L-AW AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR TARING THE CENSUS OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN, IN TIHE YEAR 1874. ISSUEI) BY THE SECRETARY OF STATE. LANSING BW. s. GEORGE & CO., STATE PRINTERS AND BINDERS. 1874. LAW AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR TAKING TN]& OP THN STATE OF MICHIGAN IN TTTE YEAR 1874. ISSUED BY THE SECRETARY OF STATE. LANSING W. S. GEORGE & CO., STATE PRINTERIS AND BINDERS. 18s4. n ROM TIIE CONSTITUTION OF MIII[HIGAN. ARTICLE IV. SEc. 4. The Legislature shall provide by law for an enumeration of the inhabitants in the year eighteen hundred and fifty-four, and every ten years thereafter; -and at the first session after each enumeration so made, and also at the first session after each enumeration by the authority of the United States, the Legislature shall re-arrange the Senate districts, and apportion anew the representatives, among the counties and districts, according to the number of inhabitants, exclusive of persons of Indian descent, who are not civilized, or are members of any tribe. Each apportionment, and the division into representative districts by any board of supervisors, shall remain unaltered until the return of another enumeration. CENSUSJ LAW. AN ACT to provide for taking the census and statistics of this State. approved February 9, 1853, as amended by Act 101, Session Laws of 1873. SECTION i. The People of the State Duty of suof fMichi~gan enact, Thatt it shall be ad asessthe duty of the supervisor of each ors to tako census and township and ward, and assessor of statistics. each assessment district, at the time of taking a list of the taxable property, or between the first Monday of April and third Monday of May, in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four, and every ten years thereafter, to go to every dwellinghouse in their respective township, ward or assessment district, and by personally inquiring of the head of every family, or some competent person, to ascertain and take an enumeration of all the inhabitants therein (except uncivilized Indians belonging to some tribe), in the following order, to wit: The names of all males of the age of twenty-one years an d Lunder 4 CENSUS LAW. forty-five (designating the married from the unmarried); the names of those of forty-five and under seventyfive; the names of those of seventyfive and under ninety; the names of those of ninety and under one hundred; and the names of those over one hundred; the number of females of the age of eighteen years and under forty (designaLting the married from the unmarried); the number of the age of forty and under seventyfive; the number of the age of seventy-five and over; the number of children under the age of five years; the number of the age of five and under ten (designating the males from the females); the number of males of the age of ten and under twenty-one, and the number of females of the age of ten and under eighteen; the number of colored persons; the number of blind; the number of deaf and dumb; and the number of insane persons and idiots; the number of marriages and the number of deaths the preceding year, as near as can be ascertained; andl the occupation or profession of all males over twenty-one years of age. Statistics to SEC. 2. And it shall also be the duty be collected. of the suplervisors and assessors of CENSUS LAW. 5 each city and township, at the time Idem. mentioned in the preceding section for taking the census of his township or ward, to ascertain and set dlown in a table prepared for that purpose the whole number of acres of taxable land; the whole number of acres of land owned by individuals and companies; the number of acres improved; the whole number of acres of land exempt from taxation, and for what cause, and its value; the numb2r of acres sowed with wheat then on the ground; the number of acres and the number of bushels of corn harvested the preceding year; the number of acres harvested and the nunmber of bushels of wheat raised the preceding year; the number of bushels of all other kinds of grain; the number of bushels of potatoes and the number of tons of hay the preceding year; the number of acres planted with the following varieties of trees: peach, pear, apple, plum, cherry; the number of acres planted with grape vines, with raspberry canes, strawberry plants, currant and gooseberry bushes; and the number of acres planted with melons and with garden vegetables, and the quantity of each of' the following articles produced during each 6 CENSUS LAW. Idem. of the two preceding years: apples, peaches, pears, plums, cherries, grapes, strawberries, currants, gooseberries, melons and garden vegetables, and the value thereof as nearly as it can be ascertained; the number of sheep, and the number of pounds of wool sheared the preceding year; and the number of sheep and the number of -swine over six months old; and the number of pounds of pork marketed; the number of neat cattle (other than oxen and cows) one year old and over; the number of horses one year old and over; the number of mules; the number of work oxen and the number of milch cows; the number of pounds of butter and cheese made the preceding year; the number of pounds of sugar manufactured the present year; the number of pounds of fruit dried for market; the number of cans of fruit and vegetables canned for market during the preceding year; the number of cans of pickles manufactured for market; the number of pounds of peppermint oil manufactured the preceding year; the number of flouting mills, and the number of runs of stone in each; the number of barrels of flour made by each the preceding year; and the number of oil CENSUS LAW. 7 mills, and the number of gallons of Idem. oil made the preceding year; the number of breweries, and the number of barrels of beer made the preceding year; the number of distilleries, and the number of gallons of liquor made the preceding year; the number of gallons of wine made the preceding year; and the number of barrels of cider made the preceding year; and the number of barrels of fish caught the preceding year, and the amount of capital invested; the number of saw mills, and the number of feet of lumber sawed by each the preceding year and the amount of capital invested; the number and kind of all mannfactories, the number of persons employed in each, the amount of capital in vested and the value of the products for the past year, designating the number of said mills and factories operated by steam and the number by water power; the number of mines worked, the amount of capital invested, and the number of men employed, specifying the kind of mineral, the aggregate quantity in pounds, and its. valuation at the place ot mining; the amount of capital invested and the number of men employed; and the, value of all the merchandise imported S CENSUS LAW. the preceding year for the purpose of sale. Duty oSec- SEC. 3. The Secretary of State shall t otef prepare proper blanks for taking the census and statistics, and shall transmnit to the several county clerks of all the organized counties of the State a sufficient number for each township, ward, or assessment district in each county, on or before the first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four, and every tenth year thereafter; and it shall be the duty of the county clerk to receive and retain the same in his office, and on or before the second Monday in April hext thereafter, cause to be delivered to the supervisor of each township and ward, and assessor of each assessment district in the county, a sufficient number of said blanks for the supervisor or assessor to take the census of his township or ward, or assessment district (as the case may be), and to make a condeinsed statement thereof, as prescribed in the next succeeding section. census snd SEC. 4. It shall be the duty of tattbe codesed each supervisor and assessor to conbysupervis- dense the census and statistics of his or and asSessor, township, ward, or assessment district, so as to show the aggregate number of CENSUS LAW. 9 each class, to write out distinctly the names of all males over the age of twenty-one years; and when so arranged he shall nmake duplicate copies, and personally deliver or forward the same to the county clerk of their respective counties, on or before the first day of July, next thereafter; and Duty of it shall be the duty of the county countyclerk. clerk to forthwith seal up one copy and send it by mail to the Secretary of State, and the other he shall file and carefully preserve in his office. SEc. 5. If any supervisor or assessor When pershall be sick, or otherwise unable to s, e,tdtoap pelform, or omit to perform the duties do the duty of supervisor required by this act, the township ororassessor. city board shall immediately appoint a suitable person to do the duties of such supervisor or assessor, who shall take and subscribe the constitutional oath before entering upon the duties of his office. SEC. 6. Any supervisor or assessor Penalty for neglecting or refusing, without good auty. cause shown, to perform all the duties prescribed in this act, shall forfeit the sum of one hundred dollars, to he recovered by an action of debt, in the name of the people of the State of Michigan, for the use of the county where such failure occurred. 2 10 CENSUS LAW. Proseenting SEC. 7. It shall be the duty of the t or oey to county, township, or city clerk (as the feitures. case may be), to notify the prosecnting attorney of the county of any forficiture under this act, who shall immediately commence a suit for the recovery thereof, and prosecute the same to a final termination. Com pensa- SEC. 8. The supervisor of each townptrvisonrU- ship and ward, and the ass-ssor, of andassess- each assessment district, shall be alors. lowed, in addition to the sum allowed by law fbr taking the assessment of his township, ward, or assessment distfict, two dollars for every one hundred persons by him returned, if the number shall exceed one thousand and five hundred; and two dollars and - fifty cents per hundred for any number less; and ten cents per mile for conveying the returns to the county clerk's office, which shall be in lull for all services performedi under the provisions of this act; and the sum due each supervisor and assessor for services, shall be calculated at the rate aforesaid by the county clerk to which the proper returns are made, and his certificate of the amount due shall be paid by the treasurer of said rrovlso. County: Provided, That before a supervisor or assessor shall be entitled CENSUS LAW. 11 to receive any compensation, he shall attach a certificate to each copy of said returns, signed by him, in the following form, to wit: "I do hereby F,,rm of certify that the census and statistics e"' icate ta set forth in the schedule hereunto annexed, has been consolidated and arranged from enumeration and statistical lists, made by actual inquiry at the dwelling, or personal inquiry of the head of every family, or of a competent person acquainted with the facts, by myself, in the towsnship of -, or ward number -, in the city of -- --—, or assessment district in the city of - - (as the case may be), and that the said schedule has been made in every repect in conformity with the act for taking the census and statistics for the year eighteen hundred and fifty-four, and every tenth year thereafter, and the amendments thereto, and is correct and true, according to the best of my knowledge and belief." SEC. 9. The Secretary of State shall Report of condense, in a tabular form, the ceun- tate of sus and statistical returns made to him, and, as soon as may be, cause three thousand copies to be published in pamphlet form, and transmit foun' iMtrihution copies to each organized township in thereof. 12 CENSUS LAW. the State, one for the use of the supervisor, one for the use of the township clerk, and two to be deposited in the township library; and twen ty-five copies to the mayor of the city of Detroit, and ten copies to the mayor of any other city in the State, for the use of the several city libraries, and one copy to each of the members of the LegisProviso. lature and its officers: Provided, That in counties having less than five thousand inhabitants, the supervisor in each town shall be entitled to three dollars for taking the census and statistics in his town extra. Common SEC. 10. In the city of Detroit the Council of Detroit to common council shall appoint a perappoihnt son in each ward to discharge the duties required by this act to be performed by the supervisor of each P'roviso. township or ward: Provided, There is no assessor elected in said wards. Columns to SEC. 11. It shall be the duty of the be footed. persons required in this act to take said census, to have the several columns of figures footed, and the aggregate amount put down. Governor to SEC. 12. That the Governor appoint appoin t marshals to take the census in the uncertaincases. organized territory not otherwise provided in this act, who shall receive sulch compensation as the board of su CENSUS LAW. 13 pervisors of theorganized county to which such unorganized territory is attached for judicial purposes shall allow. This act shall take effect immediately. INSTRUCT IONS. TO COUNTY CLERKS. You will receive by express a supply of blanks, and pamphlet law and instructions -for taking the census and statistics of the -State for 1874. The blanks comprise five printed schedules,,and a quantity of ruled paper. The schedules numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, are for the original work of taking down, the information required to be obtained. The other schedule a:id ruled paper are for the copies of condensed statement of aggregates, and names and occupations of males over twenty-one years of age, which enumerators are required to make, in duplicate, and personally deposit with, or forward to the,clerk of their respective counties on or before the first day of July; one of which you are forthwith to seal up and send to the Secre-:tary of State. After the spring election, and on or before Cthe second MTonday in April, you will, as re INSTRUCTIONS. 15 quired by law, cause to be delivered to the Supervisor of each township and ward and assessor of each assessment district in the county, and in the city of Detroit to the persons appointed in accordance with law, by the common council, to take the census and statistics in wards where there is no assessor, a sufficient number of said blanks on which to take and return the census and statistics of his township, ward, assessment district or territory assigned him, and one copy of the pamphlet law and instructions to each. In making the distribution of the schedules YOU WILL OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING: The calculation for the nunlber of each of the schedules numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, necessary to be printed, is based on an assumed population of one million five hundred thousand, and the nnumber of sheets which it took to take the census and statistics for one thousand inhabitants in 1864. Calculating by' the number used in 1864, it is found that: 1 sheet of SCHEDULE 1 is sufficient for a population of 318. 1 sheet of SCHEDULE 2 is sufficient for a population of 400. 16 INSTRUCTIONS. 1 sheet of SCHEDULE 3 is sufficient for a population of 400. And that of SCHEDULE 4 BUT 1 sheet will be required by any enumerator, except in rare cases in cities where manufacturing establishments are very numerous. Of the SCHEDULE FOR T'HE CONDENSED STATEMENT to you and the Secretary of State, two copies to each enumerator will be sufficient, and the RULED PAPER for names, etc., to accompany the condensed statement, you will distribute at the rate of one sheet for a population of eight hundred, or a district containing 240 voters. A reasonable surplus of all the schedules and of the pamphlets, has been printed; a part of which is sent to you, and the remainder kept at the office of the Secretary of Stalte to supply any deficiency which may be discovered; but as the type is distributed and no more can be printed in proper time, YOU MUST BE SURE TO ESTIMATE THE BLANKS NECESSARY IN EACH CASE CLOSELY, or the supply will be exhausted. Should you discover that from any cause there will not be enough of any of the blanks, make application without delay to the Secretary of State for the kind and quantity needed. ISTRUCTIOWS, 17 TO SUTPERVISORS AND ASSESSORS, AND OT'HER ENTUMERATORS. (Supplemental to the notes on the Schedules.)!. Enter the items in all the schedules as well as in the lists of names carefully, with. good black ink, to save time in deciphering defaced pencil marks, and for the sake of accuracy. 2. Make the enumeration and take the statistics by.families, numbering and designating them so as to know when you are done. 3. All PERSONS TEMPORARILY ABSENT from home on a journey or visit are to be counted in their own family, but children and youth absent from home for purposes of education, on the first of May, and subsequently during the time of taking the enumeration, will be counted in the family where they are then living. Sailors, fishermen, railroad men, expressmen, etc., if they have a home and family in any particular place, will be counted with such family, and not where they may be temporarily, if away from home. Care must be exercised lest the classes of persons rqferred to in this paragraph be counted more than once, 18 INSTRUCTIONS. 4. Each page of the original schedules should be numbered in order as filled, and whenfilled, in the blank prepared for that pur pose, at the upper left-hand corner, numbering the first page of the first sheet PAGE 1; the first page of the second sheet PAGE 3, and so on. Exercise the utmost care to preserve your schedules, when filled, from loss or damage. Always carry the pamplet law and instructions. 5. Fill both sides of the schedules and be careful not to lose or spoil the blanks or the supply printed may-be exhtausted. 6. Enumerate DIVORCED PERSONS, aS to social condition, with "widowers" and "widows"; those merely separated but not divorced, with the "married." 7. Designate the "PROFESSION, OCCUPATION OR TRAlDE " closely, as: "Stone Mason," "6Brick ATason," "Clerk in Store," "Bank Clerk," "Retired Merchant," " Ca.rpenter and Joiner," " Carpenter," "c Cabinet Maker," "' Shoemaker," "' Huckster," s" Dry Goods Merchant," " Coal Dealer,"" Grocer," "Apprentice to Carpenter," "Works in Paper Mill," "Farmer," "Farm Laborer," "Miner," "R. R. Engineer," "Brakeman," "Hatter," "Hat and Cap Dealer," "Circuit Judge," "Probate Judge," INSTRUCTIONS. 19 (Judges will be understood to be lawyers, the occupation of other officials should be stated), " Fire Insurance Agent," "Life Insurance Agent," etc. Reserve the term manufacturer for proprietors of large establishments, giving always the branch of manufacturing. Distinguish between farmers and farm laborers. (Call no man agent, artist, professor, speculator, etc., without further explanation. If a man works in (or Ilr) a fictory, state the fact, naming the kind of factory. O. Report none BLIND who are not totally so, and only those INSANE of whose insanity there is no question. Call none " DEAF AND DUMB " who are merely deaf and not dumb, or dumb and not deaf. Only such persons as can neither hear nor speak are meant. The fact of IDIOCY can generally be best determined by the public opinion of the neighborhood. 9. As to MARRIAGES AND DEATHS, care should be taken to have it understood that the period covered by the inquiry is from the I.st of January, 1873, to the 31st of December, 1873, 20 XISTRUCTiOXS. 10. The amounts of the various PRODUCTS will be estimated, where no exact account is kept, from the best information which can be obtained f'omz the proprietor or manager. 11. By " IMPROVED LAND " is meant cleared land, whether used fobr gazing, grass, or tillage, or lying idle. 12. On all the Schedules where values are stated, omit fractions of a dollar, or cents. 13. Where a MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENT carries on more than one kind of business, each kind should be tWaken separately, as to the kind of~ manufjactlures and their value. 14. With MINEs include QUARRIES, designating them properly as to the products. The reduction or manufact;ure of the products of mines, or quarries, whether connected with mines, or quarries, or otherwise, will be classed as manufacturing, and the works or mills for such purposes included under the head "Manufactories of all Kinds." 15. After condensing and making your DUPLICATE COPIES OF AGGREGATES ANDI NAMES AND OCCUPATIONS fos delivering to the county clerks, on or before the 1st day of July, one copy of which he is to forward forthwith to the Secretary of State, roll up the original STRraCTIONS. 21 blanks on which you Aave taken the enumeration and statistics, and forward them by mail or express to the Secretary of State. BY so DOING YOU WILL SAVE A GREAT DEAL OF CORRESPONDENCE WHEN THE CONDENSATION FOR PUBLICATION IS GOING ON I'N THE OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE. Errors will always creep in, in copying, etc., and it is very important that the originals be at hand to refer to when the accuracy of any, particular item seems improbable.* 16. By the preparation of the schedule on which to copy the condensed statements, which you are to deposit with the county clerk, A GREAT SAVING OF LABOR TO ENUMERATORS over the method heretofore in use, has been projected, and it is hoped by the Department, of State that you will show your appreciation of its efforts to so simplify and reduce your work, under the law, as to render as far as possible the compensation allowed you, commensurate with your labor, by taking pains to-make the statistics of this census as perfect as possible, and the best of the series. * If, at the time of condensing, yon find errors in the Schedales and correct them, change the incorrect marks in the original Schedule immediately, to fave subsequent annoyance,