.A C58 * ~ ~ ~ n i.. '>;, -w vf^ "" w r -r~.i.' ^,,?;. *.- *.-, * '; / *' ~..*... - B 512074:.;, t-. i, i,.0.. f,. " r I, S I I I i; I I i, CALENDAR OF THE ',:.. '. ^.t!-,r '. t '! ". ". '.... ' 1, CI!'..i ' ' ^, " '; o '., ' ',.,*; ' ' '",t ' F '..,..,*,_'" '*' '" ^ \ D'' '.,; / *;, '* ' ~;.;' is,~ r s;>'. '.,^; i., \ ', ' ' Xl.:':,%: ~RTER i? ~ NEW YORK CITY CHA GIVING ALL TIMES FIXED BY THE CHARTER AT OR WITHIN WHICH THE MUNICIPAL OFFICERS ARE TO PERFORM CERTAIN DUTIES, ETC., ETC. WITH INDEX. PUBLISHED BY THE CITY CLUB OF NEW YORK 19 West 34th Street, New York City, JULY, 1900. "s&o t 1 CALENDAR OF THE NEW YORK CITY CHARTER GIVING ALL TIMES FIXED BY THE CHARTER AT OR WITHIN WHICH THE MUNICIPAL OFFICERS ARE TO PERFORM CERTAIN DUTIES, ETC., ETC. WITH INDEX. PUBLISHED BY THE CITY CLUB OF NEW YORK 19 West 34th Street, New York City, JULY, 1900. KING. PRINTER, 1 OR WILLIAM ST., N.Y. 3 NOTE. This calendar was designed to be a feature of a little book planned by the Municipal Government Committee of The City Club as a compact presentation of the framework and the operation of the government of New York City. Although much of the preliminary work has been done, it does not seem desirable to publish the projected volume until the revision of the charter now in progress has passed its final stage. But this fragment is now published in the belief that it will be of some service in connection with the work of the charter revision commission. It is believed that such a statement of prescribed times and seasons as is here presented will be found to be of material assistance in an effort to determine the relations subsisting among the various departments and officers of the city government. This is indicated by the relatively large index to the calendar. Thus, for instance, the entries under " Reports " in the index cover about two pages, each entry marking a prescribed time for the making of a certain official report. An effort has been made to state in simple language the substance of the provisions cited. In some cases the language of the charter is quoted at length because its meaning is somewhat uncertain, or because it presents peculiarities which make it difficult to paraphrase. The many provisions of the charter for the monthly payment of salaries of this and that officer are not included. In the absence of any general provisions upon this point, it is sufficient to say that the general policy of the charter is that salaries shall be paid monthly. One consideration has contributed largely to the decision to print this calendar upon the eve of changes which may be expected to affect some of the law stated in the following pages. The duties to be performed by the municipal officers at certain times are here stated so plainly that it becomes easyto inquire as to whether and how these duties have been performed. The fact that the charter contains these provisions will be news to many who will see this calendar. The City Club would be glad if citizens, taking this information as a basis, would pursue the inquiry suggested. Have these duties been performed? If not, why not? 4 CALENDAR OF NEW YORK CITY CHARTER. [References are to the Charter as in force after the session of the legislature of 19oo. The fact that a section has been amended is noted only in case the amendment affects the subject of the entry in the calendar. In every case in which a provision relates to more than one day or period, it is repeated under each appropriate heading]. IN JANUARY. The commissioners of accounts report to the mayor and the municipal assembly "the amount of money received into the treasury " during the year ending the last day of the preceding November, the amount paid out, and other particulars as to the city's finances. -Charter, section 195. The police commissioners as trustees of the police pension fund, report in detail to the municipal assembly " the condition of the police pension fund and the items of receipts and disbursements on account of the same. '- Charter, section 35. Until the I7th of January, 19 7, the treasurers of the nine funds which share in the " tax upon the receipts of foreign fire insurance companies doing business in the borough of Brooklyn " render to the fire commissioner " a sworn statement as to the expenditures of said funds."-Charter, section 809. The Comptroller reports " in detail to the board of education" "the condition of" the public school teacher's retirement fund.Charter, section I,o83. The members of the board of health as trustees of the health department pension fund, report in detail to the mayor " the condition of said fund and the items of their receipts and disbursements on account of the same."-Charter, section 1,331. In every sixth year, beginning with I898, the mayor appoints ten marshals of the City of New York -Charter, section I425. " There shall be published in the City Record within the'month ' of January and within the month of July in each year a list of all the officials and employees employed in any of the departments, "bureaus or offices of the city government, and of the counties " therein contained, who have been or have become such officials or 5 "employees during the preceding six months. Said lists shall contain " the name, residence by street numbers, nature of position or service, "date of entrance into the service or employment, date of cessation of "such service or employment, if such has occurred during said period, "salary or wages, and a distinct statement of the increase or decrease " thereof during said period of each of said officials or employees."Charter, section I,528, as amended by chapter 615, laws of I900. FIRST MONDAY IN JANUARY. At noon the term of office of ( each member of the council" elected at the last preceding election begins, in every fourth year, beginning with I898.-Charter, section 20. At noon the first meeting of the council in each year is held.Charter, section 22. In every even numbered year the term of the aldermen elected at the last preceding general election begins. —Charter, section 24. At noon on this day in every even numbered year, the board of aldermen holds its first meeting, and chooses one of its members to be president of the board of aldermen.-Charter, section 26. At noon on this day in every sixth year beginning with I898, the council elects a city clerk for a term of six years.-Charter, section 28. On this day in every third year beginning with I898 a board of pharmacy, composed of " five competent pharmacists " is selected in the manner provided -Charter, section 1,513. SECOND MONDAY IN JANUARY. From this day until the ist of May, the books entitled "The Annual Record of the Assessed Valuation of Real and Personal Estate of the Borough of -," are kept open " for examination and correction," o" in the several offices established by the department of taxes and assessments."-Charter, section 892. Between this day and the ist of May, the deputy tax commissioners designated for the purpose in each borough " receive applica 6 tions for the revision and cancellation of any assessments entered in the books of annual record of the assessed valuation of real and personal estate" in that borough, "take testimony on such applications," and make recommendations to the department as to the applicationsCharter, section 898. On or before this day, the deputy tax commissioners, or " such other persons as may havc been assigned to take charge and direction of any one of the offices of the department of taxes and assessments in the several boroughs," compute from the annual record of assessed valuation "the total aggregate amount of the assessed valuation of real and personal property " in the borough, and "transmit a statement of such aggregate amounts of assessed valuations " to the main office of the department of taxes and assessments.-Charter, section 899 THIRD WEDNESDAY IN JANUARY. The mayor appoints three members of the school board for the Borough of Queens, and three members of the school board for the Borough of Richmond, to serve for three years.- Charter, section I,0o6. JANUARY 1ST. At noon, in every fourth year, beginning with I898, the term of office of the following officers, elected in the precedings November, begin:The mayor.-Charter, section 94. The comptroller.-Charter, section 97. The president of the council. —Charter, section i 8. A president of each borough.-Charter, section 382. Four coroners in the Borough of Manhattan, two in the Borough of the Bronx, two in the Borough of Brooklyn, three in the Borough of Queens, and two in the Borough of Richmond.-Charter, section 1,570. The terms of all heads of departments, commissioners, and other officers appointed by the mayor, "shall, as to those first ap" pointed, commence at noon on the first day of January, I898, and 7 " thereafter at noon on the first day of January, in the year in which " the terms of office of their predecessors expire, except that any person "who shall be appointed in pursuance of this section to fill a vacancy "shall hold his office for the unexpired term of his predecessor". — Charter, section I 8. " No vessel other than canal boats, barges or lighters, receiving "or delivering property from or to said canal boats or barges, shall use "or enter into for the purpose of using any part of the port of New "York, set apart for the use of canal boats and barges, without the "written consent of the board of docks had and obtained therefor, "and then only between the first day of January and the 2oth day of "March in each year, and when not occupied by canal boats."Charter, section 866. Upon taxes for the previous year unpaid at this date, interest at seven per cent. a year calculated from the date of the delivery of the assessment rolls and warrants to the receiver of taxes, is charged.Charter, section 9I6. It is the duty of the receiver of taxes " to charge, collect and re"ceive upon all taxes remaining unpaid on and after the first day of " January interest at the rate of seven per cent. per annum, to be calcu"lated from the day on which the said assessment rolls and warrants "shall have been delivered to the receiver".-Charter, section 917. Between this day and the I5th of January the board of education files "a record of its apportionment of the general school fund," among the boroughs, "with the Comptroller".-Charter, section 1,065, as amended by chap. 75I, laws of I900. On or before this day each board of inspectors of common schools makes its quarterly written report to the proper school board " in respect to the condition of the schools, the efficiency of teachers "and wants of the district, especially in regard to schools and school "premises".-Charter, section i,o98. " No person shall kill or expose for sale, or have in his possession "after the same has been killed, any robin, meadow lark or starling 8 " between the first day of January and the fifteenth day of October".Certain cases are excepted.-Charter, section 1,493. JANUARY 10TH. On or before this day, the municipal civil service commissioners make a report to the state civil service commission.-Charter, section 1I25. [NOTE.-The general civil service law, enacted as chapter 370 of the laws of 1899, does not repeal specifically the parts of the charter relating to the municipal civil service commissioners. These parts of the charter are, however, superseded by the law of 1899, so far as they are inconsistent with it. Under that law every municipal civil service commission makes an annual report to the state commission on or before the 15th of January.] JANUARY 15TH. The receiver of taxes may issue to any city marshal a warrant for the collection of any unpaid tax for the previous year with interest at seven per cent. a year from the date of the delivery of the assessment rolls and warrants to the receiver.-Charter, section 926. The receiver of taxes may recover, with interest and costs, the amount of any tax on personal property levied for the previous year and remaining unpaid at this date.-Charter, section 936. Between the ist of January and this day the board of education files " a record of its apportionment of the general school fund," among the boroughs, "with the comptroller."-Chapter, section I,o65, as amended by chap. 751, laws of I900. SECOND WEDNESDAY IN FEBRUARY. The school board in each borough elects one of its members president of the board, and also elects " its delegates, if any, to the board of education."-Charter, section,o089. THIRD MONDAY IN FEBRUARY. The board of education elects one of its members president of the board of education.-Charter, section 1,062. 9 FEBRUARY 1ST. The mayor, the comptroller, and the chamberlain, by a majority vote, fix the rate of interest to be paid by banks and trust companies upon the city's daily balances during the ensuing three months. Charter, section i96.. Every agent of a foreign fire insurance company in the city pays to the fire commissioner as treasurer of the fire department, a tax of two per cent. on all premiums paid " or agreed to be paid " to him as agent of any insurance company not incorporated under the laws of the State of New York, for insurance upon property in the city during the year ending the first of the preceding September.-Charter, section 799. Every such agent renders to the fire commissioner "a just and true account, verified by his oath, of all such premiums."-Charter, section 8oo. On or before this day the fire commissioner may make a written demand upon any such agent, for such account and for the payment of the tax.-Charter, section 804. Terms of three members of the school board of the borough of Queens, and of three members of the school board of the borough of Richmond, appointed in January, begin. -Charter, section i,o6 I, baragraph 3. On or before this day the trustees of the College of the City of New York transmit to the municipal assembly and to the secretary of the board of regents of the University of the State of New York a report for the preceding calendar year.- Charter, section I, 133. On or before this day the trustees of the Normal College of the City of New York, transmit to the municipal assembly and to the secretary of the board of regents of the University of the State of New York a report for the preceding calendar year.-Charter, section 1144. On or before this day, the state comptroller makes an apportionment of the school money assigned to that part of Queens County which is included in the City of New York.-Charter, section 1,596. [But see note under October 1st.] 10 On or before this day " the person appointed to supervise the publication of the City Record " certifies " to the comptroller that the several lists of officials and employees of departments have been furnished to him " by the heads of departments.-Charter, section 1,528, as amended by chap. 615, laws I900. [NOTE.-It is probably safe to construe this section as meaning that the person appointed to supervise the publication of the City Record shall certify whether, etc.] FEBRUARY 11TH. On or before this day every person acting in the city as agent for a foreign fire insurance company reports his business address to the fire commissioner.- Charter, section 805. MARCH 1ST. After this day the comptroller, with the approval of the board of estimate and apportionment, may transfer to the general fund any unexpended balance of an appropriation or an account, to be "applied "to the reduction of taxation "-. Charter, section 237. [NOTE. -The language of the section is "not less than sixty days after "the expiration of the year for which such appropriations are made".] "Any remission or reduction of taxes upon the real estate of "individuals or corporations must be made within six months after the "delivery of the books to the receiver of taxes for the collection of such " tax".-Charter, section 897. [NoTE.-Under section 911, books are delivered to the receiver on or be"fore the first day of September".] MARCH 20TH. " No vessel, other than canal boats, barges or lighters receiving "or delivering property from or to said canal boats or barges, shall use ' or enter into for the purpose of using any part of the port of New York "set apart for the use of canal boats and barges, without the written con I I "sent of the board of docks had and obtained therefor, and then only "between the first day of January and twentieth day of March in each "year, and when not occupied by canal boats ".- Charter, section 866. APRIL 1ST. On or before this day each board of inspectors of common schools makes " a written report to the proper school board in respect to the condition of the schools, the efficiency of teachers, the wants of "the district, especially in regard to schools and school premises". Charter, section i,098. From this day to the 3Pst of October, both inclusive, it is unlawful to kill, capture, or sell any " bird of song ".-Charter, section I,493. IN MAY. The commissioners of taxes and assessments act upon applications for reduction of assessed valuations of either personal or real property filed in their office before May.-Charter, section 895. MAY 1ST. The mayor, the comptroller, and the chamberlain, by a majority vote, fix the rate of interest to be paid by banks and trust companies upon the city's daily balances during the ensuing three months.-Charter, section 196. From the second Monday in January until this day, the books entitled " The Annual Record of the Assessed Values of Real and Per"sonal Estate of the Borough of " are kept open for "examination and correction", in the several offices established by the department of taxes and assessments.- Charter, section 892. At any time before this day, the tax commissioners may transfer from the tax rolls of one borough to those of the proper borough, the name of any person who is improperly assessed for personal taxes in the first borough.-Charter, section 894, as amended by chap. 500, laws i 899. I2 At any time before this date the board of taxes and assessments may increase " the assessed valuation of any real or personal estate" of any individual or corporation, as in its judgment may be necessary for the equalization of taxation.-Charter, section 896. At any time before the closing of the books of annual record on this day the board of taxes and assessments may decrease the assessed valuation of real property.-Charter, section 896. Between the first Monday in January and this day, the deputy tax commissioners designated for the purpose in each borough, "re"ceive applications for the revision and cancellation of any assessments "entered in the books of annual record of the assessed valuation of "real and personal estate in that borough", "take testimony on such applications ", and make recommendations to the department as to the applications.-Charter, section 898. The board of taxes and assessments begins the preparation of assessment rolls for each borough.-Charter, section 907. All licenses issued by the police department for public exhibitions expire on this day.-Charter, section I,473. MAY 5TH. After the annual record of assessed valuation of real and personal estate is opened for correction and review, on the second Monday of January, the board of taxes and assessments may not increase the valuation of any property, "' except upon notice given to the individual "or corporation affected by such increase at least ten days before the "fifteenth day of May in each year".-Charter, section 896. MAY 20TH. Any person notified by the tax commissioners that the assessment of his personal property, for purposes of taxation, has been transferred from the tax rolls of one borough to the tax rolls of another borough, "' may apply for correction of such assessment on or before the twentieth 3 " day of May, with the same force and effect as if such application were " made on or before the thirtieth day of April, in any year."-Charter, section 894, as amended by chap. 500, laws I899. JUNE 1ST. On or before this day, every railroad company operating or using "steam or horse-cars," " in those portions of the city heretofore known "as the City of Brooklyn ", certifies "to the city clerk the average "number of cars daily operated and used by said company."-Charter, section 49. On or before this day the mayor appoints a member of the board of trustees of the College of the City of New York, to serve for a term of nine years from the ist of July.-Charter, section I,128, as amended by chap. 757, laws 1900. The comptroller pays "to the treasurers of the several volunteer fire companies " in the Borough of Richmond the amounts prescribed. -Charter, section 722, as amended by chap. 61 2, laws 1899. The receiver of taxes makes a return to the collector of assessments and arrears, of all taxes and water rates remaining unpaid. -Charter, section I,023. IN JULY. " Each school board shall transmit to the board of education an " estimate in detail of the moneys needed within the territory under its jurisdiction during the next succeeding calendar year."-Charter, section 1,064, as amended by chap. 75I, laws 1900. "There shall be published in the City Record within the month "of January and within the month of July in each year a list of all the "officials and employees employed in any of the departments, bureaus "or offices of the city government, and of the counties therein con"tained, who have been or have become such officials or employees dur"ing the preceding six months. Said lists shall contain the name, resi"dence by street numbers, nature of position or service, date of entrance 14 "into the service or employment, date of cessation of such service or " employment, if such has occurred during said period, salary or wages, "and a distinct statement of the increase or decrease thereof during said "period of each of said officials or employees".- Charter, section 1,528, as amended by Chapter 615, laws aof 1900. FIRST MONDAY IN JULY. The assessment rolls are delivered by the board of taxes and assessments to the municipal assembly.-Charter, section 907. The municipal assembly meets at noon, for the purpose of receiving the assessment rolls from the board of taxes and assessments, and " of performing such other duties in relation thereto as are "prescribed by law".-Charter, section 907. JULY 1ST. On or before this day every railroad company operating or using "steam or horse cars," " in that portion of the city heretofore known "as the City of Brooklyn," pays to the chamberlain the license fee established by the municipal assembly for the "average number of cars daily operated and used by said company."-Charter, section 49. On or before this day each board of inspectors of common schools makes its quarterly " written report to the proper school board in re"spect to the condition of the schools, the efficiency of teachers, and wants of the district, especially in regard to schools and school premi' ses." —Charter, section i,o98. The term of office of a member of the board of trustees of the College of the City of New York, appointed by the mayor for a term of nine years, begins.-Charter, section I,128, as amended by chap. 757, laws 1900. JULY 31sT. The state school year ends. —Charter, section I,084. I5 AUGUST 1ST. The mayor, the comptroller, and the chamberlain, by a majority vote, fix the rate of interest to be paid by banks and trust companies upon the city's daily balances during the ensuing three months.-Charter, section i96. Unpaid water rents become "subject to an additional charge of five per cent."-Charter, section 476. Between this day and the 3oth day of September the board of education transmits " to the state superintendent of public instruc"tion a report in writing for the state school year ending on the next preceding 3Ist of July, which report shall be in such form and shall " state such facts as the state superintendent and the school law of " the state shall require."- Charter, section x,084. Between this day and the 3oth of November, the board of education transmits "to the mayor a report in writing, bearing date on "the thirty-first day of July next preceding, stating," the particulars called for by the charter.- Charter, section 1,085. On or before this day the "person appointed to supervise the publication of the City Record " certifies "to the Comptroller that the several lists " of officials and employees of departments " have been furnished to him" by the heads of departments.-Charter, section 1528, as amended by chap. 6I5, laws igoo. IN SEPTEMBER. " Two months before the election of municipal officers," in every odd-numbered year, the comptroller publishes in the City Record and the corporation newspapers a detailed statement of the city's receipts and expenditures.-Charter, section i6i. FIRST TUESDAY IN SEPTEMBER. Deputy tax commissioners " commence to assess real and "personal estate. "-Charter, section 889. SEPTEMBER 1ST. The yearly amount due on assessment for the " construction of lateral sewers for private owners " becomes " a lien upon the lands or parcels of land affected thereby." —Charter, section 567 (sec. added by chap. 568, laws 1899). On or before this day each commissioner of parks prepares and presents to the park board "an itemized estimate of his necessary "expenses for the ensuing fiscal year."-Charter, section 6I7. On or before this day each commissioner of buildings prepares " an itemized estimate of his net expenses for the ensuing fiscal year," and presents it to the board of buildings.-Charter, section 651. " On or before " this day each commissioner of public charities of the City of New York presents to the board of public charities " an "itemized estimate of his necessary expenses for the ensuing fiscal "year."-Charter, section 674. On or before this day, the commissioner of correction prepares for presentation to the board of estimate and apportionment "an "itemized estimate of the necessary expenses of his department for the " ensuing fiscal year."'-Charer, section 703. On or before this day the municipal assembly delivers to the receiver of taxes the assessment rolls for each borough, in final form, with appropriate warrants requiring him to proceed to collect the taxes. -Charter, section 91I. Immediately after receiving from the municipal assembly the assessment rolls upon a day before this date, the receiver of taxes advertises that " the assessment rolls have been delivered to him, and that all " taxes are then due and payable at his office in the said respective " boroughs."- Charter, section 9 14. On or before this day the trustees of the College of the City of New York report to the board of estimate and apportionment the sum needed for the use of the college, not exceeding 75,00ooo.Charter, section I, 13 I. 7 SEPTEMBER 30TH. Between the first of August and this day, the board of education transmits "to the state superintendent of public instruction a "report in writing for the state school year ending on the next pre"ceding thirty-first day of July, which report shall be in such form and "shall state such facts as the state superintendent and the school laws " of the state shall require ".-Ch/arter, section I,084. IN OCTOBER. " Within one hundred and eight hours after the close of each annual registration ', the lists of registered voters are published in the City Record.-Charter, section I,527. SECOND MONDAY IN OCTOBER. The inspectors of common schools " appointed for the respective " districts in any borough shall organize" - "by the election of one " of their members as chairman and secretary respectively". Charter, section I,097. OCTOBER 1ST. The board of estimate and apportionment "shall annually, "between the first day of October and the first day of November, meet, "and by the affirmative vote of all the members make a budget of the "amounts estimated to be required to pay the expenses of conducting "the public business of the City of New York, as constituted by this "act, for the then next ensuing year".-Charter, section 226. The mayor appoints inspectors of common schools in place of those whose terms expire on this day.-Charter, section I,097. On or before this day each board of inspectors of common schools makes its quarterly "written report to the proper school "board in respect to the condition of the schools, the efficiency of " teachers, and wants of the district, especially in regard to schools and " school premises ".-Charter, section I,o98. The state comptroller shall have power and is hereby authorized " to determine on or before the first day of October in each year the " amount of the county charges and expenses which should be equitably " borne by that part of the County of Queens situated within the City " of New York, as hereby constituted, and to report the amount thereof to the comptroller of said city ".-Charter, section 1,593. On or before this day the state comptroller computes and apportions " the amount of the tax for state purposes which should be paid by " that part of the County of Queens which is included in the City of " New York, and transmits a statement of the amount to the comptroller of the City of New York ".-Charter, section 1,594. [NOTE.-By chapter 588 of the laws of 1898, all that part of Queens County not within New York City was made a new county entitled the County of Nassau. The above provisions of sees. 1,593 and 1,594 are, therefore, no longer applicable. It seems to be a necessary presumption that sec. 1,595, cited under "Annually," applies to Queens County. Sec. 1,596 cited under "February 1st," no longer applies, and presumably sec. 1,597 must now apply to Queens County.] OCTOBER 15TH. On or before this day the trustees of the Normal College of the City of New York report to the board of estimate and apportionment a sum not exceeding $I50,000 needed for the expenses of the college.-Charter, section 1,142. " No person shall kill or expose for sale, or have in his possession " after the same has been killed, any robin, meadow lark or starling, " between the first day of January and the fifteenth day of October ".Certain cases are excepted.-Charter, section 1,493. OCTOBER 31ST. It is unlawful to kill, capture, or sell any " bird of song " between April ist and this day, both inclusive.-Charter, section 1,493. FIRST TUESDAY AFTER THE FIRST MONDAY IN NOVEMBER. Is election day.-Election law, section 2. 19 In every second year, beginning with 1897, aldermen are elected. — Charter, section 24. In every fourth year, beginning with I897, the following officers are elected:The mayor.- Charter, section 94. The comptroller. —Charter, section 97. flembers of the Council.-Charter, section I9. The president of the council.-Charter, section i8. A president of each borough.-Charter, section 382. Four coroners in the Borough of Manhattan, two in the Borough of the Bronx, two in the Borough of Brooklyn, three in the Borough of Queens, and two in the Borough of Richmond.-Charter, section 1,570. NOVEMBER 1ST. The mayor, the comptroller and the chamberlain, by a majority vote, fix the rate of interest to be paid by banks and trust companies upon the city's daily balances during the ensuing three months.-Charter, section 196. The board of estimate and apportionment "shall annually, "between the first day of October, and the first day of November, meet, "and by the affirmative vote of all the members make a budget of the "amounts estimated to be required to pay the expenses of conducting the "public business of the City of New York, as constituted by this act, for " the then next ensuing year."- Charter, section 226. " Water taxes not paid before the first day of November in each " year shall be subject to a further additional charge of ten per cent." This is additional to the five per cent. added on the first of August.Charter, section 476. Taxes paid on or before this day in the year in which they are levied are reduced by " interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum, between "the day of such payment and the first day of December then next "succeeding."-Charter, section 915. NOVEMBER 30TH. The year as to which the commissionersot accounts report to the 20 mayor and the municipal assembly in the following January, ends on this day."-Charter, section 195. The accounts of the chamberlain are closed.-Charter section I95. Between the first day of August and this day the board of education transmits to the mayor a report in " writing bearing date on the " thirty-first day of July next preceding, stating" the particulars called for by the charter.- Charter, section I,085. IN DECEMBER. The commissioners of accounts examine the accounts of the chamberlain.-Charter, section I95. "; The board of estimate and apportionment shall file with the " final estimate during the month of December in each year a schedule " of the names of all persons not within a department employed under the city government; the designation of their office and employment, "respectively, and the salaries and compensation fixed for each, which " said schedule shall be published in the City Record."-Charter, section 234. The general school fund "shall be apportioned for the next " succeeding calendar year by the board of education among the different school boards of the city" in the way laid down by the charter.-Charter, section 1065, as amended by chap. 751, laws I900. DECEMBER 1ST. Annual instalments of assessments for the "construction of lateral sewers for private owners" become "due and payable."Charter, section 567 (sec. added by chap. 568, laws I899). The receiver of taxes adds one per cent. to the taxes for the year not paid by this day.-Charter, section 9I6. Immediately after this day, the receiver of taxes gives "public "notice in the City Record, and the corporation newspapers, and in 21 "such daily paper having a general circulation in any borough as the " board of city record may designate, at least ten days, notifying all "persons or corporations who have omitted to pay their taxes, to pay "the same to him at his office in the borough of Manhattan, or to his "several deputies in the several boroughs.'-Charter, section 919. DECEMBER 31ST. The corporation counsel reports "to the commissioners of (" taxes and assessments " all cases brought by the corporation counsel for the collection of taxes on personal property which have been "dis" missed on account of the inability of the person to pay the tax." — Charter, section 934. DAILY. The commissioner of bridges makes a " daily report " to the comptroller " of all moneys received or collected by his department " for fares, tolls and any other purposes," and pays the amount to the chamberlain.-Charter, section 596. " At the expiration of the office hours for each day and before three "o'clock thereof," the receiver of taxes renders to the chamberlain a statement of the sums received by the receiver during the day in payment of taxes. At the same time the receiver pays over the amount to the chamberlain. Upon the same day, the receiver of taxes exhibits to the comptroller the chamberlain's voucher for the amount. In other boroughs than the Borough of Manhattan, deputies of the receiver of taxes and of the chamberlain may act in paying over the money collected for taxes during the day.-Charter, section 922. "At the expiration of office hours and on the same day," the receiver of taxes, and each deputy receiver to whom taxes are paid, furnishes to the comptroller a detailed statement of taxes paid to him during the day.-Charter, section 923. "The comptroller shall, on each day, immediately after receiving "from said receiver or deputy the statement, compare the same with the 22 "voucher furnished to him by the chamberlain for the payment there"of to the chamberlain, and if the aggregate amounts thereof shall cor' respond, shall credit the said receiver of taxes in his books with such "amount."- Charter, section 923. "DAILY (SUNDAYS AND LEGAL HOLIDAYS EXCEPTED.)" The City Record is published.-Charter, section 1,526. WEEKLY. The comptroller furnishes to each head of department " weekly a statement of unexpended balances of the appropriation for his department."-Charter, section I49. Each depository of city money makes a weekly statement to the comptroller.-Charter, section I95. " Once in each week " the chamberlain reports in writing to the mayor and the comptroller "the moneys received by him, the amount of "all warrants paid by him since his last report, and the amount re"maining to the credit of the city."-Charter, section 196. The board of public improvements meets "once a week at least. '-Charter, section 412. "The illuminating gas of every company shall be inspected at "least twice a year, and may be inspected as frequently as the commis( sioner " (of public buildings, lightingand supplies) " may think "best, but not oftener than once a week."-Charter, section 578. Each chief officer of an institution in the department of public charities reports " once in each week " to the commissioner having charge of the institution, the particulars as to the institution, enumerated in section 680 of the charter.-Charter, section 680. The sanitary superintendent and the assistant sanitary superintendents " make reports weekly or oftener, if required by the 23 board of health," giving the particulars required by the charter.Charter, section I,183. " Once in each week" each sanitary inspector makes a written report to the department of health, giving the particulars required by the charter.-Charter, section 1,185. " Once a week a brief abstract, omitting formal language" ---- "of all transactions " in each department of the city government is made, and a copy of it is transmitted " to the person designated to "prepare the City Record."- Charter, section I,546. All fees, perquisites, commissions or percentages received by any municipal officer or department are paid " weekly " to the chamberlain.-Charter, section I,550. MONTHLY. "At least one stated meeting" of the municipal assembly "shall be held each month, except, in the discretion of the municipal assembly in August and September."- Charter, section 37. " All fees collected by the city clerk under and by virtue of" the charter " shall be accounted for and paid over monthly into the treasury " of the city."-Charter, section 58. The municipal statistical commission meets " at least once in " each month."-Charter, section 132. On the first Tuesday of the month the chamberlain exhibits his bank book to the comptroller, " and oftener when required." —Charter, section 195. The corporation counsel assigned to the bureau for the recovery of penalties pays " monthly " into the city treasury "all costs and com"missions received by him from any source whatever," accompanying "the payment with a sworn statement in such form as the comptroller " shall prescribe."- Charter, section 259. " The treasurer of the police board, if required by the comp 24 "troller, shall transmit to the department of finance each month du"plicate vouchers for the payment of all sums of money paid on account "of the police department during the month."-Charter, section 297. " The said commissioner of water supply shall, in every calen"dar month, file in the office of the comptroller of the City of New " York an account of all expenditures made by him, or under his author"ity, and of all liabilities incurred by him, during the preceding month, "and an abstract of each such account shall be published in the City " Record."- Charter, section 513. Each commissioner of parks "shall prepare itemized monthly "statements of all receipts and expenditures in duplicate, one of which "statements, together with all vouchers, shall be filed with the "comptroller, and one of which shall be filed in his own office."Charter, section 617. Each commissioner of buildings prepares and files similar statements.-Charter, section 65I. Each commissioner of public charities prepares and files similar statements.-Charter, section 674. The commissioner of correction prepares and files similar statements.-Charter, section 703. " Once every month" the commissioners of public charities for the boroughs of Manhattan and the Bronx and the commissioners of charities for the boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens collect and pay to the chamberlain fees charged to patients not resident in the city treated in the public hospitals.-Charter, section 678. The receiver of taxes sends to the corporation counsel "monthly" certain cases of personal taxes, described in section 932 of the charter.-Charter, section 932. The corporation counsel "or any marshal shall pay over, under "oath, to the receiver of taxes of said city, monthly, or oftener, if " required, all taxes collected by him."-Charter, section 935. " The auditor of the board of education shall transmit to the "department of finance each month duplicate vouchers for the payment 25 "of all sums of money made on account of the department of education "each month."-Charter, section,o60, as amended by chap. 75I, laws 1900. " The secretary of the board of education shall certify monthly to "the comptroller the amounts " " deducted from the salaries of teachers "during the preceding month," for the school teachers' retirement fund.-Charter, section 1,083. Every justice before whom any trials for violation of the sanitary code or of the rules of the department of health, reports " monthly " to the department all such trials and the fines imposed.-Charter, section 1,265. The department of health pays to the police department "monthly " the amount of the pay of the officers and men of the police detailed as the sanitary company of the police.-Charter, section 1,324. QUARTERLY. [NoTE.-Under this heading are included (1) provision establishing intervals of three months beginning with the first of January, (2) provisions establishing intervals of three months beginning at some other time, and (3) provisions that certain things shall be done " once every three months," "once in three months," etc. The precise meaning of the provisions being doubtful in many cases, it has not been thought safe to go beyond the language of the charter. To a certain extent the same uncertainty affects the entries under "Weekly," " Monthly" and "Semi-Annually."] " Every three months " the mayor renders to the municipal assembly " an account of the expenses and receipts of his office," with a statement of the general nature of the duties of his clerks and subordinates, " which account and report shall be published in the City Record." -Charter, section I 17. " Once in three months " the commissioners of accounts "make an examination of the receipts and disbursements in the offices "of the comptroller and chamberlain, in connection with those of all "the departments and officers making returns thereto, and report to the 26 "mayor a detailed and classified statement of the financial condition of "the city as shown by such examination."-Charter, section I19. Interest on stock and bonds of the city is payable quarterly, or semi-annually.-Charier, section 169. " Quarterly, on the first days of February, May, August and No"vember in each year," the mayor, the comptroller and the chamberlain by a majority vote, fix the rate of interest to be paid by banks and trust companies on the city's daily bank balances.-Charter, section 196. The police board renders to the comptroller " quarterly accounts" of all moneys received by the board for " licenses to runners.'" -Charter, section 349. Every "charitable and eleemosynary, or reformatory institution " wholly or partly under private control " to which children are committed under provisions of the charter, files with the commissioner of public charities for the borough in which the institution is situated, a "list of all such children received, discharged or otherwise disposed of "in the interval.'"-Charter, section 667. [NOTE. —This section requires that the first list shall be filed "on or before July first, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight," and other lists "every three months thereafter."] Until the I7th of January, 1917, the treasurer of the fire department renders "quarterly in each year " statements of the amounts collected by him on account of the tax upon foreign fire insurance companies, to " the treasurer of the Exempt Firemen's Benevolent Fund of the City of New York," to " the treasurer of " the Firemen's Association of the State of New York," and to " the Exempt Firemen's Benevolent Fund Association of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth wards of the City of New York (late town of Morrisania in the county of Westchester), in the county of New York." At the same time, he pays the corresponding amounts to these three corporations.-Charter, section 808. Until the I7th of January, 1917 " the Exempt Firemen'sBenev 27 " olent Fund Association of the Twenty-third Ward of the City " of New York (late town of Morrisania, in the county of West" hester)," renders to the fire commissioner and to the treasurer "of the Firemen's Association of the State of New York, " quarterly "in each year," a " sworn statement in detail of the amounts collected "and received." At the same time, the association pays " to said fire "commissioner, as treasurer, forty-five per centum of the amount so col"lected and received in each quarter, for the use and benefit of the re-,' lief fund of the fire department of the City of New York, and to "the treasurer of the Firemen's Association of the State New York, ten "per centum of the amount so collected and received."-Charter, section 808. The trustees of the Exempt Firemen's Benevolent Fund of the City of New York renders quarterly to the fire commissioner, and to the treasurer of the Firemen's Association of the City of New York, a sworn detailed statement of the amount received by the trustees. At the same time, they pay over the amounts collected by them, in the manner prescribed by the charter.-Charter, section 808. " Quarterly in each year " the fire commissioner renders to each of the associations named in section 809 of the charter " a sworn state" ment in detail of the amounts collected and received by him " on account of the tax upon foreign fire insurance companies doing business in the borough of Brooklyn.- Charter, section 809. " Quarterly in each year" the Fire Commissioner makes "to the treasurers of the exempt or veteran volunteer firemen's associations existing in the Borough of Richmond" or in the Borough of Queens "at the time this act takes effect" a sworn statement "in detail of the amounts collected and received by him " on account of the tax upon foreign fire insurance companies doing business in those boroughs respectively. -Charter, sections 8Io, as amended by chap. 602, laws I898, and 8II (added by chap. 602 laws I898). "At least once in every quarter " the inspectors of common schools " visit and inspect all the schools in the district in respect to " 28 the matters enumerated in the charter.-Charter, section,o98. Each board of inspectors of common schools makes a quarterly "written report to the proper school board in respect to the condition "of the schools, the efficiency of teachers, and wants of the district, "especially in regard to schools and school premises. ' —Charter, section I,o98. The boardof pharmacy meets " at least once every three months." — Charter, section I,513. "Every three months" the "person appointed to supervise the "publication of the City Record " may require the heads of departments to furnish information as to the names, salaries, and residences of the subordinates in the departments.-Charter, section I,528. The executive departments of the city government " and all com"missioners appointed by the mayor, pursuant to the provisions of this "act, and not constituting heads of departments, shall once in three "months and at such other times as the mayor may direct, make to him "in such form and under such rules as he may prescribe, reports of the "operations and action of the same and each of them, which reports shall "be published in the City Record."-Charter, section 1,544. SEMI-ANNUALLY. The interest on city stock and bonds is payable quarterly or semiannually.-Charter, section I69. " Illuminating gas of every company shall be inspected at least "twice a year, and may be inspected as frequently as the commissioner " (of public buildings, light and supplies) " may think best; but not oftener than once a week."'- Charter, section 578. "At the expiration of every six months, it shall be the duty of "said board of docks to advertise for one week in the City Record and " the Corporation newspapers the merchandise, lumber, trucks, wagons "or other obstruction which they have stored and which has remained unclaimed."-Charter, section 853. 29 The department of health makes " semi-annual reports " upon the statistics of tenement houses and lodging houses to the state board of health."- Charter, section 1,175. " It shall be the duty of the board ot health to cause a careful in" spection to be made of each tenement and lodging house at least twice "in each year."- Charter, section 1,314. ANNUALLY. The " security for the performance of their duties of trust" given by any officers of the city for security from whom the charter does not make express provision " shall be annually renewed."- Carter, section 55. L" At least once in each year," the mayor, communicates " to the ( municipal assembly a general statement of the finances, government and improvements of the city." -Charter, section I 15. " The bureau of municipal statistics shall publish annually, with the approval of the board estimate and apportionment, a "volume to be known as the ' Municipal Statistics of the City of New "York for the year. " — Charter, section 37. The corporation counsel furnishes " to the board of estimate "and apportionment in each year, at the time of making the estimates "for the ensuing year," a list of the reports of the commissioners of estimate and assessment confirmed for the twelve preceding months with a statement of the amount of awards and costs taxed in each proceeding.- Charter, section 75. " Each year, at the time of making the estimate for the ensuing "year," the comptroller furnishes to the board of estimate and apportionment a statement of the condition of the fund for street and park openings, giving the particulars required by the charter. The municipal assembly and the board of estimate and apportion. 30 ment include in the annual budget an amount sufficient to pay all charges against the fund then outstanding.-Charter, section 75. The municipal assembly and the board of estimate and apportionment insert in the annual budget "d an amount to be " estimated by the comptroller" to be paid into the sinking fund of the City of New York.-Charter, section 206. "At least thirty days before the said " (annual) " budget is hereby "required to be made," all heads of departments and others required to make departmental estimates, submit them to the board of estimate and apportionment.- Charter, section 226. [NOTE.-This section requires that the board of estimate shall make the budget " between the first day of October and the first day of November".] The first meeting of the board of estimate and apportionment in every year is " called by notice from the mayor." -Charter, section 226. Within ten days after the members of the board of estimate and apportionment have signed the final budget, the board presents the budget to the municipal assembly, "n whereupon a special joint meeting of " the two houses constituting the municipal assembly shall be called to " consider such budget, and the same shall simultaneously be published in the City Record."-Charter, section 226. The comptroller submits to the municipal assembly at least four weeks before the annual meeting of the assembly held for the purpose of imposing the annual taxes " a statement setting forth the amounts by law "authorized to be raised by tax " in that year for city purposes, "and "also an estimate of the probable amount of receipts by the city treasury "during the then current year, from all sources of revenue," of the general fund.-Charter, section 247. Sawme provisions in section goo. The comptroller certifies to the municipal assembly " the "aggregate amount estimated by the municipal assembly and the board "of estimate and apportionment, in the annual budget."-Charter, section 249. 3I "It shall be the duty of said municipal assembly, in jointsession "of both houses, and they are hereby empowered and directed annually "to cause to be raised, according to law and collected by tax upon the "estates, real and personal, subject to taxation within the City of New "York, the amount so certified, as aforesaid. "-Charter, section 249. " Every owner, agent or lessee of a steam boiler in use in the City "of New York," reports the boiler to the police department in the manner required by the rules established by the board of police. All boilers so reported are then inspected by the members of the sanitary company of police.-Charter, seetion 342. The superintendent of elections renders "to the police board "in each year a statement of the operations and expenses of the "general bureau of elections and the branches thereof, together with '" an estimate of the expenses thereof for the ensuing year, and such " recommendations in reference to the election law and the rules and "regulations of the police board relating to the election bureau and as to "elections as to him may seem advisable. "-Charter, section 365. The board of public improvements makes " an annual report to "the mayor."- Charter, section 412. Each commissioner at the head of a department who is a member of the board of public improvements makes "an annual report of the " business and transactions of his department to the mayor."-Charter, section 457. The commissioner of highways makes " an annual report of the business and transactions of his department to the mayor."-Charter, section 524. "The president of the board of docks shall be elected annually by the members thereof."-Charter, section 828. The board of docks annually presents a report to the mayor. -Charter, section 829. " The commissioner of water supply shall, annually, at the time "the tax levy in each year is confirmed by the municipal assembly 32 "cause to be prepared and transmitted to the collector of assess" ments and arrears a separate account for each ward of all lots on which water rents for that year "... "may remain unpaid."Charter, section 1,022. The board of education distributes the general school fund among the school boards in the manner prescribed by the charter.Charter, section I,o65, as amended by chap. 75, laws of 1900. The board of education appoints annually at least three members of the board to act as "an executive committee for the care, government "and management of" the nautical school.- Charter, section I,158. "After such completion of the assessment rolls or tax books, it shall "be the duty of the city clerk to procure the proper warrants author"izing and requiring the receiver of taxes to collect the several sums " therein mentioned." The warrants, properly signed, are then immediately delivered by the president of the council to the receiver of taxes, and at the same time the president of the council notifies the comptroller of " the amount of taxes in each book, in order that he may " cause the proper sum to be charged to the receiver for collection."Charter, section 909. The department of health makes to the mayor "an annual report of all the operations of the department for the previous year." -Charter, section 1,168. The controller of the state annually transmits to the comptroller of the City of New York a statement of the amount of tax for " state "purposes to be paid by the counties of New York, Kings and Richmond, respectively."-Charter, section I,595. [See note under " October 1st".] EVERY FIVE YEARS. "Each school board shall have power every five years, if it shall "have once divided the territory into inspection districts, again to " divide it into such districts, and to make changes in existing districts, " or their number."-Charter, section 1,097. 33 INDEX TO CALENDAR OF NEW YORK CITY CHARTER. SECTION PAGE OF OF CHARTER. CALENDAR. Accounts.-Commissioners of, Make annual report............. 95 4 Year for which they report.......... 195 I9 Examine accounts of chamberlain........ 95 20 Examine accounts of finance department and report. 19 25 Aldermen. Terms begin.................. 24 5 When elected................ 24 I9 Aldermen.-Board of, First meeting in every even-numbered year.... 26 5 Aldermen.-President of Board of, How and when chosen............ 26 5 Assembly.-Municipal, Received report on police pension fund..... 351 4 Receives annual report of commissioners of accounts. 195 20 Receives report from trustees City Normal College. I,144 9 Receives report of trustees of City College..... 1, 33 9 Meets and receives assessment rolls....... 907 14 Delivers assessment rolls for collection...... 911 i6 Stated meetings of............. 37 23 Receives mayor's account and statement..... 117 25 Receives mayor's message........... I5 29 To make provision in budget for fund for street and park openings............... 75 29 34 Receives annual budget........ Receives statement of taxes and receipts. Receives certification of amount of annual SECTION PAGE CALENCHARTER DAR... 226 30... 247,900 30 budget. 249 30 Causes to be raised amount of taxes certified. Makes appropriation for sinking fund Assessments.Sewer assessments become liens.... Annual instalments of assessments for sewers. Assessment Rolls. Preparation of rolls begins. Delivery of. Delivered to receiver of taxes Receiver of taxes advertises receipt of.... Assessments and Arrears.-Collector of, Receives return of unpaid taxes......... Receives account of unpaid water rents. Assessed Valuation.See "Valuation.-Assessed," Barges and Canal Boats. 249 31 206 30 567 i6 567 20 907 907 9iI 914 12 I4 i6 i6 1,023 I 3 1,022 32 2 Certain " parts of the port " reserved for.. 866 7 10 Birds.When unlawful to kill certain birds.... 1,493 { 7 Birds.-Song, When unlawful to kill....1. 1493 { I Boards.-Heads of, Submit departmental estimates......... 226 30 Boilers.Report and inspection of........... 342 31 Bonds of City. Interest payable when........... ' { 28 35 SECTION PAGE CALENCHARTER DAR. Boroughs.-Presidents of, Term begins................ 382 6 When elected................ 382 I9 Bridges.-Commissioner of, Reports tolls, etc.............. 596 2I Pays over money collected.......... 596 21 Budget.-Annual, Board of estimate and apportionment makes.. 226 I7 Departmental estimates for.......... 226 30 Presented to municipal Assembly....... 226 30 To contain appropriation for sinking fund.... 206 30 Comptroller certifies amount of........ 249 30 Buildings.-Commissioners of, Each commissioner submits estimate of his expenses. 651 i6 Prepare statements............. 651 24 Their statements filed............ 65I 24 Buildings.-Board of, Receives estimates of his expenses from each commissioner................ 651 i6 Canal Boats and Barges.Certain " parts of the port" reserved for.. 866 { Io Chamberlain.9 With mayor and comptroller, fixes rate of interest on I city's daily bank balances.......... I96 I5 I9 26 Receives car license fees........... 49 14 When his accounts examined........ I95 20 Closes his accounts............. I95 20 Receives money collected by department of bridges. 596 21 Receives amount of taxes received, with statement. 922 21 Makes reports........... 196 22 36 c Exhibits bank book............. Receives fees collected by officers and departments. Receives hospital fees............ Commissioners of accounts examine his accounts, and report......... Chamberlain.-Deputies of, In certain cases may receive money collected for taxes............. Charities.-Board of public, Receives estimate of his expenses from each commissioner. Charities.-Commissioners of public, Each commissioner submits estimates of his expenses. Receive reports.......... Pay over certain fees collected..... Prepare statements............ Their statements to be filed......... Receive certain lists from private charitable institutions........ Charities.-Department of public, Chief officers of institutions report. Charitable Institutions. File certain lists........... Clerk.-City, Election........ Term............... Railroad companies report to....... Pays over fees collected...... Procures tax warrants....... City Record.-Board of, Designates newspapers for tax notices..... City Record. List of all subordinates, except laborers, with residences and salaries, published in...... SECTION PAGE CALEN-:HARTER. DAR. I95 23 1,550 23 678 24 I19 25 922 2I 674 I6 674 680 678 674 674 16 22 24 24 24 667 26 680 22 667 26 28 28 49 58 909 5 5 I3 23 32 919 21 I 4528{ I I,528 I 3 37 c I Comptroller's statement published in...... List of registered voters published in.... Notice of failure to pay taxes published in. Schedule of certain employees published in. When published............... Abstract of accounts of water supply commissioner published in............ Mayor's accounts and statements published in.. Board of docks advertises in....... Reports of heads of departments and others to mayor published in............ Annual budget published in....... City Record.-Supervisor of, Certifies receipt of lists from departments.. Receives abstracts of transactions of departments. May require information.......... Civil List. SECTION PAGE CALENCHARTER. DAR. I6I I5 1,527 17 919 20 234 20 1,526 22 513 II7 853 24 25 28 I544 28 226 30 1528 { 1,546 1,528 IO I5 23 28 List of city employees published in City Record. Schedule of certain city employees published in City Record Civil Service Commissioners.-Municipal, Make report.............. Civil Service Commission.-State, Receives report of municipal civil service commissioners College of the City of New York. Trustees make report......... Mayor appoints trustee...... Term of trustee begins............ Trustees report amount needed for year.. I 528 i{ 234 20 125 8 125 8 I,I33 I,I28 1,128 I,128 1i131 9 13 I4 i6 38 SECTION PAGE CALENCHARTER. DAR. Commissioners. Terms of certain commissioners begin...... I18 6 Commissioners not Heads of Departments. Make reports................ 1,544 28 Comptroller. Reports on school teachers' retirement fund...,083 4 Term begins............... 97 6 Receives record of apportionment of general school f 7 fund..................,065 8 r 9 With Mayor and chamberlain, fixes rate of interest on II city's daily bank balances....96 I5 L 26 May transfer unexpended balances of appropriations. 237 0o Receives certificate of supervisor of City Record.,528 { Io Pays certain volunteer fire companies...... 722 13 Publishes statement............ 5161 1 Receives statement of apportionment of Queens County state tax............. 1,594 i8 Receives report of apportionment of Queens County expenses................. 1,593 iS When elected................ 97 19 Receives report of money collected by department of bridges............... 596 2I Compares statement tax receipts with voucher.. 923 21 Inspects voucher for taxes paid over...... 922 2I Receives statements of taxes collected...... 923 2I Receives statements from depositories of City's money.................. I95 22 Receives report of chamberlain........ 96 22 Furnishes statements of unexpended balances.. 149 22 Inspects chamberlain's bank book....... 195 23 May require duplicate police vouchers..... 297 23 39 C Receives accounts from commissioner of water supply. Receives statement of park commissioners.... Receives statements of commissioners of buildings. Receives statements of commissioners of public charities. Receives statements of commissioner of correction. Commissioners of accounts examine his accounts and report. Receives statement of addition to school teachers' retirement fund.............. Receives accounts of licenses to runners. Furnishes statement of fund for street and park openings. Estimates appropriations for sinking fund.... Presents statement of taxes and receipts..... Certifies amount of annual budget....... Receives notices of amount of taxes levied... Receives statement of apportionment of state tax. Comptroller of State. Apportions certain school money..... Apportions expenses Queens County...... Apportions Queens County state tax...... Transmits statement of apportionment of state tax Coroners. Term begins............. When elected.............. Corporation Counsel. Reports personal-tax cases.......... Pays over taxes collected........ Certain tax cases referred to. Makes report and statement........ Corporation Counsel assigned to Bureau For the Recovery of Penalties.-Assistant, SECTION;HARTER. 513 6I7 651 PAGE CALENDAR. 24 24 24 674 24 703 24 I1I9 25 i,083 349 I75 206 247,900 249 909 I 595 1,596 ",593 1,594 I 595 1,570 1,570o 934 935 932 1 75 25 26 29 30 30 30 32 32 9 i8 18 32 6 21 24 24 29 40 Pays over costs and commissions........ Corporation Newspapers: Comptroller publishes statement in...... Board of docks advertises in........ Correction.-Commissioner of, Prepares estimate of expenses of his department. Prepares statements............. His statement filed............. Council. First meeting each year............ Elects city clerk........... Council.-Members of, Terms begin............... When elected............... Council-President of, Term begins............... When elected................ Tl-l1; v...e + L L.., 11 SECTION PAGE CALENCHARTER. DAR. 259 23 i68 853 I5 28 703 16 703 24 703 24 22 5 28 5 20 5 I9 I9 i8 18 909 909 6 I9 32 32.Jill vClI I. oOOO;3DII[~, t A, L *L. XUl. * * * *. Notifies comptroller of amount of taxes.... Departmental Estimates. Submitted by heads of departments.... Departments. Transmit abstracts of transactions...... Pay over all fees collected. Make reports............ Departments.-Heads of, Terms of certain.............. Furnish information......... Receive statements of unexpended balances... Submit departmental estimates......... Who are members of board of public improvements, make reports to mayor........... 226 30 1,546 I,550 1,544 23 23 28 I, ii8 6 Io,528 15 28 149 22 226 30 457 3I 4I Docks.-Board of, Certain " parts of the port" not to be used without consent of.............. Advertises certain unclaimed property... Elects president.......... Makes report to mayor........ Docks.-President of the board of, When elected............... Education.-Board of, Receives report of comptroller on school teachers' retirement fund.............. Files record of apportionment of general school fund, Election of president.......... Election of delegates to...... Receives estimates of school boards. Makes report.......... Makes report............ Apportions general school fund among boroughs. Appoints executive committee of nautical school. Education.-Auditor of the board of, Transmits duplicate vouchers. Education.-President of board of, When elected................ Education.-Secretary of the board of, Certifies amounts added to school teachers' retirement fund....... Election Day. Election day fixed (Election law, sec. 2).. Elections.-Superintendent of, Makes statement and estimate....... SECTION PAGE CALENCHARTER. DAR. ( 7 866 1J 853 28 828 31 829 31 828 31 1,083 4 1,065 { 7 1,062 8 1,089 8 I,o6o 13 1,o84 { 57 I7 I,o85 I5-20 I,o65 20-32 I,I58 32 1,o6o 24 I,o62 8 I,o83 25 I8 365 31 42 Employees and officials.-Publication of list of,Employees not in departments.-Publication of list of,Estimate and Apportionment.-Board of, May approve transfers of unexpended balance of appropriations Receives report of amounts needed for City College. Receives estimate of expenses department correction. Makes annual budget............ Receives reports of amounts needed for Normal College........ Files schedule of certain employees..... Its approval of volume prepared by municipal statistical commission............. Receives report from corporation counsel.... Receives statement of fund for street and park openings.... Makes provision in budget for fund for street and Corporation counsel furnishes list of reports of commissioners of estimate and assessment... park openings.............. Makes appropriations for sinking fund..... Receives departmental estimates...... First meeting in each year......... Presents annual budget. Fees. Car license................. Collected by city clerk......... Received by officer or department....... Hospital................ Finance.-Department of, When to receive duplicate police vouchers.. SECTION PAGE CALENCHARTER. DAR. I1528{ 4 234 20 237 I,131 703 226 1, 42 234 IO i6 16 I7-19 I8 20 I37 29 I75 29 I75 29 I75 I75 206 226 226 226 29 30 30 30 30 30 49 58 1,550 678 14 23 23 24 297 24 43 SECTION PAGE CALENCHARTER. DAR. Receives duplicate vouchers from auditor of department of education......... I,o60 24 Commissioners of accounts examine accounts of.. 119 25 Fire Commissioner. Receives reports on funds sharing in tax on insurance companies................. 809 4 Receives tax from insurance agents....... 799 9 Receives certain statements of premiums.... 800 9 May demand statements of certain premiums.... 804 9 Receives report of business addresses of certain insurance agents............. 805 Io Receives statements and payments....... 808 27 Makes reports to certain volunteer firemen's as. 809o sociations....... 1 2 Fire Department.-Treasurer of, Receives tax from insurance agents...... 799 9 Renders certain statements and makes certain payments............ 808 26 Fire Department Relief Fund. Payments to.................. 808 27 Fire Insurance Companies.-Agents of foreign,Pay tax................. 799 9 Make statements of premiums.......... 9 Fire commissioner may demand account and payment of tax from............... 804 9 Report their business addresses.......... 805 Io Fire Insurance Companies.-Foreign, Reports on funds sharing in tax on........ 809 4 Statement of collection of tax upon....... 808 26 Fire commissioner renders statements of collections of taxes on.............809 and 8Io 27 Firemen's Association of the City of New York. Treasurer receives statement of exempt firemen's benevolent fund.............. 808 27 44 SECTION PAGE CALENCHARTER. DAR. Firemen's Association of the State of New York. Treasurer receives statements and payments..... 808 26 Treasurer receives statements and payments.. 808 27 Firemen's Benevolent Fund of the City of N. Y.-Exempt, Treasurer receives statement and payments... 808 26 Trustees make statements........... 808 26 Trustees render statements and make payments.. 808 27 Firemen's Benevolent Fund Association of the 23d Ward.Exempt, Renders statement and makes payments to fire commissioner............... 808 26 Firemen's Benevolent Fund Association of the 23d and 24th Wards of the City of N. Y.-Exempt, Receives certain statements and payments.... 808 26 Gas. Inspection of.............. 578 { 2 General Fund. Transfer of unexpended balances to...... 237 10 Health.-Department of, Receives reports from sanitary inspectors... i,185 23 Receives reports of fines............. 1,265 25 Receives reports of trials for violations of sanitary code..............1.... 1,265 25 Pays salaries of sanitary company of police....,324 25 Makes report............... 11..,75 29 Makes report to mayor...1.......... 1,i68 32 Health.-Board of, Reports on pension fund....1.,331 4 Reports made to................ 1,83 23 Inspects tenement houses........ 1,314 29 Health.-State Board of, Receives report.............. I,I175 29 45 c Health Department Pension Fund. Annual report on................ Highways.-Commissioner of, Reports to mayor............ Improvements.-Board of public., Meets when................. Makes report.............. Instruction.-State Superintendent of, Receives report from board of education..... Interest on city balances. To be fixed for three months by mayor, chamberlain and comptroller.............. Interest on City Bonds. When payable............... Justices. Make monthly reports to health departments.. Kings County. Statement of State tax........... Licenses. Expiration of theatrical............ For street cars........ Account of................. flarshals.-City, Mayor Appoints............... Receive warrants for collection of unpaid taxes Pay taxes collected to receiver of taxes..... Mayor.Receives annual report of commissioners of accounts. Receives report on health department pension fund. SECTION PAGE CALEN-;HARTER. DAR. 1,33I 4 524 31 412 22 412 31 1,084 { 196 1 169 { 15 16 9 II I5 I9 26 26 28 1,265 25 1,595 32 1473 49 349 1,425 926 935 I95 { 1,331 12 14 26 4 8 24 4. 20 4 46 Appoints marshals............ Term begins............... Appoints members of school boards.... With chamberlain and comptroller, fixes rate of interest on city's daily bank balances. Appoints trustee of College of City of New York Receives report of board of education... S]:l ECTION PAGE CALEN - IARTER. DAR. 1,425 4 94 6 I,06I 6 r 9 I96 15 I9 L 26 I,I28 13,5 { Ic 85 20 Appoints school inspector........... 1,097 When elected................ 94 Receives report of chamberlain......... 196 his office, with statement.......... 117 Receives reports on accounts of finance department. I19 May require reports............,544 Message of............... 115 Renders account of receipts and expenditures of Calls meeting board of estimate and apportionment. 226 Receives report of board of public improvements. 412 Receives report of commissioners of highways... 524 Receives report of board of docks....... 829 Receives reports of heads of departments... 457 Receives report of department of health.i... 1,168 Municipal Assembly.-See " Assembly.-Municipal," Nassau County effects provisions as to Queens County.Creation of, Nautical school. Executive committee of............, 158 Newspapers.-See corporation, Normal College of the City of New York. Trustees make report............. 1,I44 Trustees report amount needed....... II42 17 19 22 25 26 28 29 30 3I 3I 31 3I 32 32 9 i8 47 Officers -Municipal, Terms of certain begin.......... Terms of certain officers begin Election of certain............. Pay over all fees collected. Security to be renewed.......... Certain officers transmit estimate of expenses. Parks.-Board of, Receives an estimate of his expenses from each commissioner. Parks.-Commissioners of, Each commissioner submits estimate of his expenses. Prepare statements............. Their statements to be filed..... Pharmacy. —Board of, When selected............ Meetings of. Police.-Board of, Renders accounting licenses to runners. Receives statement and estimate of superintendent of elections................ Police board -Treasurer of, Transmits duplicate vouchers. Police commissioners. Report condition of penision fund. Police department. Expiration of licenses issued by Duplicate vouchers of expenditures.... Receives salaries of sanitary company of police Boilers reported to............ Police Pension Fund. Annual report on.... SECTION PAGE CALENCHARTER. DAR. II8 6 6 i9 I,550 23 55 29 226 30 617 i6 617 I6 617 24 6I7 24 1,513 I,513 5 28 349 26 365 31 297 23 35I 4 1,473 297 1,324 342 I2 24 25 31 351 4 48 SECTION PAGE CALENCHARTER. DAR. Police.-Sanitary company of, Salaries of................. Inspects boilers.............. Public Instruction.-State superintendent of, Receives report of board of education. Public Buildings, Lighting and Supplies. - Commissioner of, Directs inspection of gas... Queens.-County of, Apportionment of school money.... Apportionment of county expenses Apportionment of state tax..... Registration.-Annual, Publication of registration list Railroad Companies. Report number of cars...... Pay car license fees....... Record.-See City, Reports. On school teachers' retirement fund.... By commissioners of accounts......... By treasurers of funds sharing in tax on foreign insurance companies............. By trustees of police pension fund....... By trustees of health department pension fund By boards of inspectors of common schools.... By municipal civil service commissioners.. By trustees of the Normal College... By trustees of the College of the City of New York. By fire insurance agents..... 1,324 342 25 3I i,o84{ 1 578 22 I,596 I 593 1,594 9 i8 18 1,527 I7 49 A'. I3 49 I4 I,o83 4 195 4 809 35I 1,33I I,098j 125 II44 II33 800 4 4 4 7 II I4 I7 28 8 9 9 9 49 By fire insurance agents.......... Of number of street cars operated By street railroad companies. By board of education...... By board of education. By comptroller on Queens County taxes... By receiver of taxes... By receiver of taxes...... By commissioner of bridges..... By corporation counsel...... By depositories of city's money.... By chamberlain............ By sanitary and assistant sanitary superintendents By chief officers of institutions in department of charities......... By sanitary inspectors............ By assistant corporation counsel assigned to the bureau for the recovery of penalties. By sanitary inspectors By commissioner of correction. By commissioners of public charities...... By commissioners of public buildings..... By commissioners of parks....... By commissioner of water supply By mayor........... By justices................. By commissioners of accounts. By treasurer of fire department......... By certain private charitable institutions... By chief officers of institutions......... By firemen's funds... SECTION PAGE CALENCHARTER. DAR. 805 o0 49 I3 49 I3 I,o84 { I I7 '5 1 85 20 1,594 i8 922 21 923 21 596 21 934 2I 195 22 I96 22 I,183 22 680 I,I85 259 I,I85 703 674 651 617 513 Ii7 1,265 II9 808 667 667 808 22 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 26 26 26 27 50 By departments and commissioners... By commissioners not heads of departments By corporation counsel............ By board of health............. On fund for street and park openings. Of boilers made annually........... By board of docks........ By commissioner of highways........ By certain heads of departments........ By superintendent of elections......... By department of health.......... Richmond County. Statement of state tax...... Sanitary Code. Report of fines for violation of..... Sanitary Inspectors. Make reports.......... Sanitary Superintendent. Makes report............. Sanitary Superintendents.-Assistant, Make reports........ School Boards.Receive reports of boards of school inspectors.. Elect president and delegates........ Submit Estimates.............. General school fund distributed among.... General school fund apportioned among... May make inspection districts...... School Board.-Queens, Appointment of members.......... Terms of members....... Terms of members begin.. SECTION PAGE CALENCHARTER. DAR. 1,544 28 1,544 28 175 29 1,175 29 175 3~ 342 31 829 31 524 31 457 31 365 31 1,168 32 1,595 32 1,265 25 1,185 23 1,183 22 1,183 22 7 I II I,o98 4 14 I 17 [ 28 I,o89 8 i,o6o 13 1,022 I,o65 20-32 1,097 32 i,o6I I,0o6 6 6 9 51 SECTION PAGE CALENCHARTER. DAR. School Board.-Richmond, Appointment of members......... Terms of members............. Terms of members begin....... School Boards.-Presidents of, When elected of........ School Fund.-General, Record of distribution............ Apportioned.......... School Inspection Districts.School boards may make...... Schools.-Boards of inspectors of common, Make reports.............. Schools.-Inspectors of common, Organize in districts........... Appointed by niayor............. Visit schools............. School Money.State comptroller apportions certain...... School Teachers' Retirement Fund.-Public, Comptroller reports......... Monthly statement of addition-to....... School Year.End of.................. Sinking Fund of the City of New York. Appropriations for.............. Stock of City.-See " Bonds." Statistics.-Bureau of Municipal, Publication by......... i,o6i I o6I I,o6I 6 6 9 1,o89 8 7 I,065 { 8 1,065 20-32 1,097 32 7 11 7 II I,o98 14 17 l 28 1,o87 1.o97 1,098 17 17 27 1,596 9 1,o83 4 1,o83 25 1,o84 14 206 30 I37 29 52 SECTION PAGE CALENCHARTER. DAR. Statistical Commission.-Municipal. Meetings of................. 132 23 Street and Park Openings.-Fund for, Statement of................ 175 29 Provision for in budget............ 75 30 Taxes. Penalty added to unpaid........... 916 7-20 Collection of unpaid............. 926 8 Recovery of unpaid personal........... 936 8 When remission or reduction of taxes on real estate may be made............... 897 Io Application for correction of personal tax in certain cases................. 898 12 Return of unpaid............. I,o23 13 Delivery of warrant for collection........ 9II I6 Deduction for prompt payment of....... 915 19 Publication of notice to pay.......... 919 20 Certain cases reported bycorporation counsel.. 934 2i Paid over as collected............ 922 21 Municipal assembly causes to be raised the certified amount of............... 249 31 Comptroller notified of amount......... 909 32 Taxes and Assessments.-Board of, May decrease assessed valuations........ 896 12 May increase valuations........... 896 12 Gives notice of increase........... 896 12 Begins to prepare assessment rolls....... 907 2 Waive notice of increase........... 896 2 Delivers assessment rolls.............. 907 14 Taxes and Assessments. -Commissioners of, Act on applications for reduction of assessed valuation................... 895 II May transfer names on tax rolls...... 894 I I 53 SECTION PAGE CALENCHARTER. DAR. Certain tax cases reported to......... 934 2I Taxes and Assessments.-Department of, Keeps annual record of assessed valuations.... 892 5-II Receives statements of assessed valuation... 899 6 Tax Commissioners.-Deputy, Receive applications for "revision and cancellation f 5 of assessments"...898 I2 Make statements of assessed valuations...... 899 6 Commence to assess property.......... 889 15 Taxes.-Receiver of, Collects interest in certain cases........ 917 7 Issues warrants for unpaid taxes........ 926 8 May recover unpaid taxes on personal property.. 936 8 Makes returns of unpaid taxes........,o023 I3 Receives assessment rolls for collection...... 911 I6 Advertises receipt of assessmentrolls...... 914 I6 Adds penalty to unpaid taxes......... 916 20 Advertises tax delinquents........... 919 20 Pays over amount taxes received, with statement.. 922 2I Exhibits chamberlain's voucher for taxes paid over. 922 2i Furnishes statement of taxes received..... 923 2I Credited daily with taxes paid over...... 923 22 Refers certain cases to corporation counsel... 932 24 Receives taxes collected by corporation counsel or city marshals................ 935 24 Receives tax warrants....9........ 909 32 Taxes.-Deputy receivers of, May pay over money collected for taxes in certain cases.................. 922 2I Furnish statement of taxes received..... 923 2I Taxes.-Water,-See "Water Rates and Rents." Tenement and Lodging Houses. Reports upon................ I,175 29 54 Inspection of............ University of the State of New York.-Board of Regents of, Receives report of City College.... Receives report of City Normal College... Vacancies. Filled for remainder of term in certain cases... Valuation for Purposes of Taxation.-Assessed, Record kept open....... Record of................. Testimony upon application for revision or cancellation of. Statement of............... Applications for reduction of..... May be increased by board of taxes and assessments. May be decreased by board of taxes and assessments. Notice of increase of........... Revision of................ Deputy tax commissioners begin to fix. Voters. Publication of list of Water Rates and Rents. Receiver of taxes makes return of unpaid.. Penalty added to unpaid........... Account of unpaid....... Water Supply.-Commissioner of, Files accounts. Transmits accounts of unpaid water rates. SECTION CHARTER. 1,314 PAGE CALENDAR. 29 II33 I,I44 9 9 118 7 892 5 892 5 898 899 895 896 896 896 898 889 6 6 I 12 12 12 12 I5 1527 17 I,023 I3 476 1 19 I9 1022 32 513 24 1,022 31 I I I JS 1234 *Al 058..aity..luo..Qf........... York. ^ -.-a ^- - AP 4.. ^........, *4 — &..k.&L.... 4-.a * ~... V/ N.Y. city charter.. eeee.ee. e e..................................0 I' --...I 1