SAFETY-VALVES. BY RICHARD H. BUEL, 0. E. (REPRINTED FROM THE "RAILROAD GAZETTE.") NEW YORK: D. VAN NOSTRAND, PUBLISHER, 23 MURRAY AND 27 WARREN STREET. 1 875. INTRODUCTION. The writer, in presenting these remarks to engineers, does not pretend to offer much that is original, but has aimed to gather what is valuable from the great mass of material to be found in scientific periodicals and in publications that are not generally accessible. An endeavor has been made to systematize the treatment of the subject, and to give such varied solutions of the problems that arise in proportioning the parts of safety-valves as to render them plain to those who have only an elementary education. The importance of having the general principles of safety-valves understood by those who are charged with the care of steam machinery cannot well be overestimated. With a safety-valve that is in reality all which its name implies, a large proportion of the risks incident to the use of boilers will be avoided; while on the other hand, a safety-valve that is only such in name is one of the readiest assistants to a disastrous boiler explosion. NEW YORK, August, 1875. SAFETY-VALVES. I. THE REQUISITE QUALIFICATIONS OF A SAFETY-VALVE. As a safety-valve is designed to prevent the accumulation of pressure in a steam boiler beyond a certain point, it is necessary that the parts should be so proportioned that the valve will rise when the given pressure is attained. Until the valve rises it is subjected to the pressure of the steam at rest, so that this part of the subject involves the statical condition of a safety-valve. As soon as the pressure of the steam in a boiler lifts the valve, new conditions are introduced, because the steam is in motion, escaping through the orifice between the valve and the seat. It will 6 thus be evident that from the time the valve is raised until it is again seated by the reduction of the steam pressure the dynamical conditions are to be regarded. A good safety-valve should be so constructed that not only will it lift when the required pressure is attained, but so that it will also prevent the further increase of pressure, and will close promptly as soon as that pressure is reduced. II. PROPORTIONING THE PARTS OF SAFETY - VALVES, IN ORDER THAT THEY MAY RISE WITH GIVEN PRESSURES. This part of the subject, as already remarked, deals with the statical condition of safety-valves. In other words, it is a question of the equilibrium of two forces acting in contrary directions-one, a weight or the tension of a spring, tending to hold the valve down; and the other, the pressure of the steam, tending to raise it. When these opposing forces balance each other the valve is ready to lift, and any slight increment 7 of pressure will raise it. It is, then, the conditions of the balancing or equilibrium of the steam pressure and the spring or weight that are to be considered. In some forms of safety-valves, a spring or weight is placed directly above the valve, and resists the upward pressure of the steam; or a weight is suspended directly under the valve, passing into the boiler. In other forms, the spring or weight is attached to a lever, to which the valve is also connected, the weight or spring being ordinarily at a greater distance from the fulcrum than the valve is. In the first form of construction, in which the steam pressure is opposed directly by the force of a weight or spring, without the intervention of a lever, these two forces will evidently balance when they are equal to each other. It is only necessary, therefore, to multiply the pressure of the steam in pounds per square inch by the area of the valve in square inches to find what weight must be attached, or what tension put upon the spring, to prevent the 8 valve from rising before this pressure is reached. For example, suppose that a valve has a diameter of 4 inches, and is required to rise when the steam pressure is 100 pounds per square inch, what weight must be attached to it? The area of a valve having a diameter of four inches is about..12 9-16 square inches. Multiply by............ 100 Weight to be attached to valve.............. 1,2561 pounds. In the second case, where a lever is employed, it is evident that the forces will not balance if they are equal, since they act at different points of the lever. Fig. 1 is a sketch of an ordinary lever......l.. __ y Fig 1 w safety-valve, and the forces acting in a 9 case of this kind are represented graphically by arrows, the directions in which they point corresponding to the directions in which the forces act. It will be seen that there are four forces: 1. The weight, represented by the arrow W. 2. The weight of the lever, represented by the arrow L. 3. The weight of the valve and stem, represented by the arrow V. 4. The pressure of the steam, represented by the arrow P. The latter force, the pressure of the steam, is the pressure per square inch mtltiplied by the area of the valve in square inches. The lever is arranged so that it can turn about the point A as a fulcrum. The first three forces tend to keep the valve down, the fourth force tends to raise it, and all the forces act vertically. The lever arm of a force is the distance from the force to the fulcrum, measured on a line that is drawn perpendicular to the direction of the force. As these forces act vertically, 10 the lever arms must be measured on horizontal lines-and it will be seen that there are three lever arms to be considered: 1. The lever arm of the weight, represented by w. 2. The lever arm of the lever, represented by 1. 3. The lever arm of the valve, represented by p. The lever arms of these forces are the horizontal distances from the centers of gravity of the weight, lever, and valve, respectively, to the fulcrum. The centers of gravity of the weight and valve are ordinarily in vertical lines passing through their centers, and the center of gravity of the lever is most readily determined by balancing it upon a knife edge, the center of gravity being on a vertical line passing through the point on which it balances. To recapitulate, there are eight quantities that may be varied, in proportioning a safety-valve, viz.: 1. The weight. 11 2. The weight of the lever. 3. The weight of the valve. 4. The diameter of the valve. 5. The lever arm of the weight, or its position on the lever. 6. The lever arm of the lever, depending upon its form. 7. The lever arm of the valve. 8. The pressure of the steam, in pounds per square inch. Any seven of these parts may be proportioned at pleasure, and the remaining one can be determined, the sole condition being that the valve shall rise as soon as a given pressure is exceeded. Ordinarily, however, there are only two cases that require solution: 1st. With what steampressure will a given valve rise? 2d. Where must the weight be placed on the lever of a given safetyvalve in order that the valve may rise when a certain steam pressure is reached? These problems can be solved either by experiment or calculation. Both methods will be explained. 12 A. —Experimental Method. Ascertain the weights of the ball, lever and valve, the diameter of the valve, the center of gravity of the lever, and the lever arms of the weight, lever and valve. The lever arms of the weight and valve can be measured directly, and the lever arm of the lever, or the horizontal distance from its center of gravity to the fulcrum, can be determined by balancing it upon a knife-edge, as already explained. In measuring the valve, if the seat is beveled and the valve fits well, the smallest diameter is to be taken. Then provide a bar, A B, Fig. 2, of uniform section, at least twice as long as the distance from the weight to the fulcrum of the given valve. Mark the center-point, C, of the lever, and points E, F, G, to the right of the center, such that the distance C Eis the same as the horizontal distance of the center of the valve from the fulcrum, C F is the horizontal distance from the center of gravity of the lever to the fulcrum, and C G the horizontal distance from the center of 13 6^ to t the weight to the fulcrum, if this is known. Also lay off to the left of the center a distance, C H, equal to CE. Balance the bar upon a knife-edge, D, and the apparatus will be ready for making the required determinations. 14 1st. To find with what steam pressure the valve will rise. —Hang on the ball at the point G, the lever at F, and the valve at E, or attach equivalent weights, as may be most convenient. Then hang on weights at the point H, until they just balance the weights on the' other side of the center, and bring the bar to a horizontal position. Ascertain the area of the valve in square inches, and divide the weight at H by this area. The result will be the required pressure of the steam, in pounds per square inch. 2nd. To find where to place the weight on the lever of a given safety-valve, in order that the valve may rise with a given steam pressure.-Multiply the area of the valve in square inches by the pressure of the steam in pounds per square inch, and attach a weight at H equal to this product. Also hang on the valve and lever, or equivalent weights, at E and F, as before, and move the ball along the bar until it balances the other weights. The distance from C, of the point at which it balances will be the horizontal distance 15 from the fulcrum to the weight, on the lever of the given safety-valve. To facilitate the only calculation required in this experimental method, the areas of valves are given below, for the majority of cases that occur in practice: Table of Areas of Valves of Diferent Diametres Diameter of Valve in Area of Valve in square inches. inches. i or 0.5 13-64 or 0.19635 i or 0.625 5-16 or 0.30680 or 0.75 7-16 or 0.44179 or 0.875 19-32 or 0.60132 1 25-32 or 0.7854 1i or 1.25 1 15-64 or 1.2272 1 or 1.5 1 49-64 or 1.7671 1 or 1.75 2 13-32 or 2.4053 2 3 9-64 or 3.1416 2J or 2.5 4 29-32 or 4.9087 3 7 1-16 or 7.0686 3 or 3.5 9 5-8 or9.6211 4 12 9-16 or 12.5664 4j or 4.5 15 29-32 or 15.9043 5 19 41-64 or 19.635 5~ or 5.5 23 49-64 or 23.7583 6 28 9-32 or 28.2744 16 The method here described is exceedingly simple and accurate, and will, it is hoped, find favor with those who have difficulty in using the ordinary modes of calculation. It is not uncommon for the graduations on many safety-valves to be wrongly marked, and it is important for steam users to know certainly whether or not they are correct. A simple experimental test of the accuracy of the adjustment of a safetyvalve may be made without removing it from its position on the boiler. The method is described below, the account being taken from an article by the writer published in the Scientific American for Oct. 31, 1874. "Secure the valve stem of the safetyvalve to the lever with wire or string, and attach a loop to the lever, into which pass the hook of an accurate spring balance, arranging the loop so that it is directly over the center of the valve stem. Then take hold of the upper part of the spring balance and lift the valve slightly, noting the reading of 1T the balance. Measure the lower diameter of the safety-valve, and find its area; divide the reading of the spring balance by the area of the valve, and the result will be the pressure, in pounds per square inch, at which the steam will raise the safety-valve. Suppose, for instance, that the diameter of the safetyvalve is 1 inch; its area will be about RM4- of an inch. Now, if the tension of the spring balance in raising the valve is 120 pounds, the pressure at which the valve will rise is the quotient arising from dividing 120 by %ioM, or 153 pounds per square inch." B.-Graphical Method. The statical problems in connection with safety-valves can also be solved graphically or by construction. A force can be represented in intensity and direction by a straight line, by assuming some unit of length for the unit of intensity. For instance, if the force is 5 pounds, it may be represented by a line i of an inch in length. To simplify the 18 graphical solution, the several constructions upon which it depends will be presented separately. 1. Two or more parallel forces, acting in the same direction on a lever, being given, to find the direction, intensity, and point of application of a single force which can replace them andproduce the same effect. In Fig. 3, the lever, A B, is acted upon by two parallel forces, C D, and E F. Lay off horizontally to the right of E, and the left of C, any two distances, Ea, Cb, equal to each other. From a draw a c parallel to EF, and from F draw Fc parallel to Ea, forming a rectangle, Ea F c, on the two adjacent sides, Ea, E F. Also complete the rectangle, C b d D, of which C b, C D, are the adjacent sides. Through the points C and E draw diagonals, d C, cE, to the two rectangles, and produce them until they meet in the point, e. Through e draw a line, e H, parallel to CD and EF, and the point G, in which it cuts the lower line of the lever, will be the 19 A,, \ 8 L- j 0', \: ~. F ~a8 point of application of a force which will singly produce the same effect as the two forces, CD, EF., Make G H equal to the sum of CD, and E F, and it will represent the intensity of the required force, which is called the resultant of the other two forces. If there are three forces to be replaced by a single one, after finding the force that is equivalent to two of them, consider this and the third force as two single forces, and proceed as before. In this way any number of parallel forces acting in the same direction can be replaced by their resultant, which is a single force, equivalent in effect to all the others. 20 1Ai (/ <\D-