VIEW OF THE CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION AT LITCHFIELD, CT 1851.-FROM THE RESIDENCE OF MRS. MORSE, WEST ST. LITCHFIELD COUNTY, CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION, je!b at itrcfielb, noun,, 13TH AND 14TH OF AUGUST, 1851. HARTFORD: PUBLISHED BY EDWIN HUNT, NO. 6 ASYLUM ST. 1851. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1851, by EDWIN HUNT, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Connecticut. STEAM PfESS OF GEORGE D. JEWETT, 26 STATE STREET. HARTFORD. CONTENTS. Page Address from Town Committee of Litchfield..... 15 Address, by Jud(e Church........'23 Arrangements of the Central Committee..... 16 Benediction, by Rev. Thomas Robbins, D. D... 191 Circular of Central Committee to Town Committees.. 10 Circular Letter of Invitation, &c...... 12 Concluding Remarks....... 211 Discourse, by Horace Bushnell....... 107 Letters........ 133 Meeting of the Bar.,....... 5 Meeting of the Citizens of Litchfield County..... 7 Meeting of the Central and Town Committees... 13 Meeting at Richland........ 146 Officers of the Day.-Order of Procession, &c., &c... 17 Poem, by Rev. J. Pierpont. 73 Poem, by A Native of Woodbury...... 195 Poem, by Rev. J. Lee.........198 Poem, by H. Ward......... 200 Poems, by J. L. Wadsworth...... 202, 203, 204 Poems, by P. K. Kilbourne. 193, 205 Portraits........... 208 Prayer, by Rev. George A. Calhoun...... 19 Prayer, by Rev. Rufus Babcock, D. D......102 Wi CONTENTS. Page Prayer, by Rev. Fosdick Harrison..... 190 Second Day.. 101 Speech, by Hon. D. S. Dickinson......149 Speech, by Hon. A. J. Parker....... 155 Speech, by Hon. F. A. Tallmadge....... 161 Speech, by David Buell, Esq........ 165 Speech, by Edward Tompkins, Esq...... 169 Speech, by George W. Holley. Esq....... 173 Speech, by George Gould, Esq.... 177 Speech, by Henry Dutton, Esq..... 181 Song.-Auld Lang Syne....... 187 MEETING OF THE BAR. AT a meeting of the Bar of Litchfield County, held January 8th, 1851, the following Resolution was adopted, viz.; Whereas, during the present year a century will elapse since the organization of this County; and, whereas, the subject of a Centennial Celebration of that event has been under consideration, therefore Resolved, That Messrs. Phelps, Seymour, Hubbard, Hall, Hollister, Harrison, and Foster, be a Committee to call a meeting of the citizens of the County to consider that subject, and to take such order therefor, by the appointment of a Committee of Arrangements, or otherwise, as shall be deemed best. The Committee appointed under the foregoing resolution, in pursuance thereof, do, therefore, hereby call a meeting of the citizens of the County, to be held at the Court House, on Wednesday, the 19th day of February, 1851, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to take into consideration the subject of said Centennial Celebration, and to make the needful preliminary arrangements. And the Committee respectfully request a general attendance of gentlemen friendly to the object, from every town in the County, in order that a Committee of Arrangements from each town may then be appointed. C. B. PHELPS, Chairman. 3 tinig nF 1w Citijens OF LITCHFIELD COUNTY. AT a meeting of the citizens of Litchfield County, convened pursuant to a call of the Committee, at the Court House in Litchfield, February 19th, 1851, for the purpose of making preparations for a Centennial Celebration of the organization of the County: The meeting was called to order by Charles B. Phelps, Chairman of the Committee, and on motion, Origen S. Seymour, Abijah Catlin, and Gideon II. Hollister, were appointed a Committee to nominate officers of the meeting. The Committee made the following Report which was unanimously accepted: FOR PRESIDENT, WILLIAM M. BURRALL. FOR VICE PRESIDENTS, DAVID S. BOARDMAN, DANIEL B. BRINSMADE, SETH P. BEERS, JOHN BOYD, ERASTUS LYMAN, SAMUEL W. GOLD, RUSSEL C. ABERNETHY, ALEXANDER H. HOLLEY. CHARLES B. PHELPS, FOR SECRETARIES. ROGER H. MILLS, JULIUS B. HARRISON EDWARD CARRINGTON, EDWARD W. ANDREWS. 8 MEETING OF THE CITIZENS OF LITCHFIELD COUNTY. The following Resolutions were adopted on report of a Committee appointed for the purpose: Whereas, we have now entered on the one hundredth year since the organization of the County of Litchfield, and as during this period thousands of the sons and daughters of the County have emigrated to other States and countries, many of whom are still living and occupying prominent positions in public stations, professions, and occupations, who, as well as others, would rejoice to return and visit the homes of their childhood. and we would rejoice to meet and welcome them: Resolved, That for this purpose a CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION shall be held at Litchfield, on Wednesday and Thursday, the 13th and 14th days of August, 1851, and that a Committee of Arrangements from the different towns in the County be appointed; also, a Central Committee, to make the necessary and suitable arrangements for the occasion. Resolved, That among the public exercises there be a Sermon, Oration, and Poem; a Public Dinner, and other social entertainments, at which there will be delivered, by invitation of the Committee of Arrangements, short Addresses and Poems suited to the occasion. Resolved, That the Committee shall make the invitation of attendance as general through the public papers, and as particular by letter, as possible, and that the general arrangements for the celebration be made public through the newspapers and otherwise, as early as possible. The following persons were then appointed a CENTRAL COMMITTEE. SETH P. BEERS, G H. HOLLISTER, JONATHAN LEE, ROBBINS BATTELL, DAVID C. SANFORD, EDWIN B. WEBSTER, HOLBROOK CURTIS, WILLIAM H. THOMPSON. ORIGEN S. SEYMOUR, The following named gentlemen were appointed from their respective towns as a COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENTS. LITCHFIELD -SAMUEL CHURCH, 6" GEORGE C. WOODRUFF, (" DAVID L. PARMELEE, "( WILLIAM BEEBE, 6" HUGH P. WELCH, <" JONATHAN BUEL. MEETING OF THE CITIZENS OF LITCIHFIELD COUNTY. 9 BETHLEM,.......JOHN C. AMBLER, 4" JOSHUA BIRD, t" PHILO H. SKIDMORE. BARKHAMSTED,- -LESTER LOOMIS, t" HIRAM GOODWIN, PELEG SHEPARD, " CORNWELL DOOLITTLE. CANAAN,........WILLIAM M. BURRALL, 4" SAMUEL F. ADAM, HARLEY GOODWIN, t" FITCH FERRIS, ~" CHARLES HUNT. COLEBROOK,., —EDWARD A. PHELPS, REUBEN ROCKWELL, EDWARD CARRINGTON, ABIRAM CHAMBERLIN. CORNWALL,.... BENJAMIN SEDGWICK, FREDERICK KELLOGG, GEORGE WHEATON, EDWARD W. ANDREWS, ". H. MILTON HART. GOSHEN,.......-JOSEPH I. GAYLORD, 6" LAVALETTE S. PERRIN, "4 LEWIS M. NORTON, "4 HORATIO N. LYMAN, 4' LAMONT STREET. HARWINTON,-.-.-TRUMAN KELLOGG, ABIJAH CATLIN, " PHINEAS W. NOBLE. KENT,...........WELLS BEARDSLEY, JOHN M. RAYMOND, PETER W. MILLS, 1" ~HENRY I. FULLER, ASHBEL FULLER. NEW HARTFORD,..HERMON CHAPIN, JAMES F. HENDERSON, JARED B. FOSTER, " THOMAS WATSON. NEW MILFORD,. DAVID S. BOARDMAN, t" PERRY SMITH, ~" ORANGE MERWIN, GEORGE TAYLOR, ROYAL I. CANFIELD. NORFOLK, -......MICHAEL F. MILLS, WARREN CONE, E. GROVE LAWRENCE, ORRIN TIBBALS,;" SAMUEL D. NORTHWAY. PLYMOUTH,.......EPHRAIM LYMAN, ELISHA JOHNSON, TERTIUS D. POTTER, EDWARD LANGDON. ROXBURY, —... —-MYRON DOWNS, "' HERMON B. EASTMAN, (" AARON W. FENN. SALISBURY,......-JONATHAN LEE, 10 CIRCULAR OF CENTRAL COMMITTEE TO TOWN COMMITTEES. SALISBURY,-.. —.ROBERT N. FULLER, SAMUEL C. SCOVILLE, 6" DONALD J. WARNER. SHARON, -----—. ANSEL STERLING, "' C CHARLES F. SEDGWICK, JOHIN COTTON SMITH, WILLIAM T. KING. TORRINGTON, --- LORRAIN TIIRALL, GEORGE D. WADHAMS,;" CHARLES B. SMITH, ANSON COLT. WARREN, ------— GEORGE STARR, CHARLES CARTER, GEORGE P. TALLMADGE. WASHINGTON. --— ITHIEL HICOX, WILLIAM MOODY, REMUS M. FOWLER, DAVID C. WHITTLESEY. WATERTOWN,- -— MERRIT HEMINWAY, 9" LEMAN W. CUTLER, WILLIAM B. HOTCHKISS, " HOLBROOK CURTIS,;" JOHN DE FOREST, t" NAT1IANIEL WHEELER. WINCHESTER,- -- WM. S. HOLABIRD, "6 LEMUEL HURLBUT,;" JOHN BOYD, JEHIEL COE. WOODBURY, ----— NATHANIEL B. SMITH, CHARLES B. PHELPS, WILLIAM COT-IREN, CHARLES H. WEBB, ELIJAH SHERMAN,,, GARWOOD H. ATWOOD. At a meeting of the Central Committee on the 26th of February, 1851, the HIon. Samuel Church, of Litchfield, a native of Salisbury, was selected to deliver the Oration; Rev. Horace Bushnell, D. D., of Hartford, a native of Litchfield, the Sermon, and the Rev. John Pierpont, LL.D., of Medford, Mass., a native of Litchfield, the Poem, and on being notified of their appointments immediately signified their acceptance. On the 22d of March the Chairman of the Central Committee issued to the Committees of the several towns the following CIRCULAR. "LITCHFIELD, March 22d, 1851. GENTLEMEN: — Having received several communications in relation to the approaching Centennial Celebration, from the Town Committees, CIRCULAR OF CENTRAL COMMITTEE TO TOWN COMMITTEES. 11 making enquiries as to the nature and duties expected from them, we take the liberty of making a few suggestions on that subject. Invitations have been prepared, and will soon be printed, to be addressed to the emigrants from the County, requesting their attendance at the celebration. Copies of these invitations will be sent you in a few days, for you to direct to such natives of your town as you may choose to send to, and we would recommend that thorough enquiry be made, so that the invitations may be sent to all who ought to be invited. We also respectfully request you to procure Portraits and other relics of the past, illustrative of former manners and modes of life, to be forwarded some few days before the festival, so that they may be properly arranged for exhibition. We further take the liberty of suggesting, that it may be well to have gatherings of the natives of each town, in the towns where they belong, before the days of the general meeting at Litchfield. In the event that this suggestion should be adopted, the Committee of the Town will, of course, act as a Committee of Reception and Arrangement, in regard to it. And we would also suggest, that they select an individual, who may come prepared to make some remarks in the name and behalf of your town, when called on by the presiding officer of the day; and let the name of such individual be seasonably furnished to the Central Committee. The Committee will be happy to receive any short Poem, suitable to be read or sung at the meeting. Individuals, who cannot attend in person, are requested to forward to the Committee a sentiment, to be read on the occasion. The gentleman who delivers the Address wishes information on the topics embraced in the following questions, and, therefore, requests of you an early answer; to be addressed to the Hon. Samuel Church, at this place, viz.: 1. At what time was the settlement of your town commenced 1 2. What is the date of the Charter of the town? 3. What Indians inhabited the place at the time of its settlement, their character, &c. 1 4. WVhat was the name and character of the first minister of the town and his immediate successors 1 5. General and field officers, chaplains, and captains in the war of the American Revolution 1 6. Notices of distinguished lawyers, divines, physicians, or authors T 7. Judicial officers and members of Congress, natives of your town? 8. Other distinguished men natives of your town? 9. Origin and present condition of manufactures of the town? 10. Agricultural condition of the town 1 11. Any miscellaneous matters worthy of notice? Respectfully Tours, SETH P. BEERS, Chairman Central Corn. 12 CIRCULAR LETTER OF INVITATION, ETC. On the 22d of May the Central Committee prepared the following letter of invitation to emigrants from the County, caused about fifteen hundred copies to be printed and distributed to the Committees of the several towns, to be by them directed and forwarded to the emigrants from their respective towns: LETTER OF INVITATION. LITCHFIELD, May 22d, 1851. DEAR SIR: -You have, perhaps, noticed in the newspapers, that a Centennial Celebration of the County of Litchfield, is to be held at this place on the 13th and 14th of August next. At this celebration we expect a large gathering of those who have emigrated from this County to other parts of the United States, and to other lands. Measures have been taken to render the occasion interesting. An address is expected from the Hon. Judge Church, a poem from the Rev. John Pierpont, and a sermon from the Rev. Horace Bushnell. It is hoped that many will avail themselves of this occasion to re-visit the homes of their fathers and to revive the associations of their childhood. Your own attendance is respectfully requested. Yours truly, SETH P. BEERS, JONATHAN LEE, DAVID C. SANFORD, HOLBROOK CURTIS, WM. H. THOMPSON, Central Corn. ORIGEN S. SEYMOUR, GIDEON H-. HOLLISTER, ROBBINS BATTELL, EDWIN B. WEBSTER, A general invitation was also given through the public papers printed in the village, and in other papers in this and other States, requesting all to attend. And lest there might be some not notified or invited, the Committee gave the following further notice through the papers, which was continued down to the time of the celebration: GENERAL INVITATION. The proceedings of a meeting of the citizens of this County, in February last, having been published in hand-bills, in both of the newspapers in this village, and in many other papers in this and other States, MEETING OF THE CENTRAL AND TOWN COMMITTEES. 13 and the Central Committee having given notice by circular, to the Committee of each town, in addition to about fifteen hundred special invitations by letter, to emigrants from the County, requesting their attendance, it is hoped and presumed that it has come to the knowledge of all. Lest there be some individuals who have not received notice, you are requested to publish the Circular Letter of Invitation, which was issued in May last, and hope every native of the County will consider it as specially addressed to him. If, (as has been represented,) the Committee in some of the towns have not yet sent out to the emigrants from their town, the printed invitations which were early forwarded to them for that purpose, it is requested that no time be lost in doing it. To the above was appended the Circular Letter of Invitation. On the 4th of July the Chairman of the Central Committee issued the following Circular to all the Town Committees to meet them at Litchfield, the 18th of July; pursuant to which, a meeting was held and the following proceedings had: CIRCULAR. To THE TOWN COMMITTEE OF THE TOWN OF --: The Central Committee for the approaching Centennial Celebration desire to meet the Town Committees, for the purpose of completing the necessary arrangements for the occasion, and propose that such meeting be held at the Mansion House, in Litchfield, on Friday, the 18th day of July, at 11 o'clock, A. M., at which time a full attendance is requested, in order that the final arrangements may then be made. Per Order of the Central Committee, S. P. BEERS, Chairman. MEETING OF THE CENTRAL AND TOWN COMMITTEES. At a meeting of the Central and Town Committees, held at Litchfield, on Friday, the 18th inst., for the purpose of making arrangements for the County Centennial Celebration, John Boyd, Esq., of Winchester, was called to the Chair. Robbins Battell, of Norfolk, was appointed Clerk. Hon. S. P. Beers, Chairman of the Central Committee, made a full 14 MEETING OF TIE CENTRAL AND TOWN COMMITTEES. statement of what had been accomplished by the Committee, and wished to lay the subject of other arrangements before the meeting, for their advice and action. After consultation, it was Voted, That the large tent owned by the corporation of Yale College, be procured, and if hereafter thought necessary, the smaller college tent, also. Voted, To procure the services of a good band of music. Voted, To dispense with a public dinner. Voted, That we approve of the project of an Encampment for the male inhabitants of the County not residing in the immediate vicinity of Litchfield, while we look to the citizens of Litchfield to provide sleeping accommodations for the females, and for friends from out of the County. Voted, To appoint the following Committee to make arrangements for the Encampment: John Boyd, of Winchester, Peter W. Mills, of Kent, William Cothren, of Woodbury, Charles Adams, of Litchfield, Robbins Battell, of Norfolk. Voted, To raise eight hundred dollars to defray the expenses of the celebration. Voted, To appoint Edwin Webster, of Litchfield, Treasurer of the funds raised by last resolve. Voted, To appoint Major-General William T. King, of Sharon, Marshal, on the occasion of our celebration. Voted, To invite the Sheriff and his deputies to be on duty for the preservation of good order. Voted, To authorize the Central Committee to employ such additional police force as they may deem necessary. Voted, To request the Central Committee to see that accommodations are provided for horses. Voted, To request the Town Committees to procure the loan of old family portraits, to be exhibited at the court room in Litchfield. JOHN BOYD, Chairman. R. BA'rTELL, Clerk. MAPRStALS. Maj. General Wm. T. King, Marshal for the day, immediately appointed twenty-two Assistant Marshals, one from each town in the County, viz.: Litchfield, Col. Wm. F. Baldwin; Harwinton, Abijah Catlin, Esq.; Colebrook, Gen. Edward A. Phelps; Norfolk, Col. Robbins Battell; Goshen, Gen. G. Cook; Salisbury, Col. Nathaniel Benedict; Sharon, ADDRESS FROM TOWN COMMITTEE OF LITCHFIELD. 15 Andrew Lake, Jr. Esq.; Washington, A. J. Center, Esq.; New Millord, Col. J. C. Smith; Kent, Maj. P. W. Mills; Winchester, Roland Hitchcock, Esq.; Woodbury, Charles H. Webb, Esq.; Torrington, Rufus W. Gillett, Esq.; Bethlem, Samuel Bird, Esq.; Cornwall, Col. Dwight Pierce; Plymouth, Seth Thomas, Jr., Esq.; New Hartford, Capt. Wim. T. Nash; Canaan, Walter Cowles, Esq.; Roxbury, Col. Albert Hodge; Barkhamsted, Col. Justin L. Hodge; Watertown, Col. Wm. B. Hotchkiss; Warren, Maj. E. Carter. The Marshals will wear as a badge, a sash of red. On the 21st of July, the Committee of Arrangements, for the town of Litchfield, prepared and published the following suggestions to their citizens: TO THE CITIZENS OF LITCHFIELD. The approaching Centennial imposes upon you some important duties; and that these duties may be effectively performed, the Town Committee beg leave to make you some suggestions. I. At a meeting held on the 17th inst., of the Central Committee, in connection with the committees of the several towns, (an account of which meeting is published in the newspapers,) it was resolved to raise $800 to defray public expenses, to wit: Band of music, erection of seats, tents, and tables, printing, &c. Three hundred dollars of this expense is allotted to be raised by the town of Litchfield, and will, we doubt not, be readily and cheerfully subscribed. II. It is expected of every citizen of the town, that he will, at his own house, on the days of the occasion, exercise a most liberal hospitality. 1st. By entertaining his own family friends, emigrants from this town. 2d. By inviting his friends and acquaintances from other parts of the county. And this hospitality is invoked in favor not only of man and woman kind, but stable and barn room must be provided for horses and carriages of our friends. III. It is expected of the Ladies, that very ample provision will be made in each house to accommodate for a single night all of their own sex who may be here on the occasion; and a little exertion on the part of each householder, will secure this important object. It is very easy to put up in every room of the house, several beds. All the old bedsteads must be set up, and may easily be furnished for a night with clean straw beds Mr. Bulkley is ready to set up at a small expense, in every house, such extra bedsteads as may be required. A communication in the Enquirer implies a doubt, whether this duty 16 ARRANGEMENTS OF THE CENTRAL COMMITTEE. will be thoroughly met. We trust, for the credit of our hospitable town, that this doubt is wholly groundless. A failure here would involve us in overwhelming disgrace. The celebration is in honor of the county which bears our name, and of which this is the honored Capitol, famed in the past, for talent, worth, generosity and hospitality. Let us not show ourselves unworthy of our past history. It is expected that each town will provide mainly its own eatables; but it is presumed that every family here will keep set at all hours of the day, a table for the entertainment of such friends as may not be otherwise provided. These suggestions are made, not only for the people of the village, and its immediate vicinity, but all the houses in the town ought to be prepared in like manner. SAMUEL CHURCH, DAVID L. PARMELEE, GEORGE C. WOODRUFF, Town Committee of WM. BEEBE, Litchfield. HUGH P. WELCH, JONATHAN BUEL, LITCHFIELD, July 21st, 1851. The Central'Committee residing in Litchfield, appointed a meeting of themselves, to be held each day for two or three weeks previous to the celebration. The Park in the West street, was selected for the exercises, near the center of which was erected the large tent belonging to Yale College, with large additions, over which floated the National flag. Beneath the covering was arranged the stand for the speakers, officers, and others. In front and around it, were long rows of substantial seats sufficient to accommodate from three to four thousand persons. Other tents surrounded it, with their flags bearing the names of the towns whose citizens erected and occupied them. Many other tents were erected in different parts of the village. The Sheriff had selected several special deputies to be on duty for the preservation of order. Twenty members of the " Bacon Guards," were selected to perform duty through each night. A sub-committee was appointed to be in constant attendance to provide accommodations for visitors and their horses as they should arrive. OFFICERS OF THE DAY-ORDER OF PROCESSION, ETC. 17 General Daniel B. Brinsmade, of Washington, was designated as President of the day. General R. C. Abernethy, of Torrington; Charles B. Phelps, Esq., of Woodbury; Roger H. Mills, Esq., of New Hartford; John Buckingham, Esq., of Watertown, and Hiram Goodwin, Esq., of Barkhamsted, as Vice Presidents. A programme of the exercises was printed in handbills and published in the village papers. And agreeably thereto, a procession was formed on Wednesday, at 10 o'clock, A. M., in front of the Mansion House, under the direction of General King, Marshal of the day, and his Assistants, in the following order, viz: Band of Music, from the Watervliet Arsenal, N. Y. Governor Seymour, and General Brinsmade, President of the day. Vice Presidents. Orators of the day and Poet. Clergy. Central Committee of Arrangements. Town Committees. Emigrant Sons, &c., of the County. Odd Fellows, Cadets of Temperance, &c. Citizens at large. The procession marched from the Mansion House, through a part of the East street, thence up North street, and returning, entered the Pavilion in the west Park, at about 11 o'clock. The audience being seated as far as practicable, the exercises were opened with vocal music by the Litchfield County Musical Association, who sang with fine effect the following Psalm, to the tune of Old Hundred, viz.: 1 "BE thou, 0 God! exalted high; And, as thy glory fills the sky, So let it be on earth displayed, Till thou art here, as there, obeyed. ~18 OPENING EXERCISES-SINGING. 2 0 God, my heart is fixed-'tis bent, Its thankful tribute to present; And, with my heart, my voice I'll raise To thee, my God, in songs of praise. Thy praises, Lord, I will resound To all the listening nations round; Thy mercy highest heaven transcends, Thy truth beyond the clouds extends. 4 Be thou, 0 God, exalted high; And, as thy glory fills the sky, So let it be on earth displayed, Till thou art here, as there, obeyed." OPENING EXERCISES-PRAYER. 19 PRAYER. A fervent and impressive prayer was offered to the throne of Divine Grace, by the Rev. GEORGE A. CALHOUN, of Coventry, a native of Washington, in nearly the following words, viz.: Almighty God, our heavenly Father; our fathers' God, and our God: we recognize Thee as the God of the earth, and of the heavens; swaying an undivided sceptre, controlling the worlds which revolve in the heavens, and the falling sparrow, and numbering the hairs of our head. We rejoice in the manifestations of thy love, mercy, and grace, unto us. We bless Thee for the institutions of our fathers, and that it pleased Thee to cast our lot in a land so highly favored, to give us our birth in a commonwealth so highly blessed, and in a portion of it so signally favored of Thee. And we bless Thee, that the institutions of our fathers have been continued to the present time, and that Thou hast allowed us, natives of this County, to assemble from different towns, counties, and states, for the purpose of celebrating this Centennial Anniversary of this County's organization, and to mingle together our praises, and our supplications, to Thee, around the sepulchres of our fathers. 0, grant us Thy presence and Thy smiles on this occasion. We pray, that God, of His infinite mercy, would look down upon us, and bestow upon us His favor; lifting upon us the light of His countenance, and enabling all of us, connected by birth with this County, to pursue that course of conduct in life, which, through thy grace, shall secure the favor of heaven, and perpetuate the privileges which we enjoy to future generations. Wilt thou, Almighty God, smile on the services of this occasion. May they be to the praise and glory of Thy name. And may Thy grace be magnified in richly blessing this great collection of natives of the same State, and of the same County. And may we all be enabled to live in such a manner, as to be 20 OPENING EXERCISES-PRAYER. prepared to meet together in the great assembly, and celebrate Thy praise in an undying song. Regard in mercy, Our Heavenly Father, all the inhabitants of this State, and of this nation. Prosper all interests, civil, literary, religious, and charitable, of the land; and show mercy, grace, and salvation, to all the dying children of men. And hasten that blessed period, when the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days. And to the Father, the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, shall be the glory forever. AMEN! ay> e D c c C _b >_ daa4$ E r/?e- ^,^ ej fc/^ 7,0^ M.~ ~~ ij?J ^.^' l'^- l ^ ^ ~'- ~ ^ F i *-? e 4-<'^~ ^ ^ i-? 1 0'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~F i-f r t I. ^h?~r & r- Pr j ^ (