SUPPLEMENT TO T-IHI CHURCH PSALMIST. PREPARED BY THE IN ACCORDANCE WITH!THE INSTRUCTIONS OF TIHE GENERAL ASSEMBLIES OF 1857 AND 1868. PHILADELPHIA: PRESBYTERIAN PUBLICATION COMMITTEE, 1334 CHESTNUT ST. New York: A. D. F. RANDOLPH, 683 Brbadway. Chicago: S. C. GRIGGS & Co......Detroit: RAYMOND & SELEOK. aincinnatni: MOORE, WILSTACH, KEY & Co. t. Louis: KEI & WOODS. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1859, by WILLIAM PURVES, TREASURER, in trust for the Presbyterian Publication Committee, -in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. STEREOTYPED BY L. JOHNSON & CO. PHILADELPHIA. ASHMEAD, PRINTER. 0 )0-^ --- — <, ----- ^ ^ ----- ^ SUPPLEMENT. HYMNS OF WORSHIP. 7q03 OHP HYMN 703, C. M. 703 Christs Presence sought in the Sanctuary. mp 1 AGAIN our earthly cares we leave, - And to thy courts repair; < Again with joyful feet we come, To meet our Saviour here. f 2 Great Shepherd of thy people, hear! Thy presence now display; m We bow within thy house of prayer; Oh! give us hearts to pray. 3 The clouds which Vail thee from our sight, In pity, Lord, remove: Dispose our minds to hear aright The message of thy love. mp 4 The feeling heart, the melting eye, The humble mind bestow; And shine upon us from on high, To make our graces grow. in 5 Show us some token of thy love, Our fainting hope to raise; And pour thy blessing from above, That we may render praise. 70HYMN 704, L. M. 6 Lines. J <-704C~, Sabbath Invocation. m 1 l REAT God! this sacred day of thine Demands-the soul's collected powers; With joy we now to thee resign These solemn consecrated hours: p Oh! may our souls adoring own The grace that calls us to thy throne. - - - * 2)U s~~~~~~~~~~~~693 624 WORSHIP. mp 2 All-seeing God! thy piercing eye Can every secret thought explore; May worldly cares our bosoms fly, And where thou art intrude no more: p Oh! may thy grace our spirits move, And fix our minds on things above. mp 3 Thy Spirit's powerful aid impart, And bid thy word, with life divine, Engage the ear, and warm the heart; Then shall the day indeed be thine; m Then shall our souls adoring own The grace that calls usJto thy throne. 05 rHYMN 705, C.M. 705 "We praise thee, O God." m 1 GOD! we praise thee, and confess t That thou the only Lord And everlasting Father art, By all the earth adored. mf 2 To thee all angels cry aloud; To-thee the powers on high, Both cherubim and seraphim, Continually do cry: mf 3 0 holy, holy, holy Lord, Whom heavenly hosts obey, The world is with the glory filled Of thy majestic sway!, m 4 The apostles' glorious company, And prophets crowned with light, With all the martyrs' noble host, Thy constant praise recite. 5 The holy Church throughout the world, O Lord! confesses thee, mf That thou th' eternal Father art, Of boundless majesty. 10 tye HYMN 706, 10s and uls. F 706 0 The majesty and goodness of God. mf 1 H! worship the King, all-glorious above;' Oh! gratefully sing his power and love. dol Our Shield and Defender, the Ancient of days, Pavilioned in splendor, and girded with praise. mf 2 Oh! tell of his might, oh! sing of his grace, dol Whose robe is the light, whose canopy space! WORSHIP. 625 His chariots of wrath the deep thunder-clouds form, And dark is his path on the wings of the storm. dol.3 Thy bountiful care what tongue can recite? It breathes in the air, it shines in the light, It streams from the hills, it descends to uthe plains,,; And sweetly distils in the dew and the rains. mp 4 Frail children of dust, and feeble as frail, aff In thee do we trust, nor find thee to fail; < Thy mercies how tender how firm to the end! len Our Maker, Defender, Redeemer, and Friend. 707 EHYMN 707, 8s and 7s. *707 Ceaseless Praise. m 1 CEASELESS praise be to the Father, By whose power and grace we live; Who, our wayward souls to gather, Did his Well-beloved give. 2 To the Sea be praise unending, Who, our ruinid, souls to save, From his heavenly throne descending, Hasted to the cross and grave. 3 To the Holy Spirit render Grateful, everlasting praise, Who, long striving, patient, tender, Waits our souls from death to raise. mf 4 Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, One Jehovah, we adore; May we all thy peace inherit, Saved by thee for evermore. 708 HYMN 708, L. M. 708o God is ere. 1 O! God is here! let us adore, 1 And own how dreadful is this place; Let all within us feel his power, And silent bow before his face. 2 Lo! God is here! Him, day and night, The united choirs of angels sing; To him, enthroned above all height, Heaven's hosts their noblest praises Dring.. —---— ^ —--— ^ _ 626 WORSHIP. I 3 Being of beings! may our praise Thy courts with grateful fragrance fill; Still may we stand before thy face; Still hear and do thy sovereign will. 7QHYMN'709, C. M. v709 Joyful Adoration. mn"f 1 n LORY to God the Father be, * Glory to God the Son, Glory to God the Holy Ghost, Glory to God alone. m 2 My soul doth magnify the Lord, My spirit doth rejoice In God, my Saviour and my God; I hear his joyful voice. 3 I need not go abroad for joy, Who have a feast at home; My sighs are turned into songs, The Comforter is come. 4 Down from on high the blessed Dove Is come into my breast; to witness God's eternal love; This is my heavenly feast. ntf 5 Glory to God the Father be, Glory to God the Son, Glory to God the Holy Ghost, Glory to God alone. i10 m (HYMN 710, 7s.' 710 Invocation of the Trinity. t ff 1 HOLY Father, hear my cry;.H Holy Saviour, bend thine ear; Holy Spirit, come thou nigh: Father, Saviour, Spirit, hear! 2 Father, save me from my sin; Saviour, I thy mercy crave; Gracious Spirit, make me clean: Father, Son, and Spirit, save! 3 Father, let me taste thy love; Saviour, fill my soul with peace; Spirit, come my heart to move: Father, Son, and Spirit, bless! mf 4 Father, Son, and Spirit-thou One Jehovah, shed abroad. -—. —--. —. —. —-. —. WORSHIP. 627 All thy grace within me now; aff Be my Father and my God! 71 1 eHYMN 711, C. M. 7" I1. After Sermon. m 1 A LMIGEITY God, thy word is cast;. Like seed into the ground; Let now the dew of heaven descend, And righteous fruits abound. 2 Let not the foe of Christ and man This holy seed remove; But give it root in every heart, To'bring forth fruits of love. 3 Let not the world's deceitful cares The rising plant destroy; But let it yield, a hundredfold, The fruits of peace and joy. 4 Oft as the precious seed is sown, Thy quickening grace bestow, That all, whose souls the truth receive, Its saving power may know. 719a oE6HYMN 712, 7s. Cose of Evening Service. dol 1 OR the mercies of the day, For this rest upon our-way, m Thanks to thee alone be given, Lord of earth and King of heaven. mp 2 Cold our services have been, Mingled every'prayer with sin; < 2 I am weakness; thou art might; I am darkness, thou art light; I am all defiled with sin, Thou canst make me pure within; n Foes that threaten to devour, In thy presence have no power; Thou canst bid their rage be still, And my heart with comfort fill. dol 3 Thou canst fit me by thy grace For the heavenly dwelling-place: 684 CHRIST. All thy promises are sure, Ever shall thy love endure; mp Then what more could I desire, How to greater bliss aspire? aff All I need in thee I see, Thou art all in all to me. 725 1HYMN 725,i C. M. 725 Patience of Jesus. dol 1 WHAT grace, 0 Lord, and beauty shone Around thy steps below; What patient love was seen in all Thy life and death of woe! 2 For ever on thy-burden'd heart A weight of sorrow hung; Yet no ungentle, murmuring word Escaped thy silent tongue. m 3 Thy foes might hate, despise, revile, Thy friends unfaithful prove; mp Unwearied in forgiveness still, Thy heart could only love. aff 4 Oh! give us hearts to love like thee. Like thee, 0 Lord, to grieve Far more for others' sins than all The wrongs that we receive. mp 5 One with thyself, may every eye In us, thy brethren, see The gentleness and grace that spring From union, Lord, with thee. 726 HYMN 726, 7s and 6s. -726 Scene of the Cross. aff 1 SACRED Head once wounded, With grief and pain weighed down! How scornfully surrounded, With thorns thy only crown! rmp How art thou pale with anguish, With sore abuse and scorn! How does that visage languish, Which once was bright as morn! 2 What thou, my Lord, hast suffered, Was all for sinners' gain: Mine, mine was the transgression, But thine the deadly pain. CHRIST. 635 aff Lo! here I fall, my Saviour!'Tis I deserve thy place: Look on me with thy favor, Vouchsafe to me thy grace! 3 What language shall 1 borrow To praise thee, Heavenly Friend, For this thy dying sorrow, Thy pity without end? mf Lord, make me thine forever, Nor let me faithless prove: Oh! let me never, never Abuse such dying love. HYMN 727, 7s and 6s 727 Casting all on Jess. m 1 I LAY my sins on Jesus, The spotless Lamb of God; He bears them all, and frees us From the accursed load. mp I bring my guilt to Jesus, To wash my crimson stains White, in his blood most precious, Till not a spot remains. iz 2 I lay my wants on Jesus, All fulness dwells in him; Hle healeth my diseases, He doth my soul redeem. mp I lay my griefs on Jesus, My burdens and my cares; He from them all releases, He all my sorrow shares. mp 3 I long to be like Jesus, dol Meek, loving, lowly, mild; - I long to be like Jesus, The Father's holy child. mf I long to be with Jesus, Amid the heavenly throng, To sing with saints his praises, To learn the angels' song. 70 r28HYMN 728, 8s. *2.0 Joy in Christ. mf 1 /YY gracious Redeemer I love, -. His praises aloud I'll proclaim; And join with the armies above., To shout his adorable name. () —^^ —--------------------------------------— ^^w^^^g~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 636 CHRIST mn To gaze on his glories divine, Shall be my eternal employ,To feel them incessantly shine, My boundless, ineffable joy. mnf 2 Ye palaces, sceptres, and crowns, Your pride with disdain I survey; m Your pomps are but shadows and sounds, And pass in a moment away: The crown that my Saviour bestows, Yon permanent sun shall outshine; mf My joy everlastingly flowsf My God, my Redeemer, is mine, | 2 IyHYMN 729, a. M.; < x9 Satisfied in Jesus. mp 1 T HEARD the voice.of Jesus say, < Come unto me-and rest: - Lay down, thou weary one; lay down Thy head upon my breast. I came to Jesus as I was, dol Weary, and worn, and sad, I found in him a resting-place, And he has made me glad. m 2 I heard the voice of Jesus say, Behold, I freely give The living water; thirsty one, Stoop down and drink, and live. < I came to Jesus, and I drank Of that life-giving stream; My thirst was quenched, my soul revived, - - And now I live in him. m 3 I heard the voice of Jesus say, I am this dark world's light; Look unto me, thy morn shall rise And all thy day be bright. mf I looked to Jesus, and I found In him my Star, my Sun; And in that light of life I'll walk, > Till all my journey's done. ryonw 3HYMEN 730, C. M. 730 Jesus in the heart. aff 1 JESUS! King most wonderful! 0 Thou Conqueror renowned! Thou Sweetness most ineffable! In whom all joys are found.. THE SPIRIT. 67 2 When once thou visitest the heart, Then truth begins to shine; Then earthly vanities depart; Then kindles love divine. // 3 0 Jesus! Light of all below I Thou Fount of life and fire! Surpassing all the joys we know, All that we can desire. mf 4 Thee may our tongues forever bless; Thee may we love alone, And ever in our lives express The image of thine own. THE SPIRIT. 731 HYMN 731, 7s and 5s. 731 lThe Conmforter. mp 1 TOLY Ghost, the Infinite! 11 Shine upon our nature's night With thy blessed inward light, Comforter Divine! < 2 We are sinful: cleanse us, Lord; - We are faint: thy strength afford; Lost,-until by thee restored, Comforter Divine! mp o Like the dew, thy peace distil; Guide, subdue our wayward will, Things of Christ unfolding still, Comforter Divine! aftf 4 In us, fr is, intercede, And, with voiceless groanings, plead Our unutterable need, Comforter Divine! mp 5 In us "Abba, Father," cryEarnest of our bliss on high, Seal of immortality,~Comforter Divine! m 6 Search for us the depths of God; < Bear us up the starry road, To the height of thine abode, Comforter Divine! 54 6Si38 TIIE SPIRIT. 732 HYMN 732, L. M. 6 Lines. 720. f JfThe Spirit Invoked. mf 1 CREATOR, Spirit, by whose aid m The world's foundations first were laid, Come visit every waiting mind, Come pour thy joys on human kind; m From sin and sorrow set us free, And make thy temples worthy thee. mp 2 0 source of uncreated heat, The Father's promised Paraclete! < Thrice holy fount, immortal fire, > Our hearts with heavenly love inspire: dol Come, and thy sacred unction bring, To sanctify us while we sing. f 3 Immortal honors, endless fame, Attend th' Almighty Father's name; The Saviour Son be glorified Who for lost man's redemption died; And equal adoration be, Eternal Comforter, to thee! r'yqq T2HYM1 733, 7s and 6s. 733 The Witness of the Spirit sought. aff 1 SAVIOUR, I thy word believe,, My unbelief remove; m Now thy quickening Spirit give, The unction from above: Show me, Lord, how good thou art; Now thy gracious word fulfill; Send the witness in my heart, The Holy Ghost reveal. aff 2 Blessed Comforter, come down, And live and move in me; Make my every deed thine own, In all things led by thee: Bid my sin and fear depart, And within oh deign to dwell; Faithful Witness, in my heart Thy perfect light reveal. m 3 Whom the world cannot receive, O Lord, reveal in me; aff Son of God, I cease to live, Unless I live to thee: ^ —---------- ^ ^- _ i_ THE SPIRIT. 639 Make me choose the better part; Oh! do thou my pardon seal; Send the witness to my heart, The Holy Ghost reveal. 73 "t"Y HYMN 734, L. M. 6 Lines. 734 The Comforter desired. mn 1 OH that the Comforter would come, Nor visit as a transient guest, But fix in me his constant home, And take possession of my breast! mf Come, make my soul thy loved abode, 0 Spirit of the living God! m 2 If now thy influence I feel, If now in thee begin to live; More fully Jesus now reveal, Of heaven a larger earnest give: mf Come thou, with light and power divine, And Christ, and all with Christ, are mine I m 3 My peace, my life, my comfort thou, My treasure and my all thou art! True witness of my sonship, now Engraving pardon on my heart, Seal of my sins in Christ forgiven, < Earnest of love, and pledge of heaven! to5 i^ HYMN 735, C. X. 735 lO lThe Baptism of Fire. aff 1 (H! that in me the sacred fire J Might now begin to glow; Burn up the dross of base desire, And make the mountains flow. 2 Oh! that it now from heaven might fall, And all my sins consume; Come, Holy Ghost, for thee I call; Spirit of burning, come. 1 m 3 Refining fire, go through my heart; Illuminate my soul; Scatter thy life through every part, And sanctify the whole. #6l40 INVITING. INVITING., - -- X 736 HYMN 736, S.. The Invitation. m 1 THE Spirit, in our hearts, 1 Is whispering, Sinner, come; The bride, the church of Christ, proclaims To all his children, Come. 2 Let himathat heareth say To all about him, Come; Let him that thirsts for righteousness To Christ, the fountain, come. 3 Yes, whosoever will, <, Oh! let him freely come, And freely drink the stream of life; mf'Tis Jesus bids him come. dol 4 Lo, Jesus, who invites, Declares, I quickly come: mf Lord, even so! we wait thy hour; O blest Redeemer, come! 7yq7 HYMN 737, S. M. i V7I- Tf!he Sinner called. m 1 RETURN and come to God; Cast all your sins away; Seek ye the Saviour's cleansing blood; Repent, believe, obey. mp 2 Say not ye cannot come; For Jesus bled and died, That none who ask in humble faith Should ever be denied. 3 Say not ye will.not come;'Tis God vouchsafes to call And fearful will their end be found, On whom his wrath shall fall. aff 4 Come then, whoever will, Come while'tis called to-day; Flee to the Saviour's cleansing blood; Repent, believe, obey. I —, —----— ^ ^ ^ INVITING. 641 738 HYMN 738, 7s. *738^Oe The Saviours Invitation. aif 1 FROM the cross uplifted high, $ 1 Where the Saviour deigns to die, What melodious sounds we hear, Bursting on the ravished ear!rmf "Love's redeeming work is done: Come and welcome, singer, come!l m 2 Sprinkled now with blood the throne, Why beneath thy burdens groan? aff On my pierced body laid, Justice owns the ransom paid: Bow the knee, and kiss the- on: < Come and welcome, sinner, come! mp 3 Spread for thee, the festal board See with richest dainties stored; To thy Father's bosom pressed, Yet again a child confessed, Never from his house to roam; < Come and welcome, sinner, come! aff 4 Soon the days of life shall end; Lo, I come, your Saviour, Friend, Safe your spirit to convey To the realms of endless day, Up to my eternal home: len Come and welcome, sinner, come!": 00 HYMN 739, 6s and 4s. I39 f~tTo-day. mf 1 TO-DAY the Saviour calls! aff -' Ye wanderers, come; Oh! ye benighted souls,> Why longer roam? mf 2 To-day the Saviour calls! < For-refuge fly; The storm of vengeance falls'; Ruin is nigh. aft 3 To-day the Saviour calls! Oh! listen now: Within these sacred walls, To Jesus bow. aff 4 The Spirit calls to-day!Yield to his power; Oh! grieve him not away!'Tis mercy's hour.' 54* 6492 INVITING.;7r40 HYMN 740, L.-P. I. 74V0 T'he Great Question. imp 1. TO room for mirth or trifling here, ~ For worldly hope, or:worldly fear, If life so soon is gone; If now the.Judge is at the door, And all mankind must stand before The inexorable throne! 2 Nothing is worth a thought beneath, But how I may escape the death That never, never dies! How make mine own election sure; And when I fail on earth, secure* A mansion in the skies. aff 3 Jesus, vouchsafe a pitying ray; Be thou my Guide, be thou my Way To glorious happiness. Ah! write the pardon on my heart; And whensoe'er I hence depart, Let me depart in peace. r741 HYMN 741, L. M; 6 Lines.' *J 741 Peace to the Sorrowing. aff 1 TEACE, troubled- soul, whose plaintive moan - Has taught each scene the note of woe; Cease thy complaint, suppress thy groan, And let thy tears forget to flow: dol Behold, the precious balm is found, To lull thy pain, to heal thy wound. aff 2 Come, freely come, by sin oppressed Unburden here thy weighty load; Here find thy refuge and thy rest, And trust the mercy of thy God: dol Thy God's thy Saviour-glorious word! < Oh! hear, believe, and bless the Lord. 749 "HYMN 742, 7s. 742 Look to Christ. aff 1 IEARY sinner! keep thineeyes T On th' atoning Sacrifice; View him bleeding on the tree, Pouring out his life for thee. 2 Surely Christ thy griefs hath borne: Weeping soul, no longer mourn; Now by faith the Son embrace, Plead his promise, trust his grace. *^ ^ --- ------------— < PENITENTIAL. 64 3 Cast thy guilty soul on him; Find him mighty to redeem: At his feet thy burden lay; Look thy doubts and care away. 4mf 4 Lord, come thou with power to heal; Now thy mighty arm reveal: mnp At thy feet: myself I lay; aff Take, oh, take my sins away. PENITENTIAL. 4 YO A HYMN. 743, 7s. 743 Earnest Supplication. aft 1 IAVIOUR, when, in dust, to thee Low we bow the adoring knee; When, repentant, to the skies Scarce we lift our streaming eyes; Oh, by all thy pains and woe, Suffered once for man below, Bending from thy throne on high, Hear thy people when they cry. 2 By thine hour of dark despair, By thine agony of prayer, By the purple robe of scorn, By thy wounds-the crown of thornBy thy cross-thy pangs and cries, By thy perfect sacrificeJesus, look with pitying eye; Hear thy people when they cry. 3 By thy deep expiring groan, By thy sealed sepulchral stone, By thy triumphs o'er the grave, By thy power from death to save, Mighty God, ascended Lord, To thy throne in heaven restored, Saviour, Prince, exalted high, Hear thy people when they cry. 744. HYMN 744, S. M. 4-! &-elf-Kn owledge sought. aff 1 AH! whither should I go, Burdened, and sick, and faint? aft' —-1-whither —- should I 644 PENITENTIAL. To whom should I my troubles show, And pour out my complaint? 2 My Saviour bids me come, Ah! why do I delay? He calls the weary sinner home, And yet from him I stay. 3 What is it keeps me back, From which I cannot part;Which will not let my Saviour take Possession of my heart? 4 Some cursed thing unknown Must surely lurk within; Some idol which I will not own, Some secret bosom sin. 5 Jesus, the hindrance show, Which I have feared to see; And let me now consent to know What keeps me back from thee. I745 ZHYMN 745, 7s and 6s. 7'45 Prayer of the Penitent. aft 1 JESUS, let thy pitying eye Call back a wandering sheep; False to thee, like Peter, I Would fain like Peter weep; Let me be by grace restored,.And to me thy mercy shown: < Turn, and look upon me, Lord, And break my heart of stone. mf 2 Saviour, Prince, enthroned above, Repentance to impart, aff Give me, through thy dying love, The humble, contrite heart; m This I should have long implored, For thou all my sin hast known; < Turn, and look upon me, Lord, And break my heart of stone. aft 3 See me, Saviour, from above, Nor suffer me to die; Life, and happiness, and love, Fall from thy gracious eye: Speak the reconciling word,' Let thy mercy melt me down; CONVERSION. 645!< Turn, and look upon me, Lord, And break my heart of stone.;746 HYMN 746, 7s. 746 orv Jesus sought in Distress. af 1 THOU who didst on Calvary bleed, 1- Thou who dost for sinners plead, Help me in my time of need, > Jesus, Saviour, hear my cry! 2 In my darkness and my grief, With my heart of unbelief, I, who am of sinners chief, Jesus, lift to thee mine eye! 3 Foes without and fears within, With no plea thy grace to win, But that thou canst save from sin, Jesus, to thy cross I fly! 4 There on thee I cast my care, There to thee I raise my prayer,;> Jesus, save me:from despair,' ~> Save me, save me, or I die I 5 When the storms of trial lower, When I feel temptation's power, In the last and darkest hour, >aft Jesus, Saviour, be thou nigh l CONVERSION. 747~ HYMN 747, L.. 747 Just as I am. aff 1 TUST as.I am, without one plea, o But that thy blood was shed for me, And that thou bidd'st mQ come to thee, len 0 Lamb of God, I come! - 2 Just as I am, and waiting not To rid my. soul of one dark blot, To thee whose blood can cleanse each spot, len 0 Lamb of God, I come! --- 3 Just as I am'though tossed about With many a conflict, many a doubt, With fears within and wars without, len O Lamb of God; I come! 64-6 CONVERSION. 4 Just as I am, poor, wretched, blind, Sight, riches, healing of the mind, Yea, all I need, in thee to find, len 0 Lamb of God, I come! m 5 Just as I am-thou wilt receive, Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve, Because thy promise I believelen O Lamb of God, I come mp 6 Just as I am-thy love unknown Has broken every barrier down; Now to be thine, yea, thine aloneZen 0 Lamb of God, I come! 7 Q48A HYMN 748, S. M. x U7480 Yielding to Ged. mp 1 A ND can I yet delay -3 My little all to give? To tear my soul from earth away, My Jesus to receive? 2 Nay, but I yield, I yield I I can hold out no more: I sink, by dying love compelled, And own thee conqueror! 3 Though late, I all forsake, My friends, my all resign; < Gracious Redeemer, take, oh take, And seal me ever thine! 79 HYMN 749, C. P. M..T749 Christ a Refuge. aff 1 T THOU who hear'st the prayer of faith, J Wilt thou not save a soul from death, That casts itself on thee? I have no refuge of my own, But flyto what my Lord hath done And suffeied once for me. m 2 Slain in the guilty sinner's stead, Thy spotless righteousness I plead, And thy atoning blood: Thy righteousness my robe shall be, Thy merit shall atone for me, And bring me near to God. mf 3 Then snatch me from eternal death, The spirit of adoption breathe, His consolation send: CONVERSION. 647 I By him some word of life impart, p And sweetly whisper to my heart, "Thy Maker is thy friend."' 75 0 HYMN 750, 8s and 7s. l 5 0 Blind Bartimeus. 1 "MERCY, 0 thou son of David!" Thus blind Bartimeus prayed; "Others by thy grace are saved, Now to me afford thine aid." 2 Many for his crying chid him, But he called the louder still; Till the gracious Saviour bid him, "Come and ask me what you will." 3 Money was not what he wanted, Though by begging used to live; But he asked, and Jesus granted Alms which none but he could give. 4 "Lord, remove this grievous blindness, Let my eyes behold the day!" Straight he saw, and, won by kindness, Followed Jesus in the way. 5 Oh! methinks I hear him praising, Publishing to all around: "Friends, is not my case amazing? What a Saviour I have found I 6 Oh t that all the blind but knew him, And would be advised by me! Surely they would hasten to him, He would cause them all to see." 751 HYMN 751, 7s and 6s. Christ Chosen. 1 VAIN, delusive world, adieu, v With all of creature good! Only Jesus I pursue, Who bought me with his blood: All thy pleasures I forego, All thy wealth, and all thy pride; Only Jesus will I know, And Jesus crucified. m 2 Him to know is life and peace * And pleasure without end: This is all my happinessOn Jesus to depend, k —-------------------------------- 648 CONVERSION. Daily in his grace to grow,I Ever in his love abide: < Only Jesus will I know, And Jesus crucified. r759 ~ HYMN 752,. M. Confidence in the Intercessor. mnf 1 A RISE, my soul, arise, ~1 Shake off thy guilty fears; The bleeding Sacrifice In my behalf appears: len Before the throne my Surety stands; My name is written on his hands. - 2 He ever lives above, For me to intercede, His all-redeeming love, His precious blood to plead; > His blood atoned for all our race, And sprinkles now the throne of grace. - 3 My God is reconciled; His pardoning voice I hear: He owns me for his child — I can no longer fear; With confidence I now draw nigh, And Father, Abba, Father, cry. HYMN 753, 0. M. I 53f. nThe Narrow Way. mP 1 QTRAIT is the way-the door is straitL That leads to joys on high:'Tis but a few that find the gate, While crowds mistake and die. 2 Beloved self must be denied, The mind and will renewed, Passion suppressed, and patience tried, And vain desires subdued. aff 3 Lord, can a feeble, helpless worm Fulfill a task so hard? Thy grace must all the work perform, And give the free reward. ^ft, E1HYMN 754, 7s and 6s. 75'9t C*rChrist a Refuge. " 1 G OD of my salvation, hear,, v And help me to believe, CONTVERSION. 649 Now to thee do I draw near, Thy blessing to receive: Full of sin, alas, I am, But to thee for refuge flee; > Friend of sinners, spotless Lamb, Thy blood was shed for me. 2 No good word, or work, or thought, I bring to gain thy grace; Pardon I accept, unbought; Thy proffer I embrace: N/eedy, guilty, vile I am, Yet I know thy love is free; Friend of sinners, spotless Lamb, Thy blood was shed for me. 3 Saviour, from thy wounded side I never will depart; At thy cross will I abide, With humble, trusting heart: When my place above I claim, This shall be my only plea: p Friend of sinners, spotless Lamb, Thy blood was shed for me. r55 W^HYMN 755, L. M. ]755~) *<. Prayer of the Pubiic&n. p 1 WITH broken heart and contrite sigh, A trembling sinner, Lord, I cry; Thy pardoning grace is rich and free: len 0 God, be merciful to me! 2 I smite upon my troubled breast, With deep and conscious guilt oppressed; Christ and his cross my only plea: len O God, be merciful to me! dol 3 Far off I stand with tearful eyes, Nor dare uplift them to the skies; But thou dost all my anguish see: len 0 Go4, be merciful to me 1 4 Nor alms, nor deeds that I have done, Can for a single sin atone; To Calvary alone I flee: len O God, be merciful to me! 756 HYMN 756, 7s. 75 31lercy for the Vilest. aff 1 fVEPTH of mercy! can there be -J Mercy still reserved for me? 3 —--— ( —-— 55 6g0o CHRISTIAN. Can my God his wrath forbear- len Me, the chief of sinners, spare? m 2 I have long withstood his grace, Long provoked him to his face- Would not hear his gracious callsGrieved him by a thousand falls. 3 There for me the Saviour stands, Shows his wounds, and spreads his hands: God is love! I know, I feel, Jesus weeps and loves me still. 4 Lord, incline me to repent; Let me now my fall lament, Deeply my revolt deplore, > Weep, believe, and sin no more. CHRISTIAN. 1 /z5tyH YMN 757, L. M. d7. The Mercy-Seat. dol 1 FROM every stormy wind that blows, L From every swelling tide of woes, There is a calm, a sure retreat-'Tis found beneath the mercy-seat. 2 There is a place where Jesus sheds The oil of gladness on our heads; A place than all besides more sweetIt is the blood-bought mercy-seat. 3 There is a scene where spirits blend, Where friend holds fellowship with friend; Though sundered far, by faith they meet Around one common mercy-seat. m'- 4 There, there, on eagle-wings we soar, And sense and sin becloud no more, And heaven comes down, our souls to greet, And glory crowns the mercy-seat. ___5___ ___ HYMN 758, L. M. Prayer in Trouble. ajff 1 GOD of my life, to thee I call; Afflicted, at thy feet I fall; I. -' CHRISTIAN. 651 When the great water-floods prevail, Leave not my trembling heart to fail. 2 Friend of the friendless and the faint, Where'should I lodge my deep complaint? Where, but with thee, whose open door Invites the helpless and the poor? 3 Did ever mourner plead with thee, And thou refuse that mourner's, plea? Does not the word still fixed remain, That none shall seek thy face in vain? t That were a grief I could not bear, Didst thou not hear and answer prayer; But a prayer-hearing, answering God Supports me under every load. m 5 Poor though I am-despised, forgot, Yet God, my God, forgets me not; And he is safe, and must succeed, F or whom the Saviour deigns to plead. HYMN 759, 8s and 7s. Declension lamented. m 1 ONCE, 0 Lord, thy garden flourished, Every part looked gay and green; Then thy word our spirits nourished, Happy seasons we have seen! nmp 2 But a drought has since succeeded, And a sad decline we see: Lord, thy help is greatly needed, Help can only come from thee. 3 Some, in whom we once delighted, We shall meet no more below; Some, alas! we fear are blightedScarce a single leaf they show.s atf 4 Dearest Saviour, hasten hither; Thou.canst make them bloom again; Oh! permit them not to wither, Let not all our hopes be vain. 76A 0HYMN 760, C. M. 760F~ WConsolations in Sickness. mn 1 WHEN languor and disease invade This trembling house of clay,'Tis sweet to look beyond my pains, And long to fly away. 652 CHRISTIAN. aft 2 Sweet to look inward, -and attend The whispers of his love; Sweet to look upward to the place Where Jesus pleads above. 3 Sweet to reflect how grace divine My sins on Jesus laid; Sweet to remember that his blood My debt of suffering paid. 4 Sweet on his faithfulness to rest, Whose love can never end; Sweet on his covenant of grace For all things to depend. 5 Sweet, in the confidence of faith, To trust his firm decrees; Sweet to lie passive in his hands, And know no will but his. D7l- ~ HYMN 761, C. M. 7 6J1 God our Friend. np 1 UNITE, my roving thoughts, unite In silence soft and sweet; dol And thou, my soul, sit gently down At thy great Sovereign's feet. n 2 Jehovah's awful voice is heard, Yet gladly I attend; mf For, lo, the everlasting God Proclaims himself my friend. dol 3 Harmonious accents to my soul The sounds of peace convey; The tempest at his word subsides, And winds and seas obey. aff 4 By all its joys, I charge my heart To grieve his love no more, But, charmed by melody divine, To give its follies o'er. rp9 ~ HYMN 762, S. M. 76 Burdens cast on God. dol 1 TOW gentle God's commands! Jl How kind his precepts are! aff - Come, cast your burdens on the Lord, And trust his constant care. m 2 Beneath his powerful sway His saints securely dwell; CHRIISTIAN. 653 That hand which bears all nature up Will guide his children well. aff 3 Why should this anxious load Press down your weary mind? Haste to your Heavenly Father's throne, And sweet refreshment find. m 4 His goodness stands approved, Renewed from day to day; I'll drop my burden at his feet, And bear a song away. 7r63 HYMN 763, 7s. 763 ^^ ~~Perfect Peace. a 1 pRINCE of Peaee, control my will; Bid this struggling heart be still; Bid my fears and doubtings cease; Hush my spirit into peace. 2 Thou hast bought me with thy blood, Opened wide the gate to God: Peace I ask-but peace must be, Lord, in being one with thee. 3 May thy will, not mine, be done; May thy will and mine be one; Chase these doubtings frommy heart; Now thy perfect peace impart. 4 Saviour! at thy feet I fall; Thou my life, my God, my all! Let thy happy servant be One for evermore with thee! 764 EHYMN 764, L. M. 6 Lines. Christ's Love allsufficient. 1 TESUS! thy boundless love to me o No thought can reach, no tongue declare; aff Oh! knit my thankful heart to thee, And reign without a rival there! Thine wholly, only, would I beBy love constrained, would live to thee. dol 2 Oh! that I, as a little child, May follow thee, and never rest, Till sweetly thou hast breathed thy mild And lowly mind into my breast! aff May I be one, 0 Lord, with thee, And never parted may we be. 55* 664 CHRISTIAN. m 3 Still let thy love point out my way: How wondrous things that love hath wrought! mf Still lead me, lest I go astray;. Direct my word, inspire my thought: mp And if I fall, soon may I hear Thy voice, and know thy love is near. m 4 In suffering be thy love my peace; In weakness be thy love my power; And, when the storms of life shall cease, mp Jesus! in that momentous hour, In death as life be thou my guide, And save me, who for me hast died. 765 HYMN 765, L. M. i6'uTrust in Trouble. /"p 1 TE still, my heart! these anxious cares $ To thee are burdens, thorns, and snares; They cast dishonor on thy Lord, And contradict his gracious word. mp 2 Brought safely by his hand thus far, Why wilt thou now give place to fear? How canst thou want, if he provide, Or lose thy way with such a guide? "/ 3 Did ever trouble yet befall, And he refuse to hear thy call? And has he not his promise past That thou shalt overcome at last? m 4 He who has helped me hitherto, Will help me all my journey through, And give me daily cause to raise New Eben-ezers to his praise. r766 HYMN 766, L. M. 76 6 Thy Will be done. aff 1 MY God! my Father! while I stray, L Far from my home on life's rough way Oh! teach me from my heart to say, len -Thy will be done! Thy will be done! 2 Though dark my path, and sad my lot, Let me be still and murmur not, But breathe the prayer divinely taught, len Thy will be done! 3 If thou shouldst call me to resign What most I prize-it ne'er was mine; CHRISTIAN. 655 I only yield thee what was thine: len Thy will be done! m 4 Renew my will from day to day, Blend it with thine, and take away All that now makes it hard to say, Zen Thy will be done! p 5 If but my fainting heart be blest With thy sweet Spirit for its guest, aft My God, to thee I leave the restThy will be done! 767 HYMN 767, 6s.'~ v~* lThy WBill be done. af 1 MY Jesus, as thou wilt! Oh! may thy will be mine; Into thy hand of love I would my all resign Through sorrow, or through joy, Conduct me as thine own, And help me still to say, My Lord, thy will be done! 2 My Jesus, a.s thou wilt! All shall be well for me; Each. changing future scene I gladly trust with thee. Straight to my home above I travel calmly on, And sing, in life or death, len My Lord, thy will be done!. H BHY MN 768, 10s and 11s. 768 2The Lord wiU provide. dol 1 rTHO' troubles assail and dangers affright; - Tho' friends should all fail, and foes all unite; Yet one thing secures us, whatever betide'; < The Scripture assures us, the Lord will provide. m 2 No strength of our own, or goodness, we claim; Yet since we have known the Saviout's great name, In this our strong tower for safety we hide, The Lord is our power, the Lord will provide. mp 3 When life sinks apace, and death is in view, This word of his grace shall comfort us through; No fearing nor doubting with Christ on our side, < We hope to die shouting, the Lord will provide. 656 CHRISTIAN. 769 - HYMN 769, C. M. 769 Self-Denial. aff 1 AND must I part with all I have, - My dearest Lord, for thee? "mnf It is but right, since thou hast done Much more than this for me. // 2 Yes, let it go-one look from thee Will more than make amends, For all the losses I sustain Of credit, riches, friends. mf 3 Ten thousand worlds, ten thousand lives, How worthless they appear, Compar.ed with thee, supremely good, Divinely bright and fair I aff 4 Saviour of souls, could I from thee A single smile obtain, mf Though destitute of all things else, I'd glory in my gain. y7n7 EtvHYMN 770, C. M. 770 The Covenant of Mercy our confidence. aft 1 M/Y God, the covenant of thy love 1 Abides forever sure; And in its matchless grace I feel My happiness secure. dol 2 Since thou, the everlasting God, My Father art become, Jesus, my guardian and'my friend, And heaven my final home;nf 3 I welcome all thy sovereign will, For all that will is love; And when I know not what thou dost, I wait the light above. 4 Thy covenant, in the darkest gloom, Shall be my strength and stay; Shall cheer my passage to the tomb, And guide to endless day. 171 HYMN 771, 7s. Confidence in Grace. aff 1 BLESSED fountain, full of grace, B Grace for sinners, grace for me, To this'source alone I trace What I am and hope to be.,s — : ( ]tCHRISTIAN. 657 m 2 What I am, as one redeemed, Saved and rescued by the Lord; Hating what I once esteemed, Loving what I once abhorred. 3 What I hope to be ere long, When I take my place above; When I join the heavenly throng; When I see the God of love, mf 4 Then, I hope like him to be, Who redeemed his saints from sin, Whom I now obscurely see, Through a veil that stands between. " 5 Blessed fountain, full of grace! aff Grace for sinners, grace for me; To this source alone I trace What I am, and hope to be. 772i o HYMN 772, L.2. r Complete in Him. m 1 COMPLETE in thee, no work of mine J May take, dear Lord, the place of thine; aff Thy blood has pardon bought for me, And I am now complete in thee. 2 Complete in thee-each want supplied, And no good thing to me denied, Since thou my portion, Lord, wilt be, }> I ask no more-complete in thee. -- 3 Complete in thee, forever blest, Of all thy fullness, Lord, possessed, Thy praise throughout eternitymf Thy love I'll sing, complete in theu 73 HYMN 773, L. M. 6 Lines. 773 HYMN? ^~Assurance. mf 1 TESUS, I know, hath died for meu Here is my hope, my joy, my rest, Hither, when hell assails, I flee, And look into my Saviour's breast. // Away, sad doubts and anxious fear> Mercy is all that's written there. - 2 Though waves and storms go o'er my head, Though strength, and health, and friends be gone Though joys be withered all and dead, And every comfort be withdrawn; *| —------------------ 658 CHRISTIAN. Steadfast on this my soul relies — ien Father, thy mercy never dies. mf 3 Fixed on this rock will I remain, When heart shall fail, and flesh decay;~ > A rock which shall my soul sustain When earth's foundations melt away; Mercy's full power I then shall prove, mn Loved with an everlasting love. 77^4 ~ HYMN 774, 8s. \774 _ 9 Assurance of Faith. dol 1 A DEBTOR to mercy alone, Of covenant mercy I sing; Nor fear, with thy righteousness on, My person and offerings to bring: The terrors of law and of'God With me can have nothing to do; My Saviour'esobedience and blood Hide all my transgressions from view. mf 2 The work which his goodness began, The arm of his strength will complete, < His promise is Yea and Amen, And never was forfeited yet: mf Things future, nor things that are now, Not all things below or above < Can make him his purpose forego, Or sever my s6ul from his love. mf 3 My name from the palms of his hands Eternity will not erase; Impressed on his heart it remains, In marks of indelible grace: "f. Yes-I to the end shall endure, As sure as the earnest is given;, More happy, but not.more secure, Theglorified spirits in heaven. 775 HYMINX 775, S. M. 775 * Rest in God. mp 1 OH! cease, my wandering soul, On restless wing to roam; All this wide world, to either polo, < Has nbt for thee a home. mf 2 Behold the ark of God; Behold the open door; ~... -— _-_ —--—'-. —, —— _ -_-_-^^. _ CHRISTIAN. 659 Oh! haste to gain that dear abode, And rove, my soul, no more. mp 3 There safe shalt thou abide, There sweet shall be thy rest, And, every longing satisfied, With full salvation blest. 7\ 6 ECHYMN 776, S. M. 776 TIee Wanderer reclaimed. dol 1 T WAS a wandering sheep, I did not love the fold; I did not love my Shepherd's voice, I would not be controlled; I was a wayward child, I did not love my home, I did not love my Father's voice, I loved afar to roam. aff 2 Jesus my Shepherd is,'Twas he that loved my soul,'Twas he that washed me in his blood,'Twas he that made me whole;'Twas he that sought the lost, That found the wandering sheep,'Twas he that brought me to the fold,'Tis he that still doth keep. m 3 No more a wandering sheep, I love to be controlled,' aff I love my tender Shepherd's voice, I love the peaceful fold; m No more a wayward child, I seek no more to roam, I$ I love my heavenly Father's voice, I love, I love his home. 7HYMN 777, 8s and 7s. Rest in God desired. mp 1 LTABORING and heavy laden J With my sins, 0 Lord, I roam, While I know thou hast invited All such wanderers to their home. 2 Make my stubborn spirit willing To obey thy gracious voice, At the cross to leave its burden, And departing to rejoice. aff 3 Thy sweet yoke I'd take upon me, And would learn, O Lord, of thee; 660 CHRISTIAN. > Thou art meek in heart, and lowly, Teach me like thyself to be.,np 4 Rest my weary soul is seeking From its sins and all its woes; aff In thy bosom I would place me, There to find a blest repose. rn 5 Laboring and heavy laden, Lord, no longer will I roam: > Here I fix my habitation, < In thy sheltering love at home.!778 7HYMN 778, L.. 6 Lines. <778~~ *.Returning to God. aff 1 C GOD! how often hath thine ear'J To me in willing mercy bowed; While, worshiping thine altar near, {.g Lowly I wept, and strongly vowed: But ah! the feebleness of man! Have I not vowed and wept in vain? mf 2 Return, O Lord of Hosts, return! 3.,~ m Behold thy servant in distress; My faithlessness again I mourn; aff And to thine arms my spirit take, And bless me for the Saviour's sake. m 3 This day the covenant I signThe bond of sure and promised peace; Nor can I doubt its power divine, Since seal'd with Jesus' blood it is: That blood I take, that blood alone, And make the covenant peace mine own. 4 But, that my faith no more may know Or change, or interval, or endaff Help me in all thy paths to go; And now as e'er my voice attend; And gladden me with answers mild, en And cbmmune, Father, with thy child 779 HYMN 779, C. M. Nearness to God. mp 1 OH! could I find, from day to day, A nearness to my God, Then should my hours glide sweet away, Nor sin nor fear intrude. 0_ — CHRISTIAN. 661 2 Lord, I desire with thee to live Anew from day to day; In joys the world can never give, Nor ever take away. aff 3 0Jesus! come and rule my heart, And' make me wholly thine, That I may never more depart, Nor grieve thy love divine. 4 Thus, till my last expiring breath, Thy goodness I'll adore; And when my flesh dissolves in death, < My soul shall love thee more. 780 HYMN 780, C. M. |80'0 A Contrite Heart. mf 1 0H! for a heart to praise my GodI A heart from sin set free; A heart that always feels thy blood, So freely shed for me;m 2 A heart resigned, submissive, meek, My great Redeemer's throne; Where only Christ is heard to speak, Where Jesus reigns alone. 3 An humble, lowly, contrite heart, Believing, true, and clean; Which neither life nor death can part From him that dwells within! 4 A ieart in every thought renewed, And full of love divine; Perfect, and right, and pure, and goodA copy, Lord, of thine. af 5 Thy nature, gracious Lord, impart; Come quickly from above: Write thy new name upon my heart, < Thy new, best name of love. 7 811 HYMN 781, C. M. 7 81O Christ our Pattern. m 1 LORD, as to thy dear cross we flee, And pray to be forgiven, So let thy life our pattern be, And form our souls for heaven. 2 Help us, through good report and ill, Our daily cross to bear; 56 |.662' ~ CHRISTIAN. Like thee, to do our Father's will, Our' brother's griefs to share. 3 Let grace our selfishness expel, Our earthliness refine; And kindness in our bosoms dwell As free and true as. thine. 4 Kept peaceful in the midst of strife, Forgiving and forgiven, Oh! may we lead the pilgrim's life. And follow thee to heaven. 782 HYMN 782, L. M. i8 2 Ask what thou wilt. m n' 1 AND dost thou say, "Ask what thou wilt"? Lord, I would seize the golden hour: I pray to be released from guilt, And freed from sin and Satan's power. aff 2 More of thy presence, Lord, impart; More of thine image let me bear: Erect thy throne within my heart, And reign without a rival there. 3 Give me to read my pardon sealed, And from thy joy to draw my strength; Oh! be thy boundless love revealed In all its height and breadth and length! 4 Grant these requests-I ask no more, But to thy care the rest resign: < Sick, or in health, or rich, or poor, All shall be well, if thou art mine. 783 HYMN 783, S. M. Loo7kiong for Strength. 1 JESUS, my strength, my hope, ~ On thee I cast my care, With humble confidence look up And know thou hear'st my prayer; 2 Give me a heart to pray, To pray and never cease, Never to murmur at thy stay, Or wish my sufferings less, — 3 A soul inured to pain, To hardship, grief, and loss, Bold to take up, firm to sausain, The consecrated cross. CHRISTIAN. 663 4 Give me a godly fear,:A quick, discerning eye, That looks to thee when sin is near, And sees the tempter fly;5 A spirit still prepared, And armed with jealous care, Forever standing on its guard, And watching unto prayer. 6 Thus let me still abide, Nor from my hope remove, Till thou my patient spirit guide Into thy perfect love. 784Q AP HlYMN 784, L. X. 6 Lines. 78 ^: I will not let theego. aff 1 IOME, 0 thou Traveler unknown, J Whom still I hold, but cannot see; My company before is gone, And I am left alone with thee: With thee all night I mean to stay, And wrestle till the break of day. 2 I need not tell thee who I am; My sin and misery declare; Thyself hast called me by my name; Look on thy hands, and read it there: But who, I ask thee, who art thou? Tell me thy name, and tell me now. 3 In vain thou strugglest to get free; I never will unloose my hold: Art thou the Man that died for me? The secret of thy love unfold: Wrestling, I will not let thee go, Till I thy name, thy nature know. ~mf 4 My prayer hath power with God; the grace nspeakable I now receive; Through faith I see thee face to face; I see thee face to face, and live! In vain I have not wept and strove; Thy nature and thy name is Love. 785 X^HYMN 785, 7s, 6 Lines. Entire Cbnsecration. mnf 1 TATHER, Son, and Holy Ghost, One in Three, and Three in One, .66:4.... CHRISTIAN.. As by the celestial host, Let thy will on earth be done; f Praise by all to thee be given,. Glorious Lord of earth and heaven. m 2 If so poor a worm as I May to thy great glory live, All my actions sanctify, All my words and thoughts receive; mf Claim me for thy service, claim All I have, and all I am. 3 Take my soul and body's powers; Take my memory, mind, and will, All my goods and all my hours, All I know, and all I feel; All I think, or speak, or do; Take my heart-but make it f 4 Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, One in Three, and Three in tUne, As by the celestial host, Let thy will on earth be doie; Praise by all to thee be.given, Glorious Lord of earth and h-atven! 786 HYMN 786, C.. 786 Communion with God. m 1 TESUS, thyself to us reveal, While here o'er earth we rioe; < Speak to our hearts, and let us feel The kindling of thy love. dol 2 With thee conversing, we forget All time and toil and care; Labor is rest, and pain is sweet, If thou, my God, art here. nmf 3 Here then, my God, vouchsafe to stay, And bid my heart rejoice; My bounding heart shall own thy sway, And.echo to thy voice. 4 Thou callest me to seek thy face; aff'Tis all I wish to seek, T'attend the whispers of thy grace, And hear thee inly speak. mf 5 Let this my every hour employ Till I thy glory see, ^ --------. ----. —---------- CHRISTIAN. 665 Enter into my Master's joy, < And find my heaven in thee. 787 HYMN 787, L X. 787O' ~.~Living to Christ. m 1 M/Y gracious Lord, I own thy right - o every service I can pay, And call it my supreme delight, To hear thy dictates and obey. 2 What is my being, but for theeIts sure support-its noblest end?'Tis my delight thy face to see, And serve the cause of such a friend. 3 I would not breathe for worldly joy, Or to increase my worldly good, Nor future days nor powers employ To spread a sounding name abroad. nmf 4'Tis to my Saviour I would live; To Him who for my ransom died; Nor could allworldly honor give Such bliss as crowns me at his side. 788 QHYMN 788, L. M. 788 God's Omnipresence a Source of Joy. m 1 T1HIS world, 0 God, like that above, Is bright to those who know thy love; In heaven; in earth, or on the sea, Where'er they dwell, they dwell with thee. nmp 2 To me remains nor place nor time, My country is in every clime; I can be calm and free from care, On any shore, since God is there. 3 While place we seek, or place we shun, The soul finds happiness in none; But with my God to guide my way,'Tis equal joy to go or stay. 4 Could I be cast where thou art not, That were indeed a dreadful lot; But regions none remote I call, Secure of finding God in all. 7Q~9 HHYMXN 789, C. M. 789 Delight in God.;mp 1 0 LORD, I would delight in thee, And on thy care depend; W —---------— i --- ^ w w I 666 CHRISTIAN. aff To thee in every trouble flee, My best, my only friend. mp 2 When all created streams are dried, Thy fullness is the same; May I with this be satisfied, And glory in thy name. 3 Oh that I had a stronger faith To look within the vail, To credit what my Saviour saith, Whose word can never fail. 4 He who has made my heaven secure Will here all food provide; While Christ is rich, can I be poor? What can I want beside? mf 5 0 Lord, I cast my care on thee; I triumph and adore; Henceforth my great concern shall be To love and praise thee more Q HYMN 790, S. M. 79 t 0Resting on God. aff 1 Y spirit on thy care, Blest Saviour, I recline; Thou wilt not leave me to despair, For thou art love divine. mp 2 In thee I place my trust, On thee I calmly rest;. I know thee good, I know thee just, And count thy choice the best. 3 Let good or ill befall, It must be good for me; Secure of having thee in al, > Of having all in thee. 7r9Q1 XHYMN 791, C. 2. v791 The Liberty of the Sons of God. m 1 TF thou impart thyself to me, No other good Ineed: If thou, the Son, shalt make me free, I shall be free indeed. 2 I cannot rest till in thy blood I full redemption'have; > But thou, through whom I come to God, Canst to the utmost save. CHRISTIAN. 667 3 From sin-the guilt, the power, the painThou wilt redeem my soul: > Lord, I believe-and not in vain; My faith shall make me whole. mf 4 I, too, with thee, shall walk in white; With all thy saints shall prove What is the length and breadth and height And depth of perfect love. 7;? 92- HYMt 792,. M. ~ 792 Reconciliaton with God. lmf 1 ETERNAL Sun of Righteousness, Display thy beams divine, And cause the glories of thy face Upon my heart to shine. 2 Light, in thy light, oh! may I see, Thy grace and mercy prove; Revived, and cheered, and blest by thee, The God of pardoning love. 3 Lift up thy countenance serene, And let thy happy child Behold, without a cloud between, The Godhead reconciled. Q93. gHYMN 793, L. M. 93. Allin God. aff 1 ITHEN, gracious Lord, when shall it be That I shall find my all in theeThe fullness of thy promise prove, The seal of thine eternal love? 2 Ah! wherefore did I ever doubt? Thou wilt in no wise cast me outA helpless soul that comes to thee With only sin and misery. < 3 Lord, I am blind-be thou my sight; Lord, I am weak-be thou my might; A helper of the helpless be; And let me find my all in. thee! 794 EHYMN 794, 7s and 6s. 7*1~94 ^Prayer for Spiritual Strength. ff 1 NEAR me, O my Saviour, stand,. In sore temptation's hour; Save me with thine outstretched hand, And show forth all thy power; 668 CHRISTIAN. Oh! be mindful of thy word; All-sufficient grace bestow; Keep me, keep me, gracious Lord, And never let me go. 2 Give me, Lord, a holy fear, And fix it in*my heart; That I may from evil near With timely care depart; Sin be more than hell abhorred, Faith resist the tyrant foe; Keep me, keep me, gracious Lord, And never let me go. 3 Never let me leave thy breast, From thee, my Saviour, stray; Thou art my support and rest, My true and living way; My exceeding great reward, Mine above, and mine below; Keep me, keep me, gracious Lord, And never let me go. \ xQ X^HYMIN 795, L. M. 795O Search me, 0 God. aff 1 0 THOU, to whose all-searching sight The darkness shineth as the light, Search, heart: it:pants for thee, Oh I burst these bonds, and set it free. 2 Wash out its stains, refine its dross, Nail my affections to the Cross; Hallow each thought; let all within Be clean, as thou, my Lord, art clean. 3 If in this darksome wild I stray, Be thou my light, be thou my way; > No foes, no violence I fear, No harm, while thou, my God, art near. mf 4 Saviour, where'er thy steps I see, Dauntless, untired, I follow thee; Oh, let thy hand support me still, And lead me to thy holy hill. 796 HYMN 796, C. XM. 796 Then, Lord, shall I fully know< Not till then-how much I owe! mf 4 When the praise of heaven I hear, Loud as thunders to the ear, Loud as many waters' noise, -Sweet as harp's melodious voice, > Then, Lord, shall I fully know< Not till then-how much I owe!! S~~~~~4 670 CHRISTIAN. 798, HYMN 798, 7s and 6s.;798 &' Stand up for Jesus. f 1 STAND up! stand up forJesus! Ye soldiers of the Cross; Lift high his royal banner, It must not suffer loss: tf "Ye that are men, now serve him," $ Against unnumbered foes; Your courage rise with danger, And strength to strength oppose. f 2 Stand up! stand up for Jesus! Stand in his strength alone; The arm of flesh will fail youYe dare not trust your own: Put on the gospel armor, And, watching unto prayer, Where duty calls, or danger, Be never wanting there! 3 Stand up! stand up for Jesus I The strife will hot be long; This day the noise of battle, The next the victor's song: To him that overcometh, A crown of life shall be; He with the King of glory Shall reign eternally! 7Qua ~ EHYMN 799, 11s. 7999, m 7' *^ The Lord our Leader. mf 1 THOUGH faint, yet pursuing, we go on our T way; The Lord is our leader, his word is our stay; Though suffering, and sorrow, and trial be near, f The Lord is our refuge, and whom can we fear? mf 2 He raiseth the fallen, he cheereth the faint; The weak and oppressed-he will hear their complaint; The way may be weary, and thorny the road, f But how can we falter? our help is in God! m 3 Though clouds may surround us, our God is our light;!< Though storms rage around us, our God is our S might; So faint, yet pursuing, still onward we come; f The Lord is our leader, and heaven is our home. ------— ___ --— ___ CHRISTIAN. 671 800 HYMN 800, 7s and 6s. (I t VO Heaven anticipated amid Trial;. aff 1 0H when shall I see Jesus, And reign with himn above; And from that flowing fountain Drink everlasting love? When shall I be delivered From this vain world of sin, And with my blessed Jesus, Drink endless pleasures in? mf 2 Through grace I am determined To conquer though I die; And then away to Jesus On wings of love I'll fly. "// Farewell to sin and sorrow, I bid you all adieu; Then, 0 my friends, prove faithful, < And, on, your way pursue. m 3 Whene'er you meet with troubles And trials in your way, < Oh! cast your care on Jesus, And don't forget to pray. mf Gird on the heavenly armor Of faith, and hope, and love; Then, when the combat's ended, He'll carry you above. 801 HYMN 801, S. M. -801 Tfie Fearful encouraged. mf 1 (GIVE to the winds thy fears,'' Hope, and be undismayed; God hears thy sighs, and counts thy tears, God shall lift up thy head. dol 2 Through waves, and clouds, and storms, He gently clears thy way; mf Wait thou his time, so shall thy night Soon end in joyous day. aff 3 Still heavy is thy heart? Still sink thy spirits down? mf Cast off the weight, let fear depart, And every care begone. 4 What though thou rulest not; Yet heaven, and earth, and hell, Proclaim God sitteth on the throne, And ruleth all things well., —--—. —---- *672 CHRISTIAN. 5 Leave to his sovereign sway To choose and to command: So shalt thou, wondering, own his way How wise, how strong his hand. 8029 HYMN 802, L. M..802 fS&ocial Dedication to God. aff 1 JESUS, our best-beloved friend,. Draw out our souls in sweet desire; Jesus, in love to us descend, Baptize us with thy Spirit's fire. 2 Our souls and bodies we resign, To fear and follow thy commands; Oh! take our hearts, our hearts are thine, Accept the service of our hands. mp 3 Firm, faithful, watching unto prayer, Our Master's voice will we obey, Toil in the vineyard here, and bear The heat and burden of the day. aff 4 Yet, Lord, for us a resting-place, In heaven, at thy right hand, prepare; And till we see thee face to face, < Be all our conversation there. -8032 HYMN 803, C. M. 803 Fellowship in Christ. m 1 TESUS, united by thy grace, u And each to each endeared, With confidence we seek thy face, And know our prayer is heard. 2 In fellowship of sacred love Let all our hearts agree; And ever toward each other move, And ever move toward thee. 3 Help us to help each other, Lord, Each other's cross to bear; Let each his friendly aid afford, And feel his brother's care. 4 Help us to build each other up; Our graces, Lord, improve; Increase our faith, confirm our hope, And perfect us in love..5 To thee, inseparably joined, L3t all our spirits cleave: CHRISTIAN.'673 aff Oh! may we all the loving mind That was in thee receive. 804\ -HYMN 804, L. M. OV80-r1~~ Labor on. mf 1 O, labor on, spend, and be spent — - G Thy joy to do the Father's will: It is the.way the Master went, Should not his followers tread it still? 2 Toil on, faint not, keep watch, and pray; B'e wise the erring soul to win; Go forth into the World's highway, Compel the wanderer to come in. 3 Toil on, and in thy toil rejoice; For t6il comes rest-for exile, home; Soon shalt thou hear the Bridegroom's voice, The midnight call, Behold! I come. 805 HYMN 805, S.M. 805 Make Haste: mp I 1/MAKE haste, O man, to live, FJ-1 or thou qo soon must die; Time hurries past thee like the breeze, How swift its moments fly! m 2 To breathe, and wake, and sleep, To smile, to sigh, to grieve, To move in idleness through earth, // "This, this is not to live. mf 3 Make haste, Oman, to do Whatever must be done; Thou hast no time t6 lose in sloth; Thy day will soon be gone. f 4 Up, then, with speed, and work; Fling ease and self away, This is no time for thee to sleep, f Up, watch, and work, and pray. 806(S -HYMN 806, S. M. 806 Sowing the Seed. m 1 SOW in the morn the seed, k At eve hold not thy hand; To doubt and fear give thou no heed, Broad-cast it o'er the land. 2 Thou knowest not which may thrive, The late or early sown; 57 674 THE LORD'S SUPPER. Grace keeps the precious germ alive, When and wherever strown. 3 Thou canst not toil in vain; Cold, heat, and moist, and dry, Shall foster and mature the grain For garners in the sky. mf 4 Then, when thy glorious end, The day of God, is come, The angel-reapers shall descend, And heaven shout, "Harvest home!" 807; r 0yHYMN 807, C. x. 807 Approaching the Table. mp 1 JESUS, at whose supreme command - We now approach to God, Before us in thy vesture stand, Thy vesture dipped in blood. 2 Obedient to thy gracious word, We break the hallowed bread, Commemorate our dying Lord, And trust on thee to feed. afff 3 Now, Saviour, now thyself reveal, And make thy nature known: Affix thy blessed Spirit's seal, And stamp us for thine own. 4 The cup of blessing, blest by thee, Let it thy blood impart; The broken bread thy body be, To cheer each languid heart. 808 HYMN 808, 8s and 7s. 808 Before Communion. dol 1'THILE in sweet communion feeding On this earthly bread and wine,,aff Saviour, may we see thee bleeding On the cross, to make us thine! Now, our eyes forever closing To this fleeting world below, On thy gentle breast reposing, Teach us, Lord, thy grace to know. 2 Though unseen, now be thou near us, With the still small voice of love; eWhispering words of peace to cheer us, Every doubt and fear remove: CHILDHOOD. 675 Bring before us all the story Of thy life and death of woe; And, with hopes of endless glory, Wean our hearts from all below. 809 HYMN 809, 8s and 7s. Ov809 The Heavenly Banquet. m 1;JESUS spreads his banner o'er us, Cheers our famished souls with food; He the banquet spreads before us Of his mystic flesh and blood. aff 2 Precious banquet, bread of heaven, Wine of gladness, flowing free; May we taste it, kindly given, In remembrance, Lord, of thee I 81 0 HYMN 810, 8s and 7s. O810 -Leaving the Lord's Table. m 1 TROM the table now retiring, -' Which for us the Lord hath spread, May our souls, refreshment finding, Grow in all things like our Head! 2 His example by beholding, May our lives his image bear; Him our Lord and Master calling, His commands may we revere. 3 Love to God and man displaying, Walking steadfast in his way, Joy attend us in believing, Peace from God through endless day. mf 4 Praise and honor to the Father, Praise and honor to the Son, Praise and honor to' the Spirit, Ever Three and ever One. 8 11 -~HYMN 811, C. X. 811. Grace in Childhood. mip 1 BY cool Siloam's shady rill, How sweet the lily grows! How sweet the breath, beneath the hill, Of Sharon's dewy rose! 2 And such the child, whose early feet The paths of peace have trod; Whose secret heart, with influence sweet, Is upward drawn to God. 6676 YOUTH. 3 0 thou whose infancy was found With heavenly rays to shine, Whose years, with changeless virtue crowned, Were all alike divine; 4 Dependent on thy bounteous breath, We seek thy grace alone, In childhood, manhood, and in death. To keep: us still thy own. 812 HYMN 812, 8s and 7s. Remember now thy Creator. m 1 NOW remember thy Creator,. 1. While the heart with hope beats high; Ere the evil days approaching, Swift the joyless years draw nigh. To the voice of mercy hearken, While thy morning sun doth shine; Ere thy skies with shadows darken, Heed the call of love divine. 2 Ere the silver cord shall sever, Or be crushed the golden bowlEre shall pass away forever Times of mercy for thy soulNow remember thy Creator; Pray for his forgiving love, And through Christ, the blessed Saviour, Seek the holy rest above. ~813 qHYMN 813, 11s and 10s. 813 Invitation to the Young. aff 1 i OME, youthful wanderers, haste to the Saviour, Come ye to Jesus, draw near to his side; Kneel at his mercy-seat, sue for his favor, Lambs of his bosom, for whom he hath died. 2 Hear his inviting voice, come in life's morning, Give up your souls to the iGuide of your youth: How fair is grace the young bosom adorning! What robe so pure as the' raiment of truth? 3 Can you find pleasure in pathways unholy? Hope ye for wisdom in wandering from God? Sorrow and shame wait the votaries of folly; Earth has no comfort not found in His blood. 4 Has he not died for you? look unto Calvary; There see the tokens of sorrow and love: REVIVAL. 677 Lives he not now for you? Jesus the Saviour Rose and ascended to crown you above. 814 HYMN 814, 6s and 4s. 081~~ "God save the State I" 1 OD bless our native land! Firm may she ever stand, Through storm and night; When the wild tempests rave, Ruler of winds and wave, Do thou our country save By thy great might. 2 For her our prayer shall rise To God, above the skies; On him we wait: Thou who art ever nigh, Guarding with watchful eye, To thee aloud we cry, God save the State! \015 UHYMN 815, 7s. 8150 Tohe work ofGodincreasing. m 1.SAW ye not the cloud arise, k) Little as the human hand? Now it spreads along the skies, Hangs o'er-all the thirsty land. mf 2 Lo, the promise of a shower Drops already from above; But the Lord will shortly pour All the blessings of his love. m 3 When he first the work begun, Small and feeble was the day; Now the word doth swiftly run, Now it wins its widening way. mf 4 More and more it spreads and grows, Ever mighty to prevail; Sin's strongholds it now o'erthrows, Shakes the trembling gates of hell. f 5 Sons of God! your Saviour praise; He the door hath opened wide; He hath given the word of grace; Jesus' word is glorified. ----- i678 SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL. 816 - HYMN 816, L M. 8 01U6 Prayer for Laborers. mp 1 LORD of'the harvest, bend thine ear, For Zion's heritage appear; < Oh! send forth laborers filled with zeal, Swift to obey their Master's will. mf 2 Our lifted eyes, O Lord, behold The ripening harvest tinged with gold;, Wide fields are opening to our view; The work is great, the laborers few. 3 Under the guidance of thy hand, May Zion's sons to every land Go forth, to bless the dying race, As heralds of redeeming grace. 4 Bid all their hearts with ardor glow, The Saviour's dying love to show, And spread the gospel's joyful sound, Far as the race of man is found. 817 HYMN 817, 7s and 6s. 8 1{JJ' Success of the Gospel. f'1 THE morning light is breaking, - The darkness disappears; The sons of earth are waking To penitential tears: Each breeze that sweeps the ocean Brings tidings from afar, Of nations in commotion, Prepared for Zion's war. 2 See heathen nations bending Before the God we love, And thousand hearts ascending In gratitude above; While sinners, now confessing, The gospel call obey, And seek the Saviour's blessingA nation in a day. 3 Blest river of salvation, Pursue thy onward way; Flow thou to every nation, Nor in thy richness stay; Stay not till all the lowly Triumphant reach their horne; (jV..... ----------------- DEATH AND HEAVEN. 679 Stay not till all the holy, < Proclaim, The Lord is come! 8018 QHYMN 818, L. M. 818 Steeping in Jesus. p 1 ASLEEP in Jesus! blessed sleep, From which none ever wakes to weep I A calm and undisturbed repose, Unbroken by. the last of foes. mp 2 Asleep in Jesus! Oh.! how sweet,, - To be for such a slumber meet! With holy confidence to sing, That death has lost his venomed sting. 3 Asleep-in Jesus! peaceful rest, Whose waking is supremely:blest! > No fear, no woe, shall dim that hour Which manifests, the Saviour's power. mp 4 Asleep in Jesus 1 Oh! for me May such a blissful refuge be! > Securely shall my ashes lie, < And wait the summons from on high. 819 HYMN 819, L. M. 6 Lines. ~819 0 zPi7grims homeward bound. n 1 LEADER of faithful souls, and guide Of all that travel to the sky, Come, and with us, e'en us, abide, Who would on thee alone rely; On thee alone our.spirits stay, While held in life's uneven way. mp 2 Strangers and pilgrims here below, This earth, we know, is not our place; But hastenthrough the vale of woe, And, restless to behold thy face, Swift to our heavenly country move, Our everlasting home above. nz 3 Patient th' appointed race to run, This weary world we cast behind; From strength to strength we travel on, The New Jerusalem to find: Our labor this, our only aim, To find the New Jerusalem. 4 Through thee, who all our sins hast borne, Freely and graciously forgiven, - _ —------— ^ ^ ^ 680 HEAVEN. With songs to Zion we return, Contending for our native heaven,That palace of our glorious King; We find it nearer while we sing. 82Q0 HYMN 820, Lv.. 80wv No Abiding City here. mp 1 "TWE'VE no abiding city here"-T We seek a city out of sight: Zion its name-the Lord is there, It shines with everlasting light. 2 "We've no abiding city here"This may distress the worldly mind, But should not cost the saint a tear, Who hopes a better rest to find. 3 "We've no abiding city here"Then let us live as pilgrims do; Let not the world our rest appear; But let us haste from all below. 4 0 sweet abode of peace and love, Where pilgrims, freed from toil, are bless'd! Had I the pinions of a dove, I'd flee to thee, and be at rest. 8921 HYMN 821, L. M. 82,V^1 ^ ~With Christ in Heaven. mp 1 AS when the weary traveler gains -La- The height of some o'erlooking hill, His heart revives, if o'er the plains He sees his home, though distant still,"// 2 So when the Christian pilgrim views, By faith, his mansion in the skies, The sight his fainting strength renews, And wings his speed to reach the prize. 3 "'Tis there," he says, "I am to dwell With Jesus in the realms of day; Then shall I bid my cares farewell, And he will wipe my tears away." af 4 Jesus, on thee our hope depends To lead us on to thy abode, Assured our home will make amends - For all our toil while on the road. HEAVEN. 681 sau ~~ k~i~ m~t~.;822 HYMN 822, C. X. 822s<4 Heaven in Prospect. mp AND let this feeble body fail,.And let it droop and die; My soul shall quit the mournful vale, And soar to worlds on high. atff" 2 Oh! what hath Jesus bought for me! Before my ravished eyes Rivers of life divine I see, And trees of Paradise. mf 3 I see a world of spirits bright,. Who reap. the pleasures there; They all are robed in purest white, And conquering palms they bear. 4ff 4 Oh! what are all my sufferings here, If, Lord, thou count me meet With that enraptured host to appear, And worship at thy feet!.mf 5 Give joy or grief, give ease or pain, Take life or friends away; < I come to find them all again In that eternal day. 82 3 HYMN 823, Ss and 7s. 82; 0Heaven discerned. dol 1 V/Y days are gliding swiftly by, And I, a pilgrim stranger, Would not detain them as they fly, Those hours of toil and danger. mf 2 We'll gird our loins, my brethren dear Our heavenly home discerning; Our absent Lord has left us word, Let every lamp be burning. 3 Should coming days be cold and dark, We need not cease our singing; That perfect rest naught can molest, Where golden harps are ringing. 4 Let sorrow's rudest tempest blow, Each chord on earth to sever; f Our king says come, and there's our home, < Forever, oh! forever!.: —-i —L *)\,;,~ 1~YC~I; C *682 HEAVEN. CHORUS. f For oh! we stand on Jordan's strand, Our friends are passing over, And, just before, the shining shore We may almost discover. 824 HYMN 824, 6s and 4s. Heaven is my Home. mp I I'M but a stranger here, Heaven is my home; Earth is a desert drear, Heaven is my home; Danger and sorrow stand Round me on every hand, Heaven is my Father-land, Heaven is my home. 2 What though the tempest rage, Heaven is my home; Short is my pilgrimage, Heaven is my home; And time's wild, wintry blast Soon will be overpast, I shall reach home at last, Heaven is my home. 3 Therefore I murmur not, Heaven is my home; Whate'er my earthly lot, Heaven is my home; And I shall surely stand There at my Lord's right hand: Heaven is my Father-land, Heaven is my home. 080 25^ ~HYM 825,,S. M. 825 Forever with the Lord. 1" FOREVER wit t the Lord " <. F Amen! so let it be: Life from the dead is in that word; <'Tis immortality! m 2 Here, in the body pent, Absent from him I roam; Yet nightly pitch my moving tent A day's march nearer home. mf 3 My Father's house on high, dol Home of my soul! how near, HEAVEN. 683 At times, to faith's far-seeing eye, Thy golden gates appear! Jf 4 "Forever with the Lord!' f Father, if'tis thy will, The promise of that faithful word, E'en here to me fulfill. 5 So, when my latest breath Shall rend the vail in twain, By death I shall escape from death, And life eternal gain. f' 6 That resurrection word! That shout of victory! < Once more- -"Forever with the Lord!" > Amen! so let it be Qua OOHYMN 826, 8s and 7s. (8i^;2 - Longings for Heaven. dol 1 TlIME, thou speedest on but slowly, - Hours, how tardy is your pace! Ere with Him the high and holy I hold converse face to face. 2 Here is nought but care and mourning; Comes a joy, it will not stay; Fairly shines the sun at dawning, Night will soon o'ercloud the day. mf 3 Onward then I not long I wander Ere my Saviour comes for me,.And with him abiding yonder, All his glory I shall see. f 4 Oh! the music and the singing Of the host redeemed by love! < Oh! the hallelujahs ringing Through the halls of light above I A .684 PSALMS. PSALM/S. 827 PSALM XXII.. M. 1 THE Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want; He makes me down to lie In pastures green: he leadeth me The quiet waters by. 2 My soul he doth restore again, And me to walk doth make Within the paths of righteousness, E'en for his own name's sake. 3 Yea, though I walk in death's dark vale, Yet will I fear no ill; For thou art with me, and thy rod And staff me comfort still. 4 My table thou hast furnish6d In presence of my foes; My head thou dost with oil anoint, And my cup overflows. 5 Goodness and mercy all my life Shall surely follow me; And in God's house for evermore My dwelling-place shall be. 828 PSALM XLIII. C. M. 1 OH! send thy light forth, and thy truth; { Let them be guides to me; And bring me to thy holy hill, E'en where thy dwellings be. 2 Then will I to God's altar go, to God, my chiefest jor; Yea, God, my God, thy name to praise, My harp I will employ. 3 Why art thou then cast down, my soul?.What should discourage thee? And why with vexing thoughts art thou Disquieted in me? 4 Still trust in God; for him to praise Good cause I yet shall have; He of my countenance is the health, My God that doth me save. 1^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^~ -^ ^ ^ ^ < PSALMS. 685 829 PSALM C. L. M. 1 ALL people that on earth do dwell, - Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice, Him serve with mirth, his praise forth tell, Come ye before him and rejoice. 2 Know that the Lord is God indeed; Without our aid he did us make; We are his flock; he doth us feed, And for his sheep he doth us take: 3 Oh! enter, then, his gates with praise, Approach with joy his courts unto; Praise, laud, and bless his name always, For it is seemly so to do. 4 For why? the Lord our God is good, His mercy is forever sure; His truth at all times firmly stood, And shall from age to age endure. 830 PSALM CXVI. C. M. 1 I LOVE the Lord, because my voice 1 And prayers he did hear; It while I live, will call on him, Who bowed to me his ear. 2 Of death the cords and sorrows did About me compass round; The pains of hell took hold on me, I grief and trouble found. 3 Upon the name of God the Lord, Then did I call, and say, Deliver thou my soul, 0 Lord, I do thee humbly pray. 4 God merciful and righteous is, Yea, gracious is our Lord; God saves the meek: I was brought low; He did me help afford. 5 I'll of salvation take the cup, On God's name will I call; I'll pay my vows now to the Lord, Before his people all. 6 Within the courts of God's own house; Within the midst of thee 0 city of Jerusalem, Praise to the Lord give. ye. 58 686 DISMISSIONS. DISMISSIONS. 831 HYMN 831, L. M. I DISMISS uswith thy blessing, Lord! Help us to feed upon thy word; All that has been amiss forgive, And let thy truth within us live. 2 Though we are guilty, thou art good,Wash all our works in Jesus' blood; Give every burdened soul release, And bid us all depart in peace. 832 HYMN 832, 8s, 7s, and 4s. 1 T ORD! dismiss us with thy blessing A Fill our hearts with joy and peace: Let us all, thy love possessing, Triumph in redeeming grace: Oh! refresh usTraveling through this wilderness. 2 Thanks we give, and adoration, For thy gospel's joyful sound; Let the fruits of thy salvation In our hearts and lives abound; May thy presence With us evermore be found. 3 So, whene'er the signal's given, Us from earth to call away Borne on angels' wings to heaven, Glad to leave this cumbrous clay, May we ever Reign with Christ in endless day. 833 HYMN 88 8 8s and 7s. 1 M1/[AY the grade of Christ our Saviour, ~LL And the Father's boundless love, With the Holy Spirit's favor, Rest upon us from above. Let us thus abide in union With each other and the Lord, And possess, in sweet communion, Joys which earth cannot afford. DOXOLOGIES. 687 - 834 HYMN 834, 8s, 7s, and 4s. m 1 OD of our salvation, hear us, Bless, O bless us, ere we go; mp When we join the world, be near us, Lest thy people careless grow;; rm Saviour, keep us, Keep us safe from every foe. mp 2 While our days on earth are lengthened, May we give them, Lord, to thee; dol Cheered by hope, and daily strengthened, May we run, nor weary be, Till thy glory Without clouds in heaven we see. DOXOLOGIES. 835 HYMN 835, L. M. PRAISE God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise him, all creatures here below; Praise him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 836 HYMN 836, L. M. TO God; the Father,-God, the Son,And God, the Spirit,-three in one,-* Be honor, praise, and glory given, By all on earth and all in heaven. 837 HYMN 837, L. M. 1 BLESSING and honor, praise and love, J Co-equal; Co-eternal Three! In earth below, in heaven above, By all thy works, be paid to thee. 2 Thrice Holy! thine the kingdom is; The power omnipotent is thine; And when created nature dies, Thy never-ceasing glories shine. 688 DOXOLOGIES. 838 HYMN 838, L. M. 6 Lines. TMMORTAL honor, endless fame, - Ascribe to God the Father's'name; Let God the Son be glorified, Who for lost man's redemption died; And equal adoration be O God the Spirit, paid to thee. 839 HYMN 839, L. M. 8 Lines. ETERNAL Father! throned above, Thou fountain of redeeming love; Eternal Word! who left thy throne For man's rebellion to atone; Eternal Spirit, who dost give That-grace whereby our spirits live: Thou God of our salvation, be Eternal praises paid to thee 1 840 HYMN 840, C. M. LET God, the Father, and the Son, And Spirit, be adored, Where there are works to make him known, Or saints to love the Lord. 841 HYMN 841, C. M. O Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, One God, whom we adore, Be glory as it was, is now, And shall be evermore. 842 HYMN 842, C. M. N hope to join the angelic host And all the ransomed throng, To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, We raise the grateful song. 843 HYMN 843, C. M. 8 Lines. TItE God of mercy be adored, Who calls our souls from death, Who sLaves by his redeeming word And new-creating.breath; To praise the Father and the Son And Spirit all-divine,The one in three, and three in one,Let saints and angels join. L01 - ----- ~cc ~lvc~ ~u.hl~C~l h MH DOXOLOGIES. 689 844 HYMN 844, S. M. E angels round the throne! And saints that dwell below I Worship the Father, praise the Son, And bless the Spirit too. 845 HYMN 845, 7s. CING we to our God above, 2 Praise eternal as his love; Praise him all ye heavenly host! Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 846 HYMN 846, s, s,6 Lines. BLESSING, honor, glory, might, B And dominion infinite, To the Father of our Lord, To the Spirit and the Word: As it was all worlds before, Is, and shall be evermore. 847 HYMN 847, 8s and 7s. ( LORY, honor, praise, and power k To the Lamb be ever paid; Let new blessings, every hour, Rest on his adored head. 848 HYMN 848, 8s and 7s. PRAISE the God of all creation; Praise the Father's boundless love: Praise the Lamb, our expiation, Priest and King enthroned above: Praise the Fountain of salvation, Him by whom our Spirits live: Undivided adoration To the one Jehovah give. 849 HYMN 849, 8s, 7s, and 4s. GREAT Jehovah! we adore thee, God, the Father, God, the Son, God, the Spirit; joined in glory On the same eternal throne; Endless praises To Jehovah, Three in One. 58* 690 DOXOLTOGIES. O Father, Son, and-Holy-Ghost,: Be praise amid the heavenly host, And in the church below; From whom all creatures draw their breath, By whom redemption blessed the earth, From whom all comforts flow. 851 HYMN 851, L, P. M. IOW to the great and sacred Three, ~ The Father, Son, and Spirit, be Eternal praise and glory given, Through all the worlds where God is known, By all the angels near. the throne, And all the saints in earth and heaven 852 HYMN 852, H. M. TO God the Father's throne, Your highest honors raise; Glory to God, the Son,To God, the Spirit, praise: With all our powers, Eternal King! Thy name we sing, While faith adores. 853 HYMN 853, 7s and 6s. (lambic.) WTE'LL praise thy name forever,VT Thou glorious King of kings 1 Thy wondrous love and favor Each ransomed spirit sings: We'll celebrate thy glory, With all thy saints above, And shout the joyful story Of thy redeeming love. 854 HYMN 854, 7s and 6s. (Trochaic.) FATHER, Son, and Holy Ghost, One God whom we adore, Join we with the heavenly host To praise thee evermore: Live, by heaven and earth adored, Three in One, and One in Three, Holy, holy, holy Lord, All glory be to thee! _ ------— ^ ^ DOXOLOGIES. 691 855 HYMN 855, 5s and 6s. BY angels in heaven Of every degree, And saints upon earth, All praise be addressed To God in three Persons,One God ever-blessed: As hath been, and now is, And always shall be. 856 HYMN 856, 6s and 4s. lO God-the Father, Son, And Spirit-Three in One, All praise be given! Crown him, in every song; To him your hearts belong; Let all his praise prolongOn earth, in heaven. 857 HYMN 857, 10s and Uls ALL glory to God, the Father and Son, And Spirit of grace, the great Three in One; Let highest ascriptions forever be given By all the creation in earth and in heaven. 858. HYMN 858, 11s. 0 FATHER Almighty, to thee be addressed, 0With Christ and the Spirit, one God ever blest, All glory and worship, from earth and from heaven, As was, and is now, and shall ever be given! INDEX TO SUPPLEMENT. PAGE A debtor to mercy alone.......................................... bpdy 658 Again our earthly cares we leave.......................................... 623 Ah whither should I go.................................................. esley 643 All people that on earth do dwell........................................Rouse 684 Almighty God, thy word is cast......................................... 627 And can I yet delay........................................................ Wesley 646 And dost thou say, " Ask what thou wilt"....................................... 662 And let this feeble body fail..............................................C. Wesley 681 And must I part with all I have.........................................Beddome 656 Arise, my soul, arise............................... Wesley 648 Asleep in Jesus, blessed sleep...................................... Mrs. Mackay 679 As when the weary traveler gains.........................................Newton 680 Be still, my heart, these anxious cares................................... Newton 654 Blessed fountain, full of grace................................................Kelly 656 Blessed Saviour, thee I love.....................................G. Duffield, Jr. 632 By cool Siloam's shady rill;.....................................................eber 675 Ceaseless praise be to the Father.........................................J. W.P. 625 Come, 0 thou Traveler unknown................................. esley 663 Come, youthful wanderers, haste to the Saviour................................. 676 Complete in thee, no work of mine...................................... R. W 657 Creator, Spirit, by whose aid...................................... Dryden 638 Crown his head with endless blessing............................. Pratt's Col. 629 Depth of mercy, can there be............................................ Wesley 649 Dismiss us with thy blessing, 686 Ere the blue heavens were stretched abroad........... Watts 628 Eternal Sun of Righteousness.............................................Wesley 667 Father, Son, and Holy Ghost......................................... C. Wesley 663. Forever here my rest shall be...................................... Wesley 630 Forever with the Lord.............................................. Montgomery 682 For the mercies of'the day.......................Baptist Noel 627 From every stormn wind that blows......................................Stowell 650 From the cross upfted high...............................................Haweis 641 From the table now retiring..........................................Exeter Coll. 675 Give to the winds thy fears..................................... by J. Wesley 671 Glory, glory everlasting..........................................................Kely 629 Glory to God the Father be............................................. 626 God bless our native land.................................... S. Dwight 677 God of my life, to thee I call...............................................Cowper 650 God of nry salvation, hear................................... C. Wesley 648 God of our salvation, hear us...................................................Kell 687 God's holy law' transgressed.............................................Beddome 630 Go, labor on, spend and be spent.......................... Bo...o.. ar 673 GreatfGod, this sacred day of thine................................. rs. Steele 623 714 INDEX TO SUPPLEMENT. PAGE Hail, my ever-blessed Jesus.............................................. Wingrove 631 Holy Father, hear my cry...........................Bonar 626 Holy Ghost, the Infinite............................................................. 637 How gentle God's commands...........................................Doddride 652 If thou impart thyself to me......................................... Wesley 666 I heard the voice of Jesus say........................ Bonar 636 I lay my sins on Jesus......................................................Bonar 635 I love the Lord, because my voice..........................................ouse 685 I'ribut a stranger here............................................................... 682 I was a wandering sheep.................................................onar 659 Jesus, at whose supreme command......................................f. Wesley 674 Jesus, engrave it on my heart...............................................Medley 631 Jesus, I know, hath died for me....................................... Wesley 657 Jesus, let thy iitying eye................................... Wesley 644 Jesus, merciful and mild................................................T. Hastings 633 Jesus, my strength, my hope...................................C. Wesley 662 Jesus, our best-beloved friend......................................................... 672 Jesus spreads his banner o'er us..................................................... 675 Jesus, thy boundless love to me.......................... C........... C. Wesley 653 Jesus, thyself to us reveal...............................................C. Wesley 664 Jesus, united by thy grace.............................................. Wesley 672 Just as I am, without one plea..................................CharlotteElliott 645 Laboring and heavy laden................................................... ankin 659 Leader of faithful souls and guide................................... CWesley 679 Lo! God is here! let us adore...........................................Tersteegen 625 Lord! as to thy dear cross we flee............................................. 661 Lord! dismiss us with thy blessing..............................Ripp 686 Lord! I believe; thy power I own................................... Wreford 668 Lord of the harvest, bend thine ear.................................... 678 Make haste, 0 man, to live...................................................Bonar 673 May the grace of Christ our Saviour................................. 686 Mercy, 0 thou Son of David............................................... Newton 647 Must Jesus bear the cross alone...................................................... 633 My days are gliding swiftly by.............................................. Nelson 681 My God, My Father, while I stray.............................Cha-lotte Elliott 654 TMy God, the covenant of thy love..................................Doddridge 656 My gracious Lord, I own thy right...............................Doddridge 665 My gracious Redeemer I love.............................................Francis 635 My Jesus, as thou wilt.......................................................Schmolk 655 My spirit on-thy care..................................................... F. Lyte 666 -'Near me, 0 my Saviour, stand............................................ Wesley 667 No room for mirth or trifling here............................... C. Wesley 642 Now remember thy Creator..........................................S. Mills Day 676; God I how often hath thine ear............................... M. Bunting 660 O God we praise thee and confess............................. shop Patrick 624 O Jesus I King most wonderful................................. yyra Catholica 636 O Lord, I would delight in thee...........................................Ryland 665 O sacred head, once wounded.............rhard, tr. by J. W: Alexander 634 O thou to whose all-searching sight.................................. J. Wesley 668 O thou who hearest the prayer of faith..............................Toplady 646 Oh! cease, my wandering soul..................................... hlenberg 658 Oh! could I find from day to day.......................... rtford Selection 660 Oh! for a heart to praise my God...................................... C. Wesley 661 Oh send thy light forth, and thy truth..................................Rouse 684 Oh! that in me the sacred fire......................................... CWesley 639 -Ohl that the Comforter would come.....................C.,ley (altered) 639 0 He INDEX TO SUPPLEMENT. 715 PAGE Oh! when shall I see Jesus............................................... 671 Oh! worship the King, all glorious above...................... Lord Glenelg 624 Once, 0 Lord, thy garden flourished.....................................Newton 651 One there is above all others................................................ Newton 628 Peace, troubled soul, whose plaintive moan........................Epis. Col. 642 Prince of Peace, control my will................................................. 653 Return and come to God......................................................DoaneL0 Saviour, I thy word believe................................................ Toplady 638 Saviour, when in dust to thee........................... Lord Glenelg 643 Saw ye not the cloud arise................................. C.Wesley 677 Sow in the morn thy seed................................................... 673 Stand up! stand up for Jesus!.................................. Duffield;Jr. 670 Strait is the way, the door is strait....................................... Watts 648 The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want.................................... Rouse 683 The morning light is breaking........................................ F. Smith 678 The Spirit in our hearts.........................................H. IZ. Onderdonk 640 This world, 0 God, like that above............................. adame Guion 665 Though faint, yet pursuing, we go on our way................................. 670 Though trgubles assail and dangers affright............................ \ewton 655 Thou who didst on Calvary bleed..............................Evening Hymns 645 Time, thou speedest on'but slowly...........................Lyra Germanica 683 To-day the Saviour calls......................S............... Spiritual Songs 641 To whom, my Saviour, shall I go.....................................................630 Unite, my roving thoughts, unite................................... Doddridge 652 Vain, delusive world, adieu................................................ C. Wesley 647 Weary sinner, keep thine eyes................................................ 642 We've no abiding city here......................................................Kelly 680 What grace, 0 Lord, and beauty shone............................................. 634 When, gracious Lord, when shall it be................................ C. Wesley 667 When languor and disease invade................................. Toplady 651 When this passing world is done...................................... cCheyne 669 While in sweet communion feeding................................................. 674 With broken heart and contrite sigh................................................ 649 I INDEX OF SUBJECTS TO SUPPLEMENT. ADORATION, 624, 629. Fearful encouraged, 671 Ark of Salvation, 658. Fellowship in Christ, 672. Assurance, 657, 658. Forgiveness in Christ, 630, 631, 632, 634,635. BAPTISM of fire, 639. Friend, Christ a, 628. Blessing on the word, sought, 627. Blind Bartiaeus, 647. GOD, omnipresent, 665. Burdenscast on God, 652,654,665,666. Our all, 667. I\?~~~~~ ~~Our friend, 652. CRIsT, 628-637. Our leader, 670. Adored, 629,631,633,-635,636. Our shepherd, 684. A friend, 628. Our trust, 684. A guide, 630. Praised and adored, 624, 626. A refuge, 646, 648. Present in his house, 625. At the table, 674, 675. Sought in affliction, 650. Chosen, 647, 656. Sought in his house, 623. Divinity of, 628, 629. God's covenant sure, 656Needful, 631. Goodness of God, 624. Only, 632. Grace, in Jesus, 631. On the cross, 634, 642, 643. for sinners, 656. Our all, 633,635,636,647,653, 657. HEAVEN anticipated, 671, 680-683. Our intercessor, 648. Holiness sought, 660, 661, 663, 664, Our pattern, 634,635,661. 668. Our shepherd, 659. Holy Ghost. See'-Spirit. Patience of. 634. How much we owe, 669. Sanctification in, 630. Sought in distress, 644, 645. INTERCESSION, of Christ, 648. The King, 636. Invitation, to the sinner, 640-648. Comforter, the Spirit the, 637. Complete in Christ, us. e- rist, 657.JE -C st. Consecration to God, 663, 665. Joy, in Christ, 635, 636. Consolation in sickness, 651. God, 666. Contrite heart sought, 661. Conversion, 644-650. LBOR for Christ, 672, 673. Cross, bearing, 633. Laborers, prayer for the increase of, Christ on, 634, 643. 678. Invitation from the, 641. Liberty of the sons of God, 666. Crowns cast at Jesus' feet, 623. Life a pilgrimage, 679-682. Living, to Christ, 665. DEATH, a sleep in Jesus, 679. with a purpose, 673. eternal, 642. Lord's Supper, 674, 675. Declension lamented, 651. Dismissions, 686. MAJEsTY of God, 624. Divinity of Christ, 628. -Mercy for the vilest, 649. Doxologies, 687-691. Mercy-seat, 650. Ministers, prayer for increase of 678. EVENING service, close of, 627. NARROW way, 648. FAITH sought, 668. Nation, prayer for the, 677. 722 INDEX OF SUBJECTS TO SUPPLEMENT. 723 Nearness to God, 660. Self-knowledge sought, 643. Needfll, Jesus the one thing, 631. Sinners invited, 640-643. Social dedication to God, 672. ONE in Christ, 672. Soldiers of the Cross, 670, 671. Ordinanc8s, 674, 675. Sowing the seed, 673. Spirit, A fire, 639. PAEOjgfred, 641.' Ioly, 637-639. *.I fght, 643, 644. Invoked, 638, 639. S ist, 653. Inviting us, 640. S, 4x5i sorrowing, 642. Sanctifier, 637, 639 S..^ 11,643-645, 660. The Comforter, 637, 638, 639.' Prayer of, 644, 649. The Creator, 688. _ [grimage, life a, 679-682. The witness of sought, 638, raise,to God, 624 639. < To the Trinity, 625 Spread of the gospel, 677, 678. Prayer, 650, 662 663. Sufferer, consolations of the, 661. For laborers, 678. For the nation, 677. TaE flying, 673. In trouble, 650, 667. To-day, the call, 641. Of publican, 649. Trinity, invoked, 626. Wrestling, 663. praised, 625, 626, 638. Presence of God, 625. Trust, for time and eternity, 657, 658. in suffering, 651. RtECONCILIATION sought, 667 in trouble, 654, 655, 670, 671. Resignation, 654, 655. Rest in God, 658, 665, 666. WANDEsER reclaimed, 659. Desired, 659, Witness of the Spirit, 638, 639. Returning to God, 660. Word, God's, seed sown as, 627. Revival, 677, 678. World disdained, 635. renotnced, 647, 656. SABAT, God'sinfluences invoked in, Worship, commencement of public, 623. 623, 625. Close of, 627. Close of, 627, 686. Sanctification in Christ, 630, 662,668. Wrestling Jacob, 663. By the Spirit, 637. Sanctuary, God sought in, 623. YELDING to God, 646. Saviour, Christ the, 628,635, 645, 648. Youth invited, 676. Self-denial, 656, 670, 673.