., A MANUAL OF CH EM IST RY, ON THE BASIS OF TURNER'S ELEMENTS OF CHEMISTRY; CONTAINING, IN A CONDENSED FORM, ALL THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTS AND PRINCIPLES OF THE SCIENCE. DESIGNED AS A TEXT-BOOK FOR COLLEGES AND OTHER SEMINARIES OF LEARNING. REWRITTEN AND RESTEREOTYPED, WITH MANY NEW ILLUSTRATIONS, BY JOHNI J'ONSTON, LL. D., PROFESSOR OF NATURAL SCIENCE IN THE WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY, PHILADELPHIA: CI-IARLES DESILVER, No. 714 CHESTNUT STREET, OPPOSITE THE MIASONIC HALL. 1860. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1856, by CHAI-I A LES DESILVER, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. STEREOTYPED BY J. FAGAN. TO PARKER CLEAVELAND, LL.D., PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY, MINERALOGY, AND NATURAL PHILOSOPHY3 IN BOWDOIN COLLEGE, BRUNSWICK, ME.; DISTINGUISHED NO LESS FOR HIS PERSONAL VIRTUES THAN AS THE AUTHOR OF THE FIRST AMERICAN WORK ON MINERALOGY AND GEOLOGY; ~Ehe folIoh)lfg 3ages are 3eapeuctfutllt) Knscfvbet, II TOKEN OF THE DEEP SENSE OF OBLIGATION ENTERTAINED BY HIS FRIEND AND FORMER PUPIL9 JOtIN JOHNSTON. (m) PREFACE TO TBH PRESENT, OR SIXTH REVISED EDITION. BY the original contract between the publishers and compiler of this work, provision was made for a periodical revision, in order that new and important discoveries might be introduced without delay, and the work be made to conform as much as possible to the rapidly advancing science. These revisions have been carefully attended to, and considerable alterations in the plates from time to time have been required; the whole of the part on Organic Chemistry, in the last preceding revision, having been rewritten and restereotyped. But the progress of the science is, and has been, still onward; —new and important facts have rapidly been made known, and new views, throwing more or less light on points heretofore considered obscure and doubtful, have been proposed; so that in the present revision an entire recast of the work has been found necessary. Encouraged by the favor heretofore shown the work, the publisher has cheerfully incurred the expense of stereotyping it anew, including the preparation of many new illustrations; and the results of our joint labors are here presented to the public in a book substantially new, though retaining the former title. The changes which have been made are too great and important to be discussed here; — for a knowledge of them I,.s k(v) Vi PREFACE. the intelligent reader is referred to the pages of the work itself; they are such only as the new aspects of the science seemed imperatively to' demand. The principles which have been followed in its preparation are indicated in the extracts from the advertisements to former editions, which will be found further on. Many of the new cuts have been derived from the profusely illustrated work of Regnault; others are original, or have been obtained from miscellaneous sources. The Grouping of the Elements adopted is nearly the same as that of Gmelin; —it is not free from objection, but is considered the best yet proposed on this difficult point. In preparing the remarks introductory to the part on Organic Chemistry, important aid has been derived from Dr. W. Gibbs' "Report on the Recent Progress of Organic Chemistry," prepared for the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and printed in the Proceedings of their ninth Meeting, at Providence, R. I., August, 1855. Many thanks are due to teachers and other kind friends, for judicious suggestions and encouraging words during the preparation of the work; and it is now offered to the public in the confident expectation that it will be found not less adapted for use in the school or lecture-room than preceding editions. MIDDLETOWN, CT., July, 1856. EXTRACT FROM THE ADVERTISEMENT TO THE FIRST EDITION, (1840.) TIHE preparation of the following pages was undertaken by the advice of the late lamented President of the Wesleyan University, with the primary design of providing a suitable Text-book on Chemistry, for the use of the annual classes in that institution. There are indeed already before the public many excellent works on this branch of science, the great merits of which the subscriber is happy to acknowledge; but he long since became convinced, from his experience in teaching, of the need of a work of a little different character, for the special use of students in our higher seminaries of learning, as a text-book. The object of a great majority of students, even of those who pursue a collegiate course, is, not tt make themselves familiar with minute details of facts or processes of manipulation, but to understand the great principles of the science, and the leading facts which serve for its foundation. To facilitate the accomplishment of this purpose is the object of the present work. In preparing it, the excellent " Elements of Chemistry" of the late Dr. Turner has been adopted as the basis, and all of that work incorporated in it which was suited to our purpose. 1ils arrangement has been uniformly followed, with a few unimportant exceptions, which it is not necessary here to particularize. This arrangement, on the whole, is considered the best that has ever been proposed. The part of Dr. Turner's work omitted is taken up chiefly with details of facts and discussions of opinions and theories, which indeed is important in a work designed for the general student, but which would be out of place in a book prepared expressly to be used as a text-book. Its place, however, has been in part supplied by matter compiled from various other sources, so that the work is thought to be sufficiently large for the ordinary use of students, as the study of this science is usually pursued in this country. It has constantly been an object, while the work should be true to the science, and present in true proportion all its important features, to make it at the same time as practical as possible; to lead the student to apply the principles he learns to the solution of natural phenomena, or processes he may witness in the arts. EXTRACT FROM THE ADVERTISEMENT TO THE SECOND EDITION, IN the present edition the work has been carefully revised, and indeed recompiled from the seventh edition of Turner's, and many additions made to adapt it to the advancing state of the science.-' * * The extracts from other authors are always introduced in their own language, except in cases where it was necessary to make some little change to incorporate the extract the better with the passage with which it comes in connection. In a few instances the names of authors are introduced in the text. To avoid the necessity of constantly introducing quotation marks and references, a list of the authors which have been used will be given. To facilitate the acquisition of the science, the text is divided into paragraphs, and numbered; and references to important facts and principles introduced as frequently as they seemed necessary. As in many institutions so much time cannot be devoted to this science as would be requisite for a thorough study of the whole work, the less important parts have been printed in smaller type, which may be omitted on the first reading. The intelligent student, however, it is hoped, will not be satisfied without a perusal, at his hours of leisure, of the whole work. (vii) LIST OF WORKS MADE USE OF, MORE OR LESS, IN THE PREPARATION OF THIIS WORK. Elements of Chemistry, by the late Edward Turner, M.D., F.R.S., &c., edited L J. Liebig, M. D., Ph. D. F. R. S., &c., and Wm. Gregory, M.D., F. R. S. E. Elements of Chemistry, &c., by Robert Kane, M. D., M. R. I. A., &c. Dublin. Chemistry of Organic Bodies, by Thomson. Do. Inorganic Bodies. Two vols. Ure's Dictionary of Chemistry. Two vols. Encyclopedia Metropolitana. Articles, Electro-magnetism, Electricity, Galvanism, Heat, Light, and Chemistry. Library of Useful Knowledge. Articles, Electricity, Galvanism, Magnetism, Electromagnetism, Chemistry, &c. Thomson's Outlines of the Sciences of IIeat and Electricity.'rait6 de Chimie Appliqude aux Arts, par M. Dumas. Six tomes. Trait6 de Chimie, par J. J. Berzelius; traduit par Me. Esslinger. Huit tomes. Abr6g6 E16mentaire de Chimie, par J. L. Lassaigne. Deux tomes. Organic Chemistry in its applications to Agriculture and Physiology, by Liebig, edited by Webster. Animal Chemistry, or Organic Chemistry in its applications to Physiology and Pathology, by Liebig. Lectures on Agricultural Chemistry and Geology, by J. F. W. Johnston. Elements of do. do. Thomson's "First Principles." Two vols. Prof. Silliman's Chemistry. Two vols. Prof. Hare's Compendium of Chemistry. Faraday's Chemical Manipulation, edited by Dr. J. K. Mitchell. Thomson's History of Chemistry. Two vols. A Treatise on Chemistry by Michael Donovan, Esq.; Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopedia. Prof. John W. Webster's Manual of Chemistry, on the basis of Prof. Brande's. United States' Dispensatory, by Drs. Wood and Bache. American Journal of Science and the Arts, conducted by Prof. Silliman. Henry's Elements of Chemistry. Three vols. Cleaveland's Mineralogy and Geology. Dana's Mineralogy. Shepherd's Mineralogy. Three vols. Griffin's Chemical Recreations. Journal of the Franklin Institute. Parke's Chemical Catechism. Chaptal's Chemistry applied to Agriculture. Elements of Chemistry, by MI. Lavoisier, translated from the French by It. Kerr, F. R. S. Watson's Chemical Essays. Five vols. Noad's Chemical Manipulation and Analysis. Do. Lectures on Electricity. Knapp's Chemical Technology. Vols. I., II. Gibbs' Report on the Recent Progress of Organic Chemistry. Gmelin's (L.) Hand-book of Chemistry, translated by Henry Watts. Vols. I. to IX. Trait6 de Chimle El6mentaire, Theorique et Pratique, par L. J. Thenard. Cinq tomes, Cours de Chimie E16mentaire, par A. Bouchardat. Deux tomes. Legons sur la Philosophie Chimie, profess6es an Coll6ge de France. par M. Dumas. Th6orie des Proportions Chimiques, et Table Synoptique des Poids Antomiques, etc., par J. J. Berzelius. Trait6 de Mineralogie, par M. L'Abb6 Haiiy. Quatre tomes. El6ments de Physique, etc., par M. Pouillet. do. Lehrbuch der Chimie, von E. Mitscherlich, Berlin, 1844. Grundriss der Chimie, von Professor Dr. F. F. Runge. Cours de Chimie Generale, par J. Pelouze et E. Fremy. Trois tomes, accompagne d'un Atlas de 46 Planches. Gerhardt (Ch.), Trait6 Chimie Organique. Rlegnault, Cours Elementaire de Chinsie. The same, translated into English by Dr. T. F. Betton, M. D. Besides the above, reference has often been made to various other works, as Le Diction. naire des Sciences Naturelles, Annales de Chimie et de Physique, the various Encyclopedias, Philosophical Transactions, &c. (viii) CONTENTS. PART I THE IMPONDERABLE AGENTS. PAGE INTRODUCI ION.......................................................... 13 I. HEAT. Nature and Sources of Heat..............1..........7......................... 1 Expansion of Bodies by Heat..........................,,........ 18 Thermometers................................................................. 22 Distribution of Heat.......................................................... 29 Relation of Heat to Changes in the State of Bodies....................... 36 Specific Heat.-Capacity of Bodies for Heat.............................. 58 II. LIGHT. Nature and Sources of Light...................... 60 Distribution of Light.............................................................. 65 Decomposition of Light..................8......................................... 8 III. ELECTRICITY. Nature of Electricity.-Electrical Theories..................... 74 Distribution of Electricity...........................................,.... 76 Sources of Electricity..................51............................................ 81 Galvanism........................................................................... 88 Effects of Galvanic Electricity................................................... 102 Electro-magnetism............................................................ 111 PART II. GENERAL CIIEMISTRY. The Elements.-Chemical Affinity............................................. 137 Laws of Combination.-Atomic Theory..................................... 143 Nomenclature of Chemistry.-Symbols....................................... 151 Crystalography...................................................................... 158 (ix) CONTENTS, PART II1. SPECIAL C IIEMISTRY- INORGANIC. PAGX CLASSIFICATION OF ELEMENTS................................................... 172 METALLOIDS, OR NON-DIETALLIC ELEMENTS................................. 173 GROUP I. - Oxygen............................................................... 174 Hydrogen............................................................ 181 Nitrogen........................................................ 191 GROUP II. - Chlorine.............................................................. 206 Iodine.............................................................. 215 Bromine.......................................................... 2i3 Fluorine............................................................. 220 G(ROUP III.- Sulphur.............................................................. 222 Selenium............................................................ 23(9 Tellurium............................................................ 240 GrROUP IV. —Phosphorus....................................................... 241 Arsenic............................................................ 250 GaouP V. - Carbon..............................................2........... 257 Silicon...................................................... 278 Boron.............................................................. 281 THE METALS......................................................................... 284 GENERAL PROPERTIES...................................................... 2841 GROUP I. -Potassium.................................................. 298 Sodium........................................................ 310 Lithium................................................... 318 Ammonium........................................ 319 GROUP II. -Barium................................................ 328 Strontium......................................................... 330 Calcium................................................ 331 M agnesium................................................ 337 GROUP III.-Aluminum..................................... 339 Glucinum..................................................... 344 Zirconium...................................................344 Thorium........................................................... 344 Yttrium........................................... 344 Erbium.............................................................. 344 Terbium.............................................. 344 Cerium.................................. 344 Lanthanum................................... 344 Dic lymium.......................................................... 344 CONTENTS. xi PAGE Ganoup IV. —Mianganese....................... 345 Iron 348 Iron.................................................................... 348 Chromium........................................................... 357 Zinc................................................................... 859 Cadmium.........................................................3.... 362 Tin.. # # e........................................ 362 Cobalt................................................................ 364 Nickel........................................................ 365 GaouP V. — Antimony............................................................ 65 Bismuth.............................................................. 367 Lead.................................................................. 368 Copper......................................... I.................... 371 Vanadium................................................ 373 Molybdenum........................................................ 373 Tungsten.............................................. 373 Titanium............................................................. 373 Uranium................ 374 Columbium.............................................. 374 Tantalum............................................................ 374 RnouP VI.-Mercury..................,........................ 374 Silver.........8.................... 381 Gold................................................................... 386 Platinum......................................................... 389 Osmium.............................................................. 391 Iridium..3....................................... 392 Palladium.......................... 392 Rhodium............................................................. 92 Ruthenium.......................................................... 392 PART IV. SPECIAL CHEMISTRY-ORGANIC. GENERAL PROPERTIES OF ORGANIC BODIES................................... 93 STARCH, SUGAR, GuMB, LIGNINE................................................. 405 Starch, or Fecula............................................................. 405 Sugars........................................................................... 408 Gums..4............................................................ 411 Woody Fibre, Lignine, Cellulose.......................................... 412 A LCOROLS AND SUBSTANCES DERIVED FROMi THEiM......................... 418 Wine Alcohol...................................... 418 Methylic Alcohol, or Wood Spirit........................................ 428 Amylic Alcohol................................................. 430 Sulphur Alcohols, or Mercaptans......................................... 432 XiP C OCONTENTS. PAOG ETIIERS.-COUPLED, OR VINIC ACIDS.......................... 433 Ethers of Wine Alcohol.................................... 434 I. Simple Ethers........................................................ 434 II. Compound Ethers....................... 438 Ethers of Methylic Alcohol.................................. 440 I. Simple Ethers................................................... 440 II. Compound Ethers........................... 442 Ethers of Amylic Alcohol................................................... 443 VOLATILE, OR ESSENTIAL OILS............................................ 444 Carbohydrogen Volatile Oils............................................... 446 Oxygenated Volatile Oils................................................... 448 Sulphuretted Volatile Oils.................................................. 452 Camphors....................................................................... 453 Coumarine...................................................................... 454 FIXED OILS AND FATS............................................................. 455 Glycerine....................................................................... 456 Stearine and Stearic Acid....................................... 457 Margarine and Margaric Acid............................................. 458 Oleine and Oleic Acid........................................................ 458 Other Proximate Principles of the Fats................................. 459 Soaps and Plasters............................................................ 462 RESINOUS SUBSTANCES............................................................. 46 VEGETABLE ACIDS NOT INCLUDED IN PRECEDING GROUPS................ 465 ORGANIC ALKALIES, OR ALKALOIDS.............................. 469 ALKALOIDS OF THE ETHERS, OR CONJUGATED AMMONIAS.................. 471 ORGANIC COLORING-MATTERS.................................................... 475 TuIE AMIDES AND NITRILES..................... 478 CYANOGEN AND ITS COMPOUNDS............................................ 480 Compounds of Cyanogen and Oxygen.................................. 481 Compounds of Cyanogen and Hydrogen................................ 484 Sulphocyanates or Sulphocyanides....................................... 485 Compounds of Cyanogen and the Metals............................... 486 Double Cyanides.-Polycyanides......................................... 487 ALBUMIINOUS, OR. PROTEINE COMPOUNDS................................., 490 CIIEMIICAL PHENOMENA OF VEGETATION....................................... 494 COMPOSITION OF THE ANIMAL TISSUES......................................... 498 THE BLOOD. -PHENOMENA OF RESPIRATION AND DIGESTION............. 500 The Blood....................................................................... 501 Phenomena of Digestion..................................................... 503 Phenomena of Respiration................... 506 SEVERAL ANIMAL SECRETIONS AND EXCRETIONS NOT BEFORE NOTlCdED 510 Ar1ENDIx.-TA3LES OF WVEIGHITS AND AIEASURES........................ 515 MANUAL OF CHEM [ISTRY. PART I. THE IMPONDERABLE AGENTS. INTRODUCTION. 1. WE recognize as matter or substance whatever possesses tle four properties of extension, impenetrability, inertia, and gravity, or weight. By the first of these properties every body occupies a portion of space; by the second, it refuses to allow another body to occupy this space at the same time with itself; by the third, it is incapable, of itself, of changing its state, whether of rest or motion; and by the fourth, if unsupported, it falls to the earth. Whatever does not possess all these properties is not recognized as matter. 2. Natural science embraces the whole range of material things: their properties, the changes they are capable of undergoing, and the laws of their changes. 3. As has been suggested by Gmelin, all the changes of which any portion of matter is capable may be referred to the three eauses or forces of Repulsion, Attraction, and Vitality. 4. Repulsion is manifest in the property of matter denominated impenetrability, and in the expansion of bodies, especially by the influence of heat, as will be shown hereafter. QUESTIONS. -1. What is matter or substance? Define what is meant by the four properties mentioned. —2. What does Natural Science embrace?-8. To what three causes may all changes of matter be referre/1? -4. In what is repulsion manifest?;2 (13) 14 INTRODUCTION. 5. Attraction manifests itself in a variety of forms: 1. As Gravitfation, or that force which acts at all distances, however great, and between the largest masses. 2. Coh7esion, or that force which, acting only at distances immeasurably small, unites the parts of the same mass. 3. Electrical and MJagnetic Attracfion. 4. CUemical Attraction or Affnity, which acts only at insensible distances, and between the ultimate particles of bodies, and produces homogeneous compounds. 6. Vitality is that peculiar force or power, possessed both by animals and plants, by which the simple affinities of the various substances contained in their bodies are so modified and controlled in their action, as to produce the complex, and almost innumerable organic compounds, such as sugar, woody-fibre, albumen, &c. Changes produced by all the varieties of attraction above mentioned, except the fourth, or last, pertain properly to Physics or Natural Philosophy; while those produced by Affinity, either alone, or as it is controlled by vitality in the bodies of plants and animals, belong to Chemistry. The changes produced by the action of affinity consist in the combination of dissimilar substances into a homogeneous mass, or, occasionally, the separation of dissimilar substances from a homogeneous mass. We may, therefore, define Chemistry as the science which treats of the combination of dissimilar substances into homogeneous compounds, and of the separation of dissimilar bodies from homogeneous compounds. 7. Molecules or Atoms.-All bodies, it is believed, are male up of infinite numbers of indefinitely small particles —too small to be detected by the eye, even when aided by the most powerful microscopes -which are called molecules or atoms (from a, privative, and temno, I cut), indicating their supposed indivisibility. Our knowledge of them is obtained indirectly, as we shall see hereafter; but it is believed that all the molecules of the same substance are precisely alike in weight, size, and form, as well as other properties. 8. Simple and Compound Bodies. —From what has been said above, the distinction between simple and compound bodies is obvious. Simple substances are such as are believed to be conmQurSTIONS.-5. What are the different varieties of attraction? Defi:e the several varieties. -6. What is vitality? What changes pertain i, Natural PhilosopZvy or Physics? What to Chemistry? The changes p''i-I duced by the action of affinity consist in what?-7. Of what are:li bodies composed? Do we have any direct knowledge of thlese atoIms? — 8. What are simple bodies? INTRODUCTION. 15 I)poed of only one kind of particles, as carbon, sulphur, copper, a-d gold; compound substances are composed of two or more kinds of particles, which are held in union more or less intimate by their affinity. The separation of the elements of a compound is called its decomposition. The composition of a body may be determined in two ways, analytically or synthetically. By analysis, tire elements of a compound are separated from one another, as when water is resolved by the agency of galvanism into oxygen and hydrogen; by synthesis they are made to combine, as when oxygen and hydrogen unite by the electric spark, and generate a portion of water. Each of these kinds of proof is satisflactory; but when they are conjoined-when we first resolve a particle of water into its elements, and then reproduce it by causing them to unite-the evidence is in the highest degree conclusive. 9. Matter is Indestructible; that is, it cannot be made to cease to exist. This statement seems at first view contrary to fact. Water and other volatile substances are dissipated by heat; and coals and wood are consumed in the fire, and disappear. But in these and other similar phenomena, not a particle of matter is annihilated: the apparent destruction is owing merely to a change of form or of composition. The power of the chemist is, therefore, limited to the production of these changes. 10. Different Forms of Matter. —latter exists in three forms or states: the solid, liquid, and gaseous. Besides these, there are the three imponderable agents, Heat, Light, and Electricity, which, if they are ever proved to be material, will constitute a fourth form of matter. It is believed flhat the particles of a substance, even the most solid, are never in actual contact, but are held in close proximity by the two opposite forces of attraction and repulsion; and that the particular state, whether solid, liquid, or gaseous, in which a body is seen, depends upon the relative intensity, for the time, of these forces. If the force of attraction altogether preponderates in a body, it is solids and the particles, in general, are held firmly in their QuEsTIONS. -What are compound bodies? Give an illustration. In what two modes may the composition of a body be determined? Explain analysis and synthesis. - 9. Can matter be destroyed? To what is the power of the chemist limited?-10. What different forms of matter are there? What is said of the imponderable agents? Are the particles of matter ever in contact? Upon what will the state of matter in any particular case depend? Are not the particles of solids in contact What reasons are given for this opinion? 16 IN TRODUCTI( N. places, and are incapable of motion among themselves. But the particles are not in actual contact, for, by cooling, or by great pressure, the dimensions of any body may be contracted, and, therefore, its particles brought nearer to each other. This will appear more fully hereafter. In liquids, there is a degree of cohesion among the particles which, however, are capable of perfectly free motion among themn selves. That there is a degree of cohesion existing between the particles is shown by the drop, which is composed of particles held together by a slight force; but this slight force does not interfere with the freedom of their movements. Gases are distinguished by their tendency to expand, or enlarge their volume, when external pressure is removed. In them cohesion is entirely wanting. The term fluid is applied to both liquids and gases. Some substances are found naturally existing in one of these states, and some in another; and many can be made to pass from one state or form to another, simply by varying their temperature, or the pressure to which they are exposed. Thus, water at a moderate temperature is liquid, but in the cold weather of winter it freezes, that is, becomes solid; and if it be heated sufficiently, it is changed into steam, or becomes gaseous. The metal, platinum, is found always in the solid state, though it may be melted by very great heat; but carbon is known only as a solid. Several substances, found naturally in the gaseous state, may be changed to liquids by great pressure, or by extreme cold; and, by a still greater cold, some of them may be frozen. Others, as atmospheric air, have hitherto resisted all attempts to reduce them to the liquid or solid form. Hleat, light, and electricity are said to be imponderable, because they possess no appreciable weight; but they certainly exhibit some of the ordinary properties of matter. They may be accumulated in bodies, are capable of being attracted and repelled, and often produce various chemical and mechanical effects. But because they possess no weight, so far as we can determine, many choose to consider them, not as matter, but only properties of matter. QUESTIONS.-IS there any cohesion among the particles of liquids? How is this shown? How are gases distinguished? How is the word fluid used? What is said of the natural state of substances? ~What are the imponderables? Why are they so called? I. H EAT. NATURE AND SOURCES OF IIEAT. 11. The word Heat is used indiscriminately to indicate the sensation we experience by placing the hand in contact with a heated body, or the cause of the sensation. To indicate the latter, the word caloric has sometimes been used. The discussion of this subject properly pertains to Physics, or Natural Philosophy, (6,) but the agency of heat is so intimately connected with nearly all chemical changes, that a treatise upon Chemistry would be imIpeifect without a previous development of some of its more important laws and phenomena. 12. Nature of Heat. - Heat cannot be obtained separate from matter; it is invisible, and, so far as we are able to determine, entirely destitute of weight. It is not, therefore, (10,) believed to be material; but in describing its effects, and its relations to matter in general, we speak of it as an exceedingly subtile fluid, the particles of which constantly repel each other, but are attracted by other substances -as capable of being transmitted through space, and the interior of bodies, and of being accumulated in quantities in them. It is present in all bodies, and cannot be wholly separated from them. For if a substance, however cold, be transferred into an atmosphere which is still colder, a thermo. meter placed in the body will indicate the escape of heat. HIeat appears to be attracted by all bodies, but is self-repellent, as is shown by the fact that two bodies easily movable, when heated in a vacuum, repel each other. 13. Sources of Heat.-The chief sources of heat are: the Sun, Cormbustion, and other chemical changes, Friction, Electricity, and'Vital Action. The Sun is the great source of heat to our system. The intensity of the solar heat appears to be directly in proportion to the number of rays that can be collected upon a given surfac; and at one time philosophers were able to produce a greater heat by QusTroNs. — 11. HI-ow is the word Ileat used? Caloric? Is the naemilcy of heat connected with chemical changes?-12. Can heat be bltained separate from matter? Do we speak of heat as being material? Is beat present in all bodies? Is it attracted by matter? 13. What sau,rcrs of' heat are mentioned? HIow may the sun's rays be concentrated s;! as to p1roduce a great heat? * 17) 13 N iNATURE AND SO URCES OF ISEA'. cllecting the sun's rays by means of the convex lens or concav mirror, than by any other mode. But although the sun's rays are not made use of in the arts when great heat is required, yet their momentous importance to all the inhabitants of the earth cannot he over-estimated. Without them all the water upon the face of the globe would soon be congealed, and animal and vege table life cease to exist. Comblstion is the great source of artificial heat, as the sun iL the source of natural heat. Besides wood, nature has provided immense deposits of combustible material, in the form of mineral coal, in the bosom of the earth. These are found in almost every country, and seem to be provided by the Creator as an unfailing resource for man, when, from the increase of the species, or from his own negligence or extravagance, the supply from the vegetable world should fail or become deficient. F'icotiont is a well-known source of heat. By the friction of the parts of heavy machinery, especially when not well oiled, heat has often been evolved sufficient to ignite wood; and the same effect is said to have been produced in ships by the rapid descent of the cable. Some tribes of the aborigines of this country were accustomed to kindle their fires by rubbing smartly one piece of wood against another. In the boring of cannon, heat enough has been evolved to raise the temperature of a considerable quantity of water so hs to boil. The heating effects of electricity will be considered hereafter. The influence of vital action in developing heat is seen in all warm-blooded animals, which are maintained at a temperature often much above that of the air and other surrounding bodies, though heat must constantly be escaping from them. EXPANSION OF BODIES BY IIEAT. -TIERMOMIETERS. 14. All bodies, with a very few exceptions, expand when their temperature is increased, and contract when it is reduced. I-low this effect is produced we really, do not know, but appearances indicate that the particles of heat entering among the particles of the body, partially overcome their cohesion, and cause them to sepaQUETIONS. —What is the great source of artificial heat? What is said of friction as a source of heat? - 14. Are all bodies expanded by heat? }How are bodies affected by a reduction of their temperature? NATURE AND SOURCES OF IIEAT. 19 rate farther from each other. On the other hand, when the particles of heat are withdrawn, the molecules of the body are allowed to approximate each other more closely. A substance is therefore less dense when heated, than when cold. 15. Expansion of Solids. —The expansion of solids by heat is not very considerable, but may easily be made very sensible. Let a bar of brass be accurately fitted into a gauge, when cold, and then let it be slightly heated; it will be found to have increased so much in length as not to fit the gauge0. If the gauge be also made of brass, and the experiment performed in the warm weather of summer, the same result will be produced by cooling the gauge in ice-water, because of its contraction by the cold. This Expansion of Solids. experiment indicates a change only in length, but a corresponding change is at the same time produced, both in breadth and thickness, as may be demonstrated in various modes, which the ingenious student will readily devise. 16. Different Solids, when equally heated, do not expand equally; every substance possesses an expansibility peculiar to itself. Blut a body expanded by heat, and again cooled to the same temperature it had at first, suffers no change in its dimensions. Nor does the same substance expand equally at all temperatures with an equal increase of heat; in general, the expansibility increases with the temperature. Thus, a body heated ten degrees at a high temperati're, expands more than when the same amount of heat is added at a low temperature. The different expansibility of the two metals, copper and platinum, may be shown by soldering together a thin slip of each, and applying a moderate heat to the comlpound bar. Both plates will be equally heated, but the copper being the most expansible, the bar will be curved, the cop- Different Expansion of two Metals. Qu:STIoNs.-15. How may the expansion of a solid by heat be shown 1(;. Do all bodies expand equally when equally heated? Does the salle sutbstance at different temperatures expand equally for equal increases of tenmperattc? Ilow may the different expansibilities of two metals, as copper and platinum, be shown? 20 NATUR E AND SOURICES OF H EA T. per being on the convex side. See figure, in which the copper is supposed to be on the lower, and the platinum on the upper side. ()ther metals, used in pairs in a similar manner, would show the stanie result, but with many of them the effect would be less dlecidd. An instrument like the following, at the same time that it shiows the different expansibilities of two metals, serves as an excellent thermometer for many practical purposes. A and B are pieces of iron wire - Iths,s n 7" < of an inch in diameter, and a foot long; and C a piece of brass wire of the same size and i:;5;~~ ~~~x,:)} length. At the bottom they are all fastened together by brazing or otherwise; at the top, a piece of brass is fixed to the two pieces of iron, and through it, near the centre, is a hole in ~A x B which the brass wire, C, plays freely. Now, by immersing the thin wires in boiling water, hot oil, or melted lead, they are all expanded; but the brass expanding more than the iron, its upper end is pushed upward against the lever, D, which in turn acts upon E, producing considerable motion at its extremity, where may be placed a graduated scale, as S. Such an Different Expansion instrument will be sensibly effected by even of Metals. moderate changes of temperat ure. The following table shows the expansion in length of rods of several substances, when transferred from the freezing to the boiling point of water: Substances. Expansion in Frac- Substances. Expansion in Frao. tion of TLength. tionr of Length. Flint Glass...........,. Copper.............. rood............... Brass............. Wood............... - -93;6 -0 Platinum............ %;j-' Zinc................-3 - Gold.............. Tin............... Sil-el............... Bismut............. f ITrI............. Lead................ Steel' Antimony.. 3 S' eel................ Antimony......... _ QuEsTIoxs.-Describe the instrument represented by the second figure of this para:graph. What is the design of the instrument? What are some of the most expansible of the metals, as indicated in the table? NATURE AND SOURCES OF HEAT. 21 17. Practical Applications. — This property of bodies, and particularly of the metals, has been applied to various useful purposes in the arts. The iron band or tire of a carriage-wheel is made a little smaller than the circumference of the wheel, but, being expanded, is sufficiently enlarged to be slipped on; and the immediate application of water prevents it from burning the wood, and brings the iron to its original dimensions, causing it to grasp the wheel with great firmness. Other examples are of frequent occurrence in the arts. The expansions and contractions of bodies by change of temperature also occasion some inconveniences. The accurate movement of clocks depends upon the length of their pendulums, which being sensibly affected by changes of temperature, they are made to go faster in cold, and slower in warm weather. Brittle substances, when unequally heated, are often broken by the unequal expansions and contractions to which they are liable. The danger is greater if the substance is a bad conductor of heat, as is the case with glass, and particularly if it is thick. Hence, glass vessels that are to be used about the fire, or with hot water, should be made as thin as is consistent with the requisite strength. Metallic or other instruments used for measuring length or capacity vary with change of temperature-a circumstance that sometimes occasions serious difficulty where very great accuracy of measurement is required. It has been found by very accurate examination, that the Bunker Hill Monument, which is built of granite, is daily made to change its position slightly, by the heat of the sun, which expands the sides upon which the rays fall. 18. Expansion of Liquids.-In solids, the expansive force of heat is opposed by the cohesion of their particles, and is therefore less effective than in liquids, in which there is only a very slight cohesion of the particles. A liquid, therefore, will expand on being heated, A -B much more than a solid. The expansion of a liquid may be shown in the following manner. Take a glass flask (called a mattrass or bolt-head), of the form represented in the figure, and partly fill it with some liquid, as water, and tie a thread around the stem, as m on A, to indicate the height of the water in it; and then apply for a few minutes the heat of a spirit-lamp. Both the glass and the water will Expansion of Liquids. QUESTIONS.-17. What is said of the tire of wheels? How are brittle substances affected by sudden changes of temperature? What is said of the Bunker Hill Monument? 18. What is said of the expansion of liquids by heat? How may the expansion of a liquid be shown? 22 T H E R Al T MOMETERS. be expanded; but the water will expand more than the glass, and will then rise in the stem, as shown in B. But all liquids when equally heated do not expand alike,-every one possesses an expansibility peculiar to itself. Thus, it has been found by making the experiment, that 1000 parts of water, at the freezing point, when heated so as to boil, are expanded to 1046 parts; but 1000 parts of mercury, heated in like manner, expand only to 1008 parts. Ether is more expansible than alcohol, and alcohol more expansible than water. Liquids, as well as solids (16), are expanded more at high than at low temperatures, by a given addition of heat. 19. Expansion of Gases.-All gases expand equally when equally heated, and the expansion is proportional to the increase of temperature. When 1000 parts of any gas are heated from 320 to 2120 of Fahrenheit's thermometer (an instrument soon to be described), they expand to 1365 parts, or 413 part of the volume at 320 for each degree. Q~7 In the case of gases that are capable of becoming liquid by apressure, this law does not hold strictly true when they are about to assume the liquid form. SExpansion To show the expansion of air by heat, let a glass flask, filled of Gases. with air, be placed as in the figure, with its mouth immersed in water; then warm it slightly, by grasping the bulb in the hands, or br)eathing upon it, when the air will escape in bubbles, in consequence of its expansion by the heat. On cooling, the air within contracts, and the water rises in the stem to supply the place of the air which was expelled. T HE R 0 ME T ERS. 20. Thermometers are instruments for ascertaining and measuring changes of the temperature of bodies, of which there are several kinds. The name is derived from the two Greek words, thermos, heat, and metron, a measure. The first instrument of the kind, so far as we know, was constructed but little more than two hundred and fifty years ago, by Sanctorio, an Italian philosopher. Sanctorio's thermometer was made in the following manner. A glass tube of small diameter, having a bulb blown at one end, was QUESTIONS.-Do all liquids expand equally when equally heated? H-low much do 1000 parts of water expand when heated from the freezing to the boiling point? 19. Do gases expand by heat? What is the amount of their expansion for each degree of heat? How may the expansion of air by heat be shown? 20. What are thernsoaeters? T FIR MOMIETERS. 23 partly filled with a colored liquid, and the stem passed through a cork, and inverted in a vessel containing the same kind of liquid, and having a wide bottom, as in the figure, so as to stand upright firmly. Through the cork a small perforation was made, so as to allow the air to pass freely, and to the stem a graduated scale was attached, to mark the rising and falling of the liquid in it. Now, in an instrument of this kind, it is plain that when the bulb-is heated, the air within will be expanded, as before explained, and the liquid in the stem will fall; and a motion of the liquid in the opposite direction will take place when the bulb is cooled. The rise and fall of the liquid will also be proportional to the change of temperature in the bulb. Air ThermoThis thermometer will very well answer some specific meter. purposes, but as it will be affected by changes of atmospheric pressure as well as by changes of temperature, it cannot be applied to general use. The differential thermometer may be considered as a modification of the preceding. l It consists of a glass tube, bent twice at right angles, with a bulb at each end, and is supported on a stand, as shown in the figure. In the tube is contained a portion of colored oil of vitriol, or other liquid; but both bulbs are left filled with'air, and to one of the arms is attached a graduated scale. When both bulbs are equally heated or cooled, this instrument indicates no change: but if one is heated or cooled more than the Differential Thermomtcr other, a motion is at once occasioned in the liquid in the stem, tlhe direction of which will be readily understood from the explanations already given. This thermometer therefore indicates the dicyieree of temperature at any time existing between the bulbs, and hence its name. It is exceedingly delicate, and is especially adapted fur,some particular purposes. QUESTIONS. -Describe Sanctorio's air thermometer. What objection is there to its use? Describe the differ ential thler mOometer. 24 T H ERMOMET E R S. 21. The Common Thermometer.-The thermometer in common use consists simply of a glass tube of an exceedingly small bore, with a bulb blown at one extremity, and filled with mercury to about one-third the height of the stem. The air being expelled, the tube is hermetically' sealed, and the fr2eezing point ascertained by holding it a short time in water containing ice, and the boiligy point by holding it in the same manner in boiling water. Both points are marked on the stem by a file. It is necessary that these two points should be accuratelj determined, in order that the indications of different instruments may be compared with each other. By.the term freezing point here, is meant the temperature at which water freezes or ice melts, which, with certain exceptions, is always the same, as will be fully explained hereafter; so, also, pure water always boils at the same temperature, provided attention is paid to certain circumstances to be discussed further on in the work. This temperature i,: called its boiling point. It will be unnecessary here to give a minute description of the method of making thermometers, as, at the present day, they can be everywhere obtained at a very moderate price. "Besides, the construction, though simple in theory, is difficult in practice. It requires great tact and dexterity to produce one of very moderate goodness; and without steadily watching the process as performed by another, or previously possessing much practical knowledge in glass-blowing, &c., it would be a vain attempt."-Faraday's Chemical Manipulation, p. 144. The graduation of the scale of the thermometer is a matter of great importance; and it would be fortunate for us if we had but one, instead of three or more, as is the fact. We have seen that in all thermometers there are two fixed points; and the question now before us is, into how many parts or degrees, shall the space between them be divided? Unfortunately, this question has been answered differently by different artists, and in a manner entirely arbitrary. Fahrenheit, a German artist, whose thermometer is generally used in this country and in England, divided it into 180 parts or degrees, and placed the zero, or the beginning of the scale, 32 degrees below the freezing point; so that the temperature of melting ice or freezing water' is 32 degrees, and that of boiling water (32- +180 =) 212 degrees. Celsius of Sweden proposed to divide the space into 100 parts, and placed the zero at the freezing point. His thermometer is called the centigqrade thermometer, and is used in France and Sweden, and some other parts of Europe. * A glass tube is sealed hermetically by rnelting the end by means of the blow-pipe, and thus perfectly closing it. For this purpose the end is usually drawn out into a fine point. QUESTIONS.-21. Describe the common thermometer. What are the freezing and boilinsg points? How are these determined? Describe the scale adopted in Fahrenheit's thermometer. Where is the zero or beginninlg of this scale? Describe the scale of the centigrade thermometer. THE R MOMETE RS. 25 Reaumnur divided it into only 80 parts, placing the zero, or beginning of the scale, like Celsius, at the freezing point; of course the boiling point is at 80. Below zero of each of the scales, and above the boiling point, degrees are marked, of precisely equal magnitude with those of the other part of the scale. Temperatures below zero are usually indicated by placing a horizontal line before the figures representing the degrees. Thus, — 12~ means 12 degrees below zero on the scale used. The numbers 180, 100, and 80, which severally represent the number of degrees on the above scales, are to each other as 9, 5, and 4. Recollecting, therefore, that the zero of Fahrenheit is 32 degrees below that of the other scales, the expert arithmetician will find no difficulty in educing the degrees of one scale to those of another. Thus, to convert the degree of temperature indicated by Faltrenheit's scale into its centigrade equivalent, we multiply the degrees above or below 320 by 5, and divide by 9. Suppose the temperature by Farenheit's thermometer is 1400, what is the corresponding degreie in the centigrade? Ex. 140 — 32-= 108, and 108 X 5 = 540, and 540 ~- 9 = 60. On Fahrenheit's scale, therefore, 140~ are equivalent to 600 of the centigrade thermometer. Let us suppose again that the temperature by the centigrade thermometer is 600; it is required to find the corresponding degree by Fahrenheit's instrument. Ex. 60X9=-540, and 540 + 5=108. To this (108) we must now F. C. R. add 32, because the beginning of Fahrenheit's scale is 320 below that of the centi- -212 10 - 80 grade. Thus 1080-+ 32~= 140~. In this work, and in most works in the -167 English language, if nothing is said to the contrary. it is always to be understood that temperatures are expressed in degrees of 122 -50 - 40 Fahrenheit's scale; but, to avoid confusion, we often place F., C., or R., after the figures 77 - _5 20 expressing the degrees, to indicate what thermometer has been used. The relation between the three scales — 32 0 -- above described is indicated in the accompanying figure. Though mercury is chiefly used in filling thermometers, yet other liquids are also sometimes employed. At very low tem- Different Thermometers. peratures mercury is frozen, so that it ceases to answer the purpose designed; in such cases, therefore, alcohol thermometers alone can be used. 22. The Register Thermometer, while it answers the same purpose as another thermometer, at the same time indicates or registers QuESTIONS.-Describe the scale of Reaumur's thermometer. I-Tow are the degrees determined below the freezing point and above the boiling joint? How may we convert temperatures as indicated by Fahrenheit's -ale into its centigrade equivalent? How may we convert centigrade ato Farenheit degrees? Is mercury always used in constructing thermometers? q 26 T IIE R IM 0 AI E T E R S. the extremnes of temperature that may occur during the absence of the observer. It consists of two therrnonIeters, with the stems bent near the bulb, and placed in a horizontal position, attached to the same frame, as shown in the following figure: Register Thermometer. The one usually placed-uppermost is a mercurial thermometer, having in the tube a small piece of iron or steel wire, which is pushed forward by the mercury as it expands, but does not recede with it when it contracts. The point at which the iron is left, of course shows the maximum temperature attained. The other thermometer is filled with colored alcohol, and contains in the liquid in the stem a similar piece of iron, inclosed in glass to pre. vent oxidation, around which the alcohol flows while that in the bulb is expanding, so as not to be moved, but which is drawn along with it by capillary attraction, when it contracts so as to be kept at its surface. It is therefore left at the lowest point to which the spirit has contracted, and of course shows the minimum temperature. Both pieces of iron or steel, which thus serve as indices, may be brought to any posi-'tion in their respective tubes by means A-= —~~ ~~~~ ~ _ of a magnet applied on the outside. ~ \FjW ~ 23. Breguet's Thermometer is made entirely of solids. It consists of;i very Bremuet's Thermometer. thin strip of platinum, soldered to a QUESTIONs.-22. Describe the register thlerimometer. Breguet's therciometer. T HER IOMETERS. 27 similar strip of silver, and coiled in a spiral, as shown in the figure (page 26). The upper end of the coil is then attached to a firm support, and to the otlher extremity is fixed a pointer or index, which is made to revolve by any change of temperature, by reason of the unequal expansions and contractions of the two metals. Beneath the pointer is placed a circle which may be graduated to any scale desired. It is a very delicate instrument. A modification of this instrument is used in the United States' Coast Survey, for determining the temperature of the water in deep soundings, at sea. The Pyrometer (from pur;, fire, and inetron, a measure,) is an instrument for measuring temperatures too high to admit of the use of the thermormeter. The only one now in use is Daniel's pyrometer, which is not of sufficient importance to require description here. By it the melting point of cast iron has been shown to be about 27860 F., that of gold to be about 2016~ F., copper 1996~, silver 18600, and zinc 7130. 24. Exceptions to the general Law of Expansion. —There is a remarkable exception to the general law (1.4) concerning the expansion of bodies by heat, as above stated. Water is most dense at the temperature of about 400, and expands, whether it is heated above this point or cooled below it. To show this, fill an ounce vial with water at a temperature of 65~0 or 70~, and adapt to it a cork, through which passes a glass tube of small bore. Then insert the cork and tube, and fill the latter with water one or two inches above the neck of the vial, and expose the whole to the cold atmosphere of winter, or immerse the vial in a freezing mixture of snow and salt; the contraction of the water in the vial will very soon be made evident by the fall of that in the tube; but the falling will shortly cease, and an upward motion commence, indicating an expansion of the water in the vial, although its temperature must be l lil all the time falling. The volume of the water has therefore first been diminished by reduction of its heat, and Water Expansion again expanded; and by making use of the thermometer, when Freezing. it is found that the change takes place at about 390 or 400. A large thermometer tube, nearly filled with water, may be used for the same purpose. 25. The most important effects result from this remarkable property of water. If the density of water continued to increase until it arrived at the freezing point, as is the case with mercury QUESTIONS. —What is the design of the Pyrometer? 24. What exceptions are there to the general law of expansion of bodies by heat? Describe the method of showing the expansion of water by reduction of temperature, 28 T II ER M O I ET E R S. and other liquids, ice would be heavier than water, and as soon as formed would subside to the bottom in successive flakes, until the whole of the water, however deep, would become solid. The effects of such an arrangement can be easily conceived. Countries which, in the present state of things, are the delightful abodes of innumerable animated beings, would be rendered uninhabitable, and must inevitably become dreary and desolate wastes. But, since water expands previously to its freezing, as well as during this change, ice is lighter than water, and floats upon its surface, protecting the water, to some extent, from the further influence of frost. The cause of the expansion of water at the moment of freezing is attributed to a new and peculiar arrangement of its particles. Ice is in reality crystallized water, and during its formation the particles arrange themselves in ranks and lines, which cross each other at angles of 600 and 120~, and consequently occupy more space than when liquid. This may be seen by examining the surface of water while freezing, and still better by receiving particles of snow as they fall upon a piece of black cloth. They will often be found to be small but beautiful crystals or collections of crystals, presenting a great variety of forms. Some of the more common forms are shown in the figure. Snow Crystals. QUESTIONS.-25. Whalt is said of the importance of this remarkableproperty of water? What is suggested as the cause of this expansion of water in ifreezing? DISTRIBUTION OF H EAT. 29 26. The view just taken of the cause of the expansion of water when freezing is sustained by the facts observed in the formation of anchor ice, or ground ice, as it is often called. This ice is found in certain circumstances at the bottom of bodies of water, and not at the top, as with ordinary ice. It has little tenacity, and may be supposed to consist of the primary crystals of water. Separately, they are believed to possess a higher specific gravity than water, but, when aggregated according to the law stated above, at angles of 600 and 120~ to form common ice, on account of the insterstices necessarily left among them, the volume is so increased as to diminish the specific gravity to the point we usually witness.-lactnu.scr'ipt -Notes of PIrofessor Cleave(and's Lectures in, ou;owdoib College, 1832. DISTRIBUTION OF HEAT. Heat constantly tends to diffuse itself, and its distribution is effected by Conduction, CYovection, Radiation, Reflection, and'ranrsmnission. 27. Condueftion of Heat. —I-eat is said to be conducted, when it is transmitted fromn particle to particle through a body, as when one end of a metallic bar is held in the fire until the whole becomes heated. The passage of the heat in such cases is evidently progressive, as may be shown in the following manner. Take a small bar of copper, 18 or 20 inches in --- length, and cement to it several small bullets, or inar~ bles, about two inches from each other, by means of wax, as shown in the figure, and then apply the heat of a lamp to one end. As the heat progresses along the Conduction of Ieat. bar, it will melt the wax, and the balls will drop off in succession, QUESTIONS.-26. What is said of anchor ice in this connection? Wbhat are some of the modes by which heat tends to diffuse itself? 07. When is heat said to be conducted? IHow may the conduction of heat along a bar of copper be shown? 3* 30 DISTR IBUTION O' HEAT. the one nearest the lamp falling first, and the one farthest from it last. Substances differ greatly in their power of conducting heat; a rod of glass, or a piece of charcoal, an inch long, may be heated to redness at one extremity, and yet be held in the fingers by the other extremity; but it cannot be done with a similar piece of nmetal, because, on account of its better conducting power, the whole very soon becomes too much heated. The apparent temperature of a body, is determined by the hand, will often depend upon its conducting power. Thus, if on a cold morning of winter, the hand is placed upon a piece of metal, and then upon a piece of woollen cloth, the former will feel much colder than the latter, because the metal in equal times conveys away from the hand more heat than the cloth. 28. Substances are divided into two classes in reference to their ability to conduct heat, called conductors and non-conductors. There are, however, no absolute non-conductors; heat penetrates the substance of all bodies; the only difference in them, in this respect, is in the rapidity with which the process takes place. Gold is usually considered the best conducting substance known; and very porous solids, the interstices of which are filled with air, as cotton, or sheep's wool, and fur, are the poorest conductors. A convenient method to determine the relative conducting power of different substances, is, to have them made into cylinders of equal diameCon~ductio of ~Heat. ter, and set in a thin piece of wood at sufficient distances from each other, both extremities of each piece projecting a little from the wood. If the board be held in QUESTiONS.-Do substances differ from each other in their power to con(dclet heat? Why will some substances feel colder than others, when it is known that all must be at the same temperature? 28. Into what two classes are substances divided in reference to their conducting powers e What is usually considered as the best conductor known? What method for determining the relative conducting power of several substances is Dointed outc DISTR IBCTION OF HEAT. 31 a horizontal position, a small piece of phosphorus may be placed upon the upper extremity of each of the substances experimented upon, and the lower ends exposed to the same temperature by plunging them in heated oil or sand: and the times that elapse before the ignition of the phosphorus upon the several substances, will indicate with some accuracy their relative conducting powers. The following table exhibits the relative conducting power of several metals and other substances: Gold............................... 1000 Tin................................... 304 Silver........................ 973 Lead............................ 180 Copper........................... 898 Marble.............................. 23 Platinum........................... 381 Porcelain...................., 12 Ir)n................................. 374 Fine Clay.......................... 11 Zinc......I........................... 363 In the arts, advantage is taken of the imperfect conducting powers of bodies, to prevent the passage of heat in any direction, particularly in confining it. Hence furnaces are generally lined with " fire-brick," or a thick coating of clay and sand. Wooden handles are fitted to metallic vessels, or a stratum of wood or ivory is interposed between the hot vessel and the metal handle. Ice-houses are constructed with double Nwalls, which have their interstices filled with fine charcoal, saw-dust, or some other non-conducting substance, to prevent the influx of heat from without. The design of clothing is to retain the heat produced by the system; and hence the warmest clothing will be that which possesses the least conducting power. d In winter, the poorest conductors are selected, and I d in summer the best, as it is then desirable that the superfluous heat may be permitted at once to escape. If, in summer, the temperature of the atmosphere should rise considerably above that of the system, it would be found advantageous to use the same clothing as in cold weather. Snow, in consequence of its imperfect conducting power, serves as clothing to the earth, and prevents its surface from being cooled down as low as it would otherwise be. Li~quids of all kinds, except mercury, are poor conductors of heat. This may be shown by celnenting a thermometer tube in a glass funnel, inverting it, and filling it with water, so as to Ether brns on the cover the bulb about a quarter of an inch, or surfaceofWatet eve'-"'k, as shown in the figure. Then pour upon the surface Q -JTIONS. — What is the use of "1fire-brick" in coal-stoves? How are ice-houses constructed? What is the design of clothing? What is said of the benefits of snow in winter? How is the poor conducting power of liquids shown by the burning of ether? DISTRIBUTION OF HEAT. of the water a little sulphuric ether, and inflamrn it; the ether will burn brilliantly, but without affecting the thermometer for some time, although the flame is so very near the bulb. In like manner, heated oil, poured upon the surface of water in a tumrbler, can scarcely be made to affect a small thermometer placed at the bottom. If a tube ten or twelve inches long be nearly filled with water and placed in an inclined position, so Water boils in vessel with Ice. that the heat of a spirit-lamp can be applied near the centre, the water in the upper part of the tube may be made to boil, while the lower portion will remain per. fectly cold. If, before applying the heat, a piece of ice be confined to the bottom, it will remain unmelted while the water above is boiling. Mercury, though liquid, is a very good conductor of heat. cases are even poorer conductors than liquids; and it is for this reason that very hot or very cold air can be endured in contaot with a person, though exposure to a liquid of the same temperature would produce intense pain, or perhaps even worse effects. Double windows and double doors, with air between them, are sometimes used to insure the greater warmth of dwellings. 29. Convection of Heat.-Though fluids are poor conductors of heat, yet, if the heat be applied to the bottom of the vessel containing them, in consequence of the mobility of their particles, it is rapidly diffused through the whole mass. The heated portions are expanded, and becoming, in consequence, specifically lighter than the rest, they rise through the centre of the vessel, the colder portions around the sides at the same time descending to take their place. Thus an upward and a downward current will be at the same time established, which will continue until the whole is heated to the boiling point. This mode of distribution is called the convection of heat. QUESTIONS.-HOW is the poor conducting power of liquids shown by the boiling of water in a vessel containing ice? 29. How is the heat distributed through a liquid when it is applied to the bottom of the vessel containing it? What name is given to this mode of the distribution of heat? DISTRIBUTION OF H}EAT. A3 These currents may readily be shown by filling a flask with water contaiiiing some insoluble powder, as pulverized gum copal, and applying the heat of a small lamp, as represented ill the figure. When large quantities of water are slowly heated, the upper portions will frequently be found quite warm, while th.t in the lower part of the vessel will remain comparatively cold; and this though the fire is applied beneath. Hence it is3 not unfrequent, in bathing establishments, to draw both warm and cold water from the same reservoir. Similar currents are produced in gases when heated; and it is on this account that the heated air, with the smoke and other lases from a fire, ascend in a chimney, or the pipe from a stove. 30. Radiation of Heat.-A hot body suspended in the air emits heat in all directions in right lines, like Currents formed in vessel of Water radii drawn from the centre to the when heated. surface of a sphere. This mode of distribution is termed the radiation of heat. The radiation of heat from hot bodies is singularly influenced by the nature and condition of their surfaces, which is perhaps the most important circumstance connected with the subject. It is probable that every sub. stance in nature has a radiating power peculiar to itself, but, in any case, very much will depend upon the nature of the surface of the body. By many experiments, it has been proved that bodies with bright polished surfaces retain their heat much longer than when their surfaces are rough and unpolished. Adding even a thin coat of whiting or lampblack to a bright tin vessel greatly increases the radiating power of its surface, so that boiling water or other hot liquid contained in it will be cooled more rapidly in consequence. The same effect will be produced by scratching its surface with coarse sand-paper. Some important practical considerations will naturally suggest themselves in connection with this subject. Whenever it is desired that the heat of a fluid or other substance should be retained, vessels with bright and polished metallic surfaces should be used, but the reverse if the heat is to be distributed. Thus tea and coffee pots are usually made of some bright metal, while stoves and stove-pipes, for the diffusion of heat, are made with dark and rough surfaces. Pipes to convey steam from the boilers in steamengines to the cylinders, and pipes to convey heated air from furnaces to the different apartments of a building, should be bright, or else they should be protected by some non-conducting covering. QUESTIONS.-30. When is heat said to be radiated? How is the radiation of heat affected by the nature of the surface of the heated body? What surfaces radiate best? What practical considerations suggest themselves in view of these principles? 3 4 DISTRIBUTION OF HEAT. 31. Reflection of Heat.-That heat may be reflected, may be shown by standing at the side of a fire in such a position that the heat cannot reach the face directly, and then placing a plate of tinned iron opposite the grate, and at such an inclination as permits the observer to see in it the reflection of the fire; as soon as it is brought to this inclination, a distinct impression of heat will be produced upon the face. If a line be drawn from a radiating substance to the point of a plane surface by which its rays are reflected, and a second line from that point to the spot where its heating power is exerted, ]R IP the angles which these lines form with a line perpendicular to the reflecting plane are xx, / called the angles of incidence and reflection,, and are invariably equal to each other. Thus, let AB (see figure) be the reflecting.........,,. surface, and R a ray of heat, which strikes A D _B this surface at D, in the direction RD; it Reflection of 1Heat. will be thrown off or reflected in the direction DI. If a perpendicular PD be erected at the point D, the angle RDP will be the angle of incidence, and IDP the angle of reflection. These principles, which have just been developed concerning heat, apply as well to the invisible rays emitted from a moderately heated substance, as to those accompanied by light from an incandescent body, or the rays of the sun. 32. The Absorption of ]Heat by bodies sustains an intimate relation both to its radiation and reflection. Bright and polished surfaces, it is well known, are the best reflectors; and these are just the ones, we have seen (30), which radiate least. And rough, unpolished surfaces, which radiate heat best, are found to be the best absorbers. Surfaces may therefore be divided into two classes, those which afford an easy passage to heat, and those which do not. The former will be good radiators and absorbers, and the latter good reaectors and retainers. The color of a body influences considerably its absorbing, but not its radiating power; surfaces that are black, other things being equal, absoi b. ing heat more readily than those of a lighter color. QUESTrioNS.-31. How may the rejfection of heat be shown? Define the angles of incidence and reflection. Do these principles apply to rays of heat unaccompanied by light? 32. What surfaces are the best absorbers of heat? Into what two classes may surfaces be divided in reference to their power to transmit heat? DISTRIBUTION OF HEAT. 35 Both the radiation and the reflection of heat are well shown by placing a heated cannon-ball in the focus of a concave reflector, having another similar reflector facing it at a distance, in the focus of which is placed one A B Parabolic Reflectors. of the bulbs of a differential thermometer. The rays from the ball C are reflected in parallel lines from the reflector A (see figure), and are again concentrated on the thermometer D, by reflection from the second concave mirror B. If a piece of phosphorus be substituted for the thermometer at D, it may often be inflamed, even when the reflectors are ten or twenty feet distant from each other. If a lump of ice is made use of, instead of the heated ball, the thermometer in the focus of the other reflector will fall; in which case the bulb of the thermometer is the radiating body, and its heat is received by the ice. 33. Transmission of Eeat.-When a ray of heat is thrown upon a body, it must either be reflected, absorbed, or transmitted by the body. We have already seen the conditions upon which reflection and absorption depend, 11l ii and it remains only to consider the circum- J Itill i I tt 7/ stances of transmission. In general, transparent substances afford the 1, 11 most ready transmission of heat, but there is a ll i great difference among them in this respect. I l u{ I Even atmospheric air transmits heat but imper-'lij J iI tllll ii Y i fectly. This is shown conclusively by an experiment of Davy. He contrived to heat a platinum'"'ill I. wire by means of galvanism, within a receiver con- i' l taining two concave reflectors, with a thermometer Transmision of Heat in a in the focus of one of them, the heated wire being Yacuum. in the focus of the other. Now, when the air was exhausted to I~,th part of its ordinary density, the thermometer, it as QUESTIONS.-Explain the effect of parabolic reflectors in reflecting heat. How is a lump of ice to be used instead of a heated ball? 33. When a ray of heat falls upon a body, in what three ways may it be disposed of? How does the presence of the air affect the transmission of heat? 36 RELATION OF HEAT found, would be raised, by means of the ignited wire, three times as high as when the air in the receiver was at its natural p reasurA. Bodies that transmit heat freely are said to be diatherAialnous (fronm the two Greek words, dia, through, and thermos, heat), as those which sfford a free passage to light are said to be transparent. By experiments made with a very delicate piece of apparatus, called the thermo-multiplier, it has been shown that the most diathermanous substance known is rock-salt, in pure transparent crystals. Of different specimens of glass, some are much more diathermanous than others. though all are equally transparent; and some colored glasses, and other bodies only partially transparent, afford a ready passage to heat, or are highly diathermanous. It appears, also, that the ray of heat, like a ray of light, is really compound, or composed of rays of heat of different kinds, some of which have a greater penetrating power as regards most diathermanous media, than others. In this respect heat from an oil-lamp will differ from that of a spirit-lamp, though both are equally intense; and the heat of both will differ from that of heated metal. The rays of heat from the sun possess this penetrating power, as I have called it, in a greater degree than any kind of artificial heat. Thus, p, pane of window-glass, held between the face and a coal-fire, is found at once to intercept most of the heat; but no such effect is produced by holding it before the face when exposed to the direct solar ray. The rays of heat, like those of light, may be refracted; and some of them being more refrangible than others, like the different colors of light, they may be separated from each other by means of the prism. The ray of heat, like a ray of light, may also be polarized, and in a similar manner. See Decomposition and Polarization of Light. RELATION OF HEAT TO CHANG ES IN THE STATE OF BODIES. 34. Relation of the Three Forms of Matter to each other.We have seen above (10), that, omitting the imponderable agents, which are not known to be material, every substance must be in one of the three forms, or states, solid, liquid, or gaseous; and that the particular form a body assumes will depend upon the relative intensity of the cohesive and repulsive forces existing among its particles. If the repulsive force be comparatively feeble, the particles will adhere so firmly together, that they cannot move freely upon one another, thus QUESTIONs.-What are diathermanous bodies? Will heat from all sources be transmitted alike? What is said of the rays of the sun is: this connection? May the rays of heat be refracted? Polarized 34. Upon what will the particular form or state of a body depend? TO CHANGES IN BODIES. 37 constituting a solid. If cohesion is so far counteracted by repulsion that the particles move on each other freely, a liquid is formed; and, should the cohesive attraction be entirely overcome, so that the particles not only move frieely on each other, but would, unless restrained by external pressure, separate or expand to an indefinite extent, an aeriform substance will be produced. Now, the property of repulsion is manifestly owing to heat; and as it is easy, within certain limits, to increase or diminish the quantity of this principle in any substance, it follows that the forms of bodies may be made to vary at pleasure: that is, by heat sufficiently intense, we have reason to believe, every solid, provided decomposition does not take place, may be converted into a liquid, and every liquid into vapor. The converse ought also to be true; and, accordingly, several of the gases have been condensed into liquids by means of cold, or cold and pressure combined, and the liquids have been solidified. The temperature at which liquefaction takes place is called the melting point, or point of fusion; and that at which liquids solidify, their freezing point, or point of congelation. Both these points are different for different substances, but usually the same, under similar circumstances, in the same body. 35. Liquefaction. —By the liquefaction of a substance, we mean its reduction from either the solid -or gaseous to the liquid state; but generally it is the former change which is intended. If, when the temperature of the air is at zero, as is often the case in some parts of our country, a quantity of ice be brought into a room, and placed near a fire, it will be gradually heated, like any other solid, as a thermometer placed in it will indicate, until the temperature reaches 320; but it will stand at this point until the whole is melted. The thermometer will then begin again to rise, as it did before. Now, it is plain that it must have been receiving heat as rapidly while the thermometer was stationary, as before and afterwards; but the heat thus communicated did not affect the thermometer, because it was all absorbed by the ice, and was expended in changing the ice into water. It has therefore become insensible to the thermometer, and is properly called latent heat; and if it was known to be material, we might perhaps, with some propriety, consider water as a compound of ice and heat. The quantity of heat which is thus lost or becomes insensible, during the melting of a mass of ice, is sufficient to raise the tenmQUESTIONS.-To what is the property of repulsion owing? What is the melting point of a body? The freezing point? 35. What is meant by the liquefaction of a body? Is heat always required to produce liquefaction? Why cannot ice be heated above 320? 4 38 RELATION OF HEAT perature of an equal weight of water about 1400, as may be shown in the following manner: Let a pound of water at 32~ be mixed with a pound of water at 1 72~, and the temperature of the mixture will be intermediate between them, or 1020. But if a pound of water at 172~ be added to a pound of ice at 320, the ice will quickly dissolve, and on placing a thermometer in the mixture, it will be found to stand, not at 1020, but at 320. In this experiment, the pound of hot water which was originally at 1720, actually loses 140~ of heat, all of which enters into the ice, and causes its liquefaction, without affecting its temperature. 36. Heat of Fluidity.-The heat thus required for the liquefaction of solids is often called their heat of fluidity; and the quantity necessary for the purpose is not the same in any two substances. While the heat of fluidity of water is, as we have just seen, 1400, that of spermaceti is 1450, that of lead 162~, that of tin 5000, and that of bismuth 5500. That is, to melt any given weight of one of these substances, an amount of heat is required that would heat the same weight of the substance the number of degrees indicated, provided no change of state should take place during the process. The melting point of nearly all substances is the same as their freezing point; but this point varies greatly in different substances. Thus, solid mercury melts (and liquid mercury freezes) at — 390~; ice at 320; spermrnceti at 1320; sulphur at 2260; tin at 4420; lead at 6120; zinc at 7780; silver at 18730, and gold at 20160. 37. Freezing llfixtures are made of various salts and liquids, which have such an affinity for each other, that rapid liquefaction is produced, without the direct application of heat. But as this agent is always required when this change takes place, it must be absorbed from surrounding objects, which therefore lose their heat, or become cold. A good mixture of this kind is made of snow, or finely broken ice, and common salt, both of which, when mixed together, become rapidly liquid; and the process is attended with great cold, so that a thermometer immersed in it will fall to zero, QuEsTIONS.-WVhat is the quantity of heat absorbed by ice when it is melted? How is this shown? 36. What is the heat oq fluidity of a substance? Will it be the same in all substances? What are the meltiig points of the several substances mentioned? 37. What are freezing mnixtlures? TO CIIAN GES IN BODIES. 39 or below. Of course, if a vessel of water be immersed in it, the water will in a short time be frozen. Saltpetre, dissolved in cold spring water, will often reduce the temperature to 32~, or lower, so that water may be frozen by it; but the greatest cold is produced in this mode by mixtures of certain of the salts and acids. Thus, powdered sulphate of soda three parts, and diluted nitric acid two parts, mixed at 500, will sink the temperature to -3~; arnd phosphate of soda nine parts, and the same diluted acid four parts, will produce a cold of -12~. The greatest cold that can be produced in this way is found to be about — 100~, but by other means still lower temperatures have been obtained. But it is not possible, in the present state of our knowledge, entirely to deprive a body of heat. Since solids, on becoming liquid, absorb heat, as we have seen, it necessarily follows, that when liquids become solid, heat must be given out. The freezing point of water is usually said to be 320; but if it be contained in a close vessel, and cooled very slowly without agitation, its temperature may be reduced, without freezing, to 200, or lower. Slight agitation will now cause it to freeze suddenly, and the temperature will rise at once to 320, the ordinary freezing point. The portion that has frozen, therefore, has given out sufficient heat to raise the temperature of the whole mass some 120. Saturated solutions of several of the salts, made at elevated temperatures) upon being slowly cooled, exhibit the same phenomenon. A beautiful experiment may be performed by making a saturated solution of Glauber's salt in warm water, and setting it aside in a closely corked vial till it cools. If now the cork be removed, or the vessel violently agitated, the salt will immediately crystallize, and a thermometer placed in it will rise several degrees. 38. Provision of Nature. — We cannot but notice here the beautiful and unexpected manner by which nature, to some extent at least, checks the cold of winter, which might otherwise be destructive. The cold atmosphere causes large quantities of water to congeal, but at the same time heat is given out, which prevents so great a reduction of temperature as might, but for this circumstance, be experienced. QUESTIONS.-What is the greatest cold that can be produced by freezing mixtures? Is heat given out when liquids become solid? May water have its temperature reduced below the ordinary freezing point? What is the effect on the thermometer when freezing at length is prodused? Describe the experiment with Glauber's salt..3'8. How is the excessive cold of winter to some extent checked? 40 RELATION OF HEAT The peculiar mode provided by the Creator to check the heat of summer, which might otherwise become excessive, will be noticed hereafter. 39. Vaporization. —By the term vaporization is meant the conversion of solids or liquids into gases. Aeriform bodies are often divided into vapors and gases, according to the relative force with which they resist condensation; but the distinction is of little consequence. Heat is always required to convert a solid or liquid into a gas; usually, it is communicated directly, as when water is made to boil over a fire, but if not applied directly, it will always be absorbed from surrounding bodies. In most cases, when heat is applied to solids, they first melt, or become liquid, and afterwards, by a continuance of the heat, are converted into vapor; but some, as metallic arsenic, and certain salts, pass at once, when heated, from the solid to the gaseous state. Gases occupy considerably more space than the liquids from which they are formed. Water, when converted into steam, expands about 1700 times, so that a cubic inch of water forms nearly a cubic foot of steam; but most liquids expand much less than this. Alcohol, for instance, is expanded, when converted into vapor, only 659 times its original volume, and sulphuric ether 443 times. Volatile substances are such as are readily converted into vapor by heat or at ordinary temperatures, while those that are incapable of this change are often called fixed substances. Two or more gases, whatever may be their density, when brought in contact, readily intermix with each other, and become equally diffused through the vessel that may contain them. This is seen in the atmosphere, which is composed of gases differing in density, but they remain uniformly diffused. If we fill two bottles with gases of different densities, as hydrogen and carbonic acid, and connect them by a narrow tube, as shown in the figure on p. 41, the lower containing the most dense gas, in a short time the two QUEsTIONS.-What is meant by vaporization.2 Is heat.always required when a vapor is formed? Do gases occupy more space than the solids or liquids from which they are formed? I-low many times does water expalnd when it takes the form of steam? Alcohol? Ether? TO C:HANG}ES IN BODIES. 41 gases will diffuse themselves equally through the whole space. The mixture of the gases will even take place through thin membranes, whether animal or vegetable; the least dense of the gases passing the most rapidly. A good method to show this is to fill an ox bladder with carbonic acid, or even atmospheric air, and suspend it with the neck tied firmly in a large vessel filled with hydrogen. A transfer of the gases through the substance of the bladder will take place, but the hydrogen entering more rapidly than the denser gas escapes, the bladder will after a time be burst. 40. Ebullition-Boiling Point.-When a liquid in an open vessel is exposed to any source of heat, the temperature gradually rises, like that of any other substance in similar circumstances, until a certain point Diffusion of is attained, when a violent motion commences in it, Gases called ebzullition or boiling; and no heat can then cause any further increase of temperature. If the heat be continued, the quantity of liquid gradually diminishes, or, as we familiarly say, is boiled away, until the whole is gone. The commotion in the liquid is occasioned by portions of it at the bottom, where the heat is applied, being converted into vapor, and rising in bubbles to the surface. Ordinarily it will be found that water boils at 2120, which is therefore called its boiling point; but the temperature at which other liquids boil is not necessarily the same, every liquid having a boiling point peculiar to itself. Thus, the boiling point of alcohol is only 1730, and that of sulphuric ether 960, while that of sulphuric acid is 6200, and that of mercury 662~. 41. Boiling Point dependent upon Circumstances.-But the boiling point of a liquid is not to be considered as perfectly constant; it depends upon several circumstances, the most important of which is the pressure of the atmosphere upon the surface of the liquid. By heating a small vessel of water to about 2000, and placing it under the receiver of an air-pump, it begins to boil when the air is very moderately exhausted. So, on ascending a mountain, by QuESTIONs.-What is said of the diffusion of gases of different densities? Describe the experiment with the ox bladder. 40. What is ebullilion or boiling? What is the effect of continuing the heat? What is the boilinyg point of water? Is this point in other liquids the same? 41. What,oxre the circumstances which affect the boiling point of a liquid? Describe the experiment with the air-pump. 4* 42 RELATION OF HEAT which a part of the atmospheric pressure is avoided, the boiling point falls in proportion to the ascent. At the hospital of St. Bernard, situated upon a point on the Alps, about 8400 feet above the sea, water boils at 196~; and on the top of Mount Blanc it was observed by Sausure to boil at 184~. This is just as we should expect, for the expansion of the vapor has to take place directly against the pressure of the atmosphere on the surface of the liquid; and the degree of heat necessary tL produce the expansion will be to some extent proportional to th expansive force required. The pressure of the atmosphlere at the surface of the sea is usually about 15 pounds to each square inch, but it is subject to some variation; and the boiling point of any liquid will of course vary at the same time with the atmospheric pressure. In a perfect vacuum, water boils at 720, and sulphuric ether at — 46, or about 140~ lower than in the open air. As might be expected, sulphuric ether may easily be made to boil under an exhausted receiver, without heat, even in the coldest weather. For this purpose let a little good ether, in a wineglass, be placed under an air-pump receiver, as represented in the figure; upon working the Boiling of Ether. pump, it will boil violently. The experiment will usually succeed best if some small pieces of metal are dropped into the ether, before placing it under the receiver. While the boiling is in progress considerable reduction of temperature takes place, and water contained in a small vial placed in the ether will be frozen. 42. Other circumzstances affecting the boiling point are, the nature of the containing vessel, and the presence of soluble substances in the liquid. Thus water boils in metallic vessels at 2120, but in a clear glass vessel one or two degrees more are QUESTIONS.-What is said of the boiJing point upon high mountains? What is the boiling point of water in a vacuum? Describe the experiment with ether under the exhausted receiver of the air-pump? While the ether boils how is the thermometer in it affected? 42. 1WYhat other circumstances are mentioned as affecting the boiling point? TO CHANGES IN BODIES. 43 required; so any substance, as a salt, held in solution in the water, causes a rise of the boiling point. Water saturated with common salt bo'ls at 224~; saturated with saltpetre at 238~, and with chloride of calcium at 264~. 43. Effect of increased Pressure.-If water or other liquids boil at a lower temperature by diminishing the pressure upon the surface, so a higher temperature is required for this purpose when the pressure is ir1nreased, as in a steam boiler. W~ater cannot be heated above 212~ in the open air, because any additional heat is expended in converting a portion of it into steam, which at once makes its escape into the air; but if it be confined in a strong vessel, it may be heated to any /. temperature even to redness. The rise of the boiling point under increasing pressure is well illustrated and c proved by Iarcet's steam aplparatus, /2 which is represented in the accompanying figure. A is a hollow brass globe, supported on a stand, and in it is contained a little mercury, and a small quan- tity of water. Through an air-tight collar, T / a graduated glass tube, C, is inserted, so as to reach very nearly to the bottom, A both ends of it being open. B is a thermometer, having its bulb in the water or mercury. Now, by applying a lamp the water is heated, and when the temperature has risen to 212~, the steam will begin to issue freely through the faucet, F; but, by closing the faucet, the escape Maucet's Apparatus. of the steam will be prevented, and the temperature will rise; the mercury at the same time by the pressure of the steam within, being forced up the tube C. And the QUESTIONS. —43. Why cannot water be heated above 012~ in the open air? What, if the steam be confined? Describe Marcet's steam apparatus. 44 RELATION OF' HEAT height to which it may rise will always show the exact amount of the pressure. By this means it has been determined that, at a heat of 250~, the tension of steam, thus confined in a boiler, is equal to two atmospheres, or 30 pounds to the square inch; at 275~ its tension is equal to three atmospheres; and four atmospheres, or 60 pounds to the square inch, at 294~. The expansive force of steam confined in this manner is the propelling power in the steam engine. (See author's Nat. PhfilosoeAy, p. 173.) 44. Evaporation.-But it is not only when a liquid is heated, and made to boil, that it is changed into vapor; this change, in most, and probably in all liquids, and many solids, is ever taking place, whatever may be their temperature, when they are contained in open vessels. This slow formation of vapor is termed evacporation. It is seen in the drying of clothes, when wet with water or alcohol, and in the gradual diminution of a quantity of either of these liquids, when left in an open vessel. Even in the formLs of ice and snow water gradually evaporates. Evaporation is much more rapid in some liquids than in others; and it is always found that those which have the lowest boiling point evaporate with the greatest rapidity. Thus, alcohol, which boils at a lower temperature than water, evaporates also more freely; and ether, whose point of ebullition is yet lower than that of alcohol, evaporates with still greater rapidity. The chief circumstances that influence the process of evaporation, are extent of surface, and the state of the air as to temperature, dryness, stillnzess, and density. The same quantity of liquid, exposed in a shallow vessel, wil evaporate more rapidly than in one of a different form, because of the large amount of surface in contact with the air; so, also currents in the air increase evaporation by removing the vapo, as fast as it is formed. Increased pressure of the atmosphere diminishes evaporation. QUESTIONs.-What is tle tension of steam at 2500? 44. Do water and other liquids take the form of vapor without ebullition? Do all liquids evaporate with the same facility? What are the chief circumstances which influence evaporation? TO CHIA NGES IN BODIES. 45 45. Eeat is absorbed by the Formation of Vapor.-During the slow evaporation of water, or other liquids, as well as when they are evaporated by boiling, a large amount of heat is absorbed, and becomes latent in the vapor produced. It is. on this account that ether, alcohol, or even water, though at the same temperature as the air, always feels cold when a little is dropped upon the hand. The natural heat of the hand is absorbed and carried off in the vapor that is formed. The evaporation of good sulphuric ether may easily be made to freeze water, even in the warmest weather. For this purpose let a very small glass vial, covered with muslin, be filled with water, and suspended by the neck from some convenient support; then drop slowly upon the muslin good sulphuric ether, from the mouth of a vial, or by means of a dropping tube. In a few w/ iminutes, ice will begin to form; and if the operation be continued, the whole of the water will be frozen, perhaps breaking the vial containing it. Porous earthen vessels are often used in hotels and other places, in warm weather, to contain water for drinking. A portion of the water gradually exudes through the vessels, and evaporates from the surface, by which that within is kept several degrees colder than the temperature of the atmosphere. Such vessels are said to be much used in Spain, where they are called alcarrazas. People crossing the deserts of Arabia in caravans, are said sometimes to load camels with earthenware bottles filled with water, Freezing of Water by EYapowhich is kept cool by wrapping the jars with ration of Ether. linen cloths, and keeping them moist with water. 46. The freezing of water by its own evaporation under the receiver of an air-pump, is a common experiment. A shallow dish containing strong oil of vitriol is first placed upon the plate of the machine, and over it, supported by a tripod of wire, is placed a small capsule filled with water. The receiver being now put in its place, covering the whole, by working the pump the QUEISTONS. —45. Is heat absorbed during the slow evaporation of as liquid? Describe the mode of freezing of water by the evaporation of ether. 46. Describe the experiment with water and sulphuric acid under the receiver of the air-pump. 46 RELATION OF HEAT air is exhausted, rapid evaporation from the surface of the water commences, which is continued because of the absorption of ~ 15 the vapor by the acid beneath, until the water is frozen. Without the acid, or other substance to produce the same effect, the receiver would soon be filled with vapor, and no further evaporation take place; the vapor of water, at ordinary temperatures, not having sufficient tension -____ to lift the valves of the pump, as it is worked. Indeed, a small drop of water Freezing Water under Exhausted Receiver with may be frozen under the receiver of an Oil of Vitriol. air-pump by its own evaporation, without the use of any substance to absorb the vapor. Let a single drop of water, on a piece of charred cork, hollowed a little on its upper surface, be placed under the air-pump receiver, and I by working the pump a few seconds, it will be frozen by the rapid evaporation which takes place from its surface. The burnt cork capsule is preferable to one of glass or metal, since, as the water does not adhere to its surface, not so much heat is received from it. ________ 4.7. Latent Heat of Vapors. —It is not easy to determine with precision the Freezing Water by its own amount of latent heat in vapors, or the Elvaporatiotn. relative quantity of heat absorbed as they are formed. The results obtained by different experimenters, therefore, are not uniform. It is believed that water, in taking the form of vapor, absorbs nearly 1000~ of heat, or heat enough to raise the temperature of an equal weight of water 10000, if it could be confined. The amount of heat in different vapors vaiies QUESTIONs — What purpose does the acid serve? Explain the method of freezing a drop of water upon a piece of burnt cork under an,aihausted receiver. 47. What is the amount of latent heat in steam? TO CHANGEiS IN BODIES. 407 with their nature; in no two vapors is it the same. Thus, while the latent heat of watery vapor is, as we have seen, about 1000~, that of vapor of alcohol is only 3730~, that of vapor of ether 1630~ vapor of oil of turpentine 138~, and of sulphide of carbon 144~. The heat which is absorbed when water or other liquid is converted into vapor, will, as a matter of course, be given out again when this vapor is condensed into the liquid form. On this prin. ciple, steam is often used for warming buildings, being conveyed in pipes through the different apartments. As it passes along the pipes, it is condensed, giving out its heat; and the water that is formed runs back again into the boiler. 48. Distillation.-The process of distillation consists simply in evaporating a substance, and again condensing the vapor, by causing it to come in contact with a cold surface. This is usually accomplished by having a tube of considerable length, leading from the top of a close boiler, and passing in the form of a spiral through a vessel which is kept filled with cold water. In the laboratory, the apparatus figured below answers well for distilling small quantities of any liquid. A retort, R, contains the liquid to be distilled, and the vapor is received into a flask, F, the mouth of which is slipped on the neck of the RR retort, but the joint not made perfectly air-tight. The flask should be kept cold by being immersed in cold water, or by I having a small stream of r'lil j / water constantly falling upon _-I.... _: it from a vessel above. /,'1 For larger operations, a, Lei- " -e"'... big's condenser is indispensable. Distillation. It consists of a glass flask, for a boiler, which may be heated in a small furnace, as represented in the figure on page 48, or by means of a spirit-lamp, and a metallic case, (1, in which is inserted, through perforated corks, a glass tube, dd, designled QuEsTINs. —Describe the mode of warming buildings by the use of Bteam. 48. In what does the process of distillltion consist? 48 RELATION OF HEAT to be kept constantly surrounded with cold water. From the vessel, i, o stream of cold water enters the funnel, c, and, as it is heated, escapes at the highest part by the tube, h, and is collected in a basin, b. The gl'ass tube, dd, is connected at one end, by means of a smaller tube, with the boiler, and at the other end, with the receiving-vessel, e, in which is col Il Distillation. lected the distilled liquid condensed in passing through the tube, dd. The crooked funnel in the boiler serves to introduce the liquid to be distilled. By the process of distillation volatile substances, whether liquid or solid, may be separated from those that are fixed, or even from such as are less volatile than themselves Water is distilled to purify it from salts or other substances it may contain in solution or suspension; and alcohol, by distillation, is separated from water, which is less volatile than itself, as well as from fixed substances. The application of this process to solids is usually termed their sub. limation. 49. Boiling produced by Cold. —WTe have seen above (41) the effects of diminishing or removing the atmospheric pressure in promoting ebullition, and we are now prepared to understand another ingenious method of accomplishing this object. Let a flasl, with a cork well fitted to its mouth, be partly filled with water, and made to boil briskly by means of a spirit-lamp; then suddenly insert the cork and remove the lanlp: the water will QUESTIONS.-Describe Leibig,'s condenser. iTow is it that substances may be separated from one another by distillation? 49. Describe the experiment of boiling water by the application of cold. TO CHANGE-S IN BODIES. 49 continue to boil, and by immersing it in comd water, as shown in the figure, the boiling will T become violent. The same effect will be pro- l{f!;!jTl4 duced by inverting the flask and applying 1 snow or even cold water to the bottom. But if the flask be held again a moment over the lamp, the boiling will instantly cease. The reason of this is, because the upper part of the flask, when the cork is inserted, is filled with steam, which is condensed by the appli- Ii cation of cold to the outside, and a vacuum produced, The warm water within then boils, Boii by old as in a vacuum produced by any other means; but if heat be applied, steam will be again formed, and fill the upper part of the flask, and, by its pressure upon the surface of the water, prevent further boiling. If the flask is firmly corked, so as to exclude the air perfectly, when it has become cold the water within, as the flask is handled, will fall from side to side, almost like masses of ice, and producing a similar sound to the ear. This is because there being no air within to break up the water as it is thrown in any direction, it falls in a mass and strikes against the sides of the glass with much the same effect as a solid. A small toy of this kind, made of glass tube, and hermetically sealed, is called a waterhammer. 50. The Cryophorus. - The cryophorus, or frost-bearer (firom the two Greek words, crmos, frost, and phero, I bear), is an instrument for freezing water by its own evaporation, which beautifully illustrates some of the foregoing principles. It consists of a tube, half an inch or more in diameter, with a bulb blown at each end, one of them having a small aperture, A, by which a small quantity of water is introduced, sufficient only partly to fill one of the bulbs. This water is first all collected in the lower bulb, and the heat of a lamp _.. applied, so as to cause it to boil briskly; and Cryophorus. while the interior is filled with steam, the aperture at A is quickly QuESTIONS.-What will be the effect of holding the flask over a lamp? What is the effect if, when cold, the flask is shaken? 50. Describe the cryorphorus. 6 ~50 E LA RELATION OF HEAT scaled hermetically, and the lamp removed. When it has become cold, the water is passed to the upper bulb, as represented in the figure (p. 49), and the instrument supported on a stand, with the lower bulb in a beaker glass. All the interior is now filled with vapor of water, except a part of the upper bulb, but no evaporation of the water can take place, because of the presence of this vapor. But by removing the vapor, which is accomplished by surrounding the lower bulb with a freezing mixture of salt and snow, to condense it rapidly, evaporation of the water is produced, attended with cold sufficient to freeze the most of it, even in the warmest weather. The pulse-glass, as it is called, is a very similar instrument, and is made in the same manner, except that ether is used in it, instead of water. By grasping one of the bulbs firmly in the hand, the vapor, by its expansion, will immediately force all the liquid into the other; and the moment it has all passed through the stem, an appearance of violent ebullition is produced, attended by a distinct sensation of cold in the hand which grasps the bulb. This is occasioned by the rapid evaporation of the film of liquid lining the inside of the bulb. 51. Effect of Perspiration upon the Animal System.-The effect of evaporation in withdrawing heat is admirably illustrated by the process of perspiration. The natural temperature of the human body is about 980, but when we take active exercise, or are exposed to a great degree of heat, there is a tendency to a rise of temperature above that which is conducive to health; and the most injurious effects would ensue, if they were not prevented by the rapid evaportation which takes place from all parts of the surface of the system. Examples of the power of the human body to sustain great and apparently even dangerous elevations of temperature, are on record, It is well known that individuals have voluntarily exposed thcemQUEsT IONs.-Desciribe the pulse-glass. 51. What is the effect of pe7spirei tion upon the animal system? Will the human body sustain high tem. peratures for a time without injury? To CH ANGES IN BODIES. 51 selves for several minutes, in ovens, to temperatures even a huncdred degrees above that of boiling water, without suffering any injury. The very rapid perspiration that takes place in such circumstances, prevents the destructive elevation of temperature in the system which would otherwise take place. 52, Temperature of the Seasons Xodified —The heat of suminer is always greatly modified by the evaporation which take place from the surface of the earth, and the stalks and leaves of plants and trees. When a stalk of Indian corn (zea maize), or other plant, is cut down in midsummer, or a branch removed from a tree, the leaves soon begin to wither, because of the evaporation of the moisture in them. But the evaporation is no more rapid from them after being cut than before, but now the supply of water from the earth, received by the roots, ceases, and the withering we notice is a necessary consequence. We see therefore that vegetation in warm weather is sending forth into the atmosphere immense quantities of water by evaporation, besides that which rises from the surface of the earth itself; and as a result, the temperature of the atmosphere is more or less cooled. In other words, the heat is thus prevented from becoming as excessive as it would be but for this arrangement. We have seen above (38) that heat given out by the freezing of water in winter, prevents the low reduction of temperature that would otherwise be experienced; and we cannot here less admire the wonderful provision of Providence, by which, on the other hand, the excessive heat of summer is, to some extent, limited. 53. Liquids upon very Hot Surfaces.-Liquids, as water, thrown upon metallic surfaces, heated nearly to redness, instead of adhering to the surface and rapidly evaporating, will sometimes be seen to roll around in globules, apparently without touching, until at length they gradually disappear. This is occasioned by an atmosphere of vapor that is formed around the globules of liquid, by its rapid formation preventing the temperature from rising as high as the boiling point, and also. by its elasticity preventing the liquid from coming in contact with the metallic plate. Alcohol dropped upon the surface of heated oil of vitriol, exhibits a like phenomenon. This has been called the spheroidal state of liquids. QUESTIONS.-52. How is the heat of summer modified? Why does a plant-stalk, separated from its root, so rapidly wilt in warm weather? Is water constantly evaporating from the leaves and stalks of plants? 53. Describe the action of a drop of water upon a very hot surface. 52 RELATION OF HEAT 54. Dew. —Dew is a deposit of moisture from the atmosphere upon a cold surface in contact with it. If, in the summer, a vessel is left but a few minutes filled with ice-water, or even cold spring-water, dew soon collects upon it, and after a time, the water thus condensed trickles down the surface in drops. A surface upon which dew is seen to form will always be found colder than the surrounding air; and the particular temperature at which it begins to form is called the dew-point. When the air is very dry, this point will always be considerably below the temperature of the air; but when there is much moisture present this will not be the case. In fair weather, during the summer season, there is usually seen, in the morning, a copious deposit of dew upon the leaves of plants, and upon other substances exposed to the open air. This is occasioned by the radiation of heat from bodies at the surface of the earth,. which takes place rapidly during the night, cooling them down considerably below the temperature of the air. Substances, therefore, which radiate slowly (30), as polished metallic surfaces, seldom have any dew upon them, while good radiating surfaces near them will be abundantly covered with it. In cloudy weather (without rain), there is generally little dew, because the heat radiated from the earth is reflected back by the clouds; and by suspending even a small handkerchief by the four corners, a few inches from the earth, the deposition of dew on substances under it is, for the same reason, prevented. In some warm countries, water is said to be frozen during the night by the rapid radiation which takes place from its surface. The water for this purpose is poured into shallow pans, so situated as to receive as little heat as possible from the earth. 55. Hygrometers.-Hygrometers are instruments for determinit', the relative quantity of watery vapor present at any time in the atmosphere. Daniel's hygrometer (represented in the figure on p. 53) is much in use. It consists of a tube, A, with a bulb at each end, and is formed in the same manner as the cryophorus QUESTIONS.-54. What is dew? Under what circumstances is it deposited? -lHow do the leaves of plants and other bodies at the earth's surface become colder than the air? Why is there usually little dew in:loudy weather? 55. What are hygrometers? TO CHANGES IN BODIES. 5$ (50), except that it contains ether instead of water. The tube is supported by a stand; and the lower bulb, which is usually made I of colored glass, is about half filled with the," ether, having in it the bulb of a very deli- A K cate thermometer, with its stem extending upward in the tube. The other bulb is l i empty, or contains only the vapor of ether, 1 and is covered with muslin. To the stand 1B is attached a small thermometer, to indi- cate the temperature of the air. By pour. intg a little ether upon the muslin, the bulb is cooled, and the vapor of ether within condensed, and a rapid evaporation of the ether in the bulb produced, as in the cryo- Hygrometer phorus, This occasions a cooling of the colored bulb, and a deposition of dew upon its surface, the small thermometer within showing the exact temperature at which the process commences, which is taken as the dew-point. Properly, however, it is the difference between the temperature thus obtained, and the temperature of the air, which shows the real state of the air as to moisture. A decided objection to the use of this instrument is found in the fact, that it is extremely difficult to determine accurately the moment when the formation of dew upon the bulb actually commences. Its indications, therefore, cannot always be fully relied on. The wet-bulb thermometer is now mostly used to determine the hygrometrie state of the atmosphere. Two thermometers are attached to the same support, as shown in the figure on p. 54, one of them having a piece of muslin wrapped around its bulb, which is kept wet by a string leading to it from a small fountain of water, attached also to the support between the thermometers. Now, as the evaporation from the muslin necessarily reduces the temperature, this thermometer will always stand a little lower than the other, the bulb of which is dry; and, moreover, as the QUESTIONS. -Describe Daniel's hygrometer. Describe the wet-batlb the rmometer. 5* 54 RELATION OF HEAT rapidity of the evaporation from the muslin will depend upon the dryness of the air, the difference between the readings of the thermometers will indicate its true hygrometric condition. 56. Watery vapor exists in three different states: 1. As transparent, invisible steam, as it rises from boiling water, and before it comes in contact with the air; 2. As it appears partially condensed, after escaping into the air; and 3. As it exists in the 1 atmosphere at all temperatures, but invisible to the eye. That steam, before coming in contact with the atmosphere, is perfectly transparent and invisible, is shown by partly filling a glass vessel with water and causing it to boil rapidly. The Wet-bulb Thermometer. steam within, above the water, cannot be seen until it escapes into the air, and becomes partially condensed, as stated above. Clouds are collections of watery vapor, in this partially condensed state, in the upper regions of the atmosphere, and differ from fog only in their more elevated position. The moisture that constitutes clouds, when fully condensed, falls in rain upon the earth, or is solidified and falls in beautiful crystals (25), as snow. If the drops of rain are frozen after they are formed, hail is produced. If in warm weather a quantity of air be forced into a large glass receiver, so as to produce a pressure of at least two atmospheres, a slight mistiness will usually be seen within, occasioned by a partial condensation of the watery vapor forced in with the air. If the process is several times repeated, drops of water may be obtained, forming a kind of artificial rain. In the manner stated above, all the water upon the surface of the earth is subjected to a constant natural distillation; pure water, in the form of vapor, rises in the air from the leaves of plants, from the earth, and from the surface of the ocean, rivers, and lakes, to be agfin diffused, in rain and snow, over the earth, producing everywhere vigor and life, both in the vegetable and animal world. 57. Liquefaction and Congelation of Gases.-By great pressure, or by pressure and a low reduction of temperature, many of QUE STIONs.-56. In what three states does watery vapor exist? What are clouds? What is rain? 57. How may many of the gases be reduced to the liquid state? TO CHANGES IN BODIrES. 55 the gases may be reduced to the liquid state, and the liquids thus formed solidified or frozen. Indeed, all gases may be considered as the vapors of extremely volatile liquids. Some of them, however, have never yet been reduced to the liquid state. The usual method to liquefy a gas, is to put the materials from which it is to be formed into a strong glass tube, bent in the middle, as represented in the figure, and hermetically sealing it. As the gas is evolved the pressure of course increases, but at length a point is attained, depending upon the temperature and the nature of the gas, when it begins to condense as a liquid, the quantity of which is increased by the further evolution of gas from the materials, without any increase of pressure, if the temperature is kept uniform. The bent tube is particularly adapted for the liquefaction of cyanogen gas. To form this gas, dry cyanide of mercury is used, a portion of it being placed in the closed end of the tube, and the other end hermetically sealed. Moderate heat is then applied to the end containing the cyanide, the other end being cooled by a freezing mixture of snow and salt. As the cyanide is decomposed by the heat, the cyanogen first takes the gaseous form, but is subsequently condensed by the pressure and cold, and collects in the empty end of the tube. Of the different gases, some require a much greater pressure than others to condense them to the liquid state. At 0~ sulphurous acid gas becomes liquid under the ordinary atmospheric pressure, but at 320 it requires a pressure of 2 atmospheres to produce the effect. Carbonic acid gas at 0~ has a tension of 23 atmospheres, and at 32~ a tension of 36 atmospheres; at higher temperatures the tension is still more increased. The liquids formed from the gases, in the manner described, may be frozen by the great cold produced by their own evaporation, or by exposing them in tubes to intense cold. In the former Case, the solids formed will appear like snow, and in the latter, like tlear, transparent ice. QU3ESTIONS.-What is the usual method to liquefy a gas 9 Do all gases require a like pressure to reduce them to the liquid state? 56 RELATION OF HEAT 58. For preparing small quantities of solid carbonic acid, the fiolowing apparatus answers well, and is much less expensive than such as are usually purchased of the manufacturers of philosoplhical instruments. The generator, A, is made of a common mercury flask, having the aper. ture at the neck a little enlarged, so as to be about an inch and a quarter in diameter. A plug of cast-steel, B, LE is then made of a bar two inches at 1, L dM least in diameter, and turned with a.i..,,,i~ wide and smooth shoulder so as to fit accurately upon a collar of block-tin, when screwed into its place, as represented in the figure. The valves, which are the most difficult part to construct, on account of the great pressure that is to be overcome, are inserted in the plugs, a second one l A ~lii~ C of which, precisely like the preceding, is made to screw into the receiver, C. Into the upper end of each plug, a hole "ll'l~ 1,. | lllm1|| N an inch in diameter is bored about one lh+ 1 011 AL!inch deep, and terminates in a conical S""' ~ ij,=l