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MANUAL OF THE!dirt rcsbtte cianr (n(rr~ IN THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA. PHILADELPHIA: WILLIAM F. GEDDES, PRINTER, NO. 320 CHESTNUT STREET. 1859. IT is hoped that every member of the Church and Congregation will procure a copy of this book. The profits of its sale will be devoted to the "Dorcas Society," to aid the poor of the city. A BRIEF HISTORY OF PINE STREET CHURCH, BY THOMAS BRAINERD, D. D. The First Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia was built on the South side of Market St., between Second and Third Sts., with a burying ground attached on Bank Street. There the first congregation was gathered, and there the Presbyterians of the city worshipped for sixty years. A part of this First Church, about the year 1760, under the influence of the revivals which followed the labors of George Whitefield and the Tennents, being dissatisfied with the opposition of the Church to the revival and the men who promoted it, withdrew, and built a Second Presbyterian Church, on the N. W. corner of Third and Arch Streets. This supplied the north part of the city. The Market Street Church, increasing by immigration from Scotland and Ireland, soon not only made up the loss, but became overcrowded. A temporary house and lot was therefore purchased on the corner of Second and South Streets, and public worship set up by the pastors of the First Church. In 1762 a committee was appointed to ask of the Pennsylvania Proprietors the donation of the lot of ground on "Society Hill" in.the South part of the city, for a new Presbyterian Church. This application was successful. On the 19th day of October, 1764, Thomas and Richard Penn, the Proprietors of Pennsylvania, granted a lot 174 feet on Fourth 4 BRIEF HISTORY OF Street by 102 feet on Pine Street, "To the congregation belonging to the old Presbyterian Meeting House on the South side of High Street, near the Court House, in the City of Philadelphia, to the intent that a Church or Meeting House should be erected thereon, and a burial yard laid out for the use of the said society of Presbyterians forever." This lot, given freely by the proprietors, was afterwards enlarged by purchase, so that the Church property now embraces about 174 feet on Fourth Street by 200 feet on Pine Street,the open space around the edifice 174 by 300 feet. A small frame building had existed on the spot previously, called the Hill Meeting House. Near this building the Rev. George Whitefield was accustomed to stand and preach to collected thousands. It was some time after the lot was procured before any progress was made in the erection of a building. July 4th, 1765, a committee was appointed by the First Church to ask the Second Church on Arch Street to unite in building the Third. With some apparent feeling, the Second Church declined, because, as they alleged, they had not been earlier consulted. In 1765 a subscription was opened in the First Church. January 10, 1765, it was voted to employ workmen and commence the work. December 24, 1766, a committee was appointed to "collect subscriptions from those who attend the meeting at the South end of the New Market." In 1767 a committee was appointed to inquire about the propriety of settling a new minister over the new Society forming on "Society Hill." In 1768 it was voted "that public worship should be celebrated in the New Presbyterian Church in Pine Street, May 30th." From this record it seems, that on the 30th of May, 1859, just ninety-one years had elapsed since the walls of Old Pine Street Church first echoed the voice of a gospel minister and the songs of Zion. But we are not to suppose that the house was completed; for November 14th, 1768, the committee of the First and Third Churches voted to sell the "temporary house, which had been a vendue house, on South by Second Street, to help pay for the new house, because it was not in repair, to defend the congrega PINE STREET CHURCH. 5 tion against the storms and cold weather in winter." About the same time it was ascertained that twenty families from the First Church and sixty families from the temporary Church would take pews in the new edifice, showing that the new congregation began with eighty families. In 1768-9, ~2500 were raised by lottery, of which it was agreed that the First Church should receive ~200 "to pay its debts," and the remainder to be divided between the Second and Third Churches, in the proportion of 11 and 9. This money so equivocally obtained enabled the Third Church to finish its edifice. The above items have been gleaned with some labor from "old records." They will be of growing interest to future generations. The Third Church was designed to be held in perpetual union with the First. Its congregation was to be allowed to elect their own pastor, with the "approbation" of the First Church, and for a time the two Churches moved on in harmony. November 14, 1768, the Rev. Samuel Aitken was unanimously elected pastor, and for about one year alternated with the pastors of the First Church in supplying the two congregations. But he then fell into some immorality, and was suspended from the ministry. The two pastors of the First Church then supplied Pine Street alternately. But in 1771 Pine Street Church asserted its inde-,pendence by electing the Rev. George Duffield, D. D., of Carlisle, pastor. He was a? "new side" man, in the parlance of the day; and the First Church, leaning to the "old side," now claimed the entire custody of the building and locked its doors. The friends of Dr. Duffield broke open the doors, and took possession of the house. Dr. Duffield was arrested for abetting a riot, and a suit at law commenced by the First Church to recover possession of the edifice. Dr. Duffield was discharged without trial, but the suit at law was prosecuted through all the courts of the country, the verdicts being in favor of the First Church. The congregation then appealed to the King in Council, but the revolutionary war breaking out, the case never came to trial in England. Private griefs were absorbed in public wrongs. At the end of the war better counsels prevailed; the Pine Street people bought peace by agreeing to pay the Market Street 6 BRIEF HISTORY OF Church 5000 dollars, 750 of which was afterwards generously relinquished. Since then the mother and daughter have dwelt in peace. The Pine Street Church suffered severely in the war of the revolution, the congregation being peculiarly obnoxious to the British, from the resolute patriotism of the pastor and known whiggery of the members. The best houses in the neighborhood were seized by the British officers, and soldiers billeted upon plainer families. Dr. Duffield had encouraged the men of his congregation to enlist, and on a certain Sabbath morning, when the city was in danger, he told the men present, he was very sorry they were not abroad serving their country. In the course of the next week he went himself to the army, and remained with it some time as chaplain, stimulating the courage and zeal of his countrymen by appeals of patriotism and religion. When the British army got possession of Philadelphia, they seized the Church and used it for a hospital; while they respected St. Peter's Church below, because it belonged to the Church of England. The British soldiers tore up the pews and used them for fuel, stripped the pulpit ard the windows, and finally used the building as a stable for the horses of dragoons.. In excavating the ground for the iron fence in Pine Street, in 1835, the laborers came upon the body of a British soldier, known by the buttons of his dress, a relic of the occupation of this now peaceful spot by a foreign foe. While the Continental Congress, driven from Philadelphia, held its sessions at York, the Rev. Dr. Duffield was elected one of its chaplains, in union with Bishop White, to whom, as a theologian, a preacher, and a man, he was inferior in no respect. He died in 1790, and his ashes rest under the central aisle of the Lecture Room of this Church. He was a bold, conscientious, active, and eloquent man. Of those who united with the Church under his ministry, not one now survives. The Records show that during a pastoral life of nineteen years, he solemnized 730 marriages, and baptized 1342 adults and children. How many he admitted to the Church is unknown. PINE STREET CHURCH. 7 In 1791, the Rev. John Blair Smith, D. D., President of Hampden Sydney College, Virginia, was called to be pastor, and remained such until 1795, (four years,) when he was dismissed to be the first President of Union College, New York. After an absence of four years, during which time the church was vacant, he was recalled to the pastorate in 1799. He died the same year, aged 44, of yellow fever, then epidemic in Philadelphia. The marble slab which covers his ashes may be seen in the yard near the south-west corner of the church. As President, in succession, of one college at the South, and another at the North; and as a Christian, a preacher, and a pastor, he was among the foremost men of his day. Some of his descendants' are still found in the church where he labored and died. In the year 1800, the Rev. Philip Milledoller, D. D., was called to be pastor, and remained until 1805, (five years,) when he was removed to a church in New York. He was afterwards President of Rutgers College, Brunswick, N. J. During his ministry, he solemnized 171 marriages, and baptized 334 individuals. By letter and profession, he admitted into the church 159 persons, or an average of 31 annually. Of these 159 persons, but five are known to survive in this church. They are Mrs. Catharine Ross, Mrs. Sarah Ray, Mrs. Catharine Simons, Mrs. Elizabeth Tillotson, and Mrs. Margaret Barclay. What a remnant out of 159! So great are the changes of a single half century. In November, 1806, the Rev. Archibald Alexander, D. D., was elected pastor. At a previous election in 1794, he had declined the call of the church, assigning reasons most creditable to his head and heart. He was then a young man. But the second call he accepted, and left the Presidency of Hampden Sydney College, Virginia, to take charge of the congregation, in 1806. In a pastoral life of six years, he solemnized 90 marriages, and baptized 291 children and adults. By letter and profession, he admitted to the church 119 members, or an average of about 20 a year. Of those admitted by him, but two survive among us. These are Mrs. Mary C. Kay, and Mrs. Comfort Corgie. There are doubtless some others, who have removed to other churches.. From the above, it appears that seven are left in the church 8 BRIEF HISTORY OF who sat under Dr. Alexander's ministry. Dr. Alexander having been elected by the General Assembly Professor of Theology in the Theological Seminary at Princeton, left this church in 1812. After thirty-nine years of useful labor in that department, he died, full of years and full of honors. His ministry here was his last and most important pastoral charge. The last record in his hand-writing in our books is May 24th, 1812, the month he left us. "The Lord's supper," he says, "was administered. The number of communicants who sat down was 300, there being many members of the assembly among them. Gloria Deo "-Praise to God. His last words in ourbooks were his first words in Heaven, "Glory to God!" His life was a beautiful specimen of Christian purity. His talents and attainments placed him in the first rank of American theologians. He, like the great majority who have listened to his preaching, has gone to his reward. The fifth pastor of this church was the Rev. Ezra Stiles Ely, D. D. He was installed Sept. 7th, 1814, and continued pastor until June 30th, 1835, twenty-one years. He began to preach here in 1813, so that his ministry, in fact, extended to twenty-two years. At his coming a small minority left the church and organized the Sixth Presbyterian church, (Dr. Jones's;) and by award of arbitrators this small minority received from this church $22,000 for their share of the property. I need not say that the award of the arbitrators was regarded as most unjust to this church. The ministry of Dr. Ely is so fresh in the recollection of the living, that I need not dwell upon it, except to say it was peaceful and prosperous. By our record, it appears that he solemnized 718 marriages, and baptized 1163 adults and children. I may here say that from Dr. Duffield to Dr. Ely, my predecessors were accustomed to baptize all infants presented, whether the parents were or were not communicants. Dr. Ely admitted by letter and profession, 707 to communion with the church, making an average of 32 each year of his ministry. Of those admitted under his ministry, about 100 only remain with us. PINE STREET CHURCH. 9 As the Rev. Dr. Ely is yet living, I refrain from any comment upon his ministry, except to commend his industry, his self-sacrifice, and his abundant charity, while he went in and out before us. His work in the vineyard of his Master now seems to be ended. It is touching to see a form once so elastic bowed down by age and infirmity; and a tongue once so eloquent and earnest faltering by disease. May the support of that Gospel which he so faithfully proclaimed to others through more than fifty years, be now the solace of his sorrows and the stay of his declining years. As the successor of Dr. Ely, I was called from the city of Cincinnati, to be pastor of this church, October 31st, 1836, and commenced my stated labors here Feb. 1st, 1837. My installation did not take place until March 5th, but my engagement began Feb. 1st, which is the anniversary of my labors. A few incidents of my ministry are worthy of record. In 1837 the interior of the old Church was entirely remodelled, the windows modernized, a Lecture Room, Study, and Committee Room provided, and the outside of the Church stuccoed, at an expense of about $19,000. Up to that period the weekly lecture was held in the body of the Church, and the Sunday School in the galleries, or in a room hired for the purpose. About ten years ago an organ was introduced in the face of some opposition, which however soon died away. In 1837, by the act of the famous General Assembly of that year, the Third Presbytery of Philadelphia was dissolved, and Old Pine Street Church and its pastor left without any ecclesiastical connection, but directed to apply for admission into some Presbytery on examination. Of course this act was treated as revolutionary, null, and void; the church and pastor adhering to the constitutional branch of the Presbyterida Church. On this subject there has been, and is, entire unanimity. It is hardly necessary to allude to the improvement of the Church edifice in 1857, by which the unsightly and unattractive building has been transformed into a beautiful and classic temple; uniting the associations of a venerated antiquity with the demands of modern taste. This improvement cost $11,500, all of which was promptly paid by voluntary contributions, within a single 10 BRIEF HISTORY OF year. The Church is now entirely free from debt. In addition to the burying ground at the Church, it owns another cemetery on Carpenter and Fifth Streets, Southwark; a house and lot on Water Street, left by the late George Pearson for the poor of the congregation; a lot 200 by 80 feet on Jefferson Avenue and Greenwich Streets, for a new Presbyterian Church, with reversion to the Trustees of Pine Street Church. The late Thomas Sparks also left $2000 cash to the Trustees, the interest of which goes half to the Sunday School and half to Home Mlissions. The Church has no vested funds for the support of its own expenses, but relies for this solely on the rent of its pews. The ministry of the present pastor has been occasionally interrupted by ill health. With this exception it has been characterized by great and uniform prosperity. No bitter controversy has been known among us for twenty-two years. The people among themselves and towards their pastor have "studied the things that make for peace." The pastor has loved the people of his charge, identified himself with their interests, confided in them, and never been dissatisfied with his lot, nor disappointed in their affection. In these twenty-two years the present pastor has admitted Nine Hundred persons to the communion of the Church, attended Eight Hundred and Twenty Funerals; baptized Eight Hundred individuals; and solemnized Five Hundred and Eighty-three Marriages. It is hoped that this brief review of the way in which God has led this church for almost a century may excite gratitude among its members. It has, at no time, been left desolate. It has never quarreled with one of its six pastors. No pastor ever left " Old Pine Street Church" but of his own choice, and for what he regarded as a better field for health or usefulness. God's ministers have ever been treated with kindness, forbearance, and respect. What has been the result? The church has enjoyed nearly one hundred years of uniform peace, competence, and prosperity, and was never more influential, hopeful, and happy than at the present time. It has been always characterized by great good fellowship among the members, rich and poor; by an earnest love to prayer meetings and revivals of religion; by a desire to hear plain truths PINE STREET CHURCH. 11 in plain language, and by a willingness to labor and sacrifice, for the general interests of the Church of God. As the fathers have passed away, God has so replenished the church by revivals of religion, and so "turned the hearts of the children" to the good ways of their fathers, that the congregation has, in its age, all the enthusiasm and energy of a fresh manhood. The names of the living enrolled in this book, pastor, elders, and members, will soon give place to others; but it is most fervently to be wished, that by holy example and fervent prayers, we may live, when our bodies moulder, in the increased intelligence and piety of coming generations. The following hymn, composed by the pastor for the children of the Sabbath School, has been often sung in the old church, We insert it here, in the hope that it will be sung there, by hearts as warm, for one hundred years to come:"OLD PINE STREET CHURCH." TUNE —" There is a happy land." Old Pine Street Church I love! Full ninety yearsLeading the heart above, And hushing fearsIts ancient walls have stood, Reared by the wise and good, To yield a balm, that could Dry human tears. Old Pine Street Church I prize — And well I may; My mother in yon skies, Here learned the way: My father too, here trod The way that leads to GodHe sleeps beneath yon sodHere let me pray! 12 BRIEF HISTORY OF And shorter graves are near Thy sacred fane; My gentle sister dear, They here have lain; My brother too here sleeps, Where rose or wild-flower creeps, And love in sadness weeps The early slain. Old Pine Street Church, my heart Still clings to thee; I well may claim a part In each old tree; For in their summer shade, My early footsteps strayed, And my first vows were made Oh, God, to Thee! Old Pine Street Church, thy gates Yet open stand — And there in mercy waits The Teacher bandWho by the truth would guide All to the Saviour's side, And through Him open wide A better land. Old Pine Street Church!-that hour When life is o'er, And sin with tempting power Can vex no more; Oh, let my grave be found In thy long cherished ground, Where saints may me surround Till time is o'er. _~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i __________ -~ _______ __IIL______________ ________ _ __ _-_I-_1_1~~ L —--- ___ — P —- ---- _____________ -DSiN RE ~iRK 73 - MO~~~~~~~~~~:~: ala~ -g~M - al~~~~:uci " K!"~ 60~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ M 1111TI, ~.I, fjs~ lg I~~~ "MV ~ ~ ~ ~I~L n ~~~~~~~~~~~~4~OD IESIRE HUBC; 14 BRIEF HISTORY OF NAMES OF PASTORS. *Rev. George Duffield, D. D., - - - from 1771 to 1790. *Rev. John B. Smith, D. D., - - - from 1791 to 1799. *Rev. Philip Milledoller, D. D., - - from 1800 to 1805. *Rev. Archibald Alexander, D. D., - - from 1806 to 1812. Rev. Ezra Stiles Ely, D. D., - - from 1814 to 1835. Rev. Thomas Brainerd, D. D., - - from 1837 to -. RULING ELDERS. *John Pemberton, tJames Phyfe, *Ferguson McIlvain, John C. Farr, *John McCulloch, John R. McMullin, *Samuel Lowry, *Robert W. Davenport, *William Smiley, *Samuel McClellan, M. D., *James Stuart, *James H. Eaton, tWilliam Nassau, tCharles H. Dingee, *John W. Scott, *Thomas McLeod, *Jacob Mitchell, *Levi Eldridge, *Benjamin Wicks, Alexander Whilldin, *John McMullin, *Frederick A. Raybold, *Robert McMullin, Thomas Mackellar, *William Haslet, John Aikman, *William B. Duffield, AM. D. Samuel Work. PRESENT SESSION. John C. Farr, John R. McMullin, Alexander Whilldin, John Aikman, Thomas Mackellar, Samuel Work. * Deceased. t Dismissed. PINE STREET CHURCH. 15 In Pursuance of the directions of Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, dated the sixth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninetyone, entitled: "An Act to confer on certain associations of the citizens of the commonwealth the powers and immunities of corporations, or bodies politic in Law: J3c it mabr knomxn, and manifest to all whom it doth or may concern, that by this public Instrument in writing, We, the subscribers, members of the Society of Presbyterians of the Third Presbyterian Church, worshipping God in the Church on the south side of Pine street, between Fourth and Fifth streets, from the River Delaware, in the City of Philadelphia and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, have long since associated, and now are associated as a congregation for religious purposes, and are desirous to acquire and enjoy the powers and immunities of a Corporation or body politic in Law, and to that end have concluded and agreed that the name, style and title of the Incorporated Society shall be THE TRUSTEES OF THE THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, and by that name they and their successors shall be capable in Law to sue and be sued, to hold and manage all and singular the site of the said Church, such edifices as have been or shall be erected thereon, the burying ground which now belongs or which shall hereafter belong to the said Society or such other property as may be purchased by them or otherwise be obtained, together with all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, effects and estates, real and personal whatsoever, that do or may belong to the said religious Society for the support of a Pastor or Pastors, and other officers of the said Church, and for such pious and charitable purposes as shall by the said Society be established and directed: 16 BRIEF HISTORY OF Provided, that the clear yearly value or income of the Messuages, Houses, Lands and Tenements, rents, annuities, or other hereditaments and real estates of the said Corporation, and the interest of money lent by them shall not exceed the sum of Five Hundred Pounds: And we do by these presents further agree, that the said Corporation shall consist of thirteen persons, seven of whom shall be a quorum, who shall be elected by ballot on the third Monday in September, annually, and for the present shall consist of the following persons: Ferguson McIlvain, George Latimer, Paul Cox, John M'Culloch, Richard Tittermary, Samuel Duffield, William Linnard, Robert McMullin, John McOIullin, John Woodside, William Haslett, William Smiley, and James M'Glathery; which persons shall continue in office until the third Monday in September next, and that notice shall be given and published from the pulpit or desk of the said Church on the last Sabbath preceding the day of election, on which divine service shall be performed, of an election for Trustees of the said Church to be chosen out of the members of the said Society, qualified, as is hereafter directed, which election shall be held accordingly, and determined by a majority of those who have a right to elect, and shall meet and elect accordingly; and in all cases when any matters are to be determined by ballot or otherwise by the Congregation, public notice shall be given from the pulpit or desk of the said Church, as in the case of annual elections for Trustees. We do moreover agree and conclude that the qualifications of both the electors and the elected within the said Society shall be, that such persons shall have been at least one year members of the said Society, and have paid one year's contribution for a pew within the said Church, not less than two dollars, and shall not be in arrears more than twelve months at the time of election, and be of the age of twenty-one years or upwards, which qualification shall extend to all matters which shall hereafter be determined by a vote of the said Church: Provided, always, and we do further agree, that the said Corporation shall not dispose of, alien, sell, or in any way incumber the real estate belonging to the said Church, unless with consent PINE STREET CHURCH. 17 of a majority of the members of the said Society, who shall meet and determine upon such sale, incumbrance, or disposition, as shall have been duly proposed: Provided also, that the said Corporation shall not engage in any new business or undertaking not authorized by the practice of said Society, whereby the Society may or shall upon any one occasion be involved in any expense of more than three hundred dollars, without the previous consent and approbation of a majority of the said Society, who shall meet and determine as aforesaid. It is also provided, that the Corporation shall keep fair minutes of their proceedings, and a true account of the receipts and expenditures; which accounts and minutes shall be open to the inspection of any three or more members of the Congregation. In case of removal by death or otherwise of any of the members of the Corporation aforesaid, the surviving members are hereby invested with full power and authority to call a meeting of the Congregation as soon as convenient, to elect one or more members as the case may be, to fill up the vacancy. They are hereby authorized to make such By-Laws, rules and regulations as may be found necessary for the good government and support of the secular concerns and affairs of the said Church. Provided, that the said By-Laws, rules and regulations be not repugnant to the Constitution and Laws of the United States, or the Constitution and Laws of this Commonwealth, or to this instrument. Regular notices of the time and place of all meetings of the Trustees, the dates in writing to be delivered at the house of each member on the morning of the day of meeting. We do further agree,that the said Corporation shall have a Seal with such device as they may think proper, which they may alter, break, and renew at pleasure. Ferguson M'Ilvain, George Latimer, Paul Cox, Samuel Duffield, Richard Tittermary, John M'Culloch, William Linnard, Robert M'Mullin, John M'Mullin, John Woodside, William HIaslett, William Smiley, James M'Glathery. 2 18 CHARTER OF I have perused and examined the preceding Instrument, and am of opinion that the Objects, Articles, Conditions therein set forth and contained are lawful. JARED INGERSOLL Dec. 28th, 1796..Attorney General. We certify to his Excellency the Governor, that we have perused and examined the preceding instrument of writing, and concur with the Attorney General in opinion that the Objects, Articles, and Conditions therein set forth and contained are legal. THOMAS McKEAN, EDW. SHIPPEN, J. YEATES, THOMAS SMITH, Judges of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. Dec. 31st, 1796. Pennsylvania ss. IN the name and by the authority of the Commonwealth of [ SEAL. ] Pennsylvania, TOMIAS MIFFLIN, Governor of the said Commonwealth. To Matthew Irwin, Esquire, Master of the Rolls in and for the said Commonwealth, sends greeting. Whereas, it has been duly certified to me by Jared Ingersoll, Esquire, Attorney General of the said Commonwealth, and by Thomas McKean, Esquire, Chief Justice, and Edward Shippen, Jasper Yeates, and Thomas Smith, Esquires, Justices of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, that they have respectively perused and examined the foregoing Act, or Instrument, for the Incorporation of" The Trustees of the Third Presbyterian Church in the City of Philadelphia," and that they concur in opinion that the Objects, Articles, and Conditions therein set forth and contained are lawful. Now KNOW YOU that in pursuance of the Act of the General Assembly, in such case made and provided, I have transmitted the said Act or Instrument of Incorporation, unto you, Matthew Irwin, Master of the Rolls aforesaid hereby requiring you to enroll the same at the expense of the applicants, to the intent, that according to the Objects, Articles, and Conditions therein set forth and contained, the parties may become, and be a Corporation and Body Politic, in law and in fact, to have continuance by the name, style and title in the said Instrument provided and declared. GIVEN UNDER my hand and the great seal of the State, at Philadelphia, the tenth day of January, in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety-Seven, and of the Commonwealth the Twenty-First. By the Governor. A. J. DALLAS, Sec'y. Enrolled in the Rolls Office for the State of Pennsylvania, in Letter of Attorney Book No. 6, page 77. Witness my hand and seal of office this [L. S.] Twelfth day of January, A. D. 1797. MATTHEW IRWIN, M. R. PINE STREET CHURCH. 19 B3Y-LAVVS. ARTICLE I.-Of the Meetings of the Board of Trustees. SECTION I. The stated meetings of the Board shall be held on the first Tuesday in every month. Seven members shall constitute a quorum to transact business, but a less number may adjourn from time to time. SEC. II. Special meetings may be called by the President, when in his opinion it may be necessary; and it shall be his duty to call a meeting at any time on application being made to him in writing, stating its object, signed by two members of the Board. SEC. III. The ayes and nays may be called for by any two members, and shall in such case be entered on the minutes. SEC. IV. When the President takes the chair, the members of the Board shall be seated, and the order of business shall be as follows:1. Reading and adopting the minutes of the preceding meeting. 2. Unfinished business. 3. Reports of Committees. 4. New business and all other business whatsoever. 5. Rough minutes of the meeting read. 6. Adjournment. SEC. V. No salary shall be altered, nor office created at any meeting of the Board, unless the same shall have been first proposed at a preceding meeting, except at the first meeting after the annual election. SEC. VI. No motion shall be received unless seconded, nor unless the mover, if required, shall have committed the same to writing. SEC. VII. At special meetings, after the minutes of the preceding meeting shall have been read, the Board shall immediately proceed to the consideration of the business for which they are specially convened, and no other business shall be brought before the Board, unless by consent of all the members present. 20 BY-LAWS OF ARTICLE II. —Of the Officers of the Board, SEC. I. The officers of the Board shall be a President, Secretary, and Treasurer, to be chosen by ballot within ten days after the election of Trustees, in each year. SEC. II. The duties of the President shall be to preside at all the meetings of the Board, and preserve order; to appoint all committees, unless otherwise ordered by the Board-and sign all orders on the Treasurer for the payment of moneys. SEC. III. The duties of the Secretary shall be to take charge of all the books and papers belonging to the Board of Trustees, to keep regular and fair minutes of their proceedings, to notify them of the place and time of each meeting, prepare a list of all standing committees with their residences, and cause the same to be placed in a conspicuous situation in the vestibule of the Church. He shall have the care of the Seal of the Corporation, and shall affix it to such instruments as he may be authorized to do by an order of the Board of Trustees, and attest all orders on the Treasurer. SEC. IV. The Treasurer shall receive and account for all the moneys coming into his hands belonging to this Church and congregation, and shall have his accounts settled annually. He shall pay all orders when properly attested, and report the state of the funds quarterly. ARTICLE III.-Of Pews. SEC. I. All persons who shall contract with the Trustees for the purchase of a pew or half of a pew, shall within twenty days thereafter pay for the same into the hands of the Treasurer, agreeably to the terms of sale, or their interest therein shall cease; and the pew or part of a pew revert to the Corporation and be resold. And all persons thus failing to comply with their contract, shall be liable for any damages or deficiency which may occur in consequence of their neglect or refusal. SEC. II. All persons who have heretofore paid a valuable consideration for their pews or parts of pews, may, if they wish, continue to hold the same as heretofore; that is to say, without the privilege of selling or in any manner transferring the same. PINE STREET CHURCH. 21 And if any owner of a pew or half pew shall hereafter wish so to do, he may purchase the pew or half pew to hold to him and his heirs and assigns by paying the price now fixed thereon by the Trustees, with interest from February 1st, 1838, less what he may have heretofore paid thereon. SEC. III. All persons who shall hereafter purchase pews or parts of pews from the Board of Trustees, or from others by consent of the Board, shall hold such pews or parts of pews to the use of themselves, their heirs and assigns forever, under and subject to such forfeitures, restrictions and regulations as are expressed in the By-Laws; and a certificate shall be delivered to every person owning a pew or part of a pew, setting forth his or her interest therein; to which the Secretary shall affix the Seal of the Corporation, and attest the same when signed by the President. SEC. IV. No person or persons shall sell, assign, or in any manner dispose of, or incumber his, her, or their interest in any pew or part of a pew in the Church, until the same shall have been offered to the Trustees in writing at a stated meeting of the Board, for the price or sum paid therefor by the proprietor of the same. And in case the Trustees shall neglect or refuse to accept the offer so as aforesaid made, within one month thereafter, the proprietor or proprietors thereof shall be at liberty to dispose of his, her, or their interest in the same to any person or persons who shall be approved of by the Trustees. SEC. V. When any pewholders shall absent themselves from worship in the Church and statedly worship elsewhere, they shall be considered as having forfeited their pew, and the Trustees may thereupon declare the same vacant; and in case such pewholder shall have purchased the same under the third section of this article, then he or she shall be entitled to receive from the Trustees the amount paid therefor, deducting rent and expenses. SEC. VI. The pew rents shall become due quarterly, viz., on the first days of February, May, August, and November, in every year; and shall be paid within three days after the first Sabbaths of those months; and it shall be the duty of the Treasurer, or a 22 BY-LAWS OF committee appointed for the purpose, to attend in the Church on those days, agreeably to notice to be given to the Congregation on the preceding Sabbath; and if the rents shall not be paid on the days appointed, or within thirty days thereafter, the delinquent pew-holder or pew-holders shall, in addition to the rent, pay five per cent. for the expense of collection; and if twelve months rent shall become due, and remain unpaid for thirty days after the expiration of the said twelve months, such pew or part of a pew shall be forfeited to the use of the Trustees and their successors, who shall, at their option, either take the said pew or part of a pew at the price paid for the same by the delinquent pew-holder or pew-holders; or shall cause the same to be sold in the usual way, and in either case, after deducting from the proceeds of the sale the sum due to the said Trustees, and the five per cent. thereon, pay over the surplus to the order of the said delinquent pewholder or pew-holders: Provided such pew-holders shall have purchased the same from Trustees since the 1st January, 1838, to hold to them, and their heirs, and assigns forever under the third section of this article. ARTICLE IV. —Of Committees. SEC. I. The Standing Committees of the Board shall be appointed at the first meeting after the annual election of Trustees, and shall be as follows: 1. A Church Committee. 2. A Committee of Interments. 3. A Committee to take up collections in the Church. SEC. II. The Church Committee shall consist of three of the Trustees, whose duty it shall be to superintend and keep in order the Church property. Also to have the oversight and superintendence of the house of worship. They shall also take charge of the pews of the Church, and prepare a draught of the interior of the Church-mark thereon the number of each pew, the annual rent paid or to be paid for the same, and the names of the owner or owners thereof; receive applications for pews, report such applications to the Board, with a list of the pews that shall become vacant from any cause, and dispose of, or lease the same PINE STREET CHURCH. 23 when instructed so to do by the Board, under and subject to the same forfeitures, restrictions and regulations as are herein provided for. SEc. III. The Committee on Interments shall consist of three members of the Board, whose duty it shall be to carry into effect the 5th Article of these By-Laws, on the subject of Interments. SEc. IV. The Committee to take up collections shall consist of at least Eight Trustees, whose duty it shall be to make all collections in the Church, and hand the same over to the Treasurer, who shall apply the same to the purposes for which it was taken up: Provided that no collections sihall be made in the Church without the special order of the Trustees, except for the collection of the Poor on the first Sabbath of each month, and collections at the monthly concert of Prayer. ARTICLE V.-Of Interments. SEc. I. The committee on interments shall have the direction and superintendence of all interments in the grounds, or vaults belonging to this corporation. Orders for interments signed by this committee, or in cases of emergency by either of them, shall be deemed sufficient warrant for the Sexton to open said vaults or break the ground. This committee shall collect the money arising from interments, which shall be paid into the hands of the Treasurer at least once in three months. They shall also keep a register of all interments, with the number and size of the grave. SEC. II. It shall be the duty of the committee on interments, regularly to enter on record the name, parentage, age, place of birth, and date of burial, of all persons interred in the burial grounds or vaults of this Church. SEC. III. Any person or persons who have, or hereafter shall purchase a burial lot or vault of this Church, shall hold the same to the use of him, her or themselves, their heirs and assigns forever, subject to such fees and expenses for opening and closing the same, as may be directed by the Board of Trustees; and a deed or certificate shall be delivered to such purchaser, to which the Secretary shall affix the seal of the Corporation with his signature attested, and signed by the President. 24 BY-LAWS OF SEC,. IV. Every owner of a pew, or part of pew, who shall have held the same for the period of twelve months and shall not be in arrears for the rent thereof for nine months, shall be entitled to the privilege of interment as a member. A family shall be considered to consist of the parents and their ummarried children, if such children shall be worshippers in this church: Provided, however, that not less than half a pew shall entitle to burying privileges for a family constituted as above specified. SEC. V. The following sums shall be paid to the Committee on Interments, for the services of the Sexton at funerals, and for the use of the Burial Ground, which in all cases must be paid before an order can be issued. Sexton's Fees. For attending a Funeral or Interment, $1 50. Grave Digger's Charges. For digging a Grave, nine feet deep, for a person more than twelve years old, $1 50; for an infant or person under twelve years, $1 00. For Interments. The rates to be demanded for interments in the new burial ground, are the following: Strangers under twelve years, $3 00; over twelve years, $6 00. ARTICLE VI.-Of Clerk and Sexton. SEC. I. The Clerk and Sexton shall be elected by the Board of Trustees, at their first meeting, after their annual election in September; and shall receive such compensation as may be determined by the Board; and may be removed by the Board for neglect of duty or incompetence for the station. SEC. II. Any vacancy occurring by the death, resignation, or removal of the Clerk or Sexton, may be filled by the Board of Trustees as soon thereafter as practicable. ARTICLE VII.-Alteration. No alteration, amendment, or addition shall be made to these By-Laws, unless the same shall have been proposed at a preceding meeting and agreed to, by two thirds of the Board of Trustees for the time being. PINE STREET CHURCH. 25 COMMITTEE ACTING AS TRUSTEES, OCTOBER, 1770. 1770. Robert Knore, Paul Cox, Samuel Duffield, Ferguson McIlvain, Dr. Wm. Shippen, Jr. Lewis Grant, Andrew Allen, Derrick Patterson, John Snowden, Nathan Boys, James Reed, Francis Lee, Alexander Alexander, Jedediah Snowden. John Pinkerton, Thomas Muskett, 1784. Richard Tittermary, Samuel Jackson, Francis Bailey. Samuel Purviance, John Tittermary. 1786. George Latimer. 1771. William Henry, 1789. James McClure, Joseph Frazer, Robert McMullin. William McMullin, Matthew Potter. 1791. William Linnard. 1772. James Thompson, 1794. Conrad Haines, James McCutcheon, William G. Bell, Thomas Robinson. Capt. Benj. Wickes. 1773. Henry Peterson, 1795. David Sparks, Elias Boys, John Woodside. James Stuart, 1796. John McMullin, 1774. Samuel Lowry. William Haslett, William Smiley, 1782. John McCulloch, James McGlathery. 26 TRUSTEES OF TRUSTEES UNDER CHARTER, SEPTEMBER, 1798. 1800. E. Ferguson, 1829. William R. Thompson. David Graham. 1830. Robinson R. Moore. 1805. Jacob Mitchell. 1831. Weston C. Donaldson. 1807. Thomas M. Hall. 1809. William Nassau. 1832. Hezekiah Harding, R. W. Davenport, 1811. John Steel. John C. Farr. 1813. George Barclay, 1833. Charles Robb, Samuel Carswell, Charles H. Dingee, George Pierson, Frederick A. Raybold. John Duffield. 1814. Isaac Carpenter, 1834. Joseph P. Hamelin, ~William Ray, Isaac B. Baxter. John W. Thompson. 1836. Lemuel Lamb, 1815. William Bryant, Robert O'Neill. John Workman. 1837. John H. Dingee, 1818. James Wilson, Joseph Hand, James C. Thompson. William Worrell. 1819. Robert Clark, 1839. George H. Burgin, John R. McMullin, S. H. Traner. James Robinson, Joseph B. Mitchell. 1840. William F. Geddes. John Allen, 1822. John H. Fenner, Jh le Elijah Chester. 1824. J. J. Robinson. 1841. Edwin King. 1825. Anthony Finlay. 1842. Thomas Mackellar, 1827. Simeon Toby, Joseph Murray, Henry Tomlinson, Edwin Greble. Joseph Boyd. 1844. Robert J. Mercer, 1828. Joshua Raybold, Thomas E. Ashmead, William Linn. Hugh Stevenson. PINE STREET CHURCH. 27 1847, Thomas Craven. 1854. Wilmon Whilldin, 1849. David C. McCammon. Samuel Work. 1851. William Taylor. 1856. Morgan G. Pile. 1858. John Aikman, 1852. James W. Queen. James Fraiser. 1853. W. J. P. White. S. Tustin Eldridge. PRESENT BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Charles Robb, Wm. J. P. White, Joseph P. Hamelin, Wilmon Whilldin, William F. Geddes, Morgan G. Pile, Robert J. Mercer, James Fraiser, Hugh Stevenson, John Aikman, William Taylor, S. Tustin Eldridge. James W. Queen, CHURCH COMMITTEE. COMMITTEE ON INTERMENTS. Charles Robb, Robert J. Mercer, James Fraiser, Wm. F. Geddes, S. Tustin Eldridge. W. J. P. White. The regular meetings of the Board of Trustees are held in the pastor's study on the first Tuesday evening of each mouth. PEW RENTS. A Committee of the Board of Trustees sits in the pastor's study from 2 to 5 o'clock, P. M., on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of the first weeks in February, May, August, and November, to receive pew rents then due and to dispose of vacant pews. 28 CHURCH NOTICES OF CHURCH NOTICES. Sabbath Morning Service, 10- o'clock, A. M. " Afternoon " 3- " P. M. " " " from April to October, 4 o'clock, P. M. " Evening " 7 o'clock, P. M. t " " "from April to October, 8 o'clock, P. M. Young Men's Prayer Meeting held Sabbath evening. Preaching Service, first Sabbath evening of the month, when the Afternoon Service is omitted. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, third Sabbath of March, June, September, and December, 3- o'clock, P. M. Baptism of Children, on the Wednesday evening or the Sabbath morning following the Lord's Supper. The name of the child, the date of its birth, and the name of the parents, should be given to the pastor in writing. Lecture on Wednesday evening. Prayer Meeting on Friday evening. When members are sick, and desire a visit of the Pastor or Elders, they are expected to send an intimation accordingly. Members of the Church are particularly requested to inform the pastor in writing of any change of residence. ADMISSION OF MEMBERS. The session of the Church meets at 4 o'clock, P. M. on Thursday preceding each quarterly communion, in March, June, September, and December, to receive application by letter or profession for admission to the Church. PINE STREET CHURCH. 29 SABBATH SCHOOL. The Pine Street Church Sabbath School has been in existence for more than forty years. For many years it was held in the building opposite the Church at the corner of Griscom Street. Since the alteration of the Church in 1837, the Lecture Room has been occupied as the school room. Forty-six members of the Church are at present engaged as officers and teachers, and the attendance of scholars average about two hundred. Excepting for a few weeks during the summer, and the first Sabbath afternoon of each month, the school holds two sessions; in the morning one hour and a half before the Church service, and one hour previous to the Church service in the afternoon. The morning session is devoted to the study of the Bible lesson, and the afternoon to various exercises; the second Sabbath afternoon of the month is devoted to a missionary prayer meeting; the third to exercises in music and receiving the collections from the managers of the Bible Society; the fourth Sabbath afternoon of the month is devoted to the study of the Catechism. The officers and teachers are: Superintendent, - - John Aikman. Directress, - - - Mrs. Catharine C. Farr. Secretary, - - - Samuel Work. Treasurer, - - - Samuel R. Hilt. Librarian, - - - George Young. Ass't do. - - - Miss Amelia Copeland. TEACHERS. —Male Department. John C. Farr, Leaming Whilldin, Samuel Work, William Ivins, John P. Sloan, James E. Bell, Jacob F. Hand, Stephen D. Harris, Samuel R. Hilt, E. W. McIntire, William Campbell, David Scattergood, William McIntire, Albert S. Hand, William E. Floyd, Henry K. Bennett, James Fraiser, John H. Robb. 30 SABBATH SCHOOL OF TEACHERS. —Fenzale Department. Miss A. M. Clark, Miss Fanny Gulager, " Maria Richardson, " Mary Bartlett, " Eliza W. Smith, Mrs. Susan N. Watson, " Rebecca Atkinson, Miss E. L. Davenport, " M. R. Blelock, " Annie Walters, " ]llen J. Eaton, " M. C. Lawton, " Susan Webb, " L. W. Davenport, " Margaret Richardson, " Caroline E. Furber, " Margaret Henderson, " Virginia Hand, " Sarah Furber, " Annie Johnson, " Lucilla Flanigan, " Jane Englebert, " Margaret F. Bond, " Virginia L. Harris. In connection with the Sabbath School a Bible Society has been in existence for about twenty years. Funds are collected through a Board of Managers selected from the scholars, the avails handed over to the Philadelphia Bible Society once a year, usually making Life Members of the Philadelphia Bible Society of those who shall be designated by the School. The collections last year for this purpose amounted to $325.11. The officers of this Society are:President, Alexander Whilldin. Vice President, Samuel Work. Secretary, George Young. Treasurer, David C. McCammon. A Missionary Society in connection with the school has also been in existence many years-a collection being taken up for that purpose on the afternoon of the second Sabbath of the month. The collections last year amounted to $49.06. Treasurer of Missionary Fund, Leaming Whilldin. The Teachers Monthly Prayer Meeting and Business Meeting is held in the East Basement Room on the third Monday evening of the month. PINE STREET CHURCH. 31 Pine Street Church has at present no permanent mission schools. The Robert Raikes Union Mission School is supported chiefly by teachers from this Church. Mr. John R. McMullin, one of the Elders of the Church, has for several years been laboring there as Superintendent; but in consequence of ill health has had to retire from that office, and was succeeded by Mr. James W. Vanosten. Mr. Martin P. Jones is the present superintendent of the school. The Officers and Teachers from Pine Street Church in the Robert Raikes School, are: Martin P. Jones, - - Superintendent. Ezra Calhoun, - - - Ass't do Samuel Loag, - - - Secretary. George F. Work, - - - Librarian. Joseph C. Yeager, - - Ass't do. John G. Norris, - - - Treasurer. John Moore, - - - Missionary Treasurer. TEACHERS. Mr. Wm. F. Geddes, Miss Anna F. Powell, " Alpheus H. Bowman, " Josephine Rue. " George McGill, " Adeline Corgie, " John G. Norris, " Charlotte E. McFarlan, " John Moore, " Elizabeth C. McMullin, "Samuel Loag, " Kate R. McMullin, Henry H. Clark, " Eliza A. Thum, "S. D. Willis, " Maggie C. Fisher, Miss Emily Eaton, " Jane Dunbar, " Eliza H. Eaton, " Henrietta H. Nelson, " Isabella Eaton, " Sarah R. Norris, 32 LADIES SOCIETIES OF LADIES EDUCATION SOCIETY. The object of this Society is to aid a Theological Student, from our own Church, in a preparation for the ministry. OFFICERS. Mrs. Mary Brainerd, - - President and Treasurer. " C. C. Benton, Secretary. Ten Managers. LADIES MISSIONARY SOCIETY. The Missionary Society holds its meetings every Thursday afternoon, during the months of March and April. This Society furnishes a box of clothing, annually, to some iome Missionary or destitute clergyman's family in the West. OFFICERS. Mrs. John C. Farr, - - - President. " Louisa S. Aikman, - - Treasurer. " Mary Brainerd, - - - Secretary. Twelve Managers. DORCAS SOCIETY. The "Dorcas Society"-to aid the poor of the city-meets every Thursday, during the three winter months, in the East Basement Room. The average number of garments made and distributed by this Society is 1,200 annually. OFFICERS. Mrs. Mary C. Kay, - - - President. " R. W. Davenport, ie Presidns. Miss A. M. Clark, ice Presidents. Mrs. Louisa S. Aikman, - - Treasurer. " Mary Brainerd, - - - Secretary. A Board of Twenty Managers. PINE STREET CHURCH. 33 MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION. On the 27th of May, 1858, a meeting of the male members of the church was held in the Lecture Room at the close of the services, to devise some plan for increasing the usefulness of the Church. The result of the conference was the formation of the "Pine Street Church Missionary Association." Its operations, so far, have been confined to the sustaining of a weekly devotional meeting in a Southern section-of the city, though it ultimately looks forward to the possession of a lot and building, where a permanent Mission may be established. At present its meetings are held every Thursday evening, in the second story room of the Hope Engine House, in Sixth Street above Fitzwater, where they trust their efforts are not wholly unavailing. Its officers for the current year, are John C. Farr, - - - President. Robert J. Mercer, - Vice President. William E. Floyd, - - Secretary. James E. Bell, - - Treasurer. YOUNG MEN'S ASSOCIATION. The " Young Men's Association of Old Pine Street Church" is a new organization, having for its object, the cultivation of a social intercourse among the Young Men of the Church and Congregation. They meet on Tuesday evenings in the East Basement Room of the Church. On the first Tuesday evening of the month they meet for Bible reading and study; on the second Tuesday they meet for debate; the third Tuesday evening is occupied as the business meeting of the Association; and on the fourth Tuesday, an essay read by one of the members is made the subject of discussion. This Association has charge of the Sabbath Evening Prayer Meeting, held in the Lecture Room. The officers for the current year are:Charles Robb, - - President. James W. Vanosten, - Vice President. Henry K. Bennett, - Secretary. George F. Work, - - Treasurer. 3 34 MONTHLY COLLECTIONS OF BIBLE CLASS. A class of youth, from sixteen years of age and upwards, taught by Mr. John C. Farr, meet in the East Basement Room of the Church at nine o'clock on Sabbath morning, for the study of the Bible. About fifteen of the young men of the congregation usually attend. INFANT CLASS. Miss Caroline E. Furber has charge of a class of the young children who meet in the pastor's study on Sabbath morning and afternoon. SINGING CLASS. During the winter months a class for instruction in sacred music meet in the Lecture Room on Tuesday evenings. William Ivins, Chorister of the Church, 434 Reed Street. MONTHLY COLLECTIONS. On the first Sabbath morning of the month a collection for the poor is taken up. The collections during the year are expected to be taken up as follows:American Board, Commissioner in the month of January for Foreign Missions, Ladies' Dorcas Society, " " " February. Publication Cause, " " " March. Philadelphia Home Missions, " " " April. Commissioners' Fund, General Assembly, " " May. American Sunday School Union, " " June. Philadelphia Education Society, " " July. Miscellaneous, " " August. Church Extension of the Gen'l Assembly " " September Pine Street Sunday Schools, " " October. Western Colleges, " " November Tract Cause, " " December SEXTON OF THE CHURCH. William Hutton, - - No. 249 German St. PINE STREET CHURCH. 35 FORM OF ADMISSION. The public reception of members into the Communion of the Church takes place at the time of the administration of the Lord's Supper. The candidates stand in front of the pulpit, and are addressed by the Minister as follows:You have now presented yourselves in this public manner before God and this Congregation, to confess Jesus Christ; to testify your faith, and hope, andijoy in his religion; and to dedicate yourselves to the service of your Creator and Redeemer. By the proper authorities of this Church you have been examined, and have furnished to them such evidence of your personal piety, that they are willing to admit you to our communion. We pretend not to know the heart. We trust that you have been truly renewed by the Holy Spirit, and that you are prepared for the solemn act which you are now about to perform-the act by which you publicly ratify a sacred covenant to receive the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, as your God; and by which you bind yourselves to walk henceforth in the commandments and ordinances of the Lord as becomes the friends of the Redeemer. The purport of these professions and engagements, you have, doubtless, fully considered. The transactions of this day will live long in your remembrance, and will be followed with everlasting consequences. You are surrounded with "a great cloud of witnesses." The eyes of this Church, which now receives you to her bosom, are upon you. The eyes of the world, from which you have separated yourselves, are upon you. Holy angels, and the everlasting and all-seeing God, witness this transaction.:These vows will be recorded in heaven. They will meet you again on your trial in the last day. But these solemn considerations need not dishearten you. Through the merits, and in the name of Christ, you may venture to commit yourselves to God, and trust to his promised faithfulness for strength to fulfil your engagements. 36 FORM OF ADMISSION OF Believing that there is an inseparable connexion between truth and holiness, and that the essential doctrines of the Christian religion are of vital importance to the promotion of true piety, we here present you with the leading doctrines of the Confession of Faith of the Presbyterian Church, to which we expect your assent. CONFESSION OF FAITH. 1. You believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the word of God, and are the only infallible rule of faith and practice. 2. You believe that there is one God, infinite in being, glory, and blessedness; eternal, unchangeable, and Almighty; most wise, most holy, most just, most merciful, and most gracious; long suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth. Deut. vi. 4; 1 Cor. viii. 4; Job xi. 7, 8, 9; Acts vii. 2; 1 Tim. vi. 15; Ps. xc. 2; Mal. iii. 6; James i. 17; Rev. iv. 8; Rom. xvi. 27; Isa. vi. 3; Deut. xxxii. 4; Exodus xxxiv. 6. 3. You believe that God subsists in three persons-the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost; and that these three are the only true God, the same in substance, equal in power and glory. Matt. iii. 16, 17, and xxviii. 19; 2 Cor. xiii. 14; John x. 30. 4. You believe that God governs the universe; that by his Providence he upholds, directs, and governs all creatures, actions and things; and that he confers grace and mercy according to his good pleasure and will. Ps. xciii. 1; Dan. iv. 35; Mark x. 29; Matt. v. 26, 30; Isa. x. 5, 6, 7; Rom. ix. 17, 18, 21, 22; Jude 4; Eph. i. 5 —11; 2 Tim. i. 9; Rom. viii. 30; 2 Thess. ii. 13; John iii. 5,. 5. You believe that God hath endued the will of man with natural liberty, so that he is neither forced, nor by any absolute necessity of nature determined to good or evil, and therefore is responsible to God for all his actions, thoughts, and feelings; and that every man is bound to repent of -his sins and believe the Gospel. James i. 13; Rom. xiv. 12; 2 Cor. v. 10; Matt. xxv. 14-30; Josh. xxiv. 15; Ezekiel xviii. especially the 31st and 32d verses; Acts xviii. 30; Mark xvi. 15, 16. PINE STREET CHURCH. 31 6. You believe that God created man in his own image, in knowledge, righteousness, and true holiness; that the first man sinned, and that in consequence of his transgression, all mankind became sinners, and are, before regeneration, wholly destitute of holiness, and wholly disposed to evil, and on account of sin, are justly liable to all the miseries of this life, to the agonies of death, and to the pains of hell forever. Gen. i. 26; Col. iii. 10; Eph. iv. 24; Gen. iii. 6; Rom. v. 12-19; Gen. viii. 24; Ps. xlv., liii., v., cxl., x., xxxvi., and Isaiah lix., compared with Rom. iii. 10-17; John iii. 1-7; Rom. v. 12; Rom. vi. 23. 7. You believe in the divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ; that he assumed our nature, that by perfectly obeying the holy law, and suffering and dying in the place of sinners, he brought in everlasting righteousness, on account of which, God can now be just, and the justifier of him that believeth in Jesus; that he rose from the dead, and ascended into heaven, where he ever liveth to make intercession for us. John i. 1-3; Heb. i. 10-12; Col. i. 15-17; Rom. ix. 5; John xx. 28; Phil. ii. 5 —8; John v. 21 —23; John i. 14; John iii. 16; Isa. liii.; 1 Cor. xv. 3; Heb. ix. 26; Rom. iii. 25; 2 Cor. v. 21; Rom. iii. 24; Titus iii. 5, 7; Eph. i. 7; Phil. iii. 9; 1 Cor. xv.; Mark xvi. 19; Acts i. 9; Rleb. vii. 25; Rom. iii. 26. 8. You believe in the personality and divinity of the Holy Ghost; that he alone renews and sanctifies the heart; that he is given to the people of God to enlighten their minds, to guide them in the path of duty, to comfort them in affliction, and to sustain them in dying. Acts v. 4, 5; Matt. xii. 31, 32; Eph. iv. 30; Acts vii. 51; 1 Cor. iii. 16; 1 Cor. ii. 9, 11; Heb. ix. 14; 1 Cor. xii. 11; 2 Cor. xiii. 14; John iii. 7, 8; 1 Cor. vii. 11; 2 Thess. ii. 13; John xv. 26; 1 Thess. i. 6; Rom. xiv. 17; Eph. iii. 14, 19; Luke xi. 9-13. 9. You believe that the law of God is binding as a rule of life on all mankind; that a holy life is the only certain evidence of true religion, and is necessary to adorn the Christian profession, or to honor God; and that the habitual violaters of that law will be excluded forever from the kingdom of God. Rom. vii. 12; James ii. 10, 11; 1 Tim. i. 9, 10; Ps. xix. 7; Matt. xxii. 37-40; Heb. xii. 14; 1 John iii. 3; Phil. iv. 8; 1 John iii. 7, 8; 2 John 6; Matt. vii. 16; Exod. xxxiv. 7; Rev. xxi. 27; 1 Cor. vi. 9, 10. 38 FORM OF ADMISSION OF 10. You believe that at the end of the world the Lord Jesus Christ will return with the glory of his Father and with the holy angels; that there will be a resurrection of the dead, and a final judgment pronounced on all mankind. Acts i. 11; Matt. xvi. 27; 1 Cor. xv.; John v. 28; Matt. xxv. 31-56. 11. You believe that the righteous will be received into eternal life, and that the wicked will go into everlasting punishment. Matt. xxv. 46. In this public manner, you do hereby confess and bewail the original and total depravity of your nature; the past enmity of your hearts against God; the unbelief which has led you to reject a Saviour; and the manifold transgressions of your lives; all which sins you do condemn, and in your purpose forever renounce. C O V E N A N T. And now, in the presence of God, angels, and men, you do solemnly avouch the LORD JEHOVAH to be your God and portion -the object of your supreme love and delight; the LORD JEsus CHRIST to be your Saviour from sin and death-your Prophet to instruct you-your Priest to atone and intercede for you-and your King to rule, protect, and enrich you; and the HOLY GHOST to be your sanctifier, comforter, and guide. To this God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, you do now, without reserve, give yourselves away, in a covenant never to be revoked, to be his willing servants forever; to observe all his commandments and ordinances in the sanctuary, in the family, and in the closet. You do also bind yourselves by covenant to this Church, to seek our peace and edification, and to submit to the government and discipline of Christ, as here administered. All this, in reliance on Divine strength, you do severally profess and engage. In consequence of these professions and engagements, you are hereby acknowledged as members of this Church, and we declare you entitled to all its privileges. (The members of the church rise.) We welcome you to our communion, and engage to watch over you in love; to seek your edification; to counsel you in perplexity; PINE STREET CHURCH. 39 to minister to you the consolations of religion in affliction; and to aid your progress through this world to glory. (Here all the members resume their seats.) CLOSING ADDRESS. And now, beloved in the Lord, let it be impressed on your minds, that you have entered into solemn engagements which you can never renounce. Wherever you may be, these vows will remain with you. Should you be among friends or among strangers; with the people of the world or the friends of the Redeemer; should you be found among the poor and suffering, or with the rich, the gay, the great, you are to remember in every situation, that you have solemnly given yourselves to the service of the Lord Jesus. Brethren, let your conversation be as becometh the gospel of Christ. As he who hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation. Walk worthy of the vocation with which you are called. Faithful at the post of duty, watch for the coming of the Lord —for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh. And to you, the members of this Church, we present these persons, who have now been admitted to your communion, as brethren in the Lord. They come to share your privileges to-day at this table, and to be fellow-helpers in the gospel. Receive them: they need your sympathy, your kindness, your countenance, your prayers. They have hearts like ours; are prone to err as you are; and they will need, as they share, your aid in the Christian life. Assist them in the journey to heaven. Comfort them when they need consolation. Entreat and admonish them, as brethren, if they go astray. Succour them if they are tempted. Greet them with kindness in their Christian way; and may the Lord support them and guide them and us through this transitory life; and when this warfare shall have been accomplished, receive us all to the fellowship of the Church of the first born in heaven, AMEN. 40 SELF-EXAMINATION. A FEW QUESTIONS FOR DAILY OR WEEKLY SELF-EXAMINATION. 1. Is it my conscious purpose to glorify God in everything I do? 2. Do I live in the daily study of God's word, and in the practice and enjoyment of secret prayer? 3. Do I maintain morning and evening worship in my family? 4. Am I habitually kind and affectionate at home? 5. If a parent, am I calm and firm in the requisition of obedience; yet always in the spirit of love, "Not provoking my children to anger?" 6. Am I affectionate and obedient to my parents, as required by the Fifth Commandment? 7. Do I carefully avoid anger, in obedience to the Sixth Commandment? 8. Do I watchfully guard the purity of my heart and tongue, in obedience to the Seventh Commandment? 9. Do I conscientiously.avoid speaking evil of any one, except when I plainly see it is for the good of others? 10. Am I diligent in business; fervent in spirit, serving the Lord with strict integrity, truthfulness, and honesty? 11. Do I daily seek out some new opportunity of usefulness, by conversing with some impenitent person, or by seeking out some worthy object of charity? 12. Am I faithful in the discharge of public religious dutiesin the prayer meeting-in the lecture room-in the Sanctuary? 13. Do I live daily just as I shall wish I had when I come to die? THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. 41 THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. 1. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. 2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them; for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; and showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments. 3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. 4. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy; six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: but the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God; in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy man-servant, nor thy maid-servant, nor thy cattle, nor the stranger that is within thy gates: for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day; wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath-day, and hallowed it. 5. Honor thy father and thy mother; that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. 6. Thou shalt not kill. 7. Thou shalt not commit adultery. 8. Thou shalt not steal. 9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. 10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his man-servant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's..,.~ ~~~ 42- THE LORD'S PRAYER.-RELATION TO PASTOR. THE LORD'S PRAYER. Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom cople. Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. RELATION TO PASTOR. 1. Pray daily for your Pastor; but especially at those times when he is called upon to preach the gospel, or lead the devotions of the children of God. 2. Be not too exacting of Pastoral visits. Remember he has the oversight of many souls, and the sick and the impenitent are especially on his heart. 3. Do not detain him with needless delay, when he calls. His time for visitation is brief; the demands upon it are many. 4. Be charitable in your judgments of him. Never criticise or censure him before others. The relation is dear and sacred. "Be to his: faults a little blind; Be to his virtues very kind." 5. Receive his admonitions in the spirit of meekness, and esteem him highly in the Lord for his work's sake, for he watches for your soul as one who must give account in the day of Judgment. 6. Sustain him by your presence and prayers in all the regular services of the Church. A captain's strength is not in himself, but in the faithfulness of his soldiers. 7. Above all, be an active co-laborer with him, in seeking the salvation of souls. The prosperity of a Church depends upon the personal piety and activity of the individual members, and not alone upon its pastor. COVENANT OBLIGATIONS. 43 COVENANT OBLIGATIONS. In Baptism, you covenant to teach your children the word of God daily; to instruct them in prayer; and, by a godly walk and conversation, to bring. them up- in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. You covenant to restrain them from sinful amusements and practices, and to teach them to walk in the commandments of God blameless; to converse with them on the interests of their immortal souls, and earnestly to labor and pray for their salvation, until you behold them brought, by regeneration, into the spiritual, as they are, by Baptism, into the visible Church of Christ. You covenant with the Church1. To seek its peace by avoiding all cause of discord, and by seeking to heal dissensions whenever they arise. 2. You covenant "to walk in the ordinances of the gospel as here administered," by attending the regular services of the Sanctuary, by bearing your proper share of responsibility in the support of the gospel, and by your regular presence at the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. 3. You covenant to cherish and guard its interests and honor, by a hearty sympathy with its prosperity, and by a blameless and harmless life, as becomes the sons of God-without rebuke-in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom ye shine as lights. 4. You covenant to love and watch over its members as brethren, by seeking such acquaintance as shall enable you to sympathize with each other in sorrow, to minister the consolations of Religion in affliction, and to promote that oneness of heart which becomes the body of Christ. 5. You covenant to labor together, by united prayer and efforts, for the salvation of men. Be not forgetful of these solemn vows, which you have assumed in the presence of God, angels, and men. 44 PINE STREET CHURCH. PINE STREET CHURCH. I love the good old church, The birth-home of my soul, Wherein, I dare to hope, my name Was writ on mercy's scroll. It standeth pleasantly Amid the shadowing trees, Whose heavenward branches tremble with The music of the breeze. Encompass'd all around By glory-crown6d dead, They seem to watch it lovingly From their soft, flowery bed. My soul was sadden'd when The workmen's sturdy blow Brought all its curious ornaments And antique fashions low. Thanks that they spared the walls That, fourscore years and ten, Have echoed with the faithful words Of Heaven-accepted men. New glory to its age The skill of man hath lent, The power of prime with old renown In cunning union blent. And yet the truant tear Steals down the furrow'd cheek: The love that overflows the heart The tongue may never speak. Peace to the ancient church, Enrobed in beauty's dress! May God abide within its walls, And all its children bless.- Thos. Mlfackellar. R:EPORT Of the Committee for the Improvement of the Church Edifice. The Committee appointed by the Trustees and Congregation to carry out the Resolutions in reference to the improvement of the Church Edifice, submitted the following report:The joint Committee, consisting of Charles Robb, R. W. Davenport, William Taylor, Winm. F. Geddes, Hugh Stevenson, and John Allen, on the part of the Trustees; and James Fraiser, Alexander Whilldin, Robert Clark, John Wallace, John Aikman, and Samuel Work, on the part of the congregation, held their first meeting, June 8, 1857. Chas. Robb, Esq., was elected chairman; and Samuel Work, Secretary of the Committee. The design of Grecian Corinthian furnished by John Frasier, architect, was adopted. The Committee invited estimates from a number of Carpenters and Builders; the estimates from A. Catanach being considered the most favorable, the contract was awarded to him, for seven thousand nine hundred dollars. At a subsequent meeting of the Committee it was resolved to include an entire new roof in the improvement, which involved an additional expense of five hundred dollars. Messrs. Robb, Fraiser and Work, were appointed a sub-committee to make contracts; and Messrs. Aikman, Whilldin and Davenport were appointed to attend to the fitting up of the lecture room. The expense of the entire improvement is as follows:To A. Catanach, Builder, as per contract, - - $8,400 00 " for additional work, - 121 97 " James Fraiser, " " - - - 98 39 " John Gibson, for Painting Interior of Church, - 442 94 " James M. Cooper, for Benches for Lecture Room, - 552 00 " Plowman & Bro. for fastening Benches, - - - 9 37 " White & Deveny, for lion Railing, - - 362 00 "H. H. Eldridge, for Matting, - - - - - 191 10 " Alfred Biles, for Architectural Drawings, - - 100 00 " Baker & Williams, for Ventilators, - - 47 00 "Lemuel Hazzard, for Paper Hanging, - - 39 52 "J. H. Williams, for Gas Fitting, - - - - 56 60 "Cornelius & Baker, " - - - 7 25 " Archer & Warner, " - - -- 6- 13 "R. L. Knight, for Carpet for Study, 61 00 " J. & B. Orne, " " Lecture Room, - - - 27 65 "M. A. Burne, for Upholstering, - - - 3 78 " Andrew Shuff, for Repairing Blinds, - - - - 102 00 "George Law, for Pavement and Curb, - - 190 00 " Wm. Matthews, for Sodding Graves, &c., - - - 31 37 " Winm. Cosgrove, for Trimming Trees, 40 00 " Winm. F. Geddes, for Printing, - - - 16 00 " Penna. Fire Insurance Co., - - - 24 00 "Sundry Expenses, - - - - - 51 80 " John Fraser, Architect, - - - - - 300 00 " William Hutton, Sexton, - - - - 100 00 "Carpet for East.Room, - - - - 40 00 " John Allen, for Bricklaying, Paving, &c., - - - 27 37 Total, $11,519 24 46 REPORT. The Committee on Collection of Funds for the Improvement, consisting of R. W. Davenport, R. J. Mercer, John Aikman, George Young, Alexander Whilldin, William F. Geddes, Morgan G. Pile, and Samuel Work, reported the following subscriptions received:Aikman, John - - $100 00 Cummins, Miss R. - - 5 00 Aikman, Mrs. Louisa - 20 00 Davenport, Robert W. - 150 00 Allen, John - - - 100 00 Davenport, Miss M. S. - 2 00 Allen, Mrs. Mary - - 7 50 Derickson, John W. - 10 00 Andrews, John - - 5 00 Donaldson, Mrs. Sophia - 300 00 Atkinson, Rebecca - 1 00 Donnell, Mrs. Amelia - - 5 00 Bailey, Mrs. Lydia R. - 153 50 Dorey, Mrs. Jane - - 1 00 Barnes, Paul - - - 5 00 Dougherty, Miss Fanny - 1 00 Bartlett, Edward M. - 30 00 Eldridge, S. Tustin - - 30 00 Baxter, Isaac B. - - 186 00 Eldridge, Miss Lilly - - 10 Bell, James E. - - 50 00 Englebert, Miss Jane E. - 1 00 Bennett, Henry K. - - 5 00 Evans, A. D. - - - 5 00 Black, William R. - 5 00 Farr, John C. - - 340 00 Black, Ellen - - - 5 00 Farr, William M. - - 50 00 Benton, Z. H. - 5 00 Farr, George W. - - 50 00 Benton, Mrs. C. C. - - 5 00 Flanigen, Wm. C. - - 115 00 Benton, Joseph L. H. 5 00 Floyd, Wm. E. - 10 00 Brainerd, Rev. Thomas - 100 00 Frasier, James - - 365 00 Brown, Mrs. Margaret - - 6 00 Frasier, Mrs. Sarah M. - 50 00 Bratton, Mrs. Ann - - 11 00 Flickwir, D. H. - - 100 00 Bussier, Joseph B. - 30 25 Flickwir, Mrs. Hannah - 110 00 Bussier, Alfred - - 1 00 Fuller, Capt. John - - 10 00 Brynan, Mrs. M. - - - 5 00 Fuller, Mrs. Ann - - 2 00 Brown, Miss - - - 5 00 Furber, Miss Sarah - - 55 00 Baird, Mrs. James - 2 00 Fraley, Mrs. Rosanna - 100 00 Calhoun, Ezra - - - 25 00 Fryer, J. C. - - - - 50 00 Calhoun, Master James R. - 5 00 Gaw, Mrs. Mary Ann - 10 00 Campbell, William - - 50 00 Geddes, William F. - - 50 00 Campbell, Mrs. Eliza - - 5 00 Geddes, Robert C. - - 5 00 Carr, Mrs. Maria - - 10 00 Geddes, Jr., William F. - 5 00 Chambers, Mrs. Eliza - - 26 00 Glading, William - - 50 00 Clark, William - - 200 00 Glessner, O. P. - - 20 00 Clark, Robert - - 200 00 Grant, George - - - 25 00 Clark, Jr., Robert - - 25 00 Gulager, Capt. C. - - 30 00 Clark, John F. - - - 25 00 Graffin, Mary - - - 1 00 Clark, Miss A. M. - - 20 00 Griffith, Miss Elizabeth - 50 Clark, Miss R. W. - - 20 00 H., Mrs. L. - - - 2 00 Clark, Harry R. - - 5 00 Halsey, Dr. W. S. - - 10 00 Clark, Mrs. Theresa - - 5 00 Harley, Mrs. C. - - 15 00 Clark, Henry H. - - 5 00 Harris, Stephen D. - 20 00 Coburn, Robert - - 110 00 Hand, Jacob F. - - 60 00 Conover, Wm. P. - - 105 00 Hand, Mrs. Emily - - 10 00 Conover, Mrs. W. P. - - 2 50 Hand, Jr., Jacob F. - - 5 00 Conover, Miss Eliza B. - 2 50 Hand, Albert - - - 10 00 Copeland, Mrs. Martha - 10 00 Hartman, John - - 60 00 Cowden, Josephine - - 25 Hartman, Jerome - - 5 00 Cranston, Mrs. Sarah - - 5 00 Hartman, Josephus - - 5 00 Cruikshank, Robert - 10 00 Hazzard, Dr. W.H. - 20 00 Corgie, Miss Adeline - - 5 00 Hazzard, Mrs. Dr. W. H. - 1 00 REPORT. 47 Hasson, Miss Margaret - - 5 00 Mitchell, Miss Ann - 5 00 Hamelin, Joseph P. - 25 00 Norris, Samuel - 22 00 Haslett, Miss Jane C. - - 1 00 Norris, John G. - - 2 50 Heazlett, Charles F. - - 20 00 O'Neill, Robert - - 40 00 Henderson, Miss Sarah T. - 5 00 Pegley, John - - - 5 50 Henderson, Miss Margaret 3 00 Pile, Morgan G. - - 25 00 Hepburn, Charles W. - 300 00 Pile, Dr. Wm. H. - - 27 00 Hepburn, Mrs. C. W. - 10 00 Powell, Abraham - - 61 00 Hepburn, Miss Harriet - 10 00 Queen, James W. - - 100 00 Hilt, Samuel R. - - 30 00 Queen, Mrs. Abby - 10 00 Hilt, George and Charles - 5 00 Ranguett, Miss Sarah - - 10 00 Huber, Mrs. Mary L. - - 5 00 Rickie, William - 20 00 Hutton, William - - 25 00 Robb, Charles - 500 00 Hoffner, Mrs. - - - 2 50 Robb, Mrs. Rebecca - 5 00 Hood, Mrs. Rebecca L. - 5 00 Robb, Master Charles - 1 00 Irvine, M. A. - - 10 00 Robinson, Miss Mary - 5 00 Johnston, James - - 1 00 Richardson, Miss Margaret 2 00 Kay, Mrs. Mary C. - 5 00 Richardson, Miss Maria - 2 50 Kelly, John - - - 55 00 Ryan, John W. - - 30 00 King, Edwin - - - 125 00 Ryan, Miss Sarah - - 00 King, Mrs. Sarah C. - - 10 00 Sailer, Randolph - - 20 00 Kline, J. W. - - - 2 50 Scattergood, David - - 10 00 Lasalle, Mrs. E. M. - - 10 00 Schellenger, Mrs. Elizabeth 5 00 Lawton, George R. - 35 00 Shoemaker, Mrs. Maria - 25 Linn, Mrs. Theresa - - 1 00 Shultz, Miss Anna Jane 2 00 Loag, David - -. 10 00 Sloan, John P. - - 30 00 Loag, Samuel - - - 2 00 Sparks, Sr., Thomas - 500 00 McCammon, David C. - 275 00 Sparks, Jr., Thomas - 100 00 McClemmons, Miss L. - 10 00 Sparks, Mrs. E. F. - 110 00 McFarlan, Miss Jane K. 7 50 Smith, Misses - 25 00 McGowan, M. A. - 5 00 Smith, J. Mason - - 25 00 McLoud, Mrs. Isabella - 5 00 Stevenson, Hugh - - 100 00 McLoud, Daniel - - 5 00 Swarr, David M. - 60 00 McLoud, Thomas C. - 50 Taylor, William - - 350 00 McDowell, Sarah - 12 50 Taylor, Mrs. Jane - - 2 50 McIntire, William 25 00 Taylor, William - - 2 50 McMullin, John R. - - 26 00 Thompson, Mrs. and Miss 10 00 McStocker, Mrs. M. S. - 5 00 Thompson, Mrs. Mary A. - 2 00 Marsh, William - - - 5 00 Tewksbury, Miss Mary B. 5 00 Mathieu, Emil - - 10 00 Toby, Capt. Simeon. - 500 00 Mercer, Commodore S. - 65 00 Toby, Master Simeon - 5 00 Mercer, Robert J.. - 150 00 Tree, Mrs. L.... 10 50 Mercer, Jr., Robert J. - 2 50 Turner, John L... 25 Mercer, Master Eugene Byron 2 50 Vanosten, Mrs. Anna M.. 1 00 Mercer, Miss Julia C. - 2 50 Walton, Samuel D.. 127 00 Mercer, Miss Elizabeth T. - 2 50 Walton, Charles J... 50 00 Mercer, Miss Martha Virginia 2 50 Wallace, John 75 00 Mercer, Miss Mary Brainerd 2 50 Walter, Mrs. Mary V.. 1 00 Moore, Mrs. Catharine - 5 00 White, W. J. P... 100 00 Moore, Miss Sarah D. - 50 Whilldin, Capt. W.. 175 00 Moore, John - - - 25 00 Whilldin, Alexander. 215 00 Myerle, Frederick - - 65 00 Whilldin, Lehman.. 10 00 Myerle, Mrs. Margaret - 5 00 Williams, John H... 20 00 Myerle, Thomas B. - - 5 00 Work, Samuel..500 00 48 REPORT. Work, Mrs. Amanda. 50 00 Willis, Sylvester D.. 25 00 Work, George F... 15 00 Young, Capt.... 50 00 Work, Mrs. Elizabeth 10 00 Young, George 250 00 Work, Miss Mary Elizabeth 10 00 Young, Mrs. Harriet L.. 10 00 Work, William Archer. 10 00 Work, Samuel Frazier. 10 00 $9994 60 Worrell, Mrs. Wm... 25 00 Collected by Rev. Thos. Brainerd, D. D., from friends outside of the Congregation: Ayres, S. W. $20 00 Lare, Mr.... 5 00 Baird, Wm. M... 50 00 Lapsley, D... 25 00 Bucknor, A. J... 25 00 Orne, John.. 10 00 Brown, John A... 500 00 Palmer, J..... 100 00 Caldwell, Jas. E.. 25 00 Page, George W.. 10 00 Campbell, Malcolm. 20 00 Ryan, Mrs. M. 5 00 Castner, J. 5 00 Smith, Charles.. 5 00 Conway, Mr.. 5 00 Smith, Wm. S.... 20 00 Dilks, Theodore. 5 00 Sparks, Thomas.. 100 00 Dingee, Charles H. 5 00 S. W. M.... 60 00 Dreer, F. J. 100 00 Stone, John... 10 00 Evans, J. R.. 100 00 Sturges, S... 5 00 Fullerton, A... 15 00 Sutherland, Joel B.. 50 00 Good, John. 10 00 Taylor, Geo. W... 10 00 Grant, Samuel. 100 00 Thompson, N. B. 20 00 Keen, Mr.. 1 50 Tuller, Charles... 5 00 Knight, E C... 25 00 West, Collins.. 5 00 Moore, W. H.. 25 00 Williams, John... 25 00 McLaughlin, John. 2 50 Medara P. H. 5 00 $1,514 00 The Committee expended in the Improvement,. $11,519 24 They received subscriptions amounting to.. 11,508 60 Balance due the Committee,..... 10 64 We publish the above Report for the lesson it contains. We venture to assert that this improvement has been made in our House of Worship without abridging in the slightest degree the comfort of any of the members of the congregation, or of the friends who have so generously contributed toward it. The Missionary Association of the Church contemplate the erection of a building, and the establishment of a permanent Mission House in the neighbourhood of Sixth and Fitzwater Streets, at a cost of from four to five thousand dollars. By the above Report we see that it can be accomplished whenever the congregation feel disposed to engage in such an enterprise. MEMBERS.* Aikman, John - - - No. 310 South'Second St. Aikman, Mrs. Louisa S. (John) " " i" Adams, Mrs. Margaret - - No. 609 Faulkner St. Aiken, Miss Susan - - Non Resident. Aikin, Jesse B. - - No. 664 North Eighth St. Aikin, M1rs. (J. B.) - - " " " " Allen, Mrs. Mary (Thomas) - No. 131 Queen St. Allen, Miss Isabella - " " Allen, Miss Mary Ann - - " " Allen, Miss Mary Ann - - Frankford Road. Anderson, Mrs. Catharine - Francisville. Andrews, John - - No. 2021 Vine St. Armstrong, Philip P. - - No. 767 Florida St. Armstrong, Miss Mary - " " Ashmead, Mrs. Ann (John) - No. 120 South Eighteenth St. Ashmead, Charles J. - - No. 1027 Shippen St. Ashmead, Mrs. Elizab'h W (Chas J) " " " Atkinson, Isaac S. - - No. 215 Spruce St. Atkinson, Mrs. Mary R. (Isaac S.) " " Atkinson, Miss Rebecca G. " " Atkinson, Miss Mary B. - " " Atkinson, James' - - Michigan. Aulick, James - - - Non Resident. Aulick, Mrs. Savanna (James) " " Azpell, Thomas T. - - No. 524 South Third St. Azpell, Mrs. Bithia II. (Thomas T.) " " Bailey, Mrs. Lydia R. - No. 26 North Fifth St. Bailey, William R. - - " " " Bailey, Miss Ellen M. - - " " " Barclay, Mrs. Margaret - No. 116 S. Eighteenth St. Barclay, Miss Maria - - " " " Barnes, Paul - - - No. 627 South Front St. Barnett, Mrs. Elizabeth (Joseph) No. 1132 Pine St. * Should the names of any of the members be omitted, it is requested that the names with the residences be handed in writing to the Pastor of the Church. 4 50 MEMBERS OF PINE STREET CHURCH. Bartlett, Edward M. - No. 337 Washington Avenue. Bartlett, Mrs. Ann (Edward M.) " " " Bartlett, Henry M. - - " " " Bartlett, Edward T. - " " " Bartlett, Miss Mary - - " i Bartlett, Miss Caroline F. - " " " Baxter, Isaac B. - - Cor. Fifth & Washington. Baxter, Mrs. Hester (Isaac B.) " " " Baxter, Mrs. Mary W. (G. W.) No. 522 South Second St. Bavnes, Mrs. Jeanet - No. 1130 Rodney St. Bell, James E. - - No. 508 South Ninth St. Bell, Mrs. Ella (James E.) - " " " Benedict, Mrs. Mary A. - No. 1623 Arch St. Bennett, Henry K. - - No. 747 South Fourth St. Benton, Mrs. Caroline C. - No. 1522 Pine St. Bishop, Mrs. Emily E. (George) No. 319 Queen St. Black, Mrs. Ellen (George) No. 116 Federal St. Blelock, Mrs. Jeanet - - No. 1620 Lattimer St. Blelock, Miss Maria R. - No. 331 Washington St Boggs, Mrs. Margaret - - No. 1223 Chestnut St. Bolles, Miss Anna W. - No. 533 South Eleventh St. Bolles, Miss Sarah N. - - Bond, Miss Margaret F. - No. 916 Nectarine St Bosbyshell, William - - Non Resident. Bosbyshell, Mrs. Martha (William) " " Bowman, Alpheus H. - - No. 1520 South Fourth St. Boyd, Mrs. Eliza S. - No. 26 North Fifth St. Brainerd, Mrs. NMary (Rev. Thomas)No. 634 Pine St. Brainerd, Thomas C. - Brainerd, Jesse - - - Non Resident. Bratton, Mrs. Ann - - No. 329 Pine St. Bready, Mrs. Mary (Clement) - No. 1437 Chestnut St. Brown, Miss Elizabeth No. 1012 South Tenth St. Brown, Mrs. Sarah P. - - Brown, Mrs. Margaret - No. 331 Gaskill St. Brown, Miss Elizabeth - i" Brown, John - - - No. 916 Coates St. Brynan, Mrs. Mary M. - - No. 427 South Second St. Brynan, Miss Margaret - " " Buckman, Mrs. Sarah - No. 338 Green St. Bussier, Mrs. Catharine - No. 224 Pine St. Bussier, Miss Emilie - " It Bussier, Miss Sarah - - " " Bussier, Mrs. Virginia (Joseph B.) " " MEMBERS OF PINE STREET CHURCH. 51 Calhoun, Ezra - - - No. 808 Erie St. Calhoun, Mrs. Mary Ann (Ezra) " " Campbell, Mrs. Elizabeth - No. 1506 North Sixth St. Campbell, Miss Susannah K. " " Campbell, Mrs. Jane - - California. Campbell, William - - S. E. cor. Seventh & Pine. Campbell, Mrs. Jane E. (William) " " " Cantrell, James H. - - S W cor Second & Carpenter Carman, Miss Margaret - No. 343 Griscom St. Carman, Miss Ann - - " " Carman, Miss Mary - " " Carpenter, James B. - No. 127 Beck Place. Carpenter, Mrs. Sarah (James B.) " " Carr, Mrs. Maria - - No. 236 Lombard St. Carr, Miss Margaret B. - " " Castor, Miss Harriet D. (coloured) Chambers, Mrs Eliza (Montgomery) No. 502 Spruce St. Champion, Mrs. Christiana - No. 1624 Mt. Vernon St. Charles, Miss Mary Ann No. 305 Christian St. Clark, Miss Anna Maria - No. 324 Christian St. Clark, Miss Rebecca W. - " " Clark, William - - No. 1006 South Third St. Clark, Mrs. Eliza Ann (William) " " Clark, Jr., Robert - " " Clark, Mrs. Theresa - No. 411 Spruce St. Clark, John T. - - - No. 545 Christian St. Clark, Mrs. Catharine A. (John T.) " " " Clark, Henry H. - - No. 1230 Woodbine St. Clark, Mrs. Ann Eliza (Henry HB.) " " " Coburn, Mrs. Martha Maria - No. 733 Pine St. Collins, Miss Lucy A. - - No. 712 South Third St. Conrade, Miss Sarah - No. 226 Monroe St. Copeland, Mrs. Martha - - S. W. cor. Third & Marriott. Copeland, Miss Amelia - " " i Copeland, Miss Anna R. - " " " Copeland, Miss Mary - " " Corgee, Mrs. Comfort - - No. 219 Dickinson St. Corgie, Miss Adeline - No. 772 South Fourth St. Corgie, Miss Emma - - " "c Corson, Miss Mary - Non Resident. Cowden, Mrs. Elizabeth F - No. 627 Carpenter St. Cowden, Miss Frances - No. 813 South Fourth St. Coyn, Miss Isabella - - No. 329 Lombard St. Cozens, Mrs. Henrietta (W. B. N.) College Avenue ab. 20th St. 52 MEMBERS OF PINE STREET CHURCH. Crane, Mrs. Eleanor - No. 32 Queen St. Crane, Miss Adeline - - " Cranston, Mrs. Sarah - No. 1606 Cherry St. Craven, Thomas - - No. 2104 Tioga Street. Craven, Mrs. Rebecca T. (Thomas) " " Craven, David S. - Salem, N. J. Craven, Mrs. Rebecca J. (David S.) " " Craven, Miss Mary Jane - " " Cruikshank, Robert J. - No. 224 North Eighth St. Cruikshank, Mrs. Margaret(Rob't) " " " Cummings, Miss Rebecca - No. 118 South Nineteenth St. Cunningham, Miss Jane - No. 925 Spruce St. Curtis, John O. M. - Baltimore. Curtis, Mrs. Alicia (John) - Davenport, Mrs. Susanna - No. 333 South Fifth St. Davenport, Miss Elizabeth L. - " " " Davidson, Mrs. Jane - - No. 812 South Third St. Davidson, Mrs. Christina - No. 707 Federal St. Davis, Mrs. Mary - - No. 1525 Ogden St. Davis, Mrs. Sarah - - o. 1020 South Third St. Derickson, Mrs. Ann (John) - No. 1011 Spruce St. Donaldson, Mrs. Sophia - No. 278 South Third St. Donnell, Lester F. - No. 1409 Jefferson Avenue. Donnell, Mrs. Amelia (Lester F.) " "It I Doherty, Miss Fanny - - No. 914 Pine St. Doherty, Miss Elizabeth - " " Dorey, Mrs. Jane - - No. 1202 South Front St. Dreer, Ferdinand J. - - No. 1520 Spruce St. Dreer, Mrs. Abigail D. (Ferdinand) " " Drummond, Mrs. Hannah B. - No. 423 Lombard St. Dunbar, Miss Jane - - No. 1239 Woodbine St. Eaton, Mrs. Emily N. - No. 1212 South Fifth St. Eaton, Miss Ellen - - " "" Eaton, Miss Emily - - " " " Eaton, Miss Eliza H. - " " " MEMBERS OF PINE STREET CHURCH. 53 Eaton, Miss Isabella - No. 1212 South Fifth St. Eaton, Miss Mary L. - - " " " Edgar, James - - No. 638 Paul St. Edgar, Mrs. Ann (James) - " " Eldridge, Mrs. Martha E.. No. 318 South Fifth St. Ellis, Miss Margaret - - No. 221 Pine St. Englebert, Joseph N. - No. 1619 Chestnut St. Englebert, Mrs. Elizabeth (Jos. N.)' " Englebert, Miss Jane E. - " " Ernst, Mrs. Elizabeth - No. 419 Lombard St. Evans, Andrew D. - Chestnut St., South Camden. Evans, Mrs. Anna M. (Andrew D.) " " " Everly, Mrs. Deborah Ann - No. 717 Federal St. Farr, John C. - - No. 1810 Spruce St. Farr, Mrs. Catharine (John C.) " " Farr, Miss Emma S. - " " Farrar, Miss Lydia - - No. 708 Passyunk Road. Fareira, Mrs. Mary - No. 737 Spring Garden St. Fearon, Mrs. Margaret (Francis) La Pierre House. Field, James C. - - No. 344 South Third St. Fisher, Miss Lizzie D. - - No. 1318 Pine St. Fisher, Miss Maggie C. - " " Fiss, Miss Hannah - - No. 1008 South Second St. Flanigen, William C. - No. 1520 Pine St. Flanigen, Mrs. Jean (Wm. C.) " " Flanigen, William A. - " " Flanigen, Mrs. Eustina (Stephen) No. 820 South Second St. Fickwir, Mrs. Hannah C. No. 290 South Third St. Fleming, Mrs. Anna T. - Germantown. Floyd, Mrs. Ann - - No. 402 South Ninth St. Floyd, William E. - No. 721 South Third St. Floyd, Mrs. Anna Jane (Wm. E.) " " Forde, Miss Hannah - - No. 404 South Ninth St. Fox, Miss Mary - - No. 260 South Fifth St. Fraley, Mrs. Rosanna - - Bristol, Pa. Frasier, James - - No. 331 Pine St. Frasier, Mrs. Sarah (James) - " " Fuller, Capt. John - No. 1407 Jefferson Avenue. Fuller, Mrs. Ann (Capt. John) " " " 54 MEMBERS OF PINE STREET CHURCH. Fuller, John' - - - No. 977 South Front St. Fuller, Mrs. Martha Ann (John) " " " Fuller, Miss Amelia - No. 1407 Jefferson Avenue. Furber, Edward M. - - No. 522 Walnut St. Furber, Miss Sarah - " " Furber, Miss Caroline E. - " " Galloway, John D. - - No. 128 Catharine St. Galloway, Mrs. Eliza (John D.) " " " Gaw, Mrs. Mary Ann - - No. 512 South Second St. Gaw, Miss Rebecca Louisa - " " " " " Geddes, William F. - - No. 312 Christian St. Geddes, Mrs. Mary (Winm. F.) " " " Germon, Miss Elizabeth B. - No. 1204 South Sixth St. Gifford, Mrs. Eliza P. - No. 728 South Front St. Gifford, Mrs. Phoebe Ann - Non Resident. Gifford, Mrs. Ellen - - Green Hill. Given, Mrs. Christiana - No. 608 North Fourth St. Glading, Mrs. Anna - - No. 703 Pine St. Glessner, Mrs. Mary Ann (0. P.) No. 240 Federal St. Gobey, Miss Adell Maria - No. 319 Pine St. Goodwin, Mrs. Harriet K. - No. 304 Catharine St. Graham, Miss Ann - - No. 128 Beck Place. Graham, Mrs. Esther P. - " " Graham, Miss Ann Eliza - " " Grant, Miss Margaret - - N. W. cor. Twelfth & Spruce. Greble, Mrs. Susan (Edwin) No. 128 South Nineteenth St. Griffith, George - No. 319 Wharton St. Griffith, Miss Elizabeth - - " " Gulager, Christian - - No. 302 North Front St. Gulager, Charles - - " Gulager, Miss Fanny M. - " " Haines, Miss Julia C. - - N. E. cor. Sixth & Wager Sts. Hamelin, Joseph P. - - No. 328 Federal St. Hamilton, Richard - - Non Resident. Hampton, Mrs. Anna M. (Thos. M.) No. 754 South Fourth St. Hand, Jacob F. - - - No. 223 Lombard St. Hand, Mrs. Emily (Jacob F.) " " " MEMBERS OF PINE STREET CHURCH. 55 Hand, Mrs. Sarah - - No. 508 South Ninth St. Hand, Albert E. - - " " Hand, Miss Virginia -' " Hardick, Miss Violetta (coloured.) Pine below Third St. Harris, Stephen D. - No. 333 South Fifth St. Harris, Mrs. Mary B. (Stephen D.) " " " Hart, Miss Mary Ann - - No. 338 Griscom St. Hartman, John - - No. 123 Pine St. Hartman, Mrs. Julia Ann (John) " " Haslett, Miss Jane C. - N. W. cor. Crown & Race Hasson, Miss Margaret - - No. 304 South Thirteenth St. Hazzard, William H. - - No. 224 Pine St. Hazzard, Mrs. Rebecca (Wm. H.) " " Hazzard, William Bussier - " " Hazzard, Lemuel - - No. 242 Union St. Hazzard, Mrs. Anna E. (Lemuel) " " Heazlitt, Charles F. - No. 846 North Broad St. Heim, Mrs. Frances (Andrew) Branchtown, Pa. Henderson, Miss Sarah T. - No. 737 Spring Garden St. Henderson, Miss Margaret - No. 21 South Twentieth St. Hent, Miss Sophia - - No..1029 Sergeant St. Hilt,, Samuel R. - - - No. 518 Washington St. Hilt, Mrs. Ellen D. (Samuel R.) " " " Hoffner, Mrs. Margaret - - No. 1409 Jefferson Avenue. Holt, Mrs. Catharine - - No. 270 South Second St. Holt, Benjamin - - " I Homewood, Mrs. Susan A. (Josiah) No. 18 Christian St. Hood, Mrs. Rebecca L. - - No. 242 South Fifth St. Hood, Mrs. Catharine - No. 714 Catharine St. Hoyle, Mrs. S. - - Chester County. Hubbard, Mrs. Emma B. - Market above Moore, W. P. Hubbard, Miss Harriet R. - " " Hubbard, Miss Clara Ann - " " Hubbell, Mrs. Caroline M. - No. 719 South Second St. Huber, Mrs. Mary S. - - No. 823 South Second St. Hugg, Miss Sarah Ann - - No. 325 Gaskill St. Hughes, Charles L. - - Frankford Road. Hughes, Mrs. Beulah (Charles L.) " " Hutton, William - - No. 249 German St. Hutton, Mrs. Ann (William) - " " 56 MEMBERS OF PINE STREET CHURCH. Idell, Miss Henrietta - Kingsessing. Idler, Charles - - - No. 934 South Second St. Idler, Mrs. Ruth Ann (Charles) " " " Innes, Mrs. Isabella - - No. 1034 Pine St. Irwin, Mrs. Mary A. - - No. 333 South Seventh St. Irwin, Miss Emma F. - - " " " Ivins, William - - No. 434 Reed St. Jackson, Miss Sarah - - No. 217 Monroe St. Jamison, Miss Ann - - No. 772 South Fourth St. Johnston, Mrs. Margaret - No. 725 South Third St. Johnston, James - - No. 230 Stamper Alley. Jones, Miss Mary Ann No. 57 Arch St. Jones, Mrs. Susan - - Cross Keys, N. J. Jones, Martin P. - - No. 1027 Filbert St. Jones, Miss Henrietta - - No. 522 Pine St. Kay Mrs. Mary C. - - No. 423 Lombard St. Kelly, Mrs. Sarah Jane (James) No. 320 Christian St. Kelley, Mrs. Catharine (John) No. 762 South Ninth St. Kelley, William - - - No. 728 Plover St. Kelley, Mrs. Sarah (William) " " Kelsey, Mrs. Mary - - No. 790 South Front St. Kelter, Alfred - - No. 608 Federal St. King, Mrs. Sarah C. (Edwin) No. 525 South Second St. Kite, Mrs. Rachel M. (Win. L.) No. 536 N. Thirteenth St. Kitfield, Mrs. Alice - Widow's Asylum. Kniffen, Miss Jane J. - - N E cor Fifth & Washington. Knipe, Oscar - - - No. 26 North Fourth St. Kline, John W. - - - No. 406 Prune St. Knott, Miss Mary Ann - No. 517 Arch St. MEMBERS OF PINE STREET CHURCH. 57 Lare, Miss Esther C. - - No. 411 South Seventh St. Lassalle, Mrs. Elizabeth M. - No. 1040 South Fourth St. Lassalle, Miss Calanthe Elizabeth " " " Lassalle, Miss Louisa Amanthus " " " Law, Miss Ann - - S. E. cor. Seventh & Pine Sts. Lawton, George R. - No. 411 Queen St. Lawton, Miss Margaret C. - " Lawton, Miss Anna P. - " " Lawton, Miss Mary Elizabeth " " Leadbeater, Mrs. Mary Ann - No. 402 South Fifth St. Leadbeater, Miss Elizabeth HI. - " " " Lecture, Mrs. Margaret HI. - No. 410 Carpenter St. Linn, Valentine - No. 802 South Front St. Linn, Mrs. Theresa (Valentine) " " Linn, Miss Louisa - " " Linn, Miss Clara - - " " Lister, Mrs. Susan - - No. 522 Pine St. Lister, Miss Hester Ann - " " Livingston,,Mrs. Rachel II. Sixth and Market Sts. Lloyd, Mrs. Anna E. (John D.) Trenton, N. J. Loag, David No. 327 McIllwain St. Loag, Mrs. Ann (David) - " " Loag, Samuel - - " " Love, Robert - - Bristol, Pa. Low, Mrs. Sarah - No. 23 Christian St. Lybrand, Mrs. Susan - No. 417 South Fifth St. Lybrand, Mrs. Margaretta - " " " Lybrand, Miss Cornelia C. - " " " Lynch, Mrs. Isabella - No. 406 Prune St. Lyons, Mrs. Marie M. - No. 1032 Pine St. Mackellar, Thomas - - Linden St., Germantown. Mackellar, Mrs. Eliza (Thomas) " " Mackellar, Miss Eliza - - " Mackellar, Miss Agnes - " " Mack, Mrs. Eliza HI. - - No. 319 Pine St. Macpherson, Angus N. - No. 1222 South Fifth St. Macpherson, MrsEmeline(AngusN) " " McCammon, David C. - - No. 515 Pine St. McClemmons, Miss Letitia - No. 348 South Second St. 58 MEMBERS OF PINE STREET CHURCH. McFarlan, Miss Jane K. - No. 928 South Fourth St. McFarlan, Miss Charlotte E " " " McGill, Miss Mary - No. 125 South Ninth St. McGill, Mrs. Emma Martha - No. 319 Pine St. McGill, George L. " " McGowan, Mrs. Mary Ann - No. 1013 Walnut St. McCowen, Miss Isabella - No. 1119 Fitzwater St. McCowen, Miss Sarah - " " " McIntire, William - - No. 632 Guilford St. McIntire, Miss Elizabeth - " " " McIntire, William - - No. 925 Spruce St. McIntire, Mrs. Jean W. (William) " " McIntire, E. Williams - " " McLaughlin, Miss Cornelia - No. 420 Wood St. McLeod, Mrs. Isabella - - No. 308 Carpenter St. McMullin, John R. - N. E. cor. Pine and Fifth St. McMullin, Mrs Mary Ann (John R) " " " McMullin, Miss Martha M. - " " " McMullin, Miss Mary Ann - " " " McMullin, Miss Elizabeth C. - " e l McMullin, Miss Kate R. - " " " McMullin, Miss Anna - - i McMullin, Miss Margaretta - No. 1210 Locust St. McQuillan, Mrs. Amelia (John II) No. 827 Arch Street. McStocker, Mrs. M. S. (Francis) No. 125 South Third St. Maris, Mrs. Margaret - No. 245 South Eighth St. Marsh, Mrs. Jane - No. 744 Erie St. Mathieu, Mrs. Sarah - - Kingsessing. Mercer, Robert J. - - No. 404 South Ninth St. Mercer, Mrs. Matilda (Robert J.) " " " Mercer, John A. - No. 415 Spruce St. Metcalf, Mrs. Elizabeth - No. 218 Marriott St. Miller, Miss Violet (coloured.) - Metz, Thomas C. - - No. 1010 Moyamensing Av. Mitchell, Mrs. Sarah Jane - N. E. cor. Pine & Fifth St. Mitchell Edward H. - - Non Resident. Moore, John - - - No. 918 Pine St. Moore, Miss Elizabeth - " " Moore, Mrs. Catharine - - No. Melon St. Mount, Mrs. Sarah - - Widow's Asylum. Myerle, Frederick - - - No. 348 South Second St. Myerle, Mrs. Margaret (Frederick) " " MEMBERS OF PINE STREET CHURCH. 59 Myers, Mrs. Patience - Spring Garden St. ab. Eighth. Myers, Mrs. Mary Ann No 1236 South Fifth St. Myers, Mrs. Louisa Fleming Germantown. Nassau, Miss Mary K. - - No. 515 Pine St. Nelson, Mrs. Mary - - No. 424 South Fourth St. Nelson, Miss Henrietta H. - No. 212 Monroe St. Norris, Samuel - - No. 217 Monroe St. Norris, Mrs. Margaret (Samuel) " " Norris, John G. - - - " " Norris, Miss Eliza S. - " " Norris, Miss Sarah R. - - " " Oaks, Mrs. Elizabeth Ridge Avenue & Sixteenth St. Palmer, Mrs. Harriet P. M. No. 514 Walnut St. Palmer, Mrs. Mary - Rear Charles St. ab. Sixth. Park, Robert - - No. 715 Baker St. Park, Miss Josephine E. - No. 214 South Eleventh St. Parker, Mrs. Eliza Ann (Joseph) No. 329 McIllwain St. Parker, Mrs. Sarah (Henry) Dacosta, N. J. Patterson, James G. - - S. E. cor. Seventh & Pine Sts. Paul, Mrs. Eliza S. - - No. 318 South Third St. Pearson, Mrs. Sarah (Hamlet)- No. 338 South Tenth St. Pegley, John S. - - S. E. cor. Seventh & Pine Sts. Pendleton, William D. - - New York. Perpignan, William H. - No. 528 Powell St. Perpignan, Mrs. Catharine (Wm. H.) " " Perpignan, Mrs. Jane (Stephen) No. 327 Perry St. Picken, Miss Ann - - No. 512 South Second St. Pile, Morgan G. - - No. 1323 Lombard St. Pile, Mrs. Sarah S. (Morgan G.) " " " Pile, Wilson H. - - - Cor Passyunk R. & Catharine Pile, Mrs. Jeannette (Wilson H.) " " " Pile, Miss Caroline S. - " " " Pile, Miss Josephine - " " " Pomeroy, John H. - - No. 313 South St. Pomeroy, Mrs. Mary Ann (John) " " 60 MEMBERS OF PINE STREET CHURCH. Poole, Miss Elizabeth R. - No. 1204 South Fifth St. Powell, Abraham - - No. 111 Wharton St. Powell, Mrs. Mary (Abraham) " " " Powell, Mrs. Julia - - No. 1430 South Third St. Powell, Miss Anna F. - " I " Powell, G. Washington - - N. W. cor Twenty-first & Pine Queen, James W. - - No. 1204 Spruce St. Queen, Mrs. Abby S. (James W.) " " " Ranguett, Miss Sarah - No. 409 Queen St. Ramsey, Mrs. Jane - - Non Resident. Randall, Mrs. Mary Ann - Frankford. Ray, Mrs. Sarah - No. 226 Washington Square. Raybold, Mrs. Sarah Ann - S. E. cor. Sixth & Vine Sts. Reeves, Miss Ruth Ann - No. 1528 Pine St. Rice, Mrs. Catharine M. - N. W. cor. Lombard & 7th St. Richardson, Mrs. Mary (William) No. 313 Gaskill St. Richardson, Miss Margaret - " " Richardson, Miss Jane - " Richardson, Miss Maria - " " Richardson, Mrs. Margaret (Wm.) No. 435 Redwood St. Riekie, William - - - No. 910 South Front St. Robb, Charles - - No. 311 South Fifth St. Robb, Mrs. Rebecca (Charles) - " " " Robb, John. - - " " " Robb, Mrs. Jane E. (John) " " " Robb, Mrs. Maria A. (James M.) No. 713 Brown St. Robertson, Miss Mary - - Cor. Spruce and Ashland St. Rodgers, Mrs. Susan (James) No. 244 Queen St. Rogers, Miss Jane - - No. 407 Catharine St. Ross, Mrs. Catharine B. (Samuel) No. 528 Powell St. Rowland, Mrs. Margaret H. (James) No. 118 Queen St. Rue, Miss Josephine - - No. 119 Senate St. Rutherford, Mrs. Mary Ann - Erie, Pa. Ryan, Mrs. Sarah J. (John W.) No. 944 South Front St. MEMBERS OF PINE STREET CHURCH. 61 Sagee, Mrs. Anna Roberts - No. 721 South Ninth St. Sailer, Randolph - - No. 907 Pine St. Salmond, David - - No. 609 Guilford St. Sammons, Mrs. Susan - Non Resident. Sanderson, MArs. Julia A. M. No. 109 Pine St. Sawyer, Mrs. Mary - - Ridge Avenue. Sawyer, Robert J. - - " " Scattergood, David - - No. 131 Pine St. Schellenger, Mrs. Elizabeth - No. 120 Queen St. Scott, Miss Harriet A. - No. 714 South Fifth St. Scott, Miss Elizabeth - - " " Scott, Miss Anna Richardson " " Shaw, Miss Sophia - - No. 305 South Third St. Shepherd, Mrs. Emma - - Non Resident. Shepherd, Miss Rebecca M. - No. 612 South Front. Shermerhorn, Mrs. Harriet E. - Lambertville, N. J. Shultz, Mrs. Ann - - No. 513 Fitzwater St. Shultz, Miss Rebecca - No. 740 South Sixth St. Shultz, Miss Ann - - " " " Shultz, Miss Ann Jane - " " " Shultz, John S. - - - Absecom, N. J. Simons, Mrs. Catharine - No. 1424 North Broad St. Simon, Mrs. Mary Jane - Austin St., below Wharton. Skerrett, Mrs. Elizabeth - Tenth St. below Wallace. Sloan, John P. - - - No. 806 Market St. Sloan, Mrs. Catharine (John P.) Smith, Mrs. Catharine - Wharton St. ab. Eighth. Smith, Mrs. Maria - No. 1407 Locust St. Smith, Miss Eliza W. - No. 925 Spruce St. Smith, Miss Margaret W. - " Smith, Mrs. Ann (P. Sken) - Non Resident. Smith, J. Mason - - Swanson St. below Christian. Sparks, Mrs. Eliza F. - No. 278 South Third St. Stanton, George F. - Beverly, Mass. Stevenson, Mrs. Elizabeth (Hugh) No. 1340 Lombard St. Stevenson, Mrs. Margaret - No. 245 South Eighth St. Stewart, Samuel - Non-Resident. Stewart, Mrs. Sarah Jane - t i Stoach, Mrs. Catharine Ann - Middletown, Pa. Stockley, Mrs. Mary - No. 710 Erie St. Swarr, David M. - - No. 113 Pine St. Swarr, Mrs. Ellen (David M.) "'C Swift, Miss Lucy No. Spruce St. 62 MEMBERS OF PINE STREET CHURCH. Tatem, Miss Lillie - No. 429 Spruce St. Tarrant, Miss Mary - - No. 924 Chestnut St. Tash, Thomas J. - No. 326 S. Seventeenth St. Taylor, William - - No. 402 South Ninth St. Taylor, Mrs. Jane (William) - " ", " Taylor, Miss Anna - - No. 1606 Mt. Vernon St. Teese, William M. - No. 240 Arch St. Tewksbury, Miss Mary B. - No. 211 Catharine St. Tewksbury, Mrs. Elizabeth - Brooklyn, N. Y. Thibault, F. A. - - Non Resident. Thompson, Mrs. Julia A. (Samuel) No. 221 Pine St. Thurgaland, George - No. 1240 South Sixth St. Thurgaland, Mrs. Catharine (Geo.) " " " " Tillotson, Mrs. Elizabeth - M'Callister St. ab. Fifteenth. Thompson, James C. - - No. 1226 South Fifth St. Thompson, Mrs. Mary A. (James) " " Thompson, Mrs. Ann - No. 813 South Third St. Thum, Miss Eliza Adelia - No. 535 Pine St. Toby, Simeon - - No. 113 Pine St. Toby, Miss Rachel - - " " Tourtelot, Mrs. Mary Ann - Fifth St., Camden. Townsend, Mrs. Charlotte I. - No. 318 South Fifth St. Tree, Mrs. Elizabeth - - No. 318 South Front St. Tresse, Mrs. Catharine - No. 319 Queen St. Tumbleston, Mrs. Abigail - Walnut st. ab Darby r'd, W. P. Tumbleston, Mrs. Mary Ann " " " Turner, Miss Jane - - Non Resident. Turner, Miss Mary Ann - " " Turner, John L. - - No. 503 South Twelfth St. Tyndall, Mrs. Louisa - - Dock, below Walnut St. Vanhoy, Mrs. L. A. - No. 1418 N. Sixth St. Vanosten, James W. - No. 330 South Fifth St. Vanosten, Mrs. Anna M (James W) " " " Vanosten, Mrs. Mary Jane - No. 29 South Fourth St. Vanosten, Miss Anna M. - " I" Vanosten, Miss Rebecca - No. 302 N. Ninth St. Viall, Mrs. Sarah (James) No. 125 Senate St. MEMBERS OF PINE STREET CHURCH. 63 Wack, Mrs. Elizabeth - - No. 270 South Second St. Wagner, George Frederick. Non Resident. Wagner, Mrs. Louisa - - No. Lombard St. Walker, Joseph - - - Arch St. ab. Nineteenth. Walker, Mrs. Margaret (Joseph) " " Wallace, John - - - No. 607 South Ninth St. Wallace, Mrs. Anne (John) - " I C Walters, Mrs. Martha - - No. 910 South Front St. Walters, Miss Anna E. - " it I Walton, Charles J. - - No. 452 Franklin Street. Walton, Mrs. Mary V. (Samuel) No. 754 South Fourth St. Ware, William B. - - No. 2 Market Street. Watson, Mrs. Susan N. (J. F.) No. 257 South Ninth St. Watson, Mrs. Jane - - No. 786 South Front St. Watson, Miss Henrietta - "it Watson, Miss Margaret - " " Watson, Mrs. Christina Waddell No. 1407 Locust St. Weatherby, Leaming - No. 619 Pine St. Weatherby, Mrs. Mary (Leaming) " " d Webb, Burkitt - - S. E. cor. Front & Queen Sts. Webb, Miss Susan B. - - " Webb, Miss Anne C. - " "I Whilldin, Alexander - - Cor. Broad & Jefferson Sts. Whilldin, Mrs. Jane G (Alexander) " I Whilldin, Leaming - No. 417 South Fifth St. Whilldin, Mrs. Priscilla (Leaming) " " " Whitaker, Mrs. Hetty - No. 521 South Eighth St. White, William J. P. - - No. 411 South Ninth St. White, Mrs. Mary (min. J. P.) " " White, William M. - No. 471 Franklin St. Whiting, Miss Mary Brainerd No 634 Pine St Wiley, Mrs. Mary - No. 728 Morris St. Williams, Mrs. Elizabeth T. - No. 224 Catharine St. Williams, Mrs. Jane - S E cor Mt Vernon & Tenth. Williams, Miss Jane C. - - No. 1515 Green St. Williams, Miss Mary Eliza - " " Willis, Sylvester D. - - N. E. cor. Fifth & German. Willis, Mrs. Emeline (Sylvester D.) " " " Wilson, Mrs. Mary Ann - No. 318 South Front St. Wilson, Mrs. Mary (John S.) No. 1648 Wallace St. Wilson, Miss Anna R. - - No. 303 Christian St. Winner, Mrs. Emma Louisa - No. 304 Catharine St. Wirtz, Mrs. Hannah P. - - Non-Resident. Worbeck, Mrs. Ann - - Nicetown. 64 MEMBERS OF PINE STREET CHURCH. Work, Mrs. Elizabeth - No. 725 South Third St. Work, Samuel - - - No. 129 Pine St. Work, Mrs. M. Amanda (Samuel) " " Work, George F. - - No. 1520 South Fourth St. Work, Mrs. Henrietta (George F.) " " Worrell, Mrs. Elizabeth It. - No. 1421 North Seventh St. Writer, Mrs. Sarah - No. 938 South Fifth St. Wythe, Miss Sarah - - No. 2 Jennings Row. Yeager, Mrs. Anna Maria - No. 734 South St. Yeager, Joseph - - Young, George - - No. 216 Lombard St. Young, Mrs. Harriet L. (George) " " " Young, David - - - No. 138 Almond St. Young, Mrs. Rebecca B. (John) No. 227 Catharine St. Young, Miss Elizabeth - No. 605 North Tenth St. Young, Richard - - No. 634 Catharine St. Young, Mrs. Wilhelmina(Richard) " " It