THE CONSTITUTIOJI AND BY-lAWS OF THE ROM IOPATHIC MEDICt~t OCIETYY LIST OF MEMBERS, Etc., BANGOR: BULR & ROBINSON, PRINTE=RS. 1876. ACT OF INCORPORATION. STATE OF MAINE. In the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven. AN ACT to incorporate the MAINE HOMGEOPATHIC M3EDICAL SOCIETY. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Legislature assembled, as follows: SECTION 1. W. E. Payne, M. R. Pulsifer, E. Clark, H. B. Eaton, C. H, Burr, W. L. Thompson, N. G. H. Pulsifer, J. M. Blaisdell, J. Esten, M. S. Briry, Geo. R. Clark, B. L. Dresser, 3T. Wiggin, J. H. Barrows, J. W. Savage, S. H. Boynton, F. A. Roberts, and James B. Bell, and others who may be elected agreeably to the rules and by-laws hereafter to be established, are hereby created a body politic by the name of the Maine Homoeopathic Medical Society, with power to sue and be sued, to have a common seal and to change the same, to make any by-laws not repugnant to the laws of this State. [Approved by the Governor.] CALL ISSUED FOR A MAINE ROM OPATHIC M.EDICAL SO0IETY, T o.......................................................... D, MY DEAR COLLEAGUE:-I am directed by a vote of the Central Hom