1.83,956 38.80,164 88 1.85,644 38.80,893 88 1.87,332 39.81,526 89 1.86,047 39.82,274 89 1.87,753 39.83,022 89 1.89,460 40.83,616 90 1.88,137 40.84,384 90 1.89,863 40.85,151 90 1.91,589 41.85,707 91 1.90,227 41.86,493 91 1.91,973 41.87,279 91 1.93,718 42.87,797 92 1.92,318 42.88,603 92 1.94,082 42.89,408 92 1.95,847 43.89,888 93 1.94,408 43.90,712 93 1.96,192 43.91,537 93 1.97,975 44.91,978 94 1.96,499 44.92,822 94 1.98,301 44.93,666 94 2.00,104 45.94,068 95 1.98,589 45.94,932 95 2.00,411 45.95,795 95 2.02,233 46.96,159 96 2.00,679 46.97,041 96 2.02,521 46.97,923 96 2.04,362 47.98,249 97 2.02,770 47.99,151 97 2.04,630 47 1.00,052 97 2.06,490 48 1.00,340 98 2.04,860 48 1.01,260 98 2.06,740 48 1.02,181 98 2.08,619 49 1.02,430 99 2.06,951 49 1.03,370 99 2.08,849 49 1.04,310 99 2.10,748 50 1.-04,521 255Days. 50 1.05,479 256Days. 50 1.06,438 257Days 146 -DAYS. Prin. Interest. lPrin. Interest. Prin. Interest. IPrin- Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.02,80 11 11.30,80 211.58,80 31.86,80 41 1.14,80 2.05,60 1112 1.33,60 22 1.61,60 32.89,60 42 1.17,60 3.08,40 11 13.36,40 23.64,40 33.92,40 43 1.20,40 4 ].11,20 14.39,20 11 24.67,20 34.95,20 44 1.23,20 51.14,00 H 15.42,00 l 25.70,00: 35.98,00 45 1.26,00 61.16,80 16 1.44,80 [ 26.72,80 36 1.00,80 146 1128,80 71.19,60 17 1.47,60 27.75,60 37 1.03,60 47 1.31,60 8.22,40 18 1.50,40 11281.78,40 38 1.06,40 48 1.34,40 9120. 20 19.53,20 291 81,20 1439 1.09,20 49 1.37,20 t!.701 10 l.28,00 || 20 1.56,00 || 301.84,00| 40 |1.12,00 1150 1.40,00 'COMMERCIAL: INTEREST AT SEVE:N PER C ENT. l12- DAYS. 113 DAYS. 114 DAYs. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. e'in. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.02,148.51 1.09,545 1.02,167 51 1.10,523 1.02,186 51 1.11,501[ 2.04,296 152 1.11,693 2.04,334 52 1.12,690 2.04,373 52 1.13,688 i 3.06,444 153 1-.13,841 3.06,501 53 1.14,858 3.06,559 53 1.15,874 4.08,592 154 1.15,989 4.08,668 54 1.17,025 4.08,745 54 1.18,060 5.10,740 55 1.18,137 5.10,836 55 1.19,192 5.10,932 55 1.20,247 6.12,888 56 1.20,285 6.13,003 56 1.21,359 6.13,118 56 1.22,433 7.15,036 157 1.22,433 7.15,170 57 1.23,526 7.15,304 57 1.24,619 8.17,184 58 1.24,581 8.17,337 58 1.25,693 8.17,490 58 1.26,805 9.19,332 59 1.26,729 9.19,504 59 1.27,860 - 9.19,677 59 1.28,992 10.21,479 60 1.28,877 10.21,671 60 1.30,027 10.21,863 60 1.31,178 11.23,627 61 1.31,025 11.23,838 61 1.32,195 11.24,049 61 1.33,364 12.25,775 62 1.33,173 12.26,005 62 1.34,362 i2.26,236 62 1.35,551 13.27,923 63 1.35,321 13.28,173 63 1.36,529 13.28,422 63 1.37,737 14.309071 64 1,37,468 14.30,340 64 1.38,696 14.30,608 64 1.39,923 15.32,219 65 1.39,616 15.32,507 65 1.40,863 15.32,795 65 1.42,110 16.34,367 66 1.41,764 16.34,674 66 1.43,030 16.34,981 66 1.44,296 17.36,515 67 1.43,912 17.36,841 67 1.45,197 17.37,167 67 1.46,482 18.38,663 68 1.46,060 18.39,008 68 1.47,364 18.39,353 68 1.48,668 19.40,811 69 1.48,208 19.41,175 69 1.49,532 19.41,540. 69 1.50,855 20.42,959 70 1.50,356 20.43,342 70 1.51,699 20.43,726 70 1.53,041 21.45,107 71 1.52,504 21.45,510 71 1.53,866 21.45,912 71 1.55,227 22.47,255 72 1.54,652 22.47,677 72 1.56,033 22.48,099 72 1.57,414 23.49,403 73 1.56,800 23.49,844 73 1.58,200 23.50,285 73 1.59,600 24.51,551 74 1.58,948 24.52,011 74 1.60,367 24.52,471 74 1.61,786 25.53,699 75 1.61,096 25.54,178 75 1.62,534 25.54,658 75 1.63,973 26.55,847 76 1.63,244 26.56,345 76 1.64,701 26.56,844 76 1.66,159 27.57,995 77 1.65,392 27.58,512 77 1.66,868 27.59,030 77 1.68,345 28.60,142 78 1.67,540 28.60,679 78 1.69,036 28.61,216 78 1.70,532 29.62,290 79 1.69,688 29.62,847 79 1.71,203 29.63,403 79 1.72,718 30.64,438 80 1.71,836 30.65,014 80 1.73,370 30.65,589 80 1.74,904 31.66,586 81 1.73,984 31.67,181 81 1.75,537 31.67,775 81 1.77,090 32.68,734 82 1.76,132 32.699348 82 1.77,704 32.69,962 82 1.79)277 33.70,882 83 1.78,279 33.71,515 83 1.79,871 33.72,148 83 1.81,463 34.73,030 84 1.80,427 34.73,682 84 1.82,038 34.74,334 84 1.83,649i 35.75,178 85 1.82,575 35.75,849 85 1.84,205 35.769521 85 1.85,836 36.77,326 86 1.84,723 36.78,016 86 1.86,373 36.78,707 86 1.88,022 37.79,474 87 1.86871 37.80,184 87 1.88,540 37.80,893 87 1.90,208 38.81,622 88 1.89,019 38.82,351 88 1.90,707 38.83,079 88 1.92,395 39.83,770 89 1.91,167 39.84,518 89 1.92,874 39.85,266 89 1.94,581 40.85,918 90 1.93,315 40.86,685 90 1.95,041 40.87,452 90 1.96,767 41.88,066 91 1.95,463 41.88,852 91 1.97,208 41.89,638 91 1.98,953 42.90,214 92 1.97,611 42.91,019 92 1.99,375 42.91,825 92 2.01,140 43.92,362 93 1.99,759 43.93,186 93 2.01,542 43.94,011 93 2.03,326 44.94,510 94 2.01,907 44.95,353 94 2.03,710 44.96,197 94 2.05,512 45.96,658 95 2.04,055 45.97,521 95 2.05,877 45.98,384 95 2.07,699 46.98,805 96 2.06,203 46.99,688 96 2.08;044 46 1.00,570 96 2.09,885 47 1.00,953 97 2.08,351 47 1.01,855 97 2.10,211i 47 1.02,756 97 2.12,071 48 1.03,101 98 2.10,499 48 1.04,022 98 2.12.378 48 1.04,942 98 2.14,258 49 1.05,249 99 2.12,647 49 1.06,189 99 2.14,545 49 1.07,129 99 2.16,444 50 1.07,397 2.5 8Days. 50 1.08,356 25a 50 1.09,315 126 s2593D-ays..... II3as 1 4 6 D AYSf S Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 1.42,80 61 1.70,80 171 1.98,80 -81 2.26,80 91 2.54,80 52 1.45,60 62 1.73,60 72 2.01,60 82 2.29,60 92 2.57,60 53 1.48,40 63 1.76,40 73 2.04,.40 83 2.32,40 93 2.60,40 54 1.51,20 64 1.79,20 74 2.07,20 84 2.35,20 94 2.63,20 55 1.54,00 65 1.82,00 75 2.10,00 85 2.38,00 95 2.66,00 (56 1.56,80 166 1.84,80 1176 2.12,80 86 2.40,80 96 2.68,80 j157 1.59,60 167 1.87,60 77 2.15,60 87 2.43,60 97 2.71,60 j 58 1.62,40 [ 68 1.90,40 78 2.18,40 88 2.46,40 98 2.74,40 f59 1 5.,20 169 1.93,20 179 2.21,20 i89 2.49.20 99 2.77,20 160 1.68,00 1{70 1.96,00 j80 2.24,00 90 12.52,00 [ [ [171 COMMERCIAL INTEREST AT SE VEN PER CENT. 115 DAYS. 116 DAYS. 117 DAYS. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.02,205 51 1.12,479 1.02,225 51 1.13,458 1.02,244 51 1.14,436 2.04,411 52 1.14,685 2.04,449 52 1.15,682 2.04,488 52 1.16,679 3.06,616 53 1.16,890 3.06,674 53 1.17,907 3.06,732 53 1.18,923 4.08,822 54 1.19,096 4.08,899 54 1.20,132 4.08,975 54 1.21,167 5.11,027 55' 1.21,301 5.11,123 55' 1.22,356 5.11,219 55 1.23,411 6.13,233 56 1.23,507 6.13,348 56 1.24,581 6.13,463 56 1.25,655 7.15,438 57 1.25,712 7.15,573 57 1.26,805 7.15;707 57 1.27,899 8.17,644 58 1.27,918 8.1,7'97 58 1.29,030 8.17,951 58 1.30,142 9.19,849 59 1.30,123 9W;.20,022 59 1.31,255 9.20,195 59 1.32,386 10.22,055 60 1.32,329 10.22,247 60 1.33,479 10.22,438 60 1.34,630 11.24,260 61 1.34,534 11.24,471 61 1.35,704 11.24,682 61 1.36,874 12.26,466 62 1.36,740 12.26,696 62 1.37,929 12.26,926 62 1.39,118 13.28,671 63 1.38,945 13.28,921 63 1.40,153 13j.29,170 63 1.41,362 14.30,877 64 1.41,151 14.31,145 64 1.42,378 14.31,414 64 1.43,605 15.33,082 65 1.43,356 15.33,370 65 1.44,603 15.33,658 65 1.45,849 16.35,288 66 1.45,562 16.35,595'66 1.46,827 16.35,901 66 1.48,093 17.37,493 67 1.47,767 17 -.37,819 67 1.49,052 17.38,145 67 1.50,337 18.39,699 68 1.49,973 18.40,044 68 1.51,277 18.40,389 68 1.52,581 19.41.904 69 1.52,178 19.429268 69 1.53,501 19.42,633 69 1.54,825 20.44,110 70 1.54,384 20.44,493 70 1.55,726 20.44,877 70 1.57,068 21.46,315 71 1.56,589 21.46,718 71 1.57,951 21.47,121 71 1.59,312 22.48,521 72 1.58,795 22.48,942 72 1.60,175 22.49,364 72 1.61,556 23.50,726 73 1.61,000 23.519167 73 1.62,400 23.51,608 73 1.63,800 24.52,932 74 1.63,205 24.53,392 74' 1.64,625 24.53,852 74 1.66,044 25.55,137 75 1.659411 25.55,616 75 1.66,849 25.56,096 75 1.68,288 26.57,342 76 1.67,616 26.57,841 76 1.69,074 26.58,340 76 1.70,532 27.59,548 77 1.69,822 27.60,066 77 1.71,299 27.60,584 77 1.72,775 28.61,753 78' 1.72,027 28.62,290 78 1.73,523 28.62,827 78 1.75,019 29.63,959 79 1.74,233 29.64,515 79 1.75,748 29.65,071 79 1.77,263 30.66,164 80 1.76,438 30.66,740 80 1.77,973 30.67,315 80 1.79,507 31.68,370 81' 1.78,644 31.68,964 81 1.80,197 31.69,559 81 1.81,751 32.70,575 82 1.80,849 32.71,189 82 1.82,422 32.71,803 82 1.83,995 33.72,781 83 1.83,055 33.73,414 83 1.84,647 33.74,047 83 1.86,238 34.74,986 84 1.85,260 34.75,638 84 1.86,871 34.76,290 84 1.88,482 35.77,192 85 1.87,466 35.77,863 85 1.89,096 35.78,534 85 1.90,726 36.79,397 86 1.89,671 36.80,088 86 1.919321 36.80,778 86 1.92,970 37.81,603 87 1].91,877 37.82,312 87 1.93,545 37.83,022 87 1.95,214 38.83,808 88 1.94,082 38.84,537 88 1.95,770 38.85,266 88 1.97,458 39.86,014 89 1.96,288 39.86,762 89 1.97,995 39.87,510 89 1.99,701 40.88,219 90 1.98,493 40.88,986 90 2.00,219 40.89,753 90; 2.01,945 41.90,425 91 2.00,699 41.91,211 91 2.02,444 41.91,997 91 2.04,189 42.92,630 92 2.02,904 42.93,436 92 2.04,668 42.94,241 92 2.067433 43.94,836 93 2.05,110 43.95,660 93 2.06,893 43.96,485 93 2.08,677 44.97,041 94 2.07,315 44.97,885 94 2.09,118 44.98,729 94 2.10,921 45.99,247 95 2.09,521 45 1.00,110 95 2.11,342 45 1.00,973 95 2.13,164 46 1.01,452 96 2.11,726 46 1.02,334 96 2.13,567 46 1.03,216 96 2.15,408 47 1.03,658 97 2.13,932 47 1.04,559 97 2.15,792 47 1.05,460 97 2.17,652 48 1.05,863 98 2.16,137 48 1.06,784 98 2.18,016 48 1.07,704 98 2.19,896 49 1.08,068 99 2.18,342 49 1.09,008 99 2.20,241 49 1.09,948 99 2.22,140 50 1.10,274 26IDays. 50 1.11,233 26aDays. 50 1.12,192 263Days.'261Days. 26Days. 1 46 DAYS. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.02,80 11.30,80 21.58,80 31.86,80 41 1.14,80 2.05,60 12.33,60 22.61,60 32.89,60 42 1.17,60 3.08,40 13.36,40 23.64,40 33.92,40 43 1.20,40 4.11,20 14.39,20 24.67,20 34.95,20 44 1.23,20 5.14,00.15 42,00 25.70,00 35.98,00 45 1.26,00 6.16,80 16.44,80 26.72,80 36 1.00,80 46 1.28,80 7.19,60 17.47,60 27.75,60 37 1.03,60 47 1.31,60 8.22,40 18.50,40 28 1.78,40 38 1.06,40 48 1.34,401 9.25,20 19.53,20 29.81,20 39 1.09,20 49 1.37,20 172] 10.28,00 20.56,00 30.84,00 40 1.12,00 50 1.40,00 COMMERCIAL INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT.118 DAYS. 119 DAYS. 120 DAYS, Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Ilterest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.02,263 51 1.15,414 1.02,282 51 1.16,392 1.02,301 51 1.17,370 2.04,526 52 1.17,677 2.04,564 52 1.18,674 2.04,603 52 1.19,671 3.06,789 53 1.19,940 3.06,847 53 1.20,956 3.06,904 53 1.21,973 4.09,052 54 1.22,203 4.09,129 54 1.23,238 4.09,205 54 1.24,274 5.11,315 55 1.24,466 5.11,411 55 1.25,521 5.11,507 55 1.26,575 6.13,578 56 1.26,729 6.13,693 56 1.27,803 6.13,808 56 1.28,877 7.15,841 57 1.28,992 7.15,975 57 1.30,085 7.16,110 57 1.31,178 8.18,104 58 1.31,255 8.18,258 58 1.32,367 8.18,411 58 1.33,479 9.20,367 59 1.33,518 9.20,540 59 1.34,649 9.20,712 59 1.35,781 10.22,630 60 1.35,781 10.22,822 60 1.36,932 10.23,014 60 1.38,082 11.24,893 61 1.38,044 11.25,104 61 1.39,214 11.25,315 61 1.40,384 12.27,156 62 1.40,307 12.27,386 62 1.41,496 12.27,616 62 1.42,685 13.29,419 63 1.42,570 13.29,668 63 1.43,778 13.29,918 63 1.44,986 14.31,682 64 1.44,833 14.31,951 64 1.46,060 14.32,219 64 1.47,288 15.33,945 65 1.47,096 15.34,233 65 1.48,342 15.34,521 65 1.49,589 16.36,208 66 1.49,359 16.36,515 66 1.50,625 16.36,822 66 1.51,890 17.38,471 67 1.51,622 17.38,797 67 1.52,907 17.39,123 67 1.54,192 18.40,734 68 1.53,885 18.41,079 68 1.55,189 18.41,425 68 1.56,493 19.42,997 69 1.56,148 19.43,362 69 1.57,471 19.43,726 69 1.58,795 20.45,260 70 1.58,411 20.45,644 70 1.59,753 20.46,027 70 1.61,096 21.47,523 71 1.60,674 21.47,926 71 1.62,036 21.48,329 71 1.63,397 22.49,786 72 1.62,937 22.50,208 72 1.64,318 22.50,630 72 1.65,699 23.52,049 73 1.65,200 23.52,490 73 1.66,600 23.52,932 73 1.68,000 24.54,312 74 1.67,463 24.54,773 74 1.68,882 24.55,233 74 1.70,301 25.56,575 75 1.69,726 25.57,055 75 1.71,164 25.57,534 75 1.72,603 26.58,838 76 1.71,989 26.599337 76 1.73,447 26.59,836 76 1.74,904 27.61,101 77 1.74,252 27.61,619 77 1.75,729 27.62,137 77 1.77,205 28.63,364 78 1.76,515 28.63,901 78 1.78,011 28.64,438 78 1.79,507 29.65,627 79 1.789778 29.66,184 79 1.80,293 29.66,740 79 1.81,808 30.67,890 80 1.81,041 30.68,466 80 1.82,575 30.69,041 80 1.84,110 31.70,153 81 1.83,304 31.70,748 81 1.84,858 31.71,342 81 1.86,411 32.72,416 82 1.85,567 32.73,030 82 1.87,140 32.73,644 82 1.88,712 33.74,679 83 1.87,830 33.75,312 83 1.89,422 33.75,945 83 1.91,014 34.76,942 84 1.90,093 34 -77,595 84 1.91,704 34.78,247 84 1.93,315 35.79,205 85 1.92,356 35.79,877 85 1.93,986 35.80,548 85 1.95,616 36.81,468 86 1.94,619 36.82,159 86 1.96,268 36.82,849 86 1.97,918 37.83,732 87 1.96,882 37.84,441 87 1.98,551 37.85,151 87 2.00,219 38.85,995 88 1.99,145 38.86,723 88 2.00,833 38.87,452 88 2.02,521 39.88,258 89 2.01,408 39.89,005 89 2.03,115 39.89,753 89 2.04,822 40.90,521 90 2.03,671 40.91,288 90 2.05,397 40.92,055 90 2.07,123 41.92,784 91 2.05,934 41.93,570 91 2.07,679 41.94,356 91 2.09,425 42.95,047 92 2.08,197 42.959852 92 2.09,962 42.96,658 92 2.11,726 43.97,310 93 2.10,460 43.989134 93 2.12,244 43.98,959 93 2.14,027 44.99,573 94 2.12,723 44 1.00,416 94 2.14,526 44 1.01,260 94 2.16,329 45 1.01,836 95 2.14,986 45 1.02,699 95 2.16,808 45 1.03,562 95 2.18,630 46 1.04,099 96 2.17,249 46 1.04,981 96 2.19,090 46 1.05,863 96 2.20,932 47 1.06,362 97 2.19,512 47 1.07,263 97 2.21,373 47 1.08,164 97 2.23,233 48 1.08,625 98 2.21,775 48 1.09,545 98 2.23,655 48 1.10,466 98 2.25,534 49 1.10,888 99 2.24,038 49 1.11,827 99 2.25,937 49 1.12,767 99 2.27,836 50 1.13,151 64Days. 50 1.14,110 265Days 50 1.15,068 266Days 264Days. I 146 DAYS. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 51 1.42,80 61 1.70,80 71 1.98,80 81 2.26,80 91 2.54,80 52 1.45,60 62 1.73,60 72 2.01,60 82 2.29,60 92 2.57,60 53 1.48,40 63 1.76,40 73 2.04,40 83 2.32,40 93 2.60,40 54 1.51,20 64 1.79,20 74 2.07,20 84 2.35,20 94 2.63,20 55 1.54,00 65 1.82,00 75 2.10,00 85 2.38,00 95 2.66,00 56 1.56,80 66 1.84,80 76 2.12,80 86 2.40,80 96 2.68,80 57 1.59,60 67 1.87,60 77 2.15,60 87 2.43,60 97 2.71,60 58 1.62,40 68 1.90,40 78 2.18,40 88 2.46,40 98 2.74,40 59 1.65,20 69 1.93,20 79 2.21,20 89 2.49,20 99 2.77,20 60 1.68,00 70 1.96,00 80 2.24,00 90 2.52,00 ICO~MMERCIA'L INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 121 DAYS. 122 DAYS. 123 DAYS. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. lrin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.02,321 51 1.18,348 1 02340 1 1.19,326 1.02,359 51 1.20,3041 2.04,641 52 1.20,668 2..04,679 i 5 ) 1.21,666 2.04,718 52 1.22,663 1 3.06,962 53 1.22,989 3.07,019 i 53 1.24,005 3.07,077 53 1.25,0221 4.09,282 54 1.25,310 4.09,359 54 1.26,345 4.09,436 54 1.27,381 5.11,603 55 1.27,630 5.11,699 55 1.28,685 5.11,795 55 1.29,740 6.13,923 56 1.29,951 6.14,038 56 1.31,025 6.14,153 56 1320 7.16,244 57 1.32,271 7.16,378 57 1.33,364 7.16,512 57 1.34,458 8.18,564 58 1.34,592 8.18,718 58 1.35,704 8.18,871 58 1.36,816 9.20,885 59 1.36,912 9.21,058 59 1.38,044 9.21,230 59 1.39,175 10.23,205 60 1.39,233 10.23,397 60 1.40,384 10.23,589 60 1.41,534 11.25,526 61 1.41,553 11.25,737 61 1.42,723 11.25,948 61 1.43,893 12.27,847 62 1.43,874 12.28,077 62 1.45,063 12.28,307 62 1.46,252 13.30,167 63 1.46,195 13.30,416 63 1.47,403 13.30,666 63 1.489611 14.32,488 64 1.48,515 14.32,756 64 1.49,742 14.33,025 64 1.50,970 15.34,808 65 1.50,836 15.35,096 65 1.52,082 15.35,384 65 1.53,329 16.37,129 66 1.53,156 16.37,436 66 1.54,422 16.37,742 66 1.55,688 17.39,449 67 1.55,477 17.39,775 67 1.56,762 17.40,101 6711.58,047 18.41,770 68 1.57,797 18.42,115 68 1.59,101 18.42,460 68 1.60,405 19.44,090 69 1.60,118 19.44,455 69 1.61,441 19.44,819 69 1.62,764 20.46,411 70 1.62,438 20.46,795 70 1.63,781 20.47,178 70 11.65,123 21.48,732 71 1.64,759 21.49,134 71 1.66,121 21.49,537 71 1.67,482 22.51,052 72 1.67,079 22.51,474 72 1.68,460 22.51,896 72 1.69,841 23.53,373 73 1.69,400 23.53,814 73 1.70,800 23.54,255 73 1.72,200 24.55,693 74 1.71,721 24.56,153 74 1.73,140 24.56,614 7411.74,559 25.58,014 75 1.74,041: 25.58,493 75 1.75,479 25.58,973 75 1.76,918 26.60,334 76 1.76,362 26.60,833 76 1.77,819 26.61,332 76 1.79,277 27.62,655 77 1.78,682 27.63,173 77 1.80,159 27.63,690 77 1.81,636 28.64,975 78 1.81,003 28.65,512 78 1.82,499 28.66,049 78 1.83,995 29.67,296 79 1.83,323 29.67,852 79 1.84,838 29.68,408 79 1.86,353 30.69,616 80 1.85,644 30.70,192 80 1.87,178 30.70,767 80 1.88,712 31.71,937 81 1.87,964 31.72,532 81 1.89,518 31.73,126 81 1.91,071 32.74,258 82 1.90,285 32.74,871 82 1.91,858 32.75,485 82 1.93,430 33.76,578 83 1.92,605 33.77,211 83 1.94,197 33.77,844 83 1.95,789 |34.78,899 84 1.94,926 34.79,551 84 1.96,537 34.80,203 84 1.98,148 35.81,219 85 1.97,247 35.81,890 85 1.98,877 35.82,562 85 2.00,507 36.83,540 86 1.99,567 36.84,230 86 2.01,216 36.84,921 86 2.02,866 37.85,860 87 2.01,888 37.86,570 87 2.03,556 37.87,279 87 2.05,225 38.88,181 88 2.04,208 38.88,910 88 2.05,896 38.89,638 88 2.07,584 39i.90,501 89 2.06,529 39.91,249 89 2.08,236 39.91,997 89 i 2.09,942 40.92,822 90 2.08,849 40.93,589 90 2.10,575 40.94,356 901 2.12,301 41.95,142 91 2.11,170 41.95,929 91 2.12,915 41.96,715 91 2.14,660 42.97,463 92 2.13,490 42.98,268 92 2.15,255 42.99,074 92 12.17,019 43.99,784 93 2.15,811 43 1.00,608 93 2.17,595 43 1.01,433 93 2.19,378 44 1.02,104 94 2.18,132 44 1.02,948 94 2.19,934 44 1.03,792 94 2.21,737 45 1.04,425 95 2.20,452 45 1.05,288 95 2.22,274 45 1.06,151 95 2.24,096 46 1.06,745 96 2.22,773 46 1.07,627 96 2.24,614 46 1.08,510 96 2.26,455 47 1.09,066 97 2.25,093 47 1.09,967 97 2.26,953 47 1.10,868 97 2.28,814 48 1.11,386 98 2.27,414 48 1.12,307 98 2.29,293 48 1.13,227 98 2.31,173 49 1.13,707 99 2.29,734 49 1.14,647 99 2.31,633 49 1.15,586 99 2.33)532 -50 1.16,027 267Day. 50 1.16,986 26B8Days. 50 1.17,945 69Days 146 DAYS. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. I-Prin.i Interest. Prih. Interest. 1.02,80 11.30,80 21.58,80.31.86,80 41 11.14,80 21.05,60 12 1.33,60 22.61.60 32.89,60 42 11.17,60 3 1.08,40 113 1.36,40 23.64,40 33.92,40 1143 1.20,40 4.11920 14.39,20 24.67,20 34.95,20 44 11.23,20 5.14,00 1115.42,00 251.70,(00 351.98,00 45 1.26,00 6.16,80 16.44,80 26.72,80 36 11.00,80 46 1.28,80 |7.19,60 | 17.47,60 27.75,60 37 11.03,60 47 1.31,60 81.22,40 18.50,40 1128 1.78,40 38 1.06,40 48 11.34,40 9 11 2520 191.5320 29.81,20 39 1.09,20 149 1.37,20 1741 I10.28,00 /20o.56,09 1301.84,00 140 1.12,00 1150 1.40,00 [ C OMMERCIAL INTE'REST AT SEVEN:P-ER CENT.' 124 DAYS. 125 DAYS. 126 DAYS. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. PPrin Interest. 1.02,378 51 1.21,282 1.02,397 51 1.22,260 1.02,416 51 1.23,238 2.04,756 52 1.23,660 2.04,795 52 1.24,658 2.04,833 52 1.25,655 3.07,134 53 1.26,038 3.07,192 53 1.27,055 3.07,249 53 1.28,071 4.09,512 54 1.28,416 4.09,589 54 1.29,452 4.09,666 54 1.30,488 5.11,890 55 1.30,795 5.11,986 55 1.31,849 5.12,082 55 1.32,904 6.14,268 56 1.33,173 6.14,384 56 1.34,247 6.14,499 56 1.35,321 7.16,647 57 1.35,551 7.16,781 57 1.36,644 7.16,915 57 1.37,737 8.19,025 58 1.37,929 8.19,178 58 1.39,041 8.19,332 58 1.40,153 9.21,403 59 1.40,307 9.21,575 59 1.41,438 9.21,748 59 1.42,570 10.23,781 60 1.42,685 10.23,973 60 1.43,836 10.24,164 60 1.44,986 11.26,159 61 1.45,063 11.26,370 61 1.46,233 11.26,581 61 1.47,403 12.28,537 62 1.47,441 12.28,767 62 1.48,630 12.28,997 62 1.49,819 13.30,915 63 1.49,819 13.31,164 63 1.51,027 13.31,414 63 1.52,236 14.33,293 64 1.52,197 14.33,562 64 1.53,425 14.33,830 64 1.54,652 15.35,671 65 1.54,575 15.35,959 65 1.55,822 15.36,247 65 1.57,068 16.38,049 66 1.56,953 16.38,356 66 1.58,219 16.38,663 66 1.59,485 17.40,427 67 1.59,332 17.40,753 67 1.60,616 17.41,079 67 1.61,901; 18.42,805 68 1.61,710 18.43,151 68 1.63,014 18.43,496 68 1.64,318 19.45,184 69 1.64,088 19.45,548 69 1.65,411 19.45,912 69 1.66,734 20.47,562 70 1.66,466 20.47,945 70 1.67,808 20.48,329 70 1.69,151 21.49,940 71 1.68,844 21.50,342 71 1.70,205 21.50,745 71 1.71,567 22.52,318 72 1.71,222 22.52,740 72 1.72,603 22.53,162 72 1.73,984 23.54,696 73 1.73,600 23.55,137 73 1.75,000 23.55,578 73 1.76,400 24.57,074 74 1.75,978 24.57,534 74 1.77,397 24.57,995 74 1.78,816 25.59,452 75 1.78,356 25.59,932 75 1.79,795 25.60,411 75 1.81,233 26.61,830 76 1.80,734 26.62,329 76 1.82,192 26.62,827 76 1.83,649 27.64,208 77 1.83,112 27.64,726 77 1.84,589 27.65,244 77 1.86,066 28.66,586 78 1.85,490 28.67,123 78 1.86,986 28.67,660 78 1.88,482 29.68,964 79 1.87,868 29.69,521 79 1.89,384 29.70,077 79 1.90,899 30.71,342 80 1.90,247 30.71,918 80 1.91,781 30.72,493 80 1.93,315 31.73,721 81 1.92,625 31.74,315 81 1.94,178 31.74,910 81 1.95,732 32.76,099 82 1.95,003 32.76,712 82 1.96,575 32.77,326 82 1.98,148 33.78,477 83 1.97,381 33.79,110 83 1.98,973 33.79,742 83 2.00,564 34.80,855 84 1.99,759 34.81,507 84 2.01,370 34.82,159 84 2.02,981 35.83,233 85 2.02,137 35.83,904 85 2.03,767 35.84,575 85 2.05,397 36.85,611 86 2.04.515 36.869301 86 2.06,164 36.86,992 86 2.07,814 37.87,989 87 2.06,893 37.88,699 87 2.08,562 37.89,408 87 2.10,230 38.90,367 88 2.09,271 38.91,096 88 2.10,959 38.91,825 88 2.12,647 39.92,745 89 2.11,649 39.93,493 89 2.13,356 39.94,241 89 2.15,063 40.95,123 90 2.14,027 40.95,890 90 2.15,753 40.96,658 90 2.17,479 41.97,501 91 2.16,405 41.98,288 91 2.18,151 41.99,074 91 2.19,896 42.99,879 92 2.18,784 42 1.00,685 92 2.20,548 42 1.01,490 92 2.22,312 43 1.02,258 93 2.21,162 43 1.03,082 93 2.22,945 43 1.03,907 93 2.24,729 44 1.04,636 94 2.23,540 44 1.05,479 94 2.25,342 44 1.06,323 94 2.27,145 45 1.07,014 95 2.25,918 45 1.07,877 95 2.27,740 45 1.08,740 95 2.29,562 46 1.09,392 96 2.28,296 46 1.10,274 96 2.30,137 46 1.11,156 96 2.31,978 47 1.11,770 97 2.30,674: 47 1.12,671 97 2.32,534 47 1.13,573 97 2.34,395 48 1.14,148 98 2.33,052 48 1.15,068 98 2.34,932 48 1.15,989 98 2.36,811 49 1.16,526 99 2.35,430 49 1.17,466 99 2.37,329 49 1.18,405 99 2.39,227 50 1.18,904 27ODays. 50 1.19,863 a7lDays. 50 1.20,822 272Days. 146 DAYS. Prin. Interest. IPrin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. lPrin. Interest. 51 1.42,80 61 1.70,80 71 1.98,80 81 2.26,80 91 12.54,80 52 1.45,60 62 1.73,60 72 2.01,60 82 2.29,60 92 2.57,60 53 1.48,40 63 1.76,40 73 2.04,40 83 2.32,40 93 12.60,40 54 1.51,20 64 1.79,20 74 2.07,20 84 2.35,20 [ 94 12.63,20 55 1.54,00 65 1.82,00 75 2.10,00 85 2.38,00 95 [2.66,00 56 1.56,80 66 1.84,80 76 2.12,80 86 12.40,80 96 12.68,80 57 1.59,60 67 1.87,60 77 2.15,60 87 2.43,60 1197 2.71,60 58 1.62,40 68 1.90,40 78 2.18,40 88 2.46,40 98 2i74,40 59 1.65,20 69 1.93,20 79 2.21,20 89 2.49,20 199 2.77,20 60 1.68,00 70 1.96,00 1180 2.24,00 90 2.52,00 1[ 1: 1 COMMERCIAL INTEREST AT SEVEN- PER CENT. 127 DAYS. 128 DAYS. 129 DAYS. Prin Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.02,436 51 1.24,216 1.02,455 51 1.25,195 1.02,474 51 1.26,173 2l.04,871 52 1.26,652 2.04,910 52 1.27,649 2.04,948 52 1.28,647 3.07,307 58 1.;29,088 3.07,364 53 1.30,104 3.07,422 53 1.31,121 4.09,742 54 1.31,523 4.09,819 54 1.32,559 4-.09,896 54 1.33,595 5.12,178 55 1.33,959: 5.12,274 55 1.35,014 5.12,370 55 1.36,068t 6:.14,614 56 1.36,395 6.14,729 56 1.37,468 6.14,844 56 1.38,542 7 w.17,049 57 1.38,830 7.17,184 57 1.39,923 7.17,318 57 1.41,016 8;1.19,485 58 1.41,266 8.19,638 58 1.42,378 8.19,792 58 1.43,490 9.21,921 59 1.43,701 9!.22,093 59 1.44,833 9.22,266 59 1.45,964 10.24,356 60~ 1.46,137 10.24,548 60 1.47,288 10.24,740 60 1.48,438 11.26,792 61 -1.48,573 11.27,003 61 1.49,742 11.27,214 61 1.50,912 12.29,227 62 1.51,008 12i.29,458 62 1.52,197 12.29,688 62 1.53,386 13.31,663 63 1.53,444 13.31,912 63 1.54,652 13.32,162 63 1.55,860 1-4.34,099 64 - 1.55,879 14.34,367 64 1.57,107 14.34,636 64 1.58,334 15.36,534 65 1.58,315 15.36,822 65 1.59,562 15.37,110 65 1.60,808 16.38,970 66i 1.60,751 16.39,277 66 1.62,016 16.39,584 66 1.63,282 17i1.41,405 67 1B,63,186 17.41,732 67i 1.64,471 17.42,058 67 1.65,756 18.43,841 68 1.6.5,622 18.44,186 68 1.66,926 18.44,532 68 1.68,230 19;.46,277 69 1.68,058 19.46,641 69 L.69381 19.47,005 69 1.70,704 20o.48,712 70 1.70,493 20,.49,096 70 1.71,836 20.49,479 70 1.73,178 21. 51,148 71 1.72,929 21.51,551 71 1.74,290 21.51,953 71 1.75,652 221.53,584 72 1.75,364 22.54,005 72i 1.76,745 22.54,427 72 1.78,126 23.56,019 73 1.77,800 23.56,460 73{ 1.79,200 23.56,901 73 1.80,600 24.58,455 74 1.80,236 24.58,915 74 1.81,655 24.59,375 74 1.83,074'25.60,890 75- 1.82,671 25.61,370 75 1.84,110 25.61,849 75 1.85,548 26.63,326 76 1.85,107 26.63,825 76 1.86,564 26.64,323 76 1.88,022 27-.65,762 77 1.87,542 27.66,279 77 1.89,019 27.66,797 77 1.90,496 28:.68,1-97 78 1.89,978 28.68,734 78 1.91,474 28.69,271 78 1.92,970 29.70,633 79 1.92,414 29.71,189 79 1.93,929 29.71,745 79 1.95,444 30.73,068 80 1.94,849 30.73,644 80 1.96,384 30.74,219 80 1.97,918 31 -.75,504 81 1.97,285 31.76,099 81 1.98,838 31.76,693 8.1 2.00,392 432i.77,940 82 1.99,721 32.78,553 82 2.01,293 32.79,167 82 2.02,866 33..80,375 83? 2.02,156 33.81,008 83 2.03,748 33.81,641 83 2.05,340 34.82,811 841 2:04,592 34.83,463 84 2.06,203 34.84,115 84 2.07,814 35,1.5,247 85 2.07,0271 35.85,918 85 2.08,658 35.86,589 85 2.10,288 36::.87,682 86. 2.09,463 36.88,373 86 2.11,112 36.89,063 86 2.12,762 37.-90,118 87 2.11,899 37.90,827 87{ 2.13,567 37.91,537 87 2.15,236 38.929553 88 2.14,334 38.93,282 88 2.16,022 38.94,011 88 2.17,710 39-.94,989 89 2.16,770 39.95,737 8{ 2.18,477 39.96,485 89 2.20,184 40 -.997,425 90 2.19,205 40.98,192 90 2.20,932 40.98,959 90 2.22,658 41.99,860 91 2.21,641 41 1.00,647 91 2.23,386 41 1.01,433 91 2.25,132 42 1.02,296 92 2.24,077 42 1.03,101 92 2.25,841 42 1.03,907 92 2.27,605 43 11.04,732 93 2.26,512 43 1.5,556 93 2.28,296 43 1.06,381 93 2.30,079 44 1.07,167 94 2.28,948 44 1.08,011 94 2.30,751 44 1.08,855 94 2.32,553 45 1.09,603 95 2.31,384 45 1.10,466 95 2.33,205 45 1.11,329 95 2.35,0271 46 1.12,038 96 2.33,819 46 1.12,921 96 2.35,660 46 1.13,803 96 2.37,501 47 1.14,474 97 2.-36,255 47 1,15,375 97 2.38,115 47 1.16,277 97 2.39,975 48 1.16,910 98 -2.38,690 48 1.17,830 98 2.40,570 48 1.18,751 98[ 2.42,449] 49 1.19,345 99 2.41,126 49 1.20,285 99 2.43,025 49 1.21,225 99 2.44,923 50 1.21,781 273Day. 50 1.22,740 27Days. 50 -1.23,699 25 Day 146 DAYS.. Prin. Interest. Prin. ifterest. Ptrin. Ilnterest. Prin. Interest. IIPrin. Interest. 1..02180 11.30,s80 21.58,80 3l 1.86,s80 141 1.14,80 2.05,60 12.33,60 22.6160 132.89,60 1142 1.17,60 3.08,40 13.36,40 23 1.64,40 33.92,40 43 1.20,40 4.11920 14.39,20 24.67,20 34.95,20 44 1.23,20 5.14,00 15.42,00 125.70,00 35.98s,00 45 1.26,00 6.16,80 16.44980 26.72,80 36, 1.00,80 46 1.28980 7.19,60 17.47,60 127.75,60 37 11.03,60 147 1.31,60 8.22,40 i18.50,40 28.78,40 138 1.06,40 48 1.34,40 9.2520 1,9. 53,20, 29. 81s20 3 11.09,20 /49 14.837,20 176] 1 0.28,00 II 20. 56,00 31.o/s84,00 / 40 1.12,00 /I 50 1.40,00 Il l-~~~~~ m COMMERCIAL INTEREST AT S-EVEN PER CENT. 130 DAYS. 131 DAYS. 132 DAYS, Irin. Interest. Pri n. interest. Pri n. Ilnterest. Prin. interest. Prin. Intetest. Prin. Interest. 1.02,493 51 1.27,151 1.02,512 51 1.28,129 1.02,532 51 1.29,1071j 2.04,986 52 1.29,644 2.05,025 52 1.30,641 2.05,063 52 1.S1,638 3.07,479 53 1.32,1:37 3.07,537 53 1.33,153 3.07,595 53.34,170j 4.09,973 54 1.34,630 4.10,049 54 1.35,666 4.10,126 54 1.36,701' 5.12,466 55 1.37,123 5.12,562 55 1.38,178 5.12,658 55 1.39,233 6.14,959 56 1.39,616 6.15,074 56 1.40,690 6.15,189 56 1.41,764 7.17,452 57 1.42,110 7.17,586 57 -'1.43,203 7.17,721 57 1.44,296 8.19,945 58 1.44,603 8.20,099 58 1.45,715 8.20,252 58 1l.46,827 9.22,438 59 1.47,096 9.22,611 59 1.48;227 9.22,784 59, 1.49,359 10.24,932 60 1.49,589 10.25,123 60 1.50,740 10.25,315 130 1.51,890 11.27,425 61 1.52,082 11.27,636 61 1.53,252 11.27,847 161 1.54,422 12.29,918 62 1.54,575 12.30,148 62 1.55,764 12.30,3T78 62 1.56,953 13.32,411 63 1.57,068 13.32,660 63 1.5$277 13.32,910 133 1.59,485 14.34,904- 64 1.59,562 14.35,173 64 1.60,789 14.35,441 134 1.62,016 15.37,397 65 1.62,055 15.37,685 65 1.63,301 15.37,973 65 1.64548 16.39,890 66 1.64,548 16.40,197 66' 1.6.5,814 16.40,504 66 1.67,079 17.42,384 67 1.67,041 17.42,710 67 1.68,326 17.43,036 67 1.69,611 18.44,877 68 1.69,534 18.45,222 68 1.70,838 18.45,567 68 1.72,142 19.47,370 69 1.72,027 19.47,734 69 1.73,351 19.48,09 69 1.74,674 120.49,863 70 1.74,521 20.50,247 70 1.75,863 20-.500630 70 1.778205 21.52,356 71 1.77,014 21.52,759 71 1.78,375 21.53,162 71 1.79,737 22.54,849 72 1.79,507 22.55,271 72 1.80,888 22.55,693 72 1.82,268 23.57,342 73 1.82,000 23.57,784 73' 1.83,400 23.58,225 73 1.84,800 24.59,836 74 1.84,493 24.60,296 74 1.85,912 24.60,756 74 1.87,332 25.62,329 75 1.86,986 25.62,808 75 1.88,425 25.63,28'8 7T5' 1.89,863 26.64,822 76 1.89,479 26.65,321 76 1.90,9377 26'.65,819.76 1.92,395 27.67,315 77 1.91,973 27.67,833 77 1.93,449; 27!.68,351 77 1.94,926 28.69,808 78 1.94,466 28.70,345 78 1L.5,962' 28'.70,882 178 1.'97,458 29.72,301 79 1.96,959 29.72,858 79 1.985474 29.73,414 79 1.99,989 30.74,795 80 1.99,452 30.75,370 80 2.00,986,- 30!.75,945 80 2.02,521 31.77,288 81 2.01,945 31.77,882 81 2.03,499- 31.78,477 81 2.05,052 32.79,781 82 2.04,438 32.80,395 82 2.06,011 32.81,008 82 2.07,584 33.82,274 83 2.06,932 33.82,907 83 2.08,523 33.83,540 83 2.10,115 34.84,767 84 2.09,425 34.85,419 84 2.11,036 34.86,071 84 2.12~;647 35.87,260 85 2.11,918 35.87,932 85 2.13,548 35.88,603 85 2.15,178 36.89,753 86 2.14,411 36.90,444 86 2.16,060 36.91,134 86 2.17i,10 37.92,247 87 2.16,904 37.92,956 87 2.18,573 37.93,66 87 2.20,241 38.94,740 88 2.19,397 38.95,468 88' 2.21,085 38.96,i97 88 2.22,773 39.97,233 89 2.21,890 39.97,981 89; 2.23,597 39.98,729 89 2.25 304 40.99,726 90 2.24,384 40 1.00,493 90 2.26,110 40 1.01,260 90 2.27,836i 41 1.02,219 91 2.26,877 41 1.03,005 91 2.28,622 41 1.03,792 91 2.30,367 42 1,04,712 92 2.29,370 42 1.05,518 92 2.31,134 42 1.06,323 92 2.32-899 43 1.07,205 93 2.31,863 43 1.08,030 93 2.33,647 43' 1.08,855 93 2.35,430 44 1.09,699 94 2.34,356 44 1.10,542 94 2.36,159 44' 1.11,386 94 2.37,962 45 1.12,192 95 2.36,849 45 1.13,055 95 2.38,671 45 1.13,918 95 2.40,493 46 1.14,685 96 2.39,342 46 1.15,567 96 2.41,184 46' 1.16,449 96 2.43,025 47 1.17,178 97 2.41,836 47 1.18,079 97 2.43,696 47 1.18,981 97 2.45,556 48 1.19,671 98 2.44,329 48 1.20,592 98 2.46,208 48 1.21,512 98 2.48,088 49 1.22,164 99 2.46,822 49 1.23,104 99 2.48,721 49 1.24,044 99 2.50,619 50 1.24,658 276 Days. 50 1.25,616 277 Days. 50 1.26,575 278Days. 146 DAYS. Prin. Interest. Prin, Interest. Prin.J Interest. Prin.i Interest. Prin.] Interest. 51 1.42,80 61 z 1.70,80 71 1.98,80 81 2.26980 91 2.54,80 52 1.45,60 62 1.73,60 72 2.01,60 82 2.29,60 92 2.57,60 53 1.48,40 63 1.76940 73 2.04,40 83 2.32,40 93 2.60,40.54 1.51920 64 1.79920 74 2.07,20 84 2.35,20 94 2.63,20 55 1.54900 65 1.82,00 75 2.10,00 85 - 2.38900 95 2.66,00 56 1.56,80 66 1.84,80 76 2.12,80.86 2.40,80 96 2.68,80 57 1.59,60 67 1.87,60 77 2.15,60 87 2.43,60 97 2.71,60 58 -1.62,40 68 -1.90,40 78 2.18,40 88 2.46,40 98 2.74,40 59 |1.65,20 ||69 |1.93,20 179 |2.21,20 ||89 |2.49,20 1991 2.77,20 | 60 |1.68,00 170 1.96,00 ||80 |2.24,00 190 2.52,00 || ____ | I [1 77 -COMMERCIAL INPITEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT I 133 DAYS. 134 DAYS. 1,35 DAYS. Prin. -nltterest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.02,551 51 1.30,085 1.02,570 51 1.31,063 1.02,589 51 1.32,041 2.05, 101 52 1.32,636 2.05,140 52 1.33,633 2.05,178 52 1.34,630 3.07,652 53 1.35,186 3.07,710 53 1.36,203 3.07,767 53 1.37,219 4.10,203 54 1.37,737 4.10,279 54 1.38,773 4.10,356 54 1.39,808 5.12,7 53 55 1.40,288 5.12,849 55 1.41,342 5.12,945 55 1.42,397 6.15,304 56 1.42,838 6.15,419 56 1.43,912 6.15,534 56 1.44,986 7.17,855 57 1.45,389 7.17,989 57 1.46,482 7.18,123 57 1.47,575 8.20,405 58 1..47,940 8.20,559 58 1.49,052 8.20,712 58 1.50,164 9.22,956 59 1.50,490 9.23,129 59 1.51,622 9.23,301 59 1.52,753 10.25,507 60 1.53,041 10.25,699 60 1.54,192 10.25,890 60 1.55,342 11.28,058 61 1.55,592 11.28,268 61 1.56,762 11.28,479 61 1.57,932 12.30,608 62 1.58,142 12.30,838 62 1.59,332 12.31,068 62 1.60,521 13.33,159 63 1.60,693 13.33,408 63 1.61,901 13.33,658 63 1.63,110 14.35,710 64 1.63,244 14.35,978 64 1.64,471 14.36,247 64 1.65,699 15.38,260 65 1.65,795 15.38,548 65 1.67,041 15.38,836 65 1.68,288 16.40,811 66 1.68,345 16.41,118 66 1.69,611 16.41,425 66 1.70,877 17.43,362 67 1.70,896 17.43,688 67 1.72,181 17.44,014 67 1.73,466 18.45,912 68 1.73,447 18.46,258 68 1.74,751 18.46,603 68 1.76,055 19.48,463 69 1.75,997 19.48,827 69 1.77,321 19.49,192 69 1.78,644 20.51,014 70 1.78,548 20.51,397 70 1.79,890 20.51,781 70 1.81,233 21.53,564 71 1.81,099 21.53,967 71 1.82,460 21.54,370 71 1.83,822 22.56,115 72 1.83,649 22.56,537 72 1.85,030 22.56,959 72 1.86,411 23.58,666 73 1.86,200 23.59,107 73 1.87,600 23.59,548 73 1.89,000 24.61,216 74 1.88,751 24.61,677 74 1.90,170 24.62,137 74 1.91,589j 25.63,767 75 1.91,301 25.64,247 75 1.92,740 25.64,726 75 1.94,178 26.66,318 76 1.93,852 26.66,816 76 1.95,310 26.67,315 76 1.96,7671 27.68,868 77 1.96,403 27.69,386 77 1.979879 27.69,904 77 1.99,356 28.71,419 78 1.98,953 28.71,956 78 2.00,449 28.72,493 78 2.01, 945 29.73,970 79 2.01,504 29.74,526 79 2.03,019 29.75,082 79 2.04,5341 30.76,521 80 2.04,055 30.77,096 80 2.05,589 30.77,671 80 2.07,1231 31.79,071 81 2.06,605 31.79,666 81 2.08,159 31.80,260 81 2.09,712 32.81,622 82 2.09,156 32.82,236 82 2.10,729 32.82,849 82 2.12,301 33.84,173 83 2.11,707 33.8;4,805 83 2.13,299 33.85,438 83 2.14,890 34.86,723 84 2.14,258 34.87,375 84 2.15,868 -34.88,027 84 2.17,479 35.89,274 85 2.16,808 35.89,945 85 2.18,438 35.90,616 85 2.20,068 36.91,825 86 2.19,359 36.92,515 86 2.21,008 36.93,205 86 2.22,658 37.94,375 87 2.21,910 37.95,085 87 2.23,578 37.95,795 87 2.25,247 38.96,926 88 2.24,460 38.97,655 88 2.26,148 38.98,384 88 2.27,836 39.99,477 89 2.27,011 39 1.00,225 89 2.28,718 39 1.00,973 89 2.30,425 40 1.02,027 90:2.29,562 40 1.02,795 90 2.31,288 40 1.03,562 90 2.33,014 41 1.04,578 91 2.32112 41 1.05,364 91 2.33,858 41 1.06,151 91 2.35,603 42 1.07,129 92 2.3a4,663 42 1.07,934 92 2.36,427 42 1.08,740 92 2.38,192 43 1.09;67 q 93 2.37,214 43' 1.10,504 93 2.38,997 43 1.11,329 93 2.40,781 44 1.12,230 94 2.3,764 44 1.13,074 94 2.41,567 44 1. I3,918 94 2.43,370 45 1.14,781 95 2.42,315 45 1.15,644 95 2.44,137 45 1.16,507 95 2.45,959 46 1.I7,332 96 2.44,866 46 1.18,214 96 2.46,707 46 1.19,096 96 2.48,548 47 1.19,882 97 2.47,416 47 1.20,784 97 2.49,277 47 1.21,685 97 2.51,137 48 1.22,433 98 2.49,967 48 1.23,353 98'2.51,847 48 1.24,274 98 2.53,726 49 1.24,g84 99 2.52,518 49 1.25,923 99 2.54,416 49 1.26,863 99 2.56,315 50 1.27,534 279 Days. 50 1.28,493 280Days. 50 1.29,452 28iDays. 146 DAYS. Prin. Interest. ]Prin.l interest, Prin. Interest. t irin. Interest. Prin.l Interest. 1.02,80 I|11.30,80 21.58,80 31.86,80 41 1.14,80 2.05,60 112.33,60 22.61,60 t32.89,60!42 1.I7,60 3.08,40 13.36,40 23.64,40 jl 33.92,40 i 43 1.20,40 4.11,20 [ 14 1.39,20 24.67,20 341.95,20 144 1.23,20 5.14,00 15.42,00 25 1.70,00 1135.98,00 45 1.26,00 6.16,80 16.44,80 26.72,80 36 1.00,80 46 1.28,80 7.19,60 1171.47,60 27.75,00 37 1.03,60 47 1.31,60 8.22,40 118 1.50,40 11 28.78,40 38t 1.06,40 1148 1.34,40 9.25,20 {19.53,20 29.81,20 39 1 1.09;20 49 1.37,20 178s] _10.28,00 120 /.56,0 0.84,00 40 11.12,00 110 1.40;00 sX - m ii-i COMMERCIAL INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 136 DAYS. 137 DAYS. 138 DAYS. ri n. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.02,608 51 1.33,019 1.02,627 51 1.33,997 1.02,647 51 1.34,975 2.05,216 52 1.35,627 2.05,255 52 1.36,625 2.05,293 52 1.37,622 3.07,825 53 1.38,236 3.07,882 53 1.39,252 3.07,940 53 1.40,268 4.10,433 54 1.40,844 4.10,510 54 1.41,879 4.10,586 54 1.42,915 5.13,041 55 1.43,452 5.13,137 55 1.44,507 5.13,233 55 1.45,562 6.15,649 56 1.46,060 6.15,764 56 1.47,134 6.15,879 56 1.48,208 7.18,258 57 1.48,668 7.18,392 57 1.49,762 7.18,526 57 1.50,855 8.20,866 58 1.51,277 8.21,019 58 1.52,389 8.21,173 58 1.53,501 9.23,474 59 1.53,885 9.23,647 59 1.55,016 9.23,819 59 1.56,148 10.26,082 60 1.56,493 10.26,274 60 1.57,644 10.26,466 60 1.58,795 11.28,690 61 1.59,101 11.28,901 61 1.60,'271 11.29,112 61 1.61,441 12.31,299 62 1.61,710 12.31,529 62 1.62,899 12.31,759 62 1.64,088 13.33,907 63 1.64,318 13.34,156 63 1.65,526 13.34,405 63 1.66,734 14.36,515 64 1.66,926 14.36,784 64 1.68,153 14.37,052 64 1.69,381 15.39,123 65 1.69,534 15.39,411 65 1.70,781 15.39,699 65 1.72,027 16.41,732 66 1.72,142 16.42,038 66 1.73,408 16.42,345 66 1.',674 17.44,340 67 1.74,751 17.44,666 67 1.76,036 17.44,992 67 1.77,321 18.46,948 68 1.77,359 18.47,293 68 1.78,663 18.47,638 68 1.79,967 19.49,556 69 1.79,967 19.49,921 69 1.81,290 19.50,285 69 1.82,614 20.52,164 70 1.82,575 20.52,548 70 1.83,918 20.52,932 70 1.85,260 21.54,773 71 1.85,184 21.55,175 71 1.86,545 21.55,578 71 1.87,907 22.57,381 72 1.87,792 22.57,803 72 1.89,173 22.58,225 72 1.90,553 23.59,989 73 1.90,400 23.60,430 73 1.91,800 23.60,871 73 1.93,200 24.62,597 74 1.93,008 24.63,058 74 1.94,427 24.63,518 74 1.95,847 25.65,205 75 1.95,616 25.65,685 75 1.97,055 25.66,164 75 1.98,493 26.67,814 76 1.98,225 26.68,312 76 1.99,682 26.68,811 76 2.01,140 27.70,422 77 2.00,833 27.70,940 77 2.02,310 27.71,458 77 2.03,786 28.73,030 78 2.03,441 28.73,567 78 2.04,937 28.74,104 78 2.06,433 29.75,638 79 2.06,049 29.76,195 79 2.07,564 29.76,751 79 2.09,079 30.78,247 80 2.08,658 30.78,822 80 2.10,192 30.79,397 80 2.11,726 31.80,855 81 2.11,266 31.81,449 81 2.12,819 31.82,044 81 2.14,373 32.83,463 82 2.13,874 32.84,077 82 2.15,447 32.84,690 82 2.17,019 33.86,071 83 2.16,482 33.86,704 83 2.18,074 33.87,337 83 2.19,666 34.885679 84 2.19,090 34.89,332 84 2.20,701 34 -.89,984 84 2.22,312 35.91,288 85 2.21,699 35.91,959 85 2.23,329 35.92,630 85 2.24,959 36.93,896 86 2.24,307 36.94,586 86 2.25,956 36.95,277 86 2.27,605 37.96,504 87 2.26,915 37.97,214 87 2.28,584 37.97,923 87 2.30,252 38.99,112 88 2.29,523 38.99,841 88 2.31,211 38 1.00,570 88 2.32,899 39 1.01,721 89 2.32,132 39 1.02,468 89 2.33,838 39 1.03,216 89 2.35,545 40 1.04,329 90 2.34,740 40 1.05,096 90 2.36,466 40 1.05,863 90 2.38,192 41 1.06,937 91 2.37,348 41 1.07,723 91 2.39,093 41 1.08,510 91 2.40,838 42 1.09,545 92 2.39,956 42 1.10,351 92 2.41,721 42 1.11,156 92 2.43,485 43 1.12,153 93 2.42,564 43 1.12,978 93 2.44,348 43 1.13,803 93 2.46,132 44 1.14,762 94 2.45,173 44 1.15,605 94 2.46,975 44 1.16,449 94 2.48,778 45:1.17,370 95 2.47,781 45 1.18,233 95 2.49,603 45 1.19,096 95 2.51,425 46 1.19,978 96 2.50,389 46 1.20,860 96 2.52,230 46 1.21,742 96 2.54,071 47 1.22,586 97 2.52,997 47 1.23,488 97 2.54,858 47 1.24,389 97 2.56,718 48 1.25,195 98 2.55,605 48 1.26,115 98 2.57,485 48 1.27,036 98 2.59,364 49 1.27,803 99 2.58,214 49 1.28,742 99 2.60,112 49 1.29,682 99 2.62,011 50 1.30,411 2822Days. 50 1.31,370 283Days. 50 1.32,329 284Days. 1 4 6 DAYS. I[Prin.l Interest. Prin. Interest. IIPrin. Interest. Prin. Interest. ]]Prin. Interest. t 51 1.42,80 [ 61 1.70,80 71 1.98,80 81 ] 2.26,80 1191 ]2.54,80 52 1 1.45,60 1162 1.73,60 72 2.01,60 l82 [ 2.29,60 92 2.57,60 53 1.48,40 63 1.76,40 73 2.04,40 1183 2.32,40 93 2.60,40 54] 1.51,20 1 64 1.79,20 74 2.07,20 84i 2.35,20 94 2.63,20 55 1.54,00 [1 65 1.82,00 75 ]2.10,00 85 2.38,00 95 2.66,00 56 l 1.56,80 1166 [ 1.84,80 76 ]2.12,80 [[86 2.40,80 96 2.68,80 57 1.59,60 67 1 1.87,60 77 2.15,60 87 2.43,60 97 2.71,60 58 1.62,40 1168 1.90,40 78 2.18,40 1 88 2.46,40 98 2.74,40 59 1.65,20 1169 1.93,20 [79 2.21,20 [89 2.49,20 1 991 2.77,20 11601 1.68,00 117011.96,00 118012.24,00 1190 12.52,00 1 79 COMMERCIAL INTEREST AT SEVEVN PER CENT.;I 139 DAYS, 140 DAYS. 141 DAYS. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Primn. Interest. P i-n. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.02;666 51 1.35,953 p 1.a2,685 51i 1.36,932 1.02,704 51 1.37,910 2.05,332 52 1.38,619. 2.05,370 52 1.39,616 2.05,40 52'1.40,614 3.07,997 53 1.41,285 3.08,055 53 1.42,301 3.08,112 53 1.43,318 4.10,663 54 1.43,951 4.10,740 54 1.44,986 4.10,816 54 1.46,022 5.13,329 55 1.46,616 5.13,425 55'1.47,6971 5.13,521 55 1.489726 6.1.5,995 56 1.49,282 6.16,110 56 1.'5Q0356 6.16,225 56 1.51,430 7.18,660 57 1.51,948 7.18,795 57 1.53,041 7.18,929 57 1.54,134 8;.21,326 58 1.54,61'4 8.21,479 58 1.55,726 8'.21,633 58 1.56,838 9.23,992 59' 1.57,279 9.24,164 59 1 58,411 9.24,337 59 1.59,542 10.26,658 60 11.59,945 10.26,849 60 1.61,096 10.27,041 60 1.62,247 11.29,323 61 1.62,611 11.29,534 61 1.63,781 11.29,745 61 1.64,951 12.31,989 62 1.65,277 12.32,219 62 1.66,466 12.32,449 62 1.67,655 13.34,655 63 1.67,942 13.34,904 63 1.69,151 13.35,153 63 1.70,359 14.37,321 64 1.70,608 14.37,589 64 1.71,&36 14.37,858 64 1.73,063 15.39,986 65 1.73,274 15.40,274 65 1.74,521 15.40,562 65 1.75,767 16.l2,652 66 1.75,940 16.42,959 66 1.77,205 16.43,266 66'1.78,471 17'.45,318 67 1.78,605 17.45,644 67 1.79,890 17.45,970 67 1.81,175 18.47,984 68 1.81,271 18.48,329 68 1.82,575 18.48,674 68 1.83,879 19;.50,649 69 1.83,937 19.51,014 69 1.85,260 19.51,378 69 1.86,584 20.53,315 70 1.86,603 20.53,699 70 1.87,945 20.54,082 70 1.89,288 21.55,981 71 1.89,268 21.56,384 71 1.90,630 21.56,786 71 1.91,992 22.58,647 72 1.91,934 22.59,068 72 1.93,315 22.59,490 72 1.94,696 23.61,312 73 1.94,600 23.61,753 73 1.96,000 23.62,195 73 1.97,400 24.63,978 74 1.97,266 24.64A,438 74 1.98,685 24.64,899 74 2.00,104 25:.66,644 75 1.99,932 25.67,123 75 2.01,370 25.67,603 75 2.02,808 26.69,310 76 2.02,597 26.69,808 76 2.04,055 26.70,307 76 2.05,512 27.71,975 77 2.05,263 27.72,493 77 2.06,740 27.73,011 77 2.08,216 28.74,641 78 2.07,929 28.75,178 78 2.09,425 28'.75,715 78 2.10,921 29.77.307 79 2.10,595 29.77,863 79 2.12,110 29.78,419 79' 2.13,625 30.79,973 80 2.13,260 30.80,548 80 2.14,795 30.81,123 80 2.16,329 31.82,638 81 2.15,926 31.83,233 81 2.17,479 31.83,827 81 2.19,033 32.85,304 82 2.18,592 32.85,918 82'2.20,164 32.86,532 82 2.21,737 33.87,970 83 2.21,258 33.88,603 83 2.22,849 33.89,236 83 2.24,441 34.90,636 84 2.23,923 34.91,288 84 2.25,534 34.91,940 84 2.27,145 35.93,301 85 2.26,589 35.93,973 85 2.28,219 35.94,644 85 2.29,849 36.95,967 86 2.29,255 36.96,658 86 2.30,904 36-.97,348 86 2.32,553 37.98,633 87. 2.31,921 37.99,342 87 2.33,589 37 1.00,052 87 2.35,258 38 1.01,299 88 2.34,586 38 1.02,027 88 2.36,274 38 1.02,756 88 2.37,962 39 1.03,964 89 2.37,252 39 1.04,712 89 2.38,959 39 1.05,460 89 2.40,666 40 1.06,630 90 2.39,918 40 1.07,397 90 2.41,644 40 1.08,164 90 2.43,370 41 11.09,296 91 2.42,584 41 1.10,082 91 2.44,329 41 1.10,868 91 2.46,074 42 1.11,962 92 2.45,249 42 1.12,767 92 2.47,014 42 1.13,573 92 2.48,778 43 1.14,627 93 2.47,915 43 1..15,452 93 2.49,699 43 1.16,277 93 2.51,482 44 1.17,293 94 2.50,581 44 1.18,137 94 2.52,384 44 1.18;,981 94 2.54,186 45 1.19,959 95 2.53,247 45 1.20,822 95 2.55,068 45 1.21,685 95 2.56,890 46 1.22,625 96 2.55,912 46 1.23,507 96 2.57,753 46 1.24,389 96 2.59,595 47 1.25,290 97 2.58,578 47 1.26,192 97 2.60,438 47 1.27,093 97'2.62,299 48 1.27,956 98 2.61,244 48 1.28,877 98 2.63,123 48 1.29,797 98 2.65,003 49 1.30,622 99 2.63,910 49 1.31,562 99 2.65,808 49 1.32,501 99 2.67,707 50 1.33,288 285Days. 50 1.34,247 286Days. 50 1.35,205 287Days. 146 DAYS. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest.1 11.02,80 11.3080 21.58,80 31.86,80 41 1.14,80 2.05,60 12.33,60 1122.61,60 32.89,960 42 1.17,60 31.08,40 13.36,40 23.64;40 33.92,40 43 1.20,40 4.11,120 14.39,201 24.67,20 34.95,20 44 1.23,20 5'.14',00 15.42,00 25.70,00 35.98,00 45 1.26,00 6"1'.1"6,80 16.44,80 26.72,80 36 1.00,80 46 1.28,80 7.1g9,60 17.47,60 271 75,60 37!1.03,60 47 1.3'1,60 8".22;40 18.50,401 28.78,40 38! 1.06,40 48 1.3'4,40 9.25;20 19 1.53,20' 29.81,20 39 1.09,20 4911.37,20 1803 10.28,00 1120.56,00 30.84,00 4011.12,00 115011.40,00 COMMERCIAL INTE-REST AT SEVEN P:ER CE-NT. 142 DAYS. 143 DAYS, 144 DAYS, Priss. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.02,723 51 1.38,888 1.02,742 51 1.39,866 1.02,762 51 1.40,8442.05,447 52 1.41,611 2.05,485 52 1.42,608 2.05,523 52 1.43,605 3.08,170 53 1.44,334 3.08,227 53 1.45,351 3.08,285 53 1.46,367 4.10,893 54 1.47,058 4.10,970 54 1.48,093 4.11,047 54 1.49,129 5.13,616 55 1.49,781 5.13,712 55 1.50,836 5.13,808 55 1.51,890 6.16,340 56 1.52,504 6.16,455 56 1.53,578 6.16,570 56 1.54,652 7.19,063 57 1.55,227 7.19,197 57 1.56,321 7.19,332 57 1.57,414 8.21,786 58 1.57,951 -8.21,940 58 1.59,063 8.22,093 58 1.60,175 9.24,510 59 1.60,674 9.24,682 59 1.61,805 9.24,855 59 1.62,937 10.27,233 60 1.63,397 10.27,425 60 1.64,548 10.27,616 60 1.65,699 11.29,956 61 1.66,121 11.30,167 61 1.67,290 11.30,378 61 1.68,460 12.32,679 62 1.68,844 12.32,910 62 1.70,033 12.33,140 62 1.71,222 13.35,403 63 1.71,567 13.35,652 63 1.72,775 13.35,901 63 1.73,984 14.38,126 64 1.74,290 14.38,395 64 1.75,518 14.38,663 64 1.76,745 15.40,849 65 1.77,014 15.41,137 65 1.78,260 15.41,425 65 1.79,507 16.43,573 66 1.79,737 16.43,879 66 1.81,003 16.44,186 66 1.82,26817.46,296 67 1.82,460 17.46,622 67 1.83,745 17.46,948 67 1.85,030 18.49,019 68 1.85,184 18.49,364 68 1.86,488 18.49,710 68 1.87,792 19.51,742 69 1.87,907 19.52,107 69 1.89,230 19.52,471 69 1.90,553 20.54,466 70 1.90,630 20.54,849 -70 1.91,973 20.55,233 70 1.93,315 21.57,189 71 1.93,353 21.57,592 71 1.94,715 21.57,995 71 1.96,077 22.59,912 72 1.96,077 22.60,334 72 1.97,458 22.60,756 72 1.98,838 23.62,636 73 1.98,800 23.63,077 73 2.00,200 23.63,518 73 2.'01,600 24.65,359 74 2.01,523 24.65,819 74 2.02,942 24.66,279 74 2.04,362 25.68,082 75 2.04,247 25.68,562 75 2.05,685 25.69,041 75 2.07,123 26.70,805 76 2.06,970 26.71,304 76 2.08,427 26.71,803 76 2.09,885 27.73,529 77 2.09,693 27.74,047 77 2.11,170 27.74,564 77 2.12,647 28.76,252 78 2.12,416 28.76,789 78 2.13,912 28.77,326 78 2.15,408 29.78,975 79 2.15,140 29.79,532 79 2.16,655 29.80,088 79 2.18,170 30.81,699 80 2.17,863 30.82,274 80 2.19,397 30.82.849 80 2.20,932 31.84,422 81 2.20,586 31.85,016 81 2.22,140 31.85,611 81 2.23,693 32.87,145 82 2.23,310 32.87,759 82 2.24,882 32.88,373 82 2.26,455 33.89,868 83 2.26,033 33.90,501 83 2.27,625 33.91,134 83 2.29,216 34.92,592 84 2.28,756 34.93,244 84 2.30,367 34.93,896 84 2.31,978 35.95,315 85 2.31,479 35'.95,986 85 2.33,110 35.96,658 85 2.34,740 36.98,038 86 2.34,203 36.98,729 86 2.35,852 36.99,419 86 2.37,501 37 1.00,762 87 2.36,926 37 1.01,471 87 2.38,595 37 1.02,181 87 2.40,263 38 1.03,485 88 2.39,649 38 1.04,214 88 2.41,337 38 1.04,942 88 2.43,025 39 1.06,208 89 2.42,373 39 1.06,956 89 2.44,079 39 1.07,704 89 2.45,786 40 1.08,932 90 2.45,096 40 1.09,699 90 2.46,822 40 1.10,466 90 2.48,548 41 1.11,655 91 2.47,819 41 1.12,441 91 2.49,564 41 1.13,227 91 2.51,310 42 1.14,378 92 2.50,542 42 1.15,184 92 2.52,307 42 1.15,989 92 2.54,071 43 1.7,101 93 2.53,266 43 1.17,926 93 2.55,049 43 1.18,751 93 2.56,833 44 1.19,825 94 2.55,989 44 1.20,668 94 2.57,792 44 1.21,512 94 2.59,595 45 1.22,548 95 2.58,712 45 1.23,411 95 2.60,534 45 1.24,274 95 2.62,356 46 1.25,271 96 2.61,436 46 1.26,153 96 2.63,277 46 1.27,036 96 2.65,118 47 1.27,995 97 2.64,159 47 1.28,896 97 2.66,019 47 1.29,797 97 2.67,879' 48 1.30,718 98 2.66,882 48 1.31,638 98 2.68,762 48 1.32,559 98 2.70,641 49 1.33,441 99 2.69,605 49 1.34,381 99 2.71,504 49 1.35,321 99 2.73,403 50 1.36,164 28B Days. _50 1.37,123 289 Days. 50 1.38,082 29 ODays. 1 46 DAYS. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 5111.42,80 61 1.70,80 71 1.98,80 81 2.26,80 91 2.54,80 52 1.45,60 62 1.73,60 72 2.01,60 82 2.29,60 92 2.57,60 53 1.48,40 63 1.76,40 73 2.04,40 83 2.32,40 93 2.60,40 54 1.51,20 64 1.79,20 74 2.07,20 84 2.35,20 94 2.63,20 55 1.54,00 65 1.82,00 75 2.10,00 85- 2-.38,00 95 2.66,00 56 1.56,80 66 1.84,80 76 2.12,80 86 2.40,80 96 2.68,80 57 1.59,60 67 1.87,60 77 2.15,60 87 2.43,60 97 2.71,60 58 1.62,40 68 1.90,40 78 2.18,40 88 2.46,40 98 2.74,40 59 1.65,20 69 1.93,20 7912.21,20 89 2.49,20 99 2.77,20 60 1. 68,00 70 1.96,00 801 2.24,00 90 2.52,00 [1 8 1ls1l' COMMERCIAL INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. 145 DAYS. 291 DAYS. 292 DAYS. Priu. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. Prin. Interest. 1.02,781 51 1.41,822 1.05,581 51 2.84,622 1.05,600 51 2.85,600 2.05,562 52 1.44,603 2.11,162 52 2.90,203 2.11,200 52 2.91,200 3.08,342 53 1.47,384 3.16,742 53 2.95,784 3.16,800 53 2.96,800 4.11,123 54 1.50,164 4.22,323 54 3.01,364 4.22,400 54 3.02,400 5.13,904 55 1.52,945 5.27,904 55 3.06,945 5.28,000 55 3.08,000 6.16,685 56 1.55,726 6.33,485 56 3.12,526 6.33,600 56 3.13,600 7.19,466 57 1.58,507 7.39,066 57 3.18,107 7.39,200 57 3.19,200 8.22,247 58 1.61,288 8.44,647 58 3.23,688 8.44,800 58 3.24 800 9.25,027 59 1.64,068 9.50,227 59 3.29,268 9.50,400 59 3.30,400 10.27,808 60 1.66,849 10.55,808 60 3.34,849 10.56,000 60 3.36,000 11.30,589 61 1.69,630 11.61,389 61 3.40,430 11.61,600 61 3.41,600 12.33,370 62 1.72,411 12.66,970 62 3.46,011 12.67,200 62 3.47,200 13.36,151 63 1.75,192 13.72,551 63 3.51,592 13.72,800 63 3.52,800 14.38,932 64 1.77,973 14.78,132 64 3.57,173 14.78,400 64 3.58,400 15.41,712 65 1.80,753 15.83,712 65 3.62,753 15.84,000 65 3.64,000 16.44,493 66 1.83,534 16.89,293 66 3.68,334 16.89,600 66 3.69,600 17.47,274 67 1.86,315 17.94,874 67 3.73,915 17.95,200 67 3.75,200 18.50,055 68 1.89,096 18 1.00,455 68 3.79,496 18 1.00,800 68 3.80,800 19.52,836 69 1.91,877 19 1.06,036 69 3.85,0'77 19 1.06,400 69 3.869400 20.55,616 70 1.94,658 20 1.11,616 70 3.90,658 20 1.12,000 70 3.92,000 21.58,397 71 1.97,438 21 1.17,197 71 3.96,238 21 1.17,600 71 3.97,600 22.61,178 72 2.00,219 22 1.22,778 72 4.01,819 22 1.23,200 72 4.03,200 23.63,959 73 2.03,000 23 1.28,359 73 4.07,400 23 1.28,800 73 4.08,800 24.66,740 74 2.05,781 24 1.33,940 74 4.12,981 24 1.34,400 74 4.14,400 25.69,521 75 2.08,562 25 1.39,521 75 4.18,562 25 1.40,000 75 4.20,000 26.72,301 76 2.119342 26 1.45,101 76 4.24,142 26 1.45,600 76 4.25,600 27.75,082 77 2.14,123 27 1.50,682 77 4.29,723 27 1.51,200 77 4.31,200 28.77,863 78 2.16,904 28 1.56,263 78 4.35,304 28 1.56,800 78 4.36,800 29.80,644 79 2.19,685 29 1.61,844 79 4.40,885 29 1.62,400 79 4.42,400 30.83,425 80 2.22,466 30 1.67,425 80 4.46,466 30 1.68,000 80 4.48,000 31.86,205 81 2.25,247 31 1.73,005 81 4.52,047 31 1.73,600 81 4.53,600 32.88,986 82 2.28,027 32 1.78,586 82 4.57,627 32 1.79,200 82 4.59,200 33.91,767 83 2.30,808 33 1.84,167 83 4.63,208 33 1.84,800 83 4.64,800.34.94,548 84 2.33,589 34 1.89,748 84 4.68,789 34 1.90,400 84 4.70,400 35.97,329 85 2.36,370 35 1.95,329 85 4.74,370 35 1.96,000 85 4.76,000 36 1.00,110 86 2.39,151 36 2.00,910 86 4.79,951 36 2.01,600 86 4.81,600 37 1.02,890 87 2.41,932 37 2.06,490 87 4.85,532 37 2.07,200 87 4.87,200 38 1.05,671 88 2.44,712 38 2.12,071 88 4.91,112 38 2.12,800 88 4.92,800 39 1.085452 89 2.47,493 39 2.17,652 89 4.96,693 39 2.18,400 89 4.98,400 40 1.11,233 90 2.50,274 40 2.23,233 90 5.02,274 40 2.24,000 90 5.04,000 41 1.14,014 91 2.53,055 41 2.28,814 91 5.07,855 41 2.29,600 91 5.09,600 42 1.16,795 92 2.55,836 42 2.34,395 92 5.13,436 42 2.35,200 92 5.15,200 43 1.19,575 93 2.58,616 43 2.39,975 93 5.19,016 43 2.40,800 93 5.20,800 44 1.22,356 94 2.61,397 44 2.45,556 94 5.24,597 44 2.46,400 94 5.26,400 45 1.25,137 95 2.64,178 45 2.51,137 95 5.30,178 45 2.52,000 95 5.32,000 46 1.27,918 96 2.66,959 46 2.56,718 96 5.35,759 46 2.57,600 96 5.37,600 47 1.30,699 97 2.69,740 47 2.62,299 97 5.41,340 47 2.63,200 97 5.43,200 48 1.33,479 98 2.72,521 48 2.67,879 98 5.46,921 48 2.68,800 98 5.48,800 49 1.36,260 99 2.75,301 49 2.73,460 99 5.52,501 49 2.74,400 99 5.54,400 50 1.39,041 0 0 0 50 2.79,041 O 0 o 0 50 2.80,000 0 0 When Commercial Interest is required for any period exceeding 292 days, it will be necessary to use the above table for 292 days, and also the proper table for the excess of days over 292. Thus, to ascertain the interest of any amount of principal for the period of 341 days, you compute by the above table for 292 days, and also by that for 49 days, at page 150. By adding together these two amounts of interest, you evidently obtain the interest sought. elk EXAMPLE. It is required to find the interest of $4500 for 321 days, at 365 days to the year. By the above table, the interest of $4500 for 292 days is... $252.00 And by the table, page 143, the interest of $4500 for 29 days is.. 25.03 The interest required is, therefore........ $277.03 182] DISCOUNT AT SEVEN PER CENT. Technical Rebate or Discount is the proper sum to be deducted by a creditor from a debt not yet due, in consideration of present payment; or allowed by the borrower for advancing money on notes, &c. It is the interest, for the time in question, on the sum advanced.* The sum to become due is regarded as principal; the sum advanced is called present value. The proportion is such, that by computing interest on the present value, when ascertained, we shall have the discount; and by adding these two amounts, we shall obtain the principal.'rhe arithmetical rule for calculating discount is to find the amount, principal and interest, of $100 for the time proposed; then, by Rule of Three, as that amount is to the interest of $100 for the time proposed, so is your principal to its discount. It may be proper to remark, that discount is not in exact proportion to time, as interest is; the discount on any sum for 6 months, for instance, is not the same as twice the discount on that sum for 3 months. Neither is it in proportion t, the rate per cent.; it will not answer to calculate discount, say at 7 per cent., and deduct a seventh part for discount at 6 per cent. Many persons suppose that the discount on any sum for any period of time may be found by calculating the interest, and then deducting the interest of that interest. But this is a mistake, as may be seen from the following example: The interest of $1000 for 4 years is... $280.00 And the interest of $280 for 4 years is..... 78.40 The supposed discount would be....... 201.60 But the true discount is..... 218.75 So that the error in this case is.. $17.15 On page 184 will be found a table of factors or multipliers for calculating PRESENT VALUE: by the month and day rule for all periods up to a year. RULE.-Under the month and to the right of the days find a number, by which multiply your principal; if your principal is dollars only, point off six right-hand figures of the product for cents, &c.; but if it is dollars and cents, point off eight. EXAMPLE. Required the present value of $1500 discounted for 4 months and 28 days. Under 4 months and against 28 days stands 972027, which, multiplied into 1500, gives a product of 1458040500; by pointing off the six right-hand figures we obtain the answer, $1458.04. In the same manner, present value, according to the 365-day rule, may be found by the table on page 185; the proper multiplier stands at the right of the days. * The general rule of law is, that taking interest in advance instead of discount will render a loan usurious. Thus, upon the loan of $100 for a year, at 7 per cent., it would be usurious to deduct $7 in advance; because $7 is more than a year's interest on $93, the sum actually loaned. The rebate of $100 for a year ($6.54) is a year's interest on the balance, $93.46. An exception, however, is commonly allowed in favor of commercial paper, such as bills of exchange and promissory notes not having an unusual time (say 2 or 3 years) to run. Such securities are allowed to be discounted by deducting interest.-Chitty on Bills, 83. Manhattan Company vs. Osgood, 15 Johnson's Reports, 168. NewYork Firemen Insurance Company vs. Ely, 2 Cowen's Reports, 703. Bank of Utica vs. Phillips, 3 Wendell's Reports, 408. Fleckner vs. Bank of United States, 8 Wheaton's Reports, 838. Maine Bank vs. Butts, 9 Massachusetts Reports, 49. Pauling's Executors vs. Pauling's Administrators, 4 Yeates's Reports, 220. Though the established rate in New-York is 7 per cent., the Safety Fund Banks are restricted to 6 per cent., when taken in advance, on notes which mature in 63 days from the time of discounting.-Revised Statutes of NeuYork (lst edition), vol. iii., p. 287. DISCOUNT AT SEVEN PER CENT. O Months. 1 Month. 2 Months, 3 Months. 4 Months. 5 Months. Dys. Days. Da s Days. Days Days. Days. 0 1 mill'n 0 994200 0 988468 0 982801 0 977199 0 971660 1 999806 1 994008 1 988278 1 982613 1 977013 1 971476 2 999600 2 993816 2 988088 2 982425 2 976827 2 971293 3 999417 3 993624 3 987898 3 982238 3 976642 3 971109 4 999223 4 993432 4 987709 4 982050 4 976457.4 970926 5 999029 5 993240 5 987519 5. 981863 5 976271 5 970743 6 998835 6 993049 6 987329 6 981675 6 976086 -6 970560 7 998641 7 992857 7 987140 7 981488 7 975901 7 970377 8 998447 8 992665 8 986950 8 981301 8 975716 8 970193 i 9 998253 9 992474 9 986761 9 981114 9 975530 9 970011 10 998059 10 992282 10 986572 10 980926 10 975345 10 969828 j11 997866 11 992091 11 986382 11 980739 11 975160 11 969645 12 997672 12 991899 12 986193 12 980552 12 974976 12 969462 13 997479 13 991708 13 986004 13 980365 13 974791 13 969279 14 997285 14 991517 14 985815 14 980179 14 974606 14 969097 15 997092 15 991326 15 985626 15 979992 15 974421 15 968914 16 996899 16 991135 16 985437 16 979805 16 974237 16 968731 17 996705 17 990944 17 985249 17 979618 17 974052 17 968549 18 996512 18 990753 18 985060 18 979432 1 8 973868 18 968367 19 996319 19 990562 19 984871: 19 979245 19 973683 19 968184 20 996126 20 990371 20 984683 20 979059 20 973499 20 968002 21 995933 21 990181 21 984494 21 978873 21 973315 21 967820 22 995740 22 989990 22 984306 22 978686 22 973131. 22 967638 23 995548 23 989800 23 984117 23 978500 23 972947 23 967456 24 995355- 24 989609 24 983929 24 978314 24 972763 24' 967274 25 995162 25 989419 25 983741 25 978128 25 972579 25 967092 26 994970 26 989228 26 983553 26 977942 26 972395 26 966.910 27 994777 27 989038 27 98'3365 27 977756 27 972211 27 966728 28 994585 28 988848' 28 983177 28 977570 28 972027 28 966547 29 994393 29 988658 29 98-2989 29 977384 29 971844 29 966.365.30' 994200 30 988468 30 982801 30 977199:30 971660 30 966184 6 Months1 7 Months. 8 Months.'9 Months. 10 Mon1ths. 11 IMonths, 0 966184 0 960769 0 955414 0 950119 0 944882 0 939702 1 966002 1 960589 1 955237 1 949943 1 944708 1 939531 2 965821 2- 960410 2 955059 2 949768 2 944535 2 939359 3 965639 3 960230 3 954882 3 949592 3 944361 3 939188 4 965458 4 960051 4 954705 4 949417 4 944188 4 939016 5 965277 5 959872 5 954527 5 949242 5 944015 5 938845 6 965096 6 959693 6 954350 6 949067 6 943841 6 938673 7 964915 7 959514 7 954173 7 948892 7 943668 7 938502 8 964734 8 959335 8 953996 8 948717 8 943495 8 938331 9 964553 9 959156 9 953819 9 948542 9 943322 9 938160 10 964372 10 958977 10 953642 10 948367 10 943149 10 937989 11 964191 11 958798 11 953466 11 948192 11 942976 11 937817 12 964010 12 958620 12 953289 12 948017 12 942803 12 937647 13 963830 13 958441 13 953112 13 947842 13 942630 13 937476 14 963649 14 958262 14 952936 14 947668 14 942458 14 937305 15 963468 15 958084 15 952759 15 947493 15 942285 15 937134 16 963288 16 957905 16 952583 16 947319 16 942112 16 936963 17 963108 17 957727 17 952406 17 947144 17 941940 17 936793 18 962927 18 957549 18 952230 18 946970 18 941767 18 936622 19 962747 19 957370 19 952054 19 946795 19 941595 19 936451 20 962567 20 957192 20 951877 20 946621 20 941423 20 936281 21 962387 21 957014 21 951701 21 946447 21 941250 21 936110 22 962207 22 956836 22 951525 22 946273 22 941078 22 935940 23 962027 23 956658 23 951349 23 946099 23 940906 23 935770 24i 961847 24 956480 24 951173 24 945925 24 940734 24 935600 25 961667 25 956302 25 950997 25 945751 25 940562 25 935429 26 961487 26 956125 26 950821 26 945577 26 940390 26 935259 27 961307 27 955947 27 950646 27 945403 27 940218 27 935089 28 961128 28 955769 28 950470 28 945229 28 940046 28 934919 29 960948 29 955592 29 950294 29 94505- 6 29 939874 29 934749 30 960769 30 955414 30 950119 30 944882 30 939702 30 934579 -I~ ~~~~~~~~.j~ i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i~ DISCOUNT BY DAYS AT SEVEN PER CENT. Days. Days. Days. Days. Days. Days. 1 999808 62 988249 123 976955 184 965915 245 955122 306 944568 2 999617 63 988062 124 976772 1[85 965736 246 954947 307 944397 3 999425 64 987875 -125 976589 186 965557' [247 954773 308 944226 4 999233 65 987688 126 976406 187 965379 248 954598 309 944055 5 999042 66 987501 127 976223 188 965200 249 954423 310 943884 6 998851 67 987314 128 976040 189 965021 250 954248 311 943713 7 998659 68 987127 129 975858 190 964843 251 954074 312 943543 8.' 998468 69 986940 130 975675 1.91 964664' 252 953899 313 943372 9 998277 701 986753!131 975492 192 964486 253 953725 314 943201 10 998086 71 986566 132 975310 193 964307 2.54 953550.3155 943031 11 997895 72 986380 133 975128. 194 964129' 255 953376 316 942860 12 997704 73 986193 134 974945 195 963951 256 953202 317 942690 13 997513.1 74 986007 135 974763 196 963773 257 953027 318 942519 14 997322 75 985820 136 974581 197 963595 258 952853 319' 942349 15 997132 76 985634 137 974399 198 963417[ 259 952679 320 942179 16 996941 77- 985448 138 ]974217 199 963239[ 260 952505 321. 942008 17 996750 -78 985262 139 974035 200 963061 261 952331 322 941838 18 996560 79 985075 140 973853 201 962883 262 952157 323 941668 19 996369 80 984889 141 973671 202 962705 263 951984 324 941498 20 996179 81 984703 142. 973489 203 962527 264 951810' 325 941328 21 995989 82 984517 143- 973307 204 962350 265 951636[ 1326 941158 22 995799 83 984332 144 973126 205 962172 266 951462- 327 940988 23 995608 84 984146 1451 972944 206 -961995 267 951289 328 940819 24 995418 85 983960 146 972763 207 961817 268 951115 -329 940649 25, 995228 86 983774. 147 972581 208. 961640 269 950942 330 940479 26 995038 87 983589 148 972400 209 961462: 270 950768.[331 940310 27 994849 88 983403'.149 972219 210 961285 271 950595 332 940140 28 994659 89' 983218 150 972037 211 961108 272 950422 333 939971 29 994469 90 983033 -151 971856 212 960931 273 950249 334 939801 30 994279 91 982847 152 971675 213 960754 274' 950075 335 939632 31 994090 92 982662 153 971494 214 960577 275 949902' [336 939463 32 993900 93 982477 154 971313 215 960400 276 949729 337 939293 33 993711! -94 982292 155 971132 216 960223 277 949556 338 939124 34 993522 95 982107 156 970951 217 960046 278 949384 339 938955 35 993332 96 981922 157 970770 218 959870 279 949211 340 938786 36 993143 97 981737 158 970590 219 959693 280 949038 341 938617 37 992954 98 981522 159 970409 220 959516 281 948865 342 938448 38 992765 99 981367 160 970229 -221 959340 282 948693 343 938279 39 992576 100 981183 161 970048 222 959163 283 948520 344 938110 40 992387 101 980998 162. 969868 223 958987 284 948348 [345 937942 41 992198 102 980814 163 969687 224 958811 285 948175 346 937773 42 992010 103 980629 164 969507 225 958634' 286 948003 347 937604 43 991821 104 980445 165 969327 226 958458 287 947830 348 937436 44 991632 105 980261 166 969147 227 958282 288 947658 349 937267 45 991444 106 980076 167 968967 228 958106 289 947486 350 937099 46 991255 107 979892 168 968786 229 957930 290 947314 351 936930 47 991067 [108 979708 169 968607 230 957754 291 947142 352 936762 48 990878 109 979524 170 968427 231 957578 [292. 946970 353 936594 49 990690 1.10 979340 171 968247 232 957402.293 946798 354 936426 50 990502 111 979156 172 968067 233 957226 294 946626 3.55 936258 51 990314 112 978972 173 967887'234 957051 295 946454 [356 936089 52 990126 113 978788 174 967708 235 956875 296 946282 357 935921 53 989938 114 978605 175 967528 236 956700 297 946111. 358 935753 54 989750 115 978421 176 967349.237 956524 298 945939 359 935586 55 989562 116 9.78238 177 967169 238 956349 299 945767 360 935418 56 989374 117 978054 178 966990~ 239 956173 300 945596i 361 935250 57 989187 118 977871 179 966811 240 955998 301 9454241 1362 935082 58 988999 119 977687 180 966631 241 955823 1302 945253 363 934915 59 988812 120 977504 181 966452 242 955647 303 945082. 364 934747 60 988624 121 977321 182 966273 243 955472 304 944910 365 934579 61 988437 -122 977138 183 966094 244'[ 955297 305 944739 730 877193 [185 AVERAGING ACCOUNTS. THIS is the process of finding an average mean time for the payment of several sums due at different periods. There are various ways of arriving at the average time; as this work is not a treatise on book-keeping, I shall only describe one simple and direct method for each case that may arise; a method which is much facilitated by the general calendar contained on pages 8 and 9 of this work. Suppose that I make several purchases to the amounts, and at the dates specified in the following example, and propose to give my note for the whole amount of the purchases, $525. The question to be solved is, When shall my note begin to draw interest, in order that I may gain as much by having part of the payments delayed as I lose by settling the others in advance of the time they fall due? Dates. Items, Days. Products. March 21 175 20 3500 April 19 200 49 9800 July 11 150 132 19800 $525 )33100(63 The average time on this account is May 3d, which I ascertain in the following manner. After setting down dates and items as above, turn to the general calendar (page 10), and set down in the column headed days the number of days from March 1st to the date of each item. These numbers are found by inspection of the calendar; they stand in the column for the month, and to the right of the day of the month. Thus the first number, 20, is found in the column for March, and to the right of 21; the number 49 is found in the column for April, and to the right of 19; the number 132 is in the column for July, and to the right of ll. The next step is to multiply each item by its days, that is to say, 175 by 20, 200 by 49, and 150 by 132; add these products together and divide the amount by 525, the footing of the account. The quotient, 63, shows that the aver age time is 63 days from the first of March. Look for 63 in the calendar, and it will be found il. the column for May, and to the right of the 3d, which shows the average time to be AMay 3d. By settling this account as of the date of May 3d, I have gained 43 days' interest on $175. which was due March 21st, but is deferred to May 3d, the interest is $1.46; I have also gained 14 days' interest on $200, which should have been paid April 19, but is deferred to May 3d, the interest is.54, making my gain of interest $2.00. But I have lost the interest of $150 from May 3d to July 11 (69 days), which is $2.01. The difference of 1 cent, in this case, arises from the fact that 33100 divided by 525 is not precisely 63, but 63~-, so that, to equalize the interest exactly, it would be necessary to compute interest for part of a day, which is never done. CASE: 2. Suppose each item of the above account were purchased at 3 months' credit, what would then be the average time? When the credit is the same on every item, the account is averaged precisely in the manner above described, and the credit is given upon the average time thus found. In the case supposed, the average time would be 3 months from May 3d, that is to say, August 3d, or (including grace) August 6th. CASE 3. If several purchases are made all at the same time, but on different credits, the process will be as follows; suppose the following purchases to have been nvde May 9. Items. Credits. Days. Prod ucts. 200 30 days- 99 19800 150 90 " 159 23850 270 2 months 130 35100 $620 )78750(127 AVERAGING ACCOUNTS. 187 The column of days in these cases is to be obtained by counting from 1st March up to the expiration of the credit. From 1st March to May 9 is found, as before directed, to be 69 days; add 30 days' credit, and it gives 99 for the first item; add 90 days' credit to 69, and it gives 159 for the number of days from March 1st to the expiration of -the credit, on the second item; a credit of 2 months from May 9 extends to July 9, and the calendar shows that date to be 130 days from March 1st. After setting down the days in this manner, you proceed as in the first example; 127 in the calendar stands in the column for July, and to the right of 6; the average of credit is, therefore, July 6. CA&sl 4a. If different items arepurchased at different dates, and on different credits, you are to get your column of days on the same general principle as in the last case, that is to say, you are to count from 1st of March to the expiration of the credit. Take the following example: Dates. Items. Credits. Days. Products. April 29 $150 30 days 89 13350 May 10 195 2 months 131 25545 June 17:215 cash 108 23220 $560 )62115(111 The number for April 29 in the calendar is 59; 30 days' credit added makes 89. The calendar number for July 10 (which is 2 months' credit from May 10) is 131. The calendar number for June 17, without any credit, is 108. Having thus formed your column of days, you proceed pre. cisely as in the first example; the average of time and credit on this account is June 20. These cases sufficiently illustrate the whole principle of simple averaging. The items are regarded as purchases, but the same reasoning and the same course of proceeding applies to any item of account, whether of debit or of credit. These examples do not include grace in any of the credits, but the 3 days may be added when necessary. In using the general calendar, as before directed, to set down the number of days, the column of days will sometimes consist of large numbers; this inconvenience may be obviated upon the following general principle. After setting down your column of days, the numbers may be dimninished by subtractingfrom each any convenient amount, and adding the same amount to the quotient. This principle is illustrated in the following example. Dates. Items. Days. Mult. Products. Nov. 12 135 256 6 810 Dec. 1 218 275 25 5450 Jan. 7 100 312 62 6200 $453 )12460(28 250 278 After setting down the column of days according to previous directions, I have subtracted 250 from each number, and placed the remainders in a new column headed multipliers. The 135 is multiplied by 6, the 218 by 25, and the 100 by 62; adding these products together and dividing by 453, a quotient 28 is obtained, to which 250 is added, making 278. By reference to the calendar, it will be ascertained that this average time is Dec. 4th. Any other number than 250 might have been selected, provided the same number was deducted from each amount of days and added to the quotient. It is a general rule in forming your column of days, that you may count from the date of your first item, or from any preceding date, provided you always count from the same date; that is to say, you may count from any date you please to the expiration of the credit on each item, in getting your column of days, provided you count your quotient from the same date, to get your average time. When you have an account to average, consisting of few items and running through only a short period of time, it will be most convenient to count from the date of your first item, so that your first multiplier will be 0, and the others will be readily found without reference to the calendar. 188 AVERAGING ACCOUNTS. COMPOUND AVERAGES. This is the process of finding an average mean time for payment of the balance of an account You are first to ascertain, in the-manner already explained, the average time of the debits without reference to credits, and then the average time of the credits without reference to the debits; this will give you two dates, the average time of debits, and the average time of credits. Next ascertain what number of days intervene between these two dates, which I shall call the difference days; then multiply the footing:of the smallest side of the account by the difference days, and divide the product by the balance of the account; you thus obtain a certain number of days, which I shall call quotient days. The quotient days are always to be counted from the average time of that side of the account which has the largestfooting. The quotient days are to be counted either backward or forward, as- will be for the advantage of that side of the account which has the earliest average time. Suppose an account of which the debits foot at $250, and their average time is July 17th; the credits foot at $370, and their average time is June 10, and you wish to find the average time of the balance, $120. Multiply the smallestfooting, 250, by 37 (the difference days from June 10 to July 17); the product, 9250, divided by 120 (the balance of the account), gives 77 for the quotient days. The 77 is to be counted from June 10, because that is the average time of the largest footing (370). The quotient days are to be counted for the advantage of the credit side of this account, because that has the earliest average time. Now the only question left is, Which way shall we count so as to be for the advantage of the credit side? It is plain we must count backward, so as to make more interest on the balance; counting back, then, from June 10th, 77 days, the average time is March 25th. CASE 2. Suppose I purchase $500 worth- of goods on the 27th of July, and give my note at 4 months, without interest, for the amount. On the 13th of August I make a payment of $200: at what time should I be required-to pay the balance, $300, in order to compensate me by the delay for having made a partial payment in advance? This is a case of compound average. The $500 may be regarded as one side of an account, the average time of which is Nov. 27, or, including grace, Nov. 30. The $200 is the other side of the account, of which the average time is Aug. 13th. The difference days (109) are: to be multiplied into the smallest side ($200), and the product divided by the balance of the account ($300): this gives 73 for the quotient days. They are to be counted as before directed from the average time of the largest side of the account, that is to say, from Nov. 30. They are to be counted forithe advantage of the $200 side of the account, because that has the earliest average time. It is evidently for the advantage of the $200 payment to countforward so as to reduce interest on the balance; counting 73 days forward from Nov. 30, we get February 11 for the: time when the balance, $300, is to be paid.: