A SELECTION FROM WEALE'S SERIES. HOMERA the Works of, according to the Text of Baeuin-.~c lein. With Notes, Critical and Explanatory, drawn from the t'7 best and latest authorities, with Preliminary Observations anid Appendices, by T. H. L. LEARtY, M.A., D.C.L. THEIF ILIAD: Part 1. Books i. to vi., is. 6d. Part 2. Books vii. to xii., Is. 6d. Part 3. Books xiii. to xviii., is. 6d. THE ODSSEY:Part 4. Books xix. to xxiv., Is. 6d. THE ODSSEY:Part 1. Books i. to vi., 1 s. 6d. Part 2. Books vii. to xii., Is. Gd. Part 3. Books xiii. to xxidii., is. 6d.__ Part 4. Books xix. to xxiv., and Hymns, 2s. '~C PLATO'S Dialoaues. The Apology of Socrates, the Crito, and the Phvedo. From the Text of C. F. Hermann..7 Edited, with Notes, Critical and Explanatory, by J. DAVIES, f'?~ M.A. 2s. SOPHOCLES: C~dipus Tyrannus. Notes by HI. YOUNG. is. SOPHO0CLES: Antigone. Notes, Critical and Explanatory, by J. MILNESi, B.A. 2s. THUCYDID ES: History of the Peloponnesian War.. Z Notes by H. YOUNG. Book i., is. XZ, XENOPHO1N'S Anabasis; or the Retreat of the Ten Thousand, Notes and a Geographical Register, by H. YOUNG. Part 1. Books. iiii., I S. Part 2. Books iv., V., vi., vii., Is. ''' DXENZOPHONY'S Panegyric on Agesilaus. Notes and Introduction by LL. F. W. JE WITT. is. Gd. (ihLATIN CLASSICS. (ihExplanatory Notes in English.) ~,LATINV DELECTUS: containing Extracts from Clas~- sical Authors, with Genealogical Yocabularies and Explanatory Notes, by H. YOUNG. is. C, JSARIS Commentarii de Bello Gallico. Notes, and a 4-. Geographical Rlegister, by H. YOUNG. 2s. CICERONIS Cato Major, Lmlius, Brutus, sive doC Senectute, de Amicitia, do Claris Oratoribus flialogi. 'With Nf otes, by W. BROWxNRIG SMITrH, M.A., F.R.G.S. 2s. CICEYROINIS Oratio pro Sexto Roscio Amerino. Edited, with an Introduction, Analysis, and Notes Explantrad L 5 Critical, by J. DAVIES, MIA. is. [X owready. ~e CORNVELIUS Ne-pos. With Notes. Intended for the use of Schools, by H. YOUNG. is. LOCKWOOD & CO., 7, STATION~ERS' HALL COURT, E.C." I' I I i s ] II5 'HPOAOTOY 'AAIKAPNHSSHOM '1ITOPIfN A-B 9, / THE CLIO AND EUTERPE OF | HERO D T U S CHIEFLY AFTER THE TEXT OF GAISFORD WITH PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS AND APPENDICES, i AND ENGLISH NOTES - BY THE REV. T. H. L. LEARY, D.O.L. UTX SCHOLAR O DBBASBEXO COLLZGE? OXFORD; EDITOR OF "ROMERI OPBRA iib IA, / 1 TC. FO THE USE OF SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES LONDON CROSBY LOCKWOOD AND CO. 7, STATIONERS' HALL COURT, LUDGATE HILL T. + 4-. 1 t 627628..t I- PREFACE.?\,., Jo.THIS edition of Herodotus aims at furnishing the young [Student with the information requisite to the right understanding of the language as well as the subject-matter of the Historian; and will be found, it is hoped, of some -service to the advanced Scholar who wishes for a solution, kor at all events, for a fair estimate of the difficulties -,presented to him. ' The text adopted is that of Gaisford, printed at the,Oxford University Press: the deviations therefrom are Yrare, and made only after the most mature consideration, and a deference to some authority, of more weight, at least in that particular point. The Introduction and Appendices have been drawn! up for the information of the Student, not to satisfy an.unprofitable curiosity respecting questions of hopeless per-!.plexity and obscurity. In the Notes, which are mainly his own, the Editor is under some obligations to the excellent editions of 'Rawlinson and Blakesley. It may not be out of place -perhaps to observe here, that had those editions dealt out the same measure of critical ability to the language of Herodotus which they have devoted to the subjectmatter, the literary gleaners that traverse the same field would have found, it seems, but little to reward their diligence, after the harvesting of such men. Grote, Thirlwall, Bahr, Dahlmann, Turner, and the incomparable HIEROD. I. ) vi PREFACE. Dictionaries edited by Dr William Smith, have been much consulted, and always with advantage. It will, on examination, be found that the distinguishing feature of this edition, is the attempt made to encourage, by examples, that rigid accuracy of translation, which is the only safe foundation of sound and elegant scholarship. It is. almost unaccountable to find in English editions such scanty justice done to the language of this author; and thl more especially when we reflect that more than in most others we find language to be rather the body in which Herodotus has incorporated his thoughts, than the dress in which he has presented them; and that here indeed the thought and the form of thought seem to have been born and bred together; and to such a degree are they intermingled that we cannot distort a limb, or dislocate a joint, without doing real injury to the inner life of the historian. Probably too, the most striking peculiarity about " The Halicarnassian" is this, as far as language goes, that with Dorian blood in his veins, and the Doric dialect on his tongue, as a vehicle for his history, he does not adopt the speech of his mother, and his country, nor yet the pure Ionic of the logographers, nor yet the Attic tongue of Athens, his pride and darling among all the cities of victorious Hellas, but rather a strong and luminous compound of all three-probably the language of Thurium, at which he had settled and, where he wrote, it is said, the great bulk of his history, or at tll events gave it its finishing touches. This will explain, too, why Aristotle, speaking of style (XeL^s), quotes Ierodotus as the Thurian (Rhet. in. 9). Now from Diodorus (XIi. 1) we learn that the Thurians were a mixed race of Ionians, Athenians, Dorians, and other Greeks who gave their respective names to the tribes which they formed. Beyond question the Ionic is the main ingredient in this composite dialect of Herodotus. Still, to say, with some, that he chose the Ionic PREFACE. vii because it was the language of Samos, in which he had settled for a time, is utterly untenable, as we happen to learn from the historian's own words not only that the language of Samos was not Ionic, but also the very cause of its not being so (see Book i. 142; in. 147, 149). fHA.A~e. _ _ J. It cannot be denied that the chief duty of an annotator on Herodotus is to dwell upon the historical phenomena before him; and yet it is possible to do this without practiE cally ignoring the fact that the language of Greece has a history, as much as the Persian War, and a very important one too, in its bearing on the development of the Grecian i mind-a fact all the more cogent here, because it is in this I author especially the Greek tongue appears to us in its transt ition state,-deeply impressed with the corresponding phenomena as it passed onwards from its old Homeric form to the matured and softened Attic of the elegant Sophocles. Surely Herodotus is not put into the hands of the student, mainly or exclusively, to teach him a certain quantum of| Ancient History, but rather along with it, and beyond it, a particular phase in the development of the Greek tongue. It may be fairly stated that even if the subject-matter of an historian were the exclusive province of the annotator, he would certainly be more likely to bring it the more completely under his own dominion, by concentrating every ray of grammatical and philological light, to bring the sense of the author more fully before the mental eye, as Bahr has so creditably endeavoured to do among the German critics. The practical question, what has the historian said, and with what modifications? must of necessity be prior to all discussion of the subject-matter-the question is in limine, and ought not to be evaded. To encourage a rigid and literal accuracy of translation by example, an attempt is made in the notes to render into VIII PRREFACE. English neither more nor less than what the Greek expresses. The shades of signification belonging to particles, to verbs according to their tense and form to synonyms falsely so called, will be found, it is hoped, fairly provided for. A schoolmaster finds by experience that the proverb, "take care of i the pence, for the pounds will take care of themselves," has a most happy and appropriate signification when applied to translation from one language to another; for the pupil whot takes good care of his single words, however small and ap-i parently trivial, is more likely to make the wealth of thej sentence his own, which after all is but a series of singlej words, than the careless, slovenly construer who gives what is most erroneously called " the spirit of the author," in a general | loose sort of way, which like most other general information, on close inspection, turns out to be ignorance of details, disguised as knowledge, and setting up for it. Such execution done upon an author, may well reduce him to "a spirit," and banish all chance of sound and correct scholarship. In conclusion, the Editor, fully conscious of his own shortcomings in the present work, wishes to state that any correction of his errors, from any quarter, will be thankfully received; and begs to subjoin the following excellent remarks on the subject of translation, to be found in the preface of a translation of the Agamemnon of ~Eschylus, by the Rev. W. Sewell, of Exeter College, Oxford:"As an exercise for the mind, the value of such a translation is inestimable. It compels, first, a strict attention to minute details of inflexions, tenses, order, and etymology, to the genealogies of significations in words, to slight varieties of accentuation, and to all the other subtleties of a metaphysical grammar. A grammatical scholar, critically instructed, becomes lynx-eyed in observing discrepancies amidst apparent resemblances; and a philosophical scholar, philosophically instructed, becomes equally acute in detecting rREFiACE. ix analogies and affinities, even in the most dissimilar forms. He cannot exchange a Greek word for an English until he has ascertained its precise value; and the keen, sensitive, quick-sighted Greek marked so many most important distinctions, and conveyed so many comprehensive ideas by almost imperceptible symbols of letters or accents, that a superficial hasty observer is incapable of understanding him: he must place himself at every step as a banker's clerk examining the secret signatures of checks in order to detect forgery, and to save himself from cheating or being cheated. In the second place, in giving change for his Greek words, he must take care not to give an idea less or an idea more than he receives. He is therefore acting perpetually undei the sense of a strict external law; there is an outward standard to which he must rigidly conform, a model which he must exactly copy in all its lineaments and colours. The very sense of this, still more the habit of acting on it, is one of the most important elements in a rightly-constituted mind. The observance of an external law is man's chief virtue and chief happiness; and the boy who has been rightly trained to it, in translating a dead language, may be easily led on to apply it to other higher duties and objects. To live under constraint will be no new idea, and to fulfil external obligations no new task. Thirdly, (let us pause to remind the reader who may think these effects and influences to be farfetched and unreal, that the laws and habi+b, of mind are the same, to whatever subjects they are applied, and that Nature has framcd us to acquire in the use of meanest things the power of using greatest,) a schoolboy, in translating, is exercised in one of the highest, the most difficult and the most common task of the human intellect, the task of exact adjustment between shifting and uncertain quantities. The great question in morals is, how to bring the variable amount of our own actions into a conformity, b3 X PREFACE. as close as possible, with the unknown amount of our duty: the great question of practical prudence is to realize an exact identity between the unknown events of the future, as laid down in the Divine dispensations, and the vague calculations of our own expectations. So commerce is the bringing g into an equitable balance two indefinite terms of value. * * * "In this task of adjustment, he is called on also to exercise a quick and sensitive taste, discriminating not only the actual logical value of words, but their value in the imagination, as calling up ideas and associations. He must learn to appreciate the nice influences of mere sound, to place himself in the position both of his foreign author and the reader of the translation, and to judge what new development, or altered form, must be given to a metaphor, or figure, or expression, so that the same idea may be conveyed to the one which was intended by the other. Sometimes he will touch a figurative word with an Ithuriel's spear, and make it spring up in a full-formed metaphor. Sometimes he will soften and mellow down, or throw into shade, an idea more harsh or prominent in its modern form, than it would have appeared in the ancient. Sometimes, but rarely, he will venture on suppression, or on the substitution of an analogy for an exact copy. But throughout, he will guard against the temptation to supplant the original by a translation, or to abandon his first duty of rigidly conformilg to the model before him." INTRODUCTION. LIFE AND WORKS OF HERODOTUS. HERODOTUS is generally supposed to have been born B.a. 484, in Halicarnassus, a Doric colony in Caria. His family, illustrious in lineage and position, is probably alluded to in Book vii. 132. His acquaintanceship with an eye-witness of the Persian War may be inferred from Book ix. 16; and his being contemporary with many events of the Peloponnesian War from v. 93, VII. 137, 233, and ix. 73. We have no trustworthy information touching his early career and education beyond the internal evidences of his own work, and this shows him to have been thoroughly imbued with the best and earliest Greek literature. It is impossible to read his Muses without hearing the echo of the grand Epic tone of Homer: with the logographers, as well as with the poetry of Hesiod, Alcoeus, Sappho, Simonides, AEschylus, and Pindar, he seems most familiar. According to Suidas he was the son of Lyxes and Dryo, and being unable to bear the tyranny of Lygdamis, he left his native city for Samos, where he settled for a time, making himself fully acquainted with the history of that island, as is evident from his interesting details respecting it. All authorities agree in maintaining the fact of his settlement at Thurii, in Italy (see Preface to this Work), still it seems clear Xii INTRODUCTION. from Book v. 77, that he must have visited Athens in B.c. 431, the year in which the Peloponnesian war broke| out. The romantic story told by Lucian (who was, we may observe at the same time, the most credulous and incredulous of the ancient.,), how Herodotus read his work to the assemblage at Olympia, is utterly without foundation, and is in the highest degree improbable and inconsistent with itself (see Dahlmann's Herodotus). Considering the difficulties and dangers of locomotion in those early days, the extent to which Herodotus travelled is an absolute wonder. Though undoubtedly he seems to have been most at home with the coasts of Asia Minor and with Greece Proper, yet his deep religious feelings moved him to linger with touching veneration and intense love of detail upon Egypt; and with the same spirit of reverential awe, though in a somewhat less degree, he dwells upon the holy seats of Dodona, Delphi, Abae, Delos, Babylon, Corinth, and Athens: and his professed motive for visiting the queenly Tyre, was merely to gain all the information possible respecting its God Hercules. The date of his visit to Egypt may be very fairly fixed somewhere about 450 B.C. after the defeat of Inarus by the Persian general Megabyzus, B.C. 456; since we learn from Book in. 12, that he saw the battle-field still covered with the bones and skulls of the slaughtered. His knowledge of Western Europe seems to have been very incomplete, if it is right to judge from his silence on many obvious and important points, to which he might naturally have alluded; while his making Sardinia the largest of all islands (see Bk. i. 170, v. 106, vi. 2) is perfectly unaccountable. Though "the Thurian" is generally classed with the historians, he has equal, if not greater, claims to our LNTRODUCTION., xiii admiration and gratitude as a logographer, antiquarian, geographer, moralist, traveller, story-teller, and in some degree as a naturalist. The extent as well as the miscellaneous diversity of his work, set in the clear crystal of the clearest language ever uttered by man, reminds us more of the Crystal Palace at Sydenham than of anything else we can conceive. Turn where we will, amidst the ipya tCQyaXa TC Katl 0tovj ao'a before us, the eye, though startled and perhaps at first bewildered, reposes with serene delight upon the treasured memorials of lands, languages, epochs, religions and races, so distant and different from each other. Here, as there, we glide on a few steps, and without weariness, from the gloom and grandeur of superstitions Egypt to the bright and beautiful creations of intellectual Hellas; from the slumbrous magnificence of the despotic East, to the court that breathes of the simple and earnest inspirations of the heroic West. Here, as there, we love to recognize many of the same familiar faces of the greatest amongst the children of men; and we read, as in epitome, for the most part the same records of the fluctuating progress of our common humanity, and its marvellous achievements in arts and in arms: at times, too, our ears drink in with thrilling interest the strains of martial music that animate the scene, while at other times we are summoned on the same premises to the quiet lecture, provided for our special instruction and gratification by the respective proprietors. The genius of the Thurian architect rises all the more wonderful from the fact that it called into being not only such a consummate arrangement of materials, but it created most of the very materials themselves by dint of personal inquiry and personal investigation, absolutely inconceivable at that period and with such facilities. No uninspired historian of the ancient world more clearly sees the finger of God visible in all the scenes I Xiv INTRODUCTION. enacted on this earthly theatre than Herodotus; whether he describes the great who have become little, or the little who have become great, his grand aim seems to be to justify the ways of Providence to man: and no wonder, for hls whole soul was thoroughly interpenetrated with a profound conviction of the direct and personal intervention of the Deity, and it consequently overflowed with the warmest and; purest religious feelings, which he felt it his solemn duty to express. Even the Christian may learn a lesson from the striking contrast which marks his gossiping and open-hearted unreserve and jaunty abandon on all subjects purely human, and the delicate, shrinking, thoughtful reserve, with which he seals those pious lips, that breathe nothing but awe and reverence, whenever there is a tpos Xoyoc, which the world at large was not worthy to hear, or he was not worthy or authorized to breathe into its ear. As a narrator Herodotus is ever simple, lively, homely, without being either silly, bombastic, dull or vulgar. The great tale he tells, with digression after digression, has all the fascination of the Arabian Nights, though intensely deepened with human passions and interests, and intensely exalted by the majestic triumph of Hellenic heroism over the brute force of imperious Persia. Diligence, honesty, candour, impartiality', modesty, nalvet6, love of truth, are all marked virtues of his historic spirit; his political views are always moderate, and never narrow; while his thoroughly catholic regard for his fellow-men led him to feel an interest in the barbarous Scythian, in the polished Memphian, and in the reverses of an Adrastus, 1 The charge of unduly favouring Athens is far from being fairly made out against Herodotus, all that seems clear is that he regarded (and with good reason too) Athens as the saviour of Greece from the Persian yoke, and as such he almost always speaks of her in the highest terms. INTRODUCTION. XV which spoke a lesson, inspired by Nemesis, not less human in its teachings than the stupendous catastrophe of a Xerxes. It is true that organic regularity is often wanting in his multifarious matter, and perhaps this could not well be otherwise under the circumstances. Much, too, of his geographical and chronological information is inaccurate, yet we must be careful how far we condemn him for his deficiency in that exact measurement of time and space that his Own age did not, and could not, in many cases adequately supply: perhaps, too, his Cyclopian style of building neces. Warily required the Lesbian rule. It is here that we first trace in Greek literature the rms of that critical acumen, which Aristotle carried to the ighest perfection amongst the Greeks. Herodotus not uly discriminates between "the possible" and "the proable," he goes farther, and generally stamps his assertions with the image of the authority from which they emanated, that they may be taken exactly for what they are worth. He distinguishes what he knew himself to be true from what seemed to him true; the whole statements which rest on the authority oofg ters.are arked by such terms as Xeyovt, oaaTl, K.r. X. Again, when the myth he narrates is too great a task on his credulity, he begins to rationalize it into the limits of the possible and the probable (see especially Book I. 45, and I. 60, ii. 49, 55, 67, Iv. 95). Owing to a disregard of such pervading distinctions, tur author has been grossly misrepresented as extravagant, and given to fabulous exaggeration. In hiet. in. 9, Aristotle speaks of the style of Herodotus as unperiodic (XetLv elpo/evr'): it is the farthest remove from a writteu, elaborated style, and most resembles wordof-mouth discourse, being made up of sentences thrown Xvi INTRODUCTION. together loosely, with phrases for the introduction or repeti. tion of the subject. We cannot better close th ese remarks than by the follow~ ing eloquent quotation from Dahimann, a most distinguished~ writer on this subject. "That which charms the reader'. of Herodotus is that child-like simplicity of heart which i~ ever the companion of an incorruptible love of truth, and that happy and winning style which cannot be attained b~ any art or pathetic excitement, and is found only wher~ manners are true to nature: for while other pleasing dis] courses of men roll along like torrents, and noisily hurry through their short existence, the silver stream of his wordE flows on without concern, sure of its immortal source, every~ where pure and transparent, whether it be shallow or deep and the fear of ridicule, which sways the whole world, affects not the sublime simplicity of his mind." 'HPOAOTOY 'ISTOPIQN HPf2TH. KAEIfl. 'HPOAOTOT 'AXLK apvaor'70r (0rTop7? a'ro8etiq R8e s p7?Te Ta ryevoLeva eC avOpI7reWv Vr YpoOvp ct'rlTXa evrrlTal. prTe spya pleyaXa re Kal 8Owv/aa-lTa, Tra ev EXXo'tl, Tr 8e fiapflapota' da7roSeYevTa, ac\ea 7evryra. ta Xe aXXA, Kal o& rlv airlv e'roXeI7aav aXXXlAotat. i Hepacov uEV vvv ol X6OtOl olviKaa ahTlov9 Oawl 1 cve'vOalt Ti StaCopir. TroroovIov 7yp, a7ro 'rr 'Epvpri Xo/ aXdav 7rcovovs 7rl Tjve T Xa aaV, Kal oucr/aavTraT TOvTOV tov wpov roV Kcal vvv otMeovat, avTlica vavtr\l7rXlyouar axpra ertOaOata d'ara7we'ovras e S 0'opta Alryv7rta re Kal 'Aaavpla, T'ry Te aXA [xopr] ea7rtxve'craat, Kat 7 Kea y Apyo7' To 8e Ap/yoA TOVTOV TO Xpvov r7poetXE a7raoc TOWv ev ry vvv EXXaS KaXeopevrp Xwppr aTrtKobeVSov \ S TOV (I)'OiVtKaq eT Sq 'r AApyo T'roTo, tSiarTleaOa Trov 6opTov. 7reqL7rr7 i e 7 e'KT, upepyr a a7r Trlt fcov'o, ee~7ro\rlpmeveov o'c cre0ov 7rav awP d1 j adrLKOPTO~, E)EJ7roX?7bLcovW cI U XESV 7Tav-' Trv, E\Oev 'l 7TVP OacXao'av yvva Tcaq, aXXa 'V e 7roXXea, ca\ S)8 Kai TOi /3aatX\o0 OtvyaTepa' To SE l o ovoita Etval, KCaT, arwTo' TO ItKal " EXX)Ve Xe'7oVUEL, 'Joyv T7j) 'IViXou. TraVTra oTacrala KarTa 7rTpV/JivrV Trl veCO, wveeoOa& rTOW foprTov, wcv o'tf, 7v OVvlO fzLAtXLOra' Katl Tov1 (l oLvIKag tLaceXevo'aLLevouqO opprcjral Er' avTrad. TaF erLv;)7 IrXecvas;r)v 7vvalKtol a7rootrf/eeLt, T7v 8e 'IOuv vv aAXXo\ I apraaO)Yvat. EcrFaXoeLvovq 8Se Eq 7rv vea, o'EOa6Oac a7rorXcovrTa9 Er' Aityv7rrov. O'vi5 petv 'Iov A At /rv'rov 2 u7rLKeCfOaL Xeyovwa Itepcra, OVrcK Ct 4)otvt ' Kal TOw tI'tpaTWdrv T'OTO patpa 7rpaTov. MeTa C8e TavTa, 'EXXjHEROD. I. 1 2 IIPOAOTOY vwifl TtV(Ltq (ov3 'yop t~oualt Toil d~rtypoaacat). Oa T lK E' rvo V'pe7o~aq% ap7racrat, TOO jgaa XE'Oq T?'V OvyaTrE'p a IE13Vpc07r V' Erfllaav 8' A OhmT~ Kpi~fre Ta)rap~v8~ i'a -p 7T9 Zoaa ryevT ao- MET' 8U TL'?,rV"aE~ 1''a aiiv a't? ev~'V'at~l O yVEat. a VT 7r coa-aVTaq ap pta~p,cpqv A7 ~ re')v KoX,&zi 47-l P1)1o-w1( 7ro~JajAV, CVOEVTEV~ &a7rp' apf4vovv Kca TX rwdW/E'vlaTnuc'o, ap~raouat TOu pat To7'vv var Mt8ctmv. r'n-c*aVra 8U Tro K6'xxov CT T?7V 'EX ~ae K puica, a'rc'cw Trc 8bcKag Ti7 ap~1re'yi3, ical Ja7're&tv ()y'c'a,~ ~ 1 5TO ro/cpIvcOTat, co; oW8 c' cctvo 'Io#% 'Aprycb 78oadJv a70C 8LKag ' 'T 0prr, oz8 0 cav 3 coocE/tVtt'Aurp78 X'fyovor& rycvq p/.eTTa 'AVc'4av8poV T'rv Hlputakou, aicfliO6Ta TaVre, g6eXi~a-a I X 'I0 ' 0 iCa T'a r pray7aT'w -Oa)t8~ 7rpoai~ato/4J Taucov7rav T&rpofrc a Wow M 8c4 ' arav Oo ra 'Klo, 86 q T, L 80vtc aO'TO) 8t'cqo)8 aprcrx8Vrc araTcOv^ Exllv, (3ovM"O-ar6 4'atrap 7rpowTO 8reai ylcaa MIy2 /7lTV cW Trvru "tn yc tla wt'1ap~a aXXycXov'q a e a ero OVTOV?vKa9 St'a) TLEaXC,9 aptrfov9 ayEvEaIa. T7rpa)O'rpur xpbc TpyoV 4ai, w'neet 0 & ap~acTqcTE&Jv c7p7rarv8?- roTao9 c TgaTtLOELV WagvoirV8'f.rK80E /L7)8d/al~OVTc(p,,8v xcwTv apr OLI aXWV8K (Li irpwae'oOa. Mexat patv 8k), ~roiV'b,c a'pr 7aX 1yovvaozievat 7rot10-a-Oa ''XXI7Va To AaiccTaTuov E EWEac~ll peyvaud9 ar6Xovq eyeve'aav c7rvvaycPpat fya'p C7TL EXo-rp-aT9 E~a rIE'v Aol\v 'Aa',v, lla~o &5va19Tqv K7EvpELY Toap otkE'v vvrapt oiu Hcvpa~taq, d'rv & Ev pci'n-y vajuT.Ci X X2'1ucI \)?LJa KEOJ7aI F L7] KAEIO. 3 OimTo,v IJ Epaat X ovaift ev at,a Ka; S ri v 'IXlov 5 E t ev Cp(i`Covar& i<mt cEovoavi7-Tv adpy)v Ty ExpnT r 7q 1roi EEXXqvaq. epllp& t Ta-' lo9 o o, oXoyeove& epa lfo,, oltrVKCe. ov 7a atryw o-'eaq opra.voV9 X/yovo't aryafye&v atrrtv S AttnrrTov, a)x w9 ev 4 )ApyeE 4olyero Tr vavw\pa ri3^7 veov 7rel 8U efaOev KVOq eowra, aS eof vr o 70o9 'TOcka ovrr@ Sq 0e~Xovrrv rv Totn Dolv4lf a0wvvK7rXaC71a&, av w'T AP 7 KcaTa&Xo J rat Tavra ledv vW IIfpPacu 're Kal (O(Vice X 7OVOL' 8 ep& puv rov'r7wv ovK eexoSpat e'pcwv w ov'rrw v X wT KO ravTra TyOvero rov V oSa avt7 7rpTov aptavrra daSceKv 4pIyTv eC Tov2('ELXrfva9, TOVTOV A7AfP. 9~ 7rpo/3Sa'opau e9 'TO pdao'co Tov aXyou, o6pocov FAicpa IJLEy a4 adrrea avOp (Wrav retcwv. I T ap To 7raXas yaXa ijv, d roXXa avtrwv aliKpa fye7ovr Ta 8$ eWr A l v e~adXa, 7rporepov t7v aVOcpal. r' v Jpconjrv a 4^v v e7rtarpfo evot ev oatlOvlv ov(al&wa Tv Tr:y Aevovo.av, ivnoaofuLat d410-opWev/ o/jol0. Kpo^-o9 fv AVSo9 pv 0yevo9, vras Ba 'AXvaTTeO), 6- 6 8a p^ E T9 v eO 'e4 AXvoT VoTaTov/ 09 p'eov adro EaTf1p 179 perafv,^ov Xabxyvvwv, eci 7rpos? 't ~opiqv ave,ov e Toy v E oevov 7rOTrov. Oi'TO) Kpotoo, 3ap/3apcov 7rpWTTO0, TwV 27$CE7 ~T2L9V, TOV' /EVAtL.-, areerTpe-rato 'EXX/vvwv e9 fopov a7rarywoyrv, TroVe 7, l 7Xov 7rTpoae7rot7aaTo. KaTeaTpep*raTo,EV'IVa vd~ Te Ka% woXea9, cal Awpcea Tovu Ev 'r.T 'Air' cf)iXovq 8e 7rpoa'-,irotr'aaro AaKceoatpLiowovu. 7rpo 8e T'r Kpol'oov ap~Xy) ravre "EXXrlve~ ribrav 'Xev0EpoL' To 70ycp Ktqseptwv orapac- *.. ruvLa TO cTrl T77V 'IJvifrv t ' f Kpoolov cov (7rpc- b oAo i pvrrepov, ov KaTaraTrpo)I eP'r TvT w '7oW, aX ' e'. $.. {poppw7 a yp4ra7yfj. 1 H repov,77 o OVTO 7rept7 X0e, 7 pvo-a HpaKeXetSewv, e? To 7eyevo? T' Kpotoao, KaXeowc-.X 'ovq9 &e MepyvdSas. 'Hv KaI( avatXfl, Orv ol "EXX77ve, vc'riX\ov ovopadovoTt, vpavvvo0' apowv, a7royovo? e AKaltov Toy 'Hpa/cXe'oq. Aytpwv pyev rydp o NLivov, T'roy 3MXov, voO 'AX/calov, 7rpwTroq 'HpaicXetoewv /3aoa-XeV 9yeve'o,ap&SCv' Klav8av\X'; oe o6 Mivp'ov, vo-Tavo?. ot, S i k 'rpoTepov "ATpwvog fl3aoAXev'aavreT TavTr'r T)r %Xwapr), 1-2 4 '1POaOTOY tlOaV (17royovot Avsot, TOV 'ATVOS' a7r 'OTre o 0rt A Sto& dKX\O0q r o T7rT ovTo0;, 7rp0oepov M ov KaaXe6eor ~ rapa 70o70v Ipa XEO V IpaC a 7rpaf0'rVT~e eaov rTV, tlv ec Oeoorpo7tov, eCc Sov\XIr 'e riT 'IapSovov 'yeyovo Ical HpakcX'eoe apavTre,Lev E7rl Svo Te KatC efKoat ry avSp6v, eTea Treyre TE Kak TrevTraicoaa, 7ra; Vrapa iraT e/C8~cKeoevo; T'rv lapyr, pve' p KayoavaXe> Trov Mtvp 8 OvwTO 8Ar cov o KavSavXf l rLpa'Ol7 vr T ewtrrov fytat epaacelt 8e, evo/pl ol eLvat ryvvalca 7roX\oV 7raCaewv c XlaTrV. Wa 0e S' raa L voploVo' )v yap ol T'wv al/jotq p0ov vrvy o Aao aavXov apeoa/copevo' p/AX&ora~ 70ovTw7 rvLyp ical 7a o'rov8aearTepa TwoV 7rplT7yfaTo)v V7rep er o KavSav\75], Kca or ic al 'ro Teoo? T1 7yv yatyoalCO VTrepenr veov. Xpovov 8e o3v 7roXXov ^eXvorro0,(yp, v ydp K &av,7 ryeve('Oat KcaKcc6,) eXeye 7rpo0 TOV 1vy77v Tro;' rvtr7, ov ryap ae 8oKe'o 7rreOerOal Juot Xeryov'rr& epl " Ele?0 7T179 yvvatco' (cwra yap TvyXavel avvpOTroto' eopr "a7rtTroTepa obOaXLuwr ') TroLee o0cw1 EKCtIIV O ei7raeat ty I to ~ < \! ~ tq l A I I r' v71. 0 e /euEya a,/pwCaa9, er7re " AecrroTa, 7iva X~ "X6oyov ovtc v&ytea, KEXEv'wv EL~ ea-7rotvav TrIjV EpljV 6{ a' a'aaca ryvFlvv;v au/aa 8E KICLWv et EK8UOJEVo UVVe/IC8VEI Kat T7~vV atl8 yvvq7. 7rXata Ue ra KcaXa avupcWroto-' eE t p?7Tat, EK TW)V L/avOBveLv c et ev TOl0c EV 7ove ear708, rTK T'7rEETt/ Tl(a va eWv7TO. eY7) 83 7rei, LoaL EKEttivv etvat "' aev ryvvatKc)v KaXXtaTlv' Ktal aeo 8Go/iatl Lj 8ueea6 9 " avoL(O V. L ev 7, X\eywv TotarTa, a7reF/aXeTo, dappf wv /Lt v7 Tt 0 avTEWov 7yEvr7Ta Icatcov. '0 Se aeI3E To8 toe pa (" apc ret ca al ftLj fo3ev r/re /7eeL, 6/ (0 7TretpwoLEvVo Xoyov O ToVe' fe 7T ryvvatKa 7rTv l ejtV, /L7 T7t p \ I \ I e avUT7 1 ryev'1ra siX(/p. apX7v ryap e7w / LlXav70a-o OVT7c0, cre LrS e ptaOetv fLLV o(f)0e(av VT7ro Cre. E6y7 r7 ' 9fe To O /Crl)CLa, 6V T) KOiLJoLuIE0a, o7rLa8Oe T?79 avotLyop "/VJ OVpq7 a7rfo F)' fPETad 8' CLE E(eXOovTa 7rapeo'rat Kca ",VVw t1 e/r11 e9 KOLTOv. KeeTaL 8(e ayXov T7'7 e00(ooov popri E 7r TO7TOV7 TOv l/aaTLWv tKaTa E EKa(ca70rT eKoUvvov-a q071a "KaT K T caT ovXlv 7ToXX?7 iv wapE'ct TOt OBeaaa0-at. ewTe oe a7ro TOU Sfpovov 0-ELYJ Xerl T7rJ eVVrV, Kfcar va ot)7 "acTq9 7y1E77 (Tol /.ZEXeTCo TO ev0vTev OrKWc; pr7 a- OEov7E 8-12] KAEH0. 5 "i6Vra &ca' OVP'O)v." 0 FLEPV 82, cog ov'K Covvaro ta~vry&iv, 10 'qv ETOtkO9. 6 &e Kav~at5X~, '7Te& ECSKCe cpcq 717 KOL7fl EIlvat, 47yaye TOP Pvryca 6E9 TO oUE)7ALCa Kcal 1kE7-a T-av 7 -avwtca 'nrap?'77 Ical 17 yvv)7. oEXO-Couao-av &e Kal~ TtOELOav ttr (71q 79 'r yv7)awco9 E9 7T77 KOI7-77) VW77-CJV\( exaWPCCE c' Ka 7 yvvl) e~wopa2,cv c 6Vra. ItaOo~oca &6 T 7r6twoEqOv Ec Tov aV8cpO9q, Ov7T-E cWE/38coOE)ctc7 aov7)OeL(ca, 01)7C 600~6 paCLeEV, ev v" e~v- TL(-e(-Oat TOY KavpSat'Xca. Trapa\ ylap TOL(7L Av~o~TL, o-E~\ &c Kat 7rapa TOwtaL aX to 3p3apoto-t, Kat 4'v8pa 3Oi?^vat yu/povlv, E at'o-Xvqvp' l,,EyaX?7v f0pet. T6E LtE 7) OVT7-W9, OV&8CV &7jX(6oC0a20-cT,)TvXt17)) ctxe. 171k~p) a~t~aey'-1PEC TOLKOUETEWY T0V9~ wpct-a )' 77LLTT0VI9EV~ ECOUT1, ETOL/Jow )9 t Pv'yea. CO 86& oV8E &ca.a'q VT') riXIVfPEb O-Tlao-Oa, )7X0E KaXco'/J-E)ov Cew0ee ryap wat 7rp~o-cr,OKS 7"? /3ao-IX eta KaXEot, bOLTa7). (01 & 6' rThly'q a7rilKe7o, e 7y 7 v v~ e ~ ctvo 63ov itapCovo-EoV, "Fy1,81&oJL at'pecrw OKOTCPI7V /3keat 7-pa7r'o7Oat - "Yap Kav~ai5Xea aWTTOKT-Et')as, E/ILC 7- KCL T17V7)/3ao-itXqcijv,1A \ I, e "CE T7)72 Av&Su 17 C~T i) 0E CaV7-Kca ovTWO a'7oO7)?yY-KetV "&6 ct 49 7) L, wraV~a weL06p1-ev)o9 Kav~au'Xy Toy Xotwrov' "t8~ Ta/t70 ' L XX )7T0 KEFVO'P fye TOP7 7CTau "Xao-va e 6In6XXvo-Oat, A~ oQ O'E v T\ ryv/-tvv 6yqO-a[E)uco7, Kat 7rotT77Ta)Ta 0o) vo/pttO[Le7)a. () Pi1yi? 7-E(039 /kLEl a~ctwEOCvLatCt -a\ Xery6o.,-vac /,tIra~ & tKIETEVE t p4tv avaly~atp 68ev 8talcp-vat Totav7-177 atpectL7. O1)K(O7) f &netOe, a.XX' &pa av7ayKatlJ7 aX1OWS -7rpolreqtepbr, 27 7-07 8&o-,W60Tea a~roXXv4'at, avCW-rv v,7r aXXcov a7TO'XXvO at, atpeerat av7-o9 7repteL7at. E7- 7Wa~7 Xey760 7-a& "'W /t4E avayKa, etl~ ~eo-7r7-0'ea 7-07'e)U(OY K7EvE7,oc OX"Ta, epe caKovo-o T-EWt Kcab 7-PO~OV e77tXctp7o-o/JzEv aVT(O. CH 8E l'7r-oXa/3o'o-a 4n,"EK T01) aVTOV Pi / Y(E)X0PtOV 1 Op\' Eawa, Oev 7T~p Kat c'KeFVOq qe/~EEE~t- Vi) 1 C CI ~ cI ~ C- \ CI V7T7C)W/LEC7)() OC 1/~ '7-tLXEtp?70tl9 CO-Tat. fl9~ O6?77Tucv7~ 12 YK~ 7t~ v V,7VKT6yt)oLe))9,ov yap /LEtETe7O laroXcoXcaLt' Kav~ai3Xeas,) ELWETO C'9 T-67 O~a atOv Tj 6 'HPOAOTOY [I ryvvaicl. iKal bt eK/elil, Xeytpitov oovc-a, icaTalcpvrreTr V7ro rrv avTrrv Ovp1v. Kat /UeTa ravTa, d a raravooLevow KavoavtXewo, v7TreUTV Te Kal a7rocKTevas avrov ec, Xe Kal TrV UyvLvalcKa Kcal Tr1v f3ao-Xqi\rrv Fry? Tov /catl 'Ape T! \- \ I s, I I I XXoXo0 l6 aplto, KaTa TOP avov XPpovov 7yevo/uevo, E < 13 lttL3V Tplt/ierp0o e'7TE.vrFL7(TO,. 'EcXe &e Tnrv paacltXri'v, Kal ceKpaTrvv7r, ec roV ev AaXcEVoCto P XP'7'r-Tptov. t; y 7ap &r\ ol Av8ol etLov E7rolEVVO To KavSavl\eo 7a'do9, Kat ev 07rXotcr 7rlavl, vve'/37rvav e9 TWVTO O' TE TO rFV"YE rTaarL0TaLt Kaal ol XOLTrol Avuo, Iv /Lv 'q TO XprTrT7ptlov ave,? /ttv /ao-tr a elvat AvCov, TWO~e /3aaotXetew' v 8e pt??, aTroSovalt oTrio-co e HpaKXcl(as Trjv apxrIv. aveti e TE 081 TO Xpr70-T'rpov, Kat e3paWl\xV0-v ovTO) PVro r7 TOO — OP8e LePVrot ELTre r] IlvOi', 0w 'HpaKXc\eoSo-t T'L-tt Cet e9 rov TrePTTr0ov a7rroyovov vryeo. Tovrov Trov e7reo1 Av8o T~e Kcat ot /8pacrtXe avTov X\oyov ovSeva e7roteTvro0T Trpiv 877 E7rETE\reX O,. 14 ITv v!EPv S vpavvlp a oVTV o OT'%ov oX MepclvdaSa6t Tov 'HpaKXetoas ad'reX0o/Levot. rvyr7 (E Tvpa)vvPuva a7re7redzev arvaO a'aTa E9 AeX9ovq ove ou Xlya. \XX ocaa LfkeV apyvpov avaOq/l.ara eTTr ot 'rT\eLora ev Ae\X(0potl' 7rape 8\e Tov apyvpov, XpvoXov artXerov aVEr0Kcev, ad\ov re, Kat, TOV fLdA XtoTa fvLr]PLv atLov Eetv X EcITt, Kpt777rpeS x t e z lp p I o0 aLpLOLov E' Xpvo-eoL avaccaraT. er0Tao't E Ov7TO E TO Koptv0tolv Oarjoavp, rTaf/LOPv EXovPeT 7Tprc7KOPTa TaXavra' da,7OE (S X\oyw %pewofi/eCo, ov KoptvOi'wv rov 8ru1oc-iov eTv o 1r7-avpo9 dX\\d KvfvreXov To) 'HeEizaVo9. TOT 86 o rv Tvyrl?, rpwOTO p3ap/apao vTv 7/LeL? tIS/LTev, eT AeX\o/9 ovq ef aeorce dvarjtara, ferTa Mi8'v rov ropieto, lDpvyl /3Ta Xeac ave07dcKE ayap 8r1 /cal M8js roPv oacO-' \XTi'O OpvovP, e TOPv 7rpo0caKTrl v eol4caE, 6ovra cdoer7 -TOv. cKElTra Se OpOvo9 OV7roS Eva 7rep OL rovy rFvye), ~ x\ \ ' ~ \ ~ 1'f l Kcp7rT7peo. o e Xpvro- 0o7VtO Kca o apyvpor, TroP o Tvyr7 averWjKe, vTro A eXwv Kca\XeraL rvydoas err ro v ava0evros C7rTPvv/JtI'v. 'Eo-e/3aXe Lev vvv r 'epaTrjv /at ovro, EETEI TEe rpe, C TE MIX'I7TO Kal es [.vpvPrv, Kcal KoXo-. \, X d o '8,Ev \,. yov WPvo0 TO aoTv ECX. ax' ovSPv yap Leya pyov dwr avTov aXXo eyeveTo 3ao'LXEvc'avo ToS vwv 8EorTa Tracr-epPa 13-18] KAEI9. 7 icovTa eTea, Trovov Jbev rapr7cro0Jev, roo-avrca E7rt/LV'Y70Oev-,re. "Apavos &e ro8 v Pveeo perd Tv7yrv fc8aotevo'avros 15 pvr1/Tqv 7roto-'oplat. ov'ros Se Hpt7&veas re eIXe, & MiXTQ TO Ire 6 eCe'aX er T ovrov TE Tvpavvevovros 2ap v, Kqpeptoect: ifewV vtro -KvOE'ev Trv Noajb&oDv earvaJTavT~E, aritKceaTco E9 Trv Aoryv, cKat cap&s 7rXrv Tr)S' cKfpo7roXioL El\ov). h L'Apovos &e /3ao'LXevO'avTO o evoSO? eova 7revTrKovTa 16 e'rea, e'eoSea7ro,aoVa7rr7 6 "Ap'vo s, Kca e/3ao'IXevU'vE Terea;SvoSeKa' aSvaTT'e) 8e, AXvacTTl?. Ovros 8e Kua a:py e Tco ioLce a7rorovaT e7royXE/ve, Icat Mr&otrr KepiJpeptovI Te EC Tv 'At-71? ErXa0e'!IvpvDpVV Te T)rv a7ro KoXo()Gvo9 KtcrToOe-av elXe, * s KXabo/evas re eCe/3aXe. a'7ro E pyVV TovTv v OVK 0c o0eXe a7Tr7XXa:e, caXXa 7rpo7'Trrau'as yX XXa f, pya a 7o&.aTXoXa aTreEao e Ty apXy aBta7r1y1Torara Ta 8e) 'EroXca.TE ML\X7Gr-totA' 17 rapaoecapilevos Tov 7roX\eJov rapa Tov 7rarpoS. E7rcXavV)oV ryap e7roX\tOpcee TrJV MLX1TOv Tpo7Tro TOL)8e'1 oOKfCW /LV eC ev yTf fy' Kapvros ac[po, Tr7vLKcaVTa EcCe/3aXXCe 7r cp'cTpaTLf7. EorpaTEVrero E V7rO oC-pltyyt)V TE fcalt 7Trj7KTl8oV fcal avXov ryvvaitKltov Te fcat advSp7iov. os 8e E9 rr)v Mt),,,, \ \, \ ^, ^. X,1qo'l1V a7rTtKt7o, o6K CqaTa /xE va 7' e7r ( r)v c7pv ovre a7c'aXX3\~, ovre evevrtrpr, ovTe Ovpa' a7To7ra, ea e Kcard XT prlv er'LevaL 0 &S Trc Te XevOpea /cta,,rov capr.O TOv ev l) Tfyy OKcwJ 8laf0elpete, 7aTraXXaUo —ero 7oTerto. T?71? -yap aXa'o-s7? ol M\)otot eWre cpareov, " re e'7rep'?' Er) elva pyjov rn7 Tpat. raSg olfc otav fca9re3a o lAv&o 7(0)vo& eIvecEa, OKO') eOEV Efv0VuE7EV Op/jEO)/jkEo Tr7V 17)V (T7TEtpE'V TE fal Epo y.aoffal ol MXa''-o'o, avrT o 86, EKEl)vwv epyaoFbevwlv, EXO t K ta cilveYatL eca-'&XXwv. Tavra 7rotewov, e7roXepee erea TE e&ca' ev ort(7 rpw/tara 18 /peya\a;oa'cota MiuXo'tAo)v e6yevero, ev re At~levrlj xvpI7 Tr17 'c)erep?7l jaXeoaFevrvo, lac ev MlatvSpov w'eoo. ra,Lev vvv e7 eErea 7rWv eEvecKa >a3varr7f 6o "Ap;vos er7, AvO3)V?pEpX, o Kca EC'/3aaXwv 77vLcavTa E9 Tr'v M7tX7o')V T71r) cTpaTtrv' (a8ovua'rT7 yap oVro KCa 6 0o ov 7rxo\e/ov "7v cv)ovaa*) Ta oe 7revre Treev erTECv ra E7ro6eva eotaoL e A\vdarry o caSVvaTrreo e7roXe7Cee, 09 7Trapace:a/eJvo%, 8 'HPOAOTOY ( Kcat 7rpoTrpoE v pioLt oe83jXoTa) 7rapa Trov raTrpo ToV 7roXC/eov, 7rpo0elXe evrrTTa/AevWo. Troatl. MX1lot(oLo-. ov atLotl 'IvoWv 70ov roXLov 7ro0vro7v vvE7re7XappvvoV o7r4,?rj Xob /L.OUVOt. oVTOt 8e TO o/.OlCOV aTv7ro8a 6v&reo 6 eTt/Lupeov' Kal yap r7 7r porepov ol MiX?7tnot Troto' XtotCo 19 ro prpos 'EpUvpatov9 7XroXe/iov oVVStc77VELtKav. Tco 8e & vo. 8e/caTro) e'eT Xr'i'ov e/TL7rt7rpape0vov V7ro T779 cTpaT7^, (crvvr7 -VElX07q TL TOlOV67e 7ev7oOaEt rpr7/a' w9 aya )017 7alXo'Ta 7T Xri'ov avefo /c3wLEpevov, afrao vr7ov 'AOr7va l '7, '7rIKXc\qr t 'Aojo-'7tr'). acOel 8e 6 o v71, c'aveTcav017. Kca TO 7rapav4 T tKfa JE Xoo ooV's O EE7rLeETOv,era oe, T7 TTpaT7t1 a7ro-toLer77' e9 ap&L, evo0-7]o'e6 'AXva'r.7q..tLaKpOTCEp17; 8e ol?yEvo/1ev779 T71^ vov(OV, 7Te/L7TreL E9 AeXOV\)v 0eo7rpo6 -7Tov9, eLve 817 o'v/u/3ovXE\coav7o 7ev, eTLe Kal avTr e) oq 7re/jxravt a 7ov Oeov eTreIpeofOaL 7rept 7Tr1 vrovro. o70ol7 HTlvu0t7r a'LcopLevoLt'L e1 AeXcpfoV' ovKc el)? Xprret,, 'rpTzl ] 7TO vr0ov Tq7h Azrva'lrq avopo0'ovaot, 7ov eveTrprqaraP 20 Xwp'7 T?7e MXq7al)9 ev 'Ao —17cO. AeXc(^ov ol8a!\y ov7T6 aKovoa9 ryeveeo-atl. MiXv'Lo-ot 8Te TaSe 7poCT7eta'l TOVTOLt' c HEptlavSpov ro7 Kv*eXov, eorTa epacv3ov\X T) TOTre MtX,70TU 7Upayvvevo7rTtL evoV E?9 Ta paXcdTca 7rv06,pvov 7TO XP7071rtpoV ro rT 'AX\varr'7T EVOoLEevov 7reL/ravrCa ayYeyeov KCarELrETre, 0vK ic av rt 7rpoeElosW 7wrpo vo 7rapeov,3ov\Xe~7'ra. MLXO-co V &,Uv vvv ov'rco \e ovo't 21 VyevEo-Oat. 'AX\varTTrr7 e, c9 ot TEravra ea77yyeX017, avErlcK, e7L7Tpe K1jpVKCa E9 MIXT7ov, /3V\O0LLEVO O'7rov8a3 7rTO7 -cacaOatL pac-v,8/3ovXo e icai MtX7otiotat Xp'vovo 'o0rov aci 70'v V77OV OiKO8o/7}. O /LE V 8 ' a7rro0Xo E' r77v M iXq7TOi v7 epcpacra/3ovXos &e oarews 7Trpo7reTrv/Levo0 rTravravT Xo7ov, Kata eloi T'a AX.TTrv'r ie Xo\\o 7rolrfcetLV, /ILTxavaTat OLa6E. COS7 r)v Ev T7) ace-TE aiTro Kal, EouVTO1v Kca tlaowTLM~,, ', o\7,, ' KOS?, TOVT70v lra7rCTa CrVIyKfollaC 6E9 T77v adyopl7v, Trpol7Tre MLX7-lo'0Ltc, e7reav aVTro (r71Uy1777, roTe 7rrtvivE TE 7draV7a 22 fKca uCWu) Xpepo'0at Es a~XXXov9. Tavira 8e eTroee Te Kal 7rpoayopeve Opao'v/ovXo vTwvo8e ElveKcev, 0Ko09 av 8o7 o Xcrpv! 6 $apolrtvos S6t)v TE cwpov o/jeyav oarov IceXvI.evov, Kcat Tov9 avPOpc'7ov9 e ev7raTelOEyat eov7a7t9, ayyelXy 'AXvaTTr7. Ta or Kcal eryeveTo. o9 ryap or1j Loov e eceKlva 9 19-24] KAE10. 9 K?7PV~, KatL EL'7rat9 -77909 E~pa-v/38ovXov Ta\3 e'v70Xas TOy A v aJ 5-7XOE,~ Tzc~ Wcv&, c6' yc' 7r-vpOcVAa, oti v XXO "y'vr ' 8c~aXXay77. 'X~rt',cw ryap 6 'AXvc7179? o-t70&yy`,v re E~tvctt o-vp?\v Jv Ty' MLAi'ro Ka \ O Xew)V TETpUV(7ctL E9~ To\ EcT-XaTO1 KaKov, 17KOVE 701) K?7PVK09 1)0(7717(cavT09 EK 7-179~ MtXi?'7ov 7019 evvcrt'ovS' Xyo,7v9 y1 C09 EW70 KctTE80OKEE. /kLETa cE 17 7Eta-XXay1 (7(ft EyE 'VETO, C7r Te ~,eW'ov9 tX'XotXOL(7paL1~t Kcat ~vLt/ Xov?. Kat v TE dVTt EV)09 V170V9~ T 7 'AOy7vaiy? )Ko&4Ajo-E 6 'Axv4T7 E'v Ty ' )Ac o-qo43, aih6~ T7E EK 7179~ 1)ov(ov adEcTiT7. KCaTC - /LEV TO1) 777909 MtkXaptOV9~ TE Ka t E~paO-v/30vx0o) 7To0XE1Lt0 'AXva'T7p (ODE EciOXE. HlEptav~pos' & 7'v Kvifr'Xov 7ra-t(, OV709( 0 T( GEpctciv- 23 I3OV(Ac 7O Xpft70-T7pt01) /lppVVLaLL. E7vpaI)1)VE & 6\ HIEptcwvspo9 Kopi'vOov. TN' 8n\ XE'ryova-t Kopi'VOtot (61tuoXoryeovct 8& ui~t A&T/3tot) cEVTW 7~) 3t1) Ow3v/zac. ILLE7lYt7OV 7-apaGYTl77va 'Apt'ova 701 M17Ovltva~tov brl &)4wOt'OI kEPE1)tXOE)a. EA Ta/vap, v6r)a KLt~apw8~v TOP TOTE EO)T)1 V(SE0 8cVTEPO1) K MU&Opa/430a, 7Tr0)T01) a, p&ww1)wv 65 77/tEL9 t/t?7T01a1a)Ta TE KCL o0/.a'Y M xt &&~a1)a Ev Kop'vOwj701)70V 701) 'Ap/ova XE'yovo7, 701) ITOXX01)V 701) XpOvov 8ta- 24 Tpt/301)7a 7rcpa Hepta'v~pw, EwtOv/pt13at -7TXVo-at E9 'IraX07v TE KcL& htE(71) epyacta/lte1oV & Xpq/.ara /.keya'Xa OEX~o-at (WIOi'Co E9 K'O'Ppt1ov a7TtKEci-Oat. o'p[l-aciOct /jub1 1Vv) EKc TpavT09~, 7rt0-TEV'oVTa & otV&L/L01X7L FtutXXo1) Kopt1)Oi'a /ttGO )a-ao-Oat wrXo-ov chn~pc)v KoptvOtow 70V)9 &E E1) T7Q 77EXayELt E'7t/lovXEVELtP, 701) Apt'ovc EK/SaXVV~a9 C`XEI Ta Xp7j a 701) ~8, O-V1E1)a 70VO)7 0'0, X -ccOat, Xp177ALa7 /Jtev 0 ot CTrpOtCVTa, ~k 1X177v 8E 7apatTEOLLE)O1) ovKcw1 &1 77-tEOEL1) aVJTO\V TOV'T0L-t) cIXXa\ KEXEVEL1) 701)9 7r0pO/Lte'a91 alA-0V &~Xakp& 'Oc /JUV, C09d a1) Taoq'79 Jv ryi TrvX7 Y EKW17&ILV 'E9 Tfl71 Oa'Xcu~av T77 TaXt'77T17V a7rtEX17OE1)ra &,E TO'V 'Aptiova e9 a7rop617V, 79TapatT)70-ao-Oat, 7e7tEU8 ci t 01)0. (OKEOL 7Tpt&L) 17 ~rey G-Ta)Ta E1) TOWLT E& tO~tc~t ~C2 a)ai~9& 7E &KETO EW0V7O1 KaT~pya(TacTOat. KaLL TOTL't E0TEXOEt) cyap 170V1)1), 'EL' /LEXXOLE1) aKOvCTE(-OatL 701) apt(YTOV a1)p(o~r031 aoI8oi3, a1vaX~opi17aci EIC 7179 7Tpv/~t1)17 E9~ /Aci71 vEa. T01) 10 eHPOAOTOY I' ae, e1)&vTa TE 'rr~aacv 7)1 \v KEV \v) Kat Xa/301vTCL 7171 KLOaLep71, o7Ta1)Ta EV TOLCLEOLLt, &E toELZ l0/~t10 701) OpOt0Vi 7EE7W 0 It T m Xaoro —cw E&tW7Vo W etxeOV'7 (7E-V7V 77 L7 09 P~v a~ro77-XEEcV & K~pOow V0 76v &O c, 8CX bva Xc5,iovot i5~-oXa/360i-a E~Ev)ebcat C'r~ Tat'vapov. adw7o/3av-a Se\ aUT'-oP xweEt, Ko'pwOov cov-V1) '7 0we'KE, Icai a'?ttKOIEV1)zvo a'7T?ryEeaOat, 7ra1) TO\ rycryo01). ITJEptav~p0o (c\ v'7ro\ da7TtcT`l?7S 'Apio1)a Ite~v ev OvXaK' ELV ova/n7,LELVaa)KS eXEtV) 7TWV 7ropO/kEwWp 60', &e apa 7ragt)t LTVK'7 Ocvras' ITO~ CEEOaOC Et TL X~'yotep 7'ept, 'Ap/ovos'. Sb/kctLvc~ 6CSEEKI1)WV (0 E0) TE OYOS'~ TtCp\ JMaXl71, KCaLI /1)t eV 'rp)70((YOV7a XVt',otev) Ev T'papTt, E7-Cfoav)71at, U4 70)Apio va, WcTWEp exw)1) E ~7~7O tL 701 cK7XyvTa9?, ovic eXELZ CT XEeyXo,u~E'vov? aipvc~o-Oaft. TaV3Ta -LEV v'vv KoptvAoi TE Kal, AE'oj,8tt Xe'yova-t. KCL 'Api'ov&( &GTt Ca1)alOq7a XAXKEO1) ov3 /ptya e~i Tatvapp P 6 EM X8c tvoq E7rE 0i) a~v pcoY)T09. 25 'AXva'irrT, &6 6' Av&o, 701) 71-p\? Mtkqo7uov '7roTOE/0 8tE1)etLa9, /J6TE7r-ELTa TEXECVT9, /3act-eXvt'a, e'TEa EWTa\ Kat ~E17-rV7]KOVTa. a1)eo7KE &, CK0Vf)VY(1 T771 V1)_0VT1 eVTEpOS JOVT0I? 7T7~ 0wtt71 TaVT?77~ fS~ 1AEXcfrV( Kp)7T7)7pa' TE apyvfJEov E,~tyav, IKal v7ro~p?7Tllpt&tOl 0-t&7'pEOV KOXXI7TO\), OE7S a~o St\7ra1)&w 7T1) El) %AEX~out, a1)aO?7ua'T&0)V' FXa1'KOV TOD3 Xl'ov 7robfi.ta, oq [ovvo9 )7a17l a Ap71-(AOV (Y1-7C,cxx17o-tv ~EEvpe. 26 TE'XEVT?7o-a1ro0? &e 'AXva'TTCW, ~E&$t~To 7)71 /3actXsi7` v Kpo^G-o9~ 6 'AXva'TTC0, creTEov Pw 77XtKtq7l) 71-evTE ICal 'Tpt77KOVTaW k )\ "Exx'1o 7TW0G- 7-O '7aTo E~betYoL(T`. v a &) q\o E o~b Tt pKEFevoL V7T aVTODJ (11)OEOut1) 7)1 701)'77At~& '7Clx a1TE CC 0? 1c7 (TxoL1)Lo E,? 70 TELXO9. 60YTC &e /ETal T 7S7 I TE 7TCLXaL)7' I7rOXt09?, 77 TOTE '7toX'OpKEETO, Kai, TO.V 1))7OV_, E'77-a" 0-Ta'St0. 7rP70Jt0-C [-LEV U7TOV'TOKtL e7TEE~tp)70-E 6 Kpo'>rO'O lkEra El) V PEflE C EcaG-TOtGt 0)(VTE Kat, AloX~o~v dXxotw aXXa9? ar&7a9 E7TLrt)Epo)1 7(1otl (V)7 PLE ova)Ct 7TapEVp PEE~) fE'01va o^a~(/E10 0f t, &e aVT(1 Ka(t. tfactXa 27 C7n(0EPo1)._,.; ef cpa ot. Cl) T, 'AG-lb rEXX)7VEc~ KaCa7-l arTpa4)a70 c'g fpov dwaryayw~pv, 70 'EVOEVDTC E7TE1)ocE, vcavl 25-30] KAEIQ. 11 IrTOtLr0a/JeoV, e6TTXEtpEEl T70UOt V7-tLTwyf0. EOV7TOV E OL 1ravWOv eToi0W lov 6E v7rv vav7ryl/Vv, ol /FLV BiavTa XEyovac Tov IlpLrtlva caTrKo/levov E' 6 cpe, ol o6 ITTiTaKcv Tro MvrtXvqvatov, 'tpO/JE1OV Kpoov' EL 't "E "'TEpQV TEpb.v~rirva'tov, etpo/kevov Kpotlaoov eCl T' ei veWTepov rept T7)V 'EXXoaa a, 7rOTa e Ta KaTravrravat Tr7v vav7rrlt]yv "' 2 /3ao'-\Xev, vrlo'rTai t7r'OV o 'vvOJveovr at, lvpt7 v.p Sap< TE KaC Eta rt 0 eXoV7EV E eV vW o-TpaTevea-Oat. KpoLaov rS, eX7rtlavTa \eEv EKElVOV a\x0ea, ETEr 'AA' yap 70V70 6EOL trot)ObfeLaV e rt 7VOOV Vr7ryTL, E\x6eV E7rL L"Av8&cv 7raiaas oVv 77TTtrOlO'." Tov T e, v7TroXa/3ovTa avcvavt "'fl flao-X\EV, TpoOvf/lWS /IOt (aivveat evca6cOat v70-tWra9 l7r7revo/LeOVS X'a/3~lv ev n7T7elp, olKoTa eXTi ' V' 'w ' '7a & 8E 7e BO/&KEELc EVXe0at aXXo,,, e7rel Te Ta Xt-7a "I 7orvo6To (e LeXX\ovpTa e7rr abl(th vav7rTryeeofOaL veas, Xa"A fetv apa Pevot Av 7o)'. ev OaXas, r ry tva v7rep T7)V ev T vrelp olK7/e1vv 'rEXXoVcov TtiovrTai ae, T7Ob i) v 'ovXoac; eXEL;" KTldpa TE caOq'vat Kpoia'ov rco 'e7rX6y. cai ol (rpoopveow yacp So6a \eX~ELV) TErLOo/ev, o. ravaacT0aT 7TS^ vavv7r7ryrtq9. cKa OVW T70L0t6 raS Vma-ov0 OiKfplevoo't IWort:etL7Vv cvveOr':Ka7TO. - / Xpovov 8e e7TL7tzOieUov, KaL Ka7e6'7pajL/z)&evWv (Xeoorv 28 7ravTrWV To70 eVT70 oAXvovs 7roTra/jov otlK/cLEVovP (7rX\rv yap KX\lKcclv KaC AvKilov, rovs' atovX rrwavTas vTW EOVTW ele KaTao'rpe~atevosf o Kpoo-o' elCtl e o'Se, AvIo&, pLvye9, Mvo-'o, MaptavSvvol, XaXv3es, TIafXayoves~, eprtfces, Ol EvvotL Te Kca BtOvvo\, Kapec, "IwOve, AwoptcE, AloXes, TIcjLAfvXo ') KaTeTrTpa/Leeovwv 8e TOVTWV, /Kat Trpoo-e- 29 rTfCTwlK7W ov KpoLoov Av8o6-'t, aTrlKVeoV17aC Ev ap( S acKfua'ovo'aS 7Xrov 'T \\XXo Te ol travTe EK T71 AEX>,, P,\ O,,. #.. Xa6o9 0op COOGTaT, O0 TOV7OVP TOV XPOVOV E7TVyXCavOV EOVTCIE we/ ca Karo avlVTW aV7rctK1veoTo Kc7 oa Kal 6ca oov, avp AOvlawo, 9 'AO7vatioLa VLOU LOV9 KEceE oaL Ct 7roLcas, a7re/7qorjLr~e Ce7a 8EKa, Kara e Oeplw rpo69 o-v 'K7r E X\waa, w7a r/ /r wLa r\7 v voTCor avaypaOKao'O XioatL 7 Tr 0ero. avroLt yap OVK olol 6TE vav av'To roT0tja 'AOqvatot OpKLtOtrt yap /LeyaXotoLt KaTelovTro, 8e&ca Erea Xp?7creaeOaL VO/LOL-0 TOv7 av o-Qt OCowXV or7ra. AvTrwv 81j7 v TOV7ToV 30 xca T7)S Oewplrfl ecKSrflfrja-aS 6 SXcorv w eelev, Qe A'yv7rV'ov 12 'HPOAOTOY [I. a7TKceTo 7rapa Atao'v, rca, f) ical e? Sapt9 'rapa Kpot00ov artLKO/luevos 8e, EetVL'eTO eV rOlc' /aotXr/ft'tot' v'7ro Tov Kpoioow ve7a e, j7/zJep,7 TpiLTY7 i TeTapTr, IceXeveavrTro Kpotorov, Tov o,6X)ova Oepa7rovre~ 7reptL7ov KcaTa TOVU OrqoavpovqX, Kca e7reect'cvvcav ravrTa eovTa /.e~yadXa Te lcKab opLa... Oe1v7o'aJevov ee plV Tra TravTa Kal o-KEy'JaLevov, (0 ol KaTa KaLpov?V, perTO o Kpoi0o9 ra"e t " v'A - " vate, ~rap' /eas,ydp Trep, a-co X6oyo9 a7rtcTaL 7TroXXo, K cat co7ofi?79 c'iVeKEV T7^y 0)7? KaLc 7rXaYi79, (09 (fLXOTOc()ewv.y yryv 7r v 0ep)t ewefcev eTreXrXvOa?. vvv v tuepo " TretperOa /ol eru Oe7r, et rTva r2r"f TrarTWV e8Se o\- - " /3WTaTrov;" 'O tieV, EX7rlcov elvaL avOpwTrwov oX/3wTaTos, TavuTa CTreipO)Ta. SOXcow 8e, ov8cv v7roOW7arevo'as, dXa d bovTr xprnayo'evo9, Xee^y "'Q f3aa-tXe~, TeX"Xov 'AOqvatovw" 'A7roO)v/vdcra-a 8e Kpo^o-oq To XeXOev, etlpeO eT67T'rpeCeE o' "Koy 3) KpLveeL TeXXor elvat X1 '3t TaTov;" 'O 8e eL7re "TTeXX, TroTo /eLV, T?79 TrOXto9 6EV 1fKovcfl79, Trate& r0'av KaXol T~e KacyaOot, Kcal ot< EcSea aao' TEK/cva e/cKevo/zjeva, Kcal 7rava 7rapa/el"vavraa roVTOo y, r to v eV E 7K/covl, (W ra 7rap 17uLv, " TEXVT17 ToD y/3iov XapTrpoTarTq e7re67eveTO, ~evoTLElVT; "ydp 'AOrvaltoun iayrx 7rp o aTvo) dirveyCTOva9 ev J " EXevovt, /3o?70r7ra-a, Kal Tpo7r?7v 7roL?70a-a vco TrroXe<" t/ov, a7reOave KcaXX\O-Ta. ical,lv 'AOqvaiot 8ioo'-l Tre e'aO av av'ToV TY7Trep e7reOCe Kcal eTl/?7-aYa /L~eryXco —. - 31 Q'1 T T\ KaT a\ r7ov TeXXov 7rpoeTpefraro 6 6oXwv 'ToI Kpotaov, e7rTa"s 7roXXa T~E Kat oXX/3a, c7retpwra riva e'VTEpov per ecerVov ~'o0, o0KecOv 7raTyXv CevrTepela ycov Olo'ea-Oat. o 6e cT7r " KXCoS3t' Te Kal& BiTo)'a. TOVTOtaC& "'yvp o 'Apyeoa-, O e / T' aplce&ov vwr'v, Kca "Trpo0 TOvrT, po/6rp o'wujaroT TOr?7or8 aceXo(fXopot Tre ap" (fOTEpol 6ojOtco?oa-av, Ka, 8 a cal \erat oa e ' 6 X6yo. " eova'7 OpT?]9 Tr eHpr T 'oa-t 'Apyelotet, 6'8ee 7raWVT(o T7JV "' L7p-epa avrVv vyevyte Koiea-O3l^vat 6e TO tpoV' o oe '(f6t. " /3oes eK ToO aypov ov vrape7tvovro ev.ppy EKKX\7lO/.LEV0O ",e w wpr ot vervlait V7rovvTeVT avrob V7ro Tr1v y'evr7Xv, <EtXcKOV Tr)v ao4apav, E7rt To79 aefat,, a &e a'I oXeero 77 "p'T17p. a-Ta'lovu e TrevTe xcal TreaoepacovTa &;a/ico.' 31, 32] KAEIU. 13.cavrcre a7rtcovo E9 To tpo TavTa oe c, 7rotrCao-6 " cal O0clL Vt7O T? ravrvpLo, TEXCvrT Tov /lov apl-ffT7 Ervreyev0To. &Le8e e re v TroVrotL O0 eo0, (A - " adfxevov eir advOpT7rw TeOvavaatb caX\ov. j aoewv. Ap" yeoi I)ev ydap 7repto-Ta'vreT ezaaKaptcLov Trv Ve7vtlEWV Tr/v pw?7Liv aa \e Apye^ta, 7\rv v/jlepa avTr)v, O02)V TKV0)v EKup. vL 7 'e7 p 7reptXapcES ovOa Tr Te epyw Ical 7ETaT yXaTo9?, EUXETO, KX,'ofli tpr, ( efr1p c7aea avrloV 7OV arya/aTo, VX, eOero. o 7T6 al B/T O1, TOtiLt EwvT?79 TeiCvoLt't Ot /LL eTtik7T]al,teyaXwn, Sovva rl v 0ceOv TO avlOpor7T 7TVXetV aptoTOV E67-T. /jE7 TravTrrv SE r eVpvXcqv, w0 e0Ova'v -e cKa eVo)X 7cOUqlav, KcaTaKo/Lt01evrTeq ev avTW T5' I'pw ol Velvtat, o vcerT alvecnrTflav, aXX' ev TeXel TOVT70 ecXovro. 'Ap7EtlOt 8yie OcbECo elKcova9 7wroara/uevot, aveeaav e9 AeX"qov0F, Co dvapcov aptaTcov 7eYvoplerOv. oXcol)V tElv r eVSaltpiovlt)7q 8EVTepela evelue TOVTOtoL. 32 Kpolo-o9 e o-7repxOec, et7re " 12 lve 'AO7Yvale, ] 8e "?7rjETprl7 EVoat/LovlOr7 OVUTc To0 a7reppT7rrat TO /,ro7ev) 0O'TE OVoe towTrE0v dv)pwv apv atovu rju eaa C t0lcraa;" 0J 0C Etrer'I 7'T KpOLre, eTa7rtT'alevov ie T 0etov 77rav " Co l)0ovepov re tcat TapaXcoSe%, eTretprcTa a'v p(7r1tWvl) 7rpr^yLarTowv 7rept; ev yap T~O /jLalcpco Xpovo 7roXXa /,ev E CrT6 t6Elt Taa /Ir/ TL e0eOeXe, 7TroXa Se EcaL TraOeetL.,I \ e? ryap e3/O/jA7COlTa 'T'cea o)poV T?1 ~o779 davOpwTr) 7rpo'7TtrL t. OVTOL eov7eT evLaVToL e/popr7Kovra, 7rapeXovrTa:7i /epa9 oL7Kcolta? tcat 7revTaKcLo'XeXtt cas Kaot S vpLa9, i/f3ox\lQoV /rl7VO9 [tr 7tlVOELVOV. el 86 07 EOEX\r7eC, TOV'T EpOV Tov ETEWV rlu)pl aKcp6oTpov yiveEoOat, va 8qj al "c pat aov/L/alo'voa' 7rapaywtvoLeva6t e TO 'ov, C tOveE ^Ev "t rap Ta Ec /38orflKovTra CeTa ot e/j,3oXt\/LOL 7tivovTao TpL?7 -" KcovTa rEvrTe' p7/ejpat 8e Cec T()V V/7lV0l)V TOV'TWvo, Xla 7 TrEVTTKOVTa. 'TOVTEV TWV a7race(v?7/peov, Twv E9 "T O 38o/LUr/KOVTra E'Tra eov01)ecv 7revlTr1KOvTa Katl tlKfoT'ltv) " jcat tEaKtcXtXtcov Kat 8oL'vplwv, K7 eTepI avreov Tr7 ' e7epY? fjleprp7 To rapa7Tavo ooov SElotOV 7rpocayet 7Trprylla. "TOVT O 0V, OG Kpo'ae, 7rav EC'T, avlOpwo7ro rv/40Pop7j. ePtol 6'1 oe v /cat 7rXOVTEEtlv V tEl, /uy (f)alElvEa Kat /3Lao-Itev\ "- evaLt roXXOv avOpworwov 'EK elo o6 TO eLpeO,e, OVKIC) aoe 14 '~HPOAOTOY[I "Cya' XE'y, 'n-ptv av TEXIv~i7'o-aV/ra KaXW'O9 rO'v atic'va,,T&op.,Lat. fo'v rycp Tot 6 /JIE'ya 7rxovlot0~ 1uaXXOV TOV 4w' s, "i)/E'pijV EXOi/TOS' oX/31(oTCpoS- ETl, 'EL /AL?? Ot TV~q OnJttO7TOtTO, 7ra1)ra KaXa ECyOl/7c TEXEVTY?7Jat EV T07/ 18lov. "wOXXol.L Ev yap {woot apiOpcwaw7ro, av6X/3to' ET "roXXoL 86\ /1IErPtOJS' EXO7/TE9 /3ov EV7VES pv( "t~E-ya 7TxoV(Lo%~ aivo'X/3to,~ 86\, ESVOF07t 7rPOECXEt TOV EL/TV"XEo9 10Vpottl, OVT (S,71 7TXot/L-ioV Ka \ adv o X/3 t' 7roXXo'cot. 6 F.LEV, EWLtOvVpt771) EK7EXcat, Kal ariiv /4Eya"X?7v 77-poo-7rccrovo-av EZ/E-tKCaL (SvPa 8po E & TOW4(SE "wpoE'Xet EKetZ0V aT9?V) /tEP Kal 7rtLOV/JA/?7V 0OVK 61totoia, "(vvaros' 6eKEIoJ~p l/EKaL, MOMr &6 ij EV3TVXIU Ot a7r~pVKEV a &qo~8 CE'T~?apovcoo~, a4waOi)\9 KaKC )v, Ev7Tat9, Ev/Et,8)`q. "El 0\p0 TOV'TOLtL E"Tt TEXEVT?7(0WTOLrvI(~ iOTS "et E~JO 701/ (Y JITIS X3 &EX2( OCL aetv, rVTO "KWpIv TOP4 (EXV\ ~ -yEq rTXEW,OA&1 KELX& Kate Edi)oiW b'X-T "frp\v, &X' aEV7VXEVTa.-j rawirab \1)111 Ka~alEl, C uvXa"/ev.~ vpov E'6 a &var~ EV77L,:oTaV XP~oa E t~a Ka7a9KCEL 7ravra E(AVT?3 rcpEova, XXa a'IXXo jiv E EpO aP w&~a )& 4 Ta wXE-or Ey7 "apioTl a~7~. Oq8\KatL a1)Opw'7rov trcwpia cV Ov&1v a!v"TapKE~ Et77L 70 /tLCV yap EcEL AX~OV &6 E1)SES'I E07LT. o"? a airvrXtcYTa. 301) (aEy, Ka t E7TELa TEXEV71)0- E XapLU-TW TO 701 fo V, OV'ros rap' C/10, TO ov)voya TOL/TO, CO /3ao-tX, &SLKaw'o EOTL7- tfEpEOat. tTKco7TEELt p wravro6? Xp~/yLaTo9 7171) TEXIEvT7V i&P7 w~roflbo-E7a4L. 7roXXot'ot ryap (Si v~ro(Se'a~ ~J/ov 6 ES' poppit'oi) 33" av'pETrE*.) TaD i-a XE' yaw Tr5 Kpotio60 OV Ka)(? oVl~rE C~ap[LIETO, oVT6~ Xoyovj /Alkt 7wotiJ-afLE1oS- ov/(Se1o\0% awore[lk-. IrC-Tab/ Kcpa (S6~a9 4t.a~q\)? Ez'at, "k '7a raEova adyaOla\ /4E7E(9, T7271 7EXETV 7r7) aV)ro\ Xpi7/.zaT~qo9p0p~1 EKeXEVE. 34 METa\ &iE Yo6oaw olxoLLe1o1), `Xa/3E EKc OEOL/ v/ebLE0? /LkEyaxfl Kpdo-ow an ELmao-aL, OTC EVO/LtCTE EO)VT0\) El1)at av1)t7r7T)1 awraVT701 O'X/3t~r~aTo. avrtKa (SE' Ole IEU(OPIt IwE'oC-T?7 O1)Etpo9l, O 01 O T7v) a~ul7OJct?71) cf~aL1)E 7(V1) FEXXOPTCO1) yE1)e'(Oat KaK&J1)' Kara\T\ 701 a(Sa. 27(Ta1 8c To' Kpolav &o 7wai>S~- (3 7(01) ov7Epo9\JE &E',b0apTO' i7P yap (Si) K&Xf)009 0S &E 6Trepo% TcwV moXva palyKc( T-a i~raV w7p63T- OV7)1)O/JX ", 33-36] KAE M. 15 SE' ol' 71v "A'rvq? ToO"Tov 8) W'v TO6v `Awz' ufjttaivet 'rcoi Kpoilwocj 6 OVEtpo9?, COS d7ToXe't LLptv aq -L 7b713w OEVTL. 0 E E7EI T EyEpOfl, ical ECOUT6) X0'yov AWOIE, tKaTctppa)8 'cl9 ToPV oZvetpov, ayETct& /LEl) Tel 7ratS t yvvatKaIE)Oo'Ta, 8' OTpaTr?7yEELV 1.kV TrJV AvSa^v, ovtalka'u' g7T E Toto070 7rp ^yflta E1E rELA7TE aCPTia 8' Kca' 8opc' ta, Ica~ Ta TotavrTa 7ralrIa ToLto 7r -o D- pE'oviat Ec~ A6c/o H'Opanoio, EK T~o) av~pe&wWPc eKC/,o/mo-aa, El~ T701J OaLXa'/iov9 ow)PcZ7e, 0 TL Ot KpE/lka/lEvPV TI) taLt& e'/.LWrEO77 'EXOVTO9; & Oi 35 eL' Xepo-t Tov wat3o\s TOPv rya'/Lov, a7rtKVEETat E9 Ta,3 zapct~ ch'~p vFLboIy EX01JEVo, Kati ao' KaOap\,Xet -pa9 eo~v, c1Jpv /hEV eyEVEy, 7cVEO9 SE\ TOO,Cao-tXI`Qv. 7ratpEX~owv 8e ov'rov? e9; cTa Kpo'o obia, cacTa v6touou ToiX c'wrXowpt'ovq icOapCLOV C'SE'TO KVPJc-tcW KpoZcOW; SE' /AZtV cica'O,)pp EOTt 7raa~X~o-~q'q Ka'Oap'o-tl rTo-t Av~o~tot Kcat TOtGYLEX Xqot. elret TE &e Ta' VOALL~'obLeva e~rt7TU70cTE Kpo~to-os, tf7rVPOaVET0 OcKOQEZ) 76 Kcal TL3 t'lEu7 XIEIyCV z-aS "&2POpco7re, "TS \6 I OW, ic&IOE C'7 (iIp719?K&V 7 TO "ei-Lot &ewveo; Tiva TE avopwv 47 ryvvaucwov EcfJoEvca9~ d1.kC/JeT/3cr "'fl /3a-tLXEv, Fop~iEao UfV TOVD MI'86wS 6'E 7rats!, ovPOJo/2a& Apio oelo9S "a86XfCO'V eluCEWTOV' 'E'K03V, iapettkiL e~EX?7Xa/zE/PO9 TE l7rO, TOV 7FcLTpoS' Kcat EOCTCf?7/J1EVOS 7ravraV. Kp~o-toc Se' 1jtv a/lm/316T0 TOWO-8E "'Av~p(0v TE bi'Xcov Tv7XaPev? "E/icyovo,? Cow~, Kat E'?XJ a ' 7v7 '~ 4xv "oct'q XP7-aO OVSEVO9, PEc'Va el' 717/,6T~pOV. 0uvp4op?7v 6'S TaVTJ7l) (09 Kov~omTar (/EpO)P, K~pSacLPEit 7WXEWTOV. ') IJP\ Si) 81t~a(v EtXIE eL' Kpbioov. 'E &T aVT&o XPOvft TOT61T 6 EV MvO o t~d0VXv/.t~r 36 Ovo,? Xpqcta fyivTaL AE'ya opLcwev6oT &6 OiVrO( EK TO U Ot1PE09 TOVTOV, Ta\ T~oW Mvo-&^)v e'pya, StCLoGetpcake. 7roXXa/ct &6 ol' Mvad e`7r avrTOv e~6X0OOVTE9, 7iTOEEJKOVPME 0i&PE\ Kcalc~v, c7ao-Xov &e \np avTOv. Te)XO9 86\WTLO /lePoL 'Trapa Tov Kpoto'ov TOW) MVo'v a7yyEoI, k'XEyIov TaS "'a co-tXew, t569S Xglt /UE7torTov aPe~ba~fl 77LW 1E T X(IPY'7 09; Ta epya ta~Ep D4J'~TOv '7rpuvu"JEOLVetEv, oi3 Svvapi&Oa. POv v7p00-S8oJEUa0EV "TOP'irt~a c&Xofya'a9 vEqvi'a,~ xa& xivvai uv14 te/fa 16 'HPOAOTOY p. "7A (0, (o av ACv I EX(OEeLV EIC '7 X X opl." '0 t JLeV 8 TOVTO7 V E& 0VTO. Kpoz oq &e, JYIfLOV~Vo V Tov ovelpov ra '7Trea, 'XEye, a'( rda3e " IIa&o3 uJpEv,rep To OV 0 /"II VIffYr OT EOe'T`Tb ov yap av va6ift av-rve/f7rc' atl, veoya/ao a? re 7yap erTt, cKaL TaT a oVL V LEXEt. AvS6Wv ( LpETO Xoyai a Kat To Kvv I)7a-'ltov 7rav o /viT.re ('w K cal &aKevo'icoLe\voa TOUl, o l i ov i elvat w) 7rpoOVLOTaToLC'L 37 " OvveEXeeiv V1Lt i TJ Tro OI)ptOP c iT- Xap3jS. TaD^ra qdetraTo, a XrroXpewLvevov e Tovroifo'fl T Mvarw3v, 'Eret 'EpX6T7a 6 ToD Kpolaov 7ras, fcrcIcos 7TWv ES&ovro o0 Mvcrol. ov baLevov 8e rov Kpoloov rTO' ye 77raaSd o0( -v/Lre/fVreve, eXyei 7rpo? avrov o6 yEvl'Y TCre' "L lraTep, "' a Ka c taXtara 7rprpoTpv /OTe cal yevvaLOTaTa i)tLv Irv, TE 7e TroXEJLov9 Kat < adypa9 fOLTEOVTa9 ~vSOKtc/JueE~ <VvV 8e adfJOTEpp V -LE TOVTW')v a7TroCKXtcOaa eXet9, ovUT 7Ltva reat[Iv tLObL TraptOSv. ovTe advflPv. VVP T~E TOL-l tze Xprq opaa-t e 6-e adyopi7v Kaa et adyopj9 f)oreovTa sbalve ar Oab; CO iO 9 # tEV TlS TOl a-t 7raXtr) Tct 3 E Ivac ' cat'veoOa; KFoo ply r rolar 8ro^vTya- o:o av ev; "KOLO 8e '&r Ttr. veoaaLo, yvvac: i; Kcomi) 8e eKElVn 86:oet < aYOs avO6KEEle; oE LV 0a-) /0E9 Ueva,Tl Tr)) 0e)"p V 7 X67yq avawekov o co) po0 aleiv( Ea-TC TaVTra 88 "ovrT) 7r6oteoLLva. 'Ape&l/3erat KpolOa-o TO't08 "'l "'vral, orTe SeLXLiv, oV're dXXo ov ev adapi 7rapt8ov TOt, r~otLeo) TavrTa d a Xa pO0 orL oveLpov ev Tv VT7rV( ' e7r'LTa'aa c) c6 oXtryopoviov eEoc-0oat, VrO yap "aXf1riq a-S'O8peiq a7roXee-Oat. -rpo? Co Tr7v oTV tV TavTIPV, TOV TE ryld/OV TOt TOVTOV So''TevO'ca, Kal e7T Ta 7rapaXa/,3aavo/eLva ovic a7ro7re/flrc, cfvXaKi)V exwV et:CKW? 8vvaatrL7v Ierl T9S el/V o'6e 6ry- 8tiacXc\rat. El9 ryap / 0ob IoLVVo9 TvryXa7)ES ewv 7atl TOv Tyap &1) eTepot, 39 " 8e0apl.evov TrIv aKorv), OVK eWval /LO Xoaytfo',Cat. 'A/,,el/8erTa o' veqw?)lI Toltrce' " vyyvwron j/ EV, co 7raTep, "'To, oovrT 7E o'tV TotavrlV^, 7ept, E/e fv\a/crv acew' " TO 6 ov aEavOdavet, caXXta XX70er (re TO oveotpov, e/le Tro "tlKaOav Eta-r- epaetv.,(f)g' Tot TO ovrepov vqro aci~XIJ? < "a-t&pE9 fadvat E/le TEXEvTqa-UV VO' 8o KOCat p/ev ec(ti %E e6p9, KOIt) 0 alixp) a-ltpe Y], I v a- o/3eal; el Uev 'yap v7ro oO6TOw TOI e6T7re TeXEV7Tr-'eLv /JIe, Ir aXXov T'ev o 37-44] KAEID. 17 "Tr TovTr eotIE, XPTV O VE TroEEtV rd TTolEE vv WJ Xp,,,,, q rotectq' Ev7Tro aC O. e7rel re wv ov 7rp o av pas' 7Tp/wV yLveTa "0 6a xdl, i0~e p.~" 'Ap4el86Terat Kpo o' o'l 7a, 40 "eCT TY pe v/LcaS, 7vfywtv a7rocpalvov 7rep& Trov evv7riVlOW WS c V V VEvTcrkevo V7TO CEO, /eraytvwo'Ke), ke"T r/ jbre T6e teva e7rt Tr'v aypv." / E'7ra? Se Tavra o Kpo0-0os, /Iera7re7TreTra ro'v T )pvya 41 "ASptrTrov, a7rtKco!,evw e ol \7eeT raSe ""ASpo-qre, "e E 0V /e 'vp fop 7re7rX\i7/pevov aXapt, TrrV To oVc c ovet~tco,,Kd0pa Kal Oliciotat vmroLeOa/eZLoV EW, TvrapeXoWv 7racav &aT7ravrv' vvvp w (o'eb\Xl 'yap, ep/eV "7rpo7ro07caavTro XPr0-Ta E9 cr-, Xpr?-Tol-ot fte a/Lelt/ecOat0) 'vXaKfca 7raSoS 0e6 Tov e/Jov Xplrqo) ryevecrOat, E s aTyplv oppeopepov' prI rwe' gat o~ov fc\X76re~ ca"t coVp1yo. 7r 7 rikr]ree cavEowl Vp'lv, ' rpM o 8e TOVTi, cal 0rE TOet pe5V eUTL, levait ev'Va d7roXa/It7rpveaL T'ol' epyotoLv 7Trarpwtov TE Fyap TOt ert, Kal 7Trpo-eT pco/rt " VrapXe~t. A/el,/3erat 6 "Apv-ro' "'_2 f3actXevi, 42 " dXXW f.LEv ry 7 OV a av oe ria " deOXov TOWovGe ovTe yap C'vfpc/opy 7O86 e O 'vo co orX\ca "'ev 7rp17oaovTaa tEvat, ovTre To /3ov\'Xe0Oat 7rapac' roX"XaXq Te av Trov e/,eoCVTOV. vv 8e, 67TE6 TE CV ' -7rEV3ES-, Ka, 83E T'rot XapiEffOat, (oe006iw yap (Ye a/elt"tecaOai xprl-Tro0't,) 7roleetV e/lfil EToTLLO9 TraVra. vraESa T"e TCOV, Tov 8tafcEXeveat (f)vXaotveL, c a7rova Tov " vacrd'o'vroT etveicev vrpoo-oKca Tot a7rovo(rYT7Coe. \ TotovTro-t e7rel' re ovro'0 adelaTo Kpo~lov, 7'iLa-a 43 / a\7a E~)7 TOTV/aeVOL XO TL terTa 'avTa e:pTupJevo aot Tao' 're vervtr7i, 7 cal Ica. a7rtKcoJlevo6 e9 TO' OXva/y7rov TO opo0, e7Teov TO Orlplov eupov5eV eS, Kca Cl epLtr'rav'TE aTn'O KVK/XCp, etrqfcovTrlov. EvOa 8) 6 ~:ezvos, ovroT 3r1 6 Kca0ap0el roTv o6vov, KaXeopevog [8 "A8proTro9, dacovToWv TOv COv, TOv /pe v alapTavet, Tv7yavet 8e Tov Kpotlcov 7ratoso. o /pEV orI /3X70let TB aitrl e4e7rX71r)e Tov OVElpOV T?7] / j qv. WOee 8e l' dyyEX&OV!rO Kpolc TO!yeyovo'. a7rtKO/tOtevo 8oe e9 Tra?,ap8o&, rr'v 'e /La)X7v Ica TOV Trov ( 'rat8o /popov ecrr/ fve ol. O 8 Kporo'o, T' OavdaT 44 Tov Tra8o\ -vvyreraparytevo9, p,6aLxx6v rI 6e8eovoXoyEEro, 18 "HPOAOTOY [I. IT7 LtV a7reKTECl7e TOV aVo70 (foOV car7lpe. 7repLtr)Je/cTew ) av ^ op-j 86EiLV t, e/caXee FLev ALta KaOapo-Lov, j/aprvpoevo rTa v7ro 70v:elvov rrerrovow ei'r eCaXee ' e rtrrTTOt6 Te act TrTaLprltov, Tov avroV TOVUrov ooaC'Owv 0f6W T V e W TLOP7rTov icaXeov, OTL 8) olclolt VTroe&a/'jevvos rov bElvov, (ovea rov TraLo9 EXav7Oave 8O3f6TcuK ' r1v 6 )alprlpov, v) /vXaica 1v/u77rer/k4raq 45 avrov, evpr7KO& 7rroeI 7CTrar7ov. vTIapoav 8 e PETa TovTo ol Avuoo (pepovTe TOP veKCpov' o07Tr e Oe Ecrrero ot o bovev. crra 86e ov0Tro 7rpo Tov veEcpovJ, vrapE&cSov &ovKov Kpo(co,,poorelvwv Tda XelpaX, eParwca7a'adaL Juv KEX\cVWo Tt) vEKp' X\eywv T7]V rTE rpoTep7v eW)VTOV erv/fJoprv, Icat co(0 er eicetvr Tv KaEfLpavTa atro\W\oXcW ~e7), oVO Ol 0t fE' /360l-LoV. KpolaOS 6\ TO Pv 'T aKov(a9, Ov 7e "Aopr'Trov IcaTOLKTrepe, /catrep cwv ev tcatKw ol/cKrlT ro7COVTr, ica Xaeyec 7rpo? avTov' EXwt, ew: eve, "rrapa crev 7Traav oa 7TjV It7V, 67TEL7 oCEoWVTOV KCaraot"Ka cd'et OCvaTOV. ElV e OV oV J LOt TOVo3 TOV Katov aTIor, 1"el 7 oco00 aefcov e:epyaaao dX\\ OeWrv KOV Tt?, o OL ICaL rraXat, rpoeo'rj7abve Ta fe\\XovTa eo'e'Oat. Kpo-CoS lE)v vvv eadre o09 olKco )7V To7 EUVTOV Tvraa. "A8prlcrTo \e o Fop &Ool Tov Mi8co, ovroT &r 6 (foveEv 0 8Xe c,^ Fyc,. \ TO KaO, Le Tv ov cO)vro aoS(f)o v vo7evoL, (fovev9 o -rov caO.)pavro?, efrec TEe rovXIl7 Tov advOpo7orwv Ceeve7' 7repb TO r)71La, av7ye7wolScopevo? cdv0apW7rv elvat TrZv aVTO' 7'7e6e f3apvu'vpopoTraTro, wvrTov eT7rucaTacf-oaeL TE TVP/L)9. Kpo^o'9 oSe E7r& vUo eT7a ev rrerGOe6 peyaa'Xc KavOIoTo, TOv Tra7Loo eo'7Tepp7/evo. -7 46 Mera oe, r/ 'AoTrvayeco TOV Kvapapew) rley/uovl7) catratpeOetO'a VTqr Kvpov rov Ka/,/3vreC), eKal Tra 7rT lTeploowv 7rp?7y/jLaa avtavojeva, 7revOeo9 tev Kpol-ov a7rerravae. eveI,33IE 8e e9 / ppovrioa, etl /C(O 8vvaaTo, 7rptv fpeJyaXov ryevea'Oa 7rovSP Illep(a?, KaTaXa/3ev avTZr avavoevqlv Trjv va/bv. MeTra Gwv v &advotav TavTr7v avrTca aWre7retpaTo ToJ 1eLavT'iLvv rv Te ezT EXXo-t, cal TOV v Aev ALfvy Sa7rE/La9 tXXovq? aXXp, 7rov0) /L E? AeVXov9q &lvao, rTOV e & "A ' 3aa Taro 'CaICeWV, T0oP &e e9 AUoy8zvl otl e TLve e7e/7rovTro wrapaz re 'A/uta 45-49] KAE10. 19 ~EJ a a~ Tpo~oS'tov l &,'r ETt~j~i Bpa~y~t'(a ~ wira &'w'rc EXXnVCKa \ laVT'ia, E Ta awre[LiffE 1,JavTEVGOO[EVO9~ Kpdo'o-o9. AL/t,89q 8c\ irapa "ALAO vaWEOTELXE aXXov9~ XP?70-0I.,tElV9V. (SLE~rE/7TE S6 77tELPEO)/-tEV)0 TcWv izavT'1twv o Tit cOpovEoWEw c, E1~ cJpo-. ))EO))Ta TI)7) aXqIOqtq7V Ev~pEO'et`7, E7~tEI1)TCLL c(T()a (SevTepC 77CtrCOn, Et E7tLXEtPEO L, E Hpo-a9 o-TpaTeVEoYOat. 'Ev- 47 TELUa/JOL'098\S TOlFt A(OtGt Ta(Se a~r7TW/kL7TE El? T71V &ta~tEpaV TCOW Xpfl(YTIptwWv a7T '17 a))?7pLpq7 O'p/J4OEOA)LT& EIC Yap(Sio)1, a-7T0 TaVT?79~ PI7CLp0Xoy0lY'VTaL TOP) Xot7rov xpvv eKaToo-T, Oat~9xPYJc T0ffIXPE7rtEpO)TEOV)Ta9? 0 Tt rIOtEWV) TvryXavot o Avu&3y /3ao-tXcl)9 * Kpdto-o9~ 6 'AXva'TTECOA. a0(Y-a 8' a6 e'Ka(TTa T(V) Xp?7 -0TIqpOwV 0Oc7-towA7y, o'ffy/ypa~qaJ vovs' da1)(,Epeiv Trap &covTO). 0 7t ALE)) VVV) Ta\ XOt77-a\ TO) PET1PO) EOE(T-WLCT Ov XCr'/ETat 7TpOS ov(Sa/(wv El) (\E AeX00boL(Y cos? eoqxoov Ta t votXq-'~XUtrTa E9~ To /LLcyapov) ot AvScXP)JAL)0 70060 Kca?,EWEtp0)TEOl) TO e'VTETaX1ALE))0o, t] Hv~iil El) C E/T~pCO5 TOM9; 'Xc'Iya Ta'86E O78 a 8' 'E7G) qfra'4pv T~ a'pW(Lto\, Kalt pilrrpa 0aXo'crn-?);, KatL K~04V' cTVVt'q/U, Kalt ov' o/wdvETo9 a'KOvWo. '081/LI) 11' IE' cq)pE'va9 W7Xe KpCaTatpc'VOto XEXW'Vll) cqok'-, 'v XaXK'"P ~JL apVEt'oLGL KpE'E(Tft, V, XaXKos (LEV VWrEO-TpwTat, XaXKO\V 8' eirtErcu. Ta'Ta 01 Av(So\ 0eavtoI7rt0-C197) 19fl (ryptJa/Pe)ot, 43 * tXO))T0 awLto)TC69 09 Ta9~ 1,ap&SL. W9 8E\ Kicc (cOXXot ol' Tr6Pt~6woC'40TET '77ap?7o-a)) cOE'p0TET 701)9 XP170/-1"ko0l ciVOa-tuTa 6' Kp~oo9o, E`Ka0cTa a)7)a7rTTV0fOWG( Ev0)'pa TOV))) cy rypa/.LpLaTCOV. TO)V) ILEV (S) OV3SCP 7Wp0t6ETO /LW 0 &,) d' 7O CKC LAEXfw)V y'IKOVYE6, avTiKa 7rP00TEVXETO T6 Kat poe&c'~aT0, vop)0aLU7~ ALov))0l Ewat /L6aPT?7tO) TO E))~x017 07 0 6'EVp 'KEE Ta\ aWT0 670t7CTE. 6'7r1t 76 ryap (S1tEW4E/.~ Tapa\ T'n XfI)90T'qpta 70v9 OEo77TpoW7ovq, OUXa'~a9 TI)) IV~U))TO))?ALEEO, ELI) J 70 rta E7rtlo0I)0ag Ta I)P dAL1)XaVOV) 6'E4PEVp~) 76 Kit ECw7tcfpcacrOav xXXOrV icv(t)a KaTaKo~a9~, o/Lov' Ji~EG at'T\9 'V XC/3ir~t XaXKf Xa'K ' TOYa~a E'rOE'9 Ta\ ALe)) (8, LAEX0b~ O VTo. 49 20 'HPOAQTOY (L -7(0 Kpoioao E'P7'- Ka7rt Te'ri7v 'Al-butapco Tov p~av777(0o1) a7ro/cpUTa v, OUKc Xo. elWCU 0 7t ToccYL Av~o&o'& e~?c 7r-otoao- 7Tept To ipov Ta vopt~l-keva. 01)yap WV) oVcSE TV O X6 7a aXX o yE 1 0~ /C TOVTO El)O/tUTe ftavv ov a7~fev8 6\ eKmI7oTOat. 50 M ET' 8' 'rav^a Oval, o-t /ptrya~X77T To eV M~~~~CO\OZ iXaUTKETO. KTVJVEa TE yap Ta\ Ov'ct/pac 7raV7-a Tpto — 'X tac eOvo-e, tcXlva(9 m TV6a 7 ap? p V, Kt Obta ct tVEa;, c& LLaTa 7Wopo/vp~ca; Kal L W~ 7)77ca vpJ> 7.teya'X7V, KaTEKatcE cX wu cO)V TOPV 0E6 paXXOV Tt TOLJToto-t a aK-oco-Oav Av~o'tc1 TE 7ra0ab '/TpOELE~, NVEWl 7TaVTaL Tta aLiTOW TOVT(09 0 Tb EX0& Ev caOT709. 601 E\ 7179T 4 OV olq( e7EPETO, KaTa ~cajkEP09 x~'~' ~~ X~ ov, ~ X i'Ota '4 a 'TOD X a v /-t Ta uaXtKpOTepat, 7To1E60 EC a ce7 cC E & r /3paaXV'Tcpa, Tpi~wa"XatGra- iDfo9 &, '7TaXatO7Ttactac a'pt/A1OP 8E, E'7TTaI~cLL3EKa Katb eKaTOWV Kacu TOVT aWV, aw7CfOoU xP'cov 7T 0-apct, TptTOP CrUtc XaPTOV EKaUTToP EXKOZ-a TL & X c yJL XW, XEVKOV' xpvo-0 O 0~O &tT - Xav7-a. EW7OtEET0 & Ka~t XEOPTO9 ECKOva Xpco aWe~.oov, 9XI~ovoTav 0TaO/Jto' Ta'XCa Ta SE'KaI. OZTOs' 6 XE'O)p ewetC TE ICCaTEWaL'TO 0 el) A CE-x 0 t~cb 7)10, KCLTeWECTE C77o Tol)v IYUtw7 ipNtoW J74 eya\p T0OJT0LY t(~pVT0-K tVV KCa 6 T5 K optvO twv O77o-avp03, EX O) O a / V E3~ OL?j'/LLTa'XaVTov. acLWETaLKIq yap aWToV TETCaPTOV?7/LLtTclac)TOV). 51 LE7rtTCeXeo-a9~ 86 6 Kpoiao90 TacV'Ta a7TErk-Lw-e eq AExo0v9 ia, a &8 a"XXca '/4a To-tot' ip77Tqp ' &i,L~ aO aaycXovs,2 Xpvo-cov Kab apyvpEOlP TOWI 6 i-L6' XPVG-609 EKEETO CMTL &~ta\ /UOT 1 G PI7OP,08 PYPEI ~ p T Ia FL T KL?O 7Joca 8 \ Ka\L O'TOL V7rO TO 7 0P K T KT ICVTE 1kTCIL 6 tP ' X1)O9 K LT E t) 0T OV5) VK 970V K va wa \ Ir I I a~vpjo, EX O) 6Ta /. O ePv cTOV 17/, LLTaXaVT0P Kal ET F1(O l)pe'ar 6' 8e\ apryV'pEO, E7Tt6 TOV 77- po)7t'OV T279 y wov t ~ ~ ~ op a K~ ov9. 7TtKtpv-arTat ycap VW\ ~A EX0frfv eeoc/avtotcat. 8bf~I /AV ~&eX~fO\ OH)Co&S0pov TOi) Xq/LLov "pryoP ELPaEW Kcalt Cy(0\ 80Kd, ov3 yap TO OUPVTVXOP oatvPEcmi co pyov ELPEaL. KaIb 7TLOOV9~ 76 dpyvp~ov Teaorapag dwrE-eu*,fr, ot ev T(P Kopwtv'ovw 60-54] KAEID. 21 0r7caavp9 EC'TaCL Kcalt reptppavrTrpta 8Vo dveOi7ce, Xp;c-eOV Te Ical apyvpeov T-Vv 'T3 XPpvoeo E7rrtyeypa7rTat AAKEAAIMONIIN, falyevzv elvai acvarOLya' ovg/ op0wO Xer/oVrES' 6ETt ryp Kic TOVTO Kpoi~ov. ereypar6e E TOV Teq AAoeX'b^, AaceCaLuovooLo-t /30ovXo/jEvoV X aptcaaOaB rov EM7Tr acfLevo TO o1vol/a, ovKc 6T'rtJvrrotLat. aXXt' 6 /uv 7rac', 8' ov vT^r Xepo pee rT V8cop,,W AaKeSaLLlovt'0v ecrTl ou fLEPTOL Tw rE 76 repppavr'Tplov ovSerepov. aXXa Te dvaOr1zaTa oVK e7rrt'r-/.za 7roX\a a7re7re/L.Pe apLta TroVTOrtb 6 Kppo-oso, cat %xevca7ra dapyvpea Kev/KorTpea' KaC 0?7 cal yavvaLfco9 ic2oXov Xpvoeov TpLr7'n'V, 3T AeXk0ob TO7 dprTOco7rov TEq KpoIt<ov elfKva -j Xeova'i elva. TrpOS &e, Kab 's? eoVTroV yvvamoC Ta a7ro vT? 6etp? daveOrlIce 6 Kpo.olO0, K/ca Tas 'ova?. Tavra!/tev e&? AeX/ov\? a7rETre/JE ' Tc3 8 'ALtapew, 52 TrvVo0.Jevo0 avrov rTV Te aperTv Kca vrTlv 7Tradrv, aves7cKE acraco rEe XPovCeov 7rav, 6,iolos Icatl a3luijv LTTrepe7V 7racav xpvaerv, TO t^vTT V 7T7L YXYo7CrL eov 6Loci)6 XPVcreov' a eT tcaa t ad(6prTepa es e/Le rv Kceltueva E, r rj/7aye-t, ical 7/3aciov Ev vT)3 70o 'Iatrlvtovo 'Awr6X-?ovos. Totcr e U aTew /L6XX\ovo't TOV AvSCv rai3Ta ra 53 spa Es rTa\ ipa eveTeXXETro Kpoo-o cTreppcoTrav Va xprfTrjpta, Et arpaTveSrrab cvrl TIIE'p-a Kpooos, Icat et Tvwa crparTv dv8pwov 77pooOeotro txL\ov; 'Q 8e aTrrKCO6LEVOL E? T adre7r/Ji400rloav ol Avool dvveOe'av Ta avaOr/LjTara, eXpeovro T0oCT XpprlaTTptota', Xe7ovzre?' " Kpotoso, 6 AvS&cv Te Kcaa aXXeoiv evecov /3aatXevs, "votulas ra rdSe VtavrYiCa eLva Uowvva ev adOpc)rot, v/Uv Te~ atLa owpa e OcKe Trv e ~evpr7LCaTiwv, ecab vvv vtLeas " 7retpoTra, Et o'TpaTrevrTa, E7rl Hepcas, cal ei' Tva "arTparov davSpw Tv 7rpoaoeoTO v0 v caoXv;"o Ot IEv Tavra E77-ELpWTEOV. TWcV 8E /LaVTtLOV 1 aC/fOTrpWV E~ TOWUTO at ryvwpat cvv~eapaLtov, 7rpoXEyovcab KpotoTp, ijv.rpaXqI apX?7v juv v'!-r!. ~ rat. Trevrlrat e7rT Hepo-a, eTEyad7v ap#x~ Lev KearTaUvat. TOvs Se T'EXXprawv SaTWOTaTO' ov 6VVe/3o VO\V6 ot eEVpovTa d Xouv9 7rpoaOEffrOat. 'EyreL' T 8e V aveveLeT Ta rd 54 0E0 TOpor 7r eru 'ro opo7 poo, v7repro'07, re roro' Xprl 22 'HPOAOTOY [T.. 'Tiptiotc' Tra7%v TE eTX7ro'aa KaraXveivoe Tlrv Kvpou eao-eXivt'7v, 7re/~La? avirt eJ? IIulv0, AeXcfov Scopee'at, f 7rvOoALevo avTWv TO 7rX^00o, carT' vopa 3v5o o'rarTpo', eKaoCTov Xpvcrov. AEXJotl oe avrT TOVTCWV e(Soa av Kpoto Kcab A So.oot 7rpo0Wav)iTtvr Kal aTre\e?)v Kcat 7rpoeSplv7, p ': Kcat Eelvat T') /3ovXot/vTeo avTw'v yeveaOaL AeX0ozv E9 T7v 55 aet XpoVOV. Awp'Jaevo' Se TOV9 AeXfot)v 6 Kpo^o'o,, )prr7Ypta>'deo 7O TprTov. eTre TE yap S) 7rapeXa/3e Tov /avTT1ov aXqR06'tuv, eveCopeETo avrov. e7rEtpw)Ta 8E rTae Vo'Tvrpta'o/1evo9, e' ol 7roXvp6vto gcrrat 1 povvaP < \ v IV0l Ol Xp' Ta'8 apXin. 13 be llvur 01 Xp7 7a Ea 'AXX' otT' av l3uovog /3Pao-LtX\~ M38ota't 7yev1Tat, Kal Tore, Av& 7roapp3pE, 7roXkvt St3ia wrap' 'Epltov lPfvyEiv, /\18E pvelVLV, a'8' azo( ai KaKos a v'at. 56 TovTroWto e'X0oioCt TolT't rete& o KpoFoo? 7roXX6v rVt fIaXti-ra ravrwTOv Vf0?017, A7Tiwv '/tovovol ov(Sa/a avT' av po 0 (3ao'\Xev'etv M8ovW ovS' CYv avlTO, ov'e ot e avTov, 7ratvc'eo'OaL KOTe T717 apye? 7. Mera &e TaVTa EfpOV7'e lTopemv, TOU? av' EX^co uaToraTovt e vra? rpoai p 'EXX1vwv 8vvaT(OTaTOV9 e0V7av 7TpoKTr1c'aTo htLXov9. la-TOpEOV 8E, eVpLOKce AaKeSaitpoviovq cat 'AOvalovq vrpoEXovTa, ToV)S 7ev T ) AtpitKOV yeveoot, T9ov(Sf TOV Jl)VlcKOV. TavTa fyap 1)v Ta 7rpoKceKpt/jevaa CovTa TO apXatov' TO fev, 'leXaCrKoW O- 8e, 'EXXqVlKOV 6e'0VO. Kal TO Levv, ova5 KW eeXpG70e TO 8e, vroXv7rXavj7Tov KcapTa. Er t1eV 7yap AevKaXtw)vo /3ac-tXqo o OLKee y7v TrV @IOtTw. 7rl & A/opov TOD "EXX7vov, Trv v7ro Trv "Ooerav re ac TrO OvYXvL7rTOV xep~Tv, KaXeo-,.ev1'v oe o\'TLaolTv' eEC oe T71^9 J(TtaLCLtTto 80c9? e'ave(oTrj v7ro Ka8/pe~iv, o cKEE ev IlvST, MaKcevov KaXe6-!xevov. evOevOev 8e avTtl e' Tr1V Apvo7rlSa /fe~T/3r7, Kca EK T7S ApvowT'og oVwTo9 HlleXoorvvI o-ov \dXOv, AwptKOV CEK\?r0ri 67 "Hv TLva 8Se yyX;3craav L'Eav olb lleXacoyo, OV'K 'Xo ' aTpEKew9 etTraL. el Se Xpewv EOmt TeK'LatpOL6E1)OV XElyEt TO'wSt VVV TC'r oi5V' IIeXaoy(3v, TWV Vt7rep TvpaO-7vov Kpq7 -O'Twva 7ro6Xtv OtKceovToV, ot "o1ovpot KCOT6E 7o-av TotoiL vVV AC)pteofc KaXeo/erobo'WL, OtKeov 8E T'qVtKavTa 7yv Tq7V 55-59] KAEI. 23 vvv OeaEaXLoTLV KaXeo/~jEvr'v Kcal v)rv IXaKcl7v re T cal IKcvdXa7v a v oI/CLtavTIv e) v 'EXXXvrovTcr, ot o'voKco. eyevovro 'AOijvatOtU' K/cal ca aXXa IeXareytKa va 7ro a Cva 7roXtaa T o'vo/a /,Lee/I3aXe el TOVTOLtO TEK/cLapoLtEVOV 8el XeYELV, aav ol EXao-yol i3p/3apov ry\wXa-aav ievTre. EL TOWvvv rv cKaL 7rav Troovro To leXaaytcov, ToA L 'ATTtKVv eC0vo, ev ETCo Xa-yCt/c6O alja T Lera3ohrj Tr es "EXXqrvas Kac TjV (yXwco)rav /ET /Ia06. Kcal yap 6 ooTe l lpI(p7To0WtTat ovoa/Lolt'L 7v0v r V o0cea? 7rEptOLK60VTCOV ELC O60Xot07\o/,o0, OqbTE Ol IHXaKLtvvoi' t6-t 06\, 6/ko7XWooIff ' &X\oVal TE, 7OTt, TOV velIcavTro yXcxro'?p xapaKTr7-pa /jeCTa/3alvovT~e 9 ravT ra TC Xopta, 58 -TOV-TOV 'ovcr Ev fvXaka. To 8E 'EXXvucvov oyXco'-r p kev, e67re TE e7yeero, alet KOTE TV7 avT7 6tazpeeTat, 0? E c/voL KlcaTaqf)alveCTat eLvav a7rocayLtoev )UevTOL a7ro TOO ITeXaayulKovf, CoPv daOOves, ad7ro Oc7trKpOV TEO Trjv appl 6OpLE~W/jE~VOV, avqr7at L S 7TrX'00 T0V v0PWV zr7oX7X0v, /JatAWTa 7rpoGcKECXOp1KOTWV(0 avTwo Kat a\XXwv eOvewv,3ap3papwv oavv ov.. 7rpos? i7 Or v e/1ot TE 8OKEEL o'8E ' o lieXaoyItov evo9, eov a3p/3apov, ovSaua,eTLJycXow avz;]0Irvat. To1VTWvP 87 Ov T7e)V eOve C TO /4tEv ATTtCOV caTe- 59 %orjevov \e K 8al tlec7raoP'tvov &7rvvdOve'o o Kpo'oo vro lela 'to'WTpaTov TOV IrTTroKpaTeo9, TOVTOv TOV Xpovov 'vpavvevov7'7o- 'AdOvalwo. 'I7r7oKpaTet 'yap, ECvt Lo, Ical OeOpeOVT Td 'OXv7Trla, TEpaL C-feveTo leTya. Ov/avTou ^yap avTov Ta Ipa, OL Xe/387T~ E7STEoTECWTE9, KcaL Kpcp-v Tre EOvTe ep6LrXeot Kcal v8aTo9, av 7rvp9 efeaoav, Kca C 1L 77- t v avev 7rv v7repe3aXov. XtXov 8' 6 AaKceSaqitcvtoj 7TrapaTvXowv, cat Oe7ya'cdeivoo rO TOepas, o'vve/3o eve v 'Ir roKcpaTed, 7rpwTa tuev vyvvatica TEKVoTrOLOV f1?r ayc'OatL eS TaC olKta' el oS Tv7YXadvEt 6Ewv, S6evrepa Tr7v ryvvaL/ca e/C7re[7TCretv KCaL et TtLS ot TVryavet e)Zv 7ratT, TOVTOP a7ret7raTOat. ov/Wcv, TaVTa 7rapatveoavTOS XiXcvo9, TreLOeoaOaB EXeev 'TOv 'I7r7roKpaTcea yeveovOat ol /IeTa TCavra TOv IIellCoTpaTov TOVTOV, 08, ('TaCTarOTo7v TWoV rTapadXwv /Cat, 70v C/C TOV 7TreSov 'AOrvalov, Kat TOtv Pfev 7rpoeCrTeC0To0 M7eya/Xc'0 ToV 'AX/iCacOVOS, TOV )oe \eK TOV 7remiov Av/opyovpO 'Apt 24 'HPOAOTOY [I. -T~oXat&o), Ka74opov?70-a9~ TlJ~ w paivvtiCaytp -pvv O-Tao~tv. OVXXE a9 867cOT0a0Ta%~ Ical co% X~y 611Y v TOMVep-. aKpL~ COrpouc'Ta% /1i7Xava~ab TOMate. 7T0)/1.4atoaq EO.)OV0J TE Kat 7)/1LOvov9, 'l7X0aeYE I T?7v) ar70p771 TO 6E~9 0) E '7rTcf~vy&3'q -roiv'q E'Opoi\,?, o~' ptvl E'Xaz'vov'ra E9? a'ypolv 9'-. OE'Xlyoav d7To-XeOat 8'Oew E3EE7O' TIE TO"' 8?71LOV (fvXaK79 'rvs wc~a~o vp roat, 78p7E 0) vSKt/77O-aq el)T Oirp Mcy apea9? yevolk~viop~ny N atl)reXdv \a "1XXa a'7ro&~/Je o9/ycta 'pya '0 8\ 8iu9 TOW 'AOqvak' E 'a7raT?)OC\9,- c~bC~Ol To'l) aor-7Wl Ka-a-. X E'a9 a~v~pal? 707VS'TO, Od S0PpcfJOpt (LC\ OVWK C'y1'C'0VT0 flturaTov, KOp )qoo & vw ap KopvlvaT~ JAOVT~c'9 EL7T0V70 Ot 077l-t OC. VEraaTaTl?8\O'0 a/la IIew (W (TpaTQ)p 6GXO T-qvl aicpo'rtoXtv. gEvoa 87\ 6' flctourro-pa-ros- 77PXc 'Affyvacdct, OVTE TL/1al 7as' Eolo-a9 (7vlTap otapaXaava'~a9, OUTE O'O/~ '1~Xaa 7TI TE T70tob KaTECTT COl~ EVE/C~k6T 71/1 WIOLIOTIO ac9 76 Kai ev. 60 METa\ SE oV) 7rXX XPO'VOV 70')V)O\ (Opol)7cal)TE9 0t 7 701) MEyaKcXEOV(; (7a0 ~ b Kato 0 AvKolyor-,EXa1)vovoLTL /1tl. OVTCO /1EfV HEL(7(l'T~paT709 E0TXE 7O 7rpCO70V 2A t at T17l Tvpavl)LS OUKO) KpTaL EppL 'J/el)?7J EX3~) a7EXe. o' &\ E4EXa'oalT7E9 ll WTicT aTOl), aVTt9 eKc l)eq79 c aiX'X?)Xoto-b cT~aLta'al). TrpEalo1l0 79 07acreOt 0 M 6aKE)s' E7rEK?97pVKEVE70 lltp 0~ 'EL l0V'XOTO'o O1 T)7l) Ovryab7'pa eetl) ryvlvatKact 7rt 79 T 'pl8ct. el)~a/1evov &6 TOl) I~~l KELto/1Xoy))-al)709, E7Tt T0VTOUtb- IltJEUtWTpaTov, /1?lXal)wVTac 877 CM T? KaTO,8o 'JrpYl/y/1a eV970EI'TT77OV) (0 Eyo) c1)pL(YK&), /1atpcot E7rct eye a~re~pi'0,q EKc 7raXcwrEpov 70O f8ap/~3apov cEOl)E09 z6'cEXX?7vt/cv, `OY Ka\ &8e0T "l) KE e qi7 ~Xtoiov a7r17X-Xary/1EVV /1a'XXov' et KalL TOTE rye 017Gb c'V 'AOqra'a. MCI)b T701(76 7tr&J70to-t Xcryo/1elot7 El vat 'EXX'vo (70(/)L/7 /1lVVO ro8te. 'El)T 7(5 &171(' 7 latavt vyv, 79 Vvo/1Ea 1V ('i)?7, /1E'yaOos- '7tO7((Ep))\/E&VC7 X6i7rovoa Tpdt9 8aKCT~vX(u, ical A)XAAK CEtUEL?. TaV'Tll) 'Tl)l) yvlatKa Oc~cvao-aPTV7E 7r-avO7rX' E7, E a'lp/lta CELT/3t3a'oealTE9', iat 7Tpo&4~aV7E9 (7X9/1a oT0l) Tb E/1EAAE EV,7TpC7Tco7-arOl) oalecoOab " ovoa, y7Xav'l)ol 69? TO aUTTV, 7Trpo 60-62] KAEI. 25;p6O1Jov K7pvKaq vrpoTreL]rav7Tes, ot TCa v1revrad\tva ^7yopevov e9 To aorTv a7rtKicoevot, XeYOI7E o TOlaSe' "'T "'AOrjvailo^, ECKEce0 ayyaL O voe -etlc-trT paTov, Tov avrri "1 AA07jvait7 TLUo'fao-a advOp7rc)v /aXtvc-ra, KaTa/yej e' " 71v eWvr77? atcpo7roXLv.' Oi /Ltev Sr TraCra 8taC)ot~TeovTe9 eXeryo' avrtKa ae e 7E TOV~v orjLov9 (bartL a7drltceTO, Ao? WAnvatq? IletlratTpaTov KcarTaey l Kal ot evr To aCTa'e 7re0o[LeO&, Tryv cyvvatfca elvaL avTr)v Tr7v 8eov, 7rpo0evXovTro e 7Tjv avOpr7Trov, cal ESECKOvTO TOP 1v IlOrLOTpaTOv. 'A7roXaG3w v e Tr7V Tvpavvtca poo7ro '7o elprT1ev)( 61 ^ t lleo'ao-paTro,% Kcacra Trr oiuoXoyt7lv T77v 7rpo' MeTya/cXea 7evo/iev1r7 ya Ceet rov MeyacXeov' 71rv OvyaTepa. oha e 7Tralio&v Te ol V7rapXov)Tr veYrvteowv, Kal~ XeyoleCovwv ezaye1ov elvat 7av, AXc 1av8)t/S cov, ovX e0 ov ovX v o yErvevcrOat eK 7)79 VE oTaOlov yvvactKo vrEKa, e/iUryTro o ov IcaTa voLov1. Ta /LEV VvvU 7rpwra iCpv77TTe 7TaVa,7 yv1r" /fLe7a 6E, eiTe WrTOpEvcx7, ElOTE Kal oiV, Obppao 77t) EcoV7Tr7 /r17pti 17 e, To) avpiL. TO7 e E 8etov T eO'e, dTt 7Lda'O'-at Trpo? TEV. pta TO v, Op 9 LXe, KaTaXa\\dCrero 7rr7v EX0pOv 707ol ' CrartaWyot. L a0 Wv e 6 Ieltct'lTparo Ta 7Trotev/Leva e7r' covr7o, a7raXXao'er70o eKC 7r1 Xwp7 TO' 7TapaTrav. a7rlTKOeVZoo Se e' 'Eperpav, c/3ovevetro fala T0(- 7r. 'I77rTreo) 86 yvu&/L7v Tv1cjK7avro0, UvacrCa0Oat o07rro-) f)71V 7vpavvlta, - vEaCra?'7yetppov oST7lva E/C 7TWV 7ro\((xv, at T7LVE e c(b Tpo'E aTO U KOV 7t. 7TO7\XXV 06 de a fyaXa 7rapaCXOv-oVW Xpr1i7ar'a, rl/3a0ot V7repe/3adovro 7,7 8oel -E v )Xprl7uad Tro). Ler7a Se, oV TXroXX X67y ElTrebv, Xpovov EieV, itca 7ra1vTa c() E7p7V70O 'E T rjV Ka7o0ov. Kcat yap 'Apydot /ZL tLL-ro70 a7rt'liov7o Ie IIeXo0rovv'0-ov' cat, Na;o? o' c avrjp a7rtTy/Levo eceXovT'r1, 7r ovvo0/a zVt AvtrySa/Lt, rpo0Ovul7v q7rXelo'7rTv 7rapeLXero, IcotaLLo'a cal XprE aTa Kcat aio8pa~. 'EE 'Epeipli? oe opp/0evrese, oad 62 eS86/caTo v e7e60 a7rtKIco)T 07t'10-. Kal rr)70p 7Trpo 'AT'T1c79 t'axovt' MapaO3va. ev 6Se TovTW Tr %0pr c- r6 arTpao07roeevo.ervoiato', oi 'e T ec Tov ao'Teov crTao'trat artKIcovro, aXXo o& Te cK TV 8r/,ICov 7rpoaeppeov, o07 Q, HEROD. I. 2 /-. 26 'HPOAOTOY [I. 'r p vl4 7 p A'XvOepi'?7S 91v aoa~raarorepov OVTOI jtev 8') ovvqXi`'ovTo- 'AOrna'a/wv 86' o &c E 'rOO aWTEo9;, e,"eV IJEUtatCTpaTO9; Ta Xp?7Ltara 171yEtpe, Kcal /leravv(tS C6 COXE MapaO(A'va, XO'yov ov'&vaet EXoV,. E7r6i TE &6 l~6 Oor,-o EXK Tloi3 Mapa&'vo9? LV'TO\V W)OpEVEoUOat E7rl Ti-\ JaJCTV, OUT0 \) foO~'qEovot e~r' a~rV'T. IKai OvToi~ Te 7ravo-TpaTty 4o-av E7rt\ TO?)' KaTtOvTa9," Ka& ot aLpbt IIeL-, 1 7 Ca'T~V, q" TCOVTO COVVLOVTE9! mWLKV OPTatL E,7r&l la~ i v ~ 'A0,qvair~ ipO\V, Kca \ a7) Ticta EEV TO Ta\ 'O'r-Xa, Ev~aD^Ts OJ7O/L~ 7 XpeWI~Lcvo, 7rapta-Ta a l T C7TpaT() At OIXVTO' 6' 'AKapvaz', xPo~ox6~/o, achnp, Oq al 7rpoo-twv a' z' '~allTpW T01&), T a86 ~y "Eppt~rTa& 8' o /3o0o, TO 8\E UKTV0V E'K~rE7Trc'uYTav ov~vvot 8' OU11)7o-oVat oEcX)7vaL?7q3 Sta\ VVKT6O3. 63 0 IIEV 877 01 cl)ea6'COV Xpa^ T'J-8E' llETeoic~paTO9 8e, avXXa/36O\ To\ xp?7ampto" Kat cOa'( 8KETOcLCTo ploOE E7r )'YE TI7V (TTpaTtt)V. tAr aot E Ot E/ Tv ao-TTEO WJpo9 apctGTOV TCTpalkl/Jevot?7o7-a) 8)7 T1V)7ZLav Ta' ical /ETa\ TO apUtOTOlJ 1.6TE~ET~pOt aVWTOV, Ot ftEv, '7rp 0\ K6/30v%? ot 8 '-7p~ o ivwvov. ot 8E a /.Lo Hclsttoi paTov coeYW7r YooVTE9, TOV9? 'AW nvaaov ~ Tp6E7TOVOC., 0E7 V & & T vT Y 3 v~ fP~aV'Ta roobcorarijv HleOtaTpaLTO9? 67TLTEXPaTai2 OK01 /P7T6 (aXwfOEE) E"Tt 0d WAva-tot, 8tealce&aWjkeVOt TE GeVE. avafltfla'aa9; Tov\, 7ra~t8a9 e7rt ~'7r~rOV(, 7rpoE7J/J17r oi &6 KaTa a4aVOvTE9 TOV? cJEV-OVTa9, EXCyOl) Ta~ e'vTETaXju cva t5~r6 llewt pct ov Oapo.EE TE KEX6V'OVTE?, iKat 4a'7ftE'v at E`Ka0UT00 E7t& Ta EW)VTOV^. ITEtOo/ibcov 86 TO'V 'AW ncu'o0v, oi>"-CO \) flCw -lE0TT TOT TO TpITOV oxuo) v 'AO)va9, e'ptl'(OcaE T?7\V Tvpavvt&?$ e7rtCKO'V'pO~t TE?TQ~xxoaLTL Kat Xp 7,Lq-.aT(0V 7VV080t7&, TWV) /LEV, a TO EV TW &, c w ITPV/10OVOI~ 7r07aFLOV 0-VVOP'TOW' 0/JA7pQV9; TE TWil 7rapaa'ecw wv'AOrnaiw(v Kcat /j 7 aV'T I= ovry'vm 7ai8aq Xaflc\V, Kca~ KaTacvTq~aaS E'? Na'ov' (Ical 7ap TamTp) 6 Ilieto-L'opaToI~ IaTeEYTpEAJaTO 7roXE1U0, Kat e7repE*te Avry&4wp) 7rpo? TIE 'ETL TOV'TOUta, TyV V?7)OjOl A ^Xov icaO.~pa~ EX TCOVl X0y1COV. KaO 'pag 86 W6e. ~r' oo0ov 7O T 63-66] KAEIfT. 27 Tov lpOV ELXE, EK T rov7ov TO Xpov rav'ro e.opvaOsV Trov VefCpOVS, ILeTE(J)opEe 69 aXXov XopOV w 7 A\Xov. icail lTeo-[-TpaTro~ leV ETvpavveve 'AOrtvaiow 'AKOvaiwv E o0 eLEv v rT7 p/a'XY ere7rErTJKec-av, ol O e aVTcov /ierTa 'AX[cLatovtBSco) ec(pevyov eKc 7Tv olC7iLS. Tovs) Ev vvv 'AOyvaltovu TotavTa TOr Xpvovo rov- 65 TOV E7rvvOaveTo o Kpo^t'o9 caTeXovTa TEov? e \Aa0cea)/IOVLOV Ec KfC)V TIre eEyaXIV reEvOTCa9, Kal cOVTCLaq 8?'7 TCt) 7rOXE6/t) KcaTv7repprepov TeyeTre'ow. E7W 7yap AleovTro /83ac'XevovvTo Kal ',HyTro/cX oE ev v 7rapry Tov0 aXXov? TroXepov evTvy/ovr'es o0 AaKce&a'LOLo, 7rpo? Te7yer'Taa LovvovU 7rpocre7rvatov. TO 3e e'r Trporepov TOVTWV, Kcat KaKOV/J OT]TOt ' rav oXeolv 7ratcovT XXw, KaTa TE t,.L, oo - - Xt VtV, tecara r'e o'cea avrOV;, 'ca}:eLVOlo6 aTpocr-,UtTcrot. /IeTe/3aAov 8e & e 6e evopidtv. AvEcovpyov, T)v $TrapttrTe0ov SoSo/,Lov avopo9, e\0vrovTo eL AeXoovS f7T6 To %pilp'Trpov, S9 eo'LE E9 TO /1eEapov, evOv3 21 IITvOi' X\eye Ta3e' 'HKEtl, AVKoopyE, EUOV 7rOTL 7rLova v-7ov, Zvvl (L'Xo., Kai raLV 'OX.V/J7rLa 8ot/Ar' EXovort. 4oc z/ Cre OeoVv ILavTEvo-oLat, Y avLOp7trov. aEXX' ET, Kal tLaXkov Oeov EX7ropat, a AvKoopyE. O0 /pEV 8r TtPe? 7tpo? TOVTOlTL \eyrovyt KEcal (ppac'at avTc0 'r7v I, l r]vO v TOP vuv KaTecToet KOa /cOV 7apTLr-Tpal. o0 5' aLT3ro, Aafce~a[oLiov Xkyovo't, Avwcovpryov E'7rLpo7rev'faPTa Aewo3o0rewo, AdeXct(f ov pbev ewvTOV, f3aL\EvOPTVOr 86\ E7raprvqr7ewv, EK Kp77Trls ayayea-Oat ra'ara. o? 7yap e7ETrpo07TEVC' TraX7Ta, /pe-Teorrf7O'e rT v/ofJLtfa 7ravTa, Kal cfvXate TavTa ft) 7rapa/CatvePtv. [/eta Ir, Ta E? 7rTOXeIPov eovTa, Evwo/TtOaS? Kcalt rp^7Kf(al K fcal oVactTta, 7rpos Te TOV7OLO'0 TOWV c(oopov I9, Ka y povrTa eS-T7-rJe AvKoipyos. OVT W /,L fiETa- 66 /3aXovTe9 evvoJoprI'T7o-av. TCo 8e AvKcovpyo reXevTr]'-avTL tpov elcaJevot, oreP3ovTat flETad\o9. ota 8e ePv Te %wp? ayaOr^, Ktca 7T'X7'Oet oVc ottywtv avopcv, avJa Te &epa/lov avTtKa, Kca e3OvbOf,o>-av. tKa6d r) LT6 ovKceT' a eXpa a-vxv ayewv, daXXa\ Ka7rafpov/p ravr~vE 'ApKa8v KApeO-' 2-2 28 'HPOAOTOY [I. coveCe Elvat, eXp7a 'T7pLtaovro ev AeXoot- 7rl ' rco rT 'ApKc6a opv Cop. r oe lvO IIl c)( X pa rao8e' 'ApKa8tsrv. atLeli5; fLEya p' aLTEL s ov To sotCo. 7roXXol iv 'ApKca8t f3aXavrfcdayot avSp(pE E'aot, o0 G' a7roKoXUvcrovc'Lv. Eyo e rot ov' rt (Eatpoy' 8ooo) Trot Teye17v 7roocra^KpoTOV opX-rcraoOat, Kal KaXov 7re8toV Xovw tLa/LETp'rcracrOat. TaiOTa (?' ad7rceve0evTa ri'7cova'av ol Aace&8aqtaltoL, Ap/cKacv FEPV OTOV aX\\v aTreLtovTo ol 8, rreSa? cfa epo/JeVOL, e7rL Teye7ras eoTrparevovro, Xp1P7c-' Ko/c37XoT 7rtoavvot, cw 6or e.avopaToorovpoevob TOVS TeyerTa,. erCow0ev7re 8e 7r oCvPo\X, o-ot av'rwv eOjyp7r'qo-aav, resaq Te eXOVeTE 'raq eCepovro avrot, Kcat '^ otvO La/leTpr1<a/jLevo To 7retolo TO\ Teyeqp-reT, epyadovro. aL oe 'reoal avt7ra, ev ryioL eoeoaro, er at e e 7L K7ca rat, ev Teyey, 'rep TOry vrov T-' 'AXE&s~ 'A rfvaiy Kcpeaua evat. 67 Kara petv )q 'rov 7rporepov 7roX\eov ovveXecos atel K/cacKo adeXeov 7rpos To70v Teyer7Ta. cara \o Tov yaraa Kpolftov Xpovov, Cat Tr7v 'AvaavpaopLew Te 'al 'ApiU7rTvoo? f3acarXir)'v ev Aa/ceoaiLovL, 7rjSr o0 7rapT-L1raL Ka'rv7reprepoL T7Ow 7roXe/uL) eyeyyveoav, rpo6r Totoe yevo6LE voi. e rer\ ale 7r eorovvro TerEa7ee vroepro T) 7r EleTre7lW, 7relraavreT Oeorrpo7rovS E? AeXV\ov), 7rELpTr'ov, riva av Oewrv iXacaxlevoL KarTvrepOe T(O 7roXe'/T TeyereWV yevolaTro. 77 oe JiUv oIv tl ')L epro-e, a Opea'Teo TroV Ayapet v 6ovo9 orca c7TrayaEyo/evov. S0 Oe avevpE0V ov T tOC T' e tvearo T0V OK7rV TOV OpeC'Te,( e7rei/urrov av0 TK V E? Oeov e7rip7q' op0, evovq Tov Xwpov EV T7 tCOcro 6T 'OpEoT7r?. EtpOToTCol 6 rTavTa 'ToLo-' Oeo-,'rp6o7rtoc X\eyeL HIvOl'ri TaSe 'ErLT Tis 'ApKa8r/s TEyE'C XEvp e vt X'pw, EO aVEJLOL 7rvElovacr 8vo KpaTEprS7 vr avacyKsr]) KaL Trv7ros aVTLTV7rs, KaL TrruF E'7r 7Tp'/taTt KELrat. GeO' 'Aya/jefLvovCirjv KaTEXEL -vUo-Coo alta ToIv aT KOJU-O(Tc'avos, TEye'7s rtrrappoos Erc. ' &' e Kca rTav0Ta 7K7ovU'av ol AaKce3aL/a6voLo, dareXov 67-68] KAE1(). 29 T, t )71) ~~EL90& ryaaoerTOP, KiaPaX 4Y/J7)o171 E9 07 &1) f P7 aXoL7(7)%awTo a7)vpE. at & aya~ocpryol elc 70wv a'(TT7o)v, c LovTe9; EX ToPv t7T7TE(07 atEt ot 7rpEO/3vlTarot, '7TE7)7 e-rcos, elca-rTovJ 70oV9 C)eL 707)707 707/ ePvtavTov, 707) av EcLe0t EK TWI) ti'7rwov, Y7TrapTml7TC(0 TO- KotlIo- &tawc/-t7roFLE7vov9; uLt1) CXL-x 7)Uet) aXXov9~ at~ Tov-ro~v (07) 7(v7 av~p v At'~ ih' C- 680 evpeE v TeryEy Kal GcvzvvXti XpqG-1LPo0 /,ca& 0l co0G,17S' yap 70UTVT7 TOP XP07)07 Ew/~17~7p TOlSg Teye-?779,~Xo' ~ aXC~0P FOe7 o-,pov 'cEXavvo/J-kevov /Cab CV &owv/aTt?)7), OpEaw7 70 7rttcofl&7)07. u~a owv8e /Jttv 6 %XKC\EVS' 7oOwv~tc'o7)a,xa Eaa t7re 7FavG-a/ltCVos TOV Ep-IOV. /' 1cov a ov 0 et~ve Aa/Caxw, E' 'irep 67(3~ 76' 7t~p Cryw, (/a7a a eO0o)v/JzatE9, 0O/COV 7/VP 07)7( TvyXa7)E19 OWlv/lt "'itOV/E7)POS 717) Cpryao-07P 700 0-C87pov. ECy&t ryap CV T'p8e,qv a&7j Lfpeap 7Tr0L170- Oat PVG-0-CO CWETVXOV) "rO~pW Ew7Ta,7ri)Xev v77To (e arwTt 0T17 p4)7 FLE7) yEPCa-Oat "p47~a/tka t1W 0vua a7OpW)TtOUS' TOM7 7)07) avw^a aW7T\7, Kal "EtI..TP PECpO7 /1/EL 17 f, 07L( / 17) Ot 6X76 Ta 7rEp 07rt07TEE' 0 6,cvv))0-aa9 TaL XlEly0/l-te7, (YlJPf0aXXETO 7o\7) OpIEO.T~a KaETaZ To\ OE07rp07rtL0V 70707) el7)at, T/7&6 (77)/ /3ELXXe/ZE7,O[L - TOV X(aX/Ce0 &J0 OpeCOP bv0aEL TOlS ave/Lov9 EVlptO/CE E6vTal~ 707P 8e aKI/EoPEa KaL 7T7)V uCopav, TOP TE TV77rP Kat 707) aV)7L7V7T07P 707) 8\ EEXatv7O'/JiE0vv (7.317 pOP, To\ 7T7/J, Ctra 771,a t /I/EPO7)' KaTa TO70t867) T& 61`Ka'a)7), (09 C7rt K~' a'V/COpw')~(7rO7) (7t017p0 a7)vcvp?7Tat. AU/vp /3XXeo/Lvol9 83E TaWTa, KatL a'7TEXOWPv C9~ 17raprfl, 6`4pa~'e AaK6E.atoizow-ta 7irap To 7rpqry.za~c. at E3~ /K -Xo'yov 7wXao.. TO p ErE~~PE otattL\ C e'~ Tye7')7p, Ka~t (opa'T~) 71)7 E'WVTOV^ (YV[L.bop)7)P 'irpo9 7OP aX~eLXa, c1,U0rOOV^T0 7rCL/ 07VK C/C(SOVT0P70 TrP avXyv.;Vpo Va~) 83\ 09 daVEyIoMce, CPOL/CICTOI. dvopv4Ct~ 86\ 707) TaLoov, KatL Ta 60TEa 0-vXXE4EaL9, oLCXETO Ob' Wl C9~:.7r~TapT7. /al~ a~rO TOVTOV TOV XPOVOV" O/C0)9 7tEcpcoUXT0 CaXX)xOw, 7oXX(0i KaTV7rEpT~pOt T~c) 7roXe/Lt() Cry/POVTO Ot' AaKCEat.3aO6Pto 8' &6 a-b& caj, 17 7o-oXX1q 71$~ llEXowrovvqo-ov tqV /CaTEa-Tpa/h.. /hEL/fl 30 'HPOAOTOY [I. 69 TavTa 8) &cv 7rda'a 7rvvOavo/J.evo0 o Kpo'ro', e7reC/7re e?:7raprTrv ay7yEXov0 pa 8P fe fepovTa, Ka, oerqojrov o'-v./aXtq,?7% evTXaecazevoo Te Ta \Eyetl %pv. ot Xe, eX Torre? e\~EyoV ""Ewere/e C/ea? Kpow'oo o Av8&v re Kcal a"XXcov e0vecov /3ao\eXv9, XeyCov TaSe' s A ae"alt/ovirot, xpoaw-avo TroV 0Oeo ro T' EXXava flXov roraoo'Oeo-Oat, vjULeas yap 7rvv~avo1.zab rpoea-rava6 T? (EXXca"(, vfLea OWv KcaTa TO Xp?70rTrrpto0 7rporKaXeofiaL, [fJlAo9 "Te 0EXo)v yecveoOat Ka. cavl/xLzaXoo avev T'e 6o\ov tcab "araaTq." Kpor'oq /pe;v 8 raDra 86 a'yryeX\o ev7reK7 -pVKEVETO. Aalce3aLov'Lot 8e', a'c7cKoo're' K cab avro TO OeoWPpo7rt0, To KpolouT ryevo6/Lvov, '6TO7cadv 'Ve TI da0lebl T)v Av8&v, ca e7ota-av7To opKta tEtV/`9 Trep6 Kat vl/at]X' Kad yap Trveq avrTolV evepyeolata, exov Ec KpolCov 7wpOTEpoV 6Tt yeyovvtat. 7W7re/JJaVTE9 7ap ol Aa/ce. &SaLhovtob0 E6 6ap&8, xpvfo\v WVEOVTO, es dyaXta /3ovXo6' te vo.t xp7oao'at, TOVTO TO VVh Tq- AacKWVLKq9 eV eopvact 't8pvrat 'AX7roXeowvov Kpo&o9 8& ocb t, weo70 -Evot-Cb '&Sce 8&TLrVrv. ToVrTov T7e v eiveKceV o0 AaKeSatpuovto T?7 v o-vj//aXviv eoegavro, Kcal OTt eXc 7ramVTo oa-)ea9s nrpocvplva9 'EXcvwv, atpeeTo ltXovtu. KCl 70TOS0 /LEV, avrol )o av ETO/JOb e77-ra7e \avT TOVV O 710 T0t7oa/.fYevo0 Kp7rTprpa aXKceoV, otWOWV Te 6eoOev 7rXyTra'pTeS 7repl TO7 xezXo?, KCa fIe/yaOeO TptqJKcocL0ov ad/jopea XCopEovTa 77ov, 8&pov /3ov\X6vot av7T8ovovat Kpolo-q. oVro? o6 Kp?1Trp ovK a7rtfceTo e? lap&o,, O& arita9 8OfatiaaS X\eyouva9 rdTaS3e ol.e'v Aalce~aqtpvtot, Xeyovoa, \' )9 crel 7 e 6ayO/flo~ot E9 7a9 f apps& 6 KpI7Tr7p CyLVETO KcaTa T?1v 7 a/zl'atv, 7TrvoO/evo6 1a/utoL ad7eXola'o avToV, Vnvo,Ltalcpyjct Erwt7rXavraes. avTOt &e \ ol \E' yovt, (o? Ereb e6 v0Teprcrav ol ayovTeC TWVr Aacecat1obovlWz TOV KpT177Tpa, CTrvvOavovTO Ee daplS T7re Kat Kporoov \wEKcevat, aTreoov'TO T'ov KppTrpa ev a/CTW), tI&WTa7 8oe advapa; 7rpta/evov9 avaOecval Fttv e? To 'Hpatovw TaXa av CKa ol awroSol/evob X7ryotev, a7rtKoLuevoLt e9 E 7rapT], V Co? atraLpepea'cav v7ro La/Ltwv. KcaTa fLxe vvv TON KcprTr?7pa ovrTo( eXe. 71 Kpo'o09 &e qaiaprTwV T'o pfljo'touv, e'roCeeTo aoTpa 69-73] KAEIQ. 31 rrtr71v I Katrn7radoKiyv, cEX7rlo-a9,cavraLtpetv K7vpov 7e /cai r77v -iepTcowv &vvabtiv. 7rapaorceva'o/)Evov U8 Kpoloov o-TpaTevecOaL e7rL II po'a,?, rv 7's Av8Ov, volu7t6 -ALevo Kacl 7trpocTOev elvat uooo/6l, aro 8a TravT7' T'r yvoWrSl KaIc Tr Kaipra ovvoIa eV AvSo'oit xwve, crvve/3ovWevo-e Kpotrow 7ra8e (oU'voda ot0 rv davuavvL') "'f1 /taotXev), e7r av8pa? TOLOVTOVo a'TpaTeveo0Oat Trapao'cevadeat, t O' a'uKVTtva fi.ev ava:vpltSa, aT-cvr7vr7v &e Trjv adXX97v "CaOcr7a fopeovcrr arlooval ra e OVK odaa e0eXovo-t, aX' ora exovUrO, X(Lprv e7V XOV7e? Tpr7Xetlv' vrpo? e, OovC tolv(o taXpeov7raL a\,xa vpo7roreov'2 ov opVKca e\ C eVo't, Tpoyyetv, OVK aXXo aiyaOov ov8ev. o70v7o eLV ")q, Et vulcr7e Sj T1 CEQsea adTraLprjo-eat, Trootai e p/L Itt 2 J&8CeV; TOVTO 8E, 7rjv vlKcr7O6S, fade ocra acyaTa 'c a7ro/3aXeeL. yevoraYfevot ryap rr3v 7) eepcv a'yac0wv, "<' repLe0ovmat, ov3G a7TrcTrrooL eov7ra. eyto,Uev vvv IeolcrL "exo):Xpv, ot ouVc OV 7r voov6 P roeTovEOVt Hep opcr ' crpa"teveeoOat e7rl AlvSov6." Tavra Xe'yov, ovc e7retOe TOV KpoCaov. lepapao-l yacp, rrptv AvSov9 KacTacrrpea ao-Oac, f7r ovTre ar pov, ovre adya8ov ot;vEv. 01 8 KarWraSo/cat 72 Vr7' 'EXXrvw)v vPLO pt ovo )LoUvoaw'7 2av 'a o[t $pLOt oU7TOL TO 4EV 7rpOTepov 2r Illpca'? apa at, M'rbov carT7 -KCoo,, T7-6re KVpov. 6 7yp OVPpo T2 7 e 79 E;6 V\ \ A\ b ^ t 7/ Ar 3 sS dpyJs fcal 's Avvoucr9 6 "AXvs 7TTrova/uos 09o pCet e^ 'AppLevtov ovpeo9 Btac KtXiitov' /erTa Se, MarTt7vovs peJL ev 8ef " e )Co peOv, EIC e Tov eTepov 'pvya T7rapacpeLB36[oevo se TOVT0ovq, Kcat peO)v avo 7rpo /3ope'7pv apvepLOvE Oevev 7 ev lvptov9 KawTrraSo6cas ad7repyeL, e EV eCvO/Lo Se IIa0bXay6vaF. OVTro 6 "AXv9 7rorapo? advroTra'dve o'Xe8ov 7ravra 7Trj 'Ao^arlr7 - rac dRT eic OdaXa'-o' Tirt^ a'VTov Kvtrpov e? TOV Ev'eLtvov 7roVTOV. eCTTL 6 a"vyX7v OVT70 T9 Xo)p7 TavT? LVT7l r a7ra0r2p lwqco0' oov, e3vlvao dvopb r'evTe r77jepaL avatLLcrovrTat. 'EorTpaTeveTo 8e 6 K pooFo e7rl rr2v Ka7r7raooKL7v 73 rwtvoSe eivetca' Kcat fy79 l uepw, 7rpoaoc7rTo'ao-0a vrpo 77TrV eowvTOv poLpav!3ovXo6eLvos Kcad [a\ctoT'a, T5) Xp7o-Ta'7PTf Triavvo etOV, tcat TtoraoOat Oe\Cwv vwrep 'Aorvayeo; Kivpov. 'Avarvyea ryap, Tov Kvaapeco, E6ovra Kpo 32 "HPOLAOTOY, [I. oov petv ya~ttfl~pov M '8wv SE /3auciXa, Ki~poq 6 Kali~/3V7EO) K a O- p l l ev09 ELtXE, 7yEV0/J.e7)0 (yap3po~v K po - CT( ') C 6. >~, KV6E W0 T(OV V0/La&))( V ELXI7 a'V~pC 07(lT 0c1a0, V77EC)7XOE C'I ny'V T'V Mq~K'V. E7TVpa7)VEVE &6 TOP XOVVTOUTol' MV'8aw Kva~jpm', 6 Ipa6oprco, Tov L*OKEWo 09\' 70tJ9q $,c6Oa9~ 707JTO 9 70\ FLEP 'rpo)TOV 7W-ptEL7WE EQ ~ Eov~a9~ (KEc~av (00TC 8 7W~pt 7ToXXOV, wote0,LLe7)09 a(W 0V?, Ztr a 'a9 cotb 7rapF' ). ),,-p 7 7)v ry-X600c 7a7 TE CK/-LCOE'EL7, K it 7)7)v TEXVJ7J TCOW TO/gLOP. XpOpVV SE, 707)0 -/107)07, KCaL atEl (,0 T O7T0) (7 KVOC0WV E Wr arypl77, Kal atet 7t b0ep0PTCOlJ, Kal'K T 10 0 (VMV)7)EKEF ErXE~tV 040a(?,LLI7~E7 VOOT)7TcaVTcL9 &G av'T0v\9 'l'?7 -t XCPTh 6 Kva~a4pq9 (?'7v ayc, (09 &E'66' E, py)\v alcpo9~) 7rp~'qE(09 iapra 7TEptec7re dLEUCELq oi 6, 7-a!Ta 77Tp09 Kvc4a'pew 7raO67)TE93, WOTClE avaa oco'w a'T w 7EO7)0E9, E/3oVXEvNcav T63V 7rapca 09%0Ct &&L0K0/Lev0Jv WaUS(07 Eva KaTaKo' fav tcv' c v 7E9~ 8\ aV'7O0\ Wco-77-p EW0Oeo-a) tcat a\ O'ijp tct CKEVa~'Et7), Kva4-apei 3ov'vat oe'p0VTE9, (9 ayp)7Y &"OEP) &07E9~ 86\ 7)v7 TayiOTnV7 KO/1t'~Eo 7Lrapa AX aTTEca 70)To v 7rE(A 6E9 Taa&9. 7 Ta KCL& 8)7 EyE'vero. Kau -ya4) Kva~{a. pJ79? Kat 01 7rapEOVT7E9 &atTV/_LOV)E9 7(02) KpEWI) T0V7T)1 EWCL(T v O a 01) cK O a t 7 LV^ a 7T t 7 Ta r E, A X v r T E 74 Iicelat Ey1EVo7)T. METa\ &E TaV^-a (ov3 ryap 81\ 6e 'A.)vaclTr/9 E~E~ 30V 701J $c Oas~' Ta tTovrt K vca c'pd) 7W6'XE/Lo9 rotat Av~doart Kat To&XL M 'otct EYEyO7i)EE E7T' e"TEa 7WEVTEl Ev' Tot0L 7oXXa'Kv9 /LE7) 0 M78ot 70oV9 Av~S0v)9?rt1'Ucqaav), TrOXXa'KL9 86 ot' Av &ou 70v\9 M Lrov9 El' &, Kct~ 7)0107 -l~aXuj7V Tta EWT0t70ca7)7. 8tarfepovt 86' cobt EWL (1)7) 707 v 7 O XE L V, 7 ) C K7O) CT E 0V L / 0 7/9 7YE7)O JI lJ7 9,73 c v 7)7 -VELKE cocT7e Ti79 ILaX qr7 c wtec7ewaq79 T777) '7/1Epq7 E~a7LVq?7 zVvK7a y7E7)6Oat. T7'P,E\ ALETaX-Xay)7\v -7aV'T7V Tp )/k0 r8Jatx179 6 l MA7710oto9 T0L~t 1(01)71 WrpwoppEva-e eo-6o10at, O VC0o ) 7 po c Le o e7)t VT07) T012T0V El' 0) 07 K at EyU6'CTO 97 fLE 7(t/3oX? ol' 8 A uv 3oi 7IE Kalt 01" Mi]ot, E WEL(: TE EL3OV L'VK~a aP)71 qyl/epll9 7t7)0/lEP?7l' Th9~ /'taXq9 TE evavcuav~o, Ta ' Kat "'0 TE OL E ' 'L E(0VUTO LJI) ye7)EcOat. oi' &c cV,.)3t/3aOYLv-7E9~ avW7ov\,?70Yta ) o0L &,:2VE7)1/019 e KtXt~, icab Aa/39vcqo9~ 6 Baj3v-X 'Pog- oL'T0 74-76] KAEIQ. cr T i ca TO 'pcKO v ot o'rEreaavTE reveaOa 7aav, cal yacicov e7ra\\ayXayrv erob7cav 'AXvacrrea /yap cyovwaav f ovat Ttrv Ovryarepa 'Apvrvtv 'Aoa-Tvayel Tw Kvatpeco 7rato. aEv ryp vacaa cq o'-XLvpr?7 o'vpLjcaote? tIrovpat ovtc eOeXov7t 0vl/kL evetv. OpcKta 8e roeeraT avra Toa OVfC eaaOVvL CaVLfUE. OpkLa r oLeerab 7aV7o Ta eOvea Ta 7rep Te "EXXrVe? fKcal,rpo? Tov0o7L' e7reav TO7?' 3paXlova? er7nTrtawva. oTat rl o f Lopotrjv, TO al/a, dva\XElXovO'- aXXrXrov. TOvToV r 2wv rov 'Aa-rvayea Kipo?, eovTa eWovTov 75 JrA7Tpo7raWropa, KaTraoTper al/evoS eo'xe 8t aLTlr7V T71v E67 ev 'oa T o'nr co X6otl- -7-FLavew. Ta Kpooo E67rTtE/pfo6/eVOs T7W KVpcp, &' Te Ta p?70TrlptCta 6TrE/LTL, El aTpaTrevY]7aL E7r, lepoa9, tKa\ 8ri cat a7rlKoltKovov Xprirflov Kt/38X\ov, eXTT'roa? "rpos eOVTOV rOv Xopf], Pov eyaP, EcTrpaTeveTO E ' r Tv IIepCrOwv Jiopav. Se a7rtfCeTO err To "A\vv 7rora0zo ov Kpocroo, To ev0Oevre, on /Cev eryw Xey)c, caTra rdTa Eovcras fyevpa? tef3i'Sj3ae Tov rr paTov' co Se 0 r7oXXO9 Xo6yos 'EXXnvev, OaX^, ol ML\Xcto? SLt/3t38aoe. a7ropeovyTo ryap Kpolaov ofcoKw ol &taf3ir'ETat TroVy 7tTa/Lzo o 'T7paTo?, (ov yap Sq) *lvaI KCO TOVTOV TOv Xpovov Ta'? /eyvpas aTaVTa?.) e'eTa 'rrapeoVTa TOpy ~aX^r7V e r 7 aoTpaT07re'o, S roL7ocat avT ToV TroTra/Lov, e aptoT'eprqS XeLpo? peovTa TOV TrrpaTOV, ecal E/c 8oe6i peewv' Troioaab 8e Ze. yvwt7ev coV rrTparo'r ezov ap:ot/levov, 8Lwpv a /3a0e7v opv-o'aew, gaovTra iqvoe8dE'a, OKWc? av To oTpaTOreoo0v itpvEvYov cara VoTOV XapOt,, TavTv caTa T?7v 8So pv)a eicTpa7ro61tevo9 ec TCOV adpXat'i peepcpv, ICal aurTt 7rapatLeLoLotevo To uTpaTrore8ov, e? Ta apx ata eo- 3aXao. WOTe7, re7 re TcaE eta x E ort aXUTTa 0 7roTa/ko0, a/4Tp0oTepp 0asaTOS eeverTO. OL Oe ical T0 7rapa7rav \XeyovU(c cal TO appaov peeSpov daro-:rjpavOrvat. aXXa\ TovTro tev ov rpoc'te/Jac Kwo? yap 07rtr)tO rOPEVO6EVOtL Se/3?7iCoav avTrop; KpodLoso 8e, eWrei 76 Te Otata/c a Ovv TC) a-TpaTr a7rlcKEro vr)? Ka7r7'ra8ocys eS? T7V TE-plIrv Ka\eo/ev 7v' ( Se TTepIrp EaT& T71^ XWPv TavTr]7 TO l-XVpoTaTOL, IcaTa Lvw7rrITv 7roLXt Tr1p ev Evelvoi) TOVTmO CLaXtloTa icy Ie't/Lvy)' ePOCava v ETpa' Tro7eSevero, 0elpWcv TVoP vpitw TOV\ ICXr7povs'. cal exe 2-5 34? 6HPO,&OTOY,UEV TWcV lT~epL'&, T?)V 7rnXtV, Kct yv~pa7-o~c~aTo- 4Ne & '7r TptOtKt&L ai raoa IVOVS9 TE, OVCi) EOLVT-as atTtovs', ava0rrTaTovs E7T0tlqO. Kv'pos' 8, aryeipas' 60 EVTOV cprV, Kat 7rapa a/3 T~s LEal OtKE'opras''- v7-aVs', 2)LVTt~7O KpotiO-(. 7rtv~ 86 C'EAav'vet opgyo-at TO cTTpaT7ov, 77e/t,*as' K1pvfcag Es' TOVs'I 'Jcovas', e7TEupaTo' o-Ocas ' cw\ Kpot'oov aWL7GTra/-LEvat Ewovs' It vvv 0 oKi E7i'EOOtO.K 8o ~(s7rtKETO, Kal apTeo —rpaTOWrE&l'o-aTo Kpoi o, 'pOa'rca 'v 'f llei1 WL pwa-To ica-ra TO toX o dXX77xwov. Lay'Xqg &6 KaPTEffl)g nlevO/ICV?7s, KaL 7TEJOV TO6l) a/I4OTCp(A) wroX rwT) ts 8CTEPOL Z/ICoclo-aTEig 8ctG-Tljo-av, PVKT~ Erex~OOVO'79, Kcal Ta AtEv o-7-paTrowEa ap.Lo'Tcpc OVTO(s' i)ycovioaTo. 77 Kpoo-Gos' 86, FE1t400s' IKaTa\ TrO 71rX'00S To\ EW(VTOVD 0-TeaT~vita- (n> rycp ol o o-v/p3aX0)\V 0opav~os 7TOXXO\J eXacoacov o' KvJZtpov-) T01/TO U~T / 6tgb~, os'g Ty V~O-Tcpaty MvC EWEtpaTO E77tLWl 0' K~pos', a'injXavve E's Ta\9s ${~p&s', EV PON 30?)v, 7T-apaicaXeo-(Ycs 1.v Al-yV77TLOV' Kcara TO opiatov, (c-wotqoaTmroyap Ka 7rpns "AFao-tv flao7LXc5Oira, Ai'yv?5wTov ov-v-tLaXop) 7pOTCpOV?'frep Inrpo AaKe~atjuoviovs',) [LETaWEFLu~a'tcvos 8E Kai, Ba/3vXowitous, (Kab ya~p 'JTpOs' TO/TOvs' aVT(,b E7T-EWOL17TO (Yv/)iJtaX~j ETvpapvevE6 &6 TOl-', BaC3vov)7t'C0V TOP XPOVOV TOVTOV Aa/3tirnyTos") b~ray)yEXaq &e Kca\ AaKiE~at1.wvi'ovs' riapC/ctva Es'Xll~ 'fY)O aio-as' TE TVTOVg, Ka~t T?)V1 IEOVTOV O_ - TXXE4TOasX o-TpaTt7)P, EVEVWOTO, TO?) XELLtlma 7a WctpEs' at~l. TWg 7)pt 0TTpaTEVELtV E7rt, TOVs'- llpo-as'. Kcat 0 /LEP, TavrTa ()pOVECOJV, &)s' a7T kET0 es' Tag',.ap~t' e7Te/,c7TE xcpvicas Kcara Tas' (TV/J.PtaXias', wp~oepeop)-ras Es' vc/J.4Tov g~a -VXXElyECFaL 9s ~a'p&s'. TO?) 73 rapcO'PTa Kca& /La~ecra/l-evov O-TpaTOV Hiepo77o, os'?77 atiTOt) ~EVl)LKos', 7Ta1/T-a aw7rds', 3tE(TKE&ZaoE, oi8aga\ ~A.7-toas p I0'E Kodapa aycovtoa-4cvos OUTCO 7rapa7TX'lyoi(0s Kv~pos' EXaoELt E'774 $lqap~'. 78 Tai' Ta EWLtXEyo[LtEv)9 Kpot'o-60 TO 7TpoaO-TELO7 7rav? o4ioow EvewrX Wq6. SbavE'vTCO & aV~r,'v, Ot C7-rwot FLETLEVT~s' Tas'?)o1l~as veEctEOat, (fJOTEOVT6s' KaT17(70L01)O. I&?0)TL TOVTO Kpo&oCo, &007WE6p Kal yi', ESOOE TEpas' Elvat. aVTIKa,8 c~We/hWe OcOripo'rov' es' T(Ov?,qEryqT7,e(ov TEXjhflo-0-c'oV. dint C 77 —s80 KAEI.. 35 KO'evOt(Tt 86 TO7ti OeO7TpOTrOtCt, Kal faov' 7rp6o TeXtfLf7'e0v) TO OeXA orn,7alvcatv o Trepac?, ov0c ceeyevero Kpoio') a?7raeyyXac. rpiv (yap ' 7 o7rt6LCO ob'ag dva.. 7rXcOraa e9 TCa zap&9s, 7VXo o KpoOos. TeXto0cree9 u'v rot Ta8e eyvtooav, arparov adXoOpoov 7rpoo'-8oKt/,ov elvat Kpolocro E7rl Tr7v p XJ7pv, a7TrtcKfevov 8e rovTov KcaraaorpeJreoOat wToV\ 7r plov9' XkeOVTre9 evai 7/ -raZSa, t7rov 8E, 7roX\epov TE Ka, cT rXvSa. TeXp/wo-roer /tev uvv rar'a v7reIcptvavro KpotlG Sr&) qXWKOT', oVS & KO) EloT~re9 W0V rv Trep \aps re TcKat at vrov Kpootrov. Kvpos9 8e, avTtKca d7reXav1vovro0 Kpot-ov PTea Tri 79 djaXf1v T7'1v 'e)VOjLEv71V Tr1) Tlleplrj, I aOrwv (0 a7reXaoag peXXot Kpoco0o taKE'ce18a7v TOv o-TpabTO, f3ovXevOf/evo9 eptp'Tce 7rp^yJLda ol elval eXavvetv (9 Svvatro TraXtXTra, \ l f b A c e e7r Tag a.,apot?, trpty 1 To &evTEpov axttO?1vat Tow Av&8v T)V v 'val Ubv]. (o9 8Se otl Trava a '80oe, Kca, 67ro'e6 KEara TaXo<. eeXaca3 7ryap Tvv oTpaTov ES' Tr7 AvS7v, avroS ay77yeXo Kpo[t-co EX\X0ee. evOaDrra KpoToT e0 d7ropinYv 7roXX\\v a7rtyl'Evo, w& Ol 7rapa So:av ere Ta 7rpr7y/tara 77 (9 CLaVTOS' caTreSocee, O/co V 70 )9 A vSovso eTye e9 laXy}v.?7v 8e TOVTOV rOv XpoVov WE'o9 ovSev ev r) 'A7l7 ov're avSpetorepov, ovTre daXKtiprepov Tro AvSlov. 77 8e LdaX7 O(bE(v nV a'7r' 'vr OV, 8ovpara T6 e opeov /LeydaXa, Kea avro 770lrav l7r7reveta'-Oa ayaOot. 'Es T7O 80 TrESOV Se VVEO6\6OVT0)WV 7TOTO TO 7rpo TOv ao'Teoq ecT Tov lapaltvov^, 0ov kfeya 7re Kal *J4XoV, (8ta 8e avTov 7rorac[o pEOvreg Kat aXXot Kcal 'TXXog cavpp7yvvo-o E9 7ro) fL ETTOv, Kca~XE6oA ovO 8\ "'1Eppov,, O9 ef oVpeo I[pOV M7Trpo3 Atv1v,77v)9 pe)Cv, EK&fC8o E' OcaXaCtcav KaTard (J)wKcatLv 7roXtV,) evOavra o Kipo9 (o0? eSe TovS' AvSovb) ES IdXqrv Ta(rTroFevovu, KcaTappwco 770ag tr)v T7r7rov ro0e, E, pTradyov v7roekLvov avSpo9 M'Sov, TOto78e. 'o-at vc3 -r (TpaT(O rco (wvrov 67roVro C-lTOO pot re Kal O-KEVOOpO& K/tcalr7Xot, TravTraS ra-aa aX1a7S9, Kal d7reXto\v o a \xea av;pag c'r arS ver]e rra o'roXrv evecrSrafevov9. c-Kevad'aa 8e avrov%, vpoo-erae 7r79 aXXq77 o-rpaT7ritq rpotevact rpo9 r17v Kpotl-ov t'Lr7ro, vr7 oe KcaXro e.c'eo'Ocu ro' v tree'1.v (rTpaTrov eKeXeue' oTrco'Oe 83 86 'HPOAOTOY [I. T-oy 7reov c7'rere Tr7v 7r ao-av t7'TroV. Os e ol 7ravTef SleTerTaxaTo, 7rapalveore Te)v tUev dXXwv AvS&v pr) feLto/ievovS, cTelveiv 7travTa TOP e/T7roSwv ytVO/Jevov, Kpoaov S6 avr'Tv /frL KTEi'VeCV, 778E iv a'vXXa/t/3avo/jevo9 a/vvrlTat. ravTa aev rrapalvere. 'rTa e K carLXov9 ETa.e avriTa T9 T7T77rov, Trv8se etveKev' IcadjLr\Xv TO o? o/eTat, Kcal OvfK aVEXE'-ra ore TrTv iSfev avTrj OpECOv, oVre TjV o0/cj*)v oaSpaLvo/evos. avT0oV 8?) W TOVTOV eCVeKEV Eo'ecrlotorTO, tva co Kpolofl) apr7ov TV TO L7tr7Lov, 7T ] 7, KCa e7re te eAXXa/LreaOa o Av86<f. (9 S 8, cal crvvyeaav eP Ty}V / tX]v, evOavTa ct oSropavro TraxtTa ToWV KcalzUXCVm o M tr7rt, O Kal a e l mOV avTa, 07r'tO( avecarpefov, 8tecbapTro Te Trc Kpoio-o eXT? X7. oV /L evTOt o' 7ye AvSol To eveVTeV 8et\oL Xo (oa a XX', ws 4LaOov 'TO ryLtvoy6 ov, a7ro0opOvTre a7Tro ' v i7rTrTov, 7Te'o, TOl-f, HIe po7a o evVe/3caXXov. Xpovw Se, 7rea'ovTwv d/bOTEpOWv 'e Be, vreo'ov0re a/\ orepwz iroXXpv, cTpacrov'o ot AuvoL. KaTELXO.EVES e 69 TO' T'eXO9, E7roXtopKeovPo V7tr Trw H- epoewv. 81 Tolo-t pLev iccaTeao-'r7ce 7roXtopKcl7. Kpoiroo 8e 8oicewv ol Xpovov E7rrl fCaKpOPV oeoOat T)r' 7TrOXtOpKItrP '7reiL7re IfC Tvo TXel09 aXXovS ayeXov9 E9 Ta9 ovu!JLa%laS. o0 ULeV ryp 7i-poTEpOV 0e rerL7rovTr, E9 'Jre/j7TTv e tIt/va 7rpoepEoTveS vXX eoeOat &b E SpStv v To'rTOV 8\ ee:Tre/jTre Trr TraXtlrT-7v &eecOat /3o70eetv, C? 7roXtop82 KeoFIevov Kpotcoov. "Es' e 8r Wv r7a dXXas '7Tre/7Tre ov/ypaia3S, Kca, 8& cal es AacceSal/ova. - roo-t' 8e Ical avTo'toc To'rot:7rapTti7Tcrt icaT avrov TOVTOv TOY Xpovov Gvve7rE7rTWKCe ep pS eovo-a "rpos 'Apyelovs, 7rept Xo)pov icaXeo/ievov )vpe'.,l. Tad ryap Euvpeas ravTas, coucv-a TIrs 'ApryoXico? tJo(lpr, arovraolotevo, ao'Xov ot AaKcectai0ovtoi.?v oe iKal, / pteXp MaXerv 7] Trpo? eo'wrepqv 'Apyeiov, 7 r'e ev ery T E prei %pr KP, Kcal 7 KvOr7pt v~o'oOs, eca, al Xot7ra 'rv vry'cov. /3or07r7avTO)v 8e 'ApfyeLv T cfETepy a7roTavLPOJErVy, e0Oavra vvere/3itav Ap es XoyOV, (VVEX06VTEsr, ( 'e Te Trpt?7KOcaOV EKaTEpOcv taXEoao-Oacl' oKoTrepo 8' av 7reptyevowrTaL T'ovTcv etlvat Tov XOpov' T'o 8 7rX700so To a'T'paTov d7raXXa'aacOa 0 eEcarepov es? rTv e&vTrVJ, P18\e 7rapa/uevev acyOvtLoljevwvO 71, 81-843 KAMM~.8 48V ELVEXE, 'tva pi~ 7apeovrcwv Tcov UTpar01~orcOV pWV7E9T ot ETEpot EccTov/kEVOV9 TOyV;' 0'(fTEpOV9~, e7rc/apv'oteP LK ~ v~eo ~ aa 7raXX covoXOya&91Eq be KaTepcov vTI-oXELOkEV7-e9 oCvvc)3aXXov.,ua~olt4vcov 86 u~beo, Kab rytvo~lclvov tToo7raXecov, VW7eXel7rOVTO E4 d'V~p43V waKOO' W TpctS- 'Aprydcv PEP, 'AXK7vwp TE Katb /Lo AaKE&UfatpoJvtw 86, 'O0pvc'&Ijs c'7eietOc0?o-av & oV'TO& VVKTO9? E7rEXOoVcG-fl9. Ot IWEV 8?7 &IO T0'W 'Apyet'owp, co~ VEVLKflKOTE%~ MEOEO E9q To `Apyov' 0 3e wr~ Aae rtovi 'O0pvaer8cq, clKVXEv~oatS ToVI~s 'ApyelawO V)EIKpov,, Katt Trpo-PO Oopi o-a, Ta 'o6wXa 7Tp09 TO EOJVTO) CTTpaTowE~olJ, eV T TarEL E'tX ELOVTOV. '7,uPpy c3E cVTEPY71plca)7v4VO /JCEOL ct/.L6TEpOt. TEWO? /L6 Z) aV7TOt EKaTE~pOL ccf"tcaua ULcap. X&YOVTE9~, Ot /LE'V, CO'I AWVT&W7 7TXEv~vE 7TEpq6y6,yolvc 01 &, TOVi~s tEv VwocaivVT6~7-E rEc/vy0a 70) 06bTEpOP 7lapca&L1t'aVTa, Kct, otYUXevo-aVTa Tov0 1CEKE WOW VCKpov9?. TExo9~ ~6, EK 7?)';' ept8os' (7V/PL7-60OVTE9? ~f'laOVTO' 7TE(OVTCOV &6 Ka~t a/1poorawv 7r-oXXL'v, E'vLK'l'co AaKEcLLaLt6 vtoc. 2Ap7Ectot PEP Pvi) a7T0O TOV701J TOU XpOVOV KaTaKetpa/evt~lO Ta9~ KE~ctaM, TrpOTEpOV c7TcLvayKE9, KOFLCIJVTE9~, Ev1otnucaVTO v611uw m, KaL& carTap?)V, P7i} f-p6TCpOP OpE'4rtV K~o/Jp) 'Ap7EIOV/A97va, FL)7&e Ta\'; cyvva&tK ';~ o~b pKo~p7-?rptv av E~vp&a9 a'vao-~Wr0WVac. AaKE&LaII5 oLot &eTa EvaV7-a 70VT)V0 COEPTO Popov), Ov y7lp KO[LWLTE';' 71'pO 'TOVTOy, a7ro TOVTOV) Ko/JaV. TOP CIE Cepa XoryoVo-t TOP 7et XE1,JOEPTa TOWV TptflKO0ct0)lCO, 0OpVa&)l) acto-vP0,Ltevov awroVOUP0~TEeLv1J E',~7TapT97V, TUOW Ot O-V/XOXtTEOJ LEpaVivP avTrov [IttvEv T?)ccOL pepEO-t Ka calo-aOat E'wvTOP. Tot- 83 OVT&WV e TO'toL Y,7rTL77Tt?T7(tEiTELP '7lp~7yaTrJov, KE O' Yap&tqPO\9 /CpV~, &60/LPCO9 Kpo-o) /3oci7Oetv wroXt0pKEO/1t~l)(O. OL /t);,EFLT E7rvOOPTO T0O"yVK9 oplkEaTo /30?JOcEtv. Kab co~t, i~8)7rapeoKevaojtcvoto-t, Kca JECOlJ EOVU~ECOV ETOL[L)PV?7AEax7 ayX97 (97?7O)KO6 TO1- TEL%09~ ToW Av&Rov, Kal 6XOtTO Kpo&Too9 ~coryp'?70-69. OVT& OUTOL [IEP, (YV/lt(,optjv Twovq0alLEVoL,LLkyaXp, Ewe 'JrvVPTO. ~ap~tEq &E 2'Xcocav CO' 8. e"7ret87) TECCorpETKatL&ca'Tf 84 GCfUEVTO y[Lpfpl 7ToXtopKEco/.46p9 Kpolop, Ki~po~ T-p o.TparT~ 38 'HPOOAOTOY [i. Trp eCOVTov, 8tatr/e/4as t7rrea%, qrpore7T6, 7T( TpwT) E7T/3avTr ToV Teeos &cpa 8coeewL. pea b e Troro, rTELprlcaubLevr9s T17 o-TpaTli,, ( ov 7rpoEc3pee, evOavTra TcV aXowv Wre7ravJLeZvwv, avrip Mapaos e7reLparo 7rpoo 'alwvov, tot) obvoia i]v 'TpoLaodS, KaTa TOV7O T71q9 aKpo7ro,\o 7t) ovMSIE erTar7CTo (vXaKaco ov Eyap fv 8etoLV, KCaTt TroVr Lp, aXco fKOTE. acro'TOplo T7E ya'p eCoTt TaVrT7 i aE/cp7rapoXt%, Icau da/LaXeo' T'r oV8e MrXkqs, 6 7rporepov /3aC'XevZ) apOL&V, /LOvr) ov 7reprLveCe ~ ov XeovTa, TOv Otl 7 aXXaK) 'TEKe, TeX/Lro-Tf'0ewv 8tKacaVToWV, (9 TrreptLEEtOEVro 70oov eC0ovTo TO TEL6XO), '60eoV7aL apote avaXW)Tot. o e MrXv9 Kcara TO aXXo TeXo9 7TrepLEveIIcat, T 79v e7r la'ov TO Xwopiov Tq77 dpo7r6woto, IcarTqrXOyr7e TovTo, SO9 eov aLac6ov re Icat a7roro/lov' eTT 8e 7rpo9 Tov TpwoXov 7ETpa/LLevo)v Tr7 roXLto. 'O cv or} TpoLtdo OV 0709 0 Map80o, 8oav ry 7rporepatl 7wv riva AV&3v KaTr TO7VO T9 aKpO7rOXO KCaTa7a/3vTa E7Tr KVeVVE avOOev KaraKcvXt \reiaav, KaL adeXO/pevov, E)pdao07rl ca6 6 Ovpdav E/3aXETo. To're 8O 877 o acvTo; re ava/3e3I7KCee, ICcaL KaT avTov aXXot, lIepc'Ev adve3aLvov. 7rpoo'3avTwv Ve vXvwv, ovTro o 2apote Tre ]X\uKeceav, fcal 7rav TO ao'rT E7rOpE0ETO. 85 Kar' avrov 8e Kpoioov VrSe e7evero. rv ol Traol, T70V caL6 7rporepov e7re/jLvtaJ?, 'ra /eV, aXa e7TrleK7:,? "af vobo9 6. ev (r 01v 7rapeX8ovo'7} everTol 6 Kpolcoo TO 7rav e9 av'ov e7re7roL/Kee, aXXa Te ertLfpao6/Levo9, tc 8,} \ 'T " ' '.... Ka6?7 Ka6 E L,etov( wrEpt avrov ere7ro/tee Xprlqoopez0ov9. j be ILiv;7 0o eL7re Tace Av8e yevos, 7roXXov /3ao-tcev, ucya v7TrLE KpoZoc, 1ry povv 7roXvevKTOV tdv ava owJJaT aKoveLv TraLtos 0OeyyotyLevov0. TO s (CroL 7roXv Xwi'ov apils eJ/LEvaL' avoq'j cr yap Ev 9/LuaTt 7'rpWToV avoXp/3. 'AXK/'coevov 8oe 'TO T7eXtEo, iLE yadp 7Tv r 079 TIepeov aXXoryvcO'aq KpolFcov (c a7roKcreveOv, KpoLro-? ulev vvv OpEo rrYV 6OVT7ra V7T T71q rapeOVo7rl, uV/4,op97 TrapflfbEXrKEce, ovO 01 &oC epe 7rXr T EV6 daroOaveelevw o6 Tra^ OVTO7 a4).o)o%, 0o Moe eTroyTva Trov Iepo' v, V7ro 85, 861 KAEIQ). 39 &ou~ r-e Ica' icacov e6ppi7~E 4COV')v, ELT & 8""'I~VOpw~e, "F7 Ic7etJe Kpoo-tov." OvTo09 /L~v 8 701)70 7TpCOT0V C e'/)6E7aT70,lEGa\ e' TOirO If ECaW'EE Tv\V 7radvra Xpovoip T'l9 ~O~q7. Ot 8e\ llpcat Ta9? 76 8q\ ~.ap, 60-x0, Kat\ 86 avl7 Kp~o'ov Co~ypro-av, adp~alwa 6"Tea T600Ccpepaocat3EKa, Kcat TEcc7Epe07Cat~KaL ~7/7lcpaSq 7ToxtOpIC'10E1Ta, K~ To XP?10T7PO'V 76 KcaTa7lav-al~cc'Ta T7v~1 ECOVTOV [lefaxI7J) a pX?7v Xa/306vrcs? & aVT3\P O1 llpcat i'jyayov wctpc2 Ki~eov'. o &\ 0vv1)r0-a9? wvprlv /LcycaXqpv a1)6/3i/3a06 C7W alT)t7V T-~v Kp~o~t70V 7 Evi 7r68, t &&/i'v0o, ica~ &9s e"7rra\ Av&3v 7ap' alTO 7wa~av ev 06~ 6`60 ELTe 87) aicpoOw~va Taurc KcaTa~ytetl) 066(1)1 OTE(() 17), e'tTe Icat EVX17\) 67TLTXeOcLL OE'X~ow EL'7E KCU '7TVOOL.lE1)0 70o) Kpotoov~ eli/CU 060o-eIea, To0816 UEWcEKE a)e/31/3a0e 6E7t 71~v71 rvp \v, I3ovXOILe1)0 Eto3evat El Ttq jutV c8at1'co~vw p"VaUEat TOV 1.k17 ~'(VTa IcaTa~cavJOl71ai. 70O) FLEI) 7ITQtEELV TaVJTa, 7(0 & Kpo(lco, E(YTECTL E7T Ti79~ 7rvprj9, EOEXOEW, KEca 7Tep El) IKwt~ EOVTt TOGY0VTC;9 TO v^ O (09'? a OL ELI) UVL' UE(0 Elp'qLEVOV ~ TO vi8UVC "Elvat TO)V ~'iOVTCO1) cX/8L0. a~& pa 1.ttw wpoT — T P~at T01)70, dvevewatk~EPOV 76 ical cWCLOTE1JCLaCT1)a EXE 7rOXX~l c~v~t'?q2E, ~ T-ps i'vol-ka'o-a& $.OXcva. ica~ 701' Ki~pov dKOccaTa1)c, KCEXEVaiL T0Vq Ep/WLqveas 67TElpeoOOaU 70) IKpo'o-OV, TivaL TOVTOV) E7rTLcaXE~tT70 Kat TOVS- TrpOOEXOo1)Taq E7r6tpcoTav. Kpo&tov &6 TECO9 k\V Y72)1) 6EXEtv Ep&TEO/L1)k6OV' ET-,0 ~ay~~,E7E "To\z' aii e7co 7ra0-t 71)paV1)oto- 77rp0ETt/WtIo0a [lEryaXw1 XpI)/.aTw1V "q xo~yous; exodtw., fl &4 cot aocqyka E`/Ipa~e, 7c~Xw EOEpCO)TEO1 Ta" xeryo/Ale1a.?-Xt,7Ta6tpOl/7& c8e aVTWV, Ktctt oXXp 7rapE o1)Taw, AeXE7 8), s9 iX0e a~pXIV b ow &iv'A6Iva~to9, Kcat OEI)0Y4LEVO'9 77a1)a 701) 'O)VTOU i OX30' awr0XAavpw-GEtE- olla \ etvasg, COUTE alJ70) 7rap-Ta awro//3yo 7yT? p EKW8EWE 1 7t p~aXXov El? ECOVTOZ) X~v, 7) ES' a7Trav To aVp 0077'tV0V, Kcat /CaXCO7Tat T0\)9 77rapa\ o-ltavTow-Lt 8OKeOV7aS' O`XI8t`Ovp Eli/CU. Up av ti' Kpo~o-ov TauTa aT~flee(YOat/ 7yS', &6 W1)pyl7?178, a/A]LEv'?7S, KalEcT~at Tra 7wepteo-Xa~a. Kcat 701) Ki~pov dKovcaTav~ 7(,)1 epft17V&01) Ta elIWe Kpoo-CoS', /JIETayVo1)Ta 76, icat e1)1)ccaTa17 OTt Ical aVTo9? a1)Opw07I-0S EC 1), AXXO1) APOpOMov, fyE1O/.tEL)01 6(010VT 40 'HPOAOTOY tI. ev8atF/ovl, ovc ed'Xa''co>, ~'dovTa 7rvpt 88olf0' 7rp? Tre TOVTotLat, 8eTa'avT'a 7T7v T7LOtV, KaCl TrWXe:deaevo o OV'( eor T7(V EV av~p&wroto-t ado-[aXeo eoXV, 'KE\EVEt 0-r3)vvvvat Tr7v Ta7twirrv TO CKatoEvov 7rVp, Kal Kaa/3a/3d8aEtv Kpo&C-OV 76 cKa T0ou /jUETa Kpot'oov cKat ToV0y, 7retp(eo/LVOV, 87 ov 8Vvac0a s &t roT 7rvpoq e7r-tpaTqo'at. 'EvOavra XeyeTa6 Vt A7r vSv, KpoFaov [ahO6vTa Tr)V Kvpov /LerdayvwToWv,? w apa r3vTEa Izev avSpa 7'3evvtvTa TO 7rVp, 8vva[Levov9 e ovKert KcaTaXa/elv, 7r acL'0aica, rov 'A7ro'XXvca E7rtKca\XEoEvov, E 7Tb o0 KE~apto71LevoV Et avrov E68(pr07], wrapacTr77vat, Kcab pvo-aovab pytv ec rov 7TrapeovTO7 KaKrov. Tov yEve, 8atcpvovTa e7rtcKaXee-Oat ov 702vOv eEc 8e alOptgl? Te KCaU VrTve7/l7 o'vvspaCL/eeLv Caa7rvr redbea, xac %ELCv' Te KcaTappayvat, KCa catai v8arT Xa/3poTa7dr, KcaTaaoSea07^vat6' TE 7V 7rvp)7v. OVT)7O \r /a0oVTc Tov; KDpov, o') E'l 6 Kpo-'o9 Ka\ Oeob(f)L\X Kat av)7p adyaa3, KaTra/3t3ao-avTa aVTOv a7TO T7'? 7rVprv7, eCpeo-Oat TrSe' "Kpowe, "r19 C- e advp0'7Trv adveyvwe, erT, 77 r 7v T enV etv o-TpaT 7evcrfa/eJeov, 7roX\eLtov adVTt cltXov e/ot KaTa-T?7vra; 'O 8E e67e "' /3ata~Xev, er' TaVTa ewpq7ca TV 7-Y" [eV " evla~,ovly, r, / e ~uV'rO Se caxcooae/zovt'p, alto? Se ".TOVTCOV erevETO 6 cEXX vwv 0eo, e'raelpa, e'/,e ITrpa"Teve0-Oat. ovoe9c ryap ovT)( a)volqTo eCTT, Os9 t9 rTO"X eLOV 7rpo ellp)7v?7V atlpEEcTa. Ev pIEV yap 7r, ol 7racLes " Trov 7TraTepaC 0a'7rTovoW ev 8e TCO, ot 7raTepe? TOV; 7ratoa?. aXXa TavTa oatliLot KOV (kiXov r7v OVT)0 fyEve" o-Oat." 88 '0 [ev raVra e'XEye. Kvpog S\ avrTov Xv7a9 KcaT'e Te 6eyyv9 eovTo, ical KapTa ev 7roXX.y 7rpo0pJOl.r ~ee, aWrecowvucae Te ope(oV Kat avTos, Kat o[ Trepb EKelCov,, g,'lT. e,, eOVTeT 7ravTE0. 6 e, r0-vvol77 exo6evo6, vvo 7V. [era se, e7rto'Tpa(f)e 7 K cat otLevo, T7ov0 IIep'a 70o (o0v Av&83v "a TV KepaLtoJTa, elZre' "'fl /3aatXev, KOTepa " Xe'yetv 7rpo7 re ra voe0ov TvyXavo), 7 crtyav ev 7(S '"rapeovTL Xpr;" KDpo9 8e llV Oap0-eovr eceeve Xe7etv T0 f3ovXoLro. o 8e avrov Et poTa, Xeywv' "Ovro9 "6 'roXXo\ o/PLtXo l Tr TavTa 0crrov '7roXXO e'pydeTa; '0 Se eZ7e~ "1 16O&v T~ Trv 0-r7v Siap7ra'et, cal Xpr araT 87-90] KAEIM. 41 " ra oa.SaLopet." Kpo"aos 8E a&eL3ero "' Ov're vrovX " ' " ', ', ap'a' ov,,,8 \ r Tr)v ) e/Akr1, ovre Xp?/yaTa /a / la ap7ra' oiv r ap o uo L r ovrwv er Ta. caXa (epovl TE Ka aovot 7ra a." Kvpco 8e erLeLEXC eyeverTo ra, Kpolo-o' e7rre 89 /LETaOr-T)r-a/L evo9 (e 70)T O XX\ov9, ELpero Kpotoov o To "'rXov, o')/Lapetv,, oto. IU ' at, "0L0 EOv7E9 z/Spo' — T"raL, elt c aXp7,LaTroL. 17, v o rv TovTrov9 '7repuiS? 8apacTrdaav)ra9 /KaC KaTao'(vTra p Xp7y/XaTa /xeLyaXa, 7rae <" o a e. arVcv e rtoota 7eevavasi' ~q arv avzcTv 7reir'Ta " KaTacr%, vrovTov 7rpoo'8EceaOal 70o eTravao-rrVo'optevov. "P, V (V ) 72'OLTo'o o01e, el r aopeoKe- 'a cay X'y(. K"icat0rov 7w GSopv)6po)v E 7rWtrI, 0? 71a L 7r;j)v(YL dpU(XaEcow9, OX \~EryvroTv 7Trpo 70TV efccKepov0Ta9 Ta XprikLaTct "a7raLpeoplevot, o ea ae vaycato? ezeE 8e/carev7Orva& 'TOZta) A. /cal(TV 7r t TC OVK' adreXjeaL /3li a8tlpeo-' " TeEvo E %p7lrtara, xLEa-ce, /caV eevo, v77vovre TOteetv -e "t8K/cata, EKOcTre? 7Tro01ov(-L. TavTa a'KOv'W 6 Kupo?, 90 V7Tepe86To, ( Ol OCEE E) vo7r0o E(Tc0at. aLVEca 8.e -roXXa, cal edvre\Xa1pevo0 TOolY 8opVcOpOltet Tad KpolaoV7rE7KEaTO 7renreXeeWv, el7re 7rpo\ Kpo6Loov Tare8 " KpooFre, "a vaprlpT7evov -eV avdpo? /3acreoXeo? Xp1Ta ep7ya Kcab t a Troteetv, a 8reo 0oCTv 7Tv TLva 3ov\eal` Tot 7ev1eoOa& " a7rapavr/ca." '0 Ka. e e"eE ' (S&Tora, eaCa ie Xa" XptEE [(C XTa TOV7 OOV T1V TEXX Tvo, 7OETI/LiTLu (70 "d piet j a'a 'bv 6eov rv 'EXXr/wv, rov &'t'rjcra ' ' O" wv [L aXdLTa, e7relpeaOat, 7TrefravTa rTaJeE Ta? 7Tre8a?, " el EaTrarav 7OV0 el 7oLevlTaq vo/0o[ erTL oE. Kv pos 8e Cepero 0 Tr ot 7oroo e7rTyTopercop v vrapatETEvTO. Kpotloo &E 01w e7ravq7oTyr7Ia-e 7raoav Tr)v EcovroD taUvotav, Kcal rTv %prlr7')plp'Owt) V7troocplo'a KcaE, /LaXt\Ta~Ta Ka dva1r/Oar[a7 /cai (0)9 e7rapOe~, /T Lavt7l,'w, ecT-parev'7varo er Iepa'a. ^ eXeoyv 8s va'TaT, Kare/atve aVSt 7rapaEreoo/evo9, E7TeLvat 0o 70 T Oe(O 0 r0 TO v ovelEto'a. KOpoq 8e yyeXa'da~ eTre' " Kal 7ov7ov ' Tevea 7rap eJL~ev, KpolFGe, Kat dXXov 7-ravTo1 Trov 71L ecKa0Tore oSE. &i2 (s TavbTa ErEcouvre 6 Kpo?7o9, rre/j7lrcov 7Tov Av&8;)v E? AeXbov)0, EVETEXXeTO, vTOevPaT Ta 7cIrebSa3 e67r, TOv v1o0V rOv o3o0v, elpCOTav es 42 'HPOAOTOY ov Tr ecraLovveTra TOtif xLavyTr/totcrtt a7rpas Kpoi~ov oTpaTrveOatb E'7t,lepcas,, KaTararavcovrTa r7v Kvpov 8vvaaLLv, a7r" r ol aKpoOtvta TotavTa yevEo-Oa' 8eLICVVVTa a TaS q7rea9. TaUTC re creprav tca el apEirTo'i 91 vo/,os elvaL TOLCt 'EX\VIcoL' o B0eoLC. 'ArltKcoUEvrot t 8e Troil Av8olc-t, Ka/ X\ey0ov Ta EVTeTaX/LLEva, vT)v IUv0O7v Xeyercrat eTreWv rTdSa' Trjv 'rerpcofEvwv /zotpav aSvvara C e76 ad7rofvyeLtv fcal ~eW. Kpot7os? Se 7re7TrTOv 7yovEo? " alapTraa Ce'7rXr'1e, 8o ctwv oopvuo6poo 'HpaKcXetScov, Aob ryIvvalIC7i'it, er'6'Mro/Levo%:, efovevE' ov 8roea, Tca e )e TrV EKElVOV T/i)V) OVlE Ol 7rpo(ricovaav. "qrpo0vpeoLevov e AotcoO, OKWCO av Kara TOVw 7ralSa9 "rovs Kpotlov 7EVOLTO TO Xap&'ov 7rad0os, Kac fLr) KaLr avTrov Kpoloov, ovK oo6 Te e/yevero 7rapayayelv,toipa'.: el X ~ t ~x t \ ~! t t OC -ov e eVEOcKaV avuTaC, 7vuo'aTO, Kcat eaplo'aTo ol. a\, 5apotVK " pla ryp erea 7rave/3aX\eo Tpv O ap wyOv a\Ow'L Kca i ToTO e7rtrOTacOdw KpoL'os, 0o VOTrepov TotlL 6ere(L TOV 7TOOL adov Trp 7re7rpCpWO/ el?. oevrepa oe `TOVToV, '~ ' )! T ' \ x\ /.. Kato/Li(ev() avT) 7rr7pKEcEc~. Kara S& TO.Lav7r'tiov TO "f vy6/fvov, OVKC pOws' Kpovoos? lEUerTaL. 7rpor7yopeve " yap o[ Ao?7y9, ivv oTpaTevrTaL 7rl6 epc'a, '/cyaXrv << ap f1v avrov KcaTaXv-etv. rov Se arpo Travra %pr^v, eu " X XX\ovrTa 3ovX\eve-Oa, E7rELpEoea '0ai 7r avra, KorTepa 7rlIrV) EOT0OV 7 T)r?) Kvpov \u7yo, dap7v. ov o'v\\a/o3v 8E TO pr0Ev, oV18 E7ral'etppo/Evoo, ECOVTov atbiov a7ro"jaLveTcO.. )c Ka TO Te\evTatov lXP)a'T7fptao/-ev ELrre ' Ta ElTre Aoi?5j Trepp jLouvOV, oVoE TO7TO avveXa3e. 9v " yap 8 o Kvpo? ovTO? 7/lOVo' ec K yap 8voLv OVK O/LOeOveClwv ey7yovee, /L77rTpos adelvovoo, 7raTpo 8e v'7ro8eacrTepov. r zeLv yap?7V MVro8, cl K Aa -rvayeos OvyaTrlp TO v Mr'8ov /3aatL O 0 e o'E, flepO-17? Tre 7v, Kcal aPXo' pevos V7Tr eKcelVOt'i' Kcal evepOE cEv Tofl6 aTaot, 0e( ErOrv )t, 6V7OV VVYOVl/ce. TaUTa c6, 71v lTvOl & r I vtretcplvaTo T0L0 AVoo' a,' o0 1e r Tveoi'jcav e KapST9, Kcal dw'7yeCcXav TcW Kpooa'o 6 dc/coio'a%, o'vvreyvo) eWVTOv elvat 7Trjv a.LapTatoa, tca ov 'ov Oeov. KaTa,pev s)j T7v7 Kpoloov Te adPXqV, Kcal 'Icov&lf 71Tj VTrpjT17v caTauaTpo0l^jv, C'XE OVT(O. wIk-PT0T 43 Kpoi o~ & E'ore"G KaC AlXa a'vaOf'~a-ra eV rj EXXac8t 92 'iroxxa, x Iat, 01 Ta\ Etp17teva. [tko1v'. E) /LE1v rya'p e i7,l,,o- t rjyo-t. Bobwro)Tv TP L'79 Xp V 09 TO avEOntKe T 'Aw6 OXXwvt T4 'Iocuqvt'wo eV 8c 'E~bEcw'oao WE /30E9 at Xpvueat, ccu TwOv KtoV(0l) at 7roXXai EV 8E llP~vnt7~j, 7179 C AAE(fOL(Yt, aowvv9 Xptu:)C1 /LEI/aX17. TaVTCL /kEZ) Kat, ETL E9~ f1WE v71 vTeptiEOVTa. a\ 3' E'cawo'X0Xe TO ^P aO17/ta&W T 8' v Bpay~tJa-t, T77J-t M yAlq-'cVaw vaOmaTa Kpoioloc (09 E-/O) 7n-vv~avoLtat, 'to-a WE (YTaO/JA)~V Icat, oLOta TWOtL eV LAEX~fOWG-t. Ta\ F-LV PUP E"9 WE ZAE~fov\, KaC e9~ T701)A. qJapEco al)CO,17Ke, 0iKqt-aKT/E EOP~ca, Kat TOMl 7?TaTpcwpol Xp17 -/1~aTU& a~rapX 17l Ta 3EaXXa alPaOY7LaTa E~ a'e3 p09, Eye-. VETO 0VC7G7 EXOpov, 09 OL, 71-ptl1 /aao-tXEv'a-at, a)Tt-. 0-TaVYLWT?17 KaTEJ-T KEE, uv-Vt7TEvcJ Ha aEOPTC yEPEu~at 7T)P Av&3ov a'pX?7'v. ' Se\ llal)Ta-XEOl)v 3v 'A-XvaTTELO ptcv 7TatL, Kpot'(7ov &E a3e-X0bEO\9 OVJK OftO/117Tpto9~. Kpo'coqo i.lYv IK Kaetpp179 17lv yrlva(K09 'AXVC ITylalTaXcOW0 l,~ a~39 87E Eec ~p09TI TOV) 77TaTpO9~, cKpaT77(E Th9 apX7179 of Kp~oi'-0s, Top al)OPW27rOl 701v al)Tt~p)7(7(TOPOa E7T'L Kv~abOo CXK(LW &CtfOEtpE- 771 v \oV0-tP aV'TOv" E"T 7rprTEpov KaTtpwMcat9, TOTE TpOWO7re 0 W(e) pl7/JkEl)o aPEO17KE cl9ITa\ E t5p 7TaL. Kat 7T-EpC /LCP alvaO?17/kaT&) T~c-avTa EL-. ECOlvfaTa &E yy vt7 E, a-rvyypa(~1l ov PLa~Xa EEL, 93 ota WEK a"7 X X -P1, l p TO') 'IC TO') TFUOSXOV Kca~a(/EpOEPO/ 1)'O *i7fr)y/aTO9.' 'Ev 3E\ EpyP~ 7ToX-XO\P -LLCLtGTOV?rapCXETaL, XO)PCt 7T01V WE AtyvwTitaw) Cpy(P7 KaC TOL'V Ba/3v'Xowt'ow. 6EOTL aVTO'OL 'AXva4TTE(O TOV Kpot0-ov 7waT 009 O(7/J7la, 701) 97 Kp1q77Tt9 1lLEP COWL XL'OCOP [LC7yaX&oP, TO (3~ aXXo o-/ka, XwtaL 7179. CE~cpla'avTC~ O 8eE /L4lv 01 ayopatot avMpO)77-t, Kat ot XepjaKC Kat at cPepryac4O/iEac 7-aL-. &0-(KaL. ov'poL t 7CTEPTECOVTE9,~ ETL KatC C,LLC.k 17cal) eW& 70OO a-17,LaTO9~ avo- Kat obt, ypapL/JxLa cvEKEKoXaWrT0, T-a EK~a-Tot, 4pa0-al)TO. Ka WLXLETO /-LEpIEOfLElOV 'TO T(OV 7ratL&-KEO) P-EpOl) COP /.LE7L0O-TOV. TOO ia'yp 8q) Av&(3V 8 'tov at' OvyaTEpes' 7Opl)EVOl)TcL 7Tacat, a'vXXyova-at (7(f)Ut, OEpva9, e9~ 0 (av 0-VPOLK)7(Y(0G-t 70O)70 7TOLEcovo-at. EKM3eO'a0- &~ av'Ta \ ECOV)a9. 17 \/V 8 &7 WEp Io 3O9 TO y 77' 44 "HPOAOTOY [I.,utaTol, CM4 aTa'&OL 6', Ka't &o 'n-XE'Opa' To 36' COp6q fi-Tb ifXeOpa Tlptawi&t~Ka. XVuq 3 CXETal TrOV a /kpaT09 ayaXq, TVv Xc' yovot Av34 cdhivaov elvat. KaXVECTat & 8\ f FUvycdt'. TOvJT0 /-ZE\lJ TOtO1JT7O' e0tL. 94 Av~ot. 8&E 7)'1pkotot ILEV 7apaw7Xl7iaiot0at XpE6PTat Kca& "'EXXiqvce~ X(DPtl 77 O~ a Oq/X~ca TcM/ca KaTca7TopveuoQvcc. 7FTOWTOL &e a'VOpW'77WV, TOM1 77Jt- t L~kEP 6upto-ta XnV''V Kat cpyivpov Ico~fa/levot e~p?7-aVTo, 71-s 7-t 8eKat Ia -7r-yXot e7eIPOlTO. qI)aai &e av'TO~ Av~ot, Kctt Tar 7ratyimct Tw PLIP aGbitGb TE Kat EXXvt7o-t KaT~C-T'7E& a-as, 0WVT(0) E6E1I~p~yta yee1)o-Oat. a4iza 8&E TaV'Tas- TE ECu~Cpeoivat wrapc a0-01a-t XE'Tova-t, Kpa~t Tvpo-,qvtirv a'otlda-at. CO(Se,?7cp~t au'TO/ XEYov7-cs. ev "A ~rvos;- roD M a'vcco /3aa-tX~os C MT - 8(qI.?P ia-xvpq)v av -rv A~v(Siyv 7rao-ap~ yecc'-Oav Ka~t Tro, Av(So\s- TEOWs- /EP Sta'yetv XtvapeO1)Tas- /LETa &, c o V 7 a Vea-Oat, aKeact ( L 1a O t XX 01 ~ ~ t w 7 a t a-Oat avrw0^V. e~evpEOp'Pat S\7 w'P TO'TE Kcal& TCO/P IC' Kt& O/ aa p 'X O P, Ka\ T ')7s - oa atp917, K ~t& T l^P a ~ o waacov 'TiatyvtEcP a\ `LcaE~ 7WXI) 77TE-OO)V. TOVTCOw ryap WV' 7-1)P c~,vpca-tv ovKc olK1LovVPTat Av(Soi. 7otLeeLv 8SE fO&, 7-o TOP Xt1pO\ C'~EVPOPTats- T771 1LtEP ETEPI7P TO/V q17FtpEPW w/at`~etv raka-Cv, ta (S \ /L17" ~'7TCOtEP G-tTa- T7PV (SE 6TCp7V -LTeECO-Oat, 'f-voALePOV9~ T(01 7rat7yMEO/V. TOLOVT~) Tp077Ya) &Sa"yet eWr e"Tea (bV/ (SO GaEKOa-t. EWEt TE (S OVK avtcvat To KaKoP, aAXX 677 /.kaXXoP C'Tt /3ta'ea-Oat, oU'TO) 'TOJ /3aoAtc'a avWTW/V, U0 /zotpaS- (StEXOPVTa Av(So/V 7wc'vT &W, KX Iqpo' a-at, T7)V FLE1) E7Tt 1 o y, T7fl) (SE E77t C~Oiswt exc T s XWP?17s- Kat E77-t /kEZ) T77 [ E EI V Xayxavo 'a-p, TO/i /zotpew) eO/vTOZ) TOP /3ct-tX,-a 7TpOa-Taaa-cEtW c~r & Ti? awaXXaca-aoptcvy7, TOP EO/VTOV 77at(Sa, TW~ ovvo[lta elva& Tvpay~pov6. XctxoPTaS- 8e\ a V TO (^ TOVls- E'Tep"Ovs e~tevatt eic T'7s- Xw'pqs, KaTa/3)7vat Es- 1/4Wvpl?77V, Kal W-z7XaV1 7av-ao-Oa& 7TXO~cL, Es- Ta\ ea-Oc/LEVOUs- Ta 7Wa7Tat oaa aot I7P XP17-Ta 67wtwXoa, awrowX6'Ct KaTa /3t`0V TE Kal 717s- 4'?Tqca-t 6`sA,, 6 / xx \ WI a, e~ ca, 7TaX a wapajtet~pajtp avo -, a77-tKea-ciat cs- 30 p 6/' /3ptKOL'S- e~vOa a-peas- e'vt( ta-a-Oat 7Wo' tas-, ical oL'K E'tV,,r e-~xp TOiXSE. ap'i-& 8e Av86^Ov IWtETOPol-taa-OratavT\I cnTOt) /3ao-tCeOs TOO) ra&(SO\s, '0- acobcas- a677ryarye d~r 94-97] KAEI. 45 TOVTOV Tfv eT7 VVrltv/ TrOlEV/LEVov, ovo/,aOu0"vat Tvpo-'/vov'0. Avo0,uiev 8rw V7lro i epa t eovXovro. 'Ewt'ulat & 0~ 'rO evOcuvrev i7Cv 6 Xoyo9 rov re 95 Kvpov, ocr/,6' e\v Trv Kpotlov apX1v aTctreXEc Ka7 T7ov0 lepo-a, O7eW rpO76t r7fyro-avwro 7T1r Acr-1?. 'Q29 ov liepO~EW /JeTe~TEpOL \XEOVG7t, Ot /17 /3OV\6OL~EVOt 0(E/OVV Ta - rEp2 Kvpov, adXa 7)v ovTra XcEyew Xoov, Kara raTra Xoywov 6oov\9 4Uvai. 'Acaa-vptiv apXovrwv TriS am 'ALIq E7r EreTa eLfOO' Kcai 7revTaKooLa 7-rpwTObt a7r aUTrOv Mi^78ot )pavTo a7rltTaaOat' Kcal KWc) OVTOb 7rept vr71 e'evOpli7' IBaXeXr/Levo To0ct 'Aoa-'vpiotrc-, eryvovro av8pe9 ay/aOo' cal a7rao)apeuoevOt VXO(V'1vv, TXVV oepwO170av. ferda 8e TOVTOV, Kal a dXX\a eOvea ETrolEE 7TtrV 7ro To M o80to-'. 'EovT)cov y avrovofiV)Jv 7rdvw )v ava Tr)v )7tretpov OSe av'Tt9?9 Tvpavvi(a9 7rept1\XOov. 'Av \p 9( Cev r7Ola MIruoLcr eVO7evOeTo of, 7rw oVvro/ja f1v Aqiotc1lK, raet &e )v,,paopreo. ovroso? o6 AltO6C, epacreel9 Tvpavm'oo, eC7oteO Tota8e. KaTroLuctq,Levcv Twov M r8oa)V KcaTa (coLa9, Cev T7 e(VVTOV eCwv cal 7rporepov oKtol0o, cal pakXX\v TI ical 7rpo0v/joTEpov 8Kcatco0-vjv eT)v Oe, C eLVoJ?cr0cKEE' Kcal TavTa /LeVTo0, cov-cr7 avolti7 7rox\\x ava 'raCav rr7v M'Iq8tic)v, c7rOlEE, 7rla'L-Evo1 O)T0 T(O ) 'Kati) TO a8tov 7roXe6LtoV 6E-Tt. 0[ C1K T7c avTWq KWILC 9 M38ot, OpPTWE9S avTov TOV? Tpo07rov9, &KcaGcmTv /JLvc E)VT)v alpEOV70. 0 &e tr1 oola,uv~eWCL~evo1 apXr1v, tdv9 Te fcat tSlcatos Vv. 7rotECv 7E TravTa, e7Tratvov e^e oVKc oXt7yov 7rpo? rT)v 7roXtI el II! TeOov, ovTw wCTCre 7rvvcavo[1LEuOt Ot EV Ty(7 aX^grO Kcwq7a0 -csv Aliof'cl et dvr)p 1 o/oVo Kcara TO oppoov pO lcdaWv, TrpO7EpO 7Eplrt7rTPOV7T6E a&KOLOL -ty1/L), 707 67rWE 7E f/lcovo-av, acLpevoL c(f)Oreov 1rapa To0 AjtoKcea cal avTro KucaLo(evo0' T eoX 8e, ovoev1 aXd, ereTpavrovTo. HXev- 97 VO 8E09 ale6t 7tv1oLEPeOV TOV E67T(oiOT1, ola T7vvOavo)[ev0v Ta s 8Ka d7avro/3atLvev Kard To cOY, 7yvov) 6O Alwoc?9 e V ecovTO 7rav dvafcetjLevov, ovre Ka'tetv Eri 7'0\e &vOa f,cavtc,,a,,,,o, OV 8,, Trep Tporepov rporcaT0Vcov eSlEcate, O)sT er7) Sticav 6TO. OV yap ol XV0ITeT\eElV, T7)V eWVTOV ce.FL~\XKo6Ta, TOL7& 7reX o,& E2)Fepsi) &aca'erV. Covor'79 wv apTrapr7 fcal avo 46 'HPOAOTOY [. 46' q ~' toXX. t 11XXo O ' \ TOY 4 K[tIa.a filr)7 e'TL 7roXX( /iXa\\ov cva TC? KcJaLaa( 7 7rpoerpov 7jv, avvvEXE'XOro'av o t Mo806 e~ TOUvro, Tcat e&too'av oli'o,-t Xoyov, Xe7yovTrE 7TEp7 T)V Ka'e 7KoTvovv. S? 8' ( E70 8 0fcE, tzhdXtl'a 'X6eov 0 TO7V 0 o rlI6fo) ()iXoL' " Ov yap 8(), Tpo7r)W To 7ra TpeoTL XpEO L/EVo, t vvaT0o ElcEv OlK011CEL ' 0r7nv jpn bvepe, o'Tr7acoaeLv pjerov avrwv /3aoXt\ea Ktca OVT7WC 7 Te %Xpt evCorVo/c'eTa, tca avroi Trpo espya "prpe'roue0a, ove3 vt7r' avop'l7? avalraToLb e0o/ eta. TavrTa K1c7] XyovT7ES? r 7re10ovO' Eo)VrOV /s3acL everOaL. 98 AvTllca 6 r 7po/3a\XXo/Ler'w v TO a C7a T ovral f3arXEa, A6 rio6/cr] 1v 7roXX3 vqro 7ravroT avSpov Ica\ 7rpo3aXXo/evo0 fKcat alvEO1/Evo0 E 0 0 7oTOV KaTav0VO-' /3a0Lxea a /,,, e ^ *t sSV o'i'w elvca. 'O ' oEceXeve avruov o0lcla 7r Eco)VTO atLa 77T fLao'LXriX/ olKo8oJ?-at, Kcal cparvvat avrov 0opv(bpotlc. 7roteO 8EVL ra^ra ol M(8ot. OlKO(O/tEov'iT 7re eyap avTr otK/a pe/yaXa 'e Kca l'-vpa, tva avToT eopaore Trij %Wprl' %caL oopvo6pov avrTo e7rtTpe7rovirr ecK ravrv MI 8cov KaTaXe'ao-Oat. 0O e, S 6OxE 717V ap 'v, 70T ov Mr8ovv rjvd yicace ( v 7ro\Xtro/a 7rotra'ao0Oat, Kcal 7roVo 7reptL'7reX\o'7a, 7(0v aXX0oOv f1''oV E7rL/jL\eX-OaL. 7retOoLeov 8)e Kcal TavOTa rT( MSo&w, olico80o0EEL 7TlXea /yedaXa Te Kcat Kcaprepa, TavTa Tr vvv 'Ay/3drava KEK\X1Tat, ETepoO ETEpco) KVtKX eveTewra. /jELr7a)v'Ta 8e ovr o 70oro70 70 7eLXo, TE o Erepos 70o repov CV7\EOV TOV70L 7rpo0/aXECtwL /-ovvotai eo-Tr vtrr7XOTEpoq. T0 [euv KOV 7t cal To %wpoplov y vfLkJlaee, Kco\o)vov eov,) (7e 7TOLOV70 eltat, TO Oe calb u/LaXXov 7T 67r6E7T768EV07, KVKX()COV 0ov70 7C)V vvaTravo7v c7rra' eT v 81 7T) TEXevTai' Ta paaoLtXria )oV. too 0v 8L ' 1 I o ' _ EV~Tl KOCtl OC 07Ocavupol. T0 0E CEVW7w)V,LE7LtrTOv ECTT etLo KaTr rov 'AOr7veWv KvC\ov K ITraXlt KY7 To7 7e0 a00o. TOV LUEV 0 7Trpr0To /CK/CKOV ol 7poiaXEWoE" ErLI XEVKcol' Tro 0 8evrEpov, /keXave' TptTov 70 KVcKXov, qoLviCtKeOL T7E7pToV oE, cvveoaIl 7Tre/UL7rTov 8, oravoapaiKcvoI. VT70 7TrdvTov TWv KcvKc\OV ol 7rpoPtaXerwve rvOtLa/Lev0 el(t (f)apuLdaKoL't. vo 8 Ol 7E\XEV7alOl, ell 6 o pev cKaTapyvpoJpLevovv, o6 8 KaraKcepv-'A,)LevovS CXwV TOV9 7rpoLLaxe~wvaa. 99 TavTa p/ev Sr} 6O A0or7Lo1 EO)r)O re 7TEXEE, Kcal 7rep ' 2 ' 98-103] KAEI9. 47 ra eOvToV olbct'a Tov e a\XXov r7,ju.ov 7repLt KeXeVe TO TELXO Oeet O oKV coKoprV00 EVT7)V 8E rravrov, KOCYLOOV rovIe &7LOK17S 7rpwroT ecoTl o KaTa0"T?-a'Ltevo0~ /'L7TE e'TievatL.rapc /aoL-ta /rL8eva, &L a'yyeXwv e 7ravTa Xpeec-Oat, opao-ai TE 7 ae a'l\eLa VTrO LrSevo'r 7rp6os TE TOVTOLCl, 'T', yyeXav re KaL 7rTveWv avErtov Ka a7' aai elvaL TOrUTO y aloXpov. Ta^ra 8e 7Tep ewOvrTv e' e/JvvVe TrovSe EVEeV, o6Ko9 av r1j o0pwv7TE OL 0?7XLCKEv, eoVT7e ctVVTrpogO Te e/celCO, cal olfClq7T ov /\avporepr,7 ovoe e~ dvopayal'rv i '\ XELT7rO1EVOL, XV7rolaTO fcal e7rL/3ovx\eVOLEv, aXX) eTepolo^ cf0 t ESOKEO elvcaL /ur1 Opocrc. Erer rE T e (vavTc L &eco- 100 E, t EKplTVV E6WVTOV T7 T, 0 oUpr7)fe, KaC icparvve e'v Trv ry 'vpauvtl't, 7v r'o lIcatov fvdvXaawTov XaXe6ro(. Kca 7a' TEe &Kcas rypaf0ov7re, eLfO?rap E/celvov Ecare7TELrer/cKOv cal EKEclvoS 8taKcptvov Tag eapepouueva, EfK7re/L7reoKe~. Tavra pev /Kaa Ta rs olca; e7rolEE' Ta oe or) aXXka EKcefcocf/LeaTO 0. EL 7tva 7rvvOavoL70 VI3pl O aV7Ta, T7V7OV 'OKo)' JLETar777Er afrto, farT dar7V eKac-Tov aLcrjLaro0 eScKaev' Kca oL KcaTracTcor TE Ka ca t T,J \ m \! 3, KcaT7rroo rfrav ava 7raoav Trv 0WpTv TrX 7PX e. Al&71O'K7S /.LEV VVv TO7 M8oclKOv W0vo I avve0crpe#e /oU- 101 vov, Kal 7T0VTOV q pe. 607 86 Mj'oVo TroaoSe 7yevea, Bovo'a, lapqTvacrvoi, %Tpovuares, 'Ap4'avTo, Bovo&OL, Mayot. ryevea [eLv or M'rtjov eT7r ro'aSe. A'7ioceco 102 e qral' liveyrvat paopTrql, s, reeXevrao-avro ArlotKE60eo, 3aoa'etov'avro rpia kcaL 7rETV7tjKOV7a erea, 7rapeo&:aro 'rqV apXv7). 7rapaoe&aflevo, ovK a7reXpa7o po0vVOv pXe 6V TCV M8ovo aXXa TrparevtrdLVaEVo e7r ToVS IIep0asa, rTpo)T06oO Tr TOVTOEcrL E7reO)7aTo, Kca TrpotTOVS MoSp v7Trr7foovS 67roLt7]o6. fe6Ta 6), eXWOV ovO TavTa eUea, Ical aJLforTepa tcrxvpa, KaT7EcTpE6ero 7rv 'Aco-rlv, ar' adXXov e7r' aXXo Iov evos. e? 8 crTpaTevoatfevo9 e7rt, TOv? 'A rovpiovs, ca 'Ao-o-vpicov TOVrov9 ot Nivov egiov, Kca pvpx ov 7pOTEpov 7ralv70v, roV e TE ryo-av [Ieuovvcopevoc [Jev evtuc/awOv, are aETre'e'Tov, aXXco? LEVT70t ECOVTU)V eV KOV7 Ecovre' e7r TVTOV U orj 87 Cparevoalevos 0 ( paoprs', avTro0 TE &EcPOap7, apaS 80vo ca, ei"cKOcl ETfca, Kal o a-TparoS avrov 6 qroXXo6. (paopTreco 8 TE\XevT7cTO'avro, eeSetaro Kva!tdprg 6 103 48 "HPOAOTOY [I. cJpap c OUA7oKea 7ratq. 009 XyE~at '7roOVX7 &t yEVec-Oat a'XKt/d470Ep~Q T&W 77"folyol/0)7) Kat 7WTp(07 TE oXOXucE KaTa TcXEaL To0U EP 717 'AcTt, KaU 8Tt'T0 & ET4 Xcopt'; ElcaUTOV9? e~lva, TOy'; Te atXVO~Opov9~, Kat? 707V'; f I,7raVra 6/-otco' avarreovpliet'va. OV'To9 6' T-O-iT Av3o-to( 4Eor u~aXcca/,Levo';, 07E PV '1/JEp EEr U177 EyEVET7I Go~t /.ctyO/IEvotaw Kat 6 TI7)7) 'AXvo9? 71QTatLov afvw 'Aoct',q?rao-av v(777(7a (0)7). vXE~a (SE ' a~o 1LEvovV9 7raV)7a9, E(T~paTEVETO 7-bTy'q; N OV7 T E0)79) PEX0 -79) 7TaTpt, Kat 7777 7r0XL7) TaV777v OE-Xwv7 e~eXeL7). Kat'o, CO' 0v1L/3aXC0\) C'v)1K7700- TOv'; 'Ac-ovptov';, 7repticarqamoV 70V9 /3ao-t-Xe7) '; 6 KvOe07)v Ma&77';, IJp0)T700LJC 7wa't ot eo*e3aXov /7)e e'; 771)V 'Aoi77v, Kqte~piov'; CK/3aVo7)7E EK 7779~ Evpo)77T77, TOVT7010L (S EWt0'7T0/Jc7)0t 4p6VyoOVt, OlVT&) 104 e; 7777) Mi78tKv X W nv a'7xt'ozcVT. "Eo-T7 ( d 7r T? 777 'XL/w77'? 7779 Mat7Tt8o'; eW&r ~J(Dat 77-Ta/O7C/V Kat Es, K0'XxVq' 7pt77K07)7a 77Lpq 7 ENV4'779 0'86. EKC & 7779 KoXxti(So' cv 7tOXXO7v vc7rcp,3r7)at E? T7V77 Mq7K?7(Sul) aXXa eV) 70 &t\ ce [Tv 6"Ovo'; aV'TW'V E0(TLt $,aicwtpc9 707)70 & 71-apct)uEt/30,LLE)cLTut, eL7vCt eV 717 Mq7(tKc. cv',L'TLE70 O~' n6ye v Oat Ta WT717 EJE/3tX0)., aX a 7777)X) KTt7D7-CE6OE 007) 'nXX~f' /.aKp07T V7 CK~pa7To/1,&7)t, eV (S~t77" E%0T)E 70 KavKa'tLo7 61po';. E7)Oav'Ta ol' pe'v M73(oet u-vp4aXo'VTE'; 7TO~t:.KVOncL, Kat& J0(7(7(007)70 7T7 /JLa'X7, 719 PX KaTEXV'Oqoaaw 105 ol (S\ $~cv'Ot 7777 'Ao-t'7v 7qai-ac 6a7) WO-XO7. 'EvOeD7TEV 86\ jioav &7r A~'tyv77-oP Kab 677'Et TE C7E7)07)7 07) 77 ilaXac — 717)7 OVe7PLJLtt0 T~a9 A y) )c 3acttXev\; (a7vTta0aL9 &Affpowl- 7E KaL XL777o-t aTpEL~ 7O 7Tp0(70)7EpCO, I \ I, Cr KVOPT)7 T7q lpEtEXO7)70)7) c co 70't T'),17XO'( lMwoXEtc/ONVT6', 6'aVXqoaaV Tk'; Oiipavlq'; 'A pO(Si77' 70 ipozv. e(7Tl &6 707)70 70\ tp07, (09' Eryw 77-v7)a7)0/LE7)09~ eVpt(710CO, 7r'a7)7W7 dpXatO~a7O7) ip)o)v oO, 7TaVT7q7 T777 OCO%. Kat cyap 70 e7) KVtwpao ipO\v MvETI7EV 61YCVCT~o, 0 aV70& Xe"Yovo-t Kvi7wptov Kab 70 07) KvO 'powto (I0lvLKe9 dcl` ci 104-108] KAEIQ. 49 iopvlra/jcEot, eK TavTrl 7Trls,vpt?74? EOVT~ES. Totl 7O TWV Kcvqetwv (rvx\o-actat To tpov vo ev 'AKa'crawv, Kal TOUl' TOVTWV atl el ec7ovot0L, EVcrEo-,e'r 'e O7 eo 0r)\Xcav vo'oov WcOTe a,'ta Xeyovw1 Te ol KvOaL Sta TTOVTO c4ea3 vooeew, fcal opav 7rap etOVTOLWt TOrV< arLKcveo0/Jevov9 e? T)V:1KVOLtKIcv %Xp~?v wco 8taKaeaTa6, Tov1 K/aXeovo'T 'Evapea3 ot.:KVOal. 'Ert /LZev vvvr OK7TW Kab L, ckoffct eTa ipXoV TV? 106 A- bAir ol zivOat, icaat a 7rarTa o'i V7rO 7e V3ppto Kaal oxtytwpi7 davdao'arTa 7v. Xwpv, /iEv (yap b6opwv, C7rpr7oTOV 7rap eKa-T(l)v TO eKaoro70t te7re\aXXov %cop s 8e rTO fopov, p7ra~ov 0 rep7epavVovTe6 rovTo 0 o T0 eolev ekcaorot. Kat TOVToV b ev ovur q7r\evag Kva:tps' r7e Kal M'8ot:etvlo-avTel Ecal KcaTa/jeOtvavTe9 icaTe6ovevoav. c:al ovT'O avetowTravTo trjv d \xv M18ot, pa e7reTpdaeov T 7V rep Kcaw 7rpoTepov. Icat T7P) Te Nlvov eXov, (o? e e ev, v ETEpoLtO X67yoMt ' 8XVoo,) Kal TOV V 'Ao-''vpiov V7TOXetptovq e7ron-avTO70, WXr,]v 717 T Bav3\wto potplop. pIeTa Ie TavJTa, Kvaadprs pzev, 3acr\AevXoa9 rTeoroepaKovcTa eTea, 0vv ToL:cKv'Oat rpcav, TeXevra. 'E8Se'er7a 8e 'ACrTa yq7v, 6 Kva:dpeo vras, 71v) 107 flaoc't{Xvt1'v. Kal ol E7Eve7o OvyaT7vp, T7 o0vo/La C ETO 1, aSa17/v. T)v ESoKee 'Ao'TVay79 ev T7) v7rvW ovp?'cra To7ovro7 w76re TrX70 7o-at /1.EV T17v ECvTo7V 7ro6wT, e7rtKaTaKX ac-ate &ecal 7rrv 'Aolv i, 7ravoav. v7repOe/oevo?e &T 7wv P Tywv 7rot-t Ovetp0o7rOX0t(o' 0 ET vvt7r0ov, e &fot33O7h rap avTwvo avra eKa(rTa Jpaktov. eL7a \e, 7 rr Mav8a'vrv 7avTr7v, covoav C S1 alvSp0o wpatvf, M'oSwv /Lev T7W ewV7OV aT lt)wV oVl) V St oo cyvvaa, 3Se6KOIOW\f 7T7V1 OtV't o o6 epo-p Stoo, 7cS ovvopa 7v rKap,&/vo't7' 70Tv EVptc-Ke olKl)7x!xEV eovra caaO'aT, 7po0ov \e?'o-vxtov' 7r6oX, < evepOe afyl)w av7ov 0 Peo/ov avSpo\ MvSoov. zvro0ceovT1s7; 108 (Se T() af I b/Sv/ B 717 Maroavcq%, o 'AaTvady1r7 7o porp(0T T~ e, o8e aX~iv OStfv. e6oKCee 8e Ot eKL ToV aoItSov 7r.OuyOaTpo 7aTcvT71 (fvvat ad/1T 7reXo0 Tv Eg a'Jau7reX0v E7rt-Xwe Tr71 'Aul' v 7ra1-ava. 18&wv 8e Tov0To, Kat V7TrepOeP/VO To0tL OVetpOTOO7r ot, /J6eTE7re/JaTO 7o TV 7v -epCe(Wv T7v) OvyaTepa TretTeKa eovotav. a7TFKO/1Ev1v Se efvXacce, [' 3ovX6,Ievos TO 7 fyevwojLevov e avTr71S StafOe~pa elc 7yap HEROD. I, 3 50 "HPOzAOTOY[I Ot 717 oito 01 )O ptaywP oP~pO Am ~~~wo,~ pAxxo 5 'rp~ Ovya'rpONs aivroi y'vo,~ 83ac-t1XeZ0Etv dV~l' cKE Wo V. TaD"Ta (317 (ovOPvXaca' cvoEP s'6 'AoTv'vryqs', &Sq EyEET Kpo', KaE79Apraryov, `v(3pa o' 'op, Ica 7rt1(YOTCLTOl TES M'8wp,,cat& 7raVT7W IE7riTp077r0P TOOV E(NVroD, AEXye 01 'rota(3E- "I'Apwra7E, 7rrpi'7ry/pa ro ap 'rot wrpoo — "OE,, pqj(a~tu53? 'nrapaXp?7o-7 /A/7(E E/E TC 7rapa/3, y " a~ XXov llXS cv ' E 07E 17q( 0V 'WV7TI)% 7r6pt7rE'c~ "a7rOKTC7E0LP P. fETa (3C OWf0P 7-po7rY) O7E~c aVToq~,,, 5, 1 -"Xcat." 'O 8e a/LEL/3E~av "'&2 /3aciXED, 0V7E aXXOT "Ka) TrapEL(3E9 aV(3p& Te9(3 O~p~o~ v, Xaco-6[Oa &\ Eq? 0E KELL eq TOP fLET IE-EtTaL XP62'O" FL17(3eP a/qapTEFV. d6XX EL TOt cOtX0P TOVTO OV'T(0 7Wt'Ea00at, Xpt (31\, T6'E 109 C4vIv VVIwjpEi-&o-Oat e7r-tr&(cEO)." Tov'Totut dc~t~tqfrzvoq? 6 "Ap~i-ayo,?, Z9, 01 7wapE80O0I7 To\ 7raL(t8' KK0L~/E 'ri> t Oaaf, 17L E~LO cq'a OLKLa. 7rapeX6) & qjc ce~I EOvTt r1vPaLKt TrOV wara aA'vy~ p E6VPa X0,y0v., 8\ \p Va'rz XE7 " Nvv COP TI 00t 'V V6(' 'E(7TC 7I-OEEP; '0 3e\ aILELI3EE~av ~OvKl n' EPE7XXIETO "'AG-'rvary~qv oi33 et 7Ta~pacfpovqoTct 're Kcal paVELPELL Kca"KOP 17 Pv)P FLCLLe7Cat 01 Ot E7YW'YE 7TPO(T07(70cl-kta T7 "yP7O 'p y, \VS C9? 006P0 TOtOV'TOV V'7TlPET?70(0O. 7ToxxoCov 8ELPE'eKa 0?) (fOPE1J(ToJ /lul. KEat OVt avTrj /Lot 7vey7eP?74? "ECTLP 07wat, Kcat oiTb KAavy& ~~ ar ypP ct a7Tratq EfTPO9~ r/OPOV. el (3 OEXIrOt, TrOVTOV 'rEXEVTr)o-alpTOq, Eq TrI7P Ovryae'rpa TLvv7IJ da/3ipjat i7 Tvpavvt(;, 179( P1VV TOP VIOP KTELPE& & C/LED, ctXX0 T'r?' XEL7eTE7E To "EPOEi3TEP C/Lot KlP&vVPWP0 0 /.kEytGT(1T09 aXXa TOV) IbE "a0(fELXos ELPECKa ep/.t0, 83EE 70)701) 'EXIEI)TaPV 'rP 7wa?(a8ebILEPTOL T(02 rt7a\ 'A(TTrVay7oq aLVTOD0)(foPEa ryepeoIat, 11( C"KabtkAn\ T63P tt6p. TaD'Ta EL77E, icat LV7~KaL a'y7yEXOV EWE/17T E77I-& TOJP, /3OVKOVXOP T(03' 'Ao-Tva'ycoq TOP 1j77I-UTaTCT VOUac? T EC7tTLT7(E(AOTa'Taq PE/lkOPTa, Kcat ovpeat O,7ptW(3E1Ta' TN5 oipvoaac,3p MItpa(3a'r?7q, CTVP0LKEE &6 T? & 'rOi O-VP(3o19X0 oh' vola &e T'r7 eyUPvaKt 17V Trj cVVPOtKEE, Kvvpa\, Ka'a Trv EXXi~vwv ryXwo-o-tv- Kca'a &E Tq Mq&,c \v, 1~7raicoC r9s> fyap Kciva KcaXeovo& orniica M "Smo. 109-111] KAEI9. 51 al e Vt7rpeai elacr vov ovpewv ev0ra voaT 'rv f3ov eLXe ov7ro' 8?) /3ovKoXoq, 7rpo' /3opEco re ave/ov 7rw 'Ay/aTarvov, Kac 7trps 70'o T7OVTOV To7 Evvevov. TavT7 fev 7yp 7 M&SiaK0 Xwp? 7rpOi $acLT7etpcOW opEtV? eart KapTa, ical vrj7Xr Tre Kca ibyo'tl ovvrpe~r)q F 8e a&rXXq MVrSrC %w'pY7 er)7 7Traka aw7eo&. e7rel, oWv o 13ovcoXos c7rovj8 7roXX\\ KcaXkeobevoq adTrLteTO, 6'\eXy 6 "Ap7rayo rae' " KeXevei re 'Ac rravy7 TO 7ra oLV TOTOT Xa/I3vra,,,.,,. ' eia 70 TO ept/LOT7a7rov 7rWv ovpewvl, ocKW) av Ta7crr7a. ' 8taOapel'. icat; rTae TOt eKce\evo'e eireLV, l v ujr7 avro/CElV7) avTO, \XXa T ea T7OT9 Trep Torolqa, p\ 0pX 7W:' KaCClfCT7 Ye Xla XP7aeO-aOL e7ropav Se EIcfceiJe0vov 8ta7 rray/.La t eyo0. TavTaa aKovCoas' o6 /ovcoXo,% ical dva- 111, Xa/3wv To 7ra Llov "i 71rv avTr1v 07rlc) 6ov, cal awe,qv ' 'T ' ' 0 oo, Kat, arc1fcveTra Es 7Trjv e7raVXLv. TO) a, pa icalt avTro i7 7vV), C7rTt7E eovLra Trra'av 7/JLepr7v, Tore Kc) KcaTa 8auova TKcret, 0oo0/evov TOV /3OVKOc V E 7rTO\. crav 8e e fppoVrlt dap4orepot daXXXv rep ' L EV, o VOK'ov i T71 7vvatKO9 app8e(0W 7v Se yvv17, o7& OV'K ewOw 6~ "Ap7rafyo JE~Ta7rEja/.a7ro avT71rov a TrVpa. CeeL re 8e a'rovoo'rr^ao'a9 eTreo7, ota ~E aEX,7rTov lSooo'a 7) eyvv1, eTpeTro rpOTreph o Tr utv OVrT 0 rpoOvpa "Ap7rayog p/e'ra7re/j'ajtro. 6 8e e&7re' "'& <yvvat, eS6ov Tr e9 7ro6xtv e X\0Ov ical,t7ovcra rO \LSe 8el o(eXov, PrWTe KOTEr yiev)c-at e9 8&e-7roTa9 ~ TroV9 I~eTrepov9. o0lco0 1LEV 7?raS ' Apradyov KXav0,t't KaTree ETO ey \S e \K 7rXayeS, ila a(O',, ea:tXa,/ e s', Ea, "eae, co. o6 TaXto-Ta Ec-7xov o0o, opC 7ra8oV t7rTpoKcel' erov, ac'^ratpo re c Ka KpavyarvoL4evov), Kcecoo-r/jeJrov * -pvo T6 Kcat ecTrO1t7 7rofclro,. f Apraayog (e c8 ELSe e V, e Te\eue \rrv TraX'TfTv avaXa/3ovTa To 7ralaSov o ol' E-Oat bepovra, Kcal Oelvat evva Orptwo8eJrTaTov e7 7ro(v <' ovpeovw ba 'Ao'rvayea ewvat rTOV Trara e'T ETOE/Jevov 1fo, "77roXXa aTretX,]cra9 el / or] crea 7rorao-atpt,. Kal eyo,. aIvaXa/3(Wv e(epov, OfCe0ovW v rz o7oW o LcereTECo ewvat ov * yap av icoTe KarESo0a evOev y 17.) eOa/Jsov 8e opecov " XP^V" TE Kical et4Lac6t K6ECKOLc,7/ OV) 7rpo 8(e6, gat KXav" Ov Kca7recr7re^rTa eckbavea ev CAperdyov. Kcal -rpofcare,i ';) icar t 6 O83v vrvvOavopa T7 rv 7ravTa X6o7yov 0epa7rovroa, 3-2 52 'HPOAOTOY [I. 9< e FL TpOT7reT6LW o T0o 7Otho, 61eV6EtptCE T0 ppEo09' "d apa MavazSvr Te ei ra 'a T-ri 'AoTrvaywc OvyaTpo,, "cKa Ka/,uj/o'eo vov Kvpov, Kal Utv 'AA'Tvvydqr evT6eX112 "XeraL a7roKlTCe'va vv TE o8E 6o." "A-ra Se T'avra EXerye o /3ovKcXoS, Cal ecKKcaXv'fa a creSeltxvve. 8 e\, cS N \ \ \ N b r \ ELOE O raTO L tov \eifa Te Kca evetoeS' eov, (Sacpv'a'a, CKat \,, I Wa,3o1JeV?7 TwV 7yovvadCv TOV dvopos, eCp7,se Ijq8oefJfif) Te~v7 6Ic0eival UlV. O 06 ov/c e' OLOS re elvcia aX\a)? avTa 7TrOL6LV' ET7t0LfOT7'E-V t dp KaTraKo7Trov9 e' 'Apvnrayov E7ro'o/tevovS' adro\eeo6at TE KaKLc'TU v ph 1c~ea ca '7)oLyCf. \SE OVK ovTE7 E apa 7oV T o(pa, oeVTepa XEy6L v1 yvv -p raS' "'E7reC Toltvv ov 7vvatal ae vre[leE v /&rj "eKcOvaL, 'V E 0SE TroLCio0, e l Ee Tr-a-a 7e avaycr " f)O6va E/KKEltpeVoP TeroKa yap Kat eyo), reroca oe C TeOveo' T70or /ev ()PepOov 7rpe, Tvpoe 8 oSe rv^ 'Acrv- 4 7yco9 OuvyaTpo 7-raS8a 9 e rU1eoOv eov7a 7pe(f)o)Ley' /Kcat "OVTrO OVTe cv axwo'c a ad8Ect)P TOv S eo'ror7TaS, ov7e 77 aIov KaK OS 8e,8ovX\VELv a EcrTat. o Tre yap T0VEOi)6 " /aoLX.xr1i7' rTacfr^ CvUprijeLt, cat o Tepev oVK arovK ee do 113 " 7r vfv v." KapTa Te eSoe Tow / `3ovc\0 Trpoo Ta 7rapeovTra ev \E7elv j yvv)r, KaC av7l/ca TroEE 7avTa. 7Tv ev )2)Epe OavaTorav raLSa, T70OTv PLev rEapaotSot T 6OV7TOV yvvatic? TOV Se EVOUV, EoPTa veKpov, Xa3wv 'Ol7cK E9 TO a3yyo9 ev T( eCfepe 7TO eTepor' Kcoo'/JAraS 8 T7C) KCOCT) ravvT TO7V erEpOV 7raLooSV, (epOv 69 TO espp(aLTaCTOV T)V OVpeCoV T5tOE. (Sq E TpTS 7 /lEp! TI ratSo) EKKcetLLevZ E7ryEVTO, l7e E' 7reoIlV O ov/cKXor, T70V 7tva 7rpo/o3cv K )v Aafov avTov Ka r Tvw. eKaT0XL. X v &e eS Toy 'Aprayoov, a7rosetKcvvvaL eq4y erTOlLO elcva ToV 7ailtov!, r?)\ *?VA & 7? ( o IO TOV veKVv. 7,re6LaS e 6o rAp7rayoS TW)V E(wVTOV Sopv6opwv To70v9 rT-TOTaTOVs, elS Te eta TOVTcOv, Kca eWay-Ce TOv /3ovuKoXov TO TratCLov. cKal TO aLEv ereOa7rTro TOV' 8e vc-repov TOVTC)wv Kivpov ovoaacrOevTa 7rapaXa/3ovc-a e7pe~e 77 1yvv TOV /ovK/cOov, ovvo/La aXXo Kov Tt Kcal ov K'pov OeE/evrn. 114 Kab ore Sr) v 8cKaeTC r 7S 7ratr?, 7rply/pa ES avTov! t, tl * t, TO7LOVO yEvo0LEvov; eE0p/Ve;Lv0. ETratLE Ev Tr' K0Ac77 T.aVT ev T) )'av cKaa al /3ovKcoXta avTat, e'rai e e LET X\\O)v 7\XKcwv Ev 680 Kat ol Tra6Se T7rai'ClOTe eti' PTo 0OVTo7^ 112-116] KAEk~. 53 /3ciXteva OUO mO 3 /3OVKOXOV Ort/l.a 7rat 3a. 06 avrh &~~ 'ro1) llvocict9 oLOm /kEEl, 7019~ &, 8&pvfopovs~ dlvat o r6v & OV TtVa aVTOr6V. c0 Oaxpiotv wa-tiXc'os~ eWCWt T(C0 & TtVt, 7a aeyyXta9 Euof)pEWv f3i8ov 76epav (09, EKUY07(l EPyQ0) 7rpOGcT~a000Wc. et'? (37 T0V7O 7(1 aih(0 ovwi Vw ~ 'ApTC/.l,3cIpeo3 7Taq, ctv'pks 830KI/JPV 61) M '80ow. 0) fya~p C2\i e'7rti7GE 70 TtpO0'raxOev 6K Too K'povw eKeXeve avTov 70~ 'iX ovq 7raFcT9 &taXa/3cwV. 7ctO0o1ikEvw1 86 rc~v rati8w, 6 Kvpos? 7ov wat-a 7P1)X6w Kafpra 7Tepteo-7Te )uao-r7yE&w 6 &, 67ME Te /~E7ELO7 7aX(Ta, (09re \E 'v~ 'etatC EOIVTOV 77-aO \v, /-taXXo'v Tt 7r'ptq/JPEKT6E' Ka7eXO0w\V & cl 7r60Xw7, wTpOI TOV waTepc aW(~~E07W 5~K1~o 17710, XyWV c3, ov, KvpJov, (Ov) ydp icc iVT07 TO~vO/.a,) a~~ '7p0 TOV /3V00 701),.cO8 APC-k3V 'A0TTVay7eo9 wra ~6s 6O &aA~q cpq9 opfyy, (09 etyXE,~ ~Xctv 7rapa Top 'AOTafvyca, Ical apa ayo1LLeI)0 701) 7raL(3a, JPpc wpyTaa 6b1) wewOvOevat, xeyowv "'l "atevV'7T0 TOD oTov^ (3OtXOv, /3ovco'Xov &6 7Ta8e0\9, JCO3 "71-ptw/3pt7pe~a." (8cucm\s' TOO 7rat\s~ 701\9 cI4Lov9~.) 'AK~czoa, &e KGa, 180\0 6 'Aoc-rva'71)9, O0XoV TqtpW1o'ab T(0 115 7T J179 7179Ap43poEE/, /.LETE'7TE/.LWET0 7Top TE /3owcoxov Kait Trov waZ(a. e7lrEL'TE 8c 7rap'7uap adpb0epot~, 13X6a9~ 7rp'~TO\rV Kvpov 6 'AoCTVca7ng, Coy "xv (3) e~w "rocf 7000 61)709 I7~t9 I7XL?( 701 70(3> act CO6VT09 7-p WTOV 7rap' ekot, aE/Ict T0t7)(3 7rCp((T7re;' CO 8c cl/JtEI83E7 W86E "'12 86Eow7ra, E7w\ &e TaV^Ta TOV701) E7roalo0a o1vV (3d/cl) r''AE 1,,~ 1 ",~O3 71,7a~07E Ot byap P aurco T0-71 ftP70-a1)70 "c0/lcEOV fycp Cobt Jima 69~ 70)TO CW717(3E07&),aT70. Ot /LEV ')V)aXot?rL(E rt^6 a T WLaO\ 0 L1 E7TETEXO1,0lQ9 a11 /OOE E aToo IEo~a gXA/3 11 a& \7.Et(1)(1 70V(SEV EWE/c a~o' 7V/cK1 E/a, "Tot wapeitpt." TaD"Ta X70yO1T9 70O 71-aL(309, 701) Ao-7V- 116 a~yeae e V a TO7IEa a1)(Ay)o0-tL9 vWO KL Ot 0 7E %ctpaiCT7179 70V I f I el0V01, KELLI, XevOePWToP7E elvat* 0 TE XPO1)O"~ 71)9 EKOCO7L09~ 7p7?)Xt/dC TOy 71-at(o9 E(30/ee 0-v/J 3tWL).ErXaryct9 (3\ ToV70LtrTL, cy b yXpvov 2kfOOWy7o 'V. Pt'fY19 &,E (317 KOTE a'vcet)EXOEv;, 54 'HPOAOTOY [I. Et7re, Oc\wv ie,-c'rJbat rbv 'ApreP36apea, 'va TOP /3ovfcoXov toJvov Xa/3iwv /3aoava'y' "'Apret/j3ape', gy&7,avta 7rot-!,,! \ \! '.,, f"io-o, woTre ry Kaa Toy TratSa Trv a-ov /)xSe3v eTrLt(e/ybe" Oat." Tov,h'v;7) 'ApTe//3adpea 7ret/re6' TOv 8e Kvpov 7/OV eof at 0epa7rovr~?, KE\Xv'cavro' ov 'AorvAa-ycos. e7TrE \e v7reXeXet7rTO0 o 3oVKOxOo /otvo9 /JovvoOev, raTe avOrv eTpero 6 'Aa-rvaueyr, c6Oev Xd/3ot Tov 7ratSa, Kcal rT' ctlq o 7rapaoov9. 0 S e Ec ovrov re eby ryeryovevaLt, Kal Trqv T~KOU,'a,, recovO-av avrbv 'rt ewvat 'ap cwvr. 'Aarvc yr6 e uv oMfc e 3ov\evveT-Oat bfy, E'rutv/uLEovPra es advaKfcas /W/ayXa9s d7rtKveecaOat' a[ta Te Xe'yawv Tavra, era-patpve Tro-t Sopvcf(6po'ata- a/Latp3ev avT-rov. O' 'e, a'yol/eo9 e Ta r dvayfKaa, OVTco ) ^(atve ro'v eOTovaa X6yov. apX6oevo/ 8r1 ad7 adpX' 8etEe7, T9 da\70r]ty XpeJ/-evo' Kal KarTe/3awe et Xgras re,,qcq},.... Kal ' ' Kcal -vyv7P7V/v ecEWVUTO KEXEVoPV eXev avrov. 117 1'AAo'rvadysq, 8e, Tov /JEV /3ovcoXov Trv a\X?7OlrPv eKcyvavros, Xo7ov 'o18 Kcat6 Xa'o-ao eroteeTro 'Aprafwy oe &cKa Pteyd\a9 Ije6jhO/jevoa, icatXetv avTov Tov9 Sopvfopov9 E/eX\VE. cS 6e ot,l raprv o "ApTrayoa, etpeTo/ PtLv o 'AO'aUay,7' ""Ap7raye, Teo) 8r topw Topv raS8a gcareXp1rrao, Tov "rob 7rape8oKa ec Ovyaarpo / yeyovoroa Tr/ ek; O Se 'Ap7rayoa, W6 elt8e Tov /3aovcoXov vZov eovTa, ov Tpe7Treral e7rb 4rev8Ea 6Sov, 'va p) eeyXY ofIEP O aXIclaT daXX\\a Xe766 ra&e "'2 I3acrtXev, e7rel e rapeXa3ov To 'r-atl'ov, /3oXevov CTKQOTCrv OK/cO? o'o tr Te orat-Co carda voov, Ical Cy7() 7Tps09 e- Ytvoptevo? advaljLapTflTO%, /jr)Te Uvryarpt rT a-yj, Irdr~E av79 a-at if7VP avOevPTq. 7roLeo) 8r\ C6. caXea-a9 i,, \, "rbv t3ovug6Xov Trov(7e, vrapaSoSwpt To '7ra6S[ov, rpd4 r 're tieVlla rbv 6ce evovTa a7roTcreta6 avrt a eyov ro.ro e 7e, ovKc E#EV8ootILv' (-V /yap epETEr\XXO OVTr. 7rapaoSt8i t, "t evTrot TOe KarTa Ta8Se, evTeLrXa/ voa OeLva6 /JlV et eppov " ovpoe, Kal 7rapalcevovra fvXaara-etv aXpt ov TreXeVTGo-6E " awretXlcraa 7raTroata Tcoe, fiv tr? T'aoe 7rETeL\ea 'rori-ratr. a t,, 86 \!7,,!oi E7rei Te oe, 7roa-avTSo Tovrov Ta KeXeVo/jeva, ereXevTu re "TO rb ratSlov, 7re/Ftra9 Tv eVvoVXOvV ToVS qr'rorTOTaTov, gcat " el8ov 86' e'etvwov, Kat eOaca f/Uv. O'VrO17 ea'-e, @." 13ao-tXev5, 7rep rTOV 7rpl!ypaTo 0ovTov Ical TOLOVTW) oupo) X ePpoaTo 6o brag." 117-119] KAEIQ. fApmra~yoqFt~v &n' T7v t'Ol'v e4awe XO'yov. 'Ao-Tva',pj9 118 8,KpV7rTT&. TOVl Ot EVEXE X0~v 8t ~~ ~T()c i~kv, KaTa7rcp 27K0cvo-E aVT09 7T-pO9 T0O (3OVKOXV' 6~p~yta 'zrcXtv a7r?7yE'ETO TC9 'Apwaaywx ttETa, ol' E,7TaXtXXrypp-o, KatT /3CLt1E XEIyWV, (09 "7reptEOTt TE 0 7rav9, IKat TO ryc70P09, exeL KaX(O'9. TN3 re yjap 7r7O1-EWOL?)/ V% Eo bI)XyWP, E9 TOvl 7l-aia 7TOVTOV) E`Ka/kllov [LyaXw), Kait Ovrya-rp' T'y V727 T1)Xn79 EV) fkETE(TTEO)0(71)9 TOlJTO [-Ll, To?) (ToWVT0V "7rat~a avrovrE/J.t~ 7?a TOP t~ T0l ll~ua VTO "& (oc~ooTpa fyap TOO) 7rat~o\9 /-LE'XXO) OEPt TOKTot OEOW0 Tt/h) avTI) 7rpoo-KEETat,) 7ra'ptoi,ttoot E'7r~ '3c~ti-ov."` `'Ap- 119 #7rayo,? fLP,~ (0?7KOV(TE TaVTca, Wrpoo-cVll)7oat, Kat [lc-a'Xa TroC'qo-a[LfPvo OWt TE 17 alkapTa9~ 01 eq &6ol ryE7yoPeE, Kat OTt, \, ]GtXP?70-T210L 677-t eEt~tllOl KEKXITOq7te El? Ta OtKta. ECOEXO 'V 3E\ T \V TaXt'(7TI7ll, 1) p rapo'Tak E19 EO~, Tca Tptal Kat &EKa KOV),LtXtO-Ta ryEfYOll(0\, TODTOll EK7TE[~L7rE(, tEvaU TE KeXEV(Ol ek 'AO-TvayEco9, Ka~t 7TOtEELll 0 TL all EKELVO9~ KXVyq. avTO E '7reptap?79 OWv, ()pc'Et Ty', ryvlatKt Ta 0-vryKvp-TalTa. AoTvay1)9 cc, (09 01 a7rnKETO 6 Aw0o 7?av9, cToa~a9 aVTOll, Kat KcaTa /ke"XEa &EXo)P, Ta.E Y7rTT'1)E, Ta C3 6#9?eTE TOW' KPE(0W EVTVKCTC (8E 7T?7c~alkelO9,, ELXE ETOL/.La. E7rtE TE 81E, T71)94 (0tfl9P1 rytll0/LEP7y9 TOt) ct,77-lOV, vraprjc-av Ot' TE AXXoit atTV/-kO'PCE9 Kt 6' "Apwrayos', To~tO't 5Xoota\t avTo 'AO-V'" PTAI7Ea Ptell aX ta a aTloATT yEt 7Tra EWEro Tpa7E~L EWVtrXE'at /I/1XEIlow KpEV'z) CApwc-ay~o 8, TOVl 7Trat8~O9( TOt) E(0TO, 7X1llKE~aX79TE Kat aKpOw X~P) TE iKat 70Ol Ta aXXt -7ralTa' TaVTaL SE\ X(0pt &EKET EWL KaCEI)C KatTaKEKaXVp4LtE'a. (09~ 86E T7( Aprarywo 6'80OKEE axt9~ CEXWl T1)9 (30p9, 'o~Tv~yi~ E~pTO /ttll Et?)GTOUC07 Tt Ty ol' Ofa/J.tEllov 8& 'Apmrayov icat iapTa 2i0o077at, 7n-apEfovPO, Totot 7rpWT'EKELTo, TI7l) KE~baX1)ll 70) 77-attSO9 KaTaKECKaXvlk[El \?ltt Ta'9 Xetpa ictTO97T(av "Ap77-ayov 8E' E'KE'XEsVOP 7-poOOTallTE9 a7rOKaXV'7rTEWV TE Kait Xa/3E'll To\ /30vXETat cLUTOP. 7rtELOO1isll09 (E6\ '"Ap7Taryo9, Ica~t aW7o/,adXVWT(Oll, j opat TOV 7rat(S09~ Ta' XEi't/aTaW 1&Ol (SE, OUTE 64~E7rXaryy EPT09 TE ECOVTOV yILVETat. EdpETO 86\ aV'TO\l 6 'Ao TVaryqp, el fytMl-K0Ico 07EV Oijptov Icpc'a i8c8p~oiKot. 6 (SE\ Kalt 7LllCOOYC'EW 56 'HPOAOTOY [I. e'r&q, Kcal apeoTv ewlvat 7rv To av paOriev Sp. TovirotLL \, 3 \, / 5f. ae da1/xEyrd/ajLvoq, Kcal avaXa3ov rda XoL7rda woV Kpeov, i~te e? ra ouLca. evUETEZv oe efeAXXe, W E7ca OKE, aXtoa Oc*euz Ta 7raVra. OA'e~v rd 'rdv~a, 120 'Ap7rayco seLv 'Aa-rvdcafy 8SlCv Tav;rTv E7rErqKe. Kzvpov 8E wrept /3ov\XEV&), eIcaXee To o? avr'ovs' TWv /Jay)wv ot TO evvrviov otl ravT7r ee Kpvav. aq7rco/JLvovs 8e elpeo o 'AJ6 - Tvaf/Yls r, eKptrvav ot TrP 0J o t oE KcaTa TavTa etrav, Xc ^\ s- W'J 'a I \ XeyovTES' C ' pa0CLXEvuae Xp7v Tov 7raloa, El E7re'Wo(e Kca /rIl a7reaavEe rpo'rpov. 0 Se a/elte/Tat avCovS TolFhe'!! EO-ST TE o 76raV, Kcat 7rpit~CTTl eca o'~'l t 7r aypov a" TW/LEPVOV, Ot EK T7S K&/J71a 7TaSE2? EO T?'caaVTO act\LXea. 6 " e TavraP, r oa 7rep ot a'X'l.OE XoryLw aac\eEs, 6TEXewL'E " TroCr-aS. cai yap oopvfopovU, ca Ouvpwpov, fcal ay/e\X7c6povo a, aa 'Ora oi 7ra 'avta otardaas elX%. cai, ^ r/ ' I e t I Vv e; TC vpJiv TavTa aWveTaL yepewv; 7 ELrav ol /paryo " E /eLP rEpteoT' T'e, Kat e/3aao'\Evc o rafs /s EK w rpo\P fl I e \ i/ \! "V0o7 TWoS, OaprEt T7e TovTov eiVweca, cKa Ovplov exe "d aO6v. ov ryap eTL TO 8eVTepov adpet. 7rapa clurcpa 7yap Kca TWV XoyLOwv r1lW v ePLa KcewpO7Kce' Ka Ta 76 y Tr OVpepaTWV Ceof/Jev a Tekwcs eS ao0eve pS'6eraLT. 'AeLiferaL AOTrva7YrY T rol7 ' Kat avros (0 pkaryot, TavTr " rXeLo-TOS yvw/rlv eltt, /3a-LXkos oProLaao'evo VTO ) 7raT - "6 Os, EtCEl re 7rv OveLpO, p Kat lO TOP v vraloa TOVTOV e" vaE 8ELPVOP OVSEPv 'T. o/jS i L E 7e 'o6 TO o'vpovXevouaTv "i Lot, Ev 7repaKce*rdaLevot, Ta /eCXXe& auadaXeoTaTra elvaL OlOtC0 TE TO) ELW) t altt." Ei7Trav 7rpoS? avTa olt LaCvot "'1 /3SaaltXev, Kca avTo-t t7/LtV 7t'p7r\ 'roXXov erTl KcaTrop" Doc,!) adpr)v TrPv Ov. EICLVtOS IcE Tyap aXXorpLovrat, " 6S rb7v 7ralSa TOV7OV IreptoiOa, eorPa ITIeprlv?' rca rTets, " eoTvre M 08o&, 8ovXov/.~dOa Te, K/al Xd6yov ovevos 7yLvofeLOa "rpos9 lep'ewv, oe6T~ telv06 aeo r' rveeecrov j3a(T"Xo 0', oS 7T'o709 rotlTEw, Kcar apXcoptev To tuEpoS, Kcal TtLas " 7rpo oSco er/eyaXasa eXO/pLeV. OVrW wv rWaVTW0 7[LLV (p60 Te " Kcal T))s 0S9 apXS9 Trpoo7rTeoP eT T cal POP El (to/3Ep6v T TtL ecopw/evP, ray av oot vrpo~epadofLev' vv e a'rro(cr'"< ra7vTOS TOv EV7rtOV E' (')Xavpov, av'TOL T Oapreo/sev, " ca crotl epa TOLavTa 7rapaKEXEvo6[eGa To &B -raSa / '~ fCC/ 120-123] KAEIQ. 57 TOTOV ro e': oaOa\)qC v a7roqrepuat ek lepaas re ica T'OV; "ryetvaevovs." 'Acovo'a TravTa o 'Aa-rvary, eXapr? Te, 121 Kcal IcaXvoas ToV Kvpov, gXeys o" rae* "1Q Tral, e ya p "( e7y 8i;' 0l't ovelpoV ov TEXeVV 8lK/ceoV, T' o-vCEOVT OV " olptp wrepteOt' zvv cv it Xalpov &e Ilepo-as, 7ro/Trovs 3 u "eTy aCpa 7r e co. e0cov Se /ceL, 7raTepa Te KC /cal Tepa evprjoCe, ov Ka-aa MIlrpaaT'7v 7Te ov r/ovKc6Oov /cKa Tq7v yvvaiaca avTov. TaZva Eitra9 o 'AarTva'vy7, aro7re7fL'7re& TOV Kipov. 122 vooTruavTa 8e fpv e' rov Kaqvre0oo Ta o itcia, eSe avro ol,eLvtaLevoi' /cal 8e:a/jevo ', coe erv ya Xcosg 'orag'oVTO, ola 8r7 E7rr'Tardevot avTlfca TOTe TEXEVTr7al- aorTOpO v 76 07E0 7T po7r 7 'TpLeOEVo.70 6 S. t eXey7,,a rpo 0TOV. oEV OVK elevCatl a\\dxa a 7apyr1ceva T7r\ew7TOv, KaT ooov 8e 'rvOeo'OatL 7raocav Tv T ovTov TrD ralvq. &erlo'Tao-Oat ' 1 Jv yap, oE /3ovK6Xov rov 'Ao'rvaEco? Ei'7 7rasv' a7rO o T?7' KE06ev 68ov rov 7ravra Xd7yov Trw)v ro7Tr7Ov 7rvOeaoOa. Tpa jva e e Ve7e rO T7 vs rov /3ovK6oXov ryvvaLCoJ. 7li'e Te TavT7rv avewov 8od 7ravrTo?)lv TEe ol eV TCO XO6yto Ta! "! I \ )! vrarvra I KvvW. ol oe TOCKE?, 7rapaXa/3ovTEf TOr ovvoia TOV7TO, a O(EioTEpwE 9 3ooe T Tro7 llEat Ipa7paI wrepteLVal Co(t 6 7rat6, KaTe3aXov fbaTtdv?CE? eKKElCLevov Kvpov KVr)V V-10 OpE~re. evOevrev /Luev i (farL avTIj KEeyopX/Ie. Kvpco e adv pevuEvw, fca Ka EoveT T v rTW?cwv avpelo- 123 Tart Kca6 rpoco6-teTarTo, t7rpoTeceKTo o "Aptrauyo', aopa E7r/7rWv, TIcraaOaL 'AarTva'yea EwrtOl1v/ewV. a7r' EoVTOV -yap, EOVTO LLo7eoCt OV), VEO pa Tt(LWeplorvV Efo tEV))V e9 -'AaOrvTyea' Kv'pov &e opev E7rtTp~eoj/eVoo E7"oE, rr ero cE p - aXov, Ta rdOa rTa Kvpov TryOL ecvrov 0/J4LOV./JEVO9. nrpo 3' ErT TOVTOV Tae Ol KcaTepyaTo' Eovo0 ov AOTr AOVTUayeo9 T rlepov E, TOV9 Mowcov, ervvJulay Wxv evlp eoaorvT o6 A7rpoo-Tcra'u evov rv 'AV varyea 7ravo-at T)9 /3aLXb.1sr.. KcaTeLpyaoujevov 8e o TOVTOV, KCal COV TOS' ETolOV, ovT/O 3r7 IT Kpt iatTG/CLv) ev Iepotycl /3ovX, Lcvos 6 "Ap7ra'yog E AcSoaio Trv EOVTOV ryv)/rIv, awo,etO olv3a/ X Po eKLe, aTe TWV o'oWv (vao'Ao vo' o CB e7rTeaEXvaTa 7'TLov-t e. Xaryov,I-j4XavTa)ueojO Ocal dvaaXila TOVTOV Tr)v ryao' 3-5 58 'HPOAOTOY fit T~pa, Kcal ot3&v aw-oTIXa,, wS' &6 EtxE, OVT&) 60OE'OflKe /3t/3 -Xt'ov, ryp~fasa T ot E63OKeG. aoppafra~ &6 TzOO Xctyoi3 V)V y c-Tep, Kc & TvaL 3ovS'?, a T' O'qPEVTT', TO')7) O LKET 'CO VPa-ep, a, T W CO &w 7Tto7To~aT(~O a rE or X S S l ~ ~ S V X L/JEVo' ol dw6o y 8oa-o, &Vra TOPv Xayc\v Kv'pq C7etELetV, aVTOXEPLP,tV &EXEZV Ka~ I/&va ol TarTa 77'QtEV^TI 7wapetvat. 124 TavDra Te &) v e'7rL-e'Xea ElyLVETO- Kat 6 K~pos' 7-1apaXa/3cA\V TO\' Xayoii ai)Eo-Xtoe. evpoZJ &c ep aVTft 708 /3fXov EPEOV~, Xa/3 wiv CEEX~ryETo'Ta &e rypa/J4L1.aTa EX1yE Ta'86 "'1 7ra ^ K att3i aeco, 0\ y ap OEo\ W p W L o a z 'KOTC El? T0CT0VTOV TvV7S' aT7ruKev. 0v 7437 'Ao7vayea TOV accov~ toT-at. Ka~a 1-kev (yap T71V TOVTOV 7t-pO"Ovutdrn- TeOvI7KaS To\ 86\ Kc Ta\ 06069S TE Kat E/1E 7T~ptELS'. ~Ta 0EC Kat wTaXat (Soicec 7Tai'Va EK1-kcp~a0flKcvat, 0-E0 TE "VroV?r~pt 0) EWP7 A(TTO7Onj Kat ohta eyco v5w6 'AoveoS' 77-EWropca, O'Tt Te ovKc a77-eKTetVa, aX a EWIia T6 /3ovIC" v no e~. T\ viJv cr7 13009 E~o' 7et'iOeoTOat, T?777-p TvayrYI79 apyet Xo)Pc?7S' TaVTqrJS awaciff7S ap~,ELS. lle~pO-aS ryeavawcw-aS' act7TL-Taio-Oat, (TTpaT)7XaTCCE r~ Mcr8(0VS' "Kal iv TE Eyo' v5~r6 'AG-TVa'ycoS awro&,XO,), cTpaTI'7yOS "avTta (7EV, EC7Tb Tot ra 0,V /3vXEat, 27)p TE T(02) TLS' "13K1ttO-kWV JAX 0o M cr'(Saw. 7TpWTOt ryap OV~TOt aWro(7Tav'TES "a7T EKEtVov, Kat, r7Evo/lEvot 'rpoS (7eo, 'AOrTVa'yCa KaratEELV 7rEtp?7(O-VTatt 0)~OVETOtlOV TOV fye EvOa&8 COVTOS', \ I '77-Otee TaWTa, Kat 77-OtE KaTa TaXoS'. 125 'AKovi'oaS' Tab"Ta 6' Kv'po(, 4pO'VTtE 'OTMp Tp07r, ao-0 cowera'TCO llepOaS' dva7rci(7Et, a,7-KtoTa7Ocat. bpovTtI'( &,E\ CVPiOKCETab TaVITa KatptOra~a Elvat E7TOLEE &e Ta&8. ypa~EtS CS' 13t/3XtOi -a\ E/)3pvXETO, a'X47V T(W' llIEpo-&O E71 0Lc (7a 0, tE a (E, a, a7 ~ v a S' T \ I8 tI3X toi K a?; E rtA ey 6 /lkEVOS', E9b7 'AO-TVafyeca,.ttti 0-TpaT?7?YOV IllEpo-E(0v d7t0(SEKvvat. 4"NOVI f)'4c TE XE~yftw, c) IE'paat, 7-p~ay/OpEVCO VI~tvlt 7rapetvat EKa(7O 8EO/Tt(peravov." Ki'o'/7 f-aVra r poiyyopev(7E. 'E - t & l~ oeafl a-v~va y7te cv Kal Ta[tl)aJT0v 6KipoS' vvc~Xta-c, Kat dVe77-EtO7E a~ Tao-Oat a~w6 M )'80wV. (7Tt &e Ta'SE, E' ( Jv W'oXXot 77- WTES' apTcamat Ilepo-at' llaoapyca(Sat, Mapa'Otot, Madowot. TOVTcO7V HacTapya&aU CI.Q ap6(7TQt EV/ TM at ica; 'AxatutEvi(Sa e 124-127] KAEIQ. 59 pr)Tp1, evOev ot0 O aa'tee9 ol l epaew3at fyeyovaot. aX\\o 8e IIepo'a etC o, oLte IlavpOLaXaio, iApova'caloi, reppapLo oTot /pel TravTte apoT'pe9 el0L. ol 8e aX\ot, vocua$eg' Aacot, Maps8o, ApoTrt/col, EaypT'iot. Qfsl 8e 126 7rap rav a7ravTre eXoovTre TO 7rpoetpl7,LLevov, evP'av^a o Kv5po? (tv 7ap T9 %Xpoq T Tiepc^1 aKav0pw8os?7p ocov Te e7rt oK'Trwcatoeca cTaoLov 9 7 ecKO' r 'avrr7') 0vyTOvP oC ~ TOV %WpOv 7rpOE oe ere e (/eTepwo'ae eV 17)Ep77. e7TrTeXecaPvTWe (e T'rAV Hepce'wv Trov 7rpoKeibevov aeo\ov, &evTepa o-)0 7rpOE7Te, e 9 TV vcTrepatl)v vrapetvat Xe\ov/Levov9. eV 8e TOVT O Ta re at7roXta Ia, Tra 7Troiljtva Kal Ta /3ovKc6\a 6 Kivpos 7rara TOOD rarpoc -yvvaiorag e9 TCVTO, eOve, Kat rapeC'Kcevae cot &o/jEvog Trowv Iepo'eov TOP oT'paroTP 7TpO 6 OlPw TE Kial clTtOltC' 67'LTTOe86TaTO'rt. a7tKMO8e6vovS &S rr vo-Tepa7 Trov9 llepcra9 KacTaKXracza9 9 Xe, lpova, evCeOE. e7ree Tre \e a7ro ei7vov r oCav, eLpero or~eas 6o Kvpo9 Korepa T7a 7 7rporepaip El%0Jv, 17 T'a?rapeoiTa 04) e/ atpeTro)repa. ol e e&:ao'av, 7ro),XoXv elva avTOP TO,e,~ov., rrv pekv yap 7rporep7v 71-eprv ravca co c KaKca e)et.' 'rv 86 TOTe 7rapeovcav, 'ravTa adyaOa. IlapaXaf/e3ev 8e Troro TO e'7ro 6 Kipog 7rapeyvuvov TOp 7Trara Xo'yov, Xeryov ""Avope9 -lepoa6, ov'To v /U ex^E. laov\XopkeIvoO'l peV 6/.LEO 7rE(E0Oat, etT'r TaSe Te /ca aXXa "pvpla adyaOa, ovSeva 7ro'ov ovXo07rpe7rea eXovcr6 p[7 " 3ovXoevoi(c' &e e/eo 7reOea'tOat, eW'C V/u v ro70VL TO sOtj v rapaTrXratot avapt'/i0ATot. Pvv OZv epeo 7Te06O" 1tevot, IPveaE eXev0epot. avTro' Te yap 8OKc() Oet,7 TVX.7 " yeryovo9 Ta'e E9 Xelpaq a'yera- KOat l vpaea< 7yr1,'a& " av8pas M8cov evat ov avXoT6pova, OVTe Ta aXXa, vTE TIa 7ro\T0XE6a. 09 cV EXOVToV wse, a7rI-wTao06 a'7 "'Atrrvcyeo9 Tr7V 'Ta^IrCv. nHpo-a& /.EV VVP -rpop7Ta/TEo) E7Txta/36/j&oE,,,,a~hLEVOl 127 e\evOepovrro, /cal 7raXa 8etvov vrotev/jevo6 vtro MrSov apecOav 'AarTva'vy19 8\ G9 e7rvOero Kvipov vrprc?7oovTa TavTa, 7reW/fag ay7yeXov, elcaXee avrov. 8 & KDpos EEXe/ve Tov aytyeXov a7raayyeXXetv, OTr 77-rporepov;ot 7rap EK/eVOV / avTO? 'AoT'va'y9 3ov\Xo'rTa. aKovo-a9 e TaVOa 6 'AoaTvdayr9 Mry8ovg Te T&'7rXie 7raPTra9, Kcal a'pa 60 iHPOSOTOY [L' ~7ov01 CavTwv, 07re Oco/3Xafi), OwV, a7rE8e~e t'Ap~rayov, X70iv 7ro06eU/6evo09T ptv E6pyeE. coSl 8 ol' M ^5ot a,,parevo~a/kepot Tolot Hcoo VJto-y0v, ot /hev TLveg aVT(ow epa~oPTO, 0o-ob 1177 TOV XO'yov /6ETEo-XOPW ol e VO. XEOV 77-p09 Toy'; IIepo-ar ol' &e vXCEWTOL EOAOQCaKcofV TE 128 Ka\1 C~JbEV7ov. AtaXvOEVTo'; 86 TrOO Mq~tlOi3 oTpaTcv/ICaTO9 a oYxpwq, 09 e7TV'OGTO Ta'NtO-a 6 aA-Tcyq';, co "cYt. Too-aVDTa etvra9, 7rp(OTOI) /Lk E VTOW) /aryow TOy' OVEtpo7T0'Xov9, o2t /6t1 a'v(yvwo-av 16ETELZvat Tov Ki~pov, 'tOVTOV(9 a1)EO-KOXOWLCrtoe. /LETa e, O)7rX W-rE 7019I vwroXet06OzrTa'; 7(03) M '803 JV Ta'0 a"07Td, VcOV'; TE Kal 7rpecrjvTra(; alv~pa';. 6'cyayw~v &T0VfT0V9; ica? o-v 43aXW\V TOF07L W po17ct, &'o Oq K \~ a 'T s' TE 'A (7TV 71 E~wvyp 'O1, Kat 129 T7v1)9 Efr/,ayE TOW^ M q86w adwE'/aXe. 'Eov7 & aiy~/ta-?'T(O TWO) 'AO0TVa'67E- 77pOJTa9~ 6 Apryg KaTe'XatpE TE Kcal KcaTEKEpTO/UEE, Kat a`XXa Xe'ycov e9 aVToi' Ov/6aXyE'a e7Ta, Ka t &7 KC6 Etp ET /6Wk, '7 Tp 09 TO EC OVTOV &t7T1)O1, 76 ' ' 4 0 7 6 E L 1 /6W EKEtvo'; Ccap~t TOO 7rat6&9, EOoLZP70,E, "0 IE0 7 EKEW1)0 (t1)TE -v7O, E VT &l 7179; 3a6(tLXqlV,. 6 &' 8 6' 1t 9-poo-t& 9V ap~uPETO Et EVTOV 7ot0eeTa TO\ KV'pov 'pryov. IAprayog & eoq1, aVTO'; ylap 7,paPJfat, TO\ 7~7-P7(/6ka 87\ EOJUVT0V gtKatc(0 ELJE U 'A G-TV fyy'q; &6 /6WV aW7 tfat1) TO) X 0'yO) "O7CcLt6OTaT6'V 'TE Kat ac K )aT 1 6176 7T V O vOpw rcor O7Ka6t a"T o p /6EV 7 E, EL 7 ap ~ ) V a1) /3 6 tX ' a y )' YO at, et &) V E'a)VTO) rye e7rpl7%017 Ta 7Ta COVTa, aXXtwt 7repLe'O1Ice "To Kpa'TOq; a&8K(0)TaTOV 86, OWt 701) 8SEI7T1)0 EWEKEP "M i8Ou' KT6TE0vfXO)07E. et ryap 87\7 801) 7ra1TO)9 7rept"Octvat a"XXwt Tew~ 711 \3C6(aLXI7l17V, KaL& /17? aV)TO\V N "&KatofTepov elvat M '8UV TE('O 7rept/3cXEV 701)70 To arya"00\v 27 Illepo-c'ow vi~v &6 M '8ov'; /6, atVatTIOV9? TOV'TOV."3o0)Xov; ~65vTa9 TO\ 7rpwt M i8wv, zvDz' 7yeyovc'at 8ecrWO'130 'Ao',rva'yq79 /6ev 1vv, /&aatXEVUca9 e7T' E'TEE 7re1) Ka\b Tp 17K O VTa, OV O) 7?7)'; 13 6( t 17 17 IcaT E7rav(7 1 M 7 O & v7rcKv-4a1) lle'pcrut 8ta 7171) ToV'TOV 7rt/cpOT1Ta, ap~(V E T?7 Aa O vo,~)0 7r0TalkO1) Aoil9 E7 feT ac TP 17ICO VTa Kab 128 —1321 KAEI. 61 eKcaTOv ovuv o 8ov7a, rape i) o'ov o KvzBa& 'VpXov. 'Tl-rep pe uVTOL %pov 4 peTepeX7Lr' e r atb Tava 7rTOtl(raet, Ical a7reTrc1av aro Aapelov a7rofrTavveT Se O7rirw KaTeo'Tpad)07o'av, PSay VL/K07tIevT. TOT e c 'ACTva7yeo0 o0 lepoat Te Kcal Kvpos e7ravao'Tavre To'L MrSOWt, pXov T0 ar'o TroVro Tr'r 'Ao'V. 'A'Tvaryea 8e Kuipos, KaKCV ov OE aXXo 7ror as, eUte wrap EVoU7T EdS 8 rTeXEVT7lae. O5re) sr8 Ki5pos 7evoevo6 T6 at rTpatetss 6/3ao-IXuva- /at, Kpotcov uVTrepov TrovUTC ap~avTa aoKLfl9 KaTer0Tpe*aTo, 0s' eiprTat p1o TO 7rpoTepov. TOVTOV &e KcaTao'Tpca'fero~, OVrO) " Ta0-7s 7 zA o s? ' rpte. 'AoG79 p76. 8 nepoas' oaea VoOa TOlS6 XpeWoevovS' a - 131 ua<aTa fJVV Ka6 JJ7JOV f Ca 3)OS9 OVK 6Vt VOPW 7TOiEV/.46 -paTa /liv Kcat vroi) cta /3bo1os' oi0 ' ' woteup~vovS toSpvea'Oa, a\Xa Kcal ToLa-t 7roteV't,LOpuqv e7rP etbpova-c ('9 /,eV e/,LO\ V,olceEwr, ort evcv av0p077ro(fveas evopjto'av TOVS OeoVs', KaTa7rep o0t EXXzes', elvat. otl e voubovat Alt lePv, e 7re T\ vpXo6TaTa TOV ovpewv avat3alvovTes, Ovalas epoetv, TOV KVKXov 7TaPvTa Tv oupaov Aa fca\oOVTes vvovu-t oe \lo Te tcal a-ekrvy icat tyj. Kcal 7rVp, Kla2 V raTI fcat davejwot'l. TOVTo'0b /eV r\7 pLoVvotat 0Vova-t apyOev. e7rtL.j4Lae1. cacr -te &ca6K T Ovpavi / vetv, 7rapa T- 'aTvpiwv 'aO" re' -ca Apa/3 wwv Kca\Xovt &e 'aa-tvpLOb Tqrv 'AzpoolrTv, MVUXtTrra 'Apa/tot 86, "AXTTa-a Hep'p-at 8e, MhTpav. evO-7 be TOla-t 132 Iepy7 cr7 vrep& Toby ep7lp/Jjevovs Oeovs uS'e fcaTeaT- ce. ovre 83)/JtOVS q7roLeuvvTaL, oUTe 7rvp avaKatovoat,,eX\oOVpTe Ovetvl ov curovoR ape EvTat, ouv avoT, ov o'TeLqLa' oVKu ovXycrt. TWv 8e 093 ecao'Tc OVeLV N EXE~, ES Xoopov icaOapov na-ayoiv TO fcT7vO9, Kca\Xe6 TOV 0eov, e'aTe~avOjbLevoq TOP TpaV LPVpc, pa/boLa'Ta. EOVTo [eV 801 TCO UVOUVTl Ltlp,L4oVVT ov ot eyyl7WeTat apa-Oat aa0a o be 6 ra-t TOQlaHepoa-pc-t KaTCVeETat ev rlvewOat, Kca T 3aoaeXdl. ev ydCp &t) ToaiC a7raa-t GEtpa-a- Kca avTos ytveTat. creav &e o3a/pLtTvtas acaTa,Lepeca TO tprtov e~r.ard- Ta cpea, vrowraqas 7rotqlv cs' aTraXoTaTlP, aXta-t'Ta Se To Tplfv\\Xov, &7rr Travrs 'ES O/ce 3v -ravTa Ta\ KpE'a- Sta0eVTO9 e avTo,,a7os' avp 7rapea'TCew eTraelet 0eoryoplv, olrv 62 'HPOAOTOY [I. E7CKE WOt XVYovo-t ewvat 7-) '7rao&W a'iE1 yap p),UC-you ov' C lt vo/Luo eTel OOv`ta9 7TroteerO0at. ErMa0WV &e o\lyov XPovov, a7ro eperTa o vavoa7 Ta Epea, Kal XpaTra o t0 133 btv Xo7yo alpeet. cHepTp v e aTraae'v pa\t'-Ta eKelvJ7v t/Lbal) vob/Lktov-L T e7 EKao-To9 E7EVETO. Ev TavTqy e\ 7rXEo 8atTa 7(o0 a\XXo\W 8CKaLEV'-t 7rpoTt[Oe-OaL ev 7j) ol evSaipfovet avTtv /3ovrv IaL '/7r7rov Kcat Kca,7X0ov Ka o'vov qrpoTicUaTatL O'XOv9 07-0OV)9 v Ka~iwvoLtoL Ol 0e 7TEV7TE~ av7TOv Ta Xe7rTa 7Tv c 7rrpo/3a7rov 7rpo7eOeaTa. O'LTOtCO e oE OiyotoLl peOvTaa, e7TrL(op a ac-e T roXXoLoL, Kat OvK a e,' fcal ta TOVTO aJCo- Hepo-at "T 0ov\ EEXXrnva9 CLveo/tevov01, " TT7relvTa 7raevecOa, OTt Co a' ro 38e7Trov 7rapaofopeCera ovSie Xoyov atiov' el 8e T 7rapajepoLTO, 0eaO0lovtaL av ov 7raveo-t0La. ot(vw) Oe KapTa 7rporKeaTataa caI OvK c ELcat ee0Tt, 0 ov/cf ovp7o-at avTrov atXXov. TavTa PLEv VVV OVTO qvX\fo'crfrETat. fEOvO-KO'PEcoL St ewOauot /3ovX\evesoOat a \a'rovSOoateaTa7a TWv 7rp7ydaTcWV TO av 5ao7 aL /30ovXevopeLvoLL,, TOUTO 77 v0aTepal VOv)(oTt. rp07TiL 6 O CTreT/apo,, ev TOV av eov7re flovXevwvrai Kt?) [t Ka^t v7(oF t, Xp* T?v &, KaL Orv tev a[rB /caL Vr ovtre, XpejrvTa avTe'Uy 77v e jL?7 as, /LferLeYlt. Ta o) av vlr]jov7re 7Trpo/3ov -v0czOTat, cLcL Ot o vrTvyXavovTe' aVTr Tyap Tov 7rpoo-a7opevetv aXX\rXov, (XeovoVt TOLcrt a'Tro/Lac. r]v oe,l OVTepO; vqro7oeeTepo OXtlyO7, Ta? 7rapeLtad OtXeovlTat r7v o qrOX\\X 7 ovUTpo? adyevveo-Trepo, rrpoaTrltrrTtov 7rpoa-cvvEEl 70ro eTepov. Ttrt jwc E EK fc TravTOv Tov aXtoTa eWVT v otCEovTa?, IETa ye e(WVrov' oevTepa oe\, 7ov019 evTepov9 [eETa 8e, Kcaa 0Xoyov 7rpo/3atvovTIE Tt/fW(0T1-* )CLGta &e Tov0 EO)VTWV EKaa'TaTrd) OlK?7[CEVOVS EV TLtLv i aryovTaLW VOl0IVo0TE'S e)VTOV elvat advOpw7trv /paKcpw Ta 7ravTa apt'Tov9, T70o) 8e a\XXov9 Kara X6yov TOV X\e7yo6evov 7Tr9 perr] apvTX6e'OaL, TO7V e e/KcaoTaTO olKE0ovTa9 a7ro EOwvT0 v T)ca KctLTOV lvai. 'E 6 7 MjSo)v dpaov, ical pXe Tra ev ea a'XX 7\wv. o-vva7ra'vT7v /ev M1j0So, xca 7TWVt) ayXltTa olcKEovT0)V atlat OUvTOb Se, Kca T7V') 0 o povpo' o te o,uaWicTa a TWV eXO[eL)Vv. KaTa T70 avrov 8e \Xoyopv cal 133-138] KAEIR. 63 ot IHepal '1L1/cu30t 7rpoe/3aLve yap &7 T guvo apov Te Ka( erTpo7revov. ev \ca 8e voaLLCLta HIIpoa 7TrpooievTa6 135 advapwv IpaX'cr-a. Kcal yap 83 rTv M)Stlc)v eOTTa, vo/juotravT~e T77 eeoVToSV eivaL Ka XXtic, Oopeovoc Kal eb TOV) 7rtoX\e'ov, TOV0) A'yvwrriov9 Oopy/cals. Kat Ev7raOela Te 7ravro3aTrTa 7rvvOavO'Jevo Tro E7retT oEVOVC-' Kcat 3) Kcal, aw7' EXXOvv /aaovre, 7Tral} /tyo'rTao. ya/eova-t 8' e;cao'TO avTr(v 7roXXac JEv tcovpi[as- yvvala/cas, 7TroXX, 3' E'T 7rvXecvaS 7raXXa/ca<? /cTC'v'Ta. 'Av3parya&O7 8' av'q 136 atro3e3eKTaC, /era 7TO\ /aceOat elvaL ayafov, os av 7roXXov\ a07rooey 7raZaS ' Tov) 0 o eXCrTrov9 a7Tro0ELKVUVTL, 8copa e/7TeJW7re6 o f3aoLev\~v a'va 7ra1v ETO0. To T7rXXOv 3 'YecaTat to-Xvpov elvaL. 7TraL8oevvov- e Tovqs vrat8a, a7ro TrevTwaeCeo9 apdaPLevoL fkeXp elKcooaeTeo, Trpta poiva, LT71rEVElV, Kal TO'EVEWv, Kab ad\7XlOt'-'0at. 7TplV 06e 77 7TEUTaETq79 l yEV7Ta, OVK a7drcKveerTa e9 Ofv TO-) qTrarpt, aXXa 7rapa Tyc0 yvvat tcl laTav eCec. Tov e Etvelca Tovro.,I', I, I o'VTo 7roeeeTaL, tva 77p a7roOar7 Tpepfo/jevo0, /L778e/ja tav aor7v TV T7raTpt 7rpo0J/3d8. AlveeW,ev vvv Tov08e Tov VOL/ov' amveco &8 Kcat rov8e, 137 TO 1Jra7 at7 a avTOv TOP eaotveXea /tree ava 0oVeve1U, fJr.)7e 7ToV a\Xov llepoeowv /jL8Eva TWV EWVTOV ', 6/,/" 06/cETECOP E7rl /iifj alq7r a1vr'7~~c ov 7r0doa CpEEWT aXXa AXo7yLca/,zeo9 71r eVpi-cy 7rXe(0o re eKat /L'eo rTa doLKc77t/ara eovTa v()1 vqro0vpyr/ltarTv, oVr'to) r o Xv/ P xpa'a. 'A7rocTevai o& ovoeva Kc e XEyovob TO7Y eCovrov 7rarepa, ouvo t6rlrepa,,X ' ' 'S,o ' ' LrEpa, aXXa 0/coa OaVTaro) oava cE, 7rTaav avayci1v (ac-t avar~'Te6eva TaLvTa avevpeO)vat "rO7 V'7rO/3o\Xyaia eovTra, r)' otLoelLa' ov ryap 8r) (/aol ot0oi elvab Trov 7e a\X70&Oe TroKa VTr 'roV WVTrOV 7raa8o3 a7roOvr7-,rK,.,. "Ao-o-a Se a(6 7roelv ov/c eeCrT, TavTa ove 138 XEyEtl' CeMTT. at'% To' -TOP e avrTo6-' To 'ev3cEOOab vevoJU-TaTa 3evTrepa SE, TO oeXel\tv Ipeo9' 7ro\TXXv Ler ecal ax\\wv e/veca, /uaXtO-tra 8e dvaTycailv faout etvat, Trv oe6tXovTa Icat T' e80Do X\yeev. 0S av 8e T&oV aC'rwov Xelrpyv?7 Xv/,cv eCX, e r 7tOXV OTOV7o oV KaTepXeTaa6 ovoe crvJqtl7yTeraa T0o-l aTo- p'XX ^Iaoto-t ac oe & wv eS TOv 77Xtov da/apTovTa TrI ravTa exetv. eivov Se 7ra'vTa, 'HPOAOTOY LI. Iro'v Xa/,,q8av6,ctbevoV 57-6ro TOVrco 7TDXX\ Ica\ Ea'XLVVLc vp xo-pqq icat ra\9 XEUvla\S? VEJ-ptTepa9, T27P av~r2v at~-iijv CM 'pOv'rE9. 'E? woroapuov &ovIh-evt~opE'ovat, 6VTE iTDOov Xetpa9? Eva Dt'v~t o3'3\ a" Ov oOWv 139 7reptopecoo, aXXa oEf30Vrcu 7roTapov?~ pcaXta-Ta. Ka~t To&aioob a ryOV/ 7E7T( ) -ieOat, TO\loa FLEv avTOVl9 XE'XlqOC, 29u'as' /,cT~iot oh. Ta\ OvV6OLzcTa o4Lt, EovTa opo4ta TDOct cTomaot ical Tj, /JaXo7rpErEyTXTCODLt 7raWTa E9 TW)VTO IppaaiLc, TO L\OpLEE9q Iwo "-cw KaXefovoL, le0ve? &E:.y'/Jla. cE9 TDV-TD &~'7J.CVD9~ EV'P)l'Tet9 TEXEVT60VPTa TOW) llEp(YE(0P Ta DtvPO/JkaTa, 01) Ta IEP, 2Ta 140 Tav'Ta,LL~v aTpeKE&)q eXoJ 7itepb aVTa)P)6 EI&09 EM7EtP. TaC8& /JEPVTD6 CO9 KpV7wTO/kEvca XE7yETa(, ICl& 0o) o04)flPE(An, 7T~pt TOD a7roDaO'VTOPTD (091 OV 7TpOTEpol) OCL7rTETatL aP~po9? IIEpcE) 6, PeCvs, 7-ptv p z57r' opvwos,~ 2, ivv6' AXico-Oipat. ryo7v9 FLkEP yap aTpeKoEoJ ola 7DEOVTa9 TaVra 4ufcaPO)9 I yap i 77 DoEcL Ic8a77waPE W0 TOP VEKCVV I 'roa, Iy p7TvL Ma~ryob &' Kpt&La-r 7roXXO\P TCOP TE AXXCOV daVP06pOY~P, KaL TLOW ev AlmyV'wTa pECO P. DL /LEP ryap arypevDow L E/VfryD1 /IL17&V KTE(PEtlP Eb.? oo-a VOVDO. DL 8e 37\7 iaryot aVT0XELJti` 7r-aVTa, 7TX27P KVV~ Kcab av~p0)7rOV, ICTEWDVOL iat ay(0nopWLa IEya TOVTO 7rt0 -ELJPTaL, KTEtPDPTE(? D[LDLO)9 /ip.w7/fKa9? TE Kat 6 %Etq, KaX& TaX'Xa Ep7rETa icat 77rETEtva. Kat a/J4)t /LEV T() VO/lUd TOVT(A0 EXET(A) (09 Kca apX77v cvoJDFUTOI. aPEL/M 8E emr TOP 7rp6TEpoV X&yov. 141 "lwve9 86 Icat AID\&T, (n09 D AvaDl Ta'XtDTa KaLTEUTpaobaTD Vnro llpTE0,E4E 7IP 7XD9 w1apd~ Ki^ DP, EOEXDPTE9~ E'7Tt TDOLto aVTOLfrt Elva& TDLOb Kcal Kpoi'o-o 77o-av~ IcaTqKiOOt. 06, aKDOv(a(? aVTWVO Ta? t G(YODPTD CXC~c o-f& X67DP- "Av~pa, Cfa&, av3XqT \V, WvDTa LXOV9E TID OaX 'o-o, aVXEEL, 8OK'OVTLL 04oea9 E'EXEV"0ETOab J9 fy77P. (A)9 3E *frEvUO~yab 'T17 EX7rtU3D, Xa/3,ELP "a/l/3X?7OTDPO, Kcab 7r-ept8a-XCP TE V7X270D9 7rDXA6V TOW) "LXOV(0op icat e~etpv(Y-at. 18oPTa & 6 7raKXD/JiEPVOV9, 6&J-6tP apa aVTOP?7TpOq TDVq LXV' lVEOO 1D pEI~PL VWE~Dy E/D a'VXEDTD9?7OXET Ec/3,atIP-iv opXEoi.evot. 139-143] KAEIO. 65 Ki~po9? pev 'rovOV T6v X101yov roota "ICOCa Katb o'Loat AloXcvct~ TCOp&e elveica Exce4, on t'\ Ot, 'Jwve 7rpOTepol-, avTO Ki'pov &?7EVOS a' ay~o ctraaoOiua d Kpoio~ov, ovKl eWrecOo1JTo TOTE &E, KaTe~,yacl-kePvw TcoW 7rp?7y1LaTCoP, 97c~a1 ETot/Joi 7TEIe(t a K 0c~ pE~ 7), Opypq EXO/Jevo';, AXcyE' o-0 Ta'86. JOWEV 3 WSk J7'KOvOXLV TOVTO.WV aVEV~tXiEt'VT1)V el TaS4 7TOXtct9, TEt'Xea Te 7repte3a'XXOVTO e`KaoTOtIcl,K OWTVPEOVTO Ek Havt(ce)Ptov oil (IXXOC wrX \v MtX-tjolcow 7rpOS~ FtOMPOV9? yap TOVTOVI~ OpKLOV KV~po,? emotno-aTO, Ew' otoi 7rrcp IO Av~6q. TOtcn & XotTF00L Icot ~e80~6 KOtZ)9 X.4)741~T& yEXv S 7rapTi/V, 8'?7o/.evovS~ "ICOGL TW/A4PECLV. OL IWE9OZJTL, OWK \ TO lavt&)'vtO'V EoTTl 142 0' \ WC 'T6, v Ica/To,T T (PEV OvpaWoV Kab TOWV 0)PE60 EV' TO) KaXtC0TT) eTVry~avoy i~pvcaTpevob vr6Xta, 77TaVTCoP dvOpo)77Tov TOw YFLE&S'~ t1S/JEl) OUTE fyap Ta avco avT-79 Xcpt TOJUTO 7TOtEEL, Tp7 ICoVl"1 OD)TE Ta KaTco, OVTE Ta 7Tpos! 7V 7J OVTE Ta 7T-PO9 Tm'V EU77'p27v' Ta 1-V 177- TOV *4VXpoV) Te Kab vrypov 7TLE6O 'JEaT 8, V7rO TOOJ 0%pLLOU TE Kca\ avyJxJ&O'8c,. IPXc o-ai8 & o' T27\v aV'T27\ OVTOL vevo/J-kilaO7, aXXa Tpo~n-ovs, TEo-o-pa9 7TapaywryeWov. MtXqTpo9 lke~V avT(-ro 7fPWOl IKEErt rXtq 7tp09~ /kOaL3t27W PiETa e,Mvz9T a Hpt~iny aV5Tab lkev eV T7% Kapi' KcaTOIKprt K' a~ &taXcryO'ikevai` cot. aZ83E 86 El Ti) Av8t'' "Ebeoo', KoXofvA'/3e~o", TUws, KXat~op~evab, 4kcolata. a'Triac 8& at, 7To'XtlES7' T t pOpI)XEXOeU7Jl'o-a lo /JOyEovob KaTa ywoccav OV&,EV, cotb 83E O/JtOf)OJ7EOV(Y. ETL 86 TpEL(' V7wd. Xot7TOb Ia&90 7T0XE9;, TOWv at &)O,LEV) v)27COV9? c4KaTat, YllLVTE KEU Xto 27 3E /.LIa eV T' 2771- 0i Mpvrat, 'Epv-. Opat'. XI't /.~liv) a 'Epv~pa^ K~ TOWVTO a Xe'(YOVTat, $~a/'ttOb &6 e7T EO&)VT0'W /.LOVl'O. OVTo6 XapaICT 9ES' yXk(7CT27S71 TE0(T-EpEq yWVOlTat. Tol'TCOV 8&7 0)1) TOW^ IOWP Ol' MtX'Grtob te\uV 77o-at'l43 eV O-/cE7ry, TOV c0/3u opti TL7a~E~ TO~ft. a'~ TOWv vqo0t0)Tfl' 27)&' OVl' OVTEryap tIOvuLKE9 270cav KC) llepoe'ow KcaT?7KcOOL, OVTe aVTOIb Ot llepa-ab v'av/?faTat. JA7Tco-xtUU270qoav &e a'7ro TOW AXX(O 'Owva)7) oi'TOL KaT 4,ixxo /he7) ovOEV, doYO'EVCO3 &6 EOVT09 TOV 7T-aVTOIJ TOTE 66 'HPOAOTOY [I. 'EXXiVLtcov 7yeVEO, 7roXXo 8e q v acOve ao V T - vewv To Iovt/cov, Ical Xo6ov eXaXO^cov- '7 yap Fr) 'AOIvac, rv ov8ev aXXo 7r'XLorLa Xo6yLt/ov. ol Lev vvv aXXot "Iwve, Acat' ol 'AOq7vatot 4pvryov TO ovvoaLaa, ov /3ovXOeLVO& "ItwveF /KcecXo'fo0a adXXa Kal vvv faivovTai /LO ol qroXXo6 a'VTv e7raLtrXvveTOaL, TO ovoLLarT. at e a vw8ec:a 7roLE'X avTac 7'T) Te ovvoLaTL 7ryaNXXovTo, cKa6 tpov iSpvaavTo e7rlb o6)V aUevr, TTO OVVOfLa eOevro TIavLwsVOV' E3ovXevor-avTo 8e atvTov PerTaiouvat tq8Sa/Lobao atdXXotL- 'Icovw 0V' e&) o-av & ovva eeoav ewzTaoXeW,, OT 144 a F jvpvaol. KarTaTrep Ot EK T71 IIePVTa7TXro\l vv Xp'qS A\opptee, 7rporepov 8e 'E~arotoXOs T'7- avT r7' avTq) KcaXeot,6'ev)7s, vdXaacovT at v,Lo r tO a.ovlo eo've:ac-Oa& rTwV 7Tpo0otOcoKV AwplEiV E~ TO TptortKWov IpOV' a'a icalb cqewv avTCtov Tov9 7rept To tpOv avo/ru1cap9'Tac eqei7a'icav Tr JVETo rX. eV yap T'W aywV ToV Tpto7rtov 'A7ro/XXawvo? eltOEcraLv Too 7radab TpT7rooa? xaX6eovo o ToLf VKwOOb Kcab OVTOV'ov p Vf Tov Xa/L aoVVTCLaSo e TOV Ipov if E epetV, aXX7 avTov avaTtOevac T7 0,0 avrip Ov 'APtcappvPc6ev), TO ov'voa c v 'A7yaoacXEI?9, vWcoc-as, TOV vo0JuoV KCaTf7Xoyo-,E' q6cpio)V 86 T7rp9 rTa evJTov olica vTpooeTra'CaXevCe TOV TplT7roSa. 8&a TavT?'v T')V alTt71v at 7revTe roXces, ALivo809, Kcal 'IrX\vv'crS TE Kaa Kap/etpo9, Kcat KKC Te xal Kvbos, e 7eKXrRUa5av T7'9 /tCTOX?) TrV o EKTCV 7ro\Xtv 'AX6KaPviaraov, oV'TOVTO-t JbeV VVV OVTOL TavT1qv Trv 'q145 lJy'v e7rcO/'cKav. Avu6o6eca 86 pJO6 SOKEOVO'l 7roXtaS 7rTOl7 -craOac o0' "Iove6, Kcat ovfc eOeXorat 7rXev9va eo86ao'Oat, fTOVOe e'EvKaa, oT6 cal orTe ev le\o07rovvr7'(to OlICeo,;Svoe)Ka flv aLvTwv uepea KaTa7Trep vvv AXat6ov, T'OV e:eXaavrTWo "Icovaq, Sv8)/cdia arT I6 tepea. IIeXXv /ev TE 7r pwT) '0 & El o' I,T X 1 KpadOt TroTa/uo adevao6 e', da7r oTov o ev TlaX'ly 7roTa/ow9 To ovvopua eo'e') mal Bo'pa, Kca\ 'EXbcr, (Le iriv Icawecvcov l 'Iove r v7rO 'Axatcbv iadX eacwOevPTE,) Ical Av'ytov, Ical Pvqre1, Kcal 6arpe9, Kal?apeS, Kcat "f2Xe6VO, (ev TW IIeZpo9 7roTa/On 7ueyas9 e(Tt) ical ivfprj, 146 Kal Tpurateen, ot?,boVvot TOVTCOV pecovyato oblce'ovut. TavTa Svwo8eca /epea vvIv 'AoXatv earrl, Kcal TOTE 7Ey 'Izvcov ITa 144-149] KAEIQ. 67?V. TOVTr0V 7 r eiveKa Kat oL JIoWVE' vco/cea 7roXta?, r ',, vrrot^qaavro' ere7, o ye 7T LadXXOV OUTv ovro" 'Iove cEi ro, dXXwv 'IOw, y KXXL 7L yEyOa ' Pl' 'n oXX rv ad, v WIV)vwov, f lcad\axtov f 7fe7ovaoa' UCwpIQ 7roXX? tW6 Tvi "A/3avres pev t Evoolvs' el6 oVc eXXaXtor/ 1IoLpa t, T70C l IWovl7 /era CoveS ro ovvo/aroT ovoev MivvaL oe 'OpXo/evLto ava/,e/lAtxarat, Kcal Kal.uceoi, Kcal ApvoTwES, Ka6t OwCEE aTrooSloyotl, Kat MoXVooocro, Kcal 'ApKcaSe6 IXa-cryot, /caL Aoptes 'EIrtSav&ptot, a\XXa 7r aovea 7roXXa avae/l tXara. Ol Oe avrTv, a)ro TOv 7rpvTavrqtov Tov 'A07]vaiwv 6op/Lr)0vre, Kcal vop/LovrTe 7YevvaLoraroL elvaM 'Iwvwv, ovrot0 o v ryvvalcaF r7a7ov70ro sT r7r1 a7TiroKLr/v, adXX KactpaS oVxov, Tr'o) covevo'av rov? EyovEas. Sta TOV7OV e TroV povov al,yvvatceS aTrab, I I P %,, I vo6uov Oe/jevcat, carloo' avTrca. opecov e7rqrXaoav, tKat 7rapCeoaav rza- ff Ovya7paaLo, /KT7 Ecore oao00t7ratai rorI avopacrt, jF,01e ovvOaT p3wcat 7Tov Eo vrT7^ avopa' TrooS eLvekcaL, rT efqovevvrav o'ecov 'ov' 7rae'pas za vopas Kca6 wracSas, Kat 67rTETE, r TaTa 7rof0lo'avT7E% avT7-L o'VVOiKEOtV. TravTa (oe 1v ytlvoieva ev MtXMrT. Bao-tXca? 8 Earrcrarro, ol 147 /Lev avrw, AvK, AV, o rXavKcov rov TIrrroXoXOU 7yEryovoTrav Ol Oe, KavK/cova( IIvXtovs?, a'ro\ Koopov Tov MeXavOov ot Be, \al cavvaa/o7repovv. a\\a yap 7rep&e01vTaL 7ov ovvoluaTo,. aXXov 7L 7Ov aXXOVw Iwvcv ecrToC'av 8e Keat ol KcaapwJ yeyovor0e9 "IWOve'. eWla (e 7ravreT "Io0ve?, Offot adr 'Aqrnvrv yEry6vaaQL, Kcat 'A7raToupta ayovUcr oprrT7. aryovcr Se 7TraVTE9, 7rXrjv 'Eeolowv cal\ KoXocovlwov ovo 70 ryp Fovot 'IozJ/vw otc aeyovo-t 'A7rarovpta fcal ovTo7 KaTa (fovov Tt1a cKr)ftv. To 8e 148 ltavovtovo er7Tti rT7 MVKcaX'i Xwo pos tpoq Tpo apK7rov e'rpalx/jevo%, KOoIVr eapaLtpql-evoq VTrO Iovv HIIo'eLOewv 'EXkiKtvlwt r]} 8e MvKaXhf eartl T7^7 rJrreipov aXp'q, 7Tpo efbvpov aveftov caErIKcovU a Sal7pc, E Trr]v 7 v\)VXXEryoe6vob a7ro rov 7roiXlv)f Irfoe% a(IEcKo op7v7, T7 eeeaov opUrvovro HIavoto)via. wre7rovpOact SE 0OV7L "tovvat at 'IwVCoV opTa tovTo, tXXa KaI "EEXX7rvcov vravTCOV 6ouoi0L raratL e T0wV7O rypad//U a 7TEXEV7(rLi, KaTaT7C p Tv 7 IIEp(eCozV Ta ovvo6uaTa. AvrTai lev at 'Ia8es roXt6eq elat. Ai'e 8e at AioXi'e, 149 68 'HPOAOTOY [I. Kv'/k, f (Iptlccovl, KaXeo/pevZ, Alptoo-at, Neov T6eXo?, Tprosv, KtXXa, NorTov, Al'rypoacta, lltrdvq, At ya-a, Mvpwva, Fpvpveca avTat WvcKa AloXEwv TroXe a apXalat. p/a yap corEWv 7rapeXvOr 7 vT7ro 'I0V, vuvpvfq. ~o-av ryap Keca avTat ouoeEKa aa ev 8T r7Tretpao. oVaot 8e oG AOXee XP'q)V /pIeV eTVXov KTLO'aVT~e aeLtv6o 'o WIVWV, 150 0pe(v 8e yIKovoTav ovic oltoW9. Y/W vpv7 Se 8 We a'7re3aXov AIOXees. KoXoc/vloovov avSpac e'Taer eactwOevrTas, \, \ xcal ecK7reOovtas, rijso 7raTpico^, vErcSEavro. [IETa 8E, ol OfvydeS6 TEVv KoXof0(vkov OvXa'aVT1rEs TOvs i/vpVaCLov9 opTr7v e') TEtXEo9 TrotEV/jeVVS' AIOVVaC, 6Ta 7rTXa9? a7roK\'la7TavT~, e X Tov? ov 7Xv. ro077 ravrwev Se radvrwv Alo\eov, 6oXoltpr eCp7cavro, Ta e'7rTrXa a7roovrTwc TotV 'IeCvwV, EK\l7TEvWV /vpvrvn A0oXea?. t7o' a'vrv oe ravT7a I/uvpvatiw, e i7rt8ELVo'ro o7ea? at ev8eKa 7roXee, 151 Ical evrot7a-avTo aroe6v avre'ov 7roXt'ra. AvTrat pev Lvv al 7TretpWotLSe& Aiol6iSe 7roXLev, 'Ego TWV ev 7y "'IS3 oiKr'evww IEC Tpl ata cyadp aerata. at 8e rao vrcovg eXovcaa, TreTre ev t 7rorXes 'v Ae'i.Wov velo o-rav Trrv yap elT7tV v 'rj A7/3-f olKeo/LEVr7V 'Apla,3av iv8pa7r6&8arv MrDOvuvaopta, 6ovra' 6ojkailkov9. ev Teve'Soo e pla olceeTrai 7ro6Xt, ca\ ev T'o'i EKarov Nar'oi'c KaaXeo[EV.ri. aXXq,tla. AeiSiotab /e')v VVV KcaL TevE8Soctt, aiarTa7ep Iwvwv mw-b ras vi)oovc exovl, 7v etvov ovi'v foa& & " otwr"-' 6roXwft &a6s KOl l Icoe)- eTreQeOaI, rp av o'Tro e7?eCovrTat. 152 Q'S2 8 a7rTKearo ed Cv.' V rapTv woov Iworov cat Alo\eX&ov ol ryryXo, (Kara yadp -r) raco9 v rav^ra trpio'-. aoleva,) eTXovTo Trpo rarvTwv Xe'yetv Trv IcoKaeaa, t'r ovivolca tuv Hlvwepuios. o oe, vropcfvpeov Te et/. a 'epL/SaXo6uevog, on av arvvOavora evoe 7rX-teO-T.o avveXDoev:7rapTtlrTeov, Kcat KaTaoaCrYas eE~ye 7roXXaa, TlwopeetV ewvToLot xpfrGov. AaKceSaqt6vtol 8 0E oV 9 cO7 00covoV, aXX areoe o't() p) Lf tpjopEEV "IWoct. ol EYv 8rJ d'7raXXda'aoovro AaceS&atlJov6Lo 8e& a7roo-/kevob Trv 'Iocov rov s7 dyrye'Xov, o6p9d7 a'7re7TreXaV Trevr7t'covTepT a'vpas, Eo 2e)v E/ o 3oKeel, Karao7croVq TWV Te Kivpov 7rp7y/Jadrovv Kca4 Iovt'^7. aTretco1JevoC &e ovTro E9 oIWcILatav, e7rel7ov e Sap &s o'Jdcov avTr'v T72 0rb oKLwTarTov, 7T ovvoa 7v Aacplvs, 150-155] KAE10. 69 arpva Kp AaKe68atjtzoviaw "io-tv, ry, 7279 'EXXal"8ov? /.Lpt78,av 7r6'Xiw u)t/vapwpe'et7, (09~ CLv7(v ov 7rEptoqfO"P'eov." Tav- a~ eb'r0Vro9~ TOV K1'qPVKoq, X7E'7eW KVPOV 153 E7rtEpe(YOatt 70)9 7rapEOP)-Ta9 ol EXX'7vcov " TWE9I EQVTE9 "6vOpwvro AaKec&Lpovwt Kab Kc000t 7wXi00s', TaVrc& "&ow~3p Trpoayopevovq-t." 'nvvOav6'1-cvov 8 6 uv E7tW66V 7rp03 707) I07eVKaT 707) $TctrpTt 'T-flw "O1JK E~Et0Y I(0 a'v"8pa3 T0L0VT0V3, T7.0`ff EiYTTb XWAPO9? El) /P6CO7 777 vo6XE "aw0o&&y7pbo, E9; T707) (YVXXE6/LOEVOC cAX Xt~OV9 O/JUOV')TE9g "~a~raTW'ot. T700t, 271) cyO) vryLtai, 01) Ta 1(0w7ra1)'wcec& "EOTat e'XXeo-Xa, aXXa\ Ta\ova. TavcTa E9 Tov\9 7ra'v-ra9 qEXvas? a7r-eppt~Pe 6 Kpo9; Ta e7rea, owt ayopcL9 KT17(aa/~kevot COM~q TE Kalb 7rp?7(,Et Xpecoma7t. aVTI ro yap ot Hc'po-at aryopo 'VEV&Oao6 Xp -oOat, oi386' a`4 6 o076 TO wrapwavra ayop?7. METa\ 7Taw1a c7rtTpE6ta9 Ta9 L/JE7):Uctp& Tq43AXp a7)ppt llE1 7,707 &,6 %p00) 0)T Kpoioo KaL 77 7(07) aX~wv Av&3v, ll qv adv~p~ Av~w3 Ko/JI~ctv, a7rlJXavve aV'TO9 cE9 'Ary/3alravca, Kpot-a'OVTI a'reba a/ytev)o9,; Kat TOV9q J(7)pa3 El) oV'&t3 XoyO&) 7rt0L7o-a/Jte7)9 T777) 7rp&nT97V' GMct. 77 TE eyap Ba/3vXowv oil qv euvw6&8o3, Kab 7O\ Bca'KT~tOl) EVO7), Kat laKlcab T6 Ka\6 Aty'rV'rw~, 67r 01)9 E7TELX6 Te o-TpaT?7XaTeELv aV709\I, E~lCM EJ07 aX 76ov 7TE/EV (7-TpaT-flyoV. &f3 e dw77i7Xao-e 6' KiVpo TK 7(07:ap&i0 70 Av- 154 3ov\9 aW~o-Ti7-cOE 6 la/CTzqT d7r6' TE Ta/3cAoV Kab Kt'pov* KaTa/3a9 e c77t OaXao-o-av), aT6 TO XPVC'OV CX0)7 7raV7Ta 707) EK Taw1 zlapot'(0, f'rKO'O TE 6/LGOO^O Ka~b T0)9 f7r-tOaXao-(To1)9v, rvt)6pc7rV9 EWELtOe -~v 'E(OV7C) O-TpaTCOco-Oat. JXao-a9 & 67 Ta'? -,a'p~tv croXtO6pKc~e T43iaXov, a7 6y[E' El T7 a^ pO7TOXct. IIV6O/1 EV09 86 KcaT W& 155 V'~ — 6 Ki^o9 ELrE7T Kpo^oo 7a&. "Kpo~oe,6 rI' Ta a 0 vp~?, ME rpo WO Ta EO'TaU T0 TEX09 7WV(07 ytV0/JLEVOWV TOVT(0V E/Lb0t 01)v 7rav"o-ovait Av~o\,C (0 OKaeY- 77plluaTa 7rapexO7)7E9,~ Kal " xo EX0)7E9,porl'o, ~L7apto-Tol)yEavptr& "wo-aOai' a4Ea9. 6pzoifo, rya'p p(ot 7vvv rye O/aivofJat 7re"71-ot7Kev)at, (09 El 7 7rTea7E~ a7roKT-Ei7a9, TOWV 7at'&0v "aw-o (ftioatT70 (09 & c0) u3 707 c~ CnXoJ raepa cov a~Xa/3O \ay&)(, azhoTda 8\ Av&?o 70 "HPOzAOTOY [I. E 7 T EL'AtIE L [ tt \WV 7 O \V 8, a' 7TEP V6'CI, g'XIFEyc6- ~tl 'TOL0XY&, 8 Lo-ag /p?) da caOmTOV~ 7)0t07077 'Ta9 Zap& 9 "' "/ao-tAev, Ta -Le OUKOTaL etpy7KafS V /L4EVTOL /JL?) 7Tth'Ta "Ovp.4 'p98 ~ \7r6'XLV a'p ~atq1)v e' ELvagTTO79,a0t.t p Tv7Tov covoacw xat TWV 77P T6TPOV, Kat& TCOV VVv Eo-TE(ATV. Ira tEV ryap 7rpoTepov E7fyl) TE Elnpql~d, Ial~ ecoa qu/y "gicEl aX ^ avaptc as r'pCO. ra \ vi~v wapeov~a, lla ic-vflS (yap E OTt 6COC&W ft TV C7CTE C TP# 9 a t, owo9 OT ) TO t &K?7V Av 0 -C&o yy a N v ) w Tac8e avv.owt FG't 86\ L-,7Cmopip CO EvO T t "eOcct. a7i-etLe -LEV cobt 7T '/ frag 0'wXa dp'ia /.n,CrI^"o~ at- ce'Xeve.3E c cf aS 1ct&06va'9 TE V7T0&WE TOLLY EL[taOt, Ka~t KcoO'pvovSg VWro&eeT0Ea 7lrpOEt7e 8' LV'ToLOL "KtOapt~'EWt TE Ka&\ 'tJAXXeW KEa& Kca7r7Xev'eLv wcata&v~ew TOV9 7rat~a9. KaL& TaLX&W9 04E,co' /acwtXeV^, yiwat-kc "avT av~pwOv 0`teat 7E7lOVO'TaL, C'0OTES Ov'8eV 83EWOI Tot 156 ~eOov~at 1.ki) a7T00-'COc-t. Kpot0og tte~v 8 \ Tav^Ta Ot' V7CTETOT O pETOWTcpa TavTra EvptfKcoV Av& o-t 77 -7zO~teGE0VTat9 7rp'qtqvat T~fxar CETtOTa'1tEVO9 'OTt 6v [67 a~to,<peco 7rpo ctvw 7rpOTEWt 7, ovK alJw7eLtcet [ttV /JETa/3ovXez'o-ao~at adppwowv 36\, /Lt) Ka~t VO-TEpPV KOT6 O1 A ot,7VTo 7Trapeov vWreK~pa[6Co-t, aW7oO-TcwTE9 d7rO TCOV IIepOe&JV awrOXO)Tat. K~pog &6 77'c79e\9'- 7OO 'K, K VWE 9 T 79 py 9, f~t ot WE Oeo TOa t. KELXE Oca 9 &\ M a~'cpeca ah~pa Mi)OV, Ttv^-a' ot' e'VETEIXTO 7TpoetLWeFV Av~otot, Tia 6' Kp~o-ao VW7eTIOETO' Kca~ 7'7-pO\% 6'~avpawro~o-ctac at TiOl)9? a~XXovg 7TavTat9, 01 pLeTa Av&3 CM $ap&9 &-Tparezvcav1To, a3'T-v 8e llaIC'T'V 7TaVPTW0 NWvTE adyaye~'t 'frap' E6JVTOlh 157 CO PLCv &)'iaD'Ta 11K Ty' 62"ov EvTEtXa/L-Evo9, aWrqXaLvve eg 77OE L ai ll p 6 o. I E K V 7 7 VO0[teZJOg a,7 ov e h'at or~paTO\) e6W E&G)VTOV WPMl-, &Ut'caq 9JXETO fev7Qwv ESq Kvltiqv. Ma~a'pcq 86 6' M i8og Ea'Xag7. J7i Ta9:ap&Sg, TrOO Ki'pov [60aov ptpa 6007V077K0OT6 6Y()V (novK EVpE e o~ Tiovg aaOft Illa~cv'z-tv &v Vcip~tt, wrpd3'a It~v ToOv Av~oP9q flvay1=OE Tag Ktpov JvT0Xa9g ErlT6XC~tvl CK TOVTOU xexevc/1-koaOV'flS AV801 T7)v wao-av 8icttrc Tqgj ~6cqg /heTe 156-159] KAEI:. 71 f3aXov. Maadprq o8e,perT rovro T Tre/,Tre e~ Trv KvuPv ayyeX/lov, EKcto&vat KEX\XeVV HIa.crv'v ol OE Kv/paaob EyveocWa, ovuL/3oovxi 7rEpt E s Oeov advcrat Trv ev BpayStri0o. 7v yap aivTo6 /aOavrr)ov etc raXaaov lopvjevov, "Iove9 e 7TravTCe aA Alo\Xee' ew0e0av XpeecOa^. o 80 I / 4 \ r % / %(poS of~rosr e67T i7S MLX10.,ls vrep Htavoppuov X vAlCyog. eltpaev "V 7reppt laKTV'r7v OKCOLOV T& 7rrOLEOVTeS eotiL hle\x"\Xoev XapLetoOat." E7rtep0TCb 6 W' 01 r1avrTa Xpr \ 1 - ptov eevero " eK&tLovCaL Ila/cTvr7v TIpcr7r-." TavrTa 8e (y0 a7revEtXevPTa C 'K rov-av ol KvuatoL, op/etaTro K&/c8ovat. op/.,ue(evov 0 e Eav Trr7 TO 7rXJ)0e09, 'ApL-r6otCKo9 6 'HpaK7iepi IIaK-Tve o) E7Erepra6e'Jr o, Deca-v a\\oX Oeorrpo7rot, TWv Kcal Ap Trs dKosa ev. 'ArKtcoevov eC Bpa1yV Xast, 159 E7p-cTravptadETO EK 7ratVTWv 'ApTLO-T6O)&0, WELpTE~)V TaeE' "o12 "var, j\OE x rap 7[L ea9 LfceTrj7 HaTeKrTV 6 "Avptoo, "bevaywv Oavaprov 3piatov 7 erpo? tepe7 O. l ot tw Kv eaatreovat, rpovae Kvua ovsI KeXevovQe7 cfelt ~ e i ' r T t ~ I, "Se aevLaLvoOPTer rt7V 1 eplrew.v O&wa/eV, Trov lCE71V e. oT0e OV TETOaj rKCaL~rev EKr Oo ova, m 7rplvm av TO a7rO '7cV ieo\,v a vr3\orv a.rpeoceo oo 8topa 7loefE O ep CO0 e. _Ie er f S o TavTa ete Ep7T)Ta o o avTT Tov avrov aVT pr #ov E(fatV6E, KEXE~6wv K&So vat laIIaCTVqv llepoy'ot. 7Trpo TavTa o6 ApwTKO&KO E o 7rpov E T oi09 eTo7' 0 e To, r eplwV Tov V'eOp KV/X\, Ceatlpee TOVS0. -TpovOovs', Kal aXX\a ora ^rv evofeveva opviOwv yevea ev T& vW. 7TroE0vroT o avrov TavTa, \eyeTaL (b(V7V EK TOV a3ovrov evaE0ai, fepovcrap Pev 7rpo0 Tov 'AplCT6r8Kcov, X eovoav eE Taa8E "'Avo-tLO)ra'e davpW7rp7v-a, T Ta'toa TOXa-OeelV; TOVP " lCeTar LpoV EK TOV VcqOv KepavErtso;" 'Apt'rot&Kcov oe, ovKo a7ropv?7(avTa, 7rpoa TravTa el7retv "1 vae, av'TO9 1EV OVT70 TOtG lKETft /3o0E't KvIu~alovu & KeXEves To T KETo v erY ecK ovat;" Tov oe avr, drpLEacvOat Toaro8 e. "Nal /c~EvO, iva 7ee a(rT7/3jaavTe OyavUov ap7roXaofOe o ( 70 TXO06roV 7rEpb t lKCereCWv EKI6OO. e'rpXOTe e7r TO 72 'HPOAOTOY [Lp. 160" %pl7Trc'ptov." TavTra cos adrevetO0evTa frcovarav ol Kv-,atot, oV /3oV\o Jevot ovCre EK'fovT7g ad7roX'Oati, ovre Trap' eCvroVT0 eovreF 'roXLop/ceetal, es MvTX)7vi)vrV avrov eCwrETTovot. l o' MIvTiXrvaiot, er7rer/7rovroT TOO Maadpeos aryyXa ecStLovaaL Tv v TIacrvrlv, 7rapecrcevabov'To e7rW ljaS0O 0 ocrw 7 oV 0yatp eXc) TOVTO ye eLreI aTrpceEC ov ryap eTEXeTO6rl. Kv/alot ryap, co e/aOov raVra 7rpqi7o vouJevca e K TWv MvrTLX'rvaiav, 7re/r avTre? 7rXolov es Aer/3ov, CecoKfi^ovaL TIaCITvqrv e? Xiov. eOev TEvrev e, e 0 tpov 'AOrlvalp IIHoXltovov adroar7rao'aelE vi'ro Xcov, 'eEd007l C1 \ A,. \. m eS'8oc0av Oe ol Xlot e7rl TWO Arr7apveL pUto6a rov 8e 'ATapveo TrovrTov eor\ XowpoO? Trj Mvolt?%, Aer/3ov avro,. Tla/crvrTv Lue vvv 7rapaoeaCevot ol Iepo'at eLXov ev fvuXa/lc, OeXov7req Kvpo ac7rooeat. rv oe Xp6vov ovro9 ~l ~ I t - - el! l \ ~t o v! ovfc oXvyo ryevo/pevo', ore Xitaw ovOl3S iEC TOV 'ATapveos TovTov ovTe ovXaS KplOtOV '7rpOXWvtv e7rOLee'TO OecGV ovOeVt, OVT6 re /aLaTra e7recTerTO ICap7Tro To70 evUevrV, a7relXeTo T6 TZV?ravTaOV Ipcv rTa raV7a eKc Tri? XWprs TaVT7r tyvofleva. 161 X0?ot pEV Uvv lIaKTvgtv e4eooaav. Ma'4ap 7 3e & aerT Trava E6TpaT6evTO Ort TOVs' rvpuroXtopKcl-avTra Tai3aXov. Kcat TOV7 O IUV p, IpL7ve)aC e'7:vopa7roSLcaTo TOVTO e, Mata'dvpov 7reitov 7rav e7reopaLpe, Xt'Zv WroLev/jevoI TrO oTparT' Mamyvrtalrtv e catravrTW. LeTa oe TraUTa avTi'/ca 162 VOVCro TEeV7Ta. 'A7roOavovrov oe o\ roV, /Ap7rayoV Kcar-,e/83l &ao0Xo? T7 aTrpaT'q7lft7, ryevno Ical aurTo cov Mw - oS0, TOv 6 M8low3v p/ao-i\ev\ 'Aoarvayr7p avowu Trpa7rery 'Sato'e, 6 Tr KUvpT 7Tryv /3aotXi\lg7v OvyKaTepyaoard/.evov. OVTO9 o Vr7p TOTe VTrO KVpov or7paTr7yoS da7rooexOe6, oS I,, \ e l,, \, I el fyap TeLX7prea? rorceE(et, e To evev7ev ow/i aTa X)Jv 7rpo? ra 7eLXea 7ro6pOeE. 7rpwT7 \e coicaty 'Icov)?7 e7reXelpqce. 163 01 E86 (icKaLee ov'TO v av)TtX - pacpc0t 'Jrpw'o 'EXXZvwv cXp?7cav7o' Kcal TOV T 'ASpljTv cal Trv Tvp0rlv7vv /cal 77Trv 'Iir7plp7v Kcal T7O TapTT7ovaov OVT70 el6'L o KcaTa&eaavTe9. evavTIXXo7vTo 0 otv CrTpoyryv\Xr7- vq7Vo-, daXXa 7revT?7Krov7TpotLr. dTritKO/Levot e E? 707 Tapr/v'o'v, 160-165] KAEIO. 73 7rpoo Xtee, eye'voITo TOr 83aot\e'i Tc3v TaprTcrOt''oL, rs oA!0op'ct "> 'A V' ` T PT ovoaa perv JApyav00vo ervpavvevae 8e Taprrjacov o0ySowcovra eTea, efiwoe Se & rawVra Ecout Kcat ecaTOV, rOVTc) 86 To) avp6 7rpoo4tXEE9~ o0 I&waLE OV70 8U7f T& E7yeVOVro, (oo Ta Fev 7rpcora c7rea9 eKct7rorTaSq 'IwoVtT /e\Xeve 'rTi eorVov copfi oo',cioat OKOV /3ovXoTrav / eTa 8SE, C TOVTO 76 Oe OV 6TE6O TOVq (Jcocaa., o6 e 7rv0oJbevoS TO Mi8ov 7rap' aVTcOv c'l) aV'otUro, C68ov Co't Xpri,tra; TetO? 7rept,/3a\& 0at Tit 'rroXw. eO&'ov 8e adcteoC9e Kcat <yap Kcai t7 replooo Tro TEXeo OVK OAI t7 OTratoi6t elat' TOVTO 8e TaV Xt\Owv teLEYaXW\v Kca, ev ovvapuooc'uevoov. To /ev 8) re T~o T0o'tc (JoKaaLEvU' TrpOTwO 164 Tot86e E^eTrotOq6. o6 8 "Ap7rayo o 'W e7r\ao-e rryv arpar0tv, 7ro\o6pKee avtovs), rpoaiXopevo eTra " wi ot KaTaXpa e6 /3ovaovTrat Iwxat&'; 7rpouayewva eva Itovvov rTOU Tet,6e%09 pe^Fat, ca: 0'loYKT'La 6v KaTrpwoo-at. 01 o G(WAcateE9, 7rEptJEKTE06E9 T7 8ovX\o-V1, efacOav aa 0e"X \v /3ovXevoaacr0at?zep)v f iavr, ca eTreeTa v'roKptveeff-at. ev ' 8e \3ovXevoovrTa avTro, a7raya7elv eCelVOv E IeCEX6vov 'T'v a-rparT6rv a7ro ToV Te6eo0." "'O ' "Ap'rayoS er ") ei8evat pLev ev Ta eKEtvot peXXotev 7rTOtetr, o " coTs 86' ot tr aptevat 8oV'X\ evcaoOat." 'Ev c, oov o "Apwraryog a7ro rov e Texeoq a77Tyaye T1rv r-TpaTr?0v, o0 o)cKateed ev TroVTr caTacrrao-avTres ras 7rEV7Kcov'repovS, e0Oee6vot 'Tecva /ial tyvvaUica i:cat e7TrtrXa 7TaVPa, Trpoq 8e ecai rTa aydX/a'ra rTa e/c Orv [tp6v, cKa Ta d\\XXa avaOr]/iaTar, eXp6 o 't oa\Kco' t \X00o9 ) rypaC)7 fV, Ta oe \aXa '7rava eo-ev'reS, Kca avToI eSdO3amVe, e7'rXeor evrt Xtov. Trv 86\ w/caTv ep' coeo0'aav avpov eCxov ol Ilepo-at. 01 Se w/coatiee, e7ret re Coft XAot Tars o7 r-ouVs Ta7 01- 165 vovcr o'-a icaeoJ.evaq OVc e/3o0vovro cOeo, evotCt 7TWOXeeP, 8e6,aPovre TI pU at.ev et,7tropov yevWv'arat, ce avTrov 'V pTC'o9 a7roKXfcto' 0f TovTov ewecKa, 7rpo TavuTa Otl JoCKatee9 are 'XXovro e K vpov' (ev ( yap rT KtVpvC ePco J TOet TrpoTepov Trov'rwv e:c Oeo7rporlov avea-rra'oavro 7rov6X, t77 ovpvotta tV 'AXaXt' Apyavovto oe TflvucavTa 7oS TCerX\EvrK~EE') CTer\\/oX eVOb 86e 6'7r Tr lvpvov, 'nvpwra icara,'rXetv'av're6? rT7v cWlKcalc'v, caref6ovevoaaT( rV TIepCecov HEROD. I, 4 74 "HPOAOTOY IL ri~ f~ai~v i EJ~OPVPEE 7raaE bvn 7rap& ~~~o TvqV 7rotv. peraN &i, co"T rov"r6 Cot~ ~e'ipyamo, crocqoavro UY2(vpa? icarapav Tcot V7rQXat7ro/Je'vr E'wvTwJ) To' TTO'Xov. -7trJo, &3 rav~rpo IKal utvpOL 0t&7~peov KaTcrvwclr&~av, Kal wp~oarav /j,7 7Tptv 'E (DcoKaU1 v 7~Etv, ')TpthJ' TOV I-Z, /Apov "o'rorov cvacoj'vat." lrEXXo/JEmvV &6 av'-rO'3v 6'rtT~ KifpvoIv, ewp n/mcaTa Tcv amv or~' Xaie 7r6Ooq TE Kal o7co 'r f lXto9 Ka\ r -v 'Oco T'~ ~ 'EV6KO 86 yevo/JtevOt, dW&I-XEOP 07fL7 (a ET 717 \v koKaU7v. ot &6 aw-WV TiO Op~tov frvXaaaov, depOEvrc' eic Tzcoav Oivovo166 o-&owv gbrXcov. 'E7TeI T E\ E q rqv Ki'pvov a'7TIkomro, o' KCEOV KOLJVy fLTa 7WA)V 7TpoTepop a7rtKO/JkEV(A)V ErT eTca vereVr, Kal ipa c.vt~pvoavro. Kcat adyov ryap &)q Kal ebepov Trow) vfeptot/covq a7ravTa%? a-rpacvr~ovrait cv Er avrovT KiCOi~~ X7yp XpI)O4LEvot TvpcnO-'V~ Kcai Kap~rj&Svw, V97VO-,CdaTrepot C E Iicov'Ki-a. ot\ (I) WKatLEE9 -rXflpcboaVT9 iKat avTroi r 7rXota, e6v'a, a ptOl 0 4fKOVcTa, a T\VricT4aOv ET~ 0r vtov KaXe(Lvv TE'Xy G-V//Uor~ydv &T' vaupaiKa8,eif Tt9 VLJC'q 7TOW VIW~ULV~ E7YEVCTO. at vyap~ TEOOrepaKOPTa, Cot V'E9 &EcfJa'pfo-av. at 8& E&KOO- at 'repeoovaa, yo~av a~pp-Tovo awco(TpchfaTo yap T0Vg E/JJ80XOV9~. KaTa7TXo~o-aVTET &6 E9 T7v 'AXaXi"7v, a"eaXaIoV -a\ rTiva Ka\1 Ta9 ryvvci'ca', ical T\v> a"XX'Av lET? 7r7 oa?7v ota TE Efytvoiro at vyiE co4 aryewv icat e7rCv-a, 167 a~'OVTE9 rn~v Kvpvov e~rXeov ETs?Prytov. T (15v8 & &af)6aptaEw-cawvv 7COl9 Tu\JAvpaT, oil TE Kap~~6voi~ Kcal ot' Tvpqo~wo E'XaXoJ) TE aVTJ)V wroXXCO 7rn~dov9?, Ka~ TOVT70VT ~aryayp'vTe9 KcaTrENcvav. /.LETa\& 'AryvXXat'oum- 'naraPa Ta 'rapmvra Trov X(A3POv EV TA Ot IOncatE'E icaraXevc6'TOEPTE EKE'aTo, cryive-o ctao-ripooa ical W'7r?7pa Icat adw6 -7rX~iycTa,, O'.60o60 7rpo/3a7-a Kat vr7rtO7a icat aVOpcorot. ot' &6 'AryvXXatoc ET LAeXoov\9 Te7r/Ji7rov, f8OVX61EVO a'KE'oaO, Oat~ Tr~v a4ikapTat8a. 8\& llvOt' o-O'ac EK/E'XEvoe vot0(EL a Kcat Vv Ovt 'AeyvXXatOt E~t E'7rtTEXE'ovcWt Ical ryap Evayt~'Ovol acrc /(LyAT~, Klca a763va (YVPaVLcOV Kcatirruc7LoV E7TtGcTaw~t. Kcat OVTOt /LEV TCO) (I~f)KatE'CV TOtOVT0(O /Lkope~ &EXp?7'caVTo. ot' & ahcV'T ET To\ TiP'ytov KaTa~vy0oVTE9, EVOED TEV O',,6p 01-evot, CICT77oaVro ',r6XLv cy^ Tr~g 1OivTpOT 166-170] KAEIQ~. 75 ~r~vv~~f aEC7-at. eK - c~v avT r~i, 7T-POI c7,v8pO" IIOO-etL&oVW7TEUW /aOVTE91, CTOrV Kzfpvov co4 i, HlOii - Krioat 77pco EOPraX' tT71 Vyqo-Ov. (iJoJIlrcat7, /.LEV VVP 7T~pt T?79; EV co Vtfl) 0VTCA09 E0%Xe. llapawrX 'ata &e TOV'TQUYL K(Lt T 'ot '7roi17crav. sWI7 16 yap o-0EbA)V dtX6 Xw/ta~t TO TEtXo? "Apraryol9, Eo-flaVTE" 77WVTCI~ E~ Ta\ 7TXOtca OtXOPTO T7AOVT9 ETL 17 'Jplflt't Kab CvOacwTa e3KTtcav 7T6Xtv "AI3&,qpa, T?7\V 7rpO~icpol Tot6 -T(Wlv KXabowbto9~ Ttllo0toq KrtIcal, ovK a~rtcqrn7o, d t7Oepq` cv E~AaoOE\' TI/tai? V^75V t57fl TfiwiV TC3V e'V OV /LitEV VVV1J UV I Iow ~OVVOt,17) T oviocr 'nqv oiJc 1 69 aveXo/Jevot, AMtov T, 7a9'ra pi8a9. o 3' dXXot "JCOVe9, WrXIV MtX17u-l`wV, &a\ I vdu~r ~wyo a Tawrep 01t 6K XtWoVTE9, Kal aw~pE9 CfE7EO'VTo aya Oo, WE 7~p T1774 EWVJTQv giaa'Toq IakaXO1.LEV~t' C ~0WE'VE~&,a X TE9, E/JUEVOV Kara Op17V ekcaCTO&, icab Ta cEWtTaccropuEa E NEEEOV. MAXaotol &, \ Kctt 7rp07-Epol p~ot Ep7 -aiVTj3 Kptp OpKtOV) 7rOtlp~q/.kEVOt,?7o0vXt1v aeyoV. OV"T&) U) 70&UTIEpOl JICOZW? c&38Oi/X)Or. co'q8 TOyS P77?7~p~ 'IwvaS' Tepo Oa ~'Ap~rayoS', 01 TCLS V'OvIaOVS' E" 7-S 'COVES', KatTapp&COr'aVTES' MD=r EcS'a a~vS'T V ooa Kv'pw. KEKaLKC[LE'V0JV ~ bvoIcal a-vXXeyo v v oEv 170 COW-o ES' To llHamt,'ivv9woa& VCL1 Bt'aV-~a aiv~pa llpti~v~a darro&ctcrOat "Jwat XpqOf~'tlk'D7arn'. T7 Et E7EOOV'O, 7rape'X av OE ct EV'8tt/JovEctv 'EXX'~Cv. Xto'Ta OS'q eKEXEve '6ICoMVO cYTOX(, I wvaS' acp0EVTaS' 7TXe'Etv eS' Yqap~ct, Ka~t~ 67r~tTa 7TOXtV /liClV KCTt,'EtV '7raVTCOV loS"Ovo. Kat ovTrw ac7rXXaXO6'PraS' 7c/Eca' 80vXOOUVVnq EV"&tt/kov?7(YELv, V?7OCOV TE EL7trYECOV t4eyt'OTI,7v ve/lto/JEvov', Kcat ap~oVraS' a" v/VV-t~o&E 79l~y0 "en1 evopaP 'EOV I7 ET T V). AvT,17 It~v Btlew-OS' TOV I~L)E'OS 'Y7v()/J7, CMT tEfO~ap/Je'voUtt "ICOOt 7EVOVPI7. XP77 ) & CA't6 i 8ta/O~ap?7vate 'I(A~bv' v 4XEc( av~po~ MtX17olo EyEVE7'0,O fVK IV c~S IOTS VLKOS' OS' EKEA~EVJE EL7) po0vXEVTyptov 'ICOaS' eKTcTOatL, To \ 4_2 76 'HPOAOTOY [I. elvat ev TVE Tewv ydp Iwicov dvat 'IYovl. Ta 8eE XXaa roXtaq olKeopewva9 [17&rv loa' ov voui'ecr Oat KfarT7rep eB rjC LOt ELEP. OVThZ)r,UEV 8s c a4 y yV WLao 7oaos a7re&e avro. 171 "Ap7rcty/o &e /araor'pe'ad/'jaeo 'Iwvlrv, 7TrOL6CTO apaeLVO9s /ca' "IcoWva Ka AoXkea?. Eialo 8e TOvTWv KapeO ev ac7rty/UvO L e9 TrV?77retpov e/c 7rcv V)]Go. vT ryap 7raXatov eovTe9 M'vio W E T a KaTCioot, Ka, /caXeoP,6evo AeXeyeEo EO 7Ta? v1l7OV?, po a opov pev ovoeva v7roTeXeoVTCre oaov ca& eyoO vuvarTos eLtC kacpaKpoTa7TOv eat/cerOa a/coyp ol e, c) MLtv eOLTO, 7\XpOUvv Ot rT veasp. aTe e &) Mil re KareT'rpap/Jjvov /ryv 7roXXjv, cat eVTVeov'TO T roX 7roe, To KapK ov?3v eOvo' XotpioraTov Trw OPvu)ov a7TaPTOCr Ka7a TOVTOv a/ka TOv XpOOVo Ua/KpGo iUaXWTra. KCal cabt Tpita eevprujarTa ey7eveT, T0tao ol "EXXVe p eXpraavTro. Ical yap Cert ra Kpavea X6oov e7r,&ecOeaa Kape elEai otl ca7va8eav7re, /cal ErL Tad acr7vra9 Ta iloa 7roteeo-Oat. /cat oxava ao-Triat OVToI eLM' ot 7rotlatYtevol Trp/OL 7eOTo? oe avev oxayvv eo6peov 'ra 19 t x,,,,,,, arrAtLoac JTav7e o(7rep eouOeC-av a)rW'-L XpeeaOaL, reXa/.LOac OcK7vrivoLatl oWl9/cKtovr)E, T reip 0Lat avxc'-t Te /Cal TOlcL apti'repololt wooL T 7rep/ce[LcEVOt. METa SE, T70o Kapas XPOVz- iv-re pov 7ro\XX AO)pl66E TE /cal "I Cove e aveo'rva(av EKc erv vr)acov' /ca ouvrT e rjv?7'reipov a7rtICOvTo. Kava Luev 8r) Kapa? ovTre KpreC? Xeyovoi yevea-Oat. ov/ e'V7ot avTroI ye oP0LoXoyeova-t roV'rotl o KIape9 aXXa VOi'oVCta avrol eOVTOV eV vat avl'roXOovaq 77retpwrTa, /cKa 7rC ovvoutarT 7T avrT del &IaXpeeopevov9 TW'7rep vvv. daro8etfcvvOtci 8 ev MvXa'rota ALo\o? Kaplov IpOv dpXa'ov, T'o vMvcrot'o-t /ev /cal Avoa'tL /LereTEL, 0 o Kac'tyivl7TOltt EOVUC 70OL KapOa. TOP ydp Av ov /cal 70T Mvcorv X^eyovcrt eivat Kapo adeXpeCovs. Tov7'oLJ' /TeV 87 /L,6ereTL' 'O-OL 0, E0ov6 e cX a\ov veo, pO.\c 6yXwo)-ro 172 Troio' Kapoi 7E/Vvovro, TOVTOLCt 86 ov 0,ea. 01 &e Katvvto av7ToOOVEC, 8O/CEELV cuol, Elorl avrot LEV7OL EI/ KpDr7TIr9 faarl ecvat. 7rpocr/ceXop?7/cat e &y\XTo'av /tev 7rpo v e, KapLpev 'Ovog, A ol Kape ' 7O Kavvt6ov' 171-174] KAEIQ. 77 0roVTO 7ap ovc eXC daTpeceGos &lalpapva&. vOotcaL 8oe XpeCv7ai K~C'(cLOpa'to vo'L 7TroXX1)V 7 Nv0 Te daXov cvOpo7Trowv Ka\ Kapwv. Troac ryap cKaX\\XLt7Tv ea- caT?r7 t1clrv aT Kac fLXov6'r a clXaoov a-vy77) v ve-Oae cr rowL, Kcal avopao /Kcal yvvaL cat 7TraiC.l tIpvvOcevTov a~ 8otb Lp6v:eevKc1Wv, /a7ETe7reTa 6Z1 ^c a7 e8o e,!So6 \ TO7l. 7rarplola Jbp Ovov OpatraL 0Ecotla,) evOvvre7S a o7rXa ar aavre9 Kaavvo KaXvvStKcov E'rOVTO, Kcal cacaLv /cC/3aXXetv 7TOVS ELvLKOV OCEOV9. 1cal oUrot fIbEV TpO7rOC1J 7TO/OVTt0GL Xpe7vTat. 01 Se AivioKL &c KpTJ-? rTwp3XaLov ye7ovao6-. Tjv yap 173 Kpr7]Tv e6XOv TO 7raXatLv 7raoav /ap/3apot. 86etvEX0Evrwv &e ev Kp7.r/ r7'p, 7s' 3oaao'qYr, rv Evporrz, wralivw, Yap7rqjovos 7Te Kat MiLva, co EW7reKcpaT7r7'e T77 CTaoeE Mlvwo, e'7Xaaoe avTrov re 4apwrr0ova Kcal T7OVu Craa&Lc7a avrov' ol O aTrOffOev17E, artLCovo T7 'Ao-t '? ey 7iv Tv MtXvcSa T7rjv Tryp vvv AVK;OL vE.LOvTat, avr TO 70 'raXativ 1Yv MiXva' ol 8e MXtva TOTe O\6Xviot e aXeor7TO. TE3o E8,q a v c^ ) b\\ t 6 C I\ C T t pe.v r} atvrv,,ap7rT7w'v 1PXe' o o 8 eKaXeovro, rT 7rep TE 17ve6tKaTv OVOJiLCa, Kca vvv Ef KaXEOVTat VT7r T7)V 7epol0,cwv ol' ASKlciL, TepltXal. S? &8 ' 'AOqv&ov A'VKO o6 lavS&lovo9, E'EXaOel9 Kcal OvT70o VrO rov aSEO Xf)eo A Cyk0o4, a7rl/cE7T e 70VCo TepdXaLa,rrapa:ap7Trrqova, OVT1o) & Icava Tov AtK/ov T7rv eTOrvv/l7v AvlKLOL ava Xpovov EKXcn\0raoav. vo/1oJr;0 8e, Ta E/ev KPq7TKOLG& Ta &e Kapcor-t XpeovTaC. ev 8e To'e loov vevo/JLuca6-, Ical ouaVoL/Lo' aXXo't c'V/L(epovT7C avvpWrwov /ca\ovC& a7ro 7rV /r)?7TEpW)v eOVTOV, fcaL ovfCl a7ro 'Trw 7rarepwv. Etpo/JLeov 8e e'repo TOV 7rXI1'taov, Tr7 eL17/, Ka7aX\ee, eC&v7ov /.k7poOev, Ical T71? /Lr7rpob avave/.ceraa 7ag r /Te7pa?. Kca71 fv ev 7EY r/yvvr) a 871 (ov\Xw avvoLcr1) 7, ye1vvata Ta TreCla ve6vo/JLCTaLt j7v 8e avr1p aC7T?, /cal 6 7TrpW0ro avTrv, fyvvatlca eLvr)v n 7qra\XXaicv eX?7T, T'a 7Ka rdt eacva lveTat. 01 t vvev vvv Kape ovSev Xa/L7rpov epypov a7ro8oe0aLevo, 174 eoovXoowSlo-av v7ro Aprrayov' ouve avrol ol Ktap9e aTrooeatJuevot ov0ev, ov0r ocoo `EXX,)rvwv ravT71v 7r1v Xpr7V OICEOVoL. OLtEOVcrL 8OE Kat daXXo, cat AalceSaLtovlwv adrotCKO KvYiSto, Trs^ XCP1pl 77T9 067epTE7P TerpaUCWevr17a eo 78 'HPOAOTOY [I. 'r-vrov, TO6 8) Tptrwwiov KaXCETat, dp7/yGrn & EI T7q Xepcovof'cOU Tr] D Bv3ac'o-', 0oiO' q TE TraIwNo Tr] KPLtSiq, 7rX\rq oXly79%, 7TrpippOOV' (Ta Fpkep ryap avrTs 7pos f3oprv aveplov o KepaetKicos Ko,\7o aTrepev Tra 8e &rpo VoToV,, KaTa V/,LJV Te Kcat 'Poo'ov aXao-o-a') To \ v &8 oXlyov PTOvTO, ov 0oov0 Tre 7rb 7rETVe ro-TLa, Ipvoowrov ol KvklSot, eV o0r-)ApT7rayosv rv IJCOMr7v aKaTErTpeceTO, /3ov06p.evo, VrjoYv T'7V %Xwpr/ 7'rotlo'a. evrro e 7ra g 'o' ' ytelT0o T7/ rydap op Kv^tIt OprP 7 eS 77) r)TEtpOV, TeXevTa, TravT 07 6 l-O/Los 6rT TO rov wpvo —o Ka6 Kab7 7rO\ XX, ELP Ep/yacoevtov Twov KvtScov, /uaXXov zyap TL Kca OeLOTrepov E(f)aCvovroTO TTpWfTeOKEOaL ol EpyabotIeVoL TOV OLKOTOr Ta TE aXXa o TOv crw/aros Kal paXLoT'a Ta 7rept Tovs obO0aXp\ovs OpavopLv17] T^7s rerT'prl, eTre/T7rov C9 ACeX oovs? OeoTpo7rovu E7rep7c0ro/kEvov? TO av\tI0oov0. 7 8O lv I0lt7 c0', 6 avTol KiloOt Xc7ovo'., Xpa ev TpL/jprTpw TOV vTSea 'l-OfJLov 8, /L\ Trvp7yo0VTC, /I7 opv(T-TrT' Zevs yap K EO'qKE VcOrov, EL K E/3oVAXro. KVL3oLL Jev, Tavra T^7 llvOlri Xp'cao-q'r. TOV T~ opv'y/JkaTO9 E7rav(Ta1rTO' cal 2Ap7Dray0, er7TovTL crvv T( o'TpaT(o, 175 a/tayT'T o-eas avTov9 7rape oooav. nHo-av oe Il8ao-ees olKcovv6reS vTrep AXt ucapvqo'o'ov u, e'o/yaLav' TOLal OK/cW) T /'XXOb dveT7rLTr7eoGv 'e 'oOat, a vroaT' Te Kcal To^rL WrepLolKOtlYL, 7t lepeLr7 T779 AOvaa7 qrowywva lE/yav 'rxet. Tptl aC't rov7ro eyevET0. OVTOL T7()v 7rep6 Kaphlv av7pwov iovrvoi re avre-XOv Xpovov cAp7raTy, ical 7rpr/yiaTa 7rapeaoov 7re~la~T, opoS TrelIo-aamreV, TWo ouvopa eo-T A1StI. 176 II1n8ao-eea Apev vvv %povw egaLpe07o'av. AvKaLt O e, o,) e? TO dav)ov tqreloov X\ao'e o "Ap7rayo? TOV oTT'parov, v7r6ELovT~E<, Kcal /aXoIevoL o\6yoL q7rpo T7roXXov?, apeTa? adre8ELKvvvro' e-'-owOEVrTE e\, Kcal KaTEtX\70eVreT e9 TO,,, \,I reTv, arvvr]\iav es a r. v.&cpo~roY ras se tvaaca2 'cal Ta TeKcva Kcal Ta %prypara Kal TOV OCKETa c Kal e7retra v7rq^av 77'v aKpo7roXtiv 7raoaav TavTqV) KaiaeOat. TavTa 8 oe rotav?)TEe a' Kal aU'vvOpooaavTe? 6PKOVS9 8etlVOt, v7re:eLOovT~e ad7reOavov 7rarTre9 4avob ILaXolevo)t. w? S&e vvv AvIco)V (0a/jEvc avOiv elva, ot 7roXXol, '7r\X7v 07' 'XovTa TTeoCvO, e&0- e7r)7?vSe' al Se o7s)KcovTa laiata 175-179] KAEIf. 79 avTai 6TvOv TJvtilcavTra eKc8treovaat, Kcal ovT7 7repteyeVOVTO. T717v /EV r\ 4aQvOov OT70 9eo-Xe 6 ApTrayoq. qrapa7rXr)lo'i S /&cal TV Kavvov e'cXe. cal ryap ol KavvIOL Tovw AvKl'ov9 e/jLrCtoaVTO Tar 7Tree. Ta ev vve v KIJCLro Ts 'Aol' "Ap'7rayo, ava'CTraa 177 eTroee" a Se a & co avlr?, avroq Kivpos, 7rav evo KcaTacrTpef0o6evos, /cal ovoSv 7raptEs. Ta plev vvv avrcov Treco 7rapfCro/jUev' T SE oe O 7rapEc -e TrO0ov 7e T7rXel'Tov, Kac a.ravr~7?T o'a Ta 6O'Tr, TOVT7CO E7rt/Lvr]ro'olatt. Kvposo e7re 7re ra 'ravTa Tr1) rV7relpov vTroXetpLa E7rotr- 178 oarTO, AccrvptloLwr e7reTL'OETe. T^,2 \ 'Ao-avp1p) E0-Ta Ta lEev tKOV Kcal a OL\Xa 7ro\Eer/aT aa eyaXa roXX7a To Se ovoiaa6-ToraTrv cal i-xvpoTarov, cal Leva oa-t, N'vov dvaErTarov 7yevoL0evl9, ra 3aoLXA\ia icarTErrTce, ' v Ba3vXo\v Eovoaa TOtav71)r 8) 7te. 7r'6XC KiceETat v 7rect)o /eyaX pjeryaco; eov'ca t weTro V ea~rofa V eGKoCiL ca eKcaTorv CTalovo, covrs 7Terpay/ovov' OVTOt70L CTato0 Tr^, 7TrptLO0ov T 7ro\09 /ylvovTraL cva7ravre9 ofySo/covTa Kcat TETpaKco6tt. 7 iLev vvv UeVy/aOoT 70ToVTov ec7T TO7V acrTeo0 9 T'o Ba/3vXCviov. EKeicoa'p170To Se WoJ ov8ev aXXo 7roXrt.a TCwv )7ke L 1f8Lev. Ta 1po9,eLv 7rpwT7a itv /3a0ea Te Kcal evpea icat TrXeq7 vSaro0 7repL0w' /era 3e, 7eLXO 7revrT7tcovTa I ev rxewov J3ao'-tXiotw eov eo espo0, vio? oe, Tr ycoo lov 7r,7ecv. o e acr&) 1^o 7r?^Xv TOV Cv L 7plo-v ecrr7 7tr)xeo ECVO Tptl SaKT, V\Oat. AEX 8L 7e TrpoE TOVTOLL eTfT 179 fpdarab, Ta t T 77 T Tapov r1 7Uy avato fbO-V7, Kcal TO paLX a, V7a, a! 70 \ T 77 TeO? ovP OTtva Trpo7ro epeyap'To. opV(cr'o0Teg a a TrOv TaCOpov, e7rtiv0evov v 7Tp EryEv Trv ac TOV opveylaTO7 e&c7ep0oevrv' ECt cvEravXT~ 8\e 7r\i'v'ovg bcava, coT7Tr7loav avTaE ev ealulvto-t r ueTa Se, TeX,'aTl XpeJLevoI a'O'aXO w Oep,u, Kcal Sta Tpitr7'ovva S8/,oOv rXtV00ov Tapcov\ aaX"cforlv Soa~Taopa3dovT6e, e'oeupav 7rproTa evr T7 ra T apov Ta Xel\ea 8evtepa e, avTOT T l TCO? Tov avTov Tpo0rov. e7ravr Se TOV TrieXeo' rapa Ta eao' a, oucrlaTra uovvcIcwa SeLjcLav, TeTpaLppeLva e aA\X, ra' TO \ueerov Se T'OV olcru aTWv act7Tro Te OpTn7rrro qrepeXaavl.. 7rvXat SXe e6eTaot 7rep~t TODV Tre6Xeo ezaTov, XdXaeat wrraa'v Kcal o'Ta0/,olO Te cal v7repOvpa coa'avwrmo. ~co Soe a'iarI 7roX6, 8o 'HPOAOTOY [I. tO V OTI i i-d5 ~qJ Ep& W ~V '7TO B a/3vX "vo 9-' 19 OVO" avT?. ' Oa eo-T' 7rTa07ko9 ov~ lk7yaq 19q Kca& Tr 7r7oTa/.L To6 ov)voluxu E0/3axxEL &6 o0VT09 eg T\V Et'fp'qTrn wrOalkov e l % e i A To pee~poV. o1)709, (07) 0' Iq 7ro-ra/Jo09, a/La T(5 M~aw (7pO/J4-,aov~ a0'0'X~v ava&8oF '71rXXoW3 e1'vOev 17 a0'cpcttog E09 180 To\ e'1 Ba/3vVc'vt TetXO9 eKo/.uI(7O1. Te'rei'Xto-TO /ev 1V7) 17 Ba,3vXW\7 TpO'rnjO T7(058E. E"OTL SE vo, Cftpo-Ea T7179 7rO'xw'r To yap ftc(Ypl aVTI79 7rT aT/109 81Jpy6t, Tc5) o7v 0/Ui E0,t E V3p?7T17S'. / 1EI, &e J ~ 'Ap/LevlAov, E&2v /Le ya9,,cal 13aO\(?, ic t Ta v 3~I t & 01)709 69 Ti\v 'Epv~ p?\7v 6&'Xa o oaV. T (OP 8 TdtXo9 EKaTIGpOl T0v)9 ay/c~ovaT 69~ 707 7r7cOTaJkO7,EX~qXarat. T o\8e\ a'7ro\ T0V0v, at ecwtajp~rat Trapa XE~txog El~aTCpOl) 70) '7F07a/.L0, aqkacuw)7 'rr vOcov 0'7T76C07 7rapalrtEWE. TO\ Se aO~Tv av'-o\ C0OP 7TX 1)pE9, OLwtEOJ7) top TE Icat TETp60po(/)(v, Ka7-aTE7T/h?7Tat Tag9 6"80v\9 1OEI'a, Ta9g 're aXXa9~, icat Ta1 E7Ttcap(7ia Ta9 E7m T0op -7rT/a0ov eovCral. Kara 81p0) E a717 8 7 7 7 at/LaO-c 77 T, 7rapa 7To ) 7OTat/Jop 7TUXLoeg 6E7T170(1, o oat 7rep at X i pa,TO0 tLvTatL aptL6/wv. oav 8eKa~b av'Tat X~~et frpovo-ai Ka& 181 ai3~'ta 69 aVT70V 707) 7rOTaLo'v. ToV^T0 /LE\ 8n) To\ TEFXOq &('P7 OTit. E"EPOV &E 60a)WOIE7 T6FX0g 7reptOE&, 0!),7roXX~f9 Tect) a(YOeVe0TT6pO0 70) ET6pO!) TEtX609, (77IEW7OTEpoV)& TEu &,E /alp(Tei E/caTEpp) 79 7r6XC09 TETELXtO-TO EPl)EO eV 7Tc5 17E7) Ta. /3aonX1 a, 7repL/30X(c /LeryaiX( TE Ixa~ L'- v w ~V8\To CTP9"~ At\, B )Xov tPov) xaXKo0rvX0o, Ka\ E 4L TTOETC 607), Uo) crTa8iO~w -7raVT1, 607) TeTpayW1o'0v. Ev) /Ieo-( &6 TroD i'poi^ 7r' ~pog O-TEPE6 oucoo6plipat, oTa'iOl icat To p7L7Kog Kat To Evpo09 Kat EWrb TOVT9) TO) 7rnepy( Ax~og TCVP7O9 67/34,3917Ke, IKat erepo9 /.ka'Xa e~r T0VTtj /.tEXPtg Ov 01(7) '7TvpyOw. ala/3ao-t9 &E E9g al"TOV9 6~(A0OEV KVKXc) 7Wept 7T(LVTag 701) 7r~pfy0V9 eXova-a 7TEIouqmta. /.eCO0-l)TC 8E, KOV T717 dala3a'uto 60-TL /caTa7Woy7 TE Kat OK a/lk77a1)o-n7ptol, eV) T70Ut KCa~it0o)7e9 a/L rV0l)Tac ot alpa/3awVowTE,. Ev) & T(0 Te-XEUTalo) 7rvp7w m7)70 E7rEO-TL /lu6a9~ eV &E T(0 nl)e)% KcX w)7 LEfyaXfl KeeTat ev E07Tpc0/Ll)1, Kal ot 7Tpa77-Ea 77rapaK&T-at Xpvcq aryaX/a &E ovUK bc) ol'86V avOA cvSpvPE'VOW oi3\ VvKTa ovSJ9g 6lvaVXi~erat 'vOpcS'JT(0l) O Wt 7.47 71)7)1 P.4 V17)7 70.17 e7rtX o~plw)7, 71)7 a y 6 0eo 9 180-185] KAE10~. 81 Ckqp-ac ex 7irao-Eovw, w Xc'yovot, ol XaX~acot, eSvm9~ tpse, 182 TTOOY-V Tioi3 OEOI. (Dao4 8E ai' a'T3~O~ obz-ot, Elot /.LEV v 7rtcTTa XE7OVTE%~ TOPw,OE'V ai)TO~ cOO'nTah TrE TO\P V'170P, Kca\ d/ik7raVE(YOat E'7rt T~7'9 /KXtI7fl9, IcaTa~rp EV) &27/3O-1 Tflo Aiyw'i7or KaTa T~v aV~TOV TpO7rov, a';~ XEy0Voto ~y 7rTt~b) xat fyap 8~ j EClOL KCOtpa'Ta-t EV TW TOD) Ato'( TOV )r7,3at'o'; ryvvq- al.7-rEpat 8E at'Tat XIE7OVTat av~pw~v oi&pcv co E 61ccIq a/OT(t ic Ka7TEp el) llaTaeoLtoT AvK(qy 7rpO/J aPTtS TOD 6 Oeo3 7TEal-' yEl)?pat. 0v ryap WI)p a~tE CCIM XP?)U-T?7Ptov aV'T of0V C57T6av ~E\ &7ELTat, TOTE COP C-V7KaTa/KXqt)CETCaL Ta';g VV'ICTat'; 6(7(0 El) T(~ CO7~ J)'(7TL TO) El) B a,3uvX 3' t'pOV' iKa& a'XXO(; KCLT() V?0'; El)Oa aryaXlka,J~cya TOV Acko' ept KaT?1)JEVOP XpV(7EOV, icat ot Tpav7E~ca pi.yaXkq 77apaKcECTat xp'VnO-7 Kcat To /3Opov ot ab0 0901)0'; XPVGYE0'; C0-TL Kat (0'; AeXyoI o1 XdaX&ot, T~XaVTOW O'ICTaKlcot(o)V Xpvo'-i'o?T767oi0Tat TaVTa. C' 0) & 6 TOV 147OV, f0w)P6'g JO-Tt XPV(7EO';. E0-Tt &'E ca~t a-XXo'; /3wx~pt\',Lrya';, 07TOV) OETat Ta TEXca TW^V '7rp0/3aTcWV. Er yap TOD XOV CEOV f80O/,LO 0 'K C 0-ETt OQUELl, OTt 77 yaXaOqc /-LVVC. ET& ~y LE~Ovo(; /3tOV Kca\ KaTa7yt'ov0L Xc/3aVEOTOY a T~aPcTa ETEO, 'K E'aOTOV OLt Xa-x~a-oTT e77TEW T27V opTr/l) ayco(7t T(t-O Oe05 TOiVT((. "liv 8e Cl T (A) TEFL'VEi TOVTCO E"Tt TOP) XPOP-'V EKE tpol ia\ al)~pta'; (SvW(SEKCL ~yx"-' Xv(7o%61 ~7TCpE6';. Ery&) /hkl) FLW OVK ELBOW T X' Erat l'7wo Xa-X~aoWV, TaV'Ta XIE"Y(. TOVTO) TC; dp~ptal)Tb LAapdto' /tEl o TO-Ta0c7Tc~EOC twc3ovXE'o-as-, 0)/c C'To'X/yo-e XaI/3,EtL ~~Cp~fl'; 86 0 AapJEItJo EXa/3e, KaLU T o\ tlpc'a ac7w&' KTELVE, a7-rayOpEVOVTcL,L?7 KLVEELV TOP al)optaPTa. TO P~EP ~17 tpOl) TOVUTO 07T)O KCEKOO7-L)01TO. eO-T& 86\ Ka~t t(Sta avva071-ta'ra 7woXXa~. T &]~ e Ba/3vXc(v')V; TaV'Tqg' 7ToXXo&b /JCEV IOV Kat AXXot 184 C7eVOVTO /aa-TLE'ES', TWO)) Cv TOc't 'Aaavpiotcc -xdyoco-b /W7h)P77-Ot7c~o/Jat, Ot Ta TEIXea TE C7TEKOO7Iiq 0-al) Kab Ta ipa Cl) (Ev 8\8i\ Kca~ ryvvaZKe'; Sv'o. 7'7 /JcEP 7pO'TcpOv a~p~aoa, T)7^'; V(TTIE9OP FYCEl)EyO-t 7-EPTIE 77TpOTEpOV eyEPOJLEVJ7, Ty ovvoltta 917v fE/Jpa/l';. aVT7 /JkEv a7TEoe~aT0 Xa/k ah'a To 7TE&Ol CEl)Ta a4tL0'9yMa 'irporEpol) (E cocVEE 0, 7 oa/4' avac TO 7rtEtop 'iral) 7iE. y~E 'H & 41 (E- 8 4 —5 82 'HPOAOTOY [I. TEpov /yevolvfraev TaverT /aotA eta, vr ov'voua rv NITWrIpt9, avTr7 oe avverTrTeprC 'yevo.Levr 7 Tr7 TirpoTepov ap'a0r4,) TOVTO LIev, uLvrfIioUvva e tl7rer o Ta eyw Traly/r-oJlLa' TrovTo e, rj v Mr8fov opwara apnrjv JLeryaXqrv Te Ecal ov/c dapectbova-av, \\aX TE apap1,7ueva a-rea avToto-6, Ev e 8 Kcal vrrv NMvov, 7rpoefvXadaTro 'ooa eSvvaro,taXarTa. IIpwTa /Lev Tov EVipOprqv 7'roTa/lov, rpovra 'rrpporepov iv, Sol oS t7, a s T7r6w ooXtO eor/7 peel, TOVTOV, avo)Oe1v,wL pvXas opvaccra, OUvT) r0 TL E71rolo6iE KO\COV, &OTre 8\ rpbL e T&v iva KW oL~ecwv TrV c v Erj 'Aaavp tp a7ritKEE7Tal peov. ry /CKWtL8 ) ovvo Ta e7st, es 7rj a'rKVeeT7aL 6 Evjpr)Tn?, 'ApepcKlca. Kcal vvv o' av KicoJltlwTat a7ro T?'^oe Trs OaXaico, eg Baj3vXc3)va, icara7rXkeovrve e? rov Evop7pr0Tlv 7rOTa/Lov, rpVt T7E Ele T7 avTO v T7avTEav fcoJL7]v 7rapatylovTat, cal ev TpLE l 7pvep7r,. TOVTOv /.L'V r) votovTro e7rolr0ae. Xcw/ja 8e vrapexcoce 7rap ecaTrepov ov 7rora/O TaO a Xe0os, a'zov o0ovaOXaTro, Keya7Oo pcal VO' OSOV T' iETt. KcaTVrepOe Se 'roXX@ Ba3vuX&vo ov pucrve eXvpov lvry, o\E ov Tt rcapaLVTEp ov' a aEro too 7TrovalSov, afdov,Jevr el To\ V8op del opvaaovaua, cipo9 8e \TO 7repl/eTpov avTrov rotevua C6KO-l TE Kal erTpaKcoa'lv v o-Taio'v 7v 8e opv-aaoCLevov Xov e7c TovTOu Tro opvuryLaTo? avaLo-l Taov Trapa ra %elXea oV 7roTra/,ov 7rapaXEovoa. e7re, Te 8e o Wpupvctro0, iovs adyayo/ev7, 'p77a VK\W Tepu oVTb o Xao-e. t'E roaeT e adfOTrepa rava, Ta v a e T rora/pov ( icoX\lv, Kat TO o/pvy/la 7av eXo' c09 o Te Tro ra7o0 3paSTvrpoV el', - repb tcalj7rda 7TroXXTa adyvvfLvo(, KIal Ol 7Troot EOb co\7bO0l EV T fv Bapj3vEXOva' E 7e WT v TrrX& V ECK86'K'7ra T)reploto) T39v Xt/alvr] pctacpI7. EcaTa Troo 0e lpyadXero TO'T wvpTr?,f ai re ~0to6al tav, tca~l ra ~vvrofisa T7e' exo Mar.YoV O6ov, tva pt? EdTrqtfUo'706/evoLb ol' MlO, eKctzavOCavotev avT'j 186 ra 7rpwry7uara. Tavra ypev r1 ec Sad00eo 7r'epe/3da\evo' o0Tvoe 8e ef' aUvTv Trapevvu v ev rofrirraro. Tq9 7ro6Xto Eovqr7 8tvo oape'wv, Tov 8e Trotrat.Lov,L Eov e'XOVT0o, e7rr rvCO rporpoov 8/aaoXe'o6v 'eoKC T't EO6eot e&c rov erepov adppaeos s9 TOVTepov Sta,3rjva~, Xprv 7r\ol 8ai3alVElV. ~Kalt av, 09 Ey7 SoKcew, oX)(rqpov oVTro av'r) 186, 187] KAEI2. 83 & e cal r7ov'To 7rpoe8e. e7re Te Eyap copv0ce TO eXvTpov rrj XiFvWP, njpja aottvvov 'o8e a ov avro epyou E'7TreTo. eVTa/vero X0ovV. 7Trept/j7/cea' WS 86 ol 7o-av ol X\Ooit er O, cat ro Xopmov opopvcaro, ~tcrpefao-a Tov 7roTa/jbov TO pee~pov 7rav eC TO pvwa7e XYoptiov ev Tr e7rl/.7rXaTro TOvTO, eV TOvT(0 a7Trerjpaa'Jevov Tov apXaiov peeOpov, ToVro pev, Ta Xeea Tov vroramJov KaTa Trv 7ror6\w Kal a T araa/3dao-a%, Tca e/c TOWv 7rvXoP)v e?9 rov 7TroTa/Jov (povfal, avoluco0ooLff7ae 7rXlvtotL 0o7rA\ \, X Tr7at, KcaTa Tov avrov Xoyov T O TreieX' TOVTO 8E, KaTa pFeaOr/v fCOV /daWrTa 7Tv 7roVXw, To7iC X(loct, Tov7 WpvaTo, otKCoo/jee yyeqvpav, 8eova(a TOVS XlOov9 (t8?77p Te Kabl O\Xv38o. ETELVECeT K e e 67T avTr77, OK0 per 7ep y7EVOlTO, vXa Terpaycova, e7r Wv rv dl3aativ e7ro0evvro ol Ba/3vx\vo rad 8e vvKTa9 7a t vXa Tavra V ara t COL Ta Va Ta, \, pee<rcov, ovvTOS eVveta, tva r77 8aIorbTeovreo Tag vvKcrag K\7rrTOtv T7rap aXXr7Xco(v. 9 8E TO Te opuvOer X\vpr 7rXrlp77S eeyyovee v7ro rov TroTraJMov, Icat Ta 7repb Tr7v yEfyvpav &EceEcopr/77TO, Tov EfVpT7v 7rorafJov e Ta apvala peeOpa 6K Tr7 \V Mv e`:yaye' Keal ovr) 7o opvXOEv, eXo~ yEVO/pLEVOV, e? 8oOV E8OKee 76ye7OvEvat, K/al T0ol~t TOX7iTq-faC ye)vpa 77v /KaTea/cevao'7lev,7. 'H 8' avT?7 avTr /3a-i\Xeta Kcal a7raTr7v Trov7~e Tvad 187 e/jr7Xavr7caro. T7re~p TwOv PA^rTa Xe)d0Opo)pv 7rv\evov 'I 7ro a7TEO9 raf4)ov evT a KeaTCeceva(oaTo Jerewpov E7rt7Tro0X avTev rv 7TrvXetCoJ eEV6KcoXare 8e e6 Tov Trafov 7pappaTa X\eyovTa TaSe- TQIN TIS EMET 'TZTEPON rINOMENfIN BABTAflNOZ BA:lAEM2N, HN SIIANISIH XPHMATIN, ANOISAZ TON TA1>ON, AABETn 'OKO:A BOTAETAI XPHMATA. MH MENTOI FE MH HIIANISA rE, AAMAS ANOIIHt. OT rAP AMEINON. OvTro o rdao0 77v adv7ro, Ie'XPt ov e) 9 apeFov 7repir/Xe 7 a3aaoXti7'. Aapeit &e Kca, SeIVov e0oScee elvai vTr7-t 7rvCral v Tav'7f- jLSev Xpeea'Oa' Xca P,pvipaTrEv CKELeLGeov, KcaL avTCrv Trv Xppd.aT(Ov e7r /EaXEopLver)v7, p)r ov Xai3etv avTr. Tr0t e e 7vrvlrX77lt 7avTr0fO ovoev exparo, TovSe eLWEKa, ore V7rep Kce(fbaX^ ol eTryVETO o0 veKpOg &et~eXavu 84 eHPOAOOTOY [I. VOVOL. avolia? 8e TOP radfov, evpe Xpr/L7PaTa fev ov, 7TOV 86 veKpOc, ca ypac p lara XyovTa rad8e El MH AIIAHTTOS TE EA2 XPHMATQN KAI AI2 -XPOKEPAHM, OTK AN NEKPI1N OHKA: ANEQ rES. 188 AvirT Aelv vvv r7 /3a(rt'\ea TOtaVTr r I XeyTerat ryevcraL. CO Se c Kvpos e67rb TavrT17 Tr ryvvatcco? ToP 7raSa eo'parevero, eXovTa re TOv TraTpo 70TV eCovTOV Tovvol/-a lAa3vvrirov calt Tq\v 'Acravptov apj?7v. SrpaTreTer'aL e 8St} 3aC-Xev\ 0 / f Ka, eyal Kat CrTiot ev eCKCVao-'pevotia' E o'Lov, cat 7rpOo/3adrotcr cal Sra /cal i5Swp, \ ^ ef, A A/, ^ \ ^ a7r'o ro0 Xoa'7treW 7roTauov apa aryera TroV "rapa oDoVwa pEOVTOSI, TOV /jUOVVOV Trlve /3acL\ev<s, Kal d\XXov ov8evos 7roTa/pov. ToVTOV 0e ro Xoao-rei roV iSao aTreVr1-,ievov 7ro\\XXa Kcapa a4aia TETpaicVK\XOL o JLoveCa K/cilCovo-at ev ayyetoLc aapyvpeotrt. eTroTra or' " av Xavvl7 189 efcaorore. 'E7re' rSe e o KDpos 7ropevo/,evo 67r vrIjv Ba/3vXcova Eywvero Ir"0 PvvSy 7roOapn, ToO a[ fE1v 7rlya} av a ETO Cirl V r rora/jkw, Tov at pEv vriraL ev MaTrLIvo?(6 oVpeero, pEt~ Se &a AapSavEov. EKC88OL 8O E9 Trepov 7rora/ ov TitypLv o &e qrapa Q7rtv 7ro6tv peov e riv 'EpvOprIv 0aXacroaav fc(,8oZ' TOV7OV S\ T OV vv 8 7rv 7roJTaaov cosG 8a/,alvetv ewetpaTO 6 Kvpos, eo6Ta vr)vat7rep7Trov, evOaavO ol T&7 T7l 'ip&)v rT7rWV T7WV XevKcv v7ro.v/3pLog e3a? e? TOV 'roTa/Lov, v8a/ 3aveLtv T7reLpaTO. 6 e V ov/A'lcra, vrof3pv:ov oX cKeE bpcov. KapTa re or) eaaXe'raLve TO 7rroTa/tz o KDpos Tov70 vI3p'cravT, Kcal ol erT77relXCro'e, ovT or) 7v aCO'evea 7rIOLr(EV, W0Te TOv XOLTrOV /Cal VValcdKa /V eV7TreTeoS, TO ny6vv ov /3pexovoas?, ta/3rla,8aeaOa. pe'Ta Be T'rv daretXrv, /Jerelt9 Trjv e7r Ba,/vXc)va o-TpaTevO-w, otatpee Tr1v O-TpaTtrv 86Xa. 8eLXo\V 8, KaT'eeve ErXovXO Teveag V7ro8e:a9 toLpvXa? ory8/0KcoVTa Kca eicarov 7rap EcaTepov TO XeXo9 T~eTpa/iJLevaa Tov rVVSeo 'TaVTa Tpo7rov. &aTa:ca9 6 TOV 0TpaTOV, OptSvo'eLV EKg eve. oa 8e o Xiov 7roXXov,,,,I t epyago/Levov, rverTo /pue TO epryov, o/aoCI /LeVTOt T7rV Oepelv Trao-av avrov TavrT 8&eTrptTav pryaop'6evoo. 190 'Qs (e TOV rvyv87V 7TrTarfOV traTroT Kvpos, el TpiJ7 -KOo-ta9 Kcal reKcovTa ptv St'pv a3 6iaLa/3wvX, cal TO 1-k lop/ca 188-191] KAEI&. 85 ev'Tepo1) 6ap vWreXa/LWre, o'Vrh &)q q)Xatvve e7Tb Tqv1 Ba,3vXO')va. ot 83\ Baf8vX&o'vtot EK~r~paTEV0-a)JIE1)Ot, e/J&e1)ov ctv70O). ECre1 6 E7EV)ETO ~Xav5vwv d7Xov i3 r 7r6~xtw', o-vv~/aXO'V TE ot BaI8?vXovtot, Icab E9oO(0Oe'1TIh T' aXq,Oca ol 8\,,EGKcaTEL7i7Ta1)E9 To aorTV. da 63 EWc7a/lwmQt67 'n-p&-EPOV Tz-v Kv-pov ov'lc d'TPEIkt'~'OVTa, dx'opeo17eg av3 -701) 7ra1)Tb EOVE O/JpOi&J9 67rtX~tEpO1Ta, vrpoeo~cawrvo OtTi'd CTE(O1) Kapra 7roXX(1)v. 'EvOavrca oV'TOC /.LEV XO-10V EItXOV T g7 7TOXLOpKt'ql? oV E1)c. Kv'pog 8e d~rpinc EvcYEro, aT XpOVOV TE ef7ytv0/JdWov o-vXvov, aVoTE'pW. m6 oV8EV Tcoz 7rp)ly/LkaTaW 7rpOKcO7TTO/%a1)(0V. E&TC 87\7 (01) aX a"a7T0- 191 pEOVTI v7rEt/yKaTo, EbTE KaX& aVTOV? e/la~e 7o\ 7T01177TE01 01 171) E~rLEE~17 0t0)~E.7a~(9 771) T~~t?71 a7rao-a1) j10XgTOD 7r07a/xV, T?7E 717)2o-XtIV EJ7XXELt, Kact 07rtUOE aTtg 7179 o7T0Xt09 Ta'~aq ET-6pQV9, T7 IE~&Et (SK 7179 7r6Xc09 6 7J-0Ta/J~6 7TpoCL76TE 7(i)rTpaTp, Oraz' 8ta/3aT0\1) TO 6EOV pov &V1Tat ryev0/pepV0, IEcUEval TaVTy E97)) '-XtV. OTOTE 8\7 Ta'~aq, IicU KaLT \ TaVWTa 73Eptp~t1eo~9 aw7Xa avTo9~ OV1 T(p0 aX(J7p 701 TOV TpaTOV. 'ArKpco CM~r 7T171) x(/w1v71, Ta 7rEp 17 7(01) Ba/3vX&1)ov1) fao-Ntxea 97ot1970-e Kara TE 701) 7TT7a/~W) Kat Kara 7171 X1/'l1)171, E7TOt'E K~tI oc KiDpog 67epa TOtcLVTa. 701) cyp wrorapuov atoipv~t e'owaya. Y(01) 'El? 7171) X V/1)1 co'c~av EXO9?, To\ apXattov)PE p01 &ta/3aTO\) Elvat C7F0l170`E, V'n-VO1'T)00T1ta1)7 TOV 7r-OTa/lkV. ye1)O/le1)OV 86 TOVUTOV) TOtOVTOV), Ote ll4pO-a&, Ot7T'p ETETaXa EW7 aVTCO TOVT6) Kara TO PE6U0pV 01) JV17IT60) 7TOTa/tOV, V7TO1)EV)0a-7TK0T09 a1)pt (09 e9 /.tCOO1 I.kT)p1) FtaXtTd' 1C17, iKara TOVTO e0,77E-a1) eg 7171 Ba/3vX63va. E' /1 ))) rpEtOOVT7O, ta~ov ot Ba3v'X0APLOb TO'K TO3 Kpou 'TrtOLE-tV/L1)1, vl( a1) O7~~~VTE9 TOV9 lep(ag co-ex()ct1 ES9Tq 717) -xcv, &&,b00etpaV Ka'cwara. Kca~aKX17I%' o-a)7E tyap av) 7TaO-a9 Tal El? 701) '71Ta/L(O1 7rXc&79aqx crag, Kcat CLVTO gv&\ L-7rt& Ta9 at/paa-ta\ a1)a/3a1)7 Ta9 'irapa Ta XEIXa TOD E`r,~o X?7Xa/-d 1a9, EAct301) a1) cT/a9 (09 K pTp.7 1)1) & c'~ a'7rpO(T&K1770V 04)t Ttapeoqav7~ 1 01 Wpa-at V7~ &/J~7~6O9 " 7179'rXto, (09? XE7E~at l57r\ 7TW' TaV717 OtK17/AZ6)01), 7T)1 7r~tE Ta 7(1o-Xara 7179 7roXtoq JaXo-. KOTCWP TOVg TO /JE&TO1 OCKEO1)7a9 7T)1) BaI8vXoovtcdw oi 86 eHPOAOTOY [I. /hav~avetv c'aXcoKO'ra- aXXxa (7-vXcEZv ryap o.ct eovcav 0I?7) 0 VEtV TE TOVTOV 70OV XpOVOV, xcal V E w O~f~ ELvaL, e,~ 8 3)q Kcat 7O Kapra errvtOovro. 192 Ka~t BaI3v'Xc\V ULE\V 0V'TW TO'TE IrpW7)ov apatp?770. T?\v &6 8ivakttV TcOv Ba/3v-Xwvt(w)V 7TO-XXO't-t I.LE Kat 6XXotot 81jXW'0ca) oOG-) Ttl ~ C'O-t, eV 8E' 8\ IKaL TW3)e. Bao-tA ct 7Wo /lEly~AX 6'S TpOOI7\v aV'TOV' TE KcaL T27 o-paTt?])9 (tapatp?)Tat, 7rape~ T0O) (/OpoU, 7?) 7raca oo-7)9; apXet. 8vL0(SeKa W'V /WqPc0V EOVTWOV 69 ToP cvtav11701, T0V9~ Tco-Oepat9 /1)a9 Tp& &,tUV ' BaI3vXcovo? x w 7' OKTW) TOWP IP O Xoiin) 7'a-c~a 'Aobjq. OVTW0 TptT?7/LOPL) 77 'Ao-o-vptq Xo~pq Tp 8V7)aAL.kt T?7'9 a"XXfl 'ATI v KaL 7) a'XI7 TI7)7 XOP'q) TavTfql?, TqV Ot lEpocut 0-aTpa7Ft7-qvq KaX'ovc, eGTTt a7ra-E OrEW1V ToW apXE(0lJ 77rOXto'v TL Kpaio-Tyr OKOV, TpiTavta vyJq Tji 'A pTa fl 'ov CK I3acrLXEW9 eX01)T& 701) V1IOL T V O, ap~yuptv /%Ev 7Tp0u,7it& EKaO'T?)7?77Ftkp)9 apTa/f /JIEUTT 17 3e a p /O,/~C p 1 OP I E 0 V, X WAPEE /J ttuvov 'ATTtK 'S~ ITXE'toV Xoivt/t Tptc-L 'ATTLKITL. t7rTot & ot' avTOv 17(7av t q7, TtU~eC ~ 7T6) )1 XEJtTTI7pW),I ot /JEp ava/3atVOVTes TaL9 Oi7XEag, O'KTaK'c~toL at E\ f3atpo'lkepat, EZ-aKoy'x1Atat Ka~t /1vpLEt. avEf8attc ya'p E'KaOTOq TWOV EPO-EVWV TOVTW0V IELKOOt L7T7TOV9. KVV)WV,E\ JIV~tKW1)V TOO'Tt C IVO ETO, 6'0 TE O(7EpcE" 7W?) CV 7W 7rEta /o).a 7.A)7U09 TW^V AXXWV Covo-at dTE6~ TOUtL KVA- 7rPOo-ETCTaXaTO 0TtTita 7rapEXEIV. TOtavJTa /1wev Tro 193 aP O qt77 Ba/3vXcvo9~?57r7IPXE c6vTa. 'H 8\ 7) 'Ao-o-vpt(Wv V'ETCLL /iE\P A'yU, Kab\ TO" 6KTpC(oOV T\)? piaV 70?) CYLTO? CJ'Tt 70O)70. apOJLEV)OV /J1EVTOL KC 701) 7roTapLov I c 1 a'8pvJ PTat'TE 70 Xi7OV, Kat 71apaytwE~at 0 Go-T709 0?) Ka7(aCrp v AIyV57rT~, aVTOV TOV 77OTat/WV avqa3aC/t 1)0T)70 CE9T apov~pas,, X a \V XEpo-t 76 Ka1L K)X P Ootal ap3o/lEVpo9. I) ryap B a/3v?,aovo17 XO P 7 'T C/ a a 7 Ep I A ') W~ f KcaTaTET/j~k7Tat 69 8tropv~av Kat 17 pJe7i(oTTi 7(0?)1 8t&)Pv%1)v CO-Tt v?7VG 7t7rCp I)7T 09,7- q Tf 7 17XL0TOV7E pa//LL~zP?) 5 I, ' co-cXEc 8e' C9 a"XXov 7r07a/LLOVp CK TOV) EZop?)'TCE, eq 701) Tt'rypt, 7rap' 01) N EVO9? W0Xt9? o(1(1770. E(77/i &'E XWPeWV a vryI a,7r a E(A) v /iaKp(A) apt(7717, 7(01 I7/1Lkdq L3FEV, LA ThLITpo9 1tap7r?5V CIfE'pEW. Ta cya~p 31)y a'XXa & ~v3pea ov"86 7retpa^Ta6 192-194] KAEID. pXqV 6EpEW, OV76 CVKEcqV, OV7E at7rXov, OVe Xalv 0ov;e 8T47 A7?77/po cIap7roov wce dayarI eCKcepeCW eCTT, WOaTre Crtl 8&/cocta ' ev To 7rapa7rav a7roSLoLb e7redav 8 apta'ra avrr ecovTr7 V eveicy, e7rlT TprKco'La ercepeL. 7a Se fvXXa avoOt o6 7 7Tr 7vpCv) Kcab TWV CKpteCOv TO 7rXaTo? 7 eVETal TEO-O.Epo)V EV76TE'TO Oa/7V ). Ce 06 KE8\ pOV Ka!!iv lv). cc e epov!al o'r)'calov oaov ToL 8eV6r pov 'eoyao ryltveralS eE~7ricdTaU7EVo, Jvrl7,V 0V otv rroa7o'oar E eV l OTil oT To /i dtll artyevotLa es 717v Ba/3vXcovtL7v %wprv KcaL a Etlp7/Leva caplrwv e oli.eva 69 aW7r71riqv 7roXX\jv a7rlKTat. XpeovTat 8o ovSev e'atL, aXX' E/c TWv ar0-,cz/a v TroLeUvrTe. eL9. S cr olvLeWEI 7refVKcorTE ava 7Trav 7Tre&lo ol 67TX~EVVE avrwTO!! cap7roef6pot,6 eTc rv ical 0trla Kcal oivov Kal,~X6\t rotEvTab' 70ou av/ceOV 7po7rov OepaTrevovUcr, a T7e \LXXa,,/ca (0Ot)tK(0V TOVS ep'eva.EAXXAe6? KaXeovc't TovTav TOP fcap7rov 7Tep68Eovo t 7rjT fa\XavrcopoT-l Tor(V f)OVcow, tva 7re7ralvr T e c7 o o 6 rir T' v 3aXdavov eOVCi)Vo, cKat pr c7roppeyp o ap7rol 0 Tov O)lVCt/Ko. 4r+vaS ydap S) (opeovuc ev T) K/capT or EpoEeve9, KcaTra7rep r j ol oXvvoLt. To Se aqrapvTwv Ocova ^CL JerTOV /LOL eT 7(tv TavTr, 194 /LETa 7e avTrlv T717 7roXt, epo/Lat (/pacrCov. Ta 7rXotla avTol cr0 eCr T caTa Ta v 7rTOTa/Cov qropevoUeva e? T7r Ba/3vXwva, Covra Kcv/corepea, 7ravTa aKtcVLwa. elreav ryap ev To70 'ApJoevloLwL 70o-L /cav7rEp06 'Aca'vpkov oLfCKIp/Evoal, vof oeac tre1 7Tap/iO/6evot 7ro0r7oWYrat, 7repeL7e6OVO' TovT;OL70 8&0epa 0cTeyaoaTpU'Sag ew0Gev, edafe~ov Tpo7roV, ovTE 7rpvl/vJVv a7roKcpiovTrev oTre 7rpWp17v avvayov7re6, aXX EaTTrS7io0 TpoTrov KcvKcXoTpepa vror7caavTeT. ical KaXaI7T 7r;Xr1cavTe6 7rav TO 7rTXLov TOV7070, a7rta(r fcaKTrd TOV 7ro7rapovL feperOa6, cfopr7toiV rXrcrareV7T',a\aXrTa 8e lcovU (PowLVC7KiOV KTa o''vov rcaXo v olvov 7. iOlVe7rat S V7r6 ve o 8 7r Kc7p(ov, Kcal6 8v davp4wv OpOv & ej7Te~TOW K/ca6 /0.Lv (7() E6XcEL 7r0 'XKTpOV, 6 e 0) w0e6t. 7rOL6eera 8e cal KcapTa /eLyadXa TaVTa Ta 7rXota, Ecalt eaitcfco Tad Petacr-Ta aVTroVy, Kal qrevrTaKtcaXtXItL TaXaVTo)v 7yoJo EXet. ev EKcaCT 80 7r\'0L(O OvO ')07 6EV(77T, ev 86 TO& 70O 11 I 4,, / /,Leo0b 7rXev1ve. c7reWaPv wv arrucwTvra 7r\XeorTe? E? 711Tv Ba/38vXZva, Kca\ 8aOeCwVTa6t T7ov )pTOy, vof0aqS pEv rov 88 'HPOAOTOY [I. 7rXolov Kcal 7Trv aXaapr v,rao-av adr vw eicr pv'av ra9 Se &O+pa E7rtauTd'avrE9 6T7r6 TOv9 ovov, ad'reXavvovot, e9 V 'ov 'Apevlovs. ava ro'v 7roraapov ryap o) ovK ola T6!, 3 /, \, eTr TVeeW ovoew6V TpOTTD, V7O TaXeo TOV rroTapoJoV. 06M qyap Tavra ict a ov1c efc vX\wo TrotevaTCat Ta 7rrXota, aX' /fC (JOEpE(eov. eTrear v 80 07TOV OVT e'WavvovT~re atr7C(oVTa o'riotwo e 0rov) AApljevtovs, a\xa Tp6oT7r T7 avTrw 71rotEvVTa& 195 7rXo^a. ad 7 ev 8or qrXota avrolw eCrT rot avra. 'ETo-0^T7 8e TOCy78e Xpe/ovLTat O K V 7roSroveCei XWVEW' ca, '7rl 7ovrov aMXov etpiveov KcLOova e7revSvre, /cat XXav)tov XV/Cov 7rEptda\\/XX0evo/V, vqro6or7faTa exwv c7nxc6pa, l rapa7rX'o-ta TrTL BocoTrlyo p,3dar. /cof/Jk)lre9 Se, T8\ /ce~)aXCa9 ltwpr' a va8eovTat, fpevpt'!xJEvo0 7rav TO orwpa. o'fprylSoa oe EcCaoCro eX6%ta, al ovcrLpov X6lpOTrowrt7ov7 e7r eicaUrwT e & GcK77rTpo) 6eTre-TI '7reTro7p1ev0ov 17 fr77ov, pOo 7, 17 pVoV, ateTo7, aIXo 0T. avev ryap ET6crt77.ov ov Cob v6LooS eCo'Tb 6%e, (/cfrT7poV. auvra /er ora r(t apTit9 7repp 't TO roopa ecr0. 196 No' ot 8e avTro t ' CSe CaTETreaTa&t. 6 /uev (TocoTaT9O, KaTa ooe CY7V V p1'7, 7, v v T l vpX(Sv 'Everov\) 7rv7OavouJa Xpp7o'lOat. /caTa Kcwoag e/caodTa a7ra tov e6reo0 ecda'9ov TOV roeero Ta'e. oJT av al TrapGevoL ytvoltaTo ayaWJV ceopaat, TavTa9 OKC6) crvvayayoiev vrac7a, e9 'ev Xcptoov e6a7e6/CKo a\ea' 7rept oe\ avTaT L'TraTO o0pX09 avopwov. aVo'tTa Se carTa Jtav E/caCrTqv /c7pvp 7r)(OXEEO/C, 7rpWra fev Tr7v e6ve68e60Ta'r7v xK 7rae'ow' ferTa 8e, o/Kco) avrrW evpovcra TroXXo7ov Pvwiov Tvrpq Oet, a\\rrv avecrI7pvwe6, ' 17 T eTcerv eo 6/Kce eveL8ewTawrq7. Tw6\0OVTO 06 7r T CVotlKCaff7. 0o&0 6EPV 807 efgov evoai/o4e069 wv Ba,3vXco3vwov e7r^7a/pot, vprep\XXovTe6s drXXrXoV9 e60veo0VTo 7a9 Kaiaca revova' oo-o, oe & rov 70 oV ec'/cov e7rvyaJbpot, OVTOb O8 e6'Seo0? PEV ovOev EO6OVTO XpraTov, ot " av Xp7IrfaTa Te /cat aw6% ova9 7rapUevov9 eXapiy3avov. o(0 yap &CEXO\6o 6 Oc K7pV T7'Xe0v Ta'd,, 3, eveLoe'TaTras Tov o rapOevowv, avtaroT av Trjv adpopeCTaT17v, r7 e6 T6? avTeov e/T7r7po? 17v, Icat Tav7Tv a7dv6te/pv)o'fe, O07TT 06\9o, eXaXcrTov Xpvc-rOv Xa/3v, avvo0tIee6v avTy e6 o T3 Td eXaXrtOTOV vmr6Ta/kve 7rpoeceeCTO.0. TO e 195-199] KAEIn. 89 av %Xpvo'tov eyIveTo a7ro T rv Eve8EOZV 7rap0evwv' Kac ovco atc vlopcoO Ta ajL6opfov9 /Ka ep7rrlpov9 e.el8ouav. eGoovvat, 6oe r?7v EWVTOV 9vya7epa o7re /PovXotro t caaro OVIK E7V, ove avev EYyVrTEoW ara7aya'yEOa v T rrapOevov!,, Irpta/eivov, dXX ' '77f TaS %prv /catarac'r]'avTaa, 7 LuV OvvotlcaeLV avuT, ovrw av ayecOat' el /tr17 uV/a,qepoLaro, adrofeepeLv To Xpvarov eKET'o o tVOOs. e^rv oe Icat e: aXX'?l XO\6vTa EcoWtu Tov /3ovXo/eJvov WOveecoOat. 0 PLEV VVV KaX\\lX7TO9 v61oOP, ov5oS9 cr't 7- V OV. ' VTO' vVv y7E &ITErXeOe Cevo. dXXo 8e T' e~evpfcaC't veWOA fyeIvefOat, (va,u)l a8tKOLEv avrTd, Pr7w e? 'eTprj'v 7rwOXV alvraVT eTrei Te ryap aXOVTre EKcaKWo07o-aav ica olto0 0opr0/7aav, 7raT 7TL TroV SrLov, /3lov a7ravlwov, KaTa7ropvevel zd r O\Xa recva. lAeVTepO9 & o'o<( S;e,XXos 197 ao-)o vo'uo c KaTreo-T'7Kee. T'ov9 KakcvovTra e9 T'rV dayop)v eKc(opeovcL' ov,yap or7 Xpeowvra 71rTpotcr. 7rpo0tOlvreq ov 7rpo9 TOV KafC/Jlvora, I/V/38OV\~EVOVtL 7rrepi T779 VOOVOOV,, \, e ^, c f el 7T pcal avToi TroOVTOV e7ra0e, Kcotov eXeL 6 iKalvuwov, a)XXov e8e 7raOovTa. Trava 7'rpo'tovre O7v/I43ov\XevovCfL, Icai 7rapaiveov-ti acea avToS 7roLyc a? 'ecovye Ojuobrv vovaovr, aXXov eoe eKcvCv7oVTa. oty. o&e 'rapeXE,0Ev TOvP cKaJVrovTa ov oc t C'Ec7,T Trptv av 6Treip'rTat 1 VTtva yov%-ov eXet. Ta &a b oe 8'ct EV eX\T-. Op'rvo 198 e 7rapawrXa?7oW TOL7 ev A1 yTT). O6aKbT O av P yf yvvatlc, 'r'r eWVrOV davp Ba/3v\Xovwt, 7repb Ov/ lqa Ka-, TaeyLo/ EVov 4E( ETEp(OO & f yVv?) TWVTO TOVTO 7r OEEL. OppoV 8e fyevopevov, XovvTat, Kal a/J, OTepo' adyyeon yap ovoeroV afOovTat 7rpv av Xovo'wvTra. TavTa oe TavTa Ecat 'ApcaO, TrolEvait. '0 Se ) ala-xWTOI TOWv VO/J0WV We0T roo- Ba/3v- 199 XvlClot 68e. OEb rocav yvvaiKca eWrX )pplV?7 tk/kEViV eS IpOV 'Aopo8AT1?o, a7raT ev..7 6 JtLyvat a?pl tElvo. 7troXXal 8e fcal ovIc datev/jevat avapio'yeo-Oat yo'ep a\X7ot, ola 7rXovrTc vTrepfpoveovtrat, E7rl ev7yeo ev Kaapcpy' e'Xcaraact, 'rpoo TO pOv era'o-t Oepa7rqL'7) e a'cs o7rTaYOev e7rerctb 7roXX. at &e rWXeVe 7'roteVC-t o0e. ev TefLevet 'AopolT'?' KcaTrcaTat, aTE~aVoV Trep / vc& Tr" Ca\C6 eXovraa oc0uyyov) 7roXXal yvva&1cer at 90 HI-POzAOTOY [ito 1.ke7a~p '7rpoa-lpxov~rat, at e a~r'p%0-Tat. U-Xot7)oreve'e 8tc&'$)&L 7 a'lVTaaTPO07r) 0'8)'v e~va 70)7) ryV7)CtKOt)7, & V (07) O ~t vt (StE~o')Tq E'K KXy7-a.gOa rcp N ' ra yv'), OV~ '7rpOTepov d~rXXa6XTOETat E'; Ta olwta, TI'; 01 tevWcv capyvptv /4k3aV0)) c"; T-a ryovva-r a4, ) 70!) ipoi3. 43aX'VTa 86 M Ei'WELt) T0C707)(SE " E7rtKatXe'( "Tot Ti-7P OCO\v Mt5VtTTa." MZ'XtTTat &6 KaXE'OVo- v77v 'A~po&1-?7) 'ATG-oi'pwi. TO & capyiptwV pWyaO19610-ETL OaO)cow 01)VI O ya p /k? a7T0o-97Tat 01) yap ot UE/JA& ECTTL yWPETat ryap tpov TOVTO TO apyvptM7. TW &c 7rpcTom 4t/38aXOVTt e~rTat, Ov a7T0o0Kl[ct a v a EWa7 &,uO9 a 7 ~ oc-troc-a/Jk97) Ty' OE WaXXaGOGTETac E~9 Ta OCKta' Katt TC07O\O TOV'TOI OVK OVTO.) /J-kcta Ot &0(7Etq O0)9 /Ltl) Xa'/AAet~a. &T'at pe7) 7V7) E(&OS', Te 6rctlIute')at claO Kat /Jk1yaO 9 axv~ a~r aXGacco7Tat- 3ocat & a4topboo atVTE0Jl CtOt, xpO7)ov7) oXXOZ) 7TpOG-jkE7)OVGt, 0!) &)7)a/1LE7at 70)7O.O)EK72X 7-Px&ypTPtETECL Iatb TETpCLETiEa /JWETE6ETepat XPO7)O7 /pEVov(7t. Ev)tax?' 86 KaLt Ty'7; Kvi7wpov ~0-Tt 7rapamrXo-to9 TOVTa) 7)0/O';. 200 NO110C /-kEP 7) T0W1-t Ba/3vXowlow-0ictoTOL KaTEo-TEao-&. Etc-I &cv'Twv7) a~petat TpEES', ad ov&7)' a"XXO O-CTEOVrat xtI? I Ft"' 701)V'TO9 E7TEt Te ~7) O?7pev0-a7)TE9 atvj'y2)(t T 'O9?Xt07, 7T0LEVG7L T '8. ~0],3CtX-XOVt-t J~9 ("X/Z07), Ka~b Xev7aVTE'; VrEpOtcTt, 0.TWOL8 \a a-t7)&7)0 Kat 09 /Le7 a7) /3ovxflTat atVT(O)7, aTE Ftat~ca7 /.e2a/.t7)'pc;? Exbt 0'8\ apTOV Tpo7rO7) OV2T?7ua9~. 21 E'f; 86 T40~ KVtp( ICCt 70O)70 TO\ E0O7) KaT~pyao-TO,,E7rTEOV/Ji70o-E Mao-a-ary1.ra' v7r IE(VTW~ 7r~ot-act~Oa. 70\ &6 TOTO, Kat& Ikya?Ey0-Tat ELvaL Kat aXKtttO7), oiK?7 -/.LE7)07 &6 7pO9g 17'0) T6 KCCL 77Xtov) avatTO a;, 7rEP71V7 70) 'Apa'cro 7rOTa t/aOV, 7Tt'O7 6E\ L'o-r9'I7&v( a7)~pco7). dto-I & 202 o' 779 a IKVOtKO\V XyvTO702)7 TO WM7)0 elva(t. 86 'Apaf~97; XIyeTatt KatE Kat? Eafaov(7 elvaEt TO!) I(Y-,pov) 7)?7(ovS' 8' ~7) aVT~jt) AE'o-j3( uetoa4Ooa rapawrXi)CYiat o-vX7)a9 (fift elvat. ~7) & aVT? ot V7Op667oV%~ O& U'tTEO7Tat /tEv pt~a'; To OEpo'; OPtNTUO7)7Eq 7rVTO~ar icap'n-orJ' & a,7ro &7)~pe0)7) 6E~EVpw/e7)V9 ro4t ~'9 oJop/3?77) KcTatTIOEO-0at a~palo';V, Kat& 70170!'TO 0-7tcoTvac T)7) Xcilkpivip7. 200-204] RAEIfl 91 /IXXa 86 aot 6'evp'crOat &'U8pea, Icap7rovq ' w Ttpa',~ 06EpovPa, Tov%? e7rtE -re av E9 TOvTo, UUe-xcOWO& Kca-ra\ t Kat 77-vp avaKavcro~vTat, ICVKX(O 76pftLi'o/Jepovq E'7rt/3cXXEtv CM? TO 7r~p oa4Jpaw~ou/dvov9 86 KaTay4tO/ 'VOV TOD ap W7-Q TOV E7rtL/3cX-Xo/cpWov, /JkO06,TKEOYOat Ti) '8^ KaTa'7tcp t'EX-X qagTw otvw. 7-XE~voS? 36\ e7rtL3aXXo/Ju6V'vov O Kap7rOV,/WaXOV PINCKE-OarE'9 0` E? o'"pX97o-l TE avia-TaoTOatt Kat ES~ aOt&77V a7rtKVEEco-aL. ToovTCl I-Lev avrij Xer'/rac VOWV o0106 77-Ep 6e FVlN317, To\) ES? TaS(; 3topvxal? Tas ENyOPTa' TE Kat Tp0c7Kootag (LE'XCaf3E 6' KDpo9'- u j61tacrt 83' C4~EpE1JYETaL T60o-YapaKOlJTa, TOWV Ta 7raVTa, 7rXq1p EVO%~ E9~ Xea, TE Kat TE~alea. EKM3(OE' EU T0L0L' avOPOflTOV9 KaTOIKELOact XEy/OVct lxOv,,, Wttov\s OLTEObLcVOV%~ EOTL 83\ 1Jo/N-tlOVTca Xpo-atOUKEOJU 8epaact. TO (3 EU TOW O-To/JLaT(AJU TOV Apac4ew p'eEL 8ta KaOapov' 49 T \U Kaow7lqv O4Xacrcav. (3 airr 4Xac EYL 77-OVT7 t?3 (Y[~t~~ 77 i ETEpp) OaXao-,7q. TrV /X6P ryap 'EXXqvUE? vcLVTL'X-XOUTat& 7a-actv Kcatq ~'4c o-TqIXeuOP Oa'xacra i' `ATXaUT\K Ka'Xeopby aT EpvOp77,,i a TVryXaVEt cotio-a. & awq 0 eoTt ETEJpq 6w ECOVT771 covacL /&U)Ko09 /kev 7TXoov, EtpEOct) %pC/LV1, 7rUE~i(Ea /JEEUEO (6 Tp EVpVTaT'q EO-TLaVT?7 E(OVT?7)9, OKCTa) 7/1tEpE&W. Kat Ta' fLE\V 7TpOS~ T17V,ETW7ep?)V 01EPOPTa T?79~ OEaa'CrOl)91 TaVT?7(; 6 Kav~5a(o-oT '77ap CaTE wL,5 0? P6E.W KCat 7rX'qOEi /J4EYw(Tov, Kat lJterya'Oel rnjrqx6TaTov. Wpmvea (3 0P6 a~O77-O, '2OXXa\ KCL& 7ravTo'cta E)TO EXE 6 Kal'Katoo Ta\ 7TO-XX(\ 7TaUTa adw,' v'Xq a~ypb 1'cNOVrra. LeU Tdott Kat 8E'v.3pca cOtvXa TOtC70-(3E I3q 7rape~op.Eva ctvat XE7ETat, Ta Tpt,3OVTas- TE Kat 7irapaA4T0T w ~ p, ~oa EO)VTOL(Tt E9 T\V? ETO0)Ta Eyypa~oEw Ta(3 ~a OVK 'K7TX UEoTO at, aXaOyac/)pTKV?co aX-Xa) E lp A0O KcaTa77Tcp evv~avOEUVTa, afJp~q'v. I~t~tU (3 TOVT(OV T(OV? avapo)'7ro)U ELiat 'FL(ave'a, KaTa'77Ep Tocut wpo/3aTOWCr. Ta\jk~ fU\ V(3( 77-09E7r~pl7U TJ771 OaX~a-a-f TavT719, TI77, 204 Kaa~n-h~ KX~o vcq9, Kavl5Kauo-o a'irepyELTa 3 \7 T a I)XLop avaTEXXOV-Ta, 7TEU EV(EIC aL 'nXIOog (t7rtptov cS a'r t1T oiftw TO?) OW VI) 7E(3IV TO') /JUEIY aX\OV OVic 92 'HPOAOTOY [I. eXalzTr v,Lotpflv AT^e XovcL o Mao-oayeTaF, rr' o09 o Kvpos ecrXe 7rpoOvubi7v acrpaTrevoaoaat. 7ro\xa e ryap fUV Kca flxeyaXa ra e7raelpovra Kca eTroTpvvovTa l?. 7TpwTOP JLvP?7 yePELvt?, TO oKceeLPV r7TX'O T6 etvaL avpcoTrrov eveTpa 8e', r evTvXq 77 KaTa TOv 7r6oX\etovs ryevowjev7' ae 'd (Ef?7 EV7VXI)?7 KCK7a 7079 X 9 VE OK'q yap l0vaete o apareveOa& Kvpos, apr7avo v fv eKvo 'O Mvo s 8acvyeeLv. 205 'Hnv e, TO av(poS a7ro0avPOTvro, yvviq TOOV Maoo-a7eT6ecozv i3aieia' To6,/vpit ol vv ovvopa. ravr)v 7rep7rov o Kipo9 eLvaTo To) Xo6yo, OetXwv yvvalcta j'v eeeiv. 1 &e Topvpis ovvLeLra ovK avrr7v pjtv /jvow/jevov, aXXa TrIv Maro-ayeTe&ov /SacOtXyiv, dreh'ra-r rorv 7rpo-08oov. Kvipo( 86 /ETa TOTV7O, O Ol 0OO\W OV 7TpoeXwpEE, ex\'aa e7ri 7ov Ap'aea, ETroLee7ro e / T e44aveo er0 T7ov0 Maocroa7era9 CrrparTiv, ~yef'(paf 7e evryvvcov E7rl Tov 7roTa/p.Ov, LdC3acLv To OrTparw, Kcal 7rvpyov? e7rtl 7rrXoov TOrv (ta206 7ropfpevovTov row vroram/ov oticooo0SeoL evo?. "EXovrT 8e Tdae' "'S2 IaoXtkev MV8cov, TravOat, 7revtor v 7d o'rev"'es ov fyap av E eCSeu e 'rot eg? catpov ec'Tat Ta7Ta " TeXe\evLEva' ravaofaJevoo 8e, /3aa'ieXve T7V o(reovTov, Kal L r/jl.Ea avEEve opE'ow apXovr7a T7WO) rep apXoopev. Ouc"owv EOeX0r]'e vTorit7cKyi-t T72ace xpeetaO, a XXa 7TravTa "r pa"Xkov i} 8 ' 7(TViv elva. crT oe et /e~yaX\w 7rpoOv"exet 6 evyvvr Tov 7ro7va/ov, adce' a-rv oe, fetov avayw" pcarvTcov a7ro TO 7troTaJov rpbov T /Pepw6ov oSov, 8la/3atve e9 Tr7v v1) eTepTrv. et S 1pea9 f3ov\eaa ea'oea'cOat 'fJaXXBd ov ' Tm rv\ vJucTeprqv, (7v 7wVTO TOV\To 7roee." TaFvra &e adcova? o6 K.pos, vvepecaXeC-e IIHepO-ecv Tov? 7rpwTov9 Yvvaryepa? eS TovrovTo, e9 ( eeov / 'eo vrpoeTtree To prpO1ETa, 'v/j,3,ovXevoiJevo9 ocoTepa 7roLe7. TWov oe KcaTa T7oVro at yvoiat, avveevrLTr ICXEVP0V (eov, Tceevopv eoSe/ee'Oae T e 207 Kca 7Tov aTpaTov avT7r? E Trv Xwp7v T. lapecwv (e Kcal epcoL4/PevO T'77V fyvWco/Jv 7avr7v Kpo0o0 o AzvSo6, a7re8elKcvvTo evavPT7Yv r 7rpOKEt/CIEpv Xyvcow7v, \ey)v rTae( "'2l /3aca\ev, errov /ev Kcal TrpoTepov TOC, oTL rreL6 fe " Zev e'oSwK Tot, TO av op& oaXa X Ia o"lc t( 7To 0), 205-208] KAEIn. 93 caTa &vvatyv adTroTpeE"v. Ta 8e &Lot, raorpaTa, eovra a vaptTa, JparpT'ara reyEryozee. Et pev aOavaTo9 o0oceEsT elvat, Icat oTpatr rotavrT7q apxetv, ovv e v v el] 7rp?7y"Ua 'yvc/a / el-be aoo a7roCfalvecOatl. el Se e; v evw0ca 0o avMp7wrot Kcat T0V etl, Ka eepov TOLwve apXeL9, efelvo " 7rpC'rov /jpade, V KvfcKoX ov dv aqOpwortw eo'Tt 7rpyq7yfa-,., \,.,,,, I TWV' 7wEpTepopEVO9 Se, OVK ea ate' TOVI aVTOv9 evVrvU xeEv. 7 SjO E&v ) y7V/lwqv E) & rept rov T7tpOKE/jL6EVOV ",rprl7yFaTo9 Ta epTav7rw 17 OVT7O. et yap e6EX70roOpeV " ESo'aoat6 70 rov) 7ro\Xelov9s e r-)v %apvv, o8e ro ev " avTr KiVeVVO EV(' eL. 'aw o pev, 7rpoc'avroX\\v6L v aeav Trv apXv &8Xa yap 8r&, o'r vtnvret Mao'o-erayaa I \, / \ IX A OV TO 07rlO) (EvovTaO aAV er' apXaX Tat era? ec3ao. "vuc3v 8e, ov vcas, TOCTOVTOV 'oC ov1 el 8a/3asf E9 T7v " eelvOv, VLCwV Macro-yoera?, 'roto eevYov'-t TVTro,yap daVTt06 '0Y) eKcelvw, 7 OT vKc1-a7 Tov9 avTCOVLEVOv9 e'aX " 0v Ti9 dpX139 TrS Topvppwo. Xwpl T-e roV aT7ym7et VOV, ataopov Kca ov/c avacXerov, Kvp6v ye TOr Ka/j3voero ",yvvau eteavra v7roXo)pr)Tat 717 XWP17'. Nvv wzv pMot " SOKEce, 8af/avPra 7rpoeXOV 00-'ov av eKevot 8eqloc'v " vOevrev 8 e rTaSe 7rotevvrTa, 7retpao'Oat elceivwv Trept" yevea0cat. oS eyap ea y 7rvv0advoka6, Maoa'yerat eict "ayaO/acv 're IIepcaWccv aqretpoL, Ktcal ca\Xv FeryadXov a7ra"< OE. TOVTOtLct (3V ToICr avSpa'c,, T(0V 7rpo08arTc)v dcaet" S3&E 'roXXa KaTaKo'4aV7aa, Ical acevda'avTa), 7rpoOe6vat ev To o-TparoTre'o To JLerepo Satra' 7rpoo oe, 8ca, KPT" Typat acbet68e0 o6OV aKp7TOV, a C\Ta 7Ta. patprrou, acal trIta 7raVTota. " 7rotro-avpra 8(e TavTa, V7ro\Xe7roELvov9 T7?7 OTpaT07q1 TO X" avpaoTaTorv TOV<t Xot7rov9 avTt, eavaX)(wpeev e7rl rTOv "Ora1ov. 7pJ 7yap eya) y/vwpcr9 /v? apapT)o, KelVOt l806LEVot ayaad a 7roXXa, 7peFovrat Tre 7rpo? avTa, Kcalt ifULv TO "ev06evTe EV XE6reTat a7ro8et,9 EepyWov,LEyaXcov. Fvwai fAev av aVra OvveaTacrav. KDpo9 8e, pereT 7-7v 208 7rporep1rv /yvowpr7v, Tr)v Kpoi'ov (Se eX6O/levo9, rrpo70yopeve Touvpt EavaXo(peev, co9 aVrov 8oa/37-o/evov e7r' eKceiVV. 7 /JE S7 eavawop6e, /cara v7reG-xero rpWra. KDvpos Se, Kpoirov e? ra9? xepa9 e(0E9et TE0 e~WVTOV Trat8\S Kap3voy, TO 7Trep T7rV a/3a'Xr`tv edSl8ov, /ca 7TroXXa evreXdpAev6s ol 94 'HPOAOTOY [I. T7t/av re avrov cal ev froleetv, qjv q) S/3ao9 eCrO Maocrarye/aq r op00oy- ravra reveLXa/jlevov, Kal aTror7EiXa9 T0oToV79 9 l Iepoa, avIrol9 lt3atve T7v 7roraI/ov, KaL 6 209 oT-paTo0 avTov. 'Eri qrl e 8e e7repatcor T7ov 'papea, vvicrTO 67re0t7ovo'q79, elSe O',tv, EVO8l)v ev TwV Macaoayc7-wv -,, 6p I fiV c, c.,p,r Xopy, ovose. eo3ee o:. vpto ev Kp o v7rv' opav Twv.TrTao'rreo v 7atop 7TO 7rpeOavrTaTrov Xova Xo rtl T7(w Co/jov 7rTTpvya~' Kcal TovTre0)v Try pv TrAv 'Aciv, y o 'v Evpoarqtv E7r 'ci'Etiv. 'To-Tao'-de 8 e 7r 'Apc4a1ceo?, covTL avtpl 'A 1ab6,vl'y, rv TWoV 7ratlov Aapeto? 7rpeo'pvTaTo0?, CEv1 TOTe \XLKtlvt E eL'CO(i KOvU pa d ETa erea. /caC VTOS ICcaTaXEXEt7rTO ev lIEp(r7(rnW ov yap EtXe KC0o 2XtLKItv orTpareve'Oat. e,7ret v e'ee/pOq 6o Kopos, 0Si.oov Xoryov ecovTo) 7rept 79 oTtt 6o'. W0 e Otl eSOKEE e eyaXd cevat ob'ttv, cae-a' 'T-Tao-Trea, Kcal a7roXaf3wv /VroVVOV, E~7re' "'To-Tao7re?, 7ralt' O'? E7Ttov'/3XevXav ( /LOl TE Kcal T7 e/Jq7 "apxi Xaazo!ce S' o& 'ra'ra arp6lce~a oloa, ey7o o-raraveo. "e!, ev 0Ceol c8)0ovTat, Kcat' pot 7travTa irpoSec0votK v'Ot ra " e7Tq fepo/ )evac 7' (01 )V ev 77 7 I rapoC0tX0 ev) w)cUr eCV 0v, " elSo0v TWV OWV 7ralS0oV ToV 7rpc3vTaTovr eXovTa e7rl T7()v (< o(A)r 7TTrEpvzya' Kca, TOVTEco)V T'r lkEV Tv Ao',v, Trj e "T7V EV Eps)7rWv C7rrfCKtadE~tv. OVuK(c e(T7!7i7Xavr a7ro 7T-7 "gof 6rW TavTv7 ovTSeOta, TO Ft? Kcelvov E7Trtl0VX\eVtetv E/'Ot. "'(V TotVV T17V Ta7,-X(TTv 7TOp~V~0C TCpeueo 0 'e IIepoa%, Kcal Trotee oC)O eOreav eEy, c 'raoe IcaTao'TpeafLevo e) agco EKCE, 210 " c9 tO KlaTTaoa707a es eXC'Xov. Kvpos..ev. 8oKceov ALapeol ol 67rt/3oV\eveive, eXeye Tase' TWo 8e o6 Sart ~ a x \,, p \ m!,LuOV qTpoe1atve, (09 avTo9 t ev T 6, VT7OCeLtv avTov TravT,7 pe\'XXo, ) 8\e f38atXV\ aTvrov reptX(Opeot es Aapeov. 'AbuelSeTa3 ot 8r w 6v 6o 'Tc''ao-Tr' roo-Se' ",,Sao'-Xev, Prf7 eC a2vrp llepO'7-,ye0yovwX, OO'7t TOt er7T/3ov\eVO'-C eb C 60'TlS ad7TOrOL0TO (09 Ta 09wTa' Os aVT, IPV OOLV.0a)V 0t 7rolfjcraS e"Xev0epovS E14po-ag elVav ad6 oe a\p~ecfalt e7r~oO'a9 e,,vV9 llepaa etat a17Tt oSe a 6xo-OaV V7r AdXXa)V, apXetv a7TravTV. eL e T[9 TOt o0 4ib a7ray" y'XXeet Ta8a Trov Ce/toV veweTpa /ovXevew V ep o'eo, e, o TOt 7Trapa8l)wbtt XprcOat avTo) TOVTO O Tt TL /3ov0)teat. T-Tac-77-7l flev TOVTOto-t a/Leetabtevo0, Kcal Sa/3a C TOrV 'Apadea, 2l7e e' lepo-a, vvXadov KtvpO TOV 7TrabalSapelov. 209-214] KAEIQ2. 95 KDpoq 8,E 7rpoeXOG- v ad7r6 TOV 'Ap~cE& 77-tpri 6Wz, 211 e7TOIE 7(T7 Kpoioov lw7oO Kq ~Ta' &' MOMr, K~o Kca lptO -oJiaapov dTpaTOvJ a,7rEacaaVTO9? 07rtO&C 6.'r~ Tr V a6va t 'Ap '4ca, XELUOEVTO9 8 TO 'Xpq"v E,7reXkOovcr T(r'V Mao-o-aryET&Ai Tpt lF04P~q TOV o-rToaTov, TOVq TE Xft. 0b0E'7-aq TIjsq KiVpov O-Tpari3ql 6'qxveve aXe~obLevovs, icat 7T77 'TQ E'/~V7 l(S'vrcs (SaZ'ra,? EXEtp(TaaVTO TO0W) EvVaLTtov9 KXtLOVE7)-E Sah'VVTzo' 7TXIqp&OE7)T9 86\ 4op/3y'? icat o'tvov, Mi(ov. ol &\ ll'poat c1eX0o'r 7rxxov\9.L'V G-.co coovevoav,?roXXCO (S'~ E'TtrXev'va9? &J'o poaKat AtXovw, Kat Tz-6 Tri3' /3acXe' q To/Vptog -7rat(Sa, tYTpaTq77E07)Ta MaocoaryETEov, T'r olv'vopa,737).7rapryawio-q. CH &,\ 212 7rvO/16'77'r T'1' 7TE~ 7rbT7V) (rrpawtv fy~yOVOTa Kat Ta 7rept 707) 7ra6(Sa, irerovo-a Ic73pvlcct rap~ Ki`ov ~'X~r Ta&8E ""' -X7o a' aToq Ki~pc6, [vi&v 67rapZj ~)y~V7 T(n386 vnp73yu.ta, 41 ap~reXvo) Icp7rji, Tr07ep aVTrOb E/&7rt.. "'rap~evot. /JlLVEUUE OVT70, CWcTE KaTt0''OV7 OO 1 0Ot)07 ET "To owta, E'c7raparXweLv vmzv E7rca KatKa, TrOTW~r pap.. "Ihaa)c80 oxw~aag, elparlpoaq 7TatL&59 TOD 40,v' AXX oi3 "FuaXyiar 70Iprpv vvv cop pv EJ Ev) 7rapatpeov~o"75'r6Xa/3e6 Tr\v Xo'ov. a~rO(SoVi POL T~v 7raZ(Sa, a"itOt E'Ic "T770(SE Ti7 Xcopqp9 acI-tOq, MaO-0a76-e'wv 7p67rLLOpOt, ToD o-Tpa'rov KaTV/~3picaa9. et' &6 Ip,73 raVra, Tv ro~to-Etq, "73tov,7ow6,7,vt Tbd T06\v Maa-o-ayTEr&Ow &60-7r0'77), 27 /.47v) "o -1(0, Kat a"hXq-XToPro E6w7-a, a'tl.aToq KcOPEC()." Kopo9~ 213 At6V VVV 7(07) E7TE(07 OV eva 70)T(07) dv)Ev)tX(7V67)Vh e7Prote7T X'ryov. '86 & TzI'7, I8aoaXe(7 Top(tV'pt9 7atg9 $rp al7n'o, (09l /16tV 0 T6 O0W09 alJ77Ke, Kat. C`/laOe wa 777) KaKov', &770et'T Kt~pov ~Ic r63v (Seayatv XvO~vat, 4e'TUXE' (09)( 86E E`Xv'07 76 TaXta'Ja Kal 70)7) Xetp (07 EKpai7ceO6 &Cpfya'~E~ai 6(01707). Kat (S7079/ 1E)707~ 700V9 IEE. T6,Jvptq &e, 214 0)9~ 0 o 6W ar 7 af KDpoq m o ow E0KVE o-X'c a 7T0a)7777 ECOVT 79 oS7a/4),'vv)E3dXe Ki'pcf. TavTi77 T7777 IatX,77v 6oait (S \IOapl8a'paw a'v(p&~ii paa Ey6vovTO, IcpW7(0 ia-XVPO7(67777 ryev)e-Oat- Kat (S77 Kalc 7TV7)av0,~t~at 0V7T(0 TOV)70 767)'0-. /LE7)OV. 7rp~dra, /iev7) ap XEy7E7Ca awrTOV\( 8taG-T~a7)TC9 (29A X77Xov9 TO EVEL7 /.4T7 (S, (09Co 7a\ /3Xeae ETE7T7EVTO, ' a vlkr7TO-7)a9~ ~T67]a- aiX/*.q7G-L TE Kab 70(O6, 74 c~bb, 96 'HPOAOTOY [I. ov'vexeo-at' y6vov re s8) e7rr 7ro\XXv avveaO'rvat /,aXofIeVov,. Ka/ ovo7erpov ee06eXtV pevryew T'E\O9 8E, ol Mao —, K \' o'ayera~,reppeeyevearo' rI re rI 7rro\XrI r 77 JIJpOr' /c tr 'rpaTLqs avUrov ravrr 6secpapr, ecaLt Sr /cat avt'ro Kvpos TEXev7Ta, laac'tX,\6vca a 7ravTa evo? oeovrra Ttrp7KOcra erea. ac'cov oe ' rXio-aoa aOV a o aiaTor avOp'7riov T6opvpts,? eSl,'rTo Jv To?7t TreOveoc-t 'rv lHepae'Wov 7ov Kv'pov vecvv. wc 8e espe, eva7rw7rTe avTov Trlv KcXXfa\7v e6 Tov aO'Kco' Xvawtvoevnr 8e T( vefCpt, e\reXee a'Se' v, e eu e,I I I!. iwovcrav Tre cal vL cKwr-av r 'e pat, a7rrwXe'a%, rraiSa T'r " Cov eXc\v 8o6Xo e- ' -y e0, KarTarep 7'treNlo-a, a't/aTroq KOpEc-c. Ta ev s KaTa rr)v Ktvpov eXev7rrqv 'ot t3lov, 7roXXOc'v Xwy X\e7yo//eo0v, 0$e p, ot 6 'rtOlavara'ro et'plTat. 215 MacoafyeT&a 8e efaOFTa e o/0tfOlV.Z 7 $/cvKC6jK fopeovO-, Icatl arav eXov '. t7rroTrab 8e el6b cta avt7qrrot, (CdftoTrepwv <ydp 'LereXovc,) Ical TooMrat re Kcal alyJofpot, CTaay pt9 VO/JJLoVTES x etv. %pvc-w & tcal vaico 7ad 7ravTa Xpe6wvrTa ocra lbev yap e? alX/jua, cal apS8 Kata l owaryapt, xaX/cK Ta 7Tra'VTa %peowvTat oo-a e 7repbi ceKea\Xrv, Kcai /oCCT)pag, Kal /,aakaoaXWTrpa, %pXpvo- Ko-J/UeovTat. (co? av'e(r rwOv '7rrOwv Ta r pev 7rept ra arTpva, xaXKce OvS pxcag 7rept/3aX\\ovc Se 7repI' rTOVIS XaXtvovo Kat c-rox^ta Kcal& facXapa, Xpvc'o. c'lcp ep o 08' adp yvpo pewvrTa ovoev ovoe ylap ovoe c( eb' e'ev 'r 216 Xpy' o o e Xpvoo Kcab o %aXco<, aTrXeo. N6,ucOcT Se peovr'at Trootoc-'Se' yvvafcKa yLev ayaJ4eet ekcaCo'rTo TavT'ro' 8e erLcotva pevOrTa. o 9yap i.a cacvOa c al "EXXqv/e 'o6eeev, ov YvOat el'O t l t o t reoe daXX\a Mao-yraea T7l rdyap erLvto/J7caeLt vvatKco; MaacroayeRs avr7p, Tov pa. I,, \ ^ ~ I,. I C, O perpewva a7rotpearac ''apo r7 s a7/ay,% /paoWyeTat aoeooW. Ovpos Se IrXIC\clw oCbt 7rpoKceeTat a\XXo; iev ov&SeI eTreav &e fyepwv yev7rI)Tat apra, ol 7Trpoa-rKcovTre ot rraVTre ovvveX6VTre OVOVucl,V, Icab XXa p a aTa rpo3a a aa avTw ef](avre; Te Sa Kpea, KcaTevCO eovTat. 'ravTa [4ev 7a oX/PtwTaTa cr(t veVO/ic-Ta. Tov Se VOVc r TEXEVT?7-ava ov icaTactreovWTat d\\ Y pVr, aavoXX pr O T'roLev1EVOL, QT6 OVEK /CKTO E TO TV0 v vat. 4TE pOv-6 S OV8EV, aoAX 215) 216] KI-A- E I 0. 97 a7ro5 Kcrvvcov ~'>aovot Ka'b IX9V'o-' ol &, cAlcfovol a-f E',C TOO Apci~Ew 7rora/Jtov 7r-apayivov'rac ryaXarcrowrorab 8a c~et. &eov 6 /jLoiVOlJ 'Xtovi ao-v3orTa, T(A 0oVoVt 17r'wovT'. v6OT 86' oi'Tr9 "T OVO- '?7 TW' V 06W)VT TaX 12T7?, 7rV TCOV TWOV 9Vn~'V To' Ta6XtOTOV &LTe'ovTa&. IZTOPIflN 'HPOAOTOT A. gIEROV. 1, 5. 'HPOAOTOY 'IETOPI2N AEYTEPH.:- TTEPIIH. v, 1 TE ETTH ANTOQ 8e Kvpov, 7ap`Xcafte 'nv 9acnXr~t~?rq K/3vtr9, Kxvpov ecv Iraq a1, Ka vpov 7avSv, r'7? ~4apvacr-reco Ov/acrpoY' T'? 7rpoa7roOavowrv7, Kvpos avTo6 Te /eEya qrevto eTrotraaTo, tcat ro0a- aX\oitoT VTpoeTre 7racrt, v PV X7pxe, vrevoos' rowtcrOat. TavrTi aS T7? ryvvat1o09 cv e rats Kca, K'vpov KaoLv3v t I, "Icovas tev xal AoXeas a' s $ovXov; 7'raTpotov' eovTa evo/Le' e67rl 8e A'tWv7rrov e7roteeTo crTparrXao-irqv, aiXXov9 Tre 7rapaXa3iw\1 TWv Kp icat t} Kca~i EX vzov, row e2reoz e. 2 O%- Ayv7TTiOrt, 7rptv.Lev; ' auulTLXov ecTWov /3ao-A\evcra, evoJIOv ewVT'OV9 7TrpTov? 7eve'vOat ravTrov tvOpw'c7rwv. E7ret8& 8\e aJtartosx 7 aotXAeva-ra ^qOE'X?)Tae!,, f, I, \, I EL0l.at O TivE9 ryevoiaTO TpwrTot, a7ro TOVTOV VOJ.if0VOt lpv/acS 7'rporTpov 7yevE'OOat EoVTrv, TrOv 8e a\ttoXXv evTovo. Ta&lkTtoS 8\e w OVK' eSvvaTO 7rvvOavoptevos ropov ovtevta TovTrov avevpewv, o? roEVOaLTO Trp'Tro dv' p'r7z,, 'yaTai TrotovSe. IlaiSa 8vo veov7aL adOp7Trcov T7)V E7rtTVXOVTGV ottoo Ttro.emv TpE(/EtV~ e9 Ta Tro/bViLta Tpocqzv Tiva TOLrv8e E'VTElXa'/eLVO9 [17r]8eva avTrlov avTOrv I /o~/utav pwovrv levat, ev oCTEY oSe eprLPy Ec eoVTVZ Kee'Oat, avra, /cal T97v op7rv eTraEytveewv c(rt alya' 7rn)Xacavra 8e -rov ryd\ac-ros, 'a\XXa 8aT7rpqrFo-eo-Oat. TavTa 8' EWOlEE TE K C EVETEXETO o EX aacTe os, ' zcov-a eV'ot~ e ~ 'ecal ereTero o ~at/l~Xo?, 6e/(o V av couaa TOv 7rataov, (ira\\alX evrtov TrTW V T ar(tLov Kcv7)rU. arwaTov, 7VTtva fco/v)v prjovn 7trp)rT7v. rTa'7rep Wv fcal?EyVEeTO. 09 ryap SETS Xo6voP0 eye77oveE TavTa WtO 7T O/.evL 7Trp7To(TovTl, avol7yov TtV 7 67 pv cal ea-ovoTL Ta T7ra8LLa a/jo6 -Trepa 7rpo0t7rrT0ovTa /se/cos eCpt)veov, opeOVTca rTas Xetpa?. / 1-4] EYTEPITH. 99 /Ta tk,7 8 7rpcWTa aKovra9,?)GVo( 7 vo~kv av & 'i~gX ~ 4 QTEOP)TL Kcal 7 Ao m iroXXVV 77V 7-OVTnO TO g'8-~ oir 7)0 va9~ TO0 &r0 7, )7aL76 Ta 7x a&' KEXEVOaUVTO9 E9~ OJttV TI7V EKEI1)ov. aKOVca(~ &6 KaXb aOT'\I- 6 'I!a/JWt`IJ-5~9 E7-~aV OLT(1)eS avPIp667wov /3E1,O\ Ti KaX.6. 0Vwt.?1-v1)av)O/~Le1O9 oe, euplKE 'I)pvycta KaXC'O1)aS! TOP apTOV). OVT7(0 (7VV)EX&I)P17OaX AIIYV1Twit~, Kab TotwiTCP CM7 -O ap4epob 7rpqy/kLaTt, TOV~ (Jpvycat& 7TrpeO/VpV9E1 EO)VTO' W. &E i kE v ryE1)E-Oact TO')V t'pE(1)V TOV 'HOC~iTov E'v 3 Mfe/Lb q)KOVO1). `'EXX-qve9 8e XE`yova&b biXXa T6paat 7roXXa, Ka& (A~ ryvvatKcoii T-as ryXo)'ocas? ' 6 PatqdVX-iOs EKTa/U1)N, v7)v Siatiapa Oi5Tnos' ~orocp-TroT r6v al&o1) 7rapa\ 7aV~n770 T? 7770 fyv1atV. Ka~a\CI Je\V 87\7 7T71) T-p~ofnv T-3v 7raC (3WV TOctv'Tct Acryov. "Hlcovo-a~ &6 Ka&I a"XXa~ ev Mefot, o \ 31 x f f 0% Ei R -c'T Kab e' `HXtoi'woXtP avi-awo'.TOVT(01) ELVEKEI) ETpa7i-o/JJ71, I6c'Xow 6iS4vat el xu,43 -o1)rat TrOFot Xro Ti-oot Ev, M' Ot. ol' rya'p 'HXtovwroFTha, XIEyoViat Airyv7ri-t~ow ewvat Xoyi'TaToiL. Ta p-tep PVv 06?a i-cv'7-~iya 7(1 ta 17KOVOP, OVK ELGUI pO&bbs J~yqy~eo-O TWP 07rpo t C 1) i- a ovvo6pxTi-c aVTi631) -Loi3POV' vo1.-dano 7ravras' av7Op067owous t[oOV?rep & aVTcO) EMrGY-ctTaOat- Ta\ 83 'V~ E'wt~vqo-0o aT^Vv A VrYOV 'avv-ffa ',vvwo i-Oi3 X fo Ec1yc4O/ItEV)Os 7r/t[Lfo-o~p~at. ' Go-a 8e\ a1vOp(o7T17'ia 7T I 8cua d3 EXE7OV 6p-LoXo- 4 7EIiEsI~~ot.lpo)rovs AIyV7rTIioVs aVOpawrow aw7ayvTr' EEV EWi-PEI 1 P (3VOJ(EKa,/t'pca 8acal-ap&vovs' 7(V 01)(peCP es' aVT.iOV. i-avia 86 E~isvp~et1 EfE 7(0w al'o-Tp(0v A'efyo1. a~eyovo-6 &,E Too-6ej3 0-OoW'Ti-pOV 'EXX1'vcrn, 4tkol 9 (OKEELV,, Oo~) 'EXXq771)cs' /.\EP ta\ i-PtTOV 7ETCs' j~k4%oXtpkov E~E4aXVCrT, 7Co1 (O~p E(0 Et1)eKE) c yc rtv Tpt?7KovT7qp/povs ca'yo1)T~s iOV\s' (3VO0(EKa /.U?7)Ets, E'7ra7ovXT& ava wrayv IEros' 7TEVTE aLEs i-rapC~ T0V a'p/WLVD, Kat 09)t 0 K VKX 0 ' 7(0)V COPE(01 Es' i-(Vi-O 77eptt(01) 7apayt1)Eiat. 1~V&(Ea i-c Oewi'% Ew(vv/Llas' EXE7o1) -IrpWiovs At'yvwi-ovs' PO/ltoat, Kah 'EXX17Pas' 'n-apa c0eb 01) avaXaj8EwV. /Ow/LrV'g i-C Kcab ayeX/kara Kat 1)ovs' Oeoicrt aW7o1)eL/at combeas wrp(TOVS', Kcat;(Aa Ev Xi'Oow-t E'yry?&*at. Kca\ i-OVi-0)V LL& PVP i-a 71TXE(0 epey9 Ic&7XNOV1) OVi-(O cyEVO/.Eva. Bao-ed~o-at &e 7Tp oov AiirYVrrOV 100 'HPOAOTOY [II. dvOpw7rcv 'eXyov Mfva. ErTi TOVTOV, 7rXjV TOD ~8aKoi? volpov, 7ranoav A1'yvirTOv etat EAoX' Kca avT77 etval ov;seJ v7repeXov TV VVV evepOe X/zV7 'r1 Motpwo CovTW)v' 6 T77v ava7rXovF a7ro uaXaCo''7 E67rTa 17rEpewv eCo'T 5 ava Oev r7rora/,ov. Kal ev iot 8610eov X\e7ye6 Trepl Tri^ OT71L 7ye evlJEo0v eXei, 'T7 A'ry)Vrr7rT0o, EI 7v "EXX7IVeT vavTi\XX\Ta, 'oT A'yv7rT7'olWt E7TKT7O TO 77r, Ka scPOV Tov 7 'roralJoW' IcaL Ta KaTV7rep8O e'T T9 X(/ /vlS rav7mjq, e pX T OrpeOv rjLepe6v 7rXa oov, T71 Trepl e'ce&VOt Ovev & Mot.oovSe eyov, e'c-7 8' repov 7TOVTO7V. \ AtyvrrTov ayap pvot? TY] %Gcop7q e7rT TOi7o&e. i1,pWTa /iEv 7rpoo-7rX&ov, 7 eT /ca 77/jLEpws polbov da7reXov a7ro 717, IKaTreL KaTa7retp7Trlptrpv, 7'r7Xov 7e avotawe, Keal ev eeteKa 0op7vy7-t ec'eat. TOVTO PLEv C 7rl TOoOVTO, Xo? qrpoxva-v 6 T7? ry79 oDvoav. Air - s Tr AT7^vr7roV er-t f117Ko To\ 7rapa daXaor-av, eKfarovTa o%-owoo, /caa 1rd eme o&atpeopeL elvat A'yv7rrov a7ro Tov!i\vIw0vrT~E)O KoX7rov Pe'xpt $ep/3lowvlo& Xtpvv)S, 7rap' 7v To Kaotov o'pos relve' Tav'T17T cv a7ro 01 ENKovTa ra)Vowo el. co-ot /ev yap 7yewo)reival el a rvEpW-r)wv, opYVtIwj- /LE/JeLTpr7Kac-r 7!V 'Owp7V' oo(0, 8e 7oo'(ov y/wcrelvat, o'raaotow ot Se 'roX7Vn e'ovo'i 7rapao'ap y7ro'' o 1t &e av0ovov ltrv, oxolvoo't. Svvara6 oe ev 7rapacaryrl~ Tpt7rKOVTa 0rTaSta' o Se r-xovoo efcaCro, /eLTp ov eOv AytvTrnov, eirycovTa TrraSTa. 0vT)( av eco-av ALyv7rTOv c)raSIto e\aKco'-ott Kal TpivXl7 Xto6, TO 7rapa 0daXao-aav. 'EvOevTev pev cKal PfEXpt 'HXcov7rtoXoq 3?S T7V r ueo'6yatav, eroTt evpea A TYTrro?, coivoa 7raca v7rTq7 TE Kat avvSpo%, Kcal Xv5?. 6o'T6 &e 080s e9 Trv 'HXItoV'ro\Itv atro a\aXao-'o'? avco LvrO, TrapaXY a'ofl T0 /A7KOS T' e' 'AO17veov oST, Tp a7ro Tv Sv8eca Oe1v Tov T l)/3(oO y epoo'V e-' TEe T'o-av Kca e 7rl Tov v)ov TOv A^o? TO7 'OXvwTnlov. a'tcKpOV 71 TO S&d(opov e5po0 T719 av Xoeyti~'6evoT TW!v 6Sv 7rovrTE(0v, rTO 17 tlaa 1u7/co0 elvat, ov 7rXeov 7revTeKaSieKa TaSl(V ' f17ev 7ap 9H Ilt'av Ec 'AOirvecov, KaTaSea 7rev7TeKca'Seca rTaS&wv, 9O /7 E I ' a E HXtoVl7roXw 8 dr elvaX orev-a, o'Xpov KcaT xXt'wrvp v S97'e 6v. 'ABvnrov 8 aro\ 0axda'o-7]f, 7rXqpot 6s9 TOI dptQov TOVTOV. 'A7ro Se -1]EYTEPII1H. 101 H'Xtvw6V09to atvao i'v~n, o-mrew7'?oT& M A~yv7rroT. 7T7 1LEZ ryap, Ti-iis 'Apafh opo0 7rapaT aTa, ~ep ov cz~r aIjKT0U 7TPO9 /160ap 13p776~ T Ka VOTOV, ata SaVW TEWO1) 69 T171V 'Epv~p~)v 1caXeo1.kev~qv O'Xaooa v- rVjo' atI XLOOorokld EVecof&, at e9 Ta4 7Tvpald(Sa9? KaTa17/.)?76ewat Ta\19 eV MItuf6. TaI11~l eV X77-yov ava(11a//7rMTEt~ Ta 6~177(1t TO Op09 777 (S) a VTO 6CV 0V (7b uLaKpoTaTOV, &)9 E7CO E67Tvv)(1O/av 7) OVO ufl7v)Wv avl-o EWvab 7179~ 0 Sv a7ro i7ov? 71rpoq C7TEpnVW Ta 70OV0TO E 16 )1 70 T Op09 T70VTO1)70 CTt'. To\ 81\ 71rp09 A~fl 7179 A'y w'rT-ov p09 tcz'XXO 7TE'TpL1)01 TeWve( El) T( at 77rvpa-,8,6, tct tapw 'aT, /1 lu (1TEL lev/E1O1, TE7(a/JE1)O1 TOP aVTOV TP7rO71 701) Kat 701) 'A t3OV Ta 7rpo09pe /J~(aJ~t17 ep01 -Ta. To\ civ 8S\7 a'iTo 'HXtov75'Xw9, OVKCT6 TroXXO\V x~)pt01), (09? MaVt At'/V71T5'rr ((X 0(01)V TE 71146Epca TE0~CEP(0v ava-?77XOOV (776W1)7 607Tt A'iy7V7rTO9? cov(o(. 7T)1) (S OVIC0JlJ 7(01 ELPl7FLE1)0)1 TO /.tEMP~, 7T6&a\9,lkev f17- 0-TaL(Stob (SE /LALtoE(SOKEO1)po ( et4vat, 777 (7TEL1OTaLTOV EOTL, (St7KO0(7(0V 01) 71-XELOV9, 4c 701) "Apa/3iov ovpeo9~ e9 70 AtJ3VK\V) KLXEVPJEV)01. 70 06 61tE11 ~VTt9 EvpEdI VTI~8 0Te " ' A"'y OM 0. 116IE9)1)/C /J461) Vv11 17 Xw'p1 avT?7 01)7(. 'A'n-\ &E 'HXwvo6Xo9xo 9 1, C\,, 6(Sov, e417ov1Ta Kat OK(K~acTLO( Katt TeTpalTCctaXiXL0L, CX V60W E1)0 KaI~ O'Fy(S0)K01)Ta 6'd1)TWV. V 0t (Y 4TOLEV)0t 0 a7L((&m Ai~y15r v 7 / r) npct OXaocaav, "?&q /p40 Ka1L CTVrrV Ot 76 677& 7((i0)K1 'ltpOT6pO1) (SE07Xco-rab ' E'T JKOOdT10)01)c &&v a T00-01 )o (S 7t 7o ac~o- E9 /J~E tav(L(1 /LEyJ~ @17/3E0)1) E07&T, o-7pav(Ja1E). 0-Ta(Stot rya'p E(0L EWKOO( Kat EKaTOV Ka1 t 1t7LX0.7 S d~enavE / I 0-LOb ebcOL. Tal57fl9 (0'1' Th97 XCWP?79 7179 6tp?17/4E1)179 17 7rOXX?, KcaT~- 1 7rep 0t tp,69 eXerYOV, e(SoeeE 6\ Ka1& aIvT(q 1ot eZ1)C ewi~1K717709 A1y7riOWn. 7T01 fyap OVpEO)1) 7(01 6Cpr7/-EW)O1) 7(0)V v7rep M44 OW 7r6XtV KEl/.Ie1)&)1 TO /L4676v4a)iv1eTo pob elvai 1K076,c6Xro9~ OaXAcarifl, W(077T6? 76 1Ta 7rep&b "IXtwv,c~Tev~pav' V, Ka "Eoeo-OV 76 Kal1 Matav(pov 're(Sov(0(76 GM61 O'/st1f2a 7VTavI /hkcyaXot(io (v4CX'W (1 102 'HPOAOTOY [II. yaap ravrTa Ta XWpia 7rpoXcwrcPTv rrorl 7oap/V, Cev rV 1'ro/aTrcov rov NEiXov, ' roS revraroo/wov elo avrov 7Tr\X07EOS 7rept at os? ouvt3\X0^oval EcTt. elCt t K8 al a\\oo 7roTra/oO ov Kara 'rov NeXov eCvre? tieEyaOea, o' rWes? epya adrooe(3apevob pedaXa ewrO' TwV eryro gpa6rat 'exo ovvopfaTra, Kcal daxov, Kab oVKc CKLOTa 'AXeXcov' os0 pewv 8' 'Alcapvravr iv Kat. eatel? e? OaXaaccav, Trv 'Extvaowv 11 V)-WV T'ra? rituL'eatS 17q 'iTretEpoV CreTrot/ce. EoTTb oe T'ri 'Apact/t3l Xwpri, Al/To7rvu & ov 7rpoa-c), /co'\7ro OaXacrrS EeXor0w EK T1? 'EpvOpi? KaXeo/tev, 0a daXao'o', V% aKpo? ouVrT) 37 Tt Ka t, 'TetO% COS eopo/Jat apa'cov. /j7KO? tev 7rX6ov, ap'aJctev)o Ec,ULVxov (3tEK7rXworat E7? TrVp eVpEr OaXa'cavr, rpLtEpat a)vattrJLo40VVTa TreOrtepaiKOvTa, epecly pewrlbev' evpoF oe, rr epvao c o K, 7rO., f,, V pS7, PrJ 7rTOOV. pr eV aVTo) Ka a/ rT0t ava 7vTaTav?/pe 7prpv 7tVerat`. erepov TOLoTOV KOT7ro Kcalt Trirv A'xtyvrov 8ooce)o 7eveo-Oat /OVw TOV ) eV, e/ TrS/ 3oprit'l? OaXdao'fr? KoX7rov eceXovPTa e7rC AliOTri' ro v o e LApad3tov, Trov epxo0fLat \eXowv,] e/C T'1r? VorrTL7 cfe'poPTa e67r\ uVp9*7' cesopv pev a\XX7XOtit' -vvrerTpatvovTas TroV)? vXov, o\tlXyov e 'rt TrapaXX\rao-ovrTaS? r?7q %xwpr. e66 V 8r3 EOexr7oe~t cTp TeOrat rO peeOpov 6 NLeXo? e roDVrov vov 'Apad3tov KOX7Trov, TI l, Kt0XVet pEOPTOS? TOVrTO eKxywc(OvaoC' evPTOS ye 8'fiutvpoWv ereCO; CyO) /JEV ryap E7ropa/Jt 7ye ca I /uvpcov PTros xwo-o'va av. KOVJ 7re (3), Ev To( rpoavato-td'iffozvq Vpovw 7rpoTepov f7 tLe 'yeveaOat, ovc av,%X06eLr7 /C6\7ros Kcal 7roXX, /ple0Wv eTt TOVTOVr, o V' O TOOOVTOV Te 7ToTra/lo 12 Kab o0VTrS epryaTtlcov; Ta 7repl AtyvTrrov Ov Kcal T0ot-t Xeyowvo avTa 7reiOoa/Jab KCa avrTO ov0T0c KapTa 3oKceo ewvab, ioV Te r7v Atyv7rTov 7rpoKet1evrCv T71r eXo/Levl7 7?s, KoyXi\td Te f aw6tvopeva e 7r' T0ocr ovpe ta, al aX v E7ravOe'ovo'aP, wo'TE Ka TaS? 7vpapt,'SaS (8nXgeeOat Kaca 'apr4ov otovvov Al7vr'rov opo0 TOVrTO' T Vt7p Mvrebto e'ov rpoS? 8, 'Y %opy ovrTe ry 'Apa/.ly 7rpooo0vpe eovr7 7rr1v Atyvrrov TVrpo(7eKceX7v, oVTE T' Atq3'vr, ov priV ovoe 'ry:vpi(, (Tr? ap 'Apal3i rd Mrapd daXaocav vptob ve/JpovrTat,) aXXa\d e.tXay77atv e al /tb arep 7yvvu-.gevr1v, wCTre eov'av tXvv Te Kcal 7rpoXvatv e: AOio7rirl 11 —14] EYTEPIIH. 103 KaTeV)7V6rfyerVr vTro Tov 7roTa/'OV. T7V) 8S AtflRVTv t'8Lev EpvpoTeprV T76 7yf, Kat vtroofraL/.OTepo v v'v e\ 'Apa3rlv r7e 7 cal ~vpvv adpyXo(eo'Treplv re a6 I VTOT7r6Tpov covaav. "EXeyov 8\e al ro6e /iot /e'ya 'TEICJk7ptOV rep& Ts 13 Xwp] Tavtr] o tpCe9, c E7rrL Moptolp pao'XEo%, o Kwo g6'ol o TrOTa/Jo9 eWl oeTcW 7r]xea9 TO XaXcr'TOv, ap8eaxo A.^yv7rr'ov T71r evEp0e Me'vftos. ical MotLp ov KCO 77v eTea efvat6CKOa r7ETe7evTr77CKOT, OTe 0r v tpeWOV TavTa eyco r7jovov. vvv 8e, 17v nf Err' cfKalSe'ca V TrevricalteKa?rTXeaq dva3j TO eCLXaciov o 7roTa/o,,, ovI v7rep/3a6 ve6 T7j XPprv. sOKcOV'i 7T6 JOL Aiy/vUrrTiv o evepe E 71V ^ X/ v l7 71M o Mo/p'o? olKEOVTe Tat e 7d \XXa Xwpla Kcab 7O KaXebLevov a heXa, 17v OvToo 77 Xoop7l avl/I Kcara \X6yov e7r&Loto e9 vIo9, Kca to T ooloov aroS8o60 E9 avo'oLv, /uT tcaTakcvOVT<09 av'ijv Tov NelXov 'reo 'eoOai 7rv 7ravra Xpovov rvo e7riXoL7rov Ailyv'7rtot, ro KOTc avro eEXXrIva e)aOrav vreloteerOa. irvOpLEvob yadp c(os verTa, Trdara 7 Xwp7i TWV 'EXXj'rov, aXX' ov 7rorafoL-t apTerat, KcaTa7rep 7r ceTep?, Efaoav ""E XXqval frev0e0vcTaa Kcore EX7rio&9 fge(/ 7YX, fKcaLcw 7erelr7ew.L To We 0 ro7? 0TOTO e0ee6C XeeW, o9 '"e / eX oee\roae-L 0 ev d v etv, Xeo6', aV' avxo tayaopa-'Oat, XAo ol 'EXXIve? aipeOo'ovTac ov ryap " o7 crb eOT7 VoSaTO ovSef/a la aXXa 7 d7roa'Tpofr), oT PL " ec TOV ALO\& /ovvov." Kal TaviTa /pev e3 "EXX1va9 14 Alyvn7rTloo opoeSr e')ovC7a eitprTat. pepe 6 vZvv, Ia avTroWL' Ay v7lrrO10 ' cos eelE, fpaoo. ei ao't 0eXO, oW aCatl 7rpOT6epo eWTrov, r] Xopr7 j evepe Mv(e)tos (avr7Ri yp eo7-t tl av'avoJeLV7q) KcaTa Xoryov TOv 'rapoixolevov XpovOV e9 vro? av'davecrOat, aoXXo TI 7 Ot iavr72 olceovrTe AeyuTrrTiLov rewrV)o'ov'O; et /A)Ti 7e voYeal obt 77 %X(prl, n77Te o Ta to9 rS' eoi-a at i'as? apovpa? v7rep,3ailetv. 'H yap r]) vIvv ye o6V7oT a7rov17orTa7ca cap7rov CKO/ULiovra& eKc 7/9, Te7O e a7 o X vO avOpe7rwv a7rarvTwo, Kcatl owy Xo7rOw AlyvrTniwov' o' OUVT aporpTw avappryjvvvTeF avXafca ex vof 7ToOUQV, ovTe6 7tcCaXXoTe69, oveT aXXo epryao!'.evot ov6ev TC'V CtXXoo aTvhpotroo r-ep6 X\iov wove'ovot' aXX' e7reav aordb 6 7roToavc/ avzrop-aro c7rX0cov ap' 7Tad apou 104 iHPOAOTOY tit. paq, a o-ag Se dnroXe'77f ~7r oco, TOTm a7rcipas ecao~rToT T?)V 'ECOVrov apovpazv, co0%XXet eqa!vTv v9. c7r~aZJ & icaTarT7a) G`rii Cm 0-o T 0U7ieppa, al-Z17Tov To d~r OVO /Aevet. a~To~tv 'aa' &CT"- V0&b 70OV 0L 0V, OVTCO KOp 4'Erat. 15 Et cv /3ovX 60ea y4~o 'jO~ 'IAvcow yXpac-~&~ 7Tep\6 AMy7rrov, o~' obt To\ AE'Xra Aoi~vov dc"Wa A'C'7V'M-OV~, 2r6 llepoc'09 KdX o/C1EVq9s O7KO7T&?q9 XEC'/OVTE9; TO 7rapa Oc~aoaav etzia& aVTIn31' 1,4'yVt Tapt~qi0tdv 7-O-v ll'qXova-taKc0h'), 'Ty1 TeO-o-epa/cOvTa c1o-t o-otv-ov To & adwo 9aXa'co-,i XEeyoli-COV El pEO-6ryatalv MvewE aVT77v 11'y KEPKao&So' Pv Wo6Xo,, icaT`'q'v aXt~Eat 6' NEdAo,, 4 TrE llqxOzctov P, Ewv Kab E'9 KadVoj80o Ta 8e a"XXa X~fyO'VTC0V Tiq AtiryV7rTiov, Ta ~v A /36~ 'a &e 'A p aI8 ci, Jtvav aWro & K O /.E v rOVT6 T-o3 06W XecomevoL At7vwOIoto- OVIK cova-av -7rp6o. 'TCPOV %&.p'qV. 1& yap (rot TOCE AE*Xra, w~ aVTOI X'yovcnt AbyV57rrtot, ica& /t &z8KE'EL, EO-Tt KaXVappvTOV TE Ka'& V E&O.TM, con 'X 6079 Ei4rtE, dava7TEo 'pVO9I. EL' T7011)1)1 XC)fl YE J/q /ta, v7T7pXE, TI 7r~pttpryac4OVTO (SO/CE'O VT vTpcwrtO d'v~p66,rrwv ryeryoVema6 ov&6 Act a- Eaq 49&'rt eal TrcV 7rat(S (wv le'vat, Tiva, fyXdwooav 'flp&S7~v a7rno-ovo-t. AXX oihTe At'-VwrTt'ovg (O/ceO) q4ta Tw ALm C03X'7-ar~a~' Ic05ovoz KaXeo/Je'va) r/evcEUOat, a1EI TE 4ivat, c' oi avO6p6 -7roik VW XE 7 O1LVO V9ey ve o aro v'roiiq 8E\ Oq a&, X O 7p TOX 7O xxq & 'z.oi\ T 57O 7ara/3 dv w v9ov r6 ( aV COv f7r~ Xa 7rlo&-/3at gA 86\ wOV\ 16 6'1caTO\) Ka~b E"aKtoXiXot. Et' co'v 4pe-ig o0p8lw9 7repb aVT-wV 7tvWO7c0/JEv, 'I0ve9 OvK ei5 4povov nt 'nrep\ AIryv'7rTov. Et &6 P07 &0-C 17 TrCOV ICOPcov (yvVWUn, Exx~qpaT Tre I aJroik 'Icwvaq a'7ro(SetKVV/JAb OVIC C7rtGTa1AkCV0Vq Xoeyi,~o-9av oZ' cOaa rpta, potpta, ewvat 7771) '7Oaav, EtVpaS'7qV 're Ical tAol77z ica' AtI,8Vr'q. T'r apTov ryap (St ucobaq (S 7rpo(7 -XoyI ecT~at, A Ariro 6~ 'XTa d p r Tb ye' ~o'07 T~ 'AO1b~l, 1.a77T, Tr79 Aqctvi),. ov3 7acp 67) 6 Nd`X6 rye' &Tt,1 K a a 'r i ' o r v X6 r ov, 6 T,)v 'A ola ' i p ~ w i t 3 ~ 7 'rOV Ae'X a &e TO'roTOV iearc T r 6 ~ 7reptppirfYVVrat 6 Nec&XO9, C6(7T6 G2V T(p /.4ae1\ 'Ao~ng Te,cal AO '9 71t-. IP0T? ali. 15-18] EYTEPIIIL 105 Kacl Tnv 7 e'v 'Iv cov yvw/]4)v a7rte, Ie/1y 77jet6 &E c6 17 Icab qrepp Trovr7v Xe'YO,/ev. A'yvwr7ov /Lav nrao-av elVat ra rTv rT)v Vir AVyrvtrr7kw OLK eO/J.vVflv, ica7rEp KiucihjV Trjv TrO KiX/cowV, icat 'Ao'rvplrv rpjv T ro 'avptiwv. ovt'piata e 'Aalz' ca\ A0iiv,3 o2'oa&/ev ovoev eov op0 o Xoyc), e6, /Ir1 TOv ALeyv7urTv ovpov;. Et 8e T7O Vrr) EXXvowv vevO/uLr/vLEVW epoet/Oa, VO/LtovJL ev A"'vrrvov 7rarav, apSauev7lv a7ro KaTraovrTOrv T6 Kca 'EXecavriV X Tor6Xo?, I8ta 8at pcrOat, Kcal d/a OT, oepov T(v er&rov/LtEoo eeCOXEOaL Ta 1/ev,yap avTri9 elva T' 19 A/3vl9' Ta Se, T'r9 'Ao'Vr. 6o yap 8r NeZXo? ap:a,.fevo' e/c T'ov Ka'raSoVtrTov, pee&, iEa'7v Alyv7rrov o'gljov, es OdXaaocav. kevl t 1ev vvv KepicaaoOpov 7roklo pEE ElS eov o NeXor' TO& e a7ro avT7fl T71 7rX rtoio, rxierat 7rpt plaala o8ov 7ca 7 IEV t7rpo 170r Tppere'rat, TO K/a\eraT, tII7XoVotov aTOi-6a r 6 E ETep' wv oow v qtpo9 e6r7enr(v eXeb TOVTO 8e Kavwo3tKovw a'TOpa /ceK\XTal. 7 e\ q!eOa TOV o080v T eO NelXct e'T M' /e O cvbev cepO6eVo9, e9 To o!v TO7 e\a ( creeaab6 To e a7ro TOVTOVa rrX'v ) ' eov TO' AeXTra, e? OcaXa'c'av e'le,' oV'Te eXaXL'-T73'v J'olp7]v TOV voaTo9 7Trap eXo/jEPo'0 TaUvT oVTE?7fict-Ta ovvo/jaaT?'r7' TO KCETak Ye/6Vea VTLvvKv CT6r'a. T&, 8\:ca 'Tepa 8(fdata J (cTO/oaTa, a7ro o /3~eeVVVTKOV a7r O OcTYOeVTa, cfepovra E9 OaXa(a'av TroT('t ovvo14aTa Kceerab Ta8o, T0 PV YatTLfcov awvT7V, T7( 8e, MEV8'qofoVo. TO e BOX,8/3TrwoV TOTa Kca TO BouVcoXucov ovc WayEvEa CTo/7aTa eaT' ''XX' cpVKTTa. MapTrvpE&& 8e /Lo T'r 7vc&)pq, O'T To7avT7 ecT' Aliyv- 18 7TT09 0a7'rv Tva e7yco a7ro&elcvvL Trco Xo/y(O, Kalb TO A,/"-covW? Xp7o-rTplOv y/evoIEEVOVT' TO C0 7T19 ecovTrov 7yv1co? voTrepov 7repb ATyvT7rov e7rrvOl/Jfrv. ol ryap )r el MapeI? Te 7rooXs lcal "Awrtos, OtKceovTe9 AlyV7rTov ra 7rpoo-ovpa Aq3vf, aTvro re 8OKeovTre etvat Al/3Vve, Kcal ovKc Abtyv'7r7lol, cal aXOo1evoL r7r qrep rTa ipa i0p r1cly, /3ovXo6feyot 0V7Xcov owo'v 1rV) epPryO p at, e'7reaJav ea `"ALo4wva, 'a"'Evob " " ov8ev aclaL TE Kcal A'Iyvn'TlolwI KOtLOV e)va olcWEE re yap e'oo 7ro AEXra, tcal ovc 61oXoyoeeiv avrolt' /3ovXe" -a0a 76re 7Tra/VToWV a -/ e -yv at. o6va e 0'e6 5-5 106 'HPOAOTOY [II. cocfJas 0ov/C ca ItOtJELI TaV-Ta, 0bc44 " Ary'V~rTo1 et1)at Tav-~ "Tfl1 T7'Vt'0 Ne'tos' E'7rtLOJ1)p~ Ka't Alyvmrt'ovs~ elvat, "7 tJ 0 V AOi E V1 pO E X ec Ja PTi1)17S'?r o to,? O ' f )T 9 a T 19 " 7013 7roTabuOV TOVTOV 7rtV)0V't. OVT&P o'bi ra - o~q. e7repXSTctL &' 0 NeEXo,~, '77ca~v 7wXO'~, oO [ovo LAOvra, ~Xa KCL TOO Atf3VKOV' T-C 'XC1Y0t1)JOV XWPO' ctivat, Kat T-oUi 'Apa/3/'ov, bt)aX~i7 Kat Eir 3vo 77lkepe~ow EKcaT~p(0Ot 6 & Ov, K q~ 7 X ~ ) E t 7 1 y Ka t A' a oo-ov. ToVD 'IOTa/ALOv &C cfv(toS Wr~pt, OVTE Tt TOWP tpcoj1) OVTE Atx~v oi3&,vos irapaXaI8cFP E~v'-7v -7rp6fOvaos- & c~ Ta(SE0 t /,a~ p a im-p' atiT 71) wvV -FUat, 0 TL Ka cp E,t vl 6 N ect o,? 7rV1)OLJ(01, Ti 6 pow - otE7w v Oep v v a p a l.4 C M, iT CKaTo1) 771.4pa,~ 7(~'a?8 (?TPatloV OTW 3 W Ec( 7 9 S 0 1 f( U \ l 7 0 7 E O 1 f 7 0 1 fl/.tCpEO)V, 07Ti(7O) aW~PxC~at, aW7OX~i7F(0I TO p)ECOpOW NO-TIE IopaXtVs' To1 Xet/mov1a aira1)Ta 8taTEXESt e~\V i-'4xpt, 0i aVTts'? P 7p7 EC l i- OE~pt1CWV. TOVT(WV.tg 7TEpt V 10 01)E1 ol0s~ T- yE7C)6pk?7 mrapaXa/3e v 7ra p a WcO AL'Vi7icoV), L(770pEwv1 avToVi?' ~717Vtva 8 &)1a/I1 iEXEL 6 NdXo9~ Ta\ c`/LtiaXW7, 7rcovKcevat T(01) a"XXO) 7r0Ta/J-&)). CTavTa" TIE (87 Ta\ XEXEFY /Itcva /3OV-xo/1ke1)0 etSevat, tcTTOpEOPW Kca 0 7T avoaq awro20 7T1)EOV(Ca9 /JLoVDV)0~ 7TOCTa/Jk)1 77-a1TC0P) 0) 77TapEXE~at. 'AXXa 0-0(o171, 9XE~a1) 7Tept 701) V" SaT0S' TOVTOV Tptc/) 7a9 6O vis TOW1 T7a /J~EV U ~O 7(01) O&31) ov'8 a'~tw^ /jt1qa7(0r1aL, et'Iv 0(0 1)v (Tf17 1D,7 at /3ovXO/-LCVOS' 1.40VVOV1. 7(01 17 ETEpI) /ILE1 X6r/EL TOWS ET?7(Tta9~ a)elLOV9; Ei/at at7L0Vq 7TX')7OVEt1) 701) 7rT0a/.L1), K(0XV'OVTaq; e9 OAaX(crct) EKpJEE1 7T1) NEdXov. *roX?~a'Kti~ &E ET fl(7iat /JE1 OVK (01 eiTVpev(av), 6' & N EZ`Xo9 7C0V 7o Ep ya~'emat. 77,poS &, EL E717Otat atTtot, 170a1, `Vn171 Kat TOVS' AXXOVs? 7,-T07a/1j0V' 30-Ot, TOWLt E7170qb9(7 a rTLot pE0VO-t, 0/uo10 w 7WaOG EtV) KatL a a T avi-a 70) NI a 7~ "t O(70V7T) a (O )~Jt ~ 7E 1T E9, doc7 trOE1~-Tepa Ta pEvlJLa~a 7flapEXOV)iat. E1cTL &E 7ro-XXo4 1-LaEN CP 79 ~VP 71-07a[Ltot, 7ToXXot &E eP 7T Au/t 59, Ob OV&1)P 7TO0VTO 7ra21 o-vvtOOVTKt do~ 'H 8 iETpcqad)e77Tto7T17,oVE(7T7EpY 1.kE1 E(77t, T217S~ XXEr/yt1k4V7S, \ y~o & EbL7TEWi O ovV ~ ~ ~ ~ '1Kao'P /.aO7t(07Ep1'q 17 XEyEt. airO 70O ) &I a10 pEO 1)a aVTO1) T-aVra I1.k Xavacia uat TOP 8' 'f2ICeavo1 r17) 7Wept, 7Ta av 1 9-25J EYTEIIPH. 107 pEEL). cH &E TptTI7 7W?) O~u?, 77TOXXO'V e`VtELKE(T7-aT2) 22 EO*t Jat-c #U7Cvcra. XE7et ry p ~) oiv aiv) ov&v, Jacikv T&' NEZtXo? p5EL?) a7ro T~jO/?1.kV9l Xt0VOV Ok pect p-tv 61c At/3t'yv 8ta jtkrova At'O67wwV, EK&co&o 3E Eq Atilyvw7J-o. KW931 Ci) 81Ta p'cOb a'V awo(\ WtVOI9, aL77T To)?) Op/.U)Ta'TW [To76 wo] P"EOWV E9 Ta\ \?VXPOTEPa; T-c) Tra. 77-OXXal EJ'TL aV8pi rye Xoryi~'EYOatb -rTOuOVTQW?re'pt 0U5 Te EOVMI 60)9 OV&6 EKO9~ dw6o M6O'j Ut pEEL?. 7pLTPWol /.t6V Kcat /.EytrTOV) /JLapTvptov ot ave/Jot v1apeXozrat, 7TVEOL)TE9 a7T0 TO)?) X30pLWV TOVTEWV O6p/.hoi. 0ev'TEGO7 OC\, O'Tt aP'O/.k. 18~ 7' Xcop17 Kat a'fpv'EYTaXXog 8taTEELb eovcaa* or 3e xLVO 7rEO-OVO77, 7Tacoca daVL1yK17 CUTb vo-at eV 7WePTE 17/eWa- cTE EL XtOV1 E, VETO 7) TaV Ta 7 w X01P', Tp iTa ot dv pwwot v7T-o Tov KEW[UaTO9~ /.LEa?)E EOZ'TIE~. WITWO yL?)O/.icEo?) JOtTcWoo-t 69~ XEtl/ao-i7 E9 T0V)9 T07~OV9 TOyTOU9,' Eb TOt?)vV? EXtO0tE Ka~b 60-oVOL3)V Tav'T2)l T))Xp1~' 179, TE Peet Kat /CK T717 apXETaL [peO)? 0 NEXoS~, 17? av TOtJTov Kql)ryc- c re OV'~ E, (0 2) allay/I 'IOI E & EC TO' 23 ~~KEavoLJ XE JL9 a9 OPfC'VE TO?) /w001)allEvllca9, OUK EXEL EXcyxOV. 0ov yaf Ttlla ey(oryE otcaa 7TOTq/t/io? Q1KcallOV E01)7W 'O/fqpOl (S, I) TLZ'a TO)? 77pOTEpOV) fYEOlLEV()OV WrOLITEW?), 80KO/CEO T7volcta EVPlOTaL 69 T?)?) 7TOb'Iqa-LV fa-EVEmao-Oat. Et' 86 8 AE^CeLt~'4PcL1Lvov ryv~lal?/ Ta9? '7TpOKCEt1.Ecva aVTov 24 Trpb -Ov? caPjalEwll 7ywllO)qL)? a~o&'~ao-Oac, op'o-o) &SL6Tt /L0 (SO/CeE 71-XI)OETo0at 6' NEdXo9 TO?) O6PEOT. T17l) XE-l[tpLZ)?) wpyv awre avlo.iev?) 0 I)LO CC719aCtq SE(SOV vqro\ TO)?) XELPwo)l)o, epXETCL T7119 At/36,ql Ta\ aLo). (09 LE? VV) C) eXa qT'j (S)X(a)tL, W(W EtpI)TaL- Tq I? yap, av ayjXO'aT0o I) XoIe 70 6E9, ica& IaTa q7? TtZ)Ct TaVTi)?) OL/C09? &qfl l TE v'8aTCOV? /.LaXWto-, KCa \ Ta\ CEyXwptCa pEv.LCLTa. 1LEapawcoTOaL TCO)? 7TOTaI/lk(0?). &S, 25 a?)& 6~o eXLO97 vI~w'a-at, d)(8,6 (IXEL. &(SLEVL T'?)7) A t/36I)9 Ta 17ooq~o? Ta(SE WOLEEL are (Sta\ 7rCTO9~ TOVl XPW)W) at OpVl TE COVT709 TO) flEp09 TOV) icaTa TavTat Ta Xopl)p', Kat 7XElqq9x71)9 XP?) 6011(7179, OVI/C COVTCOYI CvLmVE/A? *ji 108 eHPOAOTOY tI. %pC3v, e0;v TlroLEE Olo Trep iCat TO O lpOS Oefe iroLeeL, iLV TO /e1GOV TOV ovpavov.'1feXiKe yap EW eovTov TO vOp' XeKcuoa? 8e, aTro)0eeO e? Ta acvo rwp ta v7roXa/ulalvovT7e? 8e ot avelZo6L, Icat otaofctvadvT~e, T77CKOVVo' /cat etl6 oidt.D ~, t ~ \ I ol TwO 7av7Tr)qq Tf XoPq 7rr/Eo0/Te?, T TE voros?, Ital 6 X&fr, avelpWv 7roXXov T7)v 7ravT7)v VE7TCTaTOL. o80/eeK 8(e pLO ov8e rav To ivsop TO erTETEOV EICKa(TOTe aTroTrep/LTreva Tov NclIov o Xto9, daXa ica\ v7roXelTrea'Oal repl ewOvTv. 7rpyvvo/pvvo v 8o T0V Xe6LpVOs, av7rEpXTa, 6 nX6O9 e, fewaov rTO ovpavov Ort'oO Kaci To evOeVTeV 9o7) OLO lo arTO TramV'cv;Kgel rV TTroTa/Lwv. 're) oe ot,u ~V, OfJ 3p ov ioa7O aovjuqLatryopEvYov 77roXXoV aVuTOla't aT6e vo/Levr1? 7e T7F %Xp 71F IcaL KeXapapopoEV) V7, o pEOVab FpeCEaXO' TOV oe Oepeos, TV TVe OappwV e7rLeL7r'VTO)v avTov7, Kal vTrO TOV XlIov e\XKopEVOt, ao'veveeq el'l. o6 8 NEAXo E ewv avopp/po0, AXcoLpeVO 8\e v7Tro 70T 1) Xov, oLvo )ro Ta/pJAV roVo70V ov %pVOV ollCOTW aVTo09 eo VTo peets 7oXX( V7ro8ferTepo I 7 T0V Oepeoy TOTEe pbev yap Iea ravrov T7oV vo aTWV Wov XKeTat, To"V o6 6eLtwvava, LOVvo0 7rLe^~Tat. 26 oVT'0 7ToV \1lov vevoptKa T70OV7Ov ab7Tov elvat. A't'to COUV F oVro7, ICaTa yvvwr)v T7v e/ rv, Ka ov 70 jpa '1pov TOV TavTr7 elvab, 8oacaiwv Tw7v ee) o8ov avT7' OiVT7 T7^ A^I39F T'a avO 8epo9 ale KaTEXEt. E Be ' rTact "XXaK/c T0))V wpEcov, /cat T70 oupavov T v VVV 6 ' "3op Te Kca o6 XebWoV eorTao-, TaV, t7 uev TO VOTOV I7V 1 o-Tao('v 7cal T7 Caa/L/3p, T) 7 (6 VOTO17 VVV eTr/E7ce, TavT77 os 6 el,* e r/ -I, c, /3opel' E et TavTa oVTo( e6Xe, 6 X oo av a7reXavvOuevo e/c /jbeaov TO7 ovpavov V7rT T70 Xe6Lt)vo9 Kcal TOV /3POpe, q7'E av Ta avco T7F EvpooTr?7, caa7rore vvv T7 A It/3vr1f espxeTat. &Set.o1vTa o8 av 6v 8bta 'rdiao'77 Eivp(oorq?, egvroua 7rOLbEev v (y "7 ITpov Ta 7Trep vvP e'pyEa erTa Tov NeXov. 27 Tqi? avipnl 8e Trepc, o T7 Ovg aTro7rveeb, T7j7V e e'xo) yvwJL7v, 0o IcKp a adro 80ep/zLv %(ope(o o Qu oio; Ec T7 ovoev a7rO7rveeEv' avprl o a7ro #rvXpov 7rtw0o fA ee TrveeI/v. 28 Tav'ra Ev vvv erTW ) o e'r076 T6e tcal apXI7v eveve7TO. ToD 86 Nel'ov Tra rr' 7ya ovVTe AtuyVJTL0, OUTe AI3tvov, OUTre EXXI7r1vo 7(T0V em0ol 7rclO/CO.emoV E9 XoEyovF, ov8ol' v'reO'XETO Eoeivat, el p dfv AiyWrTr0o dv Zdl 7ro6X 6 ypap 26-29] EYTEPHH. 109 /aTtT)7? TWV lpJv,prjjaTvrw TU- ') Aqrvatri. oUT0 ' o e/oL 7e Traleerv eoo/Kee, pafJaLevo eS evaL aTpe/ceo?. e'erye 8e ce)e' " Evat Svo ov'pea e? o:v Tar copvfa4 a'e7rye/.eva, "e~Tatv ~vrqvnq e T~roxo' icevapeva Tfi? ~,fa!oo?, Kca "'EXeavrwTivq? oPvO6[aTa 8e eEa TOlca oVpeat, Tw /PeV, > " Kpc3(jt, T-c 8e, M&c6t. ra' z&, 8\y) y^7v Tro NdeXov, " Eov-a avc/3 oviO, EK Trov /Jekov ToWV ovpecv TOVTO.V peev' "/cKa T6 v o uJav roD v -aro?, Er' AyvT-rTov pee'v Kai 7rpo 30opewv aveov ' eTrepov /to-, E'r Al0t0r' 7T K al vOrov. co? 8e apvr'o'oi el,' at 7r)jyal, es 8ta7retpav " b/7 TOVTOv PaJqr'tXov Atiyv7rrov E3aoX;ea a7rncecoOac. "'7ro\XXo&v yap avrov X adScopv opwyveov 7rXedpeVov Kicov, - "arelvacb TavTrr, Ka ovc ecvea-'Oac e S3vora-6v." OvTc),uev 0&) 6 pa/, rtaaTt'T), el apa Tavra cyevo6eva e'Xeye, a7rebawLve, o? e/.e c\:aTavoeev lva Tt vda Ta vTr eovo'a 'a vpas Kcal 7raXtppobv ota 8e eg3da\XXovrTos roV vNaTro TO-bt, ovpe'i,, py &vvao'Oat KaTte/wVv KarTawebpplT7qipt'lv E9 /3varo-v ievat. "AXXov 8e ovoevPo ovoev eovvalrv 7rV- 29 Oe-Oat. aXXa TOCO6v8e UEJV AXXo e7rl uaLcporarov E7rV06o7yv, aeypt& uev 'EXecavt'Vril qr'oX/o aVTorTr] e'OoWv, TO ' a7ro TOVTOVrov aCot 87o ic-TOpewv. 'Aro 'EXExavTlvrif nr6XWos atvo IVT, avavTeS eaoT& %oplov' TavTJ wv 8ae TO 7rXoZov Sta8rfcravTag ad4foTepo0ev, icaTa7rep 3owv, 7ropeveoOa, 'v 86 d'7roppay7, To 7rXozov o'xerab Eepo/bevov VTro cLXvo9 Tro poov. TO 8e XwpLov roVTo eor& 6eT7rl fepa9 Trea'epa9 7rXoo' o'/coXuo 8e ravTr, carTarep o Malavopos, earTt o NeAXo. aXovoo 8e S8&SeKa ela- ovTo, TOWV e& TovTeO TrO Tp6otr Se 8e7rXo'aa. cKa e7retTa artieat eg Tre&lov XeMov, ev TW? v?7ov 'eptppeeC o NeZXo' TaXopII^Jc ovvolpa avrT eoTr. o0tceovr, be ar a7ro EXefavTvrqi avco Ail6o7reg S&r, Eal 'r27 vro-ov T pO TO\v rT Se?ztc-v, Al76VTTlOl. e"erTat 8e T^7 v^yoov Xl/Jvq peyaPq, Trv 7replt vop/aSe& Aliowre9 v eovrTaCb vTv S&eKC7rXo'a, e9 To Ne~Xov To peeOpov e~% To\ e Tqrv Xlp~vrv TaVTqv ecocoo. Kcat e7r6eTa a7ro/3a?,,rap a T roTraloYv oVoo7ropr7fv 7rotar'ea& p1bepe&wv rTeo'epaKcovTa' oKoreXol TIe 7yap ev TW Net'X oee9s ave aovoL, at, XotpaSes 7ro\\aXXat eit, 8' cov ovEc ota e eOtb 7rXeeLP. 8ietX0oV 8&e ev Ta-p& Tea0 - 110 'HPOAOTOY [II. patcovTa L[eprpo-t roVTO TO XO)lov, avTL E eTrepov, T\rXov 4q a X vKat, E7TELt e/a/3a9, Svw8eca ri'pepaS 7rXevLoeaL ta6 evre6Ta "6 e" 7r6XtLV LeryX7v, r o'vop eart Mepo6,. XErerab e aT7/ ) rowx eCLvat /rTpo7roXts ov ad\\lXov A21O0oTrov. ol 8' ev Ta Aa, A OVVCTOV 'oVVoV, e(ovTai, Tovro U re /eEya Xk9o T'L/WOJr' Kcat 'di c, avrYTiov ALwo KcaTec'Tj7Kce. 0-TpaTevovTat 86' e7rEv ao'eacv o 0eO o0ro KIe\evy 8tSa 30 OeTrcLa'0/jaT0V Kat, T7 av fceXE~vy, EKE(E. 'A7rO &e WavT7 T7 7r6OXtO 7T\eV, Ev ) crI %ptOV aX\2X teLS c9 TOW7 AvTroLUo6Xov, ev 'ocw rep e: 'EXecavrTlvjs yXOe Ce9 T1) Lr)Tp07ro6v Tjv Ai0Lrowv. roiot 8e AvTrof6Xhot-t 7rov'T7o0 owvo1 eYTt 'Acra-' SvaTat 8e\ TOvTO TO Eo0 t KaTa T?) EXX )vcov ry\S)Vo-o-av, oE aptGTE7epl) %XEpo9 7raptUTa/Jevot /ao-'tX. a7rE'-T7o'av 8e aSva rTeoa-opet p cap eICKOOptvpad&es A'yvTrTtov v(oV /TjaXlto1v e9 ov9 AviOtoras' rovTovy, 3S' aIrlTyv T0rozve. ErW 'a/gJhbttqirov 3acLtob fvXacal caT6e'TaOcav 'v Te 'EX(cavTlv;, 7ro\, 7rpo? AIlOt7r6v, /cat ev Aadvyo- r't 7- It ll7Xov'rla'b!XXr 8&e 7rpo 'Apa/l3tv Te Kacl vpowv, Kca ev Mwapev7 7rpog A2t/3tv aXX7. er 8e,\, \ e7r epev tca TIepreov KcaTa TravTa al (cpvUacat eouo% 0cs' Kal eqrr ~a!aV/uT7%0v?oa-V Kcal 7yap ev 'EXefiavTh tllpE-at (povpeOVft, Kalt ev Aa(fvyat. Tovus &v Sq) A'7vTrlov9 Tpta erea fpovpqroavraS a7reXve ovSel' 7S fpovpPj Ol (,T /3ovXevoa'devot /cal KCOVWo Xo6y( %p'7cda6evol, 7raVTre adro ToV PtaputlTXtov a7roO-TavTe(, ]lro-av eS AlOTrovrv. Ta/pItitXOs 8e 7rv06/oEvo1O, e&(oKe. (0 8\e /caTeXa/3e, e Teero, 7roXXa e ryco, Kcat o ea' 0Oov 7vra'rp oov9 a7roXt7retv ovKc ea c, Ka re/cva, catl yvvatKa9. TwoV 8e 7Tva Xeyerat, 8eltavTa TO atSoLov eC7elv E pva av TOVTO 7, I EoacOat av7roto El euvavTa xcat 7recva cat 0yvvaicas. Ovrot e '7e; Te e9 Atto7irt1qv a7Trlcoroo, Stomotr cOr4ea9 avT'ov9 'to AOt6oTrowv 83alo-t4i. o 8e (fea? TOT)8 avTtr8oIpeerat. 7icr-az ot Sta0opo TlveEf 7re7yovore TrWv AiOtOrWV TOVTOV' eKceXeve ee\oV7Ta, 71?)V EKECV)V ))V OlcEELV. TOvrTCo 8E ECfO'OLKOOevro)v es T0V' AlOiotrawa, 'ypTeprepot ryeyovaot AIov7res, 1Oea,aaovre A'ryvrrita. 31 MEXpt Lelv vvv Tea'oepCov aIvWv 7r6 XOOV Kat 6o8ov rybvw(TCETat 0 Ne0Xos, 7rpet Tov ev AIyvtTpT pevuaTooT. To' 30-32] EYTEPIIH. ill o0-rot ryap o-v/,3a8XXop.z'vw /A77ve9 ezvp&Ko'cvTa& avaUt/~o!-qt paevot Ec 'EXfxwavfr`l9 'iropevopemp eq roi) Al'ro/.toXovg Tf Ii f \ f 4 \ ( ctv'opgw rvpflv e'ai~wv pCtLLEP(OV~Xc? TE Ka 7xt Ov 8Xt/0PEW0S Tou Se'aw7O flacn8e'i KalE~v a09 et XT-4yow OpXcar awtx-to-rap I a 'rv E' ao fr+a 'xcvIne icpaivvNo$'pv7 o~ 0p1 avT97 V7TX-0 KajaTLO/1- lAOva' 7&'8 ro)'V Naavo-a3 II P 'Ick~tv c'pajux 'i-k Ka3t' OI~ ~65Kt -X i-apa) b'X t'o-tV a ycv&TOat avIX7 pow pbTO Nevoco rlLov co VptOa TVS aXar v~2oOa aI~po~v~a 'JrptIa\,? aKTO" KE86 Ta7T0KXmp&)Ug KbTaP /LETaov OaI.Ta TflV flOTprpi v ONc-oaaw'A-a IyVOrna0U avpact/J To\ 6 J~e"j ~OV709 TOpTO, )07 TEEVTAt TVOU govzcm 7roXn\V wXqV'PC Too K~XlvTip 7Kpo( 'ifOIPKE EXO~V T&., lukva(, a~tclPTCPE'0, TE Kt Txn' E E O EtrtOCetl Kaci7 "1-/Ef "vl 8vaw WV[7r0/P0V9 V7O T0a' yTiOW, V&U TE /kW'Xa "IaITOactI E'V8Px EyPTa,L retoz'0V, ~EV t Ta WK0JT a/rocxP 71)o "ar.cEI I Talkvvy,? T\7Z' Ep/.01 &E3 E A T21! &' "KOPTE (C0VT3pc 0i ae~i 7Tp/VKa q Kal Etbcs Tnpo-c. "OTwraq, (trE-6t71 CEI'OS ' 7((T ei^pcc rjapw. "a'7rTO/..V tO-I (3 1%b V.EXE ox I a T /LXpVT /ETp\ 7lJ Wpm 7-o-Xva' 97X\ dv(3p3v, X/E36VT VC.9 K ayc Dotkbc'~ fXovo-t& '~LTa TI v7rep EaEWc0Vj TOV Nat TOW fva9 WO~aowKaW JTE) 112 'HPOAOTOY [II. "T009 aryov'at ~rcov Nacal-akut~ov. A`ryetv 'e 8,q' a?3ro1) 'g "eXeov [LE7ItTmv, Ical &4cxoo~vraq TavTa, asrrUc~orat E9 "7rotv Ev'r3 ravraq Elvat& Mat~ afYOVCrt TOc /pk6aOoq WtcOW9 Xpcolka &e P~eXava~. -7rapa' Se Ti)v '7r-oXLJ p'46V 7roTa/Jov /,Jeyav peeLP 8 & 1 0 T7repf9T awi-OV 7rp0\9 t77"XtQv 33 "avaT-4XXOVcTa Oalvec~Oat &e EPv aVT( xcpolcOalbov9. 'O 1tev 8) ToO 'Alpqtuiwvov 'ETeq'pXOV XO'fYOT C TOV'TO /106 XcanxyOcoYo irXv o-& " 7rovooTJcal TE 4frOaicC ToVT) Na"ci Apca ctS a Kvprjva' t Xeryov- Ical ET0 Toi5O'Tot at"ICOirO adV0po0'rovs, ry"Tpas ewva& 7crav9. To~v &e 83\ 7TOTq/[Uv TOVT-OV TO'V n-apapp60oira xa~ 'ET~ap-yoT arvve/3AXXera dwat TO~V Ne~tXov icat &q Kal 0' Xoyoq Of5T(A aipc&. prect ryap E'ic Atj8vtI, 6 NeiXog, ica~ P40te'aV Tac-wwV At/3I527 ica~ (aS'q Eya\ o-vu,i4XXo/.at, TOUY& eplkave'o-& Ta\ w eytvcowoi6eva TEc[L.atp0/ evog) To 1Io*TpC0 E'ic Tc(#v 'i17ova E&pwOV oplw.&at. Ian~poq TE ryap 7roTGaluog dp~/tp.cvo9 EiC KeXT(c'3V ica~ llvpt~vn 7W6Xto0, p6'61 pei (X'AP" TfV EVP07r7 i Ol&6 KIEXTOC' Ew&t Elc Hpa cXow o elOV Otkovp*covo-& 8 Kvv27ototot, Ot &7e ro Wrpi0 Sv~Eco o/cE'ovo-t T-cv eV Tj? Evp<67ry, t~Ifl4JV TEXVT9&6 IO-T7p09, E9? Oabtaooa EOV 7TO') Ei34elVOV 7rvTov T a.Vio- Ev~pco~in, 'zj 'opbva MtXnoiCov oiiceovat a'7r34 oucoL. '0 /.E \v Jf\ f Tp l q og, Pee& yp &' O11C6v1IkVi, -7rp0 '7T0XXO&W% 7LtVWO7ETav 7rept & TWOV TOO NeIXoV 7W9fly&OV OV(6\) EXELX7yW aOiK'l-69TE ya ET ia7 co67 A28'7 6779 Peet. 7WEpt &6 TOV pEv/JktTOT aVTOlJ, E7T 000V /LkaKpOTaTV Ol)i-Tap cVira i7v E eca-O& 'p7a.~ Lo ET A~'y'VirT-oV. n 8& AtrvWrTO9 T77974 epetwi KLXLKing7 taXtorTa Kq2 avrI/q IeCETat' EVOEV^TEJ 86\ E9 ZLIVCO7177V T7)V CV 76(0i Eo~cviv o, WOTO) WEVTE 27,luepeo) 1) Oda 0130o E evepv dw~pl. & $vcM7- Tj-'% "I c /c&&SvT& ET9 -ckao oav ap-ro KEETaL. OVT&) Tov NEixov 8oKcE'co. &La\ Twa'ag 'T7 Aqtl8fl &E~u'Vra E4Lcaov'aOat Tj(i Vlcrrpp. Ncixov 1e'v Iv ToGa-afnTa eip7)o-e.. 35 "Epoltat &e 7rep~ Atf6W~TOV FtqyCvvEAw To X0eov 0 -Xo'yov /hE4(A) -7r~(EXCat 7rpog irwaav Xctrn-TVTO 6CC 'lrX&L Wept aVT71 EWp77eYTa&. AiYrylw~ot al-ka Tw~ ov~pavcp 33-361 EYTEPIIlH. 113 T& Kara c'eaa eovTr eTepoiW, /cab Tio) 7rora/c po votlv d\Xo(7qv 7rapevojevo q ot AXXob ToTa/aob, Ta 7ToXXa 7ravra /L7,raXt To roa \\XXouro avSpcvp rotob eocTr vart o yOcea re /cal vo6tov ev Tola, at aev,yvvatice dcropdovot ical carfXeVOV' ol &e adv;pe~, KLaT otcov eoTvre, valvovo't. vXalvovo-& e ol pev a XX\o, avo) Trv KpoKV w0EOvTEr Aiyrr6ro 8&, KaTO. Ta a' Oea Ol!JEV av;pe~ e7r TOv K(feaX\e&Wv cjopeovoL, at e ryvvalE~q E'7T r wv djoLcovP Ovpeovo',, at, ev ryvvatfce, opOa' op o8e acvope6K, KaTrjpevoL. ev/ape7 XpeovTai ev T06io- o 'coto'6, E(Oiovo' S 8e ) eV To-' ooo&C',rr TLXe7ovTE, CSo a /Jte atlapa, avaK/cala &e, ev a7roKpvcfx earT o roteetv Vpev ra r 6 lq at Xpa, avacav6ov. tpaTrai vviq v6ee a ovoeira ovre spoevo 0~eov, oUTe 0rqXeqlr av8pe~ 8e, 'ravTWoV Te Kal qraacov. TpepelV Touv; o/ceaq rot0-t fLEV raLa1 ovSE/lta dvayfCp, furj 8oXo-.e'voto-L. T-rh 8 OvyaTpoab -rra advl yKl, Kat, i /3ovXo-,L6e'VUrfOi. Ol ipE r@vZ Oe v lzj fJv A\Xqr EcopeovaL ev 36 AIYVrVTtT 8e, \vp6ewVTat. TOli aXhotaib avfpCO7ro0ta v6AO09 afja K7S8e KcEcapOa rda fceafdaXd\ Towv<,aXiao-ra /cve'eera Alryv7rrtoLe v8 Vro'; Tv OavarovV davietof Tra? Tplxa av ae oOat, Tar6 Te ev rT Kce(aX\y Ka1 T 7evekl, rTeCo e:vpwfqevot. aKeploaL* A^7yvrTloUcr Se oeeov arpcocia c Spaira Cr7T. a7TO rvpewv aL ICptOLcozV X\\Xo gwovo,' Aiyvrwv Be T3 7troev/uvoy a7ro ToVr a T Tv g'Ofv, OVEtO.0 /tLe yLTOY e0T/, aXXd a7oT oiXvpewv 'rotevvrat -'Tia, rad; l~taS,ULTereT6repo 0 Ka\XOl. fva, TO LV raTi roio rnoal ov oSe rrT, v7X 7C-t Eepab, Kat rjV KOTWpov avapeovtra. ra atloTa c\\Xo ILEV EW~or& o;? eyevovro, 7TXrjv '00 a o d TOVTV r ea'ov" Ay'7TrTLTto &e reptr cavovrTat. 'tara, rovy CiEv cdvSp(v E KcaO-ro'; ~L suo' X WV T e yvvaLtcwv ev ecaarTfl. rv itacriwv rovs IoplEcovu Kcal IcdCXov, ol Cfev aXX\ot cwOev rpocrSovca ALy6Ttmol S, '-aOev. rypc0Lf acTa cpdOUva cal aooylbovzra& r Ofiotal',,E\XXYS fLev, ato TOVr aptatrepwv crt Ta oe' a,(fepovre rv T eV Xpae Atyv7rTot Se, a7rro Tcov oetJv e7r ra apT p apd' \Ca,rOLEUVTEro? TraTaa arTol e,v pact ei7rr eSet 7roe;ve,"EXXvqva Se &7 r' da-prepa. toaaioa t8e ypappfao; XpCovra cal 'a pev avrv, C pav ra 8, p' V, Lortica caXeeTa&. 0~~ ~ ~ I.fIIf aEV W~a (01 67VOVO, v~v aob ~rOTOVCOV l-k~ov 114 'HPOAOTOY [II. 37 ~Oeooe/3'eS 8Se treptoa-3 eovTreq btaXtira 7ravtcov dvOpo7rov, v/.to-t T'otoLo-U8e pewvrat. 'Ec XdaXKe&cv rtoTflpl&V 7TlVOVCcT, S8taq' eovrews va' nrakav okepATv* OV/c ev o, o X' ov, ravTre. et/laraa Se Xivea fopeovot, alel vcoTr~w'a' e7~r'rq]vovTce~ 'om'o /.jado'c'a. r' re ateE VEO7rWTc EflT?0EVOVTES TOVTO aXO-Ta. Ta Te arSota 7repLrTapvovTa KcatOapto'?r7TO Ctve/ce' 7rporTtUiovre9 Kavapot ecva q) ev7rperErTepot. Ot S6 Ipee9 ~vpevrTa 7rav To co'wpta Sta TpiriTS qLepr7;, ta /rL7e pvJetLp, /pr7T',XXo,O v-capolv tr]8ev eCyl?]rTai o-(t Oepa7revovO-i TOVw Oeovl5. ec-Orr'a Se (bopeOVO-' otl peeS XtVErvV /JOVVflV, /cat vwro&rf/itaTa /3v3xtva ad\XX7v Se -b E0C-r/^Ta ov/C E'eo-T Xa/3elv, ov8e 1vro SrtcaTa aXXa. XoOvTa Se (Sl T^'g?7Ep79 E/CKa-Ts l vfpa Kal lS? e/caaTf vvKcTo9. aXXas TE Op1f7ocLta9 e7TrTEXEOV'b [Vpitaw co c(7etv XOcO. X racr ovuo' 8e cKa da/aOa ov/c oNXrya. oVTE Tab yp Tr'v oliOc1'iv Tpl83ouvc, OVTEC aTrave(OVTaL a, Aa Kat Ol-Tta 'C1t eO(rT lpa 7reroco/eva, cKa fcpewov /3oewv ica X'rveov 7rX00 Tb EcacOTW ylveTat 'ro\\Xo, rIBeprH9 efCao'Tr-V SioTaL 8e cu1 /cat oWvo adT7re\Xvo9. LXOVoo )V e ovSa) ebecrTl E raratOaOaL. Kvaclov 8S oVTe Tb /jdaXa c7Trelpoval Atlyv7rotO ev ry Xoop7, TovW Te,yevojLevov OVTe Tpeoyovvr-, VTre e0trovTE9 7TrTEovTat. o0l &e S) tpee< oVE OpeovTreS avveXovTa, voJelbO1T6es ov /Catapov itLv elvat oo-Trptov. ipaTrat e ov/c et9 /cKaO-Tov Tanv 0~EwV, aAXa d 7roXo\o, TO)v e66S eo-T apXtepeXwOi eTreav 8e Tel aTroOaivry TTOV6 7ra-t avrucarLT'rata. TOVTO 0 a CTaTa. 38 Tovs 8e \3ov TOvS' epevas TOD 'EETraov elvat voplrOVal, /CKa TOVTOV EtVKEa 8o/1,p4a'ovot- avTovS ' se. Tp ta i cv /cal Fdav 'Sr/TaC1 e-reovO'av peXaevav, ov KcaOapov ewcva vo0lu'et. 8li'Tat 8e TavTa 'e7r TovTcO TeTra/Levos TWV TS IpewV, Ka OpOOpOV EorTETOS TOO TrEv0oS /cKa V7TTtOV ica Trjv 7yXcrcrav eepvuo-a, El KcaaprI) TOwv qrpo/ce/eLevov o't-/lLtCv, Tra ery eV a XX ~o Xotyei epeCo. /KaTpa e /ca Tas' TpIrXa TyS' Ovpr7, el /caTa cvJiv EXE66 7reCfv/cviac. /V &e TrovTOv IravTWv K /ca0apob, mr7fLaiverat /3v/3XO Trepp Ta /Kepea elXLiOOOV Kal 7ErTEta yi^v or-i/avTplSa e7rt7rdXa'a9, Crt3da\Xb 'TOv Sa/CTv\Xov* /cKa OVTO dTra'yovc-. acr/JAlavTov &e Ov-cavPT OavaTroS c 'W~r ejr1t ce7era,' So/cq/lad'erTab, Lev vvv 39 To KrTrVOS Trpo7rpr TOt,(Se. Ovri) Se utpt q(Se /care-rEKce. e 37-41] EYTEPIIH. 115 dyayovTGeo v o c7EEo'rj7fjaacvoPLGv Icr7jvo09 7rp TOV /.waLO/v, oK/ov av Ovwort, Tr7vp)v Ka'oV. eTretra e eTr aVTov olvov Kara T7OV tpr)OV eTrt7l-'TrelaT'apE Ka E7TrtKcaXeo'apvre TO OCov, caxtdovocr cfa'cLavJTCE &e, a7rTOTrfv/1OVT' T7JV KcEaXrjv. oa-wa puv 0ro IC77POO Veo povoT'' V cevak/X &g IeWY 7roXX6a KaTap7cap/Jevot, ipepovor, TOt-X YLev av ) a/roprj, iKat tEXXEiV oLtot' wo- i e7rtorLLtoL e/J-ropot, ot oe TepovTe769 E r7jv ayopl7v, arc oy eVOvo7' 'TOLL e av L7 Trapcewo 1EXXlve9, Ol S' EKf3daXOvoL, e TO)v 7roTa/Lov. KCTCLaeopTa &, Ta8 XEy0oVzE, T777L Ki g(aXr77' "eL TL PdXXot rI pio' " o Ati Ovvvo-t 7f? AIlyv'77 7T cTv r -Oca "'l Kc~baXjyv Taav7rv rpa7reo-Oat." Kara /pv vvv TaZ e6t0adM 7 T.V Ovo/bEVCOv.CTvqCov, C Kal Tipv TcnreL'ttv TOV owvov, 7TrvT6e AillyVrTot PvpOLO- o TO' t aVrooi-t XpEvTat \,I 0tLOQ ~9 7Ctravla a \ pt I a' arto TOUTOy TOV VO/LOv, ovSe aXXov ovSevoq e/Jvov CKEdaX 9 /,evC'eLLai A'iyvTrrtwv ov&e1. 'H.... E\apcp-t TS p) a 1 avar, aXXq 40 0 t g Er} e7a7peo'e 6v tpogv gaL rj tca oT'V tV KN7r7 4 trepI aXXo tpov cTQ& KcaTerTTrce. TjV 8' wv OpeyITTIYv 7e oatljova V7f/rl.VTa elvat, ICMal pjklozT'v ot OPT7V auayovat, TavTj7?v epXo/pIaL epewv. 7eav aTroSeepwrotL Trv /3ov, catEv tLEo) KOXAJv /.LEV KELvr)v? raav EC ov elXov, o'rAXvk a 0 aUhoOV X6L70rovO't E TO) OOw/La7TL Kitat, rr7 L-,LFXrv' O-K'cXa O a d'roarcvovo-t, Kat T> 37xoyv aIpqv, Kal 7ov0 WJLov 76E Kcal Trv Tpa7XrXov. Tavra oe 7TroL77avVTe%, TO aXXo o-IALa TOV '3o0 \o 7rtL7rXacl aprwv KaOapc3v, KCal /L6EXTro, Kat dloTaca' Mo, %Kab CoUKCV, cal XL/3avcLO7V, cabl orLpvr]), /cal TWV aXXaov OvwdrLaTO. 7tr)o-avPT~E; o rov7ro0, KaTaTytovcr, EXaLov ai"ovov KcaTraXeovTE. 'rpovr)- 'evO-aYrEU 836, vUOUVLt. KatoLoLWevov E TWV0 Ipw r TVrTOVTab 7rrareT9 e7reav 8e azrorvrfoWVTat, 8aL7a 7rpoTlOevrat Tza XrwovTO 70WV IpOwv. Took p1ev vvv KaOapovs' l3oovu TOWvo ep(eva9 KaI rov? 41 boO-ovg ol 7ravT~e AtI'yv6Ttot OUovo-t' 7Tat e 6rOe]a, ov o-t 6' eCTt OVtV, '" XXa Ipal Et, T 7T9 "I L0-tO. rTO yap T779 aIcrto ayfaX/a eov 7vvaCLtKrjio, FOU/cepwv eCTL, /ca7raTrep EXXqve? T1r7jv 'lowv ypacovo- K' ta 7Wa / 3oDq9 7aW OqrXea AlYTvTrot aTE9 O/rvr 6olo o't/SovTat 7rpo/3aTWv 7rv'rVTW pcaXLa-a laKpaCo. TOWV Eiveica OVT dave p oAiyv-LuTLOA, Oi TE av?;r 116 gHPOAOTOY [II. yuv), 1v 'a EXX nvat 0 tX oee Aii TrC3 a ~o4&aT6, e3 Fa — xaipp P dv p '; EXX lVOT at. o%4 0f3Ex0U- 11O'S \ Xe' 3p-,o3 Kp'an ica~apoi3 flo\c tamTE 4e vv ]Exxl~vucj,,qx4 fyEVO.Ea&. a7rTOVfl6 6 T0V9 ~ V?70flO~cVTa9 f9o139, TpO'wov TOP78,E. Ta\ jLIkv Oqxe'a4 6'v TOV 7rOTaPJO awrtaore TOV~ & epocTEa ICaTOpvOO-OvO-t g6acr0o eVi TO&O-6 71poaOTEU c7t, To Kepa9 To eTC poP 17 icali a/44oTcpa v5'rep - XO~ Ufl/L071OV eLve/cev. E7TEv Se ram7T, /cat 'irpoo-y 0 T E 'rTya 'E/ o V % p OP O S'T, laL E ~ & 9 E U ~ lP ' t ~ ~ I c?p 9 / TT~ llpocwo.rlrt~oq /caX~v/wt'Pl~ Vr7ocov. 77 eak'nr /,v eV TCO AEXTra 7flpt' 6TPOP ~Se\a'r7 clo'l C~t vvea. eV TaL5Ty cov Tj Ilpoo-amrirt& v?7o-w evzeto-i /.tv /ca&l SXXa1 -~7ro~iC9 uvXvai- cic T g &e at /3apt9~ w7apaywovrPa& avappa-6o'.ev~at Ta~ 0o-Ta TrCOV fcAV, oi~vvola Trjj 76Xb 'ArlVnx', eV 8' avThj 'Aopo&8'n q ' v " cov Z~pvTat.C/ Ta1T17 'r79 0tog -7rXavC'OVrab 7r oXXo\ cAXXot 49 aXXav? 7r0Kt9 d'vopaVredT91 & Ta\ JaT&a, a~raryovo-t /Cal Oa7tTovo69, eva X)p~4ov 7raVTC9. KaTa TavTa. 6 T0L01- /3ovab Kal nTa'X~a /CT 've Oa7TOvat a,7rOOV?p7/COVTa- Kal cyap 7ITep? TatfraoVTC0Crb& PEVO/hOO6'TlTacW KTCW'OVO6 rya~p Sq\ Ov'Se\ TraVra. 42 /Oa,.t pev 82\ Atu?, Oq1-acoq 2spvvTat IpOV, 97 voF'o0 TO ) eR73tv CO~ 171 'V vvP 7raVTC9 GOWco aWre~op/J vot, alrya9 Ot'ovat. Ocov\9 (yap &q OV T0V9 aVTOtJ9 a7raVTEC9 oF' lO) A~15 TLO - o lI V rai, 7rX i~v 0Ia 9 TC Kab G O tpto0,, Triv 87\ Ato'vvo-ov EJaM X&'youo- TOVTO1J9 ae oot~ono a7ravTET 0C/E30PTca-. 00-0b &6 TOO M &8V97TO9~ E/CT1VTa1- ipoP,1 VOIpkov TOV MeV&qa-t'OV CLO4, OVTrot & aryw~v a'7reXope~vot) 01- Oiovcr. &,q/3cato /.LEV PUP, /Cab 0Oa- ta\ TOv'TOV9 O01-COP d~rcXoVTabL ta\ T-a&8 XE'yOVor TOV P0/hOPV T6V8C C4?6 TEO' var "'HpaKCX&' &X'qoa& 7raaVT(9 i&'o-Oab TO\P Ala, Kal tTOV OP/ EO XC-P OfO 7ac V W7 aVJTOV'. TG"XO9 & 7C- T:: LIapOeCLP TOP Hpa/CX/a, TOP Al'a I~-knxatl o-acOat- icptov fKCEtpaVTa, '7Tpo' Ca~al TC T?7 KEc~aXqv a7TOTa/hkOPTa CtTOUl tv Kca& EPO UPa TO va/C09, ov"TCO O1 CWVTO\V 4 1 84~ai.' 'A~r-' ToV-5TOVJ /Cpt7rpOcTCJ~lOP TOO AtO\ Ty'aXha, rotedocn AV'YV'7,T1-Ob- a7TO\ &6 A`yVWTl'o~v, AF'/hvto1, COPTE9 A '7TJ'TTL'. re /Cal A l~toir wv a&roufcot, Kca' 4X0PVv /hETa4 42-44] EYTEPIIH. 117 agforepwov vo/tb4ovTeT. 8OIeeLv 8' eo, Icl TO oVvo/a 'AujLwvtot ' ToJ aot roveo v IEr Ovti lrV ETr0taayTro s'ALovv 7yap Aiyyv'n7rTlt CaXeEovo' Tov Ala. 'roV 8e Kcpov ov vovova't fl aiot, aXX' cal rc^ lpol 8'a TOvTO. ^O.,f 8&e 1fJbpr ToV evtavTov, ev opT7j Toi AtOu, gpibv eva KaTaxco'avTreT cal a7roSelpavTe, Kcara T'cvT evovovo Tw( 7royaX/ta Tro Ao60, Kcal e'yre6a AXXo ayaX'ua CHpa/cX'oq trpooayovat 7rpov aTro. TavTa 8e 7rot7r'avre9 T7rTovrat o0 7repl TO ipov a7TavTe? ToV KptOV, ical e're6a ev lp' 0rIr oa7rTovO't avTOv. 'HpacXeo Se 7\re'pt TovSe Trv X6yov 7ficova'a, OTI c'l 43 TrOW Sv)e&ca E0Ov. TO erTepov Be qrept HpaE/cXEo, Toy JI XX\rve o'lao-t, ovSa/p.V At/v'TrTv eovva'0x7v CdcoU'cat. al /btv ol 76ye ov Trap' 'EXXrjvYv e'Xa ov To ovvolta Tro Hpa/cXe'o AlyvirroTt, dCXa "EXXq/ve,ba&XXov 7rap' Al'YV7rTLcov, Ical 'EXXri v owV OVT 0 0t eevot Tr Alti7pvwvo? OVZ' TO vo/Lct CHpaKXeXa, 7roXXc,.ot KaC lhXa 'eiqlpta ey7op0 rovvolba npactea, ro/la iob!caK a'XXa TetCqrlpta fOTtr TOVTO OVT0) EX6V, Ev E Kal rooe, on Tre TOO lHpaXEco? TOVTOV Ol O7vea, adorTepoL 'av, 'A/crpv()wv Kca.AKX/,t/'Vrj, 77yeyovoT6~ TO adveKa0ev carr ALyU7rrTo, CKal OTt7 At/yTmrrot OVTe lloa'eSew6VO OVTE A^or-Kov'pwv Ta ovvouJaTr Cf)aaC- elevat, o0Se oat 0eol, o0Trot v TOZlCt AXXoL'm 0fOElaOL aToeOeXaTat. Kal JLbjv e'l e trap' 'EXXivwzv 'Xa3 ov ovvolja Tev 8atlovo0, TOVTov OVIc KictrLrTa aXXa paXLtTa Pe\XXov /v ilVy V P etv, ei7rep Kcal TOTe vavTrltf't EXpervTo, Ical rl'av 'EXXMvwv Tive9 vavTri\ot, o e'XTrrotal Te Kcal ejLq ryv&JotL7 atpeet coTE TOVToV av Ical fpa\ov TrCv 0eoSv Ta ovvopa.rTa eeqrtoTeaTo Aty'V7rt0iot TOV HpaKcXe'oq. 'AXX6a T apXato9 eo-TT 0~eos Ayv7rrTloit-t HeaKXerX CO 8e avro& XerovaT, eTea e60- e7rTacCla,-XlX\ Icat IJvpta e' "Aftaatv 3aa-\~evo-avTra, erel TE eK ToV O/cTO) 0eoCwv ol Svo8/ca Oeol e/eyVovTO, Toov 'HpaicXea eva vojtgovao. Katl OEXv 8e TOVTCOV qrep.t aac ', T eeva e va 44 CvO otov TE ]v, e7rXevaoa Ktal e? Tlpov T7-j?otvl/cK7;, 'TrWOavoptevoL avroOt efvatb pov HpaicXEo' aytovw /cal Oov. srrXovacowq icaT6e'fcevaaC.tevov aXXoto- Te rroXXoorlto avaOiCar, icat ev avTO,7av o-T^Xat 8vo, p ] /-eoy ypv-aov a7re-0ov j Ke, ca/tapayoOv Xl0ov, Xt7wroVTO rTc vTvtKra 118 "HPOzAOTOY [II. IkdyaOoc. ek X5,yovc~ 8 & 'p ro-ot (peVqt T0o' OEoV Etp0 /LJ2 O 7 9 p62)o9 e'ij ~ OS go bt TO tpo2) top Vrat. EVpo2) &e QV &6 TOVTO 9 TOUtoL 'EXX'2(tb cvlttcfpoltc'vov9~. (/oaoct sw p a/4ta Tipao Ob opblt V' \ab \t v 701) OeoV L pvO2J)a Ela \CTea ac4' oi' TUov olic~ova-t, 'rpti7?c6ata Kcat 8cXtXM.EOP &6 'P 7j3 T 'pa) KCL& aXXo, lpv 6tHpalcXEos,, e7T(0 -vv/ztdrn SOP2 o7 9 Gaalov elvat. awrtKop/?)2) 3 Kal E9 (9 )o-ov, 2) 7/evpop tpo2) HpaKXEoS- v7To (JO VK W ipvlk~yozv ot Kar' EiOpoW ijs'q 7~TflOW EK7TXw00-aCT6)-S-, Gao-o CKTto-aw KCab Trav7-a Kat, 7TE2)76 yev)eyC a2)p&.Wv 7lJOTepa E-Tt 71 T0OP 'Al-bitTpLvvog 'HpaK c v ~7cEXXa'8 ryevc'Oait. T a /Jk2 VV2) 170"rpni/.E2a 8i7Xot caa cw(0 'iraXatoV 0OeoV 70\2 CTpaKX~a -C6vrPa. KaLt 4OKE'OVG7L &4,Lt OVTOL Op Ooara Tat' Kca~ ~/ T 1 (09V aa 2)7s, Xv/ 7ri0 &6 E7raw)v/t)2) 45 OV~OVo-t T(15) 8 \E &4pe (A) po ~ ay4 -t. AMyovo-t, &6 wroXXa Ka?; aXXa aL2)WL(KCE7TTOJ ot EXX17vcs~. El3709N &\ avr o2 Ka?; 6 " /ui0 691 E0-It, 702) Trep?; 7TOO Hlpa /,cX~o9 Xc' youo-' an 'awTo2) aw7rKou~E2o2 E A?;'yV~rTrov 0-TE~a2)E9 " d Aiyt57r'Tto V770 770/Lt7rql7S ~ /y 2 0 VO V T-2)E9 Tft /) t TO72 86 TE01 AP~2?7-VXt7rn L E(EW E7ME& cwrOV 'Trp0? 7T0 "/30,LUi KaL~cpXOP)TO el? a'x tc?7\) TpCL7To/LE2)O2 7Ta2)7a9; o e'a, "KaTacfo2)EVOat." 'E/Lo?; -LEV) 2)2)2 80KE'O Va-, 7aVTa XE70VT7E9, 7T179 AiryVwTiaWV ot'a-ta? Kat TCOV v)o/Jm(0 7Ta/AL7ra2) (L7Te p(0 exet2) ot 'EXo7E9 G7U7 cyap OV~E K np a ooi N e,r t X(A"Pt 'O"6"', Kat epa-ev(Aw /30(02) iKa? po6a-caw, 00o0, av Katlapot e'(0-t, Kcal Xfl2&)W, K(09q av OVT01 alvOp()v7oVS O VOtE2); E71 Ev'O) a 7 2 Hp iX 'a, Ka\; g aL2Opa)7r02, (09 8'i ObcUt, Kw"; VC~tVc2 6EXet 7roXXa\9 /lvptca9a 007O)EV O-at; Ka?; 'Trep? /JZE\) TOV'T(O2 Too0-av~a '17/Lv EL7Qvat, Kcal 77rapa T0)2 Ocaw )VKat 77rapa 7(02 n7poww EV/2eeta Et??. 46 T4 3\ CSU a'ryav Kcat! 70ov9 Tpayov T(02)CS etWEKa o O t'ovO-t A iryvw 'rkO2 01 EIpI)/J~ 2Ot. 702) lla~va T(02 0K 7(0 OGo2) XOryt','O 2)at el2at ol M vc S,?7 a-wvt 701)9 OIC 60 0K7 0 OEOV9 70OV70O)9 7TrpoT6pou9 TCW2) CSVWOEKa Oc63v fa-t, ryeveo-Oat. 'OacOVO-i 7E UKal ryXvc0Ov0o tJ, ~'/ypac~oo Kat ot ayX /tLaTo7Totot 70) llaVOI Tw"yaX/La, Kca7-a7 ep rIE XXI)ve9, adFYowrp Ko~ ov ia? Tp ~ KE X a 01 7 TOLOUTOY V)O/LLbOVTE3 45-48] EYTEPIIH. 119 elvatl tltv, aXX o0/otlov r7o0- aXXroLO' eoTL' T7ev 8S e&avo ryaoo., voo e o r Veca TOOVtOV aypadfovct aVTO?), ov fL' ObJ &6v &-t XceyEtV. e/3ovTat &e 7-ratvTar rovb aetac o0 Mevr8oa-tot, Kal piaXXov T0ov9 epa'evaCs TWvc OnJXewv, Kca, rTOVV ol alTroXor X p0 a Legovas 6exOV(p' ev K Oe TOVT0OW EtS,aactr-Ta, o00e7T eTreav a'roOaav, 7qre6v0oo teya 'navrT,y M~evero'o Vo/zLo TIOerat. r tca2eeTat 8e o TE Tpa7ro/ Kca& o iav Al7yv7rTo-r'T, Mev9q?. 6EEVETO 8' E Toc) VPO.L TOVT 7 )7 r E7 /EV TO7TO TO TEpat /yvpauct Tpadyo/ efJ4i(TyeTO arac0aviov. TovTo e e9 E78,ez/ dvMIpcOrcv da7rKETO. Tv Ae A/v7rirtot,fuapov 7)Tr VTatb O1tov eVat Ical 47 Tovro 7 evL, 7'tv TV ' favor' avrwv 7raptowv vos, avrTOt'b arlotat a7Tr 3Wv e3ac6 EovTor, V 3d a E 707 T) roV TaPJov A TOVTO &e, Ot C-v3)Tat, eOVTe? A6lV7rTt0O Ey7E~VEEG, e9 tpOV ovoev T)W ev Acy roUo) eo'epovTat jJovVoI 7ravTW' ovoe oa' ecSoo'Oat OvryaTepa e OE oe, a -eoOat et, aVTWv aXX eAOoo6aTa, Te Otl OV3w07aTa Kal drearat ea dXX7Xowv. TOart P/J vvv kV aXXot' t OeotcrY OVEtG VS oV) &8/ateScn Aliyv7Tbo~t 7eXr7 v8 Ka\ AetvOp /yo Vto-t, TOV avTov Xpovov, Ty aVT7 7ravo'eXrv, To0v v s OvroavrTe, 'raTEOVTaL TOW Kpewv. l'OT 6 0 TOV? V' EV JEV Ta70`,,dXaot OpTyab aTetTv fKao-t ev e TaVTy OoV-t, 60'Tt pev X67yo0 Trep9 avTov zv T Aty)rT-lwv xeyoyevov eLo\ JevkTOb 67r(tGTaL)EV() OV7C EV7rpE7E60TEpo9 Et X, EyE-0a(t.. Ov-ifoe &8 8e T7WV VOWV Ty Xervv 7rI voeeTat' eTeav 0u',y, 7Trv ovp?7V acprv cat TOV C7orXa Ka 7 Tov E'riw\oov vrwOelt6 oov, Ka7T OWv eaX)v#e y rao'y T0V CT7)VeoV 9 7r 7rtlpeX Ty7r Tep6 Tr V Vr7ovV?7o8er)' tcal eTeea cKaTafieI Trvp. p 7/ Kat E71-tTa KaTa,1 / t.top(\ Ta oe aX,a Kpea a'VTeovTat ev T7 7'rav'rTeXV(O, ev Tr av T( Ipa vc'tTrW ' ev a,y oe & piep.0 oVK av eT 7evo'ataTO. ol 8e 7re7rrTe9 avTorv vr daOOeVelr)s /ptov oTratTVWa? 7TravraVTeS V9, icat oTrT7arTave9 ravTa, Ouvovo-'. Tc Se AlOVVo, ATo 48 opTr9r T7 6opTrty, Xocpov Wrpo TWV Ovpeoov o'0da.a eicao-o0, So6 a'7rooepeo-0a6 tro'V %otpov avVTo. TO) adroopjLeVc TWOV o'v(JO)T.Ewv. Tip 6e aXXrv avayovuc opr OT7r To() ^loruPVo' ot AYV7rTot, 7vrTrV XopwV, caTa TaVTa cre8oov 7raVTa "EXXoo-t. aVT7l &e v aXX\V, aX\a 0-cl E'Tct IeEVpl/epVa 0 T0o T~ 7rxvaa ryaXpTra vEvpoo-7raO-Ta, Ta TrepLO/ 120 'HPOAOTOY [II. peovcr IKaa K'c)tas& eyvvatIcef, vevov TO alSolov, ov 'roXXj TaE') e\aaov ev TOV aXXov CuopaTo9. 7rpoqryeeTrat e avXo6 al e erovTrat aeiovcra T' 7v Atovvoaov. Stot Se /LeOV Tre eXe To' altotov, lca KICtVEe Lovov 'ro TOO aaTor, 49 aCn Xotyov 7rept avrov lpo6 XE7ydfELvo. "H8 q Wv 8oK&ee Apmo MeXa,/7rov o 'A/fvOeovo 'r- Ovol vai9 Tavrsl ovt elvaa d8aqs, aX)X' e/7Pretpos. "EXXo-a f yap 8 MeXa/prouv 9 EoTT 06 Oe7ly'qa/eyVOT rTO AtLOvtOOV 'TO Te ov'vo/a, Kal rTrv OvaLi'v, Kcab rTjV Tro/fJ7rlV Tov DfaXXov. arpecKE&oJ /ev ov 'dravra ovXXa8/3ov rov Xdryov "' bve aXX' ol.7rLitv6.evoI roVro) croLcral /wAe4ovwo eef4yvav. 'rvv 8' wv faXXov Tov r Atovw'o 7re/.L7ro/Jevov MeXap47rovU etCr, o /ar'yr1a,/.bevo?' Gal a7ro vrovv /UaOovre oe 7rO eVrt6 T7roteva't "EXXnve6. 'Eyio,Lev vv fr/Ju MEXdL7roSa ryevouevov a~vOpoa cooovo, pavTIfcr7V TIE Eo ovTw 07vo aca, Kcal 7rvUO/jOevov a7r Aiyv'rrov, aXXa 'e 7roXXa\\ e'cryi-ao-ai EXXo-tr,,cal T 7rep rov Atovvorov, o3trya avvrov 7rapaXX\aaV7a. ov yap O8r av/y7Trecveewv rye q-erto Ta re ev Atyv7rrTo 7rotev/leva Trw Oea, Kcal ra ev roCL b "EXXqo- o6u6orpo7ra ryap av Iv Mrol' "EXXOl-t, Kcal ov veCOT)t ecaypueva. ov purv ovSe f1acrao WC9oK AlryvtirrOi 7Trap' 'EXXvU v c Xal3ov? rofvro, % aXXo K/ov r vo6katLOV. rrve'oea aie 86LOt 8OKCeetL AtXara MeXa/7rOVl? a 7rep6 Tov o aivvOov 7rapa Ka8/dov 7e TOi Tvplov, Ical 'Tv o'vv avrto eic boV&Kc da7rtKcoLevov e 69 Tv viv Boulcrzv KaCXEOaOev 7xv ywprV. 60.eSov o o e Kca t a, raa r ovvol6a'ra 'wC Oe6v et A'^yv7rov eXX\\v0e e vr)v 'EXXaSa. 86'rT plv <ydp e/c 'rTv /3ap/3dpav tKcet, 'rrvvOavo/JLevo oVwo evpl'afcO eov' 8OKCO 8' av a'wf'ita ar' AV'OyvtrTov a7rtlQat. OTt yap 8rIj rt IIoo-eLBecoYoQ, /cal AoCKovpowv, wo fTcab 7rpTpopov fpot TavTa ELP7wra, Kal "Hp?/~, Kcal IarYlqw, tal OeEo,, ca, XapLTr, C Npov, a Nvp8, rtv XXOyw Oeov Almyvrrtott ale( Kcore ra ovvoutara e6n ev rT7j p7. Xe\yoo e d c Xeqyovci avT'o Ayt5Vr7r oi. Tr3v Se ov fact Oewv ryvwloSev6 7a ovvo6ua'ra, OV7b e 86 ot 8oKceova VI7rO IeXaerywOv ovo/LaTOrRjvac, 7rX7v TIIocGC8tvoo. 'rov'rov Se Trov OEnv Trapa At,3vcv e7rv0ovro. ovoapwl yap a'r' apX^ IS noreMeovoo oivvo/la e'crKTvrat, et ptL Ati3ve' Ical K rte ewO' roy 49-53] EYTEPITH. 121 0OEOV T0v'TOV attel. V0/lubv0L 8' &')v Aty1:7TC-oC OV~ 77p&O-t oW3V. Taf~Ta /,~t'vv, ia\ d'Xa 'n-p0 TOVTtG'-ow 7-a e7(0 51 Opacow, "EXX'?ve9 a'ir' Atyvw7-&wv veVQ/lulao-t. TOD07) cEpl,610 Ta aryd/aXLT-a OpOa\ E'XEL -a\ ai'ot-a 7ro0(Ev7)7-E, OViC d'n- Alyvwit 0 'ci~OKao-t, ~XX '7r\ lleXa0ofyww 7-pc3-. E\o 'EXXr'v&w awc'7-VWV 'AOqvatoet 7rcapaXa/3OVT-ES-, T7rapa\ 8e T~0v'TaWV 'oJX~oi. 'Anvai'ow- cyap, 7278, TqvtlcVL^Ta el ~'EXXqvas~ T-EXOVOTL, H~eXaay7t OTVVOLKOt EyEPOVTO el) 7-) xojpy 6Oev 77rep Ica\ eEXXflVE9 2)p~aVTO0 voluo-O?'va, '00-Tt9~ &e rTa Ka/3,cipaw o'prya )Ue1ti17at, T-a:~azofp2t Ke- E7tTt7-E XEOVo-t 7razpaXaI30oVT-ES 77-1-pa\ lleXao-yc5V, 0V7-OS ci)V7p 0/ASE TO0 XE760. T7yV ryap Ya.Lo~fpqt"Kl)V oUtKCEGV '7Tp07TpOv IIeXa(7o-y OiT~) ot, 0 77-ep 'AO2vai'tow- OVOLKOL CrYCVOVrO, KCat 7rapa T~OVTO0W '.aApoOpr/1KeS- Tia\ o'pya 7r-apaXa/dj3acPovo-t. op a c)exEV'- aho a 'iy~Xa~q~aa 'o3 EpitL&, 'AO2)va^o c MVo.o Ta ll80Xa,-o T pv- TVt Eo Lrp a3iot WX^CV 'EXX~v 70t v, Pa~o'p4 a /Jf0 —2) ov0- & 62)X(7-at "Erpvov 1a7a7pTpl OVTq 171rap-o I OleOULEEaOk-5 v, s-ydv/0I~Te yo~aaova' 67Tav/ 7rpaVTO ovVTo ta E7OEV- OV&~l, av'-CV 07) apCK7OYV1() OEoz)S- &a rpoiG4taov crcfoxct9'1 d'r Ty7007V XO)Tat EOv7tov OeV7ES 7ra VTrra7rOEO Orpryeuzcayoat 7COeo'W i6'o7r6VEXOV. 5 Aoyv~-'op auOp~l' 7a 0? aVTAL7-t 7O OO 7O a' f I \ ' f KAUWv o-ovT TalJ(7raEpVa 77-pX7cy&-rnaOa7)7-t KacaL [olEa-? tXov EX7M T68P\ P'OV7OVW~ 7-OW OUV^ CCO/kaTOWCV cZr&OOVT) 7-K T /At"V7rT2 d)toV oUtOv VEO~tTa vo-(t aXTaTO7-V ct7V 7-WVV EX-V C (07)oov VxpOyT2)p~OV 7roXt^ CV 7-2) LO)&VTO ot HE~a ilyovo"e I I f f 3 "(7'XpipTa~t 7a OVVO 7C7-CL~ T -a ovvolta0 7-WV flap/3 60po T)OV7-C aV aPT 7-0V TOOTO-)107 "VpEVO(LUTt. a77a-O /TV TOW 0VTV 707) Xp6V0V ~O7)07) -TqpUw OivVaJtO-Kt 7-W OV XOEWV xpT/OVTOVL. 7TOVp 67& ) HeXao )-ycT'qptEXX2VE9EE~V- Acoow pOV "EVoEV & 53 EyEVC70 E~aT7-OS-7-WV e4V, Eo7CVact 2(~V7a)-9 aOdKOL o\ 7-CiaVET 7-aV vEaoeaOVK. d)7rU7E7o' lj X~v 07)7 T 7T~OYVT 7-COKat (OVOV ELTEWLovoaV Xy.HoO~3Ov yapeKClteo OJa~pO?,ELK(2VC ekaCT-CLOCTLO)VY 0E7-9E~t TKE&) /1eVl 27rp-avT/3VT6EOVS HEROD. 1. 6 122 'HPOAOTOY [II. 7yvecoOat, /Kal ov 7rXeoct.. OV0 ela o 'rotr6Tavre9 0coyovirlv "EEXXrot, Kal Toicr Oeoat 7Ta s e7Trvvla9 &WTv7e9, Kal Tlta? Tre Kcat TeXvas &8eXkov7e, Kca, eAea arTc)v crfipZrPvavre. ot o e 7rporepov "roi77rO X\e706Evo0, 70TV70V Trw avSpo)v yeveev-Oa, vr7Tepov, e/o0t 7Ey o/ceelv, Ery'VvTO f \ \ A ' e ~ '..! TO7V7ov. Ica ra,Cr v rpcWa aL Ao&ov teS tprjiaL Xeyovow \ 8 \ f, \ I\ ~!o \ 1 ~ T t~ Ta 3e veTepa, Ta e 'Hclotov ve ca6 "OK rpov " eovTa, ey\) XEryw. 64 Xp7<r]aTpltov 8e vrep, TOV Te ev EXX7art, Kal Tov ev ALq3vlv, TovSe Alyv7rrtot Xoyov X\eovati. ecacav ol lpEe' ToV @&r/3atceo9 Aoav ";o V/yvva'Lca9 tpitas E/c /3eOov < EcaxOi va Vt7r)o (OtvlcKwv' Kcal r V [aev avreWov rvOerOaet e AltvV 7zwv7 vrpr2el0oCaV, T?7V 8e es Tov\ "EXX/raa, Tcav'Tae t'\ ["! X I,.. o TatS yvvactca evat 7a to pvo-auLeva9 Ta j-avTrla 7 rpcraq ev Trol 7 eilp7 evoWa- W'vet." EIpoyevov e 0Ev, o/co0ev OVT7 aC7Tpe/ecO) Er7-To'TaVot \eovo-t, e)arav 7rpo? 7Tavra, " t^r 7 eL yXv e Va 7 aro c()ev ryeveo'Oa TrCov 7vvaLtKOv 7ovTewv' Kca dvevpetev /Epv o(-ea ov U3vaT70 " ryevwa-Oaeb rvOcOaab e virTepov TavTa 7repl avrewv 55 " ra7rp 8rj TXeyov." Tairfa [6v vvv rev ev eOv /Sr tpeo0v rfKovov' 7rae oe ALo&vaLwv atfL at 7rpoLapdvTres " Avo e6\eldaa8a e /cLlvaa K eE Orl3eov rTcv Av7rTreWov "atrTalvaT, ra 7eva rv l avTe/v e' Ati3vrv, Tr v 8 rapa t c0ag a 7rticeao6a'. l'o/evrv 8 eLV w 7rl 7ryov, avda"1 tavcaL <fCwvIvy advfpo^lir? ( Xppeav eitl,pavTriov avTroMb " At\o? yeve0OaL. cal av70TV V7rov Xap/3ev eLO'o elvar To " 7'rayryeXX0,pevov avtroi0C, /cal crq>eaS TOVt ro 7Tr0o q-at. " 7T?)V 86 E rTOV Al/3va olxo[/EEVl 7reX\eXtaa Xcy5ovac ""A/J,uLvo Xp17T'fptoV Kce\Xev'a Tov7 Ai/3vaS TroteEL. ~! ~ \ A\ I I.. eT \e Ka/c TOVro Ato. Awoowvalov &E a tprlat, TWv 7T7 7rpEc/3vTar7 oVoLa 77v) Ilpo/Leveta, T7 oe U6era 7avVrv, Ttpap7, '3 ry Se veCordry4, NTlc Sph, e'Xeov r'avTa. rvvwo-,uoXdOyeov ot)i /Kcal ol a\XXot Aw&ovaoL 01o 7TEpl TO tpov. 66 'E7y0 8 eXo rrep avrewv 7yvcoLt0)v r1V 71. 6el a\d0X c ol 6oTvtlce0 e'r Nyayov 7a9 tpa, ryvvaxaa, Ka cal Trjv aJev avr-eov e? Atl/3vl,, Trf 8oe e rTv 'EXXaoa a7reoovro, (SOKeEL e6/Oh 7) yvvr) avt7y T M77 vUv EXXa8o9, rrpoTepov 8O IeXaoryqL KcaXevev17 7Tr9 avT' 7ravTr1, 7Trpr7Ovat, E Oea-'rp0To0v* 54-60] EYTEPIIII. 123 e7tETa 8ov'Xev0V-c ai)6Ot, i8p'ca-Oat 'w On767ryj w v.. KVt17 AtOS Opw 67~ v0K9 /~t7r0XE0VaV V e'/3yo ipov At,? gOa U7TWE7TO, EvOa'Ta /JvJuv a'TO' exeL)). CK 8aE TOV7TOV, Xp170-T?7ptov KaTr)r/IJO-aTO, f7TELt TE avvieXa/3e T'P 'EXXa'a ryX63okoap. facvat 01'o d&8XcbE1`V Ev AtI3V"i TEp1c-Oat 17T ())a D IOtVIK(0V, V7T 0WV Kafb azV)? Erp1701. llcXeta3'8, 8' ptot 8oKdovo-t A17O~'vat 57 '7p, iw~owvataW E71rL TOD& at' 7vpaFKC9~, &6rT I8azp/apoit 9)cav EOEVcEcr, f~~S OpVLO b00EyEcOiat. aLE e XP6VOV T\7V 7rEXti aasO)T7p Oom ~3a~i~xryovo-C, 67rtE TE oCVVCa cot 97v~a 77 tyvvqV eu &8'e8p3' > pt'c, "ptOos' Tp'O7rov W6Kc' -o~t cfJ 7co-EcOat- 776\TE (0 Tpo7Tc a)) 7TEXeta'S~ 7e dav~pO)7T171 obwvy ~O~yect7 /XatVaV,E' XE'yovTe9 elvaL T17V) 7reXEta(3a, o-717/Lat'VOVO-t ZT16 AIyvwriT 1 7YVV1 17)). 1 &,E /Jtav717t1 17 TE 6V 0177377T 7c-~t Aiy' \in a CV AW&Oy 7rapawXr~o-t i XX1'Xyo TvYXavovOLc cov0Eat. EG-Tt icatL TOW)) tp(OV 17 fJaVTtKI7 dw' AiyV57xrov a7rtrytEv17. llamnyvp~ 8e 4pa Kcal 7ro/J~ra, Kal 7Tpo7a7y0)7a9 7r-pOw- 58 TOt av~pcO7Tojv AIryz'rTtboi El0L 01 7rotnc0-a/1vov Ka&,7rapa TOVT(OJV 'EX-X'qVc9.LcpzaO177Kcat. TEK/J77pt0V 36 /.Lt TOVTOV, TO&- at' /LE~v ya~p fatVoV-at cIC 7To),XXoV E rt /LevatV ate OC\ cEXAAJ7vt/KEaL vE(0-T& E77-0tn7O17-av. llaqrqyupi- 59 ~ovo-t &E AIyrj'n-TO& oviK a77raP TOD EVtaLVTOV, 7Tav17yu~pts' 0vxvas'. /LLXtO-TaL /1~v Ka&b 7TpoOvOlJ1TaTa Es' BoV/3C`TtLV 77-OXLV, 7/ A~'tat. 3Ev6 p C'BoV'o-tpt 7r6Xw 79IO CEP TavTy ryap 37 7 7o t C0T~ /1tO-T~OV Jas po)). 3v Tat &e 17' Tro"Xts' (tV17 T)7i1s ALIYV77TOV CV /lEG-e5) TN'0 IXE'Ta. "Jov-ts' (E CCTt KaTa 77)) 'EXX)VCOv ryXw c-(TaV 'A7T1p T'I-pa 3' Es' IatV 70'XtV 79^ 'AO17vat'-q 7ravn7yvpi'oVOWt TETra-raE 6' (E'q C' H-XtovWoXtv - T( c HX1IC w7TE/1L7rTa 86\ Es' BovTOVV 7ro~t I9A7O>ETL(E s laSrpf/1ttV 7T6L 7(0 "Apei. 'S i' 1v vvv Bov'fao-Tt 7rO'Xtv c'7ea~v Kopt'Ovmat', 60 7TOtEV(7t TOMa&. 7XVTe 7Eyap 317 a/la VaL'3 -X'VG' 8 / vpcs ryvvat~ Kat '7rOXX6'V Tt 7rX?)O0s /c~a7epf' CV EV 'IaoGTp 3n t t/E TLVCs' TW)) 7vvCLLKWV Kpo'TaXat e'XovTat KpO~aX(t'ovot, 01 e avXcovo-t, KcaTa 7raVTa TO)) wrX6oV at' &E Xomt ral vVELKs'? K~at av(pS d69 et`8ovo-t, ical Ta\s' Xetpas' KpoTEOV(Yt. 6cTaV &e 6-2 124 'HPOAOTOY [II. 7rXeoirre IcaTa rtva 7roXw a'XXqv yevvOTat, c/pXfPkavTce Trj)v f3apv T, ry'7, vroteV(t Tola(3e. ai uev TtveS Trv fyvvatKC3rV 7rTOieov' Ta7rep etprca. at 3e roOc4ovor', /3ow'at^ Ta9 ev Tv 7roXet TaLV 7 yvvalKa' at 3 opxeovTra' ac S' dva(TvpovrTa advrTatrevat. TavTa rapa wr'av 7arowXv wrapavroTapljv 7ro/EV-ct. rTreav &E acTri'KWvTa e? Ti)v Bov/3acT'Lv, opTatovO-t, peyyaXas avayovTe? Ov0Itav Kcal ol7vo a/p7reXaVo? avalo-ftoJVTaL 7rXEov ev Trr oprj T'cv77) 77 eV T7 a7raVTC evlaCVTO Tw) e7rlXot7rIC). &V/-pobewa0 oe, o Tb avrup KCal 7iVVJr EOCTt, 7rXr7v 7ratl'oSV, Kao e9 e/3Soo/I/17KCoVTa c V 'ptd3a%, O(S ot e7rtXWptOt X6yovo'-. TavTa,uev )r} Tavr'r 61 7rodeeraT. 'Ev 8e Bova'lpt 7ro\'t o? dvka7ovor T'rj "IJr rj)v oprTuv, elprTiat 7rpoTepov pLot. TV7rTOVrat Lev yap 87) /IerTa Tr7v OVCt'qv 7raVTe9 Ka 7Tacrat,,tvpta'ES KcapTa 77oXXad avOpo7rWov. rTOV 8e TV7rToTat, o LOt 00-cOv eCTL Xeye7v. OSot &e Kapv elal, ev A'lyv7rTT olKEOV7TES OVTO 7E T0.COVTW) er 7rXeo) 77roeEVCr Trovr'v, oG KCIa, r Ea 'eTC)7raT KO7rTovrTaf aXap c' TOVT ecl OTC EoTl e eL EVOt 62 cal OV'K Atyv7rTLo,. 'Es $aWv 8e 7ro\lv c7reav v-XXeXOhoo-r Tr.OL Ovo-Co-t), ev 'rtvt VVKwt Xvva icatov-t 7ralveT < 7roXXa vw'raiOpta 7repp Ta 8o/arTa KcvicXco. Tr 8e Xvxva eoT e, a/3ata e/jTrkea aXo? ca e'Xatiov' e7r77roX7? 8e e7reC'Tt avro TO EXXVXVtoV. gat TroyVto KaterTa 7ravvv Lov teal 7V7 opTr ovo/La CKEETaL AvxvocKatL. ol O av jLj e`XOw(oc Trov A'v7Trvtcov e9 7rrvv 7rav7ryvpv TavTr)vv, fvXaoCOV076 T77V VVr Ta O7v7r7, KatovCrt Kcal avrol 7ravTe9 Xa Xvva Kcal O7VTeO O UvKc ev:a /OVV, ) KaieraI, aXXa eKal avd 'racoav A'v7rrTov. 'o0ev 8e eLveca bcO? e'XaXe Kal Tepb rv n7 vv~ aVT7/, ESTTL tpoq Trept avrov XO6yo XE~o/yevo.. 63 'Es &e IHXlov 7ro\bV Kal BOVTovV Ovo-'a9 [oVvad E77rLTe\~ov'e qObTOVTCe. EV 8E Halrp /tt OvC[la9 te\v cal tpa, KaTra7rep ecal T7 aXX7Z, roLeeo'L. eX5T av &e i7vr/Tat ear'aI,,, \, ep(T( 7to, O11 0V t fE) V I0v-0 V pe. a wXo rept TEaVXiaa XeovTre9, 7rwXerev? XLXIoev avSpTv, etcaTrot 'eovT~e Vv:Xa ca6 /OV/TO, E7T Tra repcT aXe EcTac't. T O y, eX ovT67 eV V7t [btep6r TXv(v67) Ka dcKE pV0-[c-LE), dEt K poEKo0LiVov0 61-65] EYTEPIIH. 125 T7j 7rporepail ck aXXo otKr1/ta Ip6v. o0 v 7 Ory\l7o o0 7repi rwyaXtAa eXeiXeLtJLtvrot, eK\oVOL reTpaKcvKXcov a/Laav, avovcraV rov v7o0v 7r KaCL TO eV TW' V'r eVeov ayaX/ta. ol oe Ovfic EoC~i EOtEV 70T 7rpo7rTvXaltotot E'-EE)T EOLePval ol \ S evWXtL/jlpaot, 7tJAWpeovrtE T9) 0~, 7ralovo- aVrovS aeXeo/jevovS. evdOar7a P/LaX7] Vx\Olab KapTrep7j ryverTa cebCpaXc' e 0'vvapa'o'ovra7L 0 cal K 9 E7r 3o0Keo, 7roXX\o cKal ad7rroOv7rKov(' EK T7( Tpow pfLaTCod ov IlEPV7 ot 76 AlVytrlT e(faaav a7roOvffYeLv ovoeva. Trjv ravr- 64 t r o~& a oa; /, yvpV TaTv ec To70Vo voJLcaL (parL Ol 601T LV pO. OIeEL 6cv T7) ipjS TOVT7) roV "Apeos T1v fL/r7TEpa Kcal rov "A pea > rTOTpo(fov eyev/levov, eXO6ev eavSpwuoevov, WeOXovra T 7 'pLr Jpt ovujLaC' cal 7ovs 7rpo7rO6ovs v7s /i7Tpo%, oLa owic o7rw7roTas avrV Trporepov, ov 7rTplopawv 7raptepaL, aX)X a7repvcKEL TOX 8 e. a\,xxq 7r6owOS atyaopevov avOpwo7rovS, 7Tov Te porp07rov Tv p7Xe 7rEp epLtfTr, Ka ea'elXve 7rapa 7r7V /J,7Tepa. a7ro o70Ve70 vT) Apei 7avTr17V 7 7TrX)7yrjv EV eTv opP17 veoubieaCVaL Sbaatl. Kat 7T0 /Uti,Lcryeo'Oai, yvvaLt\ ev ipola O, jboe aXovTO7V a7ro ryvvatlcv e ipa TeVeva1 orot epcra Ol orpa)TOC, O' Op7Oac'evc'avTTc. ot pev ryap aXXo o-cXebov ravTre' a1vpaoro, 7rXjv Al'yv7rTriv ica 'EXX'vol)ov, p/a/0ovTal ev tpoltpO' KcaL a7ro ryvvatLKcv avtLTa7-tCevo,, aXovrot ec-epXovTaL eS tpOV VOP'ov7EC aMvOploWov a eta KaTa7Tep Ta a\Xa KTvea. Ica ayap Td aXXa a KTr]va opav icat OppvlOv yevea oxEevo6jeva ev Te 7oota Vr17OtL T7wv e0) Kal eV TOto' TEqUEveol. Etl & Lv Ela T7(0 OeW TOV7O U' f IXov, ov/e av ovo Tad IcrTrea 7roLeetv. ovTotL /LeV vvv 70otavra e7'LX'7ovTCe, 7TOLEVe-t e/ZOi 76 OVK apecTa. A77VrtotL 8E Opr17cevov-t 71TepWLGOf Tar Te aXAa 7rept rTa Ipa, ica\ 80 aC 7TaSe. 'Eovaa 8& A"'yvr7 'of oovpos 777 AfiVt,3, ov OFV, aa 65 07pwptof7S eCr'T. Ta oe covra obt a7ravra Ipa vevoucToTatKcat Ta Le~V, OcvvTpofxa avrol'cl Torcb Cv OpW7rotCt Ta e, o01. T70V 8 etveicev aveTra Ta tpa el XEyopL, K/ara/3aL) av 1T Xoy6t e9 7da T ea a rrpr?/yLara, Ta e7yw o evywo paAXt o-ra aTry/^ee0aOai. rTa e Icat eltpica hvt'ov eT7rqfavoa%, avay-:caty7 caraXal/3avo6/Levo et7 rov. N6, os e eCar 7Trpi T7v, /k0 - 126 'HPOAOTOY [II. trpowv 3e 'Xcov. a XEeo)vol atroe3eXaTa r T rpo f Xeopls' EKcaOTO, Kab epoeves' Kat OrjXea TWV Alyv7rTTiOv,,mra 7vap rarp 7rapa w5v vtv. o,0 r 7r6'- fGlTO eela" aOt 7roTe\eovcr eVO'evo w60 elaoa T EvyXaS TaO bT aWT'E XErVO' evxo/LEvoL TO) E TOV Av TO OplOV, CVpOTvES TWV TraLOlwv 7Toav 7a1 TV Kcafrt v, ea To %rovLLT To Tplpov fiepOS T7r IebaX,^S, a-OTaot oTaU/ZJO) Wrpos' apyvpLov puw TpiLas To oS av eXfcvag, TOVTO T7 [L~XES6)VWo Tv r 1piwlv cSto(o6. o ' avT avrov Tarpvovo-a %Ov3S, 7rapeyeb L3oprjv Trota' OrplOLpL. pop pev b" ' 80 on' Trpo7j LEPV Sr} cVTOL TO avoroE' oCT7r a7o&eKr. To 8' av Trs T7wV 0t7pi oV TOVTmOV a7TOKTelPr/7 17V [lLeV KcWv, acvacTo? vev p Fv vE o wv aTro iV e rlv Tjv aV ot ipeeo a'~(mrat. " 8' AL q v ' ' L1' TavTa. ~S Oav 'l0 f Lp?7Ka a7rTOKTEtelv, r7v Te EKWV, 66 i ac e aev, eOvavat avay7. lo v e ovv TpOf) 7ov ToL avpdvp)T7oLat 07ptOlv), roXXt)p av ETL 7r\E) aa\ I Io " eytIVeTO, elC /U} caTreXa/jL3av ov a leo'pov S' 7oae. 'ErTECaV T'elcOK al Or\Xcab, OVCKETT ()OLTEOV, 7rapa rovS epaevaS ol 86, o 8(i/Jevot. ptlaO'yCOaU av7T'-t, oVfic ovo'. 7-rpos aprat ov7e~ aTo wJOV OrIXov wV TCavt co0flOVTaW T8eC ap7rdaOvT~S a7ro TWV 0r \Ucov Kca v7ratpeo/pevob Ta TEKZva, KTCeiOVo'L. KTclvav7UcS pepVLTO, oe ErOV/OuLeovavL, OUT0) 87 a'rLtKLveOvTab rapa TOvS epaevaC' ()L\oTEKVOV 86 7T0 O'7pLOV. 7rvpKcaLl7S 8e 7yevoe/v9, Oeta 7rpj7,uaTUa KcaTaXa/jl3aveb T'ouc aleXovpovS. ol JLev yap Al7ryvTTtLOb LoaaCTaVPTeS )vXa\KaSd eyov-\b T v) ale\ovopwv, alpeXravavrTeS a/3evvlvaL TO KLcaCOJevov' ol 8 alE\ovpoo, otaSvovTeS Kcab vTrepOpwo-KovT7C TOVS avOpoo7rovS, eEa — XovTab eS TO 7rvp. TavCTa o rey 7tvoeva, 7rEvOea ILeyaXa TOvUS AlryvTrTlov c KaTaXap.f3av. ev oreoi-tL 8 av olcLoLa-L atleovpoS a'Tro7avy aro ToV ao Tov, Ol VOIKEOV7T 7ravTreS vpeovTraL o7 pvas' oOvaS' 7rap OTEOL-b o' av 67 KCVOv, 7rav TO orwfa Kcal Tv Ice(faXrv. 'ATrayeaTaL 8e ol aeXovpot a7roOavov'7PES ES tpaS o7-Teyas, a Oa7r7-0vTa TapLeXv0O'v7 e ev Bov/3caaoTb roX6. Tas.e CKvas ev Ty eouvTv eicaa-TroTL rr OactrTovo-t fv tp,'t 0h7Kc-'t. oS' oe avToS- Tyc7 t Kcva- ol lXvevT7a Ca7rTOTab. TaSf o\ pvyaXaS Kcab TOVS ptKprCKa aTrayovao'- E BovToVV 7roXtv Tas 8oe t'/3t e9 'Eppebe nro6Iv. Tas &e apPKovsU, eovovaa o'ravias, Kcal 636-691 EYTEPI-IH. 127 Tro)s Xxvo 7roXX 7-06 6r dc E'cva'~ovaS', aVToV O7TTOVc-tTC PC?' ] ai EVpECOOC~t KE1]uev0L. TO-P 36\ Kpolco8,61Xow y7 /O-'t, Eo-T& TO70L1)(3. TO\ xe,.t- 68 ptCOTaTOVS' /1)vaS' Te0crcpaS' eCTOIECL Ov'84V. COPV &E T~p a'TTOVV, Xep(-tov01 Ica~ XL/WaFO1) eI(T7P TUTEt P.EP) (yap woa ev' 79, Kat EKXE7TEt, Ka\~ 7\ 7r0XX\71) 7S'I?/.pLS' &~8aTp/t3EL V T(p ~?7p(3), TL7V 8SE VLJKTa 7TaUoCLa Ev) 7- 7r7Oa/U3.9 O6p/Jo7p yap (Si] EC7TL 70\ V&p TTS' 7E6 at~ptl)S Katc TYJS p ofov. 7WaVTCaW U T 07)1) 77/LtS' lS1ikEV Ovip-aw), -orov^OC E~XaXt'o0'TV yUC7701TV) yiWE~at. Ta p~v Tap wa xqrn60 01 7r0XXW' y I&, "Wu4a1oJE)0, T1rat Kcal ES' E7rTaKatS~?WXaS', Kcal CETt. EXECb 0S 41 VX~lS Vp'is 3Sva-(S O ~ XoVS Ita~t xavXt(o'80V-aS', KaTa' X6yOv O 701o) C aT&4La. (yX63o0' V&yL Ea ya~l7oupETa0) T S](1 a l)V(at /300EQW TXa Kat TVT (Sq aX V op~t Kt?pa bwE 6 &~pot~S' tpll~w POP E0T7, 7' PT\ VWceoi~c' 7TpV'O c l \ r \ it 7vpoca 7ctal yap ES' b 721)i EKal7 ovvaC K0VVpT70S' KpOICO(aEXOS',tKCOtETEL, ~p77KT XP 77- (TOV a 701)70V (VOS' 87TLW( ES', 70 0'7 IL av70v, \aTet7TPKEL 7aS' /3SEXaTS 6) O' E, CO'bEXV/.E)S 7Tt, a(UO.~)Oi)~t 701 7pOeto) Torav,UC (39 (AX\7 7TOXL /J40 acov 7T otE ro1 TC, OT ( Wop E~7/CS a ewtt~S.'ew apE v 7 6)UT ((p0/C0 7SELOte), 77E&6r// TO)P Euiatov XEvP0OaE( ap T7/ICtOX a7 XtOLcva f TOS'T71za a7OWVS -6a', KaartVC Talt dw68,Er SvE' a((at\ 0)EXv tptc, (t 2'pEW1)E'8 (OS' KCLXXL(T\ '(O1o7vS' T7- 1ov~aS (Evo Ta eTXEVO Ka1)ES' I O VW0(tE't7Y rO)77(t. Ot /7t~f6 'EX\rOfav A'viy'ff6wV IOi /C tOPTE', Kat EKOi01)(7 CLTOt1)S ' 01)/ aXyE/JX aOL tpoVS~' ewat KraXLE7v-0a0 ot 3 7repOK6TICLXOL,8adxa\ 128 ~HPOAOTOY [II. Xpa/Jta. Kpo0K0&?LX0V &1s "Icoveo; 3volpaoav, E1K4'07TES' aTWVl TacE~~TOIY TL6 0ctoit 7t7)01bLEvOt0~t Kp0/c0NEL~O-1 70 T&otgt E'v T'rjc aizoti& Apat &' oewv '7ToX-Xa'aE eTTcaift, Kcal 7r-aVTOtat- 3 COP7 COt rYE 8OKeEEL a'LOTa'Tfl aw/)7y0101? ELpaL, TaVT)7V rypacfw. e7TEaV V(0TO7) VO~ 86eXEaoG-p 7TEpt a,7KW0TpO7, ILETLE, El; /-tEG-O7 TOP 7TroTa/LoW aVT6S' & ECt TOV XELXEoS; TOD 7rOTa/kov eXmo)3,~ ~ 'C)) a~1l TV=C~tE. c7raKov~oas' 83 T?7^ /ov KpOACO'cLoI~, 'I" KaTa T777) (f)CO7)17 EVTUX0(OV 312 T(O' ) LJTp, KaTa7TL'7)Et 01 3 9XXKOVOL. IE7TECa\) 312'CXV-' ( 1 7TW(TO a7) aTO O17PE6VT) 7r)7Xo^) KLT' (07)v 67rXa(Te LVTOV TOVl)S /OaX/Lovl% TOTo -oSE 7rot270-a%; KapTa E7EEO Ta VOLaa qr7 1ot 'oraS; 8E\ TOV^TO, (7V\) 7T7)(9v. 71 0 &6 t ~~~ ol70(Ot 7 )~po P40/ /WEV TO) llaw-p)7/A41Ty (p0o Ete0t, TOIXYL (E a oot AI7WJTTIOtG 0VK tpoi. fno-wt &6 7rapE'XOvTat i cip; T~lt17V(SE TETpa'7rovl) C-Tt, &i'x9opw o6wXat /3oo\, 0c(/L0V, XocfJ)77 EX~l) t~~r XavXto(SOVTa, 7 4a~tvov, oOpqv tI7i-rov Kat o(bwv-i ii~OO; 0-OV TIE /03o s'6 /E7tOT0OV TO CSp/La 8' avTOv^ 01)70.) (5 TL raxv EGTL, (G`TE 72 av~ov ryEvo/le7ov, ~Vo'Ta 7rOLEJ-OaL a'Ko'VTtat E a'TV^o. - PvoTat 86\ Kcat C7vvSpt~q CV Tw^ 7TOTa/L99O, Ta,~ ipac~?7)-j)Ta ELpat. vo/Lt`~OVU1b Se\ Ka~t T70)7 lXOvW7V 707) KaXeV/LEvo0 XE7rt-A (SO)TOP (p01) ELvaL, Kat T7)77 Ey/XEX VP. tp0V9~ 8SE TOVTOVS~ TOV) NEI'XOV fao7L Elvat' Kat T60W OpvtlO (07 TOC)I X)71aXwwvEia,~. 73 "Eon- (S\ Katl aX09, `pvts tpO', T(O 07V)0/a 0jbOvt~- 637/ eVO ilav otv EM(OP, EL r)~o ypao~r,at yq )ia CO.7Ta7tOS? C7Tt~f)tTa~ 0-0f, Sta\ ETECOPV (ts'~ 'HAtov7roX6-Tat Xcyovo-&)7-0 TKO tO. fOtTa7) (S\ TOTE Oa-t WEl7 0 a~wo6C 6 'V aT7p ETL, Elty p 7rapo/LotosTOUGO-tSE Kat TOLOO(SE- Ta Abev a1)TOV XPVG6OKO/La 7T07) 7TTEpCOP, Ta (e, epVOPC " 9 Ta\ /LcXLto-a aLETp 7rEpt?57ncto6/op6TaTOs', Kat TO aL7OoSX ToDT-ov & 8\ V-/'a Pao-Oat~ TCUSE, C/LkOt fLEV OP 7rt(7Ta\ XE'70)TEV EC'pa~j Op/LEWI/LEPOV, eS~ T tO (0 TOP Htov KOLI~Et T67) 77raTepa, Ev Oy.kvpzq7 CwXaO(YO)Ta, Kal OL7rTIEL7) Cl TOP HXt'OV T(O tpp. KO/JA46t7) Se\ OVTO) 7rpO)TOP), Tl)7S 07.tvpvq17 ci6v rXcaT — ctTv7 OG07) TE c8v7aTos' CO-Tb ofe'pEct ILETa (Ep 7rEtpao-Oat aO\ cOOpE'O7Ta- C'7TEa7 & awro7rEcpq7O,% OVTC 317 K,tjv7a7Ta 70 —76] EYTEPTIH. 129 TO cov, Tov rfaTepa E9 avTo evT0eva, Doivpvpy 8 ZXXyT E/L7rXa'crve-6 TovTo KaTT O T1 TOV wov e, yKcotX\rva evetOlKce Tov 7raTepa' ecrcetpevov Se TOV 7rarpo?, rylveaOat T 'VTO fapo e/,7rXcraavTa 8e, Kco/tewV ptLtv Er' AyXVTrrTOV 7E TOV HX'ov TO tpo0v. TavTa /pLE, TrovUTov 7)v T OpVt\XEOvCtr TrotEELV. Eloi 8e 7weptb R/3a9 pob obte9, avOpoTrwvc ov'8aol^g 74 8VXrLovec' o /eya/dOei EovTre P/tKpo6, 8vo cepea fopEovawr, 7rebvKcoTa e4' aKcpaq T0? /ce1fa\^ TOVD 0a7rTovot a7roOavtovTar e1V Tto) tpo) TOV Atov' TOVTOV Tap 0apeaq TOV Oeov fpacr etva poV9. "Eo-T, 8\ Xrpo T777 'Apac/3'ts, KaTa 75 BOVTOVV qro6Xv caAXt-Ta KIc} cetlp evo' Kca e6 TOVTO To X Iopt,' `X0ov), 7rv7)Oavo/J~e1)o9 ' wept, 7T)1) w7'EpolTW1) O(f[t. a W)plOV 70\00Vn 1-wEaVO 0 7repb TW v 7rTCpaTG0V 0(>LO)V. a7trKoLJbevo? 8e\, ESov o0rTea ofi6o) /Kcal aKcarv0a, X 7rtOe fe\ a`Uv1aTa a`7r Ta'7a6 0ac acpotl e roav avfcavOecov Kab t Ka\ V7roECCt ET!OVTO)! peyaXot, c6a vTroSeOTepo, Kab eXacroel?,T TOVTOv vroXXo e 7ca'-avT OvTO7t. Tt.l Se 0 XOpo OVTO9?, EVz To at aKava K!aTaKEvaoaX, TOL 7 I3X) e ovpecov 'TElCtO)v E9 7wreSlov Feya' TO 8e 7Trelov TOVTO cvva7roTe T0O AiyvTko 7t7-rc&i. Xo &o E Se 7Tt',L a'a T(O eapt TrTepCTOVs ofx EcK T7^7? 'ApaI'3y TreTe.Oab w'r AlyvTrwTov ]Ta "e ' \ ' a, a', ' 'q \, ' \ I PO l/9W T7a OpvitLda aTraa1Vr a9 E9 T771 Ec /3oX\rV TaVT7U' T?71 Xwp7,% ov Trap eva TOVt o'?, adX\Xa KaTaIcTeve6tV. al T77V tl3V 8ta TOOTO TO epFyov TeTti'lp7tOab Xeyovao 'Apa3tom eryacXco9? wpo Ayv7rTkowV ofoXoye'ovco- Se Kcal Ay^yv71To6 8oavuTa vLTtav ao a opvt0aS avrTa?. E3'ot Se 7t7z9 Iao 76,/3ot TOSe86. Je\CXatva 8etl)W9 7raa, o7KEXEa e 8 fopeet ryepa0 VOV, 7rpoaco)o S es a 61 cffXcTa e'7rtypvrov0, feuyaOo OCTov KpE!. T1p V 7ev oL EXaL~\ vev, JW)V /JLaXo/te1vv 7rpo0 TOYv o()9, '8]e tSe&1. 7T(oV 8 etV 7ocr0l t1aXX\\ov elXeveVoV TOl-t, avOpwo7rotac' (8tai byap or7 8 c-C alt i 3at') 'tX'77 TV771 KE(pa\X77v cal T)V 7 etpr7v 77racavC )evEcrU 7rTEpOtixt 7rX7\v Kce~aX\^ Kcab ToV avXevo1 Kcat aicpwcv TWV TrrepvVyCOv Kal TOV wrvyatov aKpOV' TavTa Se Ta eltrov qravTa,.bteXat1a' eO'Tti ~Lwc0^ KceXeca \e Ka\t pocr-60o,, e./-tep771? Ty eTep,. Toy V of)\ t O 7 P/JoprP), ot7 Trep TOMV vopV. wrTtXa Se ov rrTeproTa fopeec, aXXa\ TOc-'b T7^ VVK)CTEpCo80 Te7poOLC,PLaXba Td 6/ eI" EepcaTaTa. To'avOTa ue1v 07qpl'v,Trept tpcov elprao'cw. 6-5 130 'HPOAOTOY [II. 77 IC ) AvTryv 8e r ' Alvrrlov, oi /Ev 7repb 7r7V a7retpojuv'v Al7y7Trov OtlCOUv, Lt /pLr)7]v acvOppwrwv 7ravrv eVra raceovT~e /iaXLtOTa, \XoytL'TarolE /dC b ia/tcpW TWv 6710 ' e &a'reLpav da7Trt/cl7v. TpO7rT 8&E ~'6v? Tlo6Se 8laXpeovTae. vp/cat-. ~overt rpEv vyicepay &rerTEn /JLt7VO& E~KarTOV, eITO7Lto OrpoWIeVOL Tr)v vT7erlv acaa KcXvOVtlaaO, volOv7e' aTro Te v W TpedOdvr7v riWVtV rvrdcrac Trs vovaovv Tor'i dvOpovTroeLo ry7ve0Oat. elol Lev yap Kca tX A17vXo Al 7vTrti,.tCZ Ail3vas veyLrpe'rTarot 77 Tracv cavOpo7rcov, TrCv COpeCo (SoeeLvw C\)..,co e o, A eWEKEcev, OTv ov LerTaXXaodrovart al wpat. ev 7yp Trr/LtETal3oX\- TOlrot aCv)fpOrTrotLSa at vovrooL PuaX\Tra ylvovrTa, T(rV Te a\\XXo 7rrdvrov, ca ) Sr\ tcal TwpV wv Tat, T V T6 TO) p) 6 0 l L XtLara. 'ApTobay'eovo-, S, ic Tr7V oXvpe&v 7roLevvres dapov, rTOV eiceLevo KcvXX\\r)OTSe [o/Lc ovrt. o'va eC' ICpLOewv TrE7Trolt7/jeVW otaxpeo)vrTal ov yap crbpl etrr ev Tr. %p aduL7r'eo. % w0 o0 "o TO \I, eV 7rpo? AlXtOV aurvavTeS, WtCLOV9 rtTe0VTat' Tov 80, e aX/.j4 TeTaptXev1Levov`. opviOwOv 8 e Tovs re opTvya9, Kcat ra vlio-TaS, Kca? ra ca/LLecpa 'rw opvtOiwv, oza CtTeovTra, '7rpoTapeXeuvaavTe9. 'r 8\ Xa 'oa r ' 3pO, W /xl w & l o-b Eto,/., a, Tra oSe a a ora r77 opvtov r X7Ovov e' r a eoeva, '' XWPptl n' oiKorroe cTr tpol aTro8e8eXaTrat, ToVi XoevroVS 78 o0rrov9 fcKat e00oV1O rrtT0ovTat. 'Ev 8e Trj"t o-vv ovco-iy 'roacr ev(ali/LooTL avrwv, evreav d;ro (e3rvos yetvwv' a', 7rEplfoEpEb avr7p veKfpov ev o-op uVAlVOV TeTrolrJteVov, /.LJeb/.J/fEVOV oE / od e X-cTTa Kr at ypaprj Kcat epryT/, e7yavo9 oCrov Te 7ravT17 r7XUvatov, o rI 7rt,'7vv' oectvvu o8 eKao"-TO Tr)v cv/7rorTTeov, Xe7e' "'Es TrovTOV opeov, 7ivE Te cal Trep7rev ecreat yap daroOavWv TroiovTros. Tav'a pev \!,,rap ra T v[L7roxa o7rOLeVrr. 79 Ta'raTptowo e Xpewl/-evoe vop/oer.l, \XXov ov8eva 77rtKtcreTv'Tra. Trotr aXXa re 6eradta eCrT vo6ttp/a, ical (r7 Kcal acetpja ev eo-T' AIvo, ov7Trep eV Te 'oev/Lc aotoel, O( eaTxcal ev KvTrpop, Kal a!XXr?' KcaTa \evTro eOvea ovvo/ia eyxeL ovJ/xfepeTrat 8 co)vrTO elvat Trov ol _EXXAv-e Ai0vov ovopa- e 0ovTe? daeiovlJ-. CrrTe 7roX\\ ev Kvcal a\XXa adToOrowvpaldev Pje TrCv 7rept A'lyv7rTov ECvrOV, ev 8e r gcal Tov A'IVOV ' oco9ev eXa/3vo (falvovrat Se dal KCOTE TOVTOV aEt(ov'er..c.rt 8e A.ryv7nrTru'r o Aivo Kca\XcvpEcvo9 Mavepos. cOao'-av 77-84] EYTEPIIH. 131 8e Utv AtryvTrToL rov 7rpowrov /3ao'XEvcavTos Alvyrrov 7ratiSa,uov oyevea r/yevea6OO a'7roaavovta 8' avTrova ahvopov, - pjqVOUL 70TV70L0o v7r v AiYV7r7twv LTtrva6 Kal aotorv Te TraVTrv 7rpWTr7v Kcal /ovvqvv aOloat reveoa-aL. vl/ce- 80 P OVTaL ae Kal ToS6e d\Xo Aiytv7rTtol 'EXX'vwv /povrvoLO AaKeSaqov0lota't. OL VeorTepot avrTov TOCLt 7rpeopr3vTppotL cvvrvrT7avdovr, ElKovo'C T9 0o0V Kal EKcTpaT7rovTa' ical E7rtOVCL, Ef eapl? vtrravLtTearat. T. Se pevro& aXXotro 'EXXvwcov ovSuoatoi t vufJepovpTa' avTr Tov 7rpoOaryopevetv a\XX\Xovv ev T70-fo o(oo, T7rpoo'KcvVEOVoLt KaTtEvTeD _ xpEpL Toy 7yovvaTro 'rr)v Xepa. Ev6SeSvao c icWtOvav 81 XLVeoV9, 7tepl T$a icEKXCa vo-avol)ovN, oui KcaXeovO-l caXaclptpi' 7rt TOVTOUtL e elIpivea EtcLara XvKca erarava/3Xq\ov fopeovot. ov ievrTL eI 7y re a tpa Ceo-pepera eltpvea, ovoe v (vyKaTaOa'7rreTaI, 'blt' ov yap oortov. O6OxooyqEovc't 8e aV'a roLo' 'OpbICoLo't KaXeoZEvoT'L at\c Ba cxucol'o^ Eovco Se, AiyvU7rTl(o, Kcal lIvOayopeLo'ffL. ov8e Tyap TOv7TW 7TwV OpY/LoV ereTeXovTa OCltov COTL ev EtplVeotol e4taao Ova)Owivac. eTL 8e 7rep a7vr3v Ipogo Xoyo Xe76oKalt ase a\XXa Atyv7tr'toal eTo' etevprl/4eva' /LeT' Te 82 Kalt 7UPepr7 eicarrT Oewv oreV eVo-Tr Kal Try eEca'-ro, pyLeprp; 7J /e6vo/eloV0% o'TOL E7KvproEL, Keal KC09 TXVCVpT7a, K o al Te euc ae, t OKOIO9 TV6 eo'rat. cKa, TOVTrot Trv 'EXXvwv o0 Ev T7qreL yEVop1eVOt eXprIaavTo. Tepara Tre r\ea a- t avevpr7Tat 7 Trolot aXXood a7\ract aaOpi OW7rOLLt. 7yevo0Levov 7ap T EpaTo0, fvXcta'Coov7t ypatfo/Jevo' T)7r/ol3a vova Ical?jV KOTE vaCrepov 7rapa7r\XtctoV TOVTrW ev-rTat, KaTa 7Tvro voitovCTov- ad7ro8/r)(aOaL. MavrTfic 8 av'Tocrt Coe &a- 83 Keerat. avOpw7rWov tLev, OVSevl WrporicKEEraCt TEXmv7, rTCrv 8 Oecov ) Le'ere'Tpokti. Katl yap HpaKXeoS /avrrlaTiov av'roO e cr a, 'A Xvo, CaKa 'AhOvays, Kcal 'ApT'et'os, Kal "Apeoa, Kal At Kat oy7 tiaLL ara ev TI Uy a/,ovTra 7rav-o, l0 v ~'Viro, A v~'ov B, ' ' ' rowv Tow r,tvav7r[T&)v, AXqoTV Dev Bov'ro -roXt erTL. ov teVrTo at 7 ye I tar)T?at a ot Ka'ra TrcoU'ro EraT-t, dXXA dopot 6E1L0. 6H 3E L'rpLKr7 Kara TaSe bct &eSaOrTat. 84 tUlrn c tovov eicaTroe 'ITrpO 6 eC r, KCal ov 7Xt\6vc)v. 7ravra ' l77)ptV 'J-r, 7rXta. ol /Ev 7yap, o4OaXCUov 0T7POt KaTe 132 "HPOAOTOY [II. TT act, OL (e, KEJoaX -v ot' &, 080L'TCWV Ot ETCOJ) KaTa 01 ~,rc-3 dav'oav~ voic. 8 5 (Op'PIo 86 Ka~t Taoai ctcciw, EWal at&e. TrFoot av JworyEVyTat EK T(07) OLKIOJV aVOpO)7T-0% TOO Tt9 Kait X0yos0,~ TO \,, Sp Or1XV yjcvOS' 7ra^V To' EK 7T07) Ol`Ki`Wl TOVT601) KaLT (A)) E`7Xa'O-aTO 7177 KE/Xa)77v 77-VoX( -q) K'tL TO\ 7rpoG67tMV. Kawrctaa ev T Ot KIO~tYltoi Xtrov-at TOP 7)EKp(), aVTat, ava T7)77 7TOXI7) J 6pl/X/JvaEl, Tii7rToirrat, cEre o-/7)eat. Kal /xtiovoait TOVN /)k4~'OL- o-v)v 86 co at' 7rpoo-77jKvovtat 7racroa. &T1 -10(AOE7) &E 0 a'WePE9~ TV'7JTO7)Tat, ET(oO7JWCIEVOL Ka \ oV70Lt. Erca7)86 TaV^ a 7TO0L77t0-(0t, OVTO) Eq 7T77 Tapt~l6V0rt7 KO~lt86 ~ovct. Elio 83' o'l Jw' av'T6^ TOV'T(9 KaT eaTaL, Kat, Tc~wqv eovo7L TaVT97V). OiVrOt,, e7reav) ittb KO/JUT-0' 7)EKpOI% &EKv~aotL ro0U7 KOttioaJL. 7napa&~ly-ara, V)eKPc)V ~iita, T^I rypatfly fLALL7L7a K-77)FE)(7rov~atOTa'T1v a'TO7 Obao-t Mat, T01) OvK &o7oto7 71-otev/JLat 70 ov)o[a E77tL TOtOVTV& 7rp)fluarL, (7)ojLa'EW. T7,17 & &6VT'p77 &LK7)twao-i '7To8&EU7TEP1)7) Tm TalV)7s KCl& EvTeXCOT~pI)W- 77)P & P MPT, EV3TEac-Y~)v (pao-aVTEs &, 71-vV7aOa7o7Tat, 7wap aVTrJP KaTa lPTtpa /3o5XovTai -bc' va-) a 707 7)E/po7). Ot 7)v CK7TO&L7\P, tWO-ON5 O/1oXory1)avc aaX-Xaoo-o77at, 01 & v7ro'X~two/JE" o '8 c~'/~c~,w Ta\ c-ov~atO'Ta~a TapitXE w07 7pcCO-a Ib'CV CO~Xt6O Ort87~ pp a\ TcOV /J.V~COT77P W V c ayoVO-t 70) e7KC'fXLov), Ta 7)e aVTOV OVT&D C~~yovTCq Tai & 'EyXo7)rTs~ oapp~aKa.'\I/JlTa, &E, XtiOw AIO7OWLKj3^ 4Ei wrapa~~o-Xa7)TES? 7rapca T77v Xa7ra pm', c~ (v dlXov -r7v7 KOtXlyqv 7i-cw-aw, EKaffpa7)TES~ cS\ a'T \1V, Kca' 8tOoa7 677r tTa 7177)q v\J&v oltvprnqsq aKq7paTOv TCTptz/LEP?7))7, Kal Kauo-u, Kat 7T) a~X~ Ov/aW7, 7rXl7) Xq)3a7)WTOQ 7-X)ta7TES', -TpaTOVt0t 07TtWU, Tava & 70tyoLIaPT69, TaptyeVovotT X~TQi60, Kpl~VTE Imacpag E/&/ 1K0\T 7rXe7)va9 &C T'OVTE'OJ) OV'K 6"~COTb Tapt7(eveL7. e7rea7) & 7rpXOjo~o-t at" Cef38O1ZKO7Ta, Xovta)E ')7)~oKTL xio-G-OVo7t 77ra7 aVTOV TO 0o&/oLa o0tp7o&7o0 flvo-o-tv TEXa/~WtC KaTaTET/JA71.kE7)0UTL VWrOXptO7TES? 7(d KOpptIJ TC3?37 awnb KO"XXqT); Ta\?7OX'Xa Xpecorat Al'YVWTtOt. f~vOEVTCV &6 wapa&84tcvo /.tv) 01 7rpocrqK0VTc', rolcEVVrac ~Xtvov 859]EYTEPIIH. 133 TVTl V~p&n-roEt&'a 7tO/JEOt &, IEcpIylVOt Tl) VEKpovW Ka't KatTaKXIqt-caVTE9~ OVTr&),qa9javpitouv~tm el) o't/7 -FLaTt O?7Katlco, te07al)TCS' O'pOl 77Tp09I TOIOl). OVTCO /4,EV TOV9 Ta 7TOXVTXEo-araa oKCV'a,'OVGt l)EKPOV9. Tov\;z,E\ Tra pF a 87 130VXO/JLEVOV9, Th \V8 7ToXVTEXqfti' qxtol6as LTKeV64~JOv c7Teal) TOV,9 IKXvcYT?7pa9? 7Tx?7(T&~)VTat TOv CLWO\ KE(3POV (aXeI(~aTOS? 7y~1tl)[EloV0, El) (OP crXlcaVl TOO VEKpOU T97) KOtXiyv, OUTE dvaTcakLoPel~m aWTOl), 0OVTE f EOl)TC') 777 1> 7P Ka/Ta & Tnw A~py~v c o-iyo-al)TCq Kia 67TtXa/3VE'~ To KXvo/-/ta 7T17S~ 677TtaO6 o#SV, TaptXEVOVOLt TaS~ 7T-POK~tjuElact 7p<pa't TI) &\ TEETtyE INCCT29/~~27 2l epa T TXE~a..'~t' \ ' ox &YYTe apia E(0VT~q Tn7 )2P l /CLvv Tat i',r P KaraTET27K07-a e a et Ta? &c o-ap/Cct To XiTpOl KCaTaTJ)KIEV KCa 0)At7eTETt TOV VEKP0V TO pa OE -ko,LOVl)l, KaCL TaL 0YTeat. E7rE(aJ 86\ TCW-TC 7T0o?)(7(00L, a7T wv e&J0)/Cal OV'T&J TOl) veCpOl) oOWel) 7tL 7rp27yp.4amvEv0'TE9., cII (\ Tp Ta)~ pt- 88 XCEUT9 eG-Tt i)&, 7i1 TOJXI XpJ)/JacY aWYOevEoTTepOV- o7/CEa V4et. cyvppa4?) (St2762o0 a TE T\)l CotXU', Ta~p y8V(LTa 1S/L 2)/OPTaL?7/,upa9~, Kat e7c~tTC aw (Ol cV (/E~)r~eoa~, Ta~&\ ryvait'a~,ca T ^ l) P qekWd)\pcl, wcl TEXevT '- 89 2 T ov~ 77 Tapav7-c/a 8toio- TCPxevetV, ov&8e OG-EaL a'l) WoIeVEL&E9l KapTa Kat~ Xo9yov EX07,o0 7VlpaL/C aXX cra TptTatait ' TCTapTaLtat TEV)WlTat, q!T. 7apa(SuOoi~n TOIETL TafHxeVOvO-t. ToVro SE\ 7rotEOIV0CT OVTCO TOME ELVE/CEl), tvaE /14) Ct~b Ot TCaPLXEVTaCLO 147Cl)TaLL T?7(7 yv~a 'i Xap4OO V~ ap Ttlva /ao& lucTyo/kelol) 7)ECK(PUT)O(()C(0yla/ KCaTc~t~r & TO\V 6,u6k0TEXlVol. 09~ ( av n7 av'TaOv Aiyv- 90 7rT(Ca)V, 2) Etl)(0l OAtw, VW /COCOS[XVa7tLOE9 V7r aLVTOV TOV oV7~ [ tU a?)7Tat TE oV2n, KEaT 47Pl al) '7r-6xt 6~ejtyLO TOVfTOVI9 apfY? 60Tt TaptXEv-. oaVlTaL9 aVTOl), ica\ 7repL(YTeL~al)Ta (09 /CaFXWTLOa'f El)Lpy7t?7cyt. ov(Se 'yavo-ait 6~EUTt aVlTOV)a~l lla 4 0VTE TCVl 7tp002-7KOl)TWPl, OVTE T(l) SbLX(Wl a'X-Xa Ltl) oL tE9EVTO Ot I Net'XOV, aTE 7rXOl Tt 27 al)Ocowrou VE/pl)o, XEtpEwa~'OlTE9aO7iTOlJ(Tt. x 'E'XX27JWKOFGO& &6 l)opattaLt OEv'yov(7t XPauvEt- TO &e 91 cr/Pa bTW /17( aXXl h2&/a ah/mLLol) dlOoSrcow 134 'HPOAOTOY [II. vooialotot. ol ev vvV a\\ot AyVTmot OV0To TOVTO cOvXcoo-ovo'i. S0t E Ce Xe'lt9 7roX\9 'teryaX?7 vopuLOV TOV )783al~ov, cr7yyv9 Ne] iroXtolS. EV TavTr 7 7ro\, 'c b epeoso? 7TOO) Aava'?i pov Terpayvov' 7rept 8e avrov, foLVftces 7revfca- Ta Sae 7rpo7rvXa Toy tpov XtiOvta ecT, K\ a'TOFapTctt a ptaVTE9 &O 7T 0 KIapoa peyaXa- 7rl Se avro. vpVre vo ' a ar Xivot E~7C\o. EV 86 7Ept,3E3XvLeV TOV'T rnjO'S TE evP, Kcal ayaX/La ev avrTCo veTrrffKE To7 l epcreo?. OVTOl ot XELqilTal Xeyovotl ToV lTep'ca 7roXX\\aKc ev ava, T7)v 7rv (fatveo-Oal cor), 7roXXacc e "c' ToD t'pov. oavadXtov TE avrov 7re0pcopyevov Evpl~K~eo-Oa, Eov "TO L'yaaos 'n7-lXWV vO e7reav OavJ, ev~Ovretv arraaV A'TvrrTov. TaCTa /pv \E7ovC-t. 7roteVCoT &;E Tar('e EXkvxca TW )e IIeprE' dryrwva 7VIJLV0KOP Tl0ElCt &a 7ra'Crj) arycopv?)9 EXovTa 7rapeXovTE~ aeOXa, KT7)vea icat XXalva9 Ka\ UeptarTa. e'pOpE'VOV &' pLCEV o Tt Cobt OV ovvotCl efo0e 6 Ilep-Eev e7rtcbatve'-Oat, Kcal o vT KEXCOPiSa1at Aiyv7rr7-tovw TrcW aXXov, aywova /7v[lVlKov rtOevTere, e'6acav " TOV Hepoea Ec T7?1) ErVT)V 7r6oXto " yeyoveva, TOv 7yap Aavaov Kal TOv Av7cKea, EcovTt " Xeq/l-a?, etc7rwXco'a eg T7)v TEXXaaa." a7ro 8e TOVTOW ryever1XoyeovTre, KcaTre(ratov es TOrv Ilep-ea. "a7rtKO/Levov ' Se avuov es A't7yv7rTov, KcaT' at-rwvTrv fcal "EXXves F "X4e7OV'7, olToVTa EK At/3lV T7V opoO KE(oa\ojv, ~ea"o av e\0eOv Kcal 7apa o Kea', fcal dva7v'vat TOV9 0-1/7 -7"evea w rav'Ta9' eEKpLe/aO)KcoTa 8 av WTriK/ceoaOa9 E "A'TlTro TOv TO Tv XE,u1L[ot ovvofLa 7re7rv(T[/evov 7rapa 7 T)9 lT)TpO' awocva 8e Ol e/JVVIKOV, avrTov KEeXevcravOT9 E7rtTEXeWe V. 92 TavTa /eV 7ravTa Ol KaTrvrepOe TWV eXEe)V OtKceovTe6 AyV7rrTTo vo r1o ovrt. Ot' Ec r) ev Toi0Ct te\eTIC KcarolKc1 -[LEVo0, Tot'(7i pev aCLVTotCL VO/OlOctI XpECoVTai To0i K'ae ol A\Xot A vrTMoL Kca Ta (a\Xa a Kat, Kal yVvaiKC pi EKcaCtTO avTwv CvvoKceel, caTaTrep aEXXyves. 'Arap 7rpo e~VTeX\erv TWV c7'T6ov rTae Co aX \\Xa efEvpvvTat. eTreav 7rXqpq '9 /EV?7Tat o w 'orat. e~% g a,re(c[a qreXayt', y,era eV 7eVTaZ6 7TTOTa/Mg, Kal Ta 7re ia 7T~Xalayi, (fEV~Tal Ev T( vIaTi KcplVea TroXXa, 7a Ai'yLTroi KaX\ovct X\cTOv' TavTa ETreav apE'pwo1t, avalroVi 7rpo9 ~X\Ov' Kat ie'7rs6Ta To EKc tLecrov TOV XCOTOV, Ty [1/cKIovI GOV e/ Cl)epe, vrTT 92, 93] EYTEPIIH. 135 oaVTE9, 7roerv7Ta e a4rot aprov 07TT0V vtpL. "r oTt Kcal r7 polIa ro Vowv vTOVTOV Kos.Lr, ical e7yyXvOaae Er7e~!ceoK, EOv oTpoy77VXoo, peryaOos, KaaT XrXov. "'Eae S cal a Xa Kcplvea po6OLbto e/,Le~pea, ev T wrOTa/or ytLOtLeva xcal ravTa' ec wv o KapTro0 ev aXXy KaXvXC rapa'vo/Levy,EC T71r polt7 ry/vterai /K~7Plw coq7cc)V l8Erqv o0io0oTaTov. EV TOVT) TrpccKTa 0ozov Te 7rvprjv 0XaiLa 'yyivera /tOU O, \ eveT vXvva. Tpwr7ETaL Se Kcal a7raXa TavTa cata ava. Trlv SE av/\Xov T7v e7Tre7TETELOV yVOtOEl7v, eTreav avaca-raYoa0 eoK 7T0c 6XOv, Ta CLV avw avT7] a7TrorTa/vovTe9, 9 adXXo tb TpaWrova'' To oe fcaro )e\(e vov, yooayO re 67KrL) 7rrlXuv, XP'CT' T7 3p'3X Xp/'a0a ev \l) v/3d, (SahavE' TrviaV7TE~, OVT7) TpowyovutL. 01 8E rT7ve avrwv f'6t a7rTO T7 %vVXo p ' o TOv Tea d3w, ' Kal Ea \WGa TV Ko,\l)V p, ovvoor'?or,,e 'a avalvovoa T pos )cAtoV, Kral 7ereLTa avovs eov7ra) arLTeovrat. 0( 8E lXOve? ot daeXa^tO ev E ev LroE 'i ro07a/o0oL- otv 93 /tada ylvov7rai Tpe0(fievo S ev T(yG 7oL jt XA/VyY', TOtLCe Troltocr. eTreCv creaa ecrly oltrTpo Kcvl/KceoaOa, dayeX78ov EK7rXWov(TFt e [Ti)] Oa'Xacaav. e &ovTat 8e ocl 'p E, a7roppatrovrTe Tov Oopov' at SC, e7WToiEVca avaKca7-TovULt, - a, a e av-rov KviLacovrTa. Treaiv a0 E 7rXpeeS /e ovraaL E Tri OaXaoar-,, dva7rXct ovar o rvo O Oea Tra oWoveov cr! / I, \, \ c eSca-Trot. 7/eov7TaIL IEVTOl 706 OVKETt O a avTo a T(O OIX\'o)Ov yi7yverat?r ye/L0ovl'7j. 7y0ev/xievat 8e aryeX1Sov, 7rote0V(a olOV 7rEp E7roLEvv ol Ep(o7EE T7WV yap (owj& a7roppaivoval KcaTr oXlyov 7rO)v KceXPOV, ol SE epa-eve? KcaTa7Tov7l E7rTOE/VOL. eLtL SE ol KOEyXPOL OVTroL lXOVe. Ec e6 7rWv 7rEpt7lVO/LVvEV i Kal l17 Kcara7rlvo/Ievov K/ycXptv ol Tped(OE/ivot LyO VES 7/ivo7a Olv o 8a av'T av Cv aXo- eK7rXoJov0e9 e9 0aXacrrav, (faivorTat TreTpttLLE/Evo Ta E7rapLTe7Tpd r(v) ce(f)awv ot ((a' o6TLo av Va7TO) dva7rXwov, a E7rt etLa T~TplfaTat. 7Tatrrovao-V 8e( TaVra Sa To'86. EXO5/evot T77 71r9 e7r aptGcrepa Kara7ar\oovCt e6 OXaro-oav Katc a va7rwXiovre oTrtrlc), 71)T avvr avreXovrTat, eXpL7TTrvoferVOt ca *avovTres co? iCaXtLTa, tva SU) L) adptapToOlEv 7t oSov Sd Tov poov. 'Ewredv 8\e 7rXiTOrve'Oa atpXlraL 6 NeXo9, ar r- I jo\a T71 7 I79 Ka Ta 'TeX/.LTa a 7rapa 7ov 7roTa/.OV 136 'HPOAOTOY [II. 7rpw)Ta apXerTaL TrtrXacr-Oa, )qOeov7ro T70 v8aTro9 EK TOV 7ro7TaLov Ca( aVTlica re 7rXea yiveTrat TavTa, cal 7rapaXpjEca ix0%VV c'/l/CpoPv 7rt7Xa7ara raVTa. KOE 6 co& avTovS yiveao-at, Cy0o p.ot SOCEO K/aTavoeELv TOV7O. T70 7rpoTepov e7s er7Tcav d arooX7rry NcXos, ol IXBOve9 EVTeKovre07 oa E6 7Trv L7vv, a/uLa e7c0 aT(r voaT- a7raxAaocovTac e reav a 8erp 7rEptEXO0ovo70 V pvov 7raXLv 7reX0r T0 Vuo6p, EC T0WV wOW7 TOVTWV 7rapaVT7lca cytlroTal o0t lOve.S ecat 7r'ept Pev To)v tXOLV0 0oUTO e'eC. 94 'AXelkaTti 8e XPpeovTra Ailyv7rTtlo ol 7rep0 Ta gXea o0/ceovTre% a7ro T70) o-AXLkcv7rptLv ToD Icap7rov, 7T /cavXEvoL Fev AIZ67VTimO /ICKI' 7TOLEVo- E e w0e. 7rapa Ta XeIXEa T7W TE 7TrTaCLVLCv KIC Tv 7o Xl/l)veOwv oTepovO't Ta OLXX\\tV7rpLa 7Ta7Ta, Ta ev EXXaro avropaTa aypL a ypa veTa7L. TavTa 7r prp A yTrr T E rELp0/v E)a /caprr l pet 7ToXXW Fv V AIV7rTT T7tpoeva Kapov ( pep 'OXXV V 8ovcwo(ea 8e. vovrov E7reav cvX'eVwvTai, ol /Aev Kco'4aVTe7 a7rdrovo' 0 ol I/cal pvc aPTe6 a7rErov'Li, cKaL 7T a7roppeov a7r aVTOV -V7r/fcKO0v/ Tat. cT7L &t 7Tr0v, CKal OVoEV 70L0aaov " avr av ' ou / o / o P \ 8 a o 70V etalov Tc ) oXvo 7rpoar'ves oojuv oe iapeav 7rape95 xeraT. IIpo\ oe TOVU KWVO)TT(raLc d, a(voov evOTas, 7aSe cO El L T ' perL/7X(avr7[yLeva. TOVS /LeV Ta avd TW7V EXeo ol/Ceov7Ta ot 7TrVpyot ocj(E)Xovo-t, 6 E OVS advafJavovTE7 KOLJLEov'TaLL ot yap KCOV)7TES v7rT 7T0V aVOE/pLo OV/C OLlo 7TE ewl v4rov 7reTreaCCOa TOl7 SE 7trept Ta eXea ol/EOVCOvL 7TSe, \,,, 1vT T71V 7rVupyo)V aXXLa hetulxavrC7Ta. 7raS avr7p avOwv a/cfl/3\rXoTpov eC7TCLTat, TO TS'r? PeV r/t.LepqgS lxOvS adypeveL, Trjv oS VVCTCL Taoe atVT7O XpaTaLv ev T 1y ava7raveTatL KOIT7,, 7rep T7aVwTV O'Tc770'r TO adftl/3X1r'-Tpov, /Cab ev7re7Ta evv\s, V7r avT7( Ka0evoeL. ol oe /covworeS, 7)v Lev ev iaTtrLT Ev)E~XLta/f1voE1S Vp 3 01)vOl a 70)7T OVT()V &aKvovCV SLa 8e 7vext1E)/ro v oiS$, p 8, aoEo ( o ' p, T'o (itcoVv oV;g reipwvTCL dpXrv. 96 Ta oe 8S) 7rXota (o'(t, T7ol-t (f)opT77EOVo(, Eo-C7t Ec 77? I~C/xr feo r a/cavO7S 7Trotev/jeva' Tr7? 7 7oppf)7 /LeV eCTl o/otOTaT7 TO) Kvp)r7vatic X)Ta, TOpvov Kp coV KO7fp eCCT&7. ec TaVT71r )oV rTql7 aCKavOt ) co / alEVOL tva o-0ov T7e 8LrrXea, 7rKXv088OV oWVVTLOeiic, vav7rrylevevo4 TpO7rov T70oovSe. T7rEp ryolfpov 7rUVcKOVS Ka CL at/CpovS 7epLeipoVO-L a o 7rr?7%ea vXac, e areav &e rT TpoTr TOVT'O e vaulv7ryr)7 7w7Tat, iVCd 94-99] EYTEPIIH. 137,EwtwroX?71? Trevovon aivi-cvw V~o/levo-t.8 & oi& xpEMPrat, 'o,(o~ev &6 Ta-, a{pltovtas~ Ev 66v -~aIcTrwoaV T7j a9flX&) 7riq~a"Xtov 86 e"p 7rOtEvlvrat, Kat TrOVTO 8tT'7S71 TpO~rt0S? &ta/3vveit-a it074)o 3e' a'KavOL'vp Po) )i UTtLOIUY 8E /3V/3XtvowG'. Tacwa T7a wrXota a-va\ Pe'V TO\V '7rTaP-t1 ov &vpavTrat vi-Xet, '~v bL?\ Xa/w-k~po\ alvc/ios' /X~ IK yr ^ 7rapEXeI-CTat. Ka'ra flO'Ol &1 K0,LbL~e7tb (cv& C`G-Tt, CKIC /VPLK?17 77C71-eOtrJ/~cln7O' f KaTcppfJt/b~cVq) pM7-E KaXa/amw, /KCL XIOI TTPqlLCOq Ta'Xa TOS'/UXO-a KqI O-TaO/low TOVT(O)P -T7)1 PbEP Ovpl)V, (SE&[C1LePqV KANp, " 77poo-0e TrOD 7r'XOl'Ov awe wc~~ t~, 701S )JOOP aXXp Ka'Xp 0'wwOe. IV7 &' Ovpij, 70O POO) e/L7r17TTOPTOS', X(A)pE~t TaXEOJS', a KE1,C Tq'v 1aptvw (TrODOT yc Tp Si) ovok E(-TI, TO//Yt, 7TXotoOG-t T70T17-ow-b) ' 6\& XIOOS' O7rtbOe E'77-XKO'/.LCOS', Kat, cow ev 3vo-o-c3 KaV7-OV'VE1 TOP 77tXOOV. eCTCr (Se G-bt, Ta ' cta T-aVTa 77Xij0et 7roXXa\, Ka, a",yet evta 7rXa xtXtaS'& TaXa'PThW. 'Ewre v 86\ we`'rX0O' Nedon TIP\ I~w at AvXt /Lo'vat 97 0aWOP~at, Vw7rpelxovOab, Ab~Ao-Td KI) efltpCEpEE Tryo-1t TCO Al-yat6( '7r~fVTW V17-Obo-b. Tsa lFl cya~p I-XXa Tr^3~ AtiyVwrTOV 7re cyS yP~ at (c 77obS /bv~a V77-EpXOV1Ol. 77-Opf~beVoVTa, coV, E77-eaP TOVTO TE7Ta, OVKCTtKb a\peep TOV 71-oTa/bb0v, A.a\ (ta\ /IEJ60oV T01 7reC&OV. CS' LE'V rye Mc'1.L0V eK NCaVKpa'TtOS' dvawrX0)o'Vbl, 77-ap' aVTalS TaS' wvpagu~z ry'v~at 6 7rX'oc go-Tb, 86\ OV'K OVTOS', a'XXa 7rapa To3) TOD AEXTa, Kat, 7ctpa ~K~7pP 7OW NaV5Kpa'rw a~ro OaXaco-?-~ Kat Kavc6/ov (ta\ 77-e&tOV r7XOVw, I7~CS KaT "AvOvXXa'V T- 7T-6XV, Kab TCP)V 'Ap~a'v(SpOV KaXcvJ/LCP27V. ToVTeU)V &6 q' 1LbE "AvOvXa, E'oi%-a Xoy~ti/. 7r6'XbS', 98 el?' V7wo&1/LaTa C'caipeTOS' 81icOTa, TrOO ali,' I8ao-Xel'ovroS' A~7I9WTO TryvvatKL. (T-OD-o &6 ryi'vcra, T ' So-ov 'nr\ llc'po-7-b GTt, A'6yV7rToS'.) ' & &'pq W7XL' t(SOKECe, /LO0& TO Ovvo/lu ~ebcv c~w6 TOO Aavaov rya/L/3poD, 'Ap~av(pov ro JOoTD 'A~atoD" KaXE'-ayp 'Axvpo v7-tF. et'if (S' AV Kai, AXXO TbS' "Ap~avSpoS' oV' AE~'VToI Cye Aty~n-VTtOV TO ovpolca. Me'Xpb fLEP TOv'TOV 6'frbS TE epn\ Kat. ryP('W/7 Kal i7opt'7~i7 99 Traiva Xe'yovo-a' c'r-TV To\ 8e ad7ro TOVXSE, A17yvT'rov,~ epxoPatTat8E 'XGoyovq IEPECOV, KaTa Ta?IKOVOV. 77-pOGYEO'Ta VTi~oW6 138 "HPOAOTOY 'rt Icat T-i9 161 7 O frtos. T \ M 2-3va, n v ' pc 3o / aa X t5 0-avPra Aiyt5'77Tov, O1 tpcEC9 EX6yO1, TOVT0 /PLP, awroy~cfvpwkat KWat Tqv1 Metzot. T701) yap 7ro7a-aicv 7raVra peeL1v 77-apaT70 O\ 7 apcluvov r6 q3 5 p M?i7va a"ivoOcv, C0OV T~E E/Ca701 0-Ta&ovS 'd7ro\ M ' tf ol~, Tr\V 7rpo\s' /I& a/J-q1 fpiva~yKw1)va wrp00X&x)c Ta TO PEP' ap ao PcEOpO1 a7r0o 17p a1at, TO\Z- 8' 7t-OTa/[W1 OXCTevocLL, 70 /d&EO-1 7T 01) O'pEW1 pEI. T 3EKL& L 157r6 llp l o ) aK Ol7O Tot N e'XoU, 2os a7rep y/1)og Peect eV -ta~ o P~eya, ot CXeTat, fpao-o-6'l-tvos divaN 'rav C"o9. El ya~p eOeX ocet '7~, V77-Ep,3 hvat 6 7 O f 09 r T? 7), K 8(VP)09 7r ca p M/0E) LI C V(t 77'TaXP O) T avct 7 aKv7-7 I M 'Tt V Afycvo wue ow) 8a -A'i Xevp o& air ev Trp opv rep X~ evcov TK 'OVT '7 -o a L ~ v ir o s 3 o tv rC T i a t 7 p 9 & w p 7 (T a-'y a I r p, Ka-1) E Ta ai3'r6 rap Kat 6 NMXo - ye ' 70 70tg 'o eV TN io-T,t ov 100 ra Tov. M E) C' SEO 70U0\ ) a V aT2 EX% yo1) p Op ' t ( p 91. 7 EK /3 /3 OV aX~ aw v fla ot, ci 7o p LI77 K T cYL& 7rp KCU~ co 7-rp n17KOLTao lva Lar a C V 70(T '8tvT1 o -at E a t)7 a LI' p7 rC 0 V, o K O Kip 'a ~ W o 7r E 1 o a ) ft ia y v 1) cw o p i ry ol6 &a ax ot 0h( p Aiyt75aTov O M 6 a\ j3 &T yV'TVa K a~ 15 )0/a v Ote -sEI e E/3 L T XEV(7 a&Vft))Ep a-t6V iyzw'roe /3aKOCOVXVOVal ptKOPbca ovvolkTELracL eVTo o-avr/Li p ov-a, 7ToXOp6 A yvw iw C a& lca I-evpAt (S o7r ~ 1 7 0 c L / E V 1 1 ) c yp / L 0W V,/ O1E I J JK ET v n o c o V a V i,qo-aX, y l, 1Oj S e X" /8\Xa (T a. a~ a Xota & Fp v A iyv wr'rt~w v Toi) 8 \a ~ r a / E a ~ O' 9 T V ~ V V y S E 'iroc o X-c X o E O-Tta1) & LL v/L 1) a et (S o W ElL~ a L v 7 0 ) 7 0 a V & avaLo K V7T wv /LyN I'o \aV 17 /LE`1) Tlpt 70 Tcwr av T 0X c y o w 7T X 1 1 \ 0~ 17 1 /L W, t(09 7 0 17 0 C p a c o, 4 J a 1 0 1 E9 o iK 17/t a o- r ( o T X o ) 7 a T L/rio o 7o-a y E 1 l7 T t. o c7 & 7r Xvqia v?7v 3 a p Xc t1 ov y kap e'EyoV ovK6S tav)o pya ov KatrovS& coL xI, K 7 co;v &1 c ae Xa ap71 r 9 EX ) zos-a'roa ix lrov avT ) 'p 8 701 701 (Sx a 'a-O& at. Ka X '/ L 1 / o( v~, T 100-104] EYTEPHIH. 139 'HlalurTov ra 7rpo p f Vop vkov TeTopa[tt-eva 7rpo7rvXaca' /LPV7V TE op(a epto pOT 7ow 7-t ra'eoW VTrepov T xEoo'co' vrvpav/plSas re Cv avrT olKco8o0r7oat, Tr(Ov TOV /jeEryaEO9 rept o/ovu avrTy ry XLALvrP e'7vrt1o /aL. T orov pv ToravTa daroSe-Oaiaa, rtv Se d\XX\o ov8eva ovUev. I, VTTapa/jetfaLeVo wv TOvTOVo T Eo 77rt TOVTOt( ryevo- 102 LVOV /3aot\0os, T(O OvO/LCLa rv 4eo(oWTpl9, TOVTOV Jr/?7TJ7V roJcyo/Lat. Tj- 7eXEyov ot pEES 7rpwTov IkV 7rXoli'Ot fj aKpoiCt op6p1fOevrTa EK TOV 'Apar/3ov KOX7rOV, TOVSr orapao qv Epv0prv Oa\CXaccav KcaTOLKMJjIeVOVS KaTa0UTpecerOaL, ET o '7r\XEovra /'LtV rp6oc, a7rKea-Oat e? 6daXa' av ovKETb V, c t, a 7rorlv =vTo, a. evevrev oe t Wp 0rlro ) roTLfcero es Al7VWTOV, oara TWV (pewv Tv baTtv a cr7pacLTV 7ro\ XX-V Xa,3wv EpavvE aa \?S o w7Treipov, 7arav eOvo TO e/.LTrO8WV,caraUTpefo/jtEVOs. OTeo'L /LeV vvv aVTWV avcv d\o/o'I eveTrv7ave Katl 8evwS0 YX\eotXvo/c7 Wrep& T7rS CXev0ept%, rTQogtu /.ieV cTJarrra evt'rj eS Ta g Xw'pa', o&a ypapLTWV eQcra To Te ecVro ovo/JLa Kcat Tq' 7raT'prq, Kal cw oVVa/J r. T? VTOV KaTeOTpe'aTo crTEa. OTECOV Se a/aXrlT Kat eVureTeOO 7rapeXac3e Ta 7ro 6Xt, Tov'rotL &e eveypa\be V TO7cL CTyCl, KaTa TavTa Kcal TOl avp0lto0 TWV E OPvewV y/Evo/jLtCVot Kal o a alcola yvvaucoS 7rpoerevqypacfe, 8\7Xa f3ovX6ukevos TrotlCEV WS Eircav avaKX'8es. Taura &e vroteov, 8terle Trv rjTrelpov e T IS 'Ai Ai 103 e Tr\v EvpoTrrv ta/3a, ovTOV T~E IKVa KaTEcTprrpearo Kal TOVW ep7iLKag.,,es TOVrTOVs e 0 ob o 01ce3Et KcaKl 7r pOO)TarTa a7rievOat o Ao yv7'Trrwo crpaTOv' ev tzev Tyap rT TOvTv Xwp7 aLiVovTaL Ora0elCaOL al 0rCTXav TO e vrporWToep4o ToVTWV, OVKETr. evOevTev 8e e7r't'TpE'a 07rtoW 'eE' Kcal eTrei TE e7EVETO 7rT Pado 7'roTa/.z, Ov/ ro e) TO ev0evTev LTDe.6.cE el6e7vp, eTre avTro o 6 3ao-tev? 7eC'foptTS adrooaaCia/EVoS Trv CeOVuOV o-7paTtr1S toptov o t 8(), avrTO KaTreX7re Tr opr g otcKTropa' elre vTV TlVE9 oTpaTtrLWTe(V T 7rXaV rvy U XOvrv d eevOreVT,rept baJLv 7rorTaP/ov caTre/eLvav. IailvovTrat /ev yap eovTre o0 104 KoX\ot At'lyv7rtotL voroa' &E 7Trporepov avTO%, ] aKovo-a XXwc)V, Xeyco. '0 &e SCO eV ' E VETO pOhoJLv V ~, ~~~ 140 'HPOAOTOY [II. ao 7repO l ov a F\ov o K 0at XX XoL cfelvearTo rTv Alyv7rTLOV, ) o0 AI'yvwrTroL 7rw KoXtov. vo/lWle $' 4aacav ol Al^yvrrrtno TVjs 1eor0a'rpLo O o'Tpars7]r) elvaLL ov KoXxovq' \ #1 avro oe eKacara T rje, KcaL ~7LE 6YXP07 ElL /caL oZvX6 -7rpteXE. /Ka rovUro /oev e ov8Ev aVLKEt ea- p Kal ETepo TOtOVTO. aXXa TOto'Le Kat JaXovV, 'OT i/ovvob 7arrZv avopowc7ro KoXxot Kcal ALyvTrrLot Kat Al OlioTre 7repTa/avovrTa an dpxr Tra altola. (PoivLKe96 86 Kcat ]5pol ol ev T) IHIaXaw-r'Tvr, Kal aUvrot oLOXooyEovort 7rap' Aiyv7rrtov peJa?/cOaa'eva:vpto 8 O T repti Qepi/j)8ovTa Kcat HIapOeVLOV rOTafaLOv, Kcal MadKpWove6 o. TOVTOr Uo daorvTeiro0ve EovTGJ a7ro Ko6XOwv foal VeO-T7 L6/j4a07lqcevat. OVTO0,yap Ceta' ol 7repTajvopevoO avpot7rWcov /OVVOt' cKa OVrTO Alyv7rTioto-'t oatvovrTa 7roLeVreS KarTa a avrTa. avTrv AiyvwrovSe Kat AOtyv7r'rov KaoV Ao et7relv oorepol 7rapa TVcl eTepCow ee/4avov apxyaov ryap a or T aTeTa6 ~OV. c So e~y6oeQroL Atyvvrrzo eGejavov, Weia L06o Kat ToSe TEKLuptlOV wevrTav:owvlKWV OKO-OL Trj ExXaSt e7rt/l-eryovTat, OVKTcer Ay-V7TrrTtos pcovuTa KaTa Ta tatSota, XX\a TvW e7LyLvo0JLEvWv ov 7TreptTadlvovot rTa al8ota. 105 (p.e vvv Ka a\\XXo e(7T)77T-ept TOrv KoXxoov, (O Aliv7rT0tTLt 7poaSepE 661 El'. X\ivov [POUvOb OVTOL TE Kal AiyvTmlO ep ya'ovTaa KaTa Ta av Kal r' ao-a Kat b 7Xca-o-<a e/jepr7 Ec'T aX dXrfXOto-C. \ XiVov 8e TO' F.\V KoXXtKOV, VUrO EXA yvwv Cap8ovLKeov KeC\KXTat" T jevro a'7r 106 AlyvTrTov aTLKvCev/EVOV, KaXeeTat AyvTrTtov. Ta? oe rTX\as ra L'rTa KaTa Tas? Xcopa 6 Alyv7rrov /3ao~XevN eccrw-Tpts, alt,ev 7rX\eves ovKE'r1 faivovrai 7repweovr-aL' e)v ~ Tr llaXawTivtrq vp'y atv'ros peov Eovo-aV, Kal Ta ypa/j/4aTa Ta elpT/zLerva eVeovPa, Kalt yvvatKo ato80a. eclW 6e Kcat 7epl 'wvY] oV r7 Tv7,rOb ev 7rpyn eyKceKoXa/p/eJvol ToVroV ToV aTvpos, T) re EK T1 'EcerEp- ~s T(JKatav?pXovTat, Kal rt eK, ap'3wEv 4 Vprfv. eKaTepwo 8e avr9p eCyyelyXv7rrTa, eya0oo 7re /7TrrrrI 0-7rtOa/jr)s, Try /.ev &~L 17 EpX ~ Y alyJLv, TI e aptcTCepq rota, Kalt Tqv aX\\X'rv KaevrJv wotaVTOu)I Kat 7yap Aityv7rTr'v Kca AtiOtotia EXe6L EK 86 TOo d3olov ES TOv eTrepo w/Joov 8&a TrWv v-rTOeWv ypcparTa tpa AKyv6rWa SIJeK eyKcecoXaF,1etva, XeyWTra 105 —109] EYTEPIIH. 141 TaSe' EPr THNAE THN XQlPHN fiMOISI TOITI E MOIXI EKTHEAMHN. 0Tt 8e cKal 6OK60E6V Eo-T offTL~ o o Iv c eOCO a 7L, evOrTc a ev ov 7qXol, erTEpOoL e& &erX) KE. Taj Kca' LptETE~ATpO TcaV 0ero-acevowv Me'vovoo9 lcKova eltcKaovol: Uv eWlva, LroXv' T719 dXa1r0iV'q7 a7roXeXeLu/lvvo^. ToVTrov sr) rv Alyv7WTrov e'rWoo'rptv avaxopeovTa, 107 ica dvapcovra vroXXopv? dvOpowrovs TWV Cveowv T&V rTa( XIpas fcareaTpECraro e\eyov ol Itpee 7trel Te eayeveroo avaiKoibpLo/LEvo9 ev advrfaO-b TyG-b Il7\Xova'lya-t, 'rov aexfEOv e)VTOV5 T^ E7rereTPE6E oCoaT7ps T)V AlyvwrTOV, 70VToVy 7rLb etvia avrov KcaXEo'avTa, Kcal 7rpos aVTO) Tov? 7ra as', 7reptv?'ar ab e Vooev Trv OlKCLrV X' 7repwtvlrroavTa 8e, v7ro7rpaoc. ov 8e oS tUaOelv movro, av'ia y' vL3UovXev'ecrab rT <yvvaUcLK cal 7yp \ 8 Kca Tvv 7yvvabica avrTv aI TI)vvtKI' Iab ryap 1) KLKTL 7Cl CVT O auba ayero-Oat.( jv 6 ol o-'vjul3ovXevo'at, TOv 7ratoav EOTVT, TQV? OuVO E7rT TY V 7rvp)v EKT/CtaelavTa, cvpOwa TO Kato/Jevov, avrovs E E7r eEtivWV E7rt/3aPvovTas e'KoWe6 -acOab. Tarva 7rotr^-ab Tov 6e0a-wo-Tpt' cabi Vo fIEV TOv 7ratiov KcaaKaravca L TrpO7Tr TOLOVT' TOV0 Se XOLTOS aroowOQvai a4/a Trg rarpl. Nocr-TcraS 8E 6o,E-a')-TpS ES 1()8 TOp Er1YaryETO, TrV TaS' Xwpa c KaTEo-TperaTO, TOVrc /I ev TJ a8e EXP1c-aTO. TOVS T7 OL Xtlovs, TOvU E7rl TOrOvTO 70U,Sao-tX'eo KO[LeTOevra9 eS' TOV 'HcaliaTov TO tpov, eov7Ta In *. f p\ \,e/EyaOve 7reptLirK~eaF, OVTO6 r/orap ot eAlcva-avTref cal Tar 8topvXas Tras vvv eovcaC ev Alyv7rrwT racas ovrot drvayfcao'1tevoL WpvG ov- o e7Troev T7 ovTe -ovje5 AL'tyuTOv, TO 7rplv eovuoav i7r7raactFLrV Kal adaatevo/levVqv 7rac-av, evSea TovTov. a7Tro yap TOVrov Tov Xpovov AityvrrVTO, EovCa 7reLSa 7ra0-a, avtvr7ro9 Ical avactla4evro9 yeyove aLLam e T OVTOVW al GoopvXE 7yeyovaoL, Eoovcat 7roXXal, cat 7ravTOov0 T po7ovo e0ovO-at. lcare6raCtve 6s Trove EtveKCa Trv X prV o /3aac'LXe\v' oOb Toov ALyv7rrTiWv /Lr \7rl ro Trorat) /KT'Cr/VTO Ta 7TroXLSc, aXX/ ava/e-ovu, o VTOL, o/ccKO Te axrloL 6 7roraLO?, -7VaaviovTre voaTOW,.a-arvTrpoit'eXpEOvTo TOClO' 7roP/acrt, eC opeaTvoW Xpeo/Evo. TOVTWV 'LEV 8q ElVEca KaTeT/jra7O.I r A'C'ryv os. KaraveijLat 8e r v 109 xo(pr'v AlyrvT'0oi-t a7ra oart T 'OV eyov O7 y 3aoaX-a, 142 "HPOAOTOY [II, i 7po 01)E -T*(9 TE~pay&W0VO & 0VTa, Kat r T V O 'iTaq 'npoco-68ovs~ 7rotqaao-Oat, E6 rt cTa' cVTa w jop v C7 TE XeEL1) KLT' E1)taVTOV. Et' 8 T(1)09 701 KypOV 0 7T0Ta/.t09 w7aplEXOiTo, E'XOco)\ AP 7rpo09 av-rol co-7J/JLat1) TO C7E7EV97/LE1)0W C ri Xaocoaw o X6po, yE7love, NOK(09 70TOV wv aX~ y v TJS' TE~ LY~ epiNJ a Wm cfo 0py79 TEXEOL. 3oke'et 84 /L-Ot Tp~ evpEOE-u~a, 6? T77W EXXa'8a E~raveXOd-v. w6XOV [LP fya~p, KCl& 7v ov01a, Kcab Ta (3woE et p p T 'ip? 110? rapa\ Ba/3 vX o7twv ctaOop ol 'EX-XqvE.` Bao-A~c1)s? [-LEV 82\7 0V'T 09 [(0o 1)09, A 1715 w 709 A 1i o w w j 1r. Mw'6 o-vvac 86 E-XVrETO 77pO TOV CH~awTEtov, ap~pta'Pras XtOL1)OVr &JO [-(EV, 7T Lt77K0V7C 7TI7XEO1)P, E(AVTO1) TE Ica?; T771) ryv1)CLKaV 701)9 3e\ wraZL aL E(21T(& 7ETeo Toepa9, c Ko(tL m7flXEo) cKCa(TTOV. T05V 8) \ 6 tepEV9 rOV I CH L TV pO'Vp [(ETE7WELTa? n-o XX j3 A ctpe'o 701 HEP ( 17V 0V W LE6 *YaV VnpoO-OeV cw~pta1)7a, (fa\, "oi5 01' E7Te~otcIa-Oat rpyc ola'?rep "1 0( 0 pL 70 A V ~ p ET0u)OTptv [(ev ryap aXXa T~E "1ca Oaa~ Z~ apEL0a &" 0'ES X a-2VCL ~ V~ 9 E E. UK J:cc pO,~ Aape'o v vvoO^a wtO, c'.oV /LE7) [(177 Mc VwE/cp5CLXXO//-LEV)0 TOLtGL cpryotGn. A p zp j 1)1)1 XE~novo-t 7tp09? CTaV-a o-vry7vo)/JA7V rwO~yao-Oat. 11 EccT~o-TptoS' T~ EXEv7)7c-cVT70, 666c'do-Oat g`X,7ov 77)v 70o1-)q~q T\ 7wa-Za av'ov' &JEpww To\V dwro&~ao-Oau, pe\ 0V86E[Lta1) 07paTi7bpJ, O-v1)e1)EXO1/vaL 8& 01e TVOXO\V (ye1eo-OaL, &ta TNOLOWE 7Tp?77/-Lat. TOV?7oTacLoLLv KaTcXOOvTo9? /-L67LOa 8 7 67TOE EVT 0'KT0)KaZL(Ka 7T7Xca9-, (09 V'VepC/3cLXE Ta\9 apovipats', 7tvEV[LCL7O9 6/17 0'OVT709, Kv/IC?7II7 6?7-TOaC/L09I Cfy6VETo' 70o) &E /3ao-A7k' X47OVO-i TOVTov aTca-OaXiy Xpi70y'-kovO, Xa/30v~a at~yjiaqvj fXEctvcE9 jie'0a9 Ta4 81wa9 TOV 7T-OTaYLOW[(ETa\ &, aV7LKca KalLoVTCa (aVT70V TOV 6O~OaX /Le01)9, TV(bX(0 -0-p1at. &Kla 1LLE1) 8'q E'Tea clVal' [(V TV(/AOW E1)(eKaTh) 86 ETEL awLK&TceOaL ol [(aV71T01) E BOVToDs~ 776VXoS', e091 "ce~> "rc' oi6 p61 o9 7 79?7/ tU?7, Kat apa)a3X #E Lc, ryv1auKo\9 O1Yp(p "vt-4rl-e o 9? 701), [O~aX /.(oV\ 9, 17el 9 7 r-apa 701) E(01)7179 av~pa "[(o~V PO 7 E7 f)O L7IKE, AX-X(O) Ct1)(p(01 EovOcLa A'77ttp09 - KaL? 701) 7Tpo)T719 T7179 E(0V701) 7vvC LKo9 7retpCa(TOaC tt(ETa\ 8c, (09 110-113] EYTEPnH. 143 ovc ave/3Xe7re, ETreS 7raoE'o)v 7retparOcat. dvaq3XeFarTa Se, crvvaeyaryev Ta ryvvaKcta Trwv ETreLp'0v7, 7rXr7v? TV^r? TO ovp( v/ra/tdevo 3av3Xee, e?,d'/av 7ro6Xv, / vvv v caXeeTra 'Epvfpr} /3c3Xov' e? rav'vvv ovvcaXlavTa, v7roTrpr7at 7racas crvz avr, T 77r 7ro\6t. r3 8e vitra/tevo 0TO ovpw) ave-,3XEjrP, TaVTI7v 8e eLxe avros 7yvvafca. 'AvaOrf/LaTa 8e, aT7roObvyWv qrrv 7radOv trov o'vaX/h.ov, aXXa 're ava Ta Ipa '7rava TCa kort/ya aveOr ce, Kca ov To e Xoyov that6Xra atiov e0'T' Xeetv, e? TOV nHXtov TO [pov atove0p'a arveorce epya, o3eXovs &vo XtOivovs, Et EPOs eovTa efcKaTrepov XlOov, /i^iKO? uecv ecaTepoV r7Xeeov eTcarov, eVpo ose OKTO 7rreov. Tov'Tov &e eKcea-Oat TV e3ao ty`'lv 'Xeyeov avupa 112 MqleiprT)V, TeW acaTa Trrv Trv 'EXrvcov ryXwo-cav o'vo la lprlea celvta* Toe vv revoj eVo eOTt i v Meb Kacapra IcaXOv Tre Kca ev eCKeevaCto'pvov, TO) HcfJt)ao-Tt'loV 7-rpo VOTOV aYve/OYv Ke/Jev6v OY. TrepLOLKEOVLO 6 e0 TO EevoS0 TOVTO Dolpviceq TVp to' Kleaeeat & o6 o o^)poq oS 6o rvva7ra%,! P! ~ I ~ ~ ~ r.. f T! Tlvptiowv oparo'reoov. e07t So ev Tc Te epeve' TOV llpT-eoS (pOV, TO!cdaXeE6rat Eelvs 'AcpoSlT7s o'V/J3da\\Xo/Lta a e Toroo TO lpov eacTa EXevVs Vs Tuvv&apeo, Kat TOV X6yov aKf/KOw (oS' 8tat lr7Ol 'EXevX 7rapa TIpwTei, Kal 8r) KaC 'OT eiv)?S 'AcopO8T9S? eTrw)PV/tlPo1V eo'-T ooa 'yap AXXa 'AbpooSt7 tIpa e0r7, ovoa!jos Etevls e rctKaXEerTac. "EXEyov oe 113 iLot6 0o tpEES tc'TopeoVTt 'a T 6pt JEXeVi7v, E1eE0ocLa6 woe* 'AXeav8pov ap7r'coavT'a EXev1P/ eC 7rcZpTi79, a7ro7r\eewv ES T7)v c(WVTOV. Kcal ULLv, S' E7EYETO EV T) Aiako, eAwOcTat avetaot eK/3a\\ov'c el TO AlIVy7rTtov 7reXa7yos cvOerev 8& (oV Vyap alve da 7rvevJaTa) CtTLKVErTaL eS A'tyv-rTov, Kcal Aty7VrTrov Js TO vvv Ka4cetKV KCX\evLLevov -rTota TOv NEIXoV, Kcal es TapLtetas. 7V S c7r( Ty9 7r ovos, 0 Kat vvv cCTt, H pac\Xos 1pO v' Z0 TO ' 1v )caTaofvywov olceT'vs oTee) avUp&7rO)v e7rijdt3aXq7at r TIy/LarTa ipa, eCovTov SSovSo T) OCeo, oUK eeo'Tt TOvrTOV aSao-7at. 6o vo/LOS OVTOS oSaTeA~6e eo)v O6/otoS le4Xpt et-hev Tw aT7r (pUX. Tro 3v S\ 'AXe~acvSpov a7roTfreaTaL Oepa'rovres, 7rvO0/Levot TOv 7reTp TO tpOv eXOVTa VOLOVW lteeat 8E to V0oteo6/ TOD 0eoD, KcaTrlyopeov TO 'AXe avSpov, /3uovLevob /3Xa7Trretv avTOV, 7raVTa Xoyov 'cryeVl7ervo/ Eot eOSe 7repI TprV 7EXEvT^v Te ecal 144 'HPOAOTOY [TIL 72)1) E' MCEvXewv a'8tKbuvw Kcaq7oIpeo1) &e Tav7ta 7TpoS' Te 70ow tpea9~ Kat Tov TrOO o —ro/Jaro9~ TrOVov ovwXalcov, Tr!J 114 o1"10,Ul-k 'v 0 (0"Pv. 'A Ko0'0a9 &6 701)7T01) 6' 080' )L9, 7TE/fL7rEt T7271 TaX to-7271 CE M 4'lbi~v 71-apa\ llpo)TEa a7yeX b/71, XE'fyovo-av, TcS "'H KEt eto9~, ryE1o09 )u v TevKp69~,:)'7ol &\ "avooCM eV 727 'EXXact Ecprya(7/kevov ~et)vo ryap 701v el f c \ 'f / O 2/KeL, KCa4 7TOXXa\ Ka'p'a xp?7/lta~a, V7To aVE/i/uP ES' r7171)7 1 0271) a7rE1)EtXOEL~. KO'Tepa~ &87Ta T0V70l) e(0/JLE1 d0(1Ea "EK7TXEEL1) 97 c'cjXo)S/aec a Ta\ E'X(01 73XOe;" 'AV~tw7E'ikrnct 7Tp09~ TaV cTa 6' llp( TEc\)9 X'O1 ae- " "AV pa T0vO DT ), O 0TL9 KOTE E O7L ap)ootat epya(7,LLEv)09 WEL )1 701) E(0V 701 "ov Xa/3o1)TCE9, a7J-ayETC 7rctp le/-, tiia Et &3 0 TC KOTE Katt 115 " Xe' ~eeQ 9AKol%-a9~ &6 Tav" a 6' eco1)t9, cvX-Xa/J438a1) L 701) 'AXE'av~poV, Ka~t Tadl? Pe'a aVTOV KaL7UTXEL' /kLE~a C, VT01 TE 70O 70P avqryayc E'~ IVI/k pt1 KatL T7271 C ExI 7V E icat Ta Xp~qlfta7aV 71720o; (SE\ Ka~t 701)9 tKE'Taq. a1)CaKo/JutOre1T(01) &6 7a1)TO)1) V 07t71 'AX'~az)8po1) 6' Hlpft)TVq 7Tl9 Elt, Ka\ 6K 66E ) 7WX E'o. 6 0 01 Kat 70 CyE1)0S' KaTcX E~, K & 7 7; O K O G E E'. L ~, l a eiC,t& J a a 7 1 6Ka O O E 1)' 7271 cE X1 )?)771) T o v/3 oi~ u a - Xa \)0,LL 1 0 K a 702)' AX( p u '7-r K a~ E! ~ y 1 7 S 2 1 tXi O T OP v ooj E7 01 a OL ~y E1)6 -XIq ) 7 71,L2 1) yov (1 ~ 7r a w zv ov ~ 702 vI X?) o, E U E//2 T 0(7 5, "cY~ " K a & t ay e a D a vo t 70V K ~ I XKE -E a X a a1 a t T ~ ( 0 E a 1 ) 7 2 7 1 ), 0i E t L 1. X O ) 1 )p E K KO X E I J a ' K a t 0 V 7 Cva 7 01`, '' \ 5, \ 5 \ ^ K701)E L1) T yV 1 )atV, /1~E) Ta -6V7271) KTOt E X P27OI~t~ 01)t T'l~ KaO27o(0a a7 v- TaEO Tat, aX I av7aK C y(0 T A x EXava 1rT ~Et)ca ) a~vT a4(v, ES'ca 0 1 a 7 EKK X O 0 KE L)0S Twy y Oat 5, 5, -1 " O X 7 alJT 71) OC0 Ka& 70O O-OVS' a-V/.~XOov3 Tpt (01) 114-118] EYTEPIIH. 145 " -pepeov 7rpoa7opevct) EK Tr- ej/ 7r9y e9 aXX7V TLwa "Lerop/jbIeoOat' el 8e /Jrj, aTE 7rOX\eh/to TrepLe/'e'0aO. 'EXEv perev Travr av a7rtlv 7rapa IIpwTe'a e\eyov ot 11G tpeG9 7yeve'aa' 0o/6eel te 6o ot Ka O/rpo0? TOP Xo6yov TOUTOV 7rvvecOaL aX ov fyap 6o5tolIo)q E9 r7v 6T7TO0trlv EV7rpE7rr7f?7v T70 ErepWE) Tt)rep evpr7(aTo el? o ULETf7Ke avrTov, 8oX7oX-aa t oK cat TovTov e7rirTaCTo Tov, Xoryov. br\ov 8E KaTr, ryap e7rolrfe ev 'IXLa/& (Kab, ovSaui a\tX,7 aveTSrow'e ewvrov) 7rXcavVv vrv 'AAXEdcvSpov, (o a7rl)ve[LXOlq Eycwv EXevrv, 7' 7e &)' a\X\r 7rrXa'6/Lvo9, 'cal 'n E9 S8wva j^S (FotvlCr`K a7rtIKro. ereipuv7Vrab 8e avrov Ev a^tO/Jeo? pq acpETE, X\ey7b 8e Ta e7rea ovTro EvO' &crav ol rrEXot 7rta/7oroKtAXot, Epya yvvautKwv,owiov, Tas a 'T 'AXreav&po3s 0Eoetsg,Wovt, 2 P a,, TO g -7yaye StSovreOvv, Ei7rt7rXWos eVpa 7rovrov, ooo v Jv ' 'EXEvIv 7rTEp avr/Cyayev ev7raTepetav. 'Eqrt,'4e',/vrat &S ca l ev 'OSva-cretI, Ev Tol(crie TolT e7TCreL' Tota Ato OvUyaTrp EXE 4dapiLaKa jqLrnoev7a, or0'OXa, ra ot IloXv'8alva 7ropcv, OWvos 7rapa'KoMt9 AsyvrtrI' Tj 7rXetrTa c epetL telZwpo apovpa adpcLaKa, 7roXXa LLEV ETlXa /cL EILy/beva, 7roXXa sE Xvypc. ical Trae erepa -7rpo T'rXeJaXov MeveXecov X\eYE' AlyvdrrrT f Ert 8EVpo 0eol eJa0wra vEc-OaL f xovo, E7ret OV rtLv ' pe~a TeXketr-as E KaTo/4Jpas. 'Ev TroVarob trolbob 67rewe 8\oZ, Oft #7rI'raro Trv e9 At'yv7rTov 'Axe4avSpov 7rXarvlqv o'ovpeet V fyap 7 y vPq A1yvrTT oL e o\VtQLce, W7V EOTl ry L6&v, Ev 7) vUpiq oLICEov't. * Kar Tara r E a ee ea, Kcat To8e TO XopIov 117 OAfK 77KCoTa, aXXa iHaX\rtTa, 8rX0?o OTt OVCK 'O/njpoV Ta Kv7rpla e7rea E, aXX' aXXov TLVro. ev /eLV Tyap 'TOLc' Kvirpto' Efl^ a o etpr7Tra, W(9 TptTato ecK C rapT 'AXeavpo ' ' ' IX yov rEvv aXevvv, ~vaee ~e Trvev/paTt a7rtKETO E9 To Ioi' aryow TIv EXEvqv, EvaU6!e TEVEzut76 XIpradcLe~VoO ica OaXcdora Xet''* EV) e IXLca& Xe"yet. e7rXaeTro aycov avrT7f). OLrpo pev vvv, Kca r7a Kv7rpta e'rea, XaLpeTCo. Eipobevov oe feEv 70'V tpeac, et p/aTator X7 ov X\eyov-t& 118 HEROD. I, 7 146 'HPOAOTOY [II. 14 "EXXIVO''"" ol "EXX1qVC? Ta 7rEpl "IXtov yevevOacL, 7 oV' eao'av rpolb TauTa TSEo, tIcTopLcL cta/jevo etevat rap avrov MeveXewo. 'EXOdev ILev yacp, /erTa rv 'EXev\ ) apwrayrv, e? T \v TevKcpla yrv 'EXXvwv orparLtv 7roXxrjv, /3or70evaav MeveXeT' e K/3cao'av G\ e? Eyv y ca, l[pv0lca'av Tnv oTpaTliV, 7rE/L7TELV? T\ov a776X 6 Se avrTv MeveXEov rovs 8' E7Tei Tre eCreX0Ov e To T6^0XO%, a7raTCtLeLv 'EXevv Te Kcal Ta Xpj/LaTra Tr ol O'eXTO K\Eraq 'AXea:avSpo9, TWZv e ad8ltKcra'TWV Kl/cas aCtTeeItv TovS 86 Tev/cpov TOv' avrOv ' Xoov ) Xeyetv TOTE K6al /IUeTe7rEa, KCaL OJLVVVTCLa KaC avoLOTl, / eLj fLV eXeLv EXeivv, /Lt6e Ta I I 3,, \ ~, e7rtLKaXca v/Jeva XprjCaTa, dXXA elvat aVTa 7TraTa ev AlrVi'TT0 Kcal ovc av &8Kcalto C avTrol oSca? v7rEXetv, a TIpoTEVw O AtyrV7TT'TS 3ao-\Le v excE. ol o EXX"ve KcaTayeX\aBC-OCL OOVTES' V7T aLj TWV OVTO7 r7 E7TOXOpEtOV, 6e 3 EEi\XOV. C\ovos OE 'TO TeLos? Ws OVK Ecalvero WT 'EXevT, ax\a rov avrTv XOyov T) 7rpOTrEp 6ervvVOaVOVTO, OVT70 8 71r'lTevavreS Tt) Xoyp TWO 7rpoJTr ol EXX(/vev, aoVToV 11 9 MeIveXecOv a7rorTeXXOvUL rapa IpoW)Tea. 'ATrrtlcKO.vo Oe o Meve'Xeoq e? T;jV A'tyvrTov, Kcab avaTr'XWc' a e~S T7rv Me flv, etiTaS T7 d\0V axyOrtiv TWV T7rp/LdaTOv, Kal letviwv iVT770e /jueyaX\v, Katb EXevqlv acraOea KaKco )v aTreXa/3e'!\!, \!ra wwP. TvX rpoS oSc, Ical Ta E O)VTOV para 7ravra. Tvx)w /JEVTOt TOVT0V, eeve'TO MeveXe)? avrqjp aKcoso es AlTvrrTov?. a7ro7rXeetv yadp OpL7y/evov avrTv taoXov iaTrXota' eTreTe 6 TOVTO E7 rot 7XXOV TOLOUTO 7V, E7rTeXTvarca 7rpryIYa OvK OO-LOV Xa/a3v ryap OVo TraLoa a'vSpwv eT teoplWov, evt7roa cfea eTro'/7E. LeTa, oS' 7r'Ta'-ToS e7EVeTO TOVTO Ep7yao-ErvoS, tcLLo'OcElS Te Kca 8tco)cKOjEVOSo, Oi'eTO obevyOwv TCrL vl7Vai E7rTb A/3Vq. TO EV0eCTev 8e OKOV eTpa7TETO, OUVKETt ElXov eLrelV Al7ViTrTtO TOVToV e Ta pev lCTOplZ'yOb ctaoaav eCrTacrOaL, Ta 8e, 7rap eovTOL'oL yevo oLeva, aCTpeeKoS 67rL7rtTapuEVoL Xetv. 120 Taura pLev Aiyv7rrTl)v Ol IpEES EXe7ov' cyCeo 8TO) Xo6ry Tj) Tfpr EXev'v XE%0evTL Kca avTo aVT poo'TlOeLaL, Ta8e ert7rt\yofEVOS' El rlv EXevr ev IXItp, a7ro8oour]lva av avTriv Trolal EXX7crL,?7T0L EKOPTOS' 7ye } aKcovroS 'AXeavSpov. ov 7p a8 OVTO) ye 7 fpevo3\Xaf3 v 6 Hpiaptcovs, ov;8 oL 119-.121] EYTEPHH. 147 aXXot rTpoo'7KoVThe avrT, woTe Toat ccpeTepoar-t aow'aao& calt TOtlt rEKtVOt Kat 7y TOXt KOv2EVEZV E/3oV \o0v70, O.c); 'AXe:avipos 'EXev' ov2vot.ice el 8e rot Kca ev roo-t Trp(roloTL pOvoa- TavTa elwvwov ct w7ro\XXob ev rwOv arXXov Tpoowv, otcoTe a'vqlo'7oeV Tao'ft "EXXo-tc,,arAXXvjro, avTrov 8E lptctapov ovc eo-'rt be oV OV o i) Trpel Kcal M 7r rteov7 T7(v 7raloov, uaX7 7eyvo/vfEP7, da77re0v7 -ocKOV, EL XPr TColMC C7ro7ro oat XPE(W1p6vov XE'EtV TrovTrov 8e TroovTrWv 'vlj3atv6ovT&rv, Eyco /LEv eX7ro/at, el Kcal avToS lIpca/o ( vvol'ee E Xevry, aTro ovvat av a'VT)v TOo-' 'Axatolt't, peiXovTa yE 87) T7WV 7rapeOvrTov KCaKW0V awraXXajyro-Eo-Oai. ov /pev ov8e qr 8actXit'q1 J 'AXeaav2Spoy 7rEptlr)e, wooTe 6yepOVTO9 Jlptiatov eovTro, E7r ceEtvW rTa rpry aTca wevat aXXa EKcrTcop, Kal 7rpeT/3vTepo0 Ka davr)p ecKlVOV pav pov edwv e e auiv XpLXov 'aro~av6vroT 7rapaXa/'rerOat' 70 Ov ' 7r/pOJc0KE a8KEOeVTL T) a8eXc'ec) e7rtrpe7reWv, Ka, ravTra eCyadXov KaClKwV i avrov "v'atv0 rwv l Erl are KalT aVr3 Kat 'c a ro a XX\oto-t rao-t Tpcool. 'AXX' ov 7yap etXov 'EXeevv aTrooovvat, ovoe \e7yovtr, av'roLtot 7rr7 V a7ltyqv e7rtr'aevov o0 o'EXX17ve' 0s9 fLep eyco /VcwJoA7V a7rocaivo/lat, TOV at/Lovlov Trapao'ceva'0ovro0, OKC(0 7ravtoXe0pir adroX6otevoi, KaTrafave9 Tovro Trotrot av0peo7rotot 7,rrotro7o00-'t, o Trwov e,/ya(ov a&cKlLbaTco1v /eyaXa t EItC Kaal atl rtWplat 7rapa Trp v 0eCv. K/cal ravra!fev, 7r efLO 8O0Keetl elp?.Tat. IlpC(Teo oe e\coeacOa6 vrr7v /8ao'tXi/7v 'Papitvtrov 121 'XcEyov 8s,ttvrot6ovva EX(7re0o Ta 7rpo7rvXata Ta vpos e0'Trep72v erTpa/fpeva Trov HfatTreiov. 'avTov 8e 7v(v 7rpo7rvXatcov c'r0rTre avoptavTra9 Svo, Eov"Ta9 Tr,ueyaOo N' 're'v6e fal eeuco' qr't'~%eo.vrwv Aloyv.rrni rov fJoev 7rpooo {tOpeo ecrreora tcaxeovcri 0epot 'ov ooe 7po? vofov, Yeuft)va. cal 7ov /tE caeov' 0Xepot, oyroVOv Lev 7rpoo'tcvveovo' Tre, tcat ev 7roteovC' TOV 8E Xyetpva KaX\v/pevov, Ta etL7raXtv TovTrv e6p0ovtl. IIXoVTorov 86 TOV7TO) /3act\eXi yevecOat ap yvpov,ue.yav, rov ovoeva tr&v v7rTrepov E77-trpabeVTrwv /3aCoT\eov &vvacTOat V7rep/3aXE'o0at, ov5' eyvq9 e'XOeLv. I3ovXo6fevov 8e avrov ev ado'aX\7' Ta,/prpaTa 0G'r7avpieiEtv, o fo0opeoaOat o'tKl,/La \XOwov' Trov 7-2 148 "HPOAOTOY [II.,rvToW X r v e o o r T179? OLCL179 CXEL1. TOV1 (S ~Opyc46vov, riove1ovrat 7Ierl avaa~~3 io T7rapact/lctevacaoOaL e'va c~atpCTro1) Clvb C/C TOO To(Xov ft'K/a~t ve7to Svlo aiVSpo~j KaCL 5w7ro E'v69. (~9(Sq T6 CETEXO1a7e aTO 0 oi/ povao01 fPZ) 7I3CtioroXE TO oho 7rp TCXCEVTI)V) TOV L3OV &OV~a, ava/CaXEOcacat~ -roiXq 7r-cSa (4lvat yap aiVrj3 OSf)o) TOV'T0t0( 8eC a'7T17y170aXr0Ctt, )( E'KEtP()V)1 7rpOOpE60V OKC((), /Om1 a(OOV elx) EX tl( TEXv)atTatTO 01 -KO0SO/ItEW TOP\V17(TaVpo'V 701) /act-tco9. 0-aobea) &6 aihTOo-to vIaPa 6 1ouo n-p~ 71)Eapot VXc(Oov, c8ov~vct Tr a\.te'Tpa avTov, 'Xeyo1)Tc(0 Tav-ra (Stav-Xa'o — (TOPTEq, TCL/UlLa 7(01 /3aW-t\eo Xp7IlLaT7OV e(TovTat. /cat PV/CT09,TOWCai TOPraX(Oovav'Ttv7 0 vt 6i?/L, paey povpx-t l(S61)7at J0)1)XP17/~ 8\ e70)1) /CLa\Rac-Ta, 1. ayyrja 01)/Cayetp) (cao01),K TLPLC7V1-al-ta7Tt, 7(01) TE 017/L1 -V, I 7Tr catv mnP TCowvE 7raya Tn-OVO-7clt~aT Kpyo —O, /Ca '6aTavC09 Ka tpKt T ptqary otLa, E, XPet /-a"c Oavc-a Ta 717-tar.a0)1 (SEv (7(pWP W0-7rTapE Tov ) a Tt~pa 701)~V~q E'fWO1,/a E1(S1)0 T' E~pPavt( epy E 'cacOat KaT a7709 catpIUVTa7OLE0 7ra7a 7rpoc-7 E1EE-at 0 v &qroav-r avT(pb Ta aYY71tpEOV~a KTtW /CXVTa 7p17)aTa i0-T17 POaaor7p/L)CL)vatT 71)c71)p /CC95TX1'7rp TO/C V JL17C )70 (7T?7&(76at EOW XC7W0CL TL7TtfI rLT~~ CT Kat /CTOW ap1LLO(7CP7Oa TOPoV, 7TLE1O aT)ct E7T O[/Et 77pOq TO 77)/CfrL/ 70)(EX)CV &1 (S 17PLEp1X EEO E-X 8qo~V'%aV701) T3ao-XrapE9 70 OKC1fa, EKrE7CIECX1)XVa<,t op-Ta CO-U~aa77-~petp 717O 7T717V Kea)EV- T?7 /Cq )aX79 aVO1 T 0l10\"'Cat icai OtVaTE Co-O O OV C/C(SVcTaL (rco b ' UV7E E V 121] EYTEPIIIH. 149 WVP. a7rOpevpacvop. &IE P67, Ta8& 7r6ou-av TrOi qO(Ap~q TOV vicvc Kaa TOV TEtXEO9~ KaTa~ppa/J-ctc.L 4Wxa~lov9~ & av3 -70)IcT 71O^ ~ t EPTEI),cUT~cd Co-, T'i- 'v 12&OVrat a5oXaV'o-avTa, Ka CcL~KTL0-a/JwevoP, o-vXXa/30vTaq ayetv 77- oJcAVTOV. ava,,ppa/xt/EPVO (36 TOV PEKV09~l T?/P /J/Tepa &LC9fpew X Iov & wpO 7OV 71-eptCoPTa wai~a 70occv/1kelP?)P 7Tp0-TatTO-EcP awTEC0, OTEU) TpOIWp c8vvcTat, lki7ava2 -oOat 'OKQ)9~ To\ 0-CO/1La TOO A&Xc/6eo KcaTa~Vo-a Ko/JetE& et &aOV&P FLX7YL (taWreLXEE(Pv azri>', o e -XOov~o-a, 7wpo TOP 3ao-t-XEca, pq7Ve7ELt aVWTOPV E`X0PTa T Xp17/-aTa. 82 (\ xa~xEW(09, EXa/4k3aPEcTo 1 /JA7)T?lp TOV) 7T~pbEOPTo9~ 7'atCLSO, Kal& 7roXXac wpo' alv'T' XE'7WV OVIK e7rtELk E77tLTEXPIoUao-Oat TOMa(S /mw. o6'vov' KcLTao71CEVUAa/alepoP, Kat a07ICovs-77 ocavTa otPOV, EMTOEL~at 'E77fl TWP0 OPCOP, Kal c7rc-r(a E'avPELPv avTOtJ9(09 coS~ KaTa' TOV\9 o1V`XaLCTCTOPTat9?/V TOP KflpE/JXL/JEV0V PEKCVPI E~rto,7TcaPTa TC0P aTolw 831) 1/ pet9~ 7r08&E0Pa9~ a1JToP XI~Et awarp4LEVOv9. W (SE EppeE 0 OLPO9,l TI/P KEoa~Xyv /44P KxmTeo-Oat pteya'Xa /30WJTa, co', ovKl CXOPTa 7r-po OKOWPV TEOP) O'PLP 7rp&)TOV Tpa7Tl7Tat. 701)9 SE ()xa/lcoV9, (09 USEWt 7roXvPv p'eOVTC& TOP O7POP, (TVPpeevE(P 69 TI/P o a E~ic xoPTa9,~ Kat TOP CKKEXV/EVPOP OLPOP O-VryKO/ZLt'EL EP K'p8t 7rotev/JuEPOV9~ TOP \ &d(tXot(SopcEo-Oat 7ra^oT, 3'pryl)P 'JrpOOT7r-OEV/.EPOP. 7r-apaaJvOvE'v/J )vP(0 \ a'SE TO\P TW(3bv Xa'K(0P, yJ)OP(1) 77rI/P97VcOat 7rp0oT7rocE'Eo-0at, KCL& V'7T'Eu06at Ty/9 `p~ TXo9~ (S\, e~eXa'c-at aUTVTOP 700 OPVOV9 6K 71/9 &3o0^ Kat Kaa7eVa L (0 X0yov9 TE 7TXet'0v9~ 6'yy6/iPEo4)Ca, Kab Ttva Kat o-KoY'fral /pt Kal 69~ FyCXWa~ 7rpoayaryc~at, e~r(Sov"PaU av'TO-CCTo' T)P a'cTKwOP ePWa 7009 &,E aV'TOVl 6007t~p E~OKaTaSCX O6 ta 7TPL 7S0OEOaL, Kat EKE'CPOP 7ratpaXa/4t3aPvet, Kat KcexEVELP /1LET ECOVT(0P /JetPaPTat OvFlW PELP' TOP (SE 7reto(701pat TE 8 \/ Kat KaTatFLewacL. (09 (36,vuw TI-apa 71/P 7rootW (fcXoofpoPC-0 iy7To7a~'OVTO, E7tL(ov~vaL ai3 -TOUT! Kat AX~Ov T6OP WTCKWP). (3a~tXket (S\ 7O) 7rT0& Oa-q/LEP0VS TO01)9 cfVXaK/OVq, VW7rp/JkEOVoO1/7Pab Kat KpaT1/OE'PC \ ^ / 1 Tas9 V7T0 TOV v7TPoV, av'T01 ePOCL7T~p eI't(PoP KaTaKO,cotI1/k7,Pac. TOP 8&, (09 7TpofoTO ' T/ 71/9 P1KTO9\ 76 To'E 0-c0/lka TOL) '000 K aXv'a, Ka6 T7P c/vXaKcoP E67r~t XViaq 7FaTtOP 4Vpio Kaa, -b\7a 'a Tag (3c~ta 7r-apI/i(ag' c7rtOEPTa 86 TOPV PEKUP CW6 70V19 150 'HPOAOTOY [I. bvovv, adr7etavv~v e'r O'KOV, erLTeXeCavra 7) /L7T7ptl Ta 'rpoc'TaOevTa. Tov 8e f3ao'Xea, os avTc acrwTwyyeXO7r oyv po6p o ev' /c/cV /cSCKe/'/jev0%, SeLv&La TroieeV' wravr 86 83ovX6/evov evpeOyljvaL oOT L KcOTE el o TavTa fLCU av)t1EVoq, 7roqo'-a6 LV Taed, e'ot [EP 0ov T rTa' 7rjv e vYyaTrpa Trjv ecoUroVa KaTiatL Tr' olcrujLaTro, evreCLXaLevov 7ravPTa TE ofotol vrpoo'SeKeo'Sat, /cat 7Trpiv o'vy7evefSaL, ava!yca y6 v \efyE W aVTr '6 T (S) ev T' /3li spyaoTa6 av8T XeyeLv avv0 o ep-I wj&ra/[ auVT O'OcO/TaToVI KC al vooLtCoTaTo o 8 a da7rr]?yra7?-raL Ta 7TEpL TOP (fpa yE/ye17vtva, TOVTOv -uXv\\ab/3daetv, Kcal Li) a7r'eva e6L. co0 8e T7rjV ra8sa TrotEelV Ta\ EKc Tov 7raTpos TrpoaXTa0EVTa, TOPv )wpa 7rvOOf6evov rTv ivetGca Tavra e7rp?7aO'eTo, 3ovXq0vEVTa 7roXv7po7rly To0 /ao'aXeo0 rrepttyeveo-Oat, TroLEEwV Tae. vecpov wpoo'javrov arorTacLovTa e6 Trw /L)o TyV %etpa, letvatv avTOv 6 vOTa avTrJv vrO TO itLaTt' 0 EAEX\06VTa 86 TOD JSacieo S' TIrv Ovy7aTpa, Kca etpOTCoJEvov Ta7rep Ical oL aX'tXo, a7r7ory Oaaa a co acvoC(TOTaTOV PEP' EI Epryao-[evos, ore Tov aeXXeo v E ' flo-avp0 TO pa3aoLeoo vt7o 7rafy? aXovTo adrorTapLO T7jv Kcefa\Xriv -orf)TaTOV e, or 70'oz T fvXacoU? icaTaLeOvfe-a9, caTaXVra te e TOD adeXeov E KpepadelEvovP ov veP E. T)V 8e, 0)SO, r/ovo'e, arr'eorOat avrov. TOPV 8e (Ocpa ev Trt) fCOTre 7rporTevaL avrT7 rov veEcpov Triv XeLpa' Tr)v Be, E7rLta/3of If /\ LeYvIv exE6v, vo/4lovoav avrov EKelvov T7s %ELpO9 avrexecaOat TOV 86& fjpa 7TpoeLLevov avT7, o'lteaOiL SLta Ovpecov Oevf7ovra. '1Q, 8 KCal avTa E? TOv 8a'tXta avevel'x(Oa, Ec7re7rX\XOaL PEev e7rl T^ 7roXvbpoo-vvy Te Kct TO'X/jr TavOpo7rov. TeXos Se, (Ltavre,'urovra eq 7raoaal raT roX%, e7rayryeXeo-Oa ae ' rv e 88 ovra, Kcal ' eyaX VTroSeKco/JLevov eXOovTb E69 OJlV T)V ECoV7OV. TOPV 8e cwpa, 7rat(revoava'aa, eXOetv rpon avTov 'PaJuL'vLTrov 8e /PeyaXo eowvUta'al, /cal ot Tuv Ov7yaTepa TavTIrv a'VOLKiucla, o(0 7TXEtT'ra e7rratTal.vecv dOpo7Trrov AlyvrrTiovv tev 7yap Trv aXXwlov 7TpoKceKpicOat, e eIvov 8e A'yvqrvtTW. 122 Mera 8e TavTa eXeyov vovTOv TroPv ao-tXa to'v KcaTa/3jvat, KcarTo e9 TO oi'EXXrlve ai8lSqv voJltCovot eLvaL, Kadl IcelOi avrycv/3eveLv 77 Al/V7Tp' /cKac. rTa El, ri/cvM avTrjv, Ta e, eo-'ovo-Oat V7r' avr'I^ Kai PCLt 7radXtv avo 122-124] EYTEPnH. 151 a7rLKce0Oal, owpOV x ovTa 7rap aVTr79 XetpotiaKTpov XpvCreov. aro oe r Palurtptvl'ov KaTa/3aoW% co 7raXtv a7rLKc~TO, OpTrlv 8? avayetv At/v7rTlovs ecfarav Trj7v Kca Cey 6 oloa eXL Ocal, e e/6Je e;reXeovra? avrovT' ov \Ievro eTie o& aaXo T eiTe &da TavTa opraTovTL eXco X\eyev. capo9 8e avT7/-Lepov e.vcyvavre s OL tpee, ica'T owv S7rCav evo9 avTov /Ltrpy rovs ofax d iaXov' adyayovreT C e LLt eovTa TO q apos e? odwv E)povoav e9 tpolv Ar/ykrTpos, av'ro adraXXac'oaovTaC owTro-o' Tov le tpea TOvTOV KaTae[e/lervov TOv o0 O;s, OeXov, Xeyov-ct v7ro vo XVKcwo ayea19at e6 TO tpov Tr /7 p9, areXov T)Sl 7Tr\XOS EEiKO orTa8ov7 Kical avrTt o7rl'fo) CK Trov pov a7raetlv J Lv TOvS XVKOVS eS TWVTOo Xoptov. Tot6L,tLtv vvv V7r Al'yvrVTiW 123 I \ ' / I Xe~youevofa'e XpacrO) ore) otaa 7rTOava e'a T' eTLol &e 7rapa 7Trava rv X6oov vT roEceL'ca, ot vTa Xey6oeva V7Trp EKccrTwv apXo7} pdw p yeTrevelv &e )v KaTr AitryvlrTtoL X\yova'b Ar)/PITpa IcaL AOvva'ov. ITHpWrTOL Kcal TO6Oe TOv Xyoov AlyvTrrLoT eaLt Otl elro67TE, ( a dvVOVrOS', a X\o a"X ov alel rytvo/6eov EC-veCTav 7reav 8 7repLe\XOy 'rvTa ad 'epata 'cad rT Oac ia icat ra VELtE ',Ta TaXeporata Kat 7a 8a~ a trrra aai 7a 7~reTvTa, avTrtS' e alvlpwo7rov o/wta Y7vo/6zEvov eo8UVELw Trrv 7reptrXvotv 8e avr7T ryfvecra, ev TpLoX XIOLOtL erect. TOVTo) TW Xo6yo elai o EXX]rovv eXproavro, ol fLev, 7rpoTepov, ol 8, voCrepov, S? tlo ECOwvT7v eOVWT' T0wV fCy) eL&ofS Ta ovoypCara, ov rypafdo.. —. M epx Le vvv 'Pa/LvL TOvo v F3acrt\eo clva ev Al- 124 ryv'rT T 7rraaav evVojLL7 e\eyO, viKa EVOqveeLV A'lVTr-ov Je/yaXws. /,LrEa &e Trorov, f3aq'tXevlavTa ao'eov Xeoqra, eS9 ra'av fca/orTrTa ecaao-a. fcarapcXKitcavl a yap LLV 7Tvra Ta Ltpa, 7rp(ra [Lev caeas OvTLeOv a7re'p:a' [era Pe, EpyaEaffaI ecovTro KeXevcev 7ravrTaS AlYvrTIovsU. Totit ielV a)j dro8oee&Oat, efc Tcv XtOoTOL ee)lv TCOy eV eT xApa/3l OVpEL, 6C TOVTE6EWV 6\XKEV XLtovS A tEpL TOD7 NelXov' Lta7repait)0evTaSa e Tov TrOTra/ov r'7TXOtOLtot TOVS XlOov9 eTEpOLt- e;ra e EK&K/ceoOa, /cal T'rpO TO Ai3VKOcV icaXevL(E~VOV OpOS;, 7Tp0 TOUTO e XKECV. epya'OVTO 6 KCaTa Ka puvpbbas dvt p 7arv aie6 T7jv Tpitvov ecaCroTTv. Xpoovo i52 'HPOAOTOY [II. 8e cy 0eve-OatT Xav, 8e'ca _ev erea r" oV KaT?IV edXKOV ToI Xti0ov0, ' TV e eqtttavP eppyov eov ov 7roXX3 Te) e'acroXacov rT Trvypat'8o0, k)? e/jo t 8OKECv'.(T Tyap /JorKos /eL ePEo 7rEPvTe coto' evpo0 0e, 8etca opryvwa' os &e, Ty vlrIaoaXr1 eTt avro] eovuT, OKTo op7vmai' XtOov re Te Tov av cat g coW' 2yyevyXVefJvw' ) Trazvr 're Tr ar 8beoa 'rea yeveoa'Oa ica, rv T7r, rov X6<ov, C7r' ov c'TaCot at 7rvpaflOE,[8 TWV V7TO y)v Otkc172/Jlaw, Ta' E7rOLEro 0(as EWVmT9)9 ev 1'c-(, itwJpvXa Tro NeXov ecray7aycv. y 8 rpa aVT. X eV povov P eveOaat EEO eel'CO T 'erea 7rotev/JerPI T?7 eErTL 7TraVrTar) CErW7rov 6Ka(OTOP OKT\) 7r\-0pa, ovSro9 TreTparyw(vov, Ka\ v'fro 9 t'ovo' Xiov oe & erToO Te Kal appOo'peLvov Tra baXitGTa' ov8el ToW tV Owv TpirIKcovTa 125 7ro8ov eAacracov. 'E7roetjfq 8e w8e avT q 7r vrvpapv[" ava/3a0/j1WV TpO7rOV, Tas9 /LETE~ ETEpOL K2p2yca, O0 86\ 8/.wboawo/x'tibovoT. TroLavw'v To 7rpwoTov e7ret re eTrol]'av avrrjv,?Etpov TOVs E7rtXOI7rovs Xi(ou9, av v\v \7P 77-\70,!P 'x ' 7Xva\, v.77 3,paXEWov 7rearot/fLevrP ' ',a/a / ev ev ErW TorO 7rpWoov '1q V TOW dvaa3a0ftcoxvo aetpoiVTE, OICOK9 Se avtot o XlOos E7T aVTOTP, EL ET~p7])V Ix]ay] ETLOE~TO, E(TTEO(TCaP 67't TOV TrpWTOuV rTOiXOV' awro TOVTOV oe e7rl TO\V oeVTepoV 6XKETO, I,, \ e m o'ToCXov E7r adXXVp ilxXavr. oo'oL ryap 8o 'rTObXOb qo-av TOt)V dva/3a0,/OL)v, Too-avTa ical at /WlXavat cra-av et TE Ka& Tyvp avTrpv /jixavrv, veovo-ap /iav Tre cat ev/daCTafcTov, /METEcOpeOV e7r Ct 0TOLOV EKcaTov, OKO) Tov Xiov EoEXXOleP XtexE0cX yap rit e7r E7 a/po'Tpa, KaTa7rep XE7yeCTa. 'EKe7ro0rt)f 8o C va aT vTaTa avTy 'rpwra' eEa Be, (E e7ropjeva rovTWv erOeV Tevaa e avT aa e7rltyaia Acal Kd zaTwrrTa W ^croi7av.:ea-ravTat e 8rd (ypappaurcv Ailv7ro'or ev r'y 7rvpa/pqjt, 8o-a E T~e -vp-,pattv Kat Kpo/6jva Kcal (atcopoota dvatau(oSOW T0olO epyaE0vPoIaL- Kact oJs e- Lev ELe/Jvffa0-OL ra o 6p/rvevS i-LOC, T6te70o/fevoSr Ta ypad4paTa, etJy, e.acoaia Ka6 X^lta rTaavrTc apyvptov TETeeo-Oa~t. Et 8' eort OVToG eXov'ra TavTTa, Kcooa elKcos' XXa 8ea7Travro-Oat eTrtL e Se ao'(rpov ETO EpydaovPTO, Kat ortia, cat eL'TOa too- eppyavoptroLO-t; ocore Xpovov fEVv oLcoO8Ojeov Ta e'pya TOv etlpEevOPv aXXov 8e, w9S 6ywO &O)C), eV T TOV<S Xlov9 eTaPvov, Kat 125-129] EYTEPHH. 153 ayoV, KaLt. TO V7r0 7~7P opv-1/JXL E10ya~oV7o, ovIc oXt-yov Xpo'vov.j,~E9 To1)70 &6 E'XOEWv XEo7Ta Ka/corqlpo%~ ctOTE 126 xplq/Jka7o)v 8eo/Jievov, T)V OvryaTe'pa 727v cw0VTOV Karto-aV~a E7r oix1.a7-o9, 7rpoa-Tda&e 7rp~'o —co-Oat dpyiiptov, OKOcOlO 17Tt 0) cya~p 8n\ TOv^To 7/E "XIE70V- T?7)v &, T'zc TIE V7rO\ TOO ~rarps ~x~-'~ p~'~", iy & Ica aVTrYV ao0O^jvat p rpi~~ov KaTaXwreoOat, Kat TOD f'0thVPTO9?7pl avT27~v cra0oTOV &6o-Oac, OKCOS! av av'Tj eva XlOoi v 'V oEG-6 lEpr'/ot 0-3Cpe'OITO`. EK TOVT6-oV &E ca)V 'X(O&cov 'oaowa TqV 'n-vap& o' o~o/JAJ ^Pat, T7'P eV ~U 'rS rcav&% icvtap, e'/rpoo-Oe TI,? /JkcyacXfl9 7vpa/i1&9~ T7'7 E'7Tt To0 K63Xov gica0-TOV b6XOV Kcat 77,dktocog 7wX&'pov.4) Bao-tAevo-at 127 86 T0V Xe'owa Tov"Tov Aly~5-r~tOt ~'XFyov 7tEVT'JKOVTa E'TEat TeXEVT270oaPT70c &E TOV70V, CEK~EacuOat T\P flao-tXql"V Tv~ a&8Xeo~v a'TrOV^ XCOp7^3va. Kat TOVT0O) &,E T-co aV'TD-TP77o &taXpaff Oat TW 6TPC T'r Td XXa, Kat rnvpalu4aa 7'-ot'o-atc, E9? IEV Ta CKELPOV pkrpa ovlc avqlcovo-apw TiaVra ryap COP Kat 7//tev? ~erpeT77ca/liew O 0rEyap V7T-EO-Tt otK?71kara v~ro y?^ OWC ^c io NEIXov &66pv~ '7Ket ' atr~, \ C p Tr7)V erepiv povo-aW &ta olKo~o/ia7FE'ov 86 ai3Xc')vog ec'co vqo-Ov 'lT~tppe~t, eV Ty av~ro Xryovo-t K,610TOat X'owa. v?'roSEL/LaV 8& TO\V 7rrpO)ov &S' ov Xi0ov A10tomic&i 7'tOLKLXov, rEcO-E-paKovra wo '8ag v7r0/3c4 T'rl~ 'j E'p'ql TO'i-3VTO /,tcaa~o, CX V7 T'i-I,ceyc6 X LtK0 O/lk7-6. ~cE-7aot 86 C'r XOfoOV 'ToD av~rov) ap~ooTepat, iztoXc-ra cl E'KCLTOP Wro'ag V5'4nXoi3. /3aoned c-at &6 6c~yov Xcopi~va e Kat 7ri-EPT KOVra "TEca. Tav'Ta g' re Ka~t E'KarO\ Xo'yt'~OVrat C"Tea, E'V ToiW Aiyv- 128 7'WiroW-i TE- irao-av dlvat KaKOT9p-a, Kat& 'i ipa Xpopov TOO-OVTOV KCaTaKXytc-OEVTa oV'K avoqxOyvat. TOVTiOVS' V7i/iUffO9cl OV Kapra, OeXovc-t A~rITV7rrL ovopa'~CV4e, ciXX Katb aT~ 7rvpaltt'ca9 KcaXeov- 'no vs 4XrAw' VI, o'\ TOv'o rTOP XpOVOV evep4 Kqvea icard TiaVTa 'ia Xwpta. MEra &\ rOVDTiOV, 83a-ciXeo-at AiryV'7i-rov Mv pov 129 A'Eyov, Xe'orio,9 7rat~a' Tc^5 Ta FLEP roD 7rTapo9~ epya adwa&tw1p T\V & ra'i- ipd eavoF~at, Ka\ T\P XcwAv7, TTpvI-C~VOV el TO eo-XaToV Kalcov cveivat '7rpo- epcya 'icK~ovo- va' Ka 6 cobt 7r'TajVrW 3ao-LXEOv &xtorarOa'a KcpweCv. Kara rOVTO gteP Vvv TO~ e'pov, airaprv ocoot q8,q /3 C619 7-5 154 tHPOAOTOY [II. yE7I'OUTO Atyvwrrawv, ailc'ov-t, pa'Xtora Tov'oW Ta TE aXXa ryap Ftv KLWEM eV, Kat, Kat T(A) E7rt/LE/P~O[LEUw E'K T?)' Kq7 wrap eovrQV^ &WOUva aXXa, rowtp~rn-Xvat, aivzoi3 Ti-6 OvIpk6v. 'EOv'Pt, SE 7777tWi Tr6 MVK6PiUv( KaTa\ 709 tOtTcaS, Kat, TaVra E7rtT97 VOM~ 7rpO)TOV KaK6U ap~at, T \V Ovyam'pa, a~1-o~avo~o-aU aVTOV, T?)U /WVVOV Ot EMat EU T C070 OIJELOUL TiEKUOUj- TOy 8e\, v'7TEpax ylJualTa TE TU) 7T~pbE71rEWTO)KeCE rp?77yFta7t, Kat, /3 V 61.kEUOV 7rptO-TO-0 TEpOV Tt, TcoW a~XXcov Oa'*at T'V OvryaT'pa, 7rot?7o-a(YOat I90ih' ~Av)'v~ KOLXflU. Kat, C`6tTat KaTa~pvo (ToaVTa I.Lt TavT?77, 'o-CO eU aVT-j Oc-' a TVT? T7U asro~apov'o-av 130 Ovryar' pa. Aiv7,r c'3v 7 ~ fOD~ 7 yj OW IKpV(/)O?, AXX E"T Kat eg E/.46 2Jv Oavcpiy EU:a& F.LeP 7O'Xt, eov~o-a, KEL1LEU7 86eV To0L0L /3ao-iXflwto-t, eU olK97/'LaTt.?7cTKi7[lkem) Ov"?,yk~aTa &,rap a1JTy 'IraUTOta Ka~rayi~ov-t, ava 7rao-av V7Ipq VKTra E Ka(7Ti71 7raUVvXos, XVXUog 71apaKalETat.( ayxOV &6 717 -a~~ ~ 7v9 E X p 0 K 7/ t ~ L O E W 7 TCLX X a K E W U Tan M VKcEpL'UOl E( ~ ( t 0 X y U o v Y, 7rT0t tpEEv eOTTCUt, /JkeV cyap ~5XLUOC KOXOuT (ot, cov(T-aL (XptO~lkoU 0) eEI0OOL fJa'X UtTa' K9), nlv/J-Uct cpyaO-pEpav at TLUE9 /.LEUTOL 1 3 1 EL T 1 O E C C )E1 r W T? x Ery,p W O & T UE XEyoVO-t 7TEpb TI'q / Og TaVT1779 Kat TOU KO O((T O TO T O,yU c M K po O p -Vq' i KcO v o v-O 'V y ar p8 ',, icat, 67etEL7 E/44y9, ot aEKOVO-77. /JlETa C3E xErYOVO-t ct9 7 7raig d7nyq7 aTo vi77-o ctXEog9 6 e /1tv WOa~ EUV Ty, /3oi Ta Tyq' 17 & /JJ7T?7p aVT?7g T()U a/4t7TroXCoU TWU) w-po&ov(EwU \vU Ovyarcepa T(O 7wa~pl awE7-Ta1JE Ta9 Xetpar icat UVY^ Tag9 Eticov, CavTECO ELvat 7rE7TOUOVt~ag Ta7TEp at ~Owab E77-aOov. -Tai)Ta &e X4yovo-t c/AvqpcOUT~s, OS9 IE7&) (3Ke'O) Ta TE aXXa, Kcat &q\ Kalt Ta\ 7ept, Ta XePtpa TCOV KQXOG-0YWU ) Tav"Ta ryap (OU Kat 77/JkEtg owpeopJEv, OTt V7tQ XPOUOV Ta Xepa aWO/0 E/3Xrn Kao-t, at' eU Woe-t. aVTEWUV 13 catvo UTat. Eovo-at Et Kat C9e/i E 11 fl v' T LU X KaTaKcEKpv77-Tat cIO LULKEP6 Et/. aft ToU atvxE'a &e Kca\ 1 KE~baX?7v baWtM KEXPVOWL1.Evc 'IraXEC KacpTat Xpvtr)( AlETatv & TCOV KCEpECV, 6 TOV I)qXLOV KVKXOg ALE/dd1L19711EV09 EWE(YT XPV(7EOq. CO-Tt &E 97 /301)9 O WE opOI, ct X EU y O J a fAKt. e r p ~ ' a o, o I 7 r p /. 7 X I / 30 v9 ~ co i 2. 130-134] EYTEPI1H. 155 fEKcepETat 8oE E TOV oliCylaTo, ava 'ravd a Ta ET, ea. E7rea Tv7rTTTovTa ol Alryv7TTo 7) TOV OVK ovooaCLS evov Oeov VT7r etfeV e7rl TOtOVTT700 t 7rprj/aTL, ToTe Wov Kcal T'rV 3povv eKCepoval E~ TrO cd9. L ac ry dp a6 avTrjv 8er0lvat 7TO0 Wravrpo6 MvKceplVov awroOvrOKovaoav, Ev T(D evLavrT awra /\.,tov laT8e. /fLtV TOV YXLiOV KcaT)ielv. MeTa 8e Tr7v' Ovya'rpo' TO 7rdos, r Saoevrepa 'rOvTW Tr 133 3ao'LXei Tao8e yevevOat. eXOlv ol /iacVTr7ov ec BOVrTOv 7ro\Lo, ' "pEXXO\\Lt Trea Fpo^vov f3ov\; 7 E/36/Lo 'r"eevrer. v s, Seww,ro/ra'd/evov, ar)/ ae,? T7 EXVTC7jEt). TOP6 0E3, E )VO2V 7Td7(Ca/EPoVPL, -ELf/V at El?6 70o /.aV7'goV T' OE O OveLt&o-ta, 'VTtxe/l6 /0XEVO 071 " 0 v \ VT.rc \ "t ev avrov ' raTr7p cal 7raT7pOS, a7rOKX/7,LtvoavTe Ta ipa, KcaO e 0 )v ov /Ie/V1r7/LEVOL, aX\a cai Tov' arvpcT7rov "I 0eipovre, f/Slcooaav xpovov erL roXXov avroS 8' e" CE,/87 Eozv,,LEXCXoI TaXeWo OV7w) TEXEVT7r70EtV. 'EK 8 7ro Xpra7'Tqpltov avrT;evT7epa e\XOEL XeyovTa " rovrw7v " eiveIa Kcal ovv Tavvetv av TO oTv yap vrorycra-a s O\ Oa t r "11 T0 XPE)V 7) 7rOLEEev (eSv ryap AeyvrTrov KcaKovOval 7r erea 7revTr7KovTa T6 KEcaL eKaTo' Ka 0ov' IEv T0vo \ I Ct i'Tovs vrp ' ' / e1VO e, yeVoieovo ~3ao',\eav taOelv rovro, " ceivov 8e ov. TauTa afcovo-avTa TOV M'vKCpVOV, wS KCiTa/CplfevwV 'r o6' TOVr, \vyyc T06odaevoY ToXEcvraee'v, OVTE )./IEp 01 OVT06 VVKTO'; avtevTC, e'; Te Ta eXca cal Ta cXEa 7rXavw/kcUvov, cKat Lva 7rvvOavootT elvac (77ry) evr27/3TypLa E7rT8r7eW7TaTa. TavTa 8e Cuac^7aTO, OexWv \ /*-,, T70 /LaV7Tlov EUO/jLEVOoV a7doUeat, owa o ovwoEca Cerea avTa e ErewE yEZpTat, at VVKTE; 'LepatL 7roLeva ToLe vact.t ilvpap/tka &8 Kac 0 o1To a7re-X7T6TO 7roXX\\ eXaa'Tw 134 Ca 10v8 r T?)I~0v.8,, I O v C. OV 7TraTpo'; eelfcO(t 7T0OOV Kca7aCSov(av KWC)OV EKCLTT70V TpLwV 7TXE0pWv, *oVCrr)S Terrpaycvov, Xi'ov &e eS TO 7/ffVL1 Ailo7rfcovo rro v 77) /j~T~^~T-poi (pfa(T16 'EXX2>ov 'Po(O wt7o ETaiprf' Pyvva1Ko'b e6va1, o01c opc; XcryovreT;. ovo& (0 O2O) e3o7 /ao0T C/)aLvovTai e'yeLv oVro T70 27 v 1V oPov&3te'; O0V eyap a Ov OL rvpalp a ave0eoav a'7racoL7caJcOa TO a01V7r, E \Ilvpatta 27 Ta o uToT* earo' r TNV TaXaVTW)v XtXLado~ advapiLOr/Jl7TOL, o' X6yC EL7TreLV, avaa-t/1.WVTaL 7TpOb; &s, oT KCaLTa "A^/a-wv /3ao-evovTa 27v aK/uc iLovo-a o)owsrb, aXX ov Kcaa 71OVTO72. eTrEo 1yap 156 'HPOAOTOY Icapra 7roXXoL O- V'pTEpv o0 TOV7V T3aV acT\x& TrwV T7a 7rvpa/i&av rav'Tas )v Xt7roE'Vw Po& to reverv cavro )picKv' Xov\Xt e 'v IaSCovov rov 'HdlatroTro7Xto, advpo9 /a/Ltiov, cra'vuov\Xo 8e Aioaw7V Trov XO yo7rotLu. /caL Cyap OvTo7 JIaOLovos, eyeveTo, Wo o.eoeE TO0e oV0/ /ctaoTa' e7rei re ryap 7roX\acL KIolpvc'a'o-TCov L\eAeX)^v elC 0eoTrpoTr'ov " o' /3oV\oirto TlV'oi)v T Alg'arov 1vx VX adve\eoOat, aXXoo /.erv ov8el ecfadvl, 'Ida/8ovo 8e 7ral8oo 7racS, aXoS laOSjLOv, aveiaXro' ou OrV'T Kc A^o7roo 'a135 3/jovos E7yeveTro 'Poo3rt 7rls e e A'tv'7rTov a7rtcCEro, EdvOeo rov la ldov co/klravrroV [L'] aTT~ucovfl 8& tcar' Epyaoailv, EX v07l %prpaTrov peEyaXwov vro advpoF MVT, - Xrvalov Xapatov, Tov Kca/jbavSpcovv/pov 7ratSow, adeXoceou 8e Sa7rov? T? p/ov7oTrotov. ovroT o i1 'Po&o7rys eXeu0epCoOq, Kcal IcaTr/jetve Te e Ayeyv7rvT, Kal /capTa e7rap6SroD ryevo/evzr, e lycXda eTcorjaro xpr,7ara, co av elvat 'Poo7rv, dTap ovcK c? yE E? 7rvpapLSa ToLavr7v e4/cecoOat. Trg <yap T7jv 8oecaTr)v 7Tv Xprparwv le Er(at eOTr e'r cal e '8oe 7ravrTl T /3ovXo/hev, ovSev 8e6 pefeya Ol p war' a avaOwevat. E7reOv/ralce yap WPo Mo3rt bL')/rlopV' EoUVTr' ev Tj 'EXXai ara7ricaXtr 0a, 7roilo/JLa 7roL7o'ta/e'vl T0rT0,TO [olj rTv7yave aX doX eevp?7,ievov ocal avafceiLe~vov ev lpo) TOVTO avaOelvaL E9 AeX4)oU0 Lvro/Lo0vvov ecovT79. 7T79 cor oScar'Tql 70To Xprpma'Tv 7rTot)capeLvq of3eov 3 pov7r6povs 7ro\oXoV S aotjpeov, 0o-ov eveXpee 1 8ecaETrl o, a7re7Trc7rLe e9 AeX0ov'* o' /cal VVZ eTt oavvvelaTat, 07rtCr0e Jevov oO (Wp^O40o v X ot dvOeoaav, advTov 8E av7rov rTO vCrov^. JXIEov(L 8 9 EKc ' ev 7T NavcKpaT, e7racfppotro y, roveca at a eratpat. Tovro LEV 7ya? avTy7, TS9 reppt \eayETat 0oe o Xo6yo, e OVTO 87 r, /c\eTv' e7yeveTo, c0 Kcal 7Tra^Ve ol EXXqven Poo7rWto9 To ov voYa e eo 70ov 70ovro oe, vrTepov TavrTl9, Tj ovvop/a v 'ApXeKcrh, dotLst/Jo avwa rIjv E\Xaoa eyeveTr, OC70aov e Trs rTep'q r'epLeae-X'vevTos. Xaopao o8e cols XvacLevoo 'PooWWCt d'T7revoaTrf7'e e? MvrTLr'vrlv, ev /E\6l a7rcpfc 7TroXa KcareKepTof/L7O-e Ltv. POo)rtos rFLev vvu 7rept 7reTrav/at.y 136 Me a 8e Mv/cepLvov yevecaOa Atiyv7rrov j/3aa'eEa getov ol!pee "AavXav, TOP Ta 7rpoS qXLo0V avltXovTa 135 —137] EYTEPIIH. 157 7rotat To) 'HcalTTYc 7rpo'rvXata,,ovTa 7roXXCO) e KcaXWXtr-a Kat 7roXX\) /yeyLOTa. ete /pev ryap cab ra?ravra 7rpow7rvXaa TVt7OV Ve 67EyyE/yXvpp6vov9, cal aXXv orlv ot/coooJK0 faTWv lfvptlv' eKelva 8e, Kcal palcp) /aXto-Ta. 'ETrt t-VTov /3a-tX\evoVTo, Xey, 4e'wov, pii ' 'ovqR 7TroXXs? xpvraTcowv, ryeveo-Oat vofov AtyvToLto, a7roSeLcuvvTTa iTpoeCVV OV 67a6 TpOVT Top r e vooy. TvE, a TOpa Vtv To T\ %peo? Kal aq'rao-f KpaTeetv Tr71 ToD Xa/p3avov0roT 07rK779 T(0 8e v7roTL0ev'T TOvTO TO eve'yVpov, T Ee ere6tva7 ogltv, tr] /0ovOpevcw a7rooovvat TO XpEeoq /7T aVT( eEKELvO) TeXevTv7'-avTt e6vat Ta/ra7 K:vpuo'a, /p17T ev eKceICw TO) 7raTp)oto Tafoo /.r]T ev aTtACo Pf7oeVl, /t]7'Te a'Xov L/71eEva TWV e6OVTov a7royevopevov tadate. 'T7Trep/3aXE0Oat& 8e /3o0vX6JL~VOV TOVTOV TOv /aCTlXea TOVi '7TpoTepOV eCEVTOV 83ao-'\XE'aS ryevopvovu AyV-7rTov, 1/LV7,oavvov 7Trvpa/4(a X\7re~Oa, c rX/v0Aov rotral'oavTa' Ev T'7 7ypap/JaTa ev XlOW EyK~ceKoXaftkeva Tare XeroVTa ecTt' MH ME KATONOZ(He' HPO, TAS AI(INAZ nTPAMIAAt. IPOEX2 rAP ATTEfN TOSOTTON, 'OZON 'O ZETI T1QN AAAQN OEEN. KONTQf rAP'TIOTTlT F EE AIMNHN, 'O TI IIPOIXOITO TOT nHAOT Tftb KONTDh TOTTO STAAErONTEE, InAINOOT: EJPTN, KAI ME TPOlnlh TOIOTT2&l EEIIOIFYAN. TovTrov JeV T0oavTa a7ro&eaaOatl. MeTra 86e TOVTO, 8aoeAcavo'at avbpa Trvo)\ov e4 'Avv- 137 a0-0og 7roXw0o, TT ovrvopa "Avvw-yv evat. evr TOv ov 3aoV - X\VOVTO7 dE'Xa0ab W7r' At'YV7rTov %Xep 7roXXD AlOtO7ra9 Tre Kcab a/3aKc6ov TOV Alxto7rcov /3aoXAea. TOV tlev obr7 Tv\Xov TOVTOV 0oX'cTOat (eVeY/OVTa e9 Tra ea' TOV 86 AlOo06ra,/3ao'l-\Xeet AI7VT7rTOV 67T' 6Tea 7TET77KCOVTa' EV TO7!a aVTOv Tabe alroEtao-Oat. OfCK&7 TWV Tt Ayv7TiLCWv a/UapTOt T, 7cTe Wetv pev advT7v ovSeva eOeXeV' TOV Se KcaTa elieyaOo9 70) &IC E T(t) &, c'tV, It a Tov aod&crfaToD elarT T oSageiv, ear TaovooVTa XcopaTa %oV 7vrTpo0 T7 ECw)VTO) 7ro X, oQey efcaTo709 77V TWV atKce6vTWV. Kac OVTu en al 7r6O &Ew E7eVOvTO Uv1^ Tepa' Tr0r Mev 7yap Tpwovx eXwo)qr-av VTr roWv Tal 8'wpvXa' 158 'HPOzAOTOY [II. opv ~a vTrOV, E7T:~60 w U p O9 / aot E' S (Se V -epa. &', v'r 3 AiOiowo901 Ka\ Iap'a v*jn7Xa\ 'y'owo T*,hX 'tv & K a~ & ~ w a o I V o v 7'7 Aiy V5 WT p '7 oX to, A (SOKEEL, /La'XtOwTa I-kv Bou/3 o'CTt?r'Xb6'6X& ~ x 0 mq ev T7 /ca\ ip~lv 60T Bov/3a'O'Tto9 actawryfl~TOrcTa oP. p&6' 1~ a~p a~XXa, Kat 7woXv(Sa~ravwaTcpca Ea-Tt ipa&?'i8jov- &\ i&Oat o'8 C\ V TOV'OV FtaXXOV. 27 &\ Bo'53ar', Ktr `EXXa'8a 138 yX 6S 0oa, ~o "A pTeptq. T ~ ( pv av7T17 q3e S% I,77X?' I7 E(7O(SOV, To CaXXo v)0-091 EO-TL EK yap TOO) NdXov ('pt 7 E ( 6 0 V T O ') L p V E aTI ( T X L 1 J E ^,7 7 7 - p p &a )(pEt Ica, acTG tO9. teou eica 77-p OWVc XCL a t~frO9 f V 7r eptp EOp v to )7 ) 7O L? 7 0 ( & ( E ErL17 E T O K ~ ( C ~ L a tO8 X o o. 2? 3 E) p oE77 T7 cov X t 'C-o ( poP, EK aTO paT U 077 LW 7 0 E F ~ L o T L 7 y p T 7 r T o X L O 9 Mkl E K E X J O 8EZ J a7 IAJ EOv, T O? 3a a pO ll o V~ KEa ta,4t ) V, (0 ap *1 O,l W L1 0 7 E(07'y tO(AV E(-TT( TV7-epoto- 8 3' av3TX a1ctE-Ke~a 8ayat v,~ Iotvy E. pO/70V E Ka0\ F1 7K0V 70V- (po t 7aT'? ~ ( L V E T KaT~p ~ & 7 ap (So ev9 T7rpEL9 '~ a~~u Ta ICyap (Ta7 7179 a70p17 P e pp o- KK X D IE9 TO 13 po) TO [(l 1 1 O T L/O XL 4 0 1 TV7raXt ay13 E TO?) E AIOGo'700 9 a & X Xeyo yP8 Ea)VEO- at. O-fTO l) 7 l OTEILEPP 7-eb qo pryp, V (Z87 T'0raaeft TVP09V 86\e~ TKta l )A O I? TODl at)ovl), v~ O uEO ma R VOV ECT ECOKaE O\ ',v7XE,P T ',8 yzr w'r ~7 V X XEe a Vo a 8 c\, il)T a9,C /J C O V ESa c KEW L( ~ )a\ T \ 8 N V \ A It d7TraXa0E ^l) T OOw (L~ yap107 o (O EEX? VO la '7-eV TOKOLT Pl) KT xpiV O at 10 Pap avT op Aiy~ro v0a eKX(OVr aLY EL. El) ry Mp 79A ho i EEO?)TaL~ a- v Tz, ov e Ta ka) l T OU q i~ a~ T O (XPe WV aL A1O1OrTE9 a&VEaLXE, (09P&o,~, peTov) AiyztaTape'e/3 ac80XEVTahL ETEE& t lr l T aKo T aV (09yc v 6a X POV, OV O v p oo a tE, Ka VT l 138-141] EYTEPIH. 159 17 Ots9 70O eV7rTPov e7reTapaao-e, E'tcv adradXXy aeraTcL eK Tr)s At'yvrrrov o $a/3a0cw9. Qs a' apa olxeo'racL Tov Al0loTra 6: AiyvT7rrov, avir* 140 TOV TV7\Xov dapXew, EK T.oV EX\vw a7rrlcoevov' / vOa 7revrr)IcovTa erec, v)O-ov cwoas u7rwco re TKac y7, oitKe. /OKC9 yap ol fpotrav o-rov aryovTra9 AIvwrTTTv os eKa('T70Tt rpoa'7erdaxOa ocLry TOV AiioTros', e rr cv opejv KEXEVe b oeba9 KcaLb 7roo0v ILKopi'etl. ravr7v r717v r0ov) ovels TrpoTrepov eSvvaLo-0 'A/rvpralov eTevpewt dxxa\ erea CrL7 7rX&eo ' E'rra7cocra otfLV 0olt e o -av avrr7v avevpEW o0 7rrpOTpol rYEVO/evoEVo faoXl\ee 'Apvpralov ovroola 8s Tavrr7 Tr V7cr' 'EX/3o 4yao9' e'Oo T e 7r Trav'Tq 8ca r7Ta l av. Mera 8e T0orov, /3aoLXevDat TOv Ipea ov 'HTCaliorov, 141 TwO) oa ELv VEO P Xoyev lcolt, eXetv 7rapaXp1 -TC ovvo/ja stvai 2ecO rov ev aKoiya' %ew vrapa~](ratevov TWv pLzaXLzJov AivT7rTtoW, 0w ov8ev 8e7ro!evov avUTwv' aXXa Te 8r1 a"rTL a 7rotevVTa e? a vrovS, Kcal aea? a7reXe'coOa 7ad apovpaS, TOlT 67 E Tt V 7rpOTepov 13aCtXEeov e8o6raOaL egaCperov cEKca'ror 8vO86Ecaa apovpa. fJeTra 8, err' Al7lTrTOv eAavvLetv oTpaTov tZeryav cavLapt3ov f3ao-XEca 'Apa3l'v T /cKa 'Aa'ovpl'ov. oVic0v 0) j OEXEPv Tovu pLaUaxlzov9 7rv) Aiyv7rrTo'v /3ortOeEW' ry 8e Ipea cE a7roptlrv acrEtX1f7/eov, e(-EXOvTa e? T7o eyapov, 7rpos Tw) 7yaX/La caro8vpecoOal ola KV8VVEVE'L 7TraO'eLv. O\Xofvp6Oevov 8' lapa,V e7reXOeFV Vl 7PVOV, KaCL otl 86oa ev T7, e7rtardTva T7v Oe \v OapcpveLv, 0)9 ov8ePv 7TrelTeraC ciapt avrL7au 71ov 'Apa,3lCw ar7paTovP avro7 ryap ol 7rTE/L*F~Lv 7iTt/1pov. TovT067o 8 LLv TUtPvvov TOL evv7rvtloLt, 7apaXa/3ovra A' yrruoTv T70V 3ov\XopEevPovI ol f7rec0Oat, o-rpaTo7Treoev-ao-Oac ev ITrlXovolt'w TavTL7?yap Etia Cal EcroXaLr e7reOati 8e ot T IWV /LaXLt)v I/ V ovreva avSpwv, KarLhXov9 8e, KIaL XELpwovacTa, fcKa, cyopatovw acV0pW7roVS. evOavra at7rKLolLeOV9, 7TOlf evcaVTlotL'' avTOilaL E7rTLXevOTaS VViKTOco Uvi9 apovpalov9, KcaTa fev fcaryeCLV TOV9 (f)apeTpEwvat aVTWv, Kcara 8e Ta ToCa 7rpo 8e, T7V ) a7Trlowv va oXava, oa'r7e r7 vrr7epatrL (evryovTWV o7pePOV, yvfvwv 'T7rXWV, 7TEEELV T 7roXXov'. Kati vvv o0Tro? 0 /3aoCLLV (7 e'Tr7Ke Ev TQ) ip~9 ToD 'HifaioLTov XLivo(P, 6X0)V 160 "HPOLAOTOY [II. emi~ 71 Xetpov 1-v Xc'yco~v (Sc ypT~br~ 78-aS El EME TIY COPEf2N, ETIEBHME4 &2 142 'E9? pE~ 7-0O1'(SE TOO Xolyov Atiyi'7r~tot' 7-C Kca~ ol lp~ee XCyO, acl7ro(SEtKvJZTE9~, awO 701) 7rpO)TOV /3ao-tX'C09 e'~ 7-G cHoat''oV Tov -1 lpea T-OVTOV TO0V T-EXEVTa&bOV /3CbTLev(TcWav plkaV re Kat T7-E0-cTpaICOVP7a Kat 7-ptflKo0-ia9 avOp(C'7rwuV ryEVca9 ryepopbepas, Kat EV TavTQ/7-fr( ap~tpea9~ IKabt /3ao-t'a cliaT-EpGV9 TO-OCOVTOV'? 7EV0/1EVGV9~. Kal T-Gb T-ptl7Koo-Lat /.Ev auSpaw' ryevca~t (vvearat av'ipeta ee-E~ ryeveal ryap Tpetq avc8pw'v, E'KaTO\u EmTa' 6aTb. [bt179~O Kab 7-EG-U7cpaKoV7-a 67-b TWu E1bOr i7r6OW nEVEECOW att 37-oaau T?-7t Tpt?71COO-o-tqt go0r T7E-C0-epaKOZJTa Kat Tptricse-ta Kat iX~tc ETEa. OVTCO fV /JlVptGWO-l 7-C E"TEG-C Ka~t XtXLGOLG-t Kat WfJO9 7-PbOKOGGLOUGC 7-C Kat T-E0-r-paIcou7ra 6"eXyoP OE0\J duOpco'roetSea ov&'8,~a Vyev)eG-Oab. Ov,LE'VT-L Oi3(S' 77p6'Teppv, GLIIE VG-7-EPGV 61) T7I-GL ivrroXohrotwt AiL'n7-'rov /3actXei-o-t fyEvG/Jkevowat gecyov TOLOGTV7- Oii'J Wv. 'Eu T-GWVlVTVT) Totrc O "~ Xp6Vp T-TpaKtS? EXOOP64:17E& 7-01 WOV1 vauaretXat- ei-Oa we uv" KacTaUSE7-at, EVOCVT7-CZ &9tl 6ewaV-Et"a Ka eVOV uv auac~t EvOaV^-a &9~ Ka7-a~vwat Ka~t GV(SEV 7i)V KaT` A~'tyv7rTOV V'7T0 TaCWTa ET-Ep~tWdOTvat, GV7TC 7-a EKC T7-7S 7717% OVT-C 7a CK 7-GV 7rG7-a/k~v 04) rytvo'tte1a, GVT-E Ta NaIptc vovo-Gv9?, GV7E 7-a 143 caraN TOV\s~ Oaw~va'o. llpo'TCpoV & 'EcaraipW TWc Xoryo7rotw' 17&i/3o y~E 7Xy7GcP-7-E& -0, at ua -u 7-171) 77,a-9t?)V E(~ EKKaL(SEca7Gu 0o\P, e7rot17G-av o Otpe7-01) ZAL09, Otol) Tb Ka~t 6CbO~t Oil yEVE'7xory?)7G-aVu7t 6kE/VTEOV7O. co-ayaryouTe9C' 7-0 To uyapov) 7Wc, 601) pcbya, 64:flptO/JtEO1) (,tICVT9KOXO0-G-0v, V9 VOV, TOG0OVTOV9~ 00-01)9 7Ti~p Et7rGWaextpevl9 y ap EKaTO-7-0 aVTOlOt 2'o-Tarat c7drrt Tl) ov C D V 6 EtKova IEWVTOV. aptOLLE'OPT7E9 (f'W, Kalt &6tK1'VT7E9 Ol lpee9~ e/itot, a7rE(SeIK1v~c-av 7Tat~ Wa7-po\9 EWUOTWJ)V C'Ka0TG1) Eoua, CK 7-01 arytcrTa awrotavoV7TGS- T7-179 Et'KO'1)G9 &bE~t01)TCE9 ta\ /t*2 \ C & yE qIX clta1T)7-t cVTou, Kat da8)a&Io-aaV7t El? EKKaL(SEKaT-ou O~o), ureeue~oy70-1) a-7ptOttquet, o3 (Se0iCCp~VOL trap a7-Gl)dw~QoD ry1epcTOab auOpww7ov. arytC7o ry~qoau &6 0c(S, 0ltf~e1)G e'KaG-TGV TOMu KGXOGcOt7W) lI~tp6O/uV CK Hltpco W/.tG ycyoveuav 69 0 TGV9 W71)7TC Ka~t T-C0-0-cpaKGJ-'7a 142-146] EYTEPIIH. 161 Kca, rpTptKotlovS a7reetav KoXoor-ovs' lpooLtV eK I htp/AlwS yev6ojLGVJEoV, Kal ovUe e ov, oveT es? 7tpwoa aveSqa'av auTroOi. Tllp"HaSy 8E 6'-T K'ar EXXaSa yX^aCav KaXoS' caryaos. "1137?v, rwv al el/Coves 27-av, TotouvOVs are- 144 (elKvcvaYv uo'eas 'TravTas eEovTa, 0ecwv 8E\ 7roXXo\v ad7raXXaryfevovs. TO e rpo 7rpoTpov Twv dvopwv TOVTWV Oeov\s eWva6 Trov EeV A'yV'7wr apxovrTa, olceovTC'a apa 0ro'oT avOpo7roLt' KC cal ovToLv aCLe eva TOP KpaceovTra elpvc vo-rarov ae avr7?'S ao' t XeDo-act 'pov TOrv 'OC'lpwOS 7rala, rbv 'A7rXXcova "EXX/)7ves 'vo/ua'ovw' ovrov, Icaora7ravLavTra Tvu(/va, 83ai\rkeu'aC VTar'Taov Airyv7rrov. "Oo-ipi e ecr rt Atoovv'os KaTa EXXa8a y7Xw'crav. 'Ev "EXXqo'- p,'v vv Tv vec'raVov zv Oewv vop{'ozrrai 145 elva 'HpaKX?'g Te Kat Al OVuoSo Kca ady Trap' Ayv'7r'toit 86e Ilav tiev apXatwoaroao Kcal Trw oKTcro TOr 7rpCrlCov )XEryo/LEv,)v Oev'P 'HpaK\X? )Se r\3v T evEpov, TvO) 8VCS(EKCa XeryoLpevwv elVal' Atovva'oS (8E, Tr'v) Tpl7)V, Ob e/c rvT SvoJ8exKa 0ec)v EyE7vovro. 'Hpa(\XE J,7ev r) ooa avTro AciyvqTmtoi fao' elva rea eTC ' "Apa-cv,3ao'X\ea, 0eSrXxowrai O6 TrpoO0e' llavc e T Tov7wv 7WrXeova XE7ETat elva, A'ovvaw 8 o eXaXtorTa rTOVTrv' ca TovTOr TrevTaKLaX'iXt{a Kcal Fvp(a LXOyitovrTat elvat eS "A/ao'vw 3aoa'Xea. Ical Travra Alryv7rTto aTpecews' aO eT7rtl'rTaOat, alet T'6 \oEi6pEVOt, ca ale a7roypaEfolevob Ta eea. Atom'to KC4Tv vvv W C ex,EpX eX ' Ka8tov Xeryo/ev) yevecrfOat, KaTa eKOcaotLa erea KaC XiXla /aaXYrTa EcoT eS cEjE "HpaKcX'E 8e T( 'AXK/cvrS, Kara elvaKcoa6CLa erea TLa 8e T) EK TxI7veXo7Tr?7S, (Ce Tavrr)s yap Kat 'Ep/p&o Efereat yEveOat v7ro ' EXX'rvwv o IIv') eXa'o-cOo ereT ecrT rTw TpwCoKCv, Kara Ta OKTaKoo-ta /LaXLTora ES' e/. Tovraov 146,, a ',!,O J,,, 7 Wv adlTpowepTpv XraperTr X Tpac'Oa TOlbi T' T7reOETcra( Xe7o/Levolat /aoXXO eoj/ o t (v () ep7 avrzv T yv o4 ao oSe(EKcrat. el p/ev ryap f/avepot re E7EVOvTO CKa KcareTE7pao-av Kca oTrot, EV rT, EXXa8t, KaTa'rep HpaKce?) 6o e s I I \ ' I 'ApLOTrpVwvo~' revoIevoV Kal STJ Kal Aepotor c 6 K "~'Xql9, Ka\ Il v 6 d6c Ilq/veXfTrf/t 7ev6pegvo% s & d av 'TV, Kal TOVTovS aXXovS, a vSpap ryevopeevovs, eXEI. v rC EKCElevov ov}vo.WaTa TCOwv rpoyeyovoTww 0eowv. vvv & AO6vvo6Ov Te 162 'HPOAOTOY Xe7yov o01t EXXve, co9 avTl7ca ryevoJevov E9 vTv /1ilpov eveppad'rao Ze&v, Kca, jveLKe e~ Nvroav T?)v vrep At'7yvrrov eovaav ev rT AiOtor I' Ka l avS 7rept OVK efrelv ocKl erTpa7reTo yevOf kevos. or^a /oL cv W767yove, OTt voT epov e7rv00vTo ol "EXX7vesf TOVTWVC Ta ovvocLaTai, Ta 7v1 aXXov Oeov' a7r ov Oe erv'ovTTo Xpovov, arro 7TOv'TO yeveiXoryjovo-r avTco)v T7v yEvea-v. TaCvTa cLev vvv aVTOL ALyV7LoTt o eyovLi,. 147 "Oca &e ot TIe aX\o avPOpcw7roL KCa Ait5'rTLOL Xeryovcr, o/JoXo7~y1TES6 TO7LCe a\\ot-e, K"aT'a ravT7,v 71jv Xwpv yeveOacab, TavUT 31 fr paaCcr' TrpoaeaCTcaL &E TL aVTro0a tcal?7o eJ6/l7 O6trO9. 'EXeV0epo)0eVT~e AIy/V7TTLO /6ETa Tov Lpea Tov 'Hfaic'rov 8/3acXevoarTa, (ov3eva 7yp Xporov olol TE r7(cav avv 3racLtkeo~ &aLtaaOat,) eCraavaro avoT - 8ecSa /aaLVaXt,;vo3eaca /jotpa? 3acrc/jtevoL AL7V7rrTO 7raoaav. ovTro erTyailtas 7roLrtoazlevot, e/acoAXevov, v6 -/JOCtL TOUlStpe Xp6e6/-evol, /Lr77T KaTaCpeev aXX\rXov%, 7qTE qr7\ov Ti Bil'7ffal 6eXEv TOP 6TEpOPo TOv ETEpov, eOvaL Te flt\ovs Ta aLaXLt'Ta. TWVP& 8e wveica Tovs VO/POV0 TOVTOVU e7rOLEvrPTO, tX-vpwo 7rEpLt7'e\\XoVTE. ecKEXpraTO apL /caT apxas avTtca evtOfTrabevotr E rdTaS rvpavvtat v'rTOv cc,aXK,,I,,,, " xaXcey dtaXy a-crelaora aVTcWv ev rO) lp) TOV JHLatcrrov, TOVrTO a7rar17r) /aoatevr-etv AVyv7Trov. e? ryap 148 86 rd T rarPTa Ipa a-vvekyovTro. Katl or a-pt,Lv 6oia-vva eoEe Xwrea-Oal KOCVtL)' o6'av 8e cbt, E7ro'tLravro Xa/3vptvOOv, OLlyov vtrep rTj1 X\i/v17c 'T MolpLos, KadTa KpoKcoel\XOv KaX\o/iLEV'7v 7ro\l Xt7L aXuffTa 1 KIIc iKieEvovP Tov TCw 7'3t t3oOv X6oyov /Leco. el yap TL ra e 'EXX1vWcov reiXea Te ca ep7yo aroetV tovXXo'yiat'o, eXao''ovo TTwoov Te av Kca& 'atraPvS aver7 eovTra O TOv Xa/3vpivov Toovro Kat TOtb adtooy6o ye fcal 6 ev 'Ebe c: erTt v)qoS, /cat, 6 Cv dft'?crav 1L4 eZ vvv a cal al vrvpa1iettS Xo'yov Pb'ove~, fKal roXXw3v exaCer-T avTecov 'EXXXqvtcWV Ep"V pycv Icadl /eyaXw avTaFi] o e & 7)j Xal3vptivOos l ca ras' 7TrpaUtlSa" V7rep/3da\Xe. rov ryap vwe/cKa fezv E(la- avtXa Karaaa-reyo, avTl7rvXot a\XX'Xla-, e: /eV rrrpos /Iopew, e6 8e 7pos voroTv rpaL/Jevat ' YvveXEee' To0XO; oe e'coWOE o avrTO crea? 7reptepyEt. oICrgj7iarTa 8' eVEaL-Tr 7rXa, Tad LPV, 147-149] EYTEPIIH. 163 v5'royata, Ta &e, p.ercEpa E7r' EKCEL7)0&0& TPtoXiXcta aptO/Lo7) WE7re7aioO-LOW Kal X01,c EKa7Ecpa. Ta Ikcv 7)7)7 I-c-Ewpa T(OP OtK?7/.a~cov avToi TE opO[Eope &Eto)E al av70l OEfl-a1c~aJ at)&XEfYoAlEw- -a\ 8e avir~'v vToryacta X67OWL 67rVV0aOajzN4La. o01 ryap E'7rEO-7ECO-rE9 7(A)7 At'yvw7r/w'() 8CtK7VvCat av 8 f/0 rOexov, ~ 4evot O'cct9 a "T6Ot elvatL 7(0 Te dp 0) 'Xa/3vptv)00v TOV7TOI OtIKOO[ 7ct/7 /3a 60Xp7, Ka4 7(01) tp7)v KpOKO&LXO)7). 01)7(0 7(07) /Je7) KaT(O 7rEp& 0LKI71ia1T(07V aKcoy 7rapaXa/3O7)Es' XE' o/JepW Ta & ama) `7e v a7Oanie7 epya,10) aVTot OpezcO/v7. at TE (yap Go3t&-70)(TE7yEaW7, KCl Ot EX yLo a 7(0) aV ccoii EO7)7Eq '7T0tKLVO'TaTOL, O653vpa flvpWov 7raPELXOVTO E~ aVX 779 TE eq Ta OCy~ipara &EC0V^0Y1, Kal~ bc TW'V OlKI7/ Ta',cov J 7Tac-T a&L9,c 07Tya9 70 aXXas~ EKC T(7 7lao7aO7, Kat 619 avM4a9 XXa9~ EK T(O7) 0L"K?17LaIT&W. opooi) (3e 71-a7T)V7 701 — 7(7,Xdtu', KLa7T 9 Ot 70E1)O 7TLX~t, TV7' E7 -ryEyXVp1-kEc7o7) 7rXE'oL. avA\' &e EKaAT7I7, 7r-E`pitT~vXO9, Xi00V XEVK:Ov a'PLL007J1EV0V Ta tkCaXtO-Ta. T)^y9 83\ 7607)U)9 7EEVT(0)709q 707) X t/3pv eXeTaL 7rvpa/iv 700o-(EpaKO7)0p,yvYo09, e7) 7T7 N'a petyaXa Eyry'yXvw7rat- 6)' \ E9", a'777 V7O )7) 7r-EwroI/)Ta&. TOO 8& Xa/3vpw'Oov T01J70V E007)709 70t0VTOV, &Oc~vlia fETt 149 fLC~7) ap~e-za 2Moi`ptw9 KaXeo/'PE7 t) Xif7)fl, '77ap 1)1) xa/3,pW)OoS~ OVTO9 OlKo802/ixjTa~t. T7'7)9T 70 WptfLETpo7) 'T)7 7rcpto0v El0L G-TacUSOL EaK0o0-tw Kat 7pUtoXiXtOtl G-Xot7)~7 E~rKO7)Ta E'67)mwp WMoo Ka& avT2)9 AilyVwrTov 70 7rapa OclXao-o-av). KECEaL 8& ftaKpJ7 i '/Xk7)yq 77TpOq /3opCy7)V 7 K'ab 7)OT07)~ Eovca /3400q, 77 /3aOv7(a7T aV`TI\ E(0V7?2)9, 7rE7)17K07) 70p 7U09q. OTL XGtPO7TOtL7709; EO-Tt Kat OPVKTJ7, avwn) 8&qxo-t. ev7) ap fLtq 7)7 PL/t7) -rLafU~ KI) E(TaCLtL8 WvpaJ4&, 70o V(3aT09~ V'7TepEXov(Tat1 7E7)72T7K07PTa o,07Vtat EKaT~y Kat To KaT V aT0 o 0~L2 TE7-pOV T7000VT7 Kat EWr afl-fJ0TEp)77Ot 77EWEJ7 KoXOcY-0901 XiO7)oS', KaT'fE70 EV)0. O7O)C. 0OV7(0 at fLev W7rpa/.tL&9 EUoit EKCL7O7 O'ryIEVtE0 at O)~T7 opryvtait '3Latat t ELTL Ta&07) E~C7X0p7 4,aW7E(oV )LE\V 72)97 O'pyVV?79 fLETpEOLLE7)?79, Kat Te~pawfl7XE09 7(07) 7T0&1)V fLE\ TE~pa7TraXat((7T70w E&OPT7)7, 70D &6 W2)7Xc009 E6a7J-aXa'xTov. To\ &6 V"'op TO\ E7) 7T))V Xivny avtyo)eq 164 'HPOAOTOY [II. Oiev OVKC 6oT&' auvvpopS 7yap ) 8eoemvws er' TavrUT' eC 7OU NedXov se ecaTa oLwpvXa eo'jKctrat, ical e' /,ev I/vas etco peeL E6 Trv Xivrvqv, es ie flxrvas e'o) es 7rov N^cXov avTt'l. Kc ETrev v eCpeV p eW, 86 T r OT e ovU' e trvav ES' TO f3ac7TrlEov KaTa/3acX\L et7r pepnv ecKaGTrlv TaXarrov ap7yvpov eeK ToV lX0-Ctv' eTrecav 8e Ect To v8op es avrv, 150 eitcoti prveas. "EXcE1ov e ot eTwfptoL ao toW e S rr)v UvprTV r\lv ev At3v'p eKol 2o X(l v av5v7 vtro 7)v, TeTpa/tpevr7 TO Trpov EaT-reprv e? TCjv e1o'ola e av Trapa TO opo TO v7rep Meftoto. 'Erei re &e roy opvfy/.a7To TOvT70 OUV (pEOV r7o XOV ova/lov EovTac, ETTLeL EES ap rap tJOL 27v, eLpOfJ17V T7ov0 ayXLo'Ta olKcovTal rTr1 XlpVripJv, ocov eti o % ov o peopvxoei'. ol oe a'fpaoav tLOo tva eefopOrl, Kcat EV7reTEw t'.e7rEtOW 7`8E yap ao6yW) Ical ev Nltroo TU 'Ao-o-vptwv Tro6\ 7evoevov eTepov TOoVT. Ta ap zapava7raXX0ov Tov N~ivov /3a0tXeo'; Xprara, eovTa /Jeyyaka, Kat cbvXacro-o'eva ev vOoravpolb KcaTayatlott-, e7revofl-av KcX&7~ES EKfCpopq7crat. EK o) wOv T)V oCETEepwv olKeov aptafJevo ot /cX\wrE, VTrO /7qv (TaO/keo/levo eS ra T/3a aL\lia olKta opvcra0ov. Tov Se XOv 7ov 0 cfKopeo/jevov ECK TO opvrypLaros, o/cco 7yevolTO.V S9 rTOP Tioypv 'roTa/ov, 7rapappeovra 7r2v Nwiov, e1ec'opeov E' o0 KcarepryaavTo 0 TL E/38vo\ovro. TOtOVTrOV eepoV )Jcovooa KCL Tr T9' ev A6yv7rTrto plvj sopvyaLL yevPcOav r7TXr\v ov OvvcrTos, XXad Ler 7peprV v7roevlevov' opvo-ovTas Tap ov Xovr Tovs AyvWrTi'ovV, e' T7ov NetXov TopeeWv o 8e, v7roXa/bj/3avco)v, eae\XXe 8SaXeetL. U fJeyv vVwv i Lvr avTrl OuT)o eeyETa opvxOqvaL. 151 To3v &8 Svwoie/ca 'alcAEeov 8tKcatoovvp XpEwp~evcL)V, ava %povov soS gOvuoav Ev T lpae) rov 3IHbait-ov, 7y vrTaT7 T) OpTS' LeXx\\O6vr)v KcaTacr7reUteiv, o apXypevS eeveLKe ofm0 btL\XaCs pve'a?,, 7r,.' Trep eWoOecoav 'Tr'ev&ev, a,/apv0ov 7ov aptl/Lov, eveKa, 8vS0eca eovL-. evOwavra (oS ovKc elXe O(JaX)1v 0o eYaroS eCTrvewO avTwv P a/L/LrTLXo, 7repLeXopIeVO S r7v KV1e'rv, eovoav XaXKce7rv, vTre('XE Te reKa 6'7STreeE. vveas 8&\ Kca ol adXot a'ravmre ceopeov Te f3caaLXeeS, xcal eTLryXavov 7TOTre exovTre. TaIH lTXO imev vvv OV8evl &oXepP v6T Xpew,/evo0v, V'rfE'Xe T7v KCVVZEv. ot 8e, ev 150-153] EYTEPIIH. 165 OfvEvL Xa/306VTC TO' TrE 'roOtqv E'C PaHptT-iXOv,,cat To XP1Cr~~ptV 0Tt EKEXP9rTO Cokt, Top XcaXKEP-, c7r1etowTa aCTOVT (bta?, 'roDTOV /3aot-EAa go-ca-Oat uiov'vov Airt'7VwrTo ava/Juk?)0-VT6I? 703 Xp?,a-'-'VQ KT7EWat p~ep ovKc E&caicoc-al coqcuttXV aV~ 7 O1) acuavt'~OPTE9 4 O&.Ly 7rpovoi'pi aVTOV 7rot?7o-aVTav El &e Ta\ 'c a E3o~ 0-bt. &05~at, '4r)to'o-av'ral Ta\ 7rX'Fo-7a 779~ 8VVac1uotq,CK & TO')v EXEW pAE&/LVO) ~ ~riicr&Tat aXX7 AiV7r~TW. To~v & Pa/IL/u'WeXoV 701)701) JrpO7pOV (bEVyOVTa TOy A- 152 60 7ra:.a/3aKOP~, 3,q ol' Top wrarpa NcKo' v a'77TEKTEtVE, TOVOV06V7O TOTET Eq? 5 C V a~raXXat'XOq EIC 77 6Jf0oq TOD Ovetpov 6 ALMio*, KaTr7'yayoi) Aiy7V7riocv OVrot C'i E voptoD 'rD:~atL&eWAct- /WE~a' 8e, fao-Aevo' ar ISEVTEpOl) 7TpOS! TW01 CV0Ka /3ao-t'XEojv IKaTa).a/48a'vet Ipw 8(3a 7121) KV1)e?71) ()Evyetv Eq~ ra\ ~am. 'E,7rw-Ta'1uCVO) V 0)1? 7rT6ptv/3ptcTpe1)oq E'Cl lrpo~q aV'TW'V, E7TVOEE TwcaoOat, Troi) &c6~aV'raq. 7r-EJA*aVTt 83E 01 cq BoVTOV'V 7,roXt Eq~ TO oP)-T7etOP T '1q A1TODS, egvoa 87\ AlfyV7rTttIOlU E0cTt av T7Jiov a*Ev8Eo-TaT0V) 7'7XOc Xpq-/Lq c,~l Tta-tq y~ct, L7ro OaXa'o-a-97q aXatKew1 dv~pa3v e'7rLbav)eVT01V. KaU TO 16 a7rta-Tif /JEaXI VTKCXV7O, 'YaXKE'ovq? 01- a'Wpaq~ '~Et E7rtKOVPOvq. XpOvov &E OV 7rOxoXXO &teXOO1VT70, a1)ayKatfl Ka-re a3KIocqTEi Kapaq? avWpaq, KaT \ X171/q1), E'K7rcav~aq, a7revetX0)bvat el? A~'t(VrTw-'ow K3O ra Fy1V, Kat 07rXtw-O'vraq XaXKc63, dyyc'XXIE1 7631)Ttn Atryv-7rT710) Eq T\ Eca, a'7rtKo/I-LV~q Tp Ya/jL/LtTi)Xp, (q OV~IC t~w 7rpoTCp07) %~aXK9J aiv~paq? O6ixXtw1cV~as,) 0)q Xa~xKcOl av~pcq~ ca'ni/yicVOiL anro OaXao-o-q~ 'XEqXc&TEVa-Lt 70 '7768t&O1 6 &6, 1-aOO)V TO XP12o-TlhPtO1 EWLtTE6XEV/LEV0V1, OtXa 7E 70Oa-t Iwoo- xab Kapci vlotCeTat, Kal cocaq~, Lerya'Xc V'7rtOX1)EUpLE1)q, 7TE(EL'6 PLT' EO()VTOV' fyeve)TOaL. wq, &6 67TELtTE, 0V70) abta TOWLe /JZIET EOJVTOV 3ovXopa'votw- AL'yv~rTLOw0,, Kal Troto-t E77tKVpow-t, KaratpEct Troiq /3acriXea. Kpa7~nuaq &,E AiyV'n-rToV 7rao-iq 65 Pa1.qdtxitoq, ErOtl~o-E 1.53 7(i3 c~a'0 7rpo7rvXata ev M~~ a 7rpog v60 TOP aVE/lto1) 7Ep/./~EwatXv E7~)"Aw, EI Ty Tp~'ra& eWrca1 Obavi3 6 "Art,~ obco&41olvqe, 'vaVTIOV TOW A 77p~vaiOW, 7Tao -av TE 7rCP tGrvxov ~ovucw, Kab TV7rCO)1 7rX.EI)W av)Tl &e 166 HPOAOTOY KIOV&oV, vTreoTaOc KoXooc'o ovooeKcKaT7rrXee~ T.r avx\. o 8e "Arevs, KarrTa Trv 'EXXvctv 7y\Xco'rov eT- "Ewrafos. 154 Tola-t "IorL KaCb TQotla Kapcri 7Toi o-vy7KaTepryao-a1LE2vow<T avrw o YaiULLLldT yo9 &co&t Xwpovs evoe7cr^-rat avrLovq 1o t t ^ \T^ r \ /, n T / adXXXrwv, Tov NEIXov TO' E'eov eXovTOS ro7't0 ovvo'taTa ereTfl 8Tpaowre&a. TVov'To e TO O V %wpovS9 81o80't, Ka, TaXX\a Ta VT7rec'er0TO qraVTa ad7eotoce& ab Kat Kat 7araa'7 vrapef3aXe av'tolot Atyv7rTt'ovs, v)v 'EXXaSa ryX6o)roav ecEK ascrzcecTOat. a7ro e ro vr'oWv EK/LaOovaTov Trq yXo-o-av ol vvv Ep/LjVEE ev AVT"'7 r /eyovao't. ol e "JeoveI rTe Kcat ol Kapes TovOVT ToV % Xopowv ocKi7o-av I I ~ O I I \ T f P\ XpoVOV 677t 7TOXXwv eWl Se osrot ol %XOpoL 7rpoq OaXao-ocr, o0Xyov 'vep pe BovI3dIos' 7roXLo, e7r7L Ty r fbXovoiep KaXev/,L ev) o'To4aTt ToD NeiXov. orovs,uo v p r xpov voTreCoov /3ao'tXevs "Aacvao ePavaoaTro-a9, evOev'Tev KaTrotICUE e9 MeILftv, pvWXacrv EOVTOV 7TrtEV/jEVO' 7rpo' Alyvw7Tzv. TovrTcov &e OlIct6OEVTrVW ev AM7irVTW, o "EXXvlE~9 OvrTo) e7rifiaY',opevob TrovrotOL ra 7repi At^vw7rTOV rytvopeva at7rtO tajLLLTtXov /3-arTXeo9 apaLevot 7ravTa Kal Ta v'TE'pov eqrctTa/xJeOa aTrpEfceG). 'Trprot 2yap OVTot ev Alyv7TrT d aXXo6fy\Xo-Lo KCaTOLKI'cTO)qav. e^ (co 8e eaver7Tjav %wpEov, eV TOVTOt ' O Te o X Or T0^)V VeWV Kalt Ta epeoTrta TWv olKi7paatrlTv TO EXP ep6 ev o-avp. Pa [.ttXO9 /(t6V VVV OVt)TO (fXE T7)v A'yv7rTOv. 155 ToD &e Xp'1qTrrTptov roT ev At"yv7rT 7Tro Xa eqrevffO'r1v 7, ca oU Xoov tr 7Tepl avrov cO a'ttov eovTro 7ro7J0-o'opal. TO yap XP'70TYrpltOV TOVTO EV AIyO v rT, o'i,t pV A)TovD tIpov, ev 7r6O 0 /,etayarX toppv4/'ov, KaTa TO 6~/3~1vvVTiKo0 KaXEO6plEVOv OrTopa TOO NeIXov, ava7TXEoVTr aaro Oaxo-o-^i av6o. ovvopfa 8o T'r 7roXt TavrT ocovK TO Xp1r7Trpt"ov EcmT, BOVTO, c09 Kcal 7rporepov ovvofPaftTabi fob. tpOp oe eo'r ev rT BovroT Tavry 'A7r6XXO o9 Kca 'Apre'u8ov. ca 0l O 7 VY IO T79 AwTODV, EV T7 Sr TO Xpf7rT'YjplOV El, avrTO Te TvyXalvet ewov peyas, Kab ra 7rpo7rv ata e'Xe E9 ivfXo9 eca opyvteov. TO 8e pLo TooV (favepwv Owavua ue7rycoTOV vrapexo/Levov, ()pao(co. eCTt ev w Tt TreLeve TOVTT) AIVTOVD PR7o9 E' EVo9 XlOOV 7re7rot7pEVo9, 6e' TE v'rO, KCa E9? lwKCoS' Kcal TOLXO? e"KaOTo9 TOVTO'TL Wle0 T7eo-epa 154-158] EYTEPIIH. 167 fcovra 7Tr7ecv TOV7rW eIcac-rov cT. TO e Karaa'Teyaoca T'rv opocfn), aXXo ETrtKceeTab Xt0o9, eeo)v 71jv rapwopocfla TeTpa7rr7Xvv. OVTCO /eV vvv o Vr oS T(V (favep)v poi TO-v 156 W Epl TOVTO To 70 Ip6V T O voaarTOraTOV v 703e 8evTep Cv, Vi?)o0 f] XeL/t^s IKcaXev[Luvjl. E rt pv 'ev Xjlvp /3aOer7 ca 7rXamey Keev7 wrapa TOv E BovroL tpov' Xeyerai 8e.,r" Aev rv a., ~,, vr' Al'TrrTiwv elvat avTr v l0o0'?7rWXTOr. avroS /ev Ey)~ye OvTe 7r\eovoav, oVTv E KCv70E6'av '8ov' TE0 7ra 86 7rXo7rvv a^ e'v vZ3 v1qoa 7avr7 ov77 eoWaE7 7Trpo7repov 7rXwa7ovcoV, Et VrGoq a EW EOTt v7rXTo. EV 8?) CoV TavT? V, Are 7roXa Xwvosc /eya wv EV wvt, Kat Tpo\ TptacEoJe, opaTac'. e&'v reBeaovat' 6rXV avT, o ol TVKCe~ OvXVO, tKa (SE~a/~ev1, 06eawa0e KCLTaKcpv;faca ev 7r7 vvv 7r(Wr7;7 Xe~yOJ8evp vr1cr OTE j T70 raV S4'1/1Evo9 6 Tvcfv E7r7Xe, 0EXOv E:evpeLV roi) 'Oo-iptow TV wralSa. ('AAr6XXwva &, aXXa "ApEpeLa, KaLovapovro opa I"a1 a0opa, etoXa. XtraaY A3pOvV Se, 7pO()OV av7oLaV /ca7 7-rTepav yEveaTat. Ayv7 aTl 7E ) 'AT6OXXVwv piv, 'aVpoT A0l /77p &v, 7Ioo"Api7Eoa S e Bov/c 7rVX., Kta o707 o6 TO p Xpyov Kap OVEIo'I dEIXXov, A IXyXo ELop 7r apvop Vo p rapaoe TO7r0 yv vrapaa' oOv o r/ T rot~r'Swv rwv ipo~gVOf vwv eroiyaye, Sta 70UTO te1veOaOa 7rXoT17v. V7CTV 0raV7/c E yova. 8 a/uLt7TeXv, 8 oSe /3aalXEpvae AIra rov T V 7rEaapa Ecar 157 revr1fof K re0 rTIEC 71 TL evo SevoT oC Tvfcov7a, A7r^0Oe, T779 2fVp Feya TOXrv p67ro6X TOrpOKa77ca,1LVEvo E7ro\XI6pKcee, Eeo70 v evLe. av7 & ' 0 "Ao[ O va7a. ('ArXXv 7rolwv Er8t 7rre77T0V Pe1 7ro\ A Xopfceevvr, vp7O rv7XEwv '7Let, 'IS/iE1v. v a/Lvo\ i a'ov, & NAcvXo? 7ra ' Eyop'vo, /ca Ep73aae Tvoe 158 Alyv, ttovO' 8 7r7 Stopvt EVTXOV 7rpore Vrpwo70E 77 E' 77Tve 'Ea "Apv v aTeava ea oSv (paepO a, orrv a peo& o v6 Ip 7revTepa Srpea 7T7V a e/CO Jek vETa Tpc X6o? Ira, pat TEa-V \EpE, Epo, wpvO ae rpp o 7r e \6Lo " AWo '6 vr o a osrap' ov ~oL V e,7b Bo T ~fi. o a ~ 6 t orvevofTPv %XPvoV 77-,XOPKEVIEV17 a'zv Xeo TOV /lEbS ' 'ULV. p ',7 po)vo X 8l orTV(l rtTvo T'poevopS To V a'Eev~p \~v eaXacav vaepav0, V Aape* ' o ' p" " 8&VTepa ooePVae Trk? I.rLKos 'aev craTt 7rX of' 7eiovepa TEO' -epe?, evpoS 8\ CopVXon WG-eo Tptrpera 8vO 7raEtv oAov 168 "HPOAOTOY [IT. E'aaTTpcv[IE7vaT. qlKrat &E '7TO' 70!) NEIXov) TO No l a(11727 2717(1c1 8& Ka-V'7rEpOe t'XXlyov Bov/3'c~oo7w9 7roxto~,, 'flC ap 11 OVfL07) nVv 'A pa/3inv -7r6Xtv EUcexEL & e' 2 'Epv~p2)v Oa~Xa0c-av). w')pVIKal & 7rpcOJTo7) V Troil ~rciov Tv- Abyvw7rt/oV Ta\~ w7p6\ '.ApaI3i8t~~)w ia T7V7epOE 70OO 7rE&l0V 70\ Kara\ M c1.u tv ret-)O7) d o, v 7 at' Xt~oTopt'at, EVEtYL. TOV (07 827 O~pEO9 70V70V 7r(1par 72) v7rwpEl77) 27K7 at, 27 & 66p1J a(7W E07Tepip9 /Jza Kp?7 7Tp09 7277 27(0 Kcat e WE7 (1t TElvetL E9 & c0(f ary(1 O epovo-a d7To 701) 0Vpeo 9? 7 Tpo09 /tEo-a/J13p 277 TE Kca t 7)0707) a" E/LOP, Top 70 ) co X7T7 0)'Ap6/3t1ov. 7778e (E Xa'Xto-7o0 E`0`7t Ka~t (77)7)70/lO7(1707) EK6 TT? /30p27t`27 Oa tX a(7C7179, v7rep/327'7)CL 6'9 727)v vo07t'77,c~ 'EpvOp2) 72)7) azJT2)~v 7(aV7277 Ka`XEo/J_,t 27) 7ro TOO K ao-iov oi)'pCoS, TOil VtlPi~0 ~ M ovw 67 7E Kat. $)vp1277 (tWrO 70oV 70V Et0& (7a(SLOt, x tx o a~ ap7l C9 707) A p 43to v K0X7 07)O. 70V70 11E"V TO\ (7 V 7)70/.MT a)7 o70 27 (E & W 'noXXtD3 paipo7epi7, Wo~ (YKOX L(0m p2 EC7r 7)7, NeK W /3cao-t'XE'Os OPUooOVTES9 A iyvwTtWV aWLo)XOVTO (Sv&)(SEKa1 p.vp ac(SE. N EK d59 [te'V 7)7)7 / E7 1 V OpV O(T(07 E7ra (7a1TO, )uavT)7271Ov E/.7rot0OV 7E7)O/.E7)OV TO MO'&E T~(Z0 Iap/3a'pec av159 K(aXE'OVOl T0V19 [127 Co w)Ul 0/op F'XWO(7(7V9?. IJ1f voYX/.1e7)0 &6 7279~ (Lw~PV2o09 o Nclcwk, e'Tpa7rETO 777)09 (7p a7r71a9~ tpL2peeq, at /.ev, EWr\ 79 /opf7t77 OaXa(7cT77 ~7ou)Oquoav, at' (Sl 7(V T ')Apat/3w /co6?vrrp e7rl 77^ 'Epv~pj' OaVao-o-77 7(7 & 07 7 L ca \ cp to 7rEq~ o t 6 a ~ N E a ~ v /JT?7) E ) M a ( 6 C7)l1E27(7E /IC~a '6 T727) 1-aX27 K a(Svrtv 7T6'XtV) 727 ^, Vpl 7 E0 a7 '.1 y X277) EIX E. eV) 79 & E(G 0 771 ETVX E Tav 7a K (1TEpryao-a/Le7)0, aVEO2 K L W XX(0 )l, 7rE L'Jf 9 Bpa~yxi(Sa 7a9 MCX2oL'WV. [LETa\ &,~ bcIECaUSeK(a E-Tea~ 7ta7)7( ap ~al9, T7EXEV 7aL, 7T ) WELLra T q'LL/L 7apa( o w) 72)7 apX,7v. 1(30 'Ewl Tov^7O7 S2\7 707) WYa/ vL/ ac-7) 3( T EV'o7)a A rt' V'7rTov a~rlio,, ''X ' 3,6pe a''xo)aXEV 8SLIat~o'aTa Kat, WaX to'ra 710E7)a1 Trv e7) 'O Xv1lz7rnf ar w7a 7 a) 0 a7)0pL 7r0)7), Ka1& (SOKE'O7)7E 7ra pa 7(1v 7a Ov( a7) 70v1)9 0o T a T7 0 V a7 O p (0 ( 7) A y wr i O V SEV 7r E ~ v ~ v 0 S 159-162] EYTEPIIH. }69 a7rIcofEevoL E Tvrj A v7Z'rrov ot 'HXeot 6X\eyov Trv e'veca d'rEcovro, ev av^ra o6 faaLXev Os oVo? CTvyKaX\eTat Alyv7rTv 7)V TOV9 Xe\yOJVOV9 ElvaL O-Oo OTa7TOV. U-vveXOorTev 8e ol AiTV7TrrTol, &7rvvavrovro Trv 'HtXeiwv Xeyo6vvV,,, \,..^, a7rava a KaTr7KEr L rqEea? 7TroLeeW TrEp 7TOV aeywval ar7 -7yl'a-JeroI 8e Ta 7ravTa, e(aaav KyceLV t7reLLaO7oo/ILeoL "el T& eXoteV Ayutvr0T TOVT(WV 8tKaIOTepov 7T~vEEpev.e ot 8eovXEVY LV, ov\evpovo,?Trep 70pTv T 'HXeIov? et Cto o 77rOXLJatL evayovl^ovTra. o0 e fcoav, Kav o-E)wV KaC WtV dX\av tEXVrjvwv op6oko? Tc /3ovXoUevyp e etvaL aryOPl lEcOffa. ol 8e AlyvLor O acavl o'cea%, OVT(O TtOel'VTaa, "TravTot Tov o icatov 7aukap7rT7Kvat ovoepuav Yap elvat "LpJvav Ov, o/cK oV Tae) ao'Tc ayo.wvLojePvw 7rpOorr?7Tovr7at, "ao &KceovrT TOP telWvov. aX et 8? /3ovXovrTa SKatoa)L I ' l ' I TrOCevat, icatL rov7o ewlvca a7rrLcotaTo e Alyv7rrov, %et" voLay ayoLa7rfyo'a eCXevov TOv aywva 0TLOvat, 'HXel' " e,L8evl elva ay& ovtEo-Oac. Tav'a Bev A1r7vrLoL 'HXelto' v7rerwcKavTo. TafI oq 86'e e t 'Tea,poivov /3aoAcXevoavroq Alyv7rr'ov, 161 /catl orpaTevara0t evov eV AlOtowrltv, Kaci JLeTaVTita TEXeuTr'avrTo9, Zee&aTo 'A7rpilq o T6 a/.j/LUo 809 eT7d Pa/TIlv.krxov Trov eCOTOV?rpo7raTopa eyevero evlSaLuov/Oap aroT rTv wrepor v /3ar eCwOv, E7r eTrEa 7revre tcaeL elcoe dpta9 eV To't Er TE e &tava O'TpaTorv 'X\ao', KCa evavjitaXo-e TCT) Tvplt. 'E7reC e 8 e ol t66ee Kac^ yeveCa0a, eyeveTo arro r rpofaros rrjv j ryo bOdvw psev ev rot-i tL/vfcoloa' x'o7'oLbo ar77dy7ryoroLta,,LErplo)d Ev T 7rapeovrt. a7rorefLFa9 eyap o-padrevpa 6 'A7rpv 7 e7rr Kvprnvatovu, fLe7ya\Xo-T 7rpo-e7TrraLte. Al^y7rer6oL Se Tavra e7rTetetfJoevot, a7reioar m rq av Tov, a oeoovre Trov 'A7rp'rfv EI 7rpovoL)f avTroV a7rro7rep'aL e (fvo/epvoEv,calcv, ia o8 aboe f)op\ yEVrrTaL, avrog Soe T(OV XOL7rTOV AlyvrrTlov dao-aXe6rTepov apX, TravTta oe oev Toeva vot OVrTO Te ol a7rOVoaTIocavre%), caL ol 7rvi a7rOxOjel'vv (liOL, adreoT-7aav Exc Trq liel. ISv0o/LevOS^ 8\ 'Api rptV TravTa, 162 're/t7re6 err avTOVq "Apao, IcaTaravcovrTa Xo/yoto'r. o e 7rei Te aG7rc6/evoF s /caTeXad/x/3ave TOV\ AIr/v7rrov9, TavTa ) fc roteeLv \e7yovro aVCrov, rwy v o7L Alryv7rrrwv TIEROD. I, 8 170 'HPOAOTOY [11. 07rtGf0e o'racs, 7repeOiyce Ol KVIE7Vi'~ Kcat TrMpM~devS, C-7,4 I CMw /3a(7tXq 7MpM~OE'vat." Ka\ TE ohIW EKV-O EUytwETO TO 77TOLEV/IELCOV, WS9 8E&IIC1K'UE. E'7rEt' TE cyap eOVT7'u~awv- utw /ao-tXE'a Tco'v AiyvwITICOw O1 a7r-160-TEcTE%? 7rrapxaKEfL~ETO " E'XC'OP J7rb\ TO\l AIrp7J J~66j~ou~ TavTa 6 Ap0,~T/~T w "Auao-tv a'Vpa 3dKtjLO1' rJv?r t Ep&OiVTOP Aiy-vw7TiwvI Tra ovou/a, qjv Jlara'p/3,quttt E)TEL~aJLeI)0' a,0T4J ~coVTa "A'Iaam-t dryy-t7EV 7ap' E'VO'Vr. (Iq8 a7TtKo/LEV09 TO A/Lao-tv eKa'XEE 6 llaTaip,3fl/Ltq, 6' 'A/Lkaotq (U"VXE yap c7r t7t7T01) KaVJ/L.EV09) E7rapal, awrE/LaT -6oe Ka TOVTO fttV CKEXeve 'Apt'y adrayetv. ~op(9 &athv'T a'wMV Tr\v ll~ai-pf8'l.Z, /Sao-tXE'Oq /lETa7rE/Lz7r-0 /Lkevov, levat 7rpo aVTrVw TO 8 aVTU vMroICptvo-Oat, 0)1 "TavTa 7n-~Xat 7rapeO-K~va'ETO 7r'otEEW, Kat, aVT-O OV~ 1.4." 4rao-Oat 51'Avrp(1)w 7ap'EaoiOat rya'p icat aVTrc~, Kat " AXXov~ a~etv." TOy &6 llaTc~p,817,LtV E/C TIE 'TCO^) X~yo/.CVOw vKoi aryVO~t T7271) St'votav, Kat YrapacrKeva~o/Levov 6pEoPTa (7-7rov87 'dwt'vat, /3ovX6/evvvT r qo-iv /3ao-LX'i 8'qX wo-at TaN I C 7rp?7o-o/LEL'cva. w I rKEoOat a3~ 7rpeo',rov 'Awrphv, OV3K aiyoVra 'rov "A/Lao-tv, oO&8'va X0'yOV aVTrS S0'vTa, aXXd 7reptO v/L9 exoVra, 7eptmalELZ) 7rpoa — Tca~at avTov^ Ta' TE cora Kal 7/71v PU/a. 180/'E1JOt S, ' o XOt'7-O~t To3v Aiyvw 'kov, 't\ E"Tt Ta\ E'KeWvov Ccjpoeov, a~v~pa TO~V 8Kt/LOJTaTOJJ E'C0VT7V 010Tc a'o )p9?f7 &aKe/L13vov, oi3&va 8\ Xp6vov E'MCoXOVTE9, a,7rto-TECaT0 7tpq TOVs' 16 ETEpovs', Kat &S8t'c8ooav o~eas' avTovs' Aa'AF at. rIvI PVO6,E )0 8& Kat TaD i-a 6' 'Awpi~qs, d)7rXt~'e TOVq C7WLKOVPOV9, Kat?Xavve T~t, 70)9 AiyvrYVi~ovq lEtXE & wEpt ECOVTO\) Kcap~s reKa "Ioas, h~p7rEwKovpovs' Tpto-/L4vptov9iv &' a''T\ raot X~tc ev 7i w6Xt, /LtEryaXa, E'OPTa Ka't c4toO6fl7a. Kat o TE wrEpt vEt ry o T\v 'Awrpt'/7v Ewt TO \;-' AivwrTi' V T aPa, Ka\ 1 ep TO) "A/Lao-tv, 'Ew' TOV~ eE' OV9M l TE 8y M(A14e'/tft 76Xt yErYVOVTO auOTEpob, Kcat wr~tprjcTecT~ct "e/LXXov aX' jw 164 "Ec-t &6 AiyVwrkTw~ Cwr~a\ y4evW Kat TOVTCOV Ot IWv, IpEeq, 01, /t/LOt lCEKXEaat ol &, /ovicXot. ' t, 0-v/3acoTat, ot EKaw'7XOt' 01 &, Ep/L/vecs' 01 &e, KV/3Epv?7Tat. ryevea pcEv Aifyvwrkw~ T~o-avl-a E07Tt ouvoo~aTa, 8E' Co-t KeETaL a'7o'T0 7W) TEXVCOJV. 01' &c /Lt/koi 163-168] EYTEPIIH. 171 avTrWv KaXeovwat fjev KaXaac'pte r'e fcal 'Epaorvte'e eic vo/JUV &e Trwv'e ecl KaTra fydp or rvopovi A',yvu7'Tro '7rao'a ScapalpVTat-. 'EppUorv80ov ( I3ev oi8~ ecll volOi' 165 Bovo-tpt'Ts', San-?S, Xetzp T?7d, IlIa7rp?79tbir?, vrfo0s T Ilpoo7o7r'ts KcaXeopfevqr, NaO T'oo T'/Wvv. EKc 1/eV TOVT'oV TrW vo6w3v 'EptTorv'/3eL elft'. yEVO/6jVOt, 7E6 E7r6 TXEIorov9 ryevotaro, efKaci8EKa p/vptaJ8eV. Ical TOVTTWV 3avavolj ovcls 8&eSaqtce ov8ev\, a XX' dcvovTa ET To 'a'Xt/iov. KaXavcLiptcv 8e oie '\XXot vopot cEla'' @)/3ao9, Bov/3a- 166 oTw'Vv, 'A00i'T0', TavirTq, MevS~co'w, cfSelervv'vs, 'AOpi/3lT'9, ap8/3alT~OLT, oviTY?,q 'Ovovfm Ts 'Avvr0rtoq, MVEA0pfoITg oi' osTO 6 VOpob ev vror^ OlKEE', avTrov Bov/3da'oro9 7r6wXto. oVrot 8e ol vouol KaXac"'ptwv Ecl'' IS f b \ \, 2 14 / 1 / 7ePo/.LevoL, o0'T e~r7 7rXc~-l'Tov9 eryEea7o, 7rePTE xa& etKcooipEvpdaoe8c av8opvw. OVoe TOVTOLtt 6eET0' TEXlVPV E7ra'ftcK,c-at ov8e lav, a\\a Ta e9 TroXe/pov e7racrKE0ovCt pouva, wraZt 'rapa 7ra'rpo3 EK8eco/JePvo. Etl pEV vvv Kcal TOVTO 167 qrap' AixyvT7orwv /eca6xao't ol EXXqves, ov eXw0 aTrpeKce)9 Kcpvat' opeov Kat ep^/ca9 icai,;cvOa a f lca; iep-ra; \ca Av8ov\, Ka\ ce8o v 7ravras ' ov7 /3ap/3apov% a'oT,' - %OTEpOV; T S)V A\\Xov i^eyriuevov 7roXtrTeV TOw? Ta?; Tcxvas pLavOavvovTa', cal TOVl? eK7covov TroVroV' TOV; r6 da7raXXay/Jevov; T(wv XEtpwvaitEwv ryevvalovs P01b/j0L4e'OV Mat, K,,a Aae8atp6votot'. KtCw-'a 'e KoplvOtot 'vovTat TOVS' vetporeXvya. Iepea Se '-f& 'v rdae etapatpq7ieva povvowta 168 Ai7yv7'TTov, 7rape rOwV ipeco* apoupat eaiperoC 8V&)8Keca ecKa'rv adeES. e apovpa eKcaTov TrTXEoW e-TI Alyvrrt'cov 7ravTq-. o6 e ALoyvrTo? qro vsy? Tvreyavet Iao COe TaW Satd'o. TraVa Lv ) roln aTCa-t P' etapa prq-!eCa. rSCe Se Cv 'repTpO7p ecapqrovVTO, Kal ovoaI rwvrot. Kaatepiwov X'IXtot, Kab 'EplpoTv/3twv dXXot, e'opvor'peov eviavropv ecacrTO_ TOv /rao-'Xea 'rovaroTa-t C' v Taoc 7raTpeC rv o apovpewv a\\a et8or'o e7r' o'p.p ecaoT?7, O.7rTOV aaoTOV O~TaO/,oS' 7Treve VePClt ecaaTo, lpeoWi3o&ov 8ivo 'Cvea', O'lvov Te-aCpeC apvaTrIpes. 'raVra 'rotaatel 8Sopvfopeova eC8tO-TO. 8-2. 172 'HPOAOTOY [II. 1(9 'ETrel' re se avv6voTre, ' Tr 'Arpt7 adyov Tov' erULcoVpov;, Icat o "AluaaLs 7ravTaO'r Tovi Atlyv7Trlo'v, C7Trlfcovro eq M fi@ejLyVw 7r6oXt, ovv4eaXov Kcat eIkaXecravro Zelv eV Ol tEvot, 7r-r7Oei e TroXXc a eaaove6 Eovres,,Kara rTOTr eaOc1rw7oqvav. 'A7rpleo) 8 XeyeratL evaL a1t e re otalvoa, /irjS' av Oeov lftv /I8oeva Zvva'Oai aravoaa T^ ias /3a-riX' oVr7 aaOVaXeo eOVrO i6Sp'Oal eOKcee. cal S TOTE crv/L3aX\&cv JcroO' cal Ka oyprfOels, a 7f'XOq e'; 2a(v 7rtXtV, E' 7Ta OVT7Ov ODltC a TrpOTepov o6vTa, 77oe So 'A&aCo;? &' r8 faa-'tXlia. evOavra Se T7E&o Pev eTrpe&6eo ev ToL' t /3ao-'tlif'ott, Kal pLv "AtaoLC Ev r epLel7re. TEXo? 8e, JLE(pO0/JopLE AL'yV7rt'ltv (t) ov rTOltot &Kaia, TpweCV TOv oL'tGL TE Ka E, EwvTw EX T7, roV, OVTOW j 8T rapaatLot 7o 'A7rpti7v TO7oi Aiylvrriot'o. oi e p L acrrv4:Lav, Kal 7reira e8a'av ev TroL T rarpaP(77 T!ra c. ail e ela e TO) tpo Tr )'AOrtvai7Fl, ayorTaT r v 70,ueyapov, eCiov'r ap-Tep' U Xepo6 X. eOafrav &e 2aTaet wr a 0a, ov e'C av at 'avTa TOVS? er vo0/Jov VTV7OV ryevo/LEvov; /3acrtXea' 'ero ev TW tpja Kaa yap TO ov 'Apckoa-o ora EKaOTrepwo tv Ec)07 7roV peyaDov '3 TO 70o 'Aqrpleo cal 7owv 70VTOV,rpotraTopov'w eOT Lbevo70 icab 7TOV ev 7rj avXy Tov Ipov, TraoTa- X\itlv7 t&ryAX\, Ka 7j7CKallcev)) C7rV\XOci TE poiLVKca rTa Sevpea peir^7evoLo't,,ca T1 XhX 8aTrdavr)7. ece 8e ev 7 7r 7raC7o'd 8ti Ovp S aTa ea T E e77K ev &e roFTo OvpoSLa-i 77 Kr?27 170 eTrr. Elol 8e Kcal at rapal 7ov0 OVK 'oao-ov Trotevcat e7rT ro0OvT)7 7rpT7/pa7t ecta7opeveLv Trovvoba ev aCli, ev 7co lp o T7s 'AOqrai[s, ' 'rcr'Oe tov V70vV, 'travro g ToV '? 'AOt?vaUlM) eXoILUe1aL TOlXOV. Kcal ev T7 7T/EVE O6/8EXOt Ec.TaCofeCdyaoL X iOtvoi' XiJlV' 7Tre eroTL EXO E), \L6O1r) KprTr'St K/koo'~/ tlqv fVl, Kcal epryao-a'evq ev KcvXT, Kat p)eyaOo9, cos Ef/ol6 E/e80KE, '007 TrEp 7 v AX, I0 7poOeLr Icao KaXoL77. 171'Ev Se 77' Xi8\ V7 7Tav7r T 86 &el/ a 7Tz TraOev avrov VVKTOF q'rotevot,, Ta KcaX\eoUva't /vaTrpta AIyV7/rTOL. 7rept.Eev vw 7TOV1TW, elSorL O 7ol e7r X rXeov Wos (ecaaTa avrwv e Oe, evO'roJLa /KElWctTo(0. Kca rE AL/ATr7po; T7EXE7?' wrept, pta KaX4OVO-t, Kae TaT\ t E Tt r tvv otl EXXgvea OeaC EpoEopia KcaXeovart, TcaX ravrIV e8or07 pot, 'rrept evo'Topa /celcro)0, 7rTr]v oorov aVT rq oire eoarl Xeyeiv. al Aavaov OvryaTrepeq aav a' rrfv 'eXer1\V TavTv)V 169-173] EYTEP11H. 173 e~A Ify 'rTOV 4~aiayov'ocu, Icat W&aoat r a lleXao-ytc6 -Tt&aq ryvvaika9. pLETa cE, e~avctcTaOG~q1) 7ra'uq Je'Xo7rolJVI0VVr A(Optiaf, ETa7m&AETO 't7 TEXT? '-o' '3 V7roXEtO0vm'PE lleXowrovv'iaoAwV K~at OUK e~davc-cTa'VTE' 'Apxc6&9,e &te'OcOov cWTq'7v,LovVpOL. 'Aw7pic & a)8 3eci KaTapatpq7/ you, e/acw-IXevO-e "'A/iaot-, 1 72 PO/POV hEV:~atTe0) EWW' eK 7y9p 8&?')v rO'Xto%~ o7v"o/Ja ol &ErM IWov'. Ta' /ue) &~ 7TpOa)Ta KaLTOVPT0J- T~V "Altatv Aiip rtKat eV) Ol)&/Ity I 1O 4/crya~xy t'riITE 8,,O'VT ro ptV COVra, Kat OLKQJ)9 OVK CErtaPE'oS, Fw7~ &, ~o~i a3~oi~ 6"Acws' o~i aryvottvvy 7wpoo-?Irya7E6TO. ~v ot Xa Earya Jvpta, eV e Kat 7ro~avtwrTjp yp~oO%~v'~ U369TE6"Apvos~KL O' &atTV/1tO'VES' Ol PV760VTE9 eVTOV aVTOas E fTTE EV 7tEV Kl t-0 TorvKa a7 K7 % yLXL.3at/1ol o9E W CtTOV wt7 TOVT KaT (DV Ko drydXi W 5 ruoa t PVG-C Tlql~ 70XLOI~ OKOV'q E77tT'qt7&(TaTV 7t6 bOLTEOPTE'J? 7rpO9 TfY~aX/pa, EcTE30V0 fEyXco,~ 1k,cOa'w 83 6 ~'Alia-ct TO\ eK TawJ aGoTwV 7T~tEV/1&kVOV, G-vryKaXecaqa ALv7 r v',Ekve O Cb K T" V 7ro wo Tvtwpo4? TcOnaXpac "ryeryovpvac, 6E9TO 7roy e TEOV /EV TOV'S~ AiuWriovs' EVelpkEbV TE Kat' Evovpectv, ica wogas9 Eaov~t'i~V o-Oatt TOTE &6 /uEa",Xcos~ a-'3eo-Oat. 27 co, n/j Xrywv, o/uoticts avTorl TC "Tro&Lvmt7rlpt wE~rplyyevat. et ryap 7rpOTePOV dlvat 7L~~ "dXX e'V T~ arpo~ wta~y aot-eq." Kat Tt Lay TE Kat 7wpop~qOe~o-Oac &'OVTOiV EKEXEVIE. T3otoV'T(0 \Lip67 wrp0O-'q77a7ETO TOV, AiryvwrTIOv, IJSOTE &Kiatov~v 3ovXe6'eLV. E~paTO &6 KtTao-TaO-et 7rptfl'/JaToAw TOty&8. To\ pE 173 b'pptOpw',"6Xp OTOV 7rXi'O0(p 0ypwoLo ~pl — Ta~ 7poo-0bpo'l-eva 7r?7/aa To & dw6 TOLVTOV EMrtE TE Kat KaTEo-KO07TT TOV9 O-V/-0~rO~a%~ Kat 7)y paTcat&c re KabI 7ratryvu)[t. aOEXOOGEVPTE'I &6 TOV'TOLO-L 01 cfiXot aVTOV, evovOE'Teov av-O\v, TOMc& -XErYOVTEq9 "'f~ 3aOLtXev, oV'Kc O)? -Ea)VTOV' 7rpOEO-TflKa9, E'~ To ayav aiXv wo "ayoov O7E0)VTOV. oe 7ap Xp77v- eV 0pV U-e/wC 0E/J4)OV " OaCO'OVTa, &' 77Pple'pq 7rp?7o0oEtV T 'rc pq-//.Lara' Kcat OVTW " Aiy7wr~toi T' a'V 6E7rtWTeTO CO'~ V7T a1)p~\ 1teyciXov adp' xOV at~K a1.tElVOzi (Tv av yKovE9~. POP ) WotEcaS~ OV&Za1f -A3lKJ~ 0O8 ' a/iEI/TO T0LO0L& aivoz'T "TcV 174 'HPOAOTOY [II. " To:a ol Kee'TV\i evo, E reaV JL~EV 8.ovrat Xpo'aa, era"vvov14' erreav oe XpcwwovraL, vc\vova'. el tyap or; "T'rv ravTa Xpovov evTerTa/jeva ELf, eKparyeLI av' o&Te~ " e To Oeov OVKC av eXotev avTroUt Xpr77-OaL. OVTW) orK cal "avpop'7rov caEaCTaot l E6cot KcaareT7rovoa'uOa aleC, "wqe 7je raLOvtl'7v TO L6po o eCOVT dv evza, Xaobt av 77Trol "favel%, y 'otye awro7rXkICTo0 r/evOtevoeos. Ta Cryew eTra'Ta174" ' LVOS,.Epo9s eKacrepp VeO60. TaVTa EV TOV io (ju/ELraTo. Ae'yeTaL Se "Apao-La, alt TrE V I8iT;7, cS tXo7rorTr) ecov Kcal cjXooK0t/Loiov, Kat ovSa/zaw( KaTrerov(Sao/Levoo avr]?p OKC(0 SE flL e7rLvCTirOL 7rlVOvTa T e al eu7raeOovTa a C7rtTer Sea, CKXE7rTC7TK aPv 7repdiLv. ol 3' av ptv aupvo1 CeeiXV Ta r'+eTepa Xp?7I)ara apvevuJevov yaO7coV E7rt LavTrlov, cOKOV EcKaTOTL CL) T7rOXXa wev oaot /JieV avTov TWVP ecwv da7TEXvav p!r c/wpa elvaU, TovTO)V /UEV TOW tp(tV OVTC 67T/JEXC6TO, OVT0 fT 67rlOKCVW7V EStOV OV8eV ovo8 0bOTEwV go0Ve, () OVSEVO EOV( a to dioL't, revSea Te pavTi7La ceKT7/1jevOLO't. '07oL 6Se 'bItV KaTTeo8&7av c0rpa evat, TOVTJJeV Se,.W a'XoieO( 0eWv EOWOVTVO Kal (4t.ev8ea aaavTrla 7rapeOopEV(0V, Ta /jAtdUYTa '7re/we~XTo. 175 Kat ToTro Pev, ev Yai T'r 'AOijvai' 7rpo7rvXata Oo)vaLWta' ol e3e7tOL (Tce, 7rXXO\v 7rcvTa 5 v7rp/3acXXo/eVO TO) TE V#o Kat Tca CeyatOie, O&WV Te TO /eraro wv Xi&ia pETt, ocal OKOCW6 TV'W TOVTO, X KOX''OOV; /eyaXOV 'ov Kac avop6ocofvy-yas 7repL/17fKceaq advE0K7CE, VlOovW Te aXXov9 J ETUKWVIV V7rCepcveaV TO pJkEa0oq EKO/LiaeC. 7dyeETO 8e TOVTCOW TOV9? /J~V, CK TWV KaTa ME/L4V COVECOWV XiOOTO/,ULbeV TovW 8 pe v7repfJLe~ydaOCa, eT 'EXeavTVw9 7roXLw9, 7rXoov cal eecKOOL6 7f/kepecov aTreCovV97 a(ro:a&09. TO 8e OVK 7KIft-Ta avTctWv, adXXa /.kaBXtTa Oawvpak4c, &'Tt TO&'8 olicr'J0a /povvoxVOtov e'KOfUbCE e EXefaVTWvf9 7roI6o9 Kal TOVTV7O EKO/b4OV /V 7 Terea Tpla, ' ' 'to 6SE Otl rpoCeTerTaaro vop6Cs aryaoyee, Ocal OVTOL a7ravre TC9 av " vteCpvyTat. T779 83e 7Tre/flq TavTrfl TO /,.ev P477KO9 4'aOev, 'GaT1 l9s TE Kcat eiKOCFt 7rXeev evapo9 3e, TEO] vepeCo(Kalteacaios \Se, oICTW. TavTa hev T ea /. et ooeo T^)9 c0T6E7779 I 74-178J EYTEPIIH. 175 T?7; ~IkOvvoXt'ov EOcrt' raTap eaTWOEV To' /.D7KI09, OK1T&JKaL'&Ka Krqcvial 7I-v76opog- To6 3~e1p09, 8v&Y3Ea 7rqEWVi To 86\ V OS?, '7Trl)7 7r97XE(DV 60OTt. av)Tf T01) I(20V KEETCLL '7Trpa. 71?)1 C(0,0OV. 60o*) /cyap /LWV 6S TO ((2)0o v f)wt T70W(38 EICt'ec 01)/ EcTeXK~ 701) aptLeKT0Va aVTr)% CXC/6 119T~ ETryyqs-, avao-TEVac~aU, olla TE X(2OVOV EKy7y1)OV7TO oXXOD icaTax0'6OJVOl) T(3 ~ply(Ov'r TO c "A~tatao- eYVp~to-T0\P Wot1)o-a/J.vov, 01)/ cav' Tt 7-poo-0)T0p(0 e'xffvo-at. 9'ij7 7LE X~ryovo-t, C09 aVu6p07r0C 8L~fOa1fY1 VW7 aV'T)7S Ta07' Tt9 avTil' /tLoXXEVMOV7, ical (V770VT701)701 0)C E(TEKvO4r)vat. 'AIE'- 1763 (21/CE(3 KC~ E) OL~l X~o(TCip~rt6 Ap~ao-v~ 7raO-t TtO-WI 'EXXoyOlO-Loo- epya To perya~o9~ a4OOEJ7jTa el) 8eE, Kcate M 791)TQ VW77TtOV KEL/1-kEV0L) KOX00(T(TOV, 701) 'Hoato7Tet0V c-/J/lrpootlE TOD 7T'013E9 7teVTE KalL E/&S0/o1i7fKovTa' eIGT TO /JA'7/\C0\9T. 'Tro av /3Opp 'o'aot, AiOtowutcoi O0' Vtow, &5o0 Co'xooafot, CEELOC 7T03(07)V TO /)E7alOoq ',( &W EKa'T O0 c 6 [tlv EVEV 6 V) E'8'VOEZ' TODl) ieryapov. ecTT & -Xtdhvo9? CTEpO9 T000VT79 KIal e E)*sat, cetl/icmOS /CaTa TOP aVTOV Tp07TOV 7TOE) eVM 4i4t. 77 ICL TE TO eV MEttb ((p(1 A/l-Lao-v eaTt 6' e~ouK0I0[t fca-a, EO~v /.tE'y7l 7E Katb act0 -0O'qT7OTaTOV. 'Ew' 'A/tc4a'toq &E /3ao-tXeoq XEryeTai A'tyVwrTOI /UicXtwTa 177 8q\ T'TIEev'8wov"\ ') \' TOTE V~at/7znat~l2 Kat Ta a7ro 70O) 7rT0a/ttov T~ op 7YtV0/hEval, /al~ Ta V7r9T?1 X&i (27S TOtcrt av pc~3otct. Kat) 7WoxL' Ev) aVTy 7yEi'co6at Taqg a7ra0oIl9 TOTE &(tGttVpwts' TaC OtKE0/LEvaS~. vo[tov 8E AIFyv7MWLro rOv&e "Aotao-i EO-Tl 6 /ca=ao7 coav9 a7ro0Etcumvvat, E7E094 EKaOCTOV TO O9 Lp? 7TraV'a Ttl)a AtryVW AW O /3VTat- a1 & e t~)~ TavTa, J/ a7r-o~ai'vOVTa &icact~qv O0171, lOV'VE(TOat Oalpa'Tp. A Xa) & 6E 'AOqnva~toq 'XatflcN e'~ Airy7rTOV TOVTOV) 707 0)/0l,'A'va'our EO w EKet)ot es! awte %PWTat, Eol)Tb calwp vo6,. qDxE'XX97v &6 eyept'levo(~ 6' "A/zaa-tq, 178 aXXa TrE 9 'EXX~'VWV /1CETE7ETCp01 a7rE3E~aT0, /Cat 131) /Cal TOteat a7flKvev/.Lev)oUtt el A~'CyViirTo Awe'0C Nav'cpavitV 7rn — Vtv El)otK17atll T010-t &e /147\ /SO1)XOLLElvotCt aVrcoV OLCEEt1, IlTO 8 13 v)aVTtX~ott' oetE0wEXP~ v1pt'o-ao-Oat Oco)7o0\)9 Kcat TE/J.,'ea)~ OEoL(tL. TO [tEl) 1VVV /-kEfyt07T0l/ aV1TWVl 7/Tel)09,, Kal ovvo01.aO-TOTaT0V) CoP Ka&& %p17o-t'ucTaTozV) KIa 176 'HPOAOTOY [IL Xevpievov 8E EXXivtov, a'Se 7roXt? E~rA at ltpv/wevat coLv, 'Iacvcov pgev, Xlo%, Kcat Te&o, icai wIkc6ata, ecat KXavo^erva: Acopeco'v 8e, 'Po6oc, Kat Kvm8o, ca 'AXcKapvro'o'o, KaC Da'r/Xis Atoxe'ov 8e, ' Mv'tXqvaio PoVrJV7. TovrWv /kEV CT' TOV'TO To TEJEVO', CKa 'pO-Tapo Taa? TO e'p.k7roptou avTat a 7rowXts elcrt al 7rapeXovo'at. ooat, e aXXat 7ro6Xts IkeTavroeEVVTat, OV8EV o'd / ETO' /J~E7aoiEvvrat, OeeovE ab OV e /.ECa7rotEvvTat. XwPop Se, A6tv^Trat E'7r eCOVT)rV tSpvo-avTo Te/Jevo9 Aot Ka Ka 179 aXXo ~ai/xote, e'Hpq7' Kab MtXatot, 'A7roXXovos. HIlv 8e TO 7TraXatot cikovv? 9 NavcKpaTt es p7roptov, Kcal a\Xo ov Ev AlyuVTrTo. el e tl9 eE Teov Tr a;Xo croabrwov Tov NeiXov aC7rLiKOTO, %p77V otoat "/L) /LEV EKcoVTa '0ev". aTrokocravrTa 8G, 7\ 7 v- l avry 7r\XEEv e9 TO K'avw3uc6 el ij 76 ola re er' 7Trpo9 aove/zovs avtovs qr\Xeew, Ta fopTla SeeE 7reptar yelv f3d ptauc 7rept To AeXra, pexpt oV a7TrlcoLTO e NazvaKpaTw,. oT5ro),ev 8)\ Nav'cpa~ v ereTL180 yTro. 'Ak^VoCuK v 8e i-crco0avcorv Tov ev AveXgot^o vvv eovTa vyov TpL17Kcoo-lWv Tadav'TCo e'epya-o'ao-TOa (6 yap 7rpoTrepov ewv avToO aVTroT,aTO KEcaTecKa TOVs AeXpovo e7 e7reI3aXXE TeTapTrJLoptOv 'TOV /JuLo'0/Laro9 7rapaoXe'V~) 7rXavoLcevot 86 ol AeXbol Trep 7a vrot?, e8oartva~ov TrotEvTe9 Se TOVTO, OVC eXAiaXtTOV e~ ALyvrTov evetlcavTo. "Altau-v /1rev ryap o' Aew/Ke Xi\Xa 0-rv7Tr)pt17 TaXarTa ol 'e ev AywTr-() oleovTes 'EXXqve%, 181 Kvpr7valott', Se 'Af "Aao cX6'rrTrd Te Kabl cv//atvp (CvveOficaro. etKalwate e & c Ka ryLai av'ro'ev, eCi' e7rOvprcraa 'EXXnvi;oas ryvKacoK, eTre cal aX\Xcs /oCXOT77TOS Kvp1?vatcov ereKca. ryaleet ' wv, ot /evy Xeyova't BarTTWo, ol S' 'ApKea'X\ew OvyaTepa, ol Se, KpLtro/ovov, av(pos? vrwe actreev (SoKlova' '7 ovvo/la T7v 7AaiKyl. TV e7re re a'vyK\XLivoo o "A/Aao-ts, plaecOa ov'K olos' e eyevero' -t 8 Se aX XXya-b vvatI cEpa'ro. re r \e e wroXXov TrOVTO E7WETr, E7e6 "AAao-t9? rpo7 T7v AaSl[K7v 'avTr7v KcaXeo/jev1v "', 2 uyvvat, KcaTra Ae Edcpfpacas, Kcal " E't, " rot ovSe/.,ia t, qlavrl fr ov) c a7ToXcoXeVat fcKaKcaTa ryvvat'1Icewor 7raoeov'. 'H 8e Aa8Slt, eWrei re olt apVEverP? ovSev eCrYvero rpflvrepo 6 "A/Acaots, evXerat ev O r0ow) rO7 179-182] EYTEPIIH. 177 'AbpoS'i, rv ot ViT' e6Kfelvv Tv' vvria Vx%0, o "AaotvL, ~roVTo <yap ol Kcacov ievat /tyXo,, aryaXH/a ot aTro7re/frELV E9 Kvpir7v7v. teera oe rv evXr7v avTtica ot epLlXOr "/aaot' fcal To erevOev ev r7i'7, Oicore eX0oL w7po avTrlv, e/ultr/yro c KcaL capa pFtv e'orpre fpeTra TOvTO. 83e Aa~lcr a7reCooce TrI v evyrv 7r7 0e. 7rolTrat evi]7 yap adyaXa ac7Trerepqfe E' Kvpvvv, 7T er Kcal ~9 elue, v roov, Ieo topvLZevov roV Kvpq'vaowv ao-'eo'. ravrTv Triv AaSoil'V, woJ erEKcpaT?7ve Kap,/3vo' AyiVrrov, Kab E7TveTO avTrT ) 7L e7t, a7rer're/xJAe ao-wva e Kvpvr7]v. 'Ave'Orc~e 8 K/aL dvaOri',aTa o "Apaov e T'r7v 'EX- 182 Xaca& roOvo pev, EC Kvprvnv a-yakpa e7rXpvo'ov 'A6Ovalr?, K cat elcova cWCOTOV ypaf} elecaa-![ev'v7 TOVTO 8e, Tr ev Alv3o 'AOr7va'i &vo re dycaXupaTra XBl va, KcaL Ocop'Kca XivEov adCoOEv7TOV TO7TO 8', ES d4aov T "Hpy elfcova ecVTOV a a7iao av\Xvaq, ai ev T' vYr,( TrZ /eX0 l~opvaro nri /ca 70O /eXCXPLt ePev, o7rLCOe 7T&v Ovpewv.?,EV VVV avv /tlov avea0lcKe Kca7Ta:eitVlv TrjV toJV7rov TE /ICa IIoXVKpCdTeo Trov Alaceov e9 \ AvWov,:eWvtU?7 Petv ov6Se&/t ElVEICev, OTt 8, TO\ lpov 7TO E Ai8 TO T6 r 'AOr7valds Xe' yeTab rTa 'ov Aavaov OvyaTrpa ltpvaoaao0a& 7rpoo'Xovo'a9, 're a7rwc'prfq-cKOV TOV9 AIyvrrTOv 'ra^?a. T'rava pev ave07ice6 6 "ACao'. E Xe &e Kvtrpov 7rpoTro dvaOpo07rw, icac /caTea7TperaTo e9 fopov caracywryv. I2TOPICfN 'HPOAOTOT B. I c NOTES. L. CLIO. 'A'XtiaPz'?yffo^ot. In the Rhet. iir. 9, Aristotle quotes him as '"the Thurian,'" probably because the work was chiefly composed at Thurium, and in the dialect of that his adopted country (see Preface). lo-roplhqs dir68e~ts 3e- "what follows is the setting-forth of the researches," not history (a sense hrTopla does not bear in Herodotus). Idw~68e4Ls=Attic clr~iet~~m Tie -ycv6,ueeP 4~ dvOpc~5rcwP. Herodotus often uses lt or 4K for b'r6. Thucydides does the same, i. x6o, III. 48, VII. 175. gacp~3dpotur. The Greeks applied this term to all who did not speak their language; it was analogous to our word "foreigners." Ovcwtor6, (Ionic) = Oavaao-Ta' (Attic) = " marvellous." Trd re tLXa, K.C. TX. = and esspecially through what cause they made war upon each other." This is more fully stated in Bk. v. 97-. Observe the formula Tdre TE' Aa7\, Kal is literally= "Iand (in mentioning) all the. other (matters, I will mention) also." 1. How the feud began between Greece and the East, according to the Persians. ol X6'-Yto = "the story-tellers." This word, with its cognates, is chiefly used by Herod. to express narration by word of mouth. See Bk. ii. 3, and 77. 'Epv~p~je 0aXooq=1 Red Sea,' i.e. the Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf: so called from the red reflection of the por~phyry rocks along the coasts. What we call the Red Sea is called by Herod. the Arabian Gulf. r~vbe 'T'~ Od~c-teoo,-a common expression for the Mediterranean Sea; compare the Latin expression for the same sea, "nostrum mare," or "smare magnum." The Greeks sometimes vary their phrase to i' wnp' 77,uZv OcdXao-oa. For the migration of the Phcenicians, see Bk. vii. 89. Rawlinson well observes on this passage, "1Everything indicates a spread of the Sernites from Babylonia westward, while nothing appears of any movement in the opposite direction. The name 'Phoenician,' which connects with I'Erythrsamn,' both meaning ' red,' the colour of the Semites, confirms the general connexion, but does not show in which way the migration proceeded." TroDUoTOV nwXvo; rna' (=&'vrep). Here, as elsewhere in Herodotus, the article is partly demonstrative, and partly relative, after the Homeric~ usage. 180 NOTES ON al~TtKa Pacvrtll,7cTL, Kci. -' ".forthwith applied themselves to (literally, set themselves upon) long voyages.",ooprice A-y6irria. See Ezekiel xxvii. 7. 4dra'ytvo;ohras=" bringing from a distance." lo-a7rV160o0at = Lat. "preie"generally "Iof makcing ont's way to a place (through dangers or difficulties)." Kai 8 Kai "and now (observe), even," an elliptical emphatic expression; supply t8U, b'pa, or some such word. 6ij= Mqb abbreviated. "A pyos. See Thucyd. i. 9, 10. The oldest city in Greece. According to Bp Thirlwall the word meant "plain " in the old Pelasgian ton-gue: some make it =Lat. "lager." It seems, however, closely connected with the common Greek root ap-y- (whence apyos, dLp-Yup0, Ke.Tr.N = " silvery," "brilght," thus =Bright-town (Brighton). The same root is found in Argocus (the summit of which, according to Strabo, was covered with perpetual snow), Arganthonius, Argaricus, and many other names of places, remarkable for their bright, glaring appearance in the distance. Compare Homer's cdpypowl4~a= "-sparkling-footed," as ap~plied to Thetis, drawn from thessparkle of the waves under moonlight or sunlight; this will apply to the root ary, when connected with waterlocalities. diiaatu. According to Jelf, the instrumental dative, in prose, of that in which one thing surpasses another. -rpvi~v 'E'XXdbL. In Herodot'us's time Hellas was the national name for all Greece: according to Homer, it was, in the Heroic age, the name of a small district in Thessaly. Compare, Thucyd. i. 2, ij' vVh' 'E~a's Ka1\ovf~dv7. &a~r10co0at= "to dispose of for their own pr-ojit." Observe one of the forces of the middle voice here. 'Ioiv^; riv 'IvdiXov. The ancients believed Io to be the moon, and there is a distinct tradition that the Argives called the moon Io. (See Suidas and Hesychius under 'I16.) The various stories related of her symbol?ze the phases and phenomena of the moon, and are closely connected with the worship of Zeus and Hera at Argos: afterwards the attempt was made to assimilate the Argive lo to the Egyptian Isis. According to Rawlinson, the Egyptian title of the moon was Yah ="Jlo"), and the primitive Chaldean title was represented by a cuneiform sign, which is phonetically At, as in modem Turkish. o-r-co-as= "having stood." In Ionic and Attic Greek many verbs are transitive in aor. iand perfect i, but intransitive in aor. a and perfect a. As nor. i, gro-oa = " I placed;" aor. a2, g-crqfv = III stood." Perfect i1, go Oapca = I"II destroyed;" perfect a-, eOOopas =" II was destroyed." 'ap6Av~qv 27 r ^ ebs "the stern of the vessel " (was nearest the land). dWyeo-Oat n7a'V oopr[WV, K.T-A. = were purchasing some of $those wares, for which (the objective genitive) they had a very great desire." Here the former genitive is partitive; and Ouv.ebs = 6nOv~ia. CLIO. Tr&s irXevas= "the majority," like ol 7roXXoL iogaXo/&vous Ul 6 s T7 va.- "having thrown themselves with all speed into their ship." The verb is aor. 2, mid. and the article is generally possessive with a mid. verb. otXfeoOac aro7rXIovras Ir' AlyB6rrov= "they were off, sailing away, towards Egypt." Mark the force of irl with genitive after a verb of motion. 2. The Greeks retaliate by carrying off Europa. O&K bs CbOlVtKes. Here Bahr, Matthie, Scheefer, give this reaaing, and not "EXXvles, with Gaisford. Rawlinson too is against Gaisford's reading. On the subject of Io, Herodotus records only two opinions, that of the Persians, and that of the Phoenicians: in Cap. V. he says, raOva Vp vvvp, IIppac re Kal 'ovLtKeE X&\youo4. &d3K{iydTW v = Lat. " injuriarum " = "acts of injustice;" what he calls in Chap. v. acblKWv {pyCwv. ov ydip gxova = "have it not (in their power)," i.e. cannot. So in Homer (Odys. xvIII. 363) we have TXo with the infinitive as here. Compare the Lat. "habeo polliceri"="I have it in my power, and so can promise." Cic. Fam. Ep. I. 4. irpoo^6vTas: supply rv,Ga=" putting to their ship." ebtcrav 6' lAy OVTro KpTres=="and these might possibly be Cretans." The early naval power of Crete (now Candia) is noticed by Thucyd. I. 4. Their cheating and lying are mentioned by St Paul, Tit. i. It, and by Homer throughout the Odyssey. For the Hellenic legend of Europa, see IV. 45. Trava A&' &5 fma, K..X.=" and that these things happened to them (in the way of) like for like." Compare the Lat. "par pari referri." gaKpf v4t==Lat. "nave long%," "in a war-galley." The round vessels were ships of burden and merchantmen: hence we may guess the hostile intentions of these pirates. ATdv re Trv Ko\Xxia-now "Mingrelia.' Colchis is not mentioned either by Homer or Hesiod. drt[Karo (Ionic) = dq5rypvva& josav. a&prdacn too 3aosX\os rh, Ov yarmpa. Compare the parody of Aristophanes (Acharn. 488-494), in which he ironically accounts for the Peloponnesian war after this manner. r76 K6Xxov= "the Colchian" (king). The head of a despotic government is thus made to represent the whole nation. Compare 6 MaKe6cwv, 6 Avbbs, 6 HdepTs, K.T.X. [IKas Trj alprayj ='"satisfaction for the rape"-an objective genitive. rods& bvroKpivaosOa = " now those pretended, by way of an answer, that.' In this way I would connect this remarkable word with its fully developed Attic sense of "acting a part on the stage:" it is here evidently in its transition state, the notion of dissimulation as well as simulation being implied in bir6. See Herod. I. 9o. 182 NOTES ON 3. Retaliation of Alexander (Paris) by carrying off Helen. -ye-'e. Herodotus generally calculates the generation at about 33 years, IL. 142, -yepeal y&p 'rpelg debP36Wi e&,a7b' ITed eO-TL. Miller supposes the interval between the Argonautic expedition and the Trojan war to have been 40 years. WA\-cz ',a "resolved,"i stronger than flotXeoaOat = to wish" ot "prefer." Compare the English "would, " expressive of strong resolution. ov"T&. 8~= "it was precisely thus." &ij makes a definite particle still more definite, and an indefinite one still more indefinite. 'rolcr& 'EXXqo-t...vr14/aPtcias. Herodotus makes the accusative of the corresponding participle, in these constructions, more usual than the dative. See i. 19. ci.ratT~eetv =to demand back, " Lat. "1repetere." Tobs b&, 7rpOoxofXo4vwV TaurTa, K. T. X. " Iand that they (the Trojans), when the Greeks kept alleging these matters, threw in their teeth the rape of Medea, and how (the Greeks), though neither themselves giving satisfaction, nor giving up (Medea) when demanded back, (yet) could wish to receive satisfaction from others." -With rrpoicrXo/A&vwv supply TWVp dyy4Xcn'; the genitive absolute is here used instead of a dative. An anacolouthon Herodotus is especially fond of. Observe also the iterative and intensive form of 9xw0 in irpoo-XoA4Pvw, literally=" continually and vehemently holding forth." 7rpoe09pew'= Lat. "objicere." 4. This abduction of Helen is retaliated by the Trojan war.,rb /.s6 vve' c7rcietv. Here we may fairly trace the rudiments of the Sophistical reasoning. T& 41pwraoirticop w o~rOh;', K.Tr.X. = now,, when women have been carried off, to consider it one's serious business to avenge them, is the action of fools." c~ip~qv " Icare," regard for anything: hence rdovwpE'&V and 6Xvywqp6?V. 86,vaALY KareXeClV = "1to pull downr the power," Lat. "1deripere." KcaZ rb 'EXX~jIOMIw-su1pply 90,os-o. Europe and Asia are thus opposed Oro each other, as Greek and Barbarian. This pride of the Greeks sprang from their success in the Persian war. Formerly the Asiatic Greeks were superior to their kinsmen in Europe (see ix. i i 6, and Al~sch. Perstv, 176-196, and Thucyd. i. i). OLKeLEp~rtc = "1consider as belonging to their family or house" (mid.). j~y'iqva&=-not "Ithey thought," but = "they believed" (as a leading principle or conviction). KECXOpIKaLa = have been and continue to be separated." 5. A different legend of Io, told by the Phoenicians. 9,ea6eV E'yVcuo &oOa = "she learned she was pregnant." This construction is very common in- Greek, by which a verb stating a fact is CLIO. 183 thrown into a par-ticipial form, while the verb stating the impression, opinion, or sense, or general consequence produced by that fact upon the mind, is retained in its purely verbal form: this may be accounted for by attempting to follow the order of time, and thus stating first that which occurred first. Thus we have jjet r-obs irdabcs 0V-qTobS ye~vzuias= "I was aware that I had begotten mortal children;" Xalpco 7roteZir = "I am delighted to do: " but Xaipwo 7roitz' = " I am delighted that I am doi~ng"= "I am doing, and therefore my mind is impressed with delight." Compare also i. 9, gacLe~ts 6~50to-av; L. 44, eXcdv~ave /36oKwOV.,rTOr 'Z'oii'i o0UVeK7rXwovu = " sailed out in compn with the Phoenicians." pn Kavrd8b77os - thoroughly exposed," put to open shame: often the force Of Karb. in compounds, like the Lat. "per" and English "down-,right."f 9pXo,u~a& lpelwz= I am going to speak." Compare the French "je vais dire, " and also the " ini" (from " eo" " IIto go ") of passive Latin verhE; in the future infinitive; and observe that iplwv' is always future in sense. See II. 35, and i. 194. In the same way we can connect AAAWc - that which is going to be, " with /.ioXe?;r =to -go." 7rpwirop b'rdp~avra aibhcwP lp-yoW, K.Tr.X. See Bk. Ii. 69, and vii. x t. Trcl U~?7r' 4elei J7v pceycdXa = " and those cities that were great in my time." Such is the force of e~rl with a personal pronoun or noun denotixig a person in the genitive case. otIA& ip ~r Tdurc' l~l'ovo-ap = "tnever remains in the same (stay)." 6. Croesus the first barbarian despot who subdued Hellenes. Auibs uli' 'y6'ox = a Lydian by birth, " the accusative of closer- definition; no need to Supply KaTdt. rbpaxwoT (a dialectic form Of icotpcuos). The Greek notion of a tyrant was "cone who ruled, without a right to rule, according to the constitution of the state." Our notion is "one who abuses power for his own purposes," whether he has a right to the use of it or not. Peisistratus made the best and most legitimate use of his power as a ruler, yet, as he had no constitutional right, was to the Greeks a tyrant. v? rrb 'A)vog 7ro-rauo'. This tallies well with what he says, Chap. 72, a~e5v 7rdx'Ta -T~s 'Acrbqs T6. KdTco&J Oa?~do-o-77sr ig dx'rtoy K6wpov Ig vrxv E6~t$tox' 7r6x'roi. This use of IVT6S is evidently an Asiatic form of expression, and used with reference to the coast of Asia Minor; just as Cisalpine was Italian. The Halys, now "1Kizil-Ermah," had two branches, Eastern and Southern,.-here the latter is meant. Rawlinson translates the passage: "was lord of all the nations to the west of the river Hal ys." Observe that generally the name of the river precedes 11-o~a/16s; the reason of this seems to be that the proper name was originally an adjective, with a substantive at times understood, as in 47H (No irwoscjubvi Ca. -,ao the full expression requires an article, 184 NOTES ON ",pv Ithe Cappadocians." Flee T. 72", V. 49, VII. 72.3 1rp73TrOS KaTeaT-p~l/.Lo =l "was the first man (among the barbarians) who turned upside down for himself," i. e. subjugated to himself. Mark the personal force of 7rpw~TOS = Lat. I"IPrimus, " used in the same way with verbs: 7rp~roV would imply that he did this before he did anything else, not that he was the first so to do. Ktjqseplcv a-Tpdrev/sa. The invasion of the Cimmerians (Kymry) took place in the reign of Ardys, king of Lydia. See i. z5, iv. x2. 7. The Lydian dynasties, how founded. 7reptiXWe (pregnant = irepciq\Ge Kal cilrLKaL 1s. See i. 1,29) =I "came round to." '-r~p ol 'EXX-qves -MvpatiXop 6o~vociovot'. According to the Greek myths this means that Myrsilus and Candaules correspond to each other.. 7rp6repoiv M?'uV KaW~e6tvos. Thus we find in Homer the Lydians called Mveonians, their original name. 67rLTpaq5Olv~Tr=" "having been entrusted with." Thus, in Thucyd. I. 126, ol rCov 'AOnva&iwv itL7eTpa/5/J~eJo& Tip' 0tvbaK-qV. The accusative of closer definition. g.o-Xo; = " got at once," i. e. obtained (force of the aorist). cTXov,, the imperfect, would imply "they continued to hold," or "Iused to hold" it. 8. The foolish and wicked exhibition of his wife by Candaules. lb7repe7-i6e70 K.TA.. = " was in the habit of making over to him the most important part of his business." Observe the force of the imperfect as well as the composition and middle voice of the verb. From Homer it is clear that 74W77ei meant to make as well as to place. X~pi~v &p = "for it was fated." In this signification Herodotus more generally uses V2ee. See ii. x6x, iv. 79, v. 9,2, vi. 64, VIII 53. cZTa "jt~p r7rv~dvee& d~Opiirolwr, Kc.'rA. So Horace in his As's Poet.: IISegnius irritant animos demissa per aures." orote 6Kers=Lat. "fac ut"=- "take care that" = "make it your business that." d/qtpcraas. The Ionic form of ds'ajpo'icas. See i. ro, IIL 38 Xkyco X6-yop = " I speak this speech." The accusative of the cognate word. In Homer and Herodotus we have abundant examples of the verb with its cognate notion or cognate word: this construction gives strengthb and clearness to langnage, and is of very frequent occurrence in our old chronicles and poetry, where we are always meeting such expressions as " die the death, " " Ivow the -vow, " &c. o~x 6i'yda. Compare Soph. Phil. 994: 3 /An~v byLis U.n73' iXuOcpov gbpoznwh'. 4~ua U KcLO'Zz't.lWcVo1v K. T. N. "for when a woman strips off from her her under garment, she istrips off along with it her, modesty also." CLIO. 185 Kat ~eo eozozl z1C OeeOaa dv6pv v= "and I require of thee not to require unlawful things." The 'erb 81oeLat is generally= "to have need of." 9. How the queen of Candaules was exposed to view. d7re/ciero = "continued to fight shy of it;" literally, "to fight off" (a thing). Force of imperfect. pu 7Lt ol-'yvr7Tat KaKbv = " lest some calamity should soon happen to him." Observe the subjunctive with the probability; if it were merely possible, we should have had the optative: observe also the aorist. dpX^pv 7&p ydb, K.T. X. ='for, to start with, I will thus contrive (the matter)." Op6vos = "a seat of honour" (and so often a throne) used by personages of exalted rank. It was properly a high-backed arm-chair, )rovided with a foot-stool. KaCr, v Kaa-rov = "one by one" (distributively). Kar' 7j'-vXlv 7roAh\Xlv = "quite at your ease." Neiaao-Oat, not merely = "to see," but = "to watch" " to observe." Kara vcprov="behind her back." See I. 75, and Thucyd. III. 108, aurots Kara v'&rovU rpoo-7rl7rovi. 8ia Ovp&ov. The plural here shows that there was not a single door, but one with two valves, i. e. folding-doors. 10. The exposing of the person of the Queen. &rozos = the Attic gTO/s = l"prepared," " ready." Kal &ivSpa 6q500pYaL, K.T.X. The argument is here a fortiori= II even fo# a man to be seen naked brings him into great disgrace" (much more then for a woman). From Thucydides, Bk. I. 6, we learn that it was but recently that the Greeks exhibited the naked person at their games, wearing formerly drawers. Homer, however, with true heroic simplicity, not only tells us of female servants who assisted men at the bath, but even of young girls of the highest rank bathing and anointing men, as in the case of Polycarte, Helen, and even the Goddess Circe. See Odys. III. 468, Iv. 252, x. 361; see also Plato's Rep. v. 452. The name of the wife of Candaules was Mysia. 11. The Queen conspires to murder Candaules. oiwrw-= "just as she was." i)ovXvfLV ece = "kept quiet." 7rWv olKerY, rTObS /aXtcora, K.T.X. = "of those domestics whom she saw to be really most attached to her person." fpareo-ra = " the Queen," but paoiXea = "the kingdom." ^ us &av AC, t7rdLvra 7reto6Cevos, K.T.\. = " to prevent the chance of your seeing for the future the things you should not see, obeying Candaules in all matters as you do." 186 NOTES ON 6' b9 r6'y7s TIWT Ae& dweOCLV~ecee, Kc.rA. = now Gygea for a little time continued lost ine wonder at the things said (hy the Queen)." p) ALP' d'cacYKatpU lveP~v "not to hind down to the necessity" (of coming to a decision on such a choice). The notion of binding by any force, figuratively, was a favourite one among the ancients. See Homer, I. io.I1: Ze6g uts pkya Kpoet6qg ILT?, p lvlhje ~apehp an idr Pyth. IV. 1,25: -ris 5 KIP&VP OS KparLepos Otcbd/CcWTos b3}ev dAoLC; I7 a6lTb 6or' tLXXwv c7r6XXvo-Oat, K.TrA. Here properly we should have 0?) 7rc-10oW 51, a'XX lJ/v4W^-adp&erat. According to Self, it is a peculiarity in Herodotus that when he wishes to express a negative notion he prefixes it.co-ordinately with OtiCuP (= o6Kovp, Attic) to the consequences which result from it, while the sentence, expressing those consequences is not connected by any particle. Olpe, d'Ko6oW =" bear with me, and let me now hear." Aor. i, subjunctive. Mark the force of the aorist, which in non-indicative moods denotes the speedy and immediate occurrence of events, actions, &c. signified by the -verb. It exactly corresponds to the ordinary Irish exprescion, " to be after," joined to a verb, as here, dKo6o-W = " let me be (after hearing," i.e. let me hear so quickly, that I may be said to have heard it. This is one of the many idioms common to Greek and Irish which support the theory of the Milesian origin of the latter. Compare the English expression "begone." bOc' iep rp"pr-ecisely whence." (irep is esphatic.) 12. The murder of Candaules. iyXeepI6toP Lat. "1pugio," a small dagger, or dirk, made of bronze; literally= "a little (thing) (to fit) into the hand." irb Ti7v abrTjV O6pqp' = " under shelter of the same door." b~cog= "gently stealing into" (the chamber). Such is often the force of 67r6 in composition, like Lat. " sub." 'ApXtXoXos S1 lldptog... ereju'ho-O-. Found in Arist. llhet. III. 17: 0O CLoL T0 rhyew roi iroXvXplro-o tc~et. Plato, in the Republic, Bk. II., tells us that Gyges became King by finding a magic ring which rendered him invisible, and by it he murdered the King and took possession of his kingdom and Queen. 13. The Oracle of Delphi sanctions the reign of the Mermnadw. 17rote~pTo (mid. voice)=" "considered." diro~oigva = " restore, " give away back, active: in the middle voice= "to sell," i. e. to give away for onse's own advantage. Tivat fj e. See Chap. 91i.?ebyop o~blvc iroteeibro = uent on making no account of (this decla. ration)." Mid, and imperfect. ifrcreXlo-O? = subsequently accomplished." This is often the force of elnL in com~positions. CLIO. 187 14. Gyges makes offerings to Delphi. oVrW SgaOpv. Not= "thus held," but exactly our common phrase= "thus got hold of." Aor. 2. of gXw. See on I, 2. dvaO'j0/ara = Lat. "donaria "=" offerings to the God" laid up or rsespended to view in their temples. Another form of this word is oLvdOe/,a=Lat. "sacer," in its bad sense (sacer I)s inferis); or the English term "devoted" (in a bad sense, to God's anger, or to destruction); or the Bible expression, "accursed to the Lord" (Josh. vi. r7), The whole of this perplexed passage may be thus rendered: "Now Gyg:es, when he became sovereign, sent away offerings to Delphi that were not few (in number). On the contrary, of all the silver offerings at Delphi the most of them belong to him; and, beside and beyond the silver, he presented an enormous quantity of gold, both other gold and that which more especially deserves mention; there are laid up (there) golden mixing-bowls of his, six in number, and these stand in the treasury of the Corinthians, having thirty talents as their weight." Is rbIv TpoKaTarTi'v i4ca'e = "that (royal seat) on which he used to sit in front (of the city gates) and administer justice." From the Bible, and many other sources, we learn that it was customary for the eastern monarchs to sit for this purpose at the city gates. b7rl roV cvaOcvros irwvvutlqv= "a name founded upon (the name) of the offerer." ro'3aXe orpart&iJ Is MiX7-roV= "dashed his army into Miletus (territory)," i.e. made an expedition against the territory of Miletus. mrpoocdXXwc = " to dash at, " and so= "to attack." dXXa yap= dXX& ierel. The whole passage may be thus rendered: "but since no other great deed was done by him, during a reign of forty years wanting two, we will pass the King by, having recorded so much (about him)." 15. The Cimmerian invasion. o1ros 8o IIpwv^das eti\. Grote observes (Vol. III. p. 301), "This possession cannot have been maintained, for the city appears afterwards as autonomous." Rawlinson denies this, and on good grounds: he is supported by Die. of Geog. of Dr Smith. Kz/LuGpco. According to Strabo, this invasion happened in Homer's time, or before it. 2)Iwv= "usual haunts," from A0os (I)=" usual place of abode;" (2) = "habit," manner, custom. Compare the English similar vords in their connexion: "habit, habitation, haunt, holding;" the Greek its; Latin, "habitus, and habito, habeo." kavaraidrcETs= "made to get up and go out from." Observe that verbs of a passive signification are followed by brb with a genitive, just as much as if they were also passive in form. 188 NOTES ON 16. The reigns of Sadyattes and Halyattes. 'Uaro Lat. "1excepit (regnum)" = succeeded to the (king. dom)." 43aoI1XEvTEYf-c~ &Ca Sic~a = "he reigned (during) twelve years." Observe the accusative of duration, which is more properly defined with the preposition &bt, as in Lat. by "per" with the accusative. Kva~cipp. See Chaps. 73 and 74. 9p-ya Taibe= " actions which follow:" Taiira would refer to what goes before. 00K W'S iiOe~c-an. euphemism or litotes. See L. 32, and Virgil, LEn. VI. 86: " sed non et venisse volent." 17. The exploits of Halyattes. (i'r6) a,5Xo' '-yvve~'1LK TEu K-c ~ai vpftov="1 (marched to the sound) of the female and male pipe." According to Gellius= "Ithe pipe played by females and males." Some say a6Xbs db'bp. = Lat. "tibia dextra, " played with the "s-right hand, " and so bass; au'i '69yw'. = Lat. "tibia sinistra, " played with the left hand, and so treble, like a woman's voice. Observe the force of the imperfects in this chapter, de-noting the continuance of action. We may account for 6wrb here with a genitive of locality, as the music rises above the marching army. c6u ais-IKOL70= "as often as he might come." Here we have the optative of inde~finite frequency. This occurs whenever, after a principal verb in a past tense, the thing denoted is not what did really occur in some special case, but what happened to recur as often as such a case came into existence; here the optative is used after relatives or conjunctions of time, as 6ro-ore. The indicative would mark a particular and special case. Ti^s -yip OaXda-oz-,4 0l MIXh~O-to 17rekpdT-eov. We must remember that the Milesians were Carians by extraction, and this will account for their maritime superiority. Miletus is said too to have had a hundred colonies, chiefly on the coast, or in islands. See also Bk. II. 178. WOrTe e7rgbp775 A'j evat, Kz.TX = "s that there was no use in his army's besieging it;" literally, "could do nothing by, &c." eli'eo-0ac- aciweqipewp, "to bear off." 1.His eleven years' war with Miletus. 1h&Av6(lv -i pe "IIstill continued the ruler of the Lydians." Mark the force of the imperfect. The aor. 9Jp~e would= "he became ruler," "succeeded to the power." Compare goeXc = "he obtained;-" clXe = "he retavned." The force of the imperfect in Greek is for the most part the same as that of the Latin imperfect, and may be rendered, according to the required sense, by (i) proceeded to; (v2) went on, or continued (as here); (3) made an attempt to (of incompleted actions); (4) was Wiont to, or in the habit of. CLIO. 189 Z~aaUdTr~fls -yap ov~roS Ka?2 r3 pe 7r'-XeAcp 4s ouvcL~s = "for it was this Sadyattes that brought about the war." Rawlinson renders the par. ticiple here by "Ilighted the flame " (of war), applying to the compound o-vvctrTw a sense which it has no where else, even if it could be shown to have it here. Again, the simple verb ciirrew, in its unusual sense of setting on fire (by touch or contact), seems limited to a literal sense, and is not used figuratively, at all events in Herodotus. Compare ZEsch. (Ag. 29), aWTEWretp 7rvpt, and Herod. viii. 5-, and infra, Chap. 19. On the other hand, avz'cirrretv izcX',7v, ovvcirretw w60XeoP = Lat. " conserere manus," are used of "joining battle," or "contracting a war;" and cn'dsrTeiw is thus capable of the figurative sense. -retOL bU MtX-qGlo0ur-, K.TXA = "for none of the Ionians came over (Elvi) to the Milesians, to join them (o*e) in making the war light (A'acpp6vcc), except the Chians alone." Observe the force of the compounds here, also that b'Tt u', here as elsewhere=' el Ah. Verbs in -6dvco (from adjectives) are always factitive, as /3apz'vw (from fiapds) = "to ma/ke heavy;" lAa5pp~we (as here) from Aa~pbps= "to makce light." 756 6'/LooPa'es dV7ro5LbdPJTf9 =paying of, in their turn, a similar (obligation)." Kal 'yip b8j srp6Tepov= "for some time before (these events)." OlwPn1J'ELKc = "had aided them in carrying the war to anend." Sec 1, 142. These all belonged to the Ionian confederacy, which celebrated its festival of the Panionia at the temple of the Heliconian Neptune at Mycale. 19. The building of the Temple of Assessian Athen6. (br 4Oq0- T6dXLO-Ta, K. T. X. = " as soon as ever the standing corn (Lat. "seges ") caught fire, being pressed on by the wind, it (seized) and set on fire the temple." See note on ovvdi~as, Chap. i8. 20. Milesian legend about Periander and Thrasybulus. MA',ocroo Ba rdie lrpoo-TLO0C~o T-rorow-t " Inow the Milesians add the following (circumstances) to these (mentioned) before." nt 7rpOet~bs'1="with some previous intelligence." To take rt with pov~eWrat seems out of place, and not after the manner of Herodotus, who generally collocates it with the words to which it is related in signisft cation. Indeed its enclitic power implies as much. See i. 'z4, e( TL XkYotei'; I. 27, et~ 7t etli; I. 31, E'retpe$7Ta vlvcv. 3e6TEPOV; I. 43, rts aiyy-/c Xews; i. 1 99, Ajdya r&; and especially the very peculiar expressions, I. 5 1,,riv -ras AeX95Cop', and I. 7J, TWIJ TCs Av&iv. 21. The device of Thrasybulus. 5~s ol raLOTa cay'yAX6q = " when these things were reported to him in detail " = Lat. "1 euntiata erant. " Th e force Of &i in composition with verbs is often (like the Latin "e," "ex" - utterly " (outerly), " fully," "sout and out." o-7rov5e irotho-a-Oat = orrlbco-Oat (mid.) = to get a truce made (for himself)." Observe that when 7rot/ew is used, as here, periphrastically, 190 NOTES ON the middle voice is assumed; as rrote'ta-Oc ir6\sov=' roXe/sep, &vagoX-~s otOeLto-at= dvcs/3~ciXs-Oau, K.T..X. x~pvoz ba-oi-not 6v, as w aliTa is understood with Xpoivov. The rule seems to be, that whenever the notion of all is expressed or understood (as here) with the antecedent, the relative is expressed by oa-es, making the construction more symmetrical. Compare below, 0"o-es Jv Iv rco d07TIel a-ros... TOih-o 7ru'PTa. In the same way, i. 54, 6'o-a... r~eio-r-a, avad',5acra; i. 599, jLe'ya6's la-re 6a-os; InI. 5,2, ~-qyirlv...b'a-ez' be; ii. i70, Kai g~l-yaOos....lo —q 7rrep, K.TA._ tTV-yKO/L0aSs=" "having, conveyed, at the same time. " a-l = Lat. "Icum," in composition with verbs implies either (i) " cum tempore," as here, (=contemporary), or (s) "1cum aliis, " along with others. d-yopi~v =" market-place," where things were be-ought to he sold (&-yw), as in Latin "forum" from "fero. " &wea' au'Tbs osrrnnPvv= " whenever he should give the signal." Here &v supplies the sense of the Lat. " cunque " to the particle of time, and to harmonise with this indefinite notion, the verb is put into the conjunctive (subjunctive) mood. The same construction holds when av is added to relative pronouns, as?3S OW, c.TA.X K#IAP Xpieo-OatL= Lat. "1commes-satione uti "=" indulge in merrymaking." 22. How it turns out. 97r' ~P re elvpat= "on condition of being." The notion of e'rl in this sense seems that of taking one's stand upon a thing, and so making it a condition. civlo-r77 (stood up) = recovered." The general notion of dav& in composition seems to he that of getting up, after being down, and so recovering either intransitively, as. here, or transitively, as dyaPXlwsrv = "to recover one's sight, " " Ito look up.") 23. The digressive story of Anion (moral, and creditable to Greece). 7rapaao-T5'at= " was presented (to view)." In Ionic and Attic Greek many simple and compound verbs are intransitive in aor. 2 and perfect 2, and te-ansitive in aor. i and perfect i; as perfect 2, 9f/Oopa = "I was destroyed," but 9q50apKa, perfect s, III destroyed;" goa-rse aor. i, = placed," 1ar-Trn, nor. 2, " II stood." 'Aplova. Virgil (Eel. viii. 55), "1inter delphinas Anion." 1~evel.XO~ira (fromeiK95Plp.) = "had heen carried all the way." See on Chap. 25. &Ir &Aos/Zogs...?rl Talvapop. With a genitive (of place) rl- denotes "rest upon, " with an accusative (of place) " motion up to," or, "as far as." Teenarus is now "1Cape Matapan." K1G0aplwv= " one who played on and sang to his harp." This exact sense of the term brings out more clearly Horace's expression (Od. I xv.), "ecithar-d carmina, divides." CLIO. 191 8s06pauflov, "the hymn of Bacchus," the germ of Attic tragedy. In every stage of its development it was the recognised type of the turbulent and enthusiastic element of Greek sacred music. Blakesley derives the word from an iEgyptian term Tithrambos= "/ furoren movens." Arion, however, did not invent the Dithyramb, he merely improved it: it was well known before his time to Archilochus, who boasts (in a fragment) of his skill "in leading off the Dithyranmb, the lovely song of Dionysus." See Arist. Poet. Iv., Jhet. IIi. I, Pind. Oly. XI. 25. T.WV iA/eS tI/jev. Here, as in Homer, the article is relative and demonstrative, and is in the genitive case by attraction. f6/ev = Attic' taouev, for otfalev. &Sd6avTa= "exhibited "=Lat. "docuit" (fabulam), as the poet in those days used to teach the actors his compositions before they could be exhibited. 24. The Corinthians and Lesbians confirm this story. dbv iro\X\v roO Xp6vov= "the greater (portion) of his time." Such is the force of the article when preceding vrohXs: thus, ol roXXo2= "the majority." ta'rpplovTa (rubbing through it)=-" pending," Lat. " conterere" (tempus). Compare Thucy. III. 38, oiarTptp Xp6vou= "waste of time." 7rap& leplavopqy ="at the court of Periander." Here 7rap =Lat. "apud," French "chez." Compare I. 86, Io5. irtvClao-ac trXoaat="(set) his heart upon sailing (without further delay)." Observe here the common force of the aorist in non-indicative moods, so like the Irish "to be after" doing anything. pryaardlcevov Um Xp.jPcara teyaaXa = "having made (for himself) a large fortune." OeXo'a-at d7rlow s K6pwv0ov drTLKOat- = "he was resolved to go away back again to Corinth." BoiXooasa would have expressed merely the wish or preference. bdp/iao-0a"="(that) he started," mid. of opfpdoI="to impel." Distinguish this from 6p/4= -"to be at anchor" and obppiw= "to bring to anchor." uaeOdcraaoOa-= "got the hire of" (mid. voice), ucoa-8a-cu="to let out to hire." iv ry 7reXdeiy= " in the deep, open sea," far away from land. The Greek 7reXayos is evidently from the Hebrew "peleg "= "separation." In early times the ocean did not, as now, unite, but rather divide nations, hence Horace's distinctive attribute for the ocean, "dissociabili." 8aXpiia l /f tvw="to dispatch himself" (literally, "to use himself up)." ds alv raqs, X.T.X. As custom forbade them to throw the dead overboard. 192 NOTES ON -r~v raXlo-rs,,. An elliptical accusative of the cognate word, supply ixC7r ij1091P. acrweeq01n'ra... 9s d7ropi-qz = being completely cooped up in a dilemma without ways or means (to extricate himself)." -7repLLFeiv= " to allow " (literally, to look round about, and not straight at, as we say, "Ito blink" a thing; so to neglect, and compare our "t'overlook"). EV T-jq O-KeV' 7rd071. This may refer to the long robe, reaching to the feet, called 6pfocra6las, worn by the harpers; so invested he might better claim the protection of his patron god, Apollo, who saved poets and musicians: hence Horace's expression, " sic me servavit Apollo." Kaveqp~ydaa0t~a=" would without delay dispatch himself." Mark the aorist here, and compare the Lat. "Iconficere " in the same sense. Kai 7roZo-t eo-EX0,EY ylp '80ov'P, K.7.X. These inverted clauses seem= Keal 7-o67-ovs dvaXwp'crat iK T~S 7rp61A2nS, lo-eXOeiv 'y&p a6TOZ9 ~jb60VV K.Tr.X. Here -ybp= iirel = "Isince that." ate~,AOewv v6giop viz' 5pOtoz= "went completely through the rousing measure;" a song of a martial character. cbs xct~. Supply az'rov= "as he had himself," just as he was, i. e. attired in his minstrel's dress. bnrb &7rtorlf1,q= "under the influence of disbelief." dVaKWoS U~ 9Xetv= opovrt~cew (according to Suidas). Supply Xiyovo'. r.ept 'IvaXlvrn= "near Italy," as Tarentum was not included in the term Italy until about 400 BO.C eD 7rpieo-oz'Tcs= " Idoing well, " as we say for "prosperous." 25. Presents of Alyattes to the Delphic temple. 7EXetJT(r Supply Tin' ploy=" closes (his life)." 8ev'repos. Gyges had been the first. Kp-777TSPct d T dpyd6peoz ="I a silver mixing-cup. " Adjectives ending in -ecoT and.cvosEnglish "-en," Lat. "1-eus," denote the material from which anything is made, as Xp6o-eos "golden, " Lat. "Iaureus." Comipare below o-i5~peov. Obns e6tov=-"worth seeing." 26. The reign of Orcesus-his attack upon the Ephesians. I~rOhKa~ro =-"at once set himself upon," i. e. attacked. dvl0eoaa' rh' 7r6XwP. So Polycrates consecrated Rhemia to Apollo. Thucy. iii. 104. go-re U&...cbrr& o-rdlbot = "now there is (an interval) of seven stadia between." Here the verb is impersonal, see v11. 34, and compare the Attic formula go-rev Al and the French idiom "ii est des hommes." 7rp&rwo-eT g.d 3~, K-TA. = " These indeed, observe, were the first (of the Greeks) that Crcesus laid hands upon." CLIO. 193 27. Crcesus makes an alliance with the Ionian Islanders. IKareo-TpcIVaTo, Ionic=AttiC KaTco-Trpau/JiveL q'e-ap. Kanraircwet= "put a downright stop to." This is often the force of KarT& in composition. 14vpl-iqv 'iwwevo= "ten thousand horse." 'i-ireso collective is always feminine. So Thucy. I. 6,2, &Koeie' hi-ire,', and Herod. i. 8o, i) KdgqXer. Av&~v re~5as=A63oeur. So in Homer we have vtes and KcoDpes 'AXat~oe, so in the Holy Bible we read " sons of the Prophets," "sons of Levi," and in Herod. V. 49, i-7atlas 'JIwvPW. aols' t~ra-eos-. It seems from Homer (Ilied, X. 431) that the Lydians, formerly called Ma-eonians, were long distinguished as cavalry-warriors;Homer's words are Ms"os'es 1iri-Kepve-i-al. iaroXa~6via, Supply 7TIp X6-yop. J'7a0LL6-rta II TtI 0odes,, K.TA.. = " what else do you fancy that the islaTnders have been praying for (aye, as soon as ever they learned that you were about to build ships against them) than to catch, and soon too (the aorist), the Lydians at sea l"Observe that Xa~ec& here depends on rTurOV,vral o-e= "take thteir vengeance on you," (mid). leovbo-as 9Xets= (whom) "you here enslaved and keep enslaved." This combination of the participle of a verb with 9Xco marks not only a completed action hut also the present slate resulting from it. Compare Soph. 9-ywye Oavudua- erc i= "I have wondlered, and still hold on wondering." In Latin after the same way we have " habeo " used with a participle; this was the germ of the usagre common to modern languages, of using the verb corresponding to the EngAils " have " as an auxiliary verb. Compare i. '28, IETXe KIcac-7-po~'i/EapEps; 37, '7roKX?7` as xeX~s; chap. i12o, &harcd~a eT~e. 28. The extent of the Lydian empire. 1PT,r' `A2'uos= "to the west of the Halys." Av~ol. There is a difficulty here about the Lydians being named amiong the subdued nations, when they were the subjects of Crcesus. Some suppose that Herodotus wished to enumerate cell the subjects, and therefore hegan with the Lydians. Others say the passage implies Croesus to have heen an usurper. We are inclined to suspect a sort of zeugma here, and that one portion of the verbal notion, expressed by ilW' C'WoUTy eJxe, applies primarily to the Lydians, and secondarily to the other tribes, while the other portion of the verbal notion Kcarae-7-pe/ict,sepes,applies rather to the other tribes than to the Lydians; a view which is petfectly borne out by his own words at the heginning of the -next chapter, Ka-eo-Tpa/I~dvwp 11 7-0erwv, Kad 7rpee-eWLtKrwcjuIVo Kpeie-ov Auveoo-s, where the complex verb of the former chapter is split uep itot its tsco component parts, and each part is thus applied distinctly and distinctively to the object it properly belongs to. HEROD. I. 9 194 NOTES ON XdXvjpes. On the coast of Pontus, east of Paphlagonia (see Cramer's Asia Minor). Their country was famous for iron. ol'Ouvol. See vII. 75. 29. Solon's visit to Sardis. K/.ouato'ieas 7rXoIrry= "in the zenith of her wealth." See Thucy. I. I. o-oto-a7rca=not "sophists" but " sages." See Grote, Vol. VIII. 479. Kal 6 Kac-= "and now (observe), even." Solon. See on I. i. KaTra 0Gepi7s 7rp6oaa'ccv= "for the pretended purpose of seeing the world." opKItoLa yap KareIXOvTo= " for they continued to be bound down by their oaths." Ka T rec p Xp'CaeoOat. Observe that the proper form of the oath was Xp*-q-6FieOa, K.T.X., the accompaniment being Toes aiv o-0qt K.r.X. 30. Solon's discourse with Crcesus. 7rapa "A7acrv...rap& Kpoioov= "to the court of Amasis of Crcesus." Compare L;at. "apud," French, "chez." ile'pos iuot 7rXO\0e= "a longing desire has come upon me." et rTva = Lat. "quemnam." etvaic aXSiraros. The rule seems to be both in Latin and Greek that the verb signifying "to be " takes after it whatever case goes before it, whether the preceding case is expressed or understood; here a nomintative (auros) seems to precede, therefore a nominative succeeds. ovuv viroOwreOvwo-as= "without the slightest flattery." 7r- = Lat. "sub" in a diminutive sense in composition. Ow7recvw= Otw, "compono," and cW'=" vultum." So Shakespeare, " frae may face to all occasions;" and Tacitus, "vultu composito." a7roOwva'docras= "lost in wonder for the nmoment" (at what was said). 7WT'rpe/W&Es, not = "diligently," but literally = "turning upon him." Koly 6Xi= 7rotig 5I o65= " now in what way;" h8 = tqro. rjs 7r6XCos ei i/KOcrSe7= " his state going on well." Observe here the possessive force of the Article. 7ratces je'aPv KaXoi re Kci'yaol = "and he had children both beautiful and good." Aristotle in Rhet. I. 4 regards eTreKvIa and roXvreKvla as necessary elements of man's happiness (elSaecovta), and in his Ethics, I. 8: oi 7rdvvp yp evo6at/ovPK6s o riv7 i3eeav 7ravai'-X^s ' Bo-vyevis r" 'ovw'-rs Kal dTeKvos. Compare the language of Holy Scripture, "II? )py is the man that hlas his quiver full of them" (i. e. children), and the Brashminical proverb, "The sun of happiness Cnever smiles on the ugly, ill-born, eznuch." T7O iOteo em 'KOYVT-= "having gone on well (in the course) of his life." Observe that >7] is= "life intensive." Lat. "vita" quam vivimus. ilos= CLIO. 195 "life extensive" (course of life). Lat. "vita" quam vivimus. Hence the "tmeans" and "smanner" of life: under all these senses lies Aristotle's definition, P3ies ear o Xy-/tKi ', imaking it equivalent to "animal existence, accomp)anied qitb r'eason:" a distinction that has made itself felt in our own language, as in the words "zoology" and "biography." See Dean Trench, Greek Test. Syn. p. Io5. os r& 7rap' /}uiv-= "as things are with us." In our own power would require ef' ryuv. TeXevrT7 \Xaz7rpordTr ereyevero="a most brilliant ending came to crowan his life." Compare I. I4, 7rcreXc'o-O. 'Oa a v aVrod, T7rrep rere- =" buried on the spot, exactly where he fell." With avrov some would supply rov r6roeu. 31. Solon's discourse continued. Cs 31 ra Kara -rbv TAXXo, K.r.X. = ' Now when Solon roused the curiosity of Croesus about Tellus." -yw=-yoDv= "at all events." JKKX\i'6/oevoc T7r qp. Compare Cesar's expression, "tenpore exclusus," and see VIi. i39, avayKaTp egpTvfyas, and Thucyd. iI. 70. 65de*e= "clearly pointed out" (in a distinguished manner). Such often is the force of &LC in composition. 8evrepea (supply caOa)= "the second prize." oriw'c Tr^Vwv=`rot roCOrTwo -rTKVWV. Observe 7rpos ro6rw=="in addition to this," but 7rpo6s reTOT "on this account." 7reptXap's=" "exceedingly glad" (7rept = repr'ows). KarraKOX07&Tes==" having laid doztw to sleep." 7rontodgeevos (mid.)= "having caused to be made." So M3cdo'KecoOa= "to have taught." 32. Solon's discourse continued. e~e Je= "went on to assign:" force of the imperfect, as elsewhere. r7repOeds= "hasty." See v. 33: this usage of the word is peculiarly Ionic. X1 U y erlps. Jelf observes that Uo here marks the suppression of a thought,-probably 16wTras 1zv' evSal/wovas voAii'es. oU SlW6corTWV avSpwv liouvs= "not even equal to men in a private (life)." ovo^ is here emphatic, and not connective. l7rlppoTTcrra S TO Isr!1v = "rejected as nothing," "set at nought." Tr 0etoV 7ray sov, K.T.X.= "that the Divinity is really and entirely jealous and apt to cause confusion." This sentiment is often found: see IT. 40; VI. IO. 5; VI. 46; viii. o09. Compare the language of Holy Writ (Exod. xx. 5), "for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God;" Nah. i. 2, "God is jealous, and the Lord revengeth;" Jer. i. I7, " Be not dismayed, lest I confoucnd thee before them." Compare too the "Deus Ultor" of the Romans. It is the overweening conceit of prosperity, rather than prosperity itself, and the pride fostered by distinction, 9 —2 196 NOTES ON rather than distinction itself, that provokes the righteous indignation (vl4aeo-ts) of the jealous Divinity. The cases of Crcesus and Xerxes alone are enough to show this. Observe how ilerodotus begins the 34th chapter: Mci-li 5U 26Xwvca oilil6,evov, tXa[S IK O9COO 1VIJLEoics jueydiXKpoZa-ov, cbS GiKio-at, 67L lv6gtue iElVTOPV evat dvOp7r~wv iurdv7Twv A\/icbraT~OV. See also vii. io. 5: ovl -yap l9i /)popvle' )ueya 6' Geicg ltXoz fwvr~v. Observe he is here accounting for the action of the 6 Oe6s 00ovu'oas. Again, viii. i09: Ocot -c...ot 40'jpivooav d;v3pa...Jsi-ra d'V6. qt - T Kail dtTdorOaNOeV, K. T-A. Such passages show that the jealousy of the Deity, according to the conception of Herodotus, was conditional, and only called forth by the sin of man, or his conceit, and did not arise, as Rawlson erroneously supposes, because the Deity did not like any one to be great or happy but himself. In connection with this, observe, in Bk. iii. io8, Herodotus explicitly states a doctrine he had before implied,-Kcal K&SS 'oTlOcO 610 r rpovot-q, W'o0-rep KalOIKOlicS, IorZ?oicaa crobi: and, in following out this declaration of the goodness of providence, he enunciates as one phase of it,-a law of compensation. Accordingr to this law Greece has the best climate, though she has not the best productions, and other countries denied good climates are blessed with good _productions; and so with men and cities, the humble are exalted, and the proud are debased. From a view of the whole tenor of the clinracter of Crcesus, he seems to have been a most fitting object to call down the humbling dispensations of providence on his head. We may glance at his unprincipled aggressions (dXMotoi liXXas alirias C'rwppwcv), his vain-glorious fondness for display, his overweening conceit of his own grandeur, and his revengeful and captious spirit. Valckenaer's explanation of the passage isthis: "Istiusmodi Historicorum dicta minus etiam videbuntur invidiosa cogitanti, r-d Oe~os Deum esse ultorem, 00ptvop vindictam divinam, vulgo dictam vI/Jueatv. Quos Deus sequitur ultor, superbis v'idetur, diciturque 00ovepks" In connection with this, observe that Herodotus calls the j006'os by another term in chap. 34, namely, P~Aco-ts. According to Arist. lRhet. ii. 9, it is a feeling to be attribucted to the Gods rather than men. Strictly the word means a disti-ibution (claw) of what is due, hence "righteous indignation" due against undeserved prosperity. See Ethics, IL. 7, 115. It is considered by Aristotle a virtue lying between q50ivos, "envy," and IlrtXatpciaKla= "Ca malignity. " 'rc fJ aKp w' Xpov&q= "in the length of time." Here the attribute is emphatic. IS a'yp 9j3&A'o,.prva, K.r.X. "for I set the limit of human life at seventy years, at the farthest:" so the Psalmist, " The days of our years are threescore years and ten." irap4Xovi-cu, K.TA.. Here Ilerodotus is guilty of the strange error of making the solar year to average 375 days: though he knew its proper average (see IL. 4). He makes Solon count his months at 30 days each, instead of 29 and 30 alternately, and then he forgets to say that from time to time the intercalar month was omitted altogether: these blunders therefore led to his wrong calculation. 7r6,v eo-r lvOp~rwos acgpop-~== "man is altogether an accident." CLIO. 197 7rir;<c-xiewsupply Xp "we ought to hold on, " i. e. to 8to. Compare.Alsch. Ay. 902: Pitop 7-eTEX h?0o/T' &5 dea-r0o? 0/1p See Arist. Ethics, i. io, where this opinion is controverted. KcarapK~es 7rapiXouo-a = "is fully competent to supply." 7rap' 41iol= "in myjudg eat." See iii. i6o: 7rap&. Aapchp Kpt-?,.I &uKat6g Jo-TC Ol/peo-Oat = "has a right to carry off for himself." i7roalas-l "having given glimpses of." avXQdc&jY= "grasp at the came time. " 33. Crcesus dismisses Solon in dishonour. X6'yoveu e 7otqofl-d6[e~o vO1 UPs "having made him of no account." dwes-4.rewiat = "has him sent off," not escorts him in person. 63s...4/IETf1S=Lat. "1qui preetermiserit." 34. Crcesus dreams about the death of his son Atys. hui '5~:0Xwvaoe'XO'uevevo= "after the departure of Solon." Compare the Lat. use of "Ipost" or "Iante" with an accusative and participle, thus "9post annum exactuon," "post urhem conditam," "ante urbem con(E lKdo-aL. Elliptical and aoristic. Supply gteolrL = "(as one may conjecture on the spur of the moment." aurdvrwv (dgac irds) =Lat. "cunctorum" ("conjunctorum"), either "of all., taken in a b ody, " or "Iall wvitho ut exception, " the latter is the more common meaning with supes'latives, as here. ot eV'6ov7TL JirlO'TV) &'etpes= "Ithe phantom stood over him as he slept." Observe the Homeric personality thus given to the Dream-God, in taking this attitude: in Bk. vii. 14, it is more fully brought out, and represented as a spekn hrctr iKI- h eo 0~lsa~c WT 6VE~OV ~~lpf KaTv7rvwyevcp~ gXe'ye 'rt-7r-dh. And compare the case of the Dream-God that visited Agamemnon's pillow in Iliad, ii. ico, 0-T7 5' 6p' bsr~p KCIPaX?2s... "OPELpos; a passage which Milton evidently had in view when he dictated "IWhen suddenly stood at my head a dream." 8v foawve= "who proceeded to show forth." Observe the change from the aorist of previous verbs to the im~perfect here. KWOO= "deaf and dumb." In the early form of the language the word seems to have been taken in both senses. TrOlJTop 8~ &v rh'v "Arup = "Ithis, observe, then is the Atys which.." Some have said that Atys comes from a",rq= "1the man judicially blind," and Adrastus = "the man unable to fly from (his doom)," a' and Btpcd. OWU(P. See Mure's Greek Lit. Vol. iv. p. 326. ii~ro~ict contracted future for d7ro~oet =(how) "Ihe will lose" him. 198 NOTES ON ~&JUTr ~' yov tWKC= "cgave himself up to consideration." iWYe7at yvvuwa=c " he is proezuring a wife" (force of the mid, voice). aKuVTLE 5 Keel 50pc pta. Mark the father's tender care in these minute precautionis which led him to put away even all these little instruments. In L-atin, Greek, and Engolish thre rule of diminutives seems to be this, we shorten the thing sigqnJijld by lengthening the word signiJicant of it.!Kc,,v = "javelin;" deisree7sO = ",'I little javelin," or "Ca boy's javelin" (as here). Lat. " homo" = man," "homunculus"= ita snannikin." Is i-ovle Oa~ai,UeV9 0-V'krrjve, Ke.. X. "1(be brought) them into the womaen's chamhers, and PILED theni up there, to prevent any (weapon) falling upon his son, hy -being suspended over him.",3f5, Adrastus, visits Crcesus. t~P-o l 15 Xcpoei -TOJ 7ralo's TrOS ycduow, just after our idiom "whilst he has on hand the miarriage of Ihis son." ocvcuops7 IX'tiez'os - held down by calamity." In Greek, calamity, joy, longing, desire, paleness, trembling, wrath, anguish, woe, indeed almiost all p-assions, and states, are conceived as either " seizing" or " holding" (lXw) us. Thus by a peculiar property of the Greek language they are made the active agents, while we are regarded as the passive subjects of the actions. This transference of active agency freom the living, being, to his affections, states, feelingsadcnliossafe all snore philosophical and true to nature than our own mnode of cx2iression, as these feelings, &c. do, in point of fact, influence us snore than we can be said to infjluence thema (see Iliad, III. 340-360. Weale's Edition.) The Rtomans endeavoured, though with no very great success, to naturalize this turn of thought among themselves, as in such phrases as "Cpallor habet vultum." KeaOaporg Xctpas = "clean in his hands," the accusative of closer definition. ~EAschylus expresses the pollution by human blood, as ob6, rirtsc oVK Ieiw= " being, actually not" (g7l'7 &e' "supposing he were not." ivnO ppe. From this it appears that Creesus stands in the rolation of a priest-king. This purification for homicide was unknown to Homer. The Greeks evidently borrowed it from the Lydians: at Athens it was taken cognizance of in the court of the Epheta-. Comnpare the Jewish cities of refuge, and see Eurip. Iphtig. in Taur. 949, and AEdsch. Eusn. 445 with M~ller's most able annotations and dissertations. lot6rt5wapawX-jcls-ij,'KeOapv-ms-ro's-inAV60?o-m Kad Tro~i- EXX-so-. Grote, Vol. I. p. 34, well observes, "one remarkable proof, amongffst many, of the deep hold which tlsis idea took of the greatest minds in Greece, that serious misclhief would fall upon the- comisunity, if family quarrels or lsomicide remained without religious expiation, is to be found in the objections which Aristotle urges against the community of women proposed in the Platonic republic. It could not be known what individuals stood in the relation of father, son, or brother: if therefore, wrong or murder of kindred should take place, the appropriate religious atone CLIO. 199 ments (ai vofuc6ttevat Xo-ets) could not be applied, and the crime would go unexpiated (Arist. Pol. II. I, 14, and see Thucyd. I. 15). K60ev TfrS 4pvUyis = "from what quarter of Phrygia:" the local genitive. Compare in Latin "qua gentium," "ubi terrarum." On this principle we may explain ov, "where," elliptical for o0 T76rov, and Karda-ya TrS KeQaa\X, 's T TOWeV XoeiCal, ws ra'dos gXco, and the distinction between faXeL v axrzdv= "he hit him," the object aimed at, and j3aces aivrou= "he cast at that place, where the object was." 'KWY = "having come." The present of this verb has always a perfect as well as present sense="I have come, and am present." The imperfect lKOVP= "I had come." See Hecub. of Eurip. I. &nri'rtos Ionic = Attic 01gortos= " one at the hearth" as a suppliant. See 2Esch. Eum. 488 (Muller's Edition), and Odyss. vII. I53. d/,eIl3ero="returned" (an answer). Compare with the whole of this story the account given by Thucydides of the supplication of Themistocles. duavXarv'Ces XpuxacTOS olevbsr="you shall be in a difficulty for nothing." The privative genitive. Ev jicerTpov. Supply or'cy=(as we say) "in a house of ours" (see vir. 8). Wr KovUo6TaTa CIbpov, K.T.X. Hor. Carln. I. 24. 19: " Levius fit patientia Quicquid corrigere est nefas." 36. The lands of the Mysians devastated by a boar. MIvai/ Ou\5r/rp.. This is one of the highest mountains in Asia Minor, it lies on the western borders of Bithynia, a little to the south of Prusa. Its modern name is Anadoli.Dagh. See Cramer's Asia Minor, and Die. of Geogr. by Dr Smith. o~vs Xp/xUa,7Eya= "a great monster of a boar." A periphrasis to express size or multitude. See vII. Ic8, II. 109; Eurip. Androm. i8I and 718; and Xen. i. 4. 8. 6ptetxevyos= "taking its start;" mid. voice. Ta TrW MuvoCp pyCa=" the laboured (fields) of the Mysians." Comn pare Homer's Iliad, II. 75i, and Virgil's "labores" (hominumque boamque). 8taqOeipeCKe-= "began, and went on destroying." Observe the force of the ending in -aKw and imperfect. Compare 7rod&EoKov a little below, a Homeric form. avlurl/At at i1e = " to send along with us without delay." oV yap av V/jv, K.T.. = "for I could not possibly send him along with you." Observe how i& strengthens the negative. ve6yae6s -re yap oTrl. Compare the language of Holy Writ, "I have married a wife, and therefore I cannot come." 'raira= al ra oyd/Aou. 200 NOTES ON 70 KVPj-y10LOP r-avx= "my entire hunting establishment," and so rb EiplaLoy" the rowing apparatus." 37. Atys goes to the hunting of the boar. d,7roXpccoeezzwv ro6-roto-t = " making a full use of these " (offers), i. e. accepted them, were content with. See i. I02, VILII14. 7WePrd4XCTat = " afterwards comes into (his father's presence)." ot) Opalt6evv= Lat. "Iquum negaret.",rov ye ~ra~3a= "1that son, at all events." The article here is evidently demonstrative IT1-K\X)O-c'a gxcs = "you have shut me out, and keep me shut out from" (these matters). See on i. 2 7. -rlotoct 6Aequaou =rITIO cAgo-t = " with what eyes," with what a face. Compare Soph. Ajax, 457, Keal 7roio' 6',uca 7rarpl 5,qcaw <bavetls Te~cAedz't. See Phil. "0i, and Ovid, 11cr. vi. 145: "IQuo vultu natos, quo me scelerate videres." 38. The hunting of Atys. rl nI rapoacl/4aYo'fJeL'c =to the things taken in hand;" i. e. the hunting. Some say= "1to the matter of which news is brought me." 3=aiat~c = "1to preserve you by stealth during (my life).-" teqo~apjaevo', nm d~ohy= maimed in his hearing." The accusative of closer definition. 39. The hunting of Atys. awyyv' -= "a fellow-feeling." Tb 8 oib 1LaOdJ'etg, K.TAN. = now the fact that you do not under. stand-nay, that you have missed the scope of the vision, it is right that IL should tell you." In this sense of Xav~cdvw compare the Lat. "'fallo," as Horace's "1castra, fefellit," "4qui moriens natusque fefellit." 40. The hunting of Atys continued. fore T'9 Ae PIcjs== " Ithere is the point in which you conquer me.' TAEa~y&Pdbo-KW= "II change my opinion." Compare,iE~awota = " repentance "="a change of heart." gieT&' often has this force in composition. 41. The hunting of Atys continued. adxcpt. Contracted form of d~dptrt, as cdn6Xe (VIr. 6i) for dbrdAA. The term "unpleasant," d~dptg, is often applied by Herodotus to some very grievous calamity, by the figure litotes. See ILIV 4, VI. 9, VII. 1.38, 190. Compare Virgil's expression, Georg. iii. 5 "illaudatiBusiridis." iarobed4eeos fgco- "1I quietly received you into my house, and have kept you there." See on i. 27. KM07reg aC ieuoi'Y'o. Compare the robbers in Macbeth, and Horace's "mali fures. " CLIO. 201 &Zd 8ilX?1o51 ="for the purpose of injuring you." d'iroXazwirp15eat = di7roX a/xrpvvq =" you will gain gl9ory for yourself." The ancients were as alive to "1the glory of the chace " as much as the moderns. 42. Adrastus undertakes to accompany the son of Crcesus. aly 01K 4iFa= I could not possibly have gone.", ap here as elsewhere Strengthens the negative. o-VUiOPjj 7ouj4b KeXPrnXI1oZJ "who has experienced such misfortune" (as I have). So the Latins used "Iutor." Oire Tb Poe6eo-Oa& 7rdcpa "neither is the wish (so to do) present with me," i. e. mine. 7rapa = 7rdcpEo-r&: observe the accent. air gjovct 7roO tkVX ci0ooTeS, Kca-.\. =look forward in confidence (Trot) to (your son's) returning home, free from calamity, as far as his guardian is concerned." eb'PEKEe Tonic =Attic Cj'eKV.. 43. Adrastus kills Atys. if0l-K6r~~V7 - they continued to throw their darts upon him." Force of the imperfect. 90a bi7 6 teivog, oIJTros 0hO KaOapOelg Tb'p 06vov it was here, observe, that the stranger-tbhis stranger, observe, that had been purified from the blood of murder." bi' strongly intensifies the word it precedes. kd17rX7?ee Tou 03MepeV, K.T.X. = immediately fulfilled the declaration of that dream." 44. Crcesus overwhelmed with grief at the loss of his son. 1saXX6v TL 1&eLwoXo~yleTo=:"1 and he reckoned it something the more dreadful" (because, &c.). 7rrCp~i7[KTI~wY. This word is peculiar to ilerodotus. See iii. 64, VII.109 i. 164. According to Suidas = bwwraO'4cas. Schneider derives it from ca1snXKTI&. = " to smart very much from a bloody wound." 7repi== repco-ceCos, and heuce, as here, = "to suffer intensely." KaOdpo-Lop= " as the God presiding over purification from the blood of murder." 'Em'a-otcov=" as the God presiding over the (hospitable) hearth." 'Eatp'15o5= "as the Godpresiding over friendship." Adcv Oave P6ovKWIV be had continued to rear, and knew it not." See on I. 5. 45. Crcesus pardons Adrastus for having killed his son. 17rLKcarao-q5c6a& (515 KE\EU'cV, Ic.TA. = " bidding him strike him down in death upon the corpse without hesitation." U7rOVcAKijs e'l, = "he had been the ruin of " (the father in the son). esKaToLKTEpe&- "1pitied him from his heart." With verbs of feeling, especially, such is often the force of Kard. CIS bU 01 a-U, K.Tr.X. See Homer's Iliad, iv. 164. el IA 8a-os- "1except inasmuch as." See Arist. liket. ii. 3. 202 NOTES ON fove6s 3 roVo Ka0Opavros. This well accords with adroXCXeK'WS above: destroying the father in the destruction of his only son. ev 7revei,X'eyd\X KCr'-Trro = "continued settled down in great grief" (for the dead). Compare the Latin " luctus." 46. Croesus consults and tests the Oracles. IreOeos yc v Kpoeoev dard7ravae = "made Croesus cease from his mourning for the dead." rrauo/c a=" to stop oneself," "to cease" (intransitively). ev^7qfi e 6 e's PporvToa= "and it entered into his serious consideration." KaraXaWev auTrwv avavo/ vryv ry'v vvaauLv='"to take down their power, as it was increasing." See III. 36, 52, 128. Kal 7oO ev Ativ;6= "and that one in Libya" (that of Ammon), because Egypt was regarded by Herodotus as in Asia, not in Africa. For the Egyptian oracles see I. 83; for that at Abae see Soph. (Ed. Ty. 897-899, and Herod. vIII. 134; for Dodona see I. 52. 'A/q5tdipevW Kal Tpow'viov,. Both these oracles were in Bceotia. &l7wer/re "he sent amongst them" (it& being distributive). 47. The Delphic oracle answers correctly the query of Croesus.?7LepoXo-yoPTas -'rV XoLrbv Xpoiov= "reckoning the rest of the time by days" (X?\yw, properly "to lay," and to reckon= "laying together"). ou X\yeratc rpbs oSVa/Iw. Observe that oeSa/oli in the plural is used exclusively by Herodotus. In IX. 58, the plural of ov5eis occurs in the same clause, ov3eves esvreS ev ouSaa/Lo0?'-. TrtpdreeT eo TO lVrea\tlvov= " they proceeded to ask that which they had been commissioned" (to ask). XaXrKbs Av, K.-r.X. "and beneath is brass strewn (as a couch), and above it is arrayed in brass." This is Blakesley's interpretation. 48. Croesus regards the oracle at Delphi as true. TipV KPvpitv Tsw 'j/epw=;" the appointed day;" literally, " the chief of days." ie7rvoa o- a sd,, K. r.X. having set his mind upon those things which it was impossible to find out and to form conjectures upon." Xd\XKEv ir'iO7LtGa e7rLOeEs="having covered them with a brazen cover." The accusative of the cognate word. 49. The correct answer of Amphiaraus. Too (aIr7itov. This appears to Blakesley to be a gloss, and on good grounds, as Herodotus speaks rather of Amphiaraus himself than of his shrine. See I. 46, VIII. I34. 50. The offerings of Croesus to the Delphic oracle. TrdvTa 7PL toXiXtna 0 vo-= "he offered three thousand of eacd kind," not "in all," which would require i. nrd'iva. See r Kings viii. 5, 63, and Herod. IV. 88, IX. 8r. CLIO. 203 triLpdo-ovs Kal l7rap7-yepovs= "overlaid with gold and silver." a7rd0ou XpuvoO== "gold purified" (by being boiled down). Trp[roVP 7 '/1Xavrov =- itwo talents and a half." Professor Long observes here that this is Schweigheuser's correction: all the MSS. are said to have Trpa 7y/rdtXavra If ia7rc0os %pv6ws be the pure gold, as we may fairly conclude, and XevKucs Xpvro gold less pure, or a compound metal, some correction is necessary to make the pure gold weigh heavier than the baser metal. Valla's Latin translation is "duo talenta cum dimidio," which exactly expresses rplrov?7LTrdCaXaov. Compare the expression TpiTro avrbs= himself, with two others," and see below, tfi3ouov i7eeTrdXavrov = "six talents and a half." 51. Offerings of Crmsus to the Delphian god. Kcal rd~e LiXXa= " and these things besides." See II. 74, IV. 52. /ef7ydOet jLuedXUovs= "great in size." Mark the Greek fondness for the cognate word. d7ri 6eSti eio6'vr = "towards the right hand to one going in." e-reTCKLwj or7aC= a " were moved to different places." v5r6 rbv vye' KaTaCKaCvraC=" about the time the temple was burnt dowen." Compare the Latin "sub" with the accusative, as Horace's "sub funera Trojm." See also Ix. 58, II. 36; Arist. Ach. I39. 6rthtipvaraT (supply 6 Kp'77rp) — =" ixes (by pouring) upon." Oeoqbavioaor. A celebrated festival at Delphi. Valckenaer thought the reading was corrupt, and that Oeoeevia should be read, as this festival is well known to have been celebrated by the Delphians: but both festivals are mentioned by Pollux and Philostratus. OeoWpov rTOe Za/lov. It is supposed that there were two celebrated Sanian artists of this name: one, the son of Rhcecus, the inventor of casting bronze, in the eighth century, B.c.; the other, who is here meant, the son of Telecles, contemporary with Alyattes and Croesus. See III. 41. ou r6b vvvX6bv=- "not the one to be met with every day," not ordinary. OUK p6pOeS X\yOVTES. Instead of X\7ovrs-wo, as if o' bale had preceded. (An anacolouthon.) Tr adrb Trs 6etp2?s= "necklaces." 52. Presents sent by Croesus to Amphiaraus. Xpoeov rav =" of entire gold," i. e. solid gold. Tb vUTOrbv = " the shaft." The polished (~eo) part of the 86pv. Us 4cu= "up to my time." Compare the Latin "usque ad nos." ev rp v,7t roI 'IcruvvovU 'Arr6XXovos. From VIII. 134, it seems doubtful whether Amphiaraus had a chapel in the temple of Apollo, on the banks of the Ismenus. Bahr thinks that these gifts were removed from the temple of Amphiaraus, where his oracle was, and transferred to the 204 NOTES ON temple of Ismenian Apollo, where they remained in the time of Herodotus. Miller, Orchomenos (page 149), seems to think that a shrine of Amphiaraus was within the Ismenian. 63. Croesus inquires from the oracles if he should go to war. el o-rpcarEdijr7a.. 7rpoo-Ofocro ==if he shoueld make an expedition, and 'fhe could attach to himself." -raOdra 1EwempeTeov = proceeded to ask these things in addition." Iat p~oldkat avm'ipajucop =the opinions concurred." Kc-a~uracaa, aor. = "C would qjuicksly dissolve." Suidas has preserved the exact words of the oracle: Kpo?oos "AXvp &a/3&s,~e-yd'X?jP 4X~ KarcaV'oet, which Cicero thus renders, Div. ii. 56: "ICrcesus., Halyn penetrans, magnam pervertet opum, vim." Compare the equally ambiguous oracle given to Pyrrhus, king of Epirus: "'Aio te, ZEacida, Romanos vincere posse." Crcesus really destroyed his own empire, foolishly thinking he would destroy that of the Persians. 54. His gratitude to the Delphians. 7rd-yxv Tre e' 7rlocas =having fully expected." irpojecamr'qlmqP Kati a'-r6eX6b-v Kcd 7poE~p1-qv ="precedency in consulting the oracle, exemption from tax (probably that imposed on foreigners by the Amphictyons), and a front seat at the games." ES O'V cmcl Xplvo' ="ever from time to time." 55. The Delphic oracle tells Crcesus the duration of his power. fcv/opleero an'roO= "he took his fill of it;" mid. and intensive. Xpi = " answers." Xq~a " to seek an answer" from the oracle,, z7rokM j:p " of delicate foot." See Eurip. Trocad. 5o6, Deut. xxviii. 56. The Pelasgic and ilellenic races (see Appendix ii.). Blakesley proposes to read rcaira -ya'p 7z'7 r&. wrpoK6Kpm~L)ma'c r, dipxao;', 16z'rcm rb Al& IleXao-YmK,'P -ro Ul 'EXX?7PW'Pc~ 90eog, and translates, "for these were the leading nations of olden time, being, the one a Pelasgian, the other a Hellenic tribe." This is certainly ingenious and sensible.?eXc~p'tqo-e refers to the Ionian tribe, not to the Pelasgi an. See vii. x6i, for the settled habits of the Athenians. ewi Abi 'Y&p A6UKamXIC0V0 = "for in the time. of Deucalion." So, eirt A.pov= "in Dorus's time." Apvowilca. See VIII. 31. 57. The language of the Pelasgians. Kpho-rwva. Niebuhr proposes to read Kpo7T5vc for Kp'6o-rwva, and thinks Crotona or Etruria is meant. The great historian is supported CLIO. 205 by Dionysius. The text of Herodotus is ably supported by Cramer (Hist. VOL. I. p. '59). See Thucyd. iv. 109. el O-6POLKOL -ylovoro 'AO-qvalotat. See VI. 137 and Thucyd. iv. 119g. From Book ii. 5 1, it would seem that Herod. uses o6,voLKoC in its strict sense of the inhabitants of the same country, though of different origin. bo-a llXa. Supply 7rd6Vrc as antecedent. np'v 'y~vcreaxv /Jkerl/ecOe = learned to change their language." 58. The Hellenic language. -T6 8EXXVqVIK0P 'y a,K.TA.. "now the Hellenic race, since it came into being, continues to use the same language, as is perfectly evident to me." droo-xvorO& = "having branched off from." The passive used in a middle sense. Observe that this metaphor is drawn from the stream that branches off or tears itself away from the regular course of the river. See iv. 56, ii. 17' VII. '233.,rG~i 1OP&,z irAXGMP = "those nations that were numerous." TdV~j 'roXMPi 40u'lw = " the mqcjority of nations."~ l7rpo-KfXCwp'qK6T7wv abri "that had gone over to it " as volunteers. This accords with Thucyd. i. 3. 59. An account of Athens. To A& 'ATTLK3'V KareX6luee,6X Te KaZ 3teo-aoeLL4'eV, K.TA.. = "he learnt from inquiry that the Attic nation was being held down, and had beea torn into factions by Pisistratus." lK7re/ATCLV - to divorce (a wife)," but diaro~cbetxre ="1 to depart from (a husband)." drelbrao-Oat "to repudiate" his son as his own, i. e. to di~osou him. In such words as dwebra, ai7relppKa, the notion seems to be= "I have cried, Off."I 7rel'eoaOat M~ew. Supply ocaol, X'yerat, or some such word. -c cta~c6vrwJ'. The factions may be thus classified: i. The Hyperacrii (or Diacrii, being pordr, baringf the names llighlanders)-Democrats; ofirders earn henm 2. The Pedinei (who held the plains being -noble, and rich from or A.eoe6yata)-Aristocrats; their landed possessions. 3. The Parali (the sea-coasters) — being commercial, they mdrtand for mixed govern, dreaded both extremes; ment;mocracy. Ka~raupoP15crazsTirP'rvpavvtbce. Some say ="thinking of the tyrannyV, with contesnyt for his opp~onents." This seems rather strained, why not 206 NOTES ON =" having his mind absorbed in the tyranny," thinking of nothing else. This carries out the intensive notion often implied in Kcar in composition. See Herod. viii. Io. Kal ryT X\6y7 TrV vrepaKpt'v rpoTr&as = and avowedly standing forth as the champion of the highland party." 5~Oev= "forsooth," Latin, "scilicet." Almost always used in a bitterly ironical sense. ev Tr 7rpbs Me-yapia. This expedition was made to recover Salamis, which the Megarians had taken along with Nisea at the time of Cylon's insurrection, B.C. 620. Nio-aacv. The part of Megara connected by long walls to the city, as the Piroecus was to Athens. See Thucyd. I. 103. ol Sopvf06pot...KopVV-q7e0pot 3. An instance of,hroKopto/6s. See Arist. Rhet. iil. 2, I5. The softening of bopvqbopot down to Kopvvtj0q6pot, the less suspicious term, threw the Athenians off their guard. rt/agS= "authorities." So Soph. Ajax, 654: Kal 7yp r& MeP'L, Kal dr Kaprepicrara Ttia-ls v7reiKel. er r 7otL KcareCTre(o-t= "on condition that he conformed with the things as he found them established." Compare Thucyd. I. 13: er p7Trois Yepano. Koo/TJCOV KaX\s re Kal e-= " ordering the city honourably and excellently." This shows that Pisistratus was no tyrant in one sense of the word. 60. Pisistratus is banished. Tr&Trb 4)povoareTs = "having come to an understanding." IeK vd = Lat. "denuo " (= de novo), Eng. "anew." reT6K'rVKeiETo=" made his overtures by a herald." evWieaavov Trv Xo6yov = "having entertained the proposal." Trl r-j KaTr6w =" with a view to his restoration." Compare below, KaTaryez = "restores." Ev 'A0,jvactowri roto- Trp7Trotoc. Compare Thucyd. II. 41, where Pericles calls Athens, Trs 'EXXd5os 7raidevo'v, and Cicero, de Orat. I. 4, "illas omnium doctrinarum inventrices Athenas." Tr 6T= "the deme," or district. There were 174 in Attica altogether: similar to our "boroughs." irpoaav7res, K.T.X. = "having pointed out beforehand to her (what kind of)," &c. 61. Pisistratus goes to Eretria. Jva'yiYW elvii r-v 'AXKJiauwvi^r5wv. See V. 70, 7r, and Thucy. I. i26. 6py...&s e Xe. The same expression is found in I. II4. srapd7raw = "all along," and so "entirely." ciao. 207 'YJ' sijs' PIK?7Oaca'Tos = the accusative 6f closer definition. So in Aa~rx7s', 7o0Vicevs, 'OVi~Arsca VtKq'. iVy~t peP &iT[iVaS - they proceeded to collect contrihutions." ats -rives eqos 7rpo-ql~acL6 Ked -I- = "which happened to owe them anything in former times," i. e. for past favours. See IIL 140. 62. Pisistratus seizes Marathon. 8&h &5f Kai —ov gTeos= " "during a part of the eleventh year." Observe it is not the simp~le accusative of duration. 7rpeorlppeeov= "conitinued to flow towards them." Imperfect tense. eoks-c., li ohserve now in thi s case." TroV5 Ka~T6PJ~aq = "Ithose who were returning from exile." el alpol ll~eso-ie-rpUTiov = IIPisistratus and leis train." Compare the Homeric formula, ol aitq5i, HTplaAev. Is T&Uvr& OVVS'PTres = " coining together in the same place where (the enemies) were posted." See Jeif's Greek- Gram. Iirl IHeXXn~tiles 'AOqivahiqs 1p6v. See Eurip. Hleracl. 849, H1aXXipvdles y ' euV 'K7EPCO 7' wcyop A'es 'A.0 aci's. Pallene was a ddmus of the trihe Antiochus, not far from Acharnin. According to Colonel Leake it occupied some part of the opening hetween the Pentitic mountain and the northern end of Hymettus. Kcal denTsa9C7 fTa'r 6& rXa = " got his soldiers in array opposite." irapto-ranrat = "takes his stand by;" (force of mid.). gppmwrat 1' 6' /36Xos, K.T.X. = " the drop-net has been cast, and the seine (large drag-net) has heen opened out, and the tunny-fishes will dart in through the moonshiny night." Here Blakesley well ohserves, " The position of the armnies and their operations will be excellently described hy the oracle, if we suppose, first, the Pisistratids from Mesognea marching upon Pallene; next, the Athenian force advancing to meet these, and opposing an obstacle to their advance; thirdly, the Pisistratids from Marathon, by a night-march from Stamata round the foot of Mount Brilessus, coming upon them ahout dinner-time. Then the Mesogaian force would he aptly denoted hy the 61K-rviae (or seine), the Maratbonian corps hy the 006Xos (or drop-net), and the Athenians hy the shoal of tun-ny fish. The hrightness of the mid-day, the critical time for the attack, is symbolized by the epithet OeX-pa~l-q applied to vOt; night (not a br-ight, hut a dark one) heing the proper time for fishing, after the manner common in Greece, when the shoal is attracted by a torch (held over the stern of the boat) into the entrance of the -net prepared for them." 63. Pisistratus accepts the oracle of. Amphilytus. crNai~ r xn-'6se = hvn oprehended the oracle.' So r. 6'KWS AO5T6 diXLO-OeZe;V. Baihr very aptly explains this as "non solum non....sed etiam," "n jiot only to prevent their being assembiled, but to 208 NOTES ON keep them scattered." The optative mood is used with gorws because &trTeXv^&ra is the historical present, used instead of the aorist. a&rleval Ka-ros. The nominative for the accusative. This anacolouthon is common in Herodotus. 64. Pisistratus purifies Delos. wey /Izv air6~Ev= "some, indeed, from the country itself;" namely, Attica, an allusion to the mine of Laurium. See Boech's Public Economy of Athens, Vol. II. p. 415. irapaApLEtivd7cv' = "who withstood him." &K Trv Xoytcpw = "according to the oracles." Compare the force of ex in the phrase, " ex tua sententia." KaOOypas (Sa6e. Thucyd. III. I04, describing the subsequent purification of Delos by the Athenians in the sixth year of the Peloponnesian war, agrees entirely with Herodotus. 65. An account of Lacedeamon. rrpof7r'raiov = "had stumbled against." Intransitive. KaKoVo/UoL aTO& iocaV...Kcal elvoIw'C &tp6Tf'/KTO, K.T.\. = "they were governed even in former times by the worst laws of almost all the Greeks, but with respect to themselves, and because they admitted no intercourse with strangers." According to Miller (Dorians, Vol. I. page 12), "when Herodotus describes the Spartans, before the time of Lycurgus, as being in a state of the greatest anarchy, he can only mean that the original constitution had been overthrown and perverted by external circumstances, until it was restored and renewed by Lycurgus." The words elvotci7 arrp6OcUKTot relate to the prohibition to travel into foreign countries, as well as to receive foreigners, Athenians especially, into their own. 7bv yVV KaTrTeareTa K6OY-P= "the present existing arrangement" (of affairs); literally, " the now established arrangement." 6crnrpoTre6r5avca,. cK.T.. Miller (Dorians, Vol. I. p. I5I) observes on this difficult passage: "It appears, however, that the name of Lycurgus was not preserved in any register of the kings; since in that case it would have been impossible that he should have been called by Herodotus the guardian of his nephew Labitas, the Eurysthenide, by Simonides (who lived in great intimacy with king Pausanias), the son of Prytanis, and the brother of Eunomus the Proclide, and by others the guardian of his nephew Charilaus, had there existed any genealogy of him that was sufficiently accredited." Clinton thinks the text here corrupt. &bowFOTtlaS, K.7.\. These were military institutions. The vxouorla appears to have consisted originally of 24 men and their chief. The TrptrKcs was probably the thirtieth part of an fX or 'pparpla, with which also the crvaalora corresponded. The latter were not peculiar to Sparta, being practised in Carthage; these syssitia are supposed to have originated amongst the CEnotrians of South Italy. CLIO. 209 66. Spartan designs on Arcadia. db'd re 96paltov can'T[Ka, Kc.-T.N= " and up they sprang forthwith, and flourished,- inasniuch as they were both in a good country, and in considerable number." Here the English and Greek idioms exactly correspond with each other; and see Herod. vii. i56, and Homer's Iliad, vi. 56. /3~apevi~cd-yot &vbpes. Bdhr thinks that by the term "1acorn-eating" the antiquity of the nation is described. See Virg. Geo. i. I48: "1Cum jam glandes atque arbuta, sacrnd Deficerent silvie, et victum Dodona negaret." oL 6U, irIaS, K.T.X When two predicates belong to the same subject Herodotus and Homer use Aeli with the first and ol SI with the second predicate, as here. See vi. 9. qXcIO-& Kt35Xp = "a counterfeit oracle." See Herod. v. 91, i. 75. xl /3 Aos = clipped or counterfeit "(coin). is' rj o-t IeS4aro = in which (fetters) they had been bound." See Chap. 8o, 4' we'6-oc&Ejruelpesov. 67. The Pythian oracle commands the Spartans to bring home the bones of Orestes. MaTh A&v bi r4' ~rp6repoXv, K.X = "from the beginning to the end of the former war, ever without interruption," &C. Karil gets this notion respecting time from its cognate notion respecting place, "from the top to the bottom," and so "throughout." au vvx4s = Lat. "Icontinenter " = "holding on." Oeowrp67rovs = Oewpoi~s (in Herod.) = "Ithose sent to consult an oracle." 47ayca'yojulovs 6o-ra "_IIbring back and call to their aid the bones (of Orestes)." 7rpooc~yeaOat is to "bring over to one's side." Xcupco 4lvI Xcbpuw. See Odyss. Vii. 121, where commentators explain by Xetcp and 4uaXwji. J7nrcippo~oT. Its more usual form is lrtppo~oe, which properly signifies an auxiliary; here, however, 47~rci'ppo~os has rather a middle signijlcation, and means one who aids himself against his enemies, who gains advantage over thenm. In Homer it is used only of the gods. ai7lCXOP T?71 9'eep10-40 06U34 eXaT-oP = "'not at all the less did they miss the discovery." 0s0o. Herodotus uses this form sometimes., instead of Is 3, or getsouJ. d&ycOoep-yol. The five Agathoergi, who served the state in missions for the space of a year, were taken out of the 300 knights, the flower of the Spartan youth. 68. Lichas finds the bones of Orestes.?7rtjutt1,qs = "Iintercourse by treaty," see Thucyd. v. 3 5; properly= Itconditional intercourse,"f as from din inx its conditional sense. 210 NOTES OIT Is XaXK 'OV....ri377pov, K.-r.A. The Greek term for a "1smith " was drawn from the metal first itsd'd in early times; dXUAes, ' copper," or "bronze." Compare Lucretius, v. 129'2 1 " Prior oeris erat quam ferni cognitus usus." 316 d4iarwrbj, K.rAX. = "1undcr a feeling of incredulity," &C. The notion of the degeneracy of the human framce has prevailed in almost all count.ries, and has re~ceived support from the supposed discovery of bones far exceeding the ordinary stature of man. EfuLTeOoOro 7ra~p' olK i'Klilo'ToS = "he tried to hire from (the smith), who 1ositively would not let out." Observe here the force Of dc instead of wij' with a participle, a' would imply a supposition or condition. driyswo-e = "persuaded." 69. Crcesus makes a treaty with the Spartans. dvure 30XOv Kali d'7rai-s = Livy's "sine dolo mao. 31 d'-yylX&P f'reK-qpeeKliero = " held out proposals to them~ by means of messengers." Compare Thucyd. iv. 38. Xp vo-o Wsiovr'T —ten tative = tried to purchase gold for themselves." 70. Presents are given on both sides. N~wvi'= " little animals." Dim, of Nov: so in Lat. "1animal," with diminutive " animaleidee." 71. Sandanis dissuades Crcesus from attacking the Persians. ayaeprle~i roil Xp 5r-you = having missed (the sense) of the oracle" i. e. its meaning. eeWeTlvag de'a~vpl3ag. The drawers and other leathern dress were common in Persia before the conquest of Media; after that time they were probably confined to the lower classes. In Elizabeth's time such were very common in Ireland. Compare the Irish song of poor Brian, "1who had no hreeches to wear, and bought a sheep's skcin to make him a pair." 7wpos 31. Supply -ro6TOW-t. This preposition and /Jer& are often put without ceses by Herodotus as adverbial prepositions, as in Homer. 76pL4~OPTat = "they will cling around them; " properly, " they will hold themselves around." 72. The Cappadocians. Y~K09 6600 Clv'qs~ mlpl., K.,r.A. In Bk. IV. TOT, the day's journey is reckoned at ahout 200 stadia; therefore five days' journey would amount to 1000 stadia. Now the shortest distance from the Mediterranean to tlse Euxine sea considerably exceeds 2ooo stadia. See Rawlinson's Herod. 73. The Scythians outrage Cyaxares. 3ire4~XOe = "secretly withdrew from (the place)." 6p-yv dKpoe= "hasty in temper." Compare the common expression "de ppish. " ~irdeeau'ro' "ate of:," from 7=c-rogat~. CLIO. 211 74. War bctwcen the Lydians and.1Medes. v/tA ='a conflict," daslidag togc'tler; often in this sense in Herodotus. T5~ 'Ldy f VVrT~e? 'n "when the contest was fairly set on foot." So Homer's Ilad, xev. 96, 7wo~euoto o-w'eerTaairoS KUIGVTJ' OaX~e 6, 31MGXs5o-, K.T.X. Clinton bclieves the right date of tbisi eclipse to be that assigned by Hales, B.c. 603, May 1 7, in the fifteenth year of Alyattes, and eight years before the death of Cyaxares. MvfIeGvLus. A title of the kings of Cilicia, as Pharaoh was of those of Egypt. e-yvwco'a= "decided." Compare the double force of ".sententice" in Latin and " judgment " in English. dvev -yap diva-yKatlIS, K.7-A. = " for without the strong tie of famifly connection even strong conventions will not hold together." W~ith asaiYK-1 here compare the Lat. " necessitudo " and " necessarii." 6,aoXpodtqv = the surface of the skin." See iv. 70, and Tacitus, Annz. XIL. 47, "'levi ictu cruoresn eliciunt." 75. Crcesus passes the ilalys.,7rp6s Ciwvrei3.-.eizat= "was in his own favour." livwc~v=" nearer the source of the stream." e's -ra rzpXe~a "into its former course." 76. Crcesus captures Pteria. KarT4 ~Xvc67rnq r' Xiw= "on the sa~ne line wvitls the city Sinope." roi'S KX'ipevS= "the allotments." "lots" is the American and Canadian term for " plots of ground," i. e. " farms." rii 7ewrCiOK6an. Supply 7r6Xesn. 77. Crcesus returns to Sardis. >se1400613 Kara' r6' 7rXvi009, K.-TA. = being dissatisfied with his own army considering their numbers." ilretpaT7o lirtcd for Irticat. This is the frequent construction of sretpaojecu. Acef36ssqros. The last king of Babylon, called Nabo-nadius and Nabonidus, supposed to be the Belshazzar of Daniel. CiXirlo-as. Used by Herodotus indifferently of good and evil. 78. Prodigy at Sardis. TraUra e'irtXeyejeiz'q, Kpolrcp = "while Crcesus was considering these matters." 47rtXEy. literally = " collecting his thoughts v.pon." TeXptnsarlow. Cicero, de Div. L. 45: " Telmessus in Caria est, qua in urbe excellit haruspicum disciplina." 79. Cyrus follows in the track of Crcesus. 7rpi^ /qci e-l c~at= "that it was his business." A-qAi~ee. Here the pluperfect is evidently used for the aorist. 212 NOTES ON 80. Battle of Sardis. LvtX = -= "bare (of trees)." "TXXos, also called Phrygius. It falls into the Hermus from the north-east. tyo 5l TL Kal, K.T.X. = "by which the Lydian expected to gain some considerable advantage." 81. Croesus sends for his allies. 7poepdovres= "to give notice beforehand." Observe the future notion in spio and its compounds. darels Ionic=Attic d&ets. 82. A Lacedaemonian war with the Argives. ~vWculaXtas. The abstract for the concrete form oavjuadXovs. 7repl Xcpou KaCeou&ov Ovp6?qS. Thucyd. II. 27, 'H 5 Ovpeadcts 7i, fieeopia Trjs 'ApyeLas Kal AaKWC Kps eaorTV. IV. 56, cdqtKvovTraL erl Oupeav, } tTrTL,av T7jS Kvveovpclas 7i s KaXouydvs5, fieOopLa S T7J 'ApTyela Kal AaKwvcKij3S' vefJ,6fuevo& 6E avrTiPv goav AaKeGarlj6vtio Ayltv'rats dKTreaovaav evouKerV. CGee E9PO(KCtP. 7rpos &7rvrpop 'Apyetwv. On account of its apparent position when approached from the sea. 4 Kv07jpi1r voa-os. This is elsewhere (I. io5, VII. 235) called by Herodotus, as by others, Tr K?L0Vpa, now "Cerigo." 'Opvadl,7q. This story is told by several authors; amongst others compare Ovid, Fast. ii. 663: " Si tu signasses olim Thyreatida terram: Corpora non leto missa trecenta forent. Nec foret Othryades congestis tectus in armis O quantum patriae sanguinis ille dedit."?eravdyKeS KOjLWVTeS = "wearing long hair by fixed custom." adr 7ro6rTO u KoYta. Supply v6x/ov O0evro from the preceding clauses. ovX\\XoXtrwv. Bahr observes that the loss of his comrades must have been the more painful to Othryades, as the X6Xos was not only a military bond of union, but also connected individuals in private life. See Miller's Dorians, Vol. II. p. 237. Karaxpo(raor0at=Lat. "confecisse," and used as Herodotus sometimes uses saXppo'aoOat. 83. Siege of Sardis. 6l/os = "notwithstanding" (they were at war with the Argives). See Thucyd. v. 6i, VI. 70. 84. The taking of Sardis. o0 y&p ~v 5eyv...t/=="for there was no dread that it should be (taken)." MeaXds. The last king of Lydia but one of the Heraclids. CLIO. 213 fr, Xe6vra. C(reuzer explains this on astronomical principles, and considers the lion as a sacred emblem, with the old kings of Lydia, of their great ancestor Hercules, whom he identifies with th'e Sun. Hence he accounts for the golden lion (I. 50), presented by Crcesus to the temple of Delphi. 6iKaacdvTwv = "having decided.:' 5rC 5 TirpOS roU TAXov, K.cr.X.= "now it is the part of the city facing the mountain Tmolus." OVTVco Si dpoIe, K.T.\. A different account of the capture of Sardis is given by Ctesias. According to Xenophon's Cyropced. vII. 2, 3, it was taken by means of a Persian, who had formerly been slave to one of the garrison in the citadel, and who had learnt the means of descending to the river and of returning to the fortress. KaT' aTirv= "after his example." 85. The son of Crcesus, on seeing his father's danger, wonderfully recovers his power of speech. Kar' aVTrv U6 Kpoaov=" with regard to Crcesus himself." I7TtrLKjs= " of good capacity." e6e-ro?= -" prosperity." See IX. 81, and ZEsch. Sept. c. Thebas, 7T, Tb 7irv es aTroi=" (had done) all in his power;" literally="all that was in him." Compare Lat. "pro virili parte." aiu/~ils. Buttman in his Lexilogus (page lo2, English Translation) observes on this passage, "The construction is best thus, r66e roo Xci'ov (e&Trl) dfQils etval='it is better for thee to be without it,' i. e. afgls scilicet aSiroO; literally, 'far away from it,' like d/ciqs quXovrtos above at sect. 6." applSe= "burst into utterance." So Virgil, "rumpere vocem." 86. Crcesus captured. Oei&, 6lrc, -= " Deorum nescio cui." 85 makes the definite notion more definite, and an indefinite more indefinite. dYevelKdiLevov= "with deep-drawn breath." See Biittmann's, Lexil. sub voce. riva rorov ITY iKaXolTO = "who this was whom he called upon." r-v &y?yb...X6youv eXOelv. This seems to be the sense, viz. "one whose conversation I should consider of more value to all kings than large sums of money." 87. Apollo saves Croesus. K;...alOpqs- = "after clear weather." Karappaytj vac=" burst down upon them" like a storm. avtyvwe= "persuaded;" literally = influenced your mind up to that (point)." eiyb rauna irpija, K.T.X.= "I have done these things, uiged by your good fortune and by my own ill fortune." 214 NOTES ON 88. Cyrus pities Crcesus, tvoi fix6/p&eos=" cogitando implicitus "=1 "wrapped up in anxious thought." 04oolre Kani 6yoeo-t=a formula expressive of plundering maraudings or raids = Lat. " ferunt (res) et agunt " (animaclia). 89. Cyrus places confidence in Croesus. TL -ri ol 's'op W'-7. Supply 7VOie. e'1 ri 6'vopew wrXeov= " if I perceive in it anythhilt of greater advantage. " Compare Soph. fEd. TIyr. 91i8, 4s 7rXeov irotw, an d An9tig. 2 68, ovi5 lv frt-lo~a yev'IeOat. Lobeck rem.-rks that &16o~eos (the same in sense with lrpooT86KeU0s) is often joined with the aorist in the sense of the future. See Herod. vi. i2. fsza~a-TvacrroclIUEJP0 == "will rise up in revolt against you." 90. Cyrus's wrath against Apollo. avaprsysfI'ev OEU6 since you are despised." Here the genitive absolute is used, instead of the nominative, in construction with atrco U6rnv, &c. See i. 3, 7-oa U, 7rpoF~rXou&C0V, K.Tr.X. 07TI el 7TO7To 'Srq-yop6i5WP, K.7TA. = What was this complaint against the God which led him to make the request2?" M79arltpue airTs ii-cpat-e6jsceves = " and he came down to this request again." iirewcat ot r ' 06eW, K.T.X. = that it might be in his power to reproach the gods with these matters." 91. The oracle defends itself. -r?'v rei7rpwgdvrn' AOe~pa, K.T-.X. See ~sch. Prom. 5 i8-2o. 7rqmr-rov yovelos. "1Crcesus was the fifth descendant from Gyges; comprising in the number five the first and the last. The kings of Lydia, of the house of the Mermnadte, succeeded each other in the following order: Gyges, Ardys, Sadyattes, Alyattes, Cro.esus. The method of genealogic reckoning among the Greeks was this: in comiputing the number of ancestors and descendants, they included the twto extremes; the first o~f the ancestors and the last of the descendants." Larcher. Myxq -yUvaKIKjtp?7rto-r61.esvos "~followving up a woman's treacherons device." Aoie~o=" the declarer" of oracles, from X4-yewp, as irpo9s5'r-js At's in the Eumenides of z~schylus. OVK T6s -re elY&ve-0, K.-rN. b" ut it was not possible to draw asiade the Fates." Grote remarks, "here the sovereignty of the Mceram, and the subordinate agency of the gods, are unequivocally set forth." fIist. of Geece, Vol. iv. 262. 95-99] CLIO. 217 96. Deioces makes himself a monarch of the Modes. AnF6K~ls-called Arphaxad in the Book of Judith.?pao-Oels rvpavv16os= "being enamioured of the tyranny." &LKatoo*z'sv IwcIN/EvoT VGOKf6 "leaving set himself to it, he went on practising justice." Troi~ Tp67r-ovs-= "his turn," i. e. disposition. 7rept~r~r~oJJTes aciKixowt yib-c = "stumbling over unjust decisions." &Kao-6/hevoc= "1when going to law." See Odyss. M. 439. 97. The rise of Deioces by popularity. 7rr~etu's U aidl, K.TA.. for 7rXe~vcon' 1Y'yyvo[Ll0Vc, K.Tr.X.=- "and those who were in the habit of going to him, becoming greater in number, from time to time." See Thuc. VII. 48. 7rpoMTI~uv= "sitting in front (of the city, at the gates)," or= "sitting openly in public," for the purpose of adjudication. 067T' 9q577 5LKtV &t= "he said that he would act as ajudge no longer." 8&Kac = &KcdoeLJ (Attic future). ob yd~p ol X1J0-LTEfVdE, K. r. X.="for it would not pay him, (thus) utterly neglecting his own affairs, to he deciding suits for his neighbours throughout the whole of the day." 7rept TCOiV KcLTqK6VTeV = "about those matters, which concern them." See viii. i9. 98. Deioces, elected king of the Medes. 7T0~s 7rpo/3aX2X'/4eeos = " was particularly put forward." &ia v* Xcbp-qs= "in that particular part of the country where." Compare the La tin local. genitives, "ubi loci," "ubi gentium, " &c. gno-o Ionic =?770-TOV. 'Aygc0avcTa-founded about B.C. 700, called Ecbatane in the Book of Judith; now "Hamadan." It was the spring residence of the Persian kings, as "1Susa " was their sumnner, and Babylon their winter residence. 9repov —SUpply TsI~XOT. 'AOI'lIWn KCdK'X o. See Thuc. ii. 13. 99. Customs of Deioces. &' d-y-yAwev & ~rdv-ra X~pleo-Oat. Supply ca~r= "that they should consult him in all matters through the instrumentality of messengers." &&with the accusative = " propter, " "on account of.",yeXavp TE Kai 7rr6iEw, K.7-rA. " and he considered it very disgraceful for any one to laugh or spit in his presence as (they are wont to do) even in the presence of all others without exception." irept gwvriv 10-~,U'epe, K. T. X. = and he threw this cloak of majesty around himself." &epoto s= " Iof another nature." HEROD. 1. 10 216 NOTES ON [I.,measures among the Lacedoemonians. Observe that Homer never mentions coin. KOifdieVOI ip'5arcwro. Compare the Latin expression "percutere nummos," and mark that the antecedent fact is expressed in the jartici~pial form, and its consequence in the purely verbal form: "they struck~ off the coin, and then used it." Kd~rflXot = " Iretailers; " e/sropoL = wholesale dealers, " and Bo "merchants." See Arnold's Rorne, Vol. i. p. 90. Tvpo-?7v[-q' ciro~la-at. The Roman writers acknowledge this (Horace to Meecenas, Sat. i. 6. i): "Non quia, Mmucenas, Lydorum quiclquid Etruscoe Incoluit lines." Virgil has "Lydius Tybris" (.zEn.- IL. 782), and see Tacitus (AnnaZ. iv..5). In favour of the Lydian origin of the Etruscans the following points have heen urged: i. Herodotus' statement is valuable, because he. was well acquainted with Lydian history; 2. He was also well acquainted with that of Magna Graecia; 3. The Sardians in Tiberius' time. asserted this common origin; 4. The Etrurian and Lydian languages of the same Phoenician stamp; 5. The similarity of their impure and orgiastic religions; 6. The same style of funeral monuments, with similarity of many customs. See however Mr Gray Hamilton's excellent treatise on the Etruscans, and also MUller. K~W dice " (with all six sides marked). dorTpctydXco- "dice" (with four flat sides), properly, " ankle-hones." 7remrol =" draughts. " Mentioned by Homer in the Odyssey; supposed to have been invented by Palamedes. U&v' bevra etkoo%. Eighteen years' duration of a famine is nowhere borne out by history. It has a mystic look. Ilv /utaXXov "to a greater degree." So iv. i 8 i; Thucyd. i. 88, rlv &Ho AolpaT 4cXM'ra, K.TA.. instead of Auvom5 7rdv~ras et's 86o /L0tpas 97r17rXocL= "moveable property of any kind." 9,5. History of Cyrus. firztTiqra&= " proceeds to inquire about.",rpmqaaias dXXaT, K.T.X. Ctesias, Xenophon, and 2Eschylus (Perswt,, all differ from Herodotus. -ene sl'Kocr KcaZ 7rcvraK6orLa. These 5,20 years almost agree with the 5,26 of Berosus; and widely differ from the i 360 years' duratio assgne by Ctesias and others to the Assyrian empire. See the remarlks on Sardanapalus in Dr Smith's Diet. of Biogr. and Clinton's 4Y/ronol. Vol. I. PP. '257-283 (Fasti Hellenici). 88-94] CLIO. 215 6&oP 5& e~e3W~aP, c.-TA. (supply rwr) = " and all that these (Fates) granted (literally, "gave in") he won, and presented as a favour to him 0i. e. Crcesus)." Jerape~dXero= " he got put off to the last. ' Observe the force of the mid, voice. cruvAa/3s- "comprehended;" i. e. "put (the sense well) together." ehr~yyetXap =Lat. " enuntiabant " "announced in detail." 92. More offerings of Creesus to the shrine of Hlle-,3. Tpi~rois Xp6o-eos. There were two sorts of tripods; one in which wine was mixed with -water; this was not to he placed on the fire, whence called ~b7rvpos: and the other to be placed on the fire for heating water, like our "Ikettle " or " caldron." TCj 'Air6XXcovi TC,' 'Io-zn'tpl. See I. 52, V. 59, VIII. 134. flpovitios. See viii. 37. Athena derived this name from the situation of her temple, forming as it were a vestibule to that of Apollo. She was also styled Iip~vota, from her attribute of prudence or foretaought. Ji' Bpa-yXIS5,qot -rgori MitX~ylwi. The Branchidze were a family of priests who had the charge of the temple arid oracle of Apollo at Didymni, in the district of Miletus. Observe that el Bpey7Xtict - the priests," hut al Bpa-y~tiat = the place so called. &Ir KJ'd~/ou 9XK~W= " pulling him to pieces on a rack." Literally,,vcdqpos is the "fuller's comb." 93. Topography of Lydia. Ow6l.eara U -y^ A01i1, K.-rA. This shows that llcrodotus did not know Xanthus' treatise on Lydia, as that author mentions the wonders of volcanic agency and other natural phenomena (see Diildman). TAu6Xov, now " Bour Dag." From this chain of mountains the river Pactolus rises. ol &yopa~toL "the hucksters. " Compare the Lat. "cireamforanei." o4pot= "cippi." Sepulchral pillars. 5iteou at Ouyarlpes= "the daughters of the common people," who, being poor, wish thus to acquire a dowry; or ="the daughters of the old (native) district," who thus worshipped Cyhele. 19 5 &V oiwo0nK'60owoc= Until they shall have married;" literally= "taken to house-keeping." 94.. The Lydians the first coiners of money. Trapa7rXi~aoto-ce...icrd.After adjectives expressing similitude Krd is rrequently used in Greek, as "catque " in Latin. 7rrpw-r& 5 dV0pdvee', Ic.T.X. Some say Phido, king of Argos, coined the,first silver money at _ZEgrina, with the fig-ure of a tortoise on1, B. C. 750; and to him (vs.) Herodotus ascribes the invention of wihsand 218 NOTES ON IL 100. The state of Deioces. i7v 7-6 8IKateJ' qvXio-o-wv Xa~elr6s "he was strict in maintaining the I&KateU= "he used to punish." See Thuc. viii. 66. KaTcLoK~roL =' "the king's eyes" (ol 6956aXiuot (spies)). KaLT'?K00L= "the king's ears" (olcb TaK0cev-Tat), by means of this secret police the king obtained his information on all affairs. See i. 114, VIII. 130. 101. Government of Deioces. orvlff-7pEft/= Lat. "conglobavit"=-"combined into one body." flap77raKIvOP. These were on the mountains dividing Persia and Media. 102. Phraortes succeeds his father Deioces. Ol~K direxp&ro = " was not content." icaV AorCvptwV, IK.TA-. "Assyria, in the idea of Herodotus (and which is further explained,by Strabo), comprehended not only Assyria proper (by which is to be understood the country beyond the Tigris, and of which Nineveh was the capital), but Syria aind Mesopotamia likewise, as well as Babylonia; for our author says, " Babylon and the rest of the Assyrians." Compare io6, i78. gwTWr(V el) 7!Kopes = "getting on well in their resources." 103. Cyaxares succeeds in the government. 6X6UEe KcaTi rlAEa= " Carranged by companies." Before his time, however., David had organized the Hebrew army, and Solomon had introduced chariots and horsemen. v i~' 9plq &'yevero ="the day became -night." The article points out the subject of the sentence, the predicate being without it. This circumstance is mentioned as a fact in Chap. 74. XKV06wP orpaT6s. The Chaldceans, according to Heeren. 104. Distance from Colchis to Media. 'rpt'Kov~ra i epldv-06b6s. Observe that Herodotus is here speaking not of that part of the Palus Muotis nearest to Coichis, but of the mouth of the Meeotis, the scat of the ancient commerce. 7,ciomretpes. Occupied the north of Armenia, and west of Georgia, about the upper part of the river Cyrus or Kouza. See Chap. izo, and iii. 94, IV. 37 and 40. Kcacd'a1ev bpog. This route of the defile between the Caspian Sea and Caucasus is now called "'Derbend,"i and was taken by the Huns and afterwards by Peter the Great of Russia. 105. The Scythiains invade Egypt. *JaAI/.TtXos. This- king ascended the throne B.C. 670, according to Clinton. 100-1101 CLIO. 219 'AOwcKdcwvu 7r6Xt "Ascalon" on the coast, 30 miles S.W. of Jerusalem. The other Philistine cities were Gath, Gaza, Ekron, and Ashdod. irape~eXONVIMVj K. v. X. = "passed out and along the coast, without doing any harm." dewiwlcv being active. K~rt~sot. So Horace of Venus: "1Sic te Diva potens Cypri." 106. Cyaxares conquers the Scythians and takes Nineveh. grpno-oov = "Ithey continued to exact from each that which they laid upon them, as a contribution." N~vov etXev. See below, Chap. i 78.?4 'r-peot ~tX6-yeoto. So in Chap. 184 he has Tr(hv?v rvot0, 'A.o-o-vp[loco1 X6'yowt uivs'gqv 7rooto-esat. As Herodotus does not give an account of the capture of Nineveh by the Medes or of the kings of Babylon in any of his works now extant, the general opinion is, that he wrote a separate history of Assyria; an opinion supported by Aristotle (Hust. Vl Animal. viii. 2o). 107. Astyages succeeds: his dream. 17rLKa7-aKX~5o-u=" "besides overflowing." Observe the force of the prepositions in compo S. rp67roev i'orvXlov= of a quiet turn." 108. Astyages determines to kill the son of his daughter Mandane. TcaLJ 8L &IV z, K.xvA. =" quite on his guard against these things." iraax',o-=`neglect." Olb EiwvTw, 7rept'r&js= "stumble over yourself," i.e. come to some disastrous downfall. 109. The device of ilarpagus. KeKOOI1U'qL4VOY rjV 17rZ Oavd~rq. Some -would supply o-ro\'~v or K6ou-117 0etv, as of cognate signification with K6K0G-A-/U~vov. Biihr proposes 06bbV to supply the ellipsis, as in Chap. 67. He renders the passage thus, " Quum, ipsi traderetur puerulus ornatus (eo consilio) ut ad mortem. duceretur, scilicet ut (ornatus pro more, dein) viam ad mortem du. caeretur." dvatg 9po-evos y6vov= "1without male issue." Adjectives implying the absence or want of a thing govern the genitive. 110. The child given to Mitradates, the royal herdsman. ewT7rc-Ocorc~ras = " most convenient for the purpose." 7rpo`5 Mao-7relpcov= "towards the Saspeires." A.s above, srpl~r /oplcs, Ie aiv~pov= "towards the northern wind." l~rebos (4mL~-7rlov) = "on a level with the plain," and so level. Compare Io-6rebos, 06/6w'e&oT, 6 esXe. ase &ayJpo-eo-Oat- Supply a6,r'v =IIthat he (the king) will have you executed." Compare Lat. "1confleere." See i. '14 1O-2 220 NOTES ON 111. The conduct of Mitradates. Tq5p 6 dlpa Kad aviow^-cq i yvvW = "Fittingly for that (emergency) his wife too was every day on the point of being confined, and then she happens by providence to bring forth when the herdsman (her husband) was off to the city." Observe that d~pa is not very common in Herodotus, who uses it generally in its first derivative sense, from &pwo, "to fit." MrL& 6aluova = Lat. " divinitus." Compare the phrases KaT-& r6qv iiv OpovTl& t ="in anxious thought." AJi5TE... KoTe yevle-Oat. Supply 6j0e~e. The full construction would he KCdI 6 OLk W&OeXe yeveo-Oat. KeK00/X?7U-qV0P, K.'-AN. = richly apparelled in gold and embroidered robes." See in. ii. Trai3Tc 97wt0G4-ePv' Amo= "had laid these things upon me." POP -re 86e la-TI = "and see here he is.," producing the child at the word. See opening of next chapter. 112. The device of Cyno, his wife. IAIya 're KaicbZetUTEM6I 'i= " being s-tally large and fair to look upon." Stature was an inseparable element in the Greek notion of beauty. Tennyson, on this principle, says: "A daughter of the gods, divinely tall., And most divinely fair." See Homer, Vassim. TWVA&- ry -ovi6Twv having caught his knees." This is the p~artitive genitive, as a part only is acted on by the transitive verb. 9Xp-,qe= "she continued to beseech (her husband) by no means to expose it (the child)." Observe the change from the aorist to the imperfect, to mark the continuance of the action. j~pI7e, literally= "Ishe 'wanted." oT6 TE c~vat "that he was not capable," and so able. &Xc'o-eat d&tKlc0= "will be convicted of acting unjustly." See on I.5. 113. The son of Mandane preserved, and the dead child of Cyno, exposed. KcaI ab'TiKa 17rolce T-auTa = " and forthwith he proceeded to do these things." rpo360aKWv = under-herdsman, " or, " those who drive the herd forwards to the pasture." It is a very unusual word. abToO = veKpoVJ. 8opvq56pc~ov. Rather a Greek term than an Asiatic. See the case of Pisistratus above, and observe that on Chap. I 17. Herodotus uses the Asiatic term cth'ovXot. e1hi TE && ro6TWZ= " and he saw by means of these." These were the king's eyes (6qp0aX~eot. See next chapter and Chap. II 7 - 111-116] CLIO. 221 ovpofla M\XXo KoO rt, K.TA. = "having some other name given to it, and not the name of Cyrus." His name according to some was Agradates. 114. The youth of Cyrus. qpyYv.4 uxi = "fully disclosed him." With this whole account compare the myth of Romulus and Remus taken up by Faustulus, the king's herdsman, as told in the opening of Livy's First Book. cTraLte="he used to play." Compare the early career of Napoleon I. as a captain of the boys at his military academy. TbP ad KOU Trv&= " and some one of them, I should fancy." ets 83 TO6rTWV TWv TraL8tlwv ="now, observe, one of these children." The nominative absolute. &aXap3etz= "to take him by the middle," or ="to take him in both hands," or =" take him from their midst," and so putting him by himself, and so like "putting into Coventry." Rawlinson translates, = "to take into custody." KareXOwv = "having returned." a7roLKTISTo = "went on to complain loudly " of what he met with at the hands of Cyrus. &vdpapa= " unfitting, unsuitable." a=" not" and dpo= " to fit." See Blomfield's Gloss. in Agam. 494. 115. Cyrus brought before Astyages, and recognised. aefKe6l7 Toase 7rep~7lreiv=" handled him with such unseemliness as this." es 8 AXa[3e T'V 8iKYV = "until he received his due," i. e. punishment meet for him. 116. The confession of Harpagus. o-'et avdOd'yvCOs aCrov. Compare Livy's language on the parallel case of Romulus and Remus (I. 5): "comparando et setatem eorum, et ipsum minime servilem indolem, tetigerat animum memoria nepotum." Kai ol 6 Te XapaKTrip TO)U rpo7aCwov, K.T.A. = "and it seemed to him that the expression of his (Cyrus') face bore a resemblance to himself" (i.e. to Astyages). r6KCptsoss AievOepoepwrp = "and his bearing (or address) was most like a freeman's." Not "delivery," as some take it. 56 e Xp6dvoS js g IKOoLo, K.r.X.="and the time of the exposure seemed to go along with (i. e. agree with) the boy's age." Compare the words of Livy on Romulus and Remus (I. 5): "nam et expositos jussu regis infantis sciebat, et tempus, quo ipse eos sustulisset, ad id ipsujn congruere." u6yts oU Hi KOTe aYieeYCXOeZS="but some time at length having recovered himself." avOdyKas=- "bonds." &eee&e = " he went right through it." 222 NOTES ON [IL 117. Confession of Harpagus. r-dp 8 /Us6p TVY 7raia, K..T. =" what was the exact fate by which you dispatched the boy." bKWaS-i0LrojTa -Ka —ei'Wv= " how I should act, and how I might be." aCiv&,Ts = " an actual mtrderer." 118. Astyages disguises his anger against Harpagus. oi &eXce X6Xov="the anger which he cherished against him;" literally like the common vulgar expression, "to have it in for one;" thus nursing vengeance in one's breast. Compare St Mark vi. I9, & ''Hpctas 1e',)Xevp aortyC. KarlS3alve Xdycw = "finished by saying." See I. 90, KaTrSacve 7rapa7teo6uevos. feraX\XX6y7ro. This is one of the few exceptions in classic Greek in which the reduplication is omitted; in this case a reduplication form would have been peculiarly harsh. 5ta/p3epXeu.vos= " having been accused." From the notion of accusing falsely comes tapoNX = "slander," or "false accusation;" and our great accuser the Devil is thus called 6 ictp6oXos. OVlK ev?Xaqcpy e'roLeuAv y=" I was not wont to make light of it." See III. I54, and compare the similar expressions, iv Kdpei' sroLe?ocat, II. 124, VI. I3, and &v 6ooly, 'roLEoOat, vII. 138. 7T T rXS7 eD ATeoTeOaES TSS = fortune having changed her position for the better." r-aCopa= t" thank-offerings for deliverance or preservation." 119. Astyages slays the son of Harpagus. es 5do'=" as it ought." 7rl r6X^c0r Xp7.TT1^-ra= "with good omens." ra8 t q1rTfe, K.T.\. =" and some portions of his flesh he boiled, and having had it well-dressed." rpdareatc. See Nitzch. Od. I. p. 28, who shows that in early times each guest had before him a separate table. evr6s re e wvrov /ylveratl="and becomes his own master," "returns to himself." Compare our own expressions, "in his mind," "out of his mind." 120. The Magians consider there is no risk. of. Supply 6od=" qua ratione " = "in what way or manner." rK irpovotis= " consulto;" properly= "from fore-thought." grap& ao uKp& 'y&p...Ke6dp7XKe= " had come to little." Kal t d 7y Tiv d6vetpdCT'wv?X6eC.c =" and those things connected with dreams." Ta6T/w irX\ei~os yv^du/hv cll4=" I am most inclined to think." 117-125] CLIO. 223 121. Cyrus sent to Persia. 41'w...oi reXI2p = "Ia vision which imported nothing."~ oi' Ka Mvrpa~dri7v= "not after the manner of Mitradates.", 122. Origin of the fable that Cyrus had been suckled by a bitch. al~rlKa -r6Te = "immediately upon (his birth)." 77(1 rI- raTCUTql alIPdwv, K.T.X. = and he went on praising this (woman) all along, and Cyno (her name) was everything to him in his discourse,;" i.e. he talked of nothing but her. Ka7-lfaXop qxrTU'= "they laid the foundation of the report." Compare the story of Lutpa and the suckling of Romulus and Remus in Livy, Bk. i. cap. 4. 123. The revenge of Hbarpagus. ewt~rpEb6,ievov. Supply TLeWPOi'P from rtgwpt~v. Ka'rlpYyao-ro. Used passively, as in vii. 53; Soph. (Ed. Tyir. i369. oUTWj 6= "observe, in this case." 'Xaybp,.~qXavncrdAEvos =having had a hare prepared." oi36v ciarorlXas= " without having plucked off any of the fur." aiie= Lat. "lut.pote " assigns the most probable reason. ci-z- YX~boons= "e verbo ""by word of mouth." 124. Harpagus urges Cyrus to revolt. 47reX&yeTO = "he read it over," or, "1collected his thought's upon it," and- so "considered it over." KaTri Uv -Y&p TiV, K.r.X. = as far as regards the earnest desire of this man, you are a dead man; on the other hand, as far as regards the gods and myself, you survive."' 7ps-be o=1 "Ion your side." 125. Cyrus enters into his plans. 106pTsr@= "1he went on thinking, anxiously." d'Vtp', Doric= eKKX-qo-1rav= "an assembly." The thing and word were essentially peculiar to the Doric race. l15-i XVci, s= " he went on to say. " Raoap'ydcta, in the south of Persia, probably dwellers in the capital of the same name, built by Cyrus to commemorate his great victory over Astyages and the neighbouring country. The name is now corrupted into the modern " Pasa " or " Feza. " rep,~dvtot. These are supposed to be the Carmanii, the inhabitants of Carmania, or the modern Kerman, in the east of Persia. 2:arycp-roin. Supposed to have held the -north-west of Media, at the foot of the Zagros Mons, a little south of the Sparta or Martianes Lacus. By Rennell they are supposed to be Tartar tribes. 224 NOTES ON [I. 126. Cyrus' device. radpr =" in every direction or way" (supply o6k5). oi'Y, re Kal t'rioto'l. Supply 8e6ftevos. 'dre re... dIrb Wervov -CLav = " after they had done supper." See II. 78, vi. 129. So the preposition &K is used by Eurip. Bec. 915, AMdoS IK elt7rvwv Vt~vos. 7ro\Xbv...rb tzlov. Eurip. Alcestis, 917, 7roXi) y&p rb l/hov. Where the Scholiast interprets it as that which lies between the old and recent hap (rv6Xmp). See Herod. ix. 82. 4f1io 'retOerOat. The genitive for the dative; this is not uncommon with reiOeadOat in Herodotus. US 2v x6rjPrwv &e-" since these things have themselves in this way"= Lat. "quse quum ita sint;" or closer still= ="quse quum ita se habeant." 127. The revolt begins. $8etvl irote.evot= "considering it a dreadful thing." See I. 11 I9, II. 133, II. I6I, vii. 1. irp^cro'ovra raUrac="engaged in these intrigues." Thucydides uses 7rpaa'etv in the same sense. I. i28, ry^ U 4p7wy rT& rpos Pa~cTa mrp'y/ara 7rpciraaesv. 0eoPXa3s=" damaged in intellect by God," and so "demented." See viii. 127. 128, Capture of Astyages. &deCo-oX67rwtre= (deoara6pcoj7e, I. 9, III. 59)= "impaled." 129. His reply to the insulting Harpagus. Kacrxatpe. So VII. 239 (= "was exceedingly glad"). A very rare word. -~Ko7rrv="looking to" the supper prepared for him by the cruel Astyages. eOot'7ace. Supply 8e 7rvov. 5 T I e'e 4 IKeIvov 0ov\Xovv77. See in VI. 67, a similar question addressed by Lestychides to Demantus, 65oov TL dr rb dpXeo, CTera T76 tao-eXe6ecv; 7rept6eivat="to put a diadem around or on one's brows." But 7rept3a\e? v= "to invest with the royal robe." 130. The Median supremacy had lasted 128 years. 6r' trea TptiKOvia, K.r.A. Clinton, in his Fasti Hellenici, I. p. 260, well observes, "These I 28 years terminated at the defeat of Astyages, B.C. 559. They commenced then 559+128=687 B.C. in the 23rd year of the independence of the Medes. He therefore considered the period to begin after the regal government had been settled, perhaps after the 126-133] CLIO. 225 anni djgao-i'Avrot had expired; and to include the last 31 years of the government of Deioces. The Median empire lasted 128 years, B.C. 687 -560, excluding from the account a period Of 28 years, B.C. 634-607, within the interval, during which years the Scythians occupied Asia. The 53 years then of iDeioces are divided into two portions: 22 years of his government hefore he was appointed lking, and 31 years of his reign after the kingdom was established." t'nr&iVifaV = " bent under the yoke." Kai &lrlo-,rjo-av dwb6 Aapeiov. This event happened in the year B.C. 409, in the reign of Darius Nothu$. 131. The religion of the early Persians. d'Gpw~roq5lieas= "1of a human nature." Adt. Called "IOrmuzd " by the Persians. Tr6' K6KXOV 7rcd'ra roi3 oibpc'oi Ala KaXloyres = "'calling all the vault of heaven Zeus." So Horace, "sub Jove frigido"-" under the cold air.y 17rijuefga0'1Kao1& = "'they had learned in addition." Malcolm (History of Persia, Vol. i. p. i29!) ohserves, "It is evident that Herodotus puhlished his work from information that referred to a period prior to the establishment of the religion of Zoroaster, as they certainly had temples after that event. This religion was introduced in the reign of Gushtasp or Darius Hystaspes; and his son, Isfandear, the father of Ardishen Diraydust (Artaxerxes Longimanus of the Greeks) was the greatest propagator of its tenets, and' consequently a great huilder of temples of fire. But it is still prohable, that even in the lifetime of Herodotus, who was born in 484 B.C., the religion of Zoroaster was not completely introduced into Persia; and his information was probably from those who professed the faith which that of Zoroaster ultimately supplanted." 132. Persian customs. 7'W 8U CbS &adcTTW N~ew Ol~et = accordingly as he (the sacrificer) would sacrifice to any one of the gods." 5t/&aosur6Xas = " having cut up into small pieces." A word of very frequent occurrence in Homer. v7rorao-as 1roinp W's 3ara~wrdrqYp= "having strewed beneath the ten. derest grass (possible to get)." &t bXY 6XIyov Xpbvov = "Iholding on for a brief time." The accusative here is not governed by the verb, which is intransitive, hut is the accusative of duration of time. 133. Celebration of birth-days among the Persians. auraolcwv="of all days, without excepto. Lat. "lcunetarum,," as Opp. to Ccominivm" = all generally." Til Xe~rT& TCO 7rpogdrTW= "the smaller cattle." The partitive genitive. fEOVOW6ALeJ'oC, K. -r 7'. Compare Tacitus, Germnania 122: "Do pace denique et belo, plerumque in conviviis consultant, tanquam nullo 10-5 226 NOTES ON 11. magis tempore ad magnas cogitationes incalescat animus... Deliberant, duni fingere nesciunt: constituunt., dum errare non possunt." lrqop'ysao-t = "Ithose things customarily brought in after (dinner)," and so " dessert." Observe that the word comes from qoplw= "to be accustomed to carry." The frequentative of oplpw. 134. The etiquette of different ranks. OtXIoIJo- rov o-T06/sao~-t="they kiss each other on their lips." The local dative. -7rpoO-KVvPe1 T61' frepop - he does obeisance to the other;" (from ii-posXvciw', "to fawn on one li/ce a dog"). KacTii. X6-yov 7wpofgatvopree= "advancing forwards in proportion." 7rfds dipe-ris dvrlXea-Oa= "to clin0o closely to valour. " The notion is evidently connected with "holding oneself against a thing," to insure a better hold of it. 135. The polygamy of the Persians. 'n-poo-lev~rae "take to themselves," i. e. adopt (mid. voice). 7-ois A1iyurT1eV3 OdpflOae. These were made of linen, quilted into a thick hard fabric, and scaled with metal (see vii. 6i, and ix. 212). KovpL61as -yvz'cdKacw= "wedded wives." See V. i8 and vi. i38. See Buttman on lKOP~i6LOT. 136. The children of the Persians. 7-b weXVbz 5' iry&cTa& lo-Xvpe'P cist = and they believe numbers to constit tet strength." Compare the language of the Psalms, "Happy is the man that bath his quiver full of them." /mq~3e~dcw tin-rn rw, rarpt 7rpoojPd'NU =I "that he may dash no sorrow against his father's heart." 137. First offenders indulged. adXX& Xo~n-cgevos. Compare the letter of Themistocles to King Artaxerxes in Thuc. i. i37. OUT-W 7c-i 6V/.acp XPEar= II thus indulges his passion." 138. Lying and debt disgraceful among the Persians. To,,ie~~cip Xpeos = to owe a debt." Xolos ="that which one ought or must (Vpi) do or pay." \e6Ks7P=thiS was the mild form of leprosy. With the banDishmnent of the leper compare the Jewish usage, as in Lev. xiii. 46, 2 Kings Vii. 3, xv. 5. Luke xvii. i,2. es 7r6X&Y OV'TOS 0i Ka'r~pXera&= "this man (i.e. the leper) does not enter a city as a place of refage:" this is sometimes the force of Kea7-d. es 7rorapin' b&, K.TA.. Pliny, Nat. Hist. xxx. 6: "1Magus ad eum Tiridates venerat, Armeniacum de se triumphum afferens, et ideo provin.. ciis gravis. Navigare noluerat, quoniam exspuere in maria, aliisque mortalium necessitatibus vi olare naturam eam fas non putant." 134-142] CLIO. 227 oa-ovra& 7roraJegous-as the Indians now do the Ganges. Compare the epigram of Dioscorides, Antholog. Pal. vII. I62: 4XXa 7reptarelXas ite oWouv Oobvl, L5o' Irl veKpQ XovTrpa X ars J3oiLatL, ls7rora, Kal 7roTalJoLs. 139. Peculiarity of the Persian proper names. or rt /Lv, Tr& o o, K.T.X. = "not that some do, and that some don't, but you will find that all equally (end in sigma)". " Here Herodotus is mistaken. The Persian names of men which terminate with a consonant end, indeed, invariably with the letter s, or rather sh, as Kurdsh (Cyrus), DAryavush (Darius), &c.......but a large number of Persian names of men were pronounced with a vowel termination not expressed in writing, and in these the last consonant might be almost any letter: we find on the monuments Vashtdsp (Hystaspes), Arsham (Arsames), &c."-Rawlinson. 140. Peculiar customs of the Magians. KaTaK'pdc'avrTes= "having completely covered it with wax." So Strabo, Bk. xv. p. 735: Odc'roTvot o KJpo TreptLXaoC'dcreg r7a To a1ra' TO)S 51 /tdiyovs ovi Ocd7rrovoa, adX' olwvoppcrovs aiot. Larcher states that the body of Edward I. was found in the year I774 in a perfect state of preservation, completely covered with wax. ayeiovoc= "make a point of conscience to." Lat. "reverentur." &y7vualfJya ro7a TOrV, K.Tr.. = "and they consider this a great object to strive for." 141. Cyrus answers the Greeks by a fable. i7rl roao- avtrotrl, K..X. = "wishing to become his subjects on the same.conditions as they were the subjects of Crcesus." X6yov= "fable or apologue:" hence Herod. II. 134, calls Esop Xoyo7rotbs-where he says arivaovXos o Ai^oCrov roO XoyoTrotoO. lzlo avXgovros=" when I was piping." See the words of our Redeemer, Matt. xi. 17. 142. The twelve Ionian towns. ruVTO Trotlet T 'Iwvlp= "has the same effect as Ionia." revoUlKaCc= "are and have been accustomed to use." See i. 42; iv. 183. MlX\Tros. This was situated in Caria, on the sea shore, on the mouth of the Meander: on the change of the face of the country, owing to alluvial deposits, see Cramer's Asia Minor, Vol. I. p. 383. Myus lay to the N.E. of Miletus, on the left bank of the Maeander: near its mouth. Priene, a little to the N.W. of Myus. Its remains, on the southern slope of Mycale, are still extant. Ephesus was on the southern bank of the Cayster, near its mouth. 228 NOTES ON [I. Colophon was a few miles to the N.W. of Ephesus, about two miles from the coast. Long walls connected it with its port, Notium. Lebedus, now Xingi, on the coast, a little to the N.W. of Colophon. Teos was on the southern side of the isthmus of Chalcidels, to the North of which is the gulf of Smyrna: its site is now occupied by Boudroun. Clazomelme lay on the North of the isthmus of Chalcideis, nearly opposite to Teos. Phocoea, the northernmost of the Ionian cities, lay on the coast of Lydia, on the South of the Cumaean gulf. Erythrae, on the continent, lay opposite Chios, now called Ritrm. lc~uto& 1 hr~ chWTw-p SoPiot, supply 6ta~dyoprcu= "1now the Samians are the only people who use a language of their own," compare "1solves" in Latin, "ICassandra sola cantat " = "Cassandra is the only one to sing." 143. Safety of the Milesians. 6' OTKe7rV. roi3 p6pou = " in shelter from~ fear," the objective genitive. X6-yov eAaXla-Tov = "of least account." falcu'LPtor. The place of assembly of the Ionian confederate cities was at Mycale. 6TL /.kqj = el)-" nisi" "exce~pt." 144. The Dorian Pentapolis. t0lXairc'oYTca= "are on their guard against," (force of mid.) but 0c/w-coc== "to guard," or "protect.",r6 Tpto~rLK0v Lip6x'. This temple was built on the promontory of Caria, now Cape Crio. It derived its name from Triopium, founded by Triopos, afterwards called Cnidus. See i. 174. Ai4'5og, K.TA.. See Homer's Iliad, ii. 655. 145. Cause of the insulation of the Ionian towns. Ka~r brep xiiz''AXaC0Ph, K.-TAX. According to Clinton the Acheeans and Ionians were kindred people, both originally Pelaesgiasns Strabo's list entirely coincides with that of Herodotus: see on this point Miller's Dorians, Vol. HI. PP. '248, '249. rrpi'S 2;KViZPoS = " towards Sicyon." Illarpees. "By Herodotus using this expression, it seems as if the city Patrce did not exist in his time: ZAgium, and Dyme, on the other hand, seem to have done so." Blakesley. 146. The Ion~ians formerly a mixed people. /-t&XXoP..:'Iwves. So Plautus in Epid. iii. 3, 46: "Ego ri allegassem aliquem ad hoc negotium. Minus hominem doctum minusque ad banc REM callidum."1 Cicero in Verrene. v. 1,2: "1Omnes Sicilia semper proatores." 143-149] CLIO. 229 'Ajgavies. The Eubkeans are generally called by Homer Abante8: and Abantis was the ancient name of the island. Apio~res. This was a Pelasgic people, who inhabited mount (Eta, for three generations before Hercules, by whom they were expelled and transplanted into Peloponnesus, according to Fynes Clinton. See Herod. i. 56. '('CJK&E1 dmrobdo-Atot= Phocaeans, separate from the rest. " See v. 5 7. &b. 7roVgrv R TIP 0b6VOP, K.-TA. Buttmann (Lexilogus, P. 438) observes here, "it is true that the passage r. 146, might contribate to lead us into such an error if pointed in the following manner: && VoOlTov 6 TIP 06,vop (i. e. on account of the murder of their fathers and former husbands) al -)1ppoUKes ai'rat, vo'Acu Oe6&evat, o-/Jlat aro-t b'pKOVS erXaocav.... M.?KOTe o/oariT7o'aL To~s ttvipao-. Misled by this punctuation SchweighBuser in his Lex. Herod. directs us in the other passage (vi. 62), after the words,?7ri 7oTolTOLOL (upon this) U61IpKOVS Iw'4ao-av, to supply dX~v,Xow-c. We ought rather to collect from this latter passage, that in the former the e~rl in ew',~aoacw refers to the thing, and;v6Aov 641eva, must be joined to oq~lot a',r'a-^. "OpKOV6ov ~Xca'an must therefore in both pas. sages mean, 'to lay a solemn oath on a thing, bind oneself to it by an oath.' See VL. 74." 147. The Jonians governed by kings of all races in former times. &d6na]XI6KOV, see his descent in Homer's Iliad, VI. 1 50, SI12. Kcl6Kcovas H~tfovs.-The Caucones Pylli were an ancient people of - Triphylia, in the southern part of Elis. 01 KaOap(~s -yeyov6Tes 'Ic w's = "Iof pmre Ionic blood." del 61 U 716d'TE, Kc.TA. = "Iall the others however are Ionians also, as many as derive their origin from Athens, and celebrate the festival of Apaturia." In this festival the clansmen all met together, for the citizens were collected together according to Phratrias, which were composed of separate families. See Hermann's Political Antiqjiities. 148. Hellenic Festivals. 'EX1KWPV1qp. At Helic6 in Achaia was a celebrated temple of Nep.. tune, whence he was' called Ileliconius. 149. The 2Elolian towns. K6/viq-Cyme, called Phriconis also, lay towards the South of the gulf to which it gave the name of Cumeean, a little to the N. E. of Phoc.9ea. See Cramer, Vol. I. p. 147. Lerissa was -near the river Hermus, between it and Cyme. Neontichus ("the new fortified place") lay between Larissa and the Hermus. KIXXa-on the coast of the Troad, at the end of the gulf of Adramnyttium. It was famous. for the worship of Apollo., and is styled very divine in Ried., I. 37. 230 NOTES ON [I. flcT7cdb% at the mouth of Evenus, on the North of the Cunivean gulf. -qKO1JLaL5 Ol~K 63/hoIws =not coming up to it" in seasons. 150. The loss of Smyrna. C'Me ciw4acXov = thus flung away " and so lost. See i. i 6. v7re~lkai/7o = secretly or treacherously received amongst themselves." T& 97rLtrXa = "moveable." See i. 94. 151. The Lolian towns in Ida and in the islands. 7rlVl- tds7r' wXtes. The five Lesbian cities were, Mytilene, Methyron~a, Antissa, Eresus, and Pyrrha. rT'v A&Pojvs s'lpovrai =distribute Lesbos amongst themselves." livres 6/hal/ovs, namely7TobS Apto-/alovg implied in 'Apto-/3av. c's r-jqoV EKai-i N 'aoow-t= about 40, not 100o; it is better with Strabo to write it as one word 'Ever7s'~o-0 = the island of the far-darter Apollo, (called Hecatus and Hecatmus, as his sister was called Hecate). afXX?7 Aa= " one besides." This is often the force of axxos, when collocated with other attributes. 152. The Ionian and AEolian embassy to Lacedoemon. dda~r~aro, the Ionic form of the Aor. 2. d&PtKos': while cbrIKaro = plupesfect=d,(Py/hAEsot q'aap. i7ropqoipcbv Eil~c 7rept/3ca~ojevos ="having wrapped himself up in a apuple robe," the accusative of the cognate notion. Wbs ats "that probably." dXX' air-bo~e...... A-qtewplezv. The uijis here added to the infinitive, on account of the negative implied in chre~o~,= "non-placuit." Verbs of neative import, such as KWOX6EW, 'hrourepelvp, iur/Xeo-Oat, K.TA.. take 1j which is not sup~erfluous or contradictory, because it strengthens the result of the negative portion, of the verb, for example, Btelp-YeTat To' fhi) cli',at Gtaqpopos - "he is prevented, and the result is that he is not useful," i.e. he is prevented from being useful: and in the case before us, when analysed on this principle, dMv' dw-l6o~6, K.Tr.X. "but it did not seem. good to them, and the result was that they would not aid the loniaens." 153. The Spartans badly treated by Cyrus. 9XXecrae= "matters of gossip," from Xlrx-q: compare 7rp6Xeo-Xov, a word of like origin, in zEschyl. Supp. 208, and Herod. ii. 535, 7reptXrca~rgffipfe.....r& g~ract: so in VIII. 9,2. i6reZXg re, supply 7-lw so's,, and see i. So. 154. The revolt of the Lydians. ds-lwT-qa-e-(transitive in Aor. i,) = "made the Lydians to revolt." 155. Crcesus gives Cyrus advice. E'~asapa~rolatOaoOat= "1to sell them out for slaves forthwith," force of the Aorist. W's okxaas= the more usual' d3 1OLK6. See iII. 143. 150-159] CLIO. 231 I7et Irts rapaI cltOKretvaT, K.TrA. Aristotle in his Rlhetoric quotes the proverb thus: N'7rios 6s 7r-caTlpc Krei-ews, 7ratacl Kara~etlret. IAuq' KIE~lXX^ dv'apd~as= Lat. "capite meo luenS" = wiping off the guilt by the sacrif9ce of my own head." The Greek idiom evidently refers to the custom of?wiping the knife upon the head of the sacri~ficial victim, after killing it: part of the ao-XaXtf~et. See Soph. El. 445, and see Odyss. i. 91i. o-v~y-yP61.qv ~wv: "=IIhaving a fellow-feeling with." KIXEVEF 31 o-95eaS Kt?62bPde. Xerxes imposed a like punishment on the Babylonians that had revolted from him, according to Plutarch: see Blomfield's Glossary in ~Ysch. Persff, 41, d'3pe'a.-op 3' `7rerat AV5CO' Kamr?~et5CL See i. 94. OM&l aewpot.... ~ d~reoorlwo-t-put for od &evk' go-rac /A' IrEisOt 156. Cyrus follows the advice of Crcesus. ot ibwer[Weroa I"suggested to him." Ae-ragovXEva6oao-ai "'to change his plans without delay" (aorist). iuiels r~s d'p-y7-?= "Yielding somewhat in his anger" (the partitive yenitive). The iur6 here has a softening tendency. Kalt 7rps= "and besides." irpls is often used adverbially. See it. 142, ~sch. Prom. 73, 937. 157. Pactyas takes refuge in Cyme. Is 4Oea iii fepcelw. Observe that W6ea is not used in Attic writers to express the habit ation of men. It occurs first in this sense in Hesiod, Works and Days, 168, and very often in Herodotus. The transition in English from " habit " to " habitation " is not great. arparai3 Aop~a~pcO' n6vrnK'frTe lXw='=with a division of the army, however great or small it may be." See i. i6o. ev BpaLyX0I3Vv. See I. 46, 9,2. 158. The Cymimans consult the oracle at Branchidme. goaXe /ui~ 7rado-at TaiOra Kvjualiae "maintained that the Cymnans should -not now do this." liretp~qo-6Aievt = "about to ask again," or "in addition." 159. Aristodicus procures a different answer from the oracle. bEt~eatvavres ="although we dread." The Greek participle has often a concessive force, as here. dva~ = "supreme sovereign," as opposed to /3aotIXevs. The term in Homer is generally aapplied to gods, and to Agamemnon amongst men, as the supreme leader of the expedition. es r63e= "thus far." ra7r6 chrb eO= "your opiniQn," —the opinion that emanates from yourself. vevoooeretq~lva = "Ihatched in a nest." Often in the Septuagint. Ki TOO1 d66TOU=- "aex adyto, " Lat.=" "from the inner (unapproached shrine)." 232 NOTES ON [L. To ^ L IK&- pTL oP000ecs, K.T.X. Observe that in both cases here the article is personal, as elsewhere. Translate: "10 supreme monarch! on the one hand, you yourself thus come to the help of your suppliants; and, on the other hand, you bid the Cymnians give up their suppliant." 16O. The Cymnians send Pactyas to Mitylene. erl r~p 'Arapvli g.aa-Oc= "on the condition of receiving the Atarnean territory as a reward." Of this place he speaks in viii. io6. Is -i TiJI' Mucrtpv, -riz X~otu ply uoevrat, 'A-rappeis 31 Kaxlerat o~XMs KptOwv= "whole (grains) of barley." The Greeks sprinkled cakes of this upon the victim's head in sacrifice; the Romans reduced it to powder, and having mixed it with salt (salsa mica, salsa mola) cast it on the victim. otbXis KpOwz' 7rp6Xvcrv Irotleo= "were in the habit of using whole grains of barley for sprinkling (on the head of the victim)." 161. Mazares enslaves the Prienians, and dies. 1Irl r~is -Vp.roXLOpK5o-aVTa s T di/aXov "against those who had joined in blockading Tabalus." ~ir13pap~e = (our idiom exactly) "Iover-ran." 162. Harpagus succeeds Mazares. oTa dps dwrobeXOels =" having been appointed general." From dTrebeLKP.6W, not dweolxoiiat. See ii. 124. b'KCJ -Yip ~ret~~hpeas irot 'a-ete = "'for when it happened that he drove the inhabitants within their walls." The optative of indefinite frequency. Xcb$fa1Ta X~P= "heaping up heaps," i. e. mounds. The accusative of the cognate word. SO ILI. 37, Thuc. IL. 75, and 2 Kings xix. 32. 163. The heroism of the Phocicans. 'A5pl9Pv=`"the Adriatic." Tvpopvt'qv= "the west oflItaly." 'I.g-pptpV ="the Spanish peninsula." Taprqo-olwP, in the south of Spain near Guadalquiver, near the site of the modem Cadiz. It is called Tarshish in Old Testament history. o'irol cio olKa a&vTes "these are they who expoe" ircivra EU01 KOLial &iarv= "a hundred and twenty in all." 164. The Phocaeans desert their city rather than yield to Harpagus. I~e~rc?5O7= "was completed. " ii. is5 rPo i,oXPfePQ1= " continually holding forth" (intensive and iterative of 9x"-). WS el Kcarca~p~ = "that it was enough, and quite enough." An intensive form of abro~p~v. See iv. i i 8, viii. 70. Kat~pwOjat =II to consecrate," to dedicate to the king (to whom whatever belonged was sacred). 7rep4-ql1CKTioPTCrs. See L. 44. 160-1681 CLIO. 233 165. The Chians refuse to sell them the islands cEnussae. Tr&s1 va-ous5 &s Olvo6o-aas. These islands, now called Spalmadores or Egonisi, lie between Chios and the continent. cbu'eoAi6'otonn: "wishing to buy for themselves." K6pvov. Now "ICorsica." dvecrr?5o-av-ro= raised up for themselves." 'A'XaX[t. Afterwards called Alesia. 4'wCOal-p. Now called "Fochia." hern~oaaVTO l-XUP&T Kardpas "they bound themselves by strong curses.") KctTer6PTwCOcV = "they sunkE into the depths of the sea." Compare the words of Horace, Epod. xvi. 1 7 sqq.: "1Nulla sit h~c potior sententia: Phocweorum Velut profugit execrata civitas. Sed juremus in hmc: simul imis saxa rendrint Vadis levata, ne redire sit nefas." ava95vat. Intranisitive for dzmaq5asoas &epOlpTes (passive with active signification) = having weighed anchor." Literally, "having lifted (the anchor)." 166. The rest of the Phooneans sail for Corsica. &yW/ -ya'p 67 KUd 9956poV, K.r. X. = "and they drove (away the cattle), and, observe, even carried (off the corn, &c.) of all tlheir neighbours, withoiut exception." Compare the "forre (of things) et agere" (slaves and cattle) of the Roman writers. Ka sI11 TLS tK-7=" a dear-bought victory:" a proverbial expression from the disastrous story of Eteocles and Polynices, whose victory was deal/i. The victory mentioned by Herodotus is not the same victory as that mentioned by Thucyd. i. i3, obtained 6Q years before, when the Phocaeans were founding Marseilles. 167. Some Phocanas found Yelia. Kca~rl~vcwa= "stoned to death " (a Jewish punishment.). 'A-yiAXa^os "the inhabitants of Agy~lla or Ccere." &a-y~o uo-= "sacrifice to the dead, " as opp. to 06ew- = to sacrifice to the living." 'T~un " IVelia. " Derived from ElXq, ("Ithe marshes ") near Paestum. 168. The Teians leave their own town, and found Abdera. T~5Cot. Teos is now called IIBodrun: " it is famous for being A nacreom's birth-place. 7rpdT,Epo9 To6reu', K. T. \. Abdera was founded by Timesius from Clazomenw, about io8 years before its subsequent settlement by the Teians. 234 NOTES ON [I. 169. The rest of the Ionians submit. Th' &0vXoeii-qv oVhK dve6X0sevos0 = " as a fact not putting up with slavery." Observe the strong force Of O~K with a participle. 170. Bias' advice to the Ionians. VL-wV -re ai7rao-ewv /Ie-yhtT?7V- ePfuoplkvovs = "portioning out among themselves the largest of all islands, without exception." Observe the mistake of Herodotus in making Sardinia the largest island, and see v. io6, VI. t. It is rather odd that he did not know that even S8icily was larger. 171. Harpagus attacks the Carians. Kapes Aeps. According to Strabo this people once possessed the eastern coast of Peloponnesus. &Yooz Kal iyd~ 6vvaravs G'At, K. v. X. = as far as I can learn by report, going as far hack as possible (in my inquiries)." 6'acwev= " shield-handle " of this shape, X; while the reXaiUi'P, also a shield-handle, was of this shape, H. e'ftipeez vhs &o ---tbcas= "they used to wear their shields." beoplwo is the frequentative form of 95epc, as "glesto" in Lat. is of "1gero." juevda bi rois Kapas Xp6vcq, iTrvepop. Thucyd. I. 4, says that Minos ejectled the Carians from the Cyclades, and established his own sons as rulers. PBihr reconciles this by supposing that those only were expelled who resisted his authority, and that the more submissive inhabitants were allowed to remain. 172. The Caunians, their language and customs. 'rpbs rb KapLK6P 90ps'o. Homer speaks of the Carians as jPap/3apa-tde'ws'. Iliad, II. 687. 6'hvves v& 67riXa. From this we may conjecture that the Caunian national god was a war-god. 00j0s'i= " all from their youth upwards." 173. The Lycians -origin of people and their name. ol A6KLOL, TeplkiXat. In Vii. 9,2, Herodotus observes, A6VKOL bU Tepy~dat eKaXlevTo IK Kp'7-vqg y-yov67-sS, E'r1l 31 AKOV 7roO IHau'tSlos dz'pbs 'A0,qvaiou goaXov 7vi'p 'irw~v1./WqV. dp.'i xpiovpp= " Iin the course of time. " See vil. I 0, WILI 12 3. oviqnplpcvv-ac "agree, " II. 8o, v. I13, as we say, "to bear one out in a statement." Ihwb TCOP u'iq-rfpeow. MUller, in his work on the Etruscans, remarks this of the Etruscans, and states that the mother's name occurs in Tuscan sepulchral inscriptions more often than the father's name. KaavnCge= "will lay down." dz'1aXsfAvat= "will count up." 169-180] CLIO. 235 174. Harpagus readily conquers Carla. ap'YIAIV-03 R e' riS 'Es xeproe'orv ri~s Be ao-ort-s '"since Bybassia bean fromn the mainlan d." ' pya ' 7s= "adj oin s, " acc. to lRawlinson. 2;A-P Mentioned by Homer, Iliad, ii. 67'i. 175. The Pedaseans resist Harpagus. H?76aaes. This term would imply that though such a people existed, yet such a town as H'&aoa- no longer existed, at least in the time of Herodotus. Trpls ao-t ToUTo &ye'VIET0. See VIII. 104, where this is varied by 31s # &y&Eero. A16-1. This mountain is not mentioned by any other extant author. 176. Obstinate defence of Xanthus. 'W~vtov r-eloz'. This lay to the south of the city, being in fact the alluvial deposit of the river Xanthus. It is about seven miles across from IUzlan to Patara, and from four to five miles deep from the coast to the foot of the mountains: the city stands near its upper extremity, on the left bank of the river. The Xanithians distinguished themselves by resisting Harpagus, Alexander, and Brutus. 177. Cyrus in person subdues Upper Asia. Kai o~&p 7raptels-= "passing by none." Supply 90vos'. 178. An account of Babylon. 'Aroup-totat 17rerl8ero = "set himself upon the A ssyrians; " i. e. attacked. Observe that Babylonia is included in Assyria by Herodotus. Kai 6'Oa oq51, K.r. X.= "and where, on the destruction of Nineveb, the royal (halls) were fixed by them; " i. e. by the A ssyrians implied in Ts3 'Ao-ovp1qs'. ACeTi 84. Supply TrpJ rTdopo= "and next to (the trench)." 179. The mnethod of building its walls. EXdO-cTIES 5U 7rX1P0oV9 iKaLViS ="having moulded a szfien uatt of bricks." Compare the Lat. term " ducere lateres." TAiX/hIIL XpE6AcPo& = " using as cement. " &t& Tpn5KOJJTa 66~uov 7rXIVOOVJ, K.TA.N= "inserting between every thirty rows of bricks layers of reed-mats." 7rXlz'Oes is a collective noun here. /.CuVVO'KXa ="having one chamber;" literally, " single-jointed." XdXKCaL 7rc~rat. Isaiah xlv.,"I will bre-ak in pieces the gatcs of brass " (of Babylon). See iii. 1 59 of Herodotus. 180. The Euphrates divides the city. vr6w 8V 5r~o Taf' KdrTfpOV, K.TA.X ="the wall on each side has its angles carried downx to the river;" i. e. is squared off where it runs 236 NOTES ON 111. into the river. Homer also uses h-yKciw in the same way to the angular projection of a wall. See I1liad, IL. 70'2. '-rb b& dib -roirov. Supply Te0D dYKW'Pos=I "from this rectangular direction." 181. The temple of Belus in Babylon. 06~p'i~= "breast-work." OwpdKLeV= " lorica mcenium." 7repcf36Ap "circular wall;" that is, thrown (j3dXXw) around (7irepZ) the city. TOJ po'. The lepbv embraced the entire extent of the consecrated ground, containing the sacred grove (-rlgevos), the court, and houses of the priests; the temple, properly so called, was z'ab= the holy shrine., where the Deity dwells (vdee i6 G6s). A6eo'o'T bi KOV) T~5 K.Tr.X. =',locp& 1"Wr& Ti'r, K.TAN. = toone being about the middle of the ascent." 182. Similar customs at E~gyptian Thebes and Patara. fa-eiu' 'ylvfTat. Supplyo 06Ges; i. e. Apollo, who during the winter months is at Patara in Lycia, and in summer is in Delos. Compare Horace, Od. III. 4. 64, 'KDelius et Patareus Apollo." 183. Another temple in Babylon. lLXXoT KcdTW "i6s. A sort of crypt temple. pt= 9PEo-rt. (Observe the accent.) ol Tprpve~a uce-ydX-q 'irapaKler-at =a large table is spread before him." Compare the ceremonies of the Roman Lectisternum. irb IPc~po' = "'the step " (by which the throne is ascended), or "Ithe pedestal " on which the image (iyca\ea) rests. T'i rgXea r~v 'irpo/3rcorv= " the full-grown sheep," or "full number" (riXos = tale-count), or "perfect," without spot or blemish. The genitive here is part itive. -yaXaO0'ls = "sucklings." ea-yope~orra Ah2. See note on z. 152. 184. The Babylonish monarchs. direcla-ro = exhibited, " left as visible memorials of herself. Compare the expression in the next chap.,u'mag6avva?Xi'ire-o. 7irp6r-epoz' 5& ldd0e 6 7ro-ajebS', K.T.X. = "and formerly the river was wont to drown every thing like a sea, up and down the plain." So Isaiah, speaking of Babylon, "Ithe burden of the desert of the sea;" and in Jeremiah, I will. dry up her sea." 185. Semiramis and Nitocris. dpatpn-p6'a. Ionic for -ppiaeea= "taken." 0?I&' Koxtowvra,=" those who convey themselves, mid., and so travel; so 'irope6w~ and 7rqpetoua6e. 181-190] CLIO. 237 gXvrpov XLjY= " a reservoir for a lake." (The dative of advantage.) pdOos ELv eis rb vi5wp ael 6po'o'ovoa= "as to depth, digging on (until they came) to the water." TK re r7iv TrX6w. Supply r-KOX\L= " and after these winding navigations." rT a6roca 6i5o=B=" the short-cut (passage)." 186. The Quay along the river-bank. ravra /cpy 8O, K.T.X. = "Now, observe, she threw around her city (as a defence) this (soil) from the excavation, and afterwards she had the following addition made." r's 7r6Xtos doi6ojs tOo 0aapocwv= "the city consisting of two parts." Udovra robs X10ous...IzoX63Py. See Thucyd. I. 93. 187. Darius opened the sepulchre of Nitocris. od y&p dueLvov= "for it is better not;" euphemism for it will be worse for him. 7repqXOe i paaoX\'t-t- = "the kingdom came round to." Kal eWvbv 5dKcKee= " it seemed even a hard (matter)." lTraKaXeov=coWP= "calling him on to it;" i. e. provoking attention. t' o0 XaCEel acrd. Observe /h oS=Lat. "quin"="but that he should seize it without delay." 188. Cyrus invades Labynetus. 'ro0 AUovov trivet f3ao\Xes =" the only water of which the king drinks;" the partitive genitive. Compare Milton, Paradise Regained: "There Susa by Choaspes' amber stream, The drink of none but kings." 189. Cyrus' anger at the river Gyndes. eirl rI6va roTra/. See v. 32. As this river is mentioned by no other author, there is considerable difficulty in identifying it. Probably it is the same with the Mendeli, which flows from the mountains of Louristan, and joins the Tigris between Kort and Karna. I7rnv ryv XeVKiwV. See Herod. vII. 55. u~vp,&cras= "having swept away." VroIppXtov OIXCKee,blpov=" engulphed and carried off." Karlretv e aXOvOTev~as, K.r.X. = "he marked out in a straight line and extended one hundred and eighty channels on each side of the river, diverging in every direction." 190. Cyrus advances on Babylon in the second spring. 7rlXac,7re= "just gleamed forth." Observe the force of b7r6. &7ropl-.t7c,Yero-O="was being pressed upon by difficulties." 238 NOTES ON [I. dvw~rtp&, TE o!~v1 -rde 7rjYqyjATWYV 7rpK0K7rTrojulp 50= "and in no respect his plans advancing onwards." Observe that 7rpoK67rr7et'=" to cut down impediments;" i. e. cut one's way before one, and hence to advance. So the Lat. "1procedo " (pro-coedo?) in Livy, "cum parum procederet inceptum.." See iin. 56, and Thucyd. iv. 6o and VIL. 56. 191. Cyrus takes Babylon by stratagem. 0bV Ty' dyXp'jty TOo- arparoD= "with the ineffective part of his army." See Xen. An. v. '2. 21, and Cgesar, Bell. Gall. vii. 77, "inutiles ad helium. " T6 dp~a~tov jilcOpov 5cqgar~uv elvat hlroLqce. Isaiah xliv. 2 7, "That saith to the deep, Be dry, and I will dry up the rivers." Jeremiah 1. 38, "A drought is upon her waters, and they shall be dried up; for it is the land of graven images, and they are mad upon their idols." V7rOVOOrTi-T~aavros "having gone gently hack." So Thucyd. Iir. 89. lreTdaTO Ionic ='rerayyevo& 970-av Attic. oW'S &v, -7repu5e6vr69, K.TAX. = " they could not 'possibly have overlooked tbe Persians entering their city, but would have destroyed them most miserably." ir-vMilas lxo o-as= " little gates leading " (like /~epoicrc in i. i8o). l'wS U jueycdOeos, K.TA.. See Jeremiah Ii. 31I, "One post shall run to meet another, and one messenger to meet another, to shew the king of Babylon that his city is taken at one end." According, to Aristotle's Pol. iii. 2, ]Babylon was taken three days before it was known to all its inhabitants. Xenophon, Cyropcedia, vii. 5. 1 5, agrees with Herodotus that it was taken at a festival. See Rollin's remarks in his Ancient History. 192. The resources of Babylonia boundless. -,y~ 7r- b'o-s tdpXei. See i. 21r. S7' dprcL/3q. The Attic corn-medimnus contained forty-eight chcenices; consequently, the Persian artabe contained fifty-one choenices. The medimnus was equal to two Roman Amphoroe, or about an English bushel and a half. See Boeck's Public Economy of Athens. 193. The soil of Babylonia grood for grain. vvrat p1lv iX1-yy: supply l'ercg or v'Sart. KflXc~'0V?~LoL. A sort of crane for raising water from a well. 17rl 80lKia-a= "two hundred-fold. " See ii. i 65. Kap7rwv?X6Ae~va= "relating to fruits." See i. i12o. 194. The merchant craft described. Til 7rAoia: see Lucan, iv. 131: "Primum, cana salix, madefacto vimine, parvam. Texitur in puppim," &c. Porter describes similar boats on the modern Babylonish rivers, 191-202] CLIO. 239 195. Babylonish dress. KLO6iPt... XIPW,. According to Heeren, Xlveov in Herodotus signifies either linen or cotton. ievbrepLe = "the Babylonian puts Up~on him and over him." Supply 6' Ba&Mvcptor. 196. The sale of the beautiful women to endow the plain. KcpVf 7rwXgEeKE = "the herald (or auctioneer) used to sell. ebpeioca 7roXX6'p Xpuaiev= " having brought much gold."' We say, "to fetch " or "bring " a good price. dP6K'4pvoae= " he proceeded to cry up " or "put up to auction." ed~aiaOes- "rich, " as "1beatus, " often in Latin, "blessed with this' world's wealth." 197. The sick of Babylon. 7l-cpe~EXE1 -rbP Kda/vovTa =" to pass away on the other side from one who is labouring under a disease." Remember the priest and Levite in our blessed Lord's Parable of the Good Samaritan. 198. Custom of burial.,raqoad & aoq5 ep /pdXcT = "Iand they bury in honey." 199. The impurity of the Mylitte worship. dr once for all " (in her life). do~e6s Te i73-auydvat dc1i Kci ~Lyteydeo, K.T.X. = "and as many women as are striking for their beauty and stature." E'ra~lkeat from elpcbrTEo-0ai TWOS= "to lay hold of one "-impress, captivate. 200. Three Bahylonish tribes live on fish. es b'\op = "Iinto a mortar." a~o-es b&o-sv86ves= "strain through fine linen." ao'os an abbreviated form of a~Oovors, as vaut for v'Oovcrs. 201. Cyrus attacks the Massagetre. The Massagetee were nomnad Scythians beyond the Taxartes, sometimes Iacac, sometimes Tartars, of Mongolian race. Herodotus gives the best proof himself from the similarity of clothes and food, of living in waggons, and of fighting on horseback. irpb9 h' -re KcaZ qXifov dvareois = "towards the east andl rising of the Sun:" a pleonasm. See ii. 31, pust diro eicirepqT 're Kczl hXteu v ba-levp. 202. The islands of the Araxes. TP' x61eptistVV: supply cap-v. ical 7r-ip divaKa6aclvrat, K.r.\. See iv. 75, where similar efforts are said to he produced among the Scythians by the vapour of hemp heated On. stones. P&Le 8dt KccOapovi = "flows witaout obstruction." Supply -r6iroz. 240 NOTES ON [I. 203. The Caspian Sea. cIi- euuvris-="6y itself." dir' " qss dypiqs-= "on the produce of the wild Woods." T4b rioXX& ircdpTa = quite the majority." ~ycL &y-ypd69bcn = "print figures of animals on their dress." 204. The Massagetze. iO6o-ete orpa-re6eaOacu= " he directed his expedition." 205. Cyrus proposes marriage to Tomyris, Queen of the Massagetae. lyvfiro r;k6,yq = pretended to court her," as opp. to r3 lp-y~ direlriaTo rijv irp6o-o~ow= "she rejected his advance." The verb literally means, "Isaid ' off' to." 206. Tomyris challenges Cyrus to battle. advlxeu epwvu="1 put up with seeing." i-poe-i-Wee = "he laid before them." 207. Orcesus advises Cyrus to invade the enemy. 6-rc 17ret Ase, K.TrA. Observe that 6,rt often, as here, introduces the viery words used by the speaker, and answers very much to our qusotation marks. 208. Cyrus passes the Araxes to fight Tomyris. auvlorao-av=' "were at variance." So in VII. T4', VIII. 79; and compare the somewhat uncommon expressions, avvearrdve& Myt,2, 7r-ivpw, KacldTqy, vII. 170, IX. 89. Kaer& iurlovero i7rpii-rcc "according as she undertook at first." McT& = KaG' 4 in Attic Greek. Th)V f3aIflA71t7v 013ov. This harmonises well with the law mentioned in vii. 2. 209. Cyrus sends home Hystaspes, the father of Darius, on "ccount of a dream. M'81ov X6-yov ' iwvrc = proceeded to reason with himself." See I. 97. YOVK&2V eoTrI.nXav~...,rb Idj Ketl'O1P 1irqgov~etew= "there is no possibility that he is not plotting;" i. e. he cannot but be plotting. 210. Cyrus is afraid of Darius. dvT1 /i& 8o6Xwv= " instead of slaves." Herodotus alone of the Greek authors uses 6,ivr I with the infinitive mood without the article: probably for the sake of antithesis, as here. 7razpa318w1At= "give him up" (into your hand). Compare the Latin "trado."9 evuXdc6pKwp = about to watch for the good of Cyrus." Dative of advantage. 203-216] CLIO. 241 211. Cyrus carries out the plan of Croesus. troO KaOapo (orparov= "the sound part of the army," as KaOapbs-= "free" (i) from impurity, (2) from incompleteness or inefficiency. See Thucyd. v. 8, TW' y&p 'AOrvaiwv lTrep o-rTpdTCve, KaOapo' ei\Oe: and see Goller's note. aivavro. See Livy, XLI. 2, and Strabo, xr. who says that Cyrus employed this stratagem against the Sacce, and that a festival called Sacama was established to commemorate it. 212. Cyrus captures the son of Tomyris. c8qU' d7rap0js= "lift not thyself up at all." The passive with a middle signification. C7rava7rXcevy=="to float upwards to the top." The word is the Ionic form of 7rava7r\etv. 7X\ov i eTr6/w6vwI rot= "I swear to you by the Sun." So in Latin we have "juro" with the accusative case, as in Virgil, Zn. xII. 197: "HIec eadem, ZEnea, terrai, mare, sidera juro." tJLv= j IzUv. The usual and solemn formula of the oath sworn= "in truth," or "in God's name." 213. The son of Tomyris commits suicide. 'va T v KaKOV= "in what special calamity he was in." iepyed~arao= " he dispatches." Lat. "conjicit." 214. Tomyris kills Cyrus. ovvXeo-Oat. Supply daX?\Xots = "came to close combat." 7repte'/evlaro=Attic 7repte7yfoTro, as dal7rKaTo for &ctKOVTO. eva7r7V7re = lvao7ire. T7' K6pov rTeXeVTrV= a" the ending of the (life) of Cyrus." Compare the similar fate of Crassus with the same people. Xenophon, Strabo, and others say that Cyrus died at home and in a peaceful manner. 215. Garb and manners of the Massagetse. aCIu)oorpwv yap,uerlxovo-t. Supply nves~, "for of both parties are there some who occupy portions" (of the plains). 6 3U Xpvr6s. This was probably found in grains in the streams from the Altai mountains. 216. Sun-worship is their religion. a7roKpe/u&cas= "having hung forth," or "from" (a point). Kal tXXa '7rp63-aTa; not = "and other sheep," but = "and sheep beside." Tr 06ovo't trlrovU. Compare Xenop. Cyrop. VIII. 3. I2, #Aera 8U T7oS Pou;s 'r7rot 7Yyovro, Ov/La Tr 'HXip, and Ovid. Fast. I. 385: "Placat equo Persis radiis Hyperiona cinctum, Ne detur celeri victima tarda Deo." HEROD. I, 1300K IT. EUTERPE. 1.CAIMnYSES succeeds his father Cyrus. E 5r M'yuiprrov, K.-r.. According to Clinton, Cambyses conquered Egypt, B.C. 425, in the fifth year of his reign. 2. Psammetichus' method of discovering the oldest nation. 4r6ro6TovTO= "from that time." Supply Xp6ovu. dxv0pc~irwv rZiv ert-rTuX6irr&J= "people that you happen upon (every day)," i.e. ordinary people. Ar~; p'= "x, at the (regular) time" (of feeding). 77pjrVa Occ qwrv pIH~ovot 7rpc56Tlv = "what was the first expression to which they would give utterance." fgeK69. Rawlinson observes, this word has been connected with the German "bachen" and our "bake." Lessen, however, throws doubt on this connexion., and suggests a formation from the Sanscrit root "1pee," which becomes (he says) in Greek, 7rerco; Lat. coq-uo; German, coch-en; our "cook;" Servian, "pec-en." 3. The priests of Egypt supply him with information. 'Hqoato-rov= the Egyptian Pct has. 'HXto67r-oXiv. Heliopolis, or the " City of the Sun," called also "On," was near the beginning of the Delta, a little to the north of the modern Cairo. 4. Discoveries of the Egyptians. && Trpltov greoq 4Ac/6Xqeov ha-ejugdci\ovo-& ="'insert an intercalary month at the commencement of every third year," i.e. at the end of every second year, i. 3,2 -7rac-v Atyvtrroe, etvat fXo5. According to Wilkinson (Ancient Egyptians), the lapse of more than 3000 years has made no sensible difference in the level of Lower Egypt, and that vestiges are still to be found on the sea-shore of places similarly located more than 2ooo years since. 5. Original state of EgypG. jgdypt Trpt~v ' jieplwov 7r-Xov. See Bk. iv. 86. Ilerodotus estimates a long day's sail at 70,000 fathoms, and a night's at 6o~ooo. 6. Dimensions of Egypt. erXoivot. This Egyptian measure varied from 30 and 32 to 40 stadia. The G reek word o-Xo~vo s = " rope, " and "'Irush, " of which ropes are still made in Egypt and in other countries, and lingers in the modern "skein." 1-13] NOTES ON EUTERPE. 243 7. Dimensions of Egypt. TW(P 6VC56EKa Oedv'. See vI. io8. An altar was erected to them in the agora of Athens hy Pisistratus, son of Hippias, according to Thu. cydides, vi. 54. 8. The plain of Egypt. W~s cZVc A-y67rrou = "for Egypt:" W's is limitative. The meaning of the whole passage, according to Bdbr, is, " As for the country, as you go up the river from Heliopolis, it is no longer spacious, for Egypt." 9. The journey from Heliopolis to Thehes. 'EXEcoaWTp1Pp'. Blakesley remarks, that it is singular that whenever Elephantine is mentioned by Herodotus there is nothing to indicate any suspicion that it is an island, but, on the contrary, it appears in one passage to be considered on the mainland, in Chap. 28, and yet Herodotus professes to have visited Elephantine himself. 10. The vale of the Nile compared to the plain of Ilium. 9q5atver6 IJo0, Ke.,r.. This is confirmed by Nearchus. A6vros 7revTa-T6IIov. Observe that here and in Chap. 15 Herodotus omits the two artificial mouths, the Bolbitine and the Bucolic. Ka7-T, -rh NeZXop "in comparison with the Nile." W'i 'E~twcL5wv Phacu. Thucyd. ii. 10,2: do-1 T63ov,rho-&,v at ipripwvTaCs iX7-ZS 6h Kai 7-d'oeas OlJK I' 7roX~cj 7ru's aVy yjo6vc, Toiro 71-a0,EFv. 1.Description of the Arabian Gulf. Vtov7U' 4pqs 7rX~ov. This is only true of the Sinus Herodpoliticus.?K 7~ I~Oplqtq OaX oqs =: "from the northern sea," i.e. the Mediterranean Sea. &/ T?75 z'OTIfl, the Erythreean Seat, or Indian Ocean. o-Xe~fl /zs' dXXhXoto-t ovvre7rpavovraS, K. T.. -. Blomfield, in his Glossary on the Choephoree of Alschylus, thus translates the passage: "IAd intimos recessus penetrant idem ferb terrie spatium dissecantes, ut initium, hujus cum fine illius concordat, quod ad parallelismum. attinet: parvo autem, spatio interposito inter se distant." 12. Formation of Egypt. Ko~yX6Xac, K.T.N. Blakesley remarks that this observation is not of a piece with his former argument. These mountains are there supposed to be the shore of a former sea, not to have lain at the bottom of it. The argument here is Strabo's, where his object is to prove the numerous instances of the change of sea and land. -ris ylp 'Apa/3I-s JJ4J&OVTat. That portion of the coast between Egypt and Palestine. 13. The priests try to show the rise of the land. 1IKeS WXot 6 irorcajs's. Pococke supposes that eight cubits, mentioned by the priests, must be understood of the elevation of the waters above 11-2 244 NOTES ON III. their ordinary level, and not of their depth from the bed of the river; whereas the sixteen cubits, which he mentions further on, must be understood of the entire depth of the waters from their highest elevation to the bottom. Wilkinson agrees with him. tvdiroa-rpoq5'? Vaarcos = "a remedy (for the want) of water." The objectie genitive. 9K voci At6s. Jove is especially regarded as god of the elements, so of air, the maker of thunder, rain, &c. Compare Horace, "Isub Jove frigido. " 14. The lower part of Egypt readily cultivated. Hnere -ye Clo-eral orq& i1 Xe~p~q. According to Wilkinson, showers fall annually at Thebes; perhaps, on an average, four or five in a year; and every eight or ten years heavy rains fill the torrent beds of the mountains which run to the banks of the Nile. oVh-,E ac7pqo~. The plough is found in ancient sculptures, and was only dispensed with, most likely, after a high flood of the Nile. 15. The boundaries of Egypt according to the Ionians. 'Icbvwv " Ithe Greeks." As the Ionians were the first Greeks known to the Egyptians and Asiatics, the term was applied loosely to all Greyw~rov.The modern name of Egypt, Musr or Misr, is the H~israins of the Bible= the two Misrs corresponding to the "two regions" of the Scriptures. Misr does not exist on the monuments. I~awinsn obervs, Egy Pt is Mar' i~oX'jv, 'the land of Ham' (Psalms lxxviii. 5I cv. 23, 27, cvi. 2,2), therefore perhaps called Chesni, its only title on the monuments. Ham probably took up his abode there, and his name passed on both to the country and to its original chief god Khem, the special deity of the Thebais, which was the first seat of civilisation in Egypt. Egypt too furnishes the natural centre from which the different Hamitic races can diverge to Ethiopia, Arabia, Babylonia, Palestine, and the Syrian coast." Observe also that the words " chemistry," "alchymy, " are derived from Chemi = Egypt. cli llepoLY&S KUA?0\.eP/Lvfl a-KOmrLs. The rocky promontory of A oulkir, on which Canopus stood, was probably the site of this wcatch-tower. Ecizw/3os has been derived from kahi noub= "golden land,"=Xpicreov liaoos. flj\o~o-Lo= "Philistine" (town), according to Lepsius, as it was the last town retained by the shepherd Princes (Hypsos), who were Philistines, when driven from Egypt. Kcavrdppuv7ov= " alluvial," i.e. bsorne down (the stream). rI 7repteipyc oeo ="why did they proceed 'to a work of supeerogation I" TOiiS vlroKaraf~alovras = "'those who gradually came down (into the,new country)," as opposed to roiv 'roXe&7rop.4eiovs=I "those who were left behind (in the old country)." 14-19] EUTERPE. 245 16. Want of symmetry in this definition of the limits of Egypt. Atg36qv. Sallust (Jug. c. 17), "1plerique in parte tertif Africam posuere; pauci tantummodo Asiam et Europam. esse, sed Africam in Europa'. 7rpoo-Xo-ytPeoOa& = "in addition, to take into their calculation.' ica-is Tr) 46~ at the a.Pex."1 Mela calls it, "Iacumen Deltas." ireptppi?,ivwrat b= reaks off all round in different directions." 17. Egypt partly in Asia and in Libya. 9-repa &qOdaOa aor'ua-ra. Arrowsmith gives the following as the seven mouths of the Nile: (i) Ancient Canopic mouth, now ahout 300 yards wide, from Lake Aboukir, or Maudie, into the hay of Aboukir; (,2) Boihitine (Rosetta mouth); (3) ancient Sehennytic mouth (now seven feet water), from Lake Bourlas into the sea; (4) ancient Bucolic mouth, or Phatnitic; (5) ancient Miendesian mouth (now mouth of Dibe), from Lake Menzaleh into the sea; (6) ancient Tanitic mouth (now OmFaredje mouth), with six feet water during sixty days of the Nile's increase, from Lake Meunzaleh into the sea; (7) Pelusian mouth (now Buhastic, choked with mud, to the east of Lake Menzaleh). The Arabians call these mouths Os3to6m, from the Lat. "1ostium," or Greek UT6/Ja, by metathesis. 0a~yevga (i) = " legitimate," as opp. to v60os, hastard; (2) = regular, " " Inatural, " as opp. to 6pVKT 'a " Iarti~fleial." 18. Response of the God Ammon. 75~ 4eecwvnoD yc~gqs UOTepos' "after the (formation) of my ownd opinion." Maplsqs re 7r6Xtos. In ir. 30, Herodotus speaks of it as a frontier fortress towards Lyhia; it was placed on the southern side of that lake, called after it Mareotis. It was celebrated for its wine. Virgil in Georg. II. 9i1: " Sunt Thasime vites, sunt et Mareotides alhas." And in Horace we have "'lymphatam. Mareotico." And probably alluded to in the monumental inscriptions as "Ithe wine of the northern country." OV~K 6jsoXo-yletv a6,ro?d& = do not speak the samse language with them." 19. The Nile, its rise and overflow. 5 7L KaTepXeTaS =&I' 05,7T Ka7-1p~e7rat. 7rE~dcas I)' Is TS6P d'pLOpo', K.TAX. " And having drawn near to the number of these days." dh-ixerat = "'overflows." See 1=6rsdwp~et in II. i 8. diro?~chrwyrb TI)AeOpop- 1"b ing- lbehfhd`9li_ OWn (regttlarY (z)U029. The article issssve 246 NOTES ON [IL IAeXpt oi' aL~Tts TpO~reWV Ti~V Geptulwv =" until the time of the return of the summer solstice." With the ou' here compare the Latin expression, "tempore quo.",r& 9f.47aXtw IrE9VK&at "to be naturally the reverse." 20, 21, 22, 23. The three Greek theories of the inundations of the Nile examined. erloipsei=o "men of mark " (stamped men). o-qspvaL= "to indicate them once for all" (the force here of the aorist). Herod. does not think their opinions worth dwelling upon. -robs MXovs 7o-erauoiei', b'et = "all the other rivers, as many as." ol 6XXo = Lat. " caeeri, " " reliqui;" and see note on i. '2. iieXeo Ail e'' T-,q Mvphg roTa/mi, K.,rA As the Etesian winds blow from tho west as well as from the north, there is no real difficulty here, feiom. the easterly course of these rivers. d7r6 7e0) 'UiKeaveU plo'Tcr.' This was, the opinion of Dicaearchus and of Homer. Xlyec ya'p &ij ov'5' c5T'J elv =" for, observe, not even does this (opinion) expres~ anything (true)." So Lucan, x. 2 19: V~ana fides veterum, Nilo quo crescat in arva ~Xthiopum. prodesse nives." Euripides adopted the same theory from his teacher Anaxagoras, when speaking of the Nile in Helen. he says: IEUK~Ss TaC10etr27 XCOW'e, u-YPatvei 'ydcaS. 6rTL dpo'uq~os. Strabo knew, however, that the inundation of the Nile was owing to the rains which fall during the summer in ZEthiopia. 8t' frees ="throughout the year." Compare the common expression in ireland, "the year through." 6' 6 7repl reo3 'O2,eawoiO. See Chap. 21. This is supposed to beHeca. tieUs. el'K 9Xet Ae-yXov ="I contains nothing to refute it." 7ro7aflml' Ti2Keav6P. Iliad, XIV. '245, 'lreTaIolete jilepa 'D2icao'ei. 24, 25. Herodotus' theory of the Nile inundation. 8oe03ov = "the sun's course in the heavens." Btei~uin -r~s Aqtv'sjs r,& dvw. Herodotus seems to regard the inundadation of the Nile as its natural state; and that the river subsided during the winter only because it was being drained by the eva~poration of the sun, which was immediately over the higher parts of Libya. The notion that the sun's food was water, though ridiculed by Aristotle., was Stoical, and is mentioned by ILucretius: "Flammiger an Titan ut alentes hauriat undas Erigit Oceanum." And see Anacreon's Ode, xix.: 7ietee....6 8' 'Mo~s ao-oXaeiu. 2,0-29] EUTERPE. 247 KIEXapa&P wIL11fl75 "torn~ up by torrents." 6 6U NeXos &iw dlolvo~ps= "the Nile, as a fact, not having rainwater." w~-a pressed " or "Iexhausted" (by the sun). 26, 27. The Ister (Danube) compared to the Nile. StaKalwv ri~v 6 tdobop 6esrcui-= " burning up his passage," i. e. all the air that he passes through on his course. 7) a-7-dois -rdv d'lpcv."the settled position of the seasons." OA&Le Lat. " amat, " in the sense of solet = " Iis wont. " 28. Egyptian account of the Nile's source. -roi & Nel~ov T&s rcqryci. We have not yet discovered the fountains of the true Nile, as it seems admitted on all hands that the -Bahr el A biad, or the 14rhite River, as the more important river, was the reed Nile of the ancients. 6 ypaAq~arto-re -Cr q1p Twv pL Xpq[4rwv-= "the scribe that had charge of the priestly properties." Mu5'27s = the modern Assovan; it was a place of importance as a frontier garrison-town on the borders of Ethiopia. KpC95t, MOC95. The scribe was evidently joking Herodotus. Rawlinson compares the words to those absurd rhyming repetitions in our language: "burly-burly," "helter-skelter," "hum-drum," "1hugger. mugger, " &c. iktKeO-OaL=Lat. "lpervenire"= "1make its way to" (through difficulties). 29. lierodotus did not go beyond Elephantine. iOToPl&)M= " learning by inquiry. " 6vaw-es = "up-hill," as opp. to Kcdravre= "down-hill." Ka-rcdirep Po~v, " after the manner of an ox" (when dragged by ropes to the altar). is-I iyspas -rlo-o-epas = "extends over four days." The accusative of extension in time and place, with f'-ri, is quite in analogy with the accusatives of bid. Compare above,?ir- AeaKp6ra7-o; =" extending (my inquiries) as far as I could." 6' Matcu'bpog. Chandler observes, in his Travels, "The river runs from the mouth of the lake with many windings, through groves of tamarisk, toward Miletus, proceeding by the right wing of the theatre in mazes to the sea, which is in view and distant, as we computed, about eight miles." Our En glish word " meander" is derived from this river. ds-oj3&s= e navi descendens " in Latin, "disembarking." o-K67re~ot (Latin, "1scopuli "). d;'bXovua& (intransitive) = high rocks (from which one can see afar) hold themselves u~p." Xotpcibes = hogs' backs. " Virgil's "Idorsumn immane manis, " of low, rough sunken rocks, whose back alone is visible. 246 NOTES ON [II. Ala..At6vvoov —called by the Egyptians " Amun" and " Osiris's respectively. 30. An Egyptian colony above Syene. tayj Xp6vp " Iin a period equal" to the journey from Elephantine to Merde. irpi's AWLt67rwP = "against," or "in the direction of." Compare Irpbs 'Apaf~icv, 7rpo's At36,qs. dwrXve ovdlsis = "no one relieved them,." oiva a="and he tried to dissuade them." Thucyd. vi. 72. 31. How far the Nile is known. irdpe~= beyond and except." Tr-OroVTO yI&p au/iq~aXXoudivcp pAn~vc. Wesseling states that Aristides differs from ilerodotus in the number of months consumed in the journey from Elephantine to Automoli. 32, 33. The expedition of the Nasamones into Central Africa. Naaacyxdrar. These dwelt about the Syrtes, and by them the trade with Inner Africa was carried on. See Heeren. i/3po-r&s = " insolent," "1reckless.",ri~ 'ybp Aq~677v. See IV. T8r. According to Heeren this division of Northern Africa is based upon the natural features of the country, and corresponds to the modern names of Barbary, Biledulgerid, and Sahara. ri' /3Poprjt-qv 0d'Xao-orav "the Mediterranean Sea, " to wards the north. cL~rTC-O6a roO Kap~roO = "to lay hold of," and so "to eat." So Thucyd. ii. 50, and Cicero's uses of "attigissent" in the same sense. The fruit is supposed to have been the butter tree. tivpas [uwpo~'). That men of very small stature exist in Africa has been always believed, and on good authority. ciwudoOat 4s ir6Xv. This city is supposed to be IITimbuctoo, " and the river to have been the "Niger." CK 7on' tacwp Adrpco'= " from an equally remote point," i. e. from a point corresponding to the Ister., their sources being in corresponding quarters. See Arnold's Rom. lust. VolI. Lp. 491. 'Iqcr~p1v, now called "Histria." Ovid in Trist. iii. 9: "Hoc quoque Mileto missi venere coloni, Inde Getce Graias constituere domos." 34. Nile and Danube compared. Eir' &T-op IjcKp6TraTO5' Iaorope6;s'va. See Thucyd. -T. s, ~Irl P4KP6TZT~oP arKo~roOvrt. See ii. 29, and i. 7 x. 30-37] EUTERPE. 249 7?& Muc6ir- 'rq "Iorpcy, IK.7-.. Blakesley observes that probably a merchant-vessel going from the Ister to Phasis would lay her course for Sinope, or on the oFposite course run for the Ister from Sinope. 35. Description of Egypt, continued. Xo'yov juelw = "1too great for description, " surpassing description. looc'To 06e, K.T.X. = have established for themselves customs and7 manners, fo? h rae at nieydfeet rmtoeoh rest of mankind." db'3pes i~balvouo-&. Compare Soph. (Ed. Col. 333: OaKeiou' 107OVp-YOOVT6S- al 61 o~vvoleo Tn~ aClPOV Tp~od/Ea vopr-6'ouo-' a9 1. lprarc yvp'h. Wilkinson thinks that women were excluded only from the higher office of the priesthood. /dz PovXo/.4zowtoL=" 'su~pposing they do not wish it;" force of A' with the participle. 36. Customs of the Egyptians. ioib r-oiu Oapa'drovs "at the time of death." 5vet6es 1Adytor6p Io-rt. This is equally extravagant (as his other extreme assertions) according to iRawlinson, who says that though they also cultivated the holcus sorghum or (doora), and poor people may have used it, as at the present day, when they could not afford wheaten bread, it does not follow that the custom was obligatory, or ever adopted by an Egyptian of rank, and the assertion of flerodotus is on a par with Dr Johnson's definition of "Ioats." ~e&&s = " spelt. " 6'XvPa="rye" oaras= "wheaten du "ina state of consistency (~vu) &,p/ao-otoa-i 61 ypdAi/aoc, Xplcovraz. Wilkinson tells us the Egyptians used three kinds of characters: the hieroglyphic, the hieratic, and the enchoried. Herodotus mentions only two, the sacred and demotic; lbut as he speaks of their writing from left to right, it is possible that here he only alludes to the two cursory characters, the hieratic and enchorial, without comprehending the hieroglyphics under the head of writing. 37. Religious customs. v6l~oto- 7-owlote'e XplwvrTat = "use customs such as the following." lo-Oira hI q5OPiovae o Ip4e9, e.,r.X. = "and the priests wear no other dress but a linen one, and no other shoes but those made of the papyrus plant." di'vos &eurl~wo s "grape wine," as distinguished from oh'os 1K Kp10iwP -"barley wine," i. e. "beer," in ii. 77.rpcbryov-L = " eat raw;" hence TpWKT& and TpcbqJua. dp~tdpews, a form peculiar to Herodotus for clpXtpeos. brcaj'7L~c~aTasra= "Iis established in his place." 250 NOTES ON III. 38. Religious customs. 'zroi 'Eirdi~ov. See Herod. ix. 153, 6 U "AviLS KaiT& r~ip 'EXXi~Vcw 'yV(~aadv &OTLP "Eiraqpog. Herodotus simply substitutes the Hellenic equivalent for the Egyptian Deity Apis. There can be no doubt, says 13lakesley, that the Egyptian Deity is the original one: but the Greeks, after their usual wont, to account for all the legends they found by a reference to their own mythology and language, derived Epaplius from cageas.ZEschylus, Prom. 848: epvrai3Oa 3h ae Zev -ri0,jo-tP9u' popci fira~pbwp aLTapgd XeUp! Kal 06&ywxv A6z'os'. fTWcPU/WI 6& TOW A1iii 7yi'iyqi"T&wP T4~6tg KeXacviv 'Eiraqpov. 89. Mode of sacrifice. sir' auiToO. Supply ~Wcqoi. Ka7-a' roO iprftou = " down upon the victim." dir' cjp 95oP7To= "Ithey were wont then to give it away for tlieis own advantage," i. e. to sell it. Observe, this is a case of tmesis. Ka~rapiov'rat U~. ifo KebaX-qo-&. Compare Leviticus xvi. 21, 2,2, "And Aaron shall lay both his hands upon the head of the live goat, and confess over him all the iniquities of the children of Israel, and all their transgressions in all their sins, putting them upon the head of the goat, and shall send him away by the hand of a fit man into the wilderness: and the goat shall bear upon him all their iniquities unto a land not inhabited." 40. The sacrifices to Isis. iq' 1,atpeo-ts = " the disembowelling "=Lat. "exenteratio." f1yrnvrat etz'at = "1believe to be," not merely think, = voipo KGJV'/V= KCP7P. 7-'rPo'o-o~bz'=- the hip." apTWP KaOapC~v = pieces of fine bread;" made of fine unmixed flour. dvoTr6~t'wvrat = when they have ceased striking themselves." Valckenaer renders by "ubi plangere desierint. " 41. Cows niever killed, as sacred to Isis. Kat~apol~s /3ois = " oxen without mark or blemish." VWlb Kplws...yeloaeTaL. Genesis xliii. 32, "Because the Egyptians might not eat bread with the Hebrews; for that is an abomination unto the Egyptians." 'Ar'~ t= "A phroditopolis." Athar= Venus, and Night (which contained the seeds and elements of all things); while Bedis = Bech, or city, as Baalbech =the city of Baal. O~pUTat = 'i'pvvrcu, or 13pulievov 9Xovo-&. 42. Isis and Osiris, the only deities common to all Egyp't. PQjo/Uo ToO Ojalov= "Iof the Theban district " or ".Province." 38-45] EUTERPE. 251 'Io-t6s re Kca 'Oolptov. These Deities in their attributes comprehended all natural Deities. (a) Osiris, the Sun, symnbolised by a bull, represented the generating principle of nature, and elsewhere he was Anubis, Bacchus, Apollo, Dionysus, Jupiter, and Pan. (P) Isis, the Moon, symbolised by a cow, represented the productive powers of -nature, and was the Venus of Cyprus, Minerva of Athens, Cybele of Phrygia, Bellona of the Romans, Ceres of Eleusis, Diana of Crete, and the Proserpine of Sicily. Togl MIlv8qros. Mendes, now Mansoura, gave its name to the Man. desian mouth of the Nile, twenty-one miles eastwardl of the Phatnitic or Damietta mouth. 43. Heracles., one of their twelve Deities. 7-6 edveoa ToJ 'HpaKXlos. " This expression is a striking evidence of the colour which Hellenic channels gave to the facts received by the author. There is no Egyptian name in the least degree corresponding to Heracles: those of the Deities 'which are identified with him being Sem or Som, and Chon. The only way in which a sense can be attached to the author's remark, is to consider that he looks upon the forsn in which the Egyptian mythology was cast by the naturalized Greeks of his time as genuine Egyptian, losing sight (except in a few instances) of the fact of this being a mere adopted translation." Blakesley. EV 8 & Kd T66ae "and amongst them (the proofs) also the following one.") 44. Visit of Herodotus to Tyre to inquire about Heracles. OIXws' siblvat = "Ibeing determined to know," as opp. to mere will or preference, implied in /3e6Xo~Lat. TUpop. Tile Tyrian Hercules was Mfelcarth. oyxapd-ybov X10ov =' "emerald-like glass." A very old invention was the stainsing of glass in Egypt. Xc/s4rreTO5TS Tag k~ag fdycOos = shining a deal during the nights." Acc. to Jelf=jteea'-qcP Xa~uraiba. Oio-os', now " Tasso." Its rich mines would of course be an attraction to the Phicenicians. 45. Legends about Hercules.,vwo 7rojkwis= "in procession." T-Icos idei-jv~tqP gxecu' = for a while indeed kept quiet " (as we say). is-el bi ec-ed s-pbs Tep fiwise KaLTdPXO1/TO= "but when they proceeded to begin the sacrifices upon him at the altar " (by cutting off his hair).?S dXKhY, rpas-bscseov = betaking himself to his strength." See, Thucyd. ii. 84. KaS av O6oesev= "how could they.possibly sacrifice." q0iorw Xe& "how could he have the physical power," = rw s 7r#u5e. 252 NOTES ON (IL 46. The Mendesians consider the goat sacred. Aiytuor~rtwp oZ lp-qelvot, i. e. the Mendesians. a1yo'rp~o-w7roP Kai TparYOo-KE'Va = "with the face of the she-goat and the legs of the he-goat." Observe that dt'~ is from citaeow, and is properly " the spr-inger," the female goat being supposed to he more agile, while -rpaiyos is either from -rpa,"the rougher," or from Opl~, "the more shaggy" animal than the she-goat. It has been said that the hegoats have their lower limibs more covered with hair, and look rougher than the shie-goats. We have no faith in the derivation of rpa'-Yos from Trpc6,yw - " to nibble." 47. Detestation of the swine and the swine-herds. 'rLS 1-tt cpacT, ai~riwv 7r-aptC&, K.7TA.X= "should any one of them in passing by touch a pig merely with his outer garments." The XLTC., Was the inner garment. So in the Greek Testament the woman is represented as touching the 1jai/cTou Kpdaowe~ov = "the edge of the outer garment. " &Kbi8oo-Oat = "to give (out from one's home) in marriage." ayouOat = "to bring to (one's homae) in marriage, " like the Lat. "ducere in matrimoniumn." See iv. 145, Odyss. 0.' 37. ci 7rea-TVu'y5 'Kaee = "they have and have had a settled hatred for." iiEr~a 06o —p. Supply 6 Ovr~p. Tirl 7cpi' o L/n'P"hetp of the tail." In Latin and Greek these are adjectives, which are only partial attrihutes, descrihing -not the whole of the object, hut only a part of it, as in the case of lLKpqp' here. Compare the Latin " extremus," " summus" "imus, "medius, &C. denoting respectively " the end," " the top, "the bottom," "the middle" of those objects which they respectively qualify. OIUK &,P 9T& yevoaiaro = "they could not any longer possibly taste it." av always strengthens the negative. aTaiLTipaI "of dough." See Thucyd. r. Yr26. 48. A pig offered in sacrifice to Dionysus. i-i~c 6pT ^T -r 6op-rla = "on the eve of the feast." 49. Melampus conversant with the Egyptian rites of Dionysus. d7-peK9w9 lzsv ocb -7rai'Te, K.T.X. = " he did not clearly and comprehensively put together (or grasp) the whole account (of the matter), and (so) explain it." ol 17n-yevpo'evot i-oih-q, = those who came after him." -rla rw,3 Aeovopy VeAew61Acero = carried in procession in honour of Dionysus." KaTflyflo-d/)evos = "having given a detailed account of," as opp. to faoq7?5oeaa~a (infra) - to have conveyed (among the Greeks) information about." 46-52] EUTERPE. 253 crvIJrEaleie =Val in with," "coincide with." Zs 7i~v vib' Bosw7rt7v. See Thucyd. i. i2. 50. The Greek names of the Deities, partly Pelasgian and partly Egyptian. 1EVPtO-KC 6v' "I find to be a reality." 65TC bi wij, -mark the exception, that." X&yw b&="I say, observe." ro~d~ovuc....'pwos oubUY =II are wont to pay no religious observance to heroes." 51. The Pelasgians originated the Priapic Hermee. VeVe,4KaOrs = have been and are accastomed to use." 7rpTs Co7-t i 'EXX?5'Cnh &7cdVTWI', K.xr.. "and the Athenians are the first of all the Greeks, without exception, who received this (custom) from (the Pelasgians)."?~77" 'r'qv1KalJra es 'EXXrnmas re\Iovos = "even at this time being reckoned among the Hellenes." Ke/3elpcop. These were the "'Magnii Dii," adored in the mysteries of Samothrace. They were especially Ceres, Proserpine, Pluto, and the Egyptian Mercury, with Pan. olie r6 Xkyco = " knows what I mean." Ta Is'roiat Is' Xa~Op?7` p= Kar& Ta, fi, K.TA.X 52. The Pelasgian Gods nameless. I9rwevv/u9JJ bU os'b' etso~oua Ieroe~exr, K.TA.X= " but had no distinct names or aappellations for them." Rawlinson, on the other hand (Mure Vol. L. P. 73, of Greek Literature), observes, "Herodotus says that 'formerly the Pelasgians had no separate names for the Gods, until they learned them fr-om the Egyptians.' The historian must he presumed to use the phrase 6xojucc in this passage, -not in the literal sense, but in that of denomination, personality, character: for it were difficult, certainly, to imagine two sets of names differing more entirely from each other than those of Zeus and Ammon, Apollo and Hor, Artemis and ]3ubastis, Hermes and Thit. The contrast might be extended through the whole Pantheon.'' irpoo-wvo6kaoaP', K.TA. = "they applied to them the name of Gods (Ocol = I disposers') from some such circumstance as this, because they disposed in beautiful order all the things in the universe, and maintamned all such dispositions." This account would derive Oei's from rTIO-Ak, in the sense of "Idisposing:" others derived it from the sense of "1laying" (the foundations of the world), as "Creators." Plato derived it from 04w = "to run," because the Gods first worshipped were the sumoon, and stars. Modern philologers derive it from the same root as Deus, Diva, A&6s. 254 NOTES ON [II. 5 3. Homer and 'Hesiod formed the Hellenic Theogony. oi 7roL?50avres Oeo-yoeipv "E\Xia. Grote makes it out from this passage that Homer and Hesiod invented the Greek Theogony. Wessefing, Creuzer, Wyttenbach and others explain it as stating merely the, introduction of the deities into popular poetry (ireocu'aTeS), and investing them with the shapes, passions, and characters of men. b7 rp0'6Tp0V 7 lre7pa';ey6peevot. Biihr thinks that Herodotus does not here mean to deny the existence of Orpheus, Musnus, Linus, Eumolpus, and other poets hefore Homer, hut to maintain that their professed poems were spurious, and of subsequent origin. 54, 55. The Egyptian account of the oracles of Ammnon and Do.. dona. es At6q36, 'rpqieG&-aP "sold and carried into Libya." The verb is here pregnant. 9ipao-cuv 7rpls ~rag~a they said in reply to these things." dvevpet= "to find by inquiry" (by tracing upad) 7rpo~ecivres. The 7rp6,uavTts was the special title of the Pythian or Delphic priestess, who gave out the oracles. Compare 7rpoq5-qr-q. 67rl 0777'x,= "upon the esculent oak" (from Oaklyc), n ot the beech, as some would render it, erroneously connecting it with the Lat. "Ifagus." 01 axxcg AW5wi'a?ot, i.e. the Selli. See Arnold's Romne, Vol. ii. p. 638. 56, 57. Herodotus comments on this strange story. -rlv Tiep)h 'EXXd8x badrlbosro "and took into Greece and sold the other (woman) there.",7r6q5UK~t-7= "Iof nature's growth." KaTyy~o-aaro - declared in detail or in ex~press terms." iir' ToIJe. So in i. 14, 47rl ToO U'avac'Tos erwvvLAhq'. Kicc -ri'pc~v IPC ~ 1P1' the art of divination from victims too." 58, 59. Egyptian pilgrimages. rpaywy's= "bringing of offerings in procession;" or supplctos some say,. " introduction," to the shrine. cv 1.klo-y r~G A4Xra= in the centre of the Egy ptian Delta." See on the partial attribute, ii. 47. 1 aiY vw6Xtv. Sais, now Sa-el-Hagar, lay a few miles west of Busiris. 60, 61. Processions and festivals of Egyptian deities. Kp6,raXa... KporraM~ovct= "Ithey rattle their rattles:" acc. of the cognate word. ep r~p cixapr& Iptavrwe3~ ~'eIrOolirwp =I "than in all the rest of the year that remains, without any excepto. 7-p Tlr7rToPca "but in honour of whom they beat themselves." 53 —66] EUJTERPE. 265 62, 63. Other festivals at Sais and Heliopolis. Wdq5tc = "vessels "-compare our "dips "-probably made of glass, acc. to Wilkinson. 17voXi~s "on the surface." a~va iraaav Atyvirr-ov = up and down, from the bottom to the top of Egy Pt. " Karak = would be "Ifrom the top otebto. Ovoal= Kad Ipa = "sacrifices and ceremonies." 4 rl 1-i &rTpVa -1 "on the other side" (properly, looking "1towards the other things"). ol 6U cbXcoc/~a~ot = now those who are bound by a vow." KEq~aXcs rcc ozn'apdo-uoopra& -and they smash each other's -heads" (force of the compound verb). 64. Popular legends. 47r~rpoboop = "Ireared far away from (his Parents).",roeava lE7JrL\IyoJ7Tes = " reckoning up such things," i. e. give such reasons for their conduct. 65. The Egyptian animal worship. o-lbTpoqPa = " domesticated ""reared along with" (man). avetTat= "set free," allowed to rangee at large. Literally it means "Cgiven up" (to their own inclination orpwe) T-A TIAj0V = "the honourable charge." 10(TraT& or7aOjuq5J irp6g dip'yiipto rTis -rptXas "they weigh the hair in a scale against a bit of silver:" literally, they make the hair to -stand in the standing scale against the bit of silver, i. e. the scale on which the hair is,, is made to stand even with the scale on which the money is: hence the o-ra0,u6T of the Greeks, and the "stare.," "to cost," of the Romans, and our common idiom, "Iit stands me so much." rb6' &8' ap K60rV =but whatever money the hair may have drawn down," i. e. weighed in the scale. lfpvca= " the falcon." Compare Scott's Marmnion., Canto i: "EeD. such a falcon, on his shield, Soared sable in an azure field; A The golden legend bore aright, Who checks at me, to death is dight." The falcons was an emblem of the soul, and is found at the entrances of the Egyptian tombs. 66. Peculiar habits of the cat. 8tao-TdvTeS=" having stationed themselves at intervals." 8CM860ov Kal '7r-ep0pe$-KovTcs -robs d~pdnrous-= "'slipping through and boundUg over the men." 2436 NOTES ON [III Ka~raXa/Igdve& - comes down upon and seizes; " pregnant sense. Herodotus is peculiarly fond of this word in describing heavy calamities. a~rb TO1J ab6TogaTo1) =by a natural death." 67. Cat mummies at Bubastis. Tas /.uvYaX&s = " shrew-mice." Blakesley observes, "that the story ran in later times that Latona, when nursing Horus, changed herself into one of these animals to escape the pursuit of Typhon by burrowing in the earth." Plutarch says, the animal being regarded as blind was considered an emblem of primeval darkness. The mummies of the shrew-mouse are said to he found at Thebes, Buto, and AthriWi, probably the Atarbechis of Herodotus. 68, 69, 70. The crocodile of Egypt. &Xe7ret= "shells" or "hatches." OepJ6,rcpoP yap 3h, Kc.-rA. According to Larcher, the water which had become heated during the day-time retains the heat during the night, and then is warmer than the air and the dew. Mr-)& \6,yov roiD cbo y[rcTa= "is born (in size) in proportion to the egg"),yW~&oa U AOi'OP, K.TA.N=1 "now this is the only animal that has not a tongue naturally." oi51 TiP' K&7rW KWIL yvdiOov, K.-rX. Rawlinson here observes, "the story of its moving its upper jaw is owing to its throwing up its whole head when it seizes its prey, at the same time that it really moves its lower jaw downwards." apT7' ara Xl0wa Xvrd: "pendants of molten stone," i. e. of glass, which was most probably invented in Egypt, and carried to an extraordinary perfection in its manufacture. KpoK0ae1xOlVS U 'IwPes dW'6Aac-ar. IRawlinson ohserves, that KpoK6. 8eXos was the term given by the Jonians to the lizards, as the Portuguese al legato, "the lizard," is the origin of our alligator. The Ionians here mentioned are the descendants of the Ionian soldiers of Psaimnetichus. The crocodile is not the Leviathan of Job xli., as some have supposed. Isaiah xxvii. m, calls Leviathan " the piercing serpent," and "that crooked serpent," corresponding to the Aphophis, or "cgreat serpent" of Egypt, the emblem of sin. 6eXedao,. Supply6 O' OqpevTi-j, "the hunter." 71, 72, 73, The river-horse and other animals described. ~vo-r& dKc'Vrla= " the shafts of javelins," Lat. " hastilia jaculorum." The hippopotamus was probably the Behemoth of Job, that "1eateth grass like an ox." 66ts= "Iotters." 7-r6s xv~aXdnrCKa S = I"fox-geese." 67-77] EUTERPE. 257 && irlwv... 7re1JraKOO1&JV. Creuzer refers the story of the Phcenix to astronomical computations; and supposes the arrival of this imaginary bird at Heliopolis to have been the symbol of the completion of the magynus annua amongst the Egyptians. TV /ypa~qjj rap61.otos = "closely corres ponding to the picture." ireptjfrpqo-&z'= 'reprypdiqv~ = in outline, " or " Ithe contour." 74, 75. The snakes of Egypt. ot ise'ydOed 16vTes Awcpol= "1who being small in size." Among the Egyptians the serpent was the symbol of immortality, and among the Christians of the resurrection. KaT& BovToi~v ii-dXtv- "lying in a line with the city Buto." TWYo lr~ep&Yrwv 60awv - the winged ser pents." Compare Isaiah: "The burden of the beasts of the South, from whence come the 'ciper and the flying fiery ser~pent." Wilkinson observes that "the winged serpents of Herodotus have puzzled many persons from the time of Pausanias to the present day. The Egyptian sculptures represent some emblematic snakes with bird's wings and human legs. The Draco volans of Linnoeus has wings, which might answer to the description given by Herodotus, but it does not frequent Egypt." 76. Description of the Ibis. pedXatva 8ewtv~s irwaa= "1marvellously black all ovesr." TOJWV 5'?v 7roorl A6&XXop eM~iXEV/dVp roSOL dvOpcbnrotat. ]3uttmann, speaking of ci~e?;, observes in p. 268 (Lexilogus): "The passive form of this verb occurs again in another sense, which has been compared with the Latin 'versari,' and that as early as Herodotus, who (ii. 76) distinguishes one species of the Ibis from the common sort with this expression (the passage being quotpd); where ev iroo-I means nothing more than near at hand, as at III. 79, fKTELVOv -rcu'vTox 'fva& -rWv Md-ycn' vie' iv irooaI ytv6Acevov = 'every one who chanced to come near them, to come in their way.'...In this expression EiE~o-Oat answers to our phrase 'to be busy about anything.' And as nothing has occurred to show that the idea of to mo~ve an-d turn about and around is a radical one in this word, we must suppose that it found its way into use from the frequentative meaning of the present. That is to say,, the meaning 'to be pushed,' or 'to thrust and push oneself,' readily takes in the present, particularly in Greek, the collateral idea of comnmonty, constantly, which, when we are speaking of the space in which this is done, naturally and of itself calls up the idea of backwards and for wards, or the corresponding one of around and about. To this appears to belong the meaning which the word has occasionally in the later Greek, to wind round =to press itself round, or cling." 77. Peculiar habits of some Egyptians. A'm5jwqp dvOpcbrcwv rd7wpvre 47raG-cr~ves AdXto-ra = "cultivating in an especial manner and as far as possible the memory of all their (dis 258 NOTES ON III. tinguished) men." Compare the Latin expression " Irerum. gestarum memoriam pr~cipub excolentes." It is in the countryg rather than in the town, as a general rule, that the legends and the language of the past linger longest, and are most beloved: towns, and especially commercial towns, are influenced by so many nDew changes, that the old has hut little chance of surviving the innovations brought about. 78. Custom at entertainments.?rapvr~q. Blakesley observes, "1this word, when applied to measurement, always means 'in every dimension.' Here, therefore, it would imply that the mumimy was of a critical figure, which there seems no reason to suppose. I suspect the word has slipped out of its place, and that originally it occupied the site of the words Kel 'ypaqb-j Kai 1gpyyc, which crept in from the margin as an interpretation of it." 79. Egyptian Maneros same as the Greek Linus.?IX~o, ovblra eIWLKriC'JPTra =they take to themselves in addition no other" (custom). 67oOco uductven= "to be lost in wonder at." 6' Alieo9="the Linus," just as v6'Aev ra', 6pOtev (I. '2) "1the martial strain." The article marks the thing as well known and understood. According to Wilkinson, Linus and Maneros were probably the genius or impersonation of song. The Egyptians now use "ya, laylee I ya layl! " as a chdrus for lively songs, meaning, " 0 my joy, 0 night!1" alluding to the wedding-night: IIya laylee, doos, ya laylee! " " 0 my joy; stop, 0 my joy!1" alluding to the dance. Compare Hebrew Hallel, "tsinging, praising," whence "1hallelu-iah." 80.:Reverence for the aged. etkova VOL T2M6oi. Valckenaer compares Aristophanes' Clouds, 989: Keat r~p0v6VOKP roZg 7rpeo-Tj3~pots 'rzavio-ao-Oat 7wpeotovoLt. l7rpoo-KVE'iov-tL= "do homage" or "obeisance to;" properly, "fawning on one, like a dog," from wrpb'S-KVW' (" dog"). Compare the old English verb "to spaniel." 81, 82. Wearing of linen, and astrology. e~raapX oo "throwing them in addition over these." 6o~o~oylovenc 61 -aTas~, K-TAX. The Egyptian priests, according to Diodorus Siculus, J. 96., affirmed that Orpheus had derived most of his mysteries from Egypt. See IL. 49. 0~e(Zh b'ev &7TI. Supply 11ph. 6Ti-L eur KV~TE what he will fall in with." oi 6' irot-,5oet yev'6Aeioc=I "who have been engaged in poetry, or composition." 83, 84. Oracles and medical professors. WO5e &LaK~e'ea&" "is thus disposed" or -situated, is in the following state ur condition. 78-88] EUTERPE. 259 a' ye y javTr'a= " the methods of giving oracles." lrTpoi KaT-rfe'TaaL = "physicians were established" (by Government), who received fees from the rich, and gave "advice to the poor gratis.'' Wilkinson observes, ":Not only was the study of medicine of very early date in Egypt, but medical men there were in such repute that they were sent for at various times from other countries. Their knowledge of medicine is celebrated by Homer (Od. IV. 229), who describes Polydamna, the wife of Thonis, as giving medicinal plants 'to Helen, in Egypt, a country producing an infinite number of drugs."' 85. Funeral lamentations. arTpocbdepat=" turning themselves in all directions." The frequentative and intensive form of a-rpeqw, as "versor" in Latin is of "verto." e7re'ceo/dvaI= "having their clothes girt up." Compare the Latin "succincti." )alvovauo TroS gaoasobS= " exposing to view their breasts." za'o6s&. Blakesley observes, "the girdle prevented the tunic from falling lower than the waist, which, when loosened for the purpose of beating the breast, it would otherwise have done." 86. Embalming: three different methods. rapaSelyJaTa veKpiwj.6Xtya= "wooden patterns of corpses." -r'v Iev ' crovUaLoTariTiv...KcaTa j17'vrwa. Supply in both of these cases the word TapiXevacv. eTreXecrTprw = "more easy to pay for." (zAos= "toll," i.e. payment.) 7bT eiyKba\Xov (supply iveXcv) = "the head (marrow)," i.e. the brain. lyXoTovres qdpjaaKaa= "pouring in drugs" (to decompose the brain, which could not be extracted)..era& 5=C="now, afterwards." As in Homer, so in Herodotus, we often find the prepositions used in an adverbial sense. 87. Embalming. robs 8 Te a/P-a iovoAzLvovUS= with respect to those wishing for the intermediate mode of interment." aKevdudov.at. Supply aqrt Tbv veKpOV= " their own dead relative." w7rtXapvTres = "stopping up" (to prevent it from getting back). 7rpfyfzJarevuO&ireS. Supply prepi O'v,eKp6v. 88. Embalming. a7r' &v 6wcoKav daropldpeaOat == "then they returned it for the purpose of being carried away." 260 NOTES ON (II. 89. Iireics TpLcr~a-t q' 're'rapractau yb'evrat= "Iwhen they are decad for three or four days.", Observe the duration of time expressed by the ending -cues, derived from ordinal numbers. KaLTei7rat =II immediately denounced it" (force of aorist). 90. Bodies drowned or taken by crocodiles. Sr~p~~el~~rc~s "coponentes,"Lt TWP irpeoG-JK6VTWP= "those belonging to them," i. e. r'elaetions. 91. Chemmis, an account of. bi a6fLrcW &irew= "now to take all, we have to say, together," a.e. "in short." volitaloto-t = Pvlotes= "ordinances " or "customs." Xegluis ir6XuS. Chemmis, or Panopolis, was 'in the Thebals, on the eastern bank of the Nile. The modern Akhmyn retains traces of the ancient name. Hepaoge roOJ Aavdiqs. Creuzer makes the Egyptian Perseus identical with the Sun, and so with Osiris and the Nile.,7rp67rvXaI = 7rpo~rtAwc. oavbacicov. According to Wilkinson, one of the Colleges of Dervishes at Cairo shows the shoe of their founder, which is -of immense size: so too in Bk. iv. 8,2, we find a footstep of Hercules, of similar dimensions, shown in Scythia. 6' ctI O4L o~pocrL=&&ert cog~of.cet'oer. dvw-yPCwva=" recognised," -not "Iread." 92. Habits of the marshmen. KpiV~a 7r0kXA, Kc.r.. Herodotus mentions two kinds of lilies or lotuses. The first, called Nynmphcea lotus, is found in the neighbourhood of Damietta, and eaten by the people there; the second, called Nymphmac nelumbo, no longer exists in Egypt, though its figure is sculptured on their tombs. It is very common in India. i7r-ioavres = "having crushed." Compare the Latin "'pinso," "lpiso." IV ML\X KdiXVKL srapaq~vojueir = "on another stem growing alongside of it."1 T'P&KT& b0'oo T6 7rvp'hv eXalqT = "eatable grains or berries as big as the stone of an olive." Th~z' i&eioz' -yIJ'eols'7J' that comes into being every year." 8ta~oa&= " of trans~parent heat," i. e. of a white heat. 93. The fish of Egypt. d'yeXuo,= "gregarious." -roO Oopoii. Partitive genitive. 89-99] EUTERPE, 261 avaKd1r~rovat =devour." See Aristoph. Birds, 5 79: Klc oTrrepisoX6'ywv, &i TrwV &-YPWvX 76 ear~pl' a6Or~TWVa'Kcdat/a. 7W1' yap 6WY K.-rX. = "they keep spawning their roe by a few eggs at a time." -tors "straining or oozing through." 94. The Egyptian common oil. KIK =' "castor-berry," or=" icporc5v," whence our "Croton oil." It is the word in the Septuagint tran slated "Igourd " in Jonah iv. 6. dim~roihn = "press out" (the juice). 95. Protection from mosquitoes. dI1LA/3PXfla-7poP. See Horace, Ep. ix. 1 5: "Interque signa turpe militaria Sol aspicit conopium." Fromthis"conpium," the protection against the mosquitoes (7rp's roi)g KW&Vw7r a ), comes the English word "canopy," for any covering. 96. The boats on the river. T-&s &picevlcs?s cav f'd71-cLwooas Ti1 f36j3Xq "they stopped up and covered over the joinings with the papyrus (plant)." &t& TflS Tp67Tos &cq36serat "makes its way through the keel." 'salirpls &'e~os-"a clear wind," or "a fair wind." 97. The time of inundation. &A JAIOovi roiv 7re~lov. See Virg. Georg. iv. 287: "Nam quA Pellhei gens fortunata Canopi Adcolit effuso, stagnantem. flumine Nilum Et circumn pictis vehitur sua rura phaselis." NctvKpd~Tri. Naucratis, somewhat to the north of Sais, was the great mart of the Greeks in Egypt. See Herod. ii. i78. so I OlbK oUTos = "but this is not the usual course." 98, 99. Navigation of Egypt. 'AsOvXXa = Gynaecopolis, according to Larcher. TOrade Pai 3oLXUoVTos = " of him who happens to be king from time to time." See Thuc. i. -2. ~TOUTo f4& = "this then is the first care." Here IsAz' is in its proper and earliest sense, from p4(ets, ta, e;v) = " the one " thing that comes first; as opp. to &e(v) for 86w. The corresponding roi~ro 11 is at the close of this chapter. -r & 7 rora,.uip 6XrV~- K.TrA. = "formed a new channel for the river, so that it flowed in the midst between the mountains." 262 NOTES ON [II. 100. The Egyptian kings after their first king Men. Alacs i y vv~ 17iwot-wp. Blakesley well observes here, "Ithat the patriotism of the Egyptians would not allow them to consider Nitocris a foreigngy is not to be wondered at. They laid claim to Cambyses in the face (according to ilerodotus) of facts of which they could not possibly be ignorant. See iis. 2. The name Nitocris is only the Hellenized form of Neit-okr, a name which, according, to Clhampollion and others, appears on the monuments, and is equivalent to 'A.thfr-q Ni~fl, an interpretation which was actually given to the word by Eratosthenes. The identity of the Egyptian N-qt6 with the Hellenic Athen6 had been remarked by Plato (Timon, i. p. 2 i), and the etymological connection of Neith with Anaitis is the same as that of Dercato with Atergates, Cyphas with Acyphas, o-,cdXvs with do-rraXvs, Xairciw with dXawcdpw, TreIJ'W with dr&ll/fl; or of v~ooca with the Latin anas, 71roT1 with aput, rpaXiv and trux with atrox, Acdxos and d'pdiXv-q with aranea, 6xd~vq and XdiXavov~ with alga, and probably Ke~atvc'Js with aquila and aquilo. The interchange of the elementary structure an-th, and ath-n may be illustrated by the pairs d'KL6Vos and KlV06oS, 66v'eos and voOedos, f-qpbs and a-KtPP63, and the English ask and its archaic but now vulgar axe. It may be observed, that the Egyptian name remained at Thebes of Bceotia on the N~jtTaL 7r6Xac (.Zschylus, Theb. 460)." 101. King Mceris. -rV U dXXwv /3CTuLVWV 06 'YAP AeYOP, K,r.rA. = (I believe) that next to no distinction belonged to all the otter kings, for (people) did not mention any manifestation of their deeds, with the exception of one, their last king, called Moeris." Bao-t~cwv here seems the genitive of possession; Xajesrp6,rqros, the partitive gen'itive. 102. Sesostris-his deeds. Meowo-rpts. According to Rawlinson this was the first king of the twelfth dynasty, Osirtasen, or Sesortasen I., who was the first great *Egyptian conqueror; but when Osirei or Sethi (Sethos) and his son Remeses II. surpassed the exploits of their predecessor, the name of Sesostris became confounded with Sethos, and the conquests of that king and his still greater son were ascribed to the still greater Sesostris. 'lpw~rov 6Ptfo01vra = "was the ftrst who set out." Observe that mrpc-ros here is personal, and not adverbial. fppaX~wv. Compare the Latin expression "1brevia et syrtes." && ri~s 'iprelpov = "from place to place, throughout the continent." Observe here the force of the genitive case with a local noun. -rb 1,ro~iv= "that came in his way," or "that stood in his way." Compare the Latin, "im edimentum" and the English "impediment," derived therefrom.,y\XtoIjIvoto-L srept T-qr?Xev~eps~s=" struggling forateir freedom, from the love of it." irapl~afe =I "he won over to his side." 100-107] EUTERPE. 263 103. Sesostris subdues the Scythians. &e4S5Ce="1 he proceeded to go completely through (the continent)." Ked Irpoo-&TaTa = even at the farthest. " q5atvotrrat o-raMcIcrae= "were evidently erected;" hut O/alvovrat o-ra. O~vac = "1seem to be erected." In the fom~ner case we have the expression of a fact in the participial form, and its impression on the mind in the purely verbal form (see note on i. 5); in the latter case we have merely the expression of an opinion. pu6p~ov 5o-ov &i ="I a small portion of whatever size it might be." b6j makes the definite word preceding it still miore definite, and the indefinite word still more indefinite. 104:. The Colchians of Egyptian extraction. Obalvov~raL II~v 'yip 1&VTes ol K6\~ec, Ic.TA. = "1for assuredly the Col. chians are evidently and really Egyptians." See note on previous chapter for the force of Oatvoprat with a partici~ple.,ge~d-y~poes Kal obX6rptXes= " of a dark brown complexion and curly hair," acc. to Heeren. dir' dp "sfrom the beginning;"' i. e. from very early life. Mipot ol is if-q HaXato-rivii. Here Herodotus only means those who occupied the sea-coast among the Phcenicians and Philistines; for his silence on. Jewish history is the best proof we can have that he did not visit, nor yet inquire ahout the interior of the country. irtfuto-y6/LE;ot Aty6rryq ="I by their extended intercourse with Egypt." (Such here is the force of the preposition.) 105. Colchian and Egyptian mode of manufacturing linen similar. ~fdpe V Kal icd XXo ei'rw irepl TWPv K6NXcwv= "bear (with me) now, and I may tell (you) another thing about these Colchians." Mapbo'LKOV for XaplnevlK6v. Compare Aristoph. fPciLqnc TaptaaV1K6e,. 106. Remains of Sesostris' columns. ObKITL cpcvovrat i7repieovo-at= " evidently no longer survive." &Mo r6irot. The latter of these two reliefs was discovered in the year i Si7. See an interesting account of it in the Classical Museum, Vol. i. p. ~232.,.LI'yaf5 wirlarrnis uirtft/dts= of the size of four cubits and a half." See i. 5i. 107. Danger and escape of Sesostris..rvoicp' ~. Diodorus tells us that be surrounded the tent, in which Sesostris and his family were staying, with reeds,, and set fire to them during the night, 264 NOTES ON [II. 7rT TV rvpjv &KrelaVICra. This is but a confirmation of the common Moloch-worship amongst the ancient heathen, by which parents were obliged to make "their children pass through the fire" to that god. 108. Punishes his brother: employment of captives. Travrolovs rp6rovs gXovaat= "having turns in every direction." 7rXacrvTrporto= "more brackish." The sea-water is described as 7rXarb fviwp, and Hesychius explains 7rXarb by Xa\sLVp6v; a sense which Aristotle gives it. Compare its application to the Hellespont by Homer. PpecdTw = " reservoirs." See Arnold's Thuc. I. 48. 109. Allotment of the land of Egypt. AltyvrTrioto't &rra-t="to all the Egyptians without exception." See Genesis xlviii. for the way in which the king got possession of the land. The word firas (Lat. "cunctus") in Herodotus implies="all without exception." r&s 7rpoo-66ovs 7rol7Toao-Oat= "created for himself those revenues." (rrpooo6ovs= "incomes," properly speaking.) 7rcrdcavTra d7ro0ophv, K.T.. = "having enjoined upon them a produce-tax to pay him every year." The qf5pos was the tax paid byforeign and dependent states, while the adro)opa is a rent paid from the fruits, or other advantages arising from the holding. r6Xov,=a concave sun-dial shaped like the vault of heaven (compare t ccelipolus"). Rawlinson here observes: "The gnomon was of course part of every dial. Herodotus, however, is right in making a difference between the -yvu6wv and the 7roXor. The former, called also r(TToieiO, was a perpendicular rod, whose shadow indicated noon, and also by its length a particular part of the day, being longest at sunrise and sunset. The 7r6Xos was an improvement and a real dial, on which the division of the day was set off by lines, and indicated by the shadow of its gnomon." See also Grote's Greek Hist., and Diet. of Antiquities (sub voce). 110. The power of Sesostris over Ethiopia. puFva6vva b iXlrero ="now he left as memorials of himself." Aapeov 5b o 6vvaa-Opvac, K.r7.X. Arist. (Rhet. 11. 20) seems to assert that Darius conquered Egypt prior to the expedition against Greece. 111. King Pheros and his blindness drao-OaXit Xpyraq-devov= "was guilty of using sinful presumption." See Thuc. VI. 59, and Homer, passin. 4KCet4= "has come to its end." 'iepwsv-" Pharaoh." A title, not a name. dvaSX\et= "thou shalt look up;" i. e. recover thy sight. So in the New Testament v-rorrpo-at= " secretly set fire to," or "to fire from the bottom;" Lat. "succendere." 108-115] EUTERPE. 265 drroqov-yd'- "having completely esca~ped from." 6&~Xoibs 36o XtOIvov's. Consecrated to the Sun, whose rays they syn-. bolised. 112. King Proteus, the Memphite. 1~U'Hoacoorrj` v 7rpbs J'6ToV 66c4ov, K.1-.X. from the temple of Vulcan towards the south (wind)," the temple being the point frotm whtich it commenced. o-rpcT6irebev. This "camp " was really an establishment for trade under the protection of a sanctuary..7vteu~dXXo~uacu= "I conjecture; " literally, "I (infer) by throwing my thoughts together." Compare the Latin "1colligere" and the English "I collect " = (to infer). 113, 114, 11.5. The Egyptian account of Helen. dplet "relax," (intransitive) for dvwho-t.?S Tb '3v KaTatobt-ycI)P, K.r.N. = "into which, if any man's slave, to whomsoever he may belong, take refuge, and should allow sacred characters to be branded upon him, thus surrendering himself to the God (of the sanctuary)." These marks showed them to be dedicated to the service of the Deity, and were a symbol of protection. See Genesis iv. i15, and Galatians vi. 17 ataTeXleL-= "continues to be in force." Compare the Latin "per"P in composition. ewpts. In Homer's Odyssey, iv. 2,28, Polydamna is mentioned as the wife of Thon, eWvos 7rapcdKoLTLS. avuXcWovrcs = "having seized as a prisoner." Lat. "compre. hendere." KaT~Xetc= "laid down;" i. e. told in detail. 7rapb TOG oewvroii ~&iVOV, K.TA.. = " and you got over (i. e. overcame the scruples of) the wife of your own host." dvairrepdcroas ca6Tij "set her on the wing " in ambitio us thoughts. Kepacaas= "having laid waste;" as in Iliad, E. 557, o-aO/.toiv cb'. Opcboreu Kepai c-rov. The word is derived from KCipc' = to shear" (away), and is chiefly used by Homer and Herodotus. oV To& 7rpofloC draceyo-Oat = I will not give them up to you to carry off.")3 -rplcc' i~jieplwv ="1 withinatree days." /serop/J1recaLa' "to remove your anchorage." =e ontetonrryspposition." This formula of transla. tion has the advantage of meeting the case of a negative antecedent, as well as a positive antecedent. -0 IIEROD. I. 12 266 NOTES ON [i 116, 117. Criticism of the legend of Helen. es 6 geer qce=" "for which cause he gave it up.' Mr'i yiep iiei77roe11, K.TrN = "according to what he comosdith Iliad.") KaTie = KaO' i. psdi h Kre o6ae q eLXv ehEri66-e 'wv-z-bv= "and in no other portion(ohi work) has he retraced his steps;" i. e. withdrawn his statement. Mt6~va, now Sayda; the word properly signifies "a fishing-place." In viii. 67, Herodotus places Sidon before Tyre. In Genesis (x. i9) we have Sidon hut not Tyre. Oeoct6hs = "beautiful as a god." See Iliad, vi. 289. Weale's Edition. T68E T-b Xwptov = " this passage." Compare "1locus " in Latin, and Coleridge, Greeko Classic Poets, p. 50. 118, 119. The Egyptian legend of Helen.,e'; IAe& 9XCELl, K.T.X (/e& = =AP "that assuredly they did not possess Helen, nor yet the wealth laid to their charge." 1p4v is the usual formula with an oath. 3lKas 6irlXewv= "1to give an account " (a law formula). 'EX4'7s as-aOla KaKeWz' durz-acqe. Compare the case of Abram and his wife with Pharaoh. TOc~h UTrOo erl irob -rotoi~lro = "now since some such thing as this endured for a long time." Supply Xp6pov. gVTo/ja o-rpea 1ro[qo-e= "made them victims (to the infernal gods)." See viii. 191Y, and compare Virgil's -,En. ii. i i6: "Sanguine placfistis ventos et virgine cnsA Quum primum Iliacas Danal venistis ad oras, Sanguine qu~crendi reditus." And Lucretius, i. 83: "1quod contrlh seepius illa Religio peperit scelerosa atque impia facta." With 9projea supply ao~a'yta. 120. Herodotus confirms the Egyptian legend of Helen. cppesopXaf3s = "infatuated." Suidas explains hy 6' Trs Opiv4as flePXaju.ejeiosc~o-Te.. - -i/o6XovTo = "so that they actually wished." J'-jvWO-KeOV (Supply KLVbJVE66') =1 " resolved." 06K &TTrc 6ITE o6= "there never was the time when not," i.e. ever, continually. Wi- eK6lV&W'= " in dependence upon that one." So vii. 10. 3. 121. The reign of iRhampsinitus. 4p~y6pov= "money." The current metal for money among the Greekswas silver. Compare the French "l1'argent." .116-124] ETJTERPE. 267 Trpa~ePvrcov=~ (JirtyevoA1dvwP) "who succeeded him," from grirplqow. Trol rch' roiXcev tpa, Kc.TA. = and of that (building) one of the walls on the outside formed a portion of his palace." e~atpe-r'= "ca~pable of being taken out," but 4~alperos= " select," that which has been taken out for distinction's sake. 013K Is f~aKphyi gp'yov eXec-Oau = "at no long interval (supply eipav) set vigorously to the work." r-la Xlt0ev dvevp6vras=7, "having found by search that stone." The article, as in Homer, and elsewhere in Herodotus, is demonstrative. 0c'K avcwvac Kepat~ovras = " did not give up plundering." ir6yccs= "traps " which hold fast (ri-hyvv1.t). KaT& roi3 T61XEOS', K.T.X. = suspended it from the wall, so that it hung downwards." Xa~crw^ s Xap3dvero= "urged him with sternness. " Aatex. properly -"continued her hold upon him." eV KIp8EC 7rotcvplvPovs "lputting it to the account of gain." Lat. "llucro apponentes." 6p'yhz' irpoairote~lcei'ov= "getting up for himself a passion," i.e. pretending anger. 7rapaXapugdPeWP= "took him over to their side." iraplc T7V 7r60p= " along with the drinking." Latin, "inter potan. dum. ",reo Pao-Alos irepryevgo-cO= "to come round the king," i.e. to overreach him. 122. Rhampsinitus' descent into Hades. -Xetp0lAaK~pol'= "a napkin." See iv. 64. lar6 &60 XL5KW &yeo-Oat. Wolves were supposed by the Egyptians to be the servants of the infernal powers, and the conductors of the dead. This arose most likely from the habits of the animal, which roams about at night, and as dawn draws on retreats to hide itself. Wilkinson says that mummies of wolves are found at Lycopolis (Essioot). 123. Egyptian conception of Dionysus and Demeter (Isis and Osiris). bnr6M,crat l~col - it is taken for granted by me." Ahg-qrI~pac, K,r.N-. Compare Virgil in Georgics, at the opening: IIVos clarissima lumina inundi Liber et alma, Ceres." 124. The impious Cheops. c~A-i,1go laws, well obeyed." This is the strict political sense of the word, according to Aristotle. 12-.2 268 NOTES ON [II. X10ov -re ~eo-ToO. In the same way we have the genitive so put towards the end of this Chapter, and in HLI 47, Ncwv &i'u5aTA'wY 125. Method of building pyramids. 7mpalts = "pyramid." Kenrick thinks the word pyramid to he Greek on the authority of Etym. Mag., H1upacqdr, 4' IK 7rVP v Kal /LA~Tovs, c~o-7rep ae~aAld, i' Ic o-eod1Awv Kal juXLTos. The ~rvpagls, which was pointed, and used in the Bacchic rites, may he seen on the table at the reception of Bacchus by Icarus. That the name of the mathematical solid was derived from an object of common life, and not vice versd, may he argued from analogy: oaoa~pa was a " hand-ball;" K6/305 = " a die " for gaming; KcW'os= "a boy's top;" Kc6W3peS, from "the gardener's roller." 126. Cheops' disgraceful means of raising money. ihr' oiic~uaro s= "at the corner of the house:" indeed our word prostitute is properly derived from " pro-stare, " the standing forth at the comner of the street. Compare the description of the strange woman in the Book of Proverbs. OKOOoOV 8ih r= "some money, however much it mighLt be." T6 KWVXOV g&arTov ="1 each side" (properly, limb). 127. King Cheops succeeded by Chephren. OV~K dVhK5,CoaaV= which did not actually come up oteetn o i brother's)." toteetn(fhi bL& 01Ko080LUfl1V0V, Kc.-rA. =for, a channel having been constructed, (the Nile) washes round an island within, in that they say that Cheops lies." vreo-oepd~iovrca 7ro3ag, IK.T.. = going forty feet below the like size (of the other pyramids)." 128. The Shepherd-King Philition. 7rotMP09o cI~t~trLwwvos. Observe that this information came from the Egyptians, not from the priests, who could not, from pride, have proclaimed the sovereignty of the Shepherd-kings, the Flyskos, which were scan abomination" to the real Egyptians. 129. Mycerinus succeeds. dirabetv= "displeased." See Homer's Odys. xvi. 387: el b' Wit, 6 IA001i3os iqa5cu&bet. dve~vat = "let go free" (first used of cattle dedicated to a god, allowed to go free in the T4AEVos without bodily labour). 9T1A3 E/O)O/56/q & TS 8KIK29 = to one complaining and appelng from his decision." 7reptocro6rep6V T= "in some more extraordinary manner." 125-1361 EUTERPE. 269 130. The strange burial of the daughter of Mycerinus at Sais. eIOK?5$cTL 7-K-q1AVW= "Iin a furnished chamber." Kmaayl~ovJo-& dv& rao-av 9p7= "and they burn in sacrifice every day." 131. Another account of the wooden figures at Sais. ot B Ttves Xeyovo-= "now some few say." Vrlb dxeos="4 under the influence of anguish." rairep =Attic arrep "the very things which." The particle gives emphasis. 132. The sacred cow of the procession. 'r~r-rwvracu..',r6 Oebe'= "strike themselves (on the bead or breast) in honour of their god." It is generally supposed that Osiris is the god here alluded to. For the secret meaning of the burial of Mycerinus' daughter in the gilded cow, see Creuzer. 133. The prophecy of the oracle at Buto to Mycerinus. CVV'7aX6Peu' = " Iwould j oin (with the fates) in shortening his life." 0676e 'Iyp109 OV)TE VVKT-05 d~ePTa - relaxing neither by day nor night' ("giving up," as we would say). al V6KTres 'IApat 7rotel4Levat "the nights having become days." The construction is that of the nominative, abeolute. 134. Pyramid of Mycerinus. 'Poldurtos= "Rosy-cheek," apet name. From Sappho we learn that her real name was Doricha. oiul&d6,res 95a'oJ'Tat = evidently in ignorance." ot... avl~ecoav irout5aaoOat= "1and attributed to her the having erected" (force of the middle verb). KcaT& 'Ajuao-w - about the time of Amasis." Ws' &8*e~= "1 as was evident."~ 135. The wealth of Rhodopis. &aqp6'8&7os = "very fascinating." Lat. "venusta." W~s a lytvca& 'Po3CvrwP= "Ifor one in the condition of Rhodopis." See Thuc. iv-. 84. &rOP 1eC(bC6pe ij 8e6cdTlj ci as far as the tenth part of her property went," i.e. allowed her. 'ToUTo Adv= "'this firstly, " followed, as we might expect, by ToIJroU. "and this secondly." 136. Asychis succeeds Mycerinus. Kac4 dXIrn 6i,&W, K.T.\. = "Iand besides an infinite sight of buildings." -2.7 0 - NOTES ON [IL dju~t~fs Xp'?udLrwv = "a want of circulation of money." T7s TOO) Xaptt~avovTos O?5eK-0- the vault belon ging to the borrower." dwro-yev6'Aepop -when dead." So Thuc. iI. 34 and 98. An /.ke KaToGVooOis irpo's=l "do not now despise me in comparison with."2 137. Anysis, the blind king. XEplP 7roXX.= Lat. "'multfi manu"=- "with a powerful force" (of soldiers). In Roman history "1manus" is often used for a "6 and" or "lforce."; 138. Description of the temple at Bubastis. fir.Xovac. This word, according to Blakesley, is used in a very peculiar sense, for H~erodotus goes on particularly to remark that the canals do not run into anything, but approach one another within a certain distance, and then stop. It seems possible that in a locality full of canals, like the Delta of the Nile, the word originally used to denote direction for the purpose of communication came to be provincially applied in all cases where the appearance occurred of a channel cut for the admission of water. See ii. i r, and ii. 121i. 611P5peOl lccerctoK&I= " completely shaded with trees." xcz-ropflrac= "1is looked down upon." i —e~yXvppaevq i-7rozow= =" covered with figures sculptured in relief." ea-Tpe,.Llwq MUs=" a road, laid down." Compare the Latin expression "via strata." 139. Sabacos terrified by a dream. Tl~o T's &raX~a-y~= "the consummation of the departure." dXXfi -ycp ol '~EMflXVO6Jat, K.1-AX. = "no, he would not do these things, for the time had fully passed away,-as much of it as he had been allowed by the oracle for the pufpose of ruling and going out of Egypt. gree irevrhKovra. Bunsen believes that, instead of this one monarch Sahbacos, an Ethiopian dynasty of three distinct kings held Egypt for "fifty Years," and their names were Schebek, Shebeh, and Thrk, i.e. Sabacos., Sebichus., and Tirhakab. 140. The blind king returns from his exile. ot-y-jj TOOJ Atolwros "clam Zl~thiope" "without the knowledge of the 2Ethiopian." 'EXg,6. Situated in the lake now called Menzaleh. 141. Sethos, priest of Vulcan, succeeds. f&ortX&c 'Apafllwv. It is highly probable, says Rawlinson (Vol. i. p. 450), that the Arabians formed an important element in the popula 137-146] EUTERPE. 271 tion of the Mesopotamian valley from the earliest times. There are at the least 30 distinct tribes of this race named in the Assyrian inscriptions among the dwellers upon the banks of the Tigris and Euphrates; and under the later kings of Nineveh, the Yabbur (modern Jibbur) and the Gumbuler (modern Jumbulh), who held the marshy country to the south, appear to have been scarcely inferior to the Chaldoeans themselves in strength and numbers. This may help to explain the statement of Herodotus (ii. I4 s), of which Josephus complains that Sennacherib was king of "the Arabians and Assyrians," as well as the yet more remarkable passage where his army is termed exclusively ",the host of the Arabians" (vra''Apa3twP o-Tpardp'). 142. Kings and priests from Menes to Sethos. CKCMlpoV~S T00T0'TOVS =" s many of each kind."?~ ~Owp= out of his usual quarters." 143. The catalogue of the Theban priests. 'y6EsfXo-yhaarcwr Te ecoVTbJ' = "having given an account of his own descent." avaaho-aVTL T~7V 7rarpdJJ, K.'rA = "having traced up his own family on the father's side to a god, who was his sixteenth progenitor." 47l rZ ij &pO/J'OTI, K.TrA. = "and they reckoned up a genealogy in opposition to his, on the ground of numbering (the statues)." Hip&.mt. According to Wilkinson's Ancient Egyptians, Vol. i. p. x7, the word r6mi = " Iman, " and "1pi " =" the." Herodotus improves this by Koala KadYcat0hm= " gentleman." Compare "the Indian Bhrama." 144. Gods the first kings of Egypt. Kad To6Trwp aidE &za = "and that one of these from time to time." Compare the Latin "usque. " Iccrara7I-c'aPTa= "having completely stopped" (from being king) 14.Egyptian order of the gods. 5&5~XCOai ~uot irp6ao0e. In Chap. 43, Bk. ii. KacLT taIcK6atan grca, IK.T.X = "about i6oo years." Verseling would here alter the text, and read KaLT-m C'47'Kovr-a 97Tea Kami Xi~a = "about mo6o years;" as there were only five generations from Hercules to Bacchus, and these generations, according to Herodotus' own calculation (Cap. 142), make about i6o years, and there were about 900 years from Hercules to Herodotus. 1rCWi Tpwimet~v = "the Trojan war." Thucydides and Herodotus, the best authorities, place this about i5260 B.c. 146. Differences reconciled. IT NWoams. There were several places of this name connected with the legend of Dionysus: the most famous of these was on the Indus. Herodotus again mentions the Ethiopian Nysa in iii. 97'. 272 NOTES ON [i OKfl eprpcirE'o yeP6/5evo0= "where he betook himself after he was born." 147. The oracle declares one general sovereign of Egypt. 'irpoT&atac 31 Tt, Kc.T.X. = "and there shall be added to them something also of my own personal observation." Thus, observe, is Hero. dotus generally anxious to draw a clear line between that which rests on the word of others, and that which he has seen for himself. io-Xvp~s 7repio-r1X7\ovree= "fencing them round with strong (penalties)." See iii. 31, ix. 6o. cKeXp77Tp6 aotb "it had heen declared to them by oracle." 0cVsEX&YeOro "they were wont to assemble together." 148. The building of the Labyrinth. Kca-T ii KpoKoMAiCOP, K.-rA - especially lying somewhere in a Zine with~ that which is called the city of crocodiles." X6,yov Alp c'= " too great for description." See Thuc. IL. 50. l,r&1 'EXX~5vco -re'Xeea= "the fortifications which proceeded from the Greeks," i.e. huilt by them. tp'yces dw6&etw= "memorable buildings." See ii. 101. Karc~rde'oL7,, = not " roofed-in," but = colonnaded." dvriwrvXo& UdXX~5X-iqat with gates fronting each other." 01K 5/a7-a (dim. Of oliKOS) ="chambers." -r67wwv "Y~ye-yXvu/.&wv= " figures (human) having been carved in relief upon them." 149. The Lake Menris described. Molptos. Now called "1Birket-Caroun." Xeypowot-qTo3. If Herodotus meant that the lake, properly so called, Was artificial, lie must have heen misinformed. He seems to have confounded the account of the canal with that of the lake, as is likely from Pliny's remark, " Moeridis lacus, hoc est, fossce graendis."~ Kal 7-6 KaT- V&a7-o, K.T.X. ="and the part under the water has been built to the same depth." a' 8' 'KaLTI'P 6p-yuwcd &Katat = "now these hundred fathoms are precisely.") 150. Outlet of the Lake Mceris. ivr6 -yiV. Rlawlinson observes that " he is alluding to the natural lake,, now Birket-el-Korn, not to the artificial Mceris. The belief in underground communication is still very prevalent in Egypt, as in other countries, to the present day, and might very reasonably arise from what we see in limestone formations." 147-154] EUTJTERPE. 273 Zapbcwa7rdXXov=Juvena1's " Sardanap,%us."1 Observe the quantity. The Assyrian name was Asshur-dan-pal. Is vTe Ttypwp 7orcags. This is the usual collocation of these words in all dialects-article, name of river, river: the name having been originally an adjective and attribute merely. 151. Psammetichus fulfils the oracular prophecy. dp& xp6pov = " Ias time went on, " or = "1in the course of time." ThP' KV4177V, fOULap Xa'XKl4v=" the helmet (lined with) dogskin, and composed of brass." ireoxe "held it under " that the wine might be poured into it. ot MLXot drapres Iqrp'peov Paoi-des = all the other kings, without ex. ceoption, were wont to wear." Paa~iOPeLeTCS = "applying the touchstone (of inquiry);" (from Pd~o'cl Pel = "Ithe touchstone"). 152. The flight of Psammetichus to Syria. WS d~raXXCLXyOJ, K.TA.. SUPply &i v?3s A1y77ov1we he got away from Egypt on account of the appearance of a dream." lK= "after," and so "Iin consequence of." 7reptv~ptapAlvos= "exceedingly outraged." The irepl= 7reptaoCv~ s, in. tensive. Compare Aristoph. Knights, 727: 94eXO' I'i" cibjs eta rcptvgplf~ojat. x - "bronze, " not "Ibrass," which is expressed by 6'pdIXa2IK0O1, cblXa... 7rotlera&= "he makes things friendly to;" i.e. "makes friend' ly overtures to." 153. Improves the temple of Vulcan at Memphis. Kpwev'50cs bU Aty67rTov 7rdcTaJT, Kc.vA.N= "now Psammetichus having got possession of all Egypt " (the accusative would imply rather that he held the possession of the country). This is confirmed by the close of the chapter, oirTw 90nK; observe, not 6ciXe. 154. The Ionians, and Carians settled at Bubastis. TOWO& OV-yKaTep-yaaacTo4LlPOWv aOiTWJ =to those who helped him to complete his work." 7rapltga~ep a6,ro'W& = "and placed amongst them" (i. e. to their care). See vii. i10. 8, and Thuc. v. 11i3 with Giiller's note. Kapes. iRawlinson observes that the Carians seem to have been fond of enjoying themselves as mercenary soldiers from a very early date, and to have continued the practice so long as they were their own masters. According to some commentators the expression in Homer (Iliad, Mx 378), &i Kapbs ato-g, is to be understood in this sense. Archilochus certainly spoke of them as notorious for mercenary service, as appears from the well-known line, Ka 8 7iKUcopoS, Woare K&p, KeexXsaooiac. 12-5 274 NOTES ON 117. The Scholiast on Plato says they were the first to engage in the occupation, and quotes Ephorus as an authority.' srpbs Ai'yuii-rwV = (a defence) "against the Egyptians." 155. Oracle of Latona at Buto. VVOS 4~ Eivdl V(OW, K.TA.. Wilkinson (Ancient Egyptians, Vol. m. p. 3.31) reckons its weight at more than 50oo tons., supposing it to be of granite, like other monolithic temples. -ro6,rowc = i. e. the height and breadth, thus forming a perfect cube. ir'v 7rcipwpoobI&a = "the cornice." 156. A lake near the temple. -TO0mrca aKodceV= "1and I was amazed to hear it." This is our idiom; the Greeks put the fact into the partici~pial form, and its consequence or impression produced into the purely verbal form. A77Td6, K.Tr.X. The story of the floating island of Delos, until it became the birthplace of Apollo and Artemis, was probably derived frma gyptian source. The Egyptians, however, made Latona the nurse, not the mother of Apollo and Artemis. 'ApTe/US 6U, Bo6jao-rms See Juvenal, xv. 8: "1Oppida, tota canem, venerantur, nemo Dianam." AtaodXe~s. The play here referred to is lost. 157, 158. Further deeds of Psammetichus: his son Necho. 'A ~wroxs. Ashdod (of the Holy Scriptuires), a great city of the Philistines on the coast: it lay to the west of Jerusalem. -7rpecTKarTlljs6Vo, Kc.T.XN. = sitting down before it, he went on (Imperf.) besieging it, until he covimpletely took it." BOVjdCTIcoS -7r6Xtog. According to Wilkinson the site of this city is now occupied by Tel Basta, standing on the side of a lake, as in the time of Herodotus. HdTrovop. This is no doubt the treasure city mentioned in the first chapter of Exodus, there called Pithone: it is now called Belbays, according to Mannert. 3tacredicyas=-" gorges." Suidas: 5taaep&t, &arofJA 5povs. Kal &tavoqdyes, &eo-rrda-a 7rlrpac. See iii. I 17, vii. 199. iic Tf' f3op~t27 Oa7~do-o-,s= f~rom the Northern Sea;" i e. the Mediterranean. diraprl = (speaking) " in an off-hand way. " Some say "Icompletely" (probably from ciz-r' aprT). /.LeTaib 6pi~caw' = -" during digging." Lat. "inter fodiendstm." 155-1631 EUTERPE. 275 1-59. Defeats the Syrians at Magd6lus, and takes Cadytis. Ma7yMXcp. IRawlinson observes, " The place here intended seems to be Megiddo, where Josiah lost his life, between Gilgal and Mount CarMel, on the road through Syria northwards, and not Migdol (Ma-ybwXi's), which was in Egypt. The similarity of the two names easily led to the mistake (2 Chron. xxxv. 22). Necho had then gone "to fight against Carchemish by Euphrates," and Josiah attacked him on his march in the valley of Megiddo, "1as he went up against the king of Assyria to the river Euphrates " (,2 Kings xxiii. 29). Necho is there called "IPha. raoh-(Phr~i)-Necho.` KcdJTLV =" "Jerusalem." Which was called Kadesh ("I the Holy "= lepo- in 'Iepooa6Xvgsa) after Solomon built the temple. This name is seen in its Arabic form El.K6ds. See, however, iRawlinson on this passage, for a full discourse of the difficulty in identifying Jerusalem in Cadytis. 160. Psammis, his son invades Z~Ethiopia. KaZ bOK10VTCS 7rapae raiva, K.7-.X. = and fancying that the Egyptians, who were the wisest of men, could not possibly have invented anything to be compared to them or to add to their completion." Observe how &ap strengthens the negative here, as elsewhere, gnd compare the scriptural expression about Moses, who was learned "in all the wisdom of the Egyptians." dav7-aPc 7-& KaT2~ICe a-0bs -7rotlet = "all things, without exception, which it belonged to them to do." ="7-~o-,jeo having told in detail." Compare the Latin "lenuntiare." 161. The wars of Apries, 'Awpfiqg. Supposed to be the Hophra of Jeremiah xliv. 30. AcfguKoiie&X6-yotorc, in iv. 159. es bcw61UPVoz KaKiOv = "into evident ruin." Compare the phrase, rpOUOrTOP KaLK6V, Blomfield, Gloss, to iEsch. Sept. c. Thebas. &i T~S 1061'S-SUPPIY 63oi3; exactly our "straightway." 162. Amasis becomes leader of the rebels. 7reptI014K4 o Kwv17)V = "put around (his head) the helmet," the sym. bol of royalty. See above, the story of Psamnmetichus and his libation. 1l7rl ~aatX?uhq =I "for a mark of royal authority." oiblsa X6'yop a~3ry- 86trcs = "h aving given to himself no considera. tion." Apries is the subject; see i. 3, 4. 0- 163. The Greek auxiliaries help Apries. J7r\L~e ~-oi~s i1rtK06POlS = "proceeded to arm his auxiliaries." The article is here personal. eT~c 54 irept iwurl = "Iand he was wont to keep around him." 276 NOTES ON [II. 164, 165, 166, 167. The caste8 of Egypt. Olrrfi ylpeca. According to Diodorus Egypt was divided into three parts: the first of which belonged to the priests, the second to the kings, and the third to the soldiers. Plato in his Timeeus divides the Egyptians into six classes, lEpetg, 86qcuevpyeZ, voltk~s, 0o7pevTad, yEwplyoZ, and Til /.cLufpe ylpes. See Heeren, Reflect. Vol. ii. p. 98, Isaiah xix. 7-.2:, and Wilkinson's Ancient Egyptians, Vol. i. p. -236. Kcv/3pwqTat. Blakesley here observes: "By these we must understand not the pilots of sea-going vessels, but the navigators of such craft as those described above, by whom probably the whole internal traffic of Egypt was conducted, foreign bottoms discharging their bottoms at Naucratis. It is remarkable that in the enumeration of castes artiftcers are not named; certainly an important class, as they manufactured the papyrus stem into sail cloth (ii. 96) and the flax into fine linen (ILi 47). See Isaiah xix. 7, 9, Ezekiel xxxvii. 7, 2 Chron. i. i6. Possibly they are not named because the Hellenic traders may have had only to do with the middle men (Kd~r-qXo&). avlez'-at= " give themselves entirely up to." (A favourite word with Herodotus; see below, 6s na'P w6Xelcev advetulvs= "devoted to the war." Being first used of consecrating to holy pur~poses, as of cattle allowed to go free in the -riuepes.) 0~e TO 0er6 VO6'TP Ph'?5-c eiKlet. The use of the phrase, vo'dS OIKIE says Blakesley, is paralleled by vcwp, at valevo-e mlpm7v a&Xo' `HMt~os dPSTa (Iliad, ii. 626), and to a certain extent by the address to Salamis in Sophocles: 2 K\eLvIL Mca~ads, ab axlz 7reu 'aiets aXlrXa-YKT0S, s66cu3a1'/~, mraeut' 7repl/JcuTe: dci. (Ajax, 596.) Zenodotus, however, altered the Homeric verse to v75e-wv, ol vadovo.. The expression, -76XFss ei0 Pateracbaas (Iliad, ii. 648) and,'cuereo w6X-Oss 1-:tXiePdwp cb'Opdmwv (It. IV. 45) serve to show the train of thought which led to the phrase in the text. 168. Military tenure of lands. dTlEXIeS= "free from tax or impost." (,rl~s =" ta~e` or "tax.") -4 i ilpoupa. This corn-land-plot contained io,ooo cubits, or 2,2, 5C0 square feet. And the twelve arourve given to each soldier contained more than nine acres and a half.,rcde U 9p 7rept-rpewfj lKap7re'oV^7= "now they were accustomed to enjoy the following (privileges) as they came sound to them in their turn." See iii. 69.4 aTSWIJ.U irlzre Fva'lt - five mines in weigt, " equal to about 5 lbs. 5 oz. with ourselves. -retoL adsl 8epv~oplovo-e= "to those who happen from timne to time to be body guards." 161-173] EUTERPE. 277 169. Amasis defeats and imprisons Apries. wV3' &Ph 0e6,, K.-rA. See Ezekiel xxix. 3. So did Ajax, Mezentius, and Capaneus impiously boast. W.,?cT r~p~o a rao' at. fleeren (Vol. ii. P. 317) Says: "It was not a matter of indifference where a person was buried. Certain spots were held sacred, and preferred to all others; because, according to the tradition of the priests, they were the spots on which Osiris, ruler both in the upper and under world, was buried." ~OKlq)tU&V mrt5otat, K.TrA. = "fitted up with columns constructed so as to resemble palm trees." 170, 171. Tombs in the temple of Athene at Sais. lraP~~hTO' J ro?)-s 'AO-qh'a1t77, K.T.\.- "connected with the whole of the wall of Athene." eirZ ii-Xeop " more fully."' eba~rotca KeitT0W. Compare Soph. Philoct. 2o02.,EthTo/Lrj 9X rat'. 172. Amasis becomes king of Egypt. ML06'/5. Now Safi, a short distance from Sais, according to Bhihr. EP o' OluEfM^ jwipp,, K.TA. = " were in the habit of considering him in no great -estimation." SO in I. 134, &i rTL/Lp ttyovrcu. 5n/6rnv= "a plebeian1." One of thelowest origin. 4b yw~toor6P,r 7rpocrflydyeT-ro "it was not by senseless arrogance (Amasis) had won over to himself (the Egyptians)." 6Luoicos at~rbs rw,3 ro~avtmr~pt w7repjqye~a&= "that he had fared exactly as the foot-pan." 90 X&-Y(,)= "Ihe went to declare." CI'JOT 6Katoi~l 3ov~tew = "so that he claimed the right of reducing them (the Egyptians) to slavery." 173. Habits of King Amasis. KctTao-rd-et = " arrangement." Compare Lat. "1dispositio." * o~cXqO~ s adyopi~r. Some read 7rX-qo6aqs. See however viz. '223. It alludes to that time of the day when the market-place was full, somewhere about ten or eleven o'clock in the forenoon. el -y&p 3~ 7-6v WrdITa yXp6pop IPTeTa/JtZa efj, KC.7.?. Compare Horace's words: "Neque.semper as-cum tendit Apollo." indeed our word "relaxation" is but a smeta~phoricad term from the toosening of the bow string. See Pheed. IMI 4: "1cito rumpes arcum, semper si tensum, habueris." 278 NOTES ON [IL 174. Another custom of Amasis. Ka~reo-rlovao/J.I~os = "in downright earnest." IAI7rTCO-Ke a' ireptFcie'= "he would, in that case, go about and carry on theft. " IS rtT10Ke6iP=1 "towards their repair." See Xen. Anab. V. 3. 13. Kca-re&qocwp = "convicted and condemned," as opp. to diroX~5w. See Tv. 6 8, as II binding down" is opp. to "Iloosing from." 175. Hils building at Sais. b'o-co rs rb ulya~os IOwOV, Kr.T. "of stones so great in size, and of certain kinds of stones., are (they built)." dv5p6o-npty-yas. These had the head of a man, with a lion's body, thus symbolizing the union of intellectual and physical strength: according to some they were placed hefore the temples as mysterious symbols of the Deity. The criosphiux had a ram's head, and the hieracosphinx had a hawk's head. K /3epri~ acu= "boatmen," (see Chap. i64), who formed one of the castes. 7rvuy6v'os "the elbow, " literally; yet here it is the distance from the point of the elbow to the knuckle of the little finger, which was thought to he equal to ten BdiKrvot or five iraXato-ral, palms. &lv1uAzc;r6v iroot djhevov = "having made it a matter of his serious consideration." 176. His adorning Memphis. 7-br v'rTuop = the reclining" (colossus); an unusual position for a colossus. TO~701 L'dpoUT= ol) voD. 177. Census of Amasis followed by Solon.,r6-re eL~tAeovi~o-at. This is oposd to the Scriptural account. See Jeremiah xliv. 30, xlvi. -25, 26. 60ev P3toi2'ra,= " whence he supports himself, " i. e. his means of liviing. 26Xw;v. Not he, but Draco, for Solon actually lightened the penalty. Xaj3cbw 1~ A'y67rrov, K.T-A. Different accounts are given of the real origin of the aIKfl dp'ylas at Athens. Heeren considers the nomarchi a kind of police. 178. Amasis gives Naucratis to the commercial Greeks as a trading place. avaur&\\o.Alotwc = trading by sea." cbdo-t7Xc. Situated at the south~eastern extremity of the Lyclan coast, near Pamphylia. 174-182] EUTERPE. 279 7rpoalr~as Toy^ Ig~ropiov. Boeckh, in his Public Economy of A4 tlsens, defines 4eir6ptop = "a place for wholesale trade in commodities cardied by sea." The 7rpecrTadrrs therefore of the emporium seems, as Wesseling thinks, to have discharged the functions of the modern "consul.",AerairoLEOrat = " busy themselves after it," i.e. lay claim to it. 179. Naucratis the old emporium of Egypt. d~ro6o-aPTa= having denied on oath " (properly "to swear off," abjurare). oild re et'q = "it might be possible." Literally, "Ithings were such, as to allow of." 180. Generosity of Amasis to the Deiphians. fAU aG WcrdvcPTWZ= " having contracted. " TroZ) AeXfoois lU l7rlj~aXXe- "it fell u~pon (to their share) the Delphians." See ilerod. vii. 23. 18w~rlsuveo= "made an effort to collect small gifts." The verb is here in its tentative sense. 181. Amasis marries a Cyrenian.,Mxos = "Iremedy," another form of gqXah diraccce '7Pei77j rj7 Oew,="' fulfilled her vow to the goddess." 9lO Te-rpcaAqxOVo, K.Tr.X. "in the city of the Cyrenians, but turned so as to look out from it." 182. Presents of Amasis to the Greek temples. E1K61a JWUTOO ypa(/Yf C1KaLo/Llvflh= "an image of himself imaged forth in painting." OCdp'qica XVeCoP. See III. 47. etXe 8U Kz~hpoi. This could not have been done without a fleet, which Egypt did not then possess: probably effected by means of the Samian auxiliaries, as Amasis was then in alliance with Polycrates. APPENDICES. APPENDIX I. THE OBJECT OF HERODOTUS. (From Dr Smith's Diet. of Bioqr. Vol. II., article Herodotus.) "THE object of Herodotus is to give an account of the struggles between the Greeks and Persians, from which the former, with the aid of the gods, came forth victorious. The subject therefore is a truly national one, but the discussion of it, especially in the early part, led the author into various digressions and episodes, as he was sometimes obliged to trace to distant times the causes of the events he had to relate, or to give a history or description of a nation or country, with which, according to his view, the reader ought to be made familiar; and having once launched out into such a digression, he usually cannot resist the temptation of telling the whole tale, so that most of his episodes form each an interesting and complete whole by itself. He traces the enmity between Europe and Asia to the mythical times. But he rapidly passes over the mythical ages, to come to Croesus, king of Lydia, who was known to have committed acts of hostility against the Greeks. This induces him to give a full history of Crcesus and the kingdom of Lydia. The conquest of Lydia by the Persians under Cyrus then leads him to relate the rise of the Persian monarchy, and the subjugation of Asia Minor and Babylon. The nations which are mentioned in the course of this narrative are again discussed more or less minutely. The history of Cambyses and his expedition into Egypt induces him to enter into the detail of Egyptian history. The expedition of Dareius against the Scythians causes him to speak of Scythia and the north of Europe. The kingdom of Persia now extended from Scythia to Cyrene, and an army being called in by the Cyrenseans against the Persians, Herodotus proceeds to give an account of Cyrene and Libya. In the meantime the revolt of the Ionians breaks out, which eventually brings the contest between Persia and Greece to an end. An account of this insurrection and of the rise of Athens after the expulsion of the Peisistratide, is followed by what properly constitutes the principal part of the work, and the history of the Persian war now runs in a regular channel until the taking of Sestos. In this manner alone it was possible for Herodotus to give a record of the vast treasures of information which he had collected in the course of many years. But these digressions and episodes do not impair the plan and unity of the work, for one thread, as it were, runs through the whole, and the episodes are only like the branches that issue from one APPEN. I.] APPENDICES. 281 and the same tree: each has its peculiar charms and beauties, and is yet manifestly no more than a part of one great whole. The whole structure of the work thus bears a strong resemblance to a grand epic poem. We remarked above that the work of Herodotus has an abrupt tern' iation, and is probably incomplete: this opinion is strengthened on the one hand by the fact, that in one place the author promises to give the particulars of an occurrence in another part of his work, though the promise is nowhere fulfilled (vii. 2I3); and, on the other, by the > story that a favourite of the historian, of the name of Plesirrhous, who inherited all his property, also edited the work after the author's death (Ptolem. Heph. ap. Phot. Bibl. Cod. 190o). The division of the work into nine books, each bearing the name of a muse, was probably made by some grammarian, for there is no indication in the whole work of the division having been made by the author himself "There are two passages (I. Io6, I84) in which Herodotus promises to write a history of Assyria, which was either to form a part of his great work, or to be an independent treatise by itself. Whether he ever carried his plan into effect is a question of considerable doubt; no ancient writer mentions such a work; but Aristotle, in his History of Animals (viii. 20o), not only alludes to it, but seems to have read it, for he mentions the account of the siege of Nineveh, which is the very thing that Herodotus (I. 184) promises to treat of in his Assyrian history. It is true that in most MSS. of Aristotle we there read Hesiod instead of Herodotus, but the context seems to require Herodotus. The life of Homer in the Ionic dialect, which was formerly attributed to Herodotus and is printed at the end of several editions of his work, is now universally acknowledged to be a production of a later date, though it was undoubtedly written at a comparatively early period, and contains some valuable information. "It now remains to add a few remarks on the character of the work of Herodotus, its importance as an historical authority, and its style and language. The whole work is pervaded by a profoundly religious idea, which distinguishes Herodotus from all the other Greek historians. This idea is the strong belief in a divine power existing apart and independent of man and nature, which assigns to every being its sphere. This sphere no one is allowed to transgress without disturbing the order ' which has existed, from the beginning, in the moral world no less than in the physical; and by disturbing this order man brings about his own, destruction. This divine power is, in the opinion of Herodotus, the cause of all external events, although he does not deny the free activity of man, or establish a blind law of fate or necessity. The divine power with him is rather the manifestation of eternal justice, which keeps all things in a proper equilibrium, assigns to each being its path, and keeps * it within its bounds. Where it punishes overweening haughtiness and insolence, it assumes the character of the divine Nemesis, and nowhere - in history had Nemesis overtaken and chastised the offender more obviously than in the contest between Greece and Asia. When Herodotus speaks of the envy of the gods, as he often does, we must understand this divine Nemesis, who appears sooner or later to pursue or destroy him who, in frivolous insolence and conceit, raises himself 282 APPENDICES. [APPEN. above his proper sphere. Herodotus everywhere shows the most profound reverence for everything which he conceives as divine, and rarely ventures to express an opinion on what he considers as sacred or religious mystery, though now and then he cannot refrain from expressing a doubt in regard to the correctness of the popular belief of his countrymen, generally owing to the influence which the Egyptian priests had exercised on his mind; but in general his good sense and sagacity were too strong to allow him to be misled by vulgar notions aud errors." APPENDIX II. THE PELASGIANS OF HERODOTUS. (From Muir's Greek Lit. Vol. I. PP. 5I-57.) "THE Pelasgians were considered by the antients as standing to the Hfellenes somewhat in the same relation as the Anglo-Saxons to ourselves. The Anglo-Saxon is a dead language, and a knowledge of it, consequently, is of little practical utility in the present day. Yet its study continues to be zealously prosecuted, as well on account of its philological as of its antiquarian interest. With the Greeks the case was different. The allusions in the extant classics to the Pelasgian dialects, spoken or extinct, are so scanty or so vague, as to prove that their affinities had never suggested matter for serious scrutiny. Philological evidence, therefore, of a tangible character, bearing on our present inquiry, fails completely. The substance however of the existing notices amounts, at least, to a general understanding, on the part of the Greek public, in favour of the views expressed in the previous pages, and which may be more distinctly stated under the following heads: "I. That the term Pelasgian indicates a primeval family of cognate tribes and dialects, from which the Hellenic people and language derived their origin. "II. While the neighbouring shores of the Mediterranean were occupied from the earliest period by races speaking a variety of radically distinct tongues, there existed no trace or memory of any language not essentially Greek within the boundaries of Greece itself. " III. Those portions of the Greek population who were admitted to have retained, with their primitive seats, their native character and speech unimpaired, were considered, in right of this qualification, genuine descendants of the old Pelasgic stock. "IV. The criterion for distinguishing, beyond the limits of Greece, a Pelasgic people from other alien tribes, was the resemblance of their language to the classical Greek. "It will here at once occur to the advocates of opposite views, that this assumed harmony on the part of the native writers is disturbed II.] APPENDICES. 283 by a passage of Herodotus, which, while the most specific that has been preserved on the subject, seems also, on first view, at variance with the above theory. It has been subjoined entire, as containing a considerable portion of matter vitally bearing on this whole train of inquiry. " ' What the Pelasgian language was I cannot distinctly say; but if we may judge from the Pelasgi who inhabit the town of Creston above the Tyrrhenians (and who were once neighbours of the people now called Dorians, for they formerly possessed the country since named Thessaliotis), or from the Pelasgians of Placia and Scylace on the Hellespont who were once settled among the Athenians, or from any other tribes originally Pelasgian who have adopted other names, if we may judge from these, the Pelasgians must have spoken a barbarous tongue. If, therefore, the whole Pelasgian race were of this character, the Athenian people, being Pelasgians, on being converted into Hellenes must also have changed their language. For the Crestonians and Placians, while they do not correspond in dialect with any of the surrounding tribes, correspond with each other, which shows them both to have preserved the dialectical peculiarities by which they were distinguished when they migrated into those countries. "' (But the Hellenic race from its first existence has always used the same language. Being originally weak when split off from the Pelasgians it increased, advancing in power, from small beginnings to a great multitude of nations, chiefly in consequence of many other barbarous tribes uniting with it.' " Did this passage stand alone, it might tend no doubt to invalidate the views here advocated. In connexion however with others in the same work it assumes a different aspect. Apart from its historical importance, it also possesses value, from the lively manner in which it reflects some of the characteristic peculiarities of its author. On the one hand it displays that spirit of candour and diffidence in the discussion of obscure topics which forms a principal charm of his style; on the other, a certain vagueness both of argument and conclusion, consequent on the imperfection of the critical art, which may be considered less his own fault than that of his age. Hence, however valuable in themselves, the statements it contains will be found but little in harmony with each other, and altogether at variance with those advanced in subsequent portions of his history. "The literal value of the passage, as affecting the present question, lies chiefly in the application of the term 'barbarous' to the language of those Thracian communities, as compared with the classical Greek. Some commentators have understood the phrase to imply not a different language but merely a rude or corrupt Hellenic dialect. But this interpretation, though in some degree countenanced by parallel texts of A; Herodotus, is here scarcely admissible. The word is one indeed of very loose signification. In its origin it denotes, like some similarly expressive terms in our own tongue, simply harsh, discordant, or unintelligible. Afterwards it came to indicate whatever was opposed to Hellenic, either - L in speech or by a natural transition in origin or manners; and may hence, in the familiar usage of classical times, be often translated 284 APPENDICES. [APPEN. 'foreign,' as the substantive barbarian' denotes simply foreigner. It is also occasionally used in its more primitive signification to express anything rude or savage either in character or language, and in this sense is applied even to people of admitted Greek origin. Upon the whole, however, in the spirit of the historian's general argument, there can be little doubt of his having meant to stigmatize the dialect of these tribes as a 'foreign' tongue, in the literal sense, compared with his own. On the other hand, it is not to be supposed that his opinion was the result of any actual analysis of its structure or affinities, a task for which Herodotus was probably as little disposed as qualified; nor, consequently, is his evidence, even on the least favourable interpretation, sufficient to disprove its connexion with the Greek. The two may still have resembled each other as much as the Swedish the German or the Spanish the Italian. In each of these cases the difference is such as to constitute, in the familiar sense, the one, a foreign tongue, as compared with the other, although in each the critical inquirer discovers a close affinity. The vicissitudes which these Thracian tribes had undergone, during several centuries of migration, might alone suffice to alter their dialect to such an extent as would justify the expression of Herodotus. "In applying their case, however, to the nation at large the historian speaks somewhat diffidently. 'If,' he remarks in the sequel of the same context, 'the whole Pelasgian race were of this description, the Athenians, being Pelasgians, on adopting the Hellenic character must have changed their language.' He overlooks the question, whe. ther it was not more likely that two petty tribes, wandering for centuries over the European continent, should have changed their language, than that an independent stationary Greek community should have undergone any such metamorphosis. The modern philologer must reason differently. With him the fact, admitted not only by Herodotus but by the general consent of antiquity, that the Athenians were an indigenous Pelasgian people, must amount to proof that the Pelasgic and Attic languages were substantially the same. There is no foreign element in thb latter to warrant the belief of its having been subjected to any radical change not common to the other Hellenic dialects. The notion of so sudden a revolution in speech and habits as these Attic Pelasgians, with their neighbours the Acheans and Ionians, are supposed to have undergone 'on the Hellene Ion being appointed general of their army,' as elsewhere stated by the same Herodotusl, is chimerical. In historical times, examples occur of provinces attached to a great empire abandoning their own tongue, and adopting that of the dominant state. But this can only be the result of complete subjection to a conqueror of more advanced civilisation than the indigenous race. No such conquest of Attica is, however, recorded in Greek tradition. Not only do all other leading authorities2 bear testimony to the pure 'Hellenism' of 1 vII. 94 sq.; vII. 44. 2 Thuc. I. 2; Plato, Menexen. p. 245 D: Isocrat. Panathen. c. 132; conf. Clint. F. H. Vol. J. p. 57. By Plato and Isocrates the term Hellene is here used as synonymous with that of Pelasgian in Herodotus. II.] APPENDICES. 285 its inhabitants both in character and dialect; but Herodotus himself1, in his usual candid spirit of self-contradiction, describes them in the sequel as the most antient race of autochthonous ' Hellenes.' The same title to indigenous Pelasgic origin, combined with Hellenism of manners and language, is pointedly extended by both Herodotus2 and Strabo3 to the Arcadians. The latter author further observes4 that the dialect of these mountaineers, owing to its close similarity to that which Dorian influence spread over the rest of Peloponnesus, came to be comprised under the common head of Doric. This correspondence between the language of the Pelasgian aborigines of the south, and that of the Dorian immigrants from the north, described by Herodotus as the genuine Hellenes, is in itself conclusive evidence of a primitive community of Greek character in the two races. "Another remarkable series of passages in Herodotus abundantly proves that, amid his crude speculations on these isolated Thracian tribes, he was himself under the habitual impression, common to the mass of his countrymen, that Pelasgians and Hellenes were radically the same people. Treating of the origin of the Greek religion he observes5, that 'the names of such of the gods as were not derived from the barbarians were of Pelasgic invention.' Here, therefore, Pelasgian and Barbarian are no longer synonymous, but distinctive terms. 'The Pelasgians,' he adds6, 'formerly sacrificed to the gods under no separate names, calling them generally Oeois, as having placed in order (Kb/oa- OvrTes) the universe.' Here the Pelasgians are made not only to use the Hellenic name for the gods, but to form it out of another Hellenic root by a subtle exercise of verbal etymology. He then relates7, among other examples of 'barbarian' influence on the early Greek religion, how 'the Phoenicians, having carried off two priestesses of the Theban Jove, sold them as slaves, the one to the Libyans, the other to the Hellenes. The Egyptian woman, on her arrival in the district of Thesprotia, now called Hellas but then Pelasgia, becoming familiar with the Hellenic tongue, communicated her mysteries to the natives.' The Dodonean fable, where this priestess was figured by a black pigeon, he interprets as allusive to her ' barbarous speech,' which induced the natives on her arrival, 'before she had acquired the Hellenic tongue, to call her the Pigeon, those who speak a barbarous language being held to chatter as birds.' She could hardly have acquired the Hellenic tongue from a Pelasgian people, had the two languages been radically distinct. But without scrutinising details, it is plain that, throughout this whole series of passages, the terms Pelasgian and Hellene as applied to the primitive population and dialect of Greece, are so entirely synonymous with each other and opposed to barbarous, that unless Herodotus be understood, in writing this portion at least of his work, to have been under a full conviction of their virtual identity, his text is altogether nugatory. In another passage he pointedly calls 1 viI. I61. 2 II. 171 3 Pp. 221, 388. 4 P. 333 -N" 1. 50. 6 II. 52. 7 IL. 4 sq. 286 APPENDICES. [APPEN. II. the Dodonseans Hellenes, in the most specific sense, as distinct from the barbarous races to the north1. "The Dodonaean sanctuary was long the most revered oracular fane of the Greek nation. Both Homer and Hesiod describe it as familiarly consulted by their heroes; but it can hardly be supposed that all civilised Greece was used to receive the divine commissions in an unintelligible dialect from a barbarian priesthood. In those days, therefore, the Pelasgian ministers of the oracle must have been Greeks. Aristotle, accordingly, in recognising the identity between their title Helli and that of Hellene, acknowledges the common origin of the two races, describing the Dodonaean territory, with others the primitive Pelasgia, as the 'most antient Hellas2.' No classical author seems to have doubted that these ministers of Jove had, with their antient seats and privileges, maintained their language unimpaired. It is also evident, from the details given by Herodotus of his own intercourse with them, that in his time that language was Greek, as are the names of the three priestesses whom he mentions." 1 iv. 33. The same is indirectly said of the Molossians (v. 127). It need scarcely be added, that the term Pelasgian is habitually and constantly applied by the tragic poets to the aboriginal Hellenic population of Greece. 2 Meteorol. L I4,?SITIW 1Y VtRTUE AND CO., CITY ROAD, LONDOX. THE PRitE MEDAL, INTERNATIONAL EXHII31TION, 186,2,,was awarded to the Publishers of "Weale's Series." ~i8Ca j A NEW LIST CLONDIJ WVEALE'S RUDIMENTARY SCIENTIFIC, EDUCATIONAL, AND CLASSICAL SERIES. 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