REPORT OF THE SECRETARPY OF STATE, OF THE TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, BATON ROUGE: J. M, TAYLOR, STAT'E PRINTER, 18 59 OFFICres OF TH5Ei St FCHERIFt OF 8ThATr.! herlewith submit the Tabular Statement of tbhe Census Returlns filed in this office. The returns friom St. Tammany, aud Second andr Third Rep-resentative Districts of New Orleans, have not yet been received. The Census takers from these parishes and districts having failed to make the returns according to law, T, as soon as I possibly could, appointed persons to take the Cens-us in said parishes and districts, in accordance with the provisions of Act No. 291, approved March 18th, 1.858, and am in daily expectation of receiving their returns. Very respectfully, Your obedient servan-t ANDT1 EW' S. HERRON. REPORT OF THE CENSUS OF THE STATE. Number of INumber of Free Numr of re Parishes. jQualified Voters. White People Number of Slave-. |White Males between Tt P -arihes Q u alified 1oters.5White and 45 years. Negroes. opulaton Plaquemines.................. 624 5,595 4,840 1,685 695 i 11,130 St. Bernard................. 327 1,4T8 1,780 58 63 3,321 Orleans, Right Bank..... 498 4,621 967 1,404 275! 5,863 1st Representative District...... 1,586 10,505 1,324 1,896 286 11,868 2d " "............. 3d............ 4th.,,. 780 6,388 970 1,766 95.1 8,809 5th "....853 7,758 i 1,101 1,384. 1,182 10,041 6th " 763 7,330 1,008 1,3844 969 9,307 7th "...... 1,154 7,171 1,121 2,037 2,983 11,275 8th,' 4..... 914 6,734 465 2,285 726 7,925 9th...... 1,122 6,576 512 1,638 168'7,256 10th " 2,:...... 2,121 17,491 1,411 3,274 349 19,107 Jefferson..................... 1,117 9,012 4,376 1,283 466 13,510 St. Charles........................... 223 1 883 3,769 205 129 4781 St. John.........n.............. 520 2,777 4,296 542 320 7,393 St. James......................... 673 3,426 7,958 726 119 1 1,503 Ascension........................... 804 3,639 7,046 633 1 286 12,408 Assumption......................... 1,374 6,869 7,368 1,265 82 14,311 Lafourche........................... 1,448 7,372 6,144 1 5i2 130 13,651 Terrebonne e..885 4,499 5, 768 (883 146 10,413 St. Maryv......................... 970 4,021 12,009 896 513 16,543 St. artin...........................,,259 6,399 8,221 1,247 815 15,435 Avoyelles.......... 1,041 5,495 6,452 1,022 127 12,07.4 Catahoula............................. 979 4,851 5,468 915 47 10,366 Carroll......................... 639 3,031 11,080 696 14, 129 REPORT OF THE STATE,:,-T. - CNU o:un N e f W t Nub e of Free P a r isheIs. IQlulaieot. People:,.,er o1f Slaes. Wit e Male-:;otwon Tootal I'oOlatloa. 1.8 and 45 y eair s. Fariehee.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~- Ll PLll.3I-OU~ —~ 7- __IC~~ n~~ —~~ Madison.38 9 19,. Mbl~adgiso..............~ ~ 3 9 11 (D 5 i33...... 3 19,18' Tensas.........................5.......6.. 2 14ID4'g~~~eghS8 S~~ ~ 856 ].,255~,r I? 34,28 ~"~'~ Concorda 395 1,384 11 908 3 1 3,303 Point Coupe..839.,659 I1'00.6 I.3 404 WiestFeliciana............... 528 1,985 049 0 15 C s 1 2.503. a~~~~~ ~ ~ ~..... 1.7 ia,40e. West Feliciana..................... 52.) "'18 1 6 -262 r~~~~~~~~~~1,8 I 0'9,,450 55 83 212,500 East Feliciana 7':!9 9,6 7' 46 13 67 St. Helena.. 700....2...........08.. 66 7770 Washington.................. 566 2,910 155 461 10 44`7 St. Tammany.................................... Livingston............................ 827 3,998 1,2907 7 3 0 East Baton Rouge............... 1,224 6,831 8,060,057 42) 15,920 W'est Baton Rouge.......... 385 1,90 4,932 362 1'8 6, 952 Iberville.............. 893 5,538 10,607 1,096 2<5 16,350 Vermillion.................... 608 3,i10 1,378 586 9 4,65'7 Lafayette.................... 789 4,143 4,1 2 Calcasieu.............................. 719 3,457 1069 67 5,015 St. Landry. 2,136 1!,969 12,236 17 9 I Y 25,80. St. Landr3.................. 596 23,801_ Rap es.1,641 72 42 11,768 l. 234 19,244 Sabine......671. 3,585 1,409 568... 4,974 Natchitoches.............,058 5,185 7,939 784 77 1899 Winn......................... 679 4,314 1,007 821 5,5 De So................. 958 4,459 7,301 84 9 11,89 Caddo................................... 1,188 4,618 7,003 1,309 58 11,679 Bossier............................... 909 3,646 7195 709 1 10,852 COlaiborne................. 1,825 9,261 6,528 1,734 6 15,795 Bienville.. 1,096 5,208 3067 929 38 9,1' REPORT OF THE STATE CENSUS-CoNTI uE. arso.Qai umber of White lNumober of Free Narishc~. ":~~7ir,,a fiotcre 1Numbl~er of Whi ilt~Number of FarislCs. -a ua jid VOt-O's. Nhun1e 51 iT umb-c- lr of S]aves. White e B tales betTt33 opulation. ~PeoopI~~?o ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~F'ree Negroes. ao IS and 45 years. Jackso... 1i, 043 5,220 3,303 953 1 9,023 Union.................................. 1,389 7,191 4, 15 1,352 5 11, 50 Mtorelhouise.. -*Z*****~~* -@@v.z9+*li 918 3,620 5,468 789 14 9,102 OUachita......... 774. 3,215 4,1098 698 32 7.345 Cald well....................... 506' 2,607 | 1,830 474 41,48 22 2454 450 t-1,946 Totals.,...........13 272,072 19,3 87 1 5-,$44 1a 86 9 579,2 4