365 West Front Street, Cincinnati Oi.'NlE~~ ~B~0)'IK ON B-arJILDIN~-. _IHiNKLE & Cl, -^(US Portable & Cottage Buildin,-i 00R, SASH i, VENETIAN SHUTTER FACTORY. ~T' S FLOORING & MOLDING riLL AD, PIT SI I -((8TH.A'NNUA EXHliBTION7) PFI IaI I HI.... _ i L 1869 69r -- ri A ll/i Street 2rontmng Uompany. Cincinnati \YA VBlk. li Havitng purchased the entire interest of JOSEPHU GUILD, the business hereafter will be carried on in the namne of HIINKLE &- CO. The proprietors have been engaged in the Building business in Cincinnati for th'irty-seven years,' and the last twenty-four years i n anutfacturing building ntaterials fbr thhL'South and West, where they have shipped the materials for several hundred houses annually. Prom their ltong experience and extensive trade in, the South and West, they can refer to persons i intlmost any locality as to their responsibility, the quality of theirr work, and promptness iA filling orders. Oir factory is in full operation, and with a heavy stock of manufactured carpenter work and seasoned lumber on hand, we are prepared to fill orders for either on short notice. Persons intending to erect buildings, or wanti)ig building materials, will find it to their interest to write or send their orders direct to'us. W'e will then give them an' estimate, 1tode of playnlent, and, if required, wiilt give a r'eference to somze person in th eir neighborhood as to o'tr lresponsibility, the qculity of of ur wuomk, and otr" p'roptness in filling orders..The purchaser can'thezn rest assured that he will get O Ul nlfftufactired naterials, and will secure himself fronm imposition in having inferior work sent to hinlt as. OUIRS. We frequtently -receive orders froim strangers at ta distance for our materials,.wanted t' iinnZediately. Wle advise all sucht to send part of the money, near what they think it will cost, withI the order,; tnld Lany balance can1 be collected on delivery. This will insure the prompt filling of the order. at our lowest cash prices. lRetemtzber that, our packages are tnarked ~IIITTZ:IT & C&O0 Sash and V Shutter Manufacturers, CINCINNATI, i0 IO. Your atte'ntion is particularly invited to Preface, Description of Business, and the Plans of Biuildinzgs contained in. this Book, varying in cost from one htundred and fifteen to thr.ee hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Reemeember the first thing when about to build or alter is to obtain a good plz i, bill of itemns, and specifications. (See page 7.) CONTENTS, Bill of Prices and Diections fo Sending Orders............................................................................ iv Importanrt for your Interest-Dl rawing and Specifications............................................................. Bill of Prices-Molding, Architrave, and Base..................................................... vi Valuable Information on Building................................................................... vii to ix Moldings, A chitraves, and Base................................................................................................. to 25 Brackets, Modillions, and Moldings.................................................... 26 Stair Railings and Moldings...............................................................27, 28 P lans of Stairs.......................................................................................................................... 29 Newels, Balusters, and Brackets............................................................................... 30 Arcitraves, Base, and Stair Rails....................................................................... 1, 32 Moldings...................................................................................................................... 33, 34, 35 Cornices and Brackets.................................................................................................................. 36 Window Frames and Sash............................................................................................38, 39, 40 Woor ms and Co m ns............................................................................................................................... 41 Window Frames, Sash, Counters, and Pew Ends........................................................................... 42 Plans of Buildings................................................................................................. 43 to 54 I Moldings.....................................................................................................................55, 56, 57 Architraves, Moldings, and Carpet Strips..................................................................................58, 59, 60 Verge Boards;.................................................................................. 61 Sections of Door Stiles, Panels, and Molding................................................................................ 62 Stair Rails and Sectionn of Inside Panel Shutters............................................................. 63 Brackets, Modillions, and Braces......................................................., 6.............................6 65 Portico and Balustrades.................. 66 ]Portico and Balustrades.............................................................................................................. 66 Elevation of Stairs, Newels and Balusters..................................................................................... 67 Plans of Dwelling-houses...............................................................................................................68 to 89 Lumber Circular, on 3d page of cover. OPINIONS OF TH-E PRESS ON ~inkle & Co's oew 0ook onl Buil&ling. NEW BOOK ON BUILDINGC.-~MeSsrs. Hinkle & Co., formerly Hinkle, Guild & Co., have just issued such a book as every man needs who intends to build, or to remodel and repair, a house. It is an illustrated volume of over 100 8vo. pages, in which all the variety of wood work made by them (and they make all the varieties used in building,) is shown in profile, with the cost. Here are pictured moldiags, architraves, bases, brackets,,trairs, newels, balusters, rails, cornice, mantels, window frames, sash, doors, columns, etc., enough for any one to choose from. Here, -ilso, are plans and elevations of liI residences. Mosr oi' them are buildings planIied'l y the Ies, C ncinnati architects, and actually built, or being built, by some of our wealthiest and most tasteful citizens, and in the city and its beautiful suburbs Tiey are not fancy plans got up to adorn the book, but those that have been adopted by practical men, on the recommendation ot' experienced architects Tiie publishers oi' this volume have been extensively engaged in the manuiacture of all kinds of wood work for building, for thirty-seven years. Their experience, anlu tile high reputation they have acquired lor promnptness andl integrity, give their patrons the best a.i /7/4'7 So.~~~~~~~~ 30.'7 / /~~~~~~~;/ 7en /7 -3 — No.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~N.3 I~~~~~~~~~k i~~~~~~~~~~1n I~~~~~~~~~~E No. 41.N. 64 ~'No. 4 A^o. /9^^1o FOR/,0. N. 4$ 0. P-Om~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -5-_ No1N 5 n..No. 56 j o.58. No. 57,~~$t t 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6 _.,,/ ~~~P~~~~~-vnr~/ / 77$ R~~~~o. 6~~~~~~~. No.~ ~ ~ ~ o 64. No6 R'o. 6~~~~~~~~~~~~~,N. I No - K/WC. j - N- 7-7 —— i NO.~ ~~.,,o 77 FE/ IN,~~~~~~~ / -s-8 No.82. I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IN N. / LN 0. R5''/i//'7744' /$/4%, No. 90. x<7''4< t4~ 8~'~ B~~~I ~ /4 ~~% ~~,~,~~,~,~~,~,c~~~-N~NZ z N 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~c;z: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ 03 Cr3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' =Z:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ O 3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' * - N o. 1,. N. 1 /X t(//a-W-fi~~~~~~~~OW. /~ - - ~C /1o 117 1/No. 12,10.~' / o.119. ~~I~~'//////////~~~~~~~P/I ~ 11 - >' /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /777;' -NN. 1 92 -N o. 128. ~i ~~ ~~~c~~~~~. 4.263. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \70 ]I I//////////////////////,;/'/////.I//////7I k~~~~ i~~o. 1(i8 No 13.'.0 LO~ 1.il',. No. 140' No. 1.39.~~~~~~~~~~~No f1 No. 142, N. 143. 7 1 / /r/l/z~~~~~~~"~~ C,,~~~~~No ~~ ~~i~/~1 1 ~~o.~' / - K K ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ^'~' y/ ^ ** ^^ ~ ^ "^\ ^ ^~~~~~~~~~........ ^^^^ ^ ^ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CA I II III ^ I ^^^^^^^ 1 1^*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~T i ii * ^^ I j ^^.ni~~~~~~~~i~iii-_~^ ^ ^W*^*^^**^.1i 111111'gllll'^/ ^^ ^~~~~~~~~~~K tm I~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..... -~~" I —----- ^ ^'''~ ^n* ^~~~" ~' ~ ^ ^ ^ ig^ ^ i —------------- iji iv ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1........... ---------------— ~................. I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OR^ ~u W'B~o~,~=~=M' M ^ ^aWN'" ~~- -,\ ^^~ ^ ^^\\^^iiiijigiisiigiiiiiig' ^^ fHinWH^UUHU~UHHH^H MM_ ^ ^' iiiii "'i i iii i OMEN "i lb'WA h, h MA IM r WMAKA,~db26 r~~~s ~ ~~~ "Bei~~~~~~sli~~~~~i~~,~~~k=~~~~0~~6`aP*~~~~~~~i INI NI MI OR IRNN ".~~~"~"B~~,,. ME NORI WIWI m 0mi TPI~fd j Seale:jrch to the fc t;- iC4. 1 F F~~~iDi~ ~ii II H' l A Ii:I I; | | | X.. - - 7 * -s >9>, i; 5-;iw ii..................B.. 1"0'1''1, i i'1 B'l., l l 1 {~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~a v Ns\f -N-*8;;fpN+ s:1|11t00.0Bl l|th I ~ -~~41 - Scale Y4 inch to the foot. DOORS AND COLUMNS. FIG. 6. IJG. 1. FIG. 2. FIG. 3. FIG. 4. FIG. 5. FIG. 7. FIG... IG. 9.:'~~~~~~ i _~~ COLUMNS.. ^iii~llIonic. Corinthian. Tuscan. Doric. VERANDAH COLUMNS. FGi.FG2. 3 FI. i a~~~ ~~~ L i J -42 — FIG. 33. FIG. 34. FIG. 35. CO UNTi2ETRS. ^l ~ 7'11 ) - _ _ -_ ~ I} Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig. =. Fig. 4. CHUZ RCH PEWS. FIG. 1. FIG. 2. FIG. 3. FIG. 4. B17 K11 DINi GS FURNISITED BY On the following pages will be seen Plans of Forty-five BRICK, STONE, and FRAME BUILDINGS, for which Hinkle & Co. have furnisled all or part of the Wood Work, with the Location, Name of Owners, Architects, Superintendents, and Builders. These buildings vary in cost from fifteen hundred to eighty thousand dollars. It will be seen that many of them have been erected in the extreme Wrest and South, and some in the Middle States. The plans are adapted to the country in which they are built, and many of them possess great beauty and convenience. Persons contemplating building will find this book valuable in assisting them to form their plans. Many of these plans are in their office on a larger scale, which can be seen at any time. -43FIG. 1-210 Feet Front, 124 Deep. ^' " PllVl -' ^1 "d E E B3ASEMIENT FLOOR. PLAN OF FIRST STORY. T M Z:. I__ u I u [A H -I I:' E U u I I'' 9 _L~ I.T; J -i U g K^BUnj I - U SECOND STORY. THIRD STORY. REFERENCES TO PLANS. A-Dining Room. G-Ironing Rooms. Q-Teachers' Roomso B-Store Rooms. H1Drying Room.: R-Music Rooms. C-Kitchen. I-Laboratory. S-Sick Room. D-Cellar. J-Corridors. T-Recitation Rooms. E-On Basement Floor, K-Reception Room. U-Students' Rooms. Steward's and Assist- L-Parlor. V-Bath Rooms. ants' Rooms. M-Chapel. W-Cabinet. E-On Upper Stories, N Principal's Room. X-Lecture Room. Teachers' Rooms. 0-Library. Y -Entrance Hall. F-Washing Rooms. P-Reading Rooms. Z-Stationery Room. WESTERN FEMALE SEMINARY, OXFORD, OHIO. WALTERS & WILSON, Architects, Cincinnati, Ohio. D. WAYMIRE, Dayton, and E. LOUGHEAD, Cincinnati, Superintendents. Heated by Raditition and Ventilation, on an improved plan, by LANE & BODLEY, Cincinnati, O. Heated bv Radi,i~tion andl Ventilation, on an improved -olan. bv LANE & BODLEY. Cincinmqfi. 0. - 44FIG. 2. CENTENERY COLLEGE OF LOUISIANA, JACKSON, LA. G. W. A. SIMPSON, Architect, Jackson, La. THOMPSON & WALL, Builders, Clinton, Lao Fme. 3-129 feet Front, 133 feet Deep. RESIDENCE OF IMIRS. M. L. JOHNSTON, LIVINGSTON, MISS. J. LABMOUR, Superintendent, Canton, Miss. FIG. 4-138 feet Front, 115 Deep. ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE, LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS. A. HEIMAN, Architect, Nashville, Tenn. FIG. 5-79 feet Front, 64 feet Deep. RESIDENCE OF REV. W. HOLMAN, LEXINGTON, MISS. A. DOYLE, Architect, Lexington, Miss. ME - - _4SFIG. 6 —7G feet Front, 64 feet Deep. FIO. 7-52 feet Front, 48 feet Deep. COUNTRY RESIDENCE OF P. HEIDELBACK, CLIFTON, OHIO. WALTERS & WILSON, Architects, Cincinnati, Ohio.' i l I JAMES BINDLEY, Superiintendent and. Builder. FIG. 87-1 feet Front, 60 feet Deep. C ESIDENCE OF MRS. EGGLESTON, LEXINGTON, OHISS. A. DOYLE, Architect, Lexington, Miss. v. FIG. 9- 75 feet Front, 70 feet Deep. RESIDENCE OF WC. CHAMBERLAIN, NATCHEZNG, MISS. J. EDWARD SMITH, Architect, Natchez, Miss. -46FIG. 10-92 feet Front, 66 feet Deep. RESIDENCE OF MIRS. DYER, LEXINGTON, MIISS. A. DOYLE, Architect, Lexington, Miss. FIG. 11-(0 feet Front, 100 feet Deep. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, COVINGTON, KY. J. W. MCLAUGHLIN, Architect, Cincinnati, O. J. A. WALTHALL, Contractor, Covington, IKy ~5911~lill~181~nnnnrar 1 1 5 | F1G. 12-21 feet Front, 72 feet 6 inches Deep. DWELLING ON EIGHTH STREET, CINCINNATI, OHIO. WALTERS & WILSON, Architects, Cincinnati. J. BINDLEY, Owner and Builder, Cincinnati. ~_ __, 1 =II 1_111 _ ji_ 1 _ A I D- i 14 -e-.-t I int.. AN~I i; LG_&WARNER Aichltects FIG. 13- -7 feet F ront, 110 feet PDep. BAPTIST CHURCH, CLINTON, MISS. J. LAMOUR, Architect and Sup't, Canton. J. LAUGHLIN, Contractor, I IB tyi ii'lE FIG. 15-43 feet Front, 80 feet Deep. FIG. 16-35 feet Front, 68 feet Deep. EPISCOPAL CHURCH, LITTLE ROCK, ARK. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, VEVAY, IND. P. C. SPAULDING, Architect, Little Rock. ALEXANDER EDGAR, Architect and Builder, Vevay. S. H. SMITH & Co., Builders, Little Rock. FIG. 17-42 feet Front, 50 feet Deep. RESIDENCE OF M. L. BRETT, WASHINGTON, IND. S. ROGERS & SON, Architects, Cincinnati, 0. -48FIG. 18-52 feet Front, 46 feet Deep. RESIDENCE OF D. S. MAJOR, LAWRENCEBURG, IND. HAMILTON & RANKIN, Architects, Cincinnati, Ohio. io FIG. 19 —62 feet Front, 48 feet Deep. RESIDENCE OF FRANK HARDEMAN, NEAR FRANKLIN, WILLIAMSON COUNTY, TENN. FIG. 20-90 feet Front, 62 feet Deep. LINNEAUS FEMALE SEMINARY, LINNEAUS, MO. T. S. EASLEY, Architect and Builder, Linneaus, Mo........ 7-_,11 _Hit 1H I 1111 Hill l1i FIG. 21-50 feet Front, 60 feet Deep. RESIDENCE OF R. SAMPLE, NEAR NATCHEZ, MISS. -49~r _ t I 1- _ __h1 _ —_. 4 J ~ T —. FIG. 22-130 feet Front, 148 feet Deep. RESIDENCE OF WT. S. PIKE, BATON ROUGE, LA. L. G. FREMrAUX, Architect. J. COLLINS, Builder. FIG. 23-52 feet Front, 70 feet Deep. RESIDENCE OF T. L. McNARY, PRINCETON, KY. M. L. CALDWELL, Memphis; BOWEN & MILLER, St. Louis, Architects, PARKER JONES & JOHN BINGHAM, Builders, Princeton, Ky. FIG. 24-52 feet Front, 59 feet Deep. RESIDENCE OF H. P. COOLIDGE, HELENA, ARK. F. M. MORE, Architect Cincinnati, 0. FIG. a- f 0 ee.,lii~iijlili~T/j~ HT IIT. 1 im SOUTH OAS WORKS, CINCINNATI, OHIO. JOHN JEFFREY, Engineer and Architect. 50FIG. 26-88 feet Front, 50 feet Deep. RESIDENCE OF JOHN HEBRON, LAGRANGE NURSERY, WARREN COUNTY, MISS. RESIDENCE OF C. BURGESS, wESToN, mO. RESIDENCE OF JOHN A. GEXHLT4!ii, 11111111111 F. M. MOORE, Architect, Cincinnati, Ohio. FIG. 29-52 feet Front, 60 feet Deep. RESIDENCE OF F. A. LYON, GEORGETOWN, KY. JAMES BAILEY, Architect and Builder, Georgetown, Ky. JaMrs~ BAIL`EY, Architect and Builder, Georgetown, ~Ky. -51PINK EY, a BB & D. Biiill~l l~ FIG. 30-37 feet Front, 144 feet Deep. FIG. 31-30 feet Front, 60 feet Deep. PINKNEY, WEBB & CO., FRANKLIN, IND. MASONIC LODGE, SMITHLAND, KY. J. M. LAYIMAN, Architect and Builder, Smithland. I..... IIiiIj."ii',i8 ii' -. Fia. 32. FIG. 33. RESIDENCE OF DR. W. A. CANTRELL, RESIDENCE OF HON. E. H. ENGLISH, LITTLE ROCK, ARK LITTLE ROCK, ARK. P. C. SPAULDING, Architect, Little Rock, Ark. P. C. SPAULDING, Architect, Little Rock, Ark. MADISON COUNTY, MISS. - M FIG. 35-40 feet Front, 32 feet Deep. RESIDENCE OF REV. F. A. GRAY, HEMPLAND, MO. F. M. MOORE, Architect, Cincinnati, Ohio. FIG. 36-60 feet Front, 66 feet Deep. RESIDENCE OF DR. WMi[. L. WILSON, YAZOO CO., MISS. JACOB VOGT, Builder, Cincinnati. Ohio. FiG. 37-56 feet Front, 42 feet Deep. RESIDENCE OF ROBERT MULLAN, TROY, MISS. _ 4 FTG. 38-44 feet Front, 76 feet Deep. IRESIDENCE OF THOMAS M. GIBSON, LOOGOOTEE, IND. FE. M. MOORE, Architect, Cincinnati, Ohio. N. F. BOLTON, Builder, Loogootee,- Indiana.,l l - - - -r FIG. 39-I-0 feet Front, 42 feet Deep. LIBRARY HALL OF THE GEORGETOWN COLLEGE, KY. JAMES BAILEY, Architect and Builder, Georgetown, Ky. -53-.... Mi llll FIG. 40-30 feet Front, 52 feet Deep. RESIDENCE OF E. G. GARNETT, CAMBRIDGE, iMO. F. M. MOORE, Architect, Cincinnati, Ohio. FIG. 41-46 feet Front, 45 feet Deep. RESIDENCE OF E. D. GRAVES, CABMBRIDGE, MO. F. MI. MiOORE, Architect, Cincinnati,.Ohio. FIG. 42-38 feet Front, 47 feet Deep. RESIDENCE OF CAPT. J. C. CALDWELL, CARTHAGE, 0. F. M. MIOORE, Architect, Cincinnati, Ohio. V. W'ILLIAMS, Builder, " " FIG. 43-48 feet Front, 54 feet Deep. RESIDENCE OF RUSSELL H. TANDY. NEAR GHENT, KY. W. H. BOUDINOT, Architect and Builder, Ghent, Ky. FIG. 44-68 feet Front, 80 feet Deep. RESIDENCE OF J. W. BODDIE, MADISON COUNTY, MISS. J. LAMOUR, Architect and Superintendent, Canton, Miss. FIG. 45 —50feet Front, 58 Feet Deep. RESIDENCE OF BENJAMIN T. DALE, OAKLAND, HAMILTON CO., O. JOHN W. DALE, Architect, Cincinnati. 7,~~~~~~~~~~~~~E /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1~O |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.......... l l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~N XWBX~~~C -57 — I/Z -N o. 308.! No. 310. iNo. //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 / / /~ ,\\ i,,,.. --.10 |~'at L A~ 7'~ ~~~5 - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.8 NO. No. /~~~~~No xxgE SSX'EiI -61 Ornamental Verge Boa'rdl. Scale 1 inch to the foot. ~62~ ^ mm^..~~i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o 340,,~~~,~ ~~.^_,_^ _.____________ -63/ 4 A 4~~~~140 3 N.34. NO. 346 No. 847. No.:48 A~~~~~~~ A A/////g BRACKIETS AND MXODILLIONS. Scale, 12 inch to the foot. | 3"6iZ' l -6~-6 - Vktk3, 3 ( 45,2 X \' iSi8 34GX 1 t1'' 3 50t __ 3 ^ 6 ^. ___ ^ "i r ~ ~ ^ _^35 3 35 56 V tow 41 X L('( A5 | t'I.,0 j5,.W9Xh65 t a s 0~n~ Bracksets, Modillionis, andd Braces. Scale I iiicl to the foot. 359. 61. 360. 364. 363. 362 365. 367. iIffBj 366 370. 369. 371. 374. 373. 3,75. 372. 377,, 376..378. 379. G^3) gT 1) - ( T7 ~) gt No. 380. \7~~~~~~~~~~~I BAL, USTRADES$.,_,________, d, ( ~') I _ _ X ___ F. FG 7 FI Fi NoI. 2. F. 3.IG 8. FIG. 9. FIG. 6. F'~ -. FiG. No. 381. No.382. 9 ir 6;g/9:X' FIRST FLOOR. SECOND FLOOR. Residence of STEPHE1N B UR TON, Avondale, near Cincinnati, 0. ARCHITECT, JAS. McLAUGHLIN, CINCINNATI, O. First Floor.-1, Verandah, 8 by 28 feet; 2, Hall, 9 feet 5/2 inches by 38 feet, finished with black walnut, oiled; 3, Library, 18 feet 5 inches by 18 feet ( inches, white walnut, varnished; 4, Parlor, 18 by 25 feet, white pine, painted; 5, Sitting Room, 16 by 20 feet, white walnut, varnished; 6, Dining Room, 1( feet 3 inches by 22 feet, black walnut, oiled; 7, Conservatory, 8 by 16 feet; 8, China Closet, 12 by 12 feet, black walnut, oiled; 9, Porch, 8 feet wide. Secozd Floor.-10, Chamber, 16 by 20 feet, white walnut; 11, Chamber, 16 feet by 21 feet 9 inches, white walnut; 12, Chamber, 17 feet by 18 feet 5 inches, white pine; 13, Bed Room, 11 by 11 feet, white pine; 14, Chamber, 15 feet 9 inches by 16 feet, white pine; 15, Bath Room, 7 feet 6 inches by 12 feet, white walnut. 12015 FIRST FLOOR. SECOND FLOOR. - -- _ Residence of TV. II.. D OMINICK, Avondale, near Cincinnati, 0. ARCHITECT, VWM. TINSLEY, CINCINNATI, O. First Floor. —1, Porch, 9 feet 5 inches by 9 feet 6 inches; 2, Hall, 10 feet wide; 3, Parlor, 17 by 24 feet; 4, Library, 14 by 17 feet; 5, Family Room, 16 by 17 feet; 6, Dining Room, 16 by 17 feet; 7, Kitchen, 16 by 18 feet; 8, Servant's Room, 8 feet 6 inches by 12 feet; 9, Pantry, 4 feet 9 inches by 6 feet; 10, Lavatory, 4 feet 9 inches by 6 feet. Secud Floor. -11, Bed Room, 9 feet 5 inches by 17 feet; 12, Bed Room, 17 by 20 feet: 13, Bed Room, 14 feet 6 inches by 17 feet; 14, Bed Room, 16 by 17 feet; 15, Bed Room, 12 feet 6 inches by 15 feet; 16, Bed Room, 10 feet by 12 feet 6 inches; 17, Bath Room, 8 feet 6 inches by 15 feet; 18, 3Iaid's Room, 8 feet 6 inches by 16 feet. FIRST FLOOR. SECOND FLOOR. - - Residence of E. T. KIDD, Clifton, near Cincinnati, 0. ARCHITECTS, WALTERS & STEWART, CINCINNATI, O. First Floor. -1, Parlor, 15 by 27 feet; 2, Sitting Room, 15 feet by 16 feet 2 inches; 3, Dining Room, 15 feet 2 inches by 18 feet 2 inches; 4, Kitchen, 15 feet 2 inches by 16 feet; 5, Hall, 8 feet; 6, Porch. Seconsd Floor.-7, Bed Room, 15 feet by 17 feet 6 inches; 8, Dressing Room, 9 by 12 feet: 9, Bed Room, 15 feet by 16 feet 2 inches; 10, Bed Room, 15 feet 2 inches by 18 feet 2 inches 11, Bed Room, 11 feet 2 inches by 15 feet 2 inches; 12, Bath Room, 7 feet 4 inches by 10 feet 8 inches. 9, Kitchen, 15 feet 6 inches by 15i feet 10, Laundry, 12 by 15 feet; ll, Rear Hall. iecoad l'loor.-10, Chamber, 17 feet by 17 feet 7 inches; 17, Dressing IKoom, 12 by 12 feet; 18, Chamber, 17 feet 7 inches by 17 feet; 19, Chamber, 15 feet 9 inches by 16 feet, 20, Chamber, 15 by 1G feet; 21, Bedding; 22, Chamber, 15 feet by 13 feet 9 inches; 23, Chamber, 15 feet by 13 feet 9 inches; 24, Bath Room, ( by 14 feet. FIRtST FLOOR. SECOND FLOOR. R esidence of f C E..B. AI BAKeBITTck, Glenda le, Ohio. ARCHITECT, ANDERSONJ. B. YOUNG ORD CINCIN N ATI, O. First Floor.-, Hall 2, 7 feet inches b feet inch;, P arlor, by 32 feet;, Stuception oom, 17 by 13 fee t; 4, Diningoo 18 by 17 feet;:, Office, 12 by 12 feet; 7, Bath Room, 6 feet 6 inches by 7 feet; 8, Store Room, 12 by 12 feet; 9, itchen, 14 feet inches by 18 feet: 1, LaKitce n, 14 by 11 feet.1 Ii ecoid Floor. —, Be Roo, 17 feet by 17 feet 7 inch es; 17, rBessd Room, 16 by 13 feet; 8, CBed hom, 12 feet 4 inches by 17 feet 2 inc; 9, m Bed Roo, feet 9 inches by 1 1 f eet, 20, Cha e, y fe 21 B in 2 Chs. ber, 15 feet by 13 feet 9 inches; 23, Chamber, 15 feet by 13 feet 9 inches, 24, Baths Room, 6 by 14 feet. = ~L L~ i= llIl Residence of JOHE ST. ESTBABBOOK, sdt Sagnale, Ohio. ARCHITECT, A. BU YOUNG, CIEAST SAGINNATI, IC First Floor. —1, Hall, 8 feet inces by feet inch; 2, Parlor, 17 by 17 feet; 3, Stibary, 11 by 13 feet; 4, Sitting Room, 15 by 20 feet;, Dining oo, 11 by 1 7 feet: 7, Kitchen, 14 by 14 feet. Secod Floor. —, Chaed beoo, 16 1 feet 9, Chamer, b1y 17 feet; 10, ChaBed Roo, 16 by 17 feet; 8, Bed ooham, 2 feet 4 cher, 12 by 13 feet 2 inches;, Bed Roo, feet; inchesCh, by 11 feet 8 inches. /r- 9 FIRST FLOOR. SECOND FLOOR. - Residence of L. P. 3 IASOX, East Saginaw, EMich. ARCHITECTS, HEARD & BLYTHE, CLEVELAND, O. First Floor.-1, Porch; 2, Hall, 9 by 25 feet; 3, Parlor, 16 by 25 feet; 4, Sitting Room, 16 by 19 feet; 5, Bed Room, 14 by 22 feet; 6, Dining Room, 15 feet by 21 feet 4 inches; 7, Kitchen. 14 by 17 feet; 8, Pantry, 6 by 7 feet; 9, Store Room, 6 by 7 feet; 10, Bath Room, 6 by 11 feet; 11, Closet, 5 by 6 feet; 12, Child's Bed Room, 9 by 11 feet; 13, Closet, 5 by 9 feet; 14, Fruit Closet, 5 by 6 feet; 15, Rear Hall. Second Floor. —16, Bed Rooml, 15 by 16 feet; 17, Chamber, 16 by 17 feet, IS, Bed Room, 15 by 16 feet; 19, Chamlber, 14 by 22 feet; 20, Chamber, 9 by 17 feet; 21, Bed Room, 9 by 13 ft. 22,Bed, y 13 ft.; 23, Linen Closet, 5 by 10 ft. 9 8 SECOND FLOOR Residence of J. CINNAMON, East Walnat Hills, Cincinnati, 0. ARCHITECTS, WALTER & STEWART, CINCINNATI, 0. First Floor. -1, Hail, 8 feet wide; 2, Parlor, 15 by 25 feet; 3, Library, 11 by 15 feet; 4, Red Room, 13 feet 6 inches by 15 feet; 1 alco 5 feet wi Second Floosr. -, ted RoomS, 15 by 18 feet; 6, Bed Rooi, 12 feet 3r inchses by 15 feet; 7, Bed Rooln, 12 feet 3 inches by 15 feet; 8, Bathl Roo, 6 feet 6 isncles by 9 feet 6 inches; 9, Closet, 6 feet 6 inies )by 5 feet. Dining Room, Kitclhen, Store Rooms, etc., located in Basemesnt Story. Tw'lo Bed Rtooms in Attic. 7 it FIRST FLOOR SECOND FL OOR. l First Floor.-1, Vestibule, 9 by 9 feet.; 2, Hall, 9 feet i c n a by 26 feet 2 isches; 3, Parlor, 16 by i 2 feet; 4, Library, f e, e 1 f 12 by 16 feet; 5, Fssssil0Y Room, 17 by' 21 feet; 6, Diisstry, 5 feet 4 isches b' II Pet; 9, Bacl. Fords. Second Floos. -1), Bed Room, 17 by, 21 feet; 11, Bed' f boosi, 9 1 by 9 feet; 12, Bed R oosms, 16 iby 16 feet; 13,, BedR oons, 13 by 16 feet; 14, d Loft.o by 1 fet; 1, - fe -' Residence of tIEZEKIAH iWA MPLEER, Gosport, nltd. ARCHITECT, WM. TINSLEY, CINCINNATI, 0. First Floor.~-1. Hall, 8 feet 6 inches wide; 2, Parlor. 15 by 20 feet; 3, Sitting Boom, 15 by 17 feet; 4, Pining Room, 15 feet by 21 fret'6 incluos; 5, Bed Room, 15 by 15 feet: 6, Kitchen. 15 feet by 19 fret 2 inches; 7, Wash lloose, 1() by 14 feet; 8, Wood House, 15 by 24 feet; 9, 5tore Room, 10 by 10 feet; 10, Pantry, 4 feet (6 inches by 10 feet; 11, China Closet, r1tS1,:AS 12 iObid 3 by 10 feet. S, cow( Floor.~-12, Bed Room, 15 by 17 feet; 13, Bed Room, 15 by 15 feet; 14, Bed Iioom, 15 feet by 21 feet 6 inches; 15, Bed.loom, 15 by 20 feet; 16, Bath R[oom, 6 by 10 feet. FIRST FLOOR. SECOFD FLOOR. Resden esideo ce o t. COTTLE, Sring Grove venue, incinnat, 0. ARCHITECTS, A. C. ASTH & CE RT, CINCINNATI, O. First Floor. -1, erandll, S by 8 feet; 2 ies i le; 2, Prlor, I7 by 20 feet; 3, ittbil 0oon f 7 fet; m, 14 binin 16 feet;oom, 15i feet by 21 f(e(t i ches; l 5, Bed1 Rooml, 1. 15' 150 feet: 6, Esitclieii, 1 feet y1) 1i9 fet 2 illelles; 7, \\Wasli Hloulse, 1( by 14 f5,Kit e,n. 15 by 20 fe5 2 et; 6, ttore ROOPat, 10 by 1o feet; 1, e Pallrcs, feet. inm, es By 1, fet; 11, C;. b Ci a loset. 3 by 1(0 feet. Sece ( Floor. -9, Guest's Coo,. 4 by, 1 5 feet; 1 0, Bed RChamber, 14 by 15 feet; 1, Bed oom, 15 feet by 13 fet; 12, Closet, 6 by feet; 13, Bath Ro20 feet; 16, B at inen Cl, bys 10 beet. -______ ~II —-~f ^~~ — ___. FIRST FLOOR. SECOND FLOOR. Reseidence ooff T. i. NOl TIE UP, Belpre, icUio. ARCHITECTS, A. C. NASH & CO., CINCINNATI, O. First Floor.-1, Verandah, S by 10 feet: 2, all and Stairs, 7 b by feet; 3. Parl or, 15 by 12 f eet; 4, F amily, oom, 16 by 15 feet; 5, Library, a 6 b y 7 feetf;, Kitchen, 14I by 15 feet; 7, Bed Poom 1a by 1P fh eet; 912, Closet, 4 by 7 feet. Sec6 y f'eet; 13, tl ooChamber, 14 by 15 ft.; 1, Guest's Chamber, 12, Linen Closet and Staircase, 7 by 15 ft. e esie 7eence of B. T-U. COTTTBEZBUpi, BeAv2nre, C.o. ARCHITECTS, A. C. NASH & CO., CINCINNATI, O. First Fltoor.-1,'Veralndah, 8 by 10 feet: 2, Vet11 nbule St~irs, 7 by 5 f'eet- 3,. PParolo, IL bbr 120 feet- 4, F iR nily 1 Room, 16 be 15 feet; 5, ibrGre, 6 b, feet; 14, Kitce, 14 bb 15 feet; 7, Beh b roo1, 15 b1 e e eet; X, B ieR tlo, 5t by 1 feet; 9, Closet, Seco6Ld Floor.-e13 B llat ber, 14 by 15 ft.; 1 ll Guest's 6hnmber, 16 hy 13 ft. * 12f Lieeet (loset and Staircase, 7 hy 15 ft. FIRST FLOOR. SECOND FLOOR. Residence of GEORGE L. BURR 0 WS, Saginaw City, ATich. ARCHITECT, J. B. DIBBLE, SA.GINAW CITY, MICH. First Floor.-1, Vestibnle, 5 by 13 feet; 2, Hall, 13 feet wide; Parlor, 17 by feet;, Sitting Room, 1 by 17 feet; 5, Family Bed Room, 10 by 15 feet; 6, Bath Room, 6 by A feet; 7, Pantry, 6 feet by S feet 6 ilches; 8. Kitchen, 13 by 18 feet; 9, I)ining Rloom, 16 by IS feet; 10, Wash Room, 13 by 16 feet; 11, Laundry, 9 by 16 fet: 12, Privies. Second lFloor.-13, Sewing Room, 9 by 13 feet; 14, Chamber, 1d by 20 t'eeT; 15, ('hamber, 14 by 11 feet;: I), Itlimnber, 9 by 11 feet; 17, Chamber, 8 by 12 feet; 18, Chamber, 15 by 16 feet; 19, Chamber, 13 by 18 feet; 20, Chamber, 15 by 23 feet. inches; 7, Kitchen, 15.b 16 feet. Second Floor.-~S, Bed Room, 15 by 16 feet; 9, Bed Room, 15 feet by 18 feet 6 inches; 10, Bed Room, 15f feet 6 inches by 13 feet 3 inches; ll, Bed Room, 15 feet 6 inches by 13 feet 3 inclhes; 12, Bed Room, 15 by 16 feet; 13, Bath Room, 7 feet 9 inches by 8 feet 9 inches; 14, Bed Room. 8 feet by 7 feet 6 inclhes. S14 FIRST FLOOR. SECOND FLOOR. Ressi ien ce of E. iC.NGy Siant. Auburw itc,/, 0tich. ARCHITECT AND BUILDER, J M.. DD LSS, CMONTRACTOR, ISAINAW CT, ICH. First Floor.- Porch; 2, Ht all,, 1 by 18 feet w; Parlor, 1 4 feet i s b fe; 4, L ivin g R oom, 14 by 19 feet: Di nin g Room 14 by 17 feet; 6, Family Roo, 12 y 15 f eet; 7, Citclhent, 12 by 15 feet, Pntry, 6 by 10 feet 9 in; 9, Bthe Room, 6 by 8 feet; 1, Pantryn, 5 by 9 feet; 1, Wood House, 15 by 17 feet; 12, Water Closets. Second Floor. —13, eC a ber, 10 by 11 feet; 14, Bed Rom, Ca, 13 b,y 18 feet 16, Chamber, 14 by feet;17 h, d 1 feet; 17, iChabes, 11 b y 13 feet; 18, CBhamebe, 8 by 13 feet; 19, Chamber, 11 by 15 feet. 13 FIRST FLOOR. SECOND FLOOR, Residence of E. RING, Saqinaw City, Mich. ARCHITECT, J B. DIBBLE; CONTRACTORS, JOHNSON & CROCKER, SAGINAW CITY, MICH. First Floor-i. Porch; 2, Iall, 11 by 13 feet; 9, Potrlor 14 by 1 feet; 4, Living Roo m, 14 hy 19 f et Dining Room, 14 by 17 feet; 6, Family Room, I1 by 13 feet; 7, Kitchen 12 by 15 feet; S. Pantry, 6 by t1 feet 9, Bith Room, 6 by 8 feet; 10, -Pantry, hy l) feet,; 11, Wood 1Hlouse, 5by I7 feet, 12, Water Closets. Secsnd Floor..-I3, Chamber, It by 11 feet; 14, Chamber, 13 by 14 feet; 13, Chamber 14 by 18 feet; 16) Chsmbsr, 14 by 17 feet; 17, Chamber, 11 by 13 feet; 18, Chanober, s by 11 feet; 19 Chamber, 11 by la feet. I~ l t 4-101 O 117 FIRST FLOOR. SECOND FLOOR. Residence of CHJAS. W. GRANT, East Saginaw, Mich. ARCHITECT, J. B. DIBBLE, SAGINAW CITY, MICH. CONTRACTORS, PENDALL & MCKINNIE, EAST SAGINAWI, MICH. First Floor.-1, Porch; 2, Hall, 14 by 15 feet; 3, Parlor, 15 by 22 feet; 4, Dinini Room, 15 by 20 feet; 5, Bed Room, 15 by IS feet; 6, Batll Room, 11 by 12 feet; 7, Wardrobe, 6 by 12 feet; 8, Pantry, 7 by 12 feet; 9, Kitchen, 16 by 14 feet; 10, Wood H-ouse, 14 by 20 feet; 11, Water Closets. Secolnd Floor.-12, Front Chlamber, 15 by 17 feet; 13, Front Chamber, 10 by 14 feet; 14, Chamber, 15 by IS feet; 15, Chamber, 15 by 16 feet; 16, Bed Room, 12 by 12 feet; 17, Bed Room, 12 by 13 feet; 1S, Bed Room, 11 by 16 feet. 10 _ a!.87'~ kTo1e,.._..9 FIRST FLOOR. SECOND FLOOR. Residence of DR l S. J TA IYL OR, Belmsont, IKy., opposite Cincinnati, 0. ARCHITECT, JAS. McLAUGHLIN, CINCINNATI, 0. First Floor.-1, Porch, 7 feet 5 inches by 9 feet 9 inches; 2, Hall, 10 feet wide; 3, Parlor, 15 by 24 feet; 4, Sitting Room, 15 by 1S feet; 5, Dining Room, 15 by 24 feet; t, Porcll, 10 fe(-et 5 inchis 10 feet 5 inches; 7, Conservatory, 10 by 24 floet; S, Back Statirs; 9, Store Rooml, 4 ftet 6 in. by 10 feet; 10, Kitchen, 15 by 17 ft.; 11, Wash House, 10 by 17 ft. Secod Floor.-12, Hall; 13, (Clill lr, 15 b) 1S flet; 1-, Chaml ber, 1. I)y 14 feet; 1, Cla tn amber, 10 feet S inchles by 15 f'eet; 16, Chamber, 15 by 1i feet; 17, Servant's Bed Room, 10 by 1. feet; 1S, Servant's Bed Room, 15 by 15 feet; 19, Bath Room, 6 feet 6 inches by 10 feet; 20 and 21, Dressing Rooms, 5 feet 6 inches by 10 feet. ARCHITECT, WM. TINSLEY, CINCINNATI, 0. First Floor.-1, ~estibule; 2, I-Hall, 12 feet wide:.3, Parlor, 2n bv 25 feet:; 4, Libra ry, 17 by 20 feet; 5, Family Room 15 f'eet by 2lfeet r, inches;6, Dining Rooml, 15) feet by 21 feet 6 inches; 7, Kitchlen, 15 by 19 feet; 8, Laundry, 1'5 feet by 1S feet S incihes; 9, Store Room, 11 feet S inches by 8 feet 9 inches. Second Iloor.-10, B:Ith R~ooms, 10 feet. 3 inches by 13 feet, and 7 feet by 11 feet 9 inches; 11, Bed Room, 17 by 20 feet; 12, Bed Room, 20 by 20 feet; 13, Bed Room, 12 by 13 feet; 14, Bed Room, 15 feet by 21 feet 6 inches; 15, Bed Room, 15 by 18 feet; 16, Bed IRoom, 1l by 15 feet; 17, Bed Room, 10 feet 3 inches by 11 feet 3 incites. / Ii IL -1 I I II i Residence of EDIWA-RD SARGENT, East WIalnut Hlls, Cincinnati,, 0. ARCHITECT, WNMA TINSLEY, CINCINNATI, 0. First Floor.-l, Vestibule; 2, IHal, 12 feet asivlod n3 Parlor, 2o 1) 0v 25 feet; 4, Library. 17 by 26 feet; 1, Family Room, 15 feet by 21 feet 0 inclies; 6, Dinso 1-l Room, 1) feet by 21 feet (ini hches; 7, Kitchen, 15 by 19 feet; 5, Laundry, 13 feet by 18 feet S fortlies; 9, Store Room, 11 feet8 inches by r i'eet 9 inc1es. Sersad Floor. -15, Both Rooms, 11 fei't incheby 11 feet'soil 7 feet by 11 feet 9 inches; 11, Bed Room, 17 by 20 feet; 12, Boil 1loom, 2( by 20 feet; 11, Boil Roomt 12 li 11 feet, 14, Bed Room, 15 feet by.21 feet 6 incises; 15, Bed Room, 13 by 18 feet; 16, Bed Room, it by in fret 17, Bed Room, 16 feet 3 isches by 11 feet 3 incIses. 74 14 Ir - - FIRST FLOOR. SECOND FLO OR Residence of W. W. SNODGRASS, Harrison Pike, near CincinnuatS, 0. ARCHITECT, I. B. YOUNG; BUILDERS, S. L. SNODGRASS & CO., CINCCINATI, O. First Floor. -1, Hall, 7 feet S inches wide; 2, Parlor, 15 feet 2 inches by 25 feet; 3, Sitting Room, b5 feet by 15 feet 4 inches; 4, Dining Room, 15 feet 4 inches by 17 feet, 5, Store Room, 4 by feet;, itchen, l6 feet 4 inches by 17 feet; 7, Rear Hall, 7 feet 4 inches wide. Secondrl F'oos. —s, Cllamllber, 12 feet 3 inches hby 1 feet 4 inches; 9 Chamber 12 feet inches by 5 feet 4 inches; 10, Dressing Roo.m., 7 feet S inclses byr 9 feet; 11, Chamber, 194 Ieet inclis by 15 leet I iiches; 12, thnibei 14 feet by 15 feet 4 inches; 13, Bath Room, 7 feet 4 inches by 7 feet 6 inches; 14, Bed Room, 9 by 12 feet; 15, Bed Room, S by 15 feet. 61 Residence of JOHN SHILLITO, Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati, 0. ARCHITECT, JAS. MCLAUGHLIN; BUILDER, TRUMAN B. HANDY, CINCINNATI, 0. 1, Vestibule, S feet 6 inches by 11 feet; 2, Iall, 14 feet wide; 3, Grand Staircase, 26 feet S inches b 19 feet 6 inches; 4, Reception Room, 18 by 19 feet; 5, Drawiig Room, 20 feet by 29 feet 6 inches; 6 Library, 18 by 15 feet; 7, rRetiring Room, 8 by S feet; S, Dining Room, IS by 24 feet; 9 Chini Pantry, 8 feet 6 inches by 15 leet; 10 Store Room, 10 by 10 feet; 11, Breaklfast Roonm, 16 by 20 feet; 12, Kitchen', 16 by 16 feet; 13, Verandah, 10 feet wide; 14, Verandah, 11 feet 6 inches by 21 feet. Kitchen and Laundry in Basement. v F! ARCHITECT, I. B. YOUNG, CINCINNATI, 0. First Foor.-I, Main Corridor, 9 feet wide; 2, Rlear Corri'dor to the Yards, 5 feet wide; 3, 3, 3, School Roonms, average 25 by 29 feet; 4, 4, 4, Wardrobes, average 5 by 10 feet; 5, 5, Stairways of' Iron colnstruction, 11 feet wide; 6, Boys' Snttratice; 7, Girls' Entrance; H, H, H, Hot Air Flues; V, V, V, Ventilating Flues. Second and Third Stories are similar to the First Story. -756 1L FIUST FLOOR. SECOND FLOOR. s Residence of IIE-NRY M AR TIN, Mt. Auburin, Cincinnati 0. ARCHITECT, F. M. MOORE, CINCINNATI; BUILDER, M. DOUGLASS, MT. AUBURN. First Floor. —, Vestibnle, 8 feet 2 inches by 4 feet 4 inches; 2, Hall, 8 feet 6 inches wide; 3, Parlor, 15 feet 4 inches by 33 feet 1 inch; 4, Sitting Room, 15 feet 4 inches by 15 feet 4 inches; 5, Dining Room, 15 feet 4 inches by 16 feet 8 inches; 6, Kitchen, 14 feet 11 inches by 18 feet. Second Floor. -7, Chamber, 15 feet 4 inches by 15 feet; 8, Chamber, 15 feet 4 inches by 14 feet 6 inches; 9, Chamber, 15 feet 4 inches by 16 feet 32 inches; 10, Chamber, 15 feet 4 inches by 16 feet 3, inches; 11, Bath Room, 7 feet 6 inches by 10 feet; 12, Servant's Room, 10 by 18 feet. SECOND FLOOR. FIRST FLOOR. Residence of JOHN R. DA VEY, College Hill, near Cincinnati, 0. ARCHITECTS, ANDERSON & HANNAFORD, CINCINNATI, 0. First Floor. -1 Tower Porch, 7 feet 8 inches by 7 feet 8 inches; 2, Hall, 8 by34 feet; 3, Parlor, 14 feet 6 inches by 34 feet; 4, Sitting Room, 14 feet 6 inches by 16 feet; 5, Dining Room, 14 feet 6 inches by 20 feet; 6, Kitchen, 17 by 18 feet; 7, Pantry, 5 feet by 8 feet 3 inches; 8, Store Room, 5 feet by 8 feet 3 inches. Second Floor. -9, Tower Room, 7 feet 8 inches by 7 feet 8 inches; 10, Chamber, 14 feet 6 inches by 16 feet; 11, Chamber, 14 feet 6 inches by 14 feet 6 inches; 12, Bath Room, 5 by 9 feet; 13, Chamber, 14 feet 6 inches by 15 feet; 14, Chamber, 14 feet 6 inches by 15 feet. 33 FIRST FLOOR. SECOND FLOOR... Design for Suburban Cottage. ARCHITECTS, ANDERSON & HANNAFORD, CINCINNATI, 0. First Floor.-I, Verandah; 2, Parlor, 13 by 16 feet; 3, Bed Room, 11 by 13 feet; 4, Living Room, 13 by 15 feet; 5, Kitchen, 13 by 15 feet; 6, Back Porch, 6 feet 6 inches wide; 7, Pantry, 5 feet by 6 feet 6 inches. Second Floor.-8, (Chamber, 13 by 16 feet; 9, Chamber, 11 by 13 feet; 10, Balcony; 11, Chamber, 13 by 15 feet; 12, Chamber, 10 by 14 feet; 13, Roof. -76FIRST FLOOR. Residence of FRANK WILSOIN, 3it. Auburn, Cincinnati, 0. ARCHITECT AND BUILDER, M. DOUGLASS, MT. AUBURN, CINCINNATI, 0. Fbirst'loor. -1, Hall, S feet wide; 2, Parlor, 15 by 22 feet; 3, Library, 15 by 17 feet; 4, Dining Room, 15 by 18 feet; 5, Kitchen, 14 feet 6 inches by 15 feet; 6, Store Room, 6 by 7 feet. Second Floor.-7, Chamber, 15 by 17 feet; 8, Chamber, 15 by 17 feet; 9, Linen Closet, 5 by 11 feet; 10, Chamber, 15 by 18 feet; 11, Chamber, 12 by 12 feet; 12, Bath Room, 5 by 12 feet. 10, Back Kiitchen, I2 by 17 feet. 2.9 Residence of JETH1RO MITCHELL, Mt. Auburnt Cincinnati., 0. First Floor.-1, Hall, 8 by 40 feet; 2, Stairway, 8 by 17 feet; 3, Back Stairs; 4, Parlor, 17 by 40 feet; 5, Sitting Room, 16 by 17 feet; 6, Dining Room, 17 by 22 feet; 7, Pantry, 6 by 9 feet; 8, Store Room, 6 by 9 feet; 9, Kitchen, 17 by 17 feet; Seconde Floor. —Il, Chamber, 16 by 17 feet; 12, Dressing Room, 8 by 8 feet; 13, Chamber, 13 by 17 feet; 14, Chamber, 13 by 17 feet; 15, Chamber, 13 by 17 feet; 16, Bath Room., 8 by 9 feet; 17, Chamber, 17 feet by 17 feet 6 inches; 18, Chamber, 12 by 13 feet; 19, Chamber, 12 by 13 feet; 20, Bath Room, 5 feet 6 inches by 8 feet 6 inches; 21, Chamber, 11 by 17 feet; 22, Linen Closet, 4 by 6 feet. 11 FIRST FLOOR. SECOND FLOOR. Residence of MATTHEW ADDY, t 3t. Auburn, Cincintnati, O. ARCHITECT AND BUILDER, M. DOUGLASS, MT. AUBURN, CINCINNATI, O. First Floor.-I, Hall, 8 by 30 feet; 2, Parlor, 15 by 30 feet; 3, Sitting Room, 15by 1 8 feet; 4, Dining Room, 15 by 22 feet; 5, Store Room, 5 feet by 11 feet 6 inches; 6, Pantry, 5 feet by 5 leet 6 inches; 7, Kitche n, 14 b 15 feet. Secol Floor. -8, Chamber, 15 feet by 13 feet 6 inches; 9, Chamber, 15 feet by 1' feet 6 itches; 10, Chamber, 15 by 18 feet: 11, Chamber, 15 by 22 feet; 12, Closet, 5 feet 6 inches by 7 feet 6 inches; 13, 1Bath Room, 9 feet by 5 feet 6 inches; 14, Water Closet, 5 feet by 5 feet, Chambe, y 1 feet 6 i.; 1 mber, 14 b ~17 ~ 7. SECOND FLOOR. IL.j] Residence of IENR Y PR OBAS CO, Clifton, I i i ^j t ~near Cincinnati, O. -I^^^^P^ J ~ARCHITECT, WM. TINSLEY, CINCINNATI, O. g n 7 F irst Floor.-1, Yestibule, 15 by 15 feet; 2, Hall, 15 feet by 47 feet 6 inches; 3, Staircase, 14 feet by 24 feet 6 inches; 4, Parlor, 21 by 2S feet; 5, Library, 21 by 28 feet; 6, ~ I Rg Reception Room, 18 by 20 feet; 7, Dining Roon, 16 by 27 feet; 8, Kitchen, ]8 feet by 21 2 1: 2 n 3 feet 6 inches; 9, Scullery; 10, Scullery; 11, Store Room; 12, Store Room; 13, Back Stairs; 14, China Closet; 15, Side'Iall, 8 feet wide. ^^1^ y "T~"Second Floor. -16, Chamber, 21 by 28 feet; 17, Chamber, 21 by 28 feet; 18, Bed Room, 15s 5 1 15 feet by 1S feet 6 inches; 19, Dressing Room, 9 feet 4 inches by 14 feet 4 inches; 20, Bed Room, 15 by 24 feet; 21, Bed Room, 11 feet 6 inches by 12 feet 6 inches; 22, Bed I a I Room, 11 feet 6 inches by 14 feet; 23, Bed Room, 14 feet 6 inches by 18 feet 8 inches; 24, Bed Room, 10 feet 6 inches by 18 feet; 25, Bed Room, 11 by 13 feet; 26, Bath Room, 9 feet 4 incites by 10 feet; 27, Chamber, 18 by 20 feet; 28, Rotunda, 14 by 14 feet; 29, Water Closets. FIRST FLOOR. 17 f ~- —' SECOND FLOOR. _ R Residence of RICHARD SMITI, Clifton, Q8;3 nIzecLtearc Cincinnati, 0. ~ " "nr _'~ ^~ARCHITECT, J. K. WILSON, CINCINNATI, O. CONTRACTORS AND -BUILDERS, HOLZINGER & EDWARDS. First Floor. —, Verandah, 8 by 40 feet; 2, Hall, 8 feet wide; 3, Parlor, 32 feet 9 inches 5 H SI X ^1 I" by 15 feet 6 inches; 4, Library, 15 feet by 15 feet 6 inches; 5, Dining Room, 15 feet 6 1^ -H h n inches by 16 feet 9 inches; 6, China Closet, 8 feet 6 inches by 9 feet; 7, Back Stairs, 8 feet 6 inches by 9 feet 11 incihes; 8, Kitchen, 15 feet by 15 feet 8 inches; 9, Laundry, d4f 2 2 1 2 feet 3 inches by 15 feet 8 inches. La I ~ g Second Floor.-10, Chamber, 14 feet 2 inches by 15 feet 6 inches; 11, Chamber, 14 feet 2 inches by 15 feet 6 inches; 12, Sewing Room, 8 feet 6 inches by 11 feet; 13, Chamber, 1_ _. ^1 15 feet 6 inches by 17 feet; 14, Chamber, 13 feet 3 inches by 15 feet 6 inches; 15, Bath Roomi, 8 feet 6 inches by 9 feet; 16, Servant's Room, 11 feet 8 inches by 15 feet; 17, FIRST FLOOR. Servant's Room, 12 feet 3 inches by 15 feet 8 inches. -~-;- -$ 5^[ l. I 5.Residence of TJVIL TALLANT, Avondale,. Mnear Cincinnati, 0. 1!^ I.... ^ oARCHITECT, I. B. YOuNG, CINCINNATI, O. ~t a -, 3 First Floor.-1, Hall, 8 by 35 feet; 2, Parlor, 15 by 20 feet; 3, Library, 14 feet 4 inches,i' 8I B _ J l; by 15 feet; 4, Sitting Room, 15 by 17 feet; 5, Dining ooin, 15 by 20 feet; 6, Kitchen, 14 by 16 feet: 7, Paintry and China Closet, 6 by 9 feet. Second Floor. -8, Chamber, 15 feet by 16 feet 6 inches; 9, Chamber Hall, S by 23 feet; 1~ 1 lO Ch10, Chamber, 8 by 11 feet; 11, (hamtber 15 by 15 feet; 12, Chamnber, 12 by 15 feet; 13, 1.a ~ _- J J~ ^ Chamber, 15 feet by 13 feet 6 inches; 14, bath Room, 6 feet 6 inches by 8 feet; 15, Serv"p~-"^ ~ ant's Room, 12 by 14 feet. residence of T. A. JONES, Clifton, near Cincinnati, 0. BUILDERS, THOMPSON & ARTEMUS SMITH, CINCINNATI, O. First Floor.-1, Hall, 5 feet 6 inches by 20 feet 2 inches; 2, Parlor, 14 feet 2 inches by 20 feet 2 inches; 3, Library, 14 feet 2 inches by 13 feet 2 inches; 4, Dininlg Roomi, 14 feet 2 inches by 19 feet 4 inches; 5, Sitting Roonm, 12 feet 9 inches by 14 feet 2 inches; 6, Kitchen, 15 feet 6 inches by 15 feet 6 inchles. Second Floor.-7, Chamber, 13 feet 8 inches by 14 feet 2 inchles; 6, Dressing Roomi, 6 feet 4 inches by 9 feet; 9, Chainmber, 14 feet 8 inches by 17 feet 5 inches; 10, Chamber, 14 feet 8 inches by 14 feet 2 inches; 11, Hall, 5 feet widle; 12, Chamber, 14 feet 2 inches by 14 feet 2 inches; 13, Chamber, 15 feet 6 inches by 15 feet 6 inches. Bresidence of JOHN CIfNNAMON, East Walnut Hnills, Ciincinnati, 0. ARCHITECTS, WALTER & STEWART, CINCINNATI, O. First Floor.-1, Carriage Porch, 12 feet by 14 feet 6 inches; 2, Hall, 8 feet 6 inches by 14 feet 3 inches; 3, Stair Hall, 6 feet 6 inches by 22 feet; 4, Parlor, 15 by 22 feet; 5 Porch, 11 feet 6 inches by 15 feet; 6, Reception Room, 13 feet by 14 feet 3 inch es 7, Df ining Room, 14 feet 3 inches lby 22 feet 8 Kitiche b, 13 feet 9 i nch es b 17 1feet 9 inches; 9 Store Room, 7 feet 9 ibches by 14 feet 9 in ch es; 10, Pantrty, 7 f eet 9 i es b feet, Closet, 5 feet by 9 feet 3 incIies. Second Floor. —12, Hall; 13, Bed Roon, 15 by 18 fet tes feet 14, Clo set, 3 feet 6 in ches by 9 et 6 inces Be Room, 14 feet 3 i nc hes by 22 feet; 16, Bed Rooi, 10 feet 9 inches by 14 fet n es et 3 in ches, 1 feet 9 incll, es byde 14 feet 3 inches; 18, Passage, 3 feet; 19, Bed Room, 11 feet 9 inchies by 17 fleet 9 inchies; 20, Linen Closet, 6 feet 3 inches by 8 feet; 21, Bath Roon, 6 feet 3 in ches by 6 feet 6 inches; 22, Water Closets, 5 eet 3 inches by 4 feet.'M TI - 4- e 3inhe b 6f a chs;22-,fe C- 9 5fet ich Y Xet -79FIRST FLOOR. SECOND FLOOR. Residence of GEO. M. HORD, East nt lalnut Hills, Cincinnati, 0. ARCHITECTS, WALTER & STEWART, CINCINNATI, O. First Floor.-1, Hall, 14 feet 1 inch wide; 2, Parlor, 16 feet 9 inches by 25 feet 6 inches; 3. Library, 11 feet 2 inches by 17 feet 9 inches; 4, Dining Room, 14 feet by 22 feet 9 inches.; 5, Breakfast Room, 14 feet 2 inches by 16 feet 2 inches; 6, Winter Parlor, 15 feet by 19 feet 7 inches; 7, Back Hall and Stairs; 8, Store Bloom, 5 by 9 feet. Second Floor. —9, Bed Room, 16 feet 7 inches by 25 feet 6 inches; 10, Boudoir, 9 feet 8 inches by 11 feet; 11, Bed Room, 12 feet by 14 feet 1 inch; 12, Bed Room, II feet 2 inches by 1S feet 2 inches; 13, Bed Room, 13 feet 5 inches by 18 feet 3 inches; 14, Bed Room, 14 feet 2 inches by 17 feet 3 inches; 15, Bed Room, 15 by 17 feet. Servants' Rooms, Laundry, and Kitchen in Basement. ti *7 ^ I ^^__ Residence of ISAAC BETTS, College Hillt, near Cincinnati, 0. ARCHITECTS, WALTER & STEWART, CINCINNATI, O. First Floor.-1, Parlor, 15 by 19 feet; 2, Library, 10 feet 6 inches by 12 feet; 3, Sitting Room, 15 by 19 feet; 4, Dining Room, 15 by 19 feet; 5, Hall, 8 by 27 feet; 6, Porch, 11 feet 2 inches by 23 feet 6 inches; 7, Iitchen, 14 by 16 feet; 8, Pantry, 5 feet by 6 feet 9 inches; 9, China Closet, 5 feet by 6 feet 9 inches; 10, Back Stair Hall, S by 14 feet; 11, Rear Porch, 8 feet 6 inches by II feet 6 inches; 12, Laundry, 12 by 18 feet. Second Floor.-13, Hall, 8 by 27 feet; 14, Bed Room, 15 by 19 feet; 15, Bed Room, 10 feet 6 inches by 12 feet; 16, Bed Room, 15 feet by 19 feet; 17, Bed Room, 15 by 19 feet; 18, Rear Hall, 8 by 14 feet; 19, Girl's Room, 10 feet 6 inches by 10 feet; 20, Linen Closet, 5 feet by 6 feet 9 inches; 21, Bath Roomi, 5 feet 6 inches by 14 feet; 22, Man's Room, 12 by 18 ft.. i ii,![t rBm^Bi lp _" K Residence to be built near Cincinnati, O. First Floor. —1, Porch, 6 by 21 feet; 2, Hall, 6 by 24 feet; 3, Parlor, 16 by 24 feet; 4, Sitting Room, 13 feet 6 inches by 13 feet 6 inches; 5, Dining Room, 16 by 22 feet; 6, Kitchen, 13 feet 6 inches by 15 feet; 7, Closet, 8 feet by 6 feet 6 inches; 8, Porch, 7 by 7 feet. Second Floor.-9, Hall, 6 by 24 feet; 10, Chamber, 16 by 24 feet; 11, Chamber, 13 feet 6 inches by 13 feet 6 inches; 12, Chamber, 16 by 22 feet; 13, Chamber, 12 feet 6 inches by 13 feet 6 inches; 14, Bath Room, 5 feet 6 inches by 9 feet. SECOND FLOOR. 5ru * b A ^ #.Design for an Italian Villa. 5 i B ARCHITECT, I. B. YOUNG, CINCINNATI, OHIO. rIg~ L 4 X I % First Floor,-1, Hall, 11 by 34 feet; 2, Parlor, 16 feet 8 inches by 25 feet; 3, Li-T __, D"j2 J1 mh brary, 16 feet 8 inches by 25 feet; 4, Sitting Room, 15 by 15 feet; 5, Dining Room, 16 feet 8 inches by 25 feet; 6, China Closet, 5 by 6 feet; 7, Pantry, 6 by 8 feet; 8, Kitchen, 16 feet by 16 feet 6 inches; 9, Wash Room, 11 by 10 feet; 10, Store Room, 5 by 10 feet. FIRST FLOOR. Second Floor. —1, Chamber Hall, 11 by 31 feet; 12, Chamber, 16 feet 8 inches by 18 feet; 13, Chamber, 16 feet 8 inches by 22 feet; 14, Chamber, 12 by 15 feet; 15, Chamber, 16 feet 8 inches by 22 feet; 16, Bath Room, 6 by 9 feet; 17, Servant's Chamber, 10 by 13 feet; 18, Servant's Chamber, 9 by 13 feet; 19, Servant's Chamber, 9 by 17 feet. First Floo 1, Vestibule, 5 feet 8 inches by feet 2 inches; 2, Hall, 12 feet y 31 feet 6 inches; 3, Saloon Parlor, 20 1 b 0 f 6 sin e ee 1,5 22 2G FIRST FLOOR. SECOND FLOOR. Residence of AMOS SI-INK2ILE, Covington, Ky. ARCHITECTS, WALTER & STEWART, CINCINNATI, O. First Floor. -1, Vestibule, 5 feet 8 inches by 11 feet 2 inches; 2, Hall, 12 feet by 31 feet 6 inches; 3, Saloon Parlor, 20 by 40 feet; 4, Library, 18 by 18 feet; 5, Family Room, 18 by 20 feet; 6, Vestibule, 5 feet 6 inches by 8 feet; 7, Hall, 12 by 50 feet; 8, Back Stairs and Hall, 7 feet 6 inches by 29 feet 6 inches; 9, Breakfast Room, 16 by 16 feet; 10, Dining Room, 16 by 16 feet; 11, General Pantry, 9 feet 7 inches by 8 feet; 12, Store Roon, 7 feet 6 inches by 8 feet; 13, Safe Roon, 6 feet 10 inches by 7 feet 9 inches; 14, Kitchen, 17 by 17 feet; 15, Servant's Room, 12 by 17 feet; 16, Cellar Steps, 3 feet 4 inches wide. Second Floor.-17, Hall, 12 by 33 feet; 18, Hall, 12 feet by 31 feet 6 inches; 19, Bed Room, 18 by 20 feet; 20, Dressing Room, lI feet 2 inches by 11 feet 2 inches; 21, Bath Room, 7 feet 4 inches by 9 feet; 22, Hall, 4 feet by 15 feet 6 inches; 23, Closet, 7 feet by 7 feet 4 inches; 24, Bed Room, 18 by 18 feet; 25, Bed Room, 11 feet 2 inches by 11 feet 2 inches; 26, Parlor, 15 by 20 feet 27, Alcove, 9 feet by 9feet 9 inches; 28, Closet, 4 feet 8 inches by 9 feet 9 inches; 29, Bed Room, 15 by 20 feet; 30, Bed Room, 16 feet by 16 feet 3 inches; 31, Bed Room, 16 feet by 16 feet 3 inches; 32, Hall, 7 feet 6 inches by 29 feet 6 inches; 33, Bed Room, 12 by 17 feet; 34, Bed Room, 11 feet 4 inches by 17 feet; 35, Closets, 5 feet 4 inches by 5 feet 7 inches; 36, Dressing Room, 8 feet by 8 feet 4 inches; 37, Bath Room, 5 feet 10 inches by 8 feet; 38, Water Closet, 3 feet 6 inches by 8 feet; 39, Closet, 4 by 8 feet; 40, Linen Closet, 6 feet 10 inches by 8 feet; 0, Hoister, 2 feet by 3 feet 6 inches. -81 - A d Ilil'''"'"""''~f~~,i;; lnllllllillll Illll.... m27 41^, 2 1 4 aS I~ 8 AC i 4.J. -IT$1. 3ISOl I....I. O 24 30 21 i742 FIRST FLOOR. SECOND FLOOR. Residtee nc of GEO.- -K SIOENBERGER, Clifton,, near Cincinnati, 0e ARCHITECT, J. K. WILSON, CINCINNATI, 0. First Floor.-l, Porch, 11 feet 6 by IS feet; 2, Porch, 15 by 26 feet; 3, Porch, 16 feet by 23 feet 6 inches; 4, Main Hall, 20 by 26 feet; 5, Hall and Stairway, 51 feet 6 inches by 10 feet; 6, Hall and Back Stairs, 56 feet 10 inches by 10 feet; 7, Parlor, 26 feet 11 inches by 40 feet 2 inches; 8, Library, 18 feet 4 inches by 26 feet 6 inches; 9, Dining Room, 17 feet 11 inches by 24 feet; 10, Pantry, 17 feet 11 inches by 13 feet; 11, Picture Gallery, 25 feet 1 inch by 50 feet 5 inches; 12, Billiard Room, 20 feet by 30 feet 5 inches; 13, Bath Room and Water Closet, 9 feet 11 inches by 9 feet; 14, Dressing Room, 9 feet 6 inches by 17 feet 6 inches; 15, Chamber, 18 feet by 18 feet 5 inches; 16, Pantry, 6 by 8 feet. Second Floor.-17, Hall, 20 by 38 feet; 18, Hall & Stairway, 10 by 40 feet; 19, Hall & Back Stairs, 10 ft. by 56 ft. 10 in.; 20, Picture Gallery continued; 21, Chamber, 18 feet by 26 feet 8 inches; 22, Chamber, 16 by 22 feet; 23, Chamber, 18 feet 4 inches by 21 feet; 24, Bath Room, 5 feet by 10 feet 6 inches; 25, Chamber, 17 feet 11 inches by 24 feet; 26, Chamber, 17 feet 11 inches by 13 feet; 27, Chamber, 18 feet by 18 feet 5 inches; 28, Bath Room, 6 feet 4 inches by 7 feet 10 inches; 29, Dressing Room, 9 feet 6 inches by 17 feet 6 inches; 30, Linen Closet, 8 feet 8 inches by 9 feet 8 inches; 31, Servant's Room, 9 feet 8 inches by 14 feet 6 inches; 32, Servant's Room, 9 feet 8 inches by 14 feet 6 inches; 33, Servant's Room, 10 feet 1 inch by 20 feet; 34, Bath Room, 9 feet 4 inches by 10 feet. -82 21 "^Tio Residence of E. KINNEY, Kentucky, near Cincinnati, 0. ARCHITECT, J. K. WILSON, CINCINNATI, O. First Floor.-1, Vestibule, 8 feet by 11 feet 6 inches; 2, Hall, 8 by 17 feet; 3, Stairway and Main Hall, 10 by 28 feet; 4, Parlor, 1S feet 25 feet; 5, Library, 17 by 20 feet; 6, Tower, 10 feet 6 inches by 10 feet 6 inches; 7, Rear Hall and Stairway, 7 feet by 25 feet 6 inches; 8, Dining Room, 16 feet 3 inches by 20 feet; 9, Billiard Room, 17 by 22 feet; 10, Kitchen, 15 by 20 feet; 11, Store Room, 7 feet by 10 feet 6 inches. Second Floor. —12, Bed Room, 8 feet 6 inches by 18 feet; 13, Chamber, 18 by 19 feet; 14, Main Hall and Stairway, 10 by 28 feet; 15, Closet, S feet by 6 feet 6 inches; 16, Chamber, 17 by 20 feet; 17, Water Closet, 3 feet S inches by 6 feet 4 inches; 1S, Bath Room, 4 feet 9 inches by 10 feet 3 inches; 19, Chamber, 16 feet 3 inches by 20 feet; 20, Linen Closet, 4 feet by 12 feet 6 inches; 21, Bed Room, 13 feet 6 inches by 15 feet; 22, Bed Room, 10 feet 6 inches by 13 feet 6 inches. I- 3,72 R esidence" - 3, & T- -__ ___ Besidence of JASON EVANS, ~Mt. A4ubuvrn, Cincinnati, 0Q ARCHITECT AND BUILDER, W. H. STEWART, CINCINNATI, 0. First Floor. —, Verandah, 7 by 48 feet; 2, Hall, 11 by 39 feet; 3, Parlor, 18 feet 6 inches by 39 feet; 4, Family Room, 18 feet 6 inches by 19 feet 6 inches; 5, Stair Hall, 9 feet by 19 feet 3 inches; 6, Dining Room, 17 feet 6 inches by 29 feet 6 inches; 7, Closet, 7 by 6 feet; S, Bath Roon, 6 feet by 9 feet 6 inches; 9, Water Closet, 4 by 6 feet; 10, Stair Hall, 7 feet by 17 feet 6 inches; 11, Library, 10 feet 6 inches by 17 feet 6 inches; 12, Sitting Room, 10 feet 6 inches by 17 feet 6 inches. Second Floor.-13, Hall, 11 feet wide; 14, Chamber, 18 feet 3 inches by 18 feet 6 inches; 15, Chamber, 18 feet 3 inches by 18 feet 6 inches; 16, Chamber, 1S feet 6 inches by 19 feet 6 inches; 17, Billiard Room, 17 feet 6 inches by 29 feet 6 inches; IS, Chamber, 10 feet 6 inches by 17 feet 6 inches; 19, Chamber, 10 feet 6 inches by 17 feet 6 inches; 20, Linen Closet, 6 feet by 8 feet 6 inches; 21, Bath Room, 8 feet 6 inches by 9 feet 6 inches; 22, Lavatory, 9 feet 6 inches by 9 feet 6 inches. -8318> 1 5!' rkC7.8 n FLOOR. Fi ZO.O,Lat FLOO BA SEENT. Design for the Residence of ELIAS THO WE, JlR., Bridgeport, Ct. ARCHITECT, A. C. NASH, CINCINNATI, 0. BASEMENT.-1, Wash Room, 11 feet by 15 feet 6 inches; 2, Laundry, 13 feet by 15 feet 6 inches; 3, Back Stairs, 7 feet 6 inches by 16 feet; 4, Bowling Court, 11 by 45 feet; 5, Main Staircase, 20 by 30 feet; 6, Supper Room, 16 feet by 40 feet 6 inches; 7, Light Cellar, 19 feet 6 inches by 23 feet 6 inches; 8, Dark Cellar, 17 feet by 17 feet 6 inches; 9, Heating Room; 10, Coal Room; 11, Potting Room, shelves and benches a, b, c, Area and Outside Doors; d, Arcade for Seats, 5 feet by 26 feet 6 inches; e, Ante-roomn, 17 feet by 18 feet 6 inches; f, Coal, 7 by 10 feet g, Coal for Bowling Court, 5 by 16 feet; i, Water Closet, 3 feet 6 inches by 6 feet 6 inches; k, Coal for Furnaces, 6 by 16 feet; p, Coal for Furnaces, 5 by 14 feet; 1, Passage, 4 feet 6 inches by 20 feet; m, Waiters' Room, 6 feet 6 inches by 13 feet 6 inches; n, Side Board, 7 feet 6 inches by 10 feet; o, Wine Room, 10 feet 6 inches by 11 feet; q, Furnace Room, 11 by 18 feet; r, Wine Cellars, 11 by 11 feet. FIRST FLOOR.-1, Vestibule, 12 by 12 feet; 2, Hall, 12 by 24 feet; 3, Reception Room, 18 by 24 feet; 4, Drawing Room, 20 by 36 feet; 5, Family Parlor, 18 by 28 feet; 6, Dining Hall, 18 by 34 feet;'7, Bay Window, 7 by 11 feet; 8, Smoking Room, 12 by 17 feet; 9, Staircase and Art Gallery, 20 by 30 feet; 10, Library, 16 by 25 feet; 11, Office, 8 by 14 feet; 12, Entry, 5 by 13 feet; 13, Kitchen, 16 by 20 feet; 14, Passage, 5 feet; 15, Pantry, 7 feet 6 inches by 11 feet 6 inches; 16, Wash Room, 12 feet by 17 feet 6 inches; 17, Store Room, 10 by 12 feet; 18, Back Stairs, 3 feet; 19, Conservatory, 29 by 29 feet; a, China Closet, 6 by 10 feet: b, Vault, 3 feet 6 inches by 5 feet 6 inches; c, d, Closets, 5 by 5 feet; e, Dressing Room, 7 by 9 feet; f, Batht Room, 6 by 8 feet; i, Water Closet, 3 feet by 4 feet 6 inches; k, Closet, 4 by 5 feet; 1, Closet, 2 by 5 feet; m, Closet, 3 by 5 feet; n, Porch, 7 by 12 feet; o, Porch, 8 by 8 feet; p, VYrandah, 8 by 16 feet; r, r, Bay Windows, 9 by 12 feet and 4 by 8 feet; s, Terrace, 6 by 20 feet; t, t, Verandahs, 11 feet 6 inches and 12 feet 6 inches; u, Porch, 6 by 7 feet; v, Glass Passage, 5 by 12 feet. SECOND FLOOR.-1, Principal Staircase, 20 by 30 feet; 2. Passage and Back Stairs, 3 feet 5 inches by 16 feet; 3, Chamber, 18 by 20 feet; 4, Chamber, 18 by 24 feet; 5, Guest's Chamber, 20 by 22 feet; 6, Hall, 12 by 24 feet; 7, Reading Room, 12 by 18 feet; 8, Chamber, 18 by 22 feet; 9, Chamber, 17 feet by 17 feet 6 inches; 10, Bath Room, 16 feet diameter; 11, Study, 13 by 16 feet; 12, Library, 7 feet 6 inches by 14 feet; 13, Billiard Room, 18 by 27 feet; 14, Serving Room, 10 by 14 feet; 15, Seamstress' Sleeping Room, 8 by 10 feet; a, Dressing Room, 8 by 10 feet; b, Bath Room, 8 by 8 feet; c, Passage, 4 feet 6 inches by 7 feet; d, Closet, 7 by 7 feet; e, Closet, 5 feet 6 inches by 11 feet 6 inches; f, Balcony; g, Back Stairs, 4 by 6 feet; h, Closet, 6 by 8 feet; i, Passage, 4 feet 6 inches by 13 feet: k, Linen Room, 6 by 13 feet; l, Alcove, 8 by 11 feet; m, Linen Room, 6 feet 6 inches by It feet; n, Bath Room, 7 by 8 feet; o, Closets, 4 by 6 feet; p, Alcove, 6 by 11 feet; q, Verandah, 10 by 15 feet; r, Wash Room, 6 by 8 feet; s, Closet, 3 feet 6 inches by 5 feet; t, Gallery, 7 by 12 feet; u, Balcony, 9 by 14 feet; v, Roof; w, Seats, 2 feet 4 inches by 9 feet; x, Balcony, 3 by 6 feet; y, Balcony, 7 feet 6 inches by 13 feet. THIRD FLOOR.-1, Hall, 20 by 30 feet; 2, Back Staircase, 7 by 15 feet; 3, Children's Play Room, 18 feet by 32 feet 6 inches; 4, Gymna. sium, 16 by 38 feet; 5, Private Theatre, 24 feet by 31 feet 6 inches; 6, Servant's Bed Room, 14 by 18 feet; 7, Lumber Room, 11 by 13 feet; 8, Bed Room, 10 by 16 feet; 9, Servant's Bed Room, 11 feet 6 inches by 17 feet; a, Stage, 9 feet by 17 feet 6 inches; b, b, Dressing Rooms; c Tower, 12 by 12 feet; d, Wardrobe, 9 by 10 feet; e, Common Room, 10 by 15 feet; f, Dressing Room, 8 by 8 feet; g, Recess, 8 by 11 feet; h Sky Light, 9 feet 6 inches diameter; i, Stairs to Roof, 3 feet wide; k, Passage, 4 feet 6 inches wide; 1, Tower, 8 by 8 feet; m, Passage, 3 feet 6 inches by 20 feet. -84Residence of WVIl. S UMJINER, Walnut lills, Cincinnati, 0. ARCHITECTS, WALTER & STEWART, CINCINNATI, 0. First Floor.-I, Front Door Steps, 7 feeet 2 inches by 12 feet 6 inches; 2, Vestibule, 7 feet 6 inches by 10 feet 6 inches; 3, Hall, 10 by 35 feet; 4, Parlor. 16 by 25 feet; 5, Sitting Room, 16 by 19 feet; 6, Dining Room, 16 by 24 feet; 7, Library, 16 by 16 feet; 8, Btck Stairs, 8 by 16 feet; 9, Kitchen, 15 feet by 21 feet 6 inches; a, Pantry, 5 feet 6 inches by 11 feet 6 inchles; b, Store Room, 5 feet by 8 feet 8 inches c, Pantry, 6 by 9 feet; f7, Porch, 9 feet 6 inches by 25 feet; e, Porch, 8 by 17 feet;.'f Porch, 6 feet 9 in. by 20 feet; g, JBay Window, 5 feet by 8 feet 9 in.; x, Dumb Waiter, 2 ft. by 2 ft. 6 in. Second Floor.-10, Hall, 10 by 35 feet: 11, Bed Room, 16 by 19 feet; 12, Bed Room, 16 by 19 feet; 13, Bed Room, 16 feet 8 inches by 16 feet; 14, Bed Room, 16 feet by 20 feet 6 inches; 15, Back Stairs, 8 by 16 feet; 16, Bed Room, 12 by 15 feet; 17, Bath Room 5 by 11 feet; 18, Dressing Room, 5 feet 6 inches by 9 feet; h, Closet, 4 feet by 5 feet 6 inches; i, Closet, 4 feet by 3 feet 6 inches; k, Closet, 4 feet by 4 feet 3 inches; 1, Passage, 4 by 18 feet; im, Passage, 3 feet 6 inches by 15 feet 6 inclies; n, Linen Room, 5 feet by 8 feet S inches; o, Water Closet, 3 feet 6 inches by 5 feet, p, Closet, 1 foot 8 inches by 5 feet; r, Closet, 2 feet by 5 feet 6 inches; x, Dunmb Waiter, 2 feet by 2 feet 6 inches. W& ACHEY 5Q! F Residence of J. W. PA TRICK, College Hill, near Cincinnati, 0. ARCHITECTS, WALTER & STEWART, CINCINNATI, 0. First Floor.-I, Porch, 10 by 18 feet; 2, Hall, 10 feet by 33 feet 6 inches; 3, Parlor, 15 by 20 feet; 4, Sitting Room, 15 by 16 feet; 5, Dining Room, 15 by 19 feet; 6, Rear Stair Hall, 6 by 19 feet; 7, Kitchen, 14 by 17 feet; 8, Store Room, 4 feet 6 inchles by 8 feet 3 inches; 9, Pantry, 4 feet 6 inches by 8 feet 3 inches; 10, Porch, 8 by 26 feet; a, a, Bay Windows, 4 feet 8 in. by 9 feet; 1, Main Stairs, 3 feet 6 in. wide; c, Rear Stairs, 2 feet 8 in. wide; li, Portico, 4 feet 6 in. by S feet. Second Floor.-II, H1-all, 10 feet by 33 feet 6 inches; 12, Bed Room, 15 by 19 feet; 13, Bed Room, 15 by 17 feet; 14, Bed Room, 10 by 10 feet; 15. Bed Room, 15 by 16 feet; 16, Rear Staircase, 6 feet by 12 feet 6 inches; 17, Girls Room, 9 feet 6 inches by 17 feet; 18, Bath Room, 9 by 9 feet; 19, Linen Room, 5 feet 6 inches by 7 feet 6 inches; e, Closet, 4 by 6 feet; f, Closet, 1 foot 6 inches by 6 feet; q, Garret Stairs, 2 feet 6 inches wide; 7, Closet, 2 feet 6 inches by 5 feet; i, Passage, 3 feet by 7 feet 6 inches; k, k, Porch Roofs; I, Closet, 2 feet 6 inches by 9 feet. esdence of. I. GI, t A n, Cncnat, Residence of Rl. IL JGIVEN, 31t. Auburn, Cincinnati, 0. ARCHITECT, J. C. ANTON, CINCINNATI, 0. First Floor.-1 Verandah, 7 by 31 feet; 2, Hall, 6 feet by 30 feet 6 inches; 3, Parlor, 12 by 18 feet; 4, Sitting Room, 12 by 15 feet; 5, bining Room, 12 by 15 feet; 6, Library, 12 by 12 feet; 7, Kitchen, 12 by 14 feet; 8, Porch, 6 feet by 17 feet 8 inches; a, Back Stairs, 2 feet 6 inches wide; b, Closet, 1 foot 2 inches by 3 feet 6 inches; c, Principal Stairs, 2 feet 9 inches wide; d. Closet, 1 foot by 3 feet 9 inches; e, Closet, 1 foot by 3 feet 9 inches. Second Floor.-l0, Bed Room, 12 by 16 feet; 11, Bed Room, 12 feet by 13 feet 10 inclies; 12, Bed Room, 12 feet by 13 feet 10 inches; 13, Bed Room, 12 feet by 10 feet 10 inches; 14, Servant's Room, 12 by 14 feet; 15, Bath Room, 6 by 8 feet; 16, Porch, 6 feet 6 inches by 10 feet 6 inches; 17, Dressing Room, 6 by 10 feet. 18, Porch Roof, flat; f, Back Stairs, 2 feet 6 inches wide; g, Closet, 1 foot 2 inches by 3 feet 6 inches; h, Closet, 2 feet 4 inches by 3 feet 9 inches; i, Closet, 2 feet 4 inches by 3 feet 9 inches: k, (Closet, 2 feet 4 inches by 3 feet 9 inches; 1, Closet, 2 feet 4 inches by 3 feet 9 inches; o, Closet, 2 by 5 feet; s, Garret Stairs, 2 feet wide; t, Closet, 2 feet 6 inches by 2 feet 6 inches. -85\ tiW^'^.i'^a ~ ga~ii~ua^i.......... =...................................................................... FIRST FLOOR. SECOND FLOOR. ^_____ ^......... esidece of...... IINI.LE, lt. A..... rn Cincnnati 0. ARCHITECTS, A. C. NASH & CO., CIN CIIATI, 0. First Floor.~-1, Verandah, 11 feet wide;' 2, Vestible, 5 by 10 feet; 3, Main Hall, 10 feet wide; 4, Drawing Room, 16 by 30 feet; 5, Library, 16 by 16 feet; 6, Reception Room, 16 by 16 feet; 7, Passage, 6 feet wide; 8, Closet, 5 by 6 feet; 9, Wash Room, 6 by 8 feet; 10, Tower Vestibule, 10 by 10 feet; l1, Family oom, 16 by 24 feet 12, Dining Room, 16 by 24 feet................... 13, Butler's Pantry, by 12 feet................................ 14, Dish. Pantry, 5 by 12 feet 15,.Store Room,. by 12 feet. 16,...all and Servants' Stairs. Second Floor. — 17, Balcony, 9 by 1 feet; 18, Hall, 10 feet wide;.9, Siesta, 10 by 11 feet;. 20, Guest's Chamber, 17 by 22 feet; 21, Front Chamber, 16 by 16 feet; 22, Closet, 7 by 8 feet; 23, Bath Room, 10 by 13 feet; 24, Arcade, 10 by 11 feet; 25, Chamber, 16 by 24 feet; 26, Chamber, 16 by 16 feet; 27, Dressing Room, 8 by 9 feet; 28, Sewing Room, 16 by 19 feet; 29, inen Closet,.... by 1 feet; 30, Bath oom, 8 by 10 feet. Servants' Rooms, Kitchens, and Laundry in Basement. Several Bed Rooms in Attic...' -1..................................ll 111ff i 5 = 1# M r L=. -86 — HI~NKLES BU D G S,-i D B G S _ Uil ~INE DWELLIG _ OUSES, BUILT ON A LOT 00 BY 180 FEET, ON FIVE DIFFERENT PLANS. Plans markd 7 11 121 ft Pl as m d F,, I, are eh 15 ft fro7 ^^^~~~~~~~~~4. I121111 12 W 5 l i g { i i W; 12tg12 2 7 BASEMENT. FIRST FLOOR. SECOND FLOOR. _UTIKLE9S BUILDINGS, Corner Fourths and Sminth Streets, Cincinnati, Ohio, NINE DWELLING HOUSES, BIJILT ON A LOT 60 BY 180 FEET, ON FIVE DIFFERENT PLANS. Plans marked A, B, C, are each 20 feet firont. Plans Imarked D, E, are each 12Y feet firont. Plans marked F, G, H, I, are each 15 feet firont. With a scale to this, the size of all the rooms can be ascertained. 1, Hall; 2, Office; 3, Dining Room; 4, Sitting Room; 5, Kitchen; 6, Laundry; 7, Parlor; 8, Library; 9, Bath Room; 10, Store Room; II, Closet; 12, Chamber; 18, Bed Room; 14, Conservatory;15, Porch. r: 8 4 23 FIRST FLOOR. SECOND FLOOR. Design for a Southern Residence. ARCHITECT, J. C. ANTON, CINCINNATI, 0. First Floor.-, Hll, 12 by 53 feet; 2, Parlor, IS by 32 feet; 3, Bed Room, 18 by 20 feet; 4, Library, 18 by 20 feet; 5, Dining Room, 18 by 24 feet 6, Staircase, S by IS feet; 7, Rear lHall and Stairs, 6 feet 6 inches fy 21 feet 6 inches; 8, Butler's Room, S by 13 feet; 9, Store Room, 9 by 13 feet; 10, Kitchen, 14 by 20 feet; 11, Servants' Hall, 11 feet 6 inches by 15 feet; 12, Laundry, 13 by 15 feet; a, a, Verandah, 12 feet wide; b, ), V, Verandah, 10 feet wide; c, c, c, Closets, 1 foot 10 inches by 4 feet; d, (J, Closets, 1 foot 6 inches by 6 feet. Seconad Ftoor.-13, Hall, 12 by 38 feet; 11, Bed Room, 18S feet hv 21 feet 6 inches; 15, Bed Room, 18 feet by 21 feet 6 inches; 16, Dressingt Room, S by 10 feet; 17, Dressing Room, 12 feet by 14 feet 6 inches; 18, Bed Room, 18 by 20 feet; 19, Bed Room, 18 by 24 feet; 20, Staircase, 8 by 18 feet; 21, Rear Hall and Stairs, 6 feet 6 inches by 21 feet 6 inches; 22, Bath Room, 10 by 13 feet; 23, Bed Room, 11 by 13 feet; 24, Bed Room, 14 by 15 feet; 27, Bed Room, 15 by 25 feet; e, e, Closet, 2 feet by 4 feet 10 inches; J, Garret Stairs, 3 feet wide; g, g, Closets, 3 by 7 feet; h, Passage, 4 feet 6 inches by 14 feet 6 inches; i, i, i, i, Porch Roofs. First Floor.-i, Fanmily Room 15 feet P. 4 in-ches by 15 feet 6 inches; 2, Kitchen, t 3 l 12 teet 9 inches by 13 feet 6 inches; 3, Stairs, 2 feet 6 inches wide; 4, Closet 3 2., 2. under Stairs; 5, Closet, Close t, 1 oot 7 inches by 5 feet 2 inches. Sesond Floor.-6, Landing, 3 feet by II 7 feet 8 inches; 7, Bed Room, 7 feet 3 fet 8 i inches by 15 feet 6 inches; 8, Bed Room, 7 feet S i Ies by 12 feet 4 inches; 9, Closet, I foot by 3 feet 2 inches; 10, Closet, I foot by 3 feet 2 inches;, 11 1 Passage, 2 feet 6 inches wide; 12, Bed i. Room, 8 feet by 14 feet 3 inches; 13, Bed Room, 7 feet by 7 feet 6 inches; a, Clos- - s et, 2 by 4 feet; -, Closet, 1 foot 3 inches HINKILE & CO., Cottage Building.. 10. ARCHITECT, J. C. ANTON, CINCINNATI, 0. HINKILE & CO., Cottage Building to be erected on Mt. Auburn. ARCHITECT, J. C. ANTON, CINCINNATI, O. First Flo P ch 6 feet b 22 feet 6 inces; 2, l, 7 fe et inches 18 feet 9 inches; 3 Parlor, 1 feet by 18 ee i et 4 g e I 9; 5 Sitti Room, II feet i inchi bc 15 feett 9 inches; 6, -Kitchen, 13 feet by 13 feet 6 iches; 7, Poc, ( feet 6 incches b 12 feet 6 inches;. Stairs 3 feet wide;, Bay W sndow, 4feoet 2. incisesb6 feet 6 fissclses cCloset, 1 fooot 3 isches by 3 feet 6 islches; cl, Back Stairs, 2 feet wide; e Closet, 1 foot y;5xeet 9 isces ff,, Wsater'Closets, 3 fet by 3 feet 6 inches. - Sco Flor.-, all, 7 feet 2 inches by I feet; 9, Bed Room, 15 feet bv 16 feet 3 inches: 10 Bed Room. 7 feet 2 incles by 9 feet; 11, Bed Room, H1 feet 1 inch bye 1 feet 9 incses; 12, Bed Room, ll feet 1 i nch bs l1 leet inches; 13, Passage, 4 fet by 13 feet 6 inches; 1, Servant's Room, 8 feet 6 inches by 8 feet 6 inches 1, Bath Room 4 feet 6 inches by 7 feet 3 inces;,, C loset s, 2 feet byfeet inches;, Garret Stairs, 2 feet 4inches wide; i, Closet 2 feet 4 inches by 3 feet 6 inches; 1, Stairs to Kitchen, 2 feet wide; I, Closet, 2 by 2 feet; m, Porch Roof; n, Porch Roof. Fis lo - orh etb 2fetC n s;2,Hl,7fe nce yI et()Ice,3Pjjo, 5fe yI fet8 nhs, iig omI ee nc y.,fet9 nles;5 Stjj oo,11fe Iic f 15fet9ilInes;6 Kice, 3fetb 3 et6 nhs;7 orh, et6 nhs;b 2 etC)ices tir,3fe' Whdw -88Hinkle & Co.'s Cottage Buildings, Cincinnati, 0. We call the attention of the public to the following plans of buildings. They are framed with Sills, Posts, Studs, Joists, and Rafters; the weather-boards are narrow, to be put on horizontal; roofed with shingles, or, if preferred, saturated paper painted with Fire Proof Composition, and sanded; the flooring and partition of white pine boards, narrow, planed, tongued and grooved, beveled base; Doors and Windows furnished with plain casing. We furnish these buildings, all framed, the lumber, shingles, or paper and composition for roof, carpenter work, hardware and sash glazed, all packed and delivered at railroad depot, or Wharf at Cincinnati, at the following prices: Price $115, subject to change. CUT No. 1 represents a house of one room, 15 feet square, one story, 7 feet 10 inches high. It has two windows, glazed, and one door. CALCULATIONS FOR SHIPPING.-It contains 1,349 feet of lumber, and 413 No.. pounds hardware, etc. Total weight 3,011 pounds. For shingle roof add 3,000 shingles. Price $210, subject to change. 1~' 1J C NCUT No. 2 represents a house 15 by 30 feet, divided into two rooms, one story, 7 feet 10 inches high. It has four windows, glazed, and l. n three doors. CALCULATIONS FOR SHIPPING.-It contains 2,420 feet of lumber No. 2 L ] and 807 pounds hardware, etc. Total weight 5,647 pounds. For shinN._ 1 gle roof add 5,500 shingles. Price $250, subject to change. WE also furnish a No. 2, 15 by 30 feet, 10 feet story, with same number of doors and windows as above, of a larger size. CALCULATIONS FOR SHIPPING.-It contains 2,730 feet of lumber, and 1,118 pounds of hardware, etc. Total weight 6,578 pounds. For shingle roof add 5,500 shingles. Price $350, subject to change. S X, C}I X~~ 1 3CUT No. 3 represents a house 15 by 30 feet, two stoljllj! i [ % ^flu ries; first story 8 feet high, divided into two rooms; l l - hstnwdssecond story 7 feet high, divided into two rooms. It has ten windows, glazed, and eight doors. CALCULATIONS FOR SHIPPING.-It contains 4,435 1No.31 3'. d feet of lumber and 1,240 pounds hardware, etc. To. tal weight 10,110 pounds. For shingle roof add 5,500 I_=-' ~| -" ~ ^shingles. Price $715, subject to change. lIflt, llllllllll " "CUT NO. 4 represents a house 30 by 30 feet, two sto11 111i ^ 1i ~ i1 Iu ries; first story 8 feet high, divided into four rooms;. vf ~l iS.>o Z_ I I, ^=U^ second story 7 feet high, divided into four rooms. It -' F==-== has twenty windows, glazed, and sixteen doors. No. 4. E CALCULATIONS FOR SHIPPING.-It contains 8,682 9! -. feet of lumber, and 2,392 pounds of hardware, etc. FM D L I I Total weight 19,757 pounds. For shingle roof add M 1 D^'II L 11,500 shingles. The materials in these buildings are light, yet sufficiently strong, and the small space which they occupy, when in parts, renders them easy of transportation. It will require but a few days carpenter work to set up the buildings and finish them. They are designed to be plastered inside, or can be ceiled with thin boards, and papered, which is cheaper than plastering. We furnish written directions for putting up and finishing these buildings, which can be done by any carpenter. tINEIILlE s& CO., Cinciinnati, Ohio, PORTABLE DWELLINGS, STORES, CHAPELS, ETC.,'WITIH IERON R00OO:F. We have invented a Portable Building to meet the present demand for houses. We call the attention of the public to the following plans: They are framed with sills and plates; grooved to receive perpendicular siding, which is of inch boards, planed on one side, tongued and grooved, with the necessary Flooring, dressed, tongued and grooved. Ceiling over head, of thin, common boards, dressed, jointed for papering to make the building complete. The roof is of iron. The Doors, Windows and Partition are made so their location can be changed, if desired. The buildings are so constructed that they can be put together or taken apart in a few hours. The materials are all light, but of sufficient strength, and are easy of transportation by Wagon, Railroad, or Steamboat. We furnish these buildings, all made and fitted together, Doors and Windows hung and trimmed, packed and delivered to Railroad Depot or Wharf, at Cincinnati, at the price attached. Also, the number of feet of Lumber, and the weight of Hardware, etc., to ascertain the cost of shipping........Price $590, subject to Cut No. 1 represents a building BIBB L4r B Wl ~of one room, 9x6CO feet, one story 10 feet high. It has ten windows with glass in, and shutters, and two doors, all hung and trim. ~ ii -~ iii med. Calculations for Shipping. -It contains 4,830 feet of Lumber, and 2,557 pounds of hardware, No. 1, etc. _ _J i~Price $6T5, subject to -change. Cut No. 2 represents a store and dwelling, 19xGO feet, one story, 10 feet high, divided into three rooms; it has one pair of sash store doors, two windows.....__.______ _......__ ^and glass, but not glazed in _I ~_~ ~ ifront, with shutters, and three windows with glass in and shutters, and three doors in rear, all hung and trimmed. N~o. 2. Calculations for Shipping. — It, Ic~ I ~~ contains 5,220 feet of Lumber,. and 2,400 pounds Hardware, etc. ______......_..........._ """""""""' j Price $350, subject to change. N o. 3. Cut No. 3 represents a store and' dwelling, 15x30 feet, one story, 10 feet high, divided into two rooms; it has l....l~llll...ll..l _^ iii iiiii one sash store door, two windows and glass, but not glazed in front, with shutters; and two windows with glass in, and shutters, and two doors in rear all hung and trimmed. Calculeations for Shilpping.-It contains 1,922 feet of Lumber, and 1,158 pounds of Hardware, etc. -_______ _^~____~" ~"~~'j Price $250, subject to change. Cut No. 4 represents a dwelling, 15x S I I!~ I I PPi No | 4N 30 feet, one story, 7 feet 10 inches high, iV0.lU[ J ____I ____I____ ~___divided into two rooms; it has four'~lliii~li~ll~IIISI _~~~' twindows with glass in and shutters, ~ ~iiiiiii and three doors, all hung and trimmed. Calczlations for Shilpping.-It contains 2,232 feet of.Lumber, and 784 pounds of Hardware, etc. - - {I 1i Price $140, subject to change. B 11 f ~Cut No. 5 represents a house of one room, 15 feet square, one story, 7 -i-lllllil E \ l oNo. N 5 feet 10 inches high. It has two windows with glass in and one door. Calculations for Shippilg.- It contains 1,116 ft. of Lumber, and 392 lbs. of Hardware, etc. These buildings are made 15 feet or 19 feet wvide, to suit iron for roof; Story 7 feet 10 inches, or 10 feet high, and can be made any depth required, with store or dwelling front, with any number of Rooms, Doors, and ~windows desired. We have furnished a number of these Buildings to persons, who have taken them with goods to the Southern and Western country, landed, put up the store and shelving the same day. and opened to sell goods the next.morning Owners of unimproved real estate, in city or country, will find, in many places, that the rent of these Buildings will pay the cost of them in one year. They could be removed at pleasure when larger buildings wvould be required. The great demand for these Portable Houses has compelled us to increase our facilities for.manufacturing. We are now prepared to furnish fifty per week. Al~ We furnish written directions for putting up these buildings, which can be done by any carpenter. TEstablisheo. 181e0. WM. W ILS(O5 M'GRb]W, PIKE'S OPERA HOUSE BUILDING, i (e, si to -, r, *o- lne a O, WAT$CHES Comprising the most celebrated of the European manufacturers. Also, the Amterican Watches fiom the Walthatm lfatch Co., Houward & Co., and the National Watch Co., Elgin, Illinois, in every variety of gold and silver cases. DIAMOND. STONE-C.AMEO, CORAL,.PEABRL GOLD AND ENAL ELED. GUARtDS, LEONETINES, VESTS, FOBS AND CIHATELAINES. ST EILIN-G SILYVER WARE, TEA SETS9 URNS, CAKE BASKIETTS, CAS TEiBS B UTTER DISHES, SUGAR.DISHES, FANCY CASE GOODS,,SPOONS, FORKS, &c. TEA SETS, ICE PI-TCIHERS, WAlITERS, CASTERS, EPERNGN-ES FRUIT STANDS, LI-QUOR STA NDS, COMM UNION SETS, PUDDING DISIES, PICKiLE STANDS, SPOONS, FORKS, K NI VES, LAD LES, d&c!oobks, Black aCnd Whz;ite Mia/rble, GBronze, Gilt, Jla hbaster,' c. Bronze Figures,' Statuettes, Table and Fancy Pieces Iin great variety. Fanrecy/. G-oo)ds, &c., &c. Orders solicited-: and pro7nptly (tte-'tdec to, an6d sc(dis /ac tioU Aut, ra.t-leed in every case. =./K;' —, -'!-. IUn m c M -,rr' " - ilEstablisled 1888. IMPOKTERS AND DEALERS hINAm2erlia n andL Foreign FRENCH AND ENGLISH PLATE GLASS, f ItT ti ^ * to e AJ:D COLO1RED PAINTS, laitsf OtSl, tiarnilshlel, Brushes, All kinds of Materials for Painters, etc., (tc. 23 WEST nFOUJRTH ST. Price List of Paint and estimates for Plain and Ornamental Glass of every description promptly furnished on application. Glass cut to any desired size, and carefulty packed for shipment. 3i~EZN BSUItIFIF) & C0 101 103 and 105. Fourth St. CINCINNASIp On HOUSE FURNISHING GOO-DS "We are constantly receiving new and elegant patterns in Axminster Carpets, AWilton Carpets, Velvet Carpets, Body and Tapestry Brussels, 3-Ply and Ingrain Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattings,'Rugs, Mats, &e. Persons residing at a distance, by sending a description, and price of Carpets wanted, will have their orders filled with care, and by sending size of the room can have them. cut to fit, and mude if desired. ~>/ ///// Of both the WALTRA~I and EL IN make, and I ^ QD t ow fIne At the Lo,.e*st i ew 1o~1k Wholes~ale Prices, a:IRETAIL. They have a descriptive Price List, wi enable persons at a distance to choosOne of the oldest houses in their sto city, are. This List will selling The Watches will be sent by express to any part of the United States, C. O. D., and need not be paid fbr until examined by the parties ordering and found to be satisfactory. You ean, no doubt, save from ten to twenty-five per cent, by purchasing of them, and as it wili cost nothing, we advise you to obtain their Price,ist before buying. HARRY R. SMIXTH & CO. P. S. Reference is made to Messrs. Hinkle & Co, or any other first-class house in Cincinnati.' No.LMl 17 RamSr No. 171 Main Steett, C I IT C I T A. T 1, 0 1 I 0 r a, JlvIfa ett -irers~, Inlspoevtel s110ole0ale &;a 3-etaail;lDealer\s in T1 f WOEL ING,' COI'UCHS AT ND S TORES; OFnd D o WELING o ay hoi es m 11-UeiES o Specimens oT ou at'efer to niany hases ientione e t this Rook as Spea.cinens of.e,work'Wosnkraean sent to a' j part of the'count'y..Merschtsais supplied C(t taanutfa ctu rers8 9 prices' 169 CENTRAL AVENUE, CI IT 1NNAT, OHIO, MANUFACTURERS OF 0rnamental alvanizell Iron Cornice, DORMER WINDOWS, FINEALS, WINDOW CAPS, &C. Ciutters, Spoutingg, &o. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. MANUFACTURER OF PLAIN /AND O7NAAMENTAL [ROW 1A'LISNS, Bllcni3a ail Verallaa, IraJ1 St airS, Sky-Lights and Roofs, Jail Cells, Doors, B:nk af'ults, &c. And all kinds of Iron Work for Private and Public Buildings, Nos. 447 and a2 West Sixtlh St. Near Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railroad Depot, CITOINTI:NAT I.r Inxel-nfors anid 7Ma-mx4(tIreis of the, A1ISTO and PIITiWNJ IX -I OTAARl FURNACES', We t ae ale eigfht sizes of these Bleaters, and catn fa-ti nish the'mitost approved Ie-eauting Apparatus foe private or pbtice baiU? qs. m)eC aii p t' C'tioues f arvished on application. JS___iD___ c-__ IiI-OaltleIIs /si OficadSaesoo, 13 s Uvand1Wetif.1t t I1t ~,,I'!_ _11, 1 -- ~ "~",~ll~ - -"'"~ _ ~,~tIIL l ~111 r-A t e~ty t v ~exti Iting god; I II Jiiiitr Fiu tates Offie and Salesroor, 13 and 15 West Fifth St., Cincinnati, 0. V I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I _ ) The Jiavgest anwF Oldest LStfI1bt)s.n2c.-t f-f the 1kinud ia the L-7titd SUtaie-s. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~S __ ~.A]:;! design a'ndl Manufacturers of t1at e to order ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —------- Parb5or9 ________________ ____ MiANTEL & PIER 1 -L ib ra j _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ II _ _ _ _ _ — = —-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —------ _ _ _ _~~~~~~~~~~~~~ISONChart CA a-t granesO IloaIIA II Si z By. t gI"I of styles, from the modern.f all gradls and ol I.III f4II2 y., &cO., &c. pli&s teo Vu~ ~s~ the AUOR IC ~IN~ OUR STS.1 T MANUFACTURERS OF Slate Iantels, l ato ENAYELED GRATES, ROBBINS' PATENT GRATE-BASKETS, Lo*w-J-hwn Grates, Etc. S. E. Cor. Fourth and Central Avenue, Cincinnati. Our New Book, giving directions for Chimney Building, Grate Setting, etc., together with Pattern Sheets of Grates and Mantels, sent free on application by mail. ROB!NR'4~ PAINgST 0PN STOTE Manufactured by C. B. EVANS & CO. S., COR. FOURTH AND CENTRAL A VENUE, CINCINYNATI, 0. 1a 0~~i~~ l iN 1 11 bl'. Generally EVERY BUILDIN A HAJE A -11 e,r I Rail:Oad! crmpaeexe, drchistets, Bulalders, and the Easily applied by any one with ordinary mechanical skill, at a moderate price. No solder required. No nails through the roofing itself. Presents a good appearance Is light weight, yet durable. Resists Fire, Water, and Wind, and fully provides for the expansion and contraction of the metal, as has been proved by a practical use of over fourteen years. Testimonials will'be furnishled, on application, with descriptive circulars. Prepre ared d boxed to ship to any part of the United States. AddreI s FRONT STREET, BET. GAS WORKS & M ILL ST. OLINTTOINTTAiTI, 0For Building Purposes, Constantly on hand, or Furnished at Short Notice. I amr the Sole Proprietor of the California Free-Stone Quarry, situated near Buena Vista, Scioto County, Ohio, and I have leased other good Quarries in that vicinity. My Stone, for durahility and beauty, is the best ever brought to this city. I lhere refer Builders, Contractors and todone-Cutters to the following buildings, which exhibit the stone in attestation of what I state, viz: Mr. H.. Derby's building, on corner of Third and Walnut Streets. Messrs. Maik &, King's building, on Pearl Street, between Main and Walnut. The National Thleater building, on Sycam treet, between Third and Fourth. Mr. Netter's Dwelling House, on Eighth Street, bletw-en Vine and lRace. Fireman's Insuranee building, corner Fronlt and Main Streets. Six Store Houses adjoining the same. A. Wolf & Bro.'s building, on Vine iStreet, between Pearl and Columbia. Five Store Houses, on corner Pearl and Race Streets. Mr. S. S. Boyle's huilding, on Columbia Street, betweon Sycamore and Broadway. Catholic Institute buildingn, corner Vine and Longworth Streets. Evans &, Co:'s new Banking House, on Third Street, between Vine and Walnut. Kuhn, Netter & Co.'s new Clothing House buildings, coiler Vine and Third Streets. D. M. Marsil's building, oii Dayton Street, between Linn and (utter. B. Simonl's Dwelling House, on Eighth Street, between Vine and Walnut. S. S. Cooper, George W. Coehaln, J. F. Cunningham, Harvey Decamp's Dwelling Houses, on Fourth Street, between Smith and Park. Jacob W. Hoienshade's four Dwelling Houses, on Fourth and Park Streets. I keep constantly on hand a large quantity of Stone, which I am prepared to sel, and with my inmproved Fatcilities -for Quat ryi Jn and Shippbing, I can supply dealers with what they may want, without delay. PLEASE CALL AND EXAMINE THE STONE. rders will receive Prompt and Close Attentiono Te5rms Reacsoncble andcl Sctiscf ctory. All letters should be addressed to me, JOHN M. MUELLER Post-offic e Box o. 592 Cuicinnat, Oe MANUFA CTURER OF At~CHIT-ECTU PRISMAt-TIC-LG HIT PLT _S II [devalk8s and Skiii coiR. BRAJL& bTSI 0iiacciiinaE.ti^ 0~ STATIONARY AND POBITABLE Patent Lath a -d Shinle Miachines POWE2 ~LVJ[ 0) 2E 1 L. 1/ ~' XS:E \ _P a.tg, Joldhig an d Saing l tchines, JIBOf unim style and Aei0,It Of uniform style and Weight. C ATALOGUES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION M 9 I TR HINKLE & CO. 365 West Front Street, Cincinnati, I ILUMIIBEZU CIRCUIJLAR. Our Yard is situated ve advantageously on the river bank, upper part of the City, which gives us every facility for taking in lumber. We yard annually several million teet, also a large quantity of Shaved and Sawed Shingles and Lath, and have arrangenments for a constant supply of the same, from the head waters of the Alleghany and the Lakes, which, with the advantage of our large Yard, containing several tcres and 375 leet of wharf, enables ns to purchase, yard, and sell wholesale, retail, or manufacture into building materials, cheaper than any other establishment in the West. Orders filled for Boards, Plank, Shaved and Sawed Shingles, Joist, Lath, Framing and Cornice Timber of every description. Below we give the manner in vwhich we sort and name our lumber. Prices omitted as they are subject to change. Prices furnished on application, - CLEAR WVIIIE PINE. It inch thick, per 100 feet, face measure, seasoned................................... w & "t "6.....................0.................................1 FIRST COMfMON 1WHITE PINE. 1 ich thick, per 100 feet, face measure, seasoned........................................ ~1 2.......................................... SE COND CO1121N0 WHITE PINE % inch thick, per 100 feet, face measure, seasones............................................. 6 6 664 66 66,, 6 i ~~~.............................o.........oec.....eo.ooo.,...............................0 o o...... Ifl0'COMMO WHITE PlINE. Y/ ich thick, per 100 feet, face measure, seasoned......................................, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~................................................ GR~UB PLAN~K.' 1 inch thick, per 100 feet, face measure, seasoned..........................o... LATH. Piesawed, 4 feet long, per' thousand.....................,.o...., e Poplar, " 66.................................................. ~ Cut "...o................................. SHINGLES. Pine, sawed, No. 1, 16 inches one, per thousand...................o...... 6 6 66 1 3 6 466 33333333~~ 3,',' ~ " 21 6, " 1....................................oo.. ~.. ^I h 1, 1 8......................................~...~. 66 6 2, 18 66................................... 6 shaved, 1,16 6 6i 66 66 1, 18 6 6. 61 6 2,18 6 6.......6......................................................................... o.....o..o.,, o GREENTIMBERFUME SAW" MIL. Poplar Joist and Scantling, 20 feet long and under, and Framing Timber, 30 feet long and under, per 100 Pet, board measuro...................................... Pine Joist and Scantli,.g, 20 feet long and under, and Framing Timber, 30 feet long and under, per 100 feet, board measure........................................... Pine Cornice Timber, 30 feet long and iunder, per 100 feet, board measure....,....,..~........ Hemlock Joist and Scantling, 20 feet long and under, per 100 feet, board measure.....,,.,.,. I.. Additional lengths, extra price................. SEASONED XOIST, Poplars per 100 feet, board measure............................o.i Pitie....o oo..o.ooo.o o.oo............... oooooooo..... I emlock. I'..................... o.o. oo........................ F100 IIq'G, CEILIIfx AND PART!TI0'fLo Dressed, tongued and grooved, face measure. Tongue of board not Included in measurement, Flooring or Sheeting, 3d Con. white Pine, %7 or I inch thick, per 100 feet.................., FioorLe and Ceiling, 2d 66 Y. or I inch thick, 6&,.................... 6 66 lst 66 66 Y or I inch thick, 66............ ( C' 2d Clear. 66 % or 1 inch thick, 6.,......,...,... 66 Yellow Pine, 1 inch thick, per 100 feet.................................. g~.1^ ^ "...........:..::: I Partition, White Pine, 1st Common, 1 inch, "......................... Weatherboards, 1st Common White Pine, undressed.,,.......................... P 2c Clear, 66 6.....111.... Plannog Weatherboards, one side, per 100 feet, Face measure..............................'........ Planing,' I inch Boards, two sides,....................... Planing 1 and 2 inch Plank, two sides, per 100 feet, Face measure........................ Boards or Plank selected to a width or extra wide, additional price,.........,........ Bundling and Drayage extra. HI-IIT LJ & co.'s (365 WEST FROx CSTREET, CINCINNATI, 0.) SENT FREE OF POSTAGE ON RECEIPT OF ONE DOLLAR It contains One Hundred and Eleven Plans and Elevations of Buildings, Taken from Houses Already Built, or in Course of Erection, Fifty-six of them give the plans of the first and second stories,and description of rooms attached, as sample below. They vary in cost from $115 to $350,000. Also, six hundred and fifteen plans of Mol(lings, Architrave.", Bases, Brackets, Stairs, Newels, Balusters, Rails, Cornice, Mantels, Window Fraimes, Sash, Doors, Columns. Church Pews, Store Counlters, Portico", Etc. Adaptedt to the style of building in the United States; containing valuable inlorfmation on building................ I E$1,3~'N~g ON MOUNT AUBURN, N,~A................ o.. A.... c......, Cin,......... /-1 1 6/ t-~S=:1- o. FIRST FLOOR::. S E C O: D.:: —-..-:::.:.. -ECON.FLOOR. —,Room,, 3 f.5L', 1 f 5 i,16.16 ft.; 6 Ree..,i,.n R.-,,,,-,;- -6 f wie; 8. Closet,x6 it.;.q Wa-h_ Room 6x8_ft.; 10. Tower.Vestibule. 1..x10 rt.;fII. Family Ri....x.4.'t:: 12. Dinin.g.......''''''.'''''''''......i I i''."' " ".-"'''" FISTO. F- OOR.-t Vealaoy xl ft.wi; 2. Vesl 10 hf. wSxdet; 1. Msai l, 10,1 ft.2. wide; 4. Drawig f.. 25. Cha:her, 16x24 ft-.::: 26.:: am: r. 16x16 ft-; 27. Dresms.ing Room, 8.9 ft.; 28. Sewing Room, 16x19:-.::.:::.......:: —---::..................:.-: —-...........>...;a.....1.................................................................... ------- -----------. g v AM E-v~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..... 31 t97 ~~~~ t127+ f............. t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~............................. 2 4 4 1R?.sm1n91^.RltltlRl- P~n,-vfi~b tt 1 lis P~stj vfil2t'.!.N.9.^'P RXwsm.Nx1 s,- 1