RAND & WARING TV P4Ad ROW' OPPOSITE NEW POST OFFICE, MANUFACTURERS OF RIA N"D & 7A7R I NG-'S AIR CoaPRIEssoR FOR DRIVING ROCK DRILLS, PUMPS, Hoisting and Other Machinery. CONSTRUCTED WITH MOST RECENT PATENTED IMPROVEMENTS. MANUFACTURERS OF i] aSEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLET. "ECLIPSE" LUBRICATING OIL CO. OF T-IE CITY OF FRANKLIN, PA. (INCORPORATED BY THE STATE OF PE -NSYLVANIA.) ALBERT G. EGBERT, Pres't. CHAS. W. MA -KEY, Vice-Pres. WM. M, N. HAYS, Treas. W. N. HOWARD, Secretary. H. W. C. TWEDDLE, Gen. Manager. EDW'D SCHMIDT, Gen. Agent. RAILWAY LUBRICATING OILS. Supply of Railways and Steamships 8 23PECIA LT_. -0..- SS C —Ir_.'-5 "&ECLIPSE" R. R. AXLE OIL, Stands low temperature without congealing EXTRA COACH OIL, For Sleeping Coaches and Express Cars. " EXTRA ENCINE OIL. POLARINE ENCINE OIL. NEUTRAL TOPAZ OIL, tFor Compounders. " LADRONE OIL "ECLIPSE" MINERAL COLZA OIL, 438o fire test-the safest Illuminating Oil in the Market for Railways, Steam ships and Light Houses-3280 higher test than ordinary refined Petrol um. Works at Aladdin, Armstrong Co., Pa., and at Franklin, Pa. Offices at Franklin, Pa., and 2 Iibsrty St., N.Y. Agents: MAXWELL, WHIEELER & CO., - 393 Illinois Street, CIICAGO. " E. MAXWELL, - 719 N. Main Street, ST. LOUIS. " C. TIERS MEYERS, - 41 & 48 Front St., PHILADELPHlA& Address "ECLIPSE" L UBRIC OIL CO. P. O. BOX 3920, N. Y. AND MECHANICS' MANUAL, FOR THE USE OF RAILWAY OFFICIALS, CONTAINING A COMPLETE LIST OF ALL ARTICLES WANTED BY RAILWAY COMPANI:ES, WITH THE NAMES OF EXCLUSIVE FIRST HANDS, AMONG Manufacturers, Importers and Commission Merchants IN EVERY LINE; ALSO, A NUMBER OF VALUABLE TABLES AND RECIPES. Published by E. W. BULLINCER, 75 Fulton St., N. Y. J. W. PRATT, PRINTER, 75 FULTON STREET. 1373. 2 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. S. S. TOWNSEND, 31 Liberty Street, - - New York, GENERAL AGENT FOR P. H. & F. M. R OOT'S PATENT FORCE BLAST ROTRY BLOWERS. BLACKSMITHS' HAND BLOWERS, AND IMPROVED PORTABLE FORGES. Address, for Circulars and Price List, S. S. TOWNSEND, 31 LIBFRTY STREET, NEW YORK. INDEX TO BUSINESS DIRECTORY. For Index to Tables, Recipes, &c., see pages 15, 17, and 19. See Notices at Foot of Page 13. PAGE. PAGE. Adzes........................................... 21 Blast Furnaces.................... 33 Air Brakes................................. 21 " Furnace Blocks.................... 33 Air Compressors........................... 21 Blasting and Mining Wires............ 33 Air Pumps................................... 21 Blind and Sash Makers................. 33 Angle Iron................... 21 Blocks.......................................... 33 Annunciators...........................I.... 21 Block Tin................................... 33 Anti-Explosives............................ 21 Blowers....................................... 33 Anti-Friction Agents.................. 21 Boiler Covering............................. 35' " Bearings.................. 21 " Felting.................... 35 " " Metal....................... 23 " Iron................................... 35 " " Slide Valve............... 23 " Makers............. 35 Antimony.................................... 23 " Makers' Tools............... 35 Anti-Vacuum Valve....................... 23' Plate and Drilling Machines 35 Anvil Blocks................................ 23 " Plates..................... 35 Anvils......................................... 23 " Powders..... 35 Artesian Well Tubing................... 23 " Ratchets................... 35 Asbestos................................ 23 " Rivets................................. 39 " Boiler Felting................. 25 Boilers........................................ 39 " Roofing........................... 25 Boiler Scale Preventive...... 39 Asphaltum............................... 25 " Tubes and Flues............. 39 Assayers...................................... 25 Bolt Cutters............................ 41 Augur Ratches............................. 25 " Ends..................................... 41 Automatic Gear Cutting Machines.. 25 " Heading Machines..... 41 Axe Manufacturers....................... 25 Bolts.................................... 41 Axle Grease............................... 25 Bolt Screwing Machines... 41 " Lathes................................. 27 Boring Bars................................. 41 Axles........................................ 27 " Implements................ 41 " Machines......................... 43 Babbitt Metal.............................. 27 Brakes................................. 43 Badges...................................... 29 Brands-Burning.......................... 43 Baggage Barrows.......................... 29 Brass................................... 43 " Checks................. 29- " Castings.......... 43 Baker's Tile................................. 29 " Cocks and Valves........ 43 Ball Pene Hammers..................... 29 " Illgot................................. 43 Band Saws.................................... 29 " Fittings.......... 43 Band Sawing Machines.................. 29 " Founders and Finishers...... 45 Bar Iron.................................... 125 " Padlocks.......... 45 Bark Mills................................... 29 " Tubing....................... 45 Bar Lead...................................... 29 " ire.................................... 45 Bars............................................ 29 Brick................................... 45 Batteries, Telegraph...................... 31 Bridge and Roof Bolts.................... 45 Bellows....................................... 31 " Builders.................... 45 Bells...................................... 31 " Castings.......................... 45 Belt Dogs.................................... 31 " Irons...................... 45 Belting......................................... 31 Bridges....................................... 45 Bench Screws............................... 31 Brokers...................................... 45 Bending Rolls............................... 33 Bronze Castings........................... 47 Bismuth....................................... 33 " Door Knobs....................... 47 Black Lead................................ 33 " Door Trimmings................. 47 Blacksmith's Tools........................ 33 Brushes for Tubes......................... 47 Blank Books................................. 33 Builders' Hardware...................... 47 Biaf ter's Tools............................... 33 Building Materials........................ 47 4 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. THE PULSOMETER OR MAGIC PUMPI A NEW ERA IN steam Hydro Engineering, FLUIDS MOVED BY SELF-ACTINC PULSATIONS, iSteam Pumps Supplanted, _____I ~ Piston Rods, Cylinders, Packing, Stuffing Boxes and Air Chambers of no Further Use. The Experience of Ages Set at NaugLt, AND PhILOSOPHY CONFOUNDED. This Apparatus is of vast importance and incalculable value to the Railroad, Steamboat, Mining and Manufacturing Comminity, and all others directly or indirectly interes ed in the use of Steam. It consists only of a single piece of unfinished casting, cylindrical in form, standing upon one end, and( is so constructed internally, that when properly connected with the necessary Steam and Water Pipes, it performs all the wonderful functions of the Steam Pump; raising and forcing a constant stream of water at the same time. It will raise water to the height due a perfect vacuum, and then force the same to a height due the initial pressure of Steam in the Boiler operating it. Having no moving parts it can never wear out, consequently all the vexatious repairs incident to Steam Pump Engineering is obviated. It will Pump Gritty or Muddy Water or even Mud of the consis ency of mortar, without injury to its parts in the least. Hence, its value for Mining and similar situations. It is perpetual in its opera ion, and can never cease its pulsations as long as the conditions of its action are maintained. When adjusted on a Locomotive or Steam Boiler, it not only takes the place of the Feed Pump, but automatically keeps the Water within the Boiler at any desired elevation, operating with absolute certainty, and delivering the water in a constant stream just as needed; thus obviating the primary cause of Boiler Explosions. It can be successfully used in any position and for any purpose within the scope of the Steam Pump, as well as in many situations where a Pump would be practically useless. SEND FP'ORE CIRCIULE AiR. C. HENNRY HErAIaL &; CNO. No, 20 Cortlandt St,, New York. INDEX TO BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 5 PAGE. PAGE. Bunting....................... 47 Coal Washing Machinery............... 71 Burglar Alarms............................ 47 Coiled Chain...................... 71 Butts.......................................... 47 Springs......................... 71 Buyers of Old Metal....................... 49 Coking Machinery.................. 71 Cold Rolled Piston Rods............... 71 Cabinet Makers' Machinery........... 49 " " Shafting..................... 181 Cabinet W oods.............................. 49 Colors, Dry....................... 71 Cable Chain................................ 49 " for Freight and Coal Cars.... 73 Cables-Telegraph........................ 49 " in Oil...................... 73 Callipers............................... 49 Commission Merchants.................. 73 Canal Bridges............................... 49 Compasses....................... 73 Candles......................................... 51 Composition Castings..................... 73 Cap Screws................................ 51 Condensors................................... 73 Car Axles.................................... 51 Conductors Punches...................... 73 Car and Journal Bearings............... 53 Contractors....................... 73 " Bits........................................ 53 Machinery............. 73 " Boxes.................................... 53 " Supplies................ 75 " Box Borers............................. 53 " Tools................ 75 " Brasses................................. 53 Copper....................................... 75 " Builders............................... 53 " Bottoms.................... 75 " Colors.................................... 53 " Ingot................................. 75 " Door Catches........................... 55 " Locomotive Sheets............ 75 " Door Locks............................ 55 " Nails...................... 75 "Equipments............................ 55 Rivets andsBurs............ 75 " Glass................................... 55 " Tubing................. 75 " Hassocks................................ 57 " W ire...................... 77' Hooks.................................... 57 " " Insulated................... 77' Irons................................... 57 Copying Presses................... 77 " Linings................................... 57 Cordage....................................... 77 " Makers' Machinery.................. 57 Corrugated Iron.................. 77 " Packing.................................. 57 Cotton Drills..................... 77 " Plushes, &c............................. 59 Cotton W aste..................... 77 Carpenters' Tools.......................... 59 Couplings................ 77 Carriage Builders' Machinery......... 59 " Patent................... 181 Bolts.............................. 19 Covered W ires.................... 77' Hardware........................ 59 Cranes....................................... 79 Cars............................... 61 Crestings.............................. 79 Springs............................... 61 Crossings.............................. 79 " Stoves.................................... 61 Crow Bars.................................... 79 " Trimmings............................. 61 Crucibles..................................... 79 " Varnishes.............................. 61 Crude Gutta Percha................ 79 "-W heel Borers......................... 61 Cupola Linings.................. 79 "W heels.................................. 263 Cupolas....................................... 81 Castings....................................... 63 Cutlery................... 81 Cast Iron Sinks............................. 63 Cutting Nippers................... 81 Steel................................... 65 Cylinders...................................... 81 Cement....................................... 65 Boring and Facing MaChain Links................................. 65 chines...................................... 81 Chains.................................... 65 " Measuring........................... 65 Dating Machines........................ 81 Chasing Lathes.............................. 65 Depot Scales........................ 81 Chemicals —Telegraph................... 67 Derricks............................. 81 Chilled Faced R. R. Frogs............... 67 Desks................................... 83 Chimes...................................... 67 Dies.................................... 83 Chisels........................................ 67 Door Knobs...................... 83 Chucks......................................... 67 " Machinery............................ 83 Church and School Bells................ 67 Drawing Room Car Hassocks......... 83 Chute Nails.................................. 67 Drill Grinding Machines................ 83 Circular Saw Mills......................... 67 Drills.................................. 85 " Saws............................. 67 Drilling Machines.................. 87 Clamps........................................ 69 Drill Presses................................. 87 Claw and Tamping Bars................. 69 Driving Wheel Lathes................... 87 Clocks......................................... 69 Drop Presses.............................. 87 Coach Colors................................ 69 Dryers.................................. 87 " Oil..................................... 69 " Screws................................ 69 Edge Tools....................... 87 Varnish.............................. 69 Electrical Engineers..................... 87 Coal........................................ 69 Electric Alarms................... 87 Facing.................................. 71 Apparatus for Mining........ 89 " Hods and Vases...................... 71 " Bells............................... 89 "Miners' Supplies................... 71 " Instruments............... 89 6 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. BOYNTON'S PATENT LIGHTNING SAWS! Also, manufacturer of all kinds of first-class Saws and Saw Handles. The inventor of this Saw claims that its superiority over all others is now established beyond dispute. No other manufacturer has yet ventured to put his Saws in competition with it at the AMERICAN INSTITUTE or elsewhere, and the challenge of $500 for a public trial has nev. r been accepted. It is needless, therefore, to speak of the merits or defects of the various Saws now on the market. The intelligent workman will select the tool that will do the most work with the least labor, and which, at the same time possesses the requisite s rength and simplicity of construction, in which respects this Saw has proved itself far ahead of all others, as will be seen by the Testimonials, which will be mailed to applicants. Awarded Medal of American Institute, over all competitors, Nov. 1872. These Saws have also been highly spoken of in the following well known papers, copies of which can be seen at the office of the inventor, viz: Scientific American," "American Artizan," "New York Tribune," "' New York World," " Christian Union," " Christian Radical," " Examiner and Chronicle," "American Agriculturist " " Hearth and Home," "Iron Age," " Liberal Christian," "Baptist Union," "Kansas Tribune," "Davenport (Iowa) Gazette," " Davenport Democrat," " Moore's Rural New Yorker," " New York Evangelist," " New York Observer," " Independent,"' The Western Rural," "Chicago Standard," and many others. BOYNTON'S CROSS-CUT SAWS In quality of material are fully _ equal to any in the market, a d each blade is subjected to a rigid GT E inspection before leav ng the factory. They are made from r 4 to io feet in length. NOV.2 7.866. JAN. 14.1868 CA1OI1T0N. JULY25867. _ aLY7. As these Saws have been nEW YO RK largely imitated, (but all omitting some essenial principal,) purchasers should be very careful to buy none but those having the name and trade mark of E. M. Boynton, with the $500 challange and directions for filing, using, &c., etched on them. BOYNTON'S ONE-MAN CROSS-CUT SAW I s A.i I It i........ ";: II/II l'"sB~ N I;.' M I I/I i: I// / I'11IiI I Will befound very spitable for Carpenters, Bi dge Builders, and all who work heaVy tihnber.'lt is,'also, well adapted to /Ea,a,.,Ls use tur sawing down ftrees, cutting up cord-w0'o'd, fence posts, and small logs. It can be used by two men whenever necessary, y)'attaching one of Boynton's Patent Handles, which are removable at pleasure. It wvill S9 as much work as tour good choppers. E. M. BOYNTON, Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer, 80 Beekman Street, New York. INDEX TO BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 7 PAUE. PAGE' Electric Machinery........................ 89 l Glaziers' Points............................. 109 Signals............................. 91 Globe and Angle Valves................. 109 " Supplies........................... 91 Gongs........................................... 109 Elevators................................. 91 Grindstones.................................. 109 Emery.......................................... 91 Grindstone Boxes......................... 113 Belts................................ 91 Gun Powder................................. 113 " Grinders............................. 91 Gutta Percha................................ 113 W heels............................ 93 " " Pipe........................ 113 Engine Builders, Steam................. 93 Lathes........................ 93 Hammer Dies................................ 113 " Trimmings........................ 93 Hammers...................................... 113 Engineers.................................... 93 Hand Forcing Machines................. 115 " Instruments.................. 93 " Lamps................................. 115 " Stationery M aterials...... 93 " Lathes................................. 115 Engines...................................... 93 " Punches.............................. 115 Engravers.................................... 93 " Shears................................. 115 Exhaust Nozzles.................... 95 " Stamps............................... 115 Extra Irons................................... 95 Hangers...................................... 115 Hardware..................................... 115 Factory Bells................................ 95 Hard W ood-Doors........................ 115 Feather Brushes........................... 95 Harness...................................... 115 Fellys.......................................... 95 Harrow Teeth............................... 117 Felt............................................. 95 Hasps........................................ 117 Felting................................ 95 Hassocks.............................. 117 Files........................................ 95 Head Lamps and Lights................. 117 Fire Brick................................... 97 Light Oil.............................. 117 " uckets................................ 97 " Linings................................ 119 " Clay.................................... 97 Heating Apparatus........................ 119 " Engines................................. 97 Hinge Nails................................. 119 Fish Bars.................................... 97 Hinges................................. 119 " Plates.................................. 97 Hoes............................................ 119 Flags.......................................... 97 Hoisting Grapple.......................... 119 Flange Pipes................................. 97 " Machines........................ 119 Flue Iron..................................... 99 Hoop Iron.................................... 119 Fog Signals................................. 99 Hoppers....................................... 119 Foot Lathes.................................. 99 Horse Shoe Iron.......................... 119 Force Pumps................................. 99 " Shoes................................... 121 Forge Bellows.................... 99 " Shoers' Tools...................... 121 Forges.......................................... 99 Hose............................................ 121 Forgings................................ 101 " and Ladder Straps................. 121 Founders................................ 101 " Couplings............................. 121: Tools.............................. 101 " Jacket.................................. 121 Foundry Facings................. 101 " Pipes.................................. 121 " Fixtures.......................... 101 Hotel Annunciators....................... 121 " Supplies......................... 101 Hydrants................................. 123 Freight Cars.............................. 101 Hydraulic Engines........................ 123 Frogs................................... 101 " Jacks........................... 123 Frog Signals................................. 103 " M achinery................... 123 Furnaces................................ 103 " Pipe............................. 123 Furniture............................. 103 " Presses......................... 123 Fuses.................................. 103 " Punches....................... 123 " Valves.......................... 123 Calvanized Iron........................... 103 Hydrostatic Wheel Presses............ 123 " Nails.......................... 103 " Pipe............................ 105 Incrustation Powders.................... 123 Galvanizers.......................... 105 Iron............................................. 125 Galvanometers..................... 105 " Bar..................................... 125 Gas Apparatus...................... 105 " Buildings............................. 125 Gas and Steam Fittings.................. 105'- Burs.................................... 127 " " Fitters' Tools.......... 107 " Doors and Shutters................ 127 Gas Pipe.................................. 107 " Fittings................................ 127 Gau.ages......................................... 107 " Founders.............................. 127 Gauge Tebes................................. 107 M erchant.............................. 167 Geared Foet Lathes....................... 107 " M erchants............................ 127 Girders........................................ 109 " Ore Crushers......................... 127 Glass Bearings......................... 109 " Ores.................................... 131 " Letters..s......................... 109 " Padlocks.............................. 131 a Looking................... 109 " Paints................................... 131 i' Ornamnented.......................... 109 " Pig....................................... 183 U Plate................................ 109 " Pipe...................................... 133 " Window. 109 " Railroad............................. 199 8 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. G. W. W. STEVENS & CO. SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF THE "STAR METAL," And all other RAILWAY JOURNAL BEARING, and General BRASS FOUNDERS and FINISHERS, 95 Liberty Street, New York City. D. S. STEVENS, MANAGER. INDEX TO BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 9 PAGE. PAGE. Iron Rods.................................... 133 M attocks...................................... 163 " Sheet.................................... 213 M auls........................................ 163 Shutters and Doors................ 133 Measuring Tapes........................... 165 " Tubing................................. 135 " Chains......................... 65 W ire.................................... 135 M echanics' Tools........................... 16S Working Machinery.............. 137 Medical Apparatus........................ 165 Merchant Iron.............................. 167 Japans......................................... 137 M etal Blanks................................ 167 Joints................................... 137 " Cornices.............................. 167 Journal Bearings........................... 139 Metallic Packing........................... 167 " Paints............................ 167 Knife Grinders.............................. 139 Metallurgists........................... 167 Metals................ 167 Lace Leather................................ 139 Milling Machines.......................... 169 Ladles.................................. 139 Mineral Door Knobs..................... 169 Lag Screws.................................. 139 Mining Engines............................ 169 Lamp Posts.................................. 139 Locomotives..................... 169 Lamps........................................ 141 " M achinery........................ 169 Lanterns............................... 141 Tools................................ 169 Lard Oil..................................... 143 M odels.................................. 169 Lathe Centre Grinders................... 143 Mortising Machines....................... 169 " Chucks............................... 143 M oulders' Tools............................. 169'; Dogs................................... 143 Moulding Cutters.......................... 169 Lathes........................................ 143 M uck Bars.................................... 16 Lead............................................ 143 " Pipe.................................... 145 Nail Rods.................................... 171 Learners Telegraph Instruments.... 145 Nails, Cut..................................... 171 Leather Belting............................ 147 " Wrought............................. 171 " Hose................................ 149 Nickle.................................. 1 3 " of all kinds...................... 149 Nitro Glycerine............................. 175 Levels..................................... 151 Nut Locks................................... 175 Lightning Rods............................ 151 Nuts.......................................... 173 Light Locomotives........................ 151 " Hot Pressed.......................... 175 Lime Kiln Blocks.......................... 151 " Hot and Cold Pressed............ 177 Linen Hose................................... 151 Nut Tappers................................. 177 Linseed Cake................................ 15:3 " Oil................................... 153 Oakum........................................ 177 Litharge....................................... 153 Office Chairs................................. 177 Lithography............................ 153 " Furniture............................ 177 Local and Coupon Tickets.............. 153 Oil Cabinets................................ 177 Lock Nuts.................................... 155 "Cans and Cups......................... 177 Locks.......................................... 155 " of Vitriol................................. 177 Locomotive Balances..................... 155 Oils.................................... 177 " Bells........................... 155 Oil Tank Car............................... 177 " Blocks........................ 155 "Well Casing............................ 177 Builders..................... 155 " " Tubing........................... 177 " Head Lights................ 155 Old Rails................................... 177 Locomotives................................. 157 Open Links.......................... 179 Log Sawing Machines.................... 157 Orange Mineral............................. 179 Looking Glasses............................ 157 Ottomans...................................... 179 Lubricating Oils...........................!57 Lubricators.................................. 159 Padlocks...................................... 179 Lumber................. 159 Paints.................................. 179 " for Railroads........................ 181 Machine Bits................................ 159, Parallel Bench Vise....................... 181 Forgings........................ 15'9 Passenger Cars.............................. 181 " or Nut Taps.................... 159 Patch Bolts................................... 181 Machines for Emery Wheels........... 161 Paving Tools................................. 181 M achine Bolts............................... 158 Pens.................................... 181 Machine Oils................................ 159 Permanent Wood Fiiling............... 181 M achinery................................ 161 Picks........................................ 183 Machine Screws............................ 161 Pig Iron...................................... 183 M achinists.................................... 161 " Lead...................................... 185 " Supplies........................ 161 Pipe Tongs................................... 185 " Tools......................... 163 Piston Rods.................................. 187 Malleable Iron Castings, &c.......... 163 Pit Car Wheels.............................. 1& Manufacturer's Agents.................. 163 Pivot Bridges............................... 187 M arine Forgings........................... 163 Planes........................................ 187 Marking Cards............................ 163 Planing Machines......................... 187 M asons' Tools............................... 163 " M ills.................... 187 Mathematical Instruments............ 163 Plated Knobs............................... 189 10 BUYERS' GUIDE. FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. ATWATER, WHEELER & CO. Nexw Haven, Conn., IRON MERCHANTS AND MANUFACTURERS, Import through their LIVERPOOL HOUSE, or MANUFAOTURE in their NEw HAVEN MILL, all grades of Merchant Bar Iron, Sheet Iron, Scrap Iron, Old Rails, Cast Steel, Spring Steel, IRON WI R E, BLACK OR CALVANIZED, FOR FENCES AND IELEGRAPH LINES, INDEX TO BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 11 PAGE. PAGE. Plate Glass................................... 189 Saw Frames..............................,.. 209 Pliers........................................... 189 " Handles................................ 209 Plow Clevises..............................:89 " M akers................................. 209 Plows.......................................... 189 " Mill Machinery..................... 209 Plumbers' Castings........................ 189 " Mills.................................... 209 Supplies........................ 189 Saws............................................ 209 " Tools............................ 189 Scales............................................ 209 Plush Buttons............................. 189 Scientific Books........................... 209 Pop Valves................................... 189 Scrapers................................ 209 Porcelain Door Knobs................... 189 Scrap Iron........................ 209 Portable Engines........................... 191 Screw Bolts...................... 209 " Forges............................ 191 " Plates................................. 211 Powder........................................ 191 Screws....................................... 211 Power Machines........................... 191 Seal Presses.................................. 211 Presses, Copying.......................... 191 Self-Feeding Hand and Power Drills 211 Printers....................................... 191 Set Screws.................................... 211 Pulleys......................................... 191 Shafting...................................... 211 Pumps................................... 193 Shaping Machines...............:......... 211 Punches and Shears....................... 193 Shears and Punches................. 213 Punching and Shearing Machines... 193 Shearing Machines................. 213 Putty......................................... 193 Sheet Iron........................ 213 " Lead................................... 213 Quarry Tools............................... 195 " Rubber...................... 21:3 Zinc................................ 213 Railroad Baggage Checks.............. 195 Shingles....................... 213 Bonds, &c...................... 195 " Strips.............................. 213 "' Car Forgings.................. 195 Ship Lanterns............................... 213 " Castings......................... 195 Shovels........................................ 215 " Chairs.......................... 195 Signal Oil........................ 215 Colors'and Varnishes....... 197 Signals......................................... 215 Engine Forgings............ 197 Slate................ 215 " Iron.............................. 199 " Roofing Tools....................... 215 M achinery..................... 199 Sledges........................... 215 Spike M auls................... 199 Slide Lathes.................... 215 Spikes.......................... 99 Sliding Tables.................... 215 Supplies..................... l Slothing Machines................. 215 Tools...........2.................:201 Smelters.............. 215 " Tickets.......................... 20,: Smith's Tools...................... 217 " Track Scales.................... 203 Smoke Stacks..................... 217 Rails........................................ 203 Socket Pipes.............................. 217 Railway Brakes............................. 203 Solder........................................ 217 Ratchets......................................; 203 Spades.................................. 217 Reamers...................................... 203 Spark Arrester............................. 217 Red Lead...................................... 203 Spelter................................. 217 Reflectors.............................. 203 Sperm Oil........................ 217 Retorts...................................... 203 Spiegeleisen...................... 219 Riddles................................. 203 Spike M auls..................... 219 Rivet Hammers........................... 203 Spikes........................................ 219 " M akers.............................. 203 Splice Bars....................... 221 Rivets......................................... 205 Spoons......................................... 221 Riveting M achines........................ 205 Springs....................................... 221 Rock Drills.................... 205 Spring Steel................................. 221 Rods, M easuring............................ 205 Stamps......................................... 221 Rolling Mill Castings.................... 205 I Staple Manufactures................ 221 " " Machinery................. 205 Stationary Engines Forgings......... 221 Roofing M aterials......................... 205 Stationery.................................... 221 " Plates............................... 205 Steamboat Forgings...................... 223 " Slates........ 207 Steam Boilers..................... 225 Ropes..................................... 207 " Elevators........................... 223 Rubber Belting, Hose, &c............... 207 " Engines.............................. 223 " Goods............................... 207 " Fire Engines...................... 225 " Springs...................... 207 " Gauges............................. 225 " Hammers........................... 227 Safes................................... 207 " Packing............................. 227 Safety Fuse................................ 207 " Pipe.................................. 229 " Valves................................ 207 " Pipe Covering..................... 229 Sand Paper................................... 207 " Pumps.............................. 227 Sash and Blind Machinery............. 207 Steamship Lines.......................... 229 Sashes, Doors, &c........................... 207 " Supplies...................... 229 Sash Weights................................ 209 Steam Warming Apparatus............ 229 Saw Gummers............................. 209 " W histles........................... 229 12 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. LIDDLE ZANUFACTURING CO. Chambers Street, NEW YORK Charlotteburg.::.~__ NEW 3ERSEY.' Eureka" Patent arm;,,I NsE Cutting Nippers. 0 lt\ Combination Wire / ] OCutters and Plyers JUDANIB ~D ~ t Patent Self-Feed iand Drills, hand Shears, _p~Eid~ef~ Punches, ~,. itITH POWER ATTACHIENT, IF REQUIRED, INDEX TO BUSINE'S DIRECTORY. 13 PAGE. PAGE. Steel........................................... 231 Trucks......................................... 249 Bells....... 231 Tube Expanders........................... 249 " Car Springs........................... 231 Tubing, Brass and Copper.............. 249 " Forgings............................... 2:31 Turn Buckles............................ 249 Frogs................................... 231 Turning Machines....................... 249 Importers............................. 233 Turn Tables................................ 249 Manufacturers.............. 233 Twist Drills.................................. 249 Rails.................................... 233 Twist Drill Grinders...................... 251 Springs................................. 233 Twisted Hooks.............................. 251 " Tubes................................... 2:33 Type Metal................................... 251 Tyres................................... 235 Tyres........................................... 251 Stencils........................................ 235 Stereotype Metal:.......................... 235 Universal Drills.......................... 251 Stone Masons' Tools....................... 235 Urinals....................................... 251 Stop Cocks............................ 2....... 235 Stove Boards................................, 235 Vacuum Gauges............................ 251 Linings............................... 235 " Pumps..........................:. 253 Straightening Machines................ 235 Valve Oil...................................... 253 Street Cars................................ 235 Valves........................................ 253 Submarine Telegraph Cables.......... 235 Vaes................................ 253 Subterranean Telegraph Wires.. 237 Varnish....................................... 253 Surveying Instruments.................. 237 Ventilators.............................. 255 Switches....................................... 237 Vises......................................... 255 Switch Lights......................... 237 Locks............................. 237 Washers................................... 255 Syphons....................................... 237 Washing Machines........................ 257 Waste......................................... 257 Tacks, Brads, &c........................... 237 Water Gauges............................ 259 Tallow.......... 237 " Pipe................................... 259 Cans and Caps..................... 239 Wedges............................. 259 " Lubricator.......................... 239 Wheel Barrows............................ 259 Tank Iron.......................... 2.39 " Borers.............................. 261 Tanks........................ 239 " Presses............................. 259 Tank Valves................................ 239 Wheels.......................................263 Taps....................... 239 Whistles, Steam............................ 229 Telegraph Apparatus..................... 21 White Brass................................. 265 B" uilders........................ 241 " Lead.................................. 263 " Material........................ 241 " Zinc.................................. 265 " Poles.......................... 243 Window Glass............................... 265 " Repairers' Tools............ 243 Wire.................................... 265 " Wires........................... 243 " Brushes.............................. 267 Tiles........................................... 243 " Cloth.................................... 267 Timber........................................ 243 " Cutters................................. 267 Tin and Coppersmiths' Solders........ 245 " Rope.................................... 267 Tin, Pig....................................... 243 Wood Mantels.............................. 267 Tin, Plates.................................... 245 " Mouldings..................... 267 Tinsmiths' Tools........................... 245 " Ornaments......................... 267 Tin Ware...................................... 245 " Screws................................ 267 T Iron.................................... 245 CC Working Machinery......... 269 T Iron. 245 Working Machinery............ 269 Tool Builders................................ 245 Woolen Waste.............................. 269 Tool Handles................................ 245 Wrecking Derricks....................... 269 Tools................................... 245 " Pumps.......................... 269 Track Bolts................................. 245 Wrenches................................ 269 Layers' Tools....................... 247 Wrought Iron Beams.................... 271 " Supplies.............................. 217 " " Hardware............... 271 " Rails.................................. 247 " " Pipe....................... 271 Transits. 247 " " Tubes..................... 271 Transfer Tables............................. 247 Transportation Cans...................... 247 Zinc.................................... 271 The arrangement of the names of the various dealers, under the different heads in the Business Directory, was made by direction of the advertisers, and not at the discretion of the publisher. Extra copies of this work will be furnished by the Publisher at $1.00 each; address, E. W. BULLINCER, 75 Fulton St., New York 14 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. INMAN LINE STEAM TWICE A WEEK TO EUROPE. TO LIVERPOOL, CALLING AT CORK, IRELAND. FULL.POWERED, CLYDE-BUILT, IRON STEAMSHIPS, UNDER CONTRACT FOR CARRYING TME BRITISH MAILS. Steamships. Commanders. Steamships. Commanders City of Chester...................C. City of Baltimore.......Delamotte. City of Richmond................. City of Washington..G. Lochead. City of Montreal.....J. Kennedy. City of New York......T. C. Jones. City of Brussels........S. Brooks. City of Llmerick.....W. Jamieson. City of Brooklyn.......H. Tibbits. City of Bristol.............Phillips. City of Paris............ R. Leitch. City of Halifax.......... Hurd. City of Antwerp.........J. Eynon. City of Durham.......... —-- City of London......J. Mirehouse. Sail from the Company's Wharf, PIER 45, NORTH RIVER, every Saturda, and every Thursday.-See Daily Papers. t A T E S OF mP A S S A GE. FIRST CABIN, PA YABLBE IN G OLD. First Cabin to Queenstown or Liverpool.........................$75 and $90 " to London....................... 80 " 95 " to Hamburg, Antwerp and Rotterdam.............. 85 " 100 " to Paris.............................................. 90" 105 STEERA G-E, PA YAB-LE IN CURRBNCY. Steerage to Liverpool, Queenstown, Glasgow or Londonderry........... $30 " to London or Bristol, through by Rail......... 30 " to Hamburg, Antwerp, Havre or Rotterdam.................... 35 " to Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Paris..........38 Children between One and Twelve, Half Fare. Infants under One Year, Free. FROM LIVERPOOL OR QUEENSTOWN —Leaving Liverpool every Tuesday and I hursday, and Queenstown (Cork Harbor), every Wednesday and Friday. RATES OF PASSAGE TO NEW YORK OR BOSTON —First Cabin, Inside Rooms, $90; Outside Rooms, $105, Gold. Steerage, $32, Currency. Children between One and Twelve, Half Fare. Infants under Twelve Months, inSteerage, $3.00 Currency. Tickets can be bought here at these rates, by persons wishing to bring out their friends. 1r-Drafts payable on presentation in England, Ireland and Scotland for l1 and upwards. Parcels $1 and upwards, according to size and value. _ JOHN G. DALE, Agent, 15 Broadway, New York. INDEX TO TABLES, RECIPES, &c. Publisher's Notice.-In selecting the information published herein, I have aimed to give only such tables, &c., as are of practib al, every-day use; such as a mechanic will find occasion to refer.to very frequently, and by their use, in conjunction with the Silicate Slates (on inside of the covers) and the Memorandum paper, an estimate can be made on almost any kind of an ordinary piece of work, and preserved for future reference. As will be seen by the heads of the various tables, I have copied from different works published for the use of Mechanics, Engineers, &c., and I beg to advise all who may find the tables herein of value to them, that they buy one or more of these books-they will be found of almost incalculable service; we give below a list of them. The Civil Engineers' Pocket Book, by J. C. Trautwine.........Price $5.00, Tucks. Engineers' and Mechanics' Pocket Book, by C. H. Haswell............Price $3.00, Tucks. Mechanics', Machinists' and Engineers' Book of Reference, by Charles Haslett...........Price $2.50, Tucks. Useful Information for Railway Men, by W. G. Hamilton.........Price $2.00. Useful Formulae and Memoranda, by G. L. Molesworth.........Price $2.00. I will forward any of the above on receipt of the money. Address, E. W. BULLINCER, 75 Fulton St., New York. PAGE. PAGE. Acres required for Roadway........... 53 Boiler Iron, thickness, &c............... 31 Adhesive power of Locomotives...... 149 " " weight, &c.................. 31 Alloys........................................ 63 " Shells, strength of............... 153 " Specific Gravity.............. 93 " Tubes, standard sizes............ 73 American Wire Gauge................... 35 Bolts, Heads, &c., weight of............ 29 Angle Iron, Weight of...............145, 147 " for one mile of track............ 119 Anti-Explosives........................110,111 Brass Bar and Sheet, weight of...... 63 Apothecaries Weight..................... 185 " Wire, weight of................... 51 Arches................................. 181 Areas of Circles......................221 to 235 Cables, Hempen, safe loads............ 113 Artesian Tubes, heavy................... 57 Car Springs..............................61, 201 L" "c light..................... 59 Casing for Oil Wells....................... 59 Avoirdupois Weight..................... 185 Cast Iron Pipe, weight of............... 27 " " hardening..................... 77 Band Iron, feet in bundle............. 109 Cement, for fire and water.............. 57 Band Saws................................... 209 " for stopping joints............ 57 Bar Brass, weight of..................... 63 " for leather belting............. 209 " Copper, "...................... 117 Chairs, per mile of track................. 121 " Iron, feet in bundle................. 107 Circles, properties of..................... 197 " " Rounfd, weight of............ 45 " areas........................221 to 235 " Square, "............ 43 " circumferences..........221 to 235 " Lead.................................... 117 c" diameters............. 221 to 235 Beams and Channels, Iron............. 179 Cisterns................................ 57 Belting, power, &c........................ 261 Columns, iron.................49, 55 " how to measure................ 265 Copper, Bar, weight of.................. 113 " cement.......................... 209 " Locomotive sheets............. 127 Birmingham Wire Guage............... 35 " Pipes, weight of................ 105 Board Measure.......................157 to 163 " Rods, "................. 75 Boiler Flues, weight of.................. 59'" Wire, "................. 51 L(" " strength of............... 155 " Sheet, ".... 172 l, 16 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. J. G. KNAPP MANUFACTURING CO., IANNUFACTUREhS OF SCHAEFFER & BUDENBERG, AND BOUIDON STEAM, VACUUM, HYDRAULIC and WATER Marine Oiler Sets. Clocks. Oval and Square. Engine 0 8Oil Filters. ORNegisters. B E Brass, e Copper, Tin Hydraulic and Zinc Test Pumps. S. Oers. Locornrltive Cas Fitters' Oilers. Test Pumps. Tallow Cans Cab Lights. Brass and Copper Cauge Baskets, Clocks. iSilFor Cotton Waste. ORNAMENTAL BRONZE ENGINE FRONTS, CONTAINING Steam and Vacuum Gale,. Counter, Clock and Thermometers, ALL IN ONE CASE. Myers' Patent Recording Gauge and Clock. SOLE MANUFACTURERS IN U. S. OF THE CELEBRATED GERMAN STUDENT'S LAMPS. Z Illustrated Circulars and Photographs sent on application _ Office, 26, 28 & 30 Frankfort Street, - NEW YORE. INDEX TO TABLES, RECIPES, ETC. 17 PAGE. PAGE. Cross-Ties, to mile of track............ 121 Iron Wire, weight of..................... 51 Crowns of Arches.......................... 181 Cubes of Numbers..................237 to 271 Joints per mile of track...........121, 263 Cube Root of Numbers.........237 to 271 Cubic Measure.............................. 191 Lead Pipes................................... 125 Cubic Foot, equal to....................... 191 " Bar and Sheet, weight of......... 1.17 Culverts....................................... 263 Leather Glue................................. 207 Cylinders, contents of..................... 103 Belting Cement................. 209 power, &c............. 261 Diameter of Circles..............221 to 235 Liquid Measure............................. 193 Driving Wheels, revolutions per Locomotives on Levels and Grades.. 129 mile.................................... 79 " Power, Loads, &c........ 149 Drums, speed of............................ 211 Locks.......................................... 205 Dry Measure................................ 193 Long Measure............................... 187." French.................... 187 English Railways.....................137, 139 Measure, Board....................157 to 163 Falling Bodies, Velocity of............ 105 Tables of.................187 to 193 Fish Joints, per mile..................... 263 Mensuration.................. 195, 197 Flange Pipes................................ 49 Metals, specific gravity................. 93 Flat Iron, weight of.................65 to 71 Mills, Saw................................... 257 feet in bundle............... 107 " Wind................................ 85 Flat Ropes................... 83 Money, Foreign............................. 199 Flues, strength of......................... 155 Force of Wind............................... 79 Nails, number to pound................. 131 Foreign Money.............................. 199 N it o-Glycerine............................. 183 French Measure, Cubic.................. 191 Nuts-sizes, weights, &c...................141 Long.................. 187 " Square............... 189 01 Well Tubing.........................57, 59 " Weight............................ 185 Padlocks.................................... 205 Calvanized Sheet Iron.................. 91 Paint for Tarpaulins...................... 79 Gas Pipes, weight of...................... 59 Paste...................................131, 181 Gearing Wheels...................167 to 173 Pipes, Cast Iron............................. 27 Glass.......................................... 127 - " Flange................................ 49 Gradients, table of...................... 151 " Lead................................... 125 Grindstones, weight of................... 211 " Contents of.......................... 103 Pitch of Teeth......................167 to 173 Heat, effects of.............................. 115 Plate Iron, weight of..................39, 41 Hempen Ropes and Cables............. 113 Pressure on Boiler Iron................. 31 Hoop Iron, weight of..................... 47' of Steam on Piston........... 149! Prussian Railways....................133, i 35 Iron, Band, feet in bundle.............. ]09 Pulleys and Blocks........................ 107 Bar, Square, weight of............ 43. " speed of........................... 21il " " " feet in bundle..... 107 Putty.......................................... 75 " Round, weight of............ 45 " " feet in bundle..... 107 Rails per mile of track........11, 121, 263'c Beams and Channels.............. 179 Railways, English....................137, 139 Boiler, strength and weight... 31 Prussian..................133, 135 Columns............................ 49, 55 Resistance to Trains...................... 151 Flat, weight of................ 65 to 71 Revolutions of Driving Wheels per " feet in bundle................ 107 mile...................................... 79 Flues, weight of.. 59 Riveted Copper Pipes..................... 105 "strength of.......... 155 Iron Pipes........................ 77 Hoop, weight of................... 47 Rivets, weight of........................... 33 Pipe, Flange......................... 49 Roadway, Acres for........................ 53 Cast............................. 27 Ropes, Flat.................................... 83 Riveted........................ 77 " Hempen..............................113 " Plate, weight of...................39, 41 " Round..............................87, 89 Round, "..................... 45 Rouud Bar Iron, weight of............. 45 " feet in bundle............ 107. " " feet in bundle...... 107 Square, "............ 107 Rubber Car Springs...................... 61 " " weight of.................. 43 " Scroll, ".................. 47 Saw Mills................................... 257 Sheet, ".................. 39 Sealing Wax.............................. 139 Tests of................................. 177 Sides of Squares, Equal to Circles.... 219 Tire, weight of.......... 47 Shafts, digging of.......................... 97 " Tubes................:................ 37 Shells of Boilers, strength of........... 153 Artesian, heavy............ 57 Sheet Brass, weight of................... 63 " " " light.............. 59 " Copper, "..............117, 123 ~' Value of............................99, 101 " Iron, "................39, 41 18 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. 5pTs I itAo AT THE EXPOSITiON. CINCINNA TI INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION, TO THE Merchants' Manuf' und Gonstructiou Co! (TELEGRAPH CONTRACTORS, PROPRIETORS OF THE SELDEN PATENT PRINTING TELEGRAPH INSTRUMENT,) FOR THE "Best Printing Telegraph Instruments FOR 11 This Company is prepared to build Telegraph Lines for Railroad or other Corporations, or for private Individuals, on Favorable Terms, applying the above Printer, or any other instrument. w. C. JOY, Prsident. Merchants' Manufacturing and Construction Co., S. J. BURRELL. Secy. 50 BROAD STREET, P. O. Box 6865. NEW YORK. SEND FOR CIRCULAR.. INDEX TO TABLES, RECIPES, ETC. 19 PAGE. PAGE. Sheet Lead, weight of.................... 117 Washers, Sizes and Weights.......... 143 Slate............................................ 203 Water Stations and Tanks.............. 25 Speed Table of Trains............... 23 Wells, Digging of.................. 97 Specific Gravity, Metals and Alloys 93 Weights -Angle Iron...............145, 147 c" " Wood.................. 95 " Apothecaries................. 185 Spikes, Railroad and Ship............ 91 " Avoirdupois................ 185 " per mile of track............... 121 " Bar Iron.....................43, 45' Splices, per mile of track............. 119 " Bolts, &c...................... 29 Springs, Rubber................... 61 " Boiler Iron................... 31 " Steel................................ 2,1 " Cast Iron Pipes............. 27 Square Bar Iron, weight of............ -43 " Copper Rods.................. 75 i" " feet in bundle....... 107 " Distribution on Locomo" Measure............................. 189 tives.......................... 149 Squares of Numbers...............237 to 271 " French......................... 185 Square Roots of Numbers........237 to 271 " Hoop Iron.................... 47 Squares, sides of equal to circles...... 219 " Flat Iron.................65 to 71 Steam, elasticity of, &c................. 81 " Grindstones................... 211 " pressure on Piston............. 149 " Lead............................ 117 Steel, Plate and Sheet................... 9, 41 " Lead Pipes.................... 125' Springs...................... 201 " Plate Iron..................39, 41 " Tempering.................... 143 " Rivets......................... 33 Tests of...................... 177 " Ropes..................83, 89 " Wire, weight of................... 51 " Round Bar Iron............ 45 Surface Hardening Cast Iron......... 77 " Sheet Iron................39, 41 Surveying Measure.................. 187 " Square Bar Iron............ 43 " Scroll Iron................... 47 Tacks, weight of.......................... 131 " Tire Iron.................... 47 Tanks, Water................................ 25 T. Iron..................145, 147 Teeth of Wheels.....................167 to 173 " Troy............................ 185 Telegraph Wires.......................213, 217 " Washers....................... 143 Tempering Gravers and Drills......... 21 " Wheels...................... 175 " Steel................... 143 " Wire............................ 51 Tests of Iron and Steel............... 177 " Wood........................... 95 Thermometers..................... 215 " Wrought Iron Tubes...37, 73 T. Iron, Weight of....................145, 147 Wheel Gearing..................167 to 173 Timber, Measure........................ 165 Wheels, Sizes and Weights............. 175 Time............................ 187 Whitewash....................... 131 Tire Iron, Weight of...................... 47 Wind Mills............................. 85 Tracing Paper...................... 121 " Velocity and Force of............ 79 Tractive Power of Locomotives....... 149 Wire Gauges...................... 35 Trains, Speed Table................. 23 " Telegraph....................... 213, 217 Troy Weight................................. 185 " Weight of.................... 51 Tubes, Artesian........................ 57, 59 " Ropes...........................83, 87, 89 Iron.............................. 37 Wood, Specific Gravity and Weight. 95 " Welded.................... 215 Wood Working Machinery............ 207 Value of Iron...........................99, 101 Wrought Iron Tubes..................... 37 Velocity of Wind................... 79 " " Flues, strength of.... 155 A Falling Bodies.............. 105 Another edition of this work will be issued in spring of i874; all parties desiring to be supplied with it will please send their address to E. W. BULLINGER, 75 Fulton St., N. Y. Or apply to any of the advertisers herein, on or about Feb. Ist, I874. 20 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. ISAAC U. COLES, SOLE PROPRIETOR AND MANUFACTURER OF Patent Tallow Packing for Car Jollrnals, TALLOW LUBRICATOR AND OIL FOR MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINES,. Superintendents, Master Mechanics and Engineers of many prominent Railway Companies, who have tested the Paten t'Tallow lPaelring for Car Journals, have expressed to me in writing, surprise and satisfaction at its performance, and many of them pronounce it superior to any article heretofore introduced to them for Lubricating Purposes, and as a RELIABLE PREVENTIVE OF HOT AXLES. AADE WA ITS OHARACTERISTICS ARE: It excludes dust from the journal. It causes the brasses to wear level. It can be used in any kind of boxes. It cannot be spilled out. It is not affected by difference of climate. It lubricates more thoroughly. It requires very little labor and attention. It is considerably cheaper than any other good lubricating material The TALLOW LUBRICATOR for Marine and Stationary Engines, and MACHINE OIL, possess advantages over every other similar compound. I wish to secure patronage rpainly upon the merits of my materials, therefore, do not here present copies of the many testimonials to be seen at my office from parties who have extensively tested and used the same. My request is "BE YOUR OWN JUD.GE." All Orders for Sample Packages are promptly filled at the office, 20 Cortlandt St., Room 5, P. O. Box 2963. New York. 21 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Different Articles and Lines of Business in Alphabetical Order, with names of Dealers. The arrangement of the names, under the various heads in the following Directory, was made by direction of advertisers, and not at the discretion of the publisher. Adzes. G. B. Walbridge........................................New York.....................See Page 130 Vose, Dinsmore & Co................."............... " "........... " 60 Air Brakes. Ward Air Brake Co............................... Kalamazoo, Mich..........See Page 56 Air Compressors. Rand & Waring Drill & Compressor Co...........New York.................See Front Page Air Pumps. J. B. Waring................................ New York.....................See Page 24 Angle Iron. Jones & Laughlins................................Pittsburgh, Pa....... See Page 32 J. T. Ryerson...............................................Chioago, Ill.......... " 180 Rogers & Co.................................................. " "............ " 144 Tyng & Co...............New York...................... " 260 Vose, Dinsmore & Co................................ "..................... " 60 Annunciators. Chas. T. Chester................................. New York.....................See Page 212 Geo. H. Bliss & Co.......................................Chicago, Ill............. " 164 M. A. Buell........................... Cleveland, Ohio............... " 46 Winans & Co...........................................New York......................." 106 Anti-Explosives. Wiard Locomotive Attachment Co.................New York.....................See Page 110 Anti-Friction Agents. Isaac U. Coles..............................................New York.....................See Page 20 Wm. B. Browne & Co................................... " I..................... " 266 See also, Oils, &c. Anti-Friction Bearings. G. W. W. Stevens & Co..................................New York.......................See Page 8 John Harden......................................................... " 230 TEMPERING GRAVERS AND DRILLS. A watchmaker in Gosling, by the name of Schussleder, has recently published his method of hardening gravers and drills, which he claims renders them almost as hard as the diamond. He first heats the tool to a white heat, and then presses it into a stick of sealing wax, leaves it but a second there, and then sticks it into the wax in another place. This operation is rapidly repeated, until the graver is too cool to enter the wax. Drills tempered in this manner will pierce the hardest steel tempered in the usual manner. In turning or drilling, the tool is moistened with oil of turpentine. :22 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. PHILLIPSBURG MANUFACTURING CO. NEW YORK OFFICE, 23 DEY STREET. WORKS AT PHILLIPSBURCI N. J. DANIEL RUNKLE, President. ALF. P. BOLLER, JAMES CHRISTIE, Vice-Pres't and Engineer. Superintendent. WM. RUNKLE, J. W. GASKILL, Treasurer and Sec'y. General Agent. Engineers and Contractors, FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OP IRON BRIDGES, ROOFS, VIADUCTS, SUSPENSION BRIDGES, AND ENGINEERIN G IR ON WORK IN GENERAL. ALSO MANUFACTURERS O F SPLICOE BOLTS, NUTS, LIGHT FORGINGS, BRIDGE, ROOF, and MACHINE BOLTS, rF PLANS, ESTIMATES, &c., FURNISHED ON APPLICATION. w BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 23 Anti-Friction Metal. Du Plaine & Reeves..................... Philadelphia, Pa..............See Page 102 G.. W. W. Stevens & Co................................ New York..................... " 8 Hook's Smelting Co..................P....................hiladelphia,.......... " 216 Philadelphia Smelting Co............................. "............ 134 Anti-Friction Slide Valve. Geo. W. Rich rdson & Co...............................Trt,y, N. Y....................See Page 50 Antimony. Bruce & Cook.....................New York......................See Page 112 Lucius Hart & Co...................................... "'..................... 56 Philadelphia Smelting Co..............................Philadelphia, Pa............ "134 Wm. Green & Co.......................................Wilmington, Del............. " 248 Anti-Vacuum Valve. Geo. W. Richardson & Co...........................Troy, N. Y.................... See Page 50 Anvil Blocks. Tile Atlas Works................................... Pittsburgh, Pa..............See Page 172 Anvils. Hermann Boker & Co.................................N, w York............See Pages 152, 154 Reese, Graff & Wood.................................Pittsburgh, Pa................See Page 68 Artesian Well Tubing. Evans, Dalzell & Co...................................Pittsburgh, Pa..............See Page 58 J. T. Ryerson................................. Ill.................... " 180 Morris, Tasker & Co....................................Philadelphia, Pa............. " 36 Asbestos. H. W. Johns.......................................New York...................... ee Page 224 SPEED TABLE FOR TRAINS. (Molesworth.) a 0 Time of Performing. Time of Performing. VMle M4 Mle. Y Mle. 1 Mlee. Y Mle. 1 MIe Mls. m. s. m. s. m. s. MIs. m. s. m. a. m. s. 5 3 0...... 6 0...... 12 0 33 0 27...... 0 54...... 1 49 6 2 30...... 5 0...... 10 0 31 0 26...... 0 53...... 1 46 7 2 8...... 4 17...... 8 34 15 0 25...... 0 51...... 1 43 8 152...... 3 t5...... 7.',0 36 0 25...... 0 50...... 1 40 9 1 4...... 3 20...... 6 40 37 024...... 0 48...... 1 37 10 1 30...... 3 O...... 6 0 38 0 23...... 0 47...... 1 34 11 121...... 2 43...... 5 27 39 0 23...... 0 46...... 1 32 12 1 15..... 2 30...... 5 40 0 22...... 0 45...... 1 30 13 1 9...... 2 18...... 4 37 41 0 21...... 0 43...... 1 27 14 1 4...... 2 8...... 4 17 42 021... 042...... 1 25 15 1 0...... 2 0...... 4 0 43 0 20...... 0 41..... 1 23 16 0 56...... 1 52...... 3 35 44 0 20...... 0 40...... 1 21 17 0 53...... 1 46......1 45 0 20...... 0 40...... 1 20 18 0 50...... 1 40...... 3 20 46 0 19...... 0 39...... 1 18 19 0 47...... 1 34...... 3 9 47 0 19...... 0 38...... 1 16 20 0 45...... 1 30...... 3 48 0 18...... 0 37 1..... 1 15 21 0 42...... 1 25...... 2 51 49 0 18...... 0 36...... 1 13 22 0 40..... 1 21...... 2 43 50 0 18...... 0 36...... 1 12 23 0 39...... 1 18...... 2 36 51 0 17...... 0 35...... 1 10 24 0 37...... 1 15...... 2 30 52 0 17...... 0 34...... 1 9 25 0 36....... 1 12...... 2 24 53 0 17...... 0 34...... 1 7 26 0 34...... 1 9...... 2 18 54 0 16...... 0 33...... 1 6 27 0 33...... 1 6...... 2 ]3 55 0 16...... 0 32...... 1 5 28 0 32...... 1 4...... 2 8 56 0 16...... 0 32...... 1 4 29 0 31...... 1 2...... 4 57 015...... 031...... 1 3 30 0 30...... 1 0...... 2 0 58 0 15...... 0 31...... 1 2 31 0 29...... 0 58...... 1 56 59 0 15...... 0 30...... I 1 32 0 28...... 0 56...... 1 52 60 0 15...... 0 30...... 1 0 24 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. J. B. WARING, AGENT FOR THE SALE OF THE Nor1walk. CPatented Steam Engines AND EARLE'S PATENT STEAM PUMPS. STA TIONARY d POR TABLE ENGINES, DIRECT ACTING AND BALANCE WHEEL PUMPS, AIR AND VACUUM PUMPS, AIR COMPRESSORS, ROCK DRILLS, AND MJining.lachinery. of every description on hand and made to order. Designs and Working Drawings of Machinery WITH SPECIFICATIONS FURNISHED. Wrought and Cast Iron Pipe, with Fittings in great variety, constantly on hand. J. B. WALRING-, (Late Supt. Norwalk Iron Works,) 133 Centre Street, New York, BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 25 Asbestos Boiler Felting. H. W. Johns............................... New York......................See Page 224 Asbestos Roofing. H. W. Johns.................................................New York......................See Page 224 Asphaltum. H. W. Johns...........................................ew York......................See Page 224 Assayers. Du Plaine & Reeves..................................Philadelphia, Pa..........See Page 102 Augur Ratchets. Barwick Wrench Co....................................Boston, Mass..................See Page 60 Automatic Cear Cutting Machines. Wm. Sellers & Co......................................Philadelphia, Pa...........See Page 64 Axe Manufacturers. G. B. Walbridge.............................. New York.....................See Page 130 Geo. Worthington & Co., Wholesale Dealers....Cleveland, Ohio............... " 100 Vose, Dinsmore & Co............................... New York...................... " 60 Axle Crease. Frazer Lubricator Co....................................New York.....................See Page 264 WATER STATIONS. Tihe following is taken from Trautwine, and is a fair sample of his comprehensive and valuable method of treating all subjects. SIZES OF TANKS AND CONTENTS. Diam. Depth. Gallons. Diam. Depth. Gallons. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. 12 8 6767 24 12 40607 14 9 10363 26 13 51628 16 9 13535 28 14 64481 18 10 19034 30 15 79310 20 10 23499 32 16 96253 22 11 31277 34 17- 115451 Cypress or any of the pines answer very well for tanks. The staves may be about 21/ ins. thick for the smaller ones; to 4 or 5 ins for the largest. The bottoms may be the same. The staves should be planed by machinery to suit the curve precisely. Nothing is then needed'between the staves to produce tightness. A single wooden dowel is inserted betweeneach two near the top, merely to hold them in place while being put together. The bottom is dowelled together, and simply inserted into a groove very accurately cut, about an inch deep, around the inner circumference of the tub, at a few inches above the bottoms of the staves. One of 20 feet diameter, and 12 feet deep, may have 9 hoops of good iron, placed several inches nearer together at the bottom of the tank than at the top. Their width 3 inches; the thickness of the lower two, 14 inch; thence gradually diminishing until the top one is but half as thick. The lower two are driven close together. These dimensions -will allow for the rivet-holes for riveting together the overlapping ends; and for a moderate strain in driving the hoops firmly into place. Three rivets of M/ inch diameter, and 3 inches apart, in line, are sufficient for a joint of a lower hoop. One of 34 feet diameter, 17 deep, may have 12 hoops; the lower ones 4 inches by Y/; with three X4 inch rivets to a lower hoop-joint. The bottom planks of the tank must bear firmly upon their supporting joists, or bearers. A tank must have a waste pipe for preventing overflow, and a discharge or feed pipe 7 or 8 inches diameter, in or near the bottom. The inner end of the discharge pipe is covered by a valve, to be opened at will by the engine man, by means of an outside cord and lever. To its outer end is generally attached a flexible canvas and gum-elastic hose about 7 or-8 inches diameter and 8 or 10 feet long, through which the water enters the tender-tank. Or, instead of a hose, the feed-pipe may be prolonged by a metallic pipe, or nozzle, sufficiently long to reach the tender; and so jointed as, when not in use, to swing to one side, or to be raised to a vertical position. 26 t3YSER'S GIJI)E, POR RAILWAY OFFICERS. PANCOAST & MAULE, 227 PEAR STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. WROUGHT IRON PIPE PLAIN AND GAL VANIZED. CHARCOAL IRON BOILER TUBES. Fittings for Gas, Steam and Water OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. BRASS COCKS AND VALVES. IRON COCKS AND VALVES. LUBRICATORS AND OIL CUPS. STEAM WHISTLES, WATER GAUGES. TALLOW CUPS. And a general assortment of Rough -and Finished Work for ENCINEERS and MACHINISTS. Tools of Every 1D)escription, FOR STEAM FITTERS' USE.: Send for Illustrated Catalogue and Price List, which will be mailed on application. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 27 Axle Lathes. Isaac H. Shearman........................................Philadelphia, Pa...........See Page 80 Wm. Sellers & Co......................................... ".......... 64 Axles. Anderson & Woods...................................... Pittsburgh, Pa...............See Page 150 De Laey & Co..................................Buffalo. N. Y................... " 98 Greene & Randolph............................. New York......................' 54Jno. A. Griswold & Co................................. Troy, N.Y...................... " 50' Jones & Laughlins..............................Pittsburgh, Pa............... " 32: L. G. Tillotson & Co.....................................New York..................... " 94 Pittsburgh Forge & Iron Co...........................Pittsburgh, Pa............... " 174 Vose, Dinsmore & Co.................................. New York..................... "' 60, Babbitt Metal. A. Fulton's Son & Co.................................... Pittsburgh Pa..............See Page 116: Champlin & Rogers.............................hicago, I1.................... " 192 Crane Bros. Mfg. Co....................................... " 230 Du Plaine & Reeves...................................... Philadelphia, Pa............ 102 J. J. Walworth...........................................Chicago, Ill.................... " 124 Lucius Hart & Co.........................................New York.................... " 56 Phelps & Sanger.......................................Cleveland, Ohio.............. " 120 Philadelphia Smelting Co..............................Phila elphia, Pa............. 134 Wm. Green & Co.......................................Wilmington, Del............ " 248 WEIGHT OF CAST IRON PIPES. Weight of a Foot of Cast Iron Pipes, in Pounds. 2lTwo Flanges are equal to One Foot of Length, in Weight. Th ck- Thick- ThickInBore. of Weight. iBore ess of Weight. BoreInch. ess of Weight. Inc al I Metal. Inch. Metal. 1 8 5.6 7 s 27.3 12 47.5 1 7.4 7 36.8 91.0 1% ~ /9 6.9 7 / 46.9 12 Y8 110. 1% Y 6.8 7 34 56.4 12 1 127.9 2 8.7 7%[ 2 3~.3 14 34 89.6 2 12.0 7% / 50. 14 108 21/8 10.5 I% 61. 14 127.9 2% * 14 9 8.30 8 14 1 147.5 3 1'i.4 8 I 41.8 15 1537. 17.2 8 52.9 15 3 8 22.2 8 64.5 15 1 157.8 3/ / 14.3 8 44.2 156 11 17-.T 11.8 *' 56. 16 13 3%.,, 2.3 8 68.2 16 YS 144.7. 4 3r58 16.1 9 34 6 16 1 1e;6.91 22.1 9 46 7 16 11 189 7, 4 > 28.4 9 58 9 18 138 9i 4% 3ys 18.1 9 719 18 8 162 8. 4% Y2 % 24.5 9% 1 491 18 1 18.8 4 / 4 31.4 9 62.2 18 211.8 5: 19.8 9, 34 7;..6 20:/ 5 27. 10 1/ 61.6 20 1 01' 8 6 1s 31.5 10 6,.3 2 233.9 5 3/ 4 2.4 10 4 79 3 20 14,61.3 5 Y2 9 29.6.'0. 13.5 22 1 227.4.5%! 37.6 1 1 54. 22 1 255.9 aS _ 46. 1 l) //8 68.3 22 1 4 28-.S 6 N 2:1.4! 1012 34 / 3. 24 1 24.5.0 6 / 31.9 1 1 56.5 24 1/ 277.9 407 I 71 5 24 6 3 49.9 11 86.6 6 31.4 1l 1 9 643.7 11%Y 59. 64 3 534 11 / 74.5 I11% 3 / 90.5 HOOPES & TOWNTSETND JANU'FA CTURE MACHINE ad CAR-BOLTS, COLD PRESSED Square ~ Hexagon Nuts, WASHERS, RIVETS, WOOD SCREWS, BRIDGE RODS, CAR FORGINGS. No. 1330 Buttonwood St., PHILADELPHIA. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 29 Badges. L. G. Tillotson & Co...................................New York.....................See Page 94 W. W. Wilcox.............................................Chicago, Ill.................... " 190 Baggage Barrows. A. M. Gilbert & Co......................................Chicago, I....................See Page 180 W. A. Dobinson & Co....................................Buffalo N. Y............... 196 Baggage Checks. L. G. Tillotson & Co...................................N..ew York.....................See Page 94 W. W. Wilcox.............................................Chicago, Ill.................... " 190 Baker's Tile. Philip Neukumet.........................................Philadelphia, Pa............. See-Page 104 Ball Pene Hammers. Hermann Boker & Co............................:.....New York..............See Pages 152, 154 Nelson Tool Works..........................................................See Page 30 Band Saws. Buffalo Machinery Agency..........................Buffalo, N. Y.................See Page 160 C. Van Ness........................New York...................... " 70 J. A. Fay & Co...................................... Cincinnati, Ohio............ " 206 J. T. & R. H. Plass.................................. New York..................... " 208 Richards, London & Kelley...........................Philadelphia, Pa............ " 66 Vose, Dinsmore & Co..................................New York..................... " 60 Band Sawing Machines. J. A. Fay & Co.....................................incinnati, Ohio............See Page 206 J. T. & R. H. Plass......................................New Yowk.......... " 208 Richards, London & Kelley...........................Philadelphia, Pa............ " 66 Bar Iron. See Iron-Bar. Bark Mills. R.' L. Howard & Son....................................Buffalo, N. Y.................See Page 40 Bar Lead. Bruce & Cook.................................. New York.....................See Page 112 Bars. Pittsburgh Bolt Co.......................................Pittsburgh, Pa...............See Page 118 BOLTS WITH SQUARE HEADS AND NUTS. Weight of 100, in Pounds. Thickness of Bolt in Inches. Y ye % % X / 4.16... 7.59... 10.62... 15.94... 23.87... 39.31 X 4.22... 7.87... 11.72... 16.90... 25.06... 41.38 2 4.75... 8.56... 12.38... 18.25... 26.44... 45.69 73.62 1 5.34... 9.12... 12.90... 19.38... 28.62... 49.50 76. 5.97... 9.59... 14.69... 20.69... 29.50... 51.25... 79.75 ) 6.50... 10.44... 16.47... 21.C0... 31.16... 53. 83. 3 10.78... 17.87... 22.38... 32.44... 56. 85.38... 127.25'A 11.81... 18.94... 26.19... 39.75... 63.12... 93.44... 140.56 4 20.59... 28.87... 42.50... 74.87... 108.12... 148.37 M2 21.69... 29.87... 44.87... 79.62... 113.12... 158.76 5 23.62... 32.31... 48.81... 83.... 122. 167.25 l/"2 25.81... 34.44... 51.38... 87.88... 128.62... 174.88 6 16.87... 36.62... 53.31... 92.38... 131.75... 204.25 V2fA;... 56.87... 96.88... 139.56... 214.69 7 59.12... 99.87... 145.50... 228.44 61.87... 105.75... 150.88... 235.3] 8 64.44... 109.50... 157.12... 239.88 9 70.50... 118.12... 169.62... 258.12 10 77.... 128.13... 184... 276.18 11. 82.88... 136.19... 195.13... 295.69 12 86.37... 144.87... 209.75... 311.94 13...992.... 155.50... 219.37... 335.81 14 l.. 997.75... 163.58... 237.50... 351.88 15 I 103.25... 170.75... 249.05... 391.75 30 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. MANUFACTURED BY THE Nelson Tool Works, 157 East 32d Street, New York. LIS;T OF TOOLS IN SETS. Boiler Makers' Tools. S1aters' Roofing Tools. Track Layers' " Horseshoers' " Blacksmiths' " Machinists' a Blasting 66 Stone Masons' 6i Quarry Tools. Gas and Water-Pipe Caulking Tools. File Cutters' Hammers. Coopers' Hammers, Concrete," Ship Mauls. NELSON'S SOLID EYED PICKS. H. NELSON'S CELEBRATED IRON PLOW FOR Street and Railroad Grading. MINING AND PAVING TOOLS. STRIKING HAM1ERS, PICKS, STONE BREAKERS' SLEDGES, BLACKSMITHS' SWEDGES, S WEDGE BLOCKS, FULLERS, SLEDCES AND HAMMERS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. e Hammers of al' kinds Made to Order on receipt of Pattern or Drawing. HORSE SHOERS and BLACKSMITHS' TOOLS. Special Attention Paid to Railroad Work. vP BEND FOR ILLUSTRATED PRICE LIST..E GEORGE W. MENOMY. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 31 Batteries-Telegraph. Leclanche Battery Co............................. New York................... See Page 96 See also, Telegraph Apparatus. Bellows. England & Bindley...............................Pittsburgh, Pa...............See Page 162 Geo. Worthington & Co................................Cleveland, Ohio.............. " 100 Joseph Churchyard.......................................Buffalo, N. Y.................. 160 Newcomb Bro's. Sons....................................New York...................... " 88;Sidney Shepard & Co.....................................Buffalo, N. Y......... " 196 8. S. Towiisend..............New York...................... " 2 T. B. Bickerton & Co.....................................Philadelphia, Pa........... " 138 Bells. A. Fulton's Son & Co.............................. Pittsburgh, Pa...............See Page 116 Vose, Dinsmore & Co.................................New York...................... " 60 Belt Dogs. Champlin & Rogers............................... Chicago, Ill....................See Page 192 Belting. Bickforlt, Curtiss & Deming..........................Buffalo, N. Y................. See Page 136 Buffalo Machinery Agency............................. " "............ " 160 Champlin & Rogers................................. Chicago, Ill.................... " 192 Darrow, Turner & Co...................................New York...................... " 62 D. Brewer & Co.................................... Philadelphia, Pa............. 246 Erie City Iron Works..................................Erie, Pa......................." 170 George Worthington & Co............................. Cleveland, Ohio............... 100 Goodyears I R. G. Mfg. Co............................. New York...................... " 252:New York Rubber Co.................................... " " 260 N. H. Gardner & Co....................Buffalo, N. Y................ 254 Radley & McAlister Mfg. Co....................N....New York.................... " 250 Sidney Shepard & Co.....................................Buffalo, N. Y................... 196 T. B. Bickerton & Co.....................................Philadelphia, Pa " 138 Yose, Dinsmore & Co.................................... New York..................... " 60 Bench Screws —ron and Wooden Handles. Iermann Boker & Co......................... New York............... See Pages 152 154 THICKNESS OF BOILER IRON REQUIRED AND PRESSURES ALLOW\VED BY TIHE LAWS OF THE U. S. Pressure equivalent to the Standard for a Boiler 42-in. in Diameter and V in Thick. Diameter. a a a a a a a - o co Co' o Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. l.bs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. 6 169.9...... 160.4...... 152....... 144.4...... 137.5...... 131.2...... 125.5 158.5...... 149.7...... 141.8...... 134.7...... 128.3...... 122.5 117.2 4 147....... 139.1...... 131.8...... 125.1...... 119.2...... 113.7. 1~8. 4 135.9...... 128.3...... 121.6...... 115.5...... 110. 105. 100. 3, 124.5...... 117.6...... 111.4...... 105.9...... 100.8...... 96.2...... 92. 3 Y 113.2...... 106.9...... 101.3...... 96.2...... 91.7...... 87.5...... 83., 3 101.2...... 96.2...... 91.2...... 82.6...... 82.5...... 78.7..... 75.' WEIGHT AND THICKNESS OF BOILER IRON. 1-8 inch weighs... 5 pounds per sq. foot. No. 1 Iron is 5-16 inch thick. 3-16 " "... 7. " " No. 3 " nine-thirty-seconds. 14 " "...10 " " No. 4 " 1-4 inch. i-16 " "...12Y..' No. 5 seven-thirty-seconds. 3-8 " "...15 No. 7 "' three-sixteenths. 3-16 -.. 12.. 1-2 " "... 20 " " 32 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. Americau lroll Works. JONES & LAUGHLINS, PITTSBURGH, PA. MANUFACTURERS OF AMERICAN A ND CLAIR BAR, HOOP, SHEET and PLATE IRONS BRIDGE IRON, ANGLE AND T IRON, GUARD IRON, COAL SCREEN IRON, CUT NAILS and SPIKESS SHI:P and BOAT SPIKES9 RA:LILROAD SPIKES, T RAIL, 8. 12, 16, 20, 28 and 40 lbs. to yard, TRAM1 RAILS, Punched and Countersunk9 RAILROAD FISH BARS and BOLTS, COAL PIT CAR WHIEELS and AXLES$ PATENT COLD ROLLED SHAFTIWNG., FINGER and KNIFE BARS, PATENT COLD ROLLED PISTON RODS. WAREHOUSES AND OFFICE: Second & Third Avenues, and Try Street, PITTSBURCH, PA. BRANCH HOUSE: Nos. 190 to 196 South Canal Street, Chicago, ill. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 33 Bending Rolls. Winm. B. Bement & Son...................................Philadelphia, Pa............See Page 168 Wm. Sellers & Co..................................................... 64 Bismuth. Lucius Hart & Co..........................................New York.....................See Page 56 Black Lead. T. B. Bickerton & Co.....................................Philadelphia, Pa............See Page 138 Blacksmith's Tools. Hermann Boker & Co....................................New York..............See Pages 152, 154 Nelson Tool Works...................................... " "....................See Page 30 Blank Books. Allen, Lane & Scott...................................Philadelphia....................See Page 90 Chas. F. Ketcham..........................................New York..................... " 262 Warren, Johnson &-Co............................ Buffalo, N. Y.................. " 100 Blasters' Tools. Geo. W. Mowbray........................................North Adams, Mass........See Page 182 Nelson Tool Works.....................................New York...................... " 30 Rand & Waring Drill & Compressor Co........... "............ See Front Page Blast Furnaces. The Atlas Works.................................Pittsburgh, Pa...............See Page 172 Blast Furnace Blocks. Star Fire Brick Co.................................Pittsburgh, Pa...............See Page 232 Philip Neukumet........................................ Philadelphia, Pa............. " 104 Maurer & Weber.................................. New York..................... " 228 Blasting and Mining Wires. Bishop Gutta Percha Works...........................New York......................See Page 34 Geo. W. Mowbray............................;.............North Adams, Mass........ " 182 Blind and Sash Makers. Joseph Churchyard.......................................Buffalo, N. Y..................See Page 160 Blocks. Providence Tool Co.; H. B. Newhall, Agent....New York.................... See Page 1V6 Block Tin. Bruce & Cook..............................................New York.....................See Page 112 Lucius Hart & Co.......................................... " "..................... " 56 Blowers. Wm. B. Bement & Son.................................Philadelphia, Pa.............SeePage 168 Phelps & Sanger...........................................Cleveland, Ohio............... " 120 S. S. Townsend............................. New York...................... " 2 NUMBER OF BURDEN'S RIVETS IN 100 LBS. bS9~ | Thickness in Inches. Thickness in Inches. 2 % Y * _ 4 Y * 34 1,092... 665... 3 433... 267... 212... 180 1,027... 597 413... 248. 201... 169 1 940....538.... 50 395... 241... 192... 160 840... 512... 415 4 230... 184... 158 797... 487... 389... 356 l/ 220... 177-... 150 760... 460... 370... 329 210... 171... 146 730... 440... 357. 280 200... 166... 138 711... 420... 340... 271 5 190... 161... 135 693... 390... 325... 262 180... 156... 130 648... 375... 312... 257 172... 151... 124 2 608... 360... 297... 243 164... 145... 120 573... 354... 289... 237 6 157... 140... 115,4 555... 347.. 280... 232 150... 18... 111 525... 3:35... 260... 220 3 146... 134.. 107 500... 312... 242... 208 ]4 143... 129... 104 3 460... 290... 224... 197 7 140... 125... 14O, 34 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. THE BISHOP GUTTA PERCHA WORKS, S. BISHOP, Nos. 422, 424 & 426 EAST 25th STREET, INEW Y O RIK. MANUFACTURE Submarine Telegraph Cables AND Telegraph ~ Electric Wires, ALSO EVERY VARIETY, FOR BLASTING AND MINING USE. SILEK AND COTTON COVERED WIRES OF SUPE2rtO QUL:TT OFFICE WIRES OF EVERY DES::IPTION. WATER, BEER, SODA and ACID PIPES. CHEMICGAL VESSELS, FUNNELS and B OTTLES. CRUDE G UTTA PERCHIA for CEMENT. BATHS and DISHES for A CIDS. TISSUE SHEET for HATTERS. SURGICAL SHEET. SHEET FOR ARTISTS AND MECHANICAL USEAS. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 35 Boiler Covering. H. W. Johns...................New York......................See Page 224 Van Tuyl Mfg. Co......................................... " 242 Boiler Felting. H. W. Johns................................................ New York..................... See Page 224 J. J. Walworth................................icago, I.................... " 124 T. B. Bickerton & Co.....................................Philadelphia, Pa.............. 138 Van Tuyl Mfg. Co........................................ New York..................... " 242 Vose, Dinsmore & Co................................................. " 60 Boiler Iron. P. I-I. Moffat................................Chicago, Ill....................See Page 190 Tyng & Co.........................................New York...................... " 260 Vose, Dinsmore & Co...................................... " D...s" 60 Wm. Green & Co..................................... Del............ " 248 Boiler Makers. Erie City Iron Works.................................rie, Pa........................See Page 170.1. B. Waring.................................. New York...................... " 24 Snyder Bros....................................Williamsport, Pa............ " 46 Speedwell Iron Works..................................New York...................... " 122 See also, Steam Boilers. Boiler Makers' Tools. Bolen, Crane & Co.................................Newark, N. J.................See Page 62 Nelson Tool Works.................................... New York..................... " 30 S. S. Townsend.............................................. " 2 W. P. Kellogg & Co.......................................Troy, N. Y.................... " 98 Boiler Plate and Drilling Machines, Thorne, De Haven & Co................................Philadelphia, Pa............See Page 38 Boiler Plates. J. T. Ryerson...................................Chicago, Ill....................See Page 180 P. H. Moffat................................................. " ".................... 190 Vose, Dinsmore & Co...............................New York.................... " 60 Boiler Powders. 11. N. Winans.......................................... New York.....................See Page 108 Boiler Ratchets. Barwick Wrench Co...................................Boston, Mass..................See Pa:e 60 AMERICAN AND BIRMINGHAM WIRE GAUGES. Thickness in Inches. (Taken from Haswell.) W...'.cS.;!..o.S.. n o y SZ 5 Inch. Inch.; ~ Inch. Inch ~ Inch. I ch. lt,0....46....454 11....0997....12 25....0179....02 00I....4096.....425 12....0808....109 26....0160....U18 0.....348. 38 13....0719....095 27....0142....016 0....3248....34 14...06 41....08 28....0126....014 1...23....30 15....(57...072 29....011....013 2....2576....24 16....058....06 30....01.2 3....2 294....9 17....0452....58 31....009....o1 4...2043....238 18....(49 32....O079....0O9 5....1819....22 9...0359....042 33....007....08 6. 2)....203 20....0319....35 34.... 6 3....0 7....1443....18 21... 284..0..032 35.0.0..06.015 S....128...165 22.... 2 53. 28 36.. S........o04.,.1144....148 23... 225.... 025 10....o19....1;. 24....02o!....," 36 IBUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. THOMAS T. TASKER, JR. STEPHEN P. M. TASKER MORRIS, TASKER & CO. PASCAL IRON WORKS, Philadelphia, Pa. TASKER IRON WORKS, New Castle, Del. OFFICE, FIFTH and TASEER STS., PHILADELPHIA9 Office and Warehouse, 15 Gold Street, New York. NWrought Iron Welded Tubes Plain and Galvanized, for Gas, Steam and Water. LAP WELDED- EHAIIEOAGOI I~0ILE TIITBEE. OIL WELL TUBING AND CASING. Gas and Steam Fittings. Brass Valves and Cocks. GAS AND STEAM FITTERS' TOOLS. Cast Iron, Gas and Water Pipe. Street LamD Posts and Lanterns,. IMPROVED COAL-GAS APPARATUS, &o. WROUGtHT IRON WELDED TUBES FORE STEAH, G~AS, OR WATER. llx~ inch and below, Butt Welded; proved to 3C0 Pounds per Square Inch, Hydraulic Pressure. ll~x inch and above, Lap "c "c 00 "c "c " Table of ~tanzdard Sizes. —Mlorris, Tasker & 0o,.~~~~~~~~a~ oc ~ =~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 ~ Oo a )0 F o ~ Inces In ces Inh s Inhs Inces Inhs et et nhe.Ie.Fe. ls,,.20..4 5..6..88,,127. 41,.. 9.4...07....12,. 25...23,.2 E19 uQ) Q, Ok Q k, d~~~~~~~~~~~k... 36...4..08.,114..166.,10.5..7..01... 2 2,. 138..42.., 18 ~aQ a~Qsc 4 494.... 675r..091.,152.,211..7.7..567..11..38..715..51..1... 623...8...10.., 1.95...5..3..02...34...5. 7.4..85......Op O9 s, -e E.... 82... 1.5;...11.. 8..9..3..3..53..6. 7}...2. 1, I~".., 1.04...1..3..9..3..7. 293..82..5. 6...7. 1 ~ c.~a 1.38., 1.6... 4... 4.3..1..6..0..46..314.. 9 5.,228..1'" 1.611....9...4.. 5.061.. 5.69. 2 31..20... 2.03.. 2.3.. 706..9_ 4r.202 ~... 4.5 ~....2... 2.648 ~. 1..~ 1 4.13 7....99...49... 1.0730 _.~ 1.9~., 11.31... 0.283,.. 8 4~,.., 84.5~.... 5.....247... 14.153... 15.708...1.848....765... 15.93... 1T9.3.., 9.~'3... 2.492... $8 6... 6/65... 6.625....209... 19.054... 20.813....63....577i... 28.88... 3.471,., 46.9q... 8.767... 8~... 7.023,..7 2....31,... 22.(}63... 23.954....544....505,...308.737...45.6.., 3.72.. 23,.841.., $ 8..,.982... 8.C62...,1322... 25.076... 827.96... 478...3.444....50.39... 58.46.., 27.8... 28.348... 832W 9...04 9.015,.. 9.6-..34... 28.277...3043...2..13 94.. 63.633..,.0 73,.867,1.57... 2.26..9 34,.~.77,., 8 19,,, 10.301,,, 10.75,,,,366,., 431.45.., 33.721....$6.$1 2....'.... 78$.49,, 90.762,., 1.80... 40.61,,, 81 38',BUYERS' UIADE, FOR1 RAILWAY OFFICERS, CIHAS. W. MATTHE WS, (Late RALST'ON & MAT1THEW JS) 133 WALNUT ST,, PHITLADELPH1IA. Iron and Steel Railroad and Street RAILS, OF BEST ENGLISI-I AND AMIERICAN 3IAKES. CIIA IRS, SPIKES, FISiI A PRS, RAILROAD 8UPPLIES, MUC~K BARS, OLD RAILS, SCRAZP, BLOOMS, AMERICAN AND SCOTCH PIG RON GZ METALS.'Freight and Passenger Cars and Locomotives.-i THORNE, DE HAVEN & CO., Twenty-First Street, (Abova Market) PHILADELPHIA, BUIL],ELS OF Eatent Portable Drilling Machines, _ UMLTIPfIE DIIIII I 1lG lHIIES, FOR DRILLISG BOILER PLA ES. Radial Drilling Machines, Horizontal Drilling and Boring Machines BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 39 Boiler Rivets. Geo. Worthington & Co..................................Cleveland, Ohio..............See Page 100 Radley & McAlister Mfg. Co........................... New York..................... " 250 Tyng & Co................................................... "..................... " 260 ~ose, Dinsmore & Co...................................... " " " 60 Wim. Gilmor of Wm......................................Baltimore, Md................ " 248 See also, Rivets. Boilers. H. N. Winans, (Boiler Powders).....................New York....................See Page 1(18 J. B. NWa'ring................................................ " "..................... " 24 Van Tuyl Mfg. Co......................................... " ". 242 Wiird Locomotive Attachment Co. (Anti-Explosive)...New York.......... " 110 See also, Steam Boilers Boiler Scale Preventive. IL. W. Johns...............................................New York......................See Page 224 H. N. Winans............................................. "'..................... " 108 Boiler Tubes and Flues. A. Carr.....................................................New York.....................See Page 244 Bufflo Machinery Agency..........................Buffalo, N. Y.................. " 160 Evans, Dalzell & Co...................................Pittburgh. Pa.............. " 58 J. J. Walworth.............................................Chicago, Ill.................... " 124 J. T. Ryerson............................................................... " 180 Morris, Tasker & Co...................................... hiladelphia, a....... " 36 Pancoast & Maule................................................. " 26 Phelps & Sanger.........C........................Cleveland, Ohio............... " 120 Tyng & Co...................................................New York......................'i 60 Vose, Dinsmore & Co................................... " ".................... " 60 WEIGHT OF SHEET AND PLATE IRON.-2 PAGES. Thickness by Birmingham Wire Gauge and Inches. Weight of a Square Foot in Pounds. Thickness, Thickness, B. W. PWeight, B W Weight, juage wPart of an inch. gPounds. Part of an inch. Pounds. Gnage. Gunge. 31.......09.09....162 11.......120..... 4.88 35 t.....0?5.......202...... 1/ or.125...... 5.054 34.....007.......283 10.......134...... 5.426 33......008.......322 9......148...... 5.9, 32......0 9.......364...... 5-32 or.1562...... 6.305 31.......010......405 8.......165 6.605 3O.......012.......485 7.18.......( 7.27 29.......013.......526...... & or.1875...... 7.578 28.......014.595 6.......203...... 8 005 27.......016.......676...... 7-32 or.2187...... 8.79 26.......018.......755 5.......22...... 8.912 25......020.......811 4.......238...... 9.62 24......022.......912...... 14 or.25... 10.09 23......025...... 1.018 3.......2.59...... 10.37 22.......028...... 1.137...... 9-32 or.2812...... 11.38. 1-32 or.03125... 1.259 2.284...... 11.525 21......032...... 1.31 1......3...... 12.15 20.....035...... 1.416...... or.3125...... 1258 19.......042...... 1.695 0.......340...... 13.715 18.......049...... 1.075...... 11-32 or.3437...... 13.875 17......058...... 2.35...... Y.X or.375...... 15.10 16......065...... 2.637 00.......380...... 15.26....... or.0625...... 2.518...... 13-32 or.4"62...... 16.34 15.......072...... 2.92 000.......425...... 17.125 14.......083...... 3..5...... or.4375...... 17.65...... 3-32 or.0937...... 3.78 0000.......454...... 18.30 13.......05...... 3.85...... 15-32 or.46a7...... 18.90,12.......109...... 4.4 00000...... or.50...... 20.20 For STEEL PLATES multiply tabular number above (for size), by 1.01. 40 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. 3~'~P'A:x0 tSCAOI2* C0Q 3 IFJ F.F A, IO, N. -. MANUFACTURERS OF IMPROVED RAILROAD SCALES AND C A T,R ORf A T.T, DESCRIPTIONS. Railroad' ff t.FA L.EW Dormant, Track, Hopper, Depot, l Wheelbarrow, Platform, Crain, Iron, Hay, RollingM ill AND Cattle Furnace Cg SCALES, Etc., Etc. Send for Illustrated Catalogue and Price Li3t. Every Scale Warranted. We shall be pleased to correspond with Railroad Managers in relation to prices and ternms. ADDRESS JOHN R. LINEN, SECY., Buffalo, N. Y. HOWARD IRON WORKS, MANUFACTURERS OF BUFFALO POWER HOISTING MACHINES, {OWARD'S PARALLEL BENCH VISE, SCIILENKER'S BOLT CITTER. Address R. L. HOWARD & SON, BUFFALO, N. Y. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 41 Bolt Cutters. Isaac H. Shearman............................. Philadelphia, Pa............See Page 80 Phelps & Sanger..................................Cleveland, Ohio............. 120 R. L. Howard & Son....................................Buffalo, N. Y.................. 40 Winm. B. Bement & Son................................. Philadelphia, Pa............ " 168 Bolt Ends. Pittsburgh B,lt Co...................................Pittsburgh, Pa...............See Page 118 Plumb, Burdict A Barnlard.............................Buffalo, N. Y................. " 176 Wm. Gilmor of Wm.....................................Baltimore, Md............... " 248 Bolt Heading Machines. Isaac H. Shear man................................Philadelphia, Pa............See Page 80 Bolts. Collier & Scranton, Oxford Iron Co...............New York.....................See Page 122 G. B. Walbrdge............................................ " "....................... " 13 Greene & Randolph....................................... " "....................... " 5 HFopes & Townsend............................. Philadelphia, Pa........... " 28 Jones & Laughlins..............................Pittburgh, Pa............... 32 L-wis Oliver & Phillips; 11. B. Newhall, Ag't..New York.................... " 1;6 Lo-k Nut & Bolt Co. of New York................ " "....................... " 72 O. W. Child................................... " ".................... " 262 Phillipsburg Mfg. Co................................... " "....................... " 22 Pittsburgh Bolt Co......................................Pittsburgh, Pa.............. " 118 Plumb, Burdict & Barnard.............................Buffalo, N. Y................. " 176 Reading Nut & Bolt W'ks; H. B. Newhall, Agt..New York..................... 166 Skinner & Gifford Mfg. Co..............................Dunkirk, N. Y............... " 140 T. B. Bickerton & Co.................................... Philadelphia, Pa............ " 138 Vose, Dinsmore & Co.....................................New York..................... " CO Win. Gilmor of Wm...........B.........................Baltimore, Md............... " 24 Wm. Green & Co......................................Wilmington, Del............ " 248 Bolt Screwing Machines. Wm. Sellers & Co...................................... Philadelphia, Pa............See Page 64 Boring Bars. Wm. Sellers & Co.........................................Philadelphia, Pa............See Page 64 Boring Implements. Rand & Waring Drill & Compressor Co.........New York...................See First Page Wm. P. Kellogg & Co...................................Troy, N. Y.....................See Page 98 WEIGHT OF SHEErT AND PLATE JIRVN. —CONTIrNUED. Thickness in Inches —Weight of a Square Foot in Pounds. Inches. Lbs. per Inches Lbs per Inches Lbs. per'Thick. Square Foot. Thick. Square Foot. Thick. Square Foot,......... 22.5 1......... 70.62 3ys......... 156.51......... 25.21... 73.14 4......... 161.55 4 1.7......... 75.58 1 166.6.. 3.25....... 78.20 171.66......... 32.75 2......... 80.75....... 176.71 35.26......... 85.75......... 181.77......... 37.75......... 90.81......... 186.79 1......... 40.35 3 95.86........ 1914 42.87......... 100.9......... 196.9......... 45.4 105.95 5......... 201.85......... 47.9......... 111. 206.9 1.... 50.45 1......... 211.95......... 5296 3 121.15 217......... 217.......... 5.45 126.21......... 222.05......... 58.01 131.26......... 227.1......... 52......... 136.32.......... 232.15......... 63.05......... 141.37........ -237.2......... 6556......... 146.41 6.......... 242.25......... 68.11......... 151.46 For STEEL PLATES multiply tabular number above (for size), by 1.01. 42 IBUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. ALBERT C. MCNAIRY, Pres't. HARVEY T. CLAFLEN, Sup't. HENRY M. CLAFLEN, V. Pres. & Treas. SIMIEON SHELDON, Engineer. JOHN COON, Secretary. THE CLEVELAND BRIDGE AND CAR WORIKS, The McNairy & Clafien Manf'g Company, Proprietors, BUILDERS OF Railroad and Highway Briless, ROOFS, TURN TABLES and TRANSFER TABLES, EITHER OF WOOD OR IRON. Railroad Passenger and Freight Cars, Street Railroad Cars, Post's Patent Iron and Combination Bridges, Howe Truss Bridges, with Patent Iron Clamps, Street Railroad Cars, with Higley's Patent Running Gear and Brake. Offices, Waring Block, Bank & St. Clair Sts. CLEVELAND 0 Works, On Wason, Hamilton & Lake Sts. LEVELAND, IPB-owLE _9 & M3 WMBsoW/Lr W, THOS MAHEl C.JA pAYTONN TPE A MANUFACTURERS OF CAR WHEELS, CHILLED FACED FROGS, RAILROAD, ROLLING MILL, AND ALL OTHER KINDS O CAST I N G S. BOWLERS, MAHER & BRAYTON. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 43 Boring Machines. Rand & Waring Drill & Compressor Co........... New York..................See First Page The Pratt & Whitney Co................................Hartford, Conn...............See Page 142 Thorne, De Haven & Co........................Philadelphia, Pa............ " 38 Win. B. Bement & Son................................... 168 Wm. P. Kellogg & Co................................. Troy, N. Y..................... " 98 Wm. Sellers & Co....................................... Philadelphia, Pa............ " 64 Brakes. Vose, Dinseore & Co....................................New York.....................See Page 60 Ward Air Brake Co....................................Kalamazoo, Mich............ " 56 Brands-Burning. Mathiesen & Schrader..................................New Yok..................... See Page 82 Brass. Ansonia Brass & Copper Co...........................New York.....................See Page 122 Chas. W. Matthews................ Philadelphia,............... Pa............ " 38 Mathiesen & Schrader................................ New York..................... " 82 Sidney Shepard & Co.....................................Buffalo, N. Y.................. " 196 Brass Castings. A. Fulton's Son & Co....................................Pittsburg'h, Pa...............See Page 116 Du Plaine & Reeves............................Philadelphia, Pa............ " 102 Hook's Smelting Co.........................PhiladAlphia, Pa............ " 216 McNab & Harlan Mfg. Co..............................New York.................... " 220 Philadelphia Smelting Co..............................Philadelphia, Pa............ " 134 Brass Cocks & Valves. A. Carr...............................New York.....................See Page. 244 Crane Bros. Mfg. Co...................................Chicago. Ill.................... " 230 Hart, Ball & Hart................................... Bffalo, N. Y................. " 136 J. T. Walworth.....................................Chicavo, Ill.................. " 124 McNab & Harlin Mfg. Co............................. New York..................... " 220 Morris, Tasker & Co.....................................Philadelphia, Pa....... " 36 Pancoast & Maule............................................... " 26 Vose, Dinsmore & Co..................................New York..................... " 60 Brass —ingot. Du Plaine & Reeves................................ Philadelphia, Pa............See Page 102 Brass Fittings. M.;Nab & Harlin Manolfacturing Co...............New Yo-k................... See Page 220 Pancoast & Maule...................................Philadelphia, Pa............ " 26 Phelps & Sanger.................................Cleeland, Ohio.............. " 120 SQUARE BAR IRON. Wreight of a Running Foot, in Pounds. ( Wt. per h -. Wt. per Wt. per, = Wt. per. foot. l o ot. foot..h foot. lbs.. lbs.,4 lbs...........0131....3.80 2/...... 15.15 41/4....... 57.20................... 4.25......... 17........ 6.75..11...... 4.73...... 18.5.. 4.. 5.......... 2103 / 5.25 2,.o5. 63..327 5.78.... 23.1 72..... 4735......... 6.35. 25.2......... 75.65.6445.................. 78.-84 1. 7.55 3... 3.05 5......... 1.063. q e * ----- 8.2......... 32.75......... 8.25. 1.314 8.85..5 /4 * —.. 355 92.5..61.59 9.57 3/..... 38.25 97 15 i 1.891....... 10... 41.15 1 1. 2..221.... 2.... 1105... 44.15....... 105.8 * —— 2.575..... * —.... 11.83.. 47.2:../... 11.5......... 212.5......... 116.1 1 3.35 2.... 13.4 4......... 53.75 6....... For STEEL multiply tabular aumber above (for size), by 1,01, 44 BUYERS' GUIDE. FOR RAILWAY OFF[CERS. ESTXBISH3ED 1850_ RITCHIE & SON, (Late H. Ritchie & Co. & S. C. Thomson & Co.) MANUFACTURERS OF Pattent PadIlocks For Railroads, Stores, Safes, rc. No. 15 RAILROAD AVENUE, NEWARK, N. J. F. O. NORTON, MANUFACTURIER OF Rosendale Cement PROPRIETOR OF THE High Falls Cement Works and Binnewater Cement Works, OFFICE, NO. 90 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. J. BOORMAN JOHNSTON, SPECIAL PARTNER. MARSHALL LEFFERTS, Jr. OFFICE AND WAREIOOMS, No. 90 Beekman St., New York. MANUFACTURER OF AMERICAN GALVANIZED SHEET IRON. ALSO, DEALER IN BEST BLOOM, CHARCOAL AND REFINED SHEET IRON, TELEGRAPH AND MERCHANT WIRE, NAILS, SPIKES, ET0. Galvanizing Works, 54, 56, 58 Cannon St., N.Y. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. CQRRyQATED IRQN FOR RQQFINQ. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 45 Brass Founders & Finishers. A. Fulton's Son & Ce................................Pittsburgh, Pa..............See Page 116 Du Plaine & Reeves..................................Philadelphia, Pa............ " 102 G. W. W. Stevens & Co..............................New York..................... " 8 Brass Padlocks. Romer & Co...............................................Newark, N. J.................See Page 204 Ritchie & Son.............................................. "............ 44 Brass Tubing. Ansonia Brass & Copper Co........................ New York..................... See Page 122 Crane Bros. Manufacturing Co......................Chicago, Ill.................... " 230 Brass Wire. Ansonia Brass & Copper Co...........................New York......................See Page 122 Brick. Hall & Sons.............................................. Buffalo, N. Y..................See Page 254 Bridge and Roof Bolts. Lewis Oliver & Phillips; H. B. Newhall, Ag't New York.....................See Page 166 Phillipsburg Manufacturing Co............................................ " 22 See also, Bridge Irons. Bridge Builders. Phillipsburg Manufacturing Co.....................New York.....................See Page 22 Snyder Brothers............................... Williamsport, Pa............ " 46 The McNairy & Claflen Manufacturing Co......Cleveland, Ohio.............. " 42 Bridge Castings. The Atlas Works...................................Pittsburgh, Pa...............See Page 17 Bridge Irons. Greene & Randolph................................New York...................See Page 51 Hoopes & Townsend....................................Philadelphia, Pa........... " 2; Jones & Laughlins...............................Pittsburgh, Pa............... 3:; Phillipsburg Manufacturing Co.....................New York..................... " 2:2 Pittsburgh Bolt Co.......................................Pittsburgh, Pa................" 1 Reese, Graff & Woods.................................................. Bridges. Phillipsburz Manufacturing Co.....................New York....................See Page 2; The McNairy & Claflen Manufacturing Co.......Cleveland Ohio............... 4 Brokers. Charles W. Matthews.....................................Philadelphia, Pa............See Page 3; ROUND BAR IRON. Weight of a Running Foot, in Pound, Wt.per g Wt. per * Wt.per *- Wt. per 62 o foot. ed foot.,a foot. o foot.;' lbs. lbs. lbs.: lbs...........01 1.......... 2.975 21 11.9 44...44.85.0111......... 3.338 13.3 47.54.0925........ 92 3.725.. 14.75.. 50.33.........1651 1 4.12 16.41. 53.32 -..2.57i3 5 4.545.. 18.1. 56.34..........371 34 5.......... 59.44. S'S~~ 5~5 -~~- 5.455......... 21.5. 62.62 Y6......... 657..........4......... 21.5......... 62.62 1.657.......... 5.945 3........ 23.7 5......... 65.88..... 8?.5 6.415...25.55.. 69.23.....(31........ 6.975 4......... 27.81 1.. 72.65 1.235 7.52 3......... 29.85......... 76.18 1475......1..75 8.05......... 32.25... 79.75....... 1.74......... 8.65... 34.45..... 83.45........ 2.015 9. 25.34.......... 37.1 87.20......... 2.317.... 9.9......... 39.5... 91.05 1......... 2.625 2......... 10.55 4......... 41.95 6......... 95. For STEEL multiply tabular number above (for size), by 1.01. 46 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. ll. A. BUELL, OLZVELAN~, OHZO MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN TE LE GRA Pi H IEZSTRUXENTS'and SUPPLIES. Instruments, Learner's Instruments, Batteries, Electric Alarms, Chemicals, Apparatus, Materials, Tools. H@TEL ANNUNCIATORS. FSEND FOR A CA TA L O G UE. KELLY'S PATENT TURN TABLES. Centres for Wooden Turn Tables. PIVOT and SELF-CLOSING CANAL BRIDGES, Saw Mill Machinery. Fittings for Oil Tank Cars, Steam Engines, Boilers, &o. MANUFACTURED BY SiN Y DER BR O T ZH IES S, FOUNDERS and MACHINISTS WILLIAMSPORT, - PENNSYLVANIA. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 47 Bronze Castings. Philadelphia Smelting Co.............................Philadelphia, Pa............See Page 134 Bronze Door Knobs. Romer & Co...............................................Newark, N. J................See Page 204 Bronze Door Trimmings. Romer & Co.......................................Newark, N. J.................See Page 204 Brushes for Tubes. Vose,:Dinsmore & Co.......................New York....................See Page 60 Builders' Hardware. D. Brewer & Co.................................... Philadelphia, Pa..........Sce Page 246 England & Bindley..........................Pittsburgh, Pa............... " 162 Geo. Worthington & Co.....................Cleveland, Ohio.............. " 100 Sidney Shepard & Co..........................Buffalo, N. Y.................. " 196 Building Materials. H. W. JohEs..............................New York......................See Page 224 Bunting. De Grauw, Aymar & Co............... New York.....................See Page 112 Burglar Alarms. Geo. H. Bliss & Co..................Chicaco, Ill....................See Page 164 Butts. England & Bindley......................Pittsburgh, Pa..............See Page 162 Geo. Worthington & Co.......................Cleveland, Ohio.............. " 100 Hermann Boker & Co...................................New York............See Pages 152, 154 Pratt & Co................................ Buffalo, N. Y................. See Page 132 Wm. Green & Co........................... Wilmington, Del............." 248 IIOOP AND SCROLL IRON. Number of Feet in a Bundle of 5 Pound. eeOOP IRON. SCROLL IRON. Size, Feet in Size, Feet in Width. Thick. Bundle. W;dth. Thick. Bundle. % Iuches....... No. 2l..... 815 Inches..... No....... 240 " 2 60...... " 20...... 30 l..... 6 J "....... " 19...... 16 95...... 430 " 19...... 450 " 14...... 347 1 " " 18 360 "...... 1360,,..." 18...... 3 7 b ". 1...... 1...... 290 I ".'"...... " 1 7...... 278 6 / "...... " 16...... 17 3 c 14...... 290..... 2...... 11 1...... " 14 310 1 2".. 15 ".... 6.... 12...... 208.15...... 139 "'...... " 0...... 270 "...... " 14...... 219 "1...... " 12........ 1,76 1 "...... "16...... 270 1 "..... " 14..... 216 1...... " 12...... 152 WEIGHlT OF TIRE IRON PER SEI OF 64 FEET. Size. Pounds. Size. Pounds. 1 by.. 34 1. by 34 93............ 45 13/ it 75 1 4 " 1.".,,101 68 1........... 135 148............ 171 i IV............ 169 1. 7. 5 1 "... 127 IV..;.......... I..... ~......... n... 180 s~......., F5 2 ~~~~~~.88.......'6 9 Xs 225 S 1............ 270 1l " 113 48 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. CAST IRON FLANGE PIPES BOTH FACED AND DRILLED AND PLAIN. GAS and WATER PIPES, AND CONNECTIONS FOR SAME. %Valves, Fire HIydrants, &c. R. A. BRICK & COO Yo. 112 LEONARD ST., NEW YORK. JAMES E. GRANNISS. JOHN MERRY. JOHN MERRY & CO. We Stide earlaiing orks 841, B43, 3543 & 5347 West 15th'St, Office and Warehouse, No. 46 Cliff St., New York. MANUFACTURERS OF BEST BLOOM AND REFINED AMUEICAN GALVANIZEID SHUIT ZIROi, CORRUGATED IRON FOR ROOFING, GALVANIZED TELEGRAPH AND FENCE WIRE, GALVANIZED AND TINNED NAILS, ALL KINDS OF IRON WORK CALVANIZED OR TINNED TO ORDER. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 49 Buyers of Old Metal. Du Plaines Reeve9.............................Philadelphia, Pa.............See Page 102 Hooks' Smelting Co................................................ " 216 Cabinet Makers' Machinery. C. B. Rogars & Co.........................................New York.....................See Page 210 J. A. Fay & Co....................................... Cincinnati, Ohio............. 206 Cabinet Woods. Joseph Churchyard........................ Bufflo, N........., Y..................See Page 160 Cable Chain. De Grauw, Aymar & Co............................... New York.....................S ee Page 112 Hermann Boker & Co................................... " "...............See Pages 152,154 Cables-Telegraph. Bishop Gutta Percha Works.........................New York......................See Page 34 Charles T. Chester................................................ " 212 Leclanche Battery Co..................... " "...................... " 96 - Callipers. Wm. Sellers & Co.......................................Philadelphia, Pa............See P ge 64 Canal Bridges-Self-Closing. Snyder Brothers.............................Williamsort, Pa............See Page 46 CAST IRON FLANGE PIPES. (Furnished by R. A. Brick & Co.) Internal Usual Weight Usual DiamDiameter. Thickness. per foot. Length. eter: FlangeFeet. Inches. Pounds. Feet. Inches. 2...... scant...... 8 to 10...... 8/ or less...... 6 3...... 3 full...... 13 to 16............71 4...... ~. scant...... 20 to 24...... "...... 5...... full...... 25 to 30......."..... 9/ 6...... scant...... 33 to 39............ 11 8...... full...... 48 to 55............ 13 10...... scant...... 65 to 75............ 15 12...... full...... 90 to 100............. 18 CAST IRON COLUMNS. Weight that can be borne with Safety b3 Cast-Iron Columns in 1000 Lbs. (Tr3n'ol Iron Works.) Length of Column in Feet..' 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. 2 12.4...94... 72...... -... -................. 3 44... 36... 30... 24... 2... 18........ -... -. 4 102... 88... 76... 66... 56... 48... 38... 28... -...... 5 184... 164... 146... 130... 114... 102... 80... 64... 52... 44... - 6 288... 264... 242... 218... 198... 180... 136... 122... 100... 84... 72 7 414... 386... 360... 332... 306... 282... 238... 2)0... 170... 144... 124 8 560... 532... 502... 470... 440... 410... 354... 304... 262... 226... 196 9 728... 698... 660... 630... 596... 560... 494... 432... 378... 332... 292 10 916... 884... 850... 812... 774... 739... 658... 586... 520... 462... 410 11 1126...1082...1056... 1016... 974... 932... 846... 774... 686... 616... 552 12 1354... 1320... 1281... 1240... 1196... 1152... 1056... 966... 878... 796... 720 13 -... 1570... 1530... 1486... 1440... 1392... 1292... 1192... 1094..1000... 912 14..-... 1798... 1754... 1706... 1656... 1550... 1440... 1332... 1228... 1130 15 -... -... 2086... 2040... 1992... 1940... 1828... 1712... 1596... 1482... 1372 The above table is based upon the following conditions:-The column must be placed precisely perpendicular; both ends must be faced exactly at a right angle with the vertical axis, and the load must be evenly distributed over the whole face. If both ends are rounded, the weight should be reduced to one-third of the above; if one end is rounded, two-thirds should be allowed. 50 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. JOHN A. GRISWOLD & CO., PROPRIETORS OF THE Rensselaer Iron Works, Bessemer Steel Works, Fort Edward and Columbia Blast Furnaces. MANUFACTURERS OF RAILROAD, MiERCHIANT anli SlIP IRON, Bessemer Steel Rails, Axles, Tyres, Shafting, &e. TROY, NEW YORK. ForThe Richardson Patent Perfect Safety Valve, APPLICABLE TO LOCOMOTIVES, STATIONARY and MARINE BOILERS. Address, GEO. W. RICHARDSON & CO., 39 CONGRESS STREET, TROY, N.Y. ForThe Richardson Anti-Friction Slide Valve, APPLICABLE TO LOCOMOTIVES, STATIONARY and MARINE ENGINES, AND For The Richardson Relief Valve and Exhaust Nozzle, APPLICABLE TO LOCOMOTIVES. Address, RICHARDSON & CO., 39 CONGRESS ST., TROY, N. Y. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 51 Candles. F. S. Pease.......................................... Buffalo, N. Y..................See Page 100 L. G. Tillotson & Co......................................New York.......... " 94 P. H. Moffat....................................... Chicago, Ill.................... " 190 Cap Screws. Worcester Machine Screw Co.; II. B. Newhall, Agent..................................... New York...................... See Page 166 Car Axles. De Laney & Co....................................... Buffalo. N. Y............ See Page 98 Jonas S. Heartt & Co..................................Troy, N. Y..................... " 134 Pittsburgh Forge & Iron Co........................Pittsburgh, Pa............... " 174 WIRE-IRON, STEEL, COPPER, BRASS. Weight of 100 Feet in Pounds. (Taken from Haswell.) American Wire Gauge. Birmingham Wire Gauge. ~i ~ Wile-per Lineal Foot. o 2 Wire-per Lineal Foot. Iron. Steel. Copper. Brass. Z, Iron. Steel. Copper. Brass. QOOU 56.07 56.60 64.05 60 52 0000 54.62 55.13 62.39 58.93 000 4447 44.89 50.79 47.99 100 47.86 48.32 64.67 51.64 00 35.26 35 6 40.28 39.07 00 38.27 38.63 43.71 41.28 0 27.97 28.23 31.94 30.18 0 30.63 30.92 34.99 33.05 1 22.18 22.39 25.33 23.93 1!23.85 24.07 27.24 25.73 2 17.59 17.75 2: 09 18.98 2 21.37 21.57 24.41 23.06 3 13.95 14.08 15.93 15.05 3 17 78 17.91 20.3 19.18 4 11.06 11.17 12 63 11.94 4 15.01 15.15 17.15 1H.19 6 8.772 8.855 10.02 9 467 5 12.82 12 95 14.65 13.81 6 6.957 7.022 7.946 7.507 6 10.92 11.(J2 12.47 11.78 7 5.552 5.: 68 6.301 5.954 7 8.586 8.667 9.8u7 9.263 8 4.375 4.416 4.,98 4.722 8 7.214 7.283 8.241 7.783 9 3.47 3.503 3.964 3.744 9 5.805 5.859 6.63 6.262 10 2.751 2.777 3. 1 43 2 969 10 4.758 4.803 5.435 5.133 11 2.1s2 2.203 2.492 2.355 11 3.816 3.852 4.359 4 117 12 1.730 1 747 1.9;7 1.867 12 3.148 3.178 3.596 3 397 13 1.372 1.385 1.567 1.481 13 2.:,92 2.414 2.732 2.53 14 1.083 1.099 1.2'3 1.174 14 1.' 2 1 843 2.085 1.969 15.8631.8712.9859.9:315 15 1.374 1.387 1.669 1.482 16.6845.6909.7819. 587 16 1.119 1.13 1.279 1.208 17.5427.6478.6 99.b857 17.8915.9 1.018.9618 1.4304.4:X44.4916.4645 18.6:363.6423.7268.6964 19.3413.3445.3S99.3683 19.4675.472.534.5043 20.270S.27,4.3094.292 20.3246.3277.37L9.3502 21.2147.2167.2452.2317 21.2714.274.31.2929 22.1703.1719.1915.1S38 22.2,79.2098.2373.2241 23.135.1363.1542.14"7 23.1656.1672.1892.1788 24.1071.1031.1223.1155 24.1283.129.1405.1384 25.0849.0857.097.0916 26.0673.068.0769.0727 26.0859.0867.0981.0926 27.0534.0539.061.0576 27.C678 i.0685.0775.0732 28.0423.0 f27.0481.0457 28.05 9.0524.0593.056 29.0336.0339.0383.036 29.0448.0452.0511.0483 30.02: 6.02 9.0304.0287 30 j.382.0:385.0436.0412 31.0211.0213.0241.022i 31 026.5.0267.0303.0286 32.01 7.0169..0 91.0181 32.0215.0217.0245.023t 33.01 3.0t34.0152.0143 33.017 (.0171.0194.0183 34.0105.0106.0120.0t14 34. 0148.014 3..O0-:s.0084.( 9:3., 09 35.0 66.0;67.0 i76.0071 36.0066.(0i67.0)076.0071 36.0042.0043.I:018.0016 . S T BL I S I ED 17 8 2. WETHERILL & BROTHER M3ANUFACTURERS OF o_ "- — _________ WHITE LEAD, RED LEAD, LITHARGE AND ORANGE MINERAL. The present proprietors succeed Win. \ etherill, successor to John P. & Wm. Wetherill, sons of Sam'l Wetherill, the Original Manufacturer of the aliove articles in the United States, Office, No, 41 North Front St, PHILADELPHIA, Factory, 80th St, below Chestnut. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 53 Car and Journal Bearings. A. Fulton's Son & Co.................................... Pittsburgh, Pa............... See Page 116 Du Plaine & Reeves.................................. Philadelphia, P9............ " 102 IIooks Smelting Co...... " "........... " 216 G. W. W. Stevens & Co.................................. New York...................." 8 Car Bits. Champlin & Rogers....................................... Chicago, Ill.................. See Page 192 Car Boxes. Isaac U. Coles...................................New York....................See Page 20 Car Box Borers. Buffalo Machinery Agency.............................Buffalo, N. Y.................See Page 160 Vose, Dinsmore & Co...................................New York.............. " 60 Car Brasses. Philadelphia Smelting Co..............................Philadelphia, Pa............See Page 134 Car Builders,. Erie Car Works...........................................Erie, Pa.................. See Page 188 The McNairy & Clafien Manufacturing Co......Cleveland, Ohio............. " 42 Wason Manufacturing Co..............................Springfield, Mass........... " 146 Car Colors. C. E. Hecht............................................ Easton, Pa..................... See Page 158 Ed(ward Smith & Co.....................................New York..................... " 218 Jno. W. Masury & Son................................... ".............. "214 ACRES REQUIRED FOR DIFFERENT WIDTHS OF ROADWAY. (Condensed from Trautwine.) ow 0 DW OI 1..........121..........002 48......... 5.82..........11 2.- *78478 -'.005 491 6. 114.. 114 2..........242..........0O5 69......... 675..........114 3..........364..........507 6.06.........115 4.........485..........009 52......... 6.3......... 119 5..........606..........011 54......... 6.55..........124 6..........72......... 014 56..........79.........129 7..........848..........016 573....... 7..........133 8..........970..........018 58......... 7.03..........133 14.........019 60......... 7.27..........138 39......... 7.52..........142 10........ 1.1....... 023 64......... 7.76.....02,.147 12......... 1.48......... 028 66........ 8.151 14....... 1.704.68... 2..... 8.24.........156 14......... 4.70..........0394 68.'.......... 16......... 1.94..........037 70......... 8.48..........161............ 38 72......... 8.73..........165 18......... 2.18..........041 74......... 8.97..........27 20......... 2.42......... 046 14......... 9..........17 22......... 2.67..........051 76.. 9.21..........174 24........ 2.91..........055 78...... 9.45..........179 4........ 3.........057 80. 9.7......... 184 26....... 3.15.... 0.....06 82.... 9.94..........188 28......... 3.39.....064 Y2......... 10.......... 8.19 30......... 3.64..........069 84......... 10.2........193 32......... 3.88.........073 86......... 10.4.........197 34......... 4.12.......078 88......... 10.7.......20 36......... 4.36.........083 90.... 10.9.........207 38......... 4.61l........087 34 11...........209 40......... 4.85.........092 92......... 11.2..........211 41~......... 5........094 94....... 11.4........ 216 42......... 5.09..........09 96. 11.6..........22 44......... 5.33......... 101 98 11.3.........225.4.... 5,58.....106 100.... 13.1..... 54 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. GREENE & RANDOLPH, Nos. 40 & 42 BROADWAY, (P. O. BOX 5192.) NEW YORK. RAILWAY SUPPLIES, OF ALL KINDS. El]lish ana American Iron and Steel Rails, LOCO MOTIVES, PASSENGER CARS, FREIGHT CARS, Steel and Rubber Srills, WHEELS, AXLES, CAR IRONS, BRIDGE IRONS, BOLTS, NUTS, RODS, SPIKES, FISH PLATES, Track uppliess, Contractors' Material, &c, &c., &c., &c Everything- Necessary to Maintain and Operate Railways, BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 55 Car Door Catches. Posts S Kalkman.,........................................New York......................See Page 266 Car Door Locks. Romer & Co..................................................Newark, N. J.................See Page 204 Car Equipments. Du Plaine & Reeves.......................................Philadelphia, Pa.............See Page 112 Car Class. D. R. Hobart & Co.........................................New York......................See Pge 126 Leffingwell & Co..........................................Cleveland, Ohio............... i 190 L. G. Tillotson & Co.....................................New York...................... " 94 HOLLOW CASr IRON COLUMNS (CYLINDRICAL). Breaking Veight in Tons. This is a comparative table of Breaking Weights; the columns headed H. as given by Hurst, and the columns headed T. as given by Trautwine. Trautwine's figures are qualified by many explanations and remarks on the different qualities of iron and the various tests and experiments on which the rules, by which the following figures were made, are based. The table will serve to show the great difference of opinion, and results, which skilled msn and minds will entertain on the same subject. Length of Column in Feet. 8 Feet. 10 Feet. 12 Feet. 14 Feet. 16 Feet. 0 ~ H. T. H. T. H. T. H. T. H. T. 3.. i40... 50 32... -23... -- 18... - 14... 3 47... 35... - 26... - 20.. -- 16... 3 54... 38... - 28... - 22.. -- 17... 1 59 72 51... 55 36... 27... 23... 71...- 53.3 42...- 32.. -- 25... 3 3.. 81.. 92'62... 68 44. -35. - 26... 4 81... 98 61... 76 47... 59 36.. -- 34... 4.. 92... 73... 56...- 44.. -- 39... 4:...P 113... 129 85... 100 65... 76 48... -- 38... 4..1 139... - 104... -80... - 64... - 48... 41/A,... 1' 6... 127 81... 101 65... 81 50... - 44... 42... 9 128... 99...- 77... 61 -... 55... 4 Y4: ad149... 169 115 134 89... 108 72... 60 1 185... 143 -... 111... 88... 71 a.. 133... 157 104' 126 83... 104 67... - 54... 5 161... 127 - 91.... -... 70 5... V4188...214 148... 171 117... 140 90. - 77... 5..1236... -186... -148... -119... -96...... 153. 190 129... 155 105... 129 85... 108 70 187... -- 157... - 128... - 104... -- 88... 56... 218 1... 261184...212 149...175121...147 102 5... 276... - 232... - 189... - 153... -127... 6... 1 190 o...224 155...185 127... 155 95... 131 87... 232 2 190... - 156 -128... 106 6... 4272...311223...256183...213150.. 180125 6 3... 134 -183... -232. — 191 15. 2 -2... - 8... -2 9... -13... -- 6/Q2... Y 316...363 263...303 219...255 178...217 153... 6>2... 403... 336... 280...- 228... — 196... 7... 307 -260... -219... - 185... -156... 7. 361... 416 306... 351 258... 2908 217... 255 184... 221 7... 1 462... 522 391... 438 330... 370 278... 316 236... 272 8... 1 583... 667 507... 571 438... 491 317... 425 325... 370 9... I 705... 818 627... 713 553... 616 481... 545 423... 480 56 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. IMPROVED AIR BRAKE,. MANUFACTURED BY THE Ward Air Brake Co. OF KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN. CHARTERED BY THE STATE OF MICHIGAN, FEBRUARY, 1872. A trial of the Ward Air Brake for more than one year has fully demonstrated it to be the CHEAPEST, SIMPLEST and most effective Air Brake now in use. It has much fewer parts, a more speedy release, and costs nearly one-half less than other Air Brakes. Has been in constant use for over one year, and is most highly recommended by prominent railroad men. A- trial train equipped upon any road, to be paid for only when found satisfactory. 1 Full particulars and terms furnished upon application.. L. B. KENDALL, T. S. COBB; President. Sec. and Treas. LfulxUe ii) -AR & i!mp"nrf;tr & @cJtra in $ & 10 SEU' #'st J. D. WEST & CO. 4O Cortlandt Street, - New York. WEST'S IMPROVED AND OTHER WITH PIPE, II()SE, rc. WEST'S COPPER, OTIS' AND OTHER Lightning Rods, WEATHER VANES, CRESTINGS, &c. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 57 Car Hassocks. Geo. Drake Smith..................................... Philaielphia, Pa.............See Page 246 New York Ottoman & Hassock Co.................New York...................... " 236 Car Hooks. Vose, Dinsmore & Co....................................New York....................See Page 60 Car Irons. Greene & Randolph............................... New York......................See Page 54 Hoopes & Townsend................................ Philadelphia, Pa............. " 28 Car Linings. E S. Lunt....................................................New York......................See Page 84 L. G. Tillotson & Co.................................. 94 Car Makers' Machinery. C. B. Rogers & Co............................... New York.....................See Page 210 J. A. Fay & Co...................................... Cincinnati, Ohio.............. " 2, 6 Richards, London & Kelley.............................Philadelphia, Pa............. " 66 Car Packing. Isaac U. Coles............................................. New York......................See Page 20 HEAVY WROUGHIT IRON ARTESIAN TUBES. Inside Weight Inside Weight Diameter. per foot, lbs. Diameter. per foot, lbs. 1 2............... 2.694 4............... 12.492 2............... 3.667 5............... 14.564 2]Y2............... 5.773 6............... 18.767 3............ 7.547 7............... 23.410 334............... 9.055 8............... 28.348 4............... 10.728 CAPACITY OF CISTERN, IN GALLONS, FOR EACH FOOT IN DEPTH. Diam. in Dim.in Diam. in Diam. in Diam int Gallons. in Gallons. Gllons. e Gallons. 2. 23.4 5.5 177.7 9. 475.87 15. 1,321.9 2.5 86.6 6. 211.5 9.5 553.67 20. 2,350.1 3. 43.0 6.5 248.22 19 587.5 25. 3,570.7 3.5 71.50 7. 287.79 11. 710.9 30. 5,287.7 4. 94.30 7.5 330.48 12. 845. 35. 7,189. 4.5 119. 8. 376. 13. 992.9 40. 9,367.2 5. 147. 8.5 424.44 14. 11] 51.5 45. 11,893.2 CEMENT TO RESIST FIRE AND WATER, AND HARDEN QUICKLY. Two parts finely sifted unoxodized iron filiugs. Ono part, perfectly dry, finely powdered loam. Knead the mixture with strong vinegar into a homogeneous plastic mass, to be used as soon as made. CEMENT FOR STOPPING JOINTS, ETC. White lead in oil, mixed with enough white sand to make a stiff past*. This grows hard by exposure, aud resists heat, cold and water. 58 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. CRESCENT TUBE WORKS. EVANS, DALZELL & CO. JIANUFA, CTURERS OF WROUGHT IRON PIPE. No. 165 First Avenue, PITTSBURGH, PA. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 59 Car Plushes, &c. E. S. Lunt........................................New York................... See Page 84 L. G. Tillots, n & Co............................................................ " 94 Vose, Dinsmore & Co..................................... " "..................... " 60 Carpenters' Tools. England & Bindley................................... Pittsburgh. Pa............See Page 162 Geo. Worthington & Co............ C...... Cleveland, Ohio............ " 100 Hermann Boker & Co...................................New York.............See Pages 152,154 Carriage Builders' Machinery. C. B. Rogers & Co............................. New York......................See Page 210 Carriage Bolts. Lewis Oliver & Phillips; H. B. Newhall, Agt...New York......................See Page 166 Carriage Hardware, Wheels, Spokes, &c. Wm. Green & Co...................................... Wilmington, Del............See Page 248 WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS OF GAS PIPES. Inside Outside Weight fInside Outside Weight Diameter Diameter per foot Diameter Diameter per foot. in inches. in inches. in pounds. in inches. in inch(s. in pounds. I........ 0.40....... 0.24 3......... 3.5......... 7.54......... 0.'4......... 0.42 3Y /......... 4.0......... 9.05 3.......... 0.67......... 0.56 4......... 4.5......... 10.72 0.84......... 0.85 4 2......... 5.0........ 12.49......... 1.05......... 1.12 5......... 5.56......... 14.6 I......... 1.31......... 1.67 6......... 6.62......... 18.77 114......... 1.e6......... 2.25 7......... 7.62......... 23.41 1 /........ 1.95........ 2.69 8......... 8.62......... 28.35 2......... 2. 7......... 3.66 9......... 9.68......... 34.07 2......... 2.87........ 5.77 10......... 10.75......... 40.64 WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS OF LAP-WELDED IRON BOILER FLUES. Outside Thickness Lbs. weight Outside Thickness Lbs. weight Diameter W. G. per foot. Diameter W. G. per foot. 11....... 14......... 1.65 3......... 11......... 4.15 11......... 14... 70 3...... 10......... 5.20 14......... 13......... 1.85 a......... 10......... 5.30 2......... 13......... 2.10 4......... 10......... 5.55 21......... 13......... 2.30 5......... 9......... 7.1 214 12......... 2.50 6......... 8......... 10.5 234......... 12....... 3.15 7......... 8......... 12.2 3......... 11......... 3.60 LIGHT WROUGHT IRON ARTESIAN TUBE AND CASING FOR OIL WELLS Standard Sizes. Outside Inside Weight Outside Inside Weight, Diameter. Diameter. per Foot. Diame ter. Diameter. per Foot. Inches. Inches. Pounds. Inches. Inches. Pounds. 13/...... 11...... 1.665 4,4 {...... 4... 5.500 2...... 2 2.238 4.....46.10 a2....214...... 2.755 5........... 7226 2..... 21...... 3.045...... 7.667 3 24 3.333 5 5...... 8.083 33.... 3.958 6. 9.346 *31.. 4.... 4.272 6...... 1.064.3~2 * -;;; 4.950 7..i.... ~. 12.4,35............ 5,320 8 7...... 09 8ya... Q 16.15. ~60 BYtERS~ tMTBE, OR RAILtWAY OVFICERS. VonS DzIuuR & (o. CAR SPRINGS, R'W A Y S Ap p Y, FRENCH STEEL, ST EL RAILS, TIRh$, &c. Principal Office, 32 Warren St., New York. Branch Omccs 52 Fifth Avenue, Chicago. 720 North Second Street, St. Louis. BARwOT1E WR.NINC.H COMjPANY Proprietors Manufacturers and Sole of the B arwick Patent Wrench D Pipe-Tonls. PIPE TONGS, WRENCH AND PLIERS COMBINED IN ONE. Ur All Steel, Six Sizes, Instantly Applied, Convenient and Reliable. ALSO, MANUFACTURERS OF THE CELEBRATED PACKER RATCHET and DRILLS. Adopted by the U. S. Government, and in use in 1ll Navy Yards and Government Shops, and in all the principal Machine Shops in the country. OFFICE, No. 5 PEMBERTON SQUARE, BOSTON, Oars. Chas. W. Matthews.....................................Philadelphia, Pa............See Page 38 Erie Car Works.................................Erie. Pa.......................... " 188 Miller & Smith.............................. New York..................... " 112 0. W. Child................................................... " " 262 Skinner & Gifford Mfg. Co.............................Dunkirk, N. Y................ " 140 The McNairy & Clafien Mfg. Co......................Cleveland, Ohio............... " 42 Wason Mfg. Co.......................................S.....pringfield, Mass............ " 146 See also, Car Builders. Car Springs, Chicago Spring Works.................................Chicago, Ill....................See Page 200 Goodyears I. R. G. Mfg. Co............................New York..................... " 252 New York Rubber Co.................................... "................. 260 Posts & Kalkman....................................... "............. 266 Vose, Dinsmore & Co.......................................................... 60 Car Stoves. L. G. Tillotson & Co....................................New York................... See Page 94 Car Trimmings. L. G. Tillotson & Co......................................New York....................See Page 94 Oar Varnishes. Edward Smith & Co............................. New York....................See Page 218 Valentine & Co.......................................... "..................... 198 Car Wheel Borers. Wm. Sellers & Co.....................................Philadelphia, Pa.............See Page 64 Car Wheels. See Wheels. RUBBER CAR SPRINGS, To resist actual compression and bulging, should be used in layers, with inter vening division plates; if used in bulk, should have retaining rings to preven bursting. The duration of spring depends, of course, on its quality. Pure rubber is of little use; it must be vulcanized. It is adulterated with plumbago, though in best springs as much as 40 per cent. foreign substances are used-principally sulphide of lead and soapstone. WEIGHT OF RUIBBEt cAR SPRINGS. Diameter in Height in Diameter of Weight Inches. Inches. Hole. 4......... 4......... 1........ 3 lbs. 54......... 1......... 4 lbs. 5 oz. 7....................... 1......... 56......... 5........ 1......... " - 10 oz. 6......... 6......... 1 2... 9on 7.................. 1 12 " 5os. 8 8........ 1 2"3 210.........1 1.................. 8......... 8... 1............... 23 8 /2......... 8 Y2......... I......... 27 " 9......... 9......... I...... 321 i 10......... ]0......... 1......... 45 c 1!......11.........~ II,,...,,..... 59 " 62 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. BOLEN, CRANE & CO. Xc P1a t: ND, l aiill n lD ts 23, 25, 27, 29 PLANE ST., NEWARK, N. J. fMANUFAGCTURERS OF _F'O i IA CHINE SHOPS, SMTl7H and BOILER SHOPS. PLANERS, DRILLS, SHAPERS, LATHES, BOLT CUTTERS and NUT TAPPING MACHINES, SLOTTING, KEYSEATING, BORING and GEAR CUTTING MACHINES, AXLE LATHES, CENTERING MACHINES, CRANK PIN PRESSES; DRIVING WHEEL LATHES, HYDRAULIC WHEEL PRESSES, PUNCHES, SHEARS, BENDING ROLLS, &c. STEAM HAMMERS OF IMPROVED CONSTRUCTION. WE IMANUFACTURE A FIRST-CLASS DIRECT ACTINGC STEAM PUMP. ALSO STEAM ENGINES, SHAFTING and PULLEYS. New York Loather O ose l anufactu ring Go. DAR:BRO TV, TURN-Elt & CO. FIRE ENGINE HOSE MADE FROM THE BEST OAK TANNED LEATHER, and of the best workmanship, furnished at short notice. ALSO, Fire Buckets, Couplings, Hose Pipes, Suction Hose, &c. AND Fire Department Supplies Generally. All kinds of lepoairing to Leather Hose Done at Short l'otice. Old Hose taken inl Exchange for New. All kinds LS E A T H _ 2R B E L T I N G at Lowest Priccse BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ETC. 63 Castings. Bowlers, Maher & Brayton.............................Cleveland, Ohio..............See Page 42 Skinner & Gifford Mfg. Co............................Dunkirk, N. Y................ " 140 The Atlas Works..........................................Pittsburgh, Pa............... " 172 Cast Iron Sinks. R. L. Howard & Son......................................Buffalo, N. Y...................See Page 40 SHEET AND BAR BRASS. Weight in Pounds..0 4)0 &0. 0 O~~0 Cs 00 00 Cs Q4.2 Cb~o s P 4...... 2.7....... 011 13e. 45.95...... 4.09...... 3.20......5.41.. 055....... 045. 48.69...... 4.55...... 3.57 8.12....... 125.......1 51.4...... 5.08...... 3.97 10.76....... 225.......175 12. 54.18...... 5.65...... 4.41 13.48. 3 50....... 275 56.85...... 6.22...... 4.86 71, 1. 65.....8.135... 6.37 24........................ 92....27.12....1.4....1.1,. 70.35....9.-55....7.48...... 1.72 1.35 73. 10.27 805....32.46....2.o5 1.6 FV/. 75.86....11.....8.65...... 35.18...... 1 2.4 785...... 9.29 24. 37.85...... 2.75 81...... 9.8...... 6.9 40.552 3....5 2.48...... 13.5...... 8.48...... 29. 3.......5 86.....4..35...... 11.25 ALLOYS. ALLOYS. ~ Zinc. Tin. Copper. Ani ed Bismuth Babbitt meta.......5.............. 10......1 1. Bell metal....... 16...:..... 51................. Brass engine bearings. 13 112...... (tough)fr enginework, 15 15 1 0 3 r...... 2.7 bearings...... 125 160............. 9.. yellowf......... 45...... 2.1...... i...... 1.5 for lncomotive bearings... 1 64...... 1...... 7.64 for straps and glands..... 1 1 131...... 16...... 13.. Flanges to stand brazing 1...... 1...... 32...... 1...... Metal to expand in cooling........9............ 2 9 Moats's sheathing........ 40.....60.... Pewter......100.17........................ 00 3 Spelter................ 65............... 1............... 9 Statuary bronze......5............ 5 2 90...... 2...... SOLDERS. For lead..............'................'...... 112...... 1ti...........3.6.......205....... 16.......7.8................. 2.... "t~~~~~~~in.1Cpe.2An~La'mt pewter.....2.......2................ 1............ I... brazbbit(o t).e...........1 4........ 1 4 49 94...................2...... 1........... (B eard)......1............ 16............. (hardest)1 3....... I................. Babbitt ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 meR.....;....... 1'.. 10.................s ohe a vyn bearin gs l. 5 / I 3 ~: 25 2 [ - 16 0...,,.'' (touh) foreng~neworlq.1~ O.....,....[...... yelo for tuvy ernings 2 6......,.... t...... ",yelow orturing.,... 1[...... 2.............. ".. for lotcomotive bearings~... ] I 7. 64......... " for straps and glands., 1 3....... t ~,~.......,...... Flang~es to stand brazing...,.......' 32.....~...... Muntz's sheathing.........c~.....II..~..I~ 40 I'i1 " 6'0.............,. Pewter~~~~~~~~......................... 10............... Ppeltr~~~~~~~~~~~~.... ]...... ~.. 1 0 [...... / ~~~I~~~~I~~~ Statuary bonze.................... 517 [...... 2... F la.........................,............ /I I`I......... Staetuaryboz............................ 2 90..,...... 2.~~~ re cc cc 2 ~~ ~ ~...... 1.....,....,.. Forc leard ~~~~~~~... 1...~.. 1...................../ U (1 (bardest)~ ~ ~.~.~.....~ [ ~~~ 3.~~ ~.~I~.. 64 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS.' E STBLIS E3D 1848. WM. SELLERS & CO. 1600 HAMILTON ST., PHILADELHIA. Enine-arcarn, a nuh g ]MANUFACTURERS OF P1 o IRON AND STEEL Railways, Machine Shops, Boiler Makers, Ship Yards, &c. Our Tools have been constructed'with special reference to economy and eon. venience of working. Many of them are of novel and patented designs. PIVOT BRIDGES and RAILWAY TURN TABLES. PILL qEARIq ANDO s4NFTEq Ak SPECIALTY, PATENTEES AND NANUFACTURERS OF INJECTORS FOR FEEDING BOILERS. 3'Full descriptive specifications, photographs and prices sent on application. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ETC. 65 Cast Steel. Atlantic Steel Works...............................New York......................See Page 212 Atwater, Wheeler & Co.................................New Haven, Conn........... " 10 Geo. W orthingt(,n & Co..................................Cleveland, Ohio............... " 100 Reese, Graff & W oods................................P Pa............... " 68 T. B. Bickerton & Co.....................................Philadelphia, Pa............. " 13 Tyng & Co..................ew York................................. " 260 Vose, Dinsmore & Co..................................... " "..................... " 60 Cement. F. O. Norton......................................New York...................See Page 44 H. W. Johns.................................. " "...................... " 221 Van Tuyl M anufacturing Co........................... " "...................... " 242 Chain Links. Hoopes & Townsend.....................................Philadelphia, Pa.............See Page 28 Chains. De Grauw, Aymar & Co............................... New York......................See Page 112 Geo. W orthington & Co.................................Cleveland, Ohio.............. " 1001 Ilermann Boker & Co....................................New York............... See Pages 152, 154 T. B. Bickerton & Co..................................Philadelphia, Pa.............See Page 138 T'ng & Co......................................New York...................... " 260 Vose, Dinsmore & Co.....................................New York...................... " 60 Chains, Measuring. F. Eckel..................................................... New York......................See Page 7G Chasing Lathes. W m. Sellers & Co...................................... Philadelphia, Pa.............See Page 4 WEIGHT OF FLAT IRON.-4 PAGES. Weight of Running Foot in Pounds. Thickness in Ipches. 1.1.04 1.25 1.......21.......41.......62.......83...... 1.04...... 1.25...... 23.......47.......7.......94...... 1.17...... 1.41....... 26.......52.......78...... 1.04...... 1.3...... 1.56.29.......57.......86...... 1.14...... 1.43...... 1.72....... 31.....62.......94...... 1.25...... 1.56...... 1.87....... 34.......68...... 1.01...... 1.35...... 169 2..... 203.36.......73...... 1.09...... 1.46...... 1.82...... 2.19....... 39.......78...... 1.17...... 1.56 1...... 1.5...... 234 2.......42.......83...... 1.25...... 1.67..... 2.08...... 2.5.......44.......88...... 1.33...... 1.77...... 221...... 2.65.......47.......94...... 1.4...... 1.87 2.31...... 2.81.5.......99...... 1.48...... 1.98...... 2.47...... 2 5,7'.52...... 04 1.5(6...... 2.09..... 2.6...... 3.12....... 55...... 1.09...... 1.64...... 219...... 2.73...... 3.28.57...... 1.14...... 1.72...... 2.29...... 2.86...... 3.44....... 6...... 1.2...... 1.8...... 2.4...... 2.99...... 3.39 3.......62...... 1.25...... 1.87...... 2.5...... 3.12...... 3.75.65...... 1.3...... 1.93...... 2.6...... 3.26...... 3.91.68....... 1.35...... 2.03...... 2.7...... 3.38...... 4.06'34.......7...... 1.4...... 2.11...... 2.81...... 3.52...... 4.22....... 73...... 1.46...... 2.19...... 2.91...... 3.;5...... 4.37....... 76...... 1.51...... 2.27...... 3.02...... 3.78 4.53......78...... 1.56...... 2.34...... 3.12...... 3.91...... 4;.69's.......81...... 1.61...... 2.42...... 3.23...... 4.03.... 4.84 4.83...... 1.66...... 2.5...... 3.33...... 4.17...... 5.00'14.......86,..... 1.72...... 2.58...... 3.44...... 4.3...... 5.16 14...88...... 1.77...... 2.66...... 3.54...... 4.43...... 5.31........91...... 1.82...... 2.73...... 3.64...... 4.6...... 5 47.....94...... 1.87...... 2.81...... 3.75...... 4.69...... 5.62.96...... 1.93...... 2.89...... 3.85...... 4.82...... 5.78.99...... 1.98...... 2.97...... 3.96...... 4.95...... 5.94 1.01...... 2.03...... 3.0()5..... 4.06...... 5.08...... 6.1 5...... 1.04...... 2.08...... 1.12...... 4.17...... 5.21...... 6.25...... 1.06........13...... 3.2...... 4.27...... 5.34...... 6.41 1.1...... 2.1'...... 3.28...... 4.37...... 5.47...... 6. 66 BUYElIS' GUIDE. FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. W0 uttiii Machi Ary, FOR SHIP -BIILDING and BANB SAWING, "M. FERIN a CO." Band SavT Blade, ANY LENGTIH AND WIDTH, RICHARDS, LONDON & KELLEY, A TLANTIC WORKS,.d-3, Abo-ve ARCII, SEND FOR CIRCULAr, PHILADELPHIA, PA, BtJSIN1bSS BIRECITORY, 1$Td. Chemicals-Telegraph. Leclanche Battery Co..................................New York.....................See Page 96 See also, Telegraph Materials. Chilled Faced R. R. Frogs, Bowlers, Maher & Brayton.............................Cleveland, Ohio..............See Page 42 Chimes. A. Fulton's Son & Co.....................................Pittsburgh, Pa...............See Page 116 Chisels. Hermann B ker & Co...................................New York..............See Pages 152, 154 See also Carpenters' and Mechanics' Tools. Chucks. Champlin & Rogers.......................................Chicago, Ill....................See Page 192 D. Brewer & Co.............................................Philadelphia, Pa............ 246 Church and School Bells, A. Fulton's Son & Co....................................Pittsburgh, Pa...............See Page 116 Chute Nails, D. Brewer & Co.............................................Philadelphia, Pa............See Page 246 Circular Saw Mills. Erie City Iron Works....................................Erie, Pa.........................See Page 170 Circular Saws. American Saw Co.....................................New York......................See Page 156 Bnffalo Machinery Agency.............................Buffalo, N. Y................... " 160 Erie City Iron Works....................................Erie, Pa......................... " 170 WEIGHT OF FLAT IRON.-CoNTINUED. Weight of Running Foot in Pounds.' a; Thickness in Inches. q~ 5...... 1.12...... 2.24...... 3.36...... 4.48...... 5.6...... 6.72....1. 1.14...... 2.29...... 3.44...... 4.58...... 5.73...... 6.88 8...... 1.17...... 2.34...... 3.52...... 4.69...... 5.86...... 7.03...... 1.2...... 2.39...... 3.59...... 4.79...... 6...... 719..... 1.22...... 2.45...... 3.67...... 4.9...... 6.12...... 7.34 6...... 1.25...... 2.5..... 3.75...... 5...... 6.25...... 7.5..... 1.27...... 2.55...... 3.83...... 5.1...... 6.39...... 7.66...... 1.3...... 2.6...... 3.91...... 5.2...... 6.51...... 7.81..... 1.32...... 2.66...... 3.98...... 5.31...... 6.64...... 7.97.. 1.35...... 2.7...... 4.C6...... 5.41...... 6.77.......13 1.38..... 2.76...... 4.14...... 5.52...... 6.91...... 8.29...... 1.4...... 2.81...... 4.22..... 5.62...... 7.03...... 8.44..... 1.43...... 2.86...... 4.3...... 5.73...... 7.16..... 8.59 7...... 1.46...... 2.92...... 4.37...... 5.83...... 7.29...... 8.75...... 1.51..... 3.02..... 4.53...... 6.04...... 7.55...... 9.07...... 1.56...... 3.12...... 4.69...... 6.25...... 7.81...... 9.37 4.. 1.61...... 3.23...... 4.84..... 6.46...... 8.07...... 9.69 8...... 1.67...... 3.33...... 5...... 6.67...... 8.33...... 10....... 1.72...... 3.43...... 5.16...... 6.87...... 8.6...... 10.3..... 1.77...... 3.54...... 5.32...... 7.08...... 8.85...... 10. 3...... 1.82...... 3.65...... 5.47.... 7.29..... 9.11.. 10.94 9...... 1.87...... 3.75...... 5.62...... 7.5...... 9.37...... 11.9,5...... 1.93...... 3.85...... 5.78...... 7.71...... 9.63...... 11.56..... 1.98...... 3.96...... 5.94...... 7.92...... 9.9...... 11.87..... 2.03...... 4.06...... 6.09...... 8.12..... 10.15...... 12.19 10...... 2.08...... 4.17...... 6.25...... 8.33...... 10.4...... 12.5...... 2.13...... 4.27...... 6.4...... 8.54...... 10.67...... 12.8... 2.19...... 4.37..... 6.56...... 8.75...... 10.93...... 13.13...... 2.24...... 4.48.... 6.72...... 8.96...... 11.20...... 13.43 11...... 2.29...... 4.58...... 6.87...... 9.16...... 11.45...... 13.75 /...... 2.34...... 4.69...... 7.03...... 9.37...... 11.72..... 14.06...... 2.39...... 4.79...... 7.18...... 9.58...... 11.97...... 14.37..... 2.45...... 4.89..... 7.34...... 9.79...... 12.25...... 14.69..12. 2.5....... 7.5...... 10..... 12.5...... 15. 68 VBUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. PEESE, GFAFF & WOODS, MANUFACTURERS OF Bar Iron, Refined Iron, Sheet Iron, Plate Iron, Shingle Strips, Anvils, Crow Bars, Harrow Teeth, Horso Shoes, Tool Steel,_ Machinery Steel, Spring Steel, Plow Steel, Frog Steel, Lay Steel, II ~~ Sheet Steel, Saw Steel, Safe Steel, iQ Hammer Steel, Tire Steel, Blister Steel, FORT PITT IRON an STlEb W1ORKS, PITTSBURG, PA. Tensil Strength of Bar Iron, 60,000 lbs. to the Square inch. Machiinery Steel, 100,000 " " " " Tool " 140,000I " 4" " BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 69 Clamps. Champlin & Rogers....................................Chicago, Ill...................See Page 192 Claw and Tamping Bars. Skinner & Gifford Mfg. Co..............................Dunkirk, N. Y...............See Page 140 Clocks. Ansonia Brass & Copper Co............................New York.................... See Page 122 Tose, Dinsmlore & Co..................................... " "........... " 60 Coach Colors. Edward Smith & Co..................................... New York.....................See Page 218 Coach Oii. Eclipse Lubric Oil Co.................................... New York.........See Page Facing Title F. S. Pease..................................... B...B ffalo, N. Y................. See Page 100 Coaoh Screws.. B. W albridge............................................ New York...............See Page 130 Lewis Oliver & Phillips; H. B. Newhall, Agt.. " "........... " 166 Providence Tool Co.; " " "..................... " 166 Coach Varnish. Edward Smith & Co.................................... New York.....................See Page 218 Valentine & Co............................................. ".................... " 198 Coal. E. L. Hedstrorn............................................Buffalo, N. Y..................See Page 202 Rhodes & Bradley................................ Chica I.................... 192 Rogers & Co................................................. "..................144 WEIGHT OF FLAT IRON.-CONTINUED. Weight of Running Foot in Pounds..c~a * Thickness in Inches. 1...... 1.46.... 1.67...... 1.46...... 1.67...... 2.08...... 2.5...... 2.92...... 3.33...... 1.64...... 1.87...... 2.34...... 2.81...... 3.28...... 3.75 1.82...... 2.08...... 2.6...... 3.12...... 3.65...... 4.17 2.(11...... 2.29...... 2.86...... 3.44...... 4.01....... 4.58 2.19...... 2.5...... 3.12...... 3.75...... 4.37...... 5. 2.37...... 2.71...... 3.38...... 4.06...... 4.74...... 5.42 2.55...... 2.92...... 3 64...... 4.37...... 5.1...... 5.83 2.73...... 3.12...... 3.9...... 4.69...... 5.47...... V.25 2..... 2.92...... 3.33...... 4.16...... 5........ 5.83...... 6.67...... 3.1...... 3.54...... 4.43...... 5.31 4...... 6.2...... 7.08 3.28...... 3.75...... 4.69...... 5. 2...... 6.56...... 7.5 3.46...... 3.96...... 4.95...... 5.4...... 6.93...... 7.92 3.65...... 4.17...... 5.21...... 6.25...... 7.29...... 8.33 3.83...... 4.37...... 5.47...... 6.56...... 7.66 8.......75 4.01...... 4.58...... 5.73...... 6.88...... 8.02...... 9.17 4.19...... 4.79...... 5.99...... 7.19...... 8.39...... 9.58 3...... 4.37...... 5........ 6.25...... 7.5...... 8.75...... 10....... 4.56...... 5.21...... 6.51...... 7.82...... 9.12...... 10.42 4.74...... 5.42...... 6.77...... 8.12...... 9.48...... 10.83 4.92...... 5.62...... 7.03...-. 8.44...... 9.84..... 11.25 5.1...... 5.83...... 7.29...... 8.75...... 10.21...... 11.67...... 5.29...... 6.04...... 7.55...... 9.07...... 10.59...... 12.08...... 5.47...... 6.25...... 7.81...... 9.37...... 10.93...... 12.5...... 5.65...... 6.46...... 8.07...... 9.68...... 11.3...... 12.92 4...... 5.83...... 6.67...... 8.?3...... 10........ 11.65...... 13.33 6.02...... 6.87...... 8.59...... 10.3..... 12.04...... 13.75 6.2...... 7.08...... 8.85...... 10.62...... 12.4...... 14.15 6.38...... 7.29...... 9.11...... 10.93...... 12.75...... 14.59 6.56...... 7.5...... 9.37...... 11.25...... 13.12...... 15.00...... 6.74...... 7.71...... 9.64...... 11.55...... 13.5. 15... 15.42......93...... 7.92...... 9.89...... 11.87...... 13.85...... 15.83 7.11...... 8.12...... 1'.15...... 12.2...... 14.22.....( 16.25...... 7.29...... 8.33...... 10.42...... 1.2.5...... 14.59...... 16.65...... 7.48...... 8.54...... 10.69...... 12.8...... 14.95...... 17.09...... 7.66...... 8 75...... 10.93...... 13.13...... 15.3...... 17.5 70 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. (Trade Mark.) / EXCELSIOR C BAIND SAW BLADE, AND Coil Spring Manufactory, Nos. 214 and 216 East 119th St., between 2a and 3f Aves., NEW YORK. BAND SAW BLADES A SPECIALTY. Steel Cold Rolled to order for the Trade. Also, on hand, in stock, a ful assortment of best quality Band Saw Blade and Spring Steel, MANUFACTURED AND IMPORTED TO SPECIAL ORDER. C. VAN NESS, Proprietor. N. B.-Orders by mail promptly attended to. KW Send for Circnlar. i::ICD. I) IGI]3E1T, 2I 43 Columbia St., NEW YORE. AND PATENTEE Hydraulic Jacks Punches, ROLLER TUBE EXPANDERS, And Direct-Acting Steam Hammers, I9 Communication by letter will receive prompt attention.. JACKS for PRESSING ON CAR WHEELS or CRANK PINS MADE TO ORDER. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 71 Coal Facing. Rogers & Co.....................................Chicago, 11...................See Page 144 Coal Hods and Vases. Sidney Shepard & Co............................. Buffalo, N. Y..................See Page 196 Coal Miners' Supplies. Hart, Ball & Hart....................................Buffalo N. Y..................See Page 136 Coal Washing Machinery. The Atlas Works................................... Pa............See Page 172 Coiled Chain. De Grauw, Aymar & Co.................................New York.....................See Page 112 Hermann Boker & Co................................... " "............ See Pages 152, 154 Coiled Springs. C. Van Ness.................................... New York....................See Page 70 Coking Machinery. The Atlas Works................................... Pa...............See Page 172 Cold Rolled Piston Rods. Jones & Laughlins................. Pittsburgh, Pa.............. Pa...............See Page 32 Colors-Dry. C. E. Hecht..................................................Easton, Pa.....................See Page 158 Edward Smith & Co.....................................New York....................... " 218 Jno. W. Masury & Son............................... " "....................... " 214 WEIGHT OF FLAT IRON.-CONTINUED. Weight of Running Foot in Pounds. Thickness in Inches. 53....... 7.84...... 8.96...... 11.2...... 13.43...... 15.68...... 17.92 /....... 8.02...... 9.17...... 11.45...... 13.75...... 16.03...... 18.33...... 8.2...... 9.37...... 11.72...... 14.07...... 16.4...... 18.75 8.39...... 9.58....... 11.99...... 14.37...... 16.77...... 19.15...... 8.57.... 9.79...... 12.25...... 14.7...... 17.13...... 19.58 6...... 8.75 10....... 15....... 17.5. 20........... 8.93...... 10.2...... 12.77...... 15.3...... 1785...... 20.42 9.11...... 10.42...... 13.02...... 15.62...... 18.23...... 20.83 9.3...... 10.63...... 13.29...... 15.93...... 18.6...... 21.25...... 9.48...... 10.83...... 13.53...... 16.25...... 18.97...... 21.65 9.67...... 11.03...... 13.81...... 16.57...... 19.33...... 22.08 9.84...... 11.25...... 14.05...... 16.87...... 19.7...... 10.02...... 11.45...... 14.32...... 17.19...... 20.03...... 22.92 7 11).2...... 11.65...... 14.59...... 17.5...... 20.42......33 14...... 10.59...... 12.09...... 15.1...... 1.13...... 21.15...... 24.15 10.93...... 12.5...... 15.62...... 18.73...... 21.85............ 11.31...... 12.92...... 16.15...... 19.39...... 22.62...... 25.83 8...... 11.66...... 13.33...... 16.65...... 20........ 3.33...... 26.65 12.03...... 13.75...... 17 18....... 20.6...... 24.05 27.5 12.4...... 14.17...... 17.7...... 21.25...... 24.8...... 28.33 12.76...... 14.58...... 18.23...... 21.89...... 25.52 2...... 9.17 9 13.12...... 15...... 18.75...... 22.5...... 26.23. 30........... 13.5...... 15.42...... 19.27...... 23.12...... 26.98...... 30.83...... 13.85...... 15.83...... 19.78...... 23.73...... 27.7...... 31.(7...... 14.2...... 16.25...... 20.32...... 24 35...... 28.42 32..5 10...... 14.59...... 16.5...... 2...... 25..... 9.15...... 33.33...... 14.93...... 17.08...... 21.33...... 25.62...... 29.88...... 34.17....... 15.3...... 17.5...... 21.89...... 26.25...... 30. 2. 35..... 15.67...... 17.92...... 22.4...... 26.85...... 31.33..... 35.83 11...... 16.03...... 19.33...... 22.9...... 27.5...... 32.08 3...... 6.65...... 16.4...... 18.75...... 23.43...... 28.12...... 32.8. 37.5...... 16.75...... 19.15...... 23.93...... 28.73...... 33.52...... 38.33 17.13 19.59 24.49...... 29.35...... 34.25...... 39.15 12...... 17.5 20...... 25...... 30...... 35...... 40. 72 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. THIS IS THE ONLY QUALITY op WHITE LEAD That we have made for the past FIFTEEN YEARS. JOHN JEWETT & SONS, 182 Front St., New York, J EA-X RY y J-. 1 8 7 3, BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 73 Colors, for Freight and Coal Cars. C E. Hecht...........................................Easton, Pa..................... See Page 158 C E. Hecht.......; Easton, Pa.....................See Page 158 Jno. W, Masury & Son........N................ New York.................... " 214 Colors-In Oil0. C. E. Hecht......................................Easton, Pa...........See Page 158 Jno, W. Masury & Son.............................New York................... " 214 Commission Merchants. C. W. Matthew............................... Pihdelphia, Pa............See Page 38 Jno. W. Quincy..........................................New York...................... " 178 Winans & Co.............................................. " " " 106 Com passes. F. Eckel;;.................................................New York.....................See Page 76 Ku-blet & Seelhorst......................................Philadelphia, Pa............ " 216 Wm, J, Youhg & Sons............................... " 138 Composition Castings. Phiiadelphia Smelting Co..............................Philadelphia, Pa...........See Page 134 Condensers. A. Carr................................New Y rk......................See Page 244 Conductors' Punches. Allen, Lane & Scott....................................Philadelphia, Pa............ See Page 90 Geo. H. Cra in & Co.......................................Chicago, Ill............. " 124 L. W. Pnd..................................................Worcester, Mass.............. " 158 Yose, Dinsmore & Co....................................New York....................... " 60 Contractors. Geo. H. Crain & Co.....................................Chicag, Ill....................See Page 124 Joseph Churchyard............................Buffalo, N. Y............... " 160 Phillipsburg Manufacturing Co.....................New York..................... " 22 Contractors' Machinery. Speedwell Iron Works...........................New York......................See Page 122 LAP WELDED AMERICAN CHARCOAL IRON BOILER TUBES. Table of Standard Sizes. —Mlorris, Tasker & Co..5 oW'v ~. * L. u., -v o W 9 9 4 a a W 1. 3... 0.8 56... 2.689 0.072.. 4.460.. 3.819 a... 0.a75....785... 0.70 8 4~ e,0 a~ c~ ~ ~4a" 4 W a a ea0 - ~1 4 Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. Feet. Feet. Ins. Ins. Ibs. 1 3.142... 0.856... 2.689... 0.072... 4.460.. 3.819... 0.575... o.785 0.708 11. 3.927... 1.1 6... 3.474... 0.072... 3.455... 3.056... 0.960... 1.227... 0.9 11/.. 4.712... 1.334... 4.191... 0.083... 2.863... 2.547... 1.393... 1.767... 1.2501,.3 5.598... 1.560... 4.901... 0.095... 2.448... 2.183... 1 911... 2.405... 1.665 2 6.283... 1.804... 5.667... 0.098... 2.118... 1.9)9... 2.556... 3.142... 1.981 21... 7.069... 2.054... 6.484... 0.098... 1.850... 1.693... 3.314... 3.976... 2.238 2 R 7 854... 2.283... 7.172... 0.109... 1.673... 1.528... 4.094... 4.9 9... 2.755 2... 8.639... 2.533... 7.957... 0.109... 1.508... 1.390... 5.039... 5.94(... 3.045 3... 9.425... 2.783... 8.743... 0.109... 1.373... 1.273... 6.083... 7.069... 3.333 31... 10.210... 3.012... 9.462... 0.119... 1.268... 1.175... 7.125... 8.296... 3.958 31... 10.995... 3.262... 10.248... 0.119... 1.171... 1.091... 8.357... 9.621... 4.272 3.. 11.781... 3.512... 11.033... 0.119... 1.088... 1.018... 9.6?7... 11.045... 4.590 4... 12. 66... 3.741... 11.753... 0.130... 1.023... 0.955... 10.992... 12.566.., 5.320 4/... 14.137... 4.241... 13.323... 0.130... 0.901... 0.849... 14.126... 15.904... 6.010 5... 15.7!8... 4.72... 14.818... 0.140... 0.809... 0.764... 17.497... 19.635... 7.226 6... 18.84... 5.699... 17.904... 0.151... 0.670... 0.637... 25.509... 28.274... 9.346 7... 21.991... 6.657... 2.914... 0.172... 0.574... 0.545... 34.8 5... 38.484... 12.435.8... 25.132... 7.636... 23.989... 0.182... 0.500... 0.478... 45.795... 50.265... 15.109 9... 28.274... 8.615... 27.055... 0.193... 0.444... 0.424... 58.291... 63.617... 18.002: 10; 31.416... 9.573... 30.0974... 0.214... 0.399... 0.382... 71.975... 78.540... 22.19 7 4 BUYERS' GUIIDE, FOR RAILWAY OiFICERS, I I T S1313 IRAW, BOILED AND REFINED. Factory, Port Richmond, Staten Island. JOHN JEWETT & SONS, Office, 182 Front St., NEW YOR K. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 75 Contractors' Supplies. Greene & Randolph................................ New York.....................See Page 54 Pratt & Co................................................... Buffalo, N. Y................. " 132 Contractors' Tools. Jno. Bayliss................................ New York................. See Page 76 Copper. Ansonia Brass & Copper Co...........................New York......................See Page 122 Bruce & Cook.................................... " 112 Chis. W. Matthews.......................................Philadelphia, Pa............ " 38 Geo. Worthington & Co.................................Cleveland, Ohio.............. " 10) Holmes & Lissberger..............................New York.................... " 84 Philadelphia Snjelting, Co..............................Philadelphia, Pa............. " 134 Sidney Shepard & Co....................................Buffalo, N. Y.................. " 196 Copper-Bottoms. Holmes & Lissberger........................... New York.....................See Page 84 Copper-ingot. Lucius Hart & Co........................................New York......................See Page 56 Jno. W. Quincy........................................................ " 178 Copper-Locomotive Sheets. Ansonia Brass & Copper Co..........................New York.....................See Page 122 Holmes & Lissberger...................................... "...................... " 84 Copper Nails. Ansonia Brass & Copper Co............................New York.....................See Page 122 Copper Rivets and Burs. Ansonia Brass & Copper Co...........................New York....................See Page 122 Holmes & Lissberger............................. "'....................... " 84 Copper Tubing. Ansonia Brass & Copper Co...........................New York......................See Page 122 Holmes & Lissberger.................................... "........................' 84 PAINTER'S PUTTY. Spanish whiting, pulverized...... 81.6 l Made into a stiff paste. If not intended for Boiled Oil................................. 20.4 immediate use, raw oil should be used. One pound of putty for stopping every 20 yards. GLAZIER'S PUTTY. Whiting, 70 pounds; boiled oil, 30 pounds; water, 2 gallons. Mix. If too thin, add more whiting; if too thick, add more oil. TO SOFTEN PUTTY. To remove old putty from broken windows, dip a small brush in nitro-muriatic acid or caustic soda (concentrated lye), and with it annoint or paint over the dry putty that adheres to the broken glass and frames of your windows; after an hours interval, the putty will have become so soft as to be easily removable. WAI'[IT 0F ONE F00T OF COPPER RODS. Diampter Pounds. Diameter Peunis. Diameter Ponds. in inches. in inches. in inches..............189 1........... 3.831 2............. 17.075 5-!6.............295 3-16........... 4.269...........18.916 /..... 425......... 4.73............ 20.856 7-16.............579 5-16............ 5.214............ 22.8'J1.............756............ 5.730........... 25.m19 9-16.............9.8 7-16............ 6.254 3.............'27.283......... 1.182........6.......811............. 29.560 11-16.. 1.430 9............ 7.389............ 31.92 34.......... 1.702 7.993............ 34.481 13-16.........1....998........... 9.270 3............ 37.080 Ys 2.317.......0.... 0.642............. 9.777 1...........3.027 /..............667............ 43.455 -16...........3.417........... 15.325 4............. 48.433 76 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. Frederick Eckel, MANUFACTURER OF ENGINEERS' IM~ANND SURVEYORS' INSTRUMENTS, Transits, Levels, CLI.AIN APES, AE%1S, &RD c, e. WARRANTED THE BEST QUALITY. INSTRUMENTS CAREFULLY REPAIRED and ADJUSTED 10 BURLING SLIP, COR. WATER ST., N1EWV YORK. JO.1 N B13AYLISS, 157 EAST 54th STREET, - NEW YORK, PATENT VERTICAL HOT BLAST and WATER TUYERES AND FORG ES. Warranted to save 33X Coal, and same amount of Time; does not choke up or burn up. ALSO, MANUFACTURER OF CONTRACTORS' TOOLS AND RAILROAD SUPPLIES. - SEND FOR CATALOGUE BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 77 Copper Wire. Ansonia Brass & Copper Co...........................New York.......................See Page 122 Copper Wire-Insulated. Charles T. Chester............................... New York......................See Page 212 Geo. W. Mowbray...................................North Adams, Mass......... " 182 Copying Presses. T. Shriver & Co..........................................New York.......................See Page 194 Cordage. De Grauw, Aymar & Co................................. New York......................See Page 112 Sidne Shepard & Co.....................................Buffalo, N. Y.................. " 196 Corrugated Iron. John Merry & Co..........................................New York..................... See Page 48 Marshall Lefferts, Jr.................................... "....................9... 44 Noyes & Wines.................................. " 264 T3ng & Co....................................................New York.................. " 2CO Cotter Drills. Wm. Sellers & Co.........................................Philadelphia, Pa............See Page 64 Cotton Waste. J. J. Walworth..................................Chicago, Ill...................See Page 124 L. G. Tillotson & Co......................................New York.................... " 94 Radley & McAlister Manufacturing Co............ " "....... " 250 T. B. Bickerton & Co....................................Philadelpia, Pa............ " 138 Vose, Dinsmore & Co.....................................New York.................... " to Couplings. A. Fulton's Son & Co................................. Pittsburgh, Pa............ See Page 116 Darrow, Turner & Co...................................New York..................... " 62 Radley & McAlister Manufacturing Co............ "....................... " 250 VYse, Dinsmore & Co.................................. " "................ " 60 Covered Wires-Silk and Cotton. Bishop Gutta Percha Works.........................ew York..................See Page 34 C.'lIompson..........................Philadelphia, Pa............ " 222 Charles''. Chester............................ New York.................... " 212 Geo. H. Bliss & Co........................................Chicago, Ill................. " 161 Leclanche Battery Co....................................New York...................... " 96 SURFACE HARDENING OF CAST-IRON. The wearing of cast-iron surfaces exposed to sliding friction can be almost wholly prevented by tempering the surface with a mixture of 21 1-10 pints of water, 30y/ pounds of sulphuric acid, and 1,003 grains of nitric acid. The article should b e heated to a cherry-red, and protected from the oxidizing effect of currents of air by a sheet-iron box. The process is especially adapted to the hardening of bearings of axles. which, while much cheaper than those of the usual alloy, will, when regularly ubricated, last as long, even when there is great rapidity of motion. RIVETED IRON PIPES. Weight per Running Foot. These weights include laps for riveting and calking, but not the rivets, the weight of which depends upon the sizes and number used. Bo:e. Thickness of Metal, Inch. Bore. Thickness 3f Metal, Inch. Inch. A A6 V ILnCh. 6 1V 5 7.15... 10.7..... 14.23 11 22.75...... 30.45...... 38.15 M/- 7.8 11.71....... 15.61 12 24.8...... 33....... 41.25 6 8.45..... 12........ 16.85 13 26.75...... 35.75...... 44.55 M 9.05...... 13.61...... 18.15 14 28.65...... 38.45...... 47.1 7 9.75..... 14:65...... 19.55 15 3.83...... 41. 51.45 M2 10.45...... 15.7...... 20.85 16 32.94...... 43.75...... 54.75 8 11.15...... 16.65...... 22.25 17 34.85...... 46.45...... 58.1 Y2 11.85...... 17 6..... 23.55 18;6.3...... 49.1...... 61.4 9 12.5 18 75...... 25. 19 38....... 51.75...... 64.7 M/ 13.15..... 19.75...... 26.25. 20( 41.2...... 53.6...... 68. 10 13.96 2........ 28...... 2,7 /2 14.45.... 21.75...... 29.1 7S BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. BalIwin Locomotive Works c,.. I X c ALL WORK A CCURA TEL Y FI TTED TO GA UGES AND THOROUGHLY INTERCHANGEABLE, Plan, Materials, Workmanship, Finish and Efficiency FULLY GUARANTEED M. BAIITD. CHAS. T. PARRY. WM. r. HENSZEY. GEO. BURNHAM. E DW'lD H. WILLIAMS. EDW'D LOINiGSTRETH, DURINES9 DITfECTOR~, Er T0 Cranes. Win Sellers & Co...................................Phl adelphia, Pa............ See Page 64 Wim, B. Bement & S n.................................. I "..... 168 Ceesti ngs. J. D. West & Co................................... New York.................S....ee Page 56 Crossing and Frogs. Auderson & Woods.......................................Pittsburgh, Pa.............. See Page 150 The Atlas Works.......................................... " "......... " 172 Crow-Bars —Iron and Steel. Anderson & Woods.................................. Pittsburgh, Pa...............See Page 150 G. B. Walbridge................................... New York..................... " 130 Hermann Boker & Co.................................. " "...............See Pages 152. 154 Providence Tool Co; H. B. Newhall, Agent............................See Page 106 Reese, Graff & Woods.................................Pittsburgh, Pa............... " 68 Cruci bles. Du Plaine & Reeves..........................P...........hiladelphia, Pa..............See Page 102 Van Tuv] Manufacturing Co...........................New York......................' 242 Crude Cutta Percha for Cement. Bishop Gutta Percha Works..........................New York.....................Sec Page 34 Cupola Liningsi Hall & Sons..............................................Buffalo, N. Y.................. See Page 254 Maurer & Weber.....................................New York....................... " 228 Philip Neukumet............................ Philadelph a............ " 1(4 Stax Fire Brick Co..................................Pittsbrgh, Pa............... " 232 DRIVING WHEELS. Number of Revolutions per Mile. Diameter of Wheel...... 2 ft.... 2]2ft.... 3 ft.... 3y2ft.... 4 ft.... 4/2ft.... 5 ft. Revolutions per Mile... 840... 672... 560... 480... 420... 373... 336 Diameter of Wheel...... 5'ft.... 6 ft.... 62 ft.... 7 ft.... 8 ft.... 9 ft.... 10ft. Revolutions per Mile... 33512... 280... 258/2... 240... 210... 187... i68 VELOCITY AND FORCE OF THE WIND. Description. Miles per Feet per Feet per Force in lbs. hour. minute. second. per sq.foot. Hardly. perceptible......... 1...... 88...... 1.47.......005 Just perceptible............. 3... 264 4.4.044 Gentle...... 362.. 6.87.......029 G...... 440...... 7.33.......123 4...... 352.......87...... 079 Gentle breeze............. 733.123...20.... 1760 29.3...... 1968 Brisk ga~le- - - -*- — @f* —**s.. 1 25... 2200...... 36.6...... 3.075 3....... 2t4...... 44...... 4.428 High wind.......,........... 35...... 3080...... 51.3...... 6.027 40...... 3520...... 68.6... 7.872 Very high wind............ 45... 31960...... 66.0 9.963 Storm.................. 50..... 4400...... 73.3 12.300 5780 8.0 2..... 17.712 great Storm.................. 6... 580...... 88.0...... 17.712 atr...... 6160...4... 102.7...... 24.108 80..... t(40...... 117.3...... 31.488 urricane........................ 6 49.200 PAINT FOR TARPAULINS. First. Olive-Liquid, Olive color................................................ Beeswax................................................................. 6. Spirits turpentine.......................................... Dissolve the beeswax in spirits of turpentine, with a gentle heat, and mix the paint warm. Second. Add 12 ounces of beeswax to one gallon of linseed oil, boil it two hours * prime the cloth with this mixture, and use it in place of boiled oil, for mixing the paint. 80 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. Lathes, Car Wheel Planers, _.; Boring Mills, Slottera, Wheel Presses, Shapers, Scrap Sheas, Boring Mills, -?unch and Slears, Bolt Cutters, Vertical rile,. Bolt Headers, I Cutting Off Rivet IilMachines,. Machines, l~ Radial Drills, Milling Steam PUnpS, Machines, I Portable Hoistere Scr-w I Portable Drfl, Machines,.aq| Agricultumal Nut Tappers, Engines, Cear Cutters el l Shafting, Hargers, Cang Drills, Pulleys, Belting, Axle Lathes, & & ISAAC H. SHEARMAN, /32 North Third St., and 301 Cherry St., PHILADELPHIA, AIACHINERY COMMISS I 0 N HOUSE, Steam Engines, Boilers, AND MACHINISTS' TOOLS, S P E C I A. L T I E S. Warren's Shaper. Schlenlier-'s Bolt CGutter. Durrell's -Nut Tapper (Taps 7 Nuts at Once.) Barr's Rlcdial Drill. Heavy Lathes, Adapted to Railroad Work. UtSItNBSS DI1ECTOBRt, RT. IS Cupolas. Wm. B. Bement & Son................................Philadelphia, Pa..............See Page 168 Wm. Sellers & Co......................................... " 64 Cutlery. England & Bindley........................................Pittsburgh, Pa..............See Page 162 G. B. Walbridge.........................New York...................... " 130 IIermann Boker & Co................................... See Pages 152, 154 Pratt & Co.................................Buffalo, N. Y..................See Page 132 Cutting Nippers. Biddle Manufacturing Co..............................New York.................... See Page 12 Cyliriders. The Atlas Works.........................................Pittsburgh, Pa...............See Page 172 Cylinder Boring and Facing Machines. Wm. Sellers & Co.....................................Philadlelphia, Pa............See Page 64 Dating Machines. Allen, Lane & Scott...................................Philadelphia, Pa.........See Page 90 Mathiesen & Schrader..............................New York.................... " 82 Depot Scales. Buffalo Scale Company.................................Buffalo, N. Y..................See Page 40 Jones Scale Works.............................Binghamton, N. Y.......... 92 Derricks. Skinner & Gifford Manufacturing Co..............Dukirk, N. Y...............See Page 140 STEAM. T-HE ELASTIC FORCE OF STEAM AND CORRESPONDING TEMPERATURE OF THE WATER WITEI WHICH IT IS IN CONTACT. (From Haslelt.) ~~~~~~~lbs~~~. l bs, 14.7... 30.00... 212.0... 17(E 68... 138.72... 3U,4.4... 15... 3 S.60... 212.8... 1669 70... 142.80a...e 3'.4...4 Ca 7.i+ e9 3 a, 16... 32.64... 216.3... 1573 72... 146.88... 308.4...398 18... 36.72... 222.7... 1411 74... 150 96... 310.3...388 20... 40.80... 228.5... 1281 76... 155.;6... 312.2... 379 22... 44.88... 233.8... 1174 78... 159.14... 314.0.. 370 24... 48.96... 23.7... 1084 80... 163.22... 315.8... 362 26... 53.04... 243.3... 1007 82... 167.3 )... 317.6... 354 28... 57.12... 247.6... 941 84... 171.38... 319.3... 346 30... 61.21... 251.6... 883 86... 175.46... 321.0... 339 32... 65.28... 255.5... 833 88.. 17.9.54... 322.6... 332 34... 69.36... 259.1.- 788 90... 183.62... 324.3... 325 36... 73.44... 2ei2.6... 748 92... 187.70... 325.9... 319 38... ]7.52... 265.9... 712 94... 191.78... 327.5... 313 40... 81.60... 269.1... 679 96... 195.86... 329.0... 30T 42... 85.68... 272.1... 649 98... 199.92... 330.5... 301 44... 89.74... 275.0... 622 100... 204."1... 332.0... 295 46... 93.84... 277.8... 598 110... 224.40... 339.2... 271 48... 97.92... 280.5... 575 120... 244.82... 345.8... 251 50... 102.00... 283.2... 554 130... 265.23... 352.1... 233 52... 106.08... 285.7... 534 140... 285.*,1... 357.9... 218 54... 11)0.16... 288.1... 516 150... 3 6./'3... 363.4... 205 56... 114 24... 290.5... 500 160... 326.42... 368.7... 193 53... 118.32... 292.9... 484 170... 346.80... 373.6... 183 60... 122.40... 295.6... 470 18)... 367.25... 378.4... 174 62... 126.48... 298.1... 456 19:)... 387.61... 382.9... 166 64... 130.56... 300.3... 443 20.)... 408.04... 387.3... 158 66... 134.64... 302.4... 431 82~ ftBUYERS5 GIUIDE, FORG RAILWAY OFFICERS. MATHIESEN & SCHRADER, Enlravers, Die Sinkers and Lachinlists, STEEL DIES, Soap Stamps and Stamps of Every Description EXECUTED 12 THE BEST MANNER. CIl Q) i"' / 3 ANUFACTURERS -THE MANUFACTURERS OF THE EAGLE SEAL PRESS. This Seal Press is the Steadiest Working Press in the United States. Gear Wheels and Pinions Cut, and all kinds of Type Wheels Engraved. 142 FULTON STREET, NEW YORK. CHARLES MATHIESEN, Engraver. JOIIN SCHRADER, Machinist. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 83 Desks and Office Furniture. A. L. ale & Bro........................ Chicago............. I11....................See Page 206 Joseph Churchyard......................................Buffalo, N. Y.................. " 160 Dies. Champlin & Rogers.................................. Chicago, Ill................. See Page 192 J. J. Walwortlh........................... " ".................. " 124 Mathiesen & Schrader...................................New York..................... " 82 Door Knobs. Romer & Co.................................. Newark, N. J.................See Page 201 Door Machinery.. B. Rogers & Co......................................New York...................... See Page 2'0 J. A. Fay & Co.................................... Cincinnati, Ohio.............. " 206 Richards, London & Kelley............................Philadelphia, Pa............ " 66 Drawing Room Car Hassocks, &c. George Drake Smith.............................. Philadelphia, Pa.............See age 246 New York Ottoman & Hassock Co..................New York..................... " 236 Drill Crinding Machines. Wm. Sellers & Co......................................Philadclelphia, Pa......... See Page 64 STRENGTH AND EQUIVALENTS OF FLAT ROPES. Manchester (England) List. Bre king Working HEMP. IRON WIRE. STEEL WIRE. Strain. Load. Circumference Circumlereuce. Circuinfereuce. Tons. Cwt. Inches. Inches. Inches. 16...... 32...... 3 by 1...... 1 by 20...... 4 " 2...... 22...... 48...... 5 114...... 2 24.. 514 I....... " l7s by Y8 26 64.1.3 "1 2 "14 27...... 72...... 14....... 3 " 23 80......6 "1........ 3 " 32 88............ 36...... 96.................. 2 32...... 33' 36...... 91 8...... l p's......, 46...... 1204 24...... 41 2...... 314 " 7 58 145...... 11 2...... 5 "...... 4 3 85...... 210...... l. " 3 6 "1...... G, " 1 s WEIGHT OF FLAT ROPES. Manchester (England) List. HEMP. IRON WIRE. STEEL WIRE. Size Weight Size Wright Ze Weight in Inches. per Fathom. inInches per Fathom. in Inches. per Fathom. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. 3 hy...... l 6 lys by 2...... 8 1 /s by 2...... 8 4 " 11;...... 20 2 5...... 1 10 5 " 1%/...... 22 23/. 12 "2 2.. i2 Y4...... 12 I~:: 24 21...... 14 2. i12 A "1....... 26 3...... 16 3 16 1..... 27 3 18 3... 18 6 " 1,; 28 3 1 20 3 "...... 24 i 1..... 32 3....22 4..28 7 " 13...... 3 6...... 24 4...... 34 1~ 2....... 40 4 5 238 81/2 2V,... 45 4 0 30/ 10 " 2 6 7...... 63 5 " 14, 39 1112 " 2 7..... 78 48 13 "3...... 98 6 " 1...... 9 84 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. IMPORTER AND JOBBER OF Railway Gar darriage Linings, Plushes, Cloths, Carpets, Satins, CURTAIN SILKS,.COTELINES, &c. 99 CHAMBERS ST., C003NE OF C00CH, NEW YORK. NIAGARA STEAM PUMP WORKS This Pump has taken the first premium at every Fair in the United States where there has been a practical test. CAS. B. HARDICK, 23 Adams Street, BI1OOKLYN, IJ. Y. SOLE MANUFACTURER OF ~___1 — I=i~ip~s~o~i HeCardick's Patent Double l —--— __'_ Acting Steam Pumps and Fire Engines. Patented in England, Belgium and France. I Send for Circular. HOLMES & LISSBEl{GER, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN MANUFACTURERS OF Iocomotive Fire Box Sheets and Flues, Braziers, and Sheet Copper, Kettle Bottoms, Bolts, Rivets, St ips, Circles and Tubes, Pig andlIngot Copper, Spelter, Solder, Tin and Lead, Pig Iron, Old Rails, &c., &c., &c. 255 & 257 PEARL STREET, -'EW- YO(RK. AGENTS FORI THE NEW HAVEN COPPER C.O. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 85 Drills. Barwick Wrench Co......................................Bo ston, Mass...................See Page 60 L. W. Pond.............................................Worcester, Mass............ " 158 Rand & Waring Drill & Compressor Co...........New York..................See Front Page. See also Drilling Machines, Tools, &c. WIND MILLS. Deduction from Velocities varyingfrom 4 to 9 Feet per Second. (Haswell.) 1. The velocity of wind-mill sails, so as to produce a maximum effect, is nearly as the velocity of the wind, their shape and position being the same. 2. The load at the maximum is nearly, but somewhat less than, as the square of the velocity of the wind, the shape and position of the sails being the same. 3. The effects of the same sails, at a maximum, are nearly, but somewhat less than, as the cubes of the velocity of the wind. 4. The load of the same sails, at the maximum is nearly as the squares, and their effect as the cubes of their number of turns in a given time. 5. When sails are loaded so as to produce a maximum effect at a given velocity, and the velocity of the wind increases, the load continuing the same —First,, the increase of effect, when the increase of the velccity of the wind is small, will be nearly as the squares of those velocities; Secondly, when the velocity of the wind is double, the effects will be nearly as 10 to 27'2; Thirdly, when the velocities compar, d are more than double of that when the given load produces a maximum, the effects increase in nearly the same r.atio of the velocity of the wind. 6. In sails where the figure and position are similar, and the velocity of the wind the same, the number of revolutions in a given time will be reciprocally as the radius or length of the sail. 7. The load, at a maximum, which sails of a similar figure and p: sition will overcome at a given distance from the centre of motion is as the cube of the radius. 8. The effects of sails of similar figure and position are as the square of the radius. 9. The velocity of the extremities of Dutch sails, as well as of the enlarged sails, in all their usual positions when unl aded, or even loaded to a maximum, is considerably greater than that of the wind. Rule for the Angles of the Sails. (Molesworth.) A = Angle of the sail with the plane of motion at any part of the sail. R = Total radius of sail in feet. D = Distance of any part of the sail from the axis. 18 D2 A = 23~ - R2 If the radius of the wid mill sails be divided into six equal parts, the angles at each of those parts will be as follows, reckoning from the axis: Distance from axis.......................... 1-6 2-6 3-6 4-6 5-6 tip Angle of sail with axis................. 6720... 69 71~... 750... 79Y25 850i Angle of sail with plane of motion... 2's.. 21.182... 15... 102 5 Axis of shaft of wind mill with horizon...............= 8 on level ground. 4" " i' " i............ = 15~ on high exposed positions. Breadth of whip at axis.................................... = 1-30th length of whip. Depth " "..................................... = 1-4th " Breadth of whip at tip......................... = 1-60th " Depth "....................................... 1-8th " Width of sail."1................................... = 1-3d " Divided by the whip in the proportion of 5 to 3, the narrow portion being nearest to the wind. Width of sail at axis................................... = 1-5th length of whip. Distance of sail from axis......................... = 1-7th' " Cross-bars from 16 to 18 inches apart. Horse-Power and Sail-Area of Wind Mills. HP 1080O00 HP = Horse-power. A = V = Velocity of wir.d in feet per second. Va A = Total area of sails in square feet. A V3 N = Number of sails. HP = ~! o1080000 Area of each sail = A -+ N. Velocity of tips of sails = 2.6 V, nearly. 86 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. JOSEPH GILLOTT'S STEEL PENS. Sold by all Dealers. Each Pen is Stamped with Ihe Maker's Name and its Particular Number. THE WELL KNOWN NUMBERS: 303, 404, 170, 351, lIaving been assumed by other makers, we CAUTION the Public AGAINST IMITATIONS. An injunction against infringements of our right to the above numbers and others as trade marks, was granted in 1867, and AFFIRMED by the Court of Appeals January, 1872. iS.nufacturers' Warehouse, 91 JOHN STREET, N. Y. JOSEPH GILLOTT & SONS. HENRY HOE, Sole Agent. ]USINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 87 Drilling Machines. Buffalo Machinery Agency...........................Buffalo, N. Y............ See Page 160 England & Bindley................................Pittsburgh, Pa.............. " 162 Isaac H. Shearman................................Philadelphia, Pa............ 80 Rand & Waring Drill & Compressor Co...........New York...................See Front Page The Pratt & Whitney Co...............................Hartford, Conn...............See Page 142 Thorne, De Haven & Co.................................Philadelphia, Pa............. 38: Wm. B. Bement & Son...............................1.... " 168 Drill Presses. Phelps & Sanger................................. Cleveland, Ohio.............See Page 120 Wm. Sellers & Co.......................................hiladelphia, Pa............. 64 Driving Wheel Lathes. Wm. Sellers & Co..........................................Philadelphia, Pa.............See Page 64 Drop Presses. Winans & Co................................................New York.................... See Page 106 Dryers,. Brooklyn White Lead Co...............................New York................ See Page 268 Jno. W. Masury & Son......................................... 214 Wetherill & Bro........................................hiladelphia, Pa............ " 52 Edge Tools. G. B. Walbridge................................ New York.....................See Page 130) Hermann Boker & Co..................... " "............See Pages 152, 154 Electrical Engineers. Charles T. Chester.................................. New York......................See Page 212. M. A. Buell..................................Cleveland, Ohio............ " 46 Towle & Unger Manufacturing Co..................New York................. " 186 Electric Alarms. Charles T. Chester.........................................New York.............See Page 212 M. A. Buell..................................Cleveland, Ohio..............; 46 Towle & Unger Mfg. Co.................................New York.................... " 186 STRENGTH AND EQUIVALENTS OF ROUND ROPES. Manchester (England) List. Breaking Working HEMP. IRON WIRE. STEEL WIRE. Strain. Load. Circumference. Circumference. Circnumlference Tons. Cwt. Inches. Inches. Inches. 3/...... 1...... 1. 4............ 1 2 6...... 2............ 3 10 2 70 42...... 6...... 5............ 6...... 8............ 1...... 1 Y2.......... 6...... 20...... 2........... 1 4...... 12...... 3...... I/I.. 7...... 24...... 3/k...... 2~...... xM 7... 24 4 8...... 27...... 4...... 2...... 9... 28...... 5 2. 2...... 1s 10...... 34...... 5...... 2 11...... 36...... 6...... 2...... 2 13...... 42...... 6...... 2 2 14...... 45...... 7 3 2 15..... 50...... 7........ 3...... 2/ 15...... 50 2/ 19 ***w 65...... 7/...... 3t/3...... 2 /4 17...... 57...... 9...... 8... 2 23...... 78...... 9/. 3...... 3 25...... 84...... 4 10 4 29 6...... 9...... 11 44...... 3% 34 1...... 18. 11 4..... 3. 36...... 120...... 12...... 5.. 3 41...... 135...... 12Y Y...... 5 4 48 r.o. 160..... 13..... 6...... U"tIJERS' GUIDE. FOil RAILWAY OFFICERS, GEO. E. NItIVCOMBU. JA S. Il. XBNE UWOOMS. JOH:yN. "EWCOAtP NEWCOMB BRO'S. SONS, 3IANU ACTURERS OF SMITHS', MOULDERS' and HAND ALSO TIE SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF BOWDEN'S 1? TENT TRIPLE-ACTION These Bellows are superior to all others now in use. = They can be used either in single or double action, for light or heavy work as required. They maintain a steady and continuous blast, the air being forced into the chest both at the up and down stroke. The strength of blast obtained is double that of the ordinary bellows of the same dimensions. They work easily. While the blast is double, the power required to work them is no more than that of a common bellows. Being fully rigged and geared, ready for work, and easily moved from place to place, they are very convenient for railroad, mining, and other purposes where portable bellows are required. They economize space, occupying only half the room of an ordinary bellows. These bellow s come to hand at once. A good blast is obtained at the first stroke, and no time or labor is lost, as in the old single-action bellows, in getting up a good blast. They can be made of any size and shape, to suit all requirements. They are the cheapest bellows in the world. With all the advantages of double-action, they cost no more, power for power, than the common single action of same quality. le'or further;articulars send for descriptive circular and price list. 586 WATER ST., near Montgomery, NEW YORK. STATE RICHTS FOR SALE. Canal Street, East Broadway and South Street Cars cross Montgomery Street, BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 89 Electric Apparatus for Mining. Geo. W. Mowbray............................North Adams, Mass.........See Page 182 Laflin & Rand Powder Co.Neuw York................See Last Page Electric Bells. Charles T. Chester........................................NewYork.......................See Page 212 Geo. H. Bliss & Co...............................Chicago, Ill.................... " 164 Leclanche Battery Co...................................New York...................... " 96 Electric Instruments. Charles T. Chester........................................New York.....................See Page 212 F. L. Pope & Co............................................. 18 Geo.. Bliss & Co.....................................Chicago, I.................... 16 Leclanche Battery Co.....................................New York...................... " 96 L. G. Tillotson & Co........................................................... 94 M. A. Buell........................................... Cleveland, Ohio............... " 46 Merchants' Manufacturing & Construction Co..New York..................... " 18 Towle & Unger Manufacturing Co.................. " "..................... " 186 Electric Machinery. Charles T. Chester........................... New York.....................See Page 212 F. L. Pope & Co...................................... " "..................... " 184 Geo. H. Bliss & Co.....................................Chicago, Ill.................... " 164 Leclanche Ilattery Co....................................New York...................... " 96 L. G. Tillotson & Co..................................... " ".................... " 94 M. A. Buell........................................... Cleveland, Ohio............... " 46 Merchants' Manufacturing & Construction Co..New York..................... " 18 Towle & Unger Maniufacturing Co.................. " "..................... " 186 WEIGHT OF ROUND ROPES. Manchester (England) List. IIErp. IRON WINRE. STEEL WIRE, Circum- Weight Circum- Weight Circnm- Weight ferelce. per ference. per per fathom. fathom. ference. fathom. Inches. Lbs. Inches. Lbs. Inches, Lbs. 2 1......... 1 8 1 1. 2%......... V2................ 111 2t/~4......... 2........ 1.1. 32................. 1 2. 13 1 V 3 3.......... 4Y2 2......... 1 2... 54 2......... 31 2...... 4 4........ 2. 2 9~ 2. 4 - - 10......... 6 21 4......... 4... 1/ 5.. 7 2....... 4 512......... 8 2...... 4 2 9......... 5.6. 9 2 5 2......... 6 6......... 10 2.4......... 7..... 12 2% 7 3 71/......... 14 3......... 7 3......... 8 16 3. 8% 3% 9 8 20 3 %......... 9 3......... I 9 22 3% 11. 3%. 1. 1 9%2 25 334 13 4 14 10......... 28 4 14 4......... 16 11. 29 414......... 16 11.... 30 4......... 18 12......... 32 5......... 20 12......... 33 5......... 23 13......... 37 6......... 27 Above weights are calculated with HIemp-hearts strands; sol'd made ropes are 1-6th heavier. 90 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. Conductors' Ticket Books I Checks, CERTIFICATES OF STOCK, S. BLANK BOOKS, 4 * ORDERS,.. BONDS, CHECKS, NOTES,., DIC BILLS, 4//E i:.. 4.:11:.:~! e; PLMAP BILLS, // iDATINC MACHINES AND HAND STAMPS. /LOCOG L AND COUPON TIME TABLES, MANIFESTS, WAY-BILLS, ENVL O OPEcS, O c. DATIN MACHINES AND HAND STAMPS. 041s for En~JelS L~~ Behl$~~~0~~ BZI~~ BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 91 Electric Signals. Charles T. Chester............................New York.....................See Page 212 The Electric Railroad Signal Co..................... "..................... " 184 Towle & Unger Manufacturing Co.................. "...................... " 186 Electric Supplies. Charles T. Chester........................................New York......................See Page 212 F. L. Pope & Co............................................New York..................... " 181 Geo. H. Bliss & Co................................ Chicago, Ill.................... " 164 Leclanche Battery Co.....................................New York...................... 96 L. G. Tillotson & Co...................................... "............ 94 M. A. Buell...................................................Cleveland, Ohio............... " 46 Merchants' Manufacturing & Construction Co..New York..................... " 18 Towle & Unger Manufacturing Co....................................... " 186 Elevators. Speedwell Iron Works........................... New York......................See Page 122 Emery. Chamnplin & Rogers.......................................Chicago, Ill....................See Page 192 D. Brewer & Co......................................Philadelphia, Pa............. " 246 T. B. Bickerton & Co................................ " 138 Emery Belts. D. Brewer & Co...................................... Philadelphia, Pa...........See Page 246 Emery Crinders. Champlin & Rogers.............................. Chicago, Ill...............See Page 192 GALVANIZED SIIEET IRON. Weight per Square Foot in ounces; Size by Numbers of Wire Gauge. Size. Weight Size. Weight Size. Weight Size. Weight __ 0 30 10 26 15 22 21 18 37' 29 11 25 16 21 24 17 i 3 28 12 24 17 20 28 16 48 27 14 23 19 19 33 14 60 SHIP SPIKES. 2Number in 100 lbs. Size in Inches. No. in Size in Inches. No. in Size in Inches. No. in Side. Length. 100 lbs. Side. Len,,th. 100 lbs. Side. Length. 100 lbs....... 3...... 1910......4 542.... 6...... 221. *86 4...... ]585 4....... 3........ 2 4..... 1326...... 46............ 19.4y1A...... 1223...... 423...... 180 6/...... 1025.........8 170 5 *- 3 1. *..... Io10............ 32s...... 8 Y2...... 160...... 5 4/...... 1963...... 345...... 340 7 9...... 15. 4...... 810 5...... 312 10...... 140...... 42 605...... 2.5...... 298...... 14(1 5...... 583...... 12l...... 280...... 289...... 120 6 5217...... 261...... 10...... 110'2....1 240...... 1 0)............ 293... 1....... 15...... 6 RAILROAD SPIKES. Size SLt, TNo. In. Iength, Thick, N0 bs. Length, Thick,.... IDnches. Inch 1 Inches. Inch' 1 0 lbs. 41.......... 7-16......... 351 5.................. 237............ 267 5....... 12463 5 71......... 326.................. 207.5.. 260 6 9-.61........ 9-16......... 175 5......... 9-16......... 197 6................. 131 5....172 92 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. Only 1One Moment of Your Time. We sell direct to the user, saving to him from one to three profits. We make the best Scale, and so warrant. EVERY SCALE SOLD ON TRIAL. The purchaser to be satisfied or no sale, and he to be the judge. %WE HAVE BUT ONE PRICE. Order by mail, and decline to be bored by agents. THE JONES SCALE WORKS, BINCHAMTON, - NEW YORK, Railroad Scales OF EVERY KIND A Specialty. 6 Ton Hay Scales, $125.00 2500 lbs. Portable, on wheels, $50.00 5 s it i- - 100.00 1250 " " " " 30.00 " " " -4 87.. Sf 10 " " " "4 22.50 240 1.. Union, - - $9.00.'- MAXIMA.-Receive with caution the statement of any one whose INTEREST it is to DECEIVE you rega O c v0 __ Co X _ L_ ____ - q -_ _ -!M!MI lIB B i l Blim! dil ME Ikrlilllllsllll!811111111111111 70 E1LEEEE * U EEEEEEEEEIIEEEEEEEEIII EL9 Enllll **EE*E*EEE*ElE*U***l 50 OEkeMLj-E-E ll-Aie-" E -olElEE'-1111|18811111 O1lBll ll |llsl llll 40IiIIIIIEEU ***EEEEE*E 30. lEE lllIEi.EIEEEE.E......ill 4ol Ill@1111 iu 1111umu 1 lu uimi I lllll i11 IMEN IIIIIIN!11111111 20 M l lll llllh ~ Ji IMi111 10iM MM MM llOMME ll1111 Exxamnpl. L-What proportion of its load on level will engine haul on grade of 20 feet per mile? Look for 20 foot grade at top, follow down perpendicular line to curve, and for percentage look at left hand on horizontal line intersected by the curve. Answer.-50 per cent. Example II. —If an engine's maximum load on 20 foot grade is 200 tons, what is its capacity on 40 foot grade? The diagram gives engine on 20 foot grade 50 per cent. of its capacity on level. Then, 200 tons being 50 per cent., the maximum load on level is 400 tons. The percentage shown on 40 foot grade is 30, and 30 per cent. of 400 gives Answer, 120 tons. This Diagram supposes track to be straight and in,ood order; the load is to be started on grade; the level is supposed to be absolute, though 5 or 10 feet to the mile is as near a level as is often found in practice. Grades of 500 feet per mile can be overcome by engines working by adhesion alone on good T rail. Tenders must be reckoned as a part of the trait, 130 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. GEO. 1. WALBRIDGE, 55 Chambers Street, New York. RAILWAY SUPPLIES, Nuts, Washers, Spikes, ADAMfS PATEN1T NUT LOCKS, FISH PLATES and BOLTS, CROW BARS, &c. PICKS and IMA'ITOCKS, Axe, Pick and Sledge Handles. DEPOT FOR SHELTON COMPANY'S TACKS, BRADS, Finishing and Clout Nails, CARRIAGE BOLTS, BED SCREWS, &C, BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 131 Iron Ores. Dhas. W. Matthews................................ Pa............See Page 38 Rhodes & Bradley....................................Chicago, Ill..................' 192 Iron Padlocks. Romer & Co.......................................Newark, N. J.................See Page 204 Ritchie & Son.............................................. "................... " 44 Iron Paints. Jno. W. Masury & Son..........................New York..................See Page 214 Iron-Pig. See Pig Iron. WHITEWASII. For Outside Wood Work. Slack Y2 bushel of lime, add 2 lbs of white vitrol and water enough to bring to consistence of thick whitewash. Th;s is white and may be colored by adding ochre, umber, lamp black, etc. When lamp black is added to water colors it should first be dissolved in alcohol. For Stone or Brick Work, etc. Slack Y2 bushel of lime, then fill the barrel two-thirds full of water and add I bushel of hlydraulic cenient, also 3 lbs. of white vitrol dissolved in water. Make about the thickness of paint and lay on with a whitewash brush. It may be improved by adding a peck of white sand before using. This mixture may be colored same as the preceeding one. For Inside Work. Whitewash for inside work shonld have no salt in it, for making it permanent use ab, ut a quart of thin glue water, or any good clear size, to a pailful of wash. NUMBER OF NAILS AND TACKS PER POUND. NAILS. Title. Size. No. per lb. TACKS 3-penny fine 1/ inch....... 760 nails. 3 "....1 ".... 48I) " Title. Length. No. per lb. 3" 14. 48) 4 " 1...... 300 " 1 oz......... inch. 16,000 5 "1...... 1 "...... 200 1 ""...... "......... " 10,666 6 2...... 160 " 2 "......... 8,1 0 7 " ~...... 2 "...... 128 " 2'"......... 6,400 V'...... 23~......... 8 "...... 21, "...... 92 3"......... 5,333 9 "...... 2 "..... 72 " 4 ".................. 4,,,00 10...... 3 "...... 60 " 6 "................ 2,666 12 "..... 31/ "...... 44 " 8 ".................. 2,0(0 16 "...... 32"...... 32 " 10 "......... 1,600 2 "...... 4 "...... 24 " 12 "......... X "......... 1,333 30 "...... 4 "...... 18 " 14 "......... "......... 1,143 40 "...... 5 "...... 14 " 16 ".................. 1,( s0 "...... 50 "...... 12 " 18 ".................. 888 60 "...... 6 "...... 10 " 20 ".........1 " 8 6 " fence, 2 "...... 80 " 22'......... 11 "......... 727 8" " 2 2"...... 50 " 21 "......... 1... ".......66 10 " " 3...... 34 12 " " 34 "...... 29 " PASTE, THAT WILL ADHERE TO ANY SUBSTANCE. Sugar of lead, 720 grs., and alum, 720 grs.; both are dissolved in water. Take 2 ounces of gum arabic and dissolve in 2 quarts of warm water. Mix in a dish 1 pound of wheat flour with the gum water cold till in pasty consistence. Put the fish on the fire, pour into it the mixture of alum and sugar of lead. Shake well, mnd take it off the fire when it shows signs of ebulition. Let the whe le cool, and;he paste is made. If the paste is too thick, add to it some gum water, till in proper iensistence. 132 BUYERS' GUID), FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. PRATT & CO., IMPORTERS and WHOLESALE DEALERS IN H A RD WA R E. PROPIIETOES OF THE BUFFALO IRON AND NAIL WORKS, FLETCHER BLAST FURNACES, SPIKE, BOLT, MACHINE 9 FORGE SHOPS. MANUFACTURERS OF Pig and Merchant Bar Iron, Rail, Bridge ~ Boat Spikes, Cold Cut NutsT Washers, Cut and Wrought Nails, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF Railroadeo Contractors' Supplies. AGENTS FOR RUSSELL & ERWIN MANF'C CO., Locks of all Kinds. AMERICAN BUTT CO., Butts of all Kinds. ROY & CO., Butts and Strap Hinges. AMERICAN SCREW CO., Wood Screws. WHEELER, MADDEN & CLEMSON, Saws of all Kinds. HENRY DISSTON & SONS., " " " BUFFALO FILE COMPANY, Files of all Kinds. WHEELER, CLEMSON & CO., " " " P. S. STUBS, Taper Saw Files. COE & COMPANY, Cenuine Coe Wrenchese D. MAYDOLE & CO., Himmers of all Kinds. LAMSON & COODNOW, Table Cutiery. NEW YORK KNIFE CO., Pocket Cutlery. ROGERS BROTHERS, Plated Ware. PARKER'S Iron and Britannia Spoons and Coffee Mill3. PRATT & CO., 44, 46, 48 & 50 Terrace, BUFFATLO, N. Y. BUSINESS DIRECTCRY, ETC. 133 Iron Pipe. A. Carr............................. New York.....................See Page 244 Evans, Dalzell & Co............................. Pittsburgh, Pa............... " 58 Hart, Ball & Hart............................ Buffalo, N. Y................ " 136 J. D. West & Co............................,..... New York...................... " 56 McNab & Harlin Manufacturing Co................ " "...................... " 220 Morris, Tasker & Co......................................Phil adelphia, Pa............. " 36 Phelpe & Sanger..................................Cleveland. Ohio.............. " 120 Iron - Railroad. See Railroad Iron. Iron Rods. Greene & Randolph................................ New York.....................See Page 54 Marshall Lefferts, Jr. (Galvanized Iron)......... " "........I............. 4t Rhode Island Nut Co; H. B. Newhall, Agent... " ".................... " 166 Iron —Sheet. See Sheet Iron. Iron Shutters and Doors. Noyes & Wines...................................New York.....................See Page 264 PRUSSIAN RAILWAYS.-2 PAGES. Regulationsfor Construction and Rolling Stock. RAILWAY 4 FEET 8/ INCH GAUGE. Minimum breadth of roadway, double line........................................... 24 ft. 9 in. cc" " single line................................... 15 ft. 6 in. Maximum gradient, level districts................................................. I in 200. hilly districts....................................................... 1 in 100. (" mountainous districts...................................... I in 40. Minimum radius of curves, flat districts...................................... 3,600 feet. " " hilly districts........................................ 1,200 ((" " mountainous districts............................... 600 " Maximum guage for straight lines and curves of more than 1,000 feet radius......................................................... 4 ft. 8.. in. Maximum guage for round sharp curves............................................. 4 ft. 9Y2 in. Minimum width of top table of rails.................................................... 24 inches. Radius of " " from............................................ 7 to 5 in. Minimum depth of rails.................................................................... 4%/ inches. Inclination of rails inwards................................. 1 in 20. Minimum depth of ballast under sleepers........................................... 8 inches. LEVEL CROSSINGS AND STATIONS. Minimuri-angle of crossing, with rails....................................... 300. " width of channel for flange at crossings.............................. 2/ inches. " depth of. 1% " depth of "'- "................................... 1/ " portion of level at stations, flat districts.............................. 1,800 feet. " " " mountainous do........................ 600' distance, centre to centre of rail in station........................... 14 radius of crossings and turnouts.......................................... 000 "1 for facing points at stations for through trains......... 1,000 diameter of engine turn-tables............................................ 38 " width of passenger platforms........................................'... 18 " Maximum height.............................................................................. 18 inches. Minimum distance of pillars in stations from rails.............................. 9 ft. 5 in. " diameter of water-crane pipes............................................. 6 inches. " height of fixed portion of water-crane above rails................. 9 ft. 6 in. LOCOMOTIVE SHEDS. Engine pits, in depth, from................................... 2 ft. 6 in. to 3 ft. 6 in. Minimum height of water tanks above rails......................... 17 feet. " engine doorways.................................................. 15 ft. 9 in. width of.................................................. 11 feet. " height of the beams from rails.................................... 19 " CARRIAGE SHEDS. Minimum distance of rail, centre to centre..................................... 14 ft. 6 in, h" eight of doorways............................................................. 13 feet. widthll of'.............................................................. 11 " 134 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. JONAS S. HEARTT & CO. 3IANUJFACTURERS OF RAILROAD CAR AND ENGINE WHEELS, STREET CAR WHEELS, Q. S, BOSWORTH'S PATENT-Best in Use. TROHY, NXEW TYOJRK. AGENTS FOR SALE OF GEO. W. SWETT & CO'S. Shafts bury Charcoal Pig Iron. PHILADELPHIA SMELTING COMPANY and WorEs, CASTINS Srrth a n Works, 244 & 246 90i1l 21st Stret, PHILADELPHIA. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 135 Iron Tubing. Evans, Dalzell & Co..................................... Pittsburgh, Pa............... See Page 58 Hart, Ball & Hart........................................Buffalo, N. Y.................. " 136 J. J. Walworth.............................................Chicago, Iil.................... " 124 Morris, Tasker & Co.....................................Philadelphia, Pa............. " 36 Phelps & Sanger........................................ Cleveland, Ohio............... 120 Providence Tool Co.; H. B. Newhall, Agent...New York............ " 166 Rhode Island Nut Co.; H. B. Newhall, Agent "'....................... " 166 Winans & Co................................................ " ". 106 Winm. Graff & Co............................................ Pittsburgh, Pa.............. " 174 Iron Wire. Ansonia Brass & Copper Co...........................New York......................See Page 122 Atwater, Wheeler & Co.................................New Haven, Conn.......... " 10 John Merry & Co..........................................New York...................... " 48 Marshall Lefferts, Jr. (Galvanized Iron)........ " ".................... " 44 Sidney Shepard & Co.....................................Buffalo, N. Y.................. " 196 PRUSSIAN RAILROADS-CONTINUED. LOCOMOTIVES, SPEED, &C. Maximum wheel base of engines, with curves 2,000 ft. radius............... 15 feet. c" " " " 1,500 "............... 13 " c" " " "I 1,000 "............... 11 " Maximum load on one axle..................................... 121/2 tons. Minimum play of flanges of wheels........................................... inches. " clear space between wheels...................................... 4 ft. 512 in. Maximum projection of flange below top of rail.................................. 14 inches. " width of tyre..................................... 6 inches. Minimum "......................................... 5 inches. diameter of driving wheel for goods engine.......................... 4 feet. " " " " passengers'.engine.................. 5 " "*'" " " express engine........................ 6 " ((" " leading and trailing wheel............................... 3 " Speed of goods train, per hour.................................................... 16 miles. Passenger train, per hour.................................................... from 25 to 33 miles. Express train, per hour................................... 40 miles. Maximum pressure in boiler, per square inch..................................... 100 lbs. Proof pressure in testing boilers....................1.................................... 150 lbs. Height of life guards above rails......................................................... 2 to 212 in. Maximum breadth of engine.................................................... 10 feet. " height of chimney above rails............................................. 15 " Millimum diameter of tender wheels................................... 3 " Maximum breadth of tender................................... 9 " " height of tender above rails................................... 8 " CARRIAGES AND WAGONS. Maximum wheel base for curves of 2,000 feet radius............................. 18 feet. Inclination of cone of tyres.............................................................. 1-20. Maximum breadth of tyre........................................... 6 inches. Minimum " ". Minimum " ".....................................................-........ 6 5 " thickness of tyre ove4 rail.................................................. " play for flanges.................................................................. Maximum ".................................................... 1 inch. Clear width between wheels.............................................................. 4 ft. 5% in. Maximum projection of flange from surface of rail.............................. 1i4 inches. Minimum diameter of wheels............................................................ 3 feet. "c " r axle at nave, with 5 tons load per axle............ 412 inches. cc" " axle journal, with 5 tons load........................... 3 " Length of axle, centre to centre of journal......................................... 6 ft. 53/ in. Maximum length of journal.................................................... 8 inches. Minimum " "............................................................. 5 " Height of centre of buffers above rails............................................... 3 ft. 5 in. Distance of centreof buffers apart..................................................... 5 ft. 9 in. " side chains apart...............................................;............. 3 ft. 6 in. Minimum diameter of buffers............................................................ 14 inches. " rounded projection............................................................ 1 inch. Maximum breadth of carriage........................................................... 8 ft. 7 in. " " wagons............................................................ 7 feet. Maximum height of carriages and wagons.......................................... 12 ft. 4 in. 136 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. Hart, Ball & Hart, BI3UFFALO, N. Y. WROUGHT IRON PIPE, FITTINGS, VALVES, COCKS, &c. All Sizes from 3 inch to 8 inch always in Stock. UNIVERSAL JOINT TELESCOPIC PIPE TANK VALVES, FOR RAILROAD WATER ST7ATIONVS. STEAM PUMPS and BOILER FEEDERS. Sounding Tools and Surface Pumps, FOR COAL MINERS' USE. BICKFORD, CURTIS & DEmING, MANUFACTURERS OF TEn "B.C.&D." BELT and HOSE, JFROLM IPURE OAK LELATfHER. AND DEALERS IN Lace Leather, Rivets, &c. 53 & 55 EXCHANGE STREET, BUFFALO, NEW YORK. .........S DI....ORY...f. 13. Iron Working Machinery. Bolen, Crane & Co............................ Newark, N. J.................. ee Page 62 Buffalo Machinery Agency.........................Bu..BUffalo, N. Y...........;....... " 160 Isaac H. Shearma n...............................Philadelphia, Pa............. " 80 L. W. Pond...................................Worcester, Mass............. " 158 Phelps & Sanger..................................Cleveland, Ohio.............. " 120 The Atlas Works................................... Pittsburgh, Pa............... 172 The Pratt & Whitney Co...............................Hartford, Conn................ " 14. Thorne, DeHaven & Co.................................Philadelphia, Pa............. " 38 Wm. B. Bement & Son.................................... ".......... " 168 Wm. Sellers & Co...................................... i............. " 64 Winans & Co................................................New York...................... " 106 Jlapans, Edward Smith & Co.....................................New York....................See Page 218 Valentine & Co............................................ " "..................... " 198 Joints. Pittsburgh Bolt Co................................... Pittsburgh, Pa...........See Page 118 MEMORANDA ON ENGLISIH RAILWAYS.-2 PAGES. Parliamentary Regulationsfor Railways Crossing Roads; Turnpike Public Occupationi Road. Road. Road. ft. in. ft. in. ft. in. Clear width of under bridge or approach....... 35 0...... 25 0...... 42 0 Clear heigth of underbridge for a width of 12 feet................................................. 16 0...... - - Do., for a width of 10 feet................... 45 0.... - Do., for a width of 9 feet........................ - -.... 44 0 Do., at springing................................ 12 0.... 42 0..... - Over bridge. Height of parapets.................. 4 0...... 4 0..... 4 0 Approaches. Inclination............................. 4 in 30...... 4 in 20...... 4 in 46 Approaches. Height of fencing................... 3 0...... 3 0...... 3 0 Narrow. Broad. ft. in. ft. in, Average formation width, single line.................................... 48 0 24 6 I.. c double linle................................... 30 0... 38 0 Average width of top ballast, single line.............................. 43 6...... 45 6 "e " " " double line................................... 24 6..... 29 0 Formation slope from centre in cuttings, 1 in 30. Width of land taken beyond bottom o slope, from 9 to 12 feet. Ditch with slopes 1 to 1, 1 foot wide at bottom. Quick mound, 1 foot 6 inches high. Post and rail fencing posts, 9 feet apart, 3 feet in the ground. 4 rails, 4 X 1/2. Dimensions of do., 7 feet 6 inches X 6 inches X 31. Intermediate posts, 3 feet apart, 5 feet 6 inches X 4 X 124. BOARD OF TRADE REGULATIONS FOR RAILWAYS. Main Line. Breaking weighth of cast-iron girders to be made = permanent load X 3 + moving load X 6. Wrought-iron bridges must not be strained to more than 5 tons per square inch when loaded with the heaviest engines. Minimum distance of standing work from the outer edge of rail at level of carriage steps = 3 feet 6 inches in England = 4 feet in Ireland. Minimum distance between lines of railway = 6 feet. Stations. Minimum width of platforms = 6 feet. " distance of columns from edge of platform = 6 feet. Steepest gradient recommended for stations = 1 in 300. Carriages. Minimum space per passenger = 20 cubic feet.'area of glass per passenger = 60 superficial inchegd width of seats = 15 inches. breadth of seat per passenger = 16 inches. number of lamps per carriage = 2. 138 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. E STBL 1ISIE13D 1820. WILLIAM J. YOUNG & SONS, MATH EMATI CAL AND ENGINEERING INS TRUMEN T MANUFA C TURERS, No. 43 North Seventh St., PHILADELPHIA. IMPROVED TRANSITS and LEVELS, TAPES, CHAINS, DRAUGHTING INSTRUMENTS. STATIONERY, ALL SUPPLIES FOR Field and Office. T. B. BICKERTON & CO.'ailroad, MIahinits' & Engineer.' SUPPLIES. No. 12 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA PAT. INTERNAL \ %!O,, 68bs\ EVERY DESCRIPTION A. INERALof CLAMP COUPLINGC Sb FIXT RES PAT. VISE COUPLINGS AN used MISSIOn SHAFTING \A Aid, Of Steam Power. From ~~ to 55 in. DIAM' %% -CFrom ~ to - in. D~I'AM. " ~)~ Pat. Improved LOOSE COLlARS. FAST COLLARS Ball and Socket - \ f 0 \ A edjustale STEEL SHAFTING made to order Adjustable'g ~ % Hangers. LARGE STOCK of FINISHED PULLEYS always on hand. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 139 Journal Bearings. G. W. W. Stevens & Co..................................New York.................... See Page 8 John Harden.................................................................... 230 Knife Grinders. D. Brewer & Co............................................. Philadelphia, Pa.............See Page 246 Lace Leather. Bickford, Curtiss & Deming...........................Buffalo, N. Y..................See Page 136 N. IH. Gardner & Co....................................... "................... " 254 Lad les. Wm. B. Bement & Son....................................Philadelphia, Pa............See Page 16S Lag Screws. Lewis Oliver & Phillips; H. B. Newhall, Agt...New York.................... See Page 166 Pittsburgh Bolt Co......................................Pittsburgh, N. Y............ " 118 Providence Tool Co.; H. B. Newhall, Agent....New York..................... " 166 Lamp Posts. Morris, Tasker & Co...................................... Philadelphia Pa............. See Page 36 R. A. Brick & Co................................ New York.................... 48 MEMORANDA ON ENGLISHI RAILWAYS-CONTINUED. Requirements. Joints of rails to be fished. Chairs to be secured by iron spikes. Fang bolts to be used at the joints of flat-bottomed rails. Stations. Ends of platforms to be ramped (not stepped). Signals and distant signals in both directions. Signals to be weighted to fly to " danger" if wire breaks. Switch handles to be brought together. " not to be worked between lines of rail. Facing points to be avoided where unavoidable, to be furnished with self-acting signal. Sidings to be supplied with locked chock-block. Sidings on a gradient falling towards the line to be provided with a blind siding. Turn-tables to be a safe distance from adjacent lines. Platforms of bridges protected from fire. Walls and handrails to be provided on viaducts at stations. Level crossing gates to be capable of being closed across bdth road and. railway. Clocks visible at all stations. Mile posts and gradient boards. Tunnels and dangerous places protected by telegraph. RECIPES F)R SEALING WAX. Red. Brown. Shellac..................... 4 ounces. Shellac................... 7Y ounces. Venice turpenitue..... 1 " Venice turpentine..... 4 Vermilion...............' Brow ochre............ " Vermilion................ " Black. Shellac........................ 60 parts. Blue. Fine ivory black.......... 30 F" ine shellac............. 7 ounces. Ven.ce turpentine........ 30 " Venice turpentine...... 3 Resin....................... I Yellow. Mineral Blue.......... "1 Shelac..............4 ounces.reen. Re-in...................... 1 " Venice turpentine..... 2 " Shellac.................... 4 ounces. Sullphuretof arsenic.., " Venice turpentine..... 2 Resin....................... 1Y Sulpl'urr:t of arsenic.:.' 4 Mineral blue............ " Melt the shellac at'the lowest necessary temperature; stir the turpentine previously warmed; and then add the colors, and pour into moulds 140 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. Skinner & Gifford Manf'g Co. Office and Works, Cor. Talcott St. & Railroad Avenue, DUNKIRK, NEW YORK, MANUFACTURERS OF Self-Acting Hoisting Machines, FOR LOCOMOTIVES AND CARS. HAND, PUSH AND DUMP CARS, IRON AND WOODEN TURNTABLES, Portable and Stationary. WRECKING DERRICKS, WATER TANK VALVES, Railw8~ and Contractors' Track Spglies, Frogs, Switches, Steel Scrapers, Cold Chisels, Claw and Tamping Bars, Spike Mauls, Bridge Bolts and Castinls-.A11 Sizes. DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES FOR Iron Roof Trusses and Cast Iron Fronts, FOR ROUND HOUSES and DEPOTS, Furnished on Application, 1 Seid for Illustrated Catalogue and Price List. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 141 Lamps. Ansonia Brass & Copper Co..........................New York.....................See Page 122 Buffalo Steam Gauge Co.................................Buffalo, N. Y.................. " 170 J. G. Knapp Manufacturing Co......................New York..................... " 16 L. G. Tillotson & Co..................................... " "..................... " 94 S. M. Aikman & Co........................................ " "..................... " 114 Vose, Dinsmore & Co..................................... ".............. 60 Lanterns. Buffalo Steam Gauge.C.............................Buffalo, N. Y..................See Page 170 L. G. Tillotson & Co.....................................New York..................... " 94 Parmelee & Bonnell................................Buffalo, N. Y.................. " 202 Orrin L. Gridley................................. c............ " C 196 Radley & McAlister Manufacturing Co...........New York.................... " 250 S. M. Aikman & Co...................................... I........... " 114 T. B. Bickerton & Co.....................................Philadelphia, Pa............. " 138 Vose, Dinsmore & Co.....................................New York..................... " 60 STANDARD SIZES OF NUTS. SQUARE NUTS. HIEXAGON NUTS. Width. Thickness. Hole. Sizeof idth Thickness. Hole. Size Of Bolt. Bolt. l.-........ 11-3........... ~ ~...... 27-32...... 1..15.......... 14 1 K~~~~~~~~~~~~~I...... a-2................... /4............ I....... 1 1............ 11 1...... 2 1 29-32.1 23 1 I. 1 2 ~~ 11 1 1' 14 15 1 13~ 1~ 31: 1............ 1 31 1...... 1............ 1...... 2...... I...... 29-32...... 1 2 3~4...... 1N 2 V4...... 1'y....... 11...... 1 4: 3 2......... 2 2...... 4...... 1... 4 3 2.... 1... ~~~~~~~13 2 Y4...~~~~~~~~~... Ys...... Ii...IY 31....... 13. I Y4...... 1......!............ I~~~~~~~~~~~I~~......... 3 9,4..................... ]~....' 4............. 2 4 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NUMBER OF NUTS OF EACII SIZE TO 100 POUNDS. COLD PUNCHED NUTS. HOT PRESSED NUTS. Square. Hexagon. Square. Hexagon. Y-in............ 194............ 3010 2-in............ 109i............ 1240..... " 810. 810.". 540............ 645.'.. 425 450 370............ 420... 243. 965, ",......... 225............ 253,"...... 166 160 1............ 145............ 165 1"............ 110.......... 105 1............ 95............ 115 1"............ 80. 80 1. 68 83 14"............ 67............ 60 114.43 50 11"............ 32............ 30 STANDARD LIGHT SIZES, HOT PRESSED, SQUARE AND HEXAGON NUTS. Short Thickns1 ol. Size of Short Thickness ole Size of Thickness~~~l Hole. Thickness. tHole. Diam.. Bolt. Diam. Bolt. 3...... 21-64............49-64.............3' ~...... I~......: 2............ 1...... 3 I.1 2...... 132 2...... 1 7-32......1....... 1-32............ 4 1~ Y...... 1 Xi... 142 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. THE PRATT & WHITNEY CO., HARTFORD, CONN., M[ANUFACTURERS OF Engine Lathes, With Sl/ae's Patent 7Tafer Attachment. Boring Mills, Shaping Machines, Planers, Drills, AND OTHER Machinists' Tools, Gun and Sewing Machine Machinery, Friction Clutch Pulleys, &c., SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLET., NEW HAVEN NUT CO. M)ANUFACTURERS OF HOT PRESSED NUTS, P. O. ADDRESS, -: M 0 1 I I 0 SW 1 a, COI N S. L. P. WOOD WORTH, J. D. PA lYVE, Superintendent. S c'y and Treas. AT A BARGAIN. One Steamer, fitted for Horses, Prince's Metal Jacket. very powerful and highly finished. One Steamer, fitted for Horses, Sheet Iron Jacket. One Single Pump Steamer, drawn by Hand, Sheet Iron Jacket. r'All built by Tlhe Allerton Iron Works Manufacturing Co., and will be sold at very low prices. ADDnEsS GEORGE M. ALLERTON, 205 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. BUtSINESS DIRECTORY, ET0. 143 Lard 011. F. S. Pease...................................................Buffalo, N. Y..................See Page 100 P. H. Moffat................................................. Chicago, Ill................... " 190 Lathe Centre Crinders. D. Brewer & Co.........................................Philadelphia, Pa.............See Page 246 Lathe Chucks. D. Brewer & Co......................................Philadelphia, Pa.............See Page 246 Lathe Dogs, Champlin & Rogers.......................................Chicago, Ill..................See Page 192 The Worcester Machine Screw Co.; H. B. Newhall, Agent......................................New York.....................See Page 166 Lathes. Bolen, Crane & Co..................................Newark, N. J.................See Page 62 Isaac H. Shearman.........................Philadelphia, Pa............. " 80 L. W. Pond................................... Worcester, Mase............. " 158 Phelps & Sanger.................................. Cleveland, Ohio.............. " 120 The Buffalo Machinery Agency......................Buffalo; N.................. " 160 The Pratt & Whitney Co................................Hartford, Conn.............. " 142 Wm. B. Bement & Son...................................Philadelphia, Pa............ 168 Wm. Sellers & Co...................................... "...., 64 Lead. Bruce & Cook................................................New York....................See Page 112 E. W. Blatchford & Co..................................Chicago, Ill................. " 124 Holmes & Lissberger................................. New York..................... " 84 Philadelphia Smelting Co.............................Philadelphia, Pa............ " 134 STANDARD SIZES OF WASHERS. Diam. Slze of Thickness, Size of Diam Size of Thickness, Size of Hole. Wire Guage. Bolt, Hole, Wire Guage, Bolt,...... No. 18 1.........No. 10.. " 16.. 2 1...... " 1...... 14........... 9 --—, " 12...... 9 a~ ~ 12......1...... 9......15 5715 2 1....0 9. 401.................. 1....510.................. 1450 1.................. 335.................. 401186 1185T STEEL. (aswel.) TEMPERING STEEL. (Hfaswell.) Steel in its hardest state being too brittle for most purposes, the requisite strength and elasticity are obtained by tempering-or letting down the temper, as it is termed-which is performed by heating the hardened steel to a certain degree and cooling it quickly. The requisite heat is usually ascertained by the color which the zurface of the steel assumes from the film of oxide thus formed. The degrees of heat to which these several colors correspond are as follows: At 4300, a very faint yellow fSuitable for hard instruments; as hammer-faces, At 4500, a pale straw color.. drills, &c. At 470~, a full yellow.......... For instruments requiring hard edges without elasticAt 4900, a brown color....... ity; as shears, scissors, turning tools, &c. At 5100, brown, with purple spoA t 510., brown, with purple......... For tools for cutting N,ood and soft metals; such as At 5380, purple................. plane-irons, knives, &c. At 5500, dark blue.............. (For tools requiring strong edges without extreme At 5600, full blue............. hardness; as cold-chisels, axes, cutlery, &c. At 6000, grayish-blue, verg J For spring-temper, which will bend before breaking; ing on black................... as saws, sword-blades, &c. If the steel is heated higher than this, the effect of the hardening process is destroyed. 144 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. ROGERS & CO. IEALtRS IN Wrought Iron Beamns, GIRDERS, T anld Angle Iron: MERCHANT'S BAR IRON. Scotch Pig, Lake Superior Charcoal, M1issouri Charcoal, and Bituminous Pig Iron. Lunmp Lehigh Coal, (FOR FOUNDRY USE.) Blossburg Coal8 (FOR BLACKSMITH'S USE.) Lackawanna Coall, Wut, Range, S8nall Egg and Large Egg. FIRE BRICK AND FIRE CLAY COAL FACING. 144 Market Street, CHICAGO, ILL. ItSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 145 Lead Pipe. Bruce & Cook...............................New York...........S.........ee Page 112 E. W. Blatchford & Co...................................Chicago, Ill.................... " 124 Learners' Telegraph Instruments. M. A. Buell................................................ Cleveland, Ohio..............See Page 40 ANGLE AND T IRONi-2 PAGES. Weight of Running Foot in Pounds. Weights of - (channel) and H iron mhay be found froin the Table of Angle and T iron in the following manner, provided the web and flanges are of the sama mean thickness: Let the number of the side column referted to equal half the sum of the depth of web and breadth of both flanges; then twice the weight corresponding thereto will be the weight per lineal foot, according to the thickness, of the channel or H iron required. 0. Thickness in Fractions of an Inch. ln s. Ys Y4 X Y8 Yff Y2 Y 4 2 1.13... 1.46... 1.76... 2.03............... / 1.21... 1.56... 1.89... 2.19.................. 1.29... 1.67... 2.02... 2.34.......... 34 1.37. 1.77... 2.15... 2.............. 1.45... 1.88... 2.28... 2.66.....01...... 1.52... 1.98... 2.41... 2.81... 3.19............ 1.6... 2.08... 2.54... 2.92.. 3.37............ 1.68... 2.19... 2.67... 3.13... 3.55...... 3 1.76... 2.29... 2.8... 3.28... 3 74.... 4.17............ 1.84... 2.4... 2.93... 3.44... 3.92... 4.37........... V 1.91... 2.5... 3.06... 3.59... 4.1... 4.58............ 3 1.99... 2.6... 3.19... 3.75... 4.28... 4.79..... 2.07.. 2.71... 3.32... 3 91... 4.47... 5.... 5.51........ 2.15... 2.81... 3.45... 4.06... 4.65... 5.21... 5.74... 2.23... 2.92... 3.58... 4.22... 4.83... 5.42... 5.98......... 2.3... 302... 3.71... 4.38... 5.01... 5.63... 6.21......... 4 2.38... 3.13 3.84... 4.53... 5.2... 5.83... 6.45... 7.04... 2.46... 3.23. 3.97... 4.69... 5.38... 6.04... 6.68... 7.29 4 2.54... 3.33... 4.1... 4.84... 5.56... 625... 691... 7.55... 2.62... 3 44... 4.23... 5.... 5.74... 6.46... 7.15... 7.81...... 2.7... 3.54... 4.36... 5.16... 5.92... 6.67... 7.38... 8.07...... 2 2.77... 3.65... 4.49... 5.31... 6.11... 6.87... 7.f 2... 8.33... 9 02... 2.85... 3.75... 4.62... 5.57... 6.29... 7.08... 7.85... 8.59... 9.31... 2.93... 3.85... 4.75... 5.62... 6.47... 7.29... 8.09... 8.85... 9.6 5 3.01... 3.96... 4.88... 5.78... 6.65... 7.50... 8.32... 9.11... 9.88... 10.62 3.09... 4.06... 5.01... 5.94... 6.84... 7.71... 8.55... 9.37... 10.17... 10.94 3.16... 4.17... 5.14... 6.09... 7.02... 7.91... 8.79... 9 63... 10.45... 11.25 3.24... 4.27... 5.27... 6.25... 7.2... 8.12... 9.02... 9.9... 10.74... 11.56 1.3.32... 4.37... 5.4... 6.41... 7.38... 8.33... 926... 10.16... 11.03... 11.87 r3 3.4.. 4.48.. 5.53... 6.56... 7.56... 8.54... 9.49... 10.42... 11.31... 12.19 5 3.48... 4.58.. 5.66... 6.72... 7.75... 8.75... 9.73... 10.68... 11.6... 12.5 3.55... 4.69... 5.79... 6.87... 7.93... 8.96... 9.96... 10.94... 11.89... 12.81 6 3.63... 4.79... 5.92... 7.03... 8.11... 9.17... 10.19.. 11.2... 12.17... 13-12 1/. 371.. 4.9... 6.05... 7.19... 8.29... 9.37... 10.43... 11.46... 12.46... 13.43 3.79...... 6.18... 7.34... 8.48... 9.58... 10.66... 11.72... 12.74... 13.75 3 3.87... 5.1... 6.32... 7.5... 8.66... 9 79... 10.9... 11.98... 3.03... 14.06 3.95... 5.21... 6.45... 7.66... 8.84... 10... 11.13... 12.24... 13.32... 14 37 4.02... 5.31... 6.58... 7.81... 9.02... 10.21... 11.37... 12.5... 13.6... 14.68 4.1.. 5.42... 6.71... 7.97... 9.21... 10.42... 11.6... 12.76... 13.89... 15. 4.18..: 5.52... 6.84... 8.13... 9.39... 10.63... 11.84... 13.02... 14.18... 15.31 14B DtUYERS' G0UIbDi, O0R RAILWAY OFFICERS. ESTABLISHED 1845. GEO. C. FISe,~ President. H. S. HYDE, Treasurer............ WASON MANUFACTURING CO. SPRINGFIELD, MASS., BUILDERS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF RAILWAY CARS, MANUFACTURERS OP CAR WHEELS AND RAILWAY CASTINGS,1 Particular attention paid to the Shipment of Cars, and Materials for Cars, to all parts of the world. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 147 Leather Belting. A. Carr......................................................... New York.................... See P>ae 244 Bickford, Cnrtiss & Deming........................... Buffalo, N. Y.................... " 136 Buffalo Machinery Agency.............................Buffalo, N. Y.................. " 160 Darrow, Turner & Co..................................New York..................... " 62 J. J. Walworth........................................... Chicago, Ill.................... " 124 N. H. Gardner & Co....................................Buffalo, N. Y................. " 254 Radley & McAlister Mfg. Co...........................New York...................... " 25() ~ose, Dinsmore & Co................................... "...................... " 60 William Green & Co....................................Wilmington, el........... 248 ANGLE AND T IRON.-CONTINUED. Weight of Running Poot, in Pounds. See Note at head of this Table. A. 4op., CZ Thickness in Fractions of an Inch. 4 o Ins.'s Y 1 Y 6 % 4L S 1 7 6.97... 8.28... 9.57... 10.83... 12.07... 13.28... 14.47... 15.62... 17.86... 20. 7.10... 8.44... 9.75... 11.04... 12.3... 13.54... 14.75... 15.93... 18.23... 20.42 7.23... 8.59... 9.93... 11.25... 12.54... 13.8... 15.04... 16.25... 18.59... 20.83 3 7 36... 8.75... 10.12... 11.46... 12.77... 14.05... 15.33... 16.56... 18.96... 21.25 7.i... 11.67.. 13.(,1.. 14.32.. 1.61... 16.87.. 19.32.. 21.67 7.62... 9.06... 10.48... 11.87... 13.24.. 14.58... 15.9... 17.19... 19.69... 22.08 7.75... 9.22... 10.66... 12.08... 13.48... 14.84... 16.18... 17.5... 2' 1.05... 22 5 7.88... 9.37. 1(.85... 12.29... 13.71... 15.1.. 16.47.. 17.81.. 20.42.. 22.92 8 8.01... 9.53..11.03.. 12.5... 13.94.. 15.36... 16.76... 18.12... 20.78... 23 33 IL 8.14... 9.69 11.21... 12.71.. 14.18... 15.62... 17.04... 18.44... 21.15... 23.73 8.27... 9.84... 11.39... 12.92... 14.41... 15.88... 17.33... 18.75.. 21.51... 24.16 3 8.43... 10.... 11.57... 13.12... 14.65... 16.15... 17.62... 19.06... 21.87... 24.58 8.3... 10.16... 11.76... 12.33... 14.88..': 16.41... 17.9... 19.37... 22.24... 25. 8.66... 10.31... 11.94... 13.54... 15.12... 16.67... 18.19... 19.69... 22.6.. 25.41 8.79... 10.47... 12.12... 13.75... 15.:35... 16.93... 18.47... 20.... 22.97... 2..83 8.92... 1.62...:2.3... 13.96... 15.58... 17.19... 18.76... 20.31... 23.33... 26.25 9.05... 10.78... 12.49... 14.17... 15.82... 17.45... 19.05... 20.62... 23.7... 26.68 9.31. 11.09.. 12.85.. 14.58.. 16.29... 17.97.. 19.62.. 21.25... 24.42.. 27.50 9.57.. 11.41... 13.22... 15.... 16.76... 18.49... 20.19... 21.87.. 25.15... 28.33 4 9.83... 11.72... 13.58... 15.42... 17.23... 19.01... 20.77... 22.50... 25.88... 29.16 10 10.09.. 12.03... 13.95... 15.83... 17.7... 19.53... 21.34... 23.12... 26.61... 30. V 10.35... 12.34... 14.31... 16.25... 18.16... 20.05... 21.91... 23.75... 27.3i... 30.83 10.61... 12.66... 14.67...16.67... 18.63... 20.57... 22.49... 24.37... 28.07... 31.67 Y4 10.87... 12.97... 15.04... 17.08... 19.1... 21.09... 23.06... 25.... 28.8... 32.5 11 11.13... 13.28.. 15.4.. 17.5.. 19.57.. 21.61.. 23.63.. 25.62... 29.53.. 33.33 1 11.39.. 13.59... 15.77... 17.92....20.04... 22.13... 24.2... 26.25... 30.26... 34.17 Y 11.65... 13.91... 16.13... 18.33... 20.51... 22.66... 24.78... 26.87... 30.99... 3h. /4 11.91... 14.22... 16.5... 18.75... 20.98... 23.18... 25.35... 27.5... 31.72... 35.83 12 12.17.;. 14. 53.. 16.86... 19-17... 21.44... 23.7... 25.92... 28.12... 32.45... 36. 7... 14.84.. 17.23... 19.58... 21.91.. 24.22... 26.5... 28.75... 33.17... 37.5... 15.16.. 17.59... 20.. 22.38... 24.74... 27.07... 29.37.. 33.9... 38.33... 17.96... 20.42... 22.85... 25.26... 27.64... 30.. 34.63... 39.16 13..... 18.32.. 20.83.. 23.32... 25.78... 28.22.. 30.62.. 35.36.. 40. V........... 21.25... 23.79... 26.3... 28.79... 31.25.. 36.09... 40.83 1............... 21.67... 24.26... 26.82... 29.36 6.. 31.87... 36.Q2.... 4.67......... 22.08... 24.73.. 27.34.. 29.93... 32.5... 37.55... 42.5 14 ~........ -...22.5...25.19.. 27.86... 30.51... 33.12... 38.28.., 43.-33.........22.92... 25.66.. 28.38... 31.08... 33.75... 39.01... 44.17... 23.33...26.13... 28.91... 31.65.. 34.37.. 39.74... 45. X......... 23.75... 26.6.. 29.43... 32.22...35.... 40.47..;45.83 15.......... 24.17... 27.07... 29.95... 32.8... 35.62..L41.2 -...46.67 148 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. RAILROAD MACHINERY, TIRES, &c., &c. CE, uji; s c ALSO REPAIR AND REBUILD LOCOMOTIVES. It The above Works, lo ated on the N. Y. C. R. R., near the centre of the State, possess superior factories for forwarding work to any part of the country. State, possess superior facrilities for forwarding work to any part of the country. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 149 Leather Hose. A. Carr.....................................................New York................... See Page 244 Bickford, Curtiss & Deming...........................Buffalo, N. Y................... " 136 Darrow, Turner & Co.................................. New York..................... " 62 Vose, Dinsmore & Co..................................... " "..................... " 60 Leather of All Kinds. Wm. Green & Co..........................................Wilmington, Del............. See Page 248 ADHESIVE POWER OF LOCOMOTIVES. Adhesion per Ton of Load on the Driving Wheels: When the rails are very dry.................. 600 lbs. per ton. When the rails are very wet.................. 550" " In misty weather if the rails are greasy.. 300 " In frosty or snowy weather................... 200 " In coupled engines the adhesive force is due to the load on all wheels coupled to the driving wheels.'Ihe adhesive power must exceed the tractive force of an engine on the rails, otherwise the wheels will slip. For loads on driv ng wheels, see below. DISTRIBUTION OF WEIGHT IN LOCOMOTIVES. The average distribution of the weights of a six-wheeled locomotive on its wheels is: Assuming the total weight of the engine in working order to be 1; Passenger Freight Engines. Engines. Load on leading wheels........32.......34 " driving wheels.......48.......36 " trailing wheels.......20.......30 Total weight of engine...... 100...... 100 Passenger engines, narrow gauge, average... from 20 to 30 tons. Freight engines.................................. " 24 to 32 " Broad-gauge engines, first class.................. " 35 Incline engines.......................................... " 40 to 47 " TRACTIVE POWER OF LOCOMOTIVES. Let D = Diameter of cylinder in inches. P = Mean pressure of steam in cylinders in lbs. per square inch. "L = Length of stroke in inches. "W = Diameter of driving wheel in inches. D2PL Tractive force on rails in lbs. will equal —. W EFFECTIVE PRESSURE OF STEAM ON PISTON. With Different Rates of Expansion.-Boiler Pressure being assumed at 100 lbs. per square inch. Effective pressure. Steam cut off at 4 of stroke = 90 "' " = 80 " I Y/ 4 = 69 i X c " = 50 " "i = 40 TO FIND THE LOAD WHICH AN ENGINE WILL TAKE ON A GIVEN INCLINE. Let G = Resistance- due to gravity on the steepest gradient in lbs. per ton. See page 151. " R = Resistance due to assumed velocity of train in lbs. per ton. See page 151. T = Tractive power of engine in lbs. as found above.' W - Weight of engine and tender in tons. The load the engine can take in tons, including the weight of the waggons, T but not that of engine and tender will equal = W. G+R 150 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS. ANDERSON & WOODS,:IT::'J:R C:;, ~A. REVERSIBLE STEEL FROGS, Best Refined Tool Steel, R. R. Cast Spring Steel, Frog Points, Side Bars, Slide Bars, Connecting Rods, Locomotive and Car Axles, Crank Pins, Piston Rods, Cast Steel Crow Bars. FORCINS OF ANY DESCRIPTION MADE TO ORDER. FROGS AND CROSSINGS MADE TO ANY ANGLE, OUR F R O C S ARE N'OWV IN USE on the FOLLOWIVNG ROADS: Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad. New York Central & Iludson River Railroad. Allegheny Valley Railroad. Fittsburgh, Washington & Baltimorc Railroad. Wisconsin Central Railroad. Louisville & Nashville Railroad. Oil Creek & Allegheny River I-Railroad, Union Railway. Houghton & Ontonagon Railroad. St. Louis & Iron Mountain Railroad. Atlantic & Pacific Railroad. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 151 Levels. F. Eckel.................................... New ork.....................See Page 76 Kuebler & Seelhorst..............................Philadelphia, Pa.............. " 216 Wm. J. Young & Sons...................... cc 138 Lightning Rods, J. D. West & Co............................... New York........ See Page 56 Light Locomotives. Porter, Bell & Co...................................... Pa............... See Page 128 Lime Kiln Blocks. Philip Neukumet............................... Philadelphia, Pa...........See Page 104 Linen Hose. A. Carr.........................................................New.York.................. See Page 244 TABLE OF GRADIENTS AND RESISTANCE DUE TO GRAVITY PER TON, FOR EACH. (Ilaslett.) Vertical Rise. Vertical Rise. one in feet. lbs. one in feet. lbs. 100......... 52.8......... 22.4 60......... 88.......... 37.3 98......... 53.9......... 22.8 58.......... 91.......... 38.6 96......... 55.......... 23.3 56......... 94.2......... 40. 94......... 56.1......... 23.8 54......... 97.7......... 41.4 92......... 57.5......... 24.3 52......... 101.5......... 43. 90......... 58.6......... 24.9 50......... 1(5.6......... 44.8 88......... 60.......... 25.4 48........ 11. 10......... 46.6 86......... 61.3......... 26. 46......... 115.......... 48.6 84......... 62.8......... 26.6 44......... 120.......... 50.9 82......... 64.3......... 27.3 42......... 125.7......... 53.3 8')......... 66........... 28. 40......... 132.......... 56. 78......... 67.6......... 28.7 38......... 138.9......... 58.9 76......... 69.4......... 29.4 36......... 146.6......... 62.2 74......... 71.3......... 32.2 34......... 155.3......... 65.8 72......... 73.3......... 31.1 32......... 165.......... 70. 70......... 75.4......... 32. 30......... 176.......... 74.6 68......... 77.6......... 32.9 28......... 188.5......... 80. 66......... 80........... 33.9 26......... 203.......... 86.1 64......... 82.5......... 35. 24......... 220.......... 93.3 62......... 85.1......... 36.1 22......... 240.......... 101.8. RESISTANCE OF TRAINS, ON A LEVEL. AT DIFFERENT SPEEDS, IN LBS. per TON OF LOAD. (Molesworth.) V = Velocity in miles per hour. R = Resistance in lbs. per ton of train. V2 R — +8. 171 The resistance of curves may be reckoned as 1 per cent. for each degree of the curve occupied by the train. Impertections of road vary from 5 to 40 per cent. Strong side winds..................... 20 " Velocity of train in 10. 15... 20... 30... 40... 50... 60... 70 miles per hour..... Resistance on straight} 8s... 9... 10V1,... 13V4... 17V4... 22o... 29... 36Y/ line in lbs. per ton...J 2 Do., with sharp curves 13... 14 5 20... 26... 34 43%... 55 and strong wind*.... * 50 per cent added to resistancc on straight line. 152 3JBUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. HERMANN BOK-ER & CO. PROPRIETORS OF THE TRENTON VISE and TOOL WORKS, AND IMPORTERS OF German and English Hardware, 101 & 103 DUANE STREET, AND 91 & 93 THOMAS STREET, NiEW Y O R]K. Coil and Cable Chains, Spiegeleisen, Steel Tyres, Files and Tools, F, & E. Steel Rails, Fish Bars, aC Steel Bells for Anvils. Stations, Ferries and Towers. SOLE A GENTS FOR THE H. BOKER'S Unrivalled Scissors, Pocket Cutlery & Hardware. Sole Agent of the Celebrated Cimlet Bit, No. 679. PETER WRICHT'S Anvils, Trace and Coil Chains. STUBS' Taper Saw Files, Adams' Punches. BUTCHERS' Files, Tools and Razors, " Coodlad" Files. BRADE'S Trowels, Hedge Shears, Spurs, Curry Combs. MANHATTAN Cutlery and "0. K." Razors. LAMSON & COODNOW M'F'O CO., Table & Butchers' Knives. WILSON'S Butcher Knives and Steels. LINACRE'S Crass Hooks and Crain Sickles. T. WALDRON'S Scythes and Straw Knives. ENGLISH and GERMAN Guns, Caps, &c. CERMAN Halter and Coil Chains. SEND FOR AN ILLUSTRATED PRICE LIST. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 153 Linseed Cake. Campbell & Thayer....................................... New York......................See Page 264 Linseed Oil. Atlantic White Lead Co.-Rob't Colgate & Co. New York..............See Pages 238, 240 Campbell & Thayer.................................. See Page 264 C. E. Hecht................................................Easton, Pa..................... " 158 E. W. Blatchford & Co...................................Chicago, Ill.................... 124 F. S. Pease.......................Buffalo, N. Y.................. 100 John Jewett & Son.................................... New York..................See Pages 72, 74 Litharge. Atlantic White Lead Co.-Rob't Colgate & Co. New York..............See Pages 238, 240 Brooklyn White Lead Co.............................New York..................... See Page 268 Wetherill & Bro.....................................Philadelphia, Pa............. " 52 Lithography. Allen, Lane & Scott...................................Philadelphia, Pa.............See Page 90 Chas. F. Ketcham......................................... New York...................... " 262 Warren, Johnson & Co.................................Buffalo, N. Y.................. " 100 Local and Coupon Tickets. Allen, Lane & Scott................................... Philadelphia, Pa............See Page 99 Warren, Johnson & Co..................................Buffalo, N.Y................... " 100 SHELLS OF BOILERS. Resistance to Internal or Bursting Pressure. (From Hlaswell.) Bursting Pressure Bursting Pressure a: per Square Inch. per Square Inch. ~ ~ a VW Sss al Feet. Ins. Lbs. Lbs. Feet. Ins. Lbs. Lbs. 2...... 1...... 573...... 745 7.6............ 191...... 248 2.6...... 14...... 458...... 596 7.6...... 229...... 298 3............ 382...... 496 8...... 179...... 233 3.4...... 318...... 414 8............215...... 279 3.4...... 398...... 518 8.6 168...... 219 3.6 4...... 327...... 426 8.6............ 202.... 263 3.6............ 409...... 532 9............. 159...... 207 4...... 286...... 372 9...... 191...... 248 4 358...... 465 9.6...... 150...... 196 4.6............ 254 331 9.6.....181. 235 4.6...... 318...... 413 10..... 143...... 186 5...... %...... 229...... 298 10........... 172...... 224 5...... 286 372 10...... 229...... 298 5.6 14...... 1...... 2(08....... 27(0 l10.6............ 136...... 177 5.6...... 260 338 10.6............ 163...... 212 5.6 312...... 218...... 284 6....191...... 248 11......156 2...... 203 6 239...... 311 11 208...... 271 6............ 286...... 372 11.6...... 149...... 194 6.6... X.220...... 287 11.6...... 1/M...... 199...... 259 6,6............ 264 344 12............ 143...... 166 7...... 204...... 266 12...... Y /...... 191...... 248 7...... X...... 245...... 319 Tensile resistance of the plates without Riveting is taken at a mean of 55,000 pounds per square inch. The single-riveted are estimated at.5 the resistance of the plates, and the staggered riveted at.65. Such allowances for the resistance and wear of the plates, oxydation, etc., are to be wrade, as the character of the metal, the nature of the services, and the circumstance of using fresh or salt water, etc., will render necessary. In riveted plates, it is customary in practice to estimate the safe tensile resistance of the metal of a boiler or tube, when exposed to salt-water, at one-fifth of its ultimate resistance or bursting pressure; and, when exposed to fresh-water alone, at one-fourth of it, 154 lBUYERS' CGUIDE, FORL 1RAILWAY OFFICERS. TRENTON VISE TOOL WWo1Ks, T' 3E N T ON, N. J. HERMANN BOKER & CON. PROPRIETORS. Ocen and Warehouse, 101 & 103 Duane Street, and 91 & 93 Thomas Street, VISES. EAa.ERS. PICiS. Swivel Vises. Striking. Railroad. Plain Parallel. Napping. Miii. Coachmakers. Hand Drilling. Stone. Solid Box. Blacksmiths. Clay. Pipe. Mason. Coal, Vise Screws. Stone. Engineers, Railroad Mauls. Stone Sledges. Chipping. Smith Sledges. Riveting. Ship Mauls. Coal Sledges. Ball Pene. Mattocks. Chisels, Tongs, Bench Screws, Wedges, Crowbars, &c. 1 SEiD FOR ILLUSTRATE D PRICE LIST. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 155 Lock Nuts. Jno. W. Quincy.............................................New York......................See Page 178 Lock Nut & Bolt Co. of New York....................................... 272 Vose, Dinsmore & Co..................................... " ".................. " 60 Locks. L. G. Tilloson & Co.......................................New York...................... See Page 94 Pratt & Co............ Buffalo, N. Y.................. 132 Radley & BlcAlister Manuftcturing Co............New York...................... " 250 Ritchie & Son..................................Newark, N. J................. 44 Romer & Co.......................................0....................... " 204 Vose, Dinsmore & Co.....................................New York...................... " 60 Locomotive Balances. Tyng & Co...................................................New York......................See Page 260 Locomotive Bells, A. Fulton's Son & Co.....................................Pittsburgh, Pa...............See Page 116 Locomotive Blocks. Hall & Sons....................................Buffalo, N. Y..................See Page 254 Maurer & Weber.................................. New York...................... " 228 Philip Neukumet........................................Philadelphia, Pa............ " 104 Star Fire Brick Co......................................Pittsburgh, Pa............... 232 Locomotive Builders. Baldwin Locomotive Works...........................Philadelphia, Pa..............See Page 78 Porter, Bell & Co......................................Pittsburgh, Pa............... 128 Schenectady Locomotive Works.....................Schenectady, N. Y.......... " 148 Locomotive Head Lights. Buffalo Steam Gauge Co.................................Buffalo, N. Y..................See Page 170 Radley & Mc Ilister Manufacturing Co...........New York....................... 250 Vose Dinsmore & Co........................................................ " 60 WROUGHT IRON FLUES. Resistance to Collapsing Pressure. (From Haswell.) ~.L Oa. - -4, Ins. Feet. Ins. Lbs. Ins. Feet. Ins....... Lbs. 6...... 10.......2...... 417 1II'/...... 12.......2...... 197 62...... 1.......2...... 385 ~......... 3......'0.......2...... 357 11 12...... 532 7...... lo...... V/...... 580 1a2..... 15........ 153 7,...... 1..0.......12...... 33 1....... 239 7 /i2 10.... lo.......... 542 12 5...... 5 —,...... 415 8..... 10......2..... 32 12 5...... [......... 229 8...... 10...... 4....20 2...... 312...... 9 Hlr QQtO ~ H.Ins... eet. Ins. Lbs..... Ins5....... Lbs. 8 2.... o...... ~4...... 478 1,3...... 5... &...38 6...... ]0.......2...... 247 1i3...... 15...... 97...... 20 62 I.. 2..... 48 13/...... 15............ 308 7...... 10.......2...... 357 13. 12...... 32.... V4 1 79...... 10...... 4...... 28 4..... 7 90...... 12.......2...... 227 14...... 18...... V....180 0.......33 12...... 15...... 239...... 642 12.................. 415 10Y...... 2.......2...... 31216 125 15............ 27629 8 10 4 508 12,. 5..358 10...... 2...... 337 13...... 20......15 220 8', 10 478 13 15384 90............ 278 13 15 20...... 26712 9 1 451 13...... 15 369 f 10 2.263 14 1. 54 176..10 1o 427 14 o 8 305 10 12. 227 14', 18'~168 10 12 1 354 14j~ 18 294eo 10 12:::~612 15 20 1/415 10 1.. 216 15 20276 10, 12'.337 1~ 20 1 5 10'si 12~~ 583 15'~. 2026 11 1..... O21 16 20'/4 148 11II ~:::: 322Lr, 10; 20.. oO.... ~... 231 Poe niotee azt foot of table ab~out She~lls of Boilers," p~age 153. 15s BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. AMERICAN SAW COMPANY, No. 1 FERRY STREET, COR. OF GOLD NEW YORK. Patent Movable-Toothed Circular Saws, PATENT PERFORATED CIRCULAR SAWS, MILL, MULAY AND CROSS-CUT SAWS. SEND FOR PAMPHLET, ltUSNESS DI[RECTORY, ETC. 157 Locomotives. Baldwin Locomotive Works...........................Philadelphia, Pa............See Page 78 Greene & Randolph..................................... New York...................... " 54 H. N. Winans-(Boiler Powders)..................... " ".................... 108 Miller & Smith............................................. ".................. " 112 O. W. Child........................................ "'..................... " 262 Porter, Bell & Co......................................Pittsburgh, Pa............... 128 Schenectady Locomotive Works.....................Schenectady, N. Y.......... 148 Wiard Locomotive Attachment Co. —(AntiExplosive)..........................................New York......................See Page 110 Log Sawing Machine. J. T. & R. II. Plass............................... New York......................See Page 208 Looking Classes. Leffingwell & Co..........................................Cleveland, Ohio..............See Page 190 See also, Glass-Looking. Lubricating Oils. Eclipse Lubric Oil Co....................................New York.........See Page facing Title Frazer Lubricator Co.................................... "............. See Page 264 F. S. Pease....................................................Buffalo, N. Y.................. " 100 Isaac U. Coles..............................New York..................... " 20 P. II. Moffat..................................Chicago, Ill.................... 190 Posts & Kalkwran.......................... New York.................... " 266 Wm. B. Browne & Co................................... " "..................... " 266 BOARD MEASURE-4 PAGES. Table gives Feet of Board Measure to One Running Foot of Board. Area of a running foot n.ultiplied by length in feet, will give superficial contents of board in square feet. Application of Table: A board is 1 inch thick, 1 foot 43 inches wide by 21. feet long. What is its contents? Answer, 1 foot equal 1, and 43 in. equal.3958, therefore, 1 foot 4/ in. equal 1.3958, multiplied by 21, equal 29.3 feet, which is contents of board. Width of Board in Inches. Thick. 14h. Y Y 3 1 14 14 134 2 214 1 0104....0156....0208....026....0313...0365...0417...0469.0521.0209....0313....0417....0521....0625....0729...0833...0938...1, 42.0313....0469....625....07 81....0938...1094...125...1406...163 1.0417....0625....0833....1042....125...1458...1667...1875...2083.0521....0781...1042....1302...1563...1823...2083....234.2604.0625....0938...125....1563....1875....2188....25...2813...3125.0729....1094...1458....1823....2187....2552..2917...3281...3646 2.0833....125...1667....203...25...2917...3333....375...4166.0938....1406...1875....2344....2813....3281...375...4219...4688.1()42.1563...2083....2604...3125...3646...4167...4688....5208 4.1146....1719...2292....2865...3438...401...4583...5156...573 3.125....1875...25....3125....375....4375....5...5625.625.1355....2032....2708....3385....403...4739....5416....6094....677.1457....2186...2917....3646...4375...5104.5833....6563...7292.1563....2345...3125....3906....4689....5469...625....7031....7813 4.1666....25.3333....4167....5....5833....6667.75....8333 1 177.. 2655....3542.. 4427....5312... 6198.. 7083....797....8854.1875....2813....375....4688....5625....6563....75....8438....9375.198.297....3958....4948....5938....6927.7917....8905....9895.2083....3125.416;7....5208...625....7292...8333...9375... 1.004.2187...3231...4375...547...6562....7655...875....9845... 1.095 4.2291..3437.. 4583...5729....6875...802.9166... 1.03... 1.145 4.2395.3594...4791.....599.7187....8385..9583... 1.077... 1.198 6.25....375....5....625....75....875... 1... 1.125... 1.25 158 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. ESTABLISIHE D 1847. LUCIUS W. POND, MANUFACTURER OF MACHINISTS' TOOLS, Works, Corner of Union & Exchange Sts., WORCESTER, Mass. WM. B. HOWE, Sup't. l iWarerooms, 98 Liberty St., N. Y. GARDNLR LIGHT, M.M.) ( A. C. STEBBINS, Agt. ALSO, SOLE MANUFACTURER OF Taft's Celebrated Hand Punches and Shears, for Metals. Lehictonll Paint and Linseeo Oil Mills, C. E. HECHTt E{A...H.D. EASTON, PENI'A. MANUFACTURER OF LINSEED OIL, LEADS, ZINCS AND COLURS. " CAR COLORS" FOR FREIGHT, COAL AND PASSENGER CARS, A SPECIALTY. IFSend me a sample of what you want, and I will give you a price._, I DEFY COMPETITION. FRANK M. ALFORD, AVON, CO NYf., MANUFACTURER OF Best Quality Cotton, Hemp and Water-Proof SAFETY FUSE. WARRANTED SURE TO IGNITE THE CHARGE. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 159 Lubricators. A. Carr.................................New York.....................See Page 244 Crane Bros. Manufacturing Co........................Chicago, Ill................. " 230 Frazer Lubricator Co............................ New York...................... " 264 Isaac U. Coles..................................................................... " 20 J. G. Knapp Manufacturing Co....................... " "................. " 16 McNab & Harlin Manufacturitg Co................ " "......................' 220 Pancoast & Maule......................................Philadelphia, Pa............ " 26 Posts & Kalkman................................. New York..................... " 266 Wiard Locomotive Attachment Co.................. " "...................... 110 Lumber. Joseph Churchyard...................................... Buffalo, N. Y......... See Page 160 Machine Bits. Champlin & Rogers........................... Chicago, Ill....................See Page 192 Machine Bolts. Wm. H. Haskell & Co; *I. B. Newhall, Agent..New York.................... See Page 166 Providence Tool Co.; " "..................................... 166 Machine Forgings. Pittsburgh Forge & Iron Co...........................Pittsburgh, Pa............... See Page 174 Machine Oils. Isaac U. Coles...................................... New York................... See Page 20 Wm. B. Browne & (o 266........................... " "..................... " 266 See also, Lubricating Oils, Oils, &c., &c. Machine or Nut Taps. RB. L. IIoward & Son.......................................Buffalo, N. Y.................. See Page 40 The Worcester Machine Screw Co.; H. B. Newhall, Agent............................ New York............ See Page 166 See also, Taps; Nut Tappers, &c. BOARD MEASURE-CONTINUED. Feet of Board Measure to One Running Foot of Board (See application at head of table.) Width of Board in Inches. Thick. 2Y 3 3 32 3 4 41 4 434 1.0573... 06~5.. 0678....073....078..0833....0885.. 0937.. 099.1145....125...1355.1457....1562 *-..1668....177...1875...198.172....1875.203.2188....2344....25....2656....3813....297 1.2292...25...2708..2917...3125....3334....3542...375....3958 1.2865....3125...385...3645....3906....4167....4426...4687...494..3438...375...40)62...4375....4687....5....5314...5625.. 9.5938.401.4375...474..5105....5470....5834...6198...6563.6927 2.4583..5....5417....5834....625....6667....7084....75...7917.5155...5625...6095....6563...703....75....797...8437...83905.573....625...677..*.7292...7814....8334....8855...9375...9895 1.6302....6875....7448....802....8595..917.974... 1.03... 1.09 3.6875....75...81'25...875.. 9375... 1.... 1.063... 1.125... 1.1S8.744. S...25.8802...948... 1.016... 1.083... 1.15... 1.22... 1.286.802....875....98... 1.021... 1.095... 1.168... 1.24... 1.314... 1.386 V.8595.... 9375... 1.015... 1.095... 1.172... 1.25... 1.327... 1.406... 1.485 4.9167... 1... 1.802... 1.168... 1.25... 1.333... 1.415... 1.5... 1.583 I., 974... 1.062... 1.15... 1.24... 1.328... 1.418... 1.505... 1.595... 1.682 1.03... 1.125... 1.22... 1.313... 1.405... 1.5... 1.593... 1.689... 1.782 1.086... 1.187.,, 1.285... 1.385... 1.485... 1.584,.. 1.68... 1.73...1 88 5 1.146... 1.25.,. 1.355... 1.457... 1.567... 1.667... 1.77... 1.875... 1.9 1.203... 1.313... 1,421... 1.53.., 1.645... 1.75... 1.8,58... 1.97... 2.077 1.26... 1.375... 1.49... 1.6(03... 1.722... 1.834... 1.946... 2.063... 2.178 1.319... 1.4:8... 1.556... 1.675... 1.8... 1.916... 2.034... 2.155... 2.275 6 1.75,,, 1.5... 5 1.75.. 1,875... 2,... 2.125... 2.25... 2.375 160 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. Buffalo Machinery Agency. F. D. CUMMER, PROPRIETOR. 39 MEOHANIC STREET, BUFFALO, N. Y. MANUFACTURER OF SUPlRIOR STATION'ARY STEAM ENID3,3 BOILERS, &. AND DEALER IN MACHINISTS' TOOLS, WOOD WORKING AND GENERAL CAR MACHINERY, J. B. Hoyt & Co.'s BELTINC, BOILER TUBES AND EVERY VARIETY OF SUPPLIES. Estimates furnished for entire works, including Engine, Boiler, Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers, Belting, Machinery, &c., complete. Special Prices and Inducements offered to Railroads, Car Works and large Buyers. JOSEPH CHURCHYARD, Wood Working Establishment, lintonll St.,, (Bet. Adams & Watsol,) BUFFALO, N. Y. Where you may find the following list of Articles: BLACKSMITHS' AND MOULDERS' BELLOWS RAILROAD SNOW SHOVELS, SNOW FENCES, SASH, DOORS, MOULDINCS, CISTERNS and TAVKS, FLOORING SIDINC, PICKETS, HITCHING POSTS, FARM CATES, BOOK CASES, LUMBER OF ALL KINDS, Pine, Hemlock, Cherry, Oak, Black Wal ut and Ash, Manufactured or Unmanufactured. I would be happy to receive your orders, and am confident whatever is entrusted to me will be executed to your satisfaction.'Price List and FIigures sent on application. JOS]EPH CHURCHYARD, BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 161 Machines for Emery Wheels. D. Brewer & Co...........................................Philadelphia, Pa..............See Page 246 Machinery. Buffa'o Machinery Agency.............................Buffalo, N. Y..................See Page 160 C. Henry Hall & Co......................................New York..................... 4 J. B. Waring........................... " " 24 J. S. Mundy..................................................Newark, N. J.................. 266 L. W. Pond...................................................Worcester Mass.............. " 158 Miller & Smith...........................................New York...................... 112 S. S. Townsend............................................. ". " 2 Ski ner & Gifford Manufacturing Co..............Dunkirk, N Y................ " 140 Rard & Waring Drill & Compressor Co............New York..................See Front Page The Pratt & Whitney Co................................Hartford, Conn...............See Page 142 The Atlas Works...................................Pittsburgh, Pa............... 172 Wiard Locomotive Attachment Co.-(AntiExplosive)........................................New York....................... " 110 Winans & Co................................................ " "..................... " 106 Machine Screws. Providence Tool Co.; H. B. Newhall, Agent.....New York......................See Page 166 The Worcester Machine Screw Co.; H. B. Newhall, Agent................................... " ".................... " 166 Machinists. Bolen, Crane & Co.........................................Newark, N. J..................See Page 62 Snyder Brothers...............W...........................Williamsport, Pa............ " 46 Machinists' Supplies. Champlin & Rogers..................................Chicago, I....................Set Page 192 Geo. H. Crain & Co....................................... ".......124 Pancoast & Maule..........................................Philadellhia, Pa............. " 26 Posts & Kalkman.........................................New York.................. " 264 Wm. B. Browne & Co.................................... " "..................... " 266 See also, Machinists' Tools, &c. BOAR MEAcUR E~Co.TIU ED Feet of Board Measure to One Runninj Foot of Board. (See application at head of table.) Width of Board in Inches. Th.~ 5 51 54 6 6 Y 6 7 7 Y, 10t2...1095....1145..1198..125....13555....1405..1458..15C3 Y.z0 4.2... 218 _ 2...2'2 2295....25.270,8....2813....2917...3125; 1125...3.28....3438.3597.175.4,63.422.... 4:;5.4687 1.4166.4:; 475...4584.492....5416... 62 5834. 625.5208..547..573. 9.5 9..625..677.70:3.7292.7814.625...6562....6875..7187...75.8125.81.: 8 75..9375.7292.;655 5.. 802..8385....8g75..918.9814... 1.02... 1.095 2 8334....875....9166..9581 1.... 1.0-3... 1125... 1.166... 1~25.9375.9845... 1.03.. 1.. 77... 1.125... 1.22... 1.266... 1.314... 1.406 1.0t2... 1.095... 1.145... 1.198... 1.25... 1.354... 1.4t56... 1.459... 1.563 1.145... 1.203... 126... 1.318... 1.375... 1.49... 1.547... 1.6,01... 172 3 1.2)... 1.313... 1.375... 1.438. 1... 1.625... 1.688... 1.75... 1.875 1.3.54.. 1.422... 1.41... 1.557... 1.625... 1.76... 1.828... 1.895... 2.() 1~458... 1.53... 1.605... 1.678... 1.75... 1.896... 117... 2.02... 2.187 1.564... 1.64... 1.72... 1.797... 1.875... 2.0;1)... 2.109... 21.s7....S15 4 1.668... 1.75... 1.834... 1.917... 2... 2.167... 2.25... 2.34 2.5 1.77.. 1.857... 1.918. 2.13.. 2.125... 2.12'o2... 2.;9... 2.48... 2.655.1875... 1.97... 2.063... 2.155... 2.25)... 2.438... 2.53... 2.6: 5... 2.;13 1 98... 2.079.. 2.176... 2~275... 2.375... 2 573... 2.672... 2.77. 7 5 2.081... 2.7... 2.92 295... 2.5... 2.708... 2.813... 2.997... I.325 2.187... 2297... 2.4(5... 2515... 2 625... 2.85... 2.954... 3.63.28 2.2 3... 2.416... 252... 2.631... 2.750... 2.98... 3.195... 3.29... 437 2.397... 2. 511... 2.615... 2.755.. 2.875... 3.116... 3.234... 3.355.. 3.595 6 4 2.5... 2.625... 2:75... 2.875. 3.. 3.25... 3.375... 3.5 162 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. England & Bindley, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, CONTRACTORS' TOOLS, 0 10 Zb 12~i iii i~a oC PICKS, SHOVELS, &C. 268 Liberty Street, Pll TTSBU RH, PA. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 163 Machinists' Tools. Bolen, Crane & Co...................................Newark, N. J..................See Page 62 Buffalo Machinery Agency.............................Buffalo, N. Y.................. 160 Geo. Worthington & Co................................Cleveland, Ohio............... " 100 Isaac H. Shearman........................................Philadelphia, Pa............ 80 L. W. Pond.................................. Worcester, Mass.............. " 158 Nelson Tool Works.......................................New York...................... " 30 The Pratt & Whitney Co................................Hartford, Conn.............. " 142 Thorne, De Haven & Co.................................Philadelphia, Pa............. 38 Win. B. Bement & Son.................................... "............ " 168 Win. Sellers & Co.......................................... 64 Malleable Iron Castings and Fittings. Crane Bros. Manufacturing Co........................Chicago, Ill...................See Page 230 Phelps & Sanger..........................................Cleveland, Ohio.............. " 120 Manufacturers Agents. Winans & Co...................................... New York.....................See Page 106 Marine Forgings, De Laney & Co.............................................Buffalo, N. Y..................See Page 98 Marking Cards. W. W. Wilcox.................................. Chicago, Ill....................See Page 190 Masons' Tools. England & Bindley.................................Pittsburgh, Pa...............Sea Page 162 Mathematical Instruments. F. Eckel......................................................New York.....................See Page 76 F. S. Pease....................................................Buffalo, N. Y.................. " 100 Kuebler & Seelhorst......................................Philadelphia, Pa............ 216 Wm. J. Young & Sons.................................... c "............ " 138 Mattocks. Hermann Boker & Co....................................New York...............See Pages 152,154 Mauls, Hermann Boker & Co...................................New York..............See Pages 152,154 Nelson Tool Works....................................... " ".......................See Page 30 BOARD MEASURE —CoNTNUED. Feet of Board Measure to One Running Foot of Board. (See application at head of table.) Width of Board in Inches. rhuk. 81/2 9 912 10 1012 11 1112 12 In ch. __ _ __ ___ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ 14.1666....1771....1875....198....2083....2187....2292...2395....25.3334...3542....375...3958....4167....4375....4583....4792....5.5....5312....5625....5938....625....6362....6875...7187....75 1.6667....7084....75....7916....8334....875....9167....9584 L.. 1. 14.8334....8855...9375....9896... 1.042... 1.094... 1.146... 1.198... 1.25 1... 1.062... 1.125... 1.187... 1.25... 1 312... 1.375... 1.437... 1.5 1.166... 1.24... 1.312... 1.385... 1.458... 1.531... 1.605... 1.677... 1.75 2 1.333... 1.417... 1.5... 1.583... 1.667... 1.75... 1.833... 1.917... 2. 4 1.5... 1.595... 1.6;7... 1.78... 1.875... 1.963... 2.062... 2.155... 2.25 1.667... 1.77... 1.875... 1.98... 2.083... 2.187... 2.292... 2.395... 2.5 1.834... 1.948.. 2.063... 2.177... 2.292... 2.406... 2.521... 2.635... 2.75 3..... 2.125... 2.26... 2.375... 2.5... 2.625... 2.75... 2.875... 3. 4 2.167... 2.302... 2.437... 2.5 3... 2.708... 2.845... 2.98... 3.115... 3.25 2.334... 2.48... 2.625... 2.77... 2.917... 3.063... 3.208... 3.354... 3.5 2.5... 2.655... 2.812... 2.97... 3.125... 3.28... 3.437... 3.594... 375 4 2.667... 2.834... 3.... 3.167... 3 334... 3.5... 3.667... 3.833... 4. 2.833... 3.01... 3.188... 3.365... 3.542... 3.719... 3.8.6... 4.073... 4.25 3.... 3.187.. 3.375... 3.562... 3.75... 3.938... 4.125... 4.313... 4.50 3.166... 3.366... 3.563... 3.76... 3.958... 4.155... 4.354... 4.552... 4.75 5 3.334... 3.542... 3.75... 3 958... 4 16... 4.375... 4.583... 4.79... 5. 3.5... 3.72... 3.937... 4.155... 4:175... 4.595... 4713... 5.032... 5.25 3.666... 3.896... 4.125... 4.353... 4584... 4.812... 5:'41... 5.27.. 5.5 3.834.. 4.072... 4.313... 4.553... 4.793... 5/,3... 5.271... 5.51... 5.75 6 4, 4,25.,, 4,5,,. 4.75... 5.... 5,25,,, 55,,, 5.75... ~, 164 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. GEO. H. BLISS & CO., 41 Third Avenue, Chicago, Iii., MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN TELEGRAPH INSTRUMENTS AND SUPPLIES, AND. ELECTRICAL APPARATUS. Instruments, Cables and Gutta Percha Wire, Instrument Fixtures, Magnet Wire, Batteries and Utensils, Office Wire, Chemicals, Office Fixtures, Galvanometers, Telegraph Poles, Line Material, Medical Apparatus, Repairers' Tools, Electric Bells. HOTEL ANNUNCIATORS. FIRE AND BURGLAR ALARMIS. SEND FOR A CATALOGUE. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 1(5 Measuring Tapes. F. Eckel...................................New York.................... See Page 76 Mechanics' Tools. Newcomb Bro's Sons....................................New York.....................See Page 88 Medical Apparatus-Electrical and Cutta Percha. Bishop Gutta Percha Works.......................New York.....................See Page 34 Charles T. Chester................................. " "..................... " 212 Leclanche Battery Co..................................... ".................... " 96 TO FIND SOLIDITY OF ROUND TIMBER. When all the dimensions are in feet. Length multiplied bysquare of Y4 man girth equal cubic feet. When length in feet, girth in inches. Multiply as above, anl divide by 144. When all dimensions are in inches Multiply as above, and divide by 1728. TO FIND SOLIDITY OF SQUARE TIMBER. When all dimensions are in feet. Length multiplied by breadth multiplied by depth, equal cubic f"t. When either dimensions are in inches. Multiply as above, and divide by 12. When any two of the dimensions are in inches. Multiply as above, and divide by 144. Or use the following table as shown at foot of same, TABLE ~1 GIRTHS. in Area in Fcheet. Area in Feet. Gi th Area in Feet. In inches.i- ~~ Ct in Inches. in Incies 6.260 12 1.04 19 2.50.272 1.08 2.64.294 l 4 20 2.77.317 13 1.17 Y 2.91 7.340 14 1.20 21 3.06.361. 1.26 1/2 3.20 3.390 i 1.31 22 3.36 84.417 14 1.36.52 3.51 8.444 4 1.41 23 3,67 ~4.472 1 1.46 24 3.83.501 34 1.51 24 4.00.531 15 1.56,.16 *9.562 1.61 25 4.34,.594 1.66 4.51.626 1.72 4.69.659 16 1.77 4 t.7 10.694 1.83 27 5.0'6.730 1 1.89 V2 5.25.766 4 1.:t4 28 5.44.303 17 2.0 5 11.840 4 2.06 29 5.84 ~.878 2.12' 6.04.918 2.18 30 $.25 4.9 59 18 2.25 12 1.000 2.37 Area corresponding to the ~ girth in inchles multiplied by length in feet gives solidity in feet and decimal parts for either square or round timber. In Round Timber talie the mean girth. Square Timber take the side. Which lu practice corresponds with 1 of the girth of Round Timber, PROVIDENCE TOOL COMPANY. LEWIS OLIVER & PHILLIPS. RHODE ISLAND-NUT COMPANY. THE READINC BOLT & NUT WORKS. WILLIAM H. -HASKELL & CO. WORCESTER MACHINE SCREW CO. MANUFACTURERS OF HIsvY HADWrAU isRAIL ROAD SUPPLIZS, MARINE HARDWARE and SHIP CHA NDLER Y, 1.1 WARREN STREET, - - NEaW YORK. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 1 f7 Merchant Iron. Jno. A. Griswold & Co.......................... Troy, N. Y.....................See Page 60 Jones & Laughlins........................................ Pittsburg, Pa.................. " 32 Pittsburgh Bolt Co..................................... "........................ " 118 Pittsburgh Forge & Iron Co.................................................. " 174 Pratt & Co.......................Buffalo, N. Y.................. 132 Reese, Graff & Woods...............................Pittsburg, Pa................... " 68 Rogers & Co................................................. Chicago, Ill....................' 144 Metal Blanks. Mathiesen & Schrader............................... New York......................See Page 82 W. W. Wilcox..............................................Chicago, I11..................... " 190 Metal Cornices. Hart, Ball & Hart......................................Futlo, N. Y................. See Page 136 Noyes & Wines.................................. New York..................... " 264 Metallic Packing. A. Fulton's Son & Co....................................Pittsburgh, Pa.............. See Page 116 Metallic Paints. Vose, Dinsmore & Co................................New York..................... See Page 60 Jno. W. Masury & Son................................. "............ " 214 Prince's Metallic Paint Co............................................. " 236 MetallutgistC. DuPlaine & Reeves....................................Phadelphia..................See Page 102 Metals, Domestic and Imported. Du Plaine & Reeves................................Philadelphia, Pa............See Page 102 Tyng & Co...................... New York...................... " 260 WHEEL GEARING.-I PAGES. TERMS OR NAMES. (Haswell.) The Pitch Line of a wheel, is'-the ci cle upon which the pitch is measured, and it is the circumterence by which the diam'eter, or the velocity of the wheel, is measured. The Pitch tis the arc of the ci cle of the pitch line, and is determined by the number of the teeth in the wheel. The True Pitch. (Chordial), or that by which the dimensions of the tooth of a "wheel are alone determined, is a straight line drawn from the centres of two contiguous teeth Upon the pitch line. The Line of Citres is the line between the centres of two wheels. The Radius of a *heel is the semi-diame:er running to the periphery of a tooth. Thb Pitch Radius is the semi-diameter running to the pitch line. A Mortice Wheel, is a wheel constructed for the reception of teeth or cogs, which are fitted into recesses or sockets upon the face of the wheel A wheel which impels another is termed the Spur, Driver or Leader; the on impell d is the Pinion, Driven or Follower. A s ries of wheels in conn ction with each other is termed a Train. When two wheels act upon one another, the greater is termed the Wheel, an the losser the Pinion. When a Pinion is driven by a wheel, the number of teeth in the pinion shrc.l l not be less than eight. When a Wheel is driven by a pinion, the number of teeth in a pinion should not be less than ten.'ihle Number of teeth in the wheel should not be divisible by the number of teeth in the pinion without a remainder This is in order to present the saine teeth coming together so often as to cause an irregular wear of their faces. PROPORTION OF TEETH OF WHEELS. (Molesworth.) From pitch line to top of tooth............................................... = Pitch X 0.33 Total depth of teeth................................................................... = Pitch X p Thickness of tooth on pitch line............................................ = PitL X,45 Space between teeth on pitch line............................................. itch X",55 Thickness of rim of wheel......................................................... Pitch X 0.45 Thickness of arms if flat............................................................ Pitch X.45 Ordinary width of teeth in snmall pitches................................ = Pitch X 2. t" " " large "............ Pitch X 3.. Thickn ss round centre........................................................ Pitch X 1.3 Mortice wheels to be wider than iron wheels by twice the thickness of the rim or by pitch X 0.9; their rim to be double the thickness of that of iron wheels. 168 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. MACH IN I STS' TOOLS. vWM 13.B0 BE3 11ENT' & aON INDUSTRIAL WORKS, - - Ph/ladelphia. Machine ShoD, Foundry, Smith ShoD ard Boiler Shop EquiDments. Railroad Shop MNachinery OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. STEAM I I1 AMM E R S, OF ALL SIZES. BUSINE"S DIRECTORY, ETC. 169 Milling Machines. Isaac H. Shearman..................................Philadelphia, Pa.............See Page 80 Phelps & Sanger.............................. Cleveland, O................... " 120 Wm. Sellers & Co.....................................Philadelphia, Pa............ " 64 Mineral Door Knobs. Romer & Co..................................................Newark, N. J..................See Page 204 Mining Engines. J. S. Mundy............................................... Newark, N. J.................See Page 266 Mining Locomotives. Porter, Bell & Co......................................Pitftbur h, Pa................See Page 128 Mining Machlnery. C. Henry Hall & Co...................Y........ NewYork.......See Page 4 J. B. Waring..................................................... 24 Rand & Waring Drill & Compressor Co..........: "................. See Front Page The Atlas Works..................................Pittsburgh, Pa.............See Page 172 Winans & Co.................................................New York.................... " 106 Mining Tools. Nelson Tool Works...................................... New York..................... See Page 30 Models. Mathiesen & Schrader...............................New York.................... See Page 82 Towle & Unger Manufacturing Co.................. "..................... " 186 Mortising Machines. England & Bindley.....................................Pittsburgh, Pa...............See Pagte 162 J. A. Fay & Co............................................. Cincinnati, Ohio.............. " 206 Richards, London & Kelley............................Philadelphia, Pa............. " 66 Wm. P. Kellogg & Co....................................Troy, N. Y.................... " 98 See also, Iron Working Machinery-Wood Working Mach!inery. Moulders' Tools. Van Tuyl Manufacturing Co........N.............. New York..................... See Page 242 IMoulding Cutters. D. Brewer & Co........................................PhiIalplil, Pa.... See Page 246 Mfuck Bars. Chas. W. Matthew.......................................Philadelphia, Pa..........See Pagre 3 WHEEL GEARING-CoNTXNUED. (Haswell.) To compute the Number of Teeth in a Pinion or Follower to have a given Velocity. RULE. —Multiply the velocity of the driver by its number of teeth, and divide the product by the velocity of the driven. Example.-The velocity of a driver is 16 revolutions, tbe number of its teeth 54, and the velocity of the pinion is 48; what is the -number of its teeth? 16 X 54 + 48 = 18 teeth. 2. A wheel having 75 teeth is making 16 revolutions per minute; what is the number of teeth required in the pinion to make 24 revolutionsiu the same tine? 16 X 75.-+ 24 = 50 teeth To Compute the Diameter of a Wheelfor a given Pitch and Number of Teeth. RULE.-Multiply the diameter in the following table -for the number of teeth by the pitch, and the product will give the di. meter at the pitch circle. Example.-What is the diameter of a wheel to contain 48 teeth of 2.5 in~. pitch? 15.29 X 2.5 = 38.225 ins. To Cbmpute the Pitch of a Wheel for a given Diameter and number of Teeth. RvUL.-Divide the diameter of the wheel by the diameter in the table (page 171) for the number of teeth, and the product will give the pitch. Example.-What is the pitch of a wheel when the diameter of it is 50.94 inches, and the number of its teeth 80? 50.94 + 25.47 = 2 ins. To Compute the Number of Teeth of a Wheel for a given Diameter and Pitch. RULE. —Divide the diameter by the pitch, and opposite to the quotient in the table (page 171) is given the number of teeth. 1 70 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. T. S. RAY. C. A. MIAR VIN. BUFFALO STEAM GAUGE COMPANY, MANUFACTURERS OP BUFrALD PRISSUIE VA&UUM IAUGIS LOCOMOTIVE HEAD LIGHTS, Y_ AL P ]S an d S I C- iNAL ~ S. Cor. Washington & Perry Streets, BUFFALO, NEW YORK. ERIE CITY IRON WORKS,':::R I:, 3 I'~ 1MlNT N'M, MANUFAOTURERS OF STEAM ENGINES i BOILERS Circular Saw Mills, Eureka Head Blocks, Shafting and Pulleys, AND DEALERS IN Steam Pumps, Circular Saws, Belting, &e. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETO. 1'I Nail Rods. England & Bincdley.................... Pittsburgh, Pa............See-Page i62 Nails-Cut. Collier & Scranton; Oxford Iron Co...............New York......................ee Page 122 England & Bindley...................................... Pittsburg, Pa................. " 162 Geo. Worthington & Co............................... Cleveland, Ohio............... 100 Jones & Laughlins.................................Pittsburg, Pa.................. " 32 John W. Quincy............................... New York.................... 178 Pratt & Co.........................................Buffalo, N. Y.................. " 132 Sidney Shepard & Co............................................ 196 Win. Green & Co........................................ Wilmington, Del........... " 248 See also, Nails —Wrought. Nails-Wrought.. Brewer & Co......................................Philadelphia, Pa.............See Page 246 Jno. W.Quincy............................................. New York...................... 178 Pratt & Co......................................Buffalo, N. Y.................. " 132 Wm. Green & Co............................Wilmington, Del.............. 248 See also, Nails-Cut. WHEEL GEARING-CONTINUED. PITCH OF WHEELS. (Haswell.) Showing the Diameter of a Wheel for a given Pitch, or the Pitch for a given Diameter. Inches. Inches. Inches.: Inches. 8...... 2.61 45...... 14 33 82...... 26.11 119...... 37.88 9...... 2.93 46...... 14.65 83...... 26.43 124...... 38.2 10..... 3.24 47...... 14.97 84...... 26.74 21...... 38.52 11...... 3.55 48...... 15.29 85...... 27.06 122...... 38.84 12..... 3.86 49...... 15.61 8i...... 27.38 123...... 39.16 13...... 4.18 50...... 15.93 87...... 27.7 124...... 39.47 14...... 4.49 51...... 16.24 88...... 28.03 125...... 39.79 15...... 4.81 52...... 16.56 89...... 28.33 126.:... 40.11 16...... 5.12 53...... 16.88 90.... 28.65 127...... 40.43 17...... 5.44 54...... 17.2 91...... 28.97 128...... 40.75 18...... 5.76 55 17.52 92...... 29 29 129...... 41.07 19...... 6.07 56...... 17.8 93...... 29.61 130...... 41.38 20...... 6.39 57...... 18.15 94...... 29.93 131...... 41.7 21...... 6.71 58...... 18.47 95...... 30.24 132...... 42.02 22...... 7.03 59...... 18.79 96...... 30.56 133...... 42.35 23...... 7.34 60...... 19.11 97...... 30.88 134...... 42.66 24...... 7.66 61...... 19 42 98...... 31.2 135...... 42.98 25...... 7.98 62...... 19.74 99...... 31.52 136...... 43.23 26...... 8.3 3...... 20.06 100...... 31.84 137...... 43,61 27...... 8.61.64...... 20.38 101...... 32.15 138...... 43.93 28...... 8.93 65...... 20.7 102...... 32.47 139...... 44.25 29...... 9.25 66...... 21.02 103...... 32.79 140...... 44.57 30...... 9.57 67...... 21.33 104...... 33.11 141...... 44.83 31...... 9.88 68...... 21.65 105...... 33.43 142...... 45.2 32...... 10.2 69....... 21.97 106...... 33.74 143...... 45.52 33...... 10.52 70...... 22.29 107...... 34.06 144...... 45.84 34...... 10.84 71...... 22.61 108...... 34.38 145...... 46.16 35...... 11.16 72...... 22.92 109...... 34.7 146....., 4.48 36...... 11.47 73...... 23.24 110...,. 35.02- - ~147-; 4... i6.79 37...... 11.79 74...... 23.56 111...... 35.34 148...... 47.11 38...... 12.11 75...... 23.88 112...... 35.65 149...... 47.43 39...... 12.43 76...... 24.2 113...... 35.97 150...... 47.75 40...... 12.74 77...... 24.52 114...... 36.29 151...... 48 07 41...... 13.08 78...... 24.83 115...... 36.61 52...... 48.39 42...... 13.38 79..... 25.15 116...... 36.93 153..... 48.7 43...... 13.7..80.. 25.47 117.......37.2 154...... 49.02 44...... 14.02 81...... 25.79 118..... 37.56 155...... 4 NOTZ. The pitch in this table is the true pitch, as before described,. 172 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. THE ATLAS WORKS CO. T7ZOMIA S N. SMILLER, President. 28th STREET, PITTSBURG, PA. FO UNDRY SPECIALTIES ARE LOCOMOTIVE ENGINE CYLINDERS, HAMMER DIES AND ANVIL BLOCKS................................................ Railways Equipped WITH FROGS, CROSSINGS, SWITCHES, and BRIDGE CASTINGS. COKING, COAL WASHING, AND GOLD AND SILVER MINING MACHINER Y. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 173 N ickle, Lusius Hart & Co..........................................New York......................See Page 56 Nuts, &e. Collier & Scranton; Oxford Iron Co...............New York.....................See Page 122 G. B. Walbridge....................................... " 130 Geo. Worthington & Co...............................Cleveland, Ohio............... " 100 Greene & Randolph............................ New York............ " 5 Hoopes & Townsend......................................Philadelphia, Pa............. " 28 Lewis Oliver & Phillips, H. B. Newhall, Agent, New York................... 166 Miller & Smith........................................................ " 112 New Haven Nut Co.......................................New Haven, Conn........... 142 Lock, Nut & Bolt Co. of New York..;...............New York...................... " 272 O. W. Child.......................................................... " 262 Phillipsburg Manufacturing Co.............. " "..................... " 22 Pittsburgh Bolt Co.....................................Pittsburgh, Pa............... 118 Pratt & Co.Bfl.....................................Buffo, N. Y.................. 132 Providence Tool Co., H. B. Newhall, Agent......New York...................... " 166 Reading Bolt & Nut Works, H. B. Newhall, Agent.................................................. " "..................... " 166 Rhode Island Nu Co., H. B Newhall, Agent....New York...................See Page 166 T. B. Bickerton & Co................Philadelphia, Pa............. 138 Yose, Dinsmore & Co.....................................New York...................... " 60 Wm. Gilmor of Wm.......................................Baltimore, Md......... " 248 Win. H. Haskell & Co., H. B. Newhall, Agent...New York...................... 166 Win. Green & Co.....................................Wilmington, Del............ " 248 WIHIEEL GEARING-CONTINUED. TEETH OF WHEELS-CAST-IRON. (Molesworth.) Table showing the Horse-Power that may be transmitted by each Inch of Breadth of Tooth, with different Velocities and Pitches.:~~~ ~~~ ~ Pitch of Teeth in Inches. 1 1 14 1~ 2 2Y 3 4 5 6 h.p. h.p. h.p. h.p. h.p. h.p. h.p. h.p. h.p. h.p.' h.p. 14.008....015....023....033....045..06....093....135....24....7....54 0o17...03..947...67....09..12....18....27..43....75.108,.025....045....07....101...138...18....281....4.72... 1.12... 1.62 1.033....06..094....135....184....24....375....54....96... 1.5. 2,16 2 067...12....188....27....366....48....75... 1,08... 1.9... 3.0... 4.3 3.10..18....28...40..55....72... 1.1... 1.6... 2.8... 4.5... 6.4 4 j.13....24....37....54.73....5.. 2.1..2 1 3.8... 6... 8.6 5 1.17...30...47....67..91... 1.2... 1.8... 2,7... 4.8... 7.5... 10.8 6.20....36....56....81... 1.1... 1.4... 2,2... 3.2.. 5.7 9..... 12.9 7.23....42....65....94... 1.28... 1.68... 2.6... 3.7... 6.7... 10.5... 15.1 8 1.27..48..75...1.1... 1.4... 1.9 3.... 3 4.3... 7.6... 12.... 17.2 9.30....54....84... 1.2...1.6... 2.1... 3.3'... 4.8... 8.6... 13.5... 19.4 10.33....6..94... 1.35... 1.8... 2.4... 3.7... 5.4... 9.6... 15... 21.6 12.40....72... 1.1. 1.6... 2.1... 2,8... 4.5 6..... 11.5... 18... 25.9 14 T.47,..84... 1.3... 1.8... 2.5... 3.3... 5.2... 7.5... 13.4... 21. 30.2 16.54....96... 1.5... 2.1.., 2.9... 3.8... 6.... 8.6... 15.3.. 24. 34.5 18.61... 1.1... 1.7... 2.4.., 3.3... 4.3... 6.7... 9.7... 17.3...27... 38.9 20.66... 1.2... 1.9... 2.7... 3.6... 4,8... 7.5... 10.8... 19.2... 30... 43.2 22.74... 1.3... 2.1... 2.9... 4.... 5.3... 8.2... 11.9... 21.1... 33... 47.5 24.81... 1.4... 2.2... 3.2... 4.4... 5.7... 9.... 12.9... 23.... 36... 51.8 26.88... 1.5... 2.4... 3.5... 4.7... 6.2... 9.7... 14.... 24.9... 39..,. 56.1 28.95... 1.6... 2.6... 3.7... 5.1... 6.7... 10.5... 15.1... 26.9...42... 60.4 30 1.01... 1.8... 2.8... 4... 5.5... 7.2... 11.2... 16.2... 28.8... 45.... 64.8 35 1.2... 2.1... 3.3... 4.7... 6.4... 8.4... 13.1. 18.9... 33.6... 52.5... 75.6 40 1.3... 2.4... 3.7... 5.4... 7.3... 9.6... 15... 21.6... 38.4... 60.... 86.4 PITCHES OF EQUIVALENT STRENOTH FOR THE TIETH OF WHEELS IN DIFFEREMT MATERIALS. Pitch for cast-iron = 1.00 brass = 1.12 " hard wood = 1.26 174 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. GRAFF TUBE WORKS. WILLIAM CRAFF & CO. MANUFACTURERS OF PLAZ:N AND) GLVANIZZED WROUGHT IRON PIPE, FOR GAS, STEAM, WATER, OIL, &o. No. 140 First Avenue, - Pittsburgh, Pa. PIPE CUT AND FITTED TO PLANS FOR MILLS. ALEXANDER SPEER, JAMES H. MURDOCK, President. W. P. PORTER, Sup't. Sec. & Treas. PITTSBURGH FORGE AND IRON CO. MANUFACTURERS OP PF&IVC, &XV G-?~IRON, FISH PLATES, TRACE BOLTS, R. R. CAR and LOZOMOTIVE AXLES, RAILROAD, STEAMBOAT and MACHINE FORGINGS. Office, 358 Penn St., Pittsburgh, Pa. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 1 75 Nitro Clycerine. 0]9. W. Mowbray..........................................North Adams, Mass.........See P: ge 182 Nut Locks. Jno. W. Quincy.............................................New York......................See Page 178 Lock, Nut & Bolt Co. of New York..................................... 272 Vcse, Dinsmore & Co..................................... "..................... G Nuts, Hot Pressed. New Haven Nut Co......................................New Haven, Conn........... See Page 142 WHEELS-SIZES AND WEIGHT. DOUBLE PLATE WHEELS. W. WV. Snow's Patent, for Inside or Outside Bearings.:6 in. diameter......Extra heavy, for Engine Trucks..................................... 640 lbs. 33 in. " ".' ".".................................... 600 33 in. "....Engines, Tenders, and Passenger Cars........................... 530 30 in. ".....Extra heavy, for Engine Trucks.................................... 52 " 30 in. "......Engines, Tenders, and Cars........................................ 4'0 " 28 in. "..... " " ".......................................... 440 26 ill.'.... " " "......................................... 380 24 in. "...... " "......................................... 320' 20 in. "...... " ".............................. 2 ATWOOD-WASHBURN PATENT WHEELS. 36 in. diameter....Extra heavy, for Engine Trucks.................................... 62 lbs. 33 in. " ". "..................................... 80" 33 in. "......Engine, Tender, and Passenger Cars.............................. 30 33 in.'......Ordinary and general use...............................0.............. 0 33 in. "......Light Freight C'ars....................................................... 480 30 in. "......Extra heavy, for Engine Trucks.................................... 510 " 30 in.......Engines, Tenders, and Cars............................................ 48," 30 in. "......Light Freight Cars..................................................... 45 30 in. "......Coal Cars................................................................... 430 28 in.......Engine Trucks and Tenders......................................... 430 26 in. "..." "...................................... 38)" 26 in. "......Coal Cars, heavy........................................................... i5 " 26 in. "...... " light............................................................ 345" 24 in.......Engine Trucks and Tenders.......................................... 330 " 20 in. "...... " " "......................................... 20 80 " SINOLE PLATE WHEELS. 33 in., Single Plate......Freight Cars, heavy................................................ 500 lbs. 33 in., "." light................................................. 480 " 30 in., "......Engine Trucks and Tenders................................... 46 ) 30 in., "......Freight and.oal Cars............................................. 440 30 in., "......'':............................................ 42 28 in.,......Engine Trucks and Tenders.................................... 420 26. in........ " ".................................... 575" 26 in.,.....Coal Cars............................................................... 33(1" 24 in., "......Engine and Tender Trucks................................ 33 " 20 in., "...... "...................................... 28(01 ENGINE AND TENDER TRUCK WIlEELS. With Hollow Spokes and Rim. 36 in. diameter.................................................................................... 600 lbs. 33 in. "..530" 33 in. "........................................................................................ 530 " 30 in.'....................................................................................... 480 " 28 in. ".................... 430 26 in........................................................................................ 380 kt NSTRUCTION WHEELS. 24 in. diameter, 3 in. tread, 3 in. flange...2 l............................... 200.bs 24 in. " 2 in. " 34 in.............................. 140 20 in. " 5 in. 11/ in. "............................................... 160" 20 in. s oke, 6 in. " ".............................................. 100 20 in..,' 2.3in. a in......... 120" 16 in. "~ 2. in. " in. "............................................... 70" 16 W. 2-~ ~ ~! in.in............................................... 7 176 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. PLUMB, BURDICT & BARNARD, B3 IJ-' F A L AO, NT. Yv. MANUFACTURERS OF COACH SCREWS, SKEIN BOLTS, PATENT Diamond Neck Carriage Bolts TIRE, SLEIGH SHOE, Machine and Blank Bolts. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 177 Nuts, Hot & Cold Pressed. Providence Tool Co.; H. B. Newhall, Agent.....New York.................... See Page 166 Nut Tappers. Isaac H. Shearman................................ Phil adel phia, Pa............See Page PO Wm. B. Bement & Son................................... "............ " 168. Oakum. De Grauw, Aymar & Co.................................New York.....................See Page 112 Office Chairs. A. L Hale & Bro................................... hicago, I..................See Page 206 Office Furniture. A. L. Hale & Bro.....................................Chicago, Ill............. See Page 206 Joseph Churchyard..............................Buffalo, N. Y.................. 160 Oil Cabinets. D. Brewer & Co.............................................Philadelphia, Pa......... See Page 246 Oil Cans and Cups. J. G. Knapp Manufacturing Co......................New York.................See Page 16 Orrin L. Gridley................................Buffalo, N. Y.................. " 196 Pancoast & Maule.................................Philadelphia................... " 26 Parmilee & Bonnell.............................Buffal,, N. Y.................. "'202 Oil of Vitriol. Van Tuyl Manufacturing Co......................... New York....................See Page 242 Oils. Eclipse Lubric Oil Co.................................. New York....... See Page Facing Title F. S. Pease.................................................Buffalo, N. Y........See l'age 100 P. II. Moffat....................... -............Chicago, Ill.................... 190 Wetherill & Bro.......................Phil idehia, Pa............ 52 Wm. B. Browne & Co...................................New York....................... " 263 Oil Tank Cars. Snyder Brothers..................................... Williamsport, Pa............See PaLge 46 Oil Well Casing. Evans, Dalzell & Co................................ Pittsburgh, Pa............See Page 58 Morris, Tasker & Co......................................Philadelphia, Pa.........." 36 Oil Well Tubing. Evans, Dalzell & Co.......................................Pittsburgh, Pa............See Page 58 Morris, Tasker & Co......................................Philadelphia, Pa............. " 36 Old Rails. Holmes & Lissberger.................................New York.................See Page 84 John W. Quincy................................. "..................... " 178 Miller & Smith.................................................................. 112 O. W. Child..............................2................................... " 262 TESTS OF STEEL AND IRON. (Scientific American.) Nitric acid will produce a black spot on steel; the darker the spot the harder the steel. Iron, on the contrary, remains bright if touched with nitric acid. Good steel in its soft state has a curved fracture and a uniform grty lustre; in its hard state a dull, silvery, uniform white. Cracks, threads, or sparkling particles denote bad quality. Good steel will not bear a white heat without falling to pieces, and will crumble under the hammer at a bright red heat, while at a middling heat it may be drawn out under the hammer to a fine point. Care should be taken that before attempting to draw it out to a point, the fracture is not concave, and should it be so the end should be filed to an obtuse point before operating. Steel should be drawn out to a fine point and plunged into colp water; the fractured point should scratch glass. To test its toughness, place a fragment oil a block of cast-iron; if good it may be driven by the blow of a hammer into the cast-iron, if poor it will crush under the blow. A soft, tough iron, if broken gradually, gives long silky fibres of leaden-grey hue, which twist together and cohere before breaking. A medium even grain with fibres denotes good iron. Badly refined iron gives a,short blackish fibre on fracture. A very fine grain denotes hard steely iron, likely to be cold-short and hard.Coarse grain with bright crystallized fracture or discoloured spots denotes coldshort, brittle iron, which works easily when heated and welds well. Cracks on the edge of a bar are indications of hot-short iron. Good iron is readily heated, is soft under the hammer, and throws out few sparks. ANTHRACITE and CHARCOAL PIG IRON, Metals for Railroad.Use, NA ]ILS, SJPILE S,, &c., &c. S ] I M IJ E... S ECURE... Si U B S T A N Tr I AL.:i From Report of Judges, American Institute Fair, New York, 18T1. M O S T P E1 F EC T L NJ T N i xI BI T I o JOHN W. QUINCY, 98 WVilliam Street, lSNew York. N. 1B.-Old lRail, WhTels,;&c., Iought. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 179 Open Links. D. Brewer & Co.........................................Philadelphia, Pa............See Page 246 Orange Mineral. Wetherill & Bro...........................................Philadelphia, Pa.............See Page 52 Ottomans, Carpet. New York Ottoman & Hassock Co.................. New York............... See Page 236 Geo. Drake Smith..........................................Philadelphia, Pa.............' 246 Pad locks. England & Bindley..................................... Pittsburgh, Pa.............See Page 162 Hermann Boker & Co...................................New York.............See Pages 152; 154 Ritchie & Son....................................... Newark, N. J................See Page 44 Romer & Co........................................................ 204 Paints. C. E. Hecht............................... Easton, Pa.....................See Page 158 H. W. Johns........................................New York.................... " 224 Jay &' Cook................................................... " ".................... " 234 John W. Masury & Son.................................. " "...................... 214 Prince's Metallic Paint Co.............................. " 236 Wetherill & Bro....................................Philadephia, Pa............. " 52 Wm. Green & Co.....................................Wilmington, Del............ " 248 BEAMS AND CHANNELS. Sizes and Strength. (Trenton Iron Works.) To find the safe load in pounds when 4e a, a, the beam is supported at each end, and ~z 0 ~ e. the load is uniformly distributed over the ~ ~, ~ Q~ ~ d span.._ n F ~ C U 4 RuaE-Divide the number given for the.o o 0 ~. beam in the column headed "Co-effcient.for Strength," by the distance between -..~ ". ~ ~ a.*._ E ~ supports estimated in feet. The load so Q U found will be nearly one-third of the ultimate or breaking strength of the beam. BEAMS. When the load is concentrated entirely at the centre of the beam, one-half the above 15...200... 534...6... 748 000 amount must be taken. 15~6 150... 5... 1 551 000 The Deflection in inches, at the middle 1217... 5.6.. 511 000 of the span, for such distribnted load, will 12... 125... 4.70....48... 3,7 000 be found by dividing the square of the 1A... 135 5....47... 360 (00 span, taken in feet, by seventy (70) times lo5... 105... 41..... 286 000 the depth of the beam, taken in inches. 9... 125... 44.58... 268 000 Example-What uniformly distributed 9... 85... 4... X... 189 000 load will a 124 inch beam of 125 lbs. per 9... 70....3... 152 000 yard, and having a clear span of 15 feet, 8... 80... 44.... 168 000 bear with safety, and what will be the de8... 65... 4....3... 135 (00 flection under this load? 7... 60... 3...... 101000 6... 50... 32.3... 76 800 377000 6... 40 3... 62 600 Ans. -= 25,133 lbs.=Safe Load.... 40. 3... 49 100 15 5... 30... 2 38 700 4... 37...3... 36 800 15x15 4... 30... 24... 4... 30 100 -- 0.26 in.= Deflection. 70x12~ CHANNELS. As larger co-efficients for similar beams 12~V4... 140... 4... 384 000 are given by some other makers, it is 12... 85... 3...... 242 000 proper to add that such co-efficients are 9... 70... 31...... 147 000 based upon a larger proportion of the 9... 50... 2....34... 101 000 ultimate strength than is sanctioned by 6...45...... 55 400 any good authority for practical use, and 6... 33... 2.28... 41 800 not upon any difference in the section or quality of the beam. 180 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. Howe's U, S. Standard Scales. Baggage o Express Barrows, Railroad to~ Warehouse Trucks. SEND FOR PR/IES AND PLANS, a. M. GILBERT & CO., 38 State Street, Chicago. GILBERT, WEEKS & CO., 11 So. Main St., St. Louis. J. T. RYERSON,:oiler:MIakers' Supply House, Nos. 218, 220, 222 & 224 Soll Water St., CHICAGO, ILL. DEALER IN EXTRA A-ND REFINED IRONS. QUALITY MADE A SPECIALT Y. "SLICO," 6"U. S." "'S. F. B." Boiler Plates. SLICO WORKS, Plates, Bars and Rods. CENTRAL WORKS, Standard Plates. WAYNE WORKS, U. S. Plates and Bars. MORRIS, TASKER & CO., Boiler Tubes and Pipe. BURDEN & SONS, Boiler Rivets. JUNIATA Tank and Sheet Rivets. TANK and SHEET IRON, ANCLE IRON, &eo AND THE EXTRA AND WELL-KNOWN ULSTER IRON, BARS and RODS, W I. have the exclusive sale in Chicago of most of the above lines of SUPERIOR GRADES OF GOODS. J. T. RYERSON. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 181 Paints for Railroads. C. E. Hecht..................................... Easton, Pa.....................See Page 158 John W. Masury & Son..........N...................... Nw York................... " 214 Prince's Metallic Paint Co................................................... " 236, See also, Paints. Parallel Bench Vise. R. L. Howard & Son.......................................Buffalo, N. Y..................See Page 40' Passenger Cars. Greene & Randolph................................ New York.....................See Page 54 O. W. Child..............2..................................... " "..................... " 262 See also, Car Builders. Patch Bolts for- Boilers. Pittsburgh Bolt Co...................................... Pa...............See Page 118: Patent Cold Rolled Shafting. Geo. V. Cresson......................................hiladelphia, Pa............See Page 138 Jones & Laughlins................ Pittsburgh, Pa............. " 32: Patent Couplings. Geo. V. Cresson..................................Philadelphia, Pa.............See Page 138: Paving Tools. Nelson Tool Wooks............................. New York......................See Page 30 Pens. Joseph Gillott & Sons...................................New York......................See Page 86 Permanent Wood Filling. Valentine & Co......................................New York......................See Page 198 CROWNS OF ARCHES. Thickness required for Crowns of Arches. (Hurst.) o 4 Stone Brick Stone Brick Stone Brick 1 Arches. Arches. 8; Arches. Arches.' Arches. Arches. P 0 Jeet.' Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet Feet. Feet. Feet. 2....42.56 14... 1,12... 1.50 60... 2.33... 3.1( 2....47....63 16.... 1.16... 1.55 65... 2.42... 3.22 3....52....69 16... 1.20... 1.60 70... 2.51... 3.35 3....56....75 17... 1.24....1.65 75... 2.60... 3.46 4....60....80 18... 1.27... 1.70 80... 2.68... 3.58 42....64....85 19... 1.32... 1.74 85... 2.77... 3.69....67....90 20... 1.34... 1.79 90... 2.85... 3.80 5/2....71....94 22... 1.41... 1.88 95... 2.92... 3.90 6....74....98 21... 1 47.. 1.96 100... 3.00... 4.00 7....80... 1.06 25... 1.50... 2.00 110... 3.15... 4.20 8....85... 1.13 30... 1.64... 2.19 120... 3.29... 4.38 9....90... 1.20 35... 1.78... 2.37 130... 3.42,.. 4.56 10....95... 1.26 40... 1.90... 2.53 140... 3.35... 4.73 11... 1.00... 1.33 45... 2.01... 2.68 150... 3.67... 4.90 12... 1.04... 1.38 50... 2.12... 2.83 160... 3.80... 5.06 13... 1.08... 1.44 55... 2.22... 2.97 170... 4.18... 5.58 PASTE THAT WILL KEEP A YEAR. Dissolve a teaspoonful of alum in a quart of warm water. When cold, stir in as much flour as will make it the consistency of thick cream, being particular to beat up all the lumps; stir in as much powdered resin as will stand on a dime, and pour in a few drops of oil of c oves to give it a pleasant odor. Have on the fire a teacupful of boiling water; pour the flour mixture into it, stirring well all the time. In a few minutes it will be of the consistency of mush. Pour it into an earthen or china vessel; let it cool; lay a cover on, and put it in a cool place. When needed for use, take out a portion and soften it with warm water. Paste thus made will last twelve months. It is better than gum, as it does not gloss the paper, and can be written upon. 182 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. HOOSAC TUNNEL Tri-Nitro-Glycerin AND Gutta Percha Works, NORTH ADAMS, MASS. GEO. M. MOWBRAY, Proprietor. ALSO, lowbray's Tri-Nitro-Glycerin Works, Maysville, Kentucky, JOHN WALLACE, Superintendent. AND Iowbray's Tri-Nitro-Glycerin Works, Kingston, Proince Ontario, Canada H. H. PRATT, Superintendent. M1v~ A G A Z I N E Ss Sing Sing, New York. Cape Rouge, Province of Quebec, Canada. Poultney, Vermont. Ottawa, Province of Ontario, Canada. Kanawaha Falls, West Virginia. The Tri-Nitro-Glycerin manufactured under the Mowbray Patent is safer to handle, has 30 per cent. more explosive force, and is a more stable compound than can be made by the Nobel process. Our fuses are safe to handle, and are sure fire. I import from Singapore, selected Gum Gutta Percha, having been driven to this by reason of the adulterated Gum in the market, and insulate copper wire by means of machinery (the result of many years' investigation) with the sole view to render blasting with Nitro-Glycerin perfectly safe and O- per cent. cheaper than with powder. Proved to have more than double the force in blasting over Dualin, Dynamite, Giant Powder, and other secret preparations composed of inferior Nitro-Glycerinl with inert matter. We send experienced men to instruct the miners in using it economically and safely, and have never failed in giving satisfactory results, during the past four years, BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 183 Picks. England & Bindley.......................Pittsburgh, Pa...........S...See Page 162 G. B. Walbridge........... New York...................... " 130 Geo. Worthington & Co.......................Cleveland, Ohio.............. " 100 Hermann Boker & Co................................. New York.............See Pages 152, 154 Nelson Tool Works...................................... " "..................... See Page 30 Providence Tool Co.; H. B. Newhall, A gent.... " "..........."..... " 166 T. B. Bickerton & Co...................................... Philadelphia, Pa...... " 138 Pig Iron. Chas. W. Matthews..............Philadelphia, Pa.............Se Page 38 Collier & S ranton; Oxford Iron Co...............New Yor...................... " 122 E. L. Hedstrom................................Buffalo, N. Y.................. 202 lolmes & Lissberger..............................New York................ 84 John A. Griswold & Co................................Troy, N. Y..................... " 50 Jonas S. Heartt & Co................................... "................... " 134 John W. Quincy........................................... New York................... " 178 Miller & Smithl................................................" "..................... " 112 Posts & Kalkman......................................... " 266 Pratt & Co..................................................Blffalo, N. Y.................. " 132 Rhodes & Bradley.........................................CChicago, Ill.................... " 192 Rogers & Co.................................................. " ".................... " 144 INSTRUCTIONS FOR HANDLING AND USING MOWBRAY'S TRI-NITRO-GLYCERIN. 1. Handle carefully, avoiding a sudden jar or concussion, and be very careful, if any is spilt outside the can, to avoid striking it against any hard substance. 2. When solid, thaw out by placing the cans in a tub of warm water, not hotter than the wrist can bear, first pouring warm water into the can, and always remove the can before adding more hot water to the tub. 3. To fill Cartridges, &c.-Hold the cartridge to be filled over a tray, say two feet by three feet, the bottom of which should be * overed with Plaster of Paris (which will not readily explode when saturated with Nitro-Glycerin.) The soiled Plaster of Paris-should be frequently renewed. 4. If the Nitro-Glyceriu in a liquid state is kept in store or magazine for some time, the c rk should be loosely inserted, and a pint of cold water poured in each can, to be frequently poured off and replaced with fresh cold water in warm weather, taking care to retain the bladder under the cork. It is preferable, when ice can be procured, to congeal the Nitro-Glycerin. 5. Use Funnels (gutta-percha if it can be had) for filling water holes. Under no circumstances whatever attempt to tamp the drill holes; it is unnecessary, and may kill the uan who attempts it. 6. Hot irons to warm the water, or soldering the cans, will be sure to cause explosions. 7. Never sledge or attempt drilling in a hole or seam where Nitro-Glycerin has been spilled; fire an exploder, which will effectually clear it up. 8. Never pour Nitro-Glycerin into a hole unless perfectly sure that it is a sound hole, or will hold water; it' seamy always use cartridges. 9. To obtain the best results with Nitro-Glycerin, drill deep holes, 6 feet or more. Use powerful expl,ders and well insulated wires, It is cheaper to fire by electric battery with simultaneous explosion, than to fire several holes with tape fuse. 10. Look out after a blast for any unexplo'ed cartridges lying around. 11. Never allow any but the most careful persons to handle or have charge of the Nitro-Glycerin, and insist upon the use of every precaution to prevent an accident or explosion. 12. Never allow empty Glycerin cans to be used for any other purpose, but destroy them by a fuse aun exploder, or building a fire under them, first, however, removing them to a safe distance. 13. Examine your cans from time to time, and notice if, at the level of the Nitro-Glycerin, any pin-ho'es have eaten through; in such case procure a new can, or stone jar, and empty the contents out, not trusting your hold to the upper part of the can, lest it may give way. 14. When solid, or congealed, it is absolutely safe; if possible, therefore, any surplus should be stored surrounded with ice, since no explosion can take place whn it is solid. 184 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. TiE ELECTRIC RAILROAD SIGfNAL CO 194 Fulton Street, New York, Are now prepared to receive orders for the erection of their Improved and Perfected ELECTRIC SIONALS, manufactured under the patents of F. L. POPE and S. C. HENDRICKSON. Our Improved ELECTRIC SEMAPHORE can be operated at any distance, and its indications are instantly and infallibly REPEATED BACK to the signalman on the same wire. For STATIONS, TUNNELS, BRIDGES, and SECTIONS OF SINGLE TRACK, this Signal is invaluable. We also furnish an AUTOMATIC BLOCK SYSTEM, which is operated by the trains themselves, a section of the track being brought into the electric circuit. This system.s the ON Y RELIABLE one for working automatic signals, and is covered by the original patent of F. L. POPE, July 16, 1872. OWOur Signals have been thorougly tested in yractical service..a3 We also design and erect to order, special Signals for Draw-Bridges, Crossings, Station-Yards, Etc., Etc, J. N. ASHLEY, F. L. POPE, Business Manager. Sulerintendent. J. W. STOVER, A Cent for the New England States. F. L. POPE & CO. 194 Fulton Street, New York, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN TELEGRAPH INSTRUMENTS, APPARATUS AND SUPPLIES, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. We invite the attention of PURCHASING AGENTS and RAILROAD TELEGRAPH SU PERINTENDENTS to our ne v patterns of STANDARD TELEGRAPH INSTRUMENTS, which have been designed EXPRESSLY FOR RAILROAD SERVICE. They are of -ovel and elegant design, superior finish, and especially constructed for SrtENCTH and DUtABILITY. ~Our magnets are all wound with t, s: -d copper w re of 95 PER CENT conduct yity, and by a patented process wvhich adds 20 per ce t to their working strengtlh. W Send for our Illustrated Catalogue and I'rice List of Instrufmzents, SupAlies and Mfaterial. /, 194 FULTON ST., NEW YORK. [P. 0. Box 6010.1 BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 185 Pig Lead. E. W. Blatchford & Co...................................See Page 124 Lucius Hart & Co............................ New York............. " 56 Pipe Tongs. Barwick Wrench Co......................................Boston, Mass..................See Page 60 WEIGHTS. AVOIRDUPOIS WEIGHT. The Grain is the same in Troy, Apothecaries and Avoirdupois Weights. The standard avoirdu o's pound is the weight of 27.7015 cubic inches of distilled water weighed in the air, at 35 85 degrees Fahr., barometer at 30 inches. 27.343 grains = 1 drachm. French drachms. ozs. lbs. qrs. cwts. ton. French grammes. 1 =.06'5 =.0039 =.600139 =.00003.5 =.00000174 = 1.771846 16 = 1 =.0625 =.0(1223 =.000558 =.)0(1028 = 28.34954 256 = 16 = 1 =.(1357 =.00893 =.000447 = 4'3.59 7168 = 448 = 28 = 1 =.25 =.0125 = 12700 28672 = 17:2 = 112 = 4 = I =.05 = _-5002 573440 = 35840 = 2240 = 80 = 20 = 1 = 1., 16048 A stone = 14 pounds. A quintal = 100 I ounds. TRoY WEIGHT. For Gold, Silver and Precious Metals. grains. dwts. ozs. lb. French grammes. I =.0= 167 =.00208 =.0001736 =.048 24 = I =.05 =.004167 = 1.555 480 = 21 = 1 =.0833 = 31.1035 5760 = 240 = 12 = 1 = 373.242 175 lbs. Troy = 144 Avoirdupois. lbs. Avoirdupois X.82286 = lbs. Troy. lbs. Troy X 1.2153 = lbs. Avoirdupois. The jeweler's Carat is equal, in the United States, to 3.2 grains; in London, to 3.17 grains; in Paris, to 3.18. Pure Gold is worth $20.67 per oz. Troy. or $18.84 per oz. Avoirdupois. "Silver " $1.36 " " $1.24 Standard Gold" $18.60 " " $16.96 " Silver " $1.225 " $1.117 APOTHECARIES' WEIGHT. United'States an-d British. 20 grains........................ 1 scruple. 3 scruples..................... 1 dram = 60 grs. 8 drams....................... 1 ounce = 24 scruples = 410 grs. 12 ounces........................ 1 pound = 96 drams = 288 scruples = 376 I grains. In Troy and Apothecaries' weights, the grain, ounce, and pound are the same. FIRENCH WEIGHTS, Equivalent in Avoirdupois. Tons. Grains. Ounces. Pounds. 2240 lbs. Milligramme......................01543.................. Ceuitigramme..................0... 43 1.. 000352.......000022...... Decigramme....................... 1.54331.......003527.......00220... Gramme............................ 15.4331.......0335275.......002204...... Decagramme..................... 1'4.331.......352758.......022047...... Hectogramme.................... 1543.31...... -.5. 758.......220473.......010 98 Kilogramrlme...................... 15433.1.......95.2758...... 2.20473.......00984 Myriogramme.......................... 352.78...... 22.0473.....009 42 Quintal.................................... 327.58...... 22.473.......09q425 Millier or Tonne.......................:3275.8...... 22(04.73.......984253 186 IBUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. TOWLE & UNGER M'F'G CO. 30 CORTLAND STREET, NEW YORI. HAMILTON E. TOWLE, Treas. WM. UIVNGER, Sup't. MANUIFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF ELECTRICAL APPARATUS, PRINTING, DIAL AND STANDARD TELEGRAPH INSTRUMENTS. TOWLE'S PATENT Sent to any address on receipt of price, $15.00. Send for descriptive circular..eLtoiry~!~llllll.............. —-----.L.,.ht Machiner3a b e.s.................... Light Maohinery "'u're1a Scale"' AND AND THE Patent Office Models. "Hinkley Knitter," Repairing, Gear Cutting and Milling for the SAME OFFICE. Trade. THE PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF MACNETISM TO MACHINERY A SPECIALTY. Electric Railroad Signals, (Pope o& Hendrickson's Patents.) BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 187 Piston Rods. Anderson & Woods..................................... Pittsburgh, Pa...............See Page 150 Jones & Laughlins.................................................... " 32 Pit Car Wheels. The Atlas Works.......................... Pittsburgh, Pa...............See Page 172 Pivot Bridges. Wm. Sellers & Co..........................................Philadelphia, Pa.............See Page 64 Planes. England & Bindley......................................Pittsburgh, Pa................See Page 162 Planing Machines. Isaac H. Shearman......................................Philadelphi Pa.............See Page 80 L. W. Pond................................... Worcester, Mass.............. " 158 The Pratt & Whitney Co..............................Hartford, Conn............... " 142 Wm. B. Bement & Co.....................................Philadelphia, Pa............. " 168 Wm. Sellers & Co......................... "............. " 64 Planing Mills. C. B. Rogers & Co................................ New York......................See Page 210 MEASURES.-4 PAGES. LoNG MEASURE. French ins. feet. yards. fath. poles. furl. mile. mntres. 1 =.083 =.02778'=.0139 =.005 =.000126 =.0000158 =.0254 12 = 1 =.333 =.1667 =.0606 =.00151 =.0001894 =.3048 36 = 3 = 1 =.5 =.182 =.00454 =.000568 =.9144 72 = 6 = 2 = 1 =.361 =.0091 =.001136 = 1.8287 199= 16%s= 5> = 2X3= 1 =.025 =.003125 = 5.0291 7929 = 660 = 220 = 110 = 40 = 1 =.125 = 201.16 (3360 = 5280 = 1760 = 880 = 320 = 8 =1 = 1609.315 A palm = 3 inches. A span = 9 inches. A hand = 4" A cable's length = 120 fathoms. SURVEYING MEASURE (Lineal). French ins. links. feet. yards. chains. mile. mres. m~tres. 1 =.126 =.0F33 =.0278 =.00126 =.0000158 =.0254 7.92 = I =.66 =.22 =.01 =.000125 =.2012 12 = 1.515 = 1 =.333 =.01515 =.000189 =.3048 36 = 4.545 = 3 = I =.045 5 =.000568 =.9144 792.= 100 = 66 = 22 = 1 =.0125 = 20.116 63360 = 8000 = 5280 = 1760 = 80 = 1 = 1609.315 1 knot or geographical mile = 6082.66 feet = 185 1 m6tres = 1.152 statute mile. 1 Admiralty knot = 1.1515 = 6080 feet. FRENCH LONG MEASURE. Inches. Feet. Yards. Miles. Millimetre..................03986..........00328.................. Centimetre................39368..........0328.................. Decimetre......... 3.........9368..........32807..........10357......... - Mere........................ 39.368......... 3.2807......... 1.09357........ Decametre......... 393.68......... 32.807......... 10.9357......... Hectometre......................... 328.07......... 109.357..........021347 Kilometre........................... 3280.7........ 1093.57.........6213466 Myriametre................ -......... 3807.......... 10935.7......... 6.2134V6 TIME. Seconds. Minutes. Hours. Days. Weeks. 60 = 1 3600 = 60 = 1 86400 = 1440 = 24 = 1 604800 = 10080 = 168 = 7 = 1 Sidereal Day = 23 h., 56 m., 4.C92 sec., in solar or mean time. Solar Day (mean) = 24 h., 3 m., 56.555 sec., in sideral time. Sideral year, or revolution of the earth, 365.25635 solar days. Solar or Calendar Year, 365.24224 solar days. 188 BUYERS' GUIDE. FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. DAVENPORT, FAIRBAIRN & CO. RE EI, P El N:I N'A, MANUFACTURERS OP Engine, Tender, AND Car Wheels. Moulded by new patent process, and made of best SALISBURY and COPAKE IRONS. The strongest and most durable wheels in use. C~apacity, 350 Wheels per IDay. ERIE CAR WORKS, ERIE, PENN'A, MANUFACTURERS OF Stock, Freight, Gravel, Ore and Coal OF BEST MATERIAL AND WVORKI[ANSHIP. Capacity, Ten Cars per Day. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 189 Plated Knobs. Romer & Co...................................Newark, N. J...................S e Page 204 Plate Class. D. R. Hobart & Co..................................New York......................See Page 126 Leffingwell & Co.......................................... Cleveland, Ohio................' 190 Pliers. Biddle Manufacturing Co...............................New York......................See Page 12 Plow Clevlses. Crane Bros. Manufacturing Co....................... Chicago, Ill.....................See Page 230 Plows-Railroad. Nelson Tool Works.......................New York......... York......................See Page 30 Plumbers' Castings. Philadelphia Smelting Co..............................Philadelphia, Pa............. See Page 134 Plumbers' Supplies. A. Carr.........................................................New York................S......ee Page 244 A. Fulton's Son & Co................................... Pittsburgh, Pa.............. " 116 McNab & Harlin Manufacturing Co.................New York...................... " 220 Plumbers' Tools. Phelps & Sanger............................... Cleveland, Ohio...............See Page 120 Plush Buttons. L. G. Tillotson & Co.....................................New York.....................See Page 94 Pop Valves. Posts & Kalkman.........................................New York.....................See Page 266 Porcelain Door Knobs. Romer & Co.......................................... Newark, N. J..................See Page 204 MEASURES.-CONTINUED. SQUAREI MEASURE. ins. feet. yards. perches. roods. acre square metres. 1 =.00694 =.000772 =.0000255 =.00000064 =.000000159 =.060645 144 = 1 =:111 =.00'67 =.0000918 =.000023 =.0929 1296 = 9 = 1 =.0331 =.000826 =.0002062 =.8361 39204 = 27214 = 30/4 = 1 =.025 =.00625 = 25.292 1568160 = 10890 = 1210 = 40 = 1'=.25 = 1011.7 627264( = 43560 = 4840 = 160 = 4 = 1 = 4046.7 100 square feet = 1 square. 1 chain wide = 8 acres per mile. 10 square chains = 1 acre. 1 hectare = 2.471143 acres. 3 = 27878400 sq. feet. 1 square mile = 3097e00 sq. yards. = 640 acres. Acres X.' 015625 = square miles. Sq. yds. X.000000323 = sq. miles. A section of land is 1 mile square, and contains 640 acres. A square acre is 208.71 feet at each side.,4 1/., 147.58 " 104.355 A circular 235.504 feet in diameter. I " 166.527 " " 4" S " 117.752 " " FRENCH SQUARE MEASURE. Sq. Ins. Sq. Feet. Sq. Yds. Acres. Sq. Millimetre............00154....0 00 07....00001.. Sq. Centimetre............15198....007(3....000119... Sq. Decimetre............ 15.498....1076305....011958... Sq. Metre, or Centiare... 1549.8... 10.7t305... 1.19589....00247 Sq. Decametre of Are... 15498.... 1076.305... 1189... 89. 04700 Ilectare..................... 10'7630.5... 119 8.9... 2.470 6 Sq. Kilometre.............38607 sq. miles... 1076205.... 119589.... 247.0 6 Sq. Myriametre.......... 38.6)7 sq. miles... --...... 24708.6 190 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. W. W. WILCOX, MANUFACTURER OF Raiload Baggage rowl w MARKING CARDS, BADGES, &c. 148 West Van Buren Street, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. LEFFINGWELL & CO., IMPORTERS OF French Plate GLASS! Plate sold at New York prices. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS.IN French and American Window and Picture Glass. Ornamental Glass, (Colored, Enameled, Ground, Cut and Embossed.) Rough and Fluted Plate Glass, and Glaziers' Supplies. Diamonds, Putty?oi nts, &c. LOOKING GLASS -PLATES. No. 67 St. Clair Street, - CLEVELAND, Ohio. P. H. MOFFAT, 9 State Street, Chicago, Ills. SOLE AGENT FOR Niles' Iron Co., SHEET and BAR IRON, Niles, Ohio Page & Sprague, LARD OILS, - - Chicago, Ills. Geo. A. Stanley, STEARINE CANDLES, Cleveland, Ohio. F. M. Backus & Co., LUBRICATING OILS, " " Merriam & Morgan, PARAFFINE OILS and AXLE GREASE. Cleveland, Ohio.;Americaii Sheet and Boiler Plate Co., " " 3USTNESS DIRECTOR1Y, ET. 191 Portable Engines.. Isaac H. Shearman........................................Philadelphia, Pa............See Page 80 J. S. Mundy..................................................Newark, N. J.................. 266 Rand & Waring Drill & Compressor Co...........New York...................See Front Page Wm. P. Kellogg & Co....................................Troy, N. Y....................See Page 98 Portable Forges. Newcomb Bros. Sons....................................New York......................See Page 88 S. S Townsend............................................ ".................... 2 T. B. Bickerton & Co.....................................Philadelphia, Pa............. 134 W. P. Kellogg & Co......................................Troy, N. Y..................... " 98 Powder, Laflin & Rand Powder Co.....................New York........See Page next to Back Cover Power Machines, Biddle Manufacturing Co...............................New York.....................See Page 12 Presses-Copyi ng, T. Shriver & Co.............................................New York......................See Page 194 Prl nters. Allen, Lane.& Scott...................................Philadelphia, Pa............See Page 90 Chas. F. Ketcham..........................................New York...................... 262 Warren, Johnson & Co..................................Buffalo, N. Y.................. " 100 Pulleys. Bolen Crane & Co.........................................Newark, N. J..................See Page 62 nuffalo Machinery Agency............................Buffalo, N.Y.................. Y 160 Erie City Iron Works....................................Erie, Pa.......................... 170 Geo. V. Cresson...........................................Philadelphia, Pa.............. 13 R. L. Howard & Son.....................................Buffalo, N. Y................. " 40 MEASURES.-Co NTINUED. CUBIC MEASURE. cubic ins. feet. yard. cubic metres. 1 =..0005788 =.000002144 =.00001Fe386 1728 = 1 =.03704 =.028315 46656 = 27 = 1 =.764.513. A cord of wood = 128 cubic feet, being 4 feet high, 4 feet wide, and 8 feet long. 42 cubic feet = a ton of sh pping. A Cubic Foot is Equal to 1728 cubic inches. 29.92208 U. S. liquid quarts..037037 cubic yard. 25. 1405 U. S. dry quarts.803564 U. S. struck bushel of 2159.42 59 84416 U. S. liquid pints. cubic inches. 51.42809 U. S. dry pints. 3.21426 U. S pecks. 239.37662 U. S. gills. 7.48052 U. S liquid galls. of 231 cub. inch..26667 flour barrel of 3 struck bushels. 6.42851 U. S. dry galls..23748 U. S. liquid barrel of 31Y galls. FRENCH CUBIC OR SOLID MEASURE. Gill Pint. Quart Gall. Peck. Bushel. Cubic Cubic Inches. Feet. Centilitre, Dry.......0181....-...- -....61 6 Liquid...0845....02i I............ --- Decilitre, Dry........186....0904...-....0113 - -.6 - 6.1016 Liquid...8452....2113....11156....0264...-.... Litre, Dry........... -... 1.816....908... -....1135... -.033 Liquid.. 8.452... 2.113... 1.o056....2641...-...' " 6.0 Decalitre, Dry...... 9.18...... 1.135....2837 61165 287 61o.]6i5...3531 Liquid.. 84.52... 21.13... 10.56... 2.641.... —.3. Hectolitre, Dry..... --... --... 90.8 -... 11.35... 2.837.6... 3.531 Liquid.. -... 2113... 105.6... 26.41......... - Kilolitre or Cubic Meter........Dry -... -... -.....-... 113.... 28. 616....35.31 Liquid.. --... -... 105 261.15...... - Myriolitre......Dry -... -...........1135.... 283.72... 353.1 Liquid..-... -... 10565....2641.4...- 35.1 1992 IIBUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. CHAMPLIN & ROGERS, No. 155 Fifth, Avenue, CHICAGO, ILL., DEALERS IN Taps, Dies, Reamers, Screws, Screw Plates, Drills, Gas Fitters' Tools, Machine Bits, Car Bits, Emery, Emery Wheels, Emery Grinders, Vises, Set Screws, Belting, Chucks, Wrenches, Lacing, Lathe Dogs, Bolt Dogs, Iron and Steel Clamps, Babbitt Metal, Machinists' AND Railroad Supplies, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Sole Western Agents for Manufacturers' Agents for New York Tap and Die Co. Stephens Patent Vise Co. Tanite Co.'s Emery Wheels, Grinders, &c. lorse Twist Drill Co. Centerbrook Manun'g Co. (Bits, &c.) Reynolds & Co. (Set Screws.) henry Whiteon, (Chucks.) Le Count's Lathe Dogs, &c. EVERY VARIETY OF BROWN 8a SHARPE'S MACHINISTS' TOOLS. RHODES & BRADLEY, DEALERS IN SCOTCH AND AMERICAN Coal and Iron Ores, Oace, 154 Washington St., near La Salle. Dock, Ill. Central Railroad SliDs. C I C a A 0. C0. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 193 Pumps. Bolen, Crane & Co................................. J..................See Page 62 C. Henry Hall k Co..................................... New York...................... 4 Charles B. Hardick............................... Brooklyn, N.Y............... " 84 Hart, Ball & Hart....................................Buffalo, N. Y.................. 136 J. B. Waring.....................................New York.................... " 24 J. D. West & Co........................................... ".............. " 56 J. J. Walworth.............................................Chicago, Ill................... " 124 J. S. Mundy.....................................Newark, N. J.................. " 266 Miller. & Smith....................................New York.................... " 112 Posts & Kalkman............................." "..................... " 266 Speedwell Iron Works................................... o "..................... " 122 Punches and Shears. Isaac H. Shearman.......................................Philadelphi Pa.............See Page 80 L. W. Pond..................................................Worcester, Mass............. " 158 Punching and Shearing Machines. Wm. Sellers & Co..........................................Philad.............See Page 64 Wm. B. Bement & Son............................................ " 168 Putty. D. R. Hobart & Co....................................... New York......................See Page 126 Leffingwell & Co................................. Cleveland, Ohio............... 190 MEASURES.-CONTINUED. ALE AND BEER MEASURE. (British). pints. 2 = 1 = quart. 8 = 4 = 1 gallon. 72 = 36 = 9 = 1 firkin. 144 = 72 = 18 = 2 = 1 kilderkin. 288 = 144 = 36 = 4 = 2 = 1 barrel. 4V2 = 216 = 54 = 6 = 3 = 11 = 1 hogshead. 576 = 288 = 72 = 8 = 4 = 2 = I1j = 1 puncheon. 864=432=108=12=6=3 =2 =1 =1 I butt. DRY MEASURE. The Standard Bushel contains 2150.42 cubic inches, or 77.627013 pounds avoirdupois of pure water at maximum density. Its legal dimensions are 181 inches Diameter inside, 192 inches outside, and 8 inches deep; and Mhen heaped, the cone must be 6 inches high, making a heaped bushel equal to 114 struck ones. Pints. Quarts. Gallons. Pecks. Bushels. Cubic Inches. 2 = 1 =.250 =.125 -.0315 = 67.Z 8 - 4 = 1 =.5 =.125 = 268.8 16 = 8 = 2 = 1 =.25 = 5:47.6 64 = 32 = 8 = 4 = 1 = 2110.42. LIQUID MEASURE. The standard gallon measures 231. cubic inches, or 8.33888 lbs. avoirdupois of pure water, at about 39.85 degrees Fahr., the barometer at 30 inches. gills 4 = 1 pint. 8 = 2= 1 quart. 32 = 8 = 4= 1 gallon. 1344 = 336 = 168 = 42 = 1 tierce. 2016 = 504 = 252 = 63 = 112 = 1 hogshead. 2488 = 672= 336= 84 = 2 = 1 1-3 = 1 puncheon. 4032 = 1008 = 504 =126 = 3 = 2 = 112 = I pipe. 8064 = 2016 = 108 =252 = 6 =4 =3 = 2 = I tun. Cylinders of the following sizes are closely approximating measures. Height, Diameter, Height, Diameter, inches. inches. inches. inches. Gill....................... 3 Quart......... 6...... A pint................. 3%...... 21/4 Gallon.................. 6...... 7 Pint...................... 3...... 32 10 gallons......... 15...... 14 A cubic foot contains 7/ gallons, 194 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. COPYIIG PRESSES A SPECIALTY. T. Shriver & Co. 333 East 56th St., Near 2d Ave., New York, MANUFACTURERS OF COPYING PRESSES OF AiI4 SIZIES. Presses for Railroad Use Specially, 10x13, 12x16, 15x20, 17x22, 22x24. THIS CUT REPRESENTS OUR LARGE STEEL ARCH COPYING PRESS, DESIGNED ESPECIALLY FOR RAILROAD, EXPRESS, AND TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES USE, The Arch is of Steel; the Bed Plate is braced by our Patented Method, giving very great strength; and all the parts are of proportions to bear the heaviest work in copying large WAY BILLS, MANIFESTS, &C. Address T. SHRIVER & CO., 333 East 56th Street, New York. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ETC. 195 Quarry Tools. Nelson Tool Works................................... New York.......................See Page 30 Railroad Baggage Checks. W. W. Wilcox............................. Chicago, Ill....................See Page 190 Railroad Bonds or Securities. Geo. H. Crain & Co.......................................Chicago, Ill....................See Page 124 O. W. Child................................ New York...................... " 266 Railroad Car Forgings. De'Laney & Co............................................ Buffalo, N. Y..................See Page 98 Pittsburgh Forge & Iron Co.......................... Pittsburgh, Pa............... " 174 Railroad Castings. Bowlers, Maher & Brayton............................ Cleveland, Ohio...............See Page 42 Davenport, Fairbairn & Co.............................Erie, Pa......................... 188 Jonas S. Heartt & Co.....................................Troy, N. Y..................... " 134 Ramapo Wheel & Foundry Co.......................Ramapo, N. Y................. " 256 Wason Manufucturing Co..............................Springfield, Mass............ " 146 Railroad Chairs. Pittsburgh Bolt Co......................................Pittsburgh, Pa...............See Page 118 MENSURATION.-2 PAGES. (From Hamilton.) MENSURATION OF SURFACES. Area of any parallelogram................. = base X perpendicular height. Area of any triangle......................... = base X 12 perpendicular height. Area of any circle.............................. = diameter 2 X.7854. Area of sector of circle..................... = arc X 1 radius. Area of segment of circle............= area of sector of equal radius, less area of triangle. Area of parabola..............................= base X 2-3 height. Area of ellipse................................. = longest diameter X shortest diameter X.7854. Area of cycloid.......................... = area of generating circle X 3. Area of any regular polygon........=..... sum of its sides X perpendicular from its centre to one of its sides -- 2. Surface of cylinder................. area of both ends + length X circumference. Surface of cone................................. area of base + circum -erence of base X 12 slant height. Surface of sphere..............................= diameter X 3.1415. Surface of frustrum........................... sum of girt at both ends X 1/ slant height + area of both ends. Surface of'cylindrical ring................. = thickness of ring added to the inner diameter X by the thickness X 9.8618. Surface of segment........................... = height of segment X whole circumference of sphere of which it is a part. POLYGONS. 1. To find the area of any regular polygon. Square one of its sides, and multiply said square by the number in 1st column of the following table. 2. Having a side of a regular polygon, to find the radius of a circumscribing circle. Multiply the side by the corresponding numnber in the 2d column. 3. Having the radius (f a circumscribing circle, to find the side of the inscribed regular polygon. Multiply the radius by the corresponding number in 3d column. Number 1 2 3 Angle conof Name of Polygon. Area Radius ~ Side tained betw'n Sides. = S2X = S X = R X two sides. 3... Equilateral triangle....433....5774... 1.732... 600 4... Square............... 1...7071... 1.4142... 90~ 5... Pentagon.................... 1.7205....8507... 1.1756... 108~ 6... Hexagon............. 2.5891... 1.... 1.... 120~ 7... Heptagon................. 3.6339... 1.1524....8678... 128.570 8... Octagon............. 4.8284... 1.3 66....7654... 135~ 9... Nonagon............. 6.1818... 1.4619....684... 1400 10... Decagon..................... 7.6942... 1.618....618... 1440 11... Undecagon........ 9.3656... 1.7747.5635... 147.27~ 12... Dodecagon................ 11.1962... 1.9319....5176... 1500 In the heads of the columns in above table, S = side, and R = Radius. 196 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFF1CERS. E:STABISI-f3 D 18388 SIDNEY SHEPARD & CO. PROPRIETORS OF THE BUFFALO STAMPINC WORKS, MANUFACTURERS OF Tinned ant Wrought Iron French Ware, STAMPED and JAPANNED TIN WARE. DEALERS IN HARDWARE and METALS, TINMEN'S TOOLS, MACHINES and FURNISHING GOODS. O68 MAIN STREET, BUFFALO, N. Y. MANUFACTURER OP Rail Road Lanterns, PATENT EVERLASTING. Machine Oilers, AND Transportation Cans. 46 LLOYD STREET, - BUFFALO, NEW YORK. OWE'S SCALES, OF ALL SIZES AND STYLES, SUITABLE FOR Railroads, Heavy Manufacturers and Others. -- ALSO, TRUCKS OF ALL VARIETIES, BACCACE AND EXPRESS BARROWS, FIRE AND BURCLER PROOF SAFES and VAULT WORK.'VV. A. DOBIN[SON &* CaO. 86 MAIN STREET, BUFFALO, N. Y,, MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS FOR Western New York, North Western Pennsylvania, Ohio and Ontario. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 197 Railroad Colors and Varnishe&s Edward Sminth & Co................................. New York.................... ee Page 218 Railroad Engine Forgings. De Laney & Co....................................Buffalo, N. Y..................See Page 98 Pittsburgh Forge & Iron Co.......................... Pittsburgh, Pa............... " 174 MENSURATION.-CoNTINUED. PROPERTIES OF THE CIRCLE. Diameter X 3.14159 = circumference. Diameter X.8862 = side of an equal square. Diameter X.7071 = side of an inscribed square. Diameter2 X.7854 = area of circle. Radius X 6.28318 = circumference. Circumference -- 3.14159 = diameter. The circle contains a greater area than any plane figure, bounded by an equal perimeter or outline. The'areas of circles are to each other as the squares of their diameters. Any circle whose diameter is double that of another contains four times the area of the other. Area of a circle is equal to the area of a triangle whose base equals the circumference, and perpendicular equals the radius. MENsURATION OF SOLIDS. Cylinder........................................ = area of one end X length. Sphere..................................... = cube of diameter X 6.236. Segment of sphere............................. = square root of the height added to three times the square of radius of base X by height and by.5236. Cone or pyramid................................ = area of base X 1-3 perpendicular height. Frustrum of a cone............................ = product of diameter of both ends + sum of their squares, X perpendicular height X.2618. Frustrum of a pyramid...................... = sum of the areas of the two ends + square root of their product, X by 1-3 of the perpendicular height. Solidity of a wedge............................ = area of base X 1/ perpendicular height. Frustrum ofa wedge.......................... = Y2 perpendicular height X sum of the areas of the two ends. Solidity of a ring............................... = thickness + inner diameter, X square of the thickness, X 2.4674. POLYHEDRONS. 1 2 3 4 Radius of Radius of Area of Cubic No. of Circumscribed Inscribed Surface. Contents. sides. Circle. Circle. R = SX R = SX A = S2X C = SsX 4... Tetrahedron.......6124.......2041...... 1.7320.......1178 6... Hexahedron.......866.......5...... 6....... 1. 8... Octahedron.........7071.......4082...... 3.4641.......4714 12... Dodecahedron.... 1.4012...... 1.1135...... 20.6458...... 7.6631 20... Icosahedron.......951.......7558...... 8.6602...... 2.1817 Side is length of linear edge of any side of the figure. 1.-Radius of Circumscribed Circle = Side multiplied by the number in 1st column corresponding to figure. 3.-Radius of Inscribed Circle = Side multiplied by the number in 2d column corresponding to figure. 3.-Area of Surface = Square of side multiplied by the number in 3d column corresponding to figure. 4.-Cubic Contents = Cuba of side multiplied by number in 4th column corresponding to figure. 198 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. VALENTINE & COMPANY, MXAKERS OP FINE CAR VARNISHES, 88 CHAMBERS STREET, NEW YORK. IVGoods put up in 1 and 5 gallon cans, and barrels of 45 gallons..._ In latter shape an allowance is made of 20 cents per gallon, to cover difference in cost of barrels and tins. For cash in 80 days, 5% off. FINISHING. PRn GAOILON. Railway Body Varnish...............................................$5 60 (For Finishing-coats on Outtides of Cars.) RUBBING. Hard -Drying Body Varnish............................................ 5 00 (For under-coats outside, and finishing inside; also, for finishing Locomotives) Quick Leveling Varnish........................................ 4 00 (For under-coats on inside work and Locomotives; also for quickening the Railway Body and Hard Drying Body.) MISCELLANEOUS, No. I Black Varnish.................................................. I 50 (For smoke-stacks and other iron work.) Japan Cold-Size....................................................... 3 50 (For binding, drying and hardening colors.) Crown Coach Japan................................................... 1 75 (For drying and hardening paints.) Cround Roughstuff.................................................... 3 00 (For producing a hard and level surface on bodies of Cars.) Dark Permanent Wood-Filling...................................... 4 00 (A patent article for priming outside work, and permanently filling and darkening natural woods.) Light Permanent Wood-Filling...................................... 4 00 (Precisely sagne as above, but being light colored, it fills without staining the natural wood, and is specially adapted to priming Cars.) BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 199 Railroad Iron. Geo. H. Crain & Co................................ See Page 124 Jno. A. Griswold & Co...................................Troy, N. Y.................... " 50 Jno. W. Quincy..........................................New York................... " 178 Miller & Smith....................... "..................... 11 O. W. Child..................New York................... " 262 P. H. Moffat.................................................. Chicago, Ill................... " 190 Reese, Graff & Woods................................Pittsburgh, Pa................ " 68 Vose, Dinsmore & Co.................................... New York..................... " 60 Winans & Co...................................................." 106 Railroad Machinery. Schenectady Locomotive Works...................... Schenectady, N. Y.......... See Page 148 Railroad Spike Mauls. Hermann Boker & Co....................................New York.............See Pages 152, 154 Skinner & Gifford Manufacturing Co............... " "......................See Page 140 Railroad Spikes. Collier & Scranton; Oxford Iron Co................New York..................... See Page 122 See also, Spikes. FORBIGN MONEY, IN U. S. CURRENCY. (Condensed from Trautwine.) Crown. Great Britain................ $1.13 Pistole. Spain............................ 3.90 " Portugal....................... 1.12 Paolo. Rome............................10 " Baden, Bavaria, North Peseta. Spain............................20 Germany............... 1.06 Pistareen. Spaini.......................20 Copeck. Russia..............0.0075 Piastre. Spain.......................... 1.04 Dollar. Chili, Mexico, Peru, Bo- " Egypt.......................... 05 livia, New Granada..... 1.00 Para.........................................009 " Central America.............95 Pound. Great Britain................ 4.84 Norway, Sweden, Spain.. 1.05 " Canada, New Scotia, New Rigsbank Dollar, Den- Brunswick, Newfoundmark.......5..........B.52 land.......................... 4.00 " Specie Dollar, Denmark.. 1.05 Reale plate. Spain.....................10 Doubloon. Spain, Mexico.......... 15.65 " vellon. "....................05 " New Granada........... 15.34 " South America...................0575 Drachm. Greece.........................18 2 Reales. Equador......................1875 Ducat. Austria, Bohemia, Ham- Rixdollar. Hamburg, Hanover.. 1.10 burg, Hanover............ 2.28." Sweden, Holland...... 1.05:' Sweden.......................... 2.20. " Baden, Brunswick.... 1.00 " Denmark...................... 1.81 " Bavaria, - Austria, Franc. France, Belgium..............19 Hungary...............97 5 Franc piece..........................95 Rix 10 thalers. Prussia............ 8.00 Florin. Austria, Silesia...............48 Rixthaler. Prussia, Poland, N. Holland, Netherlands, Germany. Bremen, Saxony, South Germany..........40 Hanover.............................69 " (gold) Hanover............. 1.66 Rix species thaler. Saxony.........98 (silver) "..............56 Rupee. Bombay, Madras............45 Prussia......................... 55 Sicca............................ 53 Guilder. Netherland...................40 Reis (1200), Brazil......................99 Gulden. Baden.................i.......40 Rouble. Russia.........................79 Guinea. Great Britain.............. 5.08 Schilling. Hamburg...................02 Groschen. Prussia......................024 Shilling. Great Britain...............23 5 Groschen. "......................12 Skilling. Denmark................... 0075 Grote. Bremen..........................01 Scudo. Piedmont...................... 1.36 Kreutzer. Bavaria......................0067 " Naples, Sicily..................95 10 Kreutzer. Austria................08 " Sardinia.....92 Livre. France, Sardinia..............185 " Rome.......................... 1.00 " Tuscany, Venice.............16 " Genoa........................... 1.28 Lira. Milan............................14 Soverain. Austria, Bohemia...... 3.57 Mark. Denmark.........................09 Sovereign. Great Britain........... 4.86 Milrea. Portugal...................... 1.12 Sous. France............... nearly.01 Moidore ".........,............ 6.50 Stiver. Holland.............. ".02 Mohur. Bombay....................... 7.28 Teston. Rome............................30 " Bengal......................... 8.15 Testoon. Portugal......................12 Ounce. Sicily.................. 2.50 Zecchin. Turkey....................... 1.40 Piutola. Rome........................... 3.37 Zecchina. Rome......................... 2.27 200 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. Chicago Spring Works, JMANUFACTURERS OF EXTEmLA TEMPBEEBD Light Elliptic Cast Steel Springs FOR CARS AND LOCOMOTIVES. ( PER SPECIFICA TION) AND THE Daniel's Patent Car Spring, FOR FREIGHT CARS. Rates and Terms as low as can be made. Every Spring fully tested and warranted, and orders always promptly filled. F. 1M. ATKINSON, Pres't and Sup't. OFFICE and WORKS: No. 235 South Clinton Street, Chicago. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 201 Railroad Supplies.:Atlantic Steel Works.................................. New York...................... See Page 212 A. Fulton's Son & Co....................................Pittsburgh, Pa............... " 116 Barwick Wrench Co.....................................Boston, Mass.................. " 60 Buffalo Machinery Agency............................Buffalo, N. Y.................. " 160 Champlin & Rogers.................................Chicago, Ill.................. " 192 Charles W. Matthews................................ Philadelphia, Pa............ " 38 George H. Crain & Co....................................Chicago, Ill....................' 124 Greene & Randolph...................................New York..................... " 64 George Worthington & Co..............................Cleveland, Ohio............. " 100 H. B. Newhall, Agent.................................New York..................... " 166 John Bayliss................................. " ".................. " 76 Jones & Laughlins................................Plttsburgh, Pa.............. " 32 Lock Nut & Bolt Co. of New York.;................New York...................... 272 O. W. Child............................. " "..................... " 262 Phelps & Sanger..................................Cleveland, Ohio.............. " 120 Phillipsburg Manufacturing Co.....................New York..................... " 22 Pittsburgh Forge & Iron Co...........................Pittsburgh, Pa............... " 174 Pittsburgh Bolt Co....................................Pittsburgh, Pa............... " 118 Posts & Kalkman..................................New York..................... " 266 Pratt & Co................................... Buffalo, N. Y................... " 132 Radley & McAlister Manufacturing Co............New York..................... " 250 Reese, Graff & Woods..................................... Pittsburgh, Pa............... " 68 Skinner & Gifford Manufacturing Co...............Dunkirk, N. Y................ " 140 S. S. Townsend........................................New York..................... " 2 T. B. Bickerton & Co...................................Philadelphia, Pa............ " 138 Winans & Co.....................................New York...................., " 106 Win. Green & Co...........................................Wilmington, Del............ " 248 Wiard Locomotive Attachment Co..................New York..................... " 110 Railroad Tools. Nelson Tool Works.................................New York......................See Page 30 Railroad Tickets. Allen, Lane & Scott................................. Piladelphia, Pa...-......See Page 90 Chas. T. Ketcham..........................................New York.................... " 262 Warren, Johnson & Co..................................Buffalo, N. Y.................. " 100 STEEL SPRINGS. (Hamilton.) Rule 1st-To find elasticity of a given steel-plate spring; Breadth of plate in inches multiplied by cube of the thickness in /; inch, and by aumbfr of plates; divide cube of span in inches by prod ct so found, and multiply by 1.66. Result, equal elasticity in ], of an inch per ton of load. Rule 2d-To find span due to a given elasticity, and number and size of plate; Multiply elasticity in sixteenths per ton, by breadth of plate in inches, and divide by cube of the thickness in inches, and by the number of plates; divide by 1.66 and find cube root of the quotient. Result, equal span in inches. Rule 3d-To find number of plates due to a given elasticity, span and size of plates: Multiply the cube of the span in inches by 1.66; multiply the elasticity in sixteenths by the breadth of the plate in inches, and by the cube of the thickness in sixteenths; divide the former product by the latter. The quotient is the number of plates. Rule 4th-To find working strength of a given steel-plate spring: Multiply the breadth of plate in inches by the square of the thickness in sixteenths, and by the number of plates; multiply also the working span in inches by 11.3; divide the former product by the latter. Result, equal working strength in tons burden. Rule 5th-To find span due to a given strength and number, and size of plate; Multiply the breadth of plate in inches by the square of the thickness in sixteenths, and by the number of plates; multiply, also, the strength in tons by 11.3; divide the former product by the latter. Result equal working span in inches. Rule 6th-To find the number of plates due to a given strength, span and size of plate: Multiply the strength in tons by span in inches, and divide by 11.3; multiply also the breadth of plate in inches by the square of the thickness in sixteenths; divide the former product by the latter, Result, equal number of plates. The span is that due to the form of the spring loaded. Extra thick plates must be replaced by an equivalent number of plates of the ruling thickness, before applying the rule. To find this, multiply the number of extra plates by the square of their thickness, and divide by the square of the ruling thickness; conversely, the number of plates of the ruling thickness to be removed for a given number of extra plates, may be found in the same way. 202 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. PENRHYN SLATE COMPANY, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ROOFING SLATE OF ALL KINDS AND COLORS. MARBLEIZED SLATE MANTLES, Hearths, Floor Tile and Black Boards. uarres andManuactory, ) A. F. WATERS, Western Agt., - MIDDLE GRANVILLE, - 304 MAIN STREET, Washington Co., New York.) BUFFALO, N. Y. E. L. HEDSTROM, 29 SENECA ST., BUFFALO, N. Y., WHOLESALE DEALER IN WIILKESIIAR1, PITTSTOI, LEHIH68 BLOSSBUIIG COA1LS. IMPORTER OF Scotch Pig Iron, SALES AGENT FOR LAKE SUPERIOR CHARCOAL PIG IRON,.FOR CAR WHEELS AND MALLEABLE IRON. PARMELEE & BONNELL, Nos. 55 to 59 Main St., BUFFALO, N. Y., MANUFACTURER5 0N Railroad Hand Lanterns, Railroad Signal Lanterns, THREE COLORS. Railroad Engineers' Lanterns, Railroad Conductors' Lanterns, (BRASS AND NICKEL PLATED.) Railroad Switch Lights, Patent Bar Oilers, &c. BUSINESSI DIRECTORY, ETC. 203 Railroad Track Scales. Buffalo Scale Company.............................Buffalo, N. Y.................. ee Page 4 Jones Scale Works........................................Binghamton, N. Y........... " 92 Rails. Chas. W. Matthews................................ Philadelphia, Pa............See Page 33 Greene & Randolph...................................... New York...................... " 54 Jones & Laughlins.............................. Pittsburgh, Pa............... " 32 Jno. W. Quincy............................................New York.................... 17 Miller & Smith................................................. 112 0. W. Child....................................................... 262 Tyng & Co................................................... 26 Vose, Dinsmore & Co.......................................................... 6 Railway Brakes. Ward Air Brake Co...................... K....... alamazoo, Mich............See Page 50 Ratchets. Barwick Wrench Co....................................Boston, Mass..................See Page 60 Reamers. Champlin & Rogers..................................Chicago, Ill..................See Page 192 Red Lead. Atlantic White Lead Co.-Rob't Colgate & Co. New York.............See Pages 238, 240 Brooklyn White Lead Co............................... " "..............See Page 268 T. B. Bickerton & Co.................................... Philadelphia, Pa.............. " 13'; Wetherill & Bro........................................Philadelphia, Pa............. " 52 Reflectors. Radley & McAlister Manufacturing Co...........New York......................See Page 250 Vose, Dinsmore & Co..................................6... " " " 6J Retorts. Philip Neukumet..........................................Philadelphia, Pa............See Page 10t Maurer & Weber...........................................New York...................... " 228 Riddles. Van Tuyl Manufacturing Co..........................New York.....................See Page 242 Rivet Hammers. Hermann Boker & Co................................... New York..............See Pages 152,154 Nelson Tool Works....................................... " ". See Page 3 Rivet Makers. Hoopes & Townsend................................ Philadelphia, Pa............See Page 28 J. T. Ryerson...............................Chicago, Ill................ " 180 Pittsburgh Bolt Co...............................Pittsburgh, Pa............... 11 Providence Tool Co.; IH. B. Newhall, Agent....New York..................... 16 ROOFING SLATE. General Rule for the Computation of Stlate. (Furnished by the Penrhyn Slate Co.) From the length of the Slate take three inches, or as many as the third covers the first; divide the remainder by 2, and multiply the quotient by the width of tbhe slate, and the product will tie the number of square inches in a single slate. Divide the number of square inch s thus procured by 144, the number of square inches in square foot, and the quotient will be the number of feet and inc es required. A square of slate is what will cover 100 feet square, when properly laid upon the root. TABLE OF SIZES AND NUMBER OF SLATE IN ONE SQUARE. 0 M0 0 6X12... 533 9X14... 291 10X18... 192 11X22... 137 7X12... 457 10X14... 261 11X18... 174 12X22... 126 12... 400 12X14... 218 12X18... 160 14X22... 108 X 12... 355 8X16... 277 14X18... 137 12X24... 114 10X12... 320 9X16... 246 10X2(0... 169 14X24... 98 12X12... 266 10x16... 221 11X20... 154 16X24... S6 7X14... 374 12X16... 184 12X20... 141 14X26... 89 8X14... 327 9X18... 213 14X20... 121 16X26... 78 THE WEIGHT of a Square of Slate is estimated in a general way (varying according to the thickness of the different makes), at from 600 to 700 lbs. per square. 204 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. ROXER & C O. (ESTABLISHED IN 1837.) XANUFACTURERS Or BRASS and IRON PA TENT PADLOCKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. PATENT STATIONARY RAILROAD Patent Piano, Sowing Machine Locks, AND ALL KINDS OF BRONZE KNOBS AND DOOR TRIMMINGS, PLATED and PORCELAIN DOOR KNOBS, &c. Nos. 141 to 145 Railroad Avenue, Ptrlllustrated Catalogues sent on application. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 205 Rivets. Bickford, Curtiss & Deming...........................Buffalo, N. Y.................See Page 136 D. Brewer & Co...................................... Philadelphia, Pa............. " 246 N. 1H. Gardner & Co....................................Buffalo, N. Y.................. " 254 Wm. Green & Co.....................................Wilmington, Del............ " 248 See also, Rivet Makers. Riveting Machines. Wm. Sellers & Co..........................................Philadelphia, Pa.............See Page 64 Rock Drills. Rand &'Waring Drill & Compressor Co............New York...................See Front Page Rods-Measuring, F. Eckel...............................New York......................See Page.76 Rolling Mill Castings. Bowlers, Maher & Brayton.............................Cleveland, Ohio..............See Page 42 Rolling Mill Machinery. Phelps & Sanger..................................Cleveland, Ohio............ See Page 120 Roofing Materials. H. W. Johns........................New York...........,......See Page 224 Roofing Plates. Tyng & Co..................................New York.....................See Page 260 LOCKS AND PADLOCKS. STANDARD SIZES. (Furnished by Romer &c Co.) BRASS SPRING PADLOCKS. IRON SPRING PADLOCKS. No. No. 0, 1 inch Spring Padlock, no Drop. 26, 214 inch Spring Padlock, no drop. 1/ 11/. 27, 21 " brass drop. p1, 114'- " 28, 2 8. no drop. ~2, 1~ ~.... A 29, 2 " " brass drop. 3, 1S ( " " " 30, 2 " Spring Padlock, brass 4, 213 " " Adrop and chain. 5, 2 Si " "P 6, 2 " plain drop. SELF-LOCKING TUMBLER BRASS SPRING 7, 2> (( CC PADLOCK. ~~~~8, 2 c spring drop 9, 2 " " p(Drilled Keys.) 10, 3 No. 11, 21/% " Spring Padlock, spring 60, 2 in. Lock, spring drop, no chain. drop and chain. 61, 2 and " 12, 2 " Spring Padlock, spring 62, 2 no " drop and chain. 63, 21 and 13, 2/ " Spring Padlock, plain 64, 21no drop and chain. 65 212 and 14, 2/ " Spring Padlock, plain 66, 2 no drop and chain. 67, 234 and 15, 2 " heavy R. R. Freight Car Extra Keys, $1.50 per dozen. Lock, spring drop and chain. 16, 21/2 inch heavy Spring Padlock, SELF LOCKING TUMBLER BRASK SPRING spring drop, no chain. PADLOCK. 17, 25 inch Spring Padlock, spring (Flat Keys.) drop, no chain. No. 18, 2% inch heavy R. R. Car Lock, 68, 2 inch Lock, no chain. spring drop and chain. 69, 2 with 19, 3 inch heavy R R. Car Lock, 70, 2 " no spring drop and chain. 71, 21 with " 20, 3 inch heavy, 3 tumbler R. R. 72, 21 " no " Car Lock and chain. 73, 2 " with " 21, 3 inch heavy 3 tumbler Store 74 Door Padlock, spring drop, no 75 with chain. 22, 2% inch R. R. Switch and Car IMPROVED PASSENGERCAR DOOR LOCKS. Lock, spring drop and chain. 23, 2% inch 3 tumbler, Spring Lock, Iron Case, brass inside works'and key. spring drop, no chain. Brass Case, - " 24, 2/ inch 3 tumbler, Spring Lock, Silver Plated Case, brass inside works spring drop, no chain. aud key. 25, 2 inch R R. Freight Car Tumbler Silver Plated Case, with plated knobs, Lock, spring drop and chain. brass inside works and key. 206 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. A. L. HALE ND BRO. Wholesale and IRetail F'urniltur- eers 10, 12, 14 AND 16 CANAL STREET, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. I- We have the largest and best stock of Furniture in the West, and make a specialty of TENONING AND SHAPING BAI.TND S.A.WS, SCROjLL SAVVS, planlug and atchaing -MachinQ &,, FOR RAILROAD, CAR AND AGRICULTURAL SHOPS. SUPERIOR TO ANY IN USE. J. A. FAY & CO., CINCINNATI, OHIO. BSSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 207 Roofing Slates. Penrhyn Slate Co......................................... Buffalo, N. Y............S.....ee Page 202 Ropes. De Grauw, Aymar & Co...............................New York......................See Page 112 T. B. Bickerton & Co......................Philadelphia, Pa............ " 138 Rubber Belting, Hose, &c. A. Carr..............New York....................See Page 244 A. Fulton's Son & Co.....................................Pittsburgh, Pa............... " 116 Crane Bros. Minufacturing Co........................Chicago, Ill.................... " 230 Goodyear's I. R. G. Manufacturing Co............New York....................... " 252 J. J. Walworth.........................................Chicago, Ill.................... " 124 New York Rubber Co...................................New York...................... " 260 Phelps & Sanger.............................Cleveland, Ohio............... 120 Radley & McAlister Manufacturiug Co............New York..................... " 250 Vose, Dinsmore & Co..................................... " "..................... " 63 Rubber Coods. Goodyear's I. R. G. Manufacturing Co............New York.....................See Page 252 L. G. Tilotson & Co...................................... " "..................... " 94 New York Rubber Co.................................... " " " 260 Phelps & Sanger.................................. Cleveland, Ohio.............. " 120 Rubber Springs. Chicago Spring Works.................................Chicago, Ill.............See Page 200 Goodyear's I. R. G. Manufacturing Co.............New York...................... " 252 Greene & Randolph....................................... " "...5... 54 L. G. Tillotson & Co...................................... " "..................... " 94 New York Rubber Co.................................... " "..................... " 260 Radley & McAlister Manufacturing Co............ " "..................... " 250 Vose, Dinsmore & Co..................................... " "..................... 60 Safes. W. A. Dobinson & Co...................................Buffalo, N. Y..................See Page 196 Warren, Johnson & Co................................... "...................... " 100 Safety Fuse. F. M. Alford.................................. Avon, Conn....................SeePage 158 Geo. W. Mowbray............................... North Adams, Mass......... " 182 Lafin & Rand Powder Co............................. New York.....................See Last Page Safety Valves. Geo. W. Richardson & Co...............................Troy, N. Y.....................See Page 50 Posts & Kalkman................................. New York................... 266 Sandpaper, &c. England & Bindley........................................Pittsburgh, Pa...............See Page 162 Sash and Blind Machinery. C. B. Rogers & Co.........................................New York.....................See Page 210 Sashes, Doors, &ce Joseph Churchyard...........................Buffalo, N. Y................See Page 160 WOOD-WORKING MACHINERY. Velocity of circular-saw at periphery, 6,000 to 7,000 feet per minute. the band-saw, 2,500 feet per minute. gang-saws, 20-inch stroke, 120 strokes a minute. " scroll-saws, 300 strokes per minute. " planing-machine cutters at periphery, 4,000 to 6,000 feet per minute. Travel of work under planing-machine, 1-20th of an inch for each cut. " planing-machine cutters, 3,500 to 4,000 feet per minute. cc squaring-up-machine cutters, 7,000 to 8,000 feet per minute. Speed of wood-carving drills, 5,000 revolutions per minute. machine augers, 1A inch diameter, 900 revolutions per minute. machine augers, X inch diameter, 1,200 revolutions per minute. Gang-saws require for 45 super. feet of pine per hour, I HP indicated. Circular-saws require for 75 super. feet of pine per hour, 1 HP indicated. In oak or hard wood, 3ths of the above quantity require 1 lP indicated. LEATHER GLUE. A substance known as "leather glue" is prepared by mixing ten parts of sulphide of carbon with one of oil of turpentine, and adding enough gutta-percha to thicken the mass. The leather surfaces to be united must be freed from oil, which is accomplished by subjecting them to pressure by laying the leather upon blotting paper and applying a hot iron. After tracking together the edges to be joined with the cement, they are to be kept under pressure until the glue is entirely dry. 208 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. S4 - — si — e2 ACp In all other Band Sawing-Machines the saw is placed outside of the frame and column which support the driving parts, exposing the Saws to injury from handling lumber about them, also rendering them extremely dangerous to the operator. The main feature in this Machine has been to produce a Band Saw, perfectly safe to the operator, and fully protected from injury to the Saw, combining neatness and utility in all its parts. The Saw is placed to run upward near the column, under the top arch, over the upper or tension pulley and down near the front frame and behind the guide-bar, which can be adjusted up and down to the required height for the work to be done. It also wums through a superior adjustable guide, above and below the work, and a guide Qr the OolUad, gulding equally well all widths of Saws. parts Th a spae ornupadna h oun ndrtetpacoe h uppr o tndo piedanddow nar hefrot fam an bein th g idebr hc Ca eajse pan ont h eure egtfrtewrkt edn.I d through asueiradutbeudeabvan eo tewr nd aieB the tolgidigeq~al o"lalwdtso av S1SIN0SS DtEOdTORT, EJC. 209 Sash Weights. (tane Bros. Manufacturing Co.....................Chicago, Il....................See Page 230 Saw Cummers. D. Brewer & Co........................................... Philadelphia, Pa............See Page 246 Saw Frames. E. M. Boynton......................................... New York......................See Page 6 Saw Handles. E. M. Boynton.......................................... New York......................See Page 6 Saw Makers. American Saw Company...................... New York..... See Page 156 C. Vau Ness......................................................................' 70 E. M. Boynton..................... " ".................... 6 See also, Saws. Saw Mill Machinery. Snyder Bros................................................. Williamsport, Pa.........See Page 46 Saw Mills. Buffalo Machinery Agency...................... Buffalo, N. Y..................See Page 160 Saws. Americas Saw Co................................... New York......................See Page 156 C. Van Ness.......................................... " "...................... " 70 B. M. Boynton.....6.......................................... 6 J. T. & R. H. Plasa.................................. " ".................... " 208 Pratt & Co....................................................Buffalo, N. Y.................. " 132 Scales. A. M. Gilbert & Co..................................Chicago, Ill....................See Page 18) Buffalo Scale Co....................................Buffalo, N. Y.................. " 40 Jones Scales Works................................. Binghamton, N. ~.......... " 92 Phelps & Sanger................................. Cleveland, Ohio............... " 120 W. A. Dobinson & Co............................... Buffalo, N. Y.................. " 196 Wm. P. Kellogg & Co....................................Troy, N. Y..................... 98 Sclentific Books. D. Van Nostrand................................... New York....................See Page 258 Scrapers. Skinner & Gifford Manufacturing Co...............Dunkirk, N. Y...............See Page 140 Scrap Iron. Atwater, Wheeler & Co..................................New Haven, Conn..........See Page 10 Chas. W. Matthews.........................................Philadelphia, Pa........... " 38 Screw Bolts. Lock Nut & Bolt Co. of New York..................New York.....................See Page 272 Providence Tool Co; H. B. Newhall, Agent..... " "............... " 166 TO JOIN THE END OF BAND SAWS. Furnished by J. T. & R. H. Plass, New York. File the ends of the band on opposite sides, to form two wedged-shaped ends, having a lap of say 34 inch long, which, when laid with their beveled and filed sides together shall form a good joint of the same thickness as blade. Now clamp the ends on a piece of board, with the back of the blade toward you, with the lap brought fair together, and see that the back of the blade is straight. Cut a piece of "silver solder," large enough to cover the lap, lay it between the lapped portion with a little pulverized " borax." Now, having a piece cut out of your board, say three inches wide,,irectly under your lap, heat your soldering tongs to a bright " cherry red," and hold them pinched firmly on tht lap until the solder flows freely from under the joint, then cool off the tongs and soldered portion of saw by pouring water upon the same, without relieving the pressure, until nearly cold. Try a file on both sides of the blade, and should it be harder than the other part of the blade, reheat your tongs a little, and draw the temper by pressing the tongs upon the hard portion of blade till partially heated, but not upon the lap, as it will weaken your joint. File off the solder and joint to the same thickness as other parts, and the soldering of your band is completed. CEMENT FOR LEATHER BELTING. Take of common glue and American isinglass, equal parts: place them in a boiler and add water sufficient to cover the whole. Let it soak 10 hours, then bring it to a boiling heat, and add pure tannin until the whole becomes ropey or appears like the white of eggs. Apply it warm. Buff the- grain off the leather-where it is to be cemented; rub the joint surfaces solidly together, let it dry a few hours, and it is ready for practical use; and, if properly put together, it will not need riveting, " the cement is nearly of the same nature as the leather itself, 210 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. C. B. ROGERS & CO. MANUFACTURERS OF THE:M:OST Il:P:R O'Vj3D' WOOD WORKING MACHINERY FOR Car Builders, Cabinet Makers, Sash and Blind Work, Carriage Makers, Planing Mills, &c.. —-------- JAMES S. NASON, WAREROOMS, 109 LIBERTY ST., NEW YORK. Manuf:actory, Norwich, Conn. WALTER R. WOOD & CO. MANUFACTURERS and IMPORTERS OF Nos. 283 & 285 FRONT STREET, (E.stablwhed 1840.) N E W Y O R K. Quarries at Berea, Amherst and Independence, Ohio. PRICES MADE FOR DIRECT DELIVERY. Nova Scotia, New Castle, French and Ohio Grindstones, SCYTHE, STONES, FAMILY GRINDSTONES,,cc. AT OUR NNW YORK YARD. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 211 Screw Plates. Champlin & Rogers.......................................Chicago, Ill....................See Page 192 Screws. Geo. Worthington & Co.................................Cleveland, Ohio...............See Page 100 Pratt & Co...................................................Buffalo, N. Y.................. " 132 See also, H - rdware. Seal Presses. Mathiesen & Schrader....................................New York...................... See Page 82 Self Feeding Hand and Power Drills. Biddle Manufacturing Co..............................New York.....................See Page 12 Set Screws. Champlin & Rogers........................... Chicago, Ill....................See Page 192 The Worcester Machine Screw Co.; H. B. Newhall, Agent..................,..........New York...................... " 166 Wm. H. Haskell & Co.; H. B. Newhall, Agent " ".................. " 166 Shafting. Atwater, Wheeler & Co................................New Haven, Conn..........See Page 10 Bolen, Crane & Co.........................................Newark, N.J.................. " 62 Buffalo Machinery Agency............................Buffalo, N. Y............... 160 Erie City Iron Works................................... Erie, Pa........................ 170 Geo. V. Cresson................................. Philadelphia,............. " 138 Isaac H. Shearman................................ "............ " 80 Jno. A. Griswold & Co.................................Troy, N. Y..................... 50 Jones & Laughlins............................Pittsburgh, Pa................ 32 J. S. Mundy........Newark..........................., N. J.................. 266 Pittsburgh Forge & Iron Co.........................Pittsburgh, Pa............... " 174 R. L. Howard & Son.................................Buffalo, N. Y..................' 40 Reese, Graff & Woods................................... Pittsburgh, Pa................ " 68 Shaping- Machines. Isaac H. Shearman............................... Philadelphia, Pa.............See Page 80 The Pratt & Whitney Co...............................Hartford, Conn............ " 142 Wm. B. Bement & Son................................. Philadelphia,' Pa.............. " 168 Wm. Sellers & Co.......................................... c." ~......... 64 RULES FOR CALCULATING THE SPEED OF DRUMS AND PULLEYS. (Furnished by Jas. S. Nason.) PROBLEM No. I.-The diameter of the driven being given, to find its number of revolutions. Rule-Multiply the diameter of the driver by number of its revolutions, and divide the product by the diameter of the driven, the quotient will be the number of revolutions of the driven. PROBLEM NO. II.-The diameter and revolutions of the driver being given, to find the diameter of the driven that shall make any given number of revolutions in the same time. Rule-Multiply the diameter of the driver by its number of revolutions, and divide the product by the number of revolutions of the driven; the quotient will be its diameter. PROBLEM No. III.-To ascertain the size of the driver. Rule-Multiply the diameter of the driven by the number of revolutions you wish it to make, and divide the product by the revolutions of the driver; the quotient will be the diameter of the driver. WEIGHT OF GRINDSTONES. RULE: Square the diameter (in inches), multiply by thickness (in inches), then multiply by decimal.06363. Esample: Find the weight of a stone 4 feet 6 inches diameter and 7 inches thick. 4 ft. 6 in. = 54 inches; square of 54=2916; multiplied by 7=20412; mulplied by.06363=Ans., 1298.816 lbs., which is weight of stone. 212 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR.RAILWAY OFFICERS. ATLANTIC STEEL WORKS, MANUFACTURERS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF CAST STEEL. CAST TOOL STEEL, CAST MACHINERY STEEL, CAST SPRING STEEL, RAIL ROAD FORGINGS, CAST STEEL CROW BARS, &c. RICHARDSON, BOYNTON & CO. Proprietors, 234 WATER STREET, - - NEW YORK. ~H.A.IlELES rl'. CHESTER I, 104 CENTRE STREET, NEW YORK. MANUFACTURER OF INSTRUMENTS, BATTERIES, AND Tegralpip Materlal andy hupphle; OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Chester A I T legraph Wire, unquestionaly the toughest and best Galvanized Iron Wire in the American market. Test-twenty-one full turns to a length of six inches. Office and Magnet Wires of any size, in any desired quantity. Screw Class Insulators. Brackets and Pins, at very low rates. Submarine Cables of the Celebrated Kerite Wire. Exclusive Agents of Day's Kerite Wire, for Office Air, Submarine use; the best insulated and most durable wire in the world. n Illustrated Catalogues, embracing a large amount of new matter and Price Lists for 1873, now ready. P. O0 Box 2766, New York, BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 213 Shears and Punches. L. W. Pond................... Worcester, Mass.............See Pge 158 See also, Punches. Shearing Machines. Wm. Sellers & Co................................ Philadelphia, Pa............See Page 64 Sheet Iron. Atwater, Wheeler & Co.................................New Haven, Conn...........See Page 10 Bruce & Cook................................... New York................ " 112 John Merry & Co.......................................... ".... " 48 J. T. Ryerson................................................Chicago, I ll.................... " 180 Marshall Lefferts, Jr..................................... Nw York.. " 44 P. H. Moffat................................................ Chicago, Ill...................... " 190 Radley & McAlister Manufacturing Co............New York " 250 Sidney Shepard & Co..................................Buffalo, N. Y.................. " 196 Winm. Green & Co..........................................Wilmington, Del............ " 248 Sheet Lead. Bruce & Cook..............................New York......................See Page 112 E. W. Blatchford & Co............................. Chicago, Ill " 124 Sheet Rubber. A. Fulton's Son & Co....................................Pittsburgh, Pa......... See Page 116 Goodyear's I. Rt. G. Manufacturing Co............New York....................... " 252 New York Rubber Co............................................ " 260 Sheet Zinc. Bruce & Cook.............................................. New York......................See Page 112 Shingles. Joseph Churchyard....................................Buffalo, N. Y...................See Page 160 Shingle Strips. Reese, Graff & Wods.................................. Pittsburgh, Pa...............See Page 68 Ship Lanterns. S. M. Aikman & Co...................................... New York......................See Page 114 IRON TELEGRAPH WIRE. TABLE OF LENGTH, SIZE, WEIGHT, STRENGTH, ETC. (Charles T. Chester.) 2 3. 2-..* c e 0...... 0.340...... 29.44...... 1490...... 1416...... 7280...... 213 1...... 0.300..... 22.92...... 1210...... 1150...... 5650...... 273 2...... 0.280...... 19.97...... 1054...... 1002...... 4930...... 315 3...... 0.260...... -17.22..... 909...... 854...... t250..... 363 4...... 0-240...... 11.00...... 775...... 747...... 3620...... 429 5...... 0.220...... 12.34...... 651...... 619...... 3040...... 510 6...... 0.200...... 10.19...... 538...... 512...... 2510..... 609 7...... 0.185...... 8.72...... 461...... 438...... 2220...... 717 8*...... 0.170...... 7.37...... 389...... 370...... 1840...... 858 9 A...... 0.155...... 6.12...... 323...... 307...... 1560...... 1026 10*...... 0.140...... 4.99...... 264...... 251...... 1280...... 1260 11*...... 0.125...... 3.98...... 211...... 200...... 1000...... 1587 12...... 0.110...... 3.08...... 163...... 157...... 800...... 2100 13...... 0.095...... 2 35...... 124..... 118...... 568...... 2679 14...... 0.085...... 1.84...... 97...... 93...... 456...... 3426 15...... 0.075...... 1.43...... 76...... 73...... 352...... 4404 16...... 0.065...... 1.08...... 57...... 55...... 264....... 5862 17...... 0.057...... 0.83...... 44...... 42...... 208...... 7620 18...... 0.050...... 0.64...... 34...... 32..... 160...... 9459 19...... 0.045...... 0.52..... 27...... 26...... 128...... 12255 20...... 0.040...... 0.41...... 21...... 20...... 104...... 14736 * Those marked with star are standard sizes for telegraph use. 214 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. SUPERFINE PAINTS AND COLORS, FOR CAR PAINTING.' These Colors are Guaranteed Perfectly Pure, of a fineness that cannot be equalled outside of us. W El Y]I -E 11] E:I TO3 0 CILBERT BUSH & CO., Troy, N. Y. WASON CAR COMPANY, Springfield, Mass. CRANT LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, Paterson, N. Jl BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY. WM. MULLIKS, Esq., Purchasing Agent, Pennsylvania Railroad, Pittsburgh, Pa. MILWAUKIE & ST. PAUL RAILROAD COMPANY, and many others. SEND FOR SAMPLE BOOK OF COLORS TO JOHN W. MASURY & SON, MANUFACTURERS OF PURE WHITE LEAD, ZINC PAINTS, AND SUPERFINE COLORS Pon COACH AND CAR WORK. SPECIALTY IN P URlE COLORS. Office, No. Ill Fulton Street, New York. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 215 Shovels. ngland & Bindley............................... Pittsburgh, Pa................See Page 162 Geo. Worthington & Co................................Cleveland, Ohio............. " 100 L. G. Tillotson & Co..................................... New York...................... -" 94 T. B. Bickerton & Co......................................Philadelphia, Pa............ " 138 Signal 011. Eclipse Lubric Oil Co...................................New York.........See Page Facing Title. F. S. Pease...................................Buffalo, N. Y.................See Page 100 P. H. Moffat..................................................Chicago, Ill................... " 190 Win. B. Browne & Co.....................................New York..................."... 266 Signals. Buffalo Steam Gauge Co................................ Buffalo, N. Y..................See Page 170 Slate. Penrhyn Slate Co....................................Buffalo, N. Y..................See Page 202 Slate Roofing Tools. Nelson Tool Works...................................New York......................See Page 30 Sledges. Nelson Tool Works.......................................New York....................See Page 30 Win. Green & Co.............................................Wilmington, Del............. " 248 Slide Lathes-Self-Acting. Wm. Sellers & Co..............i....................SPhiladelphia, Pa.............See Page 64 Sliding Tables. Wm. Sellers & Co..........................................Philadelphia, Pa............See Page 64 Slotting Machines. Isaac H. Shearman.............................Philadelphia, Pa.............See Page 80 Wm. Sellers & Co.....................6.............................. 64 Wm. B. Bement & Son................................................ " 168 Smelters. Du Plaine & Reeves............................... Philadelphia, Pa..............See Page 102 Hooks Smelting Co...................................... " ".216 Philadelphia Smelting Co........................................... 134 WROUGHT IRON WELDED TUBES, EXTRA STRONG. Table of Standard Sizes.-(Morris, Tasker & Co.) be A 0.ma Ca a S.......123...... n,.......294......-....... 40675.......100......205............,,,,,,.54.......123.............291.............84.......149.......298.......542.......244...... 1.05.......157......314.......736.......422 1...... 1.315.......182.......364.......951.......587 1i/...., 1.66.......194.......388...... 1.272.......885 1.9.......203.......406...... 1.494...... 1.088 2 2.375.......221.......442...... 1.933...... 1.491 2..... 2.875.......280.......560..... 2.315...... 1.7 55 3 3.5.......304.......608...... 2.892...... 2.284 3 Y2. 4........321.......642...... 3.358...... 2.716 4...... 4.5.......341.......682...... 3.818 3.136 THERMOMETERS To convert degrees, Centigrade or Reaumur, into degrees Fahrenheit. Let F = No. of degrees Fahrenheit. C= - " " Centigrade. R = " " Reaumur. 9C 9R F = —+32 F = —+32 F =C+R+32 5 4 4 (F —32) 4 (F - 32) C=. R=. 9 9 Freezing point, or 320 Fah. Zero in Cent., or Reaumur. Boilng point, or 212~ Fah. = 100~ Cent., or 80 Reaumur, 216 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. W. KUEBLER. F. SEELHORiT. KUEBLER & SEELHORST, IANUFACTURERS OF Y Ithelljtitiad AND Opti6tl INSTRUMENTS, No 27 South Eighth Street, cor. Jayne, (Entrance on Jayne Street.) -?z::,A=3."_::.~ WVe call the attention of Engineers to our Patented Improvement on Telescopes. IOOlIs SitESLTUjING CO., S UC C E S SO R S T O l, I " I I I l l,! l BLACE DIAMOND FILE WORKS I-I. BAFNETT 9, 1 & -. IHMOND ST, PILAE T T LPHIA. 39, 41 & 43 111,a;OND ST,, PHILADELPHIA. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 217 Smiths' Tools. England & Bindley.................................Pittsburgh, Pa................See Page 162 Nelson Tool Works...................................New York...................... " 30 S. S. Townsend................................................New York.............. " 2 Smoke Stacks. Radley & McAlister Manufacturing Co............ New York...................... See Page 250 Socket Pipes. R. A. Brick & Co...................................... New York......................See Page 48 Solder. Du Plaine & Reves....................................... Philadelphia, Pa............See Page 102 IHolmes & Lissberger............................ New York..................... 84 Lucius Hart & Co.......................................... " 56 Spades. Vose, Dinsmore & Co.................................... New York......................See Page 60 Spark Arresters. Radley & McAlister Manufacturing Co............. ew York.......................See Page 250 Spelter. Holmes & Lissberger.....................................New York......................See Page 84 Lucius Hart & Co......................................... " 56 Philadelphia Smelting Co..............................Philadelphia, Pa............ 134 Wm. Green & Co..................................... Wilmington, Del............. " 248 Sperm Oil. F. S. Pease...................................Buffalo, N. Y..................See Page 100 P. R. Moffat. Chicago, Ill. 190 P. H. M offa t................................................., " 190 Wm. B. Browne & Co....................................New York...................... " 266 TELEGRAPH MAGNET AND OFFICE WIRES. TABLE SHOWING THE NUMBER OF FEET BARE COPPER WIRE TO THE POUND. (Chas. T. Chester.) Birmingham Diameter No. of Feet BirminghamNo. of Feet Wire Gauge. in Ins. Bare Wire Wire aug. in Ins. Bare Wire 1...... 300...3.82 21...... n.03l b.. 280.1 2.......280...... 4.41 *22.......030...... 381.6 3.......260...... 5.09 *23.......027...... 450.0 4.......240...... 6.00 *24.......025...... 533.1 5.......22)...... 7.11 25.......023...... 630.0 6.......200...... 8.61 *26.......019...... 923.4 7......185...... 10.09 27.......018...... 1029.0 8.......170. 11.91 *28.......016...... 13,12.0 9.......155. 14.32 29......015...... 1481.4 10.......140...... 17.50 *30.......014...... 1708.5 11.......125...... 22.1 31.......012...... 2314.8 *12.......110...... 28.4 *32.......010...... 3333.3 * 3........095...... 37.2 33......09...... 3421.4'14.... 85...... 48.0 *34.....096...... 3616.8 15.......075...... 61.3 35.......0087...... 4399.8 *16.......065...... 81.9 36.......0 j79...... 5349.0 17.......057...... 106.1 37.......0067...... 7425.0 *18......,.050...... 137.9 38......0058..... 9908.7 19.......045..... 161.3 39.....,0042...... 18896.1 *20.......040...... 215.6 40.......0039...... 21915.0 * Standard Sizes. The following are the conducting powers of tire several Coppers, 100 being the standard for chemically pure: Lake Superior Native, not fused.......................... 98.8 at 15.5 " " fused, as it comes in commerce...... 92.6 " 15.0 Burra Burra..................................................... 88.7 " 14.0 Best Selected...................................................... 813 14.2 Bright Copper Wire.......................................... 72.2 " 15.7 Tough Copper.................................................... 71.0 17.3 Demidoff............................................................. 59.3 " 12.7 Rio Tinto........................................................... 14.2 " 14.8 218 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. EDWARD SMITH & CO. MANUFACTURERS O0 CAR VARNISHES, AND SOLE AGENTS FOR POST'S COACH COL ORS. 161 WILLIAM STREET, NEW YORK. 3STAIBLIS I:ED 1827. J. H. POST & COo IHIESTEER, CONN., ONLY MANUFACTURERS OF Post's Coach Colors FOR Car and Coach Work. EDWARD SMITH & CO., SOLE A GENTS, 161 WILLIAM STREET, NEW YORK. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 219 Spiegeleisen. ilermann Boker & Co....................................New York................See Page 152,154 Spike Mauts. Skinner & Gifford Manufacturing Co..............Dunkirk, N.................See Page 140 Spikes. Collier & Scranton; Oxford Iron Co................New York......................See Page 122 England & Bindley................................Pittsburgh, Pa............... 162 G. B. Walbridge...............................New York...................... c 130 Geo. Worthington & Co.................................Cleveland, Ohio............... 100 Greene & Randolph................................New York...................... 54 Jno. W. Quincy............................................. " 178 Jones & Laughlins...............................Pittsrgh, Pa............... 32 Lock Nut & Bolt Co. of New York..................New York..................... " 272 Marshall Lefferts, Jr.-(Galvanized Spikes)....., " 44 Miller & Smith...c-"112 Miller & Smith....................................................... " 112 O. W. Child......................................................... " 262 Pratt & Co-(Rail, Bridge, and Boat)...............Buffalo, N. Y.................. 132 Win. Green & Co...................................... W...Wilmington, Del............ 248 SIDES OF SQUARES. qual in-Area to a Circle of any Diameter. (Condensed from Haswell.) 0 0 6 4-4 0a4-,.o.i 4_, 0_ S ao3 E - * d l' vo gq ce.t a;-r* P ~~CI~~-~~~.6 b~~~~~, RO mq W, 4 C) r A m~~~~~r/z R ~ 0 A0 C 1....886 21... 18.611 41... 36.335 61... 54.06 81... 71.784 2/... 1.329 2/... 19.054'. 36.778... 54.503.. 72.227 2... 1.772 22... 19.497 42.. 37.221 62... 54.946 82... 72.67 Y... 2.215 3 2... 19.94 /... 37.664'2... 55.389'... 73.113 3... 2.658 23... 20.383 43. 38.198 63... 55.832 83... 73.557... 3.102 Y'... 20.826'A... 38.551 A4... 56.275... 74. 4... 3.545 24... 21.269 44... 38.994 64... 56.718 84... 74.443 5!/~2 2 5 ~/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2... 21.712 45/2... 39.437 5/... 3.988.. 21.71 39.43. 57.161... 74.886 5... 4.431 25... 22.155 45... 39.88 65... 57.604 85... 75.329 Y2... 4.874 2... 22.599 6 2... 40.323 6A... 58.048'A... 75.772 6... 5.317 26... 23.042 46... 40.766 66... 58.491 8... 76.215'A... 5.76'2... 23.485'A... 41.209'... 58.934'A... 76.658 7... 6.203 27... 23.928 47 41.652 67... -59.377 87... 77.101'... 6.646 A.. 24.371 Y2.42 096'... 59.820'A... 77.545 7.09 28. 24.814 48... 42.584 68... 60.263 88 77.988. 7.533'... 25.257 2... 42.982'... 60.706... 78.431 9.. 7.976 29. 25 7 49... 43.425 69... 61.149 89... 78.874 A2... 8.419'A... 26.143 2... 43.868'2... 61.593'A... 79.317 10.. 8.862 30... 26.587 50... 44.311 70... 62.036 90... 79.76 2A. 9.303'A... 27.03 Y2... 44.754'A... 62.479'A... 80.2b3 11..9.748 31.. 27.473 51... 45.197 71... 62.922 91... 80.646 1.1... 27.916'A... 45.64 12..63.365'... 81.09 12... 10.634 32... 28.3-9 52... 46.084 72... 63.808 92... 81.533 12... 11.078 A... 28.802 2... 46.527'2... 64.251'... 81.976 13... 11.521 33... 29.24 53... 46.97 73. 64.694 93... 82.419'A... 11.964'2... 29.688 /2. 47.413'... 65.137' 82.862 14... 12.407 34... 3U.131 54... 47.856 74... 65.581 94... 83.305 1'... 12.85'. 30.575... 48.299 2... 66.024 95.. 83.748 15... 13.293 35... 31.018 55..48.742 75..66.467 9.84.191'A2... 13.736'A... 31.461 2... 49.185'A... 66.91'.. 84.634 16..14.1.79 36... 31 934 56 49.628 76... 67.353 96.. 85.078 /... 14.622 2... 32.347 2... 5.72... 67.796'A... 85.521 17... 15.066 37... 32.793 57.. 50.515 77... 68.239 97... 85.964 181... 15.5'A9 2... 33.233'... 50.958'... 68.682'... 86.407 18...15.952 38... 33.676 58... 51.401 78.., 69.125 98... 86.85 12. 16.395.. 34.119 2... 51.844.. 63.569... 87.293 15... 16.838 39... 34.563 59... 52.287 79.. 0.012 99... 87.736 20... 17 281 Y2... 37.006 12... 52.73.. 70.455'... 88.179 20 17.724 40... 35.449 60... 53.173 80... 70.898 100... 88.622 18.-167'... 35.892... 53.616'... 71.341'... 89.066 220 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. MCNAB & HARLIN MF'G CO. MANUFACTURERS OF BRASS COCKS FOB S T 7TE -A. M1 WV A T EJ, AND G -A S. Steam Whistles, Gauge Cocks, Lubricators, Water Gauges, &c. IRON PIPE, AND FITTINGS. BRASS AND COMPOSITION CASTINGS. Wllustrated Catalogue and Price List sent by Express on application. 56 JOHN STREET, Works, Paterson, N. J. NEVV YORK. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 221 Splice Bars.'Pittsburgh Forge k Iron Co...........................Pittsburgh, Pa............ See Page 174 Pittsburgh Bolt Co........................................Pittsburgh, Pa................ " 118 Spoons. Pratt & Co.................................................Buffalo, N. Y...................See Page 132 Springs. Chicago Spring Works..............................Chicago, Ill....................See Page 200 Goodyear's I. R. G. Manufacturing Co.............New York..................... " 252 New York Rubber Co........................................................ " 260 Vose, Dinsmore & Co..................................... " "..................... " 60 Wm. Green & Co...........................................'ilmington, Del............ " 248 Spring Steel. Anderson & Woods..................................Pittsburgh, Pa................See Page 150 Reese, Graff' & Woods................................... " "............ " 68 Win. Green & Co...................................... Wilmington, Del............. " 248 Stamps. Mathieson & Schrader................................New York......................See Page 82 Staple Manufacturers. D. Brewer & Co............................................Philadelphia, Pa...........See Page 246 Stationary Engine Forgings. De Laney & Co........................................ Buffalo, N. Y................. See Page 98 Stationery. Chas. F. Ketcham.........................................New York......................See Page 262 Warren, Johnson & Co..................................Buffalo, N. Y.................. " 100 Wm. J. Young & Son...................................Philadelphia, Pa............. 138 CIRCUMFERENCES AND AREAS OF CIRCLES. Diam. CIrc. Area. Diam. Circ. Area. Dlam. Circ. Area. I-32-.098I.00076 3t - 10.21 8.295 71 23.56 44.178 1-i6. 963.00306 Io.6o 8.946 23.95 45.663 t~ I-8 -.3926.01227 31- 10.99 9.621 7 - 24.34 47-.73 0 3-x6.5890.0276I 1.38 10.320 24.74 48-707 = I-4-.-7854.04908 3 -I 11.78 11.044 8 - 25.13 50.265 I 5-16.98I7.07669 12.17 11.793 25.52 51.848 i 3-8 - I.178.1104 4 I2.56 I2.566 8t - 25.9I 53-456, ~ C 7-I6 1.374.1503 12.95 I3.364 26.31 55.088 t -2 — I.570 *.1963 41 -3.35 14. 186 8-f 26.70 56.745 _ 9 —6 1.767.2485 13.74 15.033 27.09 58.426 ( 5-8 - I.963.3067 41- I4.1 3 I5-904 8, - 27.48 60. 32 x & - xi-i6 2.159.37I2 I4.52 I6.800 27.88 6.86z P. > 3-4- 2.356.4417 4t 14.92 I7.720 9 28.27 63.617' 13-x6 2.552.5I84 15.3I x8.665 28.66 65-396 0 N 7-8 - 2.748.6013 5 -15.70 I9.635 91- 29.05 67.200 15-I6 2.945.6902 i6. xo 20.629 29.45 69.029 i. 1 - 3.14I.7854 5t I6.49 2I.647 91- 29.84 70.882 z > 3-534.9940 i6.88 22.690 30.23 72-759 t Z O It - 3.927 1.227 5 — 117.27 23.758 91 - 30.63 74.662 0: 4.319 1.484 17.67 24.850 31.02 76.588 4 -- 4-.712 I.767 /5 - I8.o6 25.967 10 - 31.4 78.539 5. I05 2.073 18.45 27. I08 3I.80 8o.51 5 N 21 - 5.497 2.405 6 - I8.84 28.274 IOt - 32.20 82.516 Y. 5.890 2.-76I 19.24 29-464 32.59 84.54a p 2 6.283 3.14I 6t -l 9.63 30.679 1i — 32.98 86.590 g 6.675 3.546 20.02 3I.g99 33-37 88.664 21 - 7.068 3.976 6- 20.42 33.183 I0o - 33-77 90-762 p 7.461 4.430 20.81 34-471 34.I6 92.885 4 2 7.854 4.908 61 - 2I.20 35 784 II - 3455 95.033 8.246 5.411 21.57 37.122 34-95 97.205 g 2 - 8.639 5.939 7 - 2I.99 38.484 III - 35-34 99.402 ~ 9.032 6.49I 22.38 39.871 35-73 io0.62 a 3 9.424 7.o68 71 - 22.77 41.282 III- 36.12 103.86 9.817 7.669 23.1 I6 42-718 36.52 106.13 _- _' /_ _' _ /'/~' 222 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. The Wharton R. R. Safety Switch. MAIN TRACK UNBROKEN AND CONTINUOUS. Adopted by numerous Roads, among which are the Pennsylvania Railroad, Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore Railroad, Baltimore & Potomac Rail. road, Northern Central Railroad, Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad, &c. - For further Information, Drawings and Circulars, apply to The Wharton Railroad Switch Company, Office, 28 South Third St., PHILADELPHIA. ALSO, ELASTIC STEEL CUP WASHERS, MAKING THE CHEAPEST EFFECTIVE JOINT IN USE. ESTABISHED 1842. ESTABTLISHED 1842. COVERED WIRES, Made from LARE SUPERIOR COPPER, warranted str'ictly pure, covered'with HEMP, FLAX, LINEN, COTTON, SILK, or other material, for TELEGRAPH INSTRUMENTS, ELECTRO-MAGNETIC MACHINES, PHILOSOPHICAL APPARATUS, and all kinds of ELECTRICAL PURPOSES. Also, Plain, Woven, Enamelled, Shellaced, Paraflnedl, AND ALL KINDS OP TELEGRAPH OFFICE WIRES. Also, Telegraph Switch Cords, Many Patterns, Plain, Woven and Braided. W1 Parties being partial to any particular kind, need only enclose a small specimen in a letter, and it can be imitated in every particular. Conducting Cords, Pole Cords and Tinsel. C.'THOMIMPSON, (Successor to JOSIAH B. THOMPSON,) 29 North 20th St., Philadelphia, Pa. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 223 Steamboat Forgings. De Laney & Co..............................................Buffalo, N. Y.................See Page 98 Pittsburgh Forge & Iron Co..........................Pittsburgh, Pa................ " 174 Steam Elevators. Crane Bros. Manufacturing Co....................... Chicago, Ill................... See Page 230 Steam Engines. A. Carr.......................New York..................... See Page 244 Babcock & Wilcox................................................... " 270 Bolen, Crane & Co.......................................Newark, N. J................ " 62 Buffalo Machinery Agency.............................Buffalo, N. Y................... " 160 C. Henry Hall & Co.................................. New York.................... " 4 Crane Bros. Manufacturing Co.......................Chicago, Ill............... " 230 Erie City Iron Works.....................................Erie, Pa........................ " 170 Isaac H. Shearman....................................... Philadelphia, Pa............. " 80 J. B. Waring................................New York...................... " 24 J. S. Mundy..................................Newark, N. J.................. " 266 Miller & Smith.................................. New York...................... " 112 New York Safety.Steam Power Co.................. " "...................... 270 Phelps & Sanger......................C............Cleveland, Ohio.............. " 120 Porter, Bell & Co.....................................Pittsburgh. Pa................ " 128 Rand & Waring Drill & Compressor Co............New York...................See First Page R. L. Howard & Son..................................... Buffalo, N. Y................See Page 40 Snyder Bros....................................Williamsport, Pa........... " 46 Wiard Locomotive Attachment Co.-(AntiExplosive).........................................New York.................... " 110 CIRCUMFERENCES AND AREAS OF CIRCLES-ContinUed. Diam. Circ. Ares. Diam. Circ. Area. Diam. Ctrc. Area. IIi - 36.9! 108.43 I6 - 50.26 201.06 20t - 63.61 322.06 37.30 110.75 50.65 204.2I 64.oI 326.05 0 12 - 37.69 3.09 Ix6f - 51.05 207.39 201- 64.40 330.06 p 38.09 115-46 51.44 210.59 64.79 334.10 ~ 1j. 12t - 38.48 II7.85 I6 — 5I.83 213.82 20o - 65.18 338. I6 38.87 120.27 52.22 217.-07 65.58 342.25 I-21- 39.27 I22.7I I6t - 52.62 220.35 2I - 65.97 346-36 2. 5 39.66 125.18 53.01 223.65 66.36 350.49 n H' 121 - 40.o5 127.67 I7 - 53.40 226.98 21~ - 66.75 354.65 - 40.44 130.19 53-79 230.33 67. 15 358.84 C D 13 - 40.84 I32.73 17t - 54.19 233.70 21}- 67.54 363.05 0.: 4I.23 I135.29 54.58 237.10 67.93 367.28 a, 131 -14I.62 I37.88'I7- 54-97 240.52 211 - 68.32 37154 o r 42.0I I40.50 55-37 243-97 68.72 375-82 tl 13t — 42.41 143.I3 171 - 55-76 247-45 23 - 69.11 380.13 I 3 % 3 42.80 145.80 56. I6 250.94 69.50 384.46 >+ > 131 - 43-I9 144.48 I8 — 56.54 254.46 22* - 69.90 388.82 Z -. 43.58 151.20 56.94 258.01 70.29 393.20 o Z 14 -43.98 153-93 8t - 57-33 26I.58 22 —- 70.68 397.6o0 5 o 44-37 156.69 57.72 265.18 7I.07 402.-3 o 3 14t - 44.76 I59.48 i8g- 58. I 268.80 22 71.47 406.49 45.16 I62.29 58.5I 272.44 71.86 40o.97 141- 45 55 65.13 181 - 58.90 276.11 23 - 72.25 415.47 - 45-94 x67-98 59.29 279.81 72.64 420.00oo 141 -46.33 I70.87 19 59-69 283.52 23t - 73.04 424-55 46.73 I73.78 60.08 287.27 73-43 429.13' 15 - 47. 2 176.7, I19 - 60.47 29I.03 231- 73.82 433-73 47.51 179.67 6o.86 294.83 74.21 438.30 151 - 47.90 182.65 I9- 6,.26 298.64 231 - 74.61 443.or 48.30 185. 66 6I.65 302.48 75. 447-69 8 251- 48.69 I88.69 [191- 62.04 306.35 24 - 75.39 452.39 49.08 191.74 62.43 3I0.24 75-79 45711 151 - 49.48 I94.82 20 - 62.83 314.16 24* - 76. I8 46.86 49.87 I97-93 63.22 3I8.09 76.57 466.63 ~224 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. ]STABLISHED 18H8. ASBESTOS ROOFING. HIGHEST PREMIUM (MEDAL) AWARDED AND ENDORSED BY CERTIFICATE rFROX THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE As "THE BEST ARTICLE IN TIlE MARKET." 4-4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cd' 1Q) -;1 G),1 14 1 L.,4I IL wo; 0c:,..,,( 0 Cc 0' 4-1~~~~~~~~~~~~Soecd for D~escriptive Pamphlets, Price-Lists, &~. Liberal Terms to Dealert. Ocr b'I H. W. JOHNS, SOLE MANUFACTURER, oNew Offices, 87 Maiden Lane, (or o St.) New York. Q7 oYlP~~i I' 0i cwo -! C H.~~ W. JOHNS S~MNFATRR Newii Qiics 8!~ 1Vaie a e,( rnrQ dSt) w Yok BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 225 Steam Boilers. A. Carr......................................,New York....................See Page 244 Babcock & Wilcox......................................................270 Buffalo Machinery Agency........................Buffalo, N. Y.................. 160 C. Henry Hall & Co...................................New York..................... 4 Erie City Iron Works...................................Erie, Pa........................ " 170 Isaac H. Shearman..................................Philadelphia, Pa............. 80 J. B. Waring.......................................New York............... "' 24 New York Safety Steam Power Co.27........................... " 270 Wiard Locomotive Attachment Co.-(AntiExplosive) 1...................................."......... " 110 Steam Fire Engines. C. Henry Hall & Co........................ New York...........S...........ee Page 4 Crane Br s. Manufacturing Co........................Chicago, Ill................... " 231! George M. Allerton............................. New York...................... " 142 Steam Cauges. A. Carr.................................New York.....................See Page 2 14 A. Fulton's Son & Co................................Pittsburgh, Pa.............. ] 16 Buffalo Steam Gauge Co............................... Buffalo, N. Y................. 170 J. G. Knapp Manufacturing Co.......................New York..................... 16 J. J. Walworth............................. Chicago, I.................... 124 L. G. Tillotson & Co............................ New York..................... 94 McNab & Harlin Manufacturing Co............................ 220 Phelps & Sanger................................Cleveland, Ohio............. 120 Radley & McAlister Manufacturing Co............New York.................... " 250 T. B. Bickerton & Co.....................................Philadelphia, Pa............ 138 Vose, Dinsmore & Co....................................New York...................... " 60 CIRCUMFERENCES AND AREAS OF CIRCLES-Continued. Diam. Ore. Area. Diam. Cire. Area. Dlam. Circ. Area. 24 — 76.96 471-43 281 - 90.32 649. I8 33- 103.6 855.30 77-36 476.25 90.7I 654.83 I04. 861.79 24 - 7775 481.10 29 -- 9I.1 660.52 33 - 104-4 868.30 0 78. 14 485.97 91.49 666.22 104.8 874.84: 25 - 78.54 490.87 291 - 91.89 671.95 33i — 105.2 881.41 78.93 495-79 92.28 677.71 1056 888.o00 251 - 79.32 500.74 292 92.67 683.49 331 - oI06. 894.6r! JC 797I 505.7I 93.6 689.29 06.4 90.25 93.o6/ 6. io6- 9ox.25 (D 251- 8o0.o 510.70 291 - 93-46 695. I2 34 - io6.8 907.92 k. 1 80.50 515.72 93.85 700.98 I07.2 914t61 a;r c 251 80.89 520.70 30 94.24 706.86 341 I07.5 92I.32 a -, 8I.28 525.83 94.64 712.76 107-9 928.06 26 - 8 I.68 530.93 301 - 95.03 718.69 34t- 108.3 934.82 < r 82.07 536.04 95.42 724.64 I08.7 94I.60 o t0 26 - 82.46 54I.I8 30 — 95.8I 730.61 341 Iog9.1 948.41I 82.85 546-35 96.2I 73661 109.5 9'5.25 p 621- 83.25 55-1.54 30 - 96.60 742.64 35 Io09.9 962.1 z 83.64 556.76 96.99 748.69 I10.3 968.99 C Z 261 - 84.03 562.00 31 - 97-38 754.76 135 1 I O.7 /97590 84.43 567.26 97.78 760.86 I I. 982.84 I 3 27 - 84.82 572-55 31I - 98.17 766.99 351- III.5 989.80 C. g 85.21 577-87 98-56 773.I4 I III.9 996-78 k 274 - 85.60 583.20 3I19896 779.31 351 -II2.3 I003.7 86. 588.57 99-35 785.51 112.7 1ioio8 P. 271- 86.39 593.95 31 - 99.74 791.73 36 - 113. 10I7.8? 86.78 599-37 Ioo.I 797-97 13.4 IO24.9' 271 - 87.17 604.80 32 - 100.5 804.24 436 - II3.8 o102.0 P 87.57 610.26 I00.9 8I0.54 114.2 I039r 1 28 - 87.96 615.75 324 - 101.3 816.86 36 — II4.6 104(.3 88.35 621.26 101.7 823.21 115. 105 35 28 - 8875 626.79 32- I102.1 829.57 361 - II5.4 IO6'.7 (D 89.14 632.35 Io02.4 835.97 15.8 Io67.9 28* — 89.53 637-94 321 - IO2.8 842.39 1137 -1 x16.2 10/5.2 89.92 643-54 103.2 848.83 116.6 I082.4 226 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. C. M. MOSEMAN & BRO. MANUFACTURERS OF WI dJSAND88 AND Horse,Equipmcnts OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FOR RAILROADS and CONTRACTORS. ALSO Fairming, Teamingg, Cartring Expressing, Livery, oRad, Trak,, Basiness, AND Pe1asiure Use. SINGLE, FROM $8.00 TO $200.00 PER SET. DOUBLE. " $15.00 " $1000.00 " " BLJIpKETS, RBRES, SADDLES1, BjDLES, AND HoISE PFJIhSIPsQ4q qjOODS OF EVERY DES;CRIPTION................... Warehouse, - - /14 Chambers Street, NEW YORK. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 227 Steam Hammers. Bolen, Crane & Co........................................ Newark, N. J..................See Page 62 R. Dudgeon......................................New York...................... " 70 Winans & Co............................................... " 106 Wm. B. Bement & Son...................................Philadelphia, Pa............ " 168 Wm. Sellers & Co...................................... "........... 64 Steam Packing. Goodyear's I. R. G. Manufacturing Co.............NewYork.................. See Page 252 New York Rubber Co...................................New York...................... " 260 T. B. Bickerton & Co...................................Philadelphia, Pa............. " 138 Steam Pumps, A. Carr.................................New York......................See Page 244 A. Fulton's Son & Co.....................................Pittsburgh, Pa............... " 116 Bolen, Crane & Co......................................... Newark, N. J.................. " 62 Buffalo Machinery Agency.............................Buffalo, N. Y................... " 160 C. Henry Hall & Co..................................New York.................... " 4 Charles B. Hardick.......................Brooklyn, N. Y............... " 84 Crane Bros. Manufacturing Co........................Chicago, Ill............... Erie City Iron Works...................................Erie, Pa........................ Hart, Ball & Hart.......................... Buffalo, N. Y.................. Isaac H. Shearman................................ Phi adelphia, Pa.............. J. B. Waring................................................New York...................... J. J. Walworth................................Chicago, Ill...... " J. S. Mundy............................................Newark, N. J.................. Phelps & Sanger......................................... Cleveland, Ohio.............. T. B. Bickerton & Co.....................................Philadelphia, Pa............ CIRCUMFERENCES AND AREAS OF CIRCLES-Confinued. Diam. CirO. Area. Diam. Circ. Area. Diam. Clrc. Area. 37} 117. I089.7 4f- 130.3 1352.6 451 I43.7 I643.8 117.4 I097-1 130.7 1360.8 1441 I 652.8 374-0 1.8104 4652.8 37- I I7.8 I o04.4 4I 4 - -I3 1. I369.0 46 - 144-5 I66I.9 1 8.2 III.8 9 I31.5 1377.2 l 44.9 z1670.9 37} -8.6 II19.2 42 - 3.9 I35.4 46 - 45 2 68o.o I I8.9 i26.6 4 I32.3 1393.7 I I45.6 I689.1 c 38 — 1 I9.3 I134.1 42~ - I32.7 1401.9'46 — I46. I698.2 t' 119-7 I41.5 133.1I 410.2 146.4 1707.3. (I' 3S8 - 120. I1149-0 421- I33-5 I418.6 [461 - I46.8 I716.5 I205 5 156.6 I33.9 I426.9 I 47. 2 725.7 38S4- I620.9 14. 1424 - 134. 3 1435-3 47 — 147.6 734 -9 a 1 2.3 II7I-7 I34.6 I443.7 I48. 17441.: > 38 - I21.7 11793 143 4335. I4 2.2 47& I48.4 1753.4 I 122. IIS6.9 35.4 I4.6 48.8 I762.7 39 - 22.5 I94.5 431 I35-8 1469-I 47 — I49.2 I772.0 I22.9 1202.2 136.2 1477.6 149.6 1781.3 > 39 123.3 I209.9 431 — 135.6 I4S6.1I 471 - 150. I790.7 a. g 123-7 I217.6 I37- I494-7 150.4 I18 00 t 39- I24. 1225.4 431 - 137.4 I 503.-3 4 - 150.7 809.5 0 124-4 1233.I 137.8 15II.9 I50.I 18I8.9 39 1 124.8 1240.9 44 — I3.2 I520.5 48 4 - 15 I.5 I828.4 125.2 1248.7, 3I.6 1529.I 151.9 I837-9 k Z 40 I25.6 1256.6 44 -1 I39. I537.8 48 — 152.3 Ig47-4 - - 126. 1264.5 139.4 1546.5 I52.7 I856.9 -. 40 - 126.4 I272.3 44i — 139.8 1555.2 481 - I53.1 x866.5: 126.8 I280.3 140.I I564.0 153.5 I876.t 40 t- 127.2 1288.2 441 -1 40.5 I572.8 49 -- 53-9 I885-7 p 127.6 I296.2 I40.9 I58I.6 54.3 1895.3' 401 - I28. I304.2 45 I41-3 1590.4 49 - 154.7 1905.0 128.4 I3I2.2 4I.7 I599-2 I55-I I9194.7 41 - 28.8 I320.2 45t -1 42. x 6o8. 149 — I55-5 I9244 3 I29.1 1328.3 142.5 1617.0 55-9 1934.T r 41 -1 29.5 1336.4, 45 - I42.9 I625.9 491 -i156.2 I943-9 129.9 I344-5 143.3 I634.9 156.6 I953.6 228 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. MANHATTAN FIRE BRICK AND ENAMELED CLAY RETORT WORKS, MAURER & WEBER, - - - Proprietors, Office, 633 East 15th St., New York. OF ALL SHAPES AND SIZES. LOCOMOTIVE BLOCKS GAS AN'D SUGAR HOUSE RETORTS, Fire Brick, Tiles, &c., SUPERIOR FIRE CLAY, From our own Clay Beds near Perth Amboy, New Jersey, by the Ton or Cargo. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 229 Steam Pipe. A. Carr.........................New York..................... See Page 244 Evans, Dalzell & Co......................................Pittsburgh, Pa............... " 58 J. J. Walworth.............................................Chicago, Ill.................... " 124 J. T. Ryerso n................................................ "..................' 180 Phelps & Sanger........................................... Cleveland, Ohio............... " 120 Van Tuyl Manufacturing Co...........................New York..................... " 242 Winans & Co............................................................... 106 Winm. Graff & Co.............................................Pittsburgh, Pa............... " 174 Steam Pipe Covering. H. W. Johns..............................................New York......................See Page 224 Van Tuyl Manufacturing Co............................ " "..................... " 242 Steamship Lines. Inman Line..................................................New York................... See Page 14 Steam Ship Supplies. Winm. Green & Co...................................... Wilmington, Del............See Page 248 Steam Warming Apparatus. Crane Bros. Manufacturing Co........................Chicago, Ill....................See Page 230 Steam Whistles. J. J. Walworth............................................. Chicago, Ill....................See Page 124 McNab & Harlin Manufacturing Co................New York...................... " 220 Pancoast & Maule............................ Philadelphia, Pa............ " 26 Vose, Dinsmore & Co................................................ " 60 CIRCUMFERENCES AND AREAS OF CIRCLES-Colinrued. Diam. Cire. Area. D fam. Circ. Area. Diam. Circ. Ares. 50- 57- 1963.5 544 I 70.4 231I.4 58 — 183-7 2687.8 157.4 1973.3 I70.8 2322.I I84. I 2699.3 e 50 - I157.8 1983. 541- 171.2 2332.8 58 - 184.5 27IO.8 0 I58.2 1993.0 I7I.6 2343.5 I84.9 2722.4 502- 158.6 2002.9 54 I172. 2354.2 59 I185.3 2733.9 U I 59. 2012.8 172.3 2365.0 185.7 2745.5 C 501 - 1594 2022.8 55 72.7 2375.8 595 - I86. I 2757.1 W 59.8 2032.8 I 173.I 2386.6 186.5 2768.8 (D 5 1 I60.2 2042.8 551 - I73-5 2397.4 59 — I86.9 2780.5 1 I6o.6 2052.8 173.9 2408.3 187.3 2792.2 ~ F -6 2062.9 55I- 174.3 2419.2 59 - 187.7 2803.9 1, > I6I.3 2072.9 174.7 2430.'1 i88.1 2815.6 0 o 5I1 I61.7 2083.0 55' - 175.1 2441.0 6o - I88.4 2827.4 0 I62.I 2093.2 I75.5 2452.0 I88.8 2839.2 2' 5I I I-62.5 2103.3 56 - 175-9 2463.0 6o0 - I89.2 285I.O I62.9 2II3.5 176-3 2474.0 I89.6 2862.8,' 52 -1 I63.3 2I23.7 456 - 176.7 2485.0 60o — 190. 2874.7 9 N r. I63.7 2I33.9 I77.1 2496.1 190.4 2886.6 A Z 0 Z 52z - I64.1 2144.1 5626- 177.5 2507.I 60o - 190.8 2898.5 c I64.5 2I54.4 177.8 25I8.2 I91.2 2910.5 3 0 522- I64.9 2I64.7 56-5 - 178.2 2529.4 6i - I91.6 2922.4 - 3 >1 ~ 165.3 2I75.0 I78.6 2540.5 192. 2934.4 t j 52 - I65.7 285.4 57 - 179. 255I.7 6I - I92.4 2946.4'. i66.I 2I95.7 179.4 2562.9 192.8 2958.5 c1 53 -- 66.5 2206. 1 57 I79.8 2574. I 61I- 193.2 2970.5 B i66.8 22I6.6 180.2 2585.4 I93.6 2982.6 536 -672 227.0 57i-'i80.6 2596.7 6xI -I 93.9 29947 I67.6 2237.5 181I. 2608.0 194.3 3006.9 h 53i3 I68. 2248.0 57' I8I.4 26I9.3 62 - I94.7 3019.0 I68.4 2258.5 I8i.8 2630.7 I95,1 3031.2 53- 68 8 2269.0 53 -- 82.2 2642.0 62 - 195.5 3043.4 169.2 2279.6 I82.6 2653.4 I95.9 3055.7 ". 54 - 69.6 2290.2 581 I82.9 2664.9 622 — 196.3 3067.9 170. 2300.8 183.3 2676.3 196.7 3080.2 230 BUYERS: GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. R. T. CRANE. President. C. S. CRANE, Vice-Pres. S. W. ADANIS, Sec'y. GEO. S. REDFIELD, Treas. CRANE BROS. VANFG. COMPANY ESTABLIMHED 1855. INCORPORATED 1865. (Late th/e "Sort/h W/esternz") Genll Offices, 10 N. Jefferson St., CHICAGO, MANUFACTURERS OF Wrought 3r1on Pipe, STEAM AND GAS FITTINGS, &c. Crane's Steam Pumps. STEAM WARMING & VENTILATING APPARATUS. Crane's Patent Steam Elevators For Passengers, Freight, Coal Mines, Blast Furnaces, &e. 1= -HA. BD N 1') ]E' 1N S,nti-Friction Glass Bearings Have been in practical use for over FIVE YEARS, ANTI-FRICTION and are now in op- GlaSS BEARIN _____l. S eration on over JTII Locomotive, STATIONARY AND MARINE ENGINES, Office, 48 Broad 8%, N. Y.,.Room 16. Western Office, 65 and 67 South Clinton St,, Chicago. CYr -w S^ J- _ W I 1, 4y n T." T C- r 3E3 BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 231 Steel. Anderson & Woods.............................. Pittsburgh, Pa...............See Page 150 Atlantic Steel Works.....................................New York................. 212 Chas. W. Matthews.....................................Philadelphia, Pa............ " 38 Englaad & Bindley....................................... Pittsburgh, Pa................ 162 Poets & Kalkman.........N...............................New York...................... " 266 Reese, Graff & Woods...................................Pittsburgh,a............... " 68 Tyng & Co..................................... New York..................... " 260 Wm. Green & Co......................................Wilmington, Del............ " 248 See also, Steel Importers and Steel Manufacturers. Steel Bells. A. Fulton's Son & Co..................................... Pittsburgh, Pa...............See Page 116 Hermann Boker & Co.................................New Yorl..........See Pages 152, 154 Steel Car Springs. Chicago Spring Works.................................. Chicago, Ill....................See Page 200 Greene & Randolph............................ New York...................... 54 Vose, Dinstnore & Co................................... " "...................... " 60 Steel Forgings. Anderson & Woods..................................... Pittsburgh, Pa.............. See Page 150 Atlantic Steel Works..........................New York...................... " 212 De Janey & Co..................................... Buffalo, N. Y................... " 98 Jno. A. Griswold & Co................................... Troy, N. Y...................... " 50 Steel Frogs. Anderson & Woods.........................................Pittsburgh, Pa...............See Page 150 Atlantic Steel Works....................................New York.........,.......... " 212 CIRCUMFERENCES AND AREAS OF CIRCLES-Continzed. Diam. Crce. Area. Diam. Cire. Area. Diam. Cire. Area. _ _r____I..) 621 - I97.1 3092.5 67 -- 2I0.4 3525.6 7I - 223.8 3987.1 I97-5 3104.8 210.8 3538.8 224.2 4001.1' 63 - I97-9 31I17.2 67' - 2II.2 3552.0 7I' — 224.6 4015.I 1 198.3 3129.6 211.6 3565.2 225. 4029.2 ~ 5) 6 1t - 198.7 3142.0 671- 212.,3578.4 7I1 - 225.4 4043.2' 199. 3I54.4 2r2.4 3591.7 225.8 4067'3 C 631- 199.4 3I66.9 671 - 2I2.8 3605.0 72 — 226.I 4075 (D 199.8 3179-4 213.2 3618.3 226.5 4085.6 a ok 3 63 - 200oo.2 3191.9 16 -- 213.6 3631.6 721 -1 226.9 4099.8 200.6 3204.4. 2T4. 3645.0 227.3 414.0 64 - 201. 3216.9 681 - 214.4 3658.4 721- 227.7 4128.2 j 0 201.4 3229.5 214.8 3671.8 228. 4I42-5 5,f 641 _ 201.8 3242.I 68- 215.-1 365.2 72 - 228.5 4I56.7 202.2 3254.8 2I5.5 3599. 7 228.9 41 7I. 64-. 202.6 3267-4 68 - 215.9 37I2.2 73 - 229.3 4185.3 C, 203- 3280.1 216.3 37257 229.7 4199.7 9- 64' - 203.4 3292.8 69 -12i6.7 3739.2 73- 230.1 4214.I O 203.8 3205.5 2I7.1 3752.8 230.5 4228.5 -; 204.2 3318.3 69 - 2I7.5 3766.4 731 — 230.9 4242.9 1 ~ 204.5 3331.0 217.9 3780.0 231.3 4257.3 > 0 65k - 204.9 3343-8 69 — 2I8.3 3793.6 731 231.6 4271.8 a > s' 205.3 3356-.7 218.7 3307.3 232. 4286.3. Z 651- 205 7 3369.5 691 - 2I9.I 382I.0 74 - 232.4 4300.8 - 206.1 3382.4 2I9.5 3834-7 232.8 43I5.3. 651- 206.5 3395.3 70 -29.9 38484 74 - 233.2 4329-9 206.9 3408.2 220.3 3862.2 233.6 4344.5 66 - 207.3 3421.2 70t - 220.6 3875.9 741- 234. 4359.I x 4 207.7 3434-I 22I. 3889.8 234.4 4373.8 661 - 208.1I 3447 I 70- 221.4 3903.6 741 234.8 4388.4 4 208.5 3460o. 221.8 3917-4 235.2 4403.1 a 661- 208.9. 3473.2 70 -222.2 393I.3 75 235.6 4417.8 3 209.3 3486.3 222.6 3945.2 236. 4432.6 661 - 209.7 3499.3 71 - 223. 3959.2 75t - 236.4 4447.3 210. 3512.5 223.4 3973-1 236.7 4462.1 232 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. Star Fire Brick Co. MANUFACTURERS OF LOCOMOTIVE BLOCKS, BLAST FURNACE BLOCKS, STOVE LININGS, FIRE BRICK, AND ALL VARIETIES OP TILES. WORKS AND OFFICE: CORNER 22d and RAILROAD STREETS, (TWELFTH WARD,) IPITT SIBUR G-HI, LPA. W. A. REED, S. P. HARBISON, President and Treasurer. Secretary and Business Manager. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 233 Steel Importers. Atwater, Wheeler & Co..................................New Haven, Conn...........See Page 10 Leng & Ogden................................New York... See page next back cover. Miller & Saith........................................... New York.......................See Page 112 Tyng & Co.................................. " ".................... " 260 Steel Manufacturers. Anderson & Woods................................Pittsburgh, Pa...............See Page 150 Atlantic Steel Works................................New York...................... 212 Jno. A. Griswold & Co....................................Troy, N. Y...................... 50 Reese, Graff & Woods........................Pittsburgh, Pa............... 68 Vose, Dinsmore & Co................................... New York.................... 60 Steel Rails. Greene & Randolph..................... New York.....................See Page 54 Hermann Boker & Co.................................... ".............See Pages 152, 154 Jno. A. Griswold & Co.................................Troy, N Y.................... See Page 50 Miller & Smith..........................................New Yorl...................... " 112 0. W. Child........................................................ " 262 Tyng -& Co....................................................." 260 Vose, Dinsmore & Co............................................... " 60 Steel Springs. Chicago Spring Works...................................Chicago, Ill..............See Page 200'ose, Dinsmore & Co................................New York.................... " 60 Steel Tubes. Leng & Ogden...........................New York. See page next back cover. Winans & Co..................................... See Page 106 CIRCUMFERENCES AND AREAS OF CIrCLES-Cozeinzeed. Diam. Cire. Area. Diam. Cire. Area. Dilam. Circe. Area. 750 237. 4476.9 79 - 250.5 4995-1 84 - 263.8 5541.7 237.5 449I-8 250.9 500I.8 264.2 5558.2 754 - 237-9 4506.6 0So- 25I.3 5026.5 544 - 264.6 5574.8 0 233.3 452I.5 t251-7 5042.2 265. 559I.3 9 76 - 238.7 4536.4 So0 - 252.I 50.o 84y- 265.4 5607 9' if 239.1 4551.4 2 2.5 5073.7 265.8 5624.5 t 761 - 239-5 4566.3 So — 252.8 5S59.5 S42 - 266.2 564I. C 239.9 4581. 3 253.2 5I054 266.6 5657.8 (Da 76j — 240.3 4596.3 So0 -/ 25336 5121.2 85 - 267. 5674.5 240.7 46 3 5I37- I 267.4 5691.2 6 59 76 - 241.1r 4626.4 8 - 254.4 5153.0 85- 267.8 5707.9 241.5 46 268.2 57246 77 -- 24.9 4656.6 i$s - 255.2 5184.8 855 — 269.6 5741.4 242.2 4671 -7/ j 255.6 5200.8 268.9 575'.2 774 -1 242.6 46S6669 SI —-S 256. 526.8 85 - 269.3 5775.0. ~ m 243 4702I 256-4 5232.8 269.7 579I.9 > 77, 243.4 4717.3 SI- 256.8 524S-8 36- 270.1 58o.8 R z r N 243.8 4732. 5d 257.2 5264.9 270.5 5825.7 0' 771 - 244.2 47477 82- 257.6 5281.0 S6 -/ 270.9 5842.6 -- 244.6 4763.0 2 258. 5297 I 27I.3 5859.5 78 245 47783 82 - 258.3 53I3.2 36-1 27I.7 5876.5 245.4 4793.7 258.7 5329.4 272.I 5893.5 X'3 78f - 245.8 4809.0 182- 2539.1 5345.6 - 6- -1 272.5 90.5 910, 246.2 4824.4 259.5 536I.8 272-9 5927.6 > 78S.- 246.6 4839.8 821- 259.9 5378.0 7 - 2733 5944.6 247- 4855.2 260.3 5394-3 273.7 596I.7 7S- - 247.4 4870.7 83 - 260.7 54io.6 871 - 274.1 5978-9 g 247.7 4SS6. I 26. I 5426.9 274.4 5996.0 " 79 248.I 4901.6 1 831 - 26I.5 5443.2 372- 274.8 603.2 248.5 4917-2 I [ 26I.9 5459.6 275-2 6030-4, 79 - 248.9 4932.7 i83 — 262.3 54760 1871 - 275.6 6047.6 Q 249.3 4948.3 262.7 5492.4 276. 6064.8 3 79- 249.7 4963.9! 83 - 263. 5508.8 88 -- 276.4 6082.1 250. 1 4979.5 263.5 5525.3 276.8 6099.4, 11 1 I~~~~~~~~~~09. 234 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. JAY & COOK, MANUFA CTURERS OF ZINC GLAZIER'S POINTS. No,. TNo. 2. No. 3. No, 1. Nc. 2. NO. 3. SHARPS. TRIANGLES. No. 43 Centre Street, NJWl CTlr TK la BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 235 Steel Tyres. Anderson & Woods................................... Pittsburgh, Pa................See Page 150 Hermann Boker & Co................................. New York..............See Pages 152, 124 Jno. A. Griswold & Co...................................Troy, N. Y.................... See Page 50 Reese, Graff & Woods...................... Pittsburgh, Pa............... " 68 Stencils. Mathiesen & Schrader....................................New York......................See Page 82 W. W. Wilcox................................ Chicago, Ill..................... 190 Stereotype Metal. Philadelphia Smelting Co..............................Philadelphia, Pa............See Page 134 Stone Masons' Tools. Hermann Boker & Co.................................New York..............See Pages 152,154 Nelson Tool Works................................... ".................... See Page 30 Stop Cocks. R. A. Brick & Co................................. New York......................See Page 48 Stove Boards. Sidney Shepard & Co.................................... Buffalo, N. Y................. See Page 196 Stove Linings. Philip Neukumet................................ Pa.............See Page 104 Star Fire Brick Co................................... Pittsburgh, Pa............... " 232 Straightening Machines. Wm. Sellers & Co.....................................Philadelphia, Pa............See Page 64 Street Cars. McNairy & Claflen Manufacturing Co.............Cleveland, Ohio...............See Page 42 Submarine Telegraph Cables. Bishop Gutta Percha Works...........................New York......................See Page 34 Charles T. Chester.......................................... " 212 CIRCUMFERENCES AND AREAS OF CIRCLES-Continued. Diam. Circ. Area. Diam. Circ. Area. Diam. Circ. Area. 88t - 277.2 6116.7 921- 290.5 6720.0 964 - 303.9 735I1.7 277.6 6134.o 290.9 6738.2 304.3 7370.7 7 + 88 278. 6151.4 921 - 291.3 6756.4 97 304-7 7389.8 0 278.4 6i68.8 291.7 6776.4 305.1 7408.8 - 881 - 278. 8 6 86.2 93 - 292. I 6792.9 97t - 305.5 7427.9, 279.2 6203.6 292.5 68 Ii. 305.9 7447.0' C 89 - 279.6 6221.1 93t - 292.9 6829.4 97t- 306.3 7466.2; a 279.9 6238.6 293.3 6847.8 306.6 7485.3 q 89 -280. 3 6256. I 93 - 293.7 6866. I 971 - 307~ 7504.5 k - 280.7 6273.6 294-I 6884.5 3074 7523.7 894 — 281.1 6291.2 93 - 294.5 6902.9 98 - 307.8 7542.9 a Hq 28I.5 6308.8 294.9 6921.3 308.2 7562.2' 0" 891 - 281.9 6326.4 94 -- 295.3 6939-7 98i 308.6 7581.5 r 282.3 6344.0 295.7 6958.2 309.01 7600.8 8t 90 -1282.7 6361.7 943 -296. 6976.7 9f- 309.4 7620.1 283. T 6379.4 296.4 6995-2 309.8 7639.4 9o - 2835 16397.1 944 — 296.8 7013.8 981 - 310.2 7658.8 r z. W. 283.9 6414.8 297.2 7032.3 310.6 7678.2 0 961- 284.3 6432.6 941 -1297.6 7050.9 99 - 311.0 7697.7 o 284.7 6450.4 298. 7069.5 3114 77171 7- P 9ot - 285. 6468.2. 95 - 298.4 7088.2 991 - 3II.8 7736.6 285.4 6486.0o 298.8 7I06.9 312.1 7756. 91 285.8 6503.8 951 - 299.2 7125.5 99}- 312.5 7775-.6 Y _ 286.2 6521.7 299.6 7I44-3 312.9 7795.2 1 914 - 286.6 6539.6 951- 300. 7163.0 991 - 313.3 78 14.7 287. 6557.6 300.4 7181.8 313.7 78343 9x — 287.4 6575.5 954 - 300.8 7200.5 100 - 314-1 7853.6 P 287.8 6593.5 30I.2 72I9.4 3I4-5 78539 911 - 288.2 6611..5 96 - 30I.5 7238.2 i00t - 314.9 7893.3 288.6 6629.5 301.9 7257.- 315.3 7913.1 x 92 - 289. 6647.6 964 - 302.3 7275.9 100o- 315.7 7932.7 3 289-4 6665.7 302.7 7294.9 3I6.0 7942.4 92t 289.8 6683.8 96t-. 303.1 7313.8 o100 - 316.4 7972.2 390.2 670o.9 303.5 7332.8 316.8 799I.9 236 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. NEW YORK OTTOMAN AND HASSOCK CO. Ottomans ad ASockS For Sleeping AND Drawing-Room Cars. BOX OTTOMANS. 3' REleade Street, New York.:S iTAB3LISE-13ED 1858. TRADE MARK, PATENTED. lighest Premium Awarded by the American Institute Fair, 1871. WASTE NO TIME, OIL OR LABOR ON WORTHLESS PAINTS. USE PRINCE'S METALLIC PAINT, Acknowledged throughout the United States to be the best fireprooft indestructible, and the cheapest to the consumer; one-third less oil and paint covers a greater surface than any other so-called Metallic Paint, Spanish Brown or Red Lead. 1- A package containing 25 lbs. paint in oil, or 50 lbs. dry, will be sent to any Railroad Company free of charge, on application to us. Send for a circular containing testimonials from the principal Railroad Companies, Manufacturers, and others in the country. For sale by the trade generally, and PRINCE'S METALLIC PAINT CO., 96 CEDAR STREET, NEW YORK. 3'AII Packages are marked with name and trade-mark.. BUSINESS DIRECTORY,,ETO. 237 Subterranean Telegraph Wires. Bishop Gutta Percha Works...........................New York......................See Page 34 Charles T. Chester................................... " " " 212 Surveying Instruments. F. Eckel..................................................... New York.....................See Page 76 Kuebler & Seelhorst..............................Philadehia, Pa.........- " 216 Wm. J. Young & Son..................................... "............ " 138 Switches. O. W. Child................................................ New York......................See Page 262 Pittsburgh Bolt Co...........................Pittsburgh, Pa............... " 118 Skinner & Gifford Manufacturing Co...............Dunkirk, N. Y............... " 140 The Atlas Works.................................Pittsburgh, Pa................ " 172 The Wharton R. R. Switch Co........................Philadelphia, Pa.............. " 222 Switch Lights. Parmelee & Bonnell................................Buffalo, N. Y................See Page 202 S. M. Aikman & Co......................................New York................... " 114 Switch Locks. Romer & Co., Patentees and Manufacturers.....Newark, N. J.................See Page 204 Syphons. Leng & Ogden............................................. New York.........See next page to back. Tacks, Brads, &c. a. B. Walbridge......................................New York...................... See Page 130 Tallow. De Grauw, Aymar & Co................................New York.....................See Page 112 Isaac U. Coles............................................... "......... 20 SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE ROOTS, AND CUBE ROOTS. No. ISquare. Cube. Square Cube Square. Cube. Square Cube Root. Root. Root. Root.' I - I 1.0 1, 0 || 31 96I 29791 5.567 3-14I 2 4 8 I.-414.259 32 1024 32768 5.656 3- 74 [3 9 27 I *'732 1r4421l 33 1089 35937 5- 744 3.207 4 26 64 2.0 2.58709 34 II56 39304 5.830 3.239 0 5 25 125 2.230jl 709 35 I225 42875 5-.9I63.27 6 36 2I6 2.4491-8I7, 36 1296 46656 6.o 3.301 7 49 343 2.645 1.912 1 37 1369 50653 6.082 3-332 8 64 5I2 2.828 2.0 1 38 I444 54872 6. I6413-36I a. 9 Si 729 3.0 2.080 39 I52I 593I9 6.245 3.391 o0 I00 I000 3. I62 2.I54 I600 6400o 6- 3243.49 II 121 1331 33162 4 I68i 6892! 6.4033.4483 O 12 I44 1728 3.464,2.289 42 1764 74088 6-480 3476 I I rM 13 I69 2I97 3.6052.35 43 I849 79507 6-55 3.503 5 14 I96 2744 3-74x12-41 44 1936 85I84 6.63 3.530 25 225 3375 3587212.466 45 2025 69I25 6-70 3.556 26 656 14096 4.0 2.95 46 21I6 97336 6 7823 3, Z 8 7 9 49I3 4.12357 457 22289 103823 6.855 3608 I 28 324 5832 4. 242 2.6 4 2304 I0592 6.92 3.634 8 o5 I 8 6859 43582.66 49 240I I27649 7.6 3.659 20 400 8000 45 472 27I 5 2500 25000 7.07I 3.684 2I 44I 926I 4.582 2 6758o 5 260I 13265I 7-14,3.jO8 " ~ 22 484 I0648 4.690 2.80 52 2704 I40608 7-2I3732 0, 23 529 I2I67 4-795}284 53 2809 I48877 7.28o 3- 756 24 576 I3824 4.89812.88 5 29i6 I57464 7.34813.779 p 2525 6255 I66375 7-4I6 3.802 44 26 676 17576 5.09912.962 56 3z36 I75616 7 483 3.825 27 729 19683 | 1963-0 957 3249 185193 75493848 28 784 2x952 5.2913.036 58 3364 I95II2 7.615[3.870 29 84I 24389 5.385]3 072' 59 348I 205379 7.68x 3.893 30~ 900 27000 54773o 1071 60 3600 2I6000 7-7453-914 238 BUYELS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. T MHc: 1 ATLANTIC WHITE LEAD AD LINSEED OIL COMPANY, OBmUSHES 0o Linseed Oil, Raw, Refined or Boiled. ~tAIV I Robert Colato & Co., o R 287 Pearl Street, CT LRA'DGNEW YORKM TRADE MARK, BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ETC. 239 Tallow Cans and Cups. J. G. Knapp Manufacturing Co.......................New York......................See Page 16 Pancoast & Maule..................................Philadelphia, Pa............ " 26 Tallow Lubricator. Isaac U. Coles.........................................New York.....................See Page 20 Tank Iron. J. T. Ryerson.............................. Chicago, Ill..................See Page 180 Tanks. Joseph Churchyard.....................................Buffalo, N. Y................ See Page 160 Tank Valves. Hart, Ball & Hart....................................Buffalo, N. Y................... k Page 136 Skinner & Gifford Manufacturing Co...............Dunkirk, N. Y................ 140 Taps. Champlin & Rogers................................. Chicao, Il...................See age 192 Providence Tool Co.; H. B. Newhall, Agent.....New York...................... 166 The Worcester Machine Screw Co.; H. B. Newhall, Agent................................. "6 ".................... 166 SQLARES, CUBES, SQUARE ROOTS, AND CUBE ROOTS-COWitinea No.Square. Cube. Sqare Cube oot. No. Square. Cube. SRoot., Root. Cube Root. Root.,Root. 61 3721 22698- 7.810i3.-936 9Sf 8281 75357t 9-539 4-497 9 62 3844 238328 7-874 3.957 92 84641 778688 9-59I 4-514 63 3969 250047 7'93713.979 931 86491 804357 9.643 4.530 64 4096 262144 8.0 14.0 94 88361 830584 9.695 4-546 ~ 65 4225 274625 8.o06214.0 95 90251 857375 9-7464:562 65/ 4225 274625 8. 7624.020 6a 66 4356 287496 8.1 24 4.o4[ 96 92I61 884736 9'797!4 578 C 67 4439 300763 8. 8514.o61 971 9409] 9I2673 9.848,4-594 t ) 68 4624 3I14432 8.24614.o81 98 9604 94192 9.899!4.66io ( D 6) 69 4761 328509 8.3064.- 1oI 991 9801 970299 9-949i4-626 k 70 4900 343000 8.3664.I 2 oo 10000 0000oooo 00oooooo I.0 4.64 v 71; 5041 357911 8-426 14 140' 1OI I020I 1030301 10.049 4.657 72 5184 373248 8 485 4.I6o o02 I1o44 io6120o8 I..099 4-672 73. 5329 3890I7 8-544 4.179 0o3 I609o 1092727 Io.14814.687 74 5476 405224 8.602 4.198 104 Io016 II24864 I0.198 4.702 75 5625 42I875 8.660 4.271 I05 II025 II57625 I0.246 4-7I7 > 1 6 5776 438976 8-7I74. 235 06 112361 I191016 I0 295 4.732 771 5929 456533 8.77414254 107 11449 I225043 I0o344 4.747 0 781 6084 474552 8.83I14.272 1oS 11664 1259712 10.392 4.762? 4. 791 6241 493039 8.88814.290 o109 I1881 I295029 10.44014.776 W 0 8& 6400 512000 8.94414.308 II0 12I00 133I000 10.-488 4-791 k z 8i 656i 531441 9.0 4.326 III 12321 I367631 10535 4-805 821 6724 551368 9055 4.344 112 12544 1404928 1IO.583 4.820 83 6889 571787'9.IO4.362 II3 I2769 1442897 o0.630 4.834' 84' 70561 5927o04 9.I6514.3791II14 I2996 1481544 Io.677 4.848 85 7225 6I4125 9.2194. 396 IiS 13225 I520875 10.723'4.862' 86 7396 636056 9. 2731 441 4II6 13456 1560896 o0-770o14877 87 7569 658503 9 327 4.43I 117I 13689 I601613 1o.8164.*890 88 7744 681472 9.380 4.447; II8 13924 I643032 Io. 862 4.904 89 7921 704969 9.43314 464 1I19 14I6I 1685159 10.908 4.918 90go 8oo00 729000 9.48614.481Ij.120 4400 1 O 72780O 0 9 4. 932 240 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. Atlantic White Lead AND LINSEED OIL COMPANY, LANUFACTURERS OF WHITE1 LEAD, DRY AND IN OIL. RED LEAD, AND PAINTERS' AND GLASS MAKERS' LITH ARGE. CRUSHERS OF LINSEED OIL. CNTo ~~""~~ ~Robert Col1ate & o., PURE. 0 4 287 Pearl Street,'AOLG4 NEW YORK. TRADE MARK. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 241 Telegraph Apparatus. Charles T. Chester............................. New York..................... See Page 212 F. L. Pope & Co...................................... " " " 184 Geo. H. Crain & Co...................................... Chicago, Ill.................... " 124 Geo. II. Bliss & Co....................................... " ".... 164 Leclanche Battery Co..................................... New York..................... " 96 L. G. Tillotson & Co...................................... " 94 M. A. Buell............................................. Cleveland, Ohio............... " 46 Merchants Manufacturing & Construction Co...New York...................... " 18 Mathiesen & Schrader................................ 82 Towle & Unger Manufacturing Co................... "..................... 186 Vose, Dinsmore & Co................................... "..................... 60 Telegraph Batteries. See Telegraph Apparatus. Telegraph Builders. Charles T. Chester....................................... New York..................... See Page 212 Merchants Manufacturing & Construction Co....................... " 18 Telegraph Instruments and Fixtures. See Telegraph Apparatus. Telegraph Material. Charles T. Chester..........................e..............Now York................... See Page 212 F. L. Pope & Co...................................... " "..................... " 184 Geo. H Bliss & Co...................................... Chicago, Ill.................... " 164 Leclanche Battery Co....................... New York...................... " 96 L. G. Tillotson & Co............................................... " 94 M. A. Buell........................................ Cleveland, Ohio.............. " 46 Merchants Manufacturing & Construction Co. New York... " 18 SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE ROOTS, AND CUBE ROOTS-Continued. No, Square. Cube Square Cube Re. Square. Cube. Square Cube Root. Roet. Root. Root. 121 14641 177156I II.0 4.946 151 22801 344295I I2.288 5.325 I22 14884 18}5848 I *.0454.959 152 23104 3511008 12.328 5.336 123 15129 1868687 II.o 4.973 153 23409 3581577 12.3695.348 C I24 15376 906624 I. 1354.986 I154 23716 3652264 2.409 5.360 0 25 I5625 1953125 II. i8o 5.0 155 24025 3723875 1I2-449 5-371 126 15876 2000376 II.2245.013 I56 24336 3796416 I2.490 5.383 q 127 I6I29 2048383 II.269 5.026 157 24649 3869893 I2.529 5-394 ~ ~ 128 z6384 2097152 II.313 5.039 158 24964 39443I2 12.569 5.406, 129 16641 2146689 II-.357 5.52 159 2528I 4019679 12.6095. 41I7 ~ 0 130 I69oo 2I97000 II'40I 5.065 I6o 25600 4096000 12.64915.428 I31 17161 224809 II I.445 5.0781 16 25921 417328I I2.688 5.440 > t' 132 17424 2299968 11.489 5.09 I I62 26244 4251528 I2.727 5.45-1 " 1 133 I7689 2352637 II.532 5.I04 I163 26569 4330747 12.7675.462 5 4 134 I7956 2406104 II-57515-II7 I64 26896 4410944 I2.806 5-473 235 I8225 2460375 II.6I815.I291. 65 27225 4492I25 I2.845 5-484 84. >q 136 18496 2515456 I.66 5.142 66 2755 4574296 I2.884 5495 Z 137 18769 2 571353 I I 704 5.55 67 27889 4657463 12.922 5.n506 ~ 138 19044 2628072 II.747 5.I67 I68 28224 4741632 12-96I15.517 H H' 139 1932I 2685619 II.789 5-.I80 69 28561 4826809 13.0 5.528 a > 0 40 I960 274400'1II.832 5.192 I70 28900 4913000 13.o38 5539 9? 141 19881 2803221 II.8745.204 171 29241 5000211 13.076 5.550:42 20I64 2863288 II.916 5.2I7 I72 29584 5088448 13.114 5.56I 143 20449 2924207 II.9585.2291 73 29929 51777I7 13.I52 5.572 144 20736 2985984 I2.0 5.24I 174 30276 5268024 13.190 5.582 P 145 21025 3048625 I2.041 5.253 I75 30625 5359375 I3.228 5.593'4 I46 21316 3112136 12.083 5.265 I76 30976 5451776 I3.266 5.604 147 21609 3176523 12,124 5.277 I77 31329 5545233 I3-304 5.614 4 148 21904 3241792 12. I65 5.289 I78 31684 5639752 13-34I 5.625 149 22201 3307949 12206.15-301 I79 32041 5735339 I3.379 5.635 150 22500 3375000 I2.24715.3131i8o 32400 5832000 13.416 5.646 242 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. New York Plaster Works, MANUFACTUREBS OF CALCINED AND LAND PLASTER, MARBLE DUST, TERRA ALBA, &c., &c., &c Our DOUBLE EXTRA PLASTER is unmurpassed. Every Barrel Warranted. I QTAR7RIE 38 AR} I3 IrOVtA SCOTIA, Foundry Facings and Supplies. VAN TUYL M'F'G CO. WORKS, 273 and 275 CHERRY STREET, VEW TO*s, IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF LEADS, MINERALS, COALS, FIRE BRICK, CRUCIBLES, VITRIOL, WIRE BRUSHES, MOULDERS' TOOLS, SANDS and CLAYS, BELLOWS, RIDDLES, &c. A- LSO -- COVYERINGS FOR BOILERS AND PIPES. Superior Quality. hFirst Prize American Institute Fair, W SENID FOR PRICE LISTS. ao BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 243 Telegraph Poles. Geo. H. Crain & Co.......................... Chicago, Ill.................... See Page 124 Geo. H. Blisss & Co......................................... " " 164 Telegraph Repairers' Tools. Leclanche Battery Co................................. New York...................... See Page 96 See also, Telegraph Material. Telegraph Wires. Bishop Gutta Percha Works........................... New York...................... See Page 34 Chas. T. Chester............................................. " " " 212 C. Thompson........'..................................... Philadelphia, Pa............ " 222 Geo. H. Bliss & Co......................................... Chicago, Ill.................... " 164 Geo. H. Crain & Co........................................... " 124 John Merry & Co....................................... New York..................... " 48 Leclanche Battery Co...................................... " "..................... " 96 Marshall Lefferts, Jr..................................... "..................... " 44 Tyng & Co................................................ " "................ " 260 Tiles. Maurer & Weber................................. New York...................... See Page 228. Philip Neukumet.............................. Philadelphia, Pa............ " 104 The Star Fire Brick Co................................. Pittsburgh, Pa............... " 232 Timber. Joseph Churchyard............................ Buffalo, N. Y.................. See Page 160 Tin-Pig. Holmes & Lissberger......;.............................. New York......................See Page 84 Philadelphia Smelting Co.............................. Philadelphia, Pa.............. " 134 SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE ROOTS, AND CUBE ROOTS-Continued. No. Square. Cube. Square. Cube. Square' Cube Root. Roote. Root. Root. ISI 3276I 5929741 I3.453 5.6561 2II 44521 9393931 14-525 5-953 182 33124 6028568 13.490 5.667212 44944 9528128 1456 5.962 " " 183 33489 6128487 T3.527,5.6771 13 453 9663597 45945.972 0 184 33856 6229504 I3.56415.687 2I4 45796 9800344 14.628 5.98r I85 34225 6331625 13.601 5.698215 46225 9938375 I4.662 5.990, 86 34596 6434856 I3.638 5.708 2I6 4656 10oo77696 14.696 6.o' 287 34969 6539203 13.67457I18 217 47089 102I8313 I4.730o6.oog009 d a 188 35344 6644672 I3.711 5.728 218 47524 10360232 14.764 6.018 289 3572i 6751269 I3.74715.738; 2I9 479611 10503459 14.798 6.o27 1 _ 290 36100 6859000 I3.784 5.748 220 48400 1o64800o 14.832 6.o 36; v I1I 36481 6967871 13.8205.758.22I 48841 I179386 1I4.866 6.045! o 192 36864 7077888 13.856 5.769!1222 49284 Io94I048 I4.899 6.055 H o 193 37249 7189517 13.892 5-7791223 49729 110895671I4-933 6.o64 tj 194 37636 7301384 13.928 5-7881224 50176 1123942414.966 6.073 195 38025 7414875 13.964 5- 7981 225 50625 I1390625 I5.0 6.o82. > a xB. E; 196 384I6 7529536 14.0 5.808:,226 51076 I1543T76 15.o33i6.ogg 0 Z Z 197 38809 7645373 14-035 5.8I8 227 51529 I1697083 15.066 6. 00 0 198 39204 7762392 14.071 5.828 228 5I984 11852352 15.09c 6.109?' o~ 199 39601 7880599 14. i06 5.838,1229 52441 20089891 5.132618 200 40000 8000000 I4. I42 5.848; 230 52900 12167000 I5.65 6. I26 20I 4040o 81206o0I 14.I77 5857 23I 53361 12326391 5.I98 6.135 202 40804 8242408 14.212 5.867':232 53824 I2487I68 15.231 6.1 44 203 41209 8365427 I4.247 5.877i233 54289 12649337 15.2646.153 204 41616 8489664 I4.282 5.886 234 54756 128129041I5.29716.162 205 42025 8615125 14.317 5.896,235 55225 I29778751I5.3296. 171 3 206 42436 87418I6 14.352 5.905 236 55696 132442561 5.362(6. 79 207 42849 8869743 14-387 5.915 237 56169 13312053 15.39416. I88 208 43264 8998912 14.422 5924 238 56644 1348272 I5.427!6.197 " 209 43681 9129329 14.456 5.934' 239 57121 1365I919 15.4596.205 210 441001 9261000 14.49I 5.943 240 576001 138240o00 I5.49 6.3,14 244 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. THE SELDEN DIRECT-ACTION /s the Best Steam Pump Made, Fully Guaranteed, MONEY RETURNED IF NOT SATISFACTORY. RAILWAY SUPPLIES, PLUMBERS' SUPPLIES, STEAM BOILERS, STEAM ENGINES, STEAM GAUGES, STEAM HOSE, BELTING, BOILER FLUES, HEATING APPARATUS, GAS and STEAM PIPE, CONDE NSORS, LUBRICATORS, HYDRANTS, FITTINGS. &c., &c., &c., &c. 43 CORTLAND STREET NEW YORK. 43 CORTLAND STREET, - NEW YORK. ID SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUR, BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 245 Tin and Coppersmiths' Solders. Du Plaine & Reeves.................................. Pa............See Page 102 Philadelphia Smelting Co............................................ " 134 Tin-Plate. Bruce & Cook................................................New York......................See Page 112 Tyng & Co.................................................... " " " 260 Wm. Green & Co...................................... Wilmington, Del............ " 248 Tinsmiths' Tools, &c. Bruce & Cook................................ New York......................See Page 112 Tin Ware. Sidney Shepard & Co.....................................Buffalo, N. Y..................See Page 196 T Iron. Rogers & Co...................................... Ill....................See Page 144 Tool Builders. Bolen, Crane & Co........................................ Newark, N. J..................See Page 62 Tool Handles. G. B. Walbridge...........................New York......................See Page 130 Tools. Biddle Manufacturing Co...............................New York......................See Page 12 Hermann Boker & Co.................................. " "..............See Pages 152, 154 Nelson Tool Works................................................See Page 30. S. Townsend............................................. " "..................... 2 Track Bolts,. Pittsburgh Forge & Iron Co.........................Pittsburgh, Pa.............. See Page 174 Pittsburgh Bolt Co...................................... ".............. " 118 SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE ROOTS, AND CUBE RooTs —Continued. 2to. Square. Cube. Square Cube Cube. Square Cube Root. t... Root.. Root. 241 58081 1399752I 15.52416. 233,1271 73441 199025I I I6.462 6.47 242 58564 14172488 15.556 6.231272 73984 20I23648 I6.49216.479 243 59049 I4348907 I5. 588 6.240o 1273 74529 20346417 I6. 522 6.487 C' 244 59536 14526784 15.620 6.248! 274 75076 20570824 16.552 6.495 0 245 60025 14706I25 I5.652 6.257 i275 75625 20796875!I6.58316.502 246 605i6 14886936 I5.68416.265 276 76176 2Io24576 I6.6I3 6.45I o 247 6009 I5069223 15.766.274 277 76729 2I253933 66436.643 518 248 6I504 15252992 I5.7486.'282, 278 77284 21484952 I6.678 6-526 D (D 249 62001 15438249 I5-7796.29I 279 7784I 21717639 I6-703 6-534 B6X 250 62500 15625000 15.8II 1 6. 299280 78400 2I952000 I6,7336.542 c;7 25I 63001 158t3251 I5.84216.307j281 7896I 2218804I 16.76316- 549. c. > 252 63504 x6003008 I5.87416.316 282 79524 22425768 16.792 6.557 "' r 253 64009 I6194277 I5-905 6.324'283 80089 22665187 16.822 6.565 254 645I6 I6387064 15937 6.333 284 8656 22906304 16.85216.573 4 255 65025 I6581375 15-968 6.34|1 285 8I225 23149r25 I6.88i 6.580 4.> > 1 256 655361 67772I6 16.o 6.3491 286 81796- 23393656 I6-9I 6.588 V O z 257 660491 6974593 I6.03I 6.3571287 82369 23639903 I6.941 6-596 t 258 66564 17I735I2 I6.o62 6.366 1288 82944 23887872 16.970 6.603 J H W 259 67o81 I7373979 60933 8352124I375691I7.o 6.61I 260 67 7576000ooo 6.246.382 290 84I00 2438900017.02619 6.6 26I 68121 1777958I I6.I55i6.390 291 84681 24642171 17-058 6.626 = 262 68644 17984728 16.I8616.398 292 85264 24897088 17.o88 6-634! 263 69I69 18191447 I6.2I716.406 1293 85849 25153757 17.117 6.64I 264 696961 8399744 I6.248164I5 294 86436 254I2184 17- I46 6.649 265 70225 18609625 16.27816.4231 295 87025 256723751 7. I75 6.656 266.70 756 1 i2627 7 75 14 266 70756 1882I09616.3o09 6.431 296 87616 25934836 17.204 6.664:267 71289 19034163 16.340 6.4391 297 88209 26198073 17.233 6.67 268 71824 19248832 16.37o6.447 298 88804 26463592 17-262 6.678 269 72361 19465I09 66. 40I 6.455 299 89401 26730899I7.291 6.686 270 72900 I968300016*4316463 300 90000 27000000I7.320 6.694 246 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS WROUGHT IRON Builders' Hardware Co. XANUFACTURERS OF Hinges, Hinge Nails, Wagon Bow Staples, Hasps, Chute Nails, Hinge Rivets, Rings, Sheathe Nails, Cold Chisels, Staples, Open Links, Hooks and Staples, Stay Nails, Corner Braces, &c., tic. ALI WORK FIRST-CLASS. TINNED GOODS A SPECIALTY, AlSO, PRINCIPAL DEPOT FOR Emery Goods, Emery Machinery and Union Emery Wheels, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Machime Knife Crinders, Lathe Centre Crind'ers, &~c Morse's Patent Twist Drills and Drill Chucks. Peerless Washing Machine and Boiler &. Stove. Office and Salesroom, 502 Commerce St., PHILADELPHIA. GEORGE DRAKE SMITH, JMANUFACTURER OF OTTOMANS AND HASSOCKS, UIOR DRAWING ROOM AND SLEEPING CARS. 223 CHURCH STREET, PHIILAELPHIA. J. tM. COPPERE,]N(>'IL, Agent for New York, 298 Broadway, BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 247 Track Layers' Tools. Nelson Tool Works.................................. New York.....................See Page 30 Track Supplies. Greene & Randolph.......................................New York......................See Page 54 T Rails. Jones"& Laughlins.......................................Pittsburgh, Pa...............See Page 32 8, 12, 16, 20, 28, 40 lbs. to Yard. Reese, Graff & Woods................................Pittsburgh, Pa...............See Page 68 12, 16, 20, 28 and 34 lbs. to Yard. Transits. F. Eckel.................................New York......................See Page 76 Kuebler & Seelhorst......................................Philadelphia, Pa............. " 216 Wic,.J, Yomng & Son..................................... "............ " 138 Transfer Tables. McNairy & Claflen Manufacturing Co..............Cleveland, Ohio..............See Page 42 Skinner & Gifford Manufacturing Co...............Dunkirk, N. Y................ " 140 Snyder Bros..................................................Williamsport, Pa............. " 46 Wm. Sellers & Co......................................Philadelphia, Pa............ " 64 Transportation Cars. Orrin L. Gridley........................................ Buffalo, N. Y.................. See Page 196 Sidney Shepard & Co.................................. "................. " 196 SQUFARES, CUBES, SQUARE ROOTS, AND CUBE RooTs-Continued. No. Square Cube. Square Boot. Square. -Cube. Square Cube Root. Ret. Boot.. oot. 301 90601 2727090I 1173496.701331 109561 36264691I I 93 6.97 302 9120I 2754308 7.37816. 703320 I224 36594368 I8. 2 6.924. 3o3 918 278I 8 I7.4o06 6.76 333 11x889 36926037 18.248 6.931 3o4 92416 28094464 I7.435 6.723 334 1II556 37259704 18.275 6.938 8 305 93025 28372625 17-464 66 73! I335 112225 37595375 18.303 6'945 306 93636 286526I6 I7-492 61738 336 112896 37933056 18.33o06.952 I 3~17 94249 28934443 I7.52 6.7451 337 113569 38272753 8. 357 6.958 0 a 30o 94864 2928112 717'549 6.753 338 114244 38614472 18.38416.965 k Da 3o9 95481 29503609 17578 6.760 339 11492o1 38938219 18.41 6-.979 > 3IO 96100 29791000 I7.6o66. 767 34I Ix5600 39304000 I 8 439 6 979 r 311 96721 3o080231 17.63516. 775 341 I1628Z 396582I I8.466 6.986 312 97344 30371328 17.663 6.782. 342 116964 40006ooo88 I8.493 6 993 313 97969 30664297 17.69I 6.789'343 117649 40353607 18.52017o0 0 r 314 98596 3095914417.720 6.796,'344 118356 40707584188. 547 7.oo6 315 992225 31255875 17-748 6.804' 345 119025 4I063625! I8.574 7.013 o 316 99856 31554496 17-7766. 8II! 346 II97r6, 4I42I736i8. 6oz 7-020 o zO' 317 I00489 31855013 17.804 6.88 I 4127893 186077. 20 3r7~x S9S5o03 1x7.0 46.8x8 I~347i120409 4178192318 627 7.027 a 318 101124] 32x57432 17.832 6.825: 348 121104 42144192 I8.654 17. 33, 3191o01761 32461759 17.86o 6.832 349 2I801 42508549 I8.68I 7.040 1 ~ 3201 I2400 32768000 17.888 6.839 35o 122500 42875000 8 7087047 z 32I10304x1 33076x6iI7.9I6.6.847 351 12320 424355I 18.734 7.054 C p 322 103684 33386248 I7 7.944 6.854 i352 123964 436I4208 I8 76 I 1 7.060 3231 04329 3369 8267 17.972 6.86 353 124609 43986977 I8.78817.o67 324 104976 34012224 Ix8.o 6 868 354 I253i6[ 4436I864I8 814 7.074 325 106251 34328$;5 18.027 6.875 355 112~025 44738875 18-8417 080 < 3261o62761 34645976 I8.055 6.882 356 I26736 4518oI6 18.867 7.087 327 1069291 34965783 18.083 6.889, 3571I27449[ 454992931 8.894 7 093 328 07584 35287552 18. x1o6.8961, 358 128x64 458827121 I8 920; 7.;oo 3291 0824 356I 289 18.138 6.903 3591I2888II 46268279 8I9477 o107 330zo89oo 35937000 18. 65 6.910o 36oi 129600 46656000ooo 8.97317 I3 248 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. ESTAB.LISH]~D.... 1810. WILLIAM GREEN & CO. lianuf~acturers' Agents, IMPORTERS and WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Iron, Steel, Tin Plates, AND CARRIAC E COODS. Corner Third and Shipley Sts., WILMINGTON, DELAWARE. Baltimore Rivet and Spike Works CARRY A FULL STOCK AND MANUFACTURE TO ORDER RIVETS, SPIKES, BOLTS, NUTS, WASHERS, BOLT ENDS. WM. GILMOR of WM. Cor, President and Fawn Sts,, BALTIMORE, Md. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 249 Trucks. A. M. Gilbert & Co........................................Chicago, Ill.................... See Page 180 W. A. Dobinson & Co................................... Buffalo, N. Y.................. " 196 Tube Expanders. R. Dudgeon.................................... New York......................See Page 70 Tubing-Brass and Copper. Ansonia Brass & Copper Co............................New York......................See Page 122 Turn Buckles. Providence Tool Co.; H. B. Newhall, Agent....New York.......................See Page 166 Turning Machines. Wm. Sellers & Co..........................................Philadelphia, Pa.............See Page 64 Wm. B. Bement & Son..................................Philadelphia, Pa............. " 168 See also, Iron Working Machinery and Wood Working Machinery. Turn Tables. O. W. Child................................... New York.................... See Page 262 McNairy & Claflen Manufacturing Co.............Cleveland, Ohio............... " 42 Skinner & Gifford Manufacturing Co............... Dunkirk, N. Y............. " 140 Snyder Bros...................... Williamsport, Pa............. " 46 Wm. Sellers & Co.......................... Philadelphia, Pa.............. " 64 Twist Drills. D. Brewer & Co........................................... Philadelphia, Pa.............See P.age 246 SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE ROOTS, AND CUBE RooTS-Continued. No. Square. Cube. Square Cube No. loare.- Cube. Square Cubs Roote. Seoot. Reoot. Root.. 36I 13032l 4704588I 1I9.0 7. 20 391 15288I 5977647I,19-773 7.-31 362 [31044 47437928 19.026 7.2 76,1392 53664 60236288 19.798 7.38 363 131769 4783214719-05217. - 331393 154449 6o6984571 9.824 7.324 3 o 364 I32496 48228544 19-078 7- 40 394]155236 6I 62984 I9.849 7-33r 365 I33225 48627125 19.I0417.-461!395 156025 6I629875 I9.874 7-3371 - 366 133956 49027896 I9-I31 71I53K1396 I568I6 60gg 361r g. 899 7'343 _367 I346891 4943086319.I57 7~-15 397 157609 62570773'I9924 7-349 s c 368 135424 49836032 9. I83 7.66 398 I58404 63044792 I9-94917355 D- A 369 136I6I 50243409 19.209 7.172j1399 15920I 63521991 9-974 17361 3701 36900 50653000 19.235 7. I79 1400 I60000 640000001o20.o 7368 37f I37641 5I0648I1 19.261 7.185j 40I I6080I 6448x120 20o024 7-374 r 372 138384 5I478848 I9.28717- I9Ij 402 I6i6o4 64964go8 zo.o49 7.380o 0 t.373 139I 29 5,895I.7I:9.3I3 7 I98 403 I 624 09 65450827 20-074 7-386 374 139876 5233624 I9339 7.204 44 632I6 65939264.20.9917392, 375 1140625 52734375 19.364 7.211j 405'164025 66430I25 20.124 7.398. > 376141376 53157376 19-390 7.217 6i648 62346 7-404 t t > 556|309136|17I8796I6 23.579 8.222 586 343396 201230056 24.207i8.363 z 557 310249 172808693 23.600 8.227 587 344569 202262003 24.2288.372 532 3113641I7374IJI2a23.62 8232 588 345744 203297472 24.248 8.377? H 1 559 312481 174676879 23.643 8-237 589 346921 204336469(24.26908.382 x 5. 56013I3600 1756I6000 23.664 8.242 5901348ioo 20537900 24.289 8.3 387 z 4 56I 31472I I7655848r 23.685 8.247 591 349281 206425071i24-.310 839I..! 56213I5844[177504328 23.706 8.252 592 350464 207474688 24-33I 8 396 5513I63699 78453547|23 727 8.257 593 35649 208527857124.35I 56413 180925 179406144 23- 74818. 2621 3528 2095458424 - 37218 406 i 56539225 180362125 23.769 8.267 595 354025 210644875 24-392,8*410I 566 320356 I8 321496|237 98.271 596 3552I612 1708736 24- 43 8.445 732I489I82284263 23.8tI I8276,597 356409 212776173 24-43318-420 5('8 322624 183250432 23.832 8.28I598 3576C4 213847192124-4548424 569,32376i I842200)i3.S53 8.286 599358So 21492I799,24.47418.429 570o3249oo0 85 I 930123.8748. 29 I 61 36oo0o 21600000024.494 8434 RAMAPO WHEEL AND FOUNDRY COMPANY, CEO. CHURCH, Pres't and Treas. W. W. SNOW, Sup't and Ceneral Manager. C. T. PIERSON, Secretary. MANUFACTURERS O0 H EELS DRAWING ROOM AND SLEEPING COACHES, TENDERS, LOCOMOTIVES, PASSENGER AND FREIGHT CARS. RAMAPO, Rockland County, NEW YORK. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 257 Washing Machines. D. Brewer & Co.............................................Philadelphia, Pa..............See Page 246 Waste. Phelps & Sanger..........................................Cleveland, Ohio...............See Page 120 SAW-MILL. Gang Saw, 30 square feet of dry oak, or 45 square feet of dry pine, per hour, requires 1 horse-power. Circular Saw. 2.5 feet in diameter, 270 revolutions per minute, 40 square feet of oak, or-70 of dry spruce, requires 1 horse-power. 300 revolutions per minute. 1.33 square feet of dry pine per minute, kerf 7-32 inch and 6 inches deep, requires the power of 1 horse for the saw alone; and 1 square feet, kerf'4 inch and 1 foot in depth, requires a like power. 4.5 feet in diameter, kerf 14, and 1 foot in depth, requires 1 horse-power for 1.33 feet per minute. Oak requires nearly one-half more power than pine. With a kerf of s inch, 1 horse-power will saw 2.66 square feet per minute. The speed of the periphery should be about 50 feet per minute. SQUARES. CUBES, SQUARE ROOTS, AND CUBE ROOTS-Continued. No. SIquare. Cube. Square Cube N. Cube. Square Cube Root. Rt. SquareRoot. Rooet. 60I 361201 21708180I 24 515 8.439 163I 398I6I 25I239591 25 119 8.577 602 362404 2I8167208 24.53518.443, 632 399424 252435968 25 I39 8.58 603 3636091 29256227 24 556 8.448 i633 400689 25363637 25. 59 8.586 604 3648I6 220348864 24.576 8.45 34 453 956 254840634 25.179 8-590 0 605 366025 221445I25 24.596 8.457j 635 403225 256047875 25.199 8.595 Z 606 367236 2225450I6 24.617 8 462, 636 44496 257259456 25.2I9 8599 607 368449 223648543 24.637 8:467 37 405769 258474853 25.238 8.604; a 6o8 369664 2247557I2 24.657 8.471 638 40704425969407225.25818.608 609 370881 225866529 24.677 8.4761639 40832 260917I19 25.2788188 63 6IO 372IO0 22698100o 24.6988.480 640 409600 262144000 25.298 8.617 61 37332I 228o99131 24.718 8-485 164I 410881 263374721 25.317 8.622' 612 374544 229220928 24 738 8.490 642 4I264 264609288 25-337 8.626 6I3 375769 230346397 24-758 849643449265847725.357 8.63 634 376996 23I475544 24.779 8.4994 4I4736 267089984 25.377 8.635 6I5 3782251232608375 24.799 8.504. 645416025 268336I25 25.396 8.64o. P 6i6 379456 233744896 24.819 8.508 646 4173I61269585136 25.4x6 8 644. Z 0 P 6I7 380689 234885,13 24.839 8.513647 486092784002325436 8649 7 ] 6I8 381924 236029032 24.859 815'I7i648 4I990~4272~97792125.455 8'653 0 N 6I9 383x6I 237I76659 24.87918.5221 649 42120I 273359449125 475 8.657 4 620 3844oo00 238328000 24.899 8.527 650 422500 274625000 25.495 8.662 - i 0 62I 38564I 239483061 24.9919 8.53I 65 423801 2758044II25 514 8.666 5 622 386884 24064x848 24.939 8.536 6521425I04 277167808 25.53418 671 6231388129 241804367 24.9598 -5401 6531426409 278445077125.55318.675 j 624 389376 242970624 24.979 8.545 654 4277I6 279726264 25. 573 8. 680 625 390625 244140625125.0 8.549 655 42902512801 II375 25.592 8.684'4 626 39I8761245314376 25.0 oI98554 6561430336 282300416 25.6I2 8.688 627 393129 246491883 25.039 8.558 657 43I649 283593393 25.632 8.6 93 0 628 39384 247673152 25.o059 8.563 1658 432964 2848903I2 25.651 8.697 629 395641 248858I89 25.0798.5681 659 434281 286IgI I79 25.67o 8.702 630 3969oo0 2500oo47000 25o 99 857266 435600 287496000 25.690 8. 706 258 BUYERS' GUIDE. FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. BOOKS FOR RAILROAD MEN. SPECIAL NOTICE.-All of the Books from which extracts are made in this work, comprising Haswell, Trautwine, Hamilton, Haslett, &c., &c., are for sale by me, and may be ordered by mail. USEFUL INFORMATION FOR RAILROAD MEN.-Compiled by W. G. HAmILTON, Engineer. Fifth edition, revised and enlarged. 570 pages. Pocket form, Morocco gilt, $2.00. "The'Information' comprises some valuable formulae and rules for the construction of boilers and engines, masonry, properties of steel and iron, and the strength of materials generally." IRON TRUSS BRIDGES FOR RAILROADS.-The method of calculating strains in Trusses, with a careful comparison of the most prominent Trusses in reference to economy in combination, etc., etc. By Brevet-Colonel W. E. MERRILL, U.S.A., with nine lithographed plates of illustrations. 4to. cloth, $5.00. A TREATISE ON THE STRENGTH OF BRIDGES AND R(OFS. —With practical applications and examples, for the use of Engineers and Students. By S. H. SHREVE, A.M.C.E. 346 pages, and 89 wood cuts. 8vo., tinted paper, cloth, $5.00. THE THEORY OF STRAINS IN GIRDERS, and other similar structures, with Observations on the application of Theory to Practice, and Tables of strength and other properties of materials. By BIlNDoN B. STONEY. New edition, revised and enlarged, and complete in one volume, with 5 plates and 123 wood cut illustrations. Royal 8vo., 660 pages, cloth, $15.00, VAN NOSTRAND'S ECLECTIC ENGINEERING MAGAZINE, which commenced its Fifth Year, January, 1873, is admirably adapted to meet the wants, not only of Engineers, but of all who are interested in Scientific subjects. It presents in a convenient form the best articles, (with their illustrations,) selected from European and American Scientific Journals, together with Original Papers from leading scientists of our times. Issued Monthly, at $5.00 per Annum In Advance. Single Numbers, 50 Cents. Persons who desire the Magazine from the beginning, can be supplied with Vols. I to VII, inclusive, neatly bound in cloth, for $20.00; half Turkey morocco, $30.00. D. VAN NOSTRAND, PUBLISHER, 23 MURRAY ST. & 27 WARREN ST., NEW YORK. 1** Copies of the above Books sent free by mail on receipt of price, and New Catalogue of Scientific Books sent to any address on application. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 259 Water Cauges. J. G. Knapp Manufa(cturing Co.......................New York...................... See Page 16 J. J. Walworth............................. Chicago, Ill.................... " 124 McNab & Harlin Manufacturing Co..............New York...................... " 220 Pancoast & Maule.................................. Philadelphia, Pa............. " 26 Water Pipe. J. T. Ryerson................................. Chicago, Ill.................... " 180 Morris, Tasker Co......................................Philadelphia, Pa............. " 36 R. A. Brick & Co..........................................New York...................... " 48 Wedges. Hermann Boker & Co....................................New York..............See Pages 152, 154 Wheel barrows. Geo. Worthington & Co.................................Cleveland, Ohio............ See Page 100 T. B. Bickerton & Co.................................... Philadelphia, Pa............. " 138 Wheel Presses. Isaac H. Shearman.......................................Philadelphia, Pa..............See Page 80 Wm. B. Bement & Son.................................... 168 SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE ROOTS, AND CUBE ROOTS-Continued. tNo. Squ are. Cube. Squar equare Cube Cu.Subete. Reat. qr Cube. _... ~Root. Ro..... Root. Root. 66I 43692I 28880478I 25-709 8.7IO 691 47748I 329939371 26.286 8.840 66243824429o0 I 752825 729 8.715,!692 478864 33I373888 26.305 8.845 663i439569 29I43424725 74 8-7I9 693480249 332812557 26.324 8.849 66414408961292754944 25 7688724 6948I636334255384 26343 8.853 665 442225!29407962525.7878. 72 695 483025 335702375 26836285. 857 666 443556 295408296 25.8068.732 696 4844I6 337I53536 26.381 8.862 667 444889,29674o963 25.82618- 737 697 485809 338608873 26.400 8.866 t a 668 4462241298077632125.845 8.74I 698 487204 340068397 26.4I8.87a0 5 ( 1 669 44756I 2994I8309 25.865 8.745 994886oI341532099 26438 8.874 670 448903oo763000 25-8848-750 700 490000 343000000 26.457 8.87q 6~0 4 89oo/goo[3 I 26~43ocooooi 67I 45024I 302111711 25.9o3803 75 701 491401 344472IO1 26.476 8.883 672 4 5 584 3034644481 25 9221 875$ 702 492804 345948408 265.495 8 887 0 k 673 452929 3o482I2I7 25.942 8. 763 703 494209347428927 26.514 889x 6741454276 3o6I82024 25.96I 8.767 704 4956I6 3489I3664 26.533 8.895'. 675 455625 307546875 25.980 8.772 705 497025 350402625 26.55I 8.900 goo > W 676 456976 308915776 26.0 8.7761 706 498436 358958I6 26.570 8.904 677 458329 310288733 26.o 9 8.7801 707 499849 353393243 26 389 8.908 O 678 459684 3II665752 26.038 8. 785 708 50I264 35489491I726.608 8.9I2 679 46I04I 33046839 26.0 57 8789 17 50268I 356400829 26.6278916 O 680o4624001 3I443200026768 -7917IO 5041003579II00026.6458.921 68i,46376I1358212412 8-7971 7II 50552I635942543I 26.664 8.925 682 46512413I72I4568 26. II 8.802 7I2 506944 360944I28 26.683 8.929 683 466489 3 86II987 26.I34 8.806 713 508369 362467097 26.702 8-933 6841467856j320013504 26. I538.8I0 714 509796 363994344 26.720 8 937 645;67856 I72 ~-8' 365525875 26-739.94 2 685 469225 365525875 26.739 8-9427 686 470596 322828856 26. I9I 8.819 7I615x2656 367o61696 26.758 8.946 687147I969 324242703 26-2Io 8.823 1771 5I408913686o08I3 26.77618. 950 688 473344]32566o672 26.2298.828 7i8 515524 37oI46232 26.795 8.954 689 47472 1327082769 26.248 8.832 719 516961 371694959 26.81418.958 6so1476I00o3285o900oo26.267.836 72015I8400 373248000 26.832 8.962'_ I I I! I I '260 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. TYNG & COMPANY, IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS IN IRON, STEEL AND METALS. No, 98 William St,, 6/ South Canal St,, NEW YORK. CHICAGO. BAR, PLATE and SHEET IRON, CALVANIZED SHEET IRON, TIN PLATES and METALS. SOLE AGENTS FOR HOWELL & COMPANY'S SHEFFIELD EXTRA CAST STEEL AND FILES. IMPORTERS OF LAP WELDED IRON FLUES, TORPEDO FOG SIGNALS, SALTER'S LOCOMOTIVE BALANCES, &o., &c. IEW YORK RTJBBER COMPANY, [IiCTORlPORATE]D 1851.] MANUFACTURERS OF STANDARD RUBBER GOODS, FOR RAILROAD PURPOSES, COMPRISING CAR SPRINGS, PACKING, HOSE and BELTING. These Goods are to be had of our Agents in all the principal Cities of the Union, and at our WAREHOUSE, Nos. 5 & 7 DEY ST., NEW YORK. i -Address P. O. Box I 1 60. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 261 Wheel Borers. Isaac H. Shearman...................................... Philadelphia, Pa............See Page 80 BELTING. (Hamilton.) lIorse-power of a belt equals velocity in feet per minute, multiplied by the width-the sum divided by 1000. One inch single belt, moving at 1000 feet per minute = 1 horse-power. Double belts about 700 feet per minute, per 1 inch width = 1 horse-power. For ~couble belts of great length, over large pulleys, allow about 500 feet per minute per 1 inch of width per horse-power. Power should be communicated through the lower running side of a belt; the the upper side to carry the slack. Average breaking weights of a belt, Y6 X 1 inch wide. Leather, 530 lbs.; 3-ply rubber, 600 lbs. I he strength of a belt increases directly as its width. The co-efficient of safety for a laced belt is- Leather = 1 breaking weight. Rubber = "8 SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE ROOTS, AND CUBE ROOTS-ContinueCd. N8 ar.cube Square Cube Sube uare Cube o.. Cu Root. Noo. Squar. Rroot. Root.. 721 5I984I 3748O5361 26.85I1 8.966 75I 564001 423564751 27-404 9.089 722 521284 376367048 26.870 8-97I1 752 565504 425259008 27.422 9-.093 723 522729 377933067 26.888 8.9751 753 567009 426957777 27.440 9.097 o 724 524I76 379503424 26.907 8 9791 754 5685r6 428661064 27 459 9. 10 725 525625 38I078125 26.925 8.983755 570025 430368875 27.477 9.I005 -j 726 527076 382657176 26-944 8-9871756 571536 4320812I6 27.495 9.-09 C 727 528529 384240583 26.962 8.99I o757 573049 433798093j27-5I3' - I3 9I 7281529984 385828352 26.98I 8.995:i758 574564 4355I9512 27-531 9.r117 - 729 53144, 387420489 27.0 [9.0 [759 57608I 437245479 27.549 9.121 730o532900 3890I7000 27.-0I89 0oo4760 5776o00438976ooo027.5689. I25 ~ P. 731 534361 390617891 27 03709.o-00876I 579I2I 4407I1o'8 27.586i9. 29 732 535824 392223168 27.0559.0I2 762 580644 442450728 27-604 9.I33 733 537289 393832837 27.07339'O6 17631582I691444I94947227.6229.3 I37 734 538756 395446904 27.09219.020 764 583696 445943744127.6401o9.-4X 735 540225 397065375127.I0 9.~241 765 585225 447697I25 27.658[9.I45 > 736 574696 398688256 27- 29 9.0281 766 586756 44945509627676 949 - 737 543I694003I5553 27. 147 9.032 767 588289 45I2I7663 27.694.9. I53 I tI 738 5446441401947272 27.I66 9.036 768 589824 4529,4832 27.7I2 9.157 x 0 739 546121 403583419 27.18419.040 769 59136I 454756609 277309. I61 740 547600 405224000 27.202 9.045 770 592900 456533000 27-7489.I65 - 74I 549081 406869021 27.221 9.o49 i77x 59444I 458314011 27.766 9. 69 1 742 55056414085I8488 27.239 9o053 j772 595984 46oo9964827-784 9 173' 743 55204914I0I72407 27.258 9-0571 773 597529146I8899,1727.802 9. -77 744 55353614 I830784 27.276 9.061 i774 599076 463684824127.820 9. i8 7451 5550254I3493625 27.29419.o65, 775 600625 465484375|27.83819. 85 746 556516 415I60936 27.3I3 9.0691 j776 602I76 467288576 27.856 9.I89 0 747 558009416832723 27-331 9.073, 777 603729 46t09737433 27.874913 748 559504 418508992 27-349 9-o77:1778 605284 470910952 27.892 9. 197 749 560oo01420I89749 27.367 9.08I i77916o684I 472729I39 27.9109.2o01 750 562500oo 421875000 27. 386 9. 85 780 608400 474552000 27.928 9. 205 Continued on Page 265 262 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. Om W. CIIL IDILD, 22 PINE ST., NEW YORK. Railroad Iron and Supplies, American an English Iron and Steel Rails, FREIGHT CARS, viz. BOX, FLATS, GONDOLAS, COAL, HAY and STOCK. PASSENGER CARS, LOCOMOTIVES, FISH PLATES, SPIKES, BOLTS and NUTS, FROGS and SWITCHES, TURN-TABLES, &c. OLD RAI LS BOU'GHT AND SOLD. Railroad Bonds and Securities Negotiated. CHARILEs F. K1ETCIHAM, PRINTER, STATOINER, LITZHOARPHEI, AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER, Nos. 27 & 29 Nassau Street, New York. RAILROAD PRINTING A SPECIALTY. Orders for every kind of BLANK FORMS AND BOOKS required by Railroad or Transportation Companies, executed in the neatest style, and with the utmost economy and promptness. My long experience in this branch of the business, renders me familiar with the wants of this class of customers, and the accumulation of Forms and Copies is of great and mutual advantage, and especially so to parties desiring to make CHANGES IN THEIR FORMS or about procuring OUTFPTS FOR NEW ROADS. WAY BILLS, VOUCHERS, REPORTS AND BLANKS of any kind, of which impressions are to be taken with the Copying Press, Printed and ruled in Copying Ink. LITHOGRAPHIC WORK, comprising Bonds, Certificates of Stock, Drafts, Checks, Time Charts, Passes, Letter and Note Headings, Maps, &c., executed in the best style and on the most favorable terms. ENGINEERS' MATERIALS manufactured, imported and kept on hand in great variety. BLANK BOOKS of any desired pattern or quantity made to order. A full line of Staple and Fancy STATIONERY constantly on hand and for sale at the lowest market rates. SAMPLES AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ETC. 263 Wheels. Bowlers, Maher & Brayton.............................Cleveland, Ohio............. See Page 42 Davenport, Fairbairn & Co..........................Erie, Pa........................ " 188 Greene & Randolph............................... New York.................... " 54 Jonas S. Heartt & Co.....................................Troy, N. Y............ " 134 Ramapo Wheel & Fbundry Co........................Ramapo, N. Y................. " 256 Wason Manufacturing Co...........................Springfield, Mass........ " 146 Whistles-Steam. See Steam Whistles. White Lead. Atlantic White Lead Co.-Rob't Colgate & Co. New York...............See Pages 238, 240 Brooklyn White Lead Co............................... " ".....................' 268 C. E. Hecht.............................................Easton. Pa..................... " 158 F. S. Pease..................................................Buffalo, N. Y.................. 100 Jno. Jewett & Son........................... New York..................See Pages 72, 74 Jno. W. Masury & Son....................................See Page 214 T. B. Bickerton & Co.....................................Philadelphia, Pa............. " 138 Wetherill & Bro....................................................... 52 Wm. Green & Co............................................Wilmington, Del............ " 248 TONS OF RAILS, JOINTS, ETC., TO ONE MILE SINGLE TRACK. (Furnished by 0. W. Child, 22 Pine St., New York.) TONS OF RAILS REQUIRED PER MILE OF SINGLE TRACK. Tons. lbs. Tons. lbs. Weight 12 lbs. per yard..... 18 1920 Weight 50 lbs. per yard..... 78 1280 " 16 " "..... 25 320 " 56 " "..... 88 " 20 " "..... 31 960 " 60 " "..... 94 640 25 "..... 39 640 " 65 " "..... 102 320 " 30" ".... 47 320 " 70' "..... 110 35 " "..... 55 " 75 " "..... 117 920 40 " "..... 62 1920 " 80" "..... 125 1600 45' "..... 70 1600 NUMBER OF FiSH JOINTS PER MILE. 24 feet Rails..................... 440 Joints. 28 feet Rails..................... 378 Joints. 26 "..................... 406 " { 30 " "..................... 352 Ordinary number of Ties per Mile................................. 2640. Ordinary Quantity of Spikes, dY/ X %9/ inch per mile...... 5500 lbs. CULVERTS FOR RAILWAYS. ( Molesworth) Thickness of' ~ I.4 ft. in. ft. in. ft. in. ft. in. ft. in. 1 6 0 9... Barrel.... 0.60 ] 2 0 0 9... Barrel... 0.75 Brickwork.................. 0 9 1 3 3 160 4 0 1 2...0 9... 1 6 4 6... 3.30 5 0 1 2...0 9... 1 10 5 6... 4.70 6 0 1 6...0 9... 2 3 6 6... 6.10 flat 1 6 0 6.1 0... 1 6 2 6 1.50 Rubble masonry with top 2 0 9 1 0 2 0 30... 2.00 hammer- dressed 30 1 0... 0 9... 2 6 3 3... 4.00 arches. 5 0 1 0 1 0...3 0 5 6... 6.70 6 0 1 4... 1 0...3 6 5 6... 7.60 264 BUYERS' GUIDE. FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. The Frazer Railroad Lubricator, THE BEST AND CHEAPEST LUBRICATOR FOR RAILROADS IN USE. Superintendents, Purchasing Agents and MTaster Mlechanics are invited to GIVE IT A TRIAL. QUALITY ALWAYS ALIKE, AND NOT APEOCTED BY CLIMATE, O F1 F I C E S - 104 MAIDEN LANE, /34 E, KINZIE ST,, NEW YORK. CHICAGO, ILL. CA.MPBELL & THAYER, 89 MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK, MANUFACTURERS OF LINSEED OIL, Raw, Refined and Boiled, in Casks and Barrels, - ALSO LINTSE E D CAKE. NQYES & WINES, CORRUGATED IRON CO. _,,....... 41 CENTRE ST., NEW YORK, MANUFACTUnEnS OF TIHE Patent Metallic ClaD-Boar AND COtRIUGATED IOEN. IRON CORNICES, MOULDINGS, &c.'-,_ -, Iron Arches for Fire-Proof Buildings, Iron Shutters, Doors, &c. BUSINESS DIRECTCRY, ETC. 265 White Brass. Du Plaine & Reeves.......................................Philadelphia, Pa............See Page 102 White Zinc. C. E. Hecht.................................................. Easton, Pa.....................See Page 158 Jno. W. Masury & Son...................................New York...................... " 214 Window Class. D. R. Hobart & C......................................New York......................See Page 126 Leffingwell & Co......................................... Cleveland, Ohio............. " 190 Vose, Dinsmore & Co.....................................New York.................... 60 Wire. Ausonia Brass & Copper Co........................... New York......................See Page 122 Atwater, Wheeler & Co............................New Haven, Conn.......... " 10 Bruce & Cook....................................... New York...................... " 112 Geo. Worthington & Co................................Cleveland, Ohio............... 100 Jno. Merry & Co................................New York..................... 48 Marshall Lefferts, Jr................................... " 44 TO FIND LENGTH OF BELTING, WEIEN ClOSELY ROLLED. The sum-of the diameters of the roll and the eye in inches, multiplied by the number of turns made by the belt, and this product multiplied by the decimal.1309, will equal length of the belt in feet.-Auchlinchlloss. SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE ROOTS, AND CUBE ROOTS-Continued. Squa8nnnre. nnhn. I Squuare Cube SNo.S q u. Cube. Cube Neo. Square. Cube. Sqe Rt No.Sqare. Cub. quare Cub R'oot. I Roti_ oot. Root. 78I 60996I 476379541 27.946 9.209, j8I 165772I 53341I731 28. 4789 32 782|6II524 478211768 27.964 9.2131 8I2 659344 535387328 28-495 9-329 C 7831613o89 480048687 27982 9.2161 813 660969 537367797 128 513 9333 0 7846I4656 481I90304 28.0 9.2201 814 662596 539353144 28.5309.337 785 6I6225 483736625 28.OI79.22418I5 664225 54134337528 - 5489340 j @i 7861 67796'485587656 28.o03519-228 86 665856 543338496,28.565 9-344 78 7 9369487443403 28053 9.' 232 8I7 667489154533853 28. 583 9. 348 i 788 620944 48930387228. O71 9.236 8I8 669124 547343432 28.600 9-352 789 2252I 49I69069i28089 9- 2401SI9 67076I 549353259 28.6I8 9.356 a p 790624100 493039000 28. o6 9.2441 82o6724o0055I368000128.635 9. 359 C D 791 625681 494913671 28.1824 19 4882 674041 553387661 28.653 9'363' or 792 627264,496793088 28.I42 9.2521 822 675684 5554I2248 28.670 9.367 r 793628849 498677257 28.6o0 9.2561823 677329 557441767 28.687 9 -37I * 794630436 500566i84 28. 78 9.25 8246789761559476224128.705519375 1 7'95 163202550245875128 I95 9.263 825 680625 56I515625 28.722 9 378. I' ON 796 6336I6 504358336,28.2I3 9.26 826 682276 5635i9976 28.740 9-382 } Z 797,635209150626I573 2.23I 9.271 827~683929 5656o9283 28 757[9.386 798'636804 08I69592128.248 9.275 828 685584 567663552 28.7749 390 E & 799;63840I 5roo82399 28.266 9.279 829 687241 569722789 28.792 9.394 4 z 8006400005ooo2000000 28.284 9.283 830 688900 571787000 28.8o919.397 t' 80I 64z60oi513922401 28-30I 9'.287 83 69056I 573856I9I 28.827 9-40I 802 64320415I5849608i28.3I 9.2901, 832 692224 575930368 28.844 9.405 I 803 644809 157781627 28 337 9.294 833 693889 578009537128.86i19.409 804'6464I6 5I97I8464 28. 354 9-29S8 834 695556 580093704 28. 879 9.412,~ 8051648025 52I660I25 28.372 9-302, 335 697225 582I82875 28.896 9.4i6 806164963615236o66I6 28.39o 9.3o 6 3698896 54277o56'28-9I3 9.420 o 807i651249!525557943 28.407 9.3Io 837 700569 586376253 28.930 9-424 808o65286415275141I2 28. 425 9.314 338 702244 5854o0472:28.948i9.427 8o9i65448I1529475129 28.442 9.3I7 839 7392I;59o5897I9 28.965 9.43z 8I0j656I00~53I44I010 28.460 9-32I 840 705600 5927040oo028.98219.435 266 BUYERS' GUIrE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. WM. B. BROWNE. H. DAWES SMITH. J. MACBETH WM. B. BROWNE & CO. Signal, Binnacle, Locomotive Head Light Machinery, Engine, Tallow, Lard, Sperm,' Kerosene, Cylinder, Railroad Car Axle, Neatsfoot, West Virginia, Olive, Whale. TRADEMARK. OIL MANUFAC'TURERS, 128 MAI DEN LANE,I NEW YORK. POSTS & KALKMAN, 113 LIBERTY ST., NEW YORK, MANUFACTURERS OF k?(, PRESCOTT'S & KALKMAN'S PATENT SAFETY POP VALVE, DENISON'S PATENT COOLINC and LUBRICATINC COMPOUND'poe t ~And CRAHAM'S CAR-DOOR CATCHES. RAILROAD AND MACHINISTS' SUPPLIES. C. J. POST. W. B. POST. C. W. KALKMAN. J. S. MV UN DY, 7 Rallroad Ave., Newark, N. J, SMANUFACTURER OF HOISTING, PUMPING AND MINING ENGINES, From 5 to 40 Horse Power, Double and Single. 8 and 12 Horse Power Constantly on Hand..Hoisting Marchinery, stationary and Dummy Enzines, Shafting, Pulleys and Hangers. - _ Machinery of all kinds Improved and Repaired. Work Done _____- in the Best Malnner and Warranted. BUSINESS DIRECIORY, ETC. 267 Wire Brushes Van Tuyl:Manufacturing Co..........................New York......................See Page 242 Wire Cloth. Radley & McAlister Manufacturing Co...........New York..................... See Page 250 Wire Cutters. Biddle Manufacturing Co...............................New York......................See Page 12 Wire Rope. De Grauw, Aymar & Co................................. New York......................See Page 112 Speedwell Iron Works................................... " "..................... " 122 Wood Mantels. Joseph Churchyard...................................Buffalo, N. YT................ See Page 160 Wood Mouldings. Joseph Churchyard.............................Buffalo, N. Y..................See Page 160 Wood Ornaments. Vose, Dinsmore & Co.....................................New York....................See Page 60 Wood Screws. Hoopes & Townsend....................................Philadelphia, Pa............See Page 28 Wm. Gilmor of Wm.......................................Baltimore, Md.................." 248 SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE ROOTS, AND CUBF IROOTS-Continued. No. ISquare. Cube oSquae oCubotNo. Square. Clube. Sq9are Cube Root. Rot.1 RIoot. Root. 841 707281 594823321 29.0 9-439:187I 75864 16607763I1 29. 512 9.550 842 708964 596947688 29.o017 9442 1872 760384 663054848;29.529 9 553 843 710649 599077107 29.034 9-4461 873 7622916653386 17 29.546I 9 557 844 712336 60oI 21584 29.051 9.450:874 7638761667627624! 29.563 9.561 0 845 7I4025 60335I125 29.o0689.454 8751765625166992I875 29.58o19.564 8467157I6 605495736 29.o86 9.45 8767673766722237629.5979.568 847 7I7409 607645423 29.o03 9.46z 877 769129 674526133 29614 9-57' z 848719104 6098009229.120 9465j 878 770884 676836152 29.631 9.575 *S Cr m 8491720801 611960049 29.137 9.4681i879 772641 67915I439 29-647 9.579 85o 722500 64I25000 29. 154 9.472 880 7744oo168I472000129.6643.582 851 724201 616295051 29."17 9.476i 881 776161 683797841 29.68I!9.586> 852 725904 6I8470208 29.189 9-480 882 777924 686128968 29.69819.590 853 727609 620650477 29.206 9.483 883 779689 688465387 29.71519.593 I 854 7293I6 622835864 29.223 9.487t 884 78I456 6980704 29. - 732 9.597 U 855 73I025 625026375 29.240 9-49I1 885 783225 693I54125129-748 9.6~00 856 73273616272220I6 29.257 9-494 886 784996 695506456 29-765 9.604 ut o 857 734449 629422793 29. 274 9.4981 887 786769 697864103 29 782 9.608 4: 858 736I64 63I6287I2 29.29I 9.502 888 7885441 700227072129 79919.6Ii 859 73788I 633839779 29.30819.506i 889 790321 702595369 29.8I669.615 x 6 0 860 739600 63605600029.325 j9.509 890 792I00 70496900o 29 832 9.619, Z 861 74I32I 63827738I 29-342 9 513 189 79388I 70734797I 29 849 9.622 862 743044 640503928 29 - 359 9 517 892 795664 709732288 29.866 9.626 2 863 744769642735647 29-376 9-520 893 797449 7I212I957 29.883 9.629 864 7464961644972544129 39319 5241'894 799236, 714516984 29.8999. 633 865 748225 6472I4625129.4IO1 9528 895 801025 716917375 29.9I6 9.636 q 8661749956 64946I896 29427 9 753I 896 8028I61719323136 29.9339.64o0 867 75z689 651714363 29. 44419-535 8978o04609 72I734273 29-949 9.644 ( 868 7534241653972032,29. 46 1 9 539 898 806404 7241 50792 29.966 9.647 869 75516Ii656234909 29-478 9-542 899 8082011726572699 29.983i9.651 870i756900o6585o3000 29495 9546 900 8I0000oooo 729000000 30.0 19.654 268 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. BROOKLYN WHITE LEAD CO (INCOPIP oRA TED 1825.) CORRODERS and MANUFACTURERS OF BEWARE OF SPURIOUS LEADS PUT UP IN IMITATION OF THE BRANDS OF THIS COMPANY. MlEvery Keg sent out by us is labeled with our COP YRIGIT TlRADBE i1ARK on BLUE' PAPEIR, and is GUARANTEED to be perfectly pure. FOR PTTERO aCid IA RUBBE M T ECURED. USE Offce, 89 MWeaicutien lane New Yo5k.'~$> ~,ri..ts b,'and~, insirui. for dete-, ('LEA,. a! D ~x_'i~ ~ tat'nofoursofadut. tion of ARANT T lt. DiE l /: A K - rO f lfice id. Office, 89 Maidlenl Lanle, New Yor k. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ETC. 269 Wood-Working Machinery. Buffalo Machinery Agency.............................Buffalo, N. Y.................See Page 160 C. B. Rogers & Co..................................... New York...................... " 210 J. A. Fay & Co.............................................Cincinnati, Ohio.............. " 206 J. T. & R. H. Plass...................................New York............' 208 Phelps & Sanger...........................................Cleveland, Ohio.............. 120 Richards, London & Kelley............................Philadelphia, Pa............ " 66 Woolen Waste. T. B. Bickerton & Co.....................................Philadelphia,-Pa..............See Page T38 Wrecking Derricks. Skinner & Gifford Manufacturing Co...............Dunkirk, N. Y................See Page 140 Wrecking Pumps. Charles B. Hardick.......................................Brooklyn, N. Y...............See Page 84 Wrenches. Barwick Wrench Co..................................... Boston, Mass..................See Page 6d Champlin & Rogers................................Chicago, Ill.................... " 192 Geo. Worthington & Co.................................Cleveland, Ohio............... " 100 J. J. Walworth............................................Chicago, Ill.................... 124 L. G. Tillotson & Co.....................................New York...................... " 94 Pratt & Co............................................Buffalo, N. Y.................. 132 SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE ROOTS, AND CUBE R1OOTS-Continued. No. Square. Cube. Square Cube No. Square. Cube. Square Cube Root. iRoot.. Reoot. Root. 90I 81i80oI 73143270-1 30.0-I6 9.658 93I 86676I 80695449 30. 512 9.764 902 813604 733870808 30.033 9.662 932 868624 809557568 13 528 9767 903181 5409 736314327 30 499 9.665 933 870489 812I66237 30545 9-771 904 8172r6 738763264 30.o66 9.669 934 872356 84780504 30.56 9 774' 905 8I9025 7412I762530 083 9.672 935 874225 817400oo375 30.577 9.778 _ 906 820836 743677416 30o 099 9.6761936 876096 820025856 30.594 9.781 C 907 822649 746142643 30. II6 9.679937877969 822656953 30.6I 9785 t 908 824464 748613312 3-133 9.683 938 879844 825293672 3026 9.788 9091826281751089 42930. I499.686 939 8872 827936019 30.643 9.792 - p: 9I082810075357,00030.,669.690 94o0883600 830584000 30.659 9.795 a t 9I l1829921 756058031 30I 1829. 694 94I 88548 833237621 30.675 9 799 ~ 9121831744 758550528 30.999.697 942 887364 835896888 30.692 9-802 9I3 833569 76I048497 30~ 2I59.70I 943 1 889249 86j789 8 06 9I41835396 763551944 30.232 9-7o4 9441891136184232384 30.724 9.809 915 837225 766060875 30.248 9-70o 945893025 843908625 30740 9.83 P 9I61839056 7685715296 30.2651 9-71 946 8949I61846590536 30~7757 9.816. z 0 9I7 840889 77IO952I3 30.282 9.715 947;8968091849278123 30- 773 9.820.0 918 842724 773620632 30. 298 9 71i1 948 898704 85I971392 30.789 9.823 t ~ u1 9I9 8445611 776151559 30.315 9722 94919~~6~I854670349 308059 827 920 846400 778688000 30.3331 9 725 950 902500 857375000 30.822 9.s830 Z I I 4- S 921 848241 78122996I 3o034719.729 95I190440I 860085351 30.83819. 833 922 850084 783777448 30.364 9.732, i952 906304 862801408 30.854 9.837 ~ 923 851929 786330467 30.3809.736 1953 908209!865523177 30.8709.840 924 853776 788889024 30.397 9739 1954191oo 1686825o664130.886 9-844 P5 925 855625 791453I25 30.413 9~ 743! 955 912o25 870983875 30.903 9.847' 9261857476 794022776i30.430 9.746, 956,913936 87372286 30.919 9. 85 0 927/859329 796597983130.4469i9 750, 9571915849;876467493 30.935 9 854 0 928 8611841799178752130.46319.754! 958917764 879217912 30.951 9.857 929186304I80176 5o89133o.479 9. 7571,959919681 881974079 30.967 9.861 93018649oo1804357006 30,495,9.76I 960 92I600 884736000 30.983 9.864 270 B13UY 1' GUI' I GUDE, FOR, RAILWAY OFFICERS. BABCOCK & WILCOX'S e__.TUBULOUS SAPETY ~.... 3BOILER. The best practical evidence cf the reliable character of this Boiler is found in the followinlg partial li!t Oif ocur customers: THE SINGER MIANF'G Co.. Sewing Machines, New York,. orders, 1560.IP. HIAVEnIEYER & ELDER, Sugar Refiners, 2 od600 DECASTRO & DBONNER, Sugar Rcfining Co., " 2 900 F. O. MATTHIESSEN & WIECHERS, Sllrar Ref. Co.' 300 HAVEMIEYER Btos. & C')., Sugar Re(finers, 2 450 HARRISON, HAVEMEYER1 &; CO., Sugar Refiners, Philadelpl:ia, Fa. 600 WAHL BR()TREnS, Glue Manufacturers, Chicagro, Ill., 2 300 STUDEBAKER lBROS'. WAGON Co., South Bend, Ind. 300 " BELCIIER SUAt REFININING CO., St. Louis, \Io. 00 " DAVID TRAlNOR & SON, Cotton Mills, Linwo,)d, Pa. 3 425 " JEssuri &; MOORE, Papeor Manufac:urers, Wilmington, Del. 200 " WYs. E. ItOOPER & SONs, Cotton Mills, Baltimore, AcMd. 2 325' GAMBRILL. SONS & CO.,' " 1.50 " CALVElIT SUGAiR 1RETES1FINI, Y 5 1100 " WTO()ODS, WEEKIS & CuO., Sugar Refiners, " 3 " T50 " And others in all parts of the country. Also all sizes of Vertical and Horizontacrl Stean tEngines. 5:P- Illustrated CircuLl:rs and inf,eilrmati:,n senit on application. BABCOCK & WILCOX, 30 Cortlandt St., N. Y. ew YorkSalftyStea PowrCo. 30 CORTLINDT ST,, NEW YORK. IL'1 SUPERIOR Steam Enf{ics and BMilkrs, by special Inmachinery and duplication of parts. They are SAFE, ECONOMICAL, EA SLY MA iiNA GED, and not liable to derangement. Their Combined Engine and Boiler is peculiarly adapted t, all purposes ____ UI~~ ~requiring snaall power. More than _____ rti! flu.i ~400 Engines, from 2 to 100 horsepower, In use. =. = Send fnr Illtustcrated Circular. BUSINESS I)IRECTORY, ETC. 271 Wrought Iron Beams. Rogers & Co......................................Chicago, Ill....................See Page 144Vose, Dinsmore & Co..................................New York...................... " 60 Wrought Iron Hardware. D. Brewer & Co........................ Philadelphia, Pa.............See Page 246 Wrought Iron Pipe. Crane Bros. Manufacturing Co........................Chicago, Ill....................See Page 230 Evans, Dalzell & Co...................................Pittsburgh, Pa............... " 58 Hart, Ball & Hart...................................Buffalo, N. Y................. " 136 Morris, Tasker & Co...................................... Philadelphia,............ " 36 Pancoast & Maule......................................... * 26 Tyng & Co................................................ New York.................... " 260 Wm. Graff & Co...........................................Pittsburgh, Pa............... " 174 Wrought Iron Tubes. Morris, Tasker & Co.....................................Philadelphia, Pa............See Page 36 Zinc. Bruce & Cook............................... New York..................... See Page 112 Jay & Cook.................................................. " " " 234 Jno. W. Quincy........................................... " " " 176 Sidney Shepard & Co................................Buffalo, N. Y........ " 196 SQUARES, CUBES, SQUARE ROOTS, AND CUBE ROOTS-Conlinued. No uare CubeNo. Square ubeCube N.Square. Cube. R oo Root.. Cube. Rot. Root. 96I 923521 887503681 31.0 9.868 198I 962361 944076I4I 31 320 9.936 962 925444 890277128 31.O6 9.871 982 964324 946966I68 31.336 9 939 963 927369 893056347 31 032 9.875 983 966289 949862087 31.352 9.943 0 96492929689584134431048 9 878 984 968256 952763904 31 368 9.946 965 931225 898632x253I.064 9.88 1985 97o025 95567I625 31.384 9.949 1 li 966933156 90I428696 3I -80o 9885 986 972196 958585256131' 400 9' 953 i 967 935089 90423I063 31.09619.888 987 c74I69 96I504803 31.4I6 9-956; t 968 937024 907039232 31.I12j9.892 988 976144 9644302723I-432 9 959, 969 93896I 909853209 3I.I28 9-895 989 978121 96736I669 31-448 9-963 k a 970 940900 912673000 3I I449 8981 990 980oo 970299000 31-464 9-966 971 942841 915498611 31- I60 6 9.902 991 98208I 97324227I 3 -480 9-969, W 972944784 918330048 3I1-769 9051 992 984064 976I9I488 3I-496 9 973 0 W 9739472992I6 7 3II92 99 993 986049 979146657 31SI 519976 3 974 948676 92401 9424 3.208 9 94 988036 982107784 31-527 9-979 975 950625 926859375 3I.225 9.915 995 990025 985074875 3I *543 9-983 976 952576 9297I4I76 31-24I 9-9I9 9 996 9920I6 988047936 3I.559 9.986 Z 977 954529 932574833 3I.257 9.9221997 994009 991026973 31.575 9.989 0 978 956484 935441352 31.272 9.926 998 996004 994011992 3I1591 9 993 0 O 979 95844I 938313739 31.2889.929 999 99800I 997002999 31.6o6 9.996 98096040094 2003I - 304 9-932 1000 1000000 100000003 31.622 10.0 8......~~~~~~~~~~I 272 BUYERS' GUIDE, FOR RAILWAY OFFICERS. WM. COUR TENA Y, CHARLES F. COBB President. Secretary. THE LOCK-NUT AND BOLT CO. OF NEW YORK. Office, NT-). 61 I3roadwaiy. CUMMING NUT- LOCK PATENTED JUNE 16, 1868, and AUGUST 23, 1870. THE ONLY Cheap, Simple, Effective, AND ADJUSTABLE LOCK-NUT BOLT, THAT HAS NEVER FAILED. SECTIONS Having enlarged our works, we can now turn out 20,000 Fish-Plate Bolts and 10,000 Car and Machine Bolts per Day, all made of the best PUDDLED IRON, manufactured by ourselves. NO SCRAP IRON USED IN B O LTS. 23 Our Fish-Plate Joints, with Lock-Nut Bolts, are now in use on over FIFTY RAILROADS, with complete success, and are pronounced the Only Secure Joint. WE ALSO MANUFACTURE 1' I S HI 1I L AT E A J S OF ANY PATTERN. S ]P 3I IK E S PF ALL SIZES. I~~~ ~ ut th dmotePORTABLE SYPHON. iM U3~~~~~~ tj~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -' lx M Dr.- zl ~~~~ ~a s~ I io i t ih?~~~~~~~ ~ C= I"kg~~ Vt rr? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c~ nor 06p ti' lpipes, D, and is foiced through the hose Et inlto the tendel', and wvill fill an ordinary ~ tend i to minutes 0 C )lC d ~Bil c~ n M Ci Th aov hos henod o pyig h Prtbe ypoi.Th vle s ape lt =-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CI~~~~ ~3 I;~a CO 21 PARK ROV'W, Or ange EJfl ]Ptwder, DIranige IDuckibg Powder, Orange lightnimg Powder, All UNIFORM, STRONO and CLEANER THAN any OTHER BRANDS MINING and BLASTIN-G POWDER IN EVERY VARIETY. SAFETY FaSE OF ALL Props ELECiTRIesL a M LAzTIns q at raRd a m P -Agencies and Magazines at all Prominent Points.