CATALOGUE OF THE GOYERNORS, TRUSTEES, AND OFFICERS, AND OF TEE ALUMNI AND OTHER GRADUATES, OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE (ORIGINALLY KING S COLLEGE), IN TIEE CITY OF NEW YORK, FROM 1754 TO 1867. NEW YORK: D. VAN NOSTRAND, No. 192 BROAD WAY. M DCCC LXVIII. CONTENTS. PAGE Governors of King's College.............................................. 7 Regents of the University, as Trustees of Columbia College................. 10 Trustees of Columbia College............................................. 11 Committee on the School of Mines........................................ 17 Trustees of the Medical Department,..................................... 17 Chairmen.......................................................... 18 Clerks.. s. 19 Treasurers of the College........................................ 20 Presidents of the College.............................. 20 Provost............................................................. 20 Faculty of Arts......................................................... 21 Tutors................................................................ 25 Fellows........................................................ 26 Librarians........................................................... 26 Chaplain........................................................... 26 Head Masters of the Grammar School..................................... 27 Faculty of Medicine................................ 27 Faculty of Law.................................................. 31 Faculty of the School of Mines........................................... 31 Senatus Academzicus, 1868.............................................. 33 Assistants and other Officers.......................................... 37 Graduates in Arts........................................... 40 Graduates in Medicine...............8................. 83 Graduates in Law.................................................... 93 Honorary Graduates, etc............................................. 99 Enumeration.......................................................... 113 Roll of Alumni, who served in the Army or Navy 1861-65................... 114 Index of Officers..................................................... 119 Index of Graduates.............................................. 123 ABBREVIAT IO NS. ARCH. Architect. ED. Editor, ART. Artist. ENG. Engineer. Au. Author. F. Farmer. B. Banker. M. Merchant. BR. Broker. PuB. Publisher. CHEM. Chemist. REV. Reverend. C. L. Counsellor at Law. T. Teacher. A star (*) prefixed to a name denotes that the individual is deceased. In every case in which the year of the decease is known, it is indicated at the right. CORRECTIONS. PAGE 8. -Joannes Cable-Joannes Carle. 9.-James De Lancy, Jr.-James De Lancey, Jr. 10.-John Ogilvie, retired 1775-John Ogilvie, deceased 1774. 11.-John Ganoe —John Gano. 14.-Paschal N. Strong-Pascal N. Strong. 15.-James M. Mathews-James M. Matthews. 15.-William H. Harrison-William H. Harison. 43, 1773. —Nathaniel Phillipse-Nathaniel Philipse. 49, 1799. —John Vredenbergh Varick-John Vredenburgh Varick. 60, 1826.-John Marshall Guinn-John Marshall Guion. 60, 1826. —John WV. Hammersley-John W. Hamersley. 69, 1842.-Wheelock Hendel Parmly-Wheelock Hendee Parmly. 71, 1847.-Joseph Kanicks Riggs-Joseph Kanick Riggs. 80, 1863. —Clifford Faitout Eagle-Clifford Faitoute Eagle, (Br.), A. M. 84, 1803.-Samuel Schofield-Samuel Scofield. 93, 1860.-Bradbury Chandler Chatwood-Bradbury Chandler Chetwood. 107, 1840. —Hugh Swinton Lagare'-Hugh Swinton Legare. ADDITIONS. PAGE 47, 1793.-Prefix a star to the name of James Parker. aet. 92. *1868. 51, 1806.-Prefix a star to the name of John Peter De WTint. 51, 1806.-Prefix a star to the name of John L. Tillinghast. 61, 1827.-Prefix a star to the name of James M. Quin. aet. 61. *1868. 78, 1961.-After the name of Charles Coolidge Haight, add (Arch.). 79, 1861.-After Samuel Baldwin Ward, add Curator Coll. Museum 1868-. 80, 1863.-After the name of Richard Mentor Ienry, add A. M. 80, 1863.-After the name of James Murray, add (Rev.). 80, 1863.-After the name of Walter Satterlee, add (Art.). The following should have place at page 31: In 1862 a School of Chemistry was opened in the College by Prof. Joy. Its officers Mwere, PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY. 1862 CHARLES A. JoY, PH. D.................................. ASSISTANTS. Resigned. 1862 MAIURICE PERRINS....................................... 1863 Resigned. 1863 CHARLEs A. STETEFEIDT................................... 1864 Resigned. 1864 HENRY B. CORNALL.................................. 1864 This school was discontinued in 1864. IXPLANATORIY NOTICE. THE present catalogue of the Alumni and other graduates of Columbia College is the sixth which has been published since the re-organization of the College under its present title, in 1787. These publications have not been periodical; and in no one of them except the last, which was issued in 1865, has there been any attempt to indicate the professions or occupations of the graduates, or to present a record of the honors, academic, civic, or military, which have been conferred upon them. Such an attempt, made for the first time, in the absence of any written record of such things regularly kept at the College or elsewhere, could not but be, to a certain extent, unsuccessful; and accordingly in the issuing of the catalogue of 1865 no credit was claimed for it on the score of perfection or completeness. The publication was avowedly made, in the form adopted, quite as much in the hope of eliciting, by means of the interest it might excite, additional information in regard to the personal history of the graduates, as of giving a permanent form to the information already obtained. This hope has not been wholly disappointed. A number of the Alumni of the College have kindly contributed important additions to the knowledge which had been previously gathered in regard to members of many of the earlier classes; and in consequence of this valuable assistance, the present edition of the catalogue, though still far from being all that could be desired, will be found to exhibit a sensible improvement on the last. Copies of this catalogue will be sent, as in 1865, to all the living Alumni whose residenc,es are known. Those who may not receive it may be assured that the omission is owing only to want of information as to their proper addresses. They will be promptly supplied, on application, by post or otherwise, to the President, at the College. Notwithstanding the considerable success which has attended the efforts made to supply the deficiencies of the former publication, the imperfections which will doubtless be detected in the present one can hardly fail to be numerous. This 5 6 EXPLANATORY NOTICE. prefatory note cannot, therefore, be better concluded than by repeating the request earnestly made in 1865, of every graduate into whose hands the catalogue should fall, that he would communicate to the President any information which may serve to improve it in future editions; completing first his own record, should he find it deficient, and adding any important facts within his knowledge, which the catalogue does not contain, in regard to any other graduate or graduates. O VE R NO R S OFP K I T G'S COLLEGE, NEW YORK, AS APPOINTED BY ROYAL CHARTER, OCTOBER 31, A. D. 1754. THE most Reverend Father in God, THOMAS, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury; and the most Reverend the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury for the time being, ex qficio. The Right Honorable DuxN, Earl of Halifax, first Lord Commissioner for Trade and Plantations; and the first Lord Commissioner for Trade and Plantations for the time being, ex oficio. The Governor of the Province, ex qoficio. The eldest Councillor of the Province, ex officio. The Judges of the Supreme Court of Judicature 6f the Province, ex ofqcio. The Secretary of the Province, ex officio. The Attorney-General of the Province, ex officio. The Speaker of the General Assembly of the Province, ex qffcio. The Treasurer of the Province, ex oyqcio. The Mayor of the City of New York, ex officio. The Rector of Trinity Church in the City of New York, ex oficio. The Senior Minister of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church in the City of New York, ex qficio. The Minister of the Ancient Lutheran Church in the City of New York, ex qfficio. 7 8 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. The Minister of the French Church in the City of New York, ex oicio. The Minister of the Presbyterian Congregation in the City of New York, ex qficio. The President of the College, ex oicio. [The Names of those who, at various times, attended meetings of the Governors, by virtue of their office as above, are: JOHN CHAMBERS, Second Justice of the Supreme Court of the Province. WILLIAM KEMPE, Attorney-General of the Province. ABRAHAM DE PEYSTER, Treasurer of the Province. EDWARD HOLLAND, Mayor of the City of New York. HENRY BARCLAY, Rector of Trinity Church, New York. JOANNES RITZEMA, Senior Minister of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, New York. JOHN ALBERT WEYGAND, Minister of the Ancient Lutheran Church, New York. JOANNES CABLE, Minister of the French Church, New York. SAMUEL JOHNSON, President of the College. JOHN CRUGER, Jr., Mayor of the City of New York. DANIEL HORSMANDEN, Third Justice of the Supreme Court of the Province. JOHN TABOR KEMPE, Attorney-General of the Province. BENJAMIN PRATT, Chief-Justice of the Supreme Court of the Province. MYLES COOPER, President of the College. SAMUEL AUCHMUTY, Rector of Trinity Church, New York. JOHN CRUGER, Speaker of the General Assembly of the Province. The Archbishop of Canterbury (by proxy).] ARCHIBALD KENNEDY................................ Declined to qualify. Deceased JOSEPH MURRAY.......................... Between July, 1756, and May, 1757 Removed from the Province JOSIAH MARTIN.......................... Between March, 1761, and Oct., 1764 Deceased PAUL RICHARD........................... Between July, 1756, and March, 1759 Retired HENRY CRUGER.............................;....Subsequently to 1780 Deceased WILLIAM WALTON.................Between May, 1768, and March, 1770 Retired JOHN WATTS.....................................Subsequently to 1780 Resigned HENRY BEEEMAN...................................................... 1770 Resigned PHILIP VERPLANK...................................................... 1770 Retired FPREDERIC PHILIPSE.................................... Subsequently to 1780 GOVERNORS OF KING'S COLLEGE. 9 Deceased JOSEPH ROBINSON..............Between May, 1755, and March, 1759 Retired JOHN CRUGE.....................Subsequently to 1770 Retired OLIVER DE LANCEY......................................Subsequently to 1780 Deceased JAMES LIVINGSTON...................................... 1763 Deceased BENJAMIN NICOLL.........................Between Feb., 1760, and April, 1763 WILLIAM LIVINGSTON.,.......................... Declined to qualify. Retired JOSEPH READE.......................................Subsequently to 1770 Retired NATHANIEL MARSTON.................................... Subsequently to 1780 Deceased JOSEPH HAYNES.. O.O................. Between March, 1758, and Jan., 1762 Retired JOHN LIVINGSTON.....................Subsequently to 1780 Deceased ABRAHAM LODGE.,,....,... Between June, 1760, and Jan., 1762 Retired DAVID CLARKSON...,.....................Subsequently to 1780 Retired LEONARD LISPENARD......................... Subsequently to 1780 Retired JAMES DE LANCY, JR....................................Subsequently to 1780 Appointed subsequently, by virtue of the power vested in the Governors by the Charter: Appointed Resigned 1759 SAMUEL AUCHMUTY......... Having become Rector of Trinity Church, 1764 Resigned 1759 GABRIE LUDLO................................................. 1770 1761 EDWARD not qualify or serve. Deceased 1762 JOHN CHAMBERS........B............Between Nov., 1762, and Oct., 1764 Retired 1762 HENRY CUYLER...................... Subsequently to 1770 Retired 1762 JAMES DUANE............................. Subsequently to 1780 Retired 1762 WILLIAM ALEXA&NDER, Earl of Stirling................Subsequently to 1776 Retii ed 1763 CHARLES WARD APTHORPE.......................... Subsequently to 1780 Resigned 1764 BEVERLEY ROBINSON.............................................. 1770 Deceased 1764 JOHN PROVOOST...............Between Aug., 1767, and March 1770 Retired 1764 THOMAS JONES..................................... Subsequently to 1780 Ret red 1764 ARCHIBALD KENNEDY....................Subsequently to 1780._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.. _.................i. 10 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. Appointed Retired 1770 ROGER MORRIS................................... Subsequently to 1780 Retired 1770 JOHN OGILVIE, S. T. D........................................... 1775 Retired 1770 SAMUEL VERPLANCE......................... Subsequently to 1780 Retired 1770 GOLDSBOROUGH BANYAR...........................ubsequently to 1780 Retired 1770 WILLIAM WALTON.........Subs..................Subsequently to 1780 Retired CHARLES INGLIS, S. T. D....................... Subsequently to 1780 Retired HENRY WHITE..O.O.......................... Subsequently to 1780 Retired PETER MIDDLETON, M. D..........................Subsequently to 1780 Retired JACOB WALTON.................................Subsequently to 1780 Retired JOHN HARRIS CRUGER............................. Subsequently to 1780 Retired JOHN MAUNSELL.........,.................... Subsequently to 1780 REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY, To whom the Government of the College, under the name of COLUMBIA COLLEGE, was committed by an Act of the Legislature of the State of New York, passed May 1, A. D. 1784: The Governor of the State for the time being, ex oqcio. The Lieutenant-Governor... The President of the Senate... The Speaker of the House of Assembly for the time being, ex qoicio. The Mayorof the City of New York. " " The Mayor of the City of Albany... The Attorney-General.. The President and Professors of the College " " The Secretary of State 4.. BROCEHOLST LIVINGSTON, MATTHEW CLARKSON, ROBERT HARPUR,. RUTGERS VAN BRUNT, WALTER LIVINGSTON, JAMES TOWNSEND, CHRISTOPHER YATES, THOMAS LAWRENCE, ANTHONY HOFFMAN, HENRY WISNER, CORNELIUS HUMPHREY, JOHN HARING, LEWIS MORRIS, CHRISTOPHER TAPPAN, PHILIP PELL, JR., JAMES CIINrON, TRUSTEES OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE. 11 CHRISTOPHER P. YATES, EZRA L'HOMMEDIEU, JAMES LIVINGSTON, CALEB SMITH, ABRAHAM BANCKER, JOHN WILLIAMS, JOHN C. DONGAN, JOHN M'CREA. And the following, added to the abovenamled by an Act of Legislature, passed November 26, 1784: JOHN JAY, LL. D., CHARLES MCKNIGHT, M. D., SAMUEL PROVOOST, S. T. D., THOMAS JONES, M. D., JOHN H. LIVINGSTON, S. T. D., MALACHI TREAT, M. D., JOHN RODGERS, S. T. D., NICHOLAS ROMAYNE, M. D., JOHN MASON, S. T. D., PETER W. YATES, JOHN GANOE, MATTHEW VISSCHER, JOHN DANIEL GROSS, S. T. D., HUNLOCK WOODRUFF, M. D., JOHANN CHRISTOFF KUNZE, S. T. D., GEORGE I. L. DOLE, JOSEPH DELAPLATNE, JOHN VANDERBILT, GERSHOM SEIXAS, THOMAS ROMAINE, ALEXANDER HAMILTON, LL. D., SAMUEL BUEL, JOHN LAWRENCE, GILBERT LIVINGSTON, JOHN RUTTHERFURD, NATHAN KERiR, MORGAN LEWIS, EBENEZEtR LOCKWOOD, LEONARD LISPENARD, JOHN LLOYD, JOHN COCHRAN, M. D., HERMAN GARRISON, EBENEZER RUSSELL. TRUSTEES OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE. The following, appointed by an Act of the Legislature of the State of New York, April 13, 1787, reviving the original Charter with amendments: Resigned JAMES DUANE............................................ 1795 Resigned SAMUEL PROVOOST, S. T. D......................................... 1801 Retired JOHN H. LIVINGSTON, S. T. D........1810 Resigned RICHARD VARICK................................................ 1816 Deceased ALEXANDER HAMILTON, LL. D................................... 1804 Resigned JOHN MASON, S. T. D.................................................. 1788 Retired JAMES WILSON...................................................... 1788 12 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. Retired JOHN GANO*..................... 1788 Deceased BROCEHOLST LIVINGSTON, LL. D........................................ 1823 Resigned ROBERT HARPUR.................................................. 1795 Resigned JOHN DANIEL GROSS, S. T. D......................................... 1787 Resigned JOHANN CHEISTOFF KUNZE, S. T. D..................................... 1792 Deceased NVALTER LIVINGSTON................................................... 1797 Deceassd LEWIS A. SCOTT................................................... 1798 Declined JOSEPH DELAPLAINE......................................... 1787 Deceased LEONARD LISPENARD................................................... 1790 Retired ABRAHAM BEACH, S. T. D..................................... 1813 Deceased JOHN LAWRENCE.................................................... 1810. Retired JOHN RUTHERFURL t................................... 1787 Resigned MORGAN LEWIS D...,.. Ot............................. 1804 Resigned JOHN COCHRAN, M. D,., O.......................... 1794 Resigned GERSHOM SEIXAS................................................. 1815 Resigned CHARLES MCKNIGHT, M. D...................................... 1787 Deceased THOMAS JONES, M. D..................... 1798 Deceased MALACHI TREAT, M. D............................................. 1795 Resigned SAMUEL BARD, M. D................................................. 1804 Resigned NICHOLAS ROMAYNE, M. D............................................. 1793 Deceased BENJAMIN KISSAM, M. D...................................... 1803 Deceased EBENEZER CROSBY, M. D............................................... 1788 And the following, subsequently chosen by virtue of the Act of April 13, 1787, empowering the Trustees then created to fill vacancies; Appointed Resigned 1788 WILLIAM SAMUEL JOHNSON, LL. D............................1800 Deceased 1788 RICHARD HARISON, LL. D....................................... 1829 * This name does not appear on the list of Trustees after Marc') 15, 1788. t This name does not appear on the list of Trustees after May 20, 1787. TRUSTEES OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE. 13 Appointed Resigned 1789 JOHN WATTS..................................................... 1816 Deceased 1790 WILLIAM MOORE, M. D............................ 1824 Retired 1793 EDWARD LIVINGSTON................... 1806 Resigned 1793 JOHN MCKNIGHT, S. T. D........................................ 1795 Deceased 1794 JOHN COSINE...................................................... 1798 Resigned 1795 CORNELIUS I. BOGERT............................................. 1823 Resigned 1795 JOHN M. MASON, S. T. D.. 1821 Deceased 1795 SAMUEL NICOLL, M. D...................... 1796 Deceased 1795 EDWARD DUNSCOMB............................................... 1814 Resigned 1796 GEORGE C. ANTHON, M. D................ 1815 Resigned 179.7 PHILIP LIVINGSTON................................................ 1806 Deceased 1799 JOHN CHARLTON, M. D............................................ 1806 Deceased 1799 JOHN N. ABEEL, S. T. D........................................... 1812 Deceased 1799 JAMES TILLARY, M. D............................. 1818 Resigned 1801 CHARLES H. WHARTON, S. T. D................................. 1801 Deceased 1801 JOHN H. HOBART, S. T. D..................................... 1830 Resigned 1802 BENJAMIN MOORE, S. T. D.................................. 1813 Resigned 1804 EGBERT BENSON, LL. D.......................................... 1815 Deceased 1804 JOHANN C. KUNZE, S. T. D........................................ 1807 Deceased 1805 GOUVERNEUR MORRIS.............................................. 1816 Resigned 1805 JACOB RADCLIFF....................... 1817 Retired 1806 SAMUEL MILLER, S. T. D.............................. 1813 Resigned 1806 RUFUS KING, LL. D....................... 1824 Deceased 1807 NICHOLAS EVERTSON..................................... 1807 Retired 1808 OLIVER WOLCOTT................................................. 1816 Deceased 1809 JOHN B. ROMEYN, S. T. D................... 1825 Deceased 1811 WILLIAM HARRIS, S. T. D................................... 1829 Resigned 1811 ROBERT TROUP, LL. D............................................ 1817 14 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. Appointed Resigned 1812 PETER A. JAY.................................................... 1817 Resigned 1813 CLEMENT C. MOORE, LL. D........................................ 1857 Resigned 1813 CHARLES WILKES................................................. 1824 Deceased 1815 DAVID B. OGDEN, LL. D......................................... 1849 Resigned 1815 WILLIAM JOHNSON, LL, D................................. 1842 Deceased 1815 JOHN VWELLS.................................. 1823 Retired 1816 THOMAS Y. How, S. T. D.................. 1818 Resigned 1816 WILLIAM HENDERSON.................... 1823 Resigned 1816 EDWARD W. LAIGHT................... 1851 Resigned 1816 JOHN R. MURRAY........................................ 1835 Resigned 1816 WRIGHT POST, M. D........................... 1828'l Resigned 1817 BEVERLEY ROBINSON...................., 1854 Deceased 1817 THOMAS L. OGDEN............................................ 1844 Resigned 1817 NICHOLAS FISH......................................... 1833 Retired 1817 JAMES RENWICE................................................... 1820 Retired 1818 SAMUEL F. JARVIS, S. T. D........................................ 1820 Deceased 1818 JOHN T. IRVING......................................... 1838 Deceased 1820 DAVID S. JONES, LL. D..................... 1848 Resigned 1821 GULIAN C. VERPLANCE............................................ 1826 Deceased 1822 PASCHAL N. STRONG.......................................... 1825 Resigned 1823 JAMES KENT, LL. D......................... 1823 Deceased 1823 PETER A. JAY, LL. D............................................. 1843 Resigned 1823 JOHN DUER...................................................... 130 Resigned 1824 BENJAMIN T. ONDERDONK, S. T. D.............................. 1853 Deceased 1824 LYNDE CATLIN................................................... 18'33 Resigned 1824 JONATHAN M. WAINWRIGHT, S. T. D 1830 Deceased 1824 PHILIP HONE...1851 Deceased 1824 JOHN WATTS, M. D................................................ 1831 TRUSTEES OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE. 15 Appointed Resigned 1825 CHARLES KING.................................................. 1838 Resigned 1825 JAMES M. MATHEWS, S. T. D..........................,,.,........ 1830 Resigned 1826 SAMUEL BOYD..................... O,,............... 1835 Resigned 1828 WILLIAM CREIGHTON, S. T. D. O...................... 1840 1830 GARDINER SPRING, S. T. D............... o.......oo *........s Deceased 1830 JAMES CAMPBELL..................,,.......... 1848 Resigned 1830 WILLIAM D. SNODGRASS, S. T. D.................................... 1833 Deceased 1830 JOHN L. LAWRENCE......................... 1849 Resigned 1830 WILLIAM A. DUER, LL. D........................... 1842 Deceased 1830 JOHN FERGUSON..,,......,..,O.......,,................. 1832 Resigned 1831 EDWARD R. JONES.,..,.,,......,..,................... 1838 Deceased 1832 WVILLIAM BERRIAN, S. T. D..D. 1862 Deceased 1833 OGDEN HOFFMAN................. 1856...................... 1856 Resigned 1833 THOMAS W. LUDLOW.......................................... 1836 Deceased 1834 SAMUEL WARD.................................................... 1838 1836 SAMUEL B. RUGGLES, LL. D....................................... Deceased 1836 JOHN KNOX, S. T. D..................... 1858 Resigned 1837 THOMAS L. WELLS...1859 1837 THOMAS L. WELLS............................................. 185.. Resigned 1838 WILLIAM 1R. WILLIAMS, S. T. D.................................... 1848 Deceased 1838 WILLIAM H. HARRISON..................................... 1860 Deceased 1838 JOHN B. BECK, M. D................ O.. 01851 Resigned 1840 HAMILTON FISH...............................................1849 Deceased.1840 WILLIAM BARD O.,..,. O....o.... 1853 1842 WILLIAM BETTS, LL. D.......... o. O *.O..... Resigned 1842 NATHANIEL F. MOORE, LL. D................... 1851 1843 BENJAMIN I. HAIGHT, S. T. D...................................... Deceased 1845 GERRIT G. VAN WAGENEN O.............. 1858 Resigned 1848 JOHN L. MASON..................................... 1853 Resigned 1848 WILLIAM H. HOBART, M. D....................................... 1855 16 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. Appointed 1849 EDWARD JONES................................................... 1849 ROBERT RAY.................................................... 1849 GOUVERNEUR M. OGDEN.......................................... Deceased 1849 CHARLES KING, LL. D............................................ 1867 1851 HAMILTON FISH, LL. D.......................................... 1851 HENRY JAMES ANDERSON, M. D., LL. D............................ Resigned 1851 GERARD W. MORRIS.............................................. 1855 Resigned 1851 GEORGE H. FISHER, S. T. D............................. 1855 1853 GEORGE T. STRONG.................. Deceased 1853 JONATHAN M. WAINWRIGHT, S. T. D., J. C. D....................... 1854 1853 EDWARD L. BEADLE, M. D........................ Deceased 1854 GEORGE F. ALLEN................................................ 1863 1854 HORATIO POTTER, S. T. D., LL. D., D. C. L.................. Deceased 1855 ALEXANDER W. BRADFORD, LL. D.................................. 1867 1855 MANCIUS S. HUTTON, S. T. D................................ 1856 MARTIN ZABRISEIE....................................... 1856 JOHN TORREY, M. D., LL. D...................................... 1858 THOMAS DE WITT, S. T. D....................................... 1858 LEWIS M. RUTHERFUID........................................... 1859 JOHN JACOB ASTOR, JR............................................ 1859 JOHN C. JAY, M. D.............................................. 1860 WILLIAM C. SCHERMERHORN....................................... 1862 MORGAN Dix, S. T. D............................................. 1864 FREDERICK A. P. BARNARD, S. T. D., LL. D........................ 1867 SAMUEL BLATCHFORD, LL. D....................................... TRUSTEES OF THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. 17 COMMITTEE OF THE TRUSTEES ON THE SCHOOL OF MINES. 1865. WILLIAM BETTS, LL. D., Chairman. LEWIS M. RUTHERlFURD, EDWARD JONES, FREDERICK A. P. BARNARD, S. T. D., LL. D. GEORGE T. STRONG, HAMILTON FISH, LL. D. JOHN TORREY, M. D., LL. D., ASSOCIATE MEMBERS. CORNELIUS R. AGNEW, M. D., ROBERT L. KENNEDY, GEORGE C. ANTHON, Baron ROBERT OSTENSACREN, SAMUEL W. BRIDGHAM, HOWARD POTTER, LEWIS L. DELAFIELD, TEMPLE PRIME, FIRANKLIN H. DELANO, PERCY R. PYNE, WILLILM E. DODGE, JR., JAMES RENWICK, JACOB P. G. FOSTER, OTIS D. SWAN, NATHANIEL P. HOSACK, LUCIUS TUCKERMAN, GEORGE C. WARD. TRUSTEES OF THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. 1860. receased JOHN C. CHEESMAN, M. D......................................... 1862 EDWARD G. LUDLOW, M. D....................................... JOSEPH DELAFIELD.................................................... FLOYD SMITH......................................................... RICHARD M. BLATCHFORD.............................................. EDWARD DELAFIELD, M. D...... JOHN P. CROSBY...................................................... GURDON BUCK, M. DD................................................... Deceased LUTHER BRADISH..........................................................1863 JAMES W. BEEKMAN.................................................... 18 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. DANIEL D. LORD................................................... BENJAMIN Bi. WINTHROP................................. EDWARD L. BEADLE, M. D...... Resigned WICKHAM HOFFMAN.................................................. 1867 ISAAC WOOD, M. D...................................................... GEORGE W. WRIGHT.................. FREDERICK A. CONKLING................................ CHARLES HENSCHEL, M. D... WASHINGTON MURRAY...................... HENRY CHAUNCEY, JR.................................. SULLIVAN H. WESTON, S. T. D......................................... WILLIAM BETTS, LL. D.................... Resigned JOHN JACOB ASTOR, JR.................................................. 1863 GEORGE TALBOT OLYPHANT.......................................... JOHN TORREY, M. D., LL. D................................ SINCE APPOINTED. 1863 BENJAMIN OGDEN, M. D........................................... 1863 CAMBRIDGE LIVINGSTON. 1864 JARED LINSLY, M. D........................................ 1867 JOHN J. CRANE, M. D.... CHAIRMEN OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS UNDER THE ROYAL CHARTER. The Governor of the Province, or person next in rank, or Senior Governor, as the case may be. OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS, 1784-1787. The Chancellor of the University, or Vice-Chancellor, or Senior Regent. OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Appointed Resigned 1787 JAMES DUANE................................................. 1795 Resigned 1795 SAMUEL PROVOOST, S. T. D.................................... 1801 CLERKS. 19 Appointed Resigned 1801 JOHN H. LIVINGSTON, S. T. D......... 1810 Resigned 1810 RICHARD VARICK............................................. 1816 Deceased 1816 BROCKHOLST LIVINGSTON, LL. D.......................... 1823 Resigned 1823 RICHARD HARISON, LL. D............................ 1823 Deceased 1823 WILLIAM MOORE, M. D......................................... 1824 Resigned 1824 NICHOLAS FISH............................................... 1832 Deceased 1832 PETER A. JAY, LL. D............... 1843 Deceased 1843 DAVID B. OGDEN, LL. D....................................... 1849 Resigned 1849 EDWARD W. LAIGHT................... 1850 Resigned 1850 13EVERLEY ROBINSON......................................... 1854 Deceased 1854 JOHN KNOX, S. T. D...................................... 1854 Resigned 1858 GARDINER SPRING, S. T. D................................... 1859 1859 HAMILTON FISH, LL. D...................................... CLERKS OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS. LAMBERT MOORE. OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS, 1784-1787. ROBERT HARPUR. OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Resigned 1787 ROBERT HARPUR......... 1795 Resignled 1795'ABRAHAM BEACH, S. T. D...................1..................... 1811 Resigned 1811 WILLIAM HARRIS, S. T. D.................... e 1811 Resigned 1811 JOHN B. ROMEYN, S. T. D............................ 1815 Resigned 1815 CLEMENT C. MOORE, LL. D....................................... 1850 1850 WILLIAM BETTS, LL. D..................................... 20 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. TREASURERS OF THE COLLEGE. Appointed Resigned 1775 LEONARD LISPENARD.............................................. 1784 Deceased 1784 BROCKHOLST LIVINGSTON, LL. D................................... 1823 Resigned 1823 NICHOLAS FISH.............................................. 1823 Resigned 1824 WILLIAM JOHNSON, LL. D.......................................... 1833 Deceased 1833 JOHN L. LAWRENCE............................................... 1849 Deceased 1849 GERRIT G. VAN WAGENEN 1858............................. 1858 1858 GOUVENEUR M. OGDEN............................................ PRESIDENTS OF THE COLLEGE UNDER THE ROYAL CHARTER. R esigued 1754 SAMUEL JOHNSON, S. T. D................................... 1763 Retired 1763 MYLES COOPER, LL. D........................................ 1775 Resigned 1775 BENJAMIN MOORE, A. M. (pro tempore, in the absence of the Presdent).......................................................... 1776 UNDER THE NEW CHARTER. Resigned 1787 WILLIAM. SAMUEL JOHNSON, LL. D.......................... 1800 Resigned 1801 CHARLES H. WHARTON, S. T. D............................. 1801 Resigned 1801 BENJAMIN MOORE, S. T. D..................................... 1811 Deceased 1811 WILLIAM HARRIS, S. T. D..................................... 1829 Resigne I 1829 WILLIAM ALEXANDER DUER, LL. D........................... 1842 Resigned 1842 NATHANIEL F. MOORE, LL. D................................. 1849 Resigned 1849 CHARLES KING, LL. D........................................1. 1864 1864 FREDERICK A. P. BARNARD, S. T. D., LL. D............... PROVOST. resigned 1811 JOHN M. MASON, S. T. D.................................. 1816 FACULT'Y OF ARTS. 21 FACULTY OF ARTS. President JOHNSON WaS, at first, sole Instructor. PROFESSORS OF MATHEMATICS AND NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Appointed Deceased 1757 DANIEL TREADWELL, A. M......................................... 1760 Transferred 1761 ROBERT HARPurR, A. M............................................ 1765 Deceased 1799 JOHN KEMP, LL. D............................................... 1812 Transferred 1813 ROBERT ADRAIN, LL. D........................................... 1820 PROFESSORS OF MORAL PHILOSOPHY. Promoted 1762 IMYLEs COOPER, A. M............................................. 1763 Resigned 1787 JOHN DANIEL GRoss, S. T. D...........1.......................... 1795 In 1795, Logic was added to the Department. Retired 1795 JOHN MCKNIGHT, S. T. D............................... 1799 In 1799, Rhetoric and Belles Lettres were added. Deceased 1801 JOHN BOWDEN, S. T. D........................................... 1817 Transferred 1817 JOHN MCVICKAR, S. T. D......................................... 1857 In 1818, Intellectual Philosophy and Political Ecouomy were added. PROFESSORS OF MATHEMATICS. Resigned 1765 ROBERT HARPUR, A. M........................................... 1767 Transferred 1786 JOHN KEMP, LL. D...'...................................... 1799 Transferred 1857 CH.ARLES D.VIES, LL. D. ].................................. 1859 Promoted 1857 WILLIAM G. PECZ, A. M. (Adjunct)...................1............ 1859 1863 J. HOWARD VAN AMRINGE, A. M. (Adjunct)......................... PROFESSORS OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Retired 1765 SAMUEL CLOSSY, M. D............................................. 1776 In 1785, Astronomy was added to the Department. Resigned 1785 SAMUEL BARD, M. D............................................ 1786 2 22 ~COLUMBBI COLLEGE. PROFESSOR OF NATURAL LAW. Appointed Retired 1773 JOHN VARDILL, A. M.............................................. 1776 PROFESSORS OF THE FRENCH LANGUAGE. Deceased 1784 JOHN P. TETARD................................................. 1787 Retired 1792 VILLETTE DE MARCEL.IN.......................................... 1799 In 1828, the Department was revived under the style of the Department of the French Language and Literature. Resigned 1828 ANTOINE VERREN, A. M...................................... 1839 Retired 1839 FELIX G. BERTEAU, LL. B......................................... 1856 This Professorship was abolished in 1866. PROFESSORS OF THE GREEK AND LATIN LANGUAGES. Resigned 1784 WILLIAM COCHRAN, A. M........................... 1789 Resigned 1789 PETER WnILSON, A. M............................................. 1792 Resigned 1792 ELIJAH D. RATTOONE, S. T. D..................................... 1797 In 1794, Grecian and Roman Antiquities were added to the Department. Resigned 1797 PETER WILSON, LL. D.............................................. 1820 Promoted 1817 NATHANIEL F. MOORE, A. M. (Adjunct)............................ 1820 I S Resigned 1820 NATHANIEL F. MOORE, LL. D..................................... 1835 Promoted 1820 CHARLFRS ANTHON, A. B. (Adjunct)................................. 1830 Transferred 1830 CHARLES ANTHON, LL. D. (Jay)................................... 1857 Resigned 1837 ROBERT G. VERMILYE, A. M. (Adjunct)............................. 1843 Promoted 1845 HENRY DRISLER, Jr., A. M. (Adjunct).............................. 1857 PROFESSOR OF RHETORIC AND LOGIC. Resigned 1784 BENJAMIN MOORE, A. M......................................... 1787 PROFESSORS OF THE ORIENTAL LANGUAGES. Resigned 1784 JOHANN C. KUJNZE, S. T. D........................................ 1787 Retired 1792 JOHANN C. KUNZE, S. T. D......,....... 1799 FACULTY OF ARTS. 23 PROFESSORS OF THE GERMAN LANGUAGE. Appointed Resigned 1784 JOHN DANIEL GROSS, S. T. D...................................... 1795 In 1830, the Department was revived, under the style of the Department of the German Language and Literature. Deceased 1830 FREDERICK C. SCHAEFFER, S. T. D................................. 1831 Resigned 1832 WILLIAM ERNENPUTSCH..................................... 1832 Resigned 1843 JOHN LouIS TELLHAMPF, J. U. D. (Gebhard)....................... 1847 1847 HENRY I. SCHMIDT, S. T. D. (Gebhard)............................ PROFESSORS OF GEOGRAPHY. Resigned 1784 JOHN D. GROSS,' So T. D.......................................... 1795 Transferred 1795 JOHN KEMP, LL. D....................,. 1799 PROFESSOR OF NATURAL HISTORY. Resigned 1785 HENRY MOYES, LL. D........ 1786 PROFESSOR OF NATURAL HISTORY, CHEMISTRY, AGRICULTURE, AND THE OTHER ARTS DEPENDING THEREON. Retired 1792 SAMUEL L. MITCHIIL, lMI. D., LL. D................................ 1801 PROFESSORS OF LAW. Resigned 1793 JAMES KENT, A. M..................................... 1798 Deceased 1823 JAMES KENT, LL. D................................ 1847 Resigned 1848 WILLIAM BETTS, LL. D...................................1854 PROFESSOR OF RHETORIC AND BELLES-LETTRES. Retired 1795 JQHN BISSET, A. M............................................... 1799 PROFESSORS OF CHEMISTRY. Transferred 1802 JAMES S. STRINGHAM, M. D.................................. 1810 Retired 1813 JOHN GRISCOM..................................... 1820 1857 CHARLES A. Joy, Ph. D................................... 24 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. PROFESSORS OF MATHEMATICS AND ASTRONOMY. Appointed Resigned 1820 ROBERT ADRAIN, LL. D........................................... 1825 Emeritus 1825 HENRY JAMES ANDERSON, M. D., LL. D., resigned 1'843.............. 1866 Transferred 1843 CHARLES W. HACELEY, S. T. D.................................... 1857 1861 WILLIAM GUY PECE, LL. D............ PROFESSORS OF NATURAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHILOSOPHY AND CHEMISTRY. Deceased 1820 JAMES RENWICR, LL. D. Emeritus, 1853.......................... 1863 Transferred 1854 RICHARD S. MCCULLOH, A. M................................ 1857 PROFESSORS OF THE ITALIAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. Deceased 1826 LORENZO DA PONTE........................O.O.O... 1837 Resigned 1839 E. FELIX FORESTI, LL. B..................................... 1856 PROFESSOR OF THE HEBREW LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. Deceased 1830 SAMUEL H. TURNER, S. T. D............... 1861 PROFESSOR OF THE SPANISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. Deceased 1830 MARIANO VELAZQUEZ DE LA CADEriA, LL. B...................,.. 1860 PROFESSOR OF ELEMENTARY CHEMISTRY. Retired 1832 WILLIAM H. ELLET, M. D......................................... 1833 PROFESSOR OF ELOCUTION. Retired 1844 JOHN W. S. Hows.................................. 1857 PROFESSOR OF THE EVIDENCES OF NATURAL AND REVEALED RELIGION. Emeritus 1857 JOHN MCVICEAR. S. T. D.....-... o........................ 18G4 FACULTY OF ARTS. 25 JAY PROFESSORS OF THE GREEK LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. Appointed Deceased 1857 CHARLES ANTHON, LL. D.......................................... 1867 1867 HENRY DRISLER, LL. D............................ PROFESSOR OF THE LATIN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. Transferred 1857 HENRY DRISLER, LL. D..................................... 1867 PROFESSOR OF ASTRONOMY. Deceased 1857. CHARLES W. HACKLEY, S. T. D.................................... 1861 PROFESSORS OF MECHANICS AND PHYSICS. Expelled 1857 RICHARD S. MCCULLOH, A. M.*.................................... i863 1863 OGDEN N. ROOD, A. M........................................... PROFESSOR OF HISTORY AND POLITICAL SCIENCE. Transferred 1857 FRANCIS LIEBER, LL. D................................ 1865 PROFESSOR OF MORAL AND INTELLECTUAL PHILOSOPHY AND LITERATURE. 1857 CHARLES MURRAY NAIRNE. L. H. D............................... History and PolitiCal Economy were added in 1865. PROFESSOR OF HIGHER MATHEMATICS. Emeritus 1859 CHARLES DAVIES, LL. D................................. 1865 PROFESSOR OF PURE MATHEMATICS. Transferred 1859 WILLIAM GUY PECK, LL. D...................................... 1861 TUTORS. Retired 1765 SAMUEL CLOSSY, M. D........................................... 1776 Promoted 1785 JOHN KEM...................1786 * Expelled October 15, 1863, for having abandoned his post and joined the Rebels. 26 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. Appointed Retired 1831 ABRAHAM B. CONGER, A. B............................. 1833 Retired 1831 JOHN L. O'SULLIVAN, A. B.......................... 1833 Promoted 1835 ROBERT G. VERMILYE, A. M.................................... 1837 Promoted 1843 HENRY DRISLER, JR., A. M........................................ 1845 Resigned 1859 J. EMORY MCCLINTOCK, A. B............................. 1860 Promoted 1860 J. HOWARD VAN AMRINGE, A. M................................ 1863 1864 DUANE S. EVERSON, A. M......................................... 1865'EUGENE LAWRENCE, A. M....................................... FELLOWS, OR ASSISTANT TUTORS. Resigned 1755 WILLIAM JOHNSON, A. M...................................... 1755 Resigned 1756 LEONARD CUTTING, Ao M.................................... 1763 Deceased 1757 DANIEL TREADWELL, A. M......................................... 1760 Retired 1762 MYLES COOPER, A. M.....176...................................... 1763 Retired 1773 JOHN VARDILL, A. M....................................... 1776 LECTURER. Promoted 1830 WnILLIAM H. ELLET, M. D. (Elementary Chemistry)................. 1832 LIBRARIANS. The duties of Librarian were discharged by one of the Professors until 1837. Resigned 1837 NATHANIEL F. MOORE, LL. D................ 1839 Resigned 1839 GEORGE C. SCHAEFFER, A. MI., M. D................................. 1847 Deceased 1847 LEFROY RAVENHILL, A. M., MI. D............................. 1851 1849 STEPrEN R. WEEEKS (Assistant).................................... Resigned 1851 WILLI.A M ALFRED JONES, A. M.................................... 1865 1865 BEVERLEY R. BETTS, A. M........................................ CHAPLAIN. The President discharged the duties of this office till 1857. 1857 CORNELIUS R. DUFFIE, S. T. D.................................... FACULTY OF MEDICINE. 27 HEAD MASTERS OF THE GRAMMAR SCHOOL. Appointed 1763 MATTHEW CUSHING, A. M......................................... ALEXANDER LESLIE, A. M.......................................... 1784 WILLIAM COCHRAN, A. M........................................... Resigned 1829 JOHN D. OGILBY, A. B.................................. 1830 Retired 1830 CHARLES ANTHON, LL. D. (Rector)................................ 1864 FACULTY OF MEDICINE. PROFESSORS OF ANATOMY. Retired 1767 SAMUEL CLOSSY, M. D............................................ 1776 Deceased 1785 CHARLES MCKNIGHT, M. D........................................ 1792 Transferred 1792 RICHARD BAILEY, M. D..............................1............. 1793 Retired 1793 WRIGHT POST, M. D.............................................. 1813 PROFESSOR OF PATHOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY. Retired 1767 PETER MIDDLETON, M. D......................................... 1776 PROFESSORS OF SURGERY. Retired 1767 JOHN JONES, M. D............................ 1776 Deceased 1785 CHARLES MCKNIGHT, M. D........................................ 1792 Transferred 1792 WRIGHT POST, M. D............................................ 1793 Deceased 1793 RICHARD BAILEY, M. D....................................... 1811 Retired 1811 VALENTINE MOTT, M. D........................................... 1813 PROFESSORS OF CHEMISTRY AND MATERIA MEDICA. Retired 1767 JAMES SMITH, M. D......................,.................. 1770 Retired 1770 PETER MIDDLETON, M. D.......................................... 1776 28 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. PROFESSORS OF THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. Appointed Retired 1767 SAMUEL BARD, M. D.............................................. 1776 Transterred 1795 WILLIAM HAMERSLEY, M. D...................................... 1808 PROFESSORS OF MIDWIFERY. Deceased 1767 JOHN V. B. TENNENT, M. D....................................... 1770 Retired 1770 SAMUELI BARD, M. D.............................................. 1776 Deceased 1785 EBENEZER CROSBY, M. D...........................1788 Resigned 1792 JOHN R. B. ROGERS, M. D....................................... 1808 Retired 1808 WALTER C. BUCHANAN, M. D...................................... 1813 PROFESSORS OF CHEMISTRY. Resigned 1784 SAMUEL BARD, Ml. D.......................................... 1785 Resigned 1785 HENRY MoTEs, LL. D............................................. 1786 Resigned 1786 SAMUEL BARD, M. D................................................ 1787 Resigned 1792 SAMUEL NICOLL, M. D............................................ 1794 Resigned 1810 JAMES S. STRINGHAM......................................1813 PROFESSORS OF THE INSTITUTES OF MEDICINE. Resigned 1785 BENJAMIN KISSAM, M. D....................................... 1792 Transferred 1792 WILLIAM HAMERSLEY, M. D......................................... 1795 Retired 1808 JOHN C. OSBORN, M. D........................................... 1813 PROFESSORS OF THE PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. Resigned 1785 NICHOLAS ROMAYNE, M. D............................. 1787 Resigned 1792 SAMUEL NICOLL, M. D............................................ 1794 Resigned 1794 EDWxRD STEVENS, M. D................................... 1795 Retired 1808 WILLIAM HAMERSLEY, M. D.............................. 1813 FACULTY OF MEDICINE. 29 DEAN OF THE MEDICAL FACULTY. Appointed Resigned 1792 SAMUEL BARD, M. D............................................. 1804 PROFESSORS OF MATERIA MEDICA. Deceased 1792 WILLIAM P. SMITH, M. D......................................... 1795 Resigned 1796 DAVID HOSACK, M. D., LL. D.................................... 1811 Retired 1811 JOHN C. OSBORN, M. D.......................................... 1813 PROFESSORS OF BOTANY. Resigned 1792 RICHARD S. KISSAM, M. D............................... 1793 Resigned 1793 SAMUEL L. MITCHILL, M. D., LL. D............................... 1795 Resigned 1795 DAVID HosAcK, MI. D., LL. D.................................... 1811 LECTURERS. Resigned 1791 NICHOLAS ROMAYNE, M. D. (in Chem., Anat., and Pract. of Med.)..... 1792 Deceased 1794 WILLIAM P. SMITH, M. D. (Clinical)................................ 1795 The Faculty of Medicihe ceased in 1813, most of the Professors who composed it having been appointed to Professorships in the College of Physicians and Surgeons in the City of New York. In 1860 it was revived, by the adoption of the College of Physicians and Surgeons as the Medical Department of the College. FACULTY OF MEDICINE. 1860. EDWARD DELAFIELD, M. D...... o....................... President, and Emeritus Professor of Obstetrics. ALEXANDER H. STEVENS, M. D., LL. D...................... Emeritus Professor of Clinical Surgery. JOHN TORREY, M. D., LL. D...................................... Emeritus Professor of Chemistry and Botany. 30 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. Deceased JOSEPH M. SMITH, M. D.......................... 1866 Professor of MIateria Medica and Clinical Medicine. Deceased ROBERT WATTS, M. D.............,............................ 1867 Professor of Anatomy. WILLARD PARKER, M. D............................................ Professor of the Principles and Practice of Surgery and Surgical Anatomy. Deceased CHANDLER R. GILMAN, M. D....................................... 1865 Professor of Obstetrics, Diseases of Women and Children, and Medical Jurisprudence. ALONZO CLARK, M. D., LL. D........................................ Professor of Pathology and Practical Medicine. JOHN C. DALTON, Jn., M. D.................................. Professor of Physiology and Microscopic Anatomy. SAMUEL ST. JOHN, M. D............................ Professor of Chemistry. THOMAS M. MARKOE, M. D............................ Adjunct Professor of Surgery. Promoted IIENRY B. SANDS, M. D............................. 1867 Demonstrator of Anatomy, and Curator of the Mluseum. GOUVERNEUR M. SMITH, M. D..................................... Librarian. SINCE APPOINTED: PROFESSOR OF MILITARY SURGERY AND HYGIENE. Appointed Emerltus 1862 WILLIAM DETMOLD, M. D......................................... 1865 PROFESSOR OF OBSTETRICS, THE DISEASES OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN, AND MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE. Promoted 1863 T. GAILLIARD TEOMAS, M. D. (Adjunct)........................... 1865 1865 T. GAILLIARD THOMAS, M. D...................................... PROFESSOR OF CLINICAL MEDICINE. 1866 JOHN T. METCALFE, M. D......................................... PROFESSOR OF ANATOMY. 1867 HENRY B. SANDS, M. D................................. FACULTY OF THE SCHOOL OF MINES. 31 PROFESSOR OF VENEREAL DISEASES. Appointed 1867 FREEMAN J. BUMSTIEAD, M. D...........o......o.................. FACULTY OF LAW. PROFESSOR OF MUNICIPAL LAW. 1858 THEODORE W. DWIGHT, LL. D........... The office of W" Warden of the Law School" was added to this chair in 1864. PROFESSOR OF MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE. 1860 JOHN ORDRONAUX, LL. B., M. D.............................. PROFESSOR OF POLITICAL SCIENCE. 1860 FRANCIS LIEBER, LL. D.........................1865 The title of this chair was changed, in 1865, to that of " Constitutional History and Public Law." PROFESSOR OF THE ETHICS OF JURISPRUDENCE. 1860 CHALES MURRAY NAIRNE, L. H. D................................. FACULTY OF THE SCHOOL OF MINES. PROFESSOR OF MINERALOGY AND METALLURGY. 1864 THOMAS EGLESTON, JR., A. M., E. M............................ PROFESSOR OF MINING ENGINEERING. 1864 FRANCIS L. VINTON, E. M...................... PROFESSOR OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY. 1864 CHaRLES F. CHANDLER, Ph. o..............,,..,.............. PROFESSOR OF GENERAL CHEMISTRY. 1865 CHARLES A. JOY, Ph D........................................ 32 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. PROFESSOR OF MECHANICS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS. Appointed 1865 WILLIAM G. PECK, LL. D............................... PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS. 1865 J. HOWARD VAN AMRINGE, A. M.............................. PROFESSOR OF PHYSICS. 1865 OGDEN N. ROOD, A........................................ PROFESSOR OF GEOLOGY AND PAL/EONTOLOGY. 1866 JOHN S. NEWBErBRY, M. D., LL. D........................ SENATUS ACADEAMICUS, -1 8 6 S TRUSTEES. NAMES. RESIDENCES. HAMILTON FISH, LL. D., CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD......251 East 17th Street. GARDINER SPRING, S. T. D., LL. D.................... 6 East 37th SAMUEL B. RUGGLES, LL. D..........................24 Union Square. WILLIAM BETTS, LL. D., CLERK........................122 East 30th Street. BENJAMIN I. HAIGHT, S. T. D.........................56 West 26th EDWARD JONES....................................... 75 Fifth Avenue. ROBERT RAY..........................................363 West 28th Street. GOUVERNEUR M. OGDEN, TREASU1RER s............... 84 West 11th Street. HENRY J. ANDERSON, M. D., LL. D...................53 West 36th EDWARD L. BEADLE, M. D................ Poughkeepsie. GEORGE T. STRONG..................................113 East 21st Street. MANCIUS S. HUTTON, S. T. D...........................15 Ninth HORATIO POTTER, S. T. D., LL. D., D. C. L............38 East 22d MARTIN ZBOROWSKI...............................Morrisania. JOHN TORREY, M. D., LL. D........................ Columibia College. LEWIS M. RUTHERFJRD............................. 175 Second Avenue. THOMAS DE WITT, S. T. D............123 Ninth Street. JOHN JACOB ASTOR, JR...............................338 Fifth Avenue. JOHN C. JAY, M. WILLIAM C. SCHERMERHORN........................ 49 West 23d Street. MORGAN DIX, S. T. D.................................. 50 Varick FREDERIC A. P. BARNARD, S. T. D., LL. D.......Columbia College. SAMUEL BLATCHFORD, LL. D......................... 12 West 22d Street. 33 34 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. TRUSTEES OF THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. EDWARD G. LUDLOW, M. D................49 East 23d Street. JOSEPH DELAFIELD..................................475 Fifth Avenue. FLOYD SMITH....H I........................... 283 West 21st Street. RICHARD M. BLATCHFORD............................6 East 14th " EDWARD DELAFIELD, M. D...........................2 East 17th JOHN P. CROSBY.................................... 31 West 17th GURDON BUCK, M. D................................... 21 Tenth JAMES W. BEE KMAN..............................5 East 34th DANIEL D. LORD................................ 45 West 19th BENJAMIN R. WINTHROP............................ 134 Second Avenue. EDWARD L. BEADLE, M. D........Po.........Poughkeepsie. ISAAC WOOD, M. D.................................... 68 East 17th Street. GEO. W. WRIGHT....................................... 63 East 23d 6' FREDERICK A. CONKLING..1..........................103 Tenth CHARLES HENSCHEL, M. D...........................20 East 14th WASHINGTON MURRAY...........................11 East 12th HENRY CHEAUNCEY, Jn................................25 Washington Sq. SULLIVAN H. WESTON, S. T. D..........30.......30 Laight Street. WILLIAM BETTS, LL. D........................... 122 East 30th Street. TALBOT OLYPHANT...................................18 East, 37th JOHN TORREY, M. D., LL. D...........................Columbia College. BENJAMIN OGDEN, M. D..............................140 Hester Street. CAMBRIDGE LIVINGSTON.............................44 West 22d JARED LINSLY, M. D............................ 22 Lafayette Place. JOHN J. CRANE, M.. D......... 0.....o............31 West 21st Street. SENATUS ACADEMICUS- 1868. 35 OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION AND GOVERNMENT. NAMES. RESIDENCES. FREDERIC A. P. BARNARD, S. T. D., LL. D...........Columbia College. President. EDWARD DELAFIELD, M. D...................2........2 East 17th Street. President of the Medical Department, and Emeritus Professor of Obstetrics. JOHN McVICKAR, S. T. D..............................21 West 32d " Emeritus Professor of the Evidences of Christianity. HENRY J. ANDERSON, M. D., LL. D................... 53 West 36th Emeritus Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy. HENRY DRISLER, LL. D.e.............. B226 East 10th" Professor of the Greek Language and Literature. HENRY I. SCHMIDT, S. T. D...........................126 West 43d Gebhard Professor of the German Language and Literature. CHARLES A. JOY, Ph. D.........Columbia College. Professor of Chemistry. FRANCIS LIEBER, LL. D............................... 48 East 34th Street. Professor of Constitutional History and Public Law. CHARLES DAVIES, LL. D......................Fishkill Landing. Emeritus Professor of Higher Mathematics. WILLIAM G. PECK, LL. D............................. Columbia College. Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy,in the Faculty of Arts, and of Mechanics and their Applications, in the Faculty of Mines. CHARLES M. NAIRNE, L. H. D........................163 West 34th Street. Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy and Literature. THEODORE W. DWIGHT, LL. D...................... 37 Lafayette Place. Professor of Municipal Law, and Warden of the Law School. JOHN ORDRONAUX, LL. B., M. D.................. 174 West 23d Street. Professor of Medical Jurisprudence. 36 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. NAMES. LrESIDENCES. J. HOWARD VAN AMRINGE, A. M..................... 139 West 36th Street. Adjunct Professor of Mathematics, and Secretary of the Faculty of Arts. ALEXANDER H. STEVENS M. D., LL. D.............. Astoria. Emeritus Professor of Clinical Surgery. JOHN TORREY, M. D., LL. D......................... Columbia College. Emeritus Professor of Chemistry and Botany. WILLARD PARKER, M. D.....................37 East 12th Street. Professor of the Principles and Practice of Surgery and Surgical Anatomy. ALONZO CLARK, M. D., LL. D......................... 30 East 21st " Professor of Pathology and Practical Medicine. JOHN C. DALTON, Jn., M. D....................... 99 Madison Avenue. Professor of Physiology and Microscopic Anatomy, and Secretary of the Faculty of Medicine. SAMUEL ST. JOHN, M. D............................. Ashland House. Professor of Chemistry. THOMAS M. MARKOE, M. D...........................East 17th Street. Adjunct Professor of Surgery. WILLIAM DETMOLD, M. D.......................... 103 Ninth " Emeritus Professor of Clinical and Military Surgery. OGDEN N. ROOD, A. M.................... 341 East 15th" Professor of Mechanics and Physics. T. GAILLIARD THOMAS, M. D.........................86 Fifth Avenue. Professor of Obstetrics and the Diseases of Women and Children, and Medical Jurisprudence. THOMAS EGLESTON, JE., A. M., E. M................ 10 Fifth Avenue. Professor of Mineralogy and Metallurgy. FRANCIS L. VINTON, E. M...........................806 Broadway. Professor of Mining Engineering. CHARLES F. CHANDLER, Ph. D.................. 234 East 33d Street. Professor of Analytical and Applied Chemistry, and Dean of the Faculty of Mines. JOHN S. NEWBERRY, M. D., LL. D....................Columbia College. Professor of Geology and Paleontology. ASSISTANTS AND OTHER OFFICERS. 31 N'AMES. RESIDENCES. JOHN T. METCALFE, M. 34 East 14th Street. Professor of Clinical Medicine. HENRY B. SANDS, M. D..............................64 East 12th Professor of Anatomy. ERSKINE MASON, M. D................................95 East 21st " Demonstrator of Anatomy and Curator of the Museum. FREEM AN J. BUMSTEAD, M. D.......................162 West 23d Professor of Venereal Diseases. CHARLES SHORT, A. M........................... 35 Park Avenue. Acting Professor of the Latin Language and Literature. ELI W. BLAK:E, A. M................................. Columbia College. Acting Professor of Physics. ASSISTANTS AND OTHER OFFICERS. NAMES. RESIDENCES. CORNELIUS R. DUFFIE, S. T. D....................... 233 Lexington Ave. Chaplain. DUANE S. EVERSON, A. M.......................16 West 28th Street. Tutor in Greek and Latin. EUGENE LAWRENCE, A. M............34........340 West 19th Tutor in Rhetoric and History. BEVERLEY R. BETTS, A M..................... Maspeth, L. I. Librarian. STEPHEN R. WEEKS.'........................ Columbia College. Assistant Librarian. JAMES L. LITTLE, M. D.............................. 74 West 21st Street. Assistant to the Professor of Surgery. ALBERT H. CHESTER................... 72 West 20th Assistant in Mineralogy. _ _ _. ___.~ 3- - _3_ -- - 38 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. NAMES. RESIDENCES. THOMAS T. SABINE, Mi. D...................46 West 23d Street. Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy. ALEXIS A. JULIEN, A. M...................... 129 East 23d " Assistant in Quantitative Analysis. EDWARD W. ROOT, A. M...................... 216 West 47th Assistant in Qualitative Analysis. EDWARD C. H. DAY.............................. 153 East 51st Assistant in Assaying. EDWARD B. DALTON, M. D.............................99 Madison Avenue. Clinical Clerk to the Medical Clinique. ROBERT WATTS. JR., M. D..................42 East 12th Street. Clinical Assistant to the Medical Clinique. FRANCIS DELAFIELD, M. D.......................... 4 East 17th Clinical Assistant to the Medical Clinique. THOMAS HAIGH, MI. D................................. 258 West 43d " Assistant to the Professor of Physiology. JAMES L. BROWN, M. D...............................217 West 12th Assistant to the Professor of Obstetrics. THOMAS DENHAM....................... 303 Fourth Avenue. Clerk of the Medical College. JULES MABRU.................................92 Third " Assistant in Metallurgy. BENJAMIN HYDE BENTON.........................Columbia College. Registrar of the School of Mines. PAUL SCHWEITZER.........................153 West 43d Street. Assistant in Qualitative Analysis. JAlMES W. McLANE, M. D..............................12 West 37th " Lecturer on Materia Medica and Physical Diagnosis. ASSISTANTS AND OTHER OFFICERS. 39 NAMES. RESIDENCES. D. TILDEN BROWN, M. D.............................110 East 23d Street. Lecturer on Psychological Medicine and Medical Jurisprudence. CORNELIUS R. AGNEW, M. D...............394 Fifth Avenue. Lecturer on Diseases of the Eye and Ear. FESSENDEN N. OTIS, M. D.......................108 West 34th Street. Lecturer on Diseases of the Genito-Urinary System. WILLIAM H. DRAPER, M. D.......................... 37 East 12th Lecturer on Diseases of the Kidney. GEORGE BYRON HANNA............................ Columbia College. Assistant in General Chemistry. ALBERT FOCKE, C. E..........................159 East 51st Street. Assistant in Drawing. BOARDMAN H. ROGERS...............................193 Madison " Secretary to the President, -- --------- ----'" - W Y -i-i-c- _- — l ~i d~lY~IX T~II W~ - - I-.~..r~~-v —r?-~-~;~~~~r~ — — l-unl~r~ —r-~r-r —- -c —_-;~;r -— Fc-_r r~rr —; — -- ------ --- GRADUATES IN ART S. 17589 Trustee 1791-1806..1 5 8' *John Marston, A. M. *Joshua Bloomer, (Rev.),. *Robert Watts, A. Ml. Ml., S. T. D. P790. aet. 55. *1790 *Isaac Tilkins, (Rev.), A, M.,Ge *Isaac Ogden, (C. L.), Judge Assemb. N. Y. 11 2A5. iS upr. Ct. Ca89nada. at. 89. *1880 *Samuel Provoost, (Rev.), A. 6 M., S. T. D. Univ. Penn. 1786, Regent Univ. N. Y. S. 1761. 1784-87, Trustee 17871801, and Chairman of the *Henry Holland, (C. L.), A. Board 1795-1801, Bishop P. AI., AMast. in Chancery N. Y. E. Ch. N. Y. 1787-1815. *1815 *Anthony Lispenard. act. 64. *1806 *Joseph Reade, (C. L.), AMas- *Henry Van Dyck, (Rev.), ter in Chanc: N. J. A. A. aet. 60. *1804 *Rudolph Ritzema, Lt.-Col. H. 3 B. M. Army. *Philip Van Cortlandt, A. M.,1762. Lt.-Col. 4th Regt. N. Y. Vols. 1776, Lt.-Gov. N. Y. *Heury Cuyler, A. M. 1777-95. *Henry Cuyler, A. 5l. r17a 7-95. a. *\TWilliam Cornelius George, *Samuel Verplanck, A. adYe 1M. 1763, Gov. King's Coll. Jo(n rinne 1762. *Alexander Leslie, (T.), A. M., Master Gram. Sch. King's Coell. 17594. *Leonard Lispenard, Regent Univ. N. Y. S. 1784-87, *Epenetus Townsend, (Rev.), Trustee 1787-90. *1790 A. M. *1777 *WiVilliam Benjamin Nicoll Ma*William Hanna, (Rev.), A. verick. MI. 1765 and Yale 1768. *Daniel Robert, (C. L.), H. B. 2 A. Atty.-Gen. for St. Christopher's. 1760. 8 1763. *Samuel Bayard, A. M. *Anthony Hoffman, A. M., Re- *Barent Cuyler, A. M1. gent Univ. N. Y. S. 1784-87. *Abraham De Peyster, A. M. *Philip Livingston, A. M., 2 42 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1764-1768. Constit. Conv. 1777, Chanc. N. Y. 1777-1801, U. S. Secy. For. Aft 1781-83,' *Richard Harison, (C. L.), Regent Univ. N. Y. S. 1784A. lMI., D. C. L. Univ. Ox- 1 87, Del. to Fed. Constit. ford, Del. to Fed. Constit. Cony. 1787, U. S. Min. Plen. Conv. 1?787, UT. S. Dist. to France 1801-4. aet. 66. *1813 Atty. N. Y., Recorder N. Henry Lloyd A. I. 1769. Y. C., Trustee 1788-1829' at. 82. *1825 and Chairman of the Board *Arent Schuyler. 1823. *1829 5 *John Jay, (C. L.), A. M., LL. D. Harv. 1190 and Brown 1794, Del. to Congr. 1774, 1775, Memb. Prov. Conv. *James Barclay, A. MI. N. Y. 1776, Ch.-Just. N. Y. i *Gerard Beekman, A. M. 1777, Prest. National Congr. *Richard Nicholls Colden, 1778, Min. Plenipo. to Spain Surveyor of Customs, N. Y. 1'777 1779, U. S. Peace Commr. *Richbard D'Olier. 1781-83, U. S. Secy. For. Aff. *Edward Nicoll, A. M. 1784, Del. to Congr. 1784, *John Ray, A. Mi. 1773. Regent Univ. N. Y. S. 1784- *Henry Rutgers, Capt. U. S. 90, Del. to Fed. Constit. A. 1776, MIemb. Assemb. N. (Conv. ~1787, Del. to N. Y. Y., Regent Univ. N. Y. S..Constit. Conv. 1788, Ch.- 1802-26. aet. 85. *1830 Just. U. S. 1789-94, U. S. *John Troup, A. MI. aet. 70. *1817 Envoy Ex. to Great Britain *John Troup, Jr., A. M. 1794, Governor N. Y. 1795- *John Vardill, (Rev.), A. M., 1801. act. 84. *1829 Fellow, Prof. Nat. Law, 2 Hist. and Lang. 1773-76. *John Watts, A. Mh., Miemb. 1765! Assemb. N.Y. 1788-89 and Speaker of the same 1791*Egbert Benson, (C. L.), A. 2-3, Judge Westchester M., LL. D. Union 1799 and Co., N. Y., Recorder N. Y. C. *1794 Harv. 1808 and Dart. 1811, 11 Memnb. Prov. Conv. N. Y. 1776, Del. to Continent. 1767. Congr. 1784-88, Regent Univ. N. Y. S. 1787-1802, *William Laight, A. M. Repr. in Congr. 1789-92, *Peter Van Schaack, 1768, 1813, Trustee 1804-14, (C. L.), A. M. 1773, LL. D. Atty. Gen. N. Y., Judge 1826, Commr. for revising Sup. Ct. N. Y., Ch.-Judge U. Colonial Statutes N. Y. S. Circuit Ct. N. Y. *1833 1773. *1832 *Richard Grant. 2 *Robert R. Livingston, (C. L.), A. oi. and N. Jers., Re- 1768. corder N. Y. C. 1773, Del. to Continent. Congr. 1775- *Charles Doughty, A. MI., AI. 77, 1779-81, Memb. N. Y. B. 1772. 1768-1774.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 43 *James Ludlow, A. M. Lt. 1st Reg. N. Y. Vols. *Benjarmin Moore, (Rev.), A. 1776. M., S. T. D. 1789, President *Henry De Wint; A. M. pro tern. 1775-76, Priof. Rhet. *Thomas Knox. and Logic 1784-87, Regent *John Searle, A. M. Univ. N. Y. S. 1787-1802, 6 President 1801-11, Trustee 1802-13, Bishop P. E. Ch. 1772. N. Y. 1801-16. *1816 *Gouverneur Morris, (C. L.), *Thomas Barclay, Maj. H. B. Constit. Conv. 1787, 1. S Treaty" and under Treaty.1805-16, Canal Co1Tmru N. *John Bowden, (Rev.), A. AM., A.l, M e Sm.. S6 of. CPof. Y. 1810-15. act. 65. *1816 5. T. D. 1796, Pro Mor. *John Stevens, (Eng.) A. M. *1838 Phil., Bell. Lett. and Logic *Gnlian Verplanck, Speaker s John King. House Assemb. N. Y., Re- *iholan Ogden. gent Univ. N. Y. S. 1790n. *Andrev Skeene. 1769. 1 773. *CaCnleb Cooper, A. Al. 1" y1. *Caleb Cooper, A. M. 1771.;*Cornelius Bogert, Lt. N. Y. Ind. Forces 177 6. S. 1 *Frederick Philipse, Capt. 1770 J.I Dragoons, British Army. *1785 I *Nathaniel Phillipse. * Janaes Creighton, A. AI. |*Beverley Robinson, Lt.-Col. I*John Doughty, (Rev.) H. B. M. Army. *1816 *Jonathan Graham, and Yale *Thomas Shreve. S 1770. 5 *Richard Harris, A. 5M. *WTilliam Hubbard, A. M. L74 *Stephen Lush, A. M., N. Y. Sen. 1801-2. uSen. 1801-2. -*Isaac Abrahams. *Philip Pell, A. Mf., Regent *Robert Nicholls Auchmuty. *1813 Univ. N. Y. S. 1784-87. *illiam Chandler. *1784 7 *Edward Dunscomb, Maj. U. * S. Rev. Army, Trustee 1771. 1795-1814, Sheriff N. Y. C. l 1810-11. *1814 l Ichabod Best Barnet, A. M. *Nicholas Heyliger. *Clement Cooke Clarke, A. AI. *John Jauncey. *John Copp, (T.), A. I., 1st *Henry Nicoll. *John —-- Dogt, Rv) H... A m y ll *Jonathan —-~ Graham, and Yal *Thomas Shreve 44 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1774-1775. *George Ogilvie, (Rev.) *1797 degrees were conferred till 1786. *John Rapelje. The following candidates had been *Benjamin Seaman. admitted, but did not complete *BEnjar StevensMn Seaman. P.their course on account of the dis*Edward Stevens,:I. D. elsedwar Stevs, t D. e- turbed state of public affairs: where, Prof. Pract. of Med. 1794-5. *Robert Troup, (C. L.), LL. D. IN 1774.t elsewhere, Maj. U. S. A., Judge U. S. District. Ct. N. *Thomas Atwood. Y., Trustee 1811-17. act. 75. *1832 *John Brickell. 12 *David Clarkson. *Samuel Deall. 17715 *James De Peyster. *John Gaine. aet. 26. *1787 *William Amory. *Alexander Hamilton, A. M. *Richard Auchmuty, Surgeon 1788 and Harv. 1792, LL. D. H. B. M. Army. *1782 Dart. 1790 and N. Jers. *Samuel Auchmuty, G. C. B., 1791 and Harv. 1792 and Adj. Gen. 52d Regt. II. B. Rutgers 1192, Capt. U. S. A. M. Army, Gov. of Isle of 1716, Lt.-Col. staff of WashThanet 1802, Brig. Gen. ington 1177, Memb. Congr. Commr. British forces at 1782, Regent Univ. N. Y. S. Capture of Montevideo, 1784-87, N. Y. Leg. 1786, Maj. Gen. Commr. in Chief Del. to U. S. Constit. at Madras, Lt. Gen. in corm- Conven. 1787, Secy. Treasmand at capture of Java, ury U. S. 189-95, Maj.-Gen. Gen. Commr. in Chief of the U. S. A. 1198, Trustee 1787Forces in Ireland 1822. 1804. aet. 47. *1804 aet. 64. *1822 *Tristrim Lowther. *William Cock, A. MI. 1790. *Schuyler Lupton. *Joseph Griswold. Cornwallis Mon*John W]illiarm Livingston, crieff. Lt. "N. Y. Independ. Daniel f oore Forces" 1776. *Paul Randall. *Jacobus Remnsen. *Nicholas Romeyn. 7 *Jacob Shaw. l*Horatio Smith. 1776. *Janes Stiles. *John Whitaker. *Samuel Bayard. *James Devereux. *Peter Kissam. IN 1775.' *Matthias Nicoll. *Peter Ogden. *Edward Kerin. *Marinus Willett. *Benjamin Kissam, M. D. 6 elsewhere, Prof. Instit. of On the 6th of April, 1776, the of Med. 78act 4492. 1803 College buildings were taken for military purposes. The College *Thomas GLosber Lynch. did not fully resume its functions *Thomas Lambert Moore, till the close of the war; and no (Rev.), A. M. 1790. *1799 1775-1790.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 45 *Jacob Morris. *Augustus Nicoll. 1788 *Marinus Oudenaarde. T *Maetern Oudenaarde. 8*James Cochran, (C. L.), A. eter Odenaade.., Repr. in Congr. 179799, Regent Univ. N. Y. S. TN 1 74.- 1796-1820 *1848 IN 717 77e. * John Eccles, (F.) *WTilliam HIurst, 1789. *James Delancy Walton, Ad- *Peter Schuyler Livingston, miral IH. B. M. Navy. <1840 and Yale and N. Jers. 1789 *William W~alton. and Harv. 1790, A. M. s1807 *Brandt Schuyler Lupton, (Rev.) 17o 178(6i. *D ani el C romm elin Verpl anck, (C. L.), A. 1M. I88, Judge *John Bassett, and Yale 1786, Dutchess Co. N. Y. (Rev.), A. M., S. T. D. Will. 6 1804. <1824 *De Witt Clinton (C. L.), A. 1.789. AI., LL. D. 1826 and Ohio Univ. 1825, N. Y. Assemb. *John T. Bainbridge. 1797, N. Y. Sen. 1798- 8*James Chatham Duane, (C. 1802, 1805-1811, M:emb. L.) Constit. Con. N. Y. 1801, *Henry Izard. U. S. Sen. 1802-4, Mayor *WTilliamn Lupton, Jr. _NT. Y. C. 1803-4, 1809-10, 8 John Mitchell AMason, (Rev.), 1811-15, Reg'ent Univ. N.Y. A. M. N. Jers. 1494, S. T. S. 1808-25, Lt.-Gov. N. Y. D. Univ. Penn. 1804, Trus1811-13, N. Y. Canal tee 1i95-1821 Provost Commr. 1816-24, Gov. N. 1811 —16, Prest. Dickin. Y. 1811-21, 1825-28. aet. 59. *1828 Coll. Renn. 1821-24. act. 60. *1829 *-Abraham Hun, A. M. *Matthew Mesier. *George Livingston. 8*Peter Mesier, (C. L.) *Philip H. Livingston, A. MI. *John Reinsen, (C. L.) *Samuel Smith, Jr., A. M. *John P. Van Ness, A. Af. *Peter Steddiford, (Rev.), A. 1845, Repr. in Congr. AM. *"1826 9 *Francis Sylvester, (C. L.), A. M. 8 1.790 1787. D*David Schuyler Bogart, and189 1787'i N. Jers. 1791, (Rev.) 1839 *SM*lariaduke Earle, (Rev.) *Sanmuel Boyd, (C. L.), Trus- ade Eale, (Re 82 tee 1826-35. *Jonathan Freeman, (Rev.), *Nicholas Fonda. A. M. 1800 and N. Jers. *John C. Ludlow, (C. L.), A. 1809. *1822 M., 1793. *George Graham, U. S. Asst. *Henry Cruger Van Schaack. Secy. State 1801-25. *John W. Yates, (B.) 5 *John Graham. 46 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1790-1793. *Frederick Halsey. 1792 *Samuel Jones, Jr., 1793 and Yale 1790, (C. L.), LL. D. *Gerard Beekman. 1826 and Union 1841, Mlemb. *Cornelius Brower. N. Y. Assemnb. 1812-14, Re- *ARexander iosack, M. D. cordei N. Y. C. 1823, Chal- cellor N. Y. S. 1826-28, *John B. Johnson. *1803 Ch. Just. Sup. Ct. N. Y. SN*James Witter Nicholson. 1828-47 and Justice of *James Ltte Nl *John L. Norton. same 1847-49. *1849 7 *Jotham Post, Jr., A. M., i. D. 1793. *Alexander Proudfit, (Rev.), 1791. A. MI. Union 1792, S. T. 1). AMiddleb. Coll. 1811 and Wil-.*Peter Anderson, A. 5M. 1795, liams 1812. aet. 75. *1844 M. D. P195. J*Jacob Sickles. *Anthony Bleecker, (C. L), A. *Samuel Smith AI. 1797, Examiner in Chan-'VGeorge Taylor, (M.) cery. *1827 *Williallm Taylor, (M.) *William Bleecker, (C. L.) 12 -*William Temple Broome, A. AM. 179. 1793. Vwalter L. Cochran. *Pierre Edward Fleming, A. I M. 17 97. *John Brower. *William Hendell, Jr., (Rev.), *Ceorge Clinton, Jr., (C. L.), S. T. 1). 1828. Repr. in Congr. *Cave Jones, (Rev.), A.., T*William Cutting, (C. L.), S. T. D. elsewhere. aet. 59. *1829 Sheriff N. Y. C. 1807-8. *Isaac Knevils. *Cornelius Decker, Jr., (M.) *John Knevils. *George I. Eacker, (C. L.), A. *Lancaster Lupton. AM. 1797. *-John TW. Mulligan, (C. L.), *Samuel Gilford, Jr., (M.) A. M. 1834, Surrogate N. Y. *Charles D. Goold, (M.), A. M. C. 1810, Clerk N. Y. Co. 1797. 1813-15, U. S. Consul at *Robert Heaton, Jr., A. M. Athens, Greece, 1848. *1864 1797, U. S. A. *Charles L. Ogden, (M.) *John I. Johnson. *Thomas Ludlow Ogden, *Edward W. Laight. (C. L.), (C. L.), Trustee 1817-44. *1844 Memb. N. Y. Assemb. 1816, ",Daniel Paris, (C. L.), N. Y. Trustee 1816-51 and ChairSen. 1810-13. man 1849-50. *George Rapelje, (C. L.) *Henry William Ludlow, (F.) *Frederic Van Horne, (Rev.), *Henry Aasterton, (C. L.) A. M. 1795. *Philip Milledoler, (Rev.), A. ",WilliamBeekmanVerplanck. M. 1797, S. T. D. Univ. *Nathan H. White, (C. L.), Penn., Prof. Theol. and A. MA. 1795. Prest. Rutg. Coll. 1825-35. l1852 *Jesse TWAoodhull, Jr. *John Nicholl, A. Ml. 1197. *James Woods, (C. L.), A. AM. *Robert B. Norton, (C. L.) 1804. 21 *Abraham Ogden, (AI.) 1793-1795.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 47 James Parker, (M.), Memb. N. Judge Ct. Com. Pleas Kings J. Leg., Boundary Commr. Co. N. Y. N. J. 1807, 1827, 1833, Pres. *Jacob Ogden Mackie, (MI.) Elector N. J. 1824, U. S. *Samuel B. Malcolm, (C. L.) Collector Perth Amboy N. *Gilbert Milligan, MI. D. elseJ. 1829-33, Repr. in Congr. where. 1833-37, Memb. Constit. *John B. Stringham, M. D. Conv. N. J. 1844. elsewhere. *Jonathan Pearsee, Jr.,(C. L.) *Peter G. Stuyvesant, (C. L.), *Valentine H. Peters, (M.) Prest. N. Y. Hist. Soc. *1847 *Johni S. Schermerhorn, (M.) *Thomas Ustick, (C. L.) *Gilbert Smith, AI. D. else- 15 where. *Thomas R. Smith, (M.) v1795. *James S. Stringham, A. M. 1797, M. D. Univ. Edinb. *George Barculoo, (Rev.), S. 1'99, Prof. Chem. 1802-13, T. D. Rutg. Coll. 1834. Prof. Med. Juris. Coll. Phys. *Philip Duryee, (Rev.), S. T. and Surg. N. Y. 1813-17. *1817 D. Rutg. Coll. 1834. *1850 *Thomas Thompson. *Bernard Elliot. *Cornelius Augustus Van *John J. Faesch. Horne, (M.) *John Ferguson, (C. L.), *Elias Brevoort WVoodward, Mayor N. Y. C. 1815. U. S. (C. L.), Judge N. W. Ter- Naval Off. N. Y., Trustee ritory. 1830-32. *1832 26 *Thomas Herring, (M.), A. M. *James Inglis, (Rev.), S. T. ID. N. Jers. 1811. *1820 1794+. *Nicholas Jones, (Rev.) *Adolph C. Lent, A. MI., MI. D. *William Cocks. 1798. *John E. Fisher, (M.) *John Blair Linn, (Rev.), A. *John Forbes. M., S. T. D. Univ. Penn. *1804 *Levi P. Graham, (C. L.) *Silvanus Miller, (C. L.), N. *Montgornery Hunt, (C. L.), Y. Assemb., Surrogate N. Repr. in Congr. Y. C. 1801-7, 1811-21, Ex*Jacob J. Janeway, (Rev.), A. aminer in Chanc. M., S. T. D. elsewhere, Prof. *John H. Meier, (Rev.), A. M. Rutg. Coll. *1858 1804. aet. 32. *1806 *Peter Augustus Jay, (C. L.), *John Morrison. A. MI. and Yale 1798, LL. D. *Alexander Phoenix, (Rev.) 1835 and Harv. 1831, Trus- *Sidney Phoenix. tee 1812-17 and 1823-43 *Thomas Phoenix, (C. L.), and Chairman 1832, Memb.,Dist. Atty. N. Y. C. N, Y. Assemb. 1816, Re. *Robert Remsen. corder N. Y. C. 1819-20, *John Brodhead Romeyn, Memb. N. Y. Constit. Conv., (Rev.), A. M. Union 1797, Prest. N. Y. Hist. Soc. *1843 S. T. D. N. Jers. 1809, *Cyrus King, (C. L.), Repr. Trustee 1809-25 and Clerk in Congr. 1811-15, Trustee N. Jers. *Leffert Lefferts, Jr., (C. L.), 1809-25. *1825 48 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1795-1798. *William Ross,(C. L.), Speaker 1797. N.Y. Assemb. *Henry Sands, (C. L.), A. M. *Benjamin Seaman, (C. L. ) *Williarn Bard, (Br.), Trustee *James Bowdoin Temple, 1840-53. *1853 Capt. H. B. M. Army. *Robert Boyd, (C. L.) *Daniel D. Tompkins, (C. L.), *Archibald Bruce, M. D. EdinN. Y. Assemb. 1801, Memb. burgh, Prof. Mineralogy in N. Y. Constit. Conven. 1801, N. Y. City. Repr. in Congr. 1805-, George iTV. Clinton, Repr. in Just. Supr. Ct. N. Y. 1804, Congr. Gov. N. Y. 1807-17, V.-Pres. *Henry C. Kunze. U. S. 1817-25, Prest. Con- *Abralham R. Lawrence, (M.), stit. Conv. N. Y. 1821. 1825 Naval Off. N. Y. *Pierre C. Van Wyck, (C. L.), *William Le Conte. Dist. Atty. N. Y. C., Rec. *Isaac A. Van Hook, (Rev.), N. Y. C. A. M. 1803. *Effingham Warner, (Rev.) *William P. Van Ness, (C. L.), *Rensselaer Westerlo, (C. L.) Judge U. S. Circuit Ct. S. 26 Dist. N. Y. 1796. 1798. *David Barclay. *Joseph Bainbridge. *Henry Cruger, Jr. *Thomas Bay. *Philip Fisher. *George Brinckerhoff, (C. L.), *Andrew S. Garr, (C. L.) *1859 A. 1M. *David S. Jones, (C. L.), LL.D. *'Jacob V. Brower, A. M., M. Allegh. Coll. Penn., Corpo- D. 1802. ration Counsel N. Y. C. *Rudolph Bunner, (C. L.), 1813-16, Trustee 1820-48, Repr. in Congr. Trustee Gen. Theol. Sem. *David Codwise, (C. L.), LL. P. E. Ch. 1822-48, Judge I. Lafay. Coll. Penn. 1855, Queens Co. N. Y. 1840-1. *1848 TMast. in Chanc. *1864 *Edward P. Livingston, (C. >'George Davis, A. M.' L.), N. Y. Sen. 1809-12, *Charles Graham, (C. L.) Lt.-Gov. N. Y. 1831-33, Re- *John T. Irving, (C. L.), Trusgent Univ. N. Y. S. tee 1818-38, Judge Supr. *Samuel Nicholson. Ct. N. Y. *1838 *Gouverneur Ogden. *Philip L. Jones. *William Rattoone. *Williamn B. Keese, (C. L.) *Josiah Shippey, Jr., (M.) Wash-ing-tonMAicKni-ght,(FPev.), *Charles Taylor, (AM.) A. M. 1804. *William Turk, MI. D. else- *Clement C. Moore, A. -14., where, U. S. N. LL. 1. 1829, Trustee 1813*Lawrence Van Buskirk. 57 and Clerk 1815-50, Prof. *Adrian C. Van Slyck. Hebrew and Greek Lit. Gen. *John Watts. Theol. Sern. P. E. Ch. N. Y. 15 1821-50, Emeritus 1850-63. *1863 1798-1801.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 49 *Samuel Moore, M. D. else- *Robert Swift Livingston (C. where. L.) *1867 *William Ogden, (M.) John McKinnon, A. M. *William Rhinelander, (AM.), *Nicholas J. Quackenbos, M. A. M. 1804. D. 1802, A. M. Lewis Sands. Thomas W. Rathbone. James Walsh. *Sampson Simson, (C. L.) 18 *Charles Floyd Thomas. *Matthew Tillary, M. D. elsewhere. 1799. John Y. Ward. *George Wilson, (C. L.), A. M. *John Christie, (Rev.) *Peter Wilson, (C. L.), A. M. *1826 *Peter Ditmarse Froeligh, 16 (Rev.) aet. 45. *1827 *Lewis Le Conte. *Jamnes Livingston. 1801 *James Lynch, (C..L.), Just. Mar. Ct. N. Y. C. *Thomas Thornton Macka- *John Anthon, (C. L.), LL.D. ness, A. M. 1861. 183 *James R. Manley, A. M., M. Robert Benson, Jr:, (Mr.) D. 1803, Prest. N. Y. S. *Abraham L. Blauvelt. Med. Soc. 1825-26. aet. 69. *1851 *Samuel Bogert. Alexander Muirray. *Thomas Bolton, (C. L.), Mast. *Philip F. Mayer, (Rev.), S. in Chanc. *John Furman. *Stephen Price. *John Gosman, (Rev.), S. T. *Samuel Riker, Jr., (C. L.)sewhere. act. 32. *1811 *John Nitchie, (C. L.), Col. *Jacob Schoonmaker, (Rev.), U. S. A. 1814. *1838 A. M., S. T. D. Dickin Coll. *Lewis Morris Ogden. Penn. 1831. act. 75. *1852 *Henry Schenck. *Arthur J. Stansbury, (C. L.) *Henry IH. Schieffelin, (M.) Peter I. Van Pelt, (Rev.), A. aet. 83. *1865 AM., 1803. *Gabriel Tichenor. *Abraham Varick, Jr., (C. L.) Gulian Crommelin Verplanck, *John Vredenbergh Varick, A M. 1821, LL. D. 1835 and (M.1),Amh. 1834 and Hob. 1835, Arthur M. Walter, A. M. N. Y. Assemb. 1820, Prof. David Wright. Ev. Christian, Gen Theol. 18 Sem. P. E. Ch. 1821, Repr. in Congr. 1825-33, N. Y. Sen,, Trustee 1821-6, Re1800. gent Univ. N. Y. S. 1826 —, Pres. Comrnr. Emigr. N. Y. John J. De Peyster. 1847-. Samuel Halstead, (M.) *Samuel Armstrong Walsh, *Philip Hamilton. M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. Samuel Harris, (C. L.) N. Y. 1811. John Henry. *Gabriel Winter, (C. L.) *1862 John Huyler, A. M. 15 50 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1802-1804. 802emb. Constit. Conv. N. Y. 1821, N. Y. Sen. 1848-50, Trustee 1830-49, Treasurer AlJohn laer M. Crosbyeeb and 1833-49, Comptr. N. Y. C. *1849 Yale 11802 2 and N. J 1806 where. * 0.John *1806ld *George C. Quackenbos, AL. D. *John Delafield, (M.) elsewhere. *1858 *William Gardner. *George W. Gosman.Remsen, (C. L.) *Francis L. Harison, (C. L.) *James Jones. *Alpheus Sherman, (C. L.), *Henry Laight, (C. L.) N. Y. Assemb. 1826-29, N. Y. Sen. 1830-34. *1866 *Lefiert Lefferts, (C.L.), Judge *John Cox Stevens. Kings Co. N. Y. Samuel W Tbomson. *Robert Macomb, (C. L.), A. Robert Watts. M. 18 *John W. Macorab. Nathaniel F. Moore, A. M., LL. D. 1825, Adj. Prof. Greek O]84. and Lat. Lang. 1817-20 Sauel Aerly,. i and Prof. 1820-35, Libra- *amuel Aerl. Barnum. rian 183?-9, President 1842-9 Truste 1842 t *William D. Blackwell, (C. L.) 1842-9, Trustee 1842-51. *Archibald MeViekar, (C. L.) *George Bryar. *JArbaes McVicekar, (C.) 836 Elisha Camp, (C. L.), Asst. IJames McVickarO (M.) 1836 U. S. Dist. Atty. N. Dist. *William Ogilvie. N. Y., Capt. U. S. V. 1812. *Henr Billiam OPrilviest. *Cornelius T.Demarest,(Rev.), *Henry Bate Priest. A.,. 1813. *Billopp B. Seaman. *Jeremiah I. Drake, A. M. *James Tillary, M. D. else- *Trilliah Edgar. whuere. *WAilliam Gracie, and N. Jers. *Hubert Van Wagenen. 20 1804. *John T. B. Graham. *Henry B. Hagerman. 1803. Alexander Hamilton, Col. N. Y. S. 1812, U. S. Consul at George It. Atkinson. Havana, U. S. Boundary John Bay. Commr. John Bowne. *Richard N. Harison. Thomas Crolius. *James D. Livingston. *Augustus Fleming. *William L. Lytton, A. M., *Edward R. Jones, (M.), Trus- MI. D. 1807. tee 1831-38. Thomas McGabagan, 1805. Gouverneur Kemble, (M.), John McVickar, (Rev.), A M. Repr. in Congr., Menmb. N. 1818, S. T. D. 1825, Prof'. Y. S. Constit. Conven. 1846. Moral and Int. Phil., RhetPeter Kemble. oric, Belle-Lett. and Pol. Edward Kemeys. Econ. 1817-57, Prof. Ev. *John L. Lawrence, (C. L.), Nat and Rev. Relig. 1857N. Y. Assemb. 1816-17, 64, Emeritus 1864-. 1804-1807.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 51 *Edward Manley. *Edmund H. Pendleton, (C. *John Mitchell. L.), Judge Dutchess Co. *Joseph Nelson, A. M. 1808, N. Y., Repr. in Congr. LL. D. Rutg. Coll. 1825, 1831-33. Prof. Languages Rutger's Abraham Purdy, A. MI. 1810. Coil. aet. 47. *1830 *Edward Seaman. *William Mi. Price. John T. Smith. *Philip Rhinelander. *Robert I. Watts. Samuel Rogers. 19 *David M. Ross, A. AM. *Robert Seaman. 1806 *John I. Sickles, A. M. *Thomas D. Smith. *TCharles D. Stewartmith. John V. Bartow, (Rev.), A. *Charles Stewart. M. *John R. Thompson, (Rev.), *George Boyd, (Rev.), S. T. ~A. Mi. D. elsewhere. *1850 *James Talcott WVatson, and *John Chrystie. Yale, 1804 and N. Jers. John Peter De Wint. 1William E. Dunscomb, (C. L.) *John Watts, Jr., M. 1). Ed- *Gilbert 0. Fowler, (C. L.) inburgh 1809, Prof. Pract. *Jonathau B. Gosman, (Rev.) of Physic Rutg.'Coll. N. J., *James.cCullen. Pres. Coll. Phys. and Surg. obert B. na ceod, N. Y. 1826-31, Trustee *Robert B. Anmas McLeod, N. Y. 1826-31, Trustee 1824-31. *1831 (Rev.) 1824-31. *1831 *Cornelius Miller, (C. L.) *David Moore, (Rev.), S. T. D. elsewhere. *1856 1805F. *Samuel William Moore, M. D. 1810. aet. 68. *1854 Peter Allaire, (hM.) *Ferris Pell, (C. L.) *Jaines Bibby. *David Quackinlnush, M. D. *Leonard A. Bleecker. elsewhere. *W;Tilliaun Cock., *Samuel B. Romaine, (C. L.), N. Y. Assemb. 1816-19, *Benjamin U. Coles. *Joab G. Cooper, (Rev.),A. M. 1819-22 and Speaker 1822. *James L. Fine. *Frederic Roorbach, (C. L.) c*Jamnes Fleming. *Cornelius Schermerhorn, (C. *Alexander Gunn, (Rev.), A. L.) M. and N.' Jers. 1805, S. T. *Philip Schuyler, U. S. ConD. eh. Cl. Penn. 1829 sul at Liverpool, N. Y. *D. Allegh. C P Assemb. *1865 *Richard Hatfield, Jr.ohi A. Smith, (C. L.) James A. Hamilton, (C. L.), John L. Tillinghast, (C. L.) LL. D. Hamilton, U. S. Dist. 20 Atty. N. Y. Robert Jaques, A. M. Thomas Lefferts. 1807. *Henry Ustick Onderdonk, (Rev.), A. II., M. D. 1810, *Egbert-Benson, Jr. *1866 S. T. D. 1827, Bishop P. E. John L. Bronk, (C. L.), Judge Ch. Penn. 1827-58. *1858 Greene Co. N. Y. 52 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1807-1809. John H. Brouwer. Hugh Maxwell, (C. L.), A. IM. *William E. Burrell, AM.. 1816, Dist. Atty. N. Y. C. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1819-29, U. S. Collector 1811. Port of N. Y. George R. Copland. Frederick Muzzy, (C. L.) Henry S. Dodge, A. M. John W. Phillips, (T.) Robert Gosman. *Edward Post, MI. D. EdinJohn H. Hill, (Rev.), A. M. burgh. 1845, S. T. D. elsewhere, William C. Rhinelander.:Missionary in Greece. *Henry Howard Ross, (C. L.), Philip M. Holmes. A. M. Univ. Vt. 1813, Repr. Daniel Mack. in Congr. 1825-27, Memb. *Peter T. Marselis, (C. L.) and Prest. N. Y. Electoral *William H. Maxwell, (C. L.), Coll. 1848, Judge Essex Co. A. M. 1827. N. Y. 1847-48. aet. 72. *1862 *Simeon Remsen. *1815 *Gilbert H. Sayres, (Rev.), S. *James Renwick, A. M., LL. T. D. 1863. aet. 79. 1867 D. 1829, Instructor in Nat. James A. Stevens. and Exper. Phil. and Chem. r*Will:am Stuart, (M.) 1813, Trustee 1817-20, Prof. *Daniel Van Maater. Nat. and Exper. Phil. and *Henry Veahake, A. MI., LL. D. Chem. 1820-53, Emeritus 1836, Instr. in Math. and 1853-63. *1863 Geog. 1813, Prof. Miath. and George P. Rogers. Nat. Phil. Rutg. Coll. 1813Dirck B. Stockholm. 17 and in Coll. N. Jers. Peter V. C. Tappan. 1817-21 and in Dickinson Cornelius Van Buren. Coll. 1821-29 and in Univ. James Van Cortlandt. N. Y. C. 1832-35, Prest. Theodore V. W. Varick, A.M. Washingto!; Coll. Ia. 1835Philip G. Van Wyck. 36, Prof. Mlat. Univ. Penn. *Charles A. Williamson. 1836-54 and Provost and 21 Prof. Moral and Int. Phil. Univ. Penn. 1854-59. *1866 18080 Peter D. Vroom, Jr., (C. L.), A. M. 1812, LL. D. 1837 and N. Jers. 1850, N. Jers. Legis. *William Atkinson, (M.) 1826 —29, Gov. and Chancel*William Berrian, (Rev.), S. lor N. Jers. 1829-36, Repr. T. D. 1828, Rector Trinity in Congr. 1838-40, MIemb. Parish N. Y. C. 1830-62, N. Jers. State Constit. ConTrustee 1832-62. *1862 ven. 1844, U. S. Envoy Ex. *Lionel Brown. and Min. Plen. to Prussia *Timothy Clowes, LL. D. else- 1853-57. where. acet. 60. *1847 *Henry Watts. *Henry M. Francis, A. Mi., MI. John Watts, Jr. D. elsewhere. 22 *James Inderwick, M. D. elsewhere, U. S. N. 1809 *Robert McCartee, (Rev.), A. MI., S. T. D. 1831. *1865 *Thomas S. Aspinwall. John McKnight, (Rev.) I Samuel Berrian. 1809-1810.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 53 Edward N. Bibby, M. D., else- Walter F. Osgood, A. M. where. Robert J. Renwick. John Brady, (Rev.), A. AM. James Stryker, (C. L.), A. M. *John Cadle, A. M., M. D. 1813, Judge Buffalo, N. Y. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. William Turnbull. 1822, Surg. U. S. Navy. *William Edward Wyatt, Gerrit Conrey. (Rev.), A. M. 1816, S. T. D. Edward Copland. elsewhere. *Cornelius Roosevelt Duffie, 27 (Rev.), A. M. 1813. *1827 Thomas Duggan. 1810. *John Fine, (C. L.), A. M., LL. D. Hamilt. Coll. 1850, Treas- *John Agnew. urer St. Lawrence Co. N. Y. *Andrew Anderson, M. D. 1821-33andJudge 1824-39, Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1844-47, Repr. in Congr. 1813. 1839-41, N.Y. Sen. 1848-50. Francis Child, A. Mi. 1816. aet. 74. *1867 *David A. Clarkson, (M.) *Alexander Fleming. aet. 71. *c *George Codwise. Alfred C. Floyd. N W-filiam De Peyster. *John Wakefield Francis, A.' Israel D. Disosway, (F.) M., M. D. Coll. Phys. and *Jacob Dycknlan, A. M., M. D. Surg. N. Y. 1809, LL. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1860 and Trin. Coll. 1850, 1813. Prof. Obstet. and Med. Ju- Robert Emmet, (C. L.), Just. risp. Rutg. Med. Coll. N. Y., Supr. Ct. N. Y. C. Prof. Mat. MeO. Coll. Phys. *Theodosius O. Fowler. and Surg. N. Y. 1813-16 *James C. Garrison, A. M. and Prof. DObstct. 1820-26~, 1816, M. D. elsewhere, U. Trustee Coll.- Phys. and S. Navy. Surg. 1814-26, Prest. N. Y. Joseph Greenleaf, (C. L.) Acad. Med. 1848. aet. 72 *181 *Peter F. Hunn, (C. L.) James N. Gifford, (M.) *Charles J. Kip. Henry Green. - *Horatio G. Lewis. John C. Hamilton, (C. L.) John M. McDonald, (C. L.) David Murray Hoffman, (C. *John McGregor, (T.) L.), LL. D. 1860 and Union *Benjamin Moore (M.) 1840, Judge Supr. Ct. N. Y. George WV. Morton, (C. L.), Samuel Jackson. U. S. Commissioner N. Y. C. *Ravaud Kearny, (Rev.), A.M. John L. Morton, (F.) Jackson Kemper, S. T. D. *Ava Neal, (Rev.), A. M. *1839 1829, LL. D. elsewhere, *Waldron B. Post, (M.) Bishop P. E. Ch. Wis. 1835-. John Slidell, (C. L.), U. S. *Henry McVickav, (M.) Dist. Atty. for La. 1829-33, *Benjamin Tredwell Onder- U. S. Min. to Mexico 1845 donk, (Rev.), A. M. 1816, and *to Central America S. T. D. 1826, Trustee 1824- 1853, Repr. in Congr. and 53, Prof. Eccles. Pol. Gen. U. S. Sen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Ch. N. Y. *Francis B. Stevens. *1811 1826, Bishop P. E. Ch. N. *Richard Stevens, M. D. elseY. 1830-61. *1861 where. *1S28 4 54 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1810-1812. *James Stoughton, (C. L.), A. and Surg. 1834-9 and TrusM. *1819 tee of same 1840-48. *1857 *Pascal N. Strong, (Rev.), A. *John B. Stevenson, 1816, A. M. N. Jers. 1818, S...D. M. 1816, M. D. Coll. Phys. elsewhere, Trustee 1822-5. *8ls5 and Surg. N. Y. 1816. aet. 68. *1863 *Jacob Townsend, (C. L.) John N. Talian, A. M. 1815. *Charles Watts, (C. L.), George J. Watts. Judge Dist. Ct. New Or- 24 leans. *1850 29 1812. 1811. *Albert Anmmerman, (Rev.) *Mattllias Bruen, Jr., (Rev.), *Gregdry T. Bedell, (Rev.), A. M. A. M. 1816, S. T. D. else- John A. Burtis. where. *1is4 *William Creighton, (Rev.), John Brown, -(Rev.), A. M. S. T. D. 1830, elected 1815, S. T. D. elsewhere. Bishop P. E. Ch. N. Y. and John Campbell. d e cli n e d, Prest. Gen. Ebenezer Close, A. M.. 1815. Conven. P. E. Ch. U. S., *John Covert, Jr. (Rev.) Trustee 1828-40. *1S65 *GeQrge Douglass., James F. De Peyster, (M.), Jacobus Dyckman. Capt. U. S. A. 1814. Charles G. Ferris, A. M..1816, *Alexander Duer, (C. L.) *18'9 Repr. in Congr. 1834-36, *Richard Duryee, Jr., (M.) 1841-3. *Lindley Murray Hoffmnan, *David H. Fraser, A. M. 1815, (M.) *1831. M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. *Ogden Hoffman, (C. L.), MidN. Y. 1818. *is188 hipman U. S. N. 18.14, Richard Freeke, (C. L.) Memb. N. Y. Assemb. 1826 James Watson Gerard, (C. -28, Repr. in Congr., Dist. L.), A. M. 1816, LL. D. 1863. Atty. N. Y. C., Atty.-Gen. N. Benjamin Haight, A. M. 1816. Y., Trustee 1833-56. *1856 *William H. Harison, (C. Benjamin R. Kissam, M. D. L.), Trustee 1838-1860. *1860 Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. William Henry Hart, (Rev.), 1819. A. M. 1828. Augustine N. Lawrence, (B.) William Hogan, Repr. in *Philip K. Lawrence, A. AM. Congr.. 1818. *Peter V. B. Livingston, U. S. *Cornelius F. Low, (C. L.) *1849 Min. to Cent. America. *Peter Mackie, Jr. Thomas William Ludlow, *Edward MeVickar. *1866 Trustee 1833-6. *John W. B. Murray, A. M., Jackson Odell, (F.) M. D. elsewhere. *1818 *George B. Purdy, M. D. Coll. *Matthew Charles Paterson, Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1816. (C. L.), A. N1.'1819, Dist. act. 73. *1865 Atty. N. Y. C. Charles Rapelje, A. M. 1820. Jacob A. Robertson, (M.), A. *John R. Rhinelander, M. D. M. 1818. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. *John Smyth Rogers, and 1824, Prof. Anat. Coll. Phys. Harv. 1827, A. D. Coll. 1812-1815.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 55 Phys. and Surg. N.-Y. 1821, 1814. and Bowd. 1825, Prof. Chem. and Nat. Sci. Trinity, John H. Ball. Prof. Mat. Med. N. Y. Coll. Jes Brooks, (M.) of Pharmacy. aet. 57. *1851 Cornelius Davis. *John A. Sidell, (C. L.) Hiillian H. Heyer. John Swartwout. Jhn Sw t. Benjamin Hilton. *Peter S. Townsend, A. M. len ackson,.. 1821. 1816, MI. D. Coll. Phys. and Henry R. Judah Surg. N. Y. 1816. aet. 54. *1849 Jaes Murison Pendleton *Jame Munrson Pendleton, *Egerto-n L. WA~inthro)p, 14. D. A. M. 1819, MI. D. Coll. Phys. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. and Surg. N. Y. 1818. 1817. *1834 act. 33. *1832 23 Theophilus Russel. George F. Talran, (C. L.), Corporation Counsel N. Y. 1813. C. 1838-9. Ferdinand Vandewater. 11 *Henry Anthon, (Rev.), A. aI., S. T. D. 1832. *1861 William Bailey. *John Brodhead Beck, A. 4M. 1818 and Union 1816 and *Charles Anthon, LL. D. 1831, N.. Jers. 1818, 14. D. C oll. Adj.-Prof. Greek and Latin Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1817, Lang. 1820-30, Jay Prof. Prof. Mat. Med. Coll. Plays. Greek and Latin Lang. and Surg. 1826-51, Trustee 1830-57 and Rect. Gram. 1838-51. *1851 School, 1830-64, Jay Prof. *Jamyes J. Bowden, (Rev. ) Greek Lang. and Lit. 1857-'WTilliam Boyd. 67. aet 69. *1867 *George W. Bruen, (M.), A. *James W. Berrian. 1I. *Archibald R. Bogardus. *Richard F. Cadle, (Rev.), A. Robert G. L. De Peyster, (1.) 4M. *Archibald Gracie, Jr., (1M.) *1865 Ti-homas L. Davies. *William S. Heyer, (Rev.), A. *Robert Hyslop, (14.) M. William* Kelmble, (M.) Jolln Hone, Jr., (M.) Thomas C. Mitchell, A. 1. *Wlliam Ironside. Nicholas Morris, Jr.. A. 1.1 *John Q. Jones, (C. L.) Thomas C. Murray, A. M. *Leonarid William Kip, (C. 1818A.L.),. 1820. 1863 *Nathaniel Greene Pendleton. *1861 Philip Mesier Lydig, (M.) Robert Ray, (C.' L.), A. jI. *John L. Mason, (C. L.), A. 1A., 1817, Trustee 1.849-. Judge Supr. Ct. N. Y., TrusAlexander H. Robertson, A. tee 1848-53. M. *Francis Morton. *Hugh Smith, (Rev.), A. M., *Frederic William RhineS. T. D. 1838. *1849 lander, (MI.) John Varick. James John Roosevelt, Jr., 18 (C. L.), N. Y. Assenmb. 1835, 56 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1815-1818. 1840, Repr. in Congr. 1841- *John M. Smith, (Rev.), A. M., 43, Judge Supr. Ct. N. Y. Prof. in Wesl. Univ. Conn. *1832 *Robert Charles Sands, (Au.), *Samuel L. Steer, (F.), Speaker A. M. *1832 Lower House of Louisiana. *Robert Seney, (Rev.), A. M. *Thomas M. Strong, (Rev.), 1828. A. M. 1820, S. T. D. else*Henry Hamlin Van Amringe, where. *1861 (Rev.), A. M. aet. 66. *1862 *Adrian Vanderveer, A. M., *James S. Watkins, M. D. Coll. M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. Phys. andSurg. N.Y. 1817. *1817 N. Y. 1818. *1857 19 17, 1817. *John M. Cannon, (C. L.) *1835 *Abel T. Anderson, (C. L.), James P. F. Clarke, (Rev.) A. M. *1864 *Matthias 0. Dayton, (C. L.) *John D. Campbell, (C. L.), Alanton Eastburn, (Rev.), A. A. M. 1820. *1852 M., S. T. D. 1835, Bishop *Richard Codman, (M.) *1847 P. E. Ch. Mass. 1842-. Frederic De Peyster, Jr., (C. *Isaac Fisher, (Rev.), A. M. *1839 L.), A. M., Milit. Secy. to *Seymour P. Funk, (Rev.), Gov. Clinton 1825-8, Mas- A. M. 1821 *1828 tery in Chancery for 17 *Samuel L. Gouverneur, U. S. years, Prest. N. Y. Histori- Postmr. N. Y. C. 1821-25, cal Society. N. Y. Assemb. 1825. *1865 *Maurice WVilliam Dwight, John Grigg, (Rev.), A. M. (Rev.), A. M. 1820, S. T. D. Daniel Phoenix Ingraham, (C. elsewhere. *1860 L.), LL. D. 1860, Just. Supr. *James Wallis Eastburn, Ct. N. Y. (Rev.), A. M. *1819 *Benjamin Isherwood, A. M., Isaac Ferris, (Rev.), A. M., S. M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. T. D. Union 1833, LL. D. N. Y. 1820. *1832 1853, Chancell. Univ. N. Y. William Lowerre, (C. L.), A. C. 1852-. M. John Ireland, Jr., (F.) Edmund Ludlow. *John Edgar Mowatt, (M.) *William AIinturn. *Daniel Levi Medora Peixotto, *John Neilson, Jr., A. M., M. A. M. 1823, M. D. Coll. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1819, Y. 1821. *1857 Prof. Theory and Pract. Meredith Ogden, (M.) Med. Willoughby Med. Coll. *Richard Ray, A. M. *1839 acet. 43. *1843 *Edward N. Rogers, A. M. *Samuel G. Raymond, (C. L.), *Samuel D. Rogers, (M.) *1850 A. M., Memb. N. Y. Assemb. *1850 18 John J. Robertson, (Rev.), S. T. D. elsewhere. 1818 *James Romeyn, (Rev.), S. T. D. 1838, elected Prof. of Henry James Anderson, A. M., Rhet. Rutg. Coll. and de- M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. dined. N. Y. 1824, LL. D. 1850, 1818-1820.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 57 Prof. of Math. and Astr. 1823, Fellow Coll. Phys. and 1825-43, Emeritus 1866-, Surg. Trustee 1851-. *Edward P. Heyer, (M.) Daniel Bonnett. Walter E. Hyer, (M.) *1845 *Richard Varick Dey, (Rev.), *William Lupton Johnson, A. M. and Yale 1823. *1837 (Rev.), A. M., S. T. D. Al*Frederick Fairlie, (C. L.) legheny Coell. Penn. *Peter Forrester, A. M. Rutg., *Charles Jones. *1854 M. D. Coell. Phys. and Surg. George Jones. N. Y. 1822. *1837 *Henry James Lowerre, (C. Robert Gracie, and Harv. 1818 L.), A. M. *1830 and Yale 1825, (M.), A.' M. George J. Rogers, (M.) and Yale 1825. *Jamnes H. Roosevelt, (C. L.), *Henry Hone, (M.), N. Y. A. M. Assemb. 1834. James S. Rumsey, M. D. Coell. Richard F. Kemble, (C. L.) Phys. and Silrg. N. Y. William Beach Lawrence, (C. 1824. L.), A.-M. 1823 and Yale Richard L. Schieffelin, (C. L.), 1826, U. S. Charg6e d' Aff. A. M. London 1827-29, Lt.-Gover- *John L. Suckley, A. M. 1823, nor of R. I., Trustee Coell. M. D. Coell. Phys. and Surg. Phys. and Surg. 1837-55. N. Y. 1823 *1836 James Lenox, A. M. and N. *Samuel Verplanck, (C. L.), Jers. 1821, Trustee N. J. A. M. 1823-51. Thomas L. Wells, (C. L.), Trus*,John H. Lloyd. tee 1837-59. *Alexander B. McLeod. *Marinus Willett, Jr., M. D. *Gerard W. Morris, (C. L.), Coell. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. Trustee 1851-55. *1865 1823, Trustee Coell. Phys. *John O'Blenis. and Surg. 1827-40. *1840 George D. Post, (C. L.) *Richard Wynkoop, (Rev.), *Clarence D. Sackett, (C. L.) A. M. *William Staley, A. M. 19 *Abraham D. Wilson, A. M., M. D). Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1188. 1820. 18 WTilliam Betts, (C. L.), A. M., 1LL. D. 1850, Trustee 1842O1 9.M and Clerk 1850-, Prof. of Law 1848-54. Henry N. Cruger, (C. L.), A. *John B. Bleecker, (M.) *1831s M. 1823. *Joseph H. Coit, (Rev.), S. T. Gabriel Poillon Disosway, (C. D. 1855. *1866 L.), A. M. and Wesl. 1833, Cornelius Ryerrs Disosway, Member N. Y. Assembly (C. L.), A. M. Wesl. 1838. 1849. *James Johnstone, (C. L.) *1854 *Peter Dykers, M. D. Coill. Samuel Roosevelt Johnson, Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1823. *1845 (Rev.), A. M., S. T. D. 1848, *Andrew Hamersley, M. D. Prof. Divinity Gen. Theolog. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. Sem. P. E. Ch. 58 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1820-1822. Henry Lawrence, (MI.) *Charles E. Stagg, (MI.) *Philip Edward Milledoler, *Peter Stagg, (C. L.) (Rev.), I. D. Coll. Phys. and *Junius Thompson, A. M. Surg. N. Y 1824, A. M. 1825, M. D. Coll. Phys. and Rutg. 1827, N. Y. Assernb. Surg. N. Y. 1825. act 31. *1831 1832. *1850 *John Tiebout, Jr., A. M., John F. Mitchell, (C. L.), A. M. AM. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. William Mitchell, (C. L.), A. N. Y. 1825. M., LL. D. 1863, Master in *William Turner, A. M., f. D. Chancery N. Y. 1840'43, elsewhere. *1858 Just. Supr. Ct. N. Y. State *Gerrit G. Van Wagenen, (C. 1850-58. L.), Trustee 1845-58, and Archibald G. Rogers, (C. L.) Treasurer 1849-58. *1858 Rutsen Suckley (C. L.) *John H. Waddell, A. M. *John R. Townsend, (C. L.) *1846 Henry John Whitehouse, 13 (Rev.), A. M., S. T. D. 1865, LL. D. Cambr. Univ. Eng. ~182Q~1. s 1867, Bishop P. E. Ch. 111. 1821. 1851-. George Wilkes, M. D. Coll. *William B. Barnes, (B.) Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1824. *Peter A. Cowdrey, (C. L.), 30 A. M., N. Y. Assemb. 1836. *1852 *Isaac F. Craft, (m.) 1822 William D. Craft, (C. L.) George H. Fisher, (Rev.), S. George Abeel, (M.) T. D. elsewhere, Trustee *George W. Dawson, (M.) 1851-55. *Peter F. IDustan, (C. L.) *William Forsvth. *John M. Glover, A. M. Yale William N. Gibert, (C. L.) *1851 1825, M. D. Coll. Phys. and Frederic Philipse Gouverneur, Surg. N. Y. 1826. *1832 (C. L.) *Josiah Dwight Harris, A. William P. Hawes, (C. L.), M., M. D. Coll. Phys. and A. M. Surg. N. Y. 1826, Asst. *William Inglis, (C. L.), Judge Surg. U. S. A. 1833. *1833 Ct. Common Pleas N. Y. *Edwin Holt, 1826. 1839-44. *1863 Henry Philip Jones, (C. L.) Pierre M. Irving, (C. L.) Theodore F. King, MI. D. Coll. *Thomas Kermit. Phys and Surg. N. Y. 1827. *Elisha S. King, (C. L.), A. M. N. Gouverneur Kortright, (C. 1826. L.) *Isaac Low, A. M. Anson Livingston, (C. L.) Stephen H. Meeker, (Rev.), *Carroll Livingston, (C. L.) *1867 A. M. Edward N. Mead, (Rev.), A. William Henry Munn, (C. L), M. 1833, S. T. D. 1861, Secy. A. MI. Trustees Gen Theo. Sem. Samuel Ogden, (M.) Adrian H. Muiller, (M.) Edwin Post, (M.) *Alexander H. Paterson, (M.) *Henry A. V. Post. Alfred C. Post, M. D. Coll. George Shrady. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1827, *John C. Slack, (T.) Prof. Ophthal. Anat. and 1822-1824.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 59 Surg. Castleton AMed. Coll., *Jarmes Hosack. Prof. Surg. Univ. N. Y. C. Mancius Smnedes Hutton, *John Lloyd Stephens, (C. L.), (Rev)., S. T. D. 1841, TrusA. M. 1827, U. S. Special tee 1855-. Embassador to Central *William L. Keese, (Rev.), America 1839, Del. to N. Y. A. M. S. Constit. Conven. 1846. *1852 *Jonathan Lawrence, (C. L.) *1833 *Thomas WTilliam Tucker, (C. William A. Lawrence, (M.) L.), A. M. 1826. *1854 /Adam David Logan, (C. L.) Alfred Wagstaff, M. D. Coll. *Georoge B. Ogden,:B.) Phys. and Surgeons N. Y. John D. Ogden:, M. D. else1826. where. *Alfred Augustus Weeks, (C. Smith Pyne, (Rev.), S. T. D. L.), A. A. 1826. *1847 elsewhere. *Hamilton Wilkes, (F.) *1852 *Andrew K. Robertfon. Edward M. Willet, (C. L.), *Noel Robertson, (Rev.), A. M. A. M. *Grenville A. Sackett, (C. L.) William R. WTilliams, (Rev.), Charles J. Smith, (C. L.) A. M. 1835, S. T. D. 1837, James H. Titus. (M.), A. M., Trustee 1838-48. lemnb. N. Y. Assemb. Samuel F. Wilson, (C. L.) 29 23 182. 1824. Benjamin Aycrigg, (Eng.), *Christopher Allen. A. M. 1839, Chief Engineer Horatio Allen, (Eng.) Penn. *Edward Anthon, (C. L.) *1830 *Robert Barker. William H. Boyd, A. AM., M. Alexander M. Burrill, (C. L.) D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. *Edward C. Crary, (M.) Y. 1826. *WTilliam A. Curtis, (Rev.), Edward M. Clarke, (C. L.)' A. AM. 1838. *1864 Lewis Cruger, (C. L.) Benjamin Drake, A. M., M. D. *Edmuld B. Elmendorf, (C. L.) *1846 Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. *John T. Ferguson, A. M., M. 1828, Prest. N. Y. Co. Med. D. elsewhere. Soc. *John Brain Foulke, A. M. and William Duer, (C. L.), Repr. Yale 1827. in Congr. 1849-51, U. S. *Adolphus N. Gouverneur, (C. Consul at Valparaiso. L.) *William H. Ellet, M. D. else*Edmund Dorr Griffin, (Rev.), where, Lect. on Element. A. M. *1830 Chem. 1830-32, Prof. EleWilliam F. Havemeyer, (M.), ment. Chem. 1832-33, Prof.' Mayor N. Y. C. Chem. Mineral. and Geol. *Williamn D. Henderson, (C. S. C. Coll. 1835-48. *1859 L.), A. M. James T. Gibert, A. M., M. D. *Henry Augustus Heyer, (M.) elsewhere. John A. Hicks, (Rev.), A. M. Jacob Townshend Gilford, M. 1830, S. T. D. Univ. Vt. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. 1847. Geneva. 60 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1824-1826. *Timothy R. Green, (C. L.), *Isaac T. Minard, (C. L.), A. M. 1834. *1840 Surrogate Otsego Co. N.Y. *John K. Hardenbrook, A. M., Edward E. Mitchell, (M.) WM. D. elsewhere. *Walter Nichols. aet. 21. *1825 Dayton Hobart, (C. L.), A. M. *William,Peshine. *William Henry Hobart, A. William Phyfe. M., M. D. Coll. Phys. and Anthony L. Robertson,(C. L.), Surg. N. Y. 1829, Trustee Asst. Vice-Chancellor N. Y. 1848-55. *1867 S. Just. Supr. Ct. N. Y. Pierre Paris Irving, (Rev.) *Ferdinand Sands, (M.) *George W. Johns!n (F.) *1856 John J. Schermerhorn, (M.) William H. Lupp, (C. L.), A. John Fletcher Smith. AM.'*\Wessell S. Smith, (C. L.), N. *Elias Joseph Marsh, A. M., Y. Assemb. *1860 M. D. Coill. Phys. and Surg. Oliver S. Strong, (M.) N. Y. 1828, Prest. N. J. *Peter Wilson, (C. L.) Med. Soc. act. 45. *1850 William Wilson, M. D. Coll. Hamilton Morton, A. Mr. 1834, Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1829. MI. D. Rutg. Med. Coll. N. Y. 21 *Waddington Ogden, (M.) *Henry Perkins, A. M., M. D. 1826. el sewhere. *Alexander Robertson. A. M., Charles E. Anderson, (Br.), M. D. elsewhere. Secy. U. S. Legation Paris Daniel C. Schermerhorn. 1836-39 and Charge d'Aff: 23 1837. *William A. Clarke, M. D. 1825. elsewhere. John Marshall Guinn, (Rev.), *George P. Cammann, M. D. S.T. D. 1865. elsewhere. aet. 59. *1863 John WV. Hammersley, (C. L.), *James A. M. Gardner, A. A., A, M. M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. Nathaniel Pendleton Hosack, N. Y. 1829. and Harv. 1826, (MI.) *Nathaniel Marius Graves, *Gabriel F. Irving. (M. ) *Robert Kelly, Jr., Regent RobertWilliam Harris,(Rev.), Univ. N. Y. S. 1856-57. A. M., S. T. D. 1849. Francis M. Kip, (Rev.), S. T. *Jacob Harsen, Jr., A. M. D. 1857. 1829, M. D. Coll. Phys. and John N. McLeod, (Rev.), A. Surg. N. Y. 1829, Prest. M. 1833, S. T. D. elsewhere. North. Dispens. N. Y aet. 55. *1863 *Joshua S. Marsh. *William E. Laight. ~ *1859 *Thomas H. Merry, Jr. Alexander S. Leonard, (Rev.), *William Henry Milnor, M. D. A. M. 1847, S. T. D. 1859 Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. John McKeon, (C. L.), A. M. 1832. aet. 60. *1862 1831, N. Y. Assemb. 1831, Thomas R. Minturn, (M.) Repr. in Congr. 1835-37, Henry Morris, (C. L.) 1841-43, Dist. Atty. N. Y. Richard Lewis Morris, M. D. C. 1845-51, U. S. Dist. Atty. Coll. Phys. and Surg, N. Y. N. Y. 1853. 1830, Health Commr. N. Y. 1826-1827.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 61 C. 1848-52 and Health Off. N. Y. 1847-9, Gov. N. Y. 1852-54. 1849-51, U. S. Sen 1851-1 *John B. Norsworthy. *Michael Floy, Jr., A. M. *1837 Hewlett R. Peters, (Rev.), S. John Murray Forbes, (Rev.), T. D. elsewhere. A. M., S. T. D. 1847 and Daniel Phoenix Riker, (C. L.) from Pope Pius IX, Tutor Beverley Robinson, Jr., (C. Trin. Coll. 1830. L.) *John Henry Hobart Haws, William H. Roosevelt. (C. L.), Repr. in Congr. *Daniel Seymour. 1851-3. *1858 Abraham A. Slover, Jr. *W~illiam C. Heyward, 1830, Thomas Swords, Jr., 1831, *1863 Brig.-Gen. U. S. A. John Clarkson Jay, M. D. *Gerrit Hubert Van Wagenen, Coll. Phys. and Srg.. Y. Jr. 1831, Trustee 1859-. *Harris Wilson, (C. L.) Joshua Jones, (C. L.) *Abraham Beakley Labagh, (F.) 1827. *Alfred Ludlow. *1831 Charles McFarlan, N. J. Sen. 1846. Jonathan Trumbull Backus, 1846. (Rev.), A. M., S. T. D. Union Heny J. Morton, (Rev.), 184g. A. M., S. T. D. Univ. Penn. Jacob Sp-erry Baker, (ait.) 1844, Trustee Univ. Penn. Thomas Hazard Barker (B.), Henry Onderdonk, Jr., (T.), U. S. Consul at Antwerp A. M. 1833. 1836. Laughton Osborn, (Au.) Henry Neilson Brush. *Samuel Penny, Jr., (Rev.) *1853 John P. Crosby, (C. L.), Trust. Minturn Post, M. D. Univ. Med. Dept. 1860-. Penn. 1832. William Henry Crosby,(C.L.), James M. Quin, 1830, M. D. Prof.Greek and Latin Lang. Rutg. Med. Coil. N.Y., A. M. Rutg. Coll. 1841-9, Acting 1833. Prof. Lat. Lang. and Lit. Charles Rhind, Jr., (M.) 1859-60. *Henry Rogers, Jr., (C. L.) *s840 Henry Augustus Du Bois, *Edwin Sands. *182s M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. *Robert Mott Sands, (C. L.) *1833 N. Y. 1830, LL. D. Yale John Schermerhorn, (Br.) 1864, Memb. Conn. Acad. *Theodore A. Swords, (C. L.) Arts and Sciences, Memb. aet. 33. *1841 Geolog. Soc. France. Joseph C. Wallace, (F.) Edward Dunscomb, (M.) *William Winter, (C. L.) *Edward Bristed Eastburn. *1830 *Grenville Temple Winthrop, Hamilton Fish, (C. L.), A. M., and Yale 182R and Bowd. LL. D. 1850, Trustee 1840- 182e, (C. L,), A. M., Iemb. and Chn. Board 1859-, Repr. Mass. Leg. 1840. *1852 in Congr. 1843-5, Lt.-Gov. 36 62 COLTUMBIA COLLEGE. [1828-1829. 182 8.: Alexander Robertson Walsh, WTilliam WValton, (Rev.), A. M. *Wiliiam- Bayley, (Art.) *1857 1836, S. T. D. 1852, Inst. in *Edmund D. Barry, Jr. Hebrew Gen. Theol: Sem. *Jonas Butler, (C. L.) *1858 P. E. Ch. *George Catlin, (C. L.), Dist. *Richard Whiley, Jr., (C. L.) Atty. Richmond Co. N. Y Martin Ryerson Zabriskie, (C. Thomas WV. Chrystie, (Rev.) L.), Trustee 1856-. Thomas T. Devan, (Rev.), 29 A. M., M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1831, Mis- 1829. sionary in China 1848, Chaplain U. S A. 1862. Cornelius Dubois, Jr., (M.) *George Featherstone Allen, Edmund Emburvy, (Rev.), A. (Eng.), Trustee 1854-63. *1863 AI. 1833. *Theodore A. Bailey, (MI.) George Gilford. Thomas E. Blanch, (C. L.), Robert Goelet. Dist. Atty. Rockland Co. Alexander N. Gunn, A M. N. Y. Rutg. 1832, M. D. Coil. *James Augustus Carter, AM. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1833. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Benjamin I. Haight, (Rev.), Y. 1832. A. 3M., S. T. D. 1846, Trus- Alfred WV. Craven, (Eng.), Ch. tee 1843-, Prof. Past. Theol. Eng. Croton Aq. Dept. N. and Pulp. Eloq. Gen. Theol. Y. C. Sem. P. E. Ch. and Rector Robert James Dillon, (C. L.), Burlington Coll. 1846. Counsel to Corp. N. Y. C. Henry S. Hoyt. 1853-6. *Mortimer Livingston, (M.) *1857 *Benjamin S. Downing, M. D. *Austin L. S. Main, M.D. Coll. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1832. 1832. aet. 24. *1834 aet. 58. *1867 IWilliam Edgar. *John A. Morrill, (C. L.) I*James Heyward, M. D. elseGeorge B. Neill. where. *John M. Ogden. *1836 John T. Irving, Jr., (C. L.) Joel B. Post, (M.) *Richard H. Ogden, (C. L.) Barzillai Slosson, (C.L.), Dist. Saimuel Ogden, (C. L.) Atty. Ontario Co. N. Y. Thomas'W. Ogden, (Br.) Samuel Sidney St. John, (T.), *John D. Ogilby, A. Al. 1833, A. M. 1834. AMast. Col. Coll. Gram. Sch. Lewis Thibou, (Rev.) 1829-30, Prof. Lang. Rutg. John Ledyard Vandervoort, Coll. 1832-40, Prof. Eccles. A. M., Al. D. Coll. Phys and Hist. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. Surg. N. Y. 1832. Ch. 1841-51. *1851 Robert Boyd Van Kleeck. *Peter Augustus Schermer(Rev.), A.MI. and Trin., S. horn, A. Al. 1833. *1845 T. D., Trin. 1847, Instr. *Theodore Sedgwick, Jr., (C. 1830-1. L.), U. S. Dis. Atty. N. Y., William Wheeler Van Wage- Trustee Coll. Phys. and nen, (C. L.), A. M. 1834. Surg. N. Y. 1842-59. *1859 1829-1831.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 63 Charles R. SWords, (M.), N. Y. William D. Waddington, (C. Assemb. L.) *Robert Tucker, MI. D. Coll. George William Wright, Phys. and Surg. N.Y. 1832. *1846 (C. L.) John D. Van Buren, (C. L.), N. 19 Y. Assemb. *Fanning S. Worth, (T.), A. 1831. AM. 1835. 20 James Bolton, A. M. 1835, M. P. Coll. Phys. and Sur'g. 1830.N. Y 1836. *Peter Schermerhorn Chauncey, (PRev.), A. M. 1836, S. *John B. Boggs. T. D. Trin. Coll. 1848, TrusJames Bowdoin, (C. L.) tee Trin. Coll. *1866 Robert L. Cutting, (Br.) *James Chrystie, Jr. John Delafield, Jr.,.(C. L.), Abraham B. Conger, A. M., A. M., 1837. Tutor 1831-3, N. Y. Sen., Hugh T. Dickie, (C. L.), Judge Prest. N. Y. S. Agl'icult. Sup. Ct. Ill. Soc. *Benjamin T. Ferguson, (C.L.) *1836 William E. Eigenbrodt, (Rev.), Lewis C. Gunn, (Ed.) A. M. 1835, S. T. I. 1855, *Nicholas C. Heyward. *1852 Prof. Past. Tlieol. Gen. George Ireland, Jr., (C. L.) Theol. Sern. P. E Ch. Edward Jones, M. D. Coill. *Robert Emory, (lev.), A. M., Phys. and Surg. 1834, Trus- S. T. D. 1846, Prof. Anc. tee 1849-. Lang. Dickin. Coll. 1834-9, *John Taylor Kneeland, AM. D. and Prest. Dickin. 1842-8. *1848 Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. *Petrus Stuyvesant Fish, A. 1833. *1838 M. *1834 Henry Ledyard, (C. L.), Secy. *John B. Gallagher, (Rev.),1849 U. S. Legation at Paris John P. Hone. 1839-42, and Charge d'Aff. Bradish Johnson, (M.) 1842-44, Mayor Detroit, Charles R. King, M. D. Univ. Mich. 1855, Mich. Sen. 1857. Penn. 1834. *Benjamin Franklin Miller, *James Joseph Macnevin. *18s2 (C. L.) *1837 James McCready Morgan. Henry C. Murphy, (C. L.), Gideon S. Nichols, (F.) M3ayor Brooklyn N. Y., *John L. O'Sullivan, A. M., Repr. in Congr. 1843-45, Tutor 1831-3, U. S. Min. Memb. N. Y. Constit. Con- Portugal, Regent Univ. N. ven. 1846, 1867, U. S. Min.. S. 1846-55. at the Hague, N. Y. Sen. John Punnett, A. A., M. D. 1864-. elsewhere. Henry Nicoll, (C. L.), Repr. in *John B. Purroy, (C. L.), A. Congr., Memb. N. Y. Con- M., Consul for Venezuela stit. Conven. 1846. N. Y. *1859 Charles H. Ogden, (M.) *Richard WV. Redfield, A. M. William Steele,, (M.), M. D. 1838. *1846 Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. Edwin M. Taylor, (Eng.), State 1833. Eng. Virginia. 64 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1831-1833. Francis Tomes, Jr., (M.) Coll. Ohio, Prof. Cornell Robert G. Vermilye, (Rev.), Univ. N. Y. 1867-. A. AM. 1836, S. T. D. 1851, Henry J. Ruggles, (C. L.) Tutor 1835-7, Ad. Prof. Erasmus P. Smith, (C. L.) Greek and Lat. Lang. 1837- John E. Stillwell, M. 1. Coll. 43, Prof.'Christ. Theol. in Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1836. Theol. Instit. Conn. Frederick L. Talcott, (M.) *Lloyd Saxbury Waddell. *1832 Philip W. Thomas, (C. L.) Samuel Ward, Jr., (Br.), A. M. Jonathan Thompson, Jr.,(MI.), 1835. A. M. 1836. *Robert Watts, Jr., A. MI., Frederick Townsend, (C.L.) MA. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. *Russell N. Townsend, (C. L.) *1837 N. Y. 1835, Prof. Anat. and William S. Verplanck. Physiol. Coll. Phys. and 28 Surg. 1843-48, Prof. Anat. 1848-671. *1867 1833 24 1833 *Stephen D. Allen, M. D. else1832 where. *1840 James Barrow, Jr., (C. L.) *John S. Bartlett, Jr., (Ed.) Henry T. Anthony, (MI.) *Jackson Bolton, AM. D. elseWValter T. Avery, (M.) where. Horatio Bogert, (C. L.), A. M. James Constable, (C. L.) 1836. Richard Cox, (Rev.), A. M. William L. Boyd, (M.), A. MI. John F. Delaplaine, Jr.,(C. L.) George Carvill, Jr., (M.) *Pierre Cortlandt De Peyster, *John Chrystie, (M.) *1856 (M.) *1854 *Henry S. Dodge, (C. L.), *John M. Gelston. A.niel GM. *1855 Charles Hall, (M.), A. MI. 1838. *Daniel G. F. Fanshaw. *1833 John Jay Jenkins, (C. L.) James Heard, Jr., (MI.), A. M. *Philip Kearny, Jr., Major U. 1836. S. A. 184P, Brig.-Gen. U. S. Alexander C. Hillman, (Rev.) V, 1861 and BIaj.-Gen. 1862. *Nicholas W. Hoffman, (MI.) *1843 aet. 47. *1862 Aaron Jarvis, A. M., M. D. *Francis P. Lee, (Rev.), A. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. M. *1847 1835. aet. 45. *1859 *Samuel Bard McVickar. *1837 William Templeton Johnson, *Jarnes WV. Metcalf, M. ID. (C. L.), A. M. elsewhere. *1856 Philip Livingston Jones, MI. Gouverneur Morris Ogden, D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. (C. L.), Trustee 1849- and N. Y., 1835. Treasurer 1858-. *John J. C. Kane, (C. L.) *1854 Henry B. Renwick, (Eng.), Frederick W. Miller, (Rev.) Examr. U. S. Pat. Off. Stephen Reed, Jr., (C. L.), VWTilliam RhinelanderRenwick, A. M. (M.) *Thomas A. Richniond, (C. *Bruce Schermerhorn. *1862 L.), A. M. *1859 Edward Slosson, (C. L.) William Channing Russel, (C. John G. Smedberg, (F.) L.), A. M., Prof. Antioch *Robert Spencer, (C. L.) 1833-1835.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 65 Abraham Gardiner Thompson, Richard E. Mount, Jr., (C. L.), Jr., A. M., M. D. Coll. Phys. A. M. and Surg. N. Y. 1837, N. *Philip Rhinelander. Y. Assemb. 1845 and 1857. Robert S. Swords, (C. L.), Lt.James A. Williams, (Rev.), Col. N. J. Vols. A. M., S. T. D. 1863. Anthony Ten Broeck, (Rev.), 24 A. M. Lloyd Windsor, (Rev.), A. M. 1834. 24 William M. Allen, (C. L.), 1835.: A. M. James William Beekman, (C. L.), A. M. -1838, N. Y. *Jedediah Blakeney Auld, (C. Assemb. 1848, N.Y. Senate L.), A. M. aet. 51' 1866 1849-51, Trustee Med. Dept. Romaine Dillon, (C. L.), Secy. 1860-. U. S. Legation, Brazil. Edward Bryar, (F.), A.M. 1838. Evert A. Duyckinck, (Au.), William Bryan Casey, M. D. A. M. elsewhere. Benigno Gener, (C. L.) James Michael Cockcroft,(M.) Thomas Buchanan Gilford, (C. William Cockcroft, M. D. Coll. L.) Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1838. Andrew Stelle Hamersley, (C. *John Conger, A. M., M. D. L.), A. M. 1839. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. Orlando Harriman, Jr., (Rev.), 1838. A.M. *Isaac C. Delaplaine, (C. L.), William Heard, (M.) A. M., Repr. in Congr. *Joshua E. Jones. *1839 aet. 48. *1866 *Charles C. Lee. William Demarest, (Rev.), John W. C. Leveridge, (C. L.), A.M. A. M. 1839. William Dennis, (Rev.) Charles Harrison Lyon, (M.), *William Dodge, (C. L.), A. A. M. M., N. Y. Assemb. *1858 *Joseph McIntyre. *William Mitchell Gillespie, Charles D. Mead, (C. L.), (Eng.), A. M., LL. D. 1859, A. M. 1839. and Univ. Nashville 1857, William Mulligan, A. M. Prof. Civ. Eng. Union Coll. *Alexander PalachB, (M.) 1845-68. aet. 52. *1868 George Quartus Pomeroy, John S. Heard, A. M., M. D. (C. L.) Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. John H. Riker, (C. L.) 1837. William H. Taggard, (C. L.) Henry Heyward, A. M. 1838. Ludlow Thomas, (Br.) Benjamin S. Huntington, *John Richard Thurman, (Rev.), A. M. 1839. Repr. in Congr. 1849-51. *1854 William Henry Hyde, (M.) *Russell Trevett, (Rev.), A. Samuel Evan Johnson, (C. L.), M., S.T. D. 1855, Prof. Anc. A. M., Judge Kings Co. Lang. St. James, Md. *1865 N. Y. William H. Wilson (T.), A. M. William Gracie King. Christian Zabriskie, Jr., (M.) Alexander Major, (M.) 24 66 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1836-1838. 1836 *Henry P. Fessenden, (C. L.) *1867 Anthony Halsey, (B.), A. IM. *Benjamin Holmes Jarvis, Newbold Edgar. (C. L.) Christodoulos L. AI. Evange- Tilliam Henry Leggett, (T.) lGes, (T.) iiliam~ash,(Rev.), John McMullen, Jr., (T.), A. *GeorgeWilliam Fash, (Rev.), M. A. ah. 1840(. L*Charles D. March. John Graham, (C. L.) *Williarn J. Masterton, (AI.) Giles AMumford Hillyer, (C. George L. Nevius, (I.) L.), A. M. *Charles Edward Shea,(C.L.), John Henry Hobart, (Rev.), A. M. S. T. D. 1856. Jesse Ames Spencer, (Rev.), Edward Hoffman, (C. L.) A. I. and Trio. 1854, S. T. John Jay, (C. L.), A. AI. D. 1852, Prof. Lat. and'WVilliam Alfred Jones, (Au.), Orient. Lang. Burlinigton A. M., Librarian 1851-65. Coll. 1850-51. *Edwa! d HIuger Laight, (M.) *1853 *David Provoost Thomas, (C. Jamnes Philips Lake. L.) GeorgeHarrison Lynch, (C.L.) John Ireland Tucker, (Rev.) *Henry MeVickar, (Rev.) S. T. D. 1858. Daniel McLaren Quackinbush, *George Stayley Van Cleef, (Rev.) (Rev.) James Renwick, Jr., (Arch.), John Vanderbilt, Jr., (C. L.), A. M. N. Y. Sen., Judge Kings Charles Maison Seymour, Co. N. Y. (Reva), AT M. *Samuel H. Whitlock, (C. L.) *1856 William Tho Jpso, A. M*Alexander Somerville Wo-*HTenry Ward, Jr., A. M. therspoon, M.D. Coil. Phys. George Gilfert Waters, (C. and Surg. N. Y. 1841, Asst L.), A. M. Surg. U. S. A. 1843-54. 1854 Harvey Augustus Weed, (C. 23 L.), A. A. James Willis Wilson, (C. L.), A. M. 01838. 21 i oI Frederic Anthon, (C. L.) 1837. Oq7Edward Anthony, (MI.) Mancer M. Backus, (M.), A. M. *Charles Aldis, (Rev.), A. AM. *1857 Geneva 1841. Samuel Blatchford, (C. L.), *Thomas Colden Cooper, Capt. LL. D. 1867, Judge U. S. U. S. V. *1864 Circ. Ct. N. Y. 1867-, Trus- Richard H. Douglass. tee 1867-. Isaac V. Fowler, (C. L.), A.M. Nathaniel W. Chittenden, (C. 1842, U. S. Postmr. N. Y. C. L.), A. M. John Hone, (C. L.) John William Clark, (Rev.) Philip Hone, Jr. Samuel Cockcroft. Benjamin T. Kissam, (C. L.), *J. Wallace Collet, A.I. 1841. A. M. 1851. *Stepheln Douglass, (Rev.), A. John Mason Knox, (C. L.), M. *1857 A. M. 1838-1840.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 67 Jeremiah Larocque, (C. L.) Harvey D. Ganse, (Rev.), A. Alfred Mersan Loutrel, (Rev.) M. 1844. *William Brinckerhoff Moffat, Nathaniel Blossom tioxie, A. M., M. D. Coll. Phys. and (C. L.), A M. Surg. N. Y. 1842. Frederick Hughson, (C. L.) *Benjamin Romaine, Jr., (C. Charles Ingersoll, (C. L.), LL. L.) *1841 B. Harv. 1841. William Edward Snowden, Daniel DeForest Lord, (C. L.), (Rev.) Trustee, Med. Dep. 1860-. Charles Spear, (Br.) Joseph Rich Mann, (Rev.), George Templeton Strong, (C. A.M. 1844, S. T. D. N. Jers. L.), Trustee 1853 —, Treas. 1862. U. S San. Comm. Edwin Augustus Nichols, William R. Travers, (Br.) (Rev.) Henry Hall Ward, (B.) A. M. *John Pirnie, Jr., (C. L.), A.I. *Francis Marion Ward, A. M. *1847 *Peter B. Pirnie, A. M. 20 George Warner Quackenbos, (T.), A. M. Edward Sabine Renwick, (M.), A. M. 183 9. @ - James William iWalsh, (M.) 25 Charles Edward Anthon, A.M. 1853, Prof. Hist. F. Acad. 840 N.Y.C. 1840. George Christian Anthon, Prof. Greek Univ. N. Y. C. Charles Bancroft, (Rev.), A. John Jacob'Astor, Jr., Trustee M., S. T. D. 1861. 1859-, Col. U. S. Vols. 1861 Samuel Bowden, (Rev.), A. AM. -2 and Bvt. Brig. Gen. 1866. Gerard Smith Boyse. Allen H. Brown, (Rev.) Charles Billow Bucknor, (C. *James C. Roosevelt Brown. L.), A. I. John Ebenezer Burrill, Jr., (C. *James Farley Clark, (C. L.), L.), A. M. 1843. A. M. Frederic Augustlus Cairns. *Edward Nicoll Crosby. *1865 *Arthur Carey, (Rev.), A.M. *1844 William Forrest, Jr., (Rev.), John Carey, Jr., (Eng.), A. M. A. M. *George James Cornell, (C.L.), James George Graham, (C. A. M., Memb. N. Y. Assemb. L.), A. M., N. Y. Assemb. Henry Drisler, Jr., A. M., Ogden Hoffman, Jr., (C. L.), LL. D. 1864, Tutdr 1843-45, LL.B. Harv. 1842, Judge Adj. Prof. Greek and Lat. U. S. Dist. Ct. California. Lang. 1845-57, Prof. Lat. Lydig Monson Hoyt. Lang. and Lit. 185]-67, Alfred George Jones, (C. L.), Acting President 1867, A. M., LL. B Harv. 1842. Prof. Greek Lang. and Lit. Robert Lenox Kennedy, A. hI. 1867- Edward Henry Lawrance, (F.) Richard Stockton Emmet, (C. Benjamin Chase Leveridge, L.) (C. L.), A. M. 1844. James Walker Fowler, (C. L.), Levi Arnold Lockwood, (C. A. M. L.), A. M. 68 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1840-1842. Dwight Edwards Lyman, William Ward Duffield, (Eng.) (Rev.) James Emott, Jr., (C. L.), John Mitchell Mason, (C. L.), Just. Supr. Ct. N. Y. A. M. Herman Ten Eyck Foster, (F.) Thomas C. Meyer, (Eng.) Oliver Wolcott Gibbs, A. M., Alonzo Castle Monson, (C. L.), M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. A. M., Judge Sup. Ct. Cali- N. Y. 1845, Prof. Chem. and fornia. Phys. Free Acad. N. Y. Obadiah Newcomb, Jr. 1848-63, Prof. Chem. Harv. William Nicoll. 1863-, Memb. U. S. San. George W. Pell, A. M. 1852. Com., Memb. Nat. Acad. Jotham Post, M. D. Coll. Science. Phys. and Surg. N.Y. 1845. Thomas Strong Griffing, Lieut. Ellis Potter, Jr., (C. L.). U. S. V. 1846-8. Worthington Romaine, (C. L.), Jacob Boerum Jewett, (C. L.) A. M. *Williamn Kemble, Jr., A. M. *1845 William Colford Schermer- James Hall Mason Knox, horn, (C. L.), A. M., Trustee (Rev.), A. M., S. T. D. 1861. 1860-. Joseph Effingham Lawrence, Peter Shapter, Jr., A. M. (Ed.) Peter Remsen Strong, (C. L.), *Robert Le Roy, Jr., (Br.), A. M. Capt. U. S. V. act. 41. *1865 Owen Sweeny, A. M., M. D. John Hodgson Mortimer, (M.) Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. Israel Moses, A. M., M.D MD.Coll. 1845. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1845. Van Brunt Wyckoff, A. M. Edward Delavan Nelson, (M.), 1844, M. D. Coill. Phys. and A. M. Surg. N. Y. 1845. John Harris Parish, (C. L.), Joseph Webb Winans, (C. L.), LL. B. Harv. 1844. A. M. -William Lewis Peck, (Rev.), 31 A. M. 1857. John Rankin, Jr., (C. L.) c)41. XJones Rogers. 1841. George Metcalfe Root, (Eng.), A. M. *Daniel Henry Beadel. Robert G. Simpson, (C. L.) *Edward Lewis Chichester, Augustus Lyons Smith, (F.) M. D. elsewhere. William Lyons Smith, (F.) John Hicks Clark. John Joseph Townsend, (C. George Washington Collord, L.), A. M. (T.), A. M. *Robert Dorlon Van Voorhis. *Frederick Cunningham, (C. 31 L.) Richard Varick De Peyster, 1842. (B.) Thomas Bloodgood Dibblee, Hector Craig Ames, Attach8 (C. L.), A. M.. U. S. Leg. Madrid. Cornelius Roosevelt Duffie, *William Gould Banks, (C. (Rev.), A. M., S. T. D. Univ. L.), A. M. N. Y. C. 1865, Chaplain *Abraham Smith Brouwer, 1857 —. (C. L.) 1842-1844.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 69 Benjamin Franklin Clark, (F.) William Edgar Bunker, (AI.) William Henry Ebbets, (C. L.) *John White Dana, M. D. Frederick Frye, (C. L.), A. M. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. William Henry Harison, Jr., 1846. (Rev.), A. MI. *William Cecil Duncan, Abram Stevens Hewitt, (M.), (Rev.), A. M., S. T. D. 1857. *1864 A. M., Secy. and Direct. Benjamin H. Franklin, (M.) Cooper Union, N. Y. C.,.U. *Albert Gallatin, Jr., (C. L.), S. Commr. to Univ. Exposi- A. MA. aet 35. *1859 tion, Paris, 1867. James Watson Gerard, Jr., Julius Sleight Hitchcock, (MI.) (C. L.), A. M. Robert Jaffray, Jr., (M.) William Beach Lawrence, Jr., William Sevymour Kernochan, (C. L.), A. M. (C. L.), LL. B. Harv. 1844. Edward Zechariah Lewis, *Richard Montgomery Law- (Rev.) rence, Jr., (M.) William McCune, (F.) Livingston Kip Miller, (C. L.), Henry Post McGown, (C. L.) A. MI. 1846. *Robert K. Moffet. Clement Moore, (C. L.), A. AM. William R. Morgan, (B.) *George Lucas Newton, (C. John Christian Philip, M. D. L.), A. MI. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. Robert Morrison Olyphant, 1847. (M.) George Payn Quackenbos, Wheelock Hendel Parmly, (T), A. M. (Rev.), A. M. Charles Reynolds, (Rev.), A. William J. Paulding. M. James Hunter Phinney. John Henry Ross, MA. D. Coll. Edward Elmer Potter, Brig.- Phys. and Surg. N.Y. 1847. Gen. U. S. Vols. Matson Meier Smith, (Rev.), *Zebedee Ring, Jr., (C. L.) A. MI., S. T. D. 1863. Oliver Everett Roberts, (M.), John B. Stevens, (C. L.) A. AM. *John Thomson, M. D. Coll. Washington Rodman, (Rev.) Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1847. Silas Weir Roosevelt, (C. L.) Cornelius Van Vorst J*1856 David Reid Stanford, (iM.) John Baker Stevens, (C L.) 23 William Pinckney Stewart, (C. L.), A. M. 1848. *John Sym, (Rev.) *1845 1844. Elisha William Teakle. David Thomson, Jr., (CM.) A.M.' Clement W. Al Burtis, (F.) 30 *John Babcock Arden, M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1848. *1851 1 843 Robert Bayard Campbell, (C. L.) *Benjamin Nibbs Ayrnar, (M.) Jacob Post Giraud Foster, (C. Samuel P. Bell, (C. L.) L.) Thomas C. T. Buckley, (C.L.), Samuel Hollingsworth, (Rev.), A. MI. A. MI. * fi U... 70 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1844-1846. Nicholas Bergasse Labau, N. Y. 1849, Librarian 1841(C. L.), N. Y. Sen. 1866-67. 51. aet. 26. *1851 Charles William Lawrence. Aaron B. Reid, (M.) Edward McGee, (Rev.) Stephen K. Stanton. William Bowne Minturn, M.D. *John A. Taggard. *1865 Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. Frederick Samuel Tallmadge, 1848. (C. L.), A.M. 1849. William Taylor Moore. Pierre Marston Van W;yck. *Peter Martin Pirnie. *Henry P. W~ainwright. *1845 Edward Henry Swan, (C. L.), 24 LL. B. Harv. 1847. Otto William Erasmus Van Tuyl, M. D. Coill. Phys. and 1846. Surg. N. Y. 184. Charles WVhipple Whiley, M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1848. *R. S. Carden Abbott, A. lM. 14 G. Mortimer Belden, (F.), A. M. 1850. Beverley Robinson Betts, 1845. (Rev.), A. M., Librarian 1865-. Edward C. Bogert, (M.) *John Knickerbocker Adams. Henry A. Bogert, (C. L.), A. M. James Anderson. Arthur Bronson, Jr. *Francis S. Cottenet. *1848 Elias G. Brown, (C. L.), A. M. John Drake, (C. L.), A. M. 1851. William J. Frost, (Rev.), A. AN. George Barnard Draper,(Rev.), William B. Harison, (C. L.) A. At. Charles B. Hoffman, (B.) George T. Elliot, Jr., A. M. *William H. Hudson. 1849, M. D. Univ. N. Y. C. John G. Hyer, (C. L.) 1861, Prof. Obstet. Diseases *William M. Johnson, (M.) Worn. and Childr. Bellev. John Grenville Kane, (C. L.), Med. Coll. N. Y. C. A. M. John James Elmendorf, (Rev.), Edwin M. Kellogg, M. D. elseA. MI., S. T. D. 1866, Instr. where. in Maths. 1848. John L. Lefferts, (C. L.) William Alexander Falls. Jeremiah Loder, (C. L.), A. MI. George Irving. Charles Scott MIcKnight. George A. Jones, (C. L.) William A. McVickar, (Rev.), Samuel Thomas Jones, (C. L.), A. M. 1850. Just. Sup. Ct. N. Y. *Frederick Nash, A. M., AM. D. John Wheeler Leavitt, Jr. Coill. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. Alexander MIcCue, (C. L.) 1850. aet. 34. *1861 Charles Armand Minton. William Whittingham Olssen, *Samuel B. Romaine Nichols. (Rev.), A. M. 1850. *David B. Ogden, Jr. *1865 Edward M. Peck, (Rev.), A. Henry Onderdonk, Prof. Chem. M. and Trinity Coll. 1852. St. Timothy's Hall, Md. James Thomson, (C. L.), A. M. *Lefroy Ravenhill, A.M. 1849, Alexander G. Tyng. M.I D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. 24 1847-1849.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 1 1847. / Tompkins Westervelt, (C. L.) -Cornelius Daffie Blake, (C. 1848. L.), A.. 1848 John H. Bolton, (M.) Theodorus Bailey Bronson, (C. Henry Pearsall Campbell, (I.), L.), A.M. A. MA. Horace W. Carpenter, (C. L.) John Winthrop Chanler, (C. Ralph L. Cook, (M.) L.), N. Y. Assemb. 1858-9, Lyman Denison Deraray, (M.) Repr. in Congr. Richard Mead De Mille, (C. William Samuel Coffey, (Rev.), L.), AM. A. M. Morgan Dix, (Rev.), A. M., WTilhelmus Bogart Conger, S. T. D. 1862, Rector Trinity (M.) Parish N. Y. 1862-, TrusCarroll Dunham, M. D. Coll. tee 1862-. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1850. George Clinton Farrar, (M.), John Whetten Ehninger,(Art.) A. M. Robert Holden, (Rev.), A. M., Joseph Wesley Harper, Jr., Prof. Burlingtoiln Coll. N. (Pub.), A.M. Jers. 1849-51. P. Leslie Irving, (C. L.) *Arthur AM. Jones. *1850 *Henry Whitlock Johnson, John Stearns Lane, (M.), A. AM. (C. L.) *1863 Isaac Lawrence, (C. L.), A. M. Levi M. Kellogg. William Simmons Ludlum, Cornelius Low King, Capt. (Rev.), A. M., M. D. 1862. and Bvt. Maj. and Lt.-Col. John James McLaren, (B.) U. S. A. Clarence Green Mitchell, (C. George Morford Klots, (M.) L.), A. M. Edward Leavenworth. *Timothy G. Mitchell, A. M., T h e o d o r e Frelinghuysen Prof. Burl. Coll. N. Jers. Lewis, (M.), A. M. 1849-57. *1857 John Lockwood, Jr., (T.) John Moneypenny, Jr., M. D. *Lewis Morris, Jr. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. Peter Wilson Ostrander, (C. 1850, Surg. 123d N. Y. S. L.), A.'M. Vols. William Cruger Pell, (C.L.) John W'ells Moore, (Rev.), Columbus B. Rogers, (C. L.) A. M. 1860. *Thomas P. St. John. John Neilson, (AM.)'Otis Dwight Swan, (B.), *Benjamin Augustus Onder- LL. B. Harv. 1850. donk. Isaac Van Winkle, (C. L.), Frederic WV. Rhinelander, (M.) A. M. Joseph Kanicks Riggs, (B.) Benjamin Clark Wetmore, James Francis Ruggles, (C. (C. L.) L.) *Joseph Moss White,- (M.) Archibald M. Stone, (Rev.) 25 Israel Leander Townsend, (Rev.), A. MI. 1849. *Robert Travis, Jr., (Rev.), A. M. *1866 Cornelius Rea Agnew, M. D. Francis Van Rensselaer, (F.) Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 72 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1849-1851. 1852, Memb. U. S. San. John Drake Skidmore, (M.), Corn. 1860-67. A. AM. William Edmond Armitage, *Prosper M. Wetmore, Jr., (Rev.), A. M., S. T. D. 1866, (M.) Asst. Bishop P. E. Ch. Wis. John Jay White, (C. L.) 1867-. 32 William Astor. *Edward Courtlandt Babcock, 1850. (Rev.) *1867 Norman Adams Beach, Prof. John Martin Gabriel Aims, MI. Coll. City N. Y. ID. elsewhere. *Charles Hinckley Brown. Matthew M. Blunt, Major U. Churchill John Cambreling, S. A. (C. L.), Major U. S. V. George G. Byron, (M.) *Baldwin Dix, (C. L.) Malcolm Campbell, (C. L.) George Lloyd Freeman, M. D. Galen Augustus Carter, (Br.) elsewhere. James Starr Clark, (Rev.), Henry De Costa Hanners. A. AM. William Abel Hardenbrook, Frederic R. Coudert, (C. L.) (T.) John Ferris Delaplaine CorJohn Vernor Henry, (M.), nell, (Rev.) A. M. Archibald Falconer Cushman, William Henry Herriman. (C. L.), LL. B. Harv. 1852. Lewis A. Kemper, (Rev.), B. Edwin Wakeman Edwards, D. elsewhere, Prof. Bibl. (M.) Interpr. Nashotah Theol. Thomas Ludlow Harison, (F.) Sem. P. E. Ch. Wis. John Sebastian Bach Hodges, *William Morrow Knox, A. M. (Rev.), A. LM. 1855, M. D. Coll. Phys. and Walter R. T. Jones, (M.) Surg. N. Y. 1854, Asst. Adolphe Le Moyne, Jr., (B.) Surg. U. S. V. U1862 Frederick L. Purroy. Joseph Larocque, (C. L.) Erskine M. Rodman, (Rev.), David Porter Lord, (M.) A. M. Charles A. Magnes, Jr. Joseph Sands, (Arch.) *Ebenezer Bowmnan Miner, M. George Franklin Seymour, D. elsewhere. (Rev.), A. MI., Prof. Eccles. Daniel Morrelle, (Rev.), (T.), Hist. Gen. Theol. Sem. P. E. A. M. 1855. Ch. N. Y. Aaron Ogden, (C. L.), A. M. Charles Augustus Sillinian, Henry Parish, Jr., (M.) (M.), A. M., LL. B. 1860. John Prince Pemberton, M. D. John Esten Cooke Smedes, 1864. (Rev.), A. M. *George C. Pollen. aet 39. *1867 William Hazard Terry. Charles E. Rhinelander. *Edward Forbes Travis, (C. Saumarez Dobre6 Routh, (M.), L.) *1867 John Frederick Schroeder, Jr., Evan Thomas Walker, (M.) (Rev.) 23 Ezra Kellogg Sherwood. John Shrady, Jr., A. M. 1858, 1851. M. D. 1861, Surg. U. S. V. 1862-64. John H. Anthon, (C. L.), A. 1851-1853.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 73 M., N. Y. Assemb., Asst. George H. Hinton, A. M. Dist. Atty. N. Y. C., Prof. John Augustine Hows, (Art.), Med. Jurisp. N. Y. Coll. A. M. Med. Ansel N. Kellogg, (Ed.) Henry M. Bedford, M.D. else- Lea Luquer, (Rev.), A. AM. where. *Archibald Bleecker iMcDonStewart H. Brown, (B.) aid, Jr., (Arch.), A. M. *1866 Charles Arms Cook, (Br.) Samuel L. Mitchill, Jr., (M.), *Williarn T. Cornell. A. M. John De Ruyter, Jr., (M.) James Morris, (C. L.), LL. B. James DeKoven, (Rev.), S. Harv. 1854. T. D. elsewhere, Prest. Ra- Charles De Gray Mount, A. cine Coll. Wis. M. Legh R. Dickinson, (Rev.) Washington R. Nichols,(C.L.) William H. Draper, A. M., M. Charles O'Dowd. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. John H. Pell, (C. L.), A. M., Y. 1855, Asst. to Prof. U. S. V. Surgery. George C. Pennell, (Rev.), Edward S. Hoffman, M. D. A. M. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. *Robert Ray, Jr., A. M., M. D. 1855, Surgeon U. S. V. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. Henry B. Johnson. 1856. aet. 28. *1860' Nicholas F. Ludlum, (Rev.) James Renwick Smedberg, John G. McNary, (T.) (Eng), A. M. George A. Seaman. Richard F. Stevens. William R. Smith. Henry A. Tailer, (C. L.), A. M. *A Henry Thurston, A.l M., Eugene Thorn, Capt. U. S. V. M. D. elsewhere, Surgeon William E. Thorn, (C. L.) U. S. V. *1865 Eastace Trenor, A.M, M. D. Charles H. Ward, (B.), A. M. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1864. 1856, Surg. N. Y. S. Vols. William G. Ward, (B.), Col. *John Trenor, Jr., A. M., M. D. U. S. V. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N-. Y. Merritt H. Weliman, (Rev.), 1856, Surg. U. S. V. 1863A. M. 65, Bvt Lt.-Col. U. S. V. *1867 J. Walter Wood, (Br.) Richard H. Tucker, (C. L.) David Augustus Wright. 27 21 1853. 1852. *Cornelius Van Alen Ander*John Bennem, Jr., (Rev.) *1853 son, A. M., M. D. Coll. Phys. Charles Ludlow Bogert, and Surg. N. Y. 1857. *1862 (Arch.), A. M. MWilliam Irving Clark, (M.) James L. Brown, M.' D. else- George Washington Dean, where. (Rev.), A. M. 1861, Tutor Henry W. Clark,(C. L.,) A. M. 1854, Prof. Gr. and Lat. *John Wakefield Francis, Jr., Langg. Racine Coll. Wis. M. D. elsewhere. *1855 Joseph Smith Dodge, Jr., A. John VW. Harper, (Pub.), A.M. M., M. D. Coll. Phys. and 74 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1853-1855. Surg. N. Y. 1856, Tutor John V. Lewis, (Rev.), A. M. 1854, Prof. Dental Coll. N. Cutler C. McAllister, (C. L.), Y. C. A. M. Daniel Embury, Jr., (M.), A. Elias J. Marsh, M. D. Coil. M. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1858, *William Emerson, Jr., (C. L), Asst. Surg. U. S. A. 1861-, A. M., LL. B. Harv. 1856. *1864 NMed. Direct. U. S. V. William George Farrington, *Henry C. Marvin, (C. L.), (Rev.), A. M. A. A.M. *1865 Isaac J. Greenwood, Jr., James S. Merriam, (C. L.) (Chem.), A. M. 1857. *Charles Edwards Morgan, M. Albert Ward Hale, (Eng.), D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. A. M. 1862. 1 Y. 1857. *1867 Abraham S. Jackson, (C. L.), *Orlando HI. Morris, (C. Is.),'A. M. Col. U. S. Vols. k1864 William Allen Johnson,(Rev.), Henry C. Murphy, Jr., (C. L.), A. M. 1851. A. M. 1860. John A. Kernochan, (M.) Peter J. Neefus, (F.) Delancy W. Knevels, (M.), *-James Cortlandt Parker, Jr., A. M. 1857. (C. L.), A. M., Lieut. U. S. *Edward William Laight, Jr., Vols. *1862 (MI.) aet. 33. *1867 Charles S. Pomeroy, (Rev.), Thomas McCarty, (C. L.), A. M. A. M. *George V. Pomeroy, Jr., (M.), William J. Osborne, (C. L.) A. M. *1S67 St. Clair Smith, (C. L.) William J. Sayres, (C. L.), *Washington Irving Tibbitts. *1853 A. M. 1862. Archibald Somerville Van Du- Reginald Heber Smith, A. MI., zer, (C. L.), A. M. LL. B. 1866. 19 Benjamin Strong, (F.) Gardiner Thompson, (B.) John Condit Trippe, (M.) 1854. Marvin R. Vincent, (Rev.), A. MI., Prof. Lat. Troy Univ. George Washington Bacon, Stewart L. WVoodford, (C. L.), (Rev.), (T.), A. M., LL. B. A. M. 1866 and Yale 1866, 1862, M. D. 1865. Asst. Atty. U. S. South. Cullen L. Carter, (F.) Dist. N. Y. 1861, Col. and Henry M. Congdon, (Arch.) Brev. Brig.-Gen. U. S. Vols., *Charles B. Cromwell, (C. L.) Lieut.-Gov. N. Y. 1866-. *Francis A. De Wint, (C. L.), Jeremiah L. Zabriskie, (C. L.) A. M. 1860...1866 29 Elias G. Drake, Jr., (C. L.), Leicester K. Ely1855. Carleton Moses Herrick, (C. L.), A. M., LL. B. 1860. Gunning S. Bedford, Jr.,(C. L.), Edward Kirkland, (Br.), U. S. A. AI., LL. B. Harv. 1859, Vols. Asst. Dist. Atty. N. Y. C. George C. Kissam, M. D. Coll. Edward Cammann, (C. L.), A. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1851. MI. 1855-1856.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. T5 Benjamin L. Curtis, (M.), A. Edward C. Clement, A. M. AM. 1860. Charles Da Costa, (C. L.), Whittingham Cox, A. M. 1860, A. M. Lt. 4th U. S. Inf. William Dean, (C. L.), A. M. Robert Livingston Cutting, Lewis L. Delafield, (C. L.), Jr., (C. L.), A. M., LL. B. A. M. Harv. 1859, UT. S. V. *Philip A. Embury, (M.), A. M. Maturin L. Delafield, (M.), Edward O. Harmon, (M.) A. M. James R. Hosmer, (C. L.) Walter Gregory. Walter Knight, AM. D. else- Francis Hendricks, (M.), A. AM. where. 1861. Charles E. Miller, A. MD. William R. Hyslop, (C. L.), David Burgess Miller, A. M., A. M., Capt. U. S. V. M. D. Coll. Phys. and Surg. Ambrose C. Kingsland, Jr., N. Y. 1858. (M.), A.M. 1861. George J. Murphy, A. M. 1860. George L. Kingsland, (M.), George Augustus Ostrander, A. M. 1861. A.M., M. D. Coll. Phys. and Leonard W. Kip, Jr., A. M. Surg. N. Y. 1858. Peter I. Labagh, (C. L.), A. M. William A. Perry, (Eng.), Thomas Townsend Lawrence, A. M. (C. L.), LL. B. Harv. 1862. George R. Schieffelin, (C. L.), David B. Lee. A. M. *Hermon F. Lee. *1864 Oscar Smedberg, (C.L.), A. M. Alexis Enmerson McIlvaine, Herbert B. Turner, (C. L.), (M.) A. M. Joseph Meeks, (C. L.), A. M., John G. Wendel. LL. B. Harv. 1858. 19 Robert B. Minturn, Jr., (M.) Richard C. Moore, Jr. i. or AMandeville Mower, A. M. 1 5L6. James G. Osborne, (C.L.), A. M. William Warren Ayres, (M.), G. Wendell Prime, (Rev.) A. M. William J. Seabury, (Rev.), Edwin S. Babcock, (C. L.), A. M. A. M., Lt.-Col. U. S. V. William F. Shepard, (C. L.) Charles A. Bacon,' A. M. 1863, Alexander M. Stanton, (Br.), M. D. elsewhere. A. M. Albert H. Baldwin, (Art.), Russel Stebbins, Jr., (M.) A. M. *Thomas Suffern, Jr., *1857 Eastburn Benjamin, (Rev.), Charles C. Suydam, (Br.), A. M. A. AM., Lt.-Col. U. S. V. Marshall Spring Bidwell, Jr. David G. Thompson, Jr., (Br.), William Pell Bogert, (F.) A. M. 1860. Abbott Brown, (Rev.), A. M. John W. Timpson, (C. L.), 1863. A. M. Henry J. Cammann, (M.), William Gracie Ulshoeffer, A. M. 1863. (C. L.), Capt. IU. S. V. Charles N. Clark, (B.), A. M., * WilliaalT. Van Riper, (C. L.), U. S.V. A.M. 76 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1856-1859. *John Francis Walton, (C.L.), William R. Talbot, A. M. A. Al. Daniel S. Tuttle, (Rev.), A. AM., James Weeks, (Al.) S. T. D. 1867, Bishop P. E. Elbert M. Willett, (C. L.), Ch. Montana 1867-. A. M. William B. Winslow, A. Al. Howell L. Williams, Jr., (M.), 27 A. M. 1858. Wyllys P. Baxter, (C. L), A. AI. 1857(J. Henry Woodward Cooper, (C. L.), A. M., LL. B. 1860. William S. Boardman, (Rev.), Stephen B. M. Cornell, A. Al. A. M. Lewis A. Curtis. *Morgan L. S. Brower, A. M. 1864 Daniel Sickles Duvall, (C. L.), Richard S. Dana, A. M. LL. B. 1860. Henry Eugene Davies, Jr., Jacob A. Geissenhainer, A. M. (C. L.), A. AM., Maj.-Gen. U. Harmon Hendricks, A. M. S. V., Pub. Admin. N. Y. C. Henry L. Jones, (Rev.), A. Al. 1865-. Henry C. Kinney, (Rev.), A.M. Sumuel W. Francis, A. M., Nicholas Luquer, Jr. Al. D. elsewhere. Philip Alesier Lydig, Jr., Elbridge Thomas Gerry,(C.L.), (C. L.), LL. B. 1861, Alajor A. A. and Bvt. Lt.-Col. and Col. George G. Haven, A. M. U. S. V. James B. Herrick, A. M. *D. Ledyard Mlallison. Philip. W. Holmes, (C. L.), James R. Manley, A. AlM. A. AM. Charles H. Marshall, Jr., (M.), Oliver Phelps Jackson, A. M. A. AM.l. William Hamett Martin,A. M., William J. Marvin, A. Al. 1864. M.D. 1861. *Benjamin Pell. *1862 Erskine Mason, A. Ml., M. D. A. G. Richards. 1860, Asst. Dem. Anat. Robert K. Richards. 1861-66, Dem. Anat. 1866-. Henry C. Riley, (Rev.) *W. Carey Massett, A. M., James W. Romeyn, A. M. Lt.-Col. U. S. V. aet. 23. *1862 Thomas F. Thatcher. Mytton Maury, (Rev.), A. M. Gilbert T. Totten, A. M., M. D. Pierre McCarty, A. M. 1861, Asst. Surg. N. Y. V. *Henry B. Nott. *1859 Hubert Van Wagenen. Richard T. Packwood, A. A. Francis C. Wainwright,(Rev.), *Theodore Parkman, (Chem.), A. AM. A. M., Ph. D. Univ. Gbttin- John Ward, Jr., LL. B. 1860, gen 1860, U. S. V. aet. 21. *1862 A. M. 1864, MI. D. Univ. N. Goold H. Redmond. Y. C. 1864, Capt. U. S. V. Charles E. Sears, (C. L.), A.M. 25 James H. Slipper, A. M. William Renwick Smedberg, 1859. A. M., Capt. and Bvt. Maj. and Lt.-Col. U. S. A. Edward It. Anderson, (C. L.), Edgar PinckneySmith, A. M. A. AM., N. Y. Assemb. 1866. James T. Tailer, (M.), A. M. Richard Smith Bacon, (T.), 1859-1860.] GRADUATES IN ARTS.' A. M., LL. B. 1862, M. D. -William David Walker, 1865. (Rev.), A. M. 1863. Thomas J. Benjamin, A. M. Edward N. Whitehouse, A.M., John Crosby Brown, (B.), Purser U. S. N. A. M. Henry Bruen Whitehouse, Edward F. Browning, A. M. A. M. Elisha S. Caldwell, (C. L.), 33 A. M. Frank Pharcellus Church, (Ed.),A A. M. 1860. Gouverneur Cruger, A. M. William Floyd Cushman, Robert P. Barry, 1865, Capt. A. M., M. D. 1862. U. S. A. John William Duer, (C. L.), Richard G. Benjamin, A. M. LL. B. 1861. Clarence Stewart Brown,(B.), Cortlandt De Peyster Field, A. M., Major U. S. V. John(M. Frederics),n A. M. J. Lorillard Cammann, A. M. John Frederic Gesner, A. M. Hward Clakson Y. 1. Howard Clarkson Irving Grinnell, 1862, A. tM... Walter Livingston Clarkson, 1862.eadwell Hustace 1859 (C. L.), A. M., LL. B. 1863. *E. Treadwell Hustace. *1859 Edgar M. Cullen, A. M., Cot. Edgar M. Cullen, A. AS., Col. William Jay, Jr., (C. L.), U. S. V., Lt. 1st U. S. Inf. At.-14. UL.. 16. Bvt. Charles De Ruyter, (M.), A. t. U. S. V.., LL. B. 1862, U. S. V. Charles A. Jackson, Jr., (C. L.), Eugene Du Bois. John Haven Emerson, A. M., James Pierre Lacombe, A. i M.D. 1865. William Lummis, (B.), A. M. George R. Fearing, Capt. and J. Emory McClintock, (M.), Bvt. Major U. S. V. A. M., Tutor 1859-60. Robert Goelet, Jr., A. M., LL. George William Maynard, B. 1862. Prof. Metall.' Polyt. Inst., Joseph Greenleaf, Jr., (Rev.), Troy, N. Y., 1867-. A. M. James Frederic Moore, A. M., Edward L. Greenwood,(C. L.) 1M. D. elsewhere. Laban Gardner Hopkins, A. Stephen Whitney Phoenix, M., LL. B. 1862, LL. M. A. M., LL. B. 1863. 1864. William L. Raymond, A. M. Edmund Abdy Hurry, (C. L ) *Stephen Richard Reynolds, A. M., LL. B. 1862, U. S. N. A.M., Capt. U. S. V. aet. 25. *1864 *John William Jenks, Lieut. William T. Sabine, (Rev.), U. S. V. *1861 A. 1M. Edward R. Jones. Oscar E. Schmidt, A. M. Ierbert Kettell, A. 1. J. Augustus Slipper, (Ed.), *Augustus F. Iing, U. S. V. A. M., Maj. U. S. V. act. 23. *1862 Thomas F. Trenor, A. 1., David Lydig, A. M. M. D. elsewhere. Samuel Kuypers Lyon, A. M., Gabriel Mead Tooker, (C. L.), M. D. 1866. A. M., LL. B. 1861. Thomas H. Messenger, A. M. Robert Boyd Van Kleeck, Jr., George Mason Miller, A. M., (C. L.), A. M., LL. B. 1862. LL. B. 1862, Capt. U. S. V. '78 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1860-1861. Augustus Newbold Morris, Charles Coolidge Haight, A. M., LL. B. 1864. A. M., Capt. U. S. V. Richard Lewis Morris, Jr., A. Edward Haight, Jr., A. M., M. 1866, Capt. and Bvt. Capt. U. S. A. Major U. S. A. William Richards Hillyer, Robert Dillon Nesmith, A. M., (M.), A. AM., Capt. U. S. V. M.-D. Univ. N. Y. C. 1862. Elisha Horton, Jr., (C. L.), Thomas Ludlow Ogden, (C.L), A. M. A. M., LL. B. 1862. Reuben'Wing Howes, Jr., Robert Troup Pell,,(C. L.), A. (Rev.), A. MI. M., LL. B. 1863, U. S. V. Walter Bowne Lawrence, Eugene Hall Pomeroy, (C. L.), (Br.), A. M. LL B. 1862, U. S. V. Albert McNulty, Jr., (C. L.), Edward P. Robins. A. M., LL. B. 1864, U. S. V. James S. Satterthwaite, A. M. Edward Mitchell, (C. L.), John W. Southack. Jr., A. M., A. M., LL. B. 1865. M, D. Bellevue Med. Coll. N. Gratz Nathan, (C. L.), A. M., Y. 1865, Asst. Dem. Anat. Asst. Corporation Atty. N. Bell. Med. Coll. Y. C. Abraham Suydam, (Eng.), A. Frank Alleyne Otis, (C. L.), M. A. M., LL. B. 1864. *Frederick A. Tracy, Lieut. *Richard Cornelius Ray, U. S. A. aet. 23. *1863 Lieut. U. S. V. i1863 John Howard Van Amringe, *William Alexander Rice, A. M., Tutor 1860-63, Adj. (C. L.), A. M., U. S. V. act. 24. *1866 Prof. Maths. 1863-. Erastus Barnes Rudd, (C. L.), George Waddington, (C. L.), A. AI., LL. B 1863. LL. B. 1862. William Henry Russell, Jr., William Fitzhugh White- A. M., Capt. LU. S. V. house, (B.), A. M. Thomas Taunton Sabine, A.M., Pierre Washington ildey, M. D. 1864, Asst. Dem. (C. L.), A M., LL. B. 1863. Anat. 1866-. Egerton L. Winthrop, A. M. Harry Augustus Schermer40 horn, (C. L.), A. M., LL. B. 1867. Thomas Henry Sill, (Rev.), 1861. A. AM. George Lansing Taylor, James Benkard, Jr., A. M., (Rev.), A. M Capt. U. S. V. Henry A. Coit Taylor, (M.), W;illiam Alexander Boyd, A. M. (C. L.), A. M., Lieut. U. S. John Ayscough Tucker, (M.), V. A. M., I. S. V. George' Herbert Carey, (C. L.), Stephen Hague Turnbull, A. M., LL. B. 1863. (C. L.), A. A. William Halsted Caswell,(M.), Joseph Mason Turner, A. M. A. M. *lWilliam Mansfield Van WVagHenry Dudley, A. M. enen, (Rev.), A. AM., act. 24. *1866 John Gihon, Jr., (MA.), A. M. Luis Puertas'Walton, A. AM. Langdon Greenwood, (C. L.), Isaac Johnson Ward, (C. L.), A. M. A. M. 1861-1863.] GRADLUATES IN ARTS. ]9 Samuel. Baldwin Ward, A. M., Charles Sigourney Knox, MI. D. Alex. Med. Coell, Asst. A. M. Surg. U. S. A. William Elliott Laight, (C. L.) Edward Walter West, (C. L.), William Gerard Lathrop, Jr., LL. B. Univ. N. Y. C. 1861, (C. L.), LL. B. Harv. 1864, A. M., Col. U. S. V. A. M. Frederick Cope Whitehouse, George Anderson Lawrence, (Rev.), A. M. (M.), A. M. Albert Beach Whitney, A.M., William Henry Martin, (MI.) M. D. Univ. N. Y. C. 1863. *Henry Htoward Marvin, Lt.36 Col. U. S. Eng. 1862-3. *1863 Cornelius Berrian Mitchell, John Fulton Betrian Mitchell, Edward Robert Atwill, (Rev.), A. M., Capt. U. S. V. A.M.T~ohrt~ti11 (eCharles Walton Ogden, (C. L.), *Francis Babcock, (Br.), A.M. LL. B. 1864, A.M. act. 24. *1866 *David Burr Olyphant.'1864 Robert Erskine Bartow, A. M. *Edward Mesnard Pell. s1863 William Harbert Benjamin, *Richard Varick Pell, Mt. D. (M.), A. M. elsewhere, A. M. act. 23. *1866 Henry Carrington Bolton, *Gerardus Post, (C. L.), IL. B. A. M. 1866. 1864. act. 22.'1864 John Thomas Burr. Russell Harper Root, (C. L.), Robert Bage Canfield, (C. L.) LL. B. 1864. Leslie Chase, (Br.) Charles Ames Spencer, (T.), John Lawrence Churchill, A. M. A. M., U. S. V. Foster ~Thayer, M. D. Bellevue *Charles Ernest Congdon Med. Ceoll. N. Y. 1866, A. M. act. 21.`1862 1866, U. S. N. Nathaniel Elsworth Corn- Charles Rockland Tyng, A. M. wall, Jr., (T.), A. M. *John A. Vanderpoel, (C. L.), John Halsey Curtis, A. M. LL. B. 1865, A. M. act. 24. *ls66 Walter Cutting, Maj. U. S. V. Francis Willis, (M.), A. M. Henry Ammi Dows, (M.) William Henry Willis, Jr., James Gore King Duer, (B.) (M.), A. M. Peter Forrester, (M.) Leroy Milton Yale, AI. P. elseCharles Dudley Fuller, A. M., where, A. M. U. S..V. 44 George'Wolfe Gillespie,(Eng.), A.RMi. 1863. Louis Haight, A. M. Williamn Augustus Ogden He- James Herman Aldrich, A. M. geman, (C.L.), LL. B. 1864, Fanning Cobhanm Tucker LL. M. 1865, A. M. Beck. Burrall Hoffman, (C. L.), William Cornell Binns, A. M. LL. B. 1864, LL. M. 1865, Daniel Frederick Boardman, A. MI.. LL. B. 1866. Lawrence Yvonnet Hopkins, William Brevoort Bolmer, A. M., U. S. V. LL. B. 1865. William Henry Jackson, A. AM. Melville Brown. 80 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1863-1864. Thomas Tileston Bryce, A. M. William Barnewall SchermerCharles Frederick Clarke, horn. A. M., M. D. 1866. Rutherfurd Stuyvesant. Freeman Clarkson, LL. B. Charles William Terrett, A. M. 1865, A. M. Stephen Howard Thayer, Jr., William Peshine Douglass. LL. B. 1865, A. M. Clifford Faitout Eagle, Lieut. Robert Schuyler Tucker, A. M. U. S. A. Frank Roe Van Buren, A. M. George Wilson Ferguson, Frederick Brinsmade Van eorge v.), ilson Ferguson, Kleeck, (Rev.), A. M. (Rev.), A. M. William Redwood Fisher, Egbert Ward. A. M., M. D:. 186. Sylvester Ward. Ellsworth Westervelt. Randall Cook Hall, (ev.) Willard Parker Wooster, A. M. y Richard Mentor Henry, (C. L.) A. AL, M. D. 1867. Stephen Ferris Holmes, (Rev.), A.Al. 1864. Henry Augustus Hurlbut, Jr., A. M. Peter Augustus Jay, A. AI. John Magnus Adams, A. M., Emile Henry Lacombe, LL. B. 1865.ile Hery Lombe, LL. B. David Wylie Alexander, LL. B. William Scott Leggat. 1866, A. M. Lewis Henry Lighthipe, William Gardiner Appleton. L(Rev.), A. M. ighthip, Reginald Heber Bartow. (RLe Grand Lockwood, Jr. M. Gerard Beekman, A. AM., LL. B. Le Grand Lockwood, Jr. 1867 Thomas Morwood McLean, Jr. 186. John Neilson Beekman, A. M., James Augustus Macdonald, M. D. 1867. A. M., U. S. V. VWalston Hill Browne, (Br.), Rockwood McQuesten, (Rev.), A. M. A. M. Thomas Baird Browning, William Matthews Martin, LL. B. 1866, A. M. LL. B. 1865, A. M. Charles Stedman Bull, A. M. Dan Marvin, Jr., (T.), A. AM. John Frederick Butterworth,,William Anderson Mitchell. (Rev.), A. M. Stuyvesant Fish Morris, M. D. William Henry Butterworth, 1867. 18James Murray, A. M. LL. B. 1866, A. M. IJirames Murrazoy, A. M. J. Ackerman Coles, A. M. IH-iram Hunt Nazro, iA. RM. Henry Bedinger Cornwall, Thomas Bellamy Newby, A. M. (Rev.), A. M. Edmund Dewees Davidson, George Henry Owen, (C. L.), A. M. A. M. Theodore Frelinghuysen CorJames Brinckerhoff Pell. nell Demarest, (T.), A. M. George Decatur Pond. - Matthew Brinckerhoff DuBois, Robert Emmet Robinson, A. M. LL. B. 1865. Duane Shuler Everson, A. M., Philip Justice Sands. Tutor 1864-. Henry Yates Satterlee, (Rev.) *Henry Floy, LL. B. 1866. Walter Satterlee. aet. 23. *1866 1864-1866.] GRADUATES IN ARTS. 81 William Newton Goddard, Henry Richard McElligott. A. M. William Neilson McVickar, Thomas Hays Harmer, A. M. (Rev.), U. S. V. Hiram Lyman Huston, A. M. Randolph Brant Martine. Frederick Wendell Jackson, James Fontaine Maury. (Br.) George Webster Peck. Charles Henry Kaufman. James Lyman Price. Jonas Butler KIissam./ Frederick Prime, Jr. Joseph Bayley Lawrence, Arthur Bernard Ross. LL. B. 1866, A. M. Roderick Burt Seymour, U. Isidor Mayer. S. V. Alfred Perry McClellan. Lenox Smith, U. S. V. John Brainard Morgan, (Rev.), John Edwin Swezey, LL. B. A. M. 1867. William Franklin Mott, (Br.) Seymour Van Nostrand. Howard Osterhoudt, LL. B. Abraham Van Santvoord, LL. 1866, A. M. B. 1867. Henry Hills Parker, LL. B. Edward Henry Van Winkle. 1866, A. MN. Isaac Van Winkle. Charles Burroughs Rice, 1865, William Bogert Walker. A. M., LL. B. 1861. Willard Parker Ward. Frederick William Stevens, James Lee Wells. A. M. John Visscher Wheeler. *Arthur Pemberton Sturges. Francis French TWilson, (T.), aet. 24. *1866 U. S. V. Albert Edward Valentine, 34 A. M. Isidor WTalz. Marinus Willett, Jr. 1866. 37 Marshall Pepoon Bell. 186 5. Louis Edward Binsse. Thomas Monahan Blossom. Henry Rutgers Beekman, LL. Clarence Brainerd. B. 1867. James Manning Bruce. Edward Stelle Brownson. *Nathan Robins Carter. *1866 Douglas William Burnham. Julian Tappan Davies. Archibald Murray Campbell. Augustus Floyd Delafield. Thomas Cooper Campbell. Moses Downs Getty. John Henry Caswell. Edward Clark Houghton. Jonathan Odell Fowler, Jr. William Augustus Hooker. Charles King Gracie. Daniel Lord, Jr. James Hooker Hamersley, Theodore Holmes McNamee. LL. B. 1867. Edward Ward Malloy. John Moore Heffernan. Augustus Chapman Merriam. Julian James, Lieut. U. S. V. Frank Ames Mullany. Frederic Rhinelander Jones. Edward Holland Nicoll. George Goelet Kip, LL. B. Willard Parker, Jr. 1867. NVilliam Bleecker Potter. William Gilman Low, LL. B. William Edwin Smalley. 1867. George Putnam Smith. 82 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1866-1867. Stephen Dover Stephens, Jr. Henry Cohn. Horace Stetson. John Alexander Denniston, Jr. Augustus Talbot. George Gosman Dewitt, Jr. Richmond Talbot. George Duyckinck. William Jameson Thomson, Edgar Fawcett. (Rev.) Nicholas Fish. Henry Crosswell Tuttle. Antoine Lentilhon Foster. Martin Van Buren. Giraud Graham. James Moore Wayne. Clarence Melville Hyde. Henry Augustus Whiting. William Halsey Ingersoll. John Fritz Wissman. George Barent Johnson. Graham Youngs. John Alsop King. 32 Hobart Lewis. Henry Demarest Lloyd. 18 67. James McNamee. Cadwalader Evans Ogden. Joseph Halsey Anderson. Henry Evelyn Pierrepont, Jr. James Baker, Jr. HIector Craig Fitz Randolph. Henry Anthony Waldburg Julius Sachs. Barclay. Henry Schneeberger. TW/alter Peckhanm Bell. Aaron Ernest Vanderpoel. Samnuel Alppleton Blatchford. Rudolph August Witthaus, Jr. Jacques Arnold Bernheimer. James Henry Work. Charles Henry Burtis. 30 e I II~~7_3 GRADUATES IN MEDICINE, EXCEPT THOSE PREVIOUSLY NAMED AS, GRADUATES IN ARTS. 1769. 1793. *Samuel Kissam. *Samuel Borrowe, Trustee *Robert Tucker. Coll. Phys. and Surg. N. 2 Y. 1820-28. *John Bowne Hicks. *7Willett Taylor, Jr. 1771. *Joseph Youle. *Benjamin Onderdonk. aet 21. *1772 *Michael Sebring. 2j 1794. 1772) *David G. Abeel. 41772. *Peter Irving. *Henry Mead. *John Augustus Graham.enry Mead. *Uzal Johnson. *James Muirson. *Richard Udall, Trustee Coll. 1795 Phys. and Surg. N. Y. -1807-11. *William Morey Ross. *VWilliam Winterto~n. 5 *Timothy Fletclher Wetmore. 1773. 1796. *Jabez Doty. | *Alexander Anderson. *Winthrop Saltonstall, Yale 1i793. *1802 1774. 2'*Samuel Nicoll, Prof. Pract. 1797. of Med. and of Chen. 1192 -94. *William Bay. 84 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. [1802-1860. 1802. 1810. *Joseph Bailey, Trustee Coll. Robert Morrell. Phys. and Surg. N. Y. 1820 -37. Richard L. Walker. z2 1860. 1803, i1 Thomas Henry Allen. Galusha Birchard Balch. Isaac Foster. George Burr Banks. Samuel Schofield. Phanet (Joe Barker. 2 William Comstock Bennett, Yale 1858, Surg. 5th Conn. 1 QX Vols. 1804. John Caruthers Bogardus, W.illiami Barrow.. Asst. Surg. 102d N. Y. S. Vols. Ezekiel Ostrander. Vols. Daniel P. WDalters. Samuel White Briggs, Asst. Daniel D. Walters. Surg. IU. S. N. aet. 26. *1861 Orlo AMyron Bump. Charles Carrington. 1805 5 Seth- Lyman Chase. Robert Cooper. Thomas Cock, Prof. Anat. and *Charle Iienry Covell, A.; A. Physiol. Rutg. Coll N. Jets., Surg. U. S. N. V.-Prest. Coll. Phys. and Juan Bautista Ponce De Leon. VSurg. N. Y. 182-7-55 and Frank Wadsworth Doolittle; Prest. 1855-58.'Surg. 5th N. Y. S. Vols. *Benjamin Kissam. aet. 50. *1831 Phlo Judson Farnsworth, 2 and Univ. Verm. William Baldwin Fletcher. Edward Irving Ford, A. B. 1 Q