TH E CENS JS OF TOW_.?. AS RETJRNIEDD IN THE' YEAR 1867, SHTOW-ILt).iRN. DEITAIL, THE POP LATION, AGITLCULTURALI STA.TISTICS. )O-lMI.STI.' I AMND GtiENRAL BMANUFACTUR$ES, AND O'THER'IEMS:OF INTEREST. PUBLISEDl} UINDER DIRECTION OF TIlE CENSUS BOARD. WVILLIAXI M. STONE, GovERNOr, JD W RIGHT, SECIURETARY: OF STATE, C Ol)HN A. ELLIOTT, AuDITOR 0 STATE, CENsUs BOArD. SAMUEL E. RANKIN, TREASUiRER (BF STATE, DES MOINES: F. W. PALMER, STATE PRINTER. 1867. THE CENSUS OF IOWA, AS RETURNED IN THE YEAR 1867. SHOWING, IN DETAIL, THE POPULATION, AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS, DOMtESTIC AN-D GENERAL MANUFACTURES, AND OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST. PUBLISHED UNDER DIRECTION OF THE CENSUS BOARD. W.VILLIAM Mi. STONE, GOVEnRNOR, ED WRIGHT. SECRETARY OF STATE,,JOHN A. ELLIOTT. AUDITOR OF STATE, CENSUS BOARD. SAMUEL E. RANKIN, TREASURER (OF STATE, J DES MOINES: P. W. PALMER, STATE PRINTER. 1867. CENSUS RE TUIRNS, SHOWING TIE POPULATION OF THE SEVERAL COUNTIES OF IOWA FOR THE YEAR 1867. ADAIR COUNTY. _ ~ ~. t. Names of Townships, Names of Post-Offices.:= - H' [Towns,ai dCities,.r a - o o d4 otd~~~~~~ ~~~~ Ia~~~ ~ ~~~~~ IH~ ~~ I c o I...74 75.30Grand River........ Hebron (T. 75).........29 88 85 173.......... 1 13 8 6..... 74 75..311 Greenfield.......... Greenfield (T. 75)...... 18 60 51 111..........27 27 45........... 76.31Grove.........................0 3.............. 76 3 Harrison............Arbor Hill............. 47 133 125 258......... 52 47... 111...75 76.. 33 Jackson................................... 37 115 75 190...50 38. 72 77......31 Jefferson........ oliday............. 23 63 60 123.. 28 24 1 48....... 74..32 Richland........1................... 17 58 521 110. 20 20.1 52....75 76... 32 Summerset.........lFontanelle (T. 75)......26 97 87 1841. 48 87..... 66...... 77 w n................................. 1 26 29 55 12 10.4... 74 33 Washington............................... 47 179 17 3 61 40.. 1.......... Total... 22 839. 7551 1 2 61 2594.......1.... 39 2641 14 6381.... 1 ~76.3. Groe 7 a 18 3 ~ O 8 ~ O. ADAMS COUNTY.. Qd 0 0,r ee:1= Blames of Townships,'z~ cu o.o K ~ i d Towns, and Cities. bll o C 0 o j 0 88 Carl........Carl...2 i5~ 57 18....... 27 17 5'~: Towns, and Cities. ~ ~ C O ~ ~~Nmefonhp, Names~f PostOffices. - ~a....... Q.).....73' 32 Colony........Nevinville......J.. 13 35 37.72......... 16 13L.... 23.:.:..72 73.....35 Douglass....................37 138 119 257.........56 35 21 114............... r............... Simpson...............30 100 103 203. 31 78.71... 85jNodaway.East Nodaway..... 57 191 182 373 2 6 8 76 59 4 171....3.. o on71...33IQueen City.............. 35]o gls.............................. 1 52 i l 260.......... 637 438 21104...Pt 72...84 7 1 (C.....,....,Queen 72....34Jaspe............QyQuincy............... 101 270 266 536... 1 112 91 1 223...7172. 32Union.22 78 53 1311.....30 26 42.... 171 e73 35astodaway 5...... 7 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7 9__ _ _- I _ _ _ ALLAMAKEE COUNTY.....98. 41'Center........Elon...........154 472 420' 892......... 1491 83 47 355 I.3.96 3Fairview........Allamakee.92 306 280 586... 117, 44 11 260..96....5 IFranklin.....Volney, Hardin......132 395 398 793, 1 1 162; 127 4.. 2.....99. 5French Creek.....French Creek.......1251 346 322 6681....... 1131 55 18 2 78i. 99.6lHaover.... 3 240 202 442.......... 71 46 18 161 2. 2.73~. 3 ooyNei il 3 3 7 7j~......34oa os. 17........1 166 118 284.....8 3 123 2..... 9 rson 5.............50 493 1053......84 162 4 414.. I 98...2Lafayette Villag Creek (R. ) 170t 52 495 1029............ 402..1 [ 56[ ~4I 1il:: [.....................I'~ 1 4![.355ui.!z......,7 9 4.Cen~siute........on.......... 54 472 42 0 892... 149....9631Fairview......,.....[Allamakee.....,...,...... 921 306 280 586 1 17 14 I 2601..3 ~...96.51Franklin.......iVolney, Hardin..... 132[ 395 398 793'. 1 162, 17 451 2~....991.....5 French Creek,....French Creek...... 1 f2.5) 346 322 / 6 6 1 551 18 2,8 ~l..... 00..3 4 Iowa.................... 55 166i 118i 284 6 5 38 1 ~2~3......97I.51Jefferson...........IRossville........... 56i0 413J 1053 184 1621::Ii::...8... 9,:'3 Lafayette.......[illage Creek (R. 3)~....'70 5i29 495 1 1024 193 0 1 42 .99..3 4Lansing,exclof town.......... t164 483 413 896 5 4 9 171 96 19 326..In 99..34Lansing, to~wn of. 25 1 4 8 7 7B..i..l 4 In99...3 4lLan'sing, town of...). Lansing (R. 4).......196 812 725 1537 1 1 351 333 35 444...... 96....4 Linton.............Ion................... 92 257 219 476 97 64 7 176 1...... 97.6Ludlow...... Lu]low............... 159 391 382 773 153 112 9 297...... 98 5Makee..........IWVaukon, Lycurgus......282 832 792 1624 354 93 80 5 97..4 Paint Creek........Waterville............ 176 560 548 11081. 171 99 501 437......96... 6 Post................ Postville, Lybrand... 210 504 503 1C07. 222 148 5i 351.. 1...... 97...2 3 Taylor............. Harper's Ferry (R. 3) 151 452 463 915........ 171 103 1 4152...100.....5 Union City. Clear Creek.77 216 209 425......I 75 52 16 127 1...... 98. 6.Union Prairie. Union Prairie......... 163 441 424 865.161 73 25 341 1... 100.6 Waterloo.......... Dorchester............. 115 306 303 609 8 7 15 101 63 35 229.Tottal................................. 2762 8268 7709 15977 151 11 26i13081 1998 493 6083 91 8 8 APPANOOSE COUNTY. pt 68 69 i Bellair.............Numa(T.68) 102 16 2 587 1 1. 1116 84 67... 17a e........alw... 163 493 463 961 1. 1 192 138 429 112...-Pt 68....17 e n6I. 1 0 68....18 C. Denternis.(R..17).) 68.18 ".Centerville... 201 738 703 14411 2281..,pt 69).17 181......... Dennis (R.`17).........~41 1 952~jj 54. 2 70L 1201 845 341 686 2 7 137 102 Chariton.l Iconi6...... 337 322 65.... pt 69 70.17Dougls....... 227 247 474....59... 67....19Fakin2.3...pt8 7....191IFanki Livingston.1~26 3451 341 686 2 7 137 02.. 68.19 " ~~~~~~Hibbsville S.70....19independence'....illedgeville. 1.29 4741 438 912..... 1731 128 1 413 2.69....I9 Johns.............. Memphis.............. 109i 3591 318 677..... i........ 130 104. 68....19 Lincoln... Jerome.83 253 220, 473........ 80 59 67.17 18 Pleasant.Cincinnati (R. 18).. 147 402 386 788 5 3 81181 117 8 341 pt 6869...17 Sharon................. 59 251 225 76........... 88 61 1201 70....17Taylor.......... Moravia................149, 526 468 9941 1... 1 216 167....408 3 4 584. 2.. pt'70 Uio............... 192 340 310 6591...I5 96.... 313.. 2 pt 69 701....l6Udell........... nionvimle (T... 150 445 422 867:.. 166 1280 389 pt 6970i.18 Walnut.. Walnut City............ 101 338 328 666. 1431...8 288 1 1..iI Pt 68 69....16 Washigton.. Orleans (68), Beetrace (69) 149 479 498 977 5 2 7 174 140 1 i417 21i Pt 67 68... 1Wel.W............ Wells Mills (T. 67). 12 380 351 7311 5 3 81 143..1 318 2 Ii Total.......2072 603 1...........3024 22 18 4029218911 1 564 8316......70...9ndpdnc Tota.~ledei l...........I~ 2 1'2'8- 0,91 27 38i 9121....I.... - I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.. 17391 181 49131!2] AUDUBON COUNTY. Names of Townships,.,~ r~z.. aeNames of Post-Offices. Towns, and Cities. N e o 0. 0, C"l~ z0~~~~~~~~~~~~ -.........Audubon......... Hamlin's Grove........ 4 %I 98 184 4 l 32.. 1 4....... E.............O akirad........ 53 156 138 294 62 41 4 98................ Ttl............9 4 O 9- 7677.17 12.... 288s TO~nk aa dCte.c O O N d Total... 1891 400-'J) — 90 790 177 127.. 288.. BENTON COUNTY.. 85....9 Benton........... 1'29 869 362} 1......... 127 101 1. 256.84....11 Big Grove.......... 95 295 253 548 1 1 1261 99 22 80.....12Bruce............. 0....................... 140 131 271.581 41 1 120....... 84....O91Canton............ Shellsburgh............ 222 699 601 1800 1 297 285 4 5101....... 86,....11 Cedar..............IMount Auburn........ 132 425 3621 787 1] i 175 141 4 3401........ 84!....10{Eden............. Unity................ 92 315 250 565 126 99 71 2021...... 83...10}Eldorado........1....................... 31 1181 89 2071.44 38; 3 76K.82.....9iFlorence.......... Florence.....-..... 141 437, 899 86.124119.56 8...... 83.. 9Fremont...........Robin................ 74 2121 188 400.67 50 10 181..8.....6.010Harrison...........IBurke.................. 92 270 2891 509 8... 2191.......~~-lme....................................82....12 o.......28.... 44 56:.....84...12Iowa.......Bell e Plain e........... 283 970 876 1846.418 339 47 65561i.. 1..8.5....11 Jackson.117 393 347 740......144 80 8 324........ 83....2Kane...............59 184 170 354.76 57 117] ~ ~ ~ ~ " 393!34]4 0 3 4 1....... 82....11]Kaero...............],ir st' 56 55 12................. 259 184 17 354 14 315.......le82... ro..........Blarstown............. 1791 576 545 1121. 1 41 1 ~~~~9~ore.85....................o... 68i 204 1911 395.[ 75 5 5164'1,.. .t a,..861.9Polk.U....., Urbana.......... 173 563 523 1086..... 225 55..... 9,...10.S. Clair........................................... 420 1. 6 4361..82, 10St.Clair..~80] 238 195 433...... 88 66 5 168... 85....10 Taylor..Vinton...352 1004 1035 2039 2 2 4 437 269.... 844*43 1.......83....1 Union.......................... 62 239 175 414.....65 44 6 169. Total...........2....................... 7750 7015514765 41 3 730642282 i01 5-7-7445 1113.... 8 1Uin.............I *Including the inmates of the State Asylum for the Blind, BLACKHAWK COUNTY....... 89....liBarclay............. Barclay................ 122 356 343 699........... 13755 20 2881........90...12[Bennington. Nantrille.............. 61 188 164 352.......... 56 44 15 87.11 12Big Creek......... La Porte City (i. 12).... 131 357 312 669... 150 115 2 27........ 88... 14 Black Hawk........ Hudson............. 70 232 182 414......... 86 64 26 173.. pts8 7 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. 88 o84 2 5311. 1 0 1 5] 5 20 pts8788 12Cedar............... Cedar Valley (T. 87). 90 284 247 531... 102 54 56 89...14 *Cedar Falls, city of. Cedar Falls.............554, 1709 1676 *3385 4 ] 621 497 4611251 89. 4......... 3 379 378 77 1..~ 119 327.. i 891.13 14 iCedar Falls, ex. of city 1......6..7...... 87 13Eagle.........40 133 107 240.. 39 39 4 99 88...12 East Waterloo......I pt~89....2.187...~pt 89..13 332 0 9 946 1879 405 177 21 623..,Pt 89~ ~....1........................ 3...Pt 89... 13 44..............b 88...... 8 Fox....................................... 76 223 210 433.....90 66 6 158.......90. ~11 Lester.............. Lester.................. 124 335 318 653........ 149 115 6 250 3...87....14Lincoln................................26 61 66 127 11 24 21 9 41::-...9..1 Mun ~enn........................... 147 292 9571 749........I.. 63 99 8 253.90...l3MounVernon.4 392 357179..1631 991 8 253.......88..13Orange.............110 352 296 6481.161 113 4 227. pt:-1 87ut eno pts 87-'9.....12 Poyner.............Gilbertsville (T. 88).... 115 325 3o8 653........... 135 99 10 87....11 Spring Creek......Enterprise....... 102 369 312 681........140 104...253 7.. w.. 90....14 Union........................66........ 68 168 173 341...... 67 57 1 105...e 90..14 Washington.....................83 252 231 483........... 106 66 5 89.12 13 Waterloo..... Waterloo (R. 13)........ 48 1172 1158 2830 3 1 4 578 394 14 879....... Total...........4.......2..............27 8220 7804 *16024 9 3 123350 22761 2665891 2 211 * The returns for the city of cedar Falls include, In the population, 300 children at the State Soldiers' Orphans' Home.-[CLERK DISTRICT COURT. BOONE COUNTY....In 84....26Bobr.' Boonsboro.Boonsboro........... 2641 813 811 1624. I 340 238....... 5501 8 8.......82 27pt26 Cass................Prairie Hill (R. 27)......841 259 238 497 105 88.... 174. BOONE COUNTY —CoNTTNUED. 0o cl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-: I-sI I N~~~~~~~~~~~~mes ~~~~~~~~~~~0 V 0' N~e fTownships, Nae I oiI Towns, and Cities. a - 02 ~ I ra ~ C4.4 C4.4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C4.4 ~~~~~~~~s Ca - ce4. o C Cs o 6 ~~~~ ~~~6 6 ~~~~~ 6 6 o~~~~Z 6',Z l tt N s 83-'5.25-27Des Moines, excl. of I953 0 P4~~~~~R 0 i ~~ Ce O I Booniesboro&ontana152 846 735 1581 360 851.26 27 Dodge........Mineral Ridge (R. 26)..I148 50~ 434 939. 181 129 82.25 26Dougl as.Swed e P't, Rapids, (R. 26) 140 447 4321 $7 9 171 136 281 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.. 85 pt 84 25.[281Jackson...................I56 1621 1681 330..65 40 31331.... 83 27pt26 Marcy.~~Moingona (R. 27) 19 57 8'15.. 2500...... 39. -...In 84J....26 Montana, towti of... Montana.........139 62 502 1104 3.. 3315 281 4,31 c, 01.. a....85'28pt27!Pilot Mound.....Cassady's Corner (R. 27)) ).85..o..o.2 " ". aso' Pi. nt. 82 pt 83....28Union...... 4 111 24....3.... 55...... 45 11 pts82 83.25 26 Worth.....Worth (T. R. 26).... 102 31 295 11 79 1 4.84 pt 82.25826 Yelglas.363........ Swede P't Rapids, (R. 26) 140 447, 432 879....... 171 153 731281.5pt8412.pt27 ako.......... ".og..'...... 133 361 168 301.. 679....12640 213 11.84pt Mry.......( 27..Riverside48 19....... - 5.K....2 M otan t o......148 6089 98583).... 3 3211861 33 1.. s8pt2 Mou........Coe( 271 " c........ PltMud.........: 28gh62'".': 317.... 1...3.6.1547146 2811.. 85.9...27...Dayton. GronefPint............9, 3....13 Unougla.Frederika................ 55 156' 1141 297.6.... 5 55 3 86 ps8832 91 Wot...11.Franklin. Eagle (.98,R 6). 02 2311 205 436.96.... 719 156 1.4 BREMER COUNTY. 9...11 Dayton............. Grove Hill............. 49 146 131J 277..... 53 2 10 93.13{ Douglas........... Frederika............. 55 156 1411 297..... 65 55"3 8 91..11jFranklin.............Eagle.................. 9 3 1 25 46...... 6 7 5:..."~~~~~~~~~~90 312051 436971.... 93 12 Frederika. ITripoli........ 46 132 129 26150 93 2105 92..l l2jIFremont............81 2311 293 434 1 I 83 641 111 1681., .91.. 9.13 14 Jackson....... iJanesvlle (R. 14)....... 139 505 469 974 2 5 71 216 164.... 363.91..13 Jefferson...... Bremer......... 109 349 297 646.146 104 6 24.? 109 ~~~~69 249 216....... 92.14 Lafayette.......... 86 257 215 472 109. 69 2 26...93.11 12LeRoy.............Menor........... 59 18 58 6536 8140..........93.1112 ~2Le T1y. Mentor. 59 185 173 35 657 39633187. 14.. 187 t.9...9.12 Mxll. Maxfield..285........... M91 i Maxfield................ 91 285 2371 522. 741 39 33 17.....93....14 Polk............Horton................. 162 498 4411 9391 2 2 209 132 350.......... 93....1uner.Sumner.55 178 1451 323..... 74 51 21117.92....13I Warren... -85 261 229 490.70 46 25i 194.. umne r....................... I 91.13 14 Washington, exc..29... 5 17 14.... 921....14 of Waverly 118 411 367 8 15 101 9...................... 91...14 Waverly, town of.... Waverly....361 1102 1018 2120..483 349 19 678 1............. Total.. 1586 49274400 93271 5- S5i 10 19471 1330 129.3405 i 2i 2 BUCHANAN COUNTY..90....8 Buffalo...... Buffalo Grove, Castleville 54f 162 146 308 64 43.... 112 89..8 Byron.Winthrop.12.9' 3.1 80 329 709 3 3 161 114 3 2%65... 87 8....Cono.59 187 138 325....... 71 52 12..... 90....10 Fairbank.... Fairbank, Kier.. 175 501 461 962.... 198 110! 8 379 1 89...7 Fremont... 53 182 155 337.63 4 6 135..... 90.... Hazelton. 133 373 334 7.....145 891 18244 5 -87.9 aomerw...49 161 15S 316'.1 1 38 1.In 89. 9Independence, cityof. ndependence.3`5 1254 1213 2467. 1... 1 5 7 1 7.. 10 efferson......., Sunnyside.. 141 92 362 74... 157 128 10 291. 3~~~~~~~2720143`611....88...8 Liberty.Q...... uasqueton.. 22. 630 627 1252.6270 194 3 560 1......90. 7 Madison.Ward's C3rners... 96 245 245 490j... 103 52 4 206... 88..7 Middlefield..61 211 195 406. 73 55 5 178,......87.....7 NIewton.. Atlanta................ 127 401 393 794.1 42 94 8367 89...loPerr.............. Jessup, Chatham.. 178 534 484 1018 1 1 240 12 17 37..881..9 Sumner..41 163 139 302.65 39 2 106. 89..Si~ yron.............. Witrp............. 1 97018...891....9 Washington, excl. of Independence Otterville. 1538 422 441 86 1 180 11 14 3 446 Independence..' 4~~~~~ ~~~71 5~, rl 88i....10 Westbrg......... 417 11 98 209.... 1 1 37 1.... Total.. 2090 63091 5915, 12224 6 172S89 1734 1l441 4 1 8 1 BUENA VISTA COUNTY..0..........I. Barnes............................ 2963 871 641 S. J. 1 3 281 61 4911..1 1 t BUTLER COUNTY. _ _ _ _ — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ —---- --- -------— ~N a m e s; of Tonhp, ~; - rjiI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Names of Post-O1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ceces "~ O 02Names of owshps of iwu~up5,Names of Post-Offices. Towns, and Cities. c 4. 4-4 4-4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. 4C- 4,0 ~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 0.o n o' 6 ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~ o~~~~~~ Z Z Z Z' Z666Z...... 90....Swanton,Parkersburg. 106 321 294 615............. 42 i 440 19C33 3 b w~,~ r eu.90.0. i 18 10 1... 90....15 Beaver............. New Hartf'd, Willoughby 160 428 440 868.193 180 12 260 2 93 )'~i O Ca o ha: ~' ~' Q....18 Bennezett.......... Belgrove................ 20 65] 45 110 20; 15 5 48..... 92....15 Butler.............. Clarksville.............. 145 4781 460 938 1 2 3 202' 139 6 59382...17 Coldwater.......... Ellm Springs............ 50 163 170. 83.65 42 144. 93....16 Dayton.......................'46 137 138, 275.60 38, 121'.).21 Fremont................................... 86. 129 121 250..50 116. 1Jackson................................. 52 165 165,. 71 46 2 148 16 Jefferson........... Butler Center....... 74] 224 230 454.104 68 41 177....... 91.. 18 Madison......... 221 78 79 157.35 17... 6... 90.... 17 Monroe............. Aplington.............. 72 221 186 40780 56 1.. 90.92.. 8 Pittsford........ 68 193 156 3491 81' 62.... 39 1 7 Ripley~~.............."...........I........... 1.... 171Rip]ey.....34 115 85 200.. 40 21 75.91....15 Shellrock........... Shellrock.204 487 465 952....... 248 18 27. 0,~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ 4 7 465 952 3.. r...90....18 Washington...... i...................... 26 81 65 146. 32 191 59.92....17.West Point.Boylan's Grove.29 79 76 155.' 84 18) 4 95............1.... Total...........44. 8864 817.....1........ 68 1 31 13 3 r7M 3 33.,31448 98 5327-832 CALHOUN COUNTY..86 87.81-4 Cal(on.62 149 128 2775 9...88 89...34.78511..1213...1 In 86....330...In 86.... 33 a' k' e'6 it y'.:;0 6...... 12 35 a._. West Pint.. 7 62 dS......::~~~~~~~~~Bya' Grove..18Mdsn.. 2 7 5...... I Aplington. 80 56 291....9 81P Ttsota. 6 9 5 4I.........: _ ~.911...,17)Rip~e[......,....,.............[~~1 3... 3641 317 5-65 20..~9 —.1.1 148 1'~1-3CALHOUN COUNTY....8 ~ ~.31_~4 ~,~aoun.88 89t...34 "'....................... 62~ 149 128 277 ~r /. 73 51 12 1351 1i..,s...~2,, i:~'Seity. La'~:;ity'".'']]. 2 36 ~0t ~" .88 89 3-33Linoln..... Yatesville.............. 40 114 0 204........_ 6...52:ii...2 T 2l....:.......... ToIal............................ 114 29 48 540 I 135 9 13 92 CARROLL COUNTY....84 85.3-36asper.....Gliddcn............... 48 1844 141 275....4....... 4 34.... 136...82 83.34-36 Newton............. Cariollton (83, 34)....... 50 1 95 202 7.45 33 285...82 83....33 Union.............. Coon Rapids (82, 33).... 34 109 102 211 44 45 86.............. Total.................................18.21 3 50 338- - J.. -38 112 3 30.... CASS COUNTY. pts 76 77..37 B.righton...... 19 i 56 129.28 25 1 54 I............t n 97i 6 19.............. 74I. 37Cass............ )t........ 75 37.Lewis.... 132 471 437 908 1 1 213 168 1 348. 1 pts 74-'61...36 37.......... 74 34'5pt36 Ednna........ Edna (R. 35).. 39 117 109 2261 1 1 42 42 15 94.. pts7677...34 5 Grant............33 87 911 178....3... 6 29.... 731. pts 76 77... 35-371Pymosa........... Gurley (77, 36). 51 200 165 365...77 55.... 180. pts7 777..35 36Turkey Grove.... Grove City (76,36)........ 102 318, 293 611.... 107 103 2 259 1.. 75...34 35 Union.Whitneyville 12 3 271 60 16 9.... 17 ~~ ~ ~ ~ _.... _'~~~~ __ _.. _' _-................ Total.............................1 388 12991 11781 2477 2'-....-I 2159 3-t ~19102517 3 - 1 c CEDAR COUNTY. pts 80 81...3 4as.............. 8 2 2.. 4 pt.080...2 31Center, excl. Tipton. York Prairie (R. 2) 87 20 2601 550.... ]]]pt81.. 3 4 C 356 (138, 81...2 " Cessford............. 302 868 834 1702 2 2 4 356 238 4 696 81..3 " Woodbridge..........) 8 2 Clarence, town of.... Clarence................82 260 227 487 1 86 72 7 179.82.21Dayton,exc. Clarence..9.....105 88. 17 207.:..79...1j1Farmington.........Durant............124 450 386 8,6 2 2 194 140 18 294 82'.3Fremont................................... 94 308 290 598....107 70 1 266 80...3 4 Gower.oar(R. 4)..156 425 392 817 3 1.. 4 177 14 13 0.... 4 80 1 Inland.. Inland.........121 37 325 662 1 1 156 90 8 232 1 79 pt 80'1.. 3 Iowa...... Pedee (T. 79)...........185 539'3 525! 1064 1 1 2371159 9 428.. 81...3 4 Linn................................... 73 214 184 398.... 75. 152 82. lMassillon..........Massillon........ 1153 461 399 860...172 115 90 295:1 CEDAR COUNTY-Co nTINUED. c,3);i~ r INanes of Townships, +- ec Names of Post-Offices. I - Towns, and Cities. CR~~~~~~~~~~~~~~vC 10 ] * - -'0C ______ I z F ) _ tO Z E O ~ me o:~1~:ips k jOhe r...... 82.. 4,Pioneer............ Mechanicsville......... 221 689 650' 1339 1.... 1 325' 190 51 81' 2'31Red Oak. Red Oak (R. 3).......... 118 408 870 7781....... 1631 121 7 324. I,!z 51....... pt 79 80...2 3;LRochester........... Rochester (T. 79, R. 3)... 132 416 395 811 1 1 166 119 2 311 2 3 2 w...... 9. 4:Springdale........ Springdale............4..................618 1241 3 417280 156 61 353 1.. oo.4...........Downey 381.59...1.1....... 81 Sp ringfield.:...... 2o02de, 3 1....... 81 T~~~~nid~~~n ~202~ 671 592 12631 2!.i 45' 6]3 5. 1 6... Pleasant Hill. 117 379 3601 739 1 1531 116 10295 pt 97.... 20...............................1..... 80 227 439 5....... 9 59 4 164 In 80 81 2 3 Tipton, town of. ipton (T. 80, R. 2)...... 275 675 8 3.P 94.... 191 Ge ee2............. 94..2 iToa............eneo............. 21 6, 1 14.........2-7-89.... 263 — ~!7~ - 234 1 3-21-2 59~20 7 Pt19 F a l7...........2..4 CER GRO COUTY... Plymn'thSellrock Fals]]]pt....9 92 64'01.12! ]35 9 5 12(..p t 8 9....21. 80 212. Ca9227 4.9 92 59 4116 1 Pt 95 96...p21 9 I'..............!"". 36111 9..2 Lncol....I... 94..94....1 "......Geneseo.... 23) 63 1 71 134... 27 23 159... pt94 95..21 ".......... 9pt 7....2iLake.u1.) I i p9 96...2 CrLake (T. 96). 6) 206 200 12... 98 6.....155.1...% ~, s lt,.............. ]ctc~;kk~;;iork d:::; cs 2 20~ 20 43s....1... ~s c? ~s...i 2 5!14. pt 95 96L...21 " 971.21 22 Lincoin]...... R'ocl (i~.'21)]][]:. 3 110 115 225: 50! 31..1 100/. ...... 961...201Mason........... Mason City............. Pt 96... 21 it..........I......................... Pt 94.21 22 IC........ 30 21 51....... 8 8 2...!Pt 95.20 21 971.20 21 t....... iinliee'Cree'k r, If.,o].. Pt 94 96....1 O.....................p9i~...... 93.......0............G....:..... 3 s 9 88o 1879.............. 41 2o 2 9.19 20,................................... Total..................................1 326'1 1U000 C9 1988............ 444 2 921 8 782) 2. CH~EROKiEE COUNTY.......p..... tlierokee......... Cherokee [T. 92, R. 40]... 18 54 48 102............ 24' 8 35 ~~~~'..............[Lm ek [..0].... 2 64......I..... Pilot............. Pilot Roc~k [T. 91, R. 40]. 22 59 48 10$1....17. 9 16..1 4 1..:.................................... 40 113 96 209.1.1 CHICK(ASAWV COUJNTY....... 941... 141 Bradford........... IBradford, Nashua... 1793 592j 5481 1140 2.. 2 259 1401 1 448 1 ~......95.... 14 Ciiekasaw......... Chickasaw.I........ 148 Ii 8 70 68............ 161 108 3 3031. I 2...... 95....13 Day ton........... Dayton Center.......... 53 176 153 829...... 64 2 1 1~221:..... g... 96 97...14i Deerfield......... Deerfield [T. v........ 2.. i' 9 619 2 0 s".......................I............ 60 169 160 829........... 70 51.... 4...1 rdrikbug... red erick sbu rg....... 781 257 247 504 1.. 1 221 60... 7...96 97....12 Jacksonville....... Jacksonville [T. 961.... 1031 844 316 660...,....,. 131 88 6 2L81].......95.... 12 New Hamnpton...... lNew Hampton.......... 821 214 210 424 8.......... 89 6. 158.... 94.13 Richland......... Willianston.......... 621 199 198 897........... 79 45 — 163...... 95. 11 Stapleton........... Saltn............ 1 631 1961 173 869....... 1....1 70 42.,... 161...... 96 97....11,utica............ Little Turkey...... 1131 354 334 688........... 01-'70 81 f239.... 96 97.... 13 ashiagton....... North Washington [T1.96] 78 93 01 43.. 5 551 2 1691. 1~...... I......... Total.................................. 1048 32331 2983 6216 4.... 4-1275 1 —97-2420 1 2 CLHRKE COUNTY....... 71 2 Doyle.......... Hopevillee...... 123 388 897 785...... 158 111. 39-......71...24eFranklin T.... 4myrna........ 103 816 277 593......... 1 24....12....... T73.. Fremont................................ 6-3 195 189 384....-........ 79 67 — 2, CLARKE COUNTY-CONTINUED. - -~~~ —-ci`- -- -- - -- ---- - - - - - -- -- --- - w~~~~~ n 0 a, ~- 0 01 cl Names of Townships, Names of Post-Offices. -..' Towns, and Cities..0 Cd O k... 711.25 Green Bay.........iGreen Bay........77 238 211)449..... 99]51. 203).0....72]..24 Jackson........Ottawa.. 90...... 282 2831 56,5 1 1 151 97,.. 254j 1' 71.. 261Knox.........Lacelie..........110 328 37665,5 3 8 2110. 297~. 1 1.j 73...24 Liberty........Liberty........113 313 311 632 1 1 2~ 1371 961.. 249... 73... 27iMadison........ La Porte.......... 37 114i 108i 222....45] 361'i 81) 1 1....72...25'Osceola....... Osceola..........162 4931 499] 992 12 13 25203[ i148 398K:...... 72..27Troy............... Riley.22...70...60...1370. 60 3130 i4 31 17...... 72...265 Ward...........43reen........... 7 1438 1451 28844 9I 53 41 12 180.. 2.......72...2 Jackon Otawa............. 902 50 231 56' —' 5 9 25433....... 71 2411 262 K[ 94 58 2713 271.....26Wa shingto n...... Prairie Grove.....................7.... 27Madison............ LaPorte........ 37 22 45 361 I [.... 72..25 Total10 19...............17s26 98a2..................162 45'31-i-3 8 92. 12 13 2 - 5 4 CLAYc OUNTY......... 5......71Tr9................................ 29, 70 65130............ 1 17 1 44 CLAYTON COUNT'Y...... 93.....5Boardman...kade.. 4230 805 5 1500 3.. 3 350. 210 26 54 0...1 1 I, r~~~~~~.91. Bun it.9 19 10' 397 9 1118. 9.... 73..26 Cass.igo...........Strawberry Point 199.0 2 952. 201 103 372 1 93......2 Clayton...................)698 29 4 93 B..Clayt on.............. 136 43 381 804 1. 1154 1008 13 94 2. 5 C.Co....nia.. Cox Cre... 1 I 91.. 5CoxCrreel e.. Co'mmunaCox'Cree..ree4 8...... 163611311263 921 4741 4~~~~~17 1163 9!.25 113 15 26..~ ~ 89 1 1.2 Ko ael.. I1 2 ~7 6 .. 91..... 4 Elk...................111................. Ill 329 314 643........... 1.123 88 10 275...4..4 Farmersburg.. Farniersburg, National.. 196 626 575 1201.. 243 169 13 451 93.....3 Garnavillo. 93....31 it.....Garavillo....... 182 611 555 1166 1 1 23? 153 11 931..4..............4 Giard..............Council Hill, Giard..... 208 377 345 722 1 1 2 1711 85 38 514 2......95.....6 Grand Meadow...........................146 452 395 847.182 129 38 322 3.oIn 92....2 Guttenberg, city of.. Guttenberg............119 428 407 835 1 1 189 101 10 347 693H..... Highland.. igland...............116 359 317 676....114 76 151 297. pt 92 93...2 3 Jefferson, excl. of Gut- i tenberg.......................... 223 645 609 1254 1.... 1 223 125 44:482 1.. 1..91s....5 Lodomillo........... Yankee Settlement......136 406 4171 8231....170 117 2 360 3...In 95...3.McGregor......... McGregor.............. 264 1058 983' 2041 2 520 480 30 706.91. 3 alor.17 382 37 29I15-3 901.. 304..91..3 Mallory.................................. 127 38347 7...... 94.....6 Marion...... Gem.60 200 201 401........ 39 7 170. 40~ 60 39 7 17139. 95 pt 94.....3 Mendon, excl. McGr. North McGregor [T. 95]. 198 563 5321 1095...... 197 107 291 362. 2 Mil......91..... llle................141 412 4021 814. 185! 89 10 30.0.95 Monona........ MoonaSawan......257 684 681 1365......219 513 1. 93..4 Read.............. Clayton Center, Sigel.., 156 522 428 950.176 131 45 364 2 3 5...... 92. 6 Sperry.Volga City.....156 473 474 947 1 1 194 110 10 385 1 1.92 4 pt 3 Volga... Elkport [R. 4].. 185 516 488 1004.... 2.... 6....269 105 34 3601.... 3 94 5 Wagner..Wagner.........148 417 418 835......... 128 83 20' 248 1 2...... Total.3918 11841 11023! 22864 15 5 477309 456 889827110 CLINTON COUNTY..82....2e Berlin.....................................248 272 199w 471............ 90! 69 12j 177..1.. 1...83....3e Bloomfield... 171 521 468j 989 3.. 3 216 125 10, 404 1.......2e Brookflield.Brookfield..12 454 369 823...164 118 21' 3..In 81....6e camanche,kcity of. Camanche......... 108 264 289 4 8 124 98 20.. 7. 80 81....6e1Camanche, excl. city.88 255 234 4891 1 1 108 751 9 203 1 82 pt 81....5eCenter.Elvira [T. 82]199 584 485 1069....173 208 25 359.In 81t.:: WClinton, city of...... Clinton.725 2271 2047 4318 12 6l 181132 559 18.......81....eClinton, excl. of city.......................166 462 446 908... 169 89 14 32 ~......83~....5e Deep Creek..... 1661 4921 388 880....... 148 105 65 273...In 81... 4eDe Witt, city of, DeWitt.......... 246 725 714 1439 10 313 2301 24 517. 80 81 82..3 4eaDe Witt, excl. of city.... Cac.......237, 716 6701 13861 2 2 274 181 38 606.... CLINTON COUNTY-CoNTrNTVED. i bn~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~Names of Towships, ces. WRI 1 -3 S iG- Towns, and Cities. aesof PostOffices. m 03 gj a -4 3 ~" I' o bft 0 0 0 o wa ip ~ a dosooo 1~~-......a e c 6 6 6 6 ~ ~ 6 ~ ~ 6 z _ _ _ _ _ _ z z z _ _ _ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~ I z z z 1z z i......81 5e Eden.Low Moor, Eden............. "... 418 367 785...... 153 144 36 334.....8015 4c................. I....................14.804e pt " S...... 83..6 7e Elk River...........'Elk River (R. 6)........ 190 669I 552 1221 1 1 2 217 1261 63 457 3 1.. 82.. 6e Hampshire.................. 139 4251 364 789.. 133 55 43 275..... 82....le Liberty............. Toronto................ 122 6721 3 735. 127 96 23 298.....In 82... 7e Lyons, City of. LyoS.............. 501 1750 1708 3458 5 7 12 691! 289 276.1241 I 1.2...8..7e Lyons, exc. of city.69 188 176 364 3 3 6 61 64 14 138 81....2e Olive.Calainus... 1..028.81....2ei.Buena Vista 844 722 24 12 e.80....2el "..........: 9 1. 81.. 3e Orange........Grand Mound, Orange.. 921 258 250 508 1.... 1 99 66 382 10..83. elEharon.. Burgess... 139 483i 427 910... 145 93 153 352......81....le Spring Rock. Wheatland.208 581 533 1114 4... 4 214 156 23 426 1.-pt 82.... 4e Washington..124 393 354 747..... 186 15 256.....83....4e Waterford-...,..Charlotte.........167 486 4551 941...... 173 113 30~ 82..3e Welton............. Welton................ 123 383 3191 702j 1.... I 124 79 26 291.......... Total.......... 1.i4SiO 142966 -128-9-912~7-1651 43 -26' 6915-42613-260 16-52 9975 -5131-1 CRAWFORDI COUNTY...... 82....41Boyer..... 45 45 90.. 161 12 138..5.83.......391Denison...........Denison.46 180 158 338.. 80 55 6 851.37-40!.............1 34 260....13n4 2 0............. ~0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~S.80.... 1 ~~ ~ " 81..3e IOrange........ rand Mound, Orange.. 92] 24, 50 508 1...1 1 99 66 38 210.. ~~~~......1.,..l pi nc....Vetln............. 2 5 3 4.... 1 ~! 5 3 2 lp 2.e WSpring Rock 12 9 5 4i1........ 25.83.4e Vaterford,. Charlote r ~ 67 48t~ 4~ 941 0 14~ 9~3 130 352 82. 4e Wahinton...... Ietn13 33 39 78/ 1114 7 1 9.83i:~~~ ~ ~ ~.4Ioe............... 121 39 3 35474 ~39 4elnaerord... Charlsott........ 4 s6~8 4~8 9~. ~~'ii. C30 82j. 3eitn.......etn......... 123 3833970o" 14 26 29 1.. ......84. 8...38 Milford............ Boyer River............ 56 157 141 298.... 68 56.... 138 82 40 Unin...................... 42 160 122 282 1 2 62 50 19 124........ Total.................................. I —8_57 49 12~'.2 -- -1 -2~ 23717,Y ]-168 576 492 1068 -1i 1- 21 237 7 263. DALLAS COUNTY...79....27 Adel, town of...... Adel................. 70 280. 255 535 4 4' 8 82 47....186 pt 78-79..f27 Adel,excl. of town........................ 79...281...'I292 1096 1041 2137 1 1 425 277 844 21..78.. 28... Chattanooga.... I.....81....827 Beaver...20 56 65 121 1,1 23225.. 40 ~~~~~~~~~~~i2 2 0.....~.26 B,Ihaoone...............I 1 6~39..78j1 6Bone.Boone. 114 367 356 723 4 3 7 120 76.........81i....29 Dallas.......... Linden................ 85 124 104 228.5 4...0..... 96 1 2.....81.....26 Des Moines......... Xenia...........81..2.. "...Snyder.... 118 356 330 686.135 98 5 296. Z...Pt 801...26 C.79... 29.Linn. Grteenvale..... i00 314. 291' 605...122 78 252...81...28j1Spring Valley.. Alton..63 229i 173j 402.81 58 161161....80....27 Sugar Grove.. Pierce's P1oint. 59 198 161 3.59.72 46 2 1561.1 M.78.29 Union......... Redfield........'.pt 79....281........ 198 626 569 1195.... 262 202 2 489 1 i~~~~~t 7D 2~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~30 79...2 ".............................. 79 pt 80'.26, Walnut..............49 145 146 291..64 17 7 123..1....80,28pt27 Washington..38.124..1..................1 38 124 1 238....50 32.1.... 1101.........Tota.......l.1156 39153605 7520 10 8 18 1296 96 16 3062 4 S 1 DAVIS COUNTY. In 69... 14 Bloomfield, town of.. Bloonifield..... 118i 313 297 610 2 1 3 131 1021... 235i.. Pt 68 69.13 14 exe. of town...... 207 609 575 1184 3 6 9 244 165 553 22~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~69i 81[ 658....i 55 AIn 69 14 [rakcville, town of.. Drakeville... 33, 123 124 247.49 39 1 691....14 " exe. of town...... 501 147 161 308 1.... 61i 24. 130.67 68....15 Fabius..... onterey (T. 68).........191 558 522 1080...202. 150... i69....15 ox River....... West Grove...164 530 517 1047.213 166 448 2 2 p.67 68...13 Giove.. tiles (T. 67). 179 526 507 1033 2.. 2. 205 140 9 435....70.13 Lick Creek.......Floris, Chequest.........169 559 571 1130.225 173 1 475 3 1 DAVIS COUNTY-CONTINUED. COQ Cur W I a dt 0~~~0 0bL 0 of ) rZ P; 0 a S B PI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~c d bD6 c iNames of Townsbips, D W a) &.= Namesof To wns a Chips, c a Names of Post-Offices. "C. o ~~~~owns, and Cities. - 60 o" 0 0 ~ c d L Ce: a as C; C5 C5 6 4_'-? 6 ~~~~~6 C) 6 6 6Z 6 I' 6 6 6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ z _ _ z 4 z- zz z ~ z z...... 70..15arion............. Oak Springs, Albany... 138 418 398 816...1.....1175 135. 69....13Perry........................ 133 366 373 739... 156 120 285 1 3 68.... 12 Prairie..............[Pulaski.............. 86 292 269 561 4 4 113 82....223... - 1 67 pt 68.12 Roscoe................................... 77 242 221 463 1 1 90 661 2 199L........ 701....121Salt Creek..................... 163 480} 462 942 3 6 9 192 131....1 367! 1.. 3..70t... 14 Sap Creek.... 148 433 401 834... 173 127 1 379 2 2...... 69....12 Union... Troy.193 512 495 1007.. 228 162... 435 2 1.. 67 pt 68....14 Wycondalh..........Savannah (T. 67).......252 753 733 1486 1 1 279 228 5 666.................. Total............I......................2 01257 8 6-1 Total.'.12301 6861 6626 13487 17 13 30t2736 2010 l9jS7488 612 d DECATUR COUNTY..6.....27Bloomigton. Cross.. 23 83 73 156...... 33 23 61.....68 26 Burrell............. Terrehaute......100 318 317 635 1 1 123 77... 284.69i...25 Center..... Leon.......... 188 594 590 1184' 5 2 7246 143 510 21...... 69t.. 2 Cente....... 4... Leon...............[ 12..!. 691....26 Decatur............ Decatur [City 124 357 472 8291......... 23 95 32..681....25 Eden........................ 146 481 419 900 i....... 165 1.2 1 397 4.671....27 Fayette............Sedgwick..31 89 81 170.......... 9 33.... 56..... 70....25 Franklin................................ 51 152 137 289.60 43.... 123 2 ~37~~~~~: 280.......6 ~..701..24 Garden Grove......[Garden Grove......... 86 318 283 601 1 1.... 139 96 1 241 1.....691..27 Grand River...... Funk's Mills............ 29 110 109 219 47 16..... 106.671....25 Hamilton.. NineFagles,SpiigValley 88 221 231 452 1 1 90 62....218 Hinegh ~ Poin.............. 113 3S........24High Point....HPoinPoint............ 113 031 326 69 81 10 18 127 88 250..70,... 2 o Cek64 193' 6 356 21 4 66 44.... 171....7QI....B~j~on[ Cek......,................. 64 193' 1681 8561 2 4[ 66[4 1'711:1 ...... 67:....24 Morgan.................................... 97 274 282 556........... 100 73 21 259.. 67~. N26 New Buda..........New Buda............. 50 181 163 344....9.... 69 1..701... 27 Richland........ Westerville............. 97 246 240 486........ 107 70.... 222.68i....24 Woodland......................... 113 333 328 661. 130 97 2 2831.......... Total.........1400 4253 4214' 84671 17 17; —- 34'-16601-1301 636621-46 DELAWARE COUNTY.......87..... 6 Adams......... Tower Hill 92 301 251 552.........4 65 13 229..... 89....3 Bremen.....................100 322 293 615. 110 69 13 234 1...... 89. 6 Coffin's Grove......Masonville.............122 324 330 654 2.... 2 130 9 249 1..90....~31Colony...........Colesburg.............. 2541 698 657 1355.......... 265 182; 30 5481........... 89.....1Delaware........ Manchester............ 408 1098 1043 2141 1 1 513 384. 11 679.......... 88!.....4;Delhi...... L....,elhi.................. 200 541 496 10371 ii.... 1 229 11 13 416 1.....8.. 90Deh.......... D2J 90..4 Elk...............Greeley.......... 154 440 408 848. 175 124 16 363.... ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~O 868/~..I1l....... el~re..... 87.....5i Hazel GreenHazel............ 85 241 221 462 1 1.... 1 101 83 41 176;,.......90.....5 Honey Creek...Y.................175 492 479 971 1. 1 234 182 18 3661.... 88.....5Milo. 1..........1 29 398 341 739.. 7 164 127 5 331....... 88..3 INcorth Fork. 1.. 128 3561 352 708.... 128 110 29 3091........ 89.....4]Oneida.............Earlville, Delaware.. 193 5261 478 1004 2. 2 212 139 12 378. 1....... 88....6 Prairie...... Barryville........ 45 128 135 263 1.... 1 50 34 10 104. 90..6 Riand...... Forestville.).. 1... 90...6 it.......Mount Elope........ 146' 411 382 793.......... 152. 110 23 310. itCarr yvion.................. 9088.....6.. Campton. 87..3 South......... Hopkinton........... 309 776 769 1545 61 2 8 324 )76 146!1i G l 8 ~ 28 2 87.... 41...... i 28 87.4Union............ Uniontown........... 130 380 379 759......148 87 12 26........ Total....6.............01414446 15 2 1730292170 246 5562 34 DES MOINES COUNTY..69 4 Pt S Augusta...... Augusta(1(. 4)...... 104 276 239 515 1 1 2 1071 83; 212.71... 2Benton..... Kingston (R. 2).226 618 573 1191.. 211 1241i 447 3. In 69 70....2 Burlington, city of... Burlington......1.. 717 5383 50971 10480 76 60 136 2075 14761 2?7 3185 2 1 68....S Burlig'n, exc. of city............... 6 7.........853 1727 81 5 13 344206 14 543 1:.:..,70...152 6... 84... I I 281 605. 2/ 1 co, 870....2 p ~ac 78pt 79C~~~~~~~~~~~188w2 ~82~~~ 0Beaver 1 102...8081-.... 0r Ca, es................ Names of Townships, Nf0 - C ~~~~~f~~~~'' ames of Post-Oflfices. 0 Q) Z P -.4 Ca PTowns, and Cities. R a 4 U., 4-4~ rJ e cu 3 rc O~-r0 ce e is 4-4 z __ z z H- Z Z H4 Z Z 78 pt 79.31 Beaver............... 18 48 54 102........... 26 18.... 44.79 33 wJ32 Bear Grove.. Bear Grove (. 33).. 35 138 104 242... 55 42.... 103.80 81....30 Cass.Panora (PF. 80)..........Pt 79..30 31......... 204 005 559 1164 1 2 3 287 223.... 469. }~~~~~~~~~~~~.ot 80. 31...................................4 pt 79 80..31 32 Center..............Gutlrie Center (80, 32).. 98 286 276 562.116 80 2 230.. 81 pt 80 8.31 Dodge..............Moffitt's Grove (T. 80) 26 66 75 141...... 33 28 43 81....32 Highland........... Dodge.21 54 51 105....... 27 21.. 37. pt78 79.....30 Jackson............. Dale City (T. 78)....... 119 388 361 749. 160 109 61 272..33 Orange............. 16 60 59 119.25 17...48.7...30Penn.. Macksville. 65 173 178 351 75 561... 130..... 78..32 33 Thompson.Dalmanutha (. 33) 39 152 125 277.. 51 42.... 124 1.... Z...80 33 e 32 Union..13 48 43 91. 18 14... 37............. Total...........Tota.. 654 2018 1885 3903 112j 3 873 650 11 1537 3 HAMILTON 88...24-26 Boone............. Webster City (R. 26)... 135 417 392! 809.... I 1 201 148 1 296.89 23'4 pt25 Cass. Blairsburg (R. 24).. 36 131 129 260.. 54 44 2 119 3 86.24 Ellsworth..21 61 52 113... 19 8 7 35....89...25 26 Fremont.............................. 28 79 70, 149! 1.... 1 261i 2..l2.. 1 25pt2426 Hamilton... 78 150 1751 325.. 751 55.... 150.823 pt 24Lyon....... Lakin's Grove (R. 24).... 18 59 4:51 104 24 14.... 41..... 6arion..............86..26..Hook's Point......... 771 2671 241 508 1.... 1 90 75 4 87.8 26 U no................)...... Im .83... 888pt24 Rosese Grov.... Rose Grove (6. 23). 22 69 58 2 127. 36 28 51 44.86...6... cott.............. Randall................ 24 68 60 128......20 9 39 54...... 86....23 pt 87 88...26 Webster............ Homer (T. 87)........... 107 325 3031 628.... 129 73 1 269......... ~Total..................................'-['-2 l —4- 6-l- I ~1 6~ — - - -0-59 12~56 -3..Total.546.1 1626 1525 3151, 2 1, 3 684 480 59 125613 1 HANCOCK COUNTY. 94,.24-26 Amsterdam.................. 94...23 "........ Upper Grove....... 16 52 52 104.26 14.... 4 w 95....26 it..........................'..... 95 23-25 Avery.............. e..e I 94i.. 23 i......... i.11 i 27 57. 16 13.... 21. 905 -26.................. 96.23-251Elington............... 44 1 -,,,,,,,,,,, I. 26............................. 22 70 61 131..... 27 18 5211.e 5-6 97.......Ellington............. ).97 2 aq26j3adison.. -6......9 26.............. 34 31 65.......... w 6 - 2 1............o.......... 14 34 3o1 l65......... 15 1 0... w 1-697.23 ".'___''''.... _. _ ~T....... otal......... 63 186 171 357 8.............1... 1. ii HARDIN COUNTY. ___ __ _________ _____....i2....8922wj211Alden...............Alden(R. 21)...........87 209 205 414 I 1 91 72 2 151......88.....19 Clay..............ILithopolis..............150 465 445 910.199 132 9 3761.....87....19! Eidora.......E.....iEdora, Delauti...... 210 657 574 1231..... 272 211 2 456 2.......88...21 22iElis............. Cottage (R. 21).......... 75 215 195 410i...... 99 60........89. 19a2Etn a..............Ackley.......... 192 5631 487 10509 242, 151 22 354 1....8~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9210 563 481100 Hr........ 89 20 e 21Hardin...........Iowa Falls (R. 20)....... 379 9721 896 1868 5 6 l 452 343 29 66 1.....88j..... 20Jackson............3erlin, Hardin City...... 111 315j 308' 623.... 122 93 9 252 110 205i~ ~78 51f~1~~ 422 93 91 252~71... 87'......20Pleasant...... Point Pleasant........l10 2 195 278 573 1 1 119 76 7 218 1 8620 21 22Providence........New Providence (R. 20). 173 483 458 941........... 2081 172 4 386. 1 87...21 22Tipton...........Tipton Grove........... 72 216 196 412........ 91 47 8i 167. I....86.. 19 Union............. Union..................162 447 452 899 1 1 187 151.... 291............ Total......1......1........ 21 4837 4494 9331 7- 7 14 2082-1508 92'3477 3123 ~,..~ HARRISON COUNTY. 00 C~~~too Towns, and Cities,.. 0 -.. - * bO(u~~~ J, B PI Q)... II 6 3 0 0 3 z z _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ zZ ~z ~ Z Z Z ~ Z....80....41 Boyer.......-.................... I *.80 *.. ~42 ".odieBigler's Grvj. 81 365' 276' 641..... 150 0 25.81....42...............).1d,...79t41 s Cas Je ddo Cit22 7 162.3 2...... 78j 415ICicnasi........... Yz o....Je d Ciy.............. 22 87 [ 45Cincinnati.. Yazoo..59 243 176 4191..105 71 19 157 cce~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~ Iu'4rO...79....45Clay....... Modail......82 226 276 502....... 101 73.o... 144 4.81....41 Harrison. Harrison. ~~~ ~~~~~~~26 8 70 153.38 41 7 49 1......... 81....4 Ha rsn..........H rio............... 8 -...... 81;. 44 Jackson............................2........ 7 2 77 671 144J..38 26 47...... 79 T....42 Jefferson..........ILogan............... ~~~~~~~~( 825 54..... 9.... 131 91 9 21..... 79....42........ W hitesboro......... 78 289 225.13....... 791....42."...........Reder's Mills.............. 78J43pt42 Lagrange........... Harris Grove [R. 42].... 43 146 125 271... 64 56.... 147..811....45 Little Sioux.... Little Sioux......... 106 472...........160 118 I4 167 1 80~....oye...80 8 43 Magnolia.Magnolia [T. 81]. 315 280 595 1 1 140 110 5 234 2 2661 22.i 2 184....... 80 44 45 Raglan..................................... 72 2 2766 493j.. 98..781....44St. John.............St. John, Missouri Valley 202 407 340 747... 160 11.... 726 1 79...7... 44 Taylor... 39 146 114 260... 1 41.... 102.......78 41pt42Union...................... 18 60 53 113... 24 19... 4! 1 I:: ~~~67 un::.81.....5Lt~ ~~t~ ou...........itl icu........................... Tot.43 Magnolia. Magn T. 1009 *2893 *240' 55835 1 1 136 10241 48 2715i8 N o return is made of the population of Little Sioux township by sexes. The total enumeration is, however, given.24 ~cNo return is made of the population of Little Sioux township by sexes. The total enumeration is, however, given. HENRY COUNTY....... 70.....5Baltimore...........Lowell.................I 166 466, 467 933.... 189 127 1 381 2 ~, 41... 1891 127i 1{ 3881 i......72'....5 Canaan.................................81 248! 221 469 6 4 10 98 64.. 182......71...6Ceniter, exc. ofMt. Pl't................. 291 995 923 1918 33 30 63 379 30618 604 21 3 *331...... 70.....6 Jackson.................. 190 575 506 1081 16 11 27 228 159 2 422 73....7 tfferson....... IMarshall............... 260 749 697 1446....I....276 198,10 615 112 2...... 721,. 61 Marion................................... 197 656 665 1321 91 i 20 280 1746 4.558... In 71.. 6;Mt. Pleasant, city of.. Mt. Pleasant............ 725[ 1998 2112i 4110! 126 101 227 947 719 161616 2 3 2,I 1....GM.n Tlel 84ici~ 2312646 2!11 4. It 190I.nt 71. 1N ewbaodonex.ofcily.. 217 C602 593 1195 7 4 11 285 241. 446' 1 2...In 71..51New London, city of' New Lond'on. 84 230 266 496 2 1 3 101 64 190. 70'..7 Salem, excl. of city....229 718 651 1369 1 1 300 194 560 1.In 70. 71alem, city of..... Salem..'....99 258 2531 511 2 2 4 124 90..192...... 73.5 Scott..............Winfield...144 448 4121 860 2i 2 194 1411 31 342....71....?.7 Tippecaoe...............2801 793 753 1546 16 12 28 3i4 244;17 625 5...... 72.7 Trenton. Trenton............ 240 780 722 1502 2 1 31 309 183j26 651. 2 1.73....6 Wayne.......................1 510 442 952 1 1 21206 159.. 381l.. Total............................13374 10026 63 19709 223 78 401 420 3063977765 7181*339 * Inclusive of the inmates of the State Hospital for the Insane. HOWARD COUNTY.... 97 98t. 14 Afton............... 1B si.............. 5 25 24 49..o......... 10~7.. 6. 9... 14 Afton. Busti. 35 255 224 479 -~ 109 67'.. 169.....100'....11iAlbion........Osborne................ 90 256 212 468 113 83 3 154.100. 13 Chester............Eatonville........... 46 130 105 235.......... 52 39.... 94 2.....100.12 Forest City...... Voreston, Lime Springs. 60 207 166[ 375.... 88 77 1 142 2.97 98,...13 Howard.Howard.. 23 72 58 130 9.. 25 19 2 54.99.... 12 Howard Center.....Howard Center....... 32 76 84 160 37 25.... 59 2.99...14 Jamestown................................ 45 116 111 227... 46 35 3 98 2..97 98...11 New Oregon.. New Oregon.....1 166 533 483 1016.220 153 19 380......100...14 Oakdale.......1............... 16 55 41 96... 23 1 2 40 97 98K...12 Paris............................ 54 153 125 278............ 55' 35 17 64...99....13;Saratoga........... Saratoga.......... 10 24 17 41.... 11 7. 10.99....11 Velnon Springs..... Vernon Springs, Cresco 149 474 418 892 4 4 231 149 9 352.............I Total...............1 776 2351 2046 4397 4..... 411010. 701 I54 1616 4 3 3 -77612851~ 1~ 1 —~ — ~-1-701 —-5 1-6~ i 8 t, HUMBOLDT COUNTY. C ~0.0 all c/I 1-4 -~ E' 0 C ~ ~ ad FQ)C. ceC 0.4 44 Names of Townships, W ~4c NaoesofoansCities. Names of Post-Offices. 4 Towns,and Cities. 6 64 o(6(6c z z ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~z __z 6 z zzZ ~ z,q~~~~a..911...28i Dakota............ Dakota (,6).....91. 281............. Sylvan Retreat (29)...... 91272930... 126 382 298 680. 158 128 9 2....921..28 29 "..2...16..1......92 93....:.27 Vernon.................... 491 146 122 268. 58 40.. 103. 99 30 "aosa.........IWcut,(,3)......... H u m 19 d............ 9[ 1,....93(7 18 19837.9 78........... Total.................... 37 721 585 171.30134 13 452... IDA COUNTY. 86 8 889! 39 4041 iCorwin.......IIda (T. 87, R. 40).....1181 511 39j 901. I 251 191!.... 321..!.!I.. IOWA COU NTY. Pt 80 81..9 lO Amana....................1411, 606 583 1189........299' 142 103 182. 1 2... Pt 81 11 12 Cono.. oo(.1)I40 1290 110 230.52.31......9....78...12 Dayton.....................::11191 363 3181 681 1 1 153'116 2 258....2....78... 11 English........ Millersburg........244, 734 714 1448........ I 289 246 3 627j.. 78... 93.Fil8more......... Lytle City..162 461 427 888 1170 94 5375 176 1~46 32 7 6 59, 3i1.. 98...7.....9Greene............. Jone Foote... 137 419 359 778 149 107 3 329i 80... 12 Hartford.......Victor, Ladora.......103 301 309 l0 II.... 1 145 19810 6 2190... 2..... 93 30nhis Wacesou st. Waicousta (~32)...... 7~ 181 1 9 37~I pt 8 0 ns 8[0A an Cte a.....,.............. 141 606 1.........t 8.9 12Con......... 299 i 1~1?] 8 C~ ~~18 r'i 15'16 25 a) k ~~~~~ce 6( d fi t" a) E cu t~~~~~~~~~~~~~r Ccc~~ 78D 14[ 144... 28 24 3{ 6 2 1jc 11~~~' [' Egis....... ilrbr...... i::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..2 7..9Gen.......Ionoot.......i3[49/ 39[ 78 19 107 2.. ~ 18821Hartfordt.......[itor, Ladrae (..........I 1031 3 1[ 6 09l 761!l 37 ~5.. ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i Ioa. 781455 110[1 3 2 1 4219. pso..10Hilton..153 I O- i..................i0 153 20 273 54 42 9 81 11 12 Honey Creek...oZt (.R. 12)...'77 463 449 912 1 2 3 197 153 1 383 3 80.9 Iowa.....Homestead...... 136 363 351 714... 147 79 20 234...81..9,Lenox...............I....................67 213;82 395..........840 57 4 168.. 79....12 Liicoln.....................37 119 110 229... 47 35 4 86 120 ~ ~ ~ 2'2 7 04i: i 4 7 f1 35 5.80 )81 10 11 Marengo,exc. of city120 421 378 799....152 109 81 287j 3 -In 81...11 NMarengo, city of.... Marengo. 187 524 523 1047 1 3 4 271, 210 5 355 1 1.79K...11 Pilot......b.- 59 201 164 365.... 68 51 2 171 2 1..801... 11.Sumner............. Genoa Bluffs........... 71 186 205 391...... 90 70 1 152.....791... 101Troy................ Stellapolis.............. 117 370 309 679... 139 98 14, 81 10 1l Washington.............. 68 223 209 432......... 79 56 7 187...... 79..9iYork..................................... 55 159 162 321... 69 47 3 129...........'~ Total...................................0 — 639 5982 12381 41 I 9-2654 1853 2004618 4 8110 JACKSON COUNTY. 8~ 41 ~, 100~.t..f. in 85'...3el Andrew, town of.... Andrew.. 461 155 144 299.74 481 3 109!. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...I86. 5eleu........... 17c 3...In 86 5eBellevue.........Bellevue................ 217 560 614 1174 5 3 8 248 170 11 424 1...... 86.4 e Bellevue,exc. oftown..........139 440 429 869 1 1 149 81 15 367.. 2.85.'eiBrandon.......Canton, Ozark.......... 2121 607 514! 11211 1... 1 220 142.... 470 1..1.....86 leBuler...............Garry Owen...... 135 403 397 800.. 1543 74 11 319,..84...4eFairfld...Roly......... 142 400 341 74112 2 149 115 14 313.....851....2e Fartners' Creek... Farmers' Creek........ 85....2e "......Fulton.... 268 770 724 1494... 328 1951 8 613 3j2 85.2e..... Irn Hill...... 12..... pt 84 8... 6e owa.. Sterling (T. 84).. 206 606 515 1121............ 256127 71 405........851....4elJackson........... Spring Brook.......140 397 407 804 1. 1 153 115 15 309...In 84..2 3eMlaquoketa, city of... Maquoketa............. 274 669 717 1386... 329 209, 12. 500... 84..3e Maquoketa,ex. ofcity I.................... 134 373 315 688... 147 57.... 291 1....' 8....leMon ot...... Monmouth,Mill Rock 159 561 541 1102...22116........2el Otter Creek.. Otter Creek... 57 433 451 884 1 1 168 10 394....85....3e Perry, exe. of Andrew...141 422 402 824....... 184 92 3 318 1 ~~~...e ieSrg............... 8.. 7....3e Prairie Springs(.......... 200 604 545 11491.... 07 115 43 4380. 586....3e Richland.... Cottonville, Lamotte..... 180 523 484 1007.. 204 115 24 3841 2...In 84'...7elSabnla, town of...MSabula...... 144 319 310 629............. 137 89 19264 1,......84....2e South Fork, excl. of. Maquoketa.. Waterford...... 150 427 431 858...........184 113 2 338......87..4 e Tete des Morts.....St. Donatus (R. 4). 165 09 417 026........150 90 66 364 1.. JACKSON COUNTY-CONTINUED. C. lNames of Townships, P l ~ Tofns, and Cities. Names of Post-Offices.:'I- ~ i! Towns, a a d 84....5eVan Buren.......van Buren, Spragueville 171 504 4664 3 4, 2.....162 113 15 336L......~,...~, ~Toa.......87............1..i...o 3575 10 9 1 2995 11.3 4 5 32 3 782~.79i...... nas Visgtan.........24i56 64 140............ - 14 2 13j 5 3. Towns,~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ and Ciis Q, ~1.I-. I...81....2el. Cly.e..141.9. 1 4 91.... 162 3 392..84....l8el e......b.rg.... 4... 1........ 6744 1 1 1.811......... Ind c............1.....24......... 9170 144 1 36 26 4 2 JASPER COUNTY..8l... 791...l9M~Buna Vista.97.... 243 756 3 664 1420 I I 293 228 121 521. 31..9...19 o..4........... 21.120.......80C......20 Powesek. Grcencae...... 129 815 597 1278........ 4 1 9... 17 3 14 1 392 1....78...17Den Groines........ Lynnvill rare........... 1925 9533 41 8994 181.........2373 319 4 373 2" 7...8{...19 ElIkaCee............ Galesburg............ 97 35 30 656771 4583 932 2 2621 74 ~8.1.. 9 20F1M in iairview-. -— IC ]fx..........More........ 15 31 26 57..........246gI8 2 3 7871 46 1533 "1 I 31i8].641''. 19 Newtonr. N tov...... 64 51 1438 79.85;....19 to.................... 125 90 IS 4...... 80....21 Poweshiek.......... Greencastle............ 192 6811 597 1278 1.... 1 26 19 4 449 2101 144.81 0 Indepedec....... 78 1 Lnn roe.........I.y n nville............... 1375[ 02533 4611[ 99461.1.) 140'251383[2 8196 373 2 81t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t.9"3~~~~~~.................... 97[ 3561 304~0[ 656281)52.2.1.I~l-rCre.Clye~l 44 49 2621 ** i I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 83 lt28~~~~~~~~ 1 36 392:~0'..18 MakI-r i p o Glsanr......Kibl......... 1104[ 7 2 80 26 i~ 0[ 5Q i340I~.789 20 1i~ve.MoundP a rie......IC(,lf ax. 4 105[ 3 1 11 217 6,' 587.81...1iikr ov. 8'19( 7 Neto Newton...... 2.. 44[159 438 07 9469[51101.i ["..1.. 9' 1............... 3~..... 7 8 1,.1 ]Parip Al.............................. 1141 336 26 1[ 597 125[ 89 I0 210....80.21,Poweshiek...... Greencastle....... 192[ 681 597[ 1278' i 26l[ 193 4 49 Z .791....17..ich.and........... 8 208 1 85.... 1 96 76.........f.80.17/Rock Creek............................... 54 173 1471 820....5... 32 130. 79.21 }Washingtcrn ~~~Vlle........ Wo~le..... 8 181......... 79C...21 Wa8singto...... Wood trile. 3 105 110 215.68........... ITotal. 2639 5508 7672 16180: 33 20 59'.-3480247-9- 94162271 1 6t:0 JEFFERSON COUNTY..:. 73....10 Black Hawk...... Baker...... 121 382 348 730.... I 149 1201 -. 289........ 72.9 Buchanan...... alina............... 240 688 658 13840 1....I 1280 194 18 559...... 71.9Cedar.............. Wooster................ 146 410 373 783 3 6 9 157 91 11 327!,....... 71....11 Des Moines............................... 181 570 605 1175 1 1 242 154 2 539 1.....In 72.10 Fairfield, city of:.. Fairfield 3.............. 20 958t 1060 2018 9 15 389 266 17 675..72....10 " exc of city............... 263 765 693 1458.......... 305 213 7 577 71....71.10 Liberty.............Libertyville.............162 520 504 1024....239 184 3 510 1...... 72. 8 Lockridge..........Lockridge..............286 806 778 1584 11 6 17 284 160 54 695 3.! Lockrid ge~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~5 695 i ~......72....11 ilLocust Grove.......Batavia, Brookville 233 707 670, 1377 1 1 294 227 5 582 1.'...... 73.9Penn..............t'leasant Plain........ 230 748 708 1450 1 1 320 221.............. 73....11 Polk................Abingdon..............211 620 597 1217 248 197 I 558.....71.8 tound Prairie.......Glasgow...............191' 528 521 1049...........215 165 1 453 1.1.7.....8. 7 j.Walnut........... IGermanville, Merrimac. 229 58 573 1158...........226 150 2' 564.............. Total...........21 8287 -8088 163751 22 231 4 3348 2349 i27-bt30 7..13 ~ JOHNSON COUNTY. 81 6[Big Grove Solon.................. 192 604 569 1173 4 2 6 235 143 11 491.81. 5edar.................................... 148 409 406 815..........134 101 24 313 pt 79'80.7 Clear Creek........ Copi (T. 80)............ 104 303 297 600............ 111 81 10 233.77..5,Fremniont...........Palestine............... 120 370 327 697............ 104 94 1 262 1 p 80 5 OaGras..ha....1..Oasis...... 109 309 318 627............ 116 84 24.. 2..... ~~~~~~~~~~~711 318.79..8,Hardin..... W......Windham.............. 71 2001 205 405........... 86 56 2 151.In 79. 6 Iowa City, city of.... I6wa City..............11025 3221 8163 63841 12 22 34 1200 2 371721 2...... 79. 6 " exe. of city............3.........852 1040 1006 2046 16 18 34 360 245 43 899 1 1 1...... 81....7'Jefferson............Shueyville.............1351 392 352 744.............1 2 2 781. 6Liberty........... BonAccord,Seventyeight 120 357{ 301 658.. 13 75 5 269.. pt 80 81...7 Madison........................ 103 315 294 609........... 1-17 92 12 24 1.. 1 pt 80 81. 8iMonroe.............Danforth.....136 398 392, 70....... 123 66 27 80 5 6New Port.'New Port Center (R. 6)...{ 1031 328 314 642 1 2 pt 80 -11:../,...... 328 1 2 2 79..I.. [ 110, 66 2 19 2481 pt 80 N11....81Oxford......emora................ 1a1341 887 3621 749.......... JOHNSON COUNTY-CONTINUED. 0 Q3 - 0 0 Ce~0 Tornes ofTownshitp s.-. C of Townships, Names of Post-Offices. -0 I ~ ~ ~ ~ C............ Towns, nd Citis. ce C...Pt........6 e n.......,............................ 5131 505 108 m ~ ~~~~~.. 2~03 1 4 4 1411I 0 ~~O o E~ 0...Ptso....7................10.11 308 619 1 0.......274...pt79 Scott...................................... 130 391 376 7.7I9...8....0.1.. I...78....7 aron..........................-I. 4165 513 505 1018... 203 1482 14401. 1......79_....7lUnion....................90 287 243 530........ 9 78 21 208. 1.... 78.. 81 Washington...... Frank Pierce, Amish,... 146 467[ 407 874 1.. 1811 1351 4 376. 1.. 4o~I~~~~~~ I.............. Total......................7 1 Total.~~~~~~~~~3-6-3-4 110281 105342156,-2 -3-6 -4'3 —79139-6526731 258176171 4-8 -- J~~~c ONE c S. m JONES COUNTY..In 84...4:Anamosa, town of... Anamosa............... 316 870t 881 1751 & 4 12 388 320 21 594.. 6 6....... 85.....4 Cass............... 110 360 294, 654.142 1.... 293 2 1........ 86...4 Castle Grove. ICastle'Grove, Grove Creek 131 426 368 794.1691 105 18 310.. 85.... 1]Clay...............[Clayford.............. 149 465 458 923....... 178 107 3 39......84. 4 Fairview, excl. of An- amosa............iFairview,Highland Grove 150 498 498 996!. 208 154 2 463 1I Q, ~~~~~~~~43 1 1(... 831. 4 Greenfeld..14 480 457 937..... 1981 150 4 378 2 83.....2iHal............ I........................1 169 38 32 V...... 43I2 7 84. ackson....104..4 284 608.........27 90 242 84!.2lMadison.M.adison. 158 373 336, 709.167 36.... 252 388~~~~~~ 36, 75. 143 127 179.....~~~~~.1 83 k Q Q ~c.86.....36jMonticello......Monticello...0.6..5.76. 3 4 2. 6s 853 1409 266 21 543 1 IOxford......... Oxford Mill. 1 921 30 700... 152 90....... 861... t~1rU bIJ a aj~onticello............. 88,...tOfg.........~xordh ibetl....... 124l89 8081 0.... 1 52[1 83 296. .... 8.2ichlnd............ Bowen's Prairie, Zurich. 150 4191 343 7621.... 1 166 81 151 310. 8.....83..3 Rome........... Walnut Fork........... 160 515 501 1016 6 31 9 209 140.. 425...... 2 Scotch Grove........Johnson............ 8. 5..2j i. Fuller's Mills.1.. 30 422 383 80f... 160 1241 7 3461...... 85.... Scotch Grove............ 86 Washington........................... 145 455 406 861......... 165 79 21 397..5......85.. 3' Wayne.............Langworthy, Edinburg.. 150 477 460 937......... 189 40 25 37 1..... 84.1Wyoming..Wyoming. yoming............. 226 __ 653 628 1281..... 270 202 12 512 1 2........ [..... - 38 16 0 1 1-i, 28344 -3 1 1 - Total.................................. 2792 8380 7820 16200 18 10 2834462311 195 6246 511 15 KEOKUK COUNTY...77.... 12t Adams.........A urora................. 97 335 272 607....... 132 941 31 253 1 C.....74...13 Benton............. Butler.................18 487 474I 961[! 89.~~745....l~~~l~enton. Butler.158 474 961. 189 1~14 44 18 45 429.........101 Clear Creek......... Talleyrand........... 147 365 470 835 170 89 4 315..... 77...11 English River...W. W~ Phiteu Pigeon......... 77. 7.Webster............. 19219 575 579 1154 233 190 4 485.. 771....11 ]..JSoutli English........ 76... Ill German............ Baden...................Pt 751.. 1 1 it............. Garibaldi............. 20 67 8 150.......2914 17 252 I o-.761....11 German...Baden. 206 670 580 1250..220 148 17552 5....11 Jcsn.Gibadi. c.74....11Ja oo....Jacso....... Ioka.............. 234 692 635 1327........... 267 217 1 586 1 2 1 I.76 10 Lafayette.................. 3110 08 302 6101.. 132 100 5 2201.. pt 74 75 11 12Lancaster...........Lancaster (T. 75, R. 11). 182 648 640 1288.260 185 1 543 1 8 5. 771......10Liberty............. Chandler....... 134 437 4201 857. 171 116 351 1.....77].13iPrairie........iolre... ~... 77.....13Prairie...Coal Creek............. 67 210 181j 3911.... 82 65 3 146 74...10 Richland........ Richland............. 262 795 764 1559. 319 245 6501 1...In 75....12 Sigourney, town of.. Sigourney....... 151 433 4711 9041 1 215 157 8 337. pt 75 76...12 Sigourney, excl. town4........... 66 41 2191 460 91 60.~241 460 2.. 2 91 60!.... 213.'I::.... 74...12 Steady Run......... Mat r 1......... 49 461 441[ 902... 173 1401... 415 1...... 76....12 Van Buren..................1........... 143 437 435 872......... 164 129 17 377.. 2.75.13' Warren. 89 286 293 579. 114 78 267 1 2. 13 Washington........ Springfield, WhatCheer 224 47 412 869 1 1 94 389.... 1.. Total...........I...................... 211 78371 8815425 4.... 43120.2252 5865017 413 Total.............................. 12611 7887 7588[1~1 —-4 8-i~ 2-~g ~1 KOSSUTH COUNTY. N a ~ ~3 me of Townships, Q, I riEI r4I2 ed'E a I 0 - e 51 54 W (1: ie a o $ ~2,i i Names of Townships, a s 4 Q c o TwsanCiisNames of Post-Offices.: 4 Towns, and Cities.. 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - 98 99 1001.27-30 C-4 4 $ C6- 4- 4 40 c 0 0' 00o 0 z _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ z__ _ _ _z..... 96,.27-30 Algona.............Kossuth Center (H 28). 97.27-30.~uffalo Fork (R. 28)..... * 827-30 "..'....Greenwood (it. 28)... 169 586 515 1101.....269 190.... 439. 9Q~~~F 99 100! I i 9.27-30...Seneca (T. 98, I. 30) 95.27-30............. Algona (R. 29).......J pt 94 951.29 30 Cresco............. 44 109 97 206... 56 33 77. pt 94 95.27 28 Irvington.... Irvington (R. 28).... 46 137 128 265 1 1 55 46 109. Total.......... 740 572 1.... 1 80 275 625...... LEE COUNTY. r~ 69j.....7Cedar.Big Mound..199 546 525 1071 11 6 17 225 172 5 446 1..I 67...61 Charleston.......... Charleston............. 202 593 499 1092..... 228 133 3 483..-69..41 Denmark........... Denmark...... [(R. 7) 162 408 434 842 13 8 21 193 132 4 326 1.66...6 7 Des Moines...V.....Vincennes (R. 6), Belfast' 198 502 475 977 39 45 84 212 151 9 365 1 68....6 Franklin............ Franklin Center, Dover. 302 879 882 1761.... 25 263 37 757 2 1.68.....2 Green ".. Jollyville..... 121 360 314' 674....166 1261 9 256 l 691.......681.....7llarrison....... Primrose..1741 481 462 943 19 12 31 215 155 7 377.5... Jackson, exc. Keokuk....... 188 468 444 912 74 57 131 165 101 24 379 2 i::I 3~12~ 268! 87 757['21. 67..... Jefferson... Jeffersonville.165 510 456 966 8 8 16 212 171 6 372.... 3..In 65.. Keokuk, city of.. Keokuk....... 1..... 1739 4719 4852 9571 437 481 1 15 3433 2 1 4I...... 67...4 Madison............Fort Madison......... 629 1864 1769 363 31 3 54 651 384 29,12371 .....69. 6 Matrion.......... St. Paul.............. 69. 6 "............ Pilot Grove.. 220 694 609 1303 3.J 3 283 220 5 488 1.......69. 6'....Clay's Grove......S66 Montrose, exc. of city Sandusky, Summitville.. 183 443 456 899 21 24 182 133 51 369.....66 exc.... ( i o. Itrs...In 661: y. Montrose.851 305 332 637 1.... i1tro 130 97.... 226.. 85~~~~~.24 5 305 332 5.......... 691.....5 Pleasant Ridge.................. 156 444 431 8751 7 9 16 188 119i 3651....... 67...7 Van Buren......Croton, Warren..... 120 554 506 1060 1.... 1 225 149 16 448 11....... 68.. 4 Washington................91 553 303 1056 12 7 19 233 152 13 427....... 68. 5 West Point,exc.of city.. 170 505 442 947 4 4 8 199 120 13 387 2 2 1...In 68.5 " city of West Point.. 44 411 422 833..f 16.......114 107 7 318.. I..~ c.~.[ ii.........,j~ ~ 1'.............. Total.................................. 538815239 14813 30052 6811 684 13656274 84 30811459 10 8~11 LINN 82'3. B.6Bertram........... Bertram (T. 83).......... 175 532 450 982......... 220 166.... 3901........ 86.5 Boulder........ Prairieburg.......... 94 311 288 599..... 7 64 4 268. ci..... 84.5!Brown.............Springville, Viola....... 208 677 616 293...... 279 208 85....5Buffalo........INecot..................64 192 88......60 26 1 130...In 83.7..Cedar Rapids, city of Cedar Rapids........... 482 1451 1445 2896 15 14 29 6151 470 95 952 2...... 83..81Clinton... S.....Sisley's Grove...... 174 502 489 991.... 212 159 16 371........ 82....7iCollege........Western College....... 183i 464 454 918 2 2 83 143 22 475 2............. 1BL 1?0 2 1....!.: 21 183 143J %22/5...... 82....8 Fairfax.............Fairfax.......121 339 312 65.136 74 19 256 1.p~~~~~ ~~t, enn ibn S4'5'32 i 859i 1'... 1 1 7 8 3/ 84'5...8Fayette............Palo (T. 84).. 129 437 422 8591 1 178 132.... 351 1........82.....5!Franklin...........Mt. Vernon, Lisbon... 439 1314 1319 2633 1 7 567 319 14 1122 2...... 86.6...ackon......... Valley Farm.......... I.6............Nugent's Grove...... 146 395 793 1 257...... 86.... Paris...........1......83...5 Linn..... Prospect Hill.. 187 494 469 963.... 195 135.. 363.... 853....61Maine.............. Central City..........)......85..6... Wapsa...148 481 472 953.. 230' 169 3 85..7 83'4...6 7 Marion, city of...... Marion.3131 935 927 1862 5 1 6' 449 328 682 1 1....84. 6WMarion,.xc. of city 48. 9............... I...pt84.7..j........... 293 884 798 1682 1380 278 71611...t 8..7 8Monoe... 7)..... 4 43 4........... ~ ~pt 83.....7...,pt 84...7 8 Monroe............ 148 437 417 854... 174 27I... 1 01 I,,pt84, 7 1Monroe".,.,,.............,I.. 11 LINN COUNTY-CONTINUED. ~ 0 a0 Names of Townships,,~ P~- Q) W Namea f TownhipsNames of Post-Offices. C 4.4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' I Im - -o 0 O 1 0 0 eod~~~e 0 m ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~ ~ m [~ ~! C;~~~~~~~~;.85. 7 Otter Creek....Lafayette............._- ____ Z...... 85. "......... Flemingville.......... 228 697 6241 132.240187 9 593 2 85. 8.............................. 82. OPutnam..108 350 305 655 1 1 2 116 8 120......82.....6 un m............................... 0 5 D 5 1 841 211 260..........~~ 83 2 9 8 983 18 0 8 b 8.7[Rapids, exc. of city.298 915 893 1808... 324 73 63 541...86.....7Spring Grove........ Spring Grove.)...... 86 ].7........[Troy Mills*.......... 61 226 194 420........ 74 59 1 133 I I tr: 1 o cj L A~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= -t Total.........5 24500 32749183469 9546 10 4 5 I~~est Prare....... r, These offices may be in Jackson Township, as they are reported in both. LOUISA 74...45Columbus City...................... r~~~~~~~...pt75.....4 "4.57 933 891 1824 8 412 406 327 11 7041 75. Columbus City, Clifton. ).pt 731.1 21 E ot.PaloAlto (R.).. 47 202 161 363..... 80 63 1241.. pt7 S. lim Grove........~ 196 3.58 314 672 1 1 2 1,32 104 4 2641..... pt 7 Gradvew...... rn O v.....pt74.Grndie.,. radviw..h253 751 721 1472 8 9 17 332 238 1 1 578 1 I. a~~~~~~~~~~~~~: 75 m...3......... Letis................ pt 73 74.1 2 3 Jefferson.Toolsboro (T. 73, R 2) 120 307 286 593 9 12 131 100... 244 4 pt.8.74 Gprand rrview n............86.7 ci V~estiPran dview'...........~_7 59~ p ~~Tt7' "......... [Lts...l........1.......... 24as 158 19'43211; 751 721 1~~~472 5~8 3432 2381578 ~54 78 7,4 5 Co 1~,0~ 75Jefferson........f oubsCtCio.... 97 11 1001 284 8 QB 73 E~~iot.. i~aoolsboo (T. 78, R. 2 ).. 12033 0 ~... pt 73 74(.....4!Marshall.......C..Cairo (T. 74)............ 157 500 434 934....199 141 16 73.. 4!Morning Sun.......Virginia 73.4 "....... Morning Sun......... 195 530 502 1032....... 216 166... 397. 73 -"..3 pt 75 76....5akland........ Port Allen (T.... 71 260 2381 498........ 113 7 74...2iPort Louisa..... P...Port Louisa.........., 74..3.. 253 737 704 1441.301 225 2 557 be, pt 74 i..... 3.............................. pt74751..31 pt 75761.. 5, Union....................93 265 251 516.... 116 90 1 222 pt 73 741.2 3 4 Wapello, exc. ofcity.......... 162 465 443 908196 143 3 376 1... In 74...3 Wapello, city of.... Wapello................ 127 400 380 780 2... 2 187 130 2 273 1........... Total.............................. 275 6125 5715 11840 28 17 452568 1 935-73425 1 LUCAS COUNTY.....71....20 Benton......................88 473 454j 927.... 105 70 237... i~~agrang e, 4 Ola6 v 5`2 00- 9............. 72... 201Cedar......... agrnge, Ola.. 121 342 325 667 2 5 129 100 290..72....21 Charilton, exc. of town................ 82 28 272 55447 2 170,..In 72....21!Chariton, town o.... Chariton............138 544 440 984 6 2 8 2871 244 360.. 1.......73.. 21English......................1241 399, 357 756...... 130 99. 354.. 1 23 Jackson......18 36..... 72....23 Jackson.....Tallahoma........ 611 181 183 364..... 72 57 1 144..... 73....22 Liberty................................ 71 250 209 459.......83 68... 198....73...23 Otter creek......... 94 274 253 527.....100 84.. 235.....2.73..7...20 Pleasant........Beinda....63 199 191 390... 69 52.... 189.. 1.Un~~~iond........... 32 3 67.... 71...2.23!Union.Argo, Last Chance.. 114 302 305 607... 115 94.... 255 10 5......71....22 Warren............ Freedom............96 302 306 608 6 3 9 125 941.... 280 71....20 Washington.......Russell............ 78 213 187 400........ 91 73.... 164 1.7..".'27... 22 Whitebreast....................8........ 83 2481 233 481 92 73.... 21............ Total........................1...........213 40091 3715 7724 14 8 221500 1-155 413092 2 1- 1 LYON COUNTY-NOT ORGANIZED. MADISON COUNTY..76, &c[28, &c. Center, exc.ofWint'st.1 3 30 0 601... i.... 131 101....i 201..... [ 761....26 Crawford..Ellsworth. 1041 316 283 99 1201 871 61 2591.........~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 I20[ 871 61 2591.. 31..~ cS MADISON COUNTY —CoNTMuND. -'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C Ca cc Z 0 ~~~~ -~ 0 C cd ~~ Id.r o ElE Cd 3 A4 jbr~ o~~~~~ Q~ E j a~~~~~~~~bdC CDNames of Townships, Naes o Pos-Otes e Cc I — ~~~ —~*~ ~~~Names of Post-Offices. 2 6. 0 0 Q o " Q 0 Z _ _ _ _ ZZ Z ~ Z ~Z' Z.-Z.Z....76.... 28 Douglas..................... 88 347 340 6871........154 117...266.....74...29 Grand River.....Venus..........64 176 179 3551......65 59. 49 1.i..7....29 Jackson..................... 49 179 1561 335.,..i....78 59.. 91 2.. 2....77.... 27 Jefferson.................71; 222 195 417........93 71 3 134 1... l~ Towns, and Citiesl. O O O C~....77 26 Lee................... 36 121 105 226.......37 25 1 103.....75.... 28 Lin3col0.................. 86 3171 274 591..:I..:... 125! 107. 1 248.77j....28 Madison........NT-orth..........92 299' 2771 576......... 127j 92j 2 219 x...74...28 Monroe........Kasson, Clanton.....60 171 154' 325........ 74 55.... 130 2... H....74.... 26 Ohio..........Ohio..........92 254 258 512.....'...99 87... 229.C....77...29 Penn....................... 42 117 108 225.50 48... 60.Z 7~~~~~~...... ~~~~~~148 471 462 933........182 146.... 414..5....26 South...........:.. St. Charles.:...:.::.... 162 482 444 926 2 2~ 204 147.. 397........76.... 27 Union...I.......... 97~ 360' 306' 6661.......116 81 2 289. O~.u o Q.74....27 WalnutP R i. eru...................99 356 331 687.. 124 86 1 297..75,75.29 Webster............ 151d129R280r1.......... 1 4 109 18... In 767.28 Winterset, City of... Winterset1.204 63 674 1357 1 1 2 308 214 4 521.............. Total1....4.......7............... 152 705 9751 2.72025 1531! 223832 3 61 MAHASKA COUNTY..28 76......Adarn.. Buck Horn.............. 119 357 314 671.. 137 95.... 306..... 771 36/a~Cc.7o....7Black k...... 124 376 347 723 1 1 150 90 16 279 I... n74e....14 Cedar.Fremont.134 429 511 940 3 6 187 151 136....1.,74..26GaD Oine......... Oien............... 14 Des oev5e11....11 3 81155 131.... 3449 77.9en...70....29 a o.....~...,....................... 41 117 1081 225[....i...1..1 7 501 481 9..1..I 60/ ~~~. 75.2 95 47 S cot................... nn14 71.26Suh.....7r........ J t. C hrlsn........77~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~7 46e 33... [... 3 1@5%6 72] 1461..1..I 41.77I~.SI~di~o. ~j ~rtil~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~I6 2 489i2 7 4 44 961 2.1....!.. [ 2 2122 0 4 147.... 7.27Unhion........i... 2.......................~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~74 3601Wale 806 66].... 99' - -I3~68 116 8 1 21297.,.75. 29 Webster....,........Middle River.......... 52 151! 129 2801 11... ] 1 61] 40[ $ 108~.i...In'76,25l Winterset, City of....iWinterset............. 204 6831 674 135.7__ I 21 3081 2141 4 5211.11,........~~~~ Total....................................~~ ~~,~ ~~ ~~ ~~ 1-5-~ 5052 — 475 97571 512 — 712511531 2] —~ 3-~-2j 6 MIAHASK;A COUNTY....... 761. 151Adamo.... Buck Horn.,............ 1191 35;7 3141 6711. 37[..30.76. 17;iack Oak:....,.I.....,.,].. 8..112 471 723 1 9J~8,......741..1[ Cdr rmn......,. 1341 429 5111 94013 1871 151 366[.14[Cedar...... ~4remont]'.].[......~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r l6 5 0 71.,,.74..10IDes Moines[Gvn...,..... lie.......... 3 39 5511 4 .::;]74.. 15 Harrison. 5....8..r........9 58 518 1076 5 2 7 237 184 10 434.747....17 JJefferson.E.. velad Grove.166 504 448 9521.. 191 155 2 406 1.I....76....16 Madison.......... Farmersville........ 113 364 325 689 1.....168 118 10 261...... 76...14 Monroe...........Indianapolis, Hopewell.. 201 561 541 1102.. 238 1881 1 407 2...... 75.15 16'Oskaloosa, exc. of city I Beacon (R. 15).... 487 1588 1488 3076 20 27 636 445 201236 21 1 i...In 75....16Oskaloosa, city of.... Oskaloosa............. 438 1276 1391 2667 25 29 54 5801 432 6 941........ 77... 14 Pleasant Grove......Agricola............ 131 389 365 754... 143 86 8 349.....77.... 16 Prairie..........New Sharon, Flint....... 178 527 474 1001 2 6 8 213 81 11 390.....77... 17 Richland......... Peoria, Granville.... 231 719 659, 1378... 288 191 4 549 2........ 75....17Scott.......... Auburn.................... 75....17.............. Belle Fontaine........ 162 485 448 933 1....751... 1Sct.Abr 19 4 21 3871l 1......75....17 "...............Leighton Station...... )l......77....15 Union.............Union Mills.............153 448 452 900 5 4 9 174 127 6 382...... 75.... 14 White Oak..........White Oak.............159 440 468 908....... 162 1191... 389 1.. o.............~it a., l~ r............. Total.............3.........4.......... 3128 34i 9147 18581, 61 51 112 3851 2840 977426 9 3 2 Cr MARION 75{... 181Clay................Iola........... )'75... 181 "...............English Settlement..? 218 650 628 1278 246 185.. 76....{.18................ i {........74.....21 Dallas...............144 459 441 900.173 119 6 389........... 75...21 Franklin............Caloma, Starr......... 70 246 212 4581.93 77.... 192.......... 741....19Indiana............Attica................184 536 544 1080. 198 160.... 439 11 1.75...20 " 34142 25 1.. 1I 473 326 11~0202. 1,........ 75.. 19 Knoxville, exc. of city 16........ {.75......7.20, "4 " ".................... ~,384 1216, 1142, 2358 1 43326 112... pt 76 1920 4" " ".........In 7 75...191 Knoxville, city of... Knoxville.164 543 557 1100 3 3 6 248 201 1 345 1 77 pt 75 76...18 LakePrairie, exc.Pella...................... 478 1415 1272 2687 2... 2 5281 450 88 1050 2 3 74.....I8jLiberty.............Ely, Hamilton........ 238 624 665 1289........... 280 215 16 584... In(3,10)76.... 18 Pella, city of.......Pella.................375 923 910! 18331.3531 209 62 688 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~8'.I77 52 41833...n Pt 77...21 Perry.............Bennington........... 68 193 196 389......... 77 52 4 168....Ppt 76....21 Pleasant Grove......Pleasantville........205 573 547 1120. 207 149 492 3 n.....n 76...19Polk.................................... 1471 455 399 854....... 152 123 9 334 1 2. pt 77....20 Red Rock....... Red Rock, Mennon.. 214 627 591 1218........ 226 150.. 551.. 2.n pt 77.19 Summit. Newark......... 196 560 522 1082.. 219 173. 36.. 76 77 21Swa........ Wheeling(T. 76).....178 494 450 944....... 203 136.. 377...,pt 7677 21~Sllwan....... Wheig(.76... {... 178 4941 4501 944{.,... 203J 1361..l 377.{., d)p MARION COUNTY-CONTINUJED. I ~ ~~ r ri A Q 0' ~ Od13 ~ ~ ~ ~, rA1Q -., Namesof Townships, 0 v Townsand Cties.Names of Post-Offices. $ 3. Towns, and Cities. N Ke-r Q) C-e ic-e B O Ci d L~~~~~~1 c c~~~~~~~~~~~Cdc ~o~~~~~~~~o~0o,~m~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~....~~ ~1 hO O O O ~~~~~~~~~~~~5 3... O 412 6~~~' 6 6 __T dLI i c' iO Q ~~Z; tz; ii i ~~z; ~7; 0.Pt 76 77...20 Union... 97 272 279 55I...... 119 94 211 1 2.74....20 Washington. Gosport, Columbia. 196 528 503 1031.. 219 172 412 1 1... Totl......... Total................. 3556 10314 9858 20172 6 3 9 4014 2991 87 8246 10 5o MARSHALL COUNTY....... 82.. 201 Eden............. Edenville.............. 781 233 2081 441....... 00.169...... C.85~ ~~~~~Eenil..1ltno.......e.... 781 3 20i 1698 F:6..~1 82....17 Green Castle..... 65 197 188 385 1 1 81 66 5 162 1.. z...... 85....18 Iowa...............[Albion, Norris......... 268 681 653 1334...........302 225 529 1.82....18 Jefferson................. 57 175 1551 330.....651 39 4 135............ 83....171Legrand............Legrand................ 172[ 538; 3761 914...........2151 169 22 362...... 85....20 Liberty......... Illinois Grove.......... 5 271 238 509... 01 88'. 07 84....19M...... M arietta............ 125 448 395 843 3 5 8 164 112 3 340 1 ~~~~~.Maita30.......... 84....17 Marion.................................... 130 404 355 759.. 165 123 2 310...84... 18 Marshall, exc. of city.......................117 321 327 648 7 10 17 140 107 3 308.In 84....18 Marshalltown, city of Marshalltown.......... 500, 1154 1103 2257 15 7 22 562... 25 683...... 84....20 Minerva.........i Minerva.82 268 237 505 2 3 5 98 8.... 200.83.20 State Center..... State Center.6.... 61 227 1861 413 1. 1 97 77. 164.85... 8 17 Vienna...... Vienna..........76 246 2221 468........102 72 2 176 1.. I:: f2 97 77164 i.83... 18Timber Creek.. Timber Creek.115 378 333 711.... 135 108 6 308 i1...82 83 19 ashington........a n............ 53 164 169 3331.... 67 56 131 128 1 Total...... 2102 6038 5410 114481 31 652512142 2034454 3 2 4 Vienal.............Ven I................. 26 2 6}....[4316 2521422 2074432 47 MILLS COUNTY...731.....40 ej41!Anderson......... Benton (R. 41)........57 1 169 349......... 72 56 2 146 1...732..wJ42eJ43'Glenwood, 84 350 308 6581.. 128 91 2 227 1 1.In 72.43!Glenwood. city of.. iGlenwood..... 126 448 437 885 5' 5 10 193 136 3' 324 1....72...40el41 Indian Creek... 58 187 169 356... 71 55....l 146....731..wI41 eJ42 Ingraham........Ward (R 42.2) 32 108 96 204.... 37 24.... 8.....71.....43 Lyons............Egypt... 194 710 639 1349....2........ 0 280. 9519 4....73w1,42e5-643 Oak.........96 275 225 500 1 1 99 71 31 1941....72....44 wi43 Platteville..................104 400 380 80 I.... 125 65 222 1.71.........42 RawlesW..Wahaglbonsy.89 297 250 547 2...I 2 107 82 11....73...44 W 43 t.Mary...................46 189 144 333 3 5 8 95 79 8 106:::72:.W 41 e42 Silver Creek................ 296 300. 292 592....1....33 105 1 207.... e~~~~~~~~~~{ii. I2[ 5... 22.71.......40 41 White Cloud.. Wite Cloud (R. 41)... 67 25 195 420.... 98 96 1 178.....w4 Totay..............24 36691 3304 6973 01 211428 1140 572463 41 5.. MITCHELL 98e.. 1i6 Burr Oak.C..... ardiff, Brownsville. 8 1 pt98.....17."....I..... 64 181 1441 325... 133 42 7 132....pt99...167 1.. Pt 9798... 17 18 Cedar......................107 326 285 611 133 89 17 232.8............9....I 3 1 65c... 98. 15 Dougias... Nelson........ 35 101 90 1944 36... 99. 15 Jenkins......... Doran, Riceville......82 229 222 451........ 94 62...1 161. Z4...Pt 97... 15 16 incolin............ ~42 124 123 247.. 48 35 98. 17 Mitchell..M.... itchell. ) 98.. 17 " W....est M.itchell.... 149 551 510 1061.248 164 9 381 1 99...17 99. 18 Newburg........... Newburg..49 186 182 368......63 49 7 97...16 17Osage,.......).........pt98..... 16'... 239 7521 696 1448 1 98. 17.Osage...100.18 pt 17 Otri nto... Otranto (R. 18)...... 56 177 172 349.66.3 6 99...17 18 St. Ansgar...... St. Ansgar (R. 18).1 67 206 177 383... 83 34 1 99._16 17 Stacyville............ 100. 16.~........Stacyville............ 83 226 220j 446 1 1 *90 50 100 o...17............................. N Number of voters not returned-estimated at 90.-[CLERR OF THE DIsTRIcT COURT. MITCHELL COUNTY-CONTINUED. il~~~~~~~~~.i. so o ~ i~~~~~ I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~P Tow~,ad~iies I 0 m~ ~ c~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.6 o 0 ~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~0 Cs 0 0 0 ~~~~~~~ MONONA COUNTY. ~ ~Ce C Names of Townships, Names of Post-Office 5. 125 Towns, and Cities. 8 4.81 -:o i" 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~44~o orz= 0 0 0 Cs 0 ce W d C, d,~~~~~~~~~~~:i -~= ~a,.Grant..14 53 42 92 1 4. Z......llake.2 75 55nhis 13.2 19.. 58. ~- Q) ~4- 0 Cs 0 f otOfies Q o,.C 1 BS, - 0 ~ ~ ~.- -'.- o;-4 0 C Jackson.................................................. 134980 $$ 236909 3469 168152 0 Jasper.51.... 41903 ~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~89215...... 210053 45851 107596 Jasper................................................ 41903.. 21003 45851 107596 Jefferson.............................................. 25 1 218501 358675 15700 229955 18898 121471 JohnSon......................................27 2 242737 70 177 224126 9835 160821 Jones...........................19 1 27265........ 15 225991 6339 158527 Keokuk..................................................77483 59000205747 12411 124119 Kossuth.................................................... 90...... 10570 63 4007 Lee.................................................. 55 3 1337331 5040 200 215256 70952 164223 Z Linn............................................ 49 2 855522.......... 241517 12414 175220 P' Louisa.............................................. 19 2 312251........ 163145 13629 106619 Lucas............................................... 12 82577 23155...... 73529 12628 45128 Lyon (not organized)........................................................................... Madison............... 1 49680 1854.......127907 10385 64333 Mahaska............................................. 20 1 119149 638381....... 229841 9178 134232 Marion............................................... 16 I 1 102680 181206 4177 178775 4236 120276 M arshall.............................................., 26 ] 1 1 1......... 1592 9 879207 Marshal21146 3..1141... 159529 88081 79230 Mills.................................................. 18... 35852............... 87539 4123 35950 Mitchell.................................................. 1 39881'....I.I 97693 3646 38947 Monona.............................................. 180001 1 21085 35 6937 Monroe............................................... 27 74600 38684 3834, 110043 64801 70218 Montgomery.......... 5204................ 20747.. 9363 Muscatine.....................................'. 45J 4 384164 494621 4251 200425 32639 150718 O'Brien....................... 1600.......... 123 Osceola (not organized).............................................................. Page............................... 24763 10500 100 99392 5885 34191 Palo Alto....................................................................... 951 Plymouth.......................29.15......................'.....2390... 1695 Pocahontas........................................... 5105 400 1424 Polk................................................ 32 4 601733 332769 773380 4744 78802 Pottawattamie.......................................... 25 95967..82183 1083 22580 Poweshiek............................................ 25 1 19221 100 1 116426 3420 69417 Ringgold.................................................. 23315......... 33773 5620 23130 Sac................................................... 5430 260 2592 Scott.1....3....2...4..99... 328384 39681 193591 Shelby................................................ 1293........ 16855 730 4616 Sioux......... 175 40 M Story................................................. 24J. 1 4............... 77555 17909 42373 Tama............................................... 25j 61339...4 139972 4529 77354 Taylor....................... 10181 270 65 41683 4163 26941 Z Union........................................... 8317. 37346 3043 18271 Van Buren.................................. 30 1 263236 711i)70' 27"312 196280 32840 123684 Wapello............................................. 56a 1 320675 164381 8 162399 18928 113821 Warren.......................................... 1 43042 93840. 1681171 9633 83076 Washington..................................... 11 2 102387 4000. 246405' 26167 155347 Wayne................ 49286 18800 794851 3297 57874 Webster............................................... 24307 39593. 71000' 4765 27117 Winnebago.................................. 34251.......... 52711 1429 Winneshiek..............................30.i...... 30) 146162.... 2847731.......9 6i 179265 Woodbury........................................... 1250 22416. 3413 W orth.......................................................... 23 7........ 2 2 07 27 9 Worth.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2337........j 21260!....752 7593 Wright.........466................. 19580 509 6932 Total.......................................... 1152 61 15957599 483010 320820 11362402 663063 8263174 TABILIE III. EXHIBITING THE STATISTICS, BY COUNTIES, OF THE GRAIN CROPS OF THE STATE OF IOWA FOR THE YEAR 1866. Ca Cs Ca t % t t I t I t t I I. 5I 5(78 1623.S 15 -2.5 3241 104901 39993 97132 2 COUNTIES. Cs Cs1~ 143 147 9 13 3 475 24 148 B Ca ~ Cs Cs l 5 l) l 6 6 6 61 6 ~ ~~~~~ 6 6 i 6 6 6 6 0 Adair..-............ 1073 16235 15 225 3241 10490 3999 i97132 2 25........ Adams............... 1473 20477 9 134 535 14715 6264 110.558 6 1 654 1. 5 C1 Allamakee.................. 30817 423232 896 11775 8424 228405 21731 529653 174 2435 266 6193 Appanoose...................... 1752 18393 2191 26486 9117 296042 41467r 815281 470 5790 15 349 b699 11344.. I I A Benton..............29417k 458309 33 384 8936 326757' 31060 9014801 140 17961 702 18355 ~d Black Hawk........... 31892 500081 7 70 7639 318833 19468 4849491 4471 67121 271 6182 Z Boone.............. 4301 55406 22 274 2181 72521 163841 4635561 49j1 977I 16i 460 co Bremner............. 17611 239772 5 901 6993 212187 12296k~ 300662 164J' 24601 191 5177 Buchanan............. 25312 351264 21 1301 9075 246545 20096 42.6611 100k 1546j 829 7027 Buna, Vista............ 21 378... 20 460 142 3430.. Butler.............. 15584 216590 21i 315 4435 130390 12165 274037 12 6 1762 67 188'8 Calhoun............. 308.6191....... 178 7172~ 6541 19310....... 1 40 Carroll.............. 497 8663....... 77 2771 1007 30123....... 4 100 Cass............... 3134 54307 1 26 975 33961 9103 1860701....... 39 768 Cedar.3............ 0798 421655 1614 12490 15147 487830 50295 1529540! 1142 18192 3576 85709 Cerro Gordo............ 2139 26011....... 1974 57786, 2635 55669.... 4 74j 1261 Cherokee............. 10 150.......8 240 300 351.1....... Chickasaw.8898.......11. 7087.. I 42461 112484i 7046 126438 16 32i'1'22 Clarke.............. 2048 27576, 116 13051 44971 12,9263 22819 451166 120' 1528.... I.... Clay.......51920 1680.......... 77 2071 205 2675 Clayton............1208 780517 937 7986 15868 423387 32440 921185 390 6122 857 2256 Clinton.........55291 795742 80 897 19773 628357 52594 1408933 392 6535 4220 108179 Crawford.....808 17943........ 360 1286 823 47315 110 15 I I~1264 Dallas........... 8469 117551 55 497 3442 118700 25537 856234 100 1364 36 911 Davis.......................... 2490 18106 4276 47966 11439 311599 44171 800143 1018 11370 ] 18 Decatur..........1030 11266 630 6860 3668 104382 25069 299820 282 3686 28 271 Delaware.........28831 418364 15 90 14095 444275 29212 661934 229 3784 1162 2903 Des Moines........10916 116760 4789 43235 8349 249752 47028 1547549 1144 14554 720 15534 Dickinson.......92 1456....... 42 1345 248 3685... 2 60 Dtubuque..........25244 364567 466 2229 20853 661993 42594 1224272 818 15229 1350 34315 Emmett..............200 33091.....1. 20 442 10585. Fayette..........24403 3278501 56 751 12322 339093 23676 57556 22 210 508 10699 Fod11612 1406961 10 80 4568 120534 8535 192599 21 295 85 1473 Franklin..........4365 60583...... 169 454481 49294! 100199.4 20 Fremont..........4637 85266 27 261 1998 64970 52162 749597 45 8301 200 3469, lI Greene.............. 1837 292811...... 684 25353 6180 169074 13 105 6 90 0Grundy.............. 7110 106380 2375 88287 4975 128554 3D21 328i 74 1621 Guhi.78 735 2 89 1428 55528 12711 439134! 37, 444' 20 z Hamilton............. 2353 31047 13 167 1399 47283 4996' 115726 2 24 27I 2 Hancock............. 416 4349........ 328 11919 595 10655..7 265 Hardin............ 13791 209566...... 4615 174-568 18482 509022 52 622 100 1942 Harrison.............. 6218 126868 11 23 1888 772911 11918 344676 32 575 756 2558 Henry............ 10940 102980 42581 44802 8478 2637681 450291 1622322 1987 20946 261 4920 Howard................. 10348 108447..... 5879 1 11 115 3' 4664 81741 15 195 323 5785 Humboldt............. 654 12159...1...... 419 157581 1063 33790....... 9 253 Ida.19697 93........ 7 3230 9 5.....4 130 Iowa.. 1672925121 237 1782 63921 228610 28438 950207' 345 5616 630 17744 Jackson............... 156 273735 207202 22352 1678297 45645 1324190 1319 19302 669 152,31 Jasper.............. 189121 353515 0671 568 16978 252296 48908 1956396 111 17191 85 2695 __4 Jefferson............. 5251 495931 7079, 688871 10199 293846 478491 16305531 24301 31159 76 1415 ~ TABLE III.-CoNTINUED. - 71 Z Z 5-i 1......... 16700 253908 2237 20935 146391 512399! 501461 1629207 1930 J s........o 19583 282909 194 1931 15995 444853; 45161 1185238 5 92....... 11340 125391 4369 41233 7879 306636! 48313 1616568 1422 Jones ~~........5 0 700............159 611828 92 029t Kossuth................. 502 7200............. 501 12904 1089 17335.....3 C Lee................ 10747 101346 3331 25234 9884 266524 52891 1544206 4110 52738 955 18604 Linn.......................... 27549 364558! 79 867 154351 506088 5065t 1415373 724 11301 545 12044 M Louisa.............. 11319 1275521, 3010 32665' 6833 211737 41779 1530637 1501 19826 18 359 o-3 Lucas.............. 2198.21568 289, 2934 4962 154334 23930 548024 385 5434 89 1452 z Lyon (not organized)............................................... Madison............. 6420 9925 9 312 36271 4737 148480 32408 998176 265 3553 2 84 Mahaska............. 13474 174877 2550 218777 8564 291911 55354 2163056' Sl01 7339 232 4583 Marion.............. 13088 168703 2519 25059 9597 303431 58685 2182452 638 9027 62 1268 Marshall............. 25662 368935 16 251 5808 280892 23939~ 727015 75 855 145 3770 Mills............. 8082 133058 3 15 1772 67329 174491 552236 16 294 308 8562 Mitchell............. 10380. 142346....... 5261 162531 47171 98659 8 75 529 12104 Monona............. 13901 32960........1 354 15808 2597 65402j 21 31 1.59 Monroe.............. 3329' 32351 2847' 34287 5766 161617 29053 705810 770' 10991 7 114 Montgomery........... 1656 23084 12 176 445 15097 5545, 146616 19 184 2 40 Muscatine............ 20685, 264365 2366 18005 115631 405923 41023 13838 9 9 0 2230 32990 3118 83519 O'Bie'*................. 30 600............ 70 2100 60 2100............. ~Page............. 5355 56486 881 1313 2449 70969 1837 329959 42 530 22 294 Palo Alto................. 155 3203...........77 2131 577 7755 Ply.mouth.................... 453 10141.......... 120 4109 270 7555...... Pocahontas...............2451 3846.75 2121 483 9750...............7. 2. Polk......................... 91841 136513 177 2414 5164 193864 39405 1481567 196 2886 333 7161.ottawattamie............ 4168 677......79...... 1100 35333 8930 23757 1 478 99 2274 Poweshiek.............. 16167 247787 25 315 3994 140530 25721 931720 120 2089 205 3946 Ringgold................ 775 8672 51 406 1930 52093 13653 157800 52 548 5 90 Sac.................. 373 8485...... 302..10151 85 18645. 48717 713619 147. 1480 13993 407638 4369i 1436464 310 5105 20299 Shelb....................... 1150 20914............ 313 10227 2459 54006 Sioux........m........... 40 10 200................. Story................. 5555 71520 1 15 3006 104312 15200 410760 9 478 10 168 Tama................... 22802 423015 5 43 4310 158351 21864 57 3362 Taylor.................... 2820 34036 33 166 2043 55512 14104 2341291 32 484. 31 1341 Union.........................5 1240 14093 104 1151 1553 46361 8019 1362901 1501 1995 I 15 Van Buren............ 6224 50069 7734 69052 8469 248627 36864 996116 29 4 79 C Wapello.............. 5595 56461 4912 53726 7740 210203 47060 -1289370 1256 16995 127 655 ~I Warren.............. 8618 129381 648 8763 64821 2145641 41311 1417940 549 6898 138 1013 Washington............ 17216 202869 4676 39410 11076 388726w 521151 18070351 1586 21622 801 2035 Wayne............... 1275' 8401 529 5756 4950 1553501 25707 4327931 219 2846 10 Webster............. 3439.58887....... 1603 51112 12821 2017071 6 49, 8 192 Winnebago............ 3181 459....... 197 5713 270 6370j...... 33 307 Winneshiek.......... 551591 792,507 2 301 14580 417594 20732 489955 61 99 1256- 29195 Woodbury............. 625 15985 6' 1501 243 10342 1676 40370.... 8 2481 380 Worth............... -1250 17139........ 693' 21392 1144 23162....... 51 74 Wright.............. 1523 21203.. 676 22619 1943 48697 5 20 9 155 Total.............983906 13912308 73425 723152 504362 15861494 1992326 56928938- 356041492841 4801311197729 *Estimated. TABLE IV. EXHIBITING THE STATISTICS, BY COUNTIES, OF THE SORGHUM-AND GRASS CROPS OF THE STATE OF IOWA FOR THE YEAR 1866. I. 0 r. i! 0 0 i 0d,.0. _ 2 73 5614 5 11 109 168'765 35 t.6961 161 296 203 320 4291 9 9 Allamakee............. 185 11915 206 282 480 8787 9568 5689 2338 Appanoose............... 471 34403 207 5019 2223 8478 11203 2154 21S93 Audubon.........................24 1981. J.. 44j 10 4 31 10 31041 22 Benton......................... 394 31070.... 23 72 4590 6013 18124 1550 H Black Hawk....................... 394 24563.... 269 444, 28410 2801 17466 197 ~a Boone......................... 255 19731 30 198 497 653 10,54 11695 69 Z4 Bremer.3........................ 38 21100 402 431 914L 1866 2126 13836 3906 Po Buchanan.3...................... 811 30402 400 48 97 4223 5190 15498.622 Buena Vista....................... 1 2j 117...................: 782..... Butler.......................... 224 14205 23 321 856 718 854 12608 238 Calhoun......................... 16 1382. 6 11 4 3 1775..... Carroll.......................... 27 2737!.6 101 1652.... Cass............................ 102 8692 15 10 48 67! 104 69131 34 Cedar..'......................... 473 45550 60 166 35S 23137 19391 10110 7292 Cerro Gordo....................... 55 3034.... 137 343 91 126 6778..... Cherokee.13......................682.... 113..... Chickasaw....................... 156 10034 *6780 O 1.913, 15744 1700 Clarke.......................... 301 18812 is! 1638 2177 1951! 2248 47931 297 ~~~~Clay.................. 161 816.... 164.......... Clayton........................ 293 32593 60 139 266 121591 12346 1143' 1525 Citon.................... 398 434665 20 809 1723 177291 1791 867 200 Crawford............ 24 1423 48 125 18 378..II ~~~~~Dallas................. 769 33403 200 369 926 618 7t71 10158 2 ~~~~~Davis ~................. 563 37603 1971 4777 5889 110081 12304! 07 1151 Decatur................ 3.............. 356 15653 109) 2229 2335 4056i 5647 6258 530 ~~Delaware.................. 426 31740 781 276 716 9503 11735 20382 1213 Des Moines......................... 418 377291 16 26 350 19377 19121 1954 887 Dickinson...................... 28 938.................. Dubuque.......................... 4851 33862...... 150 320 18584 20392 12098 830 Emmett..............................32 1235........... 3 5 1...... Fayette.......................... 296 20593 120 51 106 8543 8816 20133 2233 Fo..... 1 386 7736. 474 900 687, 983 13008 193 m Franklin......................... 50...... 107' 62 6920... Fremont.......................... 291 29301 40 241 627 103 92 14410 23 Greene.......................... 98 9563j 30 66 59 60 4393 17 Grundy......................... 61 3401.. 46 71 344 32 5 6324 130 Guthrie.......................... 153 160 2! 292 626 182 3051 6886 55 Hamilton........................ ill 66871.... 12 3 1 79 47 9507.... Hancock.......................... 8 237.. I.... 4 8 1458 1 Hardisn.......................... 324 21129 100 1311 303 1042 1089 1725t1 101 Harrison........................ 201, 14755. 530 755o 6 18 16179 98 Hny..687' 66687 340 104 149! 23300 22260 15P39 6014 Howard.......................... 45 23031..., 99 2491 568 636 12099 164 1Humboldt......................... 48 2577....71 16 25 1 1 5881..... Idwa........................... 2 180.................... 610..... iowa.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~389 36580... 59 16 62 6930 20794 1224 Jackson..............1......... 672 60299 1 2921 476 208161 24018) 6140 1405 *M~Pap sugar. TABLE IV.-CoNTINUED. 0O P4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o co ~ ~s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C oau S~~~~ S Johnson~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.. vi112 e O U li T I 11: 0.. I Fapr..............*................. 59547....i........ 25791 510 114 2 902 21500 17304 17141 Q44 Johneso..............................59................................... 521005 11 47 96 580t 173046115 r Jones..,, 1 ~~~~~~~~581 1 52135; 05 499i 10871 134921 16775 8063! Qi 0I0 09 ossuth...................................... 26 |7341..|.......... 131 15| 583........ Lee.................................................. 628~ 60763 74 19 32 303 25687.518 ~s95 ~; Linn.....................:o ~s.......80 285. 2 6...1428 20187! 2s89 1205 - Louisa^~~~~.......................................5 04 0 78 321861307037137 Louisas............................................................ j20|1728|5. ~~ 17340 201982 9 33 371 2315870 C) 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 Mabaska |... ~~~~~~~~~59904() 05 21 5990345 9 17 386293 8 __________________~~~~~~~~~~z~~z ~~~z z z ~~z z z z Jasper..539 50477.. 259 610 2025 2512 21806 102 0 Jefferson.... 796 81619 106 78 302 24544 25796 296 1310 131 Jot~hnson... @ @ - * - - * - * * - * * 579 52410' 1101 472 960 15000 17304 17141 5494 u2 Jones................................................. 5135 1005 4991 1087 13492 16775 14580 636 1 Keokuk.......................... 705 63151 10' 151 286 13042 15590 6210 2044 ~d KossutOi................................................ 26 734.................. Lee..............................................6281 60763 174 193 327 30930 25687 518 19957 ~ Liont(e... 880....78554.1 10 16842377217 2862 1 12 217 9 1205 Louisa............................................... 504 50345 5 109 178 342 13862 13408 7037 1370 Lucas............................................. 280 19728 173 2019 3269 2363 3337 5237 583 Lyon (not organized)...................1............................... Madison......................... 432 35946 501 401, 693 2636 37771 9186 235 Mahaska............................................... 599 65640 1005 326 599 13459 17366 9130 685 Marion......................... 676 64354 2 779 1504 7475 9774 7009 739 Marshall................................................ 332 23852 24 318 642 1749 1720 16170 172 Mills................................................... 102 8060 6 290 616 63 115 12341 2 Mitchell........................83 4892... 710 1884 547 818 12501 128 Monona............................................. 84 4709. 7787. Monroe..... 451 26983 135 2226 3575 7967 9520 2429 919 Montgomery........................................... 63 4862 12 251 170 225 4007 16 M~Iuscatine. 525 53072 52 167 2 1'52[ 167 571 15550 14144, 82741 2916 O'Brien..................................... 4......................................... 200....... O'Brien. 4............ ~~~~~ ~~~~~' Osceola (not organized)......................................0 Palo Alto............................................4984...... 4........... Page... 16~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ f7 9042...... 430 745 304 977 9564 11 P lymouth.................................3.............. I.........7......... Picahontas............................................. 171 731........ 28041..... ii i~' 5.... Po~cahontas.1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ 7j 3 210j,.... ~~1~~~ 20117... Polk.......................... 621 39855 101 7.15 1552 1334 1788 17690 160 Pottawattamie 1....................................... 103 8653 85 272 494 24 266 11696 43 Powesheik.........~.................................. 313 27616i 32 129 434 2623 7468 16671 419 Ringgold............................... 170 7139 3451 475 863 1533' 6751 175 Sac......................................... 22 1290...... 61 15...... 1581....... 1.,. 9 031cl Scott................................................... 234 27329 292 6031 12033 13002 13365 573 Shelby.............................................. 43 3529 100 122 306 6 8 3146...Z... Sioux............................................ 50 [Ringgold ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~...................................................... I 53C i[~~~~~~C Story.308 2jj031 330j 84 209 397 349 178271.~~~~~~~675 17, Van Buen............................................. 506 469151.. 380 459 24409 18397 363 11149 Wapello..................................................... 486 43410 220 1028 1459 15267 1576 975 2532 Taylor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2214 651 29 56 55 70 6',5 15'Union, 1~7 7265~I::~~~~ 23 46''203 i300 13365 1...78 C Warren...................................... 524 44492 3 821 1496 4692 6882 11053 468 Washington............................................ 704 71523 104 56'34 21750 25561 6402 2240 Wayneb................................................ 37 17975 73 2924 4288 4114 4736 4252 874 Webster..................... 197 10477......o2 14 58 110 16866 3 Winnebago..1 317.92 Winnesbiek...................,...................... 88 5036 16 221 420 8600 9227 21572 2123 ~~~~...... Woodbury................... 20 183............................. Worth..~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~41 2168' 51 252 17. 1 6434 44 Wright........5.........................55 2719....... 12 44 31 564.....56' Total...................................25796 2094.7 14697J 39436 58889 497460 537812 823153 10753220' TAB1LE V. o EXHIBITING THE STATISTICS BY COUNTIES OF THE POTATO, ONION AND FLAX CROPS OF THE STATE OF IOWA FOR THE YEAR 1866. C O U N T 1 E 8. - " X W s S X 2,?:: 0 W & S......................h - _ _ 02~~~ C o A dair................................ 72 5077i 147 259............I.... 1... Adtlms.................................... 9 91 6817 164 506 3 6..176...... Allamalkee........................ -... 112S5 71582 4 1174 1 5 70........G Appanoo!se........ -~30..............310. 1706;9 1494 3198 672 3254 753... Audubon..... - - -- - -. - - ----................................................... 291 2490i 31 105 1 | 41........ 0-i-@@1@*@I I I' B3enton *....... -*X- -X —z*-...................................... 6531 51424 4t8 1984 7 3 8 4008....... - Black Hawk.......................................... 89...................... 81 44028 130 2093 3 19 375..........1Bo~one*...................................@J 292 22v817 447 9 N, 1 2...... BrAemer.............................................................' 8 61 4 5117 1.................... 7 93 28 1655 7176...... Bucha ansn............................................. 7298 1691 7 6 4 5 j Buena V ista........................................................... 191........... 1 Buitler......................................................... 3 51 34281 2 882 7 55I. riI Calh3oun....................................' 23 13131...., 631....................... Carroll........'...'................................................. 26 80146........................ oass............................................................... 9....... Credar.............................................................. 610 4 10645 2597 15471 45 Cero Gordo............................................. 7 93 2 1I65........ Cher okee *.......................... I.. 6 9.. Chickasaw......................................................... 870 30784...... 6' -.3 Clarker............................................................... 247 13328 194 3396 181 771 630 Cass............................................... 73481 i0 8 040~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 Cedar...................... 63 28421 550 1064'259 COUNTIES. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C94 Cerro~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ Godo............... 4]100.. 6 Che,',,k e e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~C................................o]69 Adair................................7. 507 147 29 - Appanroe......3111O9144398622573..............................ji!:: Benton.. -.6531 514~~~~~~~~247 41888 1984 439. Buena~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vista...1094.1 n.......................................................... t.....3' i~ " Clayton.1442 82910 5 2SO 3"10 Clinton.............................................................. 238 6 10 764 27....... Clinton.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2898 648101 176 2925 44 227.....3000 Crawford.~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~62 41671. 178 ~ s ~,.Crawford............................................................ 2 46... 18....... ~Dallas.................................................. ~ 26 729 67, 00 ~6....... ~~~Da~~~~~~~las~~~~~~...263 27229 667 1080 5 36. Davis...................................... 461 23447 760 3477 382" 183 2606. Decatur............................................................. 352 11134 323 2374 27 99 786. Delaware............................................................. 88301 87 50i 1 0... Delaware.~~~~~~~~~~~~882 50518 187 2506 1 ~i 30. Des Moines............................................................ 710 40374 1767 2096 363 21938... Dickinson............................................................ 31 3140 36. Dubuque.............................................................. 2266 64148 178 2315 29 126. Emmett........................................................ 42 3571 48..... Fayette....................................8.......................... 61703 2 1 65 Flovd................................................................. 30243...... 1127 Franklin............................................................ 174 8937.. 1043 Fremont............................................................. 19 34 4 9i 0... Fremont.~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~195 13346 64 98 1 0. 82 8091 72 438..... Greendy................................................................1..1.0.0 Grundy....................................155 14505 16 4091 11 5 80. Guthrie............................................................... 133 15481 27 5661 4 33j. Hamilton............................................................ 230 9269...... 394 1 1 25. Hancock............................................................. 281]... 4......... Hancock.... ~~~ ~~~~~28 31171 46... Ilardin............................................................. 535 41481 160 1697. 7 7 35. Harrison............................................................. 20 67 1 18............ Harrison...... ~~~~~~~~~~~207 16172[ 21 1187......,. Henry.............................................................. 582 49209 2776 2610 485 2873 Ho ward..................................................... 447 37849 3 551 1 40 3... Humboldt............................................................ 87 8298...... 101 4..... Ida................................................................... 4 305 8............ Iowa................................................................. 779 50691 327 2143 14" 139 186. Jackson...1236 51937 154 1639. 2.. Jasper............................................................ 725 65622! 1498 4466 3 4. Jefferson............................................................. 560 387891 3064 3278 114 505 1401i 51 TABLE V.-CoNTINUED. 0 w 42 |2 m n o 4 0Co, Co o - - - Cjo ~ q O 0 ~ - 8 Oo o 0-O O __ __ I __ _ I ) Johnson.~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~885 38135 793 17( 2879! 2231l 2207191650 0 7650 3ohn son..................................... v.......................... Jones.1345 37105 369 2366OUN I............ C eokuk................................................. 29256 95 4115 190 580 725 13~~~~ 451 Kossuth..............................68.............................. 81 J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~41l~one................................. 35 315 39 26......... 52 926o 05 415 19 8[75...... c td Lee................................... 977 70683 2301 1964 46''199 84...... Lee.977 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~706831 2301[ 1964[ 46~ 199] 841.... Linn.892 45085 811 2903 69 485....127. Linn................................................. 892 45085 811 2903 69 485 127...... Louisa............................................................... 438 30931 1011 1357 258 1637 80. Lucas.....233 17494 776 1735 3 10 2...... Z L ucas.......................................................... Lyon (not organized).................................................................... Madison......................... 370 35577 2014 1349 7 28 563 1 Mahaska............................................................. 545 51067 1291 36721 415 2209 4330 12000 Marion.............................................................. 673 59926 3524 3282 30 361 381. Marshall..............554.............................................. 54 494921 614 2851 24 188........... Mills~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~8................................0[3181..... Mills..'......''''','',''',0,~"',''191 15602l 71 12781.'''' Mitchell.387 38838 507 2[ 5 132. Mitchell.................................................................. 0389 6 168. i' " 2..222 Mionona.............................................................190 6389 1 613 168 i 20.1 Monroe.....................298 22551| 1473 1738 141 5981...... Mlontgomery.......................................................... 61 5 521 3 0 Muscatine........................................................... 1 46586 25581 5215 9931 2637 200...... O'Brien............7................ 1............. Osceola (not organized).................................... Page............................................................... 21 38 234 125 4 1 97... Page...210 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~9378 2412.45 4 31 197.... Palo Alto........................................................... 58 5582.17. Plymouth........................................................... 20 2480.208'. Pocahontas.... 63 4349......44....................... Polk................................................................. " 656 6363 141 349::9 Polk... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~656 63263 144 3459 i 5 Pottawattamie..................................................... 26 17.4 52 -06 1 2 0..... Pottawattanue... ~~~~~~~~~226 17054 520 1076{ 11 2 100.... Poweshiek...405 29835 311 2214........... Ringgold...........................................................7203 143 562 141 284 12000. Sac................................3..............................1 2955..... 55'.. Scott............................................................... 3028, 193727 1874 722062.06 Shielby................................ 55" 5174 136 I j - -—. ~ Shi:uy................................................................ 200..................... Story~................................................................. 6 252 8 1284 1 1i;;;::...... Siux.1 200.1..i I....... Ta a...............................................................511 8 4 497728 97 17391 2I 0 8...... 2~~~~~~~~~013 Story.36 258 23j5j * j. Tam~~~~~~~~~.1 ~~~~~~515 44977 9 17! 2 20 40 Unior............................................................. 12 848 23 77 5 35i...... C Taylor...15 469117 1 1. V, ue.......................................................... 22 72 37 19 20... Union.121 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~8448 223 797[ 5 8 335.... ~anpuenl............................................................ i2473 29,28 5 8 5 Van Buren.~~~~~~~~~~~~657 34285 2128372 4719 130 Wapello................................512 43773 2197i 29871 95i 683! 350/..'. Warren............................................................... 515 51906 1663 3323 143 7 261!...... Washington.......................................................... 552 34411 1153 2723 82 48 26791...... Wayne.............................................................. 206 10768 340 2065 88 523 300'...... Webster............................................................. 2230027...... Webster.~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~2231 16277..]5241 721 5 80.... Winnebago............................................................. 52 72 523[.... Winnebago.39 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~4245..1541....... Winneshiek........................................................ 39 445..... 54.............. 1049 77584......12351 21 2 292. Worth................................................................ 93 o 9583...... 2 1.... 40... W or th.93 9583 20.... 92 6...... 5......I Total......................................................... 42493 2666678 50390 213285 11906 619171400053 80052 0 NoTE.-The amount for Chickasaw in the item of Iacres of flax" is undoubtedly erroneous, but it is as officially reported from the county.-[Szc. or STATa. O TABLE VI. EXHIBITING VARIOUS AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS, ARRANGED BY COUNTIES. o~~~~~~ rp 75 196 4566 171[ 64045 259 7 196.47 ~~~~~~30 - 0 8 6386453 Black Hawk................................ -4 700 Ca813 CD' W.) - COUNTIES..85E 351 215 49 U' U' ~~~~~~EnC.....................................~~~~Fz: r9 4 s ~1 Buchanan~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.................... 5471460 P483 8 3 1 6 4 6 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~~~~~~~~~~~? _ _ _ _ z z z z Ad ir.......................................... 192 97 2036 182 7 4 1404 19 168 4227 16 Adams......................................... 75 196 4566 17 8 6 6480 52 189 545 118 Allamakee.................... 198 3395 32404 1248 148 749 4512 lj1 10441 8134 42 4 Appanoose..................... 315 14684 69585 8066 48J 201 11387 1 1 2048 34333 900 Audubon...................................... 6 1 20 6181 ill 8 1 2 185 8 105 1620 71. Benton....................... 259 6875 799801 19761 1 2 360 5018 613 862 5733 473 1Black Hawk.................... 504 7050 421791 26281 357 128 700 266 5121 5122, 382 Z Boone......................................... 161 2773 20779 5001 45 89 4222 423 409 7784 312 Bremer...................... 3851 3515 21257 245 90J 192 1013 194 429 4584' 21 Buchanan.................... 567' 4751 44640 1064 481 388 3116 185 715 4662 233 Buena Vista.................................. I....,..............1 22 1 Butler...................... 222' 906 148591 i05..i1345 351 137 287 2745 150 Calhoun.............................................. 6 709............ 11 387 1 13 52 12 Carroll...............................10 1280....... 125 8 7. Cass........................................ 19 126 201 64 270 2 443 40 233 1795 65 Cedar... 712 29877' 94227 8526 240 837 321 300 2786 11040 552 Cerrohicr.................................... 260 469 2479 253.43. 7!1 30 35 79 6093 89 Cherokee...................... 6... 2 40............ 6. 1 Chickasaw..................................... 2055i 679 7940, 3'~2'3l 37 383............... Clarke.......................................... 355 7128 29914 1541 19! 731 37721 49 773 18702 461 Clayton......................................... 3630 6 86972 10209.... Clinton....................................... 571 383 85 2060 13941 487 Ciawford....................................... 2 11185 1..40 171 166, 1457 93 Dallas.......................................... 2921 7365 27995 3944 55 92 49151 203 676 8921 535k Davis........................................... 1811 23226 95 528 10 956 13716 31 2428 2120 1470 Decatur....................................... 231 7972 35319 2365 581 57 12985 53 21521 31204 1329 Delaware....................................... 8300 7489 54229 685 235I 1459 3039 148 11101 7963 468 Des Moines....................... 4667 82306 113986 7 554 46O3i 8 14067 741 Dickinson..1 2161 10............8....86........ 55 Dubuque...................................... 868'124560 249169 20632 8941 604 90611 3 12711' 96 5 Emmett....................................... 76........ 82 25 3 50 9 8 709.. Fayette.1249 2857 33407 699 26 1008 4067 181. 1071 8471. 359 Floyd...................... 35 626 12952 218, 20 4 75 6571 341 476 4463 240 w Franklin........................ 93 4745............. 59 7....... Fremont.....................4274 3902 24945 75 6 9... 96 151 679' 10856 320 Greene....................... 19 200 4522 106 6 70 1576 17 85 2050 123 oGrundy...................... 56 499 9168 107 4 10 478 1701 24 183 9 c Gutlirie...................... 14 1431 15899 503 521 325 1821 117 259 4294 81 ~d HIancockn..................... 398 1336 8309 1101. 1541 141 2931 67 235 2804. 182 Hamnctok........................................'1 191 16 309............. 12 25 13 3...... Hardin....................................... 423 5 154 2409 266 504 8287 183 Harrison....................................... 418 211 4138 50 130 202 1271 30 806 12856 890 Henry....................... 447 82181! 130469 31460 2021 1012 14934. 84 2810 17624 644 Howard.....................................2429 563 53857 51 42 448 924 220 195 1166 69 Humboldt..................... 155 46 1849.... 6 101 199 53 11 515 16 Ida.............................................. 44 80...............424 8051 90 9 Iowa....................................2591 4824 36426 6511 1 9467 815 Jackson.................... 12721 20888 75755 6096 755' 1269 9122 9 1995 18819 1166 Jasper...... 2315 7670 88290 9372 34 290 1s55 179 1578 19721 728( Jefferson........................................ 50 59720 82792 32495 646 1466 17738 77 2742 18748 1712 TBLE VI.-CONTINUED. 0 Cd.-~~~~~~~~~~C C~~~~~~~~ C~~~~~~~d CO~~~~~~~ ~ ~ UN T I ES.It -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C -d C 54G Cd co C) C) C) 0 C~~~~~~~~~~~~Cd0 = CsoUNTIS. ~s~TI o~7!xCo o. XoI I 0I I ~ Johnson............................. 244 264471 138734 38776' 6031 754 6358 3561 2621 11415 688 Jones........................................... 5787 10704 68088 28571 2271 11120 4201 579 1704 12232 639 t Keokuk... -..., 282 21396 67199 7250 207 710 16698 644 2276 20348 786 U Kossuth................................9 790 10...... 8 62 19 131 275...... Lee............................................. 1895 1131871 104507i 65072 5633 584 10720 1301 2741 22713 1028 Linn....................... 3951 162661 78907 10351 866 12-25 5038 2111 2384 8698 625 Louisa...................... 877J 35904 101077 3152 6 7 62 3 6721 291 2212 13118 602 ~0 Lucas...................... 79' 12646 37904 652' 7 247 6032 3061 1086 22659, 503 Z Lyon (not organized).....................................I................. Madison...................... 3261 8275 49792 4968 4 121 6190 1211 1319 25487 1015 Mahaska...................... 1038' 29997 72685 10739 106 670 15083 212 2649 30050 1052 Marion....................... 4161 17953 54924 11121 49 315 18055 466 24691 398201 1356 Marshall...................... 364 43661 61205 9 639 140 176 4084 4574 846 11102 436 Mills........................ 121 32211 13699 120 903... 2856 144 583 8085 315 Mitch~ell........................ 85 399' 83551 25 291 467, 815 1 1 340 2532 133 Monona....................... 293 53 49251 2 100 27 981 28;.0 1l5451 125 Monroe..................... 6581 1057670 27733 I 6990i,..... 224, 73531 7 14851 24503 616 Montgomery................... 1,39, 615 3622........1 180' 4 2051 3491 103 77848 9438 51 475 47861 18 10 Muscatine...................... 12871 44739 788148 51 7'8 18015704 498 O'Brien.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -Osceola (not organized)..........................................I............................... Page......................145 2155 22236 513 5 16 3576 72 600 93591 39G Palo Wit~~~~o, 492~ ~..... 3.................................. Plymouth.................................................. 3....... 11.................... Pocahontas.......................................19..... 1027................ 6......... Polk:..................*......................... 532'"22655) 80875 11936 172[ 286] 71541 103 1586] 23711'61 Pottawattamie.................................. 103 1582 11018 1825 30 45! 945 154 313[ 4061 103 Poweshiek...................................... 39 52 41 4 98 14 134 4985 170 968 9907 165 Ringgold...................................... 145 11601 863~2 204 3 10 4709 39i 4771 9482 97 Sac................................... 38...... 12..... 1... 0 1 35[ Scott........................................... 40 48803, 149410 28013 2455'4468 5349 178 123 9817 1032 Shelby.......................................... 21 240 777 20[ 1...... 333 2' 9 1536 43 t Sioux.......................................... 2............ 4................ Story........................................... 2092 1488 34277 366 2. ) 2750. 77 62 8723 Tama........................................... 18 280.........1 185 15 29 754 9 Taylor......................................... 17 010 17669 1561..... 17 3360 57 559 11225 180 Union........................................... 17 598 9985 615 1 6 2201 10 366 7355 214 CI Van Buren...................................... 58 756 915 614 12 74 25 6 2982 23000 983 Wapello........................................ 639[ 25827 79940 13413 1066 42 8 1 29 2501 1t7471 964 Waren............................. 16911 14106 65040 8510 349 691 7136i 398 1846 341121 106l Washington..................................... 3 021,1 35282 918581 25203 9541 760 10458 1 8 2846 137101 1003 Wavne......................................... 197 34 59 0... 12 38 028 18149[ 303 Webster........................................ 159 77 19,3 25 11 9 945[ i 327 5122[ 252 Winnebago..................................... 18 2 73........... 4 9 80...... Winneshiek.....................................!i 210 2268 41069[ 1748 "86' 60 1374 1 4 738 4081 188 Woodbury...................................... I 1 21 238,......[......... 6 43 1 2 15 Wort............................ 6 11 84.......... 8 0 6... Wrig~ht............................ 64 25 21 18... 01 2 5..450 Total......................................131 1 7 7 136 9,419': 5 3800[47-"' 15 7 7965!366o -.q TABLE VII. 0 EXilIBITING TIlE STATISTICS OF FARM ANIMALS. &c., IN THE STATE OF IOWA, By COUNTIES. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - a; OD C$ 0 MO~ 0 ~ - Ci2 -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 C ~~~~ 0~~~-40 88 tS59 l1115- 37381 8ro- 47! 304 104 95 M COUNTIES. Q 0' 0 I * e.299 1 057 4864501 741 1347 rcE C47]5.' 148 o 917 o (12 (/2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Q o )Q _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0 ~~0 C,.- 0 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ z ~ ~ Z Z Z - Z l z ~~ z Z > Adair......... 2049' 1879 i 647' 39887 2826 88 3359 11105 3738' 860J 47' 304 104 95 tt Adams........ 3028, 2698 836 44280 6197 127 7639 24336 7037 1 03r0i 121 348 245 5`72 Z1 Allamakee....... 24956j 1 5 132 5527 336895 15213 1299 10439 36795 11657 4864 5i 2501 741 1347 c,Appanoose.......... 29202 151092 47 14 277941 6876 765 869301 1148281 48689j 5597 417 1799 1311 805 m Audubon........... 835 1528 451 20444 2437 40 20731 82091 1632A 453 86 1321 67 182. Benton......... 27962 164371 5627 359389 17969 324' 197491 61339 207-59 7056 162 1991 815 511 ~Black Hawk...... 14801 12597j 5199 368945 14432 271 15945 59496 15332 5625 152 1782 469 269 Boone......... 12788 75421 2595 136844 5196 2731 16129w 62718' 17588 3290 192 1125 1961 408 Z, Bremer......... 10882 9992 3635 238272 2841 284 100321 33110 99430 3960, 48 1248 436 300 Buchanan...... 14298 12607 46051 3434491 14494 408 18449 62170 20734 47"861 90 1547 1189 794 Buena Vista...58 262: 66 3195. 59 101 3671 431 442.... 20 4.... Butler.....7801..862 3001 200304 13730 251 8611 246 661 41 80' 916 283 159 Calhoun...... 4731 586 211 15268 530 70 999 2.672 888 243 6 81 38 3 Carroll........ 1097 784 2430 10927 40: 125i 1551 63981 1499 233' 3: 89, 127 95 Cass......... 3166 36181 1180 59457 13295 96 4879 14817! 47011 1472 79 435 16 91 Cedar,...-49095' 24854 8034 54i822 10845 198 37084' 1248101 45778 9923 401 2301 1831 1228 Cerro Gordo...... 1651 2704 1149, 46880 75848 76 2563 93001 2811 944 8 247 160 129 Cherokee. 27 321 1011 3792..... 33 10 30' 10 70 6 33 Chickasaw. ~~~~~6083 8823 29711 213977 8350 4901 985O0 35001 8800 2735 55 83 66 9 Clarke,... 15198 7101 2164- 117254 42721 1971 177971 5906 205291 3081 185 1060 1495 721 Ol~y~o~............ 5068281 1 16284 8306 37 ~ 0~ ~1~ ~0[ ~ ~ Clinton............. ~44~ 47726 30556 15289 12618 718716[ 21734t 154[ 13828...........i 3771 3596[ 1441] 1587 ~Dallas.............. 16232 90011 2719 156,30[ 37241 227 19801( 74553 23090 3906 430 1143 702 600 Davis.............. 30739 16377] 5068 269535 5409/ 471 41447] 123621] 455951 6614' 981[ 2104[ 919 276 Decatur............. 15674] 9757[ 3072 156973 5031t 378 29135] 94799/ 30965] 3992 3521 1307[ 989 396 Delaware........... 27696] 18796] 6766 448770 74231l 454 189461 67792] 22945[ 6988 1881 2179[ 983Z 1512 316o01 28401 742! Des Moines.......... 897 662 38600, 17459, 6296'3024, 365 26278, Dickinson........... 36~4~3 84837, 18122 104[ 545] 192 ] 22 351 507~/ 32 113.. 425091 33i...~~ 100061 489 Dubuque............ 524093 46473 25754 Emmett............. 180[ 10541 3701 2.541 17240[ 2000 91 586 1997 186 5 48 18~I'''''' C~ Fayette............. 21563[ 16473 62081 421827[ 24348i 638 21406, 5988 2001 1146. 1824:Floyd............... 90,9 [ ~28~ 6303[ 6936 2368! 162056] 210i.~ t 786[ 692[ 729 franklin.......... 2.500! 26501 9931 603361 160[ 44391 "' 114 m 1155 i~i~i91[ 349[ Fremont............. 18471 12074 3645 136251 8301 14059 3191 1242, Greene.............. ~30[ 41421 2362[ 7681 41372[ 132[ 6252 22515 1058 336 278[ 66 ~q Grundy............ 3221[ 30981 1090i ~3[ 6775i 24'~8j 1467 414[ 317[ 157 ~ Guthrie.............. 2086 696 10099! 5186 1498 92820 1 1'3654 630i 583[ Hamilton......... 591051 20 187] 12018[ 22623] 1422 m Hancock............ 227[ ~746[ 1068[ 88141 216 52 99 19! Ilardin.............. 1742 14377[ 29611 241 13884! 45852] 4354~ 1186'i6&6 Harrison............ ] 04711 2843[ 399[ 8234] 28680[ 4057 731 540 304 Henry.............. lS0~121 418811 66541 808 8987 2782 2226[ 877 ttoward............. 649 4024[ 13[ 1999[ 304 2804] 406 17256[ ~um~ol~,........... ~[ ~0~] ~ ~0~' ~l ~ ~ ~ ~................. 114[ ~1 ~1 ~ i ~ ~ ~3 ~ow~................ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~o [ ~o~ol 1~ Jackson............. 45957[,0441 500061[ 8~ 18865[ 66485] 9820] 8483 1030[ 2433 Jasper............... 57115[;5581 3432841 51919[ 1674641 7727[ 2356 2526[ 996 ov Jefferson....... ~i!i!]..... 87718];0621 354802] 201 476781 1614911 80651 2534 2729~ 1003 TABLE VII.-CONTINUED........ 9 60 1.. 1 Cs.......... 74 0 22146 79 81933 a2 oI.. 0 I 43I C; a F 4 6 16 C Joinn............ 611 25706243 8972536 413392 45199 2841 338056 118641 365 478166 10391 401 269730 235479 122086 Louisa 33878 19142 5226 272113 15357 200 24501 82713 27189 7152 449 1839 1434 1828 Lucas............15453 8385 2801 139559 7490 228 18G841 51436 18992 3108 248 1069 944 297 yon (unorganized)........................ Madison.. 23346 113902 3566 218559 7429i 366 37109 126274 308233 47781 480 A 1421 1016 1455 Osceola (unorganized)....................1............ ~Page ~.. 11857 8172 2609 123262 9231 313 14816 49407 12433, 3091 382 1024 526 295..Palo Alto...224 1116 276 16368........ 91j 117 471 701 155 7..Plymouth..... 97 779 174 36401.... 136 47. 65 120 61 0 Pocaiontas.... 274 848 274 18590 3650 114 2 8 12 152 2 PQlk....... 291721 16452 5768 289068 13879 252 25321 84970 28806 6818 562 2055 1683 336 Pottawattamie.. 4549 6424 2475 118390 13200 245 5935 15484 5585 24651 143 846 681 549 Poweshiek... 19707 11391 34371 213414 20400 321 29118 101060 34920 48341 345 1299 1126 819 i~~~~~~~~~~~~84 I 4 Ringgold..7451 4782 1471 85807 2847 153 10273 31678 13361 1999 159 658 269 552 Sac.......... 340 649 210 10310 458 40 1070 3303 1067 277 1 67 39 190 Scott..... 42001 21503 9058 543703 31761 116 18211 58343 19236 10363 667 3977 1907 1177 Shelby.. 1598 1834 913 25605 400 88i 3762 11607 3722 730 63 254 123 65 Sioux..17.10...... 17 75.................. 7 4....... 1 71 4i71| 17 Story."... 9628 8170 2783 179864 10109 1391 11672 37886 11260 3094 74 900 658 248 u Tama... 20144 12692 4275 378372 6500 750 21266 69209 18666 5503 128 1581, 919 1002 Taylor~.... 8601 5730 1776 93666 4221 210 9513 21102 102731 2105 187 6381 237 89 Union. 5087 3305 1041 66903 3383 141? 9509 31551 11006 1474 911 449 405 342 Van Buren....... 36136 15689 5733 3346601 19262 207 41352 1342651 49065 7517 769 2165 1420 474 Z Wapello...:........ 364411 15922 5528 285980 4682 434 55699 1381021 54886 6645 820 2686 3155 691I Warren........ 31523 16287 4775 274576 6113 378 37836 112401 37355 6684 454. 1941 2205 SOO Washington...... 413S5' 22240 6588 439664 25416 400 56301 186767 60997 8988' 452 2511 1695. 1113 Wayne........ 13921 9382 2902 146717 4296 355 23725 83418' 25088 38014 322 1277 1142 1546 Webster....... 49821 5860 2012 114288 3801 516 11279 61634 10802 2366 43 733 709 29 Winnebago...... 288 1010 361 16506 500 142 665 1583 567 146 4 100 26 1 8 Winneshiek...... 20933 20149 7868 478321 1S018 1221 16577 53399 19856j 7306 102 2323 1204 2847 Woodbury.... 942 3987 941 24665j 18052 306 1153 2766 9451 594 9 191 6.... Worth..1162 3076 928 49115S 2560 279 15831 4834 1818 483 5 143 8 12 Wright........ 1238 1856 608 33562' 10190 96 2786i 9402 1583 6055 14 202 12 5 Total.......1620089J956169 326559j19192727' 1403804 27246i 15982261 5323~3851 17089584 05'22 0 37 ~1252~07,$~826~12 $ 5655 ~~92 ~CENSUS RETURNS. TABLE VIII. EXHIBITING THE AGGREGATES OF THE SEVERAL ITEMS IN THE PRECEDING TABLES; AND COMPARING THEM WITH THOSE OF THE CENSUS OF 1865. I T E M S. 1865. 1867. Number of dwelling-houses............................. 1143551 155758 Number of white males................................ 379746 463537 Number of white females............................... 371379 433316 Total white population................................. 751125 897325 Number of colored males............................. 1804 2508 Number of colored females............................. 1803 2203 Total colored population................................ 3607 4715 Number entitled to vote................................ 146427 181749 Number of militia....................................... 947134 125646 Number of foreigners not naturalized.................... 10594 13503 Number between the ages of 5 and 21 years.............. 293565 339618 Number of blind...................................... *259 *412 Number of deaf and dumb............................. 3761 368 Number of insane.................................... 613 644 Number of miles railroad finished....................... 793 1152 Number of colleges, academies, and universities........... 41 62 Number of students attending college.................I... 2337 3951 Number of acres land inclosed...........................5327053 8263174 umber of acres sorghum............................. 21452 25796 Number of gallons syrup from sorghum................. 1443605 2094557 Number of pounds sugar from sorghum.................. 8380 14697 Number of acres Hungarian grass..................... 37894 39436 Number of tons hay from Hungarian grass............... 63698 58889 umber of acres tame grasses........................... 302899 497460 Number of tons hay from tame grasses.................. 225349 537812 Number of tons bay from wild grass __._._!.1.1._._._._..713119 82 3 1 53 Number of bushels grass seed............... 62114 107532 Number of acres spring wheat............... 827487 983905 Number of bushels harvested................ 7175784 13912368 Nuimber of acres winter wheat............... 116965 73425 Number of bushels barvested...............1108781 723152 Number of acres oats................... 577540 504361 Number of busbels harvested................15928777 15861494 Number of acres corn.................. 1727777 1992326 Number of bushels harvested................48471133 56928938 Number of acres rye.................. 48992 85604 Number of bushels harvested............... 662388 492841 Number of acres barley................... 51804 48013 Number of bushels harvested................ 950696, 1197729 Number of acres Irish potatoes............... 4019Sf 42493 Number of bushels harvested................27308m1 2666678 ~Number of bushels sweet potatoes.............. 262,22 50390 Number of bushels onions.................. 207638 2 132 8 5 Number of acres flax.................... 12111 11906 Number of bushels seed harvested.............. 75721j 61917 Number of pounds lint....................1112753 400053 Number of gallons linseed oil................ 890 80052 Number of acres in all other crops.............. 202788 63116 * The number of blind in 1865 does not incinde the inmates of the State Asyl am for the Blind at Yinton; the census of 186T, on the contrary, does include the inmates of that Institution. CENSUS RETURNS. 93 TABLE VIII.-AGGREGATEs-CoNTINUED. ITEMS. 1865. 1867. umber of fruit trees in bearing......................... 636458 1075177 Number o fruit trees not in bearing............2......... 523905 3629789 Number of hogs of all ages............................. 10377 1620089 Nuber of cattle of all ages........................... 901831 956169 Number of ilch cows................ 310137 326559 Number of pounds butter made..........................14538216 19192727 Number of pounds cheese made.................. 1000738 1403864 Number of work oxen................................ 37717 27246 Number of sheep in 1864............................... 1000541......... Number of sheep in 1866....................................... 1598226 Nuber of pounds wool shorn in 1864................... 2813620 Number of punds wool shorn in 1866.......................... 5323385 Number of sheep in 1867................................. 1708958 Number of horses of all ages........................... 316702 425055 Numler of les and asses of all ages................... 14303 22037 Number of dogs........................................ 86060 125207 Number of hives bees.................................. 871181 85727 Numb(-.-r of pounds honey taken..1128399 896745 Number of pounds bteeswax..........51....... 434 36266 Number of pounds grapes raised............. 390409 549179 Number of gallons wine made............... 30779 29495 Number of pounds hops raised............... 27847 48653 Number of pounds tobacco raised............. 753626 385002 Number of acres planted for timber............. 20285 48774 Number of rods hedging................. I133174't 663063 Number of bushels coal raised, 80 pounds per bushel.. 1.. 6665821 2483010 Value of minerals raised, not including coal......... $31875~ $,320820 Value of manufactures..................$7100465. $1595)7599 Value of agricultural implements, machinery, and wagon. 7072 $1332612 Value of sheep killed by dog;..................... 821 Value of sheep killed by wolves.............$55 65 5 Number of acres land assessed....................28773400 Assessed value of lands and town lots.................$189550825 Assessed value of personal property................ $66966359 Total assessed valuation...................l..... 256517184 ~~94 ~CENSUS RETURNS. TABLE IX. SHOWING THE AVERAGE YIELD OF CERTAIN AGRICIJLTURATL PRODUCTS IN THE SEVERAL COUNTIES OF THE STATE FOR THE YEAR 1866. s$.9~0 COUNTIS. 5.7 1 1............ 12.88 12.45 33.28.0 19.C: L8.7 r| O 1V ~~~~~~2~ ~ ~ ~ U 43 ~ ~ ~ ~ O Adair.............. 1.13 158.00 32.86 24.2912.50 70.50 76.93 3.31 Adams............... 13 901.1.227.16 1.15.600 2161 63.92 63281 3.19 A~aniakee..............142....14.00 23.28 6362 64.40' 3. 52 Appanoose............... 104' 12.09 32.47 19.66 12.32 28.27 55.06 73.04 31 Audubon............... 16.22.... 18.34 12.891I... 22.00 88.90 82.541 3.96 Benton................. 15.57,11.63 36.57 29.02 12.83126.14 78.87 78.86 3.10 Black Hawk........1...51.67110.00 41.74124.91 15.00122.81 53.75' 6234 3.73 Boone.1288125.2..... 8.......... 12.88 19.945!28.75 78 14 77.37 3.89 Bremer.................. 13.61118.00130.34;2445115 00j27.10 60.081 62.43 330 Buchanan............... 13.87 6.47 27.16!21.23j15.46 21.36 62.901 7 56 3.37 BuenaVisa.......Y..9.... 18.90 23e00 24.151........ 94.20 58.50 3.63 Butler....,...113.88 15.00,29.40A22.52 14.00 28.18 97.671 63.42 2.87 Calhoun..1 40329 52. 40.00 57,08' 86.40 2.67 Carroll...........17.43. 36.00'29.91...25 001115.93 101.381 4.12 Cass............ 17.32 i26. 00!34 83 20.44. 19.701 78.17 85 21, 3.04 Cedar...........13.691 7.74;32.20130.41 15.93 23.96i 45.12 96.30 3.37 Cerro Gordo........ 12.11.29 22'21.13...17.04 91.83 5516 3.63 Cherokee......... 11.70..108.17 52.46 3.00 Chickasaw.........13.161....26 49 17.94 20.00119.88 83.20 64.32 3.57 Clarke...........13.46'11.25 2874 1977'1273... 53.96 62.50 3.32 Clay............18.261.... 27O00t13.051..... 81.53 51 00 2.78 Clayton........... 15.241 8.522662.05726.20 575 111.24 3.36 Clinton.......... l14.57 11.21'31.78,26 79~16.67 25.63 26.821 109,21 3.32 Crawford..........22.20'..... 35.73 25.95 127.50 60.00 67.24 39.30 3.53 Dallas......1.....13.88 9.00!34.49 33.53:13.78 125.30 103.53 43 49 3.76 Davis..........7.27 11.22 27.24 18.151I1. 17 72 00 50.86 66.79 2.98 Decatur.......... 1093,11.89'28,46 11 96 13071 9.68 31.63 43.971 3.25 Delaware..........14.51 6.00~ 31 52 22 661659250 577740 37 DesMoies.......... 1.699.0;299132 90112.72121.56 56.85' 90 26 3.23 Dickinson.........15-821 132.02 14 86...130 00 101.30 33 50.35 Dubuque.........14.44 5.00131.74 28.74 18.62~25.41 28.31 69.82 3.69 Emmett.........16.54.20 23.951........ 85.02 38.60 3.40 Fayette......... 13 43~ 1.3.41 27.51 24.29 9.55'21.06 76.36 69.57 3.84 Floyd..........12.11, 8.00 2,638 22.56 14.0,5 17.33; 8354 56.88 3.98 Fratrklin.........13,88. 26.87 23.33.....- 7.361 51.36 49 58 3.91 Fremont.........18.38 9.6932.52 14.37118.44 17.134 68.44 100 69. 2.91 Greene..........15 94. 37.06 23 36 8.08 15.00 98.67 97.58 3.60 Grundy..........14 96.37.17 25 84 12.25 21.90 93.58 55 751 3 54 Guthrie.........15.54 15.53 38.88 34.55 12.00 80.00 116.401 1.09.201 3.62 CENSUS RETURNS. 95 TABLE IX- AVERAGES - CONTINUED. 0 qd 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ I....... ~, =. COUNTIES. m ~ m | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ I Q -Q oS t( Hamilton........... 13.20112.84 33.80123.16 12.00 23 00 40.30 60.24 1.88 Hancock................ i10.45.. 36.43117.90'.... 38.00 11 1.32 29.62 3.58 Hardin.................. 15.20.. 37.8212754 11.96 19.42 77.53 65.21 3 30 Harrison............... 20.40 14.37 40.94 28.9 t18.00 25.55 78.12 73.40 3.48 Henry............... 9.41 10.5231.11 36 03 10.54:18.85 8455 97.07 3.42 Howard........ 1048.. 18.91 17.5313.00|17.91 8467 51.18 3.20 Humboldt. 18.59.. 37.60 31.78.....28.00 95.38 53.68 4.07 Ida...20......... 0.6 43.65 16.68L...... 132.66 76.00 90.00 3.00 Iowa....14.............. 5 35.77 33.41 16 28128.16 65.07 94.04 3.18 Jackson............... 113.97 9 70 30.35 29.01114.70 22.76 42.02 89.73 3.52 Jasper.. 1869 8.4736.1540.00 15.49 31.70 90.51 93.65 3.22 Jefferson........ 9.44..9.73 28.81 34.08 12.82 19.931 69.26 102.54 3.39 Johnson................. 15.20 9 36135.00 32.49 16.38 23.05 43.09 90.52 3.47 Jones................... 14.49 9.95 27.81 26.24 17.95 24.04 27.59 89.73 3.62 I I I i olo I Keokuk........ 11.05 9.44 38.92 33.46 14.10 27.20 56.15 89.58 3.31 Kossuth.. 14.34..... 125.76115.92....16.60 74.28 28.24 2.54 I' I I I II I i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Le i.................... 9.431 7.57 26.97129.1912.83119.481 72.35 96.75 3.61 Linn.................. 13.23!11.00 32.79[27 94 15.61 22.10 50.54 82.79 3 51 Louisa.......... 11.27111.85 30.98 36 63 13.21 19 89 70.62 99.89 3.38 Lucas............... 9.81111.15 31.1022.90 44.11 16.31 75.08 70.46 2.75 Lyon (not organized)...................... Madison... 15.46 11.62 31.34 23.48 13.4 142.00 96.15 8 33.21 3.40 Mahaska.........13.00 11.28 34.08 39.08 14.-58 19.76 93.70 109.58 3.67 Marion..........12.89 9.95 31.61 37.28 14.15 20.45 89.04 95.20 4.01 Marshall...........14.37 15 70,48.36 30.37'11.40 26.00 89.34 71.84 3.15 Mills...........16.46' 5.00Q38,0031.65 18 40 27.80 81.70 79.02 3.45 Mitchell.......... 20.91 9 32288 100.36' 58.94 2.89 Monona.......... 25.18 15.50 59.00 33.63 56.06 3.77 Monroe..........9.72 12 04 24 56 24.29 14.27 I16.30 75.67 59.83 2.87 Montgomery........14 00 14.67 34.00 26.44 9.701 20 00 72.87 77.17 3.90 Muscatine.........12.78 7.61 35.10~32.64 14.79 26.78 49.67 101.09 2.97 O'Brien.......... Osceola (not organized)................ Page...........10.55 15.00 28.98 17.96 12.62 13.40! 93.78 54.14 3.33 Palo Alto.........20.34.....127.70,13.44 t 96 24 71.15, 4.02 Plymouth......... 27.i98...30.75 124.00 70.00. Pocaliontas........ 20.1l8. I. 69.03 43.001 4.00 Polk.1..........14.86 13.63 37 54137.59 14.72!21.50 96.44 64.181 3.36 Pottawattamnie,.......16.26.... 32.12 26.06 31.80122.97 75,46 84.01! 2.60 Poweshiek.........15.33 12.60 35.18 36.22'17.41119.25 73.66 88.23 1 3.47 Ringgold.........11.19 8.00 27.00 11.55 10.50 18.00 50.72 42.00 3.08 Sac............122.75.. 33.61 21.551......95.32 58.64 3 09 Scott................::114.65 10.07 29.03132.87 16.46 27.37- 63.98 112.52 3.20 CENSUS RETURNS. TABLE IX.-AVERAGES-CONTINED....~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ c.. U... COUNTIES. I ~qhelby................. 118.~~~19..... Shely.................18.19. 32 6721.55.97.04 8.073.0 SiouX.......... ]1288...., 4 00. 200.00 Story.................. 12.88 15.04702702 12.21.80 76.66 68.52.24 Tama...................1855 8.60 i36.7432 24 16.70 29.001 87.34 89.32 3.27 Taylor................. 12.06 5.04 27.17 16.60 15.12. -55.43 40. 2.22 Union......l....l136 11O0729.72 17.00 13.30 10.00 69.82 57.18 3.32 Van Buren........8.00 8.93 29.36 27.11 12.15 17.25 52.19 92.72. 3.25 Wapello..........10.09 10.94,27.16! 27.40j13., 5.15 85.46 89.32 2.48 Warren..........15.01 13.5-2.33.10,94.32112.56' 7.34 100.79 84.91 2 97 Washington.......11.78j 8.43 35.10134.67,13.63i25.44 62.34 101.60 3.32 Wayne..........6 60;11.88 31.38 16.83113.00 20.00 52.27 53.34j 3.51 Webster......... 15.7.3 8.17 24.00 73.001 53.18 5.46 Winn~ebago,.........14.45.. 29.001123.59. 9.31 108.84 i 28.829 2.38 Winneshiek........14.37 15 00 28.64,23.63 16.21 23.24 73.96 5,7.23 3.22 Woodbury.........25 57 25.00 49,56 24.09.... 1.13 85.21 99.15 2.40 Worth.......... 20.251...14.80 103.04 52.88 3.05 Wright..........13.921....33.46i24.54 4.00,17.221 69.84- 49.44 93.37 TABLE X. IBITING T1ZE SAT1TICr O' ASSESSMENT, VALUATION. AND TAXATION, TITE AMOtNT 0 tA.qND IN, NIBE 01 DWELLING-HOUSiES, AND THE TOTAL POPULAT1ON, IN THE SEVERAL COUNTIES OF THE STATE. I Xi 1 r6C. e I a - I c s I ci; t6 C NT IE5,; C,d ad Cs O.............:. ~ ~ C,.. * Cci. *. 0~~~~~~~~~~~ ~a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C Adair.................. 3. 588081 60341 $3.20 $1165724 $91732 $12574562 1594 Adams........................ 259791.123881 2.99 814009 157584 971593 24898 390 2317 Alamake...................... 406163 117620 3.76 1781368 701231 2482599 620650 2762 16003 Appanoose.............I I.......4......3.. i...6.. 824648 905'920 5.48 1916141 998507 2914648 7286062 2072 13004 H Audubon-,............1 1210961 3429 3.02 376831 68122 444953' 1112.38 139 790 c: Benton................... 459498 1182261 5 72 3039932.1 997069 4037001 10092,501 2464 14772 Z Black Hawk............ 51138 98693 6.65 3280 0461 4407 10607.67. 2742 16036 Boone...~~~di.....3.......:.. 04104 34147 4.61 17222231 52-2287 2244510 5612 42 961 Brener.................. 267115 70964 5.06 15896941 378937 19686311 49021.581 1586 9337 Buchanan.... 359104 96029 6.14 27011151 714605 3415720 8589.801 2090, 12231 Buena Vista.............1410511 344 2 00 382 102. 5318, 3874201 968.S5j 2-9 151 Butler............360608 571671 4.00 1501213 3003423 18046361 4511.59 1144 6542 Calhun.......................i.....29795, 1619 2.69 802850 35790~ 8386401 29-0 1 4 Calhoun.................. 2I 60 2371 3.08 692856 43296 735652 2089660 114 568 C as........... ~............... 306452 1-3309i 3 57 11558-94 194208 1850162 3375.40{ 388 2479 Cedar..................304916' 1777491 9.13 3635839 132,5840 49151679 12404.201 2,7471 16076 Cerro Gordo............... 359642 133371 3.14 1157297 70679 1227967 30069.951 326 1988 Cherokee.................... 1 59980 208 1.67 10125 11338 1132,631 283.161 40 209 Chickasaw.................... 315022 47399 4.00 1346909 1865335 1533444 3883.611 1048 6220 ZI TA E X.-CONTINUED. cc 41~ ~,, 41 if, 41 * 0 o 0 C.~~~~~~~~-4 Ca ~~~~o 4 0 CS 0 hi < *2 *. *' * - * a - - l 20. Z................ Osceola (not organized)...........................................................................-.................... z Pagre.................................. 335689 34191 $3.72 $1346141 $452426 $1798567 $4496.42 956 6025 w Palo Alto......................................... 951 200.......71 413 0 Plymouth.............................53813 675 2.00 107726 23847 131573 328.93. 214 Pocahontas...250063 1424 2.00 500126 22352 522478 1306.19 87 453 l Polk......................................... 362098 81801 880 5608883 1960423 7569306 18923.26 3436 22630 A Pottawattamie................... 458427 22580 6.00 4412981 8443911 5257372 13143.43 1571 8733 Poweshiek,...................356256 69417 6.03 2320714 944952 3270666 8176.66 1653 9888 W Ringgold..................... 3438621 23130 3.30 1160390 214644 13750341 3437.58 610 3888 ~ Sac..1663611 2593' 2.04 349875 30164 380039 950.10 1031 595.. Scott... 8961 193381 12.74 6367323 2346496 8713819 21784 55 5G381 34362 Sh~elby...................... 2084871 4616 3.20 675614 168616 844230 2110.57 204 1213 Sioux....................... 1754541 40 2 00 351858 3509 35,5367 888.42 4 18 Story....................... 3859241 40373 3.96 1507869 317841 1825710 4554.27 1111'6888 Tama........ 450773 77354 5.14 2548770 880989 3429759 8574.401 18911 11165 Taylor.................':''..''.'....- -. -....380540 26941 3.11 1237861 544259 1782120 4455.30 7061 4546 Union.....................271867 182'71 3.33 947630 191690 1139320 2848 30 655 3010 Van Buren.3.................. 05350 123684, 8.071 2814693 1341458 4156151 10390.38 2780 1629l2 ~~~~Wapello ~.22............2727661 113821 7.81 261i05 1913062 5174567 129342 3213 18930 ~~~~~Warren.................. 355408 83074 7.02 2715735 10643883 3780117 945029 2154 1312 WasIgton......................... 357867 155347 7.37 3143992 1625421 4769413 1192353 3005 17675 Wayne...................... 33799 57974 4.32 148966I 439008 1928669 482167 1317 7657 Webster....................... 438342 27117 308 1694430 289213 1983643 49591 1039 5631 Winnebago....................... 244918 i 8 1429 2.001 491726 241661 515892 12873 28 785 ~Winn~eshiek................. 438027 179265 4 09 2090910 639724 2730634 68258 3438 19302 Woodbury............................. 221233 3413 3.00 962369I 256411 1218780 304695 346 1970 ~~~Worth...~.................. 244639 7593 2.15 536630 79756 616386 154096 269 1543 Wright......................... 346634 6832 2.19 764522 59095 823617 2059.04 231 1332 Total.................. 287734001 8263174...... $189550825 66966359$256517184 $641292.8815555802040 NOTE-The statistic of assessment valuation, and taxation above have been obtained from the office of the Auditor of State, and are here inserted forpur poes of reference and coparison.-[S AY OF STATE, U' Cl U'j TABE XI. SHOWING THE POPULATION OF TH SEVERAL COUNTIES OF IOWA AT EACH ENUMERATION SINCE THE ORGANIZATION OF THE TERRITORY OF WISCONSIN. IowATERRITORY. STATE OF IOWA. COUNTIES. TE R.n 1836. 1 1838. 1840. 1844. 1846.11847.849. 1850. 1851. l 1852. i 1854. l 1856. l 1859. 1860. 1863. 1865. 1867. Adair..........................................I........; 150 668 1011 984 900 1071 1594 Adams................................................... 339 1019 1413 1533 1638 1818 2317 Allamakee.......................227 777 1300 2000 4266 7709 10843 12237 13465 13957 16003 Appanoose..........1..... 1300 948 1283951 4243 6265 9075 11449 11931 11866 10748 13064 ~~~Audubon ~*.......' 283 365 454 388 510 790 W ~Benton.297............3121 312 673 753 1237 2623 6247 8063 8496 95611 11245 14772 ~Black Hawk ~................~...... 3151 2514 5538 7095 8244 10014 1230M 16036 Boone............ I....... 419 756 890 10241 1678 3518 4018 4232 4607 5236/ 9861 Bremer................................... 309' 1095 3228 4336 4915 5404 7224' 9337 Buchanan.......... 1491 250' 406 519 1006 1023 2299 5125 6918 7906 8294 10037~ 12231 Buena, Vista.57.I5 151 c1 Butler................................... 73....2141 3504 3724 4142'5006 64 Calhoun........................ 119 136 147 170 224 546 9 Carroll...................................... 2511 250 281 297 4001 688 Cass... I.....................416 815! 1489 1612 1623 1895 2479 Cedar......!...... 5712 1786 209 3183134 48 4971 7643 9481 12175 12949j 1 32 74 14041 16076 Cerro Gordo:... K......................632 855 940 1007 1311 1988 Cherokee....I............................... 85 158 20 64 209 Chickasaw..................................... 400 588 2651 3816 4336 4397 5355 6220 Clarke....................................... 549 1626 3978 5006 5427 5693 5716 6244 Clay......K........................'I.20728'2123 212 6289 Clayton........! 274! 1044 1200 1500 27 3000 3873, 5000 6318,9,33,7 -151,87, 1'8'669208213 92287 Clinton.........J 4451 8001 1201 1300 1570 2044 2835 3001 3822 7306 13441 17395 18938 198211 22405'27234 Crawford............235 4291 383 456 574 1070 Dallas..................... 164 6351 812.... 9,2,5 -12161 2392 3991 40581 524'41 5088 5886 7538 vis....... 26221 3400 4464 4939 7264 7454 7553 9787 11258 138231 13764 13959 13123 1317 Dcatur...... I................ 965 1016 1184 3025 6229 82381 8677 8373 8052 8501 D~aware. 171 300 781 i111 1300 1759 2000 2615 46371 8099 10024 11024 11667 12508 463 Des Moines 6257 4605 5546 9109 9391 10071 11649 12914 14488 12575 167001 20198 20781 19611 21213 198941 23444 ~~~~~~~Dickinson................j...................... 121 180 189 O 09 4274 2381 3056 4049 6030 7440 9185 10841 1100011200'16662 2871 3081 31164 30839 33078 38860 Emmett 1............................................... 105...... 368 08 73123 13124149 Fayette...825 1200. 2065 5042................... 8375 11391 12073 12739 131241 ~Floyd.......................1............... 2448 3458 3744 4018 4886 6731 Franklin.....................I............................780' 1159 1309 1448 1899 ~~~~Fremrn~~~~ont............. 2; 12 44 300624 30368... 4327 5074 4778 5698 7013 ~~~~~~~Greene ~................................ }........ 1089 1424 1374 14161 1659 2353 ~~~~~~Grundy....................... 4351 680 793 1024 1332 219 Gutliri.30 7 21.......... "72o 2149 27541 300581, 3205 3249 3906 Hamilton......I............ 655 1699 1602 2023 3154 Hancock........................:::... 121 179. 240 292 357 Hardin....... 3001 12,591 4033 333 5440 5376 6813 9345 H Harrison................................. 1065 19009 3132 3621 3663 4265j 5836 ( Henry.. 3058 3784 6017 6875 6759 7229j 8707 895 9633 10159 15395 16299 1870 16780 17816 20110 Howard..............................I 444 3017 3168 3382 3871 4401 Z Humboldt....::::K::....~~~~~~~~~~~~~1519 332 394 606 1307 Ida..................... 38 43....... 90 Iowa.435 600 822j.1-000 -1-3-2-3. 23-0-7.. 48-7-3j 7098 8029 8544 10258 12390' Jackson........881 1452 2000 4767 4639 5677 72101 7597 8231 12166 14077 17710 18493 191581 19097 19970 Jasper.................. 560 1223 1288 1492 1674 3466 7490 9195 9883 10627Y 12095 16239 Jefferson.. 2780 5646000 8463 8825 9997 10081 10225 11117 13305 14478 15038 14649' 147721 16420 Johnson........237 1504 2949 3000 3387 4010j 4474 5061 5788 8467 1445-7 169001 17573 17184 187781 21641 Jones........241 475 1112 1758 1779 2140~ 3007 3400 4201 6075 9835 13475 13306 13495 14376 16228 Keokuk...........2918i. 3953i -4822 5105 5306 7299 10346 12329 13271 13412 13996 15429 Riossuth...................j............................ 3877 3101 416 365 694 1573 TBLE X.-CONTINUED. O WI ~ IOWA TERRITORY. STATE OF Io WA. COUNTIES. TRUE. 1836. 1838. 1840.1 1844.1 1846.1 1847. 1849. 1850. I 1851. I 1852. I 1854. 1856. I 1859., 1860. 1863. I 1865. I 1867. Lee. 2839 6095 980 12860 13231 15000 187831 17625 20360i 22590 27273 31242 29232 28523 28063 31417 Linn..205 1385 2643 3411 3954 4762 5444 6160 68901 10802 14702 17720 18947 18700 20754 24549 Louisa.1180 1925 3238 3644 648 4155 5067 5100 5476 7341 9568 10805 10370 10673 10948 11885 Lucas............................................... 471' 1025 1046 1921 4408 5287 5766 6257 6352 7746 1....... * *oooo Lyon (unorgan ~ ~~~~~~~~.................................................. [ized)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I Madison [i......ed). 701 11741 1492 1832 3122 5508 7071! 7339 7934 8214 9764 Maaska............. 2942 3774 5559 5986 6758 7479 9093 13050 14515! 14816 16249 17082 18693 Marion........... 1360 2350 3797 5412 5809 6289 9315 14060 16167 16813 17318 18719'20181 Marshall.........338 454 710 1607 4460 5713 6015 7550 8759 115i3 m ~~~~~Mills ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~....... 1463 2171 310' 4381 4481 6287 5218 6994 ~~~~~~~Mitchell ~ ~~~~ i................I... 1911 3291 3409 337.5 4176 6150 ~~~~~~~~~Monona ~.... I......'222 459 885 832 931 1096 1664 Monroe.............. 36 400 1222 20001 28861 3125 3430'47 80 87 62 92 9435 102108 ~Montgomery............................I.. 233 872 1094 1256 1218 1535) 2072 c~ Muscatine....... 1247 19421 28821 1485 3010 4516 5773 617 6812 9555 12569, 15503 16444 16989 17241 20699 ~0 O'Brien.....I.................................... 8.... 20 Osel[ganize. Page........................551 534 636 1148 1964 3674 4419 4662 5211 6025 Palo Alto......j.................................... 131 13'? 142 216 413 Plym uth..............................................112.. 148..932 4105 1 2141 Pocahontas.................................... 126 103, 1214 215 453 Polk.....................1301 172 92444 6000 5939 5368 9417 11238 11625 12956 16473 22630 Pottawattarnie I.......1 6452 7828 5758 50571 3060 3498) 5012 4968 4737 538-8 8733 Poweshiek..................... 443 615 742 915) 1953 4460j 5338 5668 6370 7796 9d888 Rlinggold.............................1472 201 2923 3039 3089 3888 I I.................. l I I Sao.................. V~~~~~~~IP. 251 269 246 2341 8041 595 Scott........... 12521 2193 2750 30001 3652 48371 5987 6016 868 12671 21521 25861 25959 26327 28474 34362 Shelby................................................. 13 Sioux......................................... Story..................214 836 2868 3826 4051 4368 5918 6888................ viv~T~~~~~ama ~ 9 @* *........6............ 1163 3520 5346 585 7027 7882 11165 Taylor.......... 204 393 479 8911 2079, 3468 3590' 37571 4299 4546 Taylor..................................... 80 8 806 1993 2012 2420 2528 3010 Van Buren........... 3174 6166 9019 9870, 10203 11577 12269 1000 12753 13843 15921 15879 17081 1586 Wnpello............. 1 2814 4422 5660 725 8479 8500 8888 10521 13246 15060 14518 16729 18794 18930 Warren.......649 943 119.1 1488 4446 8000 9150 10281 10932 11150 13162 Washington........... 283 1571 3120 3483 3518 4434 499t1 511113 13366 14235 15003 15791 17675 Wayvne........31 500 1665 41821 586...649 6522 6327 7657 Webster.....372.... 907 3088 25961 2504 2858 3772 561 I Winneshiek.................. 182 300 5461 8 Winnesie..182 300 4 0 15231 3315 7506 12211 13942 15421 15421 19 Winnebago............................................ 785 Woodbury..... 1 1::............ Wfwrth~.....................*e...e...-. i *-.............................. 17 20 0 1 0 1 9 1 0 2 5 1 7 Worth...................... 759 756 895 1143 1543 H Wright...............................1 427i 632 6,53 693 908 1332 CI Totl...... 153 22594314'751521997588 11b I52-9881191982 204774 230713 326013,5190551638775,6749131701732,754699i902040' F'NOTE.-Calhoun county w~as originally called Fox county; Lyon was called Buncombe; Monroe, Kishkehosh; Washington, Slaughter; and Woodbury, Wahkaw. Hamilton was created as Risley county, and subsequently formed a pait of Webster. Humboldt county, originally erected under that name, was afterwards dividedl between Kossuth and Webster; more recently, the territory which had been annexed to Kossuth, with' the northern halt of that detatched to Webster. was re-erected into the county of Humboldt. The northern part of Kossuith county was at flrst Bancroft county, which, with the northern ]half of Humboldt was unifted with Kossuth in 1855; subsequently the territory obtained from Humboldt. was again detached. Webster county was at first called Yell county, wvhich in 1855 was united with Risley and two tiers of townships in Humboldt to form Webster; in 1857, Hamilton county was detached, and also one tier of townships to Humboldt. 0I 106~ ~CENSUS RETURNS. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF POST-OFFICES IN THE STATE NOVEMBER 1,1867. Names of Post-offices.j Counties. Names of Post-offices. Counties. Abingdon......... JJeff-rson........ Belle Plaine.......... Benton Ackley..........Hardin........ Bellevue............ Jac Aded............. Dallas......... Belmcnd............ Wright. Ade.phi..... Polk........... Belvidere........... Monona. Afton........ Union......... Bennington..... Marion..... Agecy City........ Wpello....... lBenson Grove... Winnebago.... Agricola........ Mahaska....... Benton.............. Mills..Ainsworth...... Washington...... Bentonsport......... Van Buren. Albany....... Davis........... Berlin............... Hardin. ~Alhia........ Monroe........ Bertram............. Linn. Albion......... Marshall........ Bethel.............. Fayette Alden........ Hardin......... Bethlehe m.......... Wayne Algona........ Kossuth. Big Grove........... Pottawattanie.. Allamakee........ Allamakee...... Bigler's Grove....... Harrison. Allen's........ GScott........... Big Mound.......... Lee A........ Dubuque...... Big Rock............ Scott Alton......... Dallas....... Birmingham........ Van Buren. Ames............. Story......... Blairsburg........ Hamilton. Amis............. Johnson........ BlairstownBenton.........Ben Amity....... Scott.......... Blakesburg.......... Wapello. Anamosa............ Jones.......... Blooinfield........ Davis. Andrew............ Jackson........ Blue Grass.......... Scott Aplington........ Butler.........'. Bluffton........... Winneshiek Apple Grove........ Polk.... 3on Accord.......... Johnson...... Arbor Hill........ Adair.......... Bonaparte........... VanBuren. Arcola............ Boone....Dallas. Argo.........Lucas......Boonsboro......Boonie...... Armstrong's Grove... Emmett.....Border Plains. Webster.... Ashland........Wapello.....Botany........Shelby...... Atalissa........Muscatine....Botavia........Jefferson,...... Atlanta......Bnchanan.....Bottom........Monona..... Attica.........Marion.....Bowen's Prairie....Jones...... Auburn....... Mahaska.....Boyer River..... Crawford.... Augusta.......Des Noines....Boylan's Grove.....Butler...... Aurora........Keokuk.....Bradf ird.......Chickasaw. Avon.........Polk.......Brandon.......Buchanan.... lBrighton....... Washington... Bach Grove......Wright... Bristol........ Worth...... Baden.........Keokuk..... Brookfield........Clinton..... Badiyer Hill....... T'ama......Brooklyn.......... Poweshiek... Baker.........:...... Jefferson.....Brookville.......Jefferson.... Ballyclough......Dubuque.....BroWnsville......Mitchell..... Bangor...........Marshall.....Brush Creek......Fay ette..... Bankston...... Dubuque... *Buck Crcek.....Bremer..... Barclay......: Black Hawk.. Buck Horn...... Mahaska.... Barryville.......Delaware.....Buckiu~gham,.....Tama...... Bartlett........Fremont.....Buena Vista.....Clinton..... Beacon.......... Mahaska......Buffalo........Scott........ Bear Grove......Gut hrie.....Buffalo Fork......Kossuth...... Bedford........Taylor...... Buffalo Grove.....Buchanan..... Beetrace....... Appanoose... Burgess........Clinton..... Belfast........Lee...Burke.........Benton....... Beigrove,.Butler... Burlin gton......Des Moines..... Belinda........ Lucas..'IBurr Oak..I.....Wiaiieshiek Belle Fontaine.....Mahaska....IBurr Oak Springs....... *Not in the lists in the preceding pages, having been reported to the Census Board or otherwise ascertaineda.inee those pages were printed. CENSUS RETURNS. 107 Alphabetical List of Post offlices- Continued. Names of Post-offices. Counties. NamesofPost-offices. Counties. Busti............... Howard... Clanton........ Madison....... Butler.............. Keokuk........ Clarence............ Cedar......... Butler Center........ Butler.......... Clarinda............ Pge.......... Butlerville......... Tama.......... Clarksville....!. Butler......... Clay................ Washington. Cairo....... Louisa........... Clayford. Jones. Cal[a]mus........... Clinton........ IClay's Grove......... Lee......... Caldwell............'Appanoose.... Clayton............. Clayton....... Caledonia............ Ringgold....... Clayton Center........ Calhoun...........Harrison....... Clear Creek.......... Allamakee Calmer.............. Winneshiek.... Clear Lake........... Cerro Gordo... Caloma........ Marion...... iClermont............ Fayette...... Camanche...... Clinton........ Clifton......... Louisa Cambria...........'Clinton........... Liinton....... Cambia..........Wayne......... Citn.... C(ambridge.......... Story.......... Clio................. Wayne........ Campton............ Delaware....... Clyde............... Jasper. Canton............ Jackson........ Coal Creek........... Keokuk....... Cardiff.............. Mitchell....... Coalton............. Monroe....... Carl.dams................ Adams Coldwater.......... Franklin...... Carlisle..............Warren....... Colesburg........... Delaware...... *Carroll City........ Carroll........ IColfax............... Jasper......... Carrollton......... " College Springs...... Page..... Carr's Point......... Montgomery.. Colo................t ory......... Carson's Point. Boone........ Columbia...........Marion Cascade............. Dubuque....... Columbus City....... Louisa........ Cassady's Corner.... Boone......... Communia.......... Clayton........ Castalia............. Winneshiek. ( Competine.......... Wapello....... Castana............. Monona........ Comstock's Station... " Castle Grove......... Jones........... Confidence........... Wayne.... Castleville..'Buchanan. Cono.Iowa Cedar Bluiffs......Cedar.......Conover.......Winneshiek. Cedar Falls......Black Hawk... Coon Rapids......Carroll..... Cedar Rapids.....Linn.......Cooperville...... Wapello..... Cedar Valley..... Black Hawk.. Copi.........Johnson..... Cedarville......Washington.. Cora.........Fremont.... Center.-..... Page........ Correctionville.....Woodbury.... Center Point.....Liin...::....... Corydon.......Wayne...... Centerville. Appanoose. Cottage..... H...ardin. Central City......Linn.......Cottage HilDubuque.... Ceres........ Clay-ton........ Clottonville.......Jackson..... CessfXord....... Cedar...... Council Bluffs.. Pottawattamie.. Chandler......'.".'Keokuk,......Council Hill......Clayton.. Chapin........Franklin.....Cox Creek........ 44 Chariton...L.....utcas......Crawfordsville.....Washington.. Charles City......Floyd.. Crescent City.....Pottawattamie.. Charleston...-...Lee.......Cresco.........Howard..... Charlotte.......Clinton..'...Cross........Ringgold..... Chatham.......Buchanan....Croton........Lee....... Chat tanooga......Dallas......Crystal........Tama...... Chelsea........Tama...... Chequest.......Davis..... Dahlonega........ Wapello.... Cherokpe...... C herokee....Dairy.......... Washington.... chickasaw.. Chickasaw. Dakota........Humbold~t... Chilficothe.......Wapello.....Dale City.......Guthrie..... Christiansburg.... 4.....iDallas.........Marion..... Cincinnati.......Appanoose... ii Dalmanutha......Guthrie..... * Not in the list in the preceding pages, having heen reported to the Census Board since those pages were printed. ~10~8 CENSUS RETURNS. Alphabetical List of Post-offees- Continued. Names of Post-offices. Counties. Names of Post-offices. Counties. DanfOrth....... Johnson........ Elkport............ Clayton.. Danille.......... IDes Moines..... Elk River........... Clinton Davenport......... Scott........... Ellington........... Hancock. Davis Creek....... Washington.. I!Ellsworth......... Madison *Dayton......... Bremer......... Elm Springs......... Butler. Dayton Center....... Chickasaw...... Elon......... Allamakee. Decatur........ Decatur........ Elvira.............. Clin Decorah......... Winneshiek..... Ely................. Marion Deep River........ Poweshiek...... Emmett............. Emmett. Deerfield........ Chickasaw...... Emmettsburg........ Palto. Delanti......... Hardin......... I English Settlement.. Marion.. Deawre........ i..... ID.......Enterprise Black Hawk. Delhi.......... Delaware....... Epworth........... Dubque.. Denison....... Crawford...... C' Estella.............. Ringgold. Denmark........ Lee............ Estherville.......... Em tt. Dennis......... Appanoose... Eugene............. Einggold *Denver............... Bremer........ Eveland Grove...... Mahska. Derrinan........ Dubuque....... Exira........... A u Des......... M ePolk........... De Witt........C.... linton....... Fairbank........... Buc Dixon............. Scott........... Fairfax..............!Linn. Dodae...G...... Guthrie......... Fairfield............. Jefferson. Dodeville.......... Des Moines.... Fairport... uscatine. Doan............. Mitchell....... Fairview........... Jones. Dorchester.......... Allamakee..... Farley.............IDu Doud's n....... Van Buren..... Farmtrsburg........ I Clayton Douglas.F........ Fayette........ Farmers' Creek......Jackson..... Dover.........Lee.......IFarmnersville.....Mahaska.... Downey........Cedar......Farmington......Van Buren... Drakeville.......Davis.... Fayette........Fayette.... Dry Creek.... Linna.......Fern Valley......Palo Alto.... Dubuque........ ubuque......Festina.......Winneshiek... *Dunlap......... Harrison..... Fillmore........Dubuque.... 1)uraingo....... Dubuque.. 1.. IFlemingville.....Linn....... Durant........Cedar......IFlint.........Mahaska..... Dutch Creek......Washington.... Florence.......Benton..... Dyersville.......Dubuque.....IFloris.........Davis..... Floyd.........Floyd...... Eagle.........Bremer..... Fontanelle......Adair...... Eagle Grove......Wright.........'Foote......Iowa...... Eariville.......Delaware.. Forest City......Wininebaggo... East Melrose......Monroe.....Forest Home......Poweshiek East Nodaway.....Adams......Foreston........Howard..... East port.......Fremont.....Forestville.......Delaware.... Eatonville.......Howard.....Fort Atkinson.....Winneshiek... Eddyville.......Wapello,.....Fort Dodge......Webster.. I. fElen........Fayette.....Fort Madison.....Lee....... Edenville.......Marshall.... Fort Plain.......Warren. Edinburg.......Jones......IFrankfort.......Mon'tgomnery.... Edna.........Cass.......iFranklin Center....Lee....... Egypt.........Mills...... Franklin Grove....Page. Eldora........Hardin.....IFrank Pierce......Johnson..... Eldorado.......Fayette.....Frankville.......Winneshiek... Elgin........Fayette.. Frederica.......Bremer..... Elkader.... Catn:: Frederick.......Monroe..... Elkhar..::...... IPolk.......IFredericksburg. Clsickasaw.... * Not in the list in the preceding pages, having been reported to the Census Board since those pageq wvere printed. tEden post-office is also printed as in Clinton county on page 16. CENSUS RETURNS. 109 Alphabetical List of Post. offices-Continued. Names of Post-offlces. C(unties. Names of Post-offices Counties. r........;.Louisa.......... l ay Prairie. Monroe........ Freedom........ Lucas........ l- amburg. Fremont Freeport........ Winneshiek..... I Ham litonri.....Marin Fremot....... Mahaska...... IHam in............. Woodury Frenc k........ Allamakee.... Hamllin's Grove...... Audubon. Freyurg............. Wrighlt......... Hammon(lsburg.. Warren... Fuller's Mills......... Jones.......... Hampton.... Franklin........ Fulto......... Jackson..... Hardin.............. AIamakee Funk's Mills......... Decatur..... Hardin City.........Had Har. Harlan............. Shelby Galesurg........ Jasper......... I Harper's Ferry. la.....11makee Gard e....... Decatur........ Harris Grove.i........ ron Garibaldi......... Keokuk.....'... Harrison............. Gravillo........... Clayton........ Hartford............ Warren.....Garry Owen..... Jackson........ H artland............ Worth Gaston........ Fremont....... Hawlevville.......... Page. Gem............ Clayton........ Hazel Green.Delaware. Geneeo........ Cerro Gordo.... Hiebron.. Adair. Geneva....... Franklin....... Helena.............. ITamar..Genoa..Wayne........ Henderson's Prairie.. Fay Genoa Bluffs.. Iowa..........I Hesper.............i Winneshiek Georetown......... IMonroe........ H(sperian.......... We Germanville........ Jefferson....... Hibsville. Appanoose Giard............. Clayton....... High Lake.......... Enmtt Gilbert............ Scott........... Highland.........C Gibersille......... Black Hawk.... Highland Grove...... Jones. Given............... Mahaska....... - High Point......... Decatur. Glenrw...... Jeferson........ Hcliday........Adair..... Gewood..M....Nills........... Hot.aylor...... Glidden......... Carroll......... Home. Van Buren. Goldfield.......I Wright......Homer. Hamilton.... Gosport.......Marion......'Homestead.......Iowa....... Grand MNound....Clinton.......!WHook's Point......... Hamilton..... Grand River.....Wayne...... Hopeville.......CakI.... GrandviewLois, Hopewell.......-..... o a.....Mahaska.... Grant........Montgomery.. IHopkinton......Delaware.... Grant City... Sac........... Hoton.........Bremer..... Granville.......Mahaska..... Howard.......Howard..... Graviiy.......Taylor.. I Howard Center........ Great, Oak......Palo Alto....Howard~ville,......Floyd. Greeley.........Delaware. H.uRdson. Black Hawk.... Greeit Bay.... J.. 1arke.. H umboldt... Humboldt. Greencasqtle......Jasper... Huron.........Des Moines. Greenfleld...... Adair...... Greenvale.........Dallas...... conium........Appanoose. *Greenwood.- - Kossuth. I....1da....... Ida....... Gre-enwood..-......Polk.... Illinois Gro~ve.....Marshall. Grinnell..P..... oweshick. Ill111yria,........... Fayette.... Grove City.......Cass.... Independence........Buchanan.... Grove Creek......Jones.I.....ndianapolis..... MAahaska.... Grove Hill.......Breiner.....Indianola.......Warren..... Grundy Center....Grundy.....Ingart Grove.....Ringgold. Gu~rley....C..s..... lugharn........Franklin.... Guihirie Center....-Guthrie... Inland,........Ced ar...... Guttenberg.....Clayton..... loka,...........Keokuk..... I Iola.........Marion..... As reported to this office from Algona. It is probably incorrect. Greenwood post-office is in Polk county. ~110 ~CENSUJS RETURNS. Alphabetical List of Post-offces-Continued. Names of Post-offices. Counties. Names of Post offices. Counties. o.........Allamakee...... Lawretinctburg....... Wairre. Iowa Center.......... btory........... Lebanon............ Van Iowa City........... Johnson........Le CSlaire. Scot. Iowa Falls........ Hardin......... Legrand............ Marshall. lowaville........ Van Buren.....I Leighton Station.....Mask....... Iron l........ Jackson........ Leo................. Fayee. Irvington...... *Lroy.............. Bremer Jacksonville........ Chickasaw..... Lester............... Black Hawk.... Janesville........ Bremer........ tLetts. Louisa Jeddo City...... Harrison...... Lewis............... Cass Jefferson........ Dubuque....... I Lewisburg........... W ayne Jefferson....... Lee............ Liberty.Ca....... Jenks........ Taylor......... Liberty Center....... Warren Jer m.... Appanoose.... Libertyville......... Jefferson. Jessup......... Buchanan...... Lima..............'ayette.... Johnson........ Jones........ Lime Creek......... C erro Gordo... Jy......... Lee........... Limne Springs........ Howard. Jone........ Iowa.......... Lincoln.............. ol Linden.. Da.......... Dl Kasson........... Madison.... Linton.............. Des Kendrick........ Gi eene....... Iisbon.............. Lin Keokuk......... Lee............. Liihopolis.i.... ardin...... Keosauqua........ Van Buren..... Little Sioux...... Ha..... H i ~Kier....... Buchanan..... Little Turkey....... ickasaw.i Kilbour....... Van Buren......Livingston........... aospp Kiball............Jasper, -Lockridge. J efferson. King.........Dubuque. Locust Lane......Winnieshiek..... Kitigston....., Dva Moines....Logan......... Harrison..... Kirkville.......Wapello.....Lott's Creek......Humboldt. Kniffin.. Waynte.....Louden........Cedar...... Knoxville.......Marion.L...Ioveland Mills.....Pottawattatnie.. Kossuth.. D, s Moines....4fLovilia. M]Vonroe..... Kossnith Cent-er`.'II Kossuth....ILowell..........Hny Koszta.......... Iowa...... Lw Moor....,..Clinton.....,:Lucerne........Way ne..... Lacelle........Clarke......... i Ludlow........Allamakee. Lacey........Muscatine..... Luni.........Wright...... Lacolia........Warren..... Lybrand....... Allamiakee. Ladora......... Iowa...... Lycurgus.......Allarnakee. Lafayette....... Lion....... Lynri.........Wanren.... Lagrange.......Lucas...... I Lyo nville.......Jasper..... Lake city.......Calhoun.....Lyo~ns.........Cflinton..... Lake MtsWinnebago....Lytle City........ Iowa...... Lakin's Grove.....Hamilton.... Lamotne........Jckson......Macedonia......Pottawattamnie.. Lancaste.. Eleokuk.... McGregor......Clayton..... Langworthy..Jones...M..:Tacksville......Guthrie Lansing.Al.. Nlamakee. Madison.......Jones...... La, Port(.......Clarke......Maghnolia........Harriso)n. La Prt-e City.....Black Hawk.....1 Ma Ic n........ Powesh~i k.... Last Chance.....Lucas..Manchester.......Delaware.... Lattners. Dubuque.....Manteno....... Shelby..... La Vega....... Des Moines....IManti.........Frem1onjt...-. * Not in the list in the preceding pages, having been reported to the Census Board since those pagesa were prtrnted 1-Incorrectly printed'Ln-tis" on r-age 88. In orrecitly printed "Lo'illa " on page 45. ~Printed — Liua " on page 5T from erroaenes information. CENSUS RETURNS. Alphabetical List of Post-offices-GContninted. s-fie.| Cute. |jNames of Post-offices. Counties. Names of Postoffles Counties. Mapleton............. Monona........ Mt. Zion............. Van Mauoketa......... Jackson........ Muscatine.......... Muscatie. Male........ Floyd..... Marengo......... Iowa.......... Nantrille............. Black Hawk.... Marietta......... i Marshall....... Nashua............ Chickasaw... Marion...... Linn........... National Clayton. Marshall....... Henry......... Necot............... Linn. Marshaltown........ Marshall...... Nelson.............Mi l Martinsurg...... Keokuk......... Neniora............. Joh Maysville........... Franklin........ Nevada......... t.. Stor... Mason City......... Cerro Gordo.... Nevinville.. Adams. Mas......... Delaware..... Newark........arion.... Massillon......... Cedar....... ew Buda... Dccur. Maxf......... Bremer......... Newburg.............Mi..... le....... (Cedar.........New Hampton..Cckasaw. Memory........ Taylor......... New Harfrd... Butler. Mempis...... Appanoose......i New Jefferson..Gre..... Mennon........ Marion......... New Liberty...... Scott... Mentor........... Brener....... 1New London........ Henry. Merrimac...... Jefferson........ New Oregon......... Hwarde. Middle River........ Madison........ New Philadelphia... Story. Middletown......... Des Moines..... New Port Center Johnson.... Mill.............. Fay( tte......... New Providence. Hardin. Milledgeville....... Appanoose...... New Sharon........ Maska Milleray........... Dubuque....... Newton.......... Jasper. Milersurg........ Iowa...........New Vienna........ Duuque Mill Grove........Poweshiek.1.TNew Virginia..... -IWarren........ Mill Rock.......Jackson.....New York.......Way ne..... Millville......... Clayton.....Nine Eagles.... I. Decatur..... Milpine........ MUSCAtine....Nishna,........Pottawattamie.. Milton.........Van Buren....Nora Springs...... Floyd..... Mineral Ridge.....Bootie.....Norris........Maishall.... Minerva........Marshall.....North.M...... adison..... Missouri Valley_.. Harrison.....Northfield......IDs Moines..... Mitchell........Mitchell..... I North Liberty.....Johnson..... *-Mitcliellville.....Polk.......North McGregor....Clayton..... Modnil........Harrison..:::::: iNorthville........Greene..... Moffitt's Grove.....IGuthrie.....North Washington.. Chickasaw.... Moingona.......Boone....... Northwood...Worth... Mon3mouth......Jackson...... Norwalk.......Warren..... Monona........layton....... Nugent's Grove....Linn........Monroe........Jasper.......Numa.........Appantoose... Montana........Bootie.. I Mcnterey.......Davis.......Oakfield........ udubon.... Montezuma......Poweshiek.. Oaklan dValley....Franklin.... Monticello.......Jones......Oak Sptings......Davis...... Montrose.......Lee........Oa,-is.........Johnson.... Moravia.......Appanoose.... Ogden........Dubuque.... Mornjing Sun......Louisa.. Ohi..1o.........Madison..... Moscow........Muscatinle O...1kohoji.......Dickinson.... M.Auburn..... Benton...... 1::: l........Lucas....... Mt. Ayr.........HIggold.....Old Mission......Winfleshiek... Mlt. Hope.......Delaware....Onawa City......Monona..... Mt. Joy.....Scott.......Oran.........Fayette..... Mt. Pleas-ant......Henry.....Orange........Clinton.. Mt. Sterling......Van Buren)....O10ford.........Tama...... Mt. Vernion......Linn.......jOrleans........Appanoose.... *Printed " Mitchell " on page 48 from erroneous information. 112 CENSUYS RETR. AlphabeticaI List of Post-offces —Continued. Names of Post-offices. Counties. Names of Post-offices. Counties. Orono..........M. Musc;auine. Poinit Palestine. Story......... Osage.Mitchell. I Point Pleasant. Harlin. Osborne.............RHoward........ i'Polk Clt...........Polk........ Osceola............. Clarke.. Prt Allen....... Louisa........ Oskaloosa.......... Mahiv sla....... Port Louisa........]............. Osprey............. Monrce....... P. rt Richnmond...... Wapello.... Ossian............Winneshiek..... Postville.........a.... Imlarakee. Oswego......Warren......... Prairieburg..........Linn...... Otho............ Webster...'... Prairie City......... Jasper......... Otisville........... Franklin....... PrAirie Creek........ Poweshiek Oto................ Wo'idbury..... Prairie Grove........ Clarke. Otranto........... Mitchell... Prairi Hill........... Boone.........'Otsego............... Fayette....... Prairie Mills......... Muscatine Ottawa.............. Clarke.......... Primrose...........Lee............ Otter Creek.... -.. - Jackson........Princeton.... Scott........ Oterville.. Buchanan. Promise City......... Wayne...... OttuawaWapello........Prospect ll...Lin...... Owen's Grove....... Cerro Gordo.. Pulaski....iDavis.... Oxford Mills........ Jones.. Putnam....... Fayette.. Ozark.....Jackson....... Quasqueton.........'. Bucyaitan...... Palestine...........J son.ity.. Adas...... Palm ra........./W rohnso....l uny.............I.... Palmyro............... en.Q Palo Alto.. Louisa.Randall Hamilton........ Panora.. Guthrie. Rapids.....Boone...... Paris................ Linn...........Redlingeon........Ringgold.. Parkersburg......... Butler........... R dals........ Parrish.............. Des Moines....Red........ Cedar. Pedee.. Cedar.Red Oak Junction Montgomery.... Pella..............Marion... Red Rock.. Harion...... Peoria........a...... G thaska.......Reeder's Mills.......Harrison....... Pe~oria, City.......Pol k......tRiceville.......Mitchell..... Peosta.........Dubuque.....IRichifield........Fayette..... Peru................adou.... ciland....... Keokuk......... *Petersonf... Clay.Richmond..Washington..... Pierceville.,.....Van Buren.. R.iffd,~zedale........Polk._.. Pierce's Point.....DaIBlaes....a.... Riley............Clarke.... Pike..............MusMatine.... Ringgold............Ringgold...... Pilot Grove.. Lee...Ilippey..... Greene. Pilot Mound......... Boone......... Risin g...........Maon........ Pilotr..........C aherokee....... Riverside Mi.l.....Boone....... Pin Oak............. Dubuque. Roin...... Benton....... Pittsburg..... Van Buren Rched........... ar. Platteville.. Taylor.. Cerro Gordo... Pleasant Grove..Des Moines. Rockdale. Dubuque...... Pleasant Hill......... Cedar..... loyd........ Pleasant Plain....... Jefferson... RRock Grove City.'. Floyd..... Pleasant Prairie... ucatine.... R......,Pocahoa.. fPieasant Valley..... Scott.... Riolley............ Jackson.. Pleasantville........ MarionRose Grove..........HamRilton...... Plum Hollow........ Fem.......... Ropey.........F. R Warren.. PlytMouth.. Cerro Gordo.... Rosette i.......... Pola......... Plymoutk Rock..Winnesier ek.... Roseville...... A...... Blonee.. Point Isabel.........Wapello....... Roiud Grove......... Scott...... PiNot in the list in the preceding page.s. ~ Printed Valley City." on pagre 52. ~cPrinted "Roily" on page 31. CENSUS RETURNS. 113 Alphabetical List of Post-offices —ContinueM. Names of Post-offices. Counties. Names of Post.offices.i Counties. Russell.............. Lucas.......... *Spring Lake.......Bremer. ~}I Spring Valley.....Decatur.......... i S~dpring I~Decatu~ Bemr....... Sabula...............'Jackson.. Springville..........Linn......... Sac City............. Sac......... Springwater.........V Winneshiek Saint Ansgar......... Mitchell....... Staceyville.....Mitchell........ Saint Charles........ Madison........ Stapleton............ Chickasaw.. Saint Clair.......... Monona...... Starr............... Marion......... Saint Donatus.... Jackson........!,State Center......... Marshall....... Saint John........... Harrison...... Stellapolis........... Iowa........... Saint Paul........... Lee........... Stcrlino.............. Jackson.. Salem........ H..... Henry......... Stiles..............Davis.......... Salina............. Jefferson........ Story City...........{Story......... Sand Spring......... Delaware... Strawberry Point.....Clayton... Sandusky........... Lee.......... Summerset......... Warren..... Sandvsville....... Warren......... i Summitville....... Lee........ Saratoga.............Howard........ Sumner............[Bremer......... Savannah...........Davis........... Sunnyside.... Buchanan...... Sawana..............Clayton.:::::: Swanton......... Buter. Saylorville..........{Polk........... Swede Point.........Boone.......... Seiola...............Montgomery.... Sweetland Center.M... uscatine..... Scotch Grove.......Jones.......... Sylvan Retreat. Humboldt Sco t ener.~.....~~oe..,,,. I ~bod......... Scott Center........ Fayette....... Syracuse............. Bremer........ Seaton..............Faet.... Sedgwick.. Decatur Tabor.Fremont. Selma........... Wayne.Tallahora... Lucas.......... Selma............... I~~~~iFremont.... ~~~~Wye........., WanTallahoma......Lcas.......... Sentca. o........... Kossuth....... TallIyrand... Keokuk........ S Talleyrand. Keokuk Seventy-eight........ Johnson........ Tama City..... Tama.......... Sharon.............. Warren......... Tarkio......... Page.... Shellrock........... Butler......... Taylorsville..........Fayette....... Shellrock Falls...... Cerro Gordo....'errehaute.......... Decatur....... Shellsburg........... Benton......... Thompsonville....... Monroe......... Sherman........... Poweshiek. Timber Creek........ Marshall....... Sherrill's Mound Dubuque....... Tipton..............Cedar........ Shobe's Grove....... Franklin........ Tipton Grove....... Hardin......... Shueyville.......... Johnson........ Tivoli............... Dubuque..... Siam................ Taylor.......... Toledo.......... Tama.......... Sidney.............. Fremont.... Toolsboro........... Louisa......... Sigel.............. Clayton........ Toronto............. Clinton....... Sigourney.......... Keokuk........ Tower Hill.......... Delaware....... SImpson........ Adams........ Trenton............. Henry........ Sioux City........... Woodbury. Tripoli............. Bremer......... Sisley's Grove........ Linn.......... Troy................IDavis.......... Smithland.......... Woodbury.... Troy Mills...........Linn....... Smyrna..............Clarke.......... Tyro...Poweshiek.... Snyder.............. Dallas..... Tyrone.............. Monroe......... Soda Bar.......... Palo Alto,.. Solon.........Johnson........ Ulster......... Floyd.. South English....... Keokuk........ Union............... Hardin......... Soutih Flint.......... Des Moines..... Union City.......... Union.......... Spillville............ Winneshiek... Union Grove........ Page.. Spirit Lake......... Dickinson...... Union Hill........... Ringgold....... Spragueville......... Jackson........ Union Mills. Mahaska.... Spring Brook........ acksonUnion Prairie...... Allamakee..... Spring Creek......... Tamta.......... Uniontown......... Delaware....... Springdale.......... Cedar......... Unionville..........Appanoose...... Springfield......... Keokuk....... Unity...Benton. Spring Grove.. ~~Linn...........Upper Grove...J.... Hancock..... Not in the list of post offices in Bremer county as printed on page 8. 15 114 CENSUS RETURNS. Alphabetical List of Post-offices —Continued. Names of Post-offices. Counties, Names of Post-offices. Counties. Upton............ Van Buren. West Branch....... Cedar....... Urbana..............Benton.West Dayton........Webster....... Utica..............Van Bre.. Western College.... Linn...... Westerville.......... Decatur........ Valiska.........Montgomery.. West ork......... onoa. i West Fork.........., Valley............... Washington..... West Grove........ Davis.... Valley City........ Scott........... West Irving.........Tama.... Valley Farm......... Linn.......... West Liberty........ Muscatine... Van Buren.......... Jackson.... W. - West Mitchell....... Mitchell....... Vandalia............ Jasper.......... West Point.......... Lee............. Venus............ I Madison........ West Prairie........Linn...... Vernon........... Van Buren..... West Union.......... Fayette........ Vernon Springs.... Howard........ What Cheer......... eokuk........ Victor............... Iowa........... Wheatland..........Clinton...... Vienna.............. Marshall...... Wheeler's Grove.... Pottawattamie.., Village Creek........ Allamakee...... Wheeling..... Marion......... Vincennes.......... Lee............. White Cloud...... ills........M Viuton.............. Benton......... White Oak..........Mahaska....... Viola........ Linn........... White Pigeon.......Keokuk..... Virginia Grove.... Louisa..... Whitesboro.......... Harrison...... Volga City.......... Clayton..... Whitneyville.........Cass............. Volney.............. Allamakee...... Wickliffe............ Jackson....... Williamston......... Chickasaw. Wacousta........... Humboldt...... Willoughby.......... Butler......... Wadaloup........... Grundy.W........ l Wison Grove...... Fayette........ Wagner............. Clayton....... Wilton.............. Muscatine..... Wahaghbonsy....... Mills........... Winchester.......... Van Buren..... Walcott............. Scott....... Windham........... Johnson.... Walnut City.........Appanoose.... Windsor............ Fayette....... Walnut Fork.......Jones.......... Winfield............. Henry......... Walnut Grove.....Scott........... Winterset...........iMadison..... Waltham................. Winthrop............ Buchanan..... Wapello........... Louisa.. t.... Wolf Creek.......... Tama.......... Wapsa..........,Linn........... Woodbine........... Harrison...... Ward.............. Mills........... Woodbridge......... Cedar.......... Ward's Corners.....Buchanan...... Woodbury.......... Woodbury.. Warren.............Lee.......... *Woodville.......... Winneshiek..... Warsaw............. Wayne.... Wooster...........Jefferson....... Washington.......... Washington.... Worth.............. Boone........ Wassonville...........Washington... Worthington........ Dubuque........ Waterford........- Jackson........ Wyoming......Jones.......... Waterloo............ Black Hawk.... Waterville.. Allamakee... Xenia............ Dallas.......... Waubeck.. Lin.......... Linn......... Waucoma......... Fayette.......... Yankee Settlement.. Clayton.... Waudena........ F'ayette......... Yatesville........... Calhoun....... Waukoii........Allamakee...... Yatton.............. Washington..... Waverly............ Bremer........ Yezoo............... Harrison......Webster.............iKeo...... York............. Delaware...... Webster City........jHamilton...... York Prairie......... Cedar........ Weller....... Monroe.. ough.Boone........n. Wells's Mills....... Appanoose..... W~elton............ Cino.,,,Za.,,,.,,, Welton............. Clinton........ Zoar................ Cedar.......... Wentworth.......... Mitchell........ Zurich.............. Jones........... West Bend......... Palo Alto....... *Woodville is also printed as in Jasper county, on page 33 from erroneous information. NoTE. —The above list of post-offices, which in another form appears in the Census Returns, was obtained from the Clerks of the District Court, and also from Postmasters at county-seats, of the latter of whom about eighty responded to circulars sent, asking the desired information. OFFICIAL REGISTER FOR THE YEAR 1868. STAT:E GOVEIRNN:MENT. William M. Stone, Marion county, Governor. George J. North, Polk county, Private Secretary to the Governor. Benjamin F. Gue, Webster county, Lieutenant-Governor. The above persons will be succeeded, about January 16, by the following: Samuel Merrill, Clayton county, Governor. ----- —, Clayton county, Private Secretary to the Governor. John Scott, Story county, Lieutenant- Governor. Ed Wright, Cedar county, Secretary of State. Wm. H1. Fleming, Clinton county, Deputy. John A. Elliott, Mitchell county, Auditor of State. Samuel A. Ayres, Polk county, Deputy. Samuel E. Rankin, Washington county, Treasurer of State. Isaac Brandt, Polk county, Deputy. Cyrus C. Carpenter, Webster county, Register of State Land Office. John M. Davist Johnson county, Deputy. D. Franklin Wells, Johnson county, Superintendent of Public Instruction. Lewis J. Coulter, Linn county, Clerk, and ex officio State Librarian. Francis W. Palmer, State Printer. James S. Carter, State Binder. THE JUDICIARY. SUPREME COURT. John P. Dillon, Scott county, Chief Justice. Chester C. Cole, Polk county, Judge. George G. Wright, Van Buren county, Judge. Joseph M. Beck, Lee county, Judge. Charles Linderman, Page county, Clerk. Henry O'Connor, Muscatine county, Attorney- General. Edw ard H. Stiles, Wapello county, Reporter of the Decisions. 116 CENSUS RETURNS. DISTRICT COURTS. JUDGES. Francis Springer, Louisa county, 1st judicial district. Harvey Tannehill, Appanoose county, 2d judicial district. James G. Day, Fremont county, 3d judicial district. Henry Ford, Harrison county, 4th judicial district. Hugh W. lMaxwell, Warren county, 5th judicial district Ezekiel S. Sampson, Keokuk county, 6th judicial district. J. Scott Richman, Muscatine county, 7th judicial district. James H. Rothrock, Cedar county, 8th judicial district. James Burt, Dubuque county, 9th judicial district. Milo McGlathery, Fayette county, 10th judicial district. Daniel D. Chase, Hamilton county, 11th judicial district. William B. Fairfield, Floyd county, 12th judicial district. DISTRICT ATTORNEYS. Joshua Tracy, Des Moines county, 1st judicial district. James B. Weaver, Davis county, 2d judicial district. Charles E. Millard, Mills county, 3d judicial district. Orson Rice, Dickinson county, 4th judicial district. Samuel D. Nichols, Guthrie county, 5th judicial district. Moses A. McCoid, Jefferson county, 6th judicial district. Lyman Ellis, Clinton county, 7th judicial district. C. R. Scott, Jones county, 8th judicial district. Mathew M. Trumbull, Black Hawk county, 9th judicial district. L. O. Hatch, Allamakee county, 10th judicial district. John H. Bradley, Marshall county, 11th judicial district. John E. Burke, Bremer county, 12th judicial district. The terms of the officers of the Twelfth judicial district will expire on the 1st day of January, 1869; those of the others on the 1st day of January, 1871. THE MILITIA. The Governor, Commander-in-Chief. Brigadier-General Nathaniel B. Baker, Clinton county, Adjutant and Inspector General, Acting Quartermaster-General, and acting as Paymaster-General. Lieut.-Col. William F. Sapp, Pottawattamie county, Aide-de-Camp. Lieut.-Col. Samuel L. Glasgow, Wayne county, Aide-de-Camp. Lieut. Col. George Cowie, Washington, D. C., Aide-de-Camp. Lieut.-Col. Frank Sutton, Special Aide-de-Camp. Lieut.-Col. George J. North, special Aide-de-Camp. The officers of the Go-vernor Is staff are appointed by the Governor, and hold office during his pleasure OFFICIAL REGISTER FOR 1868. 117 TWELFTH GENERAI, ASSEMBLY. Convenes at the Capttol, Des Moines, Monday, January 13, 1868. SENATE.._2 COUNTIES. SENATORS. POST-OFFICES. 1 ILee........................ *Nathaniel G. Hedges. Keokuk............ Lee.......... *Joseph Hollman..... Fort Madison...... 21Van Buren........*............ Eliab Doud.......... Doud's Station... 3 Davis...................... lHenry C. Traverse... West Grove. 4 Appanoose..................... 1]Madison M. Walden... Centerville....... 5 Wayne, Lucas, Clarke.......... William Hartshorn.... Corydon........... 6 Monroe..................... Edward M. Bill........Albia........... 7 Decatur, Ringold.............. Isaac W. Keller....... Mount Ayr.... 8 Taylor, Page, Adamsj Union, Montgomery............... INapoleon B. Moore.... Clarinda.......... 9 Pottawattamie, Mills, Cass, Fremont....................... Jefferson P. Casady.... Council Bluffs...... 10 Des Moines.................... tCharles L. Matthies... IBurlington......... 11 Henry........*.............. *Theron W. Woolson.. Mount Pleasant..... 12 Jefferson.........A.............abial R. Pierce........ Lockridge........ 131 Wapello...................... tAugustus H. Hamilton Ottumwa.......... 14 Louisa.....*..................*James M. Robertson.. Columbus City..... 151 Washington................... IGranville G. Bennett.. IWashington....... 16 Muscatine.................... *John A. Parvin...... Muscatine......... 171Keokuk......t................. ohn C. Johnson.... Richland.......... 18 Mahaska...............IJohn R. Needham....Oskaloosa......... 19 Marion....... T.................Ihomas McMillan.... English Settlement. 20 Warren.......................George E. Griffith.... Indianola.......... 21 Madison, Adair, Guthrie, Dallas. *Joseph R. Reed....... Adel............... 22 Scott......................... *Andrew M. Larimer.. LeClare........... Scott.......................... William W. Cones.... Davenport........ 23'Clinton....................... *John Henry Smith... Camanche......... 241Cedar................ William P. Wolf....... Tipton........... 25 Johnson..................... Samuel H. Fairall......Iowa City......... 26 Iowa, Poweshiek............... Matthew Long........Stellapolis......... 27 Jasper...............:........*John Meyer......... Newton........... 28 Polk..........................*Jonathlan W. Cattell.. Des Moines........ 29 Jackson............... L. B. Dunham......... Maquoketa........ 30}Jones........................*Sewell S. Farwell.... Monticello...... 31 Lin......................... Robert Smyth.......Mount Vernon..... 32 Benton, Tama.......... James Chapin......... Vinton........... 33 Marshall, Hardin.......... Wells S. Rice. Marshaltown...... 34 Dubuque..F..M. Knoll.......... iubuque......... Dubuque................ *Benjamin B. Richards. Dubuque.......... 85 Delaware............. Joseph Grimes........ Colesburg......... 36 Buchanan, Bremer............. William G. Donnan.. Independence. -.... 37,Clayton.....................Homer E. Newell. McGregor......... 381Fayette....................... William.arrabee. Clermont......... 39 Franklin, Butler, Grundy, Cerro Gordo............. IMrcus Tuttle......... Clear Lake......... 40 Black Hawk......... James B. Powers..... Cedar Falls........ 41 Allamakee...................I IL. E. Fellows........ Lansing........... 42 Winneshiek................... *H. C. Bulis....... Decorah.......... * Elected in 1865. t Elected in 1866 to fill vacancies. t Elected in 1867 to fill vacancy. ~ Re-elected. M MIembers of the House of Representatives 11th General Assembly. 118 CENSUS RETURNS. List of Senators — Continued. COUNTIES. SENATOR S. POST OFFICES. 431Floyd, Mitchell, Howard, Chickasaw................... -John G. Patterson.... Charles City....... 441Boone, IIamilton, Story, Greene, Isaac J. Mitchell... Boonsboro......... 45 Worth, Winnebago, Kossuth, Emmett, Dickinson, Clay, Palo Alto, Hancock, Wright, Humboldt, Pocahontas. Sac, Buena Vista, Calhoun, Webster..... Theodore Hawley..... Fort Dodge....... 46 Harrison, Shelby, Audubon, Carroll, Crawford, Monona, Woodbury, Ida, Cherokee, Plymouth, Sioux, O'Brien........Addison Oliver.......Onawa City....... *Elected in 1865. ~Re-elected. Mr. Needham was a member of the Senate in the 4th and 5th General Assemblies, and a s Lieutenant-Governor presided in the Senate of the 9th General Assembly. Mir. Cattell was a Sen - ator in the 6th and 7th General Assemblies, Mr. Woolson in the 9th and 10th, and Mr. Parvin in the 10th. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. 3m COUNTIES, REPRESENTATIVES. POST-OFFICES. 1 Lee........................... Gibson Browne......!Keokuk............ Lee........................... C C. Bauder.:..... P...Primrose....... Lee.......................... William Werner...... West Point........ 2 Van Buren.................... *Joel Brown..........Birmingham........ Van Buren.............. Seth Craig............IKeosauqua........ 3 Davis......................... J. M. Garrett........ Troy........ Davis......................... William G. Wilson.... Mt. Pleasant or Stiles. 4 Appanoose............. Brannock Phillips..... Unionville........ 5 Wayne....................... William Glasgow...... Promise City...... 6 Decatur....................... H. W. Peck........... Decatur City....... 7 Des Moines.................... tRobert Allen......... Dodgeville......... Des Moines.................. A. G. Adams.......... Burlington......... 81Henry................ John P. Granthani.... Mt. Pleasant........ Henry............. Jacob Hart............ Mt. Pleasant........ 9 Jefferson................ John Hayden......... Libertyville. Jefferson....................... A. R. Fulton.. Fairfield......... 10 Wapello................... Charles Dudley...... Agency City....... Wapello................Samuel T. Caldwell.... Eddyville.. j1 Monroe................ A........ A. Ramsay........ Albia.............. 12 Lucas................ Samuel D. Wheeler... Chariton.......... 131Clarke.............B......... Barclay Burrows...... Osceola............ 14 Page......................... Joseph Cramer..... 1Clarinda........ 15 Fremont....................... Charles O. Dewey.....Sidney. 16Mills................ John Y. Ston e.........Glenwood........ 17 Louisa....................... Albert Ellis........... Cairo............. 18 Washington........ Joseph D. Miles....... Crawfordsville.... Washington................... M. Goodspeed........ Lexington....... 19 Keokuk................tJohn Morrison, jr..... Butler.......... |Keokuk...................... William Hartsock... South English.. * Sat in the 11th General Assembly. t Elected in 1866 to fill vacancy, and re-elected in 1867. OFFICIAL REGISTER FOR 1868. 119 List of Representatives-Continued. COUNTIES. REPRESENTATIVES. POST-OFFICES. 20 Mahaska............C...........Charles Stanley....... Oskaloosa...... Mahaska.................... Thomas Ballinger..... Farmersville.... 21 Marion........................ Edmund Meachem..... Attica........... Marion...................... Banner G. Bowan..... Pella.............. 22 Warren............ Mark A. Dashiell...... Hartford.......... 23 Madison..................Benjamin F. Murray... Winterset........ 24,Pottawattainie............... ysander W. Babbitt.. Council Bluffs...... 25 Muscatine.................Saamuel McNutt....Muscatine. Muscatine.......... |.......*R. M. Burnett,....... 1Muscatine......... 26 Johnson................ John P. Irish......... Iowa City......... Johnson...................... Jacob Y. Blackwell.. Iowa City.......... 27 Iowa.......................!Abraham Bolton...... Homestead.........;28 Poweshiek............. Leonard F. Parker..... Grinnell........... 29 Jasper........................ Merritt W. Atwood.... Newtan........... 30 Polk............... John A. Kasson....... Des Moines....... Polk.......................... Joshua H. Hatch... Des Moines........ 31 Dallas.......... Le Roy Lambert....... Redfield........... 32 Scott...................... *M. J. Rohlfs. Davenport......... Scott.................... Charles Kelley........LeClaire.......... Scott.......................... M C. Davis........... Davenport........ 33 Clinton...................... Aylett R. Cotton...... Lyons............. Clinton................... Chlarles G. Trusdell.... Clinton.... Clinton...... Charles E. Leffingwell. Wheatland......... 341Jones......................... *John Russell........ Wyoming.. Jones......................... *John McKean....... Anamosa. 35 Cedar...........................illiam S. Chase...... West Liberty...... Cedar........................C. P. Sheldon....... Tipton............. 36 Jackson................ L. W. Stuart.......... Monmouth......... Jackson....................... John A. Tritz......... St. Donatus....... 37 Linn......................... Adam Perry..........estern........... Linn....................... William B. Leach..... Cedar Rapids...... 381Benton..................... John W. Traer....... Vinton........... 39l Tama......................... James Wilson......... Volf Creek....... 40!Marshall................. Ben W. Johnson....... Marshalltown. 411 Dbuque...................... Thomas S. Wilson... Dubuque.......... Dubuqle..................... R. B. Lockwood....... Worthington....... Dubuque................ John B. Longueville... King.............. Dubuque..................... Dennis Donovan..... Ballyclough....... 42 Delaware..................... Cummings Sanborn. Earlville....... 43i Buchanan............ *Phineas C. Wilcox.... Independence...... 44!Black Hawk.................George Ordway....... Waterloo.......... 45 Hardin........................ *Thomnas B. Knapp.... Iowa Falls........ 46 Clayton a.....H... orace Hamilton.....National. Clayton..James Newbury....... Strawberry Point... Clayton....................... P. G. Baily........... Hardin........... 47 Fayette.................. Aaron Brown....... Fayette........... Fayette....................... Curtis R. Bent........ West Union........ 48 Bremer.....D. P. Walling......... Tripoli............ 49 Chickasaw................ William Tucker.......Chickasaw. 50 Allamakee.................... *P. G. Wright.......ILudlow............ Allamakee................... George R. Miller.......itossville......... 51 Winneshiek................... *Horace B. Williams... Hesper............ Winneshiek................. Jeremiah T. Atkins..Frankville........ 521Boone....................... Jackson Orr...........I Montana......... 531 Story......................... James Hawthorn......Nevada............ * Sat in the 11th General Assembly. Mr. McNutt was also a member of the 10th General Assembly, and Mr. Russell of the 9th and 10th. t Elected in 1866 to fill vaeancies, and re-elected in 1S67. 120 CENSUS RETURNS. List of Representatives-Continued. o,.W |COUNTIES. REPRESENTATIVES. POST-OFFICES. 54 Floyd......................... * Wilberforce P. Gaylord Rock Grove City.... 55 Harrison, Shelby.............. Joseph H. Smith..... Magnolia........... 56,Mitchell, Howard..............*,T. IH. Brown......... Cresco......... 57 Sioux, O'Brien, Buena Vista, Cherokee.................... Eli Johnson......... Cherokee........... 58 Dickinson, Emmett, Clay, Palo Alto........................ Roderick A. Smith..... Okoboji........... 59 Cerro Gordo, Winnebago, Worth, Kossuth.................... Charles W. Tenney... Plymouth.......... 601Woodbury, Ida, Sac, Plymouth.. Eugene Criss.......... Sac City........... 61 Wright, Hamilton, Franklin, Hancock.................. John D. Hunter....... Webster City....... 62 Webster, Pocahontas, Calhoun, Humboldt.................. Samuel Rees......... Fort Dodge........ 63 Monona, Crawford, Carroll...... Stephen Tillson......... Onawa (City...... 64 Greene, Gutlirie, Audubon...... Henry C. Rippey...... New Jefferson...... 65S Ringgold, Taylor............. tLeonard T. McCoun. Bedford............ 661Adair, Cass, Montgomery....... G. F. Kilburn........ Fontanelle......... 67 Butler, Grundy.............. James A. Guthrie.... Shellrock........... 681 Adams, Union................. N. W. Rowell......... Afton.............. * Sat in the 11th General Assembly. t Elected in 1866 to fill vacancy, and re-elected in 1867. PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS. STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA, IOWA CITY, JOHNSON COUNTY. Established, 1847. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. The Governor, ex-officio President. Lewis W. Ross, Pottawattamie county; term expires 1869. Rush Clark, Johnson county; term expires 186& R. M. Burnett, Muscatine county; term expires 1870. H. C. Bulis, Winneshiek county; term expires 1870. Coker F. Clarkson, Grundy county; term expires 1870. Christian W. Slagle, Jefferson county; term expires 1870. Samuel J. Kirkwood, Johnson county; term expires 1868. N. R. Leonard, President pro tern. of the Faculty, ex-officio Trustee. OFFICIAL REGISTER FOR 1868. 12 William J. Haddock, Secretary of the Board. William Crum, Treasurer of the Board. The Trustees of the State University are elected by the General Assembly for four years. The Treasurer and Secretary are chosen by the Board of Trustees, and hold office during the pleasure of that body. The Board also elects a President and the requisite number of professors and tutors. ASYLUM OF THE BLIND, VINTON, BENTON COUNTY. Established at Iowa City in 1853. Removed to Vinton, August, 1862. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. James McQuinn, Benton county, term expires in 1870: President of the Board. Elijah Sells, Benton county; term expires in 1868. James Chapin, Benton county; term expires in 1868: Treasurer of the Board. John H. Dysart, Tama county; term expires in 1870. Charles H. Conklin, Benton county; term expires in 1870. Jalnes L. Geddes, Principal of the Institution, ex-officio Trustee; term as member of the Board expires in 1868: Secretary of the Board. Mrs. N. A. Morton, Matron. The Trustees of the Asylum of the Blind are chosen by the General Assembly for the term of four years. The Board elects its own officers, and chooses the Principal, Matron, Teachers, &c., of the Asylum, and from the employees selects a Steward. INSTITUTION OF THE DEAF AND DUMB. Established at Iowa City, Johnson County, January 31,1855. Permanently located at Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie County, July 4, 1866.* BOARD OF TRUSTEES. The Governor. N. H. Brainerd, Johnson county, appointed September 24,1863. Thomas M. Banbury, Johnson county, appointed in 1864. Milton B. Cochran, Johnson county, appointed February 10, 1866. Thomas J. Cox, Johnson county, appointed March 1,1867, by the Governor, to fill vacancy. Ed Wright, Cedar county, Secretary of State. * The Institution remains at Iowa City, awaiting the erection of the buildings at Council Bluffs. 16 122 CENSUS RETURNS. D. Franklin Wells, Johnson county, Superintendent of Public Instruction. Benjamin Talbot, Principal of the Institution. Mrs. Mary B. Swan, Matron. The Trustees of the above Institution are appointed by the Governor and Senate for four years; vacancies occurring during the recess of the General Assembly are filled by the Governor till the next session of that body. The Board elects one of its own members Treasurer; it also chooses the Principal, Matron, and other officers, &c., of the Institution, and from the employees chooses a Steward. COMMISSIONERS under the Act of April 3, 1866, to locate the Institution at Council Bluff:. Thomas Officer, Pottawattamie county. Caleb Baldwin, " Dr. E. Honn, " IOWA HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE. MOUNT PLEASANT, HENRY COUNTY. Established in t855. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Maturin L. Fisher, Clayton county, term expires July 4,1872. Martin L. Edwards, Henry county, term expires July 4, 1868. Luke Palmer, Des Moines county, term expires July 4, 1870. J. Monroe Shaffer, Jefferson county, term expires July 4, 1868. John R. Needham, Mahaska county, term expires July 4, 1872. Andrew W. McClure, Henry county, term expires July 4, 1870. Benjamin Crabb, Washington county, termr expires July 4,1872. Mark Ranney, M. D., Superintendent. Martin L. Edwards, Treasurer. The Trustees of the "Iowa Hospital for the Insane" are elected by the General Assembly for the term of six years. The Board holds an annual meeting on the first Wednesday of December, at which time the President and Secretary of the Board are elected. The Board also appoints the Medical Superintendent, the Matron, and one or more Assistant Physicians. OFFICIAL REGISTER FOR 1868. 123 STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE AND MODEL FARM, STORY COUNTY. Established March 31, 1858. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. The President of the College ex-oficio President of the Board. Office now vacant. The Governor. Peter Melendy, Black Hawk county. J. Wilson Williams, Des Moines county. James D. Wright, Lucas county. Hugh M. Thomson, Scott county. John Russell, Jones county. Benjamin F. Gue, Webster county. B. O. Stevenson. Adams county. J. C. Cusey, Humboldt county. Thomas K. Brooks, Polk county. Theron A. Morgan, Keokuk county. R. W. Humphrey, Floyd county. John Garber, Clayton county. John Russell, Jones county, J. Wilson Williams, Des Moines county, Building Committee. Jatnes D. Wright, Lucas county, C. A. Dunham, Des MAloines county, Superintendent of the College building. Hugh M. Thomson, Scott county, Superintendent of Agricultural College Farm and ex-o)lco Secretary of the Board of Trustees. L. P. Sherman, Polk county, Treasurer. The Trustees are elected by the General Assembly for the term of four years. The terms of one-half the above named Trustees will expire on the 1st day of May, 1868, and of the other half two years later. The Board of Trustees meets annually on the second Monday of January, at which time the Treasurer is elected. The Board appoints the Superintendent of Agricultural College Farm during its pleasure, and has the power to elect a "President for the State Agricultural College and Farm," &c. ~124 ~ CENSUS RETURNS. IOWA SOLDIERS' ORPHANS' HOME. HOMES AT DAVENPORT, SCOTT COUNTY, CEDAR FALLS, BLACK HAWK COUNTY AND GLENWOOD, MILLS COUNTY. Established as a State Institution in 1866. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Jonathan W. Cattell, Polk county, President. Pearl P. Ingalls, Polk county. Thomas E. Corkhill, Des Moines county. John A. Parvin, Muscatine county. P. G. Wright, Allamakee county. N. H. Brainerd, Johnson county. James B. Powers, Black Hawk county. The Trustees of the "Iowa Soldiers' Orphans' Home" are elected by the General Assembly for the term of two years. The terms of office of the above named Trustees expire on the 2d day of April, 1868. THE PENITENTIARY OF THE STATE. FORT MADISON, LEE COUNTY. Established February 25, 1839. Martin Heisey, Des Moines county, Warden. James H. Reynolds, Deputy Warden. Charles Hillis, Clerk. William Reinick, Chaplain. Augustus W. Hoffmeister, Physician. The Warden is elected by joint ballet of the General Assembly at each regular session. He appoints the Clerk, Deputy Warden, Chaplain, and Guards; and with the concurrence of ithe Governor appoints the Physician; and on the nomination of the latter appoiats the Steward. OFFICIAL REGISTER FOR 1868. 125 MISCELLANEOUS. DIRECTORS OF THE STATE BANK OF IOWA. IOWA CITY, JOHNSON COUNTY. Established July 29, 1858. Edward T. Edginton, Lucas county. George M. Woodbury, Marshall county. One vacancy. BANK COMMISSIONERS UNDER THE GENERAL BANKING LAW Created July 29, 1858. Thomas A. Graham, Tama county. William Bickford, Jefferson county. Philip Viele, Lee county. The Bank Commissioners, as well as the Directors of the State Bank of Iowa are chosen by the, General Assembly, the former in ioint convention, every two years. Both offices are now merely nominal, as the State Bank has ceased to exist, and there has never been any bank established under the general banking law. COMMISSIONERS OF LEGAL INQUIRY. William H. Seevers, Mahaska county. Jacob Butler, Muscatine county, appointed by the Governor September 13, 1866, to fill vacancy. One vacancy. The Commissioner; of Legal Inquiry are appointed by the Governor and Senate every sixth year. A full Commission was appointed April 2d, 1866. ~126 ~ CENSUS RETURNS. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Charles A. White, Johnson county, State Geologist. Gustavus Hinrichs, Johns oncount Chemist of the Survey. 0. HI. St. John, Black Hawk county, Assistant Geologist. The State Geologist was appointed by Chapter 73, Acts 11th General Assem-bly, and his term of service will continue until April 2, 1868, and until his successor is appointed. Ile appoints his Assistant and the Chemist of the Survey. COUNTY GOVERNMiENT. TABLE SHOWING THE NAMES OF THE COUNTY JUDGES, CLERKS OF THE DISTRICT COURT, TREASURERS, AND RECORDERS, WITH THE COUNTY-SATS OF THE SEVERAL COUNTI JES. COUNTIES. COUNTY-SEATS. COUNTY JUDGES. CLERKS OF TTHE DISTRICT TREASURERS. RECORDERS. I I I ~~~~~~~~~COURT.I Adair...Fontanelle...... A. S. Taylor........... William B. Hall........ James C. GibbsWesley Taylor.... ~Adams. Quincy......... S. H. Bugbee.......... John Bixby........... Walter E, McDuffee.... Allamakee Waukon........ M. B. Hendrick........ Giles P. Eells........ H. I. Stillwell.Patrick der...... Appanoose... Centerville.....Samuel M. Moore.......Kelita P. Morrison..... Charles W. Bowen. Samuel M.Moore Audubon. Exira........... Amherst Heath....... Albert I. Brainard...... A. B. Houston.. F. Andrews Be~Vinton......... VintonGeorge W. Glcrist Buren R. Sherman....J. ames H. ShuttsFrederick Lyman Black Hawk.. Waterloo..... Daniel W. Foote.......Gustavus A. Eberhart... Romain A. Whitaker1 James W. McClure. Boone. Boo..boro. Mi.. nsboro..... Minor M. King......... Henry R. Wilson.......George E. Jones. Alonzo J. Barkley. Bremer..... averly. F. Avery.....'Hcnry C. Moore.....William V. Lucas....Edward C. Dougherty.. Buchanan,... Independence... William H. Barton... Edward Brewer.... Lewis A. Main... Thomas J. Marinus.. Buena Vista..'Prairieville....Richard Ridgway....Abner Bell.......Hubbard Sanderson.. James George...... Butler.....Buitler Center... IA. J. Tompkins.....James W. Davis........John F. Wright.....J. H1. Hale........ Calhoun....Lake City.....Henry W. Sprague... William H. Fitch. Sme.Hthso. ereG ray..... Carroll.....Carrollton.....Thomas Elwood. Wmn. Henry Price,....William Gilley......Thomas Riwood.... Cass. Lewis. Luther L. Alexand~er.-. William Waddell....Wilkins Warwick....Henry Temple..... Cedar......Tipton......J. C. Betts........ylvanus Yats.....Edwin H. Pound..... Jesse Jamne~....... Cerro Gordo.. Mason City....George E. Frost. B... 3. F. Hartshorn......Thomas G. Bmsley....Charles M. Adams. Cherokee....Cherokee.... George W. Banester.... iElisha Kingsbury.....Carlton Corbett.....Luther Phipps..... Chickasaw.... New Hampton... George A. Hamilton.... Chester 0. Case.....William W. Birdsall.... Benjamin E. Morton.. Clarke.....Osceola......James Rice.......Allen H. Burrows....William G. Kennedy... Harvey H. Hess..... Clay......Peterson......Peter M. M[oJore. Samuel W. Dubois....David N. Coats.....Christian Kirchner. Clayton....Elkader.... C. A. Dean........Henry S. Granger. I... C. Vaupel.......William 9. Crook..... Clinton....De Witt......George. B. Young.....Noel B. Howard.....Robert Williams... JoehDFga.... -Crawford..... Dlenison.....- J. L). Miracle,...... Andrew D. Molony....Morris McHenr Thomsep Fega... LIST OF COUNTY OFFJCERS.-CoNTINrED. COUNTIS. OiUNTY-FEATS. COUNTY JUDGES. CLERKS OF TE DISTRICTI TREASURERS. RECORDERS. I I ~~~~~~~~~~COURT.I Dallas. Adl............ Jeremiah Perkins....... John I.HJoy........... oJohn'Maulsby.......... Jeremiah Perkins. Davis... Bloomfielcd...... William Van Benthusen. Erasmus W. Tatlock.... Henry Nulton......... Ambrose H. Hill Decatur.. Decatur City.... Robert Kinnear......... Edward K. Pitman.... Samuel C. Thompson... William W. Ellis. Delaware..Delhi............ J. B. Bogs............ Eli 0. Clemans........ Joseph M. Holbrook.... William H. H. Blanchard Des Moines.. Burlington...... John C. Powers........ William Garrett....... William Horner........ Samuel Pollock. Dickinson... Spirit Lake......Samuel Pillsbury....... Albert A. Mosher...... Thomas Wyckoff....... Alexander Jenkins. Dubuque..Dubuque..... Stephen Hempstead..... H. A. Rooney......... Arthur McCann........Warner Lewis Emmett. Estherville...... Charles Jarvis......... L. Bemus.... Howard Graves......... ID.L.Bmus....Hwr Fayette. West Union.... H. N. Hawkins......... Joseph Hobson......... IJames Stewart.......... Edwin H. Kinyon Floyd. Charles City.... Abner Root............ John V. W. Montague.. Hervey Wilbur......... Gustavs B. Eastman. Franklin. Hampton.... W. W. Day........... R. S. Benson.......... George Beed.......... James H. Beed.. Fremont. Sidney.......... Alexander Wilson.....John C. Shockley....... Giles Cowles D. G. Bodenhamer...... D I C4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Greene... New Jefferson... Harry Potter.I...... D. Howard...... Gillumn S. Tolliver.....Thomas G. Stiles.... - Grundy.....Grundy Center... Albert F. Willoughby.. James M. Comstock.... E~. H. Beckma..... IAbert F, Willoughby... Guthrie..... anora......Win. Elliott........Win. Maxwell......George W. Hra....Howard Bon.... Hamilton.. Webster City.. Isaiah Doane.......Michael Sweeney.....John Eckstein......Isaiah Doane...... Hancock. Ellington. George W. Elder.... James M. Elder....... Henry N. Brockway.. Lambert B. Bailey.... Hardin....Eldora...:Ellis Parker.R......ichard F.1Ripley....Lucius E. Campbell....Samuel S. Waldo.... Harrison....IMagnolia".".. Benjamin Bouncy.....John W. Stocker.....Augustin W, Ford....Henry C. Harslhbarger.. Henry.....Mt. Pleasant..... John B. Dra~yer......Thomas A. Beremfan... IColumnbus-V. Arnold.... Horton J. Howard. Howard....New Oregon..... D~arius 0. Preston....Aaron Kimball....M. M. M~oon........William H. Patterson... Humboldt....Dakota City....Jared M. Snyder.....Andrew WV. McFarland..'Charles Bergk......Charles Bergk...... Ida.......Ida. Obed Waterman.....IW. J. Wagoner......J. H. Moorehead. Ebenezer Comnstoek... Iowa., Marengo.... Isaac Goodin.......William G. Springer... ICharles Baumer.....Charles V. Gardner... Jackson.....Andrew......J. S. Darling.......E. J. Holmcs...... James A. Bryan.....Benj, Van Steen burg. Jasper.....Newton. O....1rlando C. Howe... John A. Seaton....,. Josiah B. Eyerly.....John C. WXilson..... Jefferson.. Fairfield.....Thomas Morgan......William Long........: IL. P. Vance.......David B. Miller..... Johnson...... Iowa City....... James Cavanagh....... Fernando H. Lee....... A1rchibald (C. Younkin.. Joseph S. Lodge........ Jones...... Anamosa. Davis McCarn.... Jacob C. Dietz......... Lawrence Schoonover.. James S. Perfect...... Keokuk...Sicourney.I.. William McLoud Joseph Andrews...... John J. Howard....... IJames E. Woods........ ~Kossuth. Algona.........ILewis H. Smith........ James L. Paine........ Jerome E. Stacy....... Harvey M. Taft Lee...... Fort Madison.... Edmund Jaeger......... Charles Doer.......... C. Roberts.............Noble Warwick Linn....... Marion......... A. B. Dumont.......... Andrew J. McKean.... Richard T. Wilson..... John J. Daniels........ Louisa....... Wapello........ William G. Allen....... John H al e Whitney S. IKremer... John A. Brown......... Lucas. Ch.......Iharilon....... Robert McCormick..... Nelson B. Gardner......James B. Custer........ Robert McCormick Lyon.Not organized.............. Lyon.........|N ot organized................................................. Madison...... Winterset......Thomas C. Gilpin....... Miller R. Tidrick....... William L Leonard. Oziah Mailhaska...... Oskaloosa Samuel Thompson..... Charles P. Searle....... James A. Young........Iohn Larmer.......... Marion....... Knoxville..... Joseph Brobst.......... George Kruck......Edward Baker......... Allen Hamrick...... Marshall....Marshalltown... Truman A. Lampman.. James L. Williams..... Harry A. Gerhart...... A.J. Cooper. Mills......... Glenwood........D. M. Mitchell......... H. A. Copeland......... William H. Taft........ Jason M. Powell....... Mitcitchell....... Amos S. Faville........ Calvin S. Prime........ Cbarles Sweney........ lGarretl S. Needham.... Monona...... Onawa.......... tlijah Pe:ke...... Herbert E. Morrison.... John E. belleck........[John E. Selleck........ Monroe.... albia........... George Hickenlooper... Joseph T. Young....... Harrison Hickenlooper.,lames Coen............ Montgomery.. Red OakJunction W. G. Ewing... William W. Merritt. Wayne Stenet....... G.Ewin.. Muscauine....Muscatine.... Henry H. Benson.....John V. Jayne......Robert F. Thompson.... Wilford M. Kennedy,...~ O'Brien....O'Brien......Archibald Murray....John Moore.,.....-Chester W. I~nman...Are-hibald Murray.... Osceola....Not organized.................................................. Page......Clarinda.....John R. Morledge....Jacob Butler..... Hfenry Dorsey......Arcil B. Cramer.... l Palo Alto....'Soda Bar.....John M. Hefley.....James H. Underwood... James P. White.....Allen Barker....... 9 Plymouth.... Melbourne....A. E. Rea........A. C. Sheelz.......John Henry Morf....Henry Snider...... Pocahontas... Milton......Samuel N. Harris.....William D. McEwen.... William H. Hait.....E. C. Brown...... Pol k..... Des Moines.. John B. Miller......Harry H. Griffiths...... Charles G. Lewis....Irving N. Thomas.... Pottawa'tamie Council Bluffs.. Hardin Jones......Edward F. Burdick.... William Porterfield... William G. Crawford... Poweshiek... M1ontezumna.. Lucian C. Blanchard.... John W. Cheshire.....Sylvester Bates....... IJohn Hall....... Ringgold....Mount Ayer....John T. Williams....Thomas Ross..... Charles W. Dake........ Warren R. Turk..... Sac.......Sac City.....David Carr Early....Win. HI. Hobbs......R. Ellis.................Nathan W. Condron..... Scott......Davenport. Theodore D. Eagal.... John Galligan......Levy S. Viele..........James Thorington....c LIST OF COUNTY OFFJICERS,-CoNTINUID. I~ 0 COUNTIES. COUNTY-EAT COUNYJUDSOF THE DISTRICT TREASURERS. RIECORDERS. COURT~. Shelby.. Harlan. Nathan Lindsey. Alfred M Louis....... [Milo H. Adams........ John P. Gish........... Sioux.alliope.. D. Fought.Bartlett M. Morse...... Andrew J. Brown...... David Carrol.......... Story. Nevada. Rothens. Mitchell.... Joseph A. Fitchpatrick. Thomas C. Davis....... Samuel Bates.......... Tama..Toledo.Thomas J. Free. David D. Appelgate,....James IH. Struble....... Jacob Yeiser, Jr........ Taylor. Bedford.. B. Kinsell.Elisha T. Smith....... Ezekiel Rose....... Daniel Underwood..... Union Afton.Joshua F. Bishop. G. W. Beymer... Ira Seeley......... Orrin. Davis......... Van Buren... Keosauqu. Alexander Brown. John A. Miller Joshua S Sloany..... Edwin Goddard........ Wapello.... Ottumwa.....James S. Porter.,...Leonidas M. Godley.... Williamt J. Ross.....Daniel W. Tower.... W arren.....Indianola.....John D. Ingalls.....Chathes McKay.....Paris P. Henderson,...Miles W. Judkins.... Washington..Washington..... Samuel Bigger......Cbristopher T. Jones.. Robert Glasgow.....William R. Jeffrey... Wayne....Corydon......Martin iRvad.B...,.. W. Fullerton......Betnjamin 6S. Jones....A.. R. Meredith...... Webster....Fort Dodge.. Jtrms R. Strow.....Wilson Lumpkin....Jonathan Hutchinson.. David H. Taylor.... Wininebago... Forest City....Samuel Tennis. B.... E.P. Hinman......R. CIa r k..........H. S. Botc-ford...... Winnershiek. uecorali.... E. Cutler. Jr.......Dan. Lawrence.....George N. Holway....John E. Powers..... Woodbury.. Sioux City.... J. H. Snider.......F. J. Lambert......B. F. Smih.A..... Grninger...... Worth,..... Northwood....IJohn UL. Perry.....Horace V. Dwelle....Duncan McKercher... Duncan McKercher... WVright,...GrAut.....Ijobu 1L. Mtorse......George A.. Mc~ay.... Charles A.. Qverbaugh- R. K. ~~ttt. TABLE SHOWING THE SHERIFFS, SURVEYORS, SUPERINTENDENTS OF C(OMMON SCHOOLS, CORONERS, AND DRAINAGE COMMISSIONERS OF THE SEVERAL COUNTIES OF THE STATE. I SUPERINT'ENDENT'S OF DRAINAGE COMMISCOUNTIES. SHERIFFS. SURVEYORS. SUPECOMMORIN TEscIENTS OF CORONERS. SIONERS, I. ~~~~~~~~~~~COMMoN' seCHooLs. StONErS. Adair........ Abner Root............ S. W. Pror........... C. J. Bowman........ Lemuel Lewis...................... Adams...... William Bixler.......Abel A. Nolan........ B. Wiesner........... James P. Campbell... Zachary Lawrence.... Allamakee... Robert Bathan........ Henry Dayton......... Theodore Nachtway... John Farrell.......... 1G. L. Miller.......... Appanoose.... Henry H. Wright.....1JI. J. Wall............ L. N. Judd............ Beverly A. Joiner.............. Audubon.... John Huntley.......... P. I. Whitted......... B. G. Dodge........... B. Muermen........... B Beers.... Benton.......Henry M. Wilson..... James A. Brown...... Amos Dean........... Moses Denman............................. Black Hawk.. William F. Brown.... E. A. Snyder.......... Seymour Gookins......George W. Dickenson....................... Boone....... George W. Crooks.... J. B. Torbert.......... Harrison Selby........ Lewis Davis.......... Jacob Stull....... Bremer.... Charles M. Kingsley... Harry S. Hoover....... J. Ransom Hall........ G. W. Nash................................ Buchanan.... John A. Davis........ J. W. Myers........... Sylvester G. Pierce.... Hiram H. Hunt......................... Buena Vista.. Olans H. Dahl........F. F.W. uckow........O. H. Starle........... M. Steen............ Theodore Steen...... Butler.......Lyman L. Smith...... 0. W. McIntosh.......George Graham....... E. W. Metzger........ E.D.Button........ Calho~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.[.D Mls - Calhoun.......|William Miles.... Seldon H. Richardson.. Jonathan Bishop...... Daniel Lowe......... James Fluce....... Carroll...J..3ames H. Colclo.....J. F. H. Suig..........John K. Deal.......... A.P. Willson.......................... Cass..... Victlor M. Brads-haw... Albert Wakfield.._..H G. Smith.......... Oliver Mills.*. 1 - 1 1_;Horace Littlefield..... Cedar..John D. Shearer.....artin G. Mill~er.....E. L. Bas~sett......Wiiliam H. Hammond. Robert Gower..... Cerro Go'rdo"... A. M. Thompson....Charles McNany....Naihan Bass......Gabriel Pence......D. Dougherty..... d Cherokee....S -amuel T. Miller...... Joel H. Davenport....George E. Fisher....Silas B. Parkest.....John Donk...... _A Chickasaw.... Jamies A.. Albertson... H. H. Patter......J. C. Johnson......William Everiugham. Julius H. Powers... Clarke......Eben. M. Ledgerwood. Abrah am C. Rarick... Jesse L. Adkihs....Jonas Sm~ith................. Clay......David Watts......Peter M. Mo[o]re.... Romanzo A. Coats....Joseph L. Crozier....J. W. Brockschink... Clalyton.....James Davis......I. E. Smith....... W. A. Preston.....H. D. Bro[w]nson............. Clinton.....Robert Hogle......Benjamin B. Hart....Richard J. Crouch.. Daniel McNeil.....W. WV. A. Huntington. Crawford....Benjamin Clough....Morris McHenry....Henry C. Laub.....David McWilliams............. Dallas.... John M. Byers..... Thomas C. Walsh....Amos Dilley......Mackin E. Coons..... IG. L. Robertson.... Davis.....Daniel Bradbury......John E. F. Patterson.. John W. Young...Ed. Grinstead................ Decatur....George Woodbury.... Samuel Sears... Samuel Bowmnan'. M. D. Miller................. Delaware.... William Williams....Ilezekiah G. Doo~little.. F. W. Dunham.....D. Trumbull......... Des Moines...- James H. Latty.....Charles Handeler. Thomas J. Trulock.... William A. Haw...:J'.' Wil'son, Williams.. LIST OF COUNTY OFFICERS-CoNTINUED. co COUNTIESHRISSUPEINTENDENTS OF ONERSDRAINAGE CO)MMISCIUIES. JI II SURVEYORS. CO~MMON SCHOOLS. C ROES[ONERS. Dickinson... W. S. Beers.W. F.rilsb... mitl..........'. Dubuque. William D. Bucknam.. Joh T. Everett. J. J. E. Norman.......J. O'Hea Cantillon....1 J. Gilmore.... Emmett. Giles W. Robbins. L. S. Williams. A C. Rasmussen...... A. Ordway........... Nels Peterson........ Fayette..F.Jacob Swank...... J.Ingersoll.. A.. FeltsLewis Armstrong......................... ~~~Floyd ~........'David M. Ferguson...Edwin.. Henry Pratt........ Benjamin F. Wright...................... ~~~~~Franklin.....Albert Pickeringd....... ni B Rymond. J. K. Addis.......... B. H. Gibbs......... Fremont....~William Martin~....Eldred Huff. oop...... A.... KJelly. John Copeland...... Greene. Clinton DeWitt.. Jaes L. Perry.McDuflie...... James Thornton........................... Grudy. harles H. Clar.. John J. Schuber. Lorezo D. Tracy..... E. B. Lamb.......... Joseph F. Walker.... Gthrie. Joseph W. Cummins..'James W. Nation. James L. Grandstaff... Henry C. Cox......... Ira P. Wetmore...... ~~~~~~~~Ham~~~Cilton.... John McMiller. William T. Wright...... Jesse R. Burgess.....Hewitt Ross......... Hancock..1.. H. Beadle......James Crow......C. Boughton......Sewell Whitcombe..... John Christie, sen.... Hardin.....Nelson Gibbs......Judd Bradley.'J..... Ml. Boyd........S. P. Smith.......T. H. Quiggle..... Harrison.. Albert J. Cutler. J. Z. Hunt.......Charles H1. Holmes.. Matthew Winter....Job Ross........ Henry. Willia T. SpearmanJame Hanks. Joseph Mc(Jarty,...William Bird.... c Howard....Jerry F. Powell..... P. N. Glathart.....Timothy W. Lee.....J. J. Clemmer......... Humboldt.. Henry C. Cusey.. T.... Elwood Collins....Eber Stone.......A. N. Coffin.... I John. B~art-h'olo-me wIda......A. J. Teal.......A. J. Teal.......Matthew G. Aldrich... C. L. Crain................. Iowa......John Ml. Richardson... John L. Williams. William R. Akers.... William K. Miller.............. Jackson....Morris S. Allen.....A. C. Simpson.....T. C. Phelan......James W. Eckles....James Clark..... Jasper.....James Nl. Rodgers.... Charles C. Turner....Sanford J. Moyer....David S. Stover....I.......... Jefferson...Ja cob S. Ganiz. I.... H. Crumnley......David Herron......J. Monroe Shaffer.............. Johnson.. Samuel P. McCaddon. Edward Worden....Gelrge S. Hampton....'Charles A. Vogt.... Jones'....Orrin B. Crane....Daniel L. Blakeslee.. James R. Stillman....V. C. Williston............... Keokuk.....i John T. Parker.....Joel Crossmian.....A. J. Kane....... A. C. Robison................ Kossuth....John Al P~inkerton.... Henry Durant, ~jr..... IJohn Reed.......George W. Paine............. Lee.........John A. Bishop....... G eorge Berry..........William G. Kent...... Henry Schevers.......................... Linn... iJohn G. Hayzlett..... George A. Gray....... Zarah B. Ellsberry.... Mowry Farnum............................ Louisa....... Edwin B. Laccy......William C. Blackstone. J. B. Porter.......... George Presbury........................... Lucas........Gaylord Lyman....... Wilaon R. Larimer..... William H. Maple..... John C. Miller................ Madison.....Jonas F. Brock....... P. G. Androws........ Hj. W. Hardy.......... J. H. Mack................................ Malhaska...... James W. Hinesley.... Nathaniel Caven...... Jeremiah F. Everett... George W. Norton.... Nathaniel Caven..... Marion........ J, P. Vincent.........John Caruthers........(Not reported)........!Henry Keefer............................. Marshall..... T. C. McCracken..... William Bremner...... Thomas J. Wilson..... William B. Waters......................... Mills......... Ezra B. Samson....... David Templeton......L. S. Williams...... D. F. Eakin............ D. B. Herringlon..... Mitchell...... William Ramsdell..... Nelson Rood..... Alva Bush........... L S. Hart, jr......... G. S. Johnson........ Monona...... Willlam A. Grow....Charles H. Hol brook.. JJ. S. Maughlin........ Richard Stebbins...... jDelos M. Dimmick... Monroe...... Alexander McDonald. John N. Massey....... J. W. H. Griffin......Elijah T. Knight...... Montgomery.. Hiram G. McMillan... E. P. Milner...........E. H. Burris...........J. M. Hewitt.............................. Muscatine.... Abraham B. Keith.... John A. Mathewson... Robert i. McCampbell. John Beard........... Gamaliel Olds O'Brien...... C. Chesley........... Daniel W. Inman Chester W. Inman..... H. H. Waterman R. B. Crego......... Osceola.........R.....Crl......... Page. George W. Burns. Thomas J. Garnett.... James A. Woods. James W. Scott. Palo Alto...John McFarland......, Ben Franklin........ W. Spaldin............................ t Plymouth.... J. P. Riley.......A. C. Sheetz.A..... C. Sheetz......Andrew Black..................~ Pocahontas.........................Oscar Strong.James J. Brace.... J. N. Johnson.............................. Polk......... Peter H. Van Slyck...- Jule Bausrnan.........Cyrus A. Mosier....... Maoison Young....... James Brundige...... Pottawattamie Perry Reel.......Richard Kaywood....E. W. Bennett.....Berthold H'ihn............... Poweshiek... Nicholas Camr......Thomas J. Drain....S. Jay Buck......William S. Green.............. Ringgold.John A. Lesan.....Albert G. Beall......Henry H. Ross.....James A. Drake.................. 9 Sac......IJ. S. Tibergbien.' Charles Wilson.....William P. Drewry.. R. G. Platt.......Eugene Criss..... Scott......Gustav Schnitger... Thomas Murray.. John Gallagher.....G. Hoepfner................. Shelby.... Thomas Chatburn.. Abraham Rubendall.. Barney Hensdali... Martin Polland... William Howlett, jr.. Sioux.....R. D. Fought......A. Scott....Bartlett M. Morse.1A. St. Clair.......A. Scott........ Story.....Henry F. Murphey.... Madison C. Allen. Franklin D. Thompson.............Adoiphus Rood.... Tama.....Knight Dexter.....C. W. Hyatt..1.. R. Stewart......Nathan Fisher.....W. S. Turbett..... Taylor.....Mar-tin V. King.....D. W. Lamb.... W. B. Snow........ W. S. Hamilton............... LIST OF COUNTY OFFICERS-CONTINUED. cv COUNTIES. SHERIFFS. SURVEYORS. SUPEINTENDENTS OF I CORONERS. DRAINAGE COMMISCOMMON SCHOOLS. SIONElIS. Union........ Milton Carter........ Frederick Sommer....A.. Robbins.......... C. T. Hyde............................. Van Buren.. John C. McCrary..... Ira Claflin.......... George B. Walker. L. W. Thornburg........................ Wapello.... Thomas Bedwell..... John Grant...........S. L. Burnham........ Ansel L. Chamberlin........................ Warren....... Elbert J. Kuhn....... Levi Reeves..........Julius C. Clarke....... Archibald Payne..................... Washington.. Abram Bunker.......C. C. Paulk........... Isaiah G. Moore....... Robert W. McEiroy....................... Wayne....... William M. Littell..... Burris Moore........ W. H. H. Rogers...... Nathan Brown.......................... Webster......Jacob Waltz.......... George S. Killamn...... Daniel A. Weller...... Francis Brewer........ Daniel W. Prindle.... Winnebago... M. K. Landr ue....... Augustus Oulman C..... A. Steadman.......' G. P. Smith........... Win. Lackore........ Winneshiek.. A. Skofstad....... Ebenezer Baldwin..... John M, Wedgewood.. Cyrus McKay............................. t Woodbury... George W. Kingsnorth John C. Watts......... M. Tingley............ O. G. Fisher.......... S. R. Day........... Worth........ William H. Perkins... Lemuel Dwelle....... James Keeler.......... Simon Kustad....... James D. IKend:ll... c Wright....... William Hulse........ John C. Morris........ M, M ), Van ~elsor H. E. Train............................... q ci zd OFFICIAL REGISTER FOR 1868. 135 IOWA IN XLTH CONGRESS. SENATORS FROM IOWA. James Harlan, Mt. Pleasant; term expires March 4,1873. James W. Grimes, Burlington; term expires March 4, 1871. REPRESENTATIVES FROM IOWA. James F. Wilson, Fairfield, 1st district. Hiram Price, Davenport, 2d district. William B. Allison, Dubuque, 3d district. William Loughridge, Oskaloosa,. 4th district. Grenville M. Dodge, Councill Bluffs, 5th district. Asahel W. Hubbard, Sioux City, 6th District. IFEDERAL O1FFICIERS IN- IOWVA. JUDICIAL. Samuel F. Miller, Keokuk, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, and Presiding Judge of the Eighth Circuit of the United States. James M. Love, Ottumwa, Judge of the U. S.. District of Io'wa. Wiliam G. Woodward, Muscatine, Clerk of the U. S. Circuit Court. John C. Burns, Dubuque, Clerk of the U. S. District Court. 136 CENSUS RETURNS. George W. Clark, Indianola, U. S. Marshal. Alexander Bowers, Des Moines, Deputy. Harry H. Fulton, Keokuk, Deputy.. P. M. Crawford, Dubuque, Deputy. Fitzroy Sessions, Cedar Falls, Deputy. REGISTERS IN BANKRUPTCY. John Bruce, Keokuk, 1st Congressional District. Milton M. Price, Davenport, 2d Congressional District. Willis Drummond, McGregor, 3d Congressional District. Daniel Anderson, Albia, 4th Congressional District. John Mitchell, Des Moines, 5th Congressional District. Charles W. Lowrie, Boonsboro, Gth Congressional DistrictL U. S. COMMISSIONERS. William G. Woodward, Muscatine, appointed November, 186. John L. Harvey, Dubuque, appointed November, 1862. Stephen Sibley, Des Moines, appointed November, 1862. H. B. Ten Eyck, Keokuk, appointed November, 1862. John N. Rogers, Davenport, appointed November, 1862. D. C. Bloomer, Council Bluffs, appointed November, 1862. Mienjah Williams, Oskaloosa, appointed November, 1862. Richard Ambler, Mt. Pleasant, appointed? November, 1862. George Frazee, Burlington, appointed November, 1862. Henry B. Hendershott, Ottumwa, appointed, 1862. H. P. Scholte, PelIa, appointed November, 1862. Charles W. Simmons, Boonsboro, appointed November, 1862. William G. Hammond, Des Moines, appointed November, 1861 Henry Hospers, Marion county, appointed June 5, 1863. James B. Powers, Cedar Falls, appointed June 8, 1865. Walter I. Hayes, Clinton, appointed May, 1807. Thomas Sargent, Fort Dodge, appointed May, 1867. Daniel M. Harris, Panora, appointed May, 1867. William T. Smith, Oskaloosa, appointed May, 1867. Harvey J. Skiff, Powshiek county, appoiuted May, 1867. Daniel F. Ellsworth, Hardin county, appointed May, 1867. John Currier, Sioux City, appointed May, 1867. John S. Stacy, Anamosa, appointed May, 1867. George Woodbury, Decatur county, appointed May, 1867. John A. Hull, Boonsboro, appointed May, 1867. Rush Clark, Iowa City, appointed May, 1867. James H. Shields, Dubuque, appointed October 26,1867.' OFFICIAL REGISTER FOR 1868. 137 Benjamin W. Poor, Dubuque, appointed October 26, 1867. * Franklin Wilcox, appointed October 26, 1867. *John Rogers, Keokuk county; appointed October 26,'1867. *John N. W. Rumple, Iowa county; appointed October 26, 1867. *Sanford Harned, Keokuk county; appointed October 26, 1867. MASTER IN CHANCERY. William G. Woodward, Muscatine county; appointed November 17, 1862. INTERNAL REVENUE. ASSESSORS. James B. Weaver, 1st collection district; office at Bloomfield. George Meason, 2d collection district; office at Muscatine. Lucius L. Huntley, 3d collection district; office at Dubuque. John Connell, 4th collection district; office at Toledo. Cole Noel, 5th collection district; office at Adel. Thomas HiL Benton, jr., 6th collection district; office at Marshalltown. COLLECTORS. William W. Belknap, 1st collection district; office at Keokuk. James Armstrong, 2d collection district; office at Davenport. David B. Henderson, 3d collection district; office at Dubuque. Alonzo J. Pope, 4th collection district; office at Sigourney. Lampson P. Sherman, 5th collection district; office at Des Moines. Albert Head, 6th collection district; office at New Jefferson. * commissions not yet issued. 18 ~138 ~ CENSUS RETURNS. PENSION AGENTS. David B. Wilson, Fairfield. M. Mobley, Dubuque. James D. Thompson, Des Moines. The office at Fairfield does the pension business of the following counties: those in the let Congressional district; those in the 4th do. except Benton, Jasper, Marion, and Tama; and Muscatine in the 2d do. The office at Dubuque does the pension business for the following Counties: those in the 2d Congressional district, except Muscatine; those in the 3d do.; Benton and Tama, in the 4th do.; and Black Hawk, Butler, Cerro Gordo, Franklin, Grundy, and Worth in the 6th district. The Des Moines office does the pension business for the remainder of the State. LIST OF NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS PUBLISHED IN THE STATE, DEC. 1, 1867. COUNTIES., NAMIES OF PUBLICATIONS. WHtRE PUBLISHED. HOW OFTEN PUBLISHED. CHARACTER. Adair................ The Adair County Register......IFontatielle........ Weekly.........................Republican...... Adams.................. Ad m o n aet..... uny......W eekly.........................Re u lcn... Adams. Adams County Gazette.......Quincy. Weekly. Republican. Allamakee............. The Lansing irror............Lansing........... Weekly......................... Republican...... Allamakee.............. Weekly Chronicle............... Lansing........... Weekly...................... Neutral......... Appanoose............. The Loyal Citizen.......enrl....... Weekly........................ Republican...... Benton..... V............iVinton Eagle.................. Vinton............ Weekly....................... Republican...... Benton..... Belle Plaine Transcript.......... Belle Plaine...... Weekly......................... Republican..... Benton................. The Benton County News........ Vinton............ Weekly.........................Neutral......... Black Hawk............. The Cedar Falls Gazette.......... Cedar Falls....... Weekly........................ Republican...... Black Hawk............ Waterloo Courier............. Waterloo......... Weekly......................... Republican...... Boone.................IThe Montana Standard.......... Montana.......... Weekly......................... Republican...... Boone.............. The Boone County Advocate.....Boonsboro..... Weekly.................. Republican...... Bremer................. Bremer County Phoenix....... WI averly.... Weekly..................... Republican..... Bremer..... Democratic News.. Waverly......... Weekly.................. Democrat. Buchanan........Buchanan County B~ulle'tin' and Independence... Weekly..............Republican.... Buchanan........ *Conservative...:..[Guardian.' Idpnece..... Weekly..............Democrat.... Butler.......... *Gazette...'...I.......Clarksville.....Weekly.............Republican.... Cas............Cass County Messenger.......Lewis.......Weekly..............Republican.... G Cedar.......... Tte Tipton Advertiser....... Tipton.......Weekly...............Republican.... Cedar...........Mechanicsville Journal....... echanicsville.. Weekly................. Cerro Gordo........ Cerro Gordo Republican......Mason City.....Weekly.......Rep...... ublican.... Chickasaw.........New Hampton Courier.......New Hampton.. Weekly...............Republican.... Chickasaw.........The Weekly Nashua Post.....Nashua.......Weekly................Republican.... Clarke...........Clarko County Sentinel......Osceola.......Weekly...............Republican.... Clayton...........The Clayton County Journal....Elkader.......Weekly...............Republican... Clayton........... North Iowa Times.........McGregor.....Weekly...............Democrat.... Clayton........... Weekly McGregor News......McGregor.....Weekly...............Republican.... Clinton...........Lyons Weekly MirrLyons.......Weekly...............Republican.... Clinton.......... Clinton Semi-Weekly Herald....Clinton.......Semi-weekly............. Republican.... _ Clinton..........The DeWitt Observer.......DeWitt.......Weekly...............Republican.... LIST OF NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS-CONTINUED. COUNTIES. NAMES OF PUBLICATIONS. WHERE PUBLISHED. HOW OFTEN PUBLISHED. CHARACTER. Clinton.................*Lyons Advocate................ Lyons...... Weekly.......................... Democl at... Clinton................. Iowa Volkszeitung............... Lyons............ Weekly.............. "People'sParty." Crawford............... Denison Review.................Denison........... Weekly................ Republican...... Dallas.................. The Dallas Weekly Gazette......Adel............ Weekly.......................... Republican..... Davis.................. Weekly Union Guard............ Bloomfield........Weekly.......................... Republican...... Decatur................ The Leon Pioneer............... Leon............. Weekly.......................... Democrat....... Delaware............... Delaware County Union......... Manchester....... Weekly.......................... Republican...... Des Moines............. Burlington Hawk-Eye...........Burlington....... Daily, Semi-Weekly, and Weekly.. Republican...... Ds Moines....... Gazette and Argus............... Burlington........ Daily and Weekly................ Democrat....... Des Moines............. Weekly National Merchant...... Burlington....... Weekly......................... Commercial..... Des Moines.............. Die Iowa Tiune................ Burlington........ Tri-Weekly and Weekly....'People's Party." Dubuque................ National Demokrat............... Dubuque......... Weekly......................... Democrat...... Dubuque................I The Dubuque Times...... Du...... uque. Daily and Weekly.............. Republican. Dubuque............... Dubuque Herald................ Dubuque......... Daily and Weekly................ Democrat....... buque.............. Iowa Staatszeitung................ Dubuque.. Weekly......................... Fayette................The Fayette County Union...... West Union......Weekly.........................Demcat.....WelD Fayette..........*Lead~er.............Clermont......Weekly...............Republican..Z.. Fayette..........North Iowa Observer.......Fayette......Weekly..............Republican... Floyd...........Rildreth's Charles City Intelligen-j Charles City.....Weekly..............Republican.... Franklin.........Franklin Reporter......... [cer. Hampton......Weekly..............Republican.... Fremont.........The American Union.......Sidney.......Weekly..............Democrat.... Fremont.........Fremont Weekly Times......Hamburg......Weekly..............Republican.... Greene..........New Jefferson Era.........New Jefferson.... Weekly.............. Republican.... Guthrie..........Guthrie County Ledger.......Panora.......Weekly.............Democrat.... Guthrie..........Guthrie Vedette..........Panora.......Weekly..............Republican...... Hamnilton.The..Hamilton Freeman...... Webster City...-Weekly..............Republican.... Hardin.[........ owa Falls sentinel........Iowa Falls.....Weekiy..............Republican.... Hardin. T~~~~he. Eldora Ledger........Eldora.......Weekly..............Republican.... Harrison.........The Western Star.........Magnolia.....Weekly..............Republican... Henry................. Mt. Pleasant Journal............. Mt. Pleasant...... Weekly......................... Republican...... Henry..................The Free Press.................. Mt. Pleasant... Weekly......................... Republican.... Htenry................. The Salem Excelsior.......... Salem......... Weekly.......................... Republican...... Bowvard............... *Ilidaler.................................... Wte ekly.......................... Demcrat...... Hlowhrd................ resco I imes................... Cresco.......... Wetekly..........................Republican...... Humboldt................ Humboldt True Democrat........ Ipringvale........ Weekly..........................Rtpublican...... Iowa...................Progressive Republican.......... Marengo......... Weekly......................... Republican...... Iowa............. *Cit..... Marengo......... Weekly........................ Democrat Jackson..........M..... Maquoketa Excelsior............ 1faquoketa....... Weekly.......................... Republican...... Jackson................'I'he Bellevue Journal............ Beltevue.......... Weekly............ Republican. Jackson................* Sabula Gazet te................ Sabula........... Weekly.......................... Republican...... Jasper.................. Jasper Free Press.............. Newton....... Weekly..................... Replblican. Jasper.................. The.Jasper Weekly Republican.. Newton.......... Weekly..........................epublican...... Jefferson............... I he Fait field L.edger............ Fairfield.......... Weekly.......................... Republican... J ff-lrson.........T.... he Home Visitor.............. Fairfield.......... Wetekly......................... Republicn...... Jeff,;rson...............IThe Iowa Democrat............. Fairfield........ Weekiy..................... Demlocrat...... Johnson................Iowa Cily Republican........... Iowa City........ Weekly......................... Republican...... Jollnson....I............ lhe Siate Press......Iowa City........ Weekly............ Democrat...... Johlrnson............... IThe Annals of Iowa.....ow City........ Quarterly...................... Historical...... Jotes................rhie Anamosa Eureka........... namnosa...... Weekly......................... Republican...... Jones.................. Monticello Express.......... Monticello.. Weekly....................... Republican... Keokuk................ Sigourney Weekly News......... Sigourney....... Weekly.......... Republican. Kossuth................ The Upper Des Moines..........MUgona t.......... Weekly.........................[Republican...... Lee.................... Gate City....................... Keokuk........... Daily and Weekly............. Republican... Lee................... Fort Madison Plaindealer........ Fort Madison..... Weekly............ Republican. Lee.................... The Constitution................ Keokuk...... Daily and Weekly................ Dmocrat...... Lee................... Der Keokuk Telegroph............ Keokuk.... Weekly....... Dlemocrat...... Linn................... Ceda r Rapids.....CWeek y..TmsC.. Republican...... Lin.................. The Marion Register............ Marion.......... Weekly..........................!Republican...... Linn...., l he Marin Patriot.......................... W ee.. -.-............ Liun... *!Ilhe Marion Patriot........ Marion. eky Louisa................ Wapello Republican.. Wapello......... Weekly Republican. Lucas.................. The (Chariton Patriot............ Chariton......... Weekly.......................... Republican...... Lucas.................. jChariton Democrat.......... Chariton.......... Weekly......................... Democrat...... LIST OF NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS-CONTINUED. COUNTIES. NAMES OF PUBLICATIONS. WHERE PUBLISTED. | HOW OFTEN PUBLISHED. CHARACTER. Madison.............'he Winterset Madisonian....... Wintelset......... Weekly......................... Republican...... Mahaska............... The Weekly ()skaloosa Herald... Oskaloosa....... I Weekly......................... Republican...... Mahaska................ The Democratic Conservator..... ()skaloosa........ Weekly...................... Democrat....... Mahaska......... The Temperance Gem........... Oskaloosa........ Monthly........................ Temperance..... Mahlaska............... The Cerntral Iowa Citizen....... Oskaloosa......Weekly................... Republican...... Marion...... The Marion County Democrat.... Knoxville........ Weekly...................... Democrat. Marion................ Pella Blade...................... Pella......... Weekly......................... lRepublican...... Marion................ Iowa Voter...................... K oxville........ Weekly........................ Republican...... Ma ion................. De Pella Gazette................. Pella............. Weekly........................ Republican...... Marshall............... The Marshall County Times...... Marshalltown...... Weekly........................ Republican...... Marshall.............. Marshall County Advance....... Marshalltown.... Weekiy......................... Democrat ills.................. The Glenwood Opinion..........Glenwood........ Weekly..Republican...... itchell................ The North Iowan.............. Osage........... Weekly......................... Republican...... itchell............... Mitchell County Press.......... Mitchell......... Weekly................. Republican...... Monona................ The Monona County Gazette.....IOnawa......... Weekly........................ Republican...... Monroe................. The Weekly Albia Union........ Albia.......... Weekly....................... Republican...... Muscatine.Muscatine Journal.Muscaline.. Daily Tn-weekly, and Wee l.y Republican._.... Muscatine.........Muscatine Courier.........Muscatinee......Daily and Weekly......... Democrat..... Muscatine.........The Wilton Chronicle.......Muscatine......Weekly.....................:I........ Page...........The Page. County Herald......Clarinda............ Weekly......JRepublican... P~olk......:...... I1owa State Register........Des Moines.....Daily and Weekly.........Republican.....'. Pol k.......... Iowa St-atesman..........Des Moines.....DailyV and Weekly......... Democrat.., Polk...........Iowa Homestead...t...... es Moines.....Weekly..............Agricultural... iPolk..........Iowa Instructor and School Journal Des Moines.....Monthly..........I.... Educational... Polk...........The Temperance Platform.....Des Moines.....Bi-weekly.............Temperance... Polk...........The Western Jurist......... es Moines.... l -monthly..........Legal...... Pottawattamie...... Tbe Council Bluffs Bugle.....Council Bluffs....Weekly..............Democrat.... Pottawattamie......Council Bluffs Nonpareil......Council Bluffs...,Daily and Weekly.........Republican.... Poweshiek........The Montezuma Republican....Mon~tezuma.'....Weekly..............Republican.... Ringgold......... The Ringgold Record.......Mount Ayr.....-Weekly..............Republican.... Scott................... Davenport Gazette.............. Davenport....... Daily and Weekly............. Republica..... Scott................... Der Demokrat................... Davenport........ Daily and Weekly.............. "People's Party." Scott................... Davenport Democrat............ Davenport........ Daily and Weekly............. Democrat... Scott.. Le Claire Register............. Le Claire......... Weekly................. IRepublican...... Scott................... The True Radical............... Davenport........ Weekly..................... "People's Party." Scott... The Western Soldier's Friend..... Duvenport..... Monthly.................. I Republican.. Story.................. The Story County Egis.......... Nevada........... Weekly................. Republican Tama.................. Tama County Union............ Tama City........ Weekly........................ Tama..........Tama County Republican........'Tama City........ Weekly............Republican. Tama................. The Orford Leader............. Orford...... Weekly................... Republican...... Taylor................ The Iowa South-West..... Bedford.......:.. Weekly................ Republican UInion...... The Weekly Afton Tribune...... Afton........... Weekly.........................Republican Van Buren......... Keosauqua Republican.......... Keosauqua........ Weekly.......................... Republican..... Van Buren.............. Bentonsport Signal............. Bentonsport...... Weekly..........................IDemocrat....... Wapello.........Ottinmwa Courier.........Ottumwa......Daily and Xcky.Republican.... Wapello......... The Eddyville Transcript.....Eddyville......Weekly..............Republican.... d Warren........... Weekly Visitor..........Indianola......Weekly..............Republi can.... t1 Washington.......The Washington County Press....Washingoton...... Weekly...............Republican.... Washington........The Record.............Washitngton....Weekly..............Republican.... P Wayne..........Corydon Monitor.........Corydon......Weekly..............Republican.... Webster.........The Iowa Noith-West.......Fort Dodge.....Weekly............... Republican.... Winneshiek........The Decorah Republican.....Decorah......Weekiy..............Republican.... Winneshiek........Thle Winneshiek Register.....Decorah. Weekly..............Republican.... Woodbury.T.......]he Sioux Cit~y Register......Sioux City. W..: eekly............Democrat. Woodbury........The Sioux City Journal......Sioux City......Weekly...............Republican.... NOTE.-The names of the papers in the above list ha-ve been taken from the first page headings, except those marked thus *, copies of which were not at hand. The names in italics are of those printed in the German language, except-"De Pe~.a G'azette," which is printed in the Dutch language. APPENDIX. The matter contained in the following pages, comprising a list of executive, judicial, and legislative officers of the Territory and State from the organization of Iowa Territory, July 3, 1838, to the 1st of January, 1868, together with other information, has been prepared in the office of the Secretary of State from the records of that office and other reliable sources; and was gotten up for the purpose of preserving the information thus collected in a compact and convenient form for official reference hereafter. The Census Board, believing it would be of interest and use to the public generally, have requested its publication. Accordingly, it is here inserted as an Appendix to the Census Report. ED WRIGHT, Secretary of State. 19 HISTORICAL MEMORANDA. The territory embraced in the present State of Iowa is a part of what is commonly called the "Louisiana Purchase," which, as is known, includes all that portion of our national possessions west of the Mississippi river, excepting Texas and the territory since obtained from Mexico and from Russia. This immense domain, known in the treaties as the "Colony or Province of Louisiana," was originally taken possession of by France, which nation divided with England, Spain and Russia the entire continent of North America. In 1763, at the close of what is known in our history as the "Old French War," and in Europe as the " Sevenyears War," France parted with her share of the continent: Great Britain retaining Canada and the regions to the northward, which she had conquered during the War; while Spain obtained, by cession, the territory west of the Mississippi. On the 1st of October, 1800, Spain, by the treaty of St. Idlefonso, retroceded this territory to France. By the treaty of April 30,1803, France ceded it to the United States; in consideration of which the former government was to receive the sum of $11,250,000, and the liquidation of certain claims held by citizens of the United States against France, not exceeding in amount $3,750,000. By act of Congress, approved October 31, 1803, the President was authorized to take possession of the territory and provide for it a temporary government. By another act of the same session, approved March 26, 1804, the newly acquired eountry was divided, October 1, 1804, into the territory of "Orleans" (south of the thirty-third parallel north latitude) and the District of "Louisiana," which latter was placed under the authority of the officers of Indiana Territory. On the 4th of July, 1805, under act of Congress, approved March 3, 1805, the "District of Louisiana" was organized into a territory of the same name, with a government of its own, in which condition it remained until 1812. On the 30th of April, in that year, the territory cf Orleans became a State of the Union, under the name of " Louisiana;" and on the first Monday in December, by virtue of an act approved June 4, 1812, the territory of Louisiana was reorganized and called the " Territory of Missouri." By an act of Congress approved March 2, 1819, which took effect July 4, "Arkansaw Territory" was formed, comprising the present State of Arkansas and the country to the westward. By a joint resolution, approved March 2, 1821, the "' State of Missouri," being a part of the territory of that name, was admitted into the Union. By act of Congress, approved June 28, 1834, the territory "bounded on the east by the Mississippi river, on the south by the State of Missouri," &c., was made a part of the territory of Michigan. On the 3d day of July, 1836, Wisconsin territory, embracing within its limits the present States of Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, was taken from that of Michigan, and given a separate government. On the 3d day of July, 1838, by virtue of an act of Congress, approved June 12, 1838, the territory of Iowa was constituted; including, in addition to 148 CENSUS RETURNS. the present State, the greater part of what is now Minnesota, and extending northward to the British line. By act of Congress, approved March 3d, 1845, provision was made for the admission of Iowa into the Union, with boundaries extending on the north to the parallel of latitude passing through the mouth of the Mankato or Blue Earth river, and on the west only to 170 30' west from Washington, corresponding very nearly to the existing line between Ringgold and Union counties, on the one hand, and Taylor and Adams on the other. The Constitutional Convention of 1844 had adopted much more extensive boundaries even than those of the present State, the northwestern line extending from the mouth of the Big Sioux or Calumet river direct to the St. Peter's river where the Watonwan river (according to Nicollet's map) enters the same; thence down the main channel of said river to the main channel of the Mississippi river; and thence down the Mississippi, embracing within the proposed limits some of the richest portions of the present State of Minnesota. The reduction of these boundaries by Congress being quite distasteful to the people, the whole thing was rejected at a popular election. In 1846, Congress proposed new boundary lines, which were embodied in the Constitution adopted that year; the State retaining the Missouri slope, but submitting to a material reduction of its pretensions on.the north, its western line in that direction, however, being extended to the Big Sioux river. The Constitution with these modified boundaries having been accepted by the people, the STATE Or IOWA was formally admitted into the Union on the twenty-eighth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-six, as the twenty-ninth State in the Confederacy. REGISTER OF THE TERRITORY OF IOWA. TERRITORIAL OFFICERS. GOVERNORS. Robert Lucas, appointed 1838. John Chambers, appointed 1841. James Clarke, appointed November, 1845. SECRETARIES. William B. Conway, appointed 1838; died in office, November, 1839. James Clarke, appointed 1839. O. H. W. 5tull, appointed 1841. Samuel J. Burr, appointed 1843. Jesse Williams, appointed 1845. TERRITORIAL AUDITORS. Offce created January 7, 1840. Jesse Williams, appointed January 14, 1840. William L. Gilbert, appointed January 23, 1843; reappointed February 27, 1844. Robert M. Secrest, appointed 1845. TERRITORIAL TREASURERS. Oqixce created February 23, 1839. Thornton Bayless, appointed January 23, 1839. Morgan Reno, appointed 1840. 150 CENSUS RETURNS. TERRITORIAL AGENTS. Office created January 14, 1841. Jesse Williams, appointed January 15, 1841. John M. Colinan, appointed in 1842; reappointed February 15, 1843, and February 12, 1844. Anson Hart, appointed 1844 or 1845. Office abolished May 29, 1845. SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. Office created Febrnuary 12, 1841. William Reynolds, appointed in 1841. Office abolished March 19, 1842. COMMISSIONERS TO LOCATE THE SEAT OF GOVERNMENT AT IOWA CITY. Under Act approved January 21, 1839. Chauncey Swan, appointed February 20, 1839. John Ronalds, appointed February 20, 1839. Robert Ralston, appointed February 20, 1839. Legislated out of office January 14, 1841, JUDICIARY OF IOWA TERRITORY. SUPREME COURT'. Charles Mason, Chief Justice, 1838 to 1846. Joseph Williams, Associate Justice, 1838 to 1846. Thomas S. Wilson, Associate Justice, 1838 to 1846. Thornton Bayless, Clerk, 1838 to -. George S. Hampton, Clerk, - to 1846. Eastin Morris, Reporter, 1843 to 1846. REGISTER OF TRRRItORIAL GOVERNMENT. 151 REPRESENTATION IN CONGRESS. DELEGATES. William W. Chapman; in the XXVth and XXVIth Congresses. Francis Gehon.* Augustus C. Dodge; in the XXVIIth, XXVIIIth, and XXIXth Congreses.' Elected in 1839, but appears never to have acted as delegate. 152 CENSUS RETURNS. LEGISLATIVE. FIRST LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Convened at Burlington, Notember 12, 1838. Adjourned Januaryi 25, 1839. COUNCIL. COUNTIES REPRESENTED. NAMES OF MEMBERS. Lee....................... Jesse B. Browne.... Van Buren................... J. Keith, E. A. M. Swazy.................... Des Moines................ Arthur Inghram, Robert Ralston, George Hepner. Henry..................... Jesse D. Payne, L. B. Hughes................. Muscatine, Louisa, Slaughter.. James M. Clark.............................. Cedar, Johnson, Jones, Linn.. Charles Whittlesey............................ Scott and Clinton............ Jonathan W. Parker......................... Dubuque, Jackson, Clayton... Warner Lewis, Stephen Hempstead............ Jesse B. Browne, elected President November 13. B. F. Wallace, elected Secretary November 13. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. COUNTIES REPRESENTED. NAMES OF MEMBERS. Lee......................... William Patterson, Hawkins Taylor, Calvin J. Price, James Brierly........................ Van Buren.................. James Hall, Gideon S. Bailey, Samuel Parker... Des Moines.................. James W. Grimes, George Temple, Van B. Delashmutt, Thomas Blair, George H. Beeler*..... Henry....................... William G. Coop, William H. Wallace, Asbury B. Porter. Muscatine, Louisa, Slaughter.. John Frierson, William L. Toole, Levi Thornton, S. Clinton Hastings.......................... Cedar, Johnson, Jones, Linn.. IRobert G. Roberts........................... Scott and Clinton........... Laurel Summers, Jabez A. Burchard,jr.t... Dubuque, Jackson, Clayton... Chauncey Swan, Andrew Bankson, Thomas Cox, Hardin Nowlin............................. William H. Wallace, elected Speaker November 13. Joseph T. Fales, elected Chief Clerk November 13. * Qualified and took his seat November 21, as successor to Cyrus S. Jacobs, deceased. t Obtained his seat November 22; the House on that day deciding in his favor, and against Samuel R. Murray, who had up till that time occupied the seat. REGISTER OF TERRITORIAL GOVERNMENT. 153 SECOND LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.* Convened at Burlington, November 4, 1839. Adjourned January 17, 1840. COUNCIL. COUNTIES REPRESENTED. NAMES OF MEMBERS. Lee.........................Jesse B. Browne....................... Van Buren.................]J. Keith, E. A. M. Swazy................... Des MoiDes..................I rthur Inghram, Robert Ralston, George Hepner. Henry..................... Jesse D. Payne, L. B. Hughes.................. Muscatine, Louisa t Slaughter. James M. Clark.............................. Cedar, Jones, Linn, Johnson... Ch~arles Whittlesey............................ Scott and Clinton........ J... Jonathan W. Parker......................... Dubuque, Jackson, elaylon.. Warner Lewis, Stephen Hempstead............. Stephen Hempstead, elected President November 7. B. F. Wallace, elected Secretary November 5. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. COUNTIES REPRESENTED. NAMES OF MEMBERS. Lee....................... William Patterson, Edward Johnston, Alfred Rich, Joshua Owen....................... Van Buren................... James Hall, Gideon S. Bailey, Uriah Biggs...... Des Moines................... William R. Ross, Shepherd Leffiler, L. N. English, Isaac Fleenor, Joseph C. Hawkins......... Henry and Jefferson.......... William G. Coop, Jacob L. Myers, John B. Lash. Muscatine and Johnson....... S. Clinton Hastings, T. T. Clark............... Louisa and Washington...... Daniel Brewer, Jacob Mintun.................. Cedar, Jones, and Linn........ George H. Walworth.......................... Scott and Clinton............. Laurel Summers, Joseph M. Robertson.......... Jackson..................... Thomas Cox............... Dubuque, Clayton, &c........Edward Langworthy, Loring Wheeler, James Churchman............................... Edward Johnston, elected Speaker November 4. Joseph T. Fales, elected Chief Clerk November 4. *An extra session of this Assembly was held at Burlington, July 13, 1840, pursuant to an act of the Legislative Assembly, approved January 11, 1840. t Now called Washington. 20 154 CENSUS RETURNS. THIRD LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Cmnvened at Buring~ton, November 2, 1840. A.4dourned January 15, 1841. C O U N C I L. COUNTIES REPRESENTED. NAME OF MEMBERS. Lee....................... Jesse B. Browne, Edward Johnston............. Des Moines.................. J. C. Hawkins.............................. Henry......................William H. Wallace...:...................... Jefferson................... William G. Coop.......................... Louisa and Washington....... Francis Springer............................ Muscatine and Johnson....... S. Clinton Hastings....................... Cedar, Jones, and Linn........ George Greene................................ Scott and Clinton.............[Jonathan W. Parker.......................... Jackson, Dubuque, Delaware, Clayton, &c..............M. Bainbridge, Joseph S. Kirkpatrick.......... Mi. Bainbridge, elected President November 3. B. F. Wallace, elected Secretary November 3. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. COUNTIES REPRESENTED. NAMES OF MEMBERS. Lee...............James Brierly, Daniel F. Miller, John Box....... Van Buren......I........ Isaac N. Lewis, John Whitaker, William Steele.. Des Moines..................Shepherd Leffier, Milton D. Browning, Alfred Hebard, Robert Avery, David Hendershott.... Henry.......................John B. Lash, Asbury B. Porter, Paton Wilson.. Jefferson................. Alexander A. Wilson.......................... Louisa.......................William L. Toole... Washington........ Simon P. Teeple................ Muscatine.................. Thomas M. Isett.............................. Johnson. r................. Henry Felkner............................... Cedar, Jones, and Linn........ George H. Walworth, Harmon Van Antwerp.... Scott and Clinton............. Laurel Summers, Joseph M. Robertson......... Jackson................... Thomas Cox................................ Dubuque, Delaware, Clayton, &c....................... Edward Langworthy, Timothy Mason.......... Thomas Cox, elected Speaker November 3. Joseph T. Fales, elected Chief Clerk November 3. REGISTER OF TERRITORIAL GOVERNMENT. 155 FOURTH LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Convened at Iowa City, December 6, 1841. Adjourned February 18, 1842. C OUNCIL. COUNTIES REPRESENTED. NAMES OF MEMBERS. Lee........... Jesse B. Browne, Edward Joihnston.......... Van Buren.................. James Hall, Gideon S. Bailey................. Des Moines.................. *Shepherd Leffler............................. Henry......................William H. Wallace........................ Jefferson...................Williatn G. Coop...................... Louisa and Washington......iFrancis Springer.......................... Muscatine and Johnson....... S. Clinton Hastings.................... Cedar, Jones, and Linn..George Greene........................ Scott and Clinton............ Jonathan W. Parker................. Jackson, Dubuque, Delaware,i Clayton, &c................iM. Bainbridge, Joseph S. Kirkpatrick.......... J. W. Parker, elected President December 7. J. W. Woods, elected Secretary December 7. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. COUNTIES REPRESENTED. NAMES OF MEMBERS. Lee.........................William Patterson, E. S. McCulloch, Henry S. Campbell.................................. Van Buren.................. John M. Whitaker, Uriah Biggs, Oliver Weld.... Des Moines.................. Alfred Hebard, Isaac Leffler, David E. Blair, George Hepner, James M. Morgan........ Henry.......A..............IAsbury B. Porter, Paton Wilson, Simeon Smead. Jefferson............ R........ichard Quinton.......................... Louisa............... William L. Toole............................ Washington................. Thomas Baker......................... Muscatine................... Samuel Hollidav.............................. Johnson..................IHenry Felkner. Cedar, Jones, and Linn......,. Samuel P. Higginson, Thomas Denson.......... Scott and Clinton............. Joseph M. Robertson, James Grant.............. Jackson......................James K. Morse.......................... Dubuque,Delaware,Clayton,&c. iWarner Lewis, C. H. Booth.................... Warner Lewis, elected Speaker December 7. Joseph T. Fales, elected Chief Clerk December 7. *Elected to fill vacancy. 156 CENSUS RETURNS. FIFTH LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Convened [at Iowa City, December 5, 1842. Adjourned February 17, 1843. COUNCIL. COUNTIES REPRESENTED. NAMES OF MEMBERS. Lee......................William Patterson, Robert M. G. Patterson... Van Buren................. John D. Elbert, James H. Jenkins.............. Des Moines.............. Shepherd Leffler.............................. Henry.....................William H. Wallace........................... Jefferson..................... Joseph B. Teas............................. Louisa and Washington...... Francis Springer............................. Muscatine and Johnson....... Pleasant Harris............................... Cedar, Jones, and Linn....... John P. Cook................................. Scott and Clinton............ Robert Christie................................ Jackson, Dubuque, Delaware, Clayton, &c.............. Thomas Cox, Francis Gehon................... John D. Elbert, elected President December 7. Joseph T. Fales, elected Secretary December 7.:HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. COUNTIES REPRESENTED. NAMES OF MEMBERS. Lee........................ James Brierly, E. S. McCulloch, WVV m. Steele... Van Buren.................. Isaac N. Lewis, Rickey D. Barton, Samuel Swearingen......................... Des Moines................. David E. Blair, Geo. Hepner, James M. Morgan, Abner Hackleman, David J. Sales............ Henry....................... Paton Wilson, Evan Jay, Thomas McMillan..... Jefferson........ John W. Culbertson.......................... Louisa...................... Joseph Newell............................... Washington................ David Bunker............................... Muscatine.................. Err Thornton................................. Johnson................... Henry Felkner............................ Cedar and Jones............ George H. Walworth, John C. Berry.......... Scott........................ Joseph M. Robertson.......................... Clinton................ Eli Goddard.................................. Jackson.....:............... Ansel Briggs................................ Dubuque,Delaware,Clayton, &c. Thomas Rogers, Frederick Andros............. James M. Morgan, elected Speaker December 6. B. F. Wallace, elected Chief Clerk December 6. REGISTER OF TERRITORIAL GOVERNMENT. 157 SIXTH LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.* Convened at Iowa City, December 4, 1843. Adjourned February 16, 1844. COUNCIL. COUNTIES REPRESENTED. NAMES OF MEMBERS. Lee....................... William Patterson, Robert M. G. Patterson..... Van Buren.............John D. Elbert, James H. Jenkins............. Des Moines..................Shepherd Leffler......................... Henry.................W......William H. Wallace......."............. Jefferson........ Joseph B. Teas............................. Louisa and Washington...... Francis Springer............................ Muscatine and Johnson....... Pleasant Harris........................... Cedar, Jones, and Linn.John P. Cook. Cedar, Jones, and linn....... John P. Cook.......................... Scott and Clinton............ Robert Christie............................. Jackson, Dubuque, Delaware, Clayton, &c................ Thomas Cox, Francis Gehon................. Thomas Cox, elected President January 11, on the forty-first ballot-Francis Springer acting as President pro tem. till that time. B. F. Wallace, elected Secretary December 7. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. COUNTIES REPRESENTED. | NAMES OF MEMBERS. Lee........................ James Brierly, William Steele, Joseph Roberts.. Van Buren........oi..... ]Josiah H. Bonney, Sam'l Borland, Jas. AM Wray. Des Moines.................. Alfred Hebard, Abner Hackleman, James W. Grimes, John Johnson, John D. Wright...... Henry............ Paton Wilson, Hamilton Robb, Wm. Thompson. Jefferson........ ]John W. Culbertson........................ Louisa............ George W. McCleary................ Washington....... Thomas Baker................................ Muscatine................... Edward E. Fay.............................. Johnson............ James P. Carleton............................ Cedar, Jones, and Linn........George H. Walworth, Robert Smythe........... Scott...G....................Gilbert C. R. Mitchell....................... Clinton.................John Brophy............................... Jackson................... John Foley.................................. Dubuque,Delaware,Clayton,&c. T.homas Rogers, Hardin Nowlin............... James P. Carleton, elected Speaker December 5. Joseph T. Fales, elected Chief Clerk December 5. * An extra session of this Assembly was held at Iowa City June 16, 1844, pursuant to an act of the Assembly approved Febrdary 15, 1844. 158 CENSUS RETURNS. FIRST CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. Convened at Iowa 6aty, October 7, 1844. Adjourned N~ovember 1, 1844. COUNTIES REPRESENTED. NAMES OF MEMBERS. Lee..C...... Charles Staley, Alexander Kerr, David Galland, Calvin J. Price, James Marsh, John Thompson, Henry M. Salmon, O. S. X. Peck............. Des Moines................. James Clarke, Henry Robinson, John D. Wright, Shepherd Leffler, Andrew Hooten, Enos Lowe, John Ripley, George Hepner............. Van Buren.................. Elisha Cu;ler, jr., John Davidson, Paul Brattain, David Ferguson, Gideon S. Bailev, John Hale, jr., Thorras Charlton........... Jefferson..................... Robert Brown, Hardin Butler, Sulifand S. Ross, James I. Murray, Samuel Whitmore......... Henry................ I..... Joseph C. Hawkins, George Hobson, John H. Randolph, Jonathan C. Hall, Joseph D. HIoag. Washington............... IWm.. Harrison, EnBoch Ross, Caleb B. Campbell. Louisa....................John Brookbank, Wm. L. Toole, Wright Williams& Muscatine............. Jonathan E. Fletcher, Ralph P. Lowe, Elijah Sells. Johnson................ Robert Lucas, Samuel H. McCrory, Henry elkner. Linn......... Thomas J McKean, Samuel W. Durham, Luman I M. Strong................................. Cedar.......................Samuel A. Bissell, James H. Gower......... Scott........................James Grant, Andrew W. Campbell, Ebenezer Cook....................................... Clinton...Lm......n........ILvman Evans, Ralph R. Benedict............ Jones. J..o.............Jhn Taylor....................... Jackson..................... Joseph S. Kirkpatrick, William Morden, Richard B. Wyckoff........................ Wapello..................... William H. (Galbraith, William W. Chapman.... Davis............... J. C. Blankinship, Samuel W. McAtee.... Keokuk............ Richard Quinton................ Mahaska....I................Van B. Delashmutt, Stephen B. Shelledy........ Dubuque, Delaware, Black Hawk, and Fayette......... Francis Gehon, Edward Langworthy, TIheophilus Crawford, Stephen Hempstead, Samuel B. Olmstead, Michael O'Brien............... Shepherd L( fler, elected President October 7. George S. Hampton, elected Secretary October 7. The constittltion adopted by this convention was rejected by the people at an election held on tlhe 4th day of August, 1845, there being 7,235 votes cast "for the constitution," and 7,656 votes cast "against the constitution." REGISTER OF TERRITORIAL GOVERNMENT. 1&9 SEVENTH LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Convened at Iowa City, May 5, 1845. Adjourned June 11, 1845. COUNCIL. COUNTIES. NAMES OF MEMBERS. Lee.......................IJames Brierly, Johlu'Thompson............... Van Buren, Davis, Appanoose. IPaui Brattain, Henry M. Shelby............... Des Moines.................. Shepherd Leffler............................ Henry..............John Stephenson.............. Jefferson, Wapello, and *'Kisll- kekosh.................... ]William G. Coop.............................. Louisa, Washington, Keokuk, Mahaska, &c.............. Enoch Ross................................ Muscatine and Johnson....... S. Clinton Hastings............................ Cedar, Linn and Jones........ William Abbe............................ Scott and Clinton........... Laurel Summers.................... Jackson, Dubuque, Delaware, Clayton, &c........S... IStephen Hempstead, Philip B. Bradley......... S. Clinton Hastings, elected President May 7. John F. Kinney, elected Secretary May 7. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. COUNTIES REPRESENTED. NAMES OF MEMIBERS. Lee........................ Jacob Huner, Charles ttewart,,James Anderson. Van Buren................... Frederick Hancock, George Montague, George W. Lster................................ Des Moines.................James M. Morgan, John Johnson, Ebenezer W. I)avis, George Chandler, Richard Noble...... Henrye..................... Norton Munger, Samuel D. Woodworth, Cilarles Clifton..................................... Jefferson. Wapello, and *Kishkekosh............... Reuben R. Harper............................ Louisa.................. George W. McCleary........................ Washington, Keokuk, Mahaska, &c........................ Stephen B. Shelledy................. Muscatine...................I Abraham T. Banks........................... Johnson.....................Hugh D. Downey............................. Cedar, Liun and Jones....... Joseph K. Snyder, John Taylor................ Scott........................ Joseph M. Robertson.......................... Clinton................... Shubaee Coy.............. Jackson. James Leonard............................. Dubuque, Delaware,Clayton,&c'David S. Wilson, Samuel Murdockl............ James M. Morgan, elected Speaker May 6. William Thompson, elected Chief Clerk May 6. *Now called Monroe. 160 CENSUS RETURNS. EIGHTH LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Convened at Iowa City, December 1, 1845. Adjourned January 19, 1846. COUNCIL. COUNlTIES REPRESENTED. NAMES OF MEMBERS. Lee...................... James Brierly, John Thompson................. Van Buren, Davis, and Appanoose................... Paul Brattain, Henry M. Shelby................. Des Moines................. Shepherd Leffler...................... Henry....................... John Stephenson................... Jefferson, Wapello, and Kiskkekosh................. William G. Coop.............................. Louisa, Washington, Keokuk, Mahaska, &c............... Enoch Ross................................. Muscatine and Johnson....... S. Clinton Hastings........................... Cedar, Linn, and Jones....... William Abbe................................. Scott and Clinton............. Laurel Summers. Jackson, Dubuque, Delaware, Clayton, &c.............. Stephen Hempstead, Philip B. Bradley.......... Stephen Hempstead, elected President December 3. John F. Kinney, elected Secretary December 3. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. COUNTIES REPRESENTED. NAMES OF MEMBERS. Lee........................IJacob Hunter, Wm. Patterson, Jesse B. Browne.. Van Buren........... Frederick Hancock, George W. Lester, David Ferguson.......................... Des Moines................. James M. Morgan, John D. Wright, John Ripley, Archibald McMichael, Joshua Holland. Eenry...................Norton Munger, Samuel D. Woodworth, Charles Clifton...................................... Jefferson, Wapello, and *Kishkekosh....................Joseph Flink............................... Louisa............. George W. McCleary.......................... Washington,Keokuk, Mahaska, &c....................... Stephen B. Shelledy............................ Muscatine............... Abraham T. Banks............................. Johnson................... Hugh D. Downey............................ Cedar, Linn and Jones........ Joseph K. Snyder, John Taylor................. Scott.................... Joseph M. Robertson.......................... Clinton...................... Shubael Coy................................. Jackson................... Thomas Graham............................. Dubuque, Delaware, Clayton, &c........................ David S. Wilson, Samuel Murdock.............. George W. McCleary, elected Speaker December 2. William Thomrpson, elected Chief Clerk December 2. *Now called Monroe. REGISTER OF TERRITORIAL GOVERNMENT. 161 SECOND CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. Convened at eowa City, May 4, 1846. Adjourned May 19, 1846. COUNTIES REPRESENTED. NAMIES OF MEMBERS. Lee................. David Galland, Josiah Kent, George Berry...... Des Moines.................. Enod Lowe, Shepherd Leflier, George W. Bowie. Van Buren.................. Thomas Dibble, Erastus Hoskins, WVm. Steele... Jefferson................... Sullifand S. Ross, William G. Coop............. Henry.............G..... |(George Hobson, Alvin Saunders............... Davis.......................John J. Selman.......................... Appanoose and Monroe....... Wareham G. Clark............................. Wapello.................... Joseph H. Hedrick.......................... Iowa, Marion, Polk, ansd Jasper John Conrey................................ Mahaska.............. Stephen B. bhelledy......................Keokuk................... Sanford Harned........................... Washington................I Stewart Goodrell....................... Louisa................IJohn Ronalds............................. Muscatine................... J. Scott Richman. Johnson.............I Curtis Bates................................ Linn and Benton............. Socrates H. Tryon........................ Cedar.. Samuel A. Bissell.................. Scott....................... James Grant................................ Clinton........... Henry P. Haun............................ Jackson..................... William Hubbell............................. Jones......................Sylvester G. Matson........................ Clayton.................... David Olmstead............................. Dubuque, Delaware, Buchanan, Fayette, Black Hawk....... Thomas McCraney, Francis K. O'Ferrall........ Enos Lowe, elected President lMay 4. William Thompson, elected Secretary May 4. The constitution adopted by this convention was sanctioned by the people at -an election held on thle 3,1 day of August, 1816, there blaing 9,492 votes cast "for the constitutibn,"' and 9,036 votes cast "against the constitution." This constitution was presented to Congress in December, 1846, and on the 28th of the same month an act was passed for the admission of Iowa into the Union. The first election for State officers was held on the 26th day of October, 1846, pursuant to proclamation of Governor James Clarke, when Ansel Briggs was elected Governor, Elisha Cutler, jr., Secretary of State, Joseph T. Fales, Auditor, and Morgan Rleno, Treasurer. 21 162 CENSUS RETURNS REGISTER OF THE STATE OF IOWA. OFFICERS OF THIE STATE GOVERNMENT, GOVERNORS, Ansel Briggs, Jackson county; elected October 26, 1846; oath of office administered December 3, by Chief Justice Mason. Stephen Hempstead, Dubuque county; elected August 5, 1850; oath of office administered December 4, by Chief Justice Williams. James W. Grimes, Des Moines county; elected August 3, 1854; oath of office administered December 9, 1854, by Maturin L. Fisher, President of the Joint Convention. Ralph P. Lowe, Lee county; elected October 13, 1857; oath of office administered Januarv 14, 1858, by Chief Justice Wright. Samuel J. Kirkwood, Johnson county; elected October 11, 1859; oath of office administered January 11, 1860, by Chief Justice Wright. Samuel J. Kirkwood, Johnson county; re-elected October 8, 1861; oath of office administered January 15, 1862, by Chief Justice Baldwin. William M. Stone, Marion county; elected October 13, 1868; oath of office administered January 14, 1864, by Chief Justice Wright. William M. Stone, Marion county; re-elected October 10, 1865; oath of office administered January 11, 1866, by Lieut.-Governor Eastman. Samuel Merrill, Clayton county; elected October 8, 1867. LIEUTENANT-GOVERNORS. Offce created September 3, 1857, by the New Constitution. Oran Faville, Mitchell county; elected October 13, 1857; qualified January 14, 1858. Nicholas J. Rusch, Scott county; elected October 11, 1859; qualified January 11, 1860. John R. Needham, Mahaska county; elected October 8, 1861; qualified January 15, 1862. Enoch W. Eastman, Hardin county; elected October 13, 1863; qualified January 14, 1864. Benjamin F. Gue, Webster county; elected October 10, 1865; qualified January 11, 1866. John Scott, Story county; elected October 8, 1867. REGISTER OF STATE GOVERNMENT. 163 SECRETARIES OF STATE. Elisha Cutler, jr., Van Buren county; elected October 26, 1846; qualified December 5. Josiah H. Bonney, Van Buren county; elected August 7, 1848; qualified December 4. George W. McCleary, Johnson county; elected August 5, 1850; qualified December 2. George W. McCleary) Johnson county; re-elected August 2,1852; bond approved December 4. George W. McCleary, Johnson county; re-elected August 7, 1854; qualified December 4. Elijah Sells, Muscatine county; elected August 4, 1856; qualified December 1. Elijah Sells, Muscatine county; re-elected October 12, 1858; second term commenced Januarv 3, 1859. Elijah Sells, Muscatine county; reelected November 6, 1860; third term commenced January 7, 1861. James Wright, Delaware county; elected October 14, 1862; term of office commenced January 5, 1863. James Wright, Delaware county; re-elected November 8, 1864; second term commenced January 2, 1865. Ed Wright, Cedar county; elected October 9, 1866; term of office commenced January 7, 1867. AUDITORS OF STATE 4 Joseph T. Pales, Des Moines county; elected October 26, 1846; qualified December 4. Joseph T. Fales, Des Moines county; re-elected August 7, 1848; bond approved March 5, 1849. William Pattee, Bremer county; elected August 5, 1850; bond approved Decem. ber 2. William Pattee, Bremer county; re-elected August 2, 1852; bond approved December 8. Andrew J. Stevens, Polk county; elected August 7, 1854; qualified December 4; resigned in 1855. John Pattee, Bremer county; appointed by the Governor, September 13, 1855; bond approved September 22. John Pattee, Bremer county; elected August 4, 1856; qualified December 2. Jonathan W. Cattell, Cedar county; elected October 12, 1858; term of office commenced January 3, 1859. Jonathan W. Cattell, Cedar county; re-elected November 6, 1860; second term commenced Januarv 7, 1861. Jonathan W. Cattell, Cedar county; re-elected October 14, 1862; third term commenced January 5, 1863. John A. Elliott, Mitchell county; elected November 8, 1864; term of office commenced January 2,1865. John A. Elliott, Mitchell county; re-elected October 9, 1866; second term commenced January 7, 1867. * This officer was styled "Auditor of Public Accounts," in the former Constitution of the State. 164 CENSUS RETURNS. TREASURERS\ OF STATE.* Morgan Reno, Johnson county; elected October 26, 1846; qualified December 18. Morgan Reno, Johnson county; re-elected August 7, 1848; bond approved Jane uary 11, 1849. Israel Kister, Davis county; elected August 5, 1850; qualified December 2. Martin L. Morris, Polk county; elected August 2, 1852; qualified December 4. Martin L. Morris, Polk county; re-elected August 7, 1854; qualified December 4. Martin L. Morris, Polk county; re-elected August 4, 1856; qualified December 1. John W. Jones, Hardin comutty; elected October 12, 1858; term of office commenced January 3, 1859. John W. Jones, Hardin county; re-elected November 6, 1860; second term commenced January 7, 1861. William H. Holmes, Jones county; elected October 8, 1862; term of office commenced January 5, 1863. William H. Holmes, Jones county; re-elected November 8, 1864; second term' commenced January 2, 1865. Samuel E. Rankin, Washington county; elected October 9, 1866; term of office commenced January 7, 1867. SUPERINTENDENTS OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. Office created in 1847. James Harlan, Henry county; elected April 5, 1847; fqualified June 5. Thomas H. Benton, jr., Dubuque county; elected April 3,1848; qualified May 23. Thomas H. Benton, jr., Dubuque county; re-elected April 7, 1851; bond approved July 25. James D. Eads, Lee county; elected April 4, 1854; bond approved June 7; suspended March 3, 1857. Joseph C. Stone, Johnson county; appointed by the Governor and qualified March 4, 1857. Maturin L. Fisher, Clayton county; elected April 1, 1857; qualified June 9. Office abolished by act of the Board of Education passed December 24, 1858, the duties of the office to be performed by the Secretary of that Board. SECRETARIES OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION. Office created by act of Board of Education, passed December 24, 1858. Josiah T. Tubby, Polk county; acting as Secretary of the Board during its session which commenced December 6, 1858. and continuing after its adjournment as acting Secretary of the Board of Education, under resolution of December 24, until the Secretary elected by the Board should qualify. Mr. Tubby qualified December 29. * The designation of this office was " Treasurer," under the Constitution of 1846. t The Supreme Court decided (July term, 1547,) that the law creating the office of Superintendent of Public Instruction had not gone into effect when this election was held. A second election was accordingly held the following year. REGISTER OF STATE GOVERNMENT. 165 Thomas H. Benton, jr., Pottawattamie county; elected by the Board of Education, December 21, 1858; qualified January 14, 1859. Thomas H. Benton, jr., Pottawattamie county; re-elected December 21, 1859. Thomas H. Benton, jr., PotLawattamie county; re-elected December 6, 1861; resigned in 1863. Oran Faville, Mitchell county; appointed by the Governor and qualified January 1 1864. Office abolished March 23, 1864, and duties devolved on Superintendent of Public Instruction. SUPERINTENDENTS OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. Offce again created Miarch 23, 1864. Oran Faville, Mitchell county; elected by the General Assembly, March 26, 1864; qualified March 28. Oran Faville, Mitchell county; re-elected, by the people, October 10, 1865; second tcrtm commenced January 1, 1866. Resigned March 1, 1867. D. Franklin Wells, Johnson county; appointed by the Governor, March 4, 1867; qualified March 9; elected by the people October 8, 1867, for the balance of the term. D. Franklin Wells, Johnson county; re-elected October 8, 1867; new term commeuces Januarv 1, 1868. REGISTERS OF THE STATE LAND-OFFICE. Anson Hart, Johnson county; elected April 2, 1855; bond approved May 5. Theodore S. Parvin, Muscatine county; elected April 6, 1857; qualified May 13. Amos B. Miller, Cerro Gordo county; elected October 12, 1858; term of office commenced January 3, 1859. Amos B. Miller, Cerro Gordo county; re-elected November 6, 1860; second term commenced January 7, 1861. Appointed Captain Company B, Thirtysecond Iowa Infantry, October 6, 1862. Edwin Mitchell, Polk county; appointed by the Governor October 1862; qualitfied October 31. Josiah A. Harvey, Fremont county; elected October 14, 1862; term of office commenced January 5, 1863. Josiah A. Harvey, Fremont county; re-elected November 8, 1864; second term commenced January 2, 1865. Cyrus C. Carpenter, Webster county; elected October 9, 1866; term of office commenced January 7, 1867. 166 CENSUS RETURNS. STATE PRINTERS. 02fice created January 3, 1849. Garrett D. Palmer and George Paul, Johnson county; elected January 4, 1849; term commenced Mav 1. Harrison Holt and Andrew Keesecker, Dubuque county; elected February 4, 1851; declined. William H. Merritt, Dubuque county; appointed by Governor April 12, 1851; term of office commenced May 1, 1851. William A. Hornish, Lee county; elected January 20,1853; term commenced May 1; resignation accepted May 16. Dennis A. Mahony and Joseph B. Dorr, Dubuque county; appointed May 16, 1853; qualified May 23. Peter Moriarty, Jackson county; elected January 20, 1855; term of office commenced May 1. John Teesdale, Johnson county; elected January 12, 1857; term commenced May 1. John Teesdale; re-elected January 26, 1858; second term commenced May 1, 1859. Francis W. Palmer, Dubuque county; elected January 25, 1860; ternii of office commenced May 1, 1861. Francis W. Palmer; re-elected January 27, 1862; second term commenced May 1, 1863. Francis W. Palmer; re elected January 16, 1864; third term commenced May 1, 1865. Francis W. Palmer; re-elected March 10, 1866; fourth term commenced May 1, 1867. STATE BINDERS. Ofie created February 21, 1855. William M. Coles, Scott county; appointed by the Governor March 16, 1855; term of office commenced May 1. William M. Coles; elected by the General Assembly January 12, 1857; second term commenced May 1. Frank M. Mills, Polk county; elected January 26, 1858; term of office commenced May 1, 1859. Frank M. Mills; re-elected January 25, 1860; second term commenced May 1, 1861. Frank M. Mills; re-elected January 27, 1862; third term commenced May 1, 1863. Frank M. Mills; re-elected January 16, 1864; fourth term commenced May 1, 1865. James S. Carter, Polk county; elected March 10, 1866; term commenced May 1, 1867. REGISTER OF STATE GOVERNMENT. 167 THE JUDICIARY. SUPREME COURT OF IOWA. CHIEF JUSTICES. *Charles Mason, Des Moines county; resigned in June, 1847. Joseph Williams, Muscatine county; appointed by the Governor, June, 1847. Term expired January 25, 1848, by constitutional limitation. S. Clinton Hastings, Muscatine county; appointed by the Governor, January 26, 1848. Term expired January 15, 1849. Joseph Williams, Muscatine county; elected by the General Assembly December 7, 1848, and commissioned December 26, 1848, for six years-from January 15, 1849. George G. Wright, Van Buren county; elected January r5, 1855; qualified January 11. Ralph P. Lowe, Leeq county;, elected Judge October 11, 1859, with Caleb Baldwin and Lacon D. Stockton, and drawing the shortest term became Chief Justice; qualified January 12, 1860. Caleb Baldwin, Pottawattamie county; elected as above, and drawing the second shortest term became Chief Justice January 1, 1862. George G. Wright, Van Buren county; term connmmenced January 1, 1864. Ralph P. Lowe, Lee county; term commenced January 1, 1866. John F. Dillon, Scott counuty; term oomnmences January 1, 1868. ASSOCIATE JUDGE3. ~Joseph Williams, Muscatine county. Appointed Chief Justice June, 1847. *Thomas S. Wilson, Dubuque county. Resigned in October, 1847. John F. Kinney, Lee county; appointed by the Governor June 12, 1847, and again January 26, 1848; elected by the General Assembly, and commissioned, December S. Resignation accepted January 20, 1854, to take effect February 15. George Greene, Dubuque county; appointed by the Governor November 1, 1847, and again January 26, 1848; elected by the General Assembly December, 7. 1818; term of office commenced January 15, 1849. Succeeded by W. G. Wood ward. Jonathan C. Hall, Des Moines county; appointed by the Governor January 20, 1854, to succeed Kinney, resigned. Succeeded by N. W. Isbell. * Hield over from territorial government. owing to failure of State Legislature to elect Judges. Their successors were appointed by the Governor, to hold office till the adjournment of the next sesslon of the Legislataure; when appointments were again made, as above. 168 CENSUS RETURNS. William G. Woodward, Muscatine county; elected by the General Assembly January 5, 1855; qualified January 9. Norman W. Isbell, Linn county; elected by the General Assembly January 6, 1855; qualified January 16. Resigned in 1856. Lacon D. Stockton, Des Moines county; appointed by the Governor May 17, 1856, vice Isbell, resigned; qualified June 3; elected by the General Assembly January 12, 1857; re elected by the people under the present Constitution October 11, 1859. Died June 9, 1860. Caleb Baldwin, Pottawattamie county; elected by the people October 11, 1859 qualified January 11, 1860. Became Chief Justice January 1, 1862. George G. Wright, Van Buren county; appointed by the Governor June 19, 1860, vice Stockton, deceased; qualified June 26; eletted by the people November 6, 1860. Became Chief Justice January 1, 1864. Re-elected October 10, 1865; new term commenced January 1, 1866. Ralph P. Lowe, Lee county; re-elected October 8, 1861; new term commenced January 1, 1862. Became Chief Justice January 1, 1866. John F. Dillon, Scott county; elected October 13, 1863, vice Baldwin; term commenced January 1, 1864; becomes Chief Justice January 1, 1868. Chester C. Cole, Polk county; appointed March 1, 1864, by the Governor, under: the provisions of Chapter 23, Acts of 10th General Assembly, which took effect February 27, 1864; qualified same day; elected by the people November 8, 1864; term commenced January 1, 1865. Joseph M. Beck, Lee county; elected by the people October S, 1867; term commences January 1, 1868. CLERKS OF THE SUPREME COURT. George S. Hampton, Johnson county; appointed and bond approved July 6, 1867. George S. Hampton, appointed February 2, 1848, for the 4th Judicial District. James W. Woods, appointed 1848, for the 1st Judicial District. Alexander D. Anderson, appointed 1848, for the 2d Judicial District. Lewis J. Whitten, appointed —, for the 5th Judicial District. Thomas J. Given, appointed 1848, for the 3d Judicial District. George S. Hampton, Johnson county; appointed 1853; bond approved March 5. William Vandever; appointed and qualified June, 1855. Lewis Kinsey, Wapello county; appointed November 3, 1856, and qualified November 14; re-appointed January 12, 1860. Charles Linderman, Page county; elected by the people, October 9, 1866, for four years, under the provisions of Chapter 88, Acts of 11th General Assembly; term commenced January 7, 1857. ATTORNEY S-G E N ER ALE Oifee treated Febreary 9, 1853. David C. Cloud, Muscatine county; elected by the people August 1, 1853; bond approved September 9; re-elected August 7, 1854. Samuel A. Rice, Mahaska county; elected August 4, 1856; bond approved September 24; re-elected August 2, 1858. Charles C. Nourse, Polk county; elected November 6, 1860; term commenced January 7, 1861; re-elected October 14, 1867. Isaac L. Allen, Tama county; elected November 8,1864; term commenced January 2, 1865. Resigned January 11, 1866 REGISTER OF STATE GOVERNMENT. 169 Frederick E. Bissell, Dubuque county; appointed by the Governor and qualified January 12, 1866; elected by the people October 9,1866; died June 12,1867. Henry O'Connor, Muscatine county; appointed by the Governor June 20, and qualified June 29, 1867; elected by the people October S. REPORTERS OF THE DECISIONS OF THE SUPREME COURT. George Greene, I)ubuque county, acting from 1847 to 1855. The Attorney-General, ex-offiio, from September 1853, under the law creating the office of Attorney-General. Mr. Cloud, Attorney-General, however, appears never to have acted, and Judge Greene continued to perform the duties of the office. Wm. Penn Clarke, Johnson county; appointed by the Supreme Court, 1855. Thomas F. Withrow, Polk county; appointed in 1860; qualified April 17; reappointed in 1864. Edward H. Stiles, Wapello county; elected by the people, October 9, 1866; term of office commenced January 7, 1867. DISTRICT COURTS UNDER CONSTITUTION OF 1846. FIRST DISTRICT. [Composed of the counties of Des Moines, Henry, Lee, and Louisa. Washington county was at first a part of this district, but was detached and added to the Fourth District by Chapter 57, Acts 2d General Assembly, approved January 12, 1849.] Created February 17, 1847. JUDGES. George H. Williams, Lee county; elected April 5, 1847, and commissioned April 27. Ralph P. Lowe, Lee county; elected April 5, 1852. Resigned in 1857. John W. Rankin, Lee county; appointed by the Governor April 9, 1857; qualified April 13. Thomas W. Clagett, Lee county; elected April 6, 1857; qualified May 16. SECOND DISTRICT. [Originally composed of the counties of Buchanan, Cedar, Clayton, Clinton, Delaware, Dubuque, Fayette, Jackson, Jones, Muscatine, and Scott. To which were added: in 1847, Allamakee and Winneshiek; in 1851, Black Hawk, Bremer, Butler, and Grundy; and in 1853, Chickasaw and Howard. In 1853, the Eighth District was taken from the Second; and Butler and Grundy counties were added to the Fifth. In 1855, the new Tenth District 22 170 CENSUS RETURNS. took Allamakee, Chickasaw, Clayton, Fayette, Howard, and Winueshiek counties. In 1858, when the district was abbolished, it consisted of the counties of Black Hawk, Bremer, Buchanan, Delaware, and Dubuque.] Created February 17, 1847. JUDGE S. James Grant, Scott county; elected April 5, 1847; commissioned November 15. Thomas S. Wilson, Dubuque county; elected April 5. 1852; qualified MIay 8; re-elected April 6, 1857. THIRD DISTRICT. [Originally composed of the counties of Appanonse, Davis, Jefferson, Keokuk, Mahaska, Marion, Monroe, Van Buren, and Wapello, "and tile counties west of the counties of Marion, Monroe, and Appanoose." In 1849, the new Fifth District took the counties of Appanoose, Marion, and Monroe, and the counties to the westward. Mahaska county was detached December 19, 1856, on the creation of the Eleventh District. When abolished in 1858, the district consisted of the counties of Davis, Jefferson, Keokuk, Van Buren, and Wapello.] Created February 17, 1847. JUDGES. Cyrus Olney, Jefferson county; elected April 5, 1847; commissioned December 7. Resignation accepted March 15, 1851. Joseph C. Knapp, Van Buren county; appointed by the Governor March 15, 1851. William H. Seevers, Mahaska county; elected April 5, 1852; qualified May 7. Resigned; successor appointed January 10, 1856. Caleb Baldwin, Jefferson county; appointed by the Governor and qualified January 10, 1856. Henry B. Hendershott, Wapello county; elected April 7, 1856; qualified May 1, 1856. FOURTH DISTRICT. [Originally composed of the counties of Benton, Boone, Dallas, Iowa, Jasper, Johnson, Linn, Marshall, Polk, Poweshiek, Story, and Tama. In 1849, Washington county was annexed from the First District, and Boone, Dallas, Jasper, Marshall, Polk, and Story detached to the Fifth. In 1]856, Poweshiek was detached to the new Eleventh District, and in 1857, Marshall and Story to the new Thirteenth. When abolished in 1858, the district consisted of Benton, Iowa, Johnson, Linn, Tama, and Washington counties.] Created February 17, 1847. JUDGES. James P. Carleton, Johnson county; elected April 5, 1847; commissioned April 27; re-elected April 5, 1852. Resigned in 1853. REGISTER OF STATE GOVERNMENT. 171 William Smyth, Linn county; appointed by the Governor October 6, 1853; qualified October 10; elected by the people April 3,1854. Resigned. Isaac Cook, Linn county; appointed by the Governor January 28,1857; qualified March 20; elected by the people April 6. FIFTH DISTRICT. [Oriainally composed of the counties of Appanoose, Boone, Clarke, Dallas, Decatur, Fremont, Jasper, Lucas, Madison, Marion, Marshall, Monroe, Page, Polk, Ringgold, Story, Taylor, Warren, and Wayne. In February, 1851, the counties of Fremont, Page, Ringgold, and Taylor were made a part of the new Sixth District. On the 20th of the same month, the counties of Bancroft [now part of Kossuth], Emmett, Fox [now Calhoun], Greene, Guthrie, Hancock, Hardin, Humboldt, Kossuth, Palo Alto, Pocahontas, Risley [now Hamilton], Winnebago, Wright, and Yell [now Webster] were added to the district. On the 9th of February, 1853, the Ninth District was taken from the Fifth, and Guthrie county was added to the Sixth District; at the same time the district was increased by the addition (of Butler, Cerro Gordo, Floyd, Franklin, Grundy, Mitchell, and Worth counties. In 1855, the counties of (Cerro Gordo, Floyd, Mitchell, and Worth were made a part of the new Tenth District. On the 9th of December, 1856, the counties of Dallas, Jasper, Marion, and Polk were detached to the new Eleventh District. In the same year, by act approved January 27, 1857, the Thirteenth District was formed out of a portion of the Fifth. Guthrie county was reattached to the Fifth, February 26, 1857. On the 24th February, 1858, Webster county was detached, and annexed to the Thirteenth District. When abolished under the present Consiltution, the district consisted of the following counties: Boone, Calhoun, Emmett, Greene, Guthrie. Hancock, Humboldt, Kossuth, Palo Alto, Pocahontas, and Winnebago.] Created in 1849. JUDGES. William McKay, Polk county; elected April 2, 1849; commissioned April 27. Phineas M. Casady, Polk county; elected April 3, 1854; qualified June 1. Resigned. Charles J. McFarland, Boone county; appointed by the Governor May 7, 1854;* qualified in July. William W. Williamson, Polk county; declared elected April 2, 1855; qualified April 11. This election was contested; and the contest was decided, January 10, 1856, against Judge Williamson, and in favor of Charles J. McFarland, Boone county, who qualified January 10, 1856. SIXTH DISTRICT. [Originally composed of the counties of Adair, Adams, Audubon, Buena Vista, Buncombe [now Lyon], Carroll, Cass, Cherokee, Clay, Crawford, Dickinson, Fremont, Harrison, Ida, Mills, Monona, Montgomery, O'Brien, Osceola, Page, Plvmouth, Pottawattamie, Ringgold, Sac, Shelby, Sioux, Taylor, Union, and Wahkaw [now Woodbury]. The 7th district was formed from a part of the 6th, on the 9th of February, 1853; at the same time Guthrie county was added to the 6th. Audubon and Cass counties were detached, and annexed * According to the record; but it is evidently erroneous, as Judge Casady did not resign till June or July. 1 12 CENSUS RETURNS. to the 7th district, December 26, 1856; Ringgold and Union were made a part of the 9th district, February 9, 1857; and Guthrie was attached to the 5th district, February 25. On the 3d of September, 1857, lMills county was added to the district by a special provision in the Constitution. When abolished under the new Constitution, the district therefore consisted of the following counties: Adair, Adams, Fremont, Mills, Montgomery, Page, and Taylor.] Created February, 1851. JUDGES. James Sloan; elected April 7, 1851. Resignation accepted March 9, 1852. Allen A. Bradford, Fremont county; appointed by the Governor, May 4, 1852; qualified May 24; elected by the people, April 4, 1853. Resigned. E. H. Sears, Fremont county; appointed by the Governor, January 9, 1855; qualified February'; elected by the people, April 2. SEVENTH DISTRICT. [Originally composed of the counties of Buena Vista, Buncombe [now Lyon], Carroll, Cherokee, Clay, Crawford, Dickinson, Harrison, Ida, Mills, Monona, O'Brien, Osceola, Plymouth, Pottawattamie, Sac, Sheiby, Sioux, and Woodbury. On the 26th of December, 1856, the district was reduced by detaching all the counties except Harrison, Pottawattamie, and Shelby, to which were added Audubon and Cass counties. Mills county was unconnected formally with any district until September 3, 1857, when the new constitution took effect, which contained a special provision attaching Mills to the Sixth District. The other counties went to form the new Twelfth District, March 13, 1857.] Created February 9, 1853. JUDGE. Samuel H. Riddle, Pottawattamie county; appointed by the Governor June 14, 1853; elected by the people April 3, 1854. EIGHTH DISTRICT. [Originally composed of the counties of Cedar, Clinton, Jackson, Jones, Mus catine, and Scott. On the 1st of March, 1857, the Fourteenth District was formed of a part of this district. At the time of its abolition, in 1858, it consisled therefore of the counties of Cedar, Jones, and Muscatine.] Created February 9, 1853. JUDGES. William E. Leffingwell, Clinton county; elected April 4, 1853. Resigned. John B. Booth, Jackson county; appointed by the Governor in 1854; qualified April 15. William H. Tuthill, Cedar county; elected April 2, 1855; qualified May 3. REGISTER OF STATE GOVERNMENT. 173 NINTH DISTRICT. [Originally composed of the counties of Appanoose, Clarke, Decatur, Lucass Madison, Monroe, Warren, and Wayne. Of these, Madison and Warren were detached, and made a part of the new Eleventh District, December 19, 1856. February 9, 1857, Ringgold and Union counties were added to the district from the Sixth. When abolished in 1858, the district consisted of the counties of Appanoose, Clarke, Decatur, Lucas, Monroe, Ringgold, Union, and Wayne.] Created February 9, 1858. JUDGE. John S. Townsend, Monroe county; elected April 4, 1853. TENTH DISTRICT. [Composed of the counties of Ailamakee, Cerro Gordo, Chickasaw, Clayton, Fayette, Floyd, Howard, Mitcliell, Winneshiek, and Worth. These counties, with the exception of Cerro Gordo and Worth, and the addition of Bremer and Butler, became the Tenth Judicial District under the present Constitu-, tion in 1858.] Created tn 1855. JUDGE. Samuel Murdock, Clayton county; elected April 2, 1855; commissioned May 3. ELEVENTH DISTRICT. [Composed of the counties of Dallas, Jasper, Madison, Mahaska, Marion, Polk, Poweshiek, and Warren.] Created December 19, 1856. JUDGE. William M. Stone, Marion county; elected April 6, 1857; commissioned April 23. 174 CENSUS RETURNS. TWELFTH DISTRICT. LComposed of the counties of Buncombe, [now Lyon], Buena Vista, Carroll, Cherokee, Clay, Crawford, Dickinson, Ida, Monona, O'Brien, Osceola, Plymouth, Sac, Sioux, and Woodbury.] Created March 13, 1857. JUTD GE. Marshall F. Moore, Woodburv county; elected April 6, 1857; commissioned September 5. THIRTEENTH DISTRICT. [Originally composed of the counties of Butler, Franklin, Grundy, Hamilton, Hardin, Marshall, Story, and Wright, to which Webster county was added February 24, 1858.] Created March, 1857. JUD GE. James D. Thompson, Hardin county' elected April 6, 1857; commissioned July 1. FOURTEENTH DISTRICT. [Composed of the counties of Clinton, Jackson, and Scott.] Created February 6, 1857. JUDGES. Gilbert C. R. Mitchell, Scott county; elected April 6, 1857; qualified May 20. Resigned. Asahel H. Bennett, Scott county; appointed by the Governor October 19, 1857. The above districts were superseded, in accordance with Article V. of the Constitution of 1857, by eleven new districts, the Judges and District-Attorneys of which entered upon their duties on the first day of January, 1859. REGISTER OF STATE GOVERNMENT. 17b DISTRICT COURTS UiNDER CONSTITUTION OF 1857. FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT. [Composed of the counties of Des Moines, Henry, Lee, and Louisa.] JUDGE. Francis Springer, Louisa county; elected October 12, 1858; re-elected October 14p 1862, and October 9, 1866. DISTRICT-ATTOR'NEY. Joshua Tracy, Des Moines county; elected October 12, 1858; re-elected October 14, 1862, and October 9, 1866. SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. [Composed of the counties of Appanoose, Davis, Lucas, Monroe, Van Buren, Wapello, and Wayne.] JUDGES. John S. Townsend, Monroe county; elected October 12, 1858. Henry H. Trimble, Davis county; elected October 14. 1862. Harvey Tannehill, Appanoose county; elected October 9, 1866, DISTRICT-ATTORNEYS. Amos Harris, Appanoose county; elected October 12, 1858; re-elected October 14, 1862. James B. Weaver, Davis county; elected October 9, 1866. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT. [Originally composed of the counties of Adams, Cass, Clarke, Decatur, Fremont, Mills, Montgomery, Page, Pott.wattamie, Ringgold, and Union. On the 27th of' January, 1864, Cass county was detached, and annexed to the Fifth District.] JUDGES. E. H. Sears, Fremont county; elected October 12, 1858. James G. Day, Fremont county; elected October 14, 1862; rc.-lected October 9, 1866. 1';6 CENSUS RETURNS. DISTRICT-ATTOR EYS. Robert B. Parrott, Clarke county; elected October 12, 1858. Charles E. Millard, Mills county; elected October 14, 1862; re-elected October 9, 1866. FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. [Composed of the counties of Buena Vista, Calhoun, Cherokee, Clay, Crawford, Dickinson, Emmnett, Harrison, Humboldt, Ida, Kossuth, Lyon, Monona, O'Brien, Osceola, Palo Alto, Plymouth, Pocahontas, Sac, Shelby, Sioux, and Woodbury.] JUDGES. Asahel W. Hubbard, Woodbury county; elected October 12, 1858. Isaac Pendleton, Woodbury county; elected October 14, 1862. Henry Ford, Harrison county; elected October 9, 1866. DISTRICT-ATTORNEYS. Orlando C. Howe; elected October 12, 1858. Henry Ford, Harrison county; elected October 14-, 1862. Orson Rice, Dickinson county; elected October 9, 1866. FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. [Originally composed of the counties of Adair, Audubon, Carroll, Dallas, Greene, Guthrie, Madison, Warren, and Polk. The county of Cass was added January 27, 1864.] JUDGES. John H. Gray, Polk county; elected October 12, 1858; re-elected October 14, 1862. Died October 14, 1865. Charles C. Nourse, Polk county; appointed by the Governor, October 16, 1865; qualified October 20. Resigned, to take effect August 1, 1866. Hugh W. Maxwell, Warren county; appointed by the Governor, July 23, 1866, from August 1; elected by the people, October 9. DISTRICT-ATTORNEYS. P. Gad Bryan, Warren county; elected October 12, 1858. John Leonard, Madison county; elected October 14, 1862; resigned January, 1864. Benjamin F. Murray, Madison county; appointed January 23, 1864; qualified January 27. Hugh W. Maxwell. Warren county; elected by the people November 8, 1864; qualified December 22; resigned July 8, 1866. Samuel D. Nichols, Guthrie county; appointed by the Governor July 5, 1866; qualified July 9; elected by the people October 9. REGISTER OF STATE GOVERNMENT. 177 SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. [Composed of the counties of Jasper, Jefferson, Keokuk, Mahaska, Marion, Poweshiek, and Washington.] JUDGES. William M. Stone, Marion county; elected October 12, 1858. Commissioned as Captain of Company B, Third Iowa Infantry Volunteers, May 29, 1861. William Loughridge, Alahaska county; appointed by the Governor September 5, 1851; elected by the people October 8, 1861; re-elected October 14, 1862. Ezekiel S. Sampson, Keokuk county; elected October 9, 1866. DISTRTCT-ATTORN EYS. George D. Woodin, Keokuk county; elected October 12, 1858 Horace S. Winslow, Jasper county; elected October 14, 1862. Moses A. McCoid, Jefferson county; elected October 9, 1866. SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. [Composed of the counties of Clinton, Jackson, Muscatine, and Scott.] J U D (G ES. John F. Dillon, Scott county; elected October 12, 1858; re-elected October 14, 1862. Resigned to take effect December 25, 1863, having been elected Judge of the Snpreme Court. J. Scott Richman, Muscatine county; appointed October 27, 1863, from Decem. ber 25; elected by the people November 8, 1864; re-elected October 9, 1866. DISTRICT-ATTORNEYS. Henry O'Connor, Muscatine county; elected October 12, 1858. Lyman A.Eiis, Clinton count elected Octohe 14 1862 re clcted October 1866. EIUHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. [Composed of the counties of Benton, Cedar, Iowa, Johnson, Jones, Linn, and Tama]. JUDGES. William E. Miller, Johnson county; elected October 12, 1858; appointed Colonel, Twenty-eighth Iowa Infantry Volunteers, August 10, 1862. Norman W. Isbell, Linn county; appointed by the Governor September10, 1862; qualified September 1 5; elected by the people October 14. Resigned to take effect August 31, 1864. Charles H. Conklin, Benton county; appointed by the Governor August 19,1864, from August 31; elected by the people November 8. Resigned in 1865. Nathaniel M. Hubbard, Linn county; appointed by the Governor November 15, 1865; qualified December 1. James H. Rothrock, Cedar county; elected October 9, 1866. 23 178 CENSUS RETURNS. DISTRICT-ATTORNEYS. Isaac L. Allen, Tama county; elected October 12, 1858; re-elected October 14, 1862. Resignatiou accepted August 19, 1864, to take effect October 1. C. R. Scott, Jones county; appointed by the Governor from October 1, 1864; elected by the people November 8; re-elected October 8, 1866. NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. [Composed of the counties of Black Hawk, Buchanan, Delaware, Dubuque, and Grundy.] JUDGES. Thomas S. Wilson, Dubuque county; elected October 12, 1858. James Burt, Dubuque county; elected October 14, 1862; re-elected October 9, 1866. DISTRICT-ATTORNEYS. Winslow T. Barker, Dubuque county; elected October 12, 1858. George Wattson, Delaware county; elected October 14, 1862. MIatthew M. Trumbull, Black Hawk county; elected October 9, 186g. TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. [Originally composed of the counties of Allamakee, Bremer, Butler, Clayton, Chickasaw, Fayette, Floyd, Howard, Mitchell, and Winneshiek. The counties of Bremer, Butler, Floyd, and Mitchell were detached in organizing the Twelfth Judicial District, July 4, 1864, but remained connected with this district, except for election purposes, till January 2, 1865.] JUDGES. Elias H. Williams, Clayton county; elected October 12, 1858; re-elected October 14, 1862. Milo McGlathery, Fayette county; elected October 9, 1866. ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. [Originally composed of the counties of Boone, Cerro Gordo, Franklin, Hamilton, Hancock, Hardin, Marshall, Story, Webster, Winnebago, Worth, and Wright. July 4, 1864, the counties of Cerro Gordo, Hancock, Winnebago, and Worth were detached in organizing the Twelfth Judicial District, but remained connected with this district except for election purposes till January 2, 1865.] JUD aGES. John Porter, Hardin county; elected October 12, 1858; re-elected October 14, 1862. Resigned. Daniel D. Chase, Hamilton county; appointed by the Governor February 5, 1866; qualified February 10; elected by the people October 9. REGISTER OF STATE GOVERNMENT. 179 DISTRICT-ATTORNEYS. William P. Hepburn, Marshall county; elected October 12, 1858. Appointed Captain Company B, Second Iowa Cavalry Volunteers, August 14, 1861. Daniel D. Chase, Hamilton county; elected October 8, 1861; qualified November 12; re-elected October 14, 1862. Appointed Judge of the District Court February 5, 1866. John H. Bradley, Marshall county; appointed February 5, 1866; qualified February 8; elected by the people October 9. TWELFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. [Composed of the counties of Bremer, Butler, Cerro Gordo, Floyd, Hancock, Mitchell, Winnebago, and Worth.] (reated July 4, 1864; the counties composing it to remain connected with their former districts (the Tenth and Eleventh) for purposes of holding court till Jannary 1, 1865. JUDGE. William B. Fairfield. Floyd county; elected November 8, 1864; term commenced January 1, 1865. DISTRICT-ATTORNEY. John E. Burke, Bremer county; elected November 8, 1864. NOTE.-The terms of office of the judges and district-attorneys under the present Constitution commence on the first day of January following their election, except when elected to fill vacancies, in which case they enter upon their duties immediately on qualification. THE MILITIA. ADJUTANTS-GENERAL. Daniel S. Lee, Lee county; appointed April 3, 1851. George W. McCleary, Louisa county; appointed May 16, 1855. Elijah Sells, Muscatine county; appointed January 15, 1857. Jesse Bowen, Johnson county; appointed January 18, 1858. ADJUTANT AND INSPECTOR GENERAL. Nathaniel B. Baker, Clinton county; appointed and qualified July 25, 1861; reappointed January 14, 1864. 180 CENSUS RETURNS. ASSISTANT ADJUTANTS-GENERAL. John Scott, Story county; appointed March 27, 1860. John C. Culbertson, Johnson county; appointed October 10, 1861. Resigned January 1, 1862. Philo E. Hall, Clinton county; appointed September 22, 1862. Resigned June 19, 1863. Matthew M. Trumbull, Black Hawk county; appointed June 19, 1863. Appointed Colonel of the Ninth Iowa Cavalry Volunteers September 26, 1863. John C. Culbertson, Johnson county; appointed October 5, 1863. Resigned November 30, 1864. Francis H. Impey, Scott county; appointed December 1, 1864. Resigned October 31, 1865. Edward E. Bassett, Scott county; appointed November 1, 1865. Office abolished April 4, 1866. QUARTERMASTERS-GENERAL. Ezra Drown, Jefferson county; appointed April 16, 1851. Nathaniel B. Baker (Adjutant-General); acting from July 25, 1861. COMMISSARIES-GENERAL. Thomas S. Epsy, Lee county; appointed April 16, 1851. Charles B. Richards, Webster county; appointed February 5, 1858. Duties devolved on Quartermaster-General from and after June 12, 1861. PAYMASTERS-GENERAL. Constantine Holtenbach, Dubuque county; appointed April 16, 1851. Hiram Price, Scott county; commissioned October 28, 1861; to date from August 30. Office abolished, and duties devolved on Adjutant-General, April 26, 1862 Duties discharged by Assistant Adjutant-General from and after October 2, 1862. Duties again devolved on Adjutant-General April 4, 1866. JUDGE-ADVOCATE GENERAL. H. M. Shelley, Van Buren county; appointed April 16, 1851. Office vacated June 12, 1861. REGISTER OF STATE GOVERNMENT. 181 SURGEONS -GENERAL. John Kell, jr., Louisa county; appointed July 21, 1851. Nathan Udell, Appanoose county; appointed March 27, 1860. J. C. Hughes, Lee county; appointed in 1861. Office abolished February 17, 1864. ASSISTANT SURGEON-GENERAL. John C. Bennett, Polk county; appointed March 27, 1860. MILITARY SECRETARIES. James Burt, Dubuque county; appointed April 16, 1851. N. H. Brainerd, Johnson county; appointed in 1861. George J. North, Polk county; appointed January 16, 186. Relieved from duly January 12, 1866. NoTE.-Chapter 17, Laws of Extra Session, Eighth General Assembly, approved May 28, 1861, which took effect June 12, 1861, annulled all prior commissions above the rank of Captain in the Iowa Militia, except those for the three regiments then recently organized for the service of the United States. REPRESENTATION IN CONGRESS. XXIXTHI CONGRESS-1846 TO 1847. U. S. SENATORS. IREPRESENTATIVES. First General Assembly failed to elect.l I S. Clinton Hastings, Muscatine...... Shepherd Leffler, Burlington......... XXXTH CONGRESS-1847 TO 1849. U. S. SENATORS. REPRESENTATIVES. Augustus C. Dodge, Burlington; elected 1 William Thompson, Mt. Pleasant..... December 7, 1848.........2..... 2 Shepherd Leffier, Burlington......... George W. Jones, Dubuque; elected December 7, 1848................. 82s CENSUS RETURNS. XXXIsT CONGRESS-1849 TO 1851. U. S. SENATORS. K REPRESENTATIVES. George W. Jones, Dubuque......... 1 First Session-William Thompson, Mt. Augustus C. Dodge, Burlington; re- Pleasant; unseated by the House of elected January 10, 1849........... Representatives on a contest, and the election remanded to the people.... 1 Scond Session-Daniel F. Miller, Fort Madison; elected September 4, 1850. 2iShepherd Leffler, Burlington......... XXXIID CONGRESS-1851 TO 1853. U. S. SENATORS. REPRESENTATIVES. George W. Jones, Dubuque.......... liBernhart Henn, Fairfield........... Augustus C. Dodge, Burlington.......2 Lincoln Clark, Dubuque.............. XXXIIID CONGRESS-1853 TO 1855. U. S. SENATORS. REPRESENTATIVES, Augustus C. Dodge, Burlington...... 1 Bernhart Henn, Fairfield............ George W. Jones, Dubuque; re-elected 2 John P. Cook, Davenport............ December 21, 1852.............. I XXXIVTI CONGRESS-1855 TO 1857. U. S. SENATORS. REPRESENTATIVES. George W. Jones, Dubuque.... 1 Augustus Hall, Keosauqua........... James Harlan, Mt. Pleasant; elected 2 James Thorington, Davenport....... Jan. 6, 1855, and Jan. 17, 1857*...... XXXVTH CONGRESS-1857 TO 1859. U. S. SENATORS. REPRESENTATIVES. George W. Jones, Dubuque.......... 1 Samuel R. Curtis, Keokuk........... James Harlan, Mt. Pleasant.......... 2 Timothy Davis, Elkader............. XXXVITII CONGRESS-1859 TO 1861. U. S. SENATORS. REPRESENTATIVES. James Harlan, Mt. Pleasant.......... 1 Samuel R. Curtis, Keokuk........... James W. Grimes, Burlington; elected 2 William Vandever, Dubuque......... January 26, 1858.................. * Election declared illegal by the U. S. Senate, JanuaIy 12, 1857; again elected as above. REGISTER OF STATE GOVERNMENT. 183 XXXVIITH CONGRESS-1861 TO 1863. U. S. SENATORS. REPRESENTATIVES. James Harlan, Mount Pleasant; re- 1 First Sssion-Samuel R. Curtis, Keoelected January 11, 1860........... kuk.* James W. Grimes, Burlington.....1.... 1Second and Third Sessions-James F. Wilson, Fairfield; elected October 8, 1861........................... 2 William Vandever, Dubuque......... *Vacated seat by acceptance of commission as Brigadier-General; and J. F. Wilson chosen his successor. XXXVIIITH CONGRESS-1863 TO 1865. U. S. SENATORS. REPRESENTATIVES. James iarlan, Alt. Pleasant.......... 1 James F. Wilson, Fairfield........... James W. Grimes, Burlingtonr....... 2 Hiram Price, Davenport........... 3 William B. Allison, Dubuque........ 41Josiah B. Grinnell, Grinnell......... 5 John A. Kasson, Des Moines........ 6 Asahel W. Hubbard, Sioux City.. XXXIXTH CONGRESS-1865 TO 1867. U. S. SENATORS. REPRESENTATIVES. James Harlan, Mt. Pleasant*........ 1 James F. Wilson, Fairfield........... James W. Grimes, Burlington........ 2 Hiram Price, Davenport........ Samuel J. Kirkwood, Iowa City; elect- 3 William B. Allison, Dubuque....... ed January 13, 1866............. 4 Josiah B. Grinnell, Grinnell..... 5 John A. Kasson, Des Moines..... 6 Asahel W. Hubbard, Sioux City.. * Became Secretary of the Interior May 1, 1865, and resigned his seat in the Senate. Samuel J. Kirkwood chosen his successor as above. XLTI CONGRESS-1867 TO 1869. U. S. SENATORS. I REPRESENTATIVES. James W. Grimes, Burlington........ 1 James F. Wilson, Fairfield.......... James Harlan, Mt. Pleasant; elected 2 Hiram Price, Davenport............. January 13, 1866.................. 3 William B. Allison, Dubuque....... 41William Loughridge, Oskaloosa.... 5 Grenville M. Dodge, Council Bluffs... 6Asahel W. Hubbard, Sioux City. 184 CENSUS RETURNS. LEGISLATIVIE. FIRST GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Convened at ozwa City, November 30, 1846. Adjourned February 25, 1847. Convened in Extra Session, January 3, 1848. Adjourned Jan. 25, 1848. SENATE. COUNTIES REPRESENTED. NAMES OF MEMBERS. Lee........................IJacob Huner, *James Sprott.................. Van Buren.................. John M. Whitaker, *John F. Sanford........... Davis and Appanoose......... John J. Selman.............................. Wapello and Monroe........*James Davis............................... Marion, Polk, Dallas, Jasper... Thomas Baker.......................... Des Moines.................ilton D. Browning, Samuel Fullinwider...... Henry.........Eva.................................. Jefferson...................Robert Brown........................... Louisa and Washington....... *Francis Springer................... Keokuk and Mahaska........ *R. R. Harbour.............................. Muscatine, Johnson, and Iowa. Thomas Hughes............................. Scott and Clinton........... *Loring Wheeler.......................... Cedar, Linn, and Benton..... Samuel A. Bissell........................... Jackson and Jones........... *Philip B. Bradley........................... Dubuque, Delaware, Clayton, Fayette, Buchanan, and Black Hawk............. *Theophilus Crawford, Thomas H. Benton, jr... Thomas Baker, elected President December 1, 1846. Thomas Hughes, elected January 4, 1848. John B. Russell, elected Secretary December 1, 1846, and January 5, 1848. * Drew for the term of four years in the classification, December 4, 1846. tIn the extra session, John Howell represented Jefferson county. REGISTER OF STATE GOVERNMENT. 185 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. COIJNTIES REPRESENTED. NAMES OF MEMBERS. Lee.........................Jesse B. Browne, William Steele, William J. Cochran, Josiah Clifton, Reuben Conlee, *Daniel S. Baker,...................... Van Buren................... George Montague, Anderson McPherrin, Dudley Hardy, R. B. Willoughby.................. Davis and Appanoose......... Andrew Leech................................ Wapello................. A. B. Comstock............................... Monroe.....................Charles Anderson. Marion, Polk,Dalias, and Jasper John N. Kinsman, Simeon Reynolds............ Des Moines................. lAlfred Hebard, David E. Blair, f G. W. Bowie, Joshua Holland.......................... Henry...................... John T. Morton, Abraham Updegraff, Thomas Wright....................... Jefferson................... ISamuel Whitmore, James R. Bailey, William H. Lyons..... Washingto n.......... Stewar t Willooarell............................. Keokuk.................. Nelson King................................ Mahaska................... ftJohn W. Smith.......................... Muscatine................ Elijah Sells................................ Muscatine, Johnson, and Iowa. Irad C. Day.................................. Johnson and Iowa........... Smiley H. Bonham.......................... Scott....................... James McManus........................... Clinton..................... William E. Leffingwell.................... Cedar...................... Nelson Rathbun........................ Linn and Benton........ Robert Smyth.............................. Jackson and Jones......... Sylvester G. Matson, George F. Green......... Dubuque, Delaware, Clayton, Fayette, Buchanan, and Black Hawk.............. Samuel B. Olmistead, Michael O'Brien......... Jesse B. Brown, elected Speaker December 26, 1846, and January 4, 1848. Silas A. Hudson, elected Chief Clerk December 26, 1846. J. Scott Richman elected January 4, 1848. * Mr. Conlee died December 23, 1846, and the vacancy was filled by Daniel S. Baker from and after February 2, 1847, during the regular session. t At the extra session, Josiah Kent filled the place of Baker from Lee; T. L.lSargeant, that of Bowie, from Des Moines; George Weyand, that of Whitmore from Jefferson; and William Edmundson, that of Smith from Mahaska. 24 186 CENSUS RETURNS. SECOND GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Convened at Iowa City, December 4, 1848. Adjourned January 15, 1849. SENATE. COUNTIES REPRESENTED. NAMES OF MEMBERS. Lee........................ James Sprott, *Thomas S. Espy............... Van Buren................. John F. Sanford, *George G. Wright........... Davis and Appanoose......... *John J. Selman.............................. Wapello and Monroe.......... tBarney Royston......................... Marion, Polk, Dallas, Jasper.. - *Phineas M. Casady........................ Des Moines.................. Milton D. Browning, *Alfred S. Fear............ Henry...................... Evan Jay.................................... Jefferson.*John Howell................................. Louisa and Washington....... Francis Springer.............................. Keokuk and Mahaska......... R. R. Harbour................................ Muscatine, Johnson, and Iowa *Freeman Alger.............................. Scott and Clinton.......... Loring Wheeler............................... Cedar, Linn, and Benton...... *John P. Cook....... Jackson and Jones........... Philip B. Bradley.......................... Dubuque, Clayton, Delaware, Fayette, Buchanan, and Black 1 Hawk...................... Theophilus Crawford,*John G. Shields......... John J. Selman, elected President December 5. C. C. Rockwell, elected Secretary December 7. * Elected at the general election of 1848 for four years. t Elected to fill vacancy. REGISTER OF STATE GOVERNMENT. 187 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. COUNTIES REPRESENTED. NAMES OF MEMBERS. Lee.................William C. Read, Cave J. McFarland, Michael H. Walker, Samuel Norton, Isaac W. Griffith.. Van Buren................ John Alexander, Josiah W. McManaman, Abner H. McCrary, Willard Elmer................. Davis and Appanoose........ Reuben Rig........................... Wapello.................... Joseph H. Flint.......................... Monroe................... IWilliam M. Allison............................ Marion, Polk, Dallas,and Jasper Lysander W. Babbitt, Manly Gifford........... Des Moines................. Thomas L. Sargeant, George Davidson, John Penny, John L. Corse....................... Henry....................... Samuel D. Woodworth, Mark Burroughs, H. R. Thompson................................. Jefferson........... George Weyand, William Baker, Andrew Collins. Louisa.....................Wright Williams............................. Washington............... Stewart Goodrell............................. Keoku...................William Jacobs.............................. Mailaska..................... Muscatine................... George D. Stephenson....................... Muscatine, Johnson, and Iowa Joseph E. Harrison......................... Johnson and Iowa........... Smiley H. Bonham............................ Scott.................... John D. Evans...................... Clinton.................. James D. Bourne.............................. Cedar....................... Jeremiah C. Betts..................... Linn and Benton............. Abraham Timmons.......................... Jackson and Jones.......D... Dennis A. Mahony, Nathan G. Sales............ Dubuque, Delaware, Clayton, Fayette, Buchanan,and Black Hawk.....Sidney Wood, James A. Langton............ Smiley H. Bonham, elected Speaker December 5. Wm. E. Leffingwell, elected Chief Clerk December 6. 188 CENSUS RETURNS. THIRD GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Concened at Iowa City, December 2, 1850. Adjourned February 5, 1851. SENATE. COUNTIES REPRESENTED. NAMES OF MEMBERS. Lee........................ Thomas S. Espy, *Nathan Baker............... Van Buren.................. George G. Wright, *John B. Spees........... Davis, Appanoose, and Wayne. John J. Selman.............................. Wapello, Monroe, and Lucas.. *Henry B. Hendershott..................... Marion, Polk, Dallas, Jasper,] Marshall, Story, Boone, Warren, and Madison........... Phineas M. Casady........................... Des Moines.................. *George Hepner, tEnos Lowe................. Henry..*....................'John T. Morton............................ Jefferson..................... John Howell.......................... Louisa and Washington...... *Norman Everson............................ MIahaska, Keokuk, Poweshiek. *Joseph Lowe............................. Muscatine, Johnson, and Iowa. Freeman Alger............................ Scott and Clinton........ *William E. Lefflingwell...................... Cedar, Linn, Benton, and Tama John P. Cook.................... Jackson and Jones............ *Nathan G. Sales............................. Dubuque, Clayton, Delaware, Buchanan, Black Hawk,Winneshiek, and Allamakee.... John G. Shields, *Warner Lewis............... Enos Lowe, elected President December 3. Philip B. Bradley, elected Secretary December 3. * Elected at the general election, 1850, for four years. t Elected to fill vacancy. REGISTER OF STATE GOVERNMENT. 189 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. COUNTIES REPRESENTED. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Lee.....................E. b. McCulloch, John Thompson, R. P. Wilson7 Smith Hamill, Adolphus Salmon............. Van Buren.................. Abner H. McCrary, George C. Allender, Chauncey G. Dibble................................ Davis, Appanoose, and Wayne Reuben Riggs, Samuel Riggs................... Wapello..................... Joseph H. Flint, Andrew Major............ Monroe and Lucas.. N... IN. B. Preston................................. Marion, Polk, Dallas, Jasper,I Marshall, Story, Boone, Warren, and Madison....... Lysander. Babbitt, dwin R. Guibersoa..... Des Moines.................. William Harper, George Temple, Moses W. Robinson................. Henry......P...... Peyton Wilson, Abraham Updegraff..... Jefferson....................[Charles Negus, Thomas McCulloch, Hiram D. Gibson.................................. Louisa..................... Andrew Gamble............................ Washington................ David Bunker............................... Mahaska, Keokuk, and Poweshiek..................... William Jacobs, R. R. Harbour................ Muscatine.................. John A. Parvin... Johnson and Iowa........... Gilman Folsom....................... Scott............ Laurel Summers.......................... Clinton................... William G. Haun........................... Cedar........................ Goodwin Tavlor.......................... Linn, Benton, and Tama...... Isaac M. Preston........................... Jackson and Jones........... Richard B. Wyckoff, John E. Goodenow........ Dubuque, Delaware, Buchanan, Theophilus Crawford, Hugh V. Gildea, A. K. and Black Hawk. Eaton...................................... Clayton, Fayette, Winneshlek, and Allamakee............. Eliphalet Price............................... George Temple, elected Speaker December 3. C. C. Rockwell, elected Chief Clerk December 3. 190 CENSUS RETURNS. FOURTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Convened at Iowa City, December 6, 1852. Adjourned January 24, 1853. SEN ATr E. COUNTIES REPRESENTED. NAMES OF MEMBERS. Lee.............. lC. alvin J. Price, *James M. Love, tSalmon Cowles.................................... Des Moines.................. *vilton D. Browning, George Hepner....... Van Buren................... John B. Spees, *George Schramm............. Jefferson................. *William G. Coop, IIJohn Park............ Henry................ i Archibald McKinney........................ Wapello.................... IIJohn W. Hedrick............................ Wapello, Monroe, Lucas, Clarke Henry B. Hendershott...................... Davis....................... I[Samuel G. McAchran.................... Davis, Appanoose, Wayne, and Decatur...................Amos Harris................... Pottawattamie............... adley D. Johnson........................... Mills, Montgomery, Adams, Union, Ringgold, Taylor, Page, and Fremont......... IlGeorge W. Lucas....................... Louisa and Washington...... Norman Everson................... Keokuk.............. Joseph Lowe.............................. Mahaska.................. IIJohn R. Needham........................... IMarion, Warren, and Madison. *Jefferson D. Hillis......................... Scott........................ IIEli S. Wing...................... Muscatine................... IVJonathan E. Fletcher.................... Cedar and Clinton............I William E. Leffingwell....................... Johnson, Iowa, and Poweshiek *George D. Crosthwait.................... Jasper, Polk, Dallas, Guthrie,I Greene, Boone, Story, Mar-1 shall, Hardin, Risley, Yell, Fox, Pocahontas, Humboldt, Wright, Franklin, Cerro Gordo, HIancock, Kossuth, Palo Alto, Emmett, Bancroft, Winnebago, Worth... l Andrew Y. Hull........................... Jackson................. JlElisha F. Clark.......................... Jackson and Jones........... Nathan G. Sales............................. Linn, Benton, and Tama......*lJsaac M. Preston................ Dubuque, Dtlaware, Buchanan, IlJohn G. Shields, Warner Lewis, *Maturin L. Black Hawk, Grundy, But. Fisher. ler, Bremer, Clayton, Fayette, Allamakee, Winneshiek, Howard, Mitchell, Floyd, andi Chickasaw. I William E. Leffingwell, elected President December 7. T. B. Cuming, elected Secretary December 7. * Elected at the general election, 1852, for four years. t Elected to fill vacancy. I Elected at the general election, 1852, to fill original vacancies, and in the classification Messrs. Clark, Lewis, Needham, McAchran, Park, and Shields drew the long term. REGISTER OF STATE GOVERNMENT. 191 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. COUNTIES REPRESENTED. NAMES OF MEMBERS. Lee........................ S. G. Wright, H. Washburn, J. S. Gilmore, J. M. Anderson, F. Hesser, S. W. Sears............. Des Moines.................. James W. Grimes, Justus Clark, W. Seymour, J. Wilson Williams................... Van Buren.................... Anderson McPherrin, Lewis Fordyce, Jacob Ream, I Robert Russell............ Jefferson...................amuel Whitmore, W. T. Rogers, H. B. Mitchell. Henry......................I Robert Caulk, James C. Green, Levi Jessup. Wapello...................... *Robert Cock, James C. Ramsey. Wapello, Monroe, Lucas, and Clarke................... Henry Allen.................................. Monroe, Lucas, and Clarke....John S. Townsend.......................... Davis.......................I kAlbert Duckworth, John A. Drake............. Davis, Appanoose, Wayne, and Decatur..................... Abraham Putman............................ Appanoose, Wayne, Decatur.. Harvey B. Duncan............................ Pottawattamie................ A. S. Bryant.................................. Mills, Montgomery, Adams, Union, Ringgold, Taylor, Page, and Fremont......... William C. Means........ Pottawattamie, Mills, Fremont, Page, Taylor, Ringgold, Union, Adanms, Montgomery, Cass, Adair, Audubon,Shelby, Harrison, Monona, Crawford, Carroll, Sac, Ida, Wahkaw, Plymouth, Cherokee, Buena Vista, Sioux, O'Brien, Clay, Dickinson, Osceola, and Buncombe.................... Joseph L. Sharp.............................. Louisa.......................' Micaiah Reeder, John Cleaves.................. Washington................. David Bunker, Horace H. Wilson.............. Keokuk....Harvey Stevens............................... Mahaska................... William R. Ross............................. Keokuk and Mahaska......... Samuel Coffin........................... Marion, Warren, and Madison. P. Gad Bryan, James M. Walters, Napoleon B. Allison............................... Scott........................ James Grant, Le Roy Dodge.................. Muscatine.................. Elijah Sells, Freeman Alger................... Cedar.................... I.JAmos Witter........................... Clinton................ William G. Haun........................... Johnson....Gilman Folso.......... Johnson..................... Gilman Folsom.......................... Johnson, Iowa, and PoweshiekRobert M. Hutchinson. Jasper, Polk, Dallas, Guthrie, Greene, Boone, Story, Mar-l shall, Hardin, Risley, Yell,I Fox, Pocahontas, Humboldt, Wright, Franklin, Cerro Gordo, Hancock, Kossuth, Palo, Alto, Emmett, Bancroft, Winnebago, and Worth.......... J. F. Rice, Joseph C. Goodson, Benjamin Green. Jackson..................... George F. Green, L. Wasson.................. Jones.................... John Taylor. Linn, Benton, and Tama...... A. F. Stedman, John McArthur............... Dubuque, Delaware, Buchanan,lA. K. Eaton, A. D. Anderson, Richard Bonson, * Name changed to " Coles " by Chapter 39, Acts 4th General Assembly, which took effect January 20, 1853. 192 CENSUS RETURNS. Black Hawk, Grundy, Butler, Lyman Dillon............................ and Bremer. Clayton, Fayette, Allamakee, Winneshiek, Howard, Mitchell, Floyd, and Chickasaw... Edwin Montgomery, John Garber.............. James Grant, elected Speaker December 7. J. Smith Hooton, elected Chief Clerk December 7. FIFTII GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Convened at Iowa City, December 4, 1854. Adjourned January 26, 1855. Convened in Extra Session, July 2, 1856. Adjourned July 16, 1856. SENATE. COUNTIES REPRESENTED. NAMES 0P MEMBERS. Lee........a.................I*Ja ines M. Love, tE. S. McCulloch, tW. A. Thurston................................. Des Moines..................]Milton D. Browning, tWilliam F. Coolbaugh... Van Buren................. George Scliramm, tAbner H. McCrary......... Jefferson............W........William G. Coop, John Park.................. Henry......................... Alvin Saunders............................ Wapello.........t.......James C. Ramsey........................... Wapello, Monroe, Lucas, and Clarke.................... Dan. Anderson........................... Davis...................... Samuel G. McAchran......................... Davis, Appanoose, Wayne, and! Decatur.................... Nathan Udell................................ Pottawattamie.............. IJame D. Test..... Mills, M.ontgomery, Adams,; Union, Ringgold, Taylor,l Page and Fremont...... George W. Lucas............................ Louisa and Washington....... ftH. T. Cleaver............................. KIeokuk......................James L. Hogin............................. Mahaska.................... John R. Needham........................... Marion, Warren, and Madison. Jefferson D. Hillis........................... Scott........................ tAmbrose C. Fulton........................... Muscatine................... ftGeorge W. Wilkinson............... Cedar and Clinton............ IJulius J. Matthews.......................... Johnson, Iowa, and Poweshiek tSamuel Workman......................... Jasper, Polk, Dallas, Guthrie, Greene, Boone, Story, Marshall, Hardin, Risley, Yell, Fox, Pocahontas, Humboldt, Wright, Franklin, Cerro Gordo, Hancock, Kossuth, Palo Alto, Emmett, Bancroft, Winnebago, and Worth....... iTheophilus Bryan, ~James C. Jordan....... * At the extra session, David T. Brigham filled the place of James M. Love, of Lee county, appointed Judge of the United States District Court. t Elected at the general election, 1854, for four years. Elected to fill vacancies. S The seat of Theophilus Bryan was contested by James Jordan, and the contest was decided in favor of Jordan, January 8, 1856. REGISTER OF STATE GOVERNMENT. 193 Jackson..................... Elisha F. Clark............................... Jackson and Jones.......... *Joseph Birge........... Linn, Benton, and Tama...... Isaac M. Preston........................... Dut)uque, Delaware, Buchanan, *Wm. W. Hamilton, Maturin L. Fisher, John G. Black Hawk, Grundy, Butler, Shields.................................. Bremer, Clayton, Fayette, All amakee, Winneshiek, Howard, Mitchell, Floyd, and Chickasaw. Maturin L. Fisher, elected President December 7. P. B. Rankin, elected Secretary December 8S HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. ad2 | COrNTIES. NA1MES OF MEMBERS. 1A llamakee and Winneshiek... James D. McKay........................... 21 Clay ton.................. Reuben Noble, Latayelte Bigelow............, Fayette, Chickasaw, Butler, Bremer, Black Hawk, Grundy, Franklin, Cerro Gordo, Floyd, Howard, Mitchell, and'Worth.............. Jacob W. Rogers..... 4 Deltware and Buchanan..... Thomas E. Turner......................... i Dubuque............. Richard Bonson, John M. Moore, Ben M. Samuels, William S. Hall.................. 6iJackson...................... James P. Edie, Thomas S. Smith........... 7Jonll s...W................ William H. Holmes.................... 8:.lackson and Jones........... David Kinert.............................. 9Cedar..................... Allen I). Graham......................... lOClilton...................... Joseph A. Brown....................... 11 -cott..................... Amos Witter, Andrew J. Hyde.............. 12 Cedar, Clinton. and Scott....... eorge Smith.............................. 13 Washington................. Samuel A. Russell...................... 14 Louis: i................... John C. Lockwood......................... 15 Washington and Louisa....... James N. Ytoung.......................... 16.usc:.tine.................. Reasin Pritchard, John H. Pigman........... 17 Des Moines................. Thomas L. Sargeant, John L. Corse, Joshua Tracy, George S. Allbright.............. 18 Henry.......... l Willet Dorland, Francis White, Samuel McFarland.................. 19 Lee...................... George Newsam, William Damon, Josiah Hinkle, Horace Dewey, Samuel Boyles, Robert P. Creel........................ 20LLinn...................... John P. Conkey, Robert Holmes............. 21.Johll son.................... Samuel H. McCrory......................... 221 Joihnson and Iowa............ Rolla Johnson.................... 23 Pow)eshiek, Jasper, Benton, and Tama................. John Connell........................... 241Van Buren.............. George N. Rosser, Joseph Barker, Robert l Meek, Henry Weatherington.............. 25 Jefferson................ James Wamsley, Edmund Meachem, Robert Stephenson............................. 26 Davis........................ O. D. Tisdale, D. C. Greenleaf.............. 27, WVapello................ Samuel K. Creamer, Nimrod Poston....... 281 WV- pello and Keokuk......... Cvrus Franklin........................... 29 Keokuk................ IW. F. Morgan.................... *Elected at the general election, 1854, for four years. 25 194 CENSUS RETURNS. 301Appanoo se..................William Monroe........................ 31 Monroe..................... Matthew A. Goodfellow.................... 32 Wayne, Decatur, Lucas, Clarke S. P. Yeomans........................... 33 Mahaska................... Samuel Coffin, Micajah Williams............ 34 Marion......................*James M. Walters, Green T. Clark......... 35 Marion, Warren, and Madison. P. Gad Bryan, Jairus E. Neal............... 36 Polk........................ Alfred M. Lyon.......................... 37 Polk, Dallas, and Guthrie.... IEzra Vanfossen............................. 38 Greene, Boone, Story, Hardin, Webster, Yell, Fox, Pocahontas, Humboldt, Wright, Hanmett, Bancroft, Winnebago, and Marshall.............. Samuel B. McCall......................... 39 Fremont, Page, Taylor, and I Ringgold.................. William Dewey........................... 40IMills, Montgomery, Adams, Union, Adair, Audubon, and Cass.................... Richard Tutt..................... 41 Pottawattamie.............. Daniel S. Jackson, John T. Baldwin........ 42 Harrison, Shelby,Carroll,Crawford, Monona, Woodbury, Ida, Sac, Buena Vista, Cherokee, Plymouth, Sioux, O'Brien, Clay, Dickinson, Osceola, and Buncombe................. *Thomas B. Neely......................... Reuben Noble, elected Speaker December 5. Charles C. Nourse, elected Chief Clerk December 5. * Seat contested by Green T. Clark, and contest decided in favor of Mr. Clark, January 4. t Died December 22, 1854, never having qualified, His seat remained vacant during the regular session. NOTE, —At the extra session. Lewis Kinsey filled the place of Mr. Lockwood of Louisa county; J. Scott Richman, that of Mr. Pritchard of Muscatine John S. Hamilton, that of Mr. Damon of Lee; S. J. Reid, that of Mr. Hinkle of Lee; W. F. B. Lynch, that of Mr. Dewey of Lee; J. M. Anderson, that of Mr. Boyles of Lee; William Beckford, that of Mr. Wamsley of Jefferson; C. E. Noble, that of Mr. Meachem of Jefferson; and Joseph W. Russell, that of Mr. Tutt of the 40th district. SIXTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Convened at Iowa Ci'ty, Decem6ber 1, 156. Adj'ncrned Jamnanr 29, y187. SENATE. COUNTIES. I NAMES OF MEMBERS. 1 Lee.................... E. S. McCulloch, William A. Thurston... 2 Lee and Van Buren.......*David T. Brigham......................... 3 Van Buren........... Abner H. McCrary.... 4 Des Moines.................. William F. Coolbaugh, *Lyman Cook........ 5jDavis........................ Henry HI. Trimble.................. *Elected at the general election, 1856, for fouryears. REGISTER OF STATE GOVERNMENT. 195 61Jefferson..................... *William M. Reid........................... 71 Henry....................... Alvin Saunders........................... 8 Wapello..................... James C. Ramsey............. 9 Monroe, Lucas, and Clark..... Dan. Anderson........................... 10 Appanoose, Wayne, Decatur.. I*John W. Warner.......................... 11 Fremont, Mills, Page, Taylor, Montgomery, Ringgold, Adams, and Union............ *Samuel Dale........................... 12 Pottawattamie, Harrison, Shelby, Woodbury, Monona, Audubon, Crawford, Calhoun, Sac, Ida, Cherokee, Buena Vista, Pocahontas, Palo Alto, Emmett, Clay, Dickinson, Osceola, O'Brien, Plymouth, Sioux, and Buncombe....... James D. Test......................... 13 Louisa.............. H. T. Cleaver............................. 14Washington................ *Charles Foster................. 15 Keokuk..................... James L. Hogin.............. 16 Mahaska................... *William Loughridge........... 17 Marion.......*........... *Jairus E. Neal........................... 18 Warren, Madison, Adair, and Cass...................... *M. L. McPherson.......................... 19 Muscatine.................. George W. Wilkinson.............. 20 Johnson and Iowa............ *Samuel J. Kirkwood............... 21 Scott........................ tNicholas J. Rusch.............. 221Cedar.................... Jonathan W. Cattell....................... 23 Clinton.................. Julius J. Matthews.................. 24 Linn................... *William G. Thompson.................... 25 Linn, Benton, Black Hawk, and Buchanan.............. *George McCoy................ 26 Poweshiek, Jasper, Marshall, and Tama................. Josiah B. Grinnell...................... 27 Polk, Dallas, and Guthrie..... James C. Jordan............................ 28 Jackson..................... *Jeremiah W. Jenkins................... 29 Jackson and Jones........... Joseph Birge.............................. 30 Dubuque.................... *William G. Stewart................. 31 Dubuque and Delaware...... William W. Hamilton...................... 32 Clayton.................... *Henry B. Carter..................... 33 Fayette, Bremer, Butler, Franklin, Grundy, Hardin, Wright, ] Webster,Boone,Story,Greene, and Humboldt............. *Aaron Brown............................ 34 Allamakee, Winneshiek, Howard, Chickasaw, Mitchell, Floyd, Worth, Cerro Gordo, Hancock, Winnebago, Bancroft, and Kossuth.......... *Jeremiah T. Atkins.... William W. Hamilton, elected President December 2. Charles C. Nourse, elected Secretary December 2. * Elected at the general election, 1856, for four years, t Elected to fill vacancy. 196 CENSUS RETURN'S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. COUNTIES. NAMES OF MEMBERS. 1 Lee.............J........... Joseph Van Valkenburgh,'homas Sawyer, J. B. Pease, J. H. Sullivan, W. H. Griswold... 2 Des Moines........... T..... Thomas J. R. Perry, J. Wilson Williams, E. D. Rand................................... 3 Van Buren................. David Doud, jr., R. H. McDow, Dudley Hardy. 4 Davis...................... Brnett Milliser, David Mendenhlall... 5 Jefferson.................. Charles O. Stanton, W. H. Copeland, Lewis Hleeder................................. 6 Henry..................... Willet Dorland, Samuel McFarland.......... 7 Wapello........... Cyrus Franklin, S. G. Finney........... 8 Wapello and Keokuk.......... Morrison F. Bottorf......................... 9 Monroe........................ Samuel Gossage.......................... 10 Lucas, Clarke, and Union..... D. W. Scoville......................... 11 Appanoose................ James Galbraith............................ 12 Wayne and Decatur........... Thomas M. Bowen......................... 13 Fremont............... William Kelsey................... 1l Mills, Taylor, Page, MIontgomery, Ringgold, and Adams... Samuel H. Moer.......................... 15 Pottawattamie............ A..A. V. Larimer........................... 16'Harrison, Shelby, Woodbury, Monona, Audubon, Crawford, Carroll, Calhoun, Sac, Ida, Cherokee, Buena Vista, Pocahontas, Palo Alto, Emmett, Clay, Dickinson, Osceola,I O'Brien, Plymouth, Sioux, and Buncombe........... Wytt... and Buncombe............. N. G. Wyatt.............................. 17 Louisa.......................N. W. Bi rris............................. 18 Washington............. William B. Lewis.................... 19 Louisa and Washington...... Andrew J. Kirkpatrick............. 20 Keokuk......A............ braham C. Price........................ 21 Mahaska....................R. M. Wilson, John H. Fry.............. 22 Marion.......G...... Green T. Clark, Miles Jordan................ 23! Warren.......,........ C. B. Jones............................... 24 Madison, Adair, and Cass...Benjamin F. Roberts....... 25 Muscatine.................. David C. Cloud, J. A. Mills................ 26 Jo.hnson..................;George D. Woodin......................... 27 Johnson and Iowa........... Phineas Inskeep......................... 28 Scott................. Eli S. Wing, Horatio G. Barner, Robert H. Rogers.......................... 29 Cedar.................. Ed Wright..............................right 30 Clinton..................ICharles H. Toll......................... 31 Clinton and Cedar.............E. M. Wright............................ 32 Linn................ John E. Kuriz, Daniel Lothian............. 33 Poweshiek and Jasper........ David Edmundson................... 34 Benton, Tama, and Marshall.. Delos Arnold............................. 35 Polk........W.............. William P. Davis........................... 36 Polk, Dallas, and Guthrie..... Benjamin Green......................... 37 Jackson........W........... williani Mordan, Jacob K. Hershberger...... 38 Jones..................... William H. H-olmes...................... 39 Jackson and Jones........... William Thomas........................ 40 Delaware............ J..... Iames M. Noble...................... 41 Black Hawk and Buchanan... ilorrison Bailey............................ 42 Dubuque.......... lJohn M. Moore, Winslow T. Barker, Thomas Ha;rdie, Daniel Cort................. 43 Clayton................. La Fayette Bigelow, Francis Rodmlan....... B E. M. Wright died ab:ut the time the session convened, and the vacancy was not filled. REGISTER OF STATE GOVERNMENT. 197 44'Boone, Webster, Stor, Hardin, i Greine, Franklin, Wright, and1 HIn11cumboldt..... Walter C. Wilson....................... 45 Allamtinikee........... James Bryson............................ 46 Wionesliiek, Howard, Mitchell, Worth, Winnebago, and Bancroft.................. Claus L. Clausen.......................... 47 Fayette.................... I Robert A. Richardson..................... 48 Bremer, Chickasaw, B'utler, Flovl, Cerro Gordo, Hanccl, Kossuth, and Grundy. E. R. Gillett................................. Samuel Mc Farland, elected Speaker December 2. J. W. Logan, elected Chief Clerk December 2. TIIIRD CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. ozr:ened at;toa City, January 19, 1857. Adjourned Miarct 5, 1857. COUNTIES. NAMES OF MEMBERS. Lee............. EdIwarl' Johltiston, William Patterson........ 2 Lee and Van Buren......... quire Ayers.............................. 3 Van Bur ren................ Tlmothy Day....................... 4T Des Soines................. Jonathan C. Hall, Moses W. Robinson........ 5r) Davis............ DaviDavid P. Palmer.......................... 6jJefferson.......'..... James F. Wilson........................... 71 tenry............. Rufus L. B. Clarke........................ 8 Wapello..................... George Gillaspy............................ 9 Monroe, Lucas, and Clarke.... John Edwards......................... l0j Appanoose, Wayne, Decatur.. Amos Harris............................... il Fremont, Mills, Page, Taylor, Montgomery, Ringgold, Adanls, and Union............ Daniel H. Solomon........................ 12 Pottawattamie, Harrison, Shelby, Woodbury, Monona, Audubon, Crawford, Carroll, Calhloun, Sac, Ida, Cherokee, Buena Vista, Pocahontas, Palo Alto, Emmett, Clay, Dickinson, Osceola, O'Brien, Plymouth, Sioux, Buncombe. Daniel W. Price............................ 13 Louisa................ Francis,Springer........................ 14 Washington................. David Bunrker........ 151Keokuk...................... Jeremiah Hollingsworth.................. I6 NtMhaska.................... James A. Youn......................... 17 Marion...... Hiram D. Gibson. 18, Warren, Madison, Adair, Cass. ILewis Todhunter........................... 9lMuiscatine................... John A. Parvin............... 20 Johnson and Jones...........I William Penn Clarke..................... 2 Scott........................ George W. Ells.. 22 Cedar..... Robert Gower........................... 23 Clinton.................... Aylett R. Cotton.................... 198 CENSUS RETURNS. 241Linn.......n............... IHosea W. Gray............................ 25 Linn, Benton, Black Hawk, and I Buchanan................ James C. Traer........................... 26 Poweshiek, Jasper, Marshall, and Tama................ Harvey J. Skiff........................... 27 Polk, Dallas, and Guthrie..... Thomas Seely...................... 28 Jackson................... William A. Warren..................... 291Jackson and Jones............ Albert H. Marvin....................... 30Dubuque.................... John H. Emerson.......................... 31 Dubuque and Delaware....... John H. Peters............................. 32 Clayton........... Alpheus Scott............................ 33 Fayette, Bremer, Butler, Franklin, Grundy, Hardin, Wright, Webster,Boone,Story,Green e Allamakee, Winneshiek, and Humboldt................ Sheldon G. Winchester.................. 34 Howard, Chickasaw, Mitchell, Floyd, Worth, Cerro Gordo, Hancock, Winnebago, Bancroft, and Kossuth......... John T. Clark........................ Francis Springer, elected President January 20. Thomas J. Saunders, elected Secretary January 20. The Constitution adopted by this Convention was sanctioned by the people at an election held on the 3d day of August, 1857, there being 40,311 votes cast "' For the Constitution," and 38,681 votes cast " Against the Constitution," and took effect by proclamation of the Governor September 3d, 1857. SEVENTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Convened at Des Moines, January 11, 1858. Adjourned March 23, 1858. SENATE. COJNTIES. NAMES OF MEMBERS. 1 Lee............ *...................John R. Allen, *John W. Rankin.......... 2 Lee and Van Buren......... David T. Brigham....................... 3 Van Buren.................. *Gideon S. Bailey......................... 4 Des Moines.................. *William F. Coolbaugh, Lyman Cook........ 5 Davis..................... Henry H. Trimble.......................... 6.Jefferson.................... William M. Reid... 7 Henry....................... *Alvin Saunders....................... 8 Wapello..................... John A. Johnson....... 9 Monroe, Lucas, and Clarke.... *Dan. Anderson........................ 10 Appanoose,Wayne,and Decatur John W. Warner........................... 11 Fremont, Mills, Page, Taylor, IMontgomery, Ringgold, Union, and Adams................. Samuel Dale............................. * Elected at the general election in 1857 for four years. REGISTER OF STATE GOVERNMENT. 199 12 Pottawattamie, Harrison, Shelby, Woodbury, Monona, Audubon,Crawford, Calhoun, Sac, Ida, Cherokee, Buena Vista, Pocahontas, Palo Alto, Emmett,Clay,Dickinson,Osceola, O'Brien, Plymoullt, Sioux,and Buncombe................ *W. H. M. Pusey........................ 13 Louisa...................... *Samuel Reiner.......................... 141Washington............... harles Foster............................ 1i5Keokuk......*......... P. Sharradan.......................... 16 Mahaska.............. William Loughridge.................. 17 Marion.....................Jairus E. Neal.................... 18 Warren, Madison, Adair, and Cass....................... M. L. McPherson...................... 19 Muscatine.................... *A. O. Patterson........................ 20 Johnson and Iowa........... Samuel J. Kirkwood...................... 21 Scott....................... *Nicholas J. Rusch........................ 22 Cedar.................... Jonathan W. Cattell...................... 23 Clinton......................George M. Davis............... 24 Linn........................William G. Thompson.................... 25 Linn, Benton, Black Hawk, and Buchanan............ George McCoy............................. 26 Poweshiek, Jasper, Mexshall, I and Tama................. Josiah B. Grinnell..................... 27 Polk, Dallas, and Guthrie.....l'William P. Davis................... 28 Jackson................ Jeremiah W. Jenkins...................... 29 Jackson and Jones.......... *Joseph Mann........................ 30 Dubuque..................... William G. Stewart........................ 31 Dubuque and Delaware....... *David S. Wilson...................... 32 Clayton........... Henry B. Carter.......................... 33 Fayette, Bremer, Butler, Franklin, Grundy, Hardin, Wright, Webster,Boone,Story,Greene, and Humboldt........... Aaron Brown......................... 34 Allamakee, Winneshiek, H