Uf24J uric -/7 Car cS c i'73 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY, NEW YORK, FROM ITS FIRST SETTLEMENT TO THE PRESENT TIME; WITH NUMEROUS BIOGRAPHICAL AND FAMILY SKETCHES. BY ANDREW W. YOUNG, AUTHOR OF "SCIENCE OF GOVERNMENT," "AMERICAN STATESMAN," "NATIONAL ECONOMY," ETC. EMBELLISHED WITH UPWARDS OF ONE HUNDRED PORTRAITS OF CITIZENS. BUFFALO, N. Y. PRINTING HOUSE OF MATTHEWS & WARREN. 1875. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1876, By ANDREW W. YOUNG, In the office of the Librarian of'Congress, at Washington. PREFATORY NOTE. AFTER the lapse of a period much longer than was anticipated, the writer offers to the public the result of his protracted labors. Although he has no assurance that the work will fully meet the expectations of all for whom it has been written, he indulges the hope that it will receive a good measure of the popular favor. But how much soever it may fall short of universal commendation, he has the satisfaction to believe, that its supposed defects will not be ascribed to any lack of effort, on his part, to fulfill the pledge of his "best endeavors to produce a history which should meet the expectations of the people, and reflect honor upon the county." This has certainly been his paramount object, irrespective of the time deemed necessary for its accomplishment. The author takes occasion here to suggest to the reader the advantage of a careful reading of the INTRODUCTION before proceeding to the perusal of the History. Portions of the work which might otherwise appear somewhat obscure, will be rendered quite intelligible by the previous reading of the explanations in the introductory pages. ,......'..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::i::ii? i!~i iI. ~:~:... %... ~.......... ~ ~~~~,..:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~-r:::~o:~~~~~~~~~~~...... N~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O". V~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 %.?ii il N:"N N ~~2:~:~ N i~j K ~j~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~k~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {i:>\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~j~~~.:~ii:l~:ii:i~:-:::' INTRODUCTION. APOLOGETIC AND EXPLANATORY. SELDOM has a publication made its advent so long after its inception as this history of Chautauqua county. Fifty years ago, a distinguished citizen of the county conceived the idea of such a history, and commenced the collection of material. This labor was, for many years, unremittingly continued, so far as his professional and public duties permitted. His removal from the state and other causes conspired to hinder the progress of the work, until disease and the infirmities of age forbade the accomplishment, by his own hands, of his favorite and long-cherished object; and the people of the county, who had long awaited its appearance, abandoned the hope of its publication. At this juncture, the name of the author, then in a distant state, was communicated, by a friend, to the projector of the work. A correspondence ensued, which resulted in an engagement, on my part, to assume the entire responsibility of its publication. It was a great, and, pecuniarily, a hazardous undertaking. To examine more than twenty large volumes of manuscript and printed scraps from county newspapers, and a large number of printed volumes, for such matter as could be made available in the compilation of the work; and to collect, in person, an equal amount of additional matter from the twenty-six towns in the county, was a task which few who had a just conception of its magnitude would have readily assumed. An important characteristic of a work is accuracy. Yet in publications of no other kind than this is it so difficult. Few of the earlier settlers remain; and the recollections of these few'are so diverse and conflicting as to render them unreliable, unless confirmed by the concurrent statements of others. The collections of matter for several works containing historical sketches of this county, appear to have been too hastily and carelessly made. One of them, though a valuable work, abounds with errors. Several appear in the sketch of a single town, and more or less in the sketches of many other towns. Probably to save time and labor, most of these erroneous statements have been taken, on trust, from the first person applied to for information, and, vi INTRODUCTION. without further inquiry, inserted in the forthcoming publication; and, through that and succeeding histories, they will be transmitted to future generations. A large portion of this History is based on the collections of Judge Foote. These were commenced long before there were any old settlers in the county; and they consist chiefly of the experience and observation of the persons from whom they were obtained, and before their memories were impaired by time or age. A large portion of this matter has been examined by some of the early and well informed settlers still living, and has been found singularly free from inaccuracies. In the collection of new material, unusual pains have been taken to guard against errors. To ascertain the truth in the hundreds of disputed cases, has required an amount of labor of which few can form a just conception. And after the county had been several times traversed, and the newly collected matter written out, I was unwilling to permit it to be printed until I had again visited every town, and submitted the manuscript to my informants and others for examination. Any person, therefore, who questions the truth of any statement, has reason to doubt the correctness of his own memory, or of the source from which his information was obtained. Yet it would be a marvel if no inaccuracies should be discovered. Persons, not a few, have erred in relating transactions which occurred under their own observation, or in which they had themselves participated. If, with all the pains taken to insure a correct history, the object has not been attained, it may be confidently pronounced unattainable. In family sketches, inaccuracies are most likely to appear. Persons intimately acquainted with families they have described, have not in all cases been quite correct; and some sketches received in manuscript have not been entirely legible. Sundry errors, discovered since the body of the book was printed, are corrected on pages immediately preceding the Index, at the end of the work. Of the merits of the work, different opinions will be formed. Matter which some will appreciate, others may regard as unimportant. Some, perhaps, will read with little interest the adventures and experience of the early settlers, with which they are already familiar. Others will read this part of the work with greater interest than any other. A large portion of this History has bean written, not so much for the present generation, as for the generations which are to follow. Many remember how earnestly they listened to the stories of pioneer life from the lips of their ancestors. Before the present generation shall have passed away, not an individual will remain to relate, from his own personal knowledge, the experiences of the first settlers which have so deeply interested us. This interest will not be abated by the lapse of time. The written narrative of incidents of "life in the woods," will be no less acceptable to those who come after us, than was the oralrelation to ourselves. Hence, INTRODUCTION. vii to commemorate the events and occurrences of the past-to transmit to our descendants a faithful history of our own time-is a duty. Many to whom such a history shall be transmitted, will estimate its value at many times its cost. Without it little will be known of early times, except what shall have come down to them by tradition, always imperfect and unreliable. This History is written for a population of 60,00ooo, differing greatly in their views and tastes, which the historian can not entirely disregard. Hence, in addition to pioneer history, which constitutes a considerable portion of the work, the reader will find a great variety of other matter, civil, ecclesiastical, educational, commercial, agricultural, statistical and biographical, which will render it convenient and useful as a book of reference, now and hereafter. It is believed that the exclusion of either of these subjects would have materially impaired its value. There was early manifested a desire among settlers to see the names of themselves or their ancestors associated with the history of the county. This desire is a natural and a proper one. A large portion of the early settlers in every town have been mentioned, and many others will be disappointed at not finding their own names. The omission was unavoidable. A notice of one-half of the families of this large county, would have infringed too much upon the space required for other topics. To visit every family was impossible: those only were called on who were most accessible and, most likely to furnish the desired historical information. Hence the names of many of the more worthy and prominent citizens have necessarily been omitted. Biographical and genealogical sketches form a prominent feature of this History. They will generally be found in the historical sketches of the towns in which their subjects respectively resided or now reside. Sketches of persons who have resided in several towns, are in some cases inserted in the histories of the towns in which they passed the earlier or more eventful period of their lives. Probably no part of the History will be more frequently referred to than this. Many of these sketches contain much interesting historical matter, and will amply compensate a perusal. Their number has been materially increased by the unusual and unexpected number of portraits furnished by citizens, who, by their generous contribution to the embellishment of the work, deserved a full biographical and family sketch of the person represented by the portrait. One characteristic of these biographical notes can hardly escape the notice of the reader-the absence of eulogy, especially of the living. As persons widely differ in their estimate of the characters of their fellow-men, it was deemed prudent not to venture beyond a simple statement of the more noticeable incidents and events of the life of any living subject. viii INTRODUCTION. The attention of the reader is invited to the plan and arrangement of the work. Matter of general interest and application, and relating to the early history of the state and county, is first introduced, and is arranged under appropriate heads or titles. This greatly facilitates the finding of historical facts. The general history of the county is followed by a particular history of the several towns, in alphabetical order. The historical sketch of each town includes the names of early farmers, mechanics, business and professional men, and notices of mills, manufactories, schools, churches, etc. This will aid in the search for matter relating to the towns. The Table of Contents at the beginning, and the Index at the end, of the volume, will generally enable the reader to find what he seeks for. His searches, however, will be greatly facilitated by making himself familiar with the arrangement of the work. But the greatest advantage would be gained from at least one perusal, in course, of the entire History. Many interesting occurrences therein recorded, might, without such perusal, never come to the knowledge of the reader. It soon became apparent that the work would far exceed its prescribed limits. To keep it within a proper and convenient size and weight, type one size smaller than was at first intended, was selected; the printed page was greatly enlarged; and the reading matter was increased twenty per cent. beyond the quantity promised. And paper of less than the usual weight and thickness was taken to render the book more convenient in the using, and to insure its greater strength and durability. Those who have read the foregoing pages will need no further apology for the unexpected delay in the issue of this work. No one regrets it more deeply than myself. To my patrons this delay is a gain at my expense. A history of the county might have been written in half the time expended upon this; but I would not offer to the public what was not satisfactory to myself. I presumed they would rather be served later with a good book than earlier with an indifferent one. In respect to its embellishment they will be more than satisfied. No definite number of portraits was promised. Instead of fifty, which, it was hoped, might be obtained, the public are presented with double that number, of which one-half are fine steel engravings, in which the subjects of the pictures will be readily recognized, except, perhaps, in a few cases of defective photographs, or of pictures taken twenty-five or thirty years ago. The aggregate cost of the portraits exceeds eight thousand dollars. To the numerous friends who have given me assurances of their interest in this enterprise, I offer my grateful acknowledgments. All who have been applied to for information, have cheerfully rendered the desired service. INTRODUCTION. ix Next to Judge Foote, the projector of the History, who has devoted years of gratuitous labor to his favorite object, Hon. Obed Edson has the strongest claim to the gratitude of the people of this county. The "prehistoric matter," (as it has been appropriately termed,) with which the work commences, and which has cost much time and elaborate research, has been gratuitously furnished; and it will be regarded, by most appreciative minds, as an invaluable contribution to the work. The lectures of the late Hon. Samuel A. Brown, delivered in the Jamestown academy, in 1843, and Judge E. F. Warren's Historical Sketches of Chautauqua County, have furnished valuable matter. Some has also been obtained from the sketches of early settlers in Stockton and Ellery, by J. L. Bugbee, and S. S. Crissey, Esqs. As the greater portion of the matter thus obtained is inzterwoven with what has been collected from various other sources, specific credit could not, in all cases, be given to these authors, without unpleasant interruptions of the narrative, and the disfigurement of the printed page. Thanks are also due to Dr. Taylor for the free use of his History of Portland. Having devoted to his work several years of careful investigation, it is presumed to be, as respects the history of that town, generally correct and reliable. Hence much of what appears in this work relating to the history of Portland, has been taken from, or is based upon, that History. The few errors discovered in it are in matter relating to other towns, and come from those hastily prepared, unreliable histories elsewhere referred to. Dr. Taylor has done his fellow-citizens a valuable service, for which, doubtless, they are duly grateful. Matter was received from many sources after the greater portion of the work had been printed. Much of it was intended to supply omissions in preceding pages, among which were parts of several biographical and family sketches accompanying portraits. This matter, together with some that had been prepared, and intended for the body of the work, appears in a " Supplement" of 50 pages, to which the special attention of the reader is invited. Much of this supplemental matter will be found arranged under the titles of the towns to which portions of it properly belonged. Other parts of it, among which is a sketch of Chautauqua lake and its surroundings, have been prepared since the printing was.far advanced. Lastly, I congratulate myself on the termination of my arduous and protracted labors. If those for whom these labors have been performed shall be satisfied, my highest object will have been attained. A. W. Y. December, 187.5. CONTENTS. CHAUTAUQUA ANTERIOR TO ITS PIONEER SETTLEMENT. The Mound Builders, 17. The Neutral and other Huron-Iroquois Nations, 20. The Jesuits, 24. Wars of the Huron-Nations, 25.' La Salle, 26. Baron La Honton, 29. Indian Occupation, 30. Events leading to the French and Indian Wars, 34. Origin of the name Chautauqua, 35. The Portage-Road, 37. Washington's journey to French Creek, 45. The French War, 45. Pontiac's War, 48. Col. Broadhead's Expedition, 50. British Expedition over Chautauqua Lake, in I782, 51. Washington's correspondence with Gen. Irvine, 54. Survey of the State Boundary Line, 60. Indian Wars, and the conclusion, 6I. PRELIMINARY HISTORY-HOLLAND COMPANY'S PURCHASE. Discovery of America; British grants; efforts to establish colonies, 63. Cession of Western lands to the general government, 64. Phelps and Gorham's Purchase, 64. tIolland Company's Purchase, 66-9. EARLY SETTLEMENT OF THE COUNTY. Controversy concerning the first settlement, 70. John and James McMahan's Purchases, 73. Settlements in Westfield, Ripley, and Canadaway, 73-6. Portland and Hanover, 76. South-east part of the county, 77. Chautauqua, 77. Kiantone, 77. PIONEER HISTORY. Early dwellings, 78. Clearing land, 80. Wild animals, 8I. Early farming, 85. Early cooking, 87. Fare of the early settlers, 88. Household manufactures, 89. Stores and trade, 91. Ashes a staple product, 94. Nature of trade, 97. Division of business, 98. REFLECTIONS ON PIONEER LIFE, 99-10I. EDUCATION. Early schools; course of instruction; manner of teaching; description of a school-house; dunce block; school fund, 102-4. RELIGIOUS HISTORY. Early occupation of the county by missionaries-Rev. John Spencer, and others, o05-8. Gospel land, Io8. ORGANIZATION OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Division of the State into counties, I09-I3. First county officers, 113. Building courthouses, 114. Division of the county into towns, 1 5. EARLY ROADS. Old Portage Road, 116-17. Road from Pennsylvania to Chautauqua lake, 117. Mayville and Cattaraugus road, II8. EARLY MAILS AND MAIL ROUTES. Early mail contractors, post-offices, and postmasters, 119-26. POLICY OF THE HOLLAND LAND COMPANY. Price of land and terms of sale, 126. Condition of the settlers, 128. Sale of the Company's lands; Genesee land tariff; land-office destroyed, 129-31. Policy of Mr. Seward, 131-5. Cherry Valley Company's purchase, 135. CONTENTS. xi LA FAYETTE IN CIAUTAUQUA. Sketch of La Fayette, 135. Reception at Westfield, 136. Reception at Fredonia, 139-42. TEMPERANCE HISTORY. Drinking customs, I42. Temperance reform measures, I44-46. ANTISLAVERY HISTORY. Early measures of abolitionists; violent opposition; action of Congress, 146-8. MEDICAL SOCIETIES. Chautauqua County Medical Society, 148. Eclectic Medical Society, 148. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES. Early encouraged by DeWitt Clinton, I49. Chautauqua County Agricultural Society formed, 150. RAILROADS IN CHAUTAUQUA. New York and Erie Railroad Company, 150. Celebration at Dunkirk, 151. Buffalo & Erie and other railroads, I53. Atlantic & Great Western Railway, I53. Dunkirk, Allegany & Pittsburgh and other railroads, I54-5. POLITICAL HISTORY. Early parties and their principles; the federalists and republicans; nature of the Union, 155-8. Alien and sedition laws; Virginia and Kentucky resolutions, 158-60. Political parties in Chautauqua, 160-2. Parties in the state; Clintonians and Bucktails, 162-6. Anti-masonic party, 166-9. American party, 169-71. Present parties, 171. WAR HISTORY-WAR OF I812. Causes of the war; war declared, 172-3. Chautauqua militia, I73-5. British cruisers; battle of Black Rock, I75-7. Officers of the militia companies; results of the war, 178-8I. CIVIL WAR. Origin of the war, 182-4. Commencement of hostilities; confederate government; Lincoln's' proclamation, 184-6. Movements in the North; public meetings, 186-9. Further action of the government; more troops raised, I89-9I. Suspension of habeas corpus, I9I. Close of the war, I93-4. COUNTY NEWSPAPERS, 194-7, 634. OLD SETTLERS' FESTIVALS. Reiinion at Fredonia, 197-207. Reunion at Forestville, 207-210. Reunion at Jamestown, 210-218. THE GREAT ECLIPSE OF i806, 218-19. TOWN HISTORIES. ARKWRIGHT. Formation of the town, and its settlement, 220-25. Biographical and genealogical sketches, 225-27. Churches, 227. [See Supplement, 625.] BUSTI. Formation and settlement of the town, 227-33. Biographical and genealogical sketches, 233-41. Churches, 241. CARROLL. Formation of the town and its settlement, 241-6. Mills and factories, 247. Biographical and genealogical sketches, 248-50. Baptist church, 25I. [Supplement —John Frew and Thomas Russell, 625. M. E. Church, 626.] CHARLOTTE. Formation and settlement of the town, 251-56. Dunkirk, Warren & Pittsburgh railroad, 257. Biographical and genealogical sketches, 258-61. Churches and Lodges, 261-2. xii CONTENTS. CHAUTAUQUA. Formation and settlement, 262-70. Emigration of the Prendergast family, 264-6. Biographical and genealogical sketches, 270-83. Churches and other associations, 283-4. Supplement-Lowry Families, 626; insecurity of land titles in Western Pennsylvania, 627-9; Lowrys, who settled in this county, and other settlers, 629-30. CHERRY CREEK. Formation and settlement, 284-91. Biographical and genealogical sketches, 291-3. Churches. and other associations, 293-4. CLYMER. Formation and settlement, 295-300. Biographical and genealogical sketches, 300-2. Churches, 302. DUNKIRK. Formation and settlement, 302-4. Village of Dunkirk, sketch of, 304-7. Manufactures, 305-7, 630-3I. Biographical and genealogical sketches, 307-I2. Churches, 312-13. ELLERY. Formation and settlement, 3I3-20. Biographical and genealogical sketches, 320-26. Churches, 326. ELLICOTT. Formation and settlement, 327-30. First Independence celebration, 331. Worksburg, 332. Biographical and genealogical sketches, 333-4. JAMESTOWN: its survey and settlement, 335-6. Mills, 336; rising of water in the lake, 337. Settlers in the village, 337-42. Territorial enlargement, 343. Village incorporated, 343. Manufactures, 344-50. Biographical and genealogical sketches, 350-72. Jamestown land association, 372. Cemeteries, 372. Churches and other associations, 373-6. Lumber manufacture, 376-9. ELLINGTON. Formation and settlement, 379-84. Biographical and genealogical sketches, 385-6. Churches, 386-7. FRENCH CREEK. Formation and topography of the town, 388-9. Its settlement, 389-93. Biographical and genealogical sketches, 394-5. Churches, 395-6. GERRY. When formed, 396. Settlement of, 396-9. Biographical and genealogical sketches, 400-2. Churches, 403. HANOVER. Erection and settlement of the town, 403-8. Silver Creek, 409-13. Great black-walnut tree, 414. Forestville, 413-15. Irving, 415-I6. Biographical and genealogical sketches, 416-26. Churches, &c., 426-9. HARMONY. Erection, description, and settlement of, 429-36. Mills, stores, &c., 437-8. Biographical and genealogical sketches, 438-43. Churches, 443-5. KIANTONE. Formation and description of, 445. Settlement of, 445-8. Biographical and genealogical sketches, 449-51. Churches, 452. MINA. Formation and settlement of, 452-6. Mills, stores, &c., 456-8. Churches, 459. POLAND. Erection, description, and settlement of, 459-63. Mills, 463. Biographical and genealogical sketches, 464-6. Churches, 466. CONTENTS. Xiii POMFRET. Formation and settlement of, 466-75. Fredonia Academy, &c., 475-6. Laona, 477-8. Biographical and genealogical sketches, 478-94. Churches, 494-6. [See also Supplement, town of Pomfret, 646.] PORTLAND. Formation, description, and settlement of, 497-9. Early mechanics, merchants, mills, &c., 500-3. Grape and wine culture, 504-6. Biographical and genealogical sketches, 506-9. Churches, 509-12. [See also Supplement, Portland, 647.] RIPLEY. Formation, description, and settlement of, 512-16. Mills, stores, &c., 517-I8. Biographical sketches, 518-3I. Churches, 531-2. [See Supplement, 640-2.] SHERIDAN. Formation and settlement of, 533-5. Biographical sketches, 535-44. SHERMAN. Formation and settlement of, 544-7. Mills, machinery, &c., 547-8. Biographical sketches, 548-53. Churches, &c., 553-4. [See Supplement, 642.] STOCKTON. Formation and settlement of, 554-6I. Early merchants, mechanics, mills, etc., 561-2. Biographical sketches, 563-71. Churches, 571-3. [See Supplement, 643-5.] VILLENOVA. Erection and settlement of, 573-9. Mills, stores, and mechanics, 579-80. Biographical sketches, 580-4. Churches, 584. [See Supplement, 645.] WESTFIELD. Formation and settlement of, 584-8. Early stores, taverns, and physicians, 588-9. Mills, manufactories, etc., 590-I. Warsaw club, " 592. Barcelona, 592. Biographical sketches, 593-615. Churches, 615-18. [See also Supplement, 646.] SUPPLEMENT. CHAUTAUQUA ANTIQUITIES. A trench filled with human bones, uncovered in Harmony, 619-20. Indian mounds in Ellicott, 620. INDIANS. Reservations, on the Holland Purchase-Cattaraugus Reservation, 621. Cayuga, Oneida, Onondaga, and Tonawanda, 622. Tuscarora, 623. COLD SUMMER-623-4. ARKWRIGHT. William Wilcox, genealogical sketch of, 623. [ See portrait and sketch, 227.] CARROLL. John Frew and Thomas Russell, early settlers in this town, 625-6. Methodist Episcopal Church, 626. CHAUTAUQUA. Lowry Families, 626-9. Land titles in North-western Pennsylvania, 627-9. Additional names of settlers in Mayville, 629-30. DUNKIRK. Locomotive works, and other manufacturing establishments, 63o-i. Churches, 631-2. ELLICOTT-JAMESTOWN. Family sketches of R. E. Fenton, Corydon Hitchcock, and N. A. Lowry, 632-3. xiv CONTENTS. HANOVER. Sketches of J. G. Hopkins, S. J. Smith, 633-4. Chautauqua Farmer, 634. HARMONY. Morris Norton, Charles Parker, and Stephen W. Steward, 634-5. POLAND. William Falconer, Varanus Page, 635. Churches, 635-6. POMFRET. Settlement and sketches of additional settlers in this town, 636-9. Manufactures, 639. M. E. church, 639. H. Bosworth, N. D. Snow, R. H. Hall, W. H. Abell, 646-7. RIPLEY. Judd W. Cass and John B. Dinsmore, early settlers, 640. Elihu and Dudley Marvin, 641. SHERMAN. Josiah R. Keeler, an early settler in this town, and a prominent citizen, 642. STOCKTON. Ellsworth family, 643. Fisher families, 643-4. Sawyer Phillips' family, 644. VILLENOVA. Villeroy Balcom, an early settler; biographical sketch of, 645. Freewill Baptist church, organization and sketch of, 645-6. WESTFIELD. Sherman Williams, correction of biographical sketch of, 646. CONEWANGO, CATTARAUGUS CO. Thomas J. Wheeler, biographical and genealogical sketch of, 647-8. RETIREMENT OF JUDGES. Judges Elial T. Foote and Thomas B. Campbell decline reappointments; action of the court thereon, 648-50. BANKS, 650-2. OFFICIAL REGISTER. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. Appointment of, by council of appointment, for Genesee county, and of Niagara, 652. CORONERS. Appointments for Genesee and Niagara counties, 652. MEMBERS OF CONGRESS. Election of, in the districts of which Chautauqua was a part, 652-3. STATE SENATORS. The districts they represented, and the years in which they served, 653. MEMBERS OF ASSEMBLY. The districts and counties they represented, and the years in which they served, 654. DELEGATES TO CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTIONS. The districts or counties they represented, and the year of each convention, 655. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS. From districts including the county of Chautauqua, 655. CIRCUIT AND COUNTY JUDGES, JUSTICES OF THE SUPREME COURT, 655-6. DISTRICT ATTORNEYS, SURROGATES, SHERIFFS, CLERKS, TREASURERS, 656-7. SUPERINTENDENTS OF POOR, AND OF COMMON SCHOOLS, 658. CHAUTAUQUA LAKE. A summer resort; its steamers, 659-62; hotels, 662-3. Fair Point, Point Chautauqua, 663-5. REAL AND PERSONAL ESTATE, TAXES, POPULATION, 665-6. NOTES AND CORRECTIONS, 657. EMBELLISHMENTS. PAGE PAGE Abell, Mosely W.,..... 307 Ellsworth. Jeremiah,...... 383 Abell, Thomas G.,...I26 Sketch,... 4I9 Sketch,..... 478 Ellsworth, Stukely,.. 643 Abell, William H.,. 478 Farwell, Omar,...... 272 Allen, Augustus F.,......350 Fenton, William H.,.... 358 Angell, Cyrus D.,.. 416 Fenton, Reuben E......248 Baker, Henry,...... 352 Sketch,... 358, 362 Balcom, Villeroy,.... 645 Fletcher, Adolphus..... 438 Baldwin, Levi,....225 Sketch....... 362 Barker, Leverett,..479 Foote, Elial T... Frontispiece. Barker, George,....... 480 Sketch,....359 Barrett, Samuel,... 353 Foote, Charles C.,.... 36I Bemus, Charles,.......321 Frank, Michael,..... 237 Benedict, Odin,..322 Gage, Charles B.,... 420 Bentley, Uriah,..233 Gifford, William,... 271 Bishop, Elijah,... 354 Gleason, Hiram N.,.... 550 Blasdell, Stephen...... 291 Griffith, John........ 323 Bliss, Elam C.,...... 593 Griswold, John E.,..... 540 Sketch,..... 594 Hall, John P.,...... 500 Bly, Theron S.,...... 234 Sketch,........ 485 Bosworth, Henry,.... 646 Hall, Ralph,.. 501 Brewer, Francis B.,..594 Sketch,...... 486, 647 Brigham, Willard W.,..308 Hall, Asa....... 600 Brockway, Burban,...519 Hazeltine, Daniel,.... 364 Brown, Samuel A.,... 355 Hinkley, Watson S.,..60o Burnell, Madison,.. 2.58 Hitchcock, Corydon,.....632 Sketch,..... 356 Houghton, Jacob......587 Burritt, Charles,..... 48I Hungerford, Sextus H.,.. 602 Campbell, Thomas B.,.... 649 Jones, Solomon,.. 445 Sketch,.....595 Sketch........ 365 Chandler, Woodley W.,.464 Jones, Ellick,...... 446 Sketch,...... 357 Sketch,...... 366 Chapin, James E.,.... 532 Kent, Joseph,.....293 Sketch,.....596 Kip, Benjamin H.,.... 55I Cook, Orsell,........ 357 Leland, Cephas R.,.... 421 Couch, Warren,..... 510 Lowry, Morrow B.,..... 629 Sketch,.597 Sketch,.... 273 Cushing, Zattu,..... 468 Maples, Charles G.,. 325 Sketch,..... 482 Marshall, John E.,..... 274 Cushing, William B.,... 469 Marvin, Richard P.,... 367 Sketch...... 482 Marvin, Dudley,.. 64i Dewey, Lester R.,... 549 Mayborne, William A.,.... 263 Dorman, Deering..... 545 Sketch,...... 277 Sketch,....549 McKenzie, Donald,.. 276 Drake, Jeremiah C.,..598 McMahan, James,......70 Eason, David,...... 75 Sketch,.....604 Sketch,. 599 Minton, John H.,.... 605 Eaton, David,. 5o6 Mixer, Nathan,...422 Edson, John M.,..259 Morian, Jacob,.......488 Xvi EMBELLISHMENTS. PAGE PAGE Montgomery, James..... 74 Smith, Philip M.,.... 385 Sketch,........ 606 Smith, Rodney B.,. 426 Mullett, James,...... 489 Snow, Noah D.,. 646 Orton, Samuel G.,... 525 Southland, Judson,... 240 Osborne, Thomas A.,.. 277 Spencer, John,... 612 Patterson, George.,.... 607 Sprague, Jonathan,... 221 Pattison, Jonathan S.,. 543 Sketch...... 492 Peacock, Williain,...... 278 Steward, John,.. 441 Pier, Rufus,..... 344 Steward, Sardius,.. 442 Sketch,....... 368 Steward, Stephen W.,.... 635 Plumb, Alvin,..... 6o8 Strunk, William H.,... 333 Prendergast, Jediah,... 265 Taylor, Horace C.,.... 509 Sketch,..... 280 Tinker, Reuben,.. 613 Prendergast, Matthew,.... 270 Tracy, Jedidiah,..... 282 Sketch,....... 279 Wait, Joseph,....... 250 Prendergast, James,... 335 Warren, Emory F.,.. 493 Sketch,... 369 Warren, Chauncey,.... 570 Prendergast, Alexander T.,. 447 Warren, Amos K.,... 571 Sketch,..... 369 Wells, Austin L.,... 644 Prendergast, Stephen... 526 White, Squire,... 494 Prendergast, Henry A.,. 527 Wilcox, William,.... 227 Pullman, Lewis... 647 Sketch,.. 227, 625 Rice, Victor M.,.... 301 Williams, Daniel...... 443 Risley, Elijah,.. 490 Williams, Sherman,..... 615 Robertson, John R.,. 281 Sketch,.... 615, 646 Sackett, Niram,. 423 Willson, John I.... 659 Shepard, Fitch,. 370 Sketch,....371 Sherman, Daniel,..... 424 Wilson, William R.,..402 Sixbey, Herman,... 6o Winsor, Samuel B.,.. 372 Skinner, Otis,.... 552 Young, Andrew.,.. 5 Slawson, Silas N.,. 425 Sketch,...... 529 Smallwood, John,..... 528 Young, Charles P.,.. 530 Smith, Austin,... 6I Court House,.......1..... I14 Steamer Nettie Fox,....... 66I NOTE.-Some persons who have furnished portraits, paid for the number at first supposed to be necessary to supply the whole edition of the History. It was subsequently ascertained that a larger edition would be needed to supply the demand. -Some of those who had paid for the smaller number being indisposed to increase the expense, or being satisfied with that number, their portraits do not appear in the entire edition. In order to make a more even distribution of the plates, a number of them have necessarily been removed from the pages containing the "biographical and genealogical" sketches. Every portrait, however, it is believed, will be found within the historical sketch of some town in which the party is known to have once resided: those excepted, which, for the reason above stated, do not appear in every copy of the work. CORRECTIONS.-A few errors have been discovered in the printed sheets, which are noticed and corrected on page 667. ABBREVIATIONS.-The letter t., or tp., signifies township; and r. signifies range. The interrogation point in parenthesis marks (?) means query, and indicates that- the preceding statement is doubtful, and needs further inquiry. HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA ANTERIOR TO ITS PIONEER SETTLEMENT. BY OBED EDSON. THE MOUND BUILDERS. THE pioneers of Chautauqua county found it an unbroken wilderness; yet often when exploring its silent depths, where forest shadows hung deepest, they were startled at the discovery of unmistakable evidences of its having been anciently inhabited by a numerous people. Crowning the brows of hills that were flanked by dark ravines; along the shores of its lakes and stream's; in its valleys at numerous points, were the plain traces of their industry; earthworks or fortifications mostly circular; pits bearing marks of use by fire; ancient highways and mounds, in which lay buried mouldering skeletons; and later, where forests had given place to cultivated fields, the spade and plow in the spring time, made strange revelations of rude implements of war and peace, and oftentimes of the crumbling relics of an ancient burial place. At first these monuments were believed to be of European origin; and patient research was made among early records for an account of events happening upon the eastern continent, a little prior to and about the time of the discovery of America, that would afford an explanation of their existence. But the great age of the forest trees growing above them, and other marks of antiquity, demonstrated this belief to be unfounded. A solution of the mystery was then sought among the traditions of the aborigines; but careful investigation has proved these ruins to be so old that tradition can throw no light upon them; and that they cannot be the work of the ancestors of the Indians found here. Commencing near the centre of the state, they extend westwardly. Over Chautauqua county they were thickly strewn; farther to the west and south, in the valleys of the Ohio and Mississippi, these ancient remains were still more numerously found, in larger dimensions, and it is evident of much greater antiquity. There, for a long period of time, must have dwelt a large: and industrious people. The geometric precision with which their works were constructed; the fine workmanship of their pottery; their ornaments. and implements made of.copper, silver and porphyry; the remarkable skill,. 2 I8 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. and the long period of time during which they must have worked the copper mines of Lake Superior, proved them to have possessed a considerable degree of civilization. Still further to the south, in Mexico, Central America, and Peru, are found ruins of a more magnificent character; of immense cities leagues in extent; superb edifices of hewn stone, pure in design, and correct in architecture; built by a people possessed of a knowledge of painting, sculpture, and astronomy; who understood the art of writing, as shown by inscriptions upon their palaces, and the written books, rescued during the Spanish conquest of Mexico, some of which are still in existence and have been partially translated." Although these ancient remains found in Chautauqua county, as compared with those of Mexico and Peru, seem but humble memorials of the past, they are, notwithstanding, equally with those more imposing ruins, genuine relics of olden times, erected by the labor of human hands long before the discovery of America by Columbus.+ In the town of Sheridan, not far from where the Erie railway crosses the highway that leads from Fredonia to Forestville, at an early day was plainly to be seen an ancient fortification, circular in form, inclosing many acres. The evidences then existed, that the land in that vicinity had once been cleared, but had since come up to timber of at least three hundred years growth. Pestles, mortars, and other stone implements were found, and numerous pits occurring at regular intervals, were formerly observed there. These, in every instance, were found two together, or in pairs. In this vicinity, from time to time, many human bones have also been brought to light. In the summer of 1870, a large grave was opened, from which a great number of human skeletons were exhumed.' These were the bones of individuals of both sexes and all years, from infancy to old age. They were indiscriminately mingled together, clearly indicating an unceremonious and promiscuous burial. Near the eastern boundary of the village of Fredonia, not far from the Canadaway, extending from bank to bank, a distance of about two hundred feet across the level summit of an eminence, still known as " Fort Hill," was an ancient intrenchment; in front of which were once the traces of a large pit. In the vicinity of these remains, human bones and the usual Indian relics have occasionally been found. In the town of Westfield, were extensive remains of earth-works; and in the town of Portland, besides a circular earth-work and other evidences of ancient occupation, there were also several ancient roadways. Excavations have shown that one of them was underlaid by a bed of large stones, deeply covered with earth and gravel.+ Around the beautiful lakes and village of Cassadaga occur, perhaps, the most extensive remains of any in the county. At the extremity of the cape * Ancient America, by J. D. Baldwin. It is the opinion of Squier the archaeologist, that the remains found in Western New York, and the mounds of the Mississippi Valley, are not the work of the same people. The latter are undoubtedly much the oldest. t History of Portland, by Dr. Taylor. THE MOUND BUILDERS. 19 which extends from the south-western side far into the lower of these lakes, is a curious and conspicuous mound. Its longest diameter is about seven rods; its shortest, five. Its summit is about twelve feet above the level of the lake, and is about eight feet above the low neck of land in its rear, that connects it with the higher and wider part of the cape. Whether it is an artificial structure, or the work of Nature, is open to conjecture; it seems, however, to have been anciently occupied, for the usual relics have been found there in great abundance. Stretching across this cape for a distance of, perhaps, twenty rods, along the brink of the plateau that rises about twelve rods in the rear of this tumulus, was an earthenware breastwork. Still further to the rear, extending nearly from shore to shore, was another breastwork. Thus were several acres inclosed by these earthen works, and the two shores of the lake. In the vicinity, large quantities of pottery and stone utensils have been found. Near the northern shore of the lake was a large mound; although frequent plowing has reduced its dimensions, it is still four or five feet high, and three or four rods in diameter. It is said to have been twelve feet high when first seen, with forest trees of centuries' growth standing upon it. About 1822, this mound was excavated, and a large number of human skeletons exhumed. Extending from an extensive fire bed in the neighborhood of this mound, in a north-westerly direction, a distance of sixty rods or more, on the east side of the lake, was an elevated strip of land of the width of the track of an ordinary turnpike, bearing the appearance of having been once a graded way. The traces of this ancient road are still plainly visible. At various other places around Cassadaga, and along the shore of the lake, were numerous caches and extensive fire beds, or hearths, with an abundance of coal and ashes buried deep in the ground. Skeletons have been exhumed in many places, and arrows, pottery and stone implements in great profusion. Extensive remains were also found at Sinclairville and in its vicinity. A distance of about one mile south of that village, in the town of Gerry, was a circular intrenchment inclosing.several acres; within which numerous skeletons and rude implements of stone have been discovered. North-east of this intrenchment, a distance of about one hundred and thirty rods, was an ancient cemetery, in which the remains of many people seem to have been regularly interred. This old Indian burying ground was well known from the first settlement of the county, and was a subject of much speculation among the early inhabitants. Fifty years ago, or more, as many as fifty skeletons were disinterred on one occasion. Some of them are said to have been of unusual size; and within the last twenty years, twenty-five skeletons were disinterred on another occasion. The bodies were regularly buried in a sitting position, in rows, alternating and facing each other. In the woods, in Gerry, two miles south-east of Sinclairville, is still visible one of these circular fortifications, with large forest trees growing from its ditch and wall. Close by Sinclairville, upon the high bluff to the west, that rises precipitously * The author was present on this occasion. 20 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. from Mill creek, was once an earth-work, circular in form, within which was a deep excavation. The excavation and intrenchment have long since disappeared, and now, from this commanding eminence so inclosed, a beautiful prospect may be had of the village and the surrounding hills. Extending along the northern and southern boundary of the plateau, on which a principal part of the village is situated, were two earthen breastworks. Between these two embankments, the main fortifications seemed to be situated. It was an extensive circular earth-wqrk, having a trench without, and a gateway opening to a small stream that passed along its southern side. This work inclosed six or seven acres of what is now a central portion of the village. A part of the main street, portions of other streets, and the village green, all were included within this old inclosure. At other points, within the town of Gerry, and in the town of Stockton, were remains of similar earth-works, and other evidences of an early occupation. In the town of Ellington, at different places along the terrace of low hills, that borders either side of the valley of Clear creek, there existed, at the first settlement of the county, the remains of many of these circular inclosures, in the vicinity of which, stone implements and other relics have been plentifully discovered. Along the shore and outlet of Chautauqua lake, were numerous mounds and other vestiges. Two of these old tumuli, and the traces of an old roadway, are still visible near the eastern shore of Chautauqua.lake, at Griffith's Point, in the town of Ellery. The description thus far given of the aboriginal monuments found in these localities, will suffice for a further account of those that were found numerously distributed in other parts of the county; for they all bear the same general resemblance. They prove this region to have once been a favorite resort of an early race. Whence they came, how long they remained, and what fortunes attended their existence, we have no record of. There can be little doubt, however, that here were once rudely cultivated fields, ancient and perhaps populous villages, inhabited by a strange and primitive people. "But they are gone, With their old forests wide and deep, And we have built our houses upon Fields where their generations sleep. Their fountains slake our thirst at noon; Upon their fields our harvest waves; Our lovers woo beneath their moonThen let us spare, at least, their graves!" THE NEUTRAL AND OTHER HURON-IROQUOIS NATIONS. What races of people occupied the territory comprising the county of Chautauqua, during the many centuries that elapsed after the Mound Builders had passed away, and until the coming of Europeans to the states of this continent, there remains no authentic information; only such vague and unsatisfactory accounts as tradition gives us: and had a reliable record been preserved of the exploits of savage warfare, and of the monotonously recurring revolutions incident to the history of a barbarous people, during so THE NEUTRAL AND OTHER HURON-IROQUOIS NATIONS. 21 long a period of time, it is doubtful whether it would afford us much instruction or entertainment. When the interior of this continent first became known to Europeans, a great family of Indian nations, composed of the most warlike tribes that then inhabited North America, possessed all of Upper Canada, nearly all of New York, and the greater parts of Ohio and Pennsylvania, and a portion of Lower Canada, and of the Carolinas. They were known as the Huron-Iroquois, and spoke in the same generic tongue, sometimes called the Wyandot. They were greatly superior in intellect, courage, and military skill to all the other Indians of North America. They dwelt in permanent villages, situated in defensible positions, rudely fortified with a ditch and rows of palisades. They practiced agriculture to a limited extent, and frequently, by a long and laborious process of burning and hacking with axes of stone, cleared extensive tracts of land, which they rudely cultivated with hoes of wood and bone. By reason of their native superiority; and by their having fixed places of abode, they became more advanced in the arts of life, than the other wandering tribes of North America. Entirely surrounding this family of warlike nations, but always shrinking before their fierce valor, was a great number, of independent tribes; all speaking languages radically different from that of the Wyandot. The general resemblance that has been found to exist among these numerous tribes, has caused them to be classed under the general name Argonquin. Beyond the territory of the Algonquin, and in the western and southern portions of the United States, were other tribes of Indians speaking still other languages.' The Huron-Iroquois family of tribes were sub-divided into several formidable nations; of these the Hurons dwelt in many villages, upon the small peninsula lying between the Georgian Bay of Lake Huron, and Lake Simcoe in Upper Canada.t Near to and south of the Hurons, among the Blue Mountains of Canada, dwelt the Tionnontates, or Tobacco nation t South of the Huron and Tobacco nations, was the country of the Attiwandarons, Neutral nation or called the Kahkwas by the Senecas. Their territory extended one hundred and twenty miles along the northern shore of Lake Erie, and across the Niagara river into the state of New York, as far east as the western limits of the Iroquois. They dwelt in forty villages; three or four of which were east of the Niagara river and Lake Erie.~ One of their villages was located, it is believed, on a branch of the Eighteen Mile creek, near White's Corners, in Erie county, in this State. l Their territory extended west over Chautauqua county, along the southern shore of Lake Erie, it is believed, some distance into the state of Ohio. The Kahkwas, or Neutrals, were the first occupants of the soil of Chautauqua *3 Bancroft, Chap. xxii. Quackenbos, Chap. ii. Parker's Jesuits in North America, xix. t Jesuits in North America, xxv. + Jesuits in North America, xliii. ~ Lalemant Relation des Hurons, 1648. According to Hennepin, their territory extended along the south side of Lake Erie into the state of Ohio, as far west as the middle point in the south shore of Lake Erie. 1 0. H. Marshall. 22 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. county of whom we have any account. They were a singular race of people; were great hunters, and were extremely superstitious, and ferocious in their manners. They waged fierce wars against the Nation of Fire and other western Indians. A letter from Father Lalemant to the Provincial of Jesuits in France, dated at St. Mary's Mission, May 19, 1641, contains many interesting facts concerning them. He says: "Jean De Brebeuf, and Joseph Marie Chaumonot, two Fathers of our company which have charge of the mission to the Neutral nation, set out from St. Marie on the 2d day of November, 1640, to visit this people. Father Brebeuf is peculiarly fitted for such an expedition, God having in an eminent degree endowed him with a capacity for learning languages. His companion was also considered a proper person for the enterprise. "-Although many of our French in that quarter have visited this people to profit by their furs and other commodities, we have no knowledge of any who have been there to preach the gospel, except Father De La Roche Dallion a Recollect, who passed the winter there in the year 1626. " The nation is very populous, there being estimated about forty villages. After leaving the Hurons, it is four or five days' journey, or about forty leagues, to the nearest of their villages; the course being nearly due south. If, as indicated by the latest and most exact observations we can make, our new station, St. Marie, in the interor of the Huron country, is in north latitude about 44 degrees, 25 minutes, then the entrance of the Neuter nation from the Huron side is about 422/ degrees. More exact surveys and observations cannot now be made; for the sight of a single instrument would bring to extremes those who cannot resist the temptation of an ink horn. "From the first village of the Neuter nation that we met with in traveling from this place, as we proceeded south or south-east, it is about four days' travel to the place where the celebrated river of the nation empties into Lake Ontario, or St. Louis. On the west side of that river, and not on the east, are the most numerous of the villages of the Neuter nation. There are three or four on the east side, extending from east to west towards the Eries, or Cat nation. " This river is that by which our great lake of the Hurons, or fresh sea, is discharged; which first empties into the lake of Erie, or of the nation of the Cat; from thence it enters the territory of the Neuter nation and takes the name of Onguiaahra [Niagara], until it empties into Ontario or St. Louis lake, from which latter flows the river which passes Quebec, called the St. Lawrence; so that if we once had control of the side of the lake nearest the residence of the Iroquois, we could ascend by the river St. Lawrence without danger, even to the Neuter nation and much beyond, with great saving of time and trouble. "According to the estimate of these illustrious Fathers who have been there, the Neuter nation comprises about 12,000 souls; which enables them to furnish 4,000 warriors, notwithstanding war, pestilence and famine have prevailed among them for three years in an extraordinary manner. "After all, I think that those who have heretofore ascribed such an extent and population to this nation, have understood by the Neuter nation, all who live south and south-west of our Hurons, and who are truly in great number, being at first only partially known, and all being comprised under the same name. The most perfect knowledge of their language and country which has THE NEUTRAL AND OTHER HURON-IROQUOIS NATIONS. 23 since been obtained, has resulted in a clear distinction between the tribes. Our French, who first discovered this people, named them the'Neuter nation;' and not without reason; for their country being the ordinary passage by land between some of the Iroquois nations and the Hurons, who are sworn enemies, they remained at peace with both; so that in times past, the Hurons and Iroquois, meeting in the same wigwam or village of that nation, were both in safety while they remained. Recently their enmity against each other is so great, that there is no safety for either party in any place, particularly for the Hurons, for whom the Neuter nation entertains the least good will. "There is every reason for believing, that not long since, the Hurons, Iroquois, and Neuter nation, formed one people, and originally came from the same family, but have, in the lapse of time, become separated from each other, more or less, in distance, interest and affection, so that some are now enemies, others neutral, and others still live in intimate friendship and intercourse. "The food and clothing of the Neuter nation seem little different from that of our Hurons. They have Indian corn, beans and gourds in equal abundance. Also plenty of fish, some kinds of which abound in particular places only. " They are much employed in hunting deer, buffalo, wild cats, wolves, wild boars, beaver and other animals. Meat is very abundant this year, on account of the'heavy snow which has aided the hunters. It is rare to see snow in this country more than half a foot deep. But this year it is more than three feet. There is also abundance of wild turkeys, which go in flocks in the fields and woods. " Their fruits are the same as with the Hurons, except chestnuts, which are more abundant, and crab apples, which are somewhat larger. " The men, like all savages, cover their naked flesh with skins, but are less particular than the Hurons in concealing what should not appear. The squaws are ordinarily clothed, at least from the waist to the knees, but are more free and shameless in their immodesty than the Hurons. As for their remaining customs and manners, they are almost entirely similar to the other savage tribes of the country. "There are some things in which they differ from our Hurons. They are larger, stronger, and better formed. They also entertain a great affection for the dead, and have a greater number of fools and jugglers. "The Sonontonhernonos [Senecas], one of the Iroquois nations, the nearest to, and most dreaded by the Hurons, are not more than a day's journey distant from the easternlost village of the Neuter nation, named Onguiaahra [Niagara], of the same name as the river. " Our Fathers returned from the mission in safety, not having found in all the eighteen villages which they visited but one, named Klee-o-e-to-a, or St. Michael, which gave them the reception which their embassy deserved. In this village, a certain foreign nation, which lived beyond Lake Erie, or the nation of the Cat, named A-onen-re-ro-non, has taken refuge for many years for fear of their enemies; and they seem to have been brought here by a good Providence to hear the word of God." The Andastes dwelt upon the lower Susquehanna.^" To the south of Lake Erie, and west of the Neuter nation, dwelt a warlike nation of the Huron* Shea. See Hist. Mag. ii. 294. 24 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Iroquois family, named the Eries or Nation of the Cat, so called from the great number of wild cats infesting their country." They are referred to in the foregoing letter of Father L'Allemant. The Eries were valiant warriors, and for a long time were a terror to the Iroquois; they had no fire-arms, but fought with poisoned arrows, which they discharged, it is said, with surprising rapidity. t The most intelligent and advanced of this great Wyandot family of nations, and likewise the most terrible and ferocious, were the Five Nations, or Iroquois proper. About I539, they became bound together by an extraordinary league, and resided in the middle and eastern part of the state of New York, where, dwelling in numerous villages, they remained during the long and terrible wars that they subsequently waged against both savages and Europeans. The tribes composing this nation extended through the state of New York, from east to west, in the following order, viz.: Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and Seneca. The fiercest and most numerous of these tribes was the Seneca; it occupied as far west as the Genesee river. The first knowledge had by Europeans of the regions about Lake Erie, and of the people who inhabited them, was obtained by the French in Canada. French enterprise outstripped the English, in effecting a permanent settlement of this continent north of the state of Virginia. James Cartier, a French navigator, as early as the year I534, sailed up the river St. Lawrence, as far as Montreal, then the site of the ancient Indian village of Hochelaga. Here he learned from the Indians, for the first time, of the existence of the great lakes and the Mississippi river. He erected a cross and a shield, and named the country New France, and returned. Afterwards the French made repeated attempts to settle Canada. In the year I608, Quebec was founded by Champlain. In I615, Champlain, who was fond of adventurous exploits, with a party of his countrymen, ascended the upper waters of the Ottawa river in Canada, crossed over, and discovered Lake Huron. Here he was joined by large bands of Hurons who dwelt there, and with these allies he traversed the wilderness of Upper Canada, crossed Lake Ontario, entered the territory of the Iroquois, who were the mortal foes of the Hurons, and fought a battle with the Senecas, which is supposed to have occurred in Onondaga county in this state. THE JESUITS. In I6I5, five years before the May Flower left Plymouth, in England, there came over with Champlain from France, to bear the cross through pathless wilds, and among the savage tribes of America, missionaries of the order of St. Francis; and previous to the year I625, three of their number, Le Caron, Viel, and Sagard, had reached the Neutral nation. These perhaps were the first Europeans who visited Western New York; and the winter of i626 was passed by De La Roche Dallion, a Franciscan, among this people. In 1625, the Franciscans were followed by the Jesuits, who *Le Mercier Relation, I654, Io. t Jesuits in North America, xlvi. WARS OF THE HURON-IROQUOIS NATIONS. 25 soon commenced instructing the tribes of the North and West, and who, for one hundred and fifty years thereafter, labored among them with unbounded zeal and self-devotion. The most of the knowledge that we have concerning these remote regions, and the events transpiring here in that early day, was obtained from the very full and careful reports that these ancient missionaries annually transmitted to their superiors in France, which have been preserved in Paris, and which are called the Relations of the Jesuits. Two of these missionaries, Jean De Brebeuf and Joseph Marie Chaumonot, as appears by the letter of Father L'Allemant, in November, I640, visited the Neutral nation, to preach to them the gospel, but it is not certain that they crossed the Niagara river. At this time, no Englishman of whom we have any account, had reached the basin of the St. Lawrence. Before this time, besides these priests, many Frenchmen had visited the Neutral nation,' to purchase of them furs and other commodities. These constituted the nearest approaches that at that time any Europeans had made to Chautauqua county that we have any account of. Bancroft says: "Previous to I640, by continued warfare with the Mohawks, the French had been excluded from the navigation of Lake Ontario, and had never launched a canoe upon Lake Erie; their avenue to the West was by the way of the Ottawa and French rivers, so that the whole coast of Ohio and South Michigan remained unknown, except as seen by missionaries from their stations in Canada." WARS OF THE HURON-IROQUOIS NATIONS. When, in 1634, the first mission was established by the Jesuits among the Hurons, they found them and their kinsmen, the Iroquois, implacable foes, and engaged in a fierce war that had then been waged between them for many years. This war continued during the residence of the Jesuits among the Hurons, with success oftenest, but not always, in favor of the Iroquois, until the year I648, when a war party of the Iroquois surprised and burned two fortified Huron towns, taking prisoners or massacring all their inhabitants. The next year, one thousand Iroquois warriors entered the heart of the Huron country undiscovered, and inflicted a terrible blow upon their enemies. They burned two more fortified towns of the Hurons, massacred their inhabitants, and the French missionaries residing there. They were, however, finally driven back by the fierce valor of the Hurons, but not until they had inflicted a fatal blow upon them. The Hurons, fearing other attacks, now abandoned their villages, scattered themselves in many directions, and thereafter ceased to exist as a nation."' Although the Neutral nation waged a fierce war against the Nation of Fire, who dwelt in Michigan in thirty villages, it maintained a strict neutrality between the Hurons and Iroquois during these wars.t This did not save * Jesuits in North America, 361 to 402. "Last summer two thousand warriors of the Neutral nation attacked a town of the Nation of Fire well fortified with a palisade, and defended by 9oo warriors. They took it after a siege of ten days; killed many on the spot, and made 800 prisoners, men, women, 26 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. it, however, from the fierce Iroquois. In the year 1650, the latter commenced a savage war upon them; and in the autumn of that year, they assaulted and took one of their chief towns, in which were sixteen hundred men, besides women and children. In the spring of i651, they captured another of these towns, butchering and leading into captivity great numbers of the Neutrals, and driving the remainder from their villages and corn fields into the forests, where thousands of them perished. The destruction of the Neutrals was so great, in this cruel war, as to wholly wipe them out as a nation; and now no trace remains of this warlike and powerful tribe who once possessed the territory of this county but their name.` The scene of their final overthrow is believed to have occurred near the city of Buffalo. With the destruction of their kinsmen of the Huron and Neutral nations, the Iroquois did not rest. The Eries, whose dominions extended along the south shore of Lake Erie, next fell victims to their savage fury. In I655, from one thousand two hundred to one thousand eight hundred Iroquois warriors moved into the territory of the Eries, who withdrew at their approach with their women and children. The whole force of the Iroquois embarked in canoes upon Lake Erie; and it is probable that this fierce horde coasted along the shores of Chautauqua county; and a more wild and savage scene cannot well be imagined than this ferocious gathering of barbarians presented, when on this bloody expedition of revenge. They found the Eries gathered in a position, the location of which is not now known. An assault was made with such savage fury by the Iroquois, as to enable them to carry the fort; and a slaughter so terrible ensued, as to wholly destroy the Eries.t The Iroquois next made war upon the Andastes, who resided upon the Susquehanna, and who were the last of the Huron-Iroquois or Wyandot family that remained unconquered. The Andastes made a brave and stubborn resistance, but were obliged to yield, in I675, to the superior numbers of the Iroquois.+ The accounts of the destruction of these ancient Indian nations, we have mostly from the written narratives of the Jesuits residing at that time with the Indians of Canada and New York; and various traditions are extant respecting these occurrences. From the extirpation of the Neutral nation to its settlement by the pioneers of the Holland Purchase, the territory comprising Chautauqua county continued to be the home of the Senecas, the fiercest and most numerous of the Iroquois nation. LA SALLE. The missionaries who came from France were most excellent and able men. In their zeal to christianize the Indian, they became the pioneers of the North-west. One of their number, Allouez, in 1665, explored the and children. After burning 70 of the best warriors, they put out the eyes of the old men, and cut away their lips, and left them to drag out a miserable existence. Behold the scourge that is depopulating all this country."-Relation des Huronzs, I644, 98. *Jesuits in North America, 436. Jesuits in North America, 438. + Relation, I676, 2. LA SALLE. 27 country about Lake Superior, and taught the Indians there. He first discovered the Pictured Rocks, and learned of the copper mines. Robert Cavelier de La Salle, a resolute and talented young Frenchman, who afterwards became the proprietor of Fort Frontenac in Canada, and the -wilderness around about it, resolved to explore these regions and the vast prairies of the West, and to reach the Ohio and Mississippi, of which the Indians had informed him. July 6, I669, he left La Chine in Canada, ascended the St. Lawrence, coasted along the southern shore of Lake Ontario to the Irondequoit Bay, and thence penetrated into the state of New York, to the Indian villages of the Senecas, near the Genesee river, with a view of traveling farther in that direction, until he should reach the head waters of the Allegany and Ohio. After remaining here awhile, he abandoned this design, and with his companions from thence traveled west, crossed the Niagara river into Upper Canada, and passed the winter of i669 and 1670 on Grand river, near to the shore of Lake Erie. In the spring following, he coasted along the northern shore of the lake, west, to the east side of Long Point; and thence he returned to Montreal by the circuitous route of the Sault de St. Marie and the Ontario river, where he arrived June i8, i670.t In I673, Marquette, a missionary, and Joliet, a French citizen of Quebec, with a few companions, explored the Mississippi, between the mouths. of the Wisconsin and Arkansas; but before that year La Salle, it is said, made other wonderful journeys in the West; that he reached the Ohio, and visited the falls at Louisville, and had even descended the Illinois to its confluence with the Mississippi. He possessed a most adventurous and enterprising spirit; and these journeys aroused in him a desire to make new discoveries and more extended explorations. He first conceived the design of uniting the French possessions in Canada with the valley of the Mississippi, by a line of military posts, to secure its commerce to his country, and at the same time completely encircle the British colonies in North America. Having obtained the sanction of Louis XIV. to his projects, in the fall of the year 1678, he, with a party of Frenchmen, in a large canoe, entered the Niagara river, and established at its mouth, on its eastern bank, a trading post, which he inclosed with palisades. This constituted the first occupation of Western New York by civilized men, and the founding of Fort Niagara-a fortress which, for nearly a century and a half, filled an important place in the history of Canada, the northern portion of the United States, and of the Indian tribes dwelling in that region. * 2 Hildreth, I Io. t O. H. Marshall, Esq., to whom the author is indebted for the facts respecting this expedition of La Salle, on a recent visit to France, examined the valuable collections of unpublished manuscripts relating to early French explorations in America, now in the possession of M. Pierre Margry, of Paris, and was permitted to make copious extracts from a copy of the journal of this expedition of La Salle. An appropriation of $Io,ooo has been made by Congress for the publication of these recently discovered manuscripts and maps in M. Margry's possession, which, when issued, will contain many volumes of great interest to students of American history. 28 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. In January, I679, La Salle commenced building a vessel at the mouth of the Cayuga creek, a stream that empties into the Niagara river, at the village of La Salle, in Niagara county, in the state of New York, a few miles above the falls. By August it was finished, and completely equipped with sails, masts, and everything needful, and launched upon the waters of the upper Niagara river. It was a bark of sixty tons burthen, and was armed with seven small cannon, and named the Griffin. It was the first vessel that ever spread its sails to the breezes of Lake Erie. On the 7th day of August, I679, La Salle, Tonti, his Italian lieutenant, and Father Louis Hennepin, and twenty-nine others, in the presence of many Iroquois warriors, fired all their cannon and arquebuses, and set sail for the foot of Lake Erie, steering west-south-west; on that day they made many leagues, passing Chautauqua county. Hennepin, in his narrative, states that he saw, on this voyage, the two distant shores of the lake, fifteen or sixteen leagues apart. They were the first Europeans of whom we have any account, that beheld the rugged and forest covered hills of Chautauqua. La Salle continued his voyage until the Griffin cast anchor in Green Bay, on the north-western coast of Lake Michigan. She was loaded with a cargo of furs, and sent upon her return voyage, but was never heard of more. After the departure of the Griffin, La Salle for awhile awaited her return with a portion of his party, at the mouth of the St. Joseph's river. Cruelly disappointed, but undismayed, he pushed on into the state of Illinois, where he built a fort which he called Creve Coeur, in token of his grief. He sent Hennepin, with two companions, to the Mississippi, which they ascended to the Falls of St. Anthony. In March, i68o, La Salle, with three campanions, set out from his fort in Illinois for Fort Frontenac, at the foot of LakeSOntario. Depending upon his gun alone for his supplies, he chose for his route the ridge of high lands which divide the basin of the Ohio from that of the Lakes. This long journey of nearly one thousand miles through the wilderness, he and his companions accomplished on foot. La Salle returned to his fort in Illinois from Fort Frontenac, with recruits and supplies. He then descended the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico, and again journeyed back to Canada, and crossed the sea to France, where his government furnished him with four vessels, with which he again crossed the ocean, and landed at the Bay of Matagorda, in the state of Texas. With a few companions he traversed Texas, and penetrated as far as New Mexico, where he spent much of the year 1686, with twenty others. While on his way from New Mexico to Canada, he was assassinated by a treacherous companion. Thus perished this bold pioneer, who will long be remembered as one of the most remarkable explorers that ever visited the American continent. To follow La Salle in his wanderings at this day, with all the modern facilities of travel, would be regarded as no small achievement.* History of the Holland Purchase, I 6. BARON LA HONTAN. 29 BARON LA HONTAN. In i687, Denonville, governor of Canada, with a large party of French and Indians, landed upon the shore of Lake Ontario, and penetrated into the territory of the Senecas. He fought a battle with them near the site of the village of Victor, in the county of Ontario. He afterwards, in the same year, arrived at Niagara, which, from a trading post, he changed to a sanitary station, by erecting there a fort of four bastions. But the French were compelled, the following year, to abandon Niagara, by the hostile Iroquois, who were then waging a terrible and successful war against them." Among the French officers who accompanied Denonville on this expedition, was Baron La Hontan. This officer, with some Frenchmen, and the returning western Indian allies of Denonville, departed from Fort Niagara, coasted along the northern shore of Lake Erie, and arrived at the French post of St. Joseph. He afterwards joined a party of the western Indians, and invaded the territory of the Iroquois, south of Lake Erie; but did not come within the limits of Chautauqua county. He, however, in his travels obtained sufficient information to give a very interesting description of Lake Erie and the country around it, which he saw in i688. In the course of this account of the lake, he says: "Lake Erie is justly dignified with the illustrious name of Conti; for assuredly it is the finest upon earth. You may judge of the goodness of the climate from the latitude of the countries which surround it. Its circumference extends 230 leagues, but it affords everywhere a charming prospect; and its shores are decked with oak trees, elms, chestnuts, walnut, apple, plum trees, and vines which bear their fine clusters up to the very tops of the trees, upon a sort of ground that lies as smooth as one's hand. Such ornaments as these are sufficient to give rise to the most agreeable idea of a landscape in the world. I can not express what quantities of deer and turkeys are to be found in these woods, and in the vast meadows that lie upon the south side of the lake. At the foot of the lake we find wild beeves [buffaloes], on the banks of two pleasant streams that disembogue into it, without cataracts or rapid currents. It abounds with sturgeon and whitefish, but trouts are very scarce in it, as well as the other fish that we take in the Lakes Hurons [Huron] and Illinese [Michigan]. It is clear of shelves, rocks, and banks of sand, and has fourteen or fifteen fathoms water. The savages assure us that it is never disturbed by high winds except in the months of December, January, and February, and even then but seldom, which I am very apt to believe, for we had very few storms when I wintered in my fort, in i688, though the fort lay open to the Lake of Hurons." There is no doubt, as appears from this extract, that the American bison, or buffalo, once inhabited these regions. They once ranged in some parts of the United States, nearly to the Atlantic seaboard. Charlevoix, the French traveler, says, that in I720, "there were on the south side of Lake Erie, a prodigious quantity of buffaloes."t But we at this day must seek * I Doc. History of New York. + I Irving's Life of Washington, 335. The River Aux Boeuf, a tributary of French creek, was so named from the great number of buffaloes there found. —Pa. Hist. Collections. 30 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. the buffalo two thousand miles away in the Far West! They and their red brother, the Indian, are fast disappearing. Surely and rapidly are these lords of the forest and the plain yielding up their once wide domain to the advance of the encroaching white man, and making their home each year nearer, and still nearer, to the setting sun. INDIAN OCCUPATION. At first, the Allegany and Ohio were regarded by the French and Indians as one stream; Belle Riviere being the name given to it in French; Allegany in the Delaware tongue; and Oheeo in the Seneca; all meaning, when translated, a fair or beautiful water." The territory lying west of the Allegany mountains, traversed by this river from the southern boundary of New York to the eastern limits of Ohio, after the destruction of the Neutrals and the Andastes, fell into the possession of the conquerors, the Iroquois; and the Seneca tribe of that nation thereafter planted many colonies there. As early as 1724, the Monsey or Wolf tribe of the Delawares, who had previously dwelt in the north-eastern part of Pennsylvania, but had been crowded out by the encroachments of the whites, were allowed by the Iroquois to settle along the Allegany. Between the years 1724 and 1728, by their permission, the Shawnees, a restless and warlike people, also located along the lower Allegany and upper Ohio. When the first white man reached those wild regions, numerous Indian villages were found along the Allegany river and its tributaries. At Kittanning was an old Indian town called Cattanyan, which, in September, 1756, at day break, was surprised by Col. John Armstrong, and burned. The Delaware Indians who occupied it, made a desperate resistance, and thirty or forty of their number were slain, including their resolute chief, Capt. Jacobs. Hugh Mercer, who became afterwards a distinguished American general, and who fell at the battle of Princeton, accompanied Col. Armstrong on this expedition. At the mouth of the Mahoning was another Indian village. Where Franklin is situated, at the mouth of French creek, was the Indian town of Venango. It was here that the French built a fort which they called Machault; and where afterwards Washington, when on his journey to La Boeuf, had the interview with the celebrated Frenchman, Capt. Joncaire. Near the mouth of the Tionesta were three Monsey villages, called Goshgosh-unk [Cuscusing], where, in I767, Rev. David Zeisberger, a Moravian missionary, commenced preaching the gospel to the Indians. He and his coadjutor, Br. Gotlob Senseman, daily preached to their wild hearers, who came in great numbers to listen, with faces painted black and vermillion, and heads decorated with fox tails and feathers. Zeisberger afterwards retired fifteen miles further up the river, to a place called Lawanakana, near where Hickory town in Venango county now stands. Here he gathered around him a little settlement, and built a chapel, and placed in it a bell, the first ever heard in Venango county, and for two years prosecuted his pious efforts. INDIAN OCCUPATION. 3 Near Irvinton, in Warren county, at the mouth of the Broken Straw,was the Indian village of Buckaloons. About five miles above Kinjua,t extending several miles along the Allegany river, was a large Seneca town, called Yah-roon-wa-go. Near where once was the centre of this town, Cornplanter made his residence. Mrs. Mary Jemison, before her faculties were impaired, imparted much information to the white men respecting the Indians and some of their settlements in Western New York. She was known by the early settlers as the " White Woman." She was captured by the Indians in her youth during the French and Indian wars, and lived with them the remainder of her days. She died in Buffalo, September i9th, I833, at a very advanced age, much esteemed for her goodness and intelligence, by both whites and Indians. She was so kindly treated by the Indians after her captivity, that she adopted their customs, and married an Indian husband. In 1759, with her little son on her back and with her three adopted Indian brothers, she journeyed through the wilderness from Ohio to Little Beardstown, on the Genesee. In her account of their journey, she says: "When we arrived at the mouth of French creek, we hunted two days, and thence came on to Connewango creek, where we staid eight or ten days, in consequence of our horses having left us and strayed into the woods. The horses, however, were found, and we again prepared to resume our journey. During our stay at that place, the rain fell fast, and had raised the creek to such a height, that it was seemingly impossible for us to cross it. A number of times we ventured in, but were compelled to return, barely escaping with our lives. At length we succeeded in swimming our horses, and reached the opposite shore, though I and my little boy but just escaped from being drowned. From Sandusky the path we traveled was crooked and obscure, but was tolerably well understood by my oldest brother, who had traveled it a number of times when going and returning from the Cherokee wars. The fall by this time was considerably advanced, and the rains, attended with cold winds, continued daily to increase the difficulties of traveling. From Connewango we came to a place called by the Indians Che-na-shun-ga-tan, on the Allegany river, at the mouth of what is now called Cold Spring creek in the town of Napoli [now Cold Spring], Cattaraugus county, and from that to Twa-wan-ne-gwan, or Tu-ne-un-gwan, [which means an eddy not strong], where the early frosts had destroyed the corn, so that the Indians were in danger of starving for want of bread. Having rested ourselves two days at that place, we came to Caneadea." The Indian village of Tu-ne-un-gwan mentioned by Mrs. Jemison, was situated i8 miles further up the river than Che-na-shun-ga-tan in the town of Carrollton, Cattaraugus county. The Senecas also settled, at an early day, near the mouth of the Cattaraugus creek. At the close of the last century, there were along the Allegany and French * Its Indian name was Hosh-e-nuk-wa-gunk, signifying the place where much broken straw and other drift stuff are accumulated together.-Aldez's Alissions, 156. + Signifying, in the Indian tongue, the place of many fishes. 32 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. creek, scattered through north-western Pennsylvania and south-western New York, other Indian towns; but none were then known to have certainly existed in Chautauqua county. The evidences remained, however, at the first settlement of the county, of its having not long previously been occupied at various points by Indians. In 1795, when Col. James McMahan passed through this county, upon the Judge Prendergast tract on Connewango creek, in the town of Kiantone, there was an Indian camping ground. There were also to be seen, at the first settlement of the county, near the mouth of the Kiantone, the forms of corn hills, upon lands that appeared to have once been cleared, and had since grown up to small shrubbery of thorns and red plum." In November, 1805, when William Bemus first came to the town of Ellery, at Bemus Point, unmistakable evidences remained, that an Indian settlement had formerly existed there. Where the cemetery is situated, were the decayed remains and traces of some Indian dwellings, and the evidences that a large tract of land in the vicinity had formerly been improved. On Bemus creek were two clearings, each about ten acres in extent, a quarter of a mile apart. Where these improvements were, wild plum trees grew; and there were the remains of brush inclosures, which Wm. Bemus had repaired, enabling him to secure a crop of grass the first years of his settlement there. Corn hills also were visible, and even potatoes of the lady finger variety, that had been perpetuated from year to year were there still growing; some of which were gathered and planted by Wm. Bemus. Below Bemus', at Griffith's Point, were similar signs of Indian occupation.+ After the close of the Revolutionary war, that numerous portion or clan of the Seneca nation residing along the Allegany and its tributaries, were under the control of the very able and just war chief Cornplanter, sometimes called John O'Beel. The domain of this branch of the Senecas' property included Chautauqua county; and the rude improvements found here were the results, probably, of the occupation by these Indians, who undoubtedly, at some time during the last century, had at least temporary homes within the county. This clan were often referred to as the Seneca-Abeel; and in a map published by Reading Howell, 1792, the country of the upper waters of the Connewango, and of Chautauqua lake, is designated as "O'Beel's Cayentona." This map is among the Pennsylvania Historical Collections. In James Ross Snowden's Historical Sketch of Cornplanter, prepared for the occasion of the Cornplanter monument, is the following: "A solitary traveler, after the close of the Revolutionary war, in I783, wandering near the shores of Chautauqua lake, found himself benighted; and ignorant of the path which should lead him to his place of destination, he feared he would be compelled to pass the night in the forest, and without shelter. But when the darkness of the night gathered around him, he saw the light of a distant fire in the woods, to which he bent his steps. Then he * Judge E. T. Foote. Warren's History of Chautauqua County. + J. L. Bugbee. See also his sketch of WTm. Bemus. INDIAN OCCUPATION. 33 found an Indian wigwam, the habitation of a chief with his family. He was kindly received and hospitably entertained. After a supper of corn and venison, the traveler returned thanks to God, whose kind Providence had directed his way, and preserved him in the wilderness. He slept comfortably on the ample bear skins provided by his host. "In the morning, the Indian invited the traveler to sit beside him on a large log in front of his cabin. They were seated, side by side. Presently the Indian told the traveler to move on a little, which he did; and, keeping by his side, again requested him to move. This was repeated several times. At length, when near the end of the log, the chief gave an energetic push, and requested his companion to move further. The traveler remonstrated, and said,'I can go no further; if I do, I shall fall off the log.''That is the way' said the Indian in reply,'you white people treat us. When the United People, the Six Nations, owned the whole land from the lakes to the great waters, they gave to Corlaer a seat on the Hudson, and to Ouas a town and land on the Delaware. We have been driven from our lands on the Mohawk, the Genesee, the Chemung, and the Unadilla. And from our western door, we have been pushed from the Susquehanna; then over the great mountains; then beyond the Ohio, the Allegany, and Connewango; and now we are here on the borders of the great lakes, and a further push will throw me and my people off the log.''`' The chief, in conclusion, with a-sad and anxious countenance asked the question, Where are we to go?' The only response that was made, was the sighing of the wind through the leaves of the forest; the traveler was silent." The traveler above referred to was the Rev. Samuel Kirkland, who, for many years previous to the Revolutionary war, was a missionary among the Six Nations, and whose name and services are, during and after the Revolution, recorded in connection with Indian history. The Indian villages of North-western Pennsylvania and Western New York often contained houses sufficiently large to accommodate three or four families. Adjacent to them were frequently extensive cornfields. Between these villages, or leading from them to their favorite hunting grounds and fishing places, were well trodden pathways, several of which passed through the county of Chautauqua. A broad and well worn Indian trail led from the Cattaraugus creek, through the lake towns, to the Pennsylvania line. Another commenced near to the mouth of the Cattaraugus creek, and passed over the ridge in Arkwright and Charlotte, at the point of its lowest elevation; and through Charlotte Center and Sinclairville, and southerly in the direction of the Indian towns on the Allegany river. This trail had the appearance of much use; the roots of the trees along its margin were marred and calloused; and at certain points it was worn deeply into the ground. It was used by the early settlers as a highway or bridle path, in going from the center to the north-eastern part of the county, and also by the Indians subsequently to the settlement of the county. Still another Indian path commenced at the Indian settlement, near the mouth of the Cattaraugus creek,. and passed down the Connewango valley, through the eastern parts of the towns of Hanover, Villenova, Cherry Creek, and Ellington. This path was 3 34 HISTORY OF CHAUTUAQUA COUNTY. used by white men in the settlement of these towns, and by the Indians subsequently to the settlement of the county. All the region lying west of Blue Ridge, and east of the Wabash, which included within its limits Chautauqua county, remained unexplored and almost unknown to Europeans, until nearly as late as the year 1750; for the outermost limits of the back settlements of the English colonies of Virginia and Pennsylvania only extended as far west as the Blue Ridge. Either the French had been excluded from here by the fierce and warlike Senecas, who were their implacable foes, or their enterprise had not yet led them in this direction; and prior to this time, the points occupied by civilized men in the West were mostly mere trading posts, and the forests were only traversed by traders and missionaries. Chautauqua county, and the adjacent regions, not being in the route of their travel, were barely known, and were untraversed except by bands of Indians in their hostile excursions. The French officer La Hontan says: "The banks of this lake [Erie] are commonly frequented by none but warriors, whether the Iroquois, the Illinese, the Oumiamies, etc.; and it is very dangerous to stop there. By this means it comes to pass, that the stags, roebucks, and turkeys run in great bodies up and down the shore, all around the lake. In former times the Errionons and the Andastogueronons lived upon the confines of the lake; but they were extirpated by the Iroquois, as well as the other nations marked on the map."' EVENTS LEADING TO THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WARS. The boundary line between the French and English possessions in America had long been a cause for earnest contention. The French claimed dominion to all the country lying west of the Allegany mountains. The English also claimed the territory westward of their colonies to the Pacific Ocean. The territory of Chautauqua county was included in these disputed regions; and as a consequence of this controversy, it was soon brought nearer to the scene of prominent military operations, and in close proximity to important lines of communication, or rough military highways leading from distant military posts in this then interminable western wilderness. Communications between the French posts on the Mississippi river, and the French forts and settlements in Canada, were at first maintained by the long and circuitous route of the Mississippi, Green Bay, and the Ottawa, and afterwards by Lake Michigan and the Illinois; and at a still later period by the way of the Maumee and the Wabash. The direct and easy communication that could be had between Canada and the Mississippi, by the way of Lake Erie and the short portage of Chautauqua lake, or over that from Presque Isle [Erie] to French creek, and the upper waters of the Ohio, seems for a long time to have been unknown to the French; but events of an important character as affecting this part of the world, and also the history of that of the two most powerful nations of Europe, were destined soon to * La Hontan's Voyages. ORIGIN OF THE NAME CHAUTAUQUA. 35 introduce this region to the notice both of the French and the English. The latter, in 1722, established a trading post at Oswego, and, a little later, built there a fort. The French, to enable them to command communication with the West, thereupon, in 1725, reoccupied and reconstructed Fort Niagara, which had been deserted for over thirty-five years, and made it a strong fortress, and which thereafter became the scene of exciting military events. In 1749, the two rival countries proceeded still more directly to assert their rights to the territory lying west of the Alleganies. The English government granted five hundred thousand acres of land on the Ohio to the Ohio Company, which included persons in London, Maryland and Virginia as its members, among whom were Lawrence and Augustine Washington. The objects of this company were the settlement of this territory, and to establish a trade with the Indians. The French, the same year, sent from Detroit Capt. De Celeron, with three hundred men to march east to the Allegany mountains, to take formal possession of this territory, and to warn the' English traders out of the country. He performed the task, and deposited at important points leaden plates, with the arms of France engraved. Three of these have been found, we are told; one at Marietta, one at the mouth of the Big Kanawha, and one at the mouth of French creek. The following is a translation of the inscription upon one of these plates, which was obtained by artifice from Joncaire, the French interpreter, by the Senecas, and delivered to Sir William Johnson, who forwarded it to Governor Clinton: "In the year I 749, during the reign of Louis XV., King of France, we, Celoron, commander of a detachment sent by Monsieur the Marquis De la Galissonire, commander in chief of New France, for the restoration of tranquillity in some villages of Indians of these districts, have buried this plate at the confluence of the Ohio and Tchadakoin, this 29th day of July, near the river Ohio, otherwise Beautiful River, as a monument of the renewal of possession which we have taken of the said river Ohio, and of all those that therein fall, and all the lands on both sides as far as the sources of the said rivers, as enjoyed or ought to be enjoyed by the preceding Kings of France, and as they therein have maintained themselves by arms, and by treaties, especially by those of Riswick, of Utrecht, and of Aix-la-Chapelle."'! ORIGIN OF THE NAME CHAUTAUQUA. The name Ohio, or La Belle Riviere, was applied by the French to that portion of the Allegany, extending up from Pittsburgh as far, at least, as Franklin, as well as to the Ohio proper. It is probable that the Connewango, Chautauqua lake and outlet, and perhaps that part of the Allegany below the mouth of the Connewango to Franklin, were called by the French the Tchadakoin, as inscribed upon this leaden plate, and that, in process of time, this appellation was retained only by the lake. The word underwent various changes in its orthography also, until it came to be spelled Chautauqua. On a manuscript map of 1749, made by a Jesuit in the Department de la Marine *9 Doc. Colonial Hist. of N. Y., pp. 6Io-I.I 36 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. in Paris, it is spelled "Tjadakoin," and the Chautauqua creek that empties into Lake Erie in the town of Westfield, is called the Riviere Aux Ponmes, or Apple river. In the translations of the letters of Du Quesne, [pronounced Du Kane], governor-general of Canada, to the French government in I753, found in vol. Io of Documents Relating to the Colonial History of the State of New York, it is spelled " Chataconit." In Stephen Coffin's affidavit, sworn to before Sir William Johnson in 1754, " Chadakoin." In the French of Capt. Pouchot, in his history of the French and English war in North America, written before the American Revolution, and in the map accompanying it, the name of the lake is spelled "Shatacoin." On Pownell's map of I776, and Lewis Evans' of I755, it is written "Jadaxque." Gen. Wm. Irvine, who visited Chautauqua prior to 1788, writes it "Jadaqua." On the map made by the Holland Land Company in I804, it is "Chataughque." After the settlement of the county, until the year 1859, it was spelled "Chtautazque," when, by a resolution of the Board of Supervisors, passed October nIth of that year, at the suggestion of Hon. E. T. Foote, it was changed to "Chautauqua," that its pronunciation might conform to the pronunciation of the word by the Indians, at the time of the first settlement of the county.4" Various significations have been attributed to the word Chautauqua. Among others, it is said to mean, " the place where one was lost," or the "place of easy death," in allusion to a tradition of the Senecas. Cornplanter, in his celebrated speech against the title of the Phelps and Gorham tract, alluding to this tradition, says: "In this case one chief has said he would ask you to put him out of pain: another who will not think of dying by the hand of his father or his brother, has said he will retire to' Chauddauk-wa,' eat of the fatal root, and sleep with his fathers in peace."t Dr. Peter Wilson, an educated Cayuga chief, communicated to O. H. Marshall, Esq., the following Seneca tradition: "A party of Senecas returning from the Ohio in the spring of the year, ascended the outlet of Chautauqua lake, passed into the lake, and while paddling through it, caught a fish of a kind with which they were not familiar, and they threw it into the bottom of their canoe. Reaching the head of the lake, they made a portage across to the Chautauqua creek, then swollen with the spring freshets. Descending the creek into Lake Erie, they found, to their astonishment, the fish still alive. They threw it into the lake, and it disappeared. In process of time the same fish appeared abundantly in the lake, having never been caught in it before. They concluded they all sprang from the Chautauqua lake progenitor, and hence they named that Lake, " Ga-ja-dah'-gwah, compounded of two Seneca words Ga-jah, "fish," and Ga-dah'-gwah "taken * No one now living has been longer or more prominently identified with this county during its early years, and consequently none more familiar with its early settlers and its history, than Judge Foote; and no one has contributed so much in time and money, or has been more solicitous to preserve the facts connected with its early history than he. + See Alden's Missions, p. I69. Also Morgan's League of the Iroquois. THE PORTAGE ROAD. 37 out." In process of time the word became contracted into Jah-dah-gwah; the prefix Ga being dropped, as is often the case."' Other meanings have been assigned to the word. Chautauqua has been said to signify "foggy place," in allusion to the mist arising from the lake; also to mean "high up," referring to the elevated situation of the lake; while it is said that Horatio Jones and Jasper Parrish, early Indian interpreters, well versed in the Seneca tongue, gave its meaning to be "a pack tied in the middle " or " two moccasihs fastened together," from the resemblance of the lake to those objects. The following lines and note are from the pen of Col. Wm. H. C. Hosmer, of Avon; "Famous in the days of yore, But the music of her tread Bright Ja-da-qua! was thy shore, Made the prophet shake his head, And the stranger treasures yet For the mark of early doom Pebbles that thy waves have wet; He had seen through beauty bloom' For they catch an added glow From a tale of long ago. When a fragrant wreath was made, Ere the settler's flashing steel Round her brow she clasped the braid; Rang the greenwood's funeral peal, When her roving eye, alas Or the plow-share in the vale Flowering in the summer grass, Blotted out the red man's trail. Did the fatal plant behold, And she plucked it from the mould; Of the honeyed root she ate, " Deadly was the plant that grew And her peril learned too late Near thy sheet of glimmering blue, in her thir to slake But the mystic leaves were known From thy wave, enchanting lake. To ourwanderintribean. From thy wave, enchanting lake. To our wandering tribe alone. Sweeter far than honeyed fruit "Then was gained the treacherous brink, Of the wild plum was its root; Stooped O-WA-NA down to drink; But the smallest morsel cursed Then the waters, calm before, Those who tasted, with a thirst Waking, burst upon the shore; That impelled them to leap down And the maid was seen no more. In thy cooling depth, and drown. Azure glass! in emeralds framed, Since that hour Ja-da-qua named, "On thy banks, in other hours, Or'the place of easy death,' Sat O-WA-NA wreathing flowers, When I pant with failing breath, And, with whortleberries sweet, I will eat the root that grows Filled were baskets at her feet. On thy banks, and find repose Nature to a form of grace With the loveliest of our daughters Had allied a faultless face; In thy blue engulfing waters." "These lines allude to a beautiful Seneca tradition that lends an added charm to Chautauqua lake, in the state of New York. A young squaw is said to have eaten of a root growing on its banks, which created tormenting thirst. To slake it she stooped down to drink of its clear waters, and disappeared for ever. Hence the name of the lake JA-DAQUA, or the place of easy death, where one disappears and is seen no more." [See I vol. Hosmer's Poems, 225, 373.] THE PORTAGE ROAD. The Marquis Du Quesne, having been appointed governor-general of Canada, arrived there in I752. The measures taken by him in behalf of * Dr. Wilson (now deceased) is regarded as good authority upon this subject. Of him Mr. Marshall says: " He had a great love for the traditional annals of his people, a very critical knowledge of the Seneca language, now reduced to a written system. Besides, he enjoyed the advantage of an English education, having graduated with honor at the Genesee Medical College, and practiced medicine with success among the Indians. "The word' Shatacoin,' if properly pronounced in French would give the identical word given by Dr. Wilson in the tradition." 38 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. the French to obtain possession of the disputed territory, were of a more open and decisive character than those of any officer, who had preceded him. Soon after his arrival, he commenced preparations to construct the long line of frontier forts, which had been first suggested by La Salle, and which the French, for so many years, had in contemplation, that were to unite Canada with Louisiana, by the way of the Ohio. The first step taken towards this bold project, may be regarded as leading directly to one of the most memorable wars of modern times, known in this country as the French and Indian war; which resulted in divesting the French of Canada, and of the greater part of their possessions in America. This war also extended, with great results, over continental Europe, and even to Asia and Africa. The first act of Du Quesne was to open a portage road from Erie to La Boeuf, on French creek; and also the same season to open another road from the mouth of the Chautauqua creek, near Barcelona, to the head of Chautauqua lake, at Mayville; and thus open communication between Lake Erie and the head-waters of the Ohio. Du Quesne, in the fall of 1752, rendered an account of the arrangements that he had made, in a letter to the French Minister of the Marine and Colonies, in Paris, in which he stated that he would begin his posts at a point near Barcelona in this county, and at the mouth of the Chautauqua creek, which he called Chat-a-co-nit. It is evident from this correspondence, that Du Quesne fully believed, from the information that he had, that the carrying place between this point and the head of Chautauqua lake, was the shortest and most practicable that could be found between the waters of the lakes and the Ohio, and that the carrying place between Erie and La Boeuf was discovered afterwards. The importance that Du Quesne attached to the selection of the best carrying place between these waters, is evident from the language used by him in his communications to the French government. Du Quesne, during the winter, completed his preparations, which were hastened by false reports received from Joncaire, that the English had actually settled upon French creek, and at the junction of the Connewango with the Allegany, where Warren is now situated; which the French and Indians then called Chinengue. He in the early spring dispatched, from Montreal, an advance force of two hundred and fifty men, under Monsieur Barbeer, for Chautauqua, with orders to fell and prepare timber for the building of a fort there." Barbeer and his command pursued their winter marchover land and ice to Fort Niagara, pausing on their way to refresh themselves at Cadaraqua fort and at Toronto. They remained at Fort Niagara *The following account of the operations of the French during the spring and summer of I753, we have mainly from an affidavit made before Sir William Johnson by Stephen Coffen, who was taken prisoner by the French and Indians in I747, and detained in Lower Canada until January, 1752, when he was allowed to join the command of Barbeer in this expedition to the Ohio river. On the return of the French forces in the fall of that year, the troops became fatigued from rowing all night upon Lake Ontario, and were ordered to put ashore within a mile of the mouth of the Oswego river for breakfast, when Coffen and a Frenchman escaped to the English fort of Oswego. THE PORTAGE ROAD. 39 until the warmth of the early spring had sufficiently removed the ice from Lake Erie, and then pursued their way by water along the shore of the lake, arriving at the mouth of the Chautauqua creek in the month of April, I753. What progress Barbeer made in complying with the instructions given him by Du Quesne, to fell and prepare timber for a fort there, we are not informed. Sieur Marin, to whom was assigned the chief command of all the forces of France, operating in the country of the Ohio, having arrived with a larger force, consisting of five hundred soldiers and twenty Indians, put a stop to the building of the fort, as he did not like the situation, believing the river of Chadekoins, as the outlet of Chautauqua lake was called, too shallow to carry craft with provisions to the Ohio river. An altercation ensued; Barbeer insisting either upon building the fort according to his instructions, or that Marin should give him a writing that would justify him in the eyes of the governor. Marin finally complied with Barbeer's demand, and gave him such a writing, and then dispatched Chevalier Le Mercier, a captain of artillery, and an able officer, to whom was assigned the duties of engineer for the expedition, to explore the shore for a better point of departure from the lake. After an absence of three days, Le Mercier returned to Chautauqua, and reported that about fifteen leagues to the south-west he had discovered a harbor where boats could enter with perfect safety, and that it was a most favorable point for their purpose. The French immediately repaired thither, and upon their arrival found twenty Indians fishing in the lake, who fled on their approach. Here the French built a fort one hundred and twenty feet square, and fifteen feet high, of chestnut logs. It had a gate on the north and south sides, but no port holes. The French called it Fort Presque Isle. It stood where now is situated the city of Erie, Pennsylvania. Upon the completion of this fort, Marin left there Captain Derpontcy, with one hundred men to garrison it, and immediately cut a wagon road to the southward, through a fine level country, twenty-one miles to a point on the river La Boeuf, the present site of Waterford, Erie county, Pa. Faint traces of this wagon road are still visible not far from the city of Erie. They built at Waterford, of wood, a triangular stockaded fort, within which two log houses were erected. While building this fort, Marin sent Monsieur Bite with fifty men to the Allegany river, where French creek empties into it, and Marin built ninety boats or batteaux, to carry down the baggage and provisions. Bite returned and reported the situation good, but the river too low at that time for boats; and also that the Indians had forbid the building of the fort. When the fort Aux Boeufs was completed, Marin ordered all his forces to return to Canada, to remain there through the winter, excepting three hundred men, which were retained to garrison the two forts he had built, and to prepare materials for the building of other forts in the next spring. He also sent Coeur, an officer and interpreter, to stay during the winter among the Indians on the Ohio, and to persuade them not only to permit the building of forts, but to join the French against the English. 40 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. About eight days before the French took their departure from Presque Isle, Chevalier Le Crake arrived express from Canada, in a birch canoe, propelled by ten men, with orders from Du Quesne to make all preparations to build, the succeeding spring, two forts in Chautauqua; one at Lake Erie, and one at the end of the carrying place on Chautauqua lake. On the 28th of October, about four hundred and forty French, under Captain Deneman, set out from Presque Isle for Canada, in twenty-two batteaux; followed in a few days by seven hundred and sixty men, being all the remainder of the French that were not left to garrison the forts they had built in Pennsylvania. On the 3oth of October, 1753, they arrived at Chautauqua, probably at or near Barcelona. Here, within this county, this army remained encamped for four days, during which time two hundred of their number, under Monsieur Pean, cut the wagon road over the carrying place, from Lake Erie to Chautauqua lake. The French pronounced themselves satisfied with this route, and on the 3d of November set out for Canada, arriving at Niagara on the 6th.t Besides the two hundred and fifty men composing the advance force under Barbeer, and the five hundred that soon afterwards came up under Marin, there came afterwards, during the season, other bodies of troops from Canada, with stores; making the whole number of French engaged in this expedition, 1,500 men. Nine pieces of artillery were brought with them, all of which were left in Fort Le Boeuf, where Marin commanded. These constitute the operations of the French in the year I753, in this remote wilderness; and they were deemed of great importance, even in Paris, as sufficiently appears in the correspondence between the French officials respecting them. To furnish an army of 1,500 men with supplies and munitions, and send them from Montreal, itself but a fortress in the depths of the forest, still farther to the west, through an untraversed wilderness, over inland seas, a distance of 500 miles, to these wild and almost unknown regions, was an enterprise then regarded as of no small magnitude, even by a government as powerful as France. The difficulties experienced by the French in pushing forward this expedition, as well as many other interesting particulars respecting it, are set * " Hugues Pean was a native of Canada; his father had been adjutant, or town major of Quebec; a situation to which the son succeeded, on the arrival of M. de Jonquire. His wife was young, spiritual, mild, and obliging, and her conversation amusing; she succeeded in obtaining considerable influence over the intendant M. Bigot, who went regularly to spend his evenings with her. She became at length the channel through which the public patronage flowed. Pean in a short time saw himself worth fifty thousand crowns. Bigot, the intendant, requiring a large supply of wheat, gave Pean the contract, and even advanced him money from the treasury, with which the wheat was bought. The intendant next issued an ordinance, fixing the price of wheat much higher than Pean purchased it. The latter delivered it to the government, at the price fixed by the ordinance, whereby he realized immense profit, obtained a seigniory, and became very wealthy."-Collections of Quebec Literary and Historical Society, I838, page 68. "He was afterwards created a Knight of St. Louis."-Smith's Canada, I., page 22I. t io Colonial Hist. of N. Y. THE PORTAGE ROAD. 41 forth in a letter bearing date August 20, 1753, from Du Quesne to M. de Rouille, the French Minister of Marine and Colonies, in which he says:"MY LORD: " I have the honor to inform you that I have been obliged to alter the arrangement I had made, whereof I rendered you an account last fall. " You will see, my Lord, by the extract of the journal hereto annexed, the reasons which compelled me to reduce to almost one half, the vanguard that I informed you consisted of 400 men, and those that determined me to prefer landing the troops at the harbor of Presque Isle on Lake Erie, which I very fortunately discovered, instead of Chataconit, where, I informed you, I would begin my posts. "This discovery is so much more propitious, as it is a harbor which the largest barks can enter loaded, and be in perfect safety. I am informed that the beach, the soil, and the resources of all sorts, were the same as represented to me. "The plan I send you of this place is only a rough sketch until it is corrected. I have given orders that this be proceeded with. "The letter I received on the i2th of January last from M. de Joncaire, has obliged me to force to obtain provisions from the farmers, to enable me to oppose the projects of the English, who, he advised me, had sent smiths to Chinenguef and the river Aux Boeuf, where they were even settled; and that there was a terrible excitement among the Indians, who looked upon it as certain that the English would be firmly settled there in the course of this year, not imagining that my forces were capable of opposing them. This fear, which made me attempt the impossible, has had hitherto the most complete success. All the provisions have arrived from without, after a delay of fifteen days, and I had them transported with all imaginable diligence, into a country so full of difficulties, in consequence of the great number of voyageurs which I required to ascend the rapids, the race of which is getting scarce. " I was not long in perceiving that this movement made a considerable impression on the Indians; and what has thrown more consternation among them is, that I had no recourse to them; for I contented myself with telling our domiciliated tribes, that if there were eight or ten from each village who had the curiosity to witness my operations, I would permit them to follow Sieur Marin, the commander of the detachment, whom they were well acquainted with, and in whom they have confidence. Of 200 whom I proposed to send forward, only 70 are sufficient for scouts and hunters. "All the natives that came down to see me from the upper country, and who met the multitude of batteaux and canoes which were conveying the men and effects belonging to the detachment, presented themselves all trembling before me, and told me that they were aware of my power by the swarm of men they had passed, and begged me to have pity on them, their wives, and their children. I took advantage of their terror to speak to them in a firm tone and menacing the first that would falter; and instead of a month or five weeks that they were accustomed to remain here consuming the King's provisions, I got rid of them on the fourth day. "It appears up to this time, that the execution of the plan of my enter* io Doc. relating to Colonial Hist. of N. Y. + Chinengue, or Shenango, is laid down in Mitchell's map at the junction of the Connewango and Allegany, where Warren is now situated. 42 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. prise makes so strong an impression on the natives, that all the vagabonds who had taken refuge on the Beautiful River, have returned to their village. " I keep the five nations much embarrassed because they have not come down to Montreal, and the only step they have taken has been to send the ladies (dames) of their council to Sieur Marin to inquire of him by a belt, whether he was marching with the hatchet uplifted. He told them that he bore it aloft, in order that no person should be ignorant of the fact; but as for the present, his orders were to use it only in case he encountered opposition to my will;'that my intention was to support and assist them in their necessities, and to drive away the evil spirits that encompassed them, and that disturbed the earth. " I was aware that the English of Philadelphia had invited them to general council, and that they had refused to attend to it. Further, I knew from a man worthy of credit, who happened to be among these Indians when the English arrived, that they had rejected the belts which had been offered to oppose the entrance of the King's troops into the river Ohio, since they had sold it to the English. They answered that they would not meddle with my affairs, and that they would look quietly on, from their mats, persuaded as they were, that my proceedings had no other object than to give a clear sky to a country which served as a refuge for assassins who had reddened the ground with their blood. " This nation, which possesses a superior government to all others, allowed itself to be dazzled by continued presents, and did not perceive that the English are hemming it in, so that if it do not shake off their yoke'twill soon be enslaved. I shall lead them to make this reflection, in order to induce them to pull down Choneganen, which is destroying them and will be the ruin of the colony. " Should we have had to use reprisals, I would soon have taken that post. I have already forwarded to Fort Frontenac, the artillery and everything necessary to this coup de main. "Sieur Marin writes me on the 3d instant, that the fort at Presque Isle is entirely finished; that the Portage road, which is six leagues in length, is also ready for carriages; that the store which was necessary to be built half way across this Portage, is in a condition to receive the supplies, and that the second fort, which is located at the mouth of the river Aux Boeuf, will soon be completed. "This commandant informs me, moreover, that he is having some pirogues constructed; whilst men are actually employed in transporting his stores; and he tells me that all the Delawares, Chauonanons [Shawnees] and Senecas, on the Beautiful River, had come to meet him, and that he had so well received them, that they were very zealously assisting with their horses that they have brought along with them in making the portage. " There has not been, up to the present time, the least impediment to the considerable movements I have caused to be made; everything arrived at its destination with greater celerity than I anticipated; and among the prodigious number of batteaux or canoes that have passed the rapids, only one has upset, drowning seven men. "As it is impossible in a movement as vast as it was precipitous for this country, that some of the provisions should be spoiled in open craft, despite all the precautions that could be taken, I have sent on as much as was necessary to repair the loss. THE PORTAGE ROAD. 43 "Everything announces, my Lord, the successful execution of my project, unless some unforeseen accident has occurred; and the only anxiety I feel is, that the River Aux Boeuf portage will delay the entrance of our troops into the Beautiful River, as it is long, and there is considerable to carry, and the horses I have sent thither have arrived there exhausted by fatigue. But I hope this will be obviated by those the Indians have brought thither, and that the mildness of the climate will admit of the completion of the posts. The extreme boldness with which I have executed a project of so much importance, has caused me the liveliest inquietude; the famine which met me on my arrival at Quebec having reduced me, forwarding only 900 barrels of flour as the whole supply. "From the knowledge I have acquired this vinter, I would have composed my vanguard of 700 men, had I had an entrep6t of provisions at Niagara, because that body of men would have assuredly advanced to the portage, which I was desirous of occupying; having to fear some opposition on the part of the Indians of the Beautiful River at the instigation of the English, my plan having been discovered, and bruited abroad since M. de la Jonquire's death, in consequence of the explorations that I caused to be made by some bark canoes, notwithstanding the color I wished to give these movements. "I leave you to judge, my Lord, the trouble of mind I felt at the reduction of this vanguard to 250 men, which I was obliged to send like what is called in the army a forlorn hope, when dispatched to explore a work. On the other hand, I should proceed at a snail's pace could I tontinue my operations only with the assistance derived from the sea, the inconveniences of which I understood. In fine, my Lord, if there be any merit in doing anything contrary to the prudence of a person of my age, who has not the reputation of being devoid of that virtue, the enterprise in question would be entitled to very great credit; but necessity having constrained me to it, I do not adopt it, and attribute its success to singular good fortune which I would not for all the world attempt again. "The discovery I have made of the harbor of Presque Isle, which is regarded as the finest spot in Nature, has determined me to send a royal assistant pilot to search around the Niagara rapids for some place where a bark could remain to take in its load. Nothing would be of greater advantage in the saving of transport, and the security of the property of the new posts and of Detroit; but it is necessary to find a good bottom, so that the anchors may hold; for it could safely winter at Presque Isle, where it would be as it were in a box. I impatiently await the return of this pilot, and I would be much flattered could I be able to announce to you in my latest dispatches, that I have ordered the construction of this vessel. "I must not leave you ignorant, my Lord, how much I am pleased with Sieur Marin, the commander of the detachment, and Major Pean. The former, who has an experienced capacity, manages the Indians as he pleases; and he has, at his age, the same zeal and activity as any young officer that may enter the service. The second is endowed with all the talent imaginable for detail and resources, and knows no other occupation than that of accomplishing the object he is intrusted with. He alone had charge of dispatching all the canoes and batteaux, and acquitted himself of that duty with great order. Chevalier Le Mercier, to whom I assigned the duties of engineer, and who is also intrusted with the distribution of the provisions, is an officer possessing the rarest talent. Sieur Marin expresses himself to me in 44 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. the highest terms of all those who are under his orders, and who vie with each other in diligence. "I am, with the most profound respect, my Lord, "Your most humble and most obedient servant, " Du QUESNE." This Portage road was cut by the French from Lake Erie to Chautauqua lake more than twenty years before the battle of Lexington, and was the first work performed by civilized hands within the limits of Chautauqua county, of which we are informed. It was known by the early settlers of the county, as the Old Portage or French road, and was one of the first highways of the county over which, in,early days, much merchandise, including large amounts of salt from Onondaga county, were annually transported to Pittsburgh,, and places on the river below. The Portage road commenced on the west bank of Chautauqua creek, a little distance from its mouth, in the town of Westfield. Thence it passed up, on the west side of the creek, crossing the present Erie road at the Old McHenry tavern, where the historical monument stands, to a point above the woolen factory, about a mile from Westfield. Here the road crossed the creek; still further on it crossed the present road leading from Mayville to Westfield, ard continued most of the distance for the remainder of the way, on the east side of the present road, and terminated at the foot of Main street in Mayville. The original track and remains of the old log bridges were plainly to be seen as late as the year I8I7; and even traces of this road remain to this day. Judge William Peacock, of Mayville, passed over this Portage road as early as July, 800oo. He followed it from the mouth of Chautauqua creek, three miles up its west bank, and thence over the hills to Chautauqua lake. The road then had the appearance of having been used in former times. The underbrush had been cut out; and where this road crossed the Chautauqua creek, about three miles from its mouth, the banks upon each side had been dug away, to admit a passage across the stream. Towards Mayville, and near the summit of the hills, at a low wet place, a causeway had been constructed of logs. Over this point the present highway from Mayville to Westfield now passes. At the foot of Main street in Mayville, where the Portage terminated, was a circular piece of mason work of stone laid in sand and mortar, three or four feet high, and three or four feet in diameter. It was constructed, as Judge Peacock conjectured, for the purpose of cooking food. A piece of mason work, precisely likethis in every respect, he saw standing at the other end of the Portage, at the mouth of the Chautauqua creek, opposite Barcelona. This mason work was seen as late as 1802 by William Bell, who, for over seventy years, resided in Westfield.* The operations of the French in the West, during the spring and summer of 1753, were watched with interest and indignation by the English. Capt. Stodart wrote a letter to Col. William Johnson on the 15th of May, 1753, from * See the Extract from Sir William Johnson's Journal, post. THE FRENCH WAR. 45 Oswego, informing him that over thirty French canoes, carrying a part of the French army, had passed them the day before for the Ohio; also that he was informed by a Frenchman, who was on his way to Cajocka [probably Chautauqua], that the French under Marin were about to build forts at places convenient for them; "that one fort was to be built at Ka-sa-no-tia-yo-go" [a carrying place], and another at Diontarogo.: A copy of this letter was forwarded by Col. Johnson to Governor Clinton. WASHINGTON'S JOURNEY TO FRENCH CREEK. When information reached Governor Dinwiddie, of Virginia, of these proceedings by the French, he determined to ascertain their purpose, and to induce them to abandon their claim upon the valley of the Ohio. He accordingly dispatched George Washington, then but twenty-two years of age, who set out from Williamsburgh, in Virginia, on the 3oth day of October, 1753, and arrived at the place where Pittsburgh now stands, about three weeks afterwards. He then proceeded to Venango, where he arrived on the 4th of December, and had an interview with the celebrated Capt. Joncaire, but obtained no satisfaction. From Venango he pushed on up the French creek, to the pbst the French had established at Le Boeuf, now Waterford, where he arrived the Iith of December, 1753. The fort he found situated on the island on the west fork of French creek. It consisted of four houses, forming a square, defended by bastions made of palisades twelve feet high, pierced for cannon and small arms. Within the bastions were a guard-house and other buildings. Outside were stables, a smith forge, and a log house for soldiers. Washington found that the French were preparing at this place many pine boats and bark canoes to be ready in the spring, to descend and destroy the English posts on the Ohio river. Here Washington, over one hundred and twenty years ago, spent five anxious days, within but fourteen miles from the town of French Creek, in Chautauqua county, negotiating with the French commandant, St. Pierre. Having finished his business with the French, Washington set out on the i6th of December to return. His long journey through the wilderness was beset by many difficulties and dangers. French creek and the Allegany river were swollen and full of floating ice; the snows were deep, and the cold intense. He arrived at Williamsburgh, January I6th, 1754; having performed a toilsome and perilous journey of eight hundred miles, in two and one half months. THE FRENCH WAR. Immediately after Washington's return, the Ohio Company sent Captain Trent and a small body of men, to the junction of the Allegany with the Monongahela, where Pittsburgh is now situated. He arrived there in February, I754, and commenced laying the foundations of a fort, which was completed prior to April 17th, 1754. This was the first occupation of the territory where Pittsburgh now stands. Against this post the French imme*7 Doc. relating to the Col. Hist. of N. Y., 779. 46 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. diately dispatched a formidable expedition, which was in fact the first warlike demonstration made in the French war. Monsieur Contrecoeur, then the commander in chief of the French on the Beautiful River, at the head of,000o French and Indians, with i8 pieces of cannon, in 60 batteaux and 200 canoes, descended the Allegany, and arrived at Pittsburgh on the i6th of April, 1754, and summoned the English commandant Ward to surrender. He having but forty men to defend his unfinished stockade, was obliged to comply with the demand." This affair is memorable, from the fact that it was the first blow struck in the great wars that followed in Europe and America. The Portage road from Barcelona to Mayville, it has been seen, was cut late in the preceding fall, with a distinct view to its future use. This expedition was the first movement made by the French in the spring following; and it is probable, as but few French remained at Le Boeuf and Presque Isle during the winter, that a large part of this force had to be drawn that season from Canada; and that a portion of it may have passed over Chautauqua lake. This portage may have been used by the French and Indians in other warlike expeditions. Pouchot, the officer who commanded the French at Fort Niagara when it surrendered to Sir William Johnson, wrote a history of the French and Indian war in North America, in which he says: " The river of Chatacoin is the first that communicates from Lake Erie to the Ohio; and it was by this that they [the Freznch] went in early times when they made a journey to that art. The navigation is always made in a canoe, on account of the small amount of water in this river. It is only, in fact, when there is a freshet, that they can pass, and then with difficulty, which makes them prefer the navigation of the river Aux Boeuf, of which the entrep6t is the fort of Presque Isle."+ Sir William Johnson, in I76I, journeyed to Detroit by the command of Gen. Amherst, to establish a treaty with the Ottawa confederacy, to regulate the trade at the several posts in the Indian country. On his return, he coasted along the south shore of Lake Erie. In his journal of this journey is the following reference to this portage, with other interesting particulars: "Wednesday, October Ist [I76I], embarked [at Presque Isle], at 7 o'clock, with the wind strong ahead-continued so all the day, notwithstanding it improved all day, and got to Jadaghque creek and carrying place, which is a fine harbor and encampment. It is very dangerous from Presque Isle here, being a prodigious steep, rocky bank all the way, except two or three creeks and small beaches, where are very beautiful streams of water or springs which tumble down the rocks. We came about forty miles this day. The fire was burning where Captain Cochran [the officer who commanded at Presque Isle] I suppose encamped last night. Here the French had a baking place, and here they had meetings, and assembled the Indians when first going to Ohio, and *Craig's Hist. of Pittsburgh, 23. 6 Col. Doc. Hist. of New York, 840. 2 Doc. Hist. of New York. + Pouchot French and English Wars in North America, Vol. II., i60 (Hough's translation). THE FRENCH WAR. 47 bought this place of them. Toonadawanusky, the river we stopped yesterday at, is so called. " Friday, 2d. A very stormy morning, wind not fair; however, sent off my two baggage boats, and ordered them to stop about thirty miles off in a river [probably Cattaraugus creek]. The Seneca Indian tells me we may get this day to the end of the lake. I embarked at eight o'clock with all the rest, and got about thirty miles, when a very great storm of wind and rain arose, and obliged us to put into a little creek [probably Eighteen Mile creek], between the high rocky banks. The wind turned north-west, and it rained very hard. We passed the Mohawks in a bay about four miles from here. Some of our boats are put into other places as well. as they can. My bedding is on board the birch canoe of mine, with the Indian somewhere ahead. The lake turns very greatly to the north-east, and looks like low land. From Presque Isle here is all high land, except a very few spots where boats may land. In the evening, sent Oneida to the Mohawk encampment, to learn what news here."Y Although the French may have very early used this route by Chautauqua lake to some extent, when passing from Lake Erie to the Allegany and Ohio, it is clear that the route by Presque Isle and French creek was finally adopted and principally used by them. The French were masters in wood craft, and wonderfully familiar with the geography of this remote wilderness; yet it is not strange that they should be in doubt as to which was the better route, for it would be difficult for us, even at this day, familiar as we are with the premises, to determine which would have been the better communication for them. In 1754, and soon after the fall of Pittsburgh, Washington being in command of a force of English colonists, fought with the French, in the forests of Pennsylvania, his two first battles; in one of which he defeated Monsieur Jummonville, and in the other [the battle of Fort Necessity], the French having been reinforced from Canada, he himself was defeated. July 9th, 1755, Braddock's large and well disciplined army was defeated by a small force of Indians and a little band of gallant Frenchmen, who had the year before passed along this county. The train of artillery taken from Braddock was transported back, and used in August of the succeeding year, by Montcalm, in the siege of Oswego. Fort Du Quesne was taken from the French on the 25th of November, I758, by an army of about 6,oo000 men under Gen. Forbes; the French in possession there, upon their approach, having fled, some up the Allegany and some down the Ohio. The English under Prideaux, in July of the succeeding year, invested Fort Niagara. Prideaux having been killed, the siege was continued by the English under Sir William Johnson. The Indians from the West, and from along the Allegany, were collected together by the French. They, with French soldiers from the posts of Venango and Presque Isle, formed a large force. This army was conducted along Lake Erie to its outlet, led by D'Aubry, a French officer, for the purpose of reinforcing Niagara. They were met by the English in * Stone's Life and Times of Sir William Johnson. 48 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. the town of Lewiston, in this state, on the 24th of July, I759, where a bloody battle was fought, and the French and Indians defeated, and 500 of their number slain. Niagara immediately after surrendered to the English. Gen. Charles Lee, who became afterwards one of the most distinguished officers of the American Revolution, was present at the siege of Niagara, and after its surrender passed by Chautauqua county, on a military errand down the Allegany, to Fort Du Quesne.* Quebec having been taken by the English under Wolf, the French, in November, I760, surrendered all their posts in this part of the continent to the crown of England; and the French, who had for so many years known these western regions, thereafter ceased to be seen in company with their red allies along the borders of this county. The first military expedition of the English over Lake Erie, was made immediately after the surrender, by the French, of their possessions in America. It was dispatched to take possession of Detroit, Michillimackinack, and other French posts that had been surrendered. Major Rogers, long celebrated for his skill in border war, led the expedition. He embarked in November, 1760, at the foot of Lake Erie, with 200 rangers in fifteen whale boats, and coasted along the southern shore of the lake. On arriving at Erie Rogers set out for Pittsburgh. He descended French creek and the Allegany river in a canoe. Having obtained reinforcements, he proceeded on his way to Detroit, which was surrendered to him immediately on his arrival.+ PONTIAC'S'WAR. The English having become possessed of the chain of forts extending from Lake Erie to the Monongahela, now occupied them as outposts. They had, however, never purchased the lands upon which they stood of the Indians. Pontiac, an Ottawa chief of great abilities, resolved to rescue them and all the forts in the West, from English possession. He effected a union of the Western tribes for that purpose. The posts were all to be attacked in a single day, their garrisons massacred, and also all the people of the border settlements. So well planned was the attack, that nine English posts in the West were surprised and captured in a single day, in the month of May, 1763. Most of the officers and men of these garrisons were tomahawked and scalped. Among the posts taken were Presque Isle, Le Boeuf, and Venango. Various accounts have been given of the capture of Presque Isle; one, that it was taken through an ingenious stratagem of the Indians; and another, that it was taken after a vigorous assault and firm defense. Nearly' all the accounts agree that the garrison was destroyed. A few only of the garrison at Le Boeuf escaped, through an underground passage having its outlet in the swamp adjoining Le Boeuf lake. Only one, it is said, of those who escaped survived to reach a civilized settlement.+ The scattered * Irving's Washington, 377, 378. t See Pontiac, or the Siege of Detroit; also Rogers' Journal. + Penn. Hist. Coll. PONTIAC'S WAR. 49 settlers in Western Pennsylvania were either murdered or obliged to flee to the nearest forts. Pontiac, with great energy, led the attack upon Detroit in person, lhd for more than a year it was besieged, during which time the garrison greatly suffered. During the siege of Detroit, the Indians prosecuted the war at other points. There is no doubt that the Seneca Indians cooperated with Pontiac. They, on the I4th of September, 1763, attacked a party of over fifty English soldiers at Devil's Hole, near Niagara Falls, and all were killed, excepting two or three. They also, on the i9th of October of the same year, somewhere near the foot of Lake Erie, attacked i60 English soldiers under Major Wilkins, on their way to relieve Detroit, who were there in their boats. A battle ensued, in which nearly thirty English were killed and wounded. Other calamities befel Major Wilkins. A storm overtook him on Lake Erie; his boats were wrecked; his ammunition was lost; and seventy of his men perished. On the Ioth of August, 1764, Gen. Bradstreet, at the head of 3,000 men, departed from Fort Erie for Detroit. He passed along the Southern shore of Lake Erie. At Sandusky and along the Maumee he burned the Indian cornfields and villages; and when he arrived at Detroit, raised the siege, and compelled the Indians to lay down their arms. Israel Putnam accompanied Bradstreet as colonel of a Connecticut regiment, and passed with him along the shore of this county. On the i8th of October, Gen. Bradstreet, with,oo00 men and several cannon, set out for Fort Niagara. No detailed account of his return march has been preserved. A portion of his batteaux are supposed to have been wrecked west of Cleveland. Muskets, swords, wrecks of boats and other relics have been found for several miles along the coast; a mound also, filled with human skeletons, supposed to have been of his party. As there remained an insufficient number of boats to carry his men, the volunteers are said to have marched by land along the south shore of the lake, passing Chautauqua county, sustaining themselves on their way by hunting. They did not arrive at Fort Niagara until winter, and came very near perishing by hunger on the way.' Pontiac's war was the last great attempt made by the Indians to redeem this country from the dominion of the white man; and at its close, comparative peace for many years prevailed; and no event of importance occurred in these regions until the Revolutionary war. In November, 1768, a boundary line was established between the whites and'Indians, at a treaty held at Fort Stanwix, on the Mohawk river. This line ascended the Ohio and Allegany rivers to Kittanning; it then extended in an easterly direction to the Susquehanna; thence northerly to Lake Ontario. North-westerly of this line were the lands of the Indians, which included Chautauqua county. South-east of this line was the territory of the whites. Chautauqua lake was delineated upon the map executed at the * Am. Hist. Record, Vol. III., p. I55. Whittlesey's Hist. Account of Ohio, p. 20. 4 50 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. time of this treaty. Its outlet into the Allegany river was spelled " Canawagan;" and one of the streams from our county emptying into Lake Erie was spelled " Jadahque."': COL. BROADHEAD'S EXPEDITION. At the breaking out of the Revolution, the limits of settlement and civilization had extended somewhat nearer to Chautauqua county; but no event of great importance affecting these regions transpired until near the close of the war. Long prior to 1779, the hostile Indians and tories had desolated the frontier settlements of New York and Pennsylvania; to punish them, Washington planned two expeditions. One was to march by the north branch of the Susquehanna, against the Indian villages of the Six Nations in New York; the other was, at the same time, to proceed up the Allegany, under the command of Col. Daniel Broadhead, a gallant and enterprising officer, who then commanded at Pittsburgh, and to destroy the villages of the Seneca and Munsey Indians, who dwelt along that river and its tributaries, and afterwards to unite with the army of Gen. Sullivan in a combined attack upon Fort Niagara. On account of the difficulty of providing Col. Broadhead with supplies in time, and the want of satisfactory information concerning the country along the Allegany, the idea of the two expeditions co6perrating with each other was abandoned by Gen. Washington.+ Col. Broadhead, however, on the IIth of August, 1779, at the head of 605 militia and volunteers, and with one month's provisions, set out from Pittsburgh, and advanced up the Allegany river to the mouth of the Mahoning. Here their provisions were transferred from the boats to pack-horses; and the army proceeded on to Brady's Bend, in Clarion county, Pennsylvania. Here an advanced party of Col. Broadhead's force, consisting of fifteen white men and eight Delaware Indians, under the command of Lieut. Harding, fell in with thirty or forty Indian warriors coming down the river in seven canoes. The Indians landed and stripped off their shirts; a sharp contest ensued; the Indians were defeated, and five of their number were killed and several wounded; and all their canoes and contents fell into the hands of Col. Broadhead. Lieut. Harding had three men wounded, including one of the Delaware Indians. Capt. Samuel Brady, who was in this encounter, and whose name has been given to this locality, was born at Shippensburgh, Penn., I758. He was at the siege of Boston, and a lieutenant at the massacre of Paoli. Having lost both his father and brother by the hands of Indians, he took an oath of vengeance against the race. Having been ordered to Fort Pitt with the rest of his regiment under General Broadhead, it gave him an opportunity to fulfill his vow. He was generally placed in command of scouting parties sent into the Indian country from Fort Pitt; and being an athletic, active and courageous man, familiar with the woods and Indian warfare, he * Doc. Hist. N. Y., pp. 587-9I. t Letter from Washington to Col. Broadhead, April 21, I779. BRITISH AND INDIAN EXPEDITION. 51 became the hero of many bold exploits in the north-east part of the valley of the Ohio, and a serious trouble to his Indian foes in those parts. An account of his daring adventures and hair-breadth escapes would fill a book. They gave his name permanently to many localities in Western Pennsylvania and Ohio. Jonathan Zane was also in this engagement, and was wounded. He was a celebrated scout and great hunter, and piloted many expeditions against the Indians.i Colonel Broadhead's command continued to march up the river, as far as the Indian village of Buckaloons, on the flats near Irvineton, at the mouth of the Broken Straw, in Warren county. The Indians were driven from their village, and retreated to the hills in the rear. The town was destroyed, and a breastwork of trees thrown up.t A garrison of forty men was left to guard the provisions; and the remainder of the force proceeded to the Indian town of Conawago, which was found to have been deserted eighteen months before. Conawago was burnt, and the troops marched still further up the river, past Kinjua to Yohroonwago, a place about four miles below the southern boundary of the state of New York. Here they found a painted image, or war post, clothed in dog skin. The troops remained there three days, burning this and other towns in the vicinity and destroying the extensive cornfields that they found there. Col. Broadhead believed, from the great quantity of corn found, and from the number of new houses which were built, and being built of square and round logs and of framed timbers, that the whole Seneca and Munsey nations intended to collect there. Yohroonwago was situated where, some years afterwards, Cornplanter made his residence, and where an Indian village grew up, called De-o-no-sa-da-ga, meaning, in English, burned houses. According to Mrs. Jemison, Colonel Broadhead's troops ascended the Allegany as far as Olean Point, and burnt other Indian towns on French creek, including Maghinquechahocking, a village of thirty-five large houses. Col. Broadhead arrived at Fort Pitt, on his return, September I4th, 1779; having burned ten Indian villages, containing one hundred and sixty-five houses, having destroyed more than five hundred acres of Indian corn, and taken three thousand dollars' worth of furs and olher plunder, and having himself lost neither man nor beast.+ BRITISH AND INDIAN EXPEDITION OVER CHAUTAUQUA LAKE IN I782. The expedition of Sullivan and Broadhead, and the destruction of the Indian towns and cornfields, had the effect to throw the Indians upon the *Butterfield's Hist. of Crawford's Expedition, I28, 129. t Sometime afterwards, Major Morrison, who became a distinguished citizen of Lexington, Ky., returned to the mouth of the Broken Straw to reconnoiter, and narrowly escaped with his life. He had stooped to drink from the creek, when a rifle ball from an Indian's gun splashed the water into his face.-Pa. Hist. Collection, 653. The remains of this stockade were very plainly to be seen a few years ago. They were situate about half a mile above the crossing of the Broken Straw, on the road to Warren, on a high bluff on the Allegany river, and commanded an extensive view up and down the river.-Dr. Win. A. Irvine. Broadhead's Rep. to T. Pickering, Sept. I6. I799. 52 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. hands of their British employes for support. During the succeeding winter, want and disease followed, and swept many of them away; yet it did not put a stop to their inroads. Exasperated by their misfortunes, maurauding parties of Indians, led by Brant and Cornplanter" and other chiefs, supported by their allies, the tories, during the remainder of the war, visited the frontier settlements of New York and Pennsylvania, from the Mohawk to the Wyoming Valley; burning the houses of the settlers, killing many, and carrying others into captivity. Fort Niagara had usually been the winter * Gy-ant-wa-chia, the Cornplanter, who exercised his rude authority in these regions, was a celebrated Seneca warrior and chieftain, and the rival of the Indian orator Red Jacket. His sagacity, eloquence and courage, for a long time justly gave him great influence with his tribe. He was born about the year 1732, at Conawaugus, on the Genesee river. His father was a white man named John O'Bail, or Abeel; his mother was a Seneca woman. Ga-ne-odi-yo, or Handsome Lake, the Prophet, and Ta-wan-ne-ars, or Blacksnake, were his half-brothers. When about twenty-three years of age, he first appeared as a warrior with the army of French and Indians which defeated Braddock in I755; and he probably afterwards participated in the principal Indian engagements during the Revolution, fighting against the colonies. He is said to have been present at Wyoming and Cherry Valley, and was with Brant at the head of his tribe in opposing Sullivan's expedition. He also afterwards led the Senecas in the invasion of the Mohawk Valley, when, it is said, he made his father, John O'Bail, a prisoner, and after marching him several miles with the usual Indian stoicism, without disclosing himself, he abruptly, and in the sententious manner of the Indian, announced his relationship, and gave O'Bail his choice, to live with him and his red followers, where he would support him at ease in his old age, or to return to his home on the Mohawk. He chose the latter, and Cornplanter sent his young men who conducted him back in safety. Cornplanter was an able man, and also honest and truthful; he acted a most conspicuous part in the treaties and transactions between the Indians and the United States, subsequent to the Revolutionary war, and he saw, at its close, that the true policy of the Indian was to recognize the growing power of the United States, and bury the hatchet. He advised his tribe to this course, in opposition to the counsels of Brant and Red Jacket, and during the Indian wars that followed, he remained the true and steadfast friend of the United States. In the last war with England, when about eighty-four years old, accompanied by 200 warriors of his nation, he called upon Col. Samuel Drake, at Franklin, and offered his services to the United States, which were declined for the want of authority to muster Indians into the service. A considerable number of his tribe, however, led by his son Henry Abeel, who held a commission as major, acted during the war as scouts, and did good service to the United States. Cornplanter, in his life-time, often visited Chautauqua county; and years before its settlement by the first white man, he thoroughly understood the geography of its lakes and streams. After the Revolution he resided principally at Jen-nes-a-da-ga, his village, on the Allegany river, in Warren county, and, for the remainder of his life, a period of fifty years,. became thoroughly identified with this region of country. Cornplanter died at Jennesadaga, aged about 0I5 years. A monument was erected in I866, with appropriate ceremonies, under the superintendence of Judge Samuel P. Johnson, of Warren, Pa., and at the expense of the state of Pennsylvania, over his remains; upon which the following inscriptions were lettered: " ohn O'Bail, alias Cornplanter, died at Cornplanter town, February 18, 1836, aged about ioo years, chief of the Seneca tribe, and principal chief of the Six Vations, from the period of the Revolutionary war to the time of his death. Distinguishedfor talents, courage, eloquence, sobriety and love of his tribe and race, to whose welfare he devoted his time, his energies and his means, during a long and eventful life." BRITISH AND INDIAN EXPEDITION. 53 quarters of Brant, Guy Johnson and the Butlers and other tories who had taken refuge in Canada. It now became the headquarters of the Indians also, who had been driven from the Genesee and Allegany, and the point at which all of these maurauding parties of Indians and tories were accustomed to assemble, and from which they took their departure upon these hostile incursions; and to which they returned, laden with spoil and scalps, and with such men, women and children as they had made prisoners, compelling them in some instances to run the gauntlet, and subjecting them to other cruelties. In the fall of I78T, Col. Broadhead was superseded in the command at Pittsburgh by Col. William Irvine, who continued to be the commanding officer there until the close of the Revolution. Col. Irvine demands more than a passing notice. He was born in Ireland. Having studied medicine and surgery, he received the appointment of surgeon of a British ship of war. During his service in the French and Quebec wars, having acquired a knowledge of this country, he resolved to remove hither. After the close of the war, in 1764, he became a citizen of Carlisle, Pennsylvania. At the breaking out of the Revolutionary war, he was appointed colonel of the sixth Pennsylvania regiment, and soon after was made a prisoner while serving with the American forces in Canada, and was not exchanged until about two years afterwards. In 1779, he was commissioned a brigadiergeneral. After having distinguished himself at the battle of Monmouth, he was appointed commander of the Western Department, with his headquarters at Fort Pitt. He continued in this command until the close of the Revolution; and during the time he strengthened and repaired Fort Pitt, and placed this exposed frontier in a state of defense; and, by his vigilance and ability, preserved it, in a great measure, from the ravages of the Indians. His name is inseparably connected with all the important military events occurring in the North-west. After his appointment, he acquired much knowledge of the country drained by the Allegany and its tributaries, and also of the whole North-west. He stood high in the esteem of Gen. Washington, and was greatly respected for his integrity, ability, and his faithful performance of the public trusts confided to him. After the Revolution, he held many positions of importance and honor. It was through his advice and influence that the state of Pennsylvania acquired dominion of the tract of land known as the Triangle, which gave to that state a considerable lake coast, including the harbor of Erie. The legislature of that state, as an acknowledgment of the many valuable services rendered by Gen. Irvine, presented him with a tract of land in the county of Warren, at the mouth of the Broken Straw, where Irvineton is now situated, and where his esteemed grandson, Dr. Wm. A. Irvine, now resides. Gen. Irvine died in Philadelphia the 29th of July, I804. There is reason to believe that, while Gen. Irvine was in command at Pittsburgh, an expedition was organized at Fort Niagara for an attack on Fort Pitt; and that, in T782, a large party of British and Indians proceeded so far as to actually embark in canoes upon Chautauqua lake, where the 54 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. expedition was abandoned on account of the supposed strength of Fort Pitt, and was resolved into small war parties, one of which burned Hannastown. The party which burned this place, and which may have constituted a part of the force assembled around Chautauqua lake, consisted of about 6o white refugees and 300 Indians, led by the celebrated Seneca Chief Guzasuttea, sometimes called Kiasola. Hannastown was situated in Westmoreland county, in Pennsylvania, and was the first place where courts were held west of the Allegany mountains. During the Revolutionary war it was an important post in Western Pennsylvania. It was entirely destroyed by this party of whites and Indians in July, 1782. A considerable number of people residing in Hannastown and vicinity were either killed or carried prisoners to Canada. After the close of the war the captives were delivered up, and they returned to their homes.t WASHINGTON'S CORRESPONDENCE WITH GEN. IRVINE. Col. Irvine was subsequently promoted to the rank of general; and he afterwards, in the course of a correspondence with Gen. Washington, alludes to this expedition, giving many other interesting particulars respecting Chautauqua county, which had before that time been visited by him. Communication between the waters of Lake Erie and the Ohio river had been a subject of inquiry with certain distinguished gentlemen; and Gen. Washington, for information upon that subject, addressed a letter to Gen. Irvine, dated January io, 1788, inquiring of him:-i. As to the face of the country between the sources of canoe navigation of the Cuyahoga, which empties itself into Lake Erie, and the Big Beaver, and between the Cuyahoga and the Muskingum. 2. As to the distance between the waters of the Cuyahoga and each of the two rivers above mentioned. 3. Whether it would be practicable, and not expensive, to cut a canal between the Cuyahoga and either of the above rivers, so as to open a communication between the waters of Lake Erie and the Ohio. 4. Whether there is any more direct, practicable and easy communication than these between the waters of Lake Erie and the Ohio, by which the fur and peltry of the upper country can be transferred.+ In answer to this letter, Gen. Irvine replied as follows: "NEW YORK. Jan. 27, I788. "SIR: I have been honored by your letter of the IIth instant. I need not tell you how much pleasure it would give me to answer your queries to your satisfaction; but I am persuaded that no observation short of an actual survey will enable you to gratify your correspondents abroad (particularly in relation to your third query), with such accuracy as to state anything positively. I will, however, relate to you such facts as have come within my own knowledge, as well as accounts of persons whom I think are to be confided in. "From a place called Mahoning, on the Big Beaver, to the head of the Falls of Cuyahoga, it is about thirty miles. Although the country is hilly, * Craig's Hist. of Pittsburgh. t Penn. Hist. Coll., title Cumberland Co., 633. + Sparks' Washington's Writings, Vol. IX., 303. WASHINGTON'S CORRESPONDENCE WITH IRVINE. 55 it is not mountainous. The principal elevation is called Beech Ridge, which is not high, though extensive, being several miles over, with a flat nd moist country on the summit, and some places inclining to be marshy. The difficulty of traveling is much increased by the beech roots with which the timber is heavily incumbered. The Cuyahoga above the Great Falls is rapid and rocky, and is interrupted by several lesser falls on the branch which heads towards that part of the Big Beaver called the Mahoning. This information I had from an intelligent person then loading a sloop at the mouth of the Cuyahoga for Detroit. He added, that an old Indian assured him that it was only fifteen miles across from the Mahoning to a navigable creek a few miles east of the Cuyahoga; that he had employed the Indian to clear a road, and when that was done he intended to explore the country himself. I presume this service was not performed, as this gentleman, man and his horses, were all destroyed, and his store-house burned, by the Indians. Captain Bady, a partisan officer, informed me that the sources of the Big Beaver, Muskingum, and a large deep creek which empties into Lake Erie, fifteen or twenty miles above Cuyahoga, are within a few miles of each other (perhaps four or five), and the country level. Several other persons of credibility and information have assured me that the portage between Muskingum and the waters falling into the lake, in wet seasons, does not exceed fifteen mile5; some say two, but I believe the first-named distance is the safest to credit. "At Mahoning, and for many miles above and below, I found the course of the Big Beaver to be east and west, from which I conclude this stream to be nearest to the main branch of the Cuyahoga; and on comparing the several accounts, I am led to think that the shortest communication between the waters of Beaver, Muskingum and Lake Erie, will be east and west of Cuyahoga. " I have also been informed by a gentleman, that the sources of Grand river, and a branch of the Beaver called Shenango, are not twelve miles apart, the country hilly. I know the Shenango to be a boatable stream at its confluence with the Beaver, twenty miles from the Ohio. "I dropped down the Beaver from Mahoning to the Great Falls (about seven miles from the Ohio) in a canoe, on the first of July, 1784, without the least difficulty. At this season all the western waters are remarkably low; and although some ripples appear, there is nothing to cause any material obstruction. The falls, at first view, appear impracticable at low water; indeed, too difficult at any season; nevertheless, they have been passed at all seasons. I met two men in a flat-bottomed boat a few miles above the falls, who had carried their cargo half a mile on shore, and then warped up their empty boat. They set with poles the rest of the way to Mahoning. The boat carried one and a half tons; but in some seasons there will be water enough for loads of five tons. Canoes, it is said, have ascended twenty-five miles higher than the Mahoning, which certainly must be near one branch of Muskingum, as it continues in a westerly course; and the most easterly branch of that river, it is agreed by all who have been in that quarter, approaches very near to the waters falling into the lake; all agree, likewise, that the rivers north of the dividing ridge are deep and smooth, the country being level. "Following the Indian path, which generally keeps in the low ground along the river, the distance from the mouth of the Big Beaver to Mahoning is about fifty nrles; which, from the computed distance thence to Cuyahoga, 56 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. gives eighty miles in all. But I am certain a much better road will be found by keeping along the ground which divides the waters of the Big and Little Beavers. " But this digression I must beg your pardon for. To your further query I think I shall be able to afford you more satisfaction, as I can point out a more practicable and easy communication, by which the articles of trade you mention can be transported from Lake Erie, than by any other hitherto mentioned route; at least until canals are cut. This is by a branch of the Allegany, which is navigable by boats of considerable burthen, to within eight miles of Lake Erie. I examined the greater part of the communication myself, and such parts as I did not, was done by persons before and subsequent to my being there, whose accounts can scarce be doubted. "From Fort Pitt to Venango by land, on the Indian and French path, is computed to be ninety miles; by water it is said to be one-third more. But as you know the country so far, I will forbear giving a more particular account of it; but proceed to inform you that I set out and traveled by land from Venango, though frequently on the beach or within high-water mark, (the country being in many places impassable for a horse,) to a confluence of a branch of the river called Coniwango, which is about sixty-five miles from French creek. The general course of the Allegany between these two creeks is north-east. The course of the Coniwango is very near due north; it is about -- yards wide. It is upwards of - yards, thirty miles from its confluence with the Allegany at a fork. It is deep and not very rapid. To the Coniwango fork of the Allegany, the navigation is rather better than from Venango to Fort Pitt. I traveled about twenty-five miles a day. Two Indians pushed a loaded canoe, and encamped with me every night. As the Coniwango is crooked, I think it must be forty miles from the Allegany to its fork by water. One of the forks continues in a-northern direction about seven miles to a beautiful lake. The lake is noticed on Hutchins' map, by the name of Lake Jadaque. The map is badly executed. It extends, from the best information I could obtain, to within nine miles of Lake Erie; it is from one to two miles broad, and deep enough for navigation. I was taken sick, which prevented my journey over to Lake Erie. "The following account I had from a chief of the Seneca tribe, as well as from a white man named Mathews, a Virginian, who says that he was taken prisoner by the Indians at Kanawha, in 1777. He has lived with the Indians since that time. As far as I could judge, he appeared to be well acquainted with this part of the country. I employed him as interpreter. He stated that from the upper end of Jadaqua lake, it is not more than nine miles along the path or road to Lake Erie, and that there was formerly a wagon road between the two lakes. "The Indian related, that he was about fourteen years old when the French went first to establish a post at Fort Pitt; that he accompanied an uncle who was a chief warrior, on that occasion, who attended the French; that the head of Lake Jadaque was the spot where the detachment embarked; that they fell down to Fort Duquesne without any obstruction, in large canoes, with all the artillery, stores, provisions, etc.* He added that *.The first expedition sent by the French against Fort Pitt, was that commanded by Captain Contrecoeur, in the spring succeeding the cutting out of the Portage road, and which compelled the capitulation of Pittsburgh, in April, I754, an account of which is in the foregoing pages. WASHINGTON'S CORRESPONDENCE WITH IRVINE. 57 French creek was made the medium of communication afterwards; why, he could not tell, but always wondered at it, as he expressed himself, knowing the other to be so much better. The Seneca related many things to corroborate and convince me of its truth. He stated that he was constantly employed by the British during the late war, and had the rank of captain; and that he commanded the party which was defeated on the Allegany by Colonel Broadhead; that in the year 1782, a detachment composed of 300 British and 500 Indians, was formed, and actually embarked in canoes on Lake Jadaque, with twelve pieces of artillery, with an avowed intention of attacking Fort Pitt. This expedition, he says, was laid aside, in consequence of the reported repairs and strength of Fort Pitt, carried by a spy from the neighborhood of the fort. They then contented themselves with the usual mode of warfare, by sending small parties on the frontier, one of which burned Hannastown. I remember very well that, in August, 1782, we picked up at Fort Pitt a number of canoes, which had drifted down the river; and I received repeated accounts, in June and July, from a Canadian who deserted to me, as well as from some friendly Indians, of this armament; but I never knew before then where they had assembled." " Both Mathews and the Seneca desired to conduct me, as a further proof of their veracity, to the spot, on the shore of Lake Jadaque, where lies one of the four-pounders left by the French. Major Finley, who has been in that country since I was, informed me that he had seen'the gun. Mathews was very desirous that I should explore the east fork of the Coniwango; but my sickness prevented me. His account is, that it is navigable about thirty miles up from the junction of the north and west branch, to a swamp which is about half a mile wide; that on the north side of this swamp a large creek has its source, called "Catterauque" [Cattaraugus], which falls into Lake Erie, forty miles from the foot of this lake; that he has several times been of parties who crossed over, carrying the canoes across the swamps. He added, that the Catterauque watered much the finest country between Buffalo and Presque Isle. " A letter has been published lately in a Philadelphia newspaper, written by one of the gentlemen employed in running the boundary line between New York and Pennsylvania, which fully supports these accounts. As well as I can remember, his words are:'We pushed up a large branch of the Allegany, called Chataghque (so he spells the name), which is from one half mile to two or three wide, and near twenty long. The country is level, and the land good, to a great extent, on both sides. We ascended the dividing ridge between the two lakes. From this place a most delightful prospect was open before us.' He then dwells on the scene before him and future prospects, not to the present purpose; but concludes by saying that the waters of Lake Erie cannot be brought to the Ohio, as the summit of the dividing ridge is 700 feet higher than Lake Erie.'We traveled,' he con* In 1822, William Bemus, in making an attempt to deepen the channel of the outlet of Chautauqua lake, in that village, discovered a row of piles averaging four inches in diameter, and from two and one-half to three and one-half feet in length, driven firmly into the earth across the bed of the stream. Axe marks were plainly visible on each of the four sides of those piles, the wood of which was sound. The tops of these piles were worn smooth, and did not appear, when discovered, to reach above the bed of the stream.-Hon. E. T. Foote. Warren's History of Chautauqua County. Other evidences existed indicating the presence of armed forces within the county anterior to its settlement. 58 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. tinues,'along the Indian path to the lake, which is only nine miles, though very crooked. A good wagon road may be made, which will not exceed seven miles, as the hill is not steep.' "I regret that this detail has been extended to so great a length, for I fear that it will rather weary than afford you satisfaction. Being obliged to blend the information of others, with that which came within my own observation, in some degree renders it unavoidable. "I have the honor to be, with great respect, Your most obedient servant, "WILLIAM IRVINE." This letter was copied by Dr. William A. Irvine, from the original lent to his father, Callender Irvine, by Judge Washington; and it contains perhaps the first written description extant of Chautauqua lake and outlet. Chautauqua lake was then rarely visited, except by the Seneca, who came there to hunt, and to capture the excellent fish, for which it is now so justly celebrated, and which its pure waters yielded in great abundance. The few white men that wandered as far as its shores, found it a secluded lake, buried in the heart of the wilderness, where the wild fowl gathered unmolested, and where the howl of the wolf could be heard nightly among its neighboring hills, and the lonely cry of the loon across its waters. Although the lake was rarely seen by those who could appreciate its beauties, yet it was perhaps then more beautiful than now. In spring, the margin of every inlet and cove, and its whole shore, lay concealed beneath a mass of green foliage, that rolled back in leafy billows on every side, to the summit of the surrounding hills, and which the frosts in autumn changed to those bright and varied hues that belong only to an American forest. Even the rough French and English voyagers that sometimes may have traversed it when it was a deep solitude, could not have beheld, without admiration, its clear waters and beautiful shores. General Washington answered this letter from General Irvine, as follows: "MOUNT VERNON, I8th February, 1788. " SIR: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your favor of the 27th ult., and to thank you for the information contained in it. As a communication between the waters of Lake Erie and those of Ohio is a matter which promises great public utility, and as every step towards the investigation of it may be considered as promoting the general interest of our country, I need make no apology to you for any trouble that I have given upon the subject. " I am fully sensible that no account can be sufficiently accurate to hazard any operations upon, without an actual survey. My object in wishing a solution of the queries proposed to you, was, that I might be enabled to return answers, in some degree satisfactory, to several gentlemen of distinction in foreign countries, who have appealed to me for information on the subject, in behalf of others who wish to engage in the fur trade, and at the~ same time gratify my own curiosity, and assist me in forming a judgment of the practicability of opening communication, should it ever be seriously in contemplation. " I. Could a channel once be opened to convey the fur and peltry from the lakes into the Eastern country, its advantages would be so obvious as to WASHINGTON'S CORRESPONDENCE WITH IRVINE. 59 induce, an opinion, that it would in a short time become the channel of conveyance for much the greatest part of the commodities brought from thence. "2. The trade which has been carried on between New York and that quarter, is subject to great inconvenience from the length of the communication, number of portages, and, at seasons, from ice; yet it has, notwithstanding, been prosecuted with success. " I shall feel myself much obliged by any further information that you may find time and inclination to communicate to me on this head. I am, sir, with great esteem, your most obedient, &c., ": GEORGE WASHINGTON." General Irvine afterwards wrote to Gen. Washington upon the subject, as follows: "NEW YORK, Oct. 6th, 1788. "SIR: I do myself the honor to enclose a sketch of the waters of the Allegany, which approach near to Lake Erie. It is taken from an actual survey made by the persons who ran the line between the states of New York and Pennsylvania. These gentlemen say that the main branch of the Allegany falls in Pennsylvania, and that there is only seven or eight miles land carriage between it and the head of a branch of Susquehanna, called Tioga, which is navigable for large boats at most seasons. The navigation of Caniwago, I know, is much preferable to French creek. "I have the honor to be with the highest respect, sir, your excellency's most obedient and humble servant, WM. IRVINE." This letter was never before published. It is found bound in a volume of the Washington Papers, and is entered in an index of those papers made by Rev. Jared Sparks. It was probably written to Gen. Washington by the direction of Gen. Irvine. Accompanying this letter was an accurate map of " Chautaugh" lake, and "Canewango river;" also the Chautauqua Creek portage, from Lake Erie to Chautauqua lake, and also the portage to Le Boeuf, and other localities. Washington replied to Gen. Irvine, as follows: MOUNT VERNON, 3Ist October, 1788. "DEAR SIR: The letter with which you favored me, dated the 6th instant, enclosing a sketch of waters near the line which separates your state from New York, came duly to hand, for which I offer you my acknowledgments and thanks. " The extensive inland navigation with which this country abounds, and the easy communication which many of the rivers afford, with the amazing territory to the westward of us, will certainly be productive of infinite advantage to the Atlantic states, if the legislatures of those through which they pass have liberality and public spirit enough to improve them. For my part, I wish sincerely that every door to that country may be set wide open, that the commercial intercourse with it may be rendered as free and easy as possible. This, in my judgment, is the best, if not the only cement that can bind those people to us for any length of time, and we shall, I think, be deficient in foresight and wisdom if we neglect the means to effect it. Our interest is so much in unison with the policy of the measure, that nothing but that ill-aimed and misapplied parsimony and contracted way of thinking, which intermingles so much in all our public councils, can counteract it. "If the Chautauqua lake, at the head of the Connewango river, approx 60 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. imates Lake Erie as nearly as it is laid down in the draft you sent me, it presents a very short portage indeed between the two, and access to all those above the latter. I am, etc., GEORGE WASHINGTON." It will be seen by this correspondence, that Washington, at that early day, clearly foresaw the great importance of obtaining a ready communication between the waters of the East and the West, which was then required only to transport the few furs and peltries collected by the Indians and trappers in the uncivilized western regions; but which, forty-five years later, was needed to bear a tide of emigration that has constantly since then been pouring into the valley of the Mississippi, and to carry back to the East from that fruitful territory surplus products so vast as to require the building of the Erie Canal. SURVEY OF THE STATE BOUNDARY LINE. The original boundary line between New York and Pennsylvania extended from the north-west corner of New Jersey, along the center of the Delaware river, to the 42d degree of north latitude, and thence west to Lake Erie. This line gave to the state of Pennsylvania only four or five miles of coast on Lake Erie, and no harbor. Samuel Holland, on the part of New York, and David Rittenhouse, on the part of Pennsylvania, were appointed commissioners, November 8, 1774, to run this boundary; and in December of that year they erected a stone monument on the 42d parallel of latitude, upon a small island in the Delaware river, as the north-east corner of the state of Pennsylvania. The severity of the season prevented the further prosecution of the survey that year. The Revolution soon after commenced, and the work was postponed. In I78I, New York released to the general government the lands to which it had claim, lying west of a meridian extending through the west extremity of Lake Ontario. This line became the western boundary of Chautauqua county; and these lands constituted the tract since known as the Triangle. They were sold by the government of the United States, in I792, to the state of Pennsylvania, and gave to that state 202,180 acres of land, thirty miles of coast on Lake Erie, and an excellent harbor at Erie. The southern boundary of New York was run by David Rittenhouse, Andrew Ellicott and others, commissioners, in I785, 1786 and 1787. The meridian line which forms the western boundary of our county and state, was run in 1788 and 1789, by Andrew Ellicott, the surveyor-general of the United States. An initial monument was erected by him near the shore of Lake Erie, on which was placed the following inscription: On the east side"Meridian of the west end of Lake Ontario, state of New York, 18 miles and 525 chains from the northern boundary of Pennsylvania, August 23, I790." On the west side-" Territory annexed to the state of Pennsylvania. North latitude 42~ i6' 32". Variation, 25' west." This monument having been partially destroyed, and what remained of it endangered by the encroachments of Lake Erie, it was replaced in pursuance of an act of the legislature, with appropriate ceremonies, September 15, I869, by a new monument, INDIAN WARS AND THE CONCLUSION. 6I placed 440 feet south of the original monument, composed of Quincy granite, two feet wide and about eight inches thick. It has on its east and west faces a copy of the inscription on the corresponding faces of the original monument, and on its north and south faces the following inscription: North face-" 1869, latitude of this state, 42 deg., 15 min., 56 sec. 9; longitude, 79 deg., 45 min., 54 sec. 4. Variation, 2 deg. 35 sec. west. South face" 1869. Erected by the states of New York and Pennsylvania, 440 feet south of a monument now dilapidated, on which were the inscriptions on the east and west faces of this monument." William Evans represented the state of Pennsylvania, and John V. L. Pruyn, George R. Perkins, S. B. Woolworth and George W. Patterson, represented the state of New York. The state of Pennsylvania held treaties with the Indians: one at Fort Stanwix, in I784, and another at Fort Harmer, in I789, at which last place the chiefs present agreed that the said state of Pennsylvania shall, and may at any time they may think proper, survey, dispose of, and settle all that part of the aforesaid country, lying and being west of a line running along the middle of the Connewango river, from its confluence with the Allegany river into "Chadochque Lake;" thence along the middle of said lake, to the north end of the same; thence a meridian line from the north end of the said lake, to the margin or shore of Lake Erie. These treaties, it was thought, secured the title to the Triangle. Cornplanter sustained the title thus acquired, but a majority of the Iroquois, and their master spirit the Mohawk Chief Brant, were bitterly opposed, as he was in favor of restricting the whites to the territory lying east of the Allegany and Ohio, and the settlement of the Triangle was never fully acquiesced in by the Indians. INDIAN WARS, AND THE CONCLUSION. The disasters that attended the celebrated expedition of Gen. Harmer against the Indians in 1790, encouraged them to renewed acts of hostility; and in the spring of 1791, the settlements along the Allegany river above Pittsburgh were repeatedly visited by them, and women and children often massacred; even the Triangle suffered from their hostile incursions. The defeat of St. Clair by the Indians, which occurred in November, I79I, rendered them still more bold and ferocious; and for a year thereafter great alarm extended along the frontiers of New York and Pennsylvania; and not until the successful termination of Wayne's expedition into the Indian country, were the frontier settlements entirely freed from danger of Indian hostility. On the 2oth of August, 1794, Gen. Wayne completely defeated the Indians in a general battle on the Maumee river. This decisive victory entirely put an end to their power for further harm to the border settlers. By a treaty made at Greenville with the different tribes of Western Indians, on the 3oth of July, 1795, the greater part of the territory of Ohio was ceded to the United States, and a long period of border war ended, and peace for the first time established in these Western wilds which had never known any other condition than that of continued savage and relentless strife. 62 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Chautauqua county, before this treaty, had been a deep solitude, far distant from the most advanced outposts of permanent settlement; yet often the scene of warlike demonstration. Fleets filled with armed and veteran Frenchmen had passed along its shores; Beaujen, the gallant Frenchman, who led the handful of his countrymen that defeated Braddock; St. Pierre, La Force, and Joncaire-names that have become celebrated in the history of the French occupation in America, were once familiar with this county; and the war-path of veritable savage warriors armed with tomahawk and scalping-knife, may have led through its forests; and later, during the American Revolution, it is probable that an armed force of British and Indians had been borne upon the waters of our beautiful lake. But this treaty suddenly opened the West to receive the tide of emigration that has not, from that time to this day, ceased to flow. The state of Ohio, September 5th, I795, conveyed to the "Connecticut Land Company" the Western Reserve, and on the 4th of July, 1796, the first permanent settlement of Northern Ohio was made at Conneaut, in Ashtabula county. The fall following, a settlement was commenced at Cleveland, where it was designed by the proprietors of the Western Reserve to establish the capital of a new state, to be called " New Connecticut," under the mistaken idea, that by the Constitution of the United States, the rights they had acquired by the purchase of the soil gave them political jurisdiction also, and authority to found a state. Emigration from the east at first pressed towards the Western Reserve, passing by the Holland Purchase, the land~ of which had not yet been put into market. When these lands were offered for sale (as the Holland Land Company sold theirs for $2.50 and $3.00 per acre on a credit, while Western lands were sold at a less price for cash), those who possessed the ready means, and were able to pay at once for their farms, sought more attractive homes in the fertile prairies and flowery openings of Ohio and the West; consequently the first settlers of the Holland Purchase, and those particularly of the county of Chautauqua, were the poorest class of people-men who often expended their last dollar to procure the article for their land. Chautauqua county then was densely covered with a majestic forest of the largest growth, which cast its dark shadows everywhereover hills and valleys, and along the streams and borders of the lakes. Nowhere in northern latitudes could be found trees so tall and large; and while none could behold, without awe and pleasure, the grandeur and grace of these mighty woods, yet a home here, to cope with and subdue them, promised a life-time of toil and privation; and no one felt invited hither but strong and hardy pioneers-men of the frontier who were accustomed to wield the axe and handle the rifle; who could grapple with the forest, and rough it in the wilderness, and think it ease; who could reap the thin harvest, and live upon the coarse and often scanty fare of the woods, and call it plenty; consequently the first settlers of this county were mostly from the backwoods region, at the western verge of settlement. They brought with them strong arms, stout hearts, and a thorough knowledge of the rude expedients of life PRELIMINARY HISTORY. 63 in the woods. They were a body of picked young men, possessing vigorous bodies and practical minds. Among their number were often men of marked ability, whose talents would honor any station. Although the most of them possessed but little of the learning of books and schools, not a few were cultivated and accomplished-men and women of refinement and education, whose attainments were such as to prepare them to adorn any society. The most of the early settlers were, however, educated in a true sense: they possessed that learning which, in the situation in which it was their fortune to be cast, best fitted them for a life of usefulness, and enabled them to contribute their full share in the great work of progress and improvement allotted to them. They were skillful adepts in their calling; accomplished masters in wood craft, and in all that pertained to the formidable task of preparing the way for the westward expansion of civilization and population. Where and when they performed this labor will be told in the succeeding pages of this history. How quickly, and how well it was done, the green hillsides and blooming valleys of our county fully attest. PRELIMINARY HISTORY-THE HOLLAND COMPANY'S PURCHASE. AMERICA was discovered by Columbus in I492. In 1497, John Cabot, a Venetian, and his son Sebastian, under the auspices of Henry VII., king of England, discovered North America. He sailed along the coast 300 leagues, and planted on the soil the banners of England and of Venice. He saw no person, though he believed the country not uninhabited. Efforts were early made by Spain, France and England, to establish colonies in North America. More, however, than a century elapsed before many permanent settlements were made. In 1568, the Spaniards established a small colony in Florida. The French, in i605, planted a small colony in Nova Scotia, and in I608, founded the city of Quebec. In 1607, the English made a settlement at Jamestown, in Virginia. New York was settled by the Dutch in 1614. In 1620, the "Pilgrim Fathers" landed on Plymouth Rock, and commenced the settlement of New England. The tract of country called New England, granted by James I., king of England, to the Plymouth Company, extended from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. In i628, a part of this tract, also extending to the Pacific, was granted by the Plymouth Company to Sir Henry Roswell and his associates, called the Massachusetts Bay Company. The province of New York was granted in 1663, by Charles II., to the Duke of York and Albany [afterwards King James II.], who subsequently granted to Berkeley and Cartaret the province of New Jersey. The remainder of the country granted by Charles II. constituted the province of New York, which extended north to the Canada line; but its extent westward was not definitely stated. 64 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. The first charter of Massachusetts, granted by King Charles I., in I628, appears to have been vacated by quo warranto in I684; and a second charter was granted by William and Mary, in I691, in which the territorial limits of the province, although differently bounded, are also made to extend to the Pacific Ocean. Under these conflicting grants, disputes arose between some of the states as to the extent of their respective territorial rights and jurisdiction. Those who are familiar with the political history of this country, will remember that, near and soon after the close of the Revolutionary war, several of the states ceded their western lands to the general government as a fund to aid in the payment of the war debt. New York ceded hers by deed dated March i, I78I, two years before the peace. In 1783, Congress requested those states which had not already done so, to cede portions of their territory for that purpose. Virginia ceded March i, I784; Massachusetts, April 19, 1785; and Connecticut, September 13, 1786, transferred her claim, reserving about 3,000,000 acres in the north-east part of the present state of Ohio. This tract was called the " Western Reserve of Connecticut." On the 3oth of May, 800o, the jurisdictional claims of that state to this Reserve were surrendered to the United States. The dispute, however, between the states of New York and Massachusetts was not yet settled. Of the territory which, by the treaty of peace of 1783, was ceded to the United States, each of the individual states claimed such portions as were comprehended within their original grants or charters. Massachusetts consequently claimed a strip of land extending to the westerly bounds of the United States, thus dividing the state of New York into two parts. Both New York and Massachusetts had ceded all their lands westerly of the same meridian line, namely, a line running from the most westerly bend of Lake Ontario, south to the northern line of Pennsylvania, and forming the present western boundary of the state of New York. But Massachusetts still claimed nearly 20,000 square miles east of that line. The controversy was finally settled by commissioners on the part of each of the two states, who met at Hartford, December I6, 1786. In accordance with this decision, Massachusetts ceded to New York all claim to the government, sovereignty, and jurisdiction of all the lands in controversy; and New York ceded to Massachusetts and to her grantees the preemption right or fee of the land, subject to the title of the natives, of all that part of the state of New York lying west of a line beginning on the north boundary line of Pennsylvania, on the parallel of 42 degrees of north latitude, 82 miles west of the north-east corner of said state, and running thence due north through Seneca lake to Lake Ontario, excepting a mile's breadth along the east bank of the Niagara river. The land, the preemption right of which was thus ceded, was about six million acres. In April, I788, Massachusetts contracted to sell to Oliver Phelps and Nathaniel Gorham the right of preemption in all the lands ceded by the convention of the I6th of December, I786, at Hartford. In July, 1788, PRELIMINARY HISTORY. 65 Gorham and Phelps purchased the Indian title to about 2,600,000 acres of the eastern part of their purchase from Massachusetts. The western boundary of these lands was a line running from the north line of Pennsylvania north to the junction of the Shanahasgwaikon (now called Canascraga) creek and the Genesee river; thence northwardly along the Genesee river to a point two miles north of Canawaugus village; thence due west 12 miles; thence in a direction northwardly, so as to be 12 miles distant from the most westward bend of the Genesee river to Lake Ontario. This tract, the Indian title to which had been extinguished by Phelps and Gorham, was confirmed to them by an act of the legislature of Massachusetts, November 21, 1788, and is that which has been designated as the " Phelps and Gorham Purchase." The survey of this tract into townships and lots was immediately commenced; and, within the space of two years, about fifty townships had been disposed of, principally by whole townships or large portions of townships, to individuals and companies. Phelps and Gorham, having paid about one-third of the purchase money of the entire tract purchased of Massachusetts, were unable to make further payments. They had stipulated to pay in a kind of scrip, or " consolidated stock," issued by that state. This scrip they could buy at 70 or 80 per cent. below par. But this stock having risen to par, they were unable, at this rate, to fulfill their engagements. On the I5th of February, 1790, they proposed to the legislature of Massachusetts to surrender to the state two-thirds in quantity and value of the whole of the contracted lands; two of their three bonds for fIoo,ooo each, given for the purchase money, to be canceled. The tract released by the Indians was to be retained by Gorham and Phelps; but if the contents should exceed one-third of the whole, the surplus was to be paid for in money at the average price of the whole. Two other proposals, made a few days later, were accepted by the legislature, but reserving to themselves the right of accepting, in preference, at any time within one year, the proposal of the I5th of February, 1790; and on the 9Tth of February, 1791, notice was given to Gorham and Phelps that the legislature had elected, that the two third parts of the lands should remain the property of the commonwealth; and the unpaid bonds were relinquished to Phelps and Gorham. The tract released by the Indians was found to exceed in quantity one-third of the whole territory; and the excess was subsequently [April 6, I813] paid by Phelps and Gorham. That tract, with the exception of the parts sold, and of two townships reserved by Gorham and Phelps, was sold by them to Robert Morris, and is described in the: conveyance, dated i8th November, 1790, as containing 2,100,000 acres. In March, 179I, Massachusetts agreed to sell to Samuel Ogden, agent for Robert Morris, all the lands ceded to that state by New York, except that part which had been conveyed to Phelps and Gorham, the state reserving one equal undivided sixtieth part of the unexcepted lands. This reservation in the original sale to Morris, was caused by a contract made by Gorham, and Phelps, prior to the surrender of their claim to Massachusetts, for the 5 66 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. sale of one-sixtieth of the entire territory to John Butler. Butler subsequently assigned his right to this one-sixtieth to Morris, who was thus enabled to acquire a title from Massachusetts. In pursuance of this contract, Massachusetts, on the i th of May, I791, conveyed to Robert Morris, as the assignee under Samuel Ogden, a tract of land containing about 5oo,ooo acres, bounded on the west by a line drawn from a point in the north line of Pennsylvania, twelve miles west from the southwest corner of the land confirmed to Gorham and Phelps, to Lake Ontario. This tract forms no part of the lands subsequently sold by Morris to the Holland Land Company, and is still known as the " Morris Reserve." The lands of the Holland Land Company are embraced in four deeds from Massachusetts to Robert Morris, all dated May II, 1791, Samuel Ogden concurring in these conveyances. Each deed conveyed a distinct tract of land, supposed to contain 800,000 acres. The first tract is sixteen miles wide, from the Pennsylvania north line to the northern boundary of the state, and comprehends ranges i, 2 and 3, as laid down in the map of Ellicott's survey. The second tract is of the same breadth, and comprehends ranges 4, 5 and 6. The third tract is of the same breadth, and comprehends ranges 7 and 8, and 263 chains and 76 links off the easterly side of range 9. Thefourt/ tract embraces all the land in the state west of the third tract, and comprehends the remaining westerly part of range 9, and the whole of ranges Io, iI, 12, 13, 14 and 15. The consideration of the first three tracts was ^1I5,000 each; for the fourth, 1,Io,ooo. By these conveyances, Robert Morris became seized of the preemptive title to all the lands in the state west of the eastern boundary of the Holland Purchase, excepting only the reserved strip of land, one mile in width, along the Niagara river. Aliens being legally incompetent to hold and convey real estate, the lands of the Dutch proprietors within the state of New York were purchased for their account from Robert Morris, and conveyed, for their benefit, to trustees. On the r th of April, I796, a special act was passed for the relief of Wilhem Willink, Nicholas Van Staphorst, Christian Van Eeghen, Hendrick Vollenhoven, Rutger Jan Schimmelpenninck, and Pieter Stadnitski; and on the 24th of February, 1797, a supplementary act was passed, including the names of Jan Willink, Jacob Van Staphorst, Nicholas Hubbard, Pieter Van Eeghen, Isaac Ten Cate, Jan Stadnitski, and Aernout Van Beeftingh. By these two acts, the trustees were authorized to hold the lands contracted and paid for by all or any of these individuals, and for the period of seven years to sell the same to citizens of the United States. Under the general alien act of April 2d, I798, the titles were afterwards vested in the names of the Dutch proprietors by new conveyances. By this general act, which was to continue for three years, all conveyances to aliens, not being:the subjects of powers or states at war with the United States, were declared to be valid, so as to vest the estate in such aliens, their heirs and assigns forever. The construction of this was settled by an act passed March 5th, i819, which declared and enacted that all conveyances made to aliens under the THE HOLLAND PURCHASE. 67 act of April, 1798, should be deemed valid, and vest the lands thereby conveyed in the several grantees, so as to authorize them and their heirs and assigns, although aliens, to devise or convey the same to any other alien or aliens, not being the subjects of a power or state at war with the United States. The lands purchased by the Holland Land Company embraced an area of about 3,600,000 acres, and were originally conveyed in several tracts or parcels, and at different times, by Robert Morris, to trustees for the benefit of the Dutch proprietors. The first tract thus conveyed, called the " Million and a half Acre Tract," embracing 422 chains and 56 links off the west part of range 7, and all the land west thereof to the Pennsylvania line, was conveyed, December 24, 1792, in two parcels. The first of these, containing one million acres, embraced the eastern part of the tract; the second parcel, the western part, comprehending ranges ii, 12, 13, I4 and 15, as laid down on Ellicott's map. The second tract, called the "One Million Acre Tract," was conveyed February 27, I793, and embraced townships 5 to i6, inclusive, in range i; 4 to I6 in ranges 2 and 3; and i to 4 in ranges 4, 5 and 6. The third tract, called the " Eight Hundred Thousand Acre Tract," was conveyed July 20, 1793. The fourth tract, called the "Three Hundred Thousand Acre Tract," was conveyed July 20, I793. Though named as being a single tract, it embraced three different parcels, neither two of them consisting of contiguous territory. The first of these parcels comprehended townships I, 2, 3, and the east half of 4, of range I, and I, 2 and 3, of ranges 2 and 3, intended to contain 200,000 acres. The second and third parcels comprehended i 3 chains and 68 links of the east part of range 7, which was not included in the million and a half acres before described. The portion of this strip lying south of the Buffalo creek reservation, was intended to contain 54,000 acres, and the part north of the reservation, 46,000 acres. The names of the trustees to whom the conveyances were made by Morris, were not in all cases the same, as will appear from the following statement of the chain of title to each tract: Deed of first tract [1,500,000 acres], I. Robert Morris to Herman Le Roy and John Lincklaen, December 31, 1792. 2. Le Roy and Lincklaen to William Bayard, May 30, 1795. 3. Wm. Bayard to Le Roy, Lincklaen, and Gerrit Boon, June I, 1795. 4. Le Roy, Lincklaen and Boon to Paul Busti, July 9, 1798. 5. Busti to Le Roy, Bayard, James McEvers, Lincklaen, and Boon, upon trust for the benefit of Wilhem Willink and others, with covenant to convey the same according to their direction and appointment-deed dated July io, 1798. 6. Le Roy, Bayard, McEvers, Lincklaen, and Boon, to Wilhem Willink, Nicholas Van Staphorst, Pieter Van Eeghen, Hendrick Vollenhoven, and Rutger Jan Schimmelpenninck, Dec. 31, 1798. 7. The title of the last named grantees was confirmed to them by Thomas L. Ogden and Gouverneur Morris, by deed, February I8, 1801. 68 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Deed of second tract [I,ooo,ooo acres], i. Robert Morris to Le Roy, Lincklaen, and Boon, Feb. 27, I793, confirmed after the extinguishment of the Indian title, by deed between the same parties, June I, 1798. 2. Le Roy, Lincklaen, and Boon to Paul Busti, July 9, 1798. 3. Busti to Le Roy, Bayard, McEvers, Lincklaen, and Boon, in trust for the benefit of Wilhem Willink and others, July 10, I798. 4. Le Roy, Bayard, McEvers, Lincklaen, and Boon, to Wilhem Willink and others, December 31, 1798. 5. The title of the last named grantees was confirmed to them by Thomas L. Ogden, February 13, i8oi. Deed of the third tract [800,000 acres], i. Robert Morris to Le Roy, Lincklaen, and Boon, July 20, 1793, confirmed after the extinguishment of the Indian title, by deed between the same parties, June J, 1798. 2. Le Roy, Lincklaen, and Boon, to Paul Busti, July 9, 1798. 3. Busti to Le Roy, Bayard, McEvers, Lincklaen, and Boon, in trust for Wilhem Willink and others, July io, 1798. 4. Le Roy, Bayard, McEvers, Lincklaen, and Boon, to Wilhelm Willink and others, July 10, 1798. 5. The title of the last named grantees was confirmed by Thomas L. Ogden, Feb. 13, i80o. Deed of the fourth tract [300,000 acres], i. Robert Morris to Le Roy, Bayard, and Thomas Clarkson, July 20, I793, confirmed after the extinguishment of the Indian title, by deed between the same parties, June I, 1798. 2. Le Roy, Bayard, and Clarkson, to Paul Busti, July 9, 1798. 3. Busti to Le Roy, Bayard, and Clarkson, in trust for Wilhem Willink and Jan Willink, July Io, 1798. 4. Le Roy, Bayard, and Clarkson, to Wilhem WillinkWillin killink, Wilhem Willink, Jr., and Jan Willink, Jr., as joint tenants, Jan. 31, 1799. 5. Title of last named grantees confirmed by T. L. Ogden, Feb. 27, i8oi. It appears from the foregoing that all the lands of the Company were conveyed by the trustees to Paul Busti, of Philadelphia, an alien. The design of this conveyance, it is presumed, was merely to change the title of the trust estate to the hands of Busti, who was general agent of the proprietors in Holland. The necessity of the confirmatory deeds of Thomas L. Ogden and Gouverneur Morris will appear from the following facts: Two judgments against Robert Morris had been docketed in the supreme court of the state of New York, which were found to overreach the titles of several of the purchasers under him. The first was in favor of Wm. Talbot and Wm. Allum, docketed June 8, 1797; the second, in favor of Solomon Townsend, docketed August 10, 1798. Previously to the year 800o, an execution was issued on the last judgment; and all the lands conveyed to Morris by Massachusetts were sold, and conveyed by the sheriff of Ontario county to Thomas Mather, in whose name actions of ejectment founded upon this conveyance were prosecuted in the court. In the spring of I800, during the pendency of these ejectments, an execution was issued on the earlier judgment; and the whole tract of country was again levied upon and advertised for sale by the sheriff. Under these circumstance, Mr. Busti, the general agent of the Holland THE HOLLAND PURCHASE. 69 Land Company, entered into an arrangement with Gouverneur Morris, the assignee of the earlier judgment, to put an end to the claims set up under both judgments. It was agreed that both judgments, and also a release of Mather's interest under the sheriff's deed to him, should be purchased by the Land Company, which was done; and the judgments were assigned to the Company, April 22, i8oo; that of Townsend by his attorney, Aaron Burr; that of Talbot and Allum, by Gouverneur Morris, the assignee of Robert Morris. Articles of agreement were at the same time entered into between Thomas L. Ogden of the first part, the individuals of the Holland Company of the second part, and Gouverneur Morris of the third part, by which it was agreed that the release from Mather should be taken in the name of Thomas L. Ogden; that he should also become the purchaser at the approaching sale under the judgment of Talbot and Allum; and that the title thus derived under both judgments should be held by him in trust for the purposes expressed in the agreement. It was provided in that instrument, that the million and a half acre tract should be held subject to the issue of amicable suit, to be instituted on the equity side of the circuit of the United States for the district of New York, to determine the operation and effect of the conveyance of this tract by Robert Morris, so that if, by a decree of that court, or of the supreme court of the United States, in case of an appeal, such conveyance should be adjudged to be absolute and indefeasible, then the tract should be released and confirmed by Gouverneur Morris to the Holland Land Company. It was further provided by this agreement, that the residue of the entire tract of country should be released and confirmed by Thomas L. Ogden to the several proprietors under Robert Morris, according to the award and appointment of Alexander Hamilton, David A. Ogden and Thomas Cooper. In pursuance of this agreement, Mather's rights under the sale on Townsend's judgment, were conveyed to Thomas L. Ogden, April 22, 180O; and a sale having been made under the execution issued upon the judgment of Talbot and Allum, the entire tract of country, as to all the interest which Robert Morris had therein on the 8th of June, 1797, was conveyed by Roger Sprague, sheriff of Ontario county, by deed dated May 13, 800oo. Hamilton, D. A. Ogden and Cooper made an award or appointment, January 22, I8oI, directing conveyances by Thomas L. Ogden, of the whole of the lands to the several grantees under Robert Morris, the parcels to be conveyed to each to be defined by appropriate descriptions and boundaries. In conformity with this appointment, the several confirmations'were executed by Thomas L. Ogden. 70 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. EARLY SETTLEMENT OF THE COUNTY. THE first inquiry suggested to the reader of a history of any country or territory, is: "Where, when, and by whom was its settlement commenced?" Amongst the diverse and conflicting statements respecting the earliest settlement in Chautauqua county, it is difficult, if not impossible, to answer the question. It was the purpose of the writer not to become a party in this controversy, but to present sketches of the several early settlements, without any allusion to the discussion which has so long agitated the public mind. It has, however, been repeatedly intimated that this would not be satisfactory to the people generally. And as many are known to be looking for the result of the author's investigation of this question, he deems it proper to present such facts and statements as have come to his knowledge, for the consideration of those who think the subject worthy of investigation. The late Hon. Samuel A. Brown, in a course of lectures at the Academy in Jamestown, in 1843, said in his second lecture: "Col. McMahan and McHenry, both from Pennsylvania, may, with propriety, I think, be styled the pioneers of Chautauqua county, as they were the first who purchased and settled with the intention of making this county their permanent residence; though one Amos Sottle had resided from 1796 to 800o on the Cattaraugus bottoms in Hanover; was then absent two or three years; but afterwards returned and became a permanent resident." This statement was probably made on the authority of Henry H. Hawkins, of Silver Creek, who, in a letter to Mr. Brown, dated Hanover, Feb. 2, 1843, wrote as follows: "SIR: Amos Sottle came on to the Cattaraugus bottoms, and settled in the year I796, being then about twenty-one years old, and has resided here ever since that time, with the exception of between two and three years, from about 800oo or 80o, which he spent in what was then called the Northwestern Territory. He is one who helped make the survey of the whole country in 1798 and 1799, under Joseph Ellicott, surveyor of the Holland Land Company." Judge Warren, in his History of Chautauqua County, published in 1846, says: "The first purchase of lands for the purpose of settlement within the present limits of this county, was made by Gen. McMahan, in I8oI. X'~' ]The first attempt to subdue the dense forest was made in i802, by Col. James McMahan, near where the village of Westfield is now located. On this spot ten acres were cleared, and the first dwelling of the white man erected. Edward McHenry settled on an adjoining tract during the same year. These were the first locations of proprietors within the county, with the intention of making it a permanent residence. It should be mentioned, however, that for nearly four years previously to 800o, Amos Sottle had resided near Cattaraugus creek, in the present town of Hanover. After which he was absent for several years, and finally returned and became a permanent citizen." ^^M^^^^ /^7 ^ ^ /^y {^^~~~~~~~~~~~~~i ia3L~ ~ ~ IQ~ EARLY SETTLEMENT OF THE COUNTY. 71 Another says: "In I796, one Amos Sottle located in Hanover, but removed in I800 from the county, and did not return for several years." Turner, in his History of the Holland Purchase, says: "The first white resident of Chautauqua was Amos Sottle. He had resided near the mouth of Cattaraugus creek for three years before the sale of the Holland Company's lands commenced." The State Gazetteer says: "The first settlement in the county was made at the mouth of Cattaraugus creek, in 1797, by Amos Sottle. Soon after making the first improvements, Sottle left, and returned in I80o, with Mr. Sydney and Capt. Rosecrantz." Judge Foote, in a communication in the Mayville Senlinel, of July 20, 1859, gives the result of his investigation of the subject, as follows: " EDITOR SENTINEL: I thank you for your efforts to preserve the early history of our county; and I trust the people will gratefully appreciate your efforts. In your article in the Sentinel, of April 20 [1859], are some mistakes that should be corrected, lest they become conceded as facts, and copied as such by future historians. Amos Sottle was not the first white settler in the county, although I know he claimed to be, and to have settled in the east part of the town of Hanover, in [796. " By a reference to the surveyors' minutes of the meridian and township line surveys, made in 798-9, copies of which are in the County Clerk's office, it will be seen that Sottle was an axeman under Amzi Atwater, one of the principal surveyors, although his name does not appear in the list of surveyors in Turner's History of the Holland Purchase. The surveyors, as required, returned a list of their assistants and their places of residence, and the capacity in which they served. Sottle was reported as a resident of Chenango county, N. Y.; and I presume the first time he ever saw the land where he subsequently settled, was when Atwater surveyed the 9th meridian, or present line between the counties of Chautauqua and Cattaraugus, in 1798. He was also an axeman in 1799. After he left the surveyors he went into the Northwest Territory, and was there some years, but #nally returned and settled in the present town of Hanover, about I804, and resided there with his squaw, or colored wife, until his death, about 1848 or'49. His statements were not very reliable. I do not find his name on any land records for several years after his actual residence in the county. Col. James McMahan was unquestionably the first bona fide white settler in the county; he and his elder brother, Gen. John McMahan, having been early and conspicuous pioneers, and the first purchasers of land in the county." It is difficult to determine, from these statements, who was the first actual settler. Mr. Brown thinks McMahan and McHenry are properly styled the pioneers of Chautauqua; yet he says Sottle had resided on the Cattaraugus from I796 to 800, and then was absent two or three years, and afterwards became a permanent resident. This would seem to indicate that Mr. B. did not consider Sottle a settler until after his second residence, which, if he had been absent two or three years, must have commenced in about 1802 or I803. Judge Warren's statement naturally leads to the same conclusion. Turner gives Sottle a residence at Cattaraugus, and probably considered.him a settler. The State Gazetteer states that he made a settlement there in 1797; and on the same page refers to Judge Foote to prove that the first 72 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. settlement in the county was made in 1794, which nobody here believes, nor has the Judge ever authorized such statement. From such contradictory statements, who can decide the question? The first inquiry then should be respecting the credibility of authors. These authors probably made no thorough investigation. Messrs. Brown and Warren both state that John McMahan bought the town of Ripley, and James McMahan bought 4,000 acres in Westfield. Mr. B. could not have made close inquiry, or he would not have committed so palpable an error; and Judge Warren probably copied it, presuming it to be correct. But a worse error is that of the State Gazetteer. And so numerous are the mistakes of Mr. Turner in regard to the settlement of this county, that his authority is not reliable. He, too, makes James McMahan the purchaser of Westfield, and the builder of mills at the mouth of Chautauqua creek. And he also calls Sottle the first white resident of Chautauqua, and McMahan "the pioneer settler." This exposure of the errors of these writers is not intended to invalidate the claim of either party to priority of settlement; but only to show that their several publications are not reliable authority. A hasty canvass for the material of a history has been made, and the statements have been published without seeking confirmation from any other source. Presuming them to be correct, later authors have copied them, and thus have aided in transmitting them to succeeding generations. Hence we are still left to form opinions, in a great measure, from oral testimony from early settlers, long since deceased, through those of a later generation; especially so in the case of the Catfaraugus settlement, which shows no record of a purchase of land prior to that of Charles Avery, in 1804. It is, however, generally conceded that Sottle (or rather, Sawted, as his name appears in the list of surveyors) was there at an earlier date; and we have his word that he was a settler before there was one*at Westfield. It is urged by the other party, that his word is not reliable, his veracity having been impeached in court by a score or more of witnesses. Several others, however, have certified their belief in his credibility. The foregoing is a summary of the testimony on which the parties in this controversy have based their respective claims. Other facts, however, have come to the knowledge of the writer, which, as a faithful historian, he deems it his duty to add to what has been given. An early resident of the county says Sottle, long before his death, told him that he lived, at first, for a time with the Indians. Another old settler confirms this statement, and adds, that Sottle gave as a reason for leaving the Indians, and settling on the south side of the creek, that he might accumulate property for his individual use and benefit. Some concede Sottle's claim to having an earlier home or residence at Cattaraugus, than that of James McMahan at Westfield; but question the propriety of calling the place a settlement. No clearings of consequence were made, nor was grain raised. Wm. Sydney, who came with Sottle from Ohio, to ferry emigrants across the creek, built a log house for their enter EARLY SETTLEMENT OF THE COUNTY. 73 tainment; but it is known that, as late as I804, travelers' were unable to procure forage for their teams, except from Indians in the vicinity.' In corroboration of this statement, John Mack, son of John Mack who, in I8o6, bought the Sydney tavern and ferry, wrote to this county, in I873, as follows: "There were then [1806] but three white men on Cattaraugus FlatsAmos Sottle, Ezekiel Lane, and Charles Avery. Sottle and Lane had built cabins, made small improvements, and resided in them. Common report says Amos Sottle came to Cattaraugus in 1797, located I2 miles from the mouth of the creek, and made improvements as above stated, and where he lived in I806. There was no land cleared for grain raising, and no grain to be had, except that bought of the Indians to supply our own wants or those of the traveler. These wants were soon remedied by the energy and perseverance of early settlers. " The ferrying of the creek was very unsafe. A small scow only, sufficient to float a wagon placed therein by hand. Horses and oxen were taken over separately, or caused to swim the river by the side of a canoe, guided by a line. My father soon provided a safe conveyance, by building a scow sufficiently large to transport teams of all kinds. The tavern was kept by widow Sydney in a small log cabin with leantoes attached, which served for lodging rooms and stow-aways, and a plank addition serving as parlor and dining room. Her husband had died a short time previous." Whatever difference of opinion may exist respecting the claims of the respective parties to priority of settlement, it.,l not be disputed that the first settlement of any considerable extent was commenced at what was long known as Cross Roads, in the present town of Westfield, by persons from the state of Pennsylvania. Among the first of these immigrants were John and James McMahan. After an examination of the lands along the lake, they made contracts for large tracts in 80o. John's purchase embraced the whole of township 4, in range I4, containing 22,014 acres, which, at $2.50 per acre, amounted to $55,035. He paid down $1,035; the remainder to be paid in eight annual installments with annual interest. James contracted for a tract in township 3, range I5. This tract extended from the lake shore about 2 miles south, and from the east line of the township [now Ripley], about 34 miles westward to within about half a mile of the village of Quincy, containing 4,074 acres; the terms of payment similar to those expressed in the contract made with his brother John. These contracts, though considered as made in i80o, were not perfected, or fully executed, until May and July, 1803, after portions of the land had been sold by the first contractors. The early settlers on these lands bought of the McMahans, the Land Company giving title deeds on the payment to them of the purchase money, which was credited on the McMahans' contract with the company. Although James' purchase was in Ripley, he selected and bought for himself, within his brother's tract, a lot on which he settled, about three-fourths of a mile west of Chautauqua creek, and which extended east to the old "Cross Roads." 74 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. The next spring, [1802,] Mr. McMahan commenced clearing his farm, and is saidsto have cleared about ten acres, which he planted and sowed the first season. This was the first field cleared in the county. Although Mr. McMahan had previously built a log house, and was properly the first settler, he did not move his family into it, it is said, until late in I802. The first family was that of Edward McHenry, at the " Cross Roads," so called from its being the place where the Buffalo & Erie road crossed the old " Portage Road." At the solicitation of McMahan, as is said, McHenry came with him, not only to settle, but to keep a house of entertainment for emigrants westward, " New Connecticut," in Ohio, being then rapidly settling from the East. A few months after McHenry's arrival, his son John was born, the first child in the county born of white parents. The death of the father the next year, who was drowned in the lake by the capsizing of a small boat, while on his way to Erie to obtain a supply of provisions, was the first death of a white settler in the county. His two companions were saved by clinging to the boat. His body, it is said, was never recovered. In the discussion of the conflicting claims of different places in the county to priority of settlement, it is somewhat strange that Col. McMahan should have been so long spoken of as the earliest settler here. On his tour of inspection in I8oI, with a view to a location, he was accompanied by one Andrew Straub, a Pennsylvania German, who selected for himself a place a short distance ea't of where the village of Westfield now is, and built on it a house and occupied it the same year. He made clearings and resided there many years. The stream on or near which he settled, derived its name from him, and was long known as "Straub's Creek." Stones from his fireplace, and other relics of his house, have been found at a comparatively recent date; and there are persons now living who have personal knowledge of his residence here. He had no family. After the lands were surveyed, he contracted for 450 acres. After the settlement of Col. McMahan and Mr. McHenry, settlers came in rapidly. Most of them settled on the road early opened towards Erie: David Kincaid, who bought in November, I802, north of McMahan's; in I803, Arthur Bell, in January; Christopher Dull, in June; James Montgomery, in July; and Andrew Straub, in September; all of whom are believed to have settled on their lands the year of their purchase, except Straub, who is known to have settled on his a year or two earlier, and before the land was surveyed into lots; and Culbertson, George and John Degeer-all of whom, it is said, came from Pennsylvania. Also Jeremiah George, who bought in 1803; Jacob George and Laughlin McNeil, in 1804; and George Whitehill, in i805, are believed to have settled at or near the times of their purchases. In I806 and 1807, came David Eason, Matthew McClintock and Low Miniger from Canadaway, [Fredonia,] who also were from Pennsylvania, and who had resided one or two years at Fredonia. Miniger settled on a farm about a mile east from the village of Westfield, in 80o6. McClintock also, before Eason, came to Westfield, having sold his ~';'i4141 ~:~i I: F::::'" -~~;-: ~~i;:,'-I -:a::'":T':;:::::c;~~"?'"la::::~:.';~i::.::;::T:;: F i. I~~:~_:? i:,:::::;:;;;li P31'~i~.~::-i;l:- A;;": iii I:Li;:1:~8,,:;:":.:::.:i0 i;- i:: r:::i: —:: r F'.~; il::- ~~;:~%8~::.':: ~:i'" ~rr~';~ 1 t:,:~~ is:':~r ~~:,I~~: ag~P!li; w i:e \ ~";;i:'~i':':-l:ai:::::s:~:i!: nh -I-~i(!r~'P i~:;:~:~,~:":`::'::::-::' i~ .:~; ~~i;:it;~::: ~~:: ~~ii::::1 BBL3II"':~lis?':~:~: A i ld; ac "oU N. "R~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EARLY SETTLEMENT OF THE COUNTY. 75. land at Canadaway to Judge Cushing, Hezekiah Barker and others. He opened a tavern at Westfield, and owned, it is said, the larger portion of the site of the village.* He afterwards moved to what was since known as the Bradley farm, below Westfield; thence to Ripley, and finally to Illinois, where he died in 1838. David Eason, in the winter of 1806-7, sold his farm to Hezekiah Turner, and on the 3ist of March, I807, came to Westfield, having purchased of John McMahan, on the east side of Chautauqua creek, about I50 acres in what is now the south-east part of the village, east of South Portage street. [See David Eason in historical sketch of Westfield.] In Ripley, Alexander Cochran, a native of Ireland, and the first settler in that town, settled in I804, about a mile west of Quincy. Along the Erie road, west of the Westfield line, the following named persons were early purchasers: Charles Forsyth, William Alexander, Farley Fuller, Basil Burgess, Robert Dickson, Thomas Prendergast, Oliver Loomis, Josiah Farnsworth, Asa Spear, Israel Goodrich, Wm. Crosgrove, Nathan Wisner, Andrew Spear, Perry G. Ellsworth, Noah P. Hayden, Hugh Whitehill, Samuel Harrison, and others, bought in Ripley prior to and including the year I809; and most of them probably settled on their lands the years of their purchases. The settlement at the " Cross Roads " was soon followed by that at Canadaway, which place took its name from the name of the creek, and embraced the site of the present village of Fredonia and the surrounding country. The first three settlers there were Thomas McClintock, David Eason, and Low Miniger, all from Pennsylvania. All, it is believed, settled the same year, and so nearly at the same time, as to render it uncertain who was first on the ground. The first purchase was undoubtedly made by McClintock, who, as appears from the Company's book, entered as early as Dec. 22, 1803, lots or parts of lots 8, 14 and 20, township 6, range I2, embracing most of the land on which the village of Fredonia stands. In I804, he made a small beginning at clearing, and built a cabin. The land was not yet surveyed into lots. It is said that "the lands were afterwards surveyed into lots by George Moore, of Erie, under a contract between Mr. Ellicott and Mr. McClintock," the latter then residing in Erie county, Pa. David Eason, of Northumberland county, Pa., also selected land near McClintock's, subsequently owned by Gen. Elijah Risley, in the north part of the village of Fredonia, and erected a log cabin. He spent here the summers of i803 and 1804, and went back to spend the winters. In the spring of I805 hle was married, and in April he set out with Low Miniger, Samuel Eason, a cousin of David, and one Covert, and their families, for Lake Erie. They ascended the west branch of the Susquehanna and the Sinemahoning, through the wilderness to Olean, where Major Adam Hoops had just commenced a settlement, having been six weeks on the way, and camped out most of the nights. Here they built canoes; descended the Allegany to Warren; came up the Connewango creek and Chautauqua lake to its head; and thence over the Portage road to McMahan's settlement. Covert left them at Warren, and went down the Allegany. Samuel Eason 76 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. went to North-east, where he soon died. David Eason and Miniger proceeded to Canadaway. McClintock arrived there about the same time, and occupied his cabin in the south part of the village, near where Judge Cushing subsequently lived and died. Miniger settled a mile or more north-west from the village. None of these men were in better than moderate circumstances; Mr. Eason was quite poor; and he and his wife entered their cabin with little else than their hands. He had but $io in money, which he paid for a barrel of flour brought from Canada across the lake. Upon this, with fish and wild game, he relied for subsistence until he could raise vegetables, which were their principal food during the first year. Seated on lands so desirable in respect to fertility and location, it was natural to suppose they would have become permanent settlers at Canadaway. Yet but little more than a year elapsed before they all sold their lands and removed to the settlement at the Cross Roads. Canadaway, too, increased rapidly in population. We find on the Land Company's books, the names of purchasers in the present town of Pomfret, in 1805, Eliphalet Burnham, Zattu Cushing, Samuel Perry, Augustus Burnham. In i806, purchases were made by Philo Orton, Elijah Risley, David Cooley, Jr. In i806 and 1807 came Hezekiah Barker and Richard Williams, who built a grist mill. Dr. Squire White came in 1809. Thomas Bull bought in i808. Outside of Pomfret, but within a few miles of Fredonia, in the present town of Sheridan, early considered as embraced in the Canadaway settlement, Francis and Wm. Webber, Hazadiah Stebbins, Abner and Alanson Holmes, bought in 1804. In I805, Gerard Griswold, Orsamus Holmes, Joel R. Lee, John Walker, Wm. Gould, Jonathan Webber, and others. In i806, Ozias Hart, Justus Hinman. In I807, Abiram Orton, in what is now Arkwright. Portland was settled early. James Dunn, from Lycoming' county, Pa., came to this county in 1803. In May, i804, he bought a large tract of land, before it was surveyed into lots. His purchase amounted to nearly I,200 acres. Among those who soon followed him were Benjamin Hutchins, David Eaton, Nathan and Elisha Fay and Peter Kane, who purchased in I806. In Hanover, the earliest purchases were made in that part of the town lying on Cattaraugus creek, and which was surveyed as " Cattaraugus Village." Charles Avery and Wm. G. Sydney appear on the Land Company's book as purchasers in December, 1804; Amos Sottle, in July, 1806; and Sylvanus Maybee articled land transferred to him by Charles Avery, who bought in i806. Abel Cleveland and David Dickinson bought where the village of Silver Creek stands. The land was taken up in 1803 or 1804, and the greater part of it articled to John E. Howard. The settlement appears to have been slow for several years, as Mr. Howard is said to have been, in i806, the only settler there. Artemas Clothier came in i808 or 1809, and Norman Spink the same year. Jehial Moore came to Forestville in I808, and built a saw-mill. In I809, he brought his family in, and erected a grist EARLY SETTLEMENT OF THE COUNTY. 77 mill, which he finished the next spring. The same year, Guy Webster and Joseph Brownell settled in the south-east part of the town. The earliest settlement in the south-east part of the county was made at the present village of Kennedy, in the town of Poland, followed by the settlement of a few families in the present town of Ellicott. Dr. Thomas R. Kennedy, of Meadville, Pa., in I805, commenced the erection of sawmills, chiefly for the manufacture of pine lumber to be run down by water to the southern market. To these mills was subsequently added a grist-mill. [For a minute description of the building and operation of these mills, see historical sketch of Poland.] For several years there were few families here, besides those employed in the milling business. Among them was that of Edward Shillito, who boarded Kennedy's workmen. Dr. Kennedy never moved his own family to this place. In the south-west part of Poland we find, as original purchasers, in i808, Gideon Gilson; in 1809, Stephen Hadley, John Owen and John Arthur; in I8Io, John Brown and Colt and Marlin; in I8i, Abraham Tupper. How many of these became actual settlers we have not the means of knowing. In the east part of Ellicott, at and near Levant, a settlement was commenced in I806by Wm. Willson, followed soon by James Culbertson and George W. Fenton. In I807, Dr. Kennedy and Edward Work bought some I,200 acres on both sides of the outlet below Dexterville; and mills were built and a settlement commenced at Worksburg, in Ellicott, nearly three miles north-east from Jamestown, now known as Falconer's, a station on the Dunkirk, Allegany Valley & Pittsburgh railroad. In the town of Chautauqua, Alexander McIntyre appears to have been the first purchaser, at the head of the lake, in I804. In I8o6, the Prendergast families settled on the west side of the lake, where. they purchased several thousand acres. On the east side of the lake, Filer Sacket and Peter Barnhart bought in 1805, and Miles Scofield in i806. Further north, Philo Hopson, William and Darius Dexter, and John W. Winsor, in 1809. In Ellery, Wm. Bemus settled at Bemus Point in I8o6, and later in the same year Jeremiah Griffith in the south part of the town, where a number of families soon followed. In Harmony, north of Ashville, Thomas Bemus commenced a clearing in i806, and in 1807 Jonathan Cheney settled. At Ashville, Reuben Slayton and others settled in I809. Josiah Carpenter and several of his sons settled in 1809 and I8Io, on lands bought by him in i808. South of Jamestown, a settlement was commenced on the Stillwater creek, in Kiantone. Joseph Akin was the first settler there, in I8Io. (?) Soon after, in the vicinity of Akin's and in other parts of the town, came Solomon Jones, Wm. Sears, Ebenezer Davis, Ebenezer Cheney, and William and Isaac Martin. About the same time was commenced the settlement at Jamestown, where, however, there were few families before the war of I812. The foregoing are the principal settlements made prior to the organization of the county in 18 I. 78 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. PIONEER HISTORY. EARLY DWELLINGS. THE labors of the pioneer commence with the opening of a place in the forest for the erection of a dwelling. A description of those early domiciles, familiarly termed log cabins, may be interesting to readers who were born and reared in the " ceiled houses" of their fathers, and especially to their descendants, who will never see a structure of this kind. Trees of uniform size, as nearly as may be, are selected, cut into pieces of the desired length, and carried or hauled to the site of the proposed building. There is at each corner an expert hand with an axe to saddle and notch the logs. The saddling is done by so hewing the end of the log as to give the upper half the shape of the roof of a building. A notch is then cut into the next log to fit the saddle, and of such depth as to bring the logs together. The usual height was one story. The gable was laid up with logs gradually shortened up to the top or peak, giving the shape or pitch of the roof. On the logs which formed these gables, were laid stout poles reaching from one gable to the other, at suitable distances, to hold the covering, which consisted of bark peeled from elm or basswood trees. The strips of bark were about four feet long, and about two or three feet wide, and laid in tiers, each lapping on the preceding one, after the manner of shingling. The bark was kept down by a heavy pole laid across each tier, and fastened at the ends. Sometimes, instead of bark, a kind of shingles was used, split from straight rifted trees, and resembling undressed staves of flour or liquor barrels. These were by some called shakes. They were laid about two feet to the weather. They were then fastened down by heavy poles, called weight poles, as in the case of bark roofs. At one end of the building, a square about 8 feet in length and 5 or 6 feet in height is cut out, and the space filled by a stone wall laid in clay or mortar for a fire-place. The chimney, resting on props made in various ways, was commenced at a proper height above the hearth, very wide, to correspond with the broad fire-place beneath it. It was built with split sticks of timber, resembling common strip lath, but being much larger. They were laid up in the manner of a cob-house, the chimney being gradually narrowed upward to the top, where its size was about the same as was that of an ordinary brick chimney of a frame house fifty years ago. The inside was plastered with clay or mud and chopped straw, the latter answering the same purpose as hair in the mortar used in plastering the inside walls of a house. This " stick chimney," or "stick and clay chimney," was far from being fire-proof. Fire would sometimes be communicated to the sticks from burning soot, and alarm the family. A speedy application of water thrown up plentifully inside, soon allayed all fears. A door-way was cut through one side of the house, and split pieces for door posts, sometimes called " door-cheeks," were pinned to the ends of the EARLY DWELLINGS. 79 logs with wooden pins. For the want of boards to make doors, a blanket was used to close the door entrance until boards could be obtained. The hinges and the latch were both made of wood. The latch was raised from the outside by a string passing through the door and fastened to the latch inside. The safety of the family during the night was effected by drawing in the latchstring. Floors were made of split slabs, hewed on one side, and were sometimes called puncheons. For a window, a hole was cut in the wall large enough to admit a sash of four or six panes of 7 by 9 glass. When glass could not be had, the hole was sometimes closed with paper pasted over it. The interstices or cracks between the logs were filled with mud or clay. The larger cracks or chinks were partly closed with split pieces of wood before the mortar was applied. Immigrants from a great distance brought no bedsteads. A substitute was made by boring holes in the walls, in a corner of the house, into which the ends of poles were fitted. Three corners of the bedstead being thus fastened to the walls, it required but a single post. It now wanted only a cord, which was sometimes made of elm or basswood bark. A view of the internal arrangements of one of these primitive dwellings would be interesting to those who are unacquainted with pioneer life. On entering, (supposing it to be meal time,) the smaller children are seen standing or sitting around a large chest in which some of the more valuable articles had been brought, and which now serves as a table; the parents and older children sitting at a table made, perhaps, of a wide puncheon plank, partaking of their plain meal cooked by a log-heap fire. In one corner of the room are one or two small shelves on wooden pins, displaying the table ware, (when not in use,) consisting of a few teacups and saucers, a few blue-edged plates, with a goodly number of pewter plates, perhaps standing single, on their edges, leaning against the wall to render the display of table furniture more conspicuous. Underneath this cupboard are seen a few pots, a spider, and perhaps a bake-kettle. Not a sufficient number of chairs-perhaps none-having been brought, the deficiency has been supplied with three-legged stools made of puncheon boards. Over the door-way lies the indispensable rifle on two wooden hooks nailed to a log of the cabin. On the walls hang divers garments of female attire made of cotton and woolen fabrics, some of which had done long service before their removal hither. Log cabins were lighted in the night time in different ways. In absence of candles and lamps, light was, through the winter season, emitted from the fire-place, where huge logs were kept burning. A kind of substitute for candles was sometimes prepared by taking a wooden rod ten or twelve inches in length, wrapping around it a strip of cotton or linen cloth, and covering it with tallow, pressed on with the hand. These " sluts," as they were sometimes called, afforded light for several nights. Lamps were prepared by dividing a large turnip in the middle, scraping out the inside quite down to the rind, and then inserting a stick about three inches in length, in 80 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. the center, so as to stand upright. A strip of linen or cotton cloth was then wrapped around it; and melted lard or deer's tallow was poured in till the turnip rind was full, when the lamp was ready for use. [Lamps of this description were probably very rare.] By the light of these and other rudely constructed lamps, the women spun and sewed, and the men read, when books could be obtained. When neither lard nor tallow could be had, the large blazing fire supplied the needed light. By these great fire-places many skeins of thread have been spun, many a yard of linsey woven, and many a frock and pantaloons made. Living in houses like those described, was attended with serious discomforts. A single room served the purposes of kitchen, dining-room, sittingroom, bed-room and parlor. In many families were six, eight or ten children, who were, with their parents, crowded into one room. In one comer was the father and mother's bed, and under it the trundle-bed for the smaller children. The larger ones lodged in the chamber, which they entered by a ladder in another corner, and sometimes made tracks to and from their beds in the snow driven through the crevices by the wind. Nor did the roofs, made of barks or "shakes," protect them from rains in the summer. How visitors who came to spend the night were disposed of, the reader may not easily conceive. Some, as their families increased, added to their houses an additional room of the same size and manner of construction as the former. Such were the dwellings and condition of many of the early settlers of the Holland Purchase. A few of these men still linger among us, in possession of ample fortunes, and in the enjoyment of the conveniences and improvements of the present age-the reward of their early privations and toils. CLEARING LAND. The lands in the county were covered with a dense and heavy forest. To clear the soil of its timber required an amount of hard labor of which many of its present occupants have no adequate conception. Many now living on the hard-earned fortunes of their pioneer fathers and grandfathers, could not be induced to enter upon a similar course of labor. The first part of the clearing process was "underbrushing." The bushes and smallest sapplings were cut down near the ground and piled in heaps. The trees were then felled, their bodies cut into lengths of 12 to 15 feet, and the brush and small limbs of the trees were thrown into heaps. After the brush heaps had become thoroughly dry, they were burned. As a "good burn" was desirable, a dry time was chosen. The old leaves ~being dry and covering the ground, the whole field would be burned over, and an abundant crop assured. The next part of the process was "logging," or log-rolling. This required the associated labor of a number of men, who would, in turn, assist each other. The neighbors, on invitation, would attend with their handspikes. These were strong poles, about six feet in length, and flattened at the larger end, in order to their being more easily forced under or between WILD ANIMALS. 8I the logs. Logs too heavy to be carried, were drawn to the pile by a team, [generally oxen,] and rolled up on the pile on skids, one end lying on the ground, the other on the heap. The heaps were then burned, and the soil was ready for the seed. Most of the logging was done by " bees." A number of the neighbors would come with their teams, attended by a sufficient number of extra hands; and a whole field of several acres would be logged in an afternoon. At these logging bees, as at house and barn raisings, was generally a 2-gallon bottle-perhaps two-filled with whisky. Most of the men were moderate drinkers; some, however, gave indications, by their many witty sayings, that they had overstepped the bounds of moderation. But there were also, thus early, a few teetotal temperance men, whose incredulity as to the magic power of strong drink as an assistant to manual labor, had caused them to abandon its use. WILD ANIMALS. The wild animals inhabiting this region at the time of its settlement, were the deer, wolf, bear, wild cat, fox, otter, porcupine or hedge-hog, raccoon, woodchuck or ground-hog, skunk, mink, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, weasel and squirrel. None were much feared except the bear and the wolf. The former was the mdst dangerous; the latter most destructive to property. The bear is generally ready to attack a person; the wolf seldom does so unless impelled by hunger, or in defense. For many years it was difficult to protect sheep from the ravages of the wolves. They had to be penned every night. Many were destroyed, even in the day time, near the house. It is the nature of the wolf to seize a sheep by the throat and suck its blood, and leave the carcass as food for other carniverous animals; provided the number of sheep is sufficient thus to satisfy the hunger of their destroyers. Pigs and calves also were sometimes victims to these pests of the early settlers. Persons were followed by them to the doors of their dwellings; and the sleep of families was often disturbed during a great portion of the night by their howlings. "The noise made by these animals," as described by a citizen of Stockton, "was not, as some imagine, a coarse bass growl, but a strong crakely tenor. Seemingly a leader began the concert by a solo of a firm, prolonged sound, when the rest would pitch in with a grand chorus of the most terrible jargon of sounds, dying away at the place of beginning, as the reverberations sounded over the far off hills." To effect the destruction of these animals, bounties for their scalps were offered by the public authorities. The state offered a bounty of $20 for the destruction of a full grown wolf, or half that sum for a young one; and the county gave the same bounty; and most, if not all, of the towns gave not less than $io as a town bounty-making, in the aggregate, a bounty of $50 for the destruction of every full grown wolf. This large bounty induced hunters and trappers to devote much time to the destruction of wolves. From an examination of the records by Judge Foote many years since, it was found that the county paid in I815, $420; in I816, $480; in 1817, $580; 6 82 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. in I8i8, $710; in I819, $472; and in 1820, $5IO. The wolves having become so reduced by these large bounties, the board of supervisors petitioned the legislature to leave the amount of bounty discretionary with the board; and the petition was granted. The bounty was reduced in 1820 to $5 for every full grown wolf, and for every whelp $2.50. The same bounties were voted the nest year. To what amount bounties were paid subsequently to 1820, the public records do not show. In I834, "two certificates granted by justices for killing wolves were allowed, and one, being informal, was rejected." The records show no later action of the board in relation to bounties. As wolves hunt in the night, when they can not be shot, most of them were probably caught in traps, of which there were several kinds. One kind was a small pen built of small logs or heavy poles, 6 or 7 feet high, and narrowed upward. Into this pen a bait was thrown. A wolf could easily enter it at the top, but was unable to get out. Another was the steel trap, with jaws a foot or more in length. The clamps were notched like a cross-cut saw. It resembled, in form, a common spring rat trap. Attached to it was a chain with hooks, not to fasten it, but to make it difficult for the wolf to drag it. Caught, as he probably would be, by a fore leg while trying to paw out the bait, if the trap were made fast, h' would gnaw off his leg and be gone. There have been still other traps, but descriptions of them will not be attempted. The following description of a wolf hunt is from the pen of Mr. Judge L. Bugbee, of Stockton: "Perhaps no town in the county suffered so severely as Stockton. The deep recesses of the Cassadaga swamp, in this town, formed for the wolf a secure retreat, where, during the day time, he could quietly digest his mutton of the night before. "At length, the inhabitants became deeply exasperated, and resolved on the extermination of the wolf. Meetings were held and a plan devised. "The battle ground was selected nearly east of the fork of the Cassadaga and Bear creeks. The plan of battle was a simultaneous attack upon all sides of the swamp at once. On the east the line was formed on the town line, between Stockton and Charlotte; on the north by the line of lots near Cooper's mill; on the west by the Cassadaga creek, and on the south by another line of lots near the Swamp road, east of the residence of Abel Brunson. The ground was prepared under the supervision of Col. Charles Haywood, of Ellery, assisted by Return Tabor, Bela Todd, and Royal Putnam. These lines were rendered very plain by blazing trees and:lopping brush. "By previous arrangement, the forces met on the second day of October, 1824. The north line of attack was commanded by Gen. Leverett Barker, of Fredonia, assisted by Elijah Risley and Walter Smith as lieutenants. Col. Obed Edson, of Sinclairville, with Judge J. M. Edson and Joy Handy, commanded the last division; Major Asael Lyon and Gen. George T. Camp on the west, and Col. Charles Haywood on the south, with Elias Clark, of Ellery, as his lieutenant. These commanders all wore pistols in their belts to designate their office, and were assisted by the four men as guides, who WILD ANIMALS. 83 had prepared the lines a short time before. Before going into the swamp, each division had chosen its place of rendezvous: The east at Sinclairville, the north at Cassadaga village, the west at Delanti, and the south at the residence of Newell Putnam, Esq., in the south part of Stockton. Dr. Waterman Ellsworth, of Delanti, was the captain of the men from Stockton, and very active in getting up the'hunt.' " Early in the forenoon the men were all upon the ground, forming a continuous line and encircling a goodly portion of the swamp. Mr. Royal Putnam, who assisted in marking the lines on all sides, thinks the square was full one mile and a half upon each side. The number of men on the lines were sufficient to be within easy speaking distance from each other. The signal for advance was'Boaz,' being given by Gen. Barker, and as it returned, the lines moved forward in splendid order, growing more compact until they arrived on the battle grounds, forming a square about one mile in circumference, or eighty rods on a side. No man was to fire his gun until he received the pass-word from the general, and it was known that the lines were closed up. The men now stood shoulder to shoulder.'Jachin,' the pass-word, quickly made its round, and the signal gun was discharged, and in a moment the firing became general. After the first discharge of fire-arms the deer and rabbits within the lines became frantic with fright, making the rounds and seeking an opening through which to escape. One stately buck, making the rounds, gallantly charged the line, by forcing his head between the legs of Charles P. Young, from Elery, and carrying him several rods astride his neck, then bounding away, unharmed, into the free wilderness, save perhaps a few sore ribs, from the nufnerous punches received by the muskets in the hands of the men, before they had time to reload their pieces. After all the game had been dispatched that could be seen, a committee of three or more was sent within the inclosure, to search under old logs and fallen trees to ascertain if any game had fled to any of these places for safety. Dr. Ellsworth is the only man remembered as being upon that committee. "After the return of the committee, the men, by orders, moved towards the center of the inclosure, bringing in the game, consisting of two large wolves, one bear, several deer and a large number of rabbits. The men were'evidently disappointed in the number of wolves captured, but after speeches from a number of the officers, the woods rang with their hearty cheers, and they resolved for another hunt, which took place in about three weeks, killing one wolf and several deer and other small game. The third hunt was in May, 1825; but no wolves were found, and only a few deer. The fourth and last hunt under this organization was in June, 1828, but like the two former, caught no wolves. " The county had offered a large bounty for the scalp of the wolf, fifty dollars or upward, and by resolution, Gen. Barker, Elijah Risley and Walter Smith were elected a committee to forward the scalps, and obtain the money, and expend it in ammunition, provision and whisky to assist the men in future hunts. From this date, wolves ceased to be troublesome in this part of the county, and very soon left our borders for more secure quarters." A hazardous enzcounter with a bear is thus related by J. L. Bugbee, Esq., of Stockton: "Wyman Bugbee, of Ellington, in I8I5, with two of his neighbors started on a deer hunt; and his dog soon discovered and attacked a bear. The outcry of the dog brought the hunters to the rescue. Wyman advanced and 84 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. made a pass at the bear with his axe, when Bruin, with a dexterous movement with his paw, knocked the axe from his hands, dropped the dog, and with his strong jaws laid hold of Wyman's leg just above the ankle. Then came the'tug of war;' and the result was, for sometime, doubtful. His comrades durst not shoot, as the position of the combatants was constantly changing; the bear still holding his grip on Bugbee's leg; and his friends undecided as to what it was best to do. Evidently, they did not wish to hazard too much in the probability of becoming the chief party in the struggle for life with this shaggy and fearful monster. However, they were continually doing what they could, looking well to every dangerous position. Bugbee soon gained the battle, by the aid of his jack-knife, cutting the bear's throat; but it was six months before he was able to leave his house." Among the materials of our early history, is the following account of a bear encounter: "In I822, Jehiel Tiffany, returning through the woods to Jamestown, treed a bear with three cubs, a short distance north of the village. He came to the village and rallied several men with guns to go and kill the bears. On arriving at the place, two of the cubs were spied high up in a pine tree; and John Pickard, a good marksman with a rifle, soon shot them both. The other cub and the old bear not being discovered, most of the party started for the village. Mr. Tiffany, Samuel Barrett, Thomas W. Harvey, and John Pickard remained to watch for the missing bears. They soon heard the cub in the top of a tall hemlock, the limbs of which were so dense as to conceal the animal. Determined to capture it, Major Barrett climbed the tree, and shook it from one of the highest limbs; but in its fall it caught another limb. From this, too, it was shaken, and again caught a limb lower down. This limb being too stiff to admit of the cub's being shaken off, Barrett cut the limb partly off with his jack-knife, when it lopped down, and the bear fell to the ground, and was so stunned by the fall, that Gen. Harvey caught it and tied its feet. " When the cub made a noise, the old bear was heard near by in the bushes. Harvey found that by biting the cub's ear, he could make it squeal. This brought the old bear near, but not fully in sight. Pickard then stepped off a few rods into the woods, and, while watching the bear, Harvey rallied the bear by biting the cub's ear, and brought her in sight of Pickard, who sent a rifle-ball into her head and neck. Pickard and Barrett, after having taken out the entrails, brought her on a pole to the village, while Gen. Harvey carried the cub home and tamed it." Among the numerous instances of men's coming in contact with bears, wolves, and other ravenous beasts, it is believed there is not one in which a man has been killed. Of the native animals of the forest which have disappeared, was the porcujpine or hedge-hog. It was nearly as large as a raccoon, had a round head, andwas covered all over with quills from an inch to two inches long, and as hard and as sharp as a needle. It was a terror to dogs. Young dogs, not knowing the consequence, would seize the animal, and get the quills stuck into their mouths. It is the nature of these quills to work deeper into the flesh and kill the dogs, if not extracted in season, which EARLY FARMING. 85 was usually done with nippers. A dog once stuck with quills would not be likely again to touch a porcupine. But while the forest was infested with noxious animals, it was of no small value as a hunting ground. Deer hunting in the winter was a common business. Much of the meat of deer was sometimes lost. The hunter, if alone and far from home, would shoulder the more valuable part-the hams and skin-and leave the rest for the wolves; or, as was sometimes done, he would hang it to a sapling or a large limb of a tree, which had perhaps been bent down for the purpose, and which, springing back, would raise the meat beyond the reach of the wolves. Having delivered his first load at his cabin, he would return, conducted by his tracks in the snow, and bring home the remainder. The opossum, the rabbit and the squirrel, were also a part of the pioneer's fare. To the variety of meats enumerated, may be added several of the feathered tribes, as pigeons, wild turkeys, partridges, and several others. But the principal meat of early settlers did not long consist of game. Pork and poultry were soon raised in abundance. The common fowl furnished meat and eggs. Geese, though sometimes eaten, were raised chiefly for the feathers, with which old beds were replenished and new ones filled. Doubtless, many still repose on beds made by their mothers or grandmothers half a century ago. EARLY FARMING. Agriculture is a term hardly applicable to pioneer farming. The implements used would, in this age of improvement, attract attention as great curiosities. The "virgin soil," as has been observed, was ready for the seed when cleared of its timber. The principal instrument of tillage for several years was the triangular harrow, usually called drag. This instrument consisted principally of two pieces of timber, (hewed, before there were mills for sawing,) about five inches square and six feet long, put together in the form of the letter A. The drag was sometimes made of a crotched tree, and needed no framing. The teeth were nearly double the size of those now used, in order to stand the severe trial they were to undergo. The drag bounded along over stubs and roots and stones, drawn by oxen often driven by boys. When the roots had become sufficiently brittle to admit of the use of the plow, an instrument was used which it would puzzle the young men of the present day to give a name. The idea of a cast iron plow had not then been conceived by the inventor. It is said to have been invented by Jethro Wood, of Scipio, Cayuga county, N. Y., about fifty years ago, though it is a much less number of years since it came into general use. Late improvements in the plow and the harrow, and the invention of cultivators, drills, and other labor-saving implements, have wonderfully changed the aspect of farming, and increased the power of production. In harvesting, the change is not less striking. Before the decay and removal of stumps permitted the use of the grain cradle, wheat'was cut with 86 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. the sickle, now a rare instrument. It was then a staple article of merchandise. In the old day-books and journals of the early merchants, if they could be found, under the names of scores of customers would be seen the charge, " To i Sickle," followed, in many cases by that other charge, "To i gallon Whisky," an article deemed by some as necessary in the harvesting operation as the instrument itself. The cradle, which superseded the sickle, is now fast giving way-in many parts of the country has already entirely given place-to the reaper, an instrument then no more likely to be invented than the photographic art, or the means of hourly intercourse with the inhabitants of the opposite side of the globe. Fields of wheat of one hundred to five hundred acres each, are not rare. in some of the Western States. Let a person imagine an attempt to cut these immense fields of grain by handfuls with the sickle, and he cannot fail to appreciate the invention of the reaper. Grain was generally threshed by the early settlers with a flail, ten to twenty bushels a day. There were no fanning-mills to separate the grain from the chaff. For many years the mill-peddlers did not venture so far west as Chautauqua. Grain was cleaned with a fan. Neither the instrument nor the operation is easily described; nor was it probably ever much used here. Another method was nearly as follows: A riddle [a very coarse sieve] about 30 inches in diameter and 5 or 6 inches deep, was filled with wheat in the chaff. To "raise the wind," a linen sheet, perhaps taken from the bed, was held at the corners by two men, who gave it a semi-rotary motion, or sudden swing. Another man holding up and shaking the riddle with its contents, the chaff was blown from the falling wheat. About ten bushels were thus cleaned in half a day. When at length farmers had the means of buying mills, and the roads admitted of their transportation, fanning-mills were introduced. A large portion of this county was early supplied with mills of an excel4ent quality, by one of its present worthy and distinguished citizens, the Hon. George W. Patterson, of Westfield. But this once common and useful article has been superseded by machines propelled by horse-power or by steam. A single machine now receives the sheaves and delivers the cleaned grain at the rate of from one hundred to two hundred bushels a day. A reaper is in use in some of the Western states, which carries two binders, who drop along its track the cut grain in sheaves bound. In hay harvestizg, also, improvements would seem to have attained perfection. A lad of sufficient age to drive a team can mow from fifty to one hundred acres in an ordinary haying season; and the hay may all be raked during the same season by one person. While, by the invention of the cultivator and other implements, the power and facility of producing corn has been greatly increased, there has not yet appeared, nor is there likely to appear, any invention that will materially facilitate the process of harvesting it. The husking of corn was generally done in the field, as at present. In those portions of the country settled by the Dutch, the ears, when fully ripe, were broken from the stalk, thrown into EARLY COOKING. 87 heaps, and then hauled into the barn, and thrown into a long heap across the barn floor, ready for a corn-husking, in which the neighbors, old and young, were invited to participate on some evening. The anticipation of a "good time " secured a general attendance. A good supper, which several of the neighboring women had assisted in preparing, was served at eight or nine o'clock. The "old folks" would then leave, and in due time the boys would gallant the girls to their homes. The recreation afforded to the young people on the yearly recurrence of these festive occasions was as highly enjoyed, and quite as innocent, as most of the amusements of the present boasted age of refinement. EARLY COOKING. To witness the several processes of cooking in pioneer times, would alike surprise and amuse those who have grown up since cook-stoves came into use. The first thing likely to attract notice would be the wide fire-place already described. Kettles were hung over the fire to a stout pole, sometimes called lugzpole, the ends of which were fastened into the sides of the chimney at such height as not to be likely to ignite from the heat or sparks. The kettles were suspended on trammnes, which were pieces of iron rods with a hook at each end. The uppermost one reached nearly down to the fire, and with one or more shorter ones, the kettle was brought to the proper height above the fire. For the want of iron, wooden hooks were sometimes used for trammels. Being directly above the kettles, they were safe from fire. The long handled frying pan was a common cooking utensil. It was held over the fire by hand; or, to save time, the end of the handle was sometimes laid on the back of a chair, the pan resting on the fire, while the cook was " setting the table." The pan was also used for baking short cakes. It was placed in a nearly perpendicular position before the fire, leaning slightly backward, with coals under or back of it to bake the under side. A more convenient article was the cast iron, three legged, short handled spider which was set over coals on the hearth for frying meat. Its legs were of such length and so adjusted, that, when used for baking cakes or bread, being turned up towards the fire, to the proper slope, handle upwards, it would keep its position. An early mode of baking corn bread, (cast iron ware being scarce,) was to put the dough on a smooth board, about 2 feet long and 8 inches wide, placed on the hearth in a slanting position before the fire. When the upper side was baked, the bread was turned over for baking the other side. When lard was plenty, the bread was shortened, and called johnny-cake. But a better article for baking bread than either the pan or spider, was the cast iron bake-kettle, in some places called "Dutch oven," with legs and a closely fitted cover. Standing on the hearth with coals under and over it, bread and biscuit were nicely baked. Bread for large families was usually baked in large out-door ovens built of brick or fire-proof stones. Turkeys and spare-ribs were roasted before the fire, suspended by a string, a dish or pan being placed underneath to catch the drippings. 88 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Some of the inconveniences of cooking in these open fire-places will be readily imagined. Women's hair was singed, their hands were blistered, and their dresses scorched. But framed houses with jamb fire-places measurably relieved the pioneer house-wives. In one of the jambs was fixed an iron crane, which could be drawn forward when kettles were to be put on or taken off. But the invention of cook-stoves commenced a new era in cookery; and none, most averse to innovation, have intimated a desire to return to the "old way," which will hereafter be known only in history. FARE OF THE EARLY SETTLERS. Among the many hardships of pioneer life, not the least is the difficulty in procuring bread. For at least two years the settler in the woods must obtain his family supplies chiefly from other sources than his own land. This difficulty is enhanced by the remoteness of his residence from older settlements, where his supplies are to be obtained. Hence, those who settled in this county within the first few years, had a severer experience than those who came after a surplus of grain was produced, and mills for grinding it were built in the earlier settlements. The first settlement in the county where grain was produced, was commenced at Westfield in I802. The settlers there had to go to Erie, a distance of more than thirty miles, for provisions, as we learn from the fact that Edward McHenry, on his way thither for that purpose, lost his life by the upsetting of his boat on Lake Erie. In the Memoir of Zattu Cushing, by O. W. Johnson, Esq., we are informed that the first settlers at Canadaway, [now Fredonia,] went to Niagara Falls and to Canada to get their grain ground. When intending to cross Lake Erie, they started when the lake was likely to be calm. Three men were required to row the boat. On one occasion Judge Cushing and his companions were wrecked on the Canada shore, losing their boat and grain. As they were absent ten days, their families gave them up for lost. John Eason settled at Fredonia in 1804. All the money he had on his arrival was ten dollars, which he paid for a barrel of flour procured from Canada, across Lake Erie. Upon this, together with fish and wild game, he chiefly relied for sustenance until he could raise vegetables, which were his principal meansof support during the first year. Whole families, for many days, tasted not a morsel of bread, subsisting upon game and other products of the forest. Leeks, with which the woods abounded, furnished, to some extent, food for man and beast. The leaves, which were in some regions far advanced before the disappearance of the winter snows, furnished for cattle a valuable pasture ground; and the bulbs, later in the season, were, in times of scarcity, used by settlers as a substitute for common articles of food. There are probably still living on the Purchase persons who have eaten many a meal, consisting in great part, of cooked leeks. Before there were mills within a convenient distance, families lived for weeks on hulled wheat, and on meal from corn pounded out at home. For this HOUSEHOLD MANUFACTURES. 89 purpose, one end of a large block was scooped out, making a cavity holding half a bushel or less of corn. A spring pole was fixed over the rafters, or to something else of proper height. On the end of the pole a wooden pestle was suspended by a rope. It will readily be imagined that the principal use of the pole was to assist in raising the pestle; and that a small quantity of grain was pounded at a time. The pestle was not in all cases hung to a pole, but was sometimes used wholly with the hands of the operator. Probably ho'iny-blocks, or hominy-mills, as they were called, will never again appear in any part of our country. A " corn cracker" of this kind was attached to the saw-mill built by David Dickinson, an early settler at Silver Creek. HOUSEHOLD MANUFACTURES. Nearly all the clothing of the early settlers was made from cloth of home manufacture. Long after the country had passed its pioneer state, the farmer's house continued to be a linen and woolen factory. Where more spinning was to be done than the wife could do in addition to her ordinary house-work, or where the daughters were too young to help, spinsters were employed to come into families to spin flax in the winter season, and wool in the summer. The price usually paid these itinerant spinsters was a shilling a day, the day's work ending at early bed time. Some will be surprised when told that many of these women had money to show at the year's end. It was the custom, to some extent, to count a certain number of "runs " as a day's work. This had a tendency to accelerate the motion of the wheel, and lessen the hours of labor. These small earnings would not go far toward clothing Chautauqua farmers' daughters-of the present generation. The spinning exercise is one which the young women of modern times have never enjoyed. The wheel used for spinning flax was called the "little wheel," to distinguish it from the " big wheel," used for spinning wool. These " stringed instruments " furnished the principal music of the family, and were operated by our mothers and grandmothers with great skill, attained without expense, and by far less practice, than is necessary for our modern dames to acquire a skillful use of their elegant and costly instruments. They were indispensable household articles, and were to be found in nearly every family. The loom was not less necessary than the wheel. There were some houses, however, in which there was none. But there were always some, who, besides doing their own weaving, did some for others. Woolen cloth was made in families. There being at first no carding machines, wool was carded and made into short rolls with hand cards. These rolls were spun on the " big wheel," which is still to be seen in the houses of some old settlers, being occasionally used for spinning and twisting stocking yarn. It was turned with one hand, and with such velocity as to give it sufficient momentum to enable the nimble mother, by her backward step, to draw out and twist a thread of nearly the length of the cabin. The same loom was used for both linen and woolen. A cloth was sometimes made called linsey, or linsey-woolsey, the warp being linen and the filling woolen. 90 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Woolen for men's outer garments was generally sent to the fuller and cloth-dresser to be finished, if fulling-mills and cloth-dressing establishments were within a convenient distance. Woolen flannel was also made and worn by the mothers and daughters. Flannel for women's wear, after dye-stuffs were to be had, were dyed such color as the wearer fancied. It was sometimes a plaid made of yarn of various colors, home-dyed. To improve their appearance, these flannels were sent to a cloth-dressing shop for a slight dressing, which was finished by a powerful pressing between large sheets of smooth pasteboard, to give them a glossy surface. Much dyeing, too, was done in the family. Dye-woods and dye-stuffs formed no small portion of a merchant's stock. Barrels of chipped Nicaragua, log-wood, and other woods, kegs of madder, alum, copperas, vitriol, indigo, etc., constituted a large part of teamsters' loading for the merchants. Many remember the old dye-tub standing in the chimney corner, covered with a board, and used also as a seat for children when chairs were wanted for visitors, or when new supplies of furniture failed to keep pace with the increase of the family. Mr. Goodrich, [Peter Parley,] describing early life in his native town in Connecticut, speaks of this "institution of the dyetub," as having, "when the night had waned and the family had retired, frequently become the anxious seat of the lover, who was permitted to carry on his courtship, the object of his addresses sitting demurely in the opposite corner." We have no authority for saying that it was ever used here on such occasions. Nearly all the cloth worn was " home-made." Rarely was a farmer or his son seen in any other. If, occasionally, a young man appeared in a suit of "boughten cloth," he was an object of envy to his rustic associates. Few, except merchants, lawyers, doctors, and some village mechanics, wore cloth that had not passed through the hands of the country cloth-dresser. Hence, the early merchants kept small stocks of broadcloth. Cloths of the finer qualities they sometimes bought in small pieces containing a certain number of full patterns-one, two, or three-to avoid loss on remnants. There were also itinerant tailoresses, who came into families to make up men's and boys' winter clothing. The cutting was mostly done by the village tailor, if a village was near. " Bad fits," which were not uncommon, were generally charged to the cutter. Hence the custom of tailors, when advertising, " Cutting done on short notice, and warranted to fit," to append the very prudent proviso, "if properly made up." These seamstresses charged for their work two shillings a day. This was thought by some a little exorbitant, as the usual price of help at housework was but six shillings a week, Sundays not excepted. Boots and shoes also were made in many families. Farmers got the hides of their slaughtered cattle tanned "on shares;" or, if their share was judged insufficient to shoe a whole family, the tanning and dressing were otherwise paid for. Then there was in the neighborhood a circulating soenmaker, who made his yearly autumnal circuit with his "kit." The children had a happy STORES AND TRADE. 91 time during his sojourn, which lasted one, two, or more weeks, according to the number of feet to be shod. The boys who had doffed their old shoes when the winter snows had scarcely disappeared, to enjoy the luxury of going barefoot, were now no less joyful in the anticipation of new ones to protect their feet from the frosts or early snows. Large boys and girls, when leather was scarce and dear, have been known to go barefoot the greater part of the year. And it was not a rare thing to see girls as well as boys, not of the poorer families, at the age of twelve, at Sunday meetings, with feet unshod. Some made shoes for themselves and their families. Boots were little worn, even by men, except in the winter season. Men's boots and shoes were usually made of coarse leather, called cowhide. Occasionally a young man attained the enviable distinction of appearing in a pair of calf-skin boots, made by a skillful workman. Boots and shoes for both feet were made on one last. In those days "rights and lefts " were unknown. In this department of dress as in others, in respect to style and cost, the past and the present exhibit a remarkable contrast. We only add, a general revolution in household labor has taken place within the last fifty years. The substitution of cotton for flax, and of the various kinds of labor-saving machinery for hand-cards and spinning-wheels and looms, has vastly lightened the labor of women. One of the results of these improvements is the opportunity they afford for mental and intellectual culture. That the mass of American women duly improve these opportunities, will hardly be affirmed. STORES AND TRADE. A great inconvenience incident to pioneer life, is the want of the many articles essential to the comfort of a family, which the farm cannot supply. Therefore, no immigrant is more welcome in a new settlement than the first merchant. Fortunately, there are seldom wanting those who are ready to establish a store when and where there is a population sufficient to sustain one. Some of the early stores were kept in log buildings. The first stocks of goods were not large; yet they comprised most of those articles which were needed by the settlers. But the gratification of some at the advent of the early merchant, was greatly moderated by their inability to purchase his wares. The inhabitants generally were poor. They had expended nearly all their money in their removal; and the little they had left was wanted to buy breadstuffs and other absolute necessaries. Farmers who had been here long enough to raise a small surplus, obtained some money from new-comers. But the majority were not so fortunate. Goods were dear, being transported at great cost. They were principally brought from Albany in wagons, a large part of the way over new and very bad roads. A trip from Buffalo to Albany and back required for its performance three or four weeks, and sometimes even a longer time. Between Cattaraugus creek and Buffalo, the roads were for a considerable distance almost 92 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. impassable. But the high price of the merchant's goods was but one-half of the farmer's misfortune. While he had to pay a double price for nearly every staple article of store goods, he was obliged to sell the products of his farm at about one-half of their cost in labor. There are yet many living who distinctly recollect the condition of the country from its early settlement, and the relative prices of merchandise and the products of the farm. More accurate information, however, may be obtained from the books of the early merchants, to which reference will be made. The books of J. & M. Prendergast, [Jediah and Martin,] early merchants at Mayville, show the prices of goods from September, I8II, to January, 18I5. They were among the earliest merchants in the county. The surrounding country was as yet very sparsely settled; yet their books show a considerable trade, to which the Prendergast families were liberal contributors. The first four sales appear to have been made to four different persons of that name. The county seat and a land office having been established there, Mayville was a convenient place of trade to many in remote parts of the county. On a glance at the pages of these old books, our modern clerks would find, in the keeping of accounts, something of which they have no practical knowledge. The old mode of reckoning was by pounds, shillings and pence. And to most adults it is known that, until a comparatively late period, the prices of goods per yard or pound, both in buying and selling, at wholesale and retail, were given in shillings and pence. Merchants generally marked their goods in this currency, and so charged them to their customers; but the aggregate cost of the number of yards or pounds of the article sold, was " carried out" in dollars and cents. But in the books alluded to, the aggregate cost of the number of yards or pounds sold was also carried out in pounds, shillings and pence, and set down in three separate columns. The footing of a bill of many articles would, at the bottom of the columns, be ~8 7s. 9d.-8 pounds, 7 shillings and 9 pence. Happily, this clumsy method of reckoning and keeping accounts has been superseded by the decimal method-by dollars, cents and mills. The prices of some articles, in shillings and pence, are here given: Wool cards, 8s. a pair; spider net, 7s. 6d. a yard; loaf sugar, 3s. a pound; calico, 3s. 4d. a yard; hyson tea, I4s. a pound; pins, 2s. 6d. a paper; powder, 8s. a pound; shot, 2s.; unbleached cotton, 2S. 7d. a yard. Farmers found it no easy matter to pay for iron is. 3d. a pound; steel, 2s.; nails, is. 7d. to 2S. 6d.; paper, 3s. a quire; skin tea, Ios. a pound; nutmegs, is. each. Before the close of the year, prices began to be affected by the war. In December, I814, flannels were 8s. to 9s. 6d. a yard; cambric muslin, i8s.; book muslin, i6s.; factory cotton, 5s. a yard; satinet, 27s. 6d.; nails, 2s. to 2S. 6d.; Swedes steel, 4s. a pound; maccoboy snuff, 8s. a pound; coffee, 5s.; powder, I2S.; skin tea, 2os.; imperial tea, 26s.; cotton yarn, 9s.; cotton stockings, i3s. a pair. If medical services rose to a point corresponding to the prices of the STORES AND TRADE. 93 drugs and medicines used by the physicians, their patients would have had no less cause to complain of onerous "doctors' bills" than they who are now so unfortunate as to need such services. One of this mercantile firm [Jediah] being himself a physician, we find a charge: " To call and puke, 2 oz. val. sylv., and caskarel, and epispastic," in all, 6I 4s. Jacob Rush was charged 6 oz. laudanum, 4s. oz., and 2 pukes, 2s. each, —,i 8s. Dr. Alexander McIntyre, who, being a physician, might be expected to buy medicines at a discount from ordinary retail prices, was charged as early as I812, for glauber salts, 3s. 6d. lb.; bark, 32s.; camomile flowers, 3s. 6d. oz.; gum Arabic, is. 6d. oz.; opodeldoc, to ordinary customers, 5s. Whisky, that staple article in those days, kept pace with other goods till it reached I2S. to I4s. a gallon. But the books indicate no perceptible decrease in its consumption. The day-book of Douglass & Houghton, merchants at Cattaraugus,, in July, I812, exhibits prices as follows: Hyson skin tea, i6s.; bohea tea, 8s.; calico, 6s. 6d. yd.; white flannel, ios.; tow cloth, 4s.; salt, 20os. bushel; paper, 4s. qr.; ginger, 6s. lb.; whisky, I2s. a gallon. Their store was, in December, 1812, removed to Fredonia, where we see nails charged at 2s. 6d. lb.; spelling books, 3s. a copy; Harmony cloth at 68s. [$8.50] a yard. Pins were charged 4s. a paper; stockings, i6s. 6d. a pair. Broadcloth is charged, May 22, 1813, to James Hale, by order of Elijah Risley, 8os. [$io] per yard; and cassimere, 36s. yd! These far exceed the war prices of I86I-65. But our surprise at these prices will be less when we consider the cost of transportation. Charles Hill and Thomas Hill returned from Albany, Sept. 2, 18 14, with loads of merchandise for J. & M. Prendergast, Mayville; the former having brought 1635 lbs, the latter 1800 lbs., for which they were allowed $6 per Ioo lbs. Their expenses appear to have been $40 each; and the time spent in making the trip must have been about four weeks. In 1819, freight from New York to Buffalo was $3.50 per ioo00 lbs.; from Buffalo to Fredonia, $I.50-total, $5 per hundred, or $ioo per ton. With the products of their farms at the prices they bore a few years later, farmers could hardly have paid for store goods at the prices charged. Prices' of farm products had not reached the lowest point. They continued to decline until they were scarcely sufficient to pay transportation to the nearest cash market. Nor did farmers find permanent relief until after the completion of the Erie canal, and until adequate encouragement had been secured to American manufactures. J. & M. Prendergast established in November, 1813, a branch store in Ellicott, where Jamestown now stands. A part of the first day-book having been torn from its cover, the earliest date that appears is Sept. 20, 1814; and the business there was continued until March, 1816. The prices appear to have varied but slightly from those at Mayville. In the whisky trade we judge that, in the price and quantity sold, the Jamestown store surpassed that of Mayville. In July, I815, we count, on five successive pages, 69 separate and distinct charges for this article; the least number on any one 94 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQ-JA COUNTY. page being 12; on two of them, 15 each. During a considerable part of the war time, flour stood at $12 a barrel. On the Jamestown day-book, John Burgess is charged, Jan. 6, i815, with 2 bbls. flour, at $I9 bbl.; and Israel Knight previously credited by 2 bbls. flour, (probably the same flour,) at $I8.65 bbl. Wm. Forbes is charged Jan., i816, for hollow castings, io cts. lb.; cheese 2s.; salt, $12 bbl. Salt rose suddenly from $7 to $I2 and $15; and in November, I814, Solomon Shepard stands credited at the Mayville store, by 2 bbls. salt at $22 per barrel! Considering the low prices of farm produce, and the difficulty of converting it into cash, we can hardly imagine how either the settlers could buy the merchants' goods, or how the merchants could sell enough to keep up their establishments. Immigration having nearly ceased, the market formerly furnished by new-comers no longer existed. Grain bore prices merely nominal. Wheat, at times, could not be sold at the farmer's barn for more in cash than the cost of transportation to the nearest cash market. Cases are known in which loads of corn have been taken to Dunkirk, twenty miles, over woods roads, and sold for 12Y cents a bushel to realize the money to pay taxes-the round trip taking two days. Wheat was taken to the same market and sold for 37 cents. Maple sugar, at 4, 5, or 6 cents a pound, was exchanged for goods; butter at 6 to 8 cents; oats, o to 12 cents; other kind of grain in about the same proportion. Dressed pork sold for about 2 or 22 cents a pound. No wonder that, with hard labor and rigid economy, the settlers were slow in paying for their lands. Indeed, it would seem almost impossible, under such adverse circumstances, to avoid extreme suffering. Yet the various kinds of business were more or less successfully pursued. How this was done, will appear from the nature of trade, which will be the subject of succeeding pages. Ashes'were for many years the most important article of trade, being almost the only one which could be readily turned into cash. For some purposes money must be had. Certain articles or merchandise could not be got in exchange for grain, or on credit. Taxes could not be paid in kind; and to raise " tax-money," farmers were sometimes obliged to sell grain and other products of their farms for prices which scarcely paid for their transportation to market. Ashes afforded material relief. Many a settler who had a large surplus of grain which he was unwilling to sell at the ruinously low prices offered, cut and burned timber for the ashes from which to get money to pay taxes and for other necessary uses. These ashes, and those from burned log heaps, were sometimes drawn several miles over rough roads, and exchanged for goods, or at a reduced price for cash, if cash must be had. The price was 5, 6, or 8 cents, according to quality, as ashes from old and partially decayed timber, or having an admixture of the soil, which was sometimes scraped up with them, were of little value. Hence it is seen that an ashery was a necessary appendage to a store in a new settlement. The lye of the ashes was boiled down to a proper consistency and red heat, resembling molten iron in a furnace, and dipped into smaller kettles holding several STORES AND TRADE. 95 pailfuls, and left to cool, when it was emptied out of the kettle in a single lump, solid as a stone. It was then broken and put into strong barrels, ready for transportation to market. But raw ashes not admitting of transportation a great distance, it was necessary to concentrate their virtue into smaller bulk. The lye was boiled down to the consistence of thick mortar, and was called black salts, being of a dark color, and converted into pearl ashes. Hence the necessity of a pearl ashery also. The salts were thrown into a large brick oven, 6 or 8 feet in diameter, and baked, or rather burned, being brought almost to a red heat. When cool, the color had been changed to a pearly white. Always commanding cash in every market, merchants having pearl asheries would readily pay cash for black salts. Pot and pearl ashes, containing great value in small weight and bulk, would bear transportation to the most distant markets. They were generally sent to New York and Montreal, and thence a large portion of them was shipped across the Atlantic. Before there were stores and pearl asheries in the southern and southwestern towns of the county, black salts were principally bought by the merchants in the lake shore towns. Many had no wagons on which to carry them; nor did the roads admit of their being carried on wagons all the way from the back settlements. A more simple vehicle was used. From a small tree was taken a piece having at one end two prongs. The single end was put into the ring of the ox-yoke, the other resting on the ground. Across the prongs the trough containing the salts was placed, and kept from sliding backward by a long wooden pin set perpendicularly in each prong. On carriages of this description were many tons of this valuable product of the forest yearly conveyed to market. Sometimes the oxen were simply hitched by a chain to the fore end of the trough containing the salts, the bottom of which had been flattened, and the end hewed away from the under side to fit it, like a sled runner, for sliding over the rough ground. To facilitate the collection of debts, merchants, after cattle had become plenty, sometimes received cattle in payment from their customers, and drove them to eastern markets, or sold them to drovers from the East. Cattle were then cheap. A pair of good working oxen could be bought for about $50; steers, three years old, for $15 a head; two years old, for about $io. Pork also was taken on account at prices which contrast strikingly with the present. Well fatted pork, dressed, was sold for $2, or $2.50, per ioo pounds. Of the quantity and value of the products of the forest timber, a pretty correct idea may be formed from the following statements of the manufacture of pot and pearl ashes by a few of the merchants of this county. The most minute and accurate statement from any source is that of Albert H. Camp, Forestville, prefaced thus: "Statement of pearl and pot ashes sent to Montreal and New York markets, or sold at Buffalo, by Albert H. Camp on his own account, or on account of the firms of which he was a partner at Forestville, Chautauqua county, N. Y., from May i, 1820, to Sept. i, I850." 96 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. The number of barrels sold from 1820 to 1836, inclusive, was 2830. The price per cwt. of II2lbs. varied from $4.25 to $8, averaging about $6. These appear to have been all, or nearly all, pearls.'The timber having principally disappeared, the statement shows the annual sales to have decreased from 289 barrels, the greatest quantity sold in any year, to 40 barrels, in 1836. During this period the price paid for black salts, from which pearls are made, was from $2 to $3.50 per cwt. of 1121bs. From I837 to 1850, inclusive, the amount was 648 barrels, nearly all pots made of house ashes, for which I 22 cents per bushel were paid, if delivered, or ro cents, if hauled by the merchants themselves. With the year I85o, the business ceased. George T. Camp, brother of Albert H. Camp, was a merchant for several years at Mayville, before he moved his business to Westfield. While at the former place, he paid in a single week $1200 for black salts; and for some time averaged $800 to $Iooo a week. The price was between $2 and $3 per hundred. This was about the years 1829 and I830. From the fact that there were at that time many asheries in the county, we have some idea of the amount of money paid to settlers for the products of their otherwise valueless timber. Alvin Plumb, an early merchant in Jamestown, and afterward at Mayville, furnishes the following statement: "Before the completion of the Erie canal, Montreal was the market for ashes, which, with lumber from the south-eastern towns, constituted nearly all the products of exportation from the county. I was engaged in the manufacture of pearl ashes at Jamestown for several years, from 1824, and at Mayville from 1825. The quantity produced at the former place in the best years of the trade was some 50 tons, and at the latter place about o00 tons. I also bought largely from other merchants in that trade, in the years 1825 and 1826. The quantity manufactured and purchased at these places was about 50o tons, the most of which was sent from Barcelona Harbor." Daniel Williams, now and for many years a resident of Ashville, states that, at an early period of the settlement of the county, [I819,] he commenced manufacturing pot and pearl ashes, at Westfield, where he worked at the business for four or five years, for Alvin Williams and Budlong & Babcock. During the first three years there was made about i ton per weekor about 156 tons in three years. The best salts averaged in price about $2.50 per cwt. of ii2lbs. The price of the pearl ashes in the eastern cities was from $5 to $7 per cwt. During the last two years he worked in Westfield, there were made about 2 tons per week-about 200 tons in the two years in both asheries. On his removal to Ashviile-the place being so named from the extensive manufacture of ashes in that section of the county -there were three asheries there, which were run for several years, and at which were made from o00 to I50 tons a year. The salts bought at the latter part of this period cost $2.50 to $3 per cwt. Many, unable to sell the products of their farms for cash, were obliged to cut down and burn green timber, and make salts of lye, which alone could be sold for money. Walter Smith, more extensively engaged in the manufacture and the NATURE OF TRADE. 97 purchase and sale of ashes than any other merchant in the county, has furnished the following: "The sales of our pot aud pearl ashes, during the six years' trade in Fredonia, varied in different years, both in quantity and price. The smallest amount sold was $20,000; the largest, $45,000. These pot and pearl ashes were shipped to Montreal for market until the Erie canal was finished. They were taken by vessel to Black Rock; by open boat to Schlosser; by ox-teams to Lewiston; by vessel to Cape Vincent; thence by batteaux down the St. Lawrence to Montreal. John R. Coney had an ashery in Portland; Brockway in Ripley; Alvin Williams in Westfield, and afterwards at Ashville, where he continued business; Guy Webster in Hanover; and - in Perrysburgh, Cattaraugus county. All these bought goods of me, and sold me their pot and pearl ashes, or had me send them to Montreal; and I accounted to them for the net proceeds, and paid them the balance due them in money. Herriot & McGunnigle, of Mayville, were large manufacturers; also Wm. Holbrook, Holbrook & Camp, and Camp & Colville, at Forestville. I think three-fourths of all the ashes from Chautauqua county were shipped by me the first six years. After that, the manufacture diminished rapidly." Although this product of the forest always commanded cash, or could be turned into cash, its price, like the prices of other articles, was affected by the law of supply and demand. Hence, the producers were not always adequately compensated; and the manufacturers and dealers, who were generally merchants, were sometimes subjected to heavy losses. Such, especially, was the case in 1823. The Erie canal being not yet finished, the ashes from this part of the state were chiefly sent to the Montreal market. The Fredonzia Censor, of July 30, announces "bad news for dealers in ashes," and states, that accounts from Montreal were so discouraging, that dealers almost despaired of obtaining fair prices. Pots were down to $128 per ton; pearls about the same price. The price of black salts, which had been in the spring $4 per cwt., had fallen to $2.25. The high prices in the English market had induced the merchants to engage deeply in this business, some of whom had, by this sudden depression, become heavy losers. It was stated upon good authority, that more ashes were manufactured in this county than in any other along the shores of Lake Erie; and that the high price given for black salts had been the means of clearing much new land, as the price of that article had amply paid for clearing. NATURE OF TRADE. From what has been said in preceding pages, the reader will readily infer that trade was greatly restricted by the scarcity of the usual circulating medium. Few goods were sold for cash. Business was done on the credit and barter system, not only by and with merchants, but between the people. Notes were made payable in grain, lumber, cattle and other commodities, and sometimes contained the stipulation, "at cash price." Almost every country product, as well as some store goods, had a cash and a barter or a credit price. It was, however, not always easy to ascertain the cash price. 7 98 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Merchants often suffered great loss by this system of trade. Notwithstanding the high percentage charged as profits on their goods, losses by bad debts, and losses on grain and other commodities which it was almost impossible to sell for cash, rendered the mercantile business an unsafe one. Most of the business of the county was for many years done in the northern or lake towns, which were first settled, and possessed superior commercial advantages. Maple sugar, long an important article of trade, came in large quantities from the southern towns. The inhabitants generally supplying themselves, the price is said to have been at times as low as four or five cents a pound. Brown sugars from the South were rarely seen in the early country stores. Almost the only sugar brought from New York was the white refined sugar, put up in hard, tall, solid loaves of a conical form, and called "loaf" or " lump sugar," and was wrapped in strong and coarse paper. It was sold chiefly for sweetening medicines and the liquors of tavernkeepers, who bought it in large quantities. DIVISION OF BUSINESS. The early stores presented, in sundry particulars, a striking contrast to those of the present day. As the population increased, a greater number and variety of articles were kept in the stores. After printing offices were established within a convenient distance, the merchants advertised their stocks in the papers and in posters, in flaming display letters, enumerating the vAious kinds of goods kept for sale; as " dry goods, groceries, crockery and glassware, hardware, dye woods and dye stuffs, iron and nails, paints, oil, window glass, school books and stationery, rum, brandy, gin and whisky;" to which was sometimes added, drugs and medicines, ending with a string of et ceteras, or " with other articles too numerous to mention." The natural result of the increase of population and trade, is the division of business. For a long time, in a newly settled country, merchants keep goods of all kinds likely to be wanted by their customers. Silks and iron, laces and fish, pins and crow-bars, pork and molasses, tea and tar, cotton yarn and log chains, were all to be had at the same store. In process of time, stores were established for the sale of but one, or a very few kinds of goods, as hardware stores, drug stores, bookstores, etc. Where the first of these stores was commenced, has not been ascertained; but we find Dr. Hazeltine informing his friends, through a Jamestown paper, as early as August, 1826, that he had "}ust received from New York a small, but general assortment of drugs and medicines." About a year and a half later, Dr. E. T. Foote announces the receipt, at.his "Apothecary Store," a general assortment of not drugs and medicines only, but of "Patent medicines, oils, paints, dye-stuffs, surgical instruments," those articles which compose the stock of a modern drug store. Russell D. Shaw soon follows with the advertisement of a similar stock with the addition of groceries. And in 1834, N. L. Sears enumerates books and stationery among the articles in his drug store. REFLECTIONS ON PIONEER LIFE. 99 In July, 183I, Adolphus Fletcher, publisher of the Jamestown Joournal announces the receipt of " a general assortment of books and stationery," in a room adjoining the Journal printing office. This appears to have been an establishment for the exclusive sale of those articles which constitute the stock of a modern bookseller. In reading the list of standard school books and the various articles of stationery, we are reminded of the almost total revolution that has taken place, in regard to the books and other articles used. In a long list of school books advertised, there is not one which has rot been.superseded by modern authors. In the line of stationery were wafers, inkpowder, sand-boxes, letter stamps, round rulers, quills-all of which have become nearly obsolete. By the invention of gummed envelopes, wafers have come into disuse in letter writing. Ink-powder is no longer to be found in the stores. As if by common consent, the people pay from 400 to 800 per cent. more for ink than was done when a "York shilling," or, afterwards, a dime was paid for a paper of Maynard & Noyes' powder, which made a full pint of the best quality of ink. Sand-boxes have been displaced by the superior article of blotting paper. Letter' stamps have taken their departure with wafers. But the most valuable change is in the substitution of metallic for quill pens. Under date of August 23, I83I, Lakin & Haven gave notice, in a Jamestown paper, that they "have opened a hardware store, in the new building on Second street." They occupy the greater part of a column in the enumeration of articles " set solid," and without a single display line. Although the list is long enough to do honor to any city house, these articles are said only to be " among their goods," intimating that the greater portion of them were not included in the enumeration. Even the smaller villages now have stores limited to a single branch of trade. REFLECTIONS ON PIONEER LIFE. THE history of pioneer life generally presents only the dark side of the picture. The toils and privations of the early settlers were not a series of unmitigated sufferings. The addition of each new acre to their " clearings" brought with it fresh enjoyment, and cheered them on in the pursuit of their ultimate object, an unincumbered and a happy home. They were happy also in their fraternal feelings; or, as one expressed it, " the feeling of brotherhood-the disposition to help one another;" or, in the language of another, "Society was uncultivated; yet the people were very friendly to each other, quite as much so as relatives are at the present day." We could now hardly endure the thought of exchanging our comfortable and splendid carriages for the rude ones of our fathers and grandfathers, which served the various purposes of visiting, and of going to mill and to, meeting; yet who doubts that families had a "good time " when they made I00 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. a visit to a "neighbor" at a distance of several miles, through the woods, on an ox-sled? Our mothers were clad in homespun of their own make; and not a few remember the "glad surprise," when fathers, on their return from market, presented their faithful help-meets with a six yards calico dress pattern for Sunday wear. And it is presumed the wearer was in quite as devotional a frame of mind, and enjoyed Sabbath exercises quite as well, as she who now flaunts her gorgeously trimmed silk of fifteen or twenty yards, made up in a style transforming the wearer into " the likeness " of something never before seen or known "above," or " on the earth beneath," and altered with every change of moon. People were happy in their families. The boys, having labored hard during the day, sought rest an early hour. Parents had the pleasure of seeing their sons acquiring habits of industry and frugality-a sure prognostic of success in life. The "higher civilization" had not yet introduced"In every country village, where Ten chimney smokes perfume the air," those popular modern institutions, the saloon and the billiard-room, in which so many youth now receive their principal training. Fewer parents spent sleepless nights in anxious thought about their "prodigal sons," or had their slumbers broken by the noisy entrance of these sons on returning from their midnight revels. They saw no clouds rising to dim the prospect of a happy future to their children. Never were wives and mothers more cheerful than when, like the virtuous woman described by Solomon, "they laid their hands to the spindle, and their hands held the distaff;" or when, with their knitting work or sewing, and baby, too, they went-unbidden, as the custom was-to spend an afternoon with their "neighbor women," by whom they were received with a hearty, unceremonious welcome. The "latch-string was out" at all times; and even the formality of knocking was, by the more intimate neighbors, dispensed with. Nor did they lack topics of conversation at these visits. Prominent among them were their domestic affairs-their manifold industrial enterprises and labors-and the anticipated reward of their privations and toils. Their conversation, some may suppose, evinced no high degree of intellectual culture; yet, as an indication of such culture, surely it would not suffer in comparison with the gossip of many of our modern educated ladies at their social gatherings. The following extract from a letter, from the pen of a pioneer mother in another county, and published in a county paper, may he read with interest by some: "The country around us was an entire wilderness, with here and there a small cabin, containing a small family. We were nearly all new beginners; and although we had to work almost day and night, we were not discouraged. There were many and serious trials in the beginning of this country, with those who settled amid the heavy timber, having nothing to depend upon for a living but their own industry. Such was our situation. However, we were REFLECTIONS ON PIONEER LIFE. IOI blest with health and strength, and were able to accomplish all that was necessary to be done. Our husbands cleared the ground, and assisted each other in rolling the logs. We often went with them on these occasions, to assist in the way of cooking for the hands. "We had first-rate times, just such as hard-laboring men and women can appreciate. We were not what would now be called fashionable cooks; we had no pound cakes, preserves, or jellies; but the substantials, prepared in plain, old-fashioned style. This is one reason why we were blessed with health: we had none of your dainties, knick-knacks, and'fixings' that are worse than nothing. There are many diseases that we had never even heard of thirty or forty years ago, such as dyspepsia, neuralgia, and many others too tedious to mention. It was not fashionable then to be weakly. We could take our spinning-wheels and walk two miles to a spinning frolic, do our day's work, and after a first-rate supper, join in some innocent amusement for the evening. We did not take particular pains to keep our hands white; we knew they were made to use for our advantage; therefore, we never thought of having hands just to look at. Each settler had to go and assist his neighbors ten or fifteen days, in order to get help in return in log-rolling time; this was the only way to get assistance. "I have thought proper to mention these matters, that people now may know what the first settlers had to undergo. We, however, did not complain half as much as people do now. Our diet was plain; our clothing we manufactured ourselves; we lived independent, and were all on an equality. I look back on those by-gone days with great interest. How the scene has changed! Children of these same pioneers know nothing of hardship; they are spoiled by indulgence, and are generally planning ways and means to live without work." It is, indeed, to many who have been brought up in the "lap of ease," not a little surprising, that a wife and mother should do the house-work of a family in which were six, eight, or more children, and occasionally some hired men, without hired help. Yet such instances were not uncommon. The reader of family sketches in a succeeding part of this history, will not fail to notice the contrast between the pioneer settlers and their descendants in another particular-fecundity. The former, with comparatively few exceptions, fulfilled the duty enjoined upon the original progenitors of the race, to "multiply and replenish the earth;" an injunction which the present generation seem to think more "honored in the breach than in the observance." At the present rate of the increase of our native population, who can tell the number of generations necessary to "replenish" our vast national territory? In writing out genealogical sketches of pioneer families, which, in not a few instances, show a product, if not of " thirty," at least of ten to fifteen fold, we have often been reminded of what we read more than half a century ago, in the history of some eastern country, where it was a part of the marriage ceremony to sprinkle upon the head of the bride a handful of hops, and to accompany the act with the expression of a wish that she might be "as fruitful as the hop vine." As to the cause of this modern degeneracy, we forbear to express an opinion. To those who desire light on this subject, we commend Rev. Dr. John Todd's little book, entitled "A Serpent in the Dove's Nest." 102 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. EDUCATION-EARLY SCHOOLS. THOUGH struggling under the pressure of privation and poverty, the settlers made early provision for the education of their children. So important an object they would not defer until they could' build more comely and convenient school-houses; they were content, for a time, with such as corresponded to their rude dwellings. The first school-houses were built of logs, with fire-places and chimneys like those of log dwelling-houses, and were roofed in the same manner. Many still remember those houses, in which they received their limited education-the ill-chinked walls, the large open fire-place filled with a huge pile of logs, in the vain attempt to make a comfortable place for study. Benches were made of split slabs, hewed, and raised so high as to keep the scholars' feet swinging several inches above the floor. After there were saw-mills, benches were made of sawed slabs. The writing-desk was a slab or board extending along the whole length of one of the walls, fastened on long pins driven into auger holes in the logs, and slanting downward from the wall. Above the writing-table, holes for windows were cut through the wall, and filled with four or six lighted window sashes. For the want of sash and glass, the window openings were temporarily covered with old papers, greased with lard, for window-lights. Schools were not then regulated by law. Persons could not be compelled to pay for building school-houses and for the services of teachers. These were done voluntarily by the persons interested. They mutually agreed to contribute labor or money toward the building of a school-house-chiefly labor, as little money was needed to build a log-house. Teachers were paid by those only who sent children to school. A subscription paper, stating the price of tuition per scholar for the term proposed, was circulated, and each person affixed to his name the number of scholars he would send. If a sufficient number were obtained, the school would commence. Teachers were sometimes, wholly or in part, paid in produce, many of their employers being unable to pay in money. To such it was an object to employ teachers having families to consume the products of the farm. The course of instructionz embraced but the few more primary branches. Spelling, reading, writing, and common arithmetic, constituted for several years the entire course. The School books used were Webster's Spelling Book, one or two reading books, and an arithmetic. A grammar, a geography or an atlas, the scholars had never seen. But many teachers were not qualified to teach even these few branches successfully. Only the simpler parts of arithmetic were taught by most teachers, especially in the summer term. The mathematical ambition of many pupils was satisfied when they could "cypher" to the end of the "Single Rule of Three," which, in that old popular work, " Daboll's Arithmetic," then in general use, preceded " Fractions," as it did in other old arithmetics. Nor did some parents think EARLY SCHOOLS. I03 a higher attainment in this branch necessary for their sons, unless it were the knowledge of computing interest, which some of them might, at some time in their lives, have occasion to practice. Even after the enactment of the school laws requiring the examination of teachers, and a certificate from a board of inspectors pronouncing them "well qualified to teach a common school," most of them were very deficient in the "learning and ability" intended to be secured by the law. A knowledge of grammar was for many years not insisted on by the inspectors, and for the reason that, if it had been, there would not have been a sufficient number of teachers to supply all the schools. And so in respect to geography and other branches now considered indispensable. The manner of teaching and conducting a school was also defective. Writing, in many schools, was not required to be done at any fixed hour, nor by all at the same time. Children could not make their own pens-none but goose-quill pens being used-nor, indeed, were teachers generally competent to do it properly. These pens needed to be frequently mended. To make and mend the pens and "set copies" for ten or twenty pupils, took no small portion of a teacher's time, and was often done during reading and other exercises, in which the worst mistakes escaped the observation of the teacher. To avoid this, some teachers did this work before or after school hours. The introduction of the metallic pen and the printed copy-book is a valuable improvement, saving much of the teacher's time, and furnishing the pupils with good and uniform copies. The black-board had not been invented; or, if it had been, it was unknown in rural districts. Scholars were not taught arithmetic in classes. They got the attention of the teacher as they could. Voices from all quarters, asking for help "to do this sum," for permission to "go out," to "go and drink," and to "go to the fire," questions which, in many schools, were, to use a parliamentary phrase, "always in order;" and the teacher going about the room to "help" scholars at their seats; all these, and other things that might be mentioned, kept the school-room in a continual bustle. Not all schools, however, were thus conducted. In many of them order and good management prevailed; and many of our most intelligent citizens and most practical and successful business men, were graduated at these institutions. A citizen of the town of Stockton gives the following description of the school-house and school in which he " learned his A B C, and graduated in Webster's Spelling Book as far as'Crucifix:"' "This school-house was about 20 by 24, and about 7 feet between the floors. A large Dutch fire-place was in the north end. There were three nine-lighted windows of the smallest pattern; desks or writing tables against the walls, and pine slab seats with wooden legs. The furniture consisted of a plain cross-legged table, a splint-bottom chair, and a pine log about two feet in diameter and one foot high, called a'dunce block,' and a pair of leather spectacles. It is presumable that the last two articles were contributed by the teacher, and hence omitted when not thought necessary for the good of the school. 104 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. "A word of explanation may be necessary to show the use of the dunce block and the leather spectacles, as these appliances have become nearly or quite obsolete. The scholar who failed to get his lesson perfectly, was pretty sure to mount the block with the spectacles across his nose; and as odd and droll as he looked, with his eyes through the leather belt, no one would dare to laugh, for fear of taking the same place, with perhaps an additional'switching' about the back, by those ominous looking beechen whips carefully stored in a crack in the floor overhead. Young men and women frequently mounted this dreadful block, who were too tall to stand erect, because their heads would come in contact with the ceiling above. This would occasionally bring a suppressed titter from the other scholars; but a blow with the great whip in the hand of the teacher would restore gravity, and make us all feel thankful that it was the table, and not our backs, that received the beating." There were, however, some good schools then; and there are many.poor ones still; yet a comparison of the schools of the present time with those of fifty years ago, shows a vast improvement. Perhaps the most salutary provision in the school laws of our country, is that which brings the advantages of a sound and practical education within the reach of all classes of its citizens. Prior to the year I813 or I814, little provision was made by the state for the education of its children. The poorest people had to pay wholly for the tuition of their children, or keep them out of school. This misfortune was in part remedied by providing a school fund, which consisted of lands and other property of the state, the income of which was annually distributed amongst the school districts to be applied to the payment of teachers' wages. The first money thus distributed in this county was in the year I814. This fund was many years afterward largely increased on this wise: In 1836, Congress passed an act authorizing the distribution, among the states, of many millions of dollars which had accrued from imposts and sales of public lands. Propositions for distribution had been several times defeated on the ground of its supposed unconstitutionality. To avoid this objection, it was proposed that, instead of giving this money to the states, it should be "deposited weith" the states, until the general government should call for it. It was to be deposited in four annual installments; three of which had been deposited, when, in 1838, it being supposed that the government would have occasion to use a part of the money, an act was passed to postpone the payment of the fourth installment. About $28,000,000 had been deposited with the states. The quota of the state of New York was about $3,500,000. No portion of the sum deposited has ever been called for; nor was it supposed by many that it ever would be. In I838, by an act of our state legislature, the income of the United States deposit fund, as this money was called, was to be appropriated "to the purposes of education." For three years, $55,000oo was to be expended annually for the purchase of district libraries. The remainder was principally paid toward the teachers' wages. If the public moneys were insufficient for this purpose, the deficiency was supplied by a rate bill. By the first school law, a sum was to be raised by a tax on the inhabitants RELIGIOUS HISTORY. 105 of every town equal to the sum received from the state funds; in default of which, their claim to the public money was forfeited; and by a vote at townmeeting, double the amount might be raised in the town. The districts were also required to have a school kept at least four months, [now six months,] to entitle them to a share of the public money. RELIGIOUS HISTORY.'HE establishment of the institutions of religion in the new settlements of this county, is a prominent feature in its history. Reared under the influence of these institutions, and imbued with the sentiment declared by the founders of our republic, that "true religion and good morals are the only solid foundations of public liberty," the settlers, like the " Pilgrim Fathers," planted churches at the earliest practicable period. The people of Western New York, as well as those of the new states generally, were chiefly supplied by the missionary societies of New England and other religious organizations. The tide of emigration to the West was followed up by missionaries, carrying the gospel of peace to the destitute pioneer settlements, enduring, with the people, for the Master's sake, the hardships and sacrifices incident to such a condition of the country. There is probably not a town in this county whose early inhabitants were not indebted to these self-denying laborers for the religious instruction of their families. We say self-denying; because the pittance they received for their services-their toilsome travels, their coarse fare, and the manifold discomforts they experienced in rude, unfurnished dwellings-forbids the idea that they were actuated by mere mercenary motives. Some of them possessed talents which, if employed in other pursuits, would have elevated them to distinction and affluence. And it can scarcely be doubted that the healthful influence of their "preaching in the wilderness" did not cease with the generation to which they ministered. Perhaps no other minister labored so early and so long in the missionary service in this county as the Rev. John Spencer, familiarly known as "Father Spencer." He had been a deacon in the Congregational church in Worcester, Otsego county; and with only such learning as an ordinary school education and his own reading and observation afforded, he entered the ministry. He was employed as a missionary on the Holland Purchase by the Connecticut Missionary Society; and his labors were highly useful in forming and sustaining churches. He preached in the new settlements when his congregations consisted of but two or three families, and sometimes, it is said, of but one; thus literally "preaching from house to house." All, or nearly all, the churches formed by Mr. Spencer were denominationally Congregational. Most of them, however, have long since adopted the Presbyterian form of government, and formed connection with Presbyteries. Of his labors, a citizen of this county writes: 106 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. "Hardly was the first log cabin reared in the wilderness, before it was visited by that early missionary, the Rev. John Spencer, to cheer and encourage the pioneer in his struggle with the formidable difficulties that surrounded him. Mr. Spencer's life in the forest was an active and a toilsome one; he understood the duties of his calling well, and faithfully he performed them. There are many anecdotes still extant illustrating the clearness of his intellect and cheerfulness of his disposition." Another writes of him as follows: "From I8Io to I820, or later, Rev. John Spencer, a Congregationalist, was the pioneer minister. Priest Spencer, as he was called, entered all parts of the county where could be assembled three or more families, and preached nearly every evening. His dress was ancient-knee and shoe bucklesshort breeches and long stockings-a dress which at that period attracted attention, as it had nearly passed out of date. Independence in thought, word and deed, was characteristic. He was remarkable for the sharp twinkle of his eye, which always preceded some witty, reproof. His sermons were short, practical, and impressive. His manner of delivery was singular: commencing short sentences, he would speak the first words slow and very distinct, and hasten to the close, accenting strongly the last words. Especially was this the case in his prayers. Children noticed the set formula with which he closed every petition." Several interesting anecdotes are related of Mr. Spencer; but the disagreement between the relators in some of the particulars, renders it probable that they are largely based on tradition. He closed his useful life in this county, and was buried in Sheridan. In I808, the Presbyterian General Assembly appointed Rev. John Lindsley a missionary for four months, two of them to be spent in Steuben and Tioga counties, and the remaining two months in the settlements of the Holland Purchase. Although he was here probably as early as Mr. Spencer, his labors do not appear to have continued beyond the term of his appointment. The principal record of his labors that we have seen, is that of his having officiated at the formation of the Presbyterian church at Westfield in T808, and at the formation of a Congregational, now the Presbyterian, church of Warsaw, July 14, i808.'It is said, however, that he visited Westfield as a missionary in the fall of I807, and was then sustained by a Female Missionary Society. He was on his way to Pennsylvania; and on his return in the spring, formed the Westfield church as above stated. It has been stated, and probably truly, that he returned and went over his former missionary ground, and spent three sabbaths in Westfield. Rev. Phineas Camp, a graduate of Union College in 18o0, and a graduate of the second class of the Theological Seminary at Princeton, was appointed by the Presbyterian General Assembly's Board of Missions as a home missionary in Pennsylvania, Western New York and Ohio. He assisted in the reorganization of the church in Westfield, in November, 1817, and was installed as pastor of the church by the Erie Presbytery, Sept. 8, I8I9. Benefits, doubtless, accrued both to Congregationalists and Presbyterians, from a "Plan of Union " then existing. Their system of religious belief was RELIGIOUS HISTORY. I07 substantially the same. They were divided only on the plan of church government. As it was generally difficult, in new settlements, for either to support a separate and distinct organization, the Presbyterian General Assembly, in I80o, adopted a plan which permitted Congregational ministers to become pastors of Presbyterian churches, and Congregational churches to be represented in Presbyterian ecclesiastical bodies. On the formation of churches, the majority probably determined the mode of church government. Rev. Asa Turner, a Baptist preacher, was also an early missionary in this county, and is represented to have been "very popular among the settlers, and warmly welcomed among them." Rev. Joy Handy, too, was an early laborer in this missionary field, though he soon became pastor of the Baptist church at Fredonia. As a missionary and pastor he made "full proof of his ministry," and closed his useful life after a long and faithful service of the Master. Several of the early Baptist churches in the county were formed by these and other early ministers. The first was at Fredonia, the preparatory work having been done by that devoted layman, Judge Cushing. The records of the church show that its organization was completed by its being received into fellowship by a council, October 20, i8o8. The Methodists, too, with their usual promptitude, sent their preachers into the western wilderness. Their missionaries are their circuit preachers, who appear to have made their advent in this country about the year 1808. In Gregg's "History of Methodism within the bounds of the Erie Annual Conference," we find the following: "From 1796 to i8 I2, Western New York was nominally within the bounds of the Philadelphia Conference, though most of the time entirely unoccupied. In i8o8, a circuit was formed by that conference called the'Holland Purchase,' which embraced all of the state of New York west of the Genesee river, to which the Rev. George Lane was appointed. Sometime in the winter of 1808-9, learning that a few members of the Methodist Episcopal Church had settled a short distance east of the present village of Fredonia, in the west part of Sheridan, Chautauqua county, Mr. Lane started up from Buffalo in a one-horse sleigh to visit and preach to them. On his way up he overtook Mr. Gould and wife in a two-horse sleigh, who were members of the Methodist church, and resided in the place just mentioned, and who had been East on a visit, and were returning home. The snow was deep and badly drifted. Night came on them while in the woods some distance below the Cattaraugus creek; and they became so buried in the snow, that they could get their sleighs no further. After disengaging their horses from their sleighs, each person mounted a horse, and rode on the bare back to Mack's tavern, where they spent the remainder of the night. Next morning they succeeded in getting their sleighs, and before night reached Mr. Gould's house, where Mr. Lane spent a few days and preached several times, and, during his stay in the place, formed a class consisting of Stephen Bush, Daniel G. Gould and wife, and Elijah Risley. This was undoubtedly the first Methodist preaching and the first class formed in Chautauqua county, which has, since that time, been a very fruitful field for Methodism, and very productive of Methodist ministers." o18 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. As early as 80 1, the Erie circuit existed, which embraced the first religious organizations of the Methodists in this county, and for a long time afterwards the whole or a considerable part of the county. It was in the Pittsburgh district, which was'within the bounds of the Baltimore Conference. The presiding elder of the district was Thornton Fleming; and the preacher of the Erie circuit was James Quinn. It is said that Mr. Quinn's circuit, when formed, contained twenty appointments, requiring him to travel four hundred miles every four weeks. The first class he formed was near a place called Lexington, in Springfield township, Erie county, Pa. In 1804 the district took the name of Monongahela, and Thornton Fleming was continued presiding elder until the meeting of the -Baltimore Conference in May, I8Io, when Jacob Gruber was appointed presiding elder, and Joshua Monroe, preacher of Erie circuit; and the year following, James Watts and James Ewing. GOSPEL LAND. It is generally known by the older inhabitants, that the Holland Land Company made a donation of Ioo acres of land to religious societies in every town, usually designated as the "gospel land." This was no part of the early policy of the Company. The manner in which this land was obtained, is related by Mr. Turner in his History of the Holland Purchase. In the fall of I820, Paul Busti, the general agent of the Company at Philadelphia, while on a visit at Batavia, was importuned by a Presbyterian minister from a neighboring town for a donation of land to every society of that persuasion then formed on the Holland Purchase. Mr. Busti was for a long time indisposed to grant the request. But the Rev. gentleman having urged his suit until the agent's patience was exhausted, the latter firmly replied: "Yes, Mr. R., I will give a tract of one hundred acres to a religious society in every town on the Purchase; and this is finis." He was, however, unwilling to give preference to any particular denomination. "But," said he, "to save contention, I will give it to the first society in every town." Mr. R., it is said, lost no time in communicating the information to the Presbyterians in the towns in his vicinity. Mr. Turner proceeds as follows: "The land office was soon flooded with petitions for land from societies organized according, to law, and empowered to hold real estate, and from those that were not, one of which was presented to Mr. Busti before he left, directed to'Gen. Poll Busti,' on which he insisted that it could not be from a religious society; for all religious societies read their Bibles, and know that Po double 1, does not spell Paul." Amid this chaos of applications, it was thought unadvisable to be precipitant in granting these donations, the whole responsibility now resting on Mr. Ellicott to comply with the vague promise of Mr. Busti. Therefore conveyances of the'gospel land' were not executed for some space of time, notwithstanding the clamor of petitions for'deeds of our land;' during which time the matter was taken into consideration and systematized, so far as such an operation could be. Pains were taken to ascertain the merits of each application, and finally a tract or tracts of land, not exceeding one hundred acres in all, were granted, free of expense, ORGANIZATION OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. 1O9 to one or more religious societies regularly organized according to law in every town on the Purchase, where the company had land undisposed of, which embraced every town then organized, except Bethany, Genesee county, and Sheldon, Wyoming county; the donees being in all cases allowed to select out of the unsold farming land in the town. In some towns it was all given to one society; in others, to two or three societies, separately; and in a few towns to four societies of different sects, twenty-five acres to each." And it is said that the proceedings were so judiciously managed by Mr. Ellicott, that partiality was in no case charged against the agent or his assistants. ORGANIZATION OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. A BRIEF sketch of the division of this state into counties, of their organization, and of changes in their boundaries, prior to the formation of Chautauqua county, will not be deemed incompatible with the character and design of this work. From the introduction to a history of Oneida County, N. Y., a valuable and reliable work, written by Judge Pomeroy Jones, of that county, and published many years ago, the following is an extract: "The Dutch originally settled and governed the territory within the limits of the state of New York, and by them it was called New Netherlands. As late as 1683, that portion of it lying west of Fort Orange, [Albany,] was termed by the Dutch chroniclers'Terra Incognito,' or Unknown Land. In j683, the colony having passed into the hands of the English, it was divided into twelve counties, viz.: New York, Albany, Dutchess, Kings, Queens, Orange, Ulster, Richmond, Suffolk, Westchester, Dukes, and Cornwall. Albany county then included Albany and all west of it. In 1768 and 1770, the counties of Cumberland and Gloucester were added. Of the original counties, Dukes and Cornwall, after a bitter controversy, were suspended to Massachusetts in I693; and a part of Gloucester and Cumberland was, after a quarrel, ceded to New Hampshire, and now' forms a part of Vermont; and and the portion of the two counties retained was formed into a county called Charlotte, now Washington county. In 1772, the county of Tryon was formed from Albany county, lying westwardly of a line running nearly north and south through the present county of Schoharie. The name of Tryon having become highly obnoxious from the active hostility and acts of wanton cruelty of the Colonial Governor Tryon towards the Americans during the Revolution, the legislature, in 1784, changed the name to Montgomery, in honor of the general of that name who had fallen at Quebec." Montgomery county was divided into five districts. German Flats, one of the districts, included the present town of Herkimer and all the territory west of it in this state, and was an entire wilderness, with the exception of forts and Indian trading points and a few Dutch settlers along the Mohawk river. In 1786, the entire county of Montgomery, embracing over one-half of the state of New York, contained but 15,050 inhabitants, about one-fourth of the number now in Chautauqua county. In 1788, the town of Whites Town, [thus written,] was erected from German Flats, and named in honor 110 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. of Judge Hugh White, who had recently emigrated from Middletown, Ct., to the present site of the village of Whitesboro', then including the present city of Utica, and all of the state west of it, and probably did not contain over 200 inhabitants. The late Judge Jonas Platt, of the supreme court, was an early supervisor of the town. On the 27th of January, I788, the county of Ontario was erected from Montgomery, and the preamble of the act read as follows: "Whereas the county of Montgomery is so extensive as to be inconvenient to those who now or may hereafter settle in the western part of the county, therefore," etc. The county of Ontario included all of the state west of a line drawn due north from the 82d mile stone on the line between the states of New York and Pennsylvania, through Seneca lake, to Lake Ontario. By the last cited act, all of the state west of the Genesee river was erected into the town of Northampton. The counties of Herkimer, Otsego, and Tioga, were erected from Montgomery in 80oi. On the 30th of March, I802, the county of Genesee was formed from the county of Ontario, and bounded on the east by the Genesee river and the county of Steuben. Or, according to another description, it comprised all that part of the state lying west of the Genesee river and a line extending due south from the point of the junction of that river and the Canescraga creek, to the south line of the state. Genesee county was divided into four towns: Northampton, Southampton, Leicester, and Batavia.' The first three embraced all the territory within the county lying east of the Holland Purchase, and Batavia the whole of the Purchase. Northampton adjoined Lake Ontario; Southampton adjoined Northampton on the south, and Leicester embraced all the territory south of Southampton to the Pennsylvania line. The first board of supervisors of Genesee county was composed of Simon King, representing Northampton; Christopher Laybourn, Southampton; John H. Jones, Leicester; and Peter Vandeventer, the town of Batavia. The first town meeting in Batavia, of which the present county of Chautauqua formed a part, was held at Vandeventer's inn, within the limits of the present town of Clarence, Erie county. The town of Chautauqua, formed from Batavia, April i, 1804, embraced the present county, excepting only the Ioth range of townships, which was annexed to Chautauqua in the formation of the county. At the same time [1804] there were formed from Batavia the towns of Willink and Erie, the latter, now called Newstead, comprising, it is believed, but a single township; the two comprising all the territory lying within the present counties of Niagara and Erie. Allegany county was taken from Genesee in- 8o6; Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, and Niagara, in I808; [the present county of Erie being then included in Niagara;] parts of Livingston and Monroe, in I82r; a part of Orleans, in i824; and Wyoming, in I84I. The town of Batavia, formed in I802, has alone become the mother of four whole counties, [Chautauqua, Cattaraugus, ORGANIZATION OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. III Niagara, and Erie,] one-half of Allegany, and the greater parts of Orleans and Wyoming. In 1805 or I806, the subject of erecting two or more counties from Genesee and Ontario, along the Genesee valley, was agitated by settlers along the river. Judge Foote furnishes some interesting facts relating to the division of Genesee county, which were published in the Jamestown Journal, of October 7, I859. He says: "I have understood that the Hon. Philip Church, now of Allegany county, the Messrs. Wadsworth, of Geneseo, and Messrs. Warner and Hosmer, of Avon, who were prominent and honored citizens, and men of wealth, and landholders, formed the plan of the formation of two or more counties from Ontario and Genesee, in I8o6, while Joseph Ellicott, the agent of the Holland Company, strongly opposed the project. Allegany was set off from Genesee in I8o6. But the original question was still unsettled. To many of the inhabitants of Allegany, its boundaries were not satisfactory; and several petitions were presented to the legislature in 1807, in favor of different localities for the public buildings in that county; but nothing definite was done by the legislature until the presentation of petitions in February and March, 80o8, which resulted in laws annexing the west part of Steuben to Allegany, and the west part of Allegany to Genesee, [to form the east part of Cattaraugus,] and fixing the county site of Allegany to Angelica. Genesee county was divided into four counties, Genesee, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, and Niagara, the last named then including the present county of Erie. "One fact appears singular; in none of the petitions signed by residents of the present county of Chautauqua, was that name for the county solicited; but it was proposed only by the five landholders, none of them residing in or having any interest in the county. The name was most appropriate, and I apprehend the people were well satisfied with it. Chautauqua and Cattaraugus remain as established over half a century ago; Allegany nearly as then; Niagara, until 182I, when it was divided and Erie county erected; Genesee, until 182, when Monroe and Livingston were erected from Genesee and Ontario." In I806, a petition was presented to the legislature for the division of Genesee into four counties, by the names of Allegany, Cattaraugus, Niagara, and Genesee; Niagara and Cattaraugus to be organized by the name of Niagara in one year from the passing of the act; and Joseph Ellicott, Erastus Granger, and Jonas Williams, to be appointed commissioners to erect a' court-house and jail in said county. The petition also asked that the organization of Allegany and Cattaraugus might be suspended until they should contain a suitable number of inhabitants. The petitioners further prayed that the court-house and jail for Niagara should be erected on the easternmost public square in the village of New Amsterdam, or Buffalo; and that James W. Stevens, Philip Church, and William Rumsey be appointed commissioners to fix upon a site for a county town in Allegany; and that Joseph Ellicott, Erastus Granger, and Alexander Reed fix upon a county site for Cattaraugus. The petitioners also remonstrated against the granting of a petition, then in contemplation, for erecting a new county out of the western part of Ontario and the eastern part of Genesee. 112 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. The question naturally arises, why should the formation of so many new counties be asked for while their population was insufficient for an immediate organization? The reasons assigned in the petition are, that there is much contention among the inhabitants on the subject of dividing counties, and that future divisions, when the population becomes considerable, may prove a source of difficulty to the legislature, and "promote dissensions among those who may be interested in the establishment of the limits of counties;'" and "that in the present state of population of the county of Genesee, the bounds of future counties may be so judiciously established and limited in extent as to obviate the propriety of any future divisions;" and "that the longer the divisions are delayed, the more these difficulties will increase, and by a variety of contending interests the more injudiciously will the new counties be divided." There are said to have been about 750 signers to this petition, among whom were the following: Benj. Ellicott, Andrew A. Ellicott, James W. Stevens, Joseph Ellicott, Daniel B. Brown, Reuben Town, Asa McCracken, Trumbull Cary, David E. Evans, Abraham Dull, William Peacock, Josiah Babcock, Richard Smith, David McCracken, Seth Cole, John D. Weed, Elias Scofield, Filer Sacket, David Eaton, Louis Lacouteulx, Richard Stiles, Nathan Cary, Benj. Hutchins, Alanson Weed, William Bennett, Harry Ingerson, Joseph E. Dart, James Prendergast. There was no date to this petition, but it was probably presented to the legislature of i806, that being the year in which the county of Allegany was set off. Those whose names are in italics, were then residents of the present county of Chautauqua. March 2, I808, was presented to the legislature "the petition of the subscribers and landholders of the counties of Genesee and Allegany." They ask for a division of the part of Genesee county lying between Allegany county and the western boundary of the state of New York, into two counties, by the names of Chautauqua and Cattaraugus; and for authorizing the governor to appoint commissioners to fix sites for the public buildings of these two counties; and for organizing the counties of Niagara, Chautauqua, and Cattaraugus, together by the name of Niagara, and suspending the organization of Chautauqua and Cattaraugus until they should contain such number of inhabitants as should be deemed expedient. This, too, was without date; but was presented, as stated above, March 2, i808, signed by the five following named persons: Mather Warner, George Hosmer, Jabez Wilbur, James Wadsworth, Philip Church. Of these gentlemen, Messrs. Warner, Wadsworth and Hosmer, resided in Ontario county, and Mr. Church in Allegany. The reasons assigned for this division are in part the same as those offered in the former petition-to prevent contention and strife among future inhabitants as to the proper division of the territory. They also prayed for the annexation of the three western ranges of townships of Allegany to the ORGANIZATION OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. I13 territory designed to form the counties of Chautauqua and Cattaraugus; giving as a reason for this annexation, that, without this additional territory, there would not be sufficient for two counties. [It has been suspected that the chief object of changing the boundaries of Allegany was to secure the establishment of the county seat at Angelica.] Another petition, presumed also to have been presented in i808, from inhabitants of the counties of Steuben, Genesee and Allegany, prayed for the annexation of the western range of Steuben county to Allegany, and the 3d, 4th and 5th ranges of the Holland Purchase to Genesee, and for dividing Genesee into four counties: Cattaraugus, extending from Allegany county to the meridian line between the 9th and Ioth ranges of townships of the Holland Land Company's survey; Chautauqua, with its present bounds; Niagara, including the present counties of Niagara and Erie; and all the remaining part of Genesee to constitute the fourth county, retaining the original name of Genesee. The petition also'prays for the establishment of the county seat of Allegany at Angelica; that of Chautauqua at Mlayville; and that of Niagara at New Amsterdam, commonly called Buffalo; and further, that the contemplated county of Cattaraugus be continued organized with Allegany "as far as it respects taxation, courts of justice, voting for governor, members of the legislature and of congress," until the three counties of Niagara, Chautauqua and Cattaraugus, should be organized together as one county by the name of Niagara. Signed by Asa Ransom, Trumbull Cary, Peter Powers, Thomas Prendergast, Jonas Williams, William Peacock, Richard Smith, Asa Spear, Henry Wilson, E. Cary, Emory Blodgett, Andrew A. Ellicott, Benj. Ellicott, Joseph Ellicott, John Mack, David E. Evans, James W. Stevens, and others-in all, 56 names. The act of i808 provided that Cattaraugus and Chautauqua should act in conjunction with Niagara until they should respectively contain 500 taxable inhabitants. It having been ascertained from the assessment rolls of T8Io, at the meeting of the board of supervisors, that Chautauqua county contained 500 voters for members of assembly, the county was fully organized in 1811, by the appointment of county officers on the 9th day of February, i8II, by the council of appointment, consisting of the governor and four senators, one from each of the four senate districts into which the state was then divided. This council had the power of appointing all county officers, including justices of the peace. The governor was then Daniel D. Tompkins, and the four senators were Benjamin Coe, James W. Wilkin, John McLean, Philetus Swift. First Judge-Zattu Cushing. Associate Judges-Matthew Prendergast, Philo Orton, Jonathan Thompson, William Alexander. Assistant Justices-Henry Abell, William Gould, John Dexter, Abiram. Orton. Justices of the Peace-Jeremiah Potter, John Silsbee, Abijah Bennett, Asa Spear, Justus Hinman, Benjamin Barrett, Daniel Pratt, Selah Pickett. Clerk-John E. Marshall. Sheriff-David Eason. Surrogate-Squire White. Coroners-Daniel G. Gould, Philo Hopson. 8 I 14 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. The act of i808 erecting the counties of Chautauqua and Cattaraugus, required the governor to appoint three commissioners to fix on county sites in these counties, and file their decision in the clerk's office of Niagara county, then at Buffalo. Deeds of land also were to be recorded there until after the complete organization of this county, which took place in I8I1. The commissioners appointed to locate the county sites, were Isaac Sutherland, Jonas Williams, and Asa Ransom. The act also required the supervisors of each county to raise the sum of one thousand five hundred dollars for erecting and completing a court-house and jail. A contract was accordingly made with Winsor Brigham to build a court-house and jail of wood. And the house of John Scott, in the village of Mayville, was designated as the place for holding courts until the court-house should be completed. The first court-house in the county was a two-story frame building, built between 181 and i 85, the war having retarded its completion. The June term of the court in 1814 was held in the unfinished building, but not the fall and winter terms. In i815 the building was finished and occupied. The lower story contained three prison cells-two for criminals and one for debtors. In front of these, and divided from them by a narrow hall, was the dwelling part for the jailor and his family. The upper story was for court and jury rooms, etc. In 1832, the prison rooms being deemed too contracted, and having become dilapidated and unsafe for the detention of prisoners, the legislature required the supervisors to provide for the erection of a new jail. They had been authorized the preceding year to do so; but, notwithstanding it had been presented by the grand jtry as a nuisance, they refused to provide for building another. Hence the necessity, next year, of a law requiring them to do so; and even then the appropriation was made by a majority of two only. The sum first appropriated by the law of 1832, was $3,500, in three annual installments, the last of which would become due in 1834, when the supervisors were required to raise $1,500 more for its completion. In I834, on the petition of many citizens, an act was passed directing the building of a new court-house. It is not strange that county buildings costing but $I,500, were, after a lapse of more than twenty years, insufficient for the various county purposes. The commissioners appointed by the act to contract for and superintend the erection of the court-house, were Thomas B. Campbell, Wm. Peacock, and Martin Prendergast. The supervisors were required to assess and collect therefor $5,000 in five annual installments commencing in I837. This time was fixed in order to allow the jail installments to be fully paid before additional taxes were imposed. The money for building was loaned to the county by the state, at 6 per cent. interest, the first installment to be paid the Ist of March, 1838. The commissioners contracted with Benj. Rathbun, of Buffalo, for erecting the exterior of the building. The work was done the same summer, and was accepted by the commissioners. The plan was submitted to the board of supervisors in 1834, and a committee was appointed, with instructions to C,, "~~~~ I~- J-::: o-5 1/111 o:~:-,i -.. ~ -~::::_!i'!: ii i i~ ~~~~~~ -e s~~~~~~~~~~~~?' ii, ORGANIZATION OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. 115 report to the board at the next meeting. At an adjourned session held the next month, [Dec., I834,] the committee reported resolutions, declaring that all the money borrowed had been expended on the exterior of the building; disapproving the acts of the commissioners as tending to burden the county with a heavy expense for a larger and more costly building than was needed, with the-purpose of advancing the interests of Mayville at the expense of the county; and asking the legislature to remove Wm. Peacock and Martin Prendergast, and appoint Elial T. Foote and Leverett Barker as commissioners in their stead. The report was accepted. The action of the next legislature upon the subject was the passage of a law requiring the raising of an additional sum of $4,000 to complete the building, in four'annual installments, beginning with the year I837; and authorizing the comptroller to loan it as before. And instead of removing the two commissioners, Elial T. Foote, of Ellicott, and Leverett Barker, of Pomfret, were appointed additional commissioners. With this appropriation the building was completed, and the five commissioners were discharged. DIVISIONS OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. This county, at the time of its formation in i808, embraced but the single town of Chautuaqua. The town of Pomfret was at the same time formed from the town of Chautauqua, and embraced the two eastern ranges of townships, [io and 11,] and the present towns of Pomfret and Dunkirk. There was no further subdivision until after the complete organization of the county in 18iI. In 1812, Ellicott was formed from Pomfret, and embraced townships I and 2 in ranges io and I. Gerry was formed from Pomfret, and embraced the present towns of Gerry, Ellington, Cherry Creek, and Charlotte; and Hanover, embracing the present towns of Hanover, Villenova, and a part of Sheridan. In 18I3, Portland was formed from Chautauqua, and comprised the present towns of Portland, Westfield, and Ripley. In 1816, Harmony was formed from Chautauqua, and comprised townships i, in ranges I2 and 13, and all of townships 2, in the same ranges, lying south and west of Chautauqua lake. In 1817, Ripley was formed from Portland, extending from Chautauqua creek to the state line. In 1821, Clymer was formed, comprising the present towns of Clymer, Sherman, Mina, and French Creek. Stockton was formed from Chautauqua, and comprised township 4, range I2, and a tier of lots from township 4, range 13. Ellery was formed from Chautauqua, comprising township 3, range 12, all of township 2 lying north of the lake, and a few lots on the west from township 3, range 13. In i85o, 12 lots from Ellery were annexed to Stockton. In i823, Busti was formed from Ellicott and Harmony, comprising parts of townships i, in ranges i and I2. Villenova was taken from Hanover, 116 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. comprising township 5, range io, and a part of the present town of Arkwright. In -I824, Ellington was formed from Gerry, and comprised townships 3 and 4, in range Io; and Mina from Clymer, comprising the present towns of Mina and Sherman. In 1825, Carroll was formed from Ellicott, and comprised township i, range Io, and part of township i, range i, now Kiantone. In 1827, Sheridan was formed from Pomfret and Hanover, and comprises township 6 of range i, except 4 lots in the south-east corner, which remain attached to Hanover. In I829, Arkwright was formed from Pomfret and Villenova. A part of Pomfret was annexed in 1830. Charlotte was taken from Gerry, comprising township 4, range 12; Cherry Creek from Ellington; French Creek from Clymer; and Westfield from Portland and Ripley. In I832, Poland was formed from Ellicott, and lies on the east border of the county, and comprises township 2, range o1. Sherman was formed the same year from Mina, township 2, range 14. In I853, Kiantone was formed from Carroll. In 1859, Dunkirk was formed from Pomfret. EARLY ROADS. OLD PORTAGE ROAD. THAT a portage road was constructed between Lake Erie and the head of Chautauqua lake, prior to the settlement of this county, has been generally conceded; but when or by whom it was opened has, until a comparatively late period, been an unsettled question. The route of this road is described in the following letter from Col. Wm. Bell, of the town of Westfield, to Judge Foote: "WESTFIELD, March 29, 187I. " Hon. ELIAL T. FOOTE: In answer to your letter inquiring about the route of the old French road from Lake Erie to Chautauqua lake, I will say, that I came to what is now Westfield, in August, I802. My father, Arthur Bell, came from Pennsylvania, with a part of the family in'dug-out canoes,' up the Allegany and Connewango rivers, and the Chautauqua outlet and lake, to the present steamboat landing at Mayville, while I came through the woods from the Allegany river to Erie, and thence to Westfield, with some cattle and horses. And when the family arrived at the head of the lake, I went there to meet them; and the goods were'packed' over to the farm that my father had taken up when he was here in the spring, on the'main road,' about three miles west of Westfield village. "In 1802, there were the remains of a stone chimney standing near the shore of Lake Erie, a little west of the mouth of Chautauqua creek, that was said to have been built by the French. A road was cut out from that point on Lake Erie, crossing the present Erie road near the old' McHenry tavern,' EARLY ROADS. I 17 where the historical monument now stands, and crossing the west branch of Chautauqua creek about Ioo rods above where the woolen factory of Lester Stone now stands, and from there to a point near the former residence of Gervis Foot, or late residence of Mrs. Rumsey, and from there to Chautauqua lake, on or near the line of the present traveled road. " I remember very well, when I was quite a young lad, of driving a team to draw salt over this old French road from Lake Erie to Chautauqua lake; and from the appearance of the road, it must have been cut out a good many years before I passed over it. " My father settled on part of lot 3, township 4, range I4, of the Holland Land Company's survey; and after the death of my father, I resided on the same farm till within the last few years. "Respectfully yours, WILLIAM BELL." The question as to the time when and by whom the road was constructed, appears to have been satisfactorily answered by Judge Foote, through the Fredonia Censor. His letter is dated February Io, I871. He first notices the traditionary statement that in I782 an army of 300 British and 500 Indians, with I2 pieces of artillery, spent the months of June and July around Chautauqua lake, preparatory to floating down the Connewango and Allegany rivers to attack Fort Pitt. And it was stated that " the British left a four-pounder on the shores of Chautauqua lake, from I782 to 1784." These statements were founded on tradition, said to be from a copy of a letter from Gen. Irvine to Gen. Washington. In reference to this the Judge says: " I have searched the libraries of historical societies in vain for proof of a British army having been encamped about Chautauqua lake. It was only eighteen years from the time the British army is said to have encamped on the lake to the commencement of the settlement of the county, and less than that when the lake shores were traversed by the surveyors; but I have never been able to find any one who had seen any evidence of such an encampment on that lake." On the subject of the portage road, he says: " We have, however, I think, reliable information relative to the opening of a portage road from the mouth of Chautauqua creek, on Lake Erie, to the head of Chautauqua lake, about i i8 years ago, by the French. The evidence is derived from an affidavit made by Stephen Coffin, an American who was taken prisoner by the French and Indians, and finally enlisted in the French army, and was with the armyrvhen the portage road was opened. I will give a brief of the affidavit taken before Sir William Johnson, in January, 1754. There is corroborative testimony of the material facts developed in the affidavit." [The substance of this affidavit has been given in Mr. Edson's Historical Sketch, p. 38.] ROAD FROM PENNSYLVANIA TO CHAUTAUQUA LAKE. The first road from Pennsylvania to Chautauqua lake, at what was afterwards called " Miles' Landing," was opened at a very early date. One of the party who performed the labor was Robert Miles, who certified to the following description: " The road commenced at my father's in the present town of Sugar Grove, 118 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. near where Frederick Miles now lives, and passed a little east of where the senior Devereaux first settled in Busti, and over the hills, and near where Josiah Palmeter lives, and also near where Samuel Griffith settled; and crossed the present Jamestown and Mayville road, on the west side of the lake, a little west of where sheriff Judson Southland now resides, and came to the lake at the mouth of the, little creek on the lake shore at Uriah Bentley's. The road was used for many years for the people of Pennsylvania to go to Chautauqua lake, and for the first settlers on the lake to go to Pennsylvania for provisions, etc. The Mileses made a large canoe on the hill westerly of where Devereaux settled, out of a pine tree, and drew it over the road to Chautauqua lake; and the hill where the canoe was made was called by the early settlers "canoe tree hill." The road was opened about i805. There were a few settlers in Warren county, Pa., before there were any in Chautauqua county; and the early settlers about Chautauqua lake not unfrequently went to Pennsylvania for seed potatoes, oats, wheat, etc., and for cows, hogs, etc., when commencing in the woods. My father helped build the first log house at Mayville, near the present steamboat landing, (before McIntyre came there,) for a man by the name of Sherman. Robt. Miles, Sr., died in I8Io, aged 57, near the present village of Sugar Grove, on the farm now owned by my brother Frederick. ROBERT MILES." MAYVILLE AND CATTARAUGUS ROAD. In 1813, the Holland Land Company made a survey of a road from Mayville easterly to Ischua, Cattaraugus county, a distance of 60 miles, and cut out, bridged, and made it passable to Love's, one mile south of Sinclairville. From that place to its eastern terminus, the country was an entire forest, with the exception of the opening at Bentley's on the Connewango. In May, I814, Capt. Anson Leet, Henry Walker, Bela Todd, Dexter Barnes, Henry Barnhart, Oliver Cleland, Nathan Cleland, and a few others, most or all from what is now Stockton, were employed by the Company to construct the remaining part of the road. Capt. Leet, eminently qualified for the task, was chief command, and John West was chief cook. A good movable tent aind utensils, and all necessary fixtures for encamping, were provided. Several yoke of oxen were used by them in removing heavy fallen timber and building bridges, etc.; and three cows with their calves were taken to aid the boarding department. The calves were tied by straps to small trees; and herdmen know tl]t, unless compelled, cows will not go far from their young; hence they were useful in keeping all their cattle within hearing of the bells strapped on the necks of some of the oxen. The cows would not generally go within reach of their calves when fastened closely to the trees; and the calves seldom received more than their proper share of food; but if opportunity presented, they would, like some of our late congressmen, appropriate to themselves a luscious supply of "back pay." Pasturage at that season of the year was abundant: nature covered the ground with beautiful foliage, of which only the early settlers have proper conceptions. From the length of the road and the time taken to do it, they could only-remove the fallen trees, cut away the bushes and small timber, and grade the knolls. There were many streams to be bridged, marshes EARLY MAILS AND MAIL ROUTES. 119 requiring corduroy road; and as black ash timber was plenty and easily worked, the Land Company allowed it to be split into rails and covered with dirt, the bridges being built with logs and poles. This party consisted of men in the strength and vigor of early manhood, and had, on the 4th of July, reached what was then by survey the village of Ellicottvil.le in embryo. Though distant from home and society and the church-going bell, they had observed their sabbaths as days of rest, if not of worship. War was raging between our country and England; and the distant rumble of cannon from Buffalo and the lake aroused their patriotism; and they resolved to celebrate the Fourth. Dexter Barnes was orator; Deacon Walker, chaplain; and Henry Barnhart, with associates, were to make all the military demonstrations at their command. Of course the speech of the orator was brief, but it was characteristic of one who was full of life and hope. The prayer was from one whose piety was undoubted, but not offensive. Like a Christian patriot he remembered his country then in a sanguinary struggle with a formidable foe for the rights of her citizens. He remembered home and friends, and prayed that a religious influence might ever characterize the place they then consecrated. The party thence worked onward to Ischua, which place they reached late in September, and then in company returned home. Having faithfully discharged their trust, they went to the office, where they received the congratulations of their faithful friend, Mr. Peacock, as also their full pay. The honored agent is still living, [October, I875,] as are Mr. West, Mr. Barnhart, Mr. O. Cleland, and Mr. N. Cleland. EARLY MAILS AND MAIL ROUTES. IN consequence of the burning of a portion of the records of the General Post-Office at Washington, in the war of I812, the history of the early mail routes and post-offices in this part of the country is not easily obtained. It has been ascertained, however, that a post-office was established at Buffalo, by the name of Buffalo Creek, as a private office, (not then on any mail route,) in the latter part of the year i804, and that Erastus Granger was appointed postmaster. He received the income of the office as a compensation for carrying the mail to and from the Niagara post-office. The nearest offices were at Batavia, Niagara, and Erie, Penn. Mr. Granger held the office until I8I8, when he was superseded by Julius Guiteau. Stephen Bates, of Canandaigua, was contractor in I80I-2-3, for carrying the mail west once in two weeks. At or before this contract closed, the mail route had been extended to Niagara. In I804, Baker and Seeley became contractors, and continued such until Oct. i, i805, the mail being carried once in two weeks by John Metcalf, of Canandaigua, sub-contractor. In I805, Gideon Granger being postmaster-general, the route was extended 120 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. to Buffalo Creek, and an additional $100 a year was allowed Metcalf, who himself, in July of this year, took the contract at the rate of $550 a year, to commence the ist of October. By the terms of this contract, he was required, in going to liagara, to transport the mail, once in two weeks, by the way of New Amsterdam, [the Holland Company's name for Buffalo;] but in returning omitted Buffalo, pursuing his old route from Niagara to Canandaigua, by the way of Cold Spring and Batavia. The first returns from the Buffalo Creek post-office, made July I, i805, about 7 months from its establishment, showed a balance due the general government of $ 1.84. The first stage from Canandaigua to Buffalo was run. by Metcalf in I807. He applied to the legislature for the exclusive privilege. A committee reported favorably. The line from Albany running only to Canandaigua, travelers were there left, liable to long detention or to imposition in hiring carriages to take them on. Hence the committee concluded "that the prayer of the petitioner be granted," and reported a bill which was passed without opposition, in April, I807. All other persons were prohibited from running carriages for hire, under a penalty of $500. Metcalf was to keep three wagons and three stage sleighs, and the requisite number of horses. The fare was not to exceed 6 cents a mile for a passage and 14 pounds of baggage; and every additional 150 pounds weight of baggage was to be charged 6 cents a mile, or in that proportion. The stages were to run regularly on stated days; and from the ist day of July to the ist day of October, the route was to be performed at least once a week, except in cases of unavoidable accidents. Only seven passengers were to be taken in a stage at one time, unless by their unanimous consent. If a greater number applied, an extra carriage for four passengers was to be sent. The stages then run from Albany to Canandaigua twice a week; and the distance was made from place to place in four days. The post-office at Erie was established about the year I798, at the termination of a two weeks' mail route from Pittsburgh to Erie. The quarterly returns for April, I805, showed a balance due the general government of $16.28. Previous to I806, the few settlers in Chautauqua county were dependent for mail facilities on the post-offices at Erie and Buffalo. In 1805, a post route was established between the Buffalo Creek and Erie, then called Presque Isle, [pronounced in French, Presk Ele,] John Metcalf being contractor; the mail to be carried once in two weeks, and to commence in the forepart of i806. The mail, it is said, was carried by a footman, at first, in a pocket handkerchief, afterwards in a hand mail-bag. The first post-office in Chautauqua county was established May 6, 1806, in the present town of Westfield; James McMahan, postmaster; the name of the office, Chautauqua. It was kept on the west side of the creek, at the old Cross Roads. Col. McMahan held the office until i818, when it was removed to the east side of the creek, and Fenn Demming was appointed postmaster. The second post-office in the county was the Canadaway post-office, EARLY MAILS AND MAIL ROUTES. 121 established June 18, I706, near the center of the present town of Sheridan, about 4 miles east of Fredonia; postmaster, Orsamus Holmes, a soldier of the Revolution, and a pioneer settler of the county. The town of Chautauqua, in the county of Genesee, then composed all the territory subsequently constituting the present county of Chautauqua, except the towns in range io, which were annexed in the formation of the county in 1804. For some years, these two were the only post-offices in the county; and this mail route was the only one in the county for about ten years. From Oct. I, 1807, to Oct. I, 1809, on contract with Edward Fetherly, postmaster at Jefferson, Ohio, the mail was carried on horseback from Erie to New Amsterdam, [Buffalo,] once in two weeks, for $140 per annum. The third post-office in the county was the Pomfret office, established May 6, 1809, where Fredonia now is, then called Canadaway; Samuel Berry, postmaster. Previously to the organization of Pomfret, in i808, embracing ranges Io and ii, and two townships of range I2, an indefinite portion of the county about the Canadaway village and post-office was, in I817, changed to Fredonia. Jacob Houghton, an early lawyer from Rensselaer county, was appointed postmaster of Pomfret, August 19, 1813. Having removed to Mayville, he was succeeded, in 1816, by Mosely W. Abell, from Buffalo in 1814. The office was kept in the inn of Mosely W. and Thomas G. Abell, on the present site of the Taylor House. This became one of the principal stage-houses between Buffalo and Erie. The balance due the general post-office for the first quarter of this year, [April i, I817,] was $68.37, at that time the largest amount returned from any office in the county. The names of those who have since held the office are Orrin McCluer, (six years,) Charles J. Orton, son of Judge Philo Orton, John Z. Saxton, Ebenezer A. Lester, Daniel Douglas, Levi L. Pratt, editor and printer, June I, I849; 0. W. Johnson, July 20, 1853; Lorenzo Morris, May 15, I855; Charles J. Orton, April 17, I86i; Willard McKinstry, printer, July I, 1862; Melvin H. Taylor, 1871. John Gray, postmaster, of Erie, contracted to carry the mail on horseback, once in two weeks, from Buffalo to Cleveland, from October, 181I, to December, 1814, for $950 a year. [Postmasters were not then, as now, prohibited from being contractors.] By an act of Congress, the postmaster-general was required to furnish mail facilities to the seat of justice in every county. Chautauqua county having become fully organized in 18I 1, Mayville became entitled to a post-office,which was established July I, 812, and Casper Rouse, who transported the mail to and from Chautauqua, [old Cross Roads,] for a number of years, for the emoluments of the office, was appointed postmaster. Mr. Rouse died December 25, 1812, less than six months from the date of his appointment. Anselm Potter was appointed to succeed Mr. Rouse, but declining the office, Charles B. Rouse was appointed, February 12, I8i3. The office has since been held by George McGonagle, appointed November i, i8I6; Jedediah Tracy, May 29, I819; Jesse Brooks, July i, I834; Russell Sackett, 1841; Col. E. W. 122 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Taylor, in 1845; Stephen A. Beavis, in I849; Jesse Brooks, in 1853; Waite J. Stevens, i866; Egbert Denton, I867. For six years prior to the ist of January, I8I7, nearly the entire population of the county south of " the ridge," received and sent their mail matter at the Mayville post-office, some of the inhabitants residing at a distance of thirty miles. People from every neighborhood frequently visiting the landoffice, attending courts, and transacting business, the settlers had frequent opportunities of sending for their letters and papers. Many letters from their friends at the East, were brought by immigrants. Cattaraugus post-office, at the ferry across Cattaraugus creek, on the Buffalo and Erie road, was established, June i, 1812, Foster Young, postmaster. He was succeeded by John Mack, innkeeper, July 28, I8I4. [Office discontinued December 4, i817.] Burgettstown post-office was established at the site of the present village of North-east, Pa., in May, 1812, Andrew Stevenson, postmaster. Balance due the general post-office the first quarter, $3.20. When, after war' was declared against England, it became necessary to send dispatches through the country with greater rapidity, the mail between Albany and Buffalo was required to be carried at the rate of Ioo miles in twenty-four hours; and the postmaster at Buffalo was directed to dispatch an express mail, twice a week, from Buffalo to Cleveland, "to go and return as soon as the roads would permit." In 1813, the government established an express by riders on horseback, by way of Carlisle and Williamsport, Pa., and Bath and Dansville, N. Y., to Buffalo, "to pass over the route in four days and eighteen hours." The term " express," applied to anything moving at this rate at the present day, would sound very strange. Richard Williams, a pioneer settler and innkeeper of Portland, was a subcontractor, under Gray, to carry the mail from Buffalo to Erie on horseback. This service was mostly performed by his son, Abner Williams, until Com. Perry's fleet sailed from Erie to attack the British fleet on the lake, when young Williams volunteered on board the Lawrence, and was killed in the action on the ioth of September, I813. Richard Williams, while carrying the mail, once arrived with it from Erie, sick. His wife, Sophia Williams, took the mail, and set out on horseback for Buffalo. It was in the time of the spring freshet when the streams were swollen far beyond their usual limits. She swam her horse across the Cattaraugus, the Eighteen Mile, and the Buffalo creeks, holding the mail above the water, and delivered it at Buffalo in time. She also occasionally rode the mail horse between Buffalo and Erie when her husband and the sons were hurried on the farm. In I8I4, Richard Williams contracted to carry the mail from Buffalo to Erie, by the way of Mayville, on horseback, once a week, for $650 a year, from January i, i815, to January i, 1818. In i816 was established a mail route from Meadville, Pa., by way of the forks of Oil creek, Warren, and the outlet of Chautauqua lake, to Mayville, once a week, on horseback, for three years, at $420 a year. EARLY MAILS AND MAIL ROUTES. 123 Jamestown post-office was established December I3, i8i6, and Judge James Prendergast, a pioneer settler, appointed postmaster. The office was kept in the store of J. & M. Prendergast, the first store erected in the village, at the north-west corner of Main and First streets, since occupied by the building of Dascum Allen. The balance due the general post-office at the end of the first quarter, April I, 1817, $5.54. Judge Prendergast was'succeeded by Dr. Laban Hazeltine, October 24, 1824, who was succeeded, June 13, I829, by Elial T. Foote, the first settled physician in Jamestown, who held the office twelve years, and who was the first postmaster in the county that introduced letter-boxes for individuals, commencing with eighty boxes in 1829. No rent was charged for the boxes during his official term, and for several years after. He also used the first engraved letter stamps in the county. Alvin Plumb, an early merchant of Jamestown, was appointed, June 8, 1841. Having been elected county clerk; he resigned, and was succeeded by Joseph Kenyon, December 5, I843. He was a druggist at Jamestown, and an early pioneer in Sheridan. He was succeeded by Franklin H.,Wait, October 4, I844; Eliphalet L. Tinker, an early settler and merchant in Westfield, was appointed October i, I848; Smith Seymour, July i, I849; Rufus Pier, a hatter and an early resident, July i, 1853; Charles L. Harris, July i, 1858,' Robert V. Cunningham, July io, I86I; Abner Hazeltine, Jr., i866; John T. Wilson, I867; A. Hazeltine, Jr., I868; Henry J. Yates, 1871, (perhaps earlier;) Alex. M. Clark, 1874. Hanover post-office was established in the town of Hanover, at a place afterwards called Kensington, in the present town of Sheridan, on the Buffalo and Erie mail route, about 5 miles from Silver Creek, and 3 miles from Forestville, Dec. 7, i8i6, and Wm. Holbrook, an early merchant, appointed postmaster. Having resigned and removed to Walnut Creek, now Forestville, Asa Pierce, an early settler, was appointed in 1822. He, with the aid of his neighbors, procured a change of the name of the office to Kensington, the name of the intended village at that place. Mr. P. was for many years an innkeeper in different parts of the county, and died at Fredonia in I844, aged 63 years. In 1823, a post route was established from Perry, Genesee county, through Perrysburg, Nashville, and Forestville to Fredonia, the mail to be carried on horseback, once in two weeks. A post-office named Hanover, was established at Forestville, May I5, 1823, Albert H. Camp, postmaster. Unfortunately for the inhabitants around Kensington, the name of Hanover drew to Forestville nearly all the mail designed for them; and the name of Hanover post-office was changed to Forestville, Oct. I5, 1823. On the 22d of March, 1824, it was again changed to Hanover; and in 1853 it again took the present name of Forestville. Amount due the general post-office for the quarter ending July I, I823, $5.73; for the quarter ending July i, I825, $17.97. For several years a mail was carried, by consent of the postmastergeneral, between Forestville and Kensington, as often as the mail passed on the Erie road. Mr. Camp having resigned the office, Wm. S. Snow, a printer, 124 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. and son of Seth Show, a pioneer from Massachusetts, was appointed. The names of those who have since held the office, are Ernest Mullett, John Morrison, Ira A. Torrey, Nedebiah Angell, Benajah Tubbs, James H. Phelps, B. Tubbs, (2d appointment,) Orrin Morrison, Cyrus D. Angell, Horace Burgess, Walter G. Griswold. Present postmaster, Horace Burgess. The mail contract from Meadville was renewed in I819, the mail to be carried weekly on horseback, by way of Forks of Oil Creek, Brokenstraw, Youngsville, Warren, Fairbank, and Jamestown; and to this route was added the route between Mayville and Westfield, which had been included in the Buffalo and Erie contract. In 1823, Capt. Gilbert Ballard started a stage-wagon running once a week on the east side of the lake from Jamestown to Mayville, going and returning the same day. In 1824, the weekly was changed to a tri-weekly route; and the mail was carried three times a week, the postmaster-general allowing $200 for the service. Subsequently the line became a daily mail stage line of post-coaches, running alternately on the east and west side of the lake. And later, the mail was carried on the lake by steamboats in the summer. Dunkirk post-office was established as a private office, in February, 18I8, Elisha Doty, postmaster, who received the avails of the office for the transmission of the mail to and from Fredonia. There have been sifce appointed, Dr. Ezra Williams, a pioneer physician from Oneida county, June 3, 1822; Adam Fink, Dec. i6, 1833; Wm. L. Carpenter, a publisher of the Dinkirk Beacon, in 1841; Lysander B. Brown, a lawyer, in I844; George B. Stockton, in I852; Patrick Barrett, in I856, who died in the war in 1862; Richard L. Cary, in April, i861; Sidney L. Wilson, I867; Lee L. Hyde, 1871. Westfield post-office was established June I5, i818, Fenn Demming, postmaster, virtually superseding the old Chautauqua office, the first in the county. Demming had been a surgeon in the war of I812, and opened the first drug store in Westfield. Orvis Nichols was appointed in February, I833; Calvin Rumsey in I840; Wm. Sexton a few months later, and in I843 superseded by Orvis Nichols, who was in turn superseded by Mr. Sexton. In 1853, Hiram W. Beers, a Methodist minister, was appointed, and in about a year was succeeded by Dr. Marcellus Kenyon. David Mann, a former district-attorney, was appointed in 1855; Byron Hall in 1861; Fred. C. Barger, I865; Wm. E. Wheeler, I867; Clara U. Drake, I871. Portland post-office was established December 7, 1818, Calvin Barns, postmaster. He was a pioneer settler, a soldier of the Revolution and in the war of I8I2, and was wounded at the battle of Buffalo, December, I 83. The office was then at his farm, afterwards owned by Hiram and Joshua West, about six miles east of Westfield. The town then extended west to Chautauqua creek. The present Portland post-office is on the Erie road, i miles west from Brocton. Elijah Blaisdell carried the mail on contract from Buffalo to Erie, by way of Mayville, at the rate of $736 a year, for three years from January I, 1818. The route was finally extended from Buffalo to Lewiston, for the additional EARLY MAILS AND MAIL ROUTES. 125 sum of $I50. Blaisdell having made a default in the fulfillment of his contract, Richard Williams, innkeeper, of Portland, was employed to carry the mail from Buffalo, by way of Mayville, to Erie. In 1820, Col. Nathaniel Bird, a soldier of the Revolution, who settled in Westfield in 1815, contracted to carry the mail once a week, on horseback, from Buffalo to Erie, not by way of Mayville, from January i, I82I. The people of Mayville being dissatisfied, Mayville was restored to its place in the route; and the carrier was allowed $50 additional compensation. Col. Bird commenced the running of mail stages on this route. The weekly stages were a great accommodation to the public; but the road, for miles east of Cattaraugus creek, was for many years extremely bad-sometimes almost impassable, except when frozen-and passengers were often compelled to go on foot. The stages were ordinary two-horse wagons, with canvas covering, and seats on wooden springs along the inside of the box, with cushions and low backs. To carry the mail through in the stipulated time, it became necessary at times to forward it on horseback. There was no bridge on the stage route over the Buffalo, Eighteen Mile, or Cattaraugus creek. The "four-mile woods," Cattaraugus creek, and Cash's tavern in the present town of Brant, were the dread of all travelers in carriages. Many a traveler with a team has been compelled to employ a man with a ydke of oxen to assist in dragging the wagon through the mud, the women and children walking over the road. At the commencement of 1823, Col. Bird, associated with a Mr. Marvin, of Buffalo, commenced running his stage-wagons twice a week; the postmaster-general having added $200 to his compensation, making it $750 for transportation of the semi-weekly mail. By the exertions of Col. Bird, the erection of toll bridges over the Buffalo, Eighteen Mile, and Cattaraugus creeks was hastened. In 1824, Col. Bird associated with him his son, Ira R. Bird, of Westfield, and others, and in 182'6 commenced running a daily stage, post-coaches being run on portions of the route. An opposition line, called the Buffalo and Erie Union Line, was put on this road by Walter Smith and others. In February, 1825, the toll bridge over Eighteen Mile creek fell a few minutes after the mail stage had crossed it. In May, 1826, the Union Stage Company, of which Alanson Holmes was agent, established a tri-weekly line of stages between Buffalo and Erie, by way of Hamburgh, Eden, Collins, Lodi, (now Gowanda,) Perrysburgh, Forestville and Fredonia, to Erie. Fare $3, and four cents a mile for way passengers. In February, I826, Obed Edson and Harry Eaton established a semiweekly line of stages between Fredonia and Jamestown, which they soon extended to Dunkirk and Warren, Pa. Capt. Ballard soon after commenced running his stages between Jamestown and Mayville, except Sundays, making a daily line between Jamestown and Westfield. Post-coaches were first run regularly on the entire route between Buffalo 126 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. and Erie, with the daily mail, early in 1829, by Rufus S. Reed, of Erie, Thomas G. Abell, of Fredonia, and Bela D. Coe, of Buffalo. Col. Bird sold out his interest in the stages about this time, having reached the age of 76. He died in Hamburgh, N. Y., in I847, aged 84. In the spring of 1827, an arrangement was made between the proprietors of the "Pioneer" steamboat running from Buffalo to Erie and those of the daily stages, by which the former was to take passengers to and from Buffalo and Dunkirk, making connection with the stage lines. Passengers would then leave by the evening boat, and avoid the bad roads between Buffalo and CattarauguS, and a sea-sick voyage on. the lake. POLICY OF THE HOLLAND LAND COMPANY. PRICE OF LAND, AND TERMS OF SALE. THE policy of the Holland Company in the disposal of their lands, and the effects of that policy upon the interests of the Company and of the settlers respectively, have been a theme of frequent discussion. Although nearly forty years have elapsed since the relation between the Company and the settlers ceased, yet, as an important item of past history, the subject is entitled to a notice in this work. The price paid for the lands by the Company, we are informed, was 32 cents per acre. The price at which the early sales were made, was about $2, being varied, more or less, by the location and the quantity sold. The books of the company show the price in this county to have been about $2.50 an acre. This price, after deducting the cost of surveys, and the expenses of the land-offices, would seem to have left to the Company a large profit. Yet the opinion has extensively prevailed, that cash sales at what is usually termed the "government price," would have been better for the Company. It has often been remarked, that by holding the lands at the high credit prices, eastern emigrants having money were attracted to the Western states, across the Holland Purchase, to get cheap lands, thus retarding the settlement of the Purchase, and leaving its lands to be occupied by the poorer class of emigrants. But many are not aware that the price of the public lands, at the time when the Holland Company commenced their sales, was about the same as the price of lands on the Purchase. The common price of government lands in western states was $2. A person could enter a quarter-section, [i60 acres,] by paying down $80; the remainder to be paid in sums of $80 yearly. If the whole were not paid in five years, the claim was forfeited. The land was not liable to taxation before the expiration of five years. As Congress sold to no person less than a quarter-section, poor men joined in the purchase, and divided the land. During the period of general depression and bank suspensions that succeeded the war of I812, ..........:::::~j i:::: I ii: li li- lii-liiiiil~i ii~iiiiiiaia...............:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.....................::i i:::::::::::::::::::::::::............................................ii:~:::' ~ ~,l-ii~i ii j::: i:_i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~........................................... i:~:-:~:~3: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~...............::::::::::::::::::::::::i:::::":~~~~~~.........................................................:::::::i....................................... -'-iiliiiii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~....................................:: ii- iiiiiiliiii~~~~~~~ii ~ ~ ~ ~ ~jii~~i i i~~i i i i i i iiiii~~~................ ii i~~~~~i i~~~iii i~~~~~i iS -i~~~~~~iii l~~~~:................. -:'i::""IL Z i:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~............. ~i~~~~~~i ii~~~~~~~~iiinliii ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~............................~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~::::::::::::::::.........................iii.............:::::::::::::..........~~~~~~~~~~~~iciiliill:~ii:iiiil~IiI~ii - - - -- -....................................................................................................................1Sa POLICY OF THE HOLLAND LAND COMPANY. 127 many were unable to make further payments, and forfeited their lands. But for the relief of such, Congress passed an act making the certificate of entrance receivable on the land it covered. By a later act, the price was reduced to $I.25 per acre, cash. Another act allowed the division of quartersections into lots of 80 acres; so that, with a certificate of the payment of $80, and $20 in cash, a person could buy 80 acres. Still some, unable to raise the $20, lost their lands. It appears, therefore, that, not until several years after the war of 1812, which closed in i815, did emigrants find more favorable terms of purchase in the Western states. The books of the Holland Company show remarkably slow progress of payment by purchasers of lands. A large portion of them must have forfeited their claims. It appears that, at the expiration of ten years, those who had paid little or nothing, were charged with "increase of purchase money," which'was a sum added to the sum remaining unpaid. To what extent this was done in this county does not appear, as many of the older books were destroyed at Mayville by the memorable conflagration at that place, in I836. The increase charged was, in many instances, nearly equal to, and in a few even greater than the sum due on the contract. For example: In Wyoming county, G. T. J. was charged April i, I8o6, "To 2 lots, 728 acres, $I,456," being $2 per acre, only $io having, been paid down. At the end of io years, he was charged " To Increase, $1,648," making the sum of $3,104; and the land was bought in parts by six different purchasers, who took new articles. Another, whose unpaid balance was $6 5, was charged " To Increase, $642," and articles were given to three new purchasers, charged with $1,257. In Chautauqua county, Eleazar Crocker was charged, Sept. 3, i808, for land, $225, on which $12 were soon after paid, and on the 4th of September, 1818, $157.50 was added as increase of purchase money. Jonas Seaman, charged Jan. 13, I8io, for land, $435, of which there remained unpaid, $391.25, was charged Jan. 14, I820, as increase, $28I.I4, and renewed his article for $672.39. In nearly every instance, the increase is charged the day next after the ten years had expired. In some cases, a smaller increase is charged in less than ten years from the date of the contract. Some assistance was rendered the settlers in making payments, by the offer of the Company to receive cattle on their contracts. Agents were sent once a year to certain towns for that purpose. We find in the Batavia books, the first credit for cattle in 1822 or 1823. Cattle were thus received for a number of years. We have seen, in the eastern part of the Purchase, a few credits for grain; but the receiving of grain, it is presumed, was never general, at any considerable distance from a good market. An additional stimulus was given by a notice to those most in arrears, that in case of speedy payment, a liberal deduction would be made from the sums due. This was the cause of some dissatisfaction to those who had been more prompt in their payments, who regarded it as a premium to their slack neighbors for their want of punctuality. 128 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. During these times it was that most was heard of the impolicy of the plan of the Company for the disposal and settlement of their lands. Probably with the view of inviting immigration, articles were given to settlers on the most easy terms-to some, on payment of a sum barely sufficient to pay for drawing the contract, which was about one dollar; and many, doubtless, were attracted hither by this easy mode of obtaining possession of land. The early settlers were generally poor, having expended nearly the last dollar in their removal, and could scarcely have purchased on less accommodating terms. Yet some of these, after a short residence and sundry discouragements, sold out their "improvements " and sought new homes in more favorable localities. Then, too, was so often expressed the opinion that the Company would have done better, and the country would have been more prosperous, had the low price and cash plan been adopted, as it would have brought in a better as well as a more industrious and enterprising class of inhabitants. That some persons of the lower class were drawn hither by the easy terms offered by the Company is true. But the old inhabitants of Chautauqua county still living will agree in saying that its early settlers were generally honest, frugal, and industrious, and in point of moral worth, not inferior to the population of any other county in the state. CONDITION OF THE SETTLERS. A recurrence to facts will reveal the true cause of the slow progress of the settlers in discharging their obligations to the Company. Most of them were comparatively young men from the East, and poor. Wages had been low; and they had laid up little more than enough to buy a team and to defray the expense of their removal. They had heavily timbered lands to clear, and for a time had no sons able to help, nor the means of hiring help. And for the little surplus of the products of their farms, there was for years no market beyond the demands of new-comers. War came; and many were obliged to leave their farms and join the army. Some of them served to the end of the war-between two and three years. Peace returned; labor was again thrown upon the land; and within a few years there was a large surplus which scarcely compensated for raising it. The price of wheat in Rochester, then the nearest and best cash market in the western part of the state, was 2S. 6d. to 3s. per bushel, which would hardly pay for its transportation in that time of bad roads. Occasionally a load was taken to Albany by teamsters going after goods for the merchants. At home, a bushel was given for a pound of tobacco, or a yard of brown cotton cloth. In providing means for prosecuting the war, double duties were laid upon imports, wihich duties were to continue during the war, and for a year after its close. These duties checked importations and encouraged home manufactures. Many manufactories sprang into being. The period of high duties expired in the winter of 1816. Commercial intercourse with Great Britain was resumed, and the country was again flooded with British goods. Our manufactures were prostrated. The country was drained of its money to POLICY OF THE HOLLAND LAND COMPANY. 129 pay for foreign goods; specie payments were suspended; and bank bills depreciated to 70 or 80 per cent. below par, and in some states to almost nothing. No wonder that the books of the Land Company showed so few and so small credits to settlers, nor that so many children went barefoot until the first snows had fallen. We have elsewhere spoken of the partial relief found within doors from the help of the spindle and the shuttle, and from the products of the forestas/es. Thus the struggle continued until the completion of the Erie canal, in 1825, which, by opening to our people an accessible market, brought them permanent relief. They entered upon a course of prosperity, and many of them soon attained a comfortable independence. A large portion of the settlers, however, still felt the pressure of their land debt. They thought it but just that the Land Company, who had grown rich under the laws of the state removing their alien disabilities, and exempting them from taxation, should contribute some share toward the expenditures of the state government. Application to the legislature was made in I833, for a law to this effect, which was passed in that year. The act was advocated by its friends upon the principle, that, if any of our own citizens held the same security, as the contracts of these non-resident landholders, such securities would be liable to taxation; that the present value and ultimate payment of the debt due the Holland Company were involved in the stability of our laws; and that the construction of the Erie canal, effected by the settlers on their lands in connection with other citizens of the state, had increased the value of the Company's purchase several millions of dollars, a considerable portion of which had been and would be realized by the Company. After the passage of this law, the Company, through their local agent, served notices on persons having contracts on which payments were due, though the contracts had not expired, requiring them to pay, "ori satisfactorily arrange," the balance due, or quit the premises within two months. A citizen commenting on this notice in a newspaper remarked, that, "if every species of personal property owned by the settlers could be sold, the money would not half meet the requirements of this summary mandate." The issuing of this notice so soon after the passage of the act, is of itself strong presumptive evidence that this sudden change of policy was designed as a retaliation to those who had been instrumental in procuring the passage of the law. This evidence finds confirmation in the innuendo or threat uttered by one in the interest of the Company, while the bill was pending in the legislature, that, " it might be worse for the settlers." THE COMPANY SELL THEIR LANDS-LAND OFFICE DESTROYED. It will readily be imagined, that the announcement of this new policy produced a stir among the settlers throughout the Purchase; and their feelings found vent, to a great extent, through the newspapers. They advised the making of no new contracts while existing contracts were in life, and when 9 130 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. they did renew, to agree to the payment of no tax but the ordinary land tax which they now paid. It was suggested that meetings be held in the several towns to consult on measures to be adopted; that the Company be petitioned to rescind the decree, and if this were not done, to petition the legislature. They also questioned the power of the Company to enforce the forfeiture of a contract until all the stipulated payments were due. In the same year or the year following, the Company commenced selling out their remaining interest in portions of the Purchase to small companies or to individuals. The first sale in this county by the Company, was the sale of their interest in the town of Charlotte, to Hinman Holden, of Batavia. In November, I835, the Holland Company made an agreement with Trumbull Cary and George W. Lay, of Batavia, to sell to them all their estate, personal and real, in this county. This consisted in wild lands, reverted lands, lands held under valid contracts, and a few bonds and mortgages on lands sold and not conveyed. The purchase money was payable as follows: $50,000 in hand, and the residue in four equal installments in six, twelve, eighteen, and twenty-four months; the Company to retain the legal title to the property as security, to receive all the moneys collected, and to take in their own name and retain all securities by bonds, mortgages, and contracts, which should be taken on the sale of the lands and the liquidation of debts. But the local agent of the Holland Company was, as far as should be consistent with its security, to be governed by the direction of the new [equitable] proprietors. The sale, or agreement to sell, having come to the knowledge of the settlers, Mr. Peacock, the local agent of the Company, was applied to for information as to the terms and policy adopted, or to be adopted, by the new proprietors; but the applicants received no definite answer. The fact was reported to a meeting of settlers, at which a committee was appointed, consisting of Elial T. Foote, Oliver Lee, Samuel Barrett, Ieverett Barker, and George T. Camp, who were to visit the new proprietors at Batavia, for the information which they failed to obtain at Mayville. The following is a copy of the " Genesee Land Tariff," as it was called. It was copied by Judge Foote from the one exhibited to the Chautauqua committee: " In all cases of articles which have expired since the first of January, 1835, or which may hereafter expire, a new sale may be made, and new contracts may be issued, payable in ten annual installments, with interest annually, on the following terms, one-eighth of the purchase money being paid down: ". In all cases where the amount due on the old contract is less than $3 on the acre, an advance of $i on the acre to be charged. " 2. Where the amount due is over $3 per acre, and less than $5, an advance of $1.50 per acre to be charged. " 3. Where the amount is over $5 on the acre, and less than $8, $2 per acre to be added. "4. Where there is due over $8 per acre, an advance of $3 per acre to be charged. "5. Contracts which have been forfeited in consequence of non-compliance with the notices, to be considered as expired. POLICY OF THE HOLLAND LAND COMPANY. 131 "6. Any settler holding under an article expired since January last, may be permitted to pay up and take a deed on the payment of - per acre. "7. In all cases where the land is worth twice the amount of the purchase money, a deed may be given and a mortgage taken on the above terms. " 8. Any settler may surrender his article before it expires, and take a new contract on the above terms. " 9. These terms are for the benefit of actual settlers, and not to be extended to those who hold contracts pledged for the payment of debts, or who have purchased them for speculation; but all such persons will be required to pay the full value of the land. " Io. In case any settler whose article has expired since the first of January last, or shall hereafter expire, shall neglect to take a new article on the above terms, for the space of six months, the said land to be resold for a sum not less than wild land. I4I. No advance to be charged upon lands held by widows and orphan children. " 12. No wild land, or other land not heretofore articled, or any of that class of expired articles purchased as wild lands, at $2 per acre, or the lots in Batavia or Buffalo to be sold until the same have been apprized, and a price fixed by the proprietors. "Dated November, 1835." Incensed by what the settlers deemed an unreasonable advance on the prices of their lands, arrangements were soon made for a raid upon the landoffice in Mayville, with a view to the destruction of the books and papers belonging to the office. This design was carried into effect on the 6th of February, I836. The land-office was demolished; and most of the books, records, maps, mortgages and contracts, were carried off about two miles and burned. The mob consisted of about two hundred and fifty men. The excitement was not confined to this county. In the spring of 1836, a crowd of seven hundred made a descent upon the Holland Company's office at Batavia, which, however, was successfully defended by an organized military force and citizens, armed from the state arsenal in that village, and two blockhouses, erected in anticipation of an attack. POLICY OF MR. SEWARD. William H. Seward had, just before the day fixed for the attack upon the Batavia office, been applied to by the new proprietors to assume the agency of the estate. He was also to take an interest in the purchase. And subsequently, Abraham M. Schermerhorn, a banker in Rochester, also became a partner. In June, 1836, before Mr. Seward had accepted the proposition of the proprietors, a convention, held at Mayville, resolved, that the proprietors be invited to open an office in the county, and pledged themselves that the settlers would cheerfully pay the principal and interest accrued upon their contracts, but would submit to no extortionate demands, by way of what was called the " Genesee Tariff," compound interest, or otherwise. Confiding in the intelligence and justice of the people, he was determined by this expression to accept the trust proposed. With a view to greater safety, he established his office at Westfield, the citizens of that place having pledged them 132 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. selves to protect it from mob violence. Rooms were fitted up in the Westfield House building; and the business was conducted to the general satisfaction of the settlers. A commodious building for a land-office was soon erected on North Portage street, and was occupied for this purpose until the business of the new Company was closed. In I838, Mr. Seward was nominated for the office of governor. A few weeks after, it was insinuated by an anonymous correspondent of a county paper, that"The bonds and mortgages of the settlers of Chautauqua county are now in Wall street, New York: " That some Trust Company has a deed of all the lands of the settlers: "That through the agency of Nicholas Biddle and others, William H. Seward has raised money in Europe at an interest of five per cent., while he demands seven per cent. from you, [the settlers]: "And that he and his associates pay interest annzually, and extort interest from you semi-annually." These accusations, as might be expected during an election campaign, were copied into leading papers of the party opposed to Mr. Seward's election, with numerous additional accusations: "having violated his agreement with the settlers; sold their mortgages to soulless corporations, which would demand payment the moment they expired;" that their farms "would be sold on mortgage for half their value, and Seward, a wealthy and heartless speculator by trade, would be the purchaser, and thus rob the poor settlers of millions of their hard earnings." A few weeks after the publication of these accusations, Mr. Seward addressed the citizens of Chautazuqua county, through the press of the county, defending himself against what he called "misrepresentations of fact and injurious inferences." Regarding it as having a legitimate connection with the history of the Holland Purchase, and especially that portion which is embraced within the bounds of Chautauqua county, a large portion of it is here copied as a part of our county history: " Compelled by ill health to relinquish my profession, it seemed to me that I might, without wrong or injury to you, contribute to restore peace, harmony and prosperity in that flourishing region of the state where so much unhappy agitation prevailed... Nor did it appear to me morally wrong to receive from the purchasers an adequate compensation for my services. The compensation tendered, as an equivalent for the not unprofitable pursuits which I abandoned, was invested in the purchase. "The Holland Company reposed in me the extreme confidence of constituting me their agent, although I was a purchaser under them; and it is due to them and to the proprietors to say, that without even the previous formality of an agreement in writing, or other instrument than a letter of attorney, I went among you to undertake the agency you desired should be established. "It was known to me that the Holland Company insisted upon- its payments; and these could only be made by raising a loan in Europe or elsewhere, to meet their demands sooner than they could be collected from you, without intolerable oppression. I therefore stipulated with the American POLICY OF THE HOLLAND LAND COMPANY. 133 Trust Company, before commencing my agency, that as soon as the liquidation of the debts by bonds and mortgages could be effected, and the monetary affairs of the country would permit, they should advance me their bonds for the amount. I secured also an understanding with the Holland Company, that they would favor the proprietors and settlers, until I could accomplish this preliminary settlement and security. "Thus prepared, I opened an office, and invited the settlers to liquidate their debts, and quiet all alarm, as well about the title of their lands, as the terms and conditions of their credit, by taking deeds and executing bonds and mortgages for the purchase money. In less than eighteen months, four thousand persons whom I found occupying lands, chiefly under expired and legally forfeited contracts of sale, and excited and embarrassed alike by the oppression and uncertainty of ever obtaining titles, and anticipated exactions upon their contracts-became freeholders-upon the terms at their own option either of payment of their purchase money, or payment of a convenient portion thereof, and a credit of five years for the residue. "When the occupant could not pay an advance, and his improvements were insufficient to secure his debt, his contract, no matter how long expired, was renewed without any payment. It was always, as you well know, a principle of my agency, that no man could lose his land by forfeiture, if he would but agree to pay for it in five years. There was none so poor that he could not secure his "farm and his fireside." I think, too, you will recollect, that' to the sick and infirm, I invariably sent their papers for securing their farms; to the indigent, the money to bear their expenses to the land-office; and since I am arraigned as a'soulless speculator,' I may add, that to the widow, I always made a deduction from the debt of her deceased husband. To the common schools I gave lands gratuitously for their school-houses. From the time I came first among you to this period, I have never refused any indulgence of credit and postponement that was asked at my hands. "W When I found a few persons (as there must necessarily be some) who were obstinate in refusing terms generally esteemed so liberal, I appealed to them first through the public newspapers, then by letters through the post-office, and finally by a message sent directly to their houses. When these efforts failed to arrest their attention, and in a few cases legal proceedings or forfeitures were necessary, I uniformly conveyed the land upon the same terms as if the occupants had earlier complied with the terms which their fellow-citizens deemed so reasonable and liberal. " Thus contentment was universally diffused among you, when the pressure of I837 fell upon you, and me, and the whole country. Foreseeing many cases of embarrassment, in making payment on your bonds and mortgages in that season of scarceness of money, I immediately issued a notice that the first payment of principal would be dispensed with if the interest should be paid. Having then obtained a definite proposition from the American Trust Company, that an advance to the proprietors should be upon a credit of ten years, with semi-annual interest, I immediately announced to you the welcome and unexpected proposition to extend your bonds and mortgages for the same period and upon the same terms. This proposition has been generally accepted, and is yet open to all. "On the IIth of July, T838, after two years' continued notice that the title of the Holland Company would pass from them to the proprietors or their trustees, the improved condition of the estate and the returning 134 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. prosperity of the country, enabled me to conclude my arrangement with the American Trust Company. That institution advanced to me its bonds for the amount owed by you to the proprietors, and by the proprietors to the Holland Company; and I paid them over to John Jacob Vanderkemp, agent of the Holland Company, at a sacrifice to my associates and myself, in discharge of their whole demands. Desirous to secure you against all possible inconvenience from this arrangement, it was agreed that the estate should remain as before, under my agency; and the title of the lands, bonds, mortgages and contracts, was vested by a deed in myself and two others as trustees, to continue the settlement of the estate for the benefit of the proprietors and the security of the American Trust Company. This deed was immediately placed on record in Chautauqua county. The agreement between the parties stipulates that my agency, in person or by my own appointment, shall continue three years; and that payments made by you in Chautauqua county shall be credited as soon as paid there. The bonds, mortgages and contracts remain under this arrangement in the Chautaugua land-office, whence they have never been removed. " In this transaction the Bank of the United States has had this agency: the general agent of the Holland Company has always kept his accounts and deposits with that institution, and his remittances were made through it. The payments from the Chautauqua office, like those of all the other offices on that tract, pass through the same institution. It received the bonds of the American Trust Company at a discount stipulated by me, and paid for them by a certificate of deposit to Mr. Vanderkemp, payable at six months. "From this explanation it appears that your bonds and mortgages are not in Wall street, nor in the Bank of the United States, but where you have always found them-in the Chautauqua land-office. " That no Trust Company, foreign or domestic, has a deed of your lands; but that the title of the lands of the state, and your securities, is vested in myself and my associate trustees, citizens of this state, instead of Wilhem Willink, Walrave Van Heukelom, and others in Europe: "That neither through the agency of Nicholas Biddle, nor otherwise, have I borrowed money in Europe or elsewhere, at 5 per cent., and loaned it to you at 7 per cent.; but that instead of demanding from you immediate payment of your indebtedness to the Holland Company, I have borrowed the money upon your credit and that of the proprietors, and for your benefit and ours, upon a term of ten years, at 7 per cent., of which you have the full benefit: "That the proprietors do not exact semi-annual interest while they pay annually; but that while they pay interest semi-annually, you pay annually or semi-annually, at your own option: "That your'farms and firesides' have not been put in jeopardy by me, but in just so much as a deed subject to a bond and mortgage, with ten years' credit, is a more safe tenure, than an expired and forfeited contract of sale, they have been secured to you: "And that you have not been delivered over to a' soulless corporation,' but that your affairs have been arranged so as to secure you against any possible extortion or oppression in any quarter; and your bonds and mortgages are more certainly accessible to you for payment than before the arrangement was made. "I have only to add, what you well recollect, that in all the settlement of this estate, no cent of advance upon your farms, or compound interest, or of LA FAYETTE IN CHAUTAUQUA. 135 costs upon your debts, has gone into my hands, or those of any other proprietor. That no man has ever lost an acre of land which he desired or asked to retain, with or without money; no bond, mortgage, or contract, has been prosecuted for principal or less than two years' interest; no proceedings of foreclosure have ever been instituted when the occupant would pay a sum equal to one year's interest; and every forfeiture has been relinquished upon an agreement to pay the principal and interest due. "To the people of Chautauqua county of all political parties, this statement is due, for the generous confidence they have reposed in me, and the hospitality they have extended to me. It is required, moreover, by a due regard for their welfare, since their prosperity must be seriously affected by any discontents about their title and security. It is due to the harmony and contentment of their firesides. And if it needs other apology, it will be found in the duty I owe to others; for, however willing I may be to leave my own conduct to the test of time and candor, I can not suffer their interests to be put in jeopardy. WILLIAM H. SEWARD. "Auburn, Oct. 15, 1838." CHERRY VALLEY COMPANY'S PURCHASE. In 1828, a sale of unsold lands in the east and south-east towns of the county, amounting to about 60,000 acres, was made by the Holland Land Company, to James 0. Morse, Levi Beardsley, and Alvan Stewart, who were known as the " Cherry Valley Company." The following is a list of the towns in which the lands were, and the number of acres in each: Township i, r. io, Carroll, 9,619 acres. Tp. 2, Poland, 5,398 acres. Tp. 3, Ellington, I,015 acres. Tp. 4, Cherry Creek, 9,092 acres. Tp. 5, Villenova, 5,246 acres. Tp. 6, Hanover, 3,273, besides Cattaraugus Village, 1,588-in all, 4,861 acres. Range I, tp. i, Kiantone and Busti, 2,824 acres. Tp. 2, Ellicott, 4,169 acres. Tp. 4, Charlotte, 6,218 acres. Tp. 5, Arkwright, 5,066 acres. Tp. 6, Sheridan, 747 acres. Range I2, Busti and Harmony, 5,857 acres. —Total, 6o, 12 acres. LA FAYETTE IN CHAUTAUQUA. GILBERT MOTIER, MARQUIS DE LA FAYETTE, was born in France, Sept. 6, 1757, and was married at the early age of sixteen years. Though possessed of an immense estate, he adopted the profession of a soldier, and, at the age of nineteen, was stationed as captain of dragoons at one of the garrisoned towns of France. Having heard of the revolt of the American colonies, and of the subsequent declaration of independence, and sympathizing with the colonists, he determined to take part in the struggle, and offered his services to Congress. The rank of major-general was promised him by the American commissioner at Paris. News having been received of the disastrous campaign of I776, he was advised to abandon his intention. His wife is said to have exhorted him to 136 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. persevere. He resolved to purchase a vessel, to freight it with supplies, and to set sail for America. His purpose having been discovered, a royal order was issued to detain him; but making his escape to Spain with De Kalb and others, he succeeded in embarking in his vessel from that kingdom. After a protracted and stormy passage, he landed at Georgetown, S. C., hastened to Philadelphia, and presented his recommendations to Congress. He was answered, that, in consequence of so many applications having been received, there was doubt of his obtaining a commission. Determined to aid the struggling colonists, he offered his services as a volunteer, and without pay. His letters were examined, and he was tendered a commission as majorgeneral. He was wounded at the battle of Brandywine, and debarred for a time from active service. In 1788, France declared war against England, and formed an alliance with the United States. His own country now having need of his services, he obtained leave of absence. Complimentary resolutions, and a beautifully ornamented sword, were voted by Congress. He was received by his countrymen with great enthusiasm. After an absence of fifteen months, he returned with the assistance of money and a French fleet bringing Rochambeau and 6,000 soldiers, and rejoined Washington. He again took an active part in the war, and distinguished himself by his successful conduct of the campaign against Cornwallis at Yorktown. He again returned to France, and procured additional assistance-60 vessels and 24,000 men, and money. Soon after arrival, tidings of peace were received. In 1784, at the invitation of Washington, he again revisited the United States. He arrived in August and departed in December, Congress taking a formal leave of him. In 1824, he visited this country for the last time. He landed at New York in August, and took a tour through the United States, going west to the Mississippi, and returning through the Northern states. The highest honors were everywhere paid him; and he was received with an enthusiasm seldom if ever equaled. So liberally did he share in the cordial greetings and the hospitalities of the people on his tour of several months, that he was everywhere hailed as "The Nation's Guest." In two towns in our county, thousands of our citizens were favored with an opportunity of testifying their gratitude for his particular services in the nation's struggle for independence. RECEPTION AT WESTFIELD. In anticipation of the arrival of the illustrious guest of the nation into our state from Pennsylvania, a number of gentlemen assembled at Westfield; June 2, i825, on the evening previous to his expected arrival, to make arrangements for his reception into the state, and to escort and welcome him to that village. A committee of arrangements was appointed, consisting of the following named persons: Jonathan Cass, Joseph Farnsworth, Henry Abell, Oliver Lee, Joshua R. Babcock, Fenn Demming, Eliphalet L. Tinker, Silas LA FAYETTE IN CHAUTAUQUA. 137 Spencer, Thomas B. Campbell, Lemon Averill, John Dexter, Ebenezer P. Upham, Wm. Peacock, Thomas A. Osborne. A superb carriage, owned by the Hon. Wm. Peacock, was furnished for the conveyance of the General from the state line to Westfield. Messrs. T. B. Campbell, Silas Spencer, Ebenezer P. Upham and Fenn Demming, of the committee, proceeded to the state line. On his arrival and introduction, he was presented by T. B. Campbell, Esq., in behalf of the committee, with the following address: "GENERAL LA FAYETTE: With hearts full of gratitude for services rendered our country, we, as a committee, in behalf of the citizens of Westfield, have come to meet you and welcome your return to the state of New York. "We assure you, General, that the same grateful feelings which have been so unanimously expressed to you by the people of this republic, influence and animate the citizens of this part of our state; and although unable to receive you with the splendor which accompanied your reception on landing upon our shores, yet we do receive you with no less affectionate and grateful hearts." To which the General replied: "I am fully sensible of the kindness and affection thus expressed to me by the people of this part of your state; and I assure you, sir, it affords me much pleasure to take you by the hand and return you, and, through you, the citizens of Westfield, my hearty thanks for the respectful manner in which they have been pleased to communicate their feelings towards me. I am very happy to find myself again in the patriotic state of New York. Accept, sir, for yourself and the other gentlemen of the committee, the assurance of my best wishes for your health and happiness." From the state line the General was escorted by a large number of gentlemen on horseback, collected from Ellery, Chautauqua, Portland and Ripley. At Westfield, the military had been under arms throughout the day to receive him. An immense concourse of citizens from the neighboring towns was likewise awaiting, with intense anxiety, the signals of his approach. At a little after sunset, on Friday evening, the signal guns announced the joyful tidings of the veteran's arrival. The public houses were illuminated in front, and a bonfire was kindled upon the public square, which added much to the grandeur of the scene. The General was then received amidst the discharge of cannon. The appearance of the military, particularly the company of Light Infantry commanded by Capt. Towle, did honor to themselves and the occasion. The General, on being introduced into the room provided for the occasion, was presented by Mr. Campbell to the other gentlemen of the committee there assembled, when Mr. Osborne, in their behalf, delivered the following address: "GENERAL: Permit our feeble notes of congratulating welcome to swell the general anthem of the American nation. Taught from infancy to lisp the venerated name of La Fayette, which now trembles upon our tongue with gratitude and joy, we greet thee as the champion of freedom, the friend of Washington, of our country and her institutions, and the benefactor of 138 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. mankind. While the burst of grateful acclamation which hailed your landing upon our shores has been borne on the tide of grateful hearts, until the remotest parts of the Union have vibrated with its influence, we of Western New York have cause for deep and peculiar emotions. " At the period of your valuable labors for the establishment of our republic, the spot upon which you stand was only tenanted by the howling inhabitants of the wilderness. Until a long subsequent period, our country was without a name and without a population. Now, within its borders the hearts of more than twenty thousand freemen beat your welcome. It is to you whom we now address, that, more than to any other, this important change is to be attributed. The counsels of your wisdom were felt in the cabinet, and your youthful arm lent vigor to their execution in the field. Animated by your spirit and fired by your example, your king and your country stepped forth in the cause of liberty and man, and forever sealed the fate of tyranny in this western hemisphere. The life-giving energies of the triumph of liberty were felt in the rapid increase of population and settlement. Had a state of colonial servitude and dependence continued, your eye would not now have witnessed our fields covered with golden grain, waving their undulating shadows with sportive playfulness in the breeze. Compare, as you traverse the mighty Niagara, the colonial and the independent shores, and by their contrast test the influence of liberty on the improvement and settlement of the country, and the promotion of the social happiness of man. "Finally, General, in behalf of the citizens of the vicinity, we tender to you our most cordial congratulations upon your arrival among them, and the anxious aspirations of their hearts, that the evening of your days may be as tranquil as your life has been constant in the pursuit of freedom. That they have enjoyed the felicity of meeting and welcoming you among them, will ever be among the most gratifying of their recollections, while the remembrance of the affectionate farewell which they must shortly bid you, their father and their friend, can not fail to awaken the liveliest sensibilities of their natures, and call forth the most poignant grief." To which the General replied as follows: " GENTLEMEN: I can not express to you my happiness at the kindness of your reception. When, about ten months since, I first landed upon your shores, I was received in a manner which can never be forgotten. The impression then received has been heightened by every subsequent event. Wherever I have been, I have received the kindest welcome. But it affords me peculiar pleasure to be thus received here in Western New York, and to witness the astonishing rapidity of its progress in improvement and settlement. Accept, sirs, my best wishes for your personal happiness, and, gentlemen, for the happiness of you all. I am happy to enjoy the interview; to see you all assembled; and sincerely regret that circumstances render it necessary that my stay with you should be so short." The General was then introduced individually to the ladies and gentlemen assembled, and appeared to be highly gratified with the scene. Among the gentlemen introduced were a number of the soldiers of the Revolution. The interviews between the General and these companions in arms were cordial and affecting. He was then presented to the Fredonia delegation, in waiting to escort him to that village; and, after a stay of about two hours, at about ten o'clock LA FAYETTE IN CHAUTAUQUA. 139 in the evening, they departed during the discharge of twenty-four rounds from the artillery, with every demonstration of gratification on his part, and of respect and veneration on the part of the citizens assembled. RECEPTION AT FREDONIA. The account of the reception of the " Nation's Guest" at Fredonia was published in the Censor, of June 9, I825, as follows: Gen. La Fayette, with his suite, Col. G. W. La Fayette, and Messrs. Le Vasseur and De Syon, arrived in this village on Saturday last, [June 4th,] at about two o'clock in the morning, on his way to the eastward. He left Waterford, Pa., about 7' o'clock on Friday morning, and arrived here-a distance of 60 miles-without making any long stops, traveling in the night. His approach was announced by a salute of thirteen guns from Capt. Brown's company of artillery, which, with Capt. Whitcomb's rifle rangers and detachments of the I69th regiment, were posted on the west hill to receive him. When he arrived, the military marched in advance down the hill, and halted in front of Abell's hotel, [the present site of the Taylor house]. Here the ladies had been collected, and with the military, Revolutionary soldiers and citizens, formed into two lines extending to the platform erected in front of the hotel. The General and suite then alighted, walked down the lines, and ascended the platform, followed by the committee of arrangements and military officers. The committee, clergy, etc., having been introduced, the Rev. David Brown, of the Episcopal church, at the request of the committee, thus addressed our distinguished guest: " GEN. LA FAYETTE: We rejoice to see you. We greet you welcome to our rural hospitalities, and thank you for the great pleasure thus to salute a man most high and most dear in the estimation of every American. It pains me, sir, to add the least possible degree to your fatigue at. this late hour of the night, but my fellow-citizens, having appointed me to the honor of addressing you, expect from me a passing remark on the motives which have prompted the little attentions within our limited powers, dwelling, as we do, where shortly since dwelt beasts of the forest. " It will suffice to tell how much and for what we admire you; but, sir, our admiration is qualified by a dearer sentiment. We greatly admire your character as standing in the front rank of the true and disinterested champions of the universal republic, whose citizens comprise all the friends of liberty on earth. We admire the brilliant luster of your early heroism, by which you were inspired to rend the strongest ties of nature, and as a disinterested volunteer in the righteous cause of liberty, to burst from the attractions of all that was splendid and all that was lovely. In this act of your youth, sir, as in many that followed, we behold an eminent illustration of the much admired virtue, which enabled a great chief of sacred antiquity to look down with indifference on all the splendors and glories of the royal court of Egypt, when the cause of freedom and of God called him to the privations and dangers of a hostile wilderness. "That, at every earthly hazard, through a life devoted to the vindication of liberty, you have uniformly asserted the rights of man, we admire you; and we rejoice in an opportunity to acknowledge your undisputed claims to 140 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. the gratitude and admiration of the world. We are almost lost in admiration, sir, as we look forward to the transcendent eminence that you will hereafter occupy in the history of all princes and potentates of the earth, however shining may have been their career, nay, how great soever their virtues; for, with our own Washington, you have shown that'a man is greater than a monarch.' "But it is not so much by our admiration of what is illustrious in the character of Gen. La Fayette that we are moved and animated on this occasion, as by our veneration and love for what is excellent and amiable. Most sincerely and deeply do we appreciate the respect and admiration of your exalted character; yet, the sentiment that predominates over even these, if not in general estimation more highly honorable, we feel as not less your due as our benefactor and friend, nor less worthy ourselves as Americans. We love you, sir, as our friend, and our fathers' friend; we love you and can never forsake you. Never can our hearts beat with sentiments becoming men and Americans, when they shall have ceased to glow with filial affection for Gen. La Fayette. " It would be needless to speak of the origin and strength and warmth of affection entertained for you by those who took part with you in the liberation of our country from a foreign yoke. It may not, however, be unpleasing, we hope, to be reminded of the means by which, in the bosoms of the generations that have since come on the stage of life, this sentiment has been implanted and made to grow with our growth and to strengthen with our strength. For almost half a century, sir, your name, associated with all that is amiable in the philanthropist, as well as all that is chivalrous in the soldier of liberty, has been one of our most favorite'household words.' "When, in your tour through our country, our hearts have followed you and witnessed your emotions while embracing your old comrades in armsespecially when our sympathies were roused by the sublime and affecting scene at the sepulchre of our Washington, the interesting fire-side scenes of our early days were again brought home to our bosoms, when our fathers and our mothers taught us to venerate-to love the name of La Fayette. I have seen and I have felt the tear standing in the eye of childhood, when the tale has been told of your youthful disinterestedness, in devoting your fortune, your life, and your honor to the cause of our country, and of your sufferings and wrongs, and of your unbending virtues that no sufferings nor wrongs could subdue. "When the fires of persecution assailed you, sir, our hearts were taught to burn with indignation, and to shiver at the name of Olmutz, when its prison damps were settling on the brow of our hero and friend. - God be thanked, we trust those scenes of sufferings and wrongs and persecutions will no more be renewed. But on this spirit stirring subject I must not dwell. In behalf of my beloved fellow-citizens, most cordially do I welcome you, where, through the influence of our free institutions, which you yourself, sir, so greatly contributed to rear, the wilderness of yesterday is now blossoming as the rose. As our country's friend and benefactor, with heartfelt sincerity and gratitude do I salute you. May that ever gracious Being, by whom we are thus favored, strew the path of your pilgrimage with his richest blessings, until, at some far distant day, he may please to receive you to Himself in glory everlasting." The General grasped the speaker's hand with great emotion, and replied: LA FAYETTE IN CHAUTAUQUA. I41 "MY DEAR SIR: Accept my most sincere thanks for your most affectionate address. Your allusion to my early visit to America, to my services here and to my sufferings since, are very kind, and, as I must frankly confess, are very gratifying to my feelings. The manner of my reception here, my very dear sir, in a place so shortly since a wilderness, as you have said, surprises me as much as it pleases me. Surely, I am very much obliged. And I beg you, sir, with the committee, who have shown me every kindness, to accept my grateful acknowledgments." The General, then turning to the military and ladies and citizens, assembled in front of the bower, addressed them in a warm and animated style of thankfulness for their attentions, and especially for awaiting his arrival to so late an hour. " "That the ladies, too," to use his own affectionate words, "that the ladies, too, should remain up all night to receive me, surely it is too much." After several introductions, the ladies were presented to him, to whom he severally gave his hand, greeting them most affectionately, and giving them many compliments for these flattering testimonials of their respect to him. The Revolutionary soldiers were next introduced to him. The scene was truly interesting. The crowd was so great, that, to afford all an opportunity to see him, he took a stand on the front of the platform, where the military and citizens passed in review before him. He then sat down to an entertainment prepared by Mr. Abell with great taste and elegance. Day began to dawn when he arose from the table; and the military, again in advance, escorted him to Dunkirk, where, with the committee and several military officers from this place, he embarked on board the steam brig Superior, which, agreeably to an arrangement, was in readiness to receive him on board and convey him to Buffalo. As the yawl was gliding along, a salute of twenty-four guns was fired from the steamboat in quick succession, which was followed by another salute of twenty-four guns from the artillery on shore, in a handsome style. Too much praise can not be bestowed upon the military and band of music belonging to Col. Abell's regiment-all under the command of Col. Smith, the marshal of the day-who turned out on so short a notice; and, notwithstanding their fatigue and exhaustion, patiently and soldier-like kept on the ground, not only all day but all night, to welcome the " Guest of the Nation." It was a pleasure to see Major-General Risley, with a part of his staff, and Brigadier-General Barker, contributing, as on all similar occasions, greatly to the fine appearance of the military. The entertainment and preparations made by Mr. Abell were splendid, and got up in a style worthy the reception of so distinguished a guest. The platform erected in front of the house, set round with green trees planted in the ground, overhung with lamps and chandeliers, with an arch in front, all beautifully dressed off by the fine taste and decorations of our ladies, had an effect at that late hour of the night, and amid the illuminations of the village, bordering on enchantment. And to crown the imposing scene, the eloquent, spirit-stirring address delivered by the Rev. Mr. Brown, 142 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. in a manner preeminently calculated to awaken the ardor of the patriot's bosom, had an effect which we are unable adequately to describe. Every eye gazed intently, now at the General and now at the orator, with thrilling delight. The reply of the General was warm and affectionate, and showed that the patriotic flame which burst forth so brilliantly and burned so effulgently in the Revolutionary struggle, had not ceased to glow in his devoted bosom at this late period of his life. The procession accompanying the General from this place to Dunkirk, consisting of the military, and ladies and citizens in carriages and on horseback, extended very nearly a mile.. We were highly gratified with the handsome manner of his reception by the Buffalo committee on the pier at Dunkirk. The steam brig lay off a mile from shore, and presented a fine appearance. Her salute was in a style that would have been creditable to a ship of war; and with the advantage of an echo from our forests, rolling back its reverberations on the ears of thousands of spectators, we scarcely recollect anything equal to it. The morning was clear and tranquil, and everything in Nature seemed to have been carefully arranged for the purpose of contributing to the interest of the occasion. TEMPERANCE HISTORY. DRINKING CUSTOMS. THE use of intoxicating liquors as a beverage by all classes of the community, and the direful consequences of its use, prevailed throughout the country. Although the evils of intemperance are still lamentably prevalent, a material change in the custom of drinking has been wrought. Good men and bad indulged in it. The whisky jug was thought an indispensable help in the harvest field, and was ever present at house-raisings, log-rollings, and. corn-huskings; nor was the decanter with its exhilarating contents usually wanting at social gatherings. A man meeting a friend near a tavern, invited him to the bar to " take a drink." A man was deemed wanting in hospitality if he did not "treat" his visitors. A traveler stopping at a tavern to warm himself, thought it "mean" to leave without patronizing the bar to the amount of a sixpence or a shilling. The idea had not been conceived, that both parties would have been gainers if the money had been paid for the fire, and the liquor left in the decanter. Liquor bought by the gallon, and even by the barrel, was kept in families for daily use. Seated at the breakfast table, the glass was passed round to "give an appetite." Bittered with some herb or drug, it was used as a " sovereign remedy " for many of the ailments "flesh is heir to," and often as a preventive. It was taken because the weather was hot, and because it was cold. Liquors being kept in country stores, some merchants were wont to treat their customers, especially TEMPERANCE HISTORY. 143 when they made large bills, and sometimes beforehand, to sharpen their appetite for trading. Happily most of these customs have become obsolete among the better classes of society, and, it is hoped, never to be revived. In nearly every town was a distillery-in some towns a number-where farmers exchanged their rye and corn for whisky, which was a common article of traffic. Merchants exchanged for it the grain received from their customers, and, after supplying the demand at home, sent the surplus to the eastern markets, after the opening of the Erie canal. Having reached its destination, a large portion of it was, by some mystic process, suddenly converted into another article, and, under a different name, bought, perhaps, by the same country merchants, to supply their customers with " a pure brandy for medicinal purposes." That drunkenness, and its natural concomitants-poverty, crime, and premature death-were the result of the practices we have mentioned, is not surprising. The marvel is, that the opinions and habits so long prevalent, should have had the sanction of good men. The evils of intemperance became at length intolerable, and remedial measures began to be suggested and discussed. Further evidence of the general prevalence of liquors as a beverage among all classes, is found in the by-laws adopted by the grand jury of Chautauqua county, in June, 1827-a body of men whose duty it was to indict men for crimes, the most of which were committed under the influence of the beverage which was the principal cause of crime, and to the popular use of which these inquisitors of crime contributed the weight of their example. The subject of by-laws was referred to a committee.who reported seven rules, the first two of which were as follows: "' i. That the foreman of the jury pay one bottle of brandy for the honor of his seat. 2. That the secretary also pay one bottle." The other rules imposed fines of I22 cents for the violation of certain rules of etiquette, or non-observance of some prescribed formality. And it is quite probable that these fines were expended in intoxicating drinks. A noticeable specimen of the use and cost of liquor is found in a tavern bar-book of Jacob Fenton in Jamestown, in 1817. A glance over its pages will convince any person of the mistake of those who think that more liquor is drunk now than there was before the organization of temperance societies. On page I9, G. G. is charged with 3 half pints whisky, at three different times, at 25 cents each, making 75 cents, and supper and lodging, 44 cents. Total, $I.I9. N. L. is charged 3 milk punches, 25 cents each. E. W. is credited on account $2.05, to apply on tavern bills contracted, it is presumed, at the above rates. H. B., i gill whisky, I3c. W. M., 2 gills whisky, 25c. A Mr. J. M. buys, in one day, 5 gills at i2 c. each. On the next page are charged II gills at i22c. each, and 2 breakfasts at 37c.; 2 lodgings at 7c., and a supper, 25c. Total, $2.44. This man probably had a wife and children in town. On another page are 7 half pints whisky at 2 2c., and I qt. porter, 25c., charged in succession, no charge against another person 144 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. intervening. Here are seen the names of well known business men scattered through the book. It is readily seen that, in proportion to the capital employed, tavern-keeping must have been the most lucrative business at that time carried on; provided, however, that there were no "bad debts." A citizen is charged for I gallon and i qt. $2.50; from which it appears that "landlord" Fenton sold for the same price, pro rata, by wholesale and retail. TEMPERANCE REFORM MEASURES. Where, or how, or when the temperance reform originated, is, perhaps, not now known. The first temperance document the writer recollects, was an address by Mr. Kittridge, of New Hampshire, which, if it did not start the reform, gave it a powerful impetus; and the name of the pamphlet, " Kittridge's Address," became, in some parts of the country, as familiar as a household word. This was soon followed [in 1826] by "Six Sermons on Intemperance," by Rev. Lyman Beecher, of Boston, which also rendered the cause essential service. A portion of the newspaper press soon came to its support. Meetings were held in all parts of the country. The pledge of abstinence was circulated, and was signed by a large number of both sexes, among whom were many intemperate persons. Although many of these relapsed, some were effectually reclaimed. For a number of years only spirituous liquors were interdicted by the pledge. Complete success, it was believed, required abstinence from intoxicating liquors of all kinds; and the societies soon adopted the principle of total abstinence. When and where the first femperalce society was formed, perhaps no person knows. The Chautauqua County Temperance Society, auxiliary to the state society, was organized in 1829. Pursuant to previous notice, the friends of temperance met at the court-house for the purpose of forming a society. In a county containing 3I,000 inhabitants, only fifteen met for that purpose. The number being so small, they repaired to the law office of Anselm Potter, and organized by choosing Elial T. Foote, president, and Harvey Newcomb, secretary. Among the number assembled were Abner Hazeltine, Hiram Couch, and Thomas W. Harvey. This organization, though small in its beginning, soon became a respectable and efficient society, sustained by auxiliaries in the several towns. Like other reformatory movements, the temperance cause had both open and negative opponents. Among the latter were respectable men. Some of them drank temperately; others, perhaps not at all, but would "not sign away their liberty," and manifested their professed regard for their unfortunate fellow-men by a " masterly inactivity." In their view, it was well enough for drunkards, and those likely to become such, to take the pledge; but for the temperate it was not necessary. Among these were at first many members of religious societies, whose example furnished the intemperate and the occasional drunkard with the most effective shield against the arguments and TEMPERANCE SOCIETIES. 145 entreaties of the friends of the cause. Happily, many of these, convinced of the adverse influence of their example, abandoned their position, and took an active part in the reformation. About the year 1840, a fresh impulse was given to the temperance cause by the efforts of men called Washingtonians. A number of abandoned men in the city of Baltimore, who had been wont to spend their evenings at the taverns and other haunts of the vicious and dissipated, resolved to reform, and at once became "teetotalers." They traversed a large portion of the country, lecturing to large gatherings. Drunkards in large numbers and from great distances attended; and many of them signed the pledge. The most noted of this band of reformers was John Hawkins, who, though unlettered, was one of the most effective lecturers in the country. Although there was nothing in their principles or mode of operation to distinguish them from other temperance men, they took the name of "Washingtonians." Their efforts resulted in the reformation of many drunkards, who became missionaries, and constituted, for a time, the principal lecturing force of the country. It must be confessed, however, that the benefits of this " temperance revival" which many anticipated, were not fully realized. These reformers came to be regarded by many as almost the only efficient champions of the cause, while its earliest and ablest advocates were lightly esteemed. Hence these were chiefly superseded as lecturers, by reformed inebriates, many of whom, though for the time abstaining from the use of intoxicating drinks, were far from having attained the character of the true reformer. Often was the pulpit surrendered, on the sabbath, to men whose mirth-provoking stories were wholly unbecoming the place and the occasion. It is not strange that some who, under such influences, signed the pledge, soon relapsed into their former habits. Still, much good was accomplished. Probably about this time, and for several years thereafter, less ardent spirits were drank in proportion to our population, than at any other time since distilleries were first established. The Washingtonian movement was succeeded by other organizations. Among the earliest of them was that of the Sons of Tenperance, which was for several years a popular order of temperance men. But it seems to have been, to a considerable extent, superseded by the Good Temtplars, who have organizations in most of the towns. These two orders are both secret. Whether their efficiency is increased by this feature in their organization, or not, it is not easy to determine. As incidental to the efforts for the promotion of the temperance reformation, came the license question. Notwithstanding the marked progress of the cause by the simple instrumentality of the pledge, many, with a view to its more rapid advancement, began to invoke the aid of legislation by the enactment of prohibitory laws. Without questioning the propriety of these laws, it may be said, with truth, that in proportion as the friends of the cause relied on legislation to accomplish the desired reform, their labors in the use of the pledge were relaxed. The effect of this relaxation of effort was a retrogression of the cause. 10 146 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. A stringent prohibitory law was passed in Maine. Well authenticated official statements soon showed a reduction, in some districts, of more than three-fourt/s of the expense of pauperism and crime..A similar law was tried in one or more other states, and with similar results, for short periods of time. But the strong opposition which these laws have encountered has greatly impaired their efficiency, or effected their repeal. Hence many of the friends of temperance advise a return to the old tried and effectual method of promoting the cause, not as a substitute for legislation, but as a means of reclaiming inebriates, and of preparing public sentiment to sustain prohibitory laws if any should be enacted. Many different laws for checking the evils of intemperance have been enacted in many of the states. In communities in which these laws have been enforced, they have had a salutary effect. But they are generally little more than a dead letter on the statute book. The evil to be remedied is firmly rooted; and its eradication, or even its material mitigation, requires unwearied, persevering effort on the part of the friends of temperance. Although intemperance may be measurably checked by legislation, more may be done byprevention. Let the young be trained in the principles of Christian morality, and be early pledged to total abstinence from all intoxicating drinks, and a marked improvement in the state of society will soon appear. ANTISLAVERY HISTORY. IN 1829, Wm. Lloyd Garrison became joint-editor of the Genius of Universal Emancipation, an antislavery journal, published in Baltimore, previously established, it is believed, by Benjamin Lundy. It had advocated the gradual abolition of slavery; but Mr. Garrison distinctly avowed the doctrine that immediate emancipation was the right of the slave, and the duty of the master. Having, soon after, denounced certain persons engaged in the domestic slave-trade, which he stigmatized as "domestic piracy," he was tried and convicted for a libel. Unable to pay the penalty, he was sent to prison. After a few weeks' confinement, a friend paid the fine, and released him. He went to Boston, where, on the ist of January, 1831, he issued the first number of the Liberator. Other papers soon followed in advocating immediate abolition of slavery; and antislavery societies began to be formed. The American Antislavery Society was formed in I833. The abolitionists believed with their opponents, that slavery in the states could only be abolished by their respective governments. Their chief object was, by the discussion of the subject, in all its bearings, social, moral, and political, to convince slaveholders that it was their duty, and that it would be for their interest, to abolish slavery. They hoped also, that a general expression of northern sentiment against the institution as morally wrong, might ANTISLAVERY HISTORY. 147 serve to hasten action on the part of the slave states. And as the power of Congress to abolish slavery in the District of Columbia and the territories of the United States, was generally admitted in the North, petitions in vast numbers, praying for the exercise of this power, were sent to Congress from all the free states. Town and county societies were formed throughout the North. This movement alarmed as well as exasperated the southern people; and the excitement soon became general. In the North as well as in the South, meetings were held, and resolutions passed, bitterly denouncing the abolitionists. Antislavery meetings in many places were broken up by violence, and several antislavery presses were demolished. These acts of violence were not always the work of men of the "baser sort," but were, in many instances, not only instigated but perpetrated by men of high standing. The men who, in Utica, in 1835, entered a church in which the delegates of the New York State Antislavery Society were assembled, and actually dispersed the occupants of the house by force, were prominent professional men and other men of high official and social position. A respectable minister, a resident of the city, was violently thrown upon the floor, his own son, a lawyer, being one of the participators in the shameful affray. The governor of the state, in i836, took part in a meeting in Albany, by which the most denunciatory resolutions against the abolitionists were passed, and the deepest sympathy was expressed for their "southern brethren." An antislavery convention had assembled in a court-house in Western New York. A committee of fifty, embracing nearly every man of fair social position in the village, having been appointed for the purpose at a public meeting, entered the court-house, and read the resolutions adopted at that meeting, disapproving the views of the abolitionists, and advising the convention to disperse, intimating that they might not be permitted to proceed peaceably in their deliberations. In the gallery were seated about twenty ruffians, who, on signals given by two lawyers and an editor standing below and facing the gallery, would, by hissing, stamping, and other noises, interrupt the proceedings of the convention. After several fruitless attempts to proceed to the transaction of business, the meeting was adjourned to a future day, and to another part of the county. Many now will wonder that the discussion of an evil of such magnitude, should not be allowed in a country whose constitution guaranties the right of freedom of speech, even when the subject is liberty itself. It is, however, proper to state, that much of this opposition to the antislavery effort arose, not from a regard for slavery, but from a misapprehension of the aims of the abolitionists. [For political action on the slavery question, see Political History.] A majority of Congress being opposed to the objects of the abolitionists, who continued to send in their petitions for the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia, and for prohibiting the slave trade between the states, the house resolved that such petitions should, on presentation, be laid on the 148 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. table without being debated, printed, -or referred. This action of the house rather increased than allayed agitation; and petitions were daily offered as usual-some for the repeal of the "gag resolutions," as they were called. But as yet there was no political antislavery party. The abolitionists, however, began to vote for candidates in favor of their views without respect to party. The subject of a political organization was soon after agitated; and in November, I839, at a small meeting of abolitionists in Western New York, James G. Birney, formerly a slaveholder in Alabama, who had emancipated his slaves and removed to the North, was nominated for president. This party never became numerous. A large majority of the abolitionists refused to join it, believing their object was more likely to be effected by adhering to the original plan of the societies. MEDICAL SOCIETIES. CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY. THIS society was formed in June, I818, in court week. Pursuant to previous public notice, a number of physicians and surgeons met at the hall of Gen. John McMahan, in Mayville. Dr. E. T. Foote was chosen chairman of the meeting, and Dr. Fenn Deming, secretary. Officers of the society were elected as follows: President, Elial T. Foote. Vice-President, Samuel Snow. Secretary, Treasurer, and Librarian, Fenn Deming.. Censors, Orris Crosby, John P. M. Whaley, Henry Sargent. The last three named were also appointed as a committee to prepare a code of by-laws for the society, to be presented at the next meeting; and Dr. Foote was appointed a delegate to the state society. At the meeting in June, I819, Dr. Sargent presented a code of by-laws prepared by himself, which were adopted. Dr. Jediah Prendergast was chosen president for the ensuing year; Dr. Squire White, vice-president; Dr. Ebenezer P. Upham, secretary; Drs. Foote, Crosby, and Sargent, censors. Dr. Sargent was appointed to deliver an address at the next annual meeting. ECLECTIC MEDICAL SOCIETY. The first " Reform Medical Society" was organized in Fredonia, in I844, Dr. J. R. Bush, president, and M. Hobart, secretary. Under the auspices of this society, a course of lectures was given in Fredonia by Prof. Hill, of Cincinnati, commencing June, 1847. About twenty students were in attendance. The last meeting of the society of which a record is obtained, was held at Jamestown, in September, I85o. The Eclectic Medical Association of Chautauqua County was organized in September, 1856, Dr. O. C. Payne, president; A. P. Parsons, M. D., secretary. During nine years, this association held thirty meetings for the transaction of business, and received thirtyfive members. Their names are as follows: AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES. 14c O. C. Payne, A. P. Parsons, H. C. Taylor, Joseph Carpenter, John Clough, A. Landers, E. H. Thatcher, J. B. Chace, Ezra Mills, Daniel Briggs, W. L. Wilbur, David Bradford, Joseph Whitaker, A. S. Davis, Simon Barris, I. J. Bowen, John Devoe, Joseph Button, Ezra Martin, S. Monroe, Z. Kilbourn, A. D. Brooks, S. Logan, C. C. Rugg, C. C. Johnson, G. H. Bowen, G. L. Whitford, B. Hubbard, A. Jackson, Wm. Bourne, Orrin Garfield, E. Clark, N. F. Marble, S. Brown. At a meeting held at Dunkirk, September 15, 1865, a new constitution was adopted, in compliance with a request of the state society; and to become auxiliary thereto, the name was changed from Association to Society, and is now known as the Eclectic Medical Society of the 32d Senatorial District. The officers chosen were: H. C. Taylor, M. D., president; A. P. Parsons, M. D., vice-president; M. M. Fenner, M. D., secretary; G. L. Whitford, treasurer. The following are the names of members: G. H. Bowen, A. S. Davis, N. F. Marsh, C. C. Rugg, C. C. Johnson, J. B. Chace, A. D. Brooks, N. F. Marble, D. A. Loomis, G. W. Carpenter, James Fenner, Phineas Sage, C. W. Babcock, A. Ayers, John Gazley, A. Haynes, J. A. Salisbury, C. D. Thompson, A. H. Bowen, J. Lord, S. J. Bowen, Q. A. Hollister, D. C. Storer, W. L. Wilbur, O. H. Simons, M. C. Belknap, J. Phillips, A. P. Phillips, A. A. Hubbell, V. A. Ellsworth, A. Jennings, J. J. Lenhart, J. R. Borland. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES. AGRICULTURE received public encouragement in this state during the first term of Gov. De Witt Clinton. In the Chautauqua Eagle, published by Robert I. Curtis at Mayville, we find, under date of Jan. 4, I820, a circular, signed by ten prominent " members of the great republican family," residing in the city of New York. They enumerate a long list of considerations, or measures of reform, characterizing Mr. Clinton's administration, which they urge in favor of his reflection. They say: " Under the administration of De Witt Clinton, a board of agriculture has been established upon the strength of his special recommendation. This has laid the foundation of our future agricultural prosperity, and called forth a noble and salutary emulation in the forty-nine counties of our state. It, in fact, has given a vast impulse to internal and even national industry, and is the only board in the twenty-one United States. Twenty thousand dollars will be hereafter expended annually to encourage the most approved cultivation of the soil." The following facts relating to agricultural societies in this county are found in one of a course of lectures by the late Samuel A. Brown, Esq., before the students of Jamestown academy, in I843. About the year 1820, an agricultural society was formed at Mayville, and Judge Cushing, a wealthy farmer of Pomfret, chosen president. This society did but little, and was suffered 150 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. soon to expire. On the I2th of October, i836, the citizens met at the courthouse to organize an agricultural society under the statute; and Jedediah Tracy, of Mayville, was chosen president, and Wm. Prendergast, 2d, secretary. They adjourned to the 4th of January, I837. On that day the C/hautauqua County Agricultural Society was organized, and officers chosen. Wm. Prendergast, 2d, was chosen president; Henry Baker, of Ellicott, Timothy Judson, of Portland, Thomas B. Campbell, of Westfield, and Elias Clarke, of Ellery, vice-presidents; E. P. Upham, corresponding secretary; Jedediah Tracy, treasurer. The executive committee were Wm. H. Seward, Thomas B. Campbell, of Westfield, Stephen Prendergast, of Ripley, David Eaton, of Portland, Seth W. Holmes, of Chautauqua, John Miller, of Harmony, Sampson Vincent, of Sherman, Abraham Pier, of Busti, Chauncey Warren, of Stockton, Jedediah Vorce, of Ellery, and Richard Walker, of Mina. The design of the society, as expressed in its constitution, was "to improve agriculture, horticulture, the household arts, and the breeding and improvement of domestic animals, and also the improvement of farming utensils, and domestic manufactures." In many of the counties of this state, besides the county organizations, there are societies embracing one or more towns. The nature of these societies is too well understood to need description. That they have been instrumental in advancing the agricultural interest in the state will hardly be disputed; and that practices have been introduced which materially detract from their usefulness, is extensively believed. RAILROADS IN CHAUTAUQUA. NEW YORK AND ERIE RAILROAD COMPANY. THIS company was chartered by the legislature, April 24, I832. The first preliminary survey was made the same year by De Witt Clinton, Jr., by order of the government. The company was authorized to organize when subscriptions for stock should have been taken to the amount of $1,000,000. Books were opened in the city of New York and in the counties along the route of the contemplated road. No subscriptions, or none to any considerable amount, were obtained. The commissioners subsequently subscribed $io,ooo each, and Wm. G. Buckner, of New York, subscribed for the remainder of the million required; and the company was organized in July, I833. Eleazar Lord, of New York, was chosen president; Wm. G. Buckner, treasurer. In I834, the governor appointed Benj. Wright to survey the route; who, assisted by James Seymour and Charles Ellett, began the survey May 23d, and finished it the same year. In 1835, the company was reorganized, and 40 miles were put under contract. In 1836, an act was passed authorizing a loan to the company of $3,000,000 on the credit of the state; RAILROADS IN CHAUTAUQUA. 5 I and the comptroller was directed to issue state stock, to that amount, to aid in constructing the road. After this sum had been expended, it was found necessary to suspend the prosecution of the work. In this county, about 14 miles of the road from Dunkirk eastward had been graded, and for about 8 miles toward Mud lake the rails had been laid. The company being unable to proceed in the construction of the road without further aid, the state, in 1845, released its lien on the road, and authorized the original stockholders to surrender two shares of the old stock, and receive one share of the new. April 8, 1845, a branch was allowed to be built from Chester to Newburgh, 19 miles. A road was also authorized from about 20 miles west from Piermont, through New Jersey to Jersey City, opposite New York, where nearly all the freight and passengers of the Erie road, to and from New York, are landed. To secure to the people of the southern counties of the state the benefits of the road, the company was originally required to keep the road all the way within the limits of the state. In I846, however, in order to obtain an easier grade, the company was allowed to cross the Delaware river into Pennsylvania, and run the road a short distance through that state. For this privilege the road is compelled to pay the state of Pennsylvania, annually, a bonus of $Io,ooo. The road was opened as follows: From Piermont to Goshen, Sept. 22, 1841; to Middletown, June 7, 1843; to Port Jervis, Jan. 6, 1848; to Binghamton, Dec. 28, 1848; to Owego, June i, 1849; to Elmira, Oct., 1849; to Corning, Jan. I, I8 9; and to Dunkirk, May I4, 185I. The Newburgh branch was opened, Jan. 8, I850. The consummation of the great enterprise, which had been anxiously awaited through long years of doubt and despondency, was appropriately followed by a CELEBRATION AT DUNKIRK. This was a joyous occasion, not only to the citizens of this county, but to thousands in every county in the "southern tier." These "sequestered counties," as they had long been called, having participated but slightly in the benefits of the "grand canal," were at length favored with a "road to market." The day was highly auspicious, and many thousands were attracted by the fame of the expected guests, and the novelty of the anticipated spectacle. The village of Dunkirk presented a gay appearance, from the flags and streamers with which the hotels and private houses were decorated. On the dep6t were the flags of three nations; the stars and stripes gracefully floating above the tri-color of the French republic and the red cross of St. George. At about 1 i o'clock, the Queen City arrived from Buffalo, and soon after, in succession, the Niagara, the Empire State, the Empire, the Key Stone State, and the United States steamer Michigan, took positions in the harbor. Gov. Huntand suite arrived from Buffalo on one of the boats, and received his friends at the American hotel. The train from New York, expected at 1.30 P. M., did not arrive until about 4, when the locomotive "Dunkirk" 152 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. came in as a pioneer, followed, soon after, by the long expected "iron horse," from New York city, amid the ringing of bells and shouts of thousands. The train consisted of twelve passenger cars, bearing a long row of banners which had been presented along the line. Among the guests in the train, were President Fillmore; Daniel Webster, secretary of state; Wm. A. Graham, secretary of the navy; Nathan K. Hall, postmaster-general; John J. Crittenden, attorney-general; Senators Seward and Fish; Daniel S. Dickinson; Ex-Gov. Marcy; Senator Douglas, of Ill.; Christopher Morgan, sec. of state of New York, and others. After the presentation of an elegant banner by the ladies of Dunkirk to the president and directors of the road, a procession was formed under the direction of Noah D. Snow, marshal, and to the music of Dodsworth's New York Cornet Band, proceeded through the village, and back to the dep6t, where refreshments were provided. The president and invited guests, with the directors of the road, repaired to the Loder house, where a sumptuous collation was served up. At the conclusion of the repast, President Fillmore, being introduced to the guests, congratulated them on the completion of the road, and complimented the president and directors of the road for their exertions in its behalf. He was followed by Mr. Loder, president of the company, who gave a history of the origin and progress of the road, during which time the charter had been changed some twelve times. The road, he said, was 445 miles in length, the longest ever built under one charter in the world. Mr. Crittenden, of Ky., having been called for, said he was surprised at what had been accomplished. He had heard something of it, but had previously had no adequate idea of its extent. The' French eagle, said Napoleon, had flown from spire to spire, till it rested on Notre Dame; but he [Mr. C.] had been in a car that outdid the French eagle. They had been flying, not from spire to spire, but from mountain top to mountain top. The president and directors of the road were benefactors of the state. Our country was destined to progress. In fifty years, there would be a population of Ioo,ooo,ooo. The speaking was continued within the house until a late hour, by Gov. Hunt, Senators Seward and Dickinson, and others. Outside the house, President Fillmore was introduced by I1on. Geo. W. Patterson, to the multitude in front, and briefly addressed them in eulogy of the road and the occasion. He was followed by Gov. Hunt and Secretary Graham. They were succeeded by Joseph Hoxie, of New York, or, as Lieut.-Gov. Patterson remarked, better known as " Joe Hoxie." He chained the audience for some time by a flow of humor; but the cry was for Webster, and no excuse would be taken. Mr. Webster at last appeared, looking fatigued and care-worn, but spoke at length on the benefit of the work, and in behalf of the Union. The festivities of the day were closed by a brilliant display of fireworks, bonfires, etc., while the windows of many dwellings were illuminated. There were probably I5,ooo people assembled on the occasion. RAILROADS IN CHAUTAUQUA. 153 BUFFALO & ERIE, AND OTHER RAILROADS. The Buffalo &' Erie Railroad Company was formed under an act passed April 14, 1832, with a capital of $650,000. The term of the charter was fifty years. Four years were allowed the company to commence the work, and ten to complete it. The route was surveyed and located nearly all the way to the'state line. The stock was taken, but from some disagreement in regard to the route at certain points, the work was not commenced within the four years, as required by the act, and the enterprise failed. The Buffalo &- State Line Railroad Company was formed June 6, 1849. The road was located by way of Fredonia. The route was subsequently changed by the company's deciding to run it through Dunkirk. The road was opened from Dunkirk to the state line January I, 1852, and to Buffalo February 22, following. The company purchased the Erie & North-east Railroad, under the act of April 13, I857, and operated the united roads under the name of the Buffalo &6 Erie Railroad. The three railroads between Erie and Chicago, owned by three different companies prior to May, I869, were then consolidated under the name of Lake Shore &6 Michigan Southern Railroad. In August following, this road and the Buffalo & Erie road were consolidated, without a change of the former name. A company for the construction of a railroad from Pbrtland Harbor [Barcelona] to Mayville, was formed under an act of the legislature, passed March 29, 1832. The capital stock was to be $I5o,ooo, and the term of charter fifty years; eight years to be allowed for its construction. It is needless to say the project was never carried into effect. The Fredonia &6 Van Buren Railroad Company was formed May 21, 1836, with a capital of $I2,o00. This was at the time when the projected city of Van Buren [elsewhere noticed] had just made its appearance on paper-the epoch still frequently designated in this section of the state as the time of the " Buffalo land speculation," but which extended to all parts of the country. [See Van Buren, in History of Dunkirk.] The people of Fredonia, having no hope of securing an early connection with a railroad in any other way, and anticipating the selection of this place for the terminus of the New York & Erie road, sought connection with the lake and railroad trade by this short road. But the " crisis " which succeeded the fictitious prosperity of the years I835 and 1836 having crushed the prospective city, and the western terminus of the N. Y. & E. R. R. having been fixed at Dunkirk, the project was abandoned. THE ATLANTIC & GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. This company was formed December 9, I859. The line was said to extend from the New York & Erie Railroad at Little Valley to the south line of Chautauqua county. But it was never intended to be thus restricted. On the completion of the road westward to Jamestown, the Journal Extra, of August 25, 1860, said: "This great enterprise, which has for a decade of years absorbed the 154 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. interests of capitalists and commercial men, as well as the business public, both east and west, and which, in its vastness of design, unites the valley of the Mississippi (and ultimately the Pacific slope) to the great emporium of the Atlantic shore, has reached a stage of its completion that assures its speedy and indisputable success. Its line traverses the very garden of the states, the central region through Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana, so well known to producers and buyers as the great market ground between th'e lakes and the Gulf states." On the 6th of April, negotiations between the companies of the Erie & New York City Railroad and the Atlantic & Great Western Railroad were completed; the latter company adopting 38 miles of the Erie & New York City Railroad line. About the ist of May, the contractors and engineer corps commenced operations at the junction with the New York & Erie Railroad near Little Valley. On the 3d of July, the iron was laid down to Randolph, 65 miles from the junction. On the 25th of August, i860, the first train of cars arrived at Jamestown, a distance of 33 miles; the achievement of the result being ascribed in great part to " the vigor of the English engineer, [Thomas W. Kennard,] the coolness and energy of his American associate, J. Hill, Jr., and the urging of the work by the able contractors, Messrs. Doolittle and Streator. On the occasion of the laying of the rails of the road into the village of Jamestown, a complimentary dinner was given to Mr. Kennard at the Jamestown House, where a large company of invited guests sat down to a sumptuously furnished table. Col. Augustus F. Allen presided on the occasion, which, judging from the published proceedings, was one of deep interest to the people in a part of the country until then remote from canal or railroad. The Buffilo & Oil Creek Cross Cut Railroad was chartered in I865. Its name was subsequently changed to Buffalo, Corry &' Pittsburgh Railroad. It connects Corry, in Pennsylvania, with Brocton in this county, where it joins the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern road. Its length is 43.20 miles. The portion lying in this state is 37.20 miles, and terminates at the state line, which there forms the south line of Clymer, on lot 49. The company constructing from this point to Corry, was chartered by the legislature of Pennsylvania, and the two were consolidated April 24, I867. DUNKIRK, ALLEGANY VALLEY & PITTSBURGH RAILROAD. A meeting was held in the summer of I866 by the citizens of Sinclairville, at which Hon. C. J. Allen presided, to consider the practicability of constructing a railroad from Dunkirk to Warren, Pa., by the way of the Cassadaga and Connewango valleys. Other meetings were afterwards held in the same year at Sinclairville, Dunkirk, and Fredonia, at which preliminary steps were taken for the organization of a company to build the road. Subscriptions were also made to its capital stock, in anticipation of the organization of such company, by the citizens along the route of the proposed road. During the succeeding winter, the company was organized under the name of the Dunkirk, Warren & Pittsburgh Railroad Company. The officers first chosen were POLITICAL HISTORY. 155 Timothy D. Copp, president; George Barker, vice-president; S. M. Newton, chief engineer; T. R. Coleman, treasurer; and James Van Buren, secretary; S. M. Newton, Wm. Bookstaver, Walter Finkle, and Lee L. Hyde, of Dunkirk; George Barker and Thomas Higgins, of Fredonia; Ebenezer Moore, of Stockton; T. D. Copp and Alonzo Langworthy, of Sinclairville; B. F. Dennison, of Gerry; Patrick Falconer, of Ellicott; and Edwin Eaton and Wm. H. H. Fenton, of Carroll, directors. April 23, 1867, an act was passed by the legislature of New York, authorizing the towns in this county to subscribe to the capital stock. June 17, I867, the first work on the road was done. A party consisting of Obed Edson, compassman, Thomas Glissan, George Blackham, Stephen H. Allen, Walter Hyde, and Charles Higgins, under the direction of the chief engineer, commenced the preliminary survey at the north end of Cassadaga lake, and completed this survey from Dunkirk to the Pennsylvania line during that year. The original contract for the construction of the road was made with T. M. Simpson and J. Condit Smith; and grading was commenced in Ellicott, at Ross's mills, October 3, i867. In December, I867, supervisors of towns issued bonds and subscribed for stock for their respective towns, as follows: George D. Hinkley, of Pomfret, $50,000; Obed Edson, of Charlotte, and B. F. Dennison, of Gerry, each $34,000; John S. Beggs, of Dunkirk, $ioo,ooo; and Wm. H. H. Fenton, of Carroll, $20,000. This substantially constituted the capital stock on which the road was built. In i868, I869 and i870, the road was graded. In 1870, the track was laid to a point a little south of Laona; June I, 1871, to Sinclairville; June 17, to Worksburg; to which place the first passenger train passed over the road, June 22, 1871. The road was afterwards completed to Warren, and continued to Titusville. The Buffalo and Jamestown Railroad was chartered in I872. It passes through the towns of Hamburgh, Eden, and Collins, in Erie county; Persia and Dayton, in Cattaraugus county; Cherry Creek and Ellington, in Chautauqua county; Randolph, in Cattaraugus; Poland and Ellicott, in Chautauqua county. POLITICAL HISTORY. EARLY PARTIES. EVER since the organization of the government under the constitution, there have been two great national political parties in this country. The first had their origin in the convention which framed the constitution of the United States. Prior to the formation of the present government, national affairs were conducted under the articles of confederation, which were adopted during the Revolutionary war. This confederation was a mere league between thirteen sovereign and independent states. This league was formed for the more effectual resistance to the power of Great Britain in the struggle for American 156 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. independence. It was hardly entitled to be called a government. It had neither a legislature, an executive, nor a judiciary. There was what was sometimes called a legislature-the Congress-consisting of delegates from the several states, sitting in a single body. It could pass no law that was binding upon the states or individuals. In this Congress all the states were equal. In the decision of all questions, each state had but one vote; and that vote was determined by the majority of its delegates. Each state, large or small, was entitled to an equal number of delegates, not exceeding seven; but its vote was not counted unless at least two of its delegates were present and voting. Also, if its delegates were equally divided upon a question, it had no vote. The weakness of the confederation appeared during the war. Congress could not compel a state to raise men or money to carry on the war. Its business was to pass ordinances, so called, assigning to the states their respective quotas of men and money to be raised; but it could not enforce its requisitions. Generally, however, they were obeyed, all the states being united to avert a common danger. But after the war was over, the states did not long continue in harmony. Laws were enacted in some states giving their own citizens undue advantages over the citizens of other states; and mutual jealousies and animosities soon arose which threatened to break up the Union. It was now evident that, to preserve the union of the states, a government possessing more extensive powers was necessary; a government that could, in all needful cases, control the action of the state governments. Under the confederation, Congress had no power to lay and collect taxes. It borrowed money to carry on the war; but, as the power of taxation was in the states alone, Congress was wholly dependent on the states, which were not always ready and willing to comply with its requisitions. But what originated the movement for a constitutional convention, was the want of power to lay duties to protect American labor. Other countries, especially Great Britain, where manufactures had become firmly established, were flooding this country with their fabrics, and were draining it of its specie, and impoverishing our people. Great Britain had built up her manufacturing interest by high duties upon foreign goods; and our Congress had not the power thus to protect capital and labor by countervailing duties. The states had the power, but they would not agree upon a uniform system of duties; and without uniformity the object could not be accomplished. Mr. Madison and other eminent statesmen, after several unsuccessful attempts to have the evil remedied by the action of the state legislatures, requested Congress to call a convention of commissioners from all the states, to alter the articles of confederation so as to confer upon Congress this needed power, and to make such other alterations "as the exigencies of the Union might require." The request for the calling of a convention by Congress was granted; and the delegates met at Philadelphia on the second Monday of May, I787. POLITICAL HISTORY. 157 There was soon found a wide difference of opinion among the members respecting the plan of government to be formed. Some wished to retain the existing plan with a slight enlargement of the powers of Congress. Others, instead of a simple confederation of equal and independent states, desired a complete national government, with a legislative, an executive, and a judicial department-a government that could enforce its laws upon states and individuals. A resolution in favor of such a government was introduced. It was the occasion of a long, earnest, and, at times, angry debate, which came near breaking up the convention. But the friends of a national government prevailed; and a plan, of which Mr. Madison was the reputed author, was introduced as the basis of action, and was called the "Virginia plan." Mr. Patterson, of New Jersey, presented a plan in accordance with the views of the friends of the confederation. This was called the " New Jersey plan." The convention had not proceeded far in its labors, when some members of the defeated party left the convention and returned to their homes. The delegates from the state of New York were Alexander Hamilton, Robert Yates, and John Lansing, Jr., the last two of whom were among the departing members. Mr. Hamilton being the only remaining delegate from this state, New York had no longer a vote in the convention, as the presence of at least two members was necessary to entitle a state to a vote. We have now come to the origin of the first two political parties: one in favor of a union of sovereign, independent states, or, as it has sometimes been called, a union of states as states, the other, in favor of what is called in the preamble to the constitution, " a more perfect union "-a union of " the eople of the United States." It is proper to here correct a prevailing error. It is generally supposed that, from the beginning, those who were in favor of the constitution, were called federalists. This is a mistake. Those who, in the convention, advocated the continuance of the confederation, were, as the word itself imports,federalists, and were distinguished by that name to the close of the convention, and for some time afterwards; and the friends of the constitution were termed anti-federalists. But while the constitution was before the people for ratification, its friends came to be called federalists. Although the contemplated government was national, it was also still in some sense, or to some extent, a confederacy. And as the articles of confederation were too weak to preserve the union, the anti-federalists, believing the only way to perpetuate the confederacy or federal union, was to adopt the constitution, took the name of federalists. And by this name they and their followers and successors were called until the party disbanded, soon after the first election of President Monroe. Among the earliest federalists whose names are familiar to the American people, were George Washington, John Adams, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, John Marshall, and others. Mr. Madison, however, soon after the new government went into effect, joined the opposite party, though not on account of any change of views in relation to the constitution. Notwithstanding this early division of sentiment Gen. Washington was 158 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. unanimously chosen president by the presidential electors; and although the leading measures of his administration were opposed from its commencement, there seems to have been for several years no organized opposition party. His second election, like the first, was unanimous. The earliest measures of his administration which received material opposition were his financial measures. One of these was the funding of t1e public debt, including the debts of the states contracted during the war. Another was the incorporation of a national bank, in I79I. His foreign policy also encountered much opposition. France was in the midst of a revolution. In the war of Europe, then existing, Great Britain and France were the principal belligerents. Some of our people were in favor of taking part with France against Great Britain; but Washington, though friendly to France, determined to maintain a strict neutrality. The opponents of the federalists at length- took the name of the i-/eublican pariy, and obtained control of the governnent after the expiration of the presidential term of John Adams, having elected their leader, Thomas Jefferson, over Mr. Adams, who was a candidate for reeiection. These were the two national parties when the settlement of this county commenced. Thomas Jefferson had taken his seat in the presidential chair, March 4, r80o, for whom not a vote had been cast within the bounds of the present county of Chautauqua; the electors by whom he was chosen having been elected in the fall of i8oo. Probably there was not a vote given for his reelection in 1804, by any settler within these bounds. The town of Chautauqua had been formed by the legislature of that year, but no election was held in it until 1805. This town was then a part of Genesee county; and it is not likely that any one of the few settlers then here made a journey of eighty or ninety miles to vote. Besides, there was not among them one who had the required qualifications of property and terL of residence to vote for president, if the election had been at his own door. One of the causes —perhaps the principal cause-of the unpopularity and decline of the federal party, was the passage of two acts during'Mr. Adams' administration, called the alien and sedition lazws. The alien law, entitled, " An act concerning aliens," authorized the president to order out of the country any alien suspected of any treasonable purpose, or deemed dangerous to the safety of the country, unless satisfactory proof should be given that no injury or danger should arise from his residing here. The other law was entitled, "An act in addition to'an act for the punishment of certain crimes against the United States'"; but it was generally called the "sedition law." It provided for punishing persons for conspiring to oppose any measure of the government, or for hindering any public officer in discharging his duties; also for punishing any person for slandering or libeling the government, congress, or the president. Although these acts were wellintentioned, and approved by wise and good men, among whom were Washington and Patrick Henry, as being necessary to check the influence of numerous meddlesome foreigners then in the country, who were active in POLITICAL HISTORY. 159 exciting opposition to the administration, and were combined in organized associations which were considered dangerous to the peace of the United Sfates; they were, nevertheless, disapproved by a majority of the people, who regarded them as infringements upon popular rights, especially upon the freedom of speech and of the press. Hence, to render the act against sedition the more odious, its opponents gave it the title of "gag law." These laws gave rise to the famed " Virginia and Kentucky resolutions of 1798," which were for more than half a century referred to as expressing the principles of the old republican party. Those passed by the Virginia legislature were drawn up by Mr. Madison, then a member. They declared that the constitution was a compact to which the states were parties, granting limited powers; that in case of a deliberate, palpable, and dangerous exercise of other powers not granted, it was the right and duty of the states to interpose for arresting the progress of the evil, and for maintaining the rights of the states within their respective limits; and that the alien and sedition laws were palpable and alarming infractions of the constitution. The resolutions of the Kentucky legislature were drafted by Mr. Jefferson. They declared the Union to be "a compact between the states as states; that, as parties to this compact have no common judge or superior, each party has an equal right to judge for itself," of the constitutionality of a law, " as well as of the mode and measure of redress." The reader who recollects the action of the convention of the framers of the constitution, as given on preceding pages, will be surprised at the declaration of sentiments like those expressed in the above resolutions. The idea of a confederation of states as states was rejected by the convention.. Yet, after the lapse of only ten years, the most eminent statesmen assert that the Union is a compact between the states as states. Mr. Madison, the head or leader of the party in favor of a national government to supersede the confederation, which was a union of states as states, can hardly be supposed to have intended to convey the impression that the Union was a compact between the states as such. He calls it "a compact to which the states are parties." He may have meant simply, that, in the ratification of the constitution, the people of each state acted separately by state conventions. The Kentucky resolutions do not admit of so favorable a construction. It is expressly declared that there is no higher authority than that of a state, to judge what is a violation or "infraction" of the constitution-thus denying. the right of the supreme court of the United States to decide questions of constitutionality; and claiming the right to nullify any act of Congress which the highest state court shall decide unconstitutional. It must seem strange, especially to the younger class of our citizens, that doctrines like the above should ever have been so explicitly asserted, and so extensively accepted. Yet, for more than thirty years, "the principles of 1798" were regarded as the test of political orthodoxy; and that man's chance of an election to an important office was small, indeed, who could not avow his adherence to the doctrine enunciated in the resolutions above referred to. In the series 60 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. of resolutions adopted by the legislatures of these states, were some that are unexceptionable. Declaring the opinion that the alien and sedition laws were unconstitutional was the right of any man or body of men. But a doctrine that a law is null and void before it has been so pronounced by the highest judicial authority, is dangerous and disorganizing in its tendency. The doctrine of state sovereignty, to the extent asserted by the Kentucky resolutions, never received the unanimous assent of republican statesmen. According to Mr. Madison's own exposition of the constitution, not the states, as states, but the people of the several states, were parties to the compact; and in I830 he expressly repudiated "nullification as a right remedy." So also President Jackson, in his proclamation against South Carolina in December, 1832, denied such right, and maintained the doctrine now held by American statesmen generally, that, instead of there being no common judge, it is the prerogative of the supreme court of the United States to judge of the validity of the acts of Congress. If every state might disobey any law which its authorities should pronounce unconstitutional, no general government could be maintained; secession would be constitutional. The transfer of power, however, from the federal to the republican party, was not followed by any great changes of policy. The alien and sedition laws were designed only to have a temporary effect; and no act of the new administration was necessary for their repeal. The alien law expired by its own limitation, June 25, 80oo; the sedition act, on the 4th of March, I80o, the day of Mr. Jefferson's induction into office. During our commercial controversy with France and Great Britain, prior to and during the war between the latter and the United States, the hostility of the two parties toward each other was probably more marked than at any other period. The federalists were generally opposed to the declaration of war, the causes being in their view insufficient to justify a war. The republicans maintained the justice and propriety of the war, and charged their opponents with hostility to their own country, and sympathy with the enemy. Chautauqua and Cattaraugus counties, it will be recollected, were, for several years from the time of their formation, united, for judicial and other purposes, with Niagara, which then comprised the present counties of Niagara and Erie. And after they had become fully organized with the requisite population, [Chautauqua in i81,] they formed but one assembly district until 1822. It will be recollected, too, that until after the adoption of the constitution of 182I, the general elections for the election of other than town officers, were held on the last Tuesday in April. On the I4th of April, I812, the federalists of this assembly district met at Buffalo; and on the next day they nominated for the assembly, Abel M. Grosvenor, of Buffalo. The committees of the two towns then composing this county, were the following: Pomfret-Jacob Houghton, John E. Howard, Ozias Hart, Orsamus Holmes, James Hale, Daniel Warren, Samuel Sinclear, Foster Young, Isaac Barnes. POLITICAL HISTORY. 161 Chautauqua-James McMahan, Anselm Potter, Dennis Brackett, Wm. Berry, Thomas Prendergast, Thomas McClintock. Having no account of any nominating republican convention, we can only give the name of the candidate of that party, Jonas Williams, who had a majority in the district. In the same year, [I812,] Messrs. Hopkins and Howell, federal candidates for Congress, received in this county a majority of 47 votes. On the 3d of November, I812, a meeting of the "Friends of Liberty, Peace, and Commerce," as the anti-war men called themselves, held a meeting at David Joy's, in Buffalo. (?) JACOB HOUGHTON, chairman; ANSELM POTTER, secretary. Resolutions were adopted disapproving the administrations of Jefferson and Madison. A committee of correspondence was appointed, consisting of Orsamus Holmes, Samuel Sinclear, Anselm Potter, James Montgomery, Jacob Houghton, James McMahan, and Foster Young. The meeting concurred in recommendations previously made in other places, for a state convention to be held at Albany. On the 23d of December, 1812, a county meeting of the republicans was held at John Scott's, in Mayville; MATTHEW PRENDERGAST, chairman; JOHN DEXTER, secretary. Resolutions were adopted declaring the justice of the war and the purpose to sustain it. Names of delegates, and of the members of a committee, if appointed, are not given. On the I 7th of March, 1813, another county meeting of delegates of the friends of " Liberty, Peace, and Commerce" was held in Pomfret; THOMAS MARTIN, chairman; ISAAC PIERCE, secretary. Jacob Houghton was nominated for the assembly. Committees to promote the election: Chautauqua-Thomas Prendergast, Jabez Hurlbut, Elisha Wallis, James Montgomery, David Eaton, Asa Hall, Henry Sartwell. Ellicot —James Prendergast. Gerry-Samuel Sinclear, Robert W. Seaver, Wm. Devine, Abm. Windsor. Ponzfret-Orsamus Holmes, Elijah Risley, Jr., Ozias Hart, Isaac Pierce, Thomas Martin, Andrew Bates, Rodolphus Loomis. fHanover -John E. Howard, John Mack, Bethel Willoughby, Guy Webster, Cushing Brownell, Abel Flint. The republicans of the assembly district met at St. John's, in Buffalo, previous to the April election in 1813; David Eddy, chairman; John Root, secretary. Jonas Williams was nominated for the assembly. Committee in Chautauqua county: Pomfret-Zattu Cushing, Philo Orton, Jehiel Moore, Eliphalet Day. Chautauqua-David Eason, Wm. Peacock, AM. Prendergast, John E. Marshall,. John Scott. The majority for Gov. Daniel D. Tompkins in this county was 57; for Jonas Williams, -. It was said many votes were admitted for governor and senators from persons only holding articles for land; whereas, by the old constitution, none. but freeholders to the value of $250, could vote for those offices. April 4, 1814, at a republican convention held at Buffalo, Joseph McCluer;. 162 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. of Cattaraugus Co., was nominated for the assembly. Philetus Swift, of Ontario Co.; Bennett Bicknell, of Madison Co.; and John J. Prendergast, of H'erkimer Co., were candidates in the western district for the senate. Peter B. Porter, of Niagara, and Micah Brooks, of Ontario, were candidates for Congress. The federalists nominated this year for the assembly, Elijah Holt, of Buffalo. This nomination was confirmed at a meeting in this county held in Pomfret, April i th. Samuel Sinclear, chairman; D. Sterne Houghton, secretary. In I8 5, the republicans nominated Daniel McCleary, of Buffalo, and Elias Osborn, of Clarence, for the assembly.. The federalists nominated James Prendergast, of Chautauqua, and Daniel Chapin, of Buffalo. There was this year a small federal majority in this county. The district was republican. PARTIES IN NEW YORK. Next in the order of the birth of parties which divided the people of this county, were the Bucktails and the Clintonians. These, however, were not national parties, but were confined to the state of New York. Hostilities between the two old parties had ceased, if, indeed, they could be said to have an existence. The federalists had, by their opposition to the war, become quite unpopular. Their weakness may be imagined from the presidential election of 1816. Of the presidential electors chosen that year, Mr. Monroe received 183, and Rufus King, the federal candidate, but 34. Mr. Monroe received for reelection, 213 of the 214 votes cast by the electors, there being no longer any federal organization. In April, 1820, about the tinie of the election, forty-eight of the leading federalists published a manifesto, in which they assigned their reasons for dissolving their connection with the party, and changing their party relations. Being gentlemen of high respectability, they were long spoken of as the " forty-eight high-minded."' Most of them, if not all, joined the bucktails. The rank and file of the federalists, having been deserted by their leaders, felt at liberty to go where they pleased. Some of them followed their leaders; others attached themselves to the fortunes of De Witt Clinton. Mr. Clinton was an early and ardent republican, and a man of great ability; and, having taken an early and decided stand in favor of the construction of the canals, which made him popular, especially in the western part of the state, he had become the head and leader of a strong party, called Clintonians. The origin of the name of the other party is not so well known. Hon. Samuel A. Brown, in a public lecture at Jamestown, in I843, gave it as follows: " In the city of New York, a political party had existed for many years, by the name of the Tammany Society, so called in honor of a noted Indian chief. These Tammanies erected Tammany Hall, or the wigwzeam, as they sometimes called it. This society had its auxiliaries throughout the state and its influence was felt even in Chautauqua. They called their officers by POLITICAL HISTORY. I63 aboriginal names, and on festival days wore the Indian costume, and among other peculiarities, wore a real buck's tail on the hat." We have in these local political conflicts a striking illustration of the mutability of party associations. In 1812, as has been stated, having been an unwavering republican, and a thorough-going friend and advocate of a war with Great Britain, Mr. Clinton was nominated as a candidate for president by the -republican members of the legislature of this state, under the leadership of Martin Van Buren, Samuel Young, and others; now [I820] we find two parties, composed alike of republicans and federalists, arrayed against each other; the one under the lead of Mr. Clinton; the other under that of Mr. Van Buren. Mr. Clinton, who had been elected governor in 1817, without any material opposition, in the place of Mr. Tompkins, elected vice-president of the United States, was nominated, in 1820, for reelection; and Mr. Tompkins, whose official term as vice-president was near its close, was nominated by the bucktails. A spirited contest ensued, which resulted in the election of Mr. Clinton. He received 47,447 votes in the state; Mr. Tompkins, 45,990majority for Clinton, I,457. In this county, Clinton, 744; Tompkins, 455 -Clinton's majority, 289. The light vote is accounted for by the fact, that only freeholders were entitled to vote for governor and senators under the first constitution of the state. Mr. Clinton held the office but two years of the three years for which he was elected. His term commenced the ist of January, 1821. A new constitution, made the same year, required the election of new officers the next year, when Joseph C. Yates was elected, who came into office the ist of January, 1823. In a review of the manifesto, or address of the "forty-eight high-minded" federalists, Mr. Hammond, in his Political History of New York, notices them substantially thus: "They affirm that the federal party whose principles they approve, no longer exists. They approve the administration of the general government; affirm that the federalists have now'no ground of principle,' on which to stand; and therefore declare their intention to unite with the great republican party of the state and Union. They do not object to the character or measures of Mr. Clinton, but allege that he is attempting to form' a personal party.' The absurdity of the address appears from the fact, that Mr. Van Buren and his friends also approved his measures, and admitted his talents and virtues, but opposed him solely because the federalparty did exist in the state, and that Mr. Clinton was secretly inclined to favor it; yet the highminded gentlemen opposed him because, as they alleged, the federal party did not exist; and they joined the party that held the contrary position.'The anti-Clintonian party, which now fairly deserved to be called the republican party, succeeded in electing a majority of the members of assembly, and in two of the senatorial districts; notwithstanding which, Mr. Clinton was reelected by a majority of I,457 votes." The election of Mr. Clinton, while a majority of the legislature elected were his political opponents, was ascribed to the misfortune of Mr. Tompkins in having lost, or having never taken, vouchers for large sums of money 164 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. which were disbursed by him while governor, during the war, and for which he was unable to account. Although it was generally believed he had appropriated no portion of the money fraudulently to his own use, his inability to account for all the moneys, was turned by his opponents to his disadvantage. But what probably contributed most to Mr. Clinton's own success, was his able, zealous, and uniform. support of the canal policy. This gained for him a strong vote in the counties most directly interested in the completion of the canals. By the election of Gov. Yates, the party opposed to Gov. Clinton had obtained entire control of the state government, and doubtless anticipated a long and uninterrupted possession of it. They could, soon after their accession to power, have had no premonition of the political reverse which awaited them. The presidential election of I824 was approaching. The federal party was defunct; and there were no questions of national policy to divide the republicans. In the selection of candidates, they were simply divided upon men. Many were named as candidates; but the number was diminished to four: John Quincy Adams, Henry Clay, William H. Crawford, and Andrew Jackson. It had been the practice from and including the year I804, for the republican members of Congress to meet during the last session prior to the next presidential election, to nominate candidates for president and vicepresident. These congressional caucuses had at length become unpopular with the party. The meeting in I824 was held on the I4th of February. Of the 258 republican members, only 68 attended. Of the votes of these, William H. Crawford received 64. The presidential electors were not chosen then as now, in this state, by a general ticket, and voted for by the people; but they were chosen by the legislature. Mr. Van Buren was in favor of the election of Mr. Crawford; and it was apprehended that he might influence a majority of the members to vote for electors in favor of Mr. Crawford. To prevent this, a bill was introduced in the legislature of.824, proposing to give to the people the right to choose the electors of president and vice-president. And notwithstanding a large majority of the members of the assembly were republicans, the "electoral bill" passed that house, and was sent to the senate for concurrence, where it was defeated by a vote of 17 to 14. It should be stated, that the question of changing the mode of choosing the electors was agitated before the election of the members of the legislature in the fall of 1823; and that a large portion of them were pledged to vote for the proposed change. The republicans who were opposed to Mr. Crawford, to a congressional caucus, and to Mr. Van Buren and the Albany Regency, assumed to themselves the name of the " People's Party." [Albany Regency was a name given to the leaders of the democratic party at Albany.] The defeat of the electoral bill caused such a popular excitement as has rarely been witnessed in this state. The seventeen senators who voted against the bill were the particular objects of the displeasure of the friends of the bill; and to render them as odious as possible, their names were POLITICAL HISTORY. 165 published in the newspapers, and surrounded by heavy black lines. They were for years spoken of as the "infamous seventeen." The opposition to the electoral law was one of the acts of the dominant party which brought upon it the "reverses " before alluded to. Another act having a similar effect, soon followed. On the last day of the session, and within about an hour before the time fixed for the adjournment of both houses, a senator introduced a resolution for the removal of De Witt Clinton from the office of canal commissioner. The resolution was hurried to its passage, and received the votes of all the senators except three. It was forthwith sent to the assembly, where it was passed hastily by a vote of 64 to 34. Mr. Clinton had taken early ground in favor of the canal policy against a powerful opposition, and had aided in bringing the Erie canal near its completion, and had served faithfully as commissioner from i81o, fourteen years, without any compensation. It was evident that the object was to degrade him, and to weaken or destroy his political influence. This act caused an excitement throughout the state'more intense than did the defeat of the electoral law. Public meetings were held in many places, and resolutions passed denouncing the act in the most severe terms. The removal of Mr. Clinton had an effect the opposite of that which was designed. At a state convention of the people's _party, in the city of Utica, in September, 1824, Mr. Clinton was nominated for governor, and James Tallmadge for lieutenant-governor. Mr. T. was a member of the assembly, and had ably and zealously supported the electoral bill, but he had voted for the removal of Mr. Clinton. In November, Mr. Clinton was elected by a majority of I6,906 over Samuel Young; and Gen. Tallmadge's majority over Gen. Erastus Root was 32,409. In this county, Mr. Clinton received 1,483 votes; Mr. Young, I,093-majority, 390. Nathan Mixer was elected member of assembly for this county. In 1826, Mr. Clinton was renominated for governor, and Henry Huntington for lieutenant-governor; and in opposition to them were Wm. B. Rochester and Nathaniel Pitcher. In respect to national parties, these candidates were strangely divided. The four candidates for president, it will be recollected, were all republicans; and, so far as we may judge from the discussion of their claims respectively during the campaign of 1824, they were not materially divided on measures of national policy. Almost immediately after the commencement of Mr. Adams' administration, an organized opposition to it was formed, by the union of the friends of the defeated candidates, Crawford and Jackson, and those of Mr. Calhoun, the vice-president. Mr. Clinton was one of the earliest supporters of Gen. Jackson, when Mr. Van Buren, the leader of the opposition to the Clintonians, was strongly opposed to him; the great organ of the party declaring him, " of all the candidates, the most unfit for the office of president." Yet, in 1826, we see the party supporting for governor a candidate opposed to Gen. Jackson, on a ticket with a candidate for lieutenant-governor in favor of Gen. Jackson. Mr. Clinton was elected by a majority of 3,650 votes over Judge Rochester; I66 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. and Mr. Pitcher by a majority of 4,I88 over Mr. Huntington. This result, however, is said to have been owing, in some measure, to Mr. Clinton's having favored the construction of a state road through the southern counties, some of which, though anti-Clintonian, gave him majorities. In Chautauqua county, Clinton received I,839 votes; Rochester, 1,612. February II, 1828, less than eleven months before the expiration of his term of office, Mr. Clinton died suddenly, sitting in his chair, of apoplexy; and Nathaniel Pitcher became the acting-governor. In I828, by the union of the friends of Jackson, Crawford and Calhoun, Mr. Adams and Gen. Jackson became the only candidates for president. Of the presidential electors chosen, 178 were in favor of Gen. Jackson, and 83 for Mr. Adams. John C. Calhoun was reelected vice-president, having received I71 of the electoral votes; Richard Rush, 83; and Wm. Smith, of South Carolina, 7. After the dissolution of the federal party, there were no two national parties known by distinctive names, until after the election of Mr. Adams. They were for a time distinguished as the Adams, or administration party, and Jackson, or opposition party. But the latter soon assumed the-name of the democratic party, which name the organization has borne to the present time. The Adams party became known as the national republican party. This name was retained until after the presidential election of 1832, when a union was formed with the anti-masons, under the name of whigs, and by which name it was known during the remainder of its existence, which terminated with the formation of the present republican party, in 1855, whose leading object was to oppose the further extension of slavery. ANTI-MASONIC PARTY. In the month of September, I826, an event occurred which sensibly affected the people of this county in their social, civil, and religious associations. William Morgan, of Batavia, Genesee county, having written for publication a work alleged to contain a disclosure of the secrets of freemasonry, and which was about to be issued from the press of David C. Miller, in that village, was apprehended on a criminal process, and conveyed to Canandaigua, Ontario county, where, upon examination before a magistrate, he was discharged. He was subsequently, the same day, taken for debt; judgment was rendered against him; and he was confined in the county jail. [Debtors being then liable to imprisonment in case of non-payment of a judgment.] On the evening of the i2th of September, persons concerned in his seizure and confinement, discharged the debt, and caused his liberation. On leaving the jail, he was forcibly taken, and carried in a close carriage to the Niagara frontier, where he was last seen; and, as some alleged, he was murdered on the night of the I4th of September. At the next session of the legislature, petitions relating to the abduction of Morgan were presented, and referred to a select committee of the assembly; and a reward of $i,ooo was offered by Gov. Clinton, for the discovery of POLITICAL HISTORY. I67 Morgan if alive; and if murdered, $2,000 for the discovery of the offender or offenders; and a free pardon to any accomplice or cooperator who should make the discovery. Bills of indictment were found against several persons who had participated in the abduction; two of whom were convicted, aid sentenced to imprisonment in the county jail; one for two years and four months; the other, for one year and three months. The former was the sheriff of Niagara county, who, as a witness on the trial of the latter, testified that he had been apprised several days previously of the coming of Morgan, and had been requested to prepare a cell for him in the Niagara county jail at Lockport. It was proved that Morgan was conveyed to Lewiston blind-folded in a covered carriage, which was kept closed. From Lewiston he was taken in another carriage to the ferry near Fort Niagara. Witness and four others crossed with him into Canada in the night; their object being to get him away from Miller into the interior of Canada, and place him on a farm. The preparation not having been made for his reception, he was brought back to this side of the river, to wait a few days, and was put into the magazine of the fort; since which the witness had not seen him. The publication of Morgan's book was followed by that of others, claiming to be true revelations of the secrets of masonry; and many masons seceded from the institution, and confirmed the published, statements concerning its ceremonies, oaths and obligations, some of which were deemed inconsistent with their civil duties. Those who believed that members who held their civil obligations subordinate to their obligations to each other, considered free-masons unfit to hold office. Those who thus believed, soon united in the formation and support of a party on the single princifple of opposition to masonry; and in I828, the year of the next gubernatorial election, an anti-masonic candidate-Solomon Southwick, of Albany-was nominated for governor. The two national parties then were the national republicans, supporters of John Quincy Adams and his administration, and the other, the friends of Andrew Jackson, who were opposed to the party in power, and soon after took the name of the democratic party. Martin Van Buren, the Jackson candidate for governor, received I36,794 votes; Smith Thompson, the Adams candidate, I06,444; and Solomon Southwick, 33,345. The organization of the anti-masons as a political party may be considered to have been at this time about complete. It is believed that, at the time of the abduction of Morgan, no paper in this county was published by a mason. After the fact of the murder had become established, all information on the subject deemed authentic was published. The papers which, in this county, first supported the new political organization, were the Jamestown. Journal, published by Adolphus Fletcher, and edited by Abner Hazeltine; and the Western Star, published and edited by Harvey Newcomb, Westfield. The excitement became intense. In Western New York, the two previously existing parties were almost broken up, and many churches were divided. Not long after the publication of 168 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Morgan's Illustrations of JMasonry, Rev. David Bernard, then of Genesee county, published his Light on Masonry. And masons in many parts of the country, seceded from the organizations. The progress of the institution was arrested, and in a few years nearly all the lodges suspended operations. In 1826, Judge Foote and Nathan Mixer were nominated as bucktails for the assembly; Samuel A. Brown and Philo Orton as Clintonians. The votes were, for Foote, 2,312; for Mixer, I,619; for Brown, I,696.; for Orton, 1,I97. It is not likely that voting was materially affected, at this election, by the anti-masonic excitement. Mr. Brown, on account of some local question, ran ahead of his colleague, [Orton,] and was elected. Thus Jamestown had both the members, who were of opposite politics. De Witt Clinton received I,839 votes for governor; Wm. B. Rochester, 1,6I2. In 1827, the anti-masons nominated for the assembly, Col. Nathaniel Fenton and Nathan Mixer, who received respectively 2,192 and 2,332 votes. The bucktail candidates, James Mullett and Thomas A. Osborne, received 1,232 and i,ioi votes. In 1828, the anti-masonic votes for assemblymen were, for Abner Hazeltine, 2,056; for Nathan Mixer, 2,091. The votes for the Jackson candidates were, for Joseph White, 1,458; for John McAlister, i,I58. James Hall and John Crain, candidates on a third ticket, received respectively, I,09I and 936. For governor, Solomon Southwick, [anti-mason,] received in this county 1,783 votes; Martin Van Buren, [Jackson, or democratic,] I,520; and Smith Thompson, [administration, or national republican,] 1,I35. In 1829, Abner Hazeltine and Squire White, anti-masons, received 2,461 and 2,502 votes; Horace Allen and Benjamin Walworth, democrats, (though neither was a mason,) 1,835 and 1,837 votes. The Eighth senate district gave an anti-masonic majority of over 13,ooo. In i830, Francis Granger and Samuel Stevens, anti-masons, were candidates for governor and lieutenant-governor, against Enos T. Throop and Edward Livingston, democrats. Granger received 3,470 votes, and Stevens 3,454. Throop received 1,854, and Livingston 1,855. For assembly, John Birdsall and Squire White, anti-masons, received 3,403 and 3,387 votes; and Elial T. Foote and Ernest Mullett, democrats, received 1,958 and I,884 votes. Every town in the county gave an anti-masonic majority, except Ellicott, Judge Foote having a majority of 19 over the highest anti-masonic candidate. Gov. Throop's majority in the state was 8,481. In the Eighth senate district the anti-masonic majority was about 13,000; in the Seventh district, about 2,000; in the Sixth, about I,ooo. In 1831, Squire White and Theron Bly, antimasons. were elected without opposition. In I832, Granger and Stevens were again nominated by the anti-masons for governor and lieutenant-governor; also a full presidential electoral ticket. And at a national convention, William Wirt and Amos Ellmaker were nominated as candidates for president and vice-president. The national republican convention at Utica, nominated Ambrose Spencer for president, and the anti-masonic electoral ticket and state candidates. The object of the coalition probably was to elect Mr. Clay president, the anti-masonic state ticket, POLITICAL HISTORY. 169 and a union legislature. Wm. I. Marcy, democrat, was elected governor by a majority of 9,733; John Tracy, lieutenant-governor, by about the same majority, and the whole Jackson electoral ticket. The anti-masonic electoral ticket had a majority of I,717 in Chautauqua county; John Griffin, for senator, 1,637; Alvin Plumb and Nathaniel Gray, for assembly, about 1,600 over Albert H. Camp and Robertson Whiteside. Abner Hazeltine for Congress, 1,580 majority. In I833, James Hall and Thomas A. Osborne, democrats, were elected over Waterman Ellsworth and Austin Smith, antimasons. Albert H. Tracy was reelected state senator over Judge John H. Jones, by only i65 majority-the only one out of the eight elected. Of the 128 members of assembly elected, I04 were democrats. The union of the anti-masons and national republicans, in I832, terminated the existence of the anti-masonic party. The coalition was not an unnatural or a strange one. The national republicans were striving to regain political supremacy, and to restore the policy which had characterized the administration of Mr. Adams; and knowing a large majority of the anti-masons to be in favor of that policy, they desired the alliance. The masons having been quieted, and their lodge meetings generally having been suspended, the anti-masons saw no necessity for continuing their organization, and quite naturally consented to the proposed union. The anti-masonic party owed much of its strength to the aid of Thurlow Weed, of the Albany Journal. Mr. Weed had for some time conducted an anti-masonic paper at Rochester. The Journal was established early in March, 1830, by Packard, Hoffman & White, (or two of them,) who placed its editorial control in the hands of Mr. Weed, who continued to occupy the position of editor-in-chief during the remaining two and a half years of the anti-masonic period, and the entire period of the existence of the whig party. Soon after the union of the national republican and anti-masonic parties, the organization took the name of zwhig, which it retained until the formation of the republican party. THE AMERICAN PARTY. Several attempts have been made to weaken or destroy the political influence offoreigners in this country. It was held that persons educated in monarchical countries; those who have in their native land enjoyed scanty educational advantages; and especially those who have been reared under papal influences, were unsafe depositaries of political power, after so short a probation as our laws prescribe. They held that the required term of residence, previous to their full admission to citizenship, was insufficient for their acquiring an adequate knowledge of our free institutions, and to form a proper attachment to them. And it was proposed to extend this preparatory period to twenty-one years. An effort was made, to some extent, in this state, thirty years ago, to elect members of the legislature, and of Congress, who were in favor of the proposed change in our naturalization laws. In several of the eastern and south-eastern counties of the state, members of both houses were elected. 170 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. The motto of the advocates of the measure was: " Let Americans govern America." But the attempt to form a strong party upon this basis, was abortive. The mass of our people were indisposed to raise so powerful a barrier to immigration. It had been the policy of our government, from the time of its organization, to invite the people of the monarchies of the Old World to the "asylum of liberty," established in the New. About the year i853, a new movement in the same direction, and more effective than the former, was originated. The plan of organization in detail was not then-perhaps is not now-fully understood by most persons outside of the order. The meetings of its members were conducted in secret. And it is believed, generally, that secrecy and concert in action were secured by extra-judicial oaths. We are not aware that this has been admitted by members of the order, or that it has, to any considerable extent, been positively affirmed by many persons outside of it. When questioned by the curious concerning certain things pertaining to the organization, members would often profess to know nothing about them. Hence is supposed to have come the appellation so generally applied to them, Know Nothings, or Know Nothing party. Their own chosen and proper name, if we rightly remember, was the Native American party. This party increased and spread rapidly, until it reached every state in the Union; and it embraced many of our best and most patriotic citizens. They saw what many of their opponents admitted, that evils had resulted from the facilities afforded aliens for becoming invested with all the privileges of American citizens. Men differed then as they differ now, as to the means of remedying these evils. Admitting that the remedy proposed would, if adopted, be effectual; there could be no reasonable hope of effecting its adoption. The millions of voters of foreign birth would be nearly unanimous in their opposition to the measure, and would overcome any supposable majority of native voters in its favor. But even if the contest were confined to our native citizens, the hope of the success of the measure would be so slight as to render the idea of engaging in the struggle unworthy of a moment's consideration. The first trial of the strength of Americanism in this county, was in 1854. A member of Congress was to be elected to succeed Reuben E. Fenton, whose term of office would expire in March following. The Americans nominated Francis S. Edwards, of Fredonia, and the whigs, George W. Patterson, of Westfield. The congressional district, composed of the counties of Chautauqua and Cattaraugus, had given large whig majorities;' but through the nomination of an unpopular candidate by the whigs, in 1852, Mr. Fenton, a democrat, was elected. It soon becoming apparent that there would be a great defection from the whig party to the Americans, whose candidate had been a whig, and Mr. Fenton having broken from his party in Congress by voting against the Kansas bill, Mr. Patterson declined the whig nomination, and, with many of his party, supported Mr. Fenton. The result was the election of Mr. Edwards. POLITICAL HISTORY. 171 On the 2d of February, I855, a meeting of citizens of this county opposed to the principles and aims of the new party, was held at Mayville, composed of men of both the whig and democratic parties. Abram Dixon, of Westfield, was chosen chairman of the meeting; George S. Harrison, of Stockton; Theron S. Bly, of Harmony; and William Colville, vice-presidents; Stephen Snow, of Fredonia, and J. S. Phillips, secretaries. The meeting was addressed by Mesgrs. Alvin Plumb, and Walker, of Westfield; Baker, of Sherman; Mason, of Harmony; and Van Ness, of Chautauqua. The committee on resolutions, consisting of George W. Patterson, Niram Sackett, John H. Pray, Emory' F. Warren, and John M. Edson, reported resolutions, which were adopted. They expressed alarm at the organization of secret political societies, whose members are sworn to vote in political matters for political offices for second degree members of this order. They regarded these secret workings as evidence of evil and. corrupt design; denounced the efforts that were making to discourage immigration as "unwise and reprehensible;" deprecated a change in the established mode of naturalization; and declared slavery a state institution which can not exist in the absence of special enactments. They approved of a tariff for revenue with discriminating duties, affording incidental protection to the labor and products of our own country; and recommended organizations in the several towns of those opposed to secret political societies. In several states, the American party had considerable strength. It, however, gave early indications of decay. In I856, the American vote of that party for presidential electors, in this county, was about 1,300. It can hardly be said to have survived the election of i856. PRESENT PARTIES. A history, in this place, of the two national parties, can not be given. The origin of the democratic party has been briefly noticed. It was opposed by the whig party during the existence of the latter. The principal measures upon which these two parties were divided, were the tariff, a national bank, the currency question in general, and legislation on the subject of slavery. The attempt to force slavery into free territory in I854, gave rise to the republican party, which assumed the form of a political organization in i855. Its design was to resist all further encroachments of slavery upon free territory in the United States. The efforts to force slavery into Kansas awakened such an interest in this subject as had never been witnessed in this country, and hastened that most important event in our country's history-the attempt, by a resort to arms, to sever the Union. The responsibility of carrying the country through the perilous ordeal to which it was subjected, and the reconstruction of the seceding states, devolved upon the republican party. All these states are again members of the Union. The party suffered a reverse at the last election, [1874,] which resulted in the election of a majority of democratic members to the present house of representatives. 172 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. WAR HISTORY-WAR OF I812. CAUSES OF THE WAR. THAT war was declared by the United States against Great Britain, in I812, every adult reader probably knows. But there are doubtless many among the younger class of our people who do not know the causes of that war, nor its effects upon the early settlers of this county. They are thus briefly stated: Great Britain and France had long been at war. In August, I804, Great Britain, with a view to cripple the trade of France, declared certain ports of France in' a state of blockade, by which the vessels of other nations were prohibited from entering her ports, except in certain cases. This order was followed, on the part of Napoleon, by a decree declaring the British islands in a state of blockade, -and prohibiting all commerce with them. This was intended to stop trade between Great Britain and the continent, and applied also to American commerce. Great Britain then issued another order, declaring in a state of blockade all ports and places belonging to France and her allies, from which the British flag was excluded, and all the colonies of his Britannic majesty's enemies. Only the direct trade between neutral countries and the colonies of his majesty's enemies was allowed. This measure so detrimental to neutral commerce, was followed by a still more sweeping one, on the part of France, declaring the British islands in a state of blockade, by sea and land; and every ship sailing from ports of England or her colonies, and proceeding to England or to her colonies, or to countries occupied by the English, to be lawful prize. And every ship which had submitted to search by an English ship, or had made a voyage to England, or paid any tax to that government, was declared denationalized, and lawful prize. These measures were disastrous to American commerce, and unauthorized by the law of nations. To be lawful, a blockade must be maintained by a force stationed at the enemy's ports, sufficient to make it dangerous for vessels to enter. This had not been done by either party. Yet under these orders and decrees, or mere "paper blockades," as they were called, many American vessels, with their cargoes, were captured by the privateers and cruisers of the two belligerents, and condemned as prize. But there was another grievance-the impressment of American seamen. Great Britain claimed the right to search our vessels on the high seas, and, if among the seamen any were found to be Englishmen, to impress them into her service. The claims of the two governments have been thus stated: "The government of the United States asserts the broad principle, that the flag of their merchant vessels shall protect the mariners. The privilege is claimed, although every person on board, except the captain, may be an alien. The British government asserts, that the allegiance of their subjects is inalienable, in time of war, and that their seamen, found on the sea, the common highway WAR HISTORY. 173 of nations, shall not be protected by the flag of private merchant vessels." This doctrine, it was said, was common to all the governments of Europe. France, as well as England, claimed, in time of war, the services of her subjects. Both, by decrees, forbid their entering into foreign employ; both recall them by proclamation. Attempts to adjust the differences between the two countries by negotiation having failed, our government, on the I8th of June, T8I2, declared war against Great Britain; and the British minister at Washington soon after took his departure, bearing a letter from our government to our representative at London, authorizing him to propose to the British government a suspension of hostilities with a view to an adjustment of all difficulties. At Halifax, on his way home, the British minister, [Mr. Foster,] received dispatches from his government, dated about the i7th of June, directed to him at Washington, but which he there opened, informing him of the intended revocation of the orders in council, to take effect on the ist of August. Presuming that it was the object of his government to prevent or stop hostilities, he sent the dispatches to Mr. Baker, secretary to the British legation, still at Washington, to be communicated to our government. And, having had a conversation at Halifax, with Vice-Admiral Sawyer, naval commander, and Sir John Sherbroke, lieutenant-governor, he was authorized by them to say to Mr. Baker, that the decisions of cases of capture of American vessels should be suspended. Our government, however, declined the proposition, preferring to await the result of the proposition sent by Mr. Foster to the British government. It appears from the foregoing statement of affairs, that this triangular commercial warfare continued for many years before it brought us into a state of actual hostility to Great Britain. Many of our most patriotic citizens and statesmen believed that the differences between the two nations might have been settled, and probably would have been, without a resort to arms, and without a sacrifice of our national honor. But a majority of the people's representatives in Congress, who are by the constitution vested with the power to declare war, having thought it proper to exercise this power, the support of the war was alike the dictate of duty and of patriotism. The Chautauqua county militia were among those who entered earliest into service in the war. In I812, previous to the declaration of war, the militia was organized into one regiment, commanded by Col. John McMahan. In June, Col. M. received orders to detach from his regiment a full company to be in readiness to march at a minute's warning. The regiment was called together for a draft, when all volunteered, and no draft was made. This company was commanded by Capt. Jehiel Moore. The declaration was made a few days after, [June i8th,] and the company ordered to march, and to rendezvous at Lewiston. Early in July, they joined the regiment there, [the i8th regiment of New York detached militia,] commanded by Col. Hugh W. Dobbin, of Geneva; Majors Burbank, of Genesee, and Morrison, of Niagara, and Adjutant Gerritt L. Dox, of Geneva. 174 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Nothing particularly worthy of notice occurred, until the battle of Queenston, on the I3th of October. The troops were called up at 3 o'clock in the morning, and marched to the river. As many as the boats would carry, crossed over before daylight. The boats returned, and the Chautauqua company embarked and crossed at the dawn of day. The movement was discovered by the enemy, and the cannon began to roar on both sides of the river. It was not yet quite light, and no enemy was visible; but a scattering fire was kept up from the bushes on the side hill, and from the road that leads to Queenston. A part of the Chautauqua company was ordered to scour the hill side, which was done, but without meeting any enemy: the firing, however, from that quarter ceased. In a description of the Queenston battle by an officer from this county, (probably David Eaton, of Portland,) is the following: "On returning, we found that the troops had retreated to the-very verge of the river, and all lay flat on the ground, so as to be protected by the bank from the fire of the enemy; and that Col. Van Rensselaer was wounded, and unable to remain on his feet. He lay on the ground with the officers standing around him, holding a council of war. It is believed there was, on that side, no officer unwounded, higher in rank than captain. Van Rensselaer told them to remain where they were; that we would soon be reenforced, and that some officer would be over to take the command. But neither officer nor reenforcement came. Our position was distinctly seen from this side; and as we had but just ground enough to lie upon, the militia, taking advantage of the'constitutional' doctrine that they could not be ordered beyond the territory of the United States, declined to come to our assistance. Having no hope of a reenforcement, Col. Van Rensselaer, still lying on the ground, said:' Parade your men, and go ip and take that battery!' In a few minutes we were marching silently along the bank of the river, hid by the bank from the view of the enemy, but in full view of our friends on the opposite side. "The battery was at about two-thirds of the distance from the base of the hill. Marching up the river until we "were just within the great chasm of the Niagara, we found a path which wound its way up this stupendous precipice, so steep, in many places, as to render it necessary to pull ourselves up by taking hold of the bushes, which also served to conceal us from the enemy. When the front of the column had gained about two-thirds of the distance up the hill, it came to a small level spot, and halted, to give the center and rear a chance to close up. On arriving at this spot, we found those in front huddled promiscuously together; and the most of our company, which was near the center when the line was formed, happened to get on that side from which the path led off towards the top of the hill; so that, when the order was given to advance, our company, -or at least a part of it, led the van; and the first Americans who set foot on Queenston Heights that day, were from Chautauqua. Our line was immediately formed along the bank, with this horrid chasm, nearly 200 feet deep, directly in its rear. When about ioo of our men had reached the Heights, we were discovered by the enemy; and the troops stationed in the battery sallied out, and attacked us. But at the second tire, they retreated to Queenston, and left us in possession of the battery. We mounted the works, swung our hats, and gave three hearty cheers; when lo! the boats were filled with troops who came over to our relief-their WAR HISTORY. 175'constitutional' scruples having subsided on seeing us in possession of the enemy's works! " The enemy came on to the attack three times, and were as often repulsed. In the third attack I was wounded and retired to the rear. For about an hour the attack was not renewed; and our troops remained on the ground, reenforcements constantly arriving. At this time I recrossed the river. A few of our men recrossed the river during the day. Those who remained were made prisoners of war. They were, however, parolled the next day. There was but one act of downright cowardice in any one from this county, that came to my knowledge. As this was somewhat amusing, even amidst the carnage by which it was surrounded, I shall briefly relate it. As the men were wounded, they retired to the brink of the river, where they lay on the ground, waiting for the surgeon to dress their wounds. When the turn of Sergeant''^ came, the surgeon inquired where his wound' was. He answered only by a groan. The surgeon turned him over; no blood was to be seen, but he kept groaning. The surgeon supposing he was really wounded, unceremoniously uncoated and unpantalooned him, and examined his body all over; but not a scratch was found. The poor sergeant, finding himself exposed and roughly handled, muttered out,'I'm sick.' The surgeon then, with a contemptuous smile, turned to one who was really wounded, and left the redoubtable sergeant to adjust his costume at his leisure. In this battle, Nathaniel Bowen, of Villenova, was killed, and a Mr. Winsor died of wounds;.David Eaton, Alpheus McIntyre, Erastus Taylor, and Alex. Kelley were wounded. "Near the close of the year I813, the militia of the county were called out, en masse, for the defense of Buffalo. They promptly turned out at the call. The regiment was commanded by Col. John McMahan. The events of the battle of Black Rock, and the burning of Buffalo, are too well known to need recapitulation. In the summer of I814, the militia were again called out, ezn nasse, and stationed below Black Rock, during the siege and storming of Fort Erie. They were not engaged in any battle, but almost every man was sick of ague and fever, either while on the line, or after their return home. A few died, among whom was Ensign Campbell Alexander, of Ripley." BRITISH CRUISERS-BATTLE OF BLACK ROCK. During the war, our coast was infested with Britis/ cruisers with a view to plunder; and the people of the county were subjected to frequent alarms. This being a frontier county, with a coast of 40 miles exposed to the depredations of a powerful enemy, composed of trained British soldiers and their savage allies, these alarms were not causeless. Indeed, several incursions were made by the British at different points in this county, but as often, perhaps, with damage to themselves as to our inhabitants. Captain Harman, of Ashtabula, Ohio, passing up the lake, was driven into the mouth of Cattaraugus creek by the British brigs of war Queen Charlotte and Hunter, which fired a number of cannon shot, several of which were afterwards found on the shore. An express was sent to the Indians on the creek for help. They turned out in great numbers, and stationed themselves on both sides of the stream, well armed, anxious for the British to come ashore. Harman's boat escaped without injury. The British turned and went off, to the great disappointment of the Indians, but much to the satisfaction of the settlers. 176 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Lay's house, this side of Buffalo, was rifled by the British; but on the remonstrance of the American commander to the British, the goods were ordered to be restored. They were accordingly put on board the British Queen, an armed vessel of io or I2 guns, manned for the purpose, and carrying a flag of truce, and were sent to Chadwick's Bay, now Dunkirk. They were sent ashore in a boat with I3 men under the command of a lieutenant. On landing, twelve of the boat crew raised their caps and bade their commander adieu, and " quit the service," leaving the officer and a single sailor, a Frenchman,' to return to the vessel. While they were parleying with the citizens resident at the place, the neighboring militia, whom a notice of the arrival had attracted to the spot, not observing the flag of truce, but having their attention principally directed to the red coats of the officer and his remaining sailor, fired upon them, and broke the leg of the latter. The officer offered a liberal reward to the citizens to row him and the Frenchman to the vessel. Failing to obtain assistance, he picked up the maimed man, and made the best of his way on board. Newark, in Canada, having been burnt by the Americans, it was rumored that the British intended to retaliate by burning Buffalo. Having already taken Fort Niagara, the militia of this county was called out en masse, in December, I8I3, to repel any attack upon Buffalo. They constituted the i62d regiment, and numbered about 400; about 200 hundred of whom went under the command of Col. John McMahan and Majors Wm. Prendergast and Barnes. There were four companies, commanded by Captains John Silsby and Jehiel Moore, and lieutenants Wm. Forbes and - Hale. There was also a company of Silver Greys, commanded by Capt. Hart. They were ordered to rendezvous at Buffalo, and were quartered in log huts a short distance eastward of the village. The militia there assembled numbered about 2,000 men, and were under the command of Gen. Hall. The British force detailed for the attack upon Buffalo consisted of about 1,500 regulars and 400 Indians, under Gen. Riall. On the night of the 3oth of December, about I2 o'clock, the American camp was alarmed by the receipt of intelligence that the enemy were crossing Niagara river at Black Rock. A portion of the militia was marched down to oppose their landing. The main body of the British had effected a landing at the mouth of Conjockity creek, a mile or more below the ferry. Efforts were made to prevent their progress, though with but partial success. The militia, who had proceeded to the ground, not in a body, but in detached parties, were easily routed by the disciplined troops of the enemy, and driven back as fast they arrived on the scene of action. The skirmishing continued during the greater part of the night, the firing of which was distinctly heard at Buffalo, where the Chautauqua regiment had remained, under arms, paraded in front of Pomeroy's tavern, as a reserve. About four o'clock on the morning of the 3ist, Col. McMahan's regiment was marched to Black Rock, and posted opposite the ferry, in the rear of the battery that had been erected at that point. Soon after daylight, six or seven WAR HISTORY. 177 boats, containing each fifty or sixty men, were seen to put off from the Canadian shore, with the evident intention of effecting a landing. A firing was kept up by the battery at the ferry, and was returned from the opposite shore. One of the enemy's boats was struck by a cannon shot from the American side, and sunk with its hostile freight. About the break of day, the Chautauqua regiment was ordered to advance. They proceeded down the river nearly half a mile, and met the enemy in force near the residence of Gen. Porter. A sharp, though unequal contest ensued, when the militia broke and fled, as those who had preceded them had done. During the engagement, a part of the British force had passed up under the bank of the river, and taken post in the road leading from Buffalo to the ferry, with a view of cutting off the militia in their retreat. Escape by the avenue through which they had arrived being thus prevented, and pressed, as they were, by the advance of the enemy, they were compelled to take to the woods in the rear of the ferry for safety, through which many of the American force, including a portion of the Chautauqua regiment, fled precipitately; and such of them as escaped the rifle and tomahawk of the savages, who immediately filled the woods in pursuit, reached the main road at Buffalo and at various points for several miles to the eastward in the direction of Batavia. The largest portion of the whole force returned to their homes, among whom were the principal part of the Chautauqua militia. The remainder, who had survived, were afterwards quartered for several weeks at Miller's tavern, about two miles to the east of Buffalo. Towards noon of the 3Ist, the British set fire to Buffalo, and finally recrossed the river to Canada, the second or third day after that event. The loss to this county was severe in proportion to the number engaged. James Brackett, a lawyer from Mayville, was killed and scalped by the Indians during the retreat from Black Rock. Joseph Frank, from Busti, Wm. Smiley, from Ellery, Ephraim Pease and John Lewis, from Pomfret, Aaron Nash, Bovee and Hubbard, from Hanover, and several others, were killed. Maj. Prendergast had a number of balls shot through his hat and clothes. Capt. Silsby was severely wounded, and Lieut. Forbes had one man killed and five men wounded of the twenty-one under his command. The bodies of the killed which were found, were buried in a common grave near the road leading from Buffalo to Black Rock, into which eighty-nine were promiscuously thrown. Among these were the bodies of the Chautauqua militia. They were afterwards disinterred, and many of them claimed by their relatives, and taken home to be buried. The bodies of several others, who had been killed on their retreat through the woods, and scalped by the Indians, were found during the winter and spring, and committed to the earth. To the foregoing sketch of military operations along the frontier of Western New York, by Judge Warren, he subjoins the following: "At this period, the frontier presented a scene of desolation rarely witnessed. The inhabitants who had escaped the tomahawk, fled into the 12 178 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. interior, in the depth of winter, without shelter or means of support, and subsisted on the charity of their friends. The panic was general, and pervaded this county, though in a degree somewhat less than in the section of country in the immediate vicinity of the point of attack. The only buildings remaining in Buffalo were the jail, which was built of stone, a small framed house, and an armorer's shop. All the houses and almost every building between Buffalo and Niagara Falls were destroyed, as were also many of those on the Batavia road, for several miles beyond Buffalo." The following are names of the commissioned and non-commissioned officers of companies of Chautauqua militia, under the command of Col. Hugh W. Dobbin: Capt. Moore's Company-July 4 to October 4, 1812. Captain-Jehiel Moore. Lieut. —David Eaton. Ensign —Charles Burritt. Sergeants-Alpheus McIntyre, John Ingersoll, Samuel J. Smith, John Dull. Corporals-Amos Wright, Jonathan S. Pattison, Daniel Densmore. FifersArnold Russell, John Bate. Capt. Moore's Company-October 4 to Dec. 31, 1812. Captain-Jehiel Moore. Lieut.-Samuel D. Wells. Ensign-Charles Burritt. Sergeants-Alpheus McIntyre, Asa Johnson, Isaac Badgley, John Dull. Corporals-Hezekiah G. Canfield, Jonathan S. Pattison, Josiah Gibbs. Drummer-John Bartoo. Fifer-Horatio Hopkins. Names of commissioned and non-commissioned officers of companies of Chautauqua militia, under the command of Col. John McMahan: Capt. Silsby's Companzy-Dec. 20, 1813, to Feb. 3, 1814. Captain-John Silsby. Lieut.-Charles Bemus. Ensign-dClark Parker. Sergeants-Zephaniah Phelps, Abijah Bennett, Peter Simmons, John Wisner, Wm. Russell, [substitute for H. Tinkcom,] David Bly. Corporals-Robert Latham, Stephen Deming, Samuel Griffith, Hezekiah Seymour, Asa Martin. Drummer-John Lee. Fifers-Myron Bly, Alanson Root.. ieut. Forbes' Company-Dec. 20, 1813, to Feb. 3, 1814. [This company was set off from Capt. Silsby's. Solomon Jones was appointed captain; Wi. Forbes, lieut.; and William Martin, ensign. Mr. Jones declining the appointment, Forbes was the senior in command.] Lieutenant-William Forbes. Ensign-William Martin. Sergeants-Amos Bird, Phineas Palmeter, Jr., Isaac Martin, Elijah Akin. Cooporals-Stephen Hadley, Ira Owens. Capt. Adams' Company-Dec. 20, 1813, to Feb. 3, 1814. Captain-Moses Adams. First Lieut.-David Eaton. Second Lieut.Campbell Alexander. Ensign-William Ingersoll. Sergeants-Nathaniel Fay, James Dickson, John Dull, Philip Stephens, Daniel C. Northrup, Robert C. Dickson. Corporals-Pliny Case, [substitute for I. Sweet,] Friend Johnson, [taken prisoner at Black Rock,] Rufus Perry, Wmi. M. Riddle, Wilder Emerson, John Smith, [wounded.] Drummer-George Hall. Fifer-Barney Turtelot. Capt. Tubbs' Company-Dec. 20, 1813, to Feb. 3, 1814. Captain-Martin B. Tubbs. Lieut.- Peter Ingersoll. Ensign-Guy Webster. Sergeants-Miles Webster, Joel Barrell, James Knapp, Nathaniel WAR HISTORY. 179 Barney, Jonathan S. Pattison. Corporals-Salmon Munger, Ira Clothier, Allen Denny, Asahel Burnham, Uriah Nash, Moses Hines. Fifers-Wm. Wilcox, Thomas Nevins. Drummers-John Bartoo, Samuel Nevins. Capt. Thzbbs' Company-Aug. I, 18I4, to Sept. 26, i814. Captain-Martin B. Tubbs. Lieut.-Benj. Perry. Ensign-Samuel Smith. Sergeants-Miles Webster, Sudim Graves, Jonathan S. Pattison, James Knapp. Corporals-Chester Smith, Arunah Gilmore, Rufus Ransted, Preserved Wells, Ira Clothier. )Drummer-Jno. White. Eifer-Thos. Nevins. Capt. lMcah/an's Company-August r, 1814. Captain-James McMahan. Lieulenant-Charles Bemus. Second Lieut.Campbell Alexander. Ensign-William Ingersoll. Sergeants-Zephaniah Phillips, Nathaniel Fay, Isaiah Martin, Daniel C. Northrup, Reuben Ellis, Daniel Bennett. Corporals-Robert Latham, Stephen Dunning, Pliny Cass, Lorrel Nichols, Rufus Berry. Fifers-Wm. Bandel, Myron Bly. In the original record of the companies, we find a large portion of the persons enrolled, marked as deserters. Of one of the companies, more than one-half are so designated; of two or three others, a considerable number; and a few in the remaining ones. The greater portion of those who were returned as deserters, are not to be considered as really such. The state of their families, and the condition of affairs at and about Buffalo, were such as to justify a majority of them to visit their homes. Circumstances clearly indicate that the defection of most of them may not be justly ascribed to cowardice or disloyalty. Their character forbids the supposition. They were then and during the remainder of their lives, highly respected citizens, some of whom are still living. Nor did they leave clandestinely as deserters usually do. Judge Foote, in a note at the end of the lists, says: "It will be seen that nearly all the desertions were in the companies of Col. McMahan's regiment, in the winter of I813-I814, in the vicinity of Buffalo, after it had been burned. They had nothing to do. They had no quarters or tents, nor comfortable rations; and they went home openly and boldly, with the knowledge of the officers, without opposition, though without their consent." George W. Manly, a substitute for Asahel Russell, under Capt. Silsby, and discharged at or near Fort Niagara, where he remained until after the Buffalo battle, after which he went to the battle ground " to look for the dead and wounded," says: "There was not a house nor tent for the soldiers in the town. They could not procure food or lodging; and there was not an enemy on this side of the river. The soldiers that went home to Chautauqua did so because they were obliged to; being without money, and having no government stock on hand. Besides, most of them had left their families and cattle without food. The latter had to be kept on browse, and some of them died. The weather was cold, and the soldiers had to furnish their own blankets, for the want of which their families were suffering; and their presence at home was necessary to keep their families from starvation." William Russell, a sergeant in Capt. Silsby's company, thus describes the state of things at home on his return: 180 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. " My wife and children met me at the gate to welcome me in, and said:'You will not go back again?' I told her I should, the day after to-morrow, [the 3d of January,] and that I had the promise of being discharged in a few days. On the 6th day I returned to Buffalo with what deserters I could find, about ten. We were in season to help gather and bury the dead. I returned home the last week in February or the first in March. I found two of my cows lying dead, having died of starvation. Isaac Young had brought my wife a peck of musty meal. She boiled a quart into mush and fed it to one cow at night, and another quart the next morning; but it did not save her life. Young promised her a peck of corn per week until I returned homea small allowance for her and six children. She proceeded to get supper. There was a little meat, but no bread except a little piece of johnny-cake. I said, boil some potatoes; but there was not one left; all had been fed to the cows to save their lives, but they died. Bed time came; when she said:'We will fix for bed; I suppose you have got seasoned to lying on the floor.''Yes,' I replied,'and on the ground too.' She swept the floor, and brought on the bed. I told her to bring on the straw bed. She said there had been no straw in the tick for three weeks; it had all been fed to the cows. "' i Now, Judge Foote, you can better conceive my feelings than I can describe them. To think of the privations and hardships we all went through, and to bear the name of deserters withal, makes the blood boil in my veins. Not a word is said about our volunteering under Gen. Peter B. Porter, and going,over to Fort Erie; that is all forgotten." David Eaton, late of Portland, under date of August 26, I832, wrote on this subject as follows: "We all admitted and felt that the affair at Black Rock and Buffalo was disgraceful to the militia, not of Chautauqua county alone, but of Western New York. While a part of the militia of this county remained in the vicinity of Buffalo, and another part returned, and continued in service some five or six weeks, I have no knowledge that any from the other counties,-Cattaraugus, Allegany, Niagara, Genesee, and perhaps Orleans and Steuben-ever returned at all. If the odium of desertion fairly attaches to any of us, it does also to all of them, their officers included. And I strongly suspect, (though I do not know,) that the regiments from those counties were never mustered at all; and, if so, no record was ever made of their being in the service. And thus they slipped their own necks out of the yoke, and left the disgrace, so far as appears from the returns, to be borne wholly by poor old Chautauqua. -`' If they [from those counties] did desert, officers and all, that is no excuse for zs. I have no disposition to gloss over our conduct by a comparison with others, but am willing that the truth should be known. A part of our regiment did leave after the battle, came home, and did not return; and perhaps there was no other way than to return them as deserters. But even in their case, something may be said in their favor. It was well known that Gen. McClure had just burned Newark, and everybody expected that the enemy would retaliate by burning Buffalo. When the militia of the western counties were called out, en masse, it was generally understood that it was for the express purpose of defending that place. And when they found that all was lost, it was not unnatural for them to suppose that their services were no longer needed. Col. John McMahan, who commanded the regiment from this county, said, he had been legally called into the service of the United States, and he meant to stay till he could be legally discharged. He WAR HISTORY. 8 I did so, and did all he could to get the men back, and keep them there. He was, however, rather liberal in giving furloughs, and many of us took the advantage of it, myself among the rest." Gen. Hall, in his report of January 6, 1814, says: "The Chautauqua militia, a regiment under the command of Lt. Col. McMahan, which arrived at Buffalo on the 29th of December, about 300 men, swelled my force to 2,01I; which was reduced by alarm and desertion, on the morning of the alarm, to less than 1,200 men. And so deficient were my supplies of ammunition, that a great part of the cartridges for Lt. Col. McMahan's regiment were made and distributed after they were paraded on the morning of the battle.'', Col. McMahan's regiment had been a reserve in battle; but when ordered into action, terror seized them-they flew in disgrace, though some stood by and behaved well, and endeavored to rally men." To the defection of the reserve, he imputes, in great part, his defeat. From the statements in preceding pages, it is not easy to determine what measure of blame attaches to the Chautauqua militia. It should be remembered that they were raw soldiers, without adequate drill, and without experience, hurried into action, almost at the moment of their arrival, against the well-drilled and experienced British soldiers. There may have been other difficulties which could not have been overcome by the best-disciplined troops. It was well for themselves and their families, that their services were not needed for any considerable period after the unfortunate engagement we have described. When the war was about to commence, many were more apprehensive of our inability to cope with the enemy on the seas than on the land. But it is now generally conceded that our greatest successes were achieved by our navy. Both the belligerents probably congratulated themselves on the return of peace, though neither had occasion to rejoice at what had been gained in the contest. We doubtless convinced Great Britain of our strength as a nation, and our ability to defend ourselves against the encroachments and injuries of other powers; but our government failed to secure the only object fought for-to redress the grievance of the impressment of seamen on American vessels. The repeal of the British orders in council, of which we justly complained, as will be remembered, was proclaimed before the war had really commenced, leaving only the impressment question at issue, which was left as it had been, without any concession on the part of Great Britain. Peace, even with this grievance unredressed, was a boon, for which our people had reason to be grateful. Especially have we occasion to rejoice at the prospect of perpetual peace between two nations having a common origin, a common language, and a common religion. The last battle was fought at New Orleans, in which our army under Gen. Jackson gained a brilliant victory, after the treaty of peace had been negotiated in Europe. Peace, however, was not proclaimed in this country until February following. 182 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. CIVIL WAR. ITS ORIGIN. AN enumeration of all the events which led to the war of the rebellion, is incompatible with the design as well as the prescribed limits of this work. Yet, as it seems proper that some statement of the causes of a war should be transmitted with its history, we preface our brief sketch of the rebellion with the mention of a few of the antecedents of the war in which many of the citizens of Chautauqua county bore an honorable and a conspicuous part. Our late civil war may be justly ascribed, in great part, to that grand political heresy named in the South state rights; by which is meant the right of a state to nullify an act of Congress which state authorities may declare unconstitutional-a doctrine expressly asserted in the original draft of the Kentucky Resolutions of I798, and which, for a time, was accepted by a majority of the people of the North as well as the South-a doctrine which involves the right of a state to secede from the Union. In 1832, South Carolina, displeased with a protective tariff, passed an ordinance of secession; but by concessions to her prejudices and demands, she was induced to repeal her ordinance, and consented to remain in the Union. The cause of the late war was the evident determination of the Northern states to prevent the further extension of slavery. The effort to introduce slavery into Kansas had proved unsuccessful. The election of Mr. Lincoln was regarded by the South as a death-blow to their favorite project, unless they could separate themselves from the Union. The republican party had been formed in i855, upon the issue of slavery extension. In 1856, threats of disunion, in case of the election of Fremont, were uttered by the leading statesmen of the South; and the election of Mr. Lincoln in I86o was made the occasion for carrying their meditated project into effect. South Carolina took the lead in the secession movement. A state convention was called to meet on the 17th of December. Before the end of November, similar calls were issued in Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Virginia, Florida, and Louisiana; and their legislatures assembled in December and January. Before the meeting of Congress in December, the movement for immediate secession was confined to the cotton and Gulf states. The secession of Tennessee, Texas, Arkansas, and North Carolina was for a time delayed. Congress met December 3, i86o. In his message, President Buchanan ascribes the occurrences at the South to " the long continued and intemperate interference of the northern people with the question of slavery." He says it would be "easy for the American people to settle the slavery question forever, and to restore peace and harmony. " " _ All that is necessary, and all for which the slave states have ever contended, is to be let alone." He denies the right of secession as a constitutional right, and says: " Secession is neither more nor less than revolution. It may, or it may not, be a WAR HISTORY. 183 justifiable revolution; but still it is revolution." He discusses the question as to the power of Congress to coerce into submission a state which is attempting to withdraw, or has withdrawn from the confederacy; and concludes, " that no such power has been delegated to Congress or to any other department of the federal government., " 7 War would present the most effectual means of destroying the Union, and banish all hope of its peaceable reconstruction.''` Congress possess many means of preserving it by conciliation; but the sword was not placed in their hand to preserve it by force." The argument of the president against the power to coerce a state, seems to have been based upon the official opinion of Attorney-General Black. The president may employ the land and naval forces to aid him in executing the laws. He can thus enforce the collection of the duties within the proper port of entry, but he is not confined to the custom-house nor any particular spot. He says: "To send a military force into a state to act against the people, would be simply making war upon them. Existing laws put and keep the government strictly on the defensive. Force can be used only to repel an assault upon the public property, and aid the courts in the performance of their duty.' 46 -' If war can not be declared, nor hostilities carried on against a state, by the central government, then it seems to follow that an attempt to do so would be ipso facto an expudsion of such state from the Union. Being treated as an alien and an enemy, she would be compelled to act accordingly. And if Congress shall thus break up this Union, will not all the states be absolved from their federal obligations? Is any portion of the people bound to contribute their money or blood to carry on such a contest? ^ i - If this view of the subject be as correct as'I think it is, then the Union must utterly perish at the moment when Congress shall arm one part of the people against another for any purpose but that of merely protecting the general government in the exercise of its proper constitutional functions." On the 2ist of December, i860, South Carolina passed the secession ordinance; and on the 24th, Gov. Pickens, by proclamation, declared South Carolina to be "a separate, sovereign, free and independent state, having a right to levy war, conclude peace, negotiate treaties," etc. It is worthy of note, that the secretary of war, John B. Floyd, of Va., had placed in the arsenal at Charleston about 70,000 stand of arms; and the arsenal was put in the care of the governor of the state, by which means the arms got into the hands of the conspirators; thus showing the complicity of the secretary in the treason. The two South Carolina senators had resigned their seats. Cobb, secretary of the treasury, resigned December ioth; and Senator Cass, of Michigan, on the I4th. The resignation of the latter was believed to have been caused by the president's unwillingness to resort to coercion, even to protect the public property. Serious apprehensions for the safety of Major Anderson and his men in Fort Moultrie, were entertained. His garrison.consisted of only sixty effective men; and the fort was an indifferent and insecure one. Unsuspected by the South Carolina authorities, and without the knowledge of the president, 184 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. and having, moreover, been denied reinforcements, on the night of the 26th of December, he left Fort Moultrie, and occupied Fort Sumter, which had been prepared for him. The evacuation of Fort Moultrie surprised the South Carolinians and the president: the former, because they considered the president under a pledge to prevent such a movement; the latter, because he had instructed Major Anderson to pursue a course which should guard against a collision of troops with the people of that state. He had enjoined him "not to take up, without necessity, any position which could be construed into the assumption of a hostile attitude; but to hold possession of the forts, and, if attacked, to defend himself." From the feelings and expressions of the people in and about Charleston, and from the preparations for military movements, Anderson had reason to expect either an attack in an almost defenceless fort, or an early occupation of Fort Sumter. Should the latter take place, he could not maintain his position a single day; and having no expectation of reinforcements, he thought it his duty to change his position. This movement, however, was construed into a threat of coercion, and was immediately followed by preparations for resistance. COMMENCEMENT OF HOSTILITIES. The South Carolina convention which had been called to meet on the I7th of December, I86o, elected three commissioners "to treat with the United States" for a peaceful settlement. They arrived at Washington the 26th, and, in obedience to their instructions, demanded of the president the unconditional evacuation of the forts in the harbor, in case of his refusal to order Anderson back to Fort Moultrie. The post-office and the telegraph offices were taken under control of the state authorities; and possession was ~taken of the custom-house and of Fort Moultrie and Castle Pinckney by the state troops, who were readily supplied by the arms and munitions which Secretary Floyd had placed in the arsenal there. Of the interview between the commissioners and the president, it needs only to be said that it was fruitless. Early in January, i86i, the steamer, Star of the West, left New York, by order of the war department, then conducted by Joseph Holt, of Ky., with provisions and munitions and 200 troops for Fort Sumter. The Charleston authorities having become apprised of this, they made preparations to resist the passage of the steamer to her destination. When within about two miles of Fort Sumter, a masked battery from Morris' Island opened fire upon her. She was struck several times, and was compelled to return without accomplishing her mission. Early in February, the secretaries of departments from the seceding states, and their senators and many of their representatives, had resigned their seats. In January, the seven states which united in forming the Southern Confederacv, had adopted their ordinances of secession; [South Carolina, Dec. 20, i,86o; Texas, Feb. i, i86.] On the 4th of February, the members of the southern convention met at WAR HISTORY. I85 Montgomery, Ala., for the purpose of forming a government. The delegates had been chosen by the several state conventions. The constitution of the United States, with some alterations and additions relating to slaves and slavery, was adopted as the constitution of the confederacy. On the 9th, the convention chose Jefferson Davis to be provisional president, and Alexander H. Stephens, vice-president. Sundry peace measures were proposed in Congress, but without effect. Also a "peace convention," proposed by the state of Virginia, in which twenty-one states were represented, met at Washington on the 4th of February, and continued its session until the 27th. The seceding states took no part in it. It was without any practical result. The war was commenced by the bombardment of Fort Sumter, April 12, x86I. The batteries of Sullivan's Island, Morris' Island, and other points, were opened on the fort at 4 o'clock in the morning. Fort Sumter returned the fire, and a brisk cannonading was kept up for some time. In answer to the Confederate General Beauregard's demand to surrender the fort, Major Anderson replied, that he would surrender when his supplies were exhausted; that is, if he were not reinforced. On the next day he surrendered the fort. After the surrender, bells were rung and cannons fired in Charleston. No lives, it was said, were lost in the bombardment, though several of Anderson's men were wounded. The rebels also pretended that they had suffered no loss. This was at first believed. It was afterward stated on what was considered reliable authority, that about 300 were killed in Fort Moultrie alone. This statement was corroborated by a northern man who had been forced into the confederate service, and who was in Fort Moultrie during the bombardment. Major Anderson and his men left on the 14th for New York, on the steamer Isabel. The necessity of the surrender appears from Major Anderson's dispatch to the secretary of war: "SIR: Having defended Fort Sumter 34 hours, until quarters were entirely burned, main gates destroyed by fire, the gorge wall seriously injured, magazine surrounded by flames, and its door closed from the effects of heat, four barrels and three cartridges of powder only being available, and no provisions but pork remaining, I accepted terms of evacuation offered by Gen. Beauregard, being the same offered by him on the I ith instant, prior to the commencement of hostilities, and marched out of the fort on Sunday afternoon, I4th instant, with colors flying, drums beating, bringing away company and private property, and saluting my flag with fifty guns." It was believed that the confederates intended to march on Washington with a large army; and detachments of cavalry were stationed on roads outside iof the city, and volunteer companies were in the capital. Action was immediately taken in many of the states for raising troops. The services of many thousand volunteers were promptly offered. On the I5th of April, i86i, President Lincoln issued a proclamation calling for 75,000 men, whose first services would "probably be to repossess the forts, places, and property which had been seized from the Union." He stated that the utmost care would be observed, to avoid injury to the I86 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. property or persons of peaceful citizens of any part of the country. And he commanded the persons composing the combinations against the government to disperse, and to return to their homes within 20o days from date. He also called a special session of Congress, to meet on the 4th of July next, to determine such measures as the public safety and interest might seem to demand. This proclamation was, within a few days, followed by another, declaring a blockade of the ports of all the seceded states. Two days after orders for troops had been issued by Gov. Andrew, of Massachusetts, two regiments, collected from different parts of the state, appeared at the capitol, and reached New York city, en route for Washington, before a regiment of this state was ready to maich. Many banks and wealthy individuals offered large loans of money to the government. Public meetings were held in almost every village to raise money and other means of support for the families of the volunteers. At Fredonia, a public meeting was held on the evening of the 2oth of April, and was effectively addressed by Oscar W. Johnson, Frederick A. Redington, George Barker, Lorenzo Morris, Ezra S. Ely, and Orson Stiles, all of Fredonia, and Geo. C. Cranston, of Sheridan. A series of patriotic resolutions were adopted, and a finance committee was appointed to take charge of and to disburse the fund to be raised for the relief of the families of the volunteer soldiers. The names of those who subscribed to this fund at this meeting, and the sums they respectively pledged, were as follows: George Barker, Orson Stiles, Stephen M. Clement, John B. & Heman D. M. Miner, [firm,] Scott Aldrich, Geo. H. White, Lewis B. Grant, Geo. W. Lewis, Calvin Hutchinson, $ioo each; Joel R. Parker, $125; Censor office, James P. Mullett, Taylor & Jennings, Geo. N. Frazine, Alva Colburn, Henry C. Frisbee, John B. Forbes, A. N. Clark & Co., Luther Crocker, J. N. Greene, James 0. Putnam, Frederick A. Redington, R. U. Wheelock, Leveret B. Greene, Duane L. Gurnsey, David Barrell, Geo. D. Hinkley, each $50; W. W. Lewis, $35; Erastus Holt, Charles E. Washburn, John M. Van Kleek, Thomas W. Bristol, Aaron L. Putnam, Salmon Hart, Nathan A. Putnam, Caleb Stanley, Geo. W. Briggs, Isaac A. Saxton, Delos Beebe, Charles J. Orton, W. W. Scott, Preston Barmore, John Hamilton, Jr., E. M. Spink, Ezra S. Ely, L. A. Barmore, Emory F. Warren, Oscar W. Johnson, J. B. Putnam, Aaron 0. Putnam, Charles F. Matteson, C. W. Burton, Simeon Savage, Spencer Allen, Stephen Snow, Daniel J. Pratt, each $25; Stephen 0. Day, Allen Hinkley, Obed Bissell, Wm. B. Archibald, Ralph H. Hall, Abner N. Clark, Jesse E. Baldwin, Julius J. Parker, John C. Mullett, R. E. Post, D. O. Sherman, Lorenzo Morris, H. Bouton, each $20. Total, $2,870. MOVEMENTS IN THE NORTH. At Jamestown, a mass-meeting was held on the 29th of April, which was stated to be thze first large movement of thze eople in that section of the county. The occasion was honored by the closing of stores and business places, and a grand display of colors. A magnificent flag that had seen service in the WAR HISTORY. 187 navy, was run up on a staff at the stand, corner of Pine and Third streets. Hon. Sanuel A. Brown was chosen president of the meeting; and Horace Allen, Jehiel Tiffany, Levi Barrows, Sardius Steward, D. G. Powers, Daniel Williams, John A. Hall, Emri Davis, David Wilbur, H. N. Thornton, John Markham, S. E. Palmer, vice-presidents. The meeting.was addressed by the president on the nature of the nation's crisis and the duty of her citizens. He introduced, successively, as speakers, Hon. R. P. Marvin, Rev. Messrs. S. W. Roe, H. H. Stockton, of Panama, T. H. Rouse, L. W. Norton, Henry Benson, and J. Leslie. They were followed by Capt. James M. Brown, of company B., and Hon. Madison' Burnell. A subscription for the volunteers was then opened and a generous fund raised. After which, short speeches were made by Rev. Isaac George, and Messrs. Wm. H. Lowry and Theodore Brown. Also a committee of ladies was appointed to provide for the vardrobe and other wants of the volunteers: Mrs. A. F. Allen, Mrs. D. H. Grandin, Mrs. R. P. Marvin, Mrs. Lewis Hall, Mrs. O. E. Jones, Mrs. J. H. Clark, Mrs. C. L. Harris, Mrs. Orsell Cook, Mrs. C. L. Jeffords, Mrs. Wm. Post, Mrs. W. Barker, Mrs. S. Seymour. Another meeting was held at Jamestown, Friday evening, July 25th, followed by two others on Saturday and Monday evenings. In the Journal, from which the following account is taken, the proceedings were thus introduced: Three Huge Meetings in Jamestown-Prodigal Oultpouring of Money and Men for the Good Cause-Grand Speeches from Orators and the PeoplePoland, Carroll, Kianlone, Ellington, Busti, Harmony, and the county respond. The editor says: We hardly know where to commence the narration of the exciting events of the past week. Our people have been wrought up to a pitch of enthusiasm and patriotic ardor, that, in some respects, can find no parallel in previous experiences.'- " Three meetings, such as this place has never seen before, have been held. The meeting of Friday evening, July 25th, exceeded the expectations of the most sanguine. Every seat in Jones' Hall was filled before dark, and all the standing room was packed full before the meeting commenced. Probably hundreds were turned away from the stairs, which also were crowded. Hon. Samuel A. Brown was chosen to preside, and J. E. Mayhew made secretary. The meeting was addressed by Rev. L. W. Norton, Capt. Tuckerman, Capt. A. J. Marsh, of company K., 49th regiment, Hon. Madison Burnell, and John F. Smith, Esq. Subscriptions for money were again taken for the families of volunteers. Upwards of $500 was subscribed. In the meantime lists were open for volunteers to subscribe. Then came one of the most remarkable and exciting scenes ever witnessed in this county. Capt. Marsh, Capt. John F. Smith, Rev. Henry Benson, Madison Burnell and others, gathered in front of the platform receiving the names of subscribers, their amounts, and the names of recruits, exhorting in the most thrilling and patriotic tone. To keep the ball rolling, as each noble fellow walked to I88 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. the stand, and laid himself a live offering on his country's altar, three cheers were given to each by the excited audience. Col. Henry Baker was called to the stand, and made most touching and patriotic remarks. The old man, trembling and weak, told how he "went to the defense of his country when but I6 years old;" that he had three boys in the army now; that he hated to let them go; but he "could not blame them, for their'dad' went when he was only sixteen." He did not know that he should ever see the boys again. One of them was badly wounded and a prisoner-if he was alive-the second was sick in the hospital. Then the old man broke clear down, and sobbingly declared that his only regret was, that he had not six boys more to send; and closed with the most touching benediction on the old flag and on the country. Many wept with him, sharing alike his emotion and his devotion to his country. Wm. H. Tew, from the back side of the room, said he wanted the thing to move a little faster; and he offered $2 to every man who would enlist, in addition to the gross amount subscribed by him before. 0. E. Jones offered $5 to every man. Col. Allen pledged $io to every man; Solomon Jones, $5; and others enough to make $25 to every man-making $50 bounty to every one. Midnight arrived; and the enthusiasm of the audience was unabated. Nine volunteers had been enrolled; and it was moved to suspend operations until the next evening. The offers mentioned above were extended until the next night. The meeting on Saturday evening was, if possible, more enthusiastic than the former one, and was more fertile in practical accomplishments of the end in view-enlistnents. The speakers were Rev. Messrs. S. W. Roe, P. Byrnes, and H. Benson, and Mr. Burnell and Capt. Smith. When the roll was opened, volunteers came in squads and platoons. Thirty names were received in addition to those previously obtained. The meeting adjourned while the excitement was high, to Broadhead Hall, Monday evening. The meeting on Monday evening was as well attended as the others. It was addressed by Rev. T. H. Rouse, Major Wm. O. Stevens, Theodore Brown, Qr. Master Knapp, Col. A. F. Allen, Capt. Tuckerman, Rev. H. Benson, and others. Seven more volunteered. At a late hour the meeting adjourned, sine die. At this series of meetings, the names offorty-six patriots were enrolled, and $2,600 were pledged to be raised for them. In Westfied, on Saturday evening, April 20th, a meeting of the citizens was held in Hinkley Hall to consider measures for raising volunteers, and for the support of their families. The hall was densely packed with persons, from the supple youth to the tottering, gray old man, each eager to contribute, in some way, to the defense of his country. Hon. George W. Patterson was called to the chair, and addressed the meeting in a stirring and patriotic manner. E. W. Dennison was chosen secretary. Messrs. Austin Smith, Joshua R. Babcock, and Alpheus U. Baldwin, were appointed a committee to prepare resolutions expressive of the sense of the meeting. Hon. Henry A. Prendergast, of Ripley, being present, being called for, addressed the WAR HISTORY. 189 meeting in an earnest and patriotic manner, and was greeted with enthusiastic applause. The resolutions reported by the committee, approved the action of the president in calling out troops to aid in executing the laws and repossessing the forts and other places and property seized by the insurgents; invited all true patriots able to bear arms to volunteer their services; and pledged the means necessary for the support of the families of those who were absent in the service of their country. The resolutions were adopted. Rev. Jeremiah C. Drake, pastor of the Baptist church, was called out, and made a thrilling speech. He excited the wildest enthusiasm, and was often interrupted with loud applause. He was folllowed by Messrs. H. C. Kingsbury, John C. Long, - Adams, Geo. W. Palmer, and Capt. Thomas Baker, of company C, who expressed a readiness to lead his company wherever duty should call. They all spoke with great ardor, and took decided ground in favor of sustaining the government at all hazards. The chair, on motion, appointed M. C. Rice; E. W. Dennison,'and Wm. Hynes; a committee to solicit subscriptions to procure a complete officer's outfit for Capt. Baker, as an expression of the appreciation of the citizens of Westfield of his patriotism in proffering his services for the defense of the government. A call for volunteers was favorably responded to by a large number of young men. A subscription for the benefit of the families of volunteers was circulated, and upwards of $1,000 signed on the spot; and many agreed to furnish military suits for those who volunteered. The circumscribed limits of our history forbid a particular account of war movements throughout the country. The foregoing sketch of the proceedings of the meetings in this county, is a fair specimen of the feeling that pervaded the free states. Never, in any country, was the spirit of patriotism more clearly displayed or more highly intensified. Its genuineness was evinced throughout the North, by the immense sacrifices of the people for the defense and preservation of the Union. Party lines seemed, for a time, at least, to be obliterated, and all classes manifested a determination to suppress the rebellion at all hazards. FURTHER ACTION OF THE GOVERNMENT. On the 29th of April, the president called out more troops, as follows: volunteers for three years' service, 40,000; regulars for five years' service, 25,000; seamen for five years' service, I8,000. Although Maryland was not among the seceding states, the rebel element prevailed in it extensively. The Massachusetts volunteers, passing through Baltimore, were assaulted by a mob in that city. They occupied eleven cars. Nine cars succeeded, with some difficulty, in reaching the dep6t on the other side of the city, amidst the hooting, yelling, and loud threats of the mob. The crowd, unable to exasperate the volunteers, hurled stones, brickbats, and other missiles, in showers against the cars, smashing the windows and woun;ding some of the troops. The remaining two cars of the train, containing about 1oo men, cut off from the main body, were soon encompassed by a I90 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. mob of several thousand, and attacked; and some of the soldiers had their muskets snatched from them. The Massachusetts men, finding the cars untenable, alighted, and formed a hollow square, advancing with fixed bayonets, upon all sides in double quick time, all the while surrounded by the mob-swelled by the addition of thousands-yelling and hooting. The military still abstained from firing upon their assailants. The mob then commenced throwing missiles, and occasionally gave a fire with a revolver or a musket. Two soldiers were killed and several wounded. The troops, at last, exasperated by the treatment they had received, commenced returning the fire singly, killing several, and wounding many of the rioters. The volunteers, at last, succeeded in reaching the depot with their killed and wounded, and embarked. The calm courage and heroic bearing of the troops gained them much honor: Effecting their passage through crowded streets, and opposed by overwhelming odds, was a feat not easily accomplished by a body of less than Ioo men. Patriotism was not confined to the masses of our citizens; it found unequivocal expression in those who were intrusted with the administration of the government. Of this we have an admirable specimen in the instructions of Secretary Seward to Wm. H. Dayton, the new minister to France. A few of the concluding paragraphs are given below. In regard to the answer of Mr. Faulkner, Mr. Dayton's predecessor, to M. Thouvenal, the French home minister, relative to the adoption of coercive measures, in which Mr. Faulkner expressed his opinion that a modification of the constitutional compact would settle the difficulty, or a peaceable acquiescence made to a separate sovereignty, the secretary says: "The time when these questions had any pertinency or plausibility has passed away. The United States waited patiently while their authority was defied in turbulent assembly and insidious preparations, willing to hope that mediation on all sides would conciliate and induce the disaffected parties to return to a better mind; but the case has now altogether changed. The insurgents have now instituted revolution with open, flagrant and deadly war, to compel the United States to acquiesce in the dismemberment of the Union. " The United States have accepted this civil war as an inevitable necessity. Constitutional remedies for all complaints of the insurgents are still open, and will remain so; but on the other hand, the land and naval forces of the Union have been put into activity to restore federal authority, and save the Union from danger. You can not be too decided or explicit in making known to the French government that there is not now, nor has there been, nor will there be, any or the least idea existing in the government of suffering a dissolution of this Union to take place in any way whatever. There will be only one nation and one government, and there will be the same republic and the same constitutional Union that has already survived a dozen national changes of government in almost every other country. These will stand hereafter as they are now, objects of human wonder and human ffection. " You have seen, on the eve of your departure, the elasticity of the national spirit, the vigor of the national government, and the lavish devotion of the WAR HISTORY. 191 national treasures to this great cause. Tell M. Thouvenal, with the highest consideration, that the thought of the dissolution of this Union, peaceably or by force, has never entered the mind of any candid statesman here, and it is high time that it be dismissed by statesmen in Europe. I am, etc., " WM. H. SEWARD." SUSPENSION OF THE WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS. For some time after the commencement of the war, the rebel authorities seemed to anticipate the plans of our government and the movements of our armies. It was presumed that information of the same was secretly communicated from Washington by persons sympathizing with the enemy. A man having been arrested as a traitor by Gen. Keim, and put into the custody of Gen. Cadwallader in Fort McHenry, a writ of habeas corpus was obtained from Chief Justice Taney to procure the release of the prisoner. Gen. C. refused to produce the prisoner, responding that he was acting under the orders of the president, who was authorized by the constitution to suspend the writ in case of rebellion or invasion. The power of the president to suspend this writ without the consent of Congress was questioned by many, among whom were some of the friends of the administration, who, however, justified the exercise of the power by the executive, on the ground of necessity. The safety of the Union would be in jeopardy if spies were released on bail, and permitted to renew and continue their traitorous employment. Hence it was deemed right and just to exercise a doubtful power, rather than that traitors should triumph through the action of federal judges in sympathy with the rebellion; and the case of Jackson at New Orleans was cited in justification. The views of the president on this subject were subsequently given by himself, in the following extracts from his message to Congress at its special session in July: "Soon after the first call for militia, it was considered a duty to authorize the commanding general, in proper cases, according to his discretion, to suspend the privilege of the habeas corpus, or, in other words, to arrest and detain, without resort to ordinary processes and forms of law, such individuals as he might consider dangerous to the public safety. This authority has purposely been exercised but very sparingly. Nevertheless, the legality and propriety of what has been done under it are questioned, and the attention of the country has been called to the proposition, that one who is sworn to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, should not himself violate them. " Before this matter was acted upon, the whole of the laws which were required to be faithfully executed, were being resisted and failing of execution, in nearly one-third of the states. Must they be allowed to finally fail of execution, even had it been perfectly clear that, by the use of the means necessary to their execution, some single law, made in such extreme tenderness of the citizens' liberty, that practically it relieves more of the guilty than the innocent, should, to a very limited extent, be violated? "To state the question more directly: Are all the laws but one to go unexecuted, and the government itself to go to pieces, lest that one be violated? Even in such a case, would not the official oath be broken if the government should be overthrown when it was believed that, disregarding the single 192 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. one would tend to preserve it? But it was not believed that this question had been presented. It was not believed that any law was violated. The provision of the constitution is, the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended except when, in cases of rebellion or invasion, the public safety may require it. It was decided that we have a case of rebellion, and the public safety does require the qualified suspension of the privilege of the writ which was authorized to be made. "Now it is insisted that Congress, and not the executive, is vested with the power. But the constitution itself is silent as to which or who is to exercise the power; and as the provision was plainly made for a dangerous emergency, it can not be believed that the framers of the instrument intended that, in every case, the danger should run its course until Congress should be called together, the very assembling of which might be prevented, as was intended in this case by the rebellion." Enlistments were proceeding rapidly. In our own county, company after company was announced as ready to leave for their destination. About the middle of June, i86i, there had been about 225,000 men mustered into service, and were under pay-about 30,000 of them from this state. It was a cause of regret as well as discouragement to the friends of the Union, that so many of their fellow-citizens not only manifested great indifference in regard to the result of the war for its preservation, but were actually engaged in efforts to prevent the successful prosecution of the war. In June, I86I, a petition was circulated in the city of New York which many had been led to sign under false pretenses, and from which they wished to erase their names. A search for the petition was made by the police, who found and seized it in the office of a Wall street broker. The following is a copy of it: " To his Excellency Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States "The undersigned, citizens of New York, beg leave to present to you, most respectfully and earnestly, the following considerations:"While they told themselves ready to sustain and defend their government, and you as its legal head, they respectfully suggest that the only remaining position for you to prevent the horrors of civil war and preserve the Union, is to adopt the policy of an immediate general convention of all the states, as suggested in your Inaugural. This course would secure a peaceful solution of all our national difficulties; and if any state should refuse to join said convention to amend the constitution, or adjust a paceable separation, it would stand unanimously condemned before the civilized world. " Earnestly deprecating civil war among brethren, we implore and beseech you to adopt this course, which, you may rest assured, is the real voice of the people." About five hundred names had been appended when the police took possession of it. It was carried to the chief's office, where it was left to allow all whose names had been obtained by fraud to erase them. The petition, it will be seen, not only proposes a dissolution of the Union, but condemns every state which refuses to sanction this design. In his message to Congress, at its special meeting in July, the president recommended, that there be placed at the control of the government, at least WAR HISTORY. 193 400,000 men and $400,000,000, with the view of "making this contest a short and decisive one." And there appeared throughout the North, a disposition to comply with every requisition for all the men and money necessary to subdue the confederates. The session lasted but nine days. Among the bills passed, were the following: To legalize the past action of the president; to authorize the president to call out 500,000 volunteers; a bill appropriating about $266,000,000, principally for the prosecution of the war; an act to confiscate property used for insurrectionary purposes. The confiscation act provided that"In case of any insurrection against the government that can not be suppressed in the ordinary course of law, and property used or given by permission of its owner to aid and abet the insurrection, shall be lawful subject of prize and capture wherever found; and that it shall be the duty of the president to cause it to be seized, confiscated, and condemned; and that when any slaveholder shall employ or permit the employment of his slave in aiding or promoting an insurrection, the master shall forfeit all right to such slave; and the slave shall be free." This bill was opposed as contrary to the provision of the constitution, which declares, that "no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture, except during the life of the person attainted." It is believed no case involving the principle assumed in this bill, has ever been decided in the court of the United States. The preceding pages are but an introduction to the history of the war of the rebellion. Nor will the reader expect to find, in the few pages which can be devoted to this subject, more than a mere outline of the history of a war which furnishes material for a number of volumes of the capacity of this, which embraces a hundred different topics which claim a notice in this work. When the war broke out, many of our wisest men anticipated a short struggle of sixty or ninety days. Some imagined that the first call for 75,000 men would not need to be supplemented by more than one or two calls for an equal number. Few supposed that several calls for hundreds of thousands would be found necessary to quell the insurrection. Meeting after meeting was held in nearly every town for raising men and providing for the support of their families. Nor were our male citizens alone active in labor in promoting the war for the Union; equal zeal and activity were manifested by the women. Societies of various names were seen springing up in all parts. of the North, through which material aid was rendered. Sanitary committees were appointed; relief circles, aid societies, and other associations were: formed, and in great part conducted by ladies; and through them contributions were made of money, clothing, hospital supplies, and whatever was required for the comfort of soldiers and their families. Fairs also were held,. the proceeds of which were appropriated to this grand object of benevolence and humanity. Not a small portion of the labor of females was the preparing of bandages, lint, and- savory food, for the wounded and the sick ir the hospitals. I3 194 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Instead of a war of only two or three months, as some expected, the country was destined to a sanguinary contest of four years, which was maintained at an expense of life and treasure scarcely equaled, in the same space of time, in any country during the present century. Our armies, during those years, experienced alternations of success and reverse, until the resources of the enemy had been nearly exhausted. The successes of Grant, Sheridan and others, and the triumphal, resistless march of Sherman through the South to the seaboard, gave signs of the rapid approach of peace. The object of the labors and the prayers of the friends of the Union was at length attained. But although the Union has been preserved, the sad results of the war have not entirely disappeared. Let every friend of a united republic contribute his influence to hasten the time when a perfect reconciliation between the parties lately at variance shall have been effected, and when they shall be not merely members of the same great political family, but in heart and feeling brethren. The number of men furnished for the war by Chautauqua, as nearly as can be ascertained, is about 2,300. The enlistments from the several towns were nearly as follows: Arkwright, 33. Busti, 8I. Carroll, 42. Charlotte, 42. Chautauqua, II5. Cherry Creek, 62. Clymer, 6i. Dunkirk, 233. Ellery, 3I. Ellicott, 299. Ellington, 52. French Creek, 51. Gerry, 37. Hanover, I69. Harmony, I63. Kiantone, I7. Mina, 41. Poland, 71. Pomfret, 161. Portland, 66. Ripley, 42. Sheridan, 46. Sherman, 70. Stockton, 6r. Villenova, 84. Westfield, 93. Total, 2,293. COUNTY NEWSPAPERS. The Chautauqua Gazette, the first paper published in the county, was started at Fredonia, in Jan., 1817, by James Percival. It was afterwards issued by Carpenter & Hull, and by James Hull, until 1822, when it was suspended. In 1823, it was revived by James Hull, and continued until 1826, when it was united with the People's Gazette, from Forestville; and its name was changed to Fredonia Gazette. It was published a short time by Hull & Snow, and removed by Mr. Hull to Dunkirk, and in a few months to Westfield, and united with the Chautauqua Phoenix. The Fredonia Censor was commenced in I821 by Henry C. Frisbee, who continued its publication 17 years. In 1838, it passed into the hands of E. Winchester, and was published by him 2 years, and by R. Cunningham i year. In 1841, it was bought by Willard McKinstry, and published by W. McKinstry & Brother, [A. McKinstry;] and at present by W. McKinstry & Son, [Louis McKinstry.] The Western Democrat and Literary Inquirer was started at Fredonia in i835, by Wm. Verrinder. It was issued successively by Randall, Crosby & COUNTY NEWSPAPERS. 195 Co., and Arba K. Maynard; and by the latter it was removed to Van Buren Harbor in I837, and issued as The Van Buren Times. It soon passed into the hands of W. H. Cutler, and was continued about 2 years. The Settler was issued a short time in I840, from the Censor office, by E. Winchester. The Frontier Express was started in June, 1846, by Cutler, Cottle & Perham. In 1849, it was changed to The Fredonia Express, and published by J. P. Cobb & Co., and afterwards by Thomas A. Osborne & Co. In I850, it was changed to The Chautauqua Union, and was published'a short time by E. F. Foster. The Fredonia Advertiser was started July I4, I85I, by Tyler & Shepard. It was afterward published by Levi L. Pratt and J. C. Frisbee, and later by L. L. Pratt. It is now published by Benton & Cushing, at Fredonia and Dunkirk. The Botanic Medical Journal was published a short time at Fredonia. The Pantheon was published at Fredonia a short time. The Jamestown Journal was commenced in June, I826, by Adolphus Fletcher, and continued by him until I846. It was then issued by his son, John W. Fletcher, for two years, when it passed into the hands of F. W. Palmer, who continued at the head of the establishment until 1858, having been associated, in'the meantime, with Francis P. Bailey, Ebenezer P. Upham, and C. D. Sackett. From i858 to 1862, it was published by Sackett & Bishop; and after the death of Mr. Sackett in 1862, it was published by Bishop Brothers. After the death of Prentice E. Bishop, in 1865, by Coleman E. Bishop until i866; then by Bishop and Alex. M. Clark, until June I, i868, when Clark became sole proprietor. Jan. I, I870, he started the Daily ournal, C. E. Bishop, editor; and in Aug., 1871, sold a half interest to Davis H. Waite; and in March, I875, his remaining interest to Mr. Waite, who, in April, I875, started the Weekly Grange, an agricultural paper. All still continue. The Chautauqua Republican was started in Jamestown in 1828, by Morgan Bates. Richard K. Kellogg, Lewis C. Todd, Charles McLean, Alfred Smith, and Wm. H. Cutler, were successively interested in its publication until 1833, when it passed into the hands of S. S. C. Hamilton; and its name was changed to the Republican Banner. It was soon after removed to Mayville, and in a few months discontinued. The Genius of Liberty was started at Jamestown in 1829, by Lewis C. Todd, and continued about two years. The Liberty Star was started at Jamestown in I847, by Harvey A. Smith. In 1849, it passed into the hands of Adolphus Fletcher, and was changed to the Northern Citizen. In I853, John W.'Fletcher became proprietor; and in I855, it was changed to the Chautauqua Democrat, under which name it was issued by Adolphus Fletcher, James Parker, editor; from I860, by Fletcher & Co., A. B. Fletcher having been a partner; from 1862, by Davis H. Waite and A. B. Fletcher, until i866; from 1866 to 1872, by A. B. Fletcher, when E. Anderson became a partner of Fletcher. A daily Democrat was soon published, and the firm was dissolved in 1873. The Daily and Weekly Democrat are both continued by Mr. Fletcher. The Undercurrent was published at Jamestown a short time in i851-52, by Harvey A. Smith. The Jamestown Herald was I96 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. started in August, 1852, by Dr. Asaph Rhodes. In 1853, Joseph B. Nessel became proprietor, removed it to Ellington Center, and changed its name to the Ellington Luminary. A Swede paper was started in 1874, The Chautauqua Eagle was commenced at Mayville in I8I9 by Robert J. Curtis and continued about one year. The Mayville Sentinel was started in 1834, by Timothy Kibbe, and the next year passed into the hands of Beman Brockway, who continued it ten years. In 1845, it was sold to John F. Phelps, by whom it is still published. The Republican Banner, formerly Chautauqua Republican, published at Jamestown, was removed to Mayville, and published there a few months. The Tocsin, a temperance paper, was published at Mayville, by Lloyd Mills, a short time, about 1845. In October, I868, Wright L. Patterson commenced the Chautauqua Republican, and issued I8 weekly numbers. In September or October, 1870, Byron W. Southworth moved the Sherman News to Mayville, changed its name to Chautauqua News, which was continued until March, I874. The Chautauqua Whig was started at Dunkirk in August, I834 by Thompson & Carpenter. About 1844, its name was changed to the Dunkirk Beacon; and it was discontinued a short time afterward. The Chautauqua Journal was started at Dunkirk in May, i850, by W. L. Carpenter. In a short time its name was changed to the DunkirkJournal, and was issued by him until 18-, when it passed into the hands of Isaac George, who published it for a time. It has for several years been published by W. McKinstry & Son, of Fredonia, its present proprietors. The Dunkirk Press and Argus, a continuation of the Western Argus, removed from Westfield in 1858, was published several years. The Panama Herald was commenced in August, I846, by Dean & Hurlbut, and continued by Stewart & Pray until 1848. The Western Star was started in Westfield, 1826, by Harvey Newcomb, and published two years. It was soon after revived, as the Chautauqua Phoenix, by Hull & Newcomb. In I831, its name was changed to the American Eagle; and it was issted by G. W. Newcomb. In I838, it was changed to the Westfield Courier, and was issued a short time by G. W. Bliss. The Westfield Lyceum, started in I835, was published a short time by Sheldon & Palmer. The Western Farmer was started at Westfield in 1835, by Bliss & Knight, and was continued about two years. The Westfeld Advocate was commenced in May, 1841, and in a few months was discontinued.' The Westfield Messenger was started in August, I841, by C. J. J. & T. Ingersoll. In i85I, it passed to Edgar W. Dennison, and was changed to the Westfield Transcript, which, in I85-, passed to Buck & Wilson, who continued it one year. The Westfield Republican was commenced April 25, I855, by M. C. Rice, by whom it was continued until I873, when it passed to Joseph A. & C. Frank Hall; and in a few months C. Frank Hall, its present publisher, became its sole proprietor. The Western Argus was started at Westfield in I857, by John F. Young. In about one year it was removed to Dunkirk, and changed to the Dunkirk Express and Argus, edited by James S. Sherwood, and continued about a year. OLD SETTLERS' FESTIVALS. 197 The People's Gazette was started at Forestville in 1824, by Wm. S. Snow. In 1826, it was united with The Chautauqua Gazette at Fredonia. The Western Intelligencer was published at Forestville a short time in I833. The Silver Creek Mail was started in 1848, by John C. Van Duzen. It was changed, in i852, to The Home Register, and was published by James Long. In I854, Samuel Wilson became proprietor, and changed it to The Silver Creek Gazette, and continued it until 1856, when it was discontinued. In August of that year, it was revived as The Lake Shore Mirror, by H. M. Morgan, and was afterward published by George A. Martin. The Ellington Luminary, changed from The Jamestown Herald, and removed from Jamestown in 1853, was continued until I856. The Philomathean Exponent was issued at Ellington by the students of the academy in 1852. The Western New Yorker was started in i853, in Sherman, edited by Patrick McFarland; discontinued in I855. The Sherman'News was commenced some years ago, (the year not ascertained;) and in I870 was removed to Mayville, its name changed to Chautauqua News, and published there about two years. OLD SETTLERS' FESTIVALS. REUNION AT FREDONIA. THE IIth day of June, 1873, will never be forgotten by those who were so fortunate as to be present at the Reunion of " Old Settlers," at Fredonia. It was an experiment, and many entertained doubts of its success. An earlier day for the meeting had been announced; but a later day was fixed upon as more likely to secure a fuller attendance. At an early hour of the day, the people from all parts of the county, and not a few from other counties and states, former residents of Chautauqua, came together to exchange salutations once more with their old pioneer neighbors and friends. The streets were soon thronged; and the air was made vocal with joyful greetings, as friends met friends, after years of separation. The exercises were appointed to be held at Union Hall, which, after it was opened, was filled in a few moments, without any apparent diminution of the crowd outside. As far as possible, those over 80 were seated in front; those between 70 and 80, next; and so on till most of the young folks were driven out, and the platform overlooked a sea of gray heads. The crowded room was called to order at I0.45 a. m., and A. C. Cushing, Esq., president of the village, delivered the following Address of Welcome: "If out of the abundance of the heart the tongue always found utterance, I might hope that my lips on this occasion would be touched with a little of I98 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. that inspiration, flowing from earnest and profound feeling, which sometimes lends eloquence to those who, like myself, possess neither utterance nor the power of speech. " Friends of to-day, friends of former years, friends whose venerable heads are now white with the snows of more than seventy winters, friends who have clasped hands in genial companionship with our fathers, we bid you welcome here to-day. If but few of those who started with you on the march of life are left to extend their hearty greeting, we, their descendants, who stand in their places, receive you to our homes and our hearts with grateful recognition, as the representatives of a generation whose hardy virtues, courage and endurance laid the foundation of all the advantages, all the prosperity we now enjoy. It is the seed sown by your hands in the solitudes of the forest amid hardships, privation and toil, which we reap in the glorious harvest of a high cultivation, surrounded by its comforts, its luxuries, and its refinements. "And an honorable welcome, a welcome tender, kind and true as their own brave loving hearts, to the noble women, who in those early years, stood side by side with husbands, brothers and sons, sharing their hardships and lightening their toils with pleasant smiles and encouraging words-women as heroic and self-sacrificing as those whom poets and historians have made immortal, although their virtues are written only in the hearts of those who love them. " Some of you present to-day have witnessed the wonderful transformation which, within the allotted time of man's existence, has changed the whole face of the county. You retain vivid recollections of the early homes of the pioneers, and of the struggles and privations they endured. You also have pleasant remembrances of happy days and the warm friendship existing between neighbors, though living miles apart, and making visits through the woods with ox-teams over roads marked only by blazed trees-softer memories of quilting frolics where they ate pumpkin pie and doughnuts, and'courted their sweethearts-pretty girls-just fifty years ago.' But many of your number have not been spared to note the march of improvement which has caused the'wilderness and the solitary place to rejoice and blossom as the rose,' has tracked the once pathless forests with roads on which the iron horse obliterates distance; has raised beautiful temples to the living God; where once stood the humble meeting-house of the early worshipers; has built costly edifices of learning, the elegance of the structures only inferior to the grandeur of the objects to which they are dedicated; has peopled the county with a busy and prosperous population; has dotted it with thriving towns and villages, the seats of wealth with all its attendant luxuries and elegancies; has broken the silence of the solitudes with the ceaseless roar of machinery, the blast of the furnace, and the hundred inventions of science and art. " Yes, my friends, we are proud of our old Chautauqua. Her hills and plains are dear to us. We love her clear lakes and sparkling rivulets. Generous nature has indeed been bountiful, and we feel that our'lines have been laid in pleasant places.' We modestly exult in the high character for intelligence and enterprise borne by her people. Nor in looking over the long list of names made prominent in our country's history, need we blush for the place held there by Chautauqua county. Amid that array in positions of high trust and responsibility stand honorably conspicuous many of her citizens. Of offices of highest dignity and honor bestowed by our state, she holds a full and worthy share. Some of her sons have been called to fill high and OLD SETTLERS' FESTIVALS. 199 exalted positions in the councils and conduct of national affairs. She claims as hers the venerated names of some, who, having dropped the harness of earthly toil, now rest from their labors and sleep in honored and honorable repose. " We are assembled to-day in commemoration of the merits and memories of these and such as these, the early founders of our county, to whose firm courage, perseverance and energy we owe, under God, all the blessings with which we are so richly endowed. "', To our departed pioneer heroes we render not worship, but the affectionate remembrance and profound veneration which their merits and our deep obligations demand. To the veteran band, whom it is our privilege still to retain in our midst, we can only say, that the tribute of applause and grateful respect which we tender to them and to their departed companions, in the perils and hardships of pioneer life, flows straight from earnest hearts, and is the utterance of honest lips. " The establishment of an annual festival, which shall call friends together in hospitable and pleasant reunion, we conceive to be a happy idea, and a laudable attempt to keep bright the links of social intercourse between those who once may have been close companions, or old neighbors, but are now sundered by the changes of time and circumstance. Each passing year, we trust, shall again bring us together,,at the period of the Old Settlers' Annual Festival, and tighten the bands of good fellowship and unity. Like the patriarchs of old, we will spread our yearly'feast of fat things,' and, with old friends and neighbors, drink'the wine of gladness.'" After his address, for the purpose of organization, Mr. Cushing " nominated a gentleman as president of the day who has often held positions of dignity and responsibility in the state and county, and who has ever discharged his duties to the approbation of all-Hon. Geo. W. Patterson, of Westfield." The nomination was adopted unanimously. Gov. Patterson was conducted to the chair, and responded as follows: "Mr. Chairman, and Fellow-Citizens: For the honor which the committee of arrangements have conferred upon me in offering my name as presiding officer, I tender my grateful acknowledgments. With my fellow-citizens from other localities I wish to congratulate you, one and all, that the people of Fredonia have invited you, not only to this reunion, but to the hospitality of their homes. Great credit is due them for their efforts which will be appreciated. " Fellow-citizens: It is about seventy years since the first white man settled in the county.'!" In July, I802, the first infant child was born at Westfield. I had hoped to have the first born of the county here; I passed him to-day in a private conveyance —(voice in the audience-" He is in the village.") Bring him up. (Orson Stiles: " We will; he is being escorted in by a four-horse team.") His name is John McHenry. " I know something of the hardships and privations of the early pioneers, although but little of the full reality. In 1822-3-4, I built fanning mills in Ripley, where I tried to raise the wind, with what success many of you know. There may be gentlemen here who settled in Chautauqua in 1804 and 1805. Just think of the improvements which they have witnessed. Not a foot of land was then owned, except one farm. The first title given was to Alexander Cochran, of Ripley, in I804, but contracts were recorded prior to that.' The history of Westfield shows that for some families that came in during those 200 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. years, the first table spread was a stone on a stump. It is comparatively but a few years since land-holders owned their land in fee simple. I see before me faces that then hardly expected to own lands in fee simple. As late as 1841, when I took charge of the land-office at Westfield, there was due $1,500,000, and 95,000 acres of untaken land. To-day there are a hundred men before me that could pay that debt. I know not the arrangements of the committee, but suppose others are to follow me, and will yield the floor." At the conclusion of Gov. Patterson's remarks, Mr. Stiles spoke in behalf of the multitude outside, suggesting that the afternoon session be held in the park; and he would arrange for seats immediately. The suggestion was adopted unanimously. C. F. Matteson, chairman of committee of arrangements, announced the following named gentlemen as vice-presidents and secretaries: Vice-Presidents-Levi Baldwin, Arkwright, Eliakim Garfield, Busti; Nathan Cleland, Charlotte; Thomas A. Osborne, Chautauqua; Alva Billings, Cherry Creek; Edwin Eaton, Carroll; Nehemiah Royce, Clymer; Walter Smith, Dunkirk; Abner Hazeltine, Ellicott; Charles B. Green, Ellington; Abijah Clark, Ellery; Silas Terry, French Creek; Sidney E. Palmer, Gerry; Amos R. Avery, Hanover; Daniel Williams, Harmolny; Aaron J. Phillips, Kiantone; Luke Grover, Mina; Joseph Clark, Poland, Elisha Fay, Portland; Wm. Risley, Pomfret; Charles B. Brockway, Rzipley; Jonathan S. Pattison, Sheridan, Platt Osborn, Sherman; Harlow Crissey, Stockton; Obadiah Warner, Villenova; Thomas B. Campbell, Wiestfield. Robert Miles, of Warren, Pa., who settled within a mile of the Chautauqua county line in 1797, was also made a vice-president. Secretaries-C. E. Benton, of the Advertiser and Union; Louis McKinstry, of the Fredonia Censor; A. B. Fletcher, of the Jamestown Daily Democrat; Davis H. Waite, of the Jamestown Daily Journal; C. F. Hall, of the Westfield Republican, John F. Phelps, of the Mayville Sentinel; D. A. A. Nichols, reporter for Young's History of the County. Rev. T. Stillman, D. D., wvas called upon to offer prayer, upon the conclusion of which Judge Foote said he had a favor to ask. He wanted all present to join with him in singing the first verse of old " Coronation:" "All hail the power of Jesus' name! " etc. Judge Foote, in the interval of business, addressed the meeting. He spoke of his "love of old Chautauqua," and of his endeavors to preserve its history, pointing to the twenty-six large folio volumes of historic scrap-books on the stage as evidence of his labor. He spoke with deep feeling and earnestness. Among other things, he said: "I want a history that commemorates your virtues and hardships before I came into the county. I love these gray heads, many of them I have known since I came into the county. I proposed that hymn because I know you are a Christian people. We all believe alike in the foundation-Christ Jesus. I reside in New Haven, but live in Chautauqua. Here I am to be'buried-have so provided in my will. This is the last meeting for many of us, but no matter, if we are ripe for the harvest." The chairman introduced to the audience the first man born of Chautau OLD SETTLERS' FESTIVALS. 201 qua "dust." The Fredonia Musical Association then gave "Auld Lang Syne" with excellent effect, under lead of Prof. Riggs-Mrs. E. F. Swart at the organ. For the purpose of estimating how many decades of ages could be accommodated at the first table, those over ninety years old were called on to stand up, then those over eighty. The following named responded: Those over 9o-Elijah Fay, of Portland; Bartlett Luce, of Pomfret; Timothy Goulding, 9I, of Sheridan; Charles F. Arnold, 93, of Sheridan. From 80 to 9o-Isaac Bussing, Pomfret, 89; Arna Wood, Pomfret, 82; Charles P. Young, Ripley, 82; Allen Denny, Stockton, 82; Samuel Rockwood, Sheridan, 86; John Seymour, Pomfret, 80; Stephen Ross, Arkwright, 87; Rev. John P. Kent, Lima, 80; Hugh Harper, Charlotte, 85; Ezekiel Gould, Chautauqua, 84; Aaron Smith, Stockton, 80; Jeremiah Curtis, Stockton, 80; Darius Knapp, Pomfret, 84; David Griggs, Pomfret, 84; Silas Spencer, Westfield, 84; Abram Dixon, Westfield, 86; Benjamin H. Dickson, Ripley, 8I; Chester Brown, Pomfret, 86; Naomi Miller, Stockton, 83; David Parker, Perrysburg, 80; Orpha Burritt, Fredonia, 8i; D. J. Matteson, Fredonia, 8i; Mr. Lazelle, Stockton, 85; Henry Smith, Charlotte, 82; Thos. Magee, Hanover, 87; T. B. Campbell, Westfield, 85; J. Ackley, Pine Grove, Pa., 83; Abner Hazeltine, Jamestown, 80; Joseph Davis, Pomfret, 80; Polly Wilson, Pomfret, 80; Samuel Cleland, 85; John Cleland, 8i; Nathan Cleland, 78, of Charlotte, and Oliver Cleland, 79, of Berlin, 0.; Hoel Beadle, Westfield, 80; James Billings, Chautauqua, 82; with others subsequently recorded, making upwards of forty. Of those between 70 and 80 years of age, the record, though said to be incomplete, shows nearly I50. Gov. Patterson then announced that it was time to go to dinner. He had his grandfather's time-piece with him, which was never wound up but once, and that was ninety years ago, but it had always kept time, and does now just as accurately as it did then. There was some curiosity manifested to see such a wonderful time-piece, which was only satisfied when the Governor held out his old sun dial. Newell Putnam, of Conneaut, 0., said, " Here is one that had to be wound up once in a while, but it is a hundred years old, and keeps time yet,"-and sent up a venerable silver watch for exhibition. Mrs. A. C. Russell, of Dunkirk, then came upon the stage in ancient costume and sang a solo, which she said Judge Foote taught her forty-five years ago. The bonnet worn by Mrs. Russell, was the same that was made in Fredonia, in I805, for Mrs. Thomas Fargo. The president, vice-presidents, and all present over 80 years old, were then invited to form in procession for dinner; and they passed out of the hall to where the Stockton military band was in waiting to escort them to the academy, in which the collation was served. Judge Foote and lady, though yet under the age of 80, were given a place among those who headed this noble band of octogenarians. The meeting, in charge of Mr. C. F. Matteson, chairman of the committee 202 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. of arrangements, continued in session during the absence of the officers. Several letters responding to invitations to attend the "Old Settlers' " gathering, some of which with an interesting paper written by Mr. Wm. Risley, of Fredonia, were read by Judge Emory F. Warren and the chairman. Rev. Dr. Stillman, of Dunkirk, then addressed the meeting, giving his recollections of coming to the county in 1830, when he was 32 hours staging and footing it from Buffalo to the Haskins tavern in Sheridan, 40 miles. The United States mail from Buffalo for all the west was then carried by stage, usually in two bags; one large for the west distributing office; one small for the way offices, both bags occupying only part of the space under the driver's seat. Now it is no uncommon thing, any day, to see fifteen tons of westward mail on the platform at Dunkirk for the illimitable west. For several years of his early residence at Dunkirk, he had authority from the postmaster to bring down the mail to that village when it reached Fredonia behind time; and he had carried it many a time in his hat without inconvenience. Now a single business house receives a daily average of letters the whole village used to receive in a week. Dr. S. gave also a list of the prices of the various kinds of tavern beverages, copied from M. W. & T. G. Abell's bar book, showing the enormous amounts paid -by the citizens for strong drink, but omitting the names of the persons charged; saying, however: "Nearly every man in town was charged with grog on that book." At i o'clock, the elder guests having got through, their juniors-between 70 and 80 years of age-formed in line for the tables which were reset for them in the academy; and the meeting adjourned to the Common, to reassemble at 3 o'clock. The intervening time was spent in exhibiting the numerous relics which many were impatiently waiting for an opportunity to examine. After the persons of 70 years had dined, the tables, which accommodated about I50 at once, were set about twice more; and victuals were also passed round in baskets to the crowd outside, unable to enter, for an hour and a half. There had been prepared forty pans of baked# beans, with a proportionate quantity of meats, breadstuffs, pies, cakes, etc. If any went away hungry, it was not from a lack of provisions, as there were many left; nor from inattention on the part of the committee in charge, whose chairman, G. D. Hinkley, and secretary, J. C. Mullett, were highly commended for their skill as engineers of a public collation. The committee's task was an arduous one, but was well performed. In addition to the collation, several hundred persons were made welcome guests at the homes of citizens. Probably considerably more than i,ooo persons were fed at the academy; and still there were provisions left, many baskets full. An old fashioned dinner was served during the intermission. At about 2 p. m., Gov. Patterson and wife, Judge Foote and wife, Judge Warren and wife, Sam. Cleland, and the mother of Horace White, Oliver Cleland, and Polly Wilson (the Polly that was hired girl for Zattu Cushing when the timber on the land where Union Hall now is was being cleared off), Mrs. Judge OLD SETTLERS' FESTIVALS. 203 Hazeltine, seated themselves on such slab benches and stools as some of them had sat upon in "auld lang syne" at the old Wilson table placed upon the stage of Union Hall. The table was set with the old china and pewter dishes; and the bill of fare comprised such solid food as boiled pork (with the fat in) and greens, Indian bread and pudding, a johnny cake baked on a board, pies and cakes from the old recipes of'76, and tea and coffee-all of which seemed to be relished. The feelings of the guests were expressed by Gov. Patterson in the following sentiment: "The early settlers of Chautauqua and their entertainers at Fredonia-may all live and prosper;" to which Horace White responded: " The venerable pioneers of Chautauqua, whose enterprising, sterling virtues and industry have brought the country from its wilderness to be the most flourishing in the state in its agricultural interests." A Silver Creek miss, dressed as Sally of yore might have been, did the serving satisfactorily. AFTERNOON SEssIoN.-After music by the two bands, President Patterson requested the attention of the multitude reassembled, when A. C. Cushing, Esq., offered a resolution to appoint a committee of seven, of which the president was to be one, to agree upon a permanent organization, and upon the next place of meeting. The chair appointed E. F. Warren, Alvin Plumb, J. L. Bugbee, Obed Edson, Abner Hazeltine, and C. F. Matteson. Gov. Patterson here exhibited a revolutionary soldier's canteen. It is made of a section of an ox horn made tight at each end with wooden stoppers. He said they could all see by that what the old settlers meant when they talked of taking a " pretty good horn." A noteworthy feature of this assemblage was the exhibition of relics, which, in respect to their number, variety, rareness, and antiquity, have probably never been equaled on a similar occasion, in any part of this or in any other state. Of the oil portraits and photographs, there were about ioo. Of the relics, the mention of them, with the briefest description, occupied four columns of a county paper, and were several hundreds in number. Believing that nothing done or exhibited at the meeting would be read with deeper interest, it was intended to select from the long list a considerable number for insertion in the History; but the difficulty of making a proper discrimination in the selection, and the want of space, forbid the carrying of this intention into effect. A small number only are given: Two volumes of the earlier newspapers of the county, between the years I817 and 1827; and several New England papers of 1780-90; also a copy of the Connecticut Courant, of Oct. 29, 1764, in which is the following paragraph: "A surprising concatination of events in one week. Published a Sunday; married a Tuesday; had a child a Tuesday; stole a horse a Wednesday; banished a Thurskty; died a Friday; buried a Saturday-all in one week." An old fashioned side-saddle, by Mrs. Barmore, the history of which she can trace back 130 years. How much older it is she does not know. A chair by Buell Tolles, of Sheridan, brought into the county by his father 204 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. in I826, and over Ioo years old. Although old style, it is very easy sitting. Also the old fashioned tinder-box. The process of striking fire with the old flint was many times repeated, to the great curiosity of the young folks, while the old ones would exclaim, "How many times I have done that." Also a pewter platter over Ioo years old; also the old fashioned foot stove that used to keep the church pews warm, nearly Ioo years old. The identical axe that cut the first tree felled in Fredonia, by John Bartoo, of Forestville. It was one of the tools Col. Bartoo used to build a mill dam and saw-mill for Hezekiah Barker. A pewter basin by Mrs. Joy Handy-part of the outfit of the wedding of the Major's grandparents. When New London was burned during the Revolutionary war, this basin was hid with other valuables under a stone wall, and thus saved; also a chopping knife belonging to the same outfit, and a toilet spread made by an immediate descendant of Pocahontas, 60 years ago. Plated sugar tongs, o00 years old, by Miss Jane Osborne; also two needlebooks, I50 years old-regular "grandma's" style; also Thomas Osborne's (her father,) commission as captain in I806; also a summons to her father to attend the Great Wigwam of Tammany, Oct. I2, I809, and the cockade worn by him in the war of 1812. A canteen of the war of 1776, by Wm. B. Griswold; it was carried by Stephen Bush, of Ct., afterwards of Sheridan, and also in the war of i812, by Wm. Griswold and Nicholas Mallett, both of Sheridan. The old pocket compass owned by Capt. Robert Kidd, presented by Dr. L. Clark, of Mayville; also a razor owned by Jonathan Clark in the I7th century. A splint-bottomed, high-backed chair, ioo years old, by Rowland Porter. Another by Mrs. E. S. Kellogg-an arm chair, (green,) a portion of the first parlor suit made in Oneida county, in I780. Another of 8 rI, by H. H. Lamphier. A bed pan of Mrs. Edmund Day, of Dunkirk, 200 years old; it was brought here by Eli Drake-one of the first settlers. An Ulster Co. Gazette, of Jan. 4, i8oo, in mourning for George Washington, by Mrs. J. D. Andrews. Mrs. T. W. Stevens presents a needle-book in daily use 60 years ago; a piece of Capt. Phineas Stevens' dressing gown-Capt. S. was a surgeon in Burgoyne's army in 1775; a wallet worked before 770o; worked embroidery done before the Revolution; and patterns and bobbins for lace making in use during the Revolution. Mrs. Woodward Stevens presented baby clothes made over o00 years ago, the mitts "grandmother" Durkee was baptized in, in July, I782, and a girl's and boy's cap. A pardon aud amnesty document, granted to a Scotch rAugee by the King of France, July i8, I6I9, number 65, was sent from Berrien Springs, Mich., by Worthy Putnam. He discovered it curiously. There had come to his family a Scotch mirror of antique and curious framework, but as it was OLD SETTLERS' FESTIVALS. 205 unfashionable, as his wife thought, she took a fancy to have its heavy and fine plate reframed, and accordingly sent it to the cabinet-maker for that purpose. The workman, in taking off the backboard, found this document neatly folded and safely ensconced between the board and mirror plate. That important state paper of regal execution and authority, had safely rested in its ingenious and unique hiding place, probably more than 200 years. What motive induced the holder of this paper to conceal it so securely, is not apparent, but that there was some strong inducement to this end is quite certain. The document is written in French, executed entirely by the pen, neatly and elegantly, and on paper of the manufacture of the I6th century, of itself curious. It is much discolored by time, and the texture become fragile, yet the writing is distinct, and the ink stains have a remarkable integrity. This relic of the Bourbon dynasty, and the manner of its concealment and preservation, give to this aged regal document a curious interest. It was a part of an heirloom in the family of Maj. Samuel Sinclair, of Sinclairville, until i847, when it came into the possession of Mr. Putnam. An Indian snow shoe taken from a Massachusetts tribe of Indians about 200 years ago, and kept in the Alden family. A two-gallon ship pitcher. St. Jerome's T'ranslation of the Bible, printed in I501; a " Bibliotheca," 1509, by Geo. W. Lewis, and other old books by Prof. A. Bradish. A true pattern of the "mutton leg sleeve," as worn in 1832, by Mrs. D. R. Barker. Aaron Smith, of Stockton, presented a Bible I07 years old, that was his grandfather's, his vest 53 years old, a wooden block of 12 sides made by Ebenezer Smith 85 years ago, a concordance belonging to his great-grandfather 154 years ago, the powder horn Rev. Ebenezer Smith carried in the French and Indian war the year before Gen. Wolfe was killed. A cannon ball, (a ten-pounder,) a relic of the battle of Lake Erie, picked up from the bottom of the lake in 1834, by James H. Lake. Yarn spun on the first cotton spinning machine in the United States, made by S. Slater, about 80 years ago, at Pautucket, R. I. It was presented by N. Draper; also a power-loom shuttle. A conch shell dinner horn, 150 years old, by A. Eaton. Patterns for walking mud shoes brought here in I822-used before; presented by Miss Anna Jones. Also a Bible printed in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, in black letter; three Philadelphia Repositories of i801-2-3; a drawing book of 1799. A powder horn of 1776, by Mark Markham, of Villenova, marked "Benj. Markham-his horn." Copy of Blue Laws of Connecticut, by Mrs. Eliza Greene. A very large pair of shears, on which is sunk the number 1428, supposed to be the year when it was made; presented by Willis Royce, of Ripley. It can be traced back four or five generations. If a genuine article, it must be a trans-Atlantic product. 206 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. A teapot 50 years old, by Mrs. Timothy Goulding, of Sheridan; a linen apron II5 years old; also an old fashioned bonnet-in fashion in I828 —a real curiosity. Flax raised by John Pellett, in the Wyoming Valley, Pa., 1778, owned by A. T. Mead, of Portland; also cloth, (silk,) made in England in I650 that has been through nine generations; At the time of the Wyoming massacre it was buried and lay in the ground five years. THE EVENING SESSION.-The tables of relics were taken out of Union Hall so as to leave the whole space in the evening, but every nook and corner was early filled with people; although a large share of the crowd had gone home at the close of the afternoon session, not half of those who remained could gain admission. As advertised, the evening was principally devoted to ancient harmony, and the Fredonia Musical Association, under the lead of Prof. Riggs, made it very enjoyable. Montgomery, Coronation, New Jerusalem, and the other old tunes were interspersed with remarks by various speakers. Hon. Orson Stiles, in behalf of the committee of arrangements, returned thanks to all who had aided in making this reunion a great occasion they would be glad to remember all their lives. It had cost the committee some work and more anxiety, but whether a success or a failure, was then demonstrated. He hoped that this was but the beginning of similar meetings, and continued eloquently upon the duty of recreation, and our glorious county and country. Judge Hazeltine gave a history of his advent in the county in I8I5. Most of the way from Buffalo was traveled on the beach of the lake. When at Cattaraugus creek, he was taken prisoner by the Indians, growing out of a trouble between Capt. Mack, tavern-keeper at Irving, and one Maybee, nearly opposite him, as to which should control the ferriage. The Indians sided with Maybee. He was finally ferried over by Capt. Strong, father of the well known N. F. Strong. The next day he arrived at Fredonia, a hamlet of a dozen houses. But when he inquired for Jamestown, they knew nothing about it, but had heard of a place called The Rapids. After two days of severe travel, he found the place by way of Cross Roads and Mayville. Now it takes one or two hours. There were then 3,000 or 4,000 people scattered over the county; and the present village of Jamestown had fifteen families. The Judge continued for some minutes recounting the noble traits of character of the pioneers as he knew them-such men as Thomas McClintock, James Prendergast, Judge Cushing, Dr. White, the two Ortons and the Barkers. It was no occasion for wonder that, under a kind Providence, the county had prospered after its settlement. Judge Hazeltine then moved a vote of thanks to the citizens of Fredonia for inaugurating the reunion, and entertaining the guests so hospitably; which was unanimously adopted. Mr. A. C. Cushing tendered the thanks of the committee and citizens to Gov. Patterson for his very satisfactory services as presiding officer. OLD SETTLERS' FESTIVALS. 207 Gov. Patterson in response gave, among some interesting reminiscences, that relating to the history of the big black walnut tree at Silver Creek. [A history of this wonderful tree had been written, and is elsewhere inserted.] In I821, he took a westward trip to Indianapolis. There were but two log huts there then. For forty miles his road was marked trees. There was not a post coach west of Buffalo, nor a mail carrier except on horseback or on foot. This was fifty-two years ago. Now look at Ohio. Railroads and telegraphs were not known, and there were no canals. But he looked for greater improvement for the fifty years to come. But one thing we shall not be excelled in-lightning will not carry their messages faster than it does ours. He again expressed his pleasure at the success which had crowned the efforts of Fredonia to inaugurate this reunion. It was a thousand times better than the managers could have expected. The Cornet Band then gave "America" with fine effect, and the meeting adjourned sine die. REUNION AT FORESTVILLE. It was hardly to be expected, that, within three months after the great gathering at Fredonia, so large a number of the settlers could be collected in a corner town, bounded on only two sides by other towns of the same county, and the other two sides by other counties and the lake. But the event showed that the spirit manifested on the first occasion had not subsided. Considering the additional fact that it was announced only as a " Hanover Reunion," it exceeded the most sanguine expectations of its projectors. The number of persons on the ground-though not all at any one time-was estimated at 3,000 to 4,000; by some at a much higher number. The reunion was held at the Driving Park, a mile and a half north from Forestville-a beautiful location, comprising twenty-four acres, half woods; and to a large portion of the trees were attached the horses of those who came. The day was clear and pleasant, and, as will be recollected, was the anniversary of Commodore Perry's victory over the British fleet on the neighboring lake, just sixty years after its occurrence, September o1, 1813. But few relics were exhibited, excepting a set of china, presented by Nathan P. Tanner, made to order for his father in Canton, China, eightyfive years ago. At II.30 a. m., Dr. Avery, from the stand, nominated Wm. D. Talcott, of Silver Creek, president of the day; and A. R. Avery, J. S. Pattison, N. P. Tanner, E. Jewett, Uriah Downer, Artemas Clothier, Benj. Horton, and Alanson Tower were chosen vice-presidents; and A. G. Parker, secretary. An appropriate prayer was offered by Rev. A. Frink, of Corry, Pa., who was an early resident of the town. His first sermon was preached in the old brick school-house in Forestville, since demolished. Rev. H. P. Shepard, brother of Mrs. C. D. Angell, followed with the reading of an address of welcome, written by Mrs. Angell. 208 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. ADDRESS OF WELCOME. Fervid summer heats are over, By their calm and patient doing Drouths, consuming blade and clover- High,resolves in us renewing, All the land its thirst is slaking, L t And to beauty new awaking, Lo! they stand before the portal t b n a Of the golden gate immortal, Gathered is the harvest golden, And the fruits of toil and reaping Into garners new and olden, They bequeath unto our keeping. And the haymow's fragrant treasure Heaped and pressed in bounteous measure. Goodly acres, broad and teeming, Vineyards on the hillside gleaming, Luscious fruit in rare deposits Grassy uplands gently swelling, Gleam in careful housewife's closets; Crowned by many a peaceful dwelling. All the summer sunbeam's flushes,'Prisoned in the ir ruby blushes. Tasteful homes and schools and churches, Streamlets spanned by graceful arches, Restful days of rare September, Maple shadowed drives enclosing, Glowing like some ruddy ember Towns in forest shade reposing. That on hearthstone prostrate lying, Warms and brightens in its dying. Railroads linking lake and ocean, Harnessed lightning's fiery motion, Restful days! whose sunny gladness Docile, wait to do our pleasure, Takes no tinge of coming sadness, Bear our words and bring our treasure. Days of all the year most fitting For this welcome and tzis greeting.'Heritors of untold treasure, Without price, or stint or measure, How shall we our homage render? Let us show, by worthy living, How pay tribute true and tender How we prize this princely giving. Unto those, who, long abiding Slow release, are gently ciding Let this day and place be holy, Come with reverent hearts and lowly, Unto those who toy and linger Bid no thought unworthy enter With caressing, patient finger Where our love and duty center. Over tasks of homely beauty Wrought by them in tireless duty? Here shall children's happy faces, Maiden's sweet and tender graces, Long they bore life's heat and burden, Manhood's strength and youth's ambition, With no meed of praise or guerdon, All unite in loving mission. But their souls in hope possessing Waited for the promised blessing. All unite to crown with glory, Heads with many winters hoary, While with faithful hands and willing Counting all our labor leisure Their allotted tasks fulfilling, If it brings you aught of pleasure. Falt'ring in allegiance, never To their stern and proud endeavor- All with outstretched arms receive you, And a thousand welcomes give you; Forests felling, highways breaking, To our hearts and homes we take you, Gardens from the deserts making, Proud, our honored guests to make you. Wild morass and swamps reclaiming, u y All the tangled wildwood training, Fath rs-aye-but yet not of us,' Far removed, beyond, above us, Rank and stubborn growths subduing, On the top of Pisgah standing, Wells of living water hewing- All the "'promised land " commanding. By no pain or sickness daunted,. By no fruitl ess aunted, Wrapped in beatific visions haunted By no fruitless visions haunte, Of those deathless fields Elysian, By no false ambitions goaded, Waiting for the summons thither, Nor by festering cares corroded, What should tempt your footsteps hither? Strong in purpose-pure in living, straners hidden, All of self to duty giving- Ah! in guise of strangers hidden, All of self to duty giving — Angels to our feast are bidden, Men of grand heroic daring, Entertaining them beside us Shrinking from no burden-bearing, Unaware, they lead and guide us. By their self-denial shaming BAll our sfeeble, sallow aming, Low we bend to take your blessing, All our feeble, shallow aiming, While our words to you addressing, By their rigid, stern unswerving, Lay your hands but lightly on us, Us to nobler action nerving, Let your mantle fall upon us. OLD SETTLERS' FESTIVALS. 209 Several letters from persons abroad, former residents of Hanover, in reply to invitations, were read. An Historical Address was delivered by Henry H. Hawkins, Esq., of Silver Creek. It gave a history of the town from its early settlement to and including the war of 18I2, and evinced much study and research on the part of the writer. It was replete with entertaining and valuable facts, interesting especially to the citizens of Hanover, and largely so to the people of the county generally. It was the intention of Mr. Hawkins, if another such occasion should occur, to bring the history down to the present time. It is hoped that a similar occasion will again be presented; and that, whether it shall be or not, he will proceed in preparing the sketch, for preservation, leaving to time and circumstances its future use and disposal. Certain it is, there is not another citizen in the town who can do the subject better justice. As there was but a single session, only a few speeches were made, and these by gentlemen not citizens of the county, though all of them had been. President Talcott introduced, first, " the venerable man, known to so many, who had taken so deep an interest in the preservation of the county history -the Hon. ELIAL T. FOOTE." Judge Foote was greeted with three cheers as he advanced to respond. He said he was a weak, feeble old man. Deacon Brownell, the pioneer justice, the Camps, Mixers, and others of the earlier settlers whom he remembered, had been taken to the neighboring cemetery. A few like Capt. Pattison, even older than himself, still survived. Although reduced in flesh from 250 to i65, a mere skeleton of his former self, it was impossible for him to express the pleasure it gave him to meet them to-day-the last occasion that he expected to enjoy that happiness. He had onced hoped to write a history of the county, (too old now,) and had carefully collected much information which Mr. Young was using for the history now in preparation. He hoped all that could, would aid the author in making the history what it should be. He wanted the history of the good old men who settled Hanover preserved. The gathering further reminded him of Perry's victory on Lake Erie sixty years ago. God's providence was in that victory and the battle of Lake Erie. He also complimented Mr. Hawkins. Although differing with him as to the first settlement in the county, he was very thankful that he had prepared that paper, which he regarded as extremely valuable. A. W. Young, the writer of the County History, and Dr. Jeremiah Ellsworth, of Corry, Pa., followed Judge Foote. As the remarks of the former were in great part personal, and related to his connection with the work he had undertaken; and as the speech of Dr. Ellsworth, though highly interesting, was a review of pioneer experience and mode of living, which, it is believed, will be found faithfully presented elsewhere in this work; and, further, as the matter of this volume has already far exceeded the space assigned to it, the remarks of both these speakers are necessarily omitted. The band followed with " Old Hundred," and the audience joined in singing the old familiar words: "Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;" 14 210 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. after which was dinner. Mr. F. D. Ellis had the general management of the table arrangements, and succeeded finely. After dinner the bands of Forestville and Silver Creek, who had participated in the stand exercises, continued their music for some time; the old folks shook hands again; the young folks drove on the track; and all went on merrily until "milking time," when the grounds were speedily vacated. REUNION AT JAMESTOWN. The second reunion of the " Old Settlers " of Chautauqua county was held at Jamestown on the 26th of June, 1874. Great preparations had been made by the citizens to meet the highest expectations of those who had for weeks and months been waiting for the "good time coming." High arches of evergreen spanned several streets; and the decorations upon the streets, the Hall, and the Opera House, in which the public exercises were chiefly held, were elaborate and in good taste. The ladies had not been wanting in efforts to assure success to the reunion. The citizens of Jamestown did themselves much honor by the generous supply of provisions for the table, and their kind attentions to their guests. That this festival, in all its features, surpassed that of the preceding year, will hardly be affirmed. In numbers it far exceeded it. And a greater number of persons were fed. About four thousand people, it was said, were seated at the dinner-tables, and the provisions that were left, were estimated to be sufficient for at least half as many more. The arrangements for numbering the pioneers, and taking their names, were defective or not fully carried out. Nor were they systematically classified in respect to their ages, as at the former reunion. No one probably will say that, on the whole, it was not outdone by the Fredonia meeting. At the hour appointed, the meeting was called to order by Col. Augustus F. Allen, chairman of the committee of arrangements; and by his request, Hon. Abner Hazeltine, of Jamestown, took place on the stage as president of the meeting, and R. W. Kennedy, of French Creek; Wm. Blaisdell, of Cherry Creek; and D. H. Waite, of Ellicott, as vice-presidents. The president then briefly addressed the meeting, cordially welcoming the citizens, and especially the pioneers of the county to the place on this occasion. He drew an interesting contrast between the present, and "sixty years ago," when he settled in Chautauqua county. The whole region was a dense forest, with only here and there a settler. Where there was a heavy growth of forest trees, are now rich fields and large houses, surrounded by all the evidences of prosperity. This region was settled by poor people, but by their energy and perseverance, they have greatly advanced in wealth and prosperity. He said: "We have reason to thank them for clearing up this county. Let us not forget, in praising our forefathers and foremothers, to give thanks to the Great God. I will now ask the Rev. Isaac Eddy, of New Jersey, who is the son of the first preacher in Jamestown, to invoke the Throne of Grace." OLD SETTLERS' FESTIVALS. 2I I After the conclusion of the prayer, and music by the full choir composed of the several church choirs, who sang " Still the Cymbals," The president introduced the Hon. Richard P. Marvin, who, as the Judge announced, would preside during the remainder of the reunion services. The following is only a part of Judge Marvin's address: "We are here in honor of the'old settlers' of the county. It is the festival of the reunion of those who survive, and a day for the commemoration of the virtues of the departed.'Old Settlers,'' Early Settlers,' how reduced your ranks! How few of your early companions are here! You have no cause for mourning, rather cause for thankfulness in the reflection that they acted well their part while here, and that a kind Providence has spared you that you may see this day-to meet here your children and their children, and thousands of others to whose happiness your labors and privations paved the way. They meet you here with greetings, with warm desires to contribute to your happiness while you may remain with them. They honor you, they know something, they know not very much, of the great battle you, the'old settlers,' fought with the difficulties surrounding you. They, and your descendants have a clear knowledge, a happy perception, of the great victory you obtained; the great conquest you made, for they are in the full enjoyment of the fruits of the victory. I speak of your encounter with difficulties as a battle, and your success as a victory, and well I may, for to me it has always seemed that a courage, equal to that which has produced the ancient and modern heroes of Earth, was required to influence you, in early manhood, with your young bride, and those of middle age with their wives and little ones, to leave their homes in the old settlements and come into the wilderness to make for themselves and families a home. This county was literally a wilderness. The land was covered with a dense forest of trees, tall and large, and the axe was the first and only tool required. "The first labor was the construction of the log house. I shall not pause to describe it or its location by the bubbling spring. I have no time to speak of the absence of roads and mills. Let us enter at once, as they did, upon the campaign and begin the battle. The'old settler,' then a sturdy youth, armed for combat with a single weapon, the axe, more useful and more effective than the battle axe of the knights and warriors of other times. He takes a view of the field of battle, as did Napoleon the field of Waterloo. The enemy to be slain may be numbered by thousands. He approaches one of them, a majestic oak, elm or maple, observes its tall and beautiful form, walks around it, measuring with his eye its circumference, takes notice of its inclinations, and decides where to lay it upon the earth. He is stripped for the combat, he is ready to begin, and he delivers the first blow. The wound is scarcely skin deep, and could the oak think and laugh, well might he do so in derision of his puny assailant. But blow follows blow. The weapon is wielded with skill and a will, and in time his majesty comes crashing to the ground. Another, another and another is in the same way attacked and subdued, and the sun smiles upon the earth and the labors of the puissant warrior. The battle is continued for days, weeks, months, years, and embraces many other phases before the earth is prepared for the uses of man. " I now ask the young man of the present day to go where he can find ten acres of the original forest in the county, and say whether he has courage to make tle attack, single handed and alone. Young men, I do not question 212 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. your general courage; many of you have proved it on the battle-field in presence of the cannon's mouth; but how many of you will, for a liberal reward, undertake the conquest of ten acres of dense forest? I venture to answer, very few of you. Your courage would fail. How many of our young women would be willing to accompany their husbands into such a wilderness, and submit to the hardships incident to such a settlement? I will not press the question; but I recommend that you cultivate the acquaintance of the aged mothers-early settlers still with us, and learn their story. You will find it quite as interesting and far more valuable than any of the dozen novels you have been reading during the last six months. They will tell you of the big and little wheel, and the loomr, very interesting and useful furniture in the house, for which you have substituted the piano and the harp. They will tell you about their comfortable apparel, provided at home by their own labor, their calico dresses of the newest style requiring six yards, and how happy they felt in them. You still wear calico, and really appear very pretty in them, but tell the old ladies that the patterns used for a dress are from twelve to sixteen yards. Tell them also that you do not feel quite comfortable and happy unless you are dressed in silks, the pattern for a dress being from twenty to thirty yards, and the good old ladies may open wide their eyes, and exclaim,' What is the world coming to!' How can the young men ever think of marriage. But, young ladies, let me whisper in your ear the answer to be given. It is that since the early days of these, now ancient and worthy dames, the steam engine has been invented by which, supplied with water that costs nothing, heated to a temperature producing steam, the work of a thousand men and women is performed, and that this engine, made of iron, has actually driven from the field all the big and little wheels and domestic looms, and so greatly reduced the hard labor of men and women, that your husbands of the present day are able to provide for you more dresses of greatly enlarged patterns, and by the steam engine argument, you may, in a measure, allay their fears, and the apprehensions of the young men, if they are apprehensive, which I doubt. "Though the early settlers labored hard, and suffered many privations, it would be an error to say that they were not happy-husbands, wives and children. Ask any of the aged survivors, and they will say, with probably a few exceptions, that they were happy. Happiness does not so much depend upon what we have, as upon what we expect to have. They were satisfied, contented, not impatient. They mingled amusement with profit. Most of them took with them into the wilderness a rifle, and they knew how to use it, and the boys all learned the art. Game was plenty, and the good housewife knew how to make a savory pottage fit for a king. Why say king? Much better to have said her husband, herself, her children, and a neighbor who should happen in, at the right time. The streams were alive with the speckled trout, the same for which the epicures of the present day pay a dollar a pound, (though their creditors, sometimes, go unpaid.) The boys knew how to angle for, and take these spry, shy inhabitants of the rapid brooks, though I will venture the opinion that not one of them had ever read or seen, or heard of the book of the celebrated philosopher, Sir Izaak Walton, upon the piscatory art. "In this county there was, and is, a large and beautiful lake, and several smaller lakes, all peopled with fish of the most delicious species. The early settlers resorted to them for recreation and for food. We might make a long catalogue of the pleasures and amusements of the men and boys; but the OLD SETTLERS' FESTIVALS. 213 women must not be neglected. They participated in all the happiness resulting from the success and prosperity of their husbands, and they knew all that their husbands knew, and they were constantly consulted. No good husband in those days ever thought of concealing anything from his betterhalf. It would, I fancy, have hardly been safe for him to attempt concealment, and if he had he would have failed. She was his companion, counselor, help-meet. The women had their visitings, their tea parties, in a neighborhood of ample extent, say a dozen or more miles. They gossiped, told each other the news as they do now, and ever have, and ever will, and woe be to the scurvy cynic who ever has attempted or shall attempt to deny or abridge this happy privilege. The young folks had their pleasures, and as the settlements thickened up, they had their balls, as they were then called, though I believe there are half a dozen names for the same thing now-adays. And I will hazard the opinion that the net results of these gatherings, and convivial feasts, were quite as great as those of the present day, to wit, a certain number of weddings. "The early settlers confided in each other. There were probably not a dozen padlocks in the county when the population was ten thousand. The doors of the houses, barns and granaries were left unfastened at night. Their natures were not poisoned by the evil passions which now produce so much unhappiness; envy was unknown. All rejoiced in the success and prosperity of their neighbors. All were ready to lend a helping hand to all. If a family was burned out, the neighbors met, and in two or three days a new house made its appearance. It was soon furnished, largely by contributions, and the family were soon again comfortably settled. " Some of the boys, whose fathers were in better circumstances than their neighbors, being owners of the only horse in the neighborhood, spent a large portion of their time in taking to the mill, a distance of many miles, all the grists of all the neighborhood, and the rule was that the owner of the grist should labor for the owner of the horse and the father of the boy during the absence of the horse, and this was generally about two days, as the boy spent one night at the mill, the kind miller furnishing for him a bed composed of the grists at the mill, and the boy took with him his own lunch. The load for the horse was two bushels, surmounted by the boy. One of these boys is now a wealthy citizen of Jamestown. " But to conclude this address already too much extended. The first settlers entered this county then a wilderness, without roads, without anything which labor and civilization produce. By their labor and enterprise, and the labor and enterprise of those who came after them, the county has become a land flowing with milk, if not with honey, and its butter and cheese are certainly more valuable than the honey of the Land of Canaan. If those in middle life and younger, now in the county, shall acquit themselves and perform all their duties, and with the like integrity, as faithfully as the early settlers have, then the reputation of the county will be maintained, otherwise not." At the close of the exercises in Institute Hall at noon, the Old Settlers in attendance formed themselves in an immense procession, and, headed by the band, marched to the Opera House, where everything was in readiness to receive them. Since morning, matrons of the tables, with their busy assistants, had been at work furnishing and decorating their tables, and, when completed, they presented a sight such as never was seen in Jamestown 214 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. before, and probably never will be again. Twelve tables, 40 feet long, extended the entire width of the building, and groaned under their weight of crockery, provisions and beautiful flowers, which the skillful hands of the ladies had artistically arranged. Around each table stood ten young ladies ready to attend to the wants of all who should be so fortunate as to obtain seats at their tables. Each set of waiters had some distinguishing feature in her dress; some wearing jaunty little caps, and others with different colored ribbons arranged upon their persons. The ante-rooms, where the food was stored, and the rooms in which tea, coffee and chocolate were made, presented sights that were wonderful. Bread, cakes, pie, etc., were stored, layer upon layer, and heap upon heap. Never did our people see as much food as this together at one time. Tea and coffee were prepared in huge caldrons, and its quality was of the best, causing many an old lady's eye to sparkle with delight, as she put in their cups the favorite beverage, prepared, as she expressed it, "jest right." Dinner time came; and the old settlers poured into the house, and were quickly seated at the tables. Hundreds of old men and women were there with gray heads; many of them white as snow. Though stooping under the weight of years, a merry, pleasant expression was upon every face. When the seats at the tables were all filled, Rev. Mr. Robinson, at the request of the president, invoked the Throne of Grace. Then six hundred mouths were opened, and the old people, with a will, fell to dispatching the good things set before them by the nimble waiters. How many times the seats at the table were filled can not be told, as the people were constantly coming and going; but it is believed that more than three thousand were fed. The oldest settlers' table was indeed a curiosity. It was reserved for the most aged people present, set with old fashioned dishes, with old fashioned food cooked in an old fashioned manner, and waited upon by young people dressed in the costumes of the olden time, and direct descendants of the first settlers of Chautauqua county. This table was under the supervision of Mrs. 0. E. Jones. One noteworthy feature of the food was a cake made by an old lady one hundred years old. Dinner over, the old people adjourned to Institute Hall, to speak to their former comrades, and relate reminiscences of early times. They were briefly addressed by Mr. Cleland, of Charlotte, and Mr. Fay, of Portland. The rostrum was then cleared, and Miss Calista Jones introduced her old fashioned school. Old fashioned desks were placed upon the stage, and at the raps of the long, wicked looking ruler in the hands of Miss Jones, who was dressed in ancient costume; a troop of ragged, mischievous children trooped up on the stage, and took their seats in that manner so peculiar to the district school of years ago. Classes in " readin,' spellin' and'rithmetic " were called up to recite, and stood there in a row; the great over-grown "booby," the sore toed one, the smart girl and dull one, all were there and in a manner that recalled vividly to the minds of many their own school days in the little red house, whfere the rudiments were instilled into their OLD SETTLERS' FESTIVALS. 215 minds, and where the happiest days of their existence were passed. Miss Jones has been a teacher for over thirty consecutive years; and there is scarcely a man or woman whose childhood was passed in this place, who has not, at one time or another, been under her tuition. She is now a teacher in the Jamestown Union School and Collegiate Institute. Rev. Mr. Frink was called for, and responded with a fife in his hand, which his father had played on through the Revolutionary war; and though advanced in years, with fingers stiff, breath short, and lips that sometimes failed to do their office, he played one or two airs that he learned when a boy. They were received with applause. After remarks by Rev. Mr. Stillman, old " New Jerusalem" was sung by the choir, the audience standing and joining with the choir. The singing was followed by brief speeches from Dr. Ellsworth, of Corry; Hon. Alvin Plumb, and a Mr. Taylor, a school teacher in Jamestown. fortyfive years ago. And after singing " Coronation," in response to a call from Judge Foote, further speaking was done by Oliver Pier, the i' Leather Stocking" of Chautauqua county, Judge Edson, and Rev. Mr. Kent. The remarks of all were interesting; but the want of room forbids their insertion. One fact, however, stated by Mr. Plumb, should not be omitted. In the account of the receptions of Gen. La Fayette in this county, given in preceding pages, no mention was made of the fact, that Congress voted him, for his services in the Revolutionary war, $200,000, and a township of land. Mr. Pier, it may be added, in relating his early hunting feats, said he had killed 1,322 deer with one gun, which had required, during its use,.three new stocks and hammers. On motion, it was resolved, that thanks be tendered to the officers of the meeting; also to the people who had so generally contributed to the success of the enterprise, especially to the ladies, for the excellent preparations they had made. The audience then joined in singing "America," and then the meeting adjourned to meet at the Opera House in the evening. The adjournment gave all opportunity to witness the grand parade of the fire department, at six o'clock, when the entire department, with bands of music, formed into order on East Fourth street, and took up the line of march previously laid out. Of this we can only say, that it was an elegant display; and that Jamestown may be justly proud of her fire department. The evelzing exercises at the Opera House were well attended. By eight o'clock the house was well filled. A large number of the older people present, took their seats on the stage. A great part of the evening exercises was the reading of letters from persons invited who were unable to be present. After a song, Mr. Cleland, one of the four brothers, took the stand, and related many pleasing reminiscences of early life in the county. In response to repeated calls, Rev. Hiram Eddy, formerly of Jamestown, took the stand, and delivered an interesting address. Jamestown had given him a start in the world; and he would ever regard his mother town with love and reverence. Mr. Eddy said he and an older brother cut the first tree that 216 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. was ever felled on " English Hill," and built a cabin. Among the reminiscences of his early life in that town, was his having worked in the old woolen factory, with the now Hon. T. R. Hazard, for twenty-five cents a day. After some well chosen remarks by Judge Marvin, Davis H. Waite, editor of the Journal, read a valuable paper, giving a history of James Prendergast. Deacon Higby Danforth recounted some incidents in the early history of Busti. Judge Marvin then arose, and said that, by request, the audience would sing "Auld Lang Syne," when the meeting would be adjourned. At the close of the singing, Corydon Hitchcock called for three hearty cheers. With these, the second reunion of the old settlers of Chautauqua county was ended. A large collection of relics was placed for exhibition in the Union School building, which attracted the attention of a great portion of the people present. A few only of the relics can be mentioned: Portrait of Deacon Samuel Foote, father of E. T. Foote. Born in New Haven, Conn., 1770. Settled in Sherburne, N. Y., I798. Came to Ellicott in 1826, and died January 25th, I848, aged 78 years. Portrait of Anna Cheney, first wife of E. T. Foote, and one of the founders of the Methodist church of Jamestown. Born in Dover, Vt. Came to Ellicott in 18I2. Married in Jamestown, 1817, and died in Jamestown, T840, aged 40 years. Portrait of first wife of Hon. E. T. Foote, painted in I836. Exhibited by Mrs. Palmiter. A portrait of Ruby, wife of Wm. Sears, and daughter of Ebenezer Cheney, born in Dover, Vt., 1787, removed to Pomfret in' 1811. On the death of Mr. Sears, she was married to Charles Arnold; died in Hartfield, I858, aged 71 years. From Mrs. C. Jones-Pocket handkerchief over one hundred years old. From Mrs. Job Davis-Snuff handkerchief over fifty years old; muslin cap over one hundred years old; also mits over one hundred years old, and vest over fifty years old. From Miss Belle Marvin-A quilt designed and quilted by Mrs. David Newland in 1821. Also a quilt pieced by Miss McHarg in 1812, the calico costing from seventy-five cents to one dollar per yard; also baby dress sixty years old. One muslin and one cambric dress, handsomely embroidered, made in I8io. D. H. Marvin's baby cloak; landscape and a fruit piece done in fancy work sixty years ago. From Gideon Sherman-Corset over one hundred years old; also a sword picked up in Rhode Island after the British were driven out. From Hon. R. P. Marvin-Laws of England, published in 1642, and a law book in 1746. From Mrs. H. P. Buck-Sugar bowl two hundred years old. From L. L. Mason-Original warrant for hanging witches in Massachusetts, 1692. From Levant Mason-Shoe buckle, hour glass and spectacles over one hundred and fifty years old. From Vernon Morley-Bake kettle used in 800o for johnny cakes; horn spoon. From Mrs. A. F. Allen-A chest which was filled with valuables and hidden in the woods for three months to prevent its being confiscated by tories. From Hiram Thayer-Plow brought into this county fifty-two years OLD SETTLERS' FESTIVALS. 217 ago by Isaac Eames; has been used on Mr. Thayer's farm every year since. From R. P. Marvin-Tea-table one hundred years old; silver, china and glass ware used by Mrs. Newland, of Albany, sixty years ago. From Miss Belle Marvin-Horn spoon and ladle, over one hundred years old. From C. L. Bishop-An account book of John Bishop, one hundred and sixteen years old; a singing book over one hundred years old; several school books over fifty years old; a piece of shew bread from the Jewish Synagogue of Poughkeepsie; a piece of a gun barrel used in the Revolution; a poisoned dagger brought from Borneo, in 18I6, by the American consul; several relics of the Boston and Chicago fires; two pictures of Jamestown before the fire in i86I; a ring and staple from Libby prison, used during the war; a tooth of a mastodon found over thirty feet under the ground; three specimens of Continental currency; a collection of old coins, all of them used six hundred years B. C.; the only remaining pieces of an American flag, the first one captured by the rebels at Fort Sumter; a smoking pouch, pipe, two arrows of Wahassett, chief of the Sioux tribe of Texas; a copy of the Ulster County Gazette in mourning for General Washington, January 4, i8oo. From Ezekiel Gould-A pewter basin brought from England one hundred and twenty years ago. From Chas. Mitchel, of Auburn prison-Three picture frames, two containing 5,000 and one 2,456 pieces; a work-box containing 13,287 pieces. From Mr. and Mrs. Alex. T. Prendergast-Case of coins in circulation in Jamestown from 1812 to i835; cane with carved horn handle made and presented to Judge James Prendergast by an Indian chief 60 years ago; early settler's cane; a pair of tongs been in use over a century; first dinner kettle brought to Jamestown; pocketbooks brought from Scotland over I25 years ago; a very old mahogany table imported from France by Captain Norton; cane made from a deck plank of Perry's flag ship Lawrence; sun dial from Scotland over I25 years old; an almanac of 1794; an old watch brought to Jamestown in i8io; a cravat, diamond pin and brooch and cue worn by Judge James Prendergast at one of Washington's receptions in New York city; cherry stand, the first article of furniture manufactured in Jamestown, made for Judge Prendergast by Captain Phineas Palmeter; portraits of Judge Martin Prendergast, Judge Matthew Prendergast, Judge James Prendergast, Hon. Jediah Prendergast and Hon. John J. Prendergast; infant dress of Alex. T. Prendergast, 65 years old; wedding bonnet 27 years old; old style cap; old fashioned pocket; old style bonnets; Spanish lace veil worn by Mrs. Judge Prendergast; log cabin campaign handkerchief and badge. From Martin Prendergast-Shawl worn by Mrs. Dr. Wm. Prendergast in 1815; dress waist worn by Mrs. E. Prendergast before 1805; Mrs. Dr. Wm. Prendergast's dress waist made in I817; sword and uniform worn by Col. Wm. Prendergast in the war of I8I2. From Mrs. A. Hazeltine-A plate imported for a marriage outfit in 1760 by Caleb Hayward, Mrs. Hazeltine's grandfather. From Col. A. F. Allen 218 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Hand sword taken from the hand of a dead rebel after the battle of Cairo, evidently very old, sent to Col. Allen as a tooth-pick. From unknown parties-First seat of the old Pine street school house, where Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Allen first met. From Mrs. Seymour-Tea-cups and saucers of three generations, 1773, 1804 and I823. Leaf from the cypress tree under which Lord Packenham died, I830. Punch bowl used at a Congregational church raising in Jaffrey, N. H., on the day of the battle at Bunker Hill. THE GREAT ECLIPSE. THIS remarkable phenomenon occurred in i806, when there were but few settlers in this county. And of the large number who witnessed it before coming, there are few now living who can give a minute and correct description of it. Nor will its like again occur in the United States, during the life-time of the youngest person now living. The eclipse was calculated to be total in such parts of New York, New England, Pennsylvania., and Ohio, as were situated between 41 deg. 35 min., and 43 deg. 5 min. north latitude. Gen. Simeon De Witt, of Albany, in giving an account of the eclipse, observed: " Fortunately, on the morning of that day, [June I6th,] the atmosphere was very clear. The eclipse began at 9 h. 5 min. 12 sec., a. m.; the beginning of total obscuration was II h. 8 m. 6 s.; the end of total darkness, Ii h. 12 m. 6 s.; and of the eclipse, I2 h. 33 min. 8 s.; end of total eclipse, 4 m. 5 s." At Cooperstown, N. Y., the following description of this sublime phenomenon was given: "The atmosphere at this place, on Monday last, was serene and pure. The sun was majestically bright, until 50 minutes past 9 o'clock, a. 1m., when a little dark spot was visible about forty-five degrees to the right of the zenith. The shade increased until I5 minutes past Io, when stars began to appear, and the atmosphere exhibited a gloomy shade. At 12 minutes past II o'clock, the sun was wholly obscured, exhibiting the appearance of a black globe, or screen, with light behind it, the rays only of which were visible, and which were too feeble to occasion sufficient light to form a shade. Many stars now appeared, although less numerous than are usually seen in clear evenings. There was now " darkness visible "-a sort of blackish, unnatural twilight. The fowls retired to their roosts, and the "doves to their windows." The birds were mute, except the whip-poor-will, whose notes partially cheered the gloom. The dew descended, and nature seemed clad in a sad, somber, and something like a sable livery. "At 14 minutes past iI, a little bright point appeared to the left of the sun's nadir, similar to the focus of a glass when refracting the rays of the sun. Suddenly a segment of the circle of that glorious orb emerged, and seemed to say,'sit lux,' and was instantly obeyed,'lux fuit,' as quick as thought. A small pin could be discovered on the ground. A more wonderful and pleasing phenomenon can hardly be conceived. The doves left their THE GREAT ECLIPSE. 2I9 retirement; the whip-poor-will's melody ceased; and the face of nature again smiled. But some stars were still visible, and Venus displayed her beauty until 12 o'clock. At 40 minutes past 12, the sun shone in full splendor, and in turn eclipsed the moon and all other heavenly luminaries by its glorious effulgence." Rev. Dr. Nott, President of Union College, in his account of the eclipse, says: "At the instant the last ray was intercepted, and the obscuration became total, a tremulous, undulating shadow, a kind of indescribable, alternate prevalence and intermixture of light and shade, struck the earth, and played on its surface, which gave to the most stable objects the semblance of agitation. It appeared as though the moon rode unsteadily in her orbit; and the earth seemed to tremble on its axis. The deception was so complete, that I felt instinctively, and in spite of the instincts of my reason to the contrary, a tottering motion. Some who were present, I observed, took hold of whatever was near them for support, while others leaned forward, and insensibly flung themselves into an attitude which indicated that they found it difficult to stand. "The scenes described at the commencement of the total obscuration reappeared when the first rays of the sun were reappearing; the same apparent agitation of the surface of the earth; the same apparent struggle between light and darkness; the same separation between light and shade into distinct and alternate arches, and the same motion reversed; for now the arches of light seemed to crowd those of shade inward; and the whole movement was from the horizon towards the center, which continued about the same time, and disappeared in the same manner, as above described." In the city of New York, a sudden and dismal gloom overspread the face of nature; the thermometer indicated a fall of the quicksilver i8 degrees, and the atmosphere was sensibly cooler. Not a cloud was to be seen. 220 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. TOWN HISTORIES. For convenience of reference and for other purposes, separate historical sketches of the several towns are given, alphabetically arranged. In collecting the materials for this history, it was found that many of the present settlers were desirous to know the dates of settlement of their ancestors and certain other old settlers. But on inquiry it was found, that the oldest remaining settlers differed much in their recollections; and. that their statements were not reliable. It was then concluded to refer to the books of the Holland Land Company, in which is found the precise date of the article of every original purchaser who bought his land on credit. The record of original purchasers by deed prior to the destruction of the land-office at Mayville in I836, is not to be found, the books having been destroyed. But it is to be observed, that the date of contract does not in all cases determine the date of settlement. Some settled on their lands by permission of the agent of the Land Company, a year or two years before their articles were executed, or before the townships were surveyed into lots. And there were others who took their articles a year or two years before they settled on their lands: Hence, the time of settlement of a considerable portion of those whose names are found in the lists, must remain in doubt. A majority of them, however, it is presumed, entered upon their lands as soon as they could erect their cabins and bring on their families. ARKWRIGHT. ARKWRIGHT was formed from Pomfret and Villenova, April 30, 1829. A part of Pomfret was annexed in i830. It comprises the territory of township 5, range i, according to Ellicott's survey of the Holland Purchase. Its strface has been described as an elevated upland, broken and hilly in the southwest, and rolling in the north-east. Its highest summit-near the center-is said to be I,poo to I,200 feet above Lake Erie, and is probably the highest land in the county. It is watered chiefly by the tributaries or head waters of the Canadaway creek, which crosses the west line of the town into Pomfret nearly three miles north from its south-west corner, and the head waters or branches of the Walnut creek, which leaves the town about one mile west of its north-east corner. On its east border is Mud lake, which covers about io acres. The soil is a clay and gravelly loam. On Canadaway creek, in the south-west part, is a cascade with a perpendicular fall of 22 feet. k~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ii_ & & ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:-~~~-:~-::i::iiiiiiiii K~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r;li~h`'~"~i~:: ~~ N~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Z..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~IK~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::;::-:::-::::::::: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~&4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::::::::::i::::::::: ARKWRIGHT. 221 Original Purchases in Township 5, Range I. I807. November, Zattu Cushing, 63; [articled to Uriah L. Johnson.] I809. June, Benj. Sprague, 56. August, Augustus Burnham, 60. Edward McGregor, 62. September, Oliver Taylor, 55. October, Aaron Wilcox, 56. November, Nathan Eaton, 64. Benj. Perry, 64. i8o1. January, Horace Clough, 42. May, Augustus Burnham, 56. i812. March, Robert Cowden, 54. i814. October, Moses Tucker, 62. November, Daniel Harris, 53. I8I5. October, Robert W. Seaver, 37. i8i6. February, Abiram Orton, 55. December, Thaddeus Barnard, I6. I817. March, Robert Cowden, 53. April, Jabez Harrington, 39. i8i8. March, Silas Matteson, 8. I821. July, Isaiah Martin, 3. October, Bela Kingsley, 13. Hiram Kinsley, 13. 1822. March, Simeon Smith, Jr., 39. Caleb Weaver, Jr., 39. April, David Weaver, 31. John Weaver, 32. Bethnel Harvey, 12. Oct., Ashbel Scott, Io. Nov., Asahel Burnham, 26, 27. Moses and Aaron Luce, i8. 1823. July, Sylvester Gould, 42. August, Stephen Chase, 2. November, Orestes Thatcher, I8. 1824. September, Simeon Clinton, 21. October, Benjamin White, 28. Arna Wood, 51. 1825. Sept., Shephen Chase, 2d, 9. Oct., Ellsworth Griswold, 25. 1826. January, Andrus M. Huyck, i6. July, Wm. F. Peebles, Jr., 33. October, Zephaniah Briggs, 42. Abijah Mason, 8. 1828. January, Benjamin Perry, 47. The first settlement in Arkwright, according to the State Gazetteer, was made in the north-west part of the town in 1807, by Abiram Orton, Benjamin Perry and Augustus Burnham, from the eastern part of the state. From the Holland Company's land-office books it appears, that the lands of these settlers were not articled until 1809. They were, however, probably contracted for and settled in the year first mentioned. Aaron Wilcox is said to have settled in i809, and Nathan Eaton in I8Io, though the articles of both are dated in I809. Uriah L. Johnson, Benjamin Sprague, and Jonathan Sprague, are said to have settled at the center of the town in 181 i. Johnson and B. Sprague first bought, and, it is believed, occupied, lands in the northwest part of the town, but afterwards, probably in 8I I, settled permanently near the center. Abiram Orton came from Oneida county, and settled in the north-west part of the town, probably on lot 64, near Pomfret. He was for several years an associate judge of the county. He was twice married, and died in I837, having had no children. His widow resides on the farm. Aaron Wilcox, a native of Conn., removed with his family from Madison Co., N. Y., to Chautauqua, 1809; and, after a year's residence at Fredonia, settled in the town of Arkwright, on lot 56, which he bought in October, 1809, and on which he resided until his death, in I833. His children were William, Azariah, Betsey, Oliver C., Lydia G., Ursula, Thomas R., and Harvey R. Nathan Eaton, also probably from Oneida or Madison county, bought on lot 64. A daughter of his married Asahel Burnham, whose son Asahel 222 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. resides at Sinclairville; and another son, Eaton, lives in Arkwright. Benj. Perry, before mentioned, was a lieutenant in the war of 1812; afterwards a colonel of the militia. Of his three sons, George W. resides in Ripley. Daniel Saunders was an early settler on lot 56, though he was not an original purchaser; he still resides there. He had no sons, but 6 daughters: Lois Ann, wife of Marshal Parsons; Mariett, wife of Silas Matteson, of Dunkirk; Clarissa, unmarried; Jane, wife of Morgan Rice; Amarett, wife of L. Courtney Baldwin; and Hope, unmarried. Robert Cowden settled on lot 54, articled in I812. A son, Alla, lives in Harbor Creek, Pa.; Levi, on the homestead. Moses Tucker settled on lot 62, bought in 1814. His son Chauncey was a lawyer in Fredonia, since at Buffalo, and is deceased. Alla and Zebina Willson, and Robert Cowden, who married their sister, came from Madison Co., and settled in I81I, on lots 53 and 54; and their father, Reuben Willson, about I817, settled near them. He had thirteen children, all of whom are dead except Adine, who lives on a part of his father's homestead, and Mrs. Cowden, who resides with her son, Levi Cowden, on the old homestead where they first settled. In the south-east part of the town, James Black, from Wayne county, at the age of 19 or 20, bought a part of lot Io, adjoining a piece previously taken up by Wm. Scott. Each built a cabin in the usual pioneer style; the doors being made of a board brought by Mr. Scott two miles on his back. They married two sisters, daughters of Elder Dibble. They were surrounded by forest, infested with wolves and bears, sometimes approaching too near their cabins for the safety of their children when out at play. By persevering industry they have secured to themselves good farms and an ample competence. James T. Black, a son of James, is married, and lives on a farm adjoining his father's. Charles S., another son, lives at home with his parents. Mr. Scott died in i866, leaving a daughter and two sons: Warren, who resides in the east part of the town, and David, who lately lived on the homestead. Isaiah Martin, from Broome Co., settled first in the south part of the county, at an early day. He soon removed to Pomfret, and commenced the erection of a cotton factory on the Canadaway creek, near where Scott's tavern now is, but gave up the enterprise, and bought in 1821, in the southeast part of this town, in the wilderness; built a cabin and cleared a farm; built a good house, and for many years kept a tavern and a store, with asheries. He had seven sons, none remaining in the town, except George W., who resides on the old place. The first birth in this town is said to have been that of Horatio N. Johnson, son of Uriah L. Johnson, May I, I811; the first marriage, that of Asahel Burnham and Luania Eaton, May II, 1815; and the first death, that of Augustus Burnham, in 1813. [A marriage is thought by some to have occurred earlier than 1815.] The first school, says the Gazetteer, was taught by Lucy Dewey, near the center, in the summer of 1813. A reliable old settler is confident that a ARKWRIGHT. 223 school was taught by Horace Clough in the winter of i81r-12; and that the same school was taught by Parthenia Baldwin in the summer of I812. The first inn was kept by Simeon Clinton, in 1817, at the center, so called, though about a mile north of the geographical center; subsequently kept by J. Bartholomew, who also kept a post-office; both of which have been discontinued there. Aaron Town's inn and Arkwright post-office are kept aboutt 2 miles south-east from the former place. The first saw-mill was built in I818, by Abiram Orton and Benjamin Perry, on Orton's land, near the town line, near the north-west corner of the town, on a small branch of the Canadaway creek. A saw-mill and an oilmill on Walnut creek, in the north-east part of the town, was owned by Andrus M. Huyck, and perhaps built by him. It came into the hands of Edward B. Kingsley, who has kept a saw-mill in operation there until the present time. Two other saw-mills, one or two miles above, on the same stream, are yet standing, one of which, at least, is kept running a part of the time. Asahel Burnham pretty early built a saw-mill in the south part of the town. A mill is still run there by Thayer. Another built by S. A. Stoddard, half a mile above, has been discontinued. A mill was also built by Joel White, south of the center; no longer in use. A steam saw-mill built by Marvin Snow, at the old center, five or six years since, was removed by him, a year or two ago, a few rods down the stream, and rebuilt. Ezra Scott built a steam saw-mill, three or four years ago, which is still in operation. A grist mill, the only one, it is believed, built in this town, was near the west line of the town of Pomfret.'Scarce a trace of it remains. An oil-mill was built in the abbey by Wm. Mason and Leonard Love, about thirty-five years ago. It soon passed into the hands of Andrus M. Huyck, who ran it successfully for a number of years. In the souzth part of the town, Horace Clough settled on lot 42, bought in I81o. He married Polly Crouch (?), and had 2 sons, Horace P. and Mellin H., who reside in Pennsylvania. He married, second, Parthena Baldwin, by whom he had 3 sons, Barclay and Luther, in California, and Casper, deceased; and 4 daughters, Esther, Lucy, Mariett, and Helen, the last deceased. [Mr. Clough, it is said, subsequently removed, and settled near the north line, in or near the town of Sheridan.] Jesse Reed, from Windsor Co., Vt., came with his wife to Arkwright, and settled on lot 43, cutting his way three miles through the woods. His cabin was one of the rudest of the rude; and his pioneer experience was of the rougher kind. He had 2 children: Euphame, who is married, and went to Michigan; and Stephen W., married, and lives on the homestead. In the south-east part of the town, David Abbey settled early on lot 3, where he still resides, with his son, Chauncey. His sons were James P., Chauncey, and David. James P. resides on lot 12, where he has resided many years. Chauncey is an extensive and a successful farmer; and he has, for many years, been an extensive dealer in cattle. He has acquired an ample fortune..He was elected eight times to the office of supervisor. 224 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Leonard Sessions, from Broome county, came to Arkwright in 1828, and settled on lot 4, where he now resides. A son, Holland, is on the farm; Henry, in Villenova, whose son Lawrence is a merchant at Hamlet. He had 4 daughters: Esther, Cordelia, J, and Lydia, deceased. None of them reside in town. In the north-east part of the town, Silas Matteson settled on lot 8, bought March, I818. A son, Silas, is a detective at Dunkirk. Harvey Baldwin settled on a part of the same lot, about I834, whence he removed, in 1872, to Sheridan Center. He had several children, of whom two sons only are living: Albert, who removed to the West; and Horace, who lives with his father in Sheridan. Bela Kingsley, from Onondaga Co., in the spring of 1822, settled on lot 3. He opened a road for his team of two yoke of oxen, and built a log cabin, and covered it with hollowed basswood logs, leaving a hole for the escape of the smoke. He had a wife and several sons, Edward, the oldest,'being about 14 years old. Though far from an inhabitant, they were not long at a time alone. Almost every night, their cabin floor of split logs was covered with weary travelers looking for lands. Mr. Kingsley soon enlarged his house with similar material. Three years after, he built a small frame house and commenced innkeeping. On the 4th of July, the young people, with ox-teams, on foot, and otherwise, collected there for an " Independence ball," the house having but one room. He kept tavern, cleared and cultivated his farm, and enjoyed his home, until the New York & Erie Railroad was run through it. He then-sold out, and removed to Laona, where he soon died. Edward B. remained in the town, purchased a place in the "Abbey," near Mr. Huyck's, where he still resides, having been town collector 5 years, clerk i year, justice 4 years, and assessor 13 years. He was about 15 years of age when he came in with his father, and soon began to assist in chopping and clearing. This labor he continued until he had become a professional chopper. About the time he became of age, he chopped thirteen months continuously. The day after he reached his majority, he commenced chopping for himself; and in just two weeks, ( 2 working days,) he chopped 3 acres, the timber all in good order for logging. His common average was an acre in four days. He also gained notoriety as a marksman. More bears than one that had fled for safety to the highest branches of a tall tree, he brought down dead with a musket ball, after others had fired repeatedly without effect. He relates the following bear story: Two young men, [Perley and Hiram Kinsley,] settled on a part of the lot [I3] on which Bela Kingsley settled, and about the same time. They kept "bachelor's hall." Perley, returning from a tramp one afternoon through the woods, espied a bear and two cubs playing in the road a few rods before him. He seized a club, and got near them before they discovered him. The cubs fled and ascended a large hemlock to the top; the old bear ran into a swamp, out of sight. He hallooed, and brought to his assistance a man from the other side of the swamp, who kept ............................::::::.....................i~ l-::: l::iili~ _::::::::::::l~l~l iiiii..................,'..............................:iir~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~.............................~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-::i:~:ii:::: i::-: h, I:::::::::::::::::::::::::...........: Y ~~::::~~z~::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~................: ~~~~!~~~~:-~'''''':'':''''''''''''''''''''''' — ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~....... cr T~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"il~~~~~ii~Il n..... ~1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a~~~~~~~~~~~..... ~:.::~:~:~::: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:iii~~~~~iiciiinii~~~~~~~~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~~~~........ 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Some had fired when he arrived, the two young bears still sitting undisturbed in the top of the tree. Kingsley charged his musket, and, at the first fire, brought one bear down, dead. While he was re-loading, others were firing, but, as before, without effect. He fired again, and brought the other cub down, wounded, but not dead. The dogs, however, soon dispatched him; and the boy went home the hero of the day. In the east part of the town, Aaron Town, from Genesee Co., settled in I826 on lot 12, and subsequently purchased the tavern stand at the-Summit, which he kept for many years, and which is now kept by his son Oliver M. He has raised 5 sons and 3 daughters, all living and having families. Martin H., the second son, resides at the Summit; is a justice of the peace, which office he has held for nearly four full terms, and has been postmaster for eighteen years, to the present time. Benjamin Jones, in 1832, settled temporarily on lot 23, and went thence to the center of the town, where he resides with his daughters. He was a justice of the peace I2 years, and town clerk nearly 21 years. At the first town meeting, held in the house of Simeon Clinton, May 2, I830, the following named officers were chosen: Supervisor-William Wilcox. Town Clerk-Aaron Foster. AssessorsAndrus M. Huyck, Daniel Harrington, Lewis Tucker. Commissioners of Highways-Isaac Thompson, Joel White, Aaron Van Vliet. CollectorDaniel Weaver. Overseers ofthe Poor —Silas May, Charles Crawford. Commissioners of Schools-Isaac Bumpus, Ira White, Lewis E. Danforth. Inspectors of Schools-Andrus M. Huyck, Timothy Cole, James Sprague. Constables-Edw. B. Kingsley, David Weaver. Justices of the Peace-Isaac Bumpus, John G. Curtis, Lewis E. Danforth. Supervisors from 1830 to i875. William Wilcox, 1830 to I836, and 1844 to'52-16 years. Levi Baldwin, 1837 to 1840,'42,'53,'54,'57-8 years. Lewis E. Danforth, I841,'43. Chauncey Abbey, I855,'56,'58,'59, and i862 to'65-8 years. John C. Griswold, i86o,'6i,'66,'68. Delos J. Rider, I867. Oscar H. Houck, 1869. L. Courtney Baldwin, I870. Leander S. Phelps, I87I,.'72. George W. Briggs, 1873,'74,'75. BIOGRAPHICAL AND GENEALOGICAL. LEVI BALDWIN, son of Isaac and Parthena Baldwin, was born in Pawlet, Vt., Jan. 26, 1802. He came with his father to Sheridan in 1812, and resided there until after his marriage. He was married Oct. 23, I83I, to. Eliza Ann Putnam, and settled in Arkwright on lot 55, near where he now resides. His wife died Nov. io, r863. He married for a second wife Mrs. Eleanor B. Phelps, March 26, 1866. He has held the office of supervisor 8 years, and been a justice of the peace for several terms, and town superintendent of schools; and has held various other offices, the duties of all of 15 226 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. which he has discharged faithfully and to the satisfaction of his fellow-citizens. He had three children by his first wife, all sons. i. Oliver T., who went to California in his twentieth year, where he married Nancy Wright, and settled finally in San Francisco, where he now resides. 2. L. Courtney, who married Amoret Saunders, and settled on the south part of lot 55, adjoining his father's, where he now resides. 3. Orville D., who married Eglantine Dawley, and is a druggist in Fredonia. SIMEON CLINTON, born in Saratoga Co., Feb. 3, 1779, removed from Otsego Co. to Arkwright, near the center, on lot 37, in I813. He attained to considerable prominence, and took an active part in getting the town set off. He was a surveyor. About 50 years ago, he is said to have made the first survey and plot of the village of Dunkirk, and afterward of Sinclairville. He kept the first tavern in town. He was the first postmaster, and held the office for 20 years; and was town clerk and justice for a number of years. He was killed by lightning while in the act of closing a stable door. A son of Mr. C. was prostrated by the stroke, but soon recovered. The house also was struck, but without much damage. He had a son and 5 daughters, the three youngest being triplets; only one of them living, who is the wife of Milton Cole, of this town, whose son, Charles Cole, is the present town clerk, [Feb., 1875.] Mr. Clinton was nearly 80 years of age. SAMUEL DAVIS, from Madison Co., came to Chautauqua Co. as teamster for Zattu Cushing, in February, I805, and was one of the number coming from Buffalo on the ice, who narrowly escaped being drowned by the breaking away of the ice, as related by 0. W. Johnson, Esq., in his " Memoir of Judge Zattu Cushing." [See Historical Sketch of Pomfret.] After their arrival at Fredonia, Davis took a job of clearing ten acres for Cushing, for the performance of which he received the lot of land where Linus Sage now lives. He built a small log house, and the next spring brought in his family. ANDRUS M. HUYCK settled early on lot i6, bought in 1826. In the spring of 1827, he built a log house, into which he moved his family, consisting of a wife and two sons, Shadrach and Oscar. There was no settler near him; but so rapidly did new settlers come in, that they put up a small log school-house in season for a school the next winter; and in a few years a commodious frame house was erected. The school prospered, and took the name of the " Abbey School." It became quite a popular institution, having furnished many good and successful teachers. Mr. Huyck was himself a successful teacher, and exerted a favorable influence in the cause of education, as well as in the community and in the church. He was for several years a commissioner or inspector of schools, and for two or three terms a justice of the peace. Mr. Huyck has 4 sons, Shadrach, Oscar H., Elijah and Avery; and 2 daughters, Tamar and Hester; all of whom have families-three living in the Abbey district, and three in the West. Oscar H. is a justice, having held the office several terms; and has served one term as supervisor. Avery, the youngest son, now living with his father, was for three years in the Union army, and in several battles, without receiving personal injury. j i~ ii.`'Y" owe~~i~~ ~'g'Rf:,.:,,f BUSTI. 227 WILLIAM WILCOX, son of Aaron, elsewhere mentioned, was born in Simsbury, Conn., May I, 1790. He came with his father to this county in I809, and subsequently purchased a part of lot 48, on the north line of the town. He was married, in I817, to Esther S. Cole, who came from Vermont in i815. He felled the first tree on his land, which he improved and occupied 57 years. As a citizen, he enjoyed the esteem and confidence of the community. He was elected, in 1830, the first year after the formation of the town, as its supervisor, and held the office by reelection until 1836, and from 1844 to I852-in all, for i6 years. He was also a member of assembly, in 1837, with Alvin Plumb and Calvin Rumsey. [Family sketch not received in season for insertion here.] JAiethodist Episcopal Church.-A class was formed in the "Abbey," by Elder David Preston, in June, I830. It consisted of 8 members: Ira and Elizabeth Richardson, John Franklin, Reuben and Fanny Howe, Caleb Weaver, John Lafferty, and Isaac Bumpus. Of those who joined soon after, were: Andrus M. Huyck, Wright Lewis, Hiram Lewis, Wm. McClanathan, R. McClanathan, Caleb Weaver, and probably the wives of some of them. A portion of its members were from the adjacent towns of Sheridan, Hanover, and Arkwright. Mr. Huyck has been a class leader most of the time since its organization. The class increased to the number of 60 the first year. Although it has continued to prosper, no church edifice has been built; meetings having been generally held in the district school-house, the present house having been, in its construction, designed partly for that purpose. A Christian Church was formed in the south-west part of the town; but the date of its organization has not been ascertained. BUSTI. BUSTI, named from Paul Busti, general agent of the Holland Land Company, was formed from Ellicott and Harmony, April i6, 1823. It comprises the west half of township I, range II, excepting the four north lots which were in i845 annexed to Ellicott; and three-fourths, or six tiers of lots, from tp. I, r. I2; together with that portion of tp. 2 lying south of the lake, and between Ellicott and Harmony. It contains an area of 29,152 acres, or about 45 square miles. It is drained by several small streams which flow into the lake, and by the branches of the Stillwater, which passes through Kiantone into the Connewango. Original Purchases in Townszhip, Range 12. I8 o. April, Samuel Griffith, 4. May, Tho. Bemus, I2. December, Jonas Lamphear, 48. 18II. March, Wm. Matteson, Jr., 40, [Ellicott.] May,Jedediah Chapin, 4. Palmer Phillips, II. October, Nathaniel Fenner, 15. 228 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. 1812. February, Joseph Phillips, i. March, Anthony Fenner, 6. Thomas Fenner, Jr., 15. April, Theron Plumb, 7. August, Barnabas Wellman, Jr., 38. Reuben Landon, 7. [814. May, Arba Blodgett, 25. Elisha Devereaux, i. July, Asa Smith, 2. October, William Bullock, 17. I815. April, Peter Frank, 5, 6. June, Josiah Thompson, 28. Cyrenus Blodgett, 33. Ford Wellman, 47. November, Josiah Palmeter, 15. 1816. April, Harris Terry, 63. October, Harris Terry, 47. i817. September, Nicholas Sherman, i6. Lyman Crane, 8. i818. September, William Gifford. October, Samuel Hart, 8. 1822. September, Ransom Curtis, 39. November, Peleg Trask, 17. Jared Farnam, Jr., 34. 1823. June, Joseph Taylor, 39. October, Ethan Alien, 45. Silas C. Carpenter,'Isaac Foster, 54. I824. February, John Badgley, 43. March, Ford Wellman, 54, [Harmony.] July, Elijah B. Burt, 37. October, Barnabas Wellman, 31. November, John Kent, 30. December, Samuel Darling, 35. 1825. January, John Buck, Jr., 20. February, Xavier Abbott, io. March, Jairus Buck, 19. June, David Hatch, 7. August, Wm. Nichols, 38. George Martin, 13. 1826. November, Benjamin A. Slayton, 43. 1827. September, Alexander Young, 24. The State Gazetteer names John L. Frank as tlie first settler in Busti, on lot 6i, I81o, and Lawrence Frank as settling the same year on lot 62; and Heman Bush and John Frank, from Herkimer county, and Theron Plumb, from Mass., on lot 60, in i8[i. The land records, however, show as purchasers, Russell Dyer, of lot 47, tp. i, r. ii, and James Slade and Hezekiah Seymour, of lot 38-all as early as September, i808; and Laban Case, of lot 36, in June, 1809. Aaron Martin purchased lot 44, in April, i8io; Lawrence Frank, lots 62 and 63, and Heman Bush 60, in i81i. The only other Frank who appears on the Company's books as an original purchaser in range TI, is John Frank, Jr., who bought a part of 6I, and who, in his own handwriting, states that he came to Busti, Feb. i, I8I2 that his brother Nicholas came in 1816, and that his brother Stephen left Busti in 1817, and died at Fort Pekin, Tennessee, on the Mississippi river, on his return from New Orleans; his family then residing near Vincennes, Ind. John L. Frank, yet living, [i874,] and other early settlers, concur in the fact of his having settled in Busti in i81r. Hence there is some doubt as to who was the first settler in Busti, and as to the date or year of his settlement. [See sketches of Frank families.] In the south-east part of the town, Wm. Stearns settled on lot 35, which, after his death, was owned by his son, John R., who also is dead. It is now owned by John Barlow. James Davidson, a son-in-law of Wm. Stearns, is on land adjoining, on the south. Timothy Tuttle was an early settler on lot 50; the farm now owned by his son Edwin. Wm. Northrop and his sons Joseph, John and William, from England, settled south of Busti Corners, on lot 57, on which the father and two of the sons, Joseph and John reside. William, Jr., owns a farm on lot 58, and lives at the Corners. BUSTI. 229 In the north part of the town lying in towznship 2, range 12, Gideon Gifford early bought parts of lots i and 2, where he resided till his death, March I9, 1856. His sons, Walter C., Matthew C., and Daniel, inherited the estate. Matthew is not living. Uriah Bentley settled, in'I8Io, on lot i5. [See Biographical and Genealogical Sketches.] Daniel Shearman settled on i6, and died on the farm on which he first settled. [See Family Sketch.] George Stoneman settled early on lot 16, and held for several years the office of justice of the peace. He had sons: George, a graduate of the military academy at West Point, and a general in the regular U. S. army, who was in actual service in the late war; Richard, dead; Byron; and one in the West. Jeremiah Gifford, a cousin of Gideon Gifford, from Washington Co., settled on lot 23, where now his son John lives. Other sons, William and Henry, reside at Mayville; Horace, son of William, lives at Jamestown. Abraham Sherman settled on lot 23. His sons, Abraham and Merritt, reside on the farm. A. Phelps, an early settler on lot 41, died at Ashville., Thompson Cowan was an early settler on lot 8, where Charles Douglas lives. He died leaving six sons, John, Charles, Samuel, Ransom J., Fortes, and James, all of whom reside in Busti. Samuel Smiley, on lot i6, where his son Madison lives. He had a large family. Of his sons, William, John and Samuel reside in town. In the nort/-east part of the town, range z_, Zadoc Root settled on lot 47, and lived.there until his death. He had sons, Zadoc and Philander, both deceased, and William, who resides on lot 55. Ephraim Wilcox settled early on lot 63, on which he still resides. Of his sons, Francis S. lives in Ellicott; Amos P., on the homestead; Leander and Abraham, at Busti Corners. Solomon Hastings settled early on lot 38. A son is with him on the farm; a daughter is the wife of Dr. A. Ward, of Jamestown. Harlo Mitchell settled on lot 45, near where he now resides. David Boyd, where his son Martin lately resided. Aaron Martin settled on lot 44, where he died, and where his grandson Lorenzo lives. He had sons: Capt. William, in Kiantone; George, who settled on lot 13, r. 12; was a justice of the peace for two or three terms. He had several daughters, none now residing in town. In the vicinity of Busli Corners, Heman Bush, from Litchfield, N. Y., came to Busti in June, 1812, having previously, [I8Io,] bought a part of lot 60; April, I8 I, lot 6I, on which he settled; and in October, 181 2, lot 59. He kept a tavern, and conducted a store and an ashery for many years, and died, May, 1839, aged 62. His widow, whose maiden name was Abigail Frost, died in 1872, aged about 90. His sons were Heman C., Selden F., Hiram, Solon, Solomon, and Stephen. Heman, Solomon, and Stephen removed to California; Hiram died in Busti; Selden is in Iowa; and Solon at Busti Corners. A daughter married John Campbell, who resides on the farm of her father. They had a son Heman, deceased; and Woodley, a Baptist missionary in Hindoostan. Aaron Bush settled early on lot 53. He had a large family. Of his sons, Moses, the only one living, resides in Ellicott. Asahel Andrews settled on lot 60, and died there. His sons were: 230 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Enos, who removed West, and is dead; Delos, who resides a mile north-east from Busti Corners; Charles, deceased; Merrills, removed West; and George, who lives at Busti Corners. David Hatch early purchased a large tract, and settled on lot 6i. The land is still owned by his heirs. A son, Solomon G., lives in Ellery. Lorenzo Matthews first settled on lot 5, tp. I, r. 12; removed to lot 62, r. II, where he died. His sons were: John, deceased; David, who resides in town; and Jonathan P., in Kansas. Hendrick Matteson settled on lot 62, r. II, and died in Herkimer county. A son, Albert, resides in Sugar Grove; and Philo and Monroe reside in Busti. His widow lives with Philo. In the north part of townshiz5 z, Stephen A. Douglas was an early settler on lot 15,.where he now resides. His sons are: Stephen, deceased; Charles; Silas, a lawyer in Buffalo; Lathan, on the farm with his father. James Cale, from Sugar Grove, in I817 or 1818, resided on lot 7, and in other places, and died in town. His sons, Jesse, James, and Harry, reside in town; and Stephen, in Penn. Amariah Carrier, on lot 15, and died in Erie Co., N. Y. His sons were: Jesse and David, both dead; Robert is in Iowa; Henry, dead; Amariah, in Jamestown; Edwin Douglas now owns the farm. In the north part of towznship I, range 12, Jonathan Palmer settled early on lot 8, previously owned by Reuben Landon. Whitman and Amos, twin sons, reside in town; Whitman on the home farm. Jonathan, the eldest son, and Henry, are dead; and Denison lives in Pennsylvania. Nicholas Sherman settled on lot i6, where he died. His sons, Winslow and Daniel, reside in town; the latter on the homestead. Alexander Young, in I826, on lot 24, where he died. His sons were: James, deceased; Jonathan, who resides in Ellicott; and Ira, on the farm owned by his father. Obed G. Chase on lot 24; removed a few years ago to the Corners, where he now resides. He has 2 daughters: Elizabeth, wife of John Hatch, of Portland; and Adelia, wife of Charles Moore, of Jamestown. Joseph Sherman, on lot 32; the- land previously owned by John Deming. He died on the farm, which is owned by his son Joseph Sherman. Benj. Cook came to Busti, in 1831, on lot 40, where he died. He was the father of Judge Orsell Cook, of Jamestown, who is the present owner of the farm. Jonas Lamphear on lot 48, bought in i80T; the land now owned by John Boomer, previously owned by John Kent, son-in-law of Lamphear. John Stow was an early settler on lot 17, where Broughton W. Green resides. - Wemple came early on lot 47, where now his sons Peter C. and Rial C. reside. Wm. Nichols settled on lot 38, bought in 1825, where he still resides; had 2 sons: Lyman, deceased; and Levant, who is with his father on the farm. Barnabas Wellman, a native of Conn., moved with his family to Busti in I81I, and settled in the north-west part of the town, on lot 38. He had 5 sons: James, Homer, Barnabas, Ford, and Leander C., who settled in the neighborhood; all of whom died leaving families. Homer had 4 sons: Homer H.; Orrin 0., who died in Busti; Dewitt C.; and Ardillo, who lives at Ashville. In the south part of the town, Daniel Hazeltine settled early on lot 3, the BUSTI. 231 land. since owned by S. & W. Gates, now by Horton White. His sons were: Abner, Laban, Daniel, Abraham, Edwin, Pardon, and Hardin. Laban, Daniel, and Abraham died at Jamestown; Pardon in --. Ezra, a son of Edwin, resides in Warren, Penn. Asa Smith settled on lot 2, which he bought in I814. His sons were: Ammi, who resides in Penn.; Albert M., deceased; Aaron J., Jasper, Lewellyn J., and Edgar, in Busti. Clark Smith, a brother of Asa, came in I816, and settled on lot 2. His wife was Rhoda Allen. His sons were: Oliver, Ransom J., Ezra, Sheldon, Harvey A., deceased; and Julius C., hardware merchant and postmaster at Busti. Of the. others, only Ransom resides in town. John Broadhead on lot i8. He was a Methodist preacher. He removed to the West, and after a few years returned, and lives with his son-in-law, Nathan Breed. His sons are: Jabez, Fletcher, Jonathan, and James; the last only resides in Busti; the others gone west. Hiram E. Knapp settled on the farm originally bought by Palmer Phillips, lot i. He has two sons, Edwin and Lafayette. John Gill, on lot 3, and died on the farm on which Mark Jones resides. Gill has a son, Giles T., in the West. Levi Jones on lot I2, where he died. A son, Edward, lives in Ellicott. Zenas K. Fox, on lot II, where he still lives. He has 3 sons: Almon, a Congregational minister, in the West; Alfred, who resides on a part of his father's farm, a Methodist preacher; and Albion, in Tennessee. In the south-west part of township i, Arthur P. Nichols settled on lot 44, where he now lives. He has a number of sons, some of whom reside in the town. Hiram L. Barton, about I823, on lot 34, where he died. His sons are: Livingston, on the old farm; Allen, near the same; De Warren, not in Busti. W. Seabury settled early on lot 33, where he died, and where his sons Pliny and Newell reside. Jeremiah Woodin, on the north part of lot 41; died in Harmony. His sons were: Abraham, who died in Mich.; Isaac, who resides in Ellicott; Samuel P. and Hiram J., both of whom died in Busti; and John P., who lives in Indianapolis, Ind. Arba Blodgett settled on lot 25, bought in I8I4, and died on the farm, leaving two sons, Loren, now in Washington, D. C.; and William, who died in Sugar Grove. Cyrenus Blodgett, in i815, bought on lot 33, and settled on 25; removed to Sugar Grove, where he died. He had 2 sons: Alanson, a physician in Penn.; and Alden, who died at Sugar Grove. Wm. Bullock, in 1814, purchased on lot I4. His wife is a sister of Palmer Phillips. They had four sons: Irvin, not in the town; Alvin, in town; Arba, in Sugar Grove; Chester, in Meadville. The father served in the war of 1812, and is a pensioner. A daughter is the wife of David Albro. In the west part of the town, Jesse Foster early resided where his son Jacob now lives, and died on lot 29, where his widow resides. In the central part of the town, Nehemiah Mead settled on lot 21, where he died many years ago. He had 4 sons: William, who removed to Minn.; Ira G., and Thompson G., on the homestead; and Francis, in Minn. Joseph Ayres, on lot 30; was a justice of the peace. His sons are: Charles; Alfred; 232 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Conway, who served in the late war, as lieutenant and captain of the 9th cavalry, and was killed'; and Sereno, now in New York. William Robbins was an early purchaser on lot 29, where he died, and where his youngest son Orrin resides. Other sons, John and Ira, live in town. David Palmeter, on lot 14, in I8I4. Sons: Orlando, in Ohio; Dewitt C., dead; Preston, in Union, Penn.; Josiah, in Ohio. The father is dead. Josiah Palmeter, on the same lot in i81I; was a justice, and lives in Minn. A son, Theron; is also in Minn; Washington, in Ellicott. A tannery was built by John Frank in 1812. The first vats were troughs made of logs. It was burned, and rebuilt, and continued until about ten or twelve years ago. No other tannery, it is believed, was ever in this town. A lastfactory was established by Mr. Frank, which was destroyed by fire, and not rebuilt. A trip-hammer was built by Giles Chipman and Lyman Fargo, and continued several years. Uriah Hawks, a little later, built a chair and spinning-wheel factory at the same place, which also was discontinued, on account of the difficulty in maintaining dams on the stream. The first blacksmith in town is said to have been Patrick Camel, at the tannery. Next, Chipman & Fargo commenced business near Camel's, and afterwards removed their business 60 rods south, and added to it the manufacture of edge tools with a trip-hammer. Present blacksmiths are Walter Stevens and Wm. Howe. The first store at the Corners was kept by Van Velzer, about 1830. The next, by Ransom L. Blackmer; and next by Valentine C. Clark & Co. Present merchants-Adelbert P. Simmons, Edwin Davis & Co., and Andrew F. Husband & Co. Grocers-Martin F. Flagg & Co. Hardware —Julius C. Smith. Boot and shoe-makers-Michael C. Frank, Davis Frank, Franklin Hosford. Carriage-makers-Wm. Jones, Eli Whiting, Wm. Peckham. Early carriage-makers were Giles T. Gill and Haskell. Stephen J. Brown, probably the first physician who settled at Busti, came about the year I837, and practiced there about 20 years. Before his death Dr. Bennett came and practiced a few years. Dr. Martin came in i8-, and is the present physician. Since he came, Drs. Alex. Boyd and John Lord were here several years. The first saw-mill at the Corners was built by Heman Bush, where a mill is now owned by Alonzo C. Pickard. A clock factory was built at the same place about I830, by Samuel Chappell and James Sartwell, who continued the manufacture for several years. After its discontinuance, a grist-mill was built on the same site by Heman Bush; and another afterwards by Francis Soule. Both are now owned by Alonzo C. Pickard and Mark Jones. A saw-mill was built near the south line of the town, by Elisha Devereaux, where a mill is still in operation, on Stillwater creek. Another was built near the east line of the town, by Samuel Hall, on the farm now owned by his son John A. Hall. Another was built by George Stoneman, at the lake, where a mill is still running. Orrin Stoddard erected a steam saw-mill at the *'"::: -- - "'':f:'' *:; *'^'':" H i %::^ 6)/'.i —~:::-:j y ^V?.y^ -— l(: —:il~i-i: f/W slili.::.''juI:::i~-:.:~' ~'l;i::::::;:~:-l /:-:'^: r/-~-~^/,:-::: (f ^:,-:il:::.::::::::'Qj:: BUSTI. 233 Corners about 15 years ago, which is now owned by Reuben Green. A planing-mill was attached, but soon discontinued; and a basket-factory and a shingle machine have taken its place. The first town meeting was held at the house of Heman Bush, Tuesday, March 2, I824, and the following named persons were elected town officers: Szpervisor-Daniel Shearman. Town Clerk-Emory Davis. AssessorsDavid Hatch, Homer Wellman, Samuel Garfield. Commissioners of Highways-Thomas Danforth, David Boyd, John Deming. Overseers of the Poor-Heman Bush, John Gill. Commissioners of Schools-David Hatch, Daniel Shearman, Clark Smith. Names of Supervisors from 1824 to 1875. Daniel Shearman, 1824 to'28, and 1833-6 years. Emri Davis, 1829 to'32, and'34,'35,'40,'47-8 years. Pardon Hazeltine, 1836 to'39 —4 years. Henry C. Shearman, 1841,'42,'44,'45. Lorenzo Matthews, 1843,'48,'49,'5,'53. Stephen J. Brown, 1846. Theron Palmeter, i85T,'52,'54. John B. Babcock, i855. Emri Davis, Jr., r856 to'58, and'6i,'62-5 years. John A. Hall, I859,'60,'7I. John R. Robertson, I86I,'63,'64,'68-4 years. Elias H. Jenner, 1865,'72. Wm. B. Martin, i866,'67. Harmon G. Mitchell. 1869,'70. Alonzo C. Pickard, 1873,'74,'75. BIOGRAPHICAL AND GENEALOGICAL. URIAH BENTLEY, from Rensselaer county, came to Chautauqua county in May, I8io, and settled on lot 9, township 2, range 12, now in the north part of the town of Busti. He cleared a small piece of land, which he planted with potatoes, and built a small house after the common pioneer pattern. In the ensuing fall he returned for his family, and moved to his new home with a horse team, by way of Mayville, where he arrived the last day of November, i8Io. There being no road on the west side of the lake, he shipped his family and goods down the lake in a long canoe, reaching his home at midnight. Uriah Bentley was a son of Caleb Bentley, and was born in Berlin, Rensselaer Co., June 21, 1779, and was married, December 28, 800o, to Nancy Sweet, who was born May 7, I779. Of Mr. Bentley it is perhaps sufficient to say, that he passed through the common experience of the industrious pioneer, and, like most of the early settlers, reared a goodly number of worthy sons and daughters. They were: i. Nancy, who married, first, Nicholas Frank, who died in the South, while on a lumbering tour, soon after marriage; second, Dan Higley. They have several children, and reside in Iowa. 2. Polly, wife of Charles W. Sammis, who died in 1849. She resides in Polo, Ill., and has 8 children. 3. Uriah S., who' married Almira Daniels, and is deceased. She married, second, Clark Sweet, and resides in Harmony. 4. Sibyl E., wife of Isaac Noble; she had a daughter, Minerva, and is deceased. Mr. N. has a second wife, and lives at Fluvanna. 5. Hiram, who died at about 60, unmarried. 6. Simeon G., who married Alice, daughter of Gideon Gifford, and has no children. 7. Alexander, who married Lavantia Norton, resides at Fluvanna, and has 4 sons: Sardius; 234 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Gustavus A., who married Sarah Williams; Charles M., and Uriah. 8. Gustavus A., who married Cornelia, daughter of John Steward, Sr., and had two daughters: Marian, who died at I7, and Frances C., wife of John S. Briggs, of Russelburg, Pa., and a son, Fred A. 9. Ulrica C., wife of Theron E. Palmeter, Clear Lake, Cerro Gordo Co., Ia.; has three children. io. Minerva, who married Alfred W. Steward, and is deceased; he resides in Clymer. ASA BLY, from Vermont to Otsego Co., N. Y.; removed thence to Chautauqua Co., in I8-, and bought on lot 47, tp. 2, r. 12, the land on which his sons Myron and Theron settled; the former in I809, the latter in I8Io. Myron moved down the Ohio river, and died in Kentucky; and his family returned. His son Myron, Jr., now resides in Ashville. THERON BLY, son of Asa Bly, was born in Bennington, Vt., July 31, 1786, and removed, in r8Io, from Otsego Co., N. Y., to Harmony, on lot 47, near the lake. He married, in I805, Phebe Bemus. His children were: Theron' S.; Harvey, who married Julia Ann Stoneman; Desire, wife of Henry Lovejoy; Henry Harrison, who lives on the homestead; Sally, deceased; Perry, who married Esther Lovejoy, and served in the late war, and was killed in the battle of the Wilderness; and William, who died at about I7. Theron Bly was a member of assembly in the year 1832, associated with Dr. Squire White, of Fredonia. He died in March, I850, aged nearly 64 years. THERON S. BLY, son of Theron Bly, was born in Edmeston, Otsego Co., Jan 29, I806, and came, when 4 years old, with his father to Harmony. In T830, at the age of 24, he was elected a justice of the peace, and reelected for a second term of 4 years. He was for many years engaged in the mercantile, milling and grain business, at Ashville. He was county clerk from Jan., 1859, for a full term of three years. In 1862, he removed to Jamestown, where he has been a justice of the peace from 1864 to the present time; having served in that office in both towns for about 20 years. He was married, in I830, to Mary Bly, of Madison Co., who died in March, I850. His children were: I. Aurilla., wife of Dr. Marvin Bemus, who removed to Wisconsin, enlisted in the late war, and, on his way to the army, was killed by a railroad accident near Chicago. 2. Mary E., wife of Edson E. Boyd, a physician at Ashville, 3. Cordelia, who married Dwight Snow; they reside at Cohoes, Albany Co. 4. Ellen, deceased. 5. Webster W., who is married, and lives at Cohoes. In 1854, Mr. Bly married for a second wife, Sarah A. Carpenter, who is still living. DEA. RICHARD BUTLER, a native of Wethersfield, Conn., removed from Hamilton, N. Y., to Ellicott, now cornerof Busti, with his sons Solomon and Harlow, and purchased the, farms of Wm. Deland and John Numan, on which farms the three families settled. All united with the Congregational church, of which the father was chosen a deacon. He died in June, 1839, aged 78. His widow died at the old homestead, March, 1852. EMRI DAVIS, born in Wardsborough, Vt., Oct. 20, 1794, came to Ellicott with his brother Ebenezer, July 3, I812. They were traveling from Vermont ;"""r,""i' aGisnaS i I~~ -i;1.1:::::: ~II;, r: i;!r: X'i*~~'~ii C,:.Y: 8,$ ;;3DilifB'Ygslspsa;wzrril;~ "~:~"-; iij;i j': R,.;I~-;~~;-:::3'3:f 9::,: --I ~5: 1;I- ~~:i:~T'.:iff"i...,1':i i-:b ~;. BUSTI. 235 on foot; and between Buffalo and Cattaraugus creek, they heard of the declaration of war against Great Britain. There was a general alarm. Many fled with their families to the East, having sold their crops and improvements for little more than enough to pay the expenses of their removal. Timid ones generally believed the Indians would soon murder those who remained. Emri Davis married Amy, daughter of Joseph Akin, and soon after settled in the Frank settlement, now Busti. He was eight times elected supervisor of the town. He had 3 sons: Lafayette, Emri, and Adams, tie last of whom removed to Crawford Co., Pa. All had families. Emri Davis died Jan. 23, i860, aged 68. FRANK FAMILIES.-HENRY FRANK and his brother Christopher emigrated from Germany to America before the "old French war." They landed at Philadelphia, and remained in the state of Pennsylvania for a number of years, and removed to this state, and settled on the Mohawk river, at Frankfort, Herkimer Co. Henry Frank's sons were Henry, Lawrence, and Jacob, who was killed in the Revolutionary war. His daughters were Eve, Mary and Margaret. Eve and Mary were twins; the former became the wife of John Frank, Sr., of another Frank family noticed on a succeeding page; the latter, the wife of the father of John Myers, an early settler in Carroll. The wife and children of Henry Frank were captured by the Indians, in the time of the French war. In an account of their captivity, John Frank, a son of John Frank, Sr., says, in substance, as follows: His mother, at the age of ten years, was taken by the Indians, and kept among them three years; and her twin sister, John Myers' mother, was taken at the same time, and was kept a year longer, as she had the small-pox when her sister was exchanged for. And he says, his mother's mother, five daughters, and a son eighteen months old, were taken to near Montreal-all at the same time. The mother had to carry the boy and keep up with the rest, or have him tomahawked. [The above account leaves us without information respecting the term of the captivity and the release of the mother and the children, other than the twin sisters.] LAWRENCE FRANK, son of Henry Frank, above mentioned, was born in Frankfort, Oct., 1749. In I777, he was taken prisoner by the Indians and tories, carried to Quebec, and kept in captivity 3 years and 3 months. He was married in Frankfort to Mary Myers, who was born in Germany, in 1753, and came, when young, with her parents to Frankfort. Lawrence Frank died in Busti, April I3, 1813; his widow, Dec., I83I. Their children were: Lawrence, Jr., Margaret, Elizabeth, Peter, Henry L., John L., Michael, Joseph, and Matthew. Lawrence, Jr., died in Herkimer Co.; Margaret, Wife of Stephen Frank, died in Ohio; Elizabeth never came to this county; Peter died in Ohio. Henry L. married Margaret Damoot and moved to Kirtland, Ohio, where both died. JOHN L. FRANK, son of Lawrence, Sr., was born at Frankfort, Nov. 29, 1786, and was married to Lucretia Chapman. In I8ii, he removed to Busti, on lot 62, tp. i, r. i, and subsequently to lot 6, r. I2, where Mrs. 236 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Frank died, March 14, I874. Mr. F. lately died at Busti Corners. He had 14 children, of whom 4 daughters died in infancy. The others were: i. Michade C., who married Sally Sherwin, whose children were John S., Harriet E., Mary Jane, Matthew, Alice, Electa, and Addie. 2. Almira, the wife of Ransom Burrows; both deceased. 3. Charles, who married Mary Woodin, and has 3 sons: Warren A., George D., and John J. 4. Alonzo, who married Jane Woodin, and lives at Blockville. His children are Levant C., Harriet M, Jane, Ophelia. 5. Mary Jane, who married Jacob Chambers; and is dead. He resides at Pine Grove, Pa. 6. Harriet A., who married Denison Palmer, and is dead. He lives in Pennsylvania. 7. Lorenzo, who married Melissa Harnes, and whose children are West, Sidney, and Clara. 8. Davis, who married, first, Alvira Brown, second, Elizabeth Brown, and whose children are Theodore, George, Dwight, Laverne, Duane, DeEtta, and Earl. 9. Marietta, who married Samuel Smith, whose children are Levant and Frank. io. Ariel, who married Margaret Steward, and has two sons, Emmet and Fred. JOSEPH FRANK, son of Lawrence, was born Oct. 3, 1796, and came with his parents to Busti in 1811. He was a volunteer in the war of I8I2, and killed in the Buffalo battle, Dec. 31, I8I3. He was shot through the head, and scalped by the Indians; and his body was buried in a common grave with other killed, and never brought home. He was unmarried. STEPHEN FRANK emigrated from Germany to this country about the middle of the last century, with his son John Frank, then about 7 years old. The place of his first settlement is not ascertained; but it is supposed to have been in Pennsylvania. John, the son, was married to Eve Frank, whose father was also from Germany, and settled in that state. It is not known that this Frank family was akin to Henry Frank and his descendants, or that there was any connection prior to the marriage just mentioned. All of them, however, removed to Frankfort from Pennsylvania before the Revolutionary war. JOHN FRANK, SR., son of Stephen, above mentioned, was born in Germany about the year I743, and settled at Frankfort, Herkimer Co., N. Y., where he was married to Eve Frank, and whence he removed to Busti in 1811, where he died, Nov. 5, 1833. He, with Lawrence, son of Henry Frank, before mentioned, and two girls, Eve and Mary Frank, of the Stephen Frank family, were captured, in the " old French war," by the French and Indians, on the Mohawk, and taken as prisoners to Canada, where they were kept several years among the Indians before they were ransomed. John Frank was again taken prisoner in the Revolutionary war. At Oneida lake, the first night after his capture, he escaped from his captors, and by the aid of friendly Indians among the Oneidas, safely reached his home at German Flats. In 1817, Stephen, son of John Frank, Sr., with his family and his parents, and his mother's maiden sister, moved down the Ohio river, and stopped at Gallipolis, Ohio, where the father, John Frank, Sr., died. The others proceeded to Columbus, Ind., where the maiden aunt died. Stephen, i i... S-7r lm gI p OMR~~~~~ ENMR.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~::: BUSTI. 237 with two of his sons, went with a flat bottomed boat and produce to New Orleans; and on his return he died on the Mississippi, and was buried on the shore. His brother, John Frank, Jr., went to Indiana and brought his mother back, who' died at his house some years after, at an advanced age. His mother's maiden sister, on her return from her captivity among the Indians, had forgotten her mother tongue, and was taken from the Indians against her will, having been kept from her relatives, and forgotten them. The Franks suffered much from the Indians on the Mohawk. John Frank had three sons: i. Stephen, who married Margaret, daughter of Lawrence Frank the elder. Their children were: Nicholas, Matthew, Polly, wife of Jacob Loy, Stephen Denus, Hiram, Eve, Solomon, Elizabeth, and Jacob and Joseph, twins; the last three of whom were born after the removal of the family south. 2. Nicholas, who married Thankful Landon, and had 5 children: William, Andrew, Stephen, David and Mary. William was married, first, to Ursula Bushnell, whose children were: Darius; Emma, wife of Sylvester Abbott; and Nicholas, who died at 17. He married, second, Christiana Diefendorf, and had by her a son, John D., now on the homestead of his father. Andrew was a shoemaker and tanner, having served under his -uncle, John, Jr. He was twice married; first, to Sibyl Ames, who had a son, Whitney, a daughter, Mrs. Fisher, of Randolph, and one or more dead; married, second, the widow of Pearl Johnson, and removed to Wisconsin, where he died. Stephen married Amanda Watkins, and after her death, a second wife, moved west, and died there. David married, first, Laura Bennett, and after her death, her sister. His widow and family are in Minnesota. Mary Ann married, first, Samuel Bowdish; second, John Ellsworth, and has several children living. 3. John, Jr., the third son of John, Sr., married Elizabeth Diefendorf, of German Flats, N. Y., and removed to Frank's settlement, Feb., 1812. His children were: Abram, John D., who died at 14, Margaret, Harriet, Perry, Christiana, and Elizabeth, all born here. Abraham married Fidelia Dexter, and had 3 children, Dwight, Gertrude, and Augusta. Margaret married Darius M. Davis, whose children are: Adelaide, wife of Frank Bartlett; Harriet, wife of Abraham Hazeltine, cashier of the Savings Bank, Warren, Pa.; Albert, who married Bell Porter, and lives in Warren; Hila, who married Ella Stoddard, and is in Warren; Walter, and Dora, both unmarried. Perry, son of John, Jr., resides in Iowa; Christiana married Francis Kidder, Jamestown, and has a daughter, Ada. Elizabeth married Wm. Hicks, and is not living. All of the children of John Frank, Jr., were in the settlement in i859. MICHAEL FRANK, son of Lawrence Frank, was born at Frankfort, Herkimer Co., Dec. i8,. I788, and removed to Busti in I811, and settled on lot 63, tp. i, r. II, where he died May 9, I869. He was married in Frankfort to Elizabeth Steward, and had io children: I. Sleward, who married Polly A. Edmunds, and had 5 children who attained to majority: Lucy A., who married Galusha M. Davis, and is deceased, leaving two children; Elizabeth M., who married Charles Ellis, and died in Pennsylvania, and left 4 children; 238 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. he resides in Michigan; Mary, who became second wife of Galusha M. Davis, and has two children; Joanna and Martha J., both unmarried. 2. Stephen, who married Abigail Hewitt in Mich., where they reside; they have 6 children. 3. Lewis, who married Sophrona Perkins. He is deceased; she lives in Broome Co. 4. Lucy Ann, who died in infancy. 5. Horace, who married Adelia Stevens, and has a son and 3 daughters. They live on the old homestead. 6. Eunice, who married, first, Sylvester Babcock, and had two daughters, both married. After the death of Mr. Babcock she married Miles Lewis, of Harmony, and has two daughters. 7. Jason AL., who married Maria Palmer, and lives in Sugar Grove, Pa., and has 2 children living. 8. John N., who married, first, Aurilla A. Palmeter, and had 3 daughters; second, Mrs. Cynthia Homer. They live in Jamestown. 9. Emeline, wife of James D. Stearns, now of Jamestown. Their children living are: Frank, who married Maria Pierce, and lives with his father; and Ella M. James D. Stearns served three years in the late war, in a company of sharpshooters, and was in the battles of Suffolk, Va., Mine Run, in the Wilderness campaign, etc. io. Elizabeth Mercy, unmarried, residing in Jamestown. JOSEPH GARFIELD was born in Worcester Co., Mass., April 17, 1780; removed with his father to Stratton, Vt.; and in 1803 was married to Lydia Stearns. In i816, he settled in Pine Grove, Pa.; and about I820 in Busti, lot 39, where his son Joseph resides. His father, Eliakim, was a soldier of the Revolution. His son Joseph was a captain in the war of I812; and served two terms as justice of the peace in Busti. He was an early member of the Congregational church, and was such at the time of his death, Dec. 9, 1862. Mrs. G. died Sept. 15, 1852. Their children were: i. Hannah, wife of Richard Hiller, of Carroll, where she died. They had io children, of whom Jediah, John, Martha Jane, Eliza, Cynthia, Alexander, and Nicholas are living: all reside in Carroll. 2. Eliakim, who married Priscilla Root, and has 6 children, Horace, Richard, Otis, Sarah, Mary, Jennie: all in the county but Mary. 3. Annza, wife of Horace Bacon, both deceased. Their children are: Mary Ann, Olive, Hannah, Joseph, Lydia, in Pa., and Priscilla. 4. Samuel, in Carroll, who married, successively, Susan Eastman, Elizabeth Emery, and another. Children by the first wife, Anna and Susan; by the second, Morris Russell, Lydia and Lucy. 5. Lydia, wife of Martin Grout, of Poland (?). Children living are: William, James, Martin, Lucy, and Lydia. 6. Joseph, who married Lucy Ann Palmer, and lives in Kiantone. Children: Martin, Eliakim, Samuel, and Joseph. AARON MARTIN, a native of Dutchess Co., settled, in 1813, in the east part of Busti, on lot 44, tp. I, r. IT, on Stillwater creek. He was a tanner, and commenced tanning on a small scale, but soon relinquished it, and attended exclusively to farming. His tannery was the first in the south part of the county, except that of John A. Pierce, at Fluvanna, which also was abandoned in a few years. His children were: William; Isaac, who was in the war of 812, and died in Tennessee; George, who was a justice in Kiantone; James, who removed to Kentucky; Maria, and Jane. BUSTI. 239 PALMER PHILLIPS settled on lot i, tp. i, r. 12, which he bought in I8Ii. He was a prominent citizen. He was elected, in I816, supervisor of Harmony, then including Busti, and held the office by reflection until the town of Busti was formed, in I823, and including that year. He was the leader of the first Methodist class formed within the.limits of the town. It was formed by Elder John Lewis; and its original members were Palmer Phillips and Asa Smith, and their wives, John Whittarn, and Joseph and Daniel Phillips, sons of Palmer. Daniel became a preacher, and died at Sugar Grove, Pa., in 185I. LEVI PIER came from Oxford, N. Y., to Busti, in 1814, and bought on lot -, r. I. After the death of his wife, which occurred about two years after, he returned to Chenango Co.; and after two or three years he came back, and settled permanently, where he remained until his death. He had 12 children: Elijah, Lois, Namah, Amasa, Sally, Silas, Abraham, Reuben, Oliver, Lovisa, Roxa, David. Of these the following came to this county: Sally, who married Aaron Root, who settled in Busti; Reuben, who married Margaret Acker, Harmony; Oliver, who married Betsey Carpenter, and lives at Corry; Lovisa, wife of Horace Blanchar, both deceased; Roxa, wife of Wm. Martin, of Kiantone; and David, who married Esther Pierce, both deceased. Mr. Levi Pier died in March, 1826. ABRAHAM PIER, son of Levi Pier, was born in Great Barrington, Mass., April 30, I789. He came from Oxford, N. Y., to Busti, and purchased the land in 1812, where he now resides, i2 m. south-west from Jamestown. In March, I814, he moved with his father's family from Oxford. A year or two after their arrival, Mrs. Levi Pier died; and Mr. Pier returned to Chenango; and after two or three years he came back and settled here permanently one mile west from Abraham's, where he died. Abraham Pier was married to Olive Marsh, Dec. 17, 1815, and had by her 5 children, of whom only two survived the period of infancy: Elvira, wife of Dr. Sherman Garfield, who died on his way to the South for the benefit of his health; and Lovisa E., wife of Elias H. Jenner, who resides with his father-in-law, in the same house, but owning and occupying an adjoining farm. After the death of his first wife, Abraham Pier married Mary Ann Simmons, his present wife. THERON PLUMB, a native of Berkshire Co., Mass., is said to have settled, in the winter of 1811-12, on lot 60, tp. i, r. i, then in the town of Ellicott, which, however, was not formed until June following. He appears as an original purchaser only as purchasing lot 7, tp. I, r. 12, which was never in Ellicott. He must, however, have settled in Ellicott, as he was early a prominent citizen of that town, having been elected to many offices in it, and was in 1815 appointed, by the council of appointment, a justice of the peace, and held the office for several years, and was an efficient magistrate. He removed to Ohio in I820, where he buried his wife in 1835. He returned to Busti in I839. Late in life he removed to Iowa, where he died. JUDSON SOUTHLAND was born in Mendon, Mass., April I, 1793. His father, born in New Jersey, was an iron forger by trade, and soon after his 240 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. marriage enlisted in the Revolutionary war, and was at the battles of Bunker Hill, Monmouth, and several others. Judson was the youngest of nine children. In 18i8, he, with others, started from Massachusetts, and arrived at Mayville the Ist day of March, having made the journey by sleighing. He taught school during the summer, and returned in the fall on horseback, making the journey in three weeks. In May, I8I9, he married Rhoda Forbush, of Grafton, Mass.; and in the ensuing fall they removed to Chautauqua Co., with a three-horse team, and, after a tedious journey of five weeks, arrived at Jamestown, and made a short stop with Elisha Allen, then keeping a hotel at the south-east corner of Main and Third streets. In the spring of 1820, he built a plank house on the top of what was called English Hill, 2 miles from Jamestown, and conveyed his wife, one child, and a hired girl, on an ox-sled, through the woods, by marked trees, to their new home. In 1825, he moved to Jamestown, where he kept the Allen House one year. He then built a house on the north-west corner of Fourth and Pine streets, where F. A. Fuller now resides. He served nine years as deputy sheriff under sheriffs Daniel Sherman, Benj. Douglass, and Wm. Sexton, and as sheriff from Jan. I, 1838, for the full term of three years. In 184I, he purchased the farm where he now resides, on the lake road in Busti. His wife died in Galena, Ill., Sept. i, 1853. In 1856, he married Martha P. Holbrook, of Grafton, Mass. Mr. Southland had 7 children-all born at Jamestown: 1. Caroline I., who married Rev. Asahel Chapin; residing now in Vinton, Iowa. They have four sons: Judson S., Asahel, Edward S., and William Fisk. 2. Silas E., who married Caroline E. R. Aldrich, of Mendon, Mass.; residing now in Busti. 3. William J., who married Marian E. Hastings, of Jamestown, and died in Busti, Dec.'28, I853. Widow and one daughter reside in Kent, Ohio. 4. Jonathan F., who married Jane E. Barnes in Grafton, Mass.; reside in Ellicott. They have two sons, Martin Henry and Charles William. 5. Jozn Clark, who died in infancy. 6. Edward H., who married Caroline E. Randolph, of Panama; reside now in Jamestown. 7. Caroline i., who married J. T. Stoneman, of Busti; have one daughter, Carrie, and reside in Iowa. IRA C. STODDARD, born at Brattleboro', Vt., was married to Charlotte Joy, and removed with his family, in I819, to Eden, Erie Co., N. Y., where he was pastor of the Baptist church 12 years. He subsequently ministered to the church of Busti 4 years; to the church at Ripley 5 years; and to the church at Mayville i year. After closing his pastoral labors, he returned to Busti, where he has since resided. Of his 9 children, all but one attained maturity: Jacob; Ira J.; Ansel; Charlotte, [deceased,] wife of George Andrews; Mary Elizabeth, wife of Perry Frank, Iowa; Lucy V., wife of James H. Wood, Frewsburgh; Orlando J., and Hiram D. Jacob served in the late war. Hiram enlisted during the late war, and was in the battles of Malvern Hill, Fair Oaks, Gettysburg, in the Wilderness, etc., and was taken prisoner and confined in Libby prison. Ira J. went as a missionary to Hindoostan in 1847; and, after 9 years' labor there, returned. After three years he went to the same field; returned to America in 1873; and now resides in Iowa. :'r -~:p L~i i;2?;1,1 i ci,:t it i ~4i a ~u: I;~ 1.: iji:.i~-.. 2; rc1T:~-I.:S~ iip a iRpc~i-,iii, *~.:::': S"; ;~h"':i "1 gii8 i..s-t~;.;iv, i-..-:: i-i-P13r~-i~ff P i: o- s"~'";i i i i;j _ ii IL i i; CARROLL. 241 STEPHEN WILCOX, SR., born in R. I., August 8, 1762, was a soldier in the Revolution, moved to this county in [8I5, and his family, with Ephraim, in I8I6, and settled on lot 63, tp. i, r. iI, where his son Ephraim still resides. He died in 1846, aged 84 years. His wife died in 1849, aged 85. Their children were: Stephen; Eunice, wife of John Steward, Sr.; Ephraim; Abel; Lury, wife of Edward Akin; Alfred, and Roxana, wife of Adin Russell. Stephen, Jr., bought, in I812, a part of lot 55, tp. i, r. ii, and is said to have come to Busti with Cyrus Fish in I8I3. The Baaptis Church of Busti was organized August 30, 18I9, by a council consisting of Elders Ebenezer Smith, Paul Davis, and Jonathan Wilson. Members uniting at the time of the organization, were Daniel Sartwell, Enoch Alden, Ebenezer Davis, Benjamin Covel; and, it is believed, Henry L. Frank, John L. Frank, John Frank, Jr., and Elijah Devereaux, also were first members. A few days after, William Frank and Mary Ann Shepard were admitted. The first church edifice was erected in 1836; the present one in I853. The first pastor was Rev. Paul Davis. The Methodist Episcoypal Church of Busti Corners was organized in I8 I9, with sixty members, by Rev. Alvin Burgess, the first pastor. The church edifice was built the same year. CARROLL. CARROLL was formed from Ellicott in 1825. It was named in honor of Charles Carroll of Carrollton, Md., one of the signers of the declaration of independence. Kiantone was taken off in 1853. Its surface is broken and hilly in the north-east and east parts, and rolling in the south and south-west. The highest summits are said to be about 900 feet above Lake Erie. The soil is a clay loam in the north and east, and a gravelly loam in the south and west parts. The Connewango creek, the principal stream, enters the town on its north line, on lot 48, about 22 miles east of the north-west corner, and, taking a winding, south-westerly course, makes a small curve into Kiantone; then, after meandering southward along the west line of the town, leaves the township line, and thence, running in an easterly and a south-easterly direction, forms the town boundary between Carroll and Kiantone to the Pennsylvania line. Frewsburgh, a post village in the north-west part, contained, in 1870, a population of 379. Fentonville, in the south-west corner of the town, has a post-office and a population of 82. Original Purchases in Township i, Range 1o. I808. July, Joel Tyler, 51. George Sloan, 59; [now Kiantone.] 1809. March, Samuel Anderson, 57; [now Kiantone.] June, Charles Boyles, 42. Isaac Walton, 4I. I8o1. March, George W. Fenton, 52. i6 242 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. I8II. October, Matthew Turner, 53. November, Ebenezer Cheney, 54. Matthew Turner, 54. 1812. January, John Frew, 61. 81I3. September, Robert Russell, 57; [lot now in Kiantone.] December, Amasa Littlefield, 36. 1814. March, Ebenezer Cheney, 36. May, Ebenezer Cheney, 46, 47, 54, 55. Ebenezer Davis, 37. Benj. Jones, 23, 28. Levi Jones, 24, 28. Elijah Braley, 43. Horatio Dix, 28.' July, James Hall, 54. September, Aaron Forbes, 64. November, Robert Russell, 57; [now in Kiantone.] I8I5. March, Josiah H. Wheeler, 46. Wheeler and Hall, 32, 40. Wm. Sears, 31. 1816. May, Jonathan Covell, 43. Eli Eames, 38. I8I7. May, Benjamin Russell, 30. i8I8. May, Aaron Forbes, 64. November, Levi Jones, 23. I819. January, Josiah H. Wheeler, 39. I820. June, John Frew, 62. I82I. November, John Myers, [lot not given.] 1822. September, Isaac Eames, 39. I823. October, James Hall, I5. 1824. January, John and James Frew, 20. Feb., John Myers, 20. April, John Frew, 27. Sept., Daniel Wheeler, 27. Oct., Truman Comstock, 3I. I826. May, Hiram Covey, 14. James Covey, 14. Jonah R. Covey, 14. June, Taylor Aldrich, 28. 1827. June, Wm. Haines, 26. John F. Bragg, 48. October, Robert Russell, 49. A correct and reliable sketch of the earliest settlement in Carroll is not easily obtained. The State Gazetteer says Joseph Akin, from Rensselaer Co., was the first settler in town, located on lot 29, in Jan., 1807; and gives the names of several other early settlers in that town, none of whom ever resided therein; but settled on and near Stillwater creek in the town of Kiantone. The County Gazetteer and Directory of 1873 substantially adopts the mistake; and, in its sketch of Kiantone, gives the names of the same persons as first settlers of that town also. And accuracy is the more difficult from the fact, that the names of the first settlers and dates of purchase do not appear on the Company's book. Judge Foote says: "From 1798, [when the range and township lines were run,] to I807, no further surveys were made in Ellicott; [meaning the four townships embraced in that town when formed.] During this interval, a few persons settled on lands not yet surveyed into lots." It is presumed that the earliest settler within the present bounds of Carroll was one of the three who took up their lands in I809. They were: Isaac Walton, lot 41, June 29, and Joel Tyler and Charles Boyles, July 28. Tyler is known to have been on his land a month or longer, prior to the date of his article. Geo. W. Fenton came the next year; and John Frew, early in I812. John Russell, residing on the Mahoning, in Pennsylvania, in the neighborhood of the Frew family, came out to Connewango in 800o, to explore the country in Western Pennsylvania. He located a lot of land, and returned with a good report of the country about Connewango, by which many were induced to emigrate with him. Russell being a carpenter, he made a boat CARROLL. 243 in two parts, which could be put together and taken apart at pleasure. It was calculated for a light draught of water, to go up the Susquehanna, Sinemahoning, etc., to take the goods of the emigrating company, comprising John Russell and his family, including his sons Robert, John, and Thomas, Mr. Hood, Lapsley, John Bar, Hunter, and others. Also David and James Brown, [John came afterwards,] young men and single, from Belfast, Ireland. Hugh Frew and his sons started with the company. Frew and Russell had each a yoke of oxen and some cows. The journey up the streams, with the teams through the woods, was slow and tedious. They came up the Sinemahoning, and across portage, with boat, to drift wood, and took the boat apart, and brought it on wagon wheels to canoe place on Allegany river; put the boat together again, calked and pitched it, and came down the Allegany to the Connewango, and up that stream to a little above where Russellburg now is; thence to " Beech Woods," so called, now Sugar Grove. Hugh Marsh, from New Jersey, Robert Miles, father of Frederic, Robert, and John, and Stephen Ross, father of Benjamin, had got in before them. At Warren there was no building except the Holland Land Company's store-house, in which resided a family who had charge of the Holland Company's stores sent thither to sell to the settlers. Daniel Jackson had a small mill, (the bolt turned by hand,) at the mouth of Winters' or Jackson's run, above Warren. When the emigrants arrived at Beech Woods, they had no beds except the ticks, which, for the want of straw, they filled with leaves scraped from the ground. Their clothes were of home-made linen and woolen cloth. They had no money to buy more; and they had to wear mostly linen and tow, summer and winter, because flax they could raise. The woods abounded with wolves to kill sheep, and bears to kill hogs. Deer were plenty, but the settlers had no guns. After a while, they procured guns and supplied themselves with venison. The Indians, who hunted in the fall and winter, would sell venison and moccasins; but they would take in payment only silver, salt, or flour, of which the settlers had none to spare. They soon learned to make good moccasins and other articles of clothing. They tanned their deer skins with deer's brains and smoke,' as the Indians did. In the winter they found a plenty of bee trees, as the bees would come out in warm, thawing days, and fall upon the snow. They would then mark the trees, and cut them the next summer or fall. The farm in Pennsylvania, on which John Russell settled in 800o, joined the state line. John and his sister Molly, wife of Jesse Northrup, were the only children of John Russell, Sr., living in I866. John Russell died at his old homestead in February, I8I8. His widow survived him about io years. Thomas Russell, son of John, was married to Polly, daughter of Judge Jonathan Thompson, July 12, 1815. They removed to their new mill on Cassadaga creek in August, and lived in a log house. They had 1 i children, 9 of whom were living in i866. Thomas Russell was born in Ireland im 1783, and was about 5 years old when the family came over the ocean. He died in Jamestown, where he was residing, Sept. ii, 1865, aged 82. 244 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. John Owen was a native of Windsor, Conn., and was a soldier in the old French war, and in the war of the Revolution. He came with his family from the Susquehanna river to Warren, Pa., about the year I806, and up the Connewango in I8o8. After several removals, he settled on lot 4I, east side of the Connewango, adjoining the state line, where he resided 25 or.30 years, and kept a tavern, or house of entertainment, more especially for lumbermen in rafting times, during spring and fall floods, and for travelers on the state road that crossed the Connewango at the state line. He kept also a private ferry for those wishing to cross that stream previously to the building of the bridge. He is said to have been one of the most keen, joking, story-telling, good-natured men. Many a man has laughed at the old man's stories and jokes till his sides were sore. He had a singular impediment in his speech, a kind of stutter, which seemed to add to the interest and point of his stories and jokes. Many a night, when his floors were covered with weary raftsmen for want of sufficient beds to hold them all, they were kept awake till a late hour by his queer and witty stories. He was a stranger to sickness; and it might be truly said that he " died of old age." He was with the English army in the attack on Quebec in the old French war, and was a pensioner for services in the American army in the Revolutionary war. He died in Carroll, Feb. 6, 1843, aged 107 years, according to the records of Windsor, Conn., his native town. Ira Owen, a son of John Owen, by his third wife, came with his father to Connewango, and settled on land east of his father, where he lived till he left the country. He was with the Chautauqua militia at the Buffalo battle, and had the reputation of a brave soldier, and an excellent marksman. In the presence of a number of his fellow-soldiers, he took deliberate aim with his rifle, and killed a pursuing Indian, while our militia were retreating from Black Rock. Reuben, the youngest son, lived with his father till his father's death, and continued to live on the old homestead. In the vicinity of Preewsburgh, John Myers, from Herkimer Co., settled early on the Connewango, where he kept a hotel, and where he still resides, at an advanced age (?). Of his 8 sons, Peter, the eldest, is not living; John, Jacob, Robert, Lyman, James, and William, reside in the town; Charles, in the West. Of the 5 daughters, Betsey, wife of Jacob Sternberg, resides in town; Mary married George Budlong, removed West, and is deceased; Rebecca is the wife of James R. Frew, and is not living; Adaline married Orson Annis, and removed West; and Jane married William Hunt, and lives in Jamestown. Horatio N. Thornton, born in Otsego Co., N. Y., removed with his father to Ripleyin I8I6. In I828 he settled in Kiantone, and in I83I was married to Eunice N. Greene; and removed in 1837 to where he now resides, i m. north-east from Frewsburgh. His children were: Helen R., who married Joseph Barnsdall, and resides at Titusville, Pa.; Harriet B., who married Joseph B. Follett, and resides at Kansas City, Missouri; Horatio N., who died in infancy; Rufus G., who died at 23; and Horatio K. CARROLL. 245 Otis Moore settled early on lot 45, and owned the saw-mill I m. east of Frewsburgh, which he subsequently rebuilt, and which is now owned by his son Otis. His children are: Mahala, wife of Dwight Keet, Fentonville; Minerva, wife of Hollis Boyd, gone West; Persis, who married Reuel Jones, Frewsburgh; Isabel, wife of Asa Tinkcom, Frewsburgh. Sons: E. G., who married Minerva Boyd; Otis, who married Maria Moore, and lives on the farm of his father; George, who married Deborah, daughter of W. H. Harrison Fenton, at Fentonville; Leverett, married, and lives at Frewsburgh. Luther Howard settled in Frewsburgh and purchased where his son Dyer Howard now lives. Another son, Leland, was killed by being thrown from a horse. Mitta is the wife of Geo. W. Fenton, Jr. Sarah was married to James Parker, who died in 1863. Eliza Ann is the wife of David Frew, of Frewsburgh. Maria married Washington Young, and after his death, Charles Howard, who resides in the village. In the south part of the town, Edmund White settled early on lot 27, and subsequently removed to Fluvanna. His sons, James, Wesley and Silas, reside in the village; Warner, in Penn. A daughter, Isabel, married Eli Davis, and lives on the old White place; Agnes married Rev. Emerson Mills, now of Forestville; Cynthia married Charles Ward, and lives in Frewsburgh; Elizabeth, wife of Warner Bush, a Methodist preacher, resides in California. In the south-west part of the town, Otis Alvord was an early settler at Fentonville, and died there. Francis, a son, is a preacher of the Universalist faith; another son, Frederick, is proprietor of the Weeks House, Jamestown. Luther Forbish, from Massachusetts, came to Carroll about the year i830, and settled on lot 34, where he resided until his death, in 1863. He had 12 children, 6 sons and 6 daughters. Of the sons, Daniel, Corydon, Luther A., and Joel, reside in Carroll; Marion is in Sheffield, Pa.; Henry died at about 22. Of the daughters, Eliza Ann is the wife of John H. Wiltsie; and Mary, wife of Dyer Howard; both in town; Lucy and Sarah, married, are in Iowa; Melvina, married, is, in Warren, Pa.; Nancy, deceased, was the wife of Samuel Rice. Dorastus Johnson, from Cattaraugus Co., about I845, settled at Fentonville, lot 33, where he now resides. He had 6 sons and a daughter. Ira, one of the sons, died in the late war, in the battle of Fredericksburg; Calvin, another son, served in the war, and died of disease contracted in the army. Jacob Adams, from Massachusetts, about 1845, settled on lot 42. His wife was a sister of Luther Forbish. Their sons were: Hiram and Joseph, who live in town; Cyrus, who died in the late war; and Ira, who died a few years ago in Carroll. In the north part of the town, Moses Taft, from New England, settled in Carroll on Case creek, and was one of a company owning a mill, the lowest erected on that stream. He afterwards removed to Michigan. Case creek derived its name from Case, a pioneer on the east side of the Conne 246 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. wango, and a brother of Laban Case. He built a shanty, and made a small improvement on the shore of the Connewango; but the agent of the Holland Company refused to sell him the land; and he was compelled to abandon it. Hiram Thayer, from Hampshire Co., Mass., came to Jamestown in 1819, and to this town in I820. In I829 he bought a part of lot 39, where he has resided till the present time. He married Mary Eames, and has had 9 children: John M., who was married to Margaret Cowen, and resides in Nebraska; Isaac W., to Lucy Cowen; Mary Ann, to Wm. Mahan, and lives in Penn.; Lois Eliza, who died at 2I, unmarried; Hiram E., who was married to Mary Lawson, and lives in town; Sibyl B., to Wm. H. H. Fenton, Jr.; Ellen M., to Emery Davenport, Poland; Orris E., to Emma Markham; and Frank E. Veron Eaton, from Vermont, about I823, settled i' miles north-east from Frewsburgh, where he now resides, at the age of 77. His children were: Judson, who died at about 29; Pauline; Elizabeth, wife of Edwin Curtis, both deceased; Martha, wife of Ebenezer Thornton; Mary; and Sarah, killed by lightning, at the age of 24. Dutee Herrington settled early on lot 32, and has long owned a saw-mill on Case's run. Orsino Comstock settled on lot 3I, and died there, leaving two sons: Butler, who has removed to Minn.; and Philo, who lives in Frewsburgh. Another son, Asa, ~ ~'. Goodin Staples settled early in the north-east part of the town, on lot 8. His sons, Goodin and Elisha, reside there. John Bragg settled in that part of the town where his sons Joshua, Joseph, Isaac, and James reside. Richard Hiller settled on lot 30. His sons were: Jedediah, John, Alexander, and Nicholas. Jedediah resides in Pennsylvania; the others, in town. John Townsend settled near the center'of the town, and bought the sawmill previously built by Reuben and John Thayer. He subsequently rebuilt the mill, which is now owned by his son Samuel. Another son, William, lives with his mother in the neighborhood. The father is not living. Christopher Whitman, a member of the Society of Friends, settled where his son Arthur now resides, near the center of the town. Another son, Dexter, resides in Frewsburgh. The first town meeting was held at the house of Wm. Sears, March 6, 1826, [now in Kiantone,] and the following named officers were elected: Szupervisor-James Hall. Town Clerk-John Frew. Assessors-James Parker, Levi Davis, James Frew. Commissioners of Highways-E. Kidder, Geo. W. Fenton, Simeon C. Davis. Overseers of Poor-E. Kidder, Geo. W. Jones. Collector-Asa Moore. Constables-Asa Moore, HiramDickerson. Commissioners of Schools-John Frew, James Hall, James Parker. Inspectors of Schools-Wm. Sears, Simeon Covell, Levi Davis. Pound-keepersGeo. W. Fenton, Wm. Sears. Supervisors from i826 to i875. James Hall, 1826 to'33, and I839-9 years. James Parker, 1834 to'37, CARROLL. 247 and 1856,'57-6 years. Esbai Kidder, 1838. Phineas Spencer, 1840. Judiah E. Budlong, I84I. Gordon Swift, I842,'43,'44. John Frew, I845. Reuben E. Fenton, I846 to'52-7 years. Edwin Eaton, I853,'73. Wm. H. H. Fenton, I854, I865 to'7I-8 years. Charles L. Norton, I855, I858 to'64-8 years. Lucius M. Robertson, I872. Wm. Sheldon,'74. Albert Fox, 1875. Perhaps no other township in the county has had so many saw-mills in operation at the same time, as that which constitutes the town of Carroll. We find on the county may of 1854, the names of five proprietors of mills on the small stream which rises in the south-east part of the town, and enters the Connewango creek near Fentonville. Within about a mile above Fentonville were the mills of L. Forbush, D. Wiltsie, J. Brokaw, another the owner of which is not named, and S. Smith's mill near the head of the stream. On Frew's run was Frew's saw-mill,, near the Connewango. Above this were James Wheeler's, Otis Moore's, Job Toby's, John Myers, Jr.'s, John Townsend's, Henry Bennett's, James Frew's, N. Gavit's, Cowen's, and one or two others. Also Hugh A. Frew's flouring-mill, at Frewsburgh. On Case run, in the north and north-east part of the town, were the mills of Smith Cass, D. Harrington, G. W. Fenton, Jr., J. & C. Pope, Charles Pope; and on branches of the stream, the mills of A. Comstock and L. Cowen. There was also, in the north-east corner of the town, a steam saw-mill owned by Franklin Baker-the whole number being between twenty and twenty-five. Probably all were not running so late as twenty years ago. And by the diminution of water and timber, the number has been greatly diminished; the number at present in operation has not been ascertained. Jefferson Frew started a steam saw-mill at Frewsburgh about 2 years ago, which is now in operation. About 750,000 feet of lumber are made in a year at this mill, and run down the river. Edward Hayward and Edwin Moore established, in I872, a hand-sled factory, and made, in two years, about 18,000 sleds, and then converted it into a stave-mill-the staves to be used for butter packages and kegs, for shipping to the eastern market. They have made about 800,000 the past year. This factory was begun by Moore, Spink & Co. Edwin Eaton bought it in the spring of I874; and Edward W. Scovwden stocks the mill, and hires the proprietors to manufacture the staves, and will probably keep up the amount manufactured. Wood & White established a stave-factory about i868 or I869; ran it a few years; then [I872] rented it to Scowden, who ran it about 2 years, [to the fall of'74], making about 600,000 staves the first year, and 700,000 the next. April I4, i875, it was destroyed by fire. Afirkin-stave factory was started in I864 or'65, by Edward Hayward. In I87I, it was bought by John, Jr., and Henry Myers, and converted into a manufactory for barrel staves, and is now in operation. 248 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. BIOGRAPHICAL 4AND GENEALOGICAL. GEORGE W. FENTON was born in Hanover, N. H., Dec. 20, 1873. In 1804, he left Broadalbin, N. Y., where his father had settled, and traveled to Pittsburgh, then a small village, and thence down the Ohio on an exploring tour to Louisville, Ky. He returned to Pittsburgh, and commenced trading in goods and provisions, in a canoe, up the Allegany river and French creek, which business he followed two or three years. In the winter of I805-6, he taught a school at Warren, Pa., the first ever taught there. He there married Elsie Owen, who was born in Lunenburg, N. Y., July 8, 1790. He is said to have' removed to his new log cabin on the south side of the outlet of Chautauqua lake, in the spring of 1807, where the only settlers on the outlet were William Wilson and James Culbertson, who were on the north side. In 1809, he sold his farm, and removed to lot 52, on the east side of the Connewango. [The date of the purchase of this land was March, 18Io.] Mr. Fenton died March 3, i860. His widow died Feb. 26, I875. Their children were: I. Roswell O., who married Lenora Akin, and had 4 sons and 4 daughters; Mr. Fenton deceased. 2. George W.,Jr., who married Mitta Howard, and has 2 sons and 4 daughters. 3. William H. H., who married Catherine Edmonds, and has a son, William H. H., Jr., and had 4 daughters, of whom one died in infancy. 4. John F., who married Maria Woodward, and is deceased; he had 3 sons and 5 daughters; one of the sons died in infancy. 5. Reuben E., [see sketch, Hist. of Jamestown.] HUGH FREW was born in Killyleagh, county of Down, Ireland, about I758, and was married to Mary Russell, in the same place, in I787. They sailed from Belfast, Ireland, in May, 1794, and arrived at Wilmington, Chester Co., Pa., in June. Mr. Frew was very poor when he landed. He worked at ditching the first six months, at $4 a month; and his wife supported the family by spinning flax on the little wheel. With the money received for the six months' wages, he bought a cow, which died before he had taken from her a single mess of milk. He removed to Dansville, North Branch of Susquehanna, Pa. Being a miller, as the Frews had been by occupation for generations, he obtained a situation in a grist-mill with three run of stones, at $8 a month. In i8oo, the family emigrated through the wilderness, up the Sinemahoning creek to the head of the Allegany, and down the Allegany to Warren, and up the Connewango to Beech Woods, now Farmington, Pa., where they located and endured great hardships. There was not then a white settler in Chautauqua county. Hugh Frew and his wife and sons, after their arrival in August, cleared 5 acres of land and sowed it with wheat the first fall, by working day and night. The father and sons, John and James, cleared up a farm, built a grist-mill, and were in comfortable circumstances. David, the only other, and the youngest son, died soon after landing at Wilmington. John and James subsequently settled in Carroll. The family finally sold the farm in Pennsylvania, and all removed to Frewsburgh. Hugh Frew died there in December, I831, aged 73. [See Russell Family.] JOHN FREW, son of Hugh, was born in Killyleagh, Ireland, Aug. 2, 1789, "y-^^/ ^"^s^^ c. ^-,^ CARROLL. 249 and emigrated with his father to America, and to Farmington, Pa. [See sketch of Hugh Frew.] In I809, John Frew bought an interest in lands on the east side of the Connewango, in the present town of Carroll, at Frewsburgh, where he erected mills with Thomas Russell. His brother James purchased the interest of Thomas Russell. They built mills, cleared farms, and prospered. John Frew helped Edward Work build his saw-mill on the outlet of Chautauqua lake. He said he commenced sawing for Work opn his mill, May 8, 1809, and worked through the summer. From the plank he sawed, 12 salt-boats were made to take salt down the outlet and the Allegany to Pittsburgh. Much salt was taken down in the fall of 1809. John and James Frew and Thomas Russell erected their saw-mill at the mouth of Frew's run, on the east side of the Connewango, in 1811. In or about the year 1814, Russell sold his interest to the Frews, who erected near the saw-mill a grist-mill from the remains of the old grist-mill in Pennsylvania, in 1817; their father being concerned with them. It was an overshot mill and did much grinding, and was tended by their father. John and James Frew had all their property in common; and no jealousy ever appeared to exist between themr. They were, however, advised to divide their property to prevent difficulty in their families in case'of the death of either of them. This was amicably done not long before the death of James, who was killed at the raising of a building. In 1816, John Frew was elected supervisor of the town of Ellicott, [then embracing Carroll,] and was continued in that office by reelection until 1822, inclusive, after which he declined a reelection. He was appointed a judge and justice in 1820, which offices he declined. He is said to have been a man of sound judgment and strict integrity, and a friend and liberal patron of the early improvements of the county. Having lived to see the wilderness become a well cultivated country, and the site of his residence in Carroll a prosperous village bearing his own name, he closed his life in September, 1865, aged 76 years. JAMES FREW, second son of Hugh, was born in Killyleagh, Ireland, about 1791, and was married to Rebecca, daughter of Josiah H. Wheeler, of Frewsburgh. Mr. Frew resided in Frewsburgh until his death. He was killed in assisting to raise a building, by the falling of a bent, which struck him on the back of the neck. He died August 24, 1834, aged 43 years. While in partnership with John, he seemed to choose managing business at home, and having his brother attend to business out of town. He was disinclined to hold any public office, though he was once prevailed on to accept the office of assessor. He was out in one campaign with Gen. Harrison's army in the war of 1812, and endured great hardships and privations at Maumee, River Raisin, etc. He was known as a superior marksman with a rifle. He had 5 soW: John H., Miles, Josiah, Jefferson, and David. RuFUS GREENE, born in Amherst, Mass., removed from Vermont to what is now Kiantone, in 1827; thence, after three years, to this town, on lot 5I, near the Connewango, on the farm owned by the late Roswell 0. Fenton. Mr. Greene was for many years a justice of the peace. He had 6 children: 250 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Eunice N., wife of Horatio N. Thornton; Mary, wife of Albert M. Thornton; Sarah, who married Wm. Corkins, and is deceased; Lutheria, who married Perrin Sampson, and lives at Springville, Erie Co., N. Y., with whom her mother now resides; Emily, wife of Henry W. Sampson, South Valley, Catt. Co.; Rufus, Jr., who married Kate L. Gould, and removed, in 1871, to Newell, Buena Vista Co., Iowa. Rufus Greene died Jan., i868. JOSEPH WAITE, the eldest son of Silas Waite, was born in Wardsborough, Vt., July 4, 1787, and was married, Oct. 17, 81ii, to Olive Davis, who was born in the same town, Sept. I6, 1786. She was related to the Davises in Kiantone and Busti. Mr. Waite was a thorough " Green Mountaineer," over six feet high, and weighed about 250 pounds. The town was rough and mountainous, and his parents were poor. His advantages for education were very limited. He learned to write on birch bark. He learned at school simply to read, write, and cypher. He learned the trade of saddle and harness-making, and carried it on for a brief period. He was appointed a deputy sheriff in his native county; and, by attending courts, he acquired a taste for the law business. In I8I6, he came with his wife, two children, and his worldly goods, in a two-horse wagon, to She south part of Chautauqua county, the journey occupying six weeks. He purchased the "betterments" on a small farm in Carroll, where he passed through the usual experiences of early pioneer life. He went into the lumbering business, in which he was very unsuccessful. The landing on the Connewango where he drew, with ox-teams, his logs and shingles, is still called "Waite's Landing." Being unfitted for manual labor, by reason of a rupture, he turned to the profession of law. He moved to Jamestown in 1821, and commenced the study in his 35th year, and practiced his profession there about 30 years. He attained a respectable standing at the bar, and served in the offices of justice, districtattorney, examiner in chancery, supreme court commissioner, and county superintendent of the poor, and performed the duties of these offices with general acceptance. In I854, he emigrated to Fond du Lac, Wis., to live with his children; and on the 8th of January, I855, he died of apoplexy, after a sickness of 26 hours. In I870, his remains were removed to the new cemetery at Jamestown, and deposited by the side of those of his wife, who died Feb. 27, I85I. They had two children, besides one that died in childhood: Franklin H., who resides in Mankato, Minn.; and Davis H., editor and publisher of the Jamestown Journal. JOSIAH H. WHEELER was born in Concord, Mass., in I762, and married Mary Miles, who was born Feb. 10, I765. They came with a large family from Wardsborough, Vt., to Ellicott, [now Carroll,] and purchased the land and saw-mill on Frew's run, belonging to Matthew Turner, lot 53, tp. I, r. Io. Wheeler and his sons stocked and ran the mill with their own labor, Wtd soon cleared up a good farm. He had 5 sons: James, Josiah, Francis, Miles, and Daniel. The sons, or most of them, as they came of age, were helped to land on which to start in life. The daughters were: Rebecca, wife of James Frew; Polly, wife of John Rose, of Frewsburgh; and Anna. ~~~~~~~C ~~~~~ c~~~~~~~~~5~~~~~~~~j7~~~~~~~~~~~N ~~~~~ut~~~~~A M,-i~ A ayli;.Y:-:*5, W. ~7~M Al i CHARLOTTE. 251 Josiah H. Wheeler died, [date not ascertained.] His wife died in 1857, aged about 92 years. She well remembered, till her death, the time when the report was spread that the British were coming to Concord to destroy the military stores collected there by the colonists, and when, at the age of ten years, she fled with her mother into the adjacent forests, where most of the women and children were concealed, until the British returned to Boston. James, the eldest son of Josiah H. and Mary Wheeler, married Nancy Rose, of Frewsburgh, then recently from England. Josiah, another son, married a daughter of James Parker, of Carroll, and after her death, married a cousin of his first wife-a daughter of David Eaton, of Portland. The Frewsburgh Balptist Church was formed Jan. i, I858, and was composed of about 60 members of a church then existing, but now extinct, known as the " First Baptist Church of Carroll." It was first called the " Second Baptist Church of Carroll," and took its present name Sept. 20, 1842. It was recognized by an ecclesiastical council, Feb. 14, 1838. March 10, I838, John G. Curtis and Phineas Annis were chosen deacons. Until 1842, the church had no regular pastor, but was supplied a part of the time by Revs. Arza Stone, Benj. Oviatt, and J. Wilson. It was received into the Harmony Baptist Association in I838; and in I842, joined with the First Church in sustaining Rev. M. Colby as pastor for about one year. The church was then again without a pastor until I845. Its subsequent pastors were Frederick Glanville, A. Frink, Elisha B. Sparks, W. H. Randall, Emerson Mills, Lucien L. Gage, Judson H. Miller, Wm. Entwistle, J. S. Blandin, A. D. Bush, and Abner Morrill. Present deacons are Phineas Annis, John C. Martin, George L. Foster, and John D. Bain. The first church clerk was Abida Dean; the present clerk, John D. Bain. The Baptist Society, under the general law of the state, was formed Jan. 14, I85o. The first trustees were Phineas Annis, Elias Howard, George W. Fenton, John Myers, Jr., and Jacob Persell. Present trustees-Geo. W. Fenton, John Myers, Jr., Parker E. Miller, John C. Martin, John D. Bain, George L. Foster, and Ray W. Porter. Parker E. Miller is clerk and treasurer. CHARLOTTE. CHARLOTTE was formed from Gerry, April I8, I829, and comprises the 4th township in the i th range, according to the Holland Land Company's surveys. Mill creek, the principal stream, passes through the geographical center of the town, in a south-westerly direction, crossing the south line I X miles east of the south-west corner, near Sinclairville, and flowing into the Cassadaga creek in Gerry, near its west line, on lot 63. Luce Hill and Lake Hill, the highest points, are about I,ooo feet above Lake Erie. The land is moderately hilly; and the soil is chiefly a clay loam. The town of Charlotte was surveyed into lots in the year 80o8, by John Lamberton, for 252 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. the Holland Land Company, and first settled in I809. At a meeting of the citizens held at the house of David Randall at the Center, at the suggestion of Mrs. Randall, the town was named from a town having that name on Lake Champlain, in Vermont. Original Purchases in Township 4, Range Ii. 1809. April, Arva O. Austin, 63. John N. Gregg, 62. John Picket, 62. Abel Prior, 62. Barnabas Cole, 36. May, Nathaniel Holdridge; 45. Robert W. Seaver and Barney Edson, 37. Wm. Devine, 29. Joseph Arnold, 6I. November, Samuel Sinclear, 41. Seth Richardson, 54. 8 Io. January, Joel Burnell, 46. I8 I. May, Samuel Vaughan, 31. I813. March, John Cleland, Jr., 53. 1816. February, Jacob Flanders, 57, 58, 59. March, Samuel Sinclear, 4I. April, S. Austin, 56. June, Abraham Winsor, 33. I817. November, John Howard, i. I 88. June, Samuel Camp, 17. i8I9. March, Samuel Hurley, 25. April, Justus Torrey, I8. May, Ezra Richmond, 33. July, Abraham Reynolds, 26. I821. June, Nathan Lake, 20. Calvin Lake, 20. 1823. April, Walker Lewis, 39. Martin Cleland, 55. 1824. July, Caleb Clark, 55. September, Daniel B. Lake, 2I. December, Samuel Cleland, 30. 1825. October, Charles Lyman, 40. Crocker Richardson, 59. Wm. Spinkernagle, 32. 1826. January, Isaac Phippin, 20. February, Hiram Straight, 30. May, David Randall, 13. September, Arba P. Straight, 23. Robert Robertson, i. October, Alanson C. Straight, 24. November, Bela Tracy, 57. The north-western portion of the town was explored in March, I809, by a party of young men, who, about the first of April, settled upon lots 62 and 63, in that part known as the Picket district. John Picket settled upon the farm where he now resides. He constructed upon the bank of Picket brook a log house, the first built in the town. Daniel Picket with his family settled upon the farm now owned by the heirs of Eliab Barnum; and Arva O. Austin and wife upon the farm now owned by the heirs of Van Rensselaer Fisher. These were the only persons who passed the winter of I809-Io in Charlotte. January 25th, 1810, the first white child was born, Phebe, daughter of Arva O. Austin. She afterwards became the wife of Adin Wait. John Cleland, Jr., came in, in March, I8Io, and took up land on lot 54. In September, Mrs. Arnold, wife of Joseph Arnold, then residing in the Picket settlement, died; and on the day following, Jerusha Barras, her sister. They were buried in one grave, near the road side, on the farm of Chauncey Pierpont. These were the first deaths in the town. A remarkable incident occurred at an early period in the history of this town, in which one of the Pickets was the subject. The account is taken from a long and interesting sketch of early times, published in a Fredonia paper, and communicated by one of the Cleland brothers, of Charlotte: "A remarkable surgical operation was performed in Charlotte about fifty CHARLOTTE. 253 years ago, Ira Picket and myself were at work on a mill-dam, in January. We were raising the dam with gravel. A thaw came and loosened the embankment, when the bank suddenly gave way. I escaped, but Picket was caught by the falling mass. Being in a stooping posture, the frozen mass struck him on his back, and passed toward his head, stripping off his clothing, tearing his scalp from his head, so that it fell over one sideof his face, and crushing one eye so that it lay on his cheek. His head, one foot, and a hand, were caught under the earth. In my fright, I lifted and held the piece of earth that fell on his foot, and that would have taken several men ordinarily to lift. I held it till his father and brother came from the mill, six rods away, for, had I let it fall, it would have crushed his whole body. They succeeded in freeing his foot. I took his crushed head in my lap, and laid his scalp back, when I saw dirt and gravel under it. I had to take it off again, when I saw the scull was badly crushed. We got him home and sent for a physician, who was three hours in performing the operation. He took thirtytwo pieces of bone from his head, the patient being perfectly conscious all the time. [Chloroform was not given in those days.] At the patient's request, I held his hands during the whole operation. They seemed the longest three hdurs-I had ever known. Strange to say, Picket recovered entirely, even to his eye-sight, and was present at the Old Settlers' Reunion at Fredonia. It seemed marvelous that I should clasp the hands that I held those three heart-rending hours fifty years ago. The physician was Dr. Ezra Williams, of Dunkirk, father of the Hon. J. T. Williams, who also is a physician." In March, I8II, Nathan and Oliver Cleland, brothers of John Cleland, Jr., and in the fall, Samuel, another brother, with their father, John Cleland, came and settled upon lot 54. The Cleland brothers are living, aged as follows: Samuel J., 87 years; John, 83; Oliver, 8i; and Nathan, 80. Many of their descendants reside in the town.. In the fall of 181i, Moses Cleland was married to Sally Anderson, by Rev. John Spencer; this was the first marriage celebrated. Joel Burnell, in I8rI, settled upon the farm where he died. He was at one time an associate judge of this county. Madison Burnell, his son, was born there in 1812. He afterwards became one of the distinguished lawyers of Western New York. Ransom Burnell, another son, was also born there; he is a lawyer and resides in California, and has been the speaker of the assembly in that state. Among other early settlers in this part, who have left descendants residing in the town, were Freeman Ellis, Edward Dalrymple, Eliakim Barnum, Jacob Hall, James Cross, David Ames, and Caleb Clark. Orton, the son of the last, was surrogate of the county from I848 to 1852, inclusive-4 years. John B. Cardot came in from France, and settled in this part of the town. He was followed in later years by many other respectable families from that country. Charlotte Center was first settled by Robert W. Seaver, a soldier of the Revolution. He in the spring of I809, with Barna Edson, explored the town, then a wilderness, and selected 90 acres of land, which included the home of the late John Edmonds. Here Mr. Seaver settled. He died in Charlotte in I836. His son Randolph resides in Sinclairville. In the spring of I809, Wm. Devine also came in, and settled upon the west part of lot 29, 254 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. where he built a log house between where the school-house now stands and the highway. It was the first building erected at the Center. Oliver Gilmour, Daniel Jackson, and Aaron Seaver were early settlers; and in the fall of I826, Stephen Lyman, a brother-in-law of Major Sinclear, settled near the Center. Perry Lyman, his son, at present deputy sheriff, resides at Sinclairville. In I8II, Barney Cole died, and was buried at the Center. He was the first male person who died in the town. At an early day a shop was built on Mill creek, at the Center, by Edward Landas, for wool-carding and cloth-dressing, which was in after years used as a pail factory, turning shop and wood mill factory. About I817, the first saw-mill was built there. In 1869, a steam mill was erected there by Addison Lake and Edwin Tuttle. About I851, Joseph Landas built and opened the first store at the Center; though others had, for brief periods, sold limited amounts of merchandise. In I821, Nathan Lake and his brother Calvin came in from Vermont, and settled a little east of the Center. Their brothers Daniel B. and Luther Lake came in to live in 1826, and settled on the street which was afterwards known as the " Lake Settlement." Nathan Lake.was the first supervisor of the town, elected in 1830, and again in I835,'37,'42, and'45. Allen A. Stevens, son-in-law of Nathan Lake; Horace E. Kimball, son-in-law of Daniel B. Lake; and Henry C. Lake, son of Calvin Lake, have also been supervisors. [See List of Supervisors.] Henry C. Lake has also been a member of the legislature from this county. Hugh Harper, from the county of Donnegal, Ireland, came in, in 1828, and settled'a little south of the Center; and a few years later, his brother William, followed by other families from the north and other parts of Ireland. They have numerous descendants here, who make good and respectable citizens. The population of Charlotte Center, according to the census taken in 1875, is 120. Sinclairville derives its name from Major Samuel Sinclear. Having purchased the whole of lot 41, which embraces the land where the village is situated, in November, I809, he commenced the settlement of the place by causing the body of a log house to be built in the woods, miles away from all roads. It was built at the intersection of the roads leading from Sinclairville, one to Charlotte Center; the other to Cherry Creek. In March, I8Io, he and Win. Berry and his family, and John Sinclair and Chauncey Andrus, hired help, arrived at this log house; the snow then lying deep over the ground. They occupied, for two days and nights, a wigwam made of poles and hemlock boughs, until they had completed their log house, into which they then moved. In the fall of I8I0, Mr. Sinclear cut a wagon road from Fredonia to Sinclairville, the first opened into the central part of the county; and on the 22d of October, 8Io0, his family, which included his step-sons, Obed and John M. Edson, arrived. During the summer of I8Io, he erected a saw-mil, and in the fall a frame dwelling house, which was for many years the village tavern; and in, I8I, a grist-mill. Each of these buildings was the first of its kind erected in Charlotte and in the central and eastern part of the county. Abraham Winsor, a brother-in-law of Mr. Sinclear, came in CHARLOTTE. 255 from Madison county, and in 18r3 built an ashery, and in 18I5 opened a store. In early years he transported down the Cassadaga, in canoes, the pot and pearl ashes he had manufactured, and thence down the Allegany to Pittsburgh, where he received in exchange flour, tobacco, nails, glass, and other merchandise, which he brought back in boats for the store in Sinclairville. The north-east part of the town remained a wilderness later than any other portion. Alanson Straight was the first to commence improvements. He settled about 1832 upon the farm now owned by Byron Lewis. In 1832, Nelson Chase settled upon the farm which he now owns; and a little later in the same year, Nathan Penhollow upon the farm where his son William now resides. Calvin Abbey, Elijah Lewis, Wm. W. Rood, Neri Crampton, Daniel Hoisington, Henry Smith, Wm. Luce, G. R. Mathewson, Peter Odell, and Nelson Mansfield, were early settlers there. John Wilkes, who came in I851, built the first saw-mill in this part of the town, in i865. Upon his farm the last bear was killed. In 1839, James Hopkins, Patrick Doran, and Garrett Wheeler, came in from the west of Ireland, and in following years others from Ireland settled there. Kent Street and adjacent territory was first settled by families principally from the south of England. Samuel Hurley was the pioneer; he came as early as 8 7. Abraham Reynolds next came, in 8 9, direct from London. Twice he walked from Charlotte to New York. His son Henry has been 3 years supervisor of the town, and is a merchant in Sinclairville. His daughters Mary and Elizabeth now reside in London. Robert Le Grys came in 1819; John Thorn in i834; and in 1836, from Devonshire, John Reed, whose sons are John, now in Australia; William, a farmer in Charlotte; and Richard, a merchant of Sinclairville. Richard Brock and Thomas D. Spiking came later. The street leading north from the Center to Arkwright, was also largely settled by Englishmen, wholly from Yorkshire, in the north of England. Thomas Pearson, Wn. Wright, and their families, and Thomas Dickenson, came over together in a ship from Hull, and settled on this street, in i828; and many of their descendants reside in town. John Pearson, son of Thomas, has long been a business man, and is now a merchant of Sinclairville. William Hilton came in I830; his son John has been a director of the Erie Railway. These Englishmen, their descendants, and others who in later years came from that country, constitute a very large and substantial portion of the population of the town. The first school was taught by William Gilmour in the winter of i81I-I2, in the log house erected in 1809 by Mr. Sinclear. Dr. Orange Y. Campbell was the first physician. Drs. Henry B. Hedges, J. E. Kimball, Gilbert Richmond, and George S. Harrison, at a later period were, for many years, practicing physicians of Sinclairville, and were widely known in their profession through the county. Charles Smith was the first shoemaker; Samuel Brunson the first blacksmith. Chester Wilson, father of W. Thomas Wilson, Esq., long a justice of sessions of the county, was the first saddler and harnessmaker. Nathaniel Johnson came to Sinclairville from Madison Co. in i814. 256 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. His son Forbes, many years a resident here, was a member of the legislature of I844. He and John M. Edson constructed the first tannery; and they also built a grist-mill in Sinclairville at an early day. Hannah, daughter of Nathaniel Johnson, married S. L. Henderson, who came in in I816. Their son W. W. Henderson, of this place, is collector of U. S. revenues for the 27th revenue district. Dr. Henry Sargent was the earliest postmaster. The mails were at first carried from Ellicottville to Mayville by Sampson Crooker, the father of Hon. George A. S. Crooker, who went through once a week on foot. Chauncey Andrus, Ezra Richmond, Peter Warren, father of Judge Emory F. Warren, Bela Tracy, a brother of John Tracy, formerly lieutenantgovernor of this state, Asa Dunbar, Philip Sink, Henry Cipperly, Wm. H. Gleason, and Wm. Brown, were some of the early settlers of Sinclairville and the south-western part of the town. Wm. Heppenen, from Germany, settled in the village in I853; his brother Ernest in I854. They were followed, in later years, by many industrious and worthy German families, who have settled in the village and town. The first town meeting was held at Charlotte Center, March 2, 1830. The following are the names of the officers chosen: Supervisor-Nathan Lake. Town Clerk-Walter Chester. Justices of the Peace-John M. Edson, Eldred Sampson, James S. Parkhurst. CollectorBarzillai Ellis. Assessors-Peter Warren, Bela Tracy, Spencer Clark. Overseers of the Poor-Freeman Ellis, Abel Potter. Com'rs of Highways-Bela B. Lord, R. W. Seaver, Charles Goodrich. Com'rs of Schools-Bela B. Lord, Samuel T. Booth, Crocker Richardson. Constables-Amasa Dalrymple, Barzillai Ellis, Benjamin Fisher. Collector-Barzillai Ellis. Sealer-Oshea Webber. Supervisorsfrom 1830 to 1875. Nathan Lake, 1830,'35,'37,'42,'45-5 years. Bela Tracy, I83I,'33,'34. Samuel F. Forbush, 1832. John Chandler, 1836. Orton Clark, 1838 to'41, I843,'44, 1859,'6o-8 years. Randolph W. Seaver, I846 to'48-3 years. Joseph E. Kimball, i849. Orsamus A. White, I850,'51. John M. Edson, I852,'53,'54. Daniel Arnold, I855. Wm. M. Waggoner, i856. Allen A. Stevens, 1857,'68. Henry C. Lake, 1858,'6i. Timothy D. Copp, I862,'63. Henry Reynolds, I864 to'66-3 years. Obed Edson, 1867. George S. Harrison, 1869 to'71-3 years. Horace E. Kimball, 1872 to'74, and Albert Richmond, I875. The progress of settlement in the village and town was slow, until about the year 1824, when Walter Smith and George A. French opened a store at Sinclairville, and engaged in considerable trade. This, with the opening of the Erie canal, gave a new impetus to settlement. Sinclairville continued, until i845, to be an important point for the manufacture of pot and pearl ashes, which, prior to 1824, had been sent to Pittsburgh, but thereafter to Montreal and New York. Walter Chester, Thomas J. Alien, in 1838 a member of assembly, his brother Caleb J. Alien, Perez Dewey, Alonzo Langworthy, Nelson Mitchell and John Dewey, were some of the leading and CHARLOTTE. 257 older merchants of the village. Jonathan Hedges was an early innkeeper, and his son Elias S. Hedges an early tanner. Stages were first run from Fredonia to Jamestown by Obed Edson, brother of John M. Edson, and by Reuben Scott, about 1827. Subsequently the line was extended to Warren, Pa., by Obed Edson. Albert Richmond, from Watertown, N. Y., in August, I833, was the first attorney at law; and from January, I855, to the close of 1858-4 yearssurrogate of the county. In 1832, a school-house was first built; schools having been previously kept in a school-house built in I8i6, in the town of Gerry, adjacent to Sinclairville. Early in I849, Sinclairville was made a station on the telegraph line leading from Fredonia to Pittsburgh. This line was afterwards discontinued. In I852, the Fredonia and Sinclairville plank road was constructed from Fredonia, through Sinclairville, to Ellicott. It was built principally through the exertions of the people of Sinclairville. Perez Dewey, of Sinclairville, was its largest stockholder and first president. It contributed largely to the growth of the village during succeeding years. June 21, I862, "Evergreen Cemetery Association" was organized, with Barnard W. Field as president, and under his superintendence its ample grounds have since been embellished with unusual taste. April 7, i868, occurred the severest fire that has ever visited Sinclairville. Early in the morning the.Bennett block was discovered to be on fire. Three stores comprising this block, the Sinclairville House, a dwelling house and barn, a meat market and a shoe shop were burned, and a harness shop was torn downin all seven buildings. February 6, 1870, the Sinclairville Library was established, with Alonzo Langworthy as its president. The people of Charlotte were among the first to move in the construction of the Dunkirk, Warren &' Pittsburgh Railroad, as it was then known, now known as the Dunkirk, Allegany Valley & Pittsburgh Railroad. The first meetings to promote the enterprise were held at Sinclairville. At a meeting presided over by Hon. C. J. Allen, preliminary steps were taken to organize the company. T. D. Copp and Alonzo Langworthy, of Sinclairville, were directors from its organization until after its completion; the former being during this time its president. They, by their efforts and influence, largely aided. in effecting the construction of the road, which was completed to Sinclairville, June i, I871. November 5th, I874, the "Sinclairville Fair Ground Association" was organized with H. E. Kimball as president. By the census of I875, Sinclairville contained a population of 695. The south-east part of the town was first settled by Leman Cleveland, on the farm of Richard Langworthy, on lot io. In 18I4, Samuel T. Booth settled on the farm now owned by Thomas Spear. John Howard, in 18I7, on lot i. Justus Torrey, from Genesee Co. in I8 9, settled on the farm now owned by his son Sheldon Torrey. He chopped and cleared with his own hands several hundred acres of land, and during many years manufactured annually large quantities of maple sugar. The widow Lemira W. Camp, with her family, in March, i8I9, settled upon 200 acres of land known as I7 258 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. the Camp farm, now owned by Merlin M. Wagoner. She had been preceded by her son Samuel Camp. Milo, Merlin, John, Wilson, and Herman, were the sons of Mrs. Camp. David Sheldon, Robert Robertson, Peter Robertson, John Luce, and Mr. Parsons, were early settlers in this part of the town. BIOGRAPHICAL AND GENEALOGICAL. JOEL BURNELL came to Charlotte in I8Io, and settled on lot 46, bought of the Holland Land Company in January of that year. He is described by one who knew him well, as a man of " original and brilliant intellect, a great reader, and about equally inclined to theology and the law." He was for many years associate judge of the county court, and for a long time a justice of the peace. He was also a local preacher of the Methodist Episcopal church. His house was for years the preaching place and the home of the preachers. He had i children; six sons and five daughters. Of these no particular sketch has been obtained, except that of his son Madison, an eminent lawyer, which will be found in the historical sketch of Jamestown. JOHN M. EDSON is a descendant, of the sixth generation, from Samuel Edson, who was borrf in England in 1612, and came over to Salem, Mass., in the year 1638 or 1639, and afterwards became an original proprietor and first settler of Bridgewater, Plymouth Co., Mass. He was a member of the general court at Plymouth in 1676, and held other positions of public trust. His son Samuel, an ancestor of John M. Edson, participated in the Indian vwars against King Philip, and was a member of the general court at Boston in I697 and 17I3. Obed Edson, the grandfather of John M. Edson, was an early settler of the town of Richfield, Otsego Co., N. Y. John M. Edson was born July 30, I8oI, in Eaton, Madison Co. When he was about three years of age, his father died. His mother, whose maiden name was Fanny Bigelow, afterwards married Major Samuel Sinclear. Mr. Edson moved with his step-father's family to Sinclairville, in 18Io, the first settlement having only been made there that year. There were no schools, few books, and for years but a single newspaper was received in the settlement. These limited facilities gave Mr. Edson but little opportunity to indulge a natural inclination for mental improvement; and he received but a limited education, the deficiencies of which were supplied, in no inconsiderable degree, by a taste for reading. He, however, in early life, became familiar with the prompt expedients necessary in a new country, where a rough and ready skill to meet the difficulties incident thereto, were the qualities most in requisition. When a young man, the military spirit ran high in Western New York. In the regiment organized in the central and eastern portion of the county, he filled most of the regimental offices from lieutenant to that of colonel, which he received May 22, 1830. Among other positions, he held that of justice of the peace of Charlotte for fourteen years. He served three years successively as its supervisor, and one term as deputy U. S. marshal. April I7, 1843, he was appointed by Gov. Bouck a judge of the court of common pleas, and served until July i, 1847, when the court as then :::::::::::::::: x::::::::::::: iiiesiii,::::::::::;:::;~EE::::::-:::::;i-:;:::j:::~-:::::j:a iil:r::::: ~:-:::::::: 2 ii-: iii;ii,i:ii:::::::: -::::i:1::i:::_::::::i::i:iiillii (:i-iiiiiiiljiiriiii :i:::::i::-i:i:i:l:i:::: —:::-:::::::::-:::~-::-::-:i:::i:::i:::::::::ii:i:i:1:::::-:::a::::-:::.i:::::::::::i::i::s::: ~'-ii::::::-::_iii:l~i::!:i: .j::il:il::::::::::::::::::::::_:I:::::i:i:i::i~ii::-a,:~i:-i:l,:,i:::::::::i:::ii-i-:::jaala:::::::: -:::::: —::::::: —::-::-:::::::::::::i~:::aji., —::: I"::-:::::::::::::::::::::.:':::::8:::::-::::: -i .:-'I::::::::::::: --i~::~:::::::::::::::::ijjji:.::::: j:::::1: t.:::::: _ -:j:::::::::::: j.;: j:::::-:::::::::::i::::::::;.~:.-li T:~ii-::::: -:::-:: j:j:ji:::::::: -:::::::.P iii:::::;.jc~::::-::::::::I dI::::::~i:;,;;/ZSsi; Z%as"g9JIgIE::: ii:::::::-:jlj-is::::-:::::::::i; Xi:an::: liEli::i::j::::::::j:::::::::::::::::::::::s: a ""- j~~:::~:-:.~~:~ ia:::-:: 2: s-.i'~~ ~:::-~:E *."~~.. i"-::::::: :-:::`::::::::~'.,~;^:::::, —-,. i: ~"-:::::-i~::..~,::-:1,:j;~:~::: ~-~4 lal tfLfv2-RPJ: ............................................................................................................................................................................................................1 111.1 11.............................................................................................. 1111- 11................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ -......................................... -............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. - -..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... %........................................................................................................................................................................................................... -............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ CHARLOTTE. 259 organized was abolished by the constitution of 1846. In politics he has always been a democrat. He was the first master of the Sylvan Lodge No. 303 of Freemasons, at Sinclairville, under the new charter granted subsequently to anti-masonry. He is now 73 years of age, and resides on his farm adjacent to Sinclairville. In I831 he was married to Hannah Alverson, daughter of Jonathan and Ursula Alverson. She was born at Halifax, Vt., June 3, I804, and came with her mother to Gerry to reside with her uncle, Wm. Alverson, in 1821. They have two children: i. Obed, born in Sinclairville, Feb. 18, 1832; a lawyer by profession, and at present a member of assembly from the second district of this county. He married Emily A. Allen, daughter of Caleb J. Allen, born in New London, Conn., Nov. 27, I835. Their children are: Fanny A., born April 28, i860; John M., born Sept. 29, i86; Samuel A., born Sept. 15, 1863; died Nov. i6, I872; Mary U., born Sept. i, 1865; died Nov. 27, I872; Hannah, born Feb. 15, I869; Walter H., born Jan. 8, I874; and Ellen Emily, born April 21, i875. 2. Fanny Ursula, born June 4, 1834, and married Henry Sylvester, son of Melzer Sylvester. They reside in Sinclairville. Their children are: Anna G., born Jan. 5, 1856; Emily A., born Nov. 22, 1857; Katie, born Nov. 20, 1863; died Aug. i8, I864; and Frederic H., born Sept. 22, 1867. SAMUEL SINCLEAR was born May io, 1762, at Vassalborough, Maine. His parents, Joshua Sinclear and Mary Cilley, were married in Scotland, in 1752 or I753, and came to America about the year 1760. Samuel was the fifth of nine children. His elder brothers and sisters were born in Scotland, the younger in Maine. He was a kinsman of Cilley, a member of Congress from Maine, who was killed near Washington in the celebrated duel with Graves, of Kentucky, and a nephew of Gen. Joseph Cilley, a distinguished officer of the Revolution, conspicuous for his bravery as colonel of the Ist New Hampshire regiment at the battles of Bemis Heights and at Monmouth. [See Am. Hist. Records, vol. 3, p. 228; and Quackenbos' Hist. U.S., p. 247.] Mr. Sinclear went with the American army as an assistant to his uncle, Col. Cilley, and served as such one year. June 20, I777, being then barely fifteen years of age, he enlisted in Capt. Amos Morrill's company of Col. Cilley's regiment, in Gen. Enoch Poor's brigade, and served for three years. He was at Monmouth and other battles, and suffered with the American army at Valley Forge. He served in Gen. Sullivan's campaign against the Indians upon the frontiers of Pennsylvania and New York, in I779. At the expiration of his term of enlistment, he received an honorable discharge, being then but eighteen years of age. After the close of the war he erected a.saw-mill on the Kennebec river, and engaged in getting out ship timber. In 1788, he removed to the state of New York, and resided successively at Utica and Cherry Valley, and in I796 became one of the first settlers in the town of Eaton, Madison Co. He afterwards became the pioneer of the central part of Chautauqua county, and the founder of the village of Sinclairville. He brought with him $6,ooo or $7,000, a large sum for that day, 260 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. which he expended in purchasing lands, building mills, and making other improvements there. He was elected the first supervisor of Gerry, then comprising the present towns of Charlotte, Gerry, Cherry Creek, and Ellington, and continued its supervisor for six years. He was a strong, resolute man, of a commanding presence. His familiarity with frontier life; his integrity and good judgment, made him a leading and influential citizen, and enabled him to contribute much to the settlement in this part of the county. He drew hither many early settlers, assisted them in selecting locations, in erecting their log cabins, and starting them in their wilderness homes. He was a Revolutionary pensioner. He died at Sinclairville, February 8, i827. No likeness has been preserved of him, and only one of his wife Fanny. Mr. Sinclear was twice married. February 8, 1785, he married at Vassalborough, Maine, Sally Perkins, who was born May 19, 1768, and died May 14, 1804. Their children were: i. Molly, born 1786, married Elijah Haswell, and is deceased. 2. John, born I788, and died at Sinclairville in 1864. 3. Solomon, born 1789, and is deceased. 4. Sally, born 1791; died 1792. 5. Sophy, born.in I793; died in x866. 6. Samuel, born in 1794; deceased. 7. Sally, born in 1796; married Wm. Barras. 8. Richard, born in I799; deceased. 9. Samuel, born in I80o; died in Gerry, Oct. 2, 1848. Samuel Sinclair, Jr., was many years the publisher of the New York Tribune. io. Agnes, born in 1803, is deceased. March 14, I805, Major Sinclear married Fanny, the widow of Obed Edson, at Eaton. She was born April 7, 1777, in Colchester, Conn., and was one of twenty-one children. Her father, Elisha Bigelow, was of Puritan descent, and a soldier of the Revolution. He removed, in 1793, from Connecticut to Springfield, Otsego Co., N. Y., where he purchased land of Judge Cooper, father of J. Fenimore Cooper, where he resided until his death. Her mother, Thankful Bigelow, died at Sinclairville in I839, aged 97 years. Fanny married Obed Edson in Otsego Co., and died at Sinclairville January 12, 1852. Her husband, Obed Edson, died in I804. The children of Fanny and Obed Edson were: i. Obed, born in I796, at Richfield, Otsego Co., and came to Sinclairville in T8Io. He was a member of the legislature of Penn.; a canal receiver at Johnston, Penn.; a judge in Warren Co., Penn., and also in Pulaski Co., Ill., where he now resides. 2. John Milton, of Sinclairville. [See sketch, p. 258.] 3. Fanny Aurora, born in Eaton, i803; married Horace Potter, and resides at Kankakee, Ill. The children of Fanny and Samuel Sinclear were: i. Nancy, born in Madison Co. in I8o6, died in I855. Her husband, Worthy Putnam, resides at Berrien Springs, Mich. 2. David, born in Madison Co. in I807; now resides at Sinclairville. 3. Joseph, born in Madison Co. in 1809; died of cholera in I852, at Fort Wayne, Ind., where he resided. He had been clerk of Allen Co.; a member of the Indiana state senate; and an agent of the U. S. Government to remove the Indians west of the Mississippi river. 4. George, born at Sinclairville July 4, Ix8I; now resides in Gerry. 5. Orlinda, born in 1813; married Charles Parker; died at Mayville in 1846. Her son CHARLOTTE. 261 David was the late marshal of Virginia. 6. Virtue, born in 18I6; married Chester Cole, and resides in Hillsdale Co., Mich. 7. Hiram, born in 1817; died I818. ABRAHAM WINSOR was born in Providence, R. I., Jan. i6, I778, and was married in I802, to Sophia Bigelow, born in Conn., Aug. I, I783. He appears on the Land Company's book as the original purchaser of the west part of lot 33, tp. 4, r. ii, [now Charlotte,] in June, 1816. In a sketch of the family, prepared by his son, Samuel B., he is said to have come to the county in August, I8Io, and settled at Sinclairville, where his purchase was made in June, I816. That he was here prior to the latter date is evident from the facts, that he held a commission, as lieut., under Lieut. Col. John McMahan, as early as Feb., I8I2; and that he served in the war of 1812; being enrolled with the Chautauqua county militia. He was commissioned as captain, April 6, I8I5, and, in I819, as brigade quarter-master under Brigadier-Gen. John McMahan. Abraham Winsor had 7 children, besides two who died in infancy: I. John W., married Clarinda, daughter of Heman Bush. 2. Samuel B., who was married to Anna Sears. 3. Phebe, wife of Woodley W. Chandler. 4. Abram, married to Marinda -. 5. Thankful, wife of Stephen Patch. 6. Anson P., who married Emeline Bowers. 7. Alonzo, who died in California. CHURCHES. Prior to the organization of any religious society in Charlotte, it was visited by early missionaries. The first meeting was held by Rev. John Spencer, Oct. 22, 1811, in the first log house built by Major Sinclear. He and Elder Turner, a Baptist, often delivered a regular discourse to a single family. The MAethodist Episcopal Church was the first religious society in the town. It had its origin, about the year I812, in a class organized at Charlotte Center, and consisted of Judge Joel Burnell and seven others. William Brown was their first minister. In 1851, they erected a house of worship at Sinclairville, where the church now numbers fifty members. The society erected, the same year, at Charlotte Center, another church edifice. Rev. H. H. Moore is the present pastor of these societies. The First Baptist Church of Sinclairville was organized June 2, 1826, by Rev. Jonathan Wilson, its first pastor. John McAlister and eleven others were its constituent members. In I834, at a cost of $2,000, they erected the first church edifice built in the town. Rev. Mr. Morley is now its pastor. The First Congregational Church of Sinclairville was formed July 22, 183I, by Rev. Isaac Jones, of Mayville; Rev. Timothy Stillman, of Dunkirk; and Rev. Obadiah C. Beardsley, of Charlotte, on the Presbyterian plan. It consisted, at first, of 23 persons. April 30, 1842, it was changed from the Presbyterian form, and organized as a Congregational Church, letters being granted as the basis of the new organization to thirteen members. September 25, 1845, a house of worship which had that year been erected, was publicly dedicated. Rev. Charles W. Carpenter was the first pastor. 262 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY.. The First Universalist Society of Charlotte was organized August 26, I850. Rev. Wm. W. King was its first pastor. A house of worship was erected at Charlotte Center in I851. The First Universalist Society of Sinclaitville was organized February I3, 1859; and a house of worship was erected at Sinclairville. Rev. Isaac George was its pastor. St. Paul's Church of the Cross (Catholic) of Sinclairville was organized in I871. Their house of worship is the church edifice erected by the Universalist Society in Sinclairville, which was purchased in 1871. It is now under the pastoral care of Rev. Father Alfrancis. SOCIETIES. Sylvan Lodge of Freemasons of Sinclairville was chartered about the year 1824. Samuel Sinclear was its first master. James Scofield, the grandfather of Major-Gen. John M. Scofield, and Richard Stockton, were also masters. Its first charter was given up after the anti-masonic excitement commenced. It was rechartered June II, 1853; and John M. Edson was its first master under the new charter. Caleb J. Allen, Oscar Hale, W. W. Henderson, Obed Edson, A. D. Tompkins, W. D. Forbush, A. P. Brunson, and John H. Clark, were subsequent masters. The Odd Fellows held regular meetings of their lodge during several years. Elias S. Hedges was their first noble grand. Sinclairville Division, No. 617, of the Sons of Temperance, was instituted July 2, 1850, and continued to hold its meetings for several years. CHAUTAUQUA. CHAUTAUQUA was formed from the town of Batavia, April II, I804, and embraced all the territory now included within the limits of Chautauqua county, excepting the Ioth range of townships, which was added in the formation of the county. Pomfret was taken off in i808; [see Pomfret;] Portland in I 83; Harmony in I 8 6; Clymer, Ellery and Stockton in I 82. The town is irregular in form, and is partially divided by the lake. Its northern boundary runs nearly north-east and south-west, being about parallel with the shore of Lake Erie, at a distance from the Lake of about 5 miles. It comprises nearly all the land in tp. 3, and the whole of tp. 4, in range I3; and more than half of tp. 3, and a small portion of tp. 4, in range 14. A small portion of tp. 3, in range I3, forms a part of Ellery, and one tier of lots from tp. 4 has been annexed to Stockton. The town contains 41 I47 acres of land. The surface is elevated and moderately hilly, occupying the watershed between the waters of Chautauqua lake and Lake Erie. Its principal streams are the inlet at the head of the lake; another flowing into the M.4~~ t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~W".."I a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~8 SiI1" ~~~~~~~~~~~do-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,:~~: CHAUTAUQUA. 263 lake near Dewittville, on the east side; Prendergast's creek, which enters the lake from the west near the south-east corner of the town; and Chautauqua creek, which forms about three-fourths of the west boundary of the town. Original Purchases in the Town of Chautauqua.-Township 3, Range z3West of the Lake. I805. August, Jonathan Smith, 29. i806. January, William Peacock, 29. In March, a large tract was taken up by James Prendergast for his father, Wm. Prendergast, and his sons and daughters, who settled on it the same year. [Lands elsewhere described.] March, James Brown, 34. April, Paulus Pardee, 34. July, Henry Mott, 33. 80o8. February, John Daggett, 34. April, Abraham Tupper, 28. I809. September, Matthew Prendergast, 22. Susanna Whiteside, 22, 24. November, John J. Prendergast, 21, 23. Dec., Anselm Potter, 45. 18ii. November, Caleb Baker, 33. James Baker, 33. i8I5. April, Henry Smith, 39. Samuel Porter, 42. September, Wm. Prendergast, 26, 27, 31, 32. 1816. February, Martin Prendergast, 30. June, Benj. D. Lyon. 1818. July, Reuben D. Mallory, 33. William Hunt, 33. 1820. May, Elisha W. Young, 45. 1822. May, Samuel B. Wing. December, William S. Wing, 35. 1823. July, Charles Hill, 45. 1824. October, Ebenezer Kimball, 42. TownshiZp 3, Range i3-East of the Lake. I805. June, Filer Sacket. September, Peter Barnhart, I8. 1806. May, Miles Scofield, i. 1808. August, Thomas Smith, I9. 1809. June, Walter G. Young, i6. Thomas Smith, I6. October, Jonathan Freeman, 8. Philo Hopson, 8. 1814. September, Anson Leet, 17. Township 4, Range 13-North Part of the Town. I809. October, Philo Hopson, 27, 33. Lawton Richmond, Io, 19. November, Wm. Dexter, 20. Darius Dexter, 20. John W. Winsor, 20. I81o. April, Orrin Miles, 9. Rand Miles, 9. John West, 29. 1811. June, Albigence Robinson, 3. August, Thomas Smith, 4. October, David Waterbury, i. 18I6. April, William T. Howell, 41. 1817. June, Nahum Parkhurst, II. July, Fenn Deming, 37. December, Zaccheus Hanchett, 28. 1825. January, Chauncey Burtch, 45. David P. Darrow, I8. June, Norman Green, 50. 1829. September, Elkanah P. Stedman, 43. October, Allen Hurlbut, 23. The west part of the town lying in township 3, range 14, was mostly settled much later than other parts of the town. Only a small portion was taken up before the year i82I. The following is a partial list of original and subsequent purchasers: Township 3, Range I4- West of the Lake. i8io. March, Artemas Hearick, 6. April, Anselm Potter, i6. 1818. December, Jacob Houghton, 7. 264 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. 1822. July, James B. Lowry, 22. November, Azariah Bickford, 29. I824. July, Joseph Davis, 23. September, Dennis Hart, 17. Ava Hart, 17. Wm. Burnell, I8. October, Palta Sweatland, 3. November, John Tanner, Jr., 2. 1825. March, William Bishop, 26. April, John Jeffords, I2. October, Isaac J. Whitney, 2. 1826. February, Joseph Stoddard, I9. Samuel Bullock, i8. March, Joseph Wilmarth, 14. June, Daniel Hungerford, o1. July, Eri Picket, 28. Aug., Benjamin Payne, 21. Sept., Asa Parks, 34. Oct., Henry Withe, 12. 1827. March, Jabez B. Burrows, 22. Jonathan Ballard, 22. Philo B. Hall, 21. July, Zaccheus Hanchett and others, 3. Samuel Northway and others, 3. December, Anson Rowley, I9. 1828. July, Gideon Palmer, 34. September, Richard M. Harrison, 23. 1831. May, Elisha W. Young and Thomas R. Treat, 38. The first purchase of land in the present town of Chautauqua, entered on the sales book of the Holland Land Company, was by Dr. Alexander McIntyre, who settled at the head of the lake. In August, I8o5, Jonathan Smith bought a part of lot 29, adjoining the lake, west side, and at an early day took a deed of -the same. He was never married, and kept "bachelor's hall" during the remainder of his life. His character was marked by many rare eccentricities. He died on the land on which he first settled. In 80o6, a large tract was purchased by the Prendergast family, on the west side of the lake, as stated elsewhere, a large portion of which has since passed to later settlers. The following sketch of the removal of Wm. Prendergast and his family from the East, and of their settlement in this county, is taken chiefly from the notes of Judge Foote and from oral statements of members of the family: The father, four of his sons, Thomas, James, Jediah, and William, and all of the five daughters, the sons-in-law, and grandchildren-in all, 29 persons, including Tom, a slave-started from Pittstown, N. Y., in the spring of 1805, for Tennessee. They had four canvas-covered wagons, the first two drawn by four horses each, the second two by three horses each, and in the rear was a two-horse barouche, for the older ladies. Never before had old Renssalaer beheld a more imposing emigrant train, nor one in whom she had a deeper interest. They were all people of moral worth and integrity, and as the train moved along amid the familiar scenes of passing years, it was constantly greeted with the heartfelt good-by-only properly understood by those who say adieu to friends for the last time. Journeying through Eastern Pennsylvania to Wheeling, now West Virginia, (some say to Pittsburgh, Pa.,) they there purchased a flat boat, and put their effects on board, and floated down to the falls of Ohio, [Louisville, Ky.;] and thence, with their teams to Duck river, or creek, near Nashville, Tennessee, their intended location. James and Jediah had been there before. On their arrival there, they were much dissatisfied with the country. Everything was strange. The dialect of the people was a jargon highly tainted with the native tongue of the African slave. The roads were mostly mere bridle paths, and frequently .................::_::c:.~.........................~il:.::::::.:~~:~..........~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~:......................-:::::'::::':::::::: j:~::, i: i~:~~x: -: -:-:::::~~::'1:-:j::::.::::-:':~:::::: ~ ~ ~......... ~~i ~~-.~~~\- ~~~~:.-~:~:~: ~:::~::~:-::~::-::: ~ ~ ~ ~.................;i::~:i~-:i-:::::3ki~~~ii~~BII;~~~:i'::~~~~i-~~~:j j~~~,-jil-j:-il::::....................:::::~~:~:li~::_~::~ ~~: ~.........................~:::~;:~........................i~::::::::-:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..... ii ~~~~~~~~~~~:::::r;~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~........,~ l~~~~l~iiij:~':li: iili::'-:~ii:::::l'i-iil':i~ii: ii:,~iiii........ ----............._-: -.................: us~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~cki~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~....: i-il-l~~~~~~~~~~i-i~~~~~i~~iiiii~~~~~~~iii~~~~~iiiiiiiliiilii ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~......::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~~~.................. P' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~....... T::::: c ri~~~~~8i~ii~~i~ilii~~iiiiiiiili........................... -...........~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s~is:i:ii::::-:::: -:a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~....'~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~:::: ~'...................................................................~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~-~s CHAUTAUQUA. 265 interrupted by the gates of the planters. Their houses and the huts of the slaves were built without reference to the highways, but usually on some small stream or near a spring of water. More than all these, the schoolhouse, the pride of the North, was seldom or never seen in the country; and, with few exceptions, ignorance seemed the everlasting heritage of the people. Under these circumstances, it was wisdom to pause and consider. Slavery was extremely hateful to the entire company. These parents could never consent to rear their families amid the darkness of ignorance and.slavery. The family, before starting, had pledged themselves to settle together; but a majority declared they would not settle there, but would return to the North. Bemus, William, and some others, declared they would go back, even if the rest remained. All finally turned back in their wagons, through Kentucky, Ohio, and Western Pennsylvania, and arrived at Erie about the last of September, 1805. Here they resolved to settle in Chautauqua. Wm. Prendergast, Sr., had from the first desired to emigrate to Canada; but his sons were unwilling, choosing to remain in the States. Bemus and Thomas Prendergast had, in 1804, been about Chautauqua lake, and were pleased with the country; but Jediah had urged the family to go to Tennessee. There being but few settlers in Chautauqua, and a lack of provisions, the company went to Canada to winter, except Bemus and Thomas Prendergast, who remained. Thomas bought of Josiah Farnsworth, the land on which he lived until his death, and lately occupied and still owned by the heirs of his son, Stephen Prendergast, in Ripley. Wm. Bemus located on the east side of Chautauqua lake, but lived, during the winter, in a log house near Arthur Bell's, now in the town of Westfield. In March, i806, James and William, Jr., returned from Canada, through Batavia, where they contracted, at the land-office, for a tract of land, for the family, on the west side of the lake, erected a log house, and made other preparations for the family, who returned in June, except Jediah, who, being a physician, remained and practiced his profession for several years, and returned to Chautauqua. James and William, both unmarried, lived with their father until fall, when James, not disposed to remain here, returned to Pittstown. Their money, of which they had a considerable amount, was in specie. They were what was in those days considered wealthy. The father was about 78 years of age when they left Pittstown, in 1805, but was yet hale and healthy. He was a man of energy and perseverance, and determined to keep his family together by emigration, as all would not stay in Pittstown. "I had often," says Judge Foote, "heard Judge James Prendergast speak of the tour here described; and in July, 1857, I called on Col. William, the only surviving son, who related the journey to me; and I make this statement from the notes I took from his own lips: and it is believed to be substantially correct. They were a clannish family, of similar habits-industrious, frugal, plain livers, honest, and apparently agreed in almost everything, and prosperous. Their society was, of choice, much among themselves." 266 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. When the family went to the South, Wm. Prendergast took with him a pair of very fine horses and a handsome carriage, for which he was offered a plantation of a thousand acres, but which he refused. He drove the horses and carriage back from the South to Chautauqua. This was the first carriage ever brought to this county, and probably the first in Western New York. Probably no other early settler brought into the county a larger amount of money. It was specie, and put up in boxes, which were in the bottom of a wagon. One day, whether on the way South, or on their return northward, we are not informed, one man of the party, while walking leisurely behind the train, luckily found, every few rods, a number of silver dollars, and called the attention of the company to his good luck. It was soon discovered, that one of the boxes containing their money had started its fastenings sufficiently to allow the escape of a dollar or two nearly every time the wagon careened at the obstructions in the road. The lands bought by the Prendergast families comprised most of those lying east of the two west tiers of lots of the township to the lake; and from the south line of the township, [3, range 13,] north to within 2 miles of Mayville. From a plat of the township made from the Holland Land Company's surveys, the lands owned by them respectively were as follows: Wm. Prendergast, Sr., parts of lots 26, 27 and 31-433 acres. The sons and daughters: John J., [who never resided in this county,] lots 21 and 23-615 acres. Matthew, part of lot 22-270 acres. Martin, part of lot 30-220 acres. Elizabeth, part of lot 31-200 acres. Susanna, widow of Oliver Whiteside, parts of lots 24 and 32-360 acres. Jediah, parts of lots 34 and 39-350 acres. William, Jr., owned and lived on the homestead of his father, after his father's death. These lands amount, in the aggregate, to 3,IIO acres. Besides these, there is set to Wm. Prendergast, 2d, son of Matthew, part of lot 25-227 acres, now owned by his son Martin. In the south-east part of the town, in township 3, r. I3, Richard Whitney was an early settler on lot 21, adjoining Harmony line and the lake, where he died. He had 3 sons, Henry, Thomas, and Richard, who resides on the old farm. Alonzo, son of Thomas, and Alexander H., son of Henry, reside on the same lot. Norman H., son of Thomas, resides at Mayville. Thomas was several years a justice of the peace. Richard had 6 sons: Clark, deceased; George, a physician at Jamestown; Andrew, deceased; William, captain of the steamboat Col. Phillips; Thomas, a physician at Frewsburgh. Wm. Prendergast, son of Matthew, practiced medicine in Mayville and Jamestown a number of years, and settled on lot 25, where his son Martin resides. Jared Irwin settled on lot 25, the farm now owned by John, son of Martin Prendergast. His sons, Edwin, George, and Matthew P., reside in town. Ichabod Wing settled about 1822 on lot 36, with a number of sons, of whom Wm. S. subsequently settled on the same lot, and Samuel B. on lot 35. Samuel and Ichabod, Jr., reside in the town. William Hunt settled in I816 on lot 29. [See sketch.] David Morris settled on lot 38, where he CHAUTAUQUA. 267 died. His sons were: John B., in Ripley; Lorenzo, a lawyer in Fredonia; Thomas and Edwin, deceased; and Phineas J. Samuel Porter, on lot 42, bought in 1815, where he resided until his death. A daughter married Robert P. Hewes, and resides on the homestead. Ephraim Hammond settled early on lot 44; removed to Mayville, where he died. A son, Thomas, is of the firm of Warren & Hammond, proprietors of the Chautauqua Lake Mills. Robert Lawson settled lately on lot 42. He has two sons: Sidney R., dealer in boots and shoes, in Mayville, and the present supervisor of the town; and Joseph, on the farm. In the soulz/ part of tp. 4, r. 14, on the west side of the lake, Alfred Paddock was an early settler on lot I, tp. 4; the land now owned by his sons Erie and Charles, and Ezra Smith. Daniel Adams settled on lot 2, where he now resides. Robert Donaldson, on lot 3, r. 14; has two sons living with him. Palta Sweatland also settled on lot 3; the land now owned by Jonas A. Lathrop, Horace Sweatland, and Robert Donaldson. Dennis Hart and Ava Hart, from Conn., settled on lot I 7 on the south line of the town,.where they still reside. Samuel Hustis settled on lot 25, adjoining the south line, where he now resides. William Fowler settled on lot 35, adjoining the line of Westfield. His widow and son reside on the farm. In the south-west part of the' town, Jacob Putnam, from Pawlet, Vt., about 1832, settled on Chautauqua creek, lot 36. He had a large family. Of his sons, five came: Jacob, deceased; Ransom, who died in the late war; Amos and John, residing in Chautauqua, the latter a builder in Mayville; and George W., who settled on the west side of the creek, in Westfield. Two of his daughters have been successively married to Caleb Benson, on lot 44, in Westfield, tp. 3, r. 14; the latter wife still living. In the northz part of this township, Joseph Davis settled on lot 23. He had several sons, one of whom, Sanford Williams Davis, owns a part of the farm. East side of the lake, in tp. 3, r. I3, Peter Barnhart settled on lot I8, which he bought in i805. His sons Jonathan, Peter, and Henry, also settled in the town. Peter, Jr.'s sons, William and Hiram, live at Hartfield; and Henry W., another son, is in Michigan. Peter, Jr., had daughters, Elizan and Malvina, both deceased. The father married, in I813, Amy Waterbury, the mother of these children, who died in I824. After her death, he married Sally Herrick, whose children are: Mary, Jackson, Royal, Maria, Warren, Eliza, Arthur, and Alson; nearly all of them living in Iowa. Mr. Barnhart has lived with his present wife 51 years, and is now 87 years of age. Nathan Cheney and his brother Daniel came to Chautauqua Co., with their father, in I807, and after a residence elsewhere in the county, they settled on lot 13, tp. 3, r. 13. Daniel died there a few years ago. Nathan still resides on his part of the land. [See family of Jonathan Cheney in History of Harmony.] Darius Scofield settled early at Dewittville, where he resided until his 268 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. death. His sons were: Seeley and Darius, both of whom have been justices of the peace; Gleni W., of Warren, Pa.; is a lawyer, and has been for several terms a representative in Congress; Benjamin F., editor and postmaster at Painesvil:e, O.; Timothy Bryant, a lawyer, and is connected with railroad business. John Mason came to Chautauqua early, and finally settled at Dewittville, on the lot originally bought by Filer Sackett, in 1805, where he now resides. He married Maria, daughter of Capt. Anson Leet. Their children are: Arion, unmarried, with his father; George, at Waterloo, Ia.; Julia Ann, wife of Simeon Brownell, Ellery; and John, married, also with his father. In the south-east part of township 4, range 13, John Miles, about I8Io, with a large family, settled on lot 9, near the east line of the town. His sons were: Rand, Orrin, Corey, Daniel, and Ammi, all of whom settled in the neighborhood; only Daniel and Ammi are living, and reside in the town. Arnon, another son, was killed by a log rolling over him. John, son of Ammi, owns the homestead of his grandfather. Philo Hopson, from Herkimer Co., settled about a mile north of Hartfield, on land bought in I809. His sons, Iyman, Linus, and Stephen, settled and died in the township; Harry and Philo removed to the south with their father. Philo, Sr., and Wm. Bateman early built a saw-mill at Hartfield. Zaccheus Hanchett settled on lot 28. His son Ambrose lives near Hartfield. Dexter Barnes, a noted axe-maker, settled early in Stockton; afterwards removed to Hartfield, where he died. He had 3 sons: Hiram and Perry, who reside in Mayville; and Loman, not living. Darius Dexter, from Herkimer Co., came to this county in the spring of i808, and took the job of Mr. Ellicott, to cut and clear out a mile and a half of the road from the head of Chautauqua lake through the village of Mayville towards Westfield. He cut 6 rods wide and cleared 3 rods; and also cleared off the Public Square. He returned to the East in the fall, and came back the next spring, with a wife; and, in the fall, purchased a part of lot 20, tp. 4, r. I3, in the town of Chautauqua, about 4 miles north-east from Mayville; other parts of the lot being taken by Wm. Dexter and John W. Winsor, at the same time. Mr. Dexter served in the war of 18I2, under Capt. John Silsby; and since the war attained the office of colonel. He removed to Perry, Pike Co., Ill. The brothers of Darius Dexter were: John, William, Daniel, Winsor, Otis, Samuel, George, and Stephen. All, it is believed, came to the county with Darius in i809, and within a few years after, Samuel articled lot 17, tp. 4, r. I3^ Sept., I809. John and Darius each "booked" a village lot in Mayville; but it does not. appear that they were paid for. John was an early clerk of the county, which office he held, at different times, for 13 years. He and Darius had a store and ashery at Dewittville. They removed about I830, to the east part of Jamestown, and built mills; the place taking the name of Dexterville. John removed to Wisconsin; Darius to Illinois. He served in the war of 1812, and was at the battle of Black Rock. CHAUTAUQUA. 269 Jonathan Thompson came from Saratoga Co. to Mayville in 181o, and was appointed, in I8rI, as one of the first associate judges of the county. He removed, in I8I4, to the state of Pennsylvania, near the New York state line, having bought John Meddock's farm, adjoining that of John Russell. He died there of consumption, leaving a widow and a large family of children. The widow was living in I864; but nearly all of the children had died of the same disease as that of their father. The first town-meeting in Chautauqua was held at the Cross Roads, [now Westfield,] April 2, 1805. The following are the names of officers elected: Supervisor-John McMahan. Town Clerk-James Montgomery. Assessors-James McMahan, Benj. Barrett, Wm. Alexander. Com'rs of Highways —Thomas McClintock, James Dunn, Arthur Bell. Constable-John Lyon. Fence Viewer-James Perry. Overseers of Poor-Zattu Cushing, Abraham Frederick. Poundmaster-David Kinkaid. Overseers of Highways-Orsamus Holmes, Peter Kane, Samuel Harrison. The proceedings of the town-meeting in I805, were rendered of no effect by a mistake in the name of the town; and the appointment of officers devolved upon three justices of the peace, who appointed the same persons to the offices to which they had been elected, except Zattu Cushing, in whose place Orsamus Holmes was appointed. Mr. Cushing was appointed as an additional fence viewer. The mistake was in the spelling of the name of the town, " Chataughque." A justice who resided beyond Buffalo came and administered the oaths of office to the first town officers. Justices of the peace were then appointed by a council of appointment, composed of a senator from each of the four senate districts, and the governor. In'8o6, the town-meeting was held at Canadaway, [now Fredonia.] The following are the names of the persons elected: Supervisor-John McMahan. Town Clerk-James Montgomery. Assessors-William Alexander, Joho S. Bellows, Thomas Prendergast. Com'rs of Highways-James Dunn, Abraham Frederick, Thomas McClintock. Collector-John Lyon. Constables-Abner Holmes, Andrew Spear. Poundmasters-Thomas McClintock, Abraham Frederick. Fence Viewers-David Eason, George Whitehill, Basil Burgess. Voted, that two pounds be erected, 24 feet square, 7 feet high; fence viewers to have the same compensation as constable, 6 pence for each mile, and one shilling for each view; a lawful fence to be made of good materials, 42 feet high, and for the height of 2 feet to be only 4 inches between rails or logs. In 1814, was the first election of school officers under the act establishing a school system. John E. Marshall and Henry P. Sartwell were elected inspectors of common schools. It was voted to raise in the town double the amount received from the state fund. In August following, the town of Chautauqua was divided into school districts, by Abijah Bennett, Anselm Potter, and Reuben Slayton, commissioners. 270 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. We find on the record the following " Certificate of Freedom:" "Chautauqua, April 28, 1814. To whom it may concern: This may certify that Wm. Harris, of the county and town above mentioned, aged 47 years, about 5 ft. 7 in. high, of a black complexion, born of free parents in the state of Rhode Island, town of Scituate, hath made before me such proof of his freedom, that I am fully convinced of his freedom, as to the pretense of any person to the contrary notwithstanding. "Given under my hand, MATTHEW PRENDERGAST, "One of the judges of the court of common pleas of said county. "Recorded April 29, I814. J. DEXTER, town clerk." Supervisors from 1805 to i875. John McMahan, I805-6-7. Arthur Bell, I808. Thomas Prendergast, 1809,'14. Matthew Prendergast, i8io,'ii. Samuel Ayres, I8I2. John Scott, 1813. John E. Marshall, 8 T4. Martin Prendergast, 8 I5,'i6, 1819 to 1833-17 years, [probably i8 years, the records of 1818 being missing.] John Dexter, I817. Jabez B. Burrows, I834 to'36-3 years. Wm. Prendergast, 1837 to'39. Alva Cottrell, 1840;'41,'46. DexterBarnes, 1842. Cyrus Underwood, 1843,'44. Wm. Green, I845. Willard W. Crafts, 1847,'48,'53. Martin Prendergast, son of Dr. William Prendergast, I849, and i86I to'64. Stephen W. Hunt, I850,'51. Hiram A. Pratt, 1852. David Woods, 1854,'55. John Birdsall, I856,'57. Wm. Gifford, 1858,'59. Milton G. Freeman, x860. Daniel H. Hughes, 1865. Wm. P. Whiteside, I866. Matthew P. Bemus, 1867 to'72-5 years. John Birdsall, I873,'74. Sidney R. Lawson, I875. BIOGRAPHICAL AND GENEALOGICAL. MATTHEW P. BEMUS, a son of Charles Bemus, was born in Ellery, Jan. 4, I8i8. He came to Mayville in 183i, and served as clerk for Morris Birdsall in the mercantile business. In connection with Robertson Whiteside, he bought out the interest of Birdsall in the business; and afterwards sold out his interest to Whiteside. At the age of 22, he was appointed, by the board of supervisors, county treasurer, and held the office by reappointment 7 years. In 1845, he was elected county clerk, in which office he served from Jan. I, 1847, for the term of three years. For five successive years, i868 to 1872, he was member of assembly. About the year 1852, he and Wm. P. Whiteside built the Chautauqua Mills, now the property of Warren & Hammond. He took an active part in obtaining the grant for the Cross Cut Railroad, and held at different times the offices of treasurer and president of the company. He also built, and for a time kept, the Chautauqua House. He was married to Elizabeth M. Walter, who was born April 9, i822. They have three children: Robertson W., who married Mary Parkhurst; Helen, wife of Dr. Reynolds Curtis; Francis R., wife of Silas W. Bond. All reside in Mayville. JOHN BIRDSALL, son of Morris Birdsall, was born in Chenango Co., N. Y. He studied law with his uncle, James Birdsall, at Norwich, and was, at a very early age, admitted to practice. In 1826, then residing at Lockport, ---------—: _ —" r"== == —I —----— B~i - ----------— = =`=-=L —~-~i ~ _~:l_:___:: -------- -— ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~r -~..... -- ------- - - --- ---------------- 4 4~~~~4,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..: aja NN4.:..:NZ~ 7 ~.4 Allen. MIN ~ ~ - ~ ~~44*. CHAUTAUQUA. 271 he was appointed by Gov. De Witt Clinton circuit judge of the eighth district. A year or two after, he was married to Ann Whiteside, and became a resident of Mayville. In 1831, he represented this county in the assembly. He represented this district in the senate in 1832 and 1833; and in 1834 he resigned the office. His wife died in 1833; and in I836 he was married to Sarah Peacock. In 1837, he went to Texas, and was appointed chief justice of that republic, by its president, Sam Houston, by whom also he was appointed attorney-general of the state, which position he occupied at the time of his death, in 1839. His son John, now residing at Mayville, was born August 21, 1828; married, in 1855, Emeline P. Cottrell, and had 2 children, William P. and Francis A. He married for his second wife, in i860, Sarah M. Cottrell, and had, by her, 2 children, Anna W. and John C. JESSE BROOKS, frorm Windham Co., Conn., first to Albany, N. Y., and thence to Madison Co., removed to Mayville, in 1824, and commenced the mercantile business, in which he was engaged for several years. He was for 20 years a justice of the peace, and succeeded Jedediah Tracy as postmaster, which office he held, at different times, 20 years. His sons were: Asahel Lyon, in Ill.; Walter Rollin, residence, writer not informed; Charles, in Canada; Ogden, in Wis.; and Merrett, in Buffalo. He has 2 daughters living: Adalaide, wife of Morse Smith, lawyer, Danbury, Conn.; and Emeline, wife of Daniel Garnsey, Muskegon, Mich. WILLIAM GIFFORD, from Washington Co., settled in the south part of Ellery, in 1825, where he was engaged for a few years in farming and in the lumbering business, and then removed to Busti. A few years after, in 1833, he was appointed keeper of the poor-house, in which office he continued 8 years; and in 1841 he removed to Mayville, where he now resides. His sons are: Edson, who married, first, Martha Wing; second, Lydia Whipple; third, [name not furnished.] He resides in Illinois. Horace, who married Rhoda A. Stearns, and is the owner of the Gifford House, and a partner in the cane-seat manufacturing business, in Jamestown; George W., who married C. Maria Farwell, and is a banker, in Mayville; Joseph C., who married Rachel R. Messenger, and is a dentist, in Westfield; and James, whQ married Ann M. Preston, and died at Waterford, Erie Co., Pa. WILLIAM GREEN, a native of Springfield, Otsego Co., came in 1824, to Mayville, where he still resides. He was for many years a clerk in the landoffice in this place, and had previously served in that capacity in the landoffices in Batavia and Ellicottville. He was subsequently admitted to the practice of law, and has been a justice of the peace continuously to the present time, during a period of 25 years. He had 8 sons, of whom 5 are living. Franklin and George reside in town; Jefferson, in California; Otto, in Washington; and Anson W., in North-east, Pa. A daughter, Mary Louisa, is the wife of Dr. Wm. Chase. OMAR FARWELL, son of Samuel Farwell, was born in 1799, at Westminster, Vt., and was married in 1827, to Fanny Shepard, and came to Mayville in 1828, bringing with him a stock of leather which he sold. He 272 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. engaged in the tanning business, having rented a tannery of Adam Campbell, in which he continued the business for two or three years. He soon after erected a tannery for himself, and established a store for the sale of its products. He died October i, 1872. He had 4 children: i. C. Maria, wife of George Gifford, and resides at Mayville. 2. Frances C., who married Charles Underwood, and died in December, 1874. 3. H. Louise, who married Frank Green, and resides at Mayville. 4. Omar S., who married Lizzie Ferguson, and lives at Mayville. OLIVER HITCHCOCK, from Washington Co., N. Y., came to Ripley in I8I4. In i816 he settled on the west side of the lake, near Fair Point, and resided in the county until his death. He died in Ellicott in 1864. He was for many years a member of the Methodist church, maintaining throughout an exemplary Christian character. He was married to Elvacinda Hunt, daughter of Wm. Hunt. Their children were: i. Eunicy, who died at 7. 2. William, who married Maria Gosline; resides in Ripley, and has 2 children, Clementine J. and George W. 3. Emery R., who died at 4, by falling into a cistern. 4. Corydon. [See History of Jamestown.] WILLIAM T. HOWELL, a native of New Haven, Conn., came from Greene Co., N. Y., to Mayville in I8I6, and bought part of lot 41, tp. 4, r. I3, on which he settled, one mile north-east from Mayville, where he resided till his death, Jan., 1872. His ancestors were among the first immigrants from England. They resided for a time on Long Island, but removed to Connecticut, where Mr. Howell was born, Feb. ii, 1788. He held the office of coroner in this county. He was several times elected county superintendent of the poor. [See Official Register.] He had 9 children, of whom 8 reached mature age. They were: Austin T., Arietta, Ann C., Antoinette C., Angeline M., William T. A., James H., and Mary. All were married except Angeline. Of the three sons, Austin T. resides in Westfield; William and James, on the farm of their father. Of the daughters, Arietta, who was married and is deceased; Ann, wife of Cyrus Underwood; Antoinette, wife of John S. Bemus; Mary, wife of James Griffith. The three daughters living reside in Ellery. WILLIAM HUNT, a native of Dutchess Co., removed from WashingtonCo. to Chautauqua, and settled on lot 29, tp. 3, contiguous to the lake, where he resided until he died in 1845, aged 77 years. His lands were those now owned and occupied by his sons, Stephen W. and James M. He had 9 children, all of whom attained mature age and had families. i. Elvacinda, who married Oliver Hitchcock. [See Sketch.] 2. Eunicy, wife of Walter Cornell, both deceased. He had been a member of assembly from Washington Co. She died at Mayville, aged 80. 3. Cornelius, who married Maria Smith and had 5 children, of whom two only are living, Cornelius and Catharine, both in Michigan. 4. Samuel, who married Mary Prendergast, and died in Ripley; had 3 children, William, Maria, and Eliza; both daughters were successively the wives of Dr. Simeon Collins, of Ripley. William also died there. Eliza only is living. 5. Abigail, who married Anson Hunt, "i"is~ S"i-':,Ic.''~;l:ii::::;T::r::;.r*Eiz"L"S ~ni~- ~':~::~:~ ~~~:.;:: ~::::::'~i:R,/::i:~i:);Yi':"..' ,: ~::,~'-li`:::~~.~::~ ~C'~'' hg'i;~:"'iL: c "~:~~~i:-::':::,ice,x:: ~j ~SPj::;:il::r.~~ii3~i::::il'::::::::::::::I:::I::~:: U? ~'?:l~:r':';'' ~~:::::-~:::: 1.:::::.:::1~~~::~:::::::::::.::Y)::'::"':':~,:I::~I:~./::l:j~i:i;::::::. iiL~:;i:r:e~~:r;~~:.i~i~:l.i-i.':c:~~ ~:~::::.-:::.~~~::::::!.~2,:;:~~~~~ —:~:~,:~:i-;I:,: ~:;'::':::~:':;::,-:i:i I:::~~:~:: ii. i il~j:,:~~'-,~ ~~.I~:~::,:~::~:~~:~!::Y~.6::::::::::i~:i:~.::: ~ ~~ n;n.:; r:~:io X1~. ~:: ~::3 .~:G~r~~-j::.::::::i-:::::.;: 3 s I11 Ch. —:X it "'::::';: ii::::::::::Y:::i::::~::::~'~r'..': ~:.:::::'.'~.:~~ir; ~:/:: bi':::\-:::::::- ~~:::~:-~~:::':: ~ ~~~~~~:~:~:::: ~'~' F?:I:::~:-:-:~~,::::::~: ~~~~il;:~~1':':?"~: ~:~~::~::1:::::~ ~;:','a~-:i,,,,,,:, r~ "::-:::::-:::::::::i-:-:l:::::i~ _:, y ~~'8-;13r:''::?~& r;y:~~;:,:,:: ~~:::::::~: ?:: ~jl::::I:,~::::: I ~:~:. i'~ ~~-~:.:::.~:.~~ ~~.1: ~~ _:i ~~'~~::~::r ~~-~..i~y:~';~~:~~::::':~ ~'~::.::::~~~: ~~:~~~~:~:::-:::2~.~: ~.:e~:~~:::,~:r,,:;~ ~'::::''::r:':I::'-::'j;-::,~::::::::::::::'~.;:~:~i:'-~':. ~::?:f:::::::~:i:I:i:~i:;:~.:Az-~"~i::.:':'~::::::;: c ~ E~;:,:rp:":l'~: "-!s::::ii~r:.:::::;:'.,~': eii2 i;~;Y fi:i~~"iii:za:r i:~~(r, -ix.,.i:i: T1;GR:l:::: -r~:~:: r:w C::?:::':i:':l.~jj::::: ii,::z:"i ::;::I::~:.' r-.:~,,riL,:~.aiXiai "" ,;n=:iti::27:-l:h~::~ l~T)2*: i I.";)''i'L~:-9~:-:01~:~: ~~.::. r~ih:c, iar*:: r:::::rr 1__;;*_:~I~`~~:~:~~.~,::~:::~:$,::..;::~:::.::I:::::;':,::~~i~:.~:.i~:i;l~;:: In~:::-,n;:::::::i:: ~:::~::::::: :ti::gi:l~':9:,:j;:;l::;:.r:~,:::::~ cr r' I:: I~;:::,:~:.r:l:~.::.~:~~ ~~~:~.:::~: I:,6~;~,:~~;~::1,:~'~:~::;::: ~ k2j' cj, i~,i:*::::::::':::~::~,j:::;"ri~-'~:~;':::::~~.~:: :~ 0.: ~:if~ ~: ~:~ "::II,:I:;:......:.:,.:,.:.,..,:..~:. Z'rYi i:S-:.-" "i c -~ *xl 1: - 4 * *('Q:: CHAUTAUQUA. 273 and had a daughter-all deceased. 6. Elzaide, wife of John Scott, a Methodist preacher, who finally settled in Gerry, where both died. They had 5 children, of whom three are living, and reside in Gerry. 7. Stephen W., who married Martha Erwin; their children are: Mary Jane, wife of Sidney R. Lawson, present supervisor of this town; and William, married, and resides on the farm with his father. 8. Pamelia, who married Walter Loomis, of Ripley. 9. James A., who married Rhoda Ann Hewes, and has two children, J. Franklin and Antoinette, both at home, unmarried. Mrs. Hunt died in October, 1872. Stephen W. and James M. and their families dwelt with their parents, in the same house; and the sons continued together, enjoying ~the property in common until 1872, when they amicably divided the estate. ANSON LEET, a native of Guilford, Conn., was born in 1777, and was a descendant of William Leet, the first governor of the Connecticut colony, commissioned by the king of England. The father of Anson Ltet was killed in the Revolutionary war. Anson, after his marriage, removed to Herkimer Co.; thence to Stockton about 18Io; and in 1814, he settled permanently on lot I7, tp. 3, r. 13, on the east side of and near the lake, where his son William resides, and where he resided till his death, June 25, I843. He was married in Conn., in I799, to Abigail Dudley, who was born in 1780, and is still living at the age of 95. They had i r children: I. Jonathan D., who married Lucy Hanchett, and resides in Westfield. 2. Simeon, who married Harriet Weed, and lives in Ellery. 3. Timothy, who married Cynthia Kennedy, and died Dec., I836; his widow lives at Dewittville. 4. Lewis, who married Mary Thumb, and resides in Ellington. 5. Eliza, wife of Nehemiah Herrick, in Jamestown. 6. Caroline, wife of Wm. Vorce, of Westfield. 7. Maria, wife of John Mason, of Dewittville. 8. Franklin, who married, first, Sally Sumner; second, Louisa Jones; lives near the homestead, and has been for many years, and is at present, a justice of the peace. 9. Wiilfiam, who resides on the homestead of his father, where he was born June 24, I8I8. He was married, first, to Eliza Strang, who had a son, Anson G., who lives in Portland; married, second, Harriet Belden, who has 2 sons and 2 daughters. He was elected county treasurer, in I859, and served the constitutional term of three years. ro. l/ary, who married Henry W. Barnhart, Kalamazoo, Mich. 1. Julia Ann, who died in infancy. MORROW B. LOWRY was born in Mayville, March 6, I813. He was a son of Morrow Lowry, whose mother, with her two sons, emigrated to America from the north of Ireland, in I787. At the age of three, the father of Morrow B. removed to near Meadville, Pa. Here, where the country was then new and educational advantages limited, the son received all the school instruction he ever enjoyed. After the death of his mother, he was put to a trade; but not liking it, he engaged as clerk for his cousin, Hugh W. Lowry, of North-east. A few years after, he went to Buffalo, where, through the kindness of Mr. Rathbun, he obtained employment. At the age of I9, aided by friends whose confidence he had gained, he returned to Crawford Co., i8 274 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Pa., with a very large stock of goods, and located at Powerstown, [now Conneautville,] where he laid the foundation of a successful business. Mr. Lowry took a lively interest in political affairs. He represented his county in state conventions. In 1841, he was elected by the democratic party to the legislature; and was elected for a second term. He was active in the effort to settle the still disputed land claims of the early settlers, and in passing a bill to abolish the Nicholson court; also in aiding to secure the completion of the Erie Extension canal, and the payment of the domestic creditors of the state. In 1851, he removed to Erie, where he was engaged in active business until the fall of [859. Mr. Lowry's antislavery principles made him an early supporter of the "Wilmot proviso;" and his sympathies were naturally awakened in behalf of the cause of freedom in Kansas; and he went to Virginia to visit his friend John Brown, in prison. ~ In I86I, he was elected to represent Erie and Crawford counties in the state senate, and was, by reelections, continued in that office for 9 years. He was a firm supporter of the republican party and of the administration in its efforts to quell the rebellion; though he afterwards differed from most of his coadjutors upon the question of reconstruction, and other measures of the republican party. During the last year of his senatorial term, he was stricken with paralysis, from which he has never fully recovered. He was married in Tompkins Co., to Sarah Ann Fletcher, May I2, I834. Dr. JOHN ELLIS MARSHALL, the only child of Thomas and Sarah Edgerton Marshall, was born in Norwich, Conn., March i8, I785. His mother dying in his infancy, he was adopted by Daniel Ellis, of Franklin, Conn., and educated by him as his son. He was lineally descended from Wm. Hyde, John Post, Richard Edgerton, and Francis Griswold, four of the original proprietors of Norwich. He was a pupil of the Rev. Samuel Nott, of Franklin, having as fellow-students, Eliphalet Nott, subsequently president of Union College, and John Tracy, afterwards.lieut.-governor of this state. At the age of twenty, he commenced the study of medicine with Dr. Philemon Tracy, of Norwich, under whose careful instruction he enjoyed peculiar advantages; and he attributed to Dr. Tracy's assistance and teachings, much of the success he attained in his profession. According to the testimony of a fellowstudent, since a distinguished physician in Ohio, young Marshall was thorough in his medical studies, was gifted with a sound judgment and a discriminating mind; and, by his diligent application to study, he laid broad and deep the foundation for his future eminence. He was licensed to practice by the Connecticut Medical Society the 3d day of August, i808; and soon after left for the West, and took up his residence in Oxford, N. Y., where he opened his first office. Not satisfied with his location, he removed in October, the next year, to Mayville, where he practiced his profession, for several years, with marked success. On the 9th of February, 181i, he was commissioned by Gov. Tompkins as clerk of Chautauqua county at the time of its organization. On the 2oth of September, I8io, he married Ruth Holmes, daughter of Orsamus Holmes, ::::::::::::::.:::::::::::-:::_::::::::: —-:_:::::::::j:::. -::.-:-: -~;; —-;;;;;-;;;;;-r-- 7,i;;;=;;== 7iv::e:1~~::: ~::-::::-:j:::::::::::::::: -:1 —;8 l'j ----:::-:::: ~paar~rr;i~,i',_I-.-:;i'i.88::-::::::: -:::-:::::: :::-:::::::::.::::_:-::j:-:2~;:: —:,.-;.-;IJ-=r —::::::::::::::::: -.~:rz~ 6 r: i:a ~~i,:::.sr::::::i-:i:sc ::::::::-:-::::::-:i-i I- estl:j': -- ~`::::::: !j:-_ _i:::::::::,:.;_I BOg'r;-i:u, i~:;~~;:.~:~::~,:~1~a.::,-i -~: —-i-.-ii 5 -ii —. L I Jj CHAUTAUQUA. 275 of Sheridan. Mrs. Marshall is still living at the age of 85, and resides with her son, 0. H. Marshall, of Buffalo. On the I5th of April,'I8I2, Dr. Marshall was appointed surgeon to the second regiment of the New York state militia. On the 20th of December, 1813, he was ordered to join his regiment at Buffalo, and served five months on the Niagara frontier, when his regiment was disbanded. He again took the field on the 1st of August, 1814, his regiment being encamped near Buffalo, where he remained during the remainder of the season. The fevers, diarrhoeas, and other diseases which prevailed in the army, crowded the hospitals, and devolved upon Dr. Marshall, as senior surgeon, arduous and responsible duties. His cares, exposures, and fatigue, seriously impaired his health, and rendered him an invalid during the remainder of his life. After the close of the war, Dr. Marshall continued the practice of his profession, and to discharge the duties of county clerk in Mayville, until March, 18I5, when he sought a more promising field for professional labor in the then rising village of Buffalo. He soon took the front rank among his professional brethren, and acquired a solid reputation as a physician and surgeon. On the 2d of March, I819, he was commissioned by Gov. Clinton, as clerk of Niagara county, which then embraced the present counties of Erie and Niagara, the duties of which he discharged until February I7, I821. On the 27th of March, I819, he was appointed, by Gov. Clinton, assistant hospital surgeon of the 5th brigade of New York state infantry, and reappointed to the same position by the same governor, July I2, I826. He subsequently received the honorary appointments as a corresponding Fellow of the Medicine and Philosophical Society of New York city, and as an honorary member of'the Medical Society of Geneva College. For many years he was a member of the masonic fraternity, and, in 18I9, rose to mark master mason. During the prevalence of the cholera, in 1832, when Buffalo was particularly exposed to its invasion, and when little was known of its treatment, Dr. Marshall was appointed health physician by the common council of the city. The duties of this position were of the most arduous and responsible character. No vessels or canal boats were permitted to enter the city, without the certificate of the health physician. Those approaching in the night were detained until daylight at the mouth of Buffalo creek, or in Black Rock harbor. This required his attendance at these ports at daybreak. These fatiguing duties were performed with great efficiency, in addition to his large private practice, which left him scarcely an opportunity for rest. While in the full vigor of his intellect, in the midst of a wide and successful practice, Dr. Marshall was attacked with pleurisy, on Saturday, the 22d of December, I838, and after a severe illness, died on the following Thursday. His medical brethren paid a just tribute to his professional talents and worth, and respect for his memory; and the Rev. Dr. Hopkins, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, of which Dr. Marshall had long been a ruling elder, preached to a crowded audience, his funeral sermon, in which his exemplary life and Christian virtues were eloquently portrayed. 276 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. DONALD MCKENZIE was among the most prominent citizens of Chautauqua county. He became a citizen, not by the " accident of birth," but of his own choice; renouncing all other allegiance, he made this, Our Country, his; and on its altars swore fidelity to its constitution and laws, and ever kept that oath inviolate. He was born in Scotland, June i6, 1783, and his ancestry was among the noblest in the kingdom. We have before us his lineage traced back through lairds, sirs, baronets, and earls, for many generations. The tombstone of a remote ancestor is yet standing, bearing an inscription in Gaelic or Irish characters, which, translated into English, is: Here lies Murdock McKenzie, son of the Baron of Kentail, who died on the twelfth of January, MCCCLXXXI, [I381.] In March, I80o, before he had attained his majority, Donald McKenzie left his Scottish home and went to Canada, where he had relatives living, and was there engaged for eight years in the fur trade with the North-west Fur Company. In I809, he became one of John Jacob Astor's partners in the fur trade he was then establishing at the mouth of the Columbia river, on the Pacific. Mr. McKenzie, Wilson P. Hunt and party took the overland route from St. Louis to that point, where Mr. McKenzie remained until after the war with England in I812, and the treacherous surrender of the post by McDougall. By his influence everything possible was saved to the Company and converted into money. Having obtained, through his Canadian relatives, a pass through the then hostile territory of Canada, he conveyed his treasures safely through the long and savage wilderness, and by way of Canada to New York, and delivered them in person to Mr. Astor. After this he exerted himself to secure for the United States the exclusive trade of Oregon and the territories bordering on the Pacific; but after a long negotiation, through Mr. Astor, with Madison, Gallatin, etc., it was abandoned. In March, 1821, he joined the Hudson's Bay Company, and was appointed one of the council and chief factor, and had his headquarters at Fort Garry, in the Red river settlement. Here, on the I8th of August, 1825, he married Adelgonda Humbert Droz, whose father, Alphonso Humbert Droz, had lately arrived in the settlement with his family, from the canton Berne in Switzerland, specially commended to the friendly offices of Count Selkirk, the principal personage of the settlement. Soon after his marriage, Mr. McKenzie was appointed governor of the Hudson's Bay Company by the British crown, and retained that position until he left Fort Garry in 1832. In I833, he came to Mayville, where he lived until his death, on the 2oth of January, 185I. His widow and a large family of children survive him. Though revered and honored by all whose esteem was desirable, yet envy, like death, "loves a shining mark;" and out of the transactions at the mouth of the Columbia, he was assailed by a few who charged him with infidelity to Mr. Astor's interest. But Mr. Astor's letters to him show that he retained Mr. Astor's undiminished confidence. Sir Alexander Ross, in his published works, and also in his private letters to the widow of Mr. McKenzie, nobly and effectually vindicates his good name, fidelity, and honor. Mr. McKenzie's I-~:::I-`:::::.:.:,:i::i::~ ~;::~ir:~1:.~.-~~~i ~~~'~-,~::::.:::~1,I:jli ~:::~ rz-;I~ ::~;~~:~:~-;:_~~;;~.:`I- ni;:~-;~ Wli::c,s~:z;ti'~:'~x~;:~ m::-i:::s:I~I P n a~, :;:::: liel:::l::,:: pp. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r~~~~~~~~~:...... ~~~~~~~:: I~~~~~~;::;:: ~~, I b ~~~a::i:~.:::::~~:-:~i.:.:: ~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~....... ~.... ~ vat~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::;:i~j;Ill~l:::::~::~~..............'X....,Greg~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::~;: CHAUTAUQUA. 277 intellect was of a high order, his perception clear, his conclusions just; and he was seldom mistaken in his judgment of men or things. His life was a continued romance, full of startling adventures, bold deeds, deadly perils, and narrow escapes, the narration of which would fill volumes, and greatly exceed our allotted sphere. Mr. McKenzie had 6 sons and 7 daughters, all living, except a daughter, who died in childhood. WILLIAM A. MAYBORNE, son of William Mayborne, was born in England, Dec. i8, 1812, and emigrated with his father to this country in I824. He remained in the city of New York, at school, for two years, and then joined his father's family in Sherman, Chautauqua county. He was married, in 1835, to Mary Willing; and after a year's residence in Mina, he removed to Mayville, where he still resides. He was for years-from 1864 to I873county superintendent of the poor, and is at present United States postal agent on the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad. His children were: Helen, who died in 1862, aged 25; Elizabeth A., who died in infancy; and William Henry, who resides near Mayville. THOMAS A. OSBORNE was born at Hoosick Falls, N. Y., July I, i800, and removed in I82I from Troy to Fredonia; thence, in May, 1822, to Mayville, where he still resides. He was for several years a law partner of Jacob Houghton, at Fredonia and Mayville; and afterward a partner, successively, of John Birdsall and George A. Green. He was from 1827 to 1830, inclusive, clerk of the board of supervisors; a member of assembly in 1834; and first judge of the court of common pleas in 1843 and I844. He was deputy collector of customs in New York, under Greene C. Bronson and Heman J. Redfield, successively, during the administration of President Pierce. In 1834, Mr. Osborne, Wm. Smith, and Samuel S. Whallon, established the /layzville Sentinel. About one year afterward, it was sold to Beman Brockway. Mr. Osborne was its editor from its commencement until 1836, after the destruction of the land-office. In 1849, he purchased for his son, an equal interest in the Frontier Express at Fredonia, and furnished the editorial matter of the paper until after his son's death. In I850, he sold his interest to E. F. Foster, and its name was changed to Chautauqua Union. Mr. Osborne was married, first, in Sheridan, to Mary Walters, of Sangerfield, N. Y., by whom he had 2 children: i. Gustavzs A., born May 25, 182-, and died May II, 1850. 2. Mary W., born Dec. 30, 1833, and died in Kingsville, S. C., May 5, 184-. After the death of Mrs. Osborne, he married, in Chautauqua, Eliza J. Huston, of Greenfield, Saratoga Co., who had no children. And after her decease, he married Mary Derby, of Mayville, widow of - Godard, by whom he had a son, Albert Buel, born April 30, i866, who is still living. WILLIAM PEACOCK was born in Pennsylvania, Feb. 22, 1780, and removed to Lyons, N. Y., and thence to Batavia about I8oo, where he engaged as surveyor for Joseph Ellicott, agent of the Holland Land Company. After having served the Company as clerk and surveyor, at Batavia, and surveyed 278 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. a tract of 40,000 acres on the Genesee river, he laid out and surveyed the site for the present city of Buffalo and other places; and subsequently surveyed the lands in Mayville and vicinity, and the village of Ellicottville. In 810o, he commenced his agency, at Mayville, for the Holland Company, which agency he held until the Company sold out its unsold lands, in 1836. After the county had become fully organized, he was appointed by the board of supervisors treasurer of the county. He was also early appointed an associate judge of the county court. He was married to Alice Evans, a niece of Joseph Ellicott, who died, April I9, I859, aged 79. They had no children. Judge Peacock still resides at Mayville, at the advanced age of nearly 96 years. JOHN F. PHELPS, the second son of Dan and Polly Phelps, was born in Reading, Schuyler Co., N. Y., Feb. 27, I8T9. He is a descendant of William Phelps, a native of Exeter, England, born in 600o, and came to America in I630, landing at Boston. His maternal ancestors, too, were from England in the 1.7th century. His parents settled in Ripley in I827. He came to Mayville as an apprentice to the printer's trade, in July, I837, under Beman Brockway, publisher of the Mayville Sentinel. After his apprenticeship, and after working as a journeyman at various places, and teaching school a year, he returned to Mayville in I842, and was again employed by Mr. Brockway. In April, 1844, he purchased the establishment, and has since been sole proprietor and editor of the paper. In August, 1843, he was married to Julia A. Walter, second daughter of Sheldon and Elizabeth Walter, who was born in Sangerfield, Oneida Co., July 28, I823. Their children were: Walter S., who died in I865, aged 2I; John 0., who resides at San Francisco, where he married Charlotte Hester, only daughter of Judge Hester, of San Jose, and is deputy coroner of San Francisco; Frank C., who lives with his father; and Julia, who died April 3, I874, at the age of I2. ANSELM POTTER, son of Gen. Daniel Potter, was born at Plymouth, Conn., Nov. 20, 1786. He entered Yale College at I7; but having, by close attention to study, become partially deranged, he did not complete his college course. He afterwards commenced the study of law in New Haven, and completed it at Litchfield, in the law school of Judge Reeve. He came to Mayville about I811, being one of the earliest lawyers in the county, and resided there until his death. His remains were subsequently carried to Logansport, Ind., whither his family had gone to reside. Also those of his eldest daughter, who had died at Mayville, were taken to the same place. Mr. Potter had the reputation of an upright man, and was generally esteemed. He became a member of the Presbyterian church at Mayville at about the time of its formation. WILLIAM PRENDERGAST, SR., was born in the city of Waterford, Ireland, Feb. 2, I727. He was a son of Thomas and Mary Prendergast. The brothers of Thomas were: James, Richard, and Jeffrey. William came to America when a youth, and settled in Pawling, Dutchess Co., N. Y., where he was married to Mehetabel, daughter of Jedediah and Elizabeth Wing, of ~.....~.. —~...` ~.~.. <,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~......... —:~.... — -''::' t' I:~ ~ ~ ~~~~~!~! j: II:' ~....;,z!..~,..iii,,,_.........'~11'....... i.....: - CHAUTAUQUA. 279 Beekman, N. Y., who was born March 20, 1738. Mr. Prendergast died at his residence in Chautauqua, Feb. 14, i8II. His wife died Sept. 4, i812. Their children were: I. Matthew; [see sketch.] 2. Thomas; [see history of Ripley.] 3. Mary, wife of Wm. Bemus, of Ellery; [see history of Ellery.] 4. Elizabeth, who died unmarried, Aug. 30, 1824. 5. James; [see history of Jamestown.] 6. Jediah; [see sketch.] 7. Martin; [see sketch.] 8. John Jeffrey, who settled in Herkimer Co.; and was never a resident of this county; was a state senator from 1814 to 1818; removed to Brooklyn. He had two sons: William, who died in youth; and Hon. Martin Prendergast, who recently died at his home on Long Island-the last of the family. 9. Susanna, who was married to Oliver Whiteside, who died before her removal to this county. They had 3 children: Martha, who married Willard Crafts, and removed from the county; Ann, who married Hon. John Birdsall, judge of the 8th judicial district, and had a son, John Birdsall, now residing in Mayville; and one who died in infancy. io. Eleanor, who died at 13. 11. Martha, who died, unmarried, December 9, I849, aged 74. 12. William, who was a major in the war of I812. He was promoted to the office of colonel, and commanded a regiment at the battle of Black Rock. Riding in front of his regiment, mounted on a white horse, which rendered him very conspicuous, the British, supposing him to be the general in command, fired at him by platoons. He fearlessly passed the gauntlet in safety; though his horse was shot in several places and mortally wounded; and a number of bullets passed through the cloak and hat of the colonel, and one cut away the knot of his cravat. He was married in Chautauqua county to Deborah Weed, and had a son who died in infancy. I3. Minerva, who was married to Elisha Marvin, of North-east, Pa., and had 2 children: William E., in North-east; and Elizabeth, unmarried, who lived with him, and died recently. MATTHEW PRENDERGAST, eldest son of William Prendergast, Sr., was born in Pawling, N. Y., Aug. 5, 1756, and was married to Abigail Akin. They removed to Chautauqua in 1807, on the west side of the lake, about 6 miles below Mayville, where now Edw. Stevens resides. Mr. Prendergast was the first supervisor of the town of Chautauqua after the county was fully organized, in I8 I, Pomfret having been taken from Chautauqua in I808, of which town Philo Orton was supervisor. He was 60 years of age before he emigrated from Pittstown to this county. He was infirm from rheumatism, and walked with a staff. He retained his Revolutionary costume, and wore long hair tied in a cue with a leather string; was a man of integrity and sound judgment, and made a good officer. He was appointed a justice of the peace in i808; served many years as an associate judge of the county, and died at his pioneer residence, Feb. 24, 1838, aged 83 years. His children were: i. William, born in Pawling, and came with his father to Chautauqua in 1807; and, in the fall of the same year, went to Thorold, in Canada, to study medicine with his uncle Jediah, and was with him 4 years, and returned to Chautauqua in 181. In 1815, he married Elizabeth, daughter of Martin Prendergast; lived in Mayville' about two years, and removed to 280 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Jamestown; and in I820 to his farm on the west side of the lake. In April, 1836, he removed to Mayville, and in 1841 returned to his farm, where he resided until March II, 1857, when he died of apoplexy. 2. James, who lived and died on his father's homestead, and whose son Maurice also died there; the farm now in possession of Edw. Stevens, as above stated. 3. Lilleus, a daughter, the wife of Jared Irvine; both deceased. JEDIAH PRENDERGAST, fourth son of William, Sr., was born in Pawling, N. Y., May 13, 1766, and was married to Penelope Chase, who was born in South Kingston, R. I., Dec. 22, 1774. He was one of the company that made the tour from Pittstown, N. Y., to Tennessee, and thence north to Chautauqua, and one of those who went from Ripley to Canada to winter, where provisions were more plentiful. He did not return with the rest; but, being a physician, remained there to practice his profession. In I8II, he left Canada, and settled at Mayville, where he commenced the mercantile business, in partnership with his brother Martin, in the fa4l of 8i i. In 1813, they established a branch store on the Chautauqua outlet, at the "Rapids," now Jamestown. Both stores were continued many years. Jediah also bought land [350 acres] on the west side of the lake, 2 or 3 miles below Mayville. [See p. 266.] In 1817, he was a candidate for the senate. One senator was to be elected for the full term of four years, and one for only one year to fill a vacancy. By the then existing law, the person having the highest number of votes was elected for the longest term. Isaac Wilson, of Genesee Co., was a candidate, it is believed, of the same party, and both were elected on the same ticket. But Wilson claimed the seat for the long term. Prendergast contested the claim on the ground that 91 votes had been given for Jedediah and io for Jed. Prendergast, which were intended for Jediah Prendergast. Counting these, he had a majority of nearly Ioo. The committee on elections reported in favor of Prendergast; but the committee of the whole negatived the report; and Wilson took the seat for the full term. He also represented the county in the assembly in the years 1816 and I817, and again in 1820 and I821. At the time he represented what was then called the Western Senate District, his brother, John J., of Herkimer Co., was a senator from the Middle District. Dr. Jediah Prendergast was a man of varied accomplishments, a scientific scholar, and numbered Martin Van Buren, De Witt Clinton and Peter R. Livingston among his friends. He died March i, 1848. His wife, Penelope Chase, died while on a visit to her son-in-law, Hon. Hamilton Merritt, at St. Catharines, Canada, Feb. i, 1845. MARTIN PRENDERGAST, fifth son of William, Sr., was born in Pawling, Dutchess Co., N. Y., April 22, I769; came from Pittstown to Chautauqua in 1807, and settled near his father and others of the family, on the west side of the lake. He married, in Pittstown, Martha Hunt, who was born April 14, I774. He commenced merchandising with his brother Jediah, at Mayville, in I8iI, and, in 1813, opened another store at Jamestown, both of which were continued many years. He was elected supervisor of the town 1) A t',.g'.,..'" -MR; N —4~~~~~; ~:i * 4''' >$W ~' 4 t....#s t j} s ty}t'ttt47 Wl v' k ~ ~ ~ ~::~~~K ~~~I~~~~"C~m CHAUTAUQUA. 281 of Chautauqua in 18I5, and continued in that office by reelections till 1833 inclusive, except i817, and perhaps I818, (the records of the latter year being probably lost;) having served I7 or I8 years. It has been said of him that he "carefully watched the public expenditures, was an estimable man, and a rigid economist." He was an associate judge of Niagara county when Chautauqua remained annexed to Niagara for judicial and other purposes. He died June 21, I835, aged 66; his wife, Dec. 30, 1831, aged nearly 58. They had 2 daughters: i. Elizabeth, the wife of Dr. Wm. Prendergast, son of Matthew. [See sketch of Dr. P.] 2. Maria, who married Robertson Whiteside, and had 2 sons: Wm. P., who resides in Mayville; and Martin, who lives in Illinois. JOHN R. ROBERTSON was the son of George Robertson, of Scotch descent, who came from Cazenovia, Madison Co., N. Y., to Sheridan in 1825, and removed, in 1827, to Jamestown, where John R. was born Dec. 18, I833. In 1838, the family removed to Crawford Co., Pa., where he was educated at "Aunt Mary's School." In 1843, the family returned to this county, and settled in Busti, where, at the age of 14, he engaged as a clerk in the store of V. C. -Clark: After a clerkship of five years, he became a partner, and continued as such for 2 years. In i855, he associated with Emri Davis, and was in trade with him 2 years; and thereafter alone until 1870, when he was elected county clerk. After the expiration of his official term, he purchased the Mayville House, of which he is still proprietor. He was married in i855 to Evolin B. Brown, and has 2 children living, Blanche L., aged i6; and Halcon L., aged 7 years. MILTON SMITH came to Mayville from Delanti. His father, from Franklin Co., Mass., settled in Stockton, in 1817, and subsequently removed to the village [Delanti,] where he died in 1867. Milton, while in Stockton, was for six successive years elected supervisor; and in 1854 was elected sheriff of the county, and removed to Mayville, where he has since resided. He has also held the office of collector of internal revenue in the district composed of Chautauqua and Cattaraugus counties. He was married to Jane C. Woodward. They have 2 sons: Edgar F., who is married, and resides at Brocton; and Lewis M., also married, lives with his father. They have 3 daughters: Eunice, at home; Isabella L., wife of George W. Lawton, in Mich.; and Rosetta, wife of Thomas D. Hammond, Mayville. WATERMAN TINKCOM, from Saratoga Co., settled in Mayville, in i8io, and has resided there to the present time. He is 81 years of age, and is said to be, with one exception, the oldest resident of the village. Of his 4 sons, two, Samuel E. and Charles A., reside in town. Daughters: Mary Jane was married to Wm. Ward, Mayville; Harriet A., to Philip White; Minerva C., to Robert B. McDonald, Titusville. JEDEDIAH TRACY was born in Richmond, Berkshire Co., Massachusetts, Jan. 2, 1777. Soon after attaining his majority, he settled, in April, 1799, near Colt's Station, Erie Co., Pa. In December, i804, he returned to Mass., and was married to Polly Royce, of Lanesborough. They resided in Erie 282 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. until 1815, when they removed to Mayville, where they spent the remainder of their days. He soon opened there a public house which he kept for many years, and which became perhaps the most widely known and popular house in the county. In April, I8I9, he was appointed postmaster, and held the office until April, 1837, when he resigned. His promptitude and accuracy in the discharge of his official duties were so appreciated by the department, that he was commissioned to investigate charges, settle defalcations, and make changes at his discretion. He was for many years overseer of the poor. On the organization of St. Paul's church, in Mayville, in April, 1823, he was chosen as vestryman, and served as such until April, I843, when he resigned. He was for several years employed by the Holland Land Company as their agent to visit the different towns to examine and appraise the cattle taken by the Company on contracts; and took them in droves to Philadelphia. In the obituary notice of his death it is remarked: "His life was one of usefulness and honor, ever making friends, and having made them, ever retaining them." Of his ten children, three sons and two daughters still survive to cherish his memory and imitate his example. The children of Mr. Tracy were: I. Jedediah Royce, who married Martha Peacock, and resided in Iowa; he died in I850. 2. Laura S., who died at Mayville, aged 5o. 3. Perrv B., unmarried, resides in Iowa. 4. Clarinda, wife of George Kirby, removed to Detroit, where she died. 5. Phebe Parmelia, who married Aalev Randall, and is deceased. 6. Mary, wife of Samuel T. Nelson, Detroit. 7. Martha M., wife of Henry W —; died at Mayville. 8. Dewitt C., who married Angeline De Camp; they reside at Cheyenne, Wyoming Territory. 9. Harriet Af., who married Jacob S. Otto, Washington, D. C. SAMUEL S. WALLON was born in Argyle, Washington Co., N. Y., April 20, 1804. At the age of 8 years, he came with his parents to Mayville, where he resided until his death. With such an education as the early common schools furnished, combined with good sense and correct principles, he commenced an active career, and attained a high and an honorable position. At an early period, he filled several town offices creditably and satisfactorily. He commenced his mercantile career as a clerk, became a partner, and at length sole owner of the establishment in which he first engaged. He represented his assembly district in the legislature of 1855. In the fall of 1856, he was elected canal commissioner, and held that office at the time of his death, July 6, I858. Mr. Whallon was an honored member of the Methodist Episcopal church. He died at Erie, Pa., July 6, 1858. He was married, Sept. 6, I829, to Maria Bell, who is still living. They had seven children, of whom two died in infancy. The five who survived him are all living. i. George W., who is married, and resides in Minnesota; i. Mary A., widow of a Mr. Archibald; resides in Corry, Pa.; 3. William A.; 4. Samuel S.; 5. Frank H., wife of Lewis M. Smith, Esq., Mayville. Samuel A. and Martin P. died in infancy. ROBERTSON WHITESIDE, son of John Whiteside, from Washington Co., N. Y., was married to Maria Prendergast, and settled in Chautauqua about 1820. - -~:8 _iI. —~-.i:a a i.. ~-;;~:?bSfi I ~~ 5"gI ri; 5::::,i~,,~_ -r~--;.~ ~ ~-:;ii 4:?r-;~ T T n I~?~~~~'-;';li, ~'-?: j _ arPPeae;4e;:hr:.~ "j:'3?e89an54~ 1~91i C;"!:6 —:?i —I;:t -;i S' c, —~ CHAUTAUQUA. 283 He was for a time engaged in business with Matthew P. Bemus, they having bought out Morris Sirdsall. He was county treasurer in 1836 and again in 1838-39; and in 1841, he was a member of assembly. He had two children: William P., who married Maria J. Cornell, of Washington Co., and had four children: Edward R., Neil Martin, Ann Eliza, and Maria J.; Martin P., who married Sarah Holmes, daughter of Seth W. Holmes, and whose children are Henry and John. CHURCHES AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. The First Baptist Church of Mayville was organized with 38 members, by Elder Jonathan Wilson, a pioneer missionary from Vermont, February 7, 1820. Mr. Wilson was the first pastor of the church. The church edifice was built in I834. The Chautauqua Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church, at Mayville, was formed about I820. Their house of worship was erected in I851. St. Paul's Church, of Mayzile, was organized with about twenty members, in April. i823, by Rev. David Brown, who was the first pastor. The first church edifice was contracted in April, 1826. It was accepted in January, 1828, and consecrated by Bishop Hobart, Sept. 4, 1828. The present house was built in 1859, and consecrated by Bishop Coxe, May i8, 1865. The First Methodist Episcopal Church of Dewittville, was formed with ten members, in I835, by William Gifford. Their house of worship was purchased of the Baptists, the same year. The first pastor was Rev. Mr. Burgess. The First Free-will Baptist Church of Chautauqua Hill, four miles north from Hartfield, was organized with five members in I840, by Rev. T. V. Main, the first pastor, and a Mr. Neely. A house of worship was built about 1842, which has recently been occupied by the Methodists. Summit Church, Methodist Episcopal, near Summit Station, where a class had been formed, built a house of worship through the instrumentality, it is said, of John H. Flagler, in 1849. The first pastor after the completion of the church building was Rev. John K. Hallock. The Christian Church, at Dewittville, was organized December 25, 1852, by Rev. E. H. Mosher, the first pastor, and E. H. Halladay. Their church edifice was erected in I856. Mount Pleasant Church, United Brethren, three and a half miles south-east from Mayville, was organized with eight members, in I858, by Rev. Z. Sullivan, who was the first pastor. A church edifice was built in I865. The United Brethren in Christ, of Elm Flats, were organized with eight members, Feb. I, IS63, by Rev. N. R. Luce, the first pastor. A house of worship was erected in i86; the present one, in i870. St. Peter's Church, German United Evangelical Protestant, at Mayville, was organized with twenty members, in I87I, by Rev. O. Schroder. Their church edifice was erected in I871. The first pastor was the Rev. Jacob Weber. 284 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Summit Lodge, No. 312, was formed in the year I818, as is supposed. The date of its charter does not appear on the records, which commence thus: "5818. Mayville, November Ioth. Summit Lodge opened in due form on the First Degree of Masonry." About 20 members were present. Ebenezer P. Upham, Sylvester B. Derby, Wm. Smith, Jr., Edward Taylor, Otis Dexter, Lewis Macomber, Asahel Derby, and Thomas Treat, applied to become members. It was voted, that two dozen aprons be procured before the next meeting; a half dozen to be lambskin; and that brothers Lyon and Hearick be a committee to procure them. To this is added: " Lodge passed to the degree of Fellow Craft. Lodge raised to the degree of Master. Closed in due form." This lodge was sustained and its meetings were regularly kept up, until May IIth, 1824, which is the date of the last meeting under the then existing organization. In I850, a number of the brethren, upon consultation in respect to the reorganization, appointed a meeting for that purpose to be held at Hartfield, Aug. 31st. The meeting was held accordingly; and Mayville was designated as the location of the lodge. A petition to the grand lodge of the state for a dispensation was ordered sent, which was in due time received. The first regular meeting was held Nov. 4, I850, at which were present the following named members:'Thomas B. Campbell, W. M.; Abijah Clark, S. W.; Dexter Barnes, J. W.; R. Taylor Comstock, Sec'y; Wm. P. Holmes, Treas.; David L. Cochran, Tyler; George Clark, J. Dea.; David Myers, Nathan Cheney, Egbert Wilson, Wm. Hill, John Russell, Walter Strong. The fifth and last regular communication of the lodge at Mayville which appears on the records, was at the lodge-room, Feb. 14, i85I. Its location was changed to Westfield. CHERRY CREEK. CHERRY CREEK was formed from Ellington, May 4, 1829, and comprises township 4, range o1, of the Holland Company's surveys. In the south part are several swamps. The soil is clay and gravelly loam. The Connewango creek passes southerly through the town near its east border, and receives the waters of Cherry creek about a mile south-easterly from the village of Cherry Creek. The surface is hilly in the north-west, and rolling in the south-east. Cherry Creek village is a little south-east of the center of the town; has a post-office, the only one in town, and a population of 271. Original Purchases in Township 4, Range Io. I815. March, Joshua Bentley, 15; [settled on by Joshua, Jr.] April, Joshua Bentley, 9; [settled on by Joseph M. Kent.] May, Gardner Crandall. 1816. May, Barber Babcock, 19. June, Ely D. Pendleton, 20. October, Reuben Cheney, I8. I817. June, Elam Edson, 18. November, Rufus Hitchcock, 49. CHERRY CREEK. 285 I8I8. April, John Smith, 17. August, Hiram Hill, 49. I82I. October, John P. Hadley, 41. Henry Babcock, 20. Alvah Hadley, 4I. Julius Gibbs, 41. Robert James, 36. Nathaniel Gibbs, Jr., II. Eliphalet W. Wilcox, I7. Robert Page, 13. 1823. March, James Carr, 14. December, Enos A. Bronson, 56. I824. February, Eason Matteson, o0. March, Ira B. Tanner, 46. May, Amos Abbey, 64. Nathan Worden, i6. June, Jared Ingalls, 22. Ira Bassett, 25. July, Ward King, 17. October, Wm. G. Carr, 24.. Dudley Waters, 48. 1825. April, John Luce, 58. Wm. Lathrop, 24. May, Ira Bassett and Samuel W. Wilcox, Jr., 25. September, Geo. Burdick, 38. October, Aury Cronkhite, 21. Asahel H. Mallory,'2i. Eddy Wetherly, 28. November, Robert James, Jr., 35. 1826. April, Putnam Farrington, 63. October, Lyman Town and Thos. King, 56. December, Henry Luce, 55. 1827. April, Ebenezer Still, Jr., 39. June, Stephen Blaisdell, 18. Sept., Nehemiah Osborne, 31. Israel Seeley, 31. Issachar Hammond, 30. 1829. June, William A. Bowen, I3. July, Thomas King, I8. December, Sylvester Osborne, 14. Concerning the time and place of the first settlement in this town, there are conflicting statements. French's State Gazetteer says: "The first settlement was made on lot 15, in 1812, by Joshua Bentley, from Rensselaer Co." This is not correct. The Land Company's book shows him a purchaser, April 14, I812, of a part of lot 54, tp. 2, r. II, [now Ellicott;] Aug. 6, 1814, of 297 acres of lot 7, tp. 3, r. io; and April 12, i8I5, of 300 acres of lot i6, tp. 3, r. 10, [both now Ellington;] March 2, I815, lot I5, tp. 4, r. o1; and April I2, I8I5, 250 acres of lot 9, tp. 4, r. Io, [both now Cherry Creek.] Hence it appears that he did not buy land in Cherry Creek as early as I812. Persons in this town state unhesitatingly, that Joseph M. Kent was the first settler. One cause of this difference of opinion may be the fact, that there were two Joshua Bentleys, father and son, without being distinguished as senior and junior. Both are called Joshua Bentley. The father bought both the lots in Cherry Creek, I5 and 9, as we are told, and lived on neither. The son bought the two parcels in Ellington, and, it is said, settled on neither. An exchange of land having been made by the two Bentleys, Joshua, Sr., settled in Ellington, and kept a tavern there for a number of years; and Joshua, Jr., settled on lot 15, or at least became its owner; and Kent settled on lot 9. An early settler of Cherry Creek says: " The first settlement in the town of Cherry Creek was made by Joseph M. Kent, on lot 9, in the spring of I815." He was a native of Royalton, Vt., and, after having resided successively in Herkimer and Onondaga counties, removed to Gerry, [now Cherry Creek,] as above stated. He came with a wife and seven children, three of whom still reside in the town: Nancy, afterward the wife of Eliphalet W. Wilcox; Samuel B., and Joseph. Mr. Kent and his family seem to have had quite an average share of the toils and privations of pioneer life. When he had raised his log house and covered it with hemlock bark, and cut out 286 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. one log for a door, he sent his wife 8 miles on horseback, through the wilderness, with no guide but marked trees, with one child in her arms and another behind her, to take possession of the new house. She first put the children through the hole, then crawled in herself with the saddle. With flint and spunk previously provided, she started a fire, and passed the night with no other company, and within the hearing of no voice but that of wolves. The house soon after received the addition of a door, and a floor made of split logs, probably hewed on one side. Mr. Kent, with his son George, Nancy, his eldest daughter, and John P. Kent, a nephew, cleared the first acre.that was cleared in the town, and raised from it a good crop of potatoes the same year-the first crop raised in the town. The next spring, destitute of a supply of provisions and money, stern want began to stare him earnestly in the face. His faculty of invention, however, proved sufficient for the exigency. He felled a pine tree, the stump of which still remains, and made from the trunk a canoe 6o feet in length, launched it in the Connewango river, put into it about 1,500 pounds of maple sugar and a quantity of black salts, and ran it down to Pittsburgh. He there exchanged his cargo for flour and salt, and, with the help of his son George, pushed his vessel with pike poles back to Cherry Creek, having spent three weeks in performing the voyage. The family, during his absence, subsisted chiefly on sugar and milk. Oliver Bugbee, a settler in Ellington, and brother of Mrs. Kent, was at this time doing a job of chopping for Mr. Kent; and having fancied himself growing weak on this diet, proposed, by way of change, an addition to his meals of a mess of boiled greens. Cowcabbage and leeks were duly prepared, and, at the next meal, were placed beside the sugar and milk; and to use his own words, he " made a wolf meal." Whether owing to the unwholesome nature of the greens, or to the want of affinity between the articles of this strange mixture, the colonel could not tell: suffice it to say, that, being unable to dwell quietly together, they violently escaped from their confinement by the way by which they had entered. He remarked that, " from that day to this, I have never hankered for greens." Joshua Bentley, Jr., according to our informant, was the second settler. He was from Stephentown, Rensselaer Co., N. Y., and settled on lot 5, Sept. I, I8I5. He had previously settled early in the town of Ellery, about the year i808. [His name, however, does not appear on the Company's books as a purchaser there.] He was one of the corps of surveyors that ran the lines in this part of the county previously to its settlement. The center of the township was found, in the survey, to be on a little island in the stream, where was a small red cherry tree. Mr. Bentley, the axe-man, cut it down, drove down a stake, and named the stream " Cherry creek," which afterwards also gave name to the town. Mr. Bentley seemed to have a relish for forest life and forest scenery. He settled several miles from any inhabitant. After several years of enjoyment of "life in the woods," it was suddenly embittered by a most distressing bereavement. On a clear sabbath morning, the CHERRY CREEK. 287 2d day of April, 1822, a little daughter, in her fourth year, strayed into the forest, and was never seen afterward. Mrs. Bentley, with two of the older children, started out to pick some cowslips, leaving her husband asleep on the floor, and the little girl at play in the door-way. She was not missed until Mrs. Bentley's return, about an hour afterward. A search was commenced, and continued by the inhabitants of the surrounding country, but without discovering the least trace of the child. That she had been taken by the Indians, or that she had wandered away into the woods and been devoured by wild beasts, was among the conjectures concerning her fate. James'Bates, from Mass. to Onondaga Co., in I803, came with his family to this county in April, i 8 5, but did not settle permanently until early in the fall. His son, James Bates, Jr., in I870, in giving a sketch of their settlement, states that when they first came, there was in the town Joshua Bentley, Jr., who lived in a small log shanty on the old Chautauqua road, 50 rods west of Olds' Corners; that no other persons lived in the town when they came in on the Indian trail the first time; and that Wyman Bugbee came in the fall of 1815. He says Samuel McConnell and his family settled, in the spring of i816, on lot 47, in the north-west part of the town; and a little later, the same spring, Benj. Follett, in the north part of the town; and G. Redington, near Wyman Bugbee's. Although the dates at which some of the men above named are said to have settled, do not all exactly agree with the dates of their purchases, Mr. Bates has probably stated them correctly. There were many who did not settle on their lands until a year or two years after their purchases had been made. Mr. Bates gives the name of the first settler as Joshua Bentley, Jr. The Company's books show four different sales to have been made to Joshua Bentley; and in no case is the junior attached to the name. The son probably never was an original purchaser, but is believed to have settled on land taken up by his father, who had articled in Ellington, in I8I4, lot 7, and in I8I5 lot 15; and in Cherry Creek, in 1815, lots 15 and 9. [See original purchases in Ellington and Cherry Creek.] Mr. Bates also relates the particulars of an encounter with a wolf, in 18i6, when he was 15 years of age. He and a brother were going home through the woods. The brother had got some distance ahead and out of sight, and was heard to scream, and came back with his pantaloons torn. James got a heavy club, and went on till he saw an animal which he supposed to be a dog, sitting in this woods road. He tried in vain to get him out of the road, either by coaxing or by rough talk. He then struck him with the stick, and knocked out some of his teeth. This turned him out of the road. Bates followed him, striking a heavy blow across the back, which sent him under the tops of some fallen trees. He followed him, and there beat him until he thought he was dead; all the while supposing him to be a dog. Wyman Bugbee, hearing him relate the story, said it was probably a wolf, for the killing of which he was entitled to a bounty of $40. Bugbee, on an offer of $io to attend to the business, went to the place, and found the wolf still alive. He was soon dispatched; and in due time the bounty was obtained. 288 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Daniel Hadley came with his family to Chautauqua county, in Nov., 1817. He had 6 or 7 children, most of them, if not all, full grown. Four of them were sons, three of whom settled in Cherry Creek: Niles, Alvah, and John P.; all of whom settled on different parts of lot 41. John P. still resides in the town. He took an active part in laying out and cutting out early roads in the town; and in getting the town set off from Ellington, in 1829. He has also frequently served the town in official capacity, and now [1874] holds the office of town clerk. In the south part, early settlers were: Daniel L. Waggoner, Moses Ells, Clark Losee, Isaac C. Brown, Wm. S. Bullock, George W. Hitchcock, the last of whom removed to the village and died there. In the zorth-west part were: Ira B. Tanner, Elkanah Steward, Anson Newton, Alva Bannister, Ora Parks, John Essex, J. Richardson, Eben Abbey, Putnam Farrington, who was a general in the war of 1812; one of whose sons, Vassal, remained and died in town. Enos A. Bronson, a native of Conn., came from Wayne Co., N. Y., to Cherry Creek, lot 56, near the north line, in 1825, where he died in 1858. His sons were: William, killed by the falling of a tree; Horace, also deceased; Allen Lee, in Villenova; and Munson M., in Pennsylvania. In the south-east part of the town, Wanton King settled on lot 9. His sons are: Thomas, who resides on lot 18, a mile south of the village; Ward, 2d, in Leon, Cattaraugus Co.; and Obadiah, in Ellington. On lot I8, Josiah Crumb and Enos Matteson settled. The latter purchased in 1828. Of his three sons, John and James reside in Ellington; Almanson, in Texas. Aury Cronk, in 1825, on the south line of the town. His sons, Charles and Delance, are still in town. In the north-east part of the town, Thomas W. Wilcox, from Hanover, was an early settler on the north line, about I.819. He was noted for his industry, and for his having taken many jobs of clearing land. His sons, Daniel, Erastus, and Alfred, reside in Villenova; Harlow, lives in Chicago. Isaac Curtis, from Stephentown, Rens. Co., settled, in 1816, on lot 23, bought in 1815; had a son and several daughters, none believed to be living. Stephen Curtis, brother of Isaac, on land adjoining his brother's. He had two sons, Heniry L. and John H.; both reside in town; John with his father on the homestead. Of his four daughters, two are living. James Carr, from Otsego Co., settled, in 1823, on lot 15, land bought of Joshua Bentley, Jr., and afterwards kept a store in the village. He died in Iowa. He was supervisor of Ellington, in I828-29, and the first supervisor of Cherry Creek after its formation. He had one son, Andrew J., who went to Iowa; and four daughters: Louisa, who married Silas Vinton, builder of the county poorhouse and appurtenant buildings, and several years, i855,'59,'60, supervisor of Cherry Creek, now living in Gowanda; Lydia, and Amelia, both maried, and removed to the West; and Mary. Wm. G. Carr, brother of James, came in October, 1829, with his wife and two children, and settled on lot 15. A son, S. Hopkins, is married, and lives in Villenova; Truman B., in this CHERRY CREEK. 289 town, on lot 24; Willis, died in manhood, unmarried; a daughter, wife of Jackson Berry, resides in the village. Wm. G. Carr was supervisor of Cherry Creek in 1839. Daniel B. Parsons, a native of Madison Co., settled, in I850, on lot 23, where he died several years since. He was a farmer and drover. A son, Reuben W., came with his father, and resides in the village. Jairus Nash, from Stephentown, on lot 23, where he and his son William reside. Gardner Crandall, on lot 23, bought in I8I5. He was married twice, and had 21 children. Jared Ingalls, from Otsego Co., settled on lot 22, about I826, and built a saw-mill. A son, Edmund, resides in the town; another, Cyrus, not living. Four daughters: Eunice, wife of Ezekiel Mount, in the village; Nancy, wife of Wm. S. Bullock, resides in the town; Sally, who married Furman Mount, and lives in the village; Olive, who married Willis Hyatt, and lives in Pennsylvania. Wm. Weaver, from Otsego Co., came in I817, and, a year or two after, settled on lot 14, where he died. In the central part of the town, Thomas Mount, from New Jersey, came with a wife and I4 children-8 sons and 6 daughters. Ezekiel, John, Hezekiah, Furman, and Samuel, reside in the town; also Rebecca, a daughter, wife of Archibald F. Robbins. Anthony Morian, in I835, settled on lot 44, and now resides in the village. Robert James, from Brookfield, N. Y., settled, in 1821, on lot 36, and died there. Of his sons, Robert, Jr., was supervisor of the town in I831,'32. Harry died in Cherry Creek; Jonathan, a physician, also died here. Several other sons removed from the county. In the sozuth-zeest part, among the early settlers were: Ward, and his sons William, On, and Ai; Niles Hadley, Alva Hadley, whose son, Ozro A., was for a time acting governor of Arkansas; Hudson Smith, John Howard, Nathaniel Dunham, Arthur Hines, Addison Phillips, John Luce, Reuben A. Bullock, Myron Field, Horatio Hill, Lawrence E. Shattuck. Joseph Price, on lot 42, had 3 sons: John, who resides in town; Lawrence and David, removed from the county. In the village and vicinity, among the early settlers were: Geo. H. Frost, who kept the first tavern in the village, and was the first postmaster; Alfred Goodrich; Welcome C. Carpenter, who has a cheese factory on the site of the old log tavern of G. H. Frost; Wm. Green, who removed to Illinois; John P. Hadley, Thomas Berry, Abraham Hall, James D. Wheeler, a justice of the peace; and Jotham Godfrey, who, about 1826, settled west of the village, and was for a number of years a justice of the peace, and whose son Jeffrey T. W. resides three and a quarter miles south of the village. David Myers, whose sons were David and John, who are in the West, and Oliver, in the village. Randall Spencer, whose sons, George and -, both remoled West. Seth S. Chase, whose son Olin C. resides at Cattaraugus station. Alvin Bannister, who had two sons: Henry, merchant in the village;. and Gideon, deceased. On Powers' Hill, George Sheffield settled on lot 29, where Aaron, a son, now resides; other sons, Hiram Ontario Co.; Alanson, I9 290 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. deceased; and Judson, in the village. Daniel Powers, a son-in-law, from whom the Hill takes its name, who settled on the same lot, is now in Cattaraugus county. The first birth in the town was that of Lydia, daughter of Joseph M. and Patty Kent, in I8I6, who became the wife of Hon. Charles B. Green, of Ellington. The first marriage was that of James Battles and Rachel Hadley, daughter of Daniel Hadley, June 6, 1819. They reside in Arkwright. The first death was that of Rufus Hitchcock, in 1820. He fell from the roof of his house just as he had completed it, striking his head upon a root of a stump and fracturing the skull. The first school was taught by Reuben Cheney, in the south part of the town. The first summer school was taught by Angeline Pickering in school district No. I, near the center. George H. Frost kept the first inn, in 1823; and Seth Grover, the first store, in the village. Present innkeeper, Judson Sheffield. The earliest saw-mill was built by Wm. Kilbourn, in 1824, on Cherry creek, near the village. He attached to his mill, the next year, a shop for making spinning-wheels, chairs, etc. The second saw-mill was built about 1833, on the same stream, half a mile below the former, by Robert James and Wm. Green, where a mill has been continued to the present time. Another mill was built by John Jones; afterwards owned by Alfred Story; now by Wm. Weaver. Joseph Kent built a saw-mill, in I835, in the southeast part of the town; was run about 20 years. Joseph Kent, about 1838, built a saw-mill and a grist-mill, half a mile above the Kilbourn mill. The water was conveyed by a ditch from the creek, about half a mile above the mill to a natural basin or hollow, near the mill, the water in this dam covering about five acres, and being conveyed by a deep cut to the mill, thus.forming one of the best mill sites in the country, the fall being 25 to 30 feet. Alfred Stone built a saw-mill on Dry creek, about 2 miles above the village; now owned by John Price. Jared Ingalls built a saw-mill about 2 miles north of the village. A mill is still continued there, owned by Darius Hadley. The first grist-mill was built by Hall Nickerson, about the year 1828, near the site of Stone's saw-mill. It had one run of stones, and was used only for corn. In I848, Joseph Kent built at his saw-mill a grist-mill with the modern appliances, with three run of stones, for grinding all kinds of grain. This mill was destroyed by fire in I869, and rebuilt in i870 by Silas Vinton, who had previously bought the site. In I86I, Joseph Kent built a steam saw-mill, on the Connewango, near Andrew J. Arnold's, in the southeast part of the tbwn. It has the capacity of sawing Io,ooo to I5,ooo feet of boards per day. Attached to the mill is machinery for the manufacture of lath and pickets. The first blacksmith in this town was Joseph M. Kent, the first settler. The next was Pliny Shattuck, i2 m. west of the village, in I831. A tannery, the first in the town, was established about 1823, in connection AM-~~~~~~~~~~~~~i AO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~? i~~~~~~~~~~i~r4:~~~i~~~lA CHERRY CREEK. 29I with a shoe-shop, by Thomas Carter, near where Wm. Kilbourn's saw-mill was afterwards built. After he had carried on the business one or two years, he sold the property to Kilbourn. Charles A. Spencer established a tannery in the village, in 1833, and continued it for many years. John Davidson erected a tannery about the year 1848, near the site of Frost's old tavern stand. It was conducted on a large scale for about fifteen or twenty years. Welcome C. Carpenter was an early carpenter and joiner, and soon after Samuel Newton and Samuel Mount. Among the early tailors were Jonathan Greenman and Russell Bartlett. Present one, Alfred W. Knapp. Present harness maker, Charles T. Reed. The first physician was Horace Morgan, about 1830. The settlers had been previously served by Dr. Thomas J. Wheeler, of Rutledge. After Dr. Morgan, came Oliver B. Main, Edwin G. Bly, John B. Woodworth, Timothy G. Walker, and the present physicians, Francis M.- Rich and Dr. Bishop. The first merchant in Cherry Creek was Seth Grover, in 1831, who had, in connection with his store, pot and pearl asheries. Later were Cyrus Thatcher and George H. Frost. Present merchants: Dry goods-Henry Bannister, John Delany. Drugs and medicines-Charles L. Wheeler. Drugs and groceries-Mason Allen, Lewis Ward. Groceries-Alvah Billings, Cyrus Mount. Hardware-Robertson & Mount, Carpenter & Smith. TinnerCharles Shepard. Clothing and furnishing store-Anthony Morian. The first town-meeting in Cherry Creek after its formation, was held at the hotel of George H. Frost, in March, T830. The names of the officers elected are not ascertained, except those of James Carr, supervisor, and Robert James, town clerk. Supervisors from 1830 to 1875. James Carr, I830,'33,'36,'40,'46,'52-6 years. Robert James, Jr., I83,'32. George H. Frost, I834,'35. Oliver Carpenter, I837. Horace Brunson, 1838. Wm. G. Carr, I839. Wm. Kilbourm, 1841 to'43-3 years. Archibald F. Robbins, 1844. Oliver G. Main, 1845,'49,'50. Charles A. Spencer, 1847,'48. Joseph Kent, I851,'56. Daniel B. Parsons, I853,'54. Silas Vinton, I855,'59,'6o,'68,'71-5 years. Horatio Hill, I857,'58,'64. Reuben W. Parsons, I86I,'63,'65. Anthony Morian, 1862,'67. George N. Frost, I866,'69,'72,'73. Welcome C. Carpenter, I870. Harris Billings, I874. George N. Frost, 1875. BIOGRAPHICAL AND GENEALOGICAL. STEPHEN BLAISDELL was born in Gifford, N. H., Aug. 7, 1786. He remained there until he was about 20 years of age, when he made a public profession of religion. He soon after commenced preaching, and traveled extensively in the states of New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Vermont, and Connecticut. He married, in I8Io, Bathsheba Aldrich, in Templeton, Mass., who was born March 2, 1788. He removed to Leyden, Vt., where his family remained until he removed to this county, in March, 1824. He 292 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. settled in Ellington, [then Gerry,] on lot 29. In the spring of 1827, he removed to Cherry Creek, on lot 28. He was connected with the Christian denomination, having been ordained to the ministry in i808. In politics, he held to the principles inculcated by the Jeffersonian republicans. He had 6 children: I. Sarah Ann, born July 14, 1812; was married to Isaac Allen, and removed to Wisconsin, where she died Jan. I, 1862. She had 6 children: Amanda, George, Oliver, Justin, Harriet, Isaac. Oliver served in the late war. 2. Eliza, born Oct. I6, 8I'4, married Joseph Cummings, of Villenova, who died in Randolph. She had 2 children, Sarah Ann and Stephen. 3. Amanda L., born Jan. 26, 1820, and was married to Palmer Northup; both deceased. 4. William S., born Feb. 14, 1823; married, first, Lydia F. Shattuck, daughter of Lawrence E. Shattuck. She died June 24, i86o, leaving 2 children, Burke and Lydia, who died at the ages of 5 and 3 years. Mr. Blaisdell married, second, Mary Jane Harris, daughter of Otis Harris, of Gerry, by whom he has three children: Martha, William, and Alfred. 5. Bogardns A., born July 7, 1825; married Catharine, sister of Philip S. Cottle, of Fredonia, and had 3 children: Nettie, Harry, and one that died in infancy. Mr. Blaisdell died, March 29th, 1874, at Keokuk, Iowa. 6. NVapoleon Z., born April 2, 1830; married Anna Davis, of Cuba, N. Y., and had 3 children: Mary, Harriet, and George, who died at 7. The family removed to Missouri in 1865. Stephen Blaisdell died Sept. 9, 1854, aged 68 years. GEORGE H. FROST, from Rensselaer Co., came to Cherry Creek, in 1823, and kept a tavern, afterwards store, and in 1838 or'39, settled on a farm about 3 miles north-west from the village, and returned to the village, where he died in 1873. He had been several years supervisor of the town. His sons were: George N., who was four years supervisor of the town; Charles, and Isbun, who resides at Titusville. Daughters: Selina, wife of Chas. A. Spencer; Fidelia, wife of Judson Sheffield; she is deceased; Eliza, wife of Chandler Johnson, Corry; Mary, who married Wm. Mount, Corry; Emeline, who married Wm. U. Edwards; Lillis, wife of Alonzo Edwards, Forestville; Isadore, wife of Walter Griswold; Helen, wife of Cyrus Mount. HORATIO HILL was born in Berkshire, Franklin Co., Vt., in i808. He came to Chautauqua Co., and settled in Cherry Creek, on the James Wheeler farm, in the year i8i8. He was married, Jan. I, I833, to Seviah Wetherly, who was born in Edmeston, Otsego Co., N. Y., in 18Io. They had 9 children: Nelson H., Lucinda, Josephine, Austin O., Orseba, Nora L., Orton, Orin, and Mary. Nelson H. married Maria Wilkins, and has a daughter, Mary. Lucinda married Byron Cleland, and has 4 children: Jennie, James, John, and Susie. ~ Josephine married Silas Kent, and has a son, Elmer A. Nora L. married William S. Parsons; removed to Illinois, and died there. Orin married Jennie Wright, of Lowell, Mich. Mary A. married J. S. Daniels, of Lowell, Mich., and has a daughter, Fannie. Austin O. died in the late war. JOSEPH KENT was born in Cortland Co., N. Y., January 22, 1814. His ancestors came from Kent Co., England, in I649, after the success of Oliver :I-r;~lc9,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::;::::: -,::~:':: ~*^y'~'::":.;~: ^'i~:^^:,~i:::;:- ~.,::-' 1:.;''''"'^''*^*^ ^^ s'':::a^ ^ l^ ^;^^^^^^;.'^.'~~ ~~~~~~n~: ~;i;.c*^^^^^^^.^^^~ —' ^'^.'.~&^a^^::::,.i^ii2': ~l: l ll~ S I S ( -^ \ CHERRY CREEK. 293 Cromwell's armies. Two brothers Kent emigrated to America, and settled in Conn., where they erected a block house of hewn oak logs for the double purpose of a dwelling, and for protection against the Indians. John Kent, grandfather of Joseph, was married, in 1758, at Cape Cod, Mass., and settled, soon after, in Royalton, Vt. He had 6 sons and a daughter: John, father of Rev. John P. Kent; Elisha; Samuel; Charles; Joseph M.; Abner, father of Alonzo Kent, of Jamestown; and Lydia. Joseph M. Kent, son of John above mentioned, was born in 1774, and married Patty Bugbee in 80oo, in Woodstock, Conn. Their. children were: Nancy, wife of Eliphalet W. Wilcox; George, who married Phebe King; Dolly, wife of Ward King; Polly, who married John S. Smith, and after his death, a Mr. Hinds; Elisha, who married Lydia Ann Bentley, and lives in Illinois; Samuel B., who married Charlotte Green, and lives in Cherry Creek; Joseph; Lydia, wife of Charles B. Green; and Ara W., who married Lucy Ann Neat; had three children, and for some unexplained cause, went, without his family, to California, and is now living in Albany, Oregon. Joseph Kent, whose name commences this sketch, came to this county when about 3 years old, with his father, who settled on lot 9, in the south-east part of the town, the land having been taken up by Joshua Bentley in April, 1815. He has lived in Cherry Creek 57 years. His occupation besides that of farming, may be known from his having been named the " Lumber King of the Upper Connewango." Joseph Kent was married Nov. 20, 1837, to Maria Vedder, formerly from Otsego Co., by whom he had a son, the mother dying in childbed. The son, George A. S. Kent, married Martha, daughter of Anthony Morian, and has 2 sons, Grant Earl and Clare E. Joseph Kent married, Nov., I839, for his second wife, Rachel E. Vedder, by whom he had 2 children: a daughter Mariam, and a son Emory. Mr. Kent and his wife are both living in Cherry Creek. CHARLES A. SPENCER, born in Westmoreland, Oneida Co., June 30, i8io, settled in Cherry Creek in 1833, and commenced the tanning business, which he continued for about fifteen years. He still resides in the village. He was several years supervisor of the town; 2 years superintendent of the county poor; and for about 25 years a justice of the peace. He was married to Selina Frost in 1840. They have 2 daughters: Francis, who married Melvin M. Mount, and lives in Penn.; and Adalaide, wife of Darwin M. Saunders, in Penn. They have 3 sons: Charles D., who married Celia Johnson, and resides in Arcade, Wyoming Co.; George, and Park; both at home. CHURCHES AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. Methodist Episcopal Church.-A class was formed as early as 18I7 or 1818. Among its members were Joseph M. Kent and Patty, his wife, and others whose names are not recollected, and, for the want of records, can not be ascertained. Meetings were at first held at the house of Mr. Kent. The place of meeting was afterwards moved to the Spencer school-house, west of the village. Among the early class leaders, were Randall Spencer, and 294 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Robert James, Jr. The church was fully organized with seven members, in I857, by Rev. O. L. Mead. Their church edifice was built in I859. The present minister is Rev. A. Wilder. A Christian Church was organized in Cherry Creek, March 23, 1839. The elders officiating were Warren Skeels and N. A. Perry. Seth S. Chase was chosen ruling elder, and Sullivan Gardner deacon and clerk. Members at the organization of the church were: Sullivan Gardner, Seth S. Chase, Putnam Farrington, Warren Skeels, Fanny Chase, Sally Carr, Lepha Weaver, Mary Weaver, Lucy Grover, Betsey King, Harriet James. This church has no meeting-house, but maintains its organization. The Free-will Baptist Church, in the town of Cherry Creek, was formed about the year 1826, by Rev. Thomas Grinnell; and is said to have been the earliest religious organization in the town, and was composed of John P. Hadley and wife, Jotham Godfrey and wife, and Mrs. Gardner Crandall. The society built its first meeting-house about the year I845. The Fir-st Baptist Church of Cherry Creek was formed Feb. 5, 1831, under the title name of "Branch Church of the Connewango. Church." The following are the names of the constituent members: Ira B. Tanner, Eunice Tanner, John Essex, Almerin Bly, Prudence Bly, Samuel Hodges, Lydia Hodges, Covel Nickerson, Carlana Nickerson, Daniel Osborn, Mercy Babcock, Betsey Matteson. In October following, Jared Ingalls and Abigail, his wife, united with the church. In I832, it was deemed expedient to form an independent church; and with this view, letters of admission were obtained from the Connewango church. A council from churches in Hanover, and Gerry, and the Connewango church, met on the 26th day of October, and constituted in due form, the First Baptist Church of Cherry Creek. In January, I833, the church elected Jairus Nash, deacon, and Covel Nickerson, clerk. Their first church edifice was dedicated January Ii, I849. Their first pastor was the Rev. James Bennett; the present is the Rev. John A. Pickard. Masonic Lodge of Cherry Creek.-In June, 855, a dispensation was granted by the grand lodge of the state, on petition of D. B. Parsons, J. Z. Safford, Curtis O. Denison, John Hubbard, Versal Farrington, together with the following, who were appointed officers: Win. S. Blaisdell, W. M.; Alvah Billings, S. W.; Oliver B. Main, J. W.; George B. Aldrich, Treas.; George Hopkins, Sec'y. A charter was granted in June, I856, by the grand lodge, with the officers above named. R. W. Parsons and John O'Neal had become members while the lodge was working under the dispensation. Since the organization with a charter in I856, its membership has increased to upwards of Ioo. William S. Blaisdell was elected master, and continued in that office by reflection for seven years. The Cherry Creek Lodge of Odd Fellows was instituted April 6, I852, David S. Forbes installing officer. Its first officers were: John T. Clark, N. G.; Anthony Morian, V. G.; Silas Vinton, S.; O. C. Chase, T.; R. N. Tanner, P. S. Meetings of the lodge have been for some time suspended. CLYMER. 295 CLYMER. CLYMER was formed from Chautauqua, Feb. 9, 1821, and now comprises the single township i, of range I4; Mina having been taken off in 1821; French Creek, in 1829; and Sherman, in 1832. The surface is a hilly upland, broken by the valleys of Broken Straw creek and its branches, one of which passes southerly through the village and unites with the principal stream about a mile below; another, from the north and north-east, enters it about a mile and a half east of the village. The soil is a gravelly loam. The population of the town in I870 was 1,486, of which number the village contained about 400. This is the principal place of business in the town, and derives a considerable portion of its trade from the town of French Creek. Besides the post-office in the village, North Clymer is a post-office on the Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburgh Railroad. There are several dense settlements in the town: King's Corners, in the north-east part of the town, on the Harmony line; Clymer Center, on the railroad; and Clymer Hill, about 2 miles west of the latter place. About one-half of the population of the town are Hollanders and their descendants. Original Purchases in Townshizp, Range 14. 1820. May, William Rice, 59. July, Gardner Cleveland, Sr., 58. 1821. October, Horace and Anson Starkweather, 43. Joseph Wing, 51. November, John Cleveland, 58. I822. March, Thomas Russell, 50. 1823. January, Leonard Amidon, 52. October, William Rice, 60. 1824. June, Ebenezer Brownell, 35. Harry E. Brownell, 28. Joseph Brownell, 50. I825. May, Amon Beebe, Jr., 30. August, Elisha Alvord, 21. October, Joseph W. Ross, 55. 1826. April, Charles Ross, 56. -May, Moses Randall, 23. July, David Phinney. October, Jeremiah Glidden, 3, 8. 1827. March, Darius and Walter Freeman, 47. Ralph Pettit, 47. April, Jeremiah R. Doolittle, 37. May, David Glidden, i6. June, Samuel Bligh, 32. August, Andrew Glidden, i6. September, Oscar F. and Daniel C. Glidden; 8. October, Francis F. Allen, 2. 1828. May. Alvah Marsh, 40. Archelaus Chadwick, r. John Pettit, 47. July, Benjamin Sullivan, 63. Samuel Ross, 27. 1829. July, Lyman Brown, 26. September, Jeremiah Chamberlain, 53. October, Urbane Hitchcock, 15. I830. August, Harry E. Brownell, 28. September, Jackson Johnson, 33. Thomas Russell, 50. The State Gazetteer says: "John Cleveland settled on lot 58, in I820;" and "William Rice, from Washington Co., settled on lot 59, in 821; Horace and Anson Starkweather, from Vermont, on lot 43, in 1822." By reference to the list of original purchases, it will appear, that Wm. Rice was the first purchaser, May, J820, of lot 59; Gardner Cleveland, July, 1820, of lot 58; the Starkweathers, of lot 43, Oct., i821; and John Cleveland, lot 58, 296 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Nov., 1821. This would seem to cast a doubt upon the statement that he was the first settler. It must, however, be remembered, that, as elsewhere stated, purchasers did not always settle on their lands the same year.' It is said, by early settlers, that Mr. Rice did not settle on his land until 1821, and that John Cleveland's land was a part of what had been taken up by his father; and that he settled on it before he took an article in his own name. Hence, it is presumed, the late Ira F. Gleason, an early settler, stated correctly, "that the date of the first sertlement in what is now Clymer, was in 1821, and that John Cleveland was the first settler." Since the above was written, the following statement has been found, with John Cleveland's own signature: "John Cleveland, son of Gardner, born in Pomfret, Conn., Sept., 1789, moved to Paris, N. Y., when 2 years old; to Rutland, N. Y., in 1807; and in 1815 came to French Creek; in 1820 came to Clymer." This last statement agrees with that of early settlers, who say the Clevelands made a sojourn of a few years in French Creek before their purchase in Clymer. Since the printing of this History commenced, a former citizen of Clymer said to the writer, that he often heard Mr. Rice say, that he settled, in 1821, on the land he bought in May, 1820; and that a few weeks or months afterwards, John Cleveland settled on an adjoining lot. As Mr. Rice was esteemed as a man of veracity, and can hardly be presumed to be mistaken in the matter, the question of priority of settlement can not yet be positively stated. Silas Freeman, from Cayuga Co., in 1828, settled on Clymer Hill, where he died. His wife died. the same year. They had 13 children, of whom were Darius and Walter, who settled on lot 47, and Leonard B. Darius removed to Illinois; thence to Iowa; and thence to California, where he died. Walter removed to Illinois, and died there. Leonard B. Freeman, son of Silas, was born in Cayuga Co., July 9, 1814, and came to Clymer in 1828, at the age of 14. He was married, April 25, 1838, to Betsey, a daughter of Wm. F. Brown, who was born January io, i821. He settled on Clymer Hill, near the center of the town; whence he removed, in 1853, to French Creek, and in 1856 to Clymer village, where he now resides. His business has been that of a farmer and of a dealer in cattle. He has held several town offices, and was once elected a justice of the peace, but declined to qualify. He had 5 children: Wilhelmina, Constantine, Morley; Eugenia, wife of Phineas J. Morris, and Adelia. Morley enlisted in the late war, in i86i, under Col. Drake, of the 12th regiment, and died in the hospital, April 30, 1862. Peter Jaquins removed from Guilford, Chenango Co., to Cattaraugus Co., in 1820, and settled, in I825, on lot 42, which he bought in 1824, near the present railroad depot, where he now resides. Like many other pioneers, he was fond of hunting, in which he was excelled by few in this region. His children were: Bruce, who resides near his father; Edward, who resides in Kansas, and owns a large tract of land, and is an extensive dealer in cattle; CLYMER. 297 Wallace, who died in Penn.; Art, a dealer in cattle, in town. A daughter, Elizabeth, resided for a time in California, where her husband died. She now resides in this town near her father, and has a daughter, Mary S., born in California, now 16 years of age. Peter Jaquins was a soldier in the war of 18 2, from Chenango Co., and was in the battle of Queenston. Ralph Pettit, from Cayuga Co., settled on lot 47, in the north part of the town, where he still resides. He has held several responsible town offices. His children were: Justus, Clarissa, Lovena, Ralph, Charlotte, Polly, James, and Burrows, besides twins, not named. Justus was married, and died in Penn. Clarissa, wife of Wm. Russell; and they removed to Kansas. The others are married, and reside in the county. Horace Starkweather, born in Brandon, Vt., in I794, and has been represented by himself or some other person, t6 have come to Clymer in April, I820, and was the first to commence as a farmer in the town. This conflicts with the statements elsewhere given relating to the early settlement of the town. The Company's books show Wm. Rice's contract for land to have been the first in this town, in May, 1820. Starkweather's is dated October, I821; and the State Gazetteer says he settled on lot 43 in 1822. Although the date of contract does not always determine the date of settlement, it is not probable that Starkweather settled so early as 1820. Samuel Wickwire, from Madison Co., about I828, settled on lot I6, northwest part of the town; subsequently on lot 23, where he still resides, at the advanced age of 85 years. He had 4 sons: Samuel, deceased; Nathan,who lives in Ripley; Ira G., who owns a part of the homestead farm; and Alfred Y., on the farm first purchased by his father. Two daughters were: Mary, wife of William Rice, of Sherman; and Cornelia, wife of William Wells, of Clymer. Urbane Hitchcock, from Madison Co., settled on lot 15, bought in 1829, where he still resides. His 2 sons, Henry and Harvey, are residents of the town. He had five daughters, of whom none, it is believed, reside in the town. Charles Brightman, an early settler on lot 30, removed to Mason City, Iowa. He had no sons, but a large number of daughters, none of whom, it is believed, reside in the town. Mr. Brightman was for 4 years supervisor of the town. Alexander Maxwell settled on lot 30, where he now resides. His sons, Charles. Samuel, Edwin, and William, reside in the neighborhood of their father; Henry, in Newark, New Jersey; and George, removed to the West. A daughter married Win. Cleveland, and is deceased. Dr. Peck settled early in the north-east part of the town, on lot 6; and still resides there. He was an early practicing physician in Clymer. He had a large family of children, most of them deceased. David Phinney, from Brandon, Vt., settled on lot 41, in I826, where he lived until his death, aged nearly 8i years. He had 3 sons, Harvey A., Daniel P., and David. Harvey came to Phelps, Ontario Co., in I8Io, where 298 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. he practiced medicine until 1828, when he came to Clymer, and practiced until his death. Daniel was a deacon of the Baptist church; removed to Marengo, Ill., where he now resides. David, Jr., went to California, and is probably not living. Artemas Ross, son of Charles Ross, came with his father from Chenango Co.,in 1824, to Clymer Hill. He married Mary Jones, daughter of Thomas Jones, of French Creek; studied law with Abner Lewis, Esq., of Panama; and was licensed as an attorney. His children were: Thomas, a druggist at Findley's Lake; Charles, and Ida. The first town-meeting was held, April 3, 1821, at the house of Gardner Cleveland; and the following named officers were elected; the town then comprising four townships: Supervisor-Ande Nobles. Town Clerk-David Waldo. AssessorsWm. Rice, Roger Haskell, John M. Fitch. Com'rs of Highways-Roswell Coe, John Cleveland, Alexander Findley. School Inspectors-Ephraim Dean, Ande Nobles, John Lynde. School Com'rs-John Heath, Roger Haskell, Overseers of Poor-Alexander Findley, Roswell Coe. Fence Viewers and Damage Appraisers-Wm. Thompson, Amon Beebe, Jr., Roger Haskell. Constable and Collector-Eli Belknap. Supervisors from 1821 to I875. Ande Noble, I82I. John Heath, 1822,'23,'30. Gardner Cleveland, 1824 to'27-4 years. Abishai S. Underwood, 1828. Alex. Wilson, Jr., 1829. Wm. Rice, I831 to'34, 1836 to'39, 1841,'42,'45-I years. Harvey A'. Phinney, 1835. Ira F. Gleason, I840. Moses Randall, I843,'44. Samuel Bly, i846,'47. Lyman Brown, 1848. Charles Brightman, 1849, 50,'58,'59. Stephen W. Steward, 185I to'55-5 years. Jesse Brown,'56,'7,'72. Horatio Hill, I857. Hercules Rice, i860. Lawyer S. Te'rry, i86i. Hartson S. Ayer, I862,'63,'68,'69,'70-5 years. Joshua Hatton, I864 to'67-4 years. Otis J. Green, I873,'74. Jesse Brown, I875. The first birth in town was that of Patience Russell, in 1823; the first marriage, that of Walter Freeman and Abigail Ross, in 1823. William Rice was the first blacksmith. The first school was taught by Maria Stow, sister of John Stow. The first store in Clymer is said to have been kept by John Stow, in 1823. John Heath and Joseph H. Williams succeeded Stow, and built a pearlashery, an indispensable appendage to a pioneer store; black salts being the only product that commanded cash. Alvin Williams, brother of Joseph, succeeded them in the store, and also kept an inn, in 1826, the first in town. Heath and Williams went to North-east, Pa.; traded there several years, and dissolved. Williams went to Erie, where he was successful in trade, and became a banker; removed to Philadelphia, and there died. Later merchants at Clymer were: Gardner Cleveland, Jr., and Howard Blodgett; Ira F. Gleason and John Williams, son of Alvin Williams; and Gleason and Stephen W. Steward; Stephen W. Steward; and Ayres & Blood. Present merchants: CLYMER. 299 Wm. B. Blodgett, Arthur Beach. Druggists, Ayres & Coffin. Hardware and stoves, Willis D. Gallup & Son. The first tavern was kept by Alvin Williams, in 1826. He was succeeded as innkeeper by his son, John Williams, who built the present public-house in the village. It was kept by him for several years, and is now owned and kept by James King. The first saw-mill was built by Peter Jaquins, in 1825, to which he added a grist-mill the next year. Eight years after their erection, they were burned. A new saw-mill was built immediately, and eight years thereafter, that was burned; and Mr. Jaquins again built a new one, which he subsequently sold to Porter Damon and John Williams, who built also a grist-mill. Williams sold his interest to Damon, after whose death the mills passed to his sons, Loren and Andrew. The latter sold his interest to Hartson S. Ayres & Bro., and the saw-mill was sold to Hall & Shepard. The grist-mill has been continued by Ayres & Bro., who have within the last year much enlarged and improved it. Hall sold out to Welch, of Buffalo; and the present proprietors of the saw-mill, Shepard & Welch, are erecting a large 3-story mill, in which machinery is to be placed for a planing and a shingle mill. William Rice built a grist-mill about 34 of a mile below the village, on the west branch of the Broken Straw, and sold it to Judson Hurlbut, who built a sawmill also. Mills are now owned by his son, Byron J., at the same place. Daniel Hurlbut built a saw-mill on Big Broken Straw, on lot 50, a mile below the Shepard & Welch mill. John B. Knowlton now owns the mill, with machinery for planing, turning, and the manufacture of agricultural implements. Thomas Card built a saw-mill in the east part of the town, on lot 20, where he still owns a mill, which is in operation. James Upton built a saw-mill on lot 45, the dam of which is built of stone from a large quarry of his own, near the mill. The mill is not now running. B. Parker early built a mill in the south-east part of the town, on lot 9. A mill on the same site is now owned by Christopher Whitford. A steam sawe-mill was built by Shepard & Havens, at Clymer station, and is now owned by William Havens. A steam mill has also been recently built near the center of the town, by Charles Maxwell and Joshua Hatton. The first physician was Roswell F. Van Buren. He was a native of Broadalbin, N. Y.; came to Clymer in 1826, and removed to Carroll in 1836, where he practiced many years. He finally removed to the West, and died at Cherry Valley, Ill., Feb. 24, 1863. He was succeeded by Dr. Harvey A. Phinney, who continued in practice here until his death, which was as late as 1852, perhaps later. Dr. Mackers succeeded him. Later were Drs. Spratt, McWharf, and others. Present physician, Artemas Ross. The first tannery was established by Ebenezer Brownell, on lot 35. He was the principal tanner and shoemaker for about ten years. The next after Brownell were James and Cyrus Chapman, who were followed by John Williams, who built a larger one, continued it for several years, and sold out to Fritts; and Fritts to Walter and Loren B. Sessions, the present 300 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. owners. A tannery was established several years ago, by Leonard Koomen, who sold to J. Newton McKay, on Clymer Hill, [Jackson Corners,] at which an extensive business is done, giving employment to about 30 men. BIOGRAPHICAL AND GENEALOGICAL. LYMAN BROWN, born in Kingston, Luzerne Co., Pa., May 30, I80o; removed to Hamburgh, Erie Co., N. Y.; thence to Clymer, and, in 1830, settled on lot 26, which he had bought in 1829, where he died, March 30, I873. Mrs. Brown died Sept. 30, I873. Mr. B. was, during most of his business life, a cattle dealer and drover. He held the office of supervisor and other town offices. He had 3 sons and 4 daughters: i. Jesse, who lives near the late residence of his father, and was for several years supervisor. He was also a merchant, in company with Wm. B. Gleason. 2. Martin, who lives near the homestead of his father. 3. Homer, who owns and occupies the homestead. 4. Amelia, wife of Charles Maxwell, at Clymer Center. 5. Diantha, wife of David Marsh, in Ellery. 6. Angeline, wife of Charles Chappel, at the village. 7. Geraldina, wife of Harvey J. Bemis. GARDNER CLEVELAND, SR., was born in Pomfret, Conn., Sept. 25, I763. He was married to Mary Holmes, and removed to Jefferson Co., N. Y., and thence to Clymer, where he settled on land bought in 1820; he being the second original purchaser of land in this town. He was a soldier in the war of the Revolution, and died in 1851 where he settled. Mrs. C. died in I830. They had 3 children: i. John, born in 1788, and was married to Eunice Fitch, who had 11 children, besides one that died in infancy: Hartley A., Susan T., Don Carlos, John F., Mary H., Wm. R., Erastus, Eunice E., Roxa A., Deming S., and Marenus R.; all of them living except Mary H. Hartley and Don Carlos are in Illinois, and John F. is one of the proprietors of the New York Tribune. 2. Gardner, Jr., born in 1790, and was married to Lydia Parkhurst. Their children were: Nathan P., Edwin, Gilbert C., Lydia A., Cordelia, Roxa B., Gardner H., twins, died infants, and John, Nathan and Roxa not living. 3. Roxana, born in I793, and was married to Wm. F. Brown, and died in I848. They had io children, besides one that died in infancy: Mary, wife of Hercules Rice; Samuel E.; Frederic T.; William W.; Lydia, wife of John B. Tyler; Betsey, wife of Leonard Freeman; Gardner C.; Dorcas; Jennett A., wife of John W. Chappel; and Fernando C. Mary, William, Gardner, and Dorcas, not living. IRA F. GLEASON, son of Ira Gleason, an early settler in French Creek, removed with his father from Sharon, Conn., to Madison Co.; was married to Caroline Force, and, in I83I, removed to French Creek, on lot o1. In 1837, he removed to Clymer, and engaged in the mercantile business, which he continued until 1857. He was a school teacher before and after he came to this town. He was supervisor of French Creek and in Clymer, and was also justice of the peace in both towns-for several terms in Clymer. His children were: I. William B., who married, first, Sarah E. Martin, of Holland, Erie Co.; second, Mary A. Fuller, of French Creek. He was for iilj ~~i: r!'rrsc:i.i~ ~:?:",I ~v:i)IAS ,,'82 blr: P -I-::r ::a,:~:~iX;'ii! Y s:i:h3..~: ~.~ ~. \ ~:;,, ~:- ~; I'~1:i~;r ~.~i-, i;i, i: a:: ;.~ 19: l;i- ;' ~I:i:;~': ~,~m i II-:;:L: Y;i": a i i:;i ii:~ ji-;~.;~:I CLYMER. 301 several years a partner of his father in trade, and is at present postmaster at Clymer. He has, by his second wife, 3 children: Mary L., Frank E., and Guy C. M. 2. Charles S., who married Mary Tanner, of Clymer. He is at present a practical engineer in railroad and manufacturing establishments, and resides at Clymer village. His children are: -, Esther, and Iva. OTIS D. HINCKLEY, born in Livingston Co., settled in Clymer, in May, 1850, where he still resides. He was married to Cordelia, a daughter of Hugh W. Lowry, a merchant at Westfield. He has been several times elected justice of the peace, which office he still holds. He has also held the office of justice of the sessions of the county court. He has also for many years served the people of this region as a surveyor, to the present time. He was elected in November, 1874, to represent the first assembly district in the legislature of I875. He was also a merchant for a time after his arrival here. He has two daughters, Corrie K. and Mary E. WILLIAM RICE was born in Cambridge, Washington Co., N. Y., March 28, 1787; and was married to Rachel Waldo, who was born Sept. io, 1792. They removed to Mayville in I8Io. In I821, they removed to Clymer, and settled on lot 59, which he bought in 1820. He was for i years elected supervisor of the town; and he was for many years a justice of the peace. In I840, he represented the county in the assembly, with Odin Benedict and George A. French. Mr. Rice had 12 children, of whom two died in infancy. i. Almira Maria, wife of Robert Smith, deceased. She resides at Harvard, Ill. 2. Victor lMoreaz, [see sketch.] 3. William S., who married Sarah K. Davis, of Hamilton, Ontario, and resides in Buffalo. He was a teacher for about 21 years of the time in the city of Buffalo, where he is at present city superintendent of education. 4. James Wilder, who died at 21, in Iowa. 5. Henry Hanmilton, who resides in Ogdensburg, Wisconsin; his wife deceased. 6, 7. Aurilla Cornelia and Marilla Cordelia, twins, the latter deceased; Cornelia, the wife of Cyprian Bracken; she resides at Yonkers, N. Y. 8. Clark W., who died at 22, in California. 9. Emily A., principal of the Female Seminary at Yonkers, unmarried. io. Edward C., who married Laura Emmons; and is of the firm of Rice, Quimby & Co., commission merchants, New York. VICTOR M. RICE was born at Mayville, April 5, 18I8. He was a son of Wm. Rice, a native of Washington Co., and the first settler in Clymer, in I82I. He graduated at Allegany College, Meadville, Pa., in 1841. Soon after, he accepted the position of a teacher in Buffalo High School, and also established a commercial writing school. He was employed in public schools in Buffalo from 1848 to 1854, during the last year of which time he was city superintendent of schools. From I854 to I857 he was state superintendent of public instruction. After three years he was again appointed to that office, in which he was continued for two terms of three years, which expired in April, I867, having discharged the duties of the office with general acceptance. After leaving college, he engaged as deputy clerk in the county clerk's office at Mayville, and commenced the study of 302 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. law with Wm. Smith, and remained there until I843, when he went to Buffalo. In 1846, he edited The Cataract, a temperance paper, which was afterwards changed to Western Temperance Standard, of which he became proprietor and publisher. Mr. Rice was married Nov. 26, 1846, to Maria L. Winter, at Madison, 0. They had 9 children: Spencer V., a teacher in Lehigh University, Pa.; Clark W.; William W.; Jesse M., who died in 1871, aged 18; William H.; Lemuel D.; Lubin W.; Gracie L.; Abbie M. Of these, William W., Lemuel D., and Abbie M., died in infancy. CHURCHES. The Methodist Episcopal Church in Clymer was organized about the year 1825. Rev. John P. Kent, who is still living, formed the first class in Clymer village. The members of this class, as stated from recollection, were Lawrence Amidon and Adelia Amidon, Elijah and Sarah Amidon, Leonard and Esther Amidon, John and Phebe Bliss, James and Mary Morden, Rachel Rice, and Ebenezer Brownell; and subsequently Sophrona Brownell, who is still living. The circuit was called North-east; John P. Kent, minister in charge; Rev. Wm. Swayzee, presiding elder. Mr. Kent was succeeded, in 1826, by Rev. Henry Knapp; and he, in 1827, by Wilder B. Mack and John C. Ayres. The society has been regularly supplied with pastors until the present time. The present pastor is Rev. J. F. Hill. The First Baptist Church of Clymer was organized about the year 1828, The persons who composed the church at the time of its formation were: Samuel Alvord and wife, Silas Barnes and wife, Mrs. Abigail Bennett, Polly Terry; and at the same time or not long after, Abishai Underwood and wife. Mrs. Roxa Thompson, and perhaps a few others. The first house of worship was built in I840, and was since given as a donation to the United Brethren, by whom it is still occupied. Their present church edifice was built in I86869, and dedicated in August, 1869. The first minister of this church was Samuel Alvord; and after him, Ransom Swain, Levant Rathbun, and others. The first deacon was Daniel P. Phinney. Present deacons, Leonard B. Freeman and John Marsh. Clerk, Melancthon Gleason. DUNKIRK. DUNKIRK was formed from Pomfret, Nov. 17, 1859, the division line being the north line of lots 2, 9, 15, 21, 26, 31, 35, 38. The town of Pomfret, at the time of the division, comprised the square township 4, of the 2th range, and the triangular township 5, lying north of it, containing a less area than a regular township. In the formation of Dunkirk, from the 5th township, the two southern tiers of lots were left to the town of Pomfret. Therefore Dunkirk contains only 6,632 acres, while Pomfret has an area of 28,899 acres. The probable reasons for such division are elsewhere stated. [See Pomfret.] DUNKIRK. 303 Original Purchases of Lots and parts of Lots within the present Town of Dunkirk. I804. June, John Williams, 21. October, Benjamin Barrett, 27. Zattu Cushing, 28, 29, 33. 1805. February, Benjamin Barrett, 27. March, Seth Cole, 1, 2, 9. June, Richard Douglass, 3. Rufus Langdon, I5. Seth Cole, 9. i806. October, Ephraim Pease, 36. I807. January, Hezekiah Fisk, 3. May, Jonathan Bartoo and John Van Tassel, 24. July, Theron Strong and Simeon Wilber, I8. Samuel Geer, 22. October, Samuel Richardson, 32. November, John Brigham, 23. 1809. June, Luther Goulding, 24. November, Oliver Weatherby, Io; [art. to Isaac Loomis.] I8Io. January, Samuel Brigham, I9. February, Solomon Chadwick, 24. March, Daniel Getchell, ii. April, Nathaniel Munn, 13. May, Benjamin Barnes, Jr., 16. 1811. March, John Barge, 3. Richard Douglass, 3. John C. Billings, ii. I8I2. February, Arnold Russell, 22. April, Stephen Washburn, 12. May, Enos Eastman, 22. December, John Pratt, Jr., 17. 1813. March, Richard Douglass, 3. 1815. October, John Burt, (or Bunt,) 17. 1816. June, Charles Harris, 17. Richard Douglass, 4. November, Daniel G. Garnsey, 13. December, Calvin Spafford, 4. 1817. January, Daniel G. Garnsey, 6, 7. Ezra -Andrews, i6. March, Asa Qwen, 5. Abel Carpenter, 4. Jacob Houghton, 39. Daniel G. Garnsey, 12, II, IO. Robert Kenyon, 5. May, Caleb Seager, 32. I827. September, Joshua Douglass, 36. Seth Cole, from Paris, Oneida Co., N. Y., June 5, i805, bought land of Judge Cushing at the mouth of Canadaway creek, and settled there. He paid for the land with some improvements, $3.33 per acre. He also bought other lands directly from the Holland Company. He contracted with Ellicott to cut and clear out a road a rod wide from the town line between Pomfret and Portland to Silver Creek, for $io a mile. Like others of the earliest settlers, he had to go to mill with his first crop of corn to Niagara Falls, and afterwards to 20 mile creek in Pennsylvania. They went with ox-teams on the ice. Mrs. Cole earned the name of a heroine in the war of I8I2. She was then a widow; and her son Erastus, who was a volunteer in the militia, was absent at Lewiston. A company of militia was stationed at widow Cole's, at the mouth of the creek, in July, I8I2,.to protect the small commerce of the lake. Salt boats anad other sihall craft were liable to be seized by British cruisers. A salt boat chasied by a British cruiser came into the mouth of the creek for protection. The cruiser anchored one-fourth of a mile from shore. The salt boat had run up on the west side of the mouth of the creek, and had a swivel on board, which the hands had hoisted out and placed on the crotch of a large tree, which they fired upon a boat with 13 men sent out from the cruiser, and making its way to the salt boat. When within musket shot, Capt. Tubbs and his company of about 40 men, who lay concealed behind a sand bank on the east side of the creek, ran up the bank and fired; and the boat put back, with the loss of io men, killed 304 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. and wounded, out of her 13 men. During the fight, Mrs. Cole acted as a general patrol. She mounted her horse, and went to Fredonia to rally the men to the mouth of the creek; and after her return, she was actively engaged in carrying food and drink to the little army. This has been called the first naval fight after the declaration of war. [Old citizens, residing in the vicinity at that time, doubt that any of the men in the boat were killed.] Solomon Chadwick, a native of Weston, Mass., emigrated with his family to the present site of Dunkirk, from Madison county, in or about the year 18Io; his purchase of lot 24 bearing date Feb. 21, of that year. From him the place took its early name, Chadwick's Bay. He subsequently sold his article of agreement with the Holland Company, to Daniel G. Garnsey for $2,000. He finally removed to Perrysburg, where he died Jan. Io, 1864, in his 87th year, having been born October i6, 1777. He was a widower, and resided, at the time of his death, with his son, Luther Chadwick. His wife's maiden name was Jerusha Gleason. She died about 1845. They had four children, all of whom survived him: Luther, at Perrysburg; and three married daughters in Wisconsin. VILLAGE OF DUNKIRK. In i8o8, Timothy Goulding settled about one mile west of the harbor. In I809, Solomon Chadwick located on the site of the present village. He was soon followed by - Gaylord, Luther Goulding, and Daniel Pier. Although a vessel is said to have been brought into the harbor, by Samuel Perry, as early as 18io, it was several years before the settlement was entitled to be called a village, as will appear from the following sketch of its early history, orally given to the writer by one of its early and most distinguished citizens, as well as one of its principal business men. In the year I816 or 1817, Solomon Chadwick, Luther Goulding, Timothy Goulding, Abraham Pier, and others, sold their farms, or assigned their contracts, to Elisha Jenkins, of Albany, as trustee for a company composed of Isaiah and John Townsend, De Witt Clinton and T — horn, who bought I,oo8 acres of land, a part of the present site of the village of Dunkirk, and took a deed from the Holland Land Company. About 40 or 50 acres they surveyed into village lots. In 1818, they built a wharf and warehouse, at the foot of Center street, a hotel and other buildings, costing, in all, about $20,000. In I825, the company sold to Walter Smith, of Fredonia, an undivided half of the property, with improvements, for $io,ooo; the village containing at that time about 50 inhabitants. Mr. Smith removed to Dunkirk in I826. The population, in 1830, was supposed to have increased to about I,ooo. In or about 1833, Mr. Smith sold out his half interest to men in the city of New York at a large advance above the cost; and, for less than half of the sum received, he bought of the Company the other half. In 1838, the land was divided into shares among the owners; and one-fourth of the proceeds of the sales of the lands was to be given to the New York & Erie Railroad Company, on condition that the road should be built within six years. In DUNKIRK. 305 this, however, the company failed, although the time had been twice extended. But when the construction of the railroad had become assured, the proprietors of the lands made a donation to the railroad company of 40 or 50 acres for a depot and other purposes. It may be remarked here, that Mr. Smith, after having bought out the Townsend company, purchased for the association an addition to their lands of about 600 acres. After the completion of the railroad, the property was sold and the proceeds divided among the proprietors. The name of the place was originally " Chadwick's Bay," taken from Solomon Chadwick, one of the early settlers. Its present name is said to have been given to it by, or at the suggestion of Elisha Jenkins,,one of the proprietors before mentioned. The Jenkins brothers and their father had been shipping merchants, first in Hudson; and afterwards they had also a business house in New York, where some of the firm resided. Elisha was for a time engaged for the firm at Dunkirk, in France; the bay in which place resembled Chadwick's Bay on Lake Erie: hence the name of Dunkirk. [Mr. Jenkins was secretary of state of the state of New York, in I81i-13.] This village was incorporated in I837, when the memorable speculating mania prevailed in this state, and scarcely less in other states, when imaginary fortunes, without number, were made in the purchase of real estate. The effect upon Dunkirk is thus described by Judge Warren in his historical sketches of Chautauqua county: "The speculations in real estate, which were at their height during this period, and which have resulted in such incalculable injury to the interests of the whole people, affected the village of Dunkirk more seriously than any other point in the county. The termination of the New York and Erie railroad at this place, pointed it out to those most deeply affected with the contagion, as a spot on which operations of the kind might be carried on for a while at least with success. The rage for corner lots and eligible sites, was rife, and ran to so high a pitch, that men of all pursuits-farmers, mechanics, merchants, lawyers, and even ministers of the gospel, embarked upon the wild sea, without rudder or ballast, with nothing to propel them but a whirlwind, that soon scattered them in broken fragments upon a lee shore. "Though affected to a greater degree, this village was not alone in its madness. Most of the other villages were more or less influenced by the mania that swept over the land, and suffered in proportion to the extent of their operations." Dunkirk harbor, though wholly artificial, is a good one, several appropriations having been made by Congress for its improvement; and it has the capacity for a large amount of business. Railroads, however, have seriously affected its lake commerce, the line of steamers having been many years since withdrawn. Its railroad advantages are important. The Erie railway terminates here; and the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern railroad passes through the town; and the Dunkirk, Allegany Valley & Pittsburgh railroad terminates in the village. It is also connected by a horse railroad,with Fredonia, three miles south. Its manufactures are extensive, notwithstanding the adverse effects of the 20 306 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. existing general depression of the various branches of industry throughout the country. An important establishment is Brooks' Locomotive Works. By the removal, in I86I, of the Erie railway machine and repair shops, with several hundred workmen, the business prosperity of Dunkirk was materially affected. But the minds of the citizens were much relieved when they learned, in the ensuing fall, that a company had leased the machine shops for a term of years, and would turn them into permanent locomotive works. The capital stock of the company was at first $350,000, and was subsequently increased to $500,000. At the head of this company was Horatio G. Brooks, the present superintendent of the establishment. By the increase of the number of workmen, and the addition of improved machinery, it became one of the greatest manufacturing enterprises of its kind in the state. The Erie company, with its other work, had made a little more than one locomotive in a month; the present company turned out seven per month. The financial crisis of I873 caused a suspension of operations for a time. Business, however, has been resumed, and is carried on, though on a less extensive scale than formerly. The establishment known as Dzunkirk Iron Works, was originally erected for the purpose of manufacturing locomotives, by a stock company; but the company failing in the accomplishment of their designs, the property was purchased by Clark & Allen, who, in the spring of 1865, commenced the manufacture of boilers, engines, and general job work. In the spring of i868, the establishment was purchased by Sellew & Popple, of Gowanda, N. Y. These enterprising proprietors, having had long experience in the iron foundry business, enlarged the works, putting up new buildings and adding new machinery, thereby enabling them to manufacture a great variety of machinery, including mowers, planers, matchers, grist and saw-mill machinery, corn shellers, potato diggers, castings of all kinds, besides boilers and engines. Wm. B. O'Connell purchased an interest in the establishment in the spring of I873, and the business was continued, under the name of Sellew, Popple & O'Connell, with increasing success, until the death of Mr. O'Connell, which occurred July i, I875. The number of men employed has ranged from 60 to Ioo, and the annual sales have been from $80,000 to $I50,000. Sellew & Popple have repurchased Mr. O'Connell's interest in the establishment, and now continue the business in all its branches. Skinner &6 GZiford Manufacturing Co. have an establishment for manufacturing all kinds of railway track supplies, and a great variety of other articles. Among them are the locomotive hoisting machine, car hoisting and truck transfer machine, cast-iron turn table, portable turn table, coaling derrick, portable wrecking derrick, steel scrapers, nut tapping machine, Howe truss bridge, cast iron fronts, etc. This manufacturing firm is a comparatively new one; but the constantly increasing products of the establishment give fair promise of its attaining a high rank among the manufacturing enterprises of the county. There are several other manufacturing establishments, among which are :;-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~7 rj15;VI.h~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~h~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-Pl ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~-~~~~~~~~:ltrae." g Z DUNKIRK. 307 Flesher's Iron Works; two manufactories of sash, doors and blinds; two flouring mills; one lime and one plaster mill, and several smaller manufacturing establishments. It has also a number of laning mills, and a considerable lumber trade. The Dunkirk Water Works were constructed a few years since, at a cost of about $ioo,ooo, for which village bonds were issued, payable in twentyfive years. The water is drawn from Lake Erie, filtered through a crib sunk in its waters; and forced by machinery to all parts of the village, through more than ten miles of iron pipe. A supply of water is thus furnished for domestic and manufacturing purposes, and for the extinguishment of large conflagrations. BIOGRAPHICAL AND GENEALOGICAL. MOSELY WELLS ABELL, son of Thomas and Eunice (Griswold) Abell, was born at Bennington, Vt., Feb. 24, I78I, and was married to Ruth Baldwin at Dorset, Vt., July 6, i806. He resided some years at Crown Point, where he was engaged in mercantile business, and in 8 IT removed to Buffalo; and rented a hotel of Mrs. St. John, on the corner of Main and Seneca streets, which, with his effects, was destroyed by the burning of the village. After a residence in Mayville for one year or more, he came to Fredonia in 1815, and, with his brother, Thomas G., started a public house, which for many years was a favorite stopping place for travelers. He was long postmaster here, and also one of the proprietors of the stage line between Buffalo and Erie. In 1828, he removed to Dunkirk, where he resided till his death, a respected citizen. He was one of the original members of the Baptist church of Dunkirk, and for many years a deacon. He held the offices of postmaster at Dunkirk, and county superintendent of the poor from I849 to 1851. His wife died in August, i85I. Mr. Abell died in September, i858, in his 78th year. He had ii children, of whom two died in infancy. The others were: I. AMinerva, who married Walter Smith, and died February, 1855, leaving a son, Walter C., and four daughters, of whom Mary married Judge John M. Barbour, New York city. 2. Lucina, who married Norval Bishop, and died Nov., I847, leaving a son, Francis M. 3. Mary Ann, wife of Rev. Timothy Stillman, D. D. They had 4 sons: Mosely A., Timothy, George, and one who died in infancy; and 2 daughters: Ann Mary, who married John A. Townsend; and Ruth, who died in infancy. Dr. Stillman and family reside in Dunkirk, where he settled in I830. 4. Thomas B., who died at Marshalltown, Iowa, April, I874, leaving a son and a daughter. 4. Albert H., who resides in Dunkirk; had 4 children, of whom 2 died young, and 2, Daniel W. and Charley, are living. 6. George A., who resides in Dunkirk; had 4 children; all died in infancy. 7. Frances L., who married James B. Stevens, and lives in Chicago, with 3 children. 8. Casper K., who married Jane Williams, of Jamestown; resides in Dunkirk, and has two sons and a daughter living; and two children died in infancy. 9. Clara K., who married Marvin Blanchard; has 2 sons, and resides in Chicago. 308 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. WILLARD W. BRIGHAM, son of Stephen, and grandson of Jonathan Brigham, came with his father to Sheridan in 1816, from Madison county. In I818, he went to Mayville, and worked as apprentice for Robert I. Curtis, in the printing office of the Chazutauiua Eagle, and with Mr. Curtis' two maiden sisters, performed the work of the office. The Erie Reflector also was printed by Mr. Curtis, the papers being carried by Brigham in a saddlebag on horseback to Erie for distribution. Finding the printing business injurious to his health, he returned to his father's in Sheridan. In 1821, Mr. Frisbee, in want of help to bring out the first number of the Neze York Censor, offered young Brigham $6 for a single week's work, which offer in those days of scarcity of money, was very readily accepted. Mr. B. has, during the greater part of his life, been engaged in the building of mills and the manufacture and sale of lumber, and is at present the proprietor of a lumber yard in Dunkirk. He formerly owned two vessels on Lake Erie, which were employed in the lumber trade, and by which large quantities were carried to Buffalo for the eastern markets. This business he continued until about the year I852. He was eight years a justice of the peace in Sheridan; four years its supervisor, and for the term of three years a coroner of the county. He was also for four years assistant-assessor of internal revenue during the administration of President Lincoln. He married, first, Electa Robinson, of Sheridan, who died in 1852; second, Louisa C., daughter of Ebenezer R. Thompson. He has no children. DANIEL G. GARNSEY was an early lawyer in this county. He pursued his professional studies in Norwich, Chenango Co., and in the city of Troy, and was admitted to practice in the supreme court. After the practice of his profession for a few years in the counties of Rensselaer and Saratoga, he visited Chautauqua county in I8iI, and was present at the first county court in June of that year. He was there admitted to the court of common pleas; but he did not then become a resident of the county. He removed to Pomfret in I816; and, it is said, either on his own account, or for a company, purchased of Solomon Chadwick the land at " Chadwick's Bay," as the place was then called, and for a brief period, after this purchase, " Garnsey's Bay" as well as Chadwick's. The property, as elsewhere stated, became the property of the Dunkirk company, one of whom was Elisha Jenkins, of the city of Hudson. He was the agent for the proprietors, and labored faithfully to promote their interests in building up that village. He was ambitious of political preferment. He sought and obtained the office of surrogate, and superseded Dr. Squire White in that office, which he held from i813 to 1821. He held the office of district-attorney from I818 to I826; and was also a commissioner to perform certain duties of a judge of the supreme court at chambers. Finally, he was elected to Congress, in which he served two terms-the period of the presidential term of John Quincy Adams. He was a faithful representative, and especially so in regard to the local wants of his constituents-particularly in respect to harbors, light-houses, claims of pensions, etc. He afterwards removed to Michigan. There being some pros :: ~~-:I:::i:I:~i~:;:::::~~ i ::: -:::::-::'::iUuiR~l*1.Viu\lai::lrr~;/ c:0 Iw*i-j:,:lll- n:li i I::i" S:~;~e s,;ra:: -~;~ iI :":M~ I: -il; ii.pe::~~;"-~: '::~.;;";r~-:~-:: ~ Y-: ,"iBg ":r.:::::- ~:;::;l: —;l-':i;i:-::~~:~1": i:~jp: -;~j.;:iii;~~r -~i::::::.;i::;.:l::.:,. ~~:.~~.::::::_ DUNKIRK. 309 pect of the location of the new seat of the state government near Battle Creek, he made a purchase or location there, and laid out that village now bearing that name. He left that place, and made a purchase at Bertrand, and laid out a village. After a few years he removed to Rock Island. Next he was appointed by President Harrison, receiver of public moneys at the land-office at Dixon, Ill., but was removed by President Tyler. In r851, returning with his wife fromi Philadelphia, where they had visited a married daughter, and being on his way to attend the grand celebration at Dunkirk, of the completion of the Erie railroad-an event in which he felt the more deeply interested from his having considered himself the parent and patron of that village-he stopped on his way with his friend and relative, Ralph Plumb, Esq., at Gowanda, where he was taken violently sick with erysipelas and putrid sore throat, and died after an illness of five days, May Ii, I85I, in his 72d year. WALTER SMITH.-No man was more intimately associated with the early history of Dunkirk than Walter Smith. Probably no other in the county has been so widely and so favorably known as a business man. The writer of this History has a letter from a distinguished gentleman, in a remote part of the state, formerly a resident of this county, who remarks, that a history of Chautauqua county without a proper notice of the business career of Walter Smith, would be like "the play of Hamlet with Hamlet left out." And so often is his name still heard from the lips of old settlers who in early times had dealings with this pioneer merchant, that we venture to devote to him a little more space than is usually allotted to the sketch of a single individual. Mr. Smith was born in Wethersfield, Conn., March 21, 800o, and came to Cazenova, N. Y., at the age of 15 years, and engaged as a clerk in the store of Jacob Ten Eyck. At the age of I9, in March, I8I9, Mr. Smith eame on horseback, westward, seeking for a place of business as a merchant, and determined to settle at Fredonia. He returned to Madison county, and, having formed a partnership with his late employer, he brought on his goods in May, and commenced business under the firm of Walter Smith & Co.; the profits to be equally divided; Mr. Ten Eyck agreeing to furnish the capital, and Mr. S. to manage the concern. Todd & Douglass commenced trade the same year; and Ralph and Joseph Plumb, who had been in trade there a few years, discontinued business that year, and sold their store and ashery to Mr. Smith. The business capacity of the youthful merchant was soon manifest. His first year's sales of goods exceeded $20,000, and during his six years' business in Fredonia, they reached the amount of $75,000 a year The cash received for goods at the time of sale did not exceed io per cent.; the remainder being charged to the purchaser, to be paid for in black salts or house ashes, or farm produce. The latter was for a few years sold out to the new immigrants at the price paid for it in goods. The annual sales of pot and pearl ashes, during the six years, varied from $20,000 to $45,000. Ashes were shipped to Montreal for market before the completion of the Erie 310 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. canal; being hauled around the Falls to Lewiston. John R. Coney in Portland, Brockway in Ripley, Alvin Williams in Westfield, Guy Webster in Hanover, and some one in Perrysburg, Cattaraugus county,-all had asheries, and bought goods of Mr. Smith, and sold him their pot and pearl ashes, which he sold in Montreal; retained the amount of their indebtedness, and paid them the remainder of the proceeds in cash. Herriot & McGunagle, of Mayville, also Wm. Holbrook, Holbrook & Camp, and Camp & Colvill, of Forestville, were large manufacturers of pot and pearl ashes. It was the opinion of Mr. Smith that three-fourths of the pot and pearl ashes from Chautauqua county, were shipped by himself the first six years. After that, the manufacture diminished rapidly. The condition of the early settlers, and the benefits derived by them from a merchant doing a business like that done by him, appears from a letter in the hands of the writer of this History, in which he wrote as follows: "In I8I9, and for two years after, the county did not produce sufficient breadstuffs and meats for the consumption of the inhahitants, whose numbers were rapidly increasing by immigration. The early settlers generally came with small means: a yoke of oxen and a wagon, or ox-cart; and the smallest amount of household furniture that it was possible to keep house with. The settler's first business was to go to the land-office and get a contract for his 50 or Ioo acres of land, on which he paid nearly all his money, generally from $ro to $50, the remainder to be paid in yearly installments, with interest. He then put up his log house, with the assistance of his neighbors. He next went to the merchant to get a credit to commence clearing. He would tell the merchant he had a contract for land, and that he was going to clear so many acres, and burn the timber, and make the ashes into black salts. And being a stranger, he wanted to get $25 or $50 in advance, in due-bills for goods to buy a pig and other articles; the due-bills to correspond in sums with the cost of the articles he wished to purchase, as he could not generally buy more than one in a place." This was not the only way in which Mr. Smith accommodated settlers. Not every man made black salts. Money for taxes and certain other purposes must be had; and as a surplus of grain was at length produced, which the producer could not send to a distant market, Mr. Smith bought considerable grain of the farmers for cash; and, though he paid a low price, it was to the producer no small accommodation. For one or two seasons he made contracts with the general government to supply the forts and garrisons along the western lakes. Mr. S. thought the population. of the county, when he came into it in I819, did not exceed 4,000 to 5,000. He says, in the letter referred to: "The lands along the main road from Fredonia to Westfield were mostly or all settled, and clearings had been commenced; also from Fredonia east to Silver Creek. But the largest clearings were the first three or four miles east and west from Fredonia. But the clearings on these farms, and those on the road down the Canadaway creek, did not exceed 30 to 60 acres to a farm. But these men were considered the rich men of the county: and their farms were the Egypt that supplied the new settlers with provisions before they had enough land cleared to produce their own. Among the owners of DUNKIRK. 3 I these farms were Mr. Barker, whose farm included the site of the village, Judge Cushing, Justus Harrington, Abiram Orton, Benj. Perry, Daniel Gould, Otis Ensign, John Walker, Benj. Roberts, the Gouldings, Holmeses, Hezekiah Turner, - Crosby, Martin Eastwood, John Adams, Nathaniel Marsh, Ebenezer Johnson, Seth Cole, Captain Simeon Fox, the Douglasses, Stephen Porter, Judge Philo Orton, and Captain Sprague. These farms, at that time, were not worth over $io to $20 per acre, and were not readily sold for that." The foregoing facts were obtained from personal conversations with Mr. Smith and from a written communication, in response to our repeated and urgent request, but which he did not live to finish. Of his enterprises in Ohio and Michigan, little was obtained in conversation, and nothing from his pen. We therefore supply the deficiency, in part, from an obituary notice written by a gentleman, a life-long acquaintance of Mr. S., and who had a thorough knowledge of his business life: " Could a history be written of all that was above the ordinary range in the life of Walter Smith; of his early experience as a merchant in Fredonia, and the timely aid he gave to the struggling settlers; of how, by his personal magnetism, he stimulated activity and enterprise in others; of the zeal with which he entered into public improvements; of his share in projecting the Erie Railroad, and in the incipial measures which made its construction possible; of his labors in laying the foundations of Dunkirk; of his agency in the early development of the iron interests in Ohio; of his extensive and successful agricultural enterprise in Michigan, and how the keels he laid plowed the then almost trackless waters of the lake, bringing to his mills in Dunkirk the products of his own western harvests-could all the incidents and results of his forecast and activity be faithfully recorded, it would make a biography of interest and value. " ~ * Some still live who remember the uncommon energy and skill he displayed, his unwearied application to business, his wonderful activity in traffic, and his liberal public spirit-a mere boy with all the responsibilities and labors of mature manhood. At this late day it is difficult to understand how intimately and largely that country store entered into all the business transacted between the lake and the Connewango and Allegany. It became almost a public institution. Scarcely a farm was cleared, a highway opened, or a house or barn erected, but received some impetus, supply or material from the general stock in trade of that ample depository. Orders on Smith's store, and due-bills payable in goods over his signature, became the currency of the country. In 1826, while in the full tide of success, he became associated with De Witt Clinton and others in the proprietorship of Dunkirk, and transferred to that new theater of action, his capital, his prestige, his remarkable talent for business and adventure.' *! That his plans were not always wholly successful was not owing to any want of wisdom in their conception, or energy and address in their execution. Fortuitous events, beyond any human control, intervened to prevent the full realization of his hopes, or even a partial recompense for his labors. He was largely extended and under heavy pecuniary obligations, incurred in efforts to advance the growth of Dunkirk and increase her commerce on the lakes, when the remarkable financial crisis of 1836 overtook him, and he was involved in the common disasters. We can hardly realize now the desolating blight which then came over the land; blasting the fortunes and credit of individuals, communities, and states. " " * 312 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. He struggled heroically through years of perplexity and trial, and in some measure recovered from his complicated embarrassment. In I843, he moved to Ohio and assumed the management of an extensive iron establishment on the Vermilion river, which he and others had founded in more prosperous days. In 1852, he returned to Dunkirk, where he has since lived in easy fortune and comparative respose, the honored center of a highly respected family, cherishing him with tender and devoted affection." Walter Smith was married to Minerva, daughter of Mosely W. Abell. Their children were: Mary, who married John M. Barbour, judge of the superior court in the city of New York; Kate E. M.; Walter C.; Sarah, widow of Hoyt G. Palmer, who died in Dunkirk; and Cornelia, unmarried. Mrs. Minerva Smith died Feb. 25, I855. Mr. Smith died Sept. 21, I874. CHURCHES. The Baptist Church of Dunkirk was organized in I830. Members of the Baptist church at Fredonia residing at Dunkirk, having obtained permission of the church to form a separate society, a council was called for this purpose. The names of the petitioners for the new church were: John Bond, James Barnaby, Daniel Bowen, Levi Persons, and sisters Ninett Bond, Susan Barnaby, Lucy Bowen, Lucy Persons, Abigail Woodcock, Celinda Tefft, Elizabeth Fink, and Eunice Raymond. The council met at Dunkirk, March 17, I830. Letters of dismission from the church at Fredonia were presented by the petitioners, and also by Betsey Farnsworth and Henry H. Ayres from other churches. The council adjourned to the 5th of May, and met on that day. The delegates were: from Mayville church, Rev. Jairus Handy, and brethren S. Cotes, Horace Lapham. From 2d Ripley: H. Chipman, Amos Mason. From ist Ripley: Isaac F. Butler, J. W. Hill. From ist Pomfret: Elders Elisha Tucker, Joy Handy; brethren J. Z. Saxton, Nathaniel Crosby, Benj. Randall, D. J. Matteson. In addition to those having previously presented letters, the following named persons from the first church in Pomfret were received: Benj. J. Robbins, James Hale, Moseley W. Abell, Ruth Abell, Mary Ann Robbins, Cordelia Tefft, Nancy Church, Lovisa Gates, Abel Brown. Articles of Faith were presented and accepted; and the church was duly acknowledged by the council. May 18, 1830, John Bowen was chosen deacon; John Bond, clerk. The Presbyterian Church of Dunkirk was organized May 22, I830, by a committee previously appointed by the Buffalo Presbytery. The committee consisted of Rev. Isaac Oaks, of Westfield, and Rev. B. B. Gray, of Sheridan, with each of them a ruling elder. The following named persons were present with letters: From Fredonia Church-Leonard Parmelee, Harriet Parmelee, Mrs. Lucy Gurnsey, Mrs. Sally Day, Mrs. Polly Ann Brigham, Mrs. Sarah Williams. From Sheridan Church-Elijah Look, Augusta Look. From Montgomery Presbyterian Church-Mrs. Mary S. Capron. From Vernon Presbyterian Church-Mrs. Abigail Langdon. Of these ten members, of whom only two were males, Mrs. Parmelee, of Ravenna, 0., and Mrs. Langdon, of Dunkirk, are the only survivors, [I874.] Rev. Timothy Still ELLERY. 313 man, D. D., was the first pastor, commencing his labors Sept. I, 1830, and continuing in this relation until Sept., I838. In May, I839, Rev. James B. Shaw was installed, and continued his pastorate until 1840, when he accepted a call to the Brick church, Rochester, of which he is still the pastor. He was succeeded in June, I841, by Charles L. Hequembourg, who was ordained and installed Oct. 27, 1841, and served five years. Rev. Lewis Hamilton was called in June, I849, installed in September following, and resigned June 1, 1853. He was succeeded, June 4, 1854, by Rev. G. W. Timlow, who, after one year, gave place to his brother, Heman R. Timlow, who was ordained and installed Oct. 4, 1855, and tendered his resignation Jan. To, i856. In June following, Rev. Wm. L. Hyde was elected pastor, and installed July i8th. In November, I862, he accepted the chaplaincy of the II2th regiment of New York volunteers from this county. In the spring of 1865, Rev. W. A. Fox was elected pastor, and installed in July, and remained four years. In I869, he was succeeded by the present pastor, Rev. Myron Adams. Public worship was first held in the school-house on Third street, now known as the lock-up. In 1831, the second story was fitted up for an academy and a sanctuary. In 1834, the society commenced building a church edifice on the corner of Center and Third streets, where the Monroe block now stands. The basement was completed, and continued as their place of worship, and dedicated as such, Jan. I, 1835. The house was finished, and dedicated in June, 1836. In I857, the congregation being greatly annoyed during worship by the passing of railroad trains, the society removed their building to the lot now occupied by the new structure. The expense of removal and repairs was about $2,000. The new house is among the finest in the county, and is regarded as an honor and an ornament to Dunkirk. It was dedicated October i6, 1873. The Episcopalians, Methodists, Catholics, Free Methodists, and Universalists, respectively, have churches; sketches of which had not been obtained before this work went to press. There are also four German churches of different names or orders. ELLERY. ELLERY was formed from Chautauqua, February 29, 1821; named in honor of William Ellery, a signer of the declaration of independence. A part of Stockton was taken off in I850. It now comprises all of township 2, of range I2, lying east and north of Chautauqua Lake, together with township 3 of the same range, except I2 lots from the north part, which now form a part of Stockton, and an addition of about 9 lots from the narrow strip of township 3, range I3, lying east of the lake, making an aggregate area of 30,073 acres. The surface is hilly, the highest summits being 400 feet above 314 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. the valleys, and i,ooo above Lake Erie. The soil is a clay loam on the uplands, and a gravelly loam in the valleys. Several small streams take their rise within the town, and flow into the lake, which forms its western and southern boundary. Original Purchases in the Town of Ellery-Township 2, Range 12. I806. January, William Bemus, 34, 40. March, William Bemus, 35. I807. April, Jeremiah Griffith, Io. 1809. July, John Silsby, 34. Joseph Silsby, 34. September, William Smiley, 17. October, John B. Babcock, 3. Peter Simmons, 3. 18io. March, Israel Smith, 26. Stephen R. Ludington, 26. Clark Parker, 27. April, James Smith, I8. David!Vlatteson, I9. 181I. Jan., Jacob Rush, 13, 20. John Silsby, 20. Aug., Asa Martin, 19. 1812. Nov., William Smith, 21, i8, 13. May, Russell Babcock, 21. 1814. September, Joseph Loucks, II, 12. Joseph Loucks, Jr., 12. i815. March, Isaac Young, 2. November, James P. Rogers, 31. 1816. April, Seth Clark, 14. John Miller, 21. Peter Miller, 14. I818. August, William G. Youker, 13. September, David Klock, 13. November, Daniel B. Carpenter, 45, 48. I821. October, John Stow, 41. 1823. February, Philip Parker, 20. 1825. July, Nahum Aldrich, i6. August, Philip Parker, 20. December, Samuel Budlong, 9. 1828. February, James Ploss, 7. William Ploss, 6. Townshi/p 3, Range 12. 1809. January, Isaac Young, 45. November, John DeMott, 5. I8Io. January, Isaac Young, 45, 53. Thomas Van'Wert, 41. John Tinkcom, 42. March, William Barrows, 6. May, Shubael S. Marsh, 63. July, Alanson Weed, 6i. December, Elisha Tower, 4. 18ii. June, John Bentley, 4. November, Wilson Scofield, 35. Samuel Cheney, 33. Darius Sumner, 54. i815. June, Abijah Clark, 34. Elias Scofield, 36. November, Jedediah Vorce, 36. i816. July, Adam S. Pickard, 3. i817. April, Isaac Young, 30. May, Garret Newbury, 26. July, Elias Scofield, 42. December, William Turner, 26. 1819. March, James Pickard, 3. 1821. October, James Heath, 2. 1823. February, Gilbert Briggs, 9. April, Benjamin Traphagan, 37. June, John Coe, Jr., and Norman Woodworth, 38. I824. June, Nathan Wilber, 27. September, Azariah Ingerson, 62. Samuel Waterman, 62. November, Smith Scofield, 60. 1825. March, Jacob Simmons, 3. April, Hannah Winchester, 26. I826. August, Johanan Winchester, 27. Jotham Winchester, 28. 1827. January, David Wilber, 27. July, David Barnhart, 39. September, Ira Haskins, 60. Barry B. Fenton, 60. 1828. March, David Ripley, 39.. June, Harry Hanchett, 20. 1829. April, John P; Hanchett, 20. September, William Turner and others, 27. December, Alanson Weed and others, 36. Asa Turner and others, 36. John B. Clock, 36. I830. November, James S. Bennett, 22. I831. April, Joseph Heath, i. ELLERY. 315 Part of Township 3, Range 13. I8o6. February, Isaac Young, 3. June, John Putnam, 4. 1807. September, Miles Scofield, 4. 1808. September, Sam'l Cheney, i. i8Io. May, Wilson Scofield, 6. Calvin Farnsworth, 6. Darius Scofield, 6. 1825. May, Robertson Whiteside, 3. Shadrach Scofield, 6. The first settlements, says the State Gazetteer, were made on the lake by Wm. Bemus and Jeremiah Griffith, from Rensselaer county, in I806. The former located at Bemus Point; the latter, further south. Though they were probably first in occupancy, they were not the earliest purchasers. Bemus, Jan. 8, i806, articled lots 34 and 40, in tp. 2, r. 12; and March 3I, lot 35. Griffith, in April following, articled lot io. The Company's books show Alanson Weed to have purchased lot 9, tp. 3, r. 13; Filer Sacket, lot I4; and Azariah Bennett, lot Io-all on the 21st of June, 1805; and John Hersey, lot r7, on the 23d of June. All took articles; but Hersey never occupied his lot, and, of course, it reverted to the Company. Though not in the same township with the lands of Bemus and Griffith, they are in the same town. Alanson Weed, a pioneer settler of Ellery, in a letter written in 1853, gives information respecting the early settlement of this town, in substance as follows: In the spring of i805, Alanson Weed, of Cayuga Co., Abijah Bennett, Filer Sacket, and John Hersey, started for the West. Near Buffalo they got two horses and some provisions, and went to Chautauqua, and explored the country about the lake. Each selected for himself a lot, and got an article for it, as before stated, and returned home. The next fall, himself, Bennett, and Elias Scofield and two other men came, staid a month, and returned. In tlj spring of I806, Weed came with his family. Bennett came with him, worked during the summer, returned, and brought his family in the next winter. In the spring of 1824, Weed removed to Sherman, and in 1838 to Cherry Tree township, Venango Co., Pa. Jeremiah Griffith, a native of Norwich, Conn., removed in early life to Rensselaer county, N. Y.; thence to Madison county in I8oo; and in February, 1805, he started with his wife and six children for the Western Reserve, in Ohio. He moved with an ox-team and a wood-shod sled, and with a few cows and sheep driven by the boys. At Batavia he met Alanson Weed and Abijah Bennett, who persuaded him to go to Chautauqua lake. They came by the way of Buffalo and Cattaraugus creek, finding at the latter place only one family, [Sidney,] and at Silver Creek only the family of Abel Cleveland. Thence they went by way of Westfield to the head of Chautauqua lake, where the family was left, while Mr. Griffith and his eldest son went to seek a place to locate. They proceeded down the lake to Bemus Point, where Mr. Bemus had been settled about two weeks. About Ioo rods east of the extreme end of Griffith Point was a grove of young chestnut trees of second growth, four or five acres in extent, where the numerous corn hills indicated previous cultivation. Here, too, were several mounds, supposed to have been chosen by the "builders" as a burial place. [See p. 7.] 3 6 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Mr. Griffith having decided to locate at these lower Indian fields, he returned for his family at the head of the lake. The two eldest boys were sent around on the beach of the lake, with the oxen and stock, while the remainder of the family took to the ice with hand-sleds, upon which the mother and younger children might ride when they were weary. Just at dark, with great difficulty they reached the shore, which had been hidden from their view by a furious, blinding snow storm. With the aid of a giun and spunk, they struck up a fire by the side of a fallen oak; and under a shelter hastily made with hemlock boughs over the fire, they took quarters for the night. The next day, with the aid of Mr. Bemus and his men in opening a road, the family reached their destination; and under a temporary shelter made with crotches, poles, and boughs, before dark, on Saturday the 29th of March, they found themselves comfortable and happy. A log house was commenced on Monday and completed on Wednesday, the floor being made of split chestnut logs; and by the middle of May, six acres were cleared, and planted with corn, potatoes, and oats. Before midsummer, the family supplies were reduced to half a bushel of potatoes and the milk of three cows; and his money was exhausted. But he had 50 pounds of sugar which he had obtained in a trade. A canoe 25 feet in length was made from a large pine tree, and capable of carrying 600 to 800 pounds. In this craft Mr. Griffith and his son Samuel, about i6 years of age, set out for Franklin, Pa., where they made the desired exchange, receiving a bushel of corn for four pounds of sugar. On their return they had great difficulty in rowing their canoe against the current. They, however, reached home in safety, after an absence of fourteen days. The supply of meal was sufficient to last until the growing crop was harvested. The new corn was ground [cracked] in a wooden mortar with a pestle, the like of which is elsewhere described. Wm. Barrows, a native of New Bedford, Mass., settled, in Oct., I809, on lot 6. A beech tree, about eight rods south of the grave yard, on the old farm, still marks the place where he built his first shanty. By his request, when he left the premises, this tree was never to be molested, that it might remain a perpetual monument to mark the place of his first home in the wilderness. The next year he built a commodious block-house, known as the " Red Bird," while occupied as a tavern. It was on the great highway opened by the Holland Land Company from Genesee river to the head of Chautauqua lake. In January, 1813, he married Sally, oldest daughter of Major Sinclear. William, his oldest son, died at Chicago, of cholera, in 1848, and his wife and child died a few days after. Barrows, in a few years, converted more than Ioo acres of the wilderness into fruitful fields. He removed to Lake Co., Ohio, and thence, about I862, to Illinois, where he died in I869, aged 8i. John De Mott, in early manhood, having learned the shoemaker's trade, went to Dutchess Co., where he was married; and soon after removed to ELLERY. 317 Chenango Co.; thence, in the fall of I809, with his wife and five children, to Ellery on the Cassadaga creek, near Wm. Barrows, and so near the time of Mr. B.'s arrival, that it is doubtful which was first on the ground. The date of De Mott's purchase, in lot 5, was Nov., 1809; that of Mr. Barrows, in lot 6, was June, I8Io. This, however, does not determine priority of settlement. There being then no bridge across the Cassadaga at this place, the creek was forded or crossed in a canoe whenever he was obliged to go to Canadaway for supplies or milling. His oldest son, Daniel, took the south half of the old farm, where he resided until his death in 185I. His youngest son, Lorenzo, resides near the site of his father's residence. John De Mott died Dec., I832; his wife, April, I838. John and Joseph Silsby, in 1809, purchased parts of lot 34, tp. 2, near the lake. John Arnold is now on the homestead of Joseph Silsby; and J. B. & I. Rush and A. Smiley now, and D. Arnold previously, where John Silsby settled. John Silsby was captain of a company in the war of 1812, and was wounded in the battle of Buffalo. Enos Warner came early on lot 26, tp. 2, on land originally bought of Israel Smith, in I8I0. He also owned land adjoining, on lot 27. John R. Russell on lot 30, on land formerly owned by Israel Rush. John Love, born in Conn., in I769, came to Chenango Co. while a young man, and Feb., 181, to Chautauqua, bought out Josiah Hovey, who had just built a cabin on lot 13, t. 3, r. 12; sold to Lawrence Stom in 1816, and removed to lot I4; and in 1825 sold out to his son Frederick. He had 4 sons: John, who kept a tavern for more than thirty years about a mile south of Sinclairville; Frederick, who, in I834, removed to De Kalb Co., Ill.,where he served for several years as county judge; Henry, who died in Ellery in I838; and Christopher, who resides in Illinois. John Love, Sr., had 3 daughters, Sally, Milla, and Ellis. He died at the residence of his son Frederick, in Illinois, in 1859, in his 9 ist year. Among the early settlers in this town who were not original purchasers, are those whose names are here given: In the south-east part of the town, Wm. Atherly settled on lot 5, whose heirs reside on the farm. Henry Strunk also on lot 5, the land now owned by his son Walter. Henry Martin, a Methodist preacher, on lot I9; lately resided on lot i i. Marcus, a son, lives in Jamestown. Thomas Arnold, on lot 12, where he still resides. In I8I5, Joseph Loucks, from Madison Co., settled in this part of the town, with his sons, John, Daniel, and Hiram; and two daughters: Margaret, wife of Jeremiah Griffith, Jr.; and Polly, wife of Wm. G. Youker. Later came the older sons, Joseph, Henry, Peter, and David; and a daughter, Charity, wife of John Rice, all of whom had families, or came with them. Morgan, son of Peter, resides on his father's homestead. Jacob, son of Joseph, lived, until recently, on lot 12, on the farm now owned by Marvin Bly. Elijah E. Hale on lot I7, I833, where he and his son Wm. F. reside. Wm. G. Youker, in 1818, on lot 13; a son-in-law of Joseph Loucks. G. W. Youker now resides on the place. 318 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. In the east part, Peter Pickard settled, about 1824, on lot 9, tp. 3, where his son Elisha resides; adjoining which is land owned by Oliver F. Pickard, who has at the Center a steam saw and shingle mill. A son, Peter M., resides at Jamestown. Isaac N. Baldwin, on lot I7; his sons, Isaac H. and Erastus T., are in town; the latter on the homestead. James Heath on lot 2, the farm now owned by his son Austin. Other sons, Morgan L., Isaac, and James, reside in the county. Seth Clark settled on lot I4, tp. 2, and has recently removed to Jamestown. His son Alexander was lately a co-proprietor of the Jamestown Journal. Clark Parker, on lot 27, tp. 2, bought, in I81o, 1r m. south of the Center, where subsequently Thos.. Parker resided, now H. P. Warren. James Hale on the north line of tp. 2, land originally bought by WVm. Smith, where Mr. Hale still resides. John Miller settled I2 m. south-east from the Center, on lot 21, tp. 2, bought in I8I6, where his son George W. now resides. Jacob Johnson, on lot 2I, the farm previously owned by Truman Hills. In the north-east part, John Tompkins, about 1824, settled on lot 3, tp. 3. Amos D., a son, is on the farm. His daughters were: Betsey, wife of Erastus Hooper, of Gerry; he is deceased; Jane, wife of John Denike, both deceased; and Tamar, widow of Nathaniel T. Barger. John De Motte, on lot 5, bought in I809, where his son Lorenzo S. resides. Stephen Kibbe and Arkinzo Norton reside on Henry S. Barrows' farm. In I8I6, Adam S. and James Pickard settled on lot 3, and, after a short residence there, removed to lot 22, where, in I825, Joseph, Jr., and in 1826, Adam S. also settled. Their descendants reside on the same and adjacent lands. Abraham Becker, on lot 5; James, a son, lives on the farm. In the north part, Henry Coe settled on lot 39; his sons Finley H. and Charles are on the farm. Samuel Young, about I8I6, settled on lot 54. His sons were: Samuel, David, Zenas C. and Enoch, of whom only David resides in town. Zenas C., a lawyer, resided many years at Westfield, where he. died a few years ago, and where his widow and family reside. Ezra Fuller settled on lot 46, where Abel Lockwood formerly resided. John W., his son, resides in Kiantone; Jane is the wife of E. D. Strong; Louisa, deceased, was the wife of Corydon Putnam; Almira, wife.of Geo. W. Belden; Agnes, wife of Edwin A. Harvey. Sylvester A. Higbee, a Baptist preacher, settled on lot 46, where Valorus Maxham resides. Harvey Hale, from Otsego, settled first on lot 36, and removed to 38, where he now resides. His son Asahel is on the same farm; Hartwell H. also on lot 38. Festus Jones, an early blacksmith at Bemus Point, removed to the north part of the town on lot 37, where he died. His brother Luther C., lived long and died in town. He was an early surveyor. In the central part of the town, Orrin Hale, a native of Connecticut, from Otsego Co. in 1839, settled on lot 36, where he and his son Oscar now reside. He had 7 sons and 3 daughters; of whom, 4 sons and 2 daughters attained maturity. The sons are: John; Albert, who resides in Cattaraugus Co.; Oscar, and Henry. Oscar has held the offices of supervisor and justice ELLERY. 319 of the peace. Three of the sons and the two daughters have families; Henry is unmarried. Elhanan Winchester settled early near the Center, on the place lately owned by Orra Wood. His brothers, Marcus, Jonadab, Jotham, Francis, Ebenezer, Heman, Harford, and others, settled in the town; but the descendants of none of them remain. Ebenezer was early associated with Horace Greeley in publishing the New Yorker, in the city of New York. The father came later than his sons; was married twice, and, it is said, had 23 children. Lewis Warner settled on lot 34; had sons, Albert and Harrison; Albert is now on the homestead. Morrison Weaver, from Washington Co., settled on lot 42; had 2 sons, Samuel and Simeon B., residents of the town. Peter R. Brownell, from Rensselaer Co., settled on lot 42; has a son, Smith H., in town. Jacob R. Brownell, on lot 43; has a son, William O., in West Ellery. Wm. C. Benedict, son of the late Dr. Odin Benedict, was born in the town, and resides on lot 35; has 5 sons: Willis O., Warner, Walter, William, and Washburn. Willis is a lawyer. All reside at home except Walter. William C. Benedict was supervisor of Ellery 9 years. His father held the same office 14 years. Thos. Parker, from Otsego Co., in i812 settled on lot 27, tp. 2, and resides in town; had no grown up children. Philip Barker, on lot 20, is deceased; his only son living, Aaron H., resides in town, where F. Griffith lived. An only daughter living is the wife of James Hale. Clark Parker, a brother, in I8o0 settled on lot 27; was ensign in Capt. Silsby's company in the war of I812; was one of the founders of the Baptist church at the Center, and one of. the earliest deacons. He had no children. James Newbury, near the Center, lot i8, now owned by Harrison Warner. His sons, Sylvester B., Horace, and James L., reside near the Center. Amos Wood, from Otsego Co., settled on lot 36, about I830, and still resides there. His only son died while on a visit in the West, and his body was brought home for interment. In the western part of the town, Luther Barney settled I m. westerly from the Center, and died there. His sons were: Milo, who resides at the Center, and is a prominent member of the Baptist church; and Zee, on lot 31, township 2. James and Joseph Farlow settled near West Ellery, where they now reside. George W., Charles H., and Luther, sons of James, reside in the county. Joseph's sons: Daniel H., in Jamestown; Eber, in Ellery. Ezra Horton, Jr., in 1818, on lot 18, where he died July 20, i874. His son, Charles R., now resides on lot 57, tp. 3, near the lake; David is a merchant at the Center. In the north-west part of the town, Barnabas C. Brownell, from Rensselaer Co., settled on lot 7, tp. 3, r. 13, where he now resides; was son of Joseph Brownell, an early settler at West Ellery. Joseph L. Brownell, Sr., on lot 35, tp. 3, r. 2, where he still resides. The first town-meeting was held in 1821; but the names of the officers elected have not been ascertained. Sulpervisors from 1821 to 1875. Almon Ives, i821, 1824 to 1827,'32-6 years. Peter Loucks, I822. 320 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Abijah Clark, 1823. Jonadab Winchester, I828,'31. Robertson Whiteside, I829. John Hammond, 1830. Odin Benedict, I833 to'39, 1841,'42, I844 to I847, and I849-14 years. Minot Hoyt, 1840. George F. Vandervort, I843,'48,'50. Wm. S. Aldrich, 1851 to'53. Ira Haskins, i854. Elias Clark, I855. Leman Picket, I856,'57. Wm. C. Benedict, 1858 to'63, I865,'66,'72 —9 years. James Hale, 1864. John R. Russell, 1867. John S. Bemus, i868,'69. Oscar Hale, 1870,'71. George W. Belden, 1873,'74. Oscar Hale, I875. William Bemus built a saw-mill in r808, the first in this town, and the first grist-mill in 18II. Where the saw-mill was, are now a planing-mill and a shingle-mill, owned by Andrew Brown; and a saw-mill is where the gristmill was. Joseph and David Loucks, about i830, built a saw-mill in the south-east part of the town, which was long since discontinued. Another was built by Henry Martin a short distance below. Nathan Wilmarth built a saw-mill 2 2 miles north-west from the Center, afterwards owned by Andrew Haskins. A grist-mill was built by Thomas Wing, in 1832, a little below Haskins' saw-mill, afterwards owned by Liscom Weeks, and destroyed by a freshet in I865. The most valuable flouring-mill in the. town was built in 1832, by Seth and Samuel Griffith, in the south-east part of the town, now owned by Wm. B. Griffith. A carding and clot/h-dressing establishment was early erected by Tubal C. Owens, on Bemus Creek, i 2 miles north-west from the Center, but which long ago disappeared. Bemus Point Cemetery.-William Bemus deeded to the town of Ellery one acre of land for a burial ground. Matthew P. Bemus since purchased 7 acres, and conveyed the same to the Bemus Point Cemetery Association. The ground was surrounded by a fence, the front of which was iron, at a cost of $3,000. The association was organized in conformity to an act of the legislature. It is one of the most tasteful burial grounds in the county, and contains many fine monuments. A large portion of the dead from this town and many from Harmony, are buried here. BIOGRAPHICAL AND GENEALOGICAL. WILLIAM BEMUS was born at Bemus Heights, Saratoga county, N. Y., Feb. 25, 1762. About the beginning of the Revolutionary war, he removed with his father to Pittstown, Rensselaer county. He was married Jan. 29, 1782, to Mary, daughter of Wm. Prendergast, Sr. Mr. Bemus and his family were a part of the company of emigrants composed chiefly of Prendergasts, who journeyed to Tennessee, and returned to this state, and settled in Chautauqua. [See Prendergast Family, p. 264.] He came to Ripley in the fall of I805, and spent the winter in the present town of Westfield, near Arthur Bell's, in the west part of the town, on the Buffalo & Erie road. The next spring he settled on the east side of Chautauqua lake, on land bought in January, i806, at what has since been known as Bemus Point, in Ellery, where he resided until his death. He died of dropsy, Jan. 2, i830, aged ~~t~z~z~~ st A ~ ~~;:~:C~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-:r~~~~~~~~W 0VlA.,jl-, —,.-,ll,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~;;~ ELLERY. 321 nearly 68 years. He purchased other lands in the neighborhood of his residence; also, early in January, i806, on the west side of the lake, where his son Thomas settled, who is believed to have been the first occupant of land in the town of Harmony, though he remained several years unmarried. The wife of Mr. Bemus, born March I3, I760, died July 1, 1845, aged 85 years. They were buried in Ellery, in the Bemus Point Cemetery. They had a large family, all of whom removed to Chautauqua county. Their children were: I. Daniel, who was a physician, and removed to Meadville,'Pa. He married a Miss Miles, and died at Meadville. 2. Elizabeth, wife of Capt. John Silsby; they removed to Iowa, where they died. 3. Tryphena, who married John Griffith. [See Griffith Family.] 4. Thomas. 5. Charles. 6. Mehetabel, wife of the late Daniel Hazeltine, of Janiestown, where she still resides. 7. James, who married Tryphena Boyd, and resides at Bemus Point. THOMAS BEMUS, son of Wm. Bemus, settled in the town of Harmony, on lot 54, tp. 2, r. I2, bought by his father, in January, i806, and was probably the first settler in that town. He built his cabin and commenced clearing, soon after the purchase, though he was not married until several years after. He married Jane Atkins, and had 7 daughters and 2 sons; all of whom lived to mature age and were married, as follows: i. Eliza, who was married to Samuel C. Barney, of Harmony, deceased. 2. Ann M., to Simon Smiley, of Ellery. 3. Mindwell, to Horace Rice, of Harmony, both deceased. 4. Mary, to Horace Cullum, of Meadville, Pa. 5. William, to Ann J. Jackson, of Hartfield, now in Silver Creek. 6. Jane, to Wm. Hosmer, of Meadville, Pa. 7. Thomas A., to Ann E. Barnes, of Buffalo, now residing in Ripley. 8. Sarah, [deceased,] to Wm. A. Strong, of Ellery, now in Portland. 9. Martha, of Chautauqua, now at Saratoga Springs. CHARLES BEMUS, son of William Bemus, was born in Pittstown, Rensselaer Co., N. Y., Aug. 3I, 179I. He came to Chautauqua with his parents in I805. [See sketch ofWm. Bemus.] He was married, Feb. 28, 18II, to Rephelia Boyd, who was born July 20, I790. He lived at Bemus Point, on land originally bought by his father, until his death, October 10, I86r. Mrs. B. died Jan. 2, 1843. He had io children: I. James, who resides in San Francisco, and is superintendent of powder works. 2. Ellen, wife of Daniel Smiley, in Wisconsin. 3. Matthew, who married Marcelia Walters, and resides in Mayville. 4. Daniel, in Ellery, who married, first, Adaline Strong; second, Jane Griffith. 5. Jane, [Mrs. Edward Copp,] who resides in Mayville. 6. John, who married Catharine Howell, and died at Bemus Point, July 24, 1862. 7. William P., married, first, Helen Norton; second, Sarah E. Prather, and is a practicing physician. 8, Mehetabel P., the wife of P. A. Strong, and resides in Iowa. 9. Dr. E. A., who died in Wisconsin. Io. George H., a lawyer in Meadville, Pa. ODIN BENEDICT was born in Skaneateles, Onondaga Co., August 20, I805. His father, Dr. Isaac Benedict, was a native of Connecticut, and removed to Marcellus about I803. He was in the United States service as a surgeon 21 322 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. in the war of I812; came home from Sacket's Harbor sick, and died in a few weeks, in 1814. Dr. Odin Benedict read medicine in his native town, and graduated at Fairfield Medical College. He was licensed by the Herkimer Co. Medical Society, in January, 1826, and came the same year to Ellery Center, and commenced practice. He was the first resident physician in the town, and is said to have had an extensive practice, which he continued until I850. He was elected supervisor of Ellery in I833, and was continued in that office by reelection until 1849, inclusive, excepting the years 1840, I843, and 1848; making a service of 14 years. He was a member of assembly in i840 and I843. He also held the office of postmaster in Ellery for about 20 years. In the spring of 1850, -he removed to Ann Arbor, Michigan, and started the Government Stock Bank, and remained there until September, 185i, and came to Dunkirk, and was in the Dunkirk Bank for two or three years; after which he kept a broker's office in that place for five or six years. He then resumed the practice of medicine, in which he continued until his death in I874. He was married in December, 1826, to Sally Ann Copp, of Ellery. They have a son, William C., a farmer in Ellery, whb has served his town as supervisor from 1858 to I863, inclusive, a period of 6 years. He has 5 sons: Willis, a student at law, in Jamestown; Warner, a farmer, at home; Walter; William; Washburn. ABIJAH BENNETT was born in Connecticut about the year 1764. After a residence in Delaware and Cayuga counties, he removed, in I806, to Chautauqua, on the east side of, and near the lake. It appears, however, from the Company's books, that Bennett contracted for his land, June 22, 1805, lot Io, t. 3, r. I3; and the day previous, contracts appear to have been made with Alanson Weed, for lot 9; with Filer Sacket, for lot I4; and with John Hersey, for lot 17; all of whom had come together on an exploring tour from Cayuga county. An event in the early life of Mr. Bennett, will be read by many with interest. At the age of about 12 years, he and his father, while residing in Delaware Co., N. Y., were, in 1776, taken captive, with other inhabitants of that place, by the Indians, and marched to Fort Niagara, being about 2 months on the way. Here the father and son were separated. The father, Daniel Bennett, was sent to Detroit; Abijah, to Montreal. Both were forced into the British service. The father being by trade a tailor, was put to making clothing for the army. The son was taught to beat the drum, at which he soon became such a proficient as to attain the rank of drum-major. After the close of the war, both returned, after an absence of about six years and a half. Their sufferings while on their march to Detroit, were extreme. The country was most of the way unsettled; they were obliged to live on short allowance, for a time, until their stock of provisions was entirely exhausted, when they had nothing to live on but roots and barks. Abijah became sick and helpless. He was rolled in a blanket, and carried by his father and another man on their shoulders. In this condition they marched seven days, when all were nearly exhausted, and without the hope of relief. Fortunately, they were met by a British officer on a fat mare. The officer :^. /*\ [^ ^ ^^^^^ - r ": ~'^*si^;ii;:^ ^_^:?-;*::~:*?a -.;_^l:':.*^:*-'.~ ^ ^: i *: *'*"'' "*. **-"*.*'^^l~ te ~ll^ ^ ^0~ /fp~~~~~~.aa, /?...^y^ /?' c r~cc^^^^~.';;:'c-j2: ^^^^^ ELLERY. 323 alighted, and told them the mare was at their service; and in a few moments the animal was entirely devoured. They were soon after met by provisions from the fort, and in three days they got through. This bite from the mare, they have often been heard to say, was the sweetest morsel they had ever tasted. Daniel Bennett followed his son to Cayuga Co., where he died in I807. Abijah removed to Rising Sun, Indiana, where he died Feb. 7, 1846, aged about 82 years. JEREMIAH GRIFFITH was born at Norwich, Conn., July 28, I758. He was married to Mary Cropsey, who was born Feb. 8, I764. An account of the removal of Mr. G. and his family to Ellery has been given, [p. 315.] They had 6 children: John, Seth, Samuel, Polly, Jeremiah, and Alexander H. All were married and had families. JOHN GRIFFITH, son of Jeremiah Griffith, Sr., was born June, 1785, and married Tryphena Bemus, Feb. 8, T809, and had 12 children. i. Mary B., wife of John Arnold, whose children were: Tryphena; Annette, wife of Joseph Phillips, whose children are Pauline and John; Edward, who married Eliza Russell, whose children are Florence, John Q., Monroe, David, and Odin B.; Minerva, who died at I4; and Mary Ann. 2. I7illiam B., who married Mary Dunton, and had 2 sons, Charles, and Albert, who married Mary Walkup. 3. Martha P., unmarried. 4. Clarissa, wife of Nelson Bird, in Poland, who had a number of children, of whom Amos was killed in the late war, in Sheridan's army. 5. Minerva, who died unmarried. 6. John, who married Harriet Smiley, and whose children are Caroline V., Sarah Jane, and Leonard E. 7. Jeedeiah, who married Jane Ames, and had a daughter, Isadore, who died at 24; parents also deceased. 8. Nancy, deceased. 9. Catharine, wife of Asa Cheney, who had i 1 children: Frank, Mark, Beecher, Miles, Morris, Martha, Lydia, Jennie, Alta, Eva, and John C. Lydia, Jennie, and Alta, not living. Io. James B., who married Mary Howells, whose children were: George, deceased; Adaline, Howell, and inf. i. Mlartin, who married Sarah Bixby, and has two children, Addie and Andrew. 12. Ophelia, unmarried. John Griffith died Sept. 23, i868. Tryphena, his wife, died Feb. I9, i85. The daughters, Martha and Ophelia, reside on the homestead, and superintend the labor on the farm, which has become somewhat extensively known as "Martha's Vineyard," from the name of its senior conductor. On the farm is a pleasant grove, a resort of picnic parties. SETH GRIFFITH, 2d son of Jeremiah Griffith, was born Dec. 20, 1787; died June io, I839. He married Polly Runnells, and had 3 children: i. Nelson, who married Ermily A. Shaw; whose children were Frank, Mary, Frederic, Emma Minerva, who died at 6, and Warner. 2. Sarah A., wife of Henry A. Whittemore, who have 3 children, Luella A., Jennie H., and Carrie. 3. Minerva, deceased, wife of Edward S. Crosman, who had a daughter, Josephine. SAMUEL GRIFFITH, 3d son of Jeremiah, was born May 8, 179I, and was married to Eliza Simmons, and had by her 4 children: i. Franklin, who married, first, Eliza Griffith, who had 2 children: Emily, wife of James G. 324 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Cone, who has 3 children; and Julia, wife of Andrew J. Pickard, who has a son, Frank. He married, second, Sally Young; married, a third wife, Jennette Garfield, who has one child, Geo. S. 2. Alexander, 2d son of Samuel Griffith, married Martha Martin, and had 4 children: Merritt, who married Polly Reed; Ella; Edna, wife of George Robbins; and Marcus A. 3. Jennette, daughter of Samuel Griffith, married Wm. H. Atherly, whose children are Everett; Willis, who died at 17; and Jerome. 4. Christiana, 3d daughter of S. G., is the wife of Simeon Wilber, and has 2 children, Charles A., who married Abby Damon, of Gerry; and Franklin S. POLLY GRIFFITH was born July 28, T793; died, 1858. She married, first, Amos Bird, who had 5 children: I. Philander, who married - Foster, and lives in Illinois. 2. Nelson, who married Clarissa Griffith, whose children were: Amos, killed in the late war; Adelaide, deceased; Willard F.; Charles, deceased; Albertie, and Dora. 3. Juliette, who married Wm. Boylston, and died in Ill. 4. George. 5. Jennette, deceased. Polly Bird married, second, Parley Fairbanks, who had 3 children: i. Minerva, deceased, who was the wife of — Pitcher, of Poland, and had a daughter, Eva; 2. Emeline, wife of Hambleton, who had a son, Leander; and, 3. Caroline, deceased, twin sister of Emeline. JEREMIAH GRIFFITH, JR., fifth child of Jeremiah, born October 22, I7.95, married Margaret Loucks, and had 6 children: I. Wellington, who married Rhoda Bucklin, and whose children were: Isabel, wife of Willie H. Shaw, at Corry; have a son; Georgia married, and lives at Corry; and Lawrence. Mr. W. Griffith married, second, Lydia Atwood; and third, Lois Strong. 2. George W., second son of Jeremiah, Jr., married Catharine Peterson, and resides in Gerry, and has 5 children: Adelaide, unmarried; Adaline, wife of Burt Palmer; Adella; George L.; and Emerson. 3. Jane, wife of Daniel Bemus, who have a daughter, Mary. 4. ifary, wife of Wm. C. Benedict, whose children are: Willis, Warner, Walter, William, and Washburn. 5. Amarett, wife of Fernando Atherly, whose children are: Clara, Minnie, Frank, Florence, and Mark T. 6. Cordelia, who died at i8. ALEXANDER H. GRIFFITH, sixth child of Jeremiah, born July 17, 1805, married, first, Maria Strickland, and had 5 children: i. Ellen, wife of Delos Chamberlin; whose children were, Alice and Burton. 2. Robert, unmarried. 3. Guy C., unmarried. 4. Alsina, wife of George Bedient; their children, May, Christina, Erwin, and Blanch. 5. Richard, who was in the army in the late war, and lost. A. H. Griffith married, second, Martha Sackett, who had 3 children: Sackett, Norman, dead, and Hattie. Sackett married Louisa Smith; they have a child, Lillie. CHARLES G. MAPLES was born February 20, 1818, in Milo, Yates county, N. Y. His father was Dea. Josiah Maples, a native of New London, Conn., who early emigrated to Otsego county, N. Y.; thence to Yates county, then a wilderness. Charles was the youngest of i8 children, all of whom lived to have families. He was the eleventh child of his mother, who was Esther Rogers, of New Jersey, the second wife of his father. In February, 1826, . i' |- A:':,1,'" /';g I"c \./ s^' ^7 ^'T^'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_:-: ^y^^c~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s/~~~a~. (^A c~ ^ ^ ^^;.:-.I ~~:` ELLERY. 325 he moved with his father's family to Aurora, Erie county, where he received a common school education, and where his mother died in I831. At the age of T8, he removed with his father to Ellery, where his father died July 4, I847, aged 85 years. He worked on the farm, and attended and taught school; and in I838 he was married to Ruth Barney, the youngest daughter of Luther Barney, Esq., who emigrated early from Connecticut to Cayuga county, and thence to Newstead, Erie county. In 1830, he removed to Ellery, where he died in 1845, aged 88 years, and where his second wife died in 1848, aged 71 years. Charles G. Maples and his wife have had 8 children, all of whom are now dead, except a daughter, Florence, the wife of S. Morris Whicher. He settled on a farm in Ellery, in 1838, and has been mainly engaged in agricultural pursuits, and had the reputation of a good farmer. He was elected a justice of the peace in I848, and was several times reelected, and served as such for many years. He spent much time in acquiring a practical knowledge of legal business matters, and of the laws relating to real estate. In 1862, he was appointed United States assistant assessor of internal revenue, and for several years satisfactorily performed the duties of that office. In 1870, he was elected surrogate of the county of Chautauqua, the duties of which office he has discharged with fidelity and to the general acceptance. He removed, in I87T, to Mayville, the county seat, where he now resides. WILLIAM SMILEY, an early settler in Ellery, was a son of Wm. Smiley who, in Ireland, was pressed into the British naval service. After about seven years, the vessel anchored in Long Island sound, and Smiley, with two cousins, companions in misfortune, "escaped from service" by swimming ashore, in Connecticut. Within a year he married, and, after many years, removed With his wife and son, William, Jr., to Savannah, Ga., where he died within a year. Soon after, the mother also died; and the son returned to Farmington, Conn., the place of his nativity. He was apprenticed to the tanner and currier's trade. The war came on; and he and his master were called into the field. After the war, he married Hannah Wilcox, of Exeter, R. I. After several years' residence in Vermont, and about a year's sojourn in Broome county, N. Y., he removed with his family to Chenango county, and in i8io to Ellery. He had previously [I808] divided his property among his children, Joseph, the eldest, assuming the care and support of the parents. Wm. Smiley died Jan., 1825; his wife, March, I83I. His son Joseph had i i children, of whom John, the oldest, resides on the premises bought by his grandfather, Wm. Smiley, in i81o. Joseph and William, the sons of William, served in the war of 1812, in Capt. John Silsby's company, and participated in the battle of Black Rock, in which William was killed. John Smiley, the eldest of Joseph's children, was born April 2, 8o8, and resides on the old homestead. William J., son of James, and grandson of William who was killed at Black Rock, was a soldier in the late war, and killed in the battle of the Wilderness. WILLIAM SMILEY, son of the above, was born in Connecticut, and was 326 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. married to Hannah Wilcox, in Rhode Island. He removed to Vermont; thence, in 1778, to Broome Co., N. Y., and in I779 to Chenango Co.; and in I8Io to Ellery. He had I children: i. Joseph, who married Sarah Lewis, in Chenango Co., and had a son, John, who married Eliza M. Briggs, and has a daughter, Rosa Belle. 2. Asel, who married Charlotte Johnson, and had 6 children who attained maturity: Freeborn L., who married Ann Brown; Edwin, in Michigan; Laura Jane, wife of Willard T. Denslow, of Jamestown; George W.; Marion, who married Georgia Brightman, of Mass. Asel Smiley married, second, Mehetabel Currier, and is deceased; she resides at Fluvanna. 3. Hannah, who married Arnot B. Hopkins, whose children were: Lewis, Charles, Sarah, wife of David W. Perrigo, Wisconsin. Hannah married, second, Jonas Cloys, deceased; she resides in Busti. 4. Daniel, who married Ellen Bemus, and removed to Wisconsin. 5. Lydia, wife of Asa Comstock, in Wisconsin. 6. Lucy, who was married, first, to McNaught; second, to Wm. Dunn; they reside in Wisconsin. 7. Mary. wife of Joseph Bert, and is deceased. 8. JMartha, wife of Samuel Robb, in Kansas. 9. Sarah, wife of Freeborn Lewis, who died in Wisconsin. io. Harriet, wife of John Griffith, who has 3 children, Carrie V., Sarah J., and Leonard E. II. Jane, who died in 1847, aged I6. CHURCHES. A Baptist Church was formed in I808, at West Ellery, by Elder Jones, then a resident of Ellery, at the house of John Putnam, who was for many years a deacon. [See churches in Stockton.] The Baptist Church at Ellery Center was organized with nine members, in 1814, by Elder Asa Turner, the first pastor. The first house of worship was built in I830; the present, in 1862. The First Universalist Church of Ellery was organized with twenty-three members, by Lewis C. Todd, the first pastor, in I8I7. Their house was built in i858. The Methodist Episcopal Church, at West Ellery, was organized with twelve members, by Messrs. Chandler and Barnes, in I83I. Their first church edifice was erected in I836; the present, in I86i. The first pastor was Rev. Win. Chandler. The M. E. Church, at Pickard Hill, was formed about forty years ago. In I8 7, they united with the United Brethren, and built a union church. It is owned and occupied by both societies. The United Brethren Church, at Pickard Hill, was organized in 1869, with eight members, by Rev. Lansing McIntyre, the first pastor. As stated above, they united, in I87I, with the Methodists, in building a house of worship. ELLICOTT. 327 ELLICOTT. ELLICOTT was formed from Pomfret, June i, I812, at a second session of the legislature, which met on the 2 ist day of May, having been prorogued to that day by Gov. Tompkins, on the 27th of March. The town comprised townships i and 2 in the Ioth and IIth ranges, a territory.12 miles square. In this tract of four townships, there is now but one town bounded by original township lines-Poland. In the formation of Busti, in 1823, the west half of tp. i, r. 11, was taken off. In 1825, Carroll was taken off, which embraced the full tp. i, r. Io, and the east half of tp. i, r. Ii. In 1832, Poland was formed of township i, r. 10. Ellicott did not long remain circumscribed within the bounds of a single township. With the view, probably, to give scope for the expansion of Jamestown within town limits, a tier of lots [8 in number] from tp. i, was annexed on the south; the western 4 lots being taken from Busti, in I845; the 4 eastern, about the same time, from Carroll; leaving for Kiantone, on its formation in I853, only 7 lots in each of the 4 tiers of tp. i. The surface of Ellicott is described as a hilly upland, with a gentle inclination toward the south-west. The foot of Chautauqua lake extends into the south-west corner; and the outlet flows east through the south part of the town, receiving Cassadaga as a tributary. The soil is a sandy and gravelly loam. Original Purchases in Township 2, Range II. I807. October, Matthew Prendergast, 33, 34, 41, 42. i808. May, William Wilson, 5, i2. 1809. November, John Arthur, 4. George W. Fenton, 4. I8Io. Jan., Henry Babcock, 59. Sam'l Gibson, 58. Nathaniel Bird, 57. i8i. April, Wm. Deland, 49. May, Zebulon Peterson, 45. September, John M. Pierce, 6i. John Hunt, 6i. I814. May, Reuben Woodward, i. James Frew, 6. Nathan Cass, i8, 19. July, Giles Taylor, 37. September, James Prendergast, 33, 34. Benj. Wilson, i. October, Samuel Bliss, 9. Thomas Russell, 7. 1815. January, Amos Ferguson, 50. March, Jonathan Cheney, 15. April, John Frew, I4. Robert Little, 9. June, Henry Babcock, 36. July, Henry Bliss, 2. October, Wm. Hall, Sr., 21. Jonathan Thompson, 24. i8i6. May, Ebenezer Sherwin, 49. August, Augustus Moon, 37, Sept., Benjamin Ross, 30. November, Henry Strunk, 53. I817. March, Nathan Cass, 45. May, Elial T. Foote, 25. August, Ebenezer Allen, 54. Sept., Stanton Brown, 2. Oct., Samuel Budlong, 26. i818. January, Samuel A. Brown, 26. July, E. T. Foote, 23, 31. Dec., John Loucks, 63. i8I9. April, Thomas and Joseph Walkup, 48. Sept., Phineas Allen, 3. 1820. August, William Clark, 26. T82I. November, Joseph S. Holman, 40. Samuel Moon, 38. 1822. April, Henry Baker, 44. July, Joseph S. Cook, 52. August, Emrick Evans, 64. Sept., Walter Simmons, 26. Elial T. Foote, 25, 26. 1823. February, Warren Moore, t6. July, James White, 44. December, James Portman, 23. 328 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. 1825. June, Wm. Knight, 17. July, Loring Sherman, 17. September, John H. Akin, 5. November, Isaac Eddy, 17. I827. May, Platt B. King, 38. Henry Martin, 32. June, Alvin C. Deland, 49. September, Stephen A. Ferguson, 6i. Gideon Moon, 36. October, James Prendergast, 42. 1828. January, Elisha Allen and Benj. Ross, 39. I829. November, John Strunk, 2d, 36. The first town-meeting for the election of town officers in Ellicott, was, pursuant to the act of the legislature, held on the first Tuesday of April, 1813, at the house of Joseph Akin, on Stillwater creek, now in Kiantone. John Silsby, the nearest justice, presided at the meeting, assisted by Laban Case, who was chosen moderator. The following are the names of the officers elected: Supervisor-James Prendergast. Town Clerk-Ebenezer Davis. Assessors-Solomon Jones, Benj. Covell, Wm. Deland. Com'rs of Hig'hwaysWm. Sears, Michael Frank, Laban Case. Overseers of Poor-Joseph Akin, Stephen Frank. Constable and Collector-James Hall. Constable-Laban Case. Fence Viewers-Ebenezer Cheney, Aaron Martin. Voted, that cattle and hogs might run at large. Voted, that a lawful fence be not less than 42 feet high, nor have cracks or spaces between the logs or rails more than 6 inches, within 3 feet of the ground. Voted, that $250 be raised for bridges and roads. Voted, that the supervisor solicit bridge money from the county. Voted, that the next annual town-meeting be held, at the house of Joseph Akin. Roads were laid out this year as follows: From Joseph Akin's and Laban Case's, past the "Varnum place," James Akin's, Reuben Woodward's, to Culbertson's (afterward Col. Fenton's.) From near Jonas Simmons' to near Edward Work's mill. From near Dr. Shaw's to near Simmons'. From the mouth of Fairbank, past Sloan's, to Russell's mill, at the public highway. From the house, late Lawrence Frank's, to Stillwater. From the Simmons and Work's road, at a sapling, to James Prendergast's mills. From a small beech tree, on the bank of the creek, a few rods north of Wm. Sears', to Prendergast's mill. Pursuant to the vote of the preceding year, the voters met at the house of Joseph Akin, in 1814, and adjourned to Laban Case's tavern. Theron Plumb was chosen moderator. Officers were elected as follows: Supervisor-James Prendergast. Town Clerk-Ebenezer Davis. Assessors-Solomon Jones, Wm. Deland, Heman Bush. Overseers of PoorJoseph Akin, Stephen Frank. Com'rs of Hzigways-Caleb Thompson, Amos Bird, Theron Plumb. Constable and Collector-Henry L. Frank. Constable-Richard Covell. Fence Viewers-Joseph Akin, Heman Bush, Solomon Jones. A school law having been passed by the legislature, officers were this year chosen to carry the law into effect. They were: Con'rs of Common Schools ELLICOTT. 329 Heman Bush, Theron PIlumb. Inspectors of Schools-James Prendergast, Solomon Jones, Theron Plumb. The commissioners divided the town into school districts. No town was entitled to a distributive share of the school fund, unless it raised an equal amount by a tax upon its inhabitants; and it might, by a vote at the annual town-meeting, raise double that amount. The double amount was voted at this meeting. It was voted, that swine should not run at large. The next year, the building of a pound was authorized, and Joseph Akin was chosen pound-keeper; and swine were again voted free commoners. In I8i6, voted, " that hogs shant run at large in the town of Ellicott." These animals, it seems, were long made a special object of town legislation: for, in 1817, they were again voted free commoners, but with the restrictive "proviso," that they " wear yokes and rings." The depredations of the wolves were sought to be abated by voting a town bounty of $io a head for their destruction. Roads were laid out this year as follows: From Joel Tyler's (afterwards Otis Moore's,) to Connewango to a black oak, in October, 1814. From near William Sears' dwelling house, as formerly laid out by courses and distances, "cross Esq. Jones' bridge" across Stillwater creek, to the bridge across the outlet of Chautauqua lake, " near and below James Prendergast's mills," October, 1814. From Work's mill to the lridge over Cassadaga, leading to Kennedy's mills, October, 1814. From Fish's (afterwards Goldthwait's,) to near J. Garfield's, October, I814. Supervisors from z18z3 to 1874. James Prendergast, 1813 to'15. John Frew, t816,'17, I819 to'22-6 years. James Hall, 1823 to'25. Solomon Jones, 1826,'28,'29. Nathaniel Fenton, I827,'30. Samuel Barrett, I83I to'40, and I844-I years. Wm. Hall, 1841,'42. Horace Allen, I843. Henry Baker, 1845,'46,'53,'54. Augustus F. Allen, i847,'48,'52,'56, I860 to'68, I87I to'74 —I7 years. Charles Butler, 1840,'50. R. V. Cunningham, I851. Simeon W. Parks, I855. Francis W. Palmer, I856. Lewis Hall, 1858,'59,'75. Jerome Preston, 1869,'70. The first settler within the bounds of the present town of Ellicott, was William Wilson, from Pennsylvania, who is said to have settled on the north side of the outlet, first living in a. "shanty," but removing, in June, into his log house. James Culbertson, from Meadville, Pa., is also said to have settled there early in i806, "on the north side of the outlet, at its confluence with the Cassadaga." As the course of the outlet is almost exactly north at the junction or " confluence," it is not easy to determine the location. The townships in that section of the county had not yet been surveyed into lots. It will appear from the list of original purchases, that Mr. Wilson did not article his land until May, 1808, when he took some in the west part of lot 5, and in the east part of 12; and the larger portion of it lying some distance from the mouth of the outlet, where the stream runs in a northern 330 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. direction, the designation "north -side of the outlet" can not be correct. But the records do not show Culbertson as having articled land here at all. But we find him taking an article Dec. I, i808, of a part of lot 58, township 2, range ro, now south-west part of Poland. Mr. Wilson died in 1850, on the farm on which he settled in i806. As elsewhere stated, the survey of the townships I and 2 in the ioth and IIth ranges was made in 1807 and i808, prior to which, lands had been located, and settlements commenced in several places within the bounds of " old Ellicott," comprising the four townships. Among these was Joseph Akin, who selected lands on the north side of the Stillwater, township r, range I I, in the west part of Kiantone, to which he removed his family the same year, [1807,] while the surveyors were in the vicinity surveying lot lines. Phineas Palmeter, a native of Rhode Island, moved from Frankfort, N. Y., in February, I813. He subsequently bought on lot 64, tp. r, r. II, now in Ellicott, as appears on the Company's book, in Sept., I8I4. He was a Revolutionary soldier, and died July 4, 1849, aged 84 years. His son, Phineas Palmeter, Jr., came in June, 1813. In I819, he removed down the river to Indiana; returned to Jamestown in 1822, and resided there till his death. Eli Eames, a native of Holliston, Mass., removed with his family from Dover, Vt., in 1816, to Ellicott, now Carroll, and began in the woods, on the west 200 acres of lot 38. Mrs. Eames died suddenly in i818. Mr. E. had on each hand five well-formed fingers and a natural thumb. His hands were very large. Some of his children, too, it is believed, had surplus fingers. He died a very painful death, from the filling up of his throat with a chronic swelling, which gradually strangled him to death. He died, Dec. io, 1837, aged 54. Benjamin Ross came to Ellicott at a pretty early day, from Pennsylvania, and married Margaret, daughter of John Armstrong, and sister of Mrs. John Frew. He built a new saw-mill, the first that was built on the Cassadaga in the town of Ellicott, on parts of lots 31 and 39. He was born in New Jersey, March Io, I793, and died about I824, in Cincinnati, Ohio, in and near which several of his brothers resided. Robert Falconer emigrated from Scotland to New York, where he was for many years engaged in the cotton trade. In 1819, he removed with his family to Sugar Grove, Pa.; in 1829, to Warren, and about I840 back to Sugar Grove, where he died in 1853. Though not a resident of Chautauqua county, he made investments in real estate at Worksburg and Dexterville, in Ellicott, and at Kennedy, in Poland. Patrick Falconer, son of Robert, was born in Brooklyn, Jan. 5, I814, and removed with his father to Sugar Grove, Pa., and in I832 to Jamestown, where he studied law with Judge Hazeltine. In 1840, he bought his father's interest in his property at Dexterville and Worksburg; and in 1844 he disposed of his interest at Dexterville, and became the sole owner of the Work property at Worksburg, where he finally settled, and where he now resides. ELLICOTT. 331 He married Martha T. Hallock, of Ulster Co., and had 6 children, of whom 4 are living: Martha Jane, William T., David H., and Allen. First Independence Celebration in Ellicott.-A noteworthy celebration of independence in the town of Ellicott, was held at Stephen Frank's, [now in Busti,] July 4, 18i6. Although the house was but a story and a half, the chamber was finished off for a ball-room, in which there was a ball in the evening. The day was pleasant, but cool. The roads were bad, and there were no pleasure carriages in the country. The married men, if they had horses, carried their wives behind them on horseback. Some of the young people went in the same manner, and many went on foot. There was a general turn-out, but more especially of the democrats, who had, at the preceding April town-meeting, elected their whole ticket for the first time since the town was organized. John Frew had been elected supervisor over Judge Prendergast, by a majority of 76; and the federalists feeling sore on their defeat, did not enter into the spirit of the celebration. Some tried to get up a celebration at Jamestown, but failed. Theron Plumb was president of the day, and Levi Leonard, orator. Lemuel Smith, of Sugar Grove, Pa., was attending clergyman, and offered prayer. The only music was the firing of an anvil, and a violin by Ebenezer Davis. The wine and brandy-there being no other in the country-was a home manufacture from old whisky, hemlock bark, etc., which sold at a high price, and was unfit for the sick, and too poor to be used even as a luxury. As for lemons and oranges, none had ever been seen in the county. There was, however, a plenty of Monongahela whisky, maple sugar, and milk; and every one took what pleased him best-clear whisky, grog, sling, or milk punch. Many got merry, but few or none got what in that day would be called drunk. The oration was pronounced under a large bower of green bushes on crotches and poles, under which the tables were afterwards spread with good fresh beef, mutton, roast pigs, and accompaniments, all for 25 cents each, although flour was $15 a barrel, and some other things were proportionally dear. The company dispersed in good season, except those who stayed to dance, among whom were some of the married people. There were present the following named revolutionary soldiers: Jacob Fenton, Wellman, John Owens, John Jasper Marsh, Stephen Wilcox, Joseph Loucks, Eliphalet Steward, and perhaps others. Of the men who attended that celebration, a number were yet living a few years since. Notwithstanding some federalists were present, the democratic feeling ran so high, that some of the volunteer toasts were calculated to give offense, among which was the president's toast, in substance as follows: " May every federalist ride a hard trotting horse, with a porcupine saddle and a pair of cobweb trousers." Before morning the weather was uncomfortably cold; and those who returned home the latter part of the night, especially the ladies in white dresses, complained much of the severity of the cold. The grass was frozen 332 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. stiff, and the ground quite hard. All the more tender vegetation was badly injured. The corn was all destroyed, except where the early morning fog saved it. On the 6th day of June of that year-still referred to as the " cold season "-there was a snow storm, which loaded the tree-tops heavily with snow. WORKSBURG. On the ist of August, I807, Messrs. Kennedy and Work purchased of the Holland Company about 1,260 acres of valuable land on both sides of the outlet below Dexterville, then known as "Slippery Rock," including the mill sites since occupied at Worksburg and'iffany's mills, and a tract of valuable timber land east of the Cassadaga river and Levant, along the Kennedy road. In the fall of 1807, Work erected his hewed log house on the north side of the outlet, a little north-east of the mill, where he resided until he built the frame house in which he died. In i808, he built his saw-mills and put them in operation. The only inhabitants then on the outlet were Wm. Wilson, James Culbertson, and George W. Fenton. About this time, Kennedy and Work opened a road from Kennedy's mills to Work's mill, and built the first bridge across the Cassadaga. It was about one-fourth of a mile above the site of the present village of Levant; and the road was mostly north of the present road, and much more hilly. It passed near the residence of Woodley W. Chandler, and crossed Cheney's brook about half a mile north of where N. E. Cheney resided and Crosby kept a tavern, and did not intersect the present road till near Kennedy. In 1809, Work built a grist-mill with one run of common rock stones, on the south side of his saw-mill. The mill-stones were split out of a large rock on the top of the ground. The erection of this grist-mill was required by Mr. Ellicott in the sale of the land; and such, it is believed, was the fact respecting the first grist-mill at Kennedy's mills. The erection of Work's mill was a great accommodation to early settlers, and led to the opening of roads to early settlements about the foot of the lake and to Stillwater creek and Frank's settlement. These mills were built about three years before the first settlement at Jamestown, and when almost the only travel through the country was in keel boats and canoes on the Connewango, Cassadaga, and Chautauqua lake and its outlet, or by Indian trails. Large quantities of Onondaga salt were annually transported by water from Mayville to Pittsburgh, especially between the years 1805 and I8Io. Some of the boats were built at Work's mill in 80o8. The discovery of the salt springs on the Allegany, Kanawha and Ohio rivers caused the discontinuance of the salt trade by this route. The keel boats that came up for salt, were loaded with provisions, whisky, iron castings, nails, glass, dried fruit, and other articles from Pittsburgh and French Creek for the early settlers. Kennedy and Work were both interested in the purchase of the land, but whether they were connected in the erection and running of the mills at Worksburg, the writer has not ascertained. In the division of the lands between Work and Kennedy's heirs, the heirs took the land afterwards pur ~I~~ : I -lim:~~_;~~:::~~ -::'~; ~:.:-.:r;i:i-:iI;ai -i ~-;Z~c ~C7i ]4ti:)B`I:; 1:~: ~;~~i:~-~: j.~; :'~'5cB I:, i;:;I I~:-~ I" ::::~: ~~;~ ~I-~~:irr.:;:s A ~ ~-:~~1~.-I::~ —~.-:~1?~:r,:?r.~: -iT: i~~ I;i ~: t f :tZ''L a i` ir I w ~::: 5 i~l:~~:::::(::~ at ii:::-:k::;aEi:?~ ii: i;spi;:cF ~iI 6a;s:~~ :rs:~ ii: i~ ;::l:~~~=~!Bei'J:R':~i:":':,.li".:I~sf!P3;;:;'~'.6;3 ELLICOTT. 333 chased by Tiffany, and the timbered land east of the Cassadaga; and Work retained the mills and the land in that vicinity. Work ran boards from his mill to New Orleans in the manner he had done from Kennedy's mills. A change, however, had taken place in the navigation of the Mississippi. When boats arrived at Natchez, he added to his lading bales of cotton to the extent of the capacity of his boat, receiving a dollar per bale for freight to New Orleans for that carried under deck, and seventy-five cents for that on deck.. The empty boats were sold at New Orleans for lumber for more than their cost. Work furnished boards at his mill for seventy-five cents a hundred feet to finish the log houses of early settlers; and his little grist-mill, with common rock stones, made excellent flour from good grain. When at home, he was usually his own miller. BIOGRAPHICAL AND GENEALOGICAL. OLIVER SHERMAN, born in Portsmouth, R. I., July I, 1768, after a residence at Cambridge, N. Y., from 1792 till 1828, removed to Ellicott, and settled on the farm first purchased of the Holland Company by Amos Bird, being lots 57 and 58, tp. 2, r. i. He was able to pay for his farm and stock it. He was a good farmer, and had a strong mathematical mind. He could solve difficult problems in his mind without pen or pencil. He was a justice of the peace in Busti, while his farm was in that town, and also held some town offices. He came to Chautauqua county a, widower, and never married again. His daughters kept house for him. He had a son, Philip. He said he saw the first cotton spinning in the United States. It was done by the celebrated Slayter, of Rhode Island; and the machinery was propelled by horse-power. The Sherman family were remarkable for longevity. Oliver's father was over 80 when he died. His mother, whose maiden name was Ann Sessions, also died at an advanced age. Oliver, in 1851, then 83, informed a friend, that his sister Elizabeth died in Rhode Island at 83; Samuel, his eldest brother, at 82. The rest were living: Sarah, wife of Joseph Lawton, in Pittstown, at 96; Joseph, in Busti, at 90; Mary, in Cambridge, at 87; Job, in Cambridge, at 77; James, at Fall River, Mass., at 72; Peleg, in Wirt, N. Y., at 70. WILLIAM H. STRUNK, son of Jacob and Elizabeth Strunk, was born in 1807, and came with his parents to Ellicott, in 1816. They settled, in I817, on the farm where they now reside, three miles north-west from Jamestown. William H. was married, in 1834, to Jane Ann Van Vleck, by Rev. Erastus J. Gillett, of Jamestown. He had ten children, of whom one died at the age of 27 years; another at the age of two years. Of the others, two remain at home; the rest are married, and are settled near the old homestead. SAMUEL WHITTEMORE, from Concord, N. H., came to Fluvanna in 1826, and purchased an interest in the pottery of Wm. H. Fenton; and the business was continued by them until 1844 or'45. He was appointed postmaster about a year after his settlement there, and held the office by reappointment until his resignation, a few days before his death, in 875, a period 334 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. of 47 or 48 years. His bailors at his first appointment were Henry Martin and Henry Strunk, who continued such during the whole of this period, and are both still living. The first oath of office was administered by Wm. H. Fenton, Esq., on the first and every succeeding appointment until I87I. He also is still living. Mr. Whittemore was an early friend and promoter of the temperance cause, and was mainly instrumental in forming, at an early day, a temperance society in his -neighborhood. He also kept early a hotel, which he continued until his death, and in which spirituous liquors were never sold. His house was for many years a summer resort for persons seeking recreation and health from remote parts of the country, and is still continued by his son Henry. Another son, Francis, died at the age of about 17. EDWARD WORK was born in Franklin county, Pa., Dec. 3, I773. He studied law in Carlisle, Pa.; was admitted to the bar, and settled at Meadville, Crawford county, about 1798, where he was appointed postmaster by Gideon Granger, postmaster-general. He was also deputy prothonotary under Dr. Thomas R. Kennedy, and subsequentl prosecuting-attorney. Dr. Kennedy, of Meadville, having purchased land of the Holland Company and built mills in this county, Mr. Work became connected with him in business. In the spring of 18I6, at the age of 43, he married Mrs. Jane Cameron, widow of Joseph Cameron, from French Creek, Pa. She had four sons, all living with her at the time of her second marriage. Three of her sisters married pioneer settlers of this county: Mrs. John Frew, Mrs. Benj. Ross, and Mrs. James Conic, formerly Mrs. Simeon Scowden. Mrs. Work had one son, Edward F., and two daughters, Jane and Laura, all long since deceased. She died of consumption, Sept. 17, I833, aged 53. On the 27th of October, I841, Mr. Work married Mrs. Permelia Jeffers, who had one daughter, Fidelia, who was married to his son, Edward Fillmore, who died at Worksburg, Feb. i6, I844, aged 24. His wife died there March 3, 1852, aged 26. Their only child, Jane Amozette, born Dec. 14, I842, was in 1858, the only surviving descendant of Edward Work. About the year 1818, Mr. Work and his first wife united with the Methodist Episcopal church. They were prominent and efficient members of that communion, and their house was a home for the itinerant ministry. He became an earnest advocate of the temperance cause. He was long an excessive smoker, but finally abandoned that habit also. During his residence in Chautauqua county, he aspired to no political station, and uniformly declined the solicitations of his friends to be a candidate for any office. About the year 1836, he sold his mills and real estate at Worksburg, except his family residence and a few acres of land, and retired, with a competence, from active life. He died July io, I857, aged 83' years. ::::::j:::::::~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..... ~:::::: ~':~,:i~:i:::::~:;:'i::~:::::-::::::::-:::::;-:::..........:...: -:::i::::I::::::.:~~~~~~~~~~~~~::::::::::::::::::::: ~........ -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~................ i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.............................................................`X..... 2`::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~............................:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.................:..::-::::::::i:::i?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...... ]:Ministers:...........................iiiiiij iij i~ii ~~~~~~~~~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i:I:I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~....... 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M ain tainin g..........~ ~ ~ ~:::::.::::: i::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~............ 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.............. JAMESTOWN. 335 JAMESTOWN. THE first survey of village lots was made for James Prendergast, by his nephew, Thomas Bemus, a surveyor, in the spring of I815. A few additional lots were subsequently surveyed, it is believed, by a Mr. Burlingame; and at a much later period many blocks of lots were surveyed by Samuel Green, then of Jamestown. Thomas Disher, a clerk in the store of Jediah and Martin Prendergast, at the north-west corner of Main and First streets, drew, on a sheet of paper, a plain and simple map of the lots surveyed by Bemus. This map was kept in the store, and was, for many years, the only map of the village. The lots were of uniform size, 50 by 120 feet, and offered at the same price, $50 each. Terms of payment were liberal. Some gave a note for the purchase money, and took a deed. Disher generally filled out the deeds until Samuel A. Brown settled in the village, in I8I6. Jamestown was surrounded by heavily timbered pine lands; and the settlers, who were chiefly along the outlet and the Connewango, were engaged in lumbering rather than agriculture. Provisions were scarce and dear, and mostly brought from Pittsburgh by keel boats and canoes. Few paid down a large share of the purchase money for their lands; most of them took articles at from $2.25 to $3 an acre. The outlet at this place had received, from the boatmen and others, the name of Upper Rapjids, to distinguish it from the Lower Rapids, or swift and shallow water on the Connewango at Russellsburg, Pa. Such was the water from near the present steamboat landing to Slippery Rock, now the site of the Dexterville mill-dam. The freight in boats and canoes was often divided at Slippery Rock; a part to be left on shore to be taken up on another trip to the steamboat landing. The original purchaser of the land on which the settlement of Jamestown was commenced, was Matthew Prendergast, one of the numerous family whose emigration to this county is elsewhere narrated. He resided on the west side of the lake, in the vicinity of others of the family. The Jamestown tract embraced the west and middle thirds of lots 33 and 34, lot 41, and the south part of lot 42-in all, I,ooo acres, and all lying in tp. 2, r. ii. The purchase money, $2,000, was all paid, and a deed taken. The lands were afterwards deeded by Matthew to his brother James, and the deeds were recorded in Niagara county clerk's office, before Chautauqua county was fully organized. James also purchased in his own name, by articles of agreement, lots 50, 58 and 59, in tp. I, r. o1, on Kiantone creek, and the east part of lot 3, tp. i, r.'ii-in all, 1,20I acres. These lands were deeded to Mr. Prendergast in I835. He had spent the summer of I806 on the west side of the lake; went back to Pittstown, married, and remained there until [809, when he came and made the purchase as above stated. [See sketch of Prendergast family in the historical sketch of Chautauqua.] In the fall of 81o0, he brought his family, and spent the winter on the west side of the lake. 336 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. After his arrival, Mr. Prendergast employed John Blowers, a young married man, who had followed him from Pittstown, to go to the head of the rapids, and, on Mr. Prendergast's land, build a log house for himself [Blowers] to live in. To the foregoing statements of Judge Foote in his history of Jamestown, he adds: "Solomon Jones, Esq., informed me that he first saw that log house in an unfinished state, and unoccupied, early in November, I8Io, while on his way with his family from Vermont to his new residence on Stillwater. Blowers informed me that he moved into his house before Christmas. I have been thus minute in relation to the date of the settlement of Jamestown, that there may be no dispute about it hereafter." In the spring of 18 i, a large i story log house, with two rooms, was erected for Mr. Prendergast's family, on the north side of the outlet, a little south of the present railroad track, near where A. F. Kent built the first Kerosene Refinery. Preparations were also made for the building of mills. Judge Prendergast had purchased in Albany, in I8 o, his mill-irons, saws, bands, bolts, etc., which were shipped up the Mohawk river to Utica, and thence, by different conveyances, brought to Mayville, the transportation amounting to about $6 a hundred. The first boards to be sawed were intended to cover the mills and lay the floors. The completion of the locks, that the navigation might not be obstructed, was required by statute, under a severe penalty. The following is a condensed account of the erection of the mills, as found in the records before us: The dam progressed rapidly, considering the quantity of timber used in its construction, and of hemlock boughs and gravel required to cover it.'The saw-mills were raised about the fore part of September, 18; the locks, it is believed, not until October. After the frames were raised, the completion of the dam, and one of the saw-mills and the locks, was all that was contemplated that year. The boards and other sawed stuff used about the mills, was mostly rafted down Goose creek and the lake from Slayton's new mills. Some think much of it came from Work's mill. The dam was most thoroughly constructed, and was closed late in November, or early in December. Attention was then turned to the finishing of one of the saw-mills and the locks. The timber of the grist-mill was partly framed, but not raised, in 18. The single saw-mill did not commence sawing until about the first of February, 18I2. The first saw-mill contained a gang of saws and a single-mill. On the outlet side of the first mill, and close to it, was a frame lift-lock for boats to ascend or descend from the mill-pond. In 1814, this lock burst while a boat was passing through it. The lock was never repaired, the strength of its timbers being insufficient. A canal was subsequently dug on the south side of the outlet, from the south end of the dam, and a lock inserted, which answered a good purpose. After the first lock had been abandoned, in 1814, a new single-mill was erected on the foundation of the lock timbers, the frame being separate from the first saw-mill, but within 2 or 3 feet of it. The gang and single-mills, in one frame and under one roof, JAMESTOWN. 337 were completed in 18 3. From charges in J. & M. Prendergast's books, and the statement of Eleazar Daniels, it appears that the grist-mill was not completed until 1814. A phenomenon, authenticated by several reliable witnesses, is deemed worthy of mention in this place. After the mill-dam was closed, the water in the pond rose rapidly a few feet; after which, the rise was almost imperceptible. Although the dam was unusually tight, it was soon ascertained, to the surprise of the proprietor and the mill-wright, that the water rose no faster in the pond than in the lake / The water passing down the outlet was insufficient to supply Work's mill below. For six or eight weeks after the dam was closed, the water did not run over the top of the dam. This phenomenon, however, it is now generally believed, may be explained on well established philosophical principles. In the spring, farmers along the lake shores found much of their clearings overflowed with water, caused by the erection of the dam below, and claimed damages for the injury. Many of the claims Mr. Prendergast paid promptly; and those which he deemed unreasonable, were settled by two arbitrators, one chosen by each party. In the summer, having become convinced that he could not legally maintain his dam, he rode round the lake, and assured the settlers that, if they would wait patiently till he could saw timber and boards sufficient to rebuild his mills and dam, he would remove them lower'down to a place where, he had ascertained, he could raise the requisite head without affecting the lake. At the court of general sessions in June, 1812, an indictment was found against Mr. P. for the erection of his dam, " to the great damage and common nuisance of the liege citizens of the state." From this it appears, that it was also charged that the overflowing of the land had rendered the air unhealthful. The trial was put off to the November term, as it was represented that the defendant was about to remove the dam, and that further proceedings would be unnecessary. Besides the losses sustained by claims for damages and the necessity of rebuilding his dam and mills, he had the misfortune to lose, by fire, his house and nearly all its contents, among which was a large quantity of linen, much of it the manufacture of Mrs. Prendergast. A board shanty was soon erected for a dwelling, in which the cooking was done for the family and workmen, and in which the family and females lodged during the fall. At the November term of the court, notwithstanding the misfortunes of Judge P., and his disposition to repair all damages; and although he had removed the dam, the indictment was pressed to trial; and the jury rendered a verdict of guilty, and the court imposed a fine of $15. In November, 1812, Judge Prendergast and Capt. Forbes erected a cheap frame house, the first within the limits of the present village. It was i stories high. The lower story was divided into two rooms. In the middle of the building was a stone chimney with two fire-places, the top of the chimney being of lath and clay. Into this house Prendergast and Forbes removed their families in December, 1812. This house and the log-house 22 338 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. built by John Blowers in the fall of I8Io on Prendergast's land, were the only houses at the Rapids, and the families of these three men, the only actual residents. In I8I3, Blowers took a license for a tavern, which he kept in his log house. Judge P. had not sold any of his land; nor had a public road been laid out to the Rapids, nor a bridge erected over the outlet. The sawmills, consisting of two single saws, and a gang of sixteen saws, in one frame and under one roof, were completed in i813; the grist-mill, in I814. During the war of I812, improvements at the Rapids were nearly stationary. The inhabitants then were in great part supplied with provisions by keel boats from Pittsburgh. The bridge across the outlet, commenced in I8I3, was completed in 1814. The $ioo bridge money received from the county was thus appropriated: Bridge across the outlet at Esquire Prendergast's, $37.67. Bridge across Stillwater creek, near Joseph Akin's, $29. Bridge across Kiantone creek at Robert Russell's mill, [now A. T. Prendergast's,] $33.33. The remainder necessary for building these bridges was raised on subscription by the inhabitants of the town. The building of bridges, in Ellicott, in those days, was much aided by subscriptions payable in labor and materials. In 1814, Judge Prendergast had not offered for sale any of his lands at the Rapids; but had added to them in 1813, by the purchase of the east thirds of lots 33 and 34, and the north part of lot 42; making the contents of his tract nearly 1,550 acres. Aware that his own interest, as well as that of others, would be promoted by the settlement of mechanics at the Rapids, he made considerable effort to induce some persons to settle there; but those who did, resided either in houses built by him, or by themselves on his lands, without any valid title to them. Some of them will be mentioned. Jacob Fenton, a native of Mansfield, Conn., a Revolutionary soldier, and by trade a potter, came from Burlington, N. Y., in I813, and commenced the pottery business. He was induced by Judge P. to come to the Rapids in the spring of I814, under a promise of assistance in building a tavern house and pottery, which were accordingly built, east of where Main street, and south of where Second street now is. The house faced the keel-boat landing, and extended to Potter's alley, so named from the adjoining pottery. j His house was for some years the principal hotel; and he did considerable business as a potter. He made red earthen teacups and saucers that sold readily, because better ones could not be easily obtained. He ultimately removed to Fluvanna, where he resumed his trade, and died June 21, 1822, aged 57 years. Eleazar Daniels, a blacksmith, a native of Mass., removed to the Cross Roads [Westfield] in 1813, and thence with his partner, Basset Nichols, to the Rapids, in 1814, in a small plank house built for Daniels, on the site of the Atlantic hotel. Nichols soon left. Daniels resided there about four years, and did most of the blacksmithing for the mills. He never purchased the house or shop, nor was required to pay rent. He left the village. He became a pioneer settler on Little Broken Straw, where he was residing on a good farm, at the age of 85 years. JAMESTOWN. 339 Patrick Campbell, from Herkimer Co., came' with his wife in I814, and had a shanty blacksmith shop, near the mill race. John Burge, [or Burgess,] born on the ocean while his parents were emigrating from Germany, removed in I81I, to the Cross Roads, and thence, in 1814, into a small unfinished frame house, on the east side of Cherry street, south of Second, and carried on the tanning and shoemaking business in a shanty shop south of what is now First street, near Cherry. Some of the outdoor tan vats, constructed in 1815, were exhumed when the railroad was made. Burge sold out, about I817, to Wm. Pier and others, and removed to Portland, and thence to Rochester about I820, where he died in 1823, leaving a widow and a large family. James Berry, a single man, a deer skin dresser and leather mitten maker, came in I8I4, from Cayuga county, and in I8I5, built a small frame house on the corner of Cherry and First streets. His health failed; he sold his house and lot, and returned to Cayuga Co., where he died of consumption. Judge Prendergast, in the fall of 1814, built for himself a small one story and a half frame house, on the lot next north of the one now occupied by the Chautauqua County Bank. Although it was not designed for a large family, there was none in the village more distinguished for hospitality. Such it remained until Judge P. sold his property in Jamestown, and removed from it. John Blowers, in the fall of I814, built a small one story and a half dwelling house with its side toward Main street, a chimney with two fireplaces in the middle, built of the same materials as Judge Prendergast's. The house was on what became lot 3, on the west side of Main street, and stood up to the line of the street. Blowers subsequently added to the rear a one story lean-to for a kitchen, and opened a tavern. In the north room, the first school in Jamestown was taught by Rev. Amasa West. Among the pupils was Alexander T. Prendergast, now of Kiantone. Dr. Laban Hazeltine on his removal to Jamestown in 1815, hired the north part for his family, and, in 1816, bought the house, and lived in it many years. Blowers removed to loo acres of new land, a mile or more south-west from the village. He died in Ellery in I863, aged 77 years. In 1814, Judge Prendergast was the only person assessed for real estate at the Rapids. The lands mentioned as having been bought by him of the Company in I8I3, and which had been only booked, were now deeded; and the whole was assessed to him in 1814, and was valued by the assessors at $2,976. The tax was $38.98. Besides the frame buildings mentioned, there was the store building, in which was kept a small store by Jediah and Martin Prendergast, being a branch of their principal store at Mayville, and superintended by Thomas Disher, a young man from Canada, who boarded with Judge Prendergast. As there were shanty blacksmith shops and a shanty tannery building, so there was also a shanty store. It was raised on a block foundation, and inclosed with rough clapboards. We are not told when it was erected; but 340 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. the old store ledger shows dates as early as November, I813. The store contained a few shelves of dry goods and hardware, besides whisky, tobacco, nails, glass, castings, hollow-ware, dried fruit and flour, stone-ware and tools. In the summer of 1815, Judge Prendergast employed Israel Knight, a carpenter, to erect an academic building, two stories high, on the west side of Main street, near Fifth, then entirely out of the village, among stumps and logs. It was plain, like an ordinary dwelling, and stood on a block foundation. It was inclosed, except glazing; and the lower floor was laid. Phineas Palmeter, Jr., erected a two story dwelling this summer, at the south-west corner of Main and Third streets; but it was not finished that season. Wm. Clark and Jesse Smith commenced a large, square-roofed tavern house on the south-east corner of Main and Third streets; but Clark soon sold his interest to Francis Lamb, from Vermont, and Lamb sold to Horatio Dix, a carpenter and mill-wright, then a resident of Kiantone. Dix and Smith carried it so nearly to completion, that it was opened as a tavern about the close of the year; and a New Year's ball was held in it-the first ever held in Jamestown. In i8i6, the house was sold to Elisha Allen, who kept it as a hotel many years, and sold many goods in it. The early buildings in the village were all erected on block foundations. The cellar of the Allen House was walled with hewed pine logs to sustain the sides of the cellar and the sills of the building. In a few years the cellar became so musty, and the air so impure, that the use of the cellar was abandoned. The severe and protracted sickness of the family of Solomon Jones, Esq., who then kept the tavern, was imputed to the state of the cellar. Most of the early small house cellars were made by merely digging a hole with scooping, sloping sides and not walled. To the cellar there was a trap door through the floor. The first stone cellar and foundation for a building in the village, was the fine store erected by Silas Tiffany, in I8I9, where the Burtch drug store stood. He obtained his shelly stone mostly from the rivulets south of Warner's steam saw-mill. The house of Judge Foote, erected in 1823, on the site of the collegiate school, was the first dwelling with stoned cellar and foundation in the village. The stone was chiefly from the bottoms of spring brooks. At that time the Dexterville quarries were not opened, nor were the people aware of their existence until Col. Dexter had opened them. Stone cellars and foundations soon after became common. Messrs. Holmes, of the present town of Sheridan, built, in I8I5, a single wool-carding machine, in the attic of Judge Prendergast's grist-mill, leased for that purpose. About the time it was completed, it was sold to Walter Simmons and Horace Blanchar, from Oxford, N. Y., who ran it that season. There were no large flocks of sheep; but small lots of wool were brought from a distance. The village now began to be called Jamestown. It so appeared in a manuscript advertisement of wool carding by Simmons and Blanchar. It had been proposed to call the village Jamesville, in honor of its founder, James JAMESTOWN. 341 Prendergast; but having been informed that there was a village and postoffice by that name in this state, the present name was given. Still, the name of Ellicott, or the Rapids, was commonly used until 1816 or 8 7. The incorporation of The Chautauqua M2anufacturing Company was consummated September II, I815. Its capital was to be one hundred thousand dollars; its object was declared to be "the manufacture of cotton cloth and dyeing cotton yarn and cotton cloth." The business of the company was to be carried on in the town of Ellicott. The corporators named were the following: Jediah Prendergast, Samuel Sinclear, Jacob Houghton, Solomon Jones, Ebenezer Cheney, Nathan Cass, David Boyd, James Prendergast, John Thompson. Judge P. was the agent and executive officer. In 1816, the factory canal or head race, was mostly excavated; a heavy factory frame erected and inclosed, and the outside finished, except glazing; and a part of the floors was laid with heavy oak plank. The reader may be surprised on being told, that all this was done without any written contract binding Judge P. to convey to the company the requisite land and the water power. They had only a verbal promise to convey. As, however, his word "was as good as his bond," the principal danger of the company was in the uncertainty of life. Capt. Dix, who had put up the building, and who had not received all his pay, sued the company and obtained judgment for about $2,000. The property was sold by the sheriff, and bid in by Judge P. for less than the cost of the building. Judge Prendergast converted it into a custom grist-mill, which was destroyed by fire in Sept., 1833. In the winter of 1833-4, he had a flouring and custom mill erected on the same site -Elijah Bishop, builder-where a mill has been in operation to this time. Nicholas Dolloff, a native of Raymond, N. H., removed to Westfield, March, 1814; thence to Slippery Rock on the outlet of Chautauqua lake, and helped Nathan Cass erect saw-mills. In I815, he removed to Jamestown, and commenced sawing for Judge Prendergast. While in his employ, he purchased of him two lots on the east side of Spring street, and built a small plank house at a spring, since called Palmeter's spring. He helped dig the lock race at the south end of the dam. About 1817, he bought land on the Connewango, on which he afterwards built saw-mills and a two story brick house; and resided there many years. He sold his mills and moved up on the east side of the Connewango, two miles. Dolloff and Elias Tracy, with what help they could get, built the two bridges on the Cassadaga and the Connewango creeks. Mr. Dolloff was a member of the Methodist church. He died in March, 1870, aged go9 years. Dr. Laban Hazeltine and wife, from Windham Co., Vt., in October, 1815, settled permanently in Jamestown. He was the second physician there, Dr. Elial T. Foote having preceded him a few months. Dr. H. practiced his profession in Jamestown about thirty years. Abner Hazeltine, a graduate of Williams College, came in November, I815, and opened a school in the academy building, and studied law while teaching. He is still a resident of the village. 342 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Dr. William P. Proudfit, son of Dr. Andrew Proudfit, was born in Argyle, N. Y., in i806; graduated at Castleton Medical College, Vt., in I831. He came from Argyle to Jamestown in Jan., i832. He married Maria Freeman, and removed, in I836, to Milwaukee, Wis., where he died in T843. His widow, with two surviving children, returned to Jamestown. James M. Winslow, a native of Vermont, came to Jamestown in i833, and was there engaged in the stage business. In I839, he went to Cleveland, Ohio, and thence to St. Paul, Minn. He was a son of Elisha Winslow, and his mother was a sister of Solomon Jones. An elder brother, Thomas J., came in I827, and kept the Shaw hotel several years. In 1836, he removed to Elyria, 0., and the same year to Black Rock, near Buffalo. Nathaniel Johnson, father of Fobes Johnson, who was a member of assembly from this county in i844, and of Lorenzo Johnson, for many years a tailor at Jamestown, went to visit his son at that place. He went to bed as well as usual, and was found dead in bed in the morning. He died in October, 1826, aged 64, and was buried at Jamestown, Nathan Meads, from Fort Miller to Onondaga Co., and thence to Ellicott, on lot 35, tp. 2, r. II, 429 acres, purchased Feb., i8I3, from the Holland Land Company. He is said to have settled in I812. He built two small log houses near the north shore of the outlet. In the fall of I8I5, he built a large two story house of square-hewed pine timber; but before it was completed, he sold his place to Solomon Jones and Henry Babcock, about i816, and removed to the west side of the range line, in the town of Ellery-where his wife died in 1836, aged 6i. He died Nov., I839, aged 63. The surface of the ground of the village was very uneven. A person who did not see it in early days could now scarcely imagine the amount of labor expended, within half a century, in filling up swamp holes and gulfs, cutting down knolls, and grading streets. In the earliest surveys, no lots were laid out south of First street. Judge P. was cautious in the selling of lots or grounds that might encroach upon the grounds required for canals or for manufacturing purposes. At first, few lots south of Second street, between Main and Spring, were sold. Second street was not opened between Pine and James streets for about six years, owing to a deep ravine extending from the north-east corner of Pine and Second streets, down the hill towards the outlet. Another ravine, about six feet deep, formed by the outlet of Palmeter's spring, crossed Second street, near where Budlong's first ashery was built. There was also a smaller ravine which crossed Second street at Mechanics alley. This alley, it is believed, was not worked for the passage of carriages for the space of two years or more. In Third street, the tamarack and alder swamp, commencing near the junction of Cherry and Third streets, and extending west beyond Washington street, was not opened for teams under about ten years. On the east side of Main street, in front of Rufus Jones' store, was a deep swamp hole with tall flags, extending into Third street, where cows were sometimes mired, and had to be extricated by the help of men. JAMESTOWN. 343 About the south-east corner of Third and Pine streets, embracing a part of the site of Allen's flour store, was a knoll that has at different periods been cut down about 20 feet. And on the south side of Third street, near Factory alley, was a swamp hole, embracing the alley and the east end of the lot of Breed's cabinet shop, which required much filling. These are but specimens of the numerous places requiring large expenditures. The first bridge across the outlet in Jamestown, was built by Rufus Landon near the grist-mill, in 1814.' The second was built in I825, above the first, and about twice its width below the present one [then I857.] This was erected for the town by Henry Morgan and Jonathan Spencer. The third was built at the foot of Main street, by Sanford Holman and Samuel H. Woodward, and was a little higher up than the former, but not so high as the later one. The wooden bridges over the outlet have lasted, with repairs, about o or 12 years. In 1864, a stone arch bridge was built over the old factory canal or present mill race, at the foot of Main street, and in I870, a fine stone structure, with two arches, across the main stream, of the width of Main street, of which it is a continuation. Territorial Enlargement.-The year 1822 was an important epoch in the history of Jamestown. From its settlement in I8Io, it had been a lumbering village in the midst of a tract of about i,ooo acres, belonging to Judge Prendergast, of which only 50 or 60 acres had been cleared about his village plat; and the large water power had been confined to the manufacture of lumber, and to the propulsion of a carding and cloth-dressing establishment. The proprietor had declined to sell water power or land except in village lots of 50 by 120 feet. Pine boards had fallen from $6 per thousand to $2.50. The local agent of the Holland Land Company had refused to sell the land between Judge Prendergast's tract and Dexterville land, calling it "reserved land," which constituted a large portion of the wilderness surrounding the village. Dr. Elial T. Foote having, in I8i6, and several times afterwards, applied, without success, for the purchase of this land, made application, direct, to Mr. Busti, the general agent, and obtained the land. The speedy sale and improvement of a large portion of this ample water power gave a fresh impetus to the growth of the village. He sold much of his tract in parcels of from 5 to 40 acres-among them one of r acres including the water power at the lower dam, on which were erected various kinds of manufactories. Jamestown was incorporated by an act of the legislature passed March 6, 1827. Its boundaries are thus described: Beginning at the south-east corner of James Hall's land, [lot 27, township 2, range 1;] thence south to the town line, between townships i and 2; thence west to the line of the town of Busti; thence north to the outlet of Chautauqua lake; thence up said outlet to Solomon Jones' land, [lot 35, township 2, range i;] thence east to the place of beginning. By an act of April 7, 1844, the south line of the village was removed south, taking in one more tier of lots. 344 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. MANUFACTURES OF JAMESTOWN. The first tannery in Jamestown was established in 1814 or I815, by John Burge, who is elsewhere noticed. In 1822, Wellford Barker bought of' Phineas Stevens a half interest of the tannery south of First street, at the foot of Cherry; the other half was bought of Salmon Grout by Samuel Barrett. They worked the next season about I25 slaughter hides, I50 calf-skins, and 54 Spanish hides. Bark cost $1.50 a cord, and was ground under a large stone; hides, 5 cents per pound; skins, 8 to o' cents. Sole leather sold for 31 cents; upper, $3 to $4.50 per side; calf-skins, $2.50 to $4 each. Barrett and Barker sold, about 1828, to James Clark, and the tannery was abandoned in 1832. A second tannery was commenced in i824 by Phineas Stevens and Salmon Grout, south of Second street, foot of Spring. It was afterwards owned successively by Salmon Grout, by Grout, Titus Kellogg and Elias Havens, by E. Havens and N. K. Ransom, and by Orlando Havens, and abandoned in I838. A tannery was established in 1831, on the south side of the outlet, at the sash factory, by Richard W. Arnold, Wm. M. Eddy, and John M. Warn-bark mill propelled by water. It was subsequently owned in part by Jason Hazard, Lewis Hazard, Wm. M. Eddy, Arnold and Stevens, and Wellford Barker; and in 1840, by R. W. Arnold. In 1833, Titus Kellogg built a tannery opposite Arnold's. Kellogg sold, about 1838, to E. T. Foote and Richard F. Fenton, who, in 1840, sold a third interest to Wellford Barker; and in I843, Foote sold his interest to his partners; and the tannery was burned in Sept., 1847, and rebuilt the same fall. Fenton sold, in I850, to Michael W. Hutton, and Barker to Hutton & Joseph Bradley in I851. The tannery was discontinued in 856. A tannery was built by Horace Alien, in 850; the machinery propelled by steam. It was occupied about one year by S. C. Crosby and Samuel Brown, and then for five years not used. Wellford Barker bought it in 1856, repaired it, and tanned, in less than a year, about 2,200 hides, and 2,000 kip and calf-skins; and in Sept., 1857, it was destroyed by fire. Rufus Pier and Elmer Freeman commenced the hatting business in 1816, and continued in partnership until I8I9. Pier then carried on the business alone for a time. Strickland and Sayles occupied the shop for a time, and after them Rice & Barker. When Pier & Freeman were in business, their prices for hats were: wool bodies and muskrat nap, from $4.50 to $8. Castor hats, fur and wool bodies, or coarse fur bodies, $8 to $io. Felt hats, [wool,] according to fineness of wool, $I.50 to $3. They paid for muskrat skins from 25 to 50 cents. They bought the first year the skins of three beavers caught near Goose creek, [now Harmony,] and paid for them $6 a pound. An otter skin was occasionally bought. At first there were few fox skins, but they became more plenty as the settlement increased. When Pier & Freeman commenced business, the nearest hatter was Abijah Clark, in Ellery, who worked in a log shop. He intended to remove to Jamestown; but the coming in of Pier & Freeman prevented his removal; and in a few years he quit the business. Hatters in those days furnished merchants about -:::::,.'S~:-ii,zrir:::'l::rl:,:,ri::i::-_i:::::::: i::i:::i'iiiiiiii;iliii::il::I:il':iii:ii- ii-li:l:::-::::::-:ilj::iii::::;iil:-::ii:.ij,: -::i:;:,::_5:::::i::::::::::_::::iii-ir:i:l::iiir-ii-:i:i:iii:_::ii:: ii:-i:i-i_::iiii::;ilil::iiiiii-~:::i::::':l:':_:i::li:i:~:\:::i:l:i:;':i:i:'i:iY —l:i:_:j-i::::: ::-j:~Ar:I-::'::i-iiiiil:-::i: ji-'i;:l':ii''i::il-;i:iiiiiii:i::-:::::r:r-i'ia iiiiiiiiijiii'':' ,, :j;iiiiir''iiiiiiiii::i:i:.iii.::: e i:I:r:i:r:i:I:I;:i::i:i::::::::i: l.rii;;:i ::~;:-:r:i::::::r,, -c:r~-:::::. i:;/t a-s ~Y rp J. ..,....,i.,d i~~.C-2 JAMESTOWN. 345 the country with hats to sell, or exchanged them for goods. The firm at length dissolved. Freeman removed to Westfield, and in a few years returned, and resumed business in Jamestown. His advertisement appears in a Jamestown paper in 1826. The first cabinet-maker in Jamestown was S. E. Colton, who worked in Royal Keyes' joiner shop, on the west side of Main street, above Third street. Keyes had, winter seasons, done something at the business, making some of the cheaper articles of furniture. In the spring of 1820, Wm. Breed came to Jamestown, a single man, a carpenter and joiner; but he had worked with a cabinet-maker in Pittsburgh, and acquired a knowledge of the trade. He went into Keyes' shop, first on his own account, and afterwards formed a partnership with Keyes in the carpenter and joiner and the cabinetmaking business. Keyes was building the Dolloff mills on the Connewango, and could do, in the winter, all the cabinet work that could be sold during the year. The partnership commenced about I822, and continued about three years. Breed then built a shop for cabinet-making on the west side of Pine street, above Third, and after one year took into partnership his brother John C. In t833, they built a shop on the corner of Pine and Second streets. In 1835, they took into partnership Almon Partridge; and the company built, at the lower village, a factory to go by water power; being the first machinery at Jamestown propelled by water for planing boards or turning cabinet molders' work. The partnership continued until the death of Mr. Partridge, in I837. In I839, Albert Partridge became a partner, and continued as such about two years. About 1853, DeWitt, son of Wm. Breed, became a partner under the same firm name as that of the former triple partnership, W. & J. C. Breed & Co. When the Breeds commenced business, cherry boards, first quality, were $8 to $10 per M., and pine lumber, $2.50 to $3; and they afterwards sold some at Pittsburgh for $2.50. Cherry now, [written in i858,] from $12 to $25 per M. Hard maple, for bedsteads, about $Io. Formerly the trade was chiefly in barter and store orders; now mostly cash or good credit. This manufactory was situated at the lower dam, on the south side of the outlet, on Willard street. In I858, Nathan & Emmet Breed converted the tannery previously owned by Foote, Fenton & Barker into a manufactory of agricultural implements, propelled alternately by water and steam. A large business was done for several years in this concern. It was afterwards converted into an extensive furniture manufactory by Judson W. and DeWitt C. Breed, by whom it is still conducted. The amount of furniture manufactured and sold by Messrs. Breed in I870, was about $65,000, exclusive of articles sold at their retail rooms on Second street. George Wood & Co. also manufacture furniture on a large scale, to an amount of about $35,000 yearly. And Sherman & Marsh make bedsteads estimated at $40,000. Wm. Knight opened a saddle and harness shop in Jamestown in 182I, in a small building owned by Elisha Allen, on the east side of Main street, and after several removals went, in I827, into the south end of the Budlong 346 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. building, 2d story, since known as the Hawley block. In 1829, Solomon Jones and Wm. Knight commenced the business together, and continued it for about three years; after which, Knight continued it alone about three years longer, when he removed to Harmony. Day Knight opened a shop in 1821, in a small building opposite the house of James Prendergast, but soon removed to Westfield, and returned in 1826, and opened a shop ipposite Plumb & Co.'s store, south of the Allen House. In 1833, he formed a partnership with Samuel Knight, and after one year he carried on business alone until his removal to Randolph in I840. Silas Shearman commenced work for Wm. Knight, Dec., 1822, and, in the fall of 1825, went to Fredonia, and, in 1827, returned, and opened a shop in the second story of the Budlong building, corner of Main and Third streets, afterwards known as the Hawley block. In Dec., 1832, he removed to the brick shop built by him on Third street, opposite the Allen House. John P. Shearman, James Dinnin, Frederic Bond, J. Saxton, James Marshall, and others served as apprentices under him. The average price of harness leather, from I827 to 1848, was about 26 cents a pound; from 1848 to i854, 21 cents; from 1854 to 1858, 30 cents. In 1850, it was sold at 20 cents; in 1857, as high as 35 cents. In an early day, leather was- generally procured of Gen. Barker at Fredonia, and at Buffalo. Bridle leather cost from $2.50 to $3 a side. Average price of labor was $i8 to $20 a month. Silas Shearman continued business without intermission and without a partner, from 1827 to 1854, a period of 27 years. He then formed a partnership with Rufus P. Shearman, which continued for several years under the firm of S. Shearman & Son. The business is at present carried on by Michael Woods, their successor, corner of Pine and Third streets. John P. Shearman commenced the saddle and harness business in the south end of the Hawley block, 2d story, in 1839, and continued alone until December, 1841; then in connection with James Dinnin until 1844; then with Charles Kennedy I 2 years; then alone until February, 1854. Dinnin, after his dissolution with Shearman, opened a shop, and continued business alone until March, 1849, with the exception of one year in company with Samuel Hall. The business was continued, singly or in company, by Kennedy, Vernon Morley, Alfred S. Mason, and Alexander G. Peters, until 1858, when the concern was sold to Silas Shearman & Son. The same business was commenced by several others comparatively early, and continued for brief periods. Daniel Hazeltine came to Jamestown in May, 18i6. He erected a building 24 by 36, one story high, for a cloth-dressing shop, and put hisfullingmill under Judge Prendergast's log way, in front of his saw-mill. He commenced dressing cloth in October. In 18i8, he built an addition to his building, two stories high, 24 by 26 feet, and dug a race from the factory race, and moved his fulling-mill from the saw-mill. In the spring of I819, he leased to Horace Blanchar the second story for his carding machine, formerly owned by Simmons & Blanchar, and run by them in the garret JAMESTOWN. 347 of Judge Prendergast's grist-mill. In I823, he bought Blanchar's machines, and Harmis Willard put in a new machine; and they carried on wool-carding in partnership. In I824, Hazeltine commenced the manufacture of woolen cloth on shares, the owner of the wool paying I2, cents per yard for his half; the cloth weighing from I2 to I6 ounces per yard. His first prices for dressing cloth were from 15 to 44 cents per yard. He charged in I823 for carding wool, 5 cents per pound. He dressed the first year about 2,500 yards. When he came to Jamestown, the nearest cloth-dressing establishments were at Fredonia and Westfield. Custom wool-carding and clothoressing was about at its height from I829 to 1833, when he dressed from i6,000 to 20,000 yards a year. The price for dressing was from 6 to 25 cents a yard. [Six cents was probably the price of simply pressing flannel for women's wear.] For indigo blue 50 cents was charged. In I836, Mr. Hazeltine bought of Chandler & Winsor their establishment, erected about 1826 at the " lower dam," then known as " Piousville," and removed his machinery to that place in April, from a stone building erected by D. Hazeltine and Robert Falconer, in or about the year 1830, just below Judge Prendergast's grist-mill. He commenced manufacturing cloth in I838. He erected a new building in I853. He manufactured about 4,000 pounds of wool the first year after he removed his works to the place hebought of Chandler & Winsor. He manufactured, in I858, about 20,000 pounds. For short periods of time, Taber Wood, and after his retirement, Wm. B. Hazeltine, son of Daniel Hazeltine, was a partner. In i865, Mr. H. sold to his sons, and retired from the business. The sons, not long afterwards, transferred the establishment, which has since been operated by the well known firm of Allen, Preston & Co. The first manufacturer of scythe snaths in Jamestown was Samuel Garfield, an early settler in Busti. He afterwards formed a partnership with Ezra Wood. The snaths were made by steaming and bending. The manufactory was enlarged and the machinery improved, until many hundred dozens were turned out annually, and shipped extensively to the south and west. A second shop was built by Edward Reynolds; and a third by A. B. Cobb and Wm. Broadhead, both on Second street, near Spring street, and both were burned. Cobb & Sons built a new factory, and manufactured 300 dozen snaths a year, and large numbers of grain cradles and rakes. This, too, was burned, and another erected; and while doing a large business, this also was burned down. The same business was next started by Simmons & Tyrrell, south side of Second street, near Cross street, where over 600 dozen snaths were turned out yearly, and 200 dozen- grain cradles. Nathan and Ezra Breed converted the tannery at the lower dam into a factory of the same kind, where the same articles and a variety of other agricultural implements were made. This business was carried on less extensively, Between i866 and I870, by W. R. Denslow, Wm. Broadhead, and Harmis Willard. The first sash factory in Jamestown, or in the county, was established in the spring of X827, by Sedgwick Benham, Smith Seymour, and - Goodwin, 348 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. on the north shore of the outlet, immediately below the saw-mill at the lower dam. In the spring of 1828, Seymour ran a boat with sash to Pittsburgh, where patent sash were unknown. So little confidence had the people there in the new sash, that he was compelled to sell them for from I to i cents per light; and the purchasers put them in inferior buildings. Goodwin sold his interest to his partners, and returned to Onondaga county. John Scott subsequently bought an interest in the factory. It did a large business for many years. Great quantities of sash were sent by wagons into other counties, and down the Ohio and Mississippi rivers; and within a few years hand-made sash disappeared from the market.' Sash, doors and blinds were made at the upper dam, on Main street, by Albert Smith and H. S. Fox, for a number of years. They were succeeded by Johnson & Peterson, who now manufacture of these articles to the value of about $Io,ooo annually. At the lower dam, the manufacture of the same articles has been carried on extensively by Scott & Barrows, R. J. & H. Barrows; and now by Corydon Hitchcock and John T. Wilson. Parley Smith & Brother established the first pail and tub factory at the sash factory dam, in the lower part of the village, and commenced making ware in December, I83I. They made in value to the amount of about $3,000 a year, for two years. They then sold their establishment to Merrifield & Eddy in the spring of I833, who ran the first boat load of their goods to Pittsburgh in the fall. They manufactured for two years to the amount of about $4,000 a year; and then sold the concern to Ezra Wood, Jr., who ran the shop for one year, and made ware to the value of about $Io,ooo. In the fall of 1835, Joel Partridge bought a half interest in the establishment, which was carried on by Wood & Partridge for five years, who made about $25,000 worth a year. Partridge sold back his interest to Wood, who, in two years, ran about $5,000 worth a year, and then sold to Kibling & Peasley. They manufactured for two or three years about $6,000 worth a year. The shop, after lying idle a while, was moved to Dexterville. It was there conducted by Salisbury, Kibling & Co., who manufactured ware to the value of about $20,000. Through bad management, or for other cause, the firm became insolvent, and quit the business. The amount, in value, of the ware made by Smith & Brother and their successors, was about $200,000. Among the various branches of the manufactures of Jamestown was the manufacture of a great variety of wooden ware, which was transported by flat boats to Pittsburgh and down the Ohio. In a statement prepared many years ago by Nathan Brown, who had been for fifteen years engaged in this trade, are the following facts: Mr. Brown having been an indorser for an embarrassed firm, was compelled to take, by way of indemnity, a small flat boat with a cargo of pails, washtubs, keelers, maple veneering, and lath, valued at about $1,300. In April, 1843, he started on his trip; and the proceeds of his cargo fell short, by about $300, of discharging his assumed obligation.. He, however, continued JAMESTOWN. 349 the business of manufacturing and transporting his wares, increasing the size of his boats and the extent and variety of his wares, adding grain cradles, hay rakes, scythe snaths, half-bushel measures, window sash, doors, blinds, etc. The value of his first cargo was about $I,300. His yearly sales increased in amount, until they reached nearly $20,000. He first ran one boat a year, and gradually increased the number, running, in I857, seven boats. At the close of his business in 1858, he had run 65 boats, and sold of the products of his manufactures, $220,214, of which about $30,ooo had been manufactured outside of Jamestown. The Cane Seat Chair Company was established as a manufactory for making cane seat chairs, in which about 200 men, women and children are employed, and chairs turned out yearly to the value of $60,000o. The Wood Seat Chair Company, Whitney & Warner, turn out about $60,000 worth yearly; and Prother & Co., to the value of $20,000. Oliver Chase & Son have in operation a chair factory, which is estimated to turn out chairs to the amount of $25,000. Gates manufactures cane seats amounting to about $4,000. A piano manufactory, of which George A. Georgi is proprietor, was established some years ago on the south side of the outlet, which employs about 32 men, and turns out instruments to the value of about $80,ooo. In or about the year I834, Crane & Fuller established an axe factory at Dexterville, on the present site of the works of Charles L. Jeffords. Its capacity was about 3 dozen per day. In 1840, E. Edgerton assumed the control of the works; and, in I852, Charles L. Jeffords became interested in them. In I860, they were entirely destroyed by fire. They were rebuilt, and in I869, they were again burnt to the ground, and speedily rebuilt in their present enlarged form. Power is furnished both by water and steam, thus securing ample power during low water. Three or four trip hammers are used; and such are the improvements made in the machinery, and such is the skill in workmanship attained by the operatives, as to enable them to turn out from 40 to 50 dozen per day. The numerous operations through which the designed product has to pass, can not be intelligibly described. The facility with which they are performed, and the rapidity with which an axe passes through a score of different hands to its final polish, are remarkable. A variety of other edge tools are made at these works. The amount of business done by the present proprietor has been from $25,000 to $50,000 a year. The latter sum is likely to to be reached the present year. An important addition to the manufactures of Jamestown is the alpaca manufacture. In March, 1873, William Hall, William Broadhead and Jos. Turner commenced the erection of a building for this purpose. Mr. Broadhead having retired, the firm name is at present Hall & Turner. The machinery was purchased in England by Mr. Turner, then a resident of that country. He also brought with him all the skilled help. The operatives employed here are principally Swedes, a large portion of the population of the village being of that nationality. The manufacture commenced the Ist 350 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. of December, I873. The cotton warps are made at Holyoke, Mass. The wool used is Cotswold, Lincoln, and Leicester, all of which is raised in this country. They manufacture Orleans and Glaces; also mohairs and mohair mixtures. The capital of the establishment is $0oo,ooo, giving employment at present to about go hands. BIOGRAPHICAL AND GENEALOGICAL. AUGUSTUS F. ALLEN, eldest son of Elisha and Juliet [Holbrook] Allen, was born in Wardsboro', Vt., Sept. 13, 18I3. His grandfather, Capt. Allen, of Princeton, Mass., while a deputy sheriff, was murdered by a man named Frost, whom he had in charge, and who had murdered his own father. Elisha Allen, father of Col. A. F. Allen, was born in Princeton, Mass., Sept. 5, 1786. He removed with the rest of the family to Vermont, and was married to Juliet Holbrook, who was born at Sturbridge, Mass., June 6, 1790. In i816, he came to Jamestown, and bought the property on the corner of Main and Third streets, where the Gifford House now stands; returned to Vermont, and in 1826 came to Jamestown with his wife and two sons, Augustus and Dascum, the latter having been born at Wardsboro', Sept. 5, 1815. Elisha Allen also bought a farm on what is now Warren street. He afterwards occupied, as a dwelling, a part of the house previously kept as a hotel on the present site of the Jamestown House, where he died, Sept. 30, 1830, aged 44 years. His hotel property, occupied for many years by a number of keepers, remained in possession of his heirs; and after the great fire of 1852, by which it was destroyed, the sons, Augustus and Dascum, erected in its place a new building, of brick, since known as the "Allen House," now the "Gifford House." Augustus, after the death of his father, was left, at the age of I7, as the head of the family. He attended school for a time at the academies of Fredonia and Jamestown, and acquired a fair English education; and Dascum engaged as a clerk in the store of Nathaniel A. Lowry. About 1835, the brothers, the younger not yet of age, engaged in the mercantile and lumbering business, which they carried on extensively, and successfully. Abner H., the youngest brother, when of age, became a partner; and after his death, in 1849, Dascum took the concern, and afterwards, Allen & Maurice. The business of A. F. & D. Allen extended over the southern part of this county, and far into Cattaraugus Co., N. Y., and Warren Co., Pa. In 1846, they dissolved partnership, and divided their property. In 1848, Augustus became a partner of Daniel Grandin in the woolen manufacture; the latter had acquired a knowledge from the late Daniel Hazeltine, and from a Mr. Washburn in the old stone factory in First street. In j867, the firm of Allen, Preston & Co. was formed, of which Mr. Allen was a member at the time of his death. Col. Allen also became actively engaged in public improvements. To no single individual are the people of southern Chautauqua more indebted for railroad facilities than to him. To the promotion of the various industrial interests of Jamestown, he contributed largely by his counsels, his personal influence, and his wealth. In early life he was -------- --..... ~..~~:- _:::,::'::''i:'!l~?.i~i'~ i': - - - -- - - - - - - ~~:~~~;jl:: -::::::-: KM JAMESTOWN. 35I commissioned as colonel of a regiment of state militia, with his brother Dascum as lieutenant-colonel, and subsequently attained to the rank of brigadier-general. He took an active part in measures for the prosecution of the late war. -He was appointed colonel of the ii2th regiment of New York state volunteers, for the purpose of its organization, and for several months gave his personal attention to recruiting. Knowing his business talents, the people of Ellicott elected him supervisor at such times as he would accept the office, until his death, which occurred just before the expiration of his seventeenth term. In 1867, he was elected a member of the constitutional convention of that year, and bore an honorable part in its deliberations. In the fall of that year, though a republican, he accepted a nomination as an independent candidate for the state senate; and by a division of the republican vote, the democratic candidate was elected. In I874, having become fully affiliated with the "liberal republicans," who were joined by the democrats in his support, he was elected a representative to Congress. His health had been failing; and he was ill able to endure the strain of a hotly contested political struggle. His active participation in this contest, and the anxiety he felt for his family, [wife, son Alfred D., and his daughter Charlotte, Mrs. Black,] who had gone to Europe, partly on account of the poor health of the son and daughter, had a serious effect upon his health, which became more and more impaired, until his friends and physicians became alarmed. His brain became affected. This increased the alarm. His family in Europe were telegraphed; and his wife and son started for home. They came too late to see him alive; but the burial was deferred until after their arrival. He had been a member of the Presbyterian church for nearly forty years. Never, perhaps, has the death of a citizen of Jamestown been more generally and deeply lamented. DASCUM ALLEN, second son of Elisha Allen, was born in Wardsborough, Vt., September 5, 1817, and came with his father to Jamestown in I817. As he was, during the most important part of his business life, associated with his elder brother, Augustus F. Allen, whose sketch has been given, the facts therein stated need not be repeated. Like, his brother, he was preeminently a business man. His business operations did not cease with the dissolution of the copartnership. He continued actively and successfully the lumber business. He lumbered heavily upon the branches of the Allegany and the Connewango, marketing his lumber at Cincinnati, every spring and fall; and, after a diligent and energetic prosecution of his business, he found himself in possession of an ample fortune, which, however, was somewhat impaired before his death. Says the writer of his obituary: "He had a big heart, and could not see a friend in trouble. His unbounded credit was always at the service of his friends, whose bondsman he became, and whose papers he indorsed, whenever he could be made to believe that the necessity was urgent, and the party acted honestly and in good faith. He never required collateral, nor took a dollar for the loan of his credit. The result was, that he paid upon liabilities by indorsements, for which he never 352 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. received anything, over fifty thousand dollars!" He took a prominent part in building up Jamestown. Probably none of the citizens invested more in buildings, and in creating facilities for business of various kinds. He was married Nov. I4, I839, to Susan W. Darling, by whom he had 4 children: Horace F., who resides in Jamestown; Mary Eveline, who died in infancy; Florence A., wife of Charles W. Grant, at Oil City, Pa.; and Frank H. HORACE ALLEN, a native of Lebanon, N. H., came from Otsego county, N. Y., in February, I815, to Jamestown with his wife and one child, [Dana H.,] with an ox-team, and moved into one end of a story and a half house; the other end being left in occupancy by William Forbes, superintendent of Prendergast's mills. The house was on the north-east corner of Main and Second streets, and was built by Forbes in i812. In April, 1815, he bought of Forbes this house and lot, and the lot immediately east of it, on the west side of Pine street, for $200. The house was about i8 by 38 feet. It had a stone and stick-top chimney, which stood in the middle of the house. Forbes soon built for himself another house [a story and a half] on the east side of Main street, on lot 8, next south of the tavern house then in progress, afterwards known as the "Allen ]House." Allen attached to the building an " L," extending north along Main street about 30 feet, for a dwelling house for himself, intending to use the old building for a store. But before the completion of the new part, he sold the lot and buildings to Nathan Cass, who finished the outside of the new part, and moved into it. Allen remained in the old part until he went into the saw-mill boarding-house, which stood a little south of First street, and north side of the race, opposite the west end of the Prendergast store, and which had been occupied by Nicholas Dolloff, who had just built a plank house on lots he had bought of Prendergast, including the spring on the east side of Spring street. Horace Alien continued to reside in Jamestown until September, i86, when he removed to the farm he had bought on the Connewango. Nathan Cass sold the premises he had bought of Gen. Allen, to one William French Allen, a merchant from Massachusetts, whose wife was a sister of Laban Bates. The old part of the building was occupied by W. F. Alien as a store, and the new part as a dwelling house. HENRY BAKER was born in Rensselaer Co., N. Y., in I797. At the age of about I7 years, he enlisted in the war of I812 as a musician. Two or three years after the war he came to Ellicott, in this county, in which town he resided until his death, July 31, 1863. Among those who were active in developing the business capacities of Jamestown, Col. Baker was one of the most conspicuous. He was a man of clear perceptions, persistent energy, and sound judgment in business matters. In I817 or I8I8, he located himself at Fluvanna, quite a young man, of very limited education, and destitute of means. The first few years of his residence there were spent in shoe-making and lumbering. In the spring of 1823, he was elected constable, and soon after came to Jamestown, and for some time carried on the shoe-making business. He was married, August 6, 1822, to Anna Keyes, the sister of :: _Ij: ii. -II::li,:::: ::~il-l —-— i:IJ:::i::ii i i:::::: _:: —-:::-:i: —-:::-:i::r:::::i:::-i —~i i:-j-i:lrjj- li:k rii -i -::-::_:_-1,:i::::::::::::-::::;i: x::ii:-:~::::::::::::j;i:::i:::::.:I::: Ii;ai'::: —` —-LI::~iiiii~I:::::: i-::::::-:- j:il ':iiil:;i-3i:;r::i::::: i(c'::':::I:: i:i,:i:i: -:i:::::::::i:::::: i:iliiii-.iii -iii:lii:i::I:ii a:-~.:::i~::::::::::::-::i: -ji.i _ii-~: ja:: j:: li:-:,:_:::::: L:~ i::::li,:i lg ii: 1:1:jj~:::::::ls::~.::: r: _i:::,lii iili~iiiii ii::li CZi'-iis:-iii- I: -:: I i:: i i: /?n-vi tx) —- —.`"- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..........~i ~';;;:..:::;!..........:; "-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! iiiii!!1i ~~~~~~~~~~ ii!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~ ~ ~~~~~~~~:8~~~~~!!!!~i11~ * ~ ~ ~ I~~i:?~.~~~~~~c~~ 4 i:-:P~~~~~~i~~i~~~ii:::iiiiil~~~~~~~iil'ii~iiiliiii~I l:':i: $ Iiiiil:::. I iiii~iiii' ii;:::.: ~'5'..:....... iiiliiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~~iiiiiiiiii~~~iiiiiii!? ".......... iiii N.~i ~:::: N~~~ ~i"\KS ~ ~iz\ K~ C>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~u JAMESTOWN. 353 Royal Keyes, who died the next May. He still continued the lumbering business, then the leading industry of the place, and in which he was engaged to some extent during the remainder of his life. On the 3d of August, 1828, he was married to Maria Fish, a daughter of Cyrus Fish, an early settler. About the same time-perhaps a year or two earlier-he bought out the interest of Judiah E. Budlong in the mercantile firm of Budlong, Barrett & Co.; the new firm consisting of Samuel Barrett, Samuel Budlong, and Henry Baker-firm, Barrett, Baker & Co. He also became interested in real estate. He purchased a block in that part of the village known as the "The Swamp," and erected what was, at that time, one of the best residences in the place. He purchased also a tract of land, south-west of Jamestown, to which he afterwards removed, and where he died. This, by subsequent additions and improvements, became one of the largest and best cultivated farms in southern Chautauqua. In 1836, he, with five associates, purchased the large and valuable real estate of James Prendergast in Jamestown. After a few years he became invested with the entire estate. This was thought to be a hazardous undertaking; but through his perseverance and the liberal course pursued toward him by Judge Prendergast and his son, proved a profitable investment. He took an active part in public affairs. He was several times supervisor of his town, and held various other trusts, which were faithfully discharged. He was for several years a member of the Presbyterian church. His widow still resides in Jamestown. They had 7 children: i. Anna Maria, wife of Michael Hutton, Jamestown. 2. Richard H., who married Mary Winsor, Jamestown. 3. D. Augustus, Jamestown. 4. Mary Grace, wife of Wm. Breeden, lawyer, Santa Fe, New Mexico. 5. James T., Jamestown. 6. Charles, married, and resides in Jamestown. 7. Winfield Scott, who died at i8. SAMUEL BARRETT was born in Paris, Oneida Co., N. Y., June 29, I792. At the age of 14, he went to Vermont; and in I8I6, he came to Jamestown, with Daniel Hazeltine. He was married at Wardsboro', Vt., Feb. 5, i8i8, to Betsey Hunt, with whom he returned to Jamestown, and for a short time kept the tavern known as the Cass House, where the Jamestown House now stands, on the south-west corner of Main and Second streets. He was next engaged for several years in the lumbering business. He then bought the interest of Salmon Grout, a partner of Phineas Stevens, in the tanning business; in which he was engaged, successively, with Mr. Stevens, and Gen. Leverett Barker, of Fredonia, who bought out Stevens, and whose brother, Wellford Barker, came and assisted in carrying on the business. He was also, for a number of years, in the mercantile business, in Jamestown, in partnership, at different times, with Samuel Budlong, Charles Butler, and Henry Baker. He was an early director of the Chautauqua County Bank; and, after the resignation of Judge Foote, its first president, he was elected to that office, which he held until his death. He died at Jamestown, where his widow now resides. They had a large number of children, of whom only 6 attained to mature age: I. Henry W., who married Electa Horton, of 23 354 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Ellery, who is deceased. He is a practicing physician, in Kansas. They had 3 children, Corinne, and Henry and Electa, twins. 2. Samuel H., who married, first, Maria L. Spencer, daughter of Rev. Eliphalet Spencer, and had by her 3 children, two of whom are living; married, second, Adelia Lake, who has no children living; they reside in Waterville, Kan. 3. PVilliam E., who married Laura Ann Wescott, and resides in New Jersey; has 4 daughters and a son. 4. Lucy E., wife of John H. White, New York. They have 4 children living, a son and 3 daughters' 5. Mary Evelyn, wife of Elial F. Hall, an attorney in the city of New York. 6. Sarah P., wife of Willard Harvey, son of Charles R. Harvey, both deceased, leaving three daughters. ELIJAH BISHOP, son of Major Elijah Bishop, was born in Elizabethtown, Essex Co., N. Y., Jan. 2 I, 1803; was married Aug. i6, I830, to Amy Jenner, who was born Aug. 13, i8Io. He came to Jamestown in October, I829, but did not permanently settle here until the fall of 1832. He was by trade a millwright. The first smut machine in this region, he built for Judge Prendergast's custom mill, which was burned in the fall of I833. In the winter following he built for Judge P. a new flouring and custom mill, which is now in operation. He introduced important improvements in water wheels and in the pitch of water, making a great saving of water, and in the manner of cleaning grain. He introduced many improvements in various machinery in Jamestown and vicinity, and built many steam and water mills in this county, and in several counties in Pennsylvania. In 1850 he went into trade; and in the great fire of I86I he was burned out. He rebuilt on the same ground, and holds the store building, for rent. He has had 12 children, of whom 7 survived the period of infancy. They are as follows: i. Edwin L., who married Abbie Putnam; has one child, and resides in New York. 2. Amy Anna, who married, first, G. R. Allen; second, C. W. Scofield, and lives in N'ew York. 3. Coleman Erskine, who married Hattie A. Benson; has 3 children, and resides in Buffalo; and has been editor, successively, of the Jamestown Journal, the Oil City Derrick, of which he was the founder; and is at present editor of the Buffalo Express. 4. Prentice E., who served in the late war; was wounded in the Gettysburg battle by a grape shot on Cemetery Hill, carried from the field and reached home, but died from the wound July 22, 1865. He enlisted as a private at i8, was promoted to tst lieutenant, and commanded a company when wounded. He was in 17 battles, and was hit three times before his fatal wound at Gettysburg. He was promoted while in Libby prison. 5. Ellen E., wife of P. H. Putnam; they have 2 children, and live in Chicago. 6. Charles L, who lives with his parents in Jamestown. 7. Fred C., who died at 14. SAMUEL A. BROWN, son of Col. Daniel Brown and Anna (Phelps) Brown, was born Feb. 20, I795. Two of his brothers, older than himself, were graduates of Yale College, Daniel B. subsequently a distinguished lawyer at Batavia, N. Y., and Henry, a lawyer at Springfield, N. Y., and afterwards first judge of Otsego Co., who also removed to Batavia, and thence to Chi ::-:~_:':::::I:::.::~~:-~:; —'.;::::::~'-:-: -:::~:.:~:. —:~::-::;-:,_::i:~:i:;~i:'""c:_ -.:::::::::~ ~~:i,.;:~::::i:~.li~:-.e-:::l~:::~:::~:~-::r::::::::1-::::;~; 1::-:': ~~i:F::~: —:j::r-~:-:-:~:::::b:lj:~' -:.::: ~..' ~ -:~:':':'i::::::' —~':::~j.:;:;::::::::I:r: Y ~~j~ss:is :::li.-":::::;::~::~. i.~~1;::i:z~-:~ ~-~~::~::;~;: ~-:::::: i i'r;Jii ~.:: ~:~i 1.:i iiic i' iial ~:i::~ s i~ :j:-::::: ZL5 -,:::-::::i:::::;liid'"i;-.:::j~::::::~::::i::::::iXii;tr ~:~:~jjii:: b ~s:s,,~~;*:.::,:~sff~~-;:j:; -:s::' a"-i9.;;:;~:j-:i:i::l-:.~s:-::::: ;::~Ii..:'::::':;''::.:::'liil:~~i;":-:~.:,,:;i~;:~.',:; 1:j: ji~-::::::::::'-~-:::;:.i:''il:i~ ~'''''":'-:""'':8 i8iii-.~1:::i:::::1::;: ~:;:~::::.::;'::,~.j i KI_?~:~ d~ ~b~~ ~.:: lj-? /~...,;i ].;~,S?'(';"!..,iTN -?~'. 3;7 on,~~~~~~~~~~~~~t::~~~~ "N. RIL~~~ ~c JAMESTOWN. 355 cago, where he died of cholera in I849. Daniel B. died at Batavia in 1842. Samuel, in addition to a good common school education, acquired some knowledge of the Latin language and of surveying. He studied law about three years in the law office of his brother Henry in Springfield, and in Oct., 1816, he came west on horseback, and located at Jamestown in November. He was in the same month admitted as an attorney in the county court, and in 1818 in the supreme court. In 1828, he was appointed by the judges district-attorney, and held the office by reappointments for ten years. In the same year, he became agent of the Cherry Valley Land Company, for the sale of about 40,000 acres of land in the eastern part of this county. He was president of the village, a director and attorney of the Chautauqua County Bank, and took an active part in obtaining the incorporation of the Jamestown academy and the erection of the building. He served as trustee of the institution from its organization, and, after the removal of Judge Foote from the county, as president of the board of trustees until his death. He was a member of assembly in I827, and again in 1845. From I840 he held, by successive elections, the office of superintendent of the poor of the county, for five years; and from Jan., i85I, he was for 3 years special surrogate of the county. In I834, he united with the Presbyterian church of Jamestown; and in 1849 was elected one of its ruling elders, which office he held until his death. About the year I840, he became a life member of the Chautauqua County Bible Society, and also, it is believed, of other benevolent societies. He did not join the county temperance society in its organization, but subsequently did so, and became an efficient advocate and liberal supporter of the cause. Mr. B., during his professional practice, had as partners, Richard P. Marvin, George W. Tew, and, in turn, his sons, Charles, Theodore, and Levant. He died June 7, I863, aged 68. His wife, Prudence Olivia (Cotes) Brown, died Aug. 3I, J862, aged 63 years, 6 months. They were married March 7, I819. For the want of a house to be hired or of a suitable place to board, they commenced housekeeping in the rear room of his law office, in size I4 by I6, which was their kitchen, parlor, pantry and bedroom. With an outdoor fire by the side of a large pine stump in the rear of his office building, having a board roof over it, she did their cooking and washing without a hired maid, and boarded a part of the hands while erecting their dwelling house, an honorable though a rare experience among pioneer lawyers' wives in any country. They had 6 children: i. Charles C., who married Eliza Jane Hoskins, and died in 1847, aged 26 years; left 2 children, Charles 0., now in the general land-office, at Washington; and a daughter, Evelyn, deceased. 2. Levant B., who married Florinda M. Barrett, and had a daughter, Flora, not living. He was a lawyer, and died in Jamestown, I875. 3. Theodore, who married Almena E. Knowlton, of Westfield; was a partner in law with Levant in Jamestown; had a son, Theodore K., who died at I2; and a daughter, Eva, who died at 5; neither of whom was ever able to walk. 4. Henry E., who married Helen Sprague, and has a son, Charles, living, and a daughter who died in infancy. 5. Margaret P., 356 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. wife of Salathiel Batcheller; who had 4 children, of whom a daughter, Eva, and a son, Levant, are living. Family resides in Victor, Iowa. 6. John T., who married Samantha C. Neff, and had 4 children; 2 are living, Samuel and Louis. MADISON BURNELL, son of Hon. Joel Burnell, was born February ro, I812, in Charlotte, Chautauqua county, N. Y., where his parents had previously settled. He was the second of I x children, 6 sons and 5 daughters. His childhood and youth were spent on the farm, and he shared in the toil of changing the wilderness into cultivated fields. His father possessed a brilliant intellect, and was a great reader. His mother possessed a superior judgment. It was at his home where the intellect of Madison received its inspiration to thought and independent action. His few school books were easily mastered, and the miscellaneous reading about the house was easily devoured. At Fredonia academy he spent half a term, and a term at Middlebury academy, Genesee, now Wyoming county. In his sixteenth year, he taught a district school in Hanover; while he was eagerly reading Blackstone's Commentaries and other law books. Cases tried before his father had familiarized his mind with court proceedings. He early conducted a prosecution against a thief for sheep stealing with such skill and ingenuity as to obtain a verdict from the entire community, that the boy was "cut out" to be a lawyer. He soon after entered the law office of Richard P. Marvin and Emory F. Warren, of Jamestown, as a law student. He made rapid advancement in legal knowledge, and derived pleasure as well as profit from the study of law. His profound knowledge of the fundamental elements of law, became, in after years, the fortress of his strength. He once saved a creditor some $8,000, by acting upon what he thought the law ought to be, while his opponent acted upon what he supposed the law was. He spent several years with Judge Marvin, and made no haste to gain an early admission to the bar. He was admitted about the year 1838, and at once entered into partnership with his preceptors. The firm of Marvin & Burnell is said to have done most of the heavy law business of the place. Mr. Burnell was a member of assembly in 1846 and 1847. The session of 1847 was the first after the adoption of the new constitution; and he was chairman of the judiciary committee. In this position he did the state great service in adjusting the statutes to the new constitution. When Mr. Marvin was elevated to the Bench, Mr. Burnell continued the business of the office, and entered the field more largely as an advocate; and it was generally conceded that he had'few if any superiors in this part of the state. Amidst the excitements of a legal contest, as well as in social intercourse, he was the same true and honest man, despising deception and trickishness. He had a deep insight into human nature; and he became an arch detector along the devious paths of crime. A chain broken into numerous fragments, if he got hold of one link, he would be sure to find the others and reunite them into a perfect whole. His logical acuteness gave him great influence in court. These qualities, combined with extraordinary energy and perseverance, gave to Mr. Burnell his preeminence as a lawyer. ..... ~-.~-~.i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i.~ ~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~..:A ex, a.-Y::a~~ ~~-~~:I O jo: ~ ~ JAMESTOWN. 357 In 1840, he was married to Sarah Spurr, who still survives him. To them were born three children: Valissa, Melverton, and Ella. Melverton died in 1864, of quick consumption. Ella was married to Dr. Charles Hazeltine in 1867, and died in 1873, leaving two children. Valissa, now Mrs. J. S. Cook, resides at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and is the mother of four children. On the 7th of December, 1865, Mr. Burnell was returning from Buffalo, in poor health, having for some years been afflicted with disease of the kidneys, and stopped over night at his mother's in Charlotte. The next day he took dinner at his sister's [Mrs. H. H. Moore] in Sinclairville. On the evening of that day, he fell in the street, a few feet from the front door of his house, and breathed no more. During the latter part of his life, he had been wading through doubts on the subject of religion, and especially the problem of a life to come. There is probably but one person living, to whom he was accustomed to express himself fully on these great subjects. It was certain that he was longing for the rest which the faith of his fathers and of his own childhood alone could give. WOODLEY W. CHANDLER, a native of Virginia, was born Feb. I4, i8oo. After a short residence, successively, in Tennessee, New Orleans, and Cincinnati, he came to Dexterville in 182-. He was married to Phebe, daughter of Abraham Winsor, and settled on the Connewango, and removed thence to Jamestown in I826, where, in company with his brother-in-law, John W. Winsor, he bought of Abm. Winsor a part of the tract of land previously owned by Judge Foote. They built on the outlet a carding and cloth-dressing establishment, where is now the woolen factory of Alien, Preston & Co. Mr. Chandler was also, at the same time, engaged in the lumbering business. He afterwards removed to Levant, on the farm where he died, April 22, 1854. He had 5 children: i. Martin S., who married Fanny Caldwell, and resides at Red Wing, Minn. He has been elected to the office of sheriff of the county of Goodhue for nine successive terms of 2 years, which office he still holds. He has a daughter, who married Isaac Kellogg, a druggist of Red Wing. 2. Nancy S., wife of Wm. T. Clark. They reside near Levant, and have a son, James P., and a daughter, Anna L. 3. Winsor A., who married Matilda Dellon, and died at Erie, Pa., where she resides. 4. JohZn W, who resides at Washington, D. C., where he is employed in government business. He was married to Grace M. Hatch, who is deceased; he has a son. 5. T/iilliamson B., who started from New York, by water, for California in I863, and has not since been heard from. He had served in the late war; was taken prisoner while sick, exchanged, and brought to Jersey City hospital, and discharged on account of disability. ORSELL COOK, son of Benjamin Cook, was born in Wells, Rutland Co., Vt., February 23, I809. He came to Busti, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., in I830. In 1833, he commenced the study of law with Hon. Richard P. Marvin, in Jamestown; and was subsequently admitted to practice. He was appointed by Gov. Bouck, by the consent of the senate, surrogate of 358 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Chautauqua county, in which office he served three years from January, 1844. He was elected county judge in I862, which office he held from January i, 1863, to January I, 1867; and by reelection, for a second term of four years. He continues the practice of law at Jamestown, associated with C. R. Lockwood. He was married, in 1839, to Ann M. Tew, by whom he had 3 children: Mariett, wife of John T. Wilson; Florence A., wife of Henry Price; and Celestia P., wife of Charles A. Breed-all residing in Jamestown. Judge Cook married, for his second wife, in 1849, Eliza L. Reed, of Jamestown; they have one child, Willie 0. REUBEN E. FENTON, youngest son of George W. Fenton, was born in Carroll, Chautauqua Co., July 4, T189. His primary education was received in a pioneer school in his native town. At the age of about 15, he was placed in Cary's academy, 6 miles north of Cincinnati, and, after a term of two years, returned, and completed his educational course, in a term at the Fredonia academy. He was about two years a student in the law-office of the brothers Waite, in Jamestown. Ill health having compelled him to give up his studies, he embarked in the lumber trade along the Allegany and Ohio rivers, in which he was successful. From 1846 to I852, inclusiveseven years-he was elected supervisor of Carroll. In 1852 he was elected to Congress. Two years later, he was defeated by Francis S. Edwards, the candidate of the American party, generally known as the " Know-Nothing" party. Mr. Fenton was a democrat when elected in 1852; but being opposed to the Kansas-Nebraska bill, a leading measure of his party, he voted against that bill, and thenceforth cooperated with the republican party. In 1856, he was again elected to Congress, and reelected in i858, I860, and I862-making an aggregate period of service of ten years. In 1864, he was nominated for governor, his opponent being Horatio Seymour, then governor of the state. He was elected; and was reelected in i866. In 1869, he was elected by the legislature of the state for the office of senator of the United States, which office expired with the 3d of March, 1875. WILLIAM H. FENTON was born in New Haven, Conn., March 7, 1796. He was a son of Jacob Fenton, who, in 800o, removed with his family to Burlington, Otsego, N. Y.; in 1813, to Mayville, and in 1814 to Jamestown, where he kept the first public house, and established a pottery. William H. Fenton was married in April, 1816, to Hannah Tracy, who was born Sept., I798. He was for a time with Judge Foote in the mercantile business, in Jamestown. He was a deputy sheriff under Jonathan Sprague, and his successor, sheriff Dewey. He also managed the pottery business for his father, which he assumed after his father's death, which occurred in January, 1822. He established the business at Fluvanna, where, in 1826, Samuel Whittemore became a partner, and the business was continued by them for about i 9 years. Mr. Fenton returned to Jamestown in 1839, where he now resides. He was commissioned by Gov. Clinton as ensign and lieutenant of the militia, and as commissioner of deeds. In 1823, he was appointed a justice, which office he held by reelections until 187 i-about 48 years in the same town. He was — ~k/r/^? /^W/ A/- M/ f-dig ~ ~: _ ~.:":IIISS: f.1"'* I^ ^ ^SIIIIS^ ^ JAMESTOWN. 359 for about 15 years a coroner. Wm. H. and Hannah Fenton had 14 children, of whom 3 died in infancy. The others were: I. Carolinle A., who married Humphrey Sherman, who died in Iowa, and had 4 children. She resides in San Francisco, Cal. 2. Erasmuzs D., who married, first, Amanda Akin, of Kiantone, and had 3 children; second, Harriet Coy, of Randolph. He removed to Austin, Mower Co., Minn., where he was sheriff of the county. 3. El/as J., who married Mariett McNitt, of Wisconsin. They reside in Iowa, and have 6 children. 4. Sabra, who died at 22. 5. Laura A., wife of John Pickard. 6. Harriet, wife of John H. Harvey, in Iowa; has 5 children. 7. Car/os, who married Sarah Dayton, in Wisconsin, and resides at Austin, Minn.; has 5 children. 8. M/arielt, wife of Charles L. Jeffords, Jamestown; has 5 children: Carrie S., Mary E., Jefferson, Gertrude, Kate. 9. Dana B., who married Mary E. Hunt, and lives in Kiantone, and has 4 children: Willie, Eddie, Lewy, Anna. o1. Emzery V.I, who married Louisa Myers; lives in Jamestown, and has 2 children: Emily L. and Josephine G. i. Emnily H-, twin sister of Emery W., and wife of James C. Smith, Austin, Minn.; has a son, William F. ELIAL TODD FOOTE, the son of Deacon Samuel Foote and Sybil Doolittle Foote, was born in Greenfield, now Gill, Mass., May i, I796. He removed with his parents to Sherburne, N. Y., in 1798, and received his education in the common school and Oxford academy, and under the private tuition of Rev. W. M. Adams. He read medicine in Sherburne, and attended medical lectures in the city of New York. He was licensed by the Chenango County Medical Society, and subsequently received the honorary degree of M. D. He came to Jamestown, then called /The Rapids, seeking a place to settle in the practice of his profession. The prospect there was not an encouraging one. There were but few —perhaps eight or ten-dwellings there, nearly all of them other than frame houses. The population on all sides was sparse and poor; and the roads were extremely bad. There was but one physician in the county, south of the ridge-at Mayville-and none in Warren county, Pa. He was subjected to great hardships and much exposure in storms, and became asthmatic, being compelled to decline rides in storms and nights; and turned his attention to business of a public nature. In 1817, he was appointed assistant justice of the court, and first sat on the bench at the June term. In 1818, the office of assistant justice was abolished; and the courts were to be held by judges; and he was appointed associate judge under Judge Cushing. Under the constitution of I821, he was appointed by the governor and senate first ludge, in which office he was continued by reappointments every five years, until he had served twenty years, when he declined another appointment. From the published proceedings of the court, bar and grand jury on his declension and that of his worthy associate, Judge Campbell, [see Supplement to this work;] and from the remarks of contemporary members of the court and bar, we are warranted in saying, that for dispatch of business, impartiality, firmness on moral questions, and clear discernment in matters in general before the court, he 360 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. occupied a high position; and that during his long services on the bench, he was respected by his associates, members of the bar, and others connected with the court. In 1819, he was elected, with Oliver Forward, of Buffalo, a member of assembly, from the district comprising the counties of Chautauqua, Cattaraugus and Niagara, Erie being then a peart of Niagara. In 1826, he represented, singly, this county in the assembly; and, in 1827, again, with Samuel A. Brown. Soon after 1820, Judge Foote conceived the idea of collecting materials for the eaj-rl histoiy of the county and its pioneer settlements and settlers. His position on the'bench brought him iin contact with the early settlers from every part of the county; and much of the information collected was written in pocket memorandum books. Some of it was published in the county papers, and preserved in scrap books. He collected about one hundred volumes of early newspapers, few of which can be duplicated. He visited the Holland Land Company's offices; and he searched the public records at Albany, New York, and Washintion. Thus, thousands of dollars and mnuch time were expended, without the least probability of pecuniary reward. The author has had the free use of this large historic collection. Judge Foote has willed this collection to the county, if a fire proof apartment shall be furnished for its preservation. In I822, le purchased Peacock's "reserved land," now constituting a large portion of the village of Jam-estown. This tract, with its valuable,water power, was speedily improved, and the growth of the village greatlypromoted. In 1859, having become convinced that the prevalent mode of spelling the name of the county with a terminating e was erroneous, he, with others, petitioned the board of supervisors to change the spelling by ending the name with a. The supervisors sanctioned the proposition. By correspondence with geographers, map Ipublishers, and public officers, his views were fully confirmed. He was appointed a director of the United States branch bank at Buffalo, when established, which office he resigned when elected president of the Chautauqua County Bank. Judge Foote took an active part in public improvements, and aided them. liberally. He was an early supporter of the temperance and antislavery causes. He made a public profession of his faith in Christ, in 1826, and united with the Congregational church, and gave it liberal aid. On the organization of the Presbyterian church, he united with that society, and contributed liberally toward the erection of their meeting-house. Other religious societies of Jamestown received his aid. The lands on which three of them stand, were donations from him. He was president of the county Bible society about ten years; and president of the first county total abstinence temperance society, of which he and Judge Hazeltine are said to be the only surviving members. And it appears from the records, that he constituted ...........::::::::::-:-::ii~ I i~~L~-i:_l::::::i.:.-: I:::::::::: _:.................................::::::::::i ~::::-:i::..........~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iii.l~~:~iii:::;i::i l:::-:::I: I-~'-~iii;ij;..........~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:::::i:':i:lli:i~...........................-~~~ ~~~; ~ ~..........................~:-:j~~i'~i;:::i::ii~ Characteristics!: CT!!!!!!~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~-~ — ~;~~~~~-:ii:::::~~~~~~~~i:I~~~~~::: ~ ~ ~ ~::::...............:::::::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...........................:::::::::::::~Ij JAMESTOWN. 361 himself a life member of several national benevolent and religious societies, some of which were not of his denomination. The county almshouse has shared in his fostering care. He gratuitously furnished the board of supervisors their early history, their record having been lost. This sketch has been written under unfavorable circumstances. On application to its venerable subject for assistance, he declined taking any part in the preparation of a history of his own life. The material was indeed ample, but it lay scattered through voluminous records. The constant pressure of labor on the writer's hands induced the postponement of the task, from time to time, to the last moment at which this hastily written sketch could find its proper place in this history. Elial T. Foote was married, in Jamestown, in December, 1817, to Anna, daughter of Ebenezer Cheney, by whom he had five children: Samuel Erastus, Mary Ann, Charles Cheney, James Hall, and Horace Allen. Mrs. Anna Foote died in Jamestown, July 7, 1840, as is said, "in the triumph of faith," aged 40 years, a prominent member of the Methodist Episcopal church. In 1841, he married for his second wife, Amelia Stiles Leavitt Jenkins, daughter of Hon. Jonathan Leavitt, of Greenfield, Mass., grand-daughter of President Stiles, of Yale College, and widow of Rev. Charles Jenkins, of Portland, Maine, who had two children by her first husband: Amelia Leavitt, who subsequently married Dr. Charles Cheney Foote; and Jonathan Leavitt Jenkins, now pastor of the Congregational church of Amherst, Mass. His second wife, Amelia L. Foote, died in New Haven, Conn., in full confidence in Christ as her Saviour, Nov. 26, 1867, aged 68. He was married to his third wife, Mrs. Emily W. Stockbridge, a native of Whately, Mass., and widow of S. W. Allis, Esq., June 30, I869. She had three children, who died from i8 to 23 years of age, before her last marriage. Judge Foote still resides in New Haven, Conn. CHARLES CHENEY FOOTE, second son of Hon. E. T. Foote, was born in Jamestown, Sept. 5, 1825. His studies preparatory to his college course, were pursued in Jamestown academy and Williston seminary, Massachusetts. He was graduated in arts at Union College, N. Y., and in medicine at Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. He commenced practice in the city of New Haven. He devoted his entire attention to the business of his profession, and soon acquired an extensive practice, and became one of the most popular physicians in New Haven. He was married at New Haven, April 22, 1852, by Rev. Leonard Bacon, to Amelia L. Jenkins, daughter of Rev. Charles Jenkins, of Portland, Maine. He had 6 children: Anna Eliza, who died at 9; Amelia Leavitt; Mary Louisa, died in infancy; Sarah Wells; Charles Jenkins; Horace Knevals, who died at 4. Dr. Foote died suddenly at his residence in New Haven, Conn., November 9, I87I, aged 46 years. His widow and the three surviving children reside at the homestead, in New Haven. ADOLPHUS FLETCHER was born in Croydon, N. H., Sept. 3, 1796. His parents were from Worcester Co., Mass., whither they returned after a short 362 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. sojourn in the granite state. The boyhood of Adolphus was passed on his father's farm. He served an apprenticeship at printing in the office of the Massachusetts Spy, established by Isaiah Thomas prior to the American Revolution. Soon after he had become of age, he married Sarah Stow, of Worcester. In I8i8, he accompanied his father's family to Ashville, where an elder brother and a sister had settled, who had purchased of Reuben Slayton, the first occupant, the site of the present village of Ashville. During his residence at Ashville, Mr. Fletcher was engaged at farming, keeping tavern, and, for a time, in connection with Dr. Fenn Deming, of Westfield, a store. At the solicitation of friends at Jamestown, he removed thither in 1824, and established the Jamestown Journal, which he published about 20 years, and sold out to his son. He subsequently became proprietor of the Northern Citizen, a paper which grew out of the free-soil movement in 1848. He afterwards transferred the press and materials to the gentlemen who started the Chautauqua Democrat, and became interested in its publication, but took no part in its editorial management. After the death of his first wife, he married Caroline E. Brooks, of Westminster, Mass. He assisted in the formation of the Congregational church at Ashville, and, on his removal to Jamestown, transferred his church relations to the Congregational church there. GEN. THOMAS W. HARVEY was an early settler in Jamestown, and for many years one of its most active citizens. He was noted for his inventive genius. He was born in Wardsborough, Vt., July 22, I795. At the age of about I2 years, his father died. At 14, he became an apprentice at the blacksmith trade; and, after two or three years, he commenced the trade of a machinist, and assisted in building machinery for cotton mills in Brattleborough, Vt., and in Lexington, Ky. In i8I6, after his marriage, he removed to Jamestown, to superintend the building of the machinery for a cotton factory there, which, however, was not built. He subsequently removed to Searsburg, [now in Kiantone,] and returned to Jamestown about I819. His shop was on the rear end of the lot lying on the corner of Main and Third streets. In 1820, he built his house on the corner of Pine and Third streets. Early this year, he was joined by his brother, Charles R.; and they built a shop on the west end of the same lot, and worked together three or four years. Thomas then started the machine business in a room in Daniel Hazeltine's woolen factory, building a carding machine for Blanchar & Willard, and woolen machinery for Hazeltine. In June, 1828, he resumed blacksmithing in the old shop; Charles having built a new shop on or near the corner of Spring and Second streets. In 1832, he again turned his attention to machinery. Chautauqua county never had a citizen more fruitful of invention. Among the numerous inventions were, a machine for making steam engine boiler rivets; one for heading wood screws; a rotary cam toggle joint press; a loom for weaving hog's bristles and cloth for stocks; a machine for pressing bricks and hay; machines for making railroad spikes, and sawing down trees. It is said he was the first to make pins with solid i::;i;ir:: I:~W iBj'l s:~~ rj~i_ ~- ~f 8, 0~ -:::::: r;:-i: — s:;j G i i- i-=. ~:i- C,.Y!ir;~- I II:;r::::~:::j:7~Iji::::?je c3tf0 r JAMESTOWN. 363 heads, though others have since made improvements in making heads. About 185o, he made improvements in the manufacture of cast-steel, and formed a company, and put up works; but the enterprise was arrested by financial difficulties. His machines were constructed in several different places: in New York, Poughkeepsie, Motthaven, N. Y., and Salisbury, Conn. Gen. Thomas W. Harvey was married to Melinda Hayward, of Dover, Vt., sister of Mrs. Solomon Jones, of Jamestown, and Mrs. Samuel Garfield, of Busti. He was married three times: the names of his second and third wives, not found. His children were: Sarah Artemesia, wife of Rev. Amos P. Hawley, a Presbyterian clergyman; Rufus Vespasian; Hayward Augustus; Olive Melinda; and Mary Charlotte. His third wife was the widow of Alpheus Hawley, Sr., and was killed in the memorable railroad disaster at Norwalk, Conn., many years ago. CHARLES R. HARVEY, brother of Thomas W., came to Jamestown in March, 1820, and brought his family in February, 1821. He was a blacksmith, and worked at his trade for several years. [See sketch of T. W. Harvey.] In I83I, he bought the store of Alvin Plumb & Co., and went into the mercantile business with J. J. Leonard. His subsequent career was not very unlike that of his brother, though his inventions and patents were not numerous. In I836, he engaged in making railroad spikes at Poughkeepsie, and got up and patented a machine to scour and clean rice; and the next year a power loom to weave hair cloth. He afterwards superintended a wood-screw manufactory at Summerville, N. J. He also got up and patented a hot-air furnace, and one for a hot-air register border. He resided about this time in New York, and in February, I871, he was still in the furnace business. He was born January 19, I799. His first wife was Olive Willard, who died in I829; his second, Rebecca Hayward, who died in i857. He had 12 children, of whom, in I87I, only 5 were living. ALPHEUS HAWLEY, born in Farmington, Conn., about 1786, removed to the vicinity of Sandy Hill, N. Y., and married Kezia, daughter of Col. John M. Berry. He removed to Warren, Pa., and thence to Jamestown, where he was for many years engaged in mercantile and lumbering business. He was senior partner of Hawley & Dean, and of A. Hawley & Son, [John B.] He resided on the corner of Main and Fifth streets, subsequently the residence of Adolphus Fletcher. He also owned the store and lot, south-west corner of Main and Third streets, afterwards owned by his son, Fenn Hawley, and since by Col. William Hall. He was at one time estimated to be quite wealthy. He was one of the purchasers, from the state, of the lands south of the Allegany river in Cattaraugus county, with Benj. Chamberlain, James Hall, and others, which had been given by the Holland Land Company towards the construction of the Erie canal. Col. Hawley died in Jamestown, May 5, 1844, aged 58 years. He had sons: Rev. Amos P.; John B.; Alpheus Fenn, once sheriff of the county; and Alexander; and a daughter, the wife of Rev. Hiram Eddy. She died young, leaving one or two children. Amos P. was married to Artemesia, daughter of Thomas W. Harvey; John 364 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. B., to a daughter of Wm. Breed; Alpheus F., to a daughter of Adolphus Fletcher. Col. Hawley's widow married Gen. Thomas W. Harvey, and was mortally wounded at the tragical accident and railroad disaster at Norwalk, Connecticut. ABNER HAZELTINE, son of Daniel and Susanna (Jones) Hazeltine, was born in Wardsborough, Vt., [now Dover,] June o1, 1793; graduated at Williams College in 1815; came to Jamestown Nov. 2d, of the same year, and engaged for a time in teaching. In July, 181 6, he commenced the study of law with Jacob Houghton, Esq., at Mayville, and spent a portion of his time in the office of Samuel A. Brown, Esq., in Jamestown. In August, I8I9, he was admitted as an attorney in the supreme court of this state, and in November, in the common pleas of Chautauqua county. In Nov., 1819, he opened an office in Warren, Pa., and in March, 1820, was admitted as attorney in the court of common pleas of Warren Co., Pa. In 1823, he removed to Jamestown, and opened an office in the front part of the building occupied by Joseph Waite, Esq., and afterwards by Dr. Rhodes. After several removals, he removed, in I845, to his present office, on the north side of Third street, near Main. In 1828, and again in 1829, he was elected to the assembly of this state. In 1832, he was elected a member of Congress, and reelected in I834. In June, I847, he was elected district attorney of Chautauqua county. From 1833, he practiced, successively, with Judge Abner Lewis and Patrick Falconer, both having been students in his office; and from 1841, five years with Emory F. Warren. In 1855, he went into partnership with Charles G. Clark, with whom he was connected several years. He has continued in the regular practice of his profession to the present time. He married Polly Kidder, a native of Wardsborough, Sept. 21, I819, who was born April i, I798, and who died Oct. 14, 1832. He married, second, July 21, 1834, Matilda Hayward, who was born in Pomfret, Conn., July 22, 1799. His children are: i. Charles G., who is a teacher, and resides at Morristown, N. J. 2. Harriet Newell, who resides with her father at Jamestown. 3. Lydia Kidder, died in infancy. 4. Henry Martyn, who is a Presbyterian minister, and resides at North Salem, Westchester Co.; N. Y. 5. Abner, who is a lawyer, in Jamestown. 6. Lewis Hayward, who is a physician, at present in Jamestown. 7. Mary Matilda, wife of De Forest Weld, merchant, Jamestown. DANIEL HAZELTINE, third son of Daniel and Susanna (Jones) Hazeltine, was born at Wardsborough, Vt., March 9, 1795. He received a fair English education in the common schools of his native town. At the age of 17, he became an apprentice to the manufacture of woolen goods. In the spring of 1816, he came to Jamestown, and started a small establishment for dyeing and dressing home manufactured woolen cloths. [For a detailed account of his industrial labors, see p. 346.] During a large portion of his business life, Mr. Hazeltine was alone, and in the whole of it, was the responsible head of the establishment. For a time, Robert Falconer was associated with him, but took little share in the management. Afterwards, Taber Wood, now of ;.~:~ - L~: -~~~:i:i;'.-2~.:~:;i:E:i~~I 1~"; , g aci ~.i r: s::.:^ i_.:1:14 it:! sri -:;-"1................................. 2: ~ ~,~.;..cai!.r!at.e:r-:::~I~ IY-~~PII-DUnNNMaYII~II-EISI-.-..; I i-: z~,I CO i: ~:-.~ ~-v~, c3 ~..., c"::;9 ~:-.~~. ~.:.i i-~ A c: %lh 1. ~ i"c r _;~a ';'~ ~ir. U il~: +-' rll w" -:~:i~.I';~~ a P'.;;,;`:ii ~~j:: c-~~i:, *9':'- aai~aTn I:::,:.;',-:'-h -- aaaaarsuwei:::; I': i:~:"kS''SPjS RPB:~..c~"`!r':r,,~~ I:":;$: i~: JAMESTOWN. 365 Elyria, Ohio, was a partner for a time; and after his retirement, his oldest son, Wm. B. Hazeltine, was a partner for a short period. In January, 1865, Mr. Hazeltine sold to his sons, and discontinued business. His sons, not long afterwards, transferred the establishment, which has since been operated by the: well known firm of Alien, Preston & Co. So long as the business was managed by Mr. Hazeltine, he made constant additions to it, introducing new improvements, and keeping fully abreast of progress in his department. His reputation as a man of business and a manufacturer, stood high. His mark attached to his goods, was considered a full guarantee that they were properly manufactured from good materials, and had the prime quality of durability. Mr. Hazeltine was also known as a man of strict integrity, and a public spirited citizen. In early life, he became a professing Christian, and connected himself with the first religious denomination in Jamestown, and continued in that communion until his death, August 3, I867. In 1818, he married Mehetabel Bemus, youngest daughter of William and Mary (Prendergast) Bemus, who were among the earliest settlers of the county. They had five children, two sons and three daughters. Two of the daughters died young. The others are: William B., who married, first, Cornelia Stowe; second, Mrs. Phebe (Strong) Judd, and resides in Jamestown; George, who married Adeline Hastings, has a numerous family, and resides at North Warren, Pa.; and Susanna, who married William Post, of Jamestown, and is deceased, leaving a son, Daniel H. Post, a recent graduate of Williams College, and a journalist. CORYDON HITCHCOCK, son of Oliver Hitchcock, an early settler in the town of Chautauqua, was born Sept. i6, 1823. After a residence in the towns of Chautauqua, Ripley, and Ellicott, he removed in 1873 to the village of Jamestown, where he now resides. He was married to Mariett Trowbridge. They have two sons, James Frank and Henry C. Prior to. his removal to Jamestown, his business was farming; and he was for four years president of the Chautauqua County Agricultural Society. In I874, he was elected sheriff of Chautauqua county, which office he now holds. SOLOMON JONES, son of Abraham Jones, was born in Milford, Mass., Aug. 7, 1775. He was of Welsh descent; his grandfather having emigrated from Wales about I690, and settled in Nantucket, Mass. He removed with his father's family to Vermont in I785. In April, 181o, he set out for the West, and came to Cazenovia on horseback, and thence to Chautauqua county on foot, and purchased land on Stillwater creek in Kiantone, and returned. In October, I81o, he left Vermont with his family and effects, having one fourhorse team and a two-horse team; and was accompanied by Ebenezer and Benjamin Jones. In 1816, he moved to the outlet farm, and in 1820, to Jamestown. Mr. Jones was married at Wardsborough, Vt., Nov. 8, 1798, to Clarissa Hayward, who was born in Upton, Mass., Nov. 28, 1781. He died at Jamestown, Aug. 2, 1862; Mrs. Jones, Nov. 28, 1867. They had 14 children, 7 sons and 7 daughters: i. Ellick, [see sketji below.] 2. Lazra, who married Wim. Knight, and removed to Panama, where he died. She 366 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. resides in Jamestown. 3. Clara, wife of Wm. Breed, Jamestown. 4. Jf//a, wife of William Hall, a proprietor of the alpaca works in Jamestown. 5. Olive, wife of John C. Breed, Jamestown. 6. Abram, who married Rebecca Fenton, daughter of Jacob Fenton, and resides in Jamestown. 7. Rzfus, who married Emily J. Tew, sister of Win. H. Tew, and is a hardware merchant, Jamestown. 8. Selina, wife of John S. Yates, deceased; she resides in Jamestown. 9. Louisa, who married Rev. James E. Chapin; resides in Westfield. Io. Wh/itney, who married Louisa Stimpson, and resides in Lansing, Mich. II. Ezra, who married Marcia Peet, and resides in Lansing, Mich. I2. Solomon, who married Elizabeth T. Cowing, deceased; he lives in Jamestown. 13. Miary, who died in infancy. I4. Sidney, who married Anna S. Dickey, and is a merchant in Jamestown. He was county clerk in i86r,'62,'63. All attained to mature age, and were married, except one; and all but two are still living. ELLICK JONES, son of Solomon Jones, was born at Dover, Vt., May i, 800o. In I8io, he removed with his parents to Chautauqua county, who settled in the Stillwater valley, in Kiantone. As roads can hardly be said to have had an existence in southern Chautauqua, the family and goods came down the lake from Mayville in a boat. A mere boy as he was, he drove a team over the land route, and came safely through. This and other experiences of a like nature were the schools in which he was trained. As might be expected, he grew up an energetic man, well fitted for pioneer life, and to battle with its hardships. Early in life he married Louisa Walkup, by whom he had five children, and after her decease, Harriet De Jean. His first settlement was on the Chautauqua outlet, just above Jamestown, where he was engaged in farming and lumbering. After a few years he removed to Jamestown, and rented a hotel on Second street, which he kept several years. Afterwards he had a grocery store, and was one of the first who kept a regular meat market in Jamestown. When quite a young man, he was a captain in the militia, and was a natural leader in all enterprises. He died in December, 1866. ROYAL KEYES, born at New Fane, Vt., April 23, I795, came to Ellicott in March, ISI6, with his chest of tools, which were brought in by Elisha Allen. He worked at his trade-that of carpenter and joiner-during that season, with Horatio Dix, and in the ensuing winter returned to Vermont. He came back with his wife and Samuel Barrett and his wife, in a double sleigh, in February, I818. Being an ingenious mechanic, and mechanics of different trades being scarce, he worked at the millwright business, at plastering rooms, cabinet-making, etc. He had 6 daughters-no sons. Maryl, wife of Rev. N. M. Miles, a Presbyterian clergyman, of Illinois; Melissa, wife of Lysander Farrar, attorney at law, Rochester; Elsie, who married Charles Kennedy, saddler and harness maker, Jamestown; Lydia, who married a Mr. F %bes, merchant, of Jamestown, who, after her death, married her sister Sarah; and another, who married - Blanchar. Mlr. Keyes was a major in the i62d regiment of the New York militia. He died July i, :.~,::~:i::::.:::~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~............................................... ra, slx~:x~~~~l~i xlgI~~jII~iiISM...........~.i~~~ii:Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii..............................iiii'~~ll~l ii~~~~i ~ ii..iii'......................................... i~'i'ii i l~ii ii -:: llii-iiii:~jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.....................:rr:: ~r: ~ ~ u:,:n: ~: ~:::~:::-::::::-~ —~~~~~~~~~'~ ~~::-.:::::-~~:.::::.:.: i~.::::- i~:~:::::' r............... -::~~.::I:::Fi::~~"i: —~:~::::::: I))::: ~Z::::iil:,:::.:: j:::I:::::lq~li I ~........:"::................~:- ~:~: 0~~~2!...::::::'~i:::'''~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; ~ ~ ~ ~-::-:::::::::::::::::::~~~~~......................I...................:: —::~i':'::'':-"'::''::''::''::'':y~~:.:~~~::. ~:i~:::~i................~............ ~~~,:~::::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~:-.:.~::.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::-::.x:::::::r::i.......I..................:~~~~~~E,:I'::I:III:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,!i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ilI~~~~~~~~~llllllllllllllillj:::-:_:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.....................................ilillllllilll....................iiiiiiiii i:'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~............................................... ~~~l~~~li~~X ii~~ii~~ii~lij..i~~~j ii........... i~~~~l~~iL ~~~llili$X~~~~~ilililil.....................: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~......... h_::~C::l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~...... X~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.................. ~~~i~~s z iiiiii~~~~lii~~~iiiiiiii~~~~iiiiiiiiiiiii'iii~~~~~~~ii:::::::::::::::........................................................ii i~!ii i i: ~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:.................... r:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~................. B:.:.:::::.:~:.:.:.:55~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~................... i:,,,,,:,.,,;,;,,, i,:,,:;i,,:;;,-:;;, -: —: ——:.:.t:,~:.:.:.:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i.:i::~:.:~:.:..................... 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He subsequently removed to Illinois. LUTHER LAKIN, a son of Robinson Lakin, of English origin, was born at Pepperell, Mass., December 26, I783. He married Theodosia A. Lawrence in I825, and removed from Cayuga Co., N. Y., to Portland, now Barcelona, in the spring of 1826. He there engaged in the forwarding business, and removed the next season to the village of Westfield, and pursued the mercantile business. In 1828, he removed to Ashville, and remained there about 4 years. In I832, he removed to the state of Vermont, and in 1834 returned to Ashville. He died in Sherman, July 15, I864. He had 2 chil dren, Henry 0. and Edward L. Henry 0. was born at Barcelona in 1826. He has long resided in Jamestown, in the practice of the law, and has held the office of county judge. Edward L. was born at Ashville in 1832, and is a druggist in Jamestown. The widow of Luther Lakin died at Jamestown, December 8, I869. HENRY MARTIN, a native of Vermont, removed from Cortland Co., Jan., I8I2, to Griffith settlement in Ellery; and in 1820 to Fluvanna, and kept a public house three years, and settled on a farm near that place. In I834, he returned to Ellery, where his wife died; and in i856 he removed to Jamestown, and subsequently to Levant, and after a few years again to Jamestown, where he now resides. He married, first, Anna Fenton, and had several children; second, Mrs. Phebe Chandler, widow of Woodley W. Chandler, with whom he now resides in Jamestown. RICHARD PRATT MARVIN was born in Fairfield, Herkimer Co., N. Y., Dec. 23, I803. His father, Selden Marvin, was born in Lyme, Conn., in I773. The family came from England in I635, and settled in Hartford, Conn. The mother of Richard P. was Charlotte Pratt, who was born in Saybrook, Conn. Selden Marvin, with his family, moved in 1809 to Dryden, Tompkins Co., where Richard was reared, working on the farm and attending the district school, until he was about I9. On leaving the farm, he pursued his studies in public schools and under private tutors, supporting himself in part by teaching. In 1826, he cormnenced the study of law with George W. Scott in Newark, Wayne Co. He continued the study with Mark H. Sibley, of Canandaigua, and Isaac Seeley, of Cherry Valley. In 1829, he was admitted an attorney of the supreme court and a solicitor in the court of chancery. In June of that year, he settled in Jamestown, where he still resides. In I836, he was a member of assembly from this county, and took an active part in securing the aid of the state in behalf of the New York & Erie 368 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. railroad. In i836; he was elected to Congress, and reelected in 1838. He was a delegate in the constitutional convention of 1846, and in November was elected judge of the 8th judicial district, which office he held, by reelection, continuously 24' years. In 1824, when the project was conceived of a channel of communication with New York through the "southern tier" or "i secluded" counties, Mr. Marvin took an active part in measures for the promotion of the object, which was to be accomplished by means of a railroad from some point on the Hudson, near New York, through the southern counties to Lake Erie in Chautauqua county. At a meeting of citizens in Jamestown, he was appointed, with Judge Foote and Silas Tiffany, an executive committee on this subject. The hope then entertained in those counties was "long deferred;" the contemplated work not having been carried to its completion until I85I. [See History of Railroads, p. I50.] In September, 1834, Mr. Marvin married Isabella, a daughter of David Newland, of Albany, and sister of Robert Newland, formerly cashier of the Chautauqua County Bank; now president of the Chautauqua County National Bank, at Jamestown. His children were: i. Selden E., adjutant of the ii2th regiment in the late war; subsequently paymaster at Washington; and, since the war, paymaster-general on Gov. Fenton's staff; and afterwards adjutant-general of the state, appointed by Gov. Fenton. Gen. Marvin was married to Kate Parker, daughter of Judge Amasa J. Parker, of Albany, where he now resides. 2. Sarah Jane, now Mrs. Erie L. Hall, of Jamestown. 3. DavidN., cashier of the Chautauqua Co. National Bank. 4. Maary Elizabeth, now Mrs. B. F. Goodrich, of Akron, 0. 5. William R., who died in I863, of disease contracted in the army of the Potomac. 6. Robert N., now in the lumber business, residing in Jamestown. 7. Richard P., practicing law at Akron, O. 8. Isabelle. Mrs. Marvin died in February, I872, aged 60, universally beloved by all who knew her. In the fall of 872, Judge Marvin, with his youngest daughter, visited Europe, returning in the fall of I873 to his residence in Jamestown. RUFUS PIER was born in the town and county of Otsego, N. Y., April 13, 178-. His grandfather was Thomas Pier, who had 6 sons: John, David, Levi, Abner, Solomon, and Silas. Rufus, son of John, was but 6 years old when his father died. He learned the blacksmith's trade in Litchfield, N. Y., and came to Jamestown, March 6, I8I6. He was appointed justice of the peace by the supervisors and county judges, (the mode of appointment then existing,) and was continued in that office, by subsequent elections, until he had served 14 years. He was married at Jamestown, Nov. 29, I818, to Katharine Blanchar, who was born, Aug. I, I797. They had 8 children: i. Rufus W, who was born July 30, 1820; was married in Milwaukee, Wis., to Martha G. Bailey, Sept. I, I845, and returned to Jamestown, where he lived, (with the exception of three years in Westfield,) until the fall of i866. In that year he removed to Pittsburgh, Pa., where he now resides. He had 4 children: William S., Caroline B., Charles M., and Clarence, who died in infancy. 2. Katharine, who-was born Jan. 12, i823, and married Dexter E. JAMESTOWN. 369 Hoskins, Oct. 4, 1849. A son, Frank, resides in Fond du Lac, Wis. Mr. Hoskins died Sept. 27, I865. 3. Albert G., born April 15, I825, married Harriet Wetmore at Whitestown, N. Y., and removed to Nevada City, Cal., where Mrs. P. died in i860. He was again married, in Brooklyn, N. Y., in 1862, to Mrs. Anna Cummings, and returned to Cal., and had 3 children: Willie, Everett, and Freddie. 4. Caroline, born Dec. 25, 1827, married Francis P. Bailey, Oct. 12, 1847, and had 2 children: Everett H., and Caty, who died in infancy. Mrs. Bailey died July 14, I859. 5. Lorette, born April 28, I831, died in infancy. 6. Richard, born Dec. 8, I833. 7. Charlotte, born March 8, 1836, married George R. Swetting Oct. 7, 1857, and removed to Wis., where Mr. S. died May 30, 1866. They have a son, Frederic P. 8. Harriet H., born April 9, I840; died in Wis., Oct. 31, i863. Rufus Pier died at Jamestown, Dec. 24, 1862. Katharine, his wife, died there Feb. 23, I859. JAMES PRENDERGAST, third son of William, Sr., was born in Pawling, N. Y., March 9, 1764, and was married in Pittstown, in 1807, to Agnes Thompson, who was born in Galloway, Scotland, Sept. 18, I771. Mr. P. was one of the family who left Pittstown in i805, and made a journey to Tennessee with a view to a settlement in that state, and who returned to this state, and settled in this county. The narrative of this tedious journey and the history of Jamestown, of which he was the founder, and from whom it was named, which will be found elsewhere in this work, presents some of the most interesting and important incidents in his active and useful life, and need not be repeated. He was 41 years of age, and yet unmarried, when the family set out on their long journey. After spending the summer and, fall of i806 in Chautauqua, he returned to Pittstown, and was married, as above stated. In 1809, while on a visit to Chautauqua, he purchased the Jamestown property; and in August, I8Io, he came with his family from the East to settle upon it; and moved into his log house at the Rapids the next spring. He was elected in 1813, the first supervisor of Ellicott, which had been formed in 1812; and he was reelected in 1814 and I8r5. In I8T4, he was commissioned a judge of the court of common pleas, the duties of which were discharged with intelligence and integrity. In I817, a mail route to Meadville, through Jamestown, having been established the year previous, he was appointed postmaster, and held the office until he resigned, in 1824. In 1836, he sold his real estate in Jamestown, and in 1837 removed to Ripley. In I84I, he settled on his extensive domain in Carroll, now Kiantone. In his habits he was temperate; in his dealings, just; to the poor, lenient and charitable. Rarely, if ever, was the worthy laboring man visiting his mill without money turned away empty. Though attached more strongly to the Episcopal order, other religious societies received his cordial patronage. Judge Prendergast is described as a very large man, of fine personal appearance, courtly and dignified in his manner, and an accomplished gentleman. He died at his residence in Kiantone, Nov. i5, 1846, in his 83d year. His wife died in Ripley, Jan. 9, i839, in her 68th year. They had a son, Alexander T., who inherited the large estate of his father, and resides on the 24 370 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. property in Kiantone. He was born Feb. 3, I809, and was married April 6, I847, to Mary Norton, who was born at Westfield, Jan. 21, i821. They had two children: James, who was born June i8, I848; is a lawyer, and resides in Jamestown; and Catherine Merritt, born April 2, 1854, and died at Marquette, Michigan, Aug. 2, I864. FITCH SHEPARD, son of Noah Shepard, was born April 5, 1802. His father was a descendant of Rev. William Shepard, a divine of Massachusetts, in early colonial times. His mother, Irene Fitch, was a descendant of Thomas Fitch, the colonial governor of Connecticut. He was married to Delia Maria Dennis, whose ancestor, Robert Dennis, emigrated from England in I635. Her father Paul represented Washington county in the legislature. While at Jamestown, Mr. Shepard was cashier of the Chautauqua County Bank. He removed to New York, where he established the National Bank Note Company, now one of the largest industrial institutions of the country, having advanced the art of steel-plate engraving and printing to a point where it defies counterfeiting and alteration. At the world's exposition in Vienna, this company took the palm from the rest of the world. Mr. Shepard has recently retired from the presidency of the company, and from active business. Fitch Shepard had 3 sons: I. Burritt Hamilton, born April i8, 1829. He entered the University of the City of New York, when Theodore Frelinghuysen was chancellor, and Tayler Lewis and Loomis were among its professors. He stood high in his class, and was particularly noted as a debater. After he had entered the senior class, he started on a voyage around the world; but on the homeward passage from China, he lost his life in the sea, Dec. 7, I848. He was intended for the ministry, and is remembered as a young man of great promise. 2. Elliott Fitch, born in Jamestown, July 25, 1833, is an active lawyer in New York city. He had not visited Jamestown from infancy, till he came as a colonel to inspect, uniform, and equip the Chautauqua regiment ofvolunteers, in 1862, when a large number of the leading citizens assembled to welcome him to his birthplace. The "Shepard Rifles," 5Ist regt. N. Y. volunteers, were named for him. He organized and sent to the field, from this state, 47,000 troops, having been twice appointed td the command of Western New York, under proclamations of President Lincoln, with headquarters at Elmira. After the war, he married Margaret Louisa, daughter of William H. Vanderbilt, son of the celebrated Commodore, and has by her several children. He is the author of the recent arbitration act, by which mercantile disputes in the port of New York may be speedily settled by a tribunal connected with the Chamber of Commerce. This act is regarded as a great reformation in the law, avoiding the delays and expenses attending litigation. 3. Augustus Dennis, who was born Jan. 25, 1836, and married Joanna E., daughter of Larkin G. Mead, and sister of the Vermont sculptor, of the same name, whose works are visible in the capitol, on the Lincoln monument at Springfield, Ill., and in various other cities. He has been associated with his father in business in New York city. WILLIAM TEW was born in Nantucket, Mass., September 17, 1769. He ...... ~..............,~ " ~ N ~i. i 77 9 JAMESTOWN. 371 lived, when a young man, in Rhode Island, where he married Priscilla Fish, a Quakeress, in I797. He removed to Otsego Co., N. Y., in i8ro, and thence to this county, in I832, and died in Jamestown, April 26, I847. His father and his two eldest brothers died prisoners on the "old prison ship" in New York harbor during the Revolutionary war. His ancestors came from England. William and Priscilla Tew had nine children, four sons and five daughters, all of whom lived to be married. The sons are all still living. Samuel F. Tew resides in Kansas City, Missouri, aged 77. J. E. Tew lives in Delanti, Chautauqua Co., aged 73. George W. Tew resides at Silver Creek; was county clerk of Chautauqua six years, from Jan. I, 1834; and has been for many years president of the Bank of Silver Creek, to the present timeage, 7I. William H. Tew resides in Jamestown, and is president of the City National Bank of Jamestown. JOHN I. WILLSON was born at Pleasant Valley, Dutchess Co., N. Y., in 1781, and was married to Mary Elliott, in the city of New York, in I807. His ancestors were from Ireland; Mrs. Willson's were Scotch. Inclined to a sea-faring life, he engaged on board a vessel sailing from New York, when about I8 years of age. Commencing as a cabin boy, he rose to the command of the brig Franklin, sailing from New York to the Bermudas, of which he also became part owner. After the enactment of the embargo on commerce and navigation under Jefferson, he left the ocean, and, with his young wife, removed to Upper Canada, whither his elder brother, David Willson, had preceded him, and where he cultivated a small farm, and taught school winters. In I818, he removed with his family to a small farm he had purchased near Sugar Grove, Pa. About I82I, he there opened a public house, which was for many years the most popular hotel in that section. Having retained his fondness for navigation, in 1825 he bought an interest in the schooner Milan, at Buffalo, and took charge of her as master, in the lake trade. After the steamer Chautauqua on Chautauqua lake was built, he took charge of her for one or two seasons. Then, having purchased an interest in the schooner Nucleus, on Lake Erie, he was made master. She participated largely in carrying passengers, having been fitted up for that purpose. In I836, he disposed of the Nucleus, abandoned navigation, and returned to his family and home in Warren Co., Pa. During this period of his navigating the lakes, he was in business associations with the people of Chautauqua county; and the early residents of Dunkirk, Fredonia, Barcelona, and Westfield, remember him with great respect. He was a moral and an upright citizen, temperate in all his habits, and enjoyed the fullest confidence of the community where he resided. He had been educated in the Society of Friends, but was tolerant and friendly towards other societies. He read much, and was a man of intelligence and culture. The children of Capt. Willson were: i. Catharine Elliott, married to Charles Doan, and resides at Aurora, Ontario, C. W. 2. Martha Clinger, who died in I869, unmarried. 3. Mark, who married Elizabeth T., daughter of Dr. Robert T. Hallock, of Milton, Ulster Co., N. Y. He followed 372 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. the mercantile business at Sugar Grove for many years; did much in building up and improving the place; filled several local offices with credit to himself and satisfaction to the public; and, after the death of his father and mother, removed with his family, in 1863, to Minnesota, where [at Winona] he is now successfully engaged in the banking business. 4. Eliza, who accompanied her brother to Minnesota, where she still resides. Capt. John I. Willson died in February, i859, aged 78 years. His wife died in June, 1854, aged 66. Both are buried in the village cemetery at Sugar Grove. S. B. WINSOR, son of Abraham Winsor, was born in Eaton, Madison Co., N. Y., Sept. 29, i805, and came with his father to Sinclairville in i8io, where he resided until 1822, when he removed to Jamestown. In 1831, he was married to Ann Sears, daughter of Wm. Sears, by whom he had 7 children: William S., who lives at Puget Sound on the Pacific coast; Ruby C., wife of Hiram Hazeltine, residing at Titusville, Pa.; Mary, who married Richard H. Baker, who resides in Jamestown; Henrietta, wife of Samuel J. Bailey, Jamestown; Woodley C., at Union, Pa.; Clinton B.; and Helen A. JAMESTOWN LAND ASSOCIATION. In April, 1836, Judge Prendergast sold his lands, mills, and water power in Jamestown to an association of persons, consisting of Aaron D. Patchin, Samuel Barrett, Henry Baker, Guy C. Irvine, Nathaniel A. Lowry, and E. G. Owen. Lowry having purchased Owen's interest, sold his one-third interest, in 1841, to Barrett, Patchin, and Baker; and Barrett, in January, 1842, assigned all his interest to Baker. The title to the village property was in Baker; the title to the other lands and water power, in Patchin and Barrett. As the lands held by Baker, Barrett, and Patchin were purchased by all the parties to the agreement, equally and in equal proportions as tenants in common, the agreement between the parties was as follows: " The price to be paid for the lands, water power and mills, is $80,ooo000; $io,ooo to be paid the ist of April, instant, by the purchasers equally in proportion; the remainder in seven equal annual installments with interest annually. Full power was given to Baker, Barrett, and Patchin to sell and convey property on such terms as they deemed best; but water power and mills or land appertaining (?) not to be sold but by consent of a majority of the parties holding an interest in the property." CEMETERIES. The first burial ground in Jamestown, though never laid out, was in the western part of the village, and comprised just one block, and was a donation from Judge Prendergast to the inhabitants of Jamestown, but was never deeded. The first death and burial took place in I8I5; the second, in I8I7. In 1823, 5 adults and 12 or I4 children had been interred. Some dissatisfaction existing with the burial ground, it. was abandoned, and a new one formed on the north side of Fifth street, west of Main. Judge Prendergast, in I822, deeded the whole block to the Congregational society, in trust for all religious societies, which society, :-~?~-rr: iSF :iiiiii;1:,:. ~~;:i t.;l R i3" ~;i: -:'~C.1 ;DSh st::: :~; ri:c~ ~::-~ ~:-.~~~~'S:~;~::-~!r~ d: L~:~.::'. sisa —~-:~1.,~: V \~~;. L' C F-8wr-:a,:i:~':s ~:: ~I:::~:: le::: ~ i;~ii El~:. i., i:s ~~. ~;i:::id8::;?:: x,,,:: 5:::.a:~::~:-,~~ ,~;~-,-~. ~-:.:?~r.:~-,~-::~ ~ BA "bn ;i~3fi';~ :z;S jiai~r B ~:~~~-~'P r,;i:~:~r:: 4r-:1 C2:;::: JAMESTOWN.'373 in 1845, deeded it to the village, the people of which raised the money, and purchased of Henry Baker an equal amount, north of, and including Sixth street. The first burial, in the new ground, was that of Mrs. Russell, in 1823. In 1845, it was ordered that the remains of those who had been buried in the old ground be removed to the new, at the public expense. The remains of 3 adults and 9 children were removed. In 1850, it was computed that no less than 6o0 bodies had been interred in this burial ground, in about 20 years: and it was apparent that in a few years it would be filled; and there was no adjoining ground to be had. On the 9th of Aug., 1858, an association was formed, which resulted in the purchase of 37' acres of ground, bearing the name of Lake View Cemetery. By the aid of a subscription of $600 by Col. Augustus F. Allen, Col. Henry Baker, William H. Lowry, Esq., and Hon. Elial T. Foote, of New Haven, and a donation of $50 by Alex. T. Prendergast, Esq., of Kiantone, the association was enabled to make the purchase. The poor were to have burial lots without charge. A lot was to be reserved for the reinterment of the remains of Revolutionary soldiers who had died in this section. And a mound, nearly in the center of the ground, was set apart for public monuments, especially for a monument to the pioneer settlers of the village. From the eminences in this ground, a view of Chautauqua lake may be had, from which fact, probably, the cemetery derives its name. The grounds were dedicated on the 5th of October, I859. The religious services were performed by Rev. Messrs. Thomas H. Rouse, Henry Benson, J. S. Lytle, L. W. Norton, and A. Wells. A dedicatory ode, composed by Elijah Bishop, Esq., was read by Rev. Mr. Rouse, and sung by the choir. And addresses were made by Dr. Gilbert W. Hazeltine, secretary of the association, and Hon. Elial T. Foote. The sum of $I,500 was subsequently raised by a tax on the citizens, and paid to the trustees of the village, who deeded their part of the grounds to the association, who have since had the management of them. CHURCHES AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. The Congregational Church.-The first preaching at Jamestown, it is said, was in the summer of I815, by Rev. Amasa West, a teacher, formerly at or near Cross Roads, who preached on alternate sabbaths. There were only three professors of religion in the place: Joseph Dix, and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Fenton, Congregationalists. The same year, Rev. John Spencer, the missionary mentioned elsewhere, preached one sabbath, [two sermons.] Meetings on the sabbath were kept up, and sermons read in the absence of preaching. In June, i8I6, Mr. Spencer again visited the place; and the number of professors being deemed sufficient, a Congregational church was formed, consisting of the following named persons: Joseph Dix, Jacob and Lois Fenton, Oliver and Lucretia Higley, Ebenezer and Milton Sherwin, Abner and Daniel Hazeltine. Mr. Spencer visited the church twice a year; and other ministers also visited the place. From I82I to I824, meetings'for 374 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. worship were held in the academy. The society was supplied for some time by ministers of different denominations, Congregationalists, Presbyterians, Baptists, and, in the summer of 1824, by Rufus Murray, an Episcopal minister, then at Mayville. The first settled pastor was Isaac Eddy, who was succeeded by Erastus J. Gillet, Ephraim Taylor, Edw. Parmely, Owen Street, Sylvanus P. Marvin, Thomas H. Rouse, Thomas Wickes, Edward Anderson, Eli Corwin, present pastor, [I875.] The first deacon was Joseph Dix; a few years afterward, William Deland was elected. Since the election of these, the office has been held by Samuel Garfield, Loring Sherman, James Cary, Eber Keyes, Abner Hazeltine, Ezra Wood, John C. Jones, Julius L. Hall. The society was organized under the statute, October, I82I. The first trustees were: Wm. Deland, Daniel Hazeltine, Samuel A. Brown. A meetinghouse was commenced in 1828, and completed in December, 1829. It was dedicated the first day of January, I830; the dedicatory sermon by the pastor, Rev. Isaac Eddy. A New Year's sermon was preached in the afternoon by Rev. Isaac Oakes, of Westfield; and in the evening, a sermon more particularly to the church, by Rev. Mr. Jones, of Mayville; followed by remarks from Rev. Justin Marsh, of Mina, now Sherman. The Baptist Church of Jamestown was reorganized, May 24, 1832, by a council, of which Rev. Ebenezer Harrington was moderator, and Rev. Charles La Hatt, clerk. The members had, April 22, 1832, formed themselves into a conference, Elder Zaccheus M. Palmer, moderator; John C. Breed, clerk; which was composed of I3 males and 7 females: Zaccheus M. Palmer, John C. Breed, Wm. Washburn, Theron Gilbert, Jefferson Rhodes, Squire R. Burlingham, William Acocks, Josiah Willis, Lory Walker, Henry Bliss, John A. Abbott, Ephraim Rolfe, James Smith, Selina Palmer, Mary A. Palmer, Sarah Seymour, Lydia Burlingham, Anna Rolfe, Hannah Willis, Lucinda Heath. The church was connected with Chautauqua Association. The first meetinghouse was built in 1832, a plain structure without steeple, costing $i,ooo. The second and present house was completed in the fall of i857, at a cost of between $3,000 and $4,000. It was repaired in 1865, at an expense of $I,600. It stands on Fourth street, east of Main. The ministers who have served the church since its organization, are David Bernard, Rufus Peet, A. Chapman, [7 years,] Horatio Pratt, [died here of consumption,] Elder Boardman, Simon Davis, J. C. Stoddard, Alfred Handy, --- Rathbone, - Look, A. Wells, A. Kingsbury, E. Mills, from 1864 to i868. Present pastor, P. B. Haughwout. The Presbyterian Church of Jamestown was organized in February or March, 1834, with about 50 members, most of them from the Congregational church. Rev. Erastus J. Gillett, who had been for some years pastor of that church, assumed the pastorate of the Presbyterian church. The society, required by the statute of the state, was formed about the same time; and Henry Barrett, Joseph Waite, Horace Allen, Nathaniel A. Lowry, and Alpheus Hawley, were elected trustees. Among the members (of the church, it is presumed,) were Joseph Waite, Elial T. Foote, Samuel A. Brown, E. JAMESTOWN. 375 Hall, Curtis Haven, Elias Haven, H. Dewey, S. Benham, Wm. R. Rogers, Titus Kellogg, D. Higley, John Scott, and others. Horace Allen, Wm. R. Rogers, Alpheus Hawley, Curtis Haven, and John Scott, were chosen ruling elders. Ira Couch, Samuel Foote, Curtis Haven, Wm. R. Rogers, John Scott, Horace Allen, and Alpheus Hawley, were chosen deacons. H. Dewey was chosen clerk. Rev. Mr. Gillett was succeeded, as pastor, by Blackleach B. Gray, who was followed by H. G. Blinn, Erastus J. Gillett, (second term,) Rufus King, S. W. Rowe, - Fillmore, and others, when M. L. P. Thompson became pastor, and was succeeded by Wm. W. Macomber, and, in 1875, by Walter Condit, the present pastor. The Protestant Episcopal Church was organized June 23, I853. Present, Samuel P. Fuller, Smith Seymour, Gilbert W. Hazeltine, Wm. P. Bemus, Wm. E. Barrett, John F. Smith, John M. Grant, Levant L. Mason, Zadoc Martin, Norman R. Ransom, and Thomas Butcher, belonging to the church and congregation worshiping in the academy, according to the rites of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the state of New York. Levi W. Norton, rector, presided; John F. Smith and Wm. P. Bemus were chosen secretaries. "The Rector, Wardens, and Vestrymen of St. Luke's Church, in the Village of Jamestown, in the County of Chautauqua," was adopted as the title of the corporation. Samuel P. Fuller and Smith Seymour were elected wardens; Dascum Allen, Wm. F. Wheeler, Wm. H. Lowry, Wm. E. Barrett, Levant L. Mason, Warner D. Shaw, Gilbert W. Hazeltine, and John M. Grant, vestrymen. At the next meeting, John M. Grant was elected clerk, July 19, I853. Measures were soon after adopted to build a church edifice, which appears to have been completed Feb. 23, 1856, when rents were assessed upon the pews for the support of the church. It stands on the corner of Fourth and Main streets. The Swedish M E.. Church of Jamestown and Sugar Grove was organized in June, 1852, by Rev. Mr. Hanlmerin, the first pastor. The church building was built in i860. The Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Church of Jamestown was organized with thirty members, in I857, by Rev. Jonas Swanson, the first pastor. Their house of worship was built in i866. The Free Methodist Church was organized with seven members, October i6, 187I, by Rev. C. D. Brooks, the first pastor. They worship in Westcott's Hall. Mount Moriah Lodge, No. 297.-In 1816, some masons in "Frank's settlement," petitioned the state grand lodge for a charter, which was obtained the next year. On the 27th of September, 1817, pursuant to public notice, a meeting was held at the house of Horatio Dix, in Jamestown, composed of the following named persons: Heman Bush, David Hatch, Phineas Stevens, Oliver Higley, Solomon Jones, Horatio Dix, Gilbert Ballard, David Boyd, Wm. Pier, Joseph Waite, Elial T. Foote, Pearly Fairbank, Paul Davis. The officers named in the charter were Heman Bush, master; Solomon Jones, senior warden; Theron Plumb, junior warden. The other officers, 376 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. chosen at the meeting above mentioned, were Elial'. Foote, secretary; David Hatch, treasurer; Joseph Waite, senior deacon; Pearly Fairbank, senior deacon; Asahel Andrews and Wm. Pier, stewards; Oliver Higley, tyler. Elder Paul Davis was to serve as chaplain on the day of installation; and Elder Asa Turner was to be invited to attend. The installation was to take place the [6th of October, at Heman Bush's, [" Frank's settlement," now BuSti,] and meetings were thereafter to be held at H. Dix's inn, Jamestown. Meetings were continued until i830, when, from the violence of the anti-masonic excitement, they were suspended, and the lodge became extinct. LUMBER MANUFACTURE IN ELLICOTT. Lumbering was for many years a leading industry in the south-east part of the county. Most of the pine timber was in the four townships — and 2, in ranges Io and I, which constituted the original town of Ellicott. The first mill erected within this territory was that of Dr. Kennedy, in the present town of Poland, in 1805. [See sketch of Poland.] There were several mills erected earlier than that of Judge Prendergast at the Rapids; but it is presumed that at no other two mills were as large quantities of lumber produced, in the same time, as at those of Judge Prendergast and Dr. Kennedy. The following detailed account of the operation of the mill at Jamestown, written by Judge Foote, and adopted by Gen. Horace Allen as his own, will be read with interest: "When I removed to Jamestown, in Feb., I815, there was a I 2 story gristmill building, with 2 run of stones; and two single saw-mills, and one gang saw-mill, all owned by James Prendergast. There was one small store of goods owned by Jediah & Martin Prendergast, of Mayville, the store managed by Thomas Disher, a clerk; the store building now [i858] standing on the north-west corner of Main and First streets. Two small shanty blacksmith shops were occupied by Eleazer Daniels and Patrick Campbell; and a small out-door tannery by John Burgess and James Rice. A tavern building was commenced by Jacob Fenton. "Almost the entire business of the place, then called' The Rapids,' was cutting some three million feet of boards a year, mostly run down the river; and most of the provisions and groceries used by the people were brought from Pittsburgh in keel boats; as flour, bacon, dried apples and peaches, tobacco, and whisky; also nails, glass, and castings. The mills all stood near each other, on the north side of the outlet, nearly opposite the south end of Main street. The frame saw-mill next to the shore, contained a single saw-mill, and immediately south of it-in the same frame-a gang sawmill, carrying from 14 to I6 saws. In a separate frame, a little further into the stream, was a single saw-mill, called the'new mill,' built in I814. The grist-mill stood a little north-west of the saw-mills. The single saw-mill next the shore was mostly used in slabbing logs for the gang saw-mill. All the saw-mills were run night and day, except Sundays. They required two sets of hands; one set commencing at noon and working till midnight; the other working from midnight till noon. The gang required two hands to work it, or four hands for 24 hours. The single saw-mills required one hand each, or two for 24 hours. The men who tended the gang carried out of the mill JAMESTOWN. 377 the slabs cut by the slabbing mill, and their own slabs and boards. The largest and best logs were mostly sawed by the new mill, and the smaller and knotty logs chiefly by the gang mill. "The mills cut with great power. The cranks, except those of the gang, were 17. or I8 inches. There was an abundance of water winter and summer; and there were large throats to the water wheels. The saws were thick and seven feet long, with large teeth, and would bear heavy feed. The boards sawed in the single mills looked rough, as the saws cut from 2 to 4 inch at a stroke, and made coarse saw-dust. The gang saws had finer teeth; cut more slowly, and made finer saw-dust, leaving the boards smooth even from knotty logs. Gang boards were sometimes used without planing. The quantity of saw-dust shoved into the outlet from these mills in a year was enormous. The mill ponds below, and willow bars, eddies, etc., received these deposits; and the accumulation of years is still to be seen along the outlet, in bends and other places. The water has sensibly diminished in the outlet; and will probably continue to grow less. The lumbering business was hard work, from the time the axe was struck into the tree, until the boards arrived in market and were drawn out of the water. Of the eight or ten men employed in these mills in 1815, and some of them earlier, Nicholas Dolloff, Jesse Smith, Wm. Clark, and myself, still survive, [1858,] and reside in this county. We were then in the prime of life, and all temperate. We probably cut as many boards on these mills as any other set of hands did in the same length of time, and perhaps more. " Most of the logs were sawed for the owners on shares; they taking onehalf of the boards. The logs were drawn to the outlet, or lake, or pond, and floated to the mill. Each owner distinguished his logs by a mark. Marks were rudely made by a certain number of notches on the end or side of the log, or by one or more letters cut on the side, or by letters on the head of an axe, or on a hammer, and struck on the end of the log. The sawyers entered the marks on a slate hanging in the mill, and the quantity of boards made from each log; and these slate accounts were transferred to the mill owner's books, who was thus enabled to settle with his customers. Rotten or shaky, unmerchantable boards were entered as' rot,' and charged to the owner of the logs; and they were piled by themselves. The mill owner would not saw rotten boards for one-half. Next to the slabs were usually one or two wany or bark edged, or sappy boards, which were called'ruffage,' [refuse,] boards. These were piled by themselves. The rot or shaky boards were worth from one-third to one-half the price of good. They were not all rotten that were so called, but had ring rot stripes of a spongy appearance, and were used by many for log-house chamber floors, or for barns or sheds. No one intended to draw to mill logs that would make rotten boards, for even sound logs were very cheap. If on being sawed open a log was found really rotten, it was shoved out of the mill to the slab pile and burned. The logs were all drawn up into the mill from the pond on an inclined plane; the water power turning what was called the' bull wheel,' with a windlass shaft, which wound up a large chain, one end of which was fastened to the shaft; the other to the log by a dog of hook-like form, driven into one side of the log near the small end of the log. " Nicholas Dolloff and Jesse Smith, and Jesse Smith and myself the rest of the year, tended the new mill in 18I5; Win. Clark and others the slabbing mill; and John Fent and others the gang mill. In the new mill we were paid for sawing, $i per thousand, and boarded. The files were furnished by 378 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. the owner of the mill, but the saws were filed by ourselves. We usually cut about 2,000 feet in each turn of I2 hours. The hands on the gang and slabbing mills were paid about $15 per month, and boarded. The logs were cut in the woods almost uniformly 12 ft. 4 in., or I6 ft. 4 in. long, except but logs, which were cut longer, as the shaky buts were to be sawed off. Besides boards, most of the scantling and other building lumber was sawed in the new mill. Boards were sawed thin for lathing. All lath used in those early times were thin boards, which were split or cracked with an axe or a hatchet, and, while being nailed on the studs, stretched or spread sufficiently to open cracks for the mortar, instead of being sawed into strips as now. " Boards for rafting down the river, were put into piles from Io to 20 feet high, and I2 or I6 feet square; each layer of boards placed edge to edge, and crossing the layer preceding it. The slabs, buts, and edgings of boards were carried outside of the mills and board piles, and thrown into a common pile to be burned, and which was kept almost constantly burning, winter and summer. Thus millions of slabs were burned to get rid of them; and the burning did not entirely cease until about 1835 or I840, although the best of them were cut into lath or were used for other purposes much earlier. Pine was here, in early days, almost the only timber sawed; although some cherry, oak, and other timber was sawed for customers for home consumption; not much having been sent down the river. Hemlock was hardly deemed worth sawing. Some cucumber, maple, and whitewood were sawed into scantling for bedsteads and other uses. "The first or but log of a tree was not then squared in the woods, but left in the form it had when chopped down. It must of course be squared before it could be sawed. A single saw-mill had a "butting-saw," attached to the saw-gate, which drew and shoved the saw across the log with each ascending and descending motion of the gate. The refuse piece, or but sawed off, was called a'butting block,' and carried out to the slab piles and burned. Thus vast quantities of pine were burned to get rid of it, which would now be highly prized. Mill owners afterwards required all logs to be squared at the but before they were brought to the mills; and butting saws came into disuse. After a while, mill owners purchased logs by the hundred, instead of sawing on shares, even when paid for in boards. The prices of logs varied according to the prices of boards. When logs were thus purchased, they were measured across the small end with a rule, and the measurements set down in a column, which, added up, showed the total contents of the logs. A log was called or estimated at 200 feet of boards; and when one bought or sold a hundred logs, they were estimated in this way. There were rules or tables for logs of all sizes, and whether I2 feet or I6 feet long. Hence an average log was called 200 feet. The refuse boards were usually sold by count at about one cent apiece, and many were used for rough, cheap fences. Most of the village lots were first fenced with these boards sustained by stakes and withes; sometimes by nails on posts. They were sometimes used for sheathing for barns and houses, (culling out the best,) for shingling upon." In the year 1823, Wm. Forbes, Benj. Runyan, and Wm. Clark, having rented the Kennedy mills, in the present town of Poland, of Kennedy's heirs, got in the logs, and sawed at these mills upwards offour million feet of boards. Many of the logs were cut in the present town of Randolph, near where the academy stands, and floated down the Little Connewango to the mills, and were the first logs ever cut and floated down that stream. All these boards ELLINGTON. 379 were sold, unassorted, to the "Lumber Company," at $5.50 per thousand feet, unrafted, at the mills. That company was composed of John Frew, John Myers, S. and J. E. Budlong, and Guy C. Irvine. It was supposed that, assorted, one-third of these boards would have proved to be clear stuff. It was said to be one of the best lots of boards made in the county, and commanded the highest price at the time, [I823.] The mills were crowded to their utmost capacity day and night; two sets of hands being employed. The saw-mills in Jamestown, while owned by Judge Prendergast, cut about three million feet of boards annually. Judge Foote follows this statement with the following remarks: " Now that the pine timber is gone, and lumber is scarce and dear, it is melancholy to think of its destruction. A large share of the lumber, in early days, did not bring in market more than it cost to cut the logs, manufacture the lumber, and run it to market; leaving nothing for the standing timber." Immense quantities were also manufactured in Worksburg and vicinity, and in the present town of Carroll, from which no statements have been received. From few points, it is believed, has more lumber gone down the Connewango, than from Frewsburgh; and surely no town has equaled Carroll in its number of mills. The very low price to which pine lumber was reduced, at one time, by the extraordinary quantity manufactured in the vicinity of Jamestown, is almost incredible. But the fact was well established in a court of justice. A man had given to another a note payable in lumber. The lumber having not been delivered at the time stipulated, the note was of course collectable in cash; and a suit was commenced. It was proved, on trial, by several witnesses, that lumber was worth, on credit or in barter, $2 per thousand feet; but in cash, only $1.50; and judgment was rendered accordingly. ELLINGTON. ELLINGTON was formed from Gerry, April I, 1824. It comprises township 3, of range io, of the Holland Company's surveys. At the time of its formation, it included Cherry Creek, which was taken off in i829. It borders on Cattaraugus county on the east. Its surface is an undulating and hilly upland. It is drained principally by Clear creek and its tributaries. The main stream enters the town near the north-west corner, and runs in a southeasterly direction, passing the east side of the village, whence it flows eastward into Cattaraugus county near the village of Clear Creek. Its two principal tributaries, from the south and south-west,,unite at the village, and flow into the main stream a little below. The Connewango creek passes through the north-east corner, dividing lot 8 nearly centrally, and clipping a small portion of lot 7, and enters Cattaraugus county at Olds' Corners. 380 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Original Purchases in Township 3, Range 1o. 1814. August, Joshua Bentley, 7. 1815. April, Joshua Bentley, i6. May, Wyman Bugbee, 29. June, Jas. Bates, 23. John Love, Jr., and Frederic Love, 29. Sept., Jas. Bates, 48. i 86. April, Simon Lawrence, 38. I8T7. October, Abner Bates, 56. Charles Thacher, 64. I8I8. July, Oliver Bugbee, 23. October, Benjamin Follett, 40. 1819. May, Ebenezer Green, Jr., 20. 182. October, Rolli Rublee, 12. Samuel McConnell, 47. Harwood Boyden, 21. Ebenezer Green, Jr., 21. Hiram Putnam, 4. 1822. February, Enos Bush, i. Samuel Newton, 46. May, Gardner Bentley, i6. Benajah Carr, i6. James Leach, i8. Amos Leach, ii. June, Benj. Livermore, i. Henry Abbey, 32. September, Nathan Brown, 37. David Gates, ii. Henry Day, 24. Seymour Saxton, 18. October, Jeremiah West, io. John Leach, io. November, Zenas L. Bemus, i. Ira Gates, 13. December, Gershom Newton, 46. 1824. Aug., Orrin Fairbanks, 3. Sept., Enos Preston, 60. Owan Kingsley, Jr., 34. Otis Page, 34. Oct., Chester Crofoot, 49. Ransom Williams, 18. I825. March, Friend L. Fish, 44. April, Nathaniel Fuller, 54. June, Isaac Harmon, 36. Joseph B. Eddy, 52. Nathaniel Dunham, 60. James Tracy, 35. August, Elijah Green, 20. Alva Lawrence, 38. October, Veranus Page, 12. November, Isaac Holland, 25. I826. May, Richard G. Farman, and Jason Bumpus, 57. Richard G. Farrrian, 57. September, Hosea Saxton, 25. 1827. March, Joshua Bentley, 6. December, George Anderson, 20. 1828. January, Elijah Green, 21. April, Ward King, I6. May, Alvah Lawrence, 38. December, Charles Thatcher, 64. I830. January, Jonathan Slater, 20. Levi Warner, 32. The first settlement in this town was made in the north-east part, as is supposed, where Joshua Bentley articled, in I8I4, a part of lot 7, and in April, I8I5, a part of lot 16. The next purchase, as appears from the list of original sales, was made in May, by Wyman Bugbee, who settled near the Center, and who had a most perilous encounter with a bear. [See p. 83.] And in June, John Love, Jr., and Frederick Love, also bought parts of the same lot, [29.] The Bentleys became numerous, and most of them were in the north-east part of the town, in the vicinity of Olds' Corners. The sons of Joshua Bentley, Sen., were: Joshua, who settled in Cherry Creek; Stephen, Gardner, and Benjamin. Sons of Joshua, Jr., were: Alexander, in Cherry Creek; Hiram, removed to the West; Lemuel, at Olds' Corners. The sons of Gardner were: Amon, deceased; Ellery, in Cherry Creek; Benjamin, in Ellington; and Turner. Sons of Benjamin, the elder: Ira, deceased; and George, in Cherry Creek. Eldred, brother of Joshua, Sr., settled on lot 15; had 2 sons, Eldred, and Perry, who died in town. Near the Bentleys, Ward King settled on lot i6, bought in 1828. His sons were: Wanton, 2d, who died in Indiana; Ward, now in Cherry Creek; James, deceased; Norman, in Cherry Creek; Hiram, in Missouri; Benjamin, on the old farm. Daniel W. Waggoner settled on lot 32, on the line of Cherry Creek. Mr. W. and his son Marshal now reside in the village. ELLINGTON. 381 In the east part of the town, Andrew Mather settled on lot 14, where he and his son Whitcomb now reside. His son Wesley, a carpenter and joiner, resides in the village. Ira Day, from Livingston Co., about 1828, settled about a mile and a half east from the village, on lot 13. His son Lorenzo resides on lot I2, near the homestead; Edwin, in Iowa. Hiram Putnam settled on lot 4 about 1823, where his son Olvin resides. He removed to the village; and thence to where he now resides, with his son Edwin, a mile east from the village. David Gates, from Genesee Co., settled on lot i, a little south from where his son Rollin resides. His widow lives in the village. Rolli Rubblee, on lot I2, whose sons Rolli and Homer live on the same farm. Elizur Bagg, from Mass., settled about I839, where he now resides, on lot 5. Sons: Ellison, on the homestead with his father; and Hiram, who died in I875. In the south-east part of the town were the four Leach brothers, from Herkimer Co., three of whom, James, Amos, and John, were original purchasers, in 1822, and perhaps Joseph also, though his name does not appear as such. James settled on lot 18, but removed early to Pennsylvania. John, on lot Io, where he died several years ago, and where James Anderson, his son-in-law, resides.!He resided a short time in Perry, now Wyoming Co., before his removal to this county. Enfield, his son, is a merchant in Randolph. Amos settled on lot i, a year or two, it is believed, after his purchase. His son, Amos C., resides on the homestead. Warren, another son, died in the naval service, in the late war. Joseph settled on lot ii, where he died. His widow and son Aaron live on the farm. His son Joseph resides in Cattaraugus Co. Seymour Saxton, in 1822, settled on lot I8, and afterwards removed to Randolph. His son Henry resides on the homestead. Hosea Saxton, brother of Seymour, settled on lot 25. Reuben, his son, lives at Kennedy. John Woodward, Jr., settled on lot 2. He was 7 years supervisor of the town, and in 1835 a member of assembly. He removed to the"West. David Woodward, brother of John, settled on lot 9, and has also removed West. Jeremiah West, in or about 1822, settled on lot io; now lives in the village. In the south part of the town, George Shulters settled early on lot 42, and has two sons, Henry and Edwin, residing in the neighborhood. Wm. Risley settled on lot 49, and removed to lot 42. Wallace, his son, lives on the center road. In the south-west part of the town, Richard G. Farman settled on lot 57, where he and his son Richard D. now reside. Joseph Fairbanks on the west line of the town; his son Lorenzo is on the farm; Joseph resides on the center road, west of the village. Moses Wheeler settled on lot 43, about I824 or I825; has a son, Albert, who lives with his father; and another, Silas, who lives on lot 33. James Tracy, on lot 35, where his son John resides. In the west part of the town, on the center road, Friend L. Fisk settled on lot 44, bought in 1825, about 2 m. from the village, where his son David 382 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. resides. James, a brother of Friend, on lot 53. Of his sons, Chas. E. died in the late war; one lives in Kansas; Irvine, LeRoy, and - reside in town. In the north-west part of the town, James Bates settled on lot 48, purchased in I8I5, and kept a tavern, said to have been the first in the town. On the same lot, Corydon and Vinal, sons of Abner Bates, and Adna B. Kinsman settled. Charles Thacher purchased, in 18I7, a part of lot 64, on which Theron and Charles subsequently resided; Charles until his death, and Theron until the present time. Their father, James Thacher, settled on the same lot, where he died many years ago. John Shaw, about 1836, settled on 46, and now resides in the village. His son Cap lives on the homestead. Salmon T. Case, from Mass., on lot 63. His sons, John and Franklin, merchants, and Theodore A., a lawyer, all reside in the village. Israel Carpenter was an early settler where his son Norman M. resides. In the central part, Ebenezer Green, Jr., settled on lot 20, in I8I9, a short distance east of his present residence in the village. His purchase was the first in that vicinity; the valley there and below having been, for several years, reserved land. Allen Bagg, from Mass., settled, in I835, on a farm adjoining the village, where he now resides. A son, Henry, lives in town; another, William, in Randolph. Hiram Bagg, a brother of Allen, in 1836, settled where Allen Bagg, 2d, resides, and now lives in the south part of the village. David Ransom was an early settler on lot 37; afterwards removed to lot 36, adjoining, a mile west of the village. His sons: Sylvester, in the west part of the town; several others removed from the state; and Richard, who was killed in the late war. Ira Gates, from Chateauguay, N. Y., to Genesee Co., and thence to Ellington, settled south-east of the village, where he resided till his death. His sons Lorrison and Oramel removed to the West; Whitney resides in Poland; Ira L., in the town; Noel C., in the West. Albert G. Brainard, a son-in-law, is on the homestead. George Anderson, a native of Scotland, settled on lot 20, near the village, in I825. His sons, James, George, and Edwin, reside in the town-George near the homestead. Simon Lawrence settled on lot 38, which he articled in I8i6. His sons, Alvah, Simon, and John, reside in the town; Simon, on the homestead, whose birth is said to have been the first in Ellington. Isaiah Nessle and his brother Joseph B., from Onondaga Co., in I832, settled on lot 37, where Wm. H., the eldest son of Isaiah, now resides. The brothers bought the cloth-dressing works of a Mr. Hough; and Joseph afterwards removed the machinery to the village. The sons of Isaiah are William H., John, Darling, Joseph, and Thomas. William and Thomas and their mother reside on the old farm. Joseph B. has a son Henry, in New York; and two daughters, Lydia Ann and Mary. Isaiah died in 1870; Joseph B. resides in the village. John Conet, from Mohawk valley, settled on the land on which David Ransom first settled, lot 37, a mile west of the village, on the center road. His sons are: Joseph, in the west part of the town; and John J., in the south-west part, near Gerry. .::lj _ j: j::_j...jj:_::j __:_:....i i::i::::::..... -:i:i.....:::::::::::::::.:................ -:::::::::~::::......::........................:1::::ii~~~ii::~i::~~iP i:~ i g~iiiii Ii -i:::: -i -i:..::::::::...........:::-::r::~:~-j ~ i-: ~,i:: -i~~i~zi.:uii~iii~-i~$:i:::~::::.::::.:...........:i )P~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..... ii xli:i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ilta ELLINGTON. 383 The first town-meeting was held in the north part of the town, at the house of Lucretia French, March I, I825. The following are the names of the officers elected: Szpervisor-James Thacher. Town Clerk-Cornelius H. Nicholson. Assessors-Robert James, Jr., John Leach, Charles Thacher. Overseers of Poor-Almanzo Hadley, Reuben Penhollow, Ward King. Com'rs of Highways-Robert James, Ira Gates, Henry McConnell. Constables-Geo. H. Frost, Almanzo Hadley, Benj. Livermore. Com'rs of Schools-David C. Spear, Cornelius H. Nicholson, Parley Eaton. Inspectors of Schools-C. H. Nicholson, David C. Spear, Parley Eaton. Sealer-John P. Hadley. Pound Keepers-Benj. Ellsworth, Montgomery Evans, Nathan Brown. Fence Viewers-Daniel C. Green, Nathan Brown, Reuben Penhollow. Supervisors from I825 to 1875. James Thacher, 1825. Cornelius H. Nicholson, I826,'27. James Carr, i828,'29. Gideon Evans, 1830. John Woodward, Jr., I83I to'34, 1838 to'40-7 years. Benj. Barnard, I835 to'37. George J. Phipany, 1841,'42,'43,'47. Jarvis B. Rice, 1844,'45,'46. John F. Farman, I848 to'53, I858,'59,'60-9 years. Mason D. Hatch,'55. Charles B. Green, 1856,'57,'6I. John M. Farnham, 1862,'63. Samuel Griffith, 1864,'65,'72,'73. George Waith, i866,'67. Philip M. Smith, I868,'69. Cary Briggs, I870,'71. Theodore A. Case, 1874,'75. The first birth in town was that of Simon Lawrence, Jr., in 1817; the first marriage, that of Rufus Hitchcock and Ratah Hadley, in 1817; the first death, that of Mr. Hitchcock, who fell from a building and was killed, six weeks after his marriage. The earliest blacksmith was in the Bentley neighborhood, in the north-east part of the town. For axes the settlers went for a time to Dexter Barnes, where Hartfield now is. The first tannery was established about 1828, 2 m. below the village, by Elijah and Elliot Mason, who sold it to their foreman, Philip M. Smith, by whom it was continued about 20 years. It passed to subsequent proprietors, and was soon after discontinued. A tannery was established by Seth Hussey, and afterwards owned by R. W. Gates, Lewis Leet, and Harvey Nye, and destroyed by fire, and never rebuilt. Enoch Jenkins also built a tannery in the village, about I830, perhaps later, which was continued by him 8 or o1 years. The first physician who practiced in Ellington, is said to have been Sands M. Crumb, who resided in Cattaraugus Co.; afterwards Dr. Wim. Ware, in the east part of the town, Benj. Potwine, Jeremiah Ellsworth and others. Present physicians-James Brooks, N. F. Marsh. The first tavern was kept by James Bates in the north-west part of the town; and he was succeeded in the same place, by Almanson Hadley and Henry McConnell. Taverns were also kept early on the "old Chautauqua road," by Benjamin Follett, afterwards kept by Mrs. French, and another by Joshua Bentley, Sr., near Cattaraugus Co. line. The first tavern in the village was kept by Jeremiah Baldwin, about 1828. The present hotel, by Jay Terry. 384 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. The first store, it is said, was kept by Lewis Holbrook, in the north-east part of the town, on the east line. The next, it is believed, was that of Ruggles and Ingersoll, at Clear Creek village. The first merchants in the village were Elisha and Levi Beardsley, agents of Benj. Vail, of Genesee Co., proprietor. George J. Phipany, from Genesee Co. about i830, commenced trade in partnership with -- Gates, [firm, Gates & Phipany.] Gates sold his interest to Phipany, who, subsequently, alone, and in connection with John F. Farman, [Farman & Phipany,] continued business, until i839. Present merchants: Dry goods-D. S. Bailey & Son; John Benedict; John Case. Hardware-Terry & Devoe. Druggist-James Wheeler & Co. Groceries-Sardius Frisbee, Charles A. Clapp. Groceries and hardwareDaniel Eigenbrodt. Millinery and dry goods-Mrs. Stockwell. The first post-office was in the north-west part of the town, in the log house of Benj. Follett, on lot 40. Mrs. French, early, perhaps first, postmaster. The office was removed to the house of Vinal Bates, son of Abner Bates; thence to Ellington Center. Present postmaster, Charles A. Clapp. Ward King built the first grist-mill, [corn cracker,] near the north-west corner of the town, on Dry brook. The next was built by Elisha and Levi Beardsley for Benj. Vail, of Genesee Co., on land previously taken up by Frederic Love, being a part of lot 29, within the present bounds of the village. Another was built by Henry Wheeler on Clear creek, about a mile above Vail's. The first saw-mill was built by Simon Lawrence, on Clear creek, a little above Vail's, about 1820, and before Vail's grist-mill was built. The next was Vail's, near his grist-mill. Both of these mills, or those which replaced them, are still running there. A saw-mill was built early by John Stafford near the village, on lot 20, on Clear creek. It was injured by floods, and eventually discontinued. A saw-mill was also built or owned by Ira Day, in the east part of the town; since owned by Philip M. Smith. Henry Wheeler owned a saw-mill on the same site. It was sold to R. & J. Gates, who are mentioned on a map of 1854, as owners of a grist-mill and a sawmill, i m. above the village. On the same map are mentioned the mills of Jonathan Slater, 4 m. westerly from the village; of A. Porter, 3 m. above Slater's; G. L. Gilbert's, on the south line of the town; V. S. Hale's, a mile above the village; and J. Freeman's, in the north-west part of the town. Joseph Wesley established, about I864, in the village, a steam pZanig-mill, with which was connected a cheese hoop and butter firkin manufactory. It was burned in 1873, then owned by Lawrence and Shepardson. Henry Haman built in the village, in 1875, a steam saw-mill, to which is added machinery for planing, matching, and other purposes. The first cloth-dressing was done by Lockwood & Co., above the village. Alvah Bates and Joseph B. Nessle afterwards established the carding and cloth-dressing business a little below Vail's mills. Mr. Nessle still resides in the village. T ed i~!::::_-~ ~~~~~~~~~t~~~~~k, z~ ~ ~ ~~~~'~~I d::00: \.:i 88~~~~~~-~g ~-;9:*r.*N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "A ~W., lN,,~ ~~~~ ~.~:~~~~~~~~~~~FN ELLINGTON. 385 BIOGRAPHICAL AND GENEALOGICAL. JOHN F. FARMAN, from Augusta, N. Y., came in I827 to Ellington, and in 1839 commenced the mercantile business, which he continued until i860. He has represented the town in the board of supervisors o1 years. He was married to May, daughter of Ira Day, and resides in the village. He has two sons: Ira, who married Addie Griffith; resides in the town, and is a farmer; and Erie, in Parker City, Pa.; and two daughters, Mary and Martha, at home. DANIEL C. GREEN, from Rensselaer Co., settled, in 1823, on lot 24, where he died in I847. He had 3 sons: Charles B., James J., and Dewitt C.; the last two live in Cherry Creek. He was early an apprentice at the millwright business; and has been engaged in the business of glass-blowing at Sandlake, and in ship-carpentry, at Greenbush, N. Y. CHARLES B. GREEN came to this town at an early date. He studied law with the late James Mullett, in Fredonia; was admitted as an attorney in the supreme court, and commenced practice in Ellington in I844, where he still resides. In 1858, he was a member of assembly; was three years supervisor of the town; and several terms a justice of the court of sessions. He married, first, Lydia, daughter of Joseph M. Kent, of Cherry Creek, and has two sons, both residing in the village. He married, second, Mrs. Abigail Barnes, of Ellington. EBENEZER GREEN, from Pittsfield, Mass., came to Ellington in I8I8, and in I8I9 brought in his wife, and settled, as elsewhere stated [p. 382.] He was born Aug. I2, 1794, and was married to Roxana Francis. They had 12 children: Emily, Albert, Francis, Elijah, Keziah, Lorenzo, Emily D., Roxana, Myra, Theron, Lois, William. Emily died in infancy; Theron at 7 years. The others were all married. Albert and Francis died in Ellington; Elijah lives in Dunkirk; Keziah, wife of Frank Deming, and William, in Vineland, N. J.; Lorenzo, in Ellington; Emily D., wife of Freebun Corey, in Mass.; Roxana, wife of Hawley Smith, and Myra, wife of Frank Staples, both in Union, Pa.; and Lois, wife of Frank Bartholomew, in Titusville, Pa. Ebenezer Green married, in 1860, a second wife, Mrs. Betsey Ann Grover. PHILIP M. SMITH was born in Providence, R. I., May 7, 1805, and removed with his father to Dutchess Co., and from Madison Co. to Chautauqua, in 1828. He worked in Mason's tannery at Clear Creek settlement a number of years, and was afterwards engaged in the several occupations of milling, lumbering, and farming, the last of which he has continued to the present time. He has resided several times alternately in Ellington, and in Connewango, Cattaraugus Co. He held in that county the office of supervisor in I833 and'34, and held also the office of justice of the peace. He was supervisor of Ellington in i868 and'69. He was active, in 1863 and'64, officially and in personal effort, in providing the means of carrying on the war. He resides on the farm formerly owned by Dr. Ware, half a mile west of Clear Creek post-office. He was married in this town, July 4, I830, 25 386 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. to Harriet A. Nichols, and had by her 3 sons and 7 daughters, of whom only four survived the period of infancy: i. Jacob Albert, born April 23, I83I, and died January 14, i86o. 2. Eliza Ruby, born Oct. 20, 1835; died Feb. 3, I85I. 3. Maria Elizabeth, born Dec. 14, 1837, and was married to Andrew Ingraham, who was killed in the late war, at the battle of the Wilderness. She died in October, I866, having no children living. 4. Mary Gertrude, born Aug. 11, I843; is the wife of Thomas B. Woodworth; resides at Caseville, Mich., and has 3 sons living. Mrs. Harriet A. Smith died May 7, 1848. Mr. Smith married, second, Feb. 8, 1859, Nancy J. Hamilton, daughter of Harvey Hamilton, deceased, formerly of this town. She was born Dec. 21, I835; and has 2 children: Elizabeth A., born Oct. I, i860; and Philip M., born Nov. 24, i868. GEORGE WAITH, a son of Rev. Wm. Waith, was born in England; came with his father from Cattaraugus Co. to the village of Ellington, in I8-, and still resides there. He enlisted in the late war as a private in the 8th company of sharpshooters, and returned as ist lieutenant, having served 3 years. He has since been twice elected supervisor —866 and 1867. JOHN WHITE was born in Washington Co., July 3, I797. He removed to Genesee Co., and thence, in 1833, to Ellington, one mile south of the village, where he now resides. His grand parents were from the north part of Ireland, usually distinguished as the "Scotch Irish." He married Margaret McKnight, by whom he had 7 children: Andrew, Maria, David, James, Elizabeth, John, and William. Andrew, James, and John reside at Randolph. Elizabeth, married, lives in Franklinville. David, and Maria, the wife of Ebenezer F. Green, reside in the town. William died in the army. Mr. White married a second wife, Sarah Curtis, who had 3 children: Jane, Walter, and George, who is married, and is with his father on the homestead. ANDREW P. WHITE, brother of John, was born in Washington Co., July 30, I806; and after a short residence in Genesee Co., came to this county in 1834, and settled in the south-west part of the town, where Wm. Risley resides; and removed, in i853, to his present residence in the village. He held for the term of three years the office of commissioner of common schools for the eastern assembly district. In 1855-56, he was a clerk in the office of secretary of state of the state of New York; and was for 9 yearsI863 to I873-a clerk in the treasury department at Washington; and for many years an inspector and town superintendent of schools in Ellington. He married Amelia Lathrop, in Bethany, Jan. 2, I835, who was born Feb. 20, 8I13. Their children are: i. Margaret E., wife of Daniel S. Swan, who resides in Randolph. 2. Mary Z., who married Rev. John H. Dillingham, and resides at Paola, Kansas. 3. Agnes, wife of Robert Boyd, of Greeley, Colorado. 4. Charles A. CHURCHES. The Christian Church of Ellington (then Gerry) was organized July I3, 1823, and was composed of seven members: Ira Gates, Noel C. Gates, Simon Lawrence, Clarissa Gates, Polly Gates. [It is believed that the first ELLINGTON. 387 and third of the following named officers make up the seven original members.] Freeman Walden and Elisha Beardsley were chosen elders; Seth S. Chase, deacon. No articles of faith were adopted; the members simply agreeing "to take the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments for the rule of faith and practice at all times." From the time of the organization, for about ten years, the records are meagre, containing little else than the record of. members received, and dismissions. Among the ministers who have served the church were Walden, Stephen Blaisdell. The meeting-house was built about I835. It was repaired in 1859, and dedicated anew, Jan. 5, r86o; sermon by E. B. Rollins. The Congregational Church of Ellington was organized Feb. 4, 1828, at the house of Lucretia French, in the north part of the town-Rev. Wm. J. Wilcox, moderator of the meeting; Benj. Ellsworth, clerk. The candidates presenting themselves for membership were: James Bates, Benj. Ellsworth, Israel Carpenter, Aaron Merrill, Josiah D. Bates, Lucretia French, Calista Ellsworth, Harriet Spear, Nancy Bates, Polly Landon. In March, Otis Page was received by letter, and elected a deacon. There were admitted, in addition to the above, during the year 1828: Elizabeth Altenburg, Elizabeth Vader, Timothy Gross, Warren Mansfield, Wm. Ware, and Sally his wife, Daniel Bush, and Jane his wife, Mrs. A. B. Farman. In 1830, Daniel Bush was chosen deacon. In I842, a house of worship was built. The first minister was Rev. Win. J. Wilcox; term of service not definitely stated. Rev. Win. Waith, from April, I840, to August 30, 1847. He was succeeded by S. W. Edson, Wm. Todd, Charles A. Keeler, David Powell, Wm. D. Henry, W. J. Hunt, Henry Benson, H. O. Howland, Mr. Olds, the present pastor. This church was at first connected with, or represented in, the Buffalo Presbytery. This connection was subsequently dissolved. During the ministry of Rev. Wm. Waith, its government was changed to Presbyterian; and was afterwards changed to its present form, purely Congregational. The Free-will Baptist Church of Ellington was organized in 1828, by Elder Amos C. Andrus, a traveling preacher, who was the first minister. It was composed of eight members, who, with those who united soon after, were: Julius Dewey, John R. Felt, Joseph Seekins, and their wives; - Wheeler; Marsh and wife; Adolphus Howard and wife, [from near Sinclairville;] Jeremiah Baldwin, Comfort Carpenter, and their wives; and Daniel Hadley. The first settled pastor was Francis B. Tanner, who served the church about 20 years. After him were: Jones, Elder Lighthall, Daniel McCoon, Benj. McCoon, and Higbee. Present minister, A. P. Cook. The first deacon was Enoch Wallace; present deacons, Winthrop Johnson, Boss. The church edifice was built in 1840, as is said by the only surviving original member, or, as others think, a few years later. 388 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. FRENCH CREEK. FRENCH CREEK was formed from Clymer, April 23, I829. It is the southwest corner town in the county. Its surface is hilly, and broken by the valleys of French creek and its tributaries. The main stream enters the town on the north line, on lot 24, about 2 miles from the north-east corner of the town, and, running in a south-westerly direction, leaves the town on lot 58, entering the state of Pennsylvania about IS miles north of the southwest corner of the town. This stream, in its zigzag course, is a great annoyance to the inhabitants, on account of the height to which the water rises in times of freshets, requiring four large bridges to accommodate the public. The town, in the main, is cut by its valleys into three ridges; two running nearly east and west, separated by the Beaver Meadow valley; the other ridge running north and south, and separated from the former by the valley of French creek. These ridges rise, in some places, to the height of about 250 feet. Most of their sides is tillable, and well adapted to grazing; but some places are steep and heavily timbered; and one or two show the rocks, which underlie them, to be of the sandstone variety, from which some good building stone will probably be taken. The soil of this town varies from a heavy clay to a gravelly loam; but is mostly a heavy clay loam, though there are small deposits of muck along some parts of the creek. The hill tops are generally wet, being underlaid by stiff, hard clay, impregnated, more or less, with a solution or oxide of iron. The French creek flat varies in width, from a pass but little wider than the bed of the stream, to about three-fourths of a mile, and is about 3 miles long. The beaver meadofw at is so called from the appearance of its having been occupied by beavers. The meadow was covered with alders. There are many pine and balsam of fir trees along the edges, and on what were islands at the time it was occupied by the beavers. In the south part of the town is another beaver meadow, a small one,-on lot 9, the dam of which is quite perfect.'The water from this meadow flows into the stream known as Hare creek, which takes a southerly course into Pennsylvania. There was a third beaver meadow on the west branch of the creek, on lot 47, where the remains of the beavers' dam are yet to be seen. This town is better adapted to dairying than to any other branch of agriculture. Its cool nights and heavy dews have a tendency to keep the grass in better condition than the drier and more agreeable climate of the lake shore country, though many of the fruits can not be raised here, on account of the frost, which, in some years, makes its visits every month, though this is not common. Near the south-west corner of lot 9 is a curious place, called the "Possum," [a contraction of opossum,] because of its deceptive appearance. Its first appearance is that of a circular meadow perfectly level, with a small pond in the center. On stepping upon it, however, you imagine yourself sinking. FRENCH CREEK. 389 The ground trembles for yards around you; the water begins to gather around your feet, and you feel sure you are sinking. But, although the ground yields at every step, there is little danger of being submerged. The place proves to be a basin filled with water, over which-except a piece about 80 or ioo feet in diameter-low bush cranberries, mosses of several kinds, and several kinds of water plants have grown, all forming a covering strong enough, in most places, to bear up a person. This basin was fabled as bottomless; but it proves to be only 30 feet deep. It has no surface outlet or inlet, and is nearly surrounded by land from 12 to 20 feet higher than the water, except a narrow space on the west side. The basin is about 260 yards in diameter. On the side of the ridge, on the north side of the beaver meadow, on lot 21, is a spring formerly called a sulphur spring. From this spring flow small quantities of heavy coal oil, or petroleum. A well was sunk near it in the hope of finding oil. The work was done at long intervals, and a depth of I,500 feet was finally reached without success. It is thought, however, that, had the work been properly done and tested at the proper time, a satisfactory result might have been had, as there were sundry favorable indications. The timber of this town was hemlock, beech, and maple, interspersed with cucumber, ash, cherry, basswood, and some pine on the flats, and a few scattering large pines on some of the upland. There was considerable pine on lot 3, also on lot 20, and in the north part of the French creek valley. There is a pine tree on lot 12,which is 27 feet in circumference. If had three prongs, one of which is broken off, showing the tree to have been nearly 200 feet high. There is some indication of there having been three trees; but they had grown together so perfectly as to make it questionable. Mr. Turner, in his history, gives the following as the names of the persons, or some of the persons, who took contracts in township i, range 15, in the year 1812, though not all settled on their lands the same year, and some of them, probably, never occupied them: Roswell Coe, Amon Beebe, Alanson Root, Abraham Pier, Andy Noble, Aaron Barney, Daniel Frisbee, George Hascall. The following are the names of persons having taken contracts for land at the dates mentioned; the dates, however, not in all cases corresponding with the years of their settlement in the town. Original Purchases in Township I, Range ij. 1812. April, Amon Beebe, 45. Roswell Coe, 39. Alanson Root, 46. Andy Noble, 44. May, Abraham Pier, 38. July, Zadok Root, 39. Aug., Aaron Barney, 45. I8I5. February, Andy Noble, 45. October, George Haskell, 45. i816. March, Nathaniel Thompson, 31. Gardner Cleveland, Jr., 31. Paul Colburn, 52. September, Parley Bloss, 46. 1817. April, William Thompson, 31. May, Gardner Cleveland, Jr., 39. I821. October, Benjamin Whitney, 64. Francis W. Colburn, 3. Nov., William Thompson, 3. Silas Terry, 2. 1822. September, Wm. Thompson, 3. George Adams, 43. 1823. October, William 0. Graves, 32. November, Truman Terry, 2. 390 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. 1824. October, David Curtis, I6. December, Stephen Bemis, 4. 1825. March, Samuel French, ii. Nathaniel Thompson, 3. April, Harvey Kellogg, I3. December, Leonard Greeley, 2. 1826. January or February, Elisha Freeman, 24. March, Alexander Wilson, Jr., 23. April, Harvey Kellogg, 14. 1827. April, William Hooker, I3, I5, 22. June, William Hooker, 3T. William Hooker, Jr., 39. 1829. March, Isaiah Golding, 53. June, Ashbel Goodrich, 40. Oct., David Rhodes, 4. i830. February, Samuel French, io. March, Parley Bloss, 35. July, Isaiah Golding, 37. Sept., Daniel Dean, 51. Nov., Warren A. Street, 20. 1831. March, Josiah Willis, 5. April, Alexander Wilson, Jr., 30. Joseph Austin, i8. June, Stephen Loveless, 2I. Alfred White and Wm. H. White, 22, 29. Parley Bloss and his family came from Pembroke, Genesee Co., in 1815, and settled on lot 46. He made a cart with a short axletree, which permitted his driving more easily among the trees and over rough ground, and with which he went to Union, Penn., to mill. This trip generally-required three days' time, and more, if he were obliged to take his turn after many that were ahead of him. Some depended almost entirely on wild game for their meat. This was plenty; and the streams abounded with trout. He caught a pickerel in Finley's pond 5 feet 6 inches in length. In 1817, Mr. Bloss killed two bears, one of which weighed over 400 pounds. The meat was considered equal to the best pork. The only produce that could be sold for cash was black salts, for which $5 per ioo pounds were then paid. Money received for salts and wolf bounties, was all that settlers had to pay taxes and procure necessaries which could not be got on credit or for barter. He did some surveying with a pocket compass, and a piece of rope instead of a surveyor's chain. He was the first highway commissioner in French Creek. He died in 1852, in his 75th year. He had o1 children-7 sons and 3 daughters: Aden, Parley, William, Reuben, Calvin, Richard, Benjamin; Hannah Caroline, Sarah, and Marietta. William Bloss, who now lives on lot 25, was a noted wood-chopper and marksman. He is about 5 feet 9 inches high; his girth is 392 in., and his usual weight i80 to I90 pounds. He once shot at a buck's head, (that being the only visible part of the deer,) at a distance of 22 rods, off hand, and killed him. At another time, he shot, off hand, a deer over 60 rods off. The ground was measured by Parley Bloss and Paul Colburn. His skill was acquired by shooting at pumpkins rolling down hill. Before he was I6 years old, he says, he shot a buck whose quarters weighed 200 pounds, wounding him in the neck so as to cause his head to drop forward. Not wishing to lose so valuable a deer, and not knowing just the nature of the wound, the young hero mounted the buck and took him by the horns, thinking he could hold him. A struggle ensued, in which William, in attempting to " knife" the deer, lost not only his Spanish dirk, but most of his clothing, and only succeeded in mastering his game by seizing a club and striking him on the head. He was so badly bruised as to be unable to work for a week. FRENCH CREEK. 391 When William was i9 years old, he and his brother Reuben had the use of their father's open-sighted flint-lock rifle, each of them half the time during the winter. From the falling of the first snow till the first of January, William shot 49 deer. He made a business of felling and trimming the trees, piling the brush, and fitting the timber for logging, at the rate of an acre in 4 days of good weather. He cut 8 cords of 32 feet wood in one day of 10 hours, and split one-half of the same. This was done for N. G. Case, who lived on lot 19, and done on a strife with Joseph Austin, who cut 6' cords in 8 hours, but was obliged to stop, on account of having drunk some hard cider after a drink of brandy, which, with the excessive labor, made him sick, not drunk. At the age of I9, Bloss cut and split, on a wager, between Andy Noble and a man from Mayville, one cord of green beech, 3 feet long, in 55 minutes by the watch. And he cut 6 cords of black ash, 4 feet long, in less than 4 hours. This was done at Harbor Creek, on a bet of $50, of which he received $io. In I870, at the age of 60, he walked one mile, cut 3Y2 cords of 22 inch wood, (having felled the trees from which it was cut, in 42 hours.) There are many smiling acres in this town, which, if they could speak, would thank his sinewy arms for the sunshine they receive. At the age of 34, he married Mary Ann Thompson, aged I6, with whom he now lives. Caroline Bloss, sister of William, was a spinster of unusual ability, often spinning two days' work, [4 run,] in a single day. She married a Colburn, and removed to Ohio. Samuel French, with his wife and five sons, settled on lot ii, in I825. The names of the boys were: Healy, Russel, Hiram, Prescott, and Franklin. On the afternoon of April I8, 1826, the two youngest, Prescott, aged 5, and Franklin, aged 3 years, started to go to Nathaniel Thompson's on the middle part of lot 3, by a path through the woods, distant about i X miles. Coming to a clearing and seeing no house, they turned about, and strayed from the path, and were lost in the woods. Night came on, and they laid down by the roots of a large tree. In the meantime a search was commenced, the neighbors were rallied, and with torches and lanterns the hunt was continued until midnight, when the search was for the time abandoned. The hunters were themselves lost in the dense forest, and found themselves always returning to the point from which they started. The next morning the search was resumed with an additional number of the inhabitants, and continued until night without success. A cold rain had come on, and the howling of wolves was heard in the direction the children were supposed to have taken, their tracks having been seen in the ashes of a sugar camp near Mr. Thompson's clearing. On Sunday morning, about 200 persons having assembled, a captain and a lieutenant were chosen, whose orders the company agreed to obey, and a line was formed along the highway from Clymer west; the east end of the line to be on the town line, and the men to keep about 4 rods apart. They were to march north across the valley; then to move westward the length of the line, and march south to the road from which they started. Thus they were to march and scour the woods by course, and not to speak 392 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. a word nor fire a gun until the children were found. After crossing and recrossing the valley till they had reached the north side, on lot 20, a council was called; and it was agreed, that, as the next time across would take them as far west as it was possible for the children to go, if they did not find them before reaching the other side, another council should be held. When they had gone about half way across the alder bottom, the man at the west end of the line, stooping to tie his shoe, looking backward under his right arm, saw the head of one of the boys, who stood trying to pull the bark from a moose-wood twig. He raised his head, and shouted: I have found them!" The shout was carried along the whole line, and guns and horns announced to the anxious waiters the joyful tidings. The younger boy was lying, insensible, at the roots of a small pine which they had reached the night before. They had tasted nothing, except some leek leaves, which were too strong to be eaten. John Heath and Wm. Tyler now started to see which of them should first carry the news to the anxious mother. Heath reached the door a few steps ahead, crying: " Found them both alive!" and fell, exhausted, on the floor. The boys lived to become men. In the south-east part of the town, Silas Terry settled on lot 2, bought in 182I, where he resided until I855, when he removed to Clymer. [See sketch.] Wm. Thompson and his brother Nathaniel bought parts of lot 3I, but soon removed to lot 3, where they settled permanently. William resided there until his death. Three sons are living: Elijah, on land adjoining the homestead; William, in Minnesota; George, in the south part of the town. He had 4 daughters; two are living. John B. Tyler settled on lot 3, about I848; and originally occupied by Thomas Bemus. His eldest son, Laverne, enlisted in the late war as a private; was promoted to lieutenant, and was killed in the Wilderness campaign, before he attained majority. Alton, another son, resides in town. Ira Gleason, from Sharon, Conn., removed to Madison Co., N. Y., in I8Io; and thence to French Creek in I831, and settled on lot Io, where he resided till he died in I839, aged 68 years. His children were: Ira F., David L., and Esther J., wife of Horace Baker, and resides in French Creek. Ira' F. removed to Clymer. [See history of Clymer.] Nehemiah Royce settled on lot 19, in 1825; the land originally purchased by Darius H. Rice, where he now resides. Mr. Royce was supervisor of the town 7 years. He has 3 sons: William L., who is married and lives near his father; Dana F., and Willie B., both unmarried, and live at home. In the south-west part of the town, Rensselaer W. Kennedy settled about twenty years ago, on lot 59, near French creek, where he now resides. He is a son of Dr. Thos. R. Kennedy, of Meadville, Pa., original owner of mills at Kennedy and Worksburg. In the north part of the town, Roswell Coe settled on lot 39, bought in I812, and died there. He had a large family. Two sons, Philonzo and Birdsall, reside near the old farm. Alfred White, from Minerva, Essex Co., settled on lot 22, bought in 183I, and died there. James B., the only one of the children living in town, is on lot 39. FRENCH CREEK. 393 Who was the earliest settler in French Creek, can not be affirmed with certainty. The State Gazetteer says Andy Noble, from Oswego Co., made the first settlement on lot 44, in 1812; John Cleveland, on lot 31, in 1812; and Roswell Coe, on lot 39, and Nathaniel Thompson, on lot 9, both in I813; and Paul Colburn, from Oneida Co., in I814. The Chautauqua County Gazetteer and Directory names Andy Noble as the first settler, on lot 44, in I81T; John Cleveland, on lot 31, 1812; and it places Nathaniel Thompson on lot 9; Coe, on lot 39; Colburn, on lot 44-all three in I813; and Amon Beebe and Gardner Cleveland, the same year. The authors of both these Gazetteers collected their statements from residents in the town; yet they differ materially. This is another illustration of the unreliability of authors, who print the statements hastily collected by their canvassers. The writer of this history has not made this question a subject of particular inquiry, in this town. He would simply direct the reader to the list of original purchases, on another page. The dates of these purchases do not in all cases agree with the dates of settlement; but it is presumed that, in most cases, the settlement is made in the year of the purchase. Nathaniel Thompson does not appear at all, from the Land Company's books, as having articled any part of lot 9. If he ever owned any part of it, he is not a first purchaser, unless he purchased for cash down, and took a deed. He may have purchased the article of another, in which case his own name would not appear. That Andy Noble settled as early as I811, is not probable. Nor is it probable that there is any settler living, who can decide the question of first settlement. The first town-meeting was held in March, 1830, at the house of Wm. Hooker. The officers named below were elected: Supervisor-Alexander Wilson. Town Clerk-Isaiah Golding. Assessors-John Gotham, Nathaniel Thompson, Silas W. Hatfield. CollectorWilliam Thompson. Overseers of Poor-Paul Colburn, Augustus Bolles. Com'rs of Highways-Parley Bloss, John Gotham, Royal Herrick. Com'rs of Schools-WWm. Hooker, S. O. Colburn, Eli Bellnap. Inspectors of Schools -D. H. Peck, A. Noble, Ephraim Dean. Constables-Wm. Thompson, George Adams. Justice-Ephraim Dean. Supervisors from 1830 to 1875. Alexander Wilson, Jr., 1830 to'32. Nathaniel Thompson, I833. Ira F. Gleason, 1834 to'37-4 years. Daniel Hooker, 1838. Philo S. Hawley, 1839 to'42, and I852-5 years. David L. Gleason, I843. Silas Terry, 1844,'45,'48. Nehemiah Royce, I846,'47,'49,'51,'52,'54,'55-7 years. Thos. D. Jones, I850. John Sliter, I856. Marvin Hooker, I857. Stephen W. Steward, 1858. Hibbard P. Fenton, I859,'6o. Reuben J. Beach, I86I,'62. Almond S. Park, 1863. Lawyer S. Terry, 1864,'65. Dana P. Horton, I866,'67. James A. Merry, I868,'69. Dexter M. Hapgood, I870. Henry R. Case, I87I,'72. John Jones, I873. Holland R. Parsons, 1874. John Jones, 1875. The first school in this town was taught by Polly Forbes, in 181 7. The 394 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. first death was that of a child of J. Inglesby, in I818, buried on lot 39, on land now owned by Philonzo Coe. The second death was that of Joseph Forbes, in 18i8, who was about 30 years of age. He was buried on lot 39, the site of the present burying ground. The third death was that of William, son of Nathaniel Thompson, aged 3 years. These statements differ from those in the State Gazetteer and the County Gazetteer and Directory; the author of the latter having probably copied chiefly from the former. Their informants, however, may have.been more nearly correct than our own. According to the State Gazetteer, the first tavern was kept by Wm. Graves, who built the first grist-mill, both in 1822; and the first store was kept in one end of the grist-mill, by John Dodge. The population of French Creek in 1870 was 973, which is less than that of any other town, except Kiantone. There are two post-offices: French Creek, in the north part of the town, and Marvin, in the south-west part. There is, in the north part of the town; a steam saw and shingle mill, which is said to give employment to sik persons, and to turn out 2,000 feet of lumber, and 8,ooo shingles, in ten hours. BIOGRAPHICAL AND GENEALOGICAL. SAMUEL FRENCH, from Ontario Co. in i825, settled on lot ii, where he resided until his death, March, r86I. He had 5 sons: Samuel H., removed to Wisconsin; Hiram A., killed by falling into a well at the age of I6; William R., on the. old place, with his brother Fredus; Edward P., in Wisconsin; Fredus Franklin, who owns and occupies the old farm. There were two daughters: Cornelia, who married Columbus Sessions; removed to Wisconsin, where she died, leaving 3 sons; he and his sons reside in Clymer; Samantha, married, and lives in Wisconsin. DAVID L. GLEASON and his brother Ira F., from Madison-Co., settled on lot io, previously located by their father, Ira Gleason. Deeds were taken by the sons, who were followed the next year by their parents, Ira Gleason and wife, in I831. The father died in i839, aged 68 years; and his wife soon after. Ira F. Gleason removed, in I837, to Clymer village. [See Clymer.] David L. Gleason died on the old farm. A son, Marcus B., resides on a part of the farm. Aurelius Lawrence, his second son, is principal of a seminary, at Lansing, Mich. Ira M., another son, has a part of the homestead. ISAIAH GOULDING, from Stafford, Genesee Co., in 8I28, settled, with his family, on lot 45, on land now owned by his son Lorenzo. He had 6 children, 3 sons, Lorenzo, Isaiah, and Samuel, and 3 daughters. He was the first town clerk, and second postmaster, which office he held about I 5 years. Lorenzo brought the nails, glass, butts and screws that were used in building their house, in a saddle-bag, on horseback, from Mayville. It then required two days to make the trip. Isaiah Goulding, Sr., died in I830, aged 79. Lorenzo married Nancy Johnson, of Erie, and owns the homestead. Isaiah, Jr., married Amanda Maxwell, of Wattsburg, Penn., where they reside. FRENCH CREEK. 395 SILAS TERRY was born in Wells, Vt., Feb. 18, 800o, and removed with his father, in I805, to Onondaga Co.; thence, in i8i6, to Harmony, near Blockville, where, in I82I, he married Polly Powers, and removed to French Creek, lot 2, where he resided until i855, when he removed to Clymer, where he now resides, in the village. While in French Creek, he held the office of justice of the peace for i6 years; and was collector for 5 yearsone year while Clymer contained the four townships of which it was originally formed; and the first four years, after Mina, including Sherman, had been taken off. The amount of tax collected by him the first year, in the four townships, was about $800. He was also supervisor of French Creek, 3 years-in I844,'45,'48. And in I849 he was a member of assembly. He had 9 children: i. Marilla C., wife of Harry Sessions, who died in Iowa; she resides with her father. 2. Lawyer S., who married, first, Laura Moses, who died in 1864; second, Nellie Durand, of Westfield; they reside in French Creek. 3. Mary R., wife of Walter L. Sessions. 4. Katharine, wife of John C. Moses, now a bookseller in Clinton, Iowa. Both were graduates of the Normal School, Albany. 5. Naomi A., wife of Amasa C. Moses, school commissioner ist district, in i856; resides at Great Bend, Barton Co., Kansas. 6. Harvey P., who married Mary Frink, and resides in Fremont, Minn. 7. Donna Martha, wife of John M. Lycan, and resides at Toledo, 0. 8. Seward H., captain company G, 49th regiment, killed in the late war, at Spottsylvania C. H. 9. Cassius M., married Emily Hitchcock, and is now pastor of a Congregational church in St. Paul. CHURCHES. The Baptist Church was formed in I821, and was the first organized church in the town. Their first meetings were held in a log school-house on lot 54, near the present residence of John Jones. Among the first members were Roswell Coe, William Adams and wife, Nathaniel Thompson and wife, Farnsworth and wife, A. M. Higgins and wife, Wm. Thompson and wife, and Amon Beebe. The ministers officiating at its organization were Elder Gillet and Elder Alford. In consequence of the removal from the town of a large portion of its members, the church was continued but a few years. Another Baptist church was formed in I844 or 1845, which, after a brief existence, became extinct. A third was formed in i856, which also has ceased to exist. A Christian Church was organized in I831, by Elder Jerry Knowles, with a membership of about 24, among whom were M. Bloss, Calvin Bloss, Mrs. Hubbard Bowles, and others. The ceremony of washing feet was literally observed in this church. The Methodist Episcopal Church was organized in the north-west part of the town, in 1830, by Rev. J. K. Hallock and Rev. J. Chandler, who were the first two pastors. The first members were Isaiah and Betsey Golding, and William and Amy Adams. Moses Olds and wife, and Mrs. Bowles, also united at the same time, or soon after. Their first and only house of worship stands on lot 46. It was finished in 1867. The society received 50 acres 396 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. of land from the Holland Land Company. This land, like similar donations in other towns, was generally called "gospel land." It was a part of lot 30, and was sold by order of the county court, on a petition of the church; and the proceeds were applied to the building of a house of worship. GERRY. GERRY was formed from Pomfret, June i, I812, and comprised townships 3 and 4, of the Ioth and IIth ranges. Ellington, including Cherry Creek, was taken from Gerry in I824, and Charlotte in I829. Gerry comprises the 3d township of the ith range. The surface is a hilly upland, the highest summits being 900 feet above Lake Erie. The soil is a clay loam on the uplands, and a sandy loam in the valleys. The principal stream is the Cassadaga creek, which runs south-easterly through the south-west quarter of the town. Mill creek, running south-westerly through the north-west corner, enters the Cassadaga near the west line of the town. There are several smaller tributaries to the Cassadaga within this town. There are in it also several sulphur springs. The first settlement was made in r8Io. Amos Atkins came to Chautauqua lake, near William Bemus', about I808, probably from Vermont. Being connected with a surveying party, he selected two lots, one for himself, and one for his brother-in-law, Stephen Jones, early in the spring of I8Io. Jones settled upon his land, on lot 47, which comprised the present farm of George S. and Benj. L. Harrison. He built a log house about a mile south of Sinclairville, which was the first habitation erected in the town. The first birth occurred in the family of Mr. Jones. Atkins afterwards, the same year, built a log house upon his land, which was the farm subsequently owned by John Love. The house stood where the present dwelling on the Love farm stands. Atkins was, in I8I4, supervisor of the original town of Gerry. In I815, his wife Clarinda died; this was the first death in the town. Atkins and Jones afterwards moved to the Far West. Later in the year I8Io, William and James Gilmore, from Madison Co., took up land upon lot 56, and built a log house on the farm now owned by Fordyce Sylvester, near the Sinclairville railroad depot. Melzer Sylvester, brother-in-law of the Gilmores, and father of Fordyce and Henry Sylvester, came in 18II, and settled between Sinclairville and the depot. Hugh B. Paterson, also a brother-in-law of Melzer Sylvester and the Gilmores, came to Fredonia in I808, and in the spring of I8I to Gerry, and took up 62 acres between Sinclairville and the depot, where he built a house which, in October, was burned to the ground, with all his household goods. The next day he and his neighbors erected another in its place. Hugh B. Paterson was born in Washington Co., in I787, and was for many years supervisor of Gerry. During the early years of the settlement of the town, he was a leading and influential citizen. He afterwards removed to Wisconsin, where he recently died at an advanced age. GERRY. 397 During the year I8II, the old Chautauqua road, leading from Mayville to Ellicottville, was cut through the northern part of the town. In 1814 and 1815, bridges were built; and the road was otherwise improved. It became the route by which, to some extent, settlers came in from the East, and by which communication was had with Genesee county. The present road that leads from Sinclairville, by the dep6t, to the Cassadaga creek, was also laid out about the same time, under the direction of Major Sinclear and Hugh B. Paterson. It was continued along the town line between Gerry and Ellery to Jamestown, and constituted the first means of direct communication that Jamestown had, by highway, w4th Sinclairville and the northern part of the county. Elijah Haswell, a son-in-law of Major Sinclear, settled on this road, and a little later, Cornelius DeLong, who built a house where James McAlister now resides; and who afterwards participated in the battle of Buffalo, in December, I813, and was s6verely wounded in the head by a grape shot. He was assisted 8 or Io miles up the lake by his comrades towards his home, when, unable to proceed further, he was taken in charge by his neighbor and fellow-soldier, Elisha Tower, of Ellery, and well cared for by him at the cabin of a settler. DeLong unexpectedly recovered, and returned to his house in Gerry. He afterwards moved to the West, received a captain's commission, and participated in the Black Hawk war in 1832. Jesse Dexter early settled on the farm of John Almy, on this road, at the town line. Zaccheus Norton and David Cobb also settled early on this road. John Love, who had been living in the town of Ellery, purchased, about the year i812, the land owned by Amos Atkins on the old Chautauqua road, and there kept an inn for many years. He was well known in his lifetime, and died on his farm. Ichabod Russell, Abner Comstock, and Seth Grover, were also early settlers on this road. Capt. Abner Dingley, in May or June, I8I6, settled in the southern limits of Sinclairville, on lot 48. Although several families had settled upon these lands, thus opened along the extreme western, and through the northern borders of the town, prior to 1815, no person had penetrated the dense wilderness that covered the rest of the town, to make a settlement. The central, eastern, and southern portions remained for several years an unbroken wilderness: A dense forest of beech and maple trees covered the hills, while pine, hemlock, and other evergreens, grew densely in the valleys and the high lands along their borders. In the spring of 1812, Wm. Alverson journeyed on horseback all the way from his home in Columbus, Chenango Co., to the residence of Major Sinclear. He selected the land which comprised the farm owned by Marvin Wilson at his decease, situated about one mile north from Vermont station. He made no purchase, but returned to his home, and in. I815 returned to Gerry, and purchased and settled upon the land he had so long before selected. He died June i r, 1828, aged 48 years. There came with him from Chenango Co. to Gerry, Hezekiah Myers and Hezekiah Catlin. Porter Phelps also came at the same time. They were all original Vermonters. Myers settled upon the farm now owned by Aaron Van Vleck; Phelps upon 398 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. the farm now owned by Henry Gates; Dexter and Nathan Hatch, who came soon after, near where the saw-mill now is, east of the village of Vermont. These persons made the first settlement in this part of the town, which has since been widely known as "Vermont Settlement." A road was soon laid out from Sinclairville to that section. A little later, Solomon and Reuben Fessenden came. John Matthews also came and settled about one mile south-east from Vermont. During the years following, the eastern, southern, and central portions of the town were rapidly settled, almost entirely by Vermonters, possessing the sturdy peculiarities of the people of that state. At tlhe present time, much the larger portion of the population of the principal part of the town, are Vermonters and their descendants. In the year 18i6, Wm. Olney built a log house upon the little hill, a short distance south-east of the hotel, at Vermont. This was the commencement of a settlement of that place. In 1817, James Bucklin came in from Windham Co., Vermont, and bought 240 acres at Vermont, in Gerry, which included the house and claim of Olney. In I820, he kept there the first inn. The settlement afterwards, for many years, bore the name of Bucklin's Corners, until it was changed to Vermont. The sons of James Bucklin, who came in with him, were Willard, James, and Lovel. Willard spent the greater part of his life in Gerry, prominently identified with its history. For thirty years previous to his death, he held, almost uninterruptedly, the office of justice of the peace; and he was eight years a supervisor of the town. He died Jan. I, 1869. James Bucklin also was prominently connected with the town; was a supervisor and a justice, and now resides in the West. Lovel Bucklin is still living, and resides in the town. Betsey Bucklin, a daughter of James Bucklin, married Paul Stom, who was born April I, I797, in Guilford, and died in Gerry, Dec. 24, I873. He came to Gerry in May, 1817. He chopped and cleared over Ioo acres of land. In I817, Sylvanus Eaton, father of Walter, Lyman, Pearl, and Harry Eaton, settled a short distance north from Vermont. John McCullough, in the fall of I8I7, settled in the north part of Gerry, near Sinclairville. Robert Lenox settled in the south:western part of the town, in 1817. He was born in the north of Ireland, and came to Gerry from Yates county. He was the father of Robert, John, and William Lenox, and died in 1839. Henry Shaw also settled in this part of the town, about the same time. He had previously resided on the town line road, between Ellery and Gerry. Calvin Cutting, in I8I7, settled near the center of the town; he afterwards resided on the road leading from Sinclairville to Vermont, at the place known as the Cutting stand. About i818, John Hines and Wm. Newton settled in the south-western part of the town, and, in I8I9, erected there the first saw-mill, and, in 1822, a grist-mill, on the Cassadaga creek. Gardner Salisbury came in, in 818 or 1819, and settled near these mills, and was the first miller. Elder Jonathan Wilson, born in Colerain, Mass., settled at Vermont, in Gerry, in I8I6. GERRY. 399 [See sketch on a subsequent page.] Wm. R. Wilson, his son, came with his father to Gerry, where he has since resided, for nearly 60 years, on the farm upon which he first settled. He has been a justice of the peace and supervisor of the town. Gilbert Strong, from Chenango Co., in i8I8, bought the land upon which Hezekiah Myers had settled, and lived there until his decease, at the advanced age of 82 years, leaving many descendants. His sons Horace, Gilbert, David, Jason, and Onan, came with their father, and were well known citizens of the town. During the spring of this year, Alva Eaton was killed by the falling of a tree. Wm. M. Waggoner, from Saratoga Co., in the spring of I8I9, settled on the town line between Charlotte and Gerry,*wvhere he resided many years, and until he removed to Charlotte. He has been supervisor in both towns. John McAlister, from Amsterdam, N. Y., in I819, settled upon the farm now owned by his son, James, on the street leading south-westerly from Sinclairville by the railroad depot, and lived there until his decease, at the advanced age of about go. He owned, in his lifetime, a large real estate, and was the founder of the Baptist church at Sinclairville. His grandson, John M. Schofield, was a conspicuous general of the U. S. army, and at one time secretary of war: he was born in Gerry, near the site of the Sinclairville railroad depot. Isaac Cobb, from Franklin Co., Vt., settled, in I820, upon lot 26. His sons, Freeman, Isaac, John, and Roland, also became residents of the town. Roland was for many years largely engaged in lumbering in Gerry; built the store and house now owned by S. E. Palmer, at Vermont, in I837; and was during two years in trade there. He removed from the town in 1846. Howard B. Blodgett, in 1826, opened the first store at Vermont. Sidney E. Palmer came to Gerry before I840, and became a merchant at Vermont, where he has since resided, chiefly engaged in mercantile pursuits. During his residence in Gerry, he has been a prominent citizen, and was 5 years supervisor of the town. In 1859, he was a member of assembly. Levi Cowden, Henry Warner, Elisha Baker, Stoddard Cannon, James Alverson, Benj. Matthews, Cobb Matthews, Stephen Pratt, Skelton Palmeter, Nehemiah Horton, Gardner Salisbury, Jesse Walker, Henry Kirk, Win. Mellen, Joel Ward, Jeptha L. Heminger, David Ostrander, Benjamin and Joseph Wheat, Mr. Rugg, Dr. Fargo, Ammi and James Chipman, Abiel Robbins, Benj. Wait, Paul Starr, Wm. Shepardson, Capt. Dingley, Mr. Stearns, and Pliny Shepardson, were all early settlers of the town. Some of them have left many descendants there. Stages were first run through the town in i827, by Obed Edson and Reuben Scott. In I852, the Fredonia and Sinclairvilleplank road was built in the town, passing through the village of Vermont. In 1871, the Dunkirk, Allegany Valley &6 Pittsburgh Railroad was built, passing through the west part of the town.. It has two stations in the town-Sinclairville station in the north-western part, and Vermont station. The first town-meeting in Gerry, as at present constituted, was held at the house of Calvin Cutting, May 2, I830. The officers chosen were: 400 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Supervisor-Hugh B. Paterson. Town Clerk-Howard B. Blodgett. Assessors-Wm. Mellen, Wm. M. Waggoner, Calvin Smith. Com'rs of Highways-Wm. Mellen, Jr., Willard Bucklin, Horace Strong. Com'rs of Schools-Benj. Tuttle, Jr., James Schofield, Nathan Hatch. Inspectors of Schools-iWm. Mellen, Jr., James Bucklin, Jr., Samuel J. Goodrich. Overseers of Poor-Wm. Gilmour, Gilbert Strong. Collector-Wm. Gilmour. Justices-Leander Mellen, Hugh B. Paterson. Sealer-Nehemiah Horton. Poundmaster — David Cobb. Szpervisors from 18r3 to I874. Samuel Sinclear, 1813,'15,'i6,'8,,'9,'20. Amos Atkins, 18I.4. Selah Picket, I817. Joel Burnell,,i821,'28. Hugh B. Paterson, I822 to'27, 1830, 1832 to'35 —I years. Nathan Lake, i829. James Schofield, Jr., 1851. Willard Bucklin, I837,'40,'41,'55,'57-8 years. Wm. M. Waggoner, 1838,'45. Wm. Bliss, 1839,'49. Wm. R. Wilson, 1841,'42. Sidney E. Palmer, 1843,'54,'56,'73,'74. Wm. Mellen, I850. James Bucklin, I851,'52. Lyman S. Eaton, I853. Samuel Griffith, 1858,'59. Robert Lenox, 60. Galusha Beardsley, I86I,'62,'65,'66,'69,'70-6 years. George A. Aldrich, I863,'64. Frank B. Dennison, i867,'68. Wm. H. Scott, 187I,'72. BIOGRAPHICAL AND GENEALOGICAL. WILLIAM ALVERSON, son of Thomas Alverson, was born in Rhode Island about 1780, and died in Gerry, June II, I828. He removed with his father's family to Halifax, Vt.; thence to Chenango Co., N. Y., about 181. In 1815, he removed to Gerry, and settled upon land near Vermont, that he had a few years previously selected when visiting this county. Daniel Alverson, his brother Jonathan Alverson's son, came a few years later to reside with him. Daniel died June 12, 1827. About 1821, the remainder of his brother Jonathan's family came also from the state of Vermont, to reside with him. William Alverson, and his brother James, who settled in Gerry about I820, were among the founders of the Methodist church in Gerry. ABNER DINGLEY was born July 23, 176I, and died Feb. 2, i83I. He resided in Duxbury, Mass., until he came to Chautauqua Co. He was in early life a navigator of the ocean. He and his two brothers were the owners of the ship Three Brothers, of which he was the captain. This vessel was captured near the coast of France, and confiscated under Bonaparte's decree respecting neutral vessels. This misfortune caused him to go west, and he settled in the north part of Gerry, in May or June, i8i6, upon the farm now owned by his grandson, George Dingley. WARREN DINGLEY, son of Abner, was born in Duxbury, Mass., Sept. i8, I795, and died in Gerry, Dec. 30, I853. He came to Gerry, Nov. 13, i8i6. During many years after, he navigated the great lakes, and was first mate of the Superior, the second steamboat on Lake Erie. He also built, and was part owner of, the La Grange, of which he was captain until his return, in 1832, to his farm in Gerry, near Sinclairville. He was one of the safest and GERRY. 401 most successful captains during the early navigation of the lakes. George Dingley, of this town, is his son. His brother-in-law, Melzar Hunt, who was also a sea-captain, settled on lot 48, in Gerry, in 1817. SYLVANUS EATON was born in Massachusetts in I767, and died in I848. He resided in Schoharie Co., N. Y., and subsequently emigrated to Franklin Co., Vt. March I, 1817, he removed from Vermont to the town of Gerry, upon the land he had purchased a short distance northerly from Vermont, where he had erected the body of a log house the fall before. His sons, Walter, Lyman, Pearl, and Harry, came to Gerry in 1818, and became leading citizens of the town. REUBEN FESSENDEN was born in Windham Co., Vt., Dec. I2, 1786, and died Sept. 13, i866. His wife, Lucretia, died July 2, 1865, aged 76. He was in the battle of Plattsburgh, in the last war with England. He came on foot from the state of Vermont, in the fall of I815, and put up the body of a log house on lot 46, on the highway leading from Sinclairville to Vermont. He returned on foot the same fall to the state of Vermont; and in October, 1816, he came to Gerry with his family to reside. Albro Fessenden, of this town, is his son. His brother, Solomon Fessenden, was born in Windham Co., Vt., Dec. 20, 1788, and came to Gerry a little earlier in the same year in which his brother Reuben came; and settled south-easterly from Vermont. JOHN LOVE was born Jan. 29, I789, and died in Gerry, March I8, I859. He came from Oneida Co. to Chautauqua in I809 or I8Io. About the year 1812, he removed from the town of Ellery, where he then resided, to the town of Gerry, a short distance south of Sinclairville, where he for many years kept an inn. He also, at a later period, kept the hotel at Sinclairville. He served as a soldier in the war of 182, at Buffalo. His wife, Mary S. Love, was born Sept. 14, 1788, and died Jan 29, 1857. They had 9 children: Katharine, wife of Erastus Love; Nelson; Cornelia, wife of Jacob Langworthy, residing in Charlotte; Sally; Mary, who married Arnold Kirk; Margaret; Levi, Lester, and Joy, who resides in Portland. Of these 9 children, only Cornelia and Joy are living. JOHN MCCOLLOUGH was born in Bennington, Vt., June 8, 1788, and died in Gerry, June I7, I874. He came to Otsego when quite young, and, while residing there, he was married to Cynthia St. John. In 1812, he moved to Ontario Co.; and, in the spring of I8I7, to Arkwright in this county. In the fall of the same year he moved to Gerry, near Sinclairville. Two years and a half later, he purchased a farm two miles south of Sinclairville, which he owned for many years. For I6 years he was a justice of the peace in Gerry. MELZAR SYLVESTER was born in Massachusetts, about the year 1784, and died in Gerry, in Dec., I863. When quite young, he removed to Lewis Co., N. Y., where he learned his trade, that of tanner and currier. He afterwards resided in Madison Co., where he was married to Anna Gilmore, the sister of James and Wm. Gilmore. Mr. Sylvester first came to Fredonia, and about I8II moved to Gerry, near Sinclairville. His children were: I. Fordyce, 26 402 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. who married Mary Kirk, and now resides in Gerry. 2. William, who married Jane Woodworth, and died in Gerry. 3. Darwin, who married Mary Strong, and resides in Sinclairville. 5. Henry, who married F. Ursula Edson, and resides in Sinclairville. 5. Edwin, who married Mary Race, and resides in Gerry. 6. Charlotte, wife of George W. Sinclear, and resides in Gerry. 7. Mary Ann, wife of Jarvis B. Rice, deceased, formerly sheriff of Chautauqua county; she resides in Sinclairville. 8. Rosette, who was twice married; first to Dr. Samuel Parker, and afterwards to Martin Dunton; she is deceased. 9. Elizabeth, wife of Henry'F. Terry, deceased; she resides in Gerry. Rev. JONATHAN WILSON was born in Colerain, Mass., April 12, 1777, and died in Gerry, N. Y., May 13, I868, aged 91 years. He came from Guilford, Vt., to this county in August, 1818, as a missionary of the Shaftsbury (Vt.) Baptist Board of Missions. He organized a number of churches in the county in 1819 and 1820, among which were the First Baptist Church of Sinclairville, the First Baptist Church of Mayville, the First Baptist Church of Portland, and the Second Baptist Church of Ellicott. He held the first religious meeting in town, in 1818. The First Baptist Church in Gerry was organized about I820, as a branch of the Stockton Baptist church, and held their meetings at Jerry M. Abbey's log house, at what was then known as "The Huddle," a little cluster of log houses near the " Old Cutting Stand." During his ministry of 58 years, he baptized, by immersion, 1,392 persons; preached about 9,000 sermons, in ten different states, and traveled 75,000 miles. He had two sons, William R. and Austin. The latter married Sarah Burch, in Rhode Island, and never resided permanently in Chautauqua county. WILLIAM R. WILSON, son of Jonathan, was born Feb. 23, I8o0, and came from Guilford, Vt., with his father, in August, I8I8, and settled on lot 34, in Gerry, where he now resides. His wife, Rebecca Fisher, from Grafton, N. H., who was born June 7, 1799, joined him here the following year, making the journey of 400 miles in 19 days. He is a member of the Baptist church in Gerry, which was early organized by his father. He has also served the people of his town during a large portion of the time since its formation, in the offices of supervisor, assessor, and justice of the peace. He had i i children: I. William W., who married Lurissa G. Cutting, and resides in Jamestown. 2. NVewel J., who marrried Laura Strong, and resides in "Vermont Settlement." 3. Betsey Mlila, wife of Jonah E. Cutting, in Dagolia, Pa. 4. Marvin, who married Rachel A. Strong, sister of Newel's wife. He died in the "settlement," where his widow resides. 5. Austin C., who married Agnes Kishlar. He also died here; she died in Michigan. 6. Caroline R., deceased, who was the wife of Dennis Smith. 7. Harriet A., who married Samuel B. Woods, and died here. 8. Emily A., who married John Strong, both living. 9. Jarz'is K., who married Cordelia M. Partridge, and resides at Vermont. io. Mary Jane, who died in infancy. I. Odin G., who married Rosamond Jackson, and resides here. ., i.,,~ ~.........~ L~-.~ llN ~_~~ ~::X~~~~~~~~~~rC;: ~: ~ ~ ~ ~ 2V~ M HANOVER. 403 CHURCHES. The Methodist Episcopal Church in Gerry was the first religious association in the town, and was formed in or about the year 1819, the first religious meeting having been held in the spring of 8188, by Elder Jonathan Wilson. The Society, as such, was subsequently organized under the general statute of the state; and December 12, i828, a deed was executed to James Schofield, the grandfather of Major-General Schofield, Wm. Alverson, and Stoddard Cameron as its trustees, of Ioo acres of land, by the Holland Land Company, of lands appropriated by them to religious purposes. Upon this land was built the first church erected in the town, which was situated upon lot 53, and on the road leading from Sinclairville to Vermont, a little north-west from the center of the town. The First Baptist Church of Gerry was formed by Rev. Jonathan Wilson, about 1820. It was composed chiefly of members from the Stockton Baptist church. They held their meetings in Jerry Abbey's log house, at what was then known as "The Huddle," a small cluster of log houses near the old Cutting stand. The only church edifice in the town is a free church which will seat 200 persons, built a few years since at Vermont. HANOVER. HANOVER was formed from Pomfret, June i, 1812. Villenova was taken from it in 1823, and a part of Sheridan in 1827. It comprises township 6, of the Ioth range, which, besides the territory usually contained in a township 6 miles square, extends several miles north to Lake Erie and Cattaraugus creek, which form its northern boundary. A part of the Cattaraugus Indian reservation lies in the north-east part of the town. The principal streams in the interior of the town are Silver creek, which flows in a north-west -direction through the town into Lake Erie; and Walnut creek, which runs through all the western border lots of the town, and forms a junction with Silver creek near its mouth. The soil is chiefly clay and gravelly loam. Silver Creek and Forestville are incorporated villages. The former was incorporated June 8, I848, and had, in 1870, a population of 666; the latter, incorporated April 4, I849, had a population of 722. Irving, on Cattaraugus creek, near Lake Erie, had about 600 inhabitants. The upper part of this village was for many years called La Grange. Probably through the influence of the Irving Company, who had in prospect the western terminus of the N. Y. & Erie railroad at the mouth of the Cattaraugus, and whose operations are noticed in a subsequent page, the name of the post-office was changed to Irving. The earliest residents of the town of Hanover settled at and near the Cattaraugus creek, on lands embraced in what was termed Cattaraugus Village. 404 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. The dates of their settlement can not in all cases be definitely stated. In the following list of purchases, the dates indicate the times of the execution of the articles of agreement. The numbers followed by the initials C. V, represent the numbers of the lots in Cattaraugus Village, of which there was a survey separate and distinct from that of the rest of the town. Original Purchases in the Town of Hanover. 1804. December 31, Charles Avery, 3, C. V. Wm. G. Sidney, 1, 2, C. V., transferred to John Mack. i805. Jesse and John Skinner, 73. May, John Tyler, 10. I806. March, Charles Avery, 5, 56, C. V., transferred and articled to Sylvanus Mabee. July, Amos Sottle, 55, 59, C. V. Oct., Abner Cooley, 61. 1807. John Smith and David Scott, 73, articled to Artemas Clothier. May, Ezra Puffer, 58, C. V. August, Samuel Johnson, 68. i8o8. June, Rufus Washburn, 57. Benjamin Kenyon, 63, C. V. Sylvanus Mabee, 7. Nov., Walter Lull, and Martin B. Tubbs, 50. I809. May, Samuel Johnson, 51. Amos Ingraham, 5, C. V. June, Daniel Holbrook, 58. September, Guy Webster, 3. Artemas Clothier, 73. December, Joseph Brownell, ii. Asher Cooley, 53. I8I0. January, Thomas Chapman, 13. March, Guy Webster, io. April, Daniel Farnham, 5I. James Webb, io. James Bennett, 59. May, Alpheus Cotton, 34. Uriah Nash, 19. Wm. Jones, 33. James Knapp, I8. Joseph Lull, -. June, Thomas White, 57. Joseph Lull, 50. July, John Patterson. December, John Mack. I8II. January, Benj. Kenyon, 6i, C. V. April, Job Knight, 63. Hezekiah Fisk, 53. August, Isaac Smith, Erastus Scott, 45, 53. November, Reuben Edmonds, 55, 74. December, Salmon Prentiss. 1812. March, Jacob Burgess, 72. Nedabiah Angell, 47. I814. April, Benj. Smith, 45. July, Otis Tower, 69. Dec., Uriah Nash, I9. I815. February, James Webb, 19. September, Joseph Brownell, 20. I8I6. March, David Convis, 54. Norman Spink, 52. October, George E. Kirkland, 5. November, Orlando Wilcox, Christopher McManus. Dec., Walter Libbey, I 2. 1817. February, Thos. Nevins, 37. April, Wm. McManus, 32. Samuel P. McKee, 35. i8i8. November, Salmon Gregory, 59. 1820. June, James E. Mack, i6, C. V. 1822. May, James Black, 33. I823. October, Wm. Pattison, 53. November, Israel Pattison, 43. 1826. December, George Love, 3. 1827. February, William Dinsmore, 32. March, Don' S. Downer. December, Belinus Green. From the foregoing list it appears that Charles Avery was the earliest purchaser of land in Hanover; and' it may hence be inferred that he was the first settler. But several persons are said to have lived at Cattaraugus creek before Mr. Avery came. And he was there himself a year or more before the date of his purchase. It is generally conceded that the first person who lived there was Amos Sottle, who, however, it will be seen, did not obtain an article until I806. It is extensively believed that he was the earliest settler in this county. HANOVER. 405 In regard to the settlement in this town, the following statements will probably not be disputed: In 1798 and 1799, Sottle assisted in surveying the range and township lines in this part of the Holland Purchase. He is designated on the records among the names of the surveying company employed by Mr. Ellicott, as "Amos Sawtel, axeman." He is said to have had a " shanty" near the creek, in which he lived alone, for a year or longer previous to his entering into the service of the Holland Land Company. He afterwards went to the northeastern part of Ohio, then a part of the great North-western Territory, where he was for a time engaged in similar labor with a surveying company. He returned in I80o, accompanied by Sydney or Skinner, who ferried emigrants across the creek, and built a small log house for the entertainment of travelers. This property afterwards came into the possession of John Mack, by whom it was kept for many years. The following brief statement of the early settlement in the north part of the town, as taken from the list of original purchases, and as given by early settlers, is believed to be correct: Charles Avery purchased lot 3, C. V., Dec. 3I, I804; and in March, i806, lots 5, 56, C. V., transferred and articled to Sylvanus Mabee. Mr. Avery had a small assortment of goods for trade with the Indians. Wm. G. Sidney, also Dec. 31, I804, bought lots I, 2, C. V., transferred to John Mack. Sidney is said to have come as early as I80o or I802, and afterwards kept an inn for the accommodation of persons traveling to the West, a large portion of them being emigrants from Connecticut to the Western Reserve in Ohio, then known as New Connecticut. Jesse and John Skinner settled on lot 73, articled Feb., i805, and John Tyler on lot io, bought in May, I805. Amos Sottle, who claimed to have been the first settler in the county, took articles of lots 55 and 59, C. V., July, i806. Abner Cooley, 6i, Oct., i806. In I807, John Smith and David Scott bought part of lot 73, which was articled to Artemas Clothier. In May, i807, Ezra Puffer bought lot 58, C. V. In i808, Benj. Kenyon bought lot 63, C. V. Samuel Prentiss purchased in the north part of the town, in I8II. A son, Dr. Salmon M. Prentiss, is a practicing physician at Irving. Otis Tower settled on lot 69, bought in 1814. His sons, Lanson and Lyman, with their families, still reside in the town. Salmon Gregory, on lot 68, bought in 18I8. In the north part of the town, Samuel Johnson, I807, bought on lot 68, where he settled, and afterwards removed to lot 5I, near Forestville, where he died. He had no sons. A daughter is the wife of the late Rev. I. H. Tackett, of Forestville. Ephraim Hall was an early settler, about I809, an estimable citizen, and for many years a justice of the peace. His sons were: Solon, owner of a mill at Irving, and long since deceased; Rev. Wm. Hall, missionary on Allegany reservation; Benj. F., superintendent of the Thomas Orphan Asylum on Cattaraugus reservation. At a later period, Lyman Howard, a blacksmith and farmer, settled near Silver Creek. His son, Allen G., and two daughters, reside at Hornellsville. Philo Newton, 406 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. from Mass., came with his family about i818. His sons were Philo, Isaac, Samuel, Lyman, Charles, George, and Henry J. Samuel and Lyman are farmers in town. Henry J. resides at Silver Creek, and has been a justice of the peace. He owns a tract of fine land on Cattaraugus bottoms, and a grist-mill and a saw-mill at Irving. The four other sons are deceased. Rufus L. Bonney, a captain in the war of I812, settled on Cattaraugus flats at Irving, soon after the war, where he resides at an advanced age, and is still a pensioner. Charles A. H. McGregor, a nephew of Joseph Ellicott, was a merchant and farmer at Irving. His wife is a daughter of Reuben W. Moore, a keeper of the Cattaraugus House [Mack's old stand,] and proprietor of a line of stages between Buffalo and Erie. William Cole built the first toll bridge across Cattaraugus creek for Rufus S. Reed, an old settler at Erie, Pa. He was an active business man, and died July 3, I872. John Mack, an early settler [i806,] was long an innkeeper and ferryman. A son, John, resides at South Bend, Indiana. James, another son, died in town at an early age. His widow married Samuel T. Barr, and resides in Portland. Asa Gage, a blacksmith, settled early at Silver Creek, and was father-in-law of Wm. D. Talcott. Albert G. Adsit settled on lot 63, where he still resides. His sons, Henry and Leonard, reside in Silver Creek; another son, Charles D., died in Milwaukee, in 1873. Among a later class of settlers in the north part of the town were the following: Henry P. Wilcox, from Connecticut about 1826, was a son of a Revolutionary general, practiced medicine many years, and was several years assistant secretary of state. About 1829, Abraham Plumb, brother of Joseph, Ralph, and Alvin, settled at Irving, and was interested in mill property. John I. Thorn, from Dutchess Co., about 1830, a member of the Society of Friends, was a merchant in company with Judge Niram Sackett, at La Grange, [now Irving,] and died in 1836. No sons living. His four daughters married respectively, Niram Sackett; John J. Gurnsey, now of Buffalo; Henry H. Hawkins, merchant, Silver Creek; and Rev. Francis Granger, of Forestville. Ezekiel B. Gurnsey, from Dutchess Co., in 1831, was a supervisor, justice, and a member of assembly. A son, Duane L., formerly a merchant at Fredonia and La Grange, and a farmer, now resides at Pittsford, N. Y. A daughter is the wife of Orson Stiles, banker at Fredonia. John J. Gurnsey, brother of Ezekiel, was a partner in mercantile and other business in La Grange. Jane, a daughter of John, is the wife of Palmer G. Strong, now of Richmond, Va.; another, Priscilla, the wife of the late Wm. H. Camp, of Randolph; another, Josephine, the wife of Warren Dow, of Buffalo. A son, Delos, was killed in battle at Williamsburgh, Va. Cephas R. Leland, a lawyer, settled at La Grange, about I836. [See portrait and sketch.] Thomas B. Stoddard, also a lawyer, settled about the same time; removed to the West, and resides at La Crosse, Wis. Abiathar Gates, from Madison Co., settled at Silver Creek about I830. He was father-in-law of Amos Dow, formerly of Silver Creek, now merchant and HANOVER. 407 banker at East Randolph, N. Y.; also of A. Farnham Howard, railroad conductor, Dunkirk; and of the late Dr. Spencer Ward. Sylvester Andrews settled at Silver Creek. He was father of Wilson Andrews, whose sons are LeRoy, a lawyer at Silver Creek, and supervisor in I874; Joseph,who resides in town; and Reuben, now sheriff of Saginaw Co., Mich. David Woodbury, from Mass., settled first at Fredonia; removed about I834 to Hanover, and resides at Silver Creek. He is a Baptist minister. A son, David R., is a justice, at Silver Creek; William, another son, is a lawyer, at Gowanda, and has been a first judge of Cattaraugus Co. In the north-west part, Jacob Burgess settled on lot 72, bought in 18I2. He was a practicing physician at Silver Creek, and was father of Rev. Chalon Burgess, of Panama; of Mrs. Warren Montgomery, and of Mrs. Samuel Scoville. He was a man of science, and a skillful physician. Artemas Clothier settled, in I809, at Silver Creek [lot 73,] where he still lives at the age of 89. In the south-east part, Guy Webster, in I809, bought a part of lot 3; and Joseph Brownell, lot i i. Mr. B. was a member of the First Hanover Baptist Church, Nashville, and a deacon. Uriah Nash bought a part of lot I9, in I8o; and James Webb, a little earlier, the same year, lot i8. Mr. Webb, in I815, bought also a part of lot I9. Walter Libbey, in 1816, a part of lot 12. In December, 1826, George Love, part of lot 3. He was from Madison Co.; was a prominent citizen of Forestville, and a brother of the late Thomas C. Love, of Buffalo, a member of Congress. In the east part, Thomas Chapman settled on lot I3, where he bought in I8io. Several of his sons reside in the town. Another, Captain Hiram Chapman, lives near Versailles, and is a horticulturist. George Kirkland, on lot 5, bought in 1816. In the south part of the town, Alpheus Coon bought lot 34, in I8Io. In I817, Win. McManus, 32; and Samuel P. McKee, 35. John and Ambrose, sons of McKee, reside at Silver Creek. James Black, in 1822, bought in lot 33. A daughter was the wife of Sabin Brownell. In 1827, Wm. Dinsmoor, lot 32. In the central part of the town, Nedabiah Angell settled on lot 47, bought in I8I2. His brother, Ethan, at a later date, settled in that vicinity; and the place came to be known as " Angell's Settlement," and also as " Hanover Center." Benj. Smith, in I814, bought in lot 45, about 24 miles north-east from Forestville. Thomas Nevins, lot 37; a son, Ansel S., has been for many years a justice. He and his brother Benjamin reside in the town. About I830, Leonard Christy, from Dutchess Co., settled in the vicinity of Angell's Settlement. His sons, Gideon H. and Henry R., are farmers in the town; William L., at Silver Creek, has been a justice. In the south-west part, Walter Lull and Martin B. Tubbs, in Nov., 18o9, bought on lot 50. Tubbs was a captain of a company in the war of I812. His son, Benajah, kept a hotel many years in Forestville. Rufus Washburn bought a part of lot 57, in June, 1808. Daniel Holbrook settled on lot 58, 408 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. bought in I809. A daughter of Mr. H. is the wife of the Rev. J. Hyatt Smith, of Brooklyn; another, the wife of Frederick W. Breed, of Buffalo. Daniel Farnham bought a part of lot 5I, in I8Io; James Bennett, 59. He was a Baptist preacher, from Madison Co., and an early pastor of the Baptist church at Forestville. James Knapp, on lot I8, bought in I8Io; and Joseph Lull, 50. Mr. Knapp's descendants reside in the town. Thomas White settled on lot 57, and was a prosperous farmer. His descendants are still in town. Orlando Wilcox and Christopher McManus bought, in [8I6, lot 56. McManus was a Revolutionary soldier. Several of his sons are dead. James still resides in town. A daughter is the wife of - Gage; another, the wife of Thomas W. Wilcox, of Villenova. In I823, Wmi. Pattison, in October, and Israel Pattison, in November, bought parts of lot 43, about two miles easterly from Forestville. Thomas Frink settled early. His sons were: John; Rev. Alonzo, at Corry, Pa.; Loren, deceased; Sylvester, in the West; Thomas, [probably dead;] and Harvey. In the west part, Asher Cooley bought part of lot 53, in I8o6. In r8 II, Job Knight, 63; Hezekiah Fisk, 55; Isaac Smith and Erastus Scott, 45, 53; and Reuben Edmonds, 55. Mr. Edmonds was a justice of the peace. He removed to the West. David Convis, in 1816, bought lot 54. His son, Gen. Ezra Convis, was connected with the farmers' store at Silver Creek, then Fayette; removed to Mich., and was speaker of the house of representatives. Of the first town-meeting there is probably no record to be found. The town was formed June i, I812, after the town-meetings had been held. It is said, however, that town officers were elected that year, and that Joseph Brownell was elected supervisor. Yet the election is not recorded in the clerk's book; nor does the name of Mr. Brownell appear among the names of the supervisors in the session of the board in i812. At the session of I813, Nedabiah Angell represented the town in the board; though in the list of town officers elected in I8I3. Daniel Russell is named as supervisor. That there was an election in 1812, and that Joseph Brownell was elected supervisor, we are assured by old settlers who know the fact. The legislature of that year had been prorogued by Gov. Tompkins, by the exercise of a power vested in him by the old constitution of 1777; and was to meet again in May to complete their unfinished business. At this second meeting the.new town was formed. And as the town-meetings for the year had been held, provision was probably made for a special election for choosing town officers. But why the name does not appear among others of the board of supervisors in the fall, no person probably knows. The book entitled, Abstracts of the Proceedings of the Boards of Supervisors, gives the name of no one for supervisor'in 1812, but records the name of Nedabiah Angell as supervisor in 18 13; names Joseph Brownell for 814; and Daniel Russell for 1815. In answer to a letter of inquiry, the town clerk of Hanover sent the following list of the town officers. At the annual town-meeting held at the house of Daniel Holbrook, April 4, i8I4, officers were chosen as follows: HANOVER. 409 Supervisor-Daniel Russell. Town Clerk-Elisha Skinner. AssessorsNedabiah Angell, Martin B. Tubbs, Ezra Puffer. Collector-William Jones. Overseers of the Poor-Joseph Brown, Daniel Barber. Com'rs of Highways -Thomas White, Dennis Barnes, Reuben Edmonds. Constable-William Jones. Com'rs of Schoos —Seth Snow, Daniel Russell, John E. Howard. Inspectors of Schools-James Ball, Elisha Skinner, Artemas Clothier. Supervisors from 1812 to 1875. Joseph Brownell, 1812,'14,'i6,'17,'19. Nedabiah Angell, I8I3. Daniel Russell, 1815, 1828 to'30-4 years. Nathan Mixer, 1.820 to'24,'26,'27,'3I,'32,'36 —I years. Seth Snow, 1825. Oliver Lee, I833 to'35. Wm. Colvill, Jr., 1837,'46,'50,'5I. Ebenezer R. Avery, 1838. Adolphus F. Morrison, I839,'48. Ezekiel B. Gurnsey, I840. Thomas C. Hale, i841. Jeremiah Ellsworth, I842,'44,'45. Orson Stiles, 1843. Henry H. Hawkins, 1847. Charles H. Lee, I849,'52. Hiram Smith, I853,'54. Clark C. Swift, I855,'56. Hiram Smith, 2d, 1857 to'59. Chandler Scott, i860 to'62,'67 -4 years. Cyrus D. Angell, 1863. Wm. D. Talcott, 1864. Naham S. Scott, 1865,'66. John D. Hiller, i868,'69. Norman B. Brown, 1870,'71. Smith Clark, 1872,'73. LeRoy Andrews, 1874. Carlos Ewell, I875. SILVER CREEK. The land on which Silver Creek stands was bought by Abel Cleveland and David Dickinson. Their purchase comprised the whole of lot 74, tp. 6, r. o1, and was entered Feb. 23, I805. On the Land Company's book is the following: " The above lot was taken up in the year 1804, or the latter part of I803. For date, see contract." Of the west part of the lot, I72 acres, and of the east part, 151 acres, were articled by the Company, in two articles, to John E. Howard, the latter dated Aug. I, I803; the other probably about the same time. Cleveland and Dickinson reserved the residue, about 30 acres, on which their mills were built. The saw-mill was built first; and before the grist-mill was built, there were attached to the saw-mill a large wooden mortar and pestle for pounding corn into coarse meal. The millstones for the grist-mill were manufactured from boulders taken from the hillside about Ioo rods from where the mill stood, and were afterwards used in the mill built by Thos. Kidder and Nehemiah Heaton on Walnut creek, near where the great black walnut tree stood. In I806, Mr. Howard being the only settler here, and owner of the mill property, Norman Spinkl and Artemas Clothier came; the latter of whom still resides in the village, at the age of 89; the former died in 1873, aged 85 years. In 1828, Oliver Lee, of Westfield, bought the above mentioned property of John E. Howard. There were then about 8 or io families within the limits of the present corporation. In or about the year i8-, Nehemiah Heaton and Thomas Kidder built a saw-mill and a grist-mill where Joseph and Wilson Andrews' saw-mill stands, in the south part of the village. Later, a saw-mill was built by Hollam and John Vail, where afterwards, 1829 or I830, Hollam Vail and James Howard built a grist-mill and a carding-machine and cloth-dressing establishment. 410 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. The first store in this place, says an early settler, was kept by Stephen Clark, on the north side of Walnut creek, and was afterwards removed to the south side. Another, an equally early settler, has no recollection of Clark's store, and believes the first store was kept by John E. Howard and Manning Case, in company. John M. Cumings, at a later date, commenced trade, and continued it a year, or longer. In i828, Oliver Lee and Clark C. Swift, in company, commenced the mercantile business, and continued it until i8-, and were succeeded by Ephraim R. Ballard & Co., for a short time, after which the business was continued by Henry H. Hawkins, formerly the partner of Ballard. Mr. Hawkins is still in the business. In I829, Ammi Marchant and Daniel Rumsey commenced trade; and after the death of Mr. Marchant, the business was continued by Foote & Rumsey, and afterwards by Rumsey and Horatio N. Farnham, [firm, H. N. Farnham & Co.;] next, without change of firm name, by Farnham and Justin Clark, and Farnham and Joseph Wells. The store next passed to Mack Montgomery and Charles Wells, and a few years after to Mr. Wells, by whom, as sole proprietor, it was continued till 1872. Gen. Ezra Convis commenced trade in 1826, and continued it until [828. A farmers' store was afterwards established, of which he had the chief management. The enterprise was an unfortunate one, many of the farmers having become deeply involved by its failure. Present merchants-Henry H. Hawkins, Oliver L. Swift & Co., and H. N. Farnham. A drug store, in connection with a grocery, was kept for many years by Charles Lockwood, who now resides in Baltimore with his son Henry. A daughter is the wife of Rodney B. Smith, who also is in Baltimore. A drug store is at present kept by Melvin Montgomery and Wm. Talcott, Jr. A hardware and stove store, and the manufacture of tinware, etc., was established about 183-, by George D. Farnham and Uriah Spencer, and continued several years. George Schaffner and Rudolph Nagle are conducting a similar business at the same place. Albert G. Dow was engaged for several years in the hardware and other business in Silver Creek, and removed about 1850 to Randolph, where he is now in the banking business. He is a member of the state senate. The first tavern is supposed to have been kept by John E. Howard as early as i806, where the smut machine manufactory stands. The Silver Creek House was built by Oliver Lee in 1831 and 1832. It was kept first by LarnedGale, and was sold to Jonathan Keith, and was afterwards owned and kept by Wm. Keith. It is now owned by John Tilton, and occupied by Alva Montgomery. Alfred H. Rann was an early innkeeper in the south part of the village, then called Fayette. A distillery was built about 1823, by N. Wattles; afterwards another by Stephen Clark; later, one by Con Dalrymple; and last, one by Oliver Lee. The temperance reformation has here, as elsewhere, put a period to this branch of business. The first physician is believed to have been Jacob Burgess, who came about 812, and continued practice until his death, many years ago. Among HANOVER. 411 those who came before and after his death, were Drs. Calvin Wood, Daniel Rumsey, Austin A. Ackley, Jeremiah Ellsworth. Present physicians-Spencer Ward, George B. Bishop, John C. Cheeseman, and E. R. Howie. The first lawyer is believed to have been -- Rathbun; later, Peyton Cook, and Elisha Ward, who was also an associate judge, a member of assembly and of the senate of this state. John R. Arnold was a lawyer at Silver Creek, and also a justice of the peace. John R. McDonald came about 1848, and was a lawyer and a justice. Wm. Van Duzer was appointed postmaster, about 1832, and held the office many years. After his death, the office was held by his widow, and after her death, by her daughter Laura. Wm. D. Talcott, from Conn., came to Silver Creek about 1832. He was for many years in the lumber trade; has been supervisor of Hanover; and still resides at Silver Creek. John Vail, a brother of Hollam Vail, was a lake captain, and built one or two vessels at Silver Creek. Bushnell Andrews also was a lake captain, and resided many years at Silver Creek. Hezekiah Fisk, from Oneida Co., settled in Sheridan, on lot 67, in 1806, and a few years after in Hanover, on lot 55. He now resides at Silver Creek. He had 12 children, of whom 4 are living: Huldah, wife of H. S. Tucker, Salt Lake, Utah; Marvin, married, and lives in Mentor, O.; Polly, wife of --- Carpenter, Albany, Ill.; and R. W. Fisk, Silver Creek. Edmund Clark was an early carriage maker, and still continues the business. His son, Smith Clark, was supervisor of Hanover in 1872 and'73. Samuel Scoville was also a carriage-maker at Silver Creek. He was son-inlaw of Dr. Jacob Burgess. Ezekiel Montgomery, a millwright, at Silver Creek, died here about r868. His widow and son, Baldwin, reside in Silver Creek. Other sons are Henry, in Buffalo; and Martin, in Newark, O. The first tannery at Silver Creek was carried on by Jacob Morrison, who came there at the close of the war of 1812-15. It was on the east side of the stream, below the junction of Walnut and Silver creeks, and west of Newbury street. It was moved to the south part of the village about I824, where it did a small business till 1828. Another tannery was established about 1829 or 1830, by Luther Briggs, who continued it for many years, and sold it to Haven Brigham, by whom it was sold to Dana Spalding, who continued the business until his death, in I872. Another was built by John and Chauncey Talcott about I858, and is still doing an extensive business. Eureka Smut and Separating Machine Works.-In the spring of 1853, Simeon Howes, of Wyoming Co., became interested with Benj. Rutter and Henry Rouzer, of Ohio, in the manufacture and sale of a combined smut and separating machine. During the remainder of that year, 50 machines were made and sold. In October, Rutter and Rouzer obtained a patent for their machine. In the spring of 1854, the patent was sold, through their agents, Mr. Howes and Gardner E. Throop, to Ezekiel Montgomery and his sons, Henry and E. Martin Montgomery, of Silver Creek, with the right to sell the machine in fifteen counties in Western New York. And they sold 412 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. to Alpheus Babcock the right in nine counties of Western Pennsylvania. Certain defects having been discovered in the machine, much of the year 1854 was spent in improving it, both by Howes and Throop, and by the Montgomerys and Babcock. Yet few machines were built in I855. In I856, Mr. Howes removed to Silver Creek, and became associated with Messrs. Montgomery in the manufacture. During this year 40 machines were built; the next, about So; and they gave general satisfaction. In I857, Mr. Howes sold his interest to his partners, who continued the business until January, i866, having, in the meantime, built new shops and made about I,ooo machines. In January, 1864, Norman Babcock joined his brother Alpheus, who had for several years, and to a limited extent, manufactured a machine different, in some respects, from that of Messrs. Montgomery. And in January, i865, Mr. Howes became associated with the Babcocks, suggesting certain improvements. These, with the previous changes made by the Babcocks, formed the basis of the Eureka as now built. During this year, 200 machines were built and sold. In the fall of 865, Albert Horton became a partner, without change of the firm name, [Howes, Babcock & Co.] The new firm then bought the entire interest of Messrs. Montgomery in their establishment for $20,000, the bargain to take effect the first of January, I866. In the spring following, Horton sold his interest to Carlos Ewell, of Wyoming Co. In I866, 400 machines were made; in 1867, 700; and since that time from,000o to I,ioo yearly. They are sent to all parts of the United States, including California and Oregon; to Canada, and to South America. In i868, a patent for Great Britain was granted, and an agency established in London, which demands about 200 machines a year. At every fair in the United States where it has been exhibited, it has taken the first premium. At Manchester, England, in I869, it took a gold medal, the only one granted that year. In 1873, at Vienna, in Austria, it was awarded the medal for progress, and was the only machine to which this medal was granted. During the year 1873, the proprietors erected new and commodious brick shops, costing $20,000. Their sales amount to from $i50,000 to $175,000 a year; and employment is given to from 65 to 70 men. Bran Duster and Middlings Purifier Works.-The first bran duster of this kind was built in I860, by Wm. W. Huntley and Simeon Howes, in the shop of E. Montgomery & Co., Silver Creek. Before a trial of the instrument had been made, Howes sold his entire interest to Montgomery & Co., who, in 1862, sold it to a party in Indiana. In the same year, Mr. Huntley began the construction of another one, and soon sold a half interest to Alpheus Babcock. The machine was completed, and a patent obtained in I863. It was sold for $Ioo; and three others were built that year by Huntley. In 1864, i6 were sold; in 1865, 46. The sales continued to increase, until they numbered several hundred annually. In I869, Huntley and Babcock greatly improved their machine; and the improvements were patented in 1870. Babcock now sold his interest to Frank L. Swift, who, in 1871, sold HANOVER. 413 to Abel P. Holcomb. In I872, Huntley& Holcomb began to construct the Excelsior Disintegrating Middlings Purifier, from plans invented and patented by them. In October, i872, August Heine bought a third interest in the concern. In 1873, the firm bought another patent, the right of which had been contested by two claimants; the company buying out both parties. Their shops were now crowded to their utmost capacity, without supplying the demand. In 1869, the first machine was shipped to England for trial, which proved entirely successful. Hundreds have since been sent to England, Ireland, and Scotland, superseding those manufactured in those countries. Large numbers are also sent to Canada, and to the South American states. Depots have been established for their sale in California and Oregon. The manufacture of the middlings purifier had hardly commenced before the completion of their three-story shop and the requisite machinery, in February, I873. To meet the demand, it was necessary to employ upwards of 40 men. The material consumed the first year, [1873,] was: Of lumber, about Ioo,ooo feet; castings, 40 tons; wrought iron, Io tons; producing 340 machines, the sales of which amounted to $II2,40I. FORESTVILLE. Jehiel Moore, a natiVe of Conn., and a son of Capt. Roger Moore, a soldier of the Revolution, was born Sept. I7, 1774. After a residence with his father at Butternuts, N. Y., and Salmon Creek, N. Y., he came to Chautauqua Co. In I808, he opened a bush road from the Erie road to the falls of Walnut creek, at Forestville, and built the first saw-mill at that place, below the falls. In I809, he removed his family in, and erected the-first grist-mill in Forestville, and finished it the next spring. He is said to have built the first house in that village. He was captain of a company in the war of I812. After the burning of Buffalo he became disheartened, and declared he would not live in a state that had so disgraced itself; and in February following, [I814,] he removed with his family to Hamilton Co., O., where he died Dec., 8I17, aged 43. His wife died there before him. His children returned to this county in I8i8. Four of them went to Cayuga county. He was a good officer, a brave man, and an excellent pioneer settler. Jonathan L. Bartoo, from Sangerfield, N. Y., settled in Hanover, in I8I4; having previously labored in Pomfret for several years as a mill-wright. He removed to Erie Co., where he died in I852. His sons John and Augustus reside in Forestville; Jesse, in Will Co., Illinois. Samuel Swan is believed to have been the first blacksmith in Forestville. Daniel Barber, from Madison Co., was an early blacksmith, and built the brick house, now owned by Newton Smith. John Hurlbut, from Connecticut, came to Forestville in 1824. He was a blacksmith, and is said to have been also the first wagon-maker in the place. He died in 1863. His widow resides in the village. Their children are: Mary, wife of Norman B. Brown, merchant; John F., Simon L., William, and Olive. All reside in town, except William, in Nevada. 414 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Albert H. Camp, from Whitesboro', N. Y., came to Hanover as a merchant's clerk, in I8I7, and commenced business on his own account at Forestville in I820, and continued in business there between 30 and 40 years. During a part of this time he was, as elsewhere stated, associated with Wm. Colvill. He is said to have been previously, for a time, in partnership with Wm. Holbrook, in the same business. Benj. Eastwood settled at Forestville, and owned a part of the land on which the village stands. Mr. E. gave to the Baptists the lot on which their meeting-house stands. Robert Morrison settled near Forestville in the year i815. His sons were John, Adolphus F., Robert, Ransom S., Wilson, and Orrin. John, Adolphus and Orrin were merchants in Forestville for many years. Orrin built and kept a hotel in Forestville, which was subsequently owned by Elias Carrington, and was burned in I873. Orrin is now in Alabama. Adolphus was, in I843, a member of assembly. The first three.above named are deceased. John McClanathan was an early settler near Forestville. His son John B., who married a daughter of Nathan Mixer, resides at Fredonia. William McClanathan settled 3 m. south from Forestville. His son Corydon lives near the homestead. Samuel Vincent, son-in-law of William McClanathan, resides in Silver Creek. John and Wm. McC. are both deceased. Rev. James Bennett, from Madison Co., was an early merchant and innkeeper, and is said to have been the first ordained minister [Baptist] in Forestville. Rev. Benj. P. Hill settled early near Forestville, where he resided until his death. He was a Methodist, and itinerated for many years over the surrounding country. His son John also was a preacher, and died in Pennsylvania. The first mills at Forestville, we are told, were built by Jehiel Moore; a saw-mill in i808, and a grist-mill in I809 and i8Io. Another informant says, Anderson built the saw-mill, having bought the grist-mill and farm of Moore; then sold the property to Pope, who sold to Colvill. A carding and cloth-dressing establishment was built about I820, by Harvey Holbrook, son of Daniel, below Forestville, where is now a woolen factory, owned by Norton Brown. Hanover claims the honor of having produced the largest tree in the county-perhaps the largest in the state. It was a black walnut, and stood a short distance west of the Fredonia road bridge across Walnut creek, which takes its name from this famed tree. This tree was 27 feet in circumference and 9 feet in diameter. It was very tall and straight; and the lowest limb was 70 feet above the ground. It was blown down on the 22d of April, 1822. Being hollow at the butt, about 12 feet was cut off from the lower end, and the inside worked down and smoothed out, leaving a shell about 4 inches thick. While lying on the ground, a man, it is said, rode through it on horseback. It was raised on end, and used for some time as a grocery; and on one occasion by a ladies' tea-party. An old settler says it was sold for $200 to Titus Roberts and Stearns, who mounted it on a carriage HANOVER. 415 fitted up for its transportation, and started on a tour of exhibition. The Erie canal having just been completed, they moved their curiosity toward the canal. On their arrival at Lockport, or some other point near that place, as our informant [now deceased] said, their expenses having exceeded their receipts, they abandoned their enterprise and returned. Another party, having got possession of the tree, took it to New York, and after a tolerably successful exhibition, disposed of it. It was taken to England, and put into a London museum, where it was destroyed by fire. The Fredonia Censor, of Dec. 27, 1826, contains the following, taken from a New York paper: "The proprietor of the new Museum in Chatham street, has engaged, for a short time, a most wonderful production of nature, the Big Black Walnut Treefrom Lake Erie. This immense curiosity measures 31 feet in circumference, and is universally admitted to be the largest production of the vegetable world. The inside of this tree is hollowed out, and most splendidly fitted and furnished as a drawing room, and contains, with other ornaments, an orginal letter of Geo. Washington. There have been inside of this tree, at one time, 39 persons standing and 17 sitting. From this fact some idea can be formed of this giant of the forest." A few weeks later, a New York paper says: "This great and most interesting curiosity will be exhibited for a few weeks longer. The number of visitors who have been seated in this tree, now amounts to nearly Io,ooo, among whom we had the pleasure of seeing his excellency, the Governor, and his lady, the late Chancellor Sanford, the Hon. Mayor and Recorder, and several of the corporation of the city; all of whom expressed their delight." In 1828, the arrival of the "Big Walnut" in London was announced. The London Literary Gazette said: "A calculation has been made showing that this tree would contain, on shelves projecting not more than six inches, 3,000 volumes." A New York paper said, the Big Walnut was sold for $3,000, previously to its being taken to England. It had produced twice that sum during its exhibition. It was sold in London, July io, I828, to the proprietor of the British diorama. IRVING. This name was given to the settlement at the old ferry, where the railroad dep6t now is. The village now includes what was formerly called La Grange, one mile above'the old ferrying place. It was named in honor of La Fayette, who resided at La Grange, in France. Irving gave promise of becoming a place of considerable importance. In the expectation of the terminus of the New York & Erie railroad being fixed near the mouth of Cattaraugus creek, a large village plot was surveyed by a company of capitalists, among whose members were Erastus Corning, Samuel B. Ruggles, Wm. L. Marcy, Oliver Lee, Addison Gardner, Heman J. Redfield, John Cotes, Thomas B. Stoddard, A. G. Stevens, Ezekiel B. Gurnsey, Dr. Henry P. Wilcox, and Wm. Samuel Johnson. Several appropriations for harbor improvement were made by Congress; and Lieut. R. T. P. Allen, of the U. S. topographical engineers, was superintendent. Dunkirk having been decided on for the 416 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. terminus of the railroad, and Congress having withheld further appropriations, the city project and the prospective fortunes were never realized. A project of Joseph Ellicott was to tap the Cattaraugus about three miles above its mouth, and conduct the water along the side of the hill, to furnish a good water power at Irving. This company revived the project, which, for the reasons mentioned, failed with the general enterprise. It was intended to make Irving a great manufacturing place. Smith's fills is a small post village a short distance east from Hanover Center, near the Erie railroad, and was the residence of the late Rodney R. Smith, whose sketch will be found on another page. It contains a hotel, a school-house, and the usual mechanic shops. In I865, Martin & Co. established a tannery there, which affords employment to upwards of 20 persons, and is said to consume annually 2,500 cords of bark, and to tan 30,000 sides of leather. Its population, in I870, was 128. Nashville is situated on the east line of the town, and has a post-office, two churches, a store, a blacksmith shop, and a cheese factory, which uses the milk of 600 cows, and manufactures annually about 30,000o pounds of cheese. The place takes its name from Deacon Silas Nash, an early settler. BIOGRAPHICAL AND GENEALOGICAL. CYRUS D. ANGELL, a native of Hanover, was born April 24, 1826. The Angell family was a pioneer, not only in the settlement of this county, but of the United States. The line is distinctly traced to one of that name who accompanied Roger Williams to America. In the dead of winter, 1836, Williams left Salem to seek among the Indians of Narragansett the Christian freedom denied him in Puritan Massachusetts. Although his church was numerous and devoted to him, and many did eventually cast their lot with his, but five persons followed him in his perilous midwinter journey. The intrepid clergyman records, that he was " sorely tossed for fourteen weeks, not knowing what bed or bread did mean." One of the five devoted followers was a lad of only i8 years. His name was Thomas Angell. He came from England with Williams in i63I, being then I3 years of age. Although he was one of the six original founders of the " Providence Plantation," his name does not appear on the deed of settlement, for the reason that being a minor, he was not eligible to receive and to hold property-a disability that has been obtained against very few who have helped to found states! He, however, received his allotment of land on attaining his majority, and held and occupied it until his death. The estate thus honorably acquired from the Indian owners, by purchase, and subsequently confirmed by royal patent of the British crown, the family of Thomas Angell hold in unbroken title to this day. In 1652, he was appointed by the colonists to be one of the six commissioners to frame a code of laws for their governance; and he retained the confidence of his fellow-citizens to the day of his death, in I694. He left two sons to perpetuate his name. His descendants seem to have inherited much -::::: -:~-1~:~::::i:I_::::::;:::::::: _::::: I::::: -D:r r.,:ii::,ri:i-,:ri:i:-::r:~::::-r::::::::::::::::: 1::: —::: i'-:: -::::: R::x:IR-:sgr:.::;BB:i 81:"::::::::::::::::: i:::::.::::'::jr::i :::::::::: —::::::::-:::: i: -:::::r::ii-:-::--i-:::::I::-::: ri:i ~: r bi:j ~::::::::::~:: ~: aia ii:~i"i'':i:i::i:i::: -::_::::: ~~ ~ii, ii:: —::::~::::-:::-:i:i:-:::j:::::_-:::::i:i:"::'::-::::'::::::::-:i:::::::I::::-_:-: HANOVER. 417 of his patriotic qualities. The name appears frequently in the history of the old French and the Revolutionary wars. Col. Samuel Angell was in command of the Rhode Island troops in T857, in the attack on the Fort William Henry. Col. William Angell distinguished himself in the Revolution, by his gallantry and patriotism, for which he received two gold medals, one from Washington; the other from Lafayette. Joseph Angell, a descendant of Thomas, was the author of legal works which have obtained such a recognition in English courts as is accorded to few American law-writers. Another descendant is the late Hon. Anson Burlingame, late United States minister to China. The family genealogy is traced from the brave English lad, in the following line: Thcmas Angell died in I694; John Angell, in 1720; Daniel Angell, in 1750; Nedabiah Angell, in 1786; Esek Angell, in i836; Ethan Angell, born in I798; died in 1870; Cyrus D. Angell, born in 1826, now of Forestville. Ethan Angell, father of Cyrus D. Angell, was born in Pownal, Vt. His childhood was passed in Berkshire Co., Mass., but he left home, in r816, for the western wilds; and the boy pioneer joined his elder brother, Nedabiah, who had settled in Pomfret, [now Hanover,] in I8Io, about four miles east of the present site of Forestville, and there resided until I833, and again justified his family name, and departed for the wilderness, where now is Michigan. The locality of his choice in Hanover, has ever since borne the name of Angell Settlement. Ethan Angell first settled upon a farm about a mile east of Hanover Center. In 18I9, he married Margaret Dawley. Three children were born to them-two daughters and a son. In 1822, he removed to Angell Settlement, where he resided, a respected citizen, till the day of his death, June I8, I870. The Angell homestead in Hanover, like that in Rhode Island, still remains in the family, being now the property of C. D. Angell. The present representative of this long and honorable line, Cyrus D. Angell, was born at Hanover Center, April 24, 1826. He was for several years engaged in farming, mercantile, and real estate affairs in Hanover. In 1863, he was elected supervisor of the town. He was postmaster at Forestville from r86i until his resignation in I869. The discovery of petroleum in Western Pennsylvania, attracted enterprising men from all parts of the Union, among them Mr. Angell. He first explored for oil successfully in the river portion. of Venango county, in 1867, and subsequently made fortunate ventures at Belle Isle, a little island in the Allegany river, 32 miles from Oil City. He studied the rationale of oil developments, and succeeded in tracing, on the earth's surface, the subterranean oil fields. This was done, not by the aid of any " divining rod" jugglery, but by a carefully evolved theory, matured and demonstrated by successful "strikes." The plan of operating thus invented is known as the "Angell oil belt theory;" and from the date of its promulgation, oil developments have proceeded upon its principles. Guided by this great idea, Mr. Angell and others struck out boldly into unknown territory; and the result was the opening of the 27 418 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. great oil fields of lower Venango, Armstrong, Butler, and other counties. This remarkable theory and the train of investigation that led to its invention, may be found fully elucidated in an article published in the New York Tribune of June 8, I87o. Mr. Angell was married at Belleville, Aug. 9, 1848, to Lucina A. Shepard, daughter of Rev. G. Shepard. They have three children: a son, Elgin A., and two daughters, Isabel and Georgie. DR. AMOS R. AVERY was born in Brookfield, Madison Co., in 1805. His parents were from Conn. He came to Forestville in I833, as a physician, and has remained here to the present time. There is now no practicing physician in the county who was in practice here when Dr. Avery came. He was a graduate of Fairfield Medical College, Herkimer Co., N. Y., and was married, in 1831, at Brownville, Jefferson Co., to Lucina Allen, of Turin, Lewis Co. His grandfather was at the memorable massacre at Wyoming. The family, consisting of 8 persons-parents and children-were taken prisoners by the Indians; were kept three days, and released, and returned to Connecticut. Dr. Avery has 2 children: Agnes, wife of John E. White, real estate clerk, in New York. Sherman S., a graduate of Cornell University, an attorney at law; married Mary Swift, of Forestville, and resides at Petrolia, and is cashier of Argyle savings bank. WILLIAM COLVILL, from Scotland, in 1820, settled with his family at Forestville. He bought a farm, on which part of the village now stands, and the grist-mill early built by Jehiel Moore, which he greatly enlarged and improved. Mr. Colvill resided here until the time of his death. The children of Mr. Colvill were: Margery, the wife of Albert H. Camp; William, who married Mary Love; Daniel G., a physician at Forestville; George, who married Hannah Tubbs; Jane, the wife of Ernest Mullett; and Margaret, the wife of Augustus F. Corey, of Elmira. WILLIAM COLVILL, JR., son of the above, was born in Scotland, in March, I797, and emigrated with his father to this county in 1820, and continued ihis residence in Forestville until his death, August 9, 1874. He early formed.a partnership with Albert H. Camp in the mercantile business, under the firm of Camp & Colvill. Mr. Colvill had other mercantile connections. In I837,'46,'50, and'5i, he was supervisor of Hanover. He was educated in the best schools in his native land; and among his early tutors was the famous Thomas Carlyle. His wife died about four years ago. His,children were: i. Jane, wife of John D. Wheat, and has removed to Minnesota. 2. Elizabeth, the wife of Wm. P. Tanner, in Minnesota. 3. Mary, the wife of Daniel Sherman, attorney at law, Forestville. 4. William, who served as colonel in the late war, and was disabled by a wound received in battle. He was since, for a time, editor of the Goodhue County Republican, at Red Wing, Minn., and now resides in that vicinity. 5. George, who resides at Forestville. THOMAS G. ELLIS came from Madison Co. to Forestville in I831, where he established himself in the cabinet-making business, which he continued HANOVER. 419 until near the present time, when it was assumed by his son, Francis D. Ellis. He held for many years the office of justice of the peace in this town. He was married, in I826, to Sophia Dickinson, of Jefferson Co. Their children were: Francis D., who was married, first, to Abi Phillips; second, to Jennie Hall, of Portland; Mary, who resides at home, unmarried; Irvine A., who went to California in 1851; was inspector in the custom-house in San Francisco; assisted in surveying Southern California; was a clerk of the senate of California; quarter-master 4 years in the late war; and returned to the custom-house, where he was employed at the time of his death. JEREMIAH ELLSWORTH was born in Charleston, N. Y., Dec. i6, i8oo. His father, Alexander Ellsworth, was a native of Windsor, Conn. He was married to Tryphena Marshall, and removed to Charleston, N. Y., where he remained till i80o, when he removed to Decatur, Otsego Co., where he died in 1802. Jeremiah, who was then about two years old, remained with his mother until he was I6, when he left home to provide for himself. Though his early educational advantages were quite limited, he had acquired a good English education, and a sufficient knowledge of other languages to enable him to go through the study of medicine, and to graduate with honor after having attended three courses of lectures at the Berkshire Medical Institute, Mass. After having paid, from his own earnings, the entire expense of his educational course, he had the means of procuring a good outfit of a horse and carriage, and a good medical library, and to pay for a year's board. In July, 1828, he came to Chautauqua Co., and commenced practice; and, May I3, 1829, he was married to Relief Holman, of Worcester Co., Mass., and settled at Silver Creek. In I846, he removed to Ellington; in 1854 to Gerry; in 1856 to Panama, where he resided until 1864, when he removed to Corry, Pa., where he now resides. While he resided in Ellington, he was elected twice to the assembly, and at the last session was the candidate of the minority party for speaker. In 1873, at the age of 73, he was unanimously elected mayor of the city of Corry. In Chautauqua county, he was several times elected to the office of justice of the peace. He had io children: i. Jerome, who married Mary Leet, of Ellington, and died there in I85I. 2. Byron, who married Alice McKenzie, of Mayville. He was treasurer of Chautauqua county, and now resides in Corry, Pa. 3. Irzinzg, who died in Iowa, unmarried. 4. LeRoy, who married Gelany Edict, and died in Union, Pa. 5. Levantia, died in infancy. 6. Sara/ Elvira, wife of Fred Saxton, Corry, Pa. 7. Celestia Helen, wife of Alexander McKenzie, of Mayville. 8, 9. Edward and Elizabeth, twins, died inf. io. Frank D., who married Hattie Hart, and resides in Corry. DANIEL FARNHAM, from Madison Co., in i8II, settled on lot 5I, on land bought in I8Io. He had 6 sons: Daniel, Porter, Fry, Harmon H., Thomas H., John W., in Wisconsin. Only Fry and John are living. Fry is a carpenter and joiner; has 4 daughters: Sylvia, wife of Newton Smith, Grand Rapids, Mich.; Annisteen, wife of Rodney B. Scott,' Hanover; Ellen, who married Jas. D. Nutting, Silver Creek; Ella, wife of Bristol Carrington, Forestville. 420 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. CHARLES B. GAGE was born in Hanover, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., May 21, 1820. His grandfather, Asa Gage, was born at Milford, Mass., in I756, and served nearly 7 years in the war for American independence. His wife was Mary Boton, born Feb. 22, I762. They had 13 children, all born within the space of 20 years and 8 months; the first having been born July 4, I782; the last, March 13, I803. From I782 to 1788, there was a birth every year, except 1785. There were 8 sons and 5 daughters. Jones Gage, a son, the father of Charles B. Gage, was born March 4, 1787, and was married to Philena Cook, who was born Nov. 14, I790. He removed from Jamaica, Vt., to Hanover, one mile west from Silver Creek, and three years after to the south-west part of the town, lot 48. In 1843, he removed to Wisconsin, where he died. He also had I3 children, Io sons and 3 daughters. Of these, 12 passed the age of infancy, of whom 7 are living. Only Charles B. remains in the county, the rest having removed to the western states. Chas. B. Gage was married, Dec. Ii, 1842, to Electa A. Sage, who was born Nov. i6, I817, and died May 22, I844, leaving a daughter, Clarissa A., who married James Melvin, and had twin children, Charles L. and Daisey Adelia; both parents deceased. Mr. Gage married, second, Adelia M. Sage, Oct. 8, I844. Their children were: Malcom W., who died in the army in the late war, of sickness; Eliza J., Ora C., Belinda S., De Ette A. Mr. Gage resides on the farm on which his father permanently settled in 1820, and where he resided 51 years. WHIPPLE HAWKINS was born at Providence, R. I., March 15, 1787; removed to Newport, Herkimer Co., N. Y., at the age of 5 years. He was married at Brownville, Jefferson Co., to Mary Brown; removed to Buffalo in I817; to Boston, Erie Co., in 1822; thence to Forestville, May i, 1822; and in 1828 to Pennsylvania, where he died at the residence of a daughter, in i866. Mrs. Hawkins died in Aurora, Ill., in 1854. They had ii children-5 sons and 6 daughters; of whom only one, Henry H., remained in this county. HENRY H. HAWKINS, son of Whipple Hawkins, was born Dec. 7, I809. Having served an apprenticeship at the blacksmith's trade with his father, he formed a partnership with Elijah Dewey in 1830; established the business at Irving in the spring of I831, and continued it there until 1846. He was for some time a farmer near Hanover Center. He left the farm and came to Silver Creek, where, in partnership with William R. Greenleaf, he was engaged in the manufacture of steam engines and mill machinery for about 5. years. In i857, he went into the mercantile business alone, continuing his interest in the machine manufacture until I859; and has continued the mercantile business till the present time. He was elected a justice of the peace in Hanover, in I838; supervisor, in 1847; and was a loan commissioner 6 years. He was often intrusted with the responsible business of settling estates. He was married to Sarah K. Thorn, and had five children, of whom three are living. i. Portia Thom, wife of George A. Hodson, and resides at Clinton, Iowa. 2. Sarah Elizabeth, wife of Theodore Stewart, ~~ ~~:~' ~~,;1:.:.~~:4 ~~S~~~~~~~ci ~ wP.O -,sN-~......,Y An'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ct ............~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i i:::::..................._i:i -:~liii:ii:i..........::-:-:-::::::: 1:i:::::::::~:i:::::::: ~:::::::::~::::::::: i:::: i: i::~::: i:::::::::::::::: _:::::::i:i::i:::-::::: I:l-l:i:::::::1:1:I::: 1-:::i::::l:i:::_I:~'::::.............::::-:::::::::::::::::_~:-:::-i:i:l ii:i::::::::::::::-::::::::::::::-:::KM::::-::: -:::-::i-:-:i::: -'- -- ii::iii a~~ii',li,:::-i:-:l'-:i'i~i~iiii,:ii!:ii:,:i',,i:,:i-:r~i~;~Z:6-lbiiiiii........... A A:::::::::::::::::~i-::::::: lc~i_;e::::i:::~:-i Ii::i:::::::: -:::_-_::-::::-i: i: __-::: i::::::::::::::::::ii:::i:::::i:::::::~l::i::::l::::::::j:::'-:i::::i: ~i1:~ii_:':i:::::-:~s':i::':.............:a~::: ~li::: ji:::i: i:~:i -:i:~~~li~ij~::j::j:::ii'-i: _:-:i:::::::__::i:-_i~ii::ii~ii:::::::::::::::::::::::::::1:::::l::i::l -:ii~ii~ii:.:l::::j.:::j:..:-~;.-:-:.:~jg~ ~g ~:,,,j-::;::l:ii~j: j~j~:i:::::-:..........-::::::::_:::::i:::i~~i::::::i:_i:::::::::::::',-::,:i',:1'::il::1:,I::ii,:i'::i'::i:::i':3:-:':s::.::::I~~X HANOVER. 421 assistant cashier of the Bank of Silver Creek. 3. Marcus Henry. Two died in infancy. OLIVER LEE was born in Lebanon, Conn., Dec. 23, 1791. He came to Genesee county in 18I3, and settled in Orangeville, now Wyoming county, and opened up a farm, on which he lived many years. He was an early constable, and was subsequently appointed a deputy sheriff, when the county of Genesee extended east to Genesee river, and north to Lake Ontario. He removed to Warsaw, where he kept a public house a few years. In 1823, he went into the mercantile business in Sheldon, and continued it for one year. In 1825, he came to Westfield, where, in partnership with John McWhorter, he pursued the same business several years. In the fall of 1827, he commenced trade at Silver Creek, having purchased the mill and farm previously owned by John E. Howard. In I828, he removed his family thither, and in the same year took into partnership Clark C. Swift, and, under the firm name of Lee & Swift, continued business until 1832. He again resumed business, and in 1840, he took as partner his son Charles H. Lee, and retired from the mercantile business a few years after. In 1839, he established the Bank of Silver Creek, and in I844 Oliver Lee & Co.'s Bank of Buffalo. He died suddenly in Buffalo, July 28, I846. Mr. Lee was married in Connecticut, Oct. 30, I813, to Eliza Downer, who was born July 22, 1794. They had 9 children, besides two who died in infancy. I. Eunice, who was the wife of Clark C. Swift, and died March 6, i866. 2. Caroline, who resides at Silver Creek. 3. Charles H. 4. Eliza, wife of Wm. H. Abell, of Buffalo. 5. James H., who married Lucretia M. Clark, and lives in Buffalo, and is engaged there with his brother Charles, in mercantile and other business. 6. Franklin, who married Marianne Waith, daughter of the late Rev. Wm. Waith, Sr., and resides at Lancaster; is a coal merchant, [firm of Lee & Loomis,] Buffalo. 7. Helen, wife of Henry Montgomery, of the firm of Clark, Holland & Co., in the planing business, Buffalo. 8. Johnz M., now in California. 9. Maria L., wife of Chauncey G. Talcott, a tanner and currier, at Silver Creek. CEPHAS R. LELAND had his descent from Henry Leland, the common ancestor of the Leland family in America. Of this family was John Leland, an eminent minister of the Baptist denomination. C. R. Leland, in 1827, removed with his father, Asa Leland, from Chester, Vt., to Otto, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y. Having, for a short period of time, attended the academy in his native place, and for a few months the academy at Springville, Erie Co., he engaged in the study of law, and in teaching school to obtain funds to defray the expense of his education, and to support some helpless members of his father's family. In-i832, he made a profession of religion and became a member of the Baptist church. He was admitted as an attorney and counsellor at law in 1835, and settled at Irving. He held for many years the office of postmaster at that place; and in I846 he was appointed, by Gov. Wright, attorney for the Seneca nation of Indians. The temperance cause had the benefit of his example, exhortations, and writings. An active 422 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. member of the church, the sabbath school system was an instrument through which he lent his influence for good. The third church of Hanover was organized in his house; and from that time till his removal thence, it received the aid of his prayers and his substance. The religious and benevolent institutions of the day found in him a patriotism alike practical and discerning. In August, I850, he removed with his family to Milwaukee, Wis., where he died suddenly on the 8th of September, about four weeks after his arrival. In 1835, he was married to Orphea Powers, his fifth cousin, who also was connected with the common ancestry. She was born in Sempronius, N. Y., February 22, 8io, and resided in that town and Lansing until 1833. She was married at Gowanda, and immediately removed to Irving with her husband. She was educated at the academies in Moravia and Ithaca, N. Y. She made a profession of religion in I827, and became a member of the Episcopal church; and in I839 she joined the Baptist church. She died August i, I870. Mr. Leland had two children: Cyrus P., who was born at Irving, July 31, I836, and is now auditor of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad Company, living at Cleveland, 0., the sole survivor of the family; and Jennie, born August 28, I838, and was married to George W. Perry, Esq., of Superior, Wis., Aug. 7, I856, and died July 9, 1863. GEORGE LOVE, from Madison Co., settled near Forestville in 1820, where he resided until his death. He is said to have first suggested the present name of the village. He was a brother of Thomas C. Love, of Buffalo, many years since a member of Congress from that district. The children of George Love were: Mary, wife of Wm. Colvill, Jr.; Maria, who died at I9; Levi, married, and lives in Ohio; Louisa, unmarried; Hannah, who resides in Minn.; George W., who married Abby Love, and resides at Forestville; Laura, wife of James D. Warren, of Buffalo, co-proprietor of the Commercial Advertiser; Melissa, wife of Hiram Smith, of Jamestown; Maria, who died at 6; and Albert T., who married Mary Warren, Newstead. NATHAN MIXER was born in Framingham, Mass., May 4, 1786, and removed with his father's family to Madison Co.; and thence, in I817, to Hanover, having bought the year previous of Jonathan Bartoo his mill property, and the farm on which John A., son of Nathan Mixer, now resides, near Forestville, where he resided until his death, Jan. ii, I87I. He was supervisor of the town ten years. In 1825,'28 and'29, he was a member of assembly, and for a number of years an associate judge of the county court. He became a member of the Baptist church, and gave to it during the remainder of his life an active and efficient support, and was a friend and promoter of benevolent institutions generally. He was married in Madison Co., June 20, i808, to Rhoda Frink, and in I817 removed to this town, as above stated. Mrs. Mixer was born Feb. 19, I791. The children of Nathan and Rhoda Mixer were: i. Sarah, wife of Moses Sperry, deceased; she resides in Rochester. 2. Sylvia, who married Levi Warren; they reside in California. 3.. Nanlcy, wife of John B. McClanathan, of Fredonia. 4. Elbridge G., who married Nancy Walker, of Fredonia, moved to Detroit, I: i:::ii:_ k::::~::-:i-~ii-ci~ii~'-ii-~ -''':-: —'::: —.:::.I I'~~I-l I~iirl:-'::::::,r~l~~~N.4 ~ i~ii-~.ii-~-i ~':~'"''~~'i~~_~~ ~ .*.............................................................................................................-............................/ e........4........ HANOVER. 423 where he died Sept. i, 1855; both deceased. 5. Henry, who married Emily F. Curtis, of New York, and died in Brooklyn, where the family resides. 6. Sylvester F., who married Mary E. Knowlton; is a physician at Buffalo. 7. Harriet, who died in i860, unmarried. 8. Jane, widow of Silas S. Calendar, and resides in Rochester. 9. John A., who married Helen L. Sheldon, and resides on the homestead. Io. Albert H., who married Jane L. Morse. He is a graduate of Madison University, and is now professor of modern languages in the University of Rochester. iI. Warren N;, who removed to California. He was a machinist, and was employed in the construction of a steamboat for the Russian government, on Amoor river. On his return voyage, and within a day's sail of San Francisco, he was drowned in the Pacific by falling overboard. 12. Rhoda, unmarried, died Sept. 18, I848. 13. Emily, who married Henry M. Todd, and resides in Milwaukee. I4. Byron S., unmarried, at Rochester. NIRAM SACKETT was born October 31, 1797, at Stanford, Dutchess Co., N. Y. He was married at Washington, in that county, Sept. 30, I824, to Catharine Thorn, who was born Dec. I9, i806. He was commissioned by Gov. De Witt Clinton a captain of the militia in 1822; and by Gov. Joseph C. Yates as colonel in 1824. He was called out with his regiment to attend at the reception of Gen. La Fayette at Poughkeepsie in I824. At an early age he commenced the mercantile business at Mabbettsville, which he continued until 1829, when he removed with his father-in-law, John I. Thorn, to Chautauqua Co., and settled on Cattaraugus Flats, [now Irving.] He was elected for several terms a justice of the peace in Hanover, and was for many years an associate judge of the county courts. He died at Irving, the 22d of Oct., 1869, of disease of the heart, aged 72. In the obituary notice accompanying the announWment of his death, he is represented as " affable and courteous in his manner, decided in his convictions, a man of strict integrity and of comprehensive mind, and scrupulously just; evincing, in his judicial character, those qualities of mind and heart which made him both the able and the just judge." His principal business during his residence in the county was farming, in which he was successful; leaving his family abundantly provided for. His death was deeply lamented by his family and the community generally. Judge Niram Sackett had 6 children: i. Jehiel who was born Sept. 15, I825, and was married July 3, i863, to Laura Sackett, by whom he had 2 children: Isabella, born April i6, 1864; and Marcus, born Sept. 21, r865. 2. JohnJ., born April 5, 1827, and married, June Io, 1858, to Henrietta Harrison. They had 2 children: Cora, born Sept. o1, I859; and Sarah, born Aug. 12, 1862. Mrs. Sackett died Feb. 3, I863; and Mr. S. married, Oct. 6, i868, Jane Watts, of North-east, Pa. They have a daughter, Ida T., born Nov. 20, 1873. 3. Joseph T., born March 4, 1829; married, Nov. I8, I872, to Mrs. Sarah M. Canfield. He is a graduate of the Law School at Albany, and resides in Brooklyn. 4. Marcus, born Nov. 28, 1830; married, June I6, I857, to Henrietta Seaman. They have a son, John S., born June 424 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. 13, 1858. 5. Semantha, born Sept. 28, 1832; married, Aug. 8, i86i, to Edward R. Stiles, Litchfield, Ill., and has 2 children: Charles S., born May 12, 1862; and Gertrude, born Feb. 9, I864. 6. VNiram,Jr., born June 29, 1835; married, Sept. 28, 1865, to Arvilla L. Bonney; and has 2 children: Catharine A., born Aug. 7, 1867; and Niram B., born Nov. 12, 1872. DANIEL SHERMAN, son of Daniel Sherman, was born in Busti, Nov. 29, 1821. His early education was acquired in the district schools of his native town; it was pursued at Jamestown and Fredonia academies; and his school course was closed with the expiration of a three years' course of study at Burr Seminary at Manchester, Vt. In 1844, he commenced the study of law with Abner Hazeltine and Emory F. Warren, of Jamestown, and was admitted to practice July 4, I848, and commenced practice at Forestville, and has continued it there until the present time. He was elected district-attorney, and served for the constitutional term of three years. He was appointed by Gov. Clark attorney for the Indians, in which office he served under different administrations for twelve years, and tendered his resignation in i868. In June, 1870, he was appointed, by the secretary of the interior, United States agent for the several tribes of Indians in the state of New York; to which agency he was reappointed by the president, who had, by a law of Congress, become vested with the power of appointment; which agency has been continued till the present time. While attorney for the Seneca nation, he prosecuted an action in their favor, by which the boundary of the reservation was decided in the court of appeals to be in the center of the creek, instead of on the north line of the stream, where it had been decided to be by the lower courts in their interpretation of the treaties with the Indians. He also prosecuted an action in which the Indians acquired a title to the Oil Spring reservation, near Cuba, Allegany Co., the plain to which had been inadvertently omitted in the treaty of Big Tree, in 1798, between the Seneca nation and Robert Morris. By this omission the title had passed through Morris to the Holland Land Company and their grantees. In this case, also, the Indian title was confirmed by the court of appeals. He has been active in promoting the interests of education. He served for several years as town superintendent of schools. He participated in the successful effort to establish the Free Academy in Forestville. He has been a member of the board of education, and most of the time its president. And he aided, by his pen and otherwise, in obtaining the passage of a law appropriating $125,000 annually for distribution among the academies of the state. Mr. Sherman was married, April 28, I852, to Mary Colvill, daughter of Wm. Colvill, Jr., who was born Feb. 21, 1828. They had 5 children: Daniel; Elizabeth, who died at 18; Mary, William, and Julia D. EBENEZER SLAWSON was born in Schenectady Co., Aug. 17, 1795, and removed from Yates Co. to Chautauqua in 1822, and settled in Hanover, 2 miles west from Nashville, where he still resides. He was married in Penn Yan to Betsey Carr, in 813. For several years he spent his winters in teaching school. He had 9 children, of whom 7 attained to the age of majority: ............:.:::::''i-~:~;~':~'~i- ~~:rj::~::i:~i~; -li ~_-i' eil-:::::::::::.::'i:.:~: e::i':~i r~b:~: W-F~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ f4zt'~~~~~.<.&~~~>'~~~A,~. 1/ N~i ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. -................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. HANOVER. 425 Silas N.; Samuel; Melissa, wife of Roderick W. Rider, of Erie Co., Pa.; Eliza, who married John Bettis, of Hanover, and is deceased; Daniel K.; Caroline, wife of Daniel Merritt, of Forestville; and John, who resides in Michigan. Mr. Slawson, after the death of his wife, married Lois Sprague, and had by her two children, Ebenezer and Lola. SILAS NASH SLAWSON, son of Ebenezer Slawson, was born ip Penn Yan, July 7, I814, and removed with his father to Hanover in 1822. He was married, Feb. Io, I836, to Temperance Lurancy, daughter of Nathaniel Hop per, of Hanover, who was born May 2I, 18I6. He settled near the residence of his father. He has held several town offices of responsibility, and has been for many years identified with the cause of education. In early life he spent a part of his time for many years in teaching, and has, until lately, been an active promoter of the cause of education. He held, during his residence in Perrysburgh, the office of town superintendent of schools, and for the term of three years the office of county commissioner of schools. He was also for several years a teacher and a school examiner in the state of Pennsylvania. He has resided alternately in Hanover and Perrysburgh, being the owner of a farm in each of these towns. The children of Silas N. and Temperance were: i. Newton, who married Rose Brown, of Michigan, and has a daughter, Minnie, and an infant son. He was for several years before his marriage a school teacher. He twice made application for enlistment in the late war, but was in both cases rejected on account of physical disability. Desirous to contribute to the suppression of the rebellion, he hired a substitute. He has been twice elected a justice of the peace, which office he now holds. 2. Temperance, who died in infancy. 3. Samuel -., a merchant in Perrysburgh. RODNEY B. SMITH was born Feb. 5, 1799, in Whately, Hampden Co., Mass. His father was Isaac Smith; and his mother's maiden name was Morton. They had 9 children, of whom Rodney was the fourth. In 1802, they removed to Gorham, Ontario Co., N. Y., and in T8Io to Sheridan, and soon after to Hanover. The county was then almost an entire wilderness; and the hardships of pioneer life were the lot of the family. His father was in the war of 1812, and shared in the memorable disaster at Buffalo. The forced march from Buffalo to his home induced a fever, which resulted in his death. The next year the mother died, leaving 9 children, the eldest, Henry B.. being but i8 years of age. Henry was soon after called into service, and being the only one capable of rendering assistance to the orphan children, Rodney, at the age of 15, volunteered to take his place, and was in the army at Chippewa, Black Rock, and Williamsville. At the age of 20 he married Achsah Blodgett; and for 32 years they shared the fortunes of pioneer life, raising a family of I4 children-7 sons and 7 daughters. Twelve of them attained to manhood and womanhood. About the year I824, Mr. Smith became a sub-contractor under Sheldon Thompson and Ira Bird, for the construction of the Black Rock dam in connection with the Erie canal, and subsequently for work on the canal, where he remained until its completion. 426 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. He returned to his'late residence, now generally known as " Smith's Mills," and purchased of his elder brother a small mill and a farm, both of which he improved, and added to his business that of a distillery, tannery, and a store. These several branches of business he prosecuted with success for more than thirty years. In I842, his eldest son Hiram became a co-partner; and, urger the firm name of R. B. Smith & Co., the business was conducted for I8 years, when, in i861, the business having been for a few years financially unsuccessful, the partnership was dissolved. GEORGE W. TEW was born in Rensselaerville, Albany Co., N. Y., April 15, I804, and removed with his father's family to Otsego Co., in 18IO. He received his education in the common school. In 1825, he came to Jamestown; and having learned the tinner's trade, he commenced business there, and continued it till I829. He then commenced the study of law with Samuel A. Brown, and was admitted to practice in the fall of I83I, and immediately commenced practice in partnership with Mr. Brown. In I834, he was elected county clerk, and was reelected in 1837 for the second term. In the spring of 1841, being chosen cashier of the Bank of Silver Creek, he removed to that place; and in i8-, he became president of that institution, which position he has held till the present time. Mr. Tew was married, May 25, I825, to Mary D. Alger, in Otsego Co., and had 4 children, one of whom died in childhood. Mr. Tew married, second, June 4, I840, Mrs. Caroline Reynolds, who had 3 children. Of the six children living, are four daughters and two sons, George W., Jr., and William; both of whom reside in Jamestown, and have been cashiers of the Second National Bank in that place. NATHAN P. TURNER, a native of Rhode Island, removed with his father's family to Connecticut, and thence to Herkimer Co., N. Y. In I826, he commenced working in a cotton factory, in which business he continued for 12 years, having become its superintendent. In 1837, he settled in Hanover, 2y miles south from Forestville, and cleared a farm; which he sold, and settled where he now resides, iX miles east from Forestville. He served as a deputy under Sheriff Andrews. He has 3 daughters, who are the wives, respectively, of Reuben B. Parmelee, Forestville; of Orren Cranston; and [Effa] of Wesley Ball, Villenova. DAVID WEBB came with his father from Madison Co., in T8 8, and settled about one mile south from Nashville, and has since resided in this town, most of the time in Forestville, where he now resides, and where he formerly carried on the tinning and stove business. He married Sarah Thrall, who died April 29, 1874. A daughter, Lydia F., is the wife of Albert W. Hull, a lawyer, in Forestville. Andrew J., a son, is a merchant in Forestville; John M. resides in Michigan; William, in Forestville; Sarah A., wife of Milton A. Potter, in Iowa; Mary J., wife of John Rollins, Texas. CHURCHES AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. The First Baptist Church of Hanover.-The records of this church prior to I833 being lost, the date of its formation can not be given with certainty. -- - ~~~~~P qllC N 5.Ikk -" general Sr" zl;~~~~~ i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Cmr, 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 HANOVER. 427 According to the recollections of some of its earliest members or surviving friends, it was organized, in i8II, by Rev. Joy Handy, who is spoken of as its "founder." It is designated, " The First Hanover Baptist Church, Nashville." Its constituent members were: Dea. Joseph Brownell and Rebecca, his wife; Dea. Salmon Munger and Charlotte, his wife; Uriah Nash and Ada, his wife; John Hun'tley and Polly, his wife; James B. Knapp, Darius Sayles, and Anna Morehouse. Of these, Mrs. Munger is believed to be the only survivor. The church was supplied by Rev. Joy Handy and several other ministers until the spring of I817. Among the members was Rev. Jonathan Wilson, then a missionary in this region, who died at the age of go, at the residence of his son, in Gerry. Rev. Elnathan Finch, who came in with his family, household goods, and an ox-team and sled, in February, 1817, and became pastor of this church until T827. After several temporary supplies, Rev. Elisha Gill became pastor, and was succeeded, in 1836, by Rev. James Bennett, who continued until October, 1839. For a short time, the church had no stated preaching, after which they were supplied by licentiates, most of the time, for several years. In February, I848, Wm. Williams, a licentiate, was called, and, in October, was ordained pastor, and continued until April, i850. After a few months' supply by Rev. John Carter, he was succeeded by Rev. J. C. Allison, until February, 1851'; and he by Rev. E. M. Nye, till February, 1854. In August, I854, Mr. Allison returned, and remained until 1856. Their successors to the present time have been H. H. Herrick, E. M. Nye, (second time;) J. C. Allison, (third time;) F. E. Miller, H. H. Herrick, (second time;) T. T. Horton. He closed his pastorate of five years, preaching every alternate sabbath, in May, 1872; when he was succeeded by Rev. D. E. Burt. Their first house of worship was built in 185I, and has since been several times repaired. Their church clerks have been: Miles Webster, James Knapp, Nathaniel Hopper, Silas N. Slawson, A. Vinton, John S. Bettis. Deacons: Joseph Brownell, Samuel Munger, Silas Nash, Samuel Taylor, Nathaniel Hopper, Nelson Wheaton, Caleb Roberts. The Second Baptist Church of Hanover was organized in 1817. The first meeting for this purpose on record, was held at the house of James Bennett, in Forestville, Nov. 15, 1817. Articles of Faith and Church Covenant were adopted, and signed by twenty-nine persons: Christopher McManus, Prudence McManus, Clement Strang, Abigail Strang, Asher Cooley, Polly Cooley, Samuel S. Burdick, Dorothy Burdick, Martin B. Tubbs, Laura Tubbs, Betsey Waterhouse, Anna Holbrook, Abigail Snow, Daniel Farnham, Wm. Heaton, Loana Russell, James Bennett, Hannah Ellis, Tabitha Alden, Joseph Devine, Lucinda Pierce, Samson Trask, Lorena Morrison, Hannah Danley, Loana Griswold, Barbara Lewis, Elijah Devine, Nathan Mixer, Rhoda Mixer, Elnathan Ellis. Of these persons, only Clement Strang, now of Sherman, is living. At a meeting held the 29th of November, it was voted to call a council to meet on the i3th of December, 1817. The council met at the school-house at Walnut Creek, pursuant to appointment, and the church was received into fellowship as a sister church. In January following, Jame 428 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Bennett and Martin B. Tubbs were elected deacons. In May following, a letter was granted to brother Samuel S. Burdick, "allowing him to improve his talent in exhortation;" and it was "voted to pay him $52 per year for his services, to be raised by subscription." His services were continued only a few months. Bro. James Bennett, ordained April 19, 1820, was the first ordained minister of the church. He engaged to preach for $50 a year. This sgm could not be raised in money after the first year; and he " agreed to supply the desk, and receive such donations as the members could give." About the year 1831, the church became divided; but, happily, after nearly three years' separation, the two branches, on the 4th of February, 1834, were united under the name of the Forestville Baptist Church. For the want of space, only the ministers whose terms of service exceeded 2 years, are mentioned: James Bennett, (9 years, 6 mo.;) P. S. Richards, Isaac L. Brown, Joel Johnson, Judah L. Richmond, N. Wood, William Look, Chauncey Wardner, S. N. Westcott, Emerson Mills, (second time,) present pastor, [I875.] Ministers' salaries were for many years, $5o. In 1836, perhaps earlier, $300 was paid and parsonage; from 1855, $400; from I86o, $600; from I869, $800; from 1872, present pastor, $1,200. The use of parsonage has been given since 1831. The present salary does honor to the church. Of the church clerks, the names of only the first three and the last three are given: James Bennett, Nathan Mixer, and Joseph Dennison; John A. Mixer, Sylvester Stilwell, Julius A. Parsons. The first church edifice was destroyed by fire, Sept. 4, I859. A new house was built of brick, on the same site, and was dedicated February 13, i86i. Dedicatory sermon by the Rev. Emerson Mills. Methoidist Episcopal Church of Silver Creek.-A class was formed about 1819, consisting of seven members, whose names, as given from recollection, are as follows: Liscom Mixer, Norman Spink, and their wives, and Artemas R. Clothier. Soon after the organization, were added, Giles Eggleston and Esther, James Wesley, and Katharine, his wife, Emily Nevins, Leonard McDaniels, and others. Among the early preachers were Rev. Mr. Hill, Gleason Fillmore, afterwards N. Norton, Samuel Sullivan, Thomas Cummings, John Robinson. Later preachers were E. H. Yingleng, Wm. P. Bignell, George W. Gray, WVm. H. Wilson; present pastor, James M. Bray. The church edifice was completed in 1848, and was improved in i874. Presbyterian Church at Silver Creek.-The society connected with this church was formed pursuant to the "act of the legislature to provide for the incorporation of religious societies," the 8th of December, I83i, at Silver Creek. The society was entitled, "The Trustees and Associates of the First Congregational Society of Silver Creek." The trustees elected were James Brace, Ephraim Hall, John Reid, David Anderson, Daniel Rumsey, and Wm. Hall. In the absence of a minister, Daniel Rumsey and David Anderson, elders, presided at the meeting, and Wm. Hall was chosen clerk. The church was organized, probably, at or near the time of the formation of the society, but in the absence of the early records, the precise date can not HARMONY. 429 be stated. Among the members constituting the church at its organization, were Dr. Daniel Rumsey, David Anderson, James Brace, Ephraim Hall, Mrs. Daniel Rumsey, and Mrs. Asa Gage. Also, at or about the same time, Benj. Hiller and family; and soon after, Loren Chapin and wife, Asa Gage, Mrs. Wim. D. Talcott, and John Montgomery. The first minister is believed to have been Rev. Abial Parmele; and since then, Obadiah C. Beardsley, William Waith, John Lilly, F. W. Flint, Albert Bigelow, and - Burghart. In I834, a small, plain meeting-house was built on the west side of Main street, a few rods south of the park. The present edifice was built in 1841. Hanover Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons was instituted at Forestville February 5, 1824. The meeting was held at the school-house near Eber Ferry's, and opened on the first degree of masonry. The charter members were: Luther Thwing, W. M.; Ezra Puffer, S. W.; Seth Snow, J. W.; Albert H. Camp, Sec'y; Warren Griswold, Treas.; who were also the first officers; Richard Smith, Ephraim Judson, Win. Jones, Elijah Robinson. At the installation of the officers by the grand lodge, the record shows that, in the bills of expenses for the entertainment, the charge for liquor for gentlemen was $2.87 2; for ladies, $3.872. This lodge was discontinued in 1828, as were many others, within a few years after the abduction of Morgan. In December, I849, this lodge was rechartered. Its first officers were: Albert H. Camp, W. M.; Daniel B. Parsons, S. W.; Wm. Colvill, J. W.; Rodney B. Smith, Treas. pro tern.; Isaac Boss, Sec'y; Marshall Cass, S. D.; Charles Brown, J. D.; Elisha Robinson, Tyler. HARMONY. HARMONY was taken from Chautauqua, Feb. 14, i8I6. A part of Busti was taken off in I823. Yet it contains a much greater area of land than any other town in the county. It comprises townships I and 2 of range 13, together with two tiers of lots in townships i and 2, range 12, from Pennsylvania line to Chautauqua lake, and two additional lots in township 2 in the 12th range, south of the lake, including the village of Ashville. It contains about 86 square miles of territory, or 54,9t8 acres. Its surface is described as "a moderately hilly upland, the highest summits being about 900 feet above Lake Erie." Its principal streams are Broken Straw creek, flowing south into Pennsylvania; Goose creek, flowing into the lake, passing through Ashville; and Prendergast's creek, running northerly and easterly into the lake. The soil is clay, yellow and gravelly loam. Panama, the largest village in the town, is in the north-west part of township i, on the Little Broken Straw creek, and had, in I870, a population of 650. Blockville, in lot 8, the north-east corner lot in the same township, had 200 inhabitants. Ashville, [Harmony P. 0.,] lying within lots 43 and 44, of tp. 2, r. 12, had 350 inhabitants. Stedman is a post-office near the north line of the town. 430 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Original Purchases in Harmony.-Towznship rz, Range i3. I8 I. February, Israel Carpenter, 8. I813. June, Joseph S. Pember, i6. 1816. February, Isaac Carpenter, 47. June, Elijah Terry, 7. December, Zaccheus Hurlbut, 7. 1817. April, Clark C. Carpenter, 31. October, Joel Powers, 16. 18i8. July, Robert Lytle, 38. October, Nathaniel Hurlbut, 7. Nov., Joseph Wing, 32. 1820 or I82I. March, Samuel Tanner, 40. 1821. October, William Webber, Jr., 6. Nov., Eleazar Daniels, 39. 1822. March, Calvin Manley, 40. Eleazar Wiltse, 48. July, Calvin Burt, 38. Amos Tanner, 31. 1823. February, Cyrenus Glass, 23. David Tierce, 23. August, David Preston, I5. October, Elihu Carpenter, 28. December, Almon Lewis, 15. I824. June, John Covey, 56. August, Samuel L. Paddock, 55. Nov., James Sweet, 55. December, Wm. C. Stedman, 20. 1825. March, Nathan Eggleston;,Jr., 56. June, Oliver Pier, io. Sept., Eliphalet Hyde, 56. Cyrus Ransom, 37. October,' Cyrenus Glass, 41. Robert Lytle, 34. November, Eli Wellman, 54. John Miller and Jonathan Tillotson, 26. Hiram Cook, 54. December, George Hawkins, 50. Elisha Cook, 51. 1827. January, Eleazar Daniels, 39. March, Stephen Cook, 32. May, John S. Muzzy, 34. June, Rufus Button, 31. Judson Hurlbut, 45. Cyrus Ransom, 35. Asa Tillotson, 26. John S. Muzzy, 33. September, Benj. Smith, 39. Orrin Matthews, 39. Samuel P. Butler, 42. Joshua Rich, Jr., 57. Nathan B. Rich, 42. 1828. September, Daniel Hurlbut, 41. October, Jeremiah Wooden, 9. 1829. February, Ezra Abbott, 43. March, Abel Matteson, 6. June, Alvin Butler, 38. I830. November, Amos Tanner, 20. Solomon Tanner, 50. Township 2, Range z3. i8io. June, Martin Prendergast, 6. i8ii. May, Levi Pier, 17. October, Estys Matteson, 30. 1815. September, Thomas Bemus, 14. October, Wm. Hunt, 32. I8r6. February, Oliver Pier, 2. Thomas Bemus, 22. i817. June, Willard Rice, 14. September, Edward Wade, Jr., 30. i818. October, Reuben Ellis, 39. 1819. May, Dwight Rice, I3. 182I. May, Thomas Wiltse, 49. October, Noah Knapp, 41. Nathaniel Sessions, 50. Calvin Manley, 41. Stephen Ford, 56. David Jackson, 21. November, Jehu Knapp, 49. John Jackson, 21. 1822. March, Samuel P. Durham, 56. Peleg Cornwell, 49. 1823. March, Wm. Webber, Jr., 42. June, Joel Fisher, 12. July, Elias Williams, 37. December, Simeon Powers, 33. 1824. February, Isaiah Rexford, 34. Sept., Earl Bill Thompson, 58. 1825. February, Joel Fisher, ii. September, Sidney S. Ford, 57. 1826. Phineas Stevens, 25. June, Humphrey Richardson, 43 or 44. July, Charles Saxton, 4 or 5. September, Orrin Richardson, 36. John Leach, 19. Oct., Edmund Wells, 6 or 7. Nov., George W. Wescott, 27. 1827. February, Horace Rice, 13. Thomas Bemus, 15. March, George Bates, 6i. John Morton, 15. April, Benj. T. Holbrook, 27. James Brooks HARMONY. 431 and Edmund Williams, 53. May, Silas M. Chipman, 57. Jeremiah Steeves, 5. June, David Jackson, 13 or 21. John Whitehead, 2. Micajah Green, 29. October, Eliphalet Collins, 63. December, Archibald Ludington, 21. Reuben Rowley, Jr., i9. 1828. March, Jonas Cosselman, 28. Calvin Manley, Nathaniel Sessions, and others, i8. Abner Fisher, 27. October, Cyrus Messenger, 64. Nov., Orange Whitney, 64. 1829. April, Alexander Williams, 45. I830. January, Isaac L. Steeves, 5. November, Florence Wade, 31. I83I. February, Calvin Manley, 26. Oliver Pier, Io. June, Peter Acker, 9 or Io. Heman S. Matteson, 26. Lewis Eddy, 31. Township I, Range 12. I808. July, Josiah Carpenter, 55, 56, 64. i815. July, Ford Wellman, 47. 1816. April, Horace Terry, 63. I817. John Hurlbut, 63. Timothy Jenner, 63. 1819. February, Timothy Jenner, 63. John Hosier, 63. 1823. December, Silas Carpenter, 54. Isaac Foster, 54. i825. October, Reuben Benedict, 63. November, Truman Terry, 62. December, Heman S. Matteson, 62. Josiah Carpenter, 6I. 1826. December, Amos Hoag, 53. Township 2, Range 12. 1809. Oct., John Phelps, 44. Wm. Smith and Reuben Slayton, Jr., 43. I81o. March, Reuben Slayton, Jr., 44. Thomas Matteson, 52. I1SI. Aug., Patrick Harmon, 46. Theron Bly, 44 or 45. 1818. March, Alvin May, 50. November, Daniel B. Carpenter, 45, 48. 1820. March, Joseph S. Pember, 49. 1823. February, Reuben Slayton, Jr., 43. George L. Case, 50. I824. July, John Alexander, Jr., 50. 1825. March, Reuben B. Johnson, 49. April, Roswell Parmenter, 46. Hiram Benedict, 46. Solon Pierce, Jr., 46. I827. May, Hugh Alexander, 49. Joseph L. DeCamp, 49. 1828. June, Daniel Cheney, 52. 1829. December, Peter L. Phelps, 48. The earliest settlements in the town of Harmony, were made in that part of it which lies in the I2th range. The first settlement in this town is said, in the State Gazetteer, to have been made by Reuben Slayton, from Otsego Co., in i806, on lot 43; Daniel B. Carpenter, the same year, on lot 64; Jonathan Cheney, on lot 52, in 1807; Theron Bly, from Otsego Co., on lot 44, and Wm. Matteson on lot 52, both in ISI I; and James Carpenter on lot 56, in I8I6. This statement is not only very indefinite, but in nearly every particular incorrect. There are in Harmony three lots with each of the numbers 43, 44, 52, 56, and 64, namely: one in each of the two entire townships in range 13, and one in the strip from range 12. The dates of settlement, above mentioned, are believed to be misstated in the case of every person named, except one. The following statements, recently obtained from early settlers, and mainly corroborated by the Land Company's records, are believed to be correct. 432 IISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Thos. Bemus was the first settler in the town of Harmony, in the north-east part of the town, on land taken up in January, i806, by his father, William Bemus, who settled at Bemus Point, in Ellery, about that time. The lot on which Thomas settled is lot 54, tp. 2, r. 12, on the opposite side of the lake from Bemus Point. Jonathan Cheney, in May, i8o6, bought on the east side of the lake lot 13, tp. 3, r. 13, [Chautauqua,] and the next year brought in his family; but, choosing not to settle there, he proceeded down the lake, and located on the west side, on lot 52, tp. 2, r. 12, now in the north-east part of Harmony, near the lake, on which lot his sons, Alfred and Calvin, and his grandson, Alfred C. Green, now reside. The County Gazetteer and Directory dates the settlement in i806; but Nathan Cheney, the eldest son, gives it as here stated. His was probably the first family in the town, as Thomas Bemus, being unmarried, occupied his cabin alone for several years. Myron Bly, from Otsego Co., in o809, settled on lot 47, tp. 2, r. 12, about 2 im. northerly from Ashville, the land entered by his father, Asa Bly. His son, Myron Bly, Jr., resides in Ashville. Reuben Slayton, Jr., from Otsego Co., bought, in 1809, on lot 43, where Ashville now is, and came in I8Io with Archibald Ludington. [Since this was written, the writer was informed by a daughter of Mr. Slayton, that Thomas Slayton and wife emigrated from Springfield, Otsego Co., and settled at Ashville, in Harmony, in 1809, in the winter. He there joined his brother Reuben, who had settled there the year before. Shortly after his arrival, Thomas died; and the wife of Reuben subsequently died; and Reuben and the widow of Thomas intermarried. The Slaytons built mills; and Ashville was then known as "Slayton's Mills." This statement is not given as unquestionable, but as being entitled to an ordinary share of confidence.] In 18 o, came Thomas Matteson; also Wm. Matteson, Jr., and his brother Estys, who were followed in i81i by their father, Wm. Matteson, Sr., who died in i858, in his 99th year. He was the last surviving Revolutionary pensioner in this county; having served, when quite young, during the last two years of the war. His son Victor M., and daughter Mehetabel, widow of Isaac Carpenter, are the only surviving children living in this county. James Carpenter, as will be seen hereafter, came seven years earlier than the year stated in the Gazetteer. Josiah Carpenter, from Pittstown, Rensselaer Co., in i808, bought about 1,000 acres: lots 55, 56, 64, in tp. I, r. 12, lying from I to 2 miles south-westerly from Ashville, and returned to Washington Co. James, a son, in I809, settled on lot 56; and in 1811, his father and the four other sons, Daniel B., Isaac, Josiah, Jr., and Timothy, came. The father settled permanently on lot 64; the sons on other portions of the tract. Of the sons, Josiah and Timothy are still living. He had 7 daughters, of whom 6 were married, respectively, to Israel Carpenter, Orange Phelps, Gilbert Ward, Oliver Pier, Samuel Green, and Henry Hosier; and Mary, unmarried. Mrs. Green, Mrs. Pier, and Mrs. Hosier are yet living. Oliver Pier lives near Corry, Pa.; Samuel Green, at Blockville. The other sons-in-law are dead. An incident in the pioneer life of James Carpenter is related in substance, HARMONY. 433 as follows: When, in i808, he came with his young wife to commence improvements on his father's purchase on Goose creek, he occupied, for a time, the cabin of Thomas Bemus, (then yet unmarried,) on the west side of the " Narrows," where his first child was born, and where he raised a small crop of corn; in which time he built a cabin on his father's land, on a site designated by him, and to which he removed the following autumn. Having sold one of his oxen, his live stock consisted of one ox and a sow and her pigs. A January thaw raised Goose creek to overflowing; the flats were inundated; and the house with its inmates surrounded by water. The ox made his escape from the threatening flood. After the water had reached the cabin, Carpenter, by the use of wood, raised himself, his wife and child, with the sow and pigs, high enough to keep dry. Unable to provide themselves with fire, the family and live stock were compelled to subsist on raw corn until the subsidence of the water enabled him to reach Jonathan Cheney's for aid, where he found his ox. A pen was made for his swine, which the bears took, one by one, to the last. In the east part of the town, besides the persons mentioned, many settled early in the vicinity of Blockville. Zaccheus Hurlbut on lot 64, bought in i816, and his brother Samuel about the same time; and on lot 7, Nathaniel, son of Zaccheus, father and son both dead. Nathaniel's widow and son Elias apd two daughters live in town. Samuel's sons, Chauncey, Hosea, and Edson, live in town. Timothy Jenner, from Vermont, on lot 63, tp. I, r. 12, parts of which he bought in 1817 and 1819. His sons, Moses, who removed to the West, and Timothy G., who settled near Blockville, as also the father, are dead. Daniel Loomis, a Methodist local preacher, settled I, miles west of Ashville, where his widow and sons Eli and Francis reside. Levi, another son, is in town; David is gone West; George is in the law school in Albany. A daughter, Rhoda, is the widow of Wm. Farrand, who was killed at the battle of Vicksburg; another is the wife of Orrin Salisbury, and resides in this town. Wim. Scofield, a brother of Mrs. Daniel Loomis, settled early on an adjoining lot, and still resides there. John Deming, an early settler in Busti, removed to this town, lot 41; thence to Ashville, and afterwards bought a farm 2 miles south of Ashville, where he died about i868, and where his son Leander C. resides, who has a saw-mill in operation. Another son, George, resides in Pa. Wanton Morey, from Vermont, settled on lot 62, where lately his son Lorenzo lived, who is now a merchant at Watts Flats. Levi Rexford, brother of Isaiah, settled one mile south of Blockville, and removed to Clymer; died in Harmony in April, I875. John H. Matteson settled on lot 62, near where his son Elisha resides. Joseph Ticknor, from Tompkins Co., settled early about 22 miles north-west from Blockville, where he died two or three years ago. His sons, Joseph N., Hiram, and Luther B., are residents of the town. In the sout//-east part, Charles and Isaac Hoag, from Onondaga Co., sons of Amos Hoag, settled on lot 53, tp. i, r. 12; on parts of which John and Sanford, sons of Charles, reside. Isaac is in Penn.; Charles, deceased. 28 434 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Elijah B. Burt, who settled in Busti, on lot 37, in 1824, removed to Harmony, where he now lives, on lot 51, tp. I, r. 12. His sons, Ethan and Barrett E., live in town; a daughter is the wife of Leander C. Deming. About I837, William D., Philander, and Murray Wellman, sons of Ford Wellman, of Busti, settled in Harmony, on lots 51 and 52. William D. resides on lot 50; Murray is not living. Emanuel Smith, about the year 1822, settled in Busti, and about I830 in this town, lot 49, near where his son Cyrus lives. John Badgley, who also settled first in Busti, bought in lots 57 and 58 in Harmony, where he and his sons Asa and Nathan now reside. In the north-east part, Obadiah Morley settled about i8Io, where his son Venus lives. John Morton, from Onondaga Co., settled about 1818 on lot I5, tp. 2, r. 13, where his son Ransom lives. Edmund Wells, from Washington Co., settled on lot 7, bought in i826; and is said to be the only early settler living on the road, between Mayville and Jamestown, on this side of the lake. His son John lives on a part of the lot; George on the homestead with his father. Chas. Saxton settled on lot 4, bought in 1826; now resides on lot 13. He has several sons, none of whom, it is believed, reside in the town. Edwin Gleason, from Mass., about I826, settled onlot 14, where his son Edwin resides. The father was a deacon of the Baptist church. Clinton Marcy, from Allegany Co., about I822, settled on lot 22, the farm now owned by his son Hiram, who resides on lot 39; J. Madison, another son, on lot 15. The father was formerly a justice. Hiram is a present justice. Peleg Gifford, from Washington Co., about 1844, settled on lot 23. His sons are Holder, who lives with his father; George, in Jamestown; Edward, near his father; and Henry. In the north and north-west part of the town, Homer Pringle, from Otsego Co., settled about 1826, on lot 32, on the north line of the town, where he and his sons Henry and Homer, Jr., reside. The sons own a cheese factory. Orson Whitford, from Saratoga Co. to Bradford Co., Pa., removed to this town, about 1817 or 1818, and resided successively in the north-east and north-west parts of the town; now lives in Ashville. His sons LeRoy and Solomon reside in the town. Samuel P. Durham settled on lot 56, bought,in 1822, and subsequently became the owner of part of lot 48. James and Peter Ploss, about 1830, settled in the north-west part of the town, where several of their descendants and relatives reside. In the zicinity of Panama, in the zeest part of the town, Eleazar Daniels settled 4 mile south of Panama, on lot 39, bought in 1821, now owned by Erastus Steeves. His sons, Lyman, William, and Warren, reside in the town; Jarvis, a physician, in French Creek. George, another son, died in French Creek. Samuel L. Paddock, from Herkimer Co., settled on lot 55, where Wm. G. Cook lives. His son, Samuel L., resides in Panama. Thomas Wiltse settled on lot,49, tp. 2, on the center road, in 1821, where his son Thomas resides; and David, his brother, soon after, on land adjoining. The same year, Eleazar settled on lot 48, tp. I, near the village, where he still resides; and John, where Benjamin Parker lives. Reuben F. Randolph, from HARMONY. 435 Orange Co., settled about 1842, near the center line on lot 25, bought of Phineas Stevens. His sons are James, Thaddeus, and Reuben F., Jr., a Methodist minister. His daughters are Caroline, wife of Edward Southland, merchant, Jamestown; Ellen, wife of John R. Ransom, Toledo, 0.; and Louisa. Amos Tanner, in 1822, bought lot 31, and built on it, and sold to Rufus Button, and settled on lot 32, where his son Milo resides. Rufus Button settled on lot 31, bought in 1827, and about the same time his brother Elijah on a part of the same lot, the lands of both now owned by Charles Tanner. Joseph Button, on lot 30, where his sons Alvin, Lucius, and Joseph F. reside; Joseph F. on the homestead. Osmand, another son, removed to the West. The children of Alvin are Francis, Franklin, Henry, Emily, Aurelia, and Maria; all living in town. Sons of Lucius are Levi, removed West; and Joseph who died in the late war, at the taking of Fort Fisher. Stephen Cook, and his brothers \Villiam G. and Elisha, from Onondaga Co., came in I827. Stephen settled first on lot 32, tp. i, and afterwards on lot 51, where his son Orlando resides, in the south-west part of the town. The father resides in Panama. William G. Cook bought a part of lot 51, and afterwards, in 1838, removed to where he now resides, a mile west of Panama. Before he came to settle on the land he first bought, he was deprived of his right arm by a threshing machine. With one arm he performed the various kinds of labor, as chopping, logging, splitting rails, and other farm work, with the same expedition and apparent ease as any of his neighbors. Besides chopping for himself, he is said to have chopped by the acre for others. His son Lyman lives with him on the farm. Elisha settled half a mile east of the village, where he still resides. Jehu Knapp settled, in 1821, on lot 49, tp. 2, where he died. His son Noah, the same year, on lot 41, adjoining 49. Of his 6 sons, five came to the county. Noah, Darius, and Levi settled in this town, and are dead; Orrin removed to the West; and Cyrus was killed by a fall from a tree. Robert Lytle and Elihu Wing settled early near Panama, and some of their descendants still reside in town. Lytle took a part of lot 38, in tp. I, in 1818; Wing does not appear among the original purchasers. Joseph Wing purchased in lot 32, a short distance east from the village, in I818. In the south-west part of the town, in tp. i, Ebenezer G. Cook, a native of Oneida Co., came with his family in 1823, settled on lot 50, cleared the farm, and in I867 removed to Panama, where he now resides. He had i children, of whom ten attained to majority: Philander and DeForest, in Panama; Edwin and Henry, farmers in town; Mary, wife of Harrison King, merchant, at Corry, Pa.; Cornelia, wife of Ira T. Beecher, North-east, Pa.; Eliza and Margaret, unmarried. Elihu G. Cook, brother of Ebenezer, resided many years in town. He was a graduate of a medical college in Cleveland, and has been a practicing physician in Fredonia, Randolph, and Buffalo, where he is at present. George Hawkins, from Oneida Co., came in 1822 or 1823, and settled permanently on lot 50, which he bought in 1825, where he now resides. Of 436 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. his 5 sons, George, James, and Francis are farmers in Harmony; Orrin, in Illinois; Albert B., druggist, Panama. His daughters were: Emeline, wife of James Harter; Adelia R., wife of DeForest Cook. Nathan Hawkins and Marvin Pardee, a few years later, settled on lot 51, near George Hawkins. These three are said to be the only early settlers at present in this part of the town. Joshua Rich, a Methodist local preacher, settled on lot 57, where his son Reuben L. resides. Cyrus Ransom, on lot 37, in 1825, where he died. His sons, Cyrus, Samuel, Willard, and Asa, live on the Broken Straw creek; Elisha, in the West; and Thomas, deceased. Ezra Abbott, in I829, on lot 43, now owned by Frank Sowers. Mr. Abbot resides in Panama. In the south part of the town, Francis W. Mather settled on lot 17, on the Little Broken Straw creek, near the south line of the town, and resides there still. Amos W. Muzzy, about I830, settled on lot 34, previously taken up by John S. Muzzy. His wife is said to have ridden "to meeting" at Panama on the back of an ox, led by her husband. Mr. Muzzy was sheriff of this county; removed to the West, where he died. In the central part of township 2, George W. Westcott bought, in 1826, lot 27, on which he first settled; removed to lot 28, where he died. His sons Jerry and Abraham settled on lot 28; the latter now resides near Blockville. Benjamin T. Holbrook settled on lot 27, bought in April, 1827, where he died, and where his sons John and Henry reside. Benjamin T., Jr., resides on lot 29. The first town-meeting for the election of town-officers, was held in 1816, of which, however, we find no record. The proceedings of the board of supervisors in October of that year, show that the town was represented by Palmer Phillips. A part of the present town of Busti was then, and continued to be, until i823, a part of Harmony. The annual town-meeting was held at Eleazar Fletcher's, April i, I817, when the following officers were elected: Sugpervisor-Palmer Phillips. iTown Clerk-Orange Phelps. AssessorsWin. Matteson, Daniel B. Carpenter, Joseph S. Pember. Com'rs of a ghzoays-Palmer Phillips, Wm. Matteson, Daniel B. Carpenter. Conm'rs of Schools-Palmer Phillips, Joseph S. Pember, Orange Phelps. CollectorWim. Matteson, Jr. Constables-Noah Chapman, Wm. Matteson, Jr. Overseers of Poor-Obadiah Morley, Israel Carpenter. Poundmasters-Wm. Matteson, Israel Carpenter, Josiah Palmeter. Fence Viezuers-Thomas Bemus, Nicholas Webber, Timothy Jenner. Sealer-Jonas Lamphear. Town-meetings for several years hereafter, until 1824, were held at the tavern of James McClellan, in Ashville, McClellan being town clerk. In 1825, the town-meeting in Harmony as it now is, was held at the house of Samuel Hurlbut; Abner Lewis, town clerk. Supervisors from 1816 to I875. Palmer Phillips, 1816,'17, 18I9 to'23-7 years. Reuben Slayton, 1824. Theron Bly, I825 to'3I,'33,'34, 37,'38-I years. Henry Hill, 1832. HARMONY. 437 Zael Ward, 1835,'36. Robert Hewes, I839,'4o. Daniel Williams, I841,'42. John Steward, i843 to'47, 1850 to'52,'54,'62 —o years. Theron S. Bly, 1848,'49. Morris Norton, 1853. Albert Gleason, 1855. Ebenezer G. Cook, I856,'57. Sardius Steward, 1858 to'60. Reuben F. Randolph, I86I. Walter L. Sessions, 1863,'64. Loren B. Sessions, 1865 to'70,'73,'74,'75-9 years. Frank G. Steward, I871,'72. The first saw-mill in this town was built by Reuben Slayton, Jr., in Ashville, who was an original purchaser on lot 43, tp. 2, r. 12, in I809. The mill was built in I8 T, to which agrist-mill was soon after added. The mills were on the site of the present mills in Ashville. The first stones used in the grist-mill he borrowed at the inlet at the head of the lake. A rock was soon found on lot 45, from which a pair of stones were made, which were used until 1872, about sixty years. His father, Reuben, Sr., who came with his son, returned to Otsego Co., with the intention of removing his family to Chautauqua, but died soon after his return. Israel Carpenter, with Oliver Pier and Stephen Groom, built, about the year 1820, a saw-mill and a gristmill at Blockville, which, under different firms, with Mr. Carpenter as a proprietor, was continued until his death, a few years ago, when the property passed to his son Reuben, and is now owned by Thomas Hamilton. A sawmill was built about 1826 at Panama Rocks, by Jesse Smith and Horatio Dix. A mill is still in operation on the site. A grist-mill was soon after built at the same place, where a grist-mill has been in operation till the present time. A saw-mill was built about 1825, by Francis W. Mather, 3 miles south of Panama, and discontinued after a few years. Isaac Carpenter built a saw-mill about 1828 a mile below Blockville; it has been rebuilt by Abner L., and is now owned by Daniel Williams. Another was built by Samuel Hurlbut, about 44 years ago, between the two before mentioned, and is now owned by Samuel J. Green. A saw-mill was also built by Harvey and Theron S. Bly, about 1847, near the mouth of Goose creek: a mill is still in operation there, owned by Harvey Bly. A steam saw-mill was built a few years ago by Messrs. Allen, near Grant's station, and is in operation. A saw-mill was built by Geo. Brightman about 40 years ago, and is still running. A steam saw-mill was built a few years ago by Wm. W. Ball, near the mouth of Bemus creek. Theron Bly and Daniel Sherman erected a cardiz~n-machizne in 1822 or 1823, to which cloth-dressing machinery was attached a year or two afterwards by Hiram Benedict. The whole establishment was destroyed by fire in or about the year 1826. The establishment was rebuilt by Hiram Benedict and Samuel Brown about half a mile below; and, several years after, passed into the hands of Theron Bly and Henry Lovejoy, by whom it was sold in I844 to Harvey and Henry H. Bly, and discontinued about I850. Another was built at Panama about 1830, at which the business was carried on for many years by John Ward and David Moore. The first store in Harmony was kept as early as 1818, some think a year or two earlier-name of the proprietor not known to the writer. He was a dealer in lumber, which was conveyed by Goose creek to the lake, and down 438 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. the Chautauqua outlet. Who immediately succeeded him, can not be stated with certainty. Titus Kellogg, Alvin Williams, and Adolphus Fletcher had stores at Ashville in I821, and soon after, but as to which of them was there first, the oldest settlers there are not agreed. Mr. Williams, who was at Westfield, established his store here in the fall of 1822, and built the first ashery. The business was managed, first by Luke Drury and Howard Blodgett. Williams sold out to his brother Joseph H. Williams, who took as a partner Titus Kellogg. Mr. Fletcher commenced trade about the same time as Alvin Williams, and also built an ashery; and soon after, Ephraim Berry, who built an ashery and a distillery.'There were at one time, four asheries in the place: hence the name of the village-Ashville. Probably no other place in the county ever had a greater number at one time. The first tavern was built at Ashville in I824, by James McClellan, on or near the site of the present residence of Daniel Williams. The building was intended for a private dwelling; but was afterward converted into a tavern. A tannery was built in 1826, by Daniel and Joseph H. Williams, the first in the town, and is still owned by the former. About the year 1829, a tannery was built at Panama, by Orrin Matthews. Dr. Vine Elderkin, from Madison Co., was the first ph/ysician at Ashville, where his widow still resides. Their children were, Harriet and Mary, both unmarried; Henry, married; and Jane, wife of Wickham W. Hatfield. Both families reside in town. Later physicians were Hiram Alden, Stephen Eaton, Simeon Buzzell, Dorr, John S. King, Charles Parker, from Otsego Co. to Ellery, and was successively at Mayville, Ashville, Fredonia, Forestville, Jamestown, Panama, Pennsylvania, and Harmony. Present physiciansEdson E. Boyd, Irvin J. Bowen, Aaron Skinner. BIOGRAPHICAL AND GENEALOGICAL. j.ONATHAN CHENEY was born in Conn., March io, I769. He removed with his father to Pittstown, Rensselaer Co., N. Y.; and in 1807, to Chautauqua Co., with his family, having bought in May, I806, the land on which his son Nathan now resides, being lot I3, tp. 3, r. I3, east of the lake; but settled on the west side of the lake, in Harmony, where his sons Calvin and Alfred reside. At the age of 17 he went down the Ohio river, and enlisted in the service of the United States under Gen. Wayne, against the Indians in the Northwest Territory. He was a pack-horse man in transporting provisions from Cincinnati to Fort Hamilton. While in camp with others, they were fired on by Indians, and were obliged to flee for their lives; and Mr. Cheney, leaving his shoes behind, traveled to Hamilton in snow, getting his feet badly frozen. After his return to Pittstown, he was married to Amy Cole, and removed to Chautauqua. They had 9 children: i. Nathan, who married Mary Stoneman, and settled in Gerry, and removed thence, in I84I, to the farm first bought by his father in I806, and where he now lives. He had 5 sons, of whom three, Elijah, Garland and James, are living on part of the farm. 2. Betsey, wife of John Broadhead, of Busti, a Methodist preacher. HARMONY. 439 3. Clarissa, widow of Alfred Whipple, resides in Harmony. 4. Calvin, who was married to Lydia Bly, and resides in Harmony, with a second wife. 5. Amy, wife of Hazeltine Mitchell, in Harmony. 6. Daniel, who married Amanda Parkhurst, and settled and died on a part of the old farm. 7. Alfred, who married Rachel Burch, and resides near his brother Calvin. 8. Eunicy, wife of James Green, in Harmony, 9. Polly, who died at about 20. PALMER CROSS, a native of Vt., came from Jefferson Co., N. Y., in 1827, and settled on lot 41, tp. 2, r. 13, a mile north of Panama, and was a resident of the town until his death in I8Io, aged 83. He was the second pastor of the Baptist church at Panama, which he served about Io years. During the second year of his pastorate a revival occurred, and about 40 were added to the church. He was married three times: first, in Jefferson Co., to Naomi Blackmer; second, in Harmony, to Julia Hurlbut; third, to Mrs. Sarah Leach. He had by his first wife 5 children: 2 sons, Palmer and Eber. Palmer has two sons and a daughter. There were three daughters: Harriet A., wife of Daniel G. Powers; Julia, wife of Humphrey Richardson, and has two sons, Palmer and Humphrey; [Mr. Richardson deceased;] Polly, wife, first of Alonzo Manley, who had four children, only one, a daughter, living; second, the wife of Clark Robinson. JOSEPH HOYT, from Mass., commenced the mercantile business at Ashville in I836, and removed in 1844 to Panama, where he has continued in business, most of the time without a partner, until the present time. His present partner is Thaddeus F. Randolph. His children are Arvilla, wife of Mr. Randolph; Charles, who married Emeline Polley, and is a physician at Sharon, Pa.; Herbert H., married, and lives at East Saginaw, Mich.; and Ella, wife of Wm. M. Rolf, at Corry, Pa. HENRY B. LAMMERS, from Holland, in Europe, came in 1852 to Buffalo, and in I858 to Panama. He was a house builder, which business he has pursued till the present time. In i867, he built the school-house. After the fire of 1867, he erected the stone buildings in what is called the " Lammers Block;" and in 1874, the brick hotel; also the house now occupied by Wm. Daniels, and a house for himself, on South street; besides several valuable buildings in the town. He was for 4 years a trustee of the corporation, and is still a resident of the village. JOHN LEWIS, a native of Conn., came from Onondaga Co., and settled on lot 24, tp. I, r. 13, about two miles easterly from Panama. He was a Methodist local preacher. He had 6 children: i. Alvah, who died at 19. 2. Almon, who is married and resides in Wisconsin. 3. Abner, who married Sally Ann Sweet, and had 5 children, of whom 4 are living: Maria, Charles, Mariett, and McKendrie. He was a practicing lawyer at Jamestown and Panama; a deputy sheriff; first judge of the county; a member of assembly two years; and a representative in Congress for one term. From Panama, where most of his active and official life was spent, he removed to Winona, Minn., where he now resides. 4. Levi, who married Lucy Steward, and lives at Panama; had 5 children: Lucy VW, who died at 21; Celina J., wife of 440 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Henry H. Graves; Alfred S., who married Miranda Ransom; Beverly W., who married Louisa Graves; and Bertrand L., who married Emily Pease. CALVIN MANLEY, from Marcellus, Onondaga Co., N. Y., settled on lot 41, tp. 2, one mile north from Panama, which he bought in October, 1821, and where he died in January, i869, aged 80 years, having been a member of the Baptist church about 50 years. He was married in Onondaga Co., to Sally Berry, who is still living in this town. They had 12 children, all of whom were married, and all but one still living: Hiram, who lives in Wisconsin; Alonzo, deceased; Nancy, wife of Henry Cross; Nelson; Solomon; Simeon, in Westfield; Adoniram J., on the homestead; Emily, wife of Marvin Hooker, Corry, Pa.; Elon G., Erie, Pa.; James H., in Winona, Minn.; Sylvia, wife of Thomas Page, in Jamestown, [husband deceased;] Henry, in Corry, Pa. SIMEON POWERS, from West Cornwall, Vt., removed to Bradford Co., Pa., in 1807 or i808. In 1816, he settled near Blockville, and in I823 on lot 33, tp. 2, a mile north from Panama, where he resided until his death in 1842, aged 73 years. He was ordained to the ministry in Penn., and was the first pastor of the Baptist church in Harmony many years. This was the first religious organization in this town. He was married to Polly Goodyear in Vermont. They had 9 children, all of whom survived the age of childhood. They were: i. Fanny, the wife, now widow, of Ebenezer Pratt, in Penn., one of whose sons, Reuben, a commanding officer, died in the late war. 2. Joel, who married Polly Hurlbut, and had 8 children, of whom Stephen died from the falling of a tree, and Fanny, who died at i6. Three sons, Stillman, Daniel E., and Reuben B., are married; the latter residing in Aurora, Ill.; the others in Harmony. His daughters were,Almira, wife of Olivet Ellis, of Clymer; Rozilla, wife of Jehiel Brooks; Sally, widow of Alva Tanner. 3. Jeremiah, unmarried. 4. Caroline, who was married to Isaiah Rexford, and is deceased.. Luther, who married Polly Rundle, and died in 1872. They had several children, all living, except Orville P., a lieutenant in the late war, who was killed at the battle of Pea Ridge. 6. Polly, wife of Silas Terry, Clymer. 7. Rhoda, wife of George Hawkins. 8. Daniel G., who married Harriet Cross, and resides at Panama. He had 5 children, all sons: Joseph E., who was married to Jennie Royce; Joel A., to Harriet Lewis. and is a hardware merchant at Panama. He was in the late war, in Col. Drake's regiment. He was an orderly sergeant, and promoted to lieutenant, He was at the siege of Suffolk, the battle of Cold Harbor, and several engagements about Petersburg, and sundry others. He was wounded at Chapin's Farm, and receives a pension. Francis A., to Mary Husted, and is a salesman for Pratt & Letchworth, Buffalo; Norman G., who was drowned at 7; and Eber, who died at 3. 9. Reuben, who died at I7. JOHN H. PRAY, a native of Wells, Vt., came from Essex Co. to Panama in I83I, and commenced mercantile business with John Steward, and, while in trade, pursued the study of law under Hon. Abner Lewis, and commenced practice in I836. He continued in trade till i855, and in law practice till ::::: —:-: ~-~ —:::::-i:~l-i::-< —eii% v Bi6 a~ ~ ~ ~~~~~::::::i:.:,i::::ii;::;:_~~iiii~~~~~i~{>I.,., s~~si'4'' n~~~~~~~~ HARMONY. 441 within the last two years. He was a justice of the peace about 20 years, and a member of assembly in I848. He had 9 children, of whom three passed the age of childhood: John, who married Laura Clark, of Vt., and lives at Corry; Esther, wife of Ezra C. Scofield, Panama; and Sylvester, who married Louisa Hibbard, and resides at Wyandotte, Mich. ISAIAH REXFORD, from Bradford Co., Pa., came to this town in i816, and lived several years near Blockville; and in 1824 settled about 2 miles northerlyfrom Panama, where he resided till his death, about I848. He was married to Caroline Powers, and had 12 children, of whom 3 sons and 3 daughters arrived at the age of majority, and had families. The sons are Everett; Myron, who lives on the homestead; and Lyman, in Sherman. The daughters are Polly, wife of Eber Cross; Laura, wife of Francis Bowen; and Lois, wife of John Cutler, who resides in Iowa. JESSE SMITH, a native of N. H., came to Westfield in I814, and the same year to Jamestown. In 1823 or 1824, he and Horatio Dix came to Panama and built a saw-mill and a grist-mill, the first in the village, where he still resides, at the age of 83 years. His children were: Gilbert, who, while cultivating a plantation in Tennessee during the late war, was taken by rebel soldiers and conveyed to prison in Alabama, where he died in a few days. Emily M., wife of George W. Parker, of Jamestown. Clement D., merchant at Riceville, Pa. Henry, merchant at Pleasantville, Pa. Helen K., wife of Jairus Winsor, Titusville. S. Jennie, and Alice E. BENJAMIN SMITH, a native of N. Hampshire, came to Kiantone, near the village, in 1817; was married to Eunice Dix, and in 1825 removed to Panama, where he now resides, at the age of 77. He and his cousin Jesse owned the land on which the village now stands. He built the first framed house. His children were: Emeline M.; Eaton B., in Panama; Nathaniel D., and Franklin J., both in town. ELIPHALET STEWARD was born in Stonington, Conn., Aug. 15, 1759, and was married to Mercy Coates, who was born Sept. 6, 1764. They removed to Frankfort, Herkimer Co., and thence to Busti, in i8i1, on lot 64, tp. i, r. ii, where Mr. Steward died Nov. 3, 1837, and his wife April 19, I813. He had 4 children: Lucy, wife of Stephen Wilcox; John; Anna, wife of Walter Crouch; and Betsey, wife of Michael Frank. JOHN STEWARD, SR., son of Eliphalet, born June 14, 1786, was married to Eunice Wilcox. He came with his father from Herkimer Co., and settled on the same lot. In 1821, he removed with his family to Harmony, lot 24, where he died April 15, 1826. His children were: John; Sardius; Lucy, wife of Levi Lewis, Panama; Stephen W.; Eliphalet, who was married to Clarissa Polley, and resides at Panama; Almira, wife of Daniel C. Glidden, near Jamestown; Cornelia, wife of Gustavus A. Bentley, Busti; Rhoda, wife of Horace H. Gifford, Jamestown; Alfred W., who married, successively, Minerva Bentley, Julia Hawkins, and Cordelia Robinson, and lives in Clymer; and Betsey, wife of Henry 0. Lakin, Jamestown. JOHN STEWARD, JR., was born at Frankfort, N. Y., Oct. 21, i806, and 442 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. removed with his father to Busti in T8 i, and in 182I to Harmony. He was married, Sept. 15, 1831, to Joanna Glidden, who was born in N. H., Sept. 15, I808. He was an early merchant at Panama, and has been in business there most of the time since 1831. He has held the offices of supervisor, town clerk, and member of assembly. He has 5 children: the first two, twin sons; the last two, twin daughters, as follows: Francis C., who was married to Melissa Smith, and has a son, John; Franklin G., to Eunice V. Knowles, who died July I9, 1872. He has two daughters, Isabella and Orie. Henry C., who married Mary Knapp. He served 3 years in the late war, and was in the battles of Williamsburg, Gettysburg, Fredericksburg, Second Bull Run, Malvern Hill, Spottsylvania, and in the Wilderness. He entered as a private and was promoted to lieutenant. Mary E., the wife of Oliver Dalrymple, a graduate of Yale College, and a lawyer, now a resident of St. Paul, Minn., and largely engaged in farming. He has two sons, William and John. Martha A., unmarried. SARDIUS STEWARD, second son of John Steward, Sr., was born at Frankfort, Oct. 29, 1808, and removed with his father's family to Chautauqua Co., as above stated. [See sketch of John Steward, Sr.] He was married March I5, I832, to Rhoda Ward, who was born May, 21, I814. He resided on several farms in this town, and in 1869 removed to Ashville, his present residence. He has, by industry and economy, acquired a large and valuable real estate, and superintends the most extensive farming business conducted by any farmer in the county. Mr. Steward, at the time of his marriage, was, in person, considerably less than the average size of men, and his wife was proportionally much smaller. The remark was made by some, perhaps jocosely, this pair would not be able to take care of themselves. If made seriously, the success of this diminutive couple has long been an impeachment either of their judgment, or of their claim to the gift of prophecy, or to the discernment of spirits. Mr. Steward has five children: i. Almira, wife of James H. Polley, Buffalo, who has a son, Fred. 2. illia.m, who married Helen Baker; lives in Ashville; and has a son, Edwin S., and a daughter, Mary. 3. Sylvia, who married Henry B. Loomis; has a son, Edward, and lives in Corry. 4. Levantia, wife of James A. Abbot, Sugar Grove, Pa., and has a son, Sardius. 5. Andrezw, who married Emma Wemple; has a daughter, and resides in Harmony. DANIEL WILLIAMS was born in Norwich, Mass., June 30, i8o6. His father, Daniel Williams, a native of Conn., removed to Mass., where he had i6 children, 7 sons and 9 daughters, of whom 4 died in infancy and childhood, and 5 sons and 7 daughters lived to mature age. Of the sons, Alvin, Joseph, Earl P., Daniel, and -, all but Daniel are dead. Of the daughters who came to this county, were Mrs. Gideon Brockway, of Clymer, both dead; Mrs. John Dawley, of French Creek, both dead; and Mrs. Nathaniel Thompson, of French Creek, also both dead. Daniel Williams came to Westfield in 1820, and in 1824 to Ashville, where he still resides. He was married, Oct. 15, I829, to Almeda E. Comstock, of Pine Grove, Pa., who N~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.:,11_-:_::_1::i::.::-::-.:-::::-,;. -i-::i: —::: —::-::: —::: —.:-::~ —:::: N~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ K.~, N ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.'~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ai:~i"i: I~i1:-:':.::::~: Nc'4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~rin~~~':ii:i::: NJ HARMONY. 443 was born Nov. 2, 1811. He was an early tanner, and pursued the several occupations of manufacturing pot and pearl ashes, tanning and'shoemaking, merchandising and farming, for about 40 years. He has held the offices of supervisor, justice, and assessor, and for two terms the office of coroner. He took an active part in originating and constructing the Atlantic & Great Western and the Cross Cut railroads, which have contributed much to the prosperity of the county. In recognition of his active efforts in the furtherance of these enterprises, a complimentary public dinner was given at Mayville, and another at Jamestown. He has aided materially in building up the village and erecting churches. He had 5 children: i. Oscar F., who died at 35, unmarried. 2. Addis E., who married Ella E. Brown, and resides in Jamestown. 3. Adelaide E., wife of Henry B. Clark, Pulaski, N. Y. 4. Earl P., who married Celestia M. Ellsworth. 5. Alton L., who married Kate H. Cullum, and has removed to Vallejo, Cal. CHURCHES. The Baptist Church in Panama was organized May 14, 1817, and was composed of i6 members, namely: Simeon Powers, Timothy Jenner, Orange Phelps, Samuel Hurlbut, Oliver Pier, Israel Carpenter, Caleb Beals, and the wives of all; and Moses Jenner and Aurilla Groom. Rev. John Lasure, Rev. Asa Turner, John Putnam, Lorenzo Hunt, Russel Babcock, Wm. Marsh, and Mary Bliss, from the churches of Pomfret and Chautauqua, composed the council; Rev. J. Lasure, moderator. Timothy Jenner and David Pratt were chosen deacons. Orange Phelps was the first church clerk. Simeon Powers was immediately chosen as pastor, and continued as such until 1828. Among those who have since ministered to the church are Palmer Cross, Peter Freeman, Charles Sanderson, and Spencer S. Ainsworth, who was ordained Nov. 19, 1845. Present pastor, Alfred Wells. Among those who have served as deacons since those first elected, were Reuben Thompson, Ephraim Case, Joel Powers, Stephen Brayton, Holland Blackmar, Nathan Chamberlain. Samuel Hurlbut succeeded Orange Phelps as clerk; and after the division of the church, Moses Jenner, Ebenezer Pratt, Noble Gates, Daniel G. Powers, Job Arnold, Ambrose Blackmar and others have served as clerks. In 1821, a difficulty arose which resulted in the exclusion of about one-half of the members, which for a few years crippled the energies of the church. For several years previous to 1834, meetings were alternately held at school-houses. Panama was then made the center, and the other locations given up. In 1835-6, they built their house of worship, which was dedicated Aug. II, I836; the sermon by Rev. Charles Morton, of Erie. The site of this house was obtained by the liberality of members of the Presbyterian church of this village. A portion of this gift was refunded to them when building their own house of worship. The Baptist Church at Ashville was organized in July, 1828; Rev. Jairus Handy officiating. A branch of the Mayville Baptist church was formed the year previous; but in the absence of records, particulars cannot be satisfac 444 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. torily given. The constituent members of the present church were: Hiram Alden, Chas.'D. Slayton, James McClellan, Sr. and Jr., Nathaniel H. Stow, Anson Phelps, Heber Cowden, Daniel Higley, Albert Partridge, John Wellman, John Rugg, Geo. L. Case, Peter L. Phelps, John Morton, Ephraim Case, and I7 females-in all, 32. Ephraim Case was chosen the first deacon; James McClellan, clerk. The church edifice was erected in 1831 or 1832, but not completed until a year or two years afterwards. The First Congregational Church was organized Nov. 28, i830, by Rev. Justin Marsh, assisted by Rev. Samuel Leonard and Rev. Isaac Jones, all members of Buffalo Presbytery. The church was received under the care of that Presbytery. After several years, having adopted the Presbyterian form of government and discipline, it took the name of First Presbyterian Church of Panama. Among the first members were Orrin Matthews and wife, Asahel Clark and wife, Margaret Morgan, and others. Others joined soon after: Mary Nichols, Benj. and Eunice D. Smith, Emeline M. Smith, Dr. Stephen Peck, Dr. Cornelius Ormes, John H. and Esther Pray, Matilda Chase, Samantha Dix, Dea. Josiah Holbrook and wife, Nehemiah Sperry and wife, Mrs. Sarah Dix, Reuben Davis and wife, Noah Harrington and wife. They had occasional preaching by Rev. Mr. Stanley, Rev. Erastus J. Gillett, Rev. Samuel G. Orton, and others. The first pastor was Rev. Alfred W. Gray. He was followed by Aaron Van Wormer, Abner D. Olds, O. D. Hibbard, A. Worthington, Charles Merwin. For many years after their organization, their place of worship was in the tannery, which had been fitted up for that purpose. A new church edifice was erected in 1846. Rev. Chalon Burgess, the present pastor, has served the church as such since i861. The Methodist Episcopal Church at Blockville is said to have originated in a class formed as early as the year I8i8. An early settler thinks John Lewis, Isaac Carpenter, John Pember, and their wives; Daniel B. Carpenter, Joseph S. Pember, and Mrs. Elijah Terry, were first members of the class. Another mentions also John Steward, Sr., and Almon Lewis and their wives; and soon after, Phineas Stevens, David Preston, and Martin Hobert and their wives, and Henry Crane. The first local preacher was John Lewis; the first circuit preacher, John Somerville, who was succeeded by Wm. Green. The first church edifice of this society was dedicated in January, 1840. The Free-will Baptist Church of iHzrmony was organized at the house of Nathaniel Clark, at King's Corners, Dec. 4, 1830; Elders Harmon Jenkins and Thomas Grinold, officiating. The number of members constituting the church was 23. They were Timothy Walkley, David Lucas, Nathaniel Clark, David Clark, James Alexander, Asa Wait, Ebenezer Thayer, Samuel Reed, Phineas Chamberlain, and the wives of most or all of them; Isaac Phelps, Freeman Williams, Sarah Burnham, Rhoda Keith, and Pamelia Baldwin. Asa Wait was chosen clerk, and was succeeded, Jan., 1833, by Aaron Baldwin. The first deacon named, was David Lucas, chosen Jan., 1834, and held the office till his death, Sept. 4, I872. In 1867, Daniel Ellis was elected second deacon. The ministers who statedly supplied the church for longer ~:'::II in'::~;,'~::::::WINE::..~!r: e ii ON~~~~c Remat,~:-~::: ji' W. s Qrit:~ -7i,i~':;?i r: IW) F KIANTONE. 445 or shorter periods, were Thomas Grinold, J. Smith, R. J. Cowles, F. B. Tanner. After 1859, [the year not given,] the church was moved about 3 miles south, on the town line, and took the name of Clymer and iHarmony Church. Since the removal, the church has been supplied by Elders Arad Losee, (commencing 1863,) Oliver Johnson, Ansel Griffith, Arad Losee, a second time, [1868] Wm. Johnson, Joshua Giffin, Joseph Kettle. Present pastor, Ansel Griffith. A house of worship was built, in i868, by the Baptists and Methodists, jointly. The South IHarmony Free-will Baptist Church was organized Nov. 5, I855, at the Cherry school-house. The names of the original members are Erastus Huntley, Joseph Carroll, Aaron Cornish, Elisha Morgan, Levi Rexford, Hannah Tillotson, Mary Mather, Sarah Maria Cornish, Patience Smith, Catharine Siggins, Theodosia Wellman. Erastus Huntley was the first clerk. The first pastor was Levi Rexford, who has been succeeded by A. Losee, W. H. Cutler, D. S. Fowler, Oliver Johnson, Joseph Kettle, and the present pastor, G. H. Chappell. This church and society, two years ago, built a fine house of worship, in which meetings are regularly held. Present clerk, Charles Bentley. KIANTONE. KIANTONE was formed from Carroll, Nov. i6, I853. It embraces the east half of township I, range ii, except the north tier of four lots, which forms a part of Ellicott, and includes that portion of the south-west part of t. I, r. 10, which lies between its west line and the Connewango creek, giving it an area of about II,288 acres-little more than half the area of an entire township. Its surface is undulating in the east part, and hilly in the west. The highest summits are about Ioo feet above Chautauqua lake. The greater part of the eastern boundary is formed by the Connewango creek. The Kiantone creek, from Pennsylvania, runs through the south-east part of the town, north-easterly into the Connewango about 2 miles above the Pennsylvania line. A branch of the Kiantone, the York Run, rising in the southwest corner of the town, runs east and enters the Kiantone a mile and a half above its mouth. The Stillwater crosses the northern part of the town, and unites with the Connewango. The soil is a clay loam intermixed with gravel. Original Purchases in Kiantone-Townshizp r, Range II. I808. March, Robert Russell, i. September, Hezekiah Seymour, 30. James Slade, 30. 18Io. May, Solomon Jones, 3I. I8 I. April, William Sears, I. June, Elijah Braley, Io. Wm. Sears, 3, 12. September, James Hall, I9. Ebenezer Davis, 28. October, Ebenezer Cheney, 27. Win. and Isaac Martin, 23. December, John Blowers, 31. 1812. October, Ebenezer Cheney, 13. 1813. September, Jonathan Cheney, i. 446 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. I814. James Akin, 15. May, Daniel Wallace, 8 [Ellicott.] I815. Feb., Wm. Sears, 19. Nov., Levi Jones, 3. Gordon Swift, i8. 1823. February, David C. Jones, 17. June, Charles Spencer, 4. I824. January, Richard Covell, 6. 1825. October, Joel Marsh, 27. December, James Akin, I4. 1826. June, David Price, 25. George Snyder, 25. July, Roderick Chapin, 26. David C. Jones, 17. Ora Davis, I7. Elias Woodcock, 17. December, Silas Axtell, 3. Levi Davis, 13. 1827. June, James Hall, 3. Rufus Greene, i8, 26. September, Nathan Kidder, 31. A settlement was made early on the Stillwater creek, in tp. I, r. I, near the center of the township, which is now near the west line of the town of Kiantone. Joseph Akin, from Rensselaer Co., was the pioneer settler here. He came with his family in I807, before the survey of the township into lots was completed. Solomon Jones settled on lot 21, in I8o1, and Benj. Tubbs, it is said, on lot 31, the same year. In r8II, Win. Sears bought on lots I, 3, I2; James Hall, lot 19; Ebenezer Davis, 28; Ebenezer Cheney, 27; and Wm. and Isaac Martin, 23. Several of the relatives of Mr. Akin also settled early in the town. Joseph Akin laid out a piece of ground into lots for a villlage, about the time Judge Prendergast laid out Jamestown; but he would not sell his lots in fee, but offered long leases to any persons who would improve them. But Prendergast sold his lots on liberal terms, and gave clear deeds, and credited almost any one who desired it. Consequently Jamestown went forward, while Akinsville declined, or remained stationary. It is believed but two houses and a blacksmith shop were built in Akinsville; one of the houses being Laban Case's tavern. Akin had probably brought his lease notions from Rensselaer county, where most of the land was held by leases from the patroon or other land proprietors. This system of land tenures had become unpopular in the eastern counties of the state, and probably still more so among the settlers here from other parts of the country. Solomon Jones came from Vermont in the summer of I8Io, located his land, chopped a small piece of timber, and erected the body of a log house; and hired Elijah Akin to prepare it for occupancy. He returned to Vermont, and in the fall brought his family with two wagons and five horses. He arrived at Mayville the first of November; left there his wagons and family; hired a keel boat in which they were to be brought to the Rapids; and he and Ellick, his oldest son, came down with the horses on the east side of the lake, staying over night at Jeremiah Griffith's, and the horses being turned into corn stubble. In the morning they started, and came by marked trees to the head of the Rapids, where they found John Blowers' new log house, not yet occupied. He crossed the outlet, the ground covered with snow, and went to Joseph Akin's on the Stillwater, and put his horses in corn stubble. Akin had not yet finished his log house, but was about to put on a board roof. From adverse winds and other causes, he was two days in getting down; and the next morning after its arrival at the head of the Rapids, the outlet ! ~ ziij: iiiiii!!iiiijj: iiiiiiiii!!!ii iiiiiiiiii ij: —.l iiiiiI:!......................::::i:_-iiii-iiiiiiiiii-~iiiiiii!iiiiiiii iiilillil~iiiil~illi~iii~i~lil~i~iii~i!1!............................ i~,~ I ~ i~~iiii~!ii~~~~~iiiii~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~~~~~~iiiiii!!iiiiiii~~~~~~~iiii~~~iiiiiiiii::iiiii!~~~ii~................ ~ ili ~~::::::: j~::: j~-:i::::;............................~~~~:::. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.....:iiiiiiiiii:::~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~..........................~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i............~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t~...........l...........~~~~~~~:::: S..............~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:............~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s............::::::ii.............. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~............~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:............ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i...............................~:::.....................~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~''S\~~~~;:..........~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~..................~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:................. ........................il _:: i:: i:: _l_:::: _j::i:: _::j::::_:j::j:j __l~::::: _::::::::::j::_j::: __::::::j_:::::j:...........:_:::::: _j:::j: _:jj:j:::ii-:ii. ii::-iii::li:-ii::iii:ili:-lii:::::::::::::....................::::::::::::::::::::::: -:I~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...........................................::::i:::::::: ~:::............ ii~: _I~::::::'::~~.~''~i~~i~~~~:~~:~:i~~i~~~~.i8,,,,,,,:,~~~~i~ji~-~i:~~.......................: s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~............ X X X — j~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~i......:::::::::a:::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~::~~~~j-~~~~::~~~~: j............................. i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~................~i~j..........~X~~ii~ii:i::; — -—':-l:iiiI ~:i.i.':i ~ i:::............. ~:~~:`i Bs~:::-:::-:::::::::::::::::::::::I~~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::j:::~~~~~~~~...................::::::::::j i::-:::............i::iiiiili~iiii~ii~li-:::::::::::::::::::::::::...........lii-~iiiliii~l i~i~i...........~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.....::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~i81:~~~~~~-'i~..................':li l~~~ii~j~~~~iii~~..........::i:-i8:i9:ii~:~i...........a-l~~i~,i~I:j..........i~i::::: KIANTONE. 447 was frozen over; and the boatmen left the boat and returned to Mayville. Jones staid at Akin's a few days, and moved into his cabin, without a chimney, Nov. 16, i8Io. Mr. Jones had had practical experience in clearing land in Vermont. He chopped 7 acres during the winter. Early in March, Wm. Sears and Nathan Lasall arrived with a yoke'of oxen. The spring being an unusually early one, the cattle lived well in the woods, the leeks having very early attained a luxuriant growth. Sears wanting grain, and Jones a yoke of oxen and cows, they went to the mouth of the Broken Straw creek, where Jones bought a good yoke of oxen and a cow for $65. Mr. Jones cleared off 6 acres, from which he harvested 300 bushels of corn, and about 70 bushels of potatoes. Almost simultaneously with the settlement on the Stillwater, commenced the settlement of township I, r. io, [now Carroll.] We find as original purchasers, as early as i808, Joel Taylor on lot 51; George Sloan, 59, [now in Kiantone.] In I809, Samuel Anderson, 57, [now in Kiantone;] Charles Boyles, 62; and Isaac Walton, 41. In ISo, Henry Abell, 33, and George W. Fenton, 52. Those, as will be seen, settled in the south-west part of the township. How many of these purchasers became actual settlers does not appear. Although the Company's books show no articled lands earlier so far north as Frewsburgh, we are informed that John Frew bought an interest in lands there as early as i809; though he probably did not settle there so soon, as he worked through the summer of that year in sawing for Edward Work; and it was not until 18II, that the Frews and Thomas Russell built their saw-mill near Frewsburgh. [See Hist. of Carroll.] This may be considered as about the time of settlement at Frewsburgh. Benjamin Covel was born in Harwich, Mass., in 1761. In 1777, he enlisted in the Revolutionary army, and served during the war. He was at the taking of: Burgoyne, at Sullivan's defeat, and at the battle of Monmouth, N. J. He was married, in 1784, to Sibyl Durkee, in Washington, Conn. His father, John Covel, removed with his sons to Pittstown, N. Y., about 1786, where he died in i806, aged 73. Benjamin removed in i8Io, with a large family, to the present town of Carroll, where he resided until his death, Nov. 27, 1822, aged 6I. At that time. all of his sons and daughters, his brother Seth and nephew Simeon, were living in-the neighborhood; and the settlement was called Coveltown. In a sketch of Benj. Covel and family, it is said they " were active in getting the first bridge built across the Connewango at Coveltown, by Capt. Charles Taylor." From this it is naturally inferred that they resided near the Connewango; whereas, it appears from the Land Company's books, that Benj. Covel took up, in December, I810, lot 2, tp. I, r. I, on which Alexander T. Prendergast and Seth Cheney now reside, in Kiantone. Benj. Covel's wife died in Covington, Genesee Co., I83I, aged 69. Jasper Marsh, a native of Mass., removed from Otsego Co. to Chautauqua, on lot 28, tp. i, r. II, then Pomfret, since Ellicott, now Kiantone, near Joseph Akin's, on Stillwater creek. He was a soldier of the Revolution. He was 448 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. a farmer and a mechanic. He supplied many of the early settlers with large spinning wheels, reels, common chairs, hay rakes, fork handles, and most other wooden articles turned in a lathe. His wares were generally stamped, "J. Marsh," with a hot iron. He was at the taking of Burgoyne, and at West Point, Boundbrook, N. J., etc. He was a pensioner for his Revolutionary services. Benj. Jones, from Vermont, came about 1820, and settled in the south-east part of the town, on land now owned by Alexander T. Prendergast. He subsequently removed to lot 21, where Henry, his youngest son, now lives. He was one of the earliest and most active friends of the temperance cause, and highly esteemed for his integrity and moral worth. His children were Austin, Orville, Loren, Henry, who resides on the homestead of his father, and Cynthia, wife of Seth Cheney; Austin, Orville, deceased. Ebenezer Chapin, a native of Washington Co., N. Y., removed from Warsaw, N. Y., to this town in 1830, and settled on lot 25, and in I856, to the village where he now resides. He married Maria D. Cady of this town. They had 7 children, of whom 6 arrived at mature age: Ada*s, Emma, Adelia, wife of Dexter Parker, who reside in town; Dwight, a merchant in Cincinnati; Sylvester, who was wounded in the late war, and died in Wilmington, N. C., from sickness contracted while employed in a hospital; and Orlando. Roderick Chapin, born in Mass., removed from Warsaw, N. Y., to this town, on lot 25, where he died in I857. He was a preacher, first, in the Methodist Episcopal church; afterwards in the Cumberland Presbyterian church. His children were: Hester Ann, wife of Charles Lyon, in Jamestown; Charlotte, wife of James McKay, in Michigan; Jasper, Louisa, Sarah, Mary, and Roderick, who died in infancy. Nathan A. Alexander, from Vermont, resided successively on what is known as the Cary farm, lot 20; on lot r8, i m. west of the village; and on land bought of Ransom Akin, on Stillwater, where he and his wife both died; leaving no children. The first town-meeting for the election of town officers, was held on the 2Ist of February, I854, at the house of E. Frissel, in the village of Carroll, [now Kiantone.] The names of the officers elected are as follows: Supervisor-Ezbai Kidder. Town Clerk-Levant B. Brown. Justices of the Peace-Levant B. Brown, Martin C. Grant, Charles Russell, Aaron J. Phillips. Town Suzerintendent of Schools-Francis M. Alvord. AssessorsJoel Scudder, Jr., Nathan A. Alexander. Com'rs of Highways-Simeon C. Davis, Smith Spencer, Stephen C. Rhinehart. Collector-Stephen Norton. Inspectors of Election-Milo Van Namee, George A. Dorn, Stephen Norton, [appointed.] Overseers of the Poor-Eddy Weatherly, Joshua Norton. Constables-Stephen Norton, Joseph Davis, Abram Martin, James Griffin. The act forming the town of Kiantone designated Alexander T. Prendergast, Benj. T. Morgan, and James B. Slocum, as a town board, to preside at the first town-meeting, to appoint a clerk of the board, to open and keep the polls, KIANTONE. 449 and to exercise the powers of justices of the peace at town-meetings. Albert Scudder was appointed clerk of the board. Voted, that the next annual meeting be held at E. Frissel's. Voted, that the sum of $150 be raised for roads and bridges. The act forming the town required the eastern line to be adjusted so as to make the support of the bridge, called the State Line bridge, wholly chargeable on the town of. Kiantone. In I855, the following were elected: Supervisor-Lucien V. Axtell. Tozwn Clerk-George A. Hall. Justices of the Peace-Aaron J. Phillips, Walter D. Wicks, Luther H. Botsford. [The necessity of electing more than one justice this year, was probably caused by the failure of two to qualify the year previous, or by declining to serve.] Superintendent of Schoozs-Josiah Davis. Assessor-s-Charles Spencer, Wynant Creel, Chas. Russell. Come'r of Higrhwazys-James B. Slocum. Collector-Osmond H. Field. -lzspectors of Election-John W. Creel, Milo Van Namee, George A. Dorn. Overseers of Poor —-Nathan A. Alexander, James Carey. Constables-Osmond H. Field, Myron H. Botsford, Abram Martin, James A. Dunn. Tou7n Board-Levant B. Brown, Simeon C. Davis, George A. Dorn. Clerk of Board-Levant B. Brown. Voted, that the sum of $150 be raised for roads and bridges. Voted, that the town-meeting for I856 be held at E. Frissel's. Supervisors of Kiaztone frotm 1854 to 1874. Ezbai Kidder, 1854. Lucien Hall, 1855,'56. Charles Spencer, I857. Delavan G. Morgan, I858. Russell M. Brown, 1859,'6l. George A. Hall, i860. Wellington Woodward, 1862,'63,'64,'65,'68. Aaron J. Phillips, I866,'67,'73 (?). Joel Scudder, I869 to'72. Howard Russell, 1874. BIOGRAPHICAL AND GENEALOGICAL. EBENEZER CHENEY, a native of Orange, Mass., removed to Chautauqua Co., and settled on the east part of lot 12, tp. I, r. I; his deed bearing date, Nov. 12, i812. We find him, however, on the Company's books, to have articled a part of lot 27, in Oct., I8gI; and the east part of lot 13, in Oct., I812. He appears also as purchaser, by article, in other townships. In I817, he removed to Jamestown, and after a brief residence there he *removed back to his farm in Kiantone, where he died Aug. 12, 1828, fiomn the kick of a sucking colt. His age was 67 years. His wife died Nov. 1, I835, aged 68. They had 6 daughters, (one of whom died in infancy,) and 3 sons. Ruby, the eldest daughter, was the wife, first of Wm. Sears, an early settler in Kiantone, and after his death, the wife of Charles Arnold, of Dewittville. Anna was the wife of Judge E. T. Foote; and Mary, Abigail, and Maria were successively wives of James Hall, also an early settler and prominent citizen of Kiantone. His youngest son, Seth, resides in the south-east part of the town, and has a son residing with him. EBENEZER DAVIS, born in Wardsboro', Vt., came to this county with his brother Emri, in i812, and settled on or near the Stillwater creek, now in 29 450 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Kiantone. He married Lydia, a daughter of Wm. Hall. He was the first town clerk of Ellicott, which then included Carroll and Kiantone. At the first revival, in I8I8, commenced under the preaching of Elder Davis, Baptist, Ebenezer Davis was the first person baptized in Stillwater, at Akin's bridge. He died, Jan. 9, I846, aged 66. The land book shows Mr. Davis as an original purchaser by article only of the south part of lot 37, tp. I, r. to, in May, I814. The assessment roll of Pomfret, however, has the name of Ebenezer Davis on the east part of lot 28, tp. I, r. II, now in the west part of Kiantone, a short distance south of Stillwater creek. Elisha, a younger brother, born next after Emri, died in Ellicott, unmarried. Adams, the youngest brother, came to Ellicott in 1815, and removed to Flemington, N. J., where, in 1857, he was teacher of an academy. The sisters were Mrs. Samuel Hall, of Busti; Mrs. Joseph Waite, of Jamestown; and Mrs. Eli Hoskins, Jamestown. SAMUEL GARFIELD, a native of Mass., removed from Windham Co., Vt., in I814, to Ellicott, afterwards Carroll, now Kiantone. His wife's maiden name was Haywood, who was a sister of Mrs. Thomas W. Harvey and Mrs. Solomon Jones. He removed early to lot 46, tp. i, r. II, now Busti, and resided for a few years in Jamestown. He was a carpenter by trade, and worked also at farming. At an early day he made half-bushel and smaller dry measures. He also invented a mode of making scythe snaths, by steaming and bending. Finding a ready sale for his snaths, he enlarged his manufactory and improved his machinery, until they attained to the capacity of manufacturing several thousand dozen a year, shipping them extensively to the South and West, until nearly all the ash timber fit for snaths, in that region, had been worked up. JOSEPH GARFIELD, a brother of Samuel, removed to Ellicott, thence to Pine Grove, Pa., and after a few years returned to Ellicott, now Busti. He was once elected a justice of the peace in Busti, and a coroner of the county. JAMES HALL, with his brothers, Samuel, William, Josiah, Elisha, and Orris, removed in 1812, from Dover, Vt., to Pomfret, [now Kiantone,] where he resided, on the same farm, until his death, in 1846. At the first town election in Ellicott, on its organization, in 1813, he was elected constable and collector. He was elected assessor in 1816, and reelected until 1822, inclusive. In 1823, he was elected supervisor, and was continued in the office by reelection until the town of Carroll was set off, in which he thereby became a resident, and in which, on its organization, he was elected supervisor, and reelected year after year, until he positively declined serving any longer in that office. He was at a pretty early period appointed a justice of the peace, which office he held for many years. In 1833, he was elected a member of assembly; and it is mentioned as an evidence of his popularity, that the party opposed to him had elected their candidate the year previous by more than I,700 majority. When somewhat advanced in life, he united with the Congregational church, of which he continued a worthy and efficient member. Several years before his death he became partially palsied, and gradually KIANTONE. 451 wasted away. He was born July I6, I79o, and died Aug 21, 1846, aged 56 years. He was married, in Dover, Vt., in I8Io, to Mary, a daughter of Ebenezer Cheney, and had by her four children. After her death, in Kiantone, in 1828, he married her sister, who died a few months after; and six months after her decease, he married another sister, by whom he had three children. WILLIAM MARTIN, son of Aaron Martin, removed to Chautauqua Co. with his father in I8I I, and bought a part of lot 23, tp. I, r. i. He was born at Claverack, Columbia Co., N. Y., Nov. 7, I789, and was married in Busti, in I815, to Roxa Pier, daughter of Levi Pier. He was ensign in Lieut. Wm. Forbes' company, in the war of 1812, and was taken prisoner at the battle of Buffalo, and kept at Montreal until May, I814-four months-sent to St. Johns, was there exchanged, and returned home in June. He was called out again in September, was at Fort Erie, and left five days before the " sortie." Mr. Martin still resides on the farm on which he first settled. He had 9 children: i. Isaac, who married Fanny Rawson, and resides in Carroll. Three of his sons were in the late war: Edgar, who was in the battle of Williamsburgh, and several others; Emery, who was also for a time an assistant in a hospital; and Albert, who was in the battle of Fort Fisher, in which Capt. Smith, of Jamestown, was killed. Isaac had 4 other sons, Lorenzo, Jesse, Homer, and an infant son; and 2 daughters, Lazetta and Elvira. 2. Abraham, who married Mary E. Burnham, and resides near his father. -*' His children are Ellen, Willis, and George. 3. Lorenzo, who married Mercy Jenkins, and resides in Busti. His children are Melissa, Alice, Hannah, Ophelia, and Dewey. 4. Alonzo D., who married Clarissa Jones, who is deceased. He emigrated to New Zealand, married, and has a family there. 5. Sally Ann, wife of Lyman Northrup, Sugar Grove, Pa. 6. Davis, died at Io. 7. Adaline. 8. George L., who married Jane Smiley, and resides in Jamestown. 9. Annelle, died in infancy. WILLIAM SEARS, born in Dover, Vt., March 29, 1787, removed to Kiantone, on lot i, which he bought in April, I8 I, and on which he resided till his death. Some years after his settlement, he opened a tavern in his dwelling house on the east side of the road, a little south of the small run in the village of Kiantone. He subsequently built a two story front to his house, and sold his tavern and a part of the farm; after which he built a large, two story tavrern house on the north side of the little run of water, west side of the road; in which house he died. The heirs, after his death, sold the tavern stand, now owned by Aaron J. Phillips. No tavern is kept there. Nathan L., a son of Wm. Sears, removed to Towanda, Ill., where he had a large prairie farm. He lost a son in the south-western army, in I863. Clinton W., educated at Yale College and Wesleyan University, became an eminent preacher, stationed in and about Cincinnati, O.; went as chaplain in the army; was at the siege of Vicksburg; was taken ill; and came home and died in 1863. The village of Kiantone was at one time called Searsville, from Wm. Sears, the first settler at that place. 452 IIISTORY OF CIIAUTAUQUA COUNTY. CHURCHES. The First Congregational Chiurch of kianZtole was organized in I815, as the First Church of Ellicott, about a year earlier than the Congregational Church of Jamestown. After the'town of Carroll was formed from Ellicott, in 1825, the church being within the new town, it was called the Congregational Church of Carroll; and since the erection of Kiantone from Carroll in I853, the church has been known as the Congregational Church of Kiantone. It was organized by Rev. John Spencer, with 5 male and 5 female members: Asa Moore, Samuel Garfield, Levi Jones, and their wives; John Jones, Anna, wife of Ebenezer Cheney, Mrs. Wheeler, wife of Josiah Wheeler, and Wm. Deland. The first deacon was John Jones. Those who have since been chosen to that office are: Asa Moore, James Carey, John C. Jones, Eleazar Fellows, Ebenezer Chapin, 1852. [The list is furnished to no later date.] For several years after its formation, the church had occasional preaching in dwellings and school-houses, by John Spencer. The church has since been supplied by Amasa West, Samuel Leonard, 1828; Isaac Eddy, I829; Simeon Peck, I834; Joseph S. Emory, (installed, I835;) 0. D. Hibbard, 1841; S. W. Edson, T. A. Gale, E. M. Spencer, W. T. Reynolds, N. H. Barnes, W. A. Halleck. In I830, a meeting-house was built on a site given the society by widow Sears. Meetings were held, first in private dwellings, and afterwards in school-houses. The First Christian Society of Unziversalists in Carroll was formed at the present village of Kiantone, Dec. 30, 1853; Rufus Greene, moderator of the meeting; Levi Davis, secretary. Charles Spencer, Isaac Eames, and Julius Alvord were elected trustees; Charles Brown, treasurer. The constitution and by-laws of the society were subscribed by about twenty-five persons. A meeting-house was built in 1845. A chizrch was organized Nov. 26, I853. A constitution, articles of faith, and form of church covenant were adopted, and were signed by Rev. F. M. Alvord, pastor; N. A. Alexander, Horatio N. Thornton, stewards; Joseph Case, Arthur B. Braley, Oliver G. Chase, Caroline Wheaton, Eunice N. Thornton, Mary S. Thornton. H. N. Thornton was chosen clerk. MINA. MINA was taken from Clymer, March 23, 1824. It included the present town of Sherman, which was taken off in I832. It comprises the 2d township of the 15th range. Its surface is rolling and hilly. Its largest stream is French creek, which, passing through the northern and western parts of Sherman, crosses the south-east corner of Mina into the town of French Creek. The outlet of Findl'ey's lake is also a considerable stream, which affords a water power sufficient for several mills within a mile and a half from the lake. MINA. 453 Oricginal Purchases in Townshiz 2, Range 15. I8II. September, Alexander Findley, 52. 1815. Oct., Alexander Findley, 42. Nov., Jonathan Darrow, 57 or 58. 8 6. March, George Haskell, 58. 1818. October, Aaron Whitney, 59. Roger Haskell, 59. I82 [. May, George Collier, 45. November, Nathan Leach, 44. 1822. September, Hiel Rowley, 37. 1823. August, John G. Acres, 38. September, James Ottaway, 14. William Tryon, 31. October, Silas Hazen, Jr., 23. Horace Brockway, 44. November, Joseph Palmer, I. John Barnes, 20. 1824. March, Elisha Morse, 39. Nathan Morse, 45. Edward P. Morse, 45. April, Ezra Bisby, 26. Ezra F. Bisby, 26. June, Josiah Morse, 6I. Elijah Heyden, 33. Charles T. Bailey, 7. August, Edward Chambers, 14..Sept., Robert Corbett, 2 or 3. Oct., James Nichols, 3. 1825. March, Seth McCurry, 13. Wm. Craig, Jr., 22. April, Squire King, 7. Benj. R. Teft, 60. Nathaniel Herrick, 7. May, Jesse Oaks, 27. Josiah R. Keeler, 3. Zina Rickard, 28. October, Nathaniel Throop, 6. Hugh Findley, 42. Oliver B. Bliss and Henry Bliss, 56. December, West Barber, 47. 1826. January, Hugh I. Skellie, 50, 5i. April, Gideon Barlow, I6. June, James Ottaway, Jr., 35. October, Horace Brockway, 59. Jesse Robertson, 62. 1827. March, James W. Robertson, 43. 1828. January, Isaac Fox, 46. February, George Collier, 54. May, Theodore Whitten, 40. Cyrus Underwood, 40. August, Wm. Tryon, 31. November, James W. Robertson, 34. J83I. May, Daniel S. Richmond, 32. George Pulman, 45. Of the original purchasers named in the foregoing list, Aaron Whitney, Hiel Brockway, Gideon Barlow; and John W. Robertson, are the only ones who own lands which they bought of the Holland Company. Peter R. Montague owns the farm on which, at the age of 15, he settled with Ezra Bisby, his step-father, the original purchaser in 1824. The first settlement in this town is said to have been made in 1816, on lot 52, by Alexander Findley, which was five years after his purchase, in 1811. According to the State Gazetteer, Aaron Whitney settled on lot 59, in 1821, and, the same year, Zina Rickard, on lot 28, and Roger Haskell, on lot 50. From the preceding list of original purchases, it will appear that Haskell bought in 18I6, and on lot 58, instead of 50; and Whitney and Rickarct, in 1818. Although not all purchasers entered upon their lands the same year in which they articled them, it is not probable that three years elapsed before they settled upon their lands. Rickard does not appear on the landoffice books as a purchaser, by article, until 1825, though he may have resided on his land before that year. The Jeremiah Knowles, whose name is not on the list of original purchasers, is said to have settled a mile and a half north of Findley's lake, when there was not a public road in the west part of the town. He was a civil engineer, and laid out the first public road in that vicinity. Alexander Findley was born in Ireland, and emigrated with his family to 454 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. this country, and resided for a time in Greenfield, Erie Co., Pa. He removed thence to where the village of Findley's Lake now is; both the lake and the place having taken their names from him. The lake is also. known by the name of "Findley's Pond." He had 1 children, 6 sons and 5 daughters, o0 of whom arrived at mature age. Of the sons, Russel, Hugh and Carson, settled in Mina. Russel removed to Crawford Co., Pa., and died there. Hugh died in Mina. Carson still resides in the town, 4 m. north from the village. He married Mary Ann, daughter of Archelaus Hunt, an early settler in the south part of the town. He had io children, of whom 5 are living. Aaron Whitney removed to Chautauqua county, and settled on lot 59, which he bought in Oct., 18I8, where he still resides. His sons are: Isaac, who resides in French Creek; Samuel, removed to the West; James, unmarried, at home; Hiram, in town-wife deceased; Aaron, at the West; Benjamin in town; Zebulon, in Penn. Mr. Whitney's daughters are: Phebe, wife of Lorenzo Flowers, and resides in Mina; Electa, wife of Morgan Tanner, of Wattsburg, Pa.; Miranda, wife of Jared Chittenden, removed to Illinois, and died there; and a daughter who died young. Cullin Barnes settled early at Mina Corners, where he lately resided. His sons are: Melvin C., who resides in town; Azial P., a blacksmith at Finley's Lake. He has 3 daughters: Charlotte, wife of Nahum N. Grimes; Lucena, wife of Isaac Rockwell, and resides in Penn.; and Adelia, unmarried, who resides at her father's. Mr. Barnes died within the last year. Robert Corbett, from Milford, Mass., came to Chautauqua county, and purchased, in 1824, a part of lot 3, in the present town of Mina. He subsequently built a saw-mill and a grist-mill on the site previously occupied by Alexander Findley. His sons were: Ithiel, who removed with his family to California; Newell, in Sherman; David, a merchant in New York; Robert A., at present keeper of the hotel at Findley's Lake; Otis, residing in Chicago. Daughters of Mr. Corbett: Lucretia, wife of James W. Robertson, merchant; and Lydia, who died at I9. Peter R. Montague, born in Vermont, July 3, I809, removed, at the age of 3 years, with his mother to Middlebury, Genesee Co., and thence to Mina, in 1824, with his step-father, Ezra Bisby, who settled on the farm on which Mr. Montague now resides. He has held various offices in the town, and is at present an overseer of the poor. He married, Jan. I, I83A, Olive Hall, of French Creek. Their children are: Owen H., now at Wattsburg, Pa.; Ellen, wife of Theodore M. Ryan, Foxburg, Pa.; Vira L., who married Hubbard T. White, and lives at Jamestown; Clara, wife of Dana P. Horton; and Harriet, unmarried. Ichabod Thayer settled early on lot io, where he resided many years. He afterwards removed to Westfield, where he now resides. He has 3 sons: Frank, a butter dealer; Amos, a graduate of college, and a practicing lawyer in St. Louis, Mo.; and Joshua, a druggist, in Sherman. James W. Robertson, from Cambridge, Washington Co., N. Y., in 1826, MINA. 455 settled on lot 52, now in the village of Findley's Lake, where, soon after, he commenced the mercantile business. In 1832, he removed to Meadville, Pa., and returned to Findley's Lake in I839, where he is still engaged in trade. Mr. R. was married to Lucretia, daughter of Robert Corbett, and has 4 sons and 2 daughters, all residing in the town: Robert C., a partner in the store Amos T., George P., and Lee C.; Louisa Ann, wife of Samuel Davis; and Flora J. In the north-east part of the town, Gideon Barlow settled on lot 16, bought in I826, where he still resides. He was supervisor of the town four years, and for many years a justice of the peace. He has two daughters:' Clarissa, who married Milton B. Sheldon, in the town of Westfield; and Persis, the wife, now the widow, of Henry Gill. Charles Ross, from Chenango Co. to Genesee, and after two years to Sherman, in 1825, on lot 50; thence to Penn., and, after four years, to Mina, where he now resides. His wife, whose maiden name was Hannah Spencer, died in Sherman. Their children were Jane, LeRoy, Amy, Woodburn. Only Amy, wife of Jacob Orcutt, resides in Mina. Charles Ross married for a second wife Phebe Hager. Of their children, only Helena, wife of Oren Hopkins, is living. Mr. and Mrs. Ross are both living. George Ross, son of Charles Ross, an early settler in Clymer, came to Mina, probably about I830, and settled on lot I9, where he now resides. He has held the office of supervisor, and other town offices. His sons are: Benjamin, in Penn.; Artemas, a physician, at Clymer; and Smith, with his father on the farm. David Declow, from Winfield, Herkimer Co., in 1834, settled in Mina, at the center of the town, near Mina Corners, where he now resides. He held the offices of postmaster, justice of the peace, and was for three years supervisor of the town. He had io children, of whom 2 sons and 5 daughters attained to mature age: Franklin, a dealer in cattle, and William, both reside in the town; Elizabeth, the wife of Elias V. Beach; Jennett, the wife, first, of Edmund Buel; second, of George Hooker, at Findley's Lake; Celana, wife of Horace Parsons, Esq.; Urana, the wife of David Richards; and Roxana, who married Jay Williams, of Sherman. Alexander D. Holdridge was born at Plainfield, Otsego Co., June 24, 18I3, and in 1841 settled near Mina Corners, and near the place where he now resides. He was married to Almeda Jane Park, of Winfield, N. Y. He has held, for several terms, the office of justice of the peace, has been a notary public, and, since I869, to the present time, postmaster. His children, besides three who died young, are: Melissa, the wife of Job Skellie; Chester P., who married Ruth Skellie; and Sarah, the wife of Jerome A. Buckley, and resides at Mayville. Randall T. Holdridge, from Otsego Co., settled, in 1836, in the north part of this town, where he now resides. He was married to Lucy Saxton. They had 3 sons and 3 daughters: Isaac T., who married Mary Skellie, and resides in French Creek; Saxton R.,who died at about 25 years; Phineas, unmarried; 456 iIISTORYi OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Elizabeth, wife of Robert Skellie, deceased; Mary Louisa, wife of George Taylor, of State Line, [Ripley;] she died in the lunatic asylum, Utica; Adelaide, the wife of Edward Russell, on the Nicholas Combs farm. Aaron Grimes came to Mina about 1836, and settled on lot 20, where now his son, Nahum N., resides, near Mina Corners. He now resides in the west part of the town. A large portion of the early settlers in the north-east part of Mina, and in the north-west part of Sherman, were from Kent county, England. Of those who settled in Mina, are the following: James Ottaway, from Head Corn, England, in 1823, on lot 14. His children were James, William, Charles, Horace, John, Susan, Henry, and Horatio. Horatio, a brother of James, came with him and settled in the neighborhood; had no family. William Relf, from England, sailed from London, March, I827, and had a passage of six weeks. He settled on lot 2I; was a farmer, and also served the people of the town as surveyor. He had 5 sons: William, who returned to England with his wife; John, who married Theodosia Nichols, and resides at Mina Corners; George, who married Lucinda Skellie, and died on his father's homestead, on lot 21, where now his son Edward resides; Joseph, who died unmarried; Isaac, who married Prudence Thompson, and settled at Mina Corners, was a merchant, postmaster, and justice of the peace, and now resides at Titusville, Pa. George Relf, brother of William, came from England, (year not given,) and settled on lot 27, a mile south of Mina Corners, where John Barden now resides. Edward Chambers, from England, about 1825, came with a family, and settled in Mina, on lot 14, where Deborah, widow of Joseph, his son, now resides. The other sons were: Frederic, in Ill.; William, who married Harriet Mayborn, and is deceased; and John, unmarried, deceased. Edward Barden, from England, settled on lot I8, in the south-east part of the town, about I838, where he now resides. He has two sons, Edward H., who married Mary Newell, and resides with his father; and John, who married Mary Frits, and resides one mile south of Mina Corners. Thomas Coveney came from England, and settled in Mina, in 1840. He died about 1846. His sons, Thomas R., William, and James, and a daughter, Fanny, survived him. [E. Buss and Ora B. Pelton settled in the north-east part of the town. See Supplement.] Alexander Findley built the first saw-mill on the outlet of the lake, where the village now is, in 1815 or 1816, and a grist-mill about a year after. These mills were owned by him until his death. By the construction of the dam, several hundred acres of land were overflowed. This dam was several years afterwards swept away by a June freshet, and on the land which had again become uncovered, a luxuriant growth of herbage sprung up before a new dam was erected; and the subsequent decomposition of the herbage under MINA. 457 the water, caused sickness; and the proprietor was indicted for nuisance. A protracted litigation ensued, which had not terminated at the time of his death; and the suit, with the property, was inherited by his sons, Hugh and Carson; and the mills were abandoned. Carson, a few years after, built a saw-mill 34 m. below, which he continued about 20 years, and sold to Robert A. Corbit, by whom it was continued about 5 years, when it was destroyed by fire. The upper mill property had been sold to Robert Corbit, who built new mills, and no unhealthfulness ensued. These mills passed from Mr. Corbit to his son, Robert A., who sold them to Wim. Selkregg, in 1864. In 1871, Selkregg sold a half interest to Philip Speckernagle. In 1872, they built a steam saw-mill for sawing lumber and lath; and in 1874, the old mill was converted into a shingle manufanctory by Speckernagle and Bailey. Nathan Morse built a saw-mill, about 1827, below Osborn's tannery. It was owned by Daniel Burt, afterwards by Isaac Relf, and was soon discontinued, and never rebuilt. About 1829, - Glass built a saw-mill and a grist-mill, near the west line of the town, afterwards owned by Greenman. They were never rebuilt. A saw-mill was built by Nicholas Combs and his son Charles, afterwards the property of Randall T. Holdridge, in the north part of the town. It ceased running 6 or 8 years ago. Edward Davison and - Greenman built in the north-west part of the town, about the year i866 or'67, a steam saw-mill now owned by Emerson Chesley & Sons. It has a circular saw, and a saw for lath. Alexander D. Holdridge built a steam saw-mill, which commenced running Jan. I, 1873, in connection with a sidzg/e mill erected the year previous. The mill has a circular saw, and has the capacity for sawing 6,000 to o1,ooo feet of boards per day of io hours. It has also a machine for sawing lath. Alexander Findley, about the year 1827, erected a building for carding and cloth/-dressing, which was kept in operation by himself, his sons, and their successors, until about twenty years ago, a little below the saw-mill near the tannery, and operated by the same power as the saw-mill. Thefirst store at Findley's Lake, was kept by Horace Brockway, in 1824; the next, probably, was that of James W. Robertson, about 1826, who is still there in trade. Wm. H. Greenman established a store, and sold out to H. W. Parsons, who sold back to Greenman, who, after an absence of several years, returned to Findley's Lake, and resumed trade in 1873. Present merchants are the following: Dry-goors —James W. Robertson, Wm. H. Greenman, Wnm. Baker. iHardware-Babcock & Fenton. Druggists-Ross & Beach, successors to Wilson Brothers. The first tavern in the town was kept at Mina Corners, in 1827, by Ctllin Barnes. The first at Findley's Lake was kept by Lysias Tucker, about 1853. Robert A. Corbit purchased the property in i854.; enlarged the house, and continued the business about ten years; and, after several changes, he again obtained the property, and is its present proprietor. The first resident physicianz in the town was at Mina Corners. The first at Findley's Lake is said to have been Dr. Bowen. Later physicians, John W. 458 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Gray, David and Henry Wilson, and Charles J. Daniels. Present physicians -Wilson Brothers, and C. J. Daniels. Horace W. Parsons commenced the cabinet-making business in 1872, and still continues the business, at Findley's Lake. The first post-office at Findley's Lake was established about the year 1823, Horace Brockway, postmaster. It was subsequently discontinued, and in 1854 reestablished; Robert A. Corbit, postmaster, who has been succeeded by James W. Robertson, James D. Findley, Dr. John W. Gray, and Wm. Baker, present incumbent. In I869, Cloud & Pitts established, at the Lake, a shop for the manufacture of butter tubs and shingles. A planing-machine is connected. Ebenezer Skellie bought the establishment in I871, and is the present proprietor. Archibald Nixon was the first harness-maker, and has been succeeded by Frank Lewis, Henry Manuel, and George Hubbard. The business is at present carried on by George W. Eddy. The first wagon-maker was Jesse B. Willard; afterward associated with Clark Barnes. Present wagon-makers-Willard & Barnes, and David Parsons. A blacksmith shop was early erected at Findley's Lake, by Robert Corbit, and carried on by Charles Irish. Present blacksmiths-Azial Barnes, Andrew Bliss, Chauncey Skellie. The first town-meeting in Mina, then comprising the townships No. 2, in ranges 14 and 15 [Mina and Sherman], was held at the school-house near Alexander Findley's, on the last Tuesday of April, T824. The names of the town officers elected were as follows: Supervisor-Nathaniel Throop. Town Clerk-Roger Haskell. Assessors -Aaron Whitney, Zina Rickard, and Otis Skinner. Collector —Isaac Hazen. Overseers of the Poor-Alexander Findley, Orlando Durkee. Commissioners of Highways-Benjamin Hazen, Jeremiah Knowles, Potter Sullivan. Constables-Isaac Hazen, Thomas Downey. Commissioners of Schools-Zina Rickard, Jeremiah Knowles, Alexander Findley. Inspectors of SchoolsDaniel Waldo, Jr., Isaac Hazen, Samuel Dickerson. The following is a list of the town officers of Mina chosen in I833, at the first town-meeting after the division of the town by the formation of Sherman, the year previous: Supervisor-Joshua LaDue. Town Clerk-Simeon Park. AssessorsAaron Whitney, Zina Rickard, Joseph Palmer. Collector —John Francis. Overseers of the Poor-Stephen Yale, Dolphus Babcock. Commissioners of Highways-Aury Delong, Robert Corbit, Wm. Relf. Commissioners of Schools-Nahum Darrow, John Bartlett, Joseph Parmer. Inspectors of Schools -Simeon Park, John Francis, Isaac E. Hawley. Constables-John Francis, Cyrus Darrow, Aury Delong. Justices-Joshua LaDue, Hirah J. Spalding, Nathan Morse, Daniel S. Richmond. Supervisors from 1824 to I874. Nathaniel Throop, 1824 to'27,'29-5 years. Robert Haskell, 1828. Otis Skinner, I830,'3If Elias E. D. Wood, 1822. Joshua LaDue, I833. POLAND. 459 Joseph Palmer, I834 to'37. Daniel Declow, 1838,'44, *'9. Valorus Lake, 1839 to'42. Jesse B. Moore, I843. Wm. Putnam, 1845. Gideon Barlow. 1846 to'48,'52-4 years. Cyrus Underwood, I849. Luke Grover, 1850,'56,'57. Edward Buss, I85I,'58,'6i,'63. Alexander Eddy, 1853. Ora B. Pelton, 1854. George Ross, I855. George Relf, i860,'6i,'64,'65,'67,'72-6 years. Thomas R. Coveny, 1862,'68. Franklin Declow, i866,'71. Henry Q. Ames, I869,'70. John E. Ottaway, I873,'74. CHURCHES. The Methodist Episcopal Church and Society at Mina Corners was formed in I858. It was legally constituted at a meeting held on the I8th of May, Rev. Orville L. Mead and Isaac presiding. Alexander D. Holdridge, Wm. Baker, and Nahum N. Grimes, were elected trustees of the society. Among the first members of the church were: Thomas R. Coveny, Daniel Frits and wife, Alexander D. Holdridge and wife, Wm. Baker, Charity Chase, Lucy Holdridge, Jane Tryon, Lucinda Relf, Betsey Baker, Melissa Holdridge, David Declow and wife. Rev. Orville L. Mead is said to have been the first preacher in charge; his successors, Wm. Deer, C. R. Chapman, J. V. Hill, A. L. Kellogg, R. D. Waltz, J. K. Mendenhall, Joseph Allen, L. E. Beardsley, and A. Bashline, present preacher. The Methodist Episcopal Church in West Mina was formed about the same time as that at Mina Corners. Among the first members were: Urial Fenton, Azan Fenton, John Skellie, Alexander Skellie, Henry F. Moore, James F. Moore, and the wives of all of these. The preachers are presumed to have been about the same as those at the Corners. The American Reformed Church [Dutch] was formed December 19, i856. Among the first members were: Lorenzo Buck,- George Hammer, Adam Hemelin, John George Barringer, Adam Merket, Ebert, and their wives, and Margaret B. Pfifer. Their first pastor was Rev. J. W. Dunewald. Later ministers, G. J. Renskers, Jacob Weber. POLAND. POLAND was taken from Ellicott, April 9, I832, and comprises township 2, range io. Its surface is a hilly upland. The Connewango creek, after making a short circuit in Cattaraugus county, reenters Chautauqua in the north-east corner of Poland, and crossing it diagonally in a south-westerly direction nearly through the center, leaves the town about 2 miles east of its south-west corner. The Cassadaga creek, from the north-west, enters the town centrally on the west line, and unites with the Connewango about half a mile north of the south line of the town. The soil is a clay and sandy loam. 460 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Origiznal Purchases in Townszhiz 2, Range io. i808. August, Gideon Gilson, 51. James Culbertson, 58. I809. July, Stephen Hadley, 59. December, John Owen, 57. i8io. January, John Brown, 57. Colt and Marlin, 42. 1813. October, Nathan Lasall, 37, 45. I814. March, Aaron Forbes, 57. May, James Hall, 54. Ebenezer Cheney, 58. Ira Owen, 20. Ethan Owen, 21. July, James Herriott, 34. I816. March, Elias Tracy, 49. I8I7. March, Elias Tracy, 41. Nicholas Dolloff, 33. July, Aaron Taylor, 26. 1823. June, John Strunk, 2d, 47. July, Samuel Foote, Jr., 8. August, Josiah Wheeler, 13. Leman Hitchcock, 14. I824. May, Josiah and Miles Wheeler, 21. Oct., Flavel Woodward, 40. 1826. May, Josiah Walker, 4. David Tucker, 48. June, Elijah Ewer, 5. Josiah Wheeler, 21. Jeremiah Hotchkiss, 56. July, Melancthon W. Smith, 55. September, David Nevins, 55, 63. Josiah and Miles Wheeler, 20. John Montgomery, 47. November, Joseph Morse and Amasa Ives, 3. December, James Hall and James Frew, 17, i8, 26. 1827. May, Josiah Wheeler, 2i. June, William W. Carpenter, Ii. Isaac Stanbro, 62. The earliest settlement in the south-east part of the county was made in this town by Dr. Thomas R. Kennedy and Edward Work, both of Meadville, Pa. The former, however, never became a resident of the county. To clear away the forest and prepare the land for cultivation was not their object, as will soon appear. From a biographical and historic sketch of Mr. Work, by Judge Foote, the following facts concerning their operations in the lumber business are obtained: In I805, Dr. Thomas R. Kennedy, of Meadville, Pa., between whom and Mr. Work there appears to have existed some business relations and an intimate friendship, and who had married a niece of Joseph Ellicott, purchased of the Holland Land Company about 3,000 acres of unsurveyed land, including what is now called Kennedy, in the town of Poland, and proceeded to erect a double saw-mill at Kennedy, and subsequently in a leanto addition, a grist-mill, with one run of common rock mill-stones. The erection of the saw-mill was the first improvement in the south part of the county, in which no surveys, except township lines, had been made. The only roads were Indian trails; and the materials for erecting the mills, and the provisions for the hands, were brought in keel boats or canoes up the Allegany and Connewango rivers. The mill frame was raised in three days in October, I805, by men who went thither in canoes, or by Indian trails, from Warren, Pa., or south of it. A canoe load of provisions, whisky, etc., sent from Meadville, as was supposed, in due time for the hands on that occasion, did not arrive in season; and being short of provisions, the men were living upon the flesh of a yearling heifer of Edward Shillito, and venison, green corn, and potatoes raised at the mills. The canoe, however, arrived in time for the men to celebrate the completion of the raising with whisky. Edward Shillito, who subsequently owned land, and resided on the north POLAND. 461 side of the mouth of the outlet of Chautauqua lake, and who boarded Kennedy's workmen, was the first resident with a family at the mills. Edward Work, at times, visited these mills on horseback, by Indian trails, before roads were made. The boards sawed at these mills the first years, were rafted to Pittsburgh, and there stuck up until partially seasoned; then put on flat bottomed boats, mostly made at the mills, and run to New Orleans. Mr. Work superintended the running of many of these boats, and the sale of the boards. The boatmen returned from New Orleans in vessels to Philadelphia or New York, and thence home on foot or on horseback, as there was then no way df coming up the Mississippi but by rowing a boat, or coming by land on foot or horseback, through Indian country, which was deemed unsafe. Dr. Kennedy was one of the most enterprising men in Western Pennsylvania, and died at Meadville, in 18I3. [For more of the operations of these'men in this business, see Lumber Trade in Ellicott, and Worksbzur,.] In the souzth-wesl part of the town, Aaron Forbes settled on lot 57, bought in I814, where he resided at the time of his death. Of his sons, Stephen is a merchant in Kennedy; Wesley resides on lot 53; Levi, on the old homestead; Francis, who owned a part of the old farm, and died there. Ezra Smith settled on lot 57, where he now resides. His mother, who lives with him, attended the "Old Settlers' Reunion," in June, 1874, in Jamestown, at the age of o00. His son William died in Carroll. Irwin, married, resides with his father. A daughter, Emily, was the wife of Samuel Holliday, and after her death, her sister Matilda was his second wife. Frances, the wife of a Mr. Vandusen, lives in Jamestown; and Minerva, unmarried, resides with her parents. Luther Lydle, from Otsego Co., settled, about 1830, on lot 59, and died there. His son Lucius resides near the same place. A daughter, Maria, wife of James Wilson, lives on lot 52. Luther lives on the homestead, and his mother lives with him; and William is in the West. Elias Tracy settled on lot 49, where he died many years ago. His sons were Wayne, who owns the old farm, and resides in Ellicott; Elias, who died at Worksburg, where his second wife now resides; Hatch, who lately resided in Ellery; and Ralph, who lives in Carroll. Hannah, one of the daughters, is the wife of William H. Fenton, of Dexterville. Joshua Woodward, from Otsego Co., came about 1816 with his sons, Reuben, Royal, Lewis, Pierce, and Hiram; of whom the last three reside in the town. Reuben, who settled in Ellicott, and Royal, are both deceased. Pierce was 4 years supervisor of Poland. Wellington, son of Reuben, resides in Kiantone, where he was supervisor five years. In the west part of the town, Horace Hartson, from Otsego Co., settled on lot 60, where he lately resided. He lives with his son William, on lot 51. Another son, Chancellor, resides in California. In the north-west part of the town, Amos Fuller, after a residence on lot 46, removed to lot 63, where his son Arad lives; and now resides near the residence of his son. His son Danforth is in Illinois; and two daughters died young. Jeremiah Hotchkiss settled, about 1830, on lot 55, where he 462 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. died about 1869. His son Fordyce, deceased, had a son killed in the late war. Abner resides in town; Jeremiah, Jr., at Dexterville. Daughters: Maria, widow of Alonzo Sears, lives on the homestead of her father; Charity, wife of a Mr. Gifford, died in Busti. Elihu Gifford settled on lot 55, where he now resides. A daughter married Timothy Luce, and lives in Ellington; another is the wife of Charles Case; and another is the wife of Jeremiah Hotchkiss; in Dexterville. David Tucker, from Oneida Co., settled early on lot 48. He married a Miss Montgomery, and had a number of children: William, who settled on lot 46; a daughter, the wife of Orange A. Fargo, on the homestead of her father; and others, residence not ascertained. Mr. Tucker was for several years supervisor of Poland, and subsequently removed to South Valley, Cattaraugus county. In the north part of the town, Eliab Wheelock, from Oneida Co. to Poland, settled on lot 39, where he died. His sons, William, Orrin E., Horace F., Francis H., and a daughter Eliza, the wife of Wm. Camp, all reside in town. Norton B. Bill, a native of New England, came from Genesee Co., about 1830, and settled on lot 46, and died there. A daughter, Emily, married Harvey Forbes, and died in Poland. Malvina married Arad Fuller. Ruth married Darius Wyman. Amos was married to Artemesia Smith, and lives on the homestead of his father. Julia, to Emery Woodward; and Mary, to Miles Tracy. In the central part of the town, Charles T. Wolcott, from Madison Co. to Carroll, and thence to Poland, settled on lot 37, and has lately removed to Gerry. His children are: Jane, wife of Henry W. Gage; Theodore, who married Sarah Briggs; Otis, married, and lives in Penn.; Willard R., who married Sarah Emery, and resides in Gerry, and owns and runs a cheese factory. Nelson E. Cheney came to the county with his father, Ebenezer Cheney, and settled about 1830 on lot 37. He married Hannah Merrill, of Carroll. A son, Emery, is a physician at Randolph. Nelson, educated a physician, is on the farm with his father. Newell, a twin brother of Nelson, captain of the 9th cavalry, served 3 years in the late war. Addison H. Phillips settled finally on lot 28. His sons Cassius and Henry and two daughters all reside in town. Mr. Phillips has for several years held the office of justice of the peace. In the east part, Amasa Ives; from Madison Co., settled on lot 3, bought in 1826, and died in town. A daughter married Joseph Morse, who is deceased. Another, who was the wife of Henry N. Hunt, is not living; he resides in Poland. Obadiah Jenks, from Essex Co., settled on lot 20, and died in town. A son, La Fayette, resides in town. James M. lives in Ellington; Obadiah, Jr., in Penn. A daughter, the wife of Eli Taylor, resides in town. Joseph Clark, an early settler on lot 20, kept a tavern many years near H. N. Hunt's saw-mill. His sons were Joseph Latimer, David, Joel, Egbert R., Adelbert, and Clyne. Joel keeps a hotel at Kennedy. John Miller, about 1831, settled on lot 5, where he still resides. The land is now owned by Harvey Morse. A daughter, Caroline, deceased, was the POLAND. 463 wife of Charles L. Stratton. Alzina is the wife of Harvey Morse. Orilla married James Crandall, and lives in Ellicott. Abby married - Correll, and lives in Pennsylvania. In the south-east part of the town, Elihu Barber settled on lot 3. His son, Guy C., lives on a part of the homestead lot. Horace lives in Connewango, Cattaraugus Co., and has several daughters married, who reside in the county-three in Jamestown. Jabez Waite, from Blood's Corners, N. Y., came to Poland in I831 or 1832, with his family. His sons were Ansel B., Walter B., Galusha M., and John B. Galusha M. resides on lot 3; Ansel B., on lot II. Walter and John are both: deceased. Of his daughters, one is the wife of A. H. Phillips; another, of Horace Frederick, of Randolph; another, of Park. The first saw-mill in this town, and the first in the south part of the county, was that of Thomas R. Kennedy in this town, built in 1805, which has been mentioned. This mill property was sold, by the heirs of Dr. Kennedy, to Richard P. Marvin, of Jamestown, and by him to Guy C. Irvine and Robert Falconer, who built the first grist-mill in that place. It was subsequently rebuilt by Jones and Stilwell, of Jamestown. It next passed into the hands of Seth W. Chandler, who sold it to Daniel Griswold and Wm. T. Falconer, who rebuilt it in i866, and sold it, January i, 1871, to Wellington H. Griffith. It was burned within a year, and a new one was erected, on the same site, by Mr. Griffith, its present proprietor. Samuel Foote and Holbrook built a saw-mill and a grist-mill at Waterboro', in the north-east part of the town. The grist-mill was burned, and the saw-mill never rebuilt. Miller and Harris built a steam saw-mill in the east part of the town-discontinued. A saw-mill was built on Mud creek by Isaac Young, about I820, it is supposed, and sold, by him, to Daniel Wheeler, and by him to Henry N. Hunt, and by Hunt to Albert Russell, and is discontinued. Josiah Miles and Daniel Wheeler built a sawmill near Connewango, which has been rebuilt, and is now owned by Charles Clark. John Merrill built on Mud creek, lot 3, a saw-mill, and sold it to Elihu Barber, about 1831; it was rebuilt by his heirs, and is discontinued. Nicholas Dolloff built a saw-mill on the Connewango, in the south part of the town. A mill has been continued there until the present time. Present proprietor, Richard P. Marvin. There is a paning-mill at Kennedy in the saw-mill of Falconer & Nichols, who also have a stave-factory. A shazgle machine was built on Mud creek by Alonzo Adams, now owned by A. B. Waite. The first town-meeting was held on Tuesday, March 5, I833. The following are the names of the officers elected: Szpervisor-Nathaniel Fenton. Town Clerk-Nelson Rowe. JusticesEmory F. Warren, Henry McConnell, Samuel Hitchcock, Melancthon W. Smith. Assessors-Melancthon W. Smith, Elmore G. Terry, Samuel Hitchcock. Overseers of Poor-David Tucker, Cyrus Coe. Com'rs of Highways -Abner Barlow, Isaac Stanbro, Amasa Ives. Collector-Seth M. Avery. 464 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Come'rs of Schools-Henry McConnell, Norton B. Bill, Linus Mott. Izspectors of Sc/zools-Elmore G. Terry, Nelson Rowe, Emory F. Warren. Constables-Seth M. Avery, John Andrews, Elias Tracy, Jr., Joshua E. Phillips, John I. Simpson. Szpervisors from 8 33 to 1875. Nathaniel Fenton, 1833. Sumner Allen, I834 to 1842, and'46,'64 —II years. Woodley W. Chandler, I843,'44. Henry N. Hunt, I845,'54,'55. David Tucker, I847,'48. Pierce Woodward, 1849,'50,'57,'58. Eliakim Crosby, I85I,'52. Melancthon W. Smith, 1853. Galusha M. Wait, 1856. Wim. T. Falconer, f859 to'63. Daniel Griswold, i865 to'68. Harvey S. Elkins, 1869 to'72. Josiah H. Monroe, T873,'74. Amos Bill, 1875. Dr. Samuel Foote, brother of Judge E. T. Foote, is said to have been the first p/hysician in Poland; and Dr. Nelson Rowe to have come next. Dr. Wim. Smith came about 1840, and died at Kennedy. His son, Sumner A., was a druggist and postmaster at Kennedy, and served three years in the late war. His son Henry died in the late war. Three other sons reside in the town. Present physicians-Drs. James H. Monroe, Ingraham, J. AV. Button, and Early. BIOGRAPHICAL AND GENEALOGICAL. HENRY ABBOT settled at Kennedy about i85o, and kept a temperance hotel. He had several sons: Alexander F., in California; Liberty C., who was a lieut. of cavalry in the late war; he is now at Holly Springs, Miss.; has been superintendent of public instruction in Marshall county, and is at present chancellor of the 9th judicial district; Francis M., lately a state senator in Miss.; Rollin and Eugene, in Penn. A daughter, Emeline, married Abner Darling, of Busti, now in Kalamazoo, Mich. Another, Charlotte, is the wife of Myron Waters, Warren, Penn. SUMNER ALLEN, son of Phineas Allen, and brother of Gen. Horace Allen, was born in Otsego Co., Feb. 3, i804, and came to Poland in IS8S, and was married, in 1827, to Fluvia, daughter of Col. Nathaniel Fenton, and settled on lot 58, where he still resides. He held for several years the office of supervisor of Poland, and several other town offices. He had by his first wife 4 children: Sumner D., married, and resides in Kansas; Sarah Jane, wife of Flint Blanchard, of Ellicott; Jason F., who died in Illinois; Delia, wife of Thomas A. Shaw, of Jamestown. Mr. A. married, second, Mrs. Harriet Evans, who had by him 2 sons, both dead. ELIAKIM CROSBY, a native of Onekia Co., removed, in I829, from Allegany Co. to Chautauqua, and settled on lot 37, in this town. He there kept a public house; was postmaster ten years; town clerk, about the same number of years; and a justice of the peace, sixteen years. He was supervisor in I85I and 1852, and held at different times nearly every town office. He was married, first, to Lucy Ann Baxter, and had 5 children: Louisa, wife of John N. Early, Allegany Co.; Henry, who married Ann Eliza Taylor; Alonzo, who married Mary Jane Hitchcock; Cornelia, wife of Charles B. Albert, merchant of Jamestown; and Erastus, who married Mrs. Mary Q Co t c~ POLAND. 465 Davis, and is principal of the Union School in Tideoute, Pa. After the death of his wife, he married, second, Angeline Emery, by whom he had 6 children: Walter S., who married Mary Kingsbury, and resides in Minnesota; Ellen A., wife of Wellington W. Seymour; Freeman H., an ensign in the U. S. navy, educated at Annapolis; Kate L.; Anna M.; and Mabel F. ABIAL ELKINS, a native of Peacham, Vt., came from Canada to Ellicott, and removed thence to Kennedy, where he worked many years on the mills. He was also for many years a justice of the peace. He resided here until about I844, when he went on business to Pittsburgh, and has never since been heard from. He is supposed to have been murdered. His wife died at Kennedy, in I868 (?) They had ii children, of whom 6 were twins. Edward, a twin brother, resides in town; the other, Edwin, in Wisconsin, served during the late war. William A., another brother, also served in the war, and died of disease while in the service. Harvey S., a brother of the above mentioned, resides in the town; was supervisor four years. The daughters living, are Maria, wife of Seth Haight, and resides in town; Ruby A., wife of Eli Shultz, and resides in Mitchell Co., Iowa. COL. NATHANIEL FENTON, from Otsego Co., about 1823, settled on lot 58.'He was born in New England, in 1763, married to Rachel Fletcher, and had 5 children: i. Orrilla, wife of Wm. Smith, an early settler of Ellery; both deceased. 2. Fanny, wife of Gen. Horace Allen. 3. Elsie, wife of Cyrus Coe, of Ellicott; both deceased. 4. Richard F, who married Sally Ann Tew, of Otsego Co.; and after her death, a second wife. 5. Fluvanna, who married Sumner Allen, of Poland, and is deceased. DANIEL GRISWOLD was born in Cambridge, N. Y., Sept. 28, I788. He served an apprenticeship at the clothier's trade [cloth-dressing] in Bennington, Vt., where he was married, May 25, 1815, to Mary Hills, who was born Nov. 25, I795. He removed, about I817, to Genesee Co.; and about the year 1831 to Chautauqua, and settled in Poland, lot 24, on the Ellington town line, where he died in Feb., I853. Mrs. G. died Sept. 24, 1844. They had 6 children: Mary L., who married Morris Lewis, and resides at Milwaukee, Wis. Hiram H., who died at 22. Sarah, wife of John C. Davis, Davisburg, Mich. Fanny, wife of Harvey Forbes, and lives in Missouri. Alvira, who married, first, William Isham, and after his death, Jefferson Coffeen. Daniel, who succeeded to the homestead. He married Martha, daughter of John Townsend, of Carroll, Nov..8, i868. He removed in 1871 to Salamanca; thence in 1873 to Jamestown, where he now resides. While a resident of Poland, Mr. G. represented his town four years [i865 to i868] in the board of supervisors. He had two children, Grace and Hugh, who died in infancy, and Daniel Townsend, living. SAMUEL HITCHCOCK, from Otsego Co., in 1817, settled on lot 51, and died at Cincinnati in I833. His children were John C., deceased; Adelia, widow of John Townsend, of Carroll; Harmony, wife, first of John Cameron; whose son, Winfield S., served during the late war, and accompanied Gen. Sherman on his long march; and John E., another son, also in the war, who 3~ 466 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. was killed at Spottsylvania Court House. Harmony, after the death of Mr. Cameron, was the wife of Royal Mead, and died in 1864, aged 52. William, second son of Samuel Hitchcock, died at 8; Barlin, at 23. Abigail is the wife of Joseph W. Clark; Eunice, the wife of Simeon Covey, in Illinois; Asenath, wife of Levi Covey, in Minnesota; Amelia, who married Jacob C. Brown, of Ellington; and William L., who died at 3. CHURCHES. The First Baptist Church of Kennedy was organized with twenty-two members, January 30, I836. Their house of worship was erected in i868. The first pastor was Rev. B. Braman; the present one [1873] is Rev. H. A. Conrad. Poland Free Church, at Kennedy, was organized about the year i857; and the church edifice was erected the same year. Levant Wesleyan [Methodist] Church, in the west part of the town, was organized [date not obtained] by Rev. Emory Jones, the first pastor. The meeting-house was erected in 1872. Ministers in 1873 were Daniel Ball and Emory Jones. POMFRET. THE town of Pomfret was formed from Chautauqua, March Ii, i808. It comprised the Ioth and IIth ranges of townships with the present towns of Pomfret and Dunkirk in the i2th range. This was the first division of the county after its organization. The north part of the town is comparatively level; the south part is a rolling upland, the higher being 700 or 800 feet above the north border. It is drained chiefly by the Canadaway creek, which enters the town from the east, nearly 3 miles from its south-east corner, and passes through the town northerly and north-westerly to Lake Erie, about 2 miles above Dunkirk. The Little Canadaway runs through the western part of the town, in a north-westerly direction, entering Lake Erie in the northeastern corner of Portland. From T830, Pomfret comprised townships 5 and 6 in the I2th range, until 1859, when Dunkirk was formed, leaving two tiers of lots from township 6 attached to Pomfret. The village of Fredonia was principally in township 6, and extended north into the second tier of lots. Hence, in order to keep the entire village within the town of Pomfret, the existing unequal division of territory was unavoidable. Pomfret has an area of 28,899 acres, and Dunkirk only 6,632. The latter, however, has the larger population; the increase of which will long continue to increase the present inequality. Original Purchases in Township 5, Range 12. I805. March, Eliphalet Burnham, 6. Zattu Cushing, i6. Samuel Davis, I6. Samuel Perry, 8. April, Augustus Burnham, 7. POMFRET. 467 I806. June, Philo Orton, 48. August, Philo Qrton, 40. September, Elijah Risley, 32, 33. I807. June, Benj. and Isaac Barnes, 40. i808. April, Samuel Berry, 24. October, Thomas Bull, I7. 1809. January, Thomas Bull, I8. April, Thomas Warren, 55. June, Philo Orton, 39. August, Augustus Burnham, i. Sept., Jas. Morgan, 31. Jeremiah Rood, 31. Joseph Coates, 3. Nov., Cushing and Holmes, 63. I8Io. January, Daniel Barnes and Oliver Woodcock, 47. Philo Orton, Simeon Fox, 47. September, Philo Orton, 56. I8II. March, Stephen Porter, 41. Ammi Williams, 49. Israel Lewis, 13. April, Wim. Hinds, 62. August, Joseph Webster, 6i. November, Zattu Cushing, 25. I812. December, Stephen Barrett, 3. 1813. February, Amos Sage, 54. May, Philo Orton, 64. December, Erastus H. Clarke, 64. I814. June, Richard Kelly, 42. November, James Hale, 42. 18I5. January, Elisha Webster, 41. September, Benj. Barrett, i6. 18I6. June, Abiram Orton, 5. July, Zattu Cushing, 62. October, Benjamin Perry, 5. I817. February, Thomas Bull, 15, 6. March, Thomas Clark, 13. April, Eli Webster, 34. May, James Norton, 6i, 64. Jonathan Sprague, 49. Ira Seeley, 34. Joseph Munger, 34. June, Standish Rood, 38. August, Luther Harmon, 53. October, Jonas Litch, 53. Matthew W. Cassity, 54. November, Rensselaer Crosby, 52. Jonathan Sprague, 57. i8i8. January, Benj. White, 60. July, Seth Risley, 28. August, Allen Bills, 28. September, Robert Gardner, 52. October, Leverett Todd, 45. Reuben Bartholomew, 45. 181 9. April, Asa Rood, 37. July, Parley Munger, 42. September, John Hilton, 38. November, Edmund W. Barlow, 37. I821. October, Benjamin Perry, I3. Robert Mellen, 44. 1822. May, Timothy Turk, 43. Sept., Horace and Wm. Risley, 27. 1824. February, Thomas A. Osborne, 29. July, Ezekiel Johnson, 21. October, Isaac Bussing, 35. 1825. December, Joel H. Johnson, 5. 1826. October, Marcus Miller, 35. 1827. February, Lemuel & Rowland Porter, 5I. March, Calvin Hutchinson, 57. May, Jacob Turk, 43.'July, Samuel Barlow, 54. I828. March, Watts Wilson, 37. 1829. January, Porter S. Benjamin, 46. June, Orris Crosby, 43, 44. 1831. January, Leverett Todd, 45. Original Purchases in Township 6, now in Pomfret. I803. December, Thomas McClintock, 8, 14, 20. 1804. August, Low Miniger, 26. Oct., Zattu Cushing, 28, 29, 33. I8Io. May, Benjamin Barnes, Jr., 15. I814. March, James Mark, 25. 1815. May, Justus Adams, 38. 1816. December, Sylvanus Marsh, 38. 1821. December, Wm. Gates, 35. George D. Gates, 35. 1822. June, Pierson Crosby, 26. August, Thomas A. Osborne, 35. October, David Elliott, 30. Nathan Hempsted, 37. Alva Elliott, 34. Anson & Calvin Hutchinson, 34. 468 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. I823. September, Nathaniel Crosby, 3I. 1824. October, Pierson Crosby, 26. 1825. August, Isaac A. Lovejoy and others, 30. Zattu Cushing and others, 30. Stephen Wilson and others, 30. The first contract on record for land in Pomfret, was that of Thomas McClintock. He located the land on which most of the village of Fredonia stands, Dec., I803. The first three settlers there were McClintock, David Eason, and Low Miniger, a narrative of whose removal and settlement has been given elsewhere. [See Early Settlement of the County, p. 75.] In March, 1805, Eliphalet Burnham bought on lot 6, tp. 5; Zattu Cushing and Samuel Davis, lot 16; Samuel Perry, lot 8; and in April, Augustus Burnham, lot 7-all in tp. 5. In I806 and I807, the three earliest settlers, McClintock, Eason, and Miniger, sold out their lands to Hezekiah Barker, Zattu Cushing, and others, and removed to Westfield. Zattu Cushing came to Fredonia in February, 1805, bringing his family and goods with two ox-teams and sleds. He then had five children: Walter, Milton, Zattu, Lydia, afterwards the second wife of Dr. White, and Lucinda, afterwards the wife of Wm. Barker. They were three weeks in performing the journey. At Buffalo they started upon the ice, designing to go on the shore before dark; but night and a tempest came unexpectedly upon them. They feared to proceed, as there were points at which the water was not covered by the ice. They put the oxen upon the side to break off the winds, and covered themselves up on the sleds to pass the night. Having a dinner-horn, Mr. Cushing blew it at intervals, thinking it might be heard by some settler. About one o'clock, two men who heard the horn, came with lanterns, and piloted them ashore near Eighteen Mile creek. Before daylight the ice was so broken up as to have rendered escape impossible. He brought with him four cows; and among his goods were a barrel of salt and a large quantity of apple seeds. Two men came with him to assist him in chopping. On his arrival here, he found that the land which he had had in view, had been taken up by Thomas McClintock. He found near the present residence of David J. Matteson, an unfinished log house, which had neither floor, door, nor chinking between the logs. For a floor he covered the ground with hemlock boughs, and remained there until he got an article of the farm now owned by Samuel Marsh, and built a log house. The only food he could procure for his cattle was browse. The only other families within the present limits of Pomfret and Dunkirk, were those of Thomas McClintock and David Eason. Later in the same year, Benjamin Barrett, Samuel Geer, and Benj. Barnes settled in the vicinity. Seth Cole, who, with his family, accompanied Mr. Cushing on his journey from the east, settled near the mouth of Canadaway creek. Judge Cushing had cleared about 50 acres upon his farm prior to the fall of I807. He then sold out to Mr. Marsh, father of the present occupant, and bought out McClintock's improvement; and thus secured the place he had selected for a home in his solitary journey through the wilderness, years before. ~iT!:? 4:i-::-i::::::i:-: —::l~ i-:i....N... At *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::..K.............../......................................................................................................~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~jj~~:a~-:::::::::::::::::::::...............:: _:: —: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~........................................................ ii i-i~i I...................................-: j.............................~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I i.................................~ ~ ~~'............. -.......................................................................................................... -, -.~('yi::.. 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I, jjjj~ji ~ mjii::::::i::::::::: ---... -........................~..i.....:........................................., ~, ~'.' - - -... -~.....-..-... - - - -~~.~ ~.~~ -.......-................................~............................... I...............~......... I................ I.1.I..I...1.,.-.. ~ ~ ~.. ~. ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~... — - -.~ ~. - - — ~ ~ - ~..- -- ---—.......................................-.....~.. -. - ~ ~,',,' - -',...-.................:........-................................ — POMFRET. 469 In i806 and 1807, the settlement in the vicinity of Fredonia, then called Canadaway, received a considerable accession to its inhabitants. Hezekiah Barker, a native of Rhode Island, settled within the limits of the present corporation, in the fall of I8o6. The beautiful common, in the center of the village, was a donation from him to the corporation. In 1807, Richard Williams, from Madison Co., came, and joined Hezekiah Barker in building a grist-mill. There were then but few families here; among them, besides those mentioned, were Benj. Barrett, Seth Cole [near the lake,] Samuel Geer, and Hezekiah Turner. About fifty more came that year. Mr. Williams and Mr. Barker commenced building a grist-mill, and went to Pennsylvania, 80 miles, with an ox-team, after the mill-stones, and to Batavia after the millirons, making the trip in 21 days. In November, i808 or I809, when the mill was nearly completed, and many were expecting to get their wheat and corn ground in a few days, the mill-dam was swept away by a freshet. The prospect now was, that they must continue to get grinding done at Black Rock or Erie, or pound their grain in a stump mortar, which was a cavity burned in the top of a stump or in the end of a large block. But they volunteered to assist in rebuilding the dam, and the mill was soon in operation. * Mr. Williams lived the first summer and autumn in a log house about T2 feet square, with a family of 15 or upwards, while the mill was building; and as the mill was about 2 miles from the house, Mrs. Williams usually carried the workmen's dinners to them on horseback. To assist some of their relatives in their removal from Madison county, Mrs. Williams started in December on horseback, with a child a little more than a year old, and returned in a sleigh with the families of Col. Bartoo and Samuel Berry. Mrs. Berry was a sister of Mrs. Williams. There were two families at Cattaraugus creek; and John E. Howard kept a tavern at Silver Creek. There was' not a vessel on Lake Erie, except one on the Canada side; and salt and groceries for the settlers were brought from Buffalo in scows. Mr. Williams was a member of the Baptist church from the time of its organization in I8o8. He removed in 1815, to Portland. [See biographical sketch in history of Portland, where additional exploits of Mrs. Williams are recorded.] In I809 came Leverett Barker, who established the first tannery in the county; and Dr. Squire White, both of whom became distinguished citizens, and are elsewhere noticed.,The early settlement of the town of Pomfret was chiefly on and north of the north line of township 5, range I2. The greater part of the village of Fredonia is north of that line, in township 6. Pomfret embraced both townships 5 and 6, until the formation of the town of Dunkirk, in I859. In forming this town, the two south tiers of lots in township 6 were left in Pomfret; the latter thus retaining an area of 28,899 acres, and the former containing only 6,632 acres. The reasons for so unequal a division of territory probably are-First, because most of the village of Fredonia was in township No. 6, extending north into the 2d tier of lots. Secondly, the greater prospective increase of the population of Dunkirk would soon make it equal in 470 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. numbers to the old town. The numbers of the lots of township 6, lying in Pomfret, are the following: ist tier, i, 8, 14, 25, 30, 34, 37. 2d tier, 2, 9,. 15, 21, 26, 31, 35, 38. The first town-meeting in Pomfret, for the election of town officers, was held at Elisha Mann's, in I808, pursuant to the act of the legislature. The meeting was opened by prayer by the Rev. John Spencer. Ozias Hart was chosen moderator. The names of the officers elected are the following: Supervisor-Philo Orton. Town Clerk-John S. Bellows. AssessorsRichard Williams, Justin Hinman, John E. Howard. Com'rs of Highways -Samuel Berry, Abiram Orton, John Mack. Overseers of Pooor-Zattu Cushing, Orsamus Holmes. Constable and Collector-George W. Pierce. Voted, that the next meeting be held at Wm. Gould's. I809. Meeting at William Gould's barn. The following officers were elected: Supervisor-Philo Orton. Town Clerk-John S. Bellows. AssessorsOrsamus Holmes, John E. Howard, Barnes. Overseers of Poor-Zattu Cushing, Orsamus Holmes. [Other officers not ascertained.] Next meeting to be held at Wm. Gould's barn. At a special town-meeting Dec. Io, I81, it was voted, that townships.I and 2, in ranges o and 1, be set off for a new town; and that tps. 3 and 4 of ranges o1 and i i, be set off for another new town. This was accordingly done by the next legislature, at a second session, in June, 1812. The first above described town was Ellicott; the other Gerry. At the same session, Hanover was formed, including the present town of Villenova. Supervisors from i8o8 to r875. Philo Orton, I808 to I818. Leverett Barker, I819 to'22,'29,'45,'467 years. Abiram Orton, 1823 to'25. Benj. Douglas, 1826 to'28. Geo. A. French, 1830 to'33. Orrin McClure, 1834. Elijah Risley, Jr., 1835. Elisha Norton, 1836, 1840 to'44,'56,'59,'60-9 years. Pearson Crosby, I837. Squire White, I838,'39. Daniel W. Douglas, 1847. Rosell Greene, 1848,'49. Wm. Risley, I850. Alva H. Walker, i851 to'53. Hiram F. Smith, i854. Abner W. Camp, I855. Edmund Day, I857,'58. Orson Stiles, i86I,'62,'65. Henry B. Benjamin, 1863,'64. Horace White, I866. George D. Hinckley, 1867,'68. John P. Hall, I869. Franklin Burritt, i870 to'72,'74. Harmanus C. Clark, 1873. A sketch of the early settlement of Fredonia and vicinity, written by Wm. Risley, Esq., was presented to the " Old Settlers' Reunion," at Fredonia, in 1873. It was read with interest at the time of its publication; and being deemed worthy of preservation, it is transferred to this history: "Elijah Risley, Sr., removed from Cazenovia to Canadaway, in March, 1807. He stopped at Buffalo, in a log tavern. He came on the ice to Cattaraugus creek; the rest of the way by the usually traveled road. He stopped a week with Hezekiah Barker, in a log house, a little above Colburn's mill. During this week, an Indian came in, badly wounded by a bear that he had shot, a little way up the creek. Supposing the bear nearly dead, the POMFRET. 471 Indian went to finish his work with his tomahawk; but he was roughly handled by the bear, and barely escaped to crawl to the only place for help. Mr. Barker and Elijah Risley, Jr., started after the bear, and found him with the Indian's gun and other weapons beside him. Bruin was soon killed and brought in. Nearly 15 years afterward, I saw the old Indian, badly disfigured, still bearing the marks of his battle with the bear. "The flats on the Canadaway creek were timbered with black-walnut, butternut, basswood, elm and ash, and in summer were covered with a luxuriant growth of wild onions and leeks. Near the creek might, here and there, be seen a cabin about 6 feet square, covered with bark, whither the Indians resorted during the hunting season. The upland, called the ridge, was timbered with oak, chestnut, white-wood, cucumber, and hickory, with small trees of wormwood, and sassafras; some of the latter being 6 inches through. These have been so completely killed out, that not a sprout is to be seen. "The first road crossed the creek near,Colburn's mill, the creek being there easily forded. This road led across to what is called Webster street, and to the south road through Portland. In 1809, this road was laid out where it remained, through the village. Elijah Risley, Sr., built the first bridge across Canadaway creek. Thefirst school was taught by Samuel Berry in a log school-house near Main street, on the corner opposite Howard's bookstore. The first post-office was in the dwelling of Samuel Bellows, the postmaster, opposite Lester Stone's house. The mails were brought once in two weeks by a man on foot. The gas on the creek was discovered by the burning of drift wood lying over the water. Stones were laid in the creek to the top of the water, and dry sticks laid on; and, when burning, the gas would flash as the bubbles rose. This was called,'burning the creek.' "Pomfret was formed in I8o8. Philo Orton was the first supervisor; Samuel Berry the first town clerk, and also the first justice. At this time, Hezekiah Barker had built his log tavern where the Taylor House now is; also the first saw-mill above the bridge on Main street. In 18Io, Mr. Barker built the first grist-mill below the bridge. [Mr. Risley, though generally unusually accurate, probably dates the building of the grist-mill a year or two too late.] A singular occurrence happened. A mill-stone being broken, one half was thrown across the bridge into the saw-mill. Richard Williams built a log house for a tavern near where the Pemberton House stands. "The firstgrocery was opened by Elijah Risley, Jr., in a small room on the side hill opposite Mrs. Beart's dwelling. Thomas Kapple established the first shoe-shop adjoining, and the first tannery on the opposite side of the road. About this time the mails were carried once a week on horseback from Buffalo to Erie. Richard Williams had the contract. When others failed from sickness or other causes, Mrs. Williams would carry the mail to Buffalo, and swim her horse through Cattaraugus creek. "Dr. Allen was the first physician, Asa French the first blacksmith, his shop on the corner of Chestnut and Main streets. Asa Seymour was the first tailor, his shop on Seymour street. John Swain had thefirst meat market, opposite the Pemberton House. "In I809 or'io, commissioners were appointed to locate the county seat. There was about half an acre cleared on the east end of the common, (west side of the creek,) and to the great displeasure of the people here, the commissioners did not even stop to look at the place that had been prepared with so much labor, but went on directly to Mayville, and located it there. 472 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. It was supposed they were influenced by the Holland Land Company, and selected a place where the land could not otherwise be sold. "July 4, I812, a shocking accident occurred at the village celebration of Independence. A cannon which had been overcharged and fired a number of times, was finally nearly filled with pounded weeds and stone. It was proposed to fire it off by a slow match; but a foolhardy man, named Gilmore, stepped up with a lighted match, exclaiming:'God Almighty can't split it!' In an instant his head was nearly severed from his body by a fragment of the shattered cannon. " Immediately after the.war, Jesse Handy came from Canada, and built the house and kept the tavern where John Crocker now is. He also had a store in a part of the building where Elias Johnson now resides. David Dixon afterwards sold goods in the same place. In 1815, Hale and Risley built the store, or a part of it, now occupied by L. B. Grant, and brought on a stock of goods. Moseley W. and Thomas G. Abell bought of Barker the tavern stand and about 60 acres adjoining, and built the house that was moved off to give place for the brick structure now occupied by the Taylor brothers. The Abells were very successful in the tavern, and were largely interested in the line of stages between Buffalo and Erie. M. W. Abell was postmaster a number of years. " In 1816, Joseph and Ralph Plumb brought on a stock of goods, which were the first goods landed at Dunkirk, (called Chadwick's Bay.) Wooden horses were placed in the water, and planks laid on them to the vessel. Their store was in a building built by Fellows and Woleben where the Woleben block stands. The first paper printed in this village was worked off in an upper room of that building, by Carpenter and Hull, and called ChautTuqua Gazette. Joseph Plumb built the house so long the residence of the late John Crane. At this time the creek was about the middle of the village; and the inhabitants on the west side expected the village to grow up on that side, as about every interest had started there. But in this they were disappointed. " In i8 i, the first ashery was built by Elijah Risley, Jr., a short distance west of the bridge, a little north of the road. James Mack, an old and respectable resident of this village, came near losing his life, by falling into a kettle of boiling liquid. On or near this spot have been built a tannery, two asheries, one brewery, three distilleries, one furnace; only one of them being in existence at the same time, and all built by different individuals. " The first and only articles sent to market, for a number of years after the first settlement, were pot and pearl ashes, which were provisions of Nature to furnish means while the land was being prepared for cultivation. Montreal was the market until the Erie canal was opened. Of course, every settlement had its ashery. Ashes were carefully saved on every farm, and made into crude black salts, for which only a potash kettle and a few leaches were needed. The next article furnished for market was stock-a trade that made this county famous for fine steers. Besides these, what was produced before the opening of the canal, was needed in the newly settled parts of the county, and in the lumber regions in the northern portions of the county, and in Pennsylvania. " The first corn after it was hard enough to cut off by rubbing the ear over a long plane or jointer made hominy. When sufficiently dry, it was pounded in a large wooden mortar, and the finest sifted out to make bread. The first wheat raised was taken in a small boat by a person that only such circum POMFRET. 473 stances produce, to Presque Isle [Erie] to be ground, that being the nearest mill. The trip would require three or four days. Enough was produced, after a time, to spare a little to new-comers, who had usually the means of purchasing supplies for a part of the first year. This was about the only money which settlers had for procuring anything for their families not raised by themselves. It was this state of things that induced many, after struggling for years to improve a farm, to sell out without getting half the value of their improvements, and go on to a new piece of land. It is believed there were in Pomfret but two persons who took up land during the first fifteen years, whose heirs now own or occupy any portion of the land-Philo Orton and Daniel Gould. In Dunkirk there was but one such person, it is believed -Richard Douglass. " Squire White and Leverett Barker bought land in the village of Hezekiah Barker, and each married one of his daughters. " A wonderful change has been wrought in a little more than 60 years. The words' Ohio,' in large letters, on the covers of wagons, conveyed the idea of the extreme West. But now and then a straggling adventurer dared penetrate the then hidden West, before Chicago, Cincinnati, and other western cities were known-when all business on the lakes was done in open boats.'.' A tea-party assembled in the fall of 1807. Among the guests were Miss Lucinda Cushing, afterwards Mrs. Wm. Barker, and Miss Desire Barker, afterwards Mrs. Leverett Barker. All possible preparations were made. Some cake, prepared from corn pounded in a mortar, was hung up on a pole overhead to rise. It was near the fire-place, or rather the place for the fire, as there was no chimney. The heat was more intense than was supposed. After the usual chit-chat, the cake was taken down to prepare the repast, and lo, it had soured, and could not be used! A council was held, and it was decided to make a plain cake from similar material, which was baked on a board before the fire. They had crab-apple sauce, which did not get sour; and all passed off agreeably. " The first house in the village was built by David Eason, on the bank of the creek, near the residence of the late Gen. Elijah Risley. It was built of logs, and the floor was of split logs smoothed with an axe. The doors were made in the same way, and fastened together with pins, not a nail being used. " In the spring of 1807, my father built a log house, constructed in the same manner, near the present site of the Berry house, on what is now Berry street. To save hewing the timber for floors, some smooth stones were procured from the creek, so large that two stones formed the floor for the end of the house. There was no chimney, and the aperture for the escape of the smoke was made through the roof over these stones. When the fire was built on them, they began to crack and to fly in all directions, so that it was unsafe to remain in the house. Stick chimneys, plastered with clay to protect them from fire, were a subsequent improvement." The following are names of early settlers in township 5, range 12, though not all of them original purchasers: In the north-east part of the town, Joel Harrington settled on lot 8, the land now owned byWm. Moore. Jonathan Hempsted, on lot 24; died from the kick of a horse; land sold by his heirs to Lewis Howard and brothers, present owners. Thomas Kepple is said to have settled on lot 23; T. Kepple, probably the same man, appears on the map of i854, on lot i, tp. 6. In the east part of the township, Luther Frank settled on lot I2, a son of 474 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. whom resides in Fredonia. Ezekiel Johnson, on lot 21; was a miller for Risley; a son is, or was recently, editor of a paper in Ohio. Ephraim Wilson, Sr., settled on lot 20; a son' resides in the village. Harvey Durkee, on lot I3; his descendants reside in Fredonia. Orrin Ford, on lot 4; whose wife was a daughter of Benj. Sprague; he was a justice of the peace. Joseph Rood, on lot 22; land now owned by George C. Rood. In the south-east part of the township, Abel Beebe settled on lot I; a son, Delos, is in Fredonia; another at Cassadaga. Otis Goulding, Sr., on lot 2; farm now occupied by his son. In the south part, Varnum N. Bacheller settled on lot 25, where he still resides. Levi Risley bought lot 26, since owned by Orland Brigham. In 81I7, Eli Webster bought on lot 34; at or near where A. Bacheller and L. Keith resided 20 years ago. Willard Blodgett, on lot 35; land now owned by his son Orrin. Near the center of the town, Benjamin Randall bought on lot 30; he was a brother-in-law of Dr. Walworth, of Fredonia. Lot 38 was deeded to Elijah Risley, Jr., Alanson Buckingham, and Benjamin Randall; now owned by John Guest. Isaac Norton and his son Elisha, Sylvanus Sage, Henry Mumford, and Ellsworth Webster, bought lot 39. Elisha Norton still resides on a part of the lot; the remainder is owned, in great part, by Jackson Sage. In the north part of the town, Elijah Risley, Sr., bought originally on lots 32 and 33; the lands subsequently deeded to J. H. Mulford, Lucius Tuttle, Thomas Osborn, and Rosamond Randall. In the south-west part, Bela Kelly and Reuben Munger bought parts of lot 42, on the south line of the town; and Joseph Munger was an original purchaser of part of lot 34, in I8I7. In I854, (perhaps much later,) B. Kelly, S. & E. Kelly, and P. Munger, resided on lot 42. Robert King, and John and Rufus S. Martin, took deeds of parts of lot 5I; the last named is still on his farm. Leverett Todd bought in October, I8I8, a part of 45, where he and his son Albert now reside. Peleg Redfield settled on the west part of lot 58. Earl Bell Thompson'and Alfred A. Skinner, and John Cross, on lot 59. Benjamin White settled on lot 6o, on the west line of the town, where he and Jonathan Dow continued to reside many years. In the north-west part, Calvin Hutchinson bought on lot 57, in 1829; and also some land on the north side of the township line-both in the tozen of Pomfret —which he still owns. Lewis W. Walker and Nathaniel Wood bought of lot 63, including a part of Milford. Robert Wilson and Levi Warner bought the north part of lot 64; the land subsequently owned by R. Wilson, H. S. Stearns, and E. Marsh. The center of the lot was bought by John Crane; since owned by James Lovell. A part of lot 65, was owned by A. Freeman, in 1854; Jonathan E. and Horace Hubbard owned the south part of the lot. In the west part of the township, on and near lot 47, settled a number of the Websters, whose names are said to have been Ebenezer, Eli, Elisha, and Horace, brothers. Russell, a son of Ebenezer, resides on the farm of his POMFRET. 475 grandfather. Jonathan Sprague bought early parts of lots 48 and 49, about 3 miles westerly from Fredonia, on the Buffalo & Erie road, where he settled, and resided till his death. His son Philander continued to reside on and occupy these lands for many years, when he removed to Red Wing, Minn., where he resides. George Steele settled on lot 53, on which H. Benjamin resides. Joseph Webster settled on lot 61, in 181i; R. Webster subsequently settled on the lot. Jonas Litch, on 53, in 18I7; and still resides there; a son resides near him. Rowland Porter settled on lot 54, where he still resides. The following are names of early settlers in part of township 6, now in the town of Pomfret: In the east part of the two tiers of lots annexed to Pomfret, Daniel G. Gould settled on lot 2, township 6, land afterwards owned by his sons, Orson and Barzillai; now by William Moore, Christy, and Orson's widow. J. Baldwin and D. G. Goulding bought on lot 2; now owned by Button and Thayer. On the west part of lot 9, Oliver Barnes settled; and on the east part, Jesse Baldwin; principally owned by Gardners, Ball, and A. S. Moss. Hezekiah Barker bought lots, or parts, of 14 and 15; a part of which appears to have been owned by Leverett Barker, son-in-law of Hezekiah Barker. Lot 20 was deeded to Hezekiah Turner, Providence L. Shepard, and Levi Risley. Justus Adams, on lot 21; two sons reside on the lot. Martin Eastwood on land adjoining, now owned by David J. Matteson, Handy, and Pettit. Lot 26, deeded to John Sawin and Pearson Crosby; now divided into small lots. Lot 30 was deeded mostly to David Elliott; now owned by the heirs of Sydney Stearns. The south part of the lot was the "gospel land," now owned by Joseph Porter's heirs and others. Lot 3I —north-east part deeded to Nathaniel and Pearson Crosby; north-west part deeded to Henry Lasell and Todd, and Irvin Osborne; now owned by E. F. Osborne and Isaac Saxton. Calvin Hutchinson bought a part of lot 34; owning land in both townships. Fredonia Academy was the first institution of the kind in the county. Its first principal was Austin Smith, Esq., now of Westfield. The manner in which the school came to be established at that particular time was thus described by a prominent citizen, then residing at Fredonia: "There was a contention or rivalry between the inhabitants on the west side and those on the east side of the creek, respecting the building and the location of a Presbyterian house of worship. Several meetings had been held without an agreement. Col. Thomas G. Abell and his brother, Moseley W. Abell, hotel-keepers on the present site of the Taylor House, were of course strongly in favor of building on the east side. Many on that side, who were comparatively indifferent about the site of a church, were known to be anxious for the erection of an academy on the east side. Availing himself of this advantage, Col. Abell started a subscription with a view to the erection of a two story building; the lower part to be used for an academy, and the upper part for the. use of the Presbyterian church. The necessary amount was raised, and thus the location of the church and the academy was fixed on the east side. It is said, not a few of the inhabitants believed 476 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. the main village would be on the west side of the creek. This probably accounts for the square laid out on that side." There is at present no school called Fredonia academy. The old institution was a few years ago merged in the Normal and Training school, which was established, by an act of the legislature, in 866, and opened in February, I868, in the old academy building, where it was continued until the completion of the present building, in September of the latter year. Its first principal was Joseph A. Allen. He was succeeded, in 1869, by Rev. J. W. Armstrong, the present principal. The faculty is composed of sixteen persons. In addition to the Normal department, the course of studies embraces primary, junior, senior, and academic departments. The number of Normal students, during the year I872, was about 350. The building is capable of accommodating 700 pupils. It is a beautiful structure. The number of volumes in its libraries is about 3,000. Itscabinet, designed for class purposes, was imported from Germany, and is valued at $600. It has also philosophical, chemical, and astronomical apparatus, valued at $2,500. The building and grounds, valued at $97,500, with the library and apparatus, amounting to $io8,000, were presented by the village to the state, for the purpose of establishing a Normal school; the state guaranteeing the maintenance of an academic department, free to all persons residing in the village. The village of Fredonia was incorporated, May 2, I829. On the 22d of August ensuing, the inhabitants met at the academy for the election of officers and the transaction of other business, John Crane, justice, presiding. The following are the names of the persons elected: James Mullett, president. Henry C. Frisbee, clerk. Orrin McClure, Benj. Walworth, James Norton, Noah H. Whitcomb, Benj. F. Taylor, trustees. John Z. Saxton, treasurer. James Mark, collector. Leverett Barker, Jas. Norton, Henry Bosworth, overseers of streets. Heman McClure, Chas. Burritt, Daniel W. Douglass, assessors. Reuben Robbins, pound-keeper. Voted, that the collector be allowed 5 per cent. on moneys collected. That the assessors be allowed $1.25 a day for their services. That $200 be raised for the expenses of the current year. The president and trustees met on the ist of Sept., 1829, at Abell's hotel, and ordered an assessment of property, and returns to be made in 20 days. In 1830, John Crane was elected president; John Barker, collector; Wnm. A. Hart, assessor, in the place of Charles Burritt. All the officers of 1829 were reelected. Among the ordinances of this year was the following: Theatrical exhibitions, or shows, and other performances for gain or profit, were forbidden without license previously obtained. The Buffalo and Erie road was to be called Main street; the road from the Hamlet, southerly, to be called Hamlet street; the road running by Noah H. Whitcomb's, Mechanic street; the road from the Academy toward David J. Matteson's, Temple street; the road from Main street to James Norton's, Eagle street; the cross-road from Water street to Eagle street, Factory street, POMFRET. 477 since named Mill street;' the road from Temple street towards Dunkirk, Lake street, now called Central avenue. Fredonia is illuminated with natural gas. The following account of its discovery and use is from Child's Gazetteer and Directory, and, having doubtless been furnished by citizens of Fredonia, is presumed to be correct: "The use of natural gas at Fredonia was begun in 182, when experiments were made to determine its illuminating value, and it was introduced into a few of the public places, among which was the hotel which then occupied the site of the Taylor House, and which was thus illuminated when La Fayette passed through the village. The gas used at that time was the first used in the United States, and the gas works established here were the first in this country. The spring first discovered, and from which gas was first used, is located on the north bank of Canadaway creek, at the bridge crossing that stream on Main street, in the village of Fredonia. The gas escaped at various places in the immediate vicinity, but when the well was sunk it was drawn to it. The gas from this well, which was sufficient for about thirty burners, was used alone until 1858, when another well was sunk on the creek, in the north-west part of the village, by Preston Barmore, the shaft being thirty feet deep, six feet in diameter at the top and fourteen feet at the bottom, with two vertical borings, one of Ioo and the other of 150 feet depth. In the fall of i858, Elias Forbes, the present president of the gas company, purchased a half interest in the well, and that fall a company was formed, and during the remainder of that and the following year, the gas in sufficient quantity to supply about 2,000 cubic feet per day was conducted to the village through three miles of mains, and supplied directly from the well to the stores of the village. During the latter year (1859) the company put in a gas receiver or holder of 12,000 cubic feet capacity, and supplied private houses. In the fall of 1871, Alvah Colburn made a boring for gas near his mill, with a view to supplying fuel for generating steam therefor; but the supply was inadequate for that purpose, though it was evolved in considerable quantity. He therefore purchased the Barmore interest in the gas company, and connected his well, which is 1,200 feet deep, with the company's receiver, since which time the supply of gas has been ample for the demands of the village. Previous to the opening of Colburn's well, the supply of gas was not sufficient to meet the demand for it during the winter, and the deficiency was made up by gas manufactured from coal." LAONA. Among the pioneers and early settlers at Laona and in its vicinity, were David Cooley, John Van Tassel, Eliphalet Burnham, Thomas and Hezekiah Bull, Ebenezer Eaton, Joel Harrington, and Henry Wilson, the last of whom, about 1820, gave the village its present name. It lies on Canadaway creek, i miles south-east from Fredonia, and adjoining its corporate boundaries. The Canadaway here furnishes a great water power, which began to be utilized at an early day. Thomas and Hezekiah Bull, about 181o or 181, built a flouring-mill, which was rebuilt by Leverett Barker and Nathan Hatch, from whom it passed into the possession of Robert S. Newton, and from him to H. E. & J. M. Tyrrel. It has 3 runs of burr stones, and is capable of manufacturing I50 barrels of flour and meal per day. 478 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. A carding-machine and cloth-dressing works were built by Ebenezer Eaton, from Cazenovia, N. Y., in 1812. But, like other works of its class, it was long since superseded by more extensive factories. About 1817, Thomas Bull built a cotton factory, which was soon after destroyed by fire, supposed to have been done by an incendiary. Thomas Bull and Orrin Ford, in 1823, built a zeoolen factory, which, in 1838, passed into the hands of Major Nelson Gorham and Silas Fletcher, Canadian patriots and refugees: and in 1854 it was purchased of them by Aaron Kellogg and son; the machinery was removed; and the business was changed to the manufacture of paper; and in i871 it came into the possession of Peter B. Alexander, the present owner, who employs 6 hands, and turns out I,ooo pounds of printing paper daily. In the fall of I859, Horace White and H. H. Bumpus, who had for several years carried on the tanning business at Shumla, having taken Cyrenus Ellis as a partner, built the present tannery in Laona, now owned and conducted by White & Ellis. This establishment has attained a position probably unequaled by any other in the county. The first bark was ground in this tannery January i, I860. There were then 64 vats for leather, and 6 leaches for bark. The machinery was propelled by a thirty horse power steam engine, which was the first steam power in Laona. Bark, bought in i860 for $2.50 per cord, cost, in the time of the war, as high as $7, owing, in a great measure, to the scarcity of help to peel it. In July, 1867, Mr. Bumpus retired from business. In I868, White & Ellis increased the number of vats to 128 for leather; consuming annually i,ooo cords of bark, and giving employment to 20 men. In the spring of 1873, a cheese factory was erected by a joint stock company, at an expense of $3,000; and Alanson C. Straight, Samuel G. Bartlett, and Jackson Brainard, were elected trustees. During the season, from May to October, inclusive, the product from 400 cows was 60 tons of cheese. This factory has the capacity and the prospect of doubling its products the next season. Natural gas is found here in sufficient quantity to supply the village with light, if there were sufficient enterprise and ability to utilize it. About 1859 -60, the sandstone rock which underlies the village, was bored to the depth of 500 to 600 feet in search of oil; but nothing other than a strong current of gas was obtained. Laona has a population of 365 persons, a station on the Dunkirk, Allegany Valley & Pittsburgh railroad, i hotel, a post-office, 3 groceries, i wagonshop, 2 shoe-shops, and 3 blacksmith shops. BIOGRAPHICAL AND GENEALOGICAL. THOMAS G. ABELL was born in Bennington, Vt., April 15, I791, and was married to Rhoda Hawks, of the same place. In 1814, he removed to Fredonia, N. Y., and with his brother Moseley, purchased the hotel property, lately known as the Johnson House, now the Taylor House. Mr. Abell, ................................................................................................................................................................ -................................. ---.............-...................................-............................................................- -......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Subclassifications................................................................................................................................................... p ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~......A....?i,.,;lXt Yt A,.!?;? C-'!... 2Dnx:;:a:: ~s~~. ~ ~ -_li:: POMFRET. 479 Bela D. Coe, of Buffalo, and Col. Nathaniel Bird, of Westfield, established the first line of stages from Buffalo to Erie, Pa., and ran them for many years. Col. Abell is said to have built the first stage coach in the county. He was an enterprising man, and was much engaged, with others, in building up the town, having pursued the several employments of merchandising, milling, and conducting an iron foundry; and was one of the founders of the Fredonia academy. He was for many years a colonel of a regiment of infantry in the county. He removed to Buffalo in 1852; but he engaged there in no active business. He died in 1857; his wife, Feb. i8, 1862. They had five chilren: i. William Hawks, [see sketch.] 2. Eunice Eliza, born Sept. 9, 1815; died Feb. 20, 875, unmarried. 3. Harriet Maria, born March 8, i8I8, and is unmarried. 4. Catherinefennett, born Aug. 24, 1820, and was married to David S. Forbes, of Fredonia, and had three children: Thomas A., Catherine L., and Zelia; and died Feb. 24, I875. 5. Apphia Louisa, born July 8, 1822; died July IT, 1824. 6. Rhoda Louisa, born July IT, 1824; died Oct. I I, 869, unmarried. WILLIAM H. ABELL, son of Thomas G. Abell, was born in Vermont, January 29, I814, the year in which his parents removed to Fredonia. He was a graduate of Fredonia academy; and, at the age of 20, was colonel of a regiment. At the age of 21, he went to Buffalo, and lived there two years. During the excitement of the Texas revolution, he went to Texas, and spent a winter in Matagorda, and returned home. In 1839, he went again, and settled in Austin, the capital of the republic, then just laid out for a city. He there held several offices: acting controller, postmaster, and alderman; and was captain of the Travis Guards. He returned to Fredonia in i842, and in 1844 removed to Buffalo, where he still resides, and is engaged in the forwarding and commission business. He was married Oct. 22, 1846, to Eliza Lee, daughter of Oliver Lee, who was born Nov. 25, 1820. They had four children: I. William Oliver, who was born March i6, I848; died March 18, 1873, aged 25. 2. Harriet Eliza, who was born July 2, 1850, and married Thomas'Powers, of Buffalo. 3. Charles Lee, born Oct. 4, i856. 4. Helen L., born March 12, 1864. LEVERETT BARKER, son of Russel Barker, was born at Branford, Conn., May 6, 1787, and came to Chautauqua county in 1809. He was married, March 3, I8ii, to Desire, daughter of Hezekiah Barker, who came to Canadaway in i8o6, and brought in his family in I807. He was by trade a tanner and currier, and established a tannery at Fredonia, said to have been the first in the county, though an earlier one, so inconsiderable as hardly to deserve the name, had previously existed. Gen. Barker's was conducted on an extensive scale; and he subsequently bought an interest in a large establishment in Jamestown. In I815, he was commissioned, by Gov. Tompkins, lieutenant of a company in the i62d regiment of infantry; in 1816, adjutant of the I69th regiment. In 1818, he was commissioned, by Gov. De Witt Clinton, lieutenant-colonel of the I69th regiment of infantry; and in 1823, by Gov. Yates, colonel; James Mullett, at the same time lieutenant-colonel, 480 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. and Thomas G. Abell, major. In 1824, he was commissioned, by Gov. Yates, brigadier-general of the 43d brigade of New York infantry; and, in 1826, by Gov. De Witt Clinton, major-general of the 26th division of infantry. Gen. Barker had 8 children: i. Hamilton A., born May i i, I812; resides at Dunkirk. 2. S. Eliza, born Sept. 22, 1814, wife of Rosell Green, deceased; she resides at Fredonia. 3. Mary L., born Aug. 24, 1817; died June i6, 1836. 4. Darwin R., born Sept. 9, i820, and is associated with Eber Pettit, his father-in-law, the original proprietor of " Pettit's Eye Salve," in Fredonia. 5. Susan W., born March 3, 1824, wife of Stephen Mead, now residing in California. 6. Dorinda C., born Sept. 15, 1826; married, first, Thomas Bristol; second, Walter Finkle, of Dunkirk. 7. Emeline F., born October 28, I83I, was twice married; first, to Charles Rockwood; second, to Harry Rockwood, and died Aug. 5, I875. 8. LucretiaJ., born July 0o, I834. GEORGE BARKER was born in Venice, Cayuga Co., N. Y., Nov. 6, 1823. His father, John A. Barker, was of English descent, and born in Norwalk, Conn., in 1787; and his mother, Phebe Ogden, of Dutch ancestry, was born in Elizabethtown, N. J., in the same year. They were married at Chenango Forks, Broome Co., N. Y., in I8Io, and in the same year settled in Cayuga Co., where he commenced the business of a tanner, the art and mystery of which, he had acquired in his New England home. He' prosecuted that business, with farming, during the remainder of his life. He was a man of activity and energy, of great force of character, prosperous in his business pursuits, of good repute, and of considerable local influence in public affairs. He died in 1858; his wife, in i860. Judge Barker was educated in the common and select schools in the neighborhood of his father's residence, and at the Aurora academy. He commenced the study of the law, in the office of David Wright, Esq., in Auburn, in 1844, and was admitted to the bar, at the same place, in 1847. He came to- Fredonia in July, 1848, where he has ever since resided, and entered upon the practice of his profession. He was clerk of the village, by successive elections, in 1850,'51, and'52, and president of the corporation, in 1853,'57, and'58. He was elected district-attorney in I853, and again in 1862, and served two full terms. He was a member of the constitutional convention, in I867, and of the committees on "the judiciary," and on "the legislature and its organization," in that body. He married Achsah Elizabeth Glisan, of Frederick Co., Maryland, in Oct., I857. He continued in the legal profession, in which he acquired a good practice, until i867, when he was elected justice of the supreme court, in the 8th judicial district, for the full term, in place of the late Hon. Martin Grover, whose term was about to expire. JOHN S. BELLOWS, from Madison Co., in the spring of i806, settled on the north part of what is known as the Wm. Moore farm, near Laona. Two years after, he removed to Fredonia, and tended Hezekiah Barker's grist-mill. He was the first town clerk of Pomfret, afterwards a justice of the peace and postmaster, which last office he held until his death, Dec. 8, I813. He had 1 anticipation~::::::: i: ~~~~~;r~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~S:': ~ -:-':::::::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r: —:al":~~~~~~~~~::~: -uetiia:::::iii:-i::ii:.-;~~~~~~~~ ~~:i~~ii: I: X: z: ~ ~~ M E'~~:: ~~:;:.:-::: A..........,......:i".i:iii~!?~.... azimuthal~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'.~!.~.~.i.: ii Xii:.i.;: mo....................... ~.......................................... "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i:x':~~~-j'~~~~ —; ~'~~ i~ ~~i~i~!!~ i~~~~iiii~~~i'.~i~~~~i~~i~? "~' "~~ ~.'~ ~:iii% ~!~ii':~;?;~.B'a.;i ~~~,:~'" i" ~i~i i~'.~:;': ~'~......' ~::-; ~~ ~~~~:,.,,r~~~~~~i~a~iii~..~,~~"-...~~~ POMFRET. 481 6 children, 5 sons and a daughter, all living except Samuel, the oldest son. John P. resides at Sinclairville; the rest in the Western states. HENRY BOSWORTH, son of Samuel Bosworth, was born in Westfield, Massachusetts, April I2, 1794, and came, in 1817, to Fredonia, where he established the jewelry and watch-repairing business, which was probably the first establishment of the kind in the county. Major Bosworth carried on this business to the time of his death, May 3, 1853, a period of 36 years. He married Mary Love D. Snow, daughter of Samuel and Love D. Snow, October 27, 1820. He was elected county superintendent of the poor, which office he held in 1838 and I839. ELIPHALET BURNHAM, son of Augustus, was born in Hartford, Conn., and was married in Pittstown, N. Y., in i80o, to Rhoda Ward, who was born in Buckland, Mass. They first removed to Paris, N. Y., and thence, in 1805, to Pomfret, and settled on lot 6, where now Livenus Ellis lives, and where his wife died in i8I4. He sold his farm and bought the paper-mill at Laona. He was an early and a prominent member of the Baptist church, and a zealous and steady promoter of its interests. He had by his first wife 5 children: Rhoda, wife of Wm. H. Tew, of Jamestown; Horace; Louisa; Levi, who died in infancy; and Milton. He married, second, Belvidera Carter, by whom he had 9 children: Sarah; John; Mary E., wife of Abraham Martin, of Kiantone; Levi; William; Lydia; Emily; George; and Tertius. Mr. Burnham removed to Union City, Pa., where he died Sept. 27, 1863, and was buried in Lake View Cemetery, Jamestown, by the side of his two sons, Levi and George. CHARLES BURRITT was born in Connecticut, and while young, removed to Oneida county with an aunt, with whom he spent the earlier part of his life. About the year i808, he removed to Canadaway, now Fredonia, where he commenced the shoemaking business in a log shop on the present site of Putnam's dry goods store. After a few years, failing health induced him to change his business; and he purchased a lot near the creek and established a grocery, which he continued during the remainder of his life. He died March 9, i866, in his 8oth year. He was an industrious man and an estimable citizen. He was, in the war of 1812, ensign in Capt. Jehiel Moare's company, and was in the battle of Queenston. He was married to Orpha Tucker, daughter of Samuel Tucker, of Silver Creek, afterwards of Portland. Their children were: i. William Henry, who went to Mississippi, was married there, and died at Fredonia. 2. Mary Jane, who married Elbridge W. Meacham, and resides at Fredonia. 3. Harriet, wife of David McClure; they reside at Marshall, Mich. 4. Franklin, who married Ann, daughter of Elisha Norton, of Pomfret, and resides in Fredonia. Mr. Burritt has recently been for many years supervisor of Pomfret. ORRIS CROSBY was born in Litchfield, Conn., Jan. 2, 1791; went to Canada, in 809, to study medicine with an uncle; and in June, I 813, [during the war,] was put in prison and handcuffed for vindicating his country's cause. In July, he was put on board the fleet on Lake Erie, by order of Commodore 3I 482 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Robert Herriot Barclay. On the ioth of Sept. following, he was shot in the breast by Lieut. John Garland, of the British navy, because he would not fight his countrymen, and was left for dead. This same Garland was slain in the action; but Crosby survived. He carried, during the rest of his life, the marks of the wound in his breast, and of the British handcuffs on his wrists. After Perry's victory, Dr. Crosby having gradually recovered, went to Genesee county, and resumed his medical studies; was licensed there by the Medical Society, in June, 1817, and came with his uncle, Eliakim Crosby, to Fredonia, and opened a drug store, and commenced practice there as a physician. ZATTU CUSHING, a descendant of a Puritan family, was born at Plymouth, Mass., in 1770. At the proper age, he was apprenticed to a ship carpenter, and, after learning the trade, he worked some time as a ship-builder at Boston. He went to Ballston, Saratoga Co., N. Y., where he married Rachel Buckingham, and removed to Paris, Oneida Co. In I798 or I799, he was employed to go to Presque Island, near Erie, Pa., to superintend the building of a vessel, afterwards named Good Intent, which was supposed to be the first vessel built at any American harbor on Lake Erie, and which was lost, in I805, on the Canada shore, with all on board. He returned with two horses through the wilderness, along the shore of Lake Erie, which afforded him a favorable opportunity for selecting lands; and he decided to purchase the land which is now the site of the village of Fredonia, when the townships should have been surveyed into lots. His removal thither in i805; his disappointment at finding the spot he had chosen occupied by Thomas McClintock; and his subsequent purchase of this land of his choice, have been mentioned, [p. 468;] also his Christian labors in the cause of religion, especially in the formation of the Baptist church in that place. On the complete organization of the county, in I81I, he was appointed first judge, which office he held until 1824. He also performed service in the war of 1812. His energy and enterprise contributed largely to the growth and prosperity of Fredonia. It is but just to say that, in those qualities which fit a man for his duties, social, civil, and religious, he was probably not excelled by any fellowcitizen. His wife died in i816. He afterwards married Mary Elderkin. He had by his first marriage 8 children: i. Lucinda, wife of William Barker..2. Walter, who married Louisa Elderkin. 3. Lydia, who married, first, Daniel S. Houghton; second, Dr. Squire White. 4. Aiilton B., who married Mary Smith. 5. Zattu. 6. Catharine, widow of Philo Stevens; she resides in Fredonia, and is said to have been the first child born in town. 7. A/onzo, who resides in Virginia. 8. Rachel, who married Edward Tupper. He had, by the second marriage: i. Addison C., who married, first, Elizabeth King; second, Ellen Cummings. 2. Sarah, who died at 13. 3. Franklin, who married Minerva Risley. [The order in which the children were born has been differently stated.] Judge Cushing died January 13, I839. WILLIAM B. CUSHING, youngest son of Milton B. Cushing, was born Nov. 4, 1842, in Wisconsin, whither his father had emigrated while a young man, POMFRET. 483 and where he died, leaving a widowed wife and four sons in childhood, who came to Fredonia for the enjoyment of educational advantages, and the society of their kindred. At the age of 15, he entered the naval academy at Annapolis, Md., in i857, and after his resignation thereat, in the spring of i86I, he visited some relatives in Chelsea, Mass., where, by the influence of Rear-Admiral Smith, his mother's relative, he was assigned duty upon the frigate Minnesota, and soon thereafter proceeded to Hampton Roads, to engage actively in the combat with the confederate fleet. At the age of I9, he began a career which won for him undying fame and an imperishable record, characterized by unparalleled heroism and valor. It would require a volume to give in detail his brilliant exploits. Soon after reaching Hampton Roads with the Minnesota, he captured the Delaware Farmer, the first prize of the rebellion. A few months thereafter, he was transferred to the Cambridge; and in July, 1862, he was promoted to the lieutenancy. Soon after the memorable conflict with the confederate ram Merrimac, we hear of his assault upon Hatteras forts; his resistance to and destruction of the rebel infantry which attempted to board his vessel on the Blackwater; his boldness in disembarking from boats under a volley of rebel musketry above Wilmington, and with 20 men driving a garrison from their forts, and destroying their earthworks; his destroying the blockade runner Hebe, while in command of the Shoboken; his night surprise on the enemy, with six sailors capturing ten prisoners and taking two guns aboard his boat; rowing up Cape Fear river in the darkness of night to Smithville, rebel headquarters, hiding his men, and silently approaching the commanding general's quarters, passing, unobserved, within a few yards of I,500 men, and noiselessly entering the adjutant-general's sleeping apartment, lighting wax tapers, and, with presented pistol, demanding silence, and compelling the officer to deliver his papers and plans, which secured, he escapes to his boat, making a prisoner of the confederate chief engineer, before the enraged rebels could realize what had occurred. While in command of the flag-ship Malvern, directly after his promotion to lieutenant-commander, he, with a few men in a small craft, were for six hours under a shower of shot and shell, while buoying out a channel. His hazardous and valiant exploits before Fort Fisher, which succumbed after such persistent efforts and terrible slaughter; his intrepidity exhibited in slyly boarding the richly laden blockade runner Charlotte, and suddenly surprising the captain by opening the door and placing a hand upon his shoulder, and- demanding a surrender, to the utter amazement of some British officers, who, with the captain, were enjoying a wine carnival, and thus making a valuable prize of the Charlotte, and, soon after, of the Stag; were remarkable exploits. While the least of these achievements would win merited distinction, they are insignificant when compared with the intrepidity and fearlessness manifested in the hazardous attempt to destroy the supposed invincible confederate ram Albemarle, the lerror of the federal forces, as she held complete sway in that locality. Frustrated in his designs to board her by night 484 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. surprise, and cut her loose and run her off, he determined to approach her by night, slide under her a torpedo, and destroy her. To accomplish this, he, after many difficulties, brought to the point of operation a steam launch, 30 feet in length, supplied with the instruments of death and destruction, taking with him only such men as declared themselves willing to sacrifice their lives, and contemplated their own destruction, with that of the invulnerable foe. With a line attached to the engineer's ankle to communicate his will without speaking, they were enabled to acquire a velocity sufficient to slide them over a boom into the slip, where lay the Abermarle under vigilance of army and navy, both of which directed fire upon the hero, tearing away his clothing, while he continues to manipulate his ingenious and destructive devices, dropping underneath the vessel a torpedo, its correct position being indicated by the attached line. He pulls the exploding line, which drops a grape-shot upon the percussion cap of the torpedo, which exploding simultaneously with the discharge of a rifle gun bearing upon them from the foe; and both destroyer and destroyed are blown into the air, as he exclaimed: " Men, save yourselves!" He, by persistency, succeeds in reaching the shore, where he fell exhausted, with his feet in the water, and continued semi-conscious for a long time, when he crept into the swamp, and concealed himself until he found a small boat, which he cut loose, and made his escape. In a sketch of Corn. Cushing, in Johnson's Cyclopedia, the writer says: "Always complimented by his superior officers for his skill and courage; five times thanked by the navy department, and once by Congress for'distinguished services,' the country and the navy may well be proud of this most adventurous of their heroes." Oscar W. Johnson, Esq., thus concludes his " Memoir of Judge Zattu Cushing:" " It was a blessing to have lived at such a period in our national existence, to have died with bright visions of the future without even seeing a sign of the great convulsion that has since shaken the republic to its very center. Could he have lived until this time he would have seen his restless and unconquerable will manifesting itself in his posterity in the most terrible ordeals to which man is ever subjected-he would have seen his grandsons making the name of Cushing immortal in his country's history. While Gettysburg is remembered, long as the human heart cherishes the memory of heroism and virtue, it will warm at the name of Alonzo H. Cushing, who, when brave men retired before the overwhelming assault of the enemy, although thrice wounded, still stood to his post almost alone, and died at the battery he commanded as he poured its last discharge into the very face of the foe. And Lieutenant-Commander William B. Cushing, by repeated daring and successful achievements, has rivaled the fame of Paul Jones and Perry, and associated his name with theirs in immortality." William B. Cushing was married, February 22, 1870, to Kate Louise, daughter of Col. D. S. Forbes, of Fredonia, where she resides with her two daughters, Mary Louise, born Dec. I, 1871; and Katharine A., born Oct. II, I873. He died at Washington navy-yard, December T7, 1874, aged 32 years. POMFRET. 485 HENRY C. FRISBEE was born in Essex Co., N. Y., in March, I80o, and came to Fredonia in 1817, with his father, who having died only a few months after settling here, the whole family, excepting Henry, returned to the East. Having some knowledge of type-setting, Henry obtained employment in the printing office of James Hull, publisher of the Chautauqua Gazette, his wages scarcely exceeding his necessary expenses. After about two years, aspiring to the ownership of an office and the position of an editor, he obtained a boy in his place for six months while he attended school, working evenings to pay for his board. At the end of that time, he returned to Mr. Hull, but was informed that his services were no longer needed. Having remonstrated in vain against this unfairness, he told Mr. Hull that a paper should be started in opposition to his. He went a little out of the village, and worked at anything which would bring him any compensation. At length, having heard of a printing press and type in Buffalo which he could lease or buy, he hired a team and drove to Buffalo, leased the office furniture, and brought it to Fredonia, in March, 1821. The first number of his paper, the New York Censor-afterwards changed to Fredonia Censor-was issued February 8, 1822. For 17 years Mr. Frisbee worked on the paper both as compositor and editor. He was also engaged, for many years, in the book-selling and book-binding business, which has since been conducted by his son at the same place. Though not an aspirant for political honors, he was chosen by the people of the county to represent them in the legislature of 1845. He became at an early day a member of the Presbyterian church, and, during the remainder of his life, honored his profession by an exemplary Christian deportment, and his support of the various institutions of the church designed to promote the cause of the Divine Master. GEORGE W. GAGE was born in De Ruyter, Madison Co., N. Y., Sept. 3, 1803. He came to Cassadaga in 1825, and left in I832. After a short residence in Erie, Orleans, and Niagara counties respectively, he returned to this county, and settled at Laona, where he now resides. He was in early life a school teacher. He taught in Fredonia in i825. Teaching was, for ten years, his principal business. He was a merchant from 1832 to 1842; and was elected county clerk in Niagara county in 1849. He was married at Middleport, to Ruth Fassett, and has 3 children: Omar Fassett, now in Rochester; Romeo W., residing at Laona; and Alice R., in Rochester. JOHN P. HALL, the eldest son of Ahira Hall, was born in Massena, N. Y., June i, 1809. At the age of 7 years, he came with his parents to Portland, Chautauqua Co., N. Y. Chiefly by his own efforts he obtained a good education, and pursued for a time, alternately, the avocations of farming and teaching. He resided many years in Sherman, where he was married to Mrs. Jane Ann Miller, widow of Wm. O. Miller. While a resident of Sherman, he was supervisor of that town, in 1846 and I847. In I849, he was elected to the assembly. In I850, he removed to Pomfret, where he was for many years an extensive dealer in cattle, with a younger brother, Ralph N. They were also large landholders, and devoted their farms to this business; owning, at 486 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. one time, nearly 2,000 acres. John P. Hall had an extensive acquaintance, and was generally respected. In I869, he was supervisor of Pomfret. In 1870, he purchased his brother's interest, who removed to New Hampshire. He was an active member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and died, after a lingering illness, Aug. 2, I871. He was generous to the poor, and a liberal contributor to religious and benevolent institutions. He had 3 children, all born in Sherman: James A., born Sept. 27, 1846; Otis M., July 7, I849; and John Preston, Aug. 23, I852. RALPH N. HALL, brother of John A., was born in Portland, Chautauqua Co., Nov. 3, I82I, and was married, at Newport, N. H., to Caroline J. Hall, March 29, 1852. In April following, he removed to Pomfret, Chautauqua Co. He settled at Morian station, on the farm he had purchased of Richard Reynolds, on the north side of the railroad, where he resided six years. He then bought the Levi Selleck farm, on the south side of the railroad, to which he removed. While in Pomfret, he was, for several years, an extensive dealer in cattle, with his brother, John P., as above stated. He purchased, Aug., i875, with his brother Albina, a drug store in Buffalo, which is conducted by their brother-in-law, J. D. Merritt. In 1870, he removed to Newport, N. H., where he now resides. His only child, Julian, born April 9, I853, died in infancy. JUSTIN HINMAN, born in Washington, Conn., Aug., I78I, removed from Oneida Co. to Chautauqua Co., in I806. He was the first magistrate in Pomfret, 810o. He died in that town in 1813. His widow removed to Sheridan in I814. JACOB HOUGHTON was born in Bolton, Mass., Feb. i5, I777. His family were from Lancaster, England. The farm, which was bought from the Indians, is still in possession of the family. The original deed is still extant, and a part of the payment was a blanket and a pair of white steers. His father and grandfather and himself were born in the same house. His father, Simon Houghton, was for many years a member of the Massachusetts legislature. The son attended the district school; earned money to buy a Latin grammar, and studied while riding to mill with the grain in panniers, on horseback. After he left home, he studied Latin and Greek under a private tutor. At 21, he went to Vermont, taught school, was clerk in a store, and removed with his employer to Troy, N. Y. He there studied law for three years with David Jones, and was admitted to practice in all the courts of the state. At 25, he formed a partnership with Samuel Starr, and afterwards with John A. Collier, who studied with him. He had the honorary degree of A. M. conferred upon him. He was married, Jan. 28, I806, at Wallingford, Vt., to Lydia Douglass, daughter of Capt. Daniel Douglass, of the army of the Revolution. She was born in Conn., Dec. o1, 1780. In June, I8 I, he visited this county, engaged a man to build a house, and in September removed his family to Mayville. His house was not begun, nor could he find one short of Irving, on the north side of Cattaraugus creek, whither he removed; the journey having been made with an ox-team in five POMFRET. 487 days, guided by blazed trees. He there practiced his profession, traded with the Indians, Daniel Douglass, his brother-in-law, being a clerk in his store. In I812, he removed to Fredonia, and built the house in which his family still reside. He was present at the first court, [common pleas,] held in the county, in June, I8 1, with only three other attorneys, Anselm Potter, Casper Rouse, and Dennis Brackett. Mr. Rouse dying a year or two after, and Mr. Brackett being killed at Buffalo, at the burning of the city on December I3, I813, Mr. Houghton was the only supreme court attorney in the county. In March, 1813, he was appointed, by Gov. Tompkins, a judge of the court of common pleas. He was also for some time postmaster at Fredonia. He was for two terms supreme court commissioner, by.appointment of Gov. Marcy; and held the office of justice of the peace for four years. He died suddenly of apoplexy, July 30, I86i, aged 85 years and 5 months. Mr. Houghton had 7 sons and 2 daughters: I. Alured, born in Troy, N. Y., July 12, 1807; graduated at Geneva College at the age of twenty; was principal of an academy at Baton Rouge, La., where he died Oct. 29, 1829, in his 23d year. 2. Douglass, born at Troy, N. Y.; educated under Prof. Eaton, Troy; went to Detroit, Mich., as lecturer on different scientific subjects; returned to Fredonia, and studied medicine with Dr. Walworth. He married Harriet Stevens, of Fredonia, and settled in Detroit at the age of twenty-four. He there practiced medicine and surgery; but left the practice for the, to him, fascinating studies of geology and botany. He was physician to the expedition under Schoolcraft that discovered the sources of the Mississippi river. He was also sent out as physician, by the general government, to vaccinate the Indians on Lake Superior. He was state geologist of Michigan, and passed through Lake Superior several summers in birchbark canoes. He was drowned in Lake Superior, October I3, 1845, aged 36 years. He left 2 daughters: Harriet D., wife of Embury Morgan, a lawyer, of Coldwater, Mich.; and Mary, wife of Dr. Harroun, of Chicago. 3. Richard Henry, born at Cattaraugus, N. Y., June 29, 1812. Studied medicine with his brother Douglass; and died in Detroit, Sept. I2, 1834, in his 23d year. 4. Lydia Dozlglass, born at Fredonia, July 20, I815, wife of Alvah Bradish, artist. 5. Sarah Douglass, born at Mayville, N. Y., Dec. 7, 1817; died at Fredonia, August 30, 1840, in her 23d year. 6. Alexander, born at Fredonia, July I5th, 1820; resides there, and is a farmer. 7, 8. William and Theodore, died in infancy. 9. Jacob, born at Fredonia, May 28, 1827. His residence is in Detroit; but his business is at Michigamme, Marquette Co., Mich. He is a civil engineer, and owns a saw-mill and part of an iron mine. He married Theodosia P. Gillett, and has. 4 daughters and 2 sons. JAMES MARK came to Fredonia, from Delaware Co., N. Y., in i808, at the age of 20 years. In the war of 1812, he was called out under Capt. Hale, with the militia of the county, for the defense of Buffalo, and was at the battle of Black Rock and the burning of Buffalo. In 1819, he married Miss Lucy Woodcock, and, in after years, was widely known in the northern part of the 488 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. county as manufacturer of pearl ashes from salts of lye, or " black salts," the principal cash commodity of the early settlers. In 1836, he removed to Hamlet, in the town of Villenova, where, in company with John Z. Saxton, of Fredonia, he commenced the mercantile business and the manufacture of pot and pearl ashes, which business he afterwards pursued on his own account for many years, and until his death, in I855. His son, Charles L. Mark, continued the mercantile business successfully at the above place for a few years; but, since I86I, has been a resident of Fredonia. He had three other sons: Dr. Andrew J. Mark, who died at Clymer, N. Y., in I86o; Prof. Geo. A. Mark, who resides at Hillsdale, Mich.; and John E. Mark, at Buffalo. JACOB MORIAN was born in Germany, March 22, 1782, and came to the United States in 180o or 1802. He stopped the first year in Philadelphia, and then removed to Lackawanna, Penn., where he was married to Lydia Van Schoter. In 1807, he removed with his wife and two children to Dansville, Steuben Co., N. Y. During his residence there, he served 6 months in the war of I812. In 1826, he came to Chautauqua Co.; and after a brief residence in each of the towns of Hanover, Sheridan, and Dunkirk, he settled, in 1830, in the north-west part of the town of Pomfret, on lot 34 of tp. 6, where he died Dec. 7, 1862. His son Alexander resides on the same place, at the railroad station bearing his name. The children of Jacob Morian were: i. William, who died at 5. 2. Katharine, born in 1807, and resides in Dunkirk, unmarried. 3. Anthony, born in 1809, and married, first, Julia Ann Becker, of Dansville, in 1831, by whom he had o children, besides one that died in infancy: William, who married Marilla Bronson, has 3 daughters, and resides in Cherry Creek; Katharine, wife of Henry D. Slayton, Berlin, Wis., and has a daughter; Nancy, who was married, first, to Charles Frost; second, to Albert W. Knapp, Cherry Creek, and has a daughter; Jane, wife of Frank Winchester, Ellery; Martha, wife of George A. S. Kent, Cherry Creek; had 3 sons; Thomas H., who married Harriet Warner, Sinclairville; Charles A., who married Hannah Goodrich, and resides in Plum Creek, Nebraska; and has 3 children; Lydia, who married John H. Wheeler, Schuyler, Nebraska, and has a son; Ann, who married John Brown, resides in Nebraska, and has 2 children; Julia A., aged 20, at home, unmarried. Anthony Morian married, for his second wife, in I868, Margaret H. Ketchum, of Greene, Chenango Co., and resides at Cherry Creek. 4. John, third son of Jacob Morian, married, first, Nancy McGrath, in Ohio, and had a son and a daughter, the son living in Cherry Creek; married, second, in Ohio, Jane Pier, and lives in Virginia. 5. Margaret, unmarried, in Kansas. 6. Alexander, who married, first, Mariett McIntyre, and lives in Pomfret, and whose children are: Dana A., who married Lena M. Simmons, of Windsor, Vt.; lives in Buffalo, and is a conductor on the Buffalo & Washington railroad; James, who died at 6; Miranda, wife of Frederick Koch, in Dunkirk; Benjamin W., who married Addie Widener; lives in Buffalo, and is a conductor on the Lake Shore railroad; Alexander T.; Kitty M.; and Caroline, who ::, ~~% xe-ij::::::","'~a: ~i;-i ~~s~::: 1 :iiB:::::,: ~ciii:i:~~~~.::j:,:=,SL: -'::::i:':~~~::: i:~;;i=:~: ::~ ~::::: nA:- ::~;:::::: —-~ re, P:I:~:~:~c'":;:i :~ii *,:I Zd0 -ii::.i C ~:W: pl: ::I::':::::~:.~:~.ri:::::i: ~~- ~:;,~~,~ ~:~:~ ":" j ~ j~j ~,:::.:: ~::':: ::~:::::~:: ~s.:~:4: Pt8 iii;i:: j ii::i:::::::llg:::,l-;:~':;::::.::::i:' Ni :I:R:C:;":~-':~~i:i~":;iC: ""-" ~I:~. t~ nn:::""': -" ~ i*jg C. d:*::~::: n:~rz~ — ui C". r\-:::::::1~:.::::: ~:::I gaii: i:.~.l'~.'T.':i:~'~:;:~'.::~*, r"Ei;'~:::: t? yB::g r:I:';:i::::k;l::Xili::::;iri:.:::~:'4:l:'i:::::~::.i::::;:::::::~.~: s. Zls s.::l:::'::::::':,l:i::-I::::::;~:~:::-: ~::::i::::::.-'::::::':~::::~::j:~:::,I:::,,L':::'~~: ~ "...':i:!:~;;il~::-s:i.~:~ ~~::~:: ~::-:.~::::::l~i:iili~":::'ii:ii:;::~::::-:::::::i:::~:~::.:~::::: ~: ~::-:: r::;:::i~::::l-i:-i::.:i.i:~-::::ii.::::: i-i,,:i:j:::;:::rl:i ~~:~i":l:i:i ~ ~::;:~:.::::::::: r:~~:~:~:rrl:I:-~:::,::::i''i::.;l-~i:il:::-~:::::~::..::-::.'''i:if% :. ~~: ~:::::-:. -: ~~::::::::::~~. -::::::]::::~ —::-:::::-::;-:I:::-~.:::::::: ~::~ —::-r: I:I:::: 1:.:-: ~~:-. —~: r,-I:n:.::::::;":,;:,i:::: Ut *:...W.~''~~~ ~~i~ ~' -'.i~-ii~' ".....^w^T'' y^-~a9 u/i/ POMFRET. 489 died in childhood. Alexander Morian married, for a second wife, Mrs. R. E. Widener, of Buchanan, Mich. 7. Thomas. S., who married Clarinda Wood, of Pomfret, and lives in Enterprise, Pa., and whose children are Carlos C., who married Marian Gelson, and lives in Enterprise, and has a son; Elbridge O.; Herbert T., who married Josephine Coffin, of Potsdam, and has a son; Eva, unmarried; and Margaret A., who died at 8. 8. Lydia, wife of Asa Whitney, Kansas; has a son, William, married. 9. Jacob, who died in Pomfret, unmarried, at 23, March, I849. Jacob Morian, Sr., died Dec. 7, 1862. His widow died April 4, 1869. JAMES MULLETT was born at Guilford, Vt., in 1781. His youth was spent on his father's farm. He learned the trade of a cabinet-maker, and worked some years at the business. In I8Io, he removed to Fredonia, and was employed for a time in a store. This business also he abandoned, and commenced the study of the law in I813 or 1814, with Hon. Jacob Houghton, of Fredonia. He was admitted to practice in the court of common pleas, Nov. 23, T814; Zattu Cushing, first judge. He was licensed as an attorney of the supreme court, Oct..27, I820; Ambrose Spencer, chief justice. He was admitted as a solicitor in the court of equity, eighth district, Sept. 3, I823; Wm. B. Rochester, circuit judge. He was licensed as a counselor at law in the supreme court, Feb. 27, i824; John Savage, chief justice. He was appointed district-attorney of Chautauqua county, Feb. I4, I826; admitted to common pleas of Erie county, N. Y., June 4, 1827; Ebenezer Walden, first judge; licensed as a solicitor and counselor in the court of chancery, March i, r832; R. Hyde Walworth, chancellor. He was admitted to the U. S. district court of the northern district of New York, as a solicitor, counselor, and advocate, Oct. 12, 184I; Alfred Conkling, presiding; and appointed city attorney of the city of Buffalo, March I2, I846. In I823 and i824, he represented Chautauqua dounty in the legislature. In 1846, he was elected one of the justices of the supreme court, under the new constitution; and was reelected in I850, and served from Jan., I85I, to Oct. 16, 1857, when he resigned. As a lawyer and jurist, Judge Mullett is believed to have had no superior in Western New York. At a meeting of the bar in Fredonia, on the occasion of his death, resolutions were adopted, in which it was declared, " That his high position at the bar resulted from untiring industry and from a love of his profession, and a natural enthusiasm which made all the treasures of his research and genius tributary to his purposes; and that his eminence on the bench was the result of his intuitive love of justice, his natural power of discrimination, close investigation, and his varied legal acquirements." ISAAC NORTON, a native of Berkshire, Massachusetts, came from Vernon, Oneida Co., to Pomfret in I8I5, and settled on lot 39, where now his son, Elisha Norton, resides, 2 miles south-west from Fredonia. He had a daughter, Flavia, who married Solomon Grout, removed to Michigan, and died there; and a son, Elisha, above mentioned, who married Harriet Lowell, and had 5 children: John, who died in i866; Mark, who died in i865; 490 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Ann, wife of Franklin Burritt, supervisor [I873] of Pomfret; Sophia, residing with her father; and Betsey, who died in Pomfret. PHILO ORTON was born in Tyringham, Mass., Sept. 9, I778, and removed from Augusta, N. Y., in i806, to Canadaway. He was a practical surveyor. He was supervisor of Pomfret from its organization in I808 until 18i9. On the organization of the county, he was appointed a judge, and served in that office many years, discharging its duties with fidelity and general acceptance. In I840, he was chosen presidential elector from this congressional district, and voted for William Henry Harrison for president. DANIEL J. PRATT, a native of Westmoreland, Oneida Co., and a graduate of Hamilton College in I851, came to Fredonia, and taught in the academy as assistant to Prof. D. H. Cochran, since principal of the State Normal school at Albany. At the end of three years, he became principal of the academy, and remained in that position nearly ten years. After spending five months with the army of the Potomac, in the service of the United States Sanitary Commission, he accepted a situation as assistant librarian in the state library, and clerk of the board of regents of the University at Albany. ELIJAH RISLEY, Sr., was born Dec. I, I757. He emigrated from Cazenovia to Fredonia, in April, 1807, and settled on the west side of Canadaway creek. He built a grist-mill about half a mile below the Buffalo and Erie road. He was a soldier of the Revolution, and a pensioner at the time of his death, in I84I, aged 84. He was married to Phebe Bills, who was born July 24, 1761. They had i2 children, of whom 9 attained majority: i. Betsey, wife of Seth Risley; both died in the county. 2. Horace, who married Harmony Rood. They removed to Illinois, where he died. 3. Elijah, [see sketch.] 4. Philena, wife of Thomas Warren; both deceased. 5. Fanny, who married Jas. Brigham; both deceased. 6. Phebe, wife of Philip Fellows; both deceased. 7. Sophia, who married Geo. A. French, merchant, Dunkirk, who died about 5 years ago. 8. William, [see sketch.] 9. Levi, who married Sophia Ann Darling; both residing at Cedar Rapids, Iowa. ELIJAH RISLEY, Jr., son of the above, was born May 7, 1787, and came to Fredonia in I807. He commenced the mercantile business here in i808 or I809, being, as is believed, the first merchant in the place. In 1824, he was elected sheriff for three years from January following. In 1833, he commenced the culture of garden seeds, which, in connection with his brothers, William and Levi, was continued on an extensive scale for more than 20 years. In I848, he was elected a representative to Congress. He also attained the rank of major-general of the state militia. Gen. Risley was married to Nabby Brigham, of Pomfret. He died January o1, 1870. Mrs. Risley still resides in Fredonia. Their children were: I. Florilla C., who married Chauncey Tucker, a lawyer;, lately residing in Niagara Co.; both deceased. 2. Hanson A., [see sketch.] 3. Sophrona, wife of Chas. F. Matteson, of Fredonia; she died in I875. 4. Laurens G., who married Henrietta Houghton, and resides at-Dunkirk. 5. Delia, wife of Thos. P. Grosvenor, .........................::: ii_:l _:..............................................................................::::::::: I ~~~~~ ~~~~~..~~~~I ~~~~~-\~~~~~~i.~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~\ ~.~ ~ ~.................::: I: -: _j:: -::- j: -j:::- _-:j:jj::-ij::_:::::-:-:::-::-::-............::::i:i~::::i i:_i:i: —::::_~i::l_::i::i: I~ -i:-I~ -:::I~i:I::i'Ii~l Ii::i~:j-:iiil:-i~~i~:-i~i~i::l-::.:]-:iil..................: —-::':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::..............::_:-_ —: —-::l~i -i ii:ii:iii-li:-ii~ili —ii il...............:jii ii X....... ~ i::lk:i...........r i::::::~I~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~............... 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WILLIAM RISLEY, son of Elijah, Sr., came to Fredonia with his father in I807. He was born Dec. 15, I802. He was married, Jan. 28, 1828, to Caroline Patrick, of Attica. His business has been milling, farming, and horticulture. He had 5 children, of whom two daughters only are living: Sarah C., who married Rev. Charles Arey, lately rector of St. John's church, Buffalo; and Julia C., wife of Edward H. Lord, banker, New York. HANSON A. RISLEY, son of Gen. Elijah Risley, was born in Fredonia, June I6, 18I4; and was married to Harriet Crosby, daughter of Dr. Orris Crosby, of Fredonia. Mrs. Risley'died in Washington, D. C., Sept. 28, 1868. Mr. Risley is a lawyer by profession, and has practiced in Fredonia and Dunkirk. He was appointed master in chancery by Gov. Seward. He was elected county clerk in I854 for three years; and was clerk of the assembly in i86i. In the time of the late war, he was supervising special agent of the treasury department; and after the close of the war, assistant solicitor of the treasury until 1869. He resides in Fredonia. He has had 5 children, of whom two daughters are living: Olive F. and Harriet D.; both of whom accompanied the late Wm. H. Seward in his "Travels Around the World." The former, unmarried, was adopted as a daughter by Mr. Seward, and made one of the executors of his will, and is known as Olive Risley Seward; the latter is the wife of Alfred Rodman, of Boston, Mass. NOAH D. SNOW, son of Dr. Samuel Snow, was born at Boonville, Oneida county, September 9, 1803. He came to Chautauqua county in 18 4. He was elected sheriff of the county, in 1848, which office he held for 3 years from the first of January following. He died at Fredonia, Nov. i6, 1858. JONATHAN SPRAGUE was a native of Smithfield, Rhode Island; and his birth was signalized by its having occurred on the day of the adoption of the declaration of American independence by the Continental Congress, July 4, 1776. He resided at Providence until he was about 24 years of age; from which time he " followed the seas " in the West India trade about 7 years, (the latter part of the time as master of a vessel,) until the time of the embargo laid upon our shipping, a few years before the war of 18I2. He then removed to Cooperstown, N. Y., and at Hartwick, in that county, formed a company and built a cotton manufactory, of which he was the first agent. In the fall of 18io, he came to this county, and took up about 600 acres of land at and near the center of tp. 5, r. i x, now Arkwright. He returned to Hartwick, was married to Susan, daughter of Eliphalet Dewey, Esq., and,, in March, 1811, settled upon his land, being one of the earliest settlers of that town. In 1812, he bought Benj. Barrett's tavern stand, subsequently known as the Manton stand, 3 miles west from Fredonia, where he resided most of the time till his death. In March, 18I5, Daniel D. Tompkins being governor, Mr. Sprague was appointed sheriff of the county, and held the office two years, having been reappointed in I817. In i8i6, he attempted to arrest a desperate fellow named " Sam Parker," who threw a stone at him 492 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. and hit him on the head, and prostrated him. Mr. Sprague lay insensible for about three days, and was reported dead, and was so published extensively in the papers. Parker was taken and committed; broke jail and escaped; was retaken in Pennsylvania by Mr. Sprague, accompanied by a strong guard, and brought back to this county. He was convicted of forgery and sentenced to imprisonment for life. A strong petition was afterwards started in Pennsylvania, by Parker's friends, who were respectable and influential, and signed also by the governor of that state, asking for the pardon of Parker, on the condition that he should leave the state, and never return. DeWitt Clinton, then governor, not knowing the man nor the circumstances, granted the conditional pardon. Parker went to Canada, where he was soon after drowned in the St. Lawrence river. Jonathan Sprague had 9 children from his first marriage: Patty, Ruth, Thomas, Philander, Sarah, Susan, Harriet, Jonathan, Jr., and Franklin. His wife died Aug. i8, I836. He married her sister, Harriet Dewey, in 1837, who had 3 children, Mary, Henry, and Margaret, and died in 1842. All of his children died before the year 1849, except three: i. Philander, who married Hannah Bristol, and had a daughter, Martha, wife of Joseph Lockey, of Red Wing, at present deputy commissioner of pensions, in the city of Washington, where she died in I874. Mr. Sprague removed to Red Wing in i866, where he now resides. 2. Harriet, wife, first, of Judge Benj. F. Green, of Fredonia, and after his death, was married to James J. Humason, and lives in Fredonia. 3. Mary, who was the wife of Rev. Dr. Edward R. Wells, of Red Wing, now Bishop of Wisconsin, residing at Milwaukee. Mrs. Wells died at Red Wing, Oct. I2, 1874, leaving three children, Edward, Samuel, and Pauline. Jonathan Sprague died at the residence of his son Philander, near the old homestead, 3 miles west from Fredonia, August 22, I857. His father was Hezekiah Sprague, and was lost at sea in 1793. EMORY FORCE WARREN was born in Eaton, Madison county, N. Y., Nov. 16, I8Io. His parents were of New England origin, and came to this county in February, I819, and settled in Charlotte. His early life was spent on his father's farm, where he acquired the rudiments of an English education in the district school; and after he had attained to his I8th year, he taught winter schools for several seasons. In May, i831, he commenced the study of law in the office of Hon. Richard P. Marvin in Jamestown. In November following, he went to Kennedy's Mills; and in March, 1832, he was elected a justice of the peace to fill a vacancy, and the next year for a full term of four years. He was married, Dec. 24, 1833, to Timandra J. Sackett, daughter of David Sackett, an early settler of the county. In May, I834, he returned to Jamestown, and resumed his place in Judge Marvin's office; and at the June term of that year was admitted to practice in the court of common pleas, and has continued the practice of law to the present time. In 1839, he was admitted as an attorney in the supreme court, and in due course took the degrees of counselor in that court, solicitor and counselor in chancery, and all the degrees entitling him to full practice in the district and ::::::::::::::_:_;::~: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~....... K::i::; l::;I~i:::..,i..::j. -::''-::-: ~.-::':-:: ~rl —~~~_::-~~~_.i'~~~;;:~~-~~-.-:i::........ ~~:.:..:i:';:~~~~~~:~:~::::j::;~:~:jjiij~..:::::::::::..:~......... ~~j~~j:~~: ~ ~ ~i:~~i:;,:r:~ ~ ~~ ~~i:::::~~~:::_::,:::~::::::::;:::::: ~ ~..........................::::I;::~::::j':i:~i~ a:'::i-: ~::::::::~ ~ ~~8ri'%:::~~~b~:.::(~~:::(.E~i:::~':~:~~::........... j ~:~:::: I:-::r:;~:::::::::~:::::::..::~::;:l~ii-:i:i ~..........:i::::: POMFRET. 493 circuit courts of the United States in the northern district of New York. In I840, he was appointed examiner in chancery by Gov. Seward. In 1842 and 1843, he was a representative of the county in the assembly. In 1845, he compiled " Sketches of the History of Chautauqua County," which were published by J. Warren Fletcher, then publisher of the Jamestown Journal, I846. Early in the latter year, he removed to Stockton, on account of declining health, and spent the season on a farm; and in the autumn took up his residence in Sinclairville, and resumed the practice of his profession. He was appointed postmaster there in I849, and held the office until near the close of President Fillmore's term, when he resigned. He held the office of surrogate from Jan. I, 1851, for the term of four years. Early in 1856, he removed to Fredonia, where he has since continued to reside. He held the office of excise commissioner for the county, from i86i, for 8 years. In I87I, he was elected county judge for 6 years, and is still in office. He was a whig in politics during the existence of that party, and, on the organization of the republican party, took his place in its ranks, where he still remains. DR. SQUIRE WHITE was born at Guilford, Vt., Nov. 20, 1785. He came at an early age, with his father, into Chenango county, in this state. His advantages for education were diligently improved. By his patient study, he laid the foundation of those literary tastes which his habitual reserve prevented him from publicly displaying, but which were, through life, in moments of relaxation, a source of the highest gratification. He studied medicine in the office of his brother, Dr. Asa White, in Sherburne, N. Y., and in the office of Dr. Joseph White, of Cherry Valley, at that time one of the most celebrated physicians and surgeons in the state, and whose often expressed opinion of the high attainments and sound medical judgment of his pupil, is of the most flattering character. He caie to Fredonia in 1809, and is said to have been the first licensed physician in the county. He soon acquired a large practice, of which his numerous friends would not permit him to divest himself; and for many of the last years of his life, his services were in most instances rendered gratuitously. He was noted for the depth of his medical knowledge, the clearness of his observations, and his nice discrimination in everything relating to his profession. An old physician of the county, after an intimate acquaintance with him of nearly forty years, said of him: " He was esteemed by the pioneer settlers as a good physician, humane, attentive to their calls, and extremely lenient to his customers. He was never avaricious." Though indifferent to political preferment, he held several important offices. On the organization of the county in 18II, he was appointed surrogate, which office he held for two years. He was elected three times to the assembly, being a member.in the years 1830, 1831, and 1832. He consented also to serve as supervisor of Pomfret in 1838 and I839. Dr. White was twice married; first, to Sally, daughter of Hezekiah Barker, October 28, I813. They had four children: i. William D., a lawyer, who married Susan Blanchard; resides at Fredonia. 2. Devillo A., 494 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA CQUNTY. who married Lamira Jones, and resides in Fredonia. 3. Julia S., wife of Hon. Francis S. Edwards, lawyer at Fredonia, where she died. He is now in Dunkirk. 4. Edwin, who died in infancy. Mrs. Sally White died July 13, 1823. Dr. White married, second, Lydia, daughter of Judge Cushing, August 24, 1826. Their children were: i. Ellen D., wife of Col. Stephen Morgan, and, after his death, the wife of Joseph Quetting, and resides in Brooklyn, N. Y. 2. George H., who married Ellen E. Pierce, and resides in Fredonia. 3. Mary S., who died at the age of 9 years. Dr. White died April 2, I857. CHURCHES. The Baptist Church at Fredonia dates its organization Oct. 20, i808, and is believed to be the second church organized in the county; the Presbyterian church at Cross Roads, [now Westfield,] being the only one claiming an earlier date. As early, however, as Nov., I805, Zattu Cushing and a few other Baptists, "five brethren and four sisters," as the record says, " thought proper to meet on Lord's days, to recommend the cause of Christ, and confirm each other in the faith." These nine persons are supposed to have been Zattu Cushing, Wm. Gould, John Van Tassel, Benjamin Barrett, Eliphalet Burnham, Rachel Cushing, Rhoda Burnham, Sophia Williams, and Silence Barto. March I4, I807, they entered into covenant, and to hold regular monthly meetings. In the winter following, Elder Joy Handy, from Brookfield, Madison Co., settled at the mouth of Canadaway creek, and a year or two after, removed to the " Canadaway settlement," now Fredonia, on the lot afterwards the residence of Dr. Squire White. Sept. 8, I808, articles of faith and a covenant were adopted; and Oct. 20, i808, a council of ministers, called for that purpose, met at Mr. Cushing's, where the brethren and sisters were examined and received into fellowship —6 in number. Passing over a period of five years, during which the records are defective, we find that on Nov. 9, I813, Judge Cushing was chosen deacon. In i8i6, Ebenezer Webster was elected to that office, and Judge Cushing licensed to preach. In December, i816, Elijah Devine was elected deacon, and in April, 1821, Nathaniel Crosby. In August, 1822, Rev. Elisha Tucker was called to be the third pastor, who visited eastern cities to solicit money to finish the old meeting-house-the old frame edifice-the first, it is believed, that was built in the county. -The present brick church was built on the same site about the year I85i or'52. In June, 1829, a portion of this church was set off, and organized at Laona, as the "Second Baptist Church in Pomfret." This is now extinct. In 1830, a portion of it formed the Dunkirk Baptist church. In 1839, a division occurred in relation to their pastor, John F. Bishop. In Feb., 1848, the churches were reunited. Rev. Joy Handy was the principal supply from i808 to 1822; Jirah Cole to 1836; Beriah N. Leach to 1838; then John Bishop about one year, when the division took place. He continued pastor of one division several years, though he resigned as pastor in I840; but his resignation was not accepted by that division. He afterward left, and was succeeded by S. P. Way and Bliss C. Willoughby until the j,,:::::~':j,:~_,;: -,:i-,:--i;:B:;.'ij;j.::i-:::.:-::::::;:.ji::':j; i; ~,i-;;:i:::::i-:-': r::: i.:l:-Y-'l:;~;l:i'Ui-`:l;. ~:~:~~,~ ~e~~~_i:;-j,:,ii~.: -::: :::l::::M'~Si:'":"; ;::i:-::!:i-,:,,,::~::Li:;:.~-l:-:.i~:::::i;~:~ jzi i.:.~;: -:::~;:;i:;.::i';c::::::'::.I =j' ~~:-:;~Cbt~:~:: '1-4~ a~5::f:~~1~ j:__:~I C:`" ~~-~-~~:-xr-;-~ ""' iS 8:-r; a: Ji ~: f'ii: ~::I:: i i-'-:::l-ssjSi~~~ 3 POMFRET. 495 reunion in 1848. Pastors of the other division: A. C. Barrell, Judah L. Richmond, Alfred Handy, and Ebenezer Loomis. Both organizations claimed to be the First Baptist Church of Pomfret. After the reunion, Ebenezer Webster, John Hamilton, and Joel R. Parker were elected deacons. Ministers since the reunion have been A. Kingsbury, Charles N. Chandler, Alonzo Wheelock, George G. Downey, A. C. Barrell, Howard M. Jones, Charles Thompson. The present brick church edifice was dedicated July 7, 1853. The Presbyterian Church of Fredonia was organized Sept. 29, 1810; Rev. John Spencer, a missionary, being present and officiating, and preaching a sermon. The church was formed as Congregational, but a few years afterward, adopted the Presbyterian form of government. Mr. Spencer preached to the church and congregation a portion of the time until January, I8I7. The names of the persons who constituted the church at the time of its organization, are the following: Benj. Barnes, Isaac Barnes, Norman Goodwin, Mark Stacy, Hannah Loomis, Lucina Goodwin, Ruth Barnes, Israel Loomis, Samuel Marsh, Asa French, Phebe Risley, Persis Chadwick, Mrs. Lydia Goulding, who was admitted Jan. 27, i81I, is still living, [I874.] Her husband, Timothy Goulding, died in Sheridan in I873, at the advanced age of 91 years. From 1811 to 18I4, inclusive, only I2 were added, of whom 6 were of the name of Lovejoy. In i816, Joseph Plumb, and in I821 his brother Ralph, united. [These brothers are noticed elsewhere.] Until about 1824, this church included all Presbyterians residing' in Dunkirk, among whom were Sarah, wife of Dr. Williams; Lucy, wife of Daniel G. Garnsey, and others. For many years, meetings were held in school-houses and such other rooms as could be obtained. In December, I8I9, the society was formed under the statute. It was voted by the meeting that there be nine trustees; but the first vote on the record is declared to be the election of Gilbert Douglas to supply the place of Joseph Rood. Six others were then elected: John Crane, Benjamin Douglas, Henry Abell, Thomas G. Abell, Solomon Hinkley, Harvey Durkee. Other early trustees were Joseph Plumb, Jacob Houghton, James Sage, Isaac A. Lovejoy, Samuel Marsh, Elisha Shepard. Samuel Sweezy was installed pastor, March 13, 81 7; Wim. Page, Sept., 1823; dismissed, Aug. I826; Wm. Bradley, installed Jan., 1834; dismissed Nov., 1837; Sylvester Cowles, installed' Feb., 1839; dismissed 1840. The following also have been pastors: David D. Gregory, Stephen M. Hopkins, Augustus Pomeroy, Sabin McKinney, Daniel Clarke, (6 yrs.,) Edwin S. Wright, (14 years,) A. L. Benton, present pastor. The congregation has also been supplied for short periods of time by Jos. W. McMaster, Abiel Parmele, R. Rudd, and others. Feb. 17, I835, it was voted to build a meeting-house, 52 by 56 feet, and to be three years in building; and that the site be on the hill, nearly opposite James Mullett's, unless, etc. Payments for the pew ground, Jan. i, I82I, 1822, and I823, 5 per cent. in cash, and the residue in produce. The site decided upon was the half acre nearly opposite James Mullett's. Trinity Church, at Fredonia, was organized August i, 1822, Elijah Risley 496 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. presiding at the meeting. The name and style of the organization was "The Rector, Church Wardens, and Vestrymen of Trinity Church at Fredonia.' Michael Hinman and Watts Wilson were elected church wardens; Jonathan Sprague, Abiram Orton, Joseph Rood, Abraham Van Santvoord, Benjamin Douglass, Nathan Hempsted, and Joseph G. Henman, were elected vestrymen. The church was received into union with the convention of the'Protestant Church of the state of New York, October 15, 1822. Rev. David Brown became pastor of the church, in March, 1823. In April, 1823, Michael Hinman and Watts Wilson were chosen church wardens; Israel Smith, Joseph Rood, Elijah Risley, Jonathan Sprague, Joseph Skinner, Jacob Hempsted, and Benjamin Douglass, were elected vestrymen; Jacob Houghton was chosen secretary of the vestry; Jonathan Sprague, treasurer. In June, 1833, a committee was appointed; and a church edifice was completed, and ready for consecration, early in I835. Present rector, W. O. Jarvis. The First Protestant Methodist Church of Fredonia was organized, July 3, 1859, at a meeting of Methodists in favor of a representative form of government; Oren C. Payne, of the Genesee Conference, present and officiating. Names of the first members were Philemon and Chloe Studley, Merit and Elizabeth Waller, Lucius L. and Eunice Woodworth, Esquire S. Woodworth, Samuel and Philena Mills, Smith S. and Elizabeth Wilber, Charles Pettit, Jane Williams, Almon and Emma Smith, Lyman C. Marsh. First class leader, Almon Smith; stewards, L. C. Marsh, L. L. Woodworth. The society was organized pursuant to the general statute, Feb. i, i860; Almon Smith, chairman; 0. C. Payne, secretary. The trustees elected were Lucius L. Woodworth, Almon Smith, Philemon Studley, Lyman C. Marsh, Merit Waller. Rev. Oren C. Payne has been the regular pastor of this church from its organization till the present time, [1873,] with the exception of one year, when he was president of the Genesee Conference, during which year the church was served by Rev. Isaac Fister, M. D. In I861-2, Rev. Isaac Cole, and during the year ending Sept. 25, 1871, Rev. A. H. Marsh, were associated, as pastors, with Mr. Payne. The Baptist Church at Laona was organized in June, I829. Among its active members were Seth and Wm. Higgins, Joseph Davis, Azariah Gardner, and Daniel Saunders. A meeting-house was erected in 1835; but the society was feeble and soon dwindled away. Its place of worship went to decay; and the ground it occupied is now a portion of the village cemetery. A meeting-house was erected at Laona, in 1839, by a society of Christians. Its prominent members were Nathan Hatch, Justus Harrington, and Barzillai Ellis. The society soon became insolvent; and its house was sold at a mortgage sale to Barzillai Ellis. It was afterwards owned occasionally by Justus Harrington and Levi Baldwin, and by the latter transferred to a society of Spirittalists, and is now under its control. Among their prominent members are George Rood, Alanson C. Straight, and Levi Cowden. PORTLAND. 497 PORTLAND. PORTLAND was formed from Chautauqua, April 9, I813. The bounds, as described in the act, are precisely those which include the present towns of Portland, Westfield, and Ripley. So rapid was the increase of the population in this part of the county, that, for the more convenient transaction of business, a division of the town became necessary; and, by an act of the legislature, passed March i, I8I6, the town of Ripley was erected, comprising all the territory lying west of Chautauqua creek., In I829, the town of Westfield was formed with its present boundaries, restricting Portland within the east and west lines of range 13, and reducing its area a little below that of an average township. Like other lake towns, the surface is level along the lake shore. In the center and the western part it is hilly. Its streams are small, most of them rising in the highlands within the town, and flowing into the lake. The largest is Slippery Rock creek, which rises in the south-east part of the town and the town of Pomfret, and, passing east of and near the village of Brocton in a north-westerly direction, falls into the lake about 2 miles below that village. The Little Chautauqua creek, which rises in the town of Chautauqua, enters Portland about 2 miles from its south-west corner, and, near the said corner, reenters Chautauqua, and unites with the principal branch of the Chautauqua a short distance south of the village of Westfield. The soil is described as a clay and gravelly loam. Although the upland is uneven, and in the south-west part somewhat broken, it is well adapted for grazing and general agricultural purposes. Dr. Taylor in his History of Portland, says: " On this ridge the soil is mostly a heavy clay loam, but well adapted for the purposes of agriculture, the south part more especially for grazing and dairying, and the north for grain and fruit growing. Some idea may be formed of its value for the purposes of general agriculture from the fact, that the state assessors have placed it in the first of the four classes into which the towns of the county have been divided by them; there being but three others in the same class, viz., Hanover, Pomfret, and Sheridan; and no one stands in advance of it in the average valuation of real estate, considered with reference to the purposes named." Original Land Purchases in Portland, Township 5. 1804. May, James Dunn, 25, 30, 31, 34, 35. I8o6. June, Benj. Hutchins, 37, 41. July, David Eaton, 37. Nathan Fay, 25. Elisha Fay, 25. October, Peter Kane, 38. 1808. February, Thomas Klumph, 37, 41. 1809. June, Rufus Perry, 33. July, John Price, 39. Peter Ingersoll, 41. October, Philo Hopson, 27, 33. November, Jeremiah Klumph, I9. Dec., Martin Potter, 12. Robert Sweet, 21. i8Io. February, Absalom Harris, 33; [sold to Jeremiah Potter.] Rachel Perry, 33. March, Daniel Barnes, 3, 4. June, Nathan Fay, 12. 1811. May, Elijah Fay, 20. July, William Hutchins, 41. 1813. December, Hollis Fay, 13. 32 498 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. I8I4. September, John R. Gibson, 13. November, Roe Goldsmith, 5, 6. I815. April, Moses Sage, 2, 6, 4, 14, 21. Jethro Gerry, 32. I8I6. January, Augustus Soper, 12. February, Wm. Corell, 36. May, Samuel Geer, 8. July, Wm. Dunham, 27. Calvin Barnes, 32. Isaac Baldwin, 36. October, Solomon CQney, 42. Lewis Hills, 3. Elijah Fay, 42. I817. March, Oliver Spafford, 22. Simon Burton, 22. Elijah Fay, 40. Jacob Houghton, 7. April, Seth Ensign, 32. Gillett Bacon, 40. May, Isaac Baldwin, 4o. June, Martin Smith, 45. July, Asa Brooks, 2. Jewett Prime, i6. September, Zadoc Martin, 2, 3. I818. April, George A. Hitchcock, I6. May, James Bennett, 32. Moses Titcomb, 6. 1820. January, Jewett Prime, 21. I82I. October, Wm. Harris, i8. Joseph Harris, i8. Wm. Harris, Jr., r8. David Hurlbut, i8. Sylvester Andrews, I8. 1822. February, Sophia Williams, 24. Wolcott Colt, 17. September, Seth Shattuck, io. December, John Corning, I4, 15. Wm. Corning, 14. Joshua Crosby, 14. 1823. September, Isaac Howe, Io. I824. January, Rufus Moore, ii. February, Samuel Anderson, Jr., 28. October, Joseph Gibbs, 42. Hollis Fay, 42. Nov., Amos C. Andrews, i. 1825. November, Joshua S. West, 17. 1826. April, Isaac Denton, i. I827. July, Samuel Thayer, Jr., 23. I828. September, David Dean, 2. December, James Bennett and others, i. Isaac Sage and others, I. Frederic Comstock and others, ii. I829. February, Oliver Elliot, 28. March, Henry Mumford, I5. I830. September, William Case, 13. Lewis Chamberlain, I3. I83I. May, Lemuel Thayer, Jr., 23. Original Land Purchases in Towznshizp 4. i8io. March, Jerry Bartholomew, 63. April, Leonard Vibbard, 62. Perry Hall, 62. 181. March, Benjamin Hutchins, 62. September, Wilder Emerson, 55. 1812. November, Josiah Gibbs, 14. I8I5. March, Perry Hillard, 6i. May, William Stetson, 55. John T. McIntyre, 55. Ethan A. Owen, 54. 18i6. March, Jonathan Burtch, 62. May, Calvin Hutchins, 46. June, Jeremiah Klumph,.47 Archibald Ludington, 46. Thomas Klumph, 47. July, Jacob W. Klumph, 47. Oct., Joseph Babcock, 48. Nov., Benjamin Hutchins, 54. James Barnes, 54. Asa Fuller, 48. Timothy Carpenter, 48. I817. Feb., Reuben B. Patch, 6i. Jedediah Thayer, 6i. Stephen Smalley, 48. April, Elisha Rogers, 60. Wm. Cotton, 47. Gideon Jones, 45. May, James Lee, 47. Aug., Lewis Macomber, Stephen B. Macomber, 38. Oct., Erastus Andrews, 40. Nov., Brewer Hubbell, 40. 1818. July, Zuriel Simmons, 31. August, Reuben B. Patch, 60. I819. January, Perry Hall, 39. August, Aaron Hall, 60. The first settler in Portland was James Dunn from near Meadville. The,date of his purchase, as appears from Holland Company's books, is May 31, I804, although it is said he did not settle on his land till I805. Dr. Taylor says, " he located about eleven hundred acres near the center of the town, in 1804, before the town was surveyed into lots." From the list of original PORTLAND. 499 purchases, given on a preceding page, it appears that the lots he selected were 25, 30, 31, 34 and 35. As five whole lots would greatly exceed I,Ioo acres, it is evident that only parts of some of these were taken. The northern bounds of lots 25 and 3I, barely include the village of Centerville; and the west line of lots 34 and 35 is about 2 miles west from the village; the whole purchase lying on both sides of the Buffalo & Erie road for 2 miles, more or less. Mr. Dunn also took up lots or parts of lots 19 and 38; but these he probably never articled, as they are marked on the book " reverted." He built his " shanty," in 1805, on the west part of lot 3I, near the Lake Shore & Miichigan Southern railroad; his family consisting of himself, his wife, and six children. A few months later, he built another hut or shanty on the east side of the road leading from school-house No. 8, near the junction with the main road, on land now owned by John Dudley. In i806, he built a larger log house on the rise of ground near the present residence of Mr. Dudley, on lot 30, and in I808 opened a tavern, on the road surveyed by James McMahan in I805-the first road laid in the county-running immediately south of it. It is believed no other person settled in the town before i806. The preceding list of original purchases will show the dates at which they were respectively made. The writer would here repeat what has been elsewhere stated, that the disagreement between the statements of men respecting the dates of settlement, is such as to render it inexpedient to attempt to give them in the order in which the settlements were made. It was therefore deemed proper to give only the dates at which the 5purchases were perfected, as recorded on the Company's books; stating, however, that, although in most instances the lands were occupied at, or very soon after, the dates of purchase, there were not a few who did not settle upon them for a year, or perhaps two years after the purchase; and occasionally a purchaser never occupied his land, but suffered it to revert to the Company. In numerous instances, too, men settled on'lands a year or more before their contracts were perfected. And there were still others who took articles who never came upon their lands, but sold their claims to those who became actual settlers; but whose names, consequently, do not appear on the land-office books. Dr. Taylor having been himself for many years a resident of Portland, he has had the means of attaining greater accuracy in the dates of settlement of persons in the town, than could be done by any non-resident. The first town-meeting in Portland, then comprising the present towns of Portland, Westfield and Ripley, was held at the house of Jonathan Cass, in the village of Westfield, April, 1814. The following are the names of the officers elected: Szperzisor-Thomas Prendergast. Town Clerk-Asa Hall. AssessorsJonathan Cass, Oliver Stetson, David Eaton. Com'rs of Highways-John Post, Wm. Bell, James Parker. Collector-Samuel Dickson. Com'rs of Schools-Robert Dickson, Jabez Hurlbut, David Eaton. Inspectors of Schools-Elijah Hayden, Amos Atwater, James Parker. Constables-Sam 500 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. uel Dickson, Asa Hall. Overseers of the Poor-James Montgomery, John Brewer. Supervisors from 1814 to 1874. Thomas Prendergast, 1814. David Eaton, 1815,'i6. [The next year Ripley was taken off, and Portland extended only to Chautauqua creek.] David Eaton, 1817, and i833 to'35-in all, 5 years. Thomas B. Campbell, 1819 to'26. Elisha Arnold, 1827,'28. [After i828, the town of Westfield having been formed, Portland was reduced to her present size.] Elisha Arnold, 1829,'31,'32-in all, 5 years. Nathaniel Fay, 1830. Asa Andrews, 1836,'40. Timothy Judson, i837 to'39,'42,'43,'46,'47,'49,'52 to 54ii years. John R. Coney, 1844,'45,'5I. Ebenezer Harris, 1848. Asa Blood, I850. Charles A. Marsh, I855. Darwin G. Goodrich, I856,'58. R. D. Fuller, 1857. Horace C. Taylor, i859,'6i,'62. Gurdon Taylor, i860. Albert Haywood, 1863,'64. Joseph B. Fay, 1865,'66. Alfred Eaton, I867,'68. Joseph E. Harris, I869. Theodore S. Moss, 1870 to'74. The first blacksmith in the town is believed to have been Luther Crosby, in I8I6. His trade was that of gunsmith, but "worked at blacksmithing for the accommodation of the settlers." Simon Burton, Jr., also in 1816, is believed to have been the second, near the mouth of Slippery Rock creek. The first wagon-maker who settled in the town, was Cotton Nash, the first settler at Centerville. The first shoemaker was David Eaton, who, as will be seen elsewhere, followed the business as a trade for many years. It was here a secondary business, doing probably only his own work, and a little for some of his neighbors, as was done in those days by many others. A book-bindery, we are informed, was established at Centerville by Vashni Millet, in 1844, in a building occupied for some years by D. Tallman, as a tavern and dwelling, and now by G. W. Munger as a blacksmith shop. It was removed in i848 to Fredonia. When it is known that few villages of ten times the population of Centerville at that time can not sustain a bookbindery, deserving the name, it is not easy to account for keeping one "running" there for four years. The first store in Portland is said to have been opened in 18I7, by Thomas Klumph, son of Augustus [probably Azgustine] Klumph, in the west part of the town, on the farm now owned by Chester Munson. It was kept in a small room in one corner of his father's log house. Very few goods were kept; yet small as the store was, it was a convenience to the settlers. It was continued about two years. A second store was opened in 1830 by Abiel and Frank Silver, about a mile east of the former. In 1832, they sold to Wim. Curtis and E. Tinker, by whom the store was continued until I834. The first store in Brocton was opened in 1830, by Daniel Ingalls and Joseph Lockwood, in the building now owned by J. E. White, and occupied by C. 0. Furman. That no store was established there until twenty-five years after the first settlement of the town, may appear to many somewhat strange. As late as 1835, when the post-office was first established there, "the terri $bi: it~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:'Ui~ II mO.",e:~ nt: fitp f\ VA~~~~ ~-~ Ctni~BE N~IV ~~:'~il~j~i~ ~~j~~p :::::j-:i i:::::::: —::::::;::j s -:a::,:~~,,:n i:'::::::':::':"'::: $::i:::::::Rii'lli'i':.:::::::::;-;::j::::::::j;.:-:.:.: i~i:i8 1: il;i:::::: i kr y,: O rA C... PORTLAND. 501 tory," says Dr. Taylor, " where now stands the village of Brocton, was little else than a swamp;" and he mentions all the buildings then there, the number being very small. He says, further, "There was little about the Corners to invite settlers or to make it a center of population; yet, through the unyielding energy and perseverance of those particularly interested, it was soon made a point of interest and the business center of the town." White and Lockwood were succeeded by B. F. Post, who bought Dr. Ingalls' portion of the goods; and Lockwood removed his to Centerville. The building now owned and occupied by J. B. Haywood as a store, on the north-west corner, was built by E. R. Southwick, in i836, and in 1837 was bought and occupied by A. S. Moss and G. B. Fay as a store. In 1839, it was purchased by Ransom S. Morrison, and occupied as a store by him singly and in partnership, until r860; his brother Orrin being a partner from I840 to 1845, and A. S. Moss from I846 to I858. Dr. Taylor gives the names of numerous other firms, bringing down the list to the-time of his writing; but the want of room forbids their insertion here. At Centerville, we find Thomas Klumph, in I832, with a store of goods, the first in that place-a larger stock, doubtless, than that with which he started in 1817 in the west part of the town. He continued trade here until 1837, when he removed West. Joseph Lockwood, as has been stated, went with goods to Centerville from Brocton, in I833. Among the later merchants have been S. C. Riley, Amos Barton, Fuller & Barnhart, P. Mericle, A. J. Mericle, Isaac Shattuck, and others, who alone, or as members of firms, have been in trade there. There have been three asheries in Portland. The first was put in operation by John R. Coney, in r188, between Brocton and Portland Center. A pearling oven was attached; and Coney's ashery was, for ten years, the great center of trade in ashes. Another was established in I830, by Abiel Silver, for the manufacture of potash only. It was on land now owned by Henry S. Munson. It was run by Silver two years, and continued two years longer by Wm. Curtis. Neither of these asheries, it would seem, was connected with a store. R. S. & O. Morrison, merchants, established an ashery at Brocton, in 1843, to which a pearling oven was attached. It was run about ten years. Portland, like almost all other towns, has had its cider-mills and distilleries. Of the former, two are mentioned; the first, built by Calvin Barnes, in 1824; the second, by Dea. Elijah Fay, at Brocton, in 1830, which is still standing. The great change in the drinking custom has rendered mills of this class nearly useless. A single one in each town, confined to its proper use, would hardly be deemed a nuisance. Three distilleries have been built in the town. The first, by Ethan A. Owen, in 8I7; the second, by Simeon Whitcomb and Orris Perkins, in 18I9; the third, by Silas Houghton, in 1824 or 1825, near the falls in Slippery Rock creek. It is creditable to the town to state, that all of them were short lived; and that the first two are represented as "small affairs." 502 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. A more valuable industrial "institution," now becoming quite common, has been introduced into this town. A cheesefactory was established by Dea. A. L. Blowers, in the west part of the town, in I866, at a cost of $2,000. What have been the products of this factory the last few years, is not stated; but it is presumed they have been increased since I870, when it turned out 22,000 pounds, from 27,500 gallons of milk; the value of the cheese amounting to $3,300. The first tavern in the town was opened by James Dunn, as elsewhere stated, in i808. Peter Ingersoll opened a tavern in I809, on the " McKenzie farm." It was kept by different persons for many years. The first tavern kept in a frame house was the Williams tavern, built where a log tavern had been burned, near where Lincoln Fay resides. It was sold to Henry Abell, in 1814, and by him, in i8i5, to Richard Williams, an early settler at Fredonia, who kept it as a tavern until his death, in 1822. The taverns in Portland have been numerous. In the History of Portland, sixteen are noticed, including, the Jones Temperance House at Brocton, by E. L. Jackson and Milton Jones, in 1839, which was continued but a few years. The "Exchange Hotel" at Brocton was built in i835, by Samuel Hall and E. R. Southwick, for a store and dwelling. It was subsequently enlarged and opened as a tavern. It has passed through the hands of many proprietors, A. M. Hunt having kept it for a longer period than any other-from January, 1850, to April, i865. D. Morey is its present owner. This is the only public house kept in the town. A great change in tavern-keeping, as in many other kinds of business, has been wrought within the last thirty or forty years. During the tide of emigration to the "great West," and when the mode of conveyance was by teams with wagons and ox-sleds, a tavern every few miles along this great thoroughfare was necessary. But since the means and mode of locomotion of yore were superseded by the "iron horse, whose sinews are steel and whose provender is fire," most of the taverns have disappeared from the roads most traveled. Although Portland is favored with no large streams of water, there are probably few towns in the county in which the mills have been more numerous. When the country was new and covered with forest timber, the smaller streams furnished water sufficient to propel saw-mills a considerable portion of the year; and nearly every water-fall was improved. But as the timber was removed, the streams diminished, until there are few which carry water enough to operate machinery of any kind. The earliest saw-mills in Brocton are said to have been built about the same time; one by Wm. Dunham, on what is called Dunham's creek, commenced in the fall of i816; the other, by Moses Sage, on Slippery Rock creek, at Brocton. It is believed that the former was commenced first, and that the latter was earliest in operation. Dr. Taylor, in his History of Portland, gives a list of 21 saw-mills carried by water. On but two or three of the sites of these mills, are there now mills running any part of the year. Several steam mills have been built in later years; but o PORTLAND. 503 these, the mill built by Samuel Crandall at Brocton in I87 is'the only one now running. Several water grist-mills were built at a comparatively early period, but they have generally shared the same fate as the saw-mills. A good grist-mill, owned by Wm. Whaland, is now in successful operation at Brocton. The "Brotherhood" steam-mill was built two years ago near Brocton station, for grinding feed, which is furnished in large quantities. The first tannery in this town was built as early, it is said, as in I807, by James Parker, on the farm of David Eaton. As may be supposed, the business at so early a day, was small; and the establishment was a cheap and rude one. The vats were dug from the trunks of trees, and the beam house was a log shanty. It was continued but about two years. Another was started about 1820 by John Town on lot 34, tp. 5. This also was a cheap concern, and was continued but a few years. Kinne's tannery was built in Brocton about the year 1826. It was sold in I830, or'31, to Joshua Jackson. Only a few remains of it are to be seen. The Brocton tannery, built in 1836 by J. C. Haight and Harvey Williams, in connection with a grist-mill, is the only tannery in town. It is owned at present by J. N. Porter and J. H. Haight. A carding-machine, the only one ever built in this town, was put in operation at Portland Center, by Orrin Ford, in 1825. The first roll was carded by Jared Risley. Machines of this kind, once deemed indispensable to the welfare of nearly every family, have disappeared with the decline of household manufacturing. Only here and there is to be found one, as an appendage to some other establishment, and designed to accommodate the few octogenarian ladies who wish to keep their "hand in," so far at least as to do the "knitting" for the family. Those who know the superiority of the articles made from yarn spun and knit by hand, would rejoice to have the lives of these old grandmothers prolonged for time indefinite. The first school in Portland was taught in a small log building near the dwelling of Jacob Dunn, in the spring of i8io. The building had been erected a year or two before, but for what purpose is not known-probably for that for which it was subsequently occupied. The first school is said to have consisted only of six or seven children of its founder at its commencement; but " soon a few others were allowed to send their children by paying a proportion of the teacher's wages." It would seem more probable that the few others would have been solicited to join in the support of the school. As settlers had been coming into the neighborhood for five years, there must have been a considerable number of children of school age; as is presumed from the fact that "a school-house was built the same summer or fall by voluntary effort on the part of the settlers." Anna Eaton taught the first school, in the summer of I8Io; and Augustine Klumph taught the first and only school in the new school-house, in the following winter. Being near the site of the "old stone school-house," and its location inconvenient for the settlers, it was abandoned, and another built in i81T, near the present residence of 504 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. J. S. West. This house, though built of logs, was used until after a new frame house was built in the summer of I817. A tozw library was established in I824, under the act of 1796, authorizing the incorporation of library associations. A society was formed, entitled "Portland Library." The act was signed by 27 persons, and $Ioo were subscribed for the purchase of books. Seven trustees were elected: Cephas Brainard, Nathaniel Fay, Jesse Baldwin, Parsons Taylor, John R. Coney, Ebenezer Harris, David Eaton. The formation of this association, and the liberal subscription for the library, evince a high appreciation of useful knowledge. Few of these early settlers had enjoyed the advantages for acquiring a good school education; and they wisely provided for supplying the deficiency by a course of useful reading. Among the men who have shed the brightest luster upon our country, are many who have thus qualified themselves for the high and honorable positions to which they attained. With the increased facilities for learning enjoyed by the present generation, there has not, it is believed, been a corresponding increase of available, practical knowledge. Every school district is furnished with a free library; but that a large proportion of the families avail themselves of this means of information, is questionable. A division of time between school studies and the reading of judiciously selected books, would greatly promote the general diffusion of useful knowledge. Portland has attained a high rank among the towns of the county in fruitgrowing and grape culture. Capt. Dunn, David Eaton, the Fays, and other early settlers, set out orchards as soon as sufficient " clearings" had been made. In this, however, they did not differ from the settlers in other towns. Hence it is deemed unnecessary to speak at length of their orchards, though they were scarcely excelled by any in the county. It is the cultivation of the grape and the manufacture of wine for which this town has become distinguished. The grape was introduced in this section by Dea. Elijah Fay as early as i818. After a trial, for several years, of different varieties without success, he introduced, in 1824, the Isabella and the Catawba, which proved to be well adapted to the soil and climate. From his crop of I830, he made from five to eight gallons of wine, the first made from the cultivated grape in western or even central New York. The old stocks of these pioneer vines were healthy and productive, until the winter of I872-3. One of them had been trained a distance of I o feet, and in 1871 yielded i60 pounds of fruit. The severity of the winter of i872-3 materially injured them, and they are in part removed. The family, it is said, havestill a few gallons of wine of the vintage of i847. For the last four years of his life, Mr. Fay is supposed to have made nearly 300 gallons a year. His cellars contained 1,500 gallons at the time of his death, in i86o. In 1859, Joseph B. Fay, Garrett E. Ryckman, and Rufus Haywood, built a wine house on ground obtained of Dea. Fay; and 2,000 gallons were made the same fall. It was soon found that not only the gravelly soil was adapted PORTLAND. 505 to the culture of the grape; but vineyards were planted in other parts of the town. The increase of fruit enabled the company to increase their manufacture, until, in I865, it reached I6,ooo gallons. Fay retired from the firm in 1862. Ryckman & Haywood continued the business until i865. In 1865, Lake Shore Wine Company was formed with a capital of $00oo,ooo, which went into operation in April. Timothy Judson was president of the company; J. B. Fay, secretary; and Albert Haywood, superintendent. They bought of Ryckman & Haywood their stock of I7,000 gallons of wine, and their other wine interest for $38,000. The present wine house of Ryckman, Day & Co. was built the same season. The enterprise was unsuccessful. The company became involved; the property was sold to pay their indebtedness; and was bought by G. E. Ryckman and R. B. Day, who became the owners of the property in 1868. Ryckman, Day & Co. commenced business the first of June, I868. They purchased at the sale of the Lake Shore Company's property, 24,000 gallons. The storage capacity, which was 40,000, has been increased to 120,000 gallons. In 1870, about 200 tons of grapes were manufactured, and a like number in 187, a large portion of which came from northern Ohio and central New York. The product in I870 was 45,000 gallons; in I87T, 42,000. They had at one time in their cellars, in 1872, 85,000 gallons. The enterprise is said to be a successful one. The Enmpire Vineyards of Ralph D. Fuller, of Portland Center, were commenced in 1862, and have been increased to 12 acres. He manufactured 200 gallons of wine in 1867; in 1871, o0,000 gallons. In I873, he had at one time in his cellars 14,000 gallons. Thomas Quigley commenced the raising of grapes for market in 1858. In 1863, he made 20 to 30 gallons of wine; in 1871, 3,000. A few others have made smaller quantities, but only as a necessity from the low price of fruit. In 1873, the number of acres set to grapes in Portland was about 600. There is in Portland a "peculiar institution," probably the only one of its kind in the United States. It is called the " Harris Community." Its members disclaim affinity with societies generally so called. They style themselves the " Brotherhood of the New Life," a society better known in Europe than in America. Mr. Thomas L. Harris, their head and center, admits that "in one sense the Brotherhood are Spiritualists," but they reject the general mediumship and constant intercourse with the spirit world, as profitless, dangerous, and even profane. "In another sense," he says, "the Brotherhood are Socialists;" by which he seems to mean, " the association of noble and cultivated souls in every industrial and human service." They do not renounce the domestic relations. He says: "Marriage, the family, and property, that triad of institutions, most menaced by the revolutionary and distinctive spirit of the age, are held by them of infinite authority and universal value." Mr. Harris, of Amenia, Dutchess Co., N. Y., with a few chosen friends, purchased, in I867, nearly 2,000 acres of farm lands, in Portland, chiefly on 506 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. the lake border, where they are engaged in the usual operations in agriculture, as, the wholesale pressing and shipping of hay; the general nursery business; and the manufacture and sale of pure native wines, more especially for medicinal use. They are laying out a village which they have named Salemon-Erie, designed to be a business center. Dr. Taylor says: "They cut and secured, in 1872, about J,ooo tons of hay from their own premises, and purchased from outside parties about 250 tons, of which 850 tons were pressed and sent to market; the remainder used by them and sold near home." And according to Mr. Harris' own statement, their product of wines has been from 15,000 to 23,000 gallons annually. The grapes from which the wine is manufactured, are in part raised by them, and in part obtained by purchase. This part of their business is done under the name of the " Lake Erie and Missouri River Wine Company." BIOGRAPHICAL AND GENEALOGICAL. DAVID EATON was born in Framingham, Mass., Feb. 2, 1872. He was the oldest son of Benjamin and Mary Eaton, and the fifth of ten children. His father was a shoemaker; and David was put upon the bench at the age of nine years. When eighteen years of age his father died; but he continued the business and supported the family until he was twenty-two; yet he found time to store his mind with useful knowledge. In I805, with Nathan Fay, he visited the "Purchase," and explored the lake region, and returned. April 20, I8o6, he married Elizabeth Home; and in May, accompanied by his wife, mother, and youngest sister, Nathan Fay and family, Elisha and Nathaniel Fay, started for the West, with a span of horses and a covered wagon. His wife being in feeble health, they were obliged to stop for rest at New Hartford, where she died. Leaving his mother and sister there, he came to Portland, and located the land on which he afterwards settled, and where he lived until his death, nearly 67 years. Having built a log house and cleared two acres of land, in October he removed his family from New Hartford. The following winter was a very severe one. The mills at Westfield being frozen fast, he had to prepare his corn for food with a mortar and pestle. His mother kept house for him until i811, when he married Mrs. Mercy Fay, widow of Nathan Fay. His sister, who taught the first school in town, as elsewhere stated, continued teaching until 1815, when she married and moved to Whitestown. His mother died in Oct., I848, aged 95 years and 6 months. His wife died May I2, 1862. Mr. Eaton died Oct. 7, I872, aged go years and 8 months. Mr. Eaton was not only an estimable and highly respected citizen, but rendered his town and county valuable service. He served his country in the war of I812, and was wounded in the battle of Queenston. [See War History.] He was assessor of the town of Chautauqua in 1809; and clerk of the board of supervisors from 1820 to'27, and for the years 1831 and'32. He was supervisor of the town for 6 years, and chairman of the board in 18I5; and was for several years a justice of the peace. He was appointed — —ICi-.~i s ~:~-? ~rr:::::;..:,e;I ~ )~ 2~-C4/. L; ELzl~r, PORTLAND. 507 superintendent of the poor in 1844, and held the office 6 years. He had 5 children: i. Edwin, who married Caroline P. Baldridge, of Fredonia, and resides at Frewsburgh. 2. Emily, wife of Josiah Wheeler, of Frewsburgh; both deceased. 3. Al/fed, who married Hannah C. Clark; settled in Wisconsin, and now resides on the old homestead, in this town. 4. Oscar, who married Louisa A. Kennedy, of Steuben county; removed to Michigan, and thence to Forest Grove, Oregon. 5. Darwin G., who was a graduate of the state normal school at Albany; subsequently one of its teachers; and thence transferred, nearly thirty years ago, to the Packer Institute in Brooklyn, where he is still professor of mathematics and natural sciences. He was married to Ann J. Collins, of Steuben county, Oct. 2, i85o. FAY FAMILIEs.-There were among the early settlers in Portland five families of this name, whose respective heads were Elijah, Elisha, Nathaniel, Hollis, and Nathan. All but the last named were brothers, the sons of Nathaniel Fay, who never came to Chautauqua. ELIJAH FAY was born in Southborough, Mass., Sept. 9, 1781, and was married to Lucy Belknap, of Westborough. They came to Portland in 81 I, in a wagon drawn by a yoke of oxen and a horse, and were forty-one days on the road. He settled on lot 20, township 5, the whole of which he had previously located, containing I79 acres, about one-half the area of an ordinary lot. He occupied his first cabin Jan. i, 1812. His house needs no other description than to say, that it was one of the rudest of the rude. Three-legged stools made of split slabs served for chairs for about three years. A better house was built about a year after the first, and the first was used for a barn, and the space between the two closed up for a threshing floor. Three years later, another house was built, which the family occupied until 1831, when the house now on the farm was built. Pages might be filled with the relation of a most interesting pioneer experience of this family, but which we are compelled to omit. Mr. Fay was regarded as one of the best of the good men who peopled this town. He was prominent among the founders of the Baptist church, and one of its early deacons. Deacon Fay died Aug. 23, 1860; Mrs. Fay, Jan. i8, 1872. They had 3 children: i. Clinton.S., who married Almira A. Clark, and who resides on a portion of the homestead. He is a deaf mute from disease in early life. 2. Lydia E., wife of Lawrence F. Ryckman, who died July 22, I873. 3. Joseph/ B., who married Maria M., daughter of Isaac Sage, and after her death, Martha Haywood; now lives in Topeka, Kansas. ELISHA FAY, a brother of Elijah, was born in Framingham, Mass., June 2, 1783. He came to Portland in June, I806. He came with his brother, Nathaniel, both unmarried, and Nathan (not a brother) and his family. He settled on lot 25, on which he has lived 67 years, though for some time since the death of his wife as a boarder with his sons. He went to Massachusetts in i807, and returned to Portland with his wife, Sophia Nichols. A new log house was built, which they occupied until 1828, when the stone house was built. Mr. Fay served in the war of 1812, and was in the battle 508 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. at Black Rock and Buffalo. He is the oldest actual settler in the town now living. He was an early member of the Methodist Episcopal church; afterwards of the division called Wesleyan. Mrs. Fay died in October, I850. His children were: i. Lincoln, who married Sophrona Peck, and lives on the farm located by Nathan Fay in I806. 2. Eddie, who died at 23. 3. Charles, who married Laura A. Hall, and lives on a part of the old homestead. 4. Otis N, who married Emeline Van Tassel, and lives about two miles southeast from Centerville. NATHANIEL FAY came to Portland in I806, with his brother Elisha, and in I8io located a part of lot 12, tp. 5; the land now owned by his son Franklin. He married Lydia, daughter of Calvin Barnes. He was elected supervisor in 1830, and held several other town offices. He served in the war of 1812, and was at the battle of Black Rock. He died May 15, 1853; Mrs. Fay, Sept. 4, I872. Their children were: i. Mary Ann, wife of Orrin Brainard, who settled first in Arkwright, and afterward in Pomfret, where she died in I854. 2. Franklin, who married Catharine Bowdish, and lives on the homestead. 3. Nathaniel, who married Nancy Bowdish, and settled in Stockton, and is now a Methodist minister in Penn. 4. Lucy, who died at I 7. HoLLIS FAY came to Portland with his brother Elijah in 181I. He first bought land on which the east part of Brocton stands. This he sold in I8I5 to Moses Sage, and bought part of lot 42, in the north-west corner of the town. For three years he lived alone in a log cabin. In I8I8, he went to Massachusetts and married Phebe Mixer, and removed west with an ox team and covered wagon. Their wagon was their sleeping room, and the road side their kitchen and dining room. They were six weeks on the way. In 1851, they removed from their farm in Portland to Concord, Erie Co., where Mr. Fay died in July, I868, and Mrs. Fay in October following. They were buried in the Westfield and Portland Union Cemetery. They were members of the Baptist church. They had 3 children, one only surviving infancy: Roxana E., wife of Edmund Ellis, who died in I857. Mrs. Ellis resides in Concord. NATHAN FAY, son of Nathan Fay, was born in Southborough, Mass. In 1805, he and David Eaton made a prospecting tour through Portland, on foot, with knapsacks, returning through the south part of the county. In May, r8o6, he came with his family, David Eaton and others, to this town, and settled near where Lincoln Fay resides. He was married in Massachusetts to Betsey Clemens, who died in 807; hers being the first death in Portland. In 1809, he married Mercy Groves in Oneida Co., and in June, 18io, he died. He had 7 children, of whom the last only was born in Portland. i. Hattie, wife of Simeon Guile, who settled in Wisconsin, and died there. 2. John, who married Nancy McClintock; settled in Westfield, and died in Illinois. 3. Nathan, who married and died in Michigan. 4. Cutting, who went south, and is supposed to be dead. 5. Willard, who left home, and has not been heard from. 6. Esther, who died in Ripley about 1865. 7. Betsey, wife of Samuel Morehouse, and lives in Missouri. / an9I' y /^::.^;:^li^<,lll^ o~:;;i ^ ^^sw~~a~~s? ^y-': T: v /i- -' ^'s~^::SA 1~~~~ (s PORTLAND. 509 JOSHUA LA DUE was born August 2, 1794, at Auburn, N. Y., where he was married, in I816, to Julia Ann Cowles. In March, I826, he removed to Sherman, then a part of the town of Mina, having, the year before, built a log house on land he had taken up in January, 1825. He resided there many years. He was elected supervisor of Mina, before the erection of Sherman; and he held for many years the office of justice of the peace. He afterwards removed to Westfield, where, in 1846, he was appointed keeper of the lighthouse at Barcelona, which position he held for three years. He resided in the towns of Sherman, Westfield, and Portland, where he died, September i, i865, aged 7I years. His widow still resides there. They had 13 children: Bethana, was married to More Titus, is a widow, and resides in Portland; Fidelia, to Ichabod Thayer, Westfield; Uriah S., to Mary J. Morgan, Brocton; her husband deceased; Clarissa, to James Caldwell, Chautauqua; Albert D., to Ann E. Slayton, Kansas City, Mo.; Jay, to Jeanette Buell, Rochester, Minn.; Mabel, to Leroy Wilcox, both deceased; Joshua, to Harriet Goodrich, Clinton, Missouri; Mercy A., to H. C. Kingsbury, Westfield; Ambrose, to Sarah Garrison, Mantorville, Minn.; Henry, who died at I6; Jerome, to Ada Wells, Westfield; Lillie, to Geo. W. Marsh, Portland. HORACE CLEFTON TAYLOR, son of Bernice and Caroline Taylor, was born in MIontague, Franklin county, Mass., Nov. 26, 1813, and was the eldest of six children. In May, 1827, he came with his father's family to Fredonia. In I833, he began a preparation for the ministry, but was diverted from that course by poverty. He received his education in the common school and Fredonia academy. He studied medicine at Salem Cross Roads, now Brocton, and with Prof. B. L. Hill, of Berlin Heights, Ohio; and attended medical lectures at Cincinnati, O., at the E. MI. Institute, in the classes of 1848,'49, and graduated in June of the latter year. He commenced practice at Brocton, the same month, and has remained there, in the practice of his profession, to the present time. In religious sentiment he is a Presbyterian, and has been a member of that order since 1831. In politics he is a republican. In 1859,'6i, and'62, he was supervisor of Portland; and, in 1873, he was elected county superintendent of the poor, which office he now holds. He has been U. S. examining surgeon for pension claims since October, i865. He is author of a history of the town of Portland, published in 1873. His father died in Pomfret, April Io, 1853, aged 70 years; his mother, at Brocton, July 8r, 1854, aged 67 years. Dr. Taylor was twice married: first, to Eliza Jane Roff, Oct. I, 1835, who died May I3, 1846; second, to Frances Chambers, June 14, 1847. He had two children by each marriage; one of each now living. CHURCHES. The Firsts Confgregat'io/zal Church of P/otland was formed January 3 1, 18 8, at the house of John Churchill, Rev. John Spencer officiating. The original members were John House, Wim. Couch, Augustine Klumph, Jabez Hurlbut, David Eaton, John Churchill, Sylvester Churchill, Zachariah H. Price, Joanna House, Abigail Couch, Wilson Andrews, Andrew Kelsey, Frederick 510 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Couch, Mary Eaton, Louisa Hurlbut, Mercy Eaton, Keziah Andrews, Nancy McClintock, —eighteen. For about two years, only occasional preaching alnd the administration of the sacraments by Mr. Spencer were enjoyed. From 1820, Rev. Phineas Camp, a preacher at Westfield, and his successor, Rev. Isaac Oaks, divided their time with the Portland church, preaching once in three or four weeks at the latter place. The number of memnbers had increased to 38 in 1823, and at a later period to 52. At about this time, a declension commenced, which continued until the church had become virtually extinct; some of the members having united with the Westfield church; others having entirely lost their church connection. The society in connection with this church was formed pursuant to the statute of Junle 24, 1822, and was styled " The First Congregational Society of the Town of Portland.' The first trustees were Frederick Couch, Wilson Andrews, and Wiilder Emerson. On the 3d of March, 1833, the church was reorganized by Rev. David D. Gregory and Rev. Timothy Stillman. The members of tlle new organization were Timothy Judson, Samuel Hall, and Abigail Thompson, from the Presbyterian church of Fredonia; Clark Gould, Elisha Cook, Clarinda Cook, Alvin Cook, Catharine Cook, Eliza Cook, and Anson Driggs, from the Presbyterian church, Westfield; Nathan G. Jones and Mary Eaton, members of the old church; and Samuel Walker, Dana Churchill, and Minerva Churchill, formerly members of distant churches. Dana Churchill and Alvin Cook were chosen cleacons; and Charles Gould, clerk. The new " Congregational Society required by the statute of I8 3, was formeed April 30, 1833. The /ifet/lodist Episcopal Chulrch is said to have been the second church in Portland. The precise date of its organization is not ascertained. By the efforts of Wnm. Dunham and a few others, a class was formed in June, TrS7, by Rev. Godard, of the Chautauqua circuit, which extended from Cattaraugus creek to Erie, Pa. The members of the class were VWilliam and Lucy Dunham, Isaac and Parthena Baldwin, 1William and Barbara Correll, Abiei and Mary Flint, and Simon Burton. Soon were added, Elisha and Sophia Fay, Parsons Taylor and M rs. Taylor, and Mrs. Thompson. Another class was soon after formed on the south road. The classes nmet for a time in dwellings and school-houses. Early class leaders were Willianm. Duinharl..Isaac Baldwin, and Elisha Fay. For the better accommodation of preachers, the two or three classes were united. Meetings, for many years, were held at no stated place, until a few years before the building of their first church edifice. The socizel in connection with this church wvas formed in 1822. This society having lost its identity, and its acts become illegal from some informality, it was reorganized Feb. 3, 1834, under the name of the' First M. E. Society in Portland." The first house of worship was built at the Center in 1835. A new house was built in 1868, at a cost of $7,000. A parsonage was built by subscription in 1843. In 1853, a portion of this church united with a class on " Hiarmon Hill," and a church formed at Salem Cross Roads, now Brocton; Rev. T. D. .:::::.;::; l:bi: j;;.:.:-,ii-: Lr:..j:i-;)~':':.:;8!.::I;;:: ~'i.:-::; i-:~'j::.:ji:~: -:::::.,;::;~'l:bi:';;,j;,::, "'; $ a i FYc,,:'~:::~:;i~: t ilr; ei? ij liP i::::: — j,:,,,, -6F:'''I r-;h:a~ I.'V.::::;~~?~ a f L.:31i P 4-.'~'" ~: I::::~:.::: ''-. — ;-:; — i,':::-~:I,;::::::;:;.:: c c::~.~x~r;:l;!;t~ PORTLAND. 5 11 Blinn then being in charge. Their house of worship, standing in the east part of the village, was built in I853. The First Baptist Church of Portland was organized Sept. 20, I8I9, and composed of II members: William and Rachel Harris, John and Deborah Light, Sylvester and Erastus Andrews, Charles Morse, Phebe Fay, Sally Sage, Sarah Mumford, and Anna Taylor. The meeting at which they were set apart as a church, was held at the school-house in Brocton, and the council called for that purpose was composed of Revs. Joy Handy, Pearson Crosby, and Jonathan Wilson. Fifty-two were added to the church within the first year, among whom were Elijah and Lucy Fay. Sylvester Andrews was the first church clerk; Elijah Fay and Sylvester Andrews the first deacons. Elder Jonathan Wilson was the first pastor. For many years the society had no permanent place of worship; meetings having been held at deacon Fay's and at school-houses, until about 1830 to'32, when they came to be held pretty regularly at the Salem Cross Roads, in the school-house. In 1825, the members residing at and in the vicinity of Westfield, organized a " Branch of the Church of Portland," with limited powers and privileges; Rev. Charles La Hatt, minister at Portland, presiding. [See Baptist Church, Westfield.] Pursuant to a request of the members of this " Branch" church, they were in 1831, by a council, constituted an independent church. The First Baptist Society connected with the church, was organized April 6, 1822, under the act of I8I3, by which they became entitled to one-third of the Ioo acres of what was called the "gospel land." Their first house of worship was commenced in I834, but not finished and dedicated until I837. The present commodious brick edifice was erected in 1867. Elders Jonathan Wilson and Pearson Crosby ministered to this church until October, I822, when it was "voted to employ elder Charles La Hatt to preach one year upon the following terms:" to "find him a house and garden and firewood; move his family, and pay him $150; seven-eighths in produce at the country price, proportioned to wheat at 75 cents per bushel; the remaining oneeighth in cash." Did elder La Hatt accept this offer? It is presumed he did, as he became their minister, and served them as pastor until 1838, when he was dismissed; but he preached more or less until about the time of his death, in i850. He was a German, and emigrated to America before the Revolution. The West Baptist Church of Portland was organized in 1842. At a meeting of the mother church in March, for the accommodation of the members residing in the west part of the town, some of them 5 miles from their place of worship, a branch church, with limited privileges, was authorized. But at a meeting in June, in answer to a request of the " branch," the first church voted, that the said branch be allowed to become a distinct and separate church. It was recognized as such by a council, June 22, 1842. The meetings were generally held in the stone school-house until the completion of the church edifice. The society connected with the church was formed in September, I842. 512 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. A Universalist Society was formed, September 21, 1821, at the house of Simon Burton. The "compact, or agreement," was signed by 14 persons: Simon Burton, Oliver Spafford, Harry Mumford, David Joy, Ahira Hall, Samuel Beach, 2d, Lyman Doolittle, Willard Burton, Hiram Burton, Moses Joy, Walter Mumford, Zimri Hill, Slapp Hovey, James Charter. At a meeting held on? the 24th, a board of trustees and a clerk were chosen. About a year afterward, a church was formed with 35 members; and the rites and ceremonies and order of worship, usual in churches of the order, were practiced for several years. A society was formed under the statute, March 4, 1824, styled "The Universalist Society of Portland." From a non-compliance with some of the provisions of the statute, the society is said to have lost its legal existence. Meetings, however, have been held with greater or less frequency, as preachers have come upon the field. A Protestant Jllethodist Chuzrch was organized in 1858, in the south-east part of the town, by Rev. O. C. Payne, of Fredonia. The original members were Wolcott Colt, Chandler Colt, Mrs. Merab Colt, Sarah Colt, Joel S. and. Lydia Farnham, Platt A. and Lucy Lathrop, Collins Haight, Nancy Porter, Cynthia Kelly, and Cornelia Howe. No society was incorporated; and the church organization, after two or three years, was discontinued. A Free-will Baptist Church was formed, many years ago, in the south border of the town, and a house of worship built on " Chautauqua Hill," in the town of Chautauqua. It has had no existence for many years. RIPLEY. THE town of Ripley was formed from Portland, March, 8I17. It is the north-western town in the county, being bounded on the north by Lake Erie, and on the west by the state of Pennsylvania. It contains an area of about 31,1I0 acres. Besides the usual dimensions of an ordinary township, six miles square, containing an average of about 22,000 acres, there is a tract, nearly triangular in shape, being 9 miles long, east and west, and from less than i mile to nearly 4 miles in width, containing 9,000 acres, more or less. The survey of the town into lots was irregular. A tract of 4,074 acres was contracted for by James McMahan, in i8oi, before the survey of the township into lots. This tract extended from the east line of the present town of Ripley, west to within about half a mile of Quincy, including the old Brockway farm. The south line of the tract, instead of running east and west, runs nearly parallel with the lake shore and with the two roads which pass through the tract, from its east to its west line. The tract is about 3 miles long and 2 miles wide, having acute angles at the north-east and south-west corners. To give a square form to the lots and farms, the lines forming the boundaries on the east and west sides of the lots, were run at right angles from the lake to the southern boundary of the tract. The lots were thus RIPLEY. 513 made square, or very nearly so; and this plan of survey was carried through, by the Holland Land Company, to the state line; the south boundary line of the McMahan tract having been continued, in the same direction, through to the Pennsylvania line. The lots of this tract are not of uniform size. The tier along the lake isnarrower than the other two tiers, between which the main road passes. The lots of the whole strip of about 2 miles in width, from the east line of the town to the west line, are numbered from i to 27. And the town containing a larger territory than an ordinary township, the number of lots is 89; being 25 more than the number in an ordinary township 6 miles square. Original Purchases of Lands in Ripley. 1804. October, Alexander Cochran, io, ii. I805. September, Nathan Wisner, 13. Samuel Harrison, 12. i806. March, Asa Spear, 14. Josiah Farnsworth, I9. Wm. McBride, 15. May, John Akers, 14. August, Wm. Crossgrove, o0. 1807. October, Stephen Prendergast, i6. i808. June, Perry G. Ellsworth, 20. October, Andrew Spear, 20. 1809. Oct., Hugh Whitehall, 8. Noah P. Hayden, 8. Basil Burgess, I5. r8io. April, Jared and Solon Benedict and Elkanah Johnson, I7. July, Richard W. Freeman, 9. i8II. September, William Benson, 35. I815. February, Gideon Goodrich, 24, 26. Alex. Cochran, 86, 87. 1816. February, Robert Dickson and Wm. A. Judd, 45. March, Oliver Hitchcock, 46. May, John Benson, 44. Samuel Truesdell, 89. James Taylor, 89. July, Thomas Burch, 44. November, Wm. Burch, 43. Pliny Colton, 88. December, Gideon Goodrich, 69. 1817. February, John Rowley, 62. Reuben Ellis, 12. May, Benajah Rexford, 52. July, Benajah Rexford, 37. August, John Squire, 37. Nov., Jedediah F. Bates, 81. 1818. September, Abner Sprague, 8i. November, Phineas Royce, 36. December, Chandler Wattles, 59. 1819. April, John Gage, 64. November, David Royce, 36. 1820. April, Ansel Edwards, 60. 1821. Oct., Layton Bentley, 50, 51, 58. Henry Briggs, 6o. Nov., Eli Shove, 36. Benj. C. Amsden, 36. David Jenkins, 5i. Gurdon H. Wattles, 51. 1822. January, Alexander Berry, 28. October, John Haight, 34. 1824. March, Aaron Aspinwall, 85. 1825. February, Farley Fuller, 43. June, David Jenkins, 57. August, John C. Hunaford, 35. Daniel Shove, 35. November, Israel Palmer, 52. 1826. May, Admiral Burch, 45. Albert Scott, 20. Henry Adams, 31. Lorenzo Palmer, 32. August, John H. Board, 44. Israel Palmer, 53. September, Luman Hopkins, 85. Joseph Thornton, 44. 1827. January, Charles Winter, 56. June, Daniel Lombard, 34. July, Henry Adams, 30. August, Joseph Humphrey, 70. Robt. Dickson, 45. September, Oliver Stetson and others, 32. 1828. March, Peter Burch, 33. August, Judd W. Cass, 36. 1830. May, Allen Parker, 30. I831. January, James Macomber, 42. February, John Thorp, 72. April, Samuel Barnes, 43. May, George Ellis, 79. June, Wyman Hill, 53. Gamaliel Parker, 53. Hiram Winter, 48. Walter S. Burgess, 40. 33 514 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. The earliest settler within the limits of the present town of Ripley was Alexander Cochran, a native of Ireland, who settled on the farm on which his son John now resides, a mile west of Quincy, where he resided till his death. His nearest neighbor was Thomas Robinson, who settled the same year on the west side of and adjoining the state line. Mr. Cochran and several others who settled in the north part of the county, resided for a few years in the county of Genesee, which was formed March 30, 1802, and extended from the Genesee river to the west boundary of this county. It then comprised four towns, three of them east of the Holland Purchase, namely, Northampton, adjoining Lake Ontario; Southampton, south of and adjoining Northampton; and Leicester, extending to Pennsylvania north line. The fourth was Batavia, embracing the whole Holland Purchase. Most of the earlier settlers in Ripley located on the tract of James McMahan, and bought their lands of him; consequently we have no record showing the dates of their purchases and settlement. The following are the names of early settlers on this tract, west from the east line of the town, some of whom, perhaps, were not first purchasers. Charles Forsyth, where his son John resides. William Alexander, from Penn., as early as i8o6, near Ripley Crossing; having bought about 500 acres, which comprises the four farms, now owned by Alpheus Moore, Rickenbrodt, Alexander McHenry, and Willis Royce. Wm. Dickson, brother of Robert, Sr., settled, about I815, on the farm lately owned by Seth Ely. Farley Fuller settled on the farm subsequently owned, in whole or in part, by Elihu Marvin and Frederick Bandell. John Post kept a tavern early near where, later, Lemon Averill, and *still later, Elizur Webster, Jr., kept the Ripley House; the farm now owned by Dwight Dickson. Basil Burgess, Sr., settled where John Smallwood resides; the farm since owned, successively, by Robert Dickson, Basil Burgess, Sr., Henry Abell, and Elizur Webster, Sr. Thomas Prendergast bought, in i805, the land on which Asa Spear had been previously settled, and afterwards also the land on which Oliver Loomis had settled, and on which the grandsons of Mr. Prendergast, and the late Wm. Hunt recently resided. Burban Brockway bought several hundred acres of the McMahan tract, extending to the west line of the said tract, on which he settled in 1814. West of the McMahan tract, on the Erie road, the following named persons settled: Perry G. Ellsworth, a native of New England, from Otsego Co., settled in 1804 or i805, a mile west from Quincy, where he kept a tavern. He afterwards resided east of and near Quincy. He was one of the earliest justices;,died in Michigan. Asa Spear, from Vermont, settled on the farm he sold to Thomas Prendergast. He removed to Quincy, where he kept a tavern, on the site of the present Presbyterian church. He was an early justice; died in Ohio. Nathan Wisner settled early where, John B. Dinsmore lately resided. Elijah Hayden, from Dutchess Co., where William Willis resides. He was a justice; removed to Penn. Samuel Truesdell, about 1805, settled RIPLEY. 515 near the state line, and was an early tavern-keeper, supposed to have been the first in town. Jared Freeman, a native of Massachusetts, after having resided at Auburn, N. Y., and Waterford, Pa., bought, about 1824, the tavernhouse built by Asa Spear in Quincy. He was an associate judge and postmaster. He removed to Batavia, Ill., in i843; thence, in I847, to Racine, Wis., and was treasurer of the county. He has since died. Orrin and Anson Willis bought the farm previously owned by Elijah Hayden, where Wm. Willis, son of Anson, resides, on the Buffalo & Erie road, a mile east from the state line. They lived together about 8 years, when Anson bought out his brother, and owned the farm until his death. He died in Quincy. Orrin removed to Indiana, where he died. Anson had 4 children: Emeline, widow of Charles Dinsmore; William, on the farm; Ann, wife of Scofield Waterbury, in Iowa; and Mary, wife of John Wethy, with her mother in Quincy. The uplands of the town were generally settled considerably later than those near the lake. The names of a large portion of them are given. Not all of them were original purchasers; nor has it been possible to ascertain, in the case of many, whence they emigrated, and the years of their settlement. In the east part of the town, Israel Palmer, Sr., in I817, settled on lot 52; the farm now owned by Lawton Johnson and Alpheus Burgess. Solomon Abbey settled on lot 32, where now William Abbey resides. John and Robert Abbey on lot 33, where they still reside. Thomas J. Claxton, on 32, where Orson Eddy now lives. James Macomber,,on 42, now owned by his heirs. Reuben Downs, on lot 45; sold to Joshua Tinker, now owned by his son, John B. Richard Baker, on lot 45; land lately owned by Thomas Benson. Thomas Burch, on land owned by Silas Palmer. John H. Haight -settled on lot 34; the farm now owned by Daniel Lombard. In the central part, Layton Bentley was an original purchaser of lot 58, north part of lot 50, and the south part of 51, in all 710 acres; himself settling on the south part of 58. Thomas Bentley settled on the north-east part of 58, where later Thomas Clemens was, and Henry Alton now is. Layton, son of Layton Bentley, resides on some of these lands. Gurdon H. Wattles settled on 51, bought in Nov., I819, near where his son Glover P. lately resided. Ansel Edwards bought in April, 1820, a part of 60; Spafford Knowlton and Daniel Deck are now on the lot. Chandler Wattles, in Dec., i8I8, bought the east and west parts of 59; now owned by Adelbert and John Newbury. In the south part, Abner Bruce settled on lot 57, and built a grist-mill and a saw-mill; and is said to have done the work himself-carpenter and iron work, and the dressing of the mill-stones. The mills were since owned by Smith and Avery. Now no mills there. Seneca Pierce had a tannery at the same place, long since discontinued. John Gage settled on lot 64, bought in 18 9, where his grandson Hiram B. Stone resides. Charles Winter bought Jan., 1827, on lot 56; the land since owned by Graves. Peter Combs settled on lot 56, bought in I829, where Zebulon Sinden resides. 5 6 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. In the south-east part, Henry and John Adams settled on the south part of lot 3I, bought by Henry at the office in 1826; the land now owned by the heirs of John Adams. Daniel Clark bought, in May, i819, a part of 28, where now David Sheldon resides. John.M. Healy bought the south part of 27, where S. N. Sweezy now is. Alfred Palmer settled on 30, now owned by Suel Dewey. Albert Scott, on 29, bought in 1826, where now William Scott (of another family) resides. John Atkinson bought early on lots 40, 41; the land now owned by his heirs. Walter S. Burgess bought on 30, in I831, where E. Colwell now resides. Ira Sturdevant, on lot 48, now owned by Casper Imbury. William Mead, on lot 40, where now William Green resides. David Sheldon settled on lot 28, where he still resides. His children are Sarah, wife of Newell Sweezy, Ripley; Helen, wife of Elmer Thorp; and Joel, both of whom reside in Oregon City, Ill. In the south-west part, Archibald Thorp settled on lot 7I, where Henry D. Clamphear lives. His sons, John and William, reside on lots 71 and 72, and his son James on lot 87, near the steam saw-mill built by William Cummings and Joseph Miller. Benjamin Colton, on 79, now owned by his son Morgan. Northrop Smith, an early settler on 80, resides there still. Geo. Tripp settled on 86, the land previously settled on by his father; George, also now deceased. Milo C. Hopkins settled on a part of 86; the land still owned by himself. In the west part, Stephen Eastman was an early settler where his widow and son Charles reside, on lot 88. Wooster, on lot 82; the farm now owned by his son David. Matthew S. McClintock was an early settler on 83, where Alfred Greeley now lives. In the north part, but still on the upland, James Burrows settled early on lot 69, where his son Hiram resides. Another son, Alexander, lives on the lot [76] adjoining on the west. The first town-meeting in Ripley was held in the spring of 18 6. A few of the first pages of the records having been torn out, a complete list of the town officers can not be given. The following are known to have been elected: Supervisor-Amos Atwater. Town Clerk-Moses Adams. Com'rs of Highways-Alexander Cochran, Burban Brockway, Wm. Bell. Com'rs of Schools-Elijah Hayden, Stephen Prendergast. In I817, the following, a full list, were elected: Supervisor-Thomas Prendergast. Town Clerk-Moses Adams. Assessors-Alexander Cochran, Stephen Prendergast, Amos Atwater. Overseers of Poor —Burban Brockway, Alexander Cochran. Com'rs of HighwaysJames McMahan, Francis Dorchester, Charles Forsyth. Constable and Collector-Moses E. Stetson. Com'rs of Schools-Moses Adams, Amos Atwater, Wm. B. Dickson. Inspectors of Schools —Gideon Goodrich, James Montgomery, Wm. Bell. Justices of the peace were not then elected by the voters of the towns, but were appointed for the several counties by the council of appointment, RIPLEY. 5 7 at Albany. Their first election by the people of the towns, was in the year I826. Early justices in Ripley, though perhaps not the first, were Perry G. Ellsworth, Burban Brockway, and Asa Spear. Supervisors'from 1816 to 1875. Amos Atwater, I816. Thomas Prendergast, I817 [and probably i818, record missing,] I819 to'25, and'27-9 years. Ebenezer Ward, 1826. Moses Adams, 1828. Henry Fairchild, I829 to I832. Orrin Willis, 1833,'34. Gurdon H. Wattles, I835,'36. Ethan Sawin, I837,'38. Charles B. Brockway, I839,'40,'52,'57,'64 to'68-9 years. Hezekiah Mason, I841,'42. Moses A. Tennant, 1843 to'45,'47,'48,'53-6 years. Matthew S. McClintock, 1846. Stephen Prendergast, I849,'50. George Goodrich, I851. Selden Marvin, 1854. Caleb 0. Daughaday, I855. Simeon Collins, 1856,'58 to'6I,'63-6 years. Henry A. Prendergast, I862. Addison Mason, I869,'72. Lucius G. Hamilton, 1870,'71. Erbin C. Wattles, 1873,'74,'75A saw-mill, believed to have been the first in Ripley, was built by Richard Baker and Robert Dickson, in 18I7, on the east branch of Twenty Mile creek, about 3 m. south from Quincy. Sawing had been previously done near the site of the " gulf mills," and at Westfield. Another saw-mill on the east branch was built about I 2 m. below the former, by Reuben Ellis, about the year 1828. Soon after the building of Baker and Dickson's saw-mill, a gristmill was built at the mouth of Twenty Mile creek, in Penn. On the south branch, a saw-mill was built, about 1824, by Abner Bruce, and soon after, a grist-mill, at the same place. Harry Stone, about 1840, built a saw-mill about 3Y m. below. A steam saw-mill Y m. from Westfield liae, built by Hazard Kendall about i850, is still running, and owned by Benj. Christie. A steam saw-mill was built on Bidwell creek, near its junction with the south branch of Twenty Mile creek, about I868. It was burned in 1872. Attached to it was a machine for dressing barrel heads, and a mill for grinining feed. About 1830, Jesse Smith and Joseph Cass built a saw-mill on the present site of Charles P. and Wm. B. Young's mill, near the lake. A grist-mill was also built there by John Calkins and Noadiah Kendall-not now running. Also, about 1830, near the lake, about i m. from Quincy, is a saw-mill built by Ralph and Thomas Russell, now owned by Clark Aspinwall. Orren and George Hopkins built, in 1871, a steam-saw mill, near the railroad, 2 m. east of Quincy. It was burned about a year after, and rebuilt, and is removed to Quincy. About 1872, Miller and Cummings built a steam saw-mill 3 m. south of Northville [State Line], which is in successful operation. The first store in the town is said to have been at State Line, kept by Beman & Bennett. The first store at Quincy was kept by Rappole & Keeler, in a house built by Asa Spear and Reuben Ellis, where the Presbyterian church now stands. The building was afterwards used by Spear for a tavern. It is now a part of the hotel building near the railroad. Merchants, after Rappole & Keeler, were James Jackson, Don Carlos Barrett, Thomas Klumph, and James Berlin. Present merchants-Palmer & Morris; Lom 518 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. bard & Bennett. Hardware-George Morse. Druggists-Shaw & Brown. Grocer —De Witt C. Stone. The first regular physician was Alvin Ryan, at Quincy, about 1820; next, Dr. Alden. Later, were Richard and William Stockton, Luther P. Cowles, Simeon Collins, Harper Hopkins, George C. Bennett, Dr. Chase, (eclectic,) Dr. Watson, Stephen H. Shaw. Present physicians, Elbridge G. Symons, Dr. Heard. The first tavern was kept near the state line by Samuel Truesdell, about 1807. The first at Quincy, by Elihu Murray. Inns were also kept early on the Buffalo and Erie road by Perry G. Ellsworth, Oliver Loomis, Asa Spear, and John Post; and later, east of Ripley church, by David Royce. The railroad hotel at Quincy, kept by E. M. Boswell, is the only public house in the town. The post-office in Ripley was established about the year 1815. The office was kept in the house of the postmaster, Robert Dickson, where John Smallwood resides. He was succeeded by Burban Brockway, and the office was removed to his house, one mile west. Moses Adams was next appointed, and the office was removed to his house, near the place where it was first kept. The office was next removed to Quincy, the name of Ripley remaining unchanged, and John Rappole, the early merchant, appointed postmaster. The office has since been held, by appointment, by Jared Freeman, Elisha Bruce, Persis Bruce, his widow, Solomon B. Northum, Caleb 0. Daughaday, Austin Goodrich, and Charles W. Baird, the present incumbent. BIOGRAPHICAL AND GENEALOGICAL. MOSES ADAMS was born in Amenia, Dutchess Co., March 9, I784, and settled, in I809, on land previously owned by Basil Burgess, being a part of the James McMahan tract, about one-fourth of a mile west of the old Presbyterian church, where he resided until I853, when he removed to the village of Westfield, where he died April i6, I855. He was an early postmaster in Ripley. His first wife was Annis Cochran; his second, Clarissa Dickson, a native of Cherry Valley, who still resides in Westfield. He had no children. WILLIAM ALEXANDER, from Penn., settled, in 80o6, in the east part of Ripley, on the James McMahan tract, having bought upwards of 500 acres, which, in I8i8 or I819, he sold to David Royce. His purchase comprised the present farms of Alexander McHenry, Alpheus Moore, son-in-law of Royce, Rickenbrodt, and Willis Royce, son of David Royce, who owns the homestead. Alexander was one of the early associate judges of the county. He went down the Ohio river, and settled in the southeastern part of Indiana or Illinois. SILAS BAIRD was born in Vermont, Feb., 1775. He removed from Washington county, N. Y., to Ripley, about I8Ii, and settled on a part of the Brockway farm, one mile east from Quincy, and about 1813 in that village, where he resided until his death, April 8, i85i. He was married to Handy Roundy, who was born in Vermont, Jan. 19, I783, and died Jan. i, 1863. ,.: 1^"')'. Y^^.^^^:!^-::: -: A:.: t rg i~::::~I, _;:I N OW-~:::::~-ir-_:;~_ j:l I::~~~_~':~~~;I1i~_: - All ~ ~ ~ ~ RIPLEY. 519 BENJAMIN F. BAIRD, son of Silas Baird, was born in Granville, N. Y., June 26, I805, and came to Ripley with his father, and also finally settled in Quincy. He married Sarah M. Harrison; and had by her 5 children who attained mature age: John E., who resides in Iowa; Mary R., in Michigan, married; Lucretia L., with her mother in Ripley; Charles W., unmarried; served in the late war, and is postmaster in Ripley; George W. D., who married Amelia Tracy, and lives in town; and Mary R., wife of Henry Gebhard. B. F. Baird was from an early day a prominent and an efficient member of the Methodist church; and he was for about twenty-five years a justice of the peace. He died March 11, I874. AZARIAH BENNETT, from Saratoga county, settled, in 1825, on the lake road, north of Quincy, and subsequently removed to the village, where he still resides, at the age of 74 years. His son, George C., was a graduate of the medical college at Castleton, Vt., after a second course of lectures; a previous course having been attended at Cleveland. After a successful practice of several years at Quincy, he removed to Erie. He died soon after, at Ripley. BURBAN BROCKWAY was born at Lyme, Conn., March i, I767, and was the youngest of ten children. His elder brothers and father served in the Revolutionary war. At the age of I8 years, he commenced a seafaring life. At 23 he was married to Lois Anna Bostwick, of New Milford, and made his home at Catskill, N. Y., and continued his chosen occupation, mostly in the North river and coasting trade. In 1797, having made up his mind to the pursuit of agriculture, he removed to Seneca, Ontario county, then a wilderness, and commenced clearing the forest. In 1809, he united with the Protestant Episcopal church at Geneva. In 1814, he removed with his family to Ripley [then Portland,] one mile east of Quincy, where he resided until his death, Sept. 2, i86i. On the organization of St. Paul's church at Mayville, he was made its senior warden, and subsequently was warden of St. Peter's church of Westfield. He was an early postmaster in Ripley, when the mail was carried by the post-boy on horseback. He also held the office of magistrate, by appointment from Gov. Clinton. His wife was born in Connecticut, January 9, I772, and died Nov. 26, I859. They were married May 27, 1790, and had 9 children: i. Henry William, who married Sarah Gill, and removed to Ellery, where he died, March 26, I846, leaving 2 sons, Hobart and Heber, and a daughter, Harriet; all residing now in Ellery. 2. Eliza Ann, wife of Dr. Orris Crosby, of Fredonia. She died in Ripley; he in Wisconsin. 3. Horace, who married Eliza Morse, and was an early merchant in Mina. He died in Ripley, May io, I835. They had 3 sons: Henry, in Ripley; Beman and Burban, in Oregon; and a daughter, Mary Ann, in Ripley. 4. Sally B., wife of Austin Goodrich, who had a daughter, Harriet. Mr. G. is deceased; the widow and daughter are in Quincy. 5. Anna, who died in infancy. 6. Clarissa, wife of Jeremiah Mann, deceased; she lives in Quincy. 7. Caroline, who died April 9, i868. 8. Charles Burban, born Dec. 6, I8Io; married Rachel Rebecca, daughter of David Sterrett, 520 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. of Pennsylvania, and had 6 children: Mary S., Frederick, Martha, who died at 13, Charles B., David S., and Bell R., who died in infancy. Mr. B. has held the office of assessor; was for nine years supervisor, and for 2 years chairman of the board; and has been for the last six years, and is now, a justice of the peace. 9. Frederick, born Sept. 15, 1813; died Sept. 23, I847. BASIL BURGESS settled on the McMahan tract, where John Smallwood now resides. He sold to Robert Dickson, and removed to the lake road, near where his son Basil afterwards resided, and where Henry, son of Basil Burgess, Jr., now resides. ALEXANDER COCHRAN settled, in 1804, on the farm on which his son John resides, about one mile west of Quincy. This family and the families of his brothers, Robert and Hugh, who came several years later, were from the north of Ireland, and of the class called "Protestant Irish," or "Scotch Irish." Alexander Cochran is believed to have been the first settler in Ripley, and the first man in the county that took a deed for his land. He lived on the farm he first purchased, until his death. He had I3 children: i. John, who was married to Mary Shipboy, and had i children, of whom three died young. 2. Nancy, wife of Wm. A. Robinson, who had 8 children: Rosanna, wife of David McCord; Alexander C., who married Catharine Ely, of Ripley, and is a banker at Pittsburgh; Nancy, wife of the late Dr. Alexander Cochran, of Westfield; Thomas H., a Presbyterian minister at Harrisburg, Pa.; David, unmarried, and John, both at Pittsburgh; William, unmarried, at Pittsburgh, who was a lieutenant in the late war, promoted to colonel, and was in Libby and Andersonville prisons; and Samuel, unmarried, in Northeast. 3. Hugh, who had 6 children; two are living. 4. Alexander, unmarried, at Chicago. 5. Robert, who was twice married, first, to Catharine Densmore; second, to Julia Barnard; resides at Austinburg, 0., and is a Presbyterian minister. 6. William, who had 9 children, of whom two are living; one, Avery, is a teacher in a deaf and dumb asylum, at Sheldon, Neb. 7. Samuel, who died at 17. 8. Margaret, wife of Jediah Loomis, of Westfield. 9. James, who married Nancy Johnson, and had 9 children. Io. Martin, who married Helen Gates, and died in Ripley. i. Andrew, who married Catharine Moore, and is a Presbyterian minister at Durhamville, Oneida Co. 12. David, who died in childhood, from falling into a tub of hot water. 13. Eleanor, wife of Samuel C. Dickson; they removed to Independence, Iowa, where Mrs. Dickson and family reside. Mr. D. died while on a visit at Coldwater, Mich. ROBERT COCHRAN, a brother of Alexander, from Ireland, settled in Ripley, in 1815, on the Buffalo & Erie road, near the east line of the town, where his son David now resides, and where he resided until his death, in October, I854, aged 74 years. He was twice married. His first wife was Nancy Neil, by whom he had a daughter, Jane, born in Ireland, who was the second wife of Philip Stephens, an early settler in the town of Westfield. He married, second, Mary Jane Strain, who had 12 children, the first 2 of whom were born in Ireland. i. Nancy, second wife of John Siggins. 2. RIPLEY. 521 Isaac, who married Julia, daughter of Dea. James Montgomery, one of the earliest settlers of Westfield. 3. Rachel, second wife of Alpheus Moore, of Ripley. 4. Hugih, who died about 1826. 5. Margaret, unmarried. 6. Alexander, who married, first, Ellen Howard, and had 2 children, Emma and George; married, second, Rachel, daughter of Hugh Cochran, and resides in Westfield, near the lake. 7. Robert, who died at 5. 8. Hrannzah, wife of Nathan Smith, of Buffalo. 9. Elizabeth, the wife of John Thompson, of Buffalo. o. Harriet, wife of George L. Fayfield, of Buffalo. i. Sarah, died in infancy. 12. David, unmarried, who now owns and occupies the old homestead. Mrs. Mary Jane Cochran died August, I872. HUGH COCHRAN, brother of Alexander and Robert, and also an emigrant from Ireland, settled in the north-east corner of Ripley, near the lake, where he died early in I854. He was married in Ireland to Sarah Nesbit, and had 8 children: i. Nancy, wife of John Strain, and resides in Minnesota. 2. James, who died at about 20. 3. Sarah, wife of David Johnson; both deceased. 4. John, who died at about 18. 5. Alexander, who died at about 23. 6. William A., who now resides in Westfield. He married Nancy Johnson, of Westfield, and has 3 children, Alexander, David, and William. 7. Rachel, the second wife of Alexander Cochran. 8. Eliza, who died at about i6. ROBERT COCHRAN, 2d, born in Ireland, Oct. 22, 1786, emigrated to America in I812, and, in I813, settled in the north-west part of Westfield, on lot 4, where he resided until his death, May 6, I870. He was married in Ireland to Jane Law. He was for I4 years an assessor of the town, and in 1834 and 1835 supervisor. He was a member of the Presbyterian church in Westfield, and became a member of the Presbyterian church in Ripley on its formation. He had II children: Mary, Jane, John, Thomas L., who died at 21, Hugh B., Robert, James, Hannah, Rachel, William W., and Harriet, who died in infancy.' Mary married John Crossgrove, and lives in Ripley; John and James married, and Hannah and Rachel, unmarried, live in Waupun, Wis.; Hugh, in Beaver Dam, Wis.; and Robert, in Westfield, Wis., both married; and Jane and William in Westfield, N. Y., unmarried. WILLIAM CROSSGROVE, from the north of Ireland, came to America in the autumn of I80T, and went with his family to New Berlin on the Susquehanna river, and thence, about a year after, to Colt's station, Erie Co., Pa.; and, in the spring of 1807, he removed to Ripley, where he resided till his death, May, 1846, and where his son John now resides. He died while on a visit to his relatives in Central Pennsylvania. He was married in Ireland to Rachel Cochran. They had 6 children born in Ireland, and 8 in America. Their names were Jane, James, Hugh, William, John, Nancy, Thomas, Alexander, Samuel; the rest died in infancy. Samuel died in 1845, at the age of 31, having nearly completed his course of studies for the ministry. Both parents were members of the Presbyterian church in Ireland, and were of the number from which the Ripley church was formed. ROBERT DICKSON, from Cherry Valley in I809, bought of Basil Burgess 522 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. the farm where John Smallwood now resides. He sold this farm, and removed to the town of Westfield, on the hill. He died about the year T832. His sons were Samuel, William, Robert C., Fayette, and Andrew. Samuel and Fayette died in the town of Westfield; Robert C., in Ohio; Andrew, in Ripley. William was the father of Albert, Campbell, and Dwight, and settled where the widow of Albert now resides, near the old church, in Ripley. He had 3 daughters: Clarissa, wife of D. Azro A. Nichols, assistant editor of the Albany Country Gentleman, Mary Ann, widow of Charles D. Sackett, formerly of the Jamestoewn Journal; and Ellen, wife of Marcus B. Gleason, of French Creek. The two daughters of Robert Dickson were Jane, who married Joseph Cass, and died in Ohio; and Olive, wife of Judd W. Cass. WILLIAM DICKSON, brother of Robert, Sr., settled, about 1815, on the farm lately owned by Seth Ely, in East Ripley; and JOHN, another brother, about I8Io, bought of Silas Baird, and settled on a part of the tract bought by Burban Brockway, a mile east from Quincy. He was killed by the falling of a tree. WILLIAM B. DICKSON, in 1815, settled on the lake road, near the Westfield line, and died in 1822. He was father of Samuel C. Dickson, who removed, in i86-, to Iowa, and died, a few years after, at Coldwater, Mich., while there on a visit or on business. BENJAMIN H. DICKSON, from Ontario Co., removed in 18I7 to Ripley, near the state line. He was a carpenter and a painter, and worked at these trades for nearly 65 years, until a year or two ago, when he lost his eye-sight. He is now 84 years of age. Herhas long been a resident of Quincy, where he still resides. His children are Miriam, who lives with her father; Mary Cordelia, wife of Horace C. Hoag, of Lockport; and Henry C., of Royalton, Niagara Co. SELDEN ELY, from Lyme, Conn., to Ripley, in 1824, settled on land first owned by Farley Fuller, where he resided until his death in I86i. His sons were George, John, Eben, and Francis J. John and Eben removed some years since to Virginia, where they reside. Eben served in the late war; was taken prisoner and confined, first, on Belle Isle, afterwards, for i8 months, in Andersonville prison. Francis died recently in New York. Mr. Ely had two daughters: Kate, wife of Alexander C. Robinson, who resides at Pittsburgh; and Phebe, wife of John Gill, in Allegany City, Pa. SETH ELY, brother of the above, came to Ripley in 1833, and settled near his brother. He married Eliza Ann Hale, of Ripley, and now resides in Quincy. They have no children. CHARLES FORSYTH, a native of Connecticut, removed to Erie Co., Pa.; thence, in i808, to Ripley, and settled on a part of the tract originally bought of the Holland Company by James McMahan, on lot 5, where he resided until his death, May I, I860. He had 8 children, all of whom attained the age of majority. They were: Nancy, wife of Fisk Durand, deceased. She lives in Westfield. John K., who married Lavina Stevens, and after her death, Nancy Ludlow. He resides on the homestead. Sarah M., RIPLEY. 523 wife of Joseph Derickson, Meadville, Pa. Charles H., who died unmarried. Caroline, deceased, was the wife of Willard Doolittle, who lives in Wisconsin. Parthena, the wife of Christopher Hills, in Westfield. David B., who died at about 24, unmarried. Jane A., who married Martin Durkee, and resides in Mina. GIDEON GOODRICH removed from Saratoga Co. to Ripley, in 1815, having purchased several lots on the lake shore, at and east of the state line. He resided about one mile north-west from Quincy until his death. He had 8 sons: Orestes, John, Anson, Austin, recently postmaster, all of whom died in Ripley; Frederick, who died in Wisconsin, and was buried in Ripley; Horace, principal of Albany Female Seminary, who died in Albany, in 1816; Barzillai, who died at Meadville, Pa.; Grant, who resides in Chicago; and George. He had but one daughter, Harriet, who married Dr. Silas Spencer, of Westfield, and is deceased. GEORGE GOODRICH, son of Gideon, was born at Ballston, Saratoga Co., Dec. I3, 1793, and removed to Ripley in 1815, where he resided till his death, Sept. 14, 1874. He was married to Tryphena Parsons, of Ripley, who was born March 12, I799, and died June I, 1847. They had II children: I. Delia, who died at 2I. 2. Gertrude, wife of Charles A. Brunson, and resides in Milwaukee. 3. Milton P., who served 3 years and 2 months in the late war. He was a captain in the 9th reg. of calvary, N. Y. vol., and was in the battles of Gettysburg, the Wilderness, Fredericksburg, 2d Bull Run, and others, of the army of the Potomac. He married, first, Mary Mason; second, Lucretia Kester. 4. Evans, who was sergeant in a Minnesota regiment; was 2 years in the war; was in several battles, and wounded. He resides in Minn. 5. Orestes, who died inf. 6. Henry, who resides at Mankato, Minn. 7. Horace, who served one year in the war, in the 3d Illinois regiment. 8. Louisa J., who died at 26. 9. George, in North-east, Pa. io. James.P., a sergeant in the 9th N. Y. cavalry; afterwards in the I4th Penn. cavalry, and was discharged for disability; lives in North-east. i. Silas S., at Erie, Pa. HORACE HALE, from Schoharie Co., came to Ripley, in i8iI, on foot, carrying his knapsack, and settled in the north-east part of the town, on the John McMahan tract, where he lived until his death, Nov. 20, I852. He was a member of the Presbyterian church, and, at the time of his death, one of its ruling elders. His children were: William, who was drowned in Rock river, Ill.; Elizabeth Ann, wife of Seth E. Ely, of Quincy; Horace; Olive, wife of John Johnson; both died in Wisconsin; Isaac; and Martha. Horace, Isaac, and Martha died unmarried. HERVEY HALL, from Washington Co., after a residence in Crawford and Erie counties, in Penn., removed to Ripley, lot 9, where the late L. G. Hamilton resided, near the state line. He subsequently removed to Erie, Pa., where he and his wife both died. He was one of those who left their lands in Penn. on account'of the insecurity of title. He had a large tract, on which he had cleared about ioo acres. He had children, as follows: i. Hannaz, 524 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. deceased; was the wife of George Hood. 2. Olive, the wife of John Hood, Michigan. 3. Charles, who died at I6. 4. George, in Erie Co. 5. Samuel, in Iowa. 6. Herzey, who married, first, Louisa Lovina Baird; second, Mrs. Elizabeth Norton; and resides in Quincy. 7. Luther, Adrian, Mich. 8. Sabrina, wife of Oliver Loomis, Iowa. 9. John H., a physician; died in Illinois. DANIEL LOMBARD, from Madison Co., bought lands on the hill, in Ripley, on lots 34 and 35, adjoining the town of Westfield, where he and his brother Lucius lived many years; Daniel to the present time. Lucius, his brother, removed to a farm below the hill, in the town of Westfield, on lot 2, adjoining Ripley, half a mile south of the Buffalo & Erie road; and, a few years ago, to the farm on that road, known as the "Bell farm," the residence of the late Col. Wm. Bell, where Mr. L. died in I874. Daniel Lombard has 2 sons, Lucius and Dwight, who reside in the town; and 2 daughters, Mary, widow of Albert Dickson, in Ripley; and Sarah, wife of Henry W. Dickson, all of this town. Mrs. Daniel Lombard died in I875. Lucius also had 2 sons, Augustus and Henry; and 2 daughters, Sarah, wife of Elisha W. Tucker, and Fluvilla, widow of Julius Hill..Mrs. Lombard and the children, except Mrs. Tucker, reside on the farm on which Mr. Lombard died. OLIVER LOOMIS, from Washington Co., N. Y., in the winter of i80o, removed, with his brother Joel, to Erie Co., Pa. They started with their families and goods on a covered sleigh, drawn by two yoke of oxen and a horse. At Buffalo, where there were but a few log shanties, they were " blocked up," the snow being deep, and there was no road westward that could be traveled. After a detention there of a month or more, they started on the ice; and, taking due care to shun the defective places, they safely reached their destination. While at Buffalo, Harry, a son of Oliver, was born. In i806, Oliver Loomis removed to Ripley, on lot 6, afterwards sold to Thomas Prendergast, one mile east of Quincy, and removed to the farm on which Gurdon H. Wattles and his son Erbin C. now reside. He had 9 children, who attained to majority, and all of whom but one were married: Amanda, wife of Jacob Peer, Lester, and Henry, all of whom removed to Laporte Co., Ind.; Walter, who was married, first, to Pamelia Hunt; second, to Sarah Rickey; and third, to Lydia Lewis; Ira, who also has been three times married; first to Lucy Dustin, second to Mrs. French, and third to Nancy Lewis; Olive, who died at 22, unmarried; Jeriah, at Racine, Wis.; Oliver, in Iowa; and Mary Ann, who married R. P. Johnson. JEREMIAH MANN was born in Milton, Saratoga county, N. Y., July 5, 800o, and came to Ripley in i825. He removed the next year to Northeast, Pa., on a farm previously bought, and, in 1837, he removed to Quincy, where he resided until his death, September ii, i868. He was universally esteemed as a citizen, and enjoyed in a high degree the public confidence. He was elected, in i844, a member of assembly. He was a friend of public improvements; and was one of the first directors of the Buffalo & Erie railroad. He was married to Anna, daughter of Burban Brockway, of Ripley, '""/cM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~'""";~~~~~~~~~~...... in tai t y~ RIPLEY. 525 and had 3 daughters: i. Augusta, who married William Hunt, late of Ripley, who died Dec. i, I869. 2. Caroline, wife of William Bell, Jr., of Erie, Pa. Mrs. Bell died March I2, I875. 3. Lydia, who married Lucius G. Hamilton, late of Ripley, who died March I6, I874. DUDLEY MARVIN. [See Supplement.] REV. SAMUEL G. ORTON, D. D., was born in Litchfield, Conn., June 6, I797. His father, Miles Orton, died when Samuel was i6 years old, leaving him the oldest of 7 children. His grandfather was one of the original proprietors of the town of Litchfield. He became a Christian at the age of i8, and at once resolved to obtain a collegiate education, and to consecrate his life to the work of the gospel ministry. He pursued his studies at Yale and Hamilton, and was graduated at the latter college in 1822. He studied theology at the Yale divinity school, under Dr. Taylor. In December, I824, he was married to Clara Gregory, youngest daughter of Justus Gregory, of Rensselaer county, N. Y. His first labors after ordination were in Delaware county, N. Y. His first pastorates were at Sidney Plains and Delhi. His plan was, when he entered the ministry, to secure a permanent pastorate, for which he was eminently adapted. But he was so successful in building up churches and in keeping pastors in their work, that, for a time, he went from church to church, like Paul the apostle, strengthening the hands and hearts of the Christian brethren. A recent writer who knew Mr. Orton well in his early labors, has described him as being dignified and commanding in his appearance. Thought, solemnity, and earnestness were all depicted upon his countenance. Though not a great preacher, he was a most interesting and successful one. His appeals were not merely sensational, inflaming the fears; he used the truth as his agent of conviction: his prayers, above all, were wonderfully adaptive. They seemed to comprehend all the hopes and difficulties of an awakened soul; and, with all this, there was a peculiar sympathetic influence in manner, attitude, and tone, which had great power. In 1833, Mr. Orton removed his family to Westfield, and labored with great power and success in nearly every church in the county. He thence accepted a call to the Park street church at Buffalo, and remained there three years, greatly endearing himself to his people. From Buffalo he removed to Ripley, in 1837, and continued in that pastorate i6 years, laboring with remarkable zeal and energy. During that time the church grew to a membership of over 300. Nor were his labors confined to his own parish. He was peculiarly effective in evangelistic work; and his assistance was sought by neighboring pastors and churches. All along the lake shore, from Buffalo to Erie and beyond, and easterly in Rochester, Auburn, Syracuse, and throughout the central portion of the state, and in adjoining states, many were awakened to a religious life through his, instrumentality; and many are the churches now strong and prosperous, which have reason to bless God for his ministries among them. The last ten years of his life he resided mostly at North-east, Erie county, 526 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Pa., where he had a pleasant rural home, and enjoyed universal affection and reverence. He was self-sacrificing and discreet in his ministerial and missionary work, never disturbing pastoral relations or creating discords; but always laboring to advance the peaceful sway of the Master, of whom he was a faithful and gifted disciple. Nothing can be said of Samuel G. Orton but in his praise. No stain rests upon his pure, good name. Few lives have been more zealously devoted to the good of others; few memories are so fragrant as his. And in the great judgment, which he was wont to preach with so much earnestness and power, there can be no question what will be his designation-glory and reward. Mr. Orton left surviving him four children: Edward Orton, president of the Ohio State College at Columbus; Elizabeth, wife of Hon. John H. Hudson, of Sandusky, O., at whose house he died, May 12, I873 Sarah, wife of Thomas Orton, Esq., of Chicago; and Samuel Orton, of Greenville, Penn. ISRAEL PALMER, a native of Dutchess county, N. Y., emigrated to Ripley in I817, and settled 3 m. south of Quincy, where - Johnson now resides. His property consisted chiefly of a fine pair of horses, which he disposed of to procure a pair of oxen, as better adapted for clearing land. The horses were never paid for; and he was obliged to return to the east, where he obtained a yoke of oxen, and a horse, and removed two families, with their effects, to Ripley. Being without money to buy necessaries, he was obliged to resort to the usual way of getting money-the making of black saltsalmost the only product that could be sold for cash. Israel Palmer, Jr., resides near Quincy, and was for many years collector of taxes. His son, George W., studied law in the office of Judge Selden Marvin, of Ripley, and graduated at the Albany Law University in I857. After practicing several years in this county, he removed to New York. In I869, he was appointed an appraiser of the port of New York, and has since resumed the practice of his profession in the city. THOMAS PRENDERGAST, second son of Wm. Prendergast, Sr., born in Pawling, N. Y., SeptemberI 5, 1758, was married to Deborah Hunt, who was born Aug. 25, I774. They came to Ripley [then Chautauqua] in the fall of i805, he being one of the Prendergast families who made the southern tour, elsewhere narrated. He purchased about 600 acres of land, parts of which had been owned by Josiah Farnsworth and Oliver Loomis, about i2 miles east of Quincy, where he died, June 3, 1842, aged 84. His wife died Aug. 9, I846, aged 72. Mr. P. was elected supervisor of Portland in I814, before the formation of Ripley. In 8I 7, he was elected supervisor of Ripley, from which time he held that office, by reelections, until 1825, inclusive, except, perhaps, the year x188, the records of which are not at hand. In I827, he was again elected, making, in all, a service of io or ii years. He had two children: i. Stephen, [see sketch.] 2. Mary, who married Samuel Hunt, who settled on a part of the farm, which came to his wife after her father's death. They had 3 children: William, who married Augusta Mann; and ? i:l ~::.~::: :::::l;r::-: .:::::..: i-.:: i:a::::-::~:I:::::::::- re:i-::l —:-~::;..:::_:::,i-V-::::j:::: jF,:;:::; _i~.S: -::::~:-:::K;~:: 6iI:~~j~::::::_:~.:.l:ij::::::~:;::'::::;_:::::: ~ ~,:~, i-T~:-~;j~ -~~r;-:~:;.~.;;:;-x~i;'i:,g:;:\,,,,,,,':::,:I:: 1:j:- ri :-':-$'::~~:,~-~.:~::,:::::: c-~.. ~~ ~~* ~E:t:ir:::i:: ~~::~ —::i:::_:::l:i:::::-:-::-i::::::-::.': ~ ~~ ~~;-'-_Zi:i:*::.~::~:.~:.:.:;:'::;:.: i::,:-:::::. —::;'~~::`;;-::;1, p:: 2:;r''I..:i.:::2:::::::.i:.~:: ~:.~::~~;' ~::~- 1 $:!~:~~::-I::::: :~.i. i: i2i r s- -.~:~'.: I~:: ~- i::::::_'.r::::l::::,,, i-:;:::::)::::,::-i: "-j'-,i::li:::::ii:Z::_ "'B ;::.::,: " d rf = a:.-i~.-:-: j: d\'l~i~r:iz 8:b IV-i":' * _: i:::::z cr~-:: r: ii'??~.: ~:3:: S iit.::: 3'~ i~~~ ~3:1 iii'C9 ~:(:~: ~-ca i ——: i~:%9:3-.. i~: m I ;~"; :~- ii:::: "' i..i?;ci ji -1:: i iC:$:~ I"i-,;a 9t I 8c-:tiz c-CrNi! ...............................................:i................................. _::: __:::: i:_::::::::::ljj::jj:__jjjji-:_i:__i::_ii:li i _l::l:: ii::.ii:__il:_iil::i::..........:_-:: -i-:::-:i:_:::::::::::::::::.:::.::::::.:::..::.:.::::::.:::::::::..................::::::....................................i::l::l~:i i::i i::~ i: I~:-::i l~i~j i ~ii:.~l-iii:i:il:ii _: ll: -_::............... i _::::ii:.i:::::..........~:~l~j'::::::'~:..... 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Thomas M., who resided many years in the village of Westfield, and lives at present on his farm i 2 miles east. He was born Jan. 27, I817, and was married to Eunice Fassett, from Vermont. His children are Mary, wife of Henry Harrington, in Westfield; William M., who married Emma Maria Holmes, of Westfield; and George F. 2. Henry A., [see sketch.] 3. Stephen, born Sept. 5, 1824, and married Caroline Augusta Abbot, of Westfield. He died May 3, I87I, leaving his wife and a daughter, Mary L. 4. JohnJ, born Oct. 8, I831, and was married to Fanny E. Coveny. Their children are Clara A., Frank A., and Thomas R. HENRY A. PRENDERGAST, son of Stephen Prendergast, was born Oct. 3I, 1821, and was married to Mary Sexton, daughter of William Sexton, of Westfield. He was a graduate of Union College. He was admitted to the bar, and practiced his profession in Quincy. He was a member of assembly in I856, i857, and i86i; and was for several years in the mercantile business at Quincy. In the late war, he was a paymaster in the army of the Cumberland, and was taken sick in Tennessee. By the advice of the surgeon, he returned to his home, and died a few days after his arrival. He had a daughter, Elizabeth, who was married to William G. Fargo, Jr., of Buffalo, who died in 873. Mrs. Fargo died Oct. 11, I873, leaving twin daughters, born after the death of their father. DAVID ROYCE, from Connecticut, settled with his family, in I 88 or 1819, where his son Willis now resides, near Ripley Crossing. He bought about 6o0 acres, which included also the present farms of Alexander McHenry and Alpheus Moore, his sons-in-law, and - Rickenbrodt. Mr. Royce's purchase was a part of the tract originally contracted for by James McMahan, elsewhere described. [See History of Ripley.] Mr. R. here kept a tavern for many years, which was discontinued before his death. He had 2 sons, Phineas and Willis, and 2 daughters, Lydia, deceased, wife of Alexander McHenry, and Betsy, first wife of Alpheus Moore; and two children who died young. WILLIS ROYCE, son of David, came with his father, and has resided at the same place to the present time. In relating his pioneer experience, he claims to have assisted in chopping and logging 200 acres, and to have driven one pair of oxen twelve years in this work. And he mentions his narrow escape with his life, when one of the oxen was killed by the falling of a tree, while he was standing between the oxen " toggling" the chain. He confirms 528 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. what has been said of the poor rewards of farm labor after their settlement here. To raise money to pay taxes and for certain other purposes, he took to Dunkirk a load of Ioo bushels of corn with two yoke of oxen, and sold it to Walter Smith for I 2 cents a bushel, and spent two days in making the trip. Carrying his own provisions and hay for his teams, his only expense was 6 cents for his night's lodging. At another time he took to the same market a load of wheat, which he sold for 372 cents a bushel. He has 2 sons: Simeon, who married Vina Spencer, and resides on a part of the farm; and Newton, who married Jennett Wilson, and lives with his father on the farm. He had 3 daughters: Rhoda, who died at the age of about 16; Sophrona, who married George Sherman, of Westfield; and Elizabeth, wife of Frank Wright, Westfield. JOHN SMALLWOOD was born in England, Feb. 15, i8i, and emigrated to America, in I820, with his father's family, who, after several years' residence in Livingston Co., removed to Warsaw in -. He was married, Sept. 20, 1837, to Harriet Jennett, daughter of Judge Webster,.of Ripley, and removed to Ripley in the spring of 1838, on the farm where he now resides. From his youth his occupation has been farming, in which he has been successful. He was an assessor in Ripley for many years. He was appointed one of the county commissioners of license when the law went into effect, and served two years, and was continued in the office, by reappointment, for an additional period of six years. And he is at present one of the board of excise in this town, under the new law. Himself and family are connected with the Methodist Episcopal church, of which he has long been a member, and to the various interests of which he has been a liberal contributor. He has also given his support, by personal effort and otherwise, to the objects of benevolent and reformatory institutions generally. His wife died March 30, 1875. They had 6 children: i. Mary Adelia, wife of Rev. Join T. Brownell, a member of the Genesee conference of the Methodist Episcopal church, and has 2 children, John Veranus and Margaret Jennett. 2. Clementine, who died Sept. io, i870, aged 26 years. 3. Lorett, who married George K. Powell, attorney at law, Wilkesbarre, Pa., and has a son, Lewis Smallwood. 4. Emma Adelle. 5. Wilbur Fisk, now at the University in Syracuse. 6. Henry zThornton. OLIVER STETSON, JR., settled early in Ripley, on the Erie road, in the west part of the town; afterwards on a part of the farm now owned by David Cochran, near Westfield line, where Mr. Stetson died. He was one of the constituent members of the Presbyterian church of Ripley, at the time of its organization. His children were: Delia Ann, wife of John Taylor, and is deceased; Betsey, wife of Frank Slater, Quincy; John, who died at about 17; Asenath, wife of Ezra Burrows, both deceased; Moses, who married Fanny Porter, who died in i870, and whose daughter Jennie is the wife of Henry Burgess, with whom Mr. S. resides; Henry A., who married Elizabeth Spink, and resides at Jackson, Mich.; Robert Marshall, who married Ann Ross; Oliver, who married Elizabeth Lay; and two sons who died young. ^y —../ /">i..fb ^...... /~ ~ ~ / ~ RIPLEY. 529 Capt. Oliver Stetson, Sr., came later, and settled where Hugh Stevens resides. He had 4 sons, William, Robert, Moses, and John, and 3 daughters. Only John, in Erie Co., Pa., is living. MosEs A. TENANT, from Otsego Co., settled, in 1833, about 2 m. south from Quincy; and afterwards removed to the place where he now resides, near the village. He has been several times elected supervisor and justice of the peace. He is a member and officer of the Baptist church. He had 4 sons and 4 daughters, who attained to manhood and womanhood. The sons are Alvin J., Delos G., Albert M., and John A. Albert M. is a Baptist minister, now at North-east, Penn. Daughters: Eliza, wife of Henry W. Shaver; Julia, wife of David Shaver; Wealthy A., wife of Erbin C. Wattles; Fanny, wife of George Mason. All the families are members or supporters of the Baptist church. GURDON H. WATTLES, a native of Delaware Co., removed from Otsego Co., to Ripley, 3 m. south of Quincy, in 1818, where his son Glover P. lately resided. In I859, he removed to the farm where he lately resided, i m. west from Quincy, and now resides with his son, Erbin C., near the village. He was elected supervisor in 1835 and I836. From T846 to 1853, he managed a store in Erie for B. Tomlinson & Co. His son, Erbin C., is at present supervisor of Ripley. The families are members or supporters of the Baptist church. [Glover P. Wattles has recently died.] ANDREW W. YOUNG was born in Carlisle, Schoharie Co., N. Y., March 2, 1802. His paternal ancestors were from Holland. His mother, when a child, came from the north of Ireland, her ancestry being generally designated as "Scotch Irish." His vernacular was that which had been brought over by the Diedricks and Knickerbockers, which was the language of the family during the period of its existence. He obtained his education in the common school. He became a teacher at an early age, having taught one term before he had completed his fourteenth year. In i8i6, he removed with his father's family to Warsaw. He was engaged alternately on the farm and in teaching, until he attained his majority. He was thereafter, for several years, engaged as clerk and as principal, in the mercantile business. In 1830, he commenced the publication of the TWarsaw Sentinel; and, in 1832, having purchased the Republican Advocate, published at Batavia, the former was merged in the latter, which he published three years, when it passed into the hands of Daniel D. Waite, Esq., its present publisher. After his brief editorial career of five years, he directed his attention to what has been the principal business of his life. Impressed with the idea, that our political prosperity and the security of our liberties depend, essentially, upon an enlightened suffrage, he wrote the " Science of Government," designed alike for the use of schools and for the family library. Several other works, of which this formed the basis, he has written and published. In 1855, the "American Statesman," a political history of the United States, was published, and was followed, a few years after, by " National Economy," and other works. In I845 and I846, he represented Wyoming county in the 34 530 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. assembly, and in i846, in the constitutional convention. In I856, he removed to Ripley, Chautauqua county, N. Y. In I867, his family went to Red Wing, Minn., he remaining to complete an unfinished work. He has, for the last few years, been engaged in writing local histories, of which the History of Chautauqua County is the third. He was married in Warsaw, Oct. 4, I827, to Eliza, daughter of Hon. Elizur Webster. He had five children: i. David A., who married Ada Augusta McGlashan, and has three sons, Herbert A., Arthur L., and Charles M. 2. Lucy, who was married to Emery Purdy, late of Red Wing, deceased. 3. Elizabeth, residing at Red Wing. 4. William, who died in infancy. 5. Mary E., who was married to Eldridge K. Sparrell, late of Red Wing, deceased. They had two children: John and Grace, the latter deceased. CHARLES P. YOUNG, a native of Killingworth, Conn., removed to Herkimer Co., N. Y., in 1797; thence, in 18I2, to this county, near Dewittville; in I835, to Westfield, and in 1845, to Ripley, near the lake, where he now resides. He served in the war of 1812, under Capt., afterwards Col. James McMahan. He was at the battle of Black Rock in I8I3, at the time.of the burning of Buffalo. He receives a pension for his services in that war. He was elected, in the town of Chautauqua, a justice of the peace, in I830, and again in I834. He had 3 sons: Wm. B., who resides with him on the farm; Joseph, also a resident of Ripley; and Charles P., Jr., who served in the late war, and died in the hospital at Hilton Head, S. C. He also had five daughters. The families are principally connected with the Methodist church. ELIZUR WEBSTER was born in Connecticut, Aug. 24, 1767. In October, I803, he removed from Washington Co., N. Y., to Batavia, afterwards, [1808,] the town of Warsaw, where he had, in June preceding, taken up several thousand acres of the Holland Company's land. In Feb., 1837, he removed to Ripley, on the farm previously owned, successively, by Basil Burgess, Robert Dickson, and Henry Abell, near the old Presbyterian church. He was the first settler in the present town of Warsaw, and was 8 miles from the nearest settler on the Holland Purchase. He was appointed a justice of the peace, the first in the township, by the council of appoirtment; and was the first supervisor of Warsaw after its formation, and held the office many years. He was also, successively, associate judge of the county court, a member of assembly in 1816 and T8I7; and a member of the constitutional convention of [82I. He was married in I7-, to Elizabeth Warren, who died in Ripley, Dec., I848, aged 74. Mr. Webster died in March, 1854. They had 12 children, 8 sons and 4 daughters, all of whom had families: i. Arvin, who removed to Illinois, where he died. 2. Warren, who died at Gowanda, and whose widow resides in Westfield. 3. Chipman, who resides in Illinois. 4. Lucinda, wife of Elijah Norton, who resides in Warsaw. 5. Clorinda, wife of Orson Hough, and resides in Westfield. 6. Eliza, wife of Andrew W. Young, and resides in Red Wing, Minn. 7. Lemuel, who died in Wisconsin. 8. Horace, who resides in Erie Co., Pa. 9. Elizur, who married Frances ~::-:: ~.~:::~-.j:,:i::::~:::::.~:~::::::ii:::'-,:i:;::ii::~I~9-:' —i~:~::::::::~i'::BQ"-:::::::~i:::bii;'6;;'j:::::.~: i:~i:~;:-l::ii-:::i::'i~ji;i:~:~-~i:::::.~: ~j::j-i-i::~:i::I~:::::.:-::::~::~_:::..:...: -:-::~::::::: i`;l;c'si::r:-';'';';i:l~~:i:;:::::. -:i::::::r,;: ~,I::- ~~:.. ~j: I~~.-:::~:.::::.::.-:_::.:-;:,.:::I:::::,:::::: ::::'::S lrrR s:- :::::,:~.: iai;;i::::::;::-.;;:;:::;:I:~1:~::::i:::ti:i.:::~::i::::::~:_:: ij!'~.tisi"ii~i-j P iji "::::~:-m k, iiiW "::-~::)-: :: -; ~~.::::::.~::~::-~::iii-s::;;i~:l I::~:: 8;~:;::: .~: 68:i ~:~:~ EBIBXi: j~:::li"s-::'-I~ii''~1-:':i::; —::::::::~:-:~:-1:-::::: ~: E a:i:::::-i;i:s:i~iiili::,;i:; Ir i FBbt'~:r.. a::I' :i ~~ Ia:::i~:~ —~~::~.a RIPLEY. 531 Averill, resided in Ripley, and died in I874. Mrs. Webster died in 1862. iO. Gideon, who resides at Fredonia. 1. William Harrison, who married Mary Dickson, in Ripley, and resides at Coldwater, Mich. 12. Harriet Jennett, wife of John Smallwood, who owns and occupies the homestead of his fatherin-law. Mrs. Smallwood died March 30, I875. CHURCHES. The First Presbyterian Church of Ripley was organized Nov. 2, I818, at a meeting in the school-house near John Post's, about 60 rods east of the old meeting-house, the Rev. Phineas Camp presiding. The church was composed chiefly of members of the church at Cross Roads, [now Westfield.] The male members were Joel Loomis, Alexander Cochran, John Cochran, Robert Cochran, John Gibson, Thomas Gray, William Crossgrove, Lorrel Nichols, Olney Nichols, James McMahan, James Dickson, Oliver Stetson, Jr., John B. Densmore, Hugh Crossgrove. The number of females was about the same, many of them being wives of the men above named. Joel Loomis, James Dickson, James McMahan, and Alexander Cochran, were chosen elders: only the first two accepted, and were ordained. The records do not show the services of a stated minister before October, 1824, when each of the churches of Ripley and North-east engaged the labors of Rev. Giles Doolittle one-half of the time, at a salary of $200, payable, one-half in cash, and one-half in grain at cash price. Mr. Doolittle was ordained and installed as pastor of the two congregations, April 15, 1825. At his own request, his pastoral relation to the church of Ripley, was dissolved in April, 1830, Among later ministers was Rev. John B. Preston. The name of Rev. Samuel G. Orton appears on the records of the session as early as July, I837; and his pastorate continued until 1853. He was succeeded by Rev. William Waith, whose labors were terminated by his death, in I863. The church was subsequently supplied by Rev. Sylvanus Warren for two years, and by the Rev. William L. Hyde for five years. A meeting-house in an unfinished state, was destroyed by lightning, July o0, 1828. Another was soon erected in its place, and is still standing. In I854, a division of the society took place; and the western members built the present brick house in Quincy. In 1871, the churches were reunited under the name of the "First Presbyterian Church and Congregation of Ripley." In October, 1870, Rev. Edwin S. Wright commenced his pastorate, which still continues. The Second Presbyterian Society was organized at Quincy, April i8, I853; Bezaleel Gates, moderator of the meeting. Alexander Cochran, Ira Loomis, and William Cochran, were elected trustees, and Martin Cochran was chosen clerk. John Loomis, John B. Densmore, and Thaddeus S. Ways, were chosen a building committee, to superintend the erection of a church edifice. The church was composed almost entirely of members of the First church, residing in the west part of the parish. On the application of about 30 members, letters of dismission were given them for that purpose. The male members were John Cochran, Alexander Cochran, Martin Cochran, 532 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. John Loomis, Ira Loomis, Bezaleel Gates, James McIntosh, Andrew McIntosh, John Crossgrove, and the wives of most or all of them, with a few others. John Cochran, Bezaleel Gates, and John Crossgrove, were chosen elders. The first minister was Daniel Gibbs, from August, 1854; J. S. Barris, from March, i856, to March, I86o; Sylvanus Warren, from April, 1862, to December, 863; his labors being equally divided between the two societies; Mr. Hancock, from June, I864; and William L. Hyde, from July, i865, to April, i870, both also ministering to both churches. In December, 187, a union of the churches having been agreed upon, all the members of the Second church were, by a general letter, dismissed to the First church; the house built by the Second church at Quincy to be the house of worship of the united church. Rev. Edwin S. Wright was elected pastor. A neat and commodious parsonage has been erected by the society, in the western part of the village. The Methodist Episcopal Church of Ripley was formed at an early period, but the year of its organization is probably not known by any person now living in the town. About the year I8ii, it is thought, the first class was formed. Among the members of this class were Andrew Spear and wife, Farley Fuller and wife, and Basil Burgess and wife. Within a few years after, the following named persons became members: Asahel Peck, Reuben Peck, and their wives, James Truesdell, Harry Loomis and wife, Lucretia and Lavina Baird, Adolphus and Henry Walradt, Dolly, Rebecca, and Mary Walradt, Silas and Hannah Baird. Of the earliest members of the church yet living, are Reuben Peck and Calista Peck. Who the earliest preachers were cannot be stated with certainty. This part of Chautauqua county. was early in the Erie circuit, which was in 1811 in Monongahela district. Jacob Gruder was presiding elder; and James Watts and James Ewing, circuit preachers. The next year, 1812, Erie circuit was in Ohio district; Jacob Young was presiding elder; James Watts and Jacob Gorwell, preachers. For several years after, preachers on the Erie circuit were Abel Robinson, I8I3; John Solomon and John Graham, 1814; Robert C. Hatton, 1815, 1816. In 1817, James B. Finley, presiding elder; John P. Kent, Ira Eddy, preachers. A meeting-house was erected in I839, and completed and dedicated two or three years afterward; dedicatory sermon by Rev. James E. Chapin. Anew and beautiful brick house was erected a few rods east of the other, in 1873, at a cost of about $I3,000. Dedicated in April, I874. Sermon by Rev. Benoni I. Ives, D. D., of Auburn. Connected with the Presbyterian and Methodist churches in Quincy, are well-constructed and well-sustained sabbath schools. That of the latter has been for several years under the superintendence of two young ladies, sisters. A Baptist church was formed, at a comparatively early day, about three miles south of Quincy, and a house of worship erected. Some of its members residing at a remote and inconvenient distance, and others having removed from that part of the town, the organization is believed to have hardly maintained its former strength and efficiency. :::::~:::~:::-z;-:::- ~::::::-::-~:;..':~:::;: r:;::r:,:~::~;~:j~r:::,:.l ::jj::::~::: t~ n~~lisi::~j~. is-e :-i~_:::::~:::::i:::::;"::i:.:T;:-rg,:k i":::::::::-~i —~:: -:::::::.::~.i::::I:.~l:ii :::::-:;::::: L-:i:-.~r:ii:':::::'is~~:ii-:~.i~::. r~~ -i." is':n;i:~:,- ~~: L;;:::::;:::: ~ *::k,~I~-6:i-i'~:r::i:~:i.:::::;~:-:::i:::-::l~:.:::::~I.:walr:-;tr:::::-~: —fl:,j:::~I;;;~;:. —::;;:;~ijT ~i:~~:~:~:: ~:13"'~'::.::.::::1'... -~;~-.::~ :::'~~.. l\r ~ siii:::::-:i:.'i C3 j::.:.:I:~:;:::::: i~i::~-'':: j:y::.l.)S(b adri".'.:....::.:I'i:-:':i:1IT,:;::,:3:_:e ~,~. ; I~:;;i:::::.'~i:':: ':'(SSj i:,;:::::~:~~~:- .~:,~,:~:~:r:.::i;::.~:::::-::'a':.:,:Ii SHERIDAN. 533 SHERIDAN. SHERIDAN was formed from Pomfret and Hanover, April i6, I827. It embraces township 6 of the IIth range, excepting lots I, 2, 3, and 4, which are attached to Hanover. Although it is not square at its north end, it contains an area of nearly the same extent as that of an ordinary regular township. The surface is level in the north-west, and hilly in the south-east. A nearly perpendicular bluff, 50 to oo00 feet high, extends along the lake shore. The south-west and west parts of the town are drained by Scott's creek and Beaver creek, flowing north to the lake, the former entering it in the northeast corner of Dunkirk, the other about a mile east of the north-west corner of Sheridan. The soil is a clay loam, mixed in some parts with gravel. Original Purchases in Township 6, Range Ir. I804. August, Francis Webber, I7. Wm. Webber, 27. Hazadiah Stebbins, 17. November, Abner Holmes, 43. Alanson Holmes, 53. [Deed.] i805. March, Gerard Griswold, 35. Orsamus Holmes, 44,6o. April, Joel Lee, 52. John Walker, 67. John Hollister, 66; [articled to Wm. Gould.] September, Thomas Stebbins, 18; [reverted, and transferred to Jonathan Webber.] November, Simeon Austin, 52; [articled to Abner Holmes.] i806. April, Ozias Hart and Justus Hinman, 59. October, Thomas Stebbins, 6, i6. I807. August, Jonathan Webber, 62; [transf. to Gideon Shove.] Alanson Holmes, Winsor Brigham, 64. October, Jonathan Webber, 15, i6. i808. February, John Spencer, 6r. July, Hazadiah Stebbins, i8. i809. March, Ozias Hart and Daniel Pratt, 45. April, Jonathan Brigham, 54, 64. Samuel Newell, 34. September, Wm. and Robert Pattison, 5. October, Daniel Baldwin, 58. John Bovee, 26. Isaac Baldwin, 58. Nov., Bethel Willoughby, 31. December, Thomas and Matthew Cassety, 63. i8io. March, John M. Alden, 24. I81. May, Joel Lee, 55. August, Thomas Chapman, I5. 1812. Jonathan Griswold, 36. April, Edmund Mallett, 49. Charles Burritt, 24. Jonathan Brigham, 56. 1813. October, Charles F. Collins, 39. December, Jonathan Brigham, Jr., 64. Winsor Brigham, 70. 1814. February, Jonathan Sloan, 59. I815. March, Ozias Hart, 44. Polly Pratt, 44. Asa Strong, 43. 1816. January, John Pattison, 14. February, Luke Kibbe, 23. Bethel Willoughby, 23. March, Nicholas Bovee, 26. April, John Pattison, 14. November, David Pattison, I5. 1817. January, Winsor Brigham, 63. David Pattison, 14. May, John Spencer, 62. i818. Feb., Haven Brigham, 49. Oct., William Griswold, 46. 1819. February, Clark Jenks, 38. April, Hosea White, 57. Leonard Love, 22. August, Alva Cummings, ii. October, William Jones, 42. Griffin Sweet, 42. Nov., Neri Crampton, 37. Dec., Chauncey Barnes, 12. 1820. January, Joseph Van Vliet, 22. March, John Darling, 21. June, Bliss Webb, io. November, Robert Peebles, 33. 534 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. I82I. January, James Goodrich, 49. October, Benjamin Jones, I; [now in Hanover.] December, Josiah Bail, 7. Stephen Brigham, 21. I823. April, Nathan Blanchard, i8. June, James Bellows, 56. July, Sylvester Merrick, 70. November, John Kelly, 29. John Johnson, 29. 1825. July, John N. Badger, 38. October, Benjamin Drake, 30. 1826. September, James Fisher, 29. December, Cyrus Glass, 36. I827. June, William McConnell, 29. William Griswold, 46. August, Andrew Clark, 56. September, Eli Chamberlain, I3. Joel Lee, a native of Connecticut, removed with his father from Sherburne, N. Y., to Sheridan, in I805, and died there in I836. He built the first frame house in that town; was a deacon of the Congregational church; and was adjutant of infantry, and captain of cavalry, commissioned by Governor Tompkins. He was a carpenter and mill-wright. Buel Tolles settled on a part of lot 26, on the place of his stepfather, Stephen Thompson, where he still resides. He wa's for 8 years supervisor of the town. Edgar, a son, resides with his father. Newell Gould settled in town early, and finally where he now lives, on lot 26. A son, Milton, was married, and is deceased; Frank is in Dunkirk; Edward was killed in the late war; Julius is with his father on the farm. In the central part of the town, Samuel Newell settled in 1809 on lot 34, and died about 1850. His sons were Samuel, Oliver, and Warren, who reside in the town. Thomas Newell, brother of Samuel, Sr., settled on lot 53, and is dead. His sons, Jefferson, Chauncey, and Nevins, reside in town; Corydon removed west. Griffin Sweet was an early settler, and a Methodist minister. His sons, Jonathan N., Newman, Caleb, Griffin, all dead or out of town. Jonathan had several sons, all deceased; a daughter, wife of Abraham Cranston, deceased; she resides in town; and Stephen B., deceased, whose sons, Walter and Edward, reside in the town. William Doty, from Delaware county, to Sheridan, in 1819, settled on lot 28, half a mile east from the Center, and died in the town. His sons were Asa; Daniel, who died in Michigan; Peter B.; Seth, deceased; and J.oseph C., the last only in town. Asa is in Hanover; Peter B., in Conneaut, Ohio. Daughters: Susan, wife of Edmund Mead; another, the wife of Daniel Alden, in Sheridan. Stephen Bush settled near the Center, having bought lots 35 and 36, and died there. The property fell to his sons, Asahel, who died many years ago; and Stephen, who resides on a part of the farm at an advanced age. In the east part of the town, Hazadiah Stebbins settled on lot I7, bought in 1804, on which his son Marcus resides. Otis Ensign, a Revolutionary pensioner, about 1816, came to the south-west part of the town, but finally settled on lot 28. He had sons: William, deceased, whose son Otis is on the homestead of his father; Seth, who resides in Hanover, and whose place was afterwards owned by Gideon, a nephew; now owned by Gideon's son; and Seymour, who removed to Erie, Pa.; and whose son Otis resides on his father's homestead. In the, south-west part of the town, Jonathan Sloan settled on lot 59. His sons were John, James, and George W.; only James living, and resides in SHERIDAN. 535 town. William, son of George W.; and Devillo, son of John, reside on their fathers' homesteads. Daniel Baldwin, from Vermont, brother of Isaac, settled on lot 58; removed to Indiana, and died there. He had many children; of whom Abigail, wife of Simon Burton, resides in Portland; others dead, or removed from the county. James White, from Madison county, settled on lot 59, bought in 18o0; family removed from the county, or dead. The first town-meeting was held at the house of William Griswold, Tuesday, May 8, 1827; and the following named officers were elected: Supervisor-Lyscom Mixer. Town Clerk-Enoch Haskins. AssessorsHaven Brigham, Otis Ensign, Sheldon Stanley. Collector-Rodolphus Simons.. Com'rs of Highways-Nathaniel Loomis, William Ensign, John N. Gregg. Overseers of Poor-Otis Ensign, Jonathan S. Pattison. Constables-Rodolphus Simons, Orlow Hart. Com'rs of Schools-Benjamin Brownell, Royal Teft, Lyscom.Mixer. Inspectors of Schools-Elihu Mason, Nathaniel Gray, Samuel Davis. [Of these, only Jonathan S. Pattison is living.] Szpervisors from 1827 to 1875. Lyscom Mixer, 1827 to'30, and'32-5 years. Nathaniel Gray, I831,'35,'38. Nicholas Mallett, I833. Leroy Farnham, I834. Jonathan S. Pattison, I836,'37. Willard W. Brigham, 1839 to'42. John I. Eacker, i843,'53. John N. Gregg, 1844. Harry Hall, I845 to'49. Edmund Mead, i850 to'52,'54,'56-5 years. Newton P. Smith, I855. Newell Gould, I857. William O. Strong, 1858,'59. John C. Cranston, I860 to'62. Buel Tolles, I863 to'67,'69,'70-7 years. Joseph C. Doty, i868,'71,'72. George W. Eacker, I873. Stewart Christy, I874. Henry J. Cranston, I875. BIOGRAPHICAL AND GENEALOGICAL. ISAAC BALDWIN, born in Jeffrey, N. H., Oct. 12, I763, removed with his father to Mass., and thence to Halifax, Vt., where he was married to Parthena Harris, in Sept., I785. They subsequently removed to Pawlet, and thence to the Holland Purchase. He purchased, in I809, the north 254 acres of lot 58, in Sheridan, and returned to Vermont. In the spring of i8Io, he came and built a log house, and cleared six acres, sowed his field with wheat, and returned. In February, I8II, he came the third time, bringing his two oldest sons and the oldest daughter; and returned soon after to move the remainder of his large family. His removal was for a time deferred by the declaration of war against Great Britain; apprehending danger from Indians in the wilderness in a frontier country. In September, 1812, they started in an emigrant wagon with three horses, and, after a tedious journey of 45 days, arrived at their new home. A i6 feet square hut, into which was stowed a family of fifteen, was, to use the words of the narrator, "a pretty tight fit." But the discomforts experienced in their small cabin without chimney or even the minor conveniences of an ordinary cabin, were far less than some of those they suffered on their journey. Nearly all the country west of the Genesee river was a wilderness. The road between Buffalo and Cattaraugus 536 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. creek-the terror of travelers at a much later day-was in some places all but impassable. They entered the woods in a rain, and after prying up the load and working along a few rods at a time, the wagon pitched into a deep slough, and the neap came out, leaving the wagon to the axles in the mud. Imagine their feelings in this dilemma-a father and mother with nine children, in a dark night, and surrounded with a dense forest and mud and water, and no inhabitant within two miles! They were not slow in devising relief. One of the boys got on one of the horses, and took the mother on behind him with a babe of eight months in her arms. Another, with a girl or two behind, rode another horse; and the rest of the family trudged along on foot. At o1 or i i o'clock they reached the Cattaraugus without a serious mishap, though one of the boys and a sister narrowly escaped a watery grave. Their horse, in trying to avoid the mud, had got on a narrow ridge between the mud and the precipice on the lake shore, when the horse's hind feet slipped, and the children came near being thrown off; but the horse fortunately gathered up; and they went on unconscious of the fate they had escaped. On going for the wagon the next morning, they found that the horse had slipped on the brink of the precipice, and but for having regained his foothold, the horse and his riders would have been plunged into the lake some fifty feet below! After getting, to the creek, they were obliged to wait in the dark and rain nearly an hour before they could get any one to ferry them over. They were two days in getting their wagon through and repaired. Without further serious difficulty, they reached their destination, traveling, however, the last two miles in an underbrush path, through the woods. In the fall of 1813, the second son having been drafted for the war, and having but recently recovered from sickness, the father took his place as a substitute, and went to Buffalo, and was in the battle of Black Rock. Early in life he was a Congregationalist; but afterwards united with the Methodist church, of which he was a prominent and an efficient member until his death in January, I842. His wife died in January, 1832. Isaac Baldwin had 14 children, all of whom, except one, lived to have families. They were: i. Anna, who died in childhood. 2. Isaac, who moved to Penn., and died there in his 78th year. 3. Willian, who married Amy Lewis, and died in Arkwright, in his 7Ist year. 4Parthena, wife of Horace Clough; removed to Erie Co., N. Y., and died there.. 5. Elizabeth, wife of Frederic Bail, finally moved to Erie'Co., Pa., where she died. 6. Jesse, who married Martha Skiff, who died, leaving 2 sons and 3 daughters, all living in Sheridan. He married, second, Hannah Mumford, who died leaving 2 daughters, one of them deceased; the other went to California, was married, and removed to Washington territory, with whom her father has gone.to live. 7. Harvey, who married Filey Harris, settled in Arkwright, and is now near Sheridan Center. 8. Rachel, wife of Ebenezer Harris, at the Center. 9. Levi, [see sketch in the history of Arkwright.] o1. Hosea, who married Maria Christy, and after her death, her sister Freelove, and lives SHERIDAN. 537 in Erie Co., N. Y. i. Lydia, wife of Samuel A. Otis, now in Collins, N. Y. 12. Newton, who married Jane Tucker, and resides in Iowa. 13. Philomela, wife of John Lyman, who died in Erie Co., Pa., leaving 2 small children, who also soon died. 14. Benjamnin F., who married Amanda Eaton, who died, leaving 2 daughters; and he married Mrs. Lydia Bull, and now lives near Fredonia. JONATHAN BRIGHAM, a native of Mass., and of Puritan descent, emigrated from Oneida county, in I8Io, and settled in Sheridan; an;, in I813, removed to Mayville, where he died in July, I848, in the house where his son Edward Brigham now lives, at the age of 77, the only survivor of his father's family. His eldest son, Stephen, born in Mass., came to Sheridan, in i8I6, from Madison Co. Haven, his 2d son, came in i8io, with his wife and his younger brother Winsor, who had in 1809 selected a mill site on the Holmes tract, where he and Haven, in 18io, commenced the first saw-mill built in Sheridan, and had it in operation in I8rI. Soon after the completion of the mill, Winsor sold his interest to Haven, and being by trade a carpenter, took the contract for erecting the first county buildings at Mayville. When Winsor came, in I8Io, he brought on his back a pack weighing about 50 pounds, consisting of carpenters' tools, provisions, and clothing. Haven, being a tanner, built a small tannery, the first in Sheridan. Winsor, after he had finished the county buildings, returned and built the second saw-mill in Sheridan, on Scott brook. In I835, he took passage with Capt. Simeon Fox, at Detroit, for Dunkirk. But in consequence of bad weather, Capt. Fox passed Dunkirk without landing, and Mr. Brigham died in the night, as was supposed, of cholera, and was buried at Buffalo, but at what particular spot, none of the family ever knew. JOHN BRIGHAM, the brother next younger than Jonathan, and older than Samuel, came from Madison Co., settled upon some wild land, where he lived until August, 1828, when he and his wife died; one on the 2oth, the other on the 21st. Both were interred in one grave at Fredonia. A street leading out of Dunkirk, and laid out by him, still bears his name. His son John, with his wife and child, came with his father in i808. Another son, James, married, in I8 I, Fanny Risley. He assisted in the erection of the first mill and ashery, and in the establishment of the first school and church, in Fredonia; and selected the site of the first grave in the large cemetery. SAMUEL BRIGHAM, brother of Jonathan and John, took up land at Chadwick's, [Dunkirk,] and died in 1811, in Oneida county. Joel Brigham, his eldest son, and the only one who came to this county, settled, soon after, on the lot taken up by his father. A few years after, he went to Buffalo with Capt. Perkins, by lake, taking with him a wagon for sale, for which there was no need in this wooden country. He returned on'foot; and when in the "four mile woods," about a mile beyond Cattaraugus creek, he heard the report of a gun, and felt a pain similar to a " bee sting." On looking around, he spied a young Indian beside a tree, preparing to load his gun to- fire again; but having broken his ramrod, he could not get the ball down. He 538 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. shook his cane at the young redskin, and made some threats. He soon found that he had been shot through the body; the ball having entered near the back-bone, and passed through the fold of the intestines, and out in front, two inches from the navel. Beginning to suffer intense pain, and becoming weak, he feared he could not reach the abode of a white man, and on a scrap of paper, wrote with a piece of lead, an explanation of his condition. He succeeded, however, in getting near Mack's ferry, where he was heard caling for assistance. He was carried to Mack's tavern, where he was for several days unconscious and deranged. Surgeons from Buffalo attended him; but he was confined'two or three months. On the return of consciousness, he thought he could identify the offender, if brought into his presence. Mr. Mack had a number of Indians brought before Brigham, who at once recognized the assassin, Longfinger, about I7 years of age. He was found guilty, and imprisoned in Buffalo jail 30 days. Though Brigham lived many years, his injuries are supposed to have hastened his death. He died in Ohio. HAVEN BRIGHAM, second son of Jonathan, and brother of Stephen and Winsor, came to Sheridan in I8io, as has been stated, [sketch of Jonathan Brigham.] He built, about 1815, a schooner of 40 tons, named Kingbird, the command of which he gave to Zephaniah Perkins, a native of Vt., who ran her between Dunkirk and Buffalo, freighting her down with lumber from his mill, and back with merchandise and other goods for the people of Dunkirk and Fredonia. Capt. Perkins is said to have become a great favorite, being a man of great courage and very trustworthy. It is related of him, that, when a mate under Capt. Fox, a difference arose between them as to the management of Capt. Fox's vessel in a gale. The captain ran her into Cattaraugus creek for safety. Perkins, conceiving such a course extremely dangerous, forced Capt. Fox into the hold; put the vessel to sea, and rode out the gale in safety. Capt. Perkins once saved a drowning child at Buffalo, while a crowd was standing by. JOHN GRAY removed from Sherburne, Chenango Co., N. Y., to Sheridan, in 1818. His family is distinguished, from the fact that most of his sons were either physicians or preachers of the gospel; and some of them practiced in both these professions. John Gray, generally known as Judge Gray, from his having held the office of judge, had six sons, who were residents of Chautauqua county. They are as follows, though they may not be named according to their seniority of birth: I. Nathaniel Gray, who came with his father to Sheridan, and became a prominent citizen. He took an active part in getting the town of Sheridan set off, and giving it its name. He was, in 1831,'35,'38, supervisor of the town, a justice of the peace, and in 1833 a member of assembly.:He was by trade a tanner and currier and shoemaker, which business he carried on many years with a small farm. His health declining, he sold his property and removed to Silver Creek, and after several years to Forestville. 2. Blackleach B., a Presbyterian clergyman, who preached some years in Sheridan; then a few years in Jamestown; and then SHERIDAN. 539 at Brighton, Monroe Co.; and finally retired at Canandaigua. 3. John F., an eminent physician [homceopathic] in the city of New York. 4. Patrick, who also became a physician, and, before he practiced, resided a while at Jamestown; then went to Buffalo, and thence to Elmira, where he died. 5. Alfred W., who, at the age of i6, removed with. his father to Sheridan, in r8I8, read medicine with Dr. Orin Crosby, of Fredonia, and Dr. Whitman, of Madison, 0., and was licensed by the Ohio Medical Society. He practiced at Madison about a ye'ar and a half, and returned to Sheridan, where he married Valeria Dodd; and after a few months' practice at Silver Creek, removed to Brownville, Jefferson Co., and practiced there from 1825 to 1832. He was there an elder in the Presbyterian church, and in May, I832, was ordained as a minister, having relinquished a successful medical practice. He removed to Chautauqua county, and preached with acceptance to the churches at Ashville, Panama and Portland, for about 12 years, when, from a diseased throat, his voice failed; and he was compelled to leave the ministry, and return to his medical profession. He now adopted the homoeopathic practice at Portland, about I844, and in 1845 removed to Jamestown, and was a partner of Dr. Wm. S. Hedges until 1857, when he removed to Milwaukee, where he had for many years an extensive practice. JONATHAN GRISWOLD, born in Lyme, Conn., in or about the year I748, was married, Nov. I, I770, to Sarah Osborn, of New Haven, and removed about I805 from Bethlehem, Litchfield'Co., to Spencertown, Columbia Co., N. Y.; and thence, in I81i, to Canadaway, now Sheridan, in this county, with a large family. Two of his sons, Gerard and William, were among the very early settlers in the town, as appears from the date of Gerard's purchase, May, i805. They had made considerable progress in clearing, and had erected two log cabins when the father and family arrived. John E., the youngest son, was then about 15 years of age. In I852, he gave an account of their removal, substantially as follows: " We had a fatiguing journey of four weeks, with an ox team, through frost and snow and mud, fording creeks, etc. At Canandaigua I left them for the purpose of getting my brothers to assist them from Buffalo with additional teams. I took for my expenses a five-dollar note and some change; and before daylight I bounded into the road with a light heart, and took a'bee-line' for the Holland Purchase. I traveled two days on my small change; and when I presented my bill, lo! it proved counterfeit. I had only one shilling left. I went to bed without supper, and had a sleepless night. To go back would cause delay, and bring us into the'four-mile woods,' unable to extricate ourselves; or, in endeavoring to pass round the points at that time in the year, we might all be buried in the lake. I resolved to push forward. A bright idea struck me. I arose with the dawn, and told the landlord a plain, unvarnished tale; describing the team, the wagon, and the persons accompanying them, especially my father-an old gray-headed man, above 60, with a staff in one hand and an ox-whip in the other, and, like Jacob of old, halting upon one thigh, yet with head erect, and an energy of features evincing a determination to wrestle with anything short of superhuman-at least so I thought; and sincerity is always eloquent. 540 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. "I believe I had raised a curiosity in the breast of Boniface to see the old Yankee with the three-cattle team,' as he called them; for he gave me a dollar, and took an order on my father. I pulled on again with redoubled strength and the dollar, minus the amount of my tavern bill; passed through Buffalo, a small village on a low, marshy piece of ground, and entered upon the great Sahara of the Holland Purchase; traveled all day without meeting a person, and scarcely seeing a hut. I put up at a wretched cabin near a couple of streams called the'Two Sisters.' 5 "'` Next day I crossed the Cattaraugus at Mack's ferry, about noon, and paid my last sixpence to a poor negro woman for a pint of boiled chestnuts (my only meal during the day) with a'God bless you, massa,' for the shining silver. I followed the marked trees to the Big Black Walnut then standing in all its glory, giving name to the creek near which it stood. With my tired limbs and astonished vision, I made it thirteen paces in circumference, and finally emerged from the almost impenetrable forest upon the log cabin of my oldest brother, Gerard, at the center of township 6, range i. Brother William started the next day with a yoke of oxen to pull the three-cattle team out of the " fourmile woods;" and at Christmas, father, mother, and six of the eleven children, feasted on pumpkin pies and dough nuts fried in bear's fat, around the cheerful fire of a son and brother." JOHN E. GRISWOLD was born in Connecticut, March 19, 1795, and removed with his father's family to Spencertown, Columbia county, N. Y., and thence, in 1811, to Sheridan. An interesting account of the removal of the family, written by the son, will be found on a preceding page. He was one of the worthy settlers of Sheridan, and, it is said, a man of general intelligence. In I829, he was appointed postmaster at South Sheridan, the postoffice at his residence, where it remained many years. He was also several years a justice of the peace. He was married, May 24, 1821, to Lucia Ann Meacham, and died June 6, i868. They had 6 children: i. Lavancia, born October, 1825; married Stephen Whitaker, and is deceased. 2. Canning E., born February, 1827; married Mary Ann Rork, who died in i868. 3. Curran JF., born September, 1828; married Minerva Barnard, and resides in Sheridan. 4. Ellen, born July, i830; wife of Horatio Davidson; resides in Geneseo, Ill. 5. Irving, born I832, and resides on the old homestead. 6. Darwin C., born I836; died September, I870. DANIEL HIBBARD was born in Greenwich, Conn., in I765, and was married to Bethiah Gray. They were pioneer settlers in Sherburne, N. Y.; whence he removed with his family to Pomfret [now Sheridan,] in I8II. He was a farmer and shoemaker-a respected and worthy man. He removed, in 1834, with his wife and all his children, except Mary, wife of Capt. Joseph Kenyon, to North-east, Pa., where he died in I840, aged 75. Mrs. H. died at Capt. Kenyon's, in Jamestown, in 1854, aged 75. Luther, their eldest son, resided some years in Sheridan before he removed to North-east. He died at Northeast, in I843, leaving a widow and children. ORSAMUS HOLMES was born October 11, 1757, at Pembroke, Mass. He was the son of Hezekiah Holmes and Mercy Bisbee. Hezekiah was a lieutenant in his Britannic Majesty's service, in the expedition against Crown Point; and served also in a regiment raised by the province of Massachusetts, * *~ ~~~ ~.. G o. i.ii* i*'.. ".:.,''.*****~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~... -'''' *.-':*1-;:';: *'........... u'.i*.>:>'*t ^:Qz;; 11 /^? s:: lr. a ******..... -X -* " * N*.',: * * ^.' 1' " "' *''::' / 1'''1'l'''s~,:; SHERIDAN. 541 for the reduction of Canada. Mr. Holmes moved from Pembroke to Pittsfield, and, in May, I775, when I8 years old, he enlisted in Capt. Wi. Lusk's company, attached to Col. Eaton's regiment, which soon after joined Gen. Montgomery's army at Crown Point. Thence they moved down, in September, to St. John's, where they encamped in front of the British forces, on marshy ground, so inundated by the heavy rains, that they were obliged to lay brush on poles supported by forked stakes, to keep their beds from the water. This caused great sickness among the troops thus exposed. Col. Eaton's regiment, reduced by sickness and privation to 200 effective men, were dispatched to Sorel to intercept the British, who were about evacuating Montreal. They succeeded, with their small force, in capturing eleven vessels, deeply laden with clothing and military stores, a short distance above the mouth of the Sorel. Mr. Holmes remained with the army until the expiration of his enlistment, in November, I775. In December following, he again enlisted at Sorel. He remained with the army before Quebec, until April, 1776, when, his enlistment having expired, he reenlisted. In May, the siege of Quebec being raised, the army proceeded to Ticonderoga and Mt. Independence, and was attached to Gen. Patterson's brigade. Gen. P., being ordered to the relief of the Southern army, marched with his brigade to Morristown, New Jersey. Mr. Holmes' enlistment having again expired, Dec. 31, 1776, he enlisted in a company of rangers, attached to a Green Mountain corps, and the next November he participated in the capture of Mt. Defiance. Having ventured too far from the lines at Bellows Bay, he, with a single companion, was taken prisoner, and conveyed to the island of Orleans, nine miles below Quebec. Thrice, with about sixty other persons, he was put on board of a prison ship, at Quebec. On the night of July 27, 1778, he, with three others, made his escape in the ship's boat, the ship's watch and three sentinels being on the deck at the time. They crossed the St. Lawrence under the protection of the night, and plunged into the dense forests that lay between Quebec and the American settlements. For 17 days they pursued their way, without compass or guide, through the dreary wilderness, subsisting, the first seven days, on four hard biscuits and about eight ounces of salt pork per day for each man, and after that, for the remaining ten days, on the inner bark of the white pine tree. On the I7th day after their escape, they were all recaptured by a party of Indians, and conveyed to Montreal, and again confined in the Provost prison, where, after about a month's confinement, Mr. Holmes, with Roberts and Pugh, again escaped, by leaping from the second-story window of the prison. The prisoners had a guard of eighteen men, three of whom were on duty. After clearing the building, they made for the outer gate of the prison yard, and attacked the sentinel, who slightly wounded one of them. The sentinel being overpowered, and the gate forced, they ran for the city wall, which they scaled, and reached the St. Lawrence about two miles below the city. Here they found a canoe, without paddles; but, with the aid of two stakes from a fence, they succeeded in crossing the river, which was four miles wide at that point, and 542 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. plunged again into the forest. Soon after they had escaped, they heard the bells of the city sounding the alarm. After encountering a series of hardships and dangers, being pursued and pressed by the Indians, whose grasp they twice eluded by strategem, and crossing the Chamblee, Missisque, and La Moille rivers, they reached the frontier settlement of Monkton, Vermont, on the fourteenth day after their escape. This closed Mr. Holmes' connection with the Revolutionary army. He now resumed his residence at Springfield, and, on the I8th of February, 1780, married Ruth Webb, daughter of Disbro and Jerusha Webb, of Charlestown, N. H. During a tour made in the western country, in 1804, Mr. Holmes selected the farm in Sheridan, which he purchased of the Holland Company the following year, about 3 miles east of Fredonia. In the winter of 1804-5, he left Sherburne, with his sons, Alanson and Origen, to prepare accommodations for his family in their proposed western home. In June, i805, the rest of the family followed in a covered two-horse spring carriage, occupied by his wife and seven children. At Bloomfield, they were met by Mr. Holmes on horseback. As a side-saddle formed a part of their equipage, it was used by the females of the party, by turns. They passed through Buffalo, which they found to be a small settlement, consisting of Crow's tavern, a blacksmith shop, one or two stores, a bakery, and a few scattered dwellings. They forded Buffalo creek, and followed the beach of the lake, then the only highway, spending the first night eight miles west of Buffalo; the next night at the mouth of Eighteen Mile creek; and the next, on Cattaraugus creek, at Capt. Sydnor's, who is described by the party as being an elegant penman and a perfect gentleman. His widow was married to Zenas Barker, now living at Sandusky. At Silver Creek, they found a resident by the name of Dickinson, and a few miles farther on, a settler by the name of Francis Webber. They reached their new home the same day on which they left Cattaraugus creek. The family patiently endured the hardships incident to life in a border settlement. Mr. Holmes became a prominent man in the vicinity, and was distinguished for his sound judgment and exemplary life. The settlers always found him a ready and willing adviser. His home was ever open to receive them. Many deeds of charity are related to his credit. Mr. Holmes held the office of postmaster many years, and was an elder in the Presbyterian church. He parceled out his large farm to his children as they married, retaining for his use the old homestead and a few acres adjoining, which he continued to occupy with his wife, until his children, one by one, sold out their possessions, and emigrated West. Unable to live a solitary life, apart from his kindred, he parted with the old homestead, and, at the age of 76, removed to the town of Killbuck, Holmes Co., Ohio, where his oldest son, Abner, resided. He remained there until August 26, 1835, when he died, aged 78. His widow, Ruth, died on the 7th of October following. Both are buried at Oxford, in the same county. Mr. Holmes had eleven children: i. Alanson, who married Olive Lee, and died Jan. 3, I818, aged :;: i':,!?e!s... -- i.lH S-. ^*:Ia1^^ t Pl ^"'^i8^ ^ ^ ^ CW~ctyy^ O C^/.^i:^ —^ SHERIDAN. 543 37 years. 2. Abner, who married Betsey Young, and died February 17, f859, aged 76 years. 3. Brilliant, who married John Scott, of Mayville, and died in Lee county, Ill., in 1853, aged 68. 4. Origen, who died January i, i806, aged i8. 5. Ruth, who married Dr. John E. Marshall, first clerk of Chautauqua Co., and who is still living with her son, 0. H. Marshall, of Buffalo, at the advanced age of 85 years, the sole survivor of her ten brothers and sisters. 6. Augustine, who died, unmarried, June 24, 1802, aged 9 years. 7. Myron, who married Sally Taylor, and died in Joliet, Ill. 8. Asher, who married Eliza Ellmore, and died in Will county, Ill., January 24, 1854, aged 56. 9. Laurana, who married Louis Wooster, and died in Wisconsin, September 17, i860, aged 60 years. io. William, twin brother of.Laurana, who died an infant. II. Augustine, who married Sarah Ley, and died in Myerstown, Penn., October 18, I849, aged 46 years. EDMUND MEAD, from New York, came to Sheridan, and commenced the mercantile business in 1830; and two years after, settled on land at the center of the town, near where he now resides. He held the offices of supervisor of the town and justice of the peace. He was married to Susan Doty, and had 7 sons and 7 daughters, of whom 3 sons and 6 daughters passed the age of infancy: Ralph, who married Ann Gould; is railroad conductor, Hornellsville; Benjamin F., who married Emma Pierson, and resides in North Carolina; Mary Elizabeth, wife of Marshal E. Rice, Hamilton, Canada; Susan C., wife of John B. Pattison, Sheridan; Eleanor F., Caroline A., Emma L., William H., Rachel Anna. ROBERT PATTISON was born in Massachusetts about the year 1752, and removed to Eaton, Madison Co., N. Y., and thence, in 1809, to Hanover, near Forestville, where he resided until his death, in May, 1825, aged 73. JONATHAN S. PATTISON was born in Hartford, Washington Co., N. Y., April i, 179i, and was married, Dec. 25, 1812, to Polly Stebbins, in Sheridan, who was born Dec. 14, I793. He settled, in i8i6, on the lot where his son Albert now resides. He served in the war of I8I2, in Martin B. Tubbs' company, at Buffalo. He was supervisor of Sheridan in I836 and 1837, and served in other town offices. He was an active friend of temperance; and as the result of his labors and those of other friends of the cause, licenses were refused, and a permanent reform was effected; licenses have not been granted for the last twenty years. He was promoted to lieutenant and captain; and was commissioned a major, but declined accepting the office. His children were: i. Chloett, who married Hunaman Stone, and died in Dec., 1852. She had 4 children: Lavilla, wife of Milo Kellogg, and resides in Villenova; Sarah, wife of Willard Johnson, Sheridan;, Francis, who married Kelly, and resides in Fredonia; and Delbert, who married Elizabeth Nichols, ard resides in Hanover. 2. Sally Ann, who died at 22, unmarried. 3. Jonathan S., Jr., who married Cornelia Green, and had 4 children: George and Cass, now living; Dallas and Emma, who both died at about five years. 4. Emeline, wife of Abraham K. Johnson, who resides in McKean Co., Pa., and has a daughter, Laura. 5. Laura, wife of Miller Nelson, and removed 544 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. to Kingsville, 0. 6. Albert, who married Sophia McDonald, and resides on the farm on which his father settled. Children: Eugene, who married Emma Paddock, and is a lawyer at Dunkirk, and has a daughter; Preston, now at Hamilton College; Ellen, wife of Cornelius Morrison, and resides in Penn.; Jonathan S., at his father's; and Mary, who died young. 7. Mairila, who married Hiram Wheelock, and died at 22, leaving a daughter. Her husband and a child, and then herself, all died within the space of four months. 8. Eliza, who died at Io. 9. Elizabeth, who died at I9. Io. Sonora, who died in childhood. SHERMAN. SHERMAN was formed from Mina, April 7, 1832. It comprises township 2, range 14, as described by the Holland Company's survey, and contains 36 square miles; its south and west line being 6 miles from the state of Pennsylvania. Its surface is described as being rolling and hilly, broken by the deep ravines of the streams. It is drained by French creek and its tributaries. This stream, running in a southerly direction through Sherman village, crosses the west line of the town about i 3 miles from the south-west corner. The soil is clay and sandy loam. Sherman village is in the north part of the town, where is a post-office, and near it is a station on the Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburgh railroad. The population of the village was, in 1870, 6io. Center Sherman is also a post-office in the south-west part of the town. Sherman was settled with unusual rapidity. The settlement of French Creek was commenced in I8 2; of Mina, about 1815; of Clymer, in 1820; and of Sherman, in 1823. The Company's books show a greater number of original purchasers of lands in Sherman from I825 to 1828, than in any other town of equal size in the county, during an equal period of time. Only a part of these purchasers are named in the subjoined list. The names of many of the early and temporary settlers are omitted. Original Purchases in Township 2, Ranzge I4. 1823. March, Jonathan R. Reynolds, 32. April, David Fuller, 24. June, Joel D. Cornish, 47. October, Otis Skinner, 24. 1824. February, Alanson Weed, 31. April, Lester R. Dewey, 39. May, Ransom Felton, 63. September, Hiram N. Gleason, 24. 1825. January, Joshua La Due, 34. February, Osmand Hall, 36. April, Hazard Wilcox, 64. May, Loren Park, 59. Cyrus Pitts, 59. Elisha A. Eades, 53. Dearing Dorman, 22. June, Larry Wilcox, 48. James Ottaway, 62. Sampson Vincent, 20. Charles Hawley, 29, 37. Wm..Williams, 29. September, Jedediah and Elliot B. Smith, 37. Geo. Sampson and Phineas Bailey, 60. Major D. Reynolds, i6. Nov., John C. Wilcox, 56. I826. September, Barney Bratt, 29. Eliab Skeels, 6i. Wm. Buss, 61. October, Lansing Buck, 25. November, Julius Willard, Jr., 13. Wm. Mayborn, 61. Rufus Ransom, 5. ig' -^ -—.^-^ ~} ~1a^ _ ^ ^y~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SHERMAN. 545 I827. March, Isaac Willard, io. Josiah Wait, t. Warren Hannum, 26. Harvey W. Goff, 22. October, James Bates, 5. John Miller, 7. November, Jesse Newell, 25. 1828. March, Gershom Wait, ii. September, Thaddeus Tibbals, 5. December, Loren Stebbins, -. Josiah Wait, I. [A considerable portion of the land in this township remained unsold at the date last above mentioned. The Holland Company's books in the landoffice contain no record of later sales in this town. The unsold lands passed, in 1836, to the new proprietors, Wm. H. Seward and others.] Respecting the first settlement of this town, statements are somewhat confused and conflicting. The first settler, it is believed, is generally supposed to be Dearing Dorman, from the vicinity of Batavia, Genesee Co., in I823. In a series of " Fragments of our Town History," written for the Sherman News, by the late Hiram N. Gleason, Esq., a few years ago, is the following: " Mr. Dearing Dorman is believed to have been the first actual resident of the territory embraced within the limits of the town of Sherman. He located on lot No. 32, in I823, erected a'shanty,' covered it with bark, laid a floor of split logs, kindled a fire in the end, and introduced his youthful bride to her new home. A short time after the location of Mr. Dorman, Harvey WV. Goff erected a'shanty' on lot No. 2, as a residence. There, too, was the speedy increase of population by the addition of a little'dependent.' In the spring of 1824, Alanson Weed erected a log house on lot 31, and removed his family from Ellery in this county. During the same summer, Otis Skinner built and occupied a shanty on lot 24. Jonathan R. Reynolds built a log house on lot 32, in the fall of the same year, and occupied it with the family of his father. The above named were, at the last mentioned date, the only families residing in this township. Several young unmarried men-of whonm the only remaining residents in town are Lester R. Dewey and Hiram N. Gleason-were ardently engaged in felling the forest, and clearing a spot large enough whereon to build a log house 20 by 24 feet, but taking good care that all trees standing within reach of, and leaning toward the point designated for the important edifice, should be seasonably prostrated." Mr. Dorman, the next year after his settlement, raised an acre of wheat30 bushels-said to have been the first crop raised in town. The same year or the next, his son Archibald was born. This was the first birth in town. The first marriage was that of Lester R. Dewey and Fanny Patterson, Otis Skinner, the first justice in town, officiating. Mr. Skinner is also said to have taught the first school, in his own house, in the winter of 1828-29. Mr. Gleason, however, says a school was, in 1825, formed of territory adjoining Chautauqua, and "a school was ere long established, which has been continued to the present time." Though settled at a much later date than most of the other towns in the county, the experience of the settlers was nearly the same. The procuring of breadstuffs, though attended with great inconvenience before the erection of mills in the town, was not so difficult as in the case of the pioneers of some of the earliest settled towns, who were compelled to get grain and 35 546 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. flour from Erie and other places in Pennsylvania, from Niagara Falls, and even from Canada. Some of their difficulties are thus stated by Mr. Gleason: "There was not an open highway in town; not an acre of turf; not a sawmill within many miles; and the grist-mill was still more remote. There was indeed a hand-mill somewhere in the neighborhood of Chautauqua lake, owned by a Mr. Wing, to which, in cases of urgent necessity, some resorted to crack their corn. The lumber for roofing some of the first houses, was hauled through the woods from Mayville, having been wafted in rafts, by propitious gales, from the southern' extremity of the lake, where was a sawmill. Settlers who could not procure lumber, used bark for covering their dwellings, or made troughs of a split linden log, placing two side by side, and laying the third in a reverse position over the edges of the two. It was under such unpropitious circumstances that the settlement was commnenced. The first families were emigrants, or the immediate descendants of emigrants, from favored New England-of sound character, good intelligence, and withal well schooled in the patriotic principles and persevering industry of the pilgrims of Plymouth Rock." In the north-west part of the town, Benjamin Boorman, from England, settled in 1825, on lot 62, bought in 1824, and resided alternately in Sherman and Mina, until 1872. He now resides with his son Joseph, IX miles west from the village. Edwin, the eldest son, settled on lot 61, where he resides; John resides in the West; and Benjamin, in California; Mary, wife of Gilead Dodge, in Minnesota; Charlotte was the wife of Thomas M. Sparks, who. died in the army; Sarah, wife of John E., son of James Ottaway, lives on his father's homestead; Emily U., wife of Daniel Frits, lives in Sherman. William Mayborn settled on lot 61; afterwards permanently on 62. John Thorp, also from England, came about 1838, and settled on the north-east part of 62. Richard Buss, an Englishman, came in 1826, and settled on lot 63. Joel Hill settled early on lot 64; was a blacksmith; removed to the village; and, after working there at his trade many years, removed to Pleasant Valley, in the west part of the town, where he now resides, and has long held the office of deacon in the Baptist church. Cuyler Dean settled on lot 64; was a blacksmith; afterwards removed to the village, and worked many years at his trade. In the west part of the town, Bela L. Butler settled early on lot 52; had.a large family, and was for many years a justice of the peace; his lands afterwards owned by Joseph S. and William Bell. Loren Park settled on lot 59, bought in 1825; lately removed to Sherman village. In this neighborhood, [lot 51,] was formerly a post-office, which, though several miles,from the center of the town, was called Center Sherman post-office. In the south-west part, Charles and Benjamin Ross, from Chenango county,:settled in 1825. Charles removed to Mina. Benjamin remained in Sherman until his death, March 20, 1870. His daughter Almira married Orra Barley, and after his death, John Kidder; they reside on her fathe's homestead. A son, Benjamin, married Isabel, daughter of John Kidder; Loren, another son, Louisa Buss. The wife of Benjamin Ross was Samantha SHERMAN. 547 Heath, now the second wife of Loren Park. Of the sons of Mr. Ross, only Artemas, a lawyer at Clymer, is a resident of the county. A few years after Mr. Ross, came Miles Mark, George Williams, Wilber Palmer, and Dennis Heath. In the vicinity of Waites Corners, Sampson Vincent bought a large tract of land, lot 20, and adjacent lands, on which he built a saw-mill. His sons were Jay, James P. S., Jeremiah H., Drusser B., Walker B., John, William, and Stephen. Of the eight sons, only James, Walker, William, and Stephen reside in town. Three daughters were Rachel, Sarah, and Phebe; the last, the only one living, is the wife of Edmund Jennings. Gershom Waite, in 1828, bought a part of lot ii, where he and his sons, Josiah and William, settled, from whom the "Corners" take their name. William H. Keeler settled on lot 28, where, for a time, he kept a store. He had two sons, Osborne,. deceased; and William Henry, who resides in the " oil country." In the east part of the town, Thaddeus Tibbals settled on lot 5, which he bought in 1828, where he resided till he died, in 1874, at the age of.93. His son Hiram lives on the homestead. In the north part, Aretas Skinner, from Chenango Co., bought of his brother Otis, in 1825 or I826, a part of lot 24, where he died. He was married, first, to Henrietta Day; second, to Malintha Hart. A son, Otis, and his mother live on the homestead; George, another son, is in Kansas. Daughters: Adaline and Emily, the latter the second wife of Stephen Cushing, of this town. Alanson Weed, from Ellery, settled on lot 31, in 1824; built a saw-mill; and was a justice of the peace. George Hart, from Connecticut, settled early on lot 23; was a cloth-dresser by trade, and worked for Kip & Miller. In the south part of the town, John La Due, in August, 1825, bought lot 34, on which, it is said, he and Jesse Newell built each a log house in March, 1826; and, in the ensuing summer, each built a small frame house; the'former on lot 29; the latter, on 38. La Due subsequently resided in other towns, [see sketch.] The first tozn-meeting was held in I833. The early town records having been lost, the officers elected at that meeting can not be ascertained, except the supervisor. Szpervisors from 1833 to 8r875. Otis Skinner, 1833,'35,'38. Benjamin H. Kip, I834,'48,'49. Loren Park, 1836,'37,'5,'55. Piatt S. Osborn, 1839,'44,'45. Lucius Cook, I840 to'42. George Hart, I843. John P. Hall, 1846,'47. Lester R. Dewey, i85o. Lewis Sperry, 1852,'53. Benj. J. Coffin, 1854. Wm. Green, 1856,'57. Miles J. Clark, 858,'59. Henry Bliss, i860,'61. Henry W. Sperry, 1862 to'65,'68. Sylvanus H. Myrick, i866. Henry Sheldon, 1867. Alfred W. Benson, 1869. John T. Green, 1870 to'72,'74. Virgil A. Fenner, 1873. Jerome J. Dean, 1875. The first saw-mill was built in'1825, by Alanson Weed, on the site of the mill afterward sold to Lester R. Dewey, on lot 31. The second saw-mill 548 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. was built in 1827 or 1828, about 22 miles below the village, by Elder Orange Spencer and his son-in-law, Eliab Skeels; and the first log sawed in it was for Loren Park, who settled in 1825, about 4 miles south-west from the village, on lot 59. A year or two after, Spencer & Skeels attached to their mill machinery for grinding, which was the first grist-mill in town. For this, Obed Aldrich soon after substituted a complete mill, with two sets of burr stones, on the opposite side of the stream, on the same water-power. In May, 1832, Benjamin H. Kip, Otis Miller, and Elijah Miller, purchased the mill site-on French creek, and lands contiguous, upon which the village of Sherman now stands. Under the firm of Miller & Kip, they immediately proceeded to erect a saw-mill; and, in the ensuing spring, built a wool-carding and cloth-dressing establishment. [According to another statement, the mill was built in 1833, and the carding and cloth-dressing works in I834.] Otis Miller, about the same time, erected a blacksmith shop on the site now occupied by Orrin Hopkins; and a tannery on that now occupied by Messrs. Osborne. "In 1838," says Mr. Gleason, "Mr. Kip and Elijah Miller erected a grist-mill, which proved of great utility to the inhabitants of this and the adjoining towns. Thus they, [the Millers and Mr. Kip,] became prominent in our town's history, and early laid the foundation of that prosperity which has fallen to the lot of those who have succeeded them in this village." They are all deceased. Otis Miller died in 1839 while on a visit to Michigan; Mr. Kip, in 1850, in this town; Elijah Miller, in 1852, also in this town. About the same time that Spencer & Skeels built their saw-mill, or soon after, Josiah R. Keeler is said to have "opened a small assortment of goods in the house of Asahel Hall, and immediately after erected a store and an ashery." It is also said that Elijah Miller put in his carding building, before the works were ready for operation, a stock of goods, and was the first merchant in Sherman village. A saw-mill was built by Charles Ross, about 4 miles south of the village, on French creek; was twice rebuilt, and has been discontinued. A saw-mill was built by Moses Derby, about 1854 or'55, and is now owned by Royal E. Park, who has converted it into a steam mill. Connected with the sawmill is a machine for the manufacture of shingles and lath, and for turning. A steam mill was also erected by George Willis and Chauncey Heath, in I872, on the site of the Ross mill. BIOGRAPHICAL AND GENEALOGICAL. RICHARD Buss, from England, settled on lot 62, in I826, where he died in i86i. His sons were: William, original purchaser of lot 6i, subsequently owned by Edward Boorman, removed to Westfield, and now lives in Erie; Edward, who resides in Mina; John, in Hudson, Ohio, where he was many years a merchant; Richard, on lot 63; and George, on the homestead. A daughter, Mary, is the wife of Ora B. Pelton, Mina; Anna, wife of Stephen Hewitt, deceased, lives with her son-in-law, Homer Ottaway, in Sherman, /t / AA. i~~~~~~~~~~~~-.~~~~~~~~~.* SHERMAN. 55I Edwin T. Green, and has a daughter, Mary K. Mr. G. is a M. E. minister, at present [1874] at Bath, Steuben county, N. Y. WILLIAM MAYBORN was born in England, May 9, 1786. He emigrated to America in I823; came to Chautauqua county in 1825; settled on lot 61, and afterward removed to lot 62, on which he resided until I87i. He died in Sherman village in I874. His wife died April 24, I827. They had 6 children: i. William A., who married Mary Willing, and after a year's residence in Mina, removed to Chautauqua. [See sketch, in Chautauqua.] 2. Maaryf., the wife of Samuel Willing, who died in I843. She resides in Chicago, Ill. 3. Julia A., who married "Richard Willing, and resides in Ottawa, Kansas. 4. Joseph H, who married Theressa Johnson, and resides at Geneva, Ill. 5. Selina E., the wife of Henry Sheldon, in Sherman. 6. Jane S., who married George T. Simmons, and removed to Cincinnati, where she died. William Mayborn married for his second wife, Harriet Palmer, of New York city, Nov. 5, 1828, and had by her 6 children who attained to mature age: i. Felix K., who married Susan Ottaway, of Mina, and after her death, Min. Porter, and resides in Kansas. He served several years in the late civil war. 2. Charles N., who married Sarah Wood, and served in the late war, and died of disease contracted in the army. 3. Charlotte, wife of J. D. Knowlton, at Columbus, Pa. 4. John G., who married Hannah Pratt, and died in the late war. 5. Harriet, wife of William Chambers, who died in January, 1874. 6. Thomas S., who. also died in the army during the late war. LOREN PARK was born in Wells, Vt., February 7, I804, and removed from Granville, N. Y., to Sherman, and settled on lot 59, which he bought in May, 1825, where he resided until 1872, when he removed to the village. He has held several of the more responsible offices in the town, and for four years he represented the town in the board of supervisors. He married, first, Adaline Heath, and had 5 sons and 4 daughters: Ellen, Samantha, Royal, Loren, Amanda, Otis, Martha, John, Melvin. Royal, the proprietor of the mill; Loren, on the old farm, and Melvin, reside in the town. John died at 21. Otis is in the oil country, in Pennsylvania. Ellen is the wife of George Pabady, in North-east, Pa.; Samantha, the wife of Addison Beebe, in French Creek. Amanda, who married George Upton, of Clymer, deceased; she resides in Ripley. Martha, the wife of Augustus Pabody, of Ripley. Mrs. Park died November 12, I870. Mr. Park married, for a second wife, the widow of Benjamin Ross, whose maiden name was Samantha Heath. RUEL PELTON, from Oneida Co., came to Sherman with his family in May, 1827, and settled on lot 63, bought by his son Ransom in 1824, where he resided till his death, in i85i. His wife died the same year, both being of the same age, 8I years. They had 14 children, of whom 3 died in infancy and childhood, and one at 17. Ten came to this county. Of the sons, Ransom, Ora B., William, and Charles, came to Sherman. Ransom removed to Portland in 1835; thence to Illinois, and is now in Iowa. Ora B. lives 552 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. in Mina, and Charles on the homestead. Sylvester, a physician, came later, [about I844,] settled in Sherman village, and is now at Wellsville, Allegany Co. Four daughters, all now deceased, were married, as follows: Caroline, to Abram Dixon, of Westfield; Lucinda, to Wm. Bradley, of Westfield; Louis, to Dr. Carlton Jones, of Westfield; and Mary, to Jesse Morgan, and removed to Ohio. JOEL SHELDON, a native of Connecticut, came from Rutland Co., Vt., and settled, in I829, in the south part of Westfield. where he resided until his death, April xI, 1859. He married Sarah Edgerton in Vermont. Their children were: i. Sarah, who married Silas Kidder, and is deceased.- 2. Harvey, who married Adaline Throop, and resides at Vinton, Iowa; an active supporter of temperance and religious institutions. 3. Hiram, a practicing physician, and died in Barry Co., Mich., aged 5I. He had a son, John, who died of disease, in the late war. 4. Ira, who died at 35, in Kentucky, a school teacher. 5. Cornelia, wife of Mahlon Cook, in Vermont. 6. DavidE., married, and resides in Ripley. 7. John N., who died at 24. 8. Ezra R., whcA married Anna Howard, and resided in Westfield; died in x868, aged 54. A son, Dan H., was in the late war, and killed in the second battle of Bull Run. 9. Henry, who married Salina Mayburn, and resided in the south part of Westfield, a farmer; is now a banker in Sherman. He had 2 sons: Ira Jay, who was killed in the battle of Antietam, Sept. I7, 1862, aged 20; served about 2 years; and George W., who resides with his father. 10. Mary A., wife of Cyrenus N. Wood, who died in the war, from sickness. xI. Chauncey L., who resides in Sherman. I2. David S., who married Susan Bailey, and resides in Sherman. OTIS SKINNER was born Oct. 20, 1799, in Norwich, Chenango Co., N. Y., and, in 1823, removed to this town, and settled on lot 32. In i868, he removed to the village, where he resided until his death, Aug. 7, I872. He was a prominent citizen, and a leading member of the Baptist church. He was the first justice of the peace in the township while it was a part of the town of Clymer; and he was supervisor of Mina when Sherman was a part of that town, and of Sherman since its erection. He was also for several years a justice of the sessions of the county court. He was married, June 9, 1822, to Sylance Randall, who was born March xo, I802, in Richmond, N. H. They had xo children, besides two who died in infancy: i. Joseph, who resides near the early homestead of his father. 2. Julia D., wife of Harrison Wade, who resides in Garland, Pa. 3. Sarah Jane, who resides in town, unmarried. 4. Eliza, wife of Calder Wolcott, who live on her father's early homestead. 5. James M., who died at 24. 6. Charles, who went to California; enlisted in the war against the Indians, and died of fever at Great Salt Lake City, March 2, I863. 7. Lovinia, who married Wm. H. Robbins, and resides in town. 8. Mary E., unmarried. LOREN STEBBINS was born in Conway, Mass., Oct. 27, 1804, and after a brief residence in Vermont, and Yates and Livingston counties, N. Y., removed, in 1828, to Sherman, near Waite's Corners. In 1873, he removed to the 'clVs'M- 02; t;i9 6::,,.i- B nd8 -.~i:: Xia$,: L 9.. L i.:~6 I: I~srl i: j-L z i vi ~ ""::; ~ jS: 5 r s. 2_5: r:::I:w isr 4F(:: I: .-::::::: t::::-X: ii::i :'3:::_ -: i::::-::::-::,i ~s~~i i:::: R..: Iiii R;j:_: ~~.~~~:B2 zr;"`: f.:"5-.~ Ji- x ;:i: ''''':"::: I;'::I::j::::: r 5* a ,,:.;,,~?i~r:,*~;~8A :,,,,,,,%:;,i:,,,,,,. iT~i: %i.ij;:::-_Il::: —I::~:. ~-,; t,~~ ic.i~;2:i ~:~-~:i:,:r*~.j-~!;-~-*"~ i.n.ii::- Si::::~:iir~~aCi:-::: a:d: ii~E:~i'~-j::li.lLi": i:- i~:::::- a: i~::;;;.....:",,:i~~::~"'j:d;~T-:: i."_ \iili:1B"i'*:':j:~::::: C~:::,:-:i::~::: r -~1~\ c-.Z:-~::-;-~::.,;::::: iSi:-f:w:::::;i:-;i: ~] ~i;*-Ex-ilr -:::::iv:l::..rs Bi',i:: -:::::::_-:::-: ~:-j: I-.~:': i-:.:i.I:;~:'~1:~:: iSz-: - ~.. I:::::-i;-.-:.:::.-:- 95 I::::::::::.::i; r::::::II aa:.~r SHERMAN. 553 village, where he now resides. He was married, in Livingston Co., to Eunice Willard, and had 6 children: Sophrona, who married Francis H. Chappell, and lives in Wisconsin; Ann, wife of George Tarbell, in Corry, Pa.; Elvira, wife of Myron H. Eggleston, in Harmony; Martha Jane, who died at 30, unmarried; Julius, who died in the army, of disease, at Suffolk, Va.; Carlos, who married Lydia Bunker, of Ohio, and resides on his father's farm in Sherman. CHURCHES AND OTHER ASSOCIATIONS. The First Presbyterian Church of Sherman was organized June 23, I827, as the First Congregational Church of Mina. Most of the original members were from the Congregational church of Farmington, Conn.: Elisha Woodruff, Charlotte Woodruff, Wm. Williams, Mary Williams, Charles Hawley, Clara Hawley, Robert Woodruff, George Hart, Esther Hart, Dennis Hart, Elvira Hart, Julia Gleason, Hiram N. Gleason, Ava Hart, Betsey W. Hall. H. Gleason and Asa Hart united on profession of faith. The church was organized by Rev. Miles P. Squier and Rev. Amasa West, and united with the Presbytery of Buffalo. Rev. Justin Marsh, from Connecticut, its first minister, was installed October, I828. The church was largely helped by the Connecticut Missionary Society. A church edifice was built on land given the society by Charles Hawley, near Keeler's Corners, on Presbyterian Hill, and was dedicated March 7, 1833; sermon by Rev. D. D. Gregory. The house was taken down and moved to Sherman village during the fall of I845; and in 856, it was enlarged and repaired. In the spring of 1871, the church adopted the Presbyterian form of government, and was connected with Presbytery. Its first pastor was Rev. Justin Marsh, from Oct., 1828, to Aug., I83. Those who have since served the church as pastors and stated supplies, were J. B. Wilson, Jabez Spicer, H. Eddy, Edwin Coleman, C. S. Cady, Romaine Payne, Oliver N. Chapin, Wm. T. Reynolds, A. H. Lilly, Walter Couch, Ezra Jones, Henry M. Hazeltine, John F. Severance, Wm. L. Hyde. Present pastor, S. N. Robinson. Elders, E. C. Hart, J. M. Calhoun, H. L. Kendrick. The First Baptist Church of Sherman was formed Aug. 29, I827, 2 2 miles south of the village, the Rev. Orange Spencer officiating. The number of its constituent members is said to have been 25, with 5 more recognized as such, who were without letters at the time. The earliest records being missing, the names can not all be given. The following are given from recollection: Rev. Orange Spencer, Benj. Boorman, Nathaniel Throop, Lester Leach, and their wives, Lucy Pelton, Polly Hewitt, Harriet Gardner, Mrs. Selden, Benj. Selden, and Harriet Allen. Orange Spencer is said to have been the first Baptist that ever preached in the town. Meetings were held in dwellings and school-houses until about 1842, when they began to hold meetings in their unfinished meeting-house in the village, which was not completed and dedicated until I844. Rev. Mr. Spencer was the first pastor, and was succeeded by George Sawin, Thomas Ravlin, Charles Sanderson, who served the church for 19 years. Rev. J. N. Pease is the present pastor. Two of the constituent members, Dea. Benjamin Boorman and his wife, are still living.'.; 554 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. The Free Baptist Church of Sherman was organized about the year 1835, Elder Levi Rexford presiding. The persons constituting the church at its organization, were: Dexter Stebbins and Eliza, his wife; Moses Stebbins, Samantha Stebbins, Loren Stebbins, and Irene Stebbins, who was the mother of Dexter, Moses, Samantha, and Loren Stebbins; and Daniel Eastman. Among its early members were Sally Stebbins, Jane Ransom, Clarissa Knapp, J. W. Huntley and Mary, his wife. The first clerk was Dexter Stebbins; the present clerk, Aaron Stebbins. The first deacon was Loren Stebbins, who still holds the office with Rolfe Eggleston. The first pastor was Levi Rexford. Among its later ministers were A. Hulin, B. F. Neuly, Arad Losee, Ansel Griffith, Oliver Johnson, Benj. M. Koon, and the present pastor, Robert Martin. This church numbers 145 members. Olive Lodge of Freemasons, No. 575, was organized July 6, I865. Its charter members were Lyman S. Herrington, S. B. Miller, S. H. Myrick, S. D. Adams, J. A. Merry, Samuel Little, Lewis T. Harrington, Thomas R. Coveney, William E. Thorp, James E. Coveney. First officers, appointed by the grand lodge-L. T. Harrington, W. M.; S. B. Miller, S. W.; S. H. Myron, J. W. Elected-W. H. Keeler, treas.; T. R. Coveney, sec.; S. D. Adams, S. D.; L. T. Harrington, J. D.; J. M. Coveney, S. M. C.; E. Myrick, J. M. C.; Alfred Thorp, tyler. Present officers [I873] —Samuel Little,,W. M.; B. J. Coffin, S. W.; Henry Wilson, J. W.; C. E. Sheldon, treas.; C. H. Corbett, sec.; S. C. Horton, S. D.; P. S. Page, J. D.; J. W. Burrows, S. M. C.; William F. Green, J. M. C.; P. E. Wellman, tyler. STOCKTON. THIS town was formed from Chautauqua, Feb. 9, I82 r. It was named in honor of Richard Stockton, a signer of the Declaration of Independence. One tier and a half of lots [12] from the north part of Ellery were annexed in I850. It includes also one tier of lots taken from tp. 4, r. 13, on its west side, and contains an area of 28,860 acres. Its surface is a rolling upland. The soil of the upland is a clay loam, and in the valleys, a sandy loam. Cassadaga lake lies principally in Stockton, in the north-east corner of the town, and Bear lake about 3 miles west; both extending north into the town of Pomfret. These lakes give names to their outlets, Cassadaga and Bear creeks, which unite in the south-eastern part of the town. Their united waters flowing south-easterly, and crossing the extreme north-east corner of Ellery, form, just within the west line of Gerry, a junction with Mill creek. These are the principal tributaries of the Cassadaga, which, in its very meandering course south-easterly through portions of Gerry, Ellicott, and Poland, unites with the Connewango creek in the south part of Poland. The combination of these streams forms the Connewango river, which flows southward into Pennsylvania, and unites with the Allegany river. STOCKTON. 555 Original Purchases in Towzenship 4, Range 12. 1809. November, Hezekiah Vial, 38. T8Io. May, Joseph Green, 49. Bela Todd, 33. Benjamin Miller, 39. June, Lawrence Scofield, 50. 1811. April, Ebenezer and Salmon Tyler, 33. Silas Gates, 24. Hezekiah Vial, 32. Henry Walker, 49. August, Benj. Miller, 31. October, Shadrach Scofield, 50, 58. November, Zattu Cushing, 32. 1812. June, Abel Thompson, 29, 37. I815. April, Calvin Nelson, 29. Alfred Trow, 29. May, Frederic Sprague, 25. James Haywood, 28, 36. George Porter, Jr., 34. Aaron Jones, 48. Bela Todd, IT. June, Levi C. Miller, 40. August, Jesse Higgins, 37. September, Samuel Crissey, 40. Joseph Sackett, 23. October, Thomas Curtis, I9, 20. Zaheth Higgins, 37. 1816. May, Hiram Lazell, 21. Calvin Hitchcock, I9. Edward Ellis, 21. July, Aaron Smith, 13. Sawyer Phillips, 15. Stephen Williams, 41. September, Gould Crissey, 45. October, Adam McNitt, 13. Joseph Sackett, 14. David Sackett, II. Dec., Elijah Nelson, 45. Philip Phillips, 15. I817. April, Jeduthan Smith, 15. Eben'r Smith, Jr., 6. June, Aaron Lyon, 12. Calvin Smith, 20. 1818. March, Alva Lazell, 27. May, Lewis C. Todd, o. I8I9. May, Gilbert Putnam, 33. Aretus Rogers, 43, 44. July, Calvin Warren, 40. Levi C. Miller and Parley Munger, 40. I82T. October, Philip Phillips, 6. Stephen Crane, 44. Jonathan Clark, 22, 23. Hiram Jones, 22. Robert Belding, 22. Nathan Smith, 22, 23. Israel Smith, 22. 1822. May, William A. Glisson, 3. July, Ebenezer Smith, Jr., 5. September, Zephaniah Rogers, 43. 1823. February, Stephen Crane, 35. March, Harvey Gibbs, 54. 1824. March, John Russell, 2. April, Truman Todd, 62. May, Robert Padden, 62. Bela Todd, II. June, Daniel Johnson, 6i. Franklin Blackmer, 6i. Alvin Crissey, 31. September, Stephen Crane, 53. Ely F. Munger, 3I. October, Ebenezer Smith, Jr., I4. 1825. May, Elam Todd, 64. September, John Brown, 60. 1826. January, Chauncey Goodrich, 52. October, James Morrill, 5I. 1827. February, Thomas Francis, 5I. James Francis, 5I. June, Wm. Weed, 5I. August, Andrew Putnam, 25. Roswell Reed, 51. September, Abraham Bennett, 35. October, Thomas Carlisle, 35. 1828. March, Alanson McClary, 43. Nathaniel Getchell, 5. William Sabin, 43. June, Edwin Francis, 59. July, Wm. B. Brooks, 59. Aug., Jas. Duncan, 55. Geo. Dye, 35. Sept., David L. Getchell, 35. Jesse Wells, 43. 1829. January, Ephraim Sanford, 43. February, Abel White, Io. March, William Weed, 5I. Eliakim Lindsey, 59. Bela Tracy, I, 2. July, Josiah Richardson, 5. August, John Scovel, io. September, Abraham Eddy, 26. October, Mason Tower, io. David L. Hills, 64. Joel Rogers, 64. Dec., Heman Padden, 60. November, Foster Mitchell, 55. I830. March, George Cipperly, 4. April, Fordam Pease, 60. May, Titus Johnson, 60. Eleazar Flagg, Jr., 25. October, Henry H. Haner, 2. James Jones, 27. Elisha B. Rossiter, 64. November, Waterman Ellsworth and others, 42. Adna Lamson, 3. Andrew Putnam and others, 42. Samuel Palmer, 58. David Hills, 64. 1831. January, Abraham Bennett, 44. May, Nathan Brown, 63. Chas. Brown, 55, 556 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Township 3, Range 12. 1809. November, John Fish, 32. i8Io. March, Timothy Russell, 64. I8II. April, Ebenezer Tyler, 48. Solomon Tyler, 48. Jonathan Bugbee, Jr., 40. 1817. February, Amos Inman, 40. Philander Brunson, 15. July, Newell Putnam, 32. 1822. August, John 0. Harris, io. I830. September, Justus Jones, 56. November, Samuel Jones, 23. December, Horace Brunson, 23. Township 4, Range 13. 1811. June, Roswell Ladd, 2. August, Thomas Smith, 4. James Dyer, i. David Waterbury, i. Peleg Scofield, 7. 1826. February, Almon and Heman Barber, 5. April, Allen Barber, 5. 1827. October, Hiram Barber, 5. Samuel S. Jones and Abel J. Parker, 6. Shadrach Scofield, David Waterbury, and Henry Walker, from Saratoga Co., says the State Gazetter, made the first settlement in the south part of the town, in 18io. The names, however, of not less than ten original purchasers were entered in I809, the first that of John Silsby, of lot 48. Some of these, it is presumed, settled on their lands the same year. Henry Walker's name appears as that of a purchaser in lot 49, in tp. 4, r. 12, May, i8II, and that of Schofield as a purchaser in lots 50 and 58, Oct., I8II. Waterbury appears only as purchaser of lot I, tp. 4, r. 13, now a part of Stockton; but we find him on the Land Company's plat of tp. 4, r. 12, as owner of the west part, and Shadrach Scofield of the east half of lot 57, though neither appears on the sales book as purchaser of any part of that lot, which is the south-east corner lot of that township. Mr. Crissey, in his historical sketch of Stockton, says, Ebenezer Tyler and Solomon [Salmon] Tyler, from Greene Co., John West, Joseph Green, and Bela Todd, from Herkimer Co., moved in and settled on the town line, [south line of tp. 4, r. 12,] about the first of March, i8io. The contracts of both Green and Todd are dated May, I8Io. West appears nowhere as purchaser on the sales book, except in the town of Chautauqua, lot 29, tp. 3, r. I3, in Nov., I8Io. The contract of the Tylers, however, bears date April, I8II. In October of the same year, [I8Io,] says Mr. C., Samuel Waterbury, Shadrach Scofield, and Henry Walker, all from Saratoga Co., settled in the western part of the town. The next year, r8II, the sketch continues, Dexter Barnes and John Aker came in from Herkimer Co. It does not mention their location. Barnes was a blacksmith. In June of that year, he built the first blacksmith shop in town, on the south side of the road, a little distance east of the residence of Henry Alden. His name is not found in the list of original land purchasers in Stockton. In March, I814, John Ecker, [probably the man Aker,] bought a part of lot 41, though he probably came at the time stated. He had the distinction of being the first fiddler in the town. Dancing was a favorite amusement with many of the settlers. With only log cabins, and these gen STOCKTON. 557 erally having but one room, it required considerable tact to provide a suitable ball-room. By turning the beds out of doors, or crowding them up chamber, sufficient space was provided for single jigs and French fours; and fiddling John had considerable custom. During this year, [I8II,] Comfort and Elisha Morgan located about a mile north of Shadrach Scofield, on lot 58, being one of the two before mentioned as having been purchased by Mr. Scofield, and adjoining the one on which he resided. The next year, I812, the war broke out with Great Britain. Many of the settlers were called out in the defense of their country. From this section went Shadrach Scofield, Dexter Barnes, Bela Todd, Comfort Morgan, Elisha Morgan, Nathan Bugbee, and Wyman Bugbee. But the red coats were too much for them. Buffalo was burned; and in a few weeks they all returned; Comfort Morgan with a bullet in his knee, (certainly not a very comfortable reminder of his experience,) and Wyman Bugbee with a hole in his hat. Fears were now had of a visit from the Indians with tomahawks in hand. Happily those fears were not realized; and the hardy pioneers went to slaying trees instead of Indians. In i8II, Benjamin Miller, from Oneida county, settled three-fourths of a mile north of Delanti. He came with two ox-teams, and one or two hired men; and on the day of his arrival he built a shanty of poles and hemlock boughs, which sheltered them for the night. This was the first settlement in Bear creek valley. As did many others in the time of the war, in this frontier county exposed to the enemy, Mr. Miller, after a stay of about two years, went back to Oneida county; and after the war was over, he returned to his farm, where he resided till his death in I857. His son William O. resides on a part of the old farm; Linus W., on land adjoining. There were three daughters: Laura, who was married to Origen Crissey; Elvira, to John L. Kazer; and Irene, to Royal L. Carter. All are now widows; the two last, residing in Fredonia. In June, 1812, Abel Thompson, from Sangerfield, N. Y., bought ioo acres from the north part of lot 29, and 178 acres from the north part of 37; including the farm now owned by Truman Todd, and extending west beyond the creek, and north to and including a small part of the village of Delanti. He was the first settler there. His house was a square pen of logs covered with elm bark, with a floor of split logs, and with no chimney but a hole in one end of the roof to let out the smoke and to let in daylight. The fire was built on the ground against the end of the house, the logs of which were protected from the fire by two or three huge back logs. Early the next year he brought in his family with an ox-team, the snow being still deep, with a crust hard enough to bear up a man, but not the oxen. He unloaded his goods at Mr. Miller's on the snow. A road must be cut through the thick underbrush and broke through to his partly built log cabin, a distance of three-quarters of a mile, which required two days, a longer time than it now requires to come from New York. Mr. Thompson died in December, I831. Two of his sons, Horace and Newell C., are still living in Stockton. 558 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. In 1815, Hiram Lazell and Elijah Nelson came from Massachusetts. A year or two after, they went back to Massachusetts, got married, and returned with their families in November, 1817; Mr. Lazell having bought lot 21, May, i816; and Mr. Nelson lot 45, in November following. They are said to have aided much in the early settling and building up of Delanti. Aaron Lyon, Samuel Shepard, and Ira Jennings, all from Mass., came in July, 1819. Mr. Lyon appears as an original purchaser in lot 12, in June, I8I7, though he settled early on the west side of Cassadaga lake, on lot 48, near the town line, where Franklin S. Lyon, his youngest son, afterwards resided. He was a brother of the first wife of Dr. Waterman Ellsworth, and of Mary Lyon, the founder of the Holyoke Female Seminary in Massachusetts. He had two sons and eight daughters. Five of the girls married ministers. The lamented Lucy and Freelove were missionaries, being the first and second wives of Rev. Mr. Lord, a missionary at Ningpo, China. At the time of their emigration, Franklin was a babe. To guard him from the joltings of the wagon over the rough road, he was placed in a cradle, which was suspended by ropes from the top of the covered wagon. In this swinging nest he made the journey in excellent order. Mr. Lyon was for many years a justice in Stockton, and several times elected supervisor. He removed a few years ago to Virginia, where he died soon after. Samuel Shepard was the first justice in the town. Resolved W. Fenner, a native of Rhode Island, came into this county in November, I8I9, from Madison Co., and bought of Abel Brunson, a part of lot I5, tp. 3, r. 12, subsequently annexed to Stockton. Besides farming, he worked at his trade, that of a cooper; and he was for a number of years connected with others in the milling business. He died in 1848, aged nearly 83. Mrs. Prudence Crandall Fenner, his widow, died in i864, aged 85. They had 4 sons and 3 daughters, of whom only John A. resides in town. Washington Winsor, a native of Rhode Island, from Otsego Co., N. Y., settled near Delanti, in 1827. He was a Baptist minister, and preached at Stockton and at Carroll; afterward at Cassadaga, where he died in 1840, aged 56. His children are: Chauncey, now druggist at Delanti; Ora, who resides in Wisconsin; Roxana, wife of Jason Crissey; and James M., in Newport, R. I. Jonathan Bugbee, Jr., was born in Woodstock, Conn., May II, 1789, and removed with his father, in i8o8, to Madison Co.; thence, the next year, to Chautauqua, and at Bemus' Point made the acquaintance of Amos Adkins, a young surveyor for the Holland Company, who piloted him to lot 33, tp. 3, r. 12, now in the south part of Stockton, [taken from Ellery in 1850.] Pleased with the beautiful interval and the clear brook filled with trout, he called, a few weeks after, at the land-office at Batavia, on his return to Madison county, and had the lot "booked" to him. In February, I8io, he arrived, with his father and mother and his brothers Wyman and Simeon, at the residence of Wm. Barrows, three miles west from Sinclairville. He had two yoke of oxen, which, with two long sleds, had conveyed the household STOCKTON. 559 goods and the old lady, while the men came most of the way on foot. The snow had been thawing for several days; and on arriving at the Cassadaga creek, opposite to Mr. Barrows', and finding the stream much swollen, they came to a sudden halt. Mr. Barrows came with his canoe to their rescue. The teams swam the creek; the goods were brought over the next day. They had with them a potash kettle, which was too heavy for the canoe. After consultation, it was decided that the kettle would swim, and carry one of the men over. Wyman volunteered to go on board and paddle it across the creek. The kettle was lowered into the water, and the navigator went on board; but he was soon obliged to abandon the ship. After the water had subsided, the kettle was raised, and made to do duty many years, when black salts was almost the only commodity that could be sold for cash. Jonathan, with his father and two brothers and the teams, and Barrows for a guide, cut his own road, for about three miles, to the place he had chosen as his future home, arriving there on or about the Ist of March, I81I. In or about the year 1821, he commenced the business of keeping tavern, which he continued several years. His health having been for some time on the decline, he sold most of his farm in parcels, and died Oct. 19, I829. His father, whose name also was Jonathan, was born in Windham Co., Conn., July I, I750, and died in Stockton, June 30, I830. His wife, whose maiden name was Mary Dean, died in Ellington, where she was living with her son, Wyman, in June, 1829, aged 69. Nathan, oldest brother of Jonathan, came in I813, and was a member of his father's family. In i817, he married Sally De Motte, and settled on lot 40, tp. 3; but sold out his " chance" the next year, and removed to lot 25, in tp. 4. About two years afterwards, he sold out to his brother Simeon, and removed to Ellington; thence, a few years after, to Saybrook, Ashtabula Co., O., where he died, i86o. Wyman married Milla Love in Stockton, in the winter of i8I3, and settled on lot 33, adjoining the land of Rufus Todd, but sold his possessions the next year to John West, and settled in Ellington. Simeon married Naomi Searls, and began house-keeping on the south part of lot 25, where Joseph A. Brevoort resides. Abel Brunson, born in Connecticut, son-in-law of.John Love, having married Sally Love in I809, came to Chautauqua with his father-in-law,, and settled on lot 15, township 3, range I2, nov in Stockton. It is said that, for a number of years, "he plied his axe with such unremitting stroke, that he knew nothing of Sunday, and hardly the day of the month." He owed for his farm, and had an increasing family to support. He would go on foot to the land-office to make payments of the smallest sums as fast as he obtained them. The difficulty of early settlers in paying for their farms may be judged from the fact, that with his extraordinary industry he was unable to make his last payment and take his deed, until the expiration of twenty years after he made his purchase; the original debt being but $300. Says our informant: "This may surprise many of the present day; but Mr. Brunson was one in a hundred of the first settlers who were able to pay for their lands 560 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. according to contract." His early milling was done at Kennedy's mill on the Connewango. For much of the way there was no road; "but with the grist slung across the yoke of the oxen, they proceeded over logs and around the tops of trees, keeping the direction by blazed trees, returning the following day to be greeted with love and joy by the wife and children from the log cabin in the wilderness." In I824, he built a frame house, and opened a tavern, which he kept until 1838, when he took down his sign and built a saw-mill, which, for lack of water, proved a failure. He had two children before he came to Chautauqua, to whom ten were added, two of whom died in childhood. Eight are still living: Horace, in Buffalo; Sedgwick, in Silver Creek; Lorenzo, in Ellicott; George, in Ashtabula county, 0.; Abel O., on the old farm of his grandfather Love; and Alfred P., on the old homestead of his father. Abel Brunson died on his farm, Sept. 30, i86I, having resided there fifty years. His wife died in the same place, Dec. 25, 1867. John West, a native of New Hampshire, was born February 5, I790, after the death of his father. At the age of 5 years, he was bound out to the service of Philo Hopson, during the remainder of his minority. In May, I8Io, he came with his foster-father to Chautauqua county, and assisted him in building a log cabin on the site of the present brick blacksmith shop at Hartfield. This log house was the first building in that place. He afterward worked for Hopson and William Bateman in building a saw-mill on the inlet, which began to saw boards late in the fall of that year. The next winter he returned to Herkimer county, and came back the next May, [8 i8I,] accompanied by Dexter Barnes from that place. These two young men helped clear the land on the site of the county poor-house. Soon after this, they and Peter Barnhart engaged with William Peacock, agent of the Holland Company, to cut a road from the 14 mile stake, east of the land-office, to the Cattaraugus line, and then 734 miles beyond to the old Indian road leading from Cattaraugus to the Allegany river. The i4th mile stake stood near the house of Amos Atkins, known as the Love Stand, in the town of Gerry. The road was to be cVt one rod wide, and cleared of small trees and fallen ones, at the price of $To per mile. In going to their work, they took the only road then opened from the lake to Cassadaga creek. This road had been cut out by Edward and Josiah Hovey and Jared Nicholson, and led from Tinkertown [Dewittville] to the house of William Barrows, on the Cassadaga creek. They were about three months in cutting the road to the Cattaraugus line, about 2I miles from the place of beginning. Stephen Messenger, from Manlius Square, Onondaga Co., settled on lot 15, adjoining the lands of R. W. Fenner. Being a blacksmith, he worked at his trade, and at clearing his farm, assisted by his sons. In 1836, he sold his farm to Christopher C. Fenner, and removed to Chestnut Ridge, in Ellicott. This family was visited with extraordinary mortality. In about ten years after their removal to Ellicott, the family, consisting of the parents and three sons and five daughters, all died, except the father and one son, George. Mr. Messenger died about i860. All are buried in the Fluvanna graveyard. STOCKTON. 561 William, the oldest son, who lived at Williamsville, below Buffalo, while at his father's on a visit, was taken sick, and soon died. The same happened to three of his sisters. Another sister, while on a visit at her father's, her little daughter, at play on the woodpile in the yard, was crushed to death by a heavy log passing over her body. George, the only survivor, who had been engaged in lumbering on the Tionesta, came home and was taken sick. Apprehending that he, too, had been marked by death as his victim, arose from his sick-bed, against the remonstrances of his friends, and started for his home in Ridgeway, Pennsylvania, and speedily recovered. He was there engaged in lumbering, and was known as Judge Messenger, having served as a county judge. Abel Beebe, born in Springfield, Mass., in 1783, from Buffalo in 1809, cut his way from Laona, about nine miles-the distance now about five milesbeing engaged about 20 days in opening the road. Himself, Joel Fisher, and Othello Church, were the only three who wintered in the neighborhood during the winter of 1809-Io. The first birth in this town is said to have been that of Wm. Walker, Aug. 25, I8 I. Thefirst school was taught by Abigail Durfee, in the south part of the town, in the summer of 1815. The first tavern was kept at Cassadaga, by Ichabod Fisher, in 1811. The first at Stockton was kept in a log house by Elijah Nelson, who afterwards built the frame house on the north-east corner. Abel Thompson, at the same time, built the present public house in 1824, now kept by Wm. Shepard. The first store was kept by James Haywood, at Delanti, in 8 6, says the State Gazetteer. Our informant says, the first merchant was James Haywood, soon after the town was formed, which did not take place until February, 1821. [It is probable the latter is more nearly correct.] It was kept in a small frame house, in the chamber of which was a shoe shop, and was afterward removed to a log house, on the north-east corner. Mr. Crissey, in his historical sketch of Stockton, says: " Lazell had built a log shoe shop, where now stands the residence of John E. Tew. In the upper part of this shoe shop, James Haywood kept the first store." Later merchants were McClure & Holbrook, Aaron Waddington, and John Z. Saxton. Present merchants -Hiram D. Hart, and Oran Y. Brooks, and Truman Todd, and E. L. McCullough & Son. Druggist-Chauncey Winsor. Hardware-Joseph & Cornelius Russ. Grocery and boot and shoe store-Abraham Blackman. The first blacksmith was James Haywood, i mile south of Delanti; who afterwards bought of Luman Wickham a stone building for his trade, now owned by George Mowyer. The first physician was Carleton Jones, 1818, [afterwards at Westfield;] next, Elkanah P. Stedman, on the south line of the town, I819; Waterman Ellsworth, in 1821 or 1822; Geo. S. Harrison, Humphrey Sherman, Justin Thompson, who was surgeon in the army in the late war, taken prisoner, and escaped by digging out under the wall. Present physicians-Joshua J. Towle, Darius G. Picket, Delanti; Drs. Griffith and Pond, Cassadaga. 36 562 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Origen Crissey is said to have been the first wagonz-maker. Levi Holmes, a few years since, built a wagon and carriage shop, at which an extensive business is done at present. Hiram Shaw, a cabiznel-maker, established a shop about I830; and was succeeded by Seth K. Duncan (?), who carried on the business some 30 years or longer. His son Charles died in the army in the late war. A grist-mill and a saw-mill were built about the year 1817 or 1818, where now the village of Delanti is, by John Hines, Hiram Lazell, and Elijah Nelson. It was subsequently owned, in whole or in part, by Obed Taylor, Samuel Shepard, and David Sacket; the last of whom built a new grist-mill, which was sold to Joseph S. Sacket, Truman Todd, and Milton Smith. Its present owners are Dascum Taylor and Newton Taylor. A grist-mill and a saw-mill were built at Cassadaga lake, about the year I82r, by David Sacket and Aaron Lyon; the lake having been raised by a dam to furnish the necessary water-power. Sickness having been caused by the flowing and ebbing of the lake, the proprietors were indicted for nuisance, and were obliged to abandon their enterprise. A saw-mill was built, about the year 1829, about 5 miles below the lake, on Cassadaga creek, on lot II, by Bela Todd, and sold to Charles D. Cooper, who also built a carding and cloth-dressing estabiishment, which was run a number of years. A saw-mill is still there. A saw-mill was built about the year 1826, about 4 mile above the village, by Benjamin Miller, and is now owned by his son, William O. Miller. A steam saw-mill was built about i868, by the Taylors above named, and soon sold to Harrison Price and Oren Miles. Attached to the mill at present are a planing-mill and a shingle-machine. A steaml saw-mill was commenced, 3 or 4 miles south of Delanti, and completed by Philip Lazell in I850. It was destroyed by fire in I854. On the Bugbee brook, about ioo rods west of the preceding, a saw-mill was built in 1830, and burned in I835. In I824, Resolved W. Fenner and his son Christopher, built a saw-mill 40 feet above the present grist-mill, on Cassadaga creek. In 1827, the first grist-mill in that part of the town was built by R. W. Fenner and Forbes Johnson. About 1835, these mills were bought by Henry Love; and, after his death, they became the property of Forbes Johnson and John A. Fenner. In 1839, the saw-mill was torn down, and a new one was built about 40 rods east of the first, on the site of the present mill of James Austin. About I856, E. J. Spencer, Osmand Johnson, and John A. Fenner, became owners of the grist-mill, and annexed machinery for planing and matching boards. In i868, a new grist-mill, with two runs of burr stones and modern improvements, was erected in the place of the old one, by Osmand Johnson and E. J. Spencer; and in 1869, Spencer sold his interest, and left the mill in the hands of the present owners, Johnson & Fenner. Forbes Johnson and his sons Owen and Edwin, owned the saw-mill until 1869, when they exchanged it with James Austin for a dairy farm in Ellery. This mill is said to have turned out in a year 75o,ooo feet of lumber, besides large quantities of pine and hemlock shingles, and lath and wood manufactured from the slabs. STOCKTON. 563 The first town-meeting was held April 3, I82I. It was opened at Abel Thompson's, and adjourned to the school-house near D. Nelson's. The officers elected were: Szpervisor-Calvin Warren. Town Clerk-John Curtis. Assessors — Ebenezer Smith, Jr., Hiram Lazell, John Tyler. Overseers of Poor-John Newbre, Joseph Sacket. Com'rs of Hzihways-David Sacket, Salmon Tyler, Levi G. Miller. Collector-Hiram Lazell. Constables-Hiram Lazell, Newell Putnam. Com'rs of Schools-Ebenezer Smith, Jr, Calvin Tyler, Lewis C. Todd. Supervisors from 1821 to 1875. Calvin Warren, 182T,'22,'26. Henry Walker, 1823 to'25. Waterman Ellsworth, 1827,'31,'32. Aaron Lyon, 1828,'34. Hiram Lazell, I829,'30. John Grant, 1833,'35. Calvin Smith, r836,'37. Chauncey Warren, 1838,'39,'45,'47,'68,'69. Delos Beebe, I840,'41. Philip Lazell, 1842,'60,'61. Thomas Rolph, i843,'44. Eleazar Flagg, Jr., 1846. Milton Smith, 1848 to'53. George S. Harrison, 1854. Judge L. Bugbee, I855,'59. Ebenezer Moon, I856. Wm. P. Burdick, I857,'58. Merrill Crissey, 1862,'63. Harlow Crissey, 1864,'65. Eliphalet Mitchell, I866,'67. Walker Parkhurst, 1870,'7 I. Joseph Batcheler, I872,'73. Lucien C. Warren, 1874,'75. BIOGRAPHICAL AND GENEALOGICAL. JUDGE L. BUGBEE, son of Jonathan Bugbee, Jr., was born in Stockton, February io, I8I8, on the farm on which he now resides, and on which his father first settled. When he was eleven years old, his father died. The family then consisted of the widow and eight children-two sons and six daughters. Judge, the second son, remained at home, and contributed much, by his youthful labors on the farm, toward the support of the family. His education was obtained in the common schools of the town, and during a few months attendance at a select school. At the age of 17, he commenced teaching, having been elected by the older scholars attending school with him, to supply the place of the teacher, who was taken sick. This was the introduction to a successful course of teaching. At 22, he was elected a commissioner of common schools. This office was soon after abolished; and he was appointed, by the town board, town superintendent of schools, and thereafter elected to that office the next four years, serving also the last year as assessor. He was twice elected supervisor; and he has, for about 16 years, held the office of justice of the peace. He now holds, under the general government, the office of deputy collector of internal revenue in the 27th collection district of New York. He was married in Stockton, to Mary Ann Flagg, and has two children: Flora E., wife of Walter B. Horton, in Jamestown; and J. Eugene, at home. SAMUEL CRISSEY, born in Vermont, March 2, I771, removed to Stockton in 1815, and settled in the north part of this town, on lot 39, where he resided until his death, March i, 1848. He was married in Vermont, to Lucy Grovenor. He was one of the founders of the Baptist church in Delanti, 564 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. and served it as an occasional preacher. His children were: i. Atmira, wife of Ethan Cooley, both deceased, leaving a daughter, Generva, the wife of Mortimer Ely. 2. HarlozJ, who married Anna Shepard, and had four children: Newton, Samuel S., in Fredonia, Seward M., and Elverton B., in Missouri. 3. Jason, who married Roxana, daughter of Rev. Washington Winsor, and died in I875. A son, Jirah, and a daughter, Mary, wife of Lucien C. Warren, reside in town; and Sardis, a graduate in medicine, served in the late war, and is now in the department of the interior, in Washington. 4. Lucy, wife of Chauncey Winsor, Delanti, whose children are Wealthy Ann, wife of Hiram Lazell, Jr., in Stockton, and Washington, a merchant, in New York. 5. Cynthia, wife of Zalmon Jennings, removed to Pennsylvania, where she died. 6. Martha, who died at 12. 7. Samuel, who married Julia Grant, of Fredonia, and resides in Stockton; has a daughter, Lucy, wife of Cassius Perrin, for several years a justice of the peace; and a son, Forest. Of the seven children of Samuel Crissey, Sr., only Harlow and Samuel are living. NATHANIEL and SYLVANUS CRISSEY, also from Vermont, were brothers of Samuel Crissey, Sr. Sons of Nathaniel were Alson, married, and died at 31; and Merrill, who married Eunice Tracy, and has been supervisor of the town; had 5 children: a son, Florence, and two pairs of twin brothers, of whom one is deceased. Sylvanus Crissey removed with his family to the West. GOULD CRISSEY settled on lot 45, bought in 18i6. He was an early member of the Baptist church, and one of its first deacons. His children were Maria, Origen, Addison, Marilla, Stephen, Orson, Alson, Isaac, and Luthena; none living in town. WATERMAN ELLSWORTH was born in Hartwick, Otsego Co., Dec. 14, 1797. He was a son of Stukely Ellsworth, a state senator from that county, and a descendant from Abel Aylesworth, (as the name was then spelled,) whose wife was Amy Franklin, a sister of Benj. Franklin. Among his distinguished ancestors and relatives, may be named, Oliver Ellsworth, chief justice of the U. S. supreme court; William W. Ellsworth, governor of Connecticut; and Henry L. Ellsworth, commissioner of patents. When about 25 years of age, he became a resident of Stockton, where Delanti now stands, and remained' there engaged in the active duties of his profession, until his death, Jan. 6, I849. He was several years supervisor of Stockton, and in I839 a member of assembly. In 1826, he married Rosina Lyon, sister of Mary Lyon, the founder of Mount Holyoke Female Seminary. Mrs. Ellsworth died in 1832, leaving four sons, of whom Stukely and Hazelius live in Oregon; Franklin, in San Francisco; and Henry M., in Kelton, Utah. A plain, but substantial monument in the burying ground at Delanti, marks the resting place of his remains; and all the early settlers of Stockton, and many others scattered over this wide country, hold him in grateful remembrance. He was married a second time; his widow resides in Erie county. ICHABOD FISHER, a native of Princeton, Mass., came from Oneida Co., STOCKTON. 565 N. Y., in I813, to Cassadaga, in the town of Stockton, in company with one of his sons, as will hereafter appear. He had two sons, Ichabod and Joel. He died in 18i8, aged 72 years. ICHABOD FISHER, JR., a native of Princeton, Mass., from Oneida Co., was an early settler at Cassadaga lake. He first came to this county in I808, moving the family of his brother-in-law, Samuel Davis, and returned. In 18I2, he came again, bringing a load of leather for Leverett Barker. Traveling on this side of Buffalo, on the beach of the lake, (there being no other road,) a company of I2 or I3 Canadians, who had come over in a long open boat for the purpose of plunder, were seen approaching the shore. Before they landed, however, and while firing at him, Mr. Fisher slipped his pocketbook in the crack of a rock, and covered it with stones. When they got on shore, they knocked him down, broke open his chest, and took out all his clothes, leaving him only the tow-cloth suit he had on; telling him he ought to be thankful that he retained his ox-team. [The written statement before us does not say that the leather was taken; but it is not probable that a portable article so valuable would have been left.] In 1813, he sold his farm in Paris, Oneida Co., with a view to his removal to this county. He hired two men to assist in removing his goods, each of them agreeing to deliver a load, with his family, at Cassadaga, for which each was paid $50, in advance. At widow Adkins' tavern, five miles east of Buffalo, they left the goods and family, and started for home, by another road, to avoid meeting Mr. Fisher, who was on the way with a cart and oxen, and a horse forward; a son, 9 years old, riding the horse, Mr. Fisher's father driving the oxen, and himself driving about 200 sheep and 4 cows. He was obliged to leave the family and goods until he had delivered his own load and live stock at Cassadaga. From Buffalo to the mouth of Canadaway creek, the family came by lake, in an open boat. When they were leaving Buffalo harbor on a moonlight evening, a long-boat load of British subjects came up along-side, and threatened firing upon them, but the captain of the American boat, who knew the British captain, hailed him in time to prevent the enemy from carrying their design into effect. Once the company were compelled, by a high wind, to camp over night on the beach. From the mouth of Canadaway creek, they were guided by marked trees, and felled trees across streams to get the goods over. They reached their destination Aug. 13, 18I3. Mr. Fisher settled on land bought of Othello Church, afterwards murdered by Howe, in Allegany county. He died at Cassadaga, May 5, I847, aged 75. His sons were Orrin H. and Willard W. The latter is at present postmaster at Cassadaga. JOEL FISHER, son of Ichabod, Sr., was a native of Princeton, Mass., and removed from Oneida Co. to Stockton, in I809. He died May 23, I847, aged 63 years. His sons were Asa, Joel, O. H. Perry, and Joseph. CHAUNCEY GOODRICH was born in Middlebury, Vt., Dec. 17, I803, and removed with his father to Cayuga Co., N. Y., in i809, and in I822 to Stockton, and settled on lot 52, bought in 1826. He was married to Phebe 566 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Rogers, of Stockton. Their children are: Betsey Ann, wife of John E. Hassett, and resides in Chatfield, Minn.; Milo, who married Emily Babcock, of Busti, and resides in Sherman; Henry R., who married Martha Geer, and lives at St. Joseph, Mo.; Ellen, wife of Henry Q. Ames, school commissioner of the first assembly district of the county; Corydon, who married Nancy Ann King, of Stockton, and resides at Salt River, Mich.; Alice M., wife of Levi N. Flint, of Erie, Pa. Mr. Goodrich now resides at Delanti. LINUS W. MILLER, son of Benjamin Miller, was born in Stockton, Dec. 28, I8I7. In early life he was a law student in the office of the late Judge Mullett. At the age of 20, he joined the " Patriot" forces in Canada, in the spring of I838; was a staff officer of General McLeod, the commander in chief, with the rank of lieutenant-colonel. After four months' active service, he was captured, tried at Niagara, and sentenced to death. The sentence was commuted to transportation for life to Van Dieman's Land; he was confined at Fort Henry, U. C., until November of that year; then shipped to England, in transitl, with 22 other political prisoners; confined six months in Newgate prison, London, with i others; detained under writs of habeas corpus in the courts of Queen's Bench and Exchequer, at the instance and by the kind efforts of Lord Brougham, Roebuck, Joseph Hume, and others. He arrived at Hobart Town, Jan. 12, 1840, and was six years a prisoner on the island, suffering the first two years incredible hardships and cruelty; but was afterwards treated with kindness by officers and the free inhabitants of the island. In 1845, through the intercession of the United States government, and the efforts of Hon. Wm. H. Seward, he was pardoned; and, on the 28th of Jan., 1846, he arrived at home, after an absence of eight years. Soon after his return, he published his " Notes of an Exile," etc., etc., an octavo volume of 400 pages. An edition of 2,000 copies was sold readily; and a second edition is in contemplation. Mr. Miller resides in Stockton, and is engaged in farming, and is an active and prominent member of the I)airymen's Association. ANDREW PUTNAM, a native of Greenfield, Mass., removed, in 1795, with his wife and two children, Harriet and Newell, to Brookfield, Madison Co., where were born 8 sons: Gilbert, Lovell, Hiram, Olvin, Oren, Royal, Union, and Worthy. In February, I817, he removed his family and effects to Chautauqua Co., with 4 yoke of oxen and 2 sleds, i span of horses and a sleigh, 13 cows and young cattle. They crossed the Genesee river at Rochester, and came by the southerly route, through Cattaraugus county. He settled' on lot 24, tp. 3, r. 12, since annexed to tp. 4, in forming the present town of Stockton. On the organization of the town, in I821, his is said to have been the only piece of land in the town deeded. His cattle, during the remainder of the winter, subsisted mainly on browse. The snow had scarcely disappeared, before they were permitted to luxuriate in the native pastures, in which they ranged at large, and which abounded with leeks and other green herbage. Mr. Putnam was in faith a Baptist. Soon after his settlement, he received a visit from his pastor at the East, Elder Joy Handy, of STOCKTON. 567 Canadaway, who preached in the neighborhood. He was noted for his hospitality, and had frequent occasion to "entertain strangers," who, especially if they were of the " household of faith," met with a hearty welcome. In May, 1828, he cut a small gash in his knee. Having taken cold, the wound became inflamed; and he died on the I4th of June following. Mrs. Putnam died Jan. I8, 1864, at the residence of Newell, her oldest son, in her 94th year. Newell, the oldest son of Andrew Putnam, who had married Tacy Fenner, came with his father, and settled on lot 32, township 3, range I2, also now in Stockton, where he resided until, in I868, he removed to Conneaut, O. Before his removal, he held several offices of trust in the town, serving two terms as justice of the peace. His only son, Welcome, died on the homestead of his father, October 28, I871. Gilbert, the second son, married Thankful Rogers, and settled on lot 33. They had 6 sons and 3 daughters, all of whom, except the two oldest sons, were living in I872. Gilbert Putnam died in I859, aged 62. His youngest son, Delos, lives on the old homestead. Lovell, third son, died at 15. Hiram, fourth son, located in Ellington, in 1823; he had 2 sons and 2 daughters. Olvin, the oldest son, owns the farm, and the father resides at Ellington Center. Olvin, fifth son, bought of Jonathan Bugbee, in 1826, 50 acres, on which he lived until his death, in 1863. He had a son and a daughter. Alonzo, the son, resides in town. Oren, sixth son, located near his father-in-law, Shadrach Scofield, in the south-west part of Stockton, where he resided until 1856. He now resides at Sinclairville. Luman, his only son, died in the war of the rebellion. Royal Putnam owns and resides on a part of his father's old farm, with a second wife, by whom he has a pair of twin sons. Union, twin brother of Royal, settled on a part'bf the old farm of his father. He had two sons and two daughters, of whom only a son is living, in Minnesota; the father resides in Rochester, Minn. WTorthy Putnam, the youngest son of Andrew Putnam, is the most widely known of the family. He was an early and a successful teacher. He was from 1844to 1848 county superintendent of schools. He went through a thorough course of study in medicine, and afterwards took up the law, and was, in 1859, admitted to practice in all the courts of the state. In i860, he sold out his home at Sinclairville, and removed to Valparaiso, Ind., and continued the practice of law. He had, while in this county, published a work on elocution, to which he had given much attention; and he soon accepted the professorship of elocution in the college at Valparaiso. In I864, he removed to Berrien Springs, Mich., where he now resides. He has a son and a daughter. The daughter is the wife of Job Barnard, Esq., a lawyer at Washington, D. C.; the son a foreman in a printing house in Chicago. ABNER PUTNAM, of another family, a cousin to Captain Andrew Putnam, settled in Stockton in I8I8, about a mile south of Cassadaga lake. His wife's maiden name was Vesta Mallory. They had six sons and four daughters, all of whom were living in I872. Elisha, William, Allen, and Corydon 568 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. reside in Stockton; Richmond, in Arkwright, and Edwin, in Charlotte. The father died in 1864; the widow, who resided on the homestead, died in 1873. HENRY RHINEHART, born in Putnam county, May 13, I789, came to Chautauqua county in 1824, and bought out Bela Todd, who still held an article of Ioo acres of lot 33, on which were a good barn, 30 by 40 feet, a small horse barn, and a large log house, and on which about 75 acres had been cleared. For this property he paid $300, which was then considered a good sale; [the original purchase money, of course, remaining due at the land-office.] Mr. Rhinehart and his wife reared 15 children, 9 sons and 6 daughters. Their second daughter, wife of Pliny Smith, of Delanti, died October 20, I849. George W. was a soldier in the late war under Captain Harmon J. Bliss, in the 72d regiment, and died of camp fever, and was buried at Camp Wood, November 27, I861. Of the thirteen remaining children, Joseph and Henry reside in Warren county, Pa.; Cornelius at Salem, Missouri; Amos in Busti; and the remainder in Stockton, the place of their nativity. John, the oldest son, was for several years a sailor, engaged a part of the time in whaling in the North Pacific ocean and the Kamschatka sea. In I845, his hardships having prostrated his health, he visited the Sandwich Islands, where he remained several months, and explored the entire group, visiting the burning mountain and other attractions of these islands. He has since made two trips across the plains to California, and returned in 1867 to take the care of his parents, who are still living in the village of Delanti. EBENEZER SMITH, JR., from Mass., in the fall of i8I6, settled on the west side of Cassadaga creek, 2 m. below the lake, on lot 6. He came in company with David Whittemore and Philip Phillips, grandfather of the Messrs. Phillips, now at Cassadaga. His family consisted of himself, wife, four sons and three daughters. They moved with two yoke of oxen on one wagon. He moved in with Jeduthan Smith, a relative, till a cabin of rudest style was built. It was roofed with rafters, with poles called ribs, running crosswise, on which rough shingles four feet long, rived out of pine trees, were laid; and probably, as was usually done, without being nailed, but fastened with heavy poles, called "weight-poles," laid across. Succeeding the "cold summer," grain was scarce and high; his wheat costing $2 per bushel, and corn $i; and his cattle were wintered on browse. His children were Aaron, Quartus, Fidelia, Gerry, Rebecca, Ebenezer, and Kezia, all of whom attained the age of majority, and all came to Stockton. The daughters were married, as follows: Fidelia to Elijah Woods; Rebecca to Freeman Richardson; Kezia to Arunah Richardson. AARON SMITH, son of Ebenezer, Jr., was born Oct. 8, 1792; was married, in I820, to Laura Harrison, and had io children, of whom only 5 passed the age of childhood: Lucy, wife of Merlin Griffith, of Charlotte; Cyrus, who resides in Hamilton, Minn.; Pomilla, with her father, unmarried; William, with his father, on the farm; and Aaron, also at the home of his father. The marriage of Aaron Smith, Sr., was the first in the vicinity of Cassadaga. STOCKTON. 569 Mrs. Smith was a daughter of Daniel W. Harrison, and adopted daughter of Ichabod Fisher. OBED TAYLOR was born in Ashfield, Mass., July 29, 1791. His father was Edward Taylor, the youngest son of a family of ten children, of whom all lived to a ripe old age. One, Joshua Taylor, still lives in Marietta, O., 86 years of age. Obed came to Chautauqua county, in I817; took up land in Pomfret, and, in I8I9, settled in Stockton. In 1822, he was married to Mrs. Anna Sawtell, widow of Henry Sawtell, a millwright. This is said to have been the second marriage in Stockton. They had 4 sons and 2 daughters; also a step-son of Mr. Taylor, Henry Sawtell, who never knew any other father's care. The children were Sophia E., Dascum A., Emory G., Hascal L., Newton, and Lestina A. Sophia E. was married to Jasper Golding, a farmer, in Stockton. Dascum was married, first, to Sarepta Horton; and, after her decease, to Mrs. Persie Gardner. He is in the milling business, in company with Newton; both residing in Stockton. Newton married Lodema Emory. Hascal was married to Louisa Thomas, and resides in Fredonia; business, banking, and oil trade in Petrolia. Emory died, unmarried, at the age of 23. Lestina was married to Wm. Bradshaw, who is in the carriage business at Jamestown. When Mr. T. came from Massachusetts, he traveled the entire distance on foot, the last time carrying on his back a pack weighing 24 pounds. The writer of his obituary notice says: "If ever he had an enemy, if ever a man heard him say aught in malice against another, or retail a slander, or knew him to be a party to a quarrel, it certainly was not one of liis old neighbors who knew him best. Even the children in the school looked up to Uncle Obed with affectionate veneration. He was for many years a miller, and his integrity became proverbial. He had a native love of humor, a certain dry way of saying things, in which were often blended much of keen good sense and genuine wit.' During his last sickness, his doubts as to his adoption with the family of Christ were removed; and he regretted that he had not been baptized and connected himself with the church." He died Jan. r7, 1873, in his 82d year. BELA TODD, a native of North Haven, Conn., removed from Fairfield, N. Y., to Chautauqua, and settled, in April, 8r i, on lot 33, tp. 4, r. 12, now Stockton, having purchased the year before. His was the first house built on the road between Hartfield and the residence of William Barrows. He is said to have been a very industrious man, clearing away the forest at the rate of ten acres a year. He raised 15 children, a majority of them boys. Ora B., the oldest of them, and the only representative of the family in the town, resides near the late residence of his father, near Cooper's mills, on lot ii, to which the father removed in 1824, having sold his farm on lot 33 to Henry Rhinehart. He died at the residence of his son, Ora B., in 1862, aged 77 years. ELISHA TOWER, a native of New Bedford, Mass., came, in 1812, from Duanesburg, Schenectady Co., to Chautauqua, with his knapsack, provisions, a change of clothing, and an axe. He came by way of Cross Roads to Mayville, 570 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. where he labored awhile to replenish his scanty purse. In the fall he took a job of chopping several acres at the Inlet, [Hartfield,] which he completed about the Ist of April, I8rI; having boarded himself in a shanty erected by the side of a prostrate tree, furnished with little else than a blanket and a frying pan; his board consisting chiefly of johnny-cake and fried pork. In December, I81, he took an article of the east half of lot 4, tp. 3, r. 12, where he resided until his death, except three years, from I839 to 1842, during which time he lived in Jamestown. In 1812, he built a log house, in which he kept "bachelor's hall" for a time. In I813, he was drafted into the war, and participated in the battle of Black Rock. In the autumn of I814, he returned to Duanesburg, and, in June following, was married to Philena Morgan, of Berne, Albany Co. In 1817, they removed, with one child, to Ellery. The child having been taken ill, they were compelled to stop at the house of Wm. Barrows, where the child died. He removed into his log cabin; but he soon built a commodious frame house, in which the family resided until I834, when he built a large two story house. Mr. Tower held several of the more important town offices in Ellery, including that of justice of the peace, the duties of which were faithfully discharged. He died Jan. 6, i866, aged nearly 78. His wife'died December I7, i860. Their children born in this county, were 3 sons and 3 daughters. The sons were: Elisha, who resides in Portland; Simeon M., who owns and occupies the south part of his father's homestead, and resides on the east side of the town line in Gerry; and Corydon L., the youngest of the family, who resides on the old homestead. The 3 daughters are: Rhoda A., wife of Ebenezer Moon, of Moon station, in Stockton; Clarissa D., unmarried; and Emily M., the youngest, and wife of B. Frank Dennison. CALVIN WARREN, a native of Windham, Conn., removed in I8I6 to Stockton, iS m. north from Delanti, where he resided until his death, in 1827. He came with a team of two yoke of oxen, and was six weeks in performing the journey. His family consisted of himself, his wife, and three children, Chauncey, Martius, and Sybil. He enjoyed the confidence and esteem of his fellow-citizens, and was elected the first supervisor of the town, in 1821,. and again in 1822 and I826. CHAUNCEY WARREN, son of Calvin, was born in Conn., April 22, 1802, and came to Stockton in 1827. He was married in 1823 to Sally Knowlton, of Conn., and after his father's death, settled on the old farm, and subsequently on a farm adjoining, where he now resides. His wife died in February, I874. Their children were: i. Amos K. [Sk. below.] 2. Jabez WY, who married Myra Grant, and resides at Delanti. He has a son, Chauncey. 3. Lucien C., who married Mary A. Crissey, and resides on the old homestead. His children were Miner S., who died at the age of Io years, from the falling of a tree; Minnie D., and Archie D. His second son, Calvin, died in infancy. AMOS K. WARREN, son of Chauncey Warren, was born in Windham county, Conn., February 24, 1824, and came with his father's family to Stockton, in 1827. He received a good and practical education, which was com 771 v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~E:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~........ 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In I845, he was married to Helen A. Moore, of the same town; their only child, Sarah De Ette, dying iln 86I, at the age of thirteen. Until T862, he continued a farmer, and a resident of Stockton. In agricultural matters he was much interested. Observing the utility of many improvements in farm implements, he proved to others their advantages. In I862, he was appointed under-sheriff, by Charles Kennedy, the sheriff, and removed to Mayville, and had charge of the sheriff's office, and the management of the county jail. Having, by the faithful discharge of the duties of the office, gained the confidence of the people, he was, in 1864, elected sheriff; and again were the duties of the office performed with promptness and ability. He, with other citizens of Mayville, took an early and active part in effecting the organization of the Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburgh railroad company, and procuring the means for the construction of the road. He was director and secretary from 1865 until its transfer to another management in I873. Designing to make Mayville his permanent home, he is active in promoting all local interests an4 improvements. CHURCHES. Baptist Churches.-A Baptist church was formed in Chautauqua, in i808. John Putnam, David Atkins, Edmund Jones, John Park, Miles Scofield, Sabra Putnam, Hannah Park, Abigail Scofield, and Sally Scofield, met at John Putnam's, near Chautauqua lake, 2y? miles south of Dewittville, with a view to the organization of a church. A council was subsequently called for this purpose. The council, composed of Elders Peter P. Roots, of Fabius; Joel Butler, of Sangerfield; Hezekiah Eastman, and Joy Handy, met on the Ioth of October, and received the brethren and sisters into fellowship as a church. On the next day, the council ordained Edmund Jones to the gospel ministry. In February, I8I7, the church was geographically divided by a line running due east from the lake, leaving John Putnam in the First church of Chautauqua. In July, Mr. Putnam was ordained deacon. In April, [82I, after the town of Stockton had been formed from Chautauqua, the name of the church was changed to The First Church of Stockton, its present name; and the school-house near Miles Scofield's, in school district No. i, was established as the regular place for meetings of the church. Among the early members of the church were Henry Walker, Shadrach Scofield, David Knowlton, David Waterbury, Almon Ives, Epenetus Winsor, John McCollister, and Elisha Tower. In October following, the innabitants of this school district and vicinity were organized, under the act of the legislature, as the First Baptist Congregational Society of Stockton. Being one of the first two incorporated religious societies in the town, it became entitled to the donation of 50 acres of land from the Holland Land Company. Baptist Church at Delanti. Soon after the war of 1812, several families of Baptists, or of persons favorable to that denomination, settled in the valley of Bear creek. Among these families were those of Benj. Miller, Abel Thompson, Samuel Crissey, Gould Crissey, and John Mitchell. Early in the 572 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. winter of 1815-16, Rev. John Spencer, a Congregational missionary, is said to have appointed a meeting on a sabbath; and stated meetings were immediately thereafter commenced. We are not informed that Mr. Spencer continued with them as a preacher. Probably he did not, as we read that meetings were led by Samuel Crissey, Benj. Miller, and Gould Crissey; and that sermons were read by Ethan Cooley and Horace Thompson. Singing was performed by the congregation without notes. On the 12th of March, I817, the hand of fellowship was given to seven brethren and sisters, as the "Third Baptist Church in Chautauaua." Their names were Samuel Crissey, Benj. Miller, Gould Crissey, Edward Ellis, Patty Ellis, Ruth Crissey, Susanna Bidwell. The ministers present were Joy Handy and Asa Turner. The number of members increased during the first year to eighteen. They were supplied in part by Elder Ebenezer Smith, then 84 years old. He lived until he was nearly go. The names of ministers who have been called to the pastorate of this church, are Elisha Gill, 1823; Washington Winsor, 1827; Isaac Sawyer, 1834; Oren Witherell, 1835; Sardis Little, 1837; Judah L. Richmond, 1840; S. P. Way, I845; Arah Irons, I849; B. C. Willoughby, I85I; Elder Howard, I854; J. Elliott, I857; A. Kingsbury, I859; A. L. Freeman, I861; L. J. Fisher, I864; Samuel Adsit, i8-. Many have also rendered efficient service as temporary supplies, among whom were Alanson Waugh, David Bernard, J. W. Sawyer, Zattu Cushing, H. B. Kenyon. The deaconship has been held by Gould Crissey, Ethan Cooley, John Grant, Charles Bacheller, Jason Crissey, and Chester Thompson. A meeting-house was built in 1832. A Congregational Church was formed by the missionary,. Rev. John Spencer, said by some to have been as early as I815-and perhaps earlier-consisting of 9 members, 3 males and 6 females, but the names of all are not recollected; among them are believed to be the following: Ichabod Fisher and wife, and his mother, Oliver Cleland, - Lewis, Laura Miller, Amy Johnson, and others. This church, some years later, about i830, it is believed, adopted the Presbyterian form of government, and subsequently, about 1840, changed back to the Congregational form. A meeting-house having been built, designed for the Christian church, and not taken after its completion, the proprietor sold it to the Congregational society. On the union of this society with the Methodist church, the house of worship was conveyed to the latter in 1857 or I858. Early ministers of the Congregational and Presbyterian church, were Amasa West, Mr. Washburn, Hugh Wallis, Obadiah C. Beardsley, James Wilson, Mr. Hoyt, Mr. Carpenter, Mr. Monroe, Mr. Amsden, Reuben Willoughby, James Henry, Mr. Bliss. A Methodist Church was formed in the west part of the town, about 1828 or 1829, or, as some think, a few years earlier. Among the members of the first. class, were Titus Johnson, Ephraim Sanford, Jas. Morrell, John Brown, and their wives, [as stated from recollection, there being no records to refer to;] and soonafter, the following: Daniel Johnson, - McClelland, Absalom Johnson, and their wives, Daniel Walradt, Sarah Ann Brown. Among their early preachers were Hiram Kinsley, Darius Williams, Francis A. VILLENOVA. 573 Dighton, William Todd, Lorenzo Rogers, J. Luce. As has been stated, the Congregational church gave up its organization, and its members joined the Methodists; and the united society became possessed of the present house of worship, previously owned by the Congregationalists. Later ministers of the Methodist church have been, Ralph R. Roberts, - Eberman, John Akers, F. F. Stuntz, Rufus Pratt, - Shurick, Geo. W. Gray, David Mizener, Charles Woodworth, Francis A. Archibald, Wm. Bear, M. Smith. The Christian Church was organized at Delanti, in I825, Rev. Joseph Bailey officiating. The members at the time of organization, or soon after, were Newell Putnam, Gilbert Putnam, Abel Brunson, John Newberry, Aretus Rogers, Henry Rhinehart, Festus Jones, Heron Scofield, and their wives, Lester Newberry, Solomon Tyler, Stephen Williams, Fanny White, Mrs. Belinda Porter, Naomi Searls, Worthy Putnam, Warren Coe and wife. Ministers were Joseph Bailey, Oliver Barr, George Bailey, Edward Mosher, Buzzel. Meetings were held in a school-house. The society was discontinued in 1863. The Methodist Church at Oregon was formed about I840. In the absence of early records, the following sketch is given from memory by persons residing there at the time of its formation. Rev. John Wood formed a class, consisting of Mary Ann Flagg, Abraham Van Wirt and wife, Mrs. Charlotte Picket, Laura Ann Wilder, Rebecca Newton, and perhaps others. Abraham Van Wirt was leader of the class. Early preachers were, Rev. Mr. Barris, Mr. Cummings, Valorus Lake, Orsamus P. Brown; the present preacher, [1873,] Rev. M. Smith. Meetings were held for many years in a schoolhouse. Their present meeting-house was built in 1866. The Cassadaga Baptist Church was organized with 37 members, May 8, I843. [A sketch of this church has not been furnished.] Their first house of worship was built in I835. It was repaired and materially improved in i869. The first pastor was Rev. Elisha Johnson; the present one, [1873,] Rev. A. Kingsbury. Union Church, [United Brethren in Christ,] at Pleasant Valley, was organized, with I9 members, in 1862, by Rev. Joseph Hoyt, the first pastor. The church edifice was erected in I871. VILLENOVA. VILLENOVA was taken from Hanover, Jan. 24, 1823. A part of Arkwright was taken from Villenova in 1829. The latter now comprises township 5, of the Ioth range. Its surface is rolling in the south-east, and broken and hilly in the center and north. The highest summit is about 900 feet higher than Lake Erie. Its principal streams are the two branches of the Connewango creek. On the western border of the town is Mud lake, the greater part of which lies in Arkwright, the outlet of which is the principal tributary of the 574 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. southern branch of the Connewango. Near the north border, on lot 24, is East Mud lake, the outlet of which is the greatest tributary of the eastern branch, which unites with the other branch on lot 2, a little above where the united stream crosses the east line into Cattaraugus county. Original Purchases in Township 5, Range ro. 1809. Oct., Ezra Puffer, 19, 27, 36. John Kent, 2. Daniel Whipple, 3. i8io. March, John Kent, Jr., 3. April, Reuben Wright, Jr., 22. June, John Arnold, I9. July, Benj. Sweet, ii, i8. Oct., Charles Mather, 4. 1815. June, Eldad Corbet, Jr., II. 1816. March, Villeroy Balcom, io. i817. May, James Congdon, 14. Nov., Augustin Wright, 52. i8I8. March, Daniel Wright, 20. April, Enos Matteson, 64. May, Sylvanus Wright, 20. I819. May, Auren G. Smith, 43. I820. May, Nathaniel Warner, 36. I821. October, Nathaniel Warner, 35. 1822. March, Noah Strong, 64. June, Nathaniel Warner, Jr., 43. October, Wm. J. Straight, 58. 1823. May, Arad Wheeler, 14. June, James H. Ward, 15. I824. December, Phineas T. Judd, 27. 1825. April, Samuel Geer, Jr., 48. Thomas White, 48. Josiah H. White, 24. Wheeler B. Smith, 24. 1826. January, Henry Waters, 33. August, John Pope, 62. December, Thomas Howard, 50. 1827. October, Villeroy Balcom, 17. Nathaniel Warner, 63. In answer to a request for information respecting the early settlement of Villenova, Dr. Austin Pierce, a resident of this town, gave the following names of early settlers and the years in which they respectively settled in the town. The statements were made upon the authority of early settlers in the town, more than twenty years ago, when early occurrences were fresh in their recollections; and are therefore likely to be correct. "The first settler in town was Daniel Whipple, a native of Deerfield, Mass., who came from Litchfield, Herkimer county, N. Y., to Villenova in 18io. In the same year came John Kent and Eli Arnold. William and Benjamin Barrass and Roderick Wells came about the year I8 I, and resided here about 20 years. Near the same time came Charles Mather, Captain Sweet, and Nathaniel Bowen: they remained but a short time. Bowen was a soldier in the war of 1812, and was killed in the battle near Buffalo, in 18 3. Ezra Puffer, a native of Sudbury, Mass., came in i812; removed in 1843 to Northern Indiana, where he died. Villeroy Balcom, a native of Sudbury, [probably Mass.,] and Erza Corbet, son of Eldad, born in Mendon, Mass., came in 1815. He was a brother-in-law of Daniel Wright. His father was a Revolutionary soldier. Charles Wright came in I816. This," Dr. P. says, " brings the account to the time of the Wright family. Most of the settlers who came before and after this time, were from Litchfield, Herkimer county. Among those who came after the Wrights, from Litchfield, were the family of Nathaniel Warner, the Smiths, and Congdons, most of whose descendants are [I853] still here." As has been elsewhere remarked, priority of purchase is not a certain VILLENOVA. 575 indication of priority of settlement. Ezra Puffer's is the earliest purchase in Villenova, on record-October 28, 1809; the dates of the purchases of John Kent and Daniel Whipple, are two days later, [the 30th,]-all in I809, the year before Whipple is said to have settled in the town. The name of Eli Arnold as an original purchaser does not appear at all. [His land was probably that which, in the Company's book, is set to the name of John Arnold as purchaser of lot I9, June, i8Io.] Nor do the names of William and Benjamin Barrows appear. They probably bought lands which had been previously articled to others. It appears from the list of original purchases, that Charles Mather, Benjamin Sweet, and Nathaniel Bowen, all bought in i8io; Mr. Balcom not until March, T816, though he may have become a resident earlier. Eldad Corbet, Jr., bought on lot I in June, 1815; but Arza's name does not appear. Charles Wright, said to have settled in i8I6, does not appear as an original purchaser, though several of the family do so appear; none, however, before 8I17. [Reuben Wright, Jr., who bought on lot 22, April, i8io, was probably not of the same family.] The names of Nathaniel Warner, a number of Smiths, and James Congdon, appear in the list of original purchases. It will appear, by referring to the Land Company's books, that a greater number of purchases were made during the five years, from 1823 to 1827, inclusive, than during the eighteen years, from I809 to 1822. It appears also that with the year 1827, in which the sales were more numerous than in any preceding year, except 1826, sales close abruptly, while in most of the towns of the county, they dwindle gradually until 1831, with which year the book list ends. This sudden cessation of the entrance of sales on the Holland Company's books is accounted for by the general sale, by the Company, in 1828, of all their unsold lands in the Ioth and 1 th ranges, and township I, range 12, with the exception of the town of Gerry. These lands were sold to James 0. Morse, Levi Beardsley, and Alvin Stewart, known as the " Cherry Valley Company," they being residents of Cherry Valley. The number of acres in this town sold to this Company was 5,246. Eli Arnold, born in Great Barrington, Mass., Sept. I, 1772, after a residence successively in Albany, N.Y., Pownal, Vt., Litchfield and Williamstown, N. Y., removed to Villenova, in 18Io. He settled on lot 19, which was purchased in I8Io, where he resided until his death, July 5, I857. His father, David Arnold, a native of Conn., died in Villenova, March 17, 1822, aged 82. His wife, born in Conn., Oct. I5, I740, died in this town, at the age of 96. John Arnold, brother of Eli, was a Methodist preacher, and died, aged 92. Wm. Pierce, born in Vermont, Sept. 27, 1795; removed to Jefferson Co., N. Y., with his father; and in 1815 he removed to Villenova, and finally settled on a part of the land purchased by his father-in-law, Eli Arnold, lot 19. His wife was Rachel Arnold. His sons were Luther, who lives near his father; John, who died at I9, in Ohio; David, who died in i875. Daughters: Martha; Elsie, wife of John Weed, Cherry Creek; Delia, wife of Wim. Moon; they reside near her father's. 576 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Wright Families.-As will appear from the following sketches, there were five brothers who came from Herkimer Co., and settled nearly at the same time. Augustin, Daniel, and Sylvanus appear as original purchasers. Charles Wright, whose name is not among those of the original purchasers, is said to have settled on lot 1I, in I8I6, bought by Eldad Corbet in I8I5. He removed several years ago to Wisconsin, and died there. A daughter, the wife of George Dye, resides in town. He had several sons, none of whom reside in the county. Augustin Wright also is said to have taken a part of lot I I, in I8i 7, though his original purchase appears to have been in May, 1817, of a part of lot 52, on which he settled, and where he still resides, aged upwards of fourscore years. His sons are: Clark and Richard S., in Linden, Wisconsin; Weyman, harness-maker, Fredonia; Augustin, in town; Darwin, at home, on the farm. A daughter, Mary Ann, is the wife of Obed Young; they live in Fredonia. Lewis Wright settled on lot 20, in I8I7, it is said, and, after several removals in town, removed to Wisconsin, where he now resides. None of his family remain in this town. Daniel Wright settled on lot 20, where he bought in 1818, and died in 1871. His sons were: Edmund, who resides in the south-east part of the town, married Polly Judd, and whose children are Wilder, who married Anna Mount; Huldah, wife of Jackson Dye; Ruth, wife of John C. Dye; Nancy, wife of Marvin J. Hamlin; Wm. W., who died at I9; and James, a twin brother, who married Alma Bettis. James, another son of Daniel Wright, died on his father's homestead, now owned by his son Daniel. Daniel Wright had also a daughter, Grace, wife of Wm. Crowell, deceased. She lives with her son Edmund, in Hamlet. Sylvanus Wright bought, in 1818, a part of lot 20. He subsequently settled on lot 52; and removed thence to Hamlet, where he now resides. His sons are: Abel J.; Theron; Sylvanus A., who lives in Iowa; Melvin and Myron, in this town. Daughters: Susan, widow of Signor Brinsor; and Sarah, married, and living in Massachusetts. The following are the names of early settlers, many of them of a later date than most of those before mentioned: In the vicinity of Hamlet, James Congdon bought, in i817, a part of lot 44, on which his sons settled. Amos, one of the sons, died there; and Ichabod subsequently settled on the farm. A son, Lewis, resides near his father. Auren G. Smith, from Herkimer Co., in I8I9, bought lot 43, and, with his brother, built the first saw-mill at Hamlet, on the present site of Orton's mill. Phineas T. Judd settled on lot 27. He died a few years ago. His sons Charles and George reside in the town. Asahel Hills, first on lot 52, settled on lot 36; deceased. His sons, Hoel and Kneeland G., reside in town. John Spencer, from Herkimer Co., settled early on lot 43; removed to the south part of the town, and thence to lot 35, where his wife died. His sons were: John, deceased; Reuben, who resides in Mich.; Arden, a preacher of VILLENOVA. 577 the United Brethren, who died in January, I874; Andrew and James, who live in Ohio. Henry Sessions settled a mile north-westerly from Hamlet, where he still resides. He has pursued, successively, the varied business of a farmer, merchant, and cattle-dealer. His sons are Lawrence, Manley, and Elmer. Hiram Cornell, from Port Jervis, N. Y., to Hanover, in 1835, removed to Villenova in i840, on lot 55, now owned'by Crawford Stearns; thence to lot 36, near the center of the town. He was married to Polly Pomeroy. Their children were Mary, deceased, wife of Albert Stilwell; Rachel, wife of John Stearns, Coldwater, Michigan; Harry, in Minnesota; Hiram P., who married Ruth A., daughter of Reuben Warner, and resides at Hamlet. Their children are George Albert, Milton G., Arthur M., and Herman M. Allen Lee Brunson came from Cherry Creek to the south part of Villenova, about 838; thence to Hamlet, where he now resides. He was for 23 years a constable, and part of the time collector of taxes. His children were Daniel H., now in Forestville; Frederick S., a farmer, near the center of the town; Mary Ann, who married Edmund W. Crowell, in Hamlet, a grandson of David Crowell. George Wilson, from Jefferson Co., settled at Hamlet, where he has for many years pursued the trade of wagon and carriage maker. His first wife was Sophia Jackson; the second, Laura A. Ewing. He has three children living: Sophia, wife of Lyman H. Lewis, Busti; Abner, business partner of his father; and Ina. Mr. W. is serving his fourth term as justice of the peace. In the east and north-cast parts of the town, Jesse Goldthwait settled on lot 4, bought in \ 8 o by Charles Mather. His sons, Jesse and Hiram, reside in the town; Jesse, on the homestead. John Fluker settled on lot 5, where he died. His son-in-law, Wim. Newcomb, resides on the homestead. The sons, James and William, live in the same part of the town; James, near the homestead. Gamaliel Collins settled on lot 22; has been for several years, and is now, a justice of the peace. Two daughters, Fanny and Philena, live at home. Alexander Gillett was an early settler on lot I6; his sons, Benjamin and Perry, reside in town. In the nort/-weJst part of the town, Noah Strong, in 1822, bought lot 64, on which he settled, where his son Hiram resides. Samuel Geer, Jr., settled on lot 48, which he bought in 1825, where his widow and son, Delos, now reside. John Stilwell, in I827, settled on lot 63; removed to Cherry Creek, where he died. His son Albert resides in Hamlet; Sylvester, in Cleveland, Ohio; and William, in Missouri. John Pope settled early on lot 56. His sons were Horatio G., supervisor in I870; Chester, in Michigan; Harrison in Hanover; Almon and William, in town; and Daniel, in the eastern part of the state. John Ferry settled on lot 54, where he died. His sons were Nathaniel and John, both deceased; and Clark, Anson, and Julius, who reside in the town. Isaac Corey, from Long Island, with four sons, settled early on lot 53. The sons were Hoel, now in Cherry Creek; Medad S., physician, at Hamlet; Henry, in town; George, in Laona. 37 578 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. In the north part of the town, James Hamlin settled on lot 38, where his widow and sons, Albert and Willard, reside. Orren S. Harmon settled early on lot 38. He was for many years a teacher and town superintendent of schools. He has a son, Baron, aged about i6. Had two daughters: Orpha, wife of Seward Gray, and Ellen, who died unmarried. Daniel Ball settled early on lot 38, where he still resides. His sons are James, who resides in Penn.; George and Silas, near their father; John, in Hanover; Daniel, a Wesleyan preacher; Wesley, in Penn.; Joshua, in Arkwright; Linus A. and Jonathan, in town. George Ball, brother of Daniel Ball, Sr., settled in the south-east part of the town, andgied in Perrysburgh. John Eastman settled on lot 39, where Wm. H. Knapp resides. Of his six sons, only Henry resides in town. William Burk settled on lot 31; removed to Hanover, and has since returned to the north-east part of the town, where he and his son Irvin reside. In the ceztl-al part of the town, David Crowell settled on lot 36, and about two years after, on lot 28. He died at Hamlet in i86o. His sons were Samuel, who died in Hanover; David, who settled on lot 30, where he died, and where John M. Smith now resides; Andrew, who died at Hamlet in I874; James, who resides in Penn.; William, deceased; Martin, who married Louisa, daughter of Daniel McBride, and resides at Hamlet. Eliza, daughter of David Crowell, was the wife, first, of Nicholas L. Allen; second, of Hiram Cornell, who also is dead. She resides in the town. Solomon, brother of David Crowell, Sr:, settled near the center of the town. His sons were Cicero, Lucius, Solomon, and Truesdell, all deceased. Abraham, brotler of Solomon and David, Sr., lived at the center of the town, and died there. His sons were Hiram; Nelson, dead; La Fayette; Abraham, on the father's homestead, and Ira-all in town, except Hiram, who is in Penn. Isaac Cummings settled near the center, on lot 37, and died in Cherry Creek, where he resided with his son Henry. His other and older sons were Isaac, who resided in the north-west part of the town, removed West, and died there; Clark, in Cherry Creek; John, who died many years ago on the homestead. He had two daughters: Susan, wife of Horatio Pope; and Sarah, wife of Harrison Pope, in Hanover. In the sout/ part of the town, Benj. Vincent, a blacksmith, settled. lie afterwards bought a farm. His son Joseph is on the farm with his father; Franklin, another son, is deceased. Mark Markham settled on lot 25; now lives at Hamlet. His sons, Melvin and Adelbert, reside in town. John Dennison settled on lot 25, and died there. His son Curtis is on the homestead of his father; another son, Edwin, on the farm formerly owned by Nathan Stoddard, adjoining the other; Sidney, in Cherry Creek; Henry and Thomas, gone West. George B. Aldrich settled on lot 5I; afterwards removed to lot 25. He had two sons: Clark, who died many years ago; and John, who resides with his father. In the sozuth-west part of the town, Wm. J. Straight, in 1822, bought a part of lot 58, on which he settled, and where he still resides. His son, Wm. J., VILLENOVA. 579 is a merchant in Forestville. Thomas Howard settled on lot 50, bought in Dec., 1828, where his son Dallas resides. Daniel Ruttenbur settled early on lot 41, and is deceased. His sons, Porter S., Daniel C., and Jerome, reside there. In the south-east part of the town, James Cook settled about 40 years ago, on lot a9, early taken up by Ezra Puffer, and still resides there. Paul Cushman settled on lot I8. His sons are Abraham, a physician in Crawford Co., Pa.; Alonzo, a merchant, first at Wright's Corners, now at Cassadaga; and Adelbert, who resides in Cattaraugus Co. Isaac Phillips settled on lot 41, where he died a few years ago. His sons, Addison and Samuel, reside in Poland; Frederick and Hampton, in town; William, in Rutledge; and Zardius, in Sinclairville. John Kent settled on lot 2, bought in 1809, where he built the first mills in town. He removed to Gowanda, where he died. His sons were John, an early Methodist preacher, who resides in Livingston Co.; James, removed to Ohio. A daughter, Polly, was the wife, first, of Dr. Dighton; second, of Moffitt. None of the family are now in town. The first town-meetigz in Villenova was held in the year 1823. The names of the officers elected are as follows: Szpervisor-Ezra Puffer. Tozvn Clerk-Milton Foot. Assessors-Daniel Wright, Isaiah Martin, Villeroy Balcom. Collector-Charles Wright. Overseers of Poor-Alvah Simons, Nathaniel Warner. Conz'rs of HigzhwaysNathaniel Smith, Stephen P. Kinsley. Constables-Auren G. Smith, Charles Wright. Com'rs of Schools-Daniel Wright, Alvah Simons, John Weaver. Inspectors of Schools-Hiram Kinsley, Ezra Puffer, Milton Foot. Szpervisors from 1823 to I875. Ezra Puffer, 1823,'24. Villeroy Balcom, I825 to'30,'32,'48-8 years. Daniel Wright, 1831,'41. Henry Allyn, I833. Austin Pierce, I834 to'36, 39,'49. John C. Dibble, 1837. Luther Pierce, 1838. Nathan Gurney, 1840,'44. Joseph G. Hopkins, I842,'43. George Hopkins, 1845 to'47. Timothy G. Walker, 1850,'51. Martin Crowell, 1852,'54,'55, I858 to'62,'64,'66,'67 —I years. Hiram Cornell, 1853. James Wright, 1856,'57. Horace Burgess, 1863. Medad S. Corey, 1864. Tyler H. Searle, 1868,'69,'72,'73. Horatio G. Pope, I870. Rollin L. Shepard, 187r. Julius A. Ferry, I874. David S. Bennett, I875. The first saw-mill and grist-mill [corn cracker] in Villenova, were built by John Kent in the south-east part of the town. A complete grist-mill was afterwards put in the place of the corn mill. The saw-mill was rebuilt by James Parker. No mill remains there. This place was said to be the "head of navigation" on the Connewango. A saw-mill, the first in Hamlet, was built by Auren G. Smith and his brother Nathaniel. A mill is now there owned by Orton Crowell. Nathaniel Smith afterwards built a grist-mill about 80 rods below, subsequently turned into a tannery, owned by Martin L. Stevenson, and destroyed by fire. Stephen Landers commenced a grist-mill about o1 or 12 years ago, at Hamlet; afterwards bought and completed by Crowell & Shepard, present proprietors. Loren Scott built a grist-mill and a 580 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. saw-mill on the farm now occupied by Wm. J. Straight; no mill now there. Nathan Worden built a saw-mill i m. east from Hamlet, where, for many years, have been a grist-mill and a saw-mill, now owned by Eri M. Sanderson. James L. Brown built the first carding and clot/I-dressing establishment at Hamlet, where now is the grist-mill of Crowell & Shepard. A carding machine is now connected with their grist-mill. Carding was also done in the south-east part of the town, on the Connewango. An iron foundry was built, about I86o, by Hickey & Howard, and owned, successively, by James Howard, by Martin Crowell, and Crowell & Shepard, and Lemuel Hickey, its present proprietor. A planing-mill, propelled by the same power, is owned by Martin Crowell. The first store is supposed to have been kept at Wright's Corners, by Grover & Norris; the next at that place, by Joseph Hopkins. A small store was kept at V. Balcom's, in a part of his house, about 1830, perhaps earlier. But the date of neither has been ascertained. The first store at Hamlet was that of Daniel Cross and Asal Goodyear, about 1827. Present merchants —Dry goods, Shepard & Sessions Brothers; Wilcox and Clark. At Villenova, Maples & York; grocer, Henry Taft. Present h/zaness-mnaker, Hiram P. Cornell, at Hamlet. Wagon and carriage mlakers, George Wilson & Son, Hamlet. John Kent, John P. Kent, and John Dighton, in the summer of i812, cut out tze first road, through the heavy forest, from what was then called Kent's mill, in Villenova, through Cherry Creek, to Kennedyville; for which they received from the Holland Company $o0 per mile. This road followed the line of the Connewango Valley, on what was then known as the Indian trail. The present traveled road, running north and south through the town, is. on higher land; but little of the old road being used. A road was also cut out by John Kent from his mill in the south-east part of Villenova, running in a south-easterly course through Cherry Creek to Sinclairville. This has been known as the Old Kent road. The only early settlers in this town, on this road, were Gardner Crandall and Isaac Curtis, who settled on lot 23, in I8I6. BIOGRAPHICAL AND GENEALOGICAL. JOHN C. ALLISON was born in Newburgh, Orange Co., N. Y., February 10, I8o6. His mother died when he was but five days old; and he was adopted by his grandparents, with whom he lived until the death of his grandfather, he being then 14 years of age. HIe worked upon a farm, and attended the district school until about i7, after which he was engaged in teaching about 8 years. At the age of 25, he united with the Presbyterian Church, in Marlboro', Ulster Co., and soon after commenced a course of study preparatory to the work of the ministry. Having changed his views on the subject of baptism, he joined the Baptist Church, in I833. He was married to Charlotte Bailey, of Marlboro', May I4, I833, and on the same day both were baptized, and united with the Baptist Church, in Lattingtown. On the 24th of September following, he was ordained to the work of the ministry; VILLENOVA. 581 and in October, he moved to Holland, Erie Co., N. Y. After a few months, aided by the Home Missionary Society, he entered the missionary field, in Canada, having removed with his family to St. Catharines, where he remained until the troubles attending the Patriot War so unfavorably affected his efforts for good, that he returned to Erie county, and was employed by the Buffalo Association as a missionary among the destitute churches. In January, 1839, he became pastor of the Baptist Church in Evans, and labored there successfully until March, 1842. He thereafter ministered, successively, to the Lagrange, Silver Creek, Hanover Center, an&(Versailles Baptist Churches. At Versailles, where he settled in 1846, he occupied the parsonage farm eight years. His farm work, together with his pastoral duties, gave little time for rest, and impaired his constitution. While laboring here, his wife died; and on the 25th of May, 1852, he was married to Miss E. Webster. In 1854, he was called to the Church at Nashville. He purchased a small farm, and again alternated farming and preaching, and for a few years supplied the churches of Nashville and Cherry Creek, and gave up pastoral labors. In September, r865, he sold his farm, designing to minister again to the church at Versailles. But the anticipated relation was never consummated. He died June 2, i866, at the house of his son-in-law, Charles Dye, in Villenova. He had, by his first marriage, three children: Luther B., who married Apolina P. Scott, of Waverly; was a teacher many years; removed, in I866, to Missouri, where he was a county school- commissioner, and is now principal of the high school in Butler, Bates Co., Mo.; Louisa, wife of Benjamin C. Barlow, of Pomfret; and Mary Elizabeth, wife of Charles Dye, of Villenova. ARNOLD BLACKMAR, from Green county to Wayne, and thence to Chautauqua, settled one mile east from Hamlet, where he died January, I857. He came with his family in March, I827. He had Io children, of whom 6 lived to maturity: Henry, Arad, Sally, Levestus, Altheda, and Sherebiah. Henry is married, and is in Iowa; Arad, dead; Sally, in town; Levestus, half a mile east from Hamlet; has a daughter, Helen, the wife of George Washburn; Altheda and Sherebiah, both unmarried, reside in town. JOHIN DYE, from Chenango county, settled early in Villenova, on lot 20, where he resided until his death. Few settlers have contributed more largely to the peopling of the county, than Mr. Dye. He was married twice, and had 14 sons and 4 daughters. The sons, by the first marriage, were John, Avery, Asa, and Harry; by the second marriage, George, Elias, Daniel, Ledgard, Joseph, Lafayette, Abel, Thomas, A. Jackson, and Elisha. John, Avery, Elias, Harry, and Joseph, are not living. George, Ledgard, Thomas, Jackson, and Elisha, reside in the town; Abel, in Hanover. George married Philenda Wright, and has io children: Elizabeth, wife of Harry Nobles, residing in the town; Charles, who married Elizabeth Allison; Polly Ann, wife of Wilder Wright, Forestville; De Ette, wife of John Hoyt, Buffalo; Letitia, wife of Edward McDole, Indiana; Adelia, wife of Edward North, Kansas; Celia, wife of Willard Wheeler, Villenova; Newell, at home, 582 HISTORY OF CHAU.TAUQUA COUNTY. unmarried. Zedgard married Clarinda Fletcher, and lives in town; his children are Alvin, Eugene, Orissa, Edwin, Lewis, Jane, Sarah, and Willie. Alvin married Josephine Russell, all live in town. Joseph married Priscilla Nott, both deceased; had 5 children; 4 living, in Forestville. Lafayelte married Louisa Foster, now in Cherry Creek; has two children living, Lillis and Nettie. Abed married Malvina Rhodes, Hanover. His children were Lucius, George, Elisha, Orville, Emory, Charles, Daniel, Cora, Ella, and four deceased. Elias married Emily Newell, Sheridan, and had 8 children, of whom four are married, as llows: Harriet, to Perry Lamphear, Stockton; Martha, to George Aldrich, Sheridan; Clinton, to Spink; Ellen, to Nathan Aldrich, Sheridan; the others are Alida, Seymour, Belle, and Fanny. Daniel married Roxa Hewitt, and resides in Michigan. Thomas married Amy Smith, whose children are Hermie and Carleton. A. Jackson married Huldah Wright, whose children were Nancy; Glen, who died at 12; Edmund, who died at 8; Alice; Reuben; and Nelson. Elisha married Ann Eliza Barker, whose children are Ernest and Morris. AUSTIN PIERCE, a native of Vermont, removed with his father, in I8Io, to Pitcher, Chenango Co., N. Y., where he studied medicine with Dr. David McWhorter; attended lectures at Fairfield, N. Y., and was licensed as a physician by the Herkimer Co. Medical Society, in 1829. He located the same year, Feb. 28, in Villenova, where he remained until his death. A brother, younger than -himself, read medicine with him; attended lectures at Fairfield, was licensed by the Herkimer Co. Medical Society, and practiced with his brother Austin in Villenova one year. He located in Mina, in 1836, and died there in March, I845. William, the oldest son of Dr. Austin Pierce, also read medicine with him; graduated at the University Med. Col., New York, and located in his profession in southern Illinois, and was a state senator, and a surgeon in the late war. ELISHA SEARLE, a native of Massachusetts, removed in 1832 from Madison Co., N. Y., to Villenova, on lot 22, where he died in I852, aged 72. His sons were: Nelson, who died in Madison Co.; Wellington, who married Azuba Nichols, deceased; he resides on lot 23; Nathan, who married Lucy Nichols, and resides in Cattaraugus Co.; Frederick, who married Lora Hillard, and resides in Perrysburgh; Tyler H., who married Jane Ostrum, and resides on the homestead of his father. Daughters: Alvira, wife of Benj. Vincent; and Emeline, wife of Chauncey R. Smith, deceased; both daughters reside in town. WASHINGTON SHEPARD came from Arkwright, where he had settled with his father, Joel Shepard. In I839, he removed to Hamlet. He was married to Abigail Hammond, from Mass. His children were Rollin L., a merchant at Hamlet; Allen, at Mount Sterling, Ill., principal of a school; and Galusha H. He married for a second wife, Mrs. Lucy Parker, daughter of Daniel Whipple. They reside at Hamlet. Mr. Shepard was for many years a Freewill Baptist preacher in this and the surrounding towns. SUMNER TRUE, from Maine, where he was born, November 17, 1802, VILLENOVA. 583 removed with his father to Genesee county; and thence, in 1828 or I829, to Villenova. He was married, in 1831, to Martha Ann Smith, and died there in 1856. They had four children: Xoa; Idella, who died at the age of 26; De Volney, who died at 15; Lydia Cornelia, who died in infancy. NATHANIEL WARNER, a native of Connecticut, was born July 4, 1767, and was married July 4, 1790, to Lucinda Avery, who was born in Nov., I771, in Stonington. They removed from Litchfield, Herkimer Co., N. Y., to Villenova with their family, and settled on lot 35, near Hamlet, bought in i820, where he resided until his death, in I847. The children of Mr. Warner were: i. Reubenl, who died in Herkimer Co., at 21. 2. Judah, who married Sally Congdon, in Litchfield, and settled on lot 44, where he died Aug. 3, 1832. His children were Avery; Diadama, wife of Hoel Cory, in Cherry Creek; James, deceased; John; Nathaniel, in Minnesota. 3. Obadiah, [sk.]. 4. Dema, who married Daniel Steward, who is deceased, and had 6 children: Orpha, wife of Benj. White; Warner; Sarah, wife of — Putnam, in Iowa; Avery; Francis, died at 3; Adelia, wife of Frank Pool, in Iowa. Warren and Avery are in Cherry Creek. 5. NVathaniel, Jr., [sk.]. 6. Jereziaah, who was married, first, to Eliza Barmore, and had 2 children: Dean, now at Forestville, and Newell. He married, second, Mrs. Chloe Patterson, by whom he had three children: Eliza, wife of Horace Brunson, now at Forestville; Rosina, wife of Smith Brunson; and Francis, in Michigan. 7. Abziail, who married Azor Barnum, and died May 2, I870. Her children were Mary, who married, first, Frank Dunning, and had 3 children; second, Burnell Blodgett, by whom she had a daughter. 8. Lucinda, who married John Steward, Dec. 25, 1827, and removed to Michigan. A daughter, Jane, married Judson Tanner; both deceased. 9. Reuben, who married Cevilla Ann Fish, Jan. i, 1834, and had 4 children: Azor, in Jamestown; Ruth, wife of Hiram P. Cornell;'Ellen, wife of Lorenzo L. Racy, at Ellicottville; and Andrew J. NATHANIEL WARNER, Jr., son of the above, was born April 28, I8or, and married, June 15, 1824, Lura Nun, who was born at Stonington, Conn., Jan. 23, I8oi. He removed from Herkimer Co. to Villenova in 1822, and settled on lot 43, and died in this town, July 2, I874. His children were: I. Josiah, unmarried. 2. Au4gusta, wife of Judson Priest, by whom she -had 9 children; married, second, Frederick Phillips, and had by him 2 children; was again married, and lives in Arkwright. 3. Reuben. 4. Rebecca, wife of Wim. Ecker, and lives in Mayville. 5. Judtah. 6. Jennett, wife of Alva Ecker. 7. Enos, on the farm of his father. All reside in the town, except Augusta and Rebecca. OBADIAH WARNER, son of Nathaniel, Sr., was born in Litchfield, N. Y., May 19, 1795, and was married Feb. 6, 1821, to Rebecca Nun, who was born April 13, 1799, at Stonington, Conn. He removed to this town in 1822, and still resides at Hamlet. He had io children:. Harriet, wife of Allen L. Brunson. 2. George, who resides in town. 3. ilVariett, wife of Lemuel L. Hickey. 4. Charles 0., who resides at Cassadaga. 5. Jerome, who was killed at 39, by the fall of a limb from a tree. 6. Luzcinda, wife of 584 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Chester Dunning, in the oil region, Pa. 7. Samuel N 8. Lura A., wife, first, of James Howard; second, of Abraham Priest, in Cherry Creek. 9. Polly, who died at 3. ro. Polly A., wife of Jerome B. Walker, of Cherry Creek. DANIEL WHIPPLE was born in Deerfield, Mass., and came from Litchfield, Herkimer Co., N. Y., and settled in the south-east part of the town, on lot 3, in i8Io, which he had bought in Oct., i809. He was the first settler in the town. He had 6 sons: Thomas, a physician, who removed to Illinois, and died there; Daniel, who lives in Perrysburgh; Alphonzo, in Wisconsin; Lorenzo, a Methodist minister, who removed to Wisconsin; Elijah, in Canada; Elisha, who removed to Toledo, O., where he died. The daughters were Eliza, who died at 32, unmarried; Electa, the first born child in the town, and the wife of James Wright, deceased; Lucy, the wife, first, of Urson Parker; second, of Washington Shepard, a Free-will Baptist preacher, residing at Hamlet; Mary, wife of John Titus, Perrysburgh. CHURCHES. The -Melrtodist Episcopal CGl/irch at Hamlet originated in the formation of a class, December 25, 1823, by Elder Daniel Prosser. The class consisted of Polly Smith, Obadiah Warner and Rebecca, his wife; Taylor Judd, Polly Judd, [since the wife of Edmund Wright;] Lewis Barmore, Maria, his sister; Diadnma Warner, Lura Nun, Polly Baker, Hiram Kingsley, Milton Foot and Iois, his wife, and Brinty Congdon, and perhaps others. A class had been previously formed at Wright's Corners, which was merged in the society at Hamlet. Among the early circuit preachers were John Kent, —- Buel, Richard Wright, -- Ayres. Their meetings were first held in dwellings and barns. Their present house of worship was built in 1836. Present minister, Rev. Mr. Clarke. WESTFIELD. WES'FIELD was formed from Portland and Ripley, March 29, 1829. Its surface is level or slightly rolling along the lake, and hilly in the center and south. The town has a very irregular form. Its west boundary is a range line extending south to the south line of township 3, a distance of about o miles. The south boundary runs east on this line the breadth of three lots — 2 C miles. Its eastern boundary runs thence north about the same distance, where it strikes the Chautauqua creek, whence it follows the stream running a little east of north until within about 2 miles of Westfield village; thence nearly parallel with the lake shore to the south-west corner of Portland; thence north on the range line to the lake. The town contains about 30,000 acres, or nearly 47 square miles. The principal stream is the Chautauqua creek, above mentioned, which flows in a northerly direction through WESTFIELD. 585 the village to the lake. The Little Chautauqua, which heads chiefly in the town of Chautauqua, runs westerly for a few miles within the south bounds of Portland and Westfield, and taking a north-westerly direction, flows into the Chautauqua about a mile south of the village. As in other lake towns, the lots are irregularly numbered. The portion comprised in tp. 4, and purchased by Johnl McMahan, before its survey into lots, was probably surveyed in conformity to a plan of his own. The lots, except those on and near the lake shore, and along the irregular south-east boundary, are a mile square; and the numbering commences at the south-west corner of the township. A correct view of the form and survey of the town can only be had by reference to a map. The village of Westfield, on Chautauqua creek, is nearly equi-distant from the eastern and western township lines. Purchases from JoIohn McMahan, of zlands in the tract bought by him from the Holland Company. i80o. November, John Allen, lot 4. I802. May, James McMahan, 13. W. and A. Murray, 25. July, Abm. Frederick, 7. W. and A. Fisher, i9. Martin and Nathaniel Dickey, 26. November, James Brannan, 3. David Kinkaid, 14. 1803. January, Arthur Bell, 3. June, Christopher Dull, 27, 30. John Henry, 12. Jeremiah George, 3. James Morehead, 30. July, James Montgomery, 6. September, Andrew Straub, 26 or 1 7. 1804. July, Jacob George, 6, 13. September, Laughlin McNeil, 6, John Lyon, 30. 1805. June, John Degeer, i8. November, Alexander Montgomery, 2. George Whitehill, i8. I806. June, Hezekiah Barker, 12. 1807. January, David Eason, 18. Low Miniger and John Dull, i8. The following named persons bought of McMahan by deed: I806. February, Samuel Frederick, 7. Low Miniger, 26. 1809. September, Nathan S. Roberts, T7. The number of acres in these several purchases, was 6,T85. Orzinal Psuchases in Towns/hiz 3, 7Rangze 14. 1817. April, Harmon Culver, 40. Benjamin Amsden, 40. 1821. October, Timothy Parker, 57, 58. 1822. April, Joel Loomis, 48. October, Henry A. Haight, 63. 1823. June, Norman Rexford, 46. Silas and Alexander Poor, 63. Ebenezer P. Poor, 62. July, William Tickner, 50. Samuel Adams, 6I. Jacob Orcutt, 57. September, Hazelton Winslow, 47. I824. March. Lory Harrington, 53. Cyrus Bickford, 46. April, Ezra Bickford, 59. June, Larkin Harrington, 38. August, Moses Lancaster, 55. October, David Stanton, 59. Udney H. Jacobs, 52. November, Cyrus Dunbar, 55, 56. 1825. February, Henry Mulliner, 41. March, Asahel Root, 52. April. Udney S. Jacobs, 44. May, Stephen Hoxie, 37. June, Allen Parker, 57. August, Allen W. Ingraham, 37. September, Hubert McLeod, 59. Oct., Moses Porter, 51. November, Russell Rogers, 52. Elijah Porter, 44December, Joseph Lyon, 42. i826. January, Wm. P. Adams, 60. April, John Parks, 49. William 586 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Pickard, 49. May, Isaac Coon, 54. Walter Strong, 50. June, Isaac Porter, 55. July, David Y. Stanton, 5I. Sept., Chas. Granger, 42. Zalmon Ames, 64. I827. April, Frederick Fox, 64. May, Selah Lanfear, 40. Original Purchases in Township 4, 4Range 14. I8iT. April, James McMahan, I2. September, Robert Sweet, 25. Isaac Sweet, 25. John Allen, 4. Laughlin McNeil, 6. John Lyon, 30. James McClurg, I3. Frederic Rogers, i8. James Montgomery, 6. Arthur Bell, 3. John Moorhead, 30. Thomas Gray, I2. Jacob George, 6, 13. Nicholas George, 3. Sarah Perry, I3, i8. James McMahan, 15. George Whitehill, i8. David Eason, i8. William Lowry, I3. December, Hugh Whitehill, 9. I8Ir. February, David Eason, i8. May, John Eason, 25. Andrew Kelsey, 30. John Smith, 31. Thos. McClintock, I7. Dec., John Fay, 31. I814. August, Jonathan Nichols, 2. i815. May, Harmon Culver, 2. Joel Loomis, 4. Robert Cochran, 2d, 4. June, Luther Thayer. Oct., Rebecca McNeil, 6. Stephen Rumsey, 4. November, David Knight, 25. Absalom Peacock, 8. I8r6. July, Ebenezer Harris, 29. 1817. March, Jonathan Cass, 32. Gilbert Dean, i. Calvin E. Macomber, 32. James McMahan, 6, 20. June, Moses Hurlbut, 20. Dec., Hugh Whitehill, 9. r188. January, Dyer Carver, 20. Feb., Jesse Holley, 5. July, Charles Saxton, 5. October, Daniel S. Bouton, 33. I819. February, John House, 29. T821. October, Nathan G. Jones, 29. 1822. July, Dolphus Babcock, 37. Ebenezer Harris, 29. August, John Shipboy, 3. James McMahan, 6. Robert Cochran, 4. 1823. January, Lyman Harrington, i6. March, William T. Howell, 15. William Sexton, 15. May, John Winchell, 29. Matthew McClintock, o. Charles C. Tupper, i6. 1824. July. John Chamberlain, 29. October, Thomas B. Campbell, i8. 1826. October, Isaac Sweet, 25. June, Henry Abell, i8. The names of the first settlers in this town have been given in the sketch of the early settlement of the county, [pp. 70-75,] and in the list of original purchases, [p. 585.] Nearly all the following settled at a much later period, in the portion of tp. 3 lying west of Chautauqua creek. David L. Cochran, a native of Pennsylvania, came from Cayuga Co. to Westfield, in 1816, with his father. In i817, at the age of 2I years, he built a saw-mill about half a mile below the bridge. HIe had previously gone through a course of study for navigator. He was also a surveyor. He still resides near where he first settled. He had a son, David A., who died Jan., 1873; and a daughter, Ellen A., wife of Wm. Law, Jr. David Knight, a native of New Hampshire, came from Herkimer Co. to Westfield, and, after two years, settled on lot 25, tp. 4, bought in 1815, about 2 miles easterly from the village, where he resided until his death, in i868. He had 5 children, of whom two died in infancy. The others were David W., who died in Chautauqua, in 1862; Thomas M., who was a printer and joint publisher of the Western Farmer, a merchant, and is at present an ~'V:!-:'ll -~~~~~~~~~~ii~~iiiiiii~~~~~~~~~~~ ~.,-::i Ii~i-iiii _. ~id~i~:~~k~i4.4, 4,,. 44,4,',':::::::::::::~ -:::-i;-:::-i-iiiiiii~"i:~~~~:~~~~:ii4,4, *, 4, 4,.. WESTFIELD. 587 insurance agent; and Elbridge, a Congregational preacher, in Maple Grove, Maine. Thomas M. had 5 children, of whom three attained mature age: Emily, wife of Melancthon L. Chester, New Haven, Conn.; Sextus H., who served in the late war, returned sick, and died at home; and Ross, a partner of his father, in business. Benajah Rexford, a native of Connl., removed about 1823, from Vermont to Ripley, lot 63, tp. 3, r. 14, in the west part of the town, where he resided until his death in 1862. He had by his first wife, Zeruiah Squier, 6 children: Norman, Stephen, Isabel, Heber, Elsie, and one deceased. By his second wife, Roxana Ayer, also, he had 6: Wilder, Betsey, Olive, Louisa, Sophrona, and Thomas. Four, Heber, Norman, Stephen and Elsie, reside in Cook Co., 111. Heber held for one term the office of county treasurer, and was in office at the time of the great fire in Chicago. Wilder resides in the neighborhood. Allen Parker, from Broome county, settled on lot 57, tp. 3, r. 14, where he bought in 1825, though he may have settled on it earlier. He was a farmer, and, for many years, he was an extensive dealer in cattle. He had but one child, a daughter, the wife of Ethan Titus; they reside on the homestead. Timothy Parker purchased on lots 57 and 58, and settled permanently on 58, where he died a few years ago. He had 4 sons: John; Charles, deceased; Levi; and Hiram; and a daughter, Caroline. Levi and Caroline are both unmarried, and live on the farm of their father; John and Hiram, in Sherman. Timothy also was a dealer in cattle, in which both brothers were successful. Luther Harmon settled, first, in Pomfret, in T817, on lot 53, on what was afterwards known as Harmon Hill, whence he removed, about 1835,;o Westfield, on the hill, where his son Luther D. had previously settled. Both are deceased. Luther D. had 5 children: Luther, who married Sophrona Rexford, and has a son; and resides in Pomfret; Eliza, who resides with her mother; Martin, who married Mariam Fellows, and lives on the homestead; Drusilla, wife of Platt S. Osborne, at Oil City, Pa.; Caroline, wife of J. Martin Fay, now residing at Fulton, Ill. Wm. Benson, a native of Steuben, settled on lot 40, tp. 3, and is deceased. He had four sons, of whom two reside in town. One of them, Silas, resides on the homestead. A daughter married a Mr. Cook, and is deceased. Mr. Benson served in the war of I812. Calvin Rice, from St. Lawrence Co., about 1832, to Chautauqua Co., and in I837, to Westfield Hill, settled on lot 55, tp. 3, on'which he resided until his death. Of his children, James, Marshall, and Martha are on the farm. Martin C. resides in the village. He is a lawyer. In April, 1855, he established the Testfield Republican, which was the first republican paper in the state, and perhaps in the Union. It commenced about the time of the national convention at Pittsburgh, in that year, at which meeting measures were taken which resulted in the organization of the party. In the south part of the town, [tp. 3, r. 14,] Walter Strong settled, about 588 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. 1826, on lot 50, bought in 1824. His wife was a sister of Tichenor and Franklin Sheldon, who settled in the same neighborhood. Their daughters were Fanny, wife of Lorenzo Morris, lawyer, Fredonia; Louisa, wife of Thomas Morris, who resides on the old farm of his father, in Chautauqua; Helen, wife of Alfred Leet, Rochester, Minn.; Julia, wife of Marcus L. Plato, of Westfield; Laura, wife of Delavan Adams, of Sherman; Harriet, wife of Bloomfield Underhill, Ohio. Tichenor Sheldon, from Pawlet, Vt., bought of his brother-in-law, Walter Strong, a part of lot 50, where he settled in 1826, and now resides in Sherman village. Milton B., a son, owns the farm. Other sons are Herbert, in Ottawa, Kansas, where he has been clerk and recorder of the county, and is at present mayor of Ottawa; Royal, merchant in Sinclairville; and Edwin, in Ottawa, Kansas. A daughter, Fanny, unmarried, died in 1871, while on a visit to Kansas. Franklin Sheldon, brother of Tichenor, came about I840, and settled on lot 42. He had 3 sons: Albert and Charles, in the village of Sherman; and Seth, with his father on the farm. Addie, a daughter, wife of Marshall, of Clymer, died several years ago, at his father's house. George WT. Putnam came from Pawlet, Vt., to Chautauqua, and subsequently settled on the west side of the creek, on lot 44. He still owns the farm. He has been commissioner of schools for the first assembly district; and he has been, for several years past, and is now, postal agent on the Lake Shore railroad. The first town-meeting in Westfield after its formation, was held on the 7th of April, 1829, at the Westfield House, then, and for many years afterward, kept by Asa Farnsworth. The names of the persons elected are the following: Sziperviso —Amos Atwater. Tozewn Clerk-Daniel Rockwell. Assessors -Hiram. Couch, Robert Cochran, 2d, Jonathan Cass. Col.c/tor-Lyman Redington. Overseers of Poor-Low Miniger, Wm. Bell. Com'rs of ig4/hways-James Mnontgomery, Wim. Sexton, Seth G. Root. Com'rs of Commzono Schools-Wmn. Bell, Warren Couch, Robert Dickson. Inspec/trs of S/choo/s -Abram Dixon, Austin Stone, Russell Mallory. Const/ab/es-Lyman Redington, Robert P. Stetson. Fence Viewers-Isaac Mallory, Low Miniger, Gervis Foot. Poznd-nazster-James McClurg. Suzpervisors from1 1829 to 1875. Amos Atwater, I829, I831 to'33. John McWhorter, I830. Robert Cochran, 1834,'35. George Hall, i836,'37,'51. Wm.. Sexton, 1838. Elijah Waters, 1839 to'41. Thomas B. Campbell, 1842,'44. James Pratt, I843. John G. Hinckley, I845 to'47,'55. Alvin Plumb, 1848,'52. Austin Smith, 1849,'50. Joshua R. Babcock, I853,'54. Wm. Vorce, 1856,'57. George W. Patterson, 1858 to'60,'67. Sextus H. Hungerford, 186I to'66. Francis P. Brewer, 1868,'69, 1872 to'74,'75. Henry C. Kingsbury, I870, 187I. Thefrss store in Westfield is said, by some, to have been kept on the west WESTFIELD. 589 side of the creek, near Col. James McMahan's. Others think there was none earlier than James McClurg's, in the village, about i8io or I811. Among the earlier merchants was Jonathan Cass. Joshua R. Babcock commenced trade there in or about I819; and, it is believed, Alvin Williams, a year or two later. The firs tcavern in the village is said to have been kept by Jonathan Cass, in a log house, on the corner where the Spencer block now stands. The first inn in the town was that of Edward McHenry, at the Cross Roads, which was opened in 802 or I803. The first ph/ysician resident in Westfield is believed to have been Lawton Richmond; the year of his settlement not remembered. The following are the names of some who succeeded him, though their names are perhaps not given in the order of their settlement: Fenn Deming, Marcius Simonds, Silas Spencer, [I817,] Carleton Jones, Daniel Lee, with Dr. Spencer, Frederick Bradley, Dr. Kimball, Daniel Henn, who died here; Wim. Severyn Stockton, about 1840, who died here; Oscar F. Jones, John Spencer, Dr. Kenyon, Thomas I). Strong, George A. Hall, John M. Brown. Present physiciansJohn Spencer, T. D. Strong, John M. Brown, Charles P. Graves, and Geo. W. Seymour; the last two, homceopathists. Before there was a resident physician here, the inhabitants were served by Dr. Squire White, of Fredonia; Drs. Jediah and Wm. Prendergast and John E. Marshall, of Mayville. The first grist-mill within the present town of Westfield, which was also the first in the county, was built by John McMahan, in 1804 or I805, near the mouth of Chautauqua creek. The building is said to have been made of hewed logs, and the stones were taken, it is said, from the bank of the creek, or from the ground in some part of the town. A saw-mill also was afterwards built near the grist-mill. During the war of I8I2, apprehending its destruction by the enemy, he discontinued the running of the mill, and sold the stones to be used in a mill where the Westfield Mill now stands. The W4esteeld ialill, or rather its predecessor, of. small dimensions, on nearly the same ground, was built about the year 18I1, by Nathan Cass; and also a saw-mill. The property was sold to Eber Stone and Amos Atwater, the grist-mill not yet completed. Stone did not himself remove to this place until about 3 years afterward, Atwater having, during this time, charge of the mills. About the year 1831, they sold the property to James McClurg, Thomas B. Campbell, and George Hall, who erected the present mill building. It passed from them to David Eason, who sold back a third of his interest to George Hall. On the decease of Eason, his interest passed to his son and daughter. The former sold his interest to James Harris; and after the decease of Hall, his third came into the hands of a son. Since then, the property has been in possession of the present proprietors, James Harris, Eri Hall, and Mrs. McClurg, of Pittsburgh, daughter of David Eason. Thomas B. Campbell built a grist-mill in 8 i 8 and 1819, about half a mile above the present iron bridge, and the next year a saw-mill. He continued them in operation many years. The first flour shipped from this county to 590 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. New York by way of the Erie canal, is said to have been made at this mill. He sold his mills to John R. Walker, of Fredonia, who, several years after, sold them to George W. Norton, of Fredonia, by whom they were sold to John Boomer, and by him to Reuben Wright, Jr., who converted the gristmill into a paper-mill, which is, by him, still kept in successful operation. Timothy Pope early owned a saw-mill on Little Chautauqua creek, where, afterwards, Couch and Stone had a carding and cloth-dressing establishment, which, about the year I850, was changed to a grist-mill by Wm. H. Walker and Emmet and Allen Mallory, and is now owned by Charles Rinehard, and is known as the " Glen Mill." Amos Atwater, while yet interested in the Westfield grist-mill, it is said, built a saw-mill near where Rorig's brewery now stands, as early, probably, as 1820. A carding'-machinze, probably the first in the town, was put into the Westfield grist-mill, about the year I816 or'I8, and run for several years. A carding machine was early built by Hiram Couch near Pope's saw-mill on Little Chautauqua creek, just above its junction with the Chautauqua, and run by him for a short time, and then by him and Lester Stone in partnership. Their cloth-dressing establishment, which had been near the Westfield flouring-mill, was removed to their carding machine. About the year 1821 or 22, Reuben Wright built a carding and cloth-dressing establishment near Atwater's saw-mill and the site of Rorig's brewery on the west side of the creek. Elizur Talcott, as early as I812 or'14, commenced dressing cloth at or near the site of the Westfield Mill. The woolenfactory of Hiram Couch and Lester Stone, about 4 of a mile south of the bridge, was built by them in I848. A part of the building had been erected by Reuben Wright for a grist-mill, and left standing for many years, unfinished and unused. This factory has continued in successful operation till the present time. Mr. Couch, the senior proprietor, died in 1873. It is now owned and occupied by Lester Stone and son. An oil-mill was built about the year 1820 near Rorig's grist-mill, by Simeon J. Porter, who kept it in operation many years. The building is now used as a planing-mill, and for other purposes. An oil-mill was also built by Joseph Farnsworth, near the present lock factory, which was run for several years. The first tanznery in Westfield was established by James Parker, south of where York's foundry now is. It was not intended for a large business. It passed into the hands of William Brittan, and was continued but for a short period. Aaron Rumsey came to Westfield in i825, and built a large tannery below the bridge, east side of the creek, which did an extensive business for many years. He also established a store in the village for the sale of leather and boots and shoes. In or about the year i835, he sold his tannery to his brother Stephen, during whose proprietorship it was destroyed by fire, but was soon rebuilt, and was continued many years. Hiram Tiffany established a tannery in 1840 or'41, which he conducted until I864. He then sold to Theodore Gardner and Andrew Wannenwiths, from whom it passed to the Townsend Manufacturing Company. Gardner & Wannenwiths WESTFIELD. 591 are again proprietors of the tannery, but are not allowed to use it to the prejudice of that company. Afoauidry and machine shop was started about the year 1853, by Crossgrove, Kimball & Wells, on the east side of the creek, near the bridge, on the site of a similar establishment previously destroyed by fire. They continued business until 1858. In 1852, Buck & Patchin built a shop for the manufacture of agriczt/lural implements. In i854, the Chaztazuaig a Colipany, a joint stock company, was formed. Its first trustees were Edwin Buck, Abel Patchin, John Eason, Lorenzo Parsons, and perhaps others; Mr. Patchin superintendent. They manufactured horse-rakes, plows, and cultivators, until 1855, when they began to make mowers and reapers, and continued their manufacture until I86o. Their capital having been materially impaired by the crisis of I857, they discontinued business in i86I. In I861, George P. York, having purchased the buildings and machinery of both manufactories, united the buildings on the site of his present establishment, and commenced the manufacture of the Buckeye mowing machine, which he has continued to the present time, with increasing sales, together with a general foundry and machine shop jobbing business. The establishment gives employment to about 20 or 25 men. The Chautauqua Company is thought to have been the first manufacturers of the combined mowing and reaping machine in the state. The Toivlseznd MatnzzfJzcturitng Comnpany was organized in 1864. The Company was composed of John F. Townsend, Sextus H. Hungerford, A. L. Wells, Jared R. Babcock, Wm. Johnston, Wim. Smith, Allen Wright, Watson S. Hinkley, Lanson P. Stevens, Francis B. Brewer, John HI. Minton, Edward P. Whitney, William Vorce, Corydon Karr. In 1871, Francis B. Brewer became sole proprietor, and continued such until September, 1873. The present proprietors of the concern are Eugene M. Mix and James E. Mix. This establishment has for several years turned out an average value of products to the amount of about $1oo,ooo. The quality of the work here made may be judged from the fact, that specimens were sent for exhibition to the great fair at Vienna, Austria, for which medals were awarded. For several years before this Company was formed, Mr. Townsend had in operation a manufactory of a different kind of wares on the same site. The ShackAiton Steatm Heating Comtpany was organized in September, 1874. George P. York, Pres.; E. A. Skinner, Treas., Rollin D. Rockwell, Sec. They manufacture Shackleton's Patent Boilers and Radiators. They have put their heaters in the Presbyterian Church in Westfield, the Normal School building in Fredonia, and a number of dwellings. They are establishing agencies in various parts of the country; and a large and increasing blusiness is anticipated. The TlVctfeld IlMzaitfactttrizng, Company was established in I87I, by Jared R. Babcock and Rollin D. Rockwell. The factory and machinery were rented in 1873 to J. H. Yerkes and Henry J. Minton, who are now carrying on the manufacture of handles, tables, and wood work generally. 592 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. In I825, and within a few years after, Westfield received a considerable accession to the number of its business men, from Warsaw, then Genesee county. They were Oliver Lee and John McWhorter, (Lee & McWhorter,) merchants; Aaron Rumsey, tanner and currier; Daniel Rockwell, hatter; Augustin U. Baldwin, merchant; Lamed Gale, keeper of the Westfield House; and perhaps others. These gentlemen, at an early period of their residence here, came to be designated the "Warsaw Club," from some cause not generally known. A contemporary of these men says it came from the fact, that, in political action, they went in a body against anti-masonry, with their votes and their influence. After these, came James D. Carlisle, Calvin Rumsey, and Lorenzo F. Phelps; but it is believed they were not considered members of the club. Of the former, only Mr. Rockwell is living; of the latter, Mr. Carlisle and Mr. Phelps, who are still residents of the village, and in active business. It may be proper also to mention Mrs. Hough, the mother of John McWhorter, and of Mrs. Calvin Rumsey, the mother of Mrs. Joseph H. Plumb. This venerable matron lady, who but a few years since died here, had the honor, in her day, from her eight daughters, of conferring upon six of the citizens of this place, the boon of worthy, amiable wives: Mrs. Calvin Rumsey, Mrs. Augustin U. Baldwin, Mrs. Daniel Rockwell, Mrs. Edwin Buck, Mrs. Wm. R. Morse, and Mrs. Zera Colburn. The last two mentioned, and Mrs. Rumsey, are yet living. BARCELONA. The site of this village, like the sites of Cattaraugus village, (now Irving,) and Mayville, was originally surveyed into village lots by the Holland Company's surveyors. The lots were designated by numbers distinct from those of the township lots. It was for many years called Portland, after the name of the town, it being in the town of Portland. There being a harbor there for the entrance of vessels, it was known as Portland Harbor. After the formation of the town of Westfield, it was called Barcelona. It was made, by the general government, a port of entry; a lighthouse was erected; and for a number of years it was a place of considerable trade. A steamboat, the Wnm. Peacock, was built by a company, composed chiefly of citizens of Westfield, in 1831, for the transportation of freight and passengers between Buffalo and Erie. A company, called the Barcelona Company, was formed by the following named persons: Smith & Macy, of Buffalo; Charles M. Reed, of Erie; Nathaniel A. Lowry, Elial T. Foote, and Samuel Barrett, of Jamestown; Augustin U. Baldwin, Calvin Rumsey, and Thomas B. Campbell, of Westfield, and perhaps others. The village plot, laid out by the Holland Company, was greatly enlarged by the new company, in the expectation of building up a large commercial village. In this they would probably have succeeded, but for the construction of railroads along the lake shore. A lighthouse was built there about the year 1828, by Judge Campbell, for the general government. No commercial business is now transacted there. Natural gas was discovered 3 of a mile below Barcelona, and the light Ii:::;~: A i;!~&`il":~~- i: 11:lRj i:~:W'~ B i;i -r-l:::::'::: i-lisl:~~~: -T~-~ ~Ei~:,,,MII I:'-::: WESTFIELD. 593 house was illuminated with it. The gas is now conveyed to the village of Westfield, which is supplied in part with it; and the deficiency is made up by a manufactory in the village. BIOGRAPHICAL AND GENEALOGICAL. AMos ATWATER was born near New Haven, Conn., in 1787. He was a son of Joshua Atwater and Betsey, his wife, whose maiden name was Goodyear. He removed with his father, in 1797, to Homer, N. Y.; and thence he removed, in 1813, to Westfield, [then Portland,] and settled on the west side of Chautauqua creek, a short distance above the present bridge. He was for several years, with his brother-in-law, Eber Stone, proprietor of a grist-mill on or near the site of the present " Westfield Mill.": He also carried on the wool-carding and cloth-dressing business. He was a soldier in the war of 1812, on the Niagara frontier, and was in the battle of Queenston. He was the first supervisor of Ripley, after its formation, [I816,] and was appointed a justice of the peace in 1818. In i836, he removed with his family to Beardstown, Illinois, and died there about the year 1850. ARTHUR BELL was born in Paxton, Dauphin Co., Pa., Jan. 12, 1753, and was married to Eleanor Montgomery, and removed to the McMahan tract, 3 miles west of Chautauqua creek, now Westfield, in 1802. He was elected supervisor of Chautauqua, and served with the Niagara county board in i808, before Chautauqua county was fully organized. He had served in the army of the Revolution three years. He was one of the founders of the Presbyterian Church at the Cross Roads, and was a member of it until his death. He was highly esteemed as a citizen. He died August 6, I834. WILLIAM BELL, son of Arthur Bell, was born Oct. 14, I791, and came with his father to Westfield in 1802. He married, July i6, I8I9, Nancy Shipboy, who was born May 23, 1799, by whom he had 12 children: Eleanor, who died at 26, unmarried; Mary, wife of James Johnston, Westfield; John, who resides at Harbor Creek, Pa.; Clarissa, wife of Gilbert T. Ellicott, Erie, Pa.; Joseph, who married Eunice St. John, resides in Fredonia; William, who married Caroline Mann, was for many years a merchant in Erie, Pa., where he now resides; Nancy, at Erie, unmarried; Arthur, drowrfed at 7, in his father's mill pond; Alexander, who married Rachel Wallace, and resides at Harbor Creek; Arthur, the second of that name, who married Mary Rogers, both deceased; Sarah, at Westfield, unmarried; Eugenia, died in infancy. Col. Wm. Bell was one of the earliest settlers, and lived continuously at or near the place where his father settled, until a short time before his death. His chief business was farming. For many years he was the proprietor of a custom grist-mill; and for several years he was also engaged, in the same place, in mercantile business. He was an esteemed and useful citizen; an early and exemplary member of the Presbyterian Church of Ripley; and, for many years, one of its ruling elders. His wife died Jan. 31, 1842. A few years before his death, he lived with his son-in-law, James Johnston, of Westfield, where he died August 23, 1872. 38 594 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. COL. NATHANIEL BIRD was born in Salisbury, Conn., May 17, 1763. At the age of i6, he enlisted in the army of the Revolution for 3 months, then during the war. For the last service he never received compensation. His claims were presented to Congress, but owing to some technical defect, they were not allowed. After his discharge, he begged his way home, barefoot, and almost naked. His school education was extremely limited; but by reading and close observation he acquired much useful knowledge. He was married in New Marlborough, Mass., where he resided until i815. He had, during this time, been successful in trade; but after the embargo under Jefferson was laid, many of his debtors failed, and he lost a large portion of his acquisitions. He traded largely in boots and shoes, cloth, iron, etc., articles which were wanted in a new country, and of which he often brought several loads at a time to this county. He took up lands near Jamestown, upon which his eldest son, Capt. Amos Bird, settled. The war with England commencing, he left the remainder of his family in New England until hostilities ceased. In 1815, he purchased the farm now owned by Thomas Prendergast, I2 m. below Westfield, on the Fredonia road. In the early settlement of the county, he was a leading man in every benevolent enterprise. His house was free for every emigrant who chose to call. Of his connection with the mails and stages, an account is elsewhere given in this work. He was an exemplary member of the Presbyterian Church in Westfield, and died while on a visit to the family of his son-in-law, Joseph Foster, of Hamburgh, Jan. 12, 1847, aged nearly 80 years. ELAM C. BLISS came from Onondaga county to Westfield in 1819, at the age of 17, having "bought his time" of his father for $i50, which he paid at his majority. He worked for many years at various kinds of labor, and bought a small farm on the hill, at the age of about 22, and afterwards settled on the farm, near the village, which he still owns, and which he has conducted with great success. In 1848, he took the premium for the second best farm in the state, presented at the fair at Buffalo. He also took, at several times, first premiums for different kinds of cattle and swine at state and county fairs. He has still the management of his farm, though he resides in the village. He married, first, Mary Harmon, who also took many premiums on many articles of domestic manufacture at state and county fairs. He had 3 children: Persis M., wife of Argyle Rumsey. They removed to Texas, where he died. She resides on her father's farm. Harmon J., the eldest son, who married Elizabeth Plumb, was captain in the late war, and died near Washington from wounds received in battle. Warren, who also was in the war, died of sickness contracted in the army. Sprague Harrison, a nephew and adopted son, was wounded in the same war, and receives a pension. He resides in Michigan. FRANCIS P. BREWER, son of Ebenezer Brewer, was born at Keene, N. H., October 8, 1820. During his childhood he lived in Barnet, Vt. His studies preparatory to his college course were pursued at Newbury Seminary, Vt., and at Meriden Academy, N. H.; and was graduated at Dartmouth College, ' 6 1)ii~i::i.w'/........'< <.^'^- -/-/.,.. ^ -........ ^.^^/^-"^ll ~ ~:~:.::..: ^ ^^/^ ^-*.. I::::Q~~~~~~~ z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~8: - WESTFIELD. 595 at Hanover, N. H. After attending a course of lectures in Hanover, he completed his studies with Dr. Gerhard, of Philadelphia; and, in 1846, he received from Dartmouth Medical College the degree of M. D. He then commenced the practice of his profession in Barnet, Vt. In I849, he removed to Plymouth, Mass., where he continued in practice until 3851, when he removed to Titusville, Pa., where he engaged in lumbering and mercantile business. In 1852, he conceived the idea of producing and utilizing petroleum, and a year afterwards, he, with others, organized the first Oil Company whose efforts in that direction were followed by profitable results. Since I86I, he has resided at Westfield, where, for ten years, he was president of the First National Bank. He was one of the original stockholders of the Lock Manufacturing Company, at Westfield, and, in 1870, became sole proprietor, and made the distributing point and sales-room at Chicago. In the time of the late war, he was appointed a special New York state agent to hospitals, with the rank of major. He has several times been elected supervisor; and in 1872 and I873, he represented the first assembly district in the legislature. In 1874, he was appointed a government director of the Union Pacific railroad, which position he still occupies. He was married, July 20, 1848, to Susan H., daughter of Rev. Prof. Heman Rood, of Haverhill, N. H. They have four children: Ebenezer, one of the proprietors of the Erie Dispatc/h; Francis B.; Frances Moody, who was married, June 29, I875, to W. C. Fitch, of Buffalo; and George E. THOMAS B. CAMPBELL was born, May 19, 1788, in Alexander, Grafton Co., N. H. He removed with his father's family to Cherry Valley, N. Y., in i800, and in T802 or 1803, to Scipio, where his father died in 18io. In.I8I5, Thomas moved to Batavia, and bought mills a few miles west of the village. In 1817, he came to Westfield [then Portland] and built a saw-mill and a grist-mill where now the paper-mill is, and where he continued the milling and flouring business until about 1864. He also bought farm lands, of which he sold, in i860, 6o acres, for fair grounds, in the south part of the village. He held' the office of justice of the peace, in Batavia, and afterwards in Westfield. In I8I9, he was appointed clerk of the County of Chautauqua; in 1826, associate judge; and, in 1845,'first judge, which office he held until after the election of judges under the constitution of 1846. He was a member of assembly in 1822, and again in 1836. In 1819, he was elected supervisor, [then of Portland,] which office he held, by reelections, for eight years. He was also one of the commissioners for building the present courthouse. He married in Scipio, in 1814, Phidelia, daughter of Gamaliel Terry. His children were Maria Louisa, who died at 27, unmarried; Robert Emmet, now a practicing lawyer in New York, unmarried;(?) Thomas B., who died at I9; Mary, who died at 11; Harriet, wife of David H. Taylor, whose children are Mary, Fanny, Anna, and Thomas B. Mrs. Campbell died Nov. 18, 1850. Judge Campbell, in his 88th year, is still living at his old home in Westfield. JAMES D. CARLISLE, from Warsaw, came to Westfield, in 1832, and estab 596 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. lished the tailoring business, which has come to be designated as that of merchant tailor. He was married, in Warsaw, to Amelia Dryer, and had 4 children: Lucy, who married Dewitt C. Harrington, merchant, Westfield; James B., who died in infancy; Henrietta, wife of W. D. Hall, co-proprietor of the Minzneapolis Tribune, Minn.; and Mary E. JONATHAN CASS, son of Nathan Cass, from New Hampshire, came to Westfield in i8II. He kept the first tavern in the village in a log house, on the corner where the Spencer block now stands. Several years after, he sold his stand, and commenced the mercantile business, a short distance east, near where the stone building now stands, on Main street. His farm embraced the land north from Main street to where the railroad now is, and east of North Portage street, beyond the premises of Joseph H. Plumb. When he came, there were but three or four log houses on the east side of the creek; the principal settlement having been made at the Cross Roads. On retiring from business, he settled in the east part of the village, where John AW. Johnston now resides, on Main street, a few rods east of the Union School-house, where he died. Mrs. Cass died Dec. 13, I872. They had but three children, all of whom died in early life: Harriet, at the age of; Catharine, at 2; Franklin, at 22; and an adopted daughter, at 17. Their social qualities and their exemplary Christian deportment gave them a high position in the community. JAMES ELLIOT CHAPIN was born in Wardsborough, Vt., Feb. 15, I8Io, and removed with his father to Saratoga Co. At the age of 20, he left home and came to Jamestown, most of the way by the Erie canal. For three years he taught school in Jamestown, where he was married, March 21, I833, to Louisa Jones, daughter of Solomon Jones. Having previously made a profession of religion, he turned his attention to the ministry; and in 1833 he was licensed as a preacher in the Methodist Episcopal Church, and has labored as such to the present time, in the Pittsburgh and Erie Conferences. About 20 years of his ministry has been spent in Chautauqua county as a preacher and presiding elder. His present residence is in the Village of Westfield. Besides the faithful performance of his professional duties, he has been an active promoter of the temperance cause, of sabbath schools, and other benevolent and religious institutions, and has been largely instrumental in procuring the building of churches and parsonages. In the earlier part of his ministry, he was on four weeks' circuits, which required, during that time, I50 miles' travel on horseback, much of the way through forests and swamps, and the preaching of between 25 and 30 sermons. Mr. Chapin has had no children. He has reared an adopted daughter, now the wife of Rev. James W. Bray. DEA. WILLIAM COUCH, a native of Wethersfield, Conn., removed from New Marlborough, Mass., to Westfield, in 1815. His ancestors were from England, at an early period of our colonial history. He volunteered three times into the army of the Revolution, the first time at the age of 17. He carried in his knapsack a Bible and psalm book, put into it by his mother, WESTFIELD. 597 and when in camp, the soldiers had daily worship. He drew a pension till hjs death, in 1845, aged 86 years. HIRAM COUCH, a son of Wm. Couch, came in 1815, with his father's family, to Westfield, from Massachusetts. He was by trade a manufacturer of cloth, in which business he was engaged until his death. His connection with his brother-in-law, in this business, is mentioned on a preceding page. He was an early member of the Presbyterian Church in Westfield, and for many years, and until his death, one of its ruling elders. He was born in Sandisfield, Berkshire Co., Mass., in I795. He was married to Rhoda, a daughter of Deacon Eber Stone, born in Homer, N. Y., in 1805. They had [I children: Henry L., who resides at St. Louis, Mo.; Eliza A., who died at 27; Walter V., who resides in Rochester; Sarah Sophronia, wife of George H. Curtis, Waverly, Iowa; Asa S., a physician in Fredonia; Hiram, who served in the late war, and died in the hospital, June 29, 1863; Bradford, who died at 32; Henrietta; Rhoda Elizabeth; Martha and Mary, twins; the latter died in infancy. WARREN COUCH, a son of William Couch, was born in Bethlehem, Berkshire Co., Mass., June 12, 1800; and removed with his father from New Marlborough, Mass., to Chautauqua Co., in March, 1815, and settled in Westfield, and worked for many years at his trade, which was that of a cloth dresser. In 1830, he relinquished that business and engaged in farming. During his residence in Westfield, he held several town offices. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church, and for several years a ruling elder. He was married, February 24, 1825, to Amelia Martin, and had 8 children: Emily L., wife of Peter Myers, Frewsburgh, N. Y.; Maria M., wife of Nathan Hungerford, Waterloo, Iowa; Oscar M., who married Eliza E. Risley, and resides in Fredonia; Martha E., who died in childhood; Warren, who married Lettie Budlong, and lives in Jamestown; Ann Judson, who married Rev. O. W. Merrill, deceased, and resides at Anamosa, Iowa; Charles M., who resides in New York; Carleton F., who married Jesse Manson, and resides in Waterloo, Iowa. Deacon Couch has resided for several years, and still resides, at Waterloo, Iowa. ABRAM DIXON was born in Manchester, Vt., in July, 1787. He graduated at Yale College in i813, and was the last member of his class, and probably the oldest graduate living at the time of his death. He studied law with Judge Foote, of Hamilton, N. Y., and was admitted as an attorney of the supreme court in I8I6. While pursuing his law studies, he acted for a short time as deputy clerk of the supreme court at Utica. In 1817, he was married to Carolina Pelham, of Hamilton, and in the same year removed to Westfield, and commenced the practice of law, and resided there until his death, April 19, I875. For the last few years of his life he was not in active practice. He was elected senator of the state in the fall of 1839, for the term of four years, from the ist of January following. His first wife died in I837. He afterwards married Mrs. Eliza Higgins, daughter of Gen. Holt, of Buffalo, and sister of George W. Holt, of Westfield. She died in 1858. 598 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. JEREMIAH C. DRAKE was born in Salisbury, Herkimer Co., N. Y., April 19, 1824. His father was a lineal descendant of an ancient family of that name; his mother, a descendant of the Huguenots and the Puritans of New England. From an obituary notice of Col. Drake, prepared under the direction of the Harmony Baptist Association, the facts recited in the following brief sketch of his life have been taken: At the age of I6, he became the subject of renewing grace. In I843, he went to Wisconsin, and resided there 5 years. During this period he held some county offices, and became engaged in a promising business. But, from a conviction of duty, he relinquished his worldly pursuits, with a view to the gospel ministry. In December, I847, he was licensed to preach, and soon after returned to this state to pursue a thorough course of preparatory study, and graduated at the Rochester University in I852; having carried himself through by ways and means which poverty alone could discover. While a student at Rochester, he gathered and organized a church at Churchville, Monroe Co., and was ordained its pastor, Jan. 22, 1852. After a successful pastorate there of two years, and at Panama in this county of four years, he assumed the pastoral care of the Baptist Church of Westfield, and removed thither in the fall of i858. In August, 1861, moved by a sense of duty, he resolved to take up arms in defense of his imperiled country. He quickly recruited a company, was commissioned its captain, and joined the 49th regiment N. Y. volunteers, under the command of Col. D. D. Bidwell. He served with this regiment through the entire campaign of the Peninsula, in the most creditable manner, taking an honorable part in the battles of Mechanicsville, Garnett's Farm, Savage Station, and White Oak Swamp. In the fall of I862, when the I 2th regiment was raised in this county, Capt. Drake was unanimously chosen to its command, and was commissioned colonel, Sept. 2, 1862. He proved to be an active and efficient officer, and was distinguished for his courage and his bravery in conflict with the enemy. After his taking command of the regiment, he served in the war nearly two years, having, during a large portion of the time, the command of a brigade, which position he held at the battle of Cold Harbor, in which he received a mortal wound, and was taken to the hospital. Having in a few words delivered his last message to his family, and requested that his body be sent home, he asked to be kept quiet, saying: " You will excuse me from talking, for I have but a little time to live, and I wish it all to myself." He passed the night in self-communion, enduring the keenest bodily sufferings without a murmur or complaint. Toward morning, the chaplain reciting the words of the apostle: "Thanks be to God who giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ," the dying Christian soldier responded, "Amen, amen." These were his last words. Thus died a good man and a genuine patriot. But, great as are the honors justly bestowed on him for the services rendered his country in a most critical juncture, far more honorable were his achievements as a " soldier of the cross," under the great Captain of Salvation, in the warfare against the kingdom of darkness. In this war, in which " the weapons are not carnal," we believe :::::::::::::: —:-::-::: -:V t..,,,::~i::: -:-:::i-::l::il-l::ir~l -'':l''l':::::-~::::lii:_I::::I-:*2**: i~i~ii::i-::iiiiii~ii:i t;:i:'. Ik:~ ~~ WESTFIELD. 599 he has gained trophies, not a few, which shall adorn the immortal " crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge will give him in that day." He was married, Aug. 25, 1852, to Clara Utley, of Boonville, Oneida Co., N. Y. They had three children: Clinton Merle, Jennie Clara, and Charles Kepler. Mrs. Drake holds the office of postmaster. DAVID EASON was born in Turbot, Northumberland Co., Pa., April 3, 177I. His father, John Eason, born in Ireland, I74I, came to America when two years old, and died in Washington, Lycoming Co., Pa., in his gist year. David Eason was married, in i805, to Margaret Woodside, in Washington, Pa. An account of his removal to Canadaway, and of his final settlement at Westfield, has been given elsewhere [pp. 75, 76.] In I805, the next year after the formation of the town of Chautauqua, in the county of Genesee, Mr. Eason was appointed a justice of the peace. In I813 and I814, he took the assessment of the county for a United States direct tax. The people were generally poor, and had little or no furniture. They could hardly furnish their tables with whole plates and knives and forks. During his tour through the county, he slept most of the nights on the floor. In I8ri, on the organization of the county, he was appointed sheriff, which office he held four years. The only property he was obliged to sell during this time was one horse; nor did he take a nman to jail for debt. He suspected and arrested two horse thieves, and took them to Batavia jail, the owners residing east of Buffalo. In 1821, he was a candidate for the assembly, the assembly district being composed of the counties of Chautauqua, Cattaraugus, and Niagara, the latter including the present territory of Erie county. The canvassers declared him elected. His opponent, Judge Isaac Phelps, of Aurora, having received some informal votes, which, if allowed to him, would give him a majority, Mr. Eason, admitting the justice of his claim, surrendered to him the seat. In 1823 and I824, he was a member of the senate. While in the senate, he had a severe attack of inflammation of the eyes, which, for some months, confined him to his room, and terminated in the loss of one eye, and the impairing of the vision of the other. After the expiration of his senatorial term, he removed to his farm, and retired from public life. His finely cultivated farm and its products, as well as his superior horses and cattle, evinced his correct taste and sound judgment in the management of his farm. He accumulated a handsome property. The first deed recorded in the county clerk's office, is from the Holland Land Company to David Eason, conveying his farm at Westfield. He died at his residence in Westfield, April 8, 1853, aged 82 years. His wife died-[date not ascertained.] They had two children, besides one that died in infancy: i. John, who married Sarah Jane Davis, and had 5 children: Henry, who died at 19; Elizabeth, who died at 8; Clara, residing at home; John, who died at 9; and Charles, at present in the South. 2. Mary Ann, who married Dr. Carlton Todd, and after his death, Wm. T. McClurg, brother of James McClurg, and resides at Pittsburgh, Pa. GERVIS FOOT was born in St. Lawence Co., March 25, I804, and came 600 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. with his father's family to Westfield, in 1816. His business has, principally, been farming. He resided many years at Barcelona, and became proprietor of the site of the harbor, of which he is still the owner. He now resides in the village of Westfield, where he has, for a number of years, been engaged in mercantile business, and as a dealer in country produce. He was married to Eliza Ann Wood, and has a daughter, Cynthia, who married Augustus A. Comstock, a merchant, first in Westfield, now in the city of New York, and has a daughter, Julia F. After the death of Mrs. Foot, he married Calista E. Mores, his present wife. ASA HALL, SR., was born in Connecticut, June 20, I767; removed to New Hampshire; and thence to Westfield, in 1811. He had six children: Sophy, wife of Jonathan Cass; George; Harriet, who died at I9; Asa; David; and Silas F., who removed to Illinois, where he died. All came to Westfield with their father. Mr. Hall and his two eldest sons, George and Asa, served in the war of I812. Returning on parole, they were stopped at Mack's tavern, at Cattaraugus creek, by sickness from exposure. Mrs. Hall went to attend to them during their sickness; was herself taken sick, and died there. The men recovered. Mr. Hall died March I4, 1832, aged 65. GEORGE HALL, son of Asa Hall, was born April, 1793; was married to Sally Hutchins, and had 8 children: Foster, Archelaus, Phebe, Eri, who resides in the village, and is a proprietor of the Westfield Mill; Byron, Viola, Niagara, and Miami, who died at 25. Mr. Hall was a miller during most of his active life, and died April 27, i86-. ASA HALL, son of Asa Hall, was born in Thompson, Conn., Dec. 26, 1796. He removed with his parents to Stratford, N. H., and thence, in 81 i, to Westfield, N. Y. Although but sixteen years of age, he enlisted in the war of' i812 with his father and his brother George, and was with them at the burning of Buffalo. All of them took the fever and ague, from the effects of which, neither of them fully recovered. After the war, he and his brother George worked at their trade, that of carpenter and joiner. Dec. 20, 1820, he was married to Paulina T., daughter of John Mack, of Hanover. About the year i825, he settled two miles west of the village, where he passed the remainder of his life. In 1833, he united with the Presbyterian Church, of which he was long a ruling elder. Mr. and Mrs. Hall are spoken of as having been persons of exemplary piety, and shedding a hallowed influence alike upon the members of the family and of the society in which they lived. They had five children, all of whom are living: Charlotte, wife of W. P. Culbertson, a lumber merchant and manufacturer, Fulton, Ill. Robert Af., who married Flora A. Driggs, and is a farmer in Westfield; Sophy C., wife of A. C. Crane, loan and real estate agent, San Francisco; Emma M., wife of Stephen G. Nye, a lawyer and county judge of Almeda Co., California; and Frank A., who married Susan B. Loomis, and who is the publisher of the Westield Republican. DAVID HALL was born Oct. 29, 1798, in Connecticut; and was married to Persa Loomis, Dec. 28, i820. Mrs. Hall died Feb. 6, 1844. Mr. H. ::: ~i~::~irji'': ~~::~ ~.c~.~ ~jsil si::x:.~~: ~~:,:r,t:c,: ~~i*j~fi:::- ~:":".:i':l~~gi 111:j:5 iiCX z:~::::: *' ~::'::::::,i''::'..::::::::::,rl Li d:i~:~'~:.:!:*35~$4;231:~::~:::..ir:;~nii ~i:-::~:~:::::i~; :~u i;~? %~;j -sr::-~~-'~i:i F:i i::~::2~ j *it ~:k2 ~:*ic:'i ~i.:G::'~~::':~:i:: -~-pii ": I:: "" ~rtii~: 3rr: ~:~. ~, i: -~~~:~:;::w r:r N:9:!.:::::': ~i 5x:~::i~ C!:IIP~t:+:': ~I~i:r, " Xf\-s:rr~-~c.::"I ~:~h.,)& VI.T: ;:"~*im~IIPX)PiT~ ~~-~ i'4;6 jj.... L.: r:i ~::: ~:~: x: s~! i. "'cx:~;:i ~::~:::~-~:::::1::-:~iJ: f:::;':: +~~~r\:::I :~:~;:~~: xr "a,:,::~:::::::,: : a:::::,:~rj~:uj~hc~:~,~:i::_~::~:~~.::(:i::j ~.~ c C ~~~:;u~:~.~ ::: ~::c~ r-n:::::.:::::::i:~:',i:-::::::'! c~I ~:r:~~;~~,::~.~ e::k-. ..........iiilii'i~i i I::i:::::3 ~~'i...........i: —:::-:i: di:i......... i~ljjiiilij::::iX ~- _............:-: ~c~~~~~~~~:~ ~ ~ ~~~............... ~:~::::i:~::::,::::\:::: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~......................~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:::::-:::::::::::i::-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.................~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~L~~~:~::iijiii l~lii~:::i_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..................';:::::::::::..........~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,~l;~iii:i,~iii:il:,-:i: WESTFIELD. 601 was a blacksmith in the village, for many years. He afterwards engaged in farming, in which business he continued for a number of years. Having become disabled by an acute disease, he disposed of his farm, and retired to his present home one mile east from the village, where he still resides. He was an early member of the Baptist Church; has long been, and is still, one of its deacons. He had 1 children: Mary, adopted daughter of Jonathan Cass, died at I7 Harriet, who died at 28; Sarah, wife of Wm. Montgomery, Lawrence, Kansas; Susan, wife of Jonathan Harris, in Iowa; Martha, who died at 27; Eliza Ann, who married Charles B, Stow, Corry, Pa.; Williami D., who married Henrietta Carlisle, and is one of the proprietors of the M/inneapolis Tribune, Minn.; Joseph H., who married Sarah Johnston, of Westfield, where they reside; Helen, wife of Lucius Lombard, merchant, in Quincy; Amanda M., in Iowa, unmarried; and Emeline A., unmarried, in Lawrence, Kansas. Mr. David Hall married Maria Twing, his present wife, Jan. I, I849. JASPER HARRINGTON, a son of Abijah Harrington, came to Pomfret in 1818, and a few years afterwards removed to Hanover, where his father died. In I827, he came to Westfield, where, for a number of years, he carried on the carding and cloth-dressing business. He subsequently engaged in the tin and copper ware manufacture, and in the stove trade, to which was added the general hardware business. During most of the time he was in partnership with different persons, and, for several years past, with his son, De Witt C. Harrington. He was married to Thankful S. Barnes, who died about ten or twelve years ago. They had 5 children, of whom 3 passed the age of infancy: De Witt C., who married Lucy Carlisle, and is a partner in the hardware trade; Henry J., who married Mary A., daughter of Thomas M. Prendergast; and Ellen E., wife of Dr. John M. Brown. All reside in Westfield. JONAS HARRINGTON, brother of Jasper, came to Westfield in 1837, and commenced the boot and shoe making business, which he has continued, in the village, to the present year, in which he sold out the establishment to Horace Hale. He was married to Ruby Benton, of Hanover, and had 3 children: Ann M., who was married to Jefferson Fraser, of Brooklyn, N. Y., and died in Elmira; Amaret E., who also was married to Mr. Fraser, who had 6 children, of whom 5 are living. He died in Brooklyn, August 24, 1874; she resides with her family, in Brooklyn. Amelia S., the third daughter, is the wife of George W. Holt, of Westfield, for many years, to the present time, engaged in the commerce of the lakes. LEWIS T. HARRINGTON, son of Larkin Harrington, was born in Westfield, in I834, and was married, I852, to Julia L. Dickson, and removed, in 1853, to Sherman. While a resident of Sherman, he served as deputy sheriff six years, and under sheriff three years. In I869, he was elected sheriff, for the term of three years, from the first of January ensuing. Since the expiration of that office, he has again served as deputy sheriff. WATSON S. HINKLEY was born in the state of Massachusetts, Jan. i8, 602 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. 8I 5, and has been a resident of the county since the fall of that year, with the exception of a few years. His father, Solomon Hinkley, was born and reared in Barnstable, Mass., and was a descendant, in the fourth degree, from Thomas Hinkley, of Barnstable, governor of Plymouth Colony, the last eleven years of its colonial existence. His wife was Mercy Otis, of Plymouth, a relative of James Otis, of Revolutionary fame. They removed from Buckland, Berkshire Co., Mass., to Chautauqua Co., N. Y., in the fall of I815, with 8 children, and settled in Pomfret, near Laona, in a house which they occupied as the family homestead for over 30 years, and which is yet stand — ing. Of their children, seven were sons and one a daughter: George, Otis, Solomon, Allen, Hiram, John G., Watson S., and Hannah, the wife of Samuel Barker. All left descendants except Allen, and all are dead except Watson S.; and are buried in Forest Hill Cemetery, near Fredonia, except Otis, in California; Hiram, in Illinois; and John G., in Westfield. Watson S. spent six years in Rochester; two years in the study of medicine, and four in the study of law. He returned to Westfield in June, I841, where he remained in the practice of law till May, I872, when he removed to Cook Co., Ill., near Chicago. He is now president of the First National Bank of Ottawa, Kansas, and resides in the city of Chicago. He married Clara T. Thacher, daughter of Dr. Thacher, of Brockport, N. Y., and has two sons, Charles W., aged 18; and James O., aged i6 years. SEXTUS H. HUNGERFORD was born in Smithfield, Madison county, Jan. 14, i806. When quite young, he removed with his parents to Vernon, Oneida Co. He was the eldest of nine children, and was about 21, when his father died, when the care of a small farm and of a large family devolved upon him. In 1830, he was married to Maria P. Skinner, who survives him. He continued in the farming business, in Vernon, until i837, when he removed to Westfield, and purchased of Joshua R. Babcock a stock of goods, and continued in the mercantile business about 6 years, in connection with his brother-in-law, H. J. Miner, [Hungerford & Miner.] In 1843, he removed to Ripley, on a farm, and, after about two years, returned to Westfield, where he resided until his death, May 15, i867. In 1848, he established the Bank of Westfield, of which he was president, and John N. Hungerford, his brother, cashier. In 1864, he, with others, organized the First National Bank of Westfield. He was for six years, successively, supervisor of this town. He was untiring in his efforts to sustain the government during the late war, devoting much time, gratuitously, to furnishing men and means. By the policy suggested by him, the town escaped the pressure of a heavy war debt. In 1865, he represented this assembly district in the legislature. The several trusts confided to him by his fellow-citizens, were discharged with fidelity and to the general acceptance. He was for many years a ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church, and aided in sustaining the institutions of the church, and of religious and benevolent institutions generally, by personal effort and liberal pecuniary contributions. By his will he bequeathed to the Presbyterian Board of Home Missions and the Theological Seminary, about ..................................:::::..........:i i........ _ j:_ _ j:j_:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::..::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::......................::::::::::::::::_:: _::::::::::_:::::_: I - -. i... ii i iii: i:i::-:i~~i i i~ii............ -.......li::: I: i: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~..........- -....................... -...............................-::ii~i:::::-:-:::::.............................................................~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~:::,:,,,-p...............................::::::::~ ~ ~ ~_' _............~.......................I:ii:: ~ii::Sli~:i::i~.iiiibii::iii'jil i Z~~~~~~~S ~ P:.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~......::: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~........................................: -i iiii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...............:..........:........ Possibilitiess~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~. M`aint aining:~,~~: Giuliani-.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-......... ~M~~~~~~~~~~~~o M E, N is ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::i WESTFIELD. 603 $15,000, and sums of considerable amount to other benevolent institutions. He left no children to inherit his estate. JOHN JOHNSTON, from the north of Ireland, in I826, settled one mile, west of the village of Westfield, on the old James McMahan farm, the first farm cleared in the county, and now owned by Wm. Vorce. Mr. Johnston's sons were William, Hugh, Alexander, John, James, Robert, and Francis; his daughters, Agnes and Elizabeth. In 1836, William, Hugh, and James commenced the mercantile business in the village, in partnership. In I85, Hugh retired, and in I866, William and his son, John W., removed their business to the West; and after two or three years' stay in Dubuque, Iowa, and Ypsilanti, Mich., returned to Westfield in I869, where John W., son of William, still continues the mercantile business. In 1853, William, Hugh, and Alexander commenced the banking business, and continued it until the establishment of the national banking system. Hugh, for the benefit of his health, went, in December, I864, to Fernandina, Florida; and, after a stay of about two months, he started on his return, and died at sea on the passage. His body was brought home for interment. John Johnston, Sr., died in 1852, aged 80 years. William, Hugh, and Francis were married to three daughters of Dea. James Montgomery. Alexander was married to Elizabeth Patterson, of Londonderry, N. H.; John, to Olive Hale, of Ripley; James, to Mary, a daughter of William Bell; Robert, to Julia, daughter of Paul Persons, Jr.; Agnes, to James Cochran, of Ripley; Elizabeth, unmarried. All are members of the Presbyterian Church. THOMAS McCLINTOCK was born in Northumberland Co., Pa., in I768, and emigrated to Erie Co., Pa., in 1798 or r799. In December, 1803, he located land at Canadaway [Fredonia.] He subsequently articled lots or parts of lots 8, I4, 20, on both sides of the creek, and embracing most of the land within the present village of Fredonia. In 1804, he built a cabin, which he occupied in the spring of I805, when David Eason and Low Miniger also made their settlements there. He and they sold their lands about the same time; and all moved to Westfield. McClintock, for several years, kept a tavern in a log house, on the corner east of the Westfield House, on or near the site of the Spencer block, corner of Main and North Portage streets. After three years he sold out and removed east of the site of the present village to the place subsequently known as the Bradley farm; next to the McMahan farm, 2 miles west of Westfield; and thence to Ripley Hill, now in the town of Westfield, wherehis wife died, Feb. 8, 1831, aged 58 years: He married for his second wife widow Adams, emigrated in I834 to Illinois, where he died Sept. II, 1838, aged 70 years. JAMES MCCLURG was born in Ireland, and, when a youth, removed with his family to America. His father took an active part in the famed Irish Rebellion which culminated about the year 1797 or 1798, the object of which was deliverance from Irish grievances. The failure of this object is said to have been the cause of their removal to this country. They first settled in Philadelphia, whence they removed to Pittsburgh, where the father and son 604 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. became extensively engaged in the iron foundry and furnace business. In I8Io, (?) James McClurg came to Westfield; and after the war of 1812 broke out, he returned to Pittsburgh and made cannon for the government at his iron works. These cannon, it is believed, were the first ever made in this country. After the war, he returned to Westfield, where he spent the remainder of his life. He opened a small store, it is said, before he returned to Pittsburgh, which, some say, was the first in the town; which, however, is doubted by others. He was afterwards, for many years, a merchant in Westfield. He erected on or near, the corner of what is now the common, a building used by him a long time. for a store. This is thought to have been the first frame building in the town. Mr. McClurg, Judge Campbell, and Geo. Hall, built the "Westfield Mill" in the village, where the old mill had stood. The Westfield House block and the McClurg brick block on South Portage street were built by him. He purchased what was known as the Eason farm, and divided it into village lots, which now form an important part of the village. While thus investing money in real estate, he contributed to the growth and prosperity of the town. In an obituary notice it is said: "Business was his ruling ambition; and he was quick to see and avail himself of remunerative enterprises. He took a lively interest in public affairs and public men, and frequently mentioned the fact of his having seen President Washington in Philadelphia, in his boyhood days. His religious convictions were of the Presbyterian order; and he was as exact in his observance of the sabbath as he was methodical in his business transactions." He died May 26, 1872, aged 87 years. JAMES MCMAHAN, the pioneer settler of Westfield, an account of whose settlement has been elsewhere given, was born in Northumberland Co., Pa., in March, 1768, and died in Westfield, Dec. 13, I846. His father's name was James; his mother was a Murray. His father was born in Ireland, and came to this country when very young, with his parents. James, the son, was married, July 3, 1795, to Sarah McCord, by whom he had 5 children, all of whom died very young, except Robert and Sarah A. Robert died at the age of 23, of yellow fever, near New Orleans. Sarah A. was married to Austin Smith, Esq., of Westfield. Col. McMahan, before he was married, surveyed in the lake country two seasons. For six months in each year, he saw the face of no white man except his chain-bearers and assistants. He was here surveying the year in which Gen. Wayne fought the Indians in the West. One of his chain-bearers was shot and scalped by the Indians, as they were returning to their encampment, near the mouth of the Broken Straw. The sketch of Col. McMahan's settlement in this town, and the prominence which his name has acquired in the history of this county, render an extended notice of his life in this place unnecessary. JOHN MCMAHAN was born in Chelisquaque, Pa., about 1764, and was raised, in his juvenile years, in a fort erected to protect the inhabitants against Indian depredations. He removed to Chautauqua creek, near its mouth, in 1803, having purchased of Mr. Ellicott, agent of the Holland Comn ............~~~~~~~~~; —~u:~:::::_:::::..............:;:: -:::-: -: - ~:::............~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:i;.-:~~:::::::::::::::::::::::,:,::,:~~,:~i.~:9::~~3~:~-~~i ~ ~...........: A-1::::::::::-.~:~::.j~i~:-: ~~: -:: i ollr:iB::i~i~ii~8'; WESTFIELD. 605 pany, township 4, range 14, containing 22,014 acres, at $2.50 an acre, amounting to $55,035, and paid down $I,035, the remainder to be paid in eight annual installments. He built, in 1804, the first grist-mill erected in the county, about one-fourth of a mile above the mouth of the creek. At the first town-meeting held in Chautauqua, April, 1805, he was elected supervisor of the town, and reelected in i806 and 1807, and met with the board of supervisors of Genesee county at Batavia. He was also appointed, in 80o6, a justice of the peace. He was captain of the first military company in the county, and was promoted to the command of the first regiment in the county, which was at the battle of Buffalo and Black Rock, Dec. 30, i813. After the war, he rose by grade to the office of general. His contract for land proved an unfortunate one, in relation to which it has been remarked: "After having suffered many hardships and privations, being unable to fill the terms of his contract, it was wrested from him by the Company; and, in reduced circumstances, he removed to Mayville, where he died Sept. 22, 1831, aged 66 years." EDWARD McHENRY, from Pennsylvania, settled at the Cross Roads in the spring of 1802, being the first settler with his family on the John McMahan tract. James McMahan, though he had previously built a cabin and made a clearing, did not bring in his,family.until after McHenry's arrival. The death of the latter by drowning on Lake Erie, in i803, has been mentioned elsewhere [page 74.] His was the first death in the county, and the sermon at his funeral was the first ever preached in the county. The preacher was Joseph Badger, who was attending a meeting of the Erie Presbytery at Colt's Station, Pa., and was sent by that body to perform the service. Mr. Henry was keeping a tavern at the time of his death, which was continued by his widow, who afterwards married James Perry, who, a few years after, left home to be absent a few days, but was never heard of since. Having some money3 he was supposed to have been murdered. Mrs. Perry continued the tavern, which was for many years a place for public meetings, trainings, etc. She died in Ripley at the advanced age of upwards of 80 years. Three sons of McHenry are still living in the county: Alexander, in Ripley; and Hiram and John, in Westfield, the last mentioned being the first white person born in the county. All the others are believed to be dead. Alexander was married to Lydia Royce, and had several children. A daughter, Martha, deceased, was married to William Perry, who was for many years a justice of the peace, and now resides at Quincy. Another daughter, Sarah Jane, is the wife of John Ely, formerly of Ripley, now residing in Virginia. John McHenry was married, and had several children, all believed to have gone West. His wife died many years ago. JOHN H. MINTON, son of James Minton, was born in Auburn, N. Y., September 2, I8I7. When he was 7 years old, his father died; and, in 1829, he came with his mother's family to Portland, and settled near Brocton. At a very early age, he engaged as clerk for B. F. Post, a merchant in Brocton. A few years later, he was employed as a clerk in the store of Baldwin & 606 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. McWhorter in Westfield. In I843, he formed a partnership with Edwin Buck in the mercantile business; and, after about 8 years, he became sole proprietor of the concern, and continued the business until his death, November 18, 1867. He was married, Dec. 17, 1843, to Harriet L. Coney, and had six children: Henry J., who was born October 31, I844; Julia F., born September 20, I846, and died at 3; Charles C., born October 24, r85o; Clara H., born July 4, 1852; married, November, 1873, Rev. H. S. Westgate, and resides at Kingston, N. Y.; Hattie M., born September 30, i859; Fanny and Susan, born January 24, i868; the latter died in infancy. JAMES MONTGOMERY was born in Mifflin Co., Penn., Sept. 12, 1783, and settled, in 1803, in Westfield, 2 miles west of the village. There were then but a few families in the county. The town of Chautauqua was formed from the town of Batavia in 1804; and at the first election of town officers, held in I805, Mr. Montgomery was elected town clerk, and was subsequently elected to other town offices. He was one of the constituent members of the Presbyterian Church formed at the Cross Roads, [Westfield,] in i8o8, and one of its ruling elders. And on its reorganization in 1817, he was chosen to the same office, which he held during the remainder of his life. He was justly regarded as one of its strongest pillars. By one who had for many years been his pastor, he is said to have " exhibited a Christian manhood such as is rarely found-great faculties of mind-great intellectual strength-a tenacious adherence to principles he had adopted." But "his character was not fully comprehended if we did not look upon him as a Christian man. His reason admired the wisdom of God in the system of the gospel. He considered the atonement of Jesus Christ as the basis of his own salvation; and loved the gospel and its institutions better than any earthly thing." He married Sarah Taylor, of Penn., and had 1 children: I. [illianm, drowned in the creek at Westfield, at the age of 14. 2. Alexander, principal of Westfield academy; afterwards minister of Presbyterian churches at Beaver Dam, Wis.; Chicago, Ill.; and Beloit, Wis., where he died in I858. 3. Victoria, wife of Wn. Johnston, of Westfield. 4. lealnor, wife of Hugh Johnston; [see Johnston Family.] 5. hramzilton, married, and removed to Beaver Dam, Wis.; served in the late war, and was drowned in Duck river, Tennessee. 6. Julia B., wife of Isaac Cochran. 7. William, who married Sarah Hall, daughter of David Hall, of Westfield, and is a lawyer in Lawrence, Kansas. 8. Sarah A., wife of Francis Johnston, and resides in Missouri. 9. James, who removed with his family to Clinton, Iowa, (?) and died there. 20. Joseph Addison, married, and resides in Chicago. i. Hug/, unmarried, and resides in Kansas. Deacon Montgomery's mother died in Center Co., Pa., in Feb., 1803, and in March, I803, he came to Westfield. After boarding about two years with Arthur Bell, whose wife was Mr. Montgomery's sister, he was married to Sarah Taylor, June 29, i8o5, who was born in Dauphin Co., Penn., Oct. 28, 1787. She died suddenly at her old home in Westfield, March 2, 186I. She was an exemplary Christian lady. ::::(: ~.::~:=I:~~ —:~:~: ~::::::::::-:::::r:~:-::::::~il::~vli;4i::: I~:~:: i:iil 2; I:; i% liS:I::i~~:~~;~~!~:~:::; il,~:e:!Y:::i lli ~'~i`:u~.:lsil.i;~2si i I;;i~;;C~ -,~~~ ~li z ~~;i~~~ Dil C::n\::h? %/:~ I:":::::'~:;:-::'r?:l'!;i:~c': liii)iiizi:: ~~,~:r ~,:~:; 51 aa; iljii I~: /o~:;ii~il'~i~~i~:Is~.: ~;~ i i: iq"L;l/ii i;:ii,~~-::.::,::i:::::::i i ~::::::,.:~::::~;: -i::: isii::~:':'~~I:::'~::':;-~' ~ ~" t'f ri::,ilii ~i!;":: j:;::~:::::,:- I:-::::,:~.~;: Y;: iis::::_~~::::::~:~;:~::'~.jl i~li:;: ~~~~~~':.i~:.B:; ".!i~": iur, I:~ ~-:~'":h-~% I~::: illij;( iii,,i: Iii-'''" ~'~::;~:;;" i ~ i Icm i! I//,~i~;::~~"rz:-;i C1..'i: i,:: lii !jli ii~! i:::''';;~'P:i i i/: I:~ . i,~~~ ~ /i ~ ~~~.:.:.: WB; L~:::::i:i:isi:Y:iii:~I:~:i~.:;::::,.:,~; ~~.~::~-II::~:~-:~::lij~;:i::i~iii:i::::::::::::::::~i:i::: ~:i::~:::':::::::::::.~i~;'~;::~:~::I::'?:'::'''''l:-5liii:;iii:;il::''':::: -'~:-~::: ~~~~~ WESTFIELD. 607 JONATHAN NICHOLS, born July 25, I754, at Bolton, Mass., went to Orange Co., Vt., at the beginning of the Revolutionary war, in which he was a private under Gen. Stark, and was wounded at the battle of Bennington, just before Burgoyne's surrender, and drew a pension till his death. In the fall of 1813, he removed with his family to Westfield, N. Y., the journey requiring six weeks with a three-horse team. His children were Lorrel, Olney, Orvis, Achsah, Wiseman C., Chloe, Jonathan Sackett, and Lucinda, of whom only Lorrel and Wiseman C. are living. Mr. Nichols held the office of sheriff in Vt. for several years. His son Orvis was for many years postmaster at Westfield; Wiseman was a justice in Westfield, and a deputy sheriff of Chautauqua Co., and was for many years a magistrate in Cardington, 0., where he resides. Jonathan Nichols died on the farm in 1842, aged 88. LORREL NICHOLS, son of Jonathan, was born Feb. 9, 1794; came with the family to Westfield; became the owner of the farm, which he occupied until his removal to the village of Westfield in 1869. He served as corporal in the war of I812, being stationed most of the time at Black Rock. He was married in Oneida Co., in 1826, to Sarah Knight, of Vermont, an educated lady, for many years a teacher in a popular seminary. She taught her children at home, never sending them to school until they commenced the study of the classics. She died in 1864, aged 7I, having had three children, only one of whom survived her. Their names were D. Azro A., Hervey Brayton, and Henry Leach. Hervey was arising lawyer in Texas, and had been president of Gonzales College. He was killed by the explosion of a boiler on the steamer Pennsylvania, in June, 8I58, 7'0 miles below Memphis, being on his way from Texas, to visit the family at Westfield. His body was found 530 miles below the place of the accident, being identified by the college pin fastened on his shirt. Henry L. had been a professor in Gonzales College, and was killed at Port Hudson, La., during Gen. Banks' memorable attack on that place, June 13, 1863. D. Azro A. was married to Clarissa A. Dickson, in Ripley, June I, I852. They have three children: Sarah E., Mary E., and Lorrel B. Mr. N. was for two years connected with the Daily News, Springfield, O.; afterwards with a Chicago agricultural journal; and is now one of the editors of the Albany Covuztry Gentlemian. GEORGE W. PATTERSON, son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Wallace) Patterson, was born in Londonderry, N. H., Nov. II, 1799, and was the youngest of twelve children, eleven of whom lived to mature age. He received a common school and an academic education in his native town; and, at the age of' 8, he taught a common school, in his native state, for three months. and, at the close of the term, he came to Groveland, Ontario, now Livingston Co., N. Y., with his brother William, who was ten years older than himself, where they were engaged in the manufacture and sale of fanning mills, and remained in that town and Sparta till the spring of 1822, when he came to Ripley, and carried on the same business until the autumn of 1824. He then purchased a farm in Leicester, Livingston Co., and erected on it a dwelling house; and, on the 24th of February, I825, he was married to 608 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Hannah Whiting Dickey, daughter of John Dickey, Esq., of York, Livingston Co., formerly of Londonderry, N. H. He was engaged in farming and fanning-mill making at Leicester, until May, 1841, when he came to Westfield and took charge of the Chautauqua land-office. While residing in Leicester, he held the offices of supervisor and justice of the peace, and was elected to the assembly eight years, the last two of which he was speaker of the house. He was elected as a delegate to the constitutional convention of 1846, from the county of Chautauqua; and, in 1848, he was elected lieutenant-governor, on the ticket with Hon. Hamilton Fish, who was elected governor. He has two children: George W., Jr., and Hannah. DANIEL C. NORTHROP, a native of Lenox, Mass., resided successively in Penfield, Painesville, 0., and in the west part of Westfield, on the Erie road, and, in i816, removed to where his son Joseph now resides, 2 miles southwest of the village, and where he died in 1854, aged 72 years. His wife was Ann, a daughter of WVm. McBride, an early settler near the state line, in Erie county, Pa. Mr. Northrop served in the war of 1812, first in Capt. James McMahan's company; afterwards in Capt. Moses Adams' company, and was at the battle of Buffalo. For these services, his widow, now living with her son Joseph, has become the recipient of a pension. He had 4 sons and 6 daughters. Of the sons living, William and Joseph reside in this town, and Robert M. in Michigan. Of the daughters, Eliza A. was married to N. Hart; Martha, to J. D. Murdock, Canada; Mary, to Wm. Dick, Sherman; Lucy, to Thomas Quayle, Garden City, Minn. Joseph married Abigail Bunker, from Vt.; and has 2 sons living, John L. and Schuyler. LORENZO F. PHELPS, from Warsaw, in 1835, commenced business in Westfield, as a journeyman harness-maker and saddler; and, in 1838, he began business on his own account, which he continued until I87I. Several years before the latter year, his son Augustus F. was partner in the business. While pursuing his trade with industry and success, he commenced dealing in Buffalo robes, making his purchases in the Far West. In this trade, which he prosecuted for a number of years, on a very large scale, he was eminently successful. In 1871, he turned his attention to the banking business, and, in connection with his son Augustus, established an individual bank, of which they are the only proprietors, and of which a younger son, Charles C., is cashier. Mr. Phelps was married, Oct. 15, I839, to Cornelia Dustin, of Ripley. They have five children: Helen R., wife of Seneca Durand, a merchant in Ypsilanti, Mich.; Augustus F., who married Minerva Sage, of Fredonia; Amelia R.; Frances C., who married Carson R. Crossgrove, and resides in the village; and Charles C. ALVIN PLUMB was born at Paris, Oneida Co., Sept. 6, I802, and came to Fredonia in 1816, with his elder brothers, Joseph and Ralph, who established a store in that place. From 1820, he was for several years a clerk in stores at Rochester and Geneva; and at the latter place he also attended school at the academy. In 1824, he commenced the mercantile business at Jamestown, and continued it until 1832 or I833. He was also engaged in the milling :.W.: g A lP viii::::: i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:f ~ ~ ~ ~ 7! v Ai:~~~ L:EZ WESTFIELD. 609 business 4 miles below Jamestown. He was in r833 a member of assembly, and again in 1837. From Jan. I, 1843, he was county clerk for the term of 3 years. At the expiration of his official term, he removed to Westfield, where he was engaged for many years in the purchase and sale of lands in the county. He was among the first to propose the running of a steamboat on Chautauqua lake. A company was formed for this purpose; and a boat commenced running from Jamestown to Mayville the 4th of July, i828. On the 4th of August, I87T, as the steamboat Chautauqua was about to land at Mayville, her boiler exploded, killing 8 persons, and severely injuring several others, among whom was Mr. Plumb, who was badly crippled for life. He has been an active friend of the temperance and anti-slavery causes. He was married in 1832 to Mary Ann Davis, of Westfield, and had 5 children, of'whom two died young. The living are: i. Elizabeth, wife of Capt. Harmon J. Bliss, who was in the. late war, and killed in the battle of Chancellorsville, leaving a son, Harmon J. 2. Arthur R., who also was in the late war, and was severely wounded in the second battle of Bull Run. He resides at Carthage, Missouri.. 3. Samuel Davis, who married Sarah Ingraham, and resides in Niagara Co., N. Y. JAMES PRATT, from Pawlet, Vt., settled, in I829, on lot 43, tp. 3, r. 14. He was married, first, to Philena, daughter of Seth Sheldon, and had 3 children: Sarah Jane, wife of Ira Marshall, of Clymer; Merritt, deceased, who had been married to Jennett Case; and Dewitt C., who resides in Montana. Mr. Pratt's second wife was Sarah T. Pulman; his third, Mary Matilda Clark,. of North-east. He was several times elected an assessor of the town; and held the office of justice of the peace about 15 years. In r868, he removed to the village of Westfield, where he resides. DANIEL ROCKWELL, from Hampton, Washington Co., N. Y., came to Warsaw in 1820 or 1821, where, for several years, he, in connection with John Crocker, [Rockwell & Crocker,] carried on the hat manufacture, when he sold out his interest, and, early in I825, removed to Westfield and reestablished himself in the same business, which he continued many years. During the latter part of this time, he was associated with Augustin U. Baldwin, in the mercantile business, both branches of business being carried on by the firm. Mr. Rockwell was married, in Warsaw, to Clarissa Hough. They had 4 children: Lansing, who died in infancy; Rollin D., who married Helen Elizabeth Mann, and resides in Westfield; Walter, who died at I9; and Frederick A., who married Alice Magrath, Rouseville, Pa., and died May 18, 1874, aged 31. STEPHEN RUMSEY was born in Woodbury, Conn., June I, I785, and removed to Vermont. In I827, he removed to Washington Co., N. Y.; thence to Westfield in 183i. He served as Ist lieutenant in the war of I8I2. He was a merchant in early life, and pursued that business many years in Westfield, and was for a time interested in the manufacture of leather. He made a profession of religion at the age of 15, and was thenceforward a faithful laborer in the cause of his Master. He was regular in the observance of the 39 61o HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. appointments of the church, and actively cooperated in every good work, especially in the cause of sabbath schools. In the summer of 1833, he superintended four, and in I834 five, sabbath schools in the hill country in this town, In the summer of 1834, he changed his relation from the Baptist to the Presbyterian Church. He died in Westfield, July 31, I873, aged 88 years. WILLIAM SEXTON, born April 11, 1796, came from Manchester, Vt., to Westfield in I8I7, and has resided here to the present time. He bought land in Ripley, and was engaged for several years in farming, and in running a saw-mill in Westfield. He was for many years a constable and collector, and afterwards supervisor. He was sheriff of the county for 3 years, from January, I834; and for about 20 years a justice of the peace. He had 4 sons, of whom George and Charles both died at 23. William, who married Lydia Starr, and Edwin, who married Jennett Averill; both reside in the village. He had 2 daughters: Electa, widow of Edgar A. Robbins; and Mary S., widow of Hon. Henry A. Prendergast. Mrs. Sexton died in May, I875. HERMAN SIXBEY was born in Montgomery county, Sept. 8, I838, and removed with his parents to Michigan, about the year I839, where his father died. The family soon after removed to Chautauqua county, Herman being about 6 years old. He served as clerk in the store of Miller, Cooley & Morris in Sherman. At the age of i8, he went to Westfield, and was for several years a clerk in the store of Jared R. Babcock. In i860, he engaged in trade on his own account. In 1862, he enlisted in the II2th regiment, company E, of N. Y. volunteers, as a private, and was promoted to the offices of sergeant and Ist lieutenant. At the explosion of the mine in front of Petersburg, Va., July 30, 1864, under Gen. Burnside, Lieut. Sixbey fell in the engagement, his face shattered by a bullet. He was disabled from further service; conveyed to the hospital, and received his discharge, Feb. 8, I865. He was in I866 appointed assistant assessor of the United States internal revenue, which office he subsequently resigned. In 1873, he was elected county clerk, which office he still holds. He was married, Aug. 3, 1863, to Mary Ann, daughter of Edwin Buck, of Westfield, and has had 4 children, of whom De Witt and Mary Adelia are living. Mr. Sixbey's father, Charles Sixbey, was of Holland descent; the ancestors of his mother were from England, and were among the early settlers of Massachusetts. AUSTIN SMITH was born at Lansing, Tompkins Co., N. Y. His father had emigrated to that place the year before from Peekskill, N. Y. He was a farmer and had a large family of children. Austin early determined to procure a classical education, and to study law. This he accomplished by his own exertions. He graduated at Hamilton College, in July, 1826, having taken the second honor in his class, the salutatory address. He was employed the same year as principal of Fredonia academy; being its first teacher, and that being the first academy in the county. The school soon acquired a high reputation, which it maintained, almost uninterruptedly, until it was :::: -!:!i!::ili"-llii i:1:ii_::_ i:_:::::::::-_-::-: liliiijii:i:i:ii::ii -ii- iii:ii-:ii -ii -i-:::::I-:;I:;!_ -- -—::.-:-:-.::'::':':-'I:~.;:::.:~ iii ii ii-i:j:_-i:.i:Pi'iiS::::: ii5?:::`:'iiiii:ltii;ii:-:ii.:ii3i:I:~i~iij'ii~:i,,:i:P::li:iil:ii_ i i i:iii ii:;.I-I~:I-~~:~.'j~':I~ji:;:~ iiiiiji~lliii _ii: ii:aajiiii;ii;il:iii;iiiii:ijiil- I~iiii:i ii:j';;s~~l';:i;iiiiii;iii~ii:iiriiiiir:li::i:ili:ii'iiijj'':l:::::i;:''j'.i;::r:1 "ijrillii iiBiiiiiiii.'i-iil:;':l'l;i: i c~- ii:;::~:IBiii~-iiiiii:-l!-il:i i ii:_:i.-: -:::::i.i,:ii:::-::_:::::- -: ii:iii:iii':-ii iii:- - iiiii;:ii:i:::ji: i'i:l:-i:::i:: il'i ii,: iij Bjiii:.li:ii-~i~ii:::i-liiiii-i::I:I iiii'ii ikiiliaiiii:iiiili:ili:ii —ii~::: -I: IIDiirii -i~ i-l;i il:-l:i $::l.'i:::::i.:-111 I I'iil iiiiii ji::::":I"I8li:Ill:-:i:::i::::::,, i:i::i1-I-:I::-:-:: I:i I!:iiii it8iitRi~::':w.:e 18ii R.Bla::~,:ls:~il:;:r.:: i: -':':':':::idlili:liil'ilii:::::i - i'::~:: Ih "-"; "-'':^:'::ls-98 j-. -::::::ii:' i-'I':I''''' 8~ill:!: ~ 4? 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Mr. Smith entered the office of Mullett & Crane as a student, soon after he came to Fredonia, and pursued his law studies while teaching. In February, i830, he was admitted to practice in the common pleas of Chautauqua county, and soon after in the supreme court. In April, he removed to Westfield, and commenced practice as a partner of the late Hon. Abram Dixon; and he has continued in the practice of the law in that place ever since. He is the oldest member of the bar of this county now living, except -Hon. Abner Hazeltine, of Jamestown. In I850, he was elected a member of assembly, and reelected in I85I. In I851, he was a member of the judiciary committee; and, in 1852, he was chairman of the committee of ways and means. In 1839, he was appointed, by Gov. Seward, surrogate of Chautauqua county; but the senate, a majority of its members being of the democratic party, did not concur in the appointment. In 1840, he was reappointed, and held the office four years. On recommendation of Secretary Chase, he was appointed, in 1853, examining agent of the treasury department for South Carolina and Florida; and afterwards tax commissioner of Florida, etc. In 1828, Mr. Smith was married to Sarah A. McMahan, daughter of Col. James McMahan, whose name is conspicuous in this history. SILAS SPENCER was born in Windham Co., Conn., Dec. i6, 1788. After a residence in Ogdensburgh, N. Y., he came to Westfield, in December, 1817, where he settled as a physician, and where he still resides, at the age of 87 years. He was married to Harriet Goodrich, daughter of Gideon Goodrich, of Ripley, and had six children, two sons and four daughters, of whom the following are living: John, a physician in Westfield; Mary, wife of Butler G. Noble, employed in the New York custom-house; and Sarah, wife of Rev. Henry W. Beers, of Ogdensburgh. Dr. Silas Spencer served in the war of I812, and receives a pension for such service. JOHN SPENCER, son of Dr. Silas Spencer, was born May 3, 182 r, in the village of Westfield, where he still resides. He spent the year I838 in traveling, treating deformities of the feet and limbs, with a surgical apparatus, for which he had a patent. The last two years of his medical studies were spent under the instructions of Doctors Delamater and Ackley, of Cleveland, Ohio, where he completed his medical education, graduating from Cleveland Medical College, in 1842. He soon after commenced the practice of his profession in Westfield, paying more particularly his attention to surgery. In I843, he was elected professor of surgery in Franklin Medical College, at St. Charles, Illinois, in which his old instructor, Dr. Delamater, occupied the chair of Practice. The college was soon after removed to Chicago, and reorganized; and a professorship proving far from remunerative, he resigned the position, returned to Westfield, and resumed practice there. In i86I, 612 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. he was appointed, by Gov. Morgan, examining surgeon for the 9th regiment of cavalry, which was organized and mustered into the United States service, in Westfield. In the fall of that year, he was commissioned regimental surgeon of the 9th cavalry, with Dr. George Bennett, of Erie, Pa., as assistantsurgeon. He was with McClellan during the early part of the campaign; but for reason of continued ill health, he resigned his commission in the spring of 1863. Dr. Spencer, from the competence which he has accumulated, has contributed to the attractiveness of his native village, by building a fine residence and the "Spencer Block," in the second and third stories of which is constructed "Virginia Hall," a fine and commodious audience room, named after his daughter. He has been president of the village, and for a number of years a member of the board of education of Westfield academy; and he has been United States examining surgeon for -invalid pensioners, since i865. He was married, in 1848, to Amelia Hillibert, only daughter of John Hillibert, a merchant of Washington Co., N. Y., and has three children: John H., an officer and stockholder in the National Bank of Warren, Pa.; William G., an assistant surgeon in the regular army of the United States, commissioned in January, I875, ordered to Nashville, Tenn., and is now post surgeon at Lebanon Barracks, Kentucky; and a daughter, Virginia, residing with her parents in Westfield. PHILIP L. STEPHENS, from Schoharie Co., N. Y., came, in 1809, and settled in the north-east corner of Ripley, lot 2, on the lake road, farm lately owned by James Nixon, now by Matthew Wallace. He removed, a few years after, to the main road, in Westfield, near the west line, on the land now owned by his sons, Hugh C. and Lanson P. In the year 1859, he removed to the village of Westfield, where he died in i86i. He was a soldier in the war of I812. He was married to Elizabeth Hale, by whom he had 13 children, all of whom but one reached mature age. Hugh C. married Jennett Russell, and has a son, Walter, and a daughter, Jessie. Lanson P. married Eunice Whitehill, and has 3 children, Elizabeth, Philip L., and George. P. L. Stephens married for his second wife Jane Cochran, who survives him, and resides in Ripley. EBER STONE was born in Guilford, Conn., Sept. 7, 1773; removed in I797 or I798 to Cortland Co., N. Y., and was married in 800o to Betsey Atwater. In the winter of I813-14, with his wife, 5 sons and i daughter, he came to Westfield, where a 6th son was born. Mr. Stone was for several years engaged in the milling business, in partnership with Amos Atwater, his brother-in-law. The mill stood on, or nearly on, the site of the present Westfeld Mill. Mrs. Stone died Oct. 3, I84I. Mr. Stone was an elder in the Presbyterian Church, and died Nov. 2, 1845. On his way homeward from a religious meeting in a very dark evening, he stepped from the high, perpendicular bank of the Chautauqua creek, near the site of the present bridge, and was killed. His children were: I. Austinz, who married Harriet Tinker, and had two children. After her death, he married Maria Moore. They live in Westfield, Wis. 2. Rzussell, who married Julia Ann Tower, o~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i:::il:.;i:i~;i::'.:::::; ~:::::::;i-i:::::::; I-::::::-i: i.: _::i:~ -::::.::::::: ~ ~:: ~.:. ~:~ ~:!.::s:~..:~.':::::::::)........... -~~.::i::::_:i:.:::'i:::;~jl:.::l:- ~l::i:.i:i::!::_::,;::::_::: -:::::-:::.:::::::::i~:.;::: _:-::i:~::'~$: l:*:::::AM:::'::::" ~;.:F:.::~::::.:::::::::::::l:i;:::::::::i: —~~:::::: Id:~.i i:.t':l.j;i:ij".:I:::::~ ;;~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ - -: — f-; -----—.-evamr I | = Ac.y t;tiAdfM ----- ---— ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: _::::::-:::: -—, - i? = -- - ------ -:ffffffffff300-iS --—._:::: tS _ —-- -- iE~~~~~~~~~~~~~:;;:;:'::_'D', _ S'I 00000-ff:_:: ft00::: ~ ~~~~~~~~::::_:::::-::; WESTFIELD. 6I3 Portland. They live in Fairwater, Wis. 3. Rhoda, who married Hiram Couch, whose family is elsewhere noticed. 4. Lester, who married Julia Bradley, daughter of Wm. Bradley, formerly of Westfield, who removed to Broadhead, Wis., where he died. The children of Lester Stone are Lydia W., who lives with her father; Robert L., partner of his father in the woolen manufacturing business; Lavinia, a professional teacher; and Julia M., at home. 5. Asa A. died at Cincinnati, unmarried. 6. Amos M. removed to Tennessee, thence to Texas, where he died. 7. Joshua, a physician, who married Eliza, daughter of Charles J. J. Ingersoll, formerly editor of the Tlestfeld Messenger. HIRAM TIFFANY came, in 1831, from Vermont to Mayville, where he established himself in the manufacture of leather and boots and shoes. He subsequently bought the tannery of Philip Lazell, in Stockton, and removed to that town. About a year afterward he sold his establishment, and came to Westfield, and built a tannery on the west side of the creek, where the present tannery of Gardner & Wannenwiths is located, and which is still conducted by them. Mr. Tiffany has two children. REUBEN TINKER was born in Chester, Hampden county, Mass., August 6, 1799. His father, although a farmer, was for thirty years the schoolmaster at the center of the town, and did considerable business in the sale of books, which revealed his taste for literature. His mother, whose maiden name was Maria Bliss, of Springfield, Mass., was of a large and influential family, whose record in the state will never be forgotten; and being a devoted Christian, she early " lent him to the Lord," and desired that God would so control and modify the circumstances of his future life, that he should enter the sacred ministry. At the age of 14, he found employment in his native town, which he held four years; after that, with the exception of one term in Westfield (Mass.) academy, he was occupied at Winsted and Hartford, until he reached his majority. During the last year of his apprenticeship, in a revival at Hartford, he was hopefully converted; and, under a controlling desire to serve his new Master, as soon as the necessary arrangements could be made, he entered the preparatory school at Amherst, and, in 1823, he entered Amherst College, and graduated in 1827. During his college course, he was sustained, almost entirely, by his own self-denying efforts. His penmanship was remarkably fine; and he often turned his skill in this to his pecuniary advantage. In October, 1827, he entered Auburn Seminary, and during his three years' course, a constantly increasing desire to serve the Master in a foreign field took possession of him, and culminated in his senior year, in his offering himself to the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, as a missionary to the heathen. His services were accepted; and although he had expressed a desire to. be sent to Greece, he acquiesced in the decision of the prudential committee, when they designated the Sandwich Islands as his field of labor. In his seminary course he ranked high as a scholar and a genius; so that, when Tinker's turn came to deliver an address or a sermon, all expected such a treat as none but Tinker could 614 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. furnish. He clothed his thoughts in language peculiarly his own; and his fertile imagination enabled him to illustrate and enforce his utterances by metaphors which only his genius could bring to his aid. These characteristics of him may be best exhibited by an anecdote. One Sunday he occupied the pulpit of the First Presbyterian Church in Erie, Pa. On Monday morning, the sermons of the sabbath were a general subject for conversation where friends met. At a furnace, where a large number of men were employed, all had something to say about the preacher and his sermons. At length one, a veteran among them, and perhaps their oracle, ended the talk by saying: "Shop-mates, I also will give my opinion. When God made that man, he broke up the pattern." Mr. Tinker had seven children; the first five of whom were born at the Sandwich Islands. i. Samueld Hubbard, who resides at Westfield. 2. Joseph Emerson, a Presbyterian minister, now at Portville, Cattaraugus Co. 3. Sarah Hills, married, and has a daughter. 4. Robert Hall, a manufacturer of agricultural implements, at Rockford, Ill. 5. Mary Wood, who married Dr. Leon F. Harvey, and resides in Buffalo. 6. Abbie Marina, who was born April 18, 1841, on the Atlantic ocean, during the voyage home; was married to Rev. Henry Pierson, now at Titusville Pa. 7. Elizabeth, born at Madison, Ohio; married Dr. George T. Moseley, and died in March, 1871, at'Titusville. WILLIAM VORCE came with his father, Jedediah Vorce, from Saratoga county to Ellery, in I8Io. In I850, he removed to Westfield, on the farm on which Col. James McMahan first settled, subsequently owned by the Johnstons, and where Mr. Vorce now resides. He was sheriff of the county for the constitutional term of three years, from January, 1858. He married Caroline Leet, and had 3 sons: Hiram, the eldest, who married Mary Ann McGinness, and was killed in the late war, at Petersburg, Va., January 28, 1864; La Fayette, another son, who died at Cleveland, O., in 1854. AUSTIN L. WELLS was born October 6, 800o, in Canada, during a briet residence there of his parents. His father was a native of Brattleboro', Vt. A. L. Wells went to Utica in 181o; thence to Erie Co., in 1824. In T828, he removed from Buffalo to Westfield, and worked there at the hatter's trade for several years, part of the time in partnership with Daniel Rockwell, to whom he sold his interest in 1839. He was four years a justice of the peace; since which time he has been engaged in the insurance business. He was married at South Wales, Erie Co., N. Y., to Fanny Russell, daughter of John Russell, and has a daughter, Harriet E., wife of James N. Matthews, one of the proprietors of the Blufftalo Commercial Advertiser. REUBEN WRIGHT, a native of Connecticut, removed to Redfield, Oswego Co., N. Y., and thence to Ohio. After a short residence there, he came to Westfield, in I814, and established the carding and cloth-dressing business on the west side of the creek, near the present site of Rorig's mill and brewery, which business he continued until 1829. He then bought a farm about a mile east from the village, where he died in 1847; the farm now owned by James O. Guile. A public house was for many years kept there by a son of i~~~~~~~~l:-~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~nda.' X;~ ~~~ m Kw ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:i~Yii:.: \ Ai ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~l.-:~:::~:.::::::::::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~....... i 5~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..... i~~~~~~~~~~~L "' ~::::::::'' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~xa. !'~i~/~'~i~'i'.,,'~t~......~,.~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.......,,{I~~A~:~"~ I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I`. A 5~ ~ ~ ~ ~~4A 4~~~~4. IN...........~~4>.1 / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~....%. WESTFIELD. 615 Mr. Wright, and was distinguished as the "Drovers' Home." Reuben Wright had 7 children, the first of whom died in infancy. The others, all living and married, are Allen, who married Emily Persons, and resides in Westfield; Betsey, the wife of Thomas Knight; Charlotte, wife of Edward Bradley; removed to Illinois, where he died, and where she still resides; Reuben G., who married Cora E. Pierce; Franklin M., who married Elizabeth Royce, of Ripley; and Martha, wife of Warren, removed to California -all but two residing in Westfield. SHERMAN WILLIAMS, son of Alexander Williams, of Glade, Warren Co., Penn., was born March io, I842, in Harmony, Chautauqua Co., where his father then resided. He received an academic education at Westfield academy, where he was attending school when he enlisted, Sept. 28, i86i, in company G, 49th regiment N. Y. S. volunteers, commanded by Capt. (afterward Col.) Jeremiah C. Drake. He served in the 49th regiment till Feb., 1864, participating in the siege of Yorktown, and in the battles of Williamsburg, Mechanicsville, Garnett's Farm, Savage's Station, White Oak Swamp, and Malvern Hill. On account of continued illness, brought on by exposure in the swamps of the Chickahominy and in the field, he was unable to endure. the hardships of field duty, and was then transferred to the Veteran Reserve Corps, and detailed as clerk, in the office of Gen. William Hayes, provost marshal-general for the southern district of New York, and stationed at New York city, where he was honorably discharged at the expiration of his term of service. In I865-66, he was cashier of the Western Union Telegraph Company. He returned to Chautauqua, and was engaged in teaching school. In the spring of i869, he was elected collector of the town of Westfield. In i871, he was appointed under sheriff of the county, and held the position three years. In November, 1869, he was elected treasurer of the county. He is now serving his second term of three years, which will expire at the close of the year I875. CHURCHES. The Presbyterian Church of Westfield was formed in I8o8, the Rev. John Lindsley, a missionary, officiating on the occasion. This was the first organized church in the county. It was called the Chautauqua Church, being then in the town of Chautauqua, which included the western part of the county; Pomfret having been formed in March of the same year and embracing the remainder of the county. The church was attached to the Presbytery of Erie. Its early records having been lost, little of its early history can be obtained. It seems to have begun early to decline, and continued to decline, until it had little more than a nominal existence. It appears, however, that, in i817, efforts were made for its revival. On the 25th of June, was formed, in pursuance of a general law of the state, the " First Presbyterian Society in the 4th township, I4th range, in the County of Chautauqua." Eber Stone, James Montgomery, Nathaniel Bird, David Higgins, William M. Riddell, and Jonathan Harmon were elected trustees; Jonathan 616 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Cass, clerk; Calvin E. Macomber, treasurer; Fenn Deming, collector. The members resided in Portland and Ripley. On the 7th of November, 1817, a new organization of the church was effected. There was probably no longer a regular session; for we find in the minutes, that " a session was formed, consisting of Rev. Johnston Eaton, Rev. Phineas Camp, James Montgomery, and Thomas Robinson." In their minutes they refer to the previous condition of the church, as having been "but poorly and irregularly supplied with preaching," and " become worse than extinct," and add: "God having lately, in a remarkable manner, revived his work within its bounds, it was deemed expedient to examine into its state, and if found to have a real existence, to correct and restore its discipline." The following is copied from its minutes: " Having endeavored, after much deliberation on the subject, to correct its disorders in part, and rebuild the Presbyterian Church in this place, we resolved to consider as united in church fellowship, the following original members, they having been previously examined: James Montgomery, Sarah Montgomery, Sarah McMahan, Eleanor Bell, Charlotte Parker, Anna Andrews. Thirteen additional members were then admitted on examination and certificate, namely: Martha Royce, Harriet Peck, Joel Loomis, Jennet Stetson, Alexander Lowry, Judith Talcott, Eber Stone, Betsey Stone, John Fay, John Gibson, Eleanor Gibson, Hannah Bird. Twentyfour others were admitted on examination only. A meeting-house was built in i821 or 1822, on South Portage. street, near the site of the present residence of Alfred Patterson. It was subsequently sold for a dwelling and removed to Pearl street, near the residence of George W. Holt, its present owner. The second church edifice was a brick structure on the site of the present one; was erected in i832, and burned in April, I872. The present church building was commenced in June, i873, and completed in October, i874, at a cost of $35,ooo. The trustees of the society at the time of its erection, were Thomas D. Strong, Joseph H. Plumb, Henry C. Kingsbury, James Johnston, Reuben G. Wright, and George W. Patterson. The trustees of the society, at the time of its organization, June 23, 1817, were James Montgomery, Eber Stone, Nathaniel Bird, David Higgins, Win. M. Riddle, and Jonathan Harmon. The settled ministers of the church, since its reorganization in i8I7, were Phinehas Camp, Isaac Oakes, David D. Gregory, Timothy M. Hopkins, Reuben Tinker, Charles F. Mussey, James P. Fisher, R. S. Van Cleve, Sanford H. Smith, and Rufus S. Green, the present pastor. The Bafptist Church had its origin in a " Branch," so called, of the Baptist Church of Portland. On the i6th of Sept., 1825, the members residing at and in the vicinity of the Cross Roads, organized a " Branch of the Church of Portland." It had the privilege of receiving and dismissing members, and of exercising discipline, except in cases of great moment. At this meeting, Joshua Tinker was chosen a deacon, and Joshua Tinker, Jr., clerk. Among the members who united at the organization, were Joshua, Joshua, Jr., and Henry F. Tinker, Harriet Tinker, Sally Sexton, and soon after, David and Persis Hall, and others. Charles La Hatt, minister of the church of Port WESTFIELD. 617 land, presided at the meeting, and was for many years minister of both the branch and the parent church. With a view to the organization of an independent church, members of the branch, April I7, 183i, asked for a dismission from the parent church, and the request was granted. And on the ioth of May, i831, a council of delegates from neighboring churches declared it expedient to receive the new church into fellowship. Those who joined in the request were Joshua Tinker and Joshua, Jr., Andrew Cole, Benj. Jordan, Gideon Peck, Abraham Burrows, Jonathan Brown, David Hall, Hazel Tupper, Wm. A. and Calvin F. Webster, Sheldon Palmer, Midwell Leach, Elias Mallory, Br. Vredenburg, with the wives of'some of them, and several other females-in all, about 30. The Branch held meetings for a time in the school-house in North Portage street; afterwards hired a room in McClurg's block, till a meeting-house was built. The house was repaired and enlarged in i867. Ministers who have supplied the church since La Hatt, were Elders Blakesley, Boyington, Pixley, Rathbun, Keyes, Mills, Mallory, Drake, Lyman Fisher, H. S. Westgate, and W. Dunbar, present pastor. The organization of the First Baptist Society under the general statute of the state, was not effected till January, 1855. The first trustees elected were John Wilson, John R. Walker, and Austin Smith. The Episcopal Church and Society of Wesfeld was incorporated in pursuance of the general law of the legislature. The certificate of incorporation is dated Jan. 28, i830. The title of the society is, "The Rector, Church Wardens, and Vestrymen of St. Peter's Church in the town of Westfield." At the first election of officers, Burban Brockway and Jonathan Cass were elected church wardens, and Thomas B. Campbell, David Eason, Daniel Rockwell, Harmon Patchin, Norman Kibbe, Joseph White, Jr., Carlton Jones, and John McWhorter, vestrymen. Rufus Murray, rector, presided at the meeting. In August, i831, by a vote of the society, the building of a church edifice was authorized; and Norman Kibbe, Augustin U. Baldwin, and Daniel Rockwell were chosen a building committee. At a meeting of the wardens and vestrymen, March 20, i832, the building committee were instructed to proceed to the erection of a church. The house was consecrated by Bishop Benjamin T. Onderdonk, Aug. 22, i833. The first list of names of communicants on the record contains the following; but that they all became such at the time of organization, does not appear: Burban Brockway, Augustin U. Baldwin, Daniel Rockwell, and their wives, Mrs. McNeal, Norman Kibbe, Ira R. Bird, Royal 0. Thayer, Jonathan Cass; the wives of David Eason, George Adams, Calvin Rumsey, and Talmadge, and D. A. Richardson, Mrs. Mary West, Jane West, Mrs. Adeline Mann, Louisa Hough. Rev. Rufus Murray was rector at the time of the organization. His successors have been, Nathaniel Huse, i836; Charles B. Stout, i841; Charles Arey, 1847; Edmund Roberts, i850; John B. Pradt, i851; Charles Haskell, i853; Albert Wood, i855; Francis Granger, i859; Sidney Wilbur, 1864; E. W. Hager, i866.; J. Wainwright Ray, i868; J. W. Von Gantzhorne, Jan., 1872; J. S. Seibold,.Nov., 1872; John A. Dooris, i875. 618 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. The Methodist Episcopal Church of Westfield had its origin in a class formed in 1821. It was composed of Brainard Spencer and wife, Joseph Clark and wife, Reuben Peck and wife, and others whose names are not recollected. Of this class Reuben Peck was leader. Rev. Glezen Fillmore was presiding elder. Rev. Mr. Hatton was preacher in charge, and Rev. Benjamin P. Hill, assistant. The first meeting-house was built in i830, on the west side of the creek, where it is occupied as a dwelling-house. The second was built in I850 on Clinton street, near North Portage street, where it stands unoccupied. Their third house was built in I87i and I872, on Main street. In the plan of its construction and the comeliness of its appearance, it was probably not surpassed by any church edifice then in the county. It is built of brick, and cost about $30,000. The First Universalist Church of Westfield was organized in 1833 at Haight's Corners, Rev. Linus Payne officiating. Among the constituent members were Larkin Harrington, John Nye, Ebenezer Patterson, Alvah Adams, Ebenezer Poor, Fayette Dickson, with their wives, Hannah Houghton, Lucretia Adams, Mrs. Betsey Bickford. Their church edifice was erected in i842. The first pastor was Nathaniel Stacy. A German Zutheran Church was formed in the village of Westfield about twelve years ago. It was reorganized in i870, and called the " Evzangelical Protestant Lutheran Church." Its meetings were for a time held in Mr. Rorig's dwelling house and in the school-house on Union street. After its re6rganization, the society bought the school-house on Nettle Hill street, where is now their stated place of worship. They are preparing to build a good and commodious house of worship next year. The officers of the society are: John Swartz, the chief or presiding officer; August Rorig, Christoph Nienkerchen, trustees; Andrew Wonnenwiths, secretary; Charles Lagerman, treasurer. The present minister is William Fromm. Methodist Episcopal Church at Howard's Corners. A class was formed about i837 or i838, at a log school-house, near Isaac Porter's. The members were: Rand Miles, [class leader,] Robert Hill, Alanson Jones, and their wives, Rebecca Wheeler, Deborah Harmon. Nicholas Jones and wife, and Laban Jones, joined soon after. The place of meeting was afterwards fixed at Howard's Corners. The present meeting-house was built in I852. The minister present at the formation of the class, is believed to have been Darius Smith. SUPPLEMENT TO HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. CHAUTAUQUA ANTIQUITIES. M. P. CHASE, about the year I867, residing in the town of Chautauqua, on the line of Harmony, near Stedman, while scraping dirt from the road near his house, uncovered a large trench filled with human bones which were much decayed. Their condition and rapid disintegration after exposure to the air, and the fact that the ground had never been disturbed since the land had been cleared by Mr. Chase's father, 47 years before, prove that the remains had been there a long time. The trench appeared to be about 6 feet wide and i o or I2 feet long, and the number of persons buried seemed to be about fifty. No weapons nor relics of any kind were seen; but some charcoal or cinders were mixed with the bones. The trench was about two miles from Chautauqua lake, on a ridge of land, and appeared to have been originally about 3 feet deep. The skeletons were examined by a surgeon; but whether they were of white men or Indians was not determined. Although there were indications in favor of both hypotheses, the preponderance of circumstantial evidence would seem to favor the opinion that they were the bones of white men. i. They were buried in trenches, a mode of burial not practiced by the aborigines, who bury in mounds. 2. The absence of weapons, pipes, and other articles which they bury with their dead, who expect to need them on their hunting grounds in the spirit world. The editor of the Journal, C. E. Bishop, who was present, having weighed the several circumstantial evidences, says: "From our knowledge of early Indian warfare, we may assume, i. That if they were murdered white men, the Indians did not bury them; that was no part of their custom. 2. If they were Indians killed by whites, the whites did not bury them; they were as indifferent to the sepulture of their savage enemies as the red men were to that of the whites. 3. They were either white men buried by whites,' or red men buried by their brethren. Their manner of burial, as before remarked, precludes the latter hypothesis. The balance of the proof, then, goes to show that they were Europeans massacred by Indians, and subsequently buried by white men." 620 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. After mentioning two other circumstances, namely, the absence of hard, lasting bones, and the small compass in which so many bones were found, he says: " Our theory is, that a party of Europeans, probably French, were waylaid by the Indians, murdered, stripped of everything, in the woods near Chautauqua lake, more than one hundred years ago; that some months thereafter, another party of whites, passing through, found these remains mutilated and partially devoured by the beasts and birds, and, gathering up the larger bones that remained, buried them decently. This would account for so many large bones in so small a space. " These circumstances and deductions confirm the accounts that we have often heard of the passage of the French from Canada through to the Mississippi and Allegany, by the way of Chautauqua lake. True, history tells us nothing of this route, nor of any battles that took place in this section; but there is a good deal of unwr'itten history that was really enacted on this continent a century since. " If from further and more intelligent investigation our theory should be overthrown, it would leave us to imagine some great Indian battle, the bones being of its slain. But if that were so, where are the hatchets and the arrow heads?" The late Samuel A. Brown, Esq., in a lecture before the students of the Academy and the citizens of Jamestown, on the History of Ellicott, in i843, has the following: " There are two Indian mounds in the town, filled with human bones; one at Dexterville, the other on the farm owned by Jehial Tiffany. At the latter place are traces of a fortification. When these mounds were raised no traveler can tell. Many of them in the western country are very large. The forest trees on their summits-supposed by naturalists to be from 300 to 6o00 years old-are as large as the trees around. They must, therefore, be very ancient. Lafitau, an ancient missionary and traveler, describes what is called'the feast of the dead, or the feast of souls.' He says: "'The neighboring tribes are invited to be present, and to join in the solemnities. At this time, all who have died since the last solemn occasion, which is renewed every ten years among some tribes, are taken from their graves; and those who have been interred at a distance from the village, are diligently sought for, and brought to the great rendezvous of carcases. When they are all convened, the dead bodies, or the dust of those which were quite corrupted, are arranged in order in a place prepared for the purpose. Presents from the friends of the deceased, as well as from strangers, are also deposited with the remains of the dead. After which the whole are covered with entire new furs, and over them with bark, on which they throw wood and earth. Without question,' says he,'the opening of these tombs displays one of the most striking scenes that can be conceived-this humbling portrait of human misery in death, which appears in a thousand various shapes of horror in the several carcases. Some appear dry and withered; others have a sort of parchment on their bones. Some look as if they were baked and smoked, without any appearance of rottenness; some are just turning to the point of. putrefaction; while others are all swarming with worms and drowned in corruption. In this ceremony the savages offer, as presents to the dead, whatever they value most highly. This custom, which is universal among them, arises from a rude notion of the immortality of the soul. When SUPPLEMENT. 621 the soul is separated from the body of their friends, they conceive that it still continues to hover around it, and to require and take delight in the same things in which it formerly was pleased.'" The following notice of a relic of antiquity was given in the Fredonia Censor of July 15, I 835: "We have in our possession an Indian tomahawk or hatchet of very rude construction, which was taken a few days since from the heart of a white oak saw log nearly 2 2 feet in diameter, with 182 grains from its place of deposit to the outside of the log. Its distance from the roots of the tree induce the belief that it had been lying in the crotch of a sapling, which, as it grew, inclosed it, probably not less than 200 years since it was left there, by one of a warlike tribe of Indians, who inhabited this section of country at least two centuries ago, as there are numerous indications in this town of fortifications upon which trees of the same size as the above are now growing. The instrument was found while sawing the log at the mill of Solon Hall, at La Grange in this county. The saw. penetrated the iron about half an inch before the mill could be stopped, entirely ruining the saw." INDIANS. OF the eight remnants of Indian tribes residing in New York, five live upon reservations guaranteed to them as proprietors in common, in the cessions of aboriginal title; two. occupy, in common, lands which they have acquired by purchase or otherwise; and one hold their lands as the individual property of families. The distribution of the tribes in Central and Western New York, and their location by towns and counties, are as follows: A4le/gany Reservation-chiefly of Senecas, lying in the towns of South Valley, Cold Spring, Bucktooth, Great Valley and Carrollton, in Cattaraugus county. v This reservation extends about 35 miles along both sides of Allegany river, is about a mile wide on an average, and contains about 42 square miles, or 26,680 acres. The New York & Erie railroad runs through the eastern portion of these lands to the Little Valley, from which point the Atlantic & Great Western railroad continues westward down the valley. Several tracts of land have been leased by the chiefs for depots, village lots, and other purposes. The business of rafting lumber upon the river, in which many engage, is thought to retard improvement, by exposing them to the corrupting examples of whites of low character. The religious society of Friends has taken much interest in these and other Indians of the state; and they have a boarding school on a farm adjoining this reservation, at which the native children are received. Population in i865, 825. Cattarauguzs Reservation lies along Cattaraugus creek, in the town of Perrysburgh, Cattaraugus county; Collins, Erie county, and Hanover, Chautauqua county, and comprises 2T,68o acres of fertile land, a considerable part under improvement. Many of the dwellings are commodious, and the premises 622 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. around indicate thrift, industry, and comfort. A council-house was built, a few years ago, by the Indian mechanics, at a cost to their nation of $2,500. On the reservation are a Baptist, a Congregational, and a Methodist Episcopal church, with a total value of $6,6io, capable of seating i,ioo persons. Number usually attending, 440; communicants, 290; salaries of clergy, $800. These Indians have an orphan asylum for destitute children, conducted efficiently and with economy. They have also an agricultural society, sustained upon the reservation, and composed of members from various tribes. The population in i865, was I,347. The Cayugas have no reservation left; and those that have not removed west of the Mississippi river chiefly reside at Cattaraugus. In i865, the number drawing annuities was 33 men, 31 women, and 70 children; and the amount received was $I,093.50. The Cayugas living west, receive from the. state annuities from the sale of their reservation, amounting to about $1,I25. The Oneidas reside on farms owned by families, in Lenox, Madison county, and Vernon, Oneida county. A majority of these Indians belong to the Methodist denomination. The Oneidas who emigrated about 30 years since, chiefly reside in Brown county, Wisconsin, where nearly 800o of them now live. The Oneidas remaining numbered 155, in I865. Onlondaga Reservationz lies in the towns of Fayette and Onondaga, Onondaga county. There are two small churches, supported by the Methodist Episcopal and Wesleyan Methodist denominations respectively, and a school supported by the state. The people are divided into Christian and Pagan parties; the former preferring a division of the common lands, while the latter would have affairs continue in the way of their forefathers, under the direction of their chiefs. About two-thirds of their lands are leased to the whites. But little is raised by the Indians beyond that raised for their own use. But one mechanic-a shoemaker-is found among them; and the only industrial products sold consist of baskets and beadwork, and these in very limited quantities. But few adults can read and write; but many of the children attend the state school, and are making fair progress in learning. The annuities of the Onondagas on the Onondaga reservation, amount to $1,150, and those to other Onondagas residing on other reservations, vary from year to year. In i865, they amounted to $887. The aggregate of each class in that year, was, on the Onondaga reservation, I50 men and 152 women; on the other reservations, 39 men, 41 women, and 92 children. In i865, the population on this reservation numbered 360. Tonaawanda Reservation originally embraced 71 square miles, or 45,440 acres, as surveyed in I799. It lies in the present towns of Pembroke and Alabama, Genesee county; Newstead, Erie county, and Royalton, Niagara county. The lands are held in common, although the cultivated portions are regarded among themselves as private property. The timber lands are under the care of their chiefs; and any member of the tribe may cut wood on any part for his own use, but not for sale. The occupations were reported as 74 farmers, 24 laborers, 3 gardeners, 3 axe-helve makers, and 2 carpenters. It SUPPLEMENT. 623 was remarked that many of the women were better farmers than the men at planting corn and hoeing; and many of them work for the whites at the same prices as the men. The marriage relation is very lax, and very few were legally married. A few were, however, legally married, settled down, and were doing well. The naming of children is mentioned as opposing a difficulty in taking a census. A woman, after bearing children to a husband, will name them after the grandfather and others, but not so much as formerly. There was reported on this reservation, one Baptist church worth $500, capable of seating 200; usual attendance, ioo; communicants, 40; salary of clergy, $200. In 1865, population, 509. Tuscarora Reservationz, in Lewiston, Niagara county. The lands of these people were in part purchased by the Tuscaroras, with moneys raised from the sale of lands anciently held by them in the state of North Carolina, whence they emigrated about 1712. The remainder was a gift from the Senecas and from the Holland Land Company. The entire tract contains 6,249 acres of land, which is mostly of an excellent quality. A Methodist and a Baptist church are maintained on this tract. They have a library and an association for mutual improvement. Population in i865, 370. Whether the remnants of these and other Indian tribes can be saved in their native state, is a question of no slight importance. It is extensively believed, that, surrounded by civilized life, their primitive condition can not be permanently maintained, and that they are destined to the fate of many of our aboriginal races. The general government has at present jurisdiction over all the Indian races in the United States. But while it is the administrator of their civil affairs, should it not also aim at their elevation to the rights and privileges of American citizens? It may be asked: Is this possible? For this a Christian civilization is indispensable. Where the missionaries have introduced the Bible and the precepts of Christianity, the arts of husbandry and domestic life are constantly advancing. Schools have been established; a knowledge of the English language is acquired; and churches have been formed. These results are seen, on the border of our own county, in the improved condition of the inhabitants of the Cattaraugus reservation. Their moral improvement, which is regarded as indispensable to their being fitted for the duties and responsibilities of citizenship, depends essentially upon the enlightened and active benevolence of the public at large. COLD SUMMER. THE "cold summer of 1816," though not confined to Chautauqua county, is deemed worthy of record. The writer well remembers planting corn the 6th of June in a snow storm in the eastern part of the state, and can add his, testimony to that of thousands still living, who have declared it to be the 624 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. coldest season they have ever known. The following account of it was published in a Rochester paper about fifteen years ago. He thinks, however, that the reality was hardly equal to the description: "Persons are in the habit of speaking of the summer of i8i6, as the coldest ever known -in America or Europe. Possessing some facts relative to this subject, we give them to revive the recollections of such among us as remember the year without a summer; and to furnish correct information for such as feel any interest in matters of this kind. We shall therefore give a summary of each of the months of the year i8i6, extracted in part from' Pierce on the Weather.' "January was mild-so much so as to render fires almost needless in sitting-rooms. December preceding was very cold. "February was not very cold. With the exception of a few days, it was mild, like its predecessor. "' March was cold and boisterous, the first half of it; the remainder was mild. "April began warm, and grew colder as the month advanced, and ended with snow and ice, with a temperature more like winter than spring. " May was more remarkable for frowns than smiles. Buds and fruits were frozen; ice formed half an inch in thickness, corn was killed; and the fields were again and again replanted, until deemed too late. " June was the coldest ever known in this latitude. Frost and ice and snow were common. Almost every green herb was killed; fruit nearly all destroyed. Snow fell to the depth of ten inches in Vermont and in Maine; three inches in the interior of New York. It fell also in Massachusetts. " July was accompanied by frost and ice. On the morning after the 4th, ice formed of the thickness of a common window glass, throughout New England, New York,. and some parts of Pennsylvania. Indian corn was nearly all killed; some favorably situated fields escaped. This was true of some of the hills of Massachusetts. "August was more cheerless, if possible, than the summer months already passed. Ice was formed half an inch in thickness. Indian corn was so frozen, that the greater part of it was cut down and dried for fodder. Almost every green thing was destroyed in this country and Europe. Papers from England said,'It will ever be remembered by the present generation, that the year i8i6 was a year in which there was no summer.' Very little corn in the New England and Middle states ripened; farmers supplied themselves from the corn produced in i8I5 for seed in the spring of 1817. It sold for $4 to $5 a bushel. "September furnished about two weeks of the mildest weather of the season. Soon after the middle, it became very cold and frosty; ice forming a quarter of an inch in thickness. " October produced more than its usual share of cold weather; frost and ice common. "November was cold and blustering; snow fell so as to make sleighing. "December was mild and comfortable. "Very little vegetation matured in the Eastern and Middle states. The sun's rays seemed to be destitute of heat throughout the summer; all nature was clad in a sable hue; and men exhibited no little anxiety concerning the future of this life." SUPPLEMENT. 625 ARKWRIGHT. William Wilcox, son of Aaron Wilcox, whose early settlement is elsewhere noticed, [p. 22I,] came to this county with his father, in 1809. A brief notice of Mr. Wilcox, accompanied by a portrait, will be found on page 227. The family sketch which ought to have been there inserted, was inadvertently omitted, and is here supplied. Mr. Wilcox had io children: Eliza C., Marcus B., Lucy B., Edson I. and Emily J., twins; Walter R., Mahala C., Mila C., Marietta P., and William H. H., all of whom grew up to manhood and womanhood on the farm, except Mahala and Mila, who died at the ages of two and seven years. Esther S., wife of William Wilcox, died July 7, 185I. Mr. W., in i863, disposed of his farm to his son Walter R., who, after two years, sold it and removed to Fredonia, his father residing with him until the time of his death, October 14, 1867. CARROLL. In noticing the early settlement of Carroll, on page 242, no person is named as being known to have been the first settler in this town. From information lately received, it may be positively stated, that John Frew was the pioneer settler of township i, range io, on the west side of the Connewango. In a letter received from Judge Foote is the following statement: "John Frew and Thomas Russell, (second son of John,) had examined land on the east side of the Connewango, at the mouth of what is now Frew's run, and were pleased with the land, splendid pine timber, and beautiful spring brook abounding with speckled trout. They made up their minds to purchase the land for farms and for the erection of mills. Robert Russell, the eldest son of John, was pleased with the land on Kiantone creek, on the west side of the Connewango, now the west part of A. T. Prendergast's farm. " In the spring of i809, there being not a settler on the east side of the Connewango, in tp. i, r. 10, John Frew and Robert Russell, each with a pack on his back, and a blanket and dried venison, started on foot for Batavia to buy the land they desired. They followed an Indian trail up the Connewango, by Kennedy's mill, over the highlands to Cattaraugus falls; thence, still by Indian trail, to the oak openings east of Buffalo, and thence to Batavia, camping out nights. Tired and hungry, they pulled up leeks, young and tender, and ate them with their jerked meat and dry bread. Those wh6 know the peculiarities of Mr. Ellicott, will not wonder at the dialogue between the parties in the land office. In making known their object, Mr.. Ellicott smelled their leeky breath, and said:' You stinking cattle, go out and vomit up your filth.' Being told that Russell was a millwright, he said':' You don't look as if you could make a hog-trough.' He soon got over his ill-humor, and gave respectful attention to his customers. John Frew bought for himself and Thomas Russell, lot 6i and the west half of 53, at $2.25 per acre. Robert Russell bought a part of lot 57, on Kiantone creek, now in the town of Kiantone, and soon built a house on the south shore of the creek, at the foot of the hill, nearly opposite the present brick house of Alex. T. Prendergast. He afterwards built a saw-mill, which he finally sold to Judge Prendergast." 40 626 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. John Frew and Thomas Russell, it is said, soon commenced chopping and clearing, and built a log cabin, and, in the spring following, put in crops. They were both unmarried, and had their bread baked, and their cooking, in part, done at their old home in Pennsylvania. In the spring of 1811, they had their first saw-mill in operation, and ran boards that year to Pittsburgh. First lffethodist Episcopal Church at Frewsburgh.-The date of the organization of this church can not be given. The society, properly so called, required by the statute of the state, was organized Jan. 2I, 1843, Rev. Moses Hill, preacher in charge, presiding, and Alexander Ross, George Bartlit, and A. J. Fuller were chosen trustees. A class, which may be properly considered as the nucleus of a church, probably existed several years before the formation of the society, as such. The church was at first attached to the Jamestown circuit; Revs. Moses Hill and Daniel Pritchard, preachers in charge. They were followed by Prof. G. W. Clark, from Meadville college, Revs. A. M. Reed and H. W. Beers. The church at the time of its organization is said to have consisted of Edmund White, Alexander Ross, A. J. Fuller, and their wives, George Bartlit, Mrs. Sybil French, and Mrs. Elsie Feniton, mother of Senator Fenton, who retained her membership till her death, about a year ago; and a few weeks after the organization, Mrs. Caroline P. Eaton joined, the only member living of those who then composed the church. George Bartlit was chosen class-leader, and held that position many years, until he removed to Michigan. In 1844, a church edifice was erected on a lot presented by the late James Hall, an early settler. In i868, a vestibule and a steeple were added, and the inside finished in modern style. Late preachers were Rev. F. A. Archibald, Dr. Reno, and the present preacher, Rev. J. F. Stocker. [The historical sketch of the Congregational Church at Frewsburgh, long promised, has not been received.] CHAUTAUQUA. LOWRY FAMILIES.-As these families were among the early and prominent settlers in Erie county, Pa., and as several of them removed to this county, where some of their descendants still remain, a sketch of them is here given. George Lowry, of Scotch descent, was born in the north of Ireland, county of Down, where he died, April 4, I770. He had io sons, all living at the time of hisdeath, the youngest about i8 months old; his first born, a daughter, having died in childhood. The names of the sons were Samuel, Hugh, John, Robert, James, Andrew, William, George, Alexander, and Morrow. Samuel and Hugh came to America, exploring for the family, in 1 774. Hugh returned to report; Samuel remained, and settled in Columbia Co., Pa., where he died in i826. The mother, Margaret Lowry, and her sons determined to emigrate to the land of freedom, and settle together. They had perpetual leases of land, for which they paid an annual rent of $i.5o per acre. They left James and William to sell their leases; and the mother and SUPPLEMENT. 627 seven sons embarked at Belfast, for the state of Delaware, May I, 1776, and landed at Wilmington, July 5, 1776. William came in I787, and James in 1788. The mother and her ten sons settled near each other, in Northumberland Co., Pa. Some of the brothers removed to other places in the vicinity, and were married. Hugh, after his return from Ireland, settled in Union county; had a large family, and died there in i828. In 1794, the mother and her sons purposed to remove to some new country, where they could form a colony and live on contiguous lands. Having seen advertisements offering to settlers cheap lands, on the shore of Lake Erie, they formed a compact, and appointed James and George to go and explore and report. In the spring of I 795, they went through the wilderness to Lake Erie, and down to Sixteen Mile creek, and concluded to locate there. The land had been offered by the state to settlers, in tracts of 400 acres. They made a measuring cord of bark, and measured off a number of 400 acre tracts, and, in each tract, built a shanty; and they procured, in behalf of the Lowry's colony, from Gen. Rees, agent of the state, certificates of thirteen tracts, at and about Sixteen Mile creek. James and George returned in the fall and made their report; and all were pleased. They numbered these tracts, and drew lots for them. In March, 1796, the colony, consisting of eight brothers, John, Robert, James, Andrew, William, George, Alexander, and Morrow, and four other men, left Northumberland for what they considered the " land of promise." The history of their journey is a very interesting one; and only the want of room forbids its insertion. The foregoing facts are taken from a letter written many years ago by Morrow Lowry to Judge Foote. The Lowrys were of the number who suffered from the insecurity of land titles in Western Pennsylvania. Although the people on this side of the state line were not affected by these troubles, they sympathized deeply with their pioneer neighbors on the other side of the line. And as it is presumed few of our present citizens are familiar with this portion of early history in our vicinity, a few of the leading facts will be here presented. About the time the letter of Morrow Lowry was written, his nephew, James B. Lowry, wrote to Judge Foote, the following: "In the year 1792, the state of Pennsylvania passed an act to encourage the settlement of her wild lands, north and west of the Ailegany river, offering 400 acres to every actual settler who should settle on, and reside on and improve the same for five years, and pay 20 cents per acre. In consequence of this inducement, the Lowry family, with a number of others, emigrated to the then wilderness. They found no settlement in Western Pennsylvania; there was a fort at Erie, but there were no mills, roads, or anything that pertained to civilization on the south, nearer than Pittsburgh; in Canada there were settlers at Fort Erie; in New York were some as far west as Utica. " About the time the Lowrys settled in Erie county, Pa., they were met by emigrants from the East employed by the Population Company to settle the triangle. Between them and the settlers from the interior of Pennsylvania, there was a continual warfare or strife; and mob-law prevailed to a considerable extent for some years. In the meantime, the Population Company 628 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. commenced suits against the settlers, who had to attend courts at Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, until they were worn out, impoverished, and disheartened. They were driven from the homes they had acquired by unheard of privations and suffering, and which had cost them the best part of their lives. Poor, discouraged, broken down in body and mind, they had to seek an asylum under other laws, or where the laws were administered with more justice." It appears that the Lowrys bought their lands of the state of Pennsylvania. But the writer last mentioned says settlers were sued by the Population Company. Of the relation between this company and the state, we are not informed. It is presumed the company had purchased large quantities of land from the state, and sold it to settlers. Robert Falconer, an early citizen of Sugar Grove, Pa., and father of Patrick and William T. Falconer of this county, in a public address delivered some forty or more years ago, the manuscript of which is now in the hands of the writer of this history, says: "No sooner was the act passed than individuals and companies applied for large bodies of land, paid the purchase money, and obtained warrants authorizing surveys; and then all they had to do was to put on a settler, and get him to clear the necessary number of acres, and live upon the land five years, to entitle them to a patent. For this service they, in most cases, offered the settler a clear deed of ioo acres, to include his house and clearing his choice out of the tract; in some instances more. The Holland Land Company went into this scheme most largely. They built a store house at Warren, and supplied some of their settlers with provisions, implements of husbandry, and other goods, upon credit. The whole system operated to disadvantage. With every exertion, but few settlers could be got. The warrant-holders were bound to put a settler on every tract in two years. This was impossible. Others then claimed the right of taking the land where no settler was put on by the warrant-holder, on the plea of his right being forfeited. " Many persons went upon the lands in opposition to the warrantees, and many who had contracted to settle under them determined to hold the whole tract against them. The legislature appeared inclined to favor the settler against the warrant-holder. Fortunately for the latter, the law of I792, contained a provision by which the forfeiture of the land was prevented. It required the settlement to be effected within two years, unless prevented by the enemies of the United States. A man was murdered by Indians on French creek. The war of I794 broke out; St. Clair was defeated by the Indians; alarm extended over the country; and the United States courts decided that this was a prevention which did away entirely with the obligation of settlement. This contention had an injurious effect on emigration to Western Pennsylvania. Actual settlers, when they found that they could not hold the lands against the warrantee, moved off, exclaiming that there was no good title for land to be had in Pennsylvania. And thus, thirty years ago, our county presented the appearance of abandonment, many farms upon which extensive improvements had been made, being deserted by their former occupants. Some, however, remained. Numbers had taken up lands where no other warrants interfered; improvements were carried on; and population began to increase. Robert Miles, in Sugar Grove; John and- Hugh Marsh and John Russell, in Pine Grove; Gen. C. Irvine, the Andrewses, father and sons, on Brokenstraw; Daniel Jackson, at Warren, and many others, were .....................:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::..........................::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::i(:::::::i::::::::::~::::::~:::: (:_:::............:::_:......................-: ii ~ ii ii~ii iiiS: -:::- -::i::::::i —:-:i -i::ii-ii~ii-::-::,ili:....................::::::::::::~......................................................................................~~~~~~~~~~~~~9 ":~~~~:~~.: 1:11:::':::::::::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::I:: "~~~~~~~~~:: ~.......::::::::`~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`~ ~ ~........:_i _I li- 1: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~i~~~~~j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.....::-:~~~~~~~~~~~~j:~~~~~~~::~..... ~~~~~~~~~~la ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~............................................ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e..................................................~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:..........~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:i:::::::::::............j ~ l..........:E~Ea d:~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...............~:: ~ ~ ~ mo SUPPLEMENT. 629 conspicuous among the first inhabitants of our county: and their descendants are numerous among us." The Indian murder alluded to by Mr. Falconer in a preceding page, is probably that which was described in one of a series of numbers on the " Early History of Erie County, Pennsylvania," published in the Erie Gazette, in the winter of 1870-7i. The writer says: "The Indians continued their hostility until Wayne's victory in 17 94. This made the attempt at settlement by white people very dangerous: hence it was of the utmost importance for the Population Company to establish the guilt of the Indians in committing these murders. Adverse claimants located on some spots, on the plea that the land was forfeited on non-compliance with the law of settlement. These parties set up the plea that the Rutledges were killed by white men as the instruments of the Company. This view found many adherents; and, even to this day, this theory is not entirely eradicated from the minds of some." The remains of the father were discovered near the place now known as the Union Depot; and near by the boy was lying in a dying condition, having not only been shot, but scalped. As a direct result of the fatal shooting of the Rutledges, the Population Company was never obliged to make their settlements, and the law became a nullity. The few settlers there were chiefly from other counties in that state. And some of them, unwilling to hazard the trouble and expense of litigation, or the bestowal of labor upon farms which they held by so precarious a tenure, left their lands, "crossed the line," and selected homes in Chautauqua county. Of the Lowry brothers, only two are believed to have removed to this county. George came to Mayville in I808. He raised a number of daughters and one son, James B., who was clerk of the county. George removed to Illinois, where James resided, and died there. Morrow Lowry, father of Morrow B. Lowry, of Erie, Pa., came to Mayville in I8II, and removed to Pennsylvania in I8I3 or I814. Hugh W. Lowry, a son of another of the ten brothers, born in Pennsylvania, removed to Westfield, where he was several years in the mercantile business, and returned to Pennsylvania, where he died. Nathaniel A. Lowry, son of Alexander, one of the ten brothers, settled in Jamestown. [See history of Jamestown.] The mother of George and Morrow Lowry died at Mayville in 18I2. Richard O. Green was born in Springfield, Otsego Co., March 6, 1799. In 1833, he removed to Chautauqua, and resided at Mayville until he died, March, I865. He was by occupation a farmer. He was a commissioner of loans for this county, associated with Daniel W. Douglass, of Fredonia. He was a deputy in the county clerk's office, and was subsequently elected clerk. George A. Green, brother of Richard O. and William Green, was born in Springfield, Otsego Co., October i8, 1802, and removed thence, in 1828, to Mayville, and resided there until his death, in September, I873. He studied law with Thomas A. Osborne, Esq., at Mayville, and was admitted to practice in the courts of the state, which he did when his health permitted. He held, for one term, the office of surrogate of Chautauqua county. 630 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Artemas Hearick, a native of Massachusetts, came from Chenango county to Mayville, in I809, where he resided about 25 years. He was early appointed an associate judge of the county court. He was married to Eleanor Peck, and after her death, to Polly Olney, of Genesee Co. He had, by his first wife, 9 children, 5 sons and 4 daughters. Of the sons, only two are living: Bela, who resides in Indiana; and Thomas E., who married Sarah Ann Boynton, and resides in Westfield, and has had no children. Ruby, a daughter of Judge Hearick, the only one living, is the wife of Zalmon Tracy, who died at Harbor Creek, Pa., where his widow resides. William Smith, born at Barre, Mass., emigrated, in I8o8, to Oneida Co., N. Y., where he remained a few years, and removed to Chautauqua county, and opened a law office in Mayville. He was appointed surrogate of the county by Gov. De Witt Clinton, which office he held in 1821, and to which he was elected, under the constitution of I821, and in which he was continued, by reelections, till the close of 1840-19 years. He is said to have possessed a reputation for moral worth and a firm adherence to principle. He was one of the original proprietors of the Mayville Sentinel. He died in May, 1860. DUNKIRK. A notice of the Locomotive Works at Dunkirk not having been received in season, a sketch, hastily prepared without sufficient knowledge of the concern, was inserted in its proper place, in the historical sketch of Dunkirk, [p. 306.] The following, subsequently prepared by one connected with the establishment, is given here entire: The Brooks Locomotive Works Company was organized under the general manufacturing laws of the state of New York, on the I3th day of November, 1869, for the purpose of constructing locomotives, railroad cars, tools, machinery, etc. The capital stock was $350,000. The management of the affairs of the corporation was vested in five trustees. The trustees for the first year were H. G. Brooks, of Dunkirk; M. L. Hinman, of Brooklyn; M. R. Simons, John H. Bacon, Jr., and Wm. O. Chapin, of the city of New York. They chose for their executive officers, H. G. Brooks, president and superintendent; M. L. Hinman, secretary and treasurer; and these officers have been reelected each succeeding year. The buildings and grounds occupied by this corporation, belong to the Erie Railroad Company, from whom they were leased, by Mr. H. G. Brooks, for ten years from October 29, I869. This lease, with all its rights, privileges, and franchises, was purchased from Mr. Brooks by this corporation. During the first year of their operations, 37 locomotives, ioo freight cars, and considerable minor work, were turned out. During the second twelve months, 43 new locomotives were completed, besides other work. Steadily the business continued to increase, until it was found necessary to increase the facilities for producing new work. At a meeting of the stockholders, it was voted to increase the capital stock to $500,000, and from the SUPPLEMENT. 63I proceeds of the sale of such stock, to procure additional machinery, tools, and buildings, to meet the growing demand for locomotives. In I873, less than four years after commencement, locomotives constructed here were being completed at the rate of eight per month. Manufacturing business of all descriptions was in a flourishing condition up to the commencement of the financial panic, in the autumn of 1873, when manufacturing companies closely identified with railways, were badly affected; and a hasty curtailment of expenses and of the quantity of articles manufactured, was necessary to arrest the great financial tornado, or to lessen its effect. Although the corporation suffered heavy pecuniary losses, in addition to the shrinkage in value of material, its officers were not discouraged. At the present time, November, I875, they are employing one-half of their entire force; that is, giving daily employment to 275 men, while many other locomotive works, throughout the United States, are closed for want of work. Others are doing a small amount of business. David Wright & Co. are extensively engaged in the lumber trade and the manufacture of building material. Mr. Wright having secured ample grounds for a yard, he commenced business, and in October, I867, landed, as is believed, the first cargo of lumber brought into Dunkirk from Michigan. In i868; he built a planing-mill. In I870, a Mr. Ryerson came in as a partner, taking a third interest. A few days after, they took as a partner a Mr. Vandevoort, in the manufacture of doors, sash and blinds. After about one year, Mr. Wright bought out Ryerson, and a year later, Vandevoort; and soon after took, as a partner, George N. Hauptman, a nephew, who resides at East Saginaw, and who had been for several years employed to superintend the cutting of logs, and the sawing and shipping of lumber, and still continues that business. Mr. Wright resides in Orange Co., N. Y., and attends to the marketing of lumber and manufactures sent in that direction. Some are sent to Pittsburgh, and to the Oil Country, and some are sold in Chautauqua and other western counties. About 60 hands are employed in this establishment, and its sales have been from $ioo,ooo to $50,0ooo00 a year. Vandevoort & Smith, in i87I, erected a planing-mill, and established the manufacture of doors, sash, and blinds, and the purchase and sale of lumber. In i874, a new firm was formed by 0. Smith and Gates & Fay, of Bay City, Mich., firm name, 0. Smith & Co. They operate a planing-mill, and manufacture a variety of materials for buildings. Their manufactures are sold by wholesale and retail; and their sales extend to the New York and Pittsburgh markets. They employ about 15 men; and their sales amount to about $40,000 to $50,000 annually. St. John's Church [Episcopal] of Dunkirk, was organized in 1850, under Rev. Charles Arey. The names of the officers at the time of its organization are not furnished, except that of Mr. Hanson A. Risley, one of the wardens. Present wardens are R. T. Coleman and C. D. Murray. The first rector was Mr. Arey. His successors have been Wm. B. Edson, H. C. Eayre Coztelle, P. P. Kidder, and C. B. Champlin, the present rector, who took charge in 632 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. July, I873. The first church edifice was consecrated by Rt. Rev. Samuel H. Coskry, of Michigan, Jan. 22, 1859, date of construction not given. The present building has been used for about eight years, though not yet completed. It is of brick, and valued at $I4,000o. St. Mary's Church [Roman Catholic] was organized by Rev. Peter Colgan, the first minister, I85, in which year their first house of worship was erected. St. John's German United Evangelical Church at Dunkirk was organized in I856, and in i858 erected a house of worship. The German Methodist Episcopal Church was organized by Rev. C. Blinn, the first pastor, in I857. Their church edifice was built in I859. There is also the First Methodist Episcopal Church of Dunkirk, no statistics from which have been received. Zion's Church [Evangelical Association] at Dunkirk, was organized with 15 members, by Rev. J. J. Bernhardt, the first pastor, in I865, and built a church edifice the same year. ELLICOTT-JAMESTOWN. To the biographical sketch of ex-Gov. Reuben E. Fenton, on p. 358, the following should have been appended: Mr. Fenton was married, in 1838, to Jane, daughter of John Frew, who was born in I820, and died in 1840. In 1844, he married Elizabeth, daughter of Joel Scudder, born in Victor, Ontario Co., in 1824. They have three children: i. Josephine, born in Carroll, April 15, 1845, and lives with her parents. 2. Jeannette, born in Carroll, Nov. 2, I84-, and married, in June, I870, to J. N. Hegeman, of New York city, where they now reside. They have had three children, a son and daughter living, and an infant daughter deceased. 3. Reuben Earle, born in Jamestown, June 12, 1865, and lives with his parents. Corydon Hitchcock, son of Oliver Hitchcock, was born in the town ot Chautauqua, three miles south from Mayville, west side of the lake, Sept. I6, 1823. In I845, he removed to Ripley, and, in I859, returned to Chautauqua. In I864, he removed to a farm in Ellicott, where he resided nine years, and, in I873, removed to Jamestown, where he is a partner in the firm of Hitchcock & Wilson, wholesale dealers in lumber, and manufacturers of doors, sash, and blinds, and other building materials. While engaged in farming, he was for four years president of the Chautauqua County Agricultural Society. In 1874, he was elected sheriff of the county, which office he now holds. Mr. Hitchcock was married in July, I843, to Ariette, daughter of Wm. T. Howell, of Chautauqua, who died, March 7, 1844. September 22, I846, he was married to Mariette, daughter of Daniel Trowbridge, then of Ripley, who was born December 19, i825. They have two sons, James Frank and Henry C. Nathaniel A. Lowry came to Jamestown in I833. His father was Alexander Lowry, one of the ten brothers who emigrated from Ireland, most of ................... j~~~~~~~~~::::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.........................:.............................~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;::::::::::`:'~~~..........~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::;:i::.:::::~.......................................:,r:::::::::::i............... ~::i-iiii ii-i'l::~~:l:~:~..............~ ~~:::::::i::::i~:i~:: —::::::.....................~~~~~~~i:::::::i_:::::.......................................::::::j B::i:::-i:::::::::: -::::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~....... -:i _I;I~~~~~~~~~i::_-:il::::iii -iii ii:-::::::: —: -i-:-~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~........:i::::i::::::::-:::i::~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~....... -::::i _I:: -:::: _ii: lii~i-l-iil iii: liii:;ii: I~ii:::-ii::l-iii:-iiii I~i::ii::::::: _ i~iiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiii-iiiii..........................':~:::i.::::::::::::j:::::::::::::::::::::..................: _:I:::::::i::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~: ~: 9L..........i' I~iii:~iX~i l:::::::::::::::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...... ~-1.. 1 111 ~~PB~b~::::::i:::::::::::::::':"j::::::::i~~~~~~~~ii~~ii~iiii~i~iii~~iiiiii...............:::::::::::::: —::::: -:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~............::::::::::::i:-::i:::I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i:::::i~~~~~~~~i~~~i~~i~~~i~~~h ~ ~ i:I~~~~i........:i~:-:~~~~~~~~~~~~~::j:\:::j::::::j:\:::::::::::j::::::::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~....................::::::.:::::::::::::::::::-:i:::::X:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:.....:":":~~""i~~~~~~~i~~~a r~~li~ ~j~iiisi~;:ini ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ iiiiiii~~~~i ~ ri~~~i~~~xr:~~:~~: ~ ~........::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::~~~~:::i::.........::::i:-::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::lj::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ii~~i~~iil:'~~~~~.::s::~~~~..:~....... Z~ ~~~~~~~~r~~ ~~i;:::i ti~iiiiliiiiii'iiiiI:i d:~~~~:j:~::i::::i~~~~j~~,::~~:::i;~::~~~~:::j:::::::.......... SUPPLEMENT. 633 whom were early settlers in Erie Co., Pa. [See Lowry Families, page 626.] Nathaniel A. was for many years a merchant and a prominent citizen and business man in Jamestown, and acquired a large property. In November, 1844, he was stabbed by an assailant with intent to kill, the wound being for some time considered mortal. The perpetrator of the deed was convicted, and made to suffer the penalty of the law. Mr. Lowry was born Oct. 22, 80o5, and died Feb. 23, 1852. His sons, William H., Augustus N., and Alexander M., reside in Jamestown. HANOVER. Joseph G. Hopkins was born at Hartford, Conn., in i808. His father, Daniel Hopkins, was a druggist, and died at Hartford, in I8I5, leaving nine children. The oldest, William F., graduated at the military academy at West Point, and was for many years professor of chemistry there, and afterwards at the naval academy at Annapolis, Md., and died while United States consul at Kingston, Jamaica. James E., another brother, a jeweler, died at Cleveland, O. George was a merchant in Villenova, and a justice of the peace. A sister, Mary A., married Herman Patchin, formerly of Westfield, now of Rock River, 0.. Another sister, Julia A., was the wife of Col. Albert H. Camp, of Forestville, where she still resides. Joseph. G. came with his mother to Westfield, in 1822. He was a clerk for Benj. Budlong, merchant, in Jamestown, from i828 to 1832. In 1833, he commenced trade for himself, in Villenova, in partnership with Albert H. Camp.and Wm. Colvill, of Forestville, they furnishing the capital, and he conducting the business, under the firm name of J. G. Hopkins & Co., until about 1847, when the partnership was dissolved, the business having been successful. Mr. Hopkins soon after formed a partnership with Wm. Colvill, at Forestville, in the dry goods business, (Colvill & Hopkins,) and continued in business several years. He then formed a partnership with two of his clerks, Norman B. Brown and Levi J. Pierce, to whom, in i864, he sold his interest, and retired from active business with a handsome competency. Mr. Hopkins was married, April i, 1833, to Abigail W. Swift, of Jamestown, who died at Forestville about i870. He afterwards married Mrs. Permelia Phelps, widow of the late James H. Phelps, of Forestville. He has a son living, Albert C., who is engaged extensively in lumbering, at Lockhaven, Pa.; and one daughter, Frances A., wife of Levi J. Pierce, hardware merchant, of Forestville. Their daughter, Ophelia, deceased, was the wife of Charles J. Swift, merchant, of Corry, Pa. Samuel J. Smith, a native of Saratoga Co., settled in Hanover, in June, 1811I, about 2 miles north-east from Forestville, where he now resides. He was a volunteer in the war of I8I2, and was a lieutenant under Capt. Martin B. Tubbs, of this town. He was the first town clerk of Hanover, and held the office many years, and was a highway commissioner about twenty-five years. His first presidential vote was given for James Monroe and Daniel D. Tompkins, for president and vice-president. He was married to Esther Miller, of 634 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Saratoga Co., and has three children living, one of whom is Newton Smith, banker, at Forestville. Richard Smith, from Smith's Mills, on Eighteen Mile creek, in Erie Co., N. Y., came with his family to Hanover, about the year 1825, and for many years held the office of justice of the peace at Forestville, and taught the village school several terms. Before his removal from Erie Co., and while that was a part of Niagara, he was an associate judge of Niagara Co. He was married in January, I807, to Elizabeth Mack, daughter of John Mack, the early hotel-keeper at Cattaraugus Creek, [Irving.] His is said to have been the first marriage in Hanover. He removed from this county to the West, and died there. His oldest daughter married Dr. Marcius Simonds; his second daughter married Elijah Dewey, both prominent citizens of Forestville. Mr. Smith was a man of good character, and a Presbyterian by profession. The Chautauqua Farmer was started-a small sheet-in Dunkirk, by John M. Lake, printed at the office of the Advertiser & Union, the ist of Jan., I869. In September of that year, Mr. Lake bought scant material, and removed the paper to Forestville. About the ist of February, 1870, the office was purchased by A. G. Parker, fresh from the editorial chair of the Cooperstown (N. Y.) Republican and Democrat. Shortly after his purchase, he sold a partnership to Harvey I. Russell, from the above offiCe, a practical printer, the firm name becoming Parker & Russell; A. G. Parker, editor. Its circulation, at that time, was 950. In February, I871, Parker bought out Russell, and immediately sold a half interest to Francis Hendricks, an employe of the Dunkirk Journal office, the firm name becoming Parker & Hendricks, by whom the paper has since been managed. It has steadily increased in importance and circulation, until it numbers upwards of 3,400 subscribers, and has a commanding influence in the agricultural and local affairs of the 33d district of Western New York. Its staff includes Wright L. Patterson, office assistant; John A. Mixer, floral department; James M. Beebe, apiary; Dr. J. W. Pond, poultry; and many correspondents. HARMONY. Morris Norton, a native of Otsego Co., after short residences at Niagara Falls and Buffalo, settled at Ashville, in July, 1833, where he still resides. He has been most of the time a farmer. He has also held the office of justice of the peace, and done much at conveyancing, drafting instruments of writing, etc. He has also been supervisor of Harmony, and county superintendent of the poor. He married Olivia Kent, of Rome, N. Y., and had 6 daughters, all of whom attained maturity: Helen 0., who was the wife of Dr. Wm. P. Bemus, of Jamestown, and died March, I874; Jennie, wife of Enoch A. Curtis, of Fredonia; Therese M., wife of Wm. W. Partridge, who died March, I872; Gertrude N., who married Charles T. Douglass, Busti; Ida E., who died at 21; and Alice I., wife of Thomas H. Agnew, of Cambridge, Pa. Jennie, Gertrude, and Alice, are living, A;i::::::-i lf -:' 4Si:::::::i~~~~fi~~ffff;;S::t~~~~~t:::::0:;X:::; X: t:: f:0::;0::ffE:Sf0:0:000:;ffi:::::;::::f::0:::::::~~~~~~~~~;::~i::-:-::::i~lD$:;;;:;:::t::::....:...... is~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i 4::X~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ w s h//f } t. f-'so tM x at /{\ Ab~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~................. Afghan stan:".....................i.......... ~ ~ SUPPLEMENT. 635 Charles Parker, from Otsego Co., came to Ellery; studied medicine with Dr. Burroughs, of Mayville. He practiced there and in various other places in the county, and now resides at Panama. He married Orlinda Sinclear, by whom he had 4 children, of whom one died young. Charles, who died ot disease contracted in the war; Albert, who died in a southern state, in the war; Daniel B., who was, for several years, mail agent, in Richmond, Va., was a U. S. marshal; and now resides in Brooklyn. Dr. Parker married, for a second wife, Elizabeth Atherly, of Harmony, and had by her six children. Stephen W. Steward was born in Busti, Dec. 30, 1812. His occupation, during the greater portion of his life', was that of a farmer. In i850, he removed to Clymer, and engaged in the mercantile business, in which he continued many years. He removed to Union City, Pa., where he remained about a year, and removed, in I865, to Corry, Pa., and engaged in the banking business. He was president of the First National Bank of Corry, and president of the Oil Creek Railroad. He died December 18, I867; being one of the killed at the memorable railroad accident near Angola, in Erie Co., N. Y. He was married Oct. 4, 1835, to Olive Dexter, and had by her a daughter, Olive M. After the death of his first wife, he married, June 24, 1837, Caroline Stevens, by whom he had 4 children: William H., Dorlisca M., Dudley M., and Richard P. They were all married, but one, as follows: Olive was married to J. Bunday Murray; William H., to Emeline S. Murray; Dorlisca M., to F. E. Mulkie. Dudley M; died April 3, i868. POLAND. William T. Falconer, son of Robert Falconer, of Sugar Grove, Pa., elsewhere mentioned as a purchaser of property at Kennedy, Worksburg, and Dexterville, came to Kennedy about the year 1850, and purchased his father's interest in the mill property originally owned by Dr. Kennedy. He still resides at Kennedy, and owns the saw-mill and a large portion of the land. He has for many years, and until recently, been engaged in the mercantile business. He was married, in I867, to Jennie Daily, of Brocton, and has two children, Archie D. and Frank Miller. Varanus Page, from Vermont, settled in 1818, on lot 12, and removed, in 1842, to Pennsylvania, where he died. He had a number of sons, one of whom, Varanus, resides at Kennedy, andfis a justice of the peace. The Baptist Czhurch at Kennedy was organized in I837. A meeting of the brethren and sisters had been held at the house of S. Akerley, Jan. 30, I836, to consult in regard to the organization of a Baptist church, which they resolved to do. IJ Gifford, S. Akerley, and John Miller were appointed a committee to draft articles and a covenant, and to make arrangements to secure preaching. On the 29th of June, 1837, a council met at the house of S. Akerley; the articles and covenant being satisfactory, the church was organized. The names of those who are supposed to have united at the 636 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. time, are Samuel Akerley, Isaac Gifford, Asa and John Miller, Nancy and Amanda Akerley, Elizabeth and Sally Miller, Ezekiel Randall, John C. Cady, Ephraim Sawyer, Roxa L. Gifford, Sally Porter, Sylvia Holbrook, and Laura Ann Foote —5 members. Early ministers were B. Braman, B. C. Willoughby, David Morse. Meetings were held at private residences and schoolhouses. The society was organized under the statute in I853, but by neglect it was permitted to lose its legal existence, and was reorganized in i868, in which year the church edifice was erected. The Freewill Baptists have an organization at Kennedy, which is said to be a branch of the Ellington Free-will Baptist church. Also the Episcopal Methodists and Protestant.M4ethodists have each a class and stated preaching. Levant Wesleyan Church, [Wesleyan Methodist,] in the west part of the town, was organized by Rev. Emory Jones, the first pastor, date of organization not given. The church edifice was erected in I872. POMFRET. Benjamin F. Greene was born August 8, 1820, at Mayville, where his father, Nathaniel Greene, from Herkimer Co., had previously settled. He received his education in the district school and Fredonia academy. In 1842, he commenced the study of law with Francis H. Ruggles, and, while there, he was admitted to the bar. In 1846 or I847, he removed to the city of Buffalo. In I853, he was elected a judge of the supreme court, in the eighth judicial district, and commenced his official term the first of January, 1854; and he died Aug. 7, i860, the day before he completed his 4oth year, and more than a year before the expiration of his term of office. His death was appropriately noticed by the bar of Buffalo. As a judicial officer, he was said "to have been a model. He was intelligent, capable, and honest; and, in his intercourse with his brethren and the bar, he was uniformly the obliging and courteous gentleman: and his memory will be long cherished by all our citizens who have known him." He was married, Sept. 20, I853, to Harriet, daughter of Jonathan Sprague. They had three children: Nathaniel, who died at Red Wing, Minn., in April, I863, aged eight years, and was buried in Fredonia; Sprague, who died at 22 years; and Susan. Isaac Higgins was born in South-east, Putnam Co., N. Y., about the year I797. He removed from Brookfield, Conn., in 182I, to Portland, and, about 183I, to Pomfret; and thence, after about ten years, to Pennsylvania, where he died about I853. Thomas L. Higgins, son of Isaac, was born Nov. 17, 1820; lived with his father during the early part of his life; received his education in the district school and Fredonia academy. For some time he was a surveyor of government lands in Northern Michigan. He was for several years a clerk, and thereafter, for many years, in the lumber business, in Cattaraugus Co.; and, in I858, he returned to Fredonia, where he still resides. He was married to Rachel Watkins, of Clear Creek. They had five children: Charles A., who SUPPLEMENT. 637 was orderly of Col. Drake in the army of the Potomac; and who subsequently went with Lieutenant Commander Cushing to China, in the naval service, and returned on account of sickness, and died soon after his return; Henrietta Agnes, who died at 20; Phebe M., who died at 6; Thomas L., Jr., who died at 8; and Lucy M. Oscar W. Johnson was born in Otsego Co., N. Y., in 1823, and removed with his parents to Hamburgh, Erie Co., in I836; and thence to Pomfret, in i838. He received his academic education at Fredonia academy in 1839,'40, and'4i. He studied law in Norwich, Chenango Co., with Col. John Wait; commenced practice in Fredonia, in I85I. He was appointed postmaster in 1852, the only official position he has held. He was married, in i852, to Emily Murray, of Norwich, and has six daughters and three sons. His oldest son is now in the junior class in Hamilton college. Mr. Johnson has delivered many public lectures and addresses. He has given eight annual addresses at Chautauqua agricultural fairs, and has delivered similar addresses in Chenango county, and in Warren county, Pa. He has also lectured before Teachers' Institutes in half of the counties in the state. For his labors in the cause of education, he was honored with the degree of Master of Arts at Hamilton College. On the organization of the Dunkirk, Allegany Valley & Pittsburgh Railroad Company, he was made attorney of the road, which office he still holds. Willard McKinstry was born in Chicopee, Mass., May 9, I815. He is of Scotch-Irish descent, his ancestors having emigrated from Scotland, with the Scotch protestants, to the north part of Ireland. His father, Perseus McKinstry, was born in Chicopee, in I772; married Grace Williams, in 1803; was a tanner by trade, afterwards a farmer, and died in I829. Willard was the seventh of eleven children; lived on the farm until his apprenticeship commenced; attended school summers until he was eleven, and winters until he was sixteen. He commenced apprenticeship as a printer in the Northampton (Mass.) Courier office, in 1832. Beman Brockway, formerly of the Mayville Sentinel, and L. L. Pratt, late of the Fredonia Advertiser, were apprentices with him. He served four years, and then pursued his trade as a journeyman in New York, Hartford, and Springfield; in the last place working the hand press for G. & C. Merriam, publishers of Webster's Dictionary. In Nov., I839, he came to Mayville, and worked a year for Brockway in the Sentinel office, and six months in the Erie Observer office. In [842, he purchased the Fredonia Censor, which he has published nearly 34 years. He was.appointed postmaster'in I863, and commissioned by President Lincoln, and reappointed, in I867, by President Johnsorn Having lived in four different states previously to his coming to Fredonia, and gained a residence in neither, his first presidential vote was cast in 1844, for Henry Clay. He has since voted for Gen. Taylor, Gen. Scott, John C. Fremont, Abraham Lincoln, and Gen. Grant. He joined the Congregational church in Chicopee, in 183I, and the Presbyterian church in Fredonia, in 1847. He was married, in 1843, to Maria A. Durlin, of Fredonia, and has four children; the oldest, 638 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Louis, having been a partner in the publication of the Censor since 1867; and the second son, Willard D., publisher of the Dunkirk Journal, since 1872. In February and March, I865, Mr. McKinstry spent six weeks in the service of the Christian Commission, in front of Petersburg, Va., at Alexandria, and at Washington. In this service he was present at Hatcher's Run, and assisted in taking care of the wounded. David J. Matteson was born in Arlington, Vt., September, 1791, and was married to Apphia L. Walworth, December I5, i8I3. He removed with his family to Pomfret in 1821, where he became a wealthy and independent farmer, and died Oct. 23, I875. He had five children: i. Frederick, who married Sophrona, daughter of Gen. Elijah Risley; was a practicing lawyer, a master in chancery, and special surrogate; and is now engaged in horticulture. 2. John C., who was a graduate of a medical college in Philadelphia, was married to Anna Waud, and died at Dunkirk, May, i868. 3. Clarissa 7., wife of Wm. H. Cutler, a lawyer, and for a time an editor, in Fredonia. 4. Eliza Ann, wife of Philander L. Woods, principal of the academy, Brookfield, N. Y.; removed to Canada, where he was a bookseller and stationer. 5. Helena W., who married Egbert W. Barkley, of Fredonia, who removed to New York, and returned to Fredonia. He resides in Chicago; she died there, and her remains were buried in Fredonia. William Moore, from Oneida county, in 1820, settled one mile south of Fredonia, and about the year 1824, on the farm where he has since resided, near Laona. He is the owner of a large tract of land. Like some others who commenced comparatively poor, he has been successful in his acquisitions. He was married to Philura Rood, and has a son, George R., who married Susan Goldthrait, and resides with his father; and two daughters: Ellen D., who resides with her parents; and Hattie P., wife of R. Livingston Newton, residing at Irving, and has two daughters, Minnie and Carrie. Lorenzo Morris was born at Smithfield, Madison Co., Aug. 14, I817. He was the son of David Morris, a native of Otsego Co., who settled in the town of Chautauqua, in I829. Lorenzo received his education.in the common school and Mayville academy; studied law with Hon. Thomas A. Osborne; and was admitted to practice in 1841, and has been a justice of sessions. In 1839, he was commissioned colonel, by Gov. Seward. In 1867, he was elected senator; and, in 1872, he was appointed by Gov. Hoffman one of the commissioners to propose amendments to the constitution. He was also postmaster at Fredonia from 1855 to I861. He was married in i843, to Fanny E., daughter of Walter Strong, of the town of Westfield. He has three children: Ellen M., wife of John S. Russell, a partner in law with Mr. Morris; Clara A.; and Walter D. Leverett Todd, from Waterbury, Conn., settled in Pomfret, on lot 45, bought in i8i8. He married Charlotte Woods, by whom he had two sons and a daughter, the last of whom died young. He and his son Albert live together on the old farm. Andrew resides in Iowa. Benjamin Walworth was born in Bozrah, Conn., Oct. 13, 1792. He was SUPPLEMENT. 639 fifth in descent from Mary Chilton, the first woman that landed on Plymouth Rock from the Mayflower. The Walworths in this country all descended from Wm. Walworth, great-great-grandfather of Benj. Walworth, whose father, Benjamin, was quarter-master and acting adjutant in the Revolutionary army. Judge Walworth, when an infant, removed with his father to Hoosic, Rensselaer Co. He was educated in the district school, and in a select school. He studied medicine in Cambridge, and practiced his profession for some time in Hoosic. In October, 1824, he came to Fredonia, where he still resides. In 1828, he was commissioned by Gov. Pitcher; an associate county judge, and served as such until i840. He was brother of the Chancellor, Reuben Hyde Walworth. He was married at Hoosic Falls, in 18I7, to Charlotte Eddy, a native of Pittstown, Rensselaer county. They had two children: i. Rebecca, wife of Elias Forbes, principal owner and manager of the Fredonia gas works. 2. Kosciusko R., who was drowned at Saybrook, Conn., at the age of 22. The children of Rebecca were Kosciusko W., and Charlotte E., wife of Isaac S. Kingland, who is a civil engineer on railroads, residing at Fredonia. In I855, Haskell L. Taylor commenced wagon-making, on Center street, in a small wood building, about io rods from Main street. In 1858, he took into partnership Festus Day; and in I864, Thomas H. Prushaw became a partner; after which tithe the business was conducted under the firm name of Taylor, Day & Co. Their work has been almost wholly the making of carriages, of which they manufacture a great variety. A patent combination spring road wagon, an article of their own invention, has constituted, for several years, a large portion of their business. In April, I875, H. Douglass Crane bought the interest of Mr. Taylor. Present firm, Day, Prushaw & Crane. Mullett, Green & Bissell also are manufacturers of carriages. The business was established about thirty years ago, by Obed Bissell. About 1868, Mr. Bissell died, and the above firm was formed, and has continued business to the present time. A similar establishment is that of Herman & Luther, commenced about ten years ago. Mr. Herman had previously been engaged in carriage-making. Horatio W. Green has a planing-mill for doing custom planing work, and a manufactory for making sash, doors, and blinds. The establishment has been in operation about 12 or 15 years. The Methodist Episcopal Church of Fredonia was organized about the year 1818. The first class consisted of Jeremiah Baldwin and his wife, Daniel Gould and his wife, Otis Ensign and wife, and others whose names can not be found. Among the early ministers were Francis Dighton, Darius Williams, J. Keyes, and Wilder B. Moak. Among the later ministers were E. H. Yingling, D. S. Steadman, J. H. Tagg, A. N. Craft, R. F. Randolph, and the present, James M. Bray. The first church edifice was erected, and dedicated in I820. The present is a first-class house, and, with its appurtenances, cost about $30,000. 640 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. RIPLEY. Judd W. Cass, son of Nathan Cass, and brother of the late Jonathan Cass, of Westfield, settled early in Ripley, on the hill, in the north-east part of the town, where he still resides. He was married, first, to Olive Dickson, and had two daughters: Jane, deceased; and Margaret, wife of John Parkhurst Hungerford, residing on the farm, with Mr. Cass. He married for his second wife, Mrs. Ludlow, who also is deceased. John Bell Dinsmrore was born in Windham, N. H., and, at the age of i5, removed with his father's family to Londonderry, N. H. His mother was a daughter of Hon. John Bell, of Londonderry, and sister of John and Samuel Bell, who were governors of that state. When quite a young man, Mr. Dinsmore made several voyages from Boston to the West Indies, for the benefit of his health; and, after its restoration, he went south to visit an uncle, Silas Dipsmore, agent of the general government among the Choctaw Indians. While there, he became the first conqueror of "Old Hickory," [Gen. Jackson,] who was taking to Tennessee a lot of slaves he had purchased in Alabama, and had to pass the Choctaw agency. The agent had been ordered, by the government, to require a pass from the governor of the state from which slaves were taken into another state, and passing the agency; which pass had been offered to Gen. Jackson, and refused by him. When he arrived with his slaves, Col. Dinsmore, the agent, being absent from home, two of his nephews, young Dinsmore and Smith, were in charge of the agency. When the general arrived, he was asked for his pass. He replied, that the government had no right to demand a pass from him, and ordered the slaves to proceed. In an instant he found himself surrounded by a large number of well armed young Indians, whom Dinsmore and Smith had in readiness to enforce the order of government, having learned that Jackson had refused a pass, and determined to force his way through. But the boys conquered him; and he had to send to the governor for a pass before he was allowed to proceed. On his return from the South, in September, 1815, Mr. Dinsmore passed through Ripley; and, pleased with the country, he purchased of Nathan Wisner his interest in a contract for 127 2 acres of land, being the west part of lot 3, now in the village of Quincy, where he resided until about two years before his death, when he sold to Joel Colvin, and erected a new dwelling on the north side of the street, where he died, Aug. r3, i87i, aged 79 years. Mr. Dinsmore married for his first wife, Nancy Wilson, of Harbor Creek, Pa.; for his second wife, Elizabeth Griffin, of Connecticut; and for his third wife, Harriet Alden, of Meadville, Pa., who, with the following named children, survived him: Jane S. Hawley, Sally W. Marvin, Wm. W. Dinsmore, Harriet G. Woodruff, John B. Dinsmore, Elizabeth A. Goodrich, and James Dinsmore. Mr. Dinsmore was, for more than fifty years, a member of the Presbyterian church in Ripley, a kind husband, father, and neighbor, and a truly honest man. ---::.:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —--- -------- - -~ —-;::::: SUPPLEMENT. 64I Elihu Marvin was born in Connecticut, in I79. In early life he was engaged in mechanical pursuits; at Derby, Conn., was connected with a woolen factory, under the auspices of Gen. David Humphreys, whose niece he married. About I820, he removed to Ripley, having purchased a farm afterwards owned by Judge Selden Marvin, and now by John Dawson, east of and near the East Ripley meeting-house. He was a zealous friend of educational and religious institutions. About I863, he removed to Erie, Pa., where he still resides, at the advanced age of 84 years. Dudley Marvin, son of Elisha Marvin and Elizabeth Selden, was born in Lyme, New London Co., Conn., May 9, 1786. His ancestors emigrated from England about I632. In his father's family were ten children. Dudley received his education at Colchester academy, Conn. He came to Canandaigua in 1807, at the age of 21; studied law in the office of Howell & Greig, and was admitted to practice in the supreme court, in I8I1. He immediately came to Erie, Pa., and was there admitted to practice; but soon returned to Canandaigua, where, after a practice of several years, he formed a partnership with Mark H. Sibley, who had completed his law studies in his office. In 1822, he was elected a representative in Congress, and was twice reelected. He there became a personal friend of Henry Clay, then speaker of the house. He was an able advocate of the protective policy, and an active supporter of Mr. Adams for president. During the war of I812, he held a lieutenancy in the state militia, and went to Rochester when an attack upon that place was apprehended. Afterwards he held, successively, the offices of colonel, brigadier-general, and major-general. After the expiration of his last congressional term, he devoted much time to mechanical improvements which he invented and patented. In 1836, he practiced law in the city of New York; and, from 1837 to I843, in the city of Brooklyn, where he ranked high in his profession. In the summer of i843, he removed to Ripley, intending to discontinue practice. But having, in his early practice, been brought among the profession in the county from its organization, in many important suits, he was employed as counsel, and regularly attended courts in several counties. His interest in political affairs was revived, in I844, on the nomination of Henry Clay, his mutual friend, in whose support he distinguished himself as an orator and advocate of protection. In I846, he was nominated as a candidate for the constitutional convention, with George W. Patterson and Richard P. Marvin. But on the decision that Chautauqua county was entitled to but two delegates, he withdrew. In the ensuing fall, he was elected a representative in Congress from this district. After his removal to Ripley, he made a profession of religion, and became a member of the Presbyterian church. He was an earnest advocate of temperance. In i8i8, he was married, at Canandaigua, to Mary Whalley. Their only child, Selden Marvin, was born at Canandaigua, June I9, I819. He read law with his father, in New York, and was admitted to practice in i84I. He came the same year to Ripley, and purchased the farm of his uncle, Elihu Marvin, east of and near the old Presbyterian church, where 41 642 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. John Dawson now resides. In I852, he was elected special judge of the county, and in i855, county judge. In I86o, he removed to Erie, where he has been for many years, and is now, associated with S. S. Spencer in the practice of law. He was married in Ripley, May 25, I847, to Sarah W. Dinsmore. They had 5 children: Dudley, who died in Erie, in I864; Mary W.; Charles D.; Elizabeth S.; and Anna H. SHERMAN. Josiah R. Keeler, an early settler, was a son of Matthew and Rebecca (Raymond) Keeler, natives of Norwalk, Conn., who had 8 sons: Josiah R., George A., Smith B., Zalmon, Rufus, William K., Burr, and Jonah C. Josiah R. came first, and settled, in 1826, on the hill, having cut his road thither, where he built a house, a store, and an ashery. He was soon followed by emigrants from Farmington, Conn., many of them Congregationalists; and a church of that order was soon formed, June, 1827, many bringing letters from Rev. Dr. Noah Porter's church in Farmington. At the request of the new church, Dr. Porter and his church selected for them a minister, Rev. Justin Marsh, a young man, agreeing to pay him half of his salary, $200, leaving $200 to be raised by the new church, of which Josiah R. and Smith B. Keeler paid $ioo. A new meeting-house was commenced in I832, and dedicated in May, I833. It cost about $2,000, of which the Keelers paid about one-half. Mr. Marsh married a daughter of Dr. Fenn Deming of Westfield; had a family, and died in Michigan. Mr. Keeler is said to have been an obliging man and decidedly religious. Mr. Keeler bought and manufactured largely pot and pearl ashes; his brother being employed mainly in the ashery. The ashes were delivered at Portland Harbor, [Barcelona,] for shipment east; and his goods were received at the same harbor. The road being extremely bad, it required two yoke of oxen to draw three barrels of ashes, and three days to perform the trip, eighteen miles and return. His brothers George and Zalmon also came to Sherman, and were in the employ of their eldest brother; but neither of them, it is believed, was a partner. Smith, George, and Zalmon removed to Jamestown, where they resided for a time. Zalmon G. Keeler, with Simeon W. Parks, came to Jamestown, about I833, and opened a store, being supplied with goods by Josiah R. Keeler. Mr. Park is still there, in other business. Zalmon G. Keeler died some years ago, in Jamestown, where his widow and daughters still reside. Josiah R. Keeler died in Sherman, long since, leaving a widow and children. A son, Osborn, entered Yale College after his father's death; his health failing, he went home and died of consumption. [On page 547, Wm. H. Keeler is mentioned as having had a store in Sherman, and a son Osborn. There is some doubt as to the correctness of a part of this statement. Josiah R. Keeler had a store and a son Osborn, and is probably the person alluded to. He had a son Wm. H., whose name is on the map of 1854, in the south-west part of lot 28.] 9.~~~~~~~ VPi~ i ~~;~~~~~~~I-: ~ ~ ~ ~' I'NO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I:~~~ SUPPLEMENT. 643 STOCKTON. ELLSWORTH FAMILY.-Dr. Waterman Ellsworth, a prominent citizen of Stockton, came to that town about the year 1822, some say 1824, where he resided till he died, in I849. [Sketch, p. 564.] He had five sons: Stukely, Hazelius, Franklin, Henry M., and Clay W. P. Stukely Ellsworth was born in Stockton, Dec. I8, 1826. He received academical education at Fredonia, Westfield, and Mayville academies, and graduated at Yale College in 1847. He studied law at Buffalo nearly three years; was admitted to the supreme court of the United States, at Washington, in 1855; and settled the same year at Eugene City, Oregon. He was married, in I856, to May C. Stevens, of Coldwater, Michigan, and has five children. In 1875, he, for the first time in twenty years, revisited his native county, accompanied by his oldest daughter, and visiting the Atlantic states as grand representative from Oregon to the Grand Lodge of the United States, I. O. O. F. He has been steadily engaged in the practice of his profession, giving but little attention to politics; his only candidacy for office at the hands of any political party during his residence in Oregon, having been for the office of judge of the supreme court of the state, in I866, for which he was defeated by the incumbent, who was reilected. His children are Harriet Rosina, aged I8 years; John Waterman, 16; Sarah Louisa, 12; Georgia Alice, 8; Mark Adams, 6. His present residence and post-office address is La Grande, Oregon. Hazelius Ellsworth was born at Stockton, Nov. 14, 1828. He adopted the profession of his father, attending nearly three full courses of lectures at the University of New York, interrupted, in the last course, by the death of his father. He removed to Eugene City, Oregon, October, I863, and still resides there, being now, and having been, for the last o or 11 years, engaged in the druggist business. He is unmarried. Franklin Ellsworth was born August 14, 1830, and removed, in I852, to San Francisco, Cal.; was married, in I865, to Miss McLane, and has a son, 8 years old. Henry Martyn Ellsworth, born in Stockton, removed to Oregon in I854. He was married, Oct. ii, 1865, at La Grande, Oregon, to Marietta Pierce, daughter of James M. Pierce, of Stockton, and granddaughter of John West and wife, still living at the old homestead in Stockton. Mrs. Ellsworth's mother, Henrietta Pierce, resides at Delanti. Mrs. Ellsworth died at San Francisco, April 22, 1875, leaving two daughters, Ella Pierce and Henrietta Rosina, aged respectively 7 and 3 years. Mr. Ellsworth resides at Kelton, Utah, and is a merchant, and agent of Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Express. Clay W. P. Ellsworth is the fifth son of Dr. Ellsworth, but no information respecting his residence or family has been received. FISHER FAMILIES.-The Fishers were natives of Princeton, Mass. Ichabod, John, Jabez, and Joel, sons of Ichabod, all came to Chautauqua Co., most of them from Oneida county, and settled at and near Cassadaga lake. 644 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Ichabod, the oldest brother, came in I813, and bought a whole lot, parts of which were taken by others. He was born, Jan., 1772, and died May 5, I847. His sons are Orrin II., now in Nebraska, and Willard W., postmaster at Cassadaga. Ichabod Fisher kept a tavern, the first in the town of Stockton; his license having been taken in I816. John Fisher, who had settled in Madison county, came to Chautauqua Co., in or about 1836. A son, Andrew, came with him, and settled here. Andrew's children were Marion F., John P., Joel A., George F., deceased, Andrew C., and Lydia M. Jabez Fisher had two sons, Van Rensselaer and Lyman F., both of whom died in Charlotte. Joel Fisher, a native of Princeton, Mass., removed to Oneida Co., N. Y., thence, the next year, [1809,] to Chautauqua Co., and settled in the southeast part of Pomfret. His house was the half-way house between Fredonia and Sinclairville. There were no bridges across the Canadaway; nor was there a road except a path. Provisions were scarce. He paid the Indian, Cornplanter, 47 pounds of maple sugar for a bushel of corn. He also paid $22 for a barrel of salt. He served in the war of 1812, and witnessed the burning of Buffalo. He is said to have taken the first drove of cattle over Blue Ridge to Philadelphia. Crossing the mountain was performed with great difficulty. He was married, in Massachusetts, to Lydia Matthews. They had eight children: Asahel and Joel were born in Massachusetts; Lydia, Phebe, Oliver H. Perry, John, Sybil, and Joseph, in Pomfret. Ichabod Fisher, Sr., was born in I746, and came to this county when his son Ichabod came, and died November, I8I8, aged 72 years. Sawyer Phillips was born in Ashfield, Mass., in I791, and emigrated to Stockton in I8I6, accompanied by his father, Philip Phillips, and mother, also two sisters and a younger brother, the last of whom died about i835, unmarried. The sisters married John Robertson and Israel Smith, the former of whom had but one child, E]iscom Roberts, and both died soon after marriage. The aged parents lived with the son till their death, in 1842 and 1846. Sawyer married, in I818, Jane Parker, of Ellery, a daughter of Benjamin Parker, by whom he had 15 children, three of whom died in infancy; three lived to be young men, and a daughter lived to the age of i. Eight brothers and a sister are still living, as follows: I. Thomas D., who married Lorette Hartford, and had, by her, two sons, Sawyer and Charles, and a daughter, Mary. His wife died in I847, and he afterwards married Sybil Fisher, a daughter of Joel Fisher. 2. Williston J., a merchant and hotelkeeper, who married Mary Ellis, who died in I860, leaving a daughter. He married, second, Eliza Hatch, of Cattaraugus Co., by whom he had two sons and a daughter. 3. Alonzo Parker, a physician, who practiced seven years in Allegany, Cattaraugus Co., and seventeen years in his native town; and a few years since removed to Fredonia, where he is engaged in the nursery business. He married Fidelia Woods, daughter of Elijah Woods, and had three children: Jennie, Burton, and Frank H., who recently died, aged .::~.::.::::i::;...::::::-::::,:.;:'::~::::-ii:::$o~;' ,il:::::~i::r,:a:~:~::~:i:::_:::rl: icl:''::,:_'.':::'::::::::r:i::.:::-:: a :.::, ~,":-:::l::;~i::';:.~::::: I:j,r::i~~:~~~r":i.::ij::~~-::~:.:.: ~:.~:~~~~ s::;~~: :14:0*"-:"::~,:~-: -~3:::::: :I::.~.~:~'":1":::::" *~;r:: -7jlI:: 1 ;.:'~:::-:'::i:::::i:,:i:ii lai:il 1:7;:::i —::::_::-:::::.':i::~':::i:::ir:i::'~: i~:~ ::::% x;~:::::::j::ii:::::~:.:~:::::~.i::~'y I::::^: iii::rj Jil I-1L iStlili iiSLi2 Ei-:~:::~~.~~:.~ ~: rin aI; il.r '::::: i " ~~Ij I~:i;:":i::rli:~ ,-:.~::::::.-.::i:.- ~:::i iij c-::::~ b ir:::::~i hii''' L'~ :cz":i:-~ —-::~::~: b~ ~~s:~n;;;;;;:;::l.:r ilii:j iii; brii "a "i a:: i ii-jc~ ':;j::.,,,.:::::::::\,,:: ~is i353. b:!l Si iiiirit;:l:~.:il n:::~:::::;~`i:~i~::ai::: iii ~r,::dX ;:~a~i I:5 h-L~-l -io~~; ~~~:~~~~~~~wlx;c:i::l::~I I:;a i.::.~~~. ~~:T;;j:_;L:~: 6 1::~~ .:: "~~;.t"~. SUPPLEMENT. 645 i5. 4. William W., who married Celestia, daughter of Lyman Ely, and had 4 children, two of whom died in infancy. 5. Charles, who married Eunice Cummings, of New Hampshire, and had no children. 6. Philip, who married a daughter of Harvey Clark, of Ohio. He is a noted singer and composer of sacred song, has made two singing tours to England and the British possessions, under the auspices of the London Sunday School Union, and is at present fulfilling an engagement under the auspices of the same society, in Australia and Van Dieman's Land. 7. Rosina, who married Milton Beebe, architect, and resides in Buffalo. 8. George H., who married a daughter of D. B. Baker, and resides in Springfield, Ohio. 9. Z. Barney, who married Sally Sharp, of Springfield, O., where he is engaged'in mercantile business. VILLENOVA. Villeroy Balcom was born in Templeton, Worcester Co., Mass., July 25, 1791. He was the oldest son of Joseph Balcom, an officer in the Revolutionary army, who was at the battles of Concord, Bunker Hill, Saratoga, Germantown, Brandywine, and others. He was at Yorktown, and was at the surrender of Cornwallis. He served through the war, and till Washington resigned the command of the army. He had command of the guard on the 2d of October, 1780, when Maj. Andre was hung at Tappan. Joseph Balcom died in 1827. Villeroy Balcom settled in Villenova, in 1815, on lots 9 and Io, where he lived to within a short time before his death. When he came, there' were only ten or eleven families in the town. The next year he went to Mass., and married Anna Puffer, and returned, making the long journey in a one-horse wagon. He died in Villenova, Feb. 2, 1868. His wife has since lived with her daughter, Mrs. Robert Nisbet, at Hamilton, Canada, and is in her 84th year. They had two sons and six daughters, all yet living except one son, who died young. Mr. B. was the first postmaster in the town. He was appointed Dec. 14, 1826, and held the office for more than thirty years. He carried the first mails from Fayette, (now Silver Creek,) to Cherry Creek, on horseback. He volunteered to carry the mails one year in order to get a regular mail for the settlers. In I831, he was commissioned, by Gov. Throop, as captain of a rifle company in the town. He was appointed justice of the peace, by the council of appointment, and elected to that office under the constitution of 1821, and was several times reelected. And he was eight times elected supervisor. He had received a good English education for one of that day, and did some legal business, drawing up deeds, mortgages, wills, and other written instruments. The Balcom and Puffer families came from England in the early part of the seventeenth century, and settled near Boston, Mass. The First Freewill Baptist Church of Villenova was organized in I828, by Amos C. Andros, with nine members: Lyman Town, -- King, Enos Brunson, -- Badger, and their wives, and one not named. The first pastor was Thomas Grinnell. The present house of worship was built in I839, 646 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. and dedicated in I840. Four ministers have been ordained from this church: Osha Crawford, brother of Lavina Crawford, missionary to India; Washington Shepard, Thomas Main, and Henry Blackmar; all of whom, except Main and Crawford, are yet living. The present pastor is Rev. Washington Shepard. WESTFIELD. Correction.-In the biographical sketch of Sherman Williams, page 615, is the following: " In i865-6, he was cashier of the Western Union Telegraph Company." It should read: "In I865, he was cashier of the United States Telegraph Company at Buffalo, which position he held until that company, was consolidated with the Western Union Telegraph Company in I866." POMFRET. For the imperfect sketch of Henry Bosworth, page 481, and that of Noah D. Snow, page 491, the following are substituted: Henry Bosworth, son of Samuel Bosworth, was born in Westfield, Mass., April 12, 1794, and came, in 1817, to Fredonia, where he established the jewelry and watch-repairing business, which was probably the first establishment of the kind in the county, and which he carried on to the time of his death, May 3, I853, a period of 36 years. Major Bosworth was married, in I820, to Love D. Snow. They had two children, Minerva Ann and Love D. After the death of his wife, Mr. B. married, in I824, Betsey Wheaton. Their children were Thaddeus H., Samuel Snow, Henry, Sarah L., Cushing, and Mary Elizabeth, all of whom are dead. Minerva Ann Bosworth married Septimus C. Stevenson, Dec., I868, and they reside near Jacksonville, Ill. Noah D. Snow was born at Boonville, Oneida Co., Sept. 9, I803, and came to this county with his father, Dr. Samuel Snow, who settled a mile west of Fredonia, in I814. Noah was a merchant in Fredonia about 6 years, and removed to Adamsville, Mich., and built a flouring mill. After two years. he removed to Forestville, where he was engaged in the milling business. In I838 he entered into a co-partnership with Oliver Lee, of Silver Creek; which continued until Mr. Lee's death, in I846. He then became a partner of Mr. Lee's sons, Charles H. and John H., with whom he continued until he was elected sheriff, in I849. Soon after the expiration of his term of office, he went to California, and, after about a year, returned. In I855, he removed to Brant, Erie Co., where he was engaged in lumbering and farming about two years, during which time, a fine residence was built on the Avenue, in Fredonia, the present residence of Mr. Gideon Webster, to which Mr. Snow removed in I857, and where he died, Nov. I6, i858. He had only one child, Frank, who married Love D. Bosworth, Nov. 4, I847, and had 5 children: Alice M., Noah Bosworth, Mary Minerva, Henry Frank, and Martha Couch. .......... ~::~:4 ~,::: gi - ":-i;:i:j;r~::~i:: ~i ~~~-~~~ ~15.:::i i:r_ B -" j:, a i F: i: n;::-::~_: ~-~IL/iC3I n ~ SUPPLEMENT. 647 Ralph H. Hall, brother of John P. Hall, is noticed on page 486. An error having been made in the name of the former, which was printed Ralph N. Hall, and a similar error in the name of his brother, printed John A. Hall, the corrections are here noted. Omission szpplied.-To the sketch of William H. Abell, page 479, should have been added: " Mr. Abell married, for his second wife, Miss Margaret Hussey, of Buffalo, January I7, 1871." PORTLAND. Lewis Pullman, the son of Salter and Elizabeth (Lewis) Pullman, was born in Rhode Island, July 26, 80oo. He married at Auburn, N. Y., Sept. 24, I825, Emily C. MIinton, eldest daughter of James and Theodosia (Lewis) Minton, who was born at Auburn, Aug. 14, I808. They removed to Chautauqua Co., in January, I830; and, in the following year, Mr. Pullman purchased and settled upon a part of lot 21, tp. 5, being the tract commonly known as the Budlong farm. Here he resided for fourteen years, pursuing also his trade as a carpenter, until, in 1835, he had patented his well-known apparatus for removing buildings. It is in connection with, this ingenious and effective machine that his name is best known to the inhabitants of Chautauqua county. In 1845, he removed with his family to Albion, Orleans Co., where he died, Nov. I, I853. Mrs. Pullman now resides in New York city. Ten children were born to them, as follows: I. Royal Henry, who married Harriet J. Barmore, is a clergyman of the Universalist church, and general secretary of the Universalist General Convention-office in New York. 2. Albert B., who married Emily A. Bennett, and is second vicepresident of the Pullman Palace Car Company-office in Chicago. 3. George M., who married Hattie A. Sanger; is the originator of the famous Pullman palace cars, and president of the company-offices in New York and Chicago. 4. Frances C., who died in infancy. 5. James M., who married Jennie S. Tracy; is a clergyman of the Universalist church, pastor of the "Church of our Saviour," and permanent secretary of the General Convention, New York city. 6. William E., who died in infancy. 7. Charles L., who married Clara J. Slosser, served three years in the army during the rebellion, rising to the rank of major, and now resides near Paola, Kansas. 8. Hrelen A., graduate at Clinton (N. Y.) Liberal Institute; married, in I871, George West, and resides at Providence, R. I. 9. Emma C,, graduate at Clinton Liberal Institute; resides in New York city. Io. Frank W., graduate at the Albany Law School, in I873, now assistant United States district attorney, New York city. CONEWANGO, CATTARAUGUS COUNTY. THOMAS J. WHEELER, son of Hezekiah and Abigail Wheeler, was born in Plainfield, Conn., Nov. i6, 1803. His ancestors, paternal and maternal, 648 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. were among the early English settlers of New England. He removed with his parents to Middlefield, Otsego Co., N. Y., in I806. In I817, he became a student in Cherry Valley academy. In I820, he began the study of medicine in Middlefield, with Dr. Sumner Ely, with whom he remained three years; and then entered the office of Dr. Delos White, of Cherry Valley, where he remained until he was licensed, in I824. He taught common schools four winters, commencing I8I9. In July, I824, he came to Ripley, and commenced practice as a partner of Alvin Ryan; and, in 1826, he removed to Conewango, Cattaraugus Co. In 1829, he was appointed postmaster at Conewango; in I830, assistant marshal to take the census in the county. In I833, he was appointed a judge of the county court, and held the office by reappointment, until I845, when he resigned. In I836, he was one of the presidential electors of this state. In i845, he was elected to the state senate, and held the office until Jan. i, 1848, when the constitution of I846 closed the official term. And he attended as a delegate to the democratic national conventions of I852 and I856.'Dr. Wheeler was married three times; first, May io, I827, to Isabella McGlashan, who was born in York, Livingston Co., April 2, I8Io, and died March 23, 1832; second, October 15, 1834, to Christiana D. Gardner, born in Woodstock, Vt., March 9, I807, and died Jan. I7, 1848; and third, Dec. 28, I853, to Hannah Johnson, who was born in Livonia, March 14, 1819, and, in 1875, removed to Fredonia, where she now resides. He had, by his first marriage, a daughter, Susan Maria, who married Oliver Worden, and removed to Wisconsin, where she died; and by the third marriage a daughter, Eliza Ann, living with her mother. RETIREMENT OF JUDGES. At the term of the county court in February, I843, Judge Foote, in charging the grand jury, took occasion to call up some reminiscences of the early history of the county, and to declare his intention to retire from the bench. Judge Campbell also having intimated such intention, action was taken, with reference to the event, by the grand jurors and by the members of the bar, respectively. The proceedings, as published in the county papers, were as follows: JUDGES FOOTE AND CAMPBELL.-The grand jurors of the county' of Chautauqua, having learned from Hon. E. T. Foote, in his charge to us, at the present term of this court, that he now retires from the bench, having served as judge for five years, and for four successive terms or twenty years, as first judge; Resolve, That we wish to bear testimony to the ability, fidelity, promptness, and impartiality with which he has discharged his judicial duties; and we regret that the circumstances are such that he declines a reappointment. Resolved, unanimously, That there is a respect due to official station, and that when an incumbent retires from that station, having for a fourth of a century been endeared to us by a friendly and honorable intercourse, we ...............: <. < e - s.. s. g \ s - mv...:::: - - B B'~~~~............~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bue,,oss-j-'::i it. "s.S....sBB.... 0.- 0.s............. 2............; B: SS.,s.sS... R>as..u Xg>~:......::.::::........e.:.'.s:..:E......s:F..........B: B... ~s i < S s~ gs, s~ s~.*BBq.B ~~~* zsBss9sgegs....... *l.a e~,X-*zgfs* 9,,,~9 hLSS!3UvR9,s~ ~, ~MM sg.,e; k gavgsesgsesegsg*9~sgg 1i W gBsg.gg,s.g SUPPLEMENT. 649 regret the separation of the bond which has so long united us, and which is now to be severed, probably forever. Resolved, unanimously, That it is desirable that a portrait of Judge Foote be placed in this court room, to the end that when we retire from the busy scenes of life,,and this bench and these seats shall be occupied by those who succeed us, they may have the pleasure of beholding the likeness of those who have been pioneers in the judiciary of our county, and who have borne the responsibilities of office with dignity and usefulness, and who have shared in the toils and privations of a country in its infancy, but now grown to a vigorous manhood. This grand jury being also informed, that His Honor Thomas B. Campbell retires from the bench of this court at the close of the present term, after a service of seventeen years, do Resolve, That it is with pleasure we improve this opportunity to manifest our high sense of his sterling integrity, practical good sense, urbanity of manners, and fidelity, and do regret that the citizens of this county, whom we represent, are now to be deprived of the benefits of his experience, ability and worth. Resolved, unanimously, That it is our request, that the above resolutions be filed by the clerk, and entered on the minutes of the court, and that Judges Foote and Campbell be furnished with copies of the same. Dated at Mayville, February i8, 1843. A. H. WALKER, Clerk. N. MIXER, Foreman. MAYVILLE, February 6, I843. To the Hon. E. T. Foote, First Jhudge of Chautauqua County, Nezu York: DEAR SIR: As you are about to retire from the bench of our county, after having held a seat thereon for nearly twenty-five years, and for the last twenty years as first judge of said county, the duties and responsibilities of which station have been ably, faithfully, and honestly discharged, with honor to yourself and to the general satisfaction and approbation of your associates on the bench, and members of the bar, and officers of the court, and the public generally: And as you declined a reappointment, and are about to retire, as intimated in your charge to the grand jury at the opening of this court, we feel called upon by a sense of duty, to express to you in this public manner, our continued confidence and esteem, and in consideration of the able, faithful and upright discharge of the duties of judge, we hereby tender to you this as a token of our unabated confidence and respect, and the regret with which we part with you in your official capacity-hoping you may find, in retirement, a continuance of that confidence and esteem, from an intelligent community, which you have so well merited and so universally received while upon the bench. Signed by ELISHA WARD, F. H. RUGGLES, Judges. T. B. CAMPBELL. Attorneys-Samuel A. Brown, James Mullett, Anselm Potter, Jacob Houghton, Richard P. Marvin, Austin Smith, Charles S. H. Williams, Orsell Cook, John H. Pray, Abner Lewis, Abner Hazeltine, P. Falconer, L. Morris, David Mann, R. Sacket, W. S. Hinckley, Z. C. Young, O. Stiles, W. P. Mellin, Henry Keep, P. R. Cook, J. M. Keep, W. H. Cutler, G. A. Green, D. Edson, C. R. Leland, C. W. Parker, C. Tucker, 650 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. M. Strope, M. Burnell, John Dixon, William Smith, G. W. Tew, A. Richmond, E. B. Forbush, S. Mervin Smith. JOHN G. HINCKLEY, Clerk. A. W. MuzzY, Sheriff. M. P. BEMUS, County Treasurer. HENRY GIFFORD, Under Sheriff The following resolution was unanimously adopted at a county convention of democratic delegates from the several towns, assembled at the courthouse in Mayville, the 17th of December, 1842: "Whereas, the Hon. Elial T. Foote and the Hon. Thomas B. Campbell have, by respectful communications to this convention, declined a renomination to the offices they have so long and ably filled: be it therefore Resolved, That this convention, representing as it does, not only the sentiments and feelings of the democratic party, but on this occasion, as we believe, the undivided opinion of the great body of citizens of the county, regardless of party divisions and feelings, are called upon to tender, which we do from a just sense of obligation and duty as well as pride, our acknowledgments to them for the prompt, dignified and efficient discharge of their duties as judges for a long series of years, and cannot permit the occasion of such separation to pass without this sincere and just tribute to their distinguished talents and services as officers, and their high moral worth as men, and that they will carry with them into retirement our best wishes for their future health and prosperity." BANKS. The first bank in this county was The Chautauqua County Bank at Jamestown. Application for its incorporation was made to the legislature of I83r. Among the reasons urged by the petitioners for a charter, was the extent of the lumber trade. About 40 million feet of boards, plank and scantling. were annually manufactured in the counties of Chautauqua and Cattaraugus, and the adjoining counties of Warren and McKean in Pennsylvania. The nearest bank in our own state, the petitioners said, was the United States Branch Bank at Buffalo, go miles from Jamestown, by the usually traveled route. To this institution, and even as far east as Rochester and Canandaigua, and to Erie, Pa., where a bank on a small scale had recently been established, our citizens had to resort for accommodations. The charter was granted. The commissioners to receive subscriptions for the capital stock, were William Peacock, Thomas B. Campbell, Leverett Barker, Elial T. Foote, Walter Smith. The books were opened at Jamestown on the Ist day of June, and were kept open three days. Notice was given in January following, that the capital stock had been paid in, and that the bank was about to commence business. The first officers of the bank were: President-Elial T. Foote. Cashier-Aaron D. Patchin. The First National Bank of Jamestown was organized for the purpose ot doing a general banking business. Capital stock $153,000. It commenced business January i, \865. Alonzo Kent is president; J. E. Mayhew, cashier. Alonzo Kent, Reuben E. Fenton, Galusha A. Grow, Orsell Cook, Sardius Steward, directors. SUPPLEMENT. 651 The Second National Bank of Jamestown was organized in February, i865, with a capital of $ioo,ooo, and commenced business the next April. Thomas D. Hammond was elected president; George W. Tew, Jr., vicepresident. In January, 1869, Mr. Hammond resigned his office, and Wm. H. Tew was elected president, which office he has held to the present time. In March, 1875, the name of the bank was, by authority of an act of congress, changed to City National Bank of Jamestown. Present officers: W. H. Tew, president; H. H. Gifford, vice-president; Edgar W. Stephens, cashier; Charles H. Tew, assistant-cashier; Wm. H. Tew, Charles J. Fox, H. O. Lakin, Thomas D. Hammond, A. J. Steele, Joel J. Hoyt, H. H. Gifford, directors. The Fredonia Bank was organized in i856, with a capital of $ioo,ooo; Rosell Greene, president; O. Stiles, vice-president; S. M. Clement, cashier. Mr. Greene died in 1859, and 0. Stiles was elected president, and Calvin Hutchinson, vice-president. Mr. Stiles resigned the presidency in i868. Fredonia National Bank was organized in I865. Capital, $5o,ooo. Present officers: S. M. Clement, president; H. C. Clark, vice-president; R. P. Clement, cashier. Union Banking Company was organized in i868. 0. Stiles, president; Spencer L. Bailey, cashier. Stockholders are individually liable. Mr. Stiles resigned the presidency in 1874, and Albert Haywood was elected president. The Bank of Silver Creek was established in 1839: Oliver Lee, president; Chauncey Smith, cashier. George W. Tew was elected cashier, April 2, I85I. Mr. Lee resigned January 30, 1844; and Mr. Tew was chosen president, and Clark C. Swift, cashier; both of whom still hold these offices. The bank commenced with a capital of $Ioo,ooo, and remained a state institution. The Lake Shore Bank, at Dunkirk, was organized in March, I855, as a state bank. Truman R. Coleman was president and Langley Fullager, cashier. In i866, when the national banking law went into effect, the institution took the title of Lake Shore Banking Company. T. R. Coleman has been its president to the present time. Wm. T. Coleman, acting cashier. H. J. Miner & Co.'s Bank was started as a state bank in 1859, with a capital of $50,000. H. J. Miner was its president; Odin Benedict, cashier. In i866, after the passage of the national banking act, the proprietors became a private banking company, and have continued as such to the present time. Since the death of its founder, [Mr. H. J. Miner,] his son, H. J. D. Miner, has had the principal management of the institution. The Bank of Westfeld commenced business as a state bank in May, 1848: Sextus H. Hungerford, president; John N. Hungerford, cashier; who was succeeded, July i, I854, by Levi A. Skinner. In July, 1864, the First National Bank of Westfield was organized with a capital of $Ioo,ooo; and Mr. Hungerford sold and transferred his bank to the National bank, of which Francis B. Brewer, S. H. Hungerford, Levi A. Skinner, Edward A. Skinner, and John H. Minton, were elected directors. Francis B. Brewer 652 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. was chosen president; Levi A. Skinner, cashier; Edward A. Skinner, assistant-cashier. The bank commenced business the first of October following. In Jan., I866, Edward A. Skinner was elected cashier, in the place of L. A. Skinner, elected vice-president. July i, I870, Charles P. Skinner was appointed cashier in the place of Edward A. Skinner, resigned. In January, I875, Francis B. Brewer, Levi A. Skinner, Edward A. Skinner, Watson S. Hinckley, and Henry J. Minton, were chosen directors; Levi A. Skinner, president; Edward A. Skinner, vice-president; Charles P. Skinner, cashier. There are several individual banks in the county, not included in the foregoing list, and from which no account has been received. In Fredonia, Miner's Bank-formerly H. J. Miner's Bank. In Sherman, Sheldon's Bank; Henry Sheldon, president; Jerome J. Dean, cashier. In Westfield, Lorenzo F. Phelps & Son. In Forestville, Newton Smith. In Brocton, Moss, Haight & Dunham. OFFICIAL REGISTER. This period commences with the organization of the town of Chautauqua as a part ot the county of Genesee. The first election in the town was held in the spring of I805. Chautauqua county, from the time of its formation in I808, for the want of a sufficient number of voters, was not fully organized until I8I I, but was required to act in conjunction with Niagara county for all county purposes. [See p. 113.] And as justices of the peace were not then elected by the people of the several towns, but were appointed as all other judicial officers were, under the first constitution of the state, the list will commence with the appointments of I805. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. In the Town of Chautauqua, County of Genesee. I805. Perry G. Ellsworth, David Kincaid. [The latter was also appointed a coroner for the county.] i806. Perry G. Ellsworth, David Eason, John McMahan. In Chautauqua and Pomfret, as a part of Niagara. I808. John McMahan, Matthew Prendergast, Chautauqua. John S. Bellows, David Eason, Pomfret. I809. Elijah Risley, John E. Howard, Ozias Hart, Pomfret. CORONERS. i805. David Kincaid, for Genesee county. I8o8. Orsamus Holmes, of Pomfret, for Niagara county. I809. Philo Orton, Orsamus Holmes, for Niagara county. MEMBERS OF CONGRESS. From the several districts of which Chautauqua formed a part, from 1812 to 1872. The numbers of the years represent the terms of service, which commence the 4th of March next after their election, and close with the 3d of March the second year thereafter. 2IST DISTRICT-I812 TO 1822. TWO MEMBERS. Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Genesee, Niagara, Ontario, and from 1821, Erie, Livingston, and Monroe. I813-I5. Samuel M. Hopkins, Genesee; Nathaniel W. Howell, Ontario. SUPPLEMENT. 653 I8I5-I7. Micah Brooks, Ontario; Archibald S. Clarke, Cattaraugus, in the place of Peter B. Porter, resigned. I817-19. Benj. Ellicott, Genesee; John C. Spencer, Ontario. 1819-2. Nathaniel Allen, Ontario; Albert H. Tracy, Niagara. 1821-23. William B. Rochester, Allegany; Elijah Spencer, Ontario. 30TH DISTRICT —822 TO I832. Chautauqua, Erie, Niagara. 1823-25-Albert H. Tracy, Erie. 1825-29-Daniel G. Garnsey, Chautauqua. 1829-31-Ebenezer F. Norton, Erie. I831-33-Bates Cook, Niagara. 3IST DISTRICT-FROM 1832. Cattaraugus, Chautauqua. I833-37-Abner Hazeltine, Chautauqua. I837-41-Richard P. Marvin, Chautauqua. I841-43-Staley N. Clarke, Cattaraugus. i843-45-Asher Tyler, Cattaraugus. I845-47-Abner Lewis, Chautauqua. 1847-49Dudley Marvin, Chautauqua. 1849-51 -Elijah Risley, Chautauqua. i85I-53-Frederick S. Martin, Cattaraugus. 1853-55-Reuben E. Fenton, Chautauqua. 1855-57-Francis S. Edwards. I857-65-[Four terms,] Reuben E. Fenton, Chautauqua. 1865-69-[Two terms,] Henry Vanaernam, Cattaraugus. 1869-71-Porter Sheldon, Chautauqua. 187 -75Walter L. Sessions, Chautauqua. 1875-77-Nelson I. Norton, elected Nov., I875, in'the place of Augustus F. Allen, deceased. STATE SENATORS. From the Districts in which Chautauqua County was included. WESTERN DISTRICT-I778 TO 1823. Allegany, Broome, Cattaraugus, Cayuga, Chautauqua, Cortland, Genesee, Madison, Niagara, Oneida, Onondaga, Seneca, Steuben, Tioga, Oswego from March I, 1816; and Tompkins from April 17, I817-entitled to 9 members. 8 8-Jediah Prendergast, Chautauqua county. EIGHTH DISTRICT —823 TO I846. Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Erie, Genesee, Livingston, Monroe, Niagara, and Steuben, until Nov. 12, I824, when Orleans was added; April I8, I826, when Steuben was transferred; and May 23, 1836, when Allegany, Cattaraugus, and Livingston were transferred; and May 14, 1841, when Wyoming was annexed. I823-David Eason. 1824 —David Eason, [full term of 4 years.] 1832 -John Birdsall, [resigned in I834.] 1843-Abram Dixon. I847-Francis H. Ruggles-all from Chautauqua county. TWENTY-SECOND DISTRICT-FROM 1846. Cattaraugus and Chautauqua. 1848-49-Frederick S. Martin, Cattaraugus. I850-5] —-Robert Owen, Jr., Cattaraugus. I852-53-Elisha Ward, Chautauqua. I854-55-Alvah H. Walker, Chautauqua. I856-Roderick N. White, Cattaraugus, [deceased, May 26, I856.] I856-59-John P. Darling, Cattaraugus, having been reelected in I858. i86o-6i-Walter L. Sessions, Chautauqua. 1862-63 -Horace C. Young, Cattaraugus. I864-65-Norman M. Allen, Cattaraugus. 1866-67-Walter L. Sessions, Chautauqua. i868-69-Lorenzo Morris, Chautauqua. I870-7I1-Allen D. Scott. I872-73-Norman F. Allen, 654 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Cattaraugus. 1874-75-Albert G. Dow, Cattaraugus. I876-77-C. P. Vedder, Cattaraugus. MEMBERS OF ASSEMBLY. ASSEMBLY DISTRICT —-I808 TO 1823. Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Niagara. I81 2-Ebenezer Walden, Niagara. i8I3-14-Jonas Williams, Niagara. I815-Joseph McClure. i816-Daniel McCleary, Elias Osborn. r81617-Jediah Prendergast, Chautauqua; Richard Smith. 18i8-Robert Fleming, Niagara; Isaac Phelps, Niagara. I 8 9-Philo Orton, Chautauqua; Isaac Phelps, Niagara. 182o-Elial T. Foote, Chautauqua; Oliver Forward, Niagara. i820-2I-William Hotchkiss; Jediah Prendergast, Chautauqua. I822-Thomas B. Campbell, Chautauqua; Isaac Phelps, Niagara. ASSEMBLY DISTRICT —823 TO 1846. Chautauqua County. I823-24-James Mullett, Jr. I825-Nathan Mixer. I826-Elial T. Foote. I827-Samuel A. Brown, Elial T. Foote. I828-Nathaniel Fenton, Nathan Mixer. I829-Abner Hazeltine, Nathan Mixer. I830Abner Hazeltine, Squire White. I83i-John Birdsall, Squire White. 1832 -Theron Bly, Squire White. 1833-Nathaniel Gray, Alvin Plumb. 1834 James Hall, Thomas A. Osborne. I835-Orrin McClure, John Woodward, Jr. I836-Thomas B. Campbell, Richard P. Marvin. 1837-Alvin Plumb, Calvin Rumsey, Wm. Wilcox. I838-Thomas J. Allen, George A. French, Abner Lewis. I839-Waterman Ellsworth, Timothy Judson, Abner Lewis. i84o-Odin Benedict, George A. French, William Rice. I84 — Benj. Douglass, George A. French, Robertson Whiteside. I842-Rossiter P. Johnson, Austin Pierce, Emory F. Warren. I843-Odin Benedict, Adolphus F. Morrison, Emory F. Warren. I844-Forbes Johnson, Marcius Simonds, Elijah Waters. I845-Samuel A. Brown, Henry C. Frisbee, Jeremiah Mann. I846-Madison Burnell, Valorus Lake, Elisha Ward. Two DISTRICTS FROM 1847. By the Constitution of 1846, each county entitled to more than one member, was divided into a number of districts, equal to the number of its members, one member to be elected in each district. i847-Charles J. Orton, Madison Burnell. I848-John H. Pray, David H. Trwadway. I849-Silas Terry, Ezekiel B. Guernsey. I851-Austin Smith, Daniel W. Douglass. i852-Austin Smith, Jeremiah Ellsworth. i853-Walter L. Sessions, Jeremiah Ellsworth. I854-Walter L. Sessions, Francis W. Palmer. I855-Samuel S. Whallon, Francis W. Palmer. I856 -Henry A. Prendergast, Smith Berry. i857-Henry A. Piendergast, Isaac George. I858-Henry Bliss, Charles B. Green. I859-Henry Bliss, Sidney E. Palmer. I860-Ebenezer G. Cook, Hiram Smith, 2d. T86iHenry A. Prendergast, Hiram Smith, 2d. I862-Emri Davis, Henry C. Lake. i863-John Steward, Henry C. Lake. I864-John Steward, Julien T. Williams. i865-Sextus H. Hungerford, Martin Crowell. i866Joseph B. Fay, Orson Stiles. I867-Joseph B. Fay, Orson Stiles. i868Matthew P. Bemus, Winfield S. Cameron. I869-Matthew P. Bemus, Winfield S. Cameron. I870-Matthew P. Bemus, Orange S. Winans. I87I SUPPLEMENT. 655 Matthew P. Bemus, Orange S. Winans. I872-Matthew P. Bemus, Jerome Preston. I873-Francis B. Brewer, John D. Hiller. I874-Francis B. Brewer, John D. Hiller. I875-Otis D. Hinckley, Obed Edson. I876William H. Whitney, Theodore Case. DELEGATES TO CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTIONS. 1821-Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Erie, Niagara. Augustus Porter, Niagara; Samuel Russell, Erie. I846-Chautauqua. George W. Patterson, Westfield; Richard P. Marvin, Jamestown. I867-Chautauqua, Cattaraugus. George Barker, Augustus F. Alien, Chautauqua; Norman M. Allen, George Van Campen, Cattaraugus. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS. [None from this County under the first Constitution.] Second Constitution. ELECTED BY DISTRICTS-DISTRICT NO. 30. i828-Ebenezer Walden, Erie county. BY GENERAL TICKET. I832-Orris Crosby, Chautauqua. I836 —Thomas J. Wheeler, Cattaraugus. I840-Philo Orton, Chautauqua. I844-Robert H. Shankland, Cattaraugus.. I848-Delos E. Sill, Cattaraugus. 1852-Benjamin Chamberlain, Cattaraugus. I860-James Parker, Chautauqua. I864-John P. Darling, Cattaraugus. I868-Timothy D. Copp, Chautauqua. I872-Nelson I. Norton. CIRCUIT JUDGES. Judges were appointed by the Governor, with the advice of the Council or Senate, until I846; thereafter elected by the people. EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT-FROM 1823 TO 1847. I823-William B. Rochester, Allegany. I826-Albert H. Tracy, Erie; John Birdsall, Chautauqua. I829-Addison Gardiner, Monroe. I838John B. Skinner, Genesee; Nathan Dayton, Niagara. JUSTICES OF THE SUPREME COURT. EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT-FROM 1847. Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Erie, Genesee, Niagara, Orleans, and Wyoming Counties. 1847-James G. Hoyt, Wyoming, [2 years;] James Mullett, Erie, [4 years;] Seth E. Sill, Erie, [6 years; died Sept. 15, I851;] Richard P. Marvin, Chautauqua, [8 years.] 1849-James G. Hoyt, Wyoming. I85IMoses Taggart, Genesee, appointed in place of Sill, and elected for 2 years; James Mullett, Chautauqua; [resigned Oct. i6, I857.] I852-Levi F. Bowen, Niagara, [appointed, vice Hoyt, resigned.] I853-Benjamin F. Green, Erie, [died at Fredonia, Aug. 7, i860.] I855-Richard P. Marvin, Chautauqua. 1857-Noah Davis, Jr., Orleans, appointed, vice Mullett; 656 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. elected in 1857 for full term;] Martin Grover, Allegany, elected for 2 years, vice Mullett, resigned; reelected Nov. 8, I859, for full term. I86o-James G. Hoyt, Erie, appointed, vice Green, deceased; elected Nov. 5, [86i, for vacancy and full term. I863 —Charles Daniels, Erie, elected Nov. 3, 1863, vice Hoyt, who died Oct. 29, preceding, and appointed to vacancy pending the meeting of state canvassers; Richard P. Marvin, Chautauqua. I865Noah Davis, Orleans, elected to Congress in i868. I867-George Barker, Chautauqua. I868-George D. Lamont, Niagara, appointed, vice Davis. I869-John L. Talcott, Buffalo, elected to succeed Lamont; appointed to vacancy. I869-Charles Daniels, Erie. I87i-George D. Lamont, Erie. I873-John L. Talcott, Erie. I875-George Barker, Chautauqua. FIRST JUDGES. The "First Judges" of the Court of Common Pleas were appointed by the Governor and Senate, until 1846, when, by the Constitution of that year, the office became elective; and they were thereafter entitled "County Judges." i8ii-Zattu Cushing. I824-Elial T. Foote. I843-Thomas A. Osborne. I845-Thomas B. Campbell. 1847-Abner Lewis. I852Selden Marvin. 1859-Abner Hazeltine. I863-Orsell Cook. I867Orsell Cook. I87 -Emory F. Warren. SPECIAL COUNTY JUDGES. I852-Philip S. Cottle. I855-William Green. i858-Stephen Snow. 86i-Jarnes Sheward. I864-James Sheward. I867-Nelson H. Hill. i870-Philip S. Cottle. I873-Abner Hazeltine. DISTRICT ATTORNEYS. Previously to 1822, District-Attorneys were appointed by the Governor and Senate for five years, to serve during pleasure, and entitled Assistant Attorneys-General. A district embraced, originally, several counties. From 1822 to 1846, [under the constitution of 1821,] they were appointed by the Court of General Sessions, and entitled District Attorneys; thereafter they were elected. In I818, each county was made a separate district. I8r3. Polydorus B. Wisner. I8I5-John C. Spencer. I8I8-Daniel G. Garnsey. I826-James Mullett, Jr. 1828-Samuel A. Brown. I838Joseph Waite. I841-David Mann. I847-Abner Hazeltine. 1850Daniel Sherman. i853-George Barker. I856-John F. Smith. I859William 0. Stevens. I862-George Barker. I865-Nahum S. Scott. r868-Benjamin F. Skinner. I87i-Edward R. Bootey. 1874-Edward R. Bootey. SURROGATES. Surrogates were appointed by the Governor and Senate until I846, when the office was abolished, and its duties devolved upon the county judges-except in counties having a population exceeding 40,000, in each of which a Special Surrogate is elected. i8II-Squire White. I813-Daniel G. Garnsey. I82I-William Smith. 1823-William Smith, Jr. I841-Austin Smith. I844-Orsell Cook. 1847-Orsell Cook. I85i-Emory F. Warren. I855-Albert Richmond. I859-George A. Green. I863-Theodore Brown. i866-Henry 0. SUPPLEMENT. 657 Lakin, [vice Brown, deceased.] I867-Henry 0. Lakin. T87 —Charles G. Maples. SPECIAL SURROGATES. i852-Francis S. Edwards. I855 —Charles F. Matteson. [Appointed Nov. 20, I855, vice Edwards, resigned.] 1858-Samuel A. Brown. i86iAustin Smith. 1864-Abram Dixon. i867-Abram Dixon. I87o —Jabez B. Archibald. SHERIFFS. Previously to the year 1822, sheriffs were appointed by the "Council of Appointment," composed of the Governor and a Senator from each of the four senate districts into which the state was then divided. 1811 - David Eason. I815 - Jonathan Sprague. 1817 - Eliphalet Dewey. I82o —ElialT. Foote. 1821 and'22-Gilbert Douglass, i825 — Elijah Risley. 1828-Daniel Sherman. 183i-Benjamin Douglass. 1834Wm. Sexton. I837-Judson Southland. I840 —-Amos W. Muzzy. 1843 -Orrin McClure. x846-Jarvis B. Rice. 1849-Noah D. Snow, 1852 — Alpheus S. Hawley. i855-Milton Smith. I858-William Vorcre. i86i Charles Kennedy. i864-Amos K. Warren. I867-Lewj's Andrews, I870-Lewis T. Harrington. 1873-Corydon Hitchcock. COUNTY CLERKS. i81r-John E. Marshall. I8I5-John Dexter. 182 —Thomas B. Campbell, 182 -John Dexter. I822-John Dexter. I828-James B. Lowry. x834-George W. Tew. I840-John G. Hirckley. I843-Alvin Plumb. 1846-Matthew P. Bemus. 1849-Orson Stiles. 1852 —Richard O. Green. 1855-Hanson A. Risley. 1858-Theron S. Bly. 186i-Sidney Jones. I864-Charles L. Norton. 1867-Richard Willing. 1870John R. Robertson. i873-Herman Sixbey. SUPERVISORS' CLERKS.. I8I-I-5-Charles B. Rouse. I816-Jacob Houghton. 1817-19James P. Rogers. I820-26-David Eaton. I827-30-Thomas A. Osborne. I83I-32-David Eaton. I833-George A. Green. I834-Francis H. Ruggles. I835-37-Rufus Jones. I838-39-John G. Hinckley. I840Nelson Rowe. 1841-Richard Willing. I842-Rufus Jones. I843-S. Mervin Smith. I844-45-Rufus Jones. I846-47-Walter L. Sessions. I848-49-Daniel Sherman. I850-5i-Charles Chadwick. I852-53Stukely Ellsworth. I854-6I-Elias H. Jenner. I862-66-Lucius Hurlbut. I867-75-Elias H. Jenner. COUNTY TREASURERS. Appointed by the Board of Supervisors, and by the Supervisors and Judges, previously to I846; afterwards elected by the people. I82I-William Peacock. I822-Anselm Potter. I834-John Birdsall. I836-Robertson Whiteside. I837-Ebenezer P. Upham. I838-39Robertson Whiteside. [Upham and Whiteside removed in 1840.] I840Matthew P. Bemus. I847-William Gifford. I848-William Gifford. 42 658 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. I857-Jabez B. Burrows. I860-William Leet. 1863-Byron Ellsworth. 1866-William Leet. I869-Sherman Williams. 1872-Sherman Williams. I875-Orrin Sperry. SUPERINTENDENTS OF THE POOR. I830-34-Abiram Orton, William Pendergast. 1830-3 — Solomon Jones, Thos. B. Campbell, Jonathan Hedges. 1832-Daniel Hazeltine, William M. Waggoner, Abram Dixon. I833-34-Solomon Jones. I833-43-Jonathan Cass. I833-35-Jonathan Hedges. I835-William T. Howell, Pearson Crosby, Joseph Wait. I836-38-Henry Baker. 1836-Nathaniel Gray, William M. Waggoner, William Prendergast. I837-39William T. Howell. I837-Benjamin Douglass, Stephen May. 183839-Henry Bosworth. 1838-48- John Chandler. 1839-43 -Samuel A. Brown. 1840-43-David J. Matteson, William Gifford. I844-48William T. Howell. 1844-50-David Eaton. I844-45-Edmund Mead. I844-Josiah Palmeter. 1845-52-Morris Norton. I846-48-Alvah H. Walker. 1849-5 —Moseley W. Abell. I85I-59-John Chandler. 185269-Charles A. Spencer. I853-55-Charles Brightman. i856-58-H. B. Pulman. I859-61-Luke Grover. i86o-68-Nicholas Kessler. [Deceased in i868.] I862-64-Walter Moore. I865-70-Wm. A. Mayborne. I868-Francis French. 1869-Charles A. Spencer. 1870-Wm. A. Mayborne. I871-Francis' French. I872-John Bootey. I873-Horace C. Taylor. 1874-David J. Maples. KEEPERS OF POORHOUSE. I832-William Gifford. I841-Wm. M. Waggoner. I844-John G. Palmeter. I847-Nicholas Kessler. I849-A. M. P. Maynard. 1851Nicholas Kessler. I855-John G. Palmeter. 1863-Willard Wood. SUPERINTENDENTS OF COMMON SCHOOLS. I84i-Lorenzo Parsons. 1843-47-Worthy Putnam. The office of County Superintendent was abolished, and its duties were chiefly devolved upon the Town Superintendents, who had been substituted for the Town Inspectors and Commissioners. The office of Town Superintendent was afterward abolished, and the county office restored, under the title of School Commissioner, one being elected in each Assembly District. [The first named, in the first district.] I856-Amasa C. Moses, Orsamus A. White. 1857-George W. Putnam, Lucius Hurlbut. I86o-Richard D. Vrooman, Andrew P. White. I863Charles Hathaway, James McNaughton. 1866-Phineas M. Miller, James McNaughton. i869-Alonzo C. Pickard, Wellington Woodward. I872H. Q. Ames, L. M. Robertson. I875-T. J. Pratt, L. M. Robertson. NOTE.-In the preceding lists of officers, before that of Circuit Judges, the dates signify the years in which their oficial terms commenced. In the list of Circuit Judges, and, it is believed, in all that follow, the years given are those in which the persons named were appointed or elected. _4Z., XI tW>%,,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~N *Jtr' "YWV#..........::: ~.i t -- f i 4 X _~ 1:I~:~:: jj.::::::.2;;; -~~:~::::::" it~:. —4Y:;: -'::~~i:;tj:~~i~~::i: ~~~~;~~r::ij~,:::: SUPPLEMENT. 659 CHAUTAUQUA LAKE. This lake is said to be the highest body of navigable water in the United States. About two miles north of Mayville, and within six or seven miles of Lake Erie, is the ridge which divides the waters which flow through Lake Erie to the Atlantic, from those which descend through the Ohio and the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico. This lake has become a favorite summer resort. It already attracts thousands from various parts of our extended country, who come for recreation, and to enjoy the benefits of its salubrious and invigorating atmosphere. Other thousands make their annual pilgrimage hither, to participate in exercises designed to revive their spiritual nature, and to qualify themselves for more effective Christian work: and as the "lake and its surroundings" are continually increasing in importance, they justly claim a notice in these pages, which have already exceeded their prescribed limits. There are some still living who remember its being used by early settlers as a means of transit. Many on their way to their new homes southward, made an easy passage on the ice. In the summer, families were comfortably conveyed in canoes, with their household goods, to some point near their destination, while men, with the teams and empty wagons, cut their way through the wilderness. It was for many years an important link in the channel of commerce between Lake Erie and Western Pennsylvania. Salt, provisions, and other supplies for the early settlers, were transported, for many years, in canoes and other rude water craft. In I824, to facilitate travel and transportation, a horse-boat was built in Jamestown. This was considered a great advance in internal improvement. Four years later, this boat was superseded by a steamboat. The first steamboat on Chautauqua lake was the side-zwheel steazmer Chazutauqua, which was built at Jamestown through the efforts of Alvin Plumb and others, who formed a stock company in 1827, and made her first trip to Mayville on the 4th of July, 1828, commanded by Capt. John I. Willson. She had on board many of the stockholders, among whom were Alvin Plumb, Samuel Barrett, Judiah and Samuel Budlong, Henry Baker, Samuel A. Brown, and others, of Jamestown; Wm. Peacock, Thomas A. Osborne, John Birdsall, Jedediah Tracy, and others, of Mayville. After their arrival at Mayville, the party partook of a sumptuous dinner prepared for the occasion. This boat performed service on the lake 5 or 6 years. After the first season, she was commanded by Captains Palmeter and Walbridge; Capt. Willson having returned to Lake Erie service. In 1836, the steamer Robert Falconer commenced her career; and in 1838 her name was changed to William H. Seward. Stoneman's horse-boat, "The Twins," a craft of unique construction, commenced running in I849, and ceased in 1852. The Hollam Vail was built in 1851 or I852, and the next season, just before she started on her first trip, she was scuttled at Mayville, and sunk about a quarter of a mile from the landing, having been car 660 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. ried off by the wind. She was raised and fitted up, and was run that season, and took fire at the dock at Mayville, and was burned. The C. C. Dennis was built in I855 or 1856, by Capt. J. W. Gardner, the principal or sole proprietor, and was run 3 or 4 years; some say, from 1857 to 1862, inclusive. The steamer CkzUtauqua, ANo. 2, was built in I863, by James and Wmi. T. Howell and Alfred Wilcox. After running one season, an interest was purchased by Wm. Whallon; and she was thereafter sold to a Mr. Hill, of Corry, Pa., and others, who owned her at the time of the explosion in August, 1871, at Whitney's landing, on her trip up the lake, about 6 miles below Mayville, where she had stopped to "wood." The cause of the explosion was an empty boiler. Eight persons were killed, and several were injured, and recovered damages. The Post Boy, owned by Peter Colby, appeared in I867. She was afterward purchased by Alfred Wilcox, and altered, her name changed to A. R. Trew, and burned in 1869. In I869, the steamer Jamestozon was built by Charles Brown and Ray Scofield. Scofield's interest was purchased, the following spring, by Charles G. Maples, who commanded her in I870. She was thereafter owned and run by several persons till the autumn of 1875, when she was burned at Jamestown, the property of Capt. T. H. Grandin. She had recently been rebuilt and enlarged, and was 156 feet in length, and her width, 21 feet. She was a screw-popreller. In 1874, the P. J. Halnour was built for Beck and Griffith. She was a small boat, having a carrying capacity of 200 persons, and was commanded by Fred. W. Griffith, who became her sole owner. She was burned in the fall of the same year. Capt. Griffith immediately commenced the construction of a new boat, named M. A. Grifith, which, after having made the season of i875, had her upper works destroyed by fire at the burning of the Jamestown. Her keel was 80 feet long, her deck, 86 feet; breadth of beam, 21 feet. She will probably be again ready for service at the opening of navigation next spring. The May Martin was built in Jamestown in 1875, by Dr. W. B. Martin, of Busti, and Frank Steele, of Jamestown. She is a stern-wheel steamer. length, 68 feet, I2 feet beam. She can carry 200 passengers, and is. intended for pleasure excursions. She can run down the outlet to the railroad depot. TheJ. M. Buzrdick, a small steam yacht, owned in Mayville, although she can run in any part of the lake, is chiefly used in the upper part. Her length is 52 feet; width, 9 feet. She can carry 15 tons, and is also intended for pleasure parties. The C. J. Hepbzrn, another steam yacht, is also intended for excursion parties. Its length is 56 feet; beam, 7 feet 3 inches. It is owned in Mayville. The steamer Nettie Fox was built at Jamestown, in the spring of I875, for C. J. Fox and Capt. Robert Jones, by Isaac Hammutt, of Pittsburgh. She was the first stern-wheel boat on the lake. Her length is I70 feet; breadth of beam, 32 feet. She has a cabin, 21 by 60 feet, on her main SUPPLEMENT. 66I deck, on which are two engines, 15 inches by 5 feet. The boiler deck has two cabins, io by 12 feet. The boat has a promenade deck, 32 by 60o feet, and a ladies' cabin, 21 by 50 feet, opening from which are four state rooms, a wash room, etc. The upper, or hurricane deck, also is used entirely as a promenade. There is a saloon and office; but no liquor is kept on board, the boat being run strictly on temperance principles. Her acting captain, last season, was James F. Fox. The Col. W'lliam Pzillips was built at Bemus Point, in 1873, from plans furnished by R. J. I. Cooper, of Buffalo, and C. C. Beck, of Jamestown. Her length is 125 feet; breadth of beam, 17 feet. She is a side-wheel boat, and said to be the only one on the lake. She has two engines of 40 horse power; and her boiler is of 90o horse power. On the lower deck is a small cabin, 16 by 20 feet; above are two open decks, one at each end of the boat, and a saloon 50 by 14 feet. The Phi/lips has, from the first, been commanded, and owned, also, it is said, by Capt. William H. Whitney, member of assembly from the first assembly district of this county, for the year 1876. The Josie Bell was built in 1875, by Goodrich & Campbell, of Corry, Pa. Her length is 55 feet; beam, 17 feet. She is designed for pleasure parties, and has a cabin 20 by i feet, and a promenade deck. This boat conveyed President Grant from Jamestown to Fair Point, in August, 1875. There are several other small steamboats or yachts owned in Mayville, designed for the use of those who are annually attracted to this favorite resort of the seekers of health and recreation. They are the elttie Hooker, owned by Fox & Lytle, being in length 32Y feet; beam 5 2 feet; the 662 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Olivia lHepburn, owned by Whiteside, Hepburn & Phillips, 53 feet long, by 8 feet beam; the Lotus, 20 feet by 5~, owned by W. P. Whiteside; and the Nereus, 38 feet, by 6 feet beam, owned by Warren & Hammond. This boat conveyed Gen. Grant from Fair Point to Mayville. HOTELS. The Fluvanna House is the oldest of the hotels on the lake. Samuel Whittemore, from Concord, N. H., settled at this place, near the head of the outlet, in 1826. He commenced, at an early day, the keeping of a public house, which has been enlarged and improved, until it has attained a distinction of which its worthy founder could have had no idea when he started his humble house of entertainment before Fluvanna had a name. It was the first summer resort on the lake. The house has now a front of 216 feet, and a depth of 70 feet. It is two stories high, and has fifty-two rooms. Its dining room has a capacity to seat 150 persons. The house was kept by its founder on the temperance plan, and is still so conducted by his son, who inherited the estate. The Sherwin House is a later and a smaller establishment, situated about twenty rods from the Fluvanna House. It has a good reputation, and furnishes to the sojourner, at a moderate price, a quiet and a pleasant summer home. The Lake Shore Hotel, at Grifith's Point, is also a first-class hotel, about a mile above Fluvanna, and about five miles from Jamestown. It is owned and kept by Frank L. Griffith. By repeated enlargements which have from time to time become necessary, its proprietor is enabled to accommodate 250 boarders. The house, or the greater part of it, is four stories high, and has a frontage on the lake of 200 feet, and has verandahs on two stories. It has one hundred and fifteen rooms. The dining room is 94 by 30 feet, and will seat 250 people. Its grove, lawn, play ground, row boats, etc., with its excellent internal arrangements, can not fail to satisfy the most fastidious. BEMUS POINT is about half way between the upper and lower ends of the lake, on the east side. This is the longest point on the lake, at what is called the Narrows. It takes its name from William Bemus, the first settler in the town of Ellery. Here is the Chautauqua Lake House, owned and kept by A. J. Pickard. It has a front of I50 feet, and is 60 feet on the lake road. It has verandahs on two stories. It is perhaps sufficient to say of this house, that it compares favorably with others along the shore of the lake, and is said to be well patronized. The Garfield House, at this point, is a small house, capable of accommodating only 30 or 40 people. Its surroundings, as those of other hotels along the lake, are such as to make it an agreeable home. LAKE VIEW is on the south shore of Chautauqua lake, four miles from Jamestown, and within five minutes walk from the station of the Atlantic & Great Western Railroad. The Kent House, at this place, was opened in June, I875. It is a very large house, new and complete in its appointments. SUPPLEMENT. 663 It has water and gas throughout, and has all modern conveniences, including a steam laundry. It has a frontage on the lake of 336 feet, and is four stories high, with verandahs surrounding every story, making a promenade of nearly half a mile. The main dining hall is Ioo feet in length, with a small dining room 30 feet long, for the use of private parties desiring it. The house has accommodation for 300 guests. People can be furnished with rooms in cottages. The manager of this house is E. H. Bowen. The Lake View House, but a short distance from the Kent House, stands directly in front of the landing, and in the outskirts of a grove of hemlock and chestnut trees. The house fronts Qn the lake I50 feet. The sides, 60 feet long, also afford a good water view. There are forty-three sleeping rooms, nearly all of them commanding a view of the water. The house is three stories high, with a verandah on two stories, extending around three sides. It is owned by Hall, Packard & Co., and conducted by Mrs. A. D. Stough & Son, late of the Forest City House, Cleveland, 0. It is represented as a well kept and pleasant hotel; and it is commended to many by the fact that no bar is kept in it, and no liquor sold on the premises. Of the public houses on the lake shore, one only-the Chautauluna House at Mayville-remains to be noticed. It is at the steamboat landing; the railroad passing between the house and the lake. Its proprietor is Mr. Horace Fox, formerly of the Mayville House. It has a front of 120 feet, and a side of 82 feet. It is three stories high, and has a hall above. It has the reputation of a well managed hotel; and every convenience necessary to the comfort and enjoyment of guests, seems to have been provided. Its eating rooms will seat I50 persons at their tables. The Mayville House, formerly kept by Mr. Horace Fox, stands in the central or business part of the village, on elevated ground, and near the courthouse and county offices, and nearly half a mile from the landing. The building has four stories and a Mansard roof. It has sixty-six sleeping rooms, and can accommodate Ioo to 125 guests. It has an observatory, from which by the aid of a powerful glass, a number of towns, it is said, are distinctly visible. Although originally intended for ordinary hotel purposes, it has become a competitor of what are usually termed the lake boarding houses, and, as is believed, with considerable success. Its proprietor is Mr. John R. Robertson, formerly clerk of the county. FAIR POINT. The celebrity which this place has acquired within the last few years, would justify a more extended notice of the " Point," and of the operations of the " Association " under whose auspices it has attained its present position, than the circumscribed limits of this history will permit. The name of the corporation is " The Chautauqua Lake Camp-Jieeting Association," and was organized under a general law of the state. Its object was to acquire and hold lands in fee simple, or for a term of years, at or near Chautauqua lake, within the bounds of the Erie Conference of the M. 664 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. E. Church, for the purpose of holding camp-meetings thereon, and for other purposes not inconsistent therewith. Surplus revenues accruing to the association are to go to the Erie Annual Conference for distribution among the conference claimants. Life members are the persons named in the act of incorporation; contributors to the funds of the association not less than $50; and churches are entitled to a life member for each $50 contributed. Persons contributing $5 may be members for one year, and may attend meetings; but may not vote nor hold office. The trustees elect, from their own number, a president, a vice-president, a treasurer, and a secretary; and, from the life members, a presidential committee of three, who, with the officers mentioned, constitute an executive committee. Three-fourths of the trustees are to be members of the Methodist church. The association purchased, from Stephen M. Hunt, 50 acres of land for $Io,ooo, a part of which was laid out in lots of different sizes. Ground is reserved for an auditorium 350 feet wide. The lots in the upper part of the grounds are to be of uniform size, and to be laid out on a better plan; and the central avenue is to be Ioo feet wide, from the upper entrance to its junction with the lower part. During the session of 1873, the idea was advanced, that a convention of Sunday School workers would be beneficial to the cause, and that this was a suitable place to hold it. The suggestion was approved, and before the camp-meeting closed, the Sunday School Association was formed; Lewis Miller, Esq., of Akron, Ohio, being elected its president. The. sum expended for improvements, besides assembly improvements, is about $I2,000. There are, on the grounds, 135 cottages, I hotel, i general office, 1 dining hall, i bath house, ticket offices, etc. Preparations for the contemplated assembly in August, were commenced early in the spring, and carried forward rapidly. An invaluable work, designed as an aid to Sunday School instruction, was the Holy Land, in miniature, laid out on the shore of the lake. It exhibited the more prominent features of Palestine-villages, cities, mountains, valleys, rivers, seas, and plains, almost perfect in detail. The first session of the assembly, in respect to numbers, was a great success. Thousands, from great distances, were attracted thither by the announcement of the names of distinguished speakers from different religious denominations. Thus encouraged, the directors were determined to make the second session [in 1875,] an improvement on the former; and it is by many believed, they were successful. Whether the same degree of interest will be kept up in succeeding years, time will determine. The fame of " Chautauqua lake and its surroundings," has become almost world-wide; and there are, as yet, no signs of their becoming less attractive as a summer resort. POINT CHAUTAUQUA ASSOCIATION. This association is a stock company,. incorporated under a general law of the state, Sept. 30, 1875. The first regular movement in this enterprise was SUPPLEMENT. 665 made August 14, 1875, in cottage No. 215, Fair Point. Rev. Emerson Mills, of Forestville, was chosen chairman, and Rev. J. H. Miller, of Mayville, secretary. A committee, consisting of the following named persons, was raised to look out grounds on Chautauqua lake, for the desired object: Revs. J. B. Vrooman, J. H. Miller, E. Mills, R. H. Austin, A. M. Tenant, I. N. Pease, Hon. Walter L. Sessions, Hon. W. W. Brown, Dennis Smith, and Prof. Eaton. The stock of the company consists of 400 shares of $ioo each, of which no one is allowed to hold more than ten shares. The directors are Hon. Walter L. Sessions, Rev. J. B. Vrooman, Hon. W. W. Brown, A. K. Wing, J. A. Parsons, E. R. Titus, N. Y. Elliott, Alexander Morian, Rev. J. H. Miller, E. L. Hedstrom, Prof. J. H. Eaton, (Pittsburgh,) J. R. Robertson, Rev. R. H. Austin, Daniel Williams, Rev. I. N. Pease. Walter L. Sessions is president; J. H. Miller, secretary; N. Y. Elliott, treasurer. The association has purchased between Ioo and 200 acres of land on the eastern shore of Chautauqua lake, about 2 X miles from Mayville. The soil is dry, and suitable for building purposes. On the grounds is a beautiful grove of maples, with a variety of other trees; the timber being all of second growth. The grove, consisting of about 20 acres, is to be used as a park; near the center of which is an auditorium that will accommodate io,ooo people. On the west side is a pavilion that will accommodate from I,500 to 2,000 people. Mr. Frederic L. Qlmsted, of New York, is laying out the grounds, designed for summer residences. Between Ioo and 200 cottages are to be completed by the first of August next. The Harmony Baptist Association, with several other like bodies, is expected to meet there the last week in August, 1876. The grove will be used for picnics, meetings of various kinds, and specially for the general anniversaries of the Baptist denomination. Two-thirds of the directors must be Baptists; but others are entitled to equal rights as stockholders. Stock, to the amount of nearly $40,000, has been taken. The association paid for the entire purchase $2,820. All the money realized from the sale of stock and lots over and above the purchase money, is to be expended for improvements. The capital stock can not exceed $60,ooo. The grounds were formerly known as "Leet's Point." ASSESSED VALUE OF REAL AND PERSONAL ESTATE, and the amount of Taxes in Chautauqua County in the years mentioned. Years. Real Property. Personal. Total. Taxes. I870......$13,922,429 $1,832,o06 $14,754,445 $249,705 I871......... 14,087,079 1,672,084 15,159, 63 243,433 1872.......... 14,2I6,758 1,634,209 15,850,967 268,399 I873......... I4,734,580 I,529,629 16,264,209 246,423 I874..... 37,535,849 3,634,7I4 41,1o70,563 277,225 I875..... 36,348,282 3,366,070 39,7 4,352 246,489 The great increase of assessed value of property in I874, is accounted for 666 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. by the previous prevalent practice of assessing property at less than one-half of its actual cash value. POPULATION OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. I820...12,568 i86o.....................58,422 1830......... * * * 34,67 1 1870................... 59,327 I840................... 47,975 1875..................* 64,529 I850.....................50,493 LODGES. The organization of the Lodges, and the names of early and present members and officers, are given in the sketches of the towns in which they were formed. A number of these not thus noticed, are the following: United Brethren Lodge of Free Masons in Busti was installed at the house of Herman Bush, July 4, 1826. Herman Bush, W. M. Harmony Lodie, Ashville, installed Aug. i6, 1826. Corn. of Arrangements-Hiram Alden, Isaac Fitch, John Stow. Albion Lodae, Westfield, installed Aug. 14, 1826. Corn. of Arrangements -Jonathan Cass, Aaron Rumsey, Carleton Jones, Joshua R. Babcock. E. T. Foote, installing officer. Forest Lodge, F. &6 A. M., of Fredonia, is said to have been the first established in the county. Of the date of its organization and the names of its officers, we have no account. A lodge by this name, No. i66, a new organization, was founded in i850, whose qfficers were Suel H. Dickinson, M.; John Sloan, S. W.; Robert Cowden, J. W.; John Lawson, treas.; Henry Bosworth, sec. In 1874, its officers were Wm. M. Lester, W. M.; James H. Lake, S. W.; John G. Cohoe, J. W.; Junius C. Frisbee, treas.; John C. Mullett, sec.; K. W. Forbes, S. D.; Benj. Thompson, J. D.; L. Morris, marshal; John G. Paschke, tyler. Summit Lodge, No. 219, Westfield, was organized June I, I85I. Its first officers were: Thomas B. Campbell, W. M.; Abijah Clark, S. W.; Dexter Barnes, J. W. Present officers [I874.]-J. C. Gifford, W. M.; H. R. Smith, S. W.; John Heron, J. W.; J. H. Haight, S. D.; J. Bartlett, J. D.; E. S. Bartholomew, master of cer.; Caleb Holland, tyler; P. Bemus, sec.; John L. Hutchins, treas.; J. C. Schofield, chaplain. Peacock Lodge, No. 696, of Free and Accepted Masons, [named after the Hon. William Peacock,] was organized in Mayville, February 28, 1869; chartered June 9, 1869. James Gibson, Grand Master. First officersNicholas G. Luke, W. M.; George Wood, S. W.; John F. YoAng, J. W.; Amos K. Warren, treas.; Otis E. Tiffany, sec'y; William S. Gleason, S. D.; Peter M. Pickard, J. D.; Horace Fox, master of cer.; Cyrus Underwood, Jr., tyler. Present officers-Wm. S. Gleason, W. M.; Wm. Chace, S. W.; Marion A. Keyes, J. W.; Hiram D. Barnes, treas.; Lewis M. Smith, sec'y; John M. Seymour, S. D.; Martin F. Whallon, J. D.; Daniel Mills, Cyrus Underwood, M. of C.; Charles Saulpaugh, tyler. Present members, 60. [Sept. I873.] SUPPLEMENT. 667 Fredonia Lodge, No. 338, I 0. O. F. Instituted Nov. 8, I872. First offcers-George C. Rood, N. G.; Charles F. Matteson, V. G.; J. M. Tiffany, treas.; J. K. Starr, sec. Present officers, (probably 1874:)-C. F. Matteson, N. G.; George D. Hinckley, V. G.; J. M. Tiffany, treas.; J. K. Starr, sec. Fredonia R. A. Chapter, No. 76. Date of organization not given. Nathan L. Payne, H. P.; J. Warren Lake, king; James D. Wells, scribe; Junius C. Frisbee, treas.; John C. Mullett, sec. 668 HISTORY OF CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. NOTES AND CORRECTIONS. John Birdsall is said, p. 27, to have been appointed circuit judge, while residing in Lockport. It was so written on what was supposed to be good authority. It is, however, elsewhere stated, and, it is presumed correctly, that his appointment, in 1826, was made after he had become a resident of Mayville. Big Black Walnut Tree.-A description of this remarkable curiosity in the town of Hanover, is on pages 414-15. Following, in close connection, the historical sketch of Forestville, readers unacquainted with the history of this famed tree, would naturally infer that it grew near Walnut creek in Forestville. As it stood near that stream in the village of Silver Creek, its description should have been inserted in the sketch of that village. Charles P. Young, who is mentioned, p. 83, as being from Ellery, was at that time a resident of the town of Chautauqua. Sherman. The newspaper in which the "Fragments of History" were published, page 545, was the Western New Yorker, an earlier paper at Sherman than the News. Conewango, the name of a stream in the south-east part of this county, and of a town in Cattaraugus county, is often spelled with the letter n double before the e. In writing this work, this spelling was adopted upon authority deemed reliable. From further examination, it seems that early usage, as well as propriety, is in favor of a single n. As uniformity is desirable, it is hoped the word will hereafter be written only Conewango. P. 77, 7th line from bottom, for 18Io, read I807. P. 88, I 5th line from bottom, for "John Eason," read David Eason. P. 273, 9th line from bottom, for "two sons," read ten sons. P. 324, bottom line, for " Rogers," read Hedges. P. 416, 23d line, for " 1836," read I636. P. 417, 3d line, for " I857," read 1757. P. 642, ist and 2d lines. Mr. Marvin held only the office of special county judge, to which office William Green was elected in I855. ADDITIONAL CORRECTIONS. PAGE 203. Line 5 from bottom, read "married a Monday." P. 240. Southland Family. For "I. Caroline M., who married Rev. Asahel Chapin," read Catharine M., &c. P. 256. For " Philip Sink," read Philip Link. P. 28I, 282. Tracy Family. Last line, p. 281, after Erie, read county. P. 282. Jedediah R. died in Westfield, in 1850; his widow resides in Iowa. Clarinda, in the order of birth, preceded Perry. Phebe married Adley Randall. Martha M., wife of Henry TI. Bessac. Harriet M. married J. Otto Green. Add, Io. Asahel B., who married Isabella Campbell, and resides at Mayville. P. 282. For "Samuel S. Wallon," read Samuel S. Whallon. P. 315. Line 14, for "Azariah Bennett," read Abijah Bennett. P. 343. Line 7, for " Rufus Landon," read Reuben Landon. P. 372. Family of Samuel B. Winsor. Ruby C. is wife of Hiram Hazzard. P. 442. Family of Sardius Steward. Read Helen Almina, wife of James H. Polley. P. 485, 486. John P. and Ralph H. Hall. The name of the former in his sketch, p. 485, is correctly given, though he is, on p. 486, alluded to as John A. The name of his brother, copied from an incorrect source, is given on both pages as Ralph N., instead of Ralph H. [See also p. 647.] P. 506. David Eaton, born r782. P. 5I8. Silas Baird, married to Hannah Roundy. P. 524. Last line, read Clarissa, daughter of Burban Brockway. P. 528. Line 8, read Simeon, who married Alvina Fuller. P. 613. Sketch of Hiram Tiffany. For "two children," read no children. P. 650. Line I, for "John Dixon," read Abram Dixon. P. 654. Omission supplied. The names of John P. Hall and Samuel Barrett, members of assembly in 1850, do not appear in the list. P. 664. Line Io, for "presidential," read prudential. P. 665. The purchase money paid by the Point Chautauqua Association, is stated to be.2,820. The sum paid was $28,200. IN D EX. Agriculture, early; first county agricultural society, I49-50. Akin, Joseph, first settler in Kiantone, 77. America, discovery of, 63; Royal charters, 63. Allegany county, from what counties formed, and when, IIo. Animals, wild, 8; wolves, destruction of, SI; wolf hunt, 82; encounters with bears, 83-84. Anti-masonry, history of, I66. Antislavery, history of, 146-8; early antislavery papers, 146; meetings broken up, 147; petitions in congress, treatment of, 147-8. Ashes, how manufactured, and value of, 94; quantity manufactured, 95-7. Bake-kettle, or Dutch oven, 87. Bears, encounter with, by Wyman Bugbee, 83; and by Jehial Tiffany, 84. Bemus, Wm. early settler in Ellery, 77. Bennett, Abijah, and son, capture of, by Indians, 322. Bloss, William, a noted wood chopper and marksman, 390-I. Boundary line between the whites and Indians, 49; between New York and Pennsylvania, 60. Broadhead, Col., expedition of, 50; superseded by Col. William Irvine, 53. Buffalo and bison, habitation of, 29. Bugbee, Wyman, fight of, with bear, 83. Bucktails and Clintonians, history of, 162-3. Cabins, log, construction of, 78. Camp, Rev. Phineas, labors of, as missionary, Io6. Canadaway, early settlement of, 75-6. Cattaraugus county, when formed, and from what counties, IIo. Charters, granted to colonists, by kings of England, 64. Chautauqua, origin and name of, 35; lake, British and Indian expedition over, 5I. Chautauqua, town of, and early settlement, 262; history of, 262-70. Chautauqua county, formation and organization of, 109-14; divisions of, II5-I6. Chautauqua lake, history of, its commerce, attractions, &c., 659-65. Clearing land, description of, 80. Clinton, Simeon, killed by lightning, 226. Clintonian and bucktail parties, history of, I62-3. Clinton, De Witt, candidate for governor, 168. Cochran, Alexander, first settler in Ripley, 75. Cole, Mrs., a heroine of the war of 1812, 303. Cooking, early, described, 87. Corn crackers, or hominy blocks, description and use of, 89, Corn, manner of harvesting; corn huskings, 86-7. County, early settlement, 70; the McMahan purchases, 73. Cross Roads, early settlement at, 74; [see Westfield.] Cushing, Zattu, early settler at Fredonia, 468; his perils on Lake Erie, and narrow escape, 468. 670 INDEX. De Celeron, French captain, takes possession of Western Pennsylvania, 35. Deer hunting, a common business, 85. Denonville, governor of Canada, expedition of, against Indians, 29. Division of business, 98, 99. Dunkirk, settlement of, 304. Dunn, James, early settler in Portland, 76. Early dwellings, description of, 78. Eclipse of the sun, total, June I6, I806, interesting description of, 218. Ellicott, first settlement in, 77. Expedition, British and Indians, over Chautauqua lake, 51. Family or household manufacturing, 89. Fare of the early settlers; flour obtained from Canada and Niagara Falls, 88; leeks used for food, 88. Farming, early, 85; rude implements, description of, and mode of harvesting, 85-6. Fort Niagara, reoccupied and reconstructed by the French, 35. Frank settlement, in Busti, 235. Franks captured by Indians, 235-6. French and Indian war, causes of, 34. Genesee county, when formed, and of what territory composed, Io. Granger, Francis, candidate for governor, I68. Habeas corpus, suspension of writ of, in civil war, I9I. Hennepin, Louis, explorations of, with La Salle and Tonti, 28. Holland Land Company, lands purchased by, 66; policy of, I26-8; sell their lands, 129-31; Genesee tariff, 130-; destruction of land-office, 131; policy of Mr. Seward, I31-5; Cherry Valley Company's purchase, I35. Holmes, Orsamus, a Revolutionary soldier, his wonderful adventures, 540-3. Hontan, Baron La, and Denonville, expedition of, against the Senecas, 29. His description of the Lake Erie country, 29. Household manufactures, 89; spinning, weaving, and dyeing, 89-90. Hominy-mills or hominy-blocks, construction and use of, 89. Independence, celebration of, first in Ellicott, 331. Indians, Neutral and Huron Iroquois nations, 20; wars of, 25; territory occupied by different tribes, 30. Early occupation of Chautauqua county, by, 32. Irvine, Col. Wi., supersedes Broadhead, 53; Washington's correspondence with, 54-60. Jamestown, settlement of, 335. Village of, incorporated, 343. Jemison, Mary, alias "White Woman," capture of, by Indians, 3I. Jesuits, early mission of, to America, 24. Johnson, Sir Wm., journey of, to Detroit, 46. Joncaire, Capt., Frenchman, interview with Gen. Washington, 30. Judges Elial T. Foote and Thomas B. Campbell, retirement of, 648-50. Kennedy, Dr. Thomas R., purchaser of tract in Poland, 77. Kingsley, Edward B., a chopper and marksman in Arkwright, 224-5. Land, gospel.; see gospel land, Io8. Lands, western, cession of, to general government, 64; dispute, concerning, between New York and Massachusetts, 64. Lane, George, early visit of, to Chautauqua county, 107. La Salle, the French explorer, 26. La Fayette, in Chautauqua, I35-42; sketch of, 135-6; reception at Westfield, 136-8; receptionat Fredonia, 139-42. Leeks, food of early settlers, 88. Lumber, manufacture of, at Jamestown and vicinity, 376-9. Mack, John, ferry of, at Cattaraugus, 73. Mail, first, from Ellicottville to Mayville, 256. Marquette and Joliet, French explorers of Mississippi country, 27. Massachusetts, sale of her lands to Phelps and Gorham, 64-5. INDEX. 67I Massachusetts and New York, conflicting claims of, for lands, in New York, 64; dispute concerning, how settled, 64. McHenry, early settler at Westfield; death of, by drowning, 74. McMahan, John and James, purchases of, 73. McIntyre, Alexander, first settler in Chautauqua, 77. Mails and mail routes, 119-26. Medical societies, 148-9. Chautauqua County Medical Society, 148; Eclectic Medical Society, 148-9. Methodism, early introduction of, in the county, 107. Missionaries, Rev. John Spencer, o16-7; Revs. John Lindsley, Phineas Camp, Asa Turner, and George Lane, 107-8. Morris, Robert, purchase of lands by, from Mass., 65; sales to Holland Company, 66. Mound builders, 17. Newspapers, list of, 194; Chautauqua Farmer, 634; Western New Yorker and Sherman News, 667. Ohio Company, large land grant to, by Great Britain, 35. Old settlers' festivals,-Reiinion at Fredonia, 197-207. Cushing's address, 198-9. Officers of the meeting, 199-200. Interesting proceedings, 200-7. Reunion at Forestville, 207-Io. Reunion at Jamestown, 2I0-8. - Judge Marvin's address, 211-13. Further proceedings, 213-18. Phelps and Gorham's purchase, in Western New York, 64-5. Pioneer life, reflections on, 99-Io1. Political history; early parties, federal and republican, I55 —6o. Alien and sedition laws, 158-9. Virginia and Kentucky resolutions, I59. Elections in Chautauqua county, 160-2. Parties in New York; bucktails and Clintonians, 162-6. Antimasonic party, 166-9. American party, 169-71. Present parties, 171. Portage road, history of, 37, 116-17; from Erie to La Boeuf, by Duquesne, 38. Post-offices, post routes, and postmasters, early, 120-4. Prendergast families, settlement of, in Chautauqua, 77. Journey from Pittstown to Tennessee, and thence to Chautauqua, 264-6. Jediah and Martin, early merchants at Mayville and Jamestown, trade of, 92-3. Railroads in Chautauqua, 150-55. New York and Erie, 150-52. Buffalo and Erie, and other roads, I53. Atlantic & Great Western, I53-4. Dunkirk, Allegany & Pittsburgh, I54-5. Buffalo & Jamestown, I55. Register, official, of county officers, legislative and judicial, 652. Religious history, 104-9. Roads, early, II6-I9; old Portage road, 37, II6-17; from Pennsylvania to Chautauqua lake, 117-I8; Mayville and Cattaraugus, 1 I8-I9. Robert Morris, purchaser of Massachusetts lands in Western New York, 65-6; sells to Holland Land Company, 65-9. Schools, early, description of, 102-4; school funds, 1o4-5. Settlers, condition of; causes of general depression, I28-9. Smith, Walter, merchant of Fredonia and Dunkirk, sketch of, 309-12. Sottle, Amos, early settler at Irving, 70-3. Spencer, Rev. John, missionary, early labors of, o05-6. Spinsters, itinerant; [see Household Manufactures,] 89. St. Clair, defeated by the Indians, and succeeded by Gen. Wayne, 6I. State boundary line, between New York and Pennsylvania, 60. Stores and trade, 9; early prices of goods, 92-4. Sugar, maple, price of, 94; loaf, or refined, 98. Surgical operation, remarkable, in Charlotte, 252-3. Survey of boundary line between New York and Pennsylvania, 6o, 6I. Tammany Society, political, in New York, 162. 672 INDEX. Temperance history, 142-6; drinking customs, 142-4; reform measures, 144-6; county society, organization of, 144; Washingtonians, 145; Sons of Temperance, Good Templars, I45. Throop, Enos T., democratic candidate for governor, I68. Thompson, Smith, national republican candidate for governor, I68. Tiffany, Jehiel, encounter with bear, 84. Trade, nature of, 97-8. Treaties with Indians by the state of Pennsylvania, 6I. Turner, Rev. Asa, early missionary labors of, and death, 107. Van Buren, Martin, democratic candidate for governor, I68. War history-war of 1812, 172-81. Causes of the war, I72-3. Chautauqua militia during the war, I73-8I. Battle of Black Rock, I75-7. Officers of companies, 178-9. Eaton's letter, -I80. Civil War-its origin, 182. South Carolina secedes, I83. Hostilities commence, 184-5. Southern confederacy, I84. Patriotic meetings, 186-9. Seward's instructions to Dayton, I90. Suspension of habeas corpuss, 191. Measures for prosecuting the war, 192-3. No. soldiers, 194. War, French and Indian, causes of, 34; fall of Pittsburgh, 47; surrenders to the English, 48; Pontiac's war, 48. Wars, Indian, conclusion, 6I. Washington, journey of, to French Creek, 45; built a fort at Pittsburgh, 45; fall of Pittsburgh, 47. Wayne, Gen. Anthony, his expedition and defeat of the Indians, 61. Westfield, early settlement of, 73; later settlements in, 555-8; stores, mills, manufactories, etc., 589-91. Williams, Richard, mail contractor, 122; Sophia, his wife, a heroine mail carrier, 122. Willson, William, first settler in Ellicott, 77. Wolves, bounties paid for the destruction of, 8I; great wolf hunt in Stockton, 82. Worksburg, settlement of, 332.