OPENING OF ALKER H ALL, A mherst College, A mherst, Mass., Oct. 20, 1870. ADDRESS BY W. A. STEARNS, PRESIDENT. WITH OTHER EXERCISES. BOSTON: PRINTED BY RAND, AVERY, & FRYE, 3 CORNHILL. I87I. To Rev. William A. Stearns, President of Amherst College. DEAR SIR: At a meeting of the Trustees of Amherst College, held in Amherst, Oct. 20, 1870, the following vote was unanimously passed:" Voted, That the thanks of the Trustees be tendered to President STEARNS for his sound and able Address, pronounced to-day, on the occasion of the opening of Walker Hall; and that he be requested to furnish a copy of the same for publication." Attest: E. S. DWIGHT, SECRET'ARY OF THE BOARD. To the Revered nd and onorable the rustees of Amherst College. GENTLEMEN: Herewith I forward a manuscript of the Address. I am gratified that the views it expresses seem to have been so heartily approved by you; and all the more, as, in my judgment, if Amherst College should adopt a policy of education essentially different from them, the demand for its existence would cease, and its mission be ended. Respectfully and truly, Your obedient servant, WILLIAM A. STEARNS. AMHERST COLLEGE, Oct. 25, 1870. OPENING OF WALKER HALL. THE day selected for the opening of Walker Hall proved, in experience, a day of mark for the season. It was not characterized by the usual October beauties of our second summer, but by a first-class earthquake in the morning, and the clouds of a grand downpouring in the afternoon. The Springfield band endeavored to perform its duty; but the great rain prevented the time-honored procession, and left the audience, which was larger than would have been expected under the circumstances, to collect together in the best way it could. The Address was delivered in College Hall; after which, under more favorable skies, the assembly passed over to Walker Hall for the'inspection of the building, the opening prayer, and for statements and brief speeches. The concluding part of the programme was cut short by darkening clouds and premature evening. But the appropriate and beautiful remarks of Prof. Roswell D. Hitchcock of the Union Theological Seminary were sufficient; and further speech-making seemed unnecessary. The order of exercises was as follows: 6 Opening of Walker Hall. IN COLLEGE HALL. I. MUSIC BY THE ORCHESTRA. 2. INTRODUCTORY PRAYER BY REV. MR. DWIGHT OF HADLEY. 3. ADDRESS BY PRESIDENT STEARNS. 4. COMMENCEMENT HYMN:Let children hear the mighty deeds Which God performed of old; Which in our younger years we saw, And which our fathers told. He bids us make his glories known, His works of power and grace; And we'll convey his wonders down Through every rising race. Our lips shall tell them to our sons; And they, again, to theirs; That generations yet unborn May teach them to their heirs. Thus they shall learn in God alone Their hope securely stands; That they may ne'er forget his works, But practise his commands. --- AIN WALKER HALL. I. MUSIC BY THE BAND. 2. STATEMENT BY W. A. DICKINSON, ESQ. 3. PRAYER OF THE OPENING, BY REV. DR. PAINE OF HOLDEN. 4. STATEMENT BY PROFESSOR SNELL. 5. SPEECHES BY MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, AND BY GENTLEMEN FROM ABROAD. 6. OLD HUNDRED, BY THE AUDIENCE:From all that dwell below the skies Let the Creator's praise arise; Let the Redeemer's name be sung, In every land, by every tongue. Eternal are thy mercies, Lord; Eternal truth attends thy word: Thy praise shall sound from shore to shore Till suns shall rise and set no more. Opening of Walker Hall. 7 PRESIDENT STEARNS'S ADDRESS. WE have assembled for a public opening of our new temple of science, - Walker Hall. I had no intention, till quite recently, of presenting any remarks on this occasion; but having failed in all hopes of an address from other quarters, and thinking it not quite becoming that so great an event in our college-life as the completion and first occupation of such an edifice should be passed over without attention, I have concluded to occupy a few moments on some of the subjects con-.nected with collegiate education, which are now agitating the minds of all liberally-educated and most other intelligent men. They are subjects on which I have long reflected, but for the complete presentation of which I have now but too little time. A few preliminary statements would seem to be required by the circumstances under which we meet. The origin of our building, the munificent spirit in which its funds were contributed, the uses and special kinds of learning for which it was constructed, the division of its apartments, the order and methods of its architecture, with notices commemorative of the principal donor, and of the noble gentlemen by whom he was generously seconded, -all have been sufficiently set forth in a pamphlet entitled " Exercises at.the Laying of the Corner-Stone of Walker Hall, June io, i868." The principal design of Dr. Walker, in his contributions to Amherst College, was to promote the education of young men, particularly in the departments of pure and applied math 8 Opening of Walker Hall. ematics, including the sciences which are based upon them. A passage in his last will and which is in accordance with his correspondence and conversations -expresses the substance of his views on the subject in question: "By the term'mathematical sciences,' I wish to be understood as meaning an accurate and critical study of elementary mathematics; every branch of the pure mathematics; also such studies as are kindred to and founded on mathematics as applied to astronomy, mechanics, natural philosophy, and all kinzdred objects, speaking in a liberal and comprehensive manner." I add here a few noble words which immediately follow, and which, though not so directly bearing on the subject in hand, express something of that appreciative sentiment, largeness of view, and strong good sense, which generally characterized Dr. Walker's dealings with our college: "Finally, I request the recipients of the above-bequeathed property to realize that no inconsiderable portion thereof has been gathered as the fruits of a laborious vocation, exercised through anxious days and sleepless nights; that it is given to them, in trust, nevertheless, to be expended so as to enure to the greatest advancement of sound education in the department as above specified, and the public good. I request that its investment may be safely guarded; that its expenditure may be subject to the strictest economy; yet that it may be appropriated liberally, where the objects aimed at justify an open hand, and cannot be afforded the cause of education and the public good at less expense." As both the motive to the erection of the building, and the large bequest which followed, contemplated advantages for improvement in the same studies, it became a question to Opening of Walker Hall. 9 what extent the modern as well as the more ancient sciences should be comprehended under the general term mnat/hematica/. What are the sciences? What is science? Literally, science is knowledge; but knowledge is not necessarily science. A person may have an immense knowledge, or, as Coleridge says, " knowledges," when he has almost no science; though a very little science involves a large amount of knowledge. These facts are of the gravest consequence, to be remembered in all efforts to teach science. Undisciplined minds are often the treasure-houses, or rather ware-houses, of vast accumulations of unsorted facts and truths; while they possess but few principles, and most of these without orderly arrangement. The well-trained scholar, on the other hand, with a much smaller number of facts, will reach a much broader comprehension. By knowing a few things of a kind, he perceives many things of the same kind; and, having learned the methods of their application, he comes to understand details before he has collected them. With an ignorant man, facts and principles are nearly of the same value; while the educated desire nothing so much, next to the discovery of truth, as the power to classify its parts, and comprehend it in its classes, and, if possible, in its first principles.. Science may be defined, then, as generic and foundation thoughts, completely developed in logical connections. The science of a subject consists of the principles, relations, results (orderly arranged), which belong to it. They are phenomena, facts, axioms, truths, resemblances, contrarieties, causes, consequences, applications, some obvious, some hidden, some undiscoverable. When the knowable has been separated from what cannot be known, and the former has been arranged, 2' IO Opening of Walker Hall. classified, collected into piles, bound in bundles, and from them generalizations have been made and foundation-principles reached, and the unity from which the multifariousness proceeds has been discovered, we have something which approaches a perfect science. Beginning with unity, and descending, we have the subject, its grand divisions, its subdivisions, its details, all in their places; we have the subject in its relations to other subjects, and to some higher subject. (if there be such) of which it is a branch; we have the subject, with the physics (if it is concerned with phenomena) and the metaphysics, the applications and the principles, which belong to it. A science may exist in itself, with all its departments and connections, before the analysis or comprehension of any man has mastered or approached it. In this state it is not properly science as we now understand the word, but only the subject of science. It may be grasped and partially comprehended by some person, and so far forth it has become a science to that person. It may be generally understood, orderly arranged, written out in a book, or otherwise expressed, and, through all this, stand out as a science in the presence of the student who desires a knowledge of it. In this respect, we have our sciences; and with text-books, lectures, specimens, diagrams, &c., we study them. But in this high and comprehensive definition of science have we left any place for. philosophy? Philosophy and science, in the older usage of the terms, are often almost identical. Philosophy, perhaps, is the more generic word. It has been not badly defined as "the universal and absolute science," dealing most with "real as distinguished from phenomenal existence." Aristotle called it the "art of arts" and OpeniXng of Walker Hall. I "the science of sciences;" Kant, "the science of the relations of all knowledge to the necessary ends of human reason;" Morell, "the science of first principles.' According to more recent usage, however, the distinction between science and philosophy, without being accurately defined, is, in a popular way, sufficiently obvious. Mathematics is always regarded as a science; though nothing comes to us more perfectly as the dictates of human reason than the abstract, absolute, eternal truths of the pure mathematics. The branches of knowledge which are based on mathematics are properly sciences, not philosophies. Mixed mathematics, or mathematical principles, applied to actual forms and motions, to the correlation, equation, antagonism, and co-working of forces, — in other words, mathematics as applied to astronomy, to mechanics and civil engineering, to what is usually called natural philosophy, and to physics generally, —all these departments come under the head of science and of mathematical science. If, a century ago, one had undertaken to describe the mathematical sciences, he would have gone but little beyond the exhibition here presented. What are now known as the modern sciences, if not entirely new discoveries, are the prodigious developments of the last half-century. Within this period, chemistry, which early attracted attention, has burst forth from its old contracted and fanciful boundaries to a growth which astonishes the world. That chemistry is based on the principles of mathematics, none but a tyro would question. Mineralogy, especially in the department of crystallography, involving so much as it does of chemistry and so much of geometrical law, is certainly mathematical. I cannot but think that geology deserves the same designation; and 12 Opening of Walker Hall. that, when this wonderful subject is more perfectly understood, its mathematical basis will be universally conceded. What is there, indeed, of forces, whether gentle or of terrific power, what is there of forms, proportions, motions, time-measures, which is not involved in it? As mere history, the succession, progression, and varieties of life, whether written ages ago on the great tables of rock which the Almighty constructed and imprinted for our after-learning, or as seen in existing species, there is nothing, so far as we know, that is obviously mathematical; but when we come to the structural laws of animals and plants, whether fossil or living, the question undergoes a change. Botany and zoology, in these respects, are certainly mathematical; and there is high authority for extending the term much farther. The indications now are, that the time is not distant when not only every flower and tree and raindrop and snowflake will be regarded as mathematically constructed, but mathematics will be discovered beautiful and profound in what might be deemed the least mathematical departments of natural history, and that they will. all be reduced to the character of "rigid sciences." * * The opinions of some leading naturalists are worthy of consideration. Prof. Agassiz says, in his book on the " Structure of Animal Life," " If we take the problem of radiation in a mathematical point of view, and present to the mathematician the question involved in the plan of radiation, it will be this: How to execute with the elements given, with a vertical axis around which are arranged parts of value, all the possible variations involved in that plan? This question is not a mere fiction. I have presented it to one of our greatest mathematicians. I requested him to solve the problem, how to devise structures variously executed, the elements being given, without introducing any new elements. His answer was readily given; and it was this, that the simplest way would be to Opening of Walker Hall. 13 It is not necessary, however, that questions like these should be- brought to a decision. My own belief is, that wherever, in the entire domain of Nature, the forms and movements of matter are conditioned on abstract laws as applied to them, there the mathematical element has a place. This view would include arts as well as the sciences, and that, too, in both the represent the whole sphere as a series of wedges placed side by side with one another. "And, to make this demonstration as clear as I can, I will take for illustration the melon, the ribs on the outside of which will give the idea of wedges combining to form a spheroidal body. The orange which I hold in my hand would give us the same idea, with one additional element, which I will consider presently. Let me take first the inside of the orange. You all know it is divided into a number of parts, which are all equal. They are what mathematicians call spherical wedges, the edges of which correspond to the axis, the spherical surfaces of which are segments of a sphere, and the sides of which are surfaces dividing those segments one from the other. Now, in executing any structure upon the idea of radiation, the simplest way would be to bring together around the axis a number of these spherical wedges until the whole space is occupied by them. There would be a larger or smaller number, according to the angle of the sides of the wedges." Passing from zoology to physiology, Prof. Huxley, as long ago as the meeting of the British Association of Science in August, I865, addressing that able body of scientific men, said, "Over the door of the department of physiology ought to be written the words,'Let no man enter here who does not study physics and chemistry.'" Dr. Bennett proceeded to observe, that biology, and physiology as a department of it, were not only connected with chemistry and physics, " but included mathematics and all the rigid sciences." If one is suspicious of Prof. Huxley on account of his protoplastic vagaries and materialistic tendencies, it should be noticed that the remarks of these eminent scientists seem to have been received rather with approval than objection by the association. But, without passing judgment on the full question here presented, whoever has examined, however cursorily, such works as " Thomson and Tait on Natural Philosophy," and "Challis on Mathematics and Physics," and observed the extent to which mathematical principles can be applied, will hesitate to affirm of any thing physical that it has no elements which are also mathematical. 14 Opening of Wa lIker Ha ll. practical and the aesthetic branches. And certainly music, architecture, and statuary are pre-eminently mathematical. But, without straining the term as usually understood, several of the most important modern sciences are certainly of this character. We say several, but not all of them. There are departments of learning, ancient and recent, which are sciences, some of which could not be brought unider that designation unless. by the most remote and fanciful analogies. In psychology, moral philosophy, social economy, civil history, public law, ethnology, there is almost nothing of science which can be called mathematical. I have made these remarks, partly because the ability of our college to do the best thing possible in teaching mathematical and kindred sciences might be thought to depend on the interpretation of terms; though, practically, the income of all gifts and endowments for such teaching is likely to be required far within the limits on which they stand conditioned. Emerging now from all relations to buildings and bequests, but remembering the descriptions which have been given of science and the recent sciences, as the basis of remarks which may be made farther on, we ieach the question respecting these sciences, —How far, and at what sacrifices, should they be taught in American colleges? This question, and others collateral with it, have been earnestly discussed by some of our ablest scholars, and are now attracting unprecedented attention both in the Old World and the New. If but little purely original can be expected on themes like these, judgments can be formed, and convictions expressed, and something done towards clearing the paths of expediency in reference to the teaching in institutions situated like our own. Opening of Walker Hall. 15 To approach the subject advantageously, we must first inquire into the character and design of the American college. It is an institution peculiar to itself, and, as such, should be distinguished from all other schools. Its immediate end is educated and completed manhood; and, since nearly all our colleges were founded and have been conducted with the interests of Christianity in view, we may add to the epithets educated and completed, and as the highest interpretation of them, Christian manhood. The design is, by discipline and culture, to make MEN, -the broadest, largest, wisest, noblest, and most useful men; scholarly men, in distinction from mere scholars; men of trained and increased capacity, capable of becoming scholars in general or specific directions. In this respect they resemble our common schools in kind, though advanced above them in degree. The common school is not a professional school, nor a school for special employments or utilities: it is a school for the incipient culture of our manhood, for the improvement of our intellectual and moral natures, and, most of all, for obtaining dominion over self, and the power of intelligent self-direction; and, consequently, the means for reaching these ends are essentially the same in all. It is not the business of the common schools to educate one portion of the boys to be masons, and another merchants, and another farmers; or to educate one class of girls to adorn drawing-rooms, another to toil in kitchens; but to fit them all for good in themselves, and for such positions in life as they may be called to fill. And this is just the end intended by the college: only the means for the attainment are far more extensive, and the results sought far more complete. But the college differs in kind, as well as in degree, from almost i6 Opening of Walker Hall. all other schools except the common. It differs from scientific, commercial, agricultural, polytechnic schools, military schools, schools of mines, and all institutions of similar design. Though not without reference to discipline and culture, these are chiefly intended to furnish instruction in specific departments, and as preparatory to specific usefulness. The public needs demand them, and their exceeding importance is not to be -disputed. They are contributing to the advancement of the country in many directions. But none of them are colleges in the American sense of the term, even when they bear that name. The American college differs also from the German gymnasium, with which it has. often been compared. The latter may be as thorough in its instructions in'the branches which it undertakes to teach as the former; but in breadth and general culture, in paternal discipline and Christian influence, is far inferior to it. Much more does the American college differ from the German universities. These are great treasurehouses of information and various teaching, by which the student may attain rank, if he will, in specific departments, and prepare himself for public offices and positions. We may need something of the kind in America, and, indeed, have already an approximation to it in our professional schools; but these are not colleges, and do not aim essentially at securing the development of completed scholarly manhood. Nor do our colleges closely resemble the English universities, nor the halls and colleges included in them, though the founders of Harvard borrowed ideas and courses for their new institution from the old ones in which they had been educated.* Our new univer* An American college, in which the instruction is thorough and well arranged, offers far greater facilities for the completed culture of its students, generally, Opening of Walker Hall. I7 sities are still more clearly to be distinguished from our old colleges. The one or the other may be of most importance in securing the instruction of all the people; but they are not the same, and do not propose the same ends, or the same methods in reaching them. The new university, as it stands up before the community and solicits patronage, seems to say, " Behold here a great fountain of knowledge, from which all who desire may come and drink; a great centre of instruction, where intelligent students of every grade may be taught. Here you will find all departments of learning; the ablest professors, instructors, lecturers, in all branches; parallel courses and graded courses, on which you may enter, and one or many of which you may complete. We shall keep no merit-roll of proficiency: our methods require no'marking system,' which is troublesome to officers, annoying to students, and invidious.* We shall hold ourselves in no measure responsible for the morals, the manners, the spirit and character, the Christianity, the manhood, of our students. If they neglect their duties, if than the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. While these institutions carry forward their "honor men " to a more advanced scholarship than is usual with us, there is reason to believe that the best students of Amherst, at the end of the sophomore year, with a very little " cramming " in specific branches, might take with credit in England the regular degree of bachelor of arts, which is obtained here only at the end of the senior year. * To conspicuous marking, especially when the scale is relative, and is applied as a stimulus to the highest scholars, there are certainly objections; but so long as there are daily recitations, and honors are awarded according to success, a current record of proficiency seems helpful to justice in final decisions. General impressions at the end of a course, without records, expose to mistakes. If frequent competitive examinations are depended on for estimating merit, we retain a "marking system," only making it more generic and less specific, while the evils of it, if there are evils, are not removed. 3 i8 Opening of Walker Hall. they yield to temptation, if they go to destruction, their blood must be upon their own heads: only they must not hinder or disturb the proper work of the institution, on penalty of dismission from it." Beyond this the new university has little responsibility, except to confer the appropriate testimonials upon those who succeed in their studies and have completed them. The new university has its advantages: it provides courses of knowledge for all; and if large masses of young men can be kept within the bounds of public order and decency, without personal supervision, without much attention to Christian principle, and without the necessity of daily recitation and discipline, it furnishes immense relief to the officers of instruction. But no institution of this character comports with the idea of an American college. In contrast with all this, the colleges say, "We propose a liberal in distinction from a specific education; a symmetrical, and, as far as the possibilities of a four-years course will allow, a complete education. We are not schools of knowledges and informations so much as of training and culture. We would make scholars for some useful end; but still more would we make scholarly men, capable of almost any useful end which they may afterward select. We devote ourselves especially to the improvement of the intellect; but we are not regardless of character, without which unprincipled intellect is often a curse. The whole man comes into our consideration; for our aim is to make men. In the business of education, we seek to employ, not merely great intellects clear as ice-crystals and as cold, but great intellects which have great hearts, and great hearts whose warmth the student is sometimes made to experience and enjoy." While the recent university contemplates large masses of young men congregated in Opening of Walker Hall. 19 a city or town, who come up at appointed times, and in their respective divisions, to receive instruction, and then scatter themselves abroad again in the surrounding population (most of them without homes and without care, in the midst of temptations), the college is designed to be a great family, and, according to the original intention, a great Christian family, in which every member of it is expected to come under the family influence. The modern university may be doing a good work; but it cannot do the peculiar work of the college, which has a province of its own. The college may be a department in a university; but, if so, it should be the central department, and a college still. The moment it adopts the spirit and the methods which characterize the foreign and the recent universities, it ceases to be a college, and the country suffers loss. We have two noble old colleges which are each the heart of a growing university. If we read the signs aright, there is a disposition among many to degrade the college in both of them nearly to a level with the professional and scientific schools around them, - a calamity from which we trust that public sentiment and the powers of control will preserve them. Let all the schools connected with a college be cherished; but let not the college be seduced, by the numbers in other departments, so to popularize its curriculum, and introduce the university methods and the university spirit, as to destroy itself. Nor should the college, whether it stands alone or is connected with a university, give way incautiously to the desire of foreign imitation. In a new country like ours, on a continent unknown when the great mass-schools of Europe were founded, in the midst of a new order of population and new forms of religion, we ought to expect new methods of educa 20 Opening of Walker Hall. tion. Colleges adapted to our wants should be original in their character, indigenous to our soil, -an American, not an Oriental or Old-World growth. With the lights of the past and the Eastern continent, our fathers had to provide for the necessities of the present and the Western. On this principle Harvard was started, and gave a first example for the wHole sisterhood of similar institutions. The American college is, to a great extent, an original production,-the offspring of American circumstances and wants. It can be modified, and has been with changing times, and should be still further improved; but the peculiar characteristics of its teaching and influence were never of more importance than now. With our rushing towards mere practical utilities, with our tendency to materialism, and the popular disregard for the aesthetic and the moral sentiment, the colleges should stand forth as the powerful conservators of what is good in the past, as the foremost friends of the discoveries of the present, and as the advocates and agents of a free, enlightened, thorough, and symmetrical Christian education. One word, as we pass, respecting college dormitories. They belong naturally to the old college, which is a family; but are quite foreign to the recent university, which refuses to be responsible for character. The founders of Harvard had an opinion on the subject. The experiment of mass-universities, with lodgings and boardings in private houses, had been extensively tried in Europe: nevertheless, says Cotton Mather, " the government of New England was for having their students brought up in a more collegiate way of living." Hence the early erection of a dormitory at Cambridge, and the continuance of its system to this day. I cannot sympathize entirely with Opening of Walker Hall. 21 those who disparage it. I rather regard with veneration those old plain buildings which have been associated with the best scholarship of the country for more than two hundred years, and in many students have enjoyed the quintessence of what is called college-life. They are not out of taste; for they'present no deformity, while they make no pretensions. I think they would be more comfortable with some of the modern improvements; but, still, why should they be despised? Why should they be stigmatized as "old monasteries," when they are all the time open to the world, and the world all the time open to them; when within the old walls there is so much social enjoyment, and so many and such valuable lifelong friendships are formed; and when one-quarter of every year is devoted to vacations and the delights of home? What should we gain by their destruction? What would England gain, and what would her scholars say, if the destruction of all the time-blackened and time-honored buildings of this class should be decreed? It is said that they are demoralizing, so many young men being crowded together. There are demoralizing influences everywhere. But according to my experience, especially in a college, where the majority have been brought up in Christian families, and are themselves essentially actuated by Christian principles, there is more of that beautiful charity which consists in throwing the arms of a loving solicitude around a classmate in temptation than of that satanic spirit which would drag down others to the level of its own degradation. It is said that students thus situated require an efficient police, which always excites odium, to control them. I am not sure, that, in a college like our own, public sentiment, with the interference of authority on rare occasions, is not the 22 Opening of Walker Hall. best police possible. But would not young men be better off scattered around in good families? Perhaps so. But how many good families are there around a large college who take boarders, and look after them morally? We have a few (God bless them! I wish we had more); but how insufficient the number! Is it not essentially true, that if the college does not provide buildings for.students, and regulate them, the students will practically provide them for themselves, and not regulate them? Besides all this, as society is now constituted, economy demands them. Men reason illogically when they draw universal conclusions from the outlook of a narrow experience. What is important in one order of circumstances may be quite inexpedient in different premises and relations. Let the old dormitories stand, then, at least in Amherst, where many of the rooms are hallowed by the memories of some of the noblest men the world has produced. We are now prepared to repeat the question, Ought the modern sciences to be largely taught in our colleges? They will, of course, be largely, and ought to be thoroughly, taught in scientific and kindred schools; and there are warm friends of the old college who think this enough. "Let the college go on," they say, " as heretofore. There are new schools for new studies, and whoever will may avail themselves of them; but let not the college proper yield any thing to utilitarian demands." Quite different is the opinion now to be advocated. New studies should receive new attention. No graduate can be pronounced liberally educated who is ignorant of them. Forty years ago, almost nothing of these recent sciences was taught in the college. There was a little chemistry, but so little and Opening of Walker Hall. 23 so superficial, that any good high school should now be ashamed of it. If there was any thing in any department of what is now called natural history, it was hardly more than a schoolboy might learn out of some popular reading-book in the winter evenings of a week. Indeed, within fifty years, there has been a wonderful development, not to say an original starting, of numerous branches of natural science. Great advances have been made in the means and comforts of living, public and social prosperity has been promoted, and the world's thinking modified, by the more recent learning. Ought a graduate to go forth with the crown of laurel-berries on his brow, to enter upon professional studies or on the common duties of a citizen, as ignorant in one great department of knowledge as the average of the population with whom he associates? Or can a college president stand up at this day without a blush, and say of his pupils, Quos scio idonzeos esse ad gradzum primuzm in arlibus suscipiendumn, when he knows that there is a whole continent of knowledge which they have never explored? Or can they respect the alma mater which declares them educated, when they find at length that they must now acquire under great disadvantages, and without any habits of true scientific study, those first principles, which they ought to have learned, and to some extent carried forward, in college? These studies furnish a peculiar variety in the means of mental discipline, which, while important to all, is specially adapted to interest and improve some classes of minds. It is a discipline which connects the training of the senses and the observing facu'lties with the laws of thought, to which all phenomena, to be understood, must be referred. It is a discipline which 24 Openzng of Walker Hall. the poetic and aesthetic temperament needs to give sobriety to the imagination, and which, in philosophic minds, is adapted to correct the tendency to live too exclusively among theories and abstractions. It is a discipline, if properly conducted, for improvement in the line of common sense; while, under a skilful instructor, it is capable of exact logical methods, and, reverting from phenomena to principles, of tasking the thinking powers to the utmost. While valuable for discipline generally, these sciences have charms for some minds, which no other branches of learning afford. They rouse the listless; they fascinate the otherwise uninterested; they make the difference between a willing and an unwilling scholar; and, in some instances, create a love for study, a self-respect, and new courage, the benefit of which is felt in all the work of the college. While too exclusive attention to them would not be well, within wisely-assigned limits they are scarcely inferior in importance to the most valuable departments of learning. In a college like our own, especially in view of the large and splendid cabinets and means of illustration which we possess, and the scientific prestige which men like Adams and Hitchcock, to say nothing of living professors, have given us, it would be shameful to neglect them. Besides these considerations, as nearly all our colleges were founded to promote Christian education (and this is pre-eminently true of Amherst), they cannot reach the ends of their being without these studies. Christianity now finds its most powerful antagonists in men who call themselves scientific. St. Paul warned the Christians of his day and of all ages against "philosophy and vain deceit," and "against profane and vain babblings, and the oppositions of science falsely so Opening of Walker Hall. 25 called." Philosophy, as an engine of unbelief, has had its day, and has lost its power. For more than half a century, especially in Europe, it was rushing through the great dark wilderness of thought like an irresistible storm; and the world was astonished by the crashing of the tall trees as it swept on, promising soon to reach a new heaven of intelligence in which dwells certainty. But, when it came out, lo! it had gone round the compass, and reached the point where it went in; and ever since it has been lying on the earth, panting and despairing, but still saying with bated breath, " We have found it out, - something is equal to nothing." Philosophy was never a formidable antagonist, as she dwelt chiefly among abstractions; and never reached down directly to the common people, nor hardly to theology itself: but science, modern science, in the hands of the unbelieving, was and is a more redoubtable champion. It came like a Goliath, with "the profane and vain babblings and oppositions " which the apostle speaks of; and there were no shepherd-boys, trained to the use of the smooth stone and little sling, which could destroy its bad influence. Science lies at the foundation of almost every living question between mere naturalism and Christian faith. Her first attacks found the Christian world unprepared to meet them. Educated believers, with few exceptions, knew almost nothing of science: it had not been taught in the colleges and schools of the last generation. Faith trembled. The true Church said, " I know that my Redeemer liveth;" but she could not give scientific answers to scientific men. The elders in the ministry now on the stage had to resort to schoolboy knowledge, and learn the first principles of defence; and though the Christian scholarship of the day now stands 26 Opening of Wal/ker Hall. erect, and, in the name of God and good learning, defies the attacks of this modern infidelity, thousands on thousands of noble youth have been unsettled by it, and need to be re-established. Trepidation will never again come on the leaders of our hosts. Christian scholarship has studied and thought itself through, and now declares that contradiction between science'properly understood and the Bible properly inter-.preted is impossible. We would put no restraint on investigation. Truth is truth; and it is strong, next to the Almighty. No Papal decree, or Protestant prejudice, or pious trembling, can resist it. It has existed in the mind of the All-knowing from everlasting. There can be no antagonisms in it. Seeming discords are only chromatic strains in the great anthem of the universe, producing the absolute harmony. The works of God should be "sought out of all them who have pleasure therein." We ask the scientist to inquire of Omnipotence, through the study of his records on the rocks, how he constructed the foundations of the earth, and what were the beginnings of his creation. We ask him to penetrate with the microscope into the infinitesimals of protoplasm, and go down with his dredging-shovel into the deepest abysses of the sea. We do not forbid him to express his doubts when he honestly disbelieves: we only demand of him that he should approach sacred subjects with a reverent spirit, and of our Christian scholars that they should be educated to follow him. The sons of the Church, the mother of true learning from the first, should be foremost in scientific discoveries, and in logical deductions therefrom; but, for such a result, our young men must be taught at least the beginnings of science in colleges, and taught by men of thorough, broad, unbigoted intelligence, Opening of Walker Hall. 27 whose souls, not leaping with desire towards unbelief, regard scientific questions from the outlooks of an honest Christian faith. But if the sciences are to be taught, and taught thoroughly, in colleges, must not much of the old learning give place to them? Many in the American public say yes; scholars, not a few, say yes.; all the materialism of the day vociferates yes. And when it is asked, "Which department in the curriculum shall we strike down?" the answer generally is, " Away with the old Latin and Greek! bury the dead languages in the dead past, and let us have the living sciences in their stead." And many of the boys in preparatory studies, and some in colleges, shout, "Away with the old grammars and lexicons! and let us go out among the butterflies and the birds and the flowers and the rocks, and we will find Latin, or its substitute, in stones, and Greek in the running brooks." The birds and the flowers are well; let the boys and the young men study them: but they are not all, nor are the natural sciences. Man does not live by bread alone, nor by amusement merely. His nature is broad, and his faculties are various; and Providence has prepared for the cultivation of them. Next to reason, man's special distinction is speech: it is that through which he hears the voices of all ages and all men, and makes his thoughts known to his fellows, and holds them up to himself. Whatever study we omit, we must retain LANGUAGE. Speech in its highest form, the living Word, is God's expression of himself to himself, and the expression of himself to us. In man, it is the self-revealing mirror of his own consciousness, and the medium of his revelation of himself to others. Of all things human, speech, next to reason, which it 28 Opening of Walker Hall. represents, is most divine. While it begins with the little sounds and narrow vocabulary of children, lifting itself to exalted themes, it advances through strange complications and relations, all controlled by laws of thought, till, out from the deep laboratories of the heated spirit, there comes forth, multiform in unity, some grand idea which moves the world. How mysterious that thoughts, invisible, intangible, — "airy nothings," can be caught, grasped, clothed in words, thrown out to view in sentences, submitted to consideration, or handed down to distant generations, and be found all glowing and palpitating with life centuries after the authors of them have passed away! Language thus presents itself as a special study for man. Language is the first school-task which Providence assigns to our infancy. It is adapted to the young, and is easily acquired by them. From small beginnings in native speech, we advance to the study of foreign tongues. The great languages of men -we regard them with awe. There is the old Sanscrit, in which primeval Brahmins expressed their daily passions, and their dark musings on life and eternity; there is the Hebrew, whose earliest utterance, and the earliest of any language on record, is a miracle among sentences, -" In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth;" and there is the Syriac, in which Hazael revolved his thoughts of ambition and murder, and the Holy Child lisped the sweet syllables of a divine innocency and uttered the great ideas which are revolutionizing the world; and modern tongues, by which nations are bound to themselves, and separated from each other. But, among the languages of men, there are two which have made a more extensive and durable impression than almost all Openingz of Walker Hall. 29 the rest. I need not name them. The Greek, as a language, is a marvel. It seems to have been providentially given as the language of languages, by which men might learn language; as the nation which spoke it is often said to have been raised up for a revelation of the beautiful, - to teach the world beauty. The Orphic bards,- flower-gardens in the wilderness of a barbaric antiquity; and then Hesiod and Homer, so extensive in vocabulary, so original in idiom, so flexible in application, so perfect in finish, that it would seem as though centuries of poets could scarcely have produced them; and Plato, pouring out philosophy in the dialect of the heavens; and Demosthenes, the supreme model for oratory in all after-ages: could we afford to dispense, in high scholarly training, with the study of language, and of such a language as this? And hardly second to it the Latin; less original, less pliable, more stately, more perfectly wrought out, no less comprehensive, quite equal in its power of world-wide adaptation, the language of the greatest of the empires, the tongue of the learned in many following generations: would a college curriculum be perfect without it? But, if we study languages, why not living languages instead of dead ones? Is the Greek a dead language, when spoken, with slight modifications, by a whole nation of descendants at this day? Is the Latin dead, when we have the daughters of that great-mother-tongue, - Italian, Spanish, French? - when it has been the language of the educated world till long since the Reformation, and is much spoken in Europe among the learned even now? Do you call the Greek a dead language, when, beneath the beautiful costume of words, all thought, all passions, all actions of men, are throbbing with life? The 30 Opening of Walker Hal l. men are dead, and so are our best English authors; but, to the true scholar, the Antigone, the Iliad, the Orations of Cicero, are no more dead than the Tragedies of Shakspeare, the Epics of Milton, or the Speeches of Pitt. Why not select a living language? Because, again, there is no living language, unless our vanity would except the English, which is equal to them. But do we not need the modern languages for the sake of the modern literatures, and of the sciences, and of travel? We need them: let us study them. But the old languages are time-saving lights in the acquisition of the new; and a short residence in Germany, France, or Spain, to a young man who has studied the old, and taken short college-courses in the new, is worth more than years of mere reading in books. But ought we not to give more time to the English, which is familiar and of daily use, instead? We ought to give more time to English, but not instead. For the very reason that it is familiar and daily used, the indolent will not, and the undisciplined cannot, linger and dwell upon it, perceive constructions and relations, and shades of meaning, as when the words are new; and the thoughts must be understood before the language can be fully interpreted. It is significant now, on the question in hand, that the Latin and the Greek languages have been the forming-powers and training-agencies in the scholarship of the world for two thousand years; and no utilitarian times have been able to displace them. It is also significant that the Greek and Latin authors brought into Europe in the fifteenth century, and the revived study of them, were powerfully influential in rousing the world from the darkness and sleep of medieval ages, and ushering in the Reformation. It is significant, again, that the greatest Opening of Walker Hall. 31 statesmen and churchmen of England, both of the past and the present, have nearly all been specially trained in the discipline of these ancient tongues. It is significant, further, that so many distinguished Americans involved in the dry principles and technicalities of the law, and in the almost vulgar strifes of politics, - men like Choate and Webster and the Adamses, - in the ripest days of their influence were accustomed to resort to the old classic masters for inspiration before debate, and for healing and repose after conflict was over. And that there is in them a power of mental excitement and uplifting, and preparation for public speaking and writing, second only to that which the Christian derives from the Scriptures, no true scholar of the classics will deny. There are times and studies in which students are more conscious of inward quickening and improvement than in others. If you will pardon a personal allusion, I know of memories connected with the closing part of the first book of the Georgics, the second and sixth books of the /Eneid, the CEdipus of Sophocles, and the Lyrics of Pindar, in the study of which the sense of growing gave an exhilaration of spirit never afterwards forgotten. Something of this remembered consciousness may be associated with other departments; but, among minds of aesthetic susceptibility, with none -more impressively than with these old classics. A portion of the pleasure derived from such memories may indeed depend on old associations, and that romance of college-life which the graduate never gets over; but all this only strengthens the reason why these studies should not be excluded. But pleasure is not the only benefit of such memories: they are powerfully educational in all the student's after-life, as often as he recurs 32 Opening of Walker Hall. to them. I once asked my old friend and classmate, the late President Felton, as we were walking over the college campus at Cambridge together, for what he would exchange such recollections. His prompt answer was, "Nothing which any amount of money can buy." When in still hours the old college-life comes up again, and I call back some of those brilliant, gifted minds which have passed from earth, and true men still performing life's duties, as well as some of the less fortunate who struggled in unequal combat with temptation, and think of them as they were in the hilarities of the playground and the competitions of the class-room, I seem to be sailing with the mariner who hears sounds of bells and melodies and voices coming up from cities buried in the sea as he floats by moonlight over them. And are not such consciousnesses produced by such remembrances soul-expanding? But, returning from the land of dreams, there is one thing more practical, which must not be passed over. The errors of young men arise greatly from mistakes of judgment. Is there any thing, except bitter experience, which is better adapted to correct this fault, than that habit of comparing reasons, of looking carefully after all the elements which affect interpretations, and of coming calmly, like a judge before his jury, to results, which is going on every moment in the lessongetting of the classics? And is any training more helpful than this towards that power of balancing probabilities by which just conclusions are formed from evidence, the practical affairs of life are managed, and that high quality of character known as wisdom is obtained? If language is to be retained in its fulness, shall we omit philosophy to make room for science? All scholars answer, Opyening of Walker Hall. 33 No! The student must be taught the laws of thought and the processes of thinking. There must be an opening of the mental vision, by which he can perceive ultimate principles, and grasp abstractions, and reason upon them. The lamp of introspection must be given him; and he must be conducted down into the depths of his being, and round through all its intricate chambers, and discover its hidden laboratories, and observe their workings. He must be taught to think, and to think independently. Cotton Mather said of Harvard in his day, that it had always been the glory of that institution, "Libere philosophari et in nullius jurare verba magistri." Shall we curtail the English department? Everybody says, No! Keep out modern languages? Our new learning as well as the old repels the idea. Mathematics? To say nothing of its abstractions, and those great principles on which the universe of matter is constructed; to say nothing of the disciplinary power of its exact reasonings, -since so many of the modern sciences are based upon it, what can we do without it? How, then, shall we find time for the new studies? Not by displacing the old, but by condensation and improvement in teaching. The preparatory studies should be more extensive and thorough. Is it too much to ask - what the old Puritans of Harvard at the beginning and through the first century required of candidates for admission to college —" an ability to read any Latin author into English, readily make and speak true Latin, and write it in verse as well as prose," and thus, while in college, to speak, as they did, in no language but Latin, except in declamations? If this cannot be expected, considering the extent of requirements in other branches, 5 34 Opening of Walker Hall. might we not insist on such a groundwork in beginnings, that the business of the college-professor would be worthy of his attainments, and the course of the students in the great literatures of antiquity full of delights? If time could be saved here, something more might be secured in preparatory mathematics, and in the amount of attention given to this subject afterward. Let there be more of it before entering, or less of it, so far as required of all, in the college-course. It is a common notion, that some persons are incapable of mathematics; and it is a true notion, that some students in college, with their existing attainments, can no more master thoroughly the assigned lessons in some branches of this science than a common house-carpenter could construct a cathedral, or a weak man ascend a ladder when the rounds are broken out beyond the ability of the feet or even the hands to reach them. But the difficulty is not that young men generally are incapable of mathematics. I have heard children, hundreds and even thousands of them, foreign and native, in the primary schools of Cambridge, go through with the complicated problems of the famous Article B in." Colburn's First Lessons," and almost without a failure, because they had ascended through all the steps of preparatory attainment, and could not be admitted to the higher schools without it. All have not the same aptitudes for this science, nor.have they for other sciences or for languages; but all can learn the former, in appropriate circumstances, almost as generally as the latter. As matter of fact, however, multitudes of students come to our colleges so miserably deficient in preparatory knowledge, not always through any great fault of their own, that they enter on their work without the faith of success, proceed with Opening of Walker Hall. 35 it despairingly, and soon advance with it to an almost total neglect and disgust. In this state they are subject to daily mortifications: they get on, if they get on at all, by memorizing a little, using deceptive artifices a great deal, with loss of self-respect, and moral injury to the whole man. And here I must speak strongly, whoever may approve or otherwise, because I speak from a deep and long-felt conviction, and say, that, in my judgment, it is a mistake and a sin, unless we could greatly improve the preparation, which at present seems impossible, to insist on lesson-getting in branches of mathematics wholly beyond the student's capacity to master them, or on any thing more than is necessary as a basis for physics and modern sciences. While we carry forward those who are capable of it, and desire it, into those high regions of study where so many of the abstract principles of creation are comprehended, and the true mathematician exults in the atmosphere of eternal law, more than half of every class, and often some of the best scholars in it, might be employed on the more easily understood but no less important sciences for which we' seek room. And I am happy to add, that the required course in Amherst College has already reached and now rests upon this basis, while special facilities for higher attainment in mathematical knowledge are enjoyed. Moreover, in the latter part of a college curriculum, when the foundations of intellectual manhood have been broadly laid, optional courses, carefully arranged, and adapted to the mental needs and aptitudes of students, and capable of such combinations as would allow of long-continued attention to special branches, might secure to many still further scientific opportunities; while others would enjoy special advantages in the 36 Opening of Walker Hall. remaining departments. I say optizonal courses, instead of random choices in heterogeneous studies. In this way, discipline and training would go on, and preparation for professional schools be secured; while the joy of successful study would be increased, and the first steps in the direction of some life-long scholarship would be taken. But the greatest saving for the sciences must be found in the methods of studying them. And this brings us fully to the question, How and how far should they be taught? They should not be taught in a fragmentary, desultory, superficial way, but in a thorough, scholarly, disciplinary manner; not as disconnected facts and curious phenomena, but as sciences according to the idea of science presented in the early part of our discussion. One may begin with details, and ascend to principles; or commence with principles, and descend to minute illustrations. The former method may be best for the inexperienced, the latter for the advanced. But, in the effort to comprehend a science as such, regard must be had both to unity and multiplicity, and then to completeness. Perfection in the attainment of any science cannot be reached: it would require more lives than a score of students have to bestow. But a skilful teacher may have the ideal before him, and make progress towards it. Unity, diversity, relations, wholeness, - in proportion as one advances towards the comprehension of the one in the many, and the many from the one, in that proportion has he made progress in a true scientific attainment. Some may doubt the practicability of such teaching; but I am sure that the method is right, and believe that success in it is possible. To what extent, then, should the sciences be taught in Opening of Walker Hall. 37 college? While they may be taught in the optional courses more largely, to the mass of students they should be taught in fair proportion to other branches. Every student should learn, first of all, what science is,- science in distinction from "knowledges;" next to this, descriptively, what the leading sciences are, the meaning of each, its history, progress, condition, importance, prospects. This could be done by a brief course in text-book or lectures. What the student would thus gain, to be sure, would be chiefly information; but it is information preparatory to more organic study: and it would also be disgraceful for students to graduate without it. Next to this, let one, two, or three special sciences be selected, and one, at the very least, be in a good measure mastered. The student will thus learn the nature of scientific research, and will know ever afterwards how to prosecute it. He is not now a thorough scientist; but he has acquired a scientific faculty, and has achieved a thorough preparation for after-study. lie has been up to the Temple of Sciences, and beheld the magnificent exterior. From some high priest of its mysteries he has heard a description of the interior apartments. He has entered one or more of its side-chapels, and has beheld, examined, and wondered; and a desire, life-long if not sooner gratified, has been created within him, to explore the building, and behold its glory. So much can be done, ought to be done; and no college can stand abreast of the education of the day, or deserves to be called progressive, which fails to do it. As the subjects which we have now considered are undergoing public discussion, I am anxious that the doctrine of this discourse may not be misapprehended. It goes for the 38 Opening of Walker Hall. old college, with all possible improvements which are. improvements; especially for the more thorough, and, for a portion of the students, more extensive courses in the modern sciences: but it would leave it the old college, the American college, still, without being Europeanized on the one hand, or degraded into an inorganic mass-school of "knowledges" on the other. It takes no ground against universities, historic or recent, but would confound none of them with the college as the word has been understood for two hundred years. It approves of professional schools when circumstances will allow of them, scientific and other schools, round about the college, organic with it, if you please, giving life to it, and receiving life from it, in the oneness of a many-membered university. It would leave Amherst College the centre of an inland educational community, with an Agricultural College, a Williston Seminary, a Holyoke Seminary, and a Ladies' College soon to be established (though at present in separate organizations) round about it, capable itself of being developed in the direction of as many professional and other collateral schools as the needs of the public may demand, and the munificence of the public will endow; but itself the old college still, with its teaching professors, its daily recitations, its square-block, red-brick, time-honored dormitories (though improved), and its parental careful supervision and moral influences, - the same old college for that broad, high, round-about culture which has made so many scholars, world-teachers, and Christian noblemen, for God and mankind. It would leave out, as far as possible, whatever may be obsolete or defective in its methods and courses; but one thing, in conclusion, it would not leave out. Opening of Walker Hall. 39 Whatever changes or revolutions the college may accept, moral supervision and Christian influence should never be left out of it, or degraded to a secondary position in it. Herein is the special danger,- the outcry for great universities and immense numbers, without Christian teaching, or responsibility for character. Cotton Mather represents, that, in the Academy of Tiibingen, there were once more than four thousand masters; in Paris, twenty, yea, thirty thousand students; in Prague, forty-four thousand foreigners engaged in study, besides native Bohemians. Extravagant as these numbers may seem, no doubt in some of the mediaeval universities there have been confused masses of children and youth, in incredible numbers, congregated for instruction; as if all the high-school, and many of the grammar-school and even primary-school children of Massachusetts, with large numbers of collegiate and professional students, should all be educated in one place together, away from their homes, with no other supervision than that of a civil police. Is it extraordinary, then, that Beza should call some of these universities flabella Satance; and Luther should call them cathedras pestilelztic and anticzhristi luzminaria; and another should style them synazgogas perditionis et puteos Abyssi? We think, perhaps, that we may safely imitate the present great universities of Prussia, that mighty nation which is making the world tremble before its intelligence and arms; but, besides the story of youthful dissipations and crimes which comes to us from those institutions, are we willing to submit to Prussian despotism for the sake of Prussian education? In a free country, when the moral and the Christian influence is gone, we are all gone. Our old colleges were founded for Christian education, man 40 Opening of Walker Hall. hood, and usefulness. Even the mottoes and devices of the college-seals bear witness to the fact. The first and temporary seal of Harvard contained three open Bibles, with a syllable of the word Veritas upon each of them; its second temporary seal, the same three Bibles, with the words Inz Christi gloriam: the words which characterize its permanent and present seal are Christo et ecclesice. Yale has one open Bible, with the Hebrew words of the high priest's breastplate, Urim and T/hummimn, inscribed in Hebrew letters upon it, and the Latin words, Lux et veritas, around it, signifying, probably, that light and truth are to be obtained by inquiring of the Lord. Brown University has a red cross on a white field between four open books, illuminated by a sun rising amid clouds, bearing the motto, In Deo speramnms. Dartmouth, established originally on the frontiers of our civilization, partly to educate converted natives, bears among other emblems the open book, the cross, a forest of Indians bending towards a college-building, with the words, Vox clamantis in deserto. Our own college exhibits on its seal an open Bible, with a full-orbed, unclouded sun pouring down upon its pages, and the words beneath it, Terras irradient. Such was the design of nearly all our American colleges, and such ought to be their mission. They set themselves up as the world's teachers: let them take care, lest, by moral unsoundness or neglect, they become the world's destroyers. Before the great war, through the hurry of our secularism and the powerful tendency of our materialism, we were fast becoming a nation of atheists. Then the Almighty thundered, and the people acknowledged his providence, and worshipped. Let it not be the fault of the colleges if that awful lesson should need to be repeated. They ought to be not only Opening of Walker Hall. 41 the guides of the people in all practical affairs, but lighthouses for them on the'shores of time, throwing out a light far into that dark sea of immortality which is always surging within our hearing. We do not ask that the college shall be a mere school of theology; though most of our colleges were founded with special regard to an educated ministry. The Church calls out, and never louder than now, for Christian ministers of superior training and attainment to fill positions of influence, to translate the Greek and Hebrew Scriptures into all strange languages, to defend and enforce the gospel with a winning and powerful eloquence. But we need, also, men of wisdom and character, educated to their highest power of influence, in all departments of life. We only insist that the education shall be moral and Christian henceforth, as from the beginning. By cultivating the intellect alone, you may make what the apostle calls principalities and powers, and insure spiritual wickedness in high places; but you will not make what the world most needs, - true men and Christian scholars. One of the first lessons my father impressed upon me at the beginning of my academic course was this, -" A learned sinner is a kind of monster;" and the many years of experience which have since passed away have only deepened my conviction of the fearful truth. There are examples of splendid talents, of accomplished scholarship, of polished manners, with dispositions vilely sensual and fiendish. Educatidn is not enough. An educated devil will be a devil still, and will remain adevil till his nature is renewed. As to Amherst College, if the moral and /te Christian should ever desert it, and its spirit become antagonistic to its seal, may the Al6 42 Opening of Walker Hall. mighty send his thunderbolts and destroy it! This is my prayer. No: He who founded it will preserve it, and the long procession of its sons, for many centuries to come, with the open Bible, and the light shining full from heaven upon it, shall powerfully help to irradiate the world. Opening of Walker Hall. 43 STATEMENT BY WM. A. DICKINSON, ESQ. [NOTE. - The building has been sufficiently described in " The Exercises at the Laying of the Corner-Stone." The building-committee consisted of the president, Hon. Samuel Williston, Hon. Alpheus Hardy, Hon. Edward B. Gillett, and Samuel Bowles, Esq. The architect was George Hathorne of New York; the contractor for the masonry, Richard H. Ponsonby; for the carpenter-work, C. W. Lessey. The immediate oversight was intrusted to William A. Dickinson, Esq., whose faithfulness, good taste, and energy have greatly contributed to make the undertaking a success.] IT is three years since the trustees of the college, at their October meeting, authorized a committee from their own number to contract for the erection of this building. The matter had already been before them for several years previous, but assumed no definite form. The money was pledged; but it was too large a sum to be trifled with, or to permit of experiments. Accustomed to the idea of the old chapel-roof covering all the departments of the college, church included, even those for whom the larger and finer accommodations were to be provided could not easily bring themselves up to so sumptuous a change; indeed, seemed to be more perplexed to decide how to appropriate such wealth of opportunity than in managing as they had within their old and narrower limits. One architect after another was consulted, but without 44 Opening of Walker Hall. avail, because there was no one to tell him definitely enough what was wanted of him. When, however, after long study, it was settled that the trustees' room, always made a point of by Dr. Walker, with'the president's office and lecture-room, and Prof. Snell's lecture and apparatus rooms, should use one floor, and that floor the second; and that these rooms must be allowed about so much space; and that the trustees' room should be located central and frdnt,,- that is, south; that the president's office must necessarily connect directly with this, and his lectureroom with that; and that Prof. Snell's lecture-room must also be upon *the south side, and that his apparatus-room must connect directly with this, then the problem was made up. The rest of the building could be brought to tliis, and we were ready then for an architect. But it was found not so simple a matter, even by an architect, to reconcile so conflicting requirements: and it was even pronounced at one time idle to insist upon the conditions prescribed; impossible to construct a fairly-balanced building architecturally, with five rooms of such sizes on one floor, with such connections, too, as.we must have, and four of them on the south side. The result, however, proved the difficulties not insuperable; for we at length received a plan from Mr. Hathorne of New York, covering all the points. The'second floor had the required five rooms, the required connections, four of them facing the south, -and with this a design for the exterior which might be taken for a photograph of the building as it stands to-day, so closely has it been followed. The rest was easily accomplished. The upper floor, to be devoted to the mineralogical cabinet and a lecture-room in Opening of W/alker Hall. 45 the department of natural history, was susceptible of any variety of treatment; and so the lower floor, on which were to be the treasurer's office and recitation and division rooms. Mr. Hathorne's plan, then, heartily accepted by the professors and committee, was afterwards adopted by the trustees, upon one condition; namely, that it could be built complete, all fixtures and furniture included, and including all cost of grading, for a sum not exceeding one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. And, with this condition most stringently pressed upon them, the building committee, or rather asubcommittee of the building-committee, were let loose. They make to-day their first and their final report, and at the same time offer their work for inspection. It has been their aim to build well and durably; to supply every convenience in each of the departments to berepresented here; to leave nothing undone that it seemed desirable should be done. Many things have been added or modified, as the building has progressed, to render the various appointments more perfect. Great pains have been taken in the matters of heating and ventilation; the plan adopted for these having been previously examined and indorsed by what we considered best authority; And so, in precautions against fire, it is believed such care has been used, that it is impossible any harm should occur to it from this cause, except as the result of deliberate purpose. If apology is due that the building has not been sooner made ready for use, we trust it may be found in the greater thoroughness of its construction, and in the finer completeness of all its internal arrangements, beyond those at first contemplated. Improvements will suggest themselves in the most carefullyplanned buildings, as the imaginary lines become real; es 46 Opening of Walker Hall. pecially would this be expected in one so new in its character as this: and we have meant to lose the advantages of no one of these for the sake of saying we have built quicker. We account the building to be now substantially finished from foundation-stone to vane; and as such we offer it to-day for comparison with the description, read by Dr. Stearns at the laying of its corner-stone, of what it was to be.'It has cost entire, grading about it included, and furnished throughout, just within the hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars; and so the single condition upon which the trustees would adopt the design is fulfilled. In its imposing yet attractive outlines it will stand a monument to science, to the noble generosity of him whose name it bears; no less to those who, perhaps, have more disinterestedly, because silently, joined him to make available his large offer to the college; and a monument, also, to the wisdom, address, and unflagging zeal, of President Stearns, to whom, more than to all others, is the college indebted for the possession of its Walker Hall; as would say every one of the donors to the fund from which it was built. This, and the beautiful church, the walls of which are rising higher every day, on the eastern slope, will long attest his taste and foresight, and his devotion to the wants and interests of the college; determining and controlling, as they must, by their presence and influence, the character and scope of all future improvements upon College Hill. Opening of Walker Hall. 47 STATEMENT BY PROF. E. S. SNELL. SOON after Amherst College was opened for the reception of students, in September, I82I, a few second-hand articles of English apparatus were purchased of Dr. Prince of Salem. These were, a set of simple machines, a small air-pump, an electrical machine, a compound microscope, a solar microscope, a magic-lantern, and a limited number of small articles to accompany them. There was also a pair of globes, and a small Gregorian telescope. The collection had probably done long service elsewhere; and some of the articles were much worn. The air-pump was especially infirm, and would generally fail before a lecture was closed, unable to draw another breath. When the north college was erected, in 1822, the southern half of the fourth story was devoted to public uses. The space now occupied by the entry and corner-rooms was used for a chapel. The back middle-room contained the college library; and the front middle, the apparatus both in natural philosophy and chemistry: and lectures in both of these departments, indeed on all subjects, were given in the chapel, the simple pulpit at the west end serving as a lecturing-desk. Prof. Olds, the first incumbent of the chair of natural philosophy, and Prof. Jacob Abbott, his successor, had only the meagre collection already described with which to 48 Opening of Walker Hall. illustrate the principles of the science. In 1831, Prof. Hovey, the successor of Prof. Abbott, visited Europe for his health; and the opportunity was seized upon by the friends of the college to solicit contributions, and to commission the professor to purchase books for the library, and apparatus for the scientific departments. I think, about four thousand dollars were raised for these purposes. The principal part of the philosophical cabinet was procured of Pixii of Paris, and cost somewhat less than two thousand dollars. The chapel-building which had been erected in 1826, between the north and south colleges, had a room appropriated to the uses of the philosophical apparatus; and the few articles first purchased of Dr. Prince had been placed in it. Previous to the purchases made by Prof. Hovey, all the instruments belonging to the department were accommodated on one wide shelf extending half round that room. After the new apparatus had arrived, and before Prof. Hovey s return, the whole was unpacked, and the parts put together at my own house, where it stood in two unoccupied rooms till cases could be erected for it in the room of the chapel-building. From I827 to 1870, a period of forty-three years, this collection of instruments has been kept in the same room, new cases having been repeatedly added as they were needed; but for the last eight or ten years the cases have become so crowded, that, when a new article was wanted, the first question to be answered was, "Is there any room for it?" And this want of space for the safe and convenient accommodation of new instruments has of late been a serious difficulty in the way of increasing the collection. In quantity, and, as I think, in real utility, it is now just about double of Opening of Walker Hall. 49 what it was immediately after the purchases were made in 1831. It may not be improper for me to state in what way this increase has been made. But let me premise, that, for a few years after Prof. Hovey's purchases, the philosophical apparatus of Amherst College had a high reputation. It was extensive for that day; and the articles, mostly of French construction, were very neat and beautiful when compared with the old and heavy English instruments which were to be found in most of the colleges. Professors from several institutions came to examine it; and the establishment of Pixii received not a few large orders from the United States in consequence of the example set by this college. Every department of knowledge, however, is progressive. Whatever completeness the appliances for giving instruction may possess this year, they will be found deficient the next. Hence I'very soon found it necessary to furnish myself with additional pieces, either for the illustration of newly-discovered facts and principles, or for the more perfect presentation of those already known. But how should this be done? The college was poor, and the money already expended had been begged from friends who supposed they had set her up for a lifetime. It would not do to apply to them again so soon. Of course, the college must appropriate a little to the several departments in order to keep things in repair. The problem was, how with that little (which for this department did not, for a considerable time, exceed twentyfive dollars a year), how with that small sum, to preserve the apparatus in a decent condition in spite of wear and accident, and also to make occasional additions and improvements. 7 50 Opening of Walker Hall. With all my want of qualifications for my position, of which none can be so fully aware as myself, I found one thing greatly in my favor. I was born a Yankee, and from childhood had been fond of whittling. The department of natural philosophy gave me the opportunity of indulging in this kind of recreation. Before I could afford to buy tools, or fit up a shop, I begged the use of both from my worthy friend Mr. David Parsons, who is a most skilful mechanic himself, and who gave me gratuitously a multitude of valuable hints. The old gentleman is to this day very fond of calling me his apprentice. The department of natural philosophy in Amherst College owes not a little, both directly and indirectly, to the skill and kindness of Mr. Parsons. By slow degrees I procured tools for myself, and at length set up shop in the rear part of my house, where, during each of the last thirty years, I have done more or less of mechanical work. I have repaired instruments which needed repair; a considerable number I improvzed, so that they serve their purpose better, or else answer another purpose beside that for which they were originally designed; and not a few I have wholly made, either from published descriptions, or from designs of my own. The most valuable article which my private work-shop now contains is not my own, but belongs to the college. It is an zegine lathe, turned by the foot; and was given by James T. Ames, Esq., of Chicopee, for the benefit of the department. The average appropriation to the department of natural philosophy from I828 to 1869 has been about sixty-five dollars per year, - a sum which could hardly be expected to do more than keep the apparatus in tolerable repair. And yet, as I have already said, this annual allowance has served to double the value of the collection. Opening of Walker Hall. 5 But it will be readily perceived that the apparatus increased in this manner cannot retain its beauty of appearance. President Hitchcock, in his " Reminiscences of Amherst College," paid me a compliment wholly undeserved (and I told him so) when he stated that the visitor would hardly be able to distinguish the articles which I had made from those manufactured in London or Paris. I have not even attempted, much less attained to, any such niceness of finish; for this reason, if for no other, - that it would cost too much time. And in many instances, where a French instrument would be handsomely wrought in brass, I have used wood, or other cheap material; so that its appearance is comparatively rude and heavy. Now that the collection is to occupy a spacious and handsome apartment, I trust the Walker funds will avail to replace many cheap-looking instruments by more comely and fitting ones, as well as to add a number of others which I have for some time wished to procure, but which the former room was not large enough to accommodate, nor the resources of the department sufficient to purchase. 52 Opening of Walker Hall. PROFESSOR HITCHCOCK'S REMARKS. [NOTE.- As Prof. Hitchcock's remarks were unwritten, the following outline of them: has been reported from memory by one of the professors.] BEING introduced by the Hon. Edward B. Gillett, who happily presided on this occasion, as the youngest or most recently-appointed of the trustees, Rev.' Prof. Roswell D. Hitchcock of New York said, He wished to declare himself at the outset as strongly in favor of the old system of college education, with its essen-.tial principles intact and entire. He liked new means, new facilities, new buildings, - especially such perfect edifices as Walker Hall, so well planned and finished, and devoted to mathematics and the kindred sciences; but he insisted on adhering to the old system, with mental disczipline and culture as its fundamental principles. And in this connection he indorsed with all his heart the address to which we had just been listening (that of President Stearns); a thoughtful and carefully-considered address, though written under the pressure of manifold duties; a well-balanced and matured address, the result, manifestly, of many years of reflection, observation, and experience; as true as the book, and as wise and judicious as it was true, recognizing the discipline and culture of the mind, by substantially the old means and methods, in the old classical and mathematical studies, as the true basis of colle Opening of Walker Hall. 53 giate education. Mathematics and languages were the two corner-stones of the system; and he defied the ingenuity of man to discover any substitute or any equivalent for them as the means of mental discipline. "God geometrizes," said the old Greeks; and man should do likewise. The object of education is chiefly twofold. i. Mental power, which, like physical strength, can be used for any desired purpose; and this can come only by exercise, the intense exertion, and thus the strong and fine development, of the fibre of the brain, -just as-muscular strength comes only by-muscular exertion. 2. Method, -not so much knowledge of particular subjects and sciences as a right method; so that this mental power may be rightly directed, and so be made effective. This must come from study of the best methods, and practice in view of the most perfect models; and these are to be found in the mathematics and ancient classics. There are two great subjects of human thought and inquiry, God and man; and there are two great studies, sciences, or classes of sciences, corresponding to these two great subjects: I. Theology, the science of sciences, at once supreme over all, and, in a sense, comprehensive of all. 2. The humanities, including philosophy, history, public economy, art, literature; in short, reason and speech as they have been developed and cultivated in the progress of our race. And with emphasis it may be said in education, and pre-eminently in college-education, that "the proper study of mankind is man." In conclusion, the speaker exhorted the students of the college, his younger brothers, to expect power, influence, true success, in the world; not as the, product of genius or native 54 Opening of Walker Hall. talent, or some happy accident, but only as the reward of toil and effort. Daniel Webster had said that he knew of no other genius but a genius for hard work; and if they would be any thing, or do any thing for themselves, or for their Alma Mater, who looked to her alumni as her ornament and her support, they must achieve it by SEVERE DISCIPLINE, HARD WORK, AND UNCONQUERABLE WILL. EXERCISES AT THE LAYING OF THE CORNER-STONE, JUNE 10, 1868. Opening of Walker Hall. 57 EXERCISES AT THE LAYING OF THE CORNER-STONE. [NOTE. - To make the account of Walker Hall more complete, the exercises which were connected with the placing of the corner-stone, on the ioth of June, I868, are'appended.] THE corner-stone of the new scientific building, to be called Walker Hall, was placed in its position at the north-west corner of the projection of the building, with informal ceremonials appropriate to the occasion, on the forenoon of Class Day at Amherst, June Io, I868. A procession of students and visitors, being formed on the green west of Williston Hall, marched across the grounds to the library, conducted by the Mendelssohn Band, where they received the trustees, officers of the college, and guests who were present, and thence passed over to the site of the building. The assembly was called to order by Hon. Edward Dickinson, chairman of the day. Introducing the services, Mr. Dickinson said, "We\ have met this morning to witness and assist in laying the corner-stone of a building so long needed, so long desired, and the erection of which has been so long delayed, that the faith of many wavered, and the subject of ever having it came to be regarded more as a matter of fancy than of fact. But faith is now exchanged for sight; fancy 8 58- Opening of Walker Hall. yields to reality. We now stand on solid rock, and are to-day to place on its foundation the corner-stone of an edifice beautiful in design, tasteful in its proportions, ample in its dimensions, appropriate in all its appointments, and to be the future permanent repository of a portion of those unrivalled and invaluable collections in the departments of natural history which adorn the college; and, when the top-stone shall be laid with rejoicing, may we meet again in this beautiful spot, and dedicate the Lbuilding. to the cause, and inscribe upon it in letters of gold the name of the Temple of Science!" After music by the band, an appropriate and fervent prayer was offered by Rev. Joseph Vaill, D.D., a long-tried friend of the college, who has served it in various relations, especially as one of its trustees, for about fifty years. After prayer, the corner-stone was placed, with appropriate ceremonies, by the senior class, who had desired to honor their Class Day by this act, and had selected a committee of their number for the purpose. The following hymn was sung by the college-choir. It is the eleven hundred and fifteenth hymn of "The Sabbath HymnBook," altered and adapted to the occasion:" O God! beneath thy guiding hand Our exiled fathers crossed the sea; And, when they trod the wintry strand, With prayer and psalm they worshipped thee. Laws, freedom, truth, and faith in God, Came with those exiles o'er the waves; And, where their pilgrim feet have trod, The God they trusted guards and saves. Openzing of Walker Hall. 59 Temples they built, and schools endowed, To found a nation powerful, free: So, down before thy footstool bowed, We consecrate these walls to thee. And here thy name, 0 God of love! Our children's children shall adore, Till these eternal hills remove, And spring adorns the earth no more." After the singing, a paper was read by the president, making some statements respecting the character and design of the contemplated building, with notices of the principal donors, especially of Dr. Walker, the leading contributor towards it, and whose name it is to bear. Hon. Alpheus Hardy was then called upon by the chairman of the day to take the place of another gentleman from whom the committee of arrangements had solicited an address for the occasion. Mr. Hardy consented to make a few offhand remarks, though he declined to be considered as making a speech. We have been unable to obtain any copy or outline of his remarks, but take the liberty to say, that, though extemporaneous, they were highly interesting, and were much applauded. After complimenting the generosity of Dr. Walker, notwithstanding his faults, from which he drew impressive lessons for young men, and dwelling at some length upon the advantages which had already resulted to the college from the munificence of this eminent donor, and the encouragement thus given to other friends to contribute towards the perfecting of an institution so firmly founded, he spoke pleasantly of the president and officers of the college, and closed with a 60 Opening of Walker Hall. beautiful tribute of commendation to a " gentleman across the river," who was, after all, the special benefactor of the college; who took it up years ago in its feebleness, when, for want of pecuniary strength, it was ready to perish, and, by his far-seeing wisdom and munificence, breathed into it the breath of life. Back of all others, and whoever may come after, the college will never forget the early generosity and continued favors of Samuel Williston. Prof. Snell was also called upon for remarks; who said that he would make: no'other.speech than to state a fact; viz., "that he had already performed his part by drawing off with his air-pump tegas' from the box which contained documents intended for posterity:; as, if we wish to presezve any thing in the shape of literature, it is important to take thegas out. When these exercises were concluded, the audience, assisted by the band, joined in singing, "Praise God, froml whom all blessings flow." The benediction was pronounced by Dr.' Vaill.'The morning was very beautiful. The large audience of ladies and gentlemen, pleasantly shaded from the sun by the college-grove, under whose branches they had assembled, seemed to participate in the gladness of the day, and freely congratulated each other upon the prospect of adding such a magnificent building to the means of education in Amherst. Openinz'g of WalZker Hall. 61 PRESIDENT STEARNS'S REMARKS. WE have assembled to place- the corner-stone of a new Temple of Science in Amherst College. It is intended for the promotion of.thorough instruction in important branches of academic discipline. It is to be located, as you see, just north of the grove, partly on land purchased for the purpose from Mr. Boltwood. Its dimensions are to be a hundred and twenty feet in length from east to west, and sixty-five feet in its greatest breadth, not including porches. On opposite sides of this main edifice there will be two spacious stone porches, with ascending steps thirty feet in breadth. These designate and protect the main entrances; the one on the south facing the college-grounds, and that on the north the boundary-avenue. The building is to be three stories high above the basement, the height of' each story being fifteen feet. In the centre of the building, and approached through the'porches and connecting vestibules, is the main hall, about thirty feet square, from' which, on the different floors, the rooms and offices will be entered..This hall contains the main stairway, surrounded by a series of arches, forming on each landing an arcade gallery, with columns and carved capitals rising one above the other to the top of the building. The light is received from the.ceiling through an ample skylight; the whole height of the hall, from the first'floor to the sky-light, being fifty feet. 62 Openzing of Walker Hall. The exterior of the building will be simple in its detail, and imposing in its mass and outline. The style is that known as the revised mediaeval. The material for the work is Monson granite, the substantial evidences of which we see scattered and piled on all sides around us. It is generously furnished by William N. Flynt, Esq., from his quarry in Monson, without other expense to the college than the cost of transportation. To this solid granite will be added dark sandstone in bands, tracery, and capitals, occasionally used for contrast and relief. At the east and west ends, also on the north side, are small towers, rising slightly above the roof, relieved by a central tower surmounting the entire mass, and rising to the height of a hundred and twenty feet from the ground. On the first floor there will be recitation-rooms, division and study rooms for mathematical and astronomical purposes, and a treasurer's office and vault. The second floor will contain the president's lecture-room and private office on the west and south, the trustees' room in the centre, a philosophical, lecture, and recitation room on the'east and south, and connecting with this, on the north, a fine apparatus-room fifty-four feet long by twenty wide, with chemical. and work rooms for the special, accommodation of the professor of natural philosophy'and his classes. The third story will be devoted to a lecture-room in the department of natural history, and for the accommodation of cabinets, especially that splendid collection of minerals gathered by'Prof. Shepard, which constitutes one of the most brilliant ornaments of the college. The building, when completed, will be known as Walker Hall. If present designs are carried out, it will be the largest, most Opening of Walker Hall. 63 convenient, most expensive, most princely edifice on our grounds. The architect is George Hathorne, Esq., of New York, whose designs, as well as his genius and reputation, are a guaranty that his work, when completed, will praise him. Richard H. Ponsonby, Esq., is the contractor for the masonry; and C. W. Lessey, Esq., is the contractor for the carpenter's work, - both of them gentlemen of experience and character in the arts which they profess. It will cost, if completed according to the contracts, something over a hundred thousand dollars. It has been thought desirable that I should make some statements respecting the principal donors of this building, and of their views in contributing to its construction. As Dr. Walker, whose name it bears, furnished more than half the means necessary to its projected cost, and as he is the only one of these donors who has already passed from earth, (long may the noble survivors remain among us!) and as Dr. Walker has been but recently, and still is very partially, known to the friends of Amherst, it may be proper that I should speak of him and his interest in us with more freedom than delicacy would justify if he were still in the midst of us. In gathering some items, especially concerning his earlier history and his standing as a physician, I am aided by a manuscript notice of him, which was prepared and read before the Medical Society by Dr. Morrill Wyman of Cambridge, who was a pupil of Dr. Walker, and enjoyed his confidence, I believe, to the last. The name of our generous donor was William Johnson Walker. He was born in Charlestown, Mass., March 15, 1790; 64 Opening of Walker Hall. and died in Newport, R.I., April 2, 1865; being a little over seventy-five years of age. His father was Major Timothy Walker of Charlestown, Mass. His mother, from whom he received the name of Johnson, was a lineal descendant of Capt. Edward Johnson of Woburn, Mass., author of that quaint old Puritan history; entitled "Wonder-working Providence of Zion's Saviour in New England." Of this line of ancestry he was specially fond of speaking in my intercourse with him; and, as the president of your college happened to claim descent from the same original Johnson stock, this little bond of connection, though remote, is believed to have been helpful, sometimes, in securing the continued favor which Dr. Walker was pleased to accord to us. His early education was received in the public schools of his native town. He fitted for college in Phillips'Academy, Andover; entered the University at Cambridge in I8o6, and was graduated in course in I8Io. He was specially interested in the study of Latin, and his conversation in after-life abounded in apt quotations from it; also in geometry, in which he continued to take great pleasure through life. The first strong impulse which he had for thorough study, the first time that he perceived any real meaning in the mathematics, or experienced any love for them, as he repeatedly told me, was in connection with the efforts of one of his college instructors, who called him to his private room, and explained to him with great patience the relations contained in the problem which had been assigned to him. He studied medicine in Charlestown, and afterwards in Medford, under the direction of John Brooks, who was some years later appointed Governor of the Commonwealth. For this gentleman as his medical instructor, especially for the Opening of Walker Hall. 65 precision and thoroughness of his teaching, he often expressed the profoundest regard. "The study of his profession" (I here quote from Dr. Wyman) "was perfectly congenial to his tastes; and he pursued it, especially the branches of anatomy and physiology, with great industry and success. While yet a student, he competed successfully for the prize on the subject of hydrocephalus, offered by the Boylston Medical Committee of Harvard University, in I813." Soon after obtaining his medical degree, "war at the time existing between the United States and Great Britain, he sailed for France, on a privateer fitted out from Boston to prey upon the English commerce. In Paris he devoted himself assiduously to his profession. The number of French students being greatly diminished by the conscription of Napoleon, the hospitals were mainly served by medical students from abroad." Of the unusual opportunities thus offered, under the best medical instructors of the time, Dr. Walker availed himself most faithfully. "Soon after the abdication of Napoleon, he went to London, and became a pupil of Sir Astley Cooper; and, having spent six months in the prosecution of his studies in Guy's and St. Thomas's Hospitals, he returned to the United States, and immediately commenced the practice of his profession in his native town." "By his devotion and kindness to his patients," says Dr. Wyman, " and his consideration of those less favored by fortune, he became beloved and popular; by his knowledge of his profession, by the readiness and clearness with which he communicated that knowledge to his juniors, his affable manpers towards them, and his scrupulous care of their reputation, he became with them a favorite consulting physician and sur9 66 Opening of Walker Hall. geon. The older members of the profession, though they did. not always find him as agreeable in the consultation-room as they might wish, could never deny the accuracy of his observation, nor the acuteness of his diagnosis. lie was appointed physician and surgeon of the Massachusetts State Prison, which office he held for several years, and also consulting surgeon to the Massachusetts General Hospital. After having practised his profession about thirty years, and having performed successfully nearly all the capital operations in surgery, he relinquished it, and removed to Boston. He then turned his attention to the various public improvements in progress, especially in manufactures and railroads. The mental qualities which made him eminent in his profession did not fail him in his new walk, and he soon amassed a large fortune. But it was no sooner acquired than he set about distributing it." As Dr. Wyman prepared his manuscript for the medical society in which Dr. Walker was well known, it may be of interest if I add some things from my own knowledge for the information of the friends of Amherst, among whom he has been, except from the fame of his munificence, but little known. Though I had long heard of him as a physician of peculiar qualities and great abilities, I had had no personal acquaintance with him till about the year I86I, when I received a note from him in which he proposed to contribute something for education in Amherst College and Williams College. As the result of conferences and correspondence, he donated real estate to Williams College, Tufts College, and Amherst College, which was to be held for a number of years in trust, and then be used for objects which he designated. Opening of Walker Hall. 67 We have but recently received the last instalment from that gift. The portion assigned to Amherst, which was intended as the foundation of a professorship of mathematics and astronomy, including a part of the interest which had accrued, amounts to about twenty-five thousand dollars, and is regarded as a permanent endowment of that professorship. He also gave large sums during his lifetime, and afterwards by will, to the Natural-History Society in Boston, to the Institute of Technology, and to Tufts College. But I shall speak here only of his benefactions to Amherst. His second donation to Amherst was ten thousand dollars for special instruction in mathematics, the income to be paid as salary to some recent graduate of superior mathematical abilities and aspirations, who should teach select divisions of students of the sophomore and freshman classes, by a special drill, under the general direction of the head of the department who was to oversee these special students, while he gave thorough instruction also to the remainder of the class. He afterwards gave us two thousand dollars, the income of which was to be expended in prizes, as testimonials of the high proficiency which he hoped some few at least in every class would be able to reach in matiematical science. Meanwhile, he had also given several hundred dollars as a temporary provision for the advancement of this branch of education. After making many inquiries respecting the condition and wants of the college, he was led to propose the construction of a building for mathematical and other scientific purposes, which might also enclose important rooms for some of the prominent needs of the college. His first proposition was, that he would give twenty thousand dollars for this object, 68 Opening of Walker Hall. provided the friends of the college would contribute an equal amount, -a condition almost universally received as at that time impracticable. Many solicitations for assistance in the attempt proposed were made, and many of them signally failed. A few gentlemen, however, when the subject had been fully presented to them, came to be of a different mind. First, our old and long-tried benefactor, Hon. Samuel Williston, was able to comprehend the full breadth of the importance, present and prospective, of complying at once with what might seem to be the hard conditions of this proposed gift. Without consulting his own inclinations or his own convenience, which might at that time have prompted a different result, he decided to contribute five thousand dollars to the object. This act of Mr. Williston gave courage for further attempts. I have been accustomed to look upon it, under all circumstances, as one of the most broad-minded and disinterested of that gentleman's many generous donations to the college. Samuel Hitchcock, Esq., of Brimfield, the gentleman whose name is attached to the Hitchcock Professorship of Natural Theology and Geology; whose scholarships, known as the " Hitchcock Scholarships," have gladdened the hearts of a large number of students who were faltering for want of pecuniary means in their course, and have helped to secure superior talents and acquisitions to the world, - this gentleman responded with cheerfulness to the appeal, and, urging the collection of the whole sum required as soon as possible, subscribed, as Mr. Williston had done, five thousand dollars. James Smith, Esq., a New-Englander by birth, but a resident in Philadelphia, his adopted city, in which he has devoted generous sums for the promotion of those great objects which Opening of Walker Hall. 69 the true New-Englander holds dear, - education, freedom, and religion, - and who had been in the habit of regarding Amherst College as a bulwark of intelligence and faith, very kindly and very nobly, on solicitation, added a third five thousand dollars to the sum. With all this encouragement, it now seemed impossible to obtain the balance. But we were too near the goal willingly to yield the prize. Our friends in Boston and vicinity, including our own trustees, came to the rescue. Among them, Hon. Alpheus Hardy, who had frequently conferred with Dr. Walker on the subject, and had greatly assisted to secure the continuance of his patience and good-will, was the largest contributor. The venerable Dr. Alden, who has been unwearied in his devotion to the college, as a member of the board of trustees, for many years, and other gentlemen, gave liberally; and the forty thousand dollars was secured. This, however, was no sooner accomplished than Dr. Walker perceived, what some had suspected before, that a building such as he contemplated could not be erected for any such sum. A new proposition was made by Dr. Walker; viz., that he would give twenty thousand dollars more, on condition that the friends of the college would add another equal amount. This proposition was received with surprise (I trust also with gratitude), but at the same time with consternation approaching despair of success. Many said, "The raising of such another sum is impossible." But more was depending than appeared. The doctor also was pleased very soon to put forward the suggestion, that, if his wishes should be complied with, the amount would probably be made up to a hundred thousand dollars without further tax upon the college or its friends. I have only time to mention the 70 Opening of Walker Hall. final result; which was, in general, that Messrs. Williston, Hitchcock, and Smith consented to double their subscriptions; and J. C. Baldwin, Esq., of New York, himself a generous donor of the college in another direction, kindly permitted that a legacy bequeathed to the college by his brother, M. H. Baldwin, Esq., and of which the surviving brother had the right of specific appropriation, should go to make up the sum. When this sum had been fully secured, and the friends of the college had begun to take breath, Dr. Walker, who was becoming more and more interested in our affairs, seeing that what the college now specially needed was the endowment of some existing professorships and the support of the general treasury, proposed to give the college fifty thousand dollars, provided a hundred thousand dollars more should be subscribed by the other friends of the institution. Half this sum had been conditionally though prospectively pledged; and there seemed to be a fair prospect that the whole might be raised, or that Dr. Walker would pay over his subscription, without insisting upon the full amount on which it had been conditioned, when his sudden death intervened, and thus the whole project came to the ground. Our hope of relief to the general treasury, and ability to pay adequate salaries to professors, meet general expenses, and make necessary improvements, was thus doomed to disappointment. Dr. Walker's kindly feelings towards us continued to the last. March 31, I865, he writes,"For the last several weeks I have suffered excruciating pains; been confined mostly to my bed and am in great danger of passing off without completing the business in Opening of Walker Hall. 7I hand with your college. Should things be so, I wish to complete all my worldly affairs while I am able so to do. What will be the desires of the college after they receive the hundred and fifty? "P. S.- Details must be attended to at once." This letter, written on Friday, came to hand on Saturday night. The next day, which was sabbath, he suddenly expired. His disease was a disease of the heart. He had often told me that he was a "minute man." The event proved that he understood his condition. Dr. Walker left a great property. After making such provision for his family as he thought proper, and devising several bequests, he gave the balance, by will, to the NaturalHistory Society of Boston, to Tufts College, to the Institute of Technology, and to Amherst College, to be divided among them, in equal parts, as his residuary legatees. In the settlement of the estate, these several institutions, yielding to the dictates of expediency, -to say nothing of justice,- consented to surrender three hundred thousand dollars of their joint claim to the family of Dr. Walker, with whom he had not resided for several years, and for whom, if he had provided according to his own rigid ideas of economy, he had not made provision in accordance with the expectations which his great property might naturally excite. I take no pleasure in adding, that, after this liberal arrangement, a suit was unexpectedly commenced, and a question in law is still pending, between the widow of the deceased and the executors, for fifty thousand dollars more. Our college has already received, under the will, a hundred and twenty thousand dollars, 72 Openzing of Walker Hall. which, added to preceding donations, amounts to something over two hundred thousand dollars; and something, though not a great sum, more may be expected, The friends of Amherst who do not know will naturally ask, "What sort of man was this Dr. Walker?" He was a peculiar man. He was a powerful man. He was a self-relying man. He was a passionate man. He was a large-hearted man. He loved and would protect those whom he considered his friends, at all hazards. To be his enemy and have much to do with him, to say the least, was not comfortable. " No man," says Dr. Wyman; "was ever a truer friend; and those whom he considered his enemies were never in doubt as to his relations to them. His temperament was ardent, which sometimes betrayed him into a course of action in which there was much to regret, and little to defend." He had resided in Newport for several years in a highly respectable family boarding-house, where he lived very plainly and economically, though not grudgingly; entertaining his friends liberally when they called; contented when his wishes were not thwarted and his few wants were supplied; grateful for sympathy accorded to him in his isolation and infirmities, and especially for the attentions bestowed upon him by the venerable ladies under whose roof he dwelt, and whose quiet kindness he rewarded by a handsome legacy to insure the comforts of their declining years. His conversation abounded in anecdote, early memories, apt quotations. He was often humorous, never uninteresting. Neglect, disrespect, strong opposition, concealment, and indirection in dealing with him, would rouse the lion which was sleeping within him. Those who once lost his confidence Opening of Walker Hall. 73 were not likely to regain it. Such men always have enemies. "All my friends," he once said to me sadly, "turn against me after a whi/e." He often spoke regretfully, sometimes indignantly, of what he considered neglects in his early education, particularly of a want of thoroughness and faithfulness on the part of some of his instructors. "If I had gone right to," said he, "instead of going where I did, I should have been a different man from what I am. That early neglect has been the bane of my life." "You plead hard," said he in a letter, "for the dull members of classes, when you say they are some of them destined to fit boys to enter our colleges, and therefore should be thoroughly drilled. I had just such instructors. I want no more of them. Would to God my lines had fallen under skilful and accurate masters! Can the blind lead the blind? I trow not." In my personal intercourse with him, he was uniformly courteous, respectful, gentle, and kindly; but I saw enough to satisfy me that his nature was imperious, his purposes persistent, and his will indomitable. He was not a man to be advised. He would listen to reasons till his mind was made up: from that moment he was impatient of adverse or even kindly suggestion. You had your choice, - to accept his propositions, or take your hat and retire as gracefully as you could, but with the understanding that you retired forever. He did, however, sometimes change his views; but this change was exceptional, and did not usually occur till time had had its influence, and the reasons for it had become his own. When he had formed his plans, he pushed them with all the energy of his great nature. In meeting the conditions 10 74 Openi7z g of Walker Hall. of his proposed gifts, he could scarcely see any difficulties in the way; wondering at the hesitation of the college, not to say asking impossibilities. In looking over the correspondence, I find not unfrequently some such expressions as these: "You MUST" (underscored by a threefold emphasis) "get the whole twenty thousand dollars." " Can you not push it to completion now? " " ihil sine labore." "Nil arduumn est mortalibus." "Do your' people want my money?" "You see I am giving away my property, and I wish to complete the business with your college as soon as possible." When hard pressed to obtain the required funds, I had once written, "It is impossible to hurry such matters beyond certain limits; but, Deo volente, if I live, the full amnount will be obtained." He responded with delight, " Dear sir, I am gratified with your late communication. When you say'I will do it,' I call to mind the veritable blood of Edward Johnson. Possztnt quia posse videntur." The next time I met him, and with the subscription completed, he said, " When a Johnson crooks his elbow, and says'I will,' the thing goes," —an assertion which was true of one man, or it was no fault of William johnson Walker. But I shall not quite meet the views of the friends of Amherst unless I answer a question always uppermost in their minds, " What was his religio-us character? " He early told me that his religious views were his own, and that he had never disclosed them, except, in part, to one person. "They call me," he said, "an Ishmaelite;" by which he meant, I suppose, that he did not agree with anybody, -a position which one would not naturally deny. He wrote to me in my afflictions during the war more than once, tenderly, and almost reli Openzig of Wtalker Hall. 75 giously. He attended the dying-bed of an aged member of the household with whom he resided in Newport, reading to her daily in the New Testament, and suggesting Christian consolations. Of her he wrote me, "The elder sister of my household (seventy-eight years of age) is near her exit from this world. I admire to witness the placid, peaceful, happy termination of a well-spent, useful life, when the fruit is ripe, and the prospect of everlasting joy as reliable and hopeful as in the case of my friend." Towards the last, when he had reminded me in a letter that he was nearly through, I framed an answer with the intention of drawing out his religious feelings (if he should be disposed to communicate them), that I might, if possible, afford him some Christian sympathy and assistance. He responded kindly; said that he had been intending to write me a long letter, but his failing strength would not allow of it. His views in the appropriation of his property indicated generosity, liberal ideas, and an intelligent appreciation of the value of sound learning. "I have made most of my property," he said, "since I retired from the world; and almost my only object in doing it has been that I may contribute to education." "More than once," he said, "I have made arrangements for my family in my will, - as much as I think necessary for them; as much as they and others seem to think is necessary: all the rest I intend shall go to promote education." When he made his first donation to Amherst, he accompanied it with these words: "It is my desire to contribute in such manner as I can to the promotion of practical knowledge and sound mental discipline in the young men of our commonwealth and nation. The means within my power which appear to me most suitable for the 76 Opening of Walker Ha11. purpose are to place, in the hands of established institutions for education, funds, to be by them devoted to perfecting the systems and methods of instruction in specific branches." When he gave his two thousand dollars for prizes, he said, "I consider myself a steward in the distribution of my means. Tell the young men, that, if they take half the pleasure in deserving the prizes which I do in bestowing them, I shall be compensated. Tell them also that there is nothing worth living for but doing good to mankind." In reference to giving his money to institutions of different theological views, he said humorously, "If any of them are in error, perhaps the best thing I can do is to enlighten them by education." In closing his will, he says, " Finally, I request the recipients of the above-bequeathed property to realize that no inconsiderable portion thereof has been gathered as the fruits of a laborious vocation, exercised through anxious days and sleepless nights; that it is given to them, inz trust, nevertheless, to be expended so as to enure to the greatest advancement of sound education in the department as above specified, and the public good. I request that its investment may be safely guarded; that its expenditure may be subject to the strictest economy; yet that it may be appropriated liberally, where the objects aimed at justify an open hand, and cannot be afforded the cause of education and the public good at less expense." If any inquire why this building was not sooner commenced, I answer briefly, The reasons may be found, first, in the wish of Dr. Walker, expressed often during his lifetime, that no money should be expended upon it in the then existing state of labor and the public finances; and second, that, though there might have been delay in consequence of in Opening of Walker Hall. 77 ability to settle sooner several questions with regard to location and internal arrangement, there never had come a time previous to the present when contracts could be made at all advantageous to the enterprise, and without too much risk to the college. All that I have to say further of Dr. Walker is simply this: Dr. Walker was a great man in his way. He had great abilities, great excellences, great peculiarities. He has been a great friend of Amherst College; and it becomes us, as a sacred debt of gratitude to a remarkable benefactor, to defend his reputation as we may, and cherish his memory. RAND, AVERY, & FRYE, PRINTERS, NO. 3, CORNHILL, BOSTON.