JAHR'S AND POSSART'S NEW MANUAL OF THE HO1IEOPATHIC MATERIA MEDICA, ARRANGED WITH REFERENCE TO WELL AUTHENTICATED OBSERVATIONS AT THE SICK BED, AND ACCOMPANIED BY AN ALPHABETICAL REPERTORY, TO FACILITATE AND SECURE THE SELECTION OF A SUITABLE,REMEDY IN ANY GIVEN CASE. ~oart~ QZitislxf REVISED AND ENLARGED BY THE AUTHOR, AND TRANSLATED AND EDITED BY CHARLES J. ItEMPEL, M.D., FELLOW AND CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE HOM(EOPATHIC COLLEGE OF PENNSYLVANIAl HONORARY MEMBER OF THE HIAHNEMANN SOCIETY OF LONDON, ETC. NEW YORK: WILLIAM RADDE, 322 BROADWAY. PHILADELPHIA: RADEMACHER & SHEEK.-BOSTON: OTIS CLAPP.-ST. LOUIS: JI. G. WESSELHOEFT.-LONDON: JAMES EPPS, 112 GREAT RUSSELL STREET, ]BLOOMSBRJY.-MA~NCIIESTER: H. TURNER, 41 PICCADILLY. 1 8 5 3. ENTERED, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1853, B Y WILLIAM RADDE, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Southern District of New York. R. CRAIGHEAD, Printer and Stereotyper, 53 Vesey Street. THE EDITOR'S PREFACE. THE work which is here offered to the public has been received with distinguished favor by the German and French homceopathists. The first part of the work is a concise compendium of our Materia Medica pura, including all those symptoms which, although not contained among the pure provings, yet are known to yield to the action of the drugs to which they are attributed; and the second part is a repertory, which is complete without being unnecessarily diffuse. It will be perceived that the American publication purports to be a combination of Jahr's and Possart's Manuals. As may be seen from Possart's preface to his Manual, he published his work in the supposition that Jahr did not intend to publish another edition of his own Manual. In this, however, Possart was mistaken; and, inasmuch as the plan of both works is the same, and Possart has taken his materials from Jahr's large Symptomen-Codex, it has been deemed unnecessary to publish the two Manuals separately in this country; and I believe I have done all that was required by the interests of the American profession, by combining the two Manuals into one, and, taking Jahr's work for my iv THE EDITOR'S PREFACE. guide, adding to it all that strictly belonged to Possart's. Several provings have been literally transferred by this author from Jahr's Symptomen-Codex; it seemed unnecessary to reprint them in the present work, and I have contented myself with a simple reference to the page of the Symptomen-Codex where these provings may be found. I may state that all such provings are of very little, if any, importance. Possart's portion of the work has been added in the shape of a supplement. In the repertory, Possart and Jahr have been condensed into one coherent work. To increase the practical value of the work, I have added an alphabetical index to the repertory, which the reader will find at the end of the work. This work will prove a very convenient book to the physician and lay-practitioner; it will serve the purposes of the beginner as well as those of the more experienced physician; to the one, it will afford an excellent and satisfactory bird's-eye view of our immense and somewhat cumbersome Materia Medica; to the other, it will prove a useful work for reference, especially at the sick-bed. It is my sincere desire that all may be pleased with the work, and with their friend, THE EDITOR. NEW YORK, June, 1858., TO THE FOURTH EDITION. I Do not believe that I have ever undertaken a work with more reluctance than this new edition of my original concise manual. When I published the first edition of this work, in 1834, most practitioners hailed it with pleasure, as a work which relieved them of the troublesome necessity of consulting original sources, and, at the same time, afforded them a cursory view of the totality of the physiological effects of our drugs. Soon, however, it was perceived, that this manual did not supply every want, and was not, by any means, intended as a substitute for original works. In consequence of this supposed defect, the author was assailed with letters, where his attention was directed to symptoz.is which had been omitted in the manual, and which he was desired to introduce in the next edition. In this way, the second edition of the manual became much larger than the first; and the second edition being likewise still complained of as incomplete, no other way seemed left to satisfy the demands of the critics, than to arrange that complete compendium of our drugs which has now been before the public for 1* Vi PREFACE. some years past under the' name of " Symptomen-Codex." I was in hopes that this work would give complete satisfaction, both to those who desired to be in possession of every fact belonging to our Materia Medica, and to those who only desired extracts, which everybody might readily have made from the Symptomen-Codex to suit his own wants and judgment. But, in spite of the Symptomen-Codex, another edition of the small manual was demanded, with the eager desire that this edition might contain only facts and symptoms that'were acknowledged as true by the generality of the profession, and had been abundantly verified by observations at the sick-bed. According to my understanding, this seemed to imply that the work was neither to contain every symptom, nor, indeed, the provings of drugs which have, of late years, been added to our Materia Medica in almost every tongue and country. It would certainly be absurd to expect to find every thing which is contained in the Sylnptomen-Codex, and every thing else which is yet to be published in a supplement to the Symptomen-Codex,* reprinted in a concise manual. And nevertheless, according to all probability, critics will expect all this of the concise manual. One critic will complain of the omission of this or that drug; another of the omission of this or that symptom which we had found confirmed by experience; so that, if I would satisfy all demands and ex* This supplement to the Symptomen-Codex, which contains all the new provings in detail, is now ready for the press; and, if any of my readers should desire to possess it, they will oblige me by informing me of it through some publisher or bookseller. Howsoever the publication of this supplement may be deemed desirable, yet I have determined not to publish this work until I have received positive orders for at least five hundred copies. This will convince me that the work is not only desired by a few idle critics, but by a majority of the professional public. For it may reasonably be supposed, that, in the aggregate, the professional public is possessed of as much in. telligence and scienitific acumen as any single critic. PREFACIE Vii pectations, another Symptomen-Codex would have to be written, with. a supplement as copious as the main work itself. What is a poor author to do under such contradictory circumstances? How is he to go to work to -reconcile such antagonistic expectations and interests? How is'he to combine the brevity-of a compendium with the completeness of the original sources? It is evident that this is simply impossible; those who desire completeness will have to consult the Symptomen-Codex;'and those who are content with symptoms and facts of universally-acknowledged value and accuracy, will consult this present manual. Nevertheless, in spite of the discouraging thought, that this fourth edition of the manual will, no more than its predecessors, reconcile all the contradictory demands of critics, I have not hesitated to perfect the present work, for the reason that I am satisfied it supplies the want of a certain class of readers better than the largest work. In arranging the present edition of the manual, I have been constantly bent on selecting materials of positive practical value, and on recording such symptoms as have been confirmed by actual observations at the sick-bed, and are accepted as therapeutic truths by the immense majority of practitioners, or will be accepted as such (for instance, Argent. nitric.) in a very short time. Starting from this ground, I have been obliged to exclude a number of new drugs, the provings of which have been published for some ten years past in our periodicals, and to expunge even several medicines which had been incorporated in the second edition, in order to replace them by more useful and more valuable matter. In this way the fourth edition, in spite of the most careful arrangement of the author, has been augmented by some ten folios. In selecting my materials, I have not been guided by a blind and exclusive regard for that which emanates from Hahnemannean sources, but by a strict adherence Viii REFACE. to my wish to embody in this manual only such facts as are of universally acknowledged and practical value. The question then simply was to decide what observations and symptoms come under this category. The partisans of Elahnemann will, of course, refer you to the Materia Medica pura and to the Chronic Diseases; or to the provings of Hering, Wahle, Helbig, Gross, &c.; the adherents of the anti-Hahnemannian party will, on the contrary, refer you to the Hygea, the Oesterreichische Zeitschrift, Noack's Journal, Trink's Materia Medica, with the kind assertion that " the Harhnemannian trash" only suits mechanical, unscientific brains, men without judgment, and requires a thorough reconstruction on physiologico-pathological principles, in order to become practically and universally useful. If an arbiter exist who has sufficient authority to decide between these opposing parties, it is undoubtedly in the ranks of the profession at large that this arbiter has to be sought. The opinions of a majority of our practitioners ought to be considered as authoritative as the judgment of a few arrogant pretenders, who perpetrate their criticism for no better reason, probably, than because it is their trade and they have to make a living by it. If we consult the authenticated records of physicians, we shall find that upwards of a thousand of then, among whom gentlemen of the opposite party are to be found as well as "friendly names, employ principally the drugs contained in the works of Hahnemann and those of his disciples, and evidently depend upon the physiological results obtained by them; considering that only three or four drugs have, so far, been subjected to new experiments upon the healthy. Hahnemann's original drugs are used infinitely more frequently than those which were added to our Materia Medica by the partisans of the specific school. Strict Hahnemannean practitioners do not write any prescriptions, but administer their own drugs; in spite of which the number of prescriptions, PR.EFACE. iX where Hahnemann's drugs are required, is beyond all proportion greater than the number of the prescriptions where such drugs as Oleum animale, Niccolum, Croton tiglium, Phellandrium, Gratiola, Kali hydriodicum, &c., are desired. In a much frequented pharmacy, which we have here in Paris, these last mentioned drugs were not desired in the space of fifteen years except in a very few instances, whereas the drugs contained in Hahnemann's original Materia Medica were called for many thousands of times. There are several other drugs which have shared the same fate of oblivion, although their provings have travelled beyond the boundaries of France. Among these drugs there are some which possess a considerable amount of pharmacodynamic properties; and, if they have been disregarded up to this day, must it not be owing to the fact that practitioners have as yet too little confidence in the practical value of the provings? In selecting my materials for the present edition of the manual, I have adopted the same rule by which the public seems to have been guided so far; and, if my critics should not be satisfied with this mode of proceeding, they ought to charge the fault on the taste of the public, not on my own limited understanding. Indeed, upon the whole, I find that I have been pretty generous in not expunging such drugs as Paris quadrifolia, Lactuca,'araxacum, and others, which, with their present deficient pathogenesis, will never be of much general use in practice. I might indeed have omitted more than ten other drugs, contenting myself with a simple reference to the Symptomen-Codex; but I felt for those unhappy physicians whose peace of mind would have been seriously disturbed by such an arrangement; and I concluded that, for the present, these comparatively valueless drugs might remain until they could be fitly replaced in subsequent editions, by the provings of more useful agents, by which means every subsequent X PREFACE. edition of the work would not only be increased but also improved. In future editions the object of this work will therefore be to offer a carefully-selected digest of the symptoms which shall be progressively elicited by every new proving; to separate the wheat from the chaff, and not to crowd into the work the frightful mass of rubbish which the builders of the homeeopathic materia medica may be pleased to accumulate. In regard to the technical arrangement of the materials, I have not made any alterations in the common mode of distributing and printing the text; the curative and purely pathogenetic symptoms have been distinguished in this work by the same signs, as in the Symptomen-Codex. Hence symptoms marked with a cypher (~) indicate purely curative symptoms; those marked with an asterisk (*), mean such symptoms as are at the same time curative and pathogenetic; symptoms without any sign, are symptoms such as have not as yet been confirmed in practice; and a dash (-) indicates the limit of the preceding sign. I have moreover enriched the pathogenesis of every drug with many practical facts, and have added eight new remedies, which are not to be found in the SymptomenCodex. These are: Argenturnm nitricum, Aurzum muriaticum, Bromnum, C]hlorum, Fluoris acidum, Kali bichromaticun, Nux juglans, Sanguinaria. The following remedies, which are not contained in the second edition of this manual, but are to be found in the SymptomenCodex, have likewise been added to the fourth edition: Baryta muriatica, Calcarea p/wsphorica, C/hininum sulphuricum, Crotalus, Daphne iridica, Ferrum muriaticum, Kreasotum, and Lachesis (both of which have been enlarged), Lactuca virosa, Mephitis putorius and Prunus spinosa. On the other hand, the following drugs, the pathogenesis of which is as yet too little known, or which are only known to us ex utsu in morbis, have been expunged from the present edition: Aethusa, Ani PREFACE. Xi sum, Arum maculatum, Cascarilla, C'astoreum, Cinnabaris, Cinnamomum, Coccionella, Corallia rubra, Croton, Diadema, Dictamnus, Evonymus, Filix mas, Gratiola, Jaklpa, Jatropha, Indigo, Kali hydriodicum, Lamium album, Magnesia sulphurica, Millefolium, Natrum sulphuricum, Oleurn animale, Oniscus asellus, Pceonia, Petroselinum, Phellandrium, Psoricum, Ratanhia, Senna, Solannum mnammosum, Solanum nigrum, Tcabacurz, Tanacetum, Tartari acidum, Terebinthina, Thea, Tongo, ZUva ursi, Vinca minor. All these drugs may be studied in the Symptomen-Codex by those who desire to be acquainted with their pathogenesis. Psoricunm, which had been incorporated in the second edition, has been left out in the Manual as well as in the Symptomen-Codex, principally for this reason, that it can be of any avail only to those who possess the same preparation which had been used in the provings. The pus of the itch-pustule is a very uncertain preparation, which will probably yield different results in every particular case; the acarus is the true agent with which the provings of the itch-mniasm should be instituted. As regards the Repertory, I have arranged it with great care as an independent work, not necessarily connected with the text of the symptoms, and which may therefore be likewise used by those who, without caring about a mere synopsis of symptoms, may nevertheless be frequently desirous of surveying at a glance the principal remedies required in a given case. In former times a repertory was merely a mechanical, literal index of the text of a manual. This plan was exceedingly inconvenient, yielding literally correct, but not truly useful indications. To be useful, the text of the symptoms has to be arranged differently from that of the Repertory. The former is necessarily much more diffuse than the text of the Repertory, and, on this account, has to be arranged as concisely as possible to save space. It is different with the Repertory. Here xill 1'iEACiE. nothing can be left to the mere judgment of the inquirer; every little fact, in the Repertory, is of importance, and has to be clearly expressed, lest, from the necessarily disconnected state of the materials, a fact, a symptom should seem wanting. On the other hand, many general definitions, such as tearing, stitching, etc., may be left out in the Repertory, because everybody knows that such pains are mentioned among the symptoms of every particular organ. In all such cases it is therefore sufficient to mention the principal remedies; whereas, in the digest of the symptoms, it was necessary to mention such of them as could not possibly be left out. If a drug, for instance, have many symptoms, it is proper to select the most important from among the number, and to leave out all the rest; whereas, if a drug have but few symptoms, they have to be mentioned on that very account, because, otherwise, the pathogenesis of the drug would be entirely lost. " Stitching in the eyes," for instance, may be fitly omitted, provided it is not a characteristic symptom and the omission does not impair the pharmaco-dynamic character of the drug; whereas this symptom could not be omitted, if it were the only or principal eye-symptom of a drug. In the Repertory, on the contrary, where the symptoms are not arranged with regard to their respective value amongst each other, but with regard to the relative value of the different drugs, the "stitching in the eyes," which had been left out in the text in consequence of the pathogenetic richness of the drug, may have to be replaced; whereas the other drug of which the "stitching in the eyes" had been mentioned as a symptom in the body of the Manual, may be left out entirely in the Repertory, as a drug of secondary importance. The text and the Repertory should not therefore flow from each other, but each should be derived from original sources independently of the other. This, of course, destroys the perfect concordance of the PREFACE. Xiii Repertory with the text; they complete each other, but they are not founded in each other, but in the common source from which both are derived. This apparent inconvenience is, however, advantageous: for, if the text of the symptoms were to contain everything that is to be found in the Repertory, the text would become an unwieldy Symtomen-Codex; and, on the other hand, if the Repertory were to contain nothing but what is contained in the text, it would simply be a mechanical index, but would cease to be a logical and scientific guide. I repeat that the two parts of this work, the Text and the Repertory, are derived from the same source, but exist independently of each other, and contain, each, that, which, from their respective grounds, seemed to nme most useful and practical. Of course, the two parts must frequently meet, and the symptoms which are common to both are necessarily to be considered as the most interesting and valuable. Both parts are founded upon the Materia Medica pura, and on clinical observations as their true sources of confirmation. In imitation of Boenninghausen, I have adopted in my repertory four different kinds of print to correspond with the signs adopted in the Symptomen-Codex: the symptoms printed in common type (small pica), being the least in importance; the symptoms in italic, being a degree above the former; the symptoms printed in small caps., being the next in importance; and the symptoms in large caps., being the principal remedies. This classification is not based upon absolute, necessary principles, but depends entirely upon the value which the individual author attaches to the symptom. In general, it should be well understood, that the cases where one system has a higher absolute value than another are but few. The selection of a remedy should never be made to depend upon a single symptom, but upon the totality of the symptoms: a remedy which 2 hx1 PREFACE. corresponds with the totality of the symptoms is the true remedy, even if it should be found printed in common type in the repertories. A classification of the remedies indicated by different print may, nevertheless, prove useful, provided it is not based upon a numerical superiority of cures, but upon a careful consideration of the conditions and circumstances under which a certain remedy had repeatedly effected cures, and had become known as a positive and absolutely true remedy for certain states and conditions. By comparing the records of a number of observers, the specifically-curative character of a remedy must gradually become known; until then, any classification of drugs with regard to their therapeutic value must remain more or less the work of individual tact and judgment, and I beg my readers to consider the classification which I have adopted in this repertory in the same light. I say nothing of the size of the doses, nor of the best mode of selecting a remedy: these subjects have been abundantly treated in my " Clinical Guide," and in Hahnemann's Organon, which I presume every body has read who means to avail himself of the present work. In placing the present edition before the public, I trust that, notwithstanding the defects which may be discovered in the work, even by those who might otherwise be satisfied with it as an extract, the work will prove acceptable to the majority of practitioners, as an avenue to our noble materia medica, and to our healing art generally. Heretofore, I have been so fortunate as to be treated with a good deal of forbearance by the professional public; may I meet with similar kindness in offering the present work. G. H. G. JAHR. Paris, July, 1851. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAOE EDITOR'S PREFACE,. iii AUTHOR'S PREFACE,. V Pathogenesis from ACONITUM to ZINZIBER, 1-556 Introductory remarks on the use of the Repertory,... 557 List of remedies contained in the Manual and Repertory,. 561 General affections and conditions,..577 Cutaneous affections, and other affections of internal parts,. 615 Sleep and dreams,......... 636 Fever and feverish conditions,..643 Mind and disposition,..660 Sensoriumrn,.673 Headache, and other internal affections of the head,. 680 Integuments and other internal parts of the head,.... 696 Affections of the eyes and the visual powers,. 699 Affections of the ears, and sense of hearing,. 710 Affections of the nose, and the sense of smell,. 714 Affections of the face, lips, chin, and jaws,.... 718 Affections of the teeth and gums,.. 723 Affections of the inner mouth, palate, tongue, saliva,... 32 Affections of the throat, soreness and other ailments in the fauces, pharynx, and cesophagus.737 Appetite and taste, with aversion to some, and a desire for other, things..742 Derangement of the digestive functions, complaints after eating, and after particular kinds of food, or drink,.. 747 Gastric ailments, eructations, hiccough, nausea, vomiting,.. 53 Affections of the stomach and pit of the stomach,.. 762 Affections of the hypochondria, including liver, spleen, and diaphragm,.. 765 Pains and other ailments in the abdomen, inguinal region, etc.,. 770 Affections of the anus, including the alvine evacuations, and the symptoms of the rectum and perineum,... 781 Affections of the urinary organs, bladder, kidneys, etc.,.. 791 Xvi TABLE OF CONTENTS TO THE REPERTORY. PAGE Affections of the male sexual organs,...800 Affections of the female sexual organs, and of infants,.. 807 Catarrhal affections,..818 Affections of the larynx and trachea,..822 Cough and accompanying ailments,..827 Disorders of the respiratory functions,... 835 Affections of the chest, including the diseases of the heart and mammae,.. It. 841 Affections of the back, axillae, neck, small of the back, nape of the neck, back, scapulae, and os sacrum,. 850 Affections of the upper extremities,.... 868 Affections of the lower extremities,..873 WM. RADDE, 322 Broadway, New York, respectfully informs the Homoeopathic Physicians, and the friends of the System, that he is the sole Agent for the Leipzig Central Homoeopathic Pharmacy, and that he has always on hand a good assortment of the best Homceopathic Medicines, in complete sets or by single vials, in Tinctures, D)ilutions, and Triturations also Pocket Cases of Medicines; Physicians' and Family Medicine Chests to Laurie's Domestic (60 to 82 Remedies).EPPS'S (60 Remedies). —HERLNG'S (60 Remedies to 102).-Small Pocket-cases, at $3, with Family Guide and 27 Remedies. —Cases containing 415 Vials with Tinctures and Triturations for Physicians.-Cases with 260 Vials of I incture and Triturations to Jahr's New Manual, or Symptomen-Codex.- -Physicianse Pekelt-cases with 60 Vials of Tincture and Triturations.-Cases from 200 to 300 Vials with low and high dilutions of medicated pellets.-Cases from 50 to 80 Vials of low and high dilutions, &c., &c. Honmeopathic chocolate. Refined Sugar of Milk, pure Globules, &c., Arnica Tincture, the best specific remedy for bruises, wounds, &c. Arnica Plaster, the best application for Corns. Urtica urens, and Dr. Reisig's Homceopathic Pain Extr actor are the best specific remedies for Burns. Also, Books, Pamphlets, and Standard Works on the System, in the English, French, Spanish, and German Languages. PART I, CONTAINING THE MOST FREQUENTLY USED HOM(EOPATHIC REMEDIES AND THEIR PRINCIPAL PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE SY)MPTOMS. 1.-ACONITUIM, General Symptoms.-~0Sticking pains, or pains confined to a little spot.-*Painful sensitiveness to contact either of the whole body or especially of the affected part.*Intolerab!e pains causing one to be beside one's-self, maddening pains, especially at night.-* Great irritation of the nervous or vascular system.-~Great debility. —Congestions, especially to the chest, heart and head, particularly in plethoric persons.-Ol~nflammation of the serous membranes. —~External and internal dry heat of the affected parts. —~Paroxysms of pain, with thirst and redness of the face. —Ailments caused by fright and chagrin.-~Complaints of young plethoric persons leading a sedentary life. —Ailments caused by wine and other heating beverages. —~Catarrhal or rheumatic complaints caused by a dry, sharp east-wind.t —*Fainting, especially when rising from a recumbent posture, *also attended with paleness of the face, congestion of blood to the head, ~buzzing in the ears, Ochilliness, -bruised feeling in the extremities, tremnor.-Considerable disposition to lie down. —Cataleptic attacks, with cry, hiccough, grinding of the teeth. —Tl'etanic spasms in the case of a child, with disposition to drink, locking of the jaws and alternate redness and paleness. —Hysteric spasms. Skin.-Spots like flea-bites, especially on the face and hands.-~Swelling and burning heat of injured or affected parts. — Red, hot, shining swellings.-~ Yellow colour of the skin, jaundice.-Every part of the body turns black, with swelling of the whole body, protrusion of the eyes and hangin gout of the tongue. —~Measles; ~purple-rash; ~rubeole; ~rash of children.-0Erysipelatous inflammations with violent fever. —Burns. t Note of the Editor: In Germany the East wind is generally a dry, sharp wind. 2 ACONITUM. Sleep.-Great drowsiness, even while walking in the open air, especially after dinner.-Light sleep. —.*Sleeplessness, restlessness, constant tossing about Oand anxiety.-Sleeps sitting with the head bent forward; or lying on the back, with the right hand under the occiput. —*Anxious dreams with night-mare. —Sopor with anxious fancies and hurried respiration.-Vivid dream during which he has a lucid perception of that which was obscure to his mind in the day-time. —VNightly ravings. Fever, —* General dry heat, with thirst, short breathing, quick pulse, redness of the face or cheeks, disposition to uncover one's-self, and chilliness when uncovered ever so little or touched ever so slightly.-*Evening-chiliness, soon after going to bed. —*Dry, burning heat of the skin, during which he feels a chill every now and then.-IIot forehead and lobules during the chill. —*Attacks of feverish redness of the cheeks, -also with heat of the head and face, peevish and whining mood and oppressive head-ache.-sIntermittent fever commencing with evening-chilliness, followed by continuous heat.-*A good deal of thirst during the heat (-desire for beer).-~Inflammatory fevers with great irritation of the nervous and vascular system.-*Slight sweat over the whole body. —~Constant sweat, especially on the covered parts. Emotive Sphere. —*Anguish with apprehensive and trembling state of mind, and bitter wailing. — Fear of death, predicting even the fatal day. —* Great tendency to start, -with intolerance of noise and music.-Forebodings as if in a state of clairvoyance.-~Doubts about one's recovery. —Dread of hosts.-*Sensitive and irritable mood, with disposition to nd fault.-~Like deaf and dumb in the day-time, gives no answers. —oWhining, joyless and desponding.- ~4lernation of merry singing or warbling and whining mood.-~tRavings at times laughing, at others weeping (.or likewise furibond) *especially at night.-Gesticulations as if crazy. Sentient Sphere.-Inability to think, with sensation as though all the mental functions were taking place in the pit of the stomach.-* Vertigo, worse when rising from a recumbent posture, or also *with reeling and intoxication, darkness of sight or nausea.-~Sanguinleous apoplexy? —Meningitis? ~Acute hydrocephalus 2 Head.-w*Fulness and oppressive weight in the forehead, with sensation as though all the contents of the skull would issue through the forehead. —*Crampy sensation in the forehead or above the root of the nose, with sensation as though one would lose one's senses, worse during a walk in the opelr air.*Stinging and stinging beating in the head.-*Stinging pres: ACONITUM. 3 sure above the orbits, with inclination to vomit.- Congestion of blood to the head, with heat and redness of theface.-*Head. ache as though the brain were moved or raised, worse during motion or when drinking or talking.-~Maddenilng headache, with loss of appetite and sleeplessness.-Sensation on the vertex as though the hairs were pulled. —~Rheumatic pain at a small spot of the left parietal bone, excited by contact or a current of air, with semilateral prosopalgia and swelling of the lower jaw. —Congestive, catarrhal and nervous headaches.-~Burning and undulating sensation in the head, as if full of seething water. Eyes. —Sparkling eyes.-Pressure in the eyes, especially when turning them or looking down. —*Dilated pupils.*Intense photophobia.-The right is very acute.-Chilliness about the eyes in the open air.-* Very painful ophthalmia with discharge of water from the eyes, would rather die than bear the pain. —Swelling of the inflamed eyes. —~Congestion of the vessels in the inflamed sclerotica. - Ophthalmia caused by foreign bodies penetrating into the eyes. —*Red, hard swelling of the lids. Ears. —*Humming in the ears.-*Excessive sensitiveness of the hearing and intolerance of every kind of noise. Nose,-*Nose-bleed, ~especially of plethoric persons.Great sensitiveness to odours. Face. —Bluish face with blackish lips.-*Bloated, very red face; *redness of the cheeks, also only of one cheek; *alternate redness and paleness; ~when rising from a recumbent posture the. face which is generally very red, turns pale as in death. —-*Su.eat on the forehead, on the upper lip, and on the cheek on which one is lying.-Ulcerative pain at the malar bones..-~Semi-lateral prosopalgia with swelling of the lower jaw.-*The lips are black and dry. Teeth.-~ Toothache caused by exposure to a sharp wind, throbbing on one side, with considerable redness of the face and restlessness.-~Rheumatic pains in the face and teeth, or also ~congestire, especially in young, plethoric persons who lead a sedentary life, also after drinking wine or other kinds of heating beverage, or after emotions, suchas anger, chagrin, &c. Mouth —*Feeling of dryness in the mouth, or real dryness of the mouth and tongue.-Tingling, burning and stinging on the tongue.-Inflanmmation of the buccal cavity and tongue.-Pain as if corroded in the orifices of the salivary glands. —Ptyalism with stinging in the tongue.-OTremulous, stammerihg speech. — Spitting of blood. Throat.-Contractive sensation in the throat as if from 4 ACONITUM. astringent substances.-Tingling in the fauces. —Stinging choking in the throat, when swallowing or talking.-*Burning and stinging in the throat, with difficulty of swallowing.~Inzfammation of the fauces and velum palati, with violent fever and dark redness of the parts. Appetite and Taste. — Taste bitter, or foul, flat, fishy, or as of spoiled eggs. —Every thing he eats or drinks, except water, tastes bitter.-*Loss of appetite and loathing of every kind of food. —*Burning, unquenchable thirst, sometimes more especially for beer. Gastric Symptoms. —Rising of sweetish water, like waterbrash, also with nausea and buzzing in the ears. —Hiccough, especially early in the morning.-A good many unsuccessful attempts to eructate.-Empty eructations.-Inclination to vomit as after eating sweet or fat things.-Vomiting with nausea, thirst, heat, sweat and flow of urine.-* Vomiting of blood, mucus, bile, or ascarides. —Nausea, early in the morning before breakfast, with retching and vomiting, in hysteric females, coming on again after eating or drinking. Stomach - Pressure at S'omach or pit of stomach, as friom a weight or stone.-Constant sensation as if a cold stone were lying in the stomach. —Violent pain at the stomach after eating or drinking.-~ Gastritis.-Contractive sensation at the stomach as from astringent substances. Abdomene,-*Tension, pressure, weight, and fulness in the hypochondria.-Hard, painful swelling under the ribs.*Pressure in the region of the liver, with oppression of breathing.-OAcute hepatitis.-*Jaundice.-Burning in the nmbilical region, rising towards the pit of the stomach. —Iu tolerable cutting colic, early in the morning in bed, with cries, tossing about, as if beside one's-self.-Stitches under the ribs, in the sides, especially when drawing breath or laughing loud.-*The abdomen is painfully sensitive to contact.-O-Peritonitis. —Enferitis with intolerable aggravation of the pains by contact or by turning to the left side. —*Distended abdomen, with inflammation, paroxysms of anguish, hiccough, constipation. — Ascitesk I/.nflammation of strangulated hernia, with bitter bilious vomiting. Stool and Anus. —*Frequent, small, soft stools with tenesmus.-*Watery diarrhcea. —*White stool, with red urine.-Flowing piles.-Prcetalgia. Urinary Organs. —Retention of urine with pressure in the bladder and stitches in the renal region.-Enuresis, with sweat, diarrhcea, colic, distortion of the eyes and cramp in the feet.-Painful, anxious urging to urinate.-Difficult and scanty emission of urine. —Scanty, deep-red, hot urine without sediment. ACONITUM. 5 Male Sexual Parts.-Pain in the testicles as if contused. -Amorous paroxysms.-~Orchitis? Female Sexual Parts.-*Profuse menses, especially in plethoric females.-~Suppressed menses, in plethoric young females leading a sedentary life. —*Leucorrhcea, sometimes yellowish. —~Various ailments during pregnancy, especially fear of death, pains in the liver, vomiting, nausea, pain in the stomach after every meal. —~Milk fever with delirium. —~Childbed-fever with peritonitis.-~Varicella and rash of infants? Catarrhal Symptoms.-Catarrhal running at the nose with headache, buzzing in the ears, colic. Windpipe and Cough.-Paroxysms like paralysis of the epiglottis, with disposition to get choked in consequence of particles of food getting into the windpipe when swallowing. -*Cough during the fever-heat.-*Half-hourly paroxysms of short dry cough, excited by titillation in the larynx, or especially at night, after midnight.-~Spasmodic, rough, croaking cough, with danger of suffocation and constriction of the throat. —Thick, white, or bloody and slimy expectoration when cotughing. —Dry cough, especially in the evening, with constant irritation, and oppression in the left upper half of the chest.-~ Whooping-cough with fever and burning in the larynx and trachea. —~nfluenza, with inflammatory symptoms, pleurisy, rheumatic pains and sore throat.-OMembranous croup, in the inflammatory stage.-*Bloody cough, ~also in pregnant females, with lamentations and anguish at night, tendency to start and improvement in a recumbent posture. — Tracheitis and bronchitis. Chest and Respiration. —*Short breath, especially when sleeping, after midnight, or Owhen rising from a recumbent posture. —~Fetid breath.-Anxious, difficult, sobbing respirations.-"Suffocative paroxysms, with anxiety. —Short, heavy, or else hurried and superficial respiration. —Asthma millari. —Tingling pains in the chest.-Stinging and single stitches in the chest and sides of the chest, especially when drawing breath and coughing.-~Acute pleurisy. —~Pneumonia. —ntense feeling of anguish in the chest. —Chronic affection of the heart, with difficulty of breathing, stitches in the region of the heart, during motion and when going upstairs. —*Palpitatlon of the heart, with oppressive anxiety, ~and general increase of the temperature of the body.~Carditis?-Galacthirrea. Trunk. —Pain in the small of the back as if bruised and lamed by blows.-Painful, paralytic stiffness in the hip-joints and the small of the back.-Boring in the back and small of the back.-Crawling in the dorsal spine. —Stinging digging 6 AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. along the whole spine, aggravated by drawing breath,-Rheumatic pains in the nape of the neck, only when moving it.Weakness of the nape of the neck and inability to hold it erect, with sensation as if the flesh were loose. —Painful stiffness of the nape of the neck. Upper Extremities.-The arms feel as if lamed and bruised by blows, powerless.-Feeling of weight in the arms, with numbness of the fingers.-Swelling of the deltoid muscles, with pain as if bruised when touched.-Lameness of the forearm and hands, when writing and also during rest, less when moving the arm.-Insensibility, coldness and numbness of the hands.-Swelling of the hands.-Tingling in the fingers, also when writing. Lower Extremities.-The hip-joint and thigh feel as if lamed and bruised by blows, and as if contused, especially after lying down and sleeping.- Vacillating gait, on account of a want of power and a pain in the head of femur.- Unsteadiness of the knees, with disposition of the foot to turn.Inflammatory swelling of the legs and feet, with internal and external heat, red: spots on the skin, and painfulness when touching the limbs or moving them. —Painfulness of the tarsal joints, with despair and fear of death.-Weight of the feet.-Coldness of the feet, especially the toes, and sweat of the soles and toes. 2.-AGARICUS MIISCARIUS. General Sgymptoms.-Cramp-pains in the muscles, when sitting.-Tearing, especially in the extremities, continuing during rest, when sitting or standing, disappearing during motion.-Ailments which manifest themselves crosswise, for instance, in the right arm and left leg.-One feels most comfortable when walking slowly.-The whole body is very sensitive; the least pressure causes a lasting pain.-The extremities and joints feel as if lamed and bruised, after moderate exercise.-Boring pain in every part of the body, especially in the head, with drowsiness and languor while sitting.-Powerlessness and heaviness of the extremities.-Trembling.Convulsions. —Epilepticfits with great strength.-Sensitiveness to cool air. Skin. —Gnawing itching in many parts of the skin, inducing one to scratch.-*Itching, burning and redness of different parts, as if frozen. —*Miliary eruptions, close together and whitish, with violent itching. Sleep. -Drowsiness in the day-time, especially after a meal. -Violent yawning causing dizziness.-Early in the morning AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. 7 one feels as if one had not slept enough, so that one has to compel one's-self to get up. Fever. — Great chilliness, in the open air or when lifting the cover of the bed, the extremities feeling sometimes warm.-Violent chill through the whole body, with warm face and cold hands, without being followed by heat or thirst. -Sweat during a gentle walk and slight bodily exertions. Emotive Sphere. —No disposition to talk.-Dread of la; bour.-Disposition to compose verses and to foretell the future.-Timorous craziness.-Fearless, destructive rage, atb tended with great strength. Sentient Sphere.- Vertigo as from intoxication, especially in the open air, or early in the morning, or when reflecting. -Momentary vertigo when exposed to strong sun-light, so that one is near falling. _lead.-Headache when sitting, sometimes boring.-Dull headache, especially in the forehead, with closing of the eye lids.-Drawing headache, especially early in the morning;,: on waking, extending down to the eyes and the root of the nose.Pain in the right side of the head, as from a nail.-Digging and sensation as if torn, in the brain.-Pressure and tearing in the left brain, with confused feeling in the head.-Throbbing in the vertex, with maddening despair. Integuments of the Head.-Pressure at the left tempo. ral bone, externally, extending deep into the brain, increased by pressing on the part or by touching the hair, with complete despondency.-Feeling of icy-coldness about the head. -Twitching on the forehead and temples. Eyes.-Itching in the eyes. —Burning of the inner canthi, with painfulness to contact.-Yellow, white humour; in the canthi, causing the eyelids to adhere.-The interval between the lids is narrower.- Twitchiny of the lids and cheek.Troublesome twitching in the eye with aching pain. —Weak and dim sight.-Short-sighted. —Diplopia. —*Brown spots before one's eyes, like muscce volitantes. Ears.-Tearing in the right meatus, excited and increased by cold air penetrating into the ear.-Itching of the ears, with redness and burning as if frozen.-Humming in the ears. Nose.-The inner nose is very sensitive.-Itching of and in the nose.-Soreness and inflammation of the septum of the nose.-Blows blood from the nose, nose-bleed.-Increased smell. Face. —Stinging or tearing pains in the jaw,-bones, cheeks and chin.-Itching, redness and burning of the cheeks as if rozen. —Twitching and pulsations in the cheeks.-Bluish 8 AGARIC'US MUSCARIUS, lips. —Burning rhagades in the upper lip. —Spasmodic drawing in the chin and lower jaw. Teeth.-Toothache, generally tearing and aggravated by cold.-Swollen, painful, readily bleeding gums. Mouth.-Mouth and palate are painful as if sore. — Sore tongue. -Aphthae on the tongue of a dingy-yellow colour (after dinner), with sensation as though the epidermis would peel off.-Ulcer at the freeunum linguae.-Fetid smell from the mouth, as of horse-raddish.-Foain at the mouth. -Discharge of an acrid-tasting saliva from the mouth. Appetite and Taste.-Does not relish bread. —Loss of appetite, though hungry.-Fits of canine hunger, especially in the evening.-Pressure in the stomach and abdomen, with repletion, after eating.-Flat, fetid taste in the mouth. Gastric Symptoms.-Empty eructations, alternating with hiccough.-Eructations tasting of the ingesta.-Nausea with colic. —Disposition to vomit, immediately after eating. Stomach,-Pressure at stomach and pit of stomach, after eating.-Cramp-pain and oppressive weight in the stomach. Abdomen, —Stinging in the region of the liver.-Stitching pain in the region of the spleen, sometimes when drawing breath.-Pinching and cutting colic as if diarrhoea would set in.-Uneasiness and rumbling in thebowels.-Passes a good deal of flatulence smelling like garlic. Stool and Anus.-Constipation, followed by hard, dark stool.-Diarrhoeic, papescent stools, with violent colic before, during and after stool and a good deal of flatulence. —Painful retraction of the stomach and abdomen, during the diarrheeic stool. —Tingling at the anus. Urine,-Scanty and rare emission of urine.-Clear, lemoncoloured urine.-Discharge of tenacious mucus from the urethra. Male Sexual Parts. —Great sexual excitement, with relaxed penis.-Insufficient emission of semen during an embrace.-An embrace is followed by night-sweats and great prostration.-Itching of the sexual parts.-Drawing in the testicles. Female Sexual Parts.-Profuse menses. Catharrhal Symptoms.-Frequent sneezing without running at the nose.-Dry nose.-Frequent discharge of drops of clear water from the nose, not catarrhal. Windpipe.-Expectoration of small balls of mucus, almost without coughing. Chest and Respiration.-Short breath and dyspncea, impeding walking, even when walking slowly,-Difficult respiration as though the chest were oppressed with blood. AGNUS CASTUS. 9 Constrictive oppression of the chest, with frequent desire to draw a long breath.-Pain in the chest, especially in the pit of the stomach, as though the contents of the chest were compressed.-Stitches in the chest.-Painful palpitation of the chest.-Profuse sweat on the chest, at night.-Itching of the nipples. Trunk.-The back, small of the back and nape of the neck feel as if lamed, bruised and sprained, especially when sitting and lying.-Painful weakness of the dorsal muscles.Paralytic pain in the loins, aggravated by walking and standing. Upper Extremities.-The arms are feeble and powerless. -The upper arm feels lame from writing. —Burning above the elbow and on the lower arm, followed by fine, white blotches, with scaling off of the epidermis.- Trembling of the hands.-Tearing in the fingers.-Cramp-pains in the ball of the thumb. —Deadness of the fingers, with great sensitiveness of the same to cold. — *Itching, burning and redness of the fingers, as if frozen. Lower Extremities. — They feel heavy and tired, especially the thighs.-Tearing in the lower extremities and the marrow, generally when sitting or standing, less when stirring about.-Acute pain in the hip when walking. -Drawing pain in the legs.-Weakness of the legs when standing, causing the body to totter to and fro.-Stitching pain in the feet and toes.-Tearing with pressure in the malleoli. —*Itching, redness and burning of the toes, as if frozen. 3. —AGNUS CASTUS. General Symptoms.-~oSprains.-Inflammatory, rheumatic swelling of the joints. —Arthritic nodosities. Skin.-Stinging, gnawing itching of various parts of the skin. Sleep.-Sopor.-Restless sleep with waking as if in affright and starting. Fever.-Internal chilliness and tremor, with external perceptible warmth.-Chilliness, or else alternate heat and chilliness, without thirst, with coldness of the hands perceptible externally.-Flashes of burning heat, with cold knees, in the evening, in bed. Emotive Sphere. —Melancholy hypochondriac mood.Great sadness, with apprehension of impending death.-Violent anguish, with great debility.-Exaltation of the mind, alternating with a want of regard for one's-self.-Absence of mind, inability to collect one's mind. —Difficulty of comprehending what one is reading. 1* 10 AGNUS CASTUS. Head. —Headache in the sinciput, as is experienced after staying in a close room, diminished by looking at one point, with feeling of weight on turning one's eyes away from that point.-Contractive pain in the head, especially when reading. -Tearing with pressure in the temples and forehead, aggravated by motion. Integuments of the Head,-Corrosive itching or biting stinging of the hairy scalp, especially in the evening and during sleep.-Tension in the integuments of the head, with chilliness, though they feel warm to one's hand. Eyes. —Burning in the evening, when reading.-Corrosive itching of the eyebrows and above them, also of the lids and below the eyes.-The pupils are very much dilated. Ears.-Roaring and ringing in the ears. Nose. Smell as of musk or herring before the nose.Hard pressure at the root of the nose, passing off by pressing on the part. Face.-Formication and corrosive itching of the face, especially the cheeks.-Tearing in the ramus of the right lower jaw. Teeth,-~Gumboil?-Toothache caused by warm food or drinks. Appetite and Teeth.-Coppery or metallic taste in the mouth.-Loss of thirst, with aversion to every kind of drink. Fulness and distention after a meal. Gastric Symptoms.-Frequent hiccough, with peevish and vexed mood. Stomach.-Nausea first in the pit of the stomach, afterwards in the abdomen as though the intestines would descend.-Pressure in the region of the liver, aggravated by contact.-~Swelling and induration of the spleen.-~Ascites. — *Flatulence.-Rumbling in the abdomen, especially during sleep. Stool and Anus. —Costiveness. —Soft stool.-~Rhagades and fissures in the anus.-Corrosive itching of the perineum. -Discharge of prostatic fluid at stool. Urine. —Increased flow of urine.-Discharge of yellow mucus from the urethra. Male Sexual Parts.-*Prostration of the virile power, with relaxation, coldness, insensibility of the sexual organs, indifference to an embrace. — Gonorrhaea.-Secondary gonorrhoea, with suppression of the sexual desire and want of erections.-~Swelling of the tes'icles with induration, in consequence of suppressed gonorrhcea. Female Sexual Parts.- ~Sterility. —~Suppressed menses, with drawing-down colic. ALUMINA..1 Windpipe. —Voice without resonance.-Cough before falling asleep, in the evening, in bed. Chest.-Pressure at sternum, especially when dlrawing a long breath. —~)efcient secretion of milk in lying-in females. Upper Extremities.-Hard pressure in the axillae and upper arms, aggravated by pressing on the parts.-,OAthribic nodosities of the finger-joints. Lower Extremities.-Tearing in the feet and toes, especially when walking.-The feet are disposed to turn, while walking on stone-pavement.-Drawing-down weight in: the feet. 4.- ALUMINA. General Symptoms.-Tearing pains, especially in the extremities.-Constriction of internal organs. —Ailments from abuse of mercury?-The pains are aggravated by eating potatoes, and are worse every other day.-A number of the pains come on after dinner, and continue until evening, disappearing at night and in the forenoon. —The pains which come on early in the morning or in the evening, abate after eating.A number of pains come on in the evening, whereas those which had appeared in the afternoon, disappear in the evening.-Various ailments caused by chagrin.-~Suppuration and other ailments of the mucous membranes?- General debility; one feels weary after a short walk, but especially after talking.-Languor of the whole body, with disposition to lie down, the weariness increasing after lying down.-Frequent stretching of the extremities, when sitting.-Treabling and jerking of the head and other parts. —Spasms allnating with laughing and crying.-Disagreeable wantof, anlmal heat. Skin. —~Tuberculous risings on various parts of the body. — ~Humid scurfs.-Herpes with itching in the evening,-,_ ORhagades. -Panaritia.-Brittle nails. —~The cutaneous symptoms reappear every full and new-moon. Sleep. —*SIeeplessness before midnight.-Kestless sleepj at night, not sufficiently sound, with frequent starting.-* Lre freshing sleep, as if without consciousness, with a feeling, early in the morning, as if one had not slept enough.- -ep, sound sleep, especially toward morning.-*Nightly restlessness in the extremities.- *Many dreams. at night, of an anxious kind, or about thieves.-Somnambulism. Fever. —Chilliness at night in bed, and near the warm stove, one cannot get warm.-Evening-fever with chilliness 12 ALUMINA. prevailing. — Chilliness immediately after eating the soup at dinner. Emotive Sphere. —Sour temper. —Involuntary weeping. — *Anxiety and apprehensiveness, fearfulness.-~Apprehensive mood.-*Tendency to start.-Looks gloomy, desponding. —*lll-humour, with want of disposition to work.-Obstinate, vexed mood.-Takes offence at every thing. Sentient Sphere.- Weak memory.-Inability to think coherently. —*Inability to collect one's senses.-Makes mistakes constantly in talking.-Vivacity of mind, alternating with absence of mind and dulness of sight and hearing.Sensation as if consciousness had left the body.-* Vertigo, even early in the morning, generally as if one would fall, with burning in the nape of the neck. —Intoxication from smoking. Read.-Headache as if the hairs were pulled out, or violent stitches in the brain, with disposition to vomit.-Heavi. ness of the head, with pale face and languor.-Compressive headache.-Pulsations in the head.-Rush of blood to the eyes and nose, with pressure in the forehead and bleeding at the nose.-The headache increases during a walk in the open air. Integuments of the Head.-*Itching of the forehead.*The hairs are painful as if pulled or sore. —~Humid scurfs on the temples. —*Itching scales on the hairy scalp. Eyes.-Pressure on the eyes, so that one is unable to open them.-Pressure in the inner canthus as from a grain of sand, in the evening. — *Burning in the eyes, with nightly agglutination and lachrymation in the day-time. —OCold feeling in the eyes during a walk in the open air.-Mistiness of sight and vibratory movements before the eyes.-Squinting of both eyes. Ears.-Stitching in the ears, especially in the evening. — Evening heat and redness of one ear.-Swelling of the ears. Purulent discharge from the ears. *-Humming and crackling in the ears, especially when swallowing or chewing. Nose. —*Redness and swelling of the nose.-*Ulceration of the Schneiderian membrane.-Boils on the nose.-*Feeble smell. —Sore, scurfy nostrils, with a discharge of a quantity of yellow mucus. —Discharge of pieces of yellow-green pus. —*Bleeding of the nose. Face. —Tension of the skin of the face as if albumen were drying upon it. —Sense of weight in the face. —*Pale face..*Tearing sticking in the malar bone.-.Flushes of heat in the face.-Boils on the cheek. —Humid scurfs on the temples.-PBlotohes in the face.-Swelling of the lower lip.Eruption on the lips. aLVtTSINA, 13 Teeth.-* Toothache when chewing, or in the evening, in bed, or in pregnant females. —Drawing tearing in the teeth, extending to the zygoma and the frontal and temporal region. -The teeth feel elongated.-Swellings on the gums. Mouth. —*Tongue, palate, gums and cheeks feel sore, so that one is scarcely able to eat. —*Dry mouth.-Confluence of sweetish or sour saliva in the mouth.-Putrid taste in the mouth.-Raises a bloody mucus. Throat.-Sore throat, worse at night and in the evening, abating in the forenoon or when eating or drinking any thing warm. *Stinging or constrictive pains in the throat, especially when swallowing. —*Diiculty of swallowing as if the throat were constricted.-D)ry throat.-A good deal of thick and tenacious mucus in the throat, especially in the evening and at night, which can only be hawked up in small lumps. Appetite and Taste. —Sweetish taste, or taste of blood. -Astringent taste. —Appetite at times excessive, at others deficient.-Food is tasteless, especially meat, which is repugnant.-Potatoes are indigestible and cause a pinching in the bowels. Gastric Symptoms,-*Eructations and disposition to eructate of years' standing. —*Acrid, sour eructations and heart. burn. —Frequent nausea and inclination to vomit, -especially while talking, on entering a room, after a walk in the open air, or early in the morning. Stomach.-Pressure at the stomach, in the evening.Constriction in the stomach, extending to the throat and chest. -~Soreness in pit of stomach and hypochondria, especially when stooping. Abdomen. —*Pains in the liver when stooping.-Pains in the kidneys.-Pinching colic caused by a cold.-Colicky tearing in the abdomen.-0 Colica plumbae. -* Cutting colic, especially early in the morning, lessened by warmth.-Sticking pain in the abdomen rising up to the chest.-Protrusion and incarceration of ingu inal hernia. Stool and Anus. —Stool hard and scanty, with pain in the anus. —* Constipation, ~especially during pregnancy.-*Dif ficult stool, in consequence of inaction of the bowels. —Discharge of a quantity of mucus during stool, with colicky pains.-Diarrhcea with colic. —Discharge of blood during and after stool. —*Burning and itching of the anus.-Variees at the anus.-Pressure and sticking at the perineum. Urine.-Urging to urinate, with increased secretion of watery urine, attended with burning. —Nocturnal enuresis. — Diminished urine with sediment of red sand. Male Parts -*Excessive sexual desire.-A number of 14 ALUMINA. nocturnal erections and emissions.-Discharge of prostatic fluid during difficult stool. —Emissions aggravate the pains. Female Parts, —*Scanty, premature and short lasting menses. —* Colic and other pains during and before the menses. — * Corrosive leucorrhcea before and after the menses.-Leucorrhcea like serum.-~Leucorrhcea, with smarting of the pudendum. Catarrhal Symptoms. —Chronic disposition to catarrh.Catarrhal discharge from one nostril, the other being dry.*Stoppage of the nose. Windpipe and Cough, —~Catarrh of the air-passages and chest, with scraping in the larynx.-Sudden hoarseness, the voice giving out, afternoon and evening. —* (ough with coryza.-Dry cough, early in the morning, followed by expectoration.-Short, dry cough, with stoppage of breath, or with pain in- the head and nape of the neck.-* Cough with expectoration, especially early in the morning. Chest and Respiration.-*Difficulty of breathing when sitting. —*Asthma.-Pressure at the chest, at night —Constriction of the chest when stooping. —*Palpitation of the heart, with shocks of the heart. —~Itching of the mammee. Trunk, —*Pain in small of back, as if lamed and bruised, during rest.-Stinging in the back, pain as if bruised and and lamed by blows, with occasional sensation as if a hot iron were pushed through the back. Superior Extremities. —~Pain in the arms when hanging down or when stretched out in bed.-Tearing in the arm, from the shoulder to the fingers.-Burning pain at the arms, in the elbows and fingers, as from a hot iron. —Paralytic heaviness in the arm.-Swelling of the arm and fingers.~Humid scurfs on the forearms. —"Stitches in the wrist-joints when working.-Scaling off of the hands. —*Rhagades of the hands, readily bleeding. Gnawing under the finger-nails."Panaritia. -Brittle nails. Lower Extremities. —~At night the lower extremities fiel rigid and numb.-Tearing in every part of the thighs, legs and feet. —* The lower extremities feel very heavy and weak, ~especially the hips.-Drawing pain in the knees, when going up-stairs. Tension of the calves when walking, with erampy sensation in the calves when laying the legs across each other, or when standing on the toes. —Pain as from weariness in the tarsal joints when sitting.-Cold feet.~Burning sensation under the toes. a.-AMBRA GRISEA. General Symptoms.-Tearing or crampy:pains in the AMBRA. GRI8EA. 15 muscles.-Aching pains in internal organs,-* Twitching and spasms in muscular parts.-Single parts are disposed to go to sleep. — The pains are worse in the evening, also when lying and in the warmth; they abate during a slow walk in the open air, but return again after sitting down. —Ailments incident to old age. —~Drawing sensation in the extremities.~Cutting in the hands and feet.- Vascular excitement and pul. sations in the whole body, with great weakness, after a walk in the open air. —Restlessness and trembling in the whole body, with sleeplessness, after much talking.-~Cramp in the body. —*Jerks and twitchings in the extremities.-*Languor, most early in the morning, in bed and at night, on waking.*The whole surface of the body feels numb, especially early in the morning. Skin. -- *tching and burning of a good many spots on the skin, as from the itch. —Restores the itch and herpes after suppression. —Dry skin. Sleep. —*Drowsiness in the day-time.-Sleeplessness at night, without cause.-Restless sleep on account of coldness of the body and twitching of all the extremities. — *Anxious dreams and fancies during sleep.-Starting when on the point of falling asleep. Fever. —Chilliness in the forenoon, with weariness as from sleep, abating after dinner. —Chilliness of single parts, followed by heat in the face.-Flushes of heat, with anxiety in the region of the heart.-Constant (slight) sweat in the daytime, especially on the abdomen and thighs, when walking.night-sweats of the sick parts, after midnight. Emotive Sphere.-~Disconsolate and sad.-Anxiety, especially in the evening. —~Is embarrassed in company.-Despair, aversion to life. —Aversion to talking and laughing.-Excited, restless and hurried when doing some mental work.One's fancy is filled with distorted and lewd images. Sentient Sphere.-Absence of thought. —Difficult comprehension.- Violent vertigo, during a walk in the open air.Vertigo, obliging one to lie down, with weak feeling in the stomach. Head.-Headache, early in the morning, as after nightly revelling.- Weak feeling in the head, it feels chilly.-Achiing in the head, with dread of becoming delirious. Oppressive crampy feeling, with dulness of the head, especially in:the forehead and occiput.-Pressing-down pain in forehead and occiput, with heat of the head, burning in the eyes and pale face, every other day.-Tearing in the sinciput, forehead, one hemisphere of the brain and behind the ears.-Rush of blood to the head, when listening to music. 16 AMBRA GRISEA. Integuments of the Head.-Pain about the head as if strained. —* The hairsfeel sore when touched, they fall out. Eyes. —Pain as if the eyes were lying too deep.-Pressure on the eyes as if closed too tightly, with difficulty of opening them, early in the morning.-Intolerable itching around the eyes.-Itching of a lid as if a sty would form.-* Ophthalmia with congestion of the vessels of the sclerotica.-*Mistiness and darkness before the eyes. Ears.-Tearing and tension at the ears.-Tingling and itching of the inner ear.-Diminution of hearing in one ear.*Humming and ringing in the ears. —*Singing in the ears. Nose.-Spasm of the right ala nasi. —Dried blood in the nose.-Bleeding of the nose, especially early in the morning. Face.-Redness of the face, with heat in the face.-Jaundiced complexion. —lushes of heat.-Spasmodic trembling and twitching of the facial muscles.-Gnawing-creeping itching in the face, with pimples, also on the forehead and in the whiskers.-Red spot on the cheek. —Spasm of the lower lip.Hot lips.-Compressive or distensive screwing in the jaws. Teeth.-Toothache, especially in decayed teeth, striking, tearing, especially in the open air.-Drawing toothache, at night and in the day-time, aggravated by the contact of warm things.-Bleeding of the teeth.-Swollen, painful gums. Mouth.-Dry mouth, early, on waking, with numb feeling, also of the tongue and lips.-Smarting and biting in the mouth.-Vesicles in the mouth, with burning pain.-Sore bunches under the tongue.-The tongue is coated white or gray-yellow. —Fetor of the mouth. Throat.-Sore throat as if a lump had lodged in the throat, with difficult deglutition. —~Choking in the throat, when swallowing food. —*Soreness and scraping in the throat. -A good deal of grayish mucus in the throat, with gagging and vomiting when hawking.-Hawking of mucus in the morning, early. Appetite and Taste, —Flat or rancid taste. —~Loss of appetite. —Pressure in the throatpit, after eating, as if food had lodged there.-Acridity in the mouth, after drinking milk. Gastric Symptoms. —* Unsuccessful eructations.-*Frequent eructations, *empty, or *sour, or ~tasting of the ingesta.iHeartburn, especially in the evening or during a walk in the open air.-*Nausea and vomiting. Stomiach.-Pressure at the stomach, also crampy.-Burning in the stomach and pit of stomach. Abdomen. —Pains in the liver, with pressure. -Painfulpressure in the upper and lower abdomen.-Heaviness in the abdomen.-Divtention of the abdomen after eating or drinking. AMBRA ORISEA. 17 Compression in the abdomen, sometimes early in the morn ing.-Cutting colic, in the evening, after midnight, and early in the morning in bed, with diarrhcea.-Soreness of the abdominal muscles, when coughing or turning the body.- Cold feeling in one side of the abdomen.-Twitching in the abdominal muscles, in the evening. —*Pains from incarcerated flatulence.-Flatulent colic after midnight. Stool and Anus. —* Constipation.-Ineffectual urging, with apprehensive anxiety, an I intolerance of the presence of other people. —~Irregular intermittent stool, frequently every other day.-Soft. light-brown, (diarrhoeic) stools.-Pressure in the lower abdomen, after stool.-Discharge of blood at stool.~Varices at the anus. —Itching and titillation of the anus and rectum. Urine. —Scanty secretion of urine.-Hurry to urinate early, after rising.-Increased secretion of urine, especially at night, and early in the morning.-yellow-brown, turbid urine, with brown sediment.-Reddish clouds in the urine. —Bloody urine. —Sourish smell of the urine. —Burning in the orifice of the urethra. Male Parts.-Itching of the sexual parts, with an intense feeling of pleasure in the parts.-Burning in the region of the seminal vesicles.-Morning erections, without pleasure, the external parts feeling numb, without much sensation. Female Parts.-Burning, sore pain and itching of the female parts. —Ovaritis?-Discharge of blood between the menses.-Premature menses.-Pressing in the legs during the menses, with blueness of the same in consequence of distended of varices.- *Leucorrhcea (also with discharge of thick mrucus and bluish lumps). Catarrhal Symptoms. —Frequent sneezing —*Dryness and stoppage of the nose, with sore pain.-Dry coryza.~Chronic suppression of coryza. Windpipe.-Hoarse, rough voice, with quantity of thick phlegm in the trachea. Respiration.-*Shortness of breath. —Dyspncea of scrofulous persons and children.-Fetid breath early, after waking. -Wheezing in the trachea. Cough.-Cough, with catarrh and expectoration of a quantity of white salt mucus.-Nightly cough with violent titillation in the throat.-Evening-cough with pain under the left ribs, as if something would be torn loose. —* Spasmodic cough with eructations and hoarseness, ~especially in the case of thin persons. —Pressing'headache in the temples, when coughing. o Whooping-cough. Chest. — Oppression of the chest, with pressure in the back, s8 AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. attended with pain.-Pressure in and on the chest, especially in the region of the heart.-Feeling of rawness in the chest. — ~Nightly trembling in the chest.-Palpitation of the heart during a walk in the open air, with pale face, pressing in the chest, as firom a lump.-Rheumatic pain in the outer parts of the chest as if bruised and lamed. Trunk. —Sticking pain in the small of the back. —Stiffness in the small of the back, after sitting.-Heaviness in the back and pain as if the bowels were compressed.-Rheumatic pressure and drawing in the back and nape of the neck. Upper Extremities.-The arms are disposed to go to sleep when lying on them, especially at night, with numb feeling, ~also when carrying anything.- Tearing and laming, drawing pain as if sprained in the shoulder-joints, elbows, forearms and hands.-0Trembling of the arms. —~Bone-pain at the olecranonprocess, when touching it. — Crampy feeling in the hands, 0when grasping any thing.-The hands go to sleep at night, and when carrying anything.-Continued coldness of the hands. -Drawing and tearing in the fingers.-Contraction of the fingers.-Trembling in the thumbs, in the evening.-Weakness of' the fingers, at night.-Shrivelled appearance of the tips of the fingers, early in the morning.-Itching herpes between the fingers. Lower Extremities.-The lower exlremities feel as if gone to sleep, with ufnsteady gait.-Heaviness, rigidity and un steady feeling in the lower extremities.- Crampy feeling in the lower limbs, also in the calves at night.-Tearing in the lower limbs.-Soreness in the bends of the knees, especially painful in the evening.-Painful spots on the tibiee. —Humming in the calves and feet.-Cold legs and feet.-Arthritic pains in the tarsal joints and in the balls of the big toes.0Stiffness of the tarsal joint. —*The soles are paibnJd when walking, ~as if ulcerated.-*Burning in the soles. —oSwelling of the feet.-Itching in the interior of the soles. not removed by scratching. —~Long stitches in the chilblains on the toes.-The corns feel sore. 6.-AMMONIU3M CARBONICUM. General Symptoms.-Ulcerative pains, or stinging and tearing. —Pain as if sprained in the joints, or *drawing and tension as -if the tendons were too short.-The right side of the body appears to be more affected than the left.-The pains are worse in the evening. —Sprains.- General uneasiness in the whole body, in the evening.-Disposition to stretch the extremities.-One feels weary in consequence of talking AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 19 or hearing others talk. —-*Debility, -languor, the extremities feel as it lamed and bruised by blows, one has to liedown in consequence, especially in the evening and during a walk in the open air. —Emaciation.-Very sensitive to cold.~Aversion to walking. Skin, —Violent itching here and there, with burning vesicles and pimples after scratching. — Chronic *rash. —Freckles. — ~Insensible herpes. —~Warts. — Corns, with burning stinging and tearing.-*Scarlet-eiuption.- Ganglia.-Soreness of children. —Glandular swellings. — Curvature of bones. Sleep, — *Drowsiness in the day-time.-Falls asleep later with 0sleeplessness, -especially when retiring too late.*Nightmare when falling asleep.-Nightly nausea and vascular excitement.-Frequent waking as if in affright, after which one finds it difficult to fall asleep again. Fever, —*Chilliness, in the evening.-violent shaking chill, previous to falling asleep. —*Feverish heat in the head, with cold feet.-*Sweat in the day-time. Emotive Sphere.-Sad and whining mood.-*Apprehensive anxiety, -generally passing off in the evening. —Evening-restlessness.-~Anxiousness with debility and nightmare at night. —Timorous. —OTired of life.-Ill-humour early in the morning.-Clouded weather puts one out of humour.-Angry and vexed mood. —Disobedient, headstrong. —Excessively mirthful. Sentient Sphere. —Absence of mind.-Very forgetful.Makes mistakes in talking, writing or cyphering. —oDiminution of the thinking faculty.- Vertigo when sitting and reading, -or in the evening, sometimes with nausea. Head, — *Headache with nausea, -or in the evening, after a walk in the open air, or after eating. —~Chronic headache.Ulcerated pain in the head, when moving it or when pressing upon it. —*Painful pressing,'hammering and *pecking in the head, *as though the contents of the skull would issue through the forehead or as if' the head would split.-Stitches deep in the brain.-The brain feels loose. Integuments of the lRead, —The hair falls out.-Violent itching of the hairy scalp. Eyes,-*Burning, -early in the morning, with photophobia. -oFeeling of coldness in the eyes. —Stye. —Nightly agglutination. —Dry gum on the lids. -Immobility of the eyes.~Vibratory dimness of sight.-Near-sighted.-~ Cataract. -Diplopia.-Black points and luminous streaks before the eyes. Ears.-Buzzing in the ears, at night.-*Humming and ringing before the ears. — Hardness of hearing, with discharge 20 AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. of pain from, and itching of the ear. —~Hard swelling of the parotid glands. Nose.-On stooping the tip of the nose feels heavy as from a rush of blood.-~Itching of the nose and pustules on the same.-Purulent discharge from the nose.-*Bleeding of the nose, early in the morning, when washing and -after eating. Face. —The face is pale as in death and bloated.-*Cracks across the left cheek, from the upper lip to the ear.-Crack. ing in the articulation of the jaw, when chewing.-*Itching eruption on the face (and body), with swelling of the cervical glands.-Freckles. —Boils on the cheeks. -Herpes around the mouth, on the cheek and chin. —Dry, cracked, lips, with burning. Teeth.-Toothache when pressing the teeth against each other, or in the evening after lying down, or when air gets to the teeth, also during the menses, generally drawing or jerking-tearing, also stinging or ulcerative, sometimes extending to the ear and cheek. —Chronic stinging pain in the teeth. - Te teeth decay, and are *loose, sometimes ofor a long time. — Inflammatory swelling, suppuration and ready bleeding of the gums. Mouth. —Swelling of the inside of the cheeks.-Vesicular eruption in the mouth and on the tongue. Throat. —Sore throat, morning and evening as if a lump had lodged in the throat. —*Sore pain and scraping in the throat.-Swelling of the tonsils, with difficult deglutition,Spasmodic contraction in the anterior cervical muscles, after drinking. Appetite and Taste.-Taste in mouth as of blood. — *Bitter taste in mouth, especially after waking.- Constant thirst.-Inability to eat without drinking. —A good deal of appetite and hunger. —*No appetite in the morning.-Is soon satiated when eating.-Aversion to milk. —Chronic dyspepsia.-Excessive desire for sugar. —~Heat in the face when eating, with dizziness.-~Scraping heartburn after eating, with inclination to vomit. Gastric Symptoms.-Suppressed or empty, also *sour eructations.-Eructations tasting of the ingesta, this taste remaining a long time —*A good deal of heartburn. —*.Nausea and vomiting, after every kind of food, with pressure in the pit of the stomach. —~Hamatemesis. Stomach, —Pressure at the stomach after eating, with nausea and sensitiveness of the pit of the stomach. —~Cardialgia. —Contractive pain in the pit of the stomach when stretching one's-self.- The clothes press on the stomach.*Painfulness of the stomach. AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. 21 Abdomen. —~Burning pain in the liver. —Boring sticking in the liver, when sitting.-Colic with diarrhcea.- Contractive abdominal spasms, with nausea and flow of water in the mouth. -~Concussive pain in the lower abdomen when treading. — Uneasiness in the abdomen.-Flatulent hernia in the left groin.-Painful flatulent colic. Stool and Anus. —*Constipation.-~Difficult stool.-*Delaying, hard stool, in small lumps.-*Soft or diarrhceic stools, preceded or succeeded by cutting colic. —*Discharge of blood from the anus, during and between stools.-*Itching of the anus. —*varices at the anus, -also bleeding. Urine.-Pressure on the bladder, with diminished secretion of urine.-Frequent and copious emission of urine, especially in the evening. —*Vocturnal enuresis. Male Parts.-Violent sexual desire, without any voluptuous thoughts or erections. —*Want of sexual desire and aversion to the other sex.-Choking, drawing and weight in the testicles, with *a good many emissions, —Discharge of prostatic fluid after hard stool. Female Parts. —Menses too feeble and too short, *with acrid, black blood.-The menses are too profuse or ~premature.-Pains in the small of the back and in the bowels during and before the menses. —~During the menses, pressing on the uterus, cutting in the abdomen, tearing in the back and sexual organs, she has to lie down.-Sadness during the menses. — Watery discharge from the uterus. —Acrid, corrosive, (.or watery,) burning leucorrhcea. —~Sterility with scanty menses. Catarrhal Symptoms. —Chronic dryness of the nose.~Chronic catarrh. —*Dry coryza and stoppage of the nose, especially at night, as though one would suffocate. Windpipe. —Roughness and hoarseness, so that one is scarcely able to speak. —Cough with hoarseness, the body feeling warm.-Dry cough, as from feather-dust in the throat. — *Titillating cough, with expectoration. —* Cough, only at night, -or only in the day-time, or in the evening before falling asleep, or early in the morning, at 3 or 4 o'clock.~Sticking in the small of the back, w-hen coughing. —Bloody cough, with violent pain and oppression of breathing. Chest and Respiration.- *Shortness of breath, -especially when going up-stairs.-*Dyspneva, -with palpitation of the heart, especially after bodily exertions.-Stitches in the chest when drawing breath, and singing. —Stitch in the side of the chest when stooping or walking, especially at night in the left side, with inability to lie on this side.-Rush of blood to the chest, after writing. —Burning in the chest from below up 22 ARMONIUM MURIATICUM. wards.-Weight in the chest.-~Incipient phthisis pulmonalis.-Hydrothorax. —~Stitches in the fleshy part of the chest. — Tearing from the side of the chest to the shoulder-joint.Palpitation of the heart. Trunk, —Drawing pains in the small of the back and nape of the neck. —Painful swelling of the cervical and axillary glands.-Drawing tension in the back and small of the back-~Goitre. Upper Extremities. —* The arms and fingers become dead, at night, and ~early in the morning when grasping any thing. — Tearing in the joints of the arms, hands and fingers, diminished by the warmth of the bed. —~The wrist-joint which had been sprained on a former occasion becomes painful.Paroxysms of trembling of the hands. —Swelling of the veins and blueness of the hands after washing them in cold water.-The skin in the palms of the hands peels off.-Hard, cracked skin of the hands.-Crampy feeling in the fingers.~The fingers go to sleep. —Bloating of the fingers when letting the arms hang down.-Swelling of the middle phalangeal ioints. Lower Extremities.-Tension of the lower limbs as if the tendons were too short. —Twitching and contraction of the lower limbs.,*The lower limbs feel weary and languid. -The hip-joints and thighs feel as if lamed and bruised by blows, early in the morning, in bed; less after rising and walking.-Crampy feeling in the tibiae, calves and feet.Twitching in the knees and legs.-~ODrawing pain in the legs, when sitting.-Tearing in the tarsal joint, lessened by the warmth of the bed. —Sticking and ulcerated pain in the heels. -Burning in the feet.-*Swelling of the feet. —Cramp in the soles. —~Sweaty feet.-~Pain as if sprained in the big toe, at night, in bed, when moving it.-Evening-redness, heat and swelling of the big toe, with pain and tingling as if frozen.~Gout? 7.-AMMIONIUM MURIATICUM. General Symptoms. —Jerking tearing, worst in the ex. tremities, as if in the bones, and more particularly in the tips of the fingers and toes.-Burning with pressure, or sting. ing and throbbing as in an ulcer, in many parts. —Rigidity in the joints as if the tendons were too short.-The right side of the body appears more affected than the left.-In the evening and at night the pains (in the extremities) are worst, in the open air they seem to abate.-Paroxysms of vascular exciterment in the body, with anxiety.-Paralytic weatkness and AMMONIUM -MURIATICtUM. languor, especially in the lower limbs, with dizziness, and tension and drawing in the legs. Skin. —A good deal of biting itching, obliging one to scratch,with pimples after scratching. -Rash. — Vesicular eruptions changing the scurfs.-The skin peels off here and there. Sleep. —*Drowsiness in the day-time, with laziness.Feels sleepy at an early hour in the evening.-Sleeplessness before midnight. —Wakes too early.-Frightful, anxious dreams. —Nightmare. Fever.- Cold and chilly, generally at 6 o'clock in the evening —Chilliness followed by heat, with puffed, red face, and thirst during the chilliness and heat.-Heat all over in a warm room and after a quick walk, with a feeling of stinging heat in the outer chest. —VNightsweat after midnight. Emotive Sphere.-Apprehensive and melancholy as if caused by care and grief with *whining. mood. —* Vexed, ~unsociable mood, with indisposition to talk.-Irritable and vexed mood.-Aversion to certain persons. Sentient Sphere. —Dizziness and vertigo, passing off in the open air. Head. —Feeling of fidness in the head and heaviness in the forehead, especially early in the morning, on rising.-Pressure in the forehead, towards the root of the nose, with sensation in the brain as if torn. —Tearing in the right part of the head and face.-Rush of blood to the head, with heat in the head. Eyes. —Burning in the eyes, especially at twilight, passing off as soon as light is brought into the room; or especially in the canthi, early in the morning, on rising, with photophobia, going off after washing. — Twitching in the lids.-Mistiness of sight.-~llfuscce volitantes, in the day-time and at candle-light. -Yellow spots before the eyes on looking at a thing. Ears.-Stitches from within outwards.-Boring jerking in in the ears.-Eruption in the ears.-Discharge from the ears. -~Hard hearing. —*Ringing and humming. Nose. —Swelling of the nose, with ulcerative pain and bloody crusts in the nose, with sensitiveness to contact. Face. —Prosopalgia, like tearing in the bones.-Burning heat in the face.-Eruption.- Ulceration of the corners of the mouth and of the upper lip. —The lips shine like grease.-Dry, shrivelled, cracked lips. —Excoriated spots on the lower lip with burning pain. —Tensive pain in the articulation of the jaw, when chewing or opening the mouth.-Swelling and throbbing pain of the sub-maxillary glands. Teeth, —Tearing toothache.-Swelling of the gums with stinging pain, A4 AMMOIIUM MURIAT!CU*. Month. —Burning vesicles at the tip of the tongue. Throat.-Sore throat with stinging pain when swallowing. -Phlegm adhering to the throat, especially early in the morning. Appetite and Taste.-Bitter taste in the mouth early, with bitter eructations and apprehensive anxiety.-Want of hunger and appetite.-Every meal is followed by diarrhoea, pains in the bowels and limbs. Gastric Symptoms.-*Eructations, -generally bitter, or ~empty. Gulping up of the ingesta or of bitter-sour water. -Frequent and violent hiccough, with stitches in the chest.Water brash after eating. Stomach.-Drawing or gnawing pains in the stomach, as from worms.-Burning in the stomach and pit of the stomach. Abdomen.-Stinging pain in the renal region, ~early in the morning, on walking, with difficult breathing, obliging one to sit up.-Distention of the abdomen.-Pinching colic.Distention of the groin. —~Feeling in the groins, when touched, as if swollen and ulcerated. Stool and Anus. *Constipation.-Hard or else frequent and soft stools.-Diarrhcea, with sore and bruised pain in the abdomen.-Green diarrhoeic stool.-Discharge of blood at stool.-Pain around the navel, previous to stool.-*Sore pain up the rectum, ~when sitting. Urine.-Increased secretion of urine, especially at night.Reddish, clear urine without sediment. Male Parts. —Stinging and throbbing in the spermatic chord.-Frequent erections. Female Parts. —Premature menses, with contracture-compressive pains in the abdomen, small of the back and back.~The menses are all accompanied with vomiting and diarrhoea, or tearing in the feet.-Discharge of brown mucus from the vagina, after urinating. Catarrhal Symptoms. —~Sneezing, with tearing stitches from the nape of the neck to the shoulder.-Catarrh, with stoppage of the nose and loss of smell.-Catarrhal discharge of clear corrosive water, from the nose. Wind-pipe.-Hoarseness with burning inthe larynx. —* Vio. lent cough; also in the evening and at night, when lying on the back.-*Dry cough, -with tickling in the throat, with stinging in the left hypochondrium (getting looser in the afternoon). —Chronic cough, worse after eating and when lying down, also after taking a cold drink, early in the morning, with whitish, thick, tasteless expectoration. Chest and Respiration. —*Dyspnaea when performing ANACARDIUM ORIENTALE. 25 some manual labour, also when stooping or violently moving one's arms.-Pain in the chest as if lamed and bruised by blows, when touching the chest or no. — Weight on the chest, with tightness of breathing, especially at night.-Pressure and stitching in the chest.-Throbbing in the chest, only when standing. Trunk.-Pain in the small of the back as if lamed and bruised, especially at night and when touching the parts.*Painful stiffness in, the small of the back, -not allowing one to walk erect. —Stitches in the scapulce, when drawing breath. -Tearing in the sides of the neck and the clavicles.-Stiffneck, with pain when moving it, from the nape of the neck to the shoulders. Upper Extremities.-The arms feel heavy and rigid, as if paralysed.-Nightly tearing in the arms, as if in the bones. - Tearing in the shoulders. —Swelling of the wrist-joints. with tearing in the same.-Vesicles on the wrist-joint chaunging to scurfs.-Jerking tearing, or stitching, beating, tingling and ulcerative pain in the tips of the fingerst —The skin between the fingers peels off. Lower Extremities.-Tension in the hips and bends of the knees, as if too short. —Tearing-sticking pain, as if sprained in the hip.- The ham strings feel as if too short.Stifness of the knee-joint.-Nightly tearing in the legs, as if in the bones.-Stitching pain in the calves, when resting after a long walk.-The legs feel numb and without sensation.- UI. cerative pain and tearing in the heels.-Fetid sweat of the feet. —* Cold feet.-Jerking tearing, or stinging beating and tingling in the tips of the toes. 8.-ANACARDIUM ORIENTALE. General Symptoms.- Crampy-jerking, or dull-pressing pains, as from a plug, or else pressing-drawing.- 1Weakness of single senses, sight, smell, hearing, &c.-Pains which appear periodically. —Many of the pains come on after eating, whereas the larger number disappear during dinner, reappearing again in two hours.-Fulness and weight in the body from playing on the piano.-A little exercise tires one a good deal.-Tremulous weakness, and extreme *debility in the extremities, especially in the knees, -almost increasing to lameness.-Very feeble in going up-stairs or walking.-Apoplectir paralysis.-*Sensitive to cold and draughts of air, with liability to taking cold. Skin.-Burning itching, worse after scratching.-* Want of irritability of the skin.-Pain of the affected parts as if a boil would form. 26 ANACARDIUM ORIENTALE. Sleep.-Sopor, day and night. —Is sleepy early in the evening, with restless sleep at night. —Falls asleep late.Horrid, disgusting or else *anxious dreams, -with crying out during sleep.-Vivid dreams full of mental concentration, with pain in the head, on waking, as if bruised by blows. Fever. —* Considerable and constant chilliness, even in a warm room.-Tremulous and creeping chills over the whole body, without thirst.-Shaking chill, with tearing in the head, lowness of spirits, and restlessness, every third day. —Internal chilliness, with external heat. —Heat in the face, at four o'clock every afternoon, with nausea and languor. —Sweat in the day-time, when sitting.-Night-sweat. Emotive Sphere,'*Hypochondriac an.d hysteric mood, ialso after sexual abuse.-Dread of men.- Anxiousness and =apprehension of death (in the evening).-Apprehension for the future, with desponding mood.-Fault-finding, vehement, contradicting.-Awkward, silly demeanour.-Laughing at serious things, while one remains serious on seeing something lu. dicrous. —Antagonism in one's own will-principle.-~Depraved and cruel disposition.-Irresistible desire to swear. — Want of moralfeeling, hardness of heart, wickedness.-O~Feeling as if he had two wills that oppose each other. Sentient Sphere. —Absence of mind, as if mind and body were separated.- Weakness of memory and mind.Absence of thought. —Inability to collect one's ideas.~Dull and confused state of the head.- Vertigo when walking as though all objects were too far distant or wavering.-Vertigo with darkness of sight, also when stooping. lead, —~Headache, in the occiput, when making a wrong step or from loud noise.-Headache, causing vertigo and stupefaction, worse when touching the head.-Pain in the brain as if bruised, or jerking-tearing aching in the head, when making a mental efort.-Painful pressure in the head as from a plug, especially in the temples.- Constrictive headache, or pressing friom without inwards.- Tearing headache, especially in the right side, extending to the face and neck, followed by buzzing in the ears -Evening.-Digging in the head, going off when falling asleep. —*Pressing in the temples, ~towards the eyes. Eyes.-Pain in the eyes as if the eyeballs were pressed upon by a plug.-Contraction of the pupils. —* Weakness of sight, with dim-sightedness.-Near-sighted.-~Nets and dark spots before the eyes.-The light of the candle seems to flicker and to be surrounded with a halo (evening).-The eyes are sensitive to the light. Ears. —Otacqia, with tearing and sticking in the ears. ANACARDIUM ORIENTALE. 27 Pressure in the ears as from a plug. —*Itching in the ears.~Painful swelling of the outer ear. —Discharge from the ears. —*Hardness of hearing.-Roaring and *Jbuzzing in the ears. Nose.-*Bleeding of the nose.-Deflcien t smell.-Smell before the nose as of a pigeon-dung or burning sponge, continually. Face.-Paleface, with hollow, sunken eyes surrounded with blue margins.-Pressure on the facial bones.-Rough, herpetic skin around the mouth, with titillating itching.Burning around the chin. Teeth.-Toothache, like jerks, or jerking tearing when taking any thing warm into the mouth.-Tensive or crampydrawing toothache, extending to the ear, generally in the evening, about ten o'clock.-Swelling and ready bleeding of the gums. Mouth,-~Fetor of the mouth, not perceived by himself.Heaviness and swelling of the tongue, with difficulty of speech.-White-coated, rough tongue. —~Flow of water in the mouth. Appetite and Taste.-Loss of taste.-*Fetid taste in the mouth. —Every thing he eats tastes flat.- Violent thirst, with stoppage of the breath when drinking. —*Deficient appetite. 0_ Weak digestion, with oppressive fulness and distention of the stomach and abdomen, or drowsiness, want of disposition to work and hypochondriac mood after eating. Gastric Symptoms.-Waterbrash, in the evening, and vomiting, with acidity rising up into the mouth. —*Morningnausea. Stomach. —Pressure, especially after a meal.-Pressure in the pit of the stomach, early, on waking.-Bubbling in the pit of the stomach. with shaking in that part at every step. Abdomen, —*Pressure in the region of the liver.-Pains in the umbilical region, generally pressing or dull-stitching, aggravated by drawing breath, coughing or making pressure from without. —~Hard abdomen.-Pinching flatulent colic, with rumbling in the abdomen and urging to stool. Stool and Anus., —Ineffectual urging to stool. —Diicult passage of soft stool, on account of torpor of the rectum. —Discharge of blood at stool. —~Painful varices of the anus.*Itching of the anus. —-Dampness of the rectum. Urine —Frequent emission of a small quantity of watery urine.-Has to urinate at night. —Burning in the glans, during and after urinating.-Turbid, loam-coloured urine. Male Parts.-Involuntary erections in the day-time. ANACARDIUM ORIENTALE. Emissions.-Deficient thrill during an embrace.-Discharge of prostatic fluid, during good and hard stool, also after urinating. Female Parts.-~Leucorrhcea, with itching and soreness of the pudendum. Catarrhal Symptoms, —*Stoppage of the nose with feeling of dryness. —*Chronic catarrh, with discharge of mucus from the nose.-Violent catarrh, with fever, tension in the calves and lower limbs, uneasiness in the region of the heart. Windpipe. -Rough and raw feeling in the throat, especially after eating.-* Cough, with expectoration or tingling in the throat and stoppage of breath.-Cough after eating, with vomiting of the ingesta, or in the evening, in bed, with rush of blood to the head.-Racking cough, like whooping-cough, generally excited by talking, or at night.-Short cough with purulent expectoration.-Bloody cough.-Stitches in one side of the forehead and head, when coughing.-Yawning after the cough. Chest and Respiration.-Shortness of breath, with dispncea. —Oppression of the chest, with internal heat and anguish, obliging him to go out into the open air.-Rattling in the windpipe when lying on one side.-Pressure at the chest as from a plug.-Stitches in the region of the heart, sometimes extending to the small of the back.-Uneasiness in the region of the heart. Trunk.-Pains in the region of, and between the scapulce, generally tearing and stitching, or also like pressure.-Formication between the scapulae.-Dull pressure on the shoulder, as fronm a weight.-Stiffness of the nape of the neck. Upper Extremities,-* Weakness of the arms, with tensive pain in the arm'. —*Trembling of the arm ~and of the hands. —Aching pain in the muscles and bones of the arms, with weariness.-Stinging and heaviness of the forearms. — Jerking-drawing cramp-pain in the metacarpal bones and joints of the hand and fingers.-Dry feeling of the hands and fingers. —Clammy sweat in the palms of the hands.Numbness of the fingers. Lower Extremities. -The lower limbs feel rigid as if bandaged, with painful uneasiness in the limbs.- Tremor, twitch ing and drawing in the thighs and around the knees, as when wearied by long walking.-Dull pressure in the thighs, at regular intervals.-Lame feeling around the knees.-Itching eruption around the knee, down to the calves.-Crampy jerking and pressure in the legs, especially the calves. —Ter.sive pain in the calves, when walking and at night, in bed, with sleeplessness.-*Burning of the soles -and legs. —Cold ANGUSTURA. 29 feet when walking, also early in the morning. —Spasmodic contraction of the soles. 9.-ANGUSTURA. N. B. The symptoms within brackets are attributed by some to the spurious Angustura. General Symptoms. —Cutting, or crampy, or drawingaching pains.-Lameness of single parts.-Spasms of muscular parts. —Cracking in the joints. —Feeling in the whole body as though all the strength had gone, and as though the marrow in the bones had coalesced.-Stif'ness of all the muscles, in the evening, after sitting, -with tension of the muscles when walking.-(Tetanic spasms, generally excited by contact, or noise, or by swallowing tepid water.-Spasmodic attacks terminating with blueness of the cheeks and lips, laboured, stertorous breathing, moaning, closing of the eyes.-Concussion of the trunk caused by a jerk along the back as by an electric shock.-Opisthotonas.) Sleep.- Very drowsy in the evening, with sleeplessness before midnight.-Restless sleep, full of dreams. Fever. —Increased temperature of the body in the evening, especially of the cheeks, with oppressive dulness of the head, or pressure and drawing in one side of the forehead, with thirst. Emotive Sphere. —Timorous and disposed to start.-Deficient confidence in one's-self with desponding mood.-Out of humour, dissatisfied, sensitive to insults or jests.-Mental excitement and excessive mirth, especially when not engaged in any mental labour. Sentient Sphere. —Absence of mind, reverie.- Vivacity of the mind, especially in the afternoon.-Gloominess of the head, as after intoxication.-Tensive or contractive dulness of the head, with pecking in the forehead.-Vertigo when walking in the open air or when crossing flowing water. Head.-Headache, generally oppressive with heat in the face.-The brain feels as if bruised.-C-rampy headache.Boring in the temples.-The headache generally sets in at twilight, and continues until one goes to sleep. Integuments of the lHiad.-Numb feeling in the tem. poral muscles, with tension in these muscles when opening the jaws.-Twitchings between the eyebrows when reading. Eyes.-Pressure in the eyes, with sensation as if they had grown faint as from a dazzling light.-Sore pain and dry feeling in the lids.-Redness, heat and burning of the eyes, with nightly agglutination.-( The eyelids are wide open in conse 30 ANGUSTURA. quence of a spasm.-Rigid, protruded, immoveable eyes.) -Mistiness of sight as if the cornea were opaque.-Near. sighted. Ears.- Otalgia, a sort of cramp-pain in the ears.-Tearing jerking in front of, and in the ears.-Sensation as if something were lying against the ears, or as if something had lodged in them.-Heat of the ears.-Diminished hearing. NOse,-Pain in the nose, like smarting soreness. Face.-(The face turns blue during the spasm.) —Tension of the facial muscles.- Cramp-pain in the malar bone and in the masseter muscles, worse during rest and diminished by moving the lower jaw.-Feeling of heat in the cheeks, in the evening, without any warmth being perceived externally(Lock-jaw with the lips wide open.) Teeth, —Drawing toothache (in the molar teeth).-Throbbing in hollow teeth. Mouth.-Mouth and lips are very dry, without thirst.Tenacious, putrid mucus in the mouth, in the evening, with constant desire to drink.-White-coated tongue, with feeling of roughness.-Burniing on the tongue, and stinging pinching in the tip. Appetite and Taste,-Bitter taste, especially after dinner and after smoking.-Desire for cold drinks.-Great desire for coffee, —A good appetite, cannot eat enough, with aversion to food and ineffectual eructations which cause a feeling of fulness in the chest. Gastric Symptoms.-Empty eructation after eating.Bilious eructations.-Nausea during dinner.-Fainting with nausea, during a walk in the open air. Stomach.-Pain in stomach, like a cutting soreness, when commencing to eat. —Cramp pain in the pit of the stomach. -Cutting in the pit of the stomach and the (right) hypochondrium, aggravated by moving the trunk. Abdomen,-Pain as if bruised, in the right side of the abdomen.- Crampy colic. — Cutting pain in the lumbar region from within outwards. —Cutting in the lower abdomen, especially after eating warm milk.-Stitching pain in the abdomen.-Fermentation and rumbling in the abdomen as if diarrhcea would set in. Stool and Anus.-Frequent, loose, copious fcecal stools. -Discharge of mucus with cutting colic.-Pressing and contractive sensation in the anus, with swelling of the varices, and burning smarting during soft stool. Urine.-Frequent urging to urinate, with scanty emission. — Frequent and copious emission of urine, preceded by pressing on the bladder and succeeded by tenesmus of the ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. 31 bladder.- The urine is orange-coloured and soon becomes turbid. Male Parts.-Voluptuous itching of the sexual parts. Windpipe.-Hoarseness caused by a quantity of mucus in the windpipe.-Feeble voice as if it would give out. —dry cough, with tickling in the larynx.-Violent, deep cough, with expectoration of yellow mucus. Chest and Respiration.-(Intermittent breathing.-Sobbing inspirations.- Oppression of the chest, when walking rapidly or when going up-stairs.-Spasm in the chest, as if caused by a sudden attack of coldness.- Cutting shocks or stitches in the sides of the chest and in the sternum.-Shocks in the region of the. heart.- Violent palpitation of the heart, when stooping while sitting, or in the evening, in bed, when lying on the left side. —Sensation of painful contraction of the heart.-Bruising pain in the pectoral muscles, when moving the body or the arms. Trunk.-Pain in the small of the back as if bruised, generally at night and especially towards 4 o'clock in the morning, passing off after rising.-Painful stiffness between the scapulce and in the nape of the neck, early in the morning, in bed, until noon.-Twitching in the cervical muscles and on the shoulder. Upper Extremities. —The arms feel feeble and heavy as if lamed, with stiffness in the elbow-joint.-Paralytic weakness of the elbow-joints and hands.- Crampy drawing in the forearms, hands and fingers.-Cold fingers. Lower Extremities. —The lower extremities feel heavy and feeble as if lamed by blows, both the thighs and legs; when walking they feel as if they would break. —Pain as if sprained or crampy pain in the hip-joints, in the legs and feet. -Pressure and drawing in every part of the lower extremities. -Painful shooting stitches in the thigh and in the edges of the iliac bones. —Paralytic conditions of the tarsal joints. 10.-ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. General Symptoms. —Rheumatic pains and Inflammation of tendons.-*Arthritic drawing or sticking and tension, especially in the extremities.-* Gastric and bilious conditions.The pains are aggravated by the heat of the sun, by wine, after eating, at night (and early in the morning); they abate during rest and in the cool air.-*Heaviness in all the limbs. -General weakness, especially at night, on waking.-Emaciation. -*Lardosis. —Dropsical swelling of the whole body. -Apoplexy. 32 ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. Skin.-Itching, especially of the neck, chest, back and extremities.-Eruptions which appear principally at night, and itch after getting warm in bed, depriving one of sleep.-Organic transformations of the skin.-Rash and nettlerash.Blotches and vesicles, as if caused by the bites of insects.Eruptions resembling varicella, with stinging pain when pressing on them.-Pustules with yellowish or brown scurfs.~Freckles.-Hepatic spots. —Fistulous ulcers. —Corns and horny excrescences. —*Discoloured. distorted nalls. — Fungus articularis.-~Red, hot swellings. Sleep, —*Very drowsy in the day-time. —*Sopor, in the forenoon.-Wakes as if in afright, at night.-Vexatious dreams full of dispute. Fever.-~lntermittent fevers, with prevailing gastric or bilious symptoms, especially attended with loathing nausea, vomiting, eructations, coated tongue, bitter mouth and little thirst.-~Fever with diarrhoea, vomiting and cutting in the abdomen. — Tertian fever. -Warm sweat, every other morning. Emotive Sphere. —Anxious reflecting about one's fate.Loathing of life, with disposition to shoot or drown one'sself.-Tendency to start.-Vexed mood. —A child cannot bear being looked at or touched. —Exalted longing and desire to love. Sentient Sphere, —*Dulness of the mind, imbecility.Craziness.-The head feels confused as after working in the cold.-Intoxication.- Vertigo with nausea. —.Rush of blood to the head. Head.-Headache after bathing in the river.-Stupifying headache after smoking.-Sensation as if the forehead would be dashed to pieces.-Dull pain in the forehead and sinciput, aggravated by going up-stairs.-Tearing in the head, less when walking in the open air.-Boring in the forehead and temples, from within outwards.-Painful rush of blood to the head, followed by bleeding of the nose. Integuments of the Head.-Bone-pain in the parietal bone, as if the periosteumr were swollen.-Troublesome itching on the head, ~iwith falling off of the hair. Eyes.-Stinging in the eyes. —#Redness of the eyelids.0Artihritic ophthalmia, with itching and nightly agglutination. -Humid spot near the outer canthus.-Eye-gum in the canthi.-The eyes grow larger between the lids.-The eyes are sensitive to the light of day. Ears.-Stinging in the ears.-Redness, swelling and heat of the ear.-Digging and creeping in the ears.-Deafness as if a leaflet were lying against the ears. —*Roaring in the ears. Nose. —Eruptions on the nose. —Soreness of the nostrils and ale, nasi. —* Cracked, scurfy nostrils. ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. 33 Face, —~Heat of the face, especially the cheeks, with itching.-Red, burning, suppurating eruptions in the face, with yellowish scurfs.-Blotches and vesicles in the face, like mosquito-bites.-Honey-coloured granular rash on the face. -Eruption like varicella, on the nose, and in the face.-Sore feeling about the chin.-Sore, cracked corners of the mouth.Pimples on the upper lip.-Dry lips. Teeth.-* Toothache in hollow teeth, -with digging and twitching up into the head, excited every time he eats any thing, aggravated by cold water, abating in the open air.Jerking toothache, in the evening, in bed and after a meal.Grating of the teeth, when taking a nap while sitting.Bleeding of the teeth and gums which recede from the teeth. Mouth.-Dry mouth.-Confluence of water on the tongue and in the mouth.-Ptyalism. —White-coated tongue.-Sore pain along the edges of the tongue.-Vesicles on the tongue. Throat,-Sore throat, as if a plug had lodged in the throat. —Difficult deglutition.-Dry and rough throat, or else a good deal of phlegm in the throat. Appetite and Taste. —Bitter taste.-Thirst, especially at night. —* Chronic loss of appetite.-Feeling of hunger and emptiness in the pit of the stomach, especially early in the morning, not removed by eating. Gastric Symptoms. *Eructations tasting of the ingesta, or else scraping.-Gulping-up of a watery fluid. —*Bitter eructations.-Hiccough while smoking.-*Loathi:?g, nausea and inclination to vomit'caused by derangement of the stomach.-Nausea from drinking wine. —* Vomiting of bile and mucus, -or with diarrhoea and anguish. Stomach. *Cardialgia.-Burning-spasmodic pain in the the pit of the stomach, with despair and disposition to drown one's-self.-Gastritis.-*Pain in the stomach as if too full.The region of the stomach is painful to contact. —Tension and pressure in the pit of the stomach. Abdomen.,-Distention andfulness, especially after eating. - Violent cutting colic.-Empty feeling in the abdomen, as after violent diarrhcea.-When touching or pressing on the inguinal region, it feels hard, with pain as if swollen.-Flatulence with rumbling. Stool and Ans. — *Difficult discharge of hard fteces. — Hurried urging to stool, with sudden discharge of ordinary stool, attended with pressing. —Alternate diarrhcea and constipation of old people.-*Ineffectual disposition to diarrhcea, with pinching in the abdomen. —Papescent stools.-Diarrhea with cutting colic, generally watery. —Diarrhcea of lying-in women and of pregnant females. —* Constant discharge of a 34 ANTIMON1UM CRUDUM. yellowish-white mucus from the anus.-Discharge of black blood from the anus.-Flowing and blind varices at the anus, with tingling and burning.-Burning, itching and smarting in the anus.-Distensive pressing in the rectum and anus.Burning boil at the perineum. Urine. —'Frequent urging to urinate, with scanty emission. -— Copious and frequent micturition, with a good deal of mucus and burning in the urethra, attended with pain in the small of the back (haemorrhoids of the bladder).-Involuntary emission of urine when coughing.-Gold coloured, fluid, brown-red urine, sometimes mixed with small, red little bodies. —Cutting during micturition. Male Parts.-Sexual excitement and lewdness.-Emissions. Female Parts. —Uterine haemorrhage. — Ovaritis. — Acrid, smarting leucorrhcea. Catarrhal Symptoms., —Stoppage -of the nose.-Catarrh with sore, crusty nose. Windpipe.-Great heat in the larynx, during a walk in the open air.-The voice is very feeble. —Aphonia when getting heated.-Cough with burning in the chest.-Dry, racking morning-cough. Chest and Respiration.-Suffocative catarrh, with suffocative oppression of the chest.-Deep, sobbing breathing.Stinging in the cheek, during and between the inspirations. — Pain as if bruised in the pectoralis major, when pressing on it or raising the arm. Trunk —Spasmodic drawing in the cervical and posterior cervical muscles.-Rheumatic pains in the nape of the neck. — Rash in the nape of the neck, on the scapuloe and behind the ears. Upper Fxtremities.-Rheumatic pains in the arms.Reddish vesicles on the arms, itching. —~Red, hot swelling of the forearm, with sticking tension.-Drawing in the forearms, fingers and finger-joints.-Arthritic pain in the/finger-joints. -Painfulness of the skin under the finger nails, and slow growth of the same. Lower Extremities.-Drawing in the lower limbs, especially in the hip-joint. —Violent pains in the lower limbs. -~The lower limbs go to sleep, after sitting.-Blotches with red areolke, on the nates and lower limnbs.-Stitching pain in the knees and tibiwe.-Painful stiffness of the knee, not allowing the leg to be stretched. —Fungus of the knee-joint.Blotch (blister) on the knee, after rubbing.-The soles are sensitive when walking on stone-pavement.-Swelling and redness of the heel, with burning stinging, worse when walk ARGENTUM. 35 ing. — Corns in the sole and large *horny excrescences, close behind the toes.-Aching pain in the corns.-Burning in the ball of the big toe. —*Horny excrescence under the nail of the big toe. 11. —ARGENTUM. General Symptoms, —Drawing and tearing with pressure, most in the extremities and bones.-Pains as if bruised, especially in the small of the back and the joints of the lower limbs.-Raw and sore pains of internal organs and of the skin.-The limbs feel numb and rigid.-Epileptic attacks. — Ailments from abuse of mercury. —The pains are worse every noon. Skin.-Burning itching of the skin, here and there. — Sore and burning pimples. Sleep.-Anxious dreams. Fever.-Shuddering and chilliness, especially in the afternoon and at night. —Night-sweat. Emotive Sphere.-Anxiousness, obliging one to walk rapidly.-Lowness of spirits and no disposition to talk. Sentient Sphere.-The head feels stupid and hollow.Gloomy feeling in the head as if from smoke, and tingling, intoxicated feeling in the head.- Vertigo with obscuration of sight, or with sopor and closing of the eyelids. Head.-Headache in the occiput, as if a foreign body were moving through it causing a pressure, with stiff feeling in the nape of the neck. — *Stinging, and cramp-pain in the head.Stupifying pressure in the the forepart of the head. — Paroxysm of compression in the brain, with inclination to vomit and burning in the pit of the stomach, when reading and standing.-Sticking and tearing in the head. Integuments of the Head -The outer head feels sore, when pressing on it even lightly.-Pressure and tearing in the bones of the skull.-Painful muscular twitchings in the temples and forehead.-Pimple on the temple, with ulcerative pain. Eyes,-Itching, especially of the canthi.-Redness and swelling of the margins of the lids. Ears.-Stitching and cutting in the ears, extending to the inner brain.-Corrosive itching of the outer ear, with scratching until it bleeds.-The ears feel stopped. Nose.-Bleeding qf the nose, after blowing it, or preceded by tingling and tickling in the nose. —Discharge of bloody puis from the nose. 36 ARGENTUM. Face.-Red face. —Gnawing pressure and tearing in the facial bones.-Swelling of the upper lip, close under the nose. Teeth.-Toothache as if the teeth were loose.-The gums are painful when touched.-Loose, readily bleeding gums. Mouth.-Dryness.-Dry feeling on a moist tongue.* Confluence of a quantity of tenacious mucus, ~adhering to the palate, -with shuddering.- Vesicles on the tongue, sore and burning. Throat.-Sore throat as if the fauces were swollen, with difficult deglutition.-Roughness and scraping in the fauces. — ~Mercurial angina faucium, with raw and sore feeling when swallowing or expelling the air.-Boring and digging in the throat.-A quantity of gray, jelly-like mucus in the throat which can easily be hawked up. Appetite. —Aversion to every kind of food, even when merely thinking of it, one is speedily satiated. —A good appetite, even when the stomach is full.-Gnawing hunger, not removed by eating. Gastric Symptoms.-Heartburn.-Hiccough while smoking.-Constant nausea and qualmishness.-Gagging-up of an acrid, badly tasting fluid, followed by scraping and burning in the fauces. Stomach.-Pressure in the pit of the stomach.-Excessive pressure from the lower abdomen to the region of the pubic bones, immediately after commencing to eat, aggravated by drawing breath and abating after rising.-Painfully oppressive distention of the abdomen. —Cutting in the abdomen.-Contraction of the abdominal muscles when walking. -Loud rumbling in the abdomen. Stool.-Frequent urging to stool, with scanty discharge of stool.-Dry, sandy stool.-Vomiting during stool.-Contractive colic after the morning-stool. Urine.-Frequent and copious emission of urine. Male Parts.-Contusive pain in the testicles.-Emissions. Catarrhal Symptoms.-Stoppage of the nose, with biting in the same.- Violent fluent coryza, with a good deal of sneezing. Windpipe. —Raw and sore pain in the larynx, also when coughing. -A good deal of mucus in the windpipe, caused by stooping, laughing and going up-stairs, it is easily hawked up. -A good deal of mucus on the chest.-When eating, especially when eating apples, particles of the food are apt to get into the larynx.-Cough caused by a cutting in the windpipe, with watery expectoration.-Paroxysms of short rattling cough, in the day-time, with easy expectoration of a thickish, whitish substance. —Small spot at the upper part ARGENTUM NITRICUM. 37 of the larynx, from which a feeling of coldness seems to emanate. —Sensation in the larynx, in the region of the throat-pit, as if there were a little wound, worse when talking and singing. —~Laryngeal phthisis, especially among preachers and people who are obliged to speak loud a good deal and incessantly. Chest.-Pressure at the chest.-Pressure and stitching in the sternum and sides of the chest.-Cutting in the sides of the chest, when drawing breath and stooping.-Cramp-pain in the pectoral muscles and near the ribs. Trunk.-Pain in the small of the back as if lamed and bruised, or drawing.-Tearing in the shoulders and scapulae. Upper Extremities.- Tearing, and spasmodic drawing with pressure, also tension, in the arms and hands.-Pressure with tearing in the bones and joints of the hands andfingers.-Contraction of the fingers. Lower Extremities. — ~'oxagra, with paralytic aching and stitching pain in the hip-joint when walking.-Muscular twitchings in the thighs. —Crampy cutting and tearing in the knees and ankles.-Crampy feeling in the calves, with pain as if the muscles were contracted while going down-stairs.Pain as if bruised and beating in the tarsal joints.- Tearing in the bones and joints of the feet and toes.-Numb feeling in the heel and tendo Achilles. 12.-ARGENTUM NITRICUM. General Symptoms.-Sensation as if the limbs would go tosleep. —Vacillating gait, with unsteadiness of the extremities.- Very weak, with weariness of the lower limbs, dread of work, drowsiness and ill looks.-One finds it difficult to go up-stairs.- Very feeble, as if worn out and exhausted. —* Trembling of the limbs.-Sensation as if the limbs and head would expand. —Violent convulsions. — Epileptic attacks. —~Catalepsy?? —St. Vitus' dance? —~Hysteric spasms? —*Paralysis, ~especially of one side.-Cachexia, emaciation, dropsy. — Hemorrhage? —~Syphilitic, mercurial, scrofulous and dyscratic complaints? —Leprous eruptions and complaints?~Scorbutic affections? Skin.-Biting, stinging itching, also at night in bed, when getting warm.-Itch-like eruptions, with bleeding and bleeding crusts after scratching.-Ecthymatous pustules. —Wartshaped excrescences.-(Hebra of Vienna, denies the existence of the so-called ARGYRIA). —-~Scabby skin? —Herpes?~Cancerous ulcers? —Burns? —Chilblains? —Erysipela 38 ARGENTUM NITRICUM. tous inflammations? — ~Inveterate ulcers? —Small-pox? - ~Continuous suppurations?-OAbscesses? Sleep,-Very drowsy in the day-time, when sitting, especially in the evening. —A good deal of long and deep yawning. ~Lethargy and coma.?-Sopor. —Many fanciful visions before falling asleep.-Nightly nervous excitement and sleeplessness. —Restless sleep full of dreams, with tossing about. — Frightful, heavy dreams.-Headache, sore throat and complaints from flatulence, at night. Fever. —Chilliness and shuddering, generally in the forenoon.-Yellowish complexion, with nausea and rising of air, during the chilliness.-Fever with violent, raging headache, inclination to vomit, and desire for something piquant, sour *or salt. —Profuse night-sweats.- Morning-sweats. —~Nervous and typhoid fevers? Emotive Sphere,-Anxiety with moaning and deep-seated feeling of sickness.-Solicitous mood alternating with indifference. —Apathy and want of confidence in one's-self, with weakness and nervous prostration.-Hypochondriac, gloomy mood. —lHydrophobia. —Craziness? —Noisy mania and craziness? Sentient Sphere. —Vertigo as if turning in a circle. —Vertigo with headache, nausea, blindness and humming in the ears. —Dizziness, intoxication and inability to collect one's senses.-Vertigo as if one would faint.-Absence of thought as if stupid, with inability to think, want of suitable expressions — Imbecile appearance, silly laughing and manners, with appearance of grimaces on closing the eyes in the daytime.-Dulness and confusion of the head, or painful dulness of the head, especially after drinking coffee. —Apo. plexy? —~Hydrocephalus? —Meningitis? Head.-Painful fulness and heaviness inl the head, especially early in the morning, on waking.-Headache, as if the head would fly to pieces, when performing some mental labour.-Sensation of a cool current from the right frontal eminence to the eye. —Megrim.?-Semilateral tearing in the head, from the forehead as far as the face and left eye, with lachrymation, redness and glistening of the eye.-The headache generally affects one side of the head, principally the right side.- Violent congestion of blood to the head, with throbbing of the carotids, melancholy, stupefaction and inability to think. -Constant headache.-The headache is worse in the open air, is diminished by bandaging the head tightly.-The headache is in most cases attended with chilliness. Integuments of the Head, —A good deal of itching, biting and creeping on the hairy scalp as from vermin, with ARGENTUM NITRICUM. 39 constant desire to scratch. —Violently itching blotches on the hairy scalp, painful as if sore, afterwards becoming inflamed and humid.-Itching tumours on the hairy scalp and nape of the neck. Eyes.-Inflammation of the eyes, with pressure, mucus obliging one to wipe, scarlet-redness, interstitial distention of the conjunctiva, mistiness of sight and narrowing of the space between the lids.-Nightly agglutination.-A good deal of mucus in the eyes.-Blood-red canthi, with swelling of the lachrymal gland, causing it to look like a ball of red flesh, and clusters of congested vessels coming from the canthi.-Redness, puffing-up and swelling of the conjunctiva.~Pellicle on the eye?-Wart-shaped excresences, pustules, ulcers and specks on the cornea?-The inflammation abates in the cool open air, and becomes intolerable in a warm room. -~Fistula lachrymalis??-Blear-eyed.-Sudden attacks of blindness, at twilight, in the evening, with loud lamentations. -When reading or writing, the sight vanishes and the letters become blurred.-Far-sightedness when readingI Dimness of the cornea, with white speck on the same. —Amaurosis? Ears.-Otalgia.-Ringing, and humming in the ears.Hard hearing, as if something were lying against the ear.~Deafness?-~Dampness of the ears 2 Nose. —The nasal bones feel sore as if bruised.-Constant and violent itching in the nose, obliging one to scratch until it bleeds.-Discharge of blood and bloody pus, when blowing the nose.-Painful scurfs in the nose bleeding when torn off.-Dulness of smell.-Stoppage of the nose, with itching.-Ozeena? Face,-Sunken, pale, bluish face.-Looks sick, old.Semilateral drawing and tearing in the face. —Prosopalgia. -Convulsions of the facial muscles, with tight closing of the mouth.-Swelling of the upper lip close under the nose. — Inflamed blotches and pustules on the lips and at the corners of the mouth. —Bluish lips. —Lupia? —~Erysipelas of the face? —~erpes on the chin? —~Impetigo labialis? Teeth. —The teeth are very sensitive to cold water.Toothache especially when chewing, or when the teeth are touched by any thing cold or sour.-Exfoliation of the teeth. — Loose, readily bleeding gums. Mouth.-Dry tongne, especially early in the morning.White mucus on the tongue, or else yellow-grayish.-Rough tbngue, the papillae being erect. —Swelling of the tongue, with ulcerative pain. —Ulcerated crusts on the inner surface of the cheeks.-Fetor of the mouth, early in the morning.Ptyalism.-A good deal of tenacious mucus in the mouth. 40 ARGENTUM NITRICUM. — Speech heavy, unsteady, owing to dryness of the palate. — Aphtha? —Mercurial ptyalism and ulcers in the mouth? Throat.-Dark redness of the fauces and uvula. —Soreness, roughness, dryness and ulcerative pain of the throat.Painful deglutition as from a splinter.-A good deal of tenacious, thick mucus in the mouth and fauces, with constant hawking-Spasm and choking in the fauces.-Spasms of the cesophagus, with painful disposition to eructate, pain in the stomach, fainting nausea, flow of water in the mouth. —~Membranous angina faucium? —Chronic swelling of the tonsils? Appetite and Taste.-Bitter taste in the mouth, sometimes astringent and metallic, or doughy, flat taste.-Loss of appetite, food tastes like straw.-Desire for acrid cheese or sugar.-Considerable weakness of digestion, with feeling of fulness in the stomach. Gastric Symptoms,-Frequent and violent rising of air, attending almost/all the other pains.-Almost constant loathing and nausea, even unto fainting.-Vomiting of a substance leaving a black stain.-Vomiting with anguish, diarrhcea and violent colic.-oHeartburn and sour stomach? —OVomiting of black blood? Stomach., —Painful pressure at the stomach, also at night, as from a lump, followed by vomiting.-Cardialgia, also with internal chilliness and sick looks, or more especially at night, waking one.-Burning and tearing in the stomach, or gnawing with ulcerative pain.-Inflammation, suppuration and interstitial distention, of the mucous coat of the stomach. — OSoftening of the stomach? —~Carcinoma of the stomach? Abdomen., —Pressure and feeling of fulness in the liver. -oAffections of the liver and spleen? —Stitching in the liver and region of the spleen.-Aching with drawing and pressure in the abdomen, as in ascites.-Sore and ulcerative pain in the abdomen.-Sensation as if a ball were rising.-Spasmodic colic.-Discharge of a good deal of flatulence, causing relief.- Saturnine colic? Stool and Anus.-Discharge of a greenish, fetid mucus. -Brown, fetid diarrhceic stools.-Nightly watery diarrhcea, with noisy flatulence, after eating sugar. —Diarrhceic stools consisting of bloody mucus, with great prostration of strength.-Ulceration of the bowels, phthisis of the intestines.-Itching of the anus, causing one to scratch until the parts are sore.-Discharge of ascarides and pieces of trnia. -— Diarrhcea from teething? —-Dysentery? —-Ailments caused by worms? —Flowing piles? Urine.-Frequent urging to urinate, with copious emission of a pale-yellow urine.-Frequent micturation at night. ARGENTUM NITRICUM. 41 -Discharge of a little urine after urinating, with sensation of swelling in the urethra.-The front-part of the urethra feels contracted, when urinating.-Inflammation and swelling of the urethra, with gonorrhceal discharge, priapism, bloody urine and fever.-I-Hemorrhage from the urethra. — ~Catarrh of the bladder?-~Gonorrhcca? Male Parts.-Chancrous ulcers on the prepuce.-Enlargement and hardness of the right testicle.-Frequent emissions.-Want of sexual desire and shrivelling of the sexual organs. Female Parts. —Profuse menses, with pains in the small of the back and pelvis.-Uterine hmemorrhage.-Miscarriage. -~Uterine spasms? —Leucorrhcea? Catarrhal Symptoms.,-A good deal of sneezing.Catarrh with chilliness, wretched look, lachrymation, sneezing and stupifying headache obliging one to lie down. Windpipe. —Wheezing and whizzing in the larynx, with pulse-like regularity, when lying-down after eating, perceptible only when lying on the left ear. —Nightly hoarseness, with expectoration of bloody mucus after a paroxysm of dry cough.-Cough with tickling in the throat.-Tobacco-smoke is intolerable when coughing.-Nightly cough with vomiting. -Suffocative cough, in the afternoon.-Continual desire to cough, with spitting of blood and oppression of breathing. -~Laryngeal phthisis? — Whooping-cough?? —Pulmonary phthisis.?? Chest and Respiration.-Oppression of the chest, with moaning. —Difficult breathing with anguish.-Suffocative paroxysms.-~Spasmodic asthma? —Pressure and weight on the chest.-Violent palpitation of the heart, also particularly at night, or with a fainting sort of nausea.-Puffy distention of the mammary glands, with ulcerative pain. Trunk.-Nightly pains in the back, tensive and crampy. Violentpains in the small of the back as if sprained, early in the morning, abating when standing or walking. —Paralytic weight in the lumbar region, extending to the hip-joint. -Pain of the axillary glands. Upper Extremities.-Nightly bone-pain in the humerus. -On the dorsum of the right hand, yellow vesicles on a red base, originally arising from red blotches. —Whitlow? Lower Extremities. —Paralytic heaviness and lassitude of the lower limbs.-Periodical spasmodic drawing from the hip to the knee, so painful that one would like to cry out.~Coxagra?-Pain in the hip, extending down to the tarsal joint.-Emlaciation and paralytic weakness of the lower limbs.-Tuberculous pimples on the thighs, with nightly 42 ARNICA MONTANA, itching.-Tearing, digging and raging in the knees.-~White swelling of the knee?-Great languor and tensive weariness of the calves as after a long journey.-Arthritic pain in the foot. _j,,..... I 13.-ARNICA MONTANA. General Symptoms. — Chronic rheumatism with tensivetearing pains. —*Stinging and tingling, or else lamingpains as if bruised, especially in the limbs and joints during motion. —Arthritic complaints.-OAilments arising from a shock, fall, contusion; Ostrains by lifting; ~sprains; ~luxations. —*Compressive sensation, stinging and tingling in the affected parts.-*The pains are aggravated by talking, blowing one's nose, moving about and even by sleep. —Ailments caused by abuse of cinchona. —*Rushes of blood, with congestion of the head, burning of the upper, and coolness of the lower parts of the body.-The whole body is excessively sensitive, especially the joints. —Heaviness and relaxed feeling in all the limbs. —Vibratory sensation in all the limbs, when treading or when the body is concussed.-Jerks through the whole body.-The child stretches its body, has convulsions, cannot keep its head erect. —*Fainting turns. —*Consumption. —~Apoplexy, also nervous and serous. Skin.-**Boils. —Stings of bees. —Varices. —~ Wounds, also when caused by a bite.-Rash and pock-shaped eruptions. -.*Ecchymosed, dark-red, blue, yellowish places on the skin. —OHot, hard, red and shining swelling. Sleep. — Very drowsy in the day-time, without being able to sleep.-Sleepy at an early hour, in the evening.-Unrefreshing sleep full of dreams. —Sopor with wandering of the mind.-Grasping at things in the air or on the bed-cover.Anxious, frightful dreams. —Starting and moaning during sleep.-Difficulty of collecting one's-self, on waking.-~Involuntary discharge of stool and urine during sleep. Fever.-Chilliness, generally in the evening, as if cold water were poured upon one.-Evening-fever.-Fever early in the morning, first chilliness, then heat.- -~Intermittent fevers with a good deal of thirst and drinking previous to the chill, attended with yawning; afterwards heat with thirst, but drinks less. — The fever is preceded by a drawing in the periosteum of all the bones. —Thirst, without any external heat, with contracted pupils. —Hurried pulse. —Tertian puerperal fever, with watery diarrhoea. —Typhoid fever, with loss of consciousness, without delirium. — Intermittent fevers after abuse of cinchona. ARNICA MONTANA. 43 Emotive Sphere.-*Hypochondriac anxiety.-Restlessness and anguish.-Loss of hope.-One's feelings are easily excited. —Tendency to start. —*Headstrong. —-Frivolity, wantonness, bad demeanor, absurd speech. Sentient Sphere.-Absence of thought.-Absence of mind, reverie. —~Loss of consciousness alternating with constant screaming. —Dulness of the head, with stitching pains. -*Vertigo when raising one's head and moving it, or when walking. —Vertigo at dinner as if one would fall forward.*Vertigo, with nausea, -when reading for a long time. —*Delirium. —Vertigo, with vanishing of sight. —Sanguinous apoplexy, with extravasation of blood. —Concussion of the brain. —Dropsy of the brain. Hlead.-~Hemicrania.-Stupifying or pressing headache, especially in the forehead, generally with heat in the brain, especially when walking, going up-stairs, reflecting or reading, or after eating. *Spasmodic contractive feeling in the forehead, above the eyes, as if the brain were pressed together like a ball, especially near the warm stove.-Pain in the temples as from a nail. —The aching in the forehead is worse after eating.-*Jerking tearing and *stitching in the head, -mostly in the temples.-Cutting through the head, followed by a feeling of coldness, causing the hair to stand on end.Tingling in the forehead and above the orbits. —*Rush of blood to the head, with burning heat in the head, the body being cool or naturally warm. —OHeadache caused by a shock or some other mechanical cause. — Concussion of the brain. — Weakness and heaviness of the head, so that one finds it difficult to keep the head erect. —Periodical headache. Integuments of the Head. —External tingling in the vertex. —The scalp seems to adhere firmly and be immoveable. Eyes,-*Dull pressure at the borders of the orbits and around the eyes. —Tingling around the eyes. —*Sore pain of the eyes and edges of the lids, ~with difficulty of moving them.-Burning of the eyes. — Opthalmia from mechanical causes. —*Redness of the whites. —~Swollen, ecchymosed lids. — ~Dim eyes, without lustre. —Profuse discharge of burning tears.- The eyes are half closed, or protruded, or staring, expressive of anguish.-~Obscuration of vision. Ears. —Pain in the ears as if bruised or contused. —Tearing in the ears.-Long stitches in and behind the ears.-Stitches through the ears, like shocks, when leaning the head against any thing.-Hard hearing and roaring in the ears, also after injuries. Nose. —Pain of the nose as if bruised by a blow, with tingling.-Crampy pain at the root of the nose. —Inflammation 44 ARNICA MONTANA. and *swelling of the nose.-Ulcerated nostrils.-*Bieeding of the nose. Face.-*Face pale and sunken, or ~yellow and bloated.Redness and burning of one cheek only, the body being cool. -Jerking beating or tingling shudderinr in the cheeks.-H ot face in the evening, with cold nose.-~Inflammatory prosopalgia. -*Hot, red-shining, hard swelling of the cheek.-Pockshaped eruption in the face, especially under the eyes.Swelling of the lips.-Tingling in the lips.-Burning heat, dryness and parched condition of the lips.- Cracked borders of the lips. —Incipient paralysis of the lower jaw.-Painful swelling of the submaxillary glands. Teeth. —~Toothache, with hard, rigid swelling of the cheeks.-Tearing in the upper (molar) teeth when eating.The teeth are loose and elongated.- Tingling in the gums. — Pain as if the teeth were loose and elongated, with pain when touching them, and beating with pressure, as from congestion of blood.-Slimy teeth. Mouth.-Dry mouth with thirst.-Bloody saliva. —Spitting of blood. —*Dry or white-coated tongue. —Sore feeling and smarting on the tongue.-Contraction of the palate as from astringents.-Put'rid smell from the mouth. Throat. —Sore throat as from something hard in the throat. —Deglutition is impeded by a kind of nausea as though the food would not go down.-Noise when swallowing.-Stinging in the throat, between the acts of deglutition.Burning in the throat, with apprehensive anxiousness, as from internal heat. —Oesophagitis?-Bitter-tasting mucus in the throat. Appetite and Taste.-* Taste putrid -or slimy, or *bitter (early, after waking) —Desire for water.-Desire to drink, with aversion to every kind of beverage. —*Aversion to meat, broth and tobacco.-Desire for vinegar.-Excessive appetite at supper, with feeling of fulness and colicky pressure in the abdomen, immediately after eating.-Whining and peevish mood after supper.-*Loss of appetite and aversion to food. Gastric Symptoms. —*Bitter or putrid eructations, or violent and *empty, or interrupted.- Gulping up of bitter mucus or salt water.-]nclination to vomit, also early in the morning. — *Empty retching, also at night, with pressure in the pit of the stomach, as from a lulnp.-~ Vomiting of coagulated blood, coining on again after eating or drinking.-0Vomiting of milk and blood oafter drinking. Stomach. —Pressure at the stomach as firom a stone.Fulness in the stomach and pit of the stomach, like satiety attended with loathing.-Digging in the pit of the stomach, ARNICA MONTANA. 45 with sensation as if the parts were rolled up in a ball.*Pinching, spasmodic grasping in the stomach.-~Stitches in the pit of the stomach, with pressure extending to the back and constriction of the chest, aggravated by eating, drinking, and contact. Abdomen.-*Splenetic stitches when walking. — Stitches below the lefi hypochondriumn, arresting the breathing.-Pressure in the region of the liver. — Colic after straining by lifting, in pregnant females. —Hard distention of the abdomen with cutting sore pain in the sides of the abdomen, lessened by emission of flatulence, every day from early in the morning until two in the afternoon.-Sharp shocks through the lower abdomen. —Contusive pain in the sides of the abdomen.Pains from flatulence.-F latulence smelling like putrid eggs. Stool and Anls, —Ineffectual urging to stool.-*Constipation.- Thin, papescent, sour-smelling stools, after frequent ineffectual urging.-Frequent scanty discharges of mucus.Watery diarrhoea. —* Undigested stools. —#Involuntary dis charges of stool, at night.-Bloody, purulent evacuations.Varices of the anus.-Pressure in the rectum. UJrine —Retention of urine, with pressing in the bladder. — Tenesmus of the bladder.-Urging to urinate, with involuntary discharge of drops of urine.-Frequent emission of watery urine. —*Brown urine with brick-dust sediment.~Bloody urine. —*Nocturnal enuresis. Male Parts.-Itching, red spot on the glands.-Inflammation of the glands. —Blue-red swelling of the penis, and scrotum, with tension, sore pain and feeling as if bruised. —Hard, hot swelling of the testicles (caused by a blow), with pain when walking, standing or touching them.-Hydrocele.Stitches in the testicle and spermatic cord extending to the abdominal cavity, during rest. Female Parts. —Premature menses.-Discharge of blood from the uterus, between the menses. — The after pains are extremely painful and last too long. Windpipe.,* Cough generally dry, caused by a titillation in the windpipe, early in the morning, after rising.-Nightly-congh during sleep.-* Cough of children after crying.-0~Paroxysms of whooping.cough commencing with crying. —Moist cough. — *Bloody cough, U'uith dyspncea, rush of blood, palpitation of the heart, periodical heat which favours the expectoration of a bright, frothy blood, with lumps of coagulated blood and mucus.- When coughing, stitches zn the head and pain of all the ribs as if bruised by blows. —l~nability to raise the detached mucus. Chest and Respiration.-* Oppressed breathing.-*Diffi. 46 ARSENICUM ALBUM. cult, anxious sniffling breathing or short, panting respiration. -~Rattling in the trachea.-Fetid breath. —*Stitches in the chest, with stoppage of breath and cough, aggravated by every motion. —~Rheumatic pleurisy. —Compression on the chest and in the region of the heart. —*Pain as if sprained and bruised, in the cartilages of the chest and back. —*Acute stitches in the region of the heart, ~also with fainting turns.-Jerking beating of the head.-Red sweat on the chest. —Soreness of the nipples. Trunk. —Pain in the back and small of the back, as if lamed and bruised by blows.-Sensation as if a lump had lodged in the back.-Tingling in the spine.-Cramp-pain in the cervical muscles, especially when sneezing and yawning.-Weakness of the cervical muscles; the head falls backwards.-Painful swelling of the cervical glands. Upper Extremities.-Pain in the arm as if lamed and bruised, with tingling in the arm.-Pain as if sprained in the arm and wrist-joints.-Jerking in the arms.-Stitching in the pits of the axille. —Swelling of the veins on the hands, with full, strong pulse.-Pain in the hands as if bruised, with want of power when grasping any thing. —Crampy feeling in the fingers. Lower Extremities. —The legs and feet feel as if bruised by blows. —Tension, drawing and weariness in the thighs, aggravated by walking.- Tearing in the knee or tension as if the tendons were too short, aggravated by waking.-The knees are powerless and give way, with numb feet.- Tearing in the tarsal joints and heels.-Stitching in the tarsal joints when moving it. —Tingling in the feet.-Erysipelatous inflammation and swelling of the feet, with heat and drawing stinging pains. -Swelling of the tarsal joint, with painfulness during motion. -Dark-red, blue and yellowish skin of the foot.-Hot, redshining swelling of the toes and neighbouring parts. — Gout. 14.-ARSENICUM ALBUM. General Symptoms.-*Paroxysms of pain with anxiety, coldness, disposition to lie down, and sudden excessive debility. -*Attacks of pain commencing with shuddering. —*Pains which drive one to despair or rage. —*Nightly pains which are even felt during sleep, and can only be moderated by walking about.-*The pains are aggravated by other people's talking, or by lying on the affected part, or after dinner when sitting, or in the evening after lying down; the pains abate by external warmth, or when standing or moving the body.-* Typical appearance of the pains every day, or periodical attacks every ARSENICUM ALUM. 47 3 or 4 weeks. —c Paroxysms of a rheumatic tearing pain, lasting 6 days, and coming on again after an interval of 4 days. -*.Burning pains in internal and external parts. —~Inflammation of internal organs with violent burning pains. — Gastricbilious hysteric conditions. —~Dropsical swelling. —*Scrofulous complaints.-Sense of deadness in the extremities.*Excessive prostration.-While lying one feels strong and desires to get up, but sinks down as soon as one is on one's feet.-Fainting turns. —*Emaciation. —* Consumption. *Jaundice.-O~Chlorosis.-OB]oat of the limbs and face, with large abdomen and glandular swellings. —Anasarca. —~Asiatic cholera. —*Obstinate influenza. —* Trembling of the limbs. -* Convulsions.-*Tonic spasms.-Paralysis. —*Epilepsy. Skin.-~Dry, parchment-like or else blue and cold skin.*Rash, especially white. —I tch like pimples.-Varioloid.*Urticaria.-~OBlood-blisters cover the whole body.-*Petechice owith putrid fever.-*Black pocks as if gangrenous.*Suppuratilng herpes with violent burning pain. —~ Ochorous ul cers with raised edges or thin crusts.. —* Gangrenous or can. cerous ulcers.-~Insensible or *extremely painful ulcers with stinging and burning ~especially when the parts become cold. *Discoloured nails.- ~Warts.- ~OChilblains.-*Varices.*Burning and burning itching. Sleep. —Evening, —sopor.-*Sleeplessness at night, with constant tossing about.-*Starting of single parts or of the whole body when on the point of falling asleep or during sleep. -~Only half asleep, constantly disturbed by moaning and grating of the teeth. —*Nightly restlessness, anguish about the heart and violent burning under the skin, as if hot water were flowing through the veins. — *Wakes frequently and finds it difficult to fall asleep again. —Anxious dreams. Fever.-*General coldness, with loss of pulse and clammy cold sweat, —' Chilliness and shuddering without thirst, generally in the room, or immediately after drinking, with paroxysms of pain, or setting in of other symptoms together with the chilliness. —Evening-chill with stretching of the limbs and apprehensive uneasiness. —*Attacks offever preceded by vertigo and great debility, attended with humming in the ears, or followed by aching pain in the forehead.-~ Quotidian, tertian and quartan fevers, with indistinct, chilliness and heat, with great restlessness and thirst, or else without thirst during the chilliness and heat.- Intermittent fevers after abuse of cinchona.-~Puerperal fevers, ~mucous fevers, ~putrid fevers, and ~lentescent typhus. —Gastric and bilious fevers with vomiting, internal heat, violent thirst, cutting in the bowels as if diarrhcea would set in. —*Nightly burning heat all over, 48 ARSENICUM ALBUM. with burring in all the veins, without thirst or sweat. —*Sweat at the rommencement of sleep, or after thefever-paroxysm. Emotive Sphere. —*Excessive anxiety and restlessness, driving one to andjfio inl the day-time and out of bed at night, especially in the evening after lying down, or at 3 o'clock in the morning, on waking. —*Dread of being alone, of ghosts and thieves.-*Excessive fear of death or mania of suicide.~Irritable mood or unsettling of one's disposition in consequence of abuse of brandy. —*Melancholy sadness. —*Re. ligious melancholy and reserve. —*Crying and weeping, with a few incoherent sentences.-~Scruples of conscience. — *Great indifference and apathy. —~Affections of the mind after suppression of rash. —Vexed at trifles. —*Disposition to talk about other people's faults.-Crazy. —Imbecility. Sentient Sphere. —In the room the headfeels coinfused and heavy, feels better in the open air. —* Vertigo -with throbbing in the head when raising it.-When closing the eyes, in the evening one is attacked with vertigo so that one has to hold on to something. Hiead, —*Headache abating by applying cold water to the head, but worse again after removing the wet application.*Aching, stupifying pain in the head, with heaviness in the forehead.-*Beating pain int the forehead, with inclination to vomit.-H emicrania. Integuments of the Head.-*The hairy scalp is painful as if ecchymosed, especially when touched. —* Swelling of the head and face. —*Scaldhead. —*Burning pustules on the head. Eyes. —* Ophthalmia with violent burning pain. —Arthritic, scrofulous and rheumatic opthalmia.-~Infiammation of the inner surjace of the eyelids, with inability to open the eyes.0inflammation of the conjunctiva and sclerotica, with dark redness and considerable congestion of the vessels. —*Lachrymation and nightly agglztination. —*Acrid, corrosive tears.*Dim and yellow eyes. —*Wild, staring look. —Distortion of the eyes.-0 Specks on the cornea. Ears. —Hummning in the ears, with hard hearing, as if the ears were stopped. Nose. —Swelling of the nose. —Constant burning in the nose. -Scaling off of the epidermis on the nose.-Cancer of the nose. Face. —* Yellow, livid or bluish face.-*Bloated or sunken face, with sunken eyes, which are surrounded by blue margins, and with pointed nose.-*-DisJfgured, cadaverous face. — oDrawing, stitching, or burning prosopalgia.-*Swelling of the face, especially below the eye-lids. —~Acne rosacea in the face. —Farinaceous herpes in the face and around the eyes. ARSENICUM ALBUM. 49 - Crusta lactea?_-OCancer of the face? —* The lips are blackish, cracked, dry. —*Eruptions on the lips, near the vermilion border. —* Cancer of the lower lip, with ash-coloured base, and hard puffed-up edges. —*Selling of the submaxillary glands-with aching and contusive pain. Teeth., —Toothache at night, with pecking pain in the cheek, deep in the bone, extending to the ear and temples,'aggravated by lying on the affected side, abating near the warm stove. -Toothache driving one to rage.-The teeth feel loose and elongated.- Grating of the teeth. —Bleeding of the gums. Mlouth —~Stomacace. —Aphthe. —*Fetor from the mouth. ~Brown or black, parched, dry, cracked tonue. —*Bluish tongue. —Swelling and gangrane of the tongue. —Hurried speech. Throat.-*Sore throat when swallowing, as from an internal swelling (Osore and burning).-OGangrenous angina.~Every thing he swallows causes a pressure in the oesophagus as if it had lodged there.-Constriction of the fauces. —*Inpeded deglutition, as if the parts were paralized. —*Burning pain in thefauces.-~cesophagitis. Appetite and Taste.-*Food is tasteless. —Bitter taste after eating or drinking. —Salt taste.-*Burning desire for cold water.- Constant panting for drinks, drinking frequently but little at a time.-*Desire for sour things, or brandy, -or coffee.-Loathing of food. —*Every thing he eats causes a pressure in the fauces or stomach. —~Weak digestion.ODerangement of the stomach by ice, sour things or fruit. Gastric Symptoms., —Eructation after eating, with pressure of the stomach and nausea.-Gulping-up of an acrid fluid. —*A good deal of hiccough and empty eructations. — *Nausea, obliging one to lie down, especially when stirring about. —*Waterbrash.-*Constant nausea with vomiting and diarrhcea.-*Violent retching.-* Chronic vomiting of the in. gesta.-*Vomiting first of food, then bile.- Vomiting of a green substance, with diarrhoea, immediately after drinking ever so little.-~Violent *vomiting of water and mucus.*Bloody and black vomiting. —*Anxious pains in the region of the stomach during the vomiting. Stomach. —*Pressure at the stomach, after eating. —* The pit of the stomach and stomach are very painful, with anguish. -~Gastritis.-~Induration and cancer of the stomach.~Herpes in the pit of the stomach. Abdomen. — ~Induration of the liver.-Numbness from the left hypochondrium across the stomach. —~Swelling and painfulness of the spleen.-*Excessive colic, with violent anguish in the abdomen. —*Distended, hard abdomen. —* Cut, 3 50 ARSENICUM ALBUM. ting colic with coldness, or internal heat and thirst, with vomiting, feeling of weight in the abdomen and diarrhcea.*Spasmodic colic.-Tearing in the abdomen. —Nightly jerking pains in the abdomen.-Hysteric abdominal spasms.*Violent burning pains in the whole abdomen.-~Enteritis.*Periodical colic. —Swelling and induration of the mesenteric glands? —Soft swelling of the abdomen which is painful to the touch.-*Ascites.-~OPainful swelling of the inguinal glands. Stool and Anus. —* Urging to stool, with pinching in the bowels and burning sore pain at the anus. —*Slimy, watery, green, yellowish, fetid, putrid and undigested diarrhoeic stools, sometimes with discharge of worms. -*Burning stools, owith tiolent colic. —-*Bloody stools.-Unperceived discharge of stool. —~Blackish diarrhoea. —*Burning varices of the rectum and anus.-Burning pain in the rectum.-Prolapsus of the rectum. Urine, —*Suppression of urine and paralysis of the bladder. —Difficult, painful micturition.-Involuntary emission of urine. —*Bloody, burning urine. —Turbid urine with slimy sediment. Male Parts, —*Painful swelling of the sexual parts -unto gangrene.-Blue-red swelling of the glands which is cracked. ~E'rysipelitous inflammation ofthe scrotum, in chimney-sweep? Female Partso*Premature and profuse menses, with various pains and complaints.-~Suppressed mnenses. —Corrosive leucorrhcea. —Carcinoma uteri? Catarrhal Symptoms,-*Excessive discharge of an acrid burning water from the nose, with hoarseness and sleeplessness. —Catarrh with bleeding of the nose and pressure above the eye-brows. —*Dryness and stoppage of the nose. Windpipe,-~Inflarnmation of the windpipe. —~Angina membranacea.-~Laryngeal phthisis with deficient secretion of mucus. —*Dry feeling and ~burning in the larynx. —*Cough with tightness of the chest and tenacious mucus on the chest. — *Cough as is caused by the vapour of sulphur.-* Cough without expectoration, especially after drinking.-~Periodical *dry evening-cough.-*Cough as soon as one gets into the open air. —ONightly bloody cough, with burning heat all over. -~Acute suppuration o f the lungs. Chest and Respiration.-Shortness of breath, immediately after eating. —Sudden tightness of the chest with apncea, weakness and excessive prostration when stirring about.~Spasmodic asthma.-~Oppression of the chest in cold, open air, or *when going up hill.-Suffocative paroxysms in the evening, after going to bed.-~Asthma Millari,-~Difficultyv ASA FETIDA. 51 of breathing, in windy weather, when going up hill, walking, laughing or moving about,-Pressure on the chest, especially at the sternum. —* Constriction of the chest at every motion, ~with apncea. — Hysteric spasms in the chest. —Stitches in the sternum.-Evening-chilliness in the chest and upper abdomen.-Burning and heat in the chest. —~Pneumonia.~Angina pectoris.-H-ydrothorax. —*Palpitation of the heart, with great anguish, especially at night.-Violent, tumultuous beats of the heart. — Cancer of the breast. —Yellow spots on the chest. Trunk. —Violent burning pain in the back, aggravated by contact.-Tearing or drawing in the back and between the scapulae, obliging one to lie down.-Soft, painless swelling on the neck and lower jaw. Upper Extremities,-*Tearing in the arms and hands.oSwe/ling of the arm covered with foul-smelling black pocks. -*Nightly drawing and tearing fiom the elbow to the shoulder. —Drawing, tearing and stitching in the knuckles.Cramp and spasm in the fingers.-Hard swelling of the fingers, with bone-pains in the same.-Discoloured nails. —Burning ulcers at the tips of the fingers. Lower Extremities.-Cramp and spasms in the lower limbs.-Tearing in the lower limbs, from the hips to the ankles, with uneasiness obliging one to move the limb all the time. —~Nervous coxagra.-Paralytic weakness of the thighs. -*Pain in the knee-joints as if bruised.-Contraction of the hamstrings.-~Hlerpes in the bend of the knee.-Cramp in the calves.-Phlegmasia alba dolens. —lnveterate *ulcers on the legs, with burning and ostinging.-*LHard, shining, burning swelling of the.feet, with black-blue burning blisters on the dorsum of the foot. —Pain in the balls of the toes as if excoriated, when walking.-~Phagadenic ulcerated blisters at the tips of the toes. 15.-ASA F(ETIDA. General Symptoms. —Pains which intermit at regular intervals, generally crampy, jerking, or aching and dull-stitching, or tearing, strikingfrom within outwards, abating or else transformed into other pains by contact, sometimes attended with a feeling of numbness.-Pains in the flexor-surfaces of the extremities.-The pains appear while one is sitting, they abate during a walk in the open air.-Involuntary twitching of single muscles or muscular fibres. —-~Hypochondriac and hysteric attacks.-Heemorrhage fiom different organs. —~Gastric and bilious conditions. —~Scrofulous comp'aints. —_ORIha 52 ASA F(ETIDA. chitis.-~Softening and curvature of the bones. —Scraping and boring in the periosteum. —~Painful ostitis, also after abuse of mercury and in inveterate syphilis. —~ Caries.~Dark-red, hot swelling of single parts. —~Glandular swellings. Feeling of heaviness in the whole body. —~Bloat of the body and face, with enlarged abdomen? —~Chorea?? Skin. —External inflammation, with disposition to suppurate. —* Ulcers ~with hard, bluish edges, *very sensitive to contact. —~ Thin, ichorous, fetid pus. Sleep. — Very much disposed to sleep.-Frequent dreams, generally of a merry kind. Fever. —Feeling of heat in the face, after eating, without thirst, with anguish and drowsiness. Emotive Sphere,-Hypochondriac and hysteric restlessness and anxiety.-Unsteadiness.-Out of humour, not disposed to work. -Irritable, though indifferent to everything. Sentient Sphere. —Confused feeling in the head, with vertigo.-Pressing dulness in the head, with difficulty to think.-Dulness of the senses, without diminution of consciousness. ilead.-Headache which disappears by contact, or is transformed into some other pain.-Stupifying tension in the head. —Dull stitching or pressing as from a plug, from within outwards, especially in the forehead, in the sides of the head and temples.-Constrictive headache.-Rush of blood to the head, with beating in the head.-Crampy pain in the forehead, above the eyebrows. Eyes.-Pain in the eyes as from sand, with feeling of coldness.-Burning in the eyes, with compression of the lids as if drowsy.-Troublesome feeling of dryness and actual dryness in the eyes.-Twitching of the eyelids.-Obscuration of vision when writing. Ears,-Pain in the ears, with pressure in the ears. —F*Iard hearing, ~with discharge of pus from the ear, after abuse of mercury. Nose. —Pain like pressing from within outwards, especially at the wings.-Tension, with numb feeling on the nasal bones. -~ODischarge of a fetid, greenish pus firom the nose? Face.-Pains in the face, generally tensive, with numb feeling in the facial bones, especially the molar bones.Pressure in the face from within outwards.-Numb pressure at the chin.-Cramp-pain at the lower jaw.-Swelling of the lip, with burning stinging. Mouth.-Dry mouth, with burning and sore pain.-Feeling of dryness in the moist mouth. Throat.-Sore throat, as irf a body would rise in the throat, ASA FCETIDA. 53 with pressure.-Burning, dryness and sore feeling in the fauces, with tension when swallowing.-C~(Esophagitis? Appetite and Taste. —Taste mostly bitter, or as of rancid grease.-Flat taste with loathing, as after deranging one's stomach with fat food.-Aversion to beer which has a slimy taste. Gastric Symptoms. — Eructations, tasting of garlic, or having an acrid, rancid taste. Stomach.-Pressure at the stomach, with tension, and rising in the throat, also after eating.-Contractive cardalgia. -Pain as if bruised, and feeling of fulness in the region of the stomach.-Burning in the stomach and in the region of the diaphragm. —Gastritis?-Visible and perceptible pulsations in the pit of the stomach. Abdomen. —Pains in the liver, generally aching, or stitching.-Digging stitching in the hypochondria from within outwards, when drawing breath. —olic, with a good deal of malaise in the abdomen, and peevish, apprehensive mood.Pressure and stitching in the sides of the abdomen from within outwards.-Considerable distension of the abdomen.- Weight in the abdomen, with coldness in the same, especially after drinking.-Stinging around the umbilicus.-Pinching flatulent colic. Stool and Anus.-Costiveness and emission of a good deal of fetid flatulence.-A good deal of urging to stool, with costiveness, or sluggish, difficult, hard stool.-Brown, stirred, yellowish, fetid diarrhoeic stools, generally with colic and emissions of a good deal of flatulence.-Pressure in the perinaeum from within outwards. Urine. —Urine brown, having a pungent smell.-Spasm of the bladder during and after micturition. Male Parts. —Pressing towards the genitals, with pain in the testicles. Female Parts.-Menses too early and too feeble.-Labourlike pressing towards the uterus. Windpipe,-Hoarse, hacking cough, with smoky feeling in the windpipe. Chest and Respiration. — Oppression of the chest, especially when lying, after dinner, with hurried breathing and smaller pulse.-Spasmodic tightness of the chest, as though the lungs had not sufficient space to expand. —Pressure at the chest, with stitching, especially when lying, with difficult, sobbing inspirations.-Pressure at the sternum.-Stitches in the chest from within outwards.-Pulsations in the chest.-Palpitation of the heart. Trunk. —Violent pains in the back. —Stinging pain in the lumbar muscles. 54 ASARUM EUROPAEUM. Upper Extremities. —Frequent muscular jactitation in the arms and hands.-The hands feels numb and rigid. Lower Extremities.- Coxagra. —Muscular twitching in the legs andfeet. —The feet feel numb and rigid,-Cold swelling around the ankles.-Painfully sensitive pecking in the big toe. 16. ASARUM EUROPUEUM, General Symptoms —*Excessive sensitiveness of all the nerves. —Jerking, tearing and crampy drawing, mostly in the extremities.-Very languid, especially after dinner, lazy and not disposed to work.-Weakness in the evening, with disposition to vomit, obliging one to lie down.-Great lightness in all the limbs; one imagines while walking that one is hovering in the air.- Worm-affections. —~Gastric and bilious conditions. Sleep. —Drowsy in the day-time.-In the evening, one does not fall asleep on account of vascular excitement.-Vexatdous dreams. Fever. —Predominant coldness, chilliness and shuddering. ~Gastric fevers? Emotive Sphere. —Melancholy ill-humour.-*Nervous excitement and mirthfulness. Sentient Sphere. —Stupifying, tensive or aching dulness of the head, with want of disposition to any kind of work. —vanishing of ideas. —Vertigo as from intoxication, when rising from a seat and walking about. Head.-Headache which is excited or aggravated by thinking. —Stupifying drawing or pressure in the head, mostly in the temples, forehead and above the root of the nose. —Pressing in the sides of the head, either from within outwards or from without inwards. —~Iemicrania of the left side, every afternoon at 5 o'clock -Pulsations in the head, especially in the forehead when stooping. Integuments of the Read. —Tension of the scalp, the hair being painful. Eyes.-Pain in the eyes when reading, as if pressed asunder.-Pulsative tearing in the eyes. —Feeling of coldness in the canthi. —*Burning andfeeling of dryness in the eyes. — ]Faint eyes, without lustre. - Twitching of the lids. —obscuration of vision. —Constant lachrymation, in the evening, in the room with burning as from brandy. —~Inamed, watering eyes. -~Redness of the conjunctiva, with stinging in the canthi. — ~Staring eyes. Ears. —Otalgia, a sort of tension with pressure at the orifice of the meatus. — Heat of the outer ear. —Hard hearing as though the meatus were stopped or contracted. ASARUM EUROPEUM. 55 Face.-Feeling of' warmth and burning stinging in the cheeks. Teeth.-Cold feeling in the (upper front-)teeth. Mouth. —Smarting and burning in the mouth and on the tongue.-Contraction in the mouth, with flow of a quantity of cool, watery saliva.-A quantity of tenacious mucus in the mouth and throat. Appetite and Taste. —Bread and tobacco tastes bitter.A good deal of rising of air from the stomach, with empty eructations. —Ilunger with feeling of fulness in the stomach. Gastric Symptoms,-*Nausea with loathing and shuddering. — Putrid or sour eructations.-Inclination to vomit, with pressure in the forehead and flow of water in the mouth.Violent, empty retching, with aggravation of all the pains.Vomiting with straining, pains in the stomach, upper abdomen and head, violent anguish.-Vomiting with diarrhcea. Stomach. —Pinching in the stomackh-Pressure in the region of the stomach and pit of the stomach.-Contraction in the region of the diaphragm. Abdomen.-Distention of the abdomen, with feeling of fulness.-Cutting colic in the upper abdomen. —Painful colic, especially when attended with vomiting.-l~nguinal hernia. Stool. — *Diarrhoic stools, -consisting of white, tenacious mucus, with discharge of ascarides.-Whitish-gray, ash-coloured stools. —Diarrhcea, mixed with undigested food, especially potatoes. ~Discharge of thick, black blood during stool. —Prolapsus of the rectum during stool.-Pressing, after stool, with discharge of bloody mucus. Urine,-Almost constant urging to urinate.-Pressure on the bladder during and after micturation. Female Parts.-Miscarriage. —Menses premature and lasting too long, with discharge of black blood. —At the commencement of the menses, violent pain in the loins depriving one of breath. Windpipe.-Cough caused by an irritation in the throat, with profuse discharge of mucus. —Whooping-cough? Chest and Respiration.-Shortness of breath caused by constriction of the throat. —~Mucous phthisis? —Pressure at the chest.-Constrictive sensation in the lungs.-Stinging in the lungs when drawing breath. —Muscular twitchings around the clavicles. Trunk.-Pain in the back as if bruised, with lameness between and on the scapulte.- Cramzpy feeling in the jneck and nape of the neck. —Cramp in the cervical muscles, the head being drawn to one side. Upper Extremities. —When moving the arm, the shoul 56 AURUM FOLIATUM. der-joint is painful as if sprained.-Laming drawing in the wrist-joints and fingers. Lower Extremities.-Dull aching pain in the hip-joint and thigh, especially when treading and walking.- Cramipy feeling in the thighs.-Drawing in the knee and hamstrings. -The legs and knees feel languid, with unsteady gait.-Muscular twitchings in the calves. 17. —AURUM FOLIATUM. General Symptoms.-Pain as if bruised, with laming tearing, mostly in the extremities and principally in the joints, most violent when uncovering the parts, and early in the morning, after waking, during rest, passing off after rising.-Stinging pains in the limbs, with weakness and languor. -~ONodous gout.-OScrofula.-oAilments from abuse of mercury. —Inveterate syphilis. —~Ostitis with nightly pains in the bones.-~Caries.-~Dropsical swelling of single organs and of the whole body.-The sensations are very acute, with great sensitiveness to pain. —Hypochondriac or hysteric ailments and spasms, with alternate laughing and weeping.Gastric and bilious symptoms —Is very sensitive to cold, or desires the open air because he feels better in it. Skin, —Rhagades? —Cancerous and mercurial ulcers?~Osseous tumours. Sleep. —Drowsy after dinner. —Sleeps only until four o'clock in the morning.-Not refreshed after waking early, tired and weak.-Restless sleep with anxious dreams. — Nightly delirium in the shape of questions. Fever. —Chilliness all over, in the evening, in bed, without thirst and without any subsequent heat.-Coldness of the whole body, with blue nails, flat taste and inclination to vomit, sometimes followed by increased temperature.-Heat in the face, with cold hands and feet.-Profuse sweat all over, early in the morning. Emotive Sphere. — Melancholy, with restlessness, and longing for death.-*-Irresistible desire to weep.-Longing for one's family, like home-sickness. —*Anguish increasing unto suicide, with spasmodic contraction in the abdomen.-Overcautious. —)espair of one's-self and others.-Ill humoured and not disposed to talk.-Disposed to grumble and quarrelhVehement and disposed to fly into a passion.-*Alternate mirth, sensitiveness and melancholy.-~Religious melancholy with crying and praying. Sentient Sphere.-Weakness of the thinking faculties.Weak memory.-*Feels weary and exhausted front performing AURUM FOLIATUM. 57 some mental labour. —Sudden dulness and inability to collect one's-self: Head.-Headache as if bruised by blows, early in the morning, or when exerting the mild, until his ideas become confused.-~Pain in the head as if air were passing through it, when the head is not kept warm enough.-Tearing headache.-Sernilateral beating in the head.-Hemicrania. — *Rush of blood to the head. —iRoaring and raging in the head,'in hysteric females. Integuments of the Hlead.-The bones of the skull are painful, when lying on them. —*Bony tumours on the head.Falling off of the hair. Eyes.-Pain in the eyes, worse when touching them, as though the eyeballs were pressed in.-Tension in the eyes, with diminished vision.-Burning pain in the eyes, with redness.-~Scrofulous ophthalmia. —~Red swelling of the lids, with styes.-Protruded eyes. — Specks on the cornea?~Amaurosis? —Horizontal half-sightedness. —Sees sparks and flames. —~The sight is obscured by black spots. Ears.-Pain like tension in the ears.-0 Caries of the mastoid process. —Discharge of fetid pus from the ears.~Hard hearing owing to enlargement of the tonsils, with difficulty of speech, after abuse of mercury. —*tHumming in the ears. Nose.-Pain in the nasal bones, when touching them.Biting sensation in the nose. —*Red, inflammatory swelling of the nose. —~ Caries of the nose.-*Ulcerated cavity of the nose, covered with thick scurfs. — Cancer of the nose?-Discharge of yellow-greenish, fetid pus from the nose.-Scaling off of the epidermis.-Increased smell.-Sweetish or foul smell, or smell as of brandy. Face.-Face bloated and shining, as from sweat. —o~n]fammation and pain of the facial bones.-Swelling of the cheeks.-*Swelling of the frontal bone, of the upper maxillary and nasal bones.-Red, scaling-off eruption on the forehead and nose.-Drawing in the jaw, with swelling of the cheek.- Tensive pain of the upper jaw. —Pain of the submaxillary glands.-~Swollen, ulcerated lips, in scrofulous persons. Teeth.-Toothache with heat in the head, from rush of blood. -The teeth are loose. —Gumboil with swelling of the cheeks. Mouth. —*Fetor of the mouth like old cheese. —Boring pain in the curtain. —~Caries of the palate. Throat.-Stinging sore pain when swallowing. —*Difi. cult deglutition, ~the beverage returns by the nose. —Swollen, ulcerated tonsils. 3* 58 AURUM FOLIATUM. Appetite and Taste. —Taste milky or sweet.-Aversion to food, especially meat. —Desire for coffee.-Violent hunger and thirst. Stomach.-Pain in the stomach as if from hunger. —Indescribable sick feeling in the pit of the stomach.-Swelling of the pit of the stomach and hypochondria, with stinging pain when touching the parts. Abdomen.-Colic with malaise in the abdomen and urging to stool.-Tensive pressure and fulness in the abdomen.Distended abdomen.-Bony excrescence in the pelvic cavity. — ~inguinal hernia, especially of children.-~Protrusion of inguinal hernia.-Nightly flatulent colic, with pinching, rumbling in the lower abdomen.-Frequent emission of fetid flatulence. Stool.- Copious stool.-Nightly diarrhoea. Urine.-Suppression of urine. —Painful retention of urine, with pressing on the bladder. —Copious emission of watery urine.-Turbid urine like butter-milk, with copious mucous sediment. Male Parts.-Increased sexual desire.-The sexual parts are very much affected.-NTocturnal erections and emissions. — Discharge of prostatic fluid from a relaxed penis,-* SwelL ing of the testicles, with aching pain when touching or rubbing thern.-0~Induration of the testicles. Female Parts. —lnduration and prolapsus of the uterus. Catarrhal Symptoms.-Fluent or dry coryza. —~Stoppage of the nose. Windpipe. —A good deal of mucus in the windpipe and on the chest, which adheres very firmly early in the morning. Chest and Respiration. —Great tightness of the chest, at night and during a walk in the open air, with desire to draw a long breath. — ~Sffocativefits with constriction of the chest. -Pain in chest as fiom a dull plug under the ribs.-Constiant pressure in the left side of the chest.-Dull cutting and stitching near the sternum. —~Violent rush of blood to the chest and *violent palpitation of the heart.-Chronic affection of the heart.-*Palpitation of the heart,-with anguish and oppression. Trunk.-Pains in the back, aching or tearing, and so violent that one is unable to move a limb early in the morning. Upper Extremities.-Aching pains in the arns.- Crampy pain and tearing in the carpal and metacarpal bones. —Laming tearing in the phalangeal bones and joints. Lower Extremities. — Coxalgia.-Tearing in the thighs, morning and evening.-Painful lameness of the knees, as if bandaged, with weakness and unsteadiness of the knees. AURUM MURIATiCUM. 59 Laminig drawing and tearing in the joints and bones of the toes. 18.-AURUM MURIATICUM. General Symptoms.-~Affections of the bones? —OMercurial affections.- Scrofulous affections.-OCaries of bones. — ~Ailments arising from grief and care.-~Eczema. —-~Cance. rous ulcers? —~Dropsical affections? Sleep.-Disposed to sleep in the day-time, even during work. —Sleepless nights. —Tormenting dreams. —Starting from sleep. Emotive Sphere.-Sad and weeping.-Lazy; averse to every kind of work. —Extensive mirth, absence of care.(Whirmsical).-Vexed without a cause.-Mania of suicide.f~Hypochondria? Head.-Burning in the forehead.-(Continual burning in the whole head, worse on the left side; pulling in left side of the head; momentary loss of sensation of the head). —Frequent stupefaction.-Cool feeling on the vertex; beating in the left side of the forehead; heaviness of the head; frequent vacillation of the head; burning and stitches in the occiput. — Pain, pulling and titillating itching of the forehead. Eyes.-The lids are red and swollen; burning, stinging, beating and smarting of the lids; agglutination in the morning; lachrymation, ( —the whites are red, burning and prickling); burning, prickling and itching of the eyes; one finds it difficult to keep the eyes closed. —Tearing in the left eye. -~Acute and scrofulous ophthalmia.-~Redness and swelling of the lids. Ears.-Behind the ears, scufrf, burning and itching, especially at night. —Ringing in the ears, followed by deafness, as if the inner ears were empty and expanded. Nose. —Redness and swelling of the nose; burning and itching; yellow and thick catarrh; scurf in the nose, which has to be touched and rubbed all the time.-Watery discharge, smelling badly and irritating the lip. —*Redness and inflammation, with itching and peeling off of the epidermis; red swelling, with ulcerated nostrils, dry, yellowish scurf and feeling of stoppage in the nose. —~Fetid ulcer in the nose *with discharge of yellow pus from the nose and blood when blowing it. —Caries of the nasal bones. —Lupia of the nasal wing. Face. —Redness. —Pale face, with red spots, like marble paper; lips swollen; burning and itching. —~Acne rosacea. 60 AURUM MURIATICUM. -o Ulcerated and swollen lips.-Jerking pains in the teeth.~Cancerous ulcers on the lips. Mouth.-Vesicles in the whole mouth; burning, itching and smarting in the mouth. —Lips red and swollen, especially at night.-Pimples on the lips; also with smarting and itching. —Thirst; loss of appetite.-~Swelling of the gums. Throat. —Scraping and prickling in the throat.-Difficult deglutition; painful swelling of the submaxillary glands. Stomach. —Malaise after eating.-Inclination to vomit after eating.-Foul eructations.-Burning, stinging and stinging-gnawing pains in the stomach.-Troublesome digestion. -Frequent yawning after eating. —~Cardialgia. Abdomen.-Sensitive to contact. —~Chronic affections of the liver. —Dull pains in the abdomen. —Tearing in the whole abdomen. -Burning in the right hypochondrium.-Heat and prickling in the abdomen.-Stitches in the hypochondrium as after running too fast. —Oppression from the least external pressure.-Continual tight feeling in the right hypochondrium.-Redness, heat, itching and smarting about the navel. -Red pimples above the pudendum. —Swelling and bloatedness of the abdomen. —Scrofulous swelling of the mesen. teric glands. Stool.-Diarrhcea, especially at night; gray, whitish stool. — *Piles, with discharge of blood at stool. Urinary Organs.-(Frequent micturition).-Urine not copious; red, thick, sandy. —Burning and smarting in the urethra during micturition. Male Parts. —*Tension and swelling of the testicles.Drawing in the spermatic cords. Female Parts.-Constant dampness of the pudendum.Lips red and swollen.-Burning and itching of the vagina; excessive sensitiveness of the vagina; constant and violent smarting heat and itching in the vagina. —Yellow, clear leucorrhcea, especially early in the morning.-Large, red pimples on the labia majora, a few days previous to the menses. — Stiffness in the outer parts of the hip-joints. Larynx.-Frequent hoarse cough; frequent cough, especially at night; turns of dry and hawking cough, especially at night, followed by heat in the throat.-Violent, frequent cough, with white, blood-streaked expectoration. —Constant, full cough with yellow, thick expectoration.-Heavy speech; voice hoarse, shrill. —Feeling of stoppage in the larynx, with shortness of breath. Chest. -Dyspnaea.-(Stitching pain in the left side of the chest, shifting its place, and not continuous).-Palpitation; pulling and cutting pain in the region of the heart; burning BARYTA CARBONICA. 61 and prickling; nocturnal fits of suffocation.-Stitching above the heart. Trunk. —Pricking in the kidneys; painful weariness.Burning, prickling, cutting pains and stiffness in the back. Upper Extremities. —Burning and stinging in the upper and fobrearms; stiff arms; feeling of distress in the shoulders and arms. —Burning and itching in the hands; difficulty of closing them; stiffness of the phalangeal joints; involuntary shocks in the arms.-Swelling of the wrist-joints, with tension when bending the hands backwards, and stitching when grasping any thing. —Tearing in the middle-finger after eating. Lower Extremities.-Abscesses on the nates and thighs. -Stiffness in the thighs and legs; swelling of the knee; heat, prickings in the knee.-Swollen feet; burning, cutting pains in the toes when walking; redness; swelling and redness of the toes, with burning and stinging. 19.-BARYTA CARBONICA. General Symptoms —Pains in the joints and long bones. -Crampy pressure, or drawing with weakness, or tension like contraction of tendons, in various parts.-Tearing pains in the limbs, with shuddering.-Nocturnal jactitation of the muscles, also over the whole body. —*Jerking of single limbs and of the whole body, in the day-time.-The pains are most felt on the left side, appear mostly when sitting and pass off when moving about or in the open air.-~Scrofulous complaints. —*Swelling and induration of glands.-Heaviness in the whole body.-All the senses are very sensitive and irritable. —-* Want of strength, unsteadiness, not allowing one to stand. — Disposed to lie or sit.-~ General weakness of the mind, nerves and body, especially in old people. —Emaciation, or else puffing of the body and face, with large abdomen, in children. -~Apoplexy and paralysis, in old people. —*Liable to taking cold, with sore throat. —*Sensitive to cold. Skin.-Itching-tingling, burning prickings in various parts of the skin. -Nocturnal itching and creeping over the whole body.-Soreness and dampness of the skin here and there.Unhealthy skin -~ Warts.- Panaritia.- Sarcoma. Sleep.-Very drowsy in the day-time.-Somnolence day and night.-Restless night-sleep, with frequent waking and anxious dreamns.-Nocturnal orgasm of the circulation, palpitation of the heart, sore feeling in the heart and great anxiety, with inability to lie on the left side. —*Nocturnal wandering of the fancy and stupefaction. 62 BARYTA CARBONICA. Fever. —Disposed to fel chilly. —Chilliness with goose. flesh, the hair standing on end, or tension in the face.-Chilly creeping emanating from the pit of the stomach or face, followed by general flushes of heat.-*X2ight-sweats. Emotive Sphere.-Whining mood. —*Dread of strangers and company. oAnxiety and care on account of one's domestic affairs. —*Very cautious and irresolute, with suspicion and want of confidence in one's-self.-Timorous and cowardly. —Children are not disposed to play. —Flying into a passion about trifles.- Incessant activity at work. Sentient Sphere.- Very forgetful.-Children are inattentive when studying their lesson. —* Vertigo with nausea and headache, when stooping. Head.-* Headache -mostly oppressive, principally in the forehead, *close above the eyes and root of the nose, -or with tension, in the occiput, towards the nope of the neck.-Stitching headache, especially near the warm stove.-Digging in the head, with feeling of looseness of the brain. Integuments of the Head.-The scalp is painful.-~Liability of the head to taking cold.-Itching and gnawing on the hairy scalp. —*Eruptions and dry scabs on the head.OBaldness. Eyes. —*Pressure -and burning, especially when straining the eyes.-0~Inflammation of the eye-balls and lids, *with sore pain, feeling of dryness and photophobia.-Swelling of the eyes, early in the morning.-*Agglutination..-*Dimness of sight so that one is unable to read.-Cobwebs and black spots before the eyes.-Scintillations in the dark. —The eyes are dazzled by the light. Ears.-Itching of the ears.-Nocturnal beating in the ears when lying on them.-*.Eruption on the ears and behind them.-Swelling of the parotid glands. Hard hearing.Ringing and *humming before the ears. — Creptation in the ears when swallowing, sneezing and breathing hard. NoSe,-Bleeding of the nose, after blowing it. —oScurfs under the nose.-Sensitive smell. Face. -Dark-red face, with purple lips and considerable vascular excitement.-*Feeling of swelling and tension in the face as if covered with cobweb.-*Inflammatory prosopalgia, with tensire swelling.-*Eruption in the face.-~ Crusta lactea.-Dry, cracked lips.-Violent pain in the articulation of the lower jaw when closing it.- Swelling of the sub-maxillary glands, also hard, ~painful. Teeth. —Toothache, only in the evening, in bed, not in the day-time. -Drawing, throbbing, and *jerks in the teeth, extending to the ear and temples. — Burning stitches in the BARYTA CARBONICA. 63 hollow tooth, when touched by any thing warm.- Toothache before the menses, or after a cold, with pale-red swelling of the gums, and of the cheek.-Bleeding of the teeth and gums.*Toothache with beating in the ear and intensely contractive sensation in the side of the head. Mouth. —*-Dry mouth.-Increased secretion of saliva.Fetor of the mouth.-Inflamed vesicles in the mouth and on the tongue.-Sore and burning rhagardes on the tongue. Throat. —*Sore throat after a cold, with swelling of the palate and tonsils, which suppurate.-Sensation as if a plug had got into the throat.-Choking and contraction in the throat.-Stinging and smarting soreness when swallowing. Appetite and Taste,-Bitter or spoiled taste, mostly early in the morning, with coated tongue.-Sour taste, generally before, not after a meal.-*Constant thirst. —Little appetite, one is easily satiated, though one relishes food.-*After dinner, malaise, laziness, dread of work.-~Dyspepsia. Gastric Symptoms. —-Eructations after eating. —Empty or *sour eructations.-Chronic *nausea. Stomach.-*Pains in the stomach, before breakfast and after eating, and when touching the pit of the stomach.-The pit of the stomach is sensitive and painful at every step one makes. —*Pressure, -heaviness and fulness *in the stomach, -and in the pit of the stomach, *also after a moderate meal. -Sore pain in the regiot of the stomach, with sensation when eating, as if the food ad to force its way over sore places. —Gastritis? Abdomen. —Bellyache, abating after eructations and by applying something warm.-Painful distension of the abdomen. —-Colic, with retraction of the umbilicus.-Pinching and cutting in the abdomen, with urging to stool as if diarrhcea would set in. Stool and Anus.-*Stool difficult and knotty, or hard and insufficient. —Frequent urging to stool, with anxious distress in the lumbar region, chilliness down the thighs, followed by soft or diarrhceic stool.-Hurried urging to stool. —Ascarides.Varices of the anus, with stinging pain.-Itching, burning, soreness and dampness of the anus. Urine. —*Urging to urinate, with frequent, copious micturition.-Hurried urging to urinate. Male Parts. —Diminished sexual desire, and *weakness of the sexual power.-Falls asleep during an embrace, there is no emission.-Soreness and dampness between the scrotum and thighs. Female Parts.-Diminution of' the sexual desire*Menses too scanty and short. —*Leucorrhoea, Dimmediately 64 ABARYTA CARBONICA. before the menses.~OAversion to an embrace.- Previous to the menses, toothache with swelling of the gums, or colic with heaviness of the lower limbs. Catarrhal Symptoms, —*Fluent coryza, with dry cough and hollow, deep voice.-Discharges a good deal of thick mucus from the nose. —*Troublesome dryness of the nose. Windpipe, —*Hoarseness and aphony owing to tenacious mucus in the throat and chest.-Cough with expectoration of mucus. —*Dry cough, in the evening. —*.Nocturnal cough, ~with huskiness of the chest and a good deal of mucus in it. Chest and Respiration.-Tightness of breathing. —Paralysis of the lungs and suffocative catarrh, in old people. — *Pressure in the chest, with tickling, and dry cough. —Pains in the chest, diminished partly by eructations, partly by applying warmth.-Oppressive fulness and weight in the chest, especially when going up-stairs, with stinging when drawing breath.- Violent beats of the heart.-Palpitation of the heart when lying on the left side, or excited by thinking of it. Trunk,-Pains in the small of the back, worse when sitting than when moving about.-* Tensive stiffness in the small of the back, -worst in the evening, so that one is neither able to rise nor stoop. —~Tension in the scapulae, nape of the neck and cervical muscles, especially in rough. cold air.-Burning and throbbing in the back, especially after emotions. —*Stifness of the nape of the neck. —0tinging in the nape of the neck.-Bone-pains in the nape of the neck.-Sarcoma in the nape of the neck, with deep-seated burning.-*Swelling of the cervical glands, hard as stone. Upper Extremities. —Swelling of the arm, with pain of the axillary glands. —Pain in the deltoid muscles when raising the arm.-*The arm goes to sleep when lying on it.Cold hands with blue spots.- Swelling of the veins of the hands and redness of the hands.-The hands are dry as parchment.-The hands tremble while writing. —Violent gnawing and tingling in the palms of the hands, obliging one to rub.-Peeling off of the skin of the dorsum of the hands and tips of the fingers. —*The fingers go to sleep.-Panaritia. Lower Extremities.-Pain in the hip-joint as if stif or sprained. —Tension of the lower limbs as from contraction of the tendons. —*Drawving and tearing in the lower limbs, apparently in the bones.-Itching of the thighs, also at night — Stinging pain in the knee-joints.-Tension in the tibiae and calves.-Crampy feeling in the calves and toes when stretching them.-Uneasiness and trembling in the legs and feet.Pain in the tarsal joint as if one had made a wrong step. — BARYTA MURIATICA. 65'Fetid sweat of the feet. — Ulcers of the feet.-Painful lymphatic swelling on the ball of the big toe.-Pain of the hard skin of the soles, when walking, like th.e pain in a corn.Corns with burning, stinging, and pinching. 20. BARYTA MURIATICA. General Symptoms. —Great weakness, one has to lie down. -Prostration as if paralysed.-Fainting. —Periodical convulsions, with stiffness and insensibility of the body.General heaviness.-Trembling of the lirnbs.-Convulsive trembling.-Trembling in the face, or of single limbs, or of the whole body.-Periodical convulsions, with excessive trembling and tossing of the limbs. Skin. —Prickling of the skin. —Burning and prickling of sore places.-Fine itch-like eruptions on the head, nape of the neck, abdomen and legs. —Inflamed and ulcerated glands. -Hemorrhages. Fever.-Dry heat all over, day and night.-Face red and hot.-Pulse hurried and [full.- Tertian fever.-Increased sweat.-Cold sweat. Emotive Sphere. —Violent anguish during the gastralgia, with nausea and inclination to vomit. Head. —Vertigo before the eyes.-Head dull and heavy.Headache with vomiting.-Profusely suppurating eruptions on the hairy scalp.-Scald on the head and neck. —Eruptions on the nape of the neck. Eyes and Ears. —Eyes staring and immoveable. —Pupils dilated and insensible, with staring look.-Blennorrhcea of the eyes, ears and nose.-Deafness during the vomiting. Face and Teeth. —Drawing pain in the facial muscles. — Painfill tubercle at the tip of the nose, with slight prickling. -Stinging-beating pains in the teeth, especially when waking after midnight.-The teeth are loose. Mouth and Throat. —Swelling of the salivary glands and palate. —Coated tongue. —Tongue and mouth are dry. — Fetor as fi'rom mercury.-Foul taste in the rmouth and of the food. —Loss of appetite. —Thirst. —Difficult deglutition. Stomach and Abdomen. —Inclination to vomit.-Vomiting with apprehensive anxiety, early in the morning. —Vomiting of a little water, with nausea. —Sick feeling. —Pressure at the stomach, with cramp. —Feeling of heat rising from the stomach to the chest and head.-Bulrning pain in the stomach, with vomiting. —The coats of the stomach are blue-red, the the muscular coat exhibits reddish spots.-The base of the rus6~~ BELLADONIMA. stomah is inflamed, and eecehymosed here and there. —Malaise as if from worms. —Burning pains at the abdomen.Swelling of the liver. Stool and Uri. — Slimy stool. —Easy stool. —Chronic painless diarrhoea.-Frequent, involuntary and painful emis9sion of urine.-Enuresis.-Urine with whitish sediment. Sexual Organs.-Swelling of the testicles.-Frequent emissions.-Premature menses.-Pain as if bruised in the pelvis. Chest. —Catarrh with heat.-Heat in the upper chest.(Oppressiort.-Cough. —Accelerated beating of the heart.Jerking of the heart. —The ventricles are filled with coagulated blood. Trunk and Extremities.-Pain in the back.-Cramps in the toes.-Drawing pains in the thighs.-Swelling of the hands and feet. 21. BELLADONNA. General Symptoms.-~Rheumatic pains, aching and tearing, especially in the limbs.-Stitches in the limbs,-Pains as if bruised in the joints and long bones. —~Bilious and gastric complaints, with sour Caste of the bread. —Ailments caused by fear or mortification.-~Ailments caused by cold.eRhachitie and scrofulous complaints.-Jaundice.- Ailmhnents caused by abuse of valerian and mercury.-' Congestion of blood to various parts.-~Infliammation of internal organs, with disposition to suppurate, or with typhoid symptoms.* The senses are highly exciteable. —~Hysteric spasmodic affections.-Convulsive motions and spasms of single limbs and of the whole body. —~Spasms of children, caused by obstinacy.- Opisthotonic spasms. — Tetanus. - oChorea. - OEcclampsia.-*Spasmnodic attacks, with stiffness of the whole body, with clenched thurmbs.*Epileptic convulsions. —The paroxysms are preceded by ~smiling, numb feeling, and formication in the shoulder-joint, or cutting in the abdomen, with mounting of heat to the head.and loss of consciousness; 0they are followed by oppression of the chest as from a weight. —* The least touch renews the attaclc.-OApoplexy, also nervous, with partial paralysis.-*Paralysis.-*Liability to taking cold aazd sensitiveness to a draught of air.-Restlessness, heaviness and coldness of the limbs. — Trembling of the limbs whesa walking —*Faint and weary, especially the lower limbs.-Fainting weakness, with-rush of blood to the head and vascular excitement. —Plethora.- Bloated body and face, with enlarged abdomen in children? BELLADONNA. 67 Skin,.-*Uniform, smooth, shining scarlet-redness of the skin, with dryness, heat, itching, burning and bloatedness of the parts, especially' the face, neck, chest, abdomen and hands. —Smoo!h genuine scarlet-fever. —-~Erysipelas.-Gangrenous erysipelas.-Raised, confluent, scarlet-spots on the limbs. —Scarlet rash over the whole body. —~Red, hot swelling. -*Measles.-oVesicular eruption, with scurf, whitish border and cedema. — Gangrenous pocks. — *Boils, Oreturning every spring.-~Bee-stings. —*Chilblains. —Soreness of the bend of joints.- *Ulcers. Sleep.-*Very drowsy in the day-time, with restless nightsleep. —*Tries to sleep, but in vain.-Sopor. —Sleep is kept off by anguish or disturbed by anxious dreams.-*Frightful fancies and startings when closing the eyes to sleep. —*Starting as if in afright during sleep, with wide-opened eyes.*Nocturnal wanderings of the fancy and mind, with restlessness and moaning tossing about.-Nightmare. Fever.-Chills over the shoulders and back, with nausea. — Shaking chill, with bruised feeling and drawing in the back and limbs. —*Chilliness and coldness of single parts (of the limbs) with burning heat of other parts (of the head).*Alternate chilliness and heat.-OEvening-fever, first shuddering, then heat with thirst, rush of blood to' the head and pressure in the forehead.-0Continuous fever with evening-exacerbation.-*General, continuous, internal and external, burning heat, with restlessness.-Hurried, hard, tight pulse.-* Throbbing of the arteries. —Fevers, inflammatory, catarrhal, rheumatic, mucous, putrid, puerperal, milk, and typhoid, with loss of consciousness, or with violent delirium, with cries, raging, tossing of the limbs, beating. Emotive Sphere.-Sadness and hypochondriac lowness of spirits. —*Crying and howling of children as from rage. —*Anguish and restlessness.-* Tremulous despondency, loss of collrage. —*Difidence. -*Whining and timorous mood and disposition to escape. —*Tendency to start. —*Want of disposition to talk.-Dread of labour and exercise. — Headstrong. - *Raging mania, with biting, spitting, barking and tearing every thing. —Loss of shame. —Hurried talking, grasping at things in the air. Sentient Sphere.-*Loss of consciousness and stupefaction. -*Absence of thoughts and consciousness.-~Mental alienation after fright and mortification. —*Mania with ludicrous ges'iculitions. — *Ilusions of the fancy and frightful visions. -*Deliriumn.-Forgetful.-Inability to express one's self correctly.-*Intoxication and reeling -especially after eating and drinking.-* Vertigo with anguish, and falling on the left 68 BELLADONNA. side without consciousness. —* Vertigo with nausea and twink ling before the eyes, especially when stooping and raising one's head. Head. —Daily headache, from 4 o'clock in the afternoon until 3 in the morning, increased by the warmth of the bed and by thinking.-~ Headache after taking cold on the head. — *Stupifying headache, mostly in the forehead, with loss of consciousness, or with sensation as though the head would split. -OPeriodical nervous headache. — *Pressure, distensive sensation and pressing from within outwards in the brain. —*Tearing and stitching in the head. —J erking headache, when walking fast and going up-stairs. —* Congestion of blood to the head, with internal and external heat of the same, with distension and throbbing of the cerebral arteries.-~Meningitis. —~Hydrocephalus.-*Swashing in the head as if full of water.*The headache is aggravated by moving the eyes, by concussion, leaning against any thing, bending the head backwards and by a draught of air. Integuments of the Ilead.-Sensation as if the skull were thin.-Crampy pain in the scalp. —Profuse sweat of the hair. —*Vacillation of the head, or else it inclines backwards. —3Boring of the head into the pillow. Eyes —*Pains in the orbits.-* Violent aching pain through the eyes, as far as the interior of the head. —*Rush of blood to the eyes, with distention of the veins in them. —*Heat in the eyes. —*Itching and burning of the lids. —~Red, interstitially distended conjunctiva. —*Inflammation of the eyes, with swelling, redness and eversion of the lids. —Ophthalmia of new-born infants, of arthritic and scrofulous persons, after taking cold.~-OFungus medullaris. —*Yellowness of the whites. — OSpecks on the cornea. —*The eyes are dim, faint, without lustre or else glistening, red, sparkling. —* Wild wandering looks.-Constant discharge of acrid, burning tears. —*Agglutination of the lids, ~they bleed when opening them. —~Heaviness of the lids, they close as if paralyzed.-*-Ha7f-opened, protruded, staring eyes.-Distortion, spasm, convulsion of the eyes, also excited by light.-*Dilated pupils.-*Mistiness of sight.-*Hemeralopia commencing at twilight.- *Amaurosis owing to paralysis of the optic nerve. —Strabismus. —~Diplopia. —*Halo around the candle-light, of many colours, and red colours on things.-Scintillations.-*Photophobia.*Photomania. —~Weak eyes owing to doing fine work. Ears. —*Ota]gia with boring and screwing in the ears.*Stitching in and behind the ears.-Tearing and stinging in the parotid glands, as far as the fauces.-Ilnflammatory *swelling of the parotid glands.-0lnflammation of the inter BELLADONNA. 69 nal and external ear, with discharge of pus.-*Hard hearing, ~owing to taking cold in the head. —*Ringing and roaring in the ears. NoSe.-*Pain as if bruised, when touching the nose, with burning. —*Nocturnal stitches in the nose.-*Inflammatory swelling and redness of the internal and external nose. — *Hcemorrhage from the nose and mouth.-*Increased sensitiveness of the smell. —Diminished smell.-Putrid smell from the nose. Face,-*Redface, with burning heat.re*Bluish.red, bloated face. —*Pale sunken face, with distorted features, expressive of anguish. —Jaundiced complexion. —*Complexion alternately bluish-red and pale. —*Convulsive movements of the face and mouth, which is drawn obliquely to the ear. —* Violent cutting prosopalgia. —*Swelling of one side of the face.*Erysipelatou.s swelling of the face. —Thickening of the skin of the face.-Troublesome itching on the malar bone and the side of the nose.-~Crusta lactea.-*Lips dark-red, —Dry, parched lips.-*Swelling and ~induration of the lips. —*Eruptions at the corners of the mouth, painful when touched.-*The mouth is half-open or else spasmodically closed in consequence of lock-jaw. —~Tearing in the jaws. — *Stitching and ~tension in the articulation of the lower jaw. -Inflammation and swelling of the submaxillary glands. Teeth. -Toothache from cold, especially of females. — Drawing and tearing in the teeth, extending to the ears, especially at night and in the evening, during mental labour or after eating. —~Toothache with swelling of the cheek. —Toothache becoming excessive by contact, air and eating. —*Grating of the teeth. -Swelling. of the gums, with burning and stinging. -~The teeth feel elongated. Mouth - *Dry mouth without thirst. - *Feeling of dryness in both a damp and slimy mouth. —*Ptyalisml, -in parox. ysms. -*A good deal of tenacious mucus in the mouth. — Reddish *foam at the mouth.-~Olnflammatory swelling and redness of the inner mouth and soft palate. — *Hot parched tongue. - *Bright-red tongue,'also only on the borders, with white middle. -*Tongue coated white, yellow, brown, or with slime on it.-~lnflammatoty swelling of the tongue. —Heavy tongue and speech. — *Stammering. — *Nasal hissing voice. - Aphonia. — *Hamorrhage from the mouth. Throat, -*Sore throat as if there were a swelling in it, or as if a lump had lodged in it, obliging one to hawk. — *Burning in the throat and fauces. —*Spasm in the fauces; with aggravated, painful, impossible deglutition, liquids return by the nose.* — Contractive sensation in the fauces. —*Constant r70 B13LLADONNA, desire to swallow. -*Stinging and pressure in the fauces and tonsils, when swallowing or talking.-* Great dryness and burning in the fauces. —*Angina faucium, with redness and swelling of the uvula and velum palati. — *klnfammation, swelling and suppuration of the tonsils. - ~CEsophagitis? Appetite and Taste. —*Loss of taste.-*Bitter or putrid or flat, thick, slimy taste in the mouth. —*Bread tastes sour. -*Excessive burning thirst, with aversion to drink, or else with a constant desire to drink, though unable to swallow a drop. - ~Tormenting hunger. - *Loss of appetite. -* Chronic aversion to food. —*Desire for one thing or an other without relishing it. -*Aversion 0to milk, *beer, *acids and meat. Gastric Sypmtoms. -Ineffectual desire to eructate. - Empty or foul eructations. — Gulping-up of food, with pressure at the stomach. — *Hiccough. — *Bitter eructations. -- Waterbrash. — Nausea with loathing of food and bitter taste. — *Inclination to vomit and empty gagging. —* Vomiting of mucus, water, acidity or bile. — Vomiting with diarrhcea, after taking cold. — ~Hematemesis. Stomach. -*Pressure at the stomach after eating. — Bloating of the pit of the stomach with aching pain when walking. -OChronic *cardialgia. —Oppression of the pit of the stomach.-Loss of irritability of the stomach. Abdomen. —Pains in the hypochondria.-~Burning in the left hypochondrium and pit of the stomach.-~Hepatitis? — Inflammation of the kidneys with stinging, burning pains in the region of the liver? —~Colic, not allowing one to be still. *Painful distention of the abdomen. *Violent colic below the umbilicus, like a clutching and grasping as with the nails, worse when pressing on the part. —~Hysteric abdominal spasms. —*Pain in abdomen as if raw and sore. —Digging colic. —~Stitching in left side of abdomen when coughing, sneezing and touching the part. —~Passive congestions of the abdomen.-~Enteritis.-~Stitches in the pelvic region. —~The abdominal integuments are painful.-*Stitching of the abdomen. —-*Flatulent colic ~with pad-shaped protrusion of the colon, lessened by stooping forward and by pressing on the part. Stool and Anus, — Costiveness. —Hard scanty stool.*Constant and ineffectual urging.-Frequent small diarrhoeic mucous stools.-*Involuntary stools. —Dysenteric stools.Ascarides. Urine, *Retention of urine.-* Constant urging. —Difficult emission of urine, drop by drop.-~Scanty, turbid, dark, or else flaming-red urine. — *Frequent urging to urinate, espe BELLADONNA. 71 cially in the afternoon and evening, with pale-yellow urine. — *Involuntary emission of urine'when standing. —Nocturnal enuresis.-*Inability to retain. the urine. Male Parts.-Diminished'sexual desire. —N-octurnal emissions, with discharge of prostatic fluid in the day-time, fronr a relaxed penis. —Stitches in the testicles which are drawn upwards. Female Parts.,-*Violent pressing towards the sexualparts as though the internal parts would fall out. —~False, spasmodic labour-pains — ~Prolapsus and induration of the uterus.*Congestion of blood to the uterus. —J*Stitches in the parts. — The vagina is very dry. —Inflammation of the labia and uterus. — Carcinorma uteri 2 -- ONymphomania of lying-in females. —aPuerperalfever? —The lochia are too scanty?The menses are too early and too profuse, or Otoo pale. — ~Suppression of the minenses. —*Metrorrhagia of bright-red blood, or with discharge of lumps of fetid blood, attended with pressing to the genital organs. Catarrhal Symptoms, —Dry nose.-Catarrh of one nostril, with bad smell like herring-brine before the nose. Windpipe. —OThe larynx is excessivelyr painfuil, with anxious starting when touching it, or when drawing breath, talking or coughing. — Constriction of the throat. —*Catarrh, with huskiness and tightness of the chest. —~Tracheiti's?-*Voice rough, hoarse; *feeble and shrill; Onasal. -- *Aphony.*Cough, ~with oppression on chest, owing to rush of blood to this part, or with jerking stitches in the region of the hip, as if the uterus would be torn off. —* Cough after eating, with expectoration of mucus. —*Noturnal cough, mostly dry', ~with tearing in the chest, or ~with catarrh and stitches in the sternum, or ~in scrofulous people, with rattling. —*Dry cough, Oday and night, with tickling in the throat-pit, or with headache and redness of the face. —*Dry and short cough. —Dry.pasmodic cough with retching, especially after midnight. — OParoxysms of whooping cough, with crying, or preceded by pain in the stomach, or succeeded by sneezing. —C0ough with raising of blood.-OInclination to vomit when coughing. Chest and Respiration.-*Breathing irregular, at times short, at others long, or ~short, hurried, *anxious,'with moaning. —ODanger of sufocation when swallowing, or when turning or touching the neck. —~Violent expirations.- Oppression of the chest, -also spasmodic.-*Pressure at the chest, ~with pain between the scapulke and shortness of breath. —~Tension in the chest. —Hysteric spasms of the chest. -*Stitches in the chest, ~with desire to cough, ~or particularly when coughing or yawning.- Uneasiness with beat 72 BISMUTHUM. ing in the chest. —~Rush of blood to the chest. —"Pneumonia? -*Violent palpitation of the heart reverberating in the head. — Pressure at the heart, *with anguish and trembling of the heart. —Swelling and induration of the mamme? — Cancer of the mammae? - Galactirrhaa. -~ Milk-fever? Trunk. —*Stiness of the nape of the neck. —*PainfJl swelling and stiffness of the neck and nape of theIneck.-*PainfUl swelling of the cervical, posterior cervical and axillary glands. -Tearing in the axille. —~Sour sweat only on the neck. Upper Extremities.-The arms feel like stupified and painful. *Laming-drawing pressure and tearing in the arms.Disposition to stretch the arms.-*Paralysis and heaviness of the arms.-*Scarlet-rednless of the arms and hands.-* Tearing pain with pressure in the shoulder, ~shooting down the arm very rapidly, ~especially at'night, lessened by external pres. sure, excited by motion.-Painful jerking, spasms and convulsions of the arms and hands —Trembling of the hands.*Swelling of the hands.-Tearing with pressure in the carpal and metacarpal bones. —Arthritic stiffness of the wrist-joints. -The finger-joints are liable to cracking. Lower Extremities - ~Coxagra with stitching pain, or else burning, worse by spells and extending towards the pelvis, worse at night and when touching the part ever so little. -oStiffness in the hip after sitting, with difficulty of rising. -~Spontaneous limping.-Tearing in the lower limbs, especially the knees.* Heaviness and lameness of the legs and feet.-The legs and feet are liable to turning in walking.Tension of the tendons of the hamstrings.-~Phlegmasia alba dolens?-Swelling of the feet. 22.- BISMUTHUM. General Symptoms.-Aching pains, or aching-tearing pains. Sleep.-Very drowsy, early in the morning, after rising.Starting during sleep, and on waking.-Lascivious dreams.WVeary at night, on waking. Emotive Sphere.-Peevish and dissatisfied, lamenting.Inconstant. —)read of solitude. Sentient Sphere.-Dizzy, early in the morning.-Vertigo as though the brain would turn in a circle. Head. —Headache, mostly in the forepart of the head, affecting the eyes.- Oppressive heavy pain in the head, especially the forehead, above the root of the nose and in the temples.-Constant digging and borAing in the forehead as far as BORAX. 73 the eyes and tip of the nose.-Burning contraction in the head, especially in the forehead and eyes. Eyes.-Pressure on the eyeballs.-Eye-gum in the canthi. Face.-Face livid, sickly, with blue margins around the eyes.-Aching pain at the malar bone. Teeth.-Drawing toothache with pressure.- Swollen gums painful as if sore. Mouth.-The inner mouth is painful as if sore.-Taste of blood in the mouth, early in the morning, with hawking of bloody mucus.-White-coated tongue, evening. — ery thirsty, evening, desires cold drinks. Gastric Symptoms.-Inclination to vomit, especially after eating. Stomach.-*Cardialgia with pressure after eating. Abdomen.-Rumbling in the abdomen.-Pinching'with pressure in abdomen, attended with urging to stool. Stool.-Ineffectual urging to stool, evening. Urine.-Frequent, copious emission of watery urine. Male Parts.-Aching pains in the testicles.-Nocturnal emissions without dreams. Windpipe. —Cough, day and night, with copious expectoration. Chest.-Pressure and tightness across the chest, in the region of the diaphragm.-Hot, burning contraction of the chest, with impeded respiration and talking.-Burning and boring in chest and back.-Palpitation of the heart. Upper Extremities. —Laming-tearing pain with pressure in the forearms and carpal bones. —Trembling of the hands, after eating.-Tearing under the finger-nails. Lower Extremities.- Tearing with pressure in the tarsal bones.-Itching gnawing'on the tibiae and dorsa of the feet, increased by scratching. 23.-BORAX. General Symptoms.-Stinging or stitching-drawing pains. — The pains are worse or comre on in bad and wet weather, or during and after a meal.-Bad effects from riding in a carriage and from eating fruit.-Restlessness driving one from place to place. —Restlessrness, trembling, nausea, stupefaction and vertigo after an animated conversation or while thinking. - Weakness of the joints. —Fainting turns with formication. — Trembling of the feet, nausea. Skin. — Unhealthy skin.-Former wounds and ulcers are disposed to sup1p Lrate. —Ervsi/)elas.-HelIpes. 4 74 BORAX. Sleep.-Wakes early, also at night, and is scarcely able to go to sleep again on account of heat or a crowd of ideas. Fever. —Coldness, generally in the afternoon, followed by heat with headache, which ceases in the open air.-Flushes of heat, early in the morning, with nausea and desire to vomit. Emotive Sphere.-Irritable mood (while attending to some business of importance). —Not disposed to mental labour. —Tendency to start -Crying of infants. Sentient Sphere. —Attacks of vertigo with loss of consciousness.-Vertigo and fulness in the head, especially when going up-hill.-Vertigo with nausea, when thinking or talking. Head.-Headache, a sort of fllness in the brain, with pressure around the eyes.-Headache above the eyes.-Stinging in the head, especially above the eyes and in the temples.Rush of blood to the head, especially the occiput, with beating in the brain. Eyes. —Pressure in the eyes. —Ophthalmia, with soreness of the margins of the lids and nightly agglutination. Ears.-Pain as if sore in the ears.-Inflammation and swelling of the ears, with discharge of pus fromt the meatus, and stinging headache.-Roaring in the ears, with hard hearing. Teeth.-Toothache in hollow teeth, especially in wet weather, sometimes with swelling of the gums. MOuth.-*Aphtha in the mouth and on the tongue, readily bleeding, especially in infants.-Dry tongue. Throat.-Dry throat.-A good deal of tenacious mucus adheres to the throat. Appetite.-Little appetite.-Desire for sour drinks.Nausea and restlessness while eating.-Distention of the abdomen, diarrhcea and colic after every meal.-After eating fruit, fulness and pressure in the stomach with peevish mood and malaise.-Colic after smoking, as if diarrhcea would set in. Gastric Symptoms. —Nausea and inclination to vomit, also when riding in a carriage, when thinking and during an animated conversation. Stomach.-Contractive pain in the stomach. —Pain in the pit of t e stomach when pressing on it (as from bad digestion). Abdomen.-Pain in the hypochondria when riding in a carriage, mostly aching and on the left side. —Colic as if a number of hard, sharp pieces were moved amongst each other in the abdomen and hypoc(hondriuml. —I eeling of de. bility in the abdomen. BOVISTA. 75 Stool and Anus.-Frequent soft, diarrhoeic stools, with pinching and rumbling in the bowels, and a good deal of flatulence. —Mucous diarrhea.-Discharge of a quantity of pale, yellowish, brown mucus and hlimorrhoidal blood from the anus, with pain in the small of the back. Urine. —Pungent odour of the urine, in children. Windpipe. —Roughness in the throat-pit, with drawing stitches in the pit when coughing or sneezing, abating after raising mucus.-Cough with expectoration of blood-streaked mucous. Trunk.-Aching in the small of the back, especially when sitting or stooping.-Burning in the small of the back when sitting.-Itching and tingling of the os-coccygis. Upper Extremities.-Burning pain around the upper arm. -Beating pain in the tip of the thumb, day and night, disturbing one's sleep. — Warty indurations in the palm of the hand (after pressing on it for some time). Lower Extremities.-Burning pain around the thigh.Trembling of the feet.-Itching of the ankles —Corns. 24.-BOVISTA. General Symptoms. — Weak and languid, especially in the joints.-Rushes of blood. Skin.-Soft skin, dull instruments make a deep impression. —Itching when getting warm, not removed by scratching. —Rash and pimples with burning itching. —O~lumid eruptions with thick scurf.-*Humid herpes.-Panaritia?Warts?-Corns, with stinging pain. Sleep.- Very drowsy in the afternoon and early in the evening.-Restless sleep at night, with many (anxious and frightful) dreams. Fever,-Chilliness with thirst, even near the warm stove and at night, in bed.-Heat with thirst, anguish, restlessness, oppression of the chest.-Morning-sweat, especially on the chest.-Evening-fever, with chilliness and shuddering along the back, drawing colic. Emotive Sphere, —Sadness and despondency when alone. — Sad, restless and melancholy.-Disposed to take every thing in bad part.-Too candid and communicative. Sentient Sphere.-Weak memory.-Absence of mind.Awkward, one allows every thing to fall out of one's hand. -Makes mistakes in writing or talking —Is easily intoxicated.-Stupifying vertigo with vanishing of the senses. Head. —Headache, deep in the brain, with sensation as if the head were lirger. —Headachc on waking as firom sleeping too 76 BOVIST.A. long.-Stupifying headache with heat in the eyes.-Nocturnal headache, so that one cannot bear raising the head.Pressure in the head, with throbbing as in an ulcer. —Compressive headache. —Tearing in the head, with heaviness and bruised feeling. Integuments of the Head. —The scalp is very sensitive to contact.-Sore places on the hairy scalp.-The hair falls out. Eyes. —Tingling pain in the eyes, with acute pressure in the orbit, and in the orbital bones. —Nocturnal agglutination. -Faint, dim eyes.-Objects appear nearer than they are. Ears. —Ulcer in the ear, with pain when swallowing.~Humid eruption on the ears with thick scurf.-~ODischarge of fetid pus from the ears.-Diminished hearing. —Indistinct hearing. Nose.-Soreness of the inner nose.-Scurfy nostrils with burning pain. Face.-Heat of the cheeks as if they would break.Colour of the face alternately red and pale.-Very pale, early after rising.-Boring and digging in the malar bones. — The upper lip, nose and cheeks are very much swollen and pale.Cracked lips. —Ulcerated corners of the mouth.-Tearing in the lower jaw and in front of the ear, with swelling and throbbing pain in the submaxillary glands. Teeth.-Toothache in the upper incisors, followed by swelling of the lip.-Drawing toothache, especially in hollow teeth, evening and night, abating during a walk in the open air and in the warmth — Digging and boring in the teeth.-Bleeding of the aums when sucking at them and at night. Mouth.-Flow of saliva in the mouth.-Stuttering.-Cutting pain in the tongue.-Ulcer at the margin of the tongue, with sore pai)l.-Foul smell from the mouth. Throat.-Sore throat with scraping and burning in the fauces. Appetite and Taste. —-Foul taste in the mouth.-Taste of blood in the mouth. —Desire for cold drinks, especially afternoon and evening.-Constant violent hunger, even shortly after eating.- Very drowsy after dinner and supper.-Hiccough before and after dinner. Gastric Symptoms.-Nausea with chilliness, from morning until noon. Stomach.-Pain in stomach, with feeling of coldness as from a lump of ice. —Pressure in the pit of the stomach, and fulness, with tension in the temples and anxiety. Abdomen.-Pain in the umbilical region, after eating, as if the parts were cut with knives. —Violent colic, worse dur BOVISTA. 77 ing rest. —The abdomen is very sensitive externally and internally. —Violent colicky pains, with trembling and chattering of teeth owing to one's feeling so cold, especially after stool.-Stinging and ulcerative pain in the abdomen. —Frequent emission of fetid flatulence. Stool. —Constipation. —Hard stool. —Diarrhcea with pinching colic, tearing and ulcerative pain in the abdomen. Urine.-Frequent urging to urinate.-Sore pain in the urethra when urinating. Male Parts.-Increased sexual desire. —Frequent emissions. —Vertigo and dulness of the head after an embrace.Hard, painful, suppurating nodosity in the penis.-Burning in the sexual parts. Female Parts.-Menses too early and profuse.-The menses flow only at night.-Discharge of blood between the menses. — Corrosive leucorrhewa.-Soreness in the bends of the hip-joints during the menses. Catarrhal Symptoms. —Stoppage of the nose arresting breathing.-Discharge of watery mucus from the nose, with dulness of the head. Windpipe.-Hoarseness, early in the morning, with catarrhal sound of the voice.-Scraping and soreness in the throat, with a good deal of tenacious mucus.-D)ry cough, owing to titillation in the throat and on the chest. Chest and Respiration.-Shortness of breath, during manual labour.-Constrictive oppression of the chest.Stitches in the chest.-Palpitation of the heart, with tremulous uneasiness, vertigo, nausea, headache. Trunk. —Sweat in the axillee, with smell as of onions.Sweat of the cervical glands with drawing-tensive pains.Pain in the back for years, with pain after stooping. Upper Extremities.- The arm, and wrist-joints feel para. lysed and sprained.-Tension in the shoulder-joints as if too short.-Laming feeling in the trachial artery.-Spasmodic drawing in the wrist-joints.-Stitching pain in the wrist-joint when grasping any thing. —The hands are so powerless that the lightest things are allowed to fall. —~Humid herpes on the dorsa of the hands. Lower Extremities. —Tingling in the lower limbs, they have gone to sleep, with inability to stand on them.Stitches in the knee, and tarsal joints. —Tension in the legs and calves as if too short.-Crampy feeling in the calves, early, in bed.-Rash on the legs. 8 ROMUM. 25. -BROMUIM. General Symptoms.-The pains are worse during rest and in bed; abating in the open air. —Some pains are principally felt on the left side; other pains, especially those felt in the lungs, are principally on the right side.- Weak and worn out feeling, even after the other pains cease.-Trembling all over, with inability to stand erect. Skin. —Yellow colour of the skin.-Inflammation with burning pains; the wounds become putrid, green, with cadaverous smell.-Boils on the arms and face,-Grows fatter.~Scrofulous swellings. Sleep.-Yawning, with tightness of the chest. —Very drowsy in the day-time, especially in the evening, when reading or writing, with headache as if a hoop were tied round the head.-Dreams about dead bodies, murder, quarrel and journeying.-Long, unrefreshing morning-sleep.-Sleeps with his mouth open. Fever. —Shaking chill every other day, with yawning, stretching and cold feet.-Internal, burning heat as if between skin and flesh.-Sweats readily. Emotive Sphere.-Sad, low-spirited, with loss of appetite, vomiting.-Monotonous, quarrelsome.-Very active, disposed to mental labour.-Aversion to one's work.-Illusions of sight, visions, as though strange people were standing behind him, or as if a thousand things were dancing before him on the ground. Head.- Vertigo when crossing flowing water, or worse in damp weather.-Heaviness in the forepart of the head, in the heat of the sun, less in the shade. —Headache after eating milk, hard beating, less when lying on the right side, with the arms stretched above the head.-Aching in the forehead alternating with pain in the small of the back. —Venous congestion of the head.-~Scald-head? Eyes.- -Stinging in the eyes and lids, ~especially in the left upper lid extending to the brows, forehead and temple, made worse by pressing on the part, motion and stooping, abating during rest, preventing work.-Burning of the eyes, with spasmodic contraction of the orbicularis muscles, lachrymation, tightness of the chest, cough, dulness of the head. -Ophthallmia, with interstitial distention and ulceration of the conjunctiva.-Photophobia.-Flashes before the eyes. Ears. -~ITot, hard swelling of the right parotid, with swelling of the articulation of the lower jaw, cracking in the ear when walking, sore throat and swelling of the tonsils. Nose.-Pimples on the nose and at the root of the tongue. BROMUM. 79 -Painful swelling of the left side of the nose, as if a pustule would fobrm.-Soreness and scurfs in the nostrils, with swelling of the ale nasi. Face.-Feeling' of heat, especially under the nose, with sensation of cobweb.-Pale colour. Mouth.-Pimples at the root of the tongue. —Increased flow of saliva and swelling of the salivary glands. Throat. —Sore throat; inflammation of the mucous membranes, with exudation of plastic lymph. —~Sore throat with erysipelatous swelling of the tonsils, hawking up of mucus, stinging and pressure during and between the acts of deglutition, difficult deglutition, increase of the pain when swallowing drinks.-Net-shaped redness of the mucous membrane, with many excoriated spots. Appetite,-Salt taste of water, early, before breakfast.Aversion to cold water.-Desire for sour things, which, however, aggravate the pains and cause diarrhcea.-Tobacco causes vomiting and diarrhcea. Gastric Symptoms.-Eructations, with frequent gaggingup of mucus. —Eructations tasting of spoiled eggs.-Vomiting of bloody mucus and sour substances. Stomach. —Pressure at the stomach as from a stone, with inclination to vomit, eructations, colic and borborygmi.Gastritis.-After death: sugillations like little ulcers, netshaped redness, softened and thickened mucous coat, with black, gangrenous ulcers. Abdomen.-Inflammation of the diaphragm, spleen and liver.-Painful sensation as if a ball had lodged in the left hypochondriun.-0~Swelling and induration of the spleen, after mismanaged gonorrhcea.-Colic from smoking.-Enteritis, with congestion of the vessels, net-shaped redness and thickening of the mucous membrane, swelling of the mesenteric glands.-Adhesions of the abdominal viscera.-Inflammation of the peritoneum, with exudation of water and plastic lymph. —Profuse effusion of blood in the pelvic cavity, following the course of the psoas-muscles. Stool and Anus.-Papescent stools, yellow, sometimes preceded by colic and noisy flatulence.-At first the stools are scanty, afterwards thin. —Nocturnal diarrhoea.-Tenesmus, and passes a good deal of mucus with the diarrhceic stool.-Green, brown, fetid diarrhceic stools, like tar, also with cadaverous smell.-Black foecal diarrhcea, with painful varices. Male Parts.-Feeling of coldness in the right testicle.~Sicelling of the testicles, ~also with gonorrhcea, -or only of the left testicle, with sore pain. 80'BROMUM. Female Parts.-Emission of loud flatulence from the vagina. —Passive uterine hmemorrhages.-~Suppressed menses.-Before the menses: pain in the small of the back, feeling of weakness, loss of appetite and stitching in the abdomen. —Headache at the appearance of the menses. —Spasmodic contraction and sore pain in the abdomen at every appearance of the catemenia. Catarrhal Symptoms. —Fluent coryza, with sore, scurfy nostrils. —Discharge of tenacious, yellow mucus from the nose. Windpipe.-Inflammation of the larynx, trachea and bronchial tubes, with red streaks, or else dark redness.-Exudation (of plastic lymph. —Roughness and hoarseness, with rawness and sore pain in the throat. - Feeling of coldness in the larynx, especially when drawing breath, less after shaving. — Rough, dry, also wheezing and croupy cough, withfeeling of suffocation, asfrom the vapour of sulphur, mostly excited by tickling in the throat or when drawing in air.-~Membraneous croup? Chest and Respiration.-* Tightness of the chest ~after measles, with great debility when going up-stairs and walking fast.-Tightness of the chest, also with sensation as if the breath would be stopped in the middle of the chest.-Sensation as if a soft body were moving between the lungs and the sternum.-Difficult breathing, with much mucus and froth in nose and mouth, lachrymation, cough, desire to vomit, gagging, vomiting of mucus, hoarse cries, irregular beating of the heart, excessive prostration, chills, diarrhoea andfrequent pulse.-Stitches in the chest, especially the right side.-Pneumonia with hepatization, or tuberculous ulcerations.,-Palpi. tation of the heart, alo with oppression in the region of the heart, frequent yawning, and sensation as though the inspired air were cold.-Carditis, with hardness, dark redness, accumulation of black coagula, considerable swelling of the veins of the chest, and pale, fluid blood.-0~Hypertrophy of the heart? Trunk.-~Goitre? —~Scrofulous swellings on the sides of the neck?-Painful stiffness of the neck. Upper Extremities. —Painful lameness of the left arm. -Pains in the carpal and finger-joints.-Nodosity on the right index-finger.-Laming stiffness of the fingers of the right hand.-~ Chronic chiragra, with swelling, immobility and distortion of the joints. Lower Extremities.-Beating in the lower limbs, with stiffness extending to the feet and toes.-Burning and rheumatic pain in the left knee. —Cold feeling in the left big toe. BRYONIA ALBA. 81 also at night on waking, with tingling.-The corns are painful and grow rapidly. BRUCEA ANTI-DYSENTERICA. The characteristic symptoms of this agent are not sufficiently known to be extracted. The reader is referred to " Symptomen Codex," vol. i., p, 318. 26.-BRYONIA ALBA. General Symptoms.-*Rheumauic and arthritic tension, drawing, tearing and stitching, mostly in the limbs, especially when moving the parts, with intolerance of contact, ~sweat on the affected part during rest and *with trembling of the part when the pains abate. —*Stiffness and stitches in the joints during contact and motion. —*Laming and bruising feeling in the extremities, ~evening. —~Some parts are lame and numb, as if rigid. —Spontaneous luxations? —Ailments arising from strains in consequence of lifting. —Pale, tight, hot swelling. -~Arthritic, red, shining swelling of single parts, with stinging when moving them. —Pains as if bruised or as fiom subcutaneous ulceration, or as if the flesh were detached from the bones.-*Drawing with pressure in the periosteum. — ~Swelling and induration of the glands. —Scrofulous complaints. —InJfammations, also typhoid. —Dropsy of internal organs.-~Influenza.-~Ailments from suppression of measles or scarlet-eruptions.-~Bilious and gastric complaints. —Ailments arising from chagrin, and other conditions, when attended with chilliness and coldness of the body.-*Affections of the character of jaundice. —Twitching of single muscles and limbs. —~Convulsions? —Tetanic spasms? — Hysteric spasms and complaints?-The pains are aggravated by motion, lessened by rest.-General malaise, tightness, chilliness, from the pressure of the clothes.-Drawing through the whole body.-Trembling of the limbs when raising one's-self from a recumbent posture.-Unsteadiness of all the limbs, when walking after sitting —Very weak, especially early in the morning when walking in the open air.-Disposed to lie down.-Fainting turns.-The feeling of weakness is worst when walking in the open air. Skin. —*Yellow colour of the skin. —Clammy, moist skin.-Stinging burning over the whole body, as from nettles, after slight emotions.-~Erysipelas, especially of the joints. —~Urticaria.-*Rash, ~especially of infants and lyingin women.-Smarting or burning-itching eruptions. —Scaly, burning-itching herpes.- Petechiac.-T — lcers with feeling of 4* 82 BRYONIA ALBA. coldness, or with smarting or beating pains. —Chilblains.Corns with pressure, or burning stinging, or with sore feeling when touched. —~Hard tubercles here and there, like indurated cutaneous glands. Sleep. —Disposed to yawn. —* Very drowsy in the day-time, especially after dinner.- Sopor, interrupted by anxious delirium.-Sleeplessness, especially before midnight, owing to heat, vascular orgasm, anxiety, especially on the chest.Sleep disturbed by thirst, with bitter taste after waking.Starting when on the point of falling asleep.-Restless sleep with confused dreams and many thoughts. —~Cries and delirium as soon as one closes one's eyes.- Vexatious dreams. — Vivid dreams about one's daily affairs.-Nocturnal delirium and wandering of the fancy, with the eyes open.Moaning during sleep, especially after midnight. —*Somnambulism.-Night-mare? Fever.-* Chilliness and coldness of the body, also in bed, in the evening, or with pains in all the limbs, and cold sweat on the forehead.-~Shaking chill, frequently with heat in the head, red face and thirst, or followed by heat, sweat and thirst. —Before the chilliness: first vertigo and headache, afterwards shuddering with stretching of the limbs and drawing in the same. —During the chilliness: loathing of food and drink.-Heat, first alternating with chilliness, afterwards burning heat with thirst; lastly profuse sweat. —*Heat, especially in the head and face, also with red cheeks and pain in the forehead, as if the contents would fall out.-* General dry heat, externally and internally, generally with intense desire for cold drinks.-During the heat: vertigo and headache. — 0~Intermittent fevers, also tertian, especially with coldness prevailing.-~Fever, with nausea, and obliging one to lie down, or with stitching pain in the side and abdomen.*Thirst during the chilliness and heat. —~Dry cough with vomiting, stitches and tightness in the chest, when the fever sets in. —~Inflammatory, gastric, bilious, puerperal, milk, typhoid fevers, also typhus..-~Cold sweat on the forehead and head. -*Projise sweat -even when walking in the cold air.Oily sweat, day and night. —~Critical sweats, with anxious restlessness, panting breathing, short cough and pressure on the chest. —*Profuse night and morning sweats, -also having a sour smell. Emotive Sphere. —Oppressive anxiety and restlessness, with dread of the future.-A good deal qf crying. —Doubts about one's recovery, with dread of death.-*Fear, with desire to escape. —Pusillanimous. — Not disposed to talk.*Irritable. vexed, vehement. BIRYONIA ALBA. 83 Sentient Sphere. —Loss of memory.-Vanishing of ideas. — Inability to collect one's self.-Desires things which are not present or which are rejected again when offered. —ODelirious talk/ about business, especially at night.-The head feels cloudy, dull, confused.-Reeling and intoxication as from rush of blood to the head.-Stupefaction of the head. —Vertigo, with tottering.-*Vertigo only when stooping.-* Vertigo, -especially when rising from a seat or *from a recumbent position, as if one would faint. Head. — *Headache as from nightly revelling. —*Headache after every meal.-0~Jeemierania with vomiting and lying down.-0 ~iy steri c headache. —-*Headache when first opening and moving the eyes.-*Great fullnzess and heaviness of the head, -with digging pressure in the direction of the forehead, and with sensation, when stooping as though every thing would issue from the forehead. *Pressing in the brain either from twithin outwards or fiom without inwards. —*Stitches in the head, ~or only through one side of the head.-*Jerking, throbbing headache, aggravated by motion, with dulness of the eyes. —*Rush of blood to the head, with heat in the head. —~Burning pains in the forehead. —Encephalitis, especially of a typhoid character. —* The headache is worse when moving about or walking fast, or when first opening one's eyes. Integuments of the Hlead,-The outer head is painful as if sore.-Bitincg and twitching about the head, from the malar to the temporal bone, aggravated by contact. —*Burning heat of the outer head.-~Cold sweat on the forehead. —-*Warm sweats, even about the head.-The hair is greasy. Eyes. —~Pain when moving the eyes.-Pressure in the eyes from within outwards. —*Pressure in the eyes, in the evening, or as if full of sand.- *Btrning of the eyes.e*In-.flammation of the eyes and lids, with redness, oespecially in the case of new-born inifants, or arthritic persons. —Painful swelling of the eyes, with suppuration and dark redness of the conjunctiva. —*Red swelling of the lids, with aching pain. -~Furfuraceous burning-itching tetter on the eyelid. —~Stye on the eyelid. —Pustule at the inner canthus. —*Nocturnal agglutination and lachrymation in the day-time, in the open air. —oFaint, dim, glossy, or else sparkling eyes filled with tears.-Far-sighted.-Blurred appearance of the letters when reading. —Blackness or flashes of fire before the eyes.~Photophobia. Ears. —Contractive pain in the ears, with hard hearing. — Stitches in the ears, during and after a walk in theopen air. -Otitis. —Tulmnor in front and behind the ear.-Bleeding 84 1BRYONIA ALBA. of the ears.-*Feeling of stoppage in the ears. —OHumming in the ears. —~intolerance of noise. Nose. —Swelling of the nose, very painful when touched, with chronic dry coryza.-*Inflammation of the inner nose. — *Ulcer in the nostril with smarting pain. —-*Frequent bleeding of the nose, also early in the morning, or ~from suppression of the menses. Face. —* Yellow and livid complexion. —*Red, burning-hot face.-Red spots in the face. —*Soft, hot, ~blue and brownred bloating of the face.-Inflammatory prosopalgia, generally aching and lessened by external pressure.-~Siwelling of the face -on one side, or below the eyes and around the root of the nose.-Swelling of the cheek close to the ear.-~OHard blotches in the face, like swollen cutaneous glands. —Lips swollen and cracked, bleeding and burning when touched.ODry lips.-Smarting eruptions on the lips.-~Lock-jaw? Teeth. —Toothache, obliging one to lie down, or aggravated by warmth, or at night; also worse when lying on the sound side, less when lying on the affected side.-Drawing, jerking toothache, with sensation as if the teeth were loose and elon. gated, especially during and after a meal.-The gums are painful as if sore and raw, with loose teeth.-Spongy gums. Mouth. -*Dry mouth, with great thirst. - Flow of a quantity of soapy, frothy saliva.-Ptyalism.-Fetid odour from the mouth.-Tongue *dry, or coated white, dirty or yellow. —~Rough, dark, tongue. - Burning vesicles at the borders of the tongue. —~ndistinct speech, owing to parched condition of the throat. Throat. —Sore throat, with difficult deglutition and hoarseness.-Pain in the fauces as if raw, when swallowing empty. —'*Feeling of dryness and great dryness of the throat.Pressure in the fauces as fiom a hard body with edges.*Stinging in thefauces when touching them or when turning the head and when swallowing. —Tenacious mucus in the throat, which can be hawked loose. Appetite and Taste, —~Loss of taste. —*Flat, insipid or foul taste in the mouth. —*Food has no taste. —Sweetish taste in the mouth. —*Every thing tastes bitter, or the taste is bitter after eating or between meals, or early in the morning.* Violent thirst, -or also after eating, worse after diinking beer. —Much appetite. —*Desire for wine, ~sour drinks, -and coffee, or for *a variety of things which cannot be used as food. —Canine hunger frequently attended with loss of appetite, thirst, flying heat, or also at night. — *Loss of appetite after eating a mouthful. — #Aversion to foodl.-After every meal: eructations, with pressure at the stomach and pit of the stomach, and with colic. BRYONIA ALBA. 85 Gastric Symptoms.-Eructations, especially after eating. mostly bitter and sourish, or tasting of the ingesta. —*Empty eructations.- Gulping-up of the ingesta, after every meal.Hiccough. —*Inclination to vomit, especially after eating food which one relishes, or when raising one's-self from a recumbent posture. —-Anxious inclination to vomit, when sitting down and when attempting to drink. —Morning-nausea. — *Emnpty retching -with waterbrash. —~Vomiting, immediately after drinking, ~or after eating bread.-Vomiting of mucus in the evening. —* Vomiting of the ingesta, with hiccough and gagging.-* Vomiting first of bitter water, or bile, then of food, also at night.-*cematemesis. —~Stitches in the left side of the abdomen, when vomiting. Stomach. —~Pain in the stomach after straining by lifting. — Pressure in the stomach as from a stone, after eating, ~especially after eating bread, -with ill humour. —~Cardialgia, especially when arising from affections of the spleen.~Stricture of the pyloric orifice?-Oppression in the pit of the stomach, and painful tension when touching it, with feeling of warmth. —~Stitching in the stomach when lying on the side, also in the pit of the stomach, when treading or making a wrong step. —The pit of the stomach feels sore when touching it or when coughing.-The least pressure in the pit of the stomach is intolerable.-'Burning in the stomach during motion. Abdomen, — *Pains in the liver, mostly ~stinging or *tensive and burning, ~especially when touching the part, coughing or drawing breath.-OHepatitis.-~Drawing pain in the right hypochondrium, extending to the stomach and back, early in the morning and after dinner, with vomiting.~Diaphragmitis? —~Hard swelling around the hypochondria and umbilicus. —Colic of pregnant females. —~ Chronic pains in the abdomen, with tension of the abdomen and waterbrash. -*Distention of the abdomen, ~especially after eating. —Pressure in the epigastrium, especially after eating. —~Hysteric abdominal spasms. —~Tearing in the abdomen from the hips to the pit of the stomach. —Pinching in the abdomen, every time alter eating or drinking.- Cutting and stitching in the abdomen, especially after taking warm milk.-~Venous congestions in the abdomen? —~Hard swelling around the umbilicus.0Enteritis. — Ascites.-Loud rumbling in the abdomen, with emission of flatulence, or only in the evening, in bed. Stool and Anus.-* Constipation. —'Chronic *costiveness.*Large-sized stool which is passed with difficulty. -Scanty, hard stool as if burnt. —*Diarrhoea, -smelling like spoiled cheese, or ~with discharge of undigested food and violent cholic, also after a cold.-T~Diarrhcea, early in the morning. 86 3BRYONIA ALBA. ~Nocturnal diarrhcea, with burning at the anus.-Debilitating diarrhoea.-Constrictive colic at stool. —Diarrhoea alternating with constipation and cardialgia.-Involuntary stool during sleep. Urine.-* Urine scanty, red, Obrown and *hot.-Almost irresistible desire to urinate. —~Frequent emissions of watery urine. —Nocturnal urination. —Involuntary emission of hot urine while moving about.-Involuntary dropping out of urine after urinating.-Burning and cutting before urinating. -Sensation as if stricture in the urethra. —Stinging and burning in the urethra. Male Parts.-Red, itching rash on the glans. Female Parts.- ~Suppressed menses. -Premature menses. -~Tearing in the limbs during the menses.-Discharge of blood between the menses. —Congestion of blood to the uterus.-Metrorrhagia, with discharge of a quantity of darkred blood, with pain in the small of the back and headache.~Profuse lochia. —~Burning pain in the region of the os-tincee, during pregnancy, aggravated by motion, diminished by pressure and rest.-Swelling of one of the labia, with a black, hard pustule on the swelling.-~Puerperal fever, with full turgid mammae. Catarrhal Symptoms.-Dryness and stoppage of the nose, also chronic.-Fluent coryza, with stinging pressing through the forehead. —*,Dry coryza, ~also chronic. —'Hard nasal mucus in the shape of dry crusts. Windpipe. —*Hoarseness, -with inclination to sweat, ~also after measles.-Desire to cough as if caused by mucus, followed by sore pain in the windpipe, aggravated by talking and smoking. —*Cough, mostly dry, caused by titillation in the throat, or by a smoky feeling in the windpipe, with disposition to draw frequent breath. —Cough as if caused by an irritation in the stomach.-*Spasmodic and sqifocating cough, -especially after midnight, or ~after eating and drinking, *with vomiting of the ingesta, also in the case of children.Morning-cough, with waterbrash. —Cough as though the chest would fly to pieces.-* Cough with stitches in the sides of the chest, or ~with aching pain in the head as if it would fly to pieces, and ~stitching pain in the pit of the stomach, or *with pain in the hypochondria.-Moist cough.-Cough with expectoration of dingy-red mucus. —Cough with *yellouwish expectoration.-OAcute suppuration of the lungs. —*Cough with expectoration of ~pure blood, or blood-streaked mucus, *with little lumps of blood.-~Sore pain in the pit of the stomach when coughing. —oStoppage of breath before coughing, at night. RRYONIA ALBA. 87 Chest and Respiration.-'Breathing dificult or short, quick and anxious, or Omoaning. —*Short breath.-Oppression of the chest, with stoppage of breath. —Paroxysms of *asthma, Oat night, ~with stitching pains in the abdomen and urging to stool. —~Frequent desire to draw a long breath. — Pressure at the chest, as from a load, with oppression.-Contractive pain in the chest, caused by cold air. —Tension in the chest, when walking. —*Stitching in the chest and sides of the chest, as from an abscess, especially when coughing or drawing a long breath, obliging one to sit up, ~or to lie on the back, aggravated by motion. —*H-eat and ~burning in the chest, with anguish and oppression.-~Pleurisy, typhoid pneumonia, especially of old people, and after the ineffectual use of Aconite.-~Hydrothorax? —Sensation as if the contents of the chest were loose and would descend into the abdomen.*Palpitation of the heart, 0frequently very violent and with oppression of the chest. —Carditis? —Induration of the nipples? —oFull, turgid breasts of lying-in women.-0-.Milkfever with rheumatic pains in the breasts. Trunk. —Pain in the small of the back, like a painful stiffness, not allowing one to stand erect.-Pain in the small of the back as if bruised (during rest).-Crampy-contractive pain over the whole back.-Burning and drawing in the back.-Stitching in the back and small of the back.-Stitching below the left scapula, as far as the heart, aggravated by coughing and drawing breath. —Pressure on the shoulder, with stitching when drawing a long breath. —*Rheumatic stipbess and tension in the nape of the neck and neck.-Red spots on the sides of the neck.-Red rash on the neck, with biting itching. -Sweat in the axillee. Upper Extremities.-o Tearing in the shoulder-joints and upper arms, with tension and stitching, and shining-red *swelling of the parts.-Drawing through the long bones of the arms, down to the tips of the fingers.-~Convulsive jerking, spasmodic drawing and shaking of the arms. —Burning pain and weariness in the arms.-*Constant trembling of the arms and fingers. —*Swelling of the arm round the elbow-joint.Stitching in the elbow and wrist-joints, with heaviness of the hands.-Red rash on the forearm. —*Pain as if sprained in the wrist-joint, when moving it. —Nocturnal inflammation of the dorsum of the hand, with burning pain. —Swelling of the hands.-Numb feeling in the palm of the hand.-Stinging pain in the fingers when writing.-Hot, pale. swelling of the finger-joints.-Jerking of the fingers when moving the hands. Lower Extremities —Coxagra? —Drawing pain in the thiqhs. —*Slitche.p in the thigh, from the nates to the ankles, 88 CALADIUM SEGUINUM. ~with intolerance of contact and motion, and with sweat all over.-The lower limbs are languid and weak, especially when going up-stairs.-*Painfully tensive stiffness of the the knees.-~Shining-red swelling of the knees, *with violent stitches, also when walking.-The knees waver and give way when walking.-Stitching, drawing and cramp-pain in the knees, with drawing down to the calves.-*Tearing in the knees, ~down to the tibiae. —~Tensive *stitching and tearing in the calves, down to the ankles, ~with shining-red swelling of the parts.-Crampy feeling in the calves, morning and at night.-The legs feel weary and languid when walking or standing.-*Swuelling of the legs, down to the.feet.-~Putrid ulcers on the legs. —*Pain as if sprained in the tarsal joint, ~when treading. — Arthritic *swelling of the feet with redness, heat and tensive pain. —*Hot swelling of the dorsum of foot, with pain as if bruised when stretching it, tension during motion and ulcerative pain when touching it. —*Stinging in the feet, soles and toes, especially when treading. —Corns with pressure, or burning stinging, or with sore pain when touched. 27. CALADIUM SEGUINUM. General Symptoms.-Dread of motion, wants to lie down all the time.-Fainting turn after writing. thinking, lying down and raising one's-self.-The pains abate after a short nap in the day-time, and disappear by sweating. Skin,-Violent burning at small spots, obliging one to touch them.-Mosquito-bites are very painful.-Itching-burning rash on the forearm and chest, alternating with tightness of the chest. Sleep. - Weary as from want of sleep, has to lie down, without being sleepy, with shuddering and dizziness.-Sleep is easily disturbed.-Moaning or starting during sleep. Fever. —Fever with pains in the ears and swelling of the submaxillary glands. —Fever with coldness and thirst, panting, catarrh, beating in the chest.-Evening.fever, during which hefalls asleep, he wakes when the fever leaves him.Perspires after the heat. Emotive Sphere.-Is anxious about his health.-Appre hensive anxiety, in the evening, before filling asleep. Sentient Sphere,-Gloomy head, with vertigo, nausea. — Vertigo as if rocked, after lying down and closing one's eyes. Head.-Burning in the eyes. CALCAREA CARBONICA. 8'9 Ears.-Sensitive to noise, especially when going to sleep. -Frequent hardness of hearing. Appetite and Taste.-Taste sticky and herby.-No thirst, averse to cold water, with dry throat. —Hurried eating without hunger, impelled by a feeling of hollowness in the stomach. Gastric Symptoms.-Rising of air, sometimes prevented by pain in the stomach.-Morning-nausea, with vertigo and stitches in the pit of the stomach. Stomach, —The stomach feels empty and hollow. —Burning in the stomach.-Pressure and gnawing at the orifice of the stomach.-Cutting across the pit of the stomach.-Stitches in the pit of the stomach and retraction of the pit, with weakness and nausea.-Fatiguing beating in the pit of the stomach, after a walk. Abdomen.-Spasmodic cutting around the umbilicus. — Throbbing or burning in the epigastrium.-Small, fetid flatus. Stool.-Stool generally papescent and scanty. Urine.-Painful feeling of fulness in the bladder, without urging to urinate. Male Parts. —Weakness of the sexual power. —Bloated, relaxed, perspiring parts. —Swelling and soreness of the prepuce.-Dryness and redness of the glans, covered with a number of fine tips.-Impotence. —There is no thrill or emission during an embrace, or the emission takes place too soon, without an erection. Catarrhal Symptoms.-Dry coryza in the evening, with sneezing and burning in the nose. Windpipe,-Contractive sensation in the larynx and trachea, with wheezing when drawing a long breath.- Cough, which seems to start friom the part above the larynx.-Cough with tightness of the chest, caused by pressure in pit of stomach, or else prevented by a feeling of weight in this part. -Weak, nocturnal cough, without resonance, disturbing the morning.sleep. Chest.-Tightness of the chest, especially during the burning at the stomach.-Hollow and empty feeling in the chest, after expectoration of mucus.-Bruised feeling in the small of the back, on rising. 28. CALCAREA CARBONICA. General Symptoms,* —Crampy feeling in single parts, and contraction especially of the fingers and toes.-*Pains as if sprained.-Beating pains. —Arthritic complaints and tearing 90 CALCAREA CARBONICA. in the limbs, with liability to relapsing during a slight change of the weather.*Numnbness and deadness of single parts. -*Liable to straining by lifting, causing a sore throat, or stiffness and swelling of the nape of the neck, with headache. -~Gastric complaints. —Ailments from self-abuse. —~Scrofulous conditions.-OAilments fr om teething.-0Pol.ypi. — *Hard, painless glandular swellings. —*Varices.-*Arthritic nodosities. —~Swelling and curvature of bones. -OCaries.* Vascular orgasms with plethora. —- Chorea. —-*Epileptic spasms, also at night, with cries and shouting.-* The pains excited and aggravated by washing or working in cold water. -1~Is most useful after nitric acid or sulphur, and when the pupils incline to be too large. —Is especially suitable to children.-General malaise in the evening, as previous to an attack of fever and ague. — Want of strength, especially early in the morning. —Nervous excitement. -*Worn out in consequence of talking.-Very much fatigued after a short walk in the open air. —*The upper arms and thighs feel as if lamed and bruised, when going up-stairs.-Excessive prostration with violent spasmodic laughter. —Bloated body and face, with large abdomen, in the case of children.-.Emaciation, -with good appetite. — Young men grow large and fat. -*Liable to taking cold, sensitive to cold air. —Visible bubbling in the skin, from the feet to the head, which feels dizzy. Skin. —Burning, starting itching — Chronic *erlptions.*Freckles.-*eNettle-rash, -generally passing off in the cool air.-Clusters of bright-red, painfully-itching, lentil shaped elevations on the skin (between the scapulve). —~Iot, dry skin during motion.-IoLough, *dry skin, as if covered with rash. —~Scaly skin. —*Hml. id, scurry eruptions or letters with burning pain, or they are clustered like grapes. —*Soreness of some parts of the skin.- Fistulke.-Unwholesome skin. -Et-ysipelas.-Boils.-* Warts. —Corns, with burning pain as if sore.-~Sarcoma, coming on again every four weeks, and suppurating.-Panaritia. -I-angnails. —*Rhafgades of the skin. Sleep.-Drowsy in the day-time and early in the evening.-'Falls asleep late, or sleeplessness, owing to ideas crowding upon the mind, with lascivious or horrid fazncies on closing one's eyes.E-*Anxious dreams, wandering of the mind and fancy, with cries, talking and starting during sleep, and anxiety even after waking.-Chewing. and swallowing during sleep.-*Noctarnal tightness of breathing, with heat, apprehensive anxiety, restlessness.- Nocturnal pressure in the pit of the stomach, with rising to the throat and head.*Thirst at night. CALCAREA CARBONICA. 91 Fever- Very chilly, internally, with or without thirst. ~Chilly, early, after rising. —*Heat with thirst. —*Frequent flushes of heat with anguish, ~and throbbing in the region of the heart. —Fever every day, at noon, with yawning and coughing; followed by heat all over, and lying down for three hours; afterwards cold hands without thirst. —Tertian evening-fever, first heat in the face, then chilliness.-*Profitse sweat in the day-time, during moderate exertions of the body.~Sweat with anxiety.-*XNight-sweat, ~especially on the chest. -*Morning-swea t. Emotive Sphere.- *Melancholy, desponding mood.* Weeping mood. —*Anxiety, anguish, Ocaused by thinking of certain things, ~or by the recital of cruelties, or ~attended with shuddering and horripilations at twilight.-Anguish, with palpitation of the heart and jerks in the pit of the stoinach. —~Restless, anxious uneasiness. —* Tendency to start.~Want of cheerfulness, with weight in the limbs. —*Despairing mood, with dread of sickness, wretchedness and accidents. — Out of humour, sensitive, *vexed mood, *obstinacy.-*Indifference.-Aversion to others.-Faultfinding and sensitive. Sentient Sphere.-Liable to selecting wrong words.Loss of consciousness and illusions of the fancy. —Difficulty of thinking. —~Mania a pota, talking about dogs, rats, mice.~Chonic dulness of the head, as if' a board were pressing against it. —*Dizziness, ~from scratching behind the ear, *also before breakfast, with trembling. —* Vertigo, sometimes ~with blackness of sight, ~when ascending an eminence, *when walking in the open air, *turning the head rapidly -and after chagrin. Head, —*Headache after straining by lifting, -or caused by tying a handkerchief round one's head, or *by taking cold.*Heemicrania with eructations and inclination to vomit.*Stupifying or throbbing headache, especially when aggravated ~by mental efforts, spirituous drinks or stooping.-Fulness and *heaviness of the head, especially in the forehead, with closing of the eyes, -aggravated by motion and exerting the body. —Aching in the sinciput, coming on in the open air.Headache in the temples, pressing from within outwards, spasmodic-.*tensive, ex'ending to the vertigo. — Tearing ~in the right side of the forehead, with painfulness of the part when touching it.-Stitching pain in the head. —Boring in the forehead. —'Hammering headache, after walking in the open air, obliging one to lie down.-*Icy coldness in and about the head, ~especially on the right side of the head.* Congestion of blood to the head. —Iumming and pain in the head, with heat of the cheeks. 92. CALCAREA CARBONICA. Integuments of the Head. -- Large heads of children, with open fontanels. -~Evening-sweat about the head. —*Liability of the head to taking cold. — Scurfs on the hairy scalp. — The scalp becomes scaly.-*The roots of the hairs are painful. —* The hair falls out, also in the case of lying-in females. — Sarcoma and suppurating tumours on the head. Eyes. —*Pressure in the eyes. —*Itching and stinging in the eyes.-*Smarting as from excoriation, burning and cutting in the eyes and eyelids, especially when reading in the day-time and at candle-light.-Fee]ing of coldness in the eyes.-* Ophthalmia, caused by a cold, or'by foreign bodies penetrating into the eyes, or ~in the case of new-born infants and scrofulous persons. —*Agglutination of the eyes. —*U1cers and specks on the cornea, fungus hematodes, dimness of the cornea.-Exudation of blood from the eyes. —Suppurating fistula. —*Lachrymation, early in the morning.~Closing of the lids, early in the morning. —Twitching of the lids. —-*Dilated pupils. —)Dimness of sight ~as if caused by mist, *gauze orfeathers before the eyes, especially when reading or looking sharp. —*Obscuration of sight, ~when reading or after eating.-*Light dazzles the eyes. Ears.-*Stinging in the ears.-* Throbbing and heat in the ears. —Inflammation and swelling in the outer and inner ear. — Discharge of pusfrom the ears.-*Humid eruption upon and behind the ears. —oPolypus in the ear. —*Humming, whizzing, ringing and ~reports in the ears, sometimes alternating with musical sounds in the ears. —Quaking in the ears when swallowing and *cracking when chewing. —*Hard hearing, ~also after suppression of fever and ague by quinine.~Inflammatory swelling of the parotid glands. Nose, —*Nasitis, with redness and swelling.~-Cancer of the nose? —*Ulcerated, scurry nostrils. —*Bleeding of the nose.-*Fetor from the nose.-*Dulness of smell.-*Smell before the nose,'as of manure, spoiled eggs or gun-powder. Face, —o Yellow complexion.-*Pale, thin face.-Freckles. -~Wrinkles in the face as of old people.-*Itching and eruptionin the face and whiskers. —Humid, scurfy eruption on the cheeks and forehead, with burning pain.- -~Crusta lactea. *Tearin'g pain in the facial bones.-Swelling of the face, without heat.-Rough, cracked lips.-*Eruptions on the lips and about the mouth.-*Swelling of the upper lip. —*Ulceratedl corners of the mouth. —~Deadness of the lips. —*Painful swelling of the submaxillary glands, also hard. Teeth. —* Toothache, after taking a cold drink, or caused by a draught of air and by cold, aggravated by noise, or excited again by cold or warm things, or ~during and after the CALCAREA CARBONICA. 93 menses and during pregnancy, -mostly drawing-stitching, or boring-gnawing, ~digging, painful like a sore and -beating. — ~Nocturnal toothache as from rush of blood. —Difficult dentition. —Bad smell from the teeth.-*Painful sensitiveness of the gums and stinging in the gums.-*The gums bleed readily with swelling and throbbing. —*Fistula of the lower jaw. Mouth —*The mouth is full of mucus.-Spits sour saliva all the time.-Blisters in the mouth and on the tongue.Spasmodic contraction of the mouth. - *Dry tongue, Oat night and early on waking. —Heavy, indistinct speech.~Ranula. Throat.-Sore throat, like a lump or swelling in the throat. — Constriction in the throat and -spasmodic contraction of the fauces.-Rough and sore feeling in the throat, with stinging pain when swallowing.-*Inflammatory swelling of the palate and uvula, -with vesicles.-*Swelling of the tonsils, -with contractive sensation in the throat, during deglutition. Appetite and Taste — *Bitter taste in the mouth, early.Sour taste in the mouth and of the food.-* Very thirsty all the time, -also after eating cold things, *with complete loss of appetite. —~Lunger soon after a meal. —* Canine hunger, early in the morning. —Chronic *aversion to meat and *warm food. —~Aversion to smoking.- *Dyspepsia. — Inclination to vomit after milk, or sour gulpings. —*After eating: heat or bloat with nausea, headache, stomach-ache, colic.-*)esirefor wine, -salt things or dainties. Gastric Symptoms,-*Eructations -tasting of the ingesta, or *bitter or -sour eructations. —Heartburn after any kind of food, and loud continual eructations.-A good deal of hiccough or eructations resembling it. —~Morning-nausea.*Sour vomiting, ~especially of children. —* Vomiting of the ingesta, or of bitterish mucus.-Black vomiting, and ~vomiting of blood. —*Waterbrash, also after eating.-~Vomiting of infants when teething. Stomach. —*Pains in the stomach, mostly aching ~or pinching, or *crampy and contractive, especially ~after eating, with vomiting of food.-Nocturnal cardialgia.-*Pressure in the stomach, also ~before breakfast, or ~when coughing, or with pressing from within outwards below the last ribs, or ~with tearing-griping during a walk.-Pinching, cutting, noc. turnal pressure in the pit of the stomach.-*Bloating, swelling of the pit and region of the stomach, with pain when pressing upon it. Abdomen.-Pains in the- liver, mostly stitching or tensiveaching. —*Drawing pain from the hypochondria to the back, ~with vertigo and blackness before the eyes. —*Tension tn 94 CALCAREA CARBONICA. both hypochondria. —* Cannot bear tight clothes on the hypochondria.-*Hard distention of the abdomen. — Frequent colic and stitches in the abdomen, in children.-Contractive, gnawing *abdominalspasms -and colic.-* Cutting cholic ~in the epigastrium.-Stitching or pinching *aching colic Owithout diarrhoea.-~Coldness in the abdomen. —Swollen, hard mesenteric glands of children. —*Incarceration of flatulence.*Flatulence presses towards the abdominal ring, as though hernia would protrude. —Loud rumbling. —Painful pressing in the pelvis.-Swelling and painfulness of the inguinal glands. Stool and Anus,-*Constipation.- *Hard, scanty, intermittent, or undigested, thin stools. —*Stool only every other day, and difficult.-~Frequcent, continual *looseness of the bowels, two stools daily. —Scanty, knotty, clayev stools.White stools. —*Diarrhoaa ~during dentition.-~Involuntary frothy stools. —Sour-smelling or yellowish, fetid diarrhoa, in children.-Chronic diarrhcea of scrofulous persons. —*Ascarides.-Irritable and angry mood, previous to stool.~After stool: prostration and lamed and bruised feeling.Discharge of blood from the anus, during and between the stools.-*Swelling and frequent protrusion of the varices, especially during stool, with burning pain.-Spasm, dragging and contraction of the rectum. —*Burning in the rectum and anus, with itching.-Burning, clustered eruptions at the anus. Urine-Tenesmus of the bladder.- *Excessive urination, also at night. —Dark urine without sediment.-Blood-coloured, acrid and pungent-fetid urine, with white sediment.Bloody urine. —Hemorrhage from the urethra. —~Hamorrhoids of the bladder. —Polypus of the bladder. —*Burning in the urethra during and between the acts of urinating. Male Parts.-Illflammation of the prepuce, with redness and burning pain.-Aching and contusive pain in the testicles. — Weakness of the sexual power, and want of sexual desire.-Increased sexual desire and *lascivious thoughts.~Deficiency or *excess of nocturnal emissions.-The erections are too short during an embrace, with delaying and feeble emissions.-~Stinging and burning in the sexual organs during voluntary emission.-Weakness of the head and debility after an embrace. Female Parts. —* The menses are too profiuse and too early. * —Suppression of the menses ~with plethora.-Swelling and painfulness of the breasts previous to the menses. —Congestion of blood to the head and heat in the head, during the menses, or ~cutting in the abdomen and griping in the small of the back. — MLetrorrha7ia.'-Miscarriage. —Sterility, the CALCAREA CARBONICA, 95 menses being too profuse and premature. —The afterpains are too long and painful. —~Stinging in the os-tinica and aching pain in the vagina —-Pressing on the prolapsed uterus. -*Itching of the pudendum.-Inflammation and swelling of the pudendum, with redness and burning pain. —Varices of the labia.-*Leucorrhoaa before the menses. —*Itching-burning leucorrhoca, or looking like milk, and -passing off while urinating. Catarrhal Symptoms. —* Troublesome dryness of the nose, ~with discharge of yellowish, fetid pus.-*Dry coryza, ~also early in the morning, *with a good deal of sneezing. —Fluent coryza with ulcerated nostrils, headache and oppression of the chest.-~Constant catarrh. —~Deficient catarrhal discharge from the nose. Windpipe,-~Laryngeal phthisis.-~Ulceration of the larynx.-~Chronic or *frequent hoarseness.-~Accumulation of mucus in the chest.-* Cough without expectoration, caused by tickling in the throat, and frequently with vomiting.-Short cough in the day-time, as from feather-dust in the throat.Cough excited by playing on the piano. —Cough of pregnant females. —*Cough in the evening in bed, or at night, also during sleep, generally violent and dry. —*Cough with expectoration of thick mucus, or yellow, ~fetid expectoration, mostly at night or early in the morning. —~Suppuration of the lungs. 0 Tufberculous phthisis.-*Bloody cough. Chest and Respiration,-*Stoppage of the breath, ~when stooping.-Sensation as if the breath remained between the scapule. —Desire to take a long breath.-Asthma as if caused by an accumulation of blood, with tightness, or lessened by drawing the shoulders back. —*Pressure on the chest.*Stitching in the chest and in the sides of the chest during motion, when drawing a long breath and when inclining to the painful side.-Shocks in the chest. —Sensitiveness and sore pain in the chest when drawing breath or touching the chest. -Burning in the chest. —Palpitation of the heart, also at night, or after eating.-Anxious, tremulous beating of the heart. —Stitching, pressure and contraction in the region of the heart.-~Pricking in the pectoral niuscles.-~Hot swelling of the mammae.-~Soreness of the nipples.-~Suppressed or excessive secretion of milk of nursing women. Trunk, — *Pains in the small of the back, back and nape of the neck, after straining the parts by lifting, or pain as if sprained. —Stitching pain in the small of the back, in the back and scapula.-Nocturnal pains in the back.-Pain in the lumbar and renal region, when riding in a carriage.Drawing between the scapulae, or aching pain with stoppage 96 CALCAREA PHOSPlIORICA. of breath. —Swelling and curvature of the cervical and dorsal vertebree.-*Stiffness and rigidity of the nape of the neck. — "Large goitre-shaped swelling of the thyroid gland. —*Painful swelling of the cervical glands. —~Suppuration of the axillary glands. Upper Extremities. —*Pain in the arms, ~at night, mostly *drawing and tearing. —*Crampy feeling and pain in the arms, hands and fingers. —~Sudden, *laming weakness of the arms. -Spasmodic tearing in the lower arms. —~Boils on the lower arm and fingers.-*Pains in the wrist-joint as if sprained. — "Swelling of the hands.-"'Arthritic nodosities of the carpal and tarsal joints. —Swelling of the veins of the hands. —Trembling of the hands. — *Sweaty hands. -*Deadness of the hands andfingers, also in the warmth, and ~especially when grasping anything. — Tingling in the fingers as if gone to sleep. - OFrequent lameness of the fingers. — Awkwardness of the fingers. -Contraction of the fingers. Lower Extremities.-" Coxagra, with drawing stitching, or tearing cutting. — Infants use their lower limbs very late. - ~Standing on one's toes when walking, with consequent limping. - ~Stiffness and *heaviness of the lower limbs. -- Crampy feeling in the lower limbs. -Pains as if sprained in the hip, knee, and tarsal joints. — *The lower limbs go to sleep while sitting. -Itching of the thighs, feet and legs. — Varices in the thighs. -*Tearing and ~stitching in the knee, Oespecially when standing or sitting. — Swelling in the knees. —Tension below the knee, when cowering.-" Cramp-feeling in ths bends of the knees, calves, soles and toes, especially when extending the limb or putting on the boots. - *Red spots on the legs. — -Erysipelas and swelling of the leg. -~Phlegmasia alba dolens. * Ulcers on the leg. —~Swelling of the ankles and soles. — *Butrning of the soles.-~ Sweaty feet. —~In the evening the feet feel numb and dead. -Painful sensitiveness of the big toe. — o Corns *with sore and burning pain. 29. CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA. General Symptoms. —Rheumatic pains of every kind, especially in the small of the back, knees and thumbs. — Bone-pain in the extremities. Skin.-Bright red colour of the skin, with burning as from nettles. after bathing in the river. - OUlcers. - OCaries. Emotive Sphere.-Easily moved. -Vehement and irascible, with disposition to censure and find fault. Head.-Vertigo and nausea. —Painful sensation as if the brain were pressed against the skull, worse when stooping CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA. 97 and changing one's position, less during rest. -The headache is attended with heat of the head and face, laziness and illhumour. -The pains are worse when stooping or in the open air. Eyes.-Increased near-sightedness, with small spots before the eyes. — Writing at candle-light fatigues the eyes. Nose. —Pains in the nose and eyes, as from foreign bodies. -Numerous yellow, dry scurfs in the nose. —Small ulcer on the septum, with sore pain. -Blows blood from the nose. Face. — Acne rosacea, with red pustules full of yellow pus and stinging when touched. Mouth and Throat.-Flow of sour saliva.-Sore pain in the throat, with swelling of the right tonsil and diminution of the pain by eating fruit.- White, cracked tongue after eating ice, with flat taste.-Much phlegm in the throat, with frequent hawking and sore pain. Appetite and Gastric Symptoms.-Colic around the umbilicus, after eating ice, with white and cracked tongue.Intense desire. for coffee and wine.-After taking coffee: nausea, heartburn, painful dullness of the head and ill-humour. Stomach and Abdomen.- Violent pain at the stomach, after eating ever so little, with great debility, headache and diarrhcea.-Cutting around the navel, like flatulent colic, brought on again by drinking cold. Stool and Anus.-Passes a good deal of flatulence at stool. -Fetid diarrhcea; purulent stools?-Soft stools, mixed with black blood.-Discharge of saffron-coloured mucus from the anus, after a well-shaped yellow stool. Urine. —Frequent inicturition, with lassitude and wornout feeling.-TTUrinates at night.-Scattered stream, with cutting when urinating.-Frequent urging to urinate, also in the evening, after lying down.-The orifice of the urethra as if glued together and inflamed, with discharge of one stream of urine after urinating. Male Parts.-The parts feel exhausted after stool and emission of urine.-lncreased sexual desire with frequent erections. —Small pimples on the scrotum, with soreness when touched.- Weakness of the lower limbs after an emnb)race. Catarrhal Symptoms.-Fluent coryza, with soreness of the nostrils.-Catarrhal discharge from the nose in a cold ioom, dry coryza in the open air.-Frequent sneezing, with discharge of mucus from the nose and ptyalism. Trunk.-Pain in the small of the back after the least exertion, sometimes so violent that one would like to crly out. Upper Extremities. —*Rheumatic pains in the shoulder 98 CAMPHORA. and left arm, ~also with swelling and feverish heat. —The left arm is painful, numb and lame.-Lameness of the carpal and metacarpal joints.-*Pains of the carpal and metacarpal joints, especially of the thumb, ~and more particularly after taking cold. Lower Extremities.- Violent pains in the knees, hips, small of the back, worse during motion and especially when walking.-Pains in the bend of the knee as from contraction of the hamstrings. 30. —CAMPHORA. General Symptoms. —*Various kinds of convulsions and spasms. —*Tetanic spasms with loss of consciousness and vomiting.-OEpilepsy.-~Asiatic Cholera. — ~Infuenza.-Malaise, heaviness and relaxed feeling in the whole body. —General prostration.-Fainting-fits.-Cracking of the joints.Rheumatic stitching in the muscles.-Difficulty of moving the extremities.-The periosteum of all the bones is painful.-OAilments arising from the use of opium aud cocculus.*Ailments caused by a cold.-Neutralizes the effects of most vegetable medicines and of a good many others.-Most pains come on during motion and when only thinking partially of one's-self, or at night; they are worse in the cold, in the open air and when touching the parts. Skin.-The skin is painfully sensitive to the least touch. -~Erysipelatous inflammations.-OBlue, cold, shrivelled skin. Sleep.-Very drowsy in the day-time — *Sopor -with delirium. —*Sleepless at night ~from nervous excitement.-snoring and talking during sleep. Fever, —*Extremely sensitive to cool air, liable to taking cold. —* Coldness of the whole body, with deathly paleness of the face, shaking chill and chattering of the teeth. —Increased warmth of the body, with red face, especially the cheeks and lobules.-Heat all over, increasing to the highest degree when walking.-The pulse is strikingly small, slow, or exceedingly quick, full.-Feeling of dryness on and in the whole body. — ~Lentescent typhoid fevers. Emotive Sphere. —Whining anxiety.-Disposition to quarrel. Sentient Sphere. — Vanishing of the senses. —Loss of consciousness.-Delirium. —Rage.-Loss of memory.-Reeling and intoxication when walking. —* Vertigo and heaviness of the head, it falls backward. Head. —Headache as if the brain were bruised and sore. Dull headache above the frontal bone, with inclination to CAMPHORA. 9.9 vomit.- Constrictive headache, especially in the occiput and above the root of the nose, aggravated by stooping low, lying down, or touching the parts, disappearing immediateTy when thinking of the pain. —Cutting shocks through the head, after lying down.-Throbbing headache, at night, with stitching in the forehead and heat.-Rush of blood to the head. —*Meningitis, ~especially when caused by the heat of the sun. —The head is spasmodically drawn to one side. Eyes. —Opthalmia.-Red spots on the eyelids.-Twitching of the eyelids. -The eyes stare upwards.-Obscuration of vision.-Strange visions before one's eyes.-Photophobia.Every object seems too bright and shining. Ears.-Ears hot and red, especially the lobules.-Darkred abscess in the meatus, with stinging, aching pain. Face, — *Fare deathly-pale or bright-red.- Erysipelas?Spasmodic distortion of the face.-Lockjaw. Teeth. — Toothache as if caused by a swelling of the submaxillary glands, with sensation of elongation of the teeth.Cutting shocks near the roots of the front-teeth. —Painful looseness of the teeth. Mouth.-Fetor from the mouth, early in the morning.Froth at the mouth.-Flow of a quantity of tenacious, slimy mucus. Throat.-Pain in the throat when swallowing, as if the fauces were sore, also at night. —Heat and burning, from the palate down to the stomach. Appetite and Taste.-The taste of every thing he eats is more distinct, especially that of beef-soup. —Tobacco and food, especially meat, taste bitter.-Aversion to smoking.*Excessive thirst. Gastric Symptoms. —*Inclination to vomit, followed by attacks of vertigo. —Vomiting of bile and blood. —Cold sweat, especially in the face, at the commencement of the vomiting. Stomach.-~Gastritis — *Burning in the stomach or violent pressure.-Pain in the pit of the stomach as if bruised. Abdomen. —Abdonlinal spasms?-Drawing pain as if bruised in the whole right side of the abdomen.-Feeling of fulness in the abdomen.-Feeling of coldness or else burning heat in the upper and lower abdomen. Stool.- Constipation. —*Difficult stool, as from torpor of the bowels or stricture of the rectum. —Blackish stools. Urine.-Retention of urine.-Thin stream of the urine, it passes off slowly.-Green-yellow turbid urine having a musty smell.-Bloody urine.-Burning during micturition. Male Parts. — Want of sexual desire, impotence. 100 CANNABiS SATIVA. Chest and Respiration.-)eep and slow breathing.Influenza.-*Excessive accumulation of mucus in the airpassages.-*Suffocative oppression and constriction of the windpipe, as from the vapour of sulphur. —Spasms of the chest, caused by the vapours of copper and arsenic. —Angina pectoris caused by a cold.-Stitches in the chest.-Audible beating of the heart against the ribs, after eating. Trunk.-Tension and stiffness in the nape of the neck. when moving the neck.-Drawing stitching between the scapulse when moving the arms. Upper Extremities.-Convulsive rotatory movement of the arms.-Pressure with tearing, in the upper and lower arms. Lower Extremities. —Pain as if bruised in the thighs and knees. —-Tearing crampy feeling in the legs and dorsa of the feet. — Cramps in the calves. —Tearing in the tips of the toes and under the nails, when walking. 31.-CANNABIS SATIVA. General Symptoms.-Tearing, contractive-aching, laming pains, or tearing, deep stitches in many parts, also pinching as with the fingers.-Rheumatic drawing, as if in the periosteum of the bones, during motion. —General languor, with vacillation and pain of the knees.-Fatigued in consequence of talking or writing. —Hysteric complaints. —Tetanic spasms, especially of the upper extremities, and of the trunk. —~Ailments arising from fatigue and bodily exertions. -A number of the pains are excited and aggravated by contact, ill the open air and in warmth, also at night and after midnight. Sleep.-Very drowsy in the day-time.-More tired in the morning on waking than in the evening when going to bed. -Nao sleep at night. —Anguish about the heart, at night, with fine stinging and burning on the skin, as if hot water were poured over it. Fever.-Shuddering and chilliness with thirst, with external coldness and malaise.-Slow, scarcely perceptible pulse. Emotive Sphere. —Sad, indifferent.-Violently offended at trifles.-Tendency to start. —Mania, at times merry, at others serious, and then again raging. Sentient Sphere. —Unsteady mind, owing to extreme vivacity of mind.-Makes mistakes frequently in writing.Vanishing of ideas.-Taciturn.-Vertigo when walking and standing, as if one would fall sideways. Head.-Headache as if a stone were lying on the head. CANNAU1S SATIVA. 101 pressure and tension in the temples.-Pressing together in the fore part of the head, from the borders of the orbits to the temples.-Rush of blood to the head, with throbbing in the head, with red and hot cheeks. Integuments of the HIead. —Creeping on the hairy scalp, and frequent sensation as if drops of cold water were falling upon it. Eyes. —Pain in the eyes, like pressure from before backwards. -Spasmodic drawing in the eyes. -~Scrofulous ophthalmia. —IDimness of sight, when looking at near or distant objects. - Obscuration of the cornea. -~ Cataract? —Circle of white-flaming indentations before the eyes. Ears. - Otalgia. —Beating and pushing in the ears. -Roaring in the ears, as if stopped up with a pellicle. Nose. -Copper-coloured swelling of the nose. - *Bleeding from a hot-dry nose. Face. —Pale face. —Tingling, itching and smarting in the face. -Twitching of the facial muscles. - OHot face with red cheeks. Mouth. -Dry mouth, with sticky saliva, without thirst. -Difficulty of speech, at times from lack of words, at times because the voice gives out.-Anguish and distress when talking, owing to a pain in the back. Gastric Symptoms. -Rising of air. - Gulping-up of a bitter-sour, scraping fluid. -Nausea, though one relishes one's food.-Choking, from the pit of the stomach to the throat. - Vomiting of green bile. Stomach. -Pain in the stomach when touching it, as if ulcerated.-Violent cardialgia, with pale and sweaty face, almost extinct pulse and rattling breathing. -Pressure, pinching and cutting in the pit of the stomach and across the stomach. Abdomen. —Painful, hard swelling in the region of the liver. —~Pains and inflammation of the kidneys.-Pain in the abdomen as though the bowels would be smashed.-Colicky pains in the epigastrium.-Beating in the epigastrium as if from within.-Painful jerks in the abdomen as from something alive. -Shaking of the bowels as if loose, when moving the arms.-Sacculated ascites. —Shocks and pressing from within outward in the pelvic region. Stool. —Diarrhoea with colicky pains. —~Chronic constipation. -Pressing in the rectum as if it would be pressed out. -Sensation as if something cold were dripping out of the anus. Urine,-* Urging to urinate, with aching pain, —*Difficult micturition, as if the bladder were paralyzed.-The urethra 102 CANTHARIDES. is stopped up with mucus and pus. -Urine white, or reddish, *as if mixed with bloody fibres, -turbid.-Enuresis. -*Scattering stream. —~Discharge of drops of bloody urine, with burning. —*Inflamed urethra, painful when`touching it.*Discharge of a watery mucus from the urethra. — Gonorrhaea.-~Nocturnal strangury. —Chronic retention of urine. — ~Urinary calculi? Male Parts.-Coldness of the sexual organs.-Itching and inflammatory swelling of the prepuce, glans and penis, with dark redness.-Pressure in the testicles and tension in the spermatic cord, when standing.-Swelling of the prostatic gland.-*Tensive-painful erections. - Aversion to an embrace. —lmpotence? Female Parts.-Sterility.-Miscarriage with convulsions. Catarrhal Symptoms. —Dryness and heat in the nose.oCatarrh of the bronchial tubes. —~Aphonia. —Violent, dry cough. —Cough with tenacious, green expectoration. Chest and Respiration.-Difficulty of breathing as from a load on the chest, with wheezing in the windpip'e. —Short, oppressive breathing.-The breathing is possible only in an erect posture. —Tightness and oppression of the chest, with apprehensive feeling in the throat.-Rattling breathing.~Stitches deep in the chest, when drawing breath, talking or m;oving about. —*Pneumonia.-Painful shocks and beats in the region of the heart.-Tensive dulness inthe region of the heart, with palpitation of the heart and anxiety.-The heart seems to beat lower down. —~ Carditis? —Polypus of the heart?-~0Aneurisms? Trunk,-Pain ini the back, impeding talking and breathing. -Stitching pain between the scapule. —Pressing from within outward in the small of the back, and pressure on the oscoccygis. Upper Extremities. —Pain as if bruised in the shoulders and arms during motion.-C-rampy feeling in the hands and fingers. —Sudden lameness of the hand, with trembling when grasping any thing and inability to hold things. Lower Extremities. — Crampy feeling in the thighs, calves and bends of the knees.-Starting of the patellajwhen going up-stairs.-Beating, drawing and tensive pain in the feet and tarsal joints, as after a long journey on foot. 32.-CANTHARIDES. General Symptoms. —Burning in all the cavities of the body, as if raw and sore.-Inflammation of internal organs. -Tearing stitches from without inwards, here and there. CANTHARIDES. 103 Arthritic tearing in the limbs, with difficulty of urinating.Intense pains with moaning and weeping.-Feeling of dryness in the joints.-Awkwardness of the whole body.Faint, weak, excessively sensitive all over, with trembling and desire to lie down.- Convulsions.-Tetanic spasms.-Attacks of jaundice. —The pains are more on the right side, and abate when lying down. -The pains re-appear every seven days.-oAilments arising from excessive use of coffee. Skin. —Itching vesicles with burning pain when touched. — Erysipelas.-Tearing in the ulcers, with increased discharge. Sleep. —Very drowsy in the afternoon, with stretching and yawning.-Sleepless, without any cause.-Superficial sleep at night, wakes all the time. Fever, —Fever consisting only of coldness.-Chill and shaking, with goose-flesh and pale face. Emotive Sphere.-Whining and low-spirited.-Anxious apprehensiveness, and restlessness, obliging one to move from place to place.-Vexed and passionate.-Rage, with cries, barking, striking.-~Hydrophobia? Sentient Sphere.-Delirium.-Mental alienation.-Mania, with foolish gesticulations.-Vertigo, with loss of sense and mist before one's eyes, mostly in the open air. Head.-Headache disturbing one's night.rest.-Stitching with pressure in the head, disappearing during a walk.Tearing headache, with vertigo.-Rush of blood to the head. -Beating in, and mounting of heat to the head.-Burning in the head, as if excoriated and sore.-Meningitis. Integuments of the Head.-Drawing, jerking and gnawing in the bones of the skull.-Headache as if the hair were pulled.-The hair stands on end. Eyes.-Pain in the eyes as if raw and sore especially in the lids, when opening the eyes.-Inflammation of the eyes, with violent burning pains. - Yellowness of the eyes.-Protrusion and spasmodic motion of the eyes.-Objects appear yellow. Ears. —Otitis, with burning heat in the ears. Nose.-Swelling of the nose, also internally, with redness and burning heat.- Disgusting smell before the nose. Face. —Pale fare.-Sunken face, expressive of frightful despair, cadaverous.- Yellow complexion.-Erysipelas of the cheeks, with scaling off of the skin.-Semilateral swelling of the face, right side, with tension.-Inflammation and swelling of the lips. —Soreness and peeling off of the lips.Lockjaw. Teeth —Toothache, generally drawing, aggravated by eating.-Fistula dentalis.-Suppuration of the gums. 104 CAN'rIAKIDEs. Mouth.-Smeli as of cedar-pitch froim the mouth.Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth.Bloody swelling on the inner cheek.-Aphthe. —Flow of foaming saliva, with streaks of blood. —Froth at the mouth. -Coagulated blood rises into the mouth.-Inflammatory swelling and suppuration of the tongue.-Weakness of the organs of speech and.faint speech. Throat. -Sore throat when swallowing.-Difficult deglutition with choking in the throat and rising of half-digested food, at night.-I-mpeded deglutition, especially of liquids.Burning in thefauces, when swallowing.-Inflammation and suppuration of the tonsils andfauces. Appetite and Taste.-Loss of taste. —Taste in the mouth and throat as of cedar-pitch.-Thirst owing to dryness of the lips, with aversion to drink. —oss of appetite and aversion to every kind of food. Gastric Symptoms.-Eructations with burning, like heartburn, increased by drinking. —Vomiting of the ingesta.Vomiting of bilious mucus and blood. Stomach. —Sensitiveness of the region of the stomach. — Oppressive fulness with anguish and uneasiness in the stomach. -Inflammation of the stomach, with violent burning. Abdomen,-*Nephritis. -Dull, stitching, jerking beating and tearing pains in the renal region. —~Hepatitis? —Stitching and contraction in the right hypochondrium.-The abdomen is very sensitive to contact. -Burning in the abdomen. extending to the fauces and rectum.-Burning in the umbilical region, when coughing, sneezing and blowing one's nose, with yellow spots at the painful part. —~Enteritis?-Ascites. -Incarceration offlatulence below the short ribs. Stool —Retention of stool and hard stool.-Diarrhcea, consisting of foaming feeces or green mucus, with cutting colic after stool.-Dysenteric diarrhcea consisting of white tenacious mucus, resembling scrapings from the inside of the bowels, with streaks of blood, at night.-Bloody stools. Urine. —*Retention of urine with spasmodic pains in the bladder. —*Ineffectual urging to urinate. —*Difficult micturition, the stream being thin and split. —lncreased secretion of urine.-Pale-yellow, or dark, red urine. —*Discharge of bloody mucus from the bladder. —*Discharge of drops of blood. —Purulent urine.-Burning smarting when urinating. — Cutting in the urethra, before, during and after micturition. -*Inflammation and suppuration of the urethra and bladder. — *Gonorrhea, ~also when suppressed.-~Secondary gonorrhOea. Male Parts. —Drawing in the spermatic cord when urin CAPSICUM ANNUUM. 105 ating.-Inflammation and gangrane of the sexual parts. - Painful swelling of the testicles. - Violent sexual desire, with a number of violent, long-lasting and painful erections. - When dallying with a female, the semen passes of readily. - Spermatorrhcea. —Burning in the urethra, after an embrace. *Nocturnal painful erections, ~also with curvature of the penis. Female Parts. -Profuse and premature menses, with black blood and pains during the flow. -Miscarriage. - Ovaritis. — Swelling of the neck of the uterus. Catarrhal Symptoms —Chronic catarrh, with discharge of a quantity of tenacious mucus from the nose. Windpipe.-Hoarseness, with painful hawking up of a quantity of tenacious mucus from the chest, and cutting stitching in the?windpipe. - Tracheitis. — Feeling of considerable debility in the respiratory organs, when talking and drawing a long breath. —Feeble, tremulous voice, as of persons seized with fear. Chest and Respiration. —Breathing heavy and oppressed, owing to constriction of the throat and dryness of the nose. -Stoppage of breath when ascending an eminence, with fermentation in the chest, and nausea. —'Angina pectoris?Stitching in the chest and sides of the chest. —Burning in the chest, with raising of single lumps of blood. —Palpitation of the heart. Trunk.-Tearing in the back. —Constrictive sensation in the spinal column. - Opisthotonos and Embrosthotonos. Upper Extremities. —* Tearing in the arms. —The hands are powerless. Lower Extremities. —Coxagra, with spasmodic pains in the bladder.-Boring tearing in the lower limbs, from the feet to the hips.-Tremor of the lower limbs. 33.-CAPSICUM ANNUUIM. General Symptoms. —Aching pains. —Drawing pains in the limbs, which are excited by motion.-Affections of the joints. —Pains as if sprained and stiffness in the joints, with cracking. —Crampy feeling in the body, with stiffness of the limbs, in which a tingling is experienced as if gone to sleep. — *Dread of motion.-The pains come on in the evening and at night, and are aggravated by contact, open air and cold.~Is particularly suitable to persons with a relaxed fibre and phlegmatic temperament. Sleep.-Wakeful without pain.-Sleep full of dreams. Fever.-Chilliness and coldness of the whole body, with 5* lo(i CAPSICUM ANNAUM. lowness of spirits, increasing with the coldness, or with anxiety, reeling and dulness of the head. —-*Chilliness emanating from the back. —* Chill and shuddering every time he drinks. — Intermittent fever, characterised by chilliness and thirst.~Fevers after abuse of cinchona, also with enlargement of the liver and spleen. Emotive Sphere. —Tendency to start, - Dissatisfied. - HIeadstrong. —Easily offended, even at a jest. — Whimsical.lHomesick, with redness of the cheeks. Sentient Sphere. —Dulness of the senses.-Awkward, indiscreet.-Dulness of the head. —ntoxication as from spirits. liead.-Headache as if the head would fly to pieces, when walking or moving the head. —Hem.icrania, on one side, stitching-aching, with nausea, vomiting, forgetfulness. — Stitching headache, or drawing-tearing, especially in the sides. — Pain in the brain, pressing from within outwards, as if too full.-Beating headache. Integuments of the Head. — Gnawing itching on the hairy scalp, with painfulness of the roots and of the scalp when scratching. Eyes.-Pressure as from a foreign body in the eyes.Ophthalmia, with redness, burning and lachrymation.-Protruded eyes.-Dimness of sight, early in the morning, as if something were floating upon the cornea, abating momentarily after rubbing. —Incipient amaurosis? Ears.-Tearing in the ears. —Itching and pressure deep in the ear. —Painful swelling on the mastoid process. Nose. —Bleeding of the nose, early, in bed -Painful pimples below the nostrils. Face. —Redness of the face, alternating with pale, wretched look. —A number of red points in the face.-Gnawingitching herpes on the forehead.-*Prosopalgia, partly in the bones and excited by contact, partly nervous and coming on when on the point of falling asleep. —Ulcerated eruptions and rhagades of the lips. Teeth.-Toothache, the teeth feel dull and elongated.Drawing in the teeth and gums.-Swelling of the gums. Mouth, — Stomacace.-Burning vesicles in the mouth.Tenacious mucus in the mouth. Throat.-Sore throat, with painful swallowing in the fauces.-Spasmodic contraction of the fauces. Appetite and Taste.-Taste watery and flat. -Sour taste in the mouth, and of beef-soup.-Loss of hunger.-Desire for coffee, with inclination to vomit after tasting of it.Heartburn. Gastric Symptoms.-Inclination to vomit, mostly in the pit of the stomach, with pressure in the pit. CARnO ANIMALS, 107 Stomach.-Pain in the stomach, with bloating. —Feeling of coldness in the stomach.-Burning in the stomach and pit of the stomach, especially after eatieg, —Stitches in the pit of the stomach, when taking a deep breath, or when breathing rapidly, talking or touching the parts. Abdomen.-Distention of the abdomen as if it would burst, with oppression and stoppage of breath. —Drawing and turning sensation in the abdomen. —Throbbing in the abdomen.OFlatnies colic.-Flatulence protruding from the abdominal ring. Stool.-*Tenesmuts at stool —*Small, bloody, dysenteric stools, with discharge of mucus, preceded by flatulent colic. — ONocturnal diarrhoea, with burning at the anus. — Blind varices of the anus, with burning at stool. Urine. —Tenesmus of the bladder.-Frequent, almost ineffectual urging to urinate. —Burning when urinating.-Spasmodic cutting contraction in the neck of the bladder.-Cutting and stinging in the urethra between the acts of micturition.-*Gonorrhceal purulent discharge from the urethra.~Discharge of blood from the urethra?-~Catarrh of the bladder? Male Parts, —Impotence, with coldness of the sexual parts. -Violent erections, early.-The whole body trembles while engaged in amorous intercourse. Catarrhal Symptoms, —* Cough, most violent in the evening and at nigh!, with pains in other parts, especially in the head and bladder, as if the parts would fly to pieces, or with pressure in the throat and ear, as if an ulcer would break.-Cough after drinking coffee. —Cough with fetid breath and offensive taste in the mouth. Chest and Respiration.-Disposed to draw a long breath. Asthma as if fiom the stomach.-Constrictive pain in the chest.-Stinging in the chest when drawing breath.-Beating pain in the chest, with stoppage of breath and aggravated by motion. Extremities. -Drawing tearing in the back.-Stiffness of the nape of the neck.-Tension in the knees and rigidity in the calves when walking. 34. CARBO ANIMALIS. General Symptoms.- — Aching pains in the joints and muscles of the extremities.-Burning pains. - Nocturnal pains in the joints.-The joints feel lame and bruised, weak, they are liable to cracking and turning. —Arthritic stiffness and nodosities of the joints.-Rigid feeling here and there, as 2018 CAURBO ANIMALIS. if the tendons were too short, with contraction of the parts.'Liability to straining by lifting.-The extremities, and especially the head, feel nurlb. —Weary and lazy early in the morning.-*Very much exhausted from walking.-*Sensitive to the open air, ~especially in the winter.-Vascular excitement, disposed to get heated. —Epilepsy. Skin. —Itching of the whole body, especially in the evening, in bed. —Erysipelas. — OChilblains. -*Hard, painful glandular suellings.-Swelling of external parts with burining pain. Sleep. —Falls asleep late, sleepless at night, owing to rest. lessness, anguish, vascular orgasm and danger of suffocation. Horrid visions before falling asleep.-Sleep full offanciful ravings, with crying, talking and moaning. Fever.-Chilliness, in the evening in bed, with sweat during sleep. —The feet and hands are very cold in the evening. -Heat at night. —*Sweats readily in the day-time, -especially when eating and walking. —*Fetid, or debilitating night and morning sweats, ~especially on the thighs. Emotive Sphere. - Homesick, feeling as if abandoned, with weeping.-Full of fright in the even'ing. - Hopeless, desponding. — Tendency to start.-Alternately merry and sad, or exceeding irritability or quiet ill-humnour. Sentient Sphere, —Frequent confusion and stupefaction, especially early in the morning.-Gloomy head in the morning.-* Vertigo, early in, the morning; with nausea, when raising one's-self from a stooping or recumbent posture; or with obscuration of sight when moving the head. Head.-Headache, early in the morning, as after intoxication.-Headache in cool air, worse in damp air. —Heaviness, especially of the occiput, with dulness of the head.-*Oppressive headache, -also after eating, with pressure of the eyes from above downwards.-Rush of blood to the head, with heat in the head.-The brain feels loose during motion. Integuments of the Head. —Tearing in the outer right side of the head.-Tension of the skin on the forehead and vertex. —The scalp is sensitive to the pressure of the head.0Scurfs on the head. Eyes.-The eyes feel loose in the orbits, with weak sight. -Far-sighted, with dilated pupils. Ears. —0Otorrhoea.-Confused hearing, as if the sounds were all mixed together. —~iumming in the ears.-Swelling of the periosteum behind the ear.-Swelling of the parotid glands. Nose. —The tip of the nose is red and cracked, with burning pain.-Swelling of the nose, it is covered with scurf;, (AAIBO ANIMALIS. 109 pimples.-(Caricer of the nose?)-Peeling off of the skin of the nose.-The nasal bones are painful. —Bleeding of the nose, after vertigo or headache. Face. —~Erysipelas of the face.-Rose-coloured, smooth spots in the face, they feel thick.-Painless acne rosacea, or eruption of pimples in the face.-Swelling of the mouth and lips, with burning.-Blisters on the lips.-Cracked, bleeding lips. Teeth. —Toothache of a drawing nature while eating bread, or beating when taking a cold drink. —The teeth are very loose.-Red, painful swelling and bleeding of the gums.Pustules on the gums. —*Drawing pain in the gums. Mouth.-Fetor of the mouth.-Burning vesicles in the mouth and on the tongue. —Dlry tongue and gums.-*Dry mouth. Throat. —Sore throat as if raw, with scraping and stinging in the fauces, down to the stomach.-A good deal of mu. cus in the throat, with hawking. Appetite and Taste. —*Bitter taste in the mouth, -especially early in the morning.-Slimy sour taste.-Aversion to fat and tobacco, causing nausea.-0~Dyspepsia, with distress after almost every meal. Gastric Symptoms. —*Eructations -tasting of the ingesta, or ~sour.-0 Ineffectual eructations with pain.-Scraping heartburn. —~Hiccough after eating.-*Rising of sour water.*Nausea, -also at night.-Fainting sort of qualmishness.*Waterbrash. Stomach.-*Pressure at the stomach, ~as from a load, -before breakfast and ill the evening after lying down.-* Contractive cardialgia. — Griping-tearing the stomach.-Audible rumbling in the stomach. —Burning in the stomach. Abdomen. —Pain in the liver as if sore, when touching it. — *Pressure and cutting in the region of the liver. —Distention of the abdomen. —Constriction and griping of the abdomen.-Cutting and shocks in the groins.-Inguinal hernia.*Audible rumbling in the abdomen. -Olncarceration of flatulence.-Fetid flatulence. Stool and Anus.- Ineffectual urging to stool, only flatulence being passed.-Hard, knotty stool. —*Frequent stools.-Stool is preceded by drawing from the anus to the pudendum.Pain in the small of the back at stool.-Burning varices of the anus. —Burning and *stinging in the anus and -rectum.Soreness and dampness of the anus. —The nates are liable to becoming sore when riding on horseback, with large blisters. -Exudation of a sticky humour from the perineum. Urine.-Violent urging to urinate, with increased secre 110 CARBO ANIMALIS. tion of urine.-Involuntary emissions of urine. —*Fetid urine.-Burning urine. Male Parts.-Deficient sexual desire. - Numerous nocturnal emissions followed by weakness and oppressive anxiety. Female Parts, —Premature menses. - *Burning smarting, or -yellow-staining leucorrhoea.-~Thin, fetid lochia. Catarrhal Symptoms. - Stoppage of the nose. —Dry coryza. —Fluent coryza with loss of smell and a good deal of sneezing and yawningWindpipe.- Catarrh, evening and at night.-Nocturnal aphonia. —Hoarseness early in the morning.-Rough cough, with sore pain in the throat. -Dry nocturnal cough. —Suffocative cough, in the evening after falling asleep.-Morningcough, with expectoration, owing to dryness of the throat.Cough with expectorations of greenish pus, and stitching in the right side of the chest. —~Suppuration of the lungs? Chest and Respiration. —Panting breathing.-Rattling in the chest, in the evening, in bed.-Tightness of the chest, morning and after eating.-Suffocative constriction of the chest, early in the morning, in bed.-Stinging in the chest, when drawing breath as from an ulcer.-Feeling of coldness in the chest. -Palpitation of the heart, early in the morning, in the evening, and when singing church music. —Painful induration in the mammxe.-~Erysipelatous inflammation of the mammae of lying-in females. Trunk.-Pain the back, at night.-Pressing and stitching in the small of the back, when drawing a long breath.-Burning pain at the coccyx, when touching it.-Burning in the back.'Indurated *swelling of the cervical glands. with stinging pain. —~Herpes below the pit of the axilla.-Dampness in the axillary cavities.-l~ndurated axillary glands. Upper Extremities. —Digging bone-pain in the arms.Pressure in the shoulders.-Pain as if sprained in the wristjoint.-The hands and fingers are numb.-Painful rigidity and ~arthritic stiffness in the finger-joints.-Stinging in the fingers. Lower Extremities. —Pain -in the hip which causes one to limp, with stitches.-Rigid and contracted feeling in the groins, preventing one from stretching the lower limbs.Rigid feeling in the bends of the knees and dorsa of the feet, with contraction of the parts.-Sore pain in the knees.Crampy feeling in the calves, lees and toes. —*Drawing and ~stinging *in the legs.-The feet and toes are liable to turn. ing when walking. —Cold feet.-Inflammatory swelling of the feet and toes, as if frozen, with heat and pain.-Burning of th e toes. CARnO VEGETABILIS. 111 35. —CAlRBO VEGETABILIS. General Symptoms.-Pains with anguish, heat, despair, or followed by languor.-*Rheumatic drawing and tearing, with lameness, especially in the limbs, with distress caused by flatulence, or with stoppage of breath, when affecting the chest. —Pains as if sprained in the lower limbs, -or as after straining by lifting. —*Burning pains in the limbs and bones.*Throbbing in the body, here and there.-OAilments caused by straining in lifting, and by riding in a carriage. — Chronic ailments caused by abuse of cinchona. —Morbid conditions like influenza. —Cholera.-*Tremor and twitching of single limbs, in the day-time. —* The limbs go to sleep.-Paralysis. -Most of the pains come on during a walk in the open air. —The limbs, early in the morning, after rising, feel lamed and bruised. —Debility of the bends of the joints.-* Very weak, sometimes unto fainting, early in the morning, in bed, or when beginning to walk.-*Sudden prostration of strength. -Towards noon he feels weary all over, with disposition to lean the head against something and to rest himself. —~Paralysis and complete collapse of pulse in the Cholera Asiatica. — *Liable to taking cold. Skin,-Formication over the whole skin.-Itching all over, in the evening, after getting warm in bed.-Burning of the skin, here and there. —~Itch, especially dry, like rash. — *Fine, granular eruption. —Nettlerash.-~Herpes. —Reddishbrown moles.-~Aneurisms by anastomosis. —Aneurisms.Painless ulcers at the tips of the fingers and toes. —*Readily bleeding, fetid ulcers, with burning pain, and acrid, ichorous pus. — Chilblains. — Varices. —Glandular indurations. Sleep. —*Very drowsy in the day-time, -passing off by motion.-Falls asleep late, *sleepless owing to restlessness of the body.-~Nightly raving of the fancy, with starting on account of anxious dreams. Fever, —*Chilliness and coldness of the body.-Chilliness, evening and night, followed by flushes of heat.-~Intermittent fever, with thirst only during the chilly stage.-OFrequent flushes of heat. —Night-sweat. — *Sourish morning-sweat.~Typhoid fevers, with loss of consciousness.-~Collapse of pulse during a; attack of cholera. —*Disposed to sweat. Emotive Sphere —*Anguish and restlessness, especially in the evening. —0Dread of ghosts, especially at night. —Little courage. —Whining despair, with longing for death.*Tendency to start. —*Irritable, andpassionate. Sentient Sphere. —Sudden weakness of memory, periodically. —Slolv ideas. — Fixed ideas. -~Confused head. 112 CARBO VEGETABILIS. Vertigo when moving the head ever so little, or after sleeping. Head.-~tHeadache from getting heated, or with trembling of the jaws.-*Headache with nausea. —Nocturnal headache. — Spasmodic tension in the brain, or pain as from contraction of the scalp.-*Heaviness of the head. — Oppressive headache, especially above the eyes, in the temples and occiput.Drawing pain in the head, from the nape of the neck, with nausea.-Stitches in the sinciput.-*Throbbing in the head, with rush of blood to the head, and heat in the same. Integuments of the Head. —Tearing in the outer parts of the occiput andforehead, frequently emanating from the limbs. -Painful sensitiveness of the scalp to external pressure.~Liability of the head to taking cold. —*Falling out of the hair, oespecially after a severe illness. Eyes, —~Pain in the eyes from straining them by looking. — Pain in the muscles of the eye, when looking upwards.Itching, smarting, heat, *pressure and burning in the eyes and O~canthi. —*Nightly agglutination of the eyes.- Hcemorrhage from the eyes with violent rush of blood to the eyes.Twitching and trembling of the eyelids.-Near-sighted. Ears.-Otalgia, in the evening.-Heat and redness of the outer ear, in the evening.- Want of cerumen. —~Fetid *otorrhcea. —Stoppage of the ears.-Ringing and *humming in the ears. —Swelling of the parotid glands. Nose —*Itching of the nose -with tickling and internal tingling.-Scurfy tip of the nose. —*Frequent continual bleeding of the nose, especially at night and early in the morning, with pale face. Face. —*Paleface. —*Gray-yellow complexion. —~Hippocratic countenance.-Tearing and drawing in the fascial bones. -Swelling of the face and cheeks.-Crusta lactea.-~OHerpes in the face.-Ulcer in front of the ear and below the jaw.*Eruptions in the face. —*Pimples on the face and forehead, ~also like acne. -Swelling of the lips.- Cracked lips.-Pustules on the lips.-Ulcerated corners of the mouth.-Twitching of the upper lip. Teeth. —*Toothache -drawing-tearing, or contractive, or gnawing or bubbling, excited by cold, warm, and salt things. — ~Chronic looseness of the teeth.-*The gums are sore, suppurate and recede from the teeth. —*Bleeding of the gums and teeth. Mouth. — Stomacace.-Heat and *dryness or flow of water in the mouth. —Rough mouth and tongue.-The tongue is sore and difficult to be moved. Throat.-Sore throat as if swollen internally.-The fauces CAlRIlO VEGE'ABILIS. 1 13 teel constricted, with impeded deglutition.-Sinarting, *scrap.ing and burning in the fauces, throat and palate.-Sore pain in the throat when coughing, blowing one's nose and swallowing.-CEsophagitis.-*A good deal of mucus in the throat which is easily hawked up. —Sore throat, after measles. Appetite, and5Taste, —*Bitter taste. —*Salt taste in the mouth ~and of the food.-* Loss of appetite.-* Chronic aversion to meat, -butter and grease. —Desire for salt and sweet things. —*After eating, -especially after milk, *considerable distention, acidity in the mouth and ~sour eructations. -Sweat rwhen eating.-Very much heated by drinking wine. -Confusion of the head and pressure at the stomach, after eating.-OExcessive desire for coffee. —~Excessive hunger and thirst.~-Dyspepsia, especially after abuse of mercury. ~Evei the most innocent kind of food causes distress. Gastric Symptoms,-*Raising of air, or bitter eructations. — Rising of the ingesta and of the fat one had eaten.Heartburn. - *Sour eructations.-Hiccough after moving about. —Gulping-up of mucus, after eating. —*Nausea, early in the mornjing. —*Constant nausea.-* Waterbrash, also at night.-~Haemzatemesis. —~Gastric derangement after drinking wine. Stomach. —*Pains at the stomach, in the case of nursing females. —Heaviness, fulness and tension in the stomach.* Contractive or burning-aching cardialgia, with a good deal of flatulence and painfulness of the pit of the stomach to the touch. —Clutching and trembling in the stomach. Abdomen. —Pains in the hypochondria as if bruised, especially in the region of the liver. —*Stitching pain below the ribs. —*Tension, pressure and stitching in the region of the liver. —*Splenmtic stitches. —The clothes press on the hypochondria. —Colic around the umbilicus, when touching the part. -- Heaviness, fulness, *distention of the abdomen, with heat in the whole body.-Colic from riding in a carriage.Pressure and crampy feeling in the lower abdomen. —*Pain in the lower abdomen brought on by a strain while lifting.Pinching in the abdomen, shifting fiom the left to the right side, with lame feeling in the thigh. —*A good deal of fiatulence.-*Crampy flatulent colic, also at night. —Incarcerated flatulence. —*Rumlbling and fermentation in the abdomen.*Excessive fetid flatulence. —The distress from flatulence comes on again after eating ever so little.-~Heemorrhoidal colic. Stool and Anus.- * Constipation; costiveness, hard, intermittent stool.-Insufficient stool.-Difficult, not hard stool, with violentf urring, burning at the anusLI, and labour-like 114 CARBO VEGETABILIS. pains in the lower abdomen. —* Thin, pale-coloured, or ~lightcoloured *slimy stool.-Discharge of mucus and blood in the place of stool, with cries, in the case of children. —*ischarge of blood from the anus, at every stool.-Pressing colic, after stool. —*Painful tvarices.-Flowing piles. —-*Stinging, itching and burning of the anus. —Discharge of sticky, acrid humour from the anus and rectum, especially at night. -Soreness and dampness of the perineum. Urine.-*Diminished secretion of urine. —*Frequent anxious urging to urinate, day and night. —Nocturnal enuresis.ODiabetes? —*Red urine as if mixed with blood. —Smarting when urinating, as if excoriated. Male Parts. —0Excessive crowding of lascivious thoughts. -*Too frequent emissions.-*Too rapid emission of semen during an embrace. —Smooth, red, humid spots on the glans. -Discharge of prostatic fluid at stool.-Itching and dampness of the thigh, near the scrotum.-~Pressing in the testicles. Female Parts.-'Premature and ~profuse menses.- -Menses too scanty, with pale blood.-The menses are preceded by abdominal spasms Oor headache. — ~Vomiting during the menses. —*Itching, burning, soreness, aphthae and ~swelling *of the pudendum.-Milk. coloured, thick, yellowish, greenish, excoriating leucorrhaoa. —Leucorrhcea previous to the menses. -ODisposition to miscarry, with varices of the pudendum. Catarrhal Symptoms, —*Stoppage of the nose, -or discharge of water, without catarrh.-* Violent catarrh, -with hoarseness and roughness of the chest, tingling in the nose, with ineffectual desire to sneeze. Windpipe, —* Continual hoarseness and roughness.-*Morning or evening-hoarseness ~aggravated by talking. —~Catarrh and sore throat during measles.-Tracheitis, with tightness of the chest. — Laryngeal and tracheal phthisis. —*Dry catarrh, with hoarseness and rawness of the chest.-* Cough, with titillation in the throat, or with raw and sore feeling in the chest. —*Spasmodic cough, also with choking and vomiting, -three or four paroxysms a day, or in the evening, continuing a long time. — Cough in the evening, before going to bed and in bed —-*Cough after the least cold.-Painful stitches through the head, when coughing. —*Cough with expectoration of green mucus or yellowish pus. — Suppuration of the lungs. — ~Bloody cough with burning pain in the chest. —-~Whoopingcough. Chesi and Respiration.-Oppressed and -short breathing, when walking. —*Tightness and oppression of the chest.*Stoppage of breath caused by incarceration of flatulence. CAUSTICUM. 115 Painful beating in the head when drawing breath. —Suffocative paroxysms and paralysis of the lungs of old people.Pressure at the chest.-The chest feels full, husky, oppressed with anxiety. —~Hydrothorax? —~Smarting as from excoriation, sore pain and *burning in the chest.-The chest feels exhausted.-Burning in the region of the heart, with rush of blood to the chest and palpitation of the heart.-Rheumatic pressure, drawing and tearing in the chest. —~Brownish spots on the chest. —~Inflammation of the mammae. Trunk, — Rheumatic *drawing, -tearing and stitching in the muscles of the back, nape of the neck and neck. —l~Itching pimples on the back.-Itching, soreness and dampness of the shoulder-pits. — Stitching in the small of the back when making a wrong step. —Painful stiffness in the back and nape of the neck. Upper Extremities. —Tearing and burning in the shoulders and shoulder-joints.-*Drawing and tearing in the forearms, wrists and fingers. —The muscles of the arms and hands feel relaxed when laughing.-Rigid feeling in the wrist-joints as if too short.-Spasmodic contraction of the hands.*Lameness of the wrist-joints and fingers when grasping any thing. —*Fine, granular, itching eruption on the hands. — *Heat in the hands. Lower Extremities.-The lower limbs feel numb.*Laming-drawing pain in the lower limbs.~-Burning, tearing and drawing in the hip.-Rigid and crampy-feeling in the hip-joints, thighs and knees.-Uneasiness and heaviness in the lower limbs.- Aneurism on the knee -The knees feelstiff *and go to sleep. —~Herpes on the knee. —* Crampy feel ing -in the legs and soles of the feet, and, at night, *in the calves.-*Sweaty feet. —Chronic numbness of the feet.~Redness and swelling of the toes, with stinging pain, as if frozen. 36.-CAUSTICUM. General Symptoms, —*Arthritic and rheumatic drawing and tearing, especially in the lower limbs. —* Violent tearing in the joints and bones, less in warmth and in the bed.* Contraction of tendons and rigid feeling in the flexor muscles of the limbs.-Contraction of single limbs.-Numbness and deadness of single parts and the whole half of the body. -~Paralysis.-*Convulsive motions and twitchings.- Epileptic spasms. -o Chorea.-lOHysteric affections.-o Obstinate;nfluenza.-The pains are worse in the evening and in the,pen air, whereas the pains which had come on in the open 116 CAUSTICUM. air, disappear in the room.-Coffee appears to aggravate all the pains.-The primary symptoms of Causticum manifest themselves later than those of other long-acting drugs.*Intolerable restlessness in the whole body, in the evening and when sitting, with anxiety in the region of the heart.-Very languid and faint in the whole body, in the evening. —*Laming, tremulous weakness, and unsteadiness of the limbs, when out of bed. —* Very sensitive to a draught of air and to cold. -~A child has an unsteady gait and is liable to falling. Skin.-Itching, especially of the back and calves. —~Itch. -~Rash and urticaria. —Herpes with itching and dampness. — ~Phagedenic blisters.- *Soreness ~of children.-Painful corns.-*Warts. —Panaritia. —* Varices of pregnant Temales. Sleep,- *Drowsy in the day-time.-No sleep at night, owing to anguish, restlessness, dry heat and other ailments, with frequent starting.-Starting when on the point of falling asleep.-Vexatious dreams, full of dispute and *anxiety. -Moves his arms and legs a good deal during sleep. — *Night-sweats. Fever,-* Very chilly.-Nocturnal chilliness with pains in the back, followed by sweat all over.-*Sweats profusely when walking in the open air. Emotive Sphere, —*Melancholy and sad thoughts day and night, with weeping. —OHypochondria. —*Apprehensive anxiety. —Full of fear at night.-Mistrust for the future.OHopeless. —* Vexed and vehement.-Quarrelsome, disputative.-Not disposed to work.-~Tendency to start.-'*Very irritable, vehement. Sentient Sphere. —Weak memory.-Absence of mind. — *Dizziness and dulness of the head, as from being compressed.-Intoxication as if one would fall down all at once. - Vertigo and weakness in the head, with anxiety. Head. -Hemicrania with nausea. —Morning headache.*Headache at night, "as from an internal ulcer.-Dull *oppressive headache, especially in the frontal eminences, rendering the head gloomy.-*Stitching pain in the temples.-Digging, jerks and shocks in the head.-Rush of blood to the head, with indulations, roaring and tumult in the head. Integuments of the Head, —*Tension and stinging about the head.-Tension of the scalp. —Numb feeling about the occiput. Eyes.-Pain as if the eyeballs would be expanded.Pressure in the eyes as from sand, or aggravated by contact. -Itching, smarting and burning of the eyes. —*Inflammation of the eyes and eye-lids, ~also in scrofulous persons.-Sup. puration of the eyes.-Lachrymation. —Difficulty of openin! CAUSTICUM. 117 the eyes.-Visible twitching of the eye-lids.-Sudden attacks of obscuration of vision.-Mistiness of sight. —Incipient amaurosis or cataract. —lDark gauze floating before the eyes..-*Scintillations.-Photophobia.- ~nveterate warts in the eye-brows. Ears. —Pressing pain in the ears from within outwards.Stitches and sore pain in the ears.-Stinging and burning swelling of the outer ear.-Fetid purulent otorrhea.-Herpes on the lobules.-The sounds reverberate loudly in the ear.*Roaring, *buzzing reports in the ears and head. NOSe, —Itching of the tip and wings of the nose. —*Eruptions at the tip of the nose. —Blows blood from his nose every morning.-Nose-bleed. Face.-Yellow complexion, especially on the temples, with pale, bluish lips. —Tension on the fascial bones.Burning of the cheeks, especially in the region of the zygomata. *Arthritic pains in the jaws.-Tension and feeling of swelling under the jaw, impeding the opening of the mouth. - Eruption in the face. —~Semilateral paralysis of the face.Spasms of the lips.-Soreness and eruption on the lips and in the corners of the mouth.-Herpes on the lower lip.Tensive drawing pain and inflammatory swelling under the chin. Teeth.-Toothache, from air penetrating into the mouth when opening it.- -Sore pain, or drawing and tearing, *beating or stinging in the teeth. —*Painfulfeeling of looseness and elongation of the teeth.-~Fistula dentalis. —Chronic suppuration of the gums.-The gums are swollen and sensitive. Mouth.-Dry mouth. —*A good deal of mucus in the mouth. -Sore pain and burning in the mouth, at the palate and tip of the tongue. —Burning ulcer on the inside of the upper lip. -~Distortion and paralysis of the tongue and mouth.-'Speech stammering, hissing, heavy. Throat.-Sore throat when making an exertion, as if the inner throat were torn.-Sore pain, roughness, scraping and burning in the throat.-Stinging pain in the throat when swallowing.-Constant desire to swallow, with sensation of swelling or constriction in the throat. -Feeling of coldness rising in the throat.-Dry throat. -A good deal of mucus in the fauces and behind the palate. —~Difficulty of swallowing owing to paralysis of the oesophagus. Appetite and Taste. —Taste foul, greasy.-Violent desire for cold things and beer.-*Aversion to sweet things.-Loss of appetite, with loathing as soon as one commences to eat. -Derangement of the stomach.-Pressure at the stomach,:ifter eating bread.-*Pressure in the whole abdomen, after,velvy meal. 1 18 CAUSTICUM. Gastricl' Symptoms.- Rising of air, or tasting of undigested food.-Ineffectual eructations, with choking in the fauces.-*Nausea after and during a meal. —*Fainting sort of qualmishness.-*Qualmishness in the stomach.-Waterbrash.-* Vomiting of sourish water, -followed by sour eructation.-Nightly vomiting of coagulated blood.-~Vomiting of the ingesta. Stomach.-Pains in the stomach, with heat in the head, increased by every rapid movement, lessened by lying down, the increase of pains being accompanied with shuddering.*Pressure, ~griping-tearing in the stomach and pit of the stomach.-* Cardialgia. - *Stitching pain in the pit of the stomach. Abdomen, —The clothes press on the hypochondria. —Tension and stinging in the hepatic region.-Colic, in the morning.-*Pressure in the upper and lower abdomen — Painful *distention of the abdomen.-Swelling of the umbilicus, with pain when touching it. —~Large abdomen of children.-Contractive pain in the abdomen.-The abdomen is liable to taking cold, with subsequent diarrhcea and pressure at the stomach.-*Incarcerated flatulence with hard stool.-Frequent emission of fetid flatulence. Stool and Anus, —Chronic *constipation.-Frequent, ineffectual urging to stool, with pains, anxiety and redness of the face.-Knotty or very small-sized stool.-Diarrhcea, night and evening. —*Discharge of blood and Dcutting in the rectum at stool.-After stool, oppressive anxiety, with palpitation of the heart and burning at the anus. —*Itching of the anus. - Varices at the anus, impeding stool. —~The varices of the rectum are pressed out. — Fistula of the rectum. Urine. —*Frequent urging to urinate, ~with thirst and scanty emission.- Profuse urine.- Nocturnal enuresis.*Involuntary emission of urine, day and night, also when coughing, sneezing or walking.-Acrid, corrosive urine.The urine becomes turbid when standing.-Burning during micturition.-lHemorrhage from the urethra. Male Parts.-Increased sexual desire.-~Want of erections.-*A number of emissions.-Discharge of bloody semen during an embrace.-Pressure and stitching in the testicles.-*Soreness between the lower limbs. Female Parts. —*Delaying menses, -but more profuse, with discharge of large coagula. —Scanty menses.-During the menses pains in the back, cutting colic and yellow complexion.- ~Females are averse to an embrace.-Uterine spasms.OSterility, with delaying menses.- *Profuse leucorrhcea, smelling like the menstrual blood. CAUSTICUM. 119 Catarrhal Symptoms.-*Stoppage of the nose. —-*lry coryza all the time.-Fluent coryza, with nocturnal cough, rough hoarseness and headache.-Discharge of fetid mucus from the nose. Windpipe.-*Rough hoarseness, morning and evening.* Chronic hoarseness, with husky voice.-*Aphonia, owing to weakness of the pharyngeal muscles.-Sore feeling in the larynx, between the acts of swallowing. —Laryngeal phthi. sis?-Hawks up a good deal of mucus, especially early in the morning. —~Infiuenza.-Catarrh, with cough and smarting as from excoriation of the chest. —~Inability to raise the detached mucus.-Cough caused by talking and cold. — Nightcough. —*Short cough -owing to titillation and rawness in the throat.-Dry, hollow cough, with sore pain in the chest.Rattling in the chest when coughing.-Pain in the hip, when coughing. Chest and Respiration.-*Shortness of breath.-*Spasmodic tightness of the chest.-Sudden stoppage of breath when talking or walking rapidly.-The clothes feel tight on the chest.-Oppression of the chest.-Stitches in the chest and sternum, when drawing a long breath or when doing some bodily labour.-*Palpitation of the heart.-Oppression of the heart, with melancholy. —Stitches in the region of the heart. —The nipples are fissured and surrounded with tetters. — Deficient secretion of milk. Trunk.-Pain in the small of the back, rendering every motion painful. -Aching pain in the small of the back when sitting. —*Painful stiffness in the back, especially when rising from a seat.-*Drawing and tearing, also in the scapulae.Itching and tingling in the back.-*Rigidity in the nape of the neck.-Rash between the shoulders, behind.-Itching, humid herpes in the nape of the neck.-Goitre-shaped swelling of a cervical gland. Upper Extremities.-Pain in the arm, at night.-Dull, *drawing and tearing in the arms and hands.-Convulsive -movements and jactitation of the arms.-Pressure on the shoulders. —*Stitching pain in the lower arm, "from the finger to the elbow. — *Feeling of fulness in the hand when grasping any thing. -Drawing pain in the wrist and fingerjoints.-Spasmodie weakness and trembling of the hands. — Deadness and painful numbness of the fingers. —*Contraction and induration of the tendons of the fingers. —Itching herpes on the fingers. Lower Extremities.-*Pain in the hip-joint as if sprained. -Pain as if bruised in the thighs and legs, early in the morning, in bed.- *Rigid feeling in the joints of the legs and feet. 12,0 CHAMOMILLA. — *Drawing and tearing in the thighs, legs, knees and feet. - Unsteady and uncertain gait of children.-Marbled skin on the thighs and legs. -Tension and cramp-pain in the legs and calves. —Crampy feeling in the feet. —Pain in the dorsa of the feet, ankles, soles and toes when walking. —Nervous pains in the soles of the feet.-* Contraction of the hollow of thefoot, with tensive pain when putting the foot down.*Cold feet.-Tingling in the soles of the feet. —Phagedenic blisters and ulceration of the heel.-Panaritium on the big toe. 37.-CHAMOMILLA. General Symptoms.-*Rheumatic drawing-tearing pains, with laming-numb feeling in the affected parts,'worst at night, frequent *with continual pressure, heat and redness of one cheek, hot sweat about the head, even in the hair. —*Pains in the periosteum, with lameness. —Pains which appear intolerable, drive one to despair, and are aggravated by every motion.-Pains which are eased by warm fomentations.*Ulcerative throbbing pains.-Cracking in the joints, especially of the lower limbs. —Ailments caused by coffee, a cold or by chagrin. — ~astric, bilious, hypochondriac and hysteric affections. —*Spasms of internal and external organs, convulsions of single parts, Oespecially in children during the period of dentition, in lying-in women, pregnant women, and women generally. — Catalepsy. — Epilepsy. - ~The child lies insensible, changing its colour frequently, with cough, rattling, yawning and stretching. — * Various ailments of females, pregnant and lying-in. women, children and new-born infants.-Attacks of weakness and fainting, ~especially in hysteric women. -*Lame feeling in the parts where the pain has abated. — *The whole nervous system is very irritable and sensitive. — Very much disposed to lie down. —*The child is not quiet until carried about.-* Very sensitive to open air, especially to wind. —Emaciation of children.-*Sudden prostration as soon as the pain commences. — Fainting turns.:kil. —*Rash ~especially of children. —~Soreness of children. -*Unwholesome skin. -Ulcers with tingling, smarting, burning, or shooting pains and intolerance of contact.-*Inflamlnatory glandular swellings. — Erysipelas. Sleep,. —*Sopor, or half sleep, -with feverish restlessness, moaning, starting, short breath, thirst. —Drowsy, without being able to sleep. -*Nocturnal sleeplessness with paroxysms of anguish. - Looks gloomy and vexed during sleep. - *Talking, crying, screaming and starting and tossing about during CHAMOMILLA. 121 sleep. —~During sleep, he spreads the thighs, or *with hot, clammy sweat on the forehead. Fever, —*Shuddering of single parts, with or without external coldness. — *Flying chills in the evening, with burning of the cheeks. —*Constant alternation of shuddering and coldness on single parts, with heat of other parts. —*Shuddering with internal heat.-Sensation of heat externally, without any warmth being perceived.-*Burning heat with smarting, sour sweat. —Fever with nightly exacerbations, inclination to vomit, tearing in the abdomen, diarrhcea and painful micturition.-~ Catarrhal and rheumatic, gastric and bilious fevers. -OPuerperalfevers.-_*Fevers withfuribond delirium. Emotive Sphere, - *Hypochondriac paroxysms, with crushing sensation (hard-aching pain) in the pit of the stomach. —*Restlessness, with anxious moaning and tossing about. -- Vexed and whining mood, with crying, frequently on account of a former or imaginary insult.-~ Crying of new-born infants. —OThe child is not quiet until carried about.-Uneasy asking for one thing or another, which is rejected again when offered.-Aversion to music. Sentient Sphere.-Absence of mind.- Wakeful reverie, as though one were hard of hearing and were on that account unable to comprehend what is said.-Diminished power of comprehension.-Liable to making mistakes in talking.Joyless apathy. —Staggering as from intoxication when rising from bed.-* Vertigo -early in the morning, after eating or drinking coffee. —Attacks of vertigo as if one would faint.*Vertigo with obscuration of sight. Head. —Headache during sleep, or early in the morning on waking, as if the head would fly to pieces.-*Heaviness and bruising feeling of the head.-~OHemicrania. —-*Semilateral drawing and tearing in the head. —*Stitching headache ~from suppression of sweat, or after a cold. —Rush of blood to the head, with beatinq in the brain. Eyes.-Pain in the eyes, as if sore, especially in the canthi.-Stitches in the eyes.-Burning and feeling of heat in the eyes.- Inrfammation of the eyes and margins of the lids, with aching pains, ~especially after a cold, in new-born infants and arthritic persons. —Ecchymosis in the whites of the eye and *hcermorrhage from the eyes.-The margins of the eyelids are very dry. —oellowness of the sclerotica.*Agglutination of the lids during sleep. —Spasmodic closing of the lids, with weight in the same, they are drawn down.*Twitching of the eyes and lids. —~Distortion of the eyes.*Twinkling before the eyes.-Obscuration of vision on one eye when looking on any thing white. (i 1 22 CIIAMOMILLA. Ears, —*Otalgia, with stitching and tearing, or drawing and tension.-~lnftammatory swelling of the parotid gland, with sore throat. —*Ringing or humming in the ears.-Illusion of hearing, at night, as though one heard the voice of absent persons. —~Discharge from the ears. Nose. —Nose sore and ulcerated.- Very sensitive smell. Face.-~Paleface, with cold cheeks and hot forehead.*Frequent change of colour.-*One cheek is red, the other pale. —*Red, hot face. —Erysipelas of the face, after toothache. —Bloat and *swelling of the face and one part of the head, ~with hardness, blueness and throbbing in the cheek.~Swelling of the temple, with pain when touching it.-Red rash on the cheeks. —*Convulsions of the facial muscles.The lips crack and peel off. —Scurfy borders of the lips.Twitchings of the lips. —Spasm in the jaws with the teeth set. Teeth. —* Toothache after taking cold, with drawing jerks in the jaws.-* Toothache after eating and drinking, especially after cofee and warm drinks. —Toothache and difficult dentition, with continual chewing and thrusting the fingers into the mouth. —*Nocturnal toothache, intolerable, with swelling of the cheeks, aggravated by drinking cold and by the warmth of the bed. —*Swelling of the gums. Mouth.-*Dry mouth -or flow of saliva. —*Froth at the mouth. —*Fetid odour of the mouth, after dinner.-*Red ~cracked tongue.-Vesicles on and under the tongue, with stinging pains. — Convulsive motions of the tongue. —~AphthR. Throat.-Sore throat when swallowing, as from a lump in the throat.-Difficulty of swallowing when lying, or diffieulty of swallowing solid food. —Burning heat in the fauces and mouth, down to stomach. —Sore throat of children and when caused by a cold, with dark redness of the fauces. — Rattling noise in the throat. —*Sore throat, with swelling of the parotid glands, 0or of the submaxillary glands. —~Stinging and burning in the larynx. Appetite and Taste. —* Taste bitter or foul. —Bread tastes sour.-No desire for food or drink, with loathing at the mere sight of food.-Aversion to coffee, or else violent desire for it.-After a meal, heat in the face, filness and distention of the stomach and abdomen, with inclination to vomit. Gastric Symptoms.-Eructations, with increase of the pains in the stomach and abdomen. —*Sour eruetations.Inclination to vomit, after a meal, especially early in the morning, or with suffocative fits, after drinking eoffee. —Fainting sort of nausea and qualmishness. — * Vomitifzng of bile.~Slimy or'sour vomiting. CIHAMOMILLA. 123 Stomach. — Cardialyia. —*Aching pain in the pit of the stomach, as from a stone, after every meal, with stoppage of breath, can only be lessened by bending forward and by rest. Abdomen.-*Anxious fulness and tension in the hypochondria and pit of the stomach.-~Liver-grown.-ODiaphragmitis?-~oHepatitis.-~Burning in the hypochondria and pit of the stomach.-Intolerable colic, early in the morning. Distended, very painful abdomen, does not bear contact. — Cutting burning in the upper abdomen, from the stomach to the umbilicus, with shortness of breath and pale face.* Tearing colic.-Cutting colic, owing to a cold. —~Abdominal spasms. —*Pressing towards the abdominal ring. —Olnguinal hernia. —*Flatulent colic with distention of the abdomen, ~also in children.-' Compression in the bowels. —Stitching, especially when coughing, sneezing, or touching the parts. Stool and After.-*Diarrhsa, generally watery, green, slimy, or like stirred eggs. —Acrid, excoriating, and *hot, fetid diarrhceic stools. —Nocturnal *diarrhoea, consisting of white mucus, with colicky pains in the bowels. -~Diarrhea during dentition.-*Undigested stools. Urine.-Anxious urging to urinate. — ~Hot, yellow urine, with flocculent sediment. —Turbid urine, with yellowish sediment. Female Parts.-*JMetrorrhagia, consisting of occasional discharge of coagulaof dark blood, with labour-like pressing from the small of the back to the sexual organs. —Painful after-pains.-0~Puerperal.fever.-~Metritis?-Yellow, smarting, leucorrhoea.-~Abdominal spasms of pregnant females. Windpipe. —*Catarrh and hoarseness, with tenacious mucus in the windpipe, ~especially in children and after a cold. - ~Bronchitis. —Membranous croup?- OBurning in the larynx. —*Cough arising from constant tickling under the sternum. —*Cough, Omorning and evening, *with tickling in the throat-pit and ~srnoky feeling in the chest, especially when talking.-~Catarrhal cough of children in winter. — *Dry Cough, more violent at night, and continuing during sleep.*Cough of children after crying from anger. —~Rough, dry cough, after measles.-Suffocative paroxysms, especially after midnight. —~Loose cough. —oCough, with expectoration of a tenacious, bitter substance, early in the morning. — *Cough, with rattling of mucus, hoarseness and pain in the throat after expectoration. Chest and Respiration.- Wheezing and rat'ling during respiration. —Suffocative stoppage of breath in the throat-pit, with stinging irritation as if one would cough.-*Oppression of the chest as from wind. — *Stitching in the chest, when -124 CHELIDONIUM MAJUS. drawing breath.-Burning in the chest, with dulness of the head. — Sore nipples.-'~Indurated mamme. —~Suppression of the milk, with relaxed mammae, Trunk.-Pains in the small of the back, at night.-Rheumatic drawing pains in the small of the back, back and thighs, at night, aggravated by motion.-Opisthotonos, with rigid stretching out of the body.-Inflammatory swelling of the cervical glands. Ad Upper Extremities. —The arms go to sleep, and feel stiff when grasping any thing with the hands. —~Convulsions of the arms. — Bloated hands. - Clenching of the thumbs.*Twitching of the fingers. —~Nocturnal laming pains in the arms. Lower Extremities, —0 Coxagra. —Drawing tearing in the lower limbs, down to the soles, worst at night and when- sitting.-Tension of the muscles of the thighs and legs.-Nocturnal laming tearing in the feet. —Crampy feeling in the calves, especially at night. 38. CHELIDONIUM MAJUS. General Symptoms. —Laming drawing and lameness of single parts.-Numbness of single limbs.-Prickings here and there. —Crampy pains.-Very weary and lazy, early in the morning. —Dread of motion, with difficulty to go about. -Malaise, without any particular pain. —Inveterate, foul, phagedenic ulcers. Sleep. —Drawing, disposed to lie down, without being able to sleep. —Liable to starting when falling asleep, followed by headache.-Frequent and sudden waking, with profuse sweat, which continues even while awake. Fever. —Principally characterised by chilliness, shuddering, and coldness. —OHeat without thirst, in the evening in bed. Emotive Sphere. —Lowness of spirits.-Anxiety for the present and future. Sentient Sphere. —Vertigo, with inability to collect one's senses, and shuddering over the trunk. Hlead —Dull headache, with throbbing in the temples.Feeling of coldness at the occiput, ascending from the nape of the neck. —Creeping on the hairy scalp. —Scurfs on the hairy scalp. Eyes. —Pain above the eyes, pressing down the lids.Agglutination and dimness of the eyes, early in the morning. -Dazzling spots before the eyes, with lachrymation when looking at them. —Obscuration of the cornea. CEIELIDONIUM MAJUS. 125 Ears.-Stitching in the ears. —Sensation as if wind were rushing out of the ears.-Reports in the ears — Closing of the ears when coughing. Nose.-Itching of the nose.-Trembling and twitching in the tip of the nose. Face. —Red face, without heat. —Itching tension and drawing in the malar bone. —~Itching on the face and forehead. —~Herpes in the face, especially on the knee. Teeth. —Toothache in the lower jaw when touching the teeth, with looseness of the same. Mouth and Throat.-Dry mouth, with thirst.-Flow of water in the mouth.-Sore throat, like choking, when swallowing too large a morsel.- Tension in the region of the larynx, with contraction of the fauces and difficult deglutition. — Burning and roughness in the throat. Gastric Symptoms. —Taste flat or bitter. —*Ailments caused by milk, ~especially flatulence.-Eructations tasting of the ingesta.-Hiccough. Stomach.-Pain in the stomach, gnawing and digging, going off after eating.-Contractive cardialgia. —Crampy pain and throbbing in the pit of the stomach, with anxious breathing.-Feeling of coldness or burning in the stomach.Stitches in the region of the stomach and pit of the stomach. Abdomen.-Colic with spasmodic retraction of the navel, nausea. —Continual cutting colic after eating.-Turns of cutting in the abdomen, with soft stools —Dull stitching below the navel, obliging one to bend double. Stool.-Stool hard, knotty, with pressing. —Nocturnal diarrhceic stools. Urine.- Urine pale, frequent and copious, or too scanty. Female Parts. —Profuse and delaying menses. Catarrhal Symptoms.-Dry Coryza and stoppage of the nose.-Difficulty of breathing and tightness of the chest. Windpipe. —Cough, attended with hard hearing. —Pressure at the chest when drawing breath. Trunk.- Tearing pain, with pressure in the back, as if the lumbar vertebrae would be broken, only when inclining forwards or backwards. Upper Extremities.-Lameness of the muscles of the arm, with difficulty and painful motion.-Swelling of the veins of the hands. — Thefingers become numb, yellow, cold, with blue nails. Lower Extremities.-Lameness of the thigh and knee, when setting the foot down.-Laming drawing from the hip to the toes. —Crampy feeling and contraction of the soles. - The toes feel numb and dead. CHINA, 39. CIIINA. General Symptoms.-*Stretching drawing or jerking and stitching tearing, mostly in the extremities and long bones, with lameness and weakness of the affected parts. —~Rheumatic tearing in the extremities, when commencing to walk. — *Pains aggravated by contact, or at night. —*Uneasiness in the affected parts, they have to be moved about. —Some parts feel full and numb. —*The parts on which one lies go to sleep. —Ailments arising from abuse of mercury or tea. —~Hysteric and hypochondriac, chlorotic, icteric, gastric and bilious complaints.-O~Arthritic, hard, red swelling of single parts. —D~)ropsy of single parts and of the whole body. —111 effects of chagrin, a cold, especially of excessive loss of animal fluids. —Ols especially suitable to females. — *General, tremulous debility, with difficulty of walking and disposition to sweat during exercise or sleep.-Excessive vivacity with staring eyes.-Chorea.-*.Excessive sensitiveness of the whole nervous system. —*Aversion to bodily and mental labour.m*Painful weariness of the extremities, with sensation as if lamed and bruised. —*Heaviness of the extremities, especially the thighs.-Fainting fits. —Very sensitive to a current of air, with ailments arising from the least exposure to a draft of air. —*Emaciation, ~also of children. Skin. —The whole skin is excessively sensitive.. —* Yellow colour of the skin. —Relaxed, dry skin. —Soreness of children.-Hlumid gangrene.-Boring stitching and throbbing in the ulcers.-~Chllorosis.-~Anasarca.-~Arthritic and rheumatic, hard, red, hot swellings. Sleep. —Drowsy in the day-time, frequently with palpitation of the heart.-Yawning, stretching of the limbs.-*One is unable to fall asleep, owing to many plans and ideas crowding upon one's mind.-*Sleeplessness with headache, or canine hunger. —Moaning and snoring during sleep, also in children. —*Heavy dreams, causing anxiety even after waking.-*Confused, absurd dreams, after midnight, waking only half conscious. Fever. - Chill or shuddering, generally without thirst. — Coldness of the body, with rush of blood to the head, warm and red face, hot forehead.-General increase of temperature, with swelling of the veins, without thirst.- *Heat for several hours in the evening, without previous chilliness, with burning thirst, and succeeded by sweat.-Feeling of heat and real heat, with prickings here and there, and desire for cold water.-~Marsh-intermittent fever, also with pains in the region of the liver, vomiting qf bile, and great anguish.-*Fever CHIN A. -127 with thirst during the chill and vomiting after the attack. — ~Fever with thirst after the chill, then heat, lastly exhausting sweat; or with *thirst after the cold and hot stage, and during the sweaty stage. —*Fevers commencing with other ailments. — *Pale face and ~colic *during the chill; *delirium during the hot stage. —Rheumatic, gastric, bilious, mucous, putrid, lentescent, hectic, typhoid fevers, with prostration. —*Fevers in the forenoon.-Small (feeble) pulse.-*Liable to sweating during sleep and exercise.-~Exhausting night-sweats. Emotive Sphere.-*Hypochondriac lowness of spirits.— *Anquish.-Solicitous and apprehensive.-Loss of courage.-Feeling of unhappiness, as though one were opposed by every body. —Excessive nervousness, with lowness of spirits and intolerance of noise.-Indocile.-*Indifference and apathy. — One despises every thing; every thing seems flat.Peevish and vexed. —Fear of dogs and other animals, at night. Sentient Sphere.-Ideas and plans crowd upon the mind, with slow development of ideas when thinking.-*Aversion to bodily or mental exertions.-*Dulness of the head, as after nightly watching, or after a cold. —* Vertigo when raising the head, especially in the occiput, as though the head would fall backward. Head,-~Hemicrania with vomiting and nausea? —~feadache from suppressed catarrh.-*Heaviiness of the head, with languor. —~Headache in the forehead, when opening the eyes.-* The brain feels bruised, with pressing boring in the vertex, aggravated by thinking or talking.-*Sore pain in the brain, when walking in the wind.-*Headache especially at night, with sleeplessness, or worse in the open air.-*Jerking tearing in the head, or tearing with pressure.-*fHeadache as though the head'would fly to pieces.-Stitching headache, with violent throbbing in the temple.-*.Rush of blood to the head, with heat and fulness in the head.-*Painful balancing of the brain as though it were striking against the skull, "obliging one to move the head up and down. —*The headache is aggravated by contact, motion ~or by setting the foot on the ground, also by a draught of air or walking in the wind. Integuments of the llead, —*The outer head, even the roots of the hair, are sensitive to contact.-*Headache, ~as if the hair would be pulled out, or *the scalp contracted.Stinging pressure in the frontal eminences. —*Sweat of the hairy scalp, especially when walking in the open air. Eyes, —Pain like pressure fiom without inward at the margin of the orbit.-Smarting with pressure in the eyes. 128 CIIINA. *Ophthalmia with evening-exacerbation, ~also in scrofulous individuals. —Faint eyes. —Protruded eyes. — The cornea looks dull and the back-ground of the eye smoky. —wLachrymation, with tingling in the internal surface of the lid.*Incipient amaurosis. —~Muscae volitantes and darkness before the eyes.-Photophobia. —~When reading the letters look pale, surrounded with a white border and blurred. Ears.-Tearing, generally externally.-~Stinging, *humming and ringing in the ears.-Hard hearing.-Redness and heat of the outer ear, especially the lobules.-Eruption in the concha. Nose. —Nose hot and red -*Bleeding from the nose and mouth.-*Frequent nose-bleed. Face.-*Prosopalgia, ~also nervous.-Heat and redness of the face, especially of the cheeks and lobules. —*Pale, livid, also ~dark-yellow face. —*Sunken face, with hollow eyes surrounded with blue margins, and pointed nose.-*Red, bloated face.-*Pale, sickly appearance.-*Heat and redness of the face. —*Lips dry, parched and with a black streak.Cracked lips.-Swelling of the lips.-Itching-burning ulcers on the lips and tongue.-Pain and swelling of the submaxillary glands. Teeth.-Toothache, jerking-tearing or else aching-drawing, caused by contact with the open air or by exposure to a draught of air.-Distressing dull pain in hollow teeth.*Throbbing toothache.-Vacillating teeth which are only painful when chewing.-Black sordes on the teeth.-*The toothache appears principally at night, and after eating; it is lessened by pressing the teeth together, Oaggravated by merely touching them. Mouth.-Dryness.-Slimy mouth, with flat, watery taste. -~Blood-spitting.-OCracked, black, or *yellow-coated tongue. -Burning stitches in the tongue. —Painful swelling at the side of the tongue, posteriorly.-~Aphonia.-*Ptyalism, ~also after abuse of mercury. Throat —ODryness of the fauces.-Stinging sore-throat, mostly when swallowing, or caused by even a slight draught of air. Appetite and Taste, —~C]ayey taste in the mouth and of the food.-Sour or *bitter taste, also of food and drink.*Aversion to food and drink, with feeling of fulness.-*A good-deal of thirst. —*Canine hunger with flat taste in the mouth.- *Appetite only while eating, with indifference to every kind of food. —*Desire for a variety of things, also for this or that dainty, without knowing which.-Shuddering or chilliness with goose-flesh, also stitches in the chest or co CHINA. 129 lie, every time one takes a drink. —*Aversion to beer.*Desire for wine and sour things. —*After eating, malaise, drowsiness, oppressive fulness in the stomach and abdomen, weariness and laziness.-*Dyspepsia.-ODoes not digest a late supper. Gastric Symptoms,-*Eructations after eating, bitter or osourish. —*Eructations tasting of the ingesta.-*Heartburn, -flow of water in the mouth, ineffectual retching and pressure at the stomach, after every meal. —~Vomiting of mucus, water and food.- ~Hematemesis. Stomach,-.*Pressure at the stomach, also hard, especially after eating. —Chronic cardialgia, also after loss of animal fluids.-Sore feeling with pressure in the pit of the stomach, especially early in the morning. Abdomen.-Pains in the hypochondria.-Stitching and aching pains in the region of' the liver, especially when touching it. —OHepatitis?-*Obstruction and swelling of the liver. —*Obstruction, swelling and induration of the spleen. -*Splenetic stitches.-Dull-stitching pains in the kidneys especially when bending the body forward.-Colic in the umbilical region, with shuddering.-*Hard pressure and fulness in the abdomen, also after every meal. —Indurations in the abdomen. —*Doughy, dropsical swelling of the abdomen. -Sacculated ascites. — Considerable distention of the abdomen.-~Meteorism.-Stitching colic with pressure (~below the umbilicus,) especially when walking rapidly. —*Incarcerated flatulence.-*Flatulent colic, -deep in the lower abdomen, with contraction of the bowels and protrusion of the flatulence as far as the hypochondria, attended with oppressive drawing and tension.-*Fetid fatulence. — Inguinal hernia? Stool and Anus, —*Daily stool, scanty and slow.*Ditficult passage of soft stool, as from torpor of the bowels. - Constipation.-OFrequent white *papescent stools. —Putrid stools.-* Yellow, watery or mucous diarrhea, ~also after measles. —)Diarrhoea after eating fruit. —*Undigested diarrhwic stools, especially at night, with discharge of every thing one had eaten. —Involuntary stools, *thin and yellowish.~Discharge of mucus from the rectum.-Pressure and stinging in the rectum and anus.-Bleeding varices at the anus.*Tingling in the anus, with ascarides and Olumbrici. Urine.-Frequent, almost ineffectual desire to urinate, followed by pressing in the bladder.-White turbid urine, with white sediment.-*Dark urine with brick-dust sediment.-Urine passes off slowly, in a feeble stream, with frequent urging. —~Wetting the bed? —Bloody urine. Male Parts. —* 1'xcited sexual desire, ~with lascivious fan6* 130 CHINA. cies, day and night. —OSwelling of the testicle and spermatic cord.-Drawing in the testicles.-*Nocturnal emissions, ~also especially after onanism. —.*Frequent erections.-~Impotence, with excited lascivious fancy. Female Parts. —~Rush of blood to the uterus, with feeling of fulness and painful pressing toward the sexual parts, especially when walking. —Constant discharge of blood from the vagina, without sensation.-~Suppressed menses. —*Profuse menses.-*AIketrorrhagia, with discharge of black coagula, ~also after abuse of chamomile. —cThreatening miscarriage? -Morbid lochia 7?- Ovaritis? —Painful indurations of the os-tincce and neck of the uterus? —~During the catamenia, convulsions, with spasms of the chest and abdomen; or rush of blood to the head, with throbbing of the carotids, bloated face, protruded eyes with lachrymation, convulsive movements of the lids and loss of consciousness.-~VNymphomaniac of lying-in women.Z*Leucorrhkea, ~with spasmodic contraction of the uterus, also previous to the menses, attended with painful pressing toward the anus and pelvis. -OWatery, bloody leucorrhcea, with bloody coagula or fetid pus, itching and soreness of the thighs. Catarrhal Symptoms.-Catarrh with sneezing. —Suppressed catarrh. Windpipe.-Hoarseness, husky voice, deep voice when singing, owing to mucus adhering to the larynx. —~Bronchitis? - Dry hacking cough as if caused by the vapours of sulphur, early in the morning, after rising. —Violent spasmodic cough, with retching.-*Nocturnal suffocative cough, with pain in the chest and scapula, causing one to cry out.-* Violent cough, immediately after eating, excited by laughing.~Cough with difficult expectoration of clear, tenacious mucus, painful concussion in the scapul] and vomiting of bile.*Blood-streaked expectoration when coughing.-O~Hcemnorrhage from the lungs. —Acute sup)puration of the lungs, after hTemorrhage, with violent cough. —*Pressure at the chest when coughing, with sore pain at the larynx. Chest and Respiration. —*Tightness and violent oppression of the chest.-~Suffocative paroxysm, as fiom mucus in the larynx, in the evening and at night, on waking. — ~Asthma from long talking, or as from filness at the stomach.-~Paralysis of the lungs of old people? —*Difficult respiration, ~one has to lie with the head raised. — Wheezing when breathing.-Noise in the nose when breathing.-Pressure at the chest, also hard, especially at the sternum and after eating. —*Stitching in the chest and sides of the chest, also when coughing and drawing breath. —OPnveumonia with CH INIUM SULPIIURICUM. 13I debility, or when the typhoid stage is about setting in. — Violent rush of blood to the chest and palpitation of the heart. Trunk,-Pain in the back and small of the back as if lamed and bruised, when taking the least exercise. —~Nightly pain in the small of the back when lying on the back. — Beating-stitching pain -in the back.-*The least exercise starts a sweat in the back and nape of the neck. —Drawing and jerking tearing in the small of the back, back, scapulae and nape of the neck, with pain when moving the parts, it is excited by the least motion.- OPressure as from a stone between the scapule. Upper Extremities. —Lanming-jeking tearing in the muscles and bones of the arms, hands and fingers, excited by contact.-Tension and weakness in the arms and hands.-Stretching of the arms, with the fingers bent. —Swelling stiffness, and pain of the knuckles.-Blue nails. Lower Extremities.-Laming-jerking tearing in the muscles and bones of thighs, legs, knees, feet. toes, when touching the parts. —When sitting the limbs go to sleep quite r eadily. — Weakness a(nd unsteadiness in the hip, knee and tarsal joints, they give way when walking.-Hard, reddish swelling of the thigh, painful when touched.-*Arthritic, hot swelling of the knee, which is painfil to the touch. —Hard, dark-red abscess on the calf.-Uneasiness in the legs, they have to be moved all the time.-*Red-spotted, hard, tense swelling of thefeet, -with dark urirne.-Lameness of the feet. 40.-C HININUM SULPHURICJM. General Symptoms.-Aching, stinging, cutting pains.-'Acute rheumatism, arthritic pains, neuralgia.-~Liable to tcking cold.-~Scrofulous ailments.-Aggravation every third day, or every day at the same hour.-Nervousness, with anxiety, languor and hysteric affections? —Spasms of the extremities, ~eclampsia? epilepsy? —Paralysis ~of the arms and lower limbs, -or semilateral paralysis.-OApoplexy? —~Asphyxia?-*- Great debility, languor acnd prostration, also with mental dulness and trembling.-OWeakness and emaciation, ~especially of old people. Skil,.-Sensitive to contact.-~Erymipelas? —~Dropsy. — mJaundice. —*Malignant suppurations and gangrenous inflammations. —*.Be.l-sores of pulmonary patients. —Cancerous ulcers. Sleep, —Sleep deep and unrefreshing, or restless, and with exhausting night-sweats.-Strange dreams. Fever. —Coldness of the- extremities, especially the hands 132 CHININUM SULPHURICUM. and feet, forehead, nose and ears, or with paleface, and pale urine, with violent urging.-Paroxysms of fever with excessive sweats, hard hearing, ringing in the ears, obscuration of vision, bitter taste of the bread, vomiting. diarrhoea, colic.-Pale face, ringing in the ears, headache during the chilliness. — Various kinds of intermittentfevers.-External heat with dryness of the mouth and fauces, constipation, or sweat on the chest and red face.- Typhoid, yellow, petechial or other kinds of exanthematic fevers?-Sweat breaks out easily, with rapid exhaustion afier making the slightest exertion. —.~Night-sweats of phthisicky patients? Emotive Sphere,-Anguish and apprehensiveness, especially at night, driving one out of bed.-Whining and hopeless mood.-Very lazy, inclined to lie down.-Excited as after drinking coffee. Sentient Sphere,-Weakness of the imaginative faculty. -Inability to pronounce nouns, with slowness of comprehension.- Delirium. — Delirium tremens?-Vertigo as if intoxicated, with ringing in the ears.-Apoplexy? Headache.-Headache when walking in the sun.-Dull headache, with deafness, anguish, sweat and trembling on the left side.-Pulsation of the temporal arteries.-Excitement of the brain, pale face, thirst, nausea and weakness of the feet. — rontal headache, with ringing in the ears and heat.Rush of blood to the head, with violent headache, worse at night, throbbing of the arteries as if the head would fly to pieces, vertigo, hard hearing, sleep full of dreams and considerable emission of flatulence. — ~Semilateral headache, especially periodical. Eyes. —Dimness of sight, as if through gauze or fog, with dryness of the eyes. —Black spots, objects are not recognized except when looked at sideways.-Blackness of sight when staring at a thing. —~Hemeralopia?? Ears.-Ringing and humming in the ears, also particularly in the left ear, until one becomes deaf.-Weak hearing with humming in the ears. Face.-Pale, wretched looks.-Suffering, hollow-eyed appearance.-Livid face, with dirty exudations from the eyes. — Jaundiced redness of the face, with heat around the eyes, and lachrymation when looking at bright light. —Heat of the face as after drinking coffee. —Blue lips. Mouth.-Dry mouth.-The inner mouth is very pale.Soreness of the gums and the inner cheeks, with pain and gangrenous scurfs.-Much mucus in the mouth.-Increased secretion of saliva.-Ptyalism. Throat —Pain when swallowing. —~Sore throat, with diffi CHININUM SULPIHURICUM. 133' culty of swallowing, constriction of the throat, hydrophobia?? -Accumulation of tenacious mucus in the throat, especially at night, obliging one to cough. Appetite and Taste, —Bitter taste.-Bread tastes bitter. — Indifference to food or drink.-Appetite, food tasting badly.-Violent hunger even after a good meal.-Canine hunger, also at night. —Dyspepsia. Gastric Symptoms.-Eructations after eating, with pressure in the abdomen and stomach.-Loathing with headache. -Vomiting with loathing, heartburn, sensation of constriction of the stomach and bloating of the abdomen. Stomach.-Pressure even after the lightest food.-Cardialgia, also with inclination to vomit.-Feeling of warmth in the pit of the stomach and region of this organ, with empty eructations. Abdomen. —In the region of the liver, pain, pressure, sensation as of subcutaneous ulceration, swelling.-In the region of the spleen and liver, swelling and hardness, with stitches, especially when drawing a long breath, sneezing, stooping, &c. -Cutting in the abdomen, with papescent, fetid diarrhoea, and fetid flatulence.-Distended abdomen, with pain to pressure. *Flatulent colic.-~Meteorism. —Chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bowels.-Phthisis abdominalis, with nausea, retching, distended abdomen, constipation, emaciation, craziness. Stool and Anuts.-Obstinate constipation. —Hard, intermittent, lumpy stool. —Difficult, soft stool, also with urging. Papescent diarrhcea, also with cutting colic.-Fetid flatulence and stool. —~Weakness of the abdominal viscera, with clean tongue and primme vie? Urinary Organs. —Increased secretion and emission of urine, with saturated urine, which deposits crystals.-The urine is easily decomposed, with a sediment of yellow sand and crystals.-Foaming urine, with a fine white-yellowish sediment when standing.-ORetention of urine??-~Involuntary micturition?? —Stone? —Diabetes? Female Parts.-Pressing towards the pelvis. —Gripingtearing in the abdomen during the menses.-Discharge of blood from the vagina, with heat and turgescence of the same, after leucorrhcea.-~Metrorrhagia? —Leucorrhcea?-Miscarriage? Windpipe. -Hoarseness, with constriction of the throat, or as if closed by swelling.-Violent cough the whole day or evening; nocturnal cough, caused by an irritation at a small painful spot in the throat. —Expectoration of jelly-like mucus when coughing. —Whooping cough??-0Cough with 1.34 CHLORUM. purulent expectoration after measles?? -Adynamic pneumonia, with profuse purulent expectoration. Chest.-Nocturnal suffocative fit, with closing of the throat by swelling, and rattling, panting-breathing. —Stinging in the left chest.-Palpitation of the heart. — Intermission of the pulse and beat of the heart, they are not synchronous?? Back, Extremities.-Painfulness of the thoracic vertebra, when pressing upon them.-OMyelitis.-OTabes dorsualis?OParalysis of the upper limbs. -- Paralysis of the lower limbs.-(Edema of the feet. 41.-CIILORUM. General Symptoms. —Seems to affect principally the nzucous membranes.-Persons who are used to the vapours of chlore, become weak and thin.-Emaciation.-Stiffhess of the limbs.-Trembling.-Exhaustion and weariness.-Disposed to lie down.-Weakness of the lower limbs.-Lachrymation in the open air. —The pains in the chest. chill and fever are less when walking in the open air —-Shuddering is worse in the sun.Early in the morning: wakes with anguish, feverish taste, weakness of the abdomen, diarrhcea, sneezing, lachrymation, stiffness of the limbs, difficulty of rising, angry mood.-In the afternoon: Discharge from the nose, feels worse after eating. — Evening: less appetite, sudden catarrhal discharge from the nose, cough, shuddering, chilliness.-Acts more rapidly when taken in the evening. Skin. —The skin on the nose feels sore.-Feeling like the stings of insects, with profuse sweat, rush of blood to the skin, and blotches and vesicles on the skin. —Herpes and critical sweat. —~Itch and herpes. —Fetid and cancerous ulcers with yellowish borders. —Black spots. Sleep. —No desire to rise in the morning, with ill-humour. — Feeling on waking in the morning as if he would be very sick. Fever.- Chilliness and shaking, in the evening, in the warm room.-Shuddering in the morning, more in the back and when in the sun.-Fever from forenoon to afternoon; abates when walking about in the room.-Heat during and after a meal, with angry mood.-Produces critical sweats. —OTyphus? —Scarlet-fever? —The sweats of phthisicky patients are diminished. Emotive Sphere, &c.-Very much exhausted, he fears he will lose his reason, with inability to attend to any kind of business; things are confused, he cannot remember anything. -Findslit difficult to remember names or persons, on hear CHLORUM. 135 ing their names.-Anguish.-Very much out of humour, especially early in the morning. Head.-Vertigo and stupefaction.-Painful and debilitating sensation in the vertex and along the left side of the head, obliging one to lie down; headache with coryza, shuddering and after eating. Eyes.-Lachrymation, especially in the open air, early, on waking, and when affected with catarrh. —Eyes protruded. — Dimness of sight during the fever. Ears. —Ringing. Nose., —Sensitiveness of the mucous membrane.-Feeling of soreness in the nostrils.-Discharge of corrosive water from the nose.-Dryness, or suffocative feeling of dryness from the nose, with irritation in the throat obliging one to cough, afterwards changing to fluent coryza.-Violent fluent coryza, the mucous membrane of the nose and mouth being very much affected.-Fluent coryza on one, dry coryza on the other nostril.-In the evening: sudden discharge of a corrosive humour from the nose, with stoppage of the nose, lachrymation, dryness of the tongue, palate and throat.Violent sneezing early in the morning, with fluent coryza in the evening.-Coryza after the lapse of twenty-four hours, changing to yellow mucus. Face.-Bloated face.-Increased redness of the face. Teeth. —They feel dull. Mouth and Throat. — The mucous membrane of the mouth is very much affected.-Soreness and little ulcers in the mouth, throat, fauces, with redness. —Inability to swallow. —OAbscesses in the throat? —Angina membranacea?Dry mouth, tongue, palate and throat, with thirst; a good deal of mucus in the mouth.-Ptyalism. Appetite and Taste.-Increased desire for wine.-Aversion to the smoke of tobacco, it creates a smarting on the tongue and dryness in the throat.-Vomiting of a greenishbrown substance, with cries-(death, in the case of a dog). Stomach.-Stimulates the mucous coat of the stomach.Acidity of the stomach of workers in chlore.-Symptoms after death: black or cherry-redness of the mucous coat of the stomach; black spots with scurfs or perforations at the pylorus; ulcers with y.llowish borders at the bottom of the stomach. Abdomen.-Weak stcmach, early in the morning. —-~Affections of the liver without inflammation?-After death, thick, yellow layer (bile) in the det _:enum and jejunum.-Altered quality of the bile. Stool.-Diarrhxra, early in the morning. 136 CICUTA VIROSA. Urine. —Frequent urging to urinate.-Urine more copious. Sexual Parts. —Sudden impotence, even complete aversion to sexual intercourse, in spite of the strongest temptations. —Syphilis? Windpipe.-Suffocative fit and cough, sometimes followed by obstinate catarrh.-Violent irritation in the larynx, trachea and bronchial passages, with oppression of the chest, inability to swallow, increased ease in the open air (though the oppression remains the same) anguish, which does not allow one to utter any thing but incoherent words, difficult respiration, violent irritation of the mucous membrane of the nose and mouth, a good deal of mucus in the mouth, violent fluent coryza, bloated face, protruded eyes, spasmodic cough (lessened by sulphur-water).- Choking and contractive sensation in the chest.-Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bronchial tubes.-Produces bloody cough, phthisis, death, when inhaled in large quantity; in small quantities it produces cough, oppressions, or a feeling of heat in the air-passages, with easier expectoration. Chest.- Oppression of the chest, impeded respiration, suffocative Jit, also violent cough. —After death, the ventricles are filled with venous blood, the pleura on both sides of the chest is covered with false membranes, and the cavities are filled with a reddish fluid. Trunk. —Violent, convulsive motions of the neck and the dorsal vertebrae, drawing the head backwards. —Early in the morning, the back is less stiff, but the extremities more so. Extremities.-Weakness of the legs. 42.-CICUTA VIROSA, General Symptoms.-Pains as if sore, or as if caused by a shock or blow, here and there.- Trembling of the limbs.Jerks through the head, arms and lower limbs, resembling electric shocks.-Spasmodic distortion of the limbs.-*Spasmodic pains of various kinds, especially in females (parturient, pregnant females, &c.).-* General convulsions.-*Epilepsy.-*Catalepsy.-* Tetanus.- Worm-affections.-'-~Hysteric attacks. —Raphania? —Drawing pains in the limbs. —Trembling when moving any part of the body. Skin.-Burning itching of the whole body. —*Scurjy suppurating eruptions.-*Lentil-sized, dark-red elevations on the face and hands, with burning when they first appear, and subsequent confluence of the same. Sleep. —Nocturnal sleeplessness and sweat. —~Half-sleep with restless tossing about and confused dreams.-Frequent CICUTA VIROSA. 137 waking, with profuse, strengthening sweat. —Vivid dreams about the affairs of the day. Fever. — Chilliness and constant desire to be near the warm stove.-Coldness on the legs and arms, with disposition to stare. Emotive Sphere.-Anxiety and violent emotions caused by the recital of sad events.-Moaning, crying.-Dissatisfied. -Suspicious, dread of men.-Tendency to start. —Mania, with dancing, laughing and foolish gesticulations. Sentient Sphere. —Loss of sense. -Absence of thought.Vertigo as if one would fall —*Vertigo on raising one's-self in bed, ~with obscuration of sight.-*Vertigo as though every object were moving about, or vacillating. lead. —Headache about the orbits.-*Hemicrania, with nausea.-Heaviness of the head, with inability to collect one's senses. —Stupifying pressure in the forehead.-Consequences of concussion of the brain. —Pain in one side of the head as from rush of blood, passing off when raising the head. Integuments of the Head -Suppurating eruptions on the hairy scalp.-Jerking and bending backwards of the head. Eyes, —ONervous affections of the eyes. —Burning in the eyes.-* Contracted -afterwards dilated pupils. —Vanishing of sight, with vertigo, during a walk. —* Staring sight, with inability to collect one's senses, and vacillation of the objects all around. —When reading the letters look blurred, surrounded with a coloured areola. — *Diplopia or -blackness of sight, alternating with hard hearing. —Coloured halo around every object.-~Photophobia. —Weakness of sight with dilated pupils. Ears,-Sore feeling as if bruised, behind the ears.-Puru. lent eruption on, in-front of, and behind the ears.-Discharge of blood from the ears.-Dull hearing. Nose,-Pain as if bruised at the wing of the nose.~Scurfs in the nostrils.-Discharge of yellow pus from the nose. Face. —*Pale face, with coldness, also cold hands.-Pale cheeks with sunken eyes. —Chronic, dark-red, purulent-confluent eruptions in the face, with tubercles on the forehead.~Crusta lactea? —~Burning, thick, honey-coloured scurf, with yellow water on the upper lip, cheeks and chin.-Painful ulcers of the lips.-Painful swelling of the submaxillary glands. —Tetanus.-Disposition to grate the teeth. Mouth.-Froth in and at the nouth.-White sores and ulcers on the border of the tongue, painful when touched.Difficulty of speech, with jerks about the head and in the arms at each word one utters.-Dumb. i:38 CINA. Throat. —Inability to swallow, the throat feels as if closed. Appetite and Taste.-Loss of appetite owing to a feeling of dryness in the mouth. —Satiety and pressure at the stomach, after swallowing one mouthful. —* Great desire for coal. —Violent thirst (during the spasms). Gastric Symptoms. - Violent, loud hiccough. - Bitter, yellow gulping-up, when stooping, followed by burning in the fauces. —* Vomiting, ~also alternating with tollic spasms.ONausea, early in the morning and while eating. —Hematemesis. Stomach.-*Burning pressure at the stomach. —Throbbing in the pit of the stomach which is very much bloated. — Anxiety in the pit of the stomach. Abdomen.-~ Colic.from worms, with convulsions, in the case of children.-Cutting colic, immediately after eating, with drowsiness.-Pinching and rumbling in the abdomen.A good deal of flatulence, with anguish and ill-humour. —U1eerative pain in the pelvic region. Stool.-Constipation. —Frequent, thin stool. Urine —Retention of urine. —Frequent urging to urinate. -Involuntary micturition. Female Parts. —Delaying menses. —Spasms of parturient women? —Sterility? Catarrhal Symptoms.-Stoppage of the nose, with copious secretion of' mucus.-Hoarseness. Chest.-Asthma, dyspncea. —Pressure at the chest as from a lump, with difficulty of breathing. —Heat in the chest.Pain as if sore or bruised at the lower end of the sternum.Burning of the nipples. Trunk.- Opisthotonos.-Tension across the scapula.-Ulcerative pain on the scapulm.-Tension in the cervical muscles, as if sore, when bending the head backwards. —Swelling of the neck. Upper Extremities. —Pain as if sore or bruised, in the shoulder-joint andforearms.-Feeling'of heaviness and weakness in the arms. —Jerking and twitching in the arms andfingers. —Deadness of the fingers. Lower Extremities.-Involuntary jactitation of the lower limbs.-Painful rigidity of the lower limbs. —Trembling of the legs.-When walking the feet turn inward. 43. -CINA. General Symptoms.-Laming-drawing pains in the extremities.-Dull-stitching, crampy feeling and pressure, or erampy tearing, drawing and twitching, or burning stitches CINA. 139 here and there. — Convulsions, with lame feeling.-Epileptic convulsions with consciousness (eclampsia).-~Epilepsy. — All the limbs are painful when moving or touching them.Most pains show themselves at night and when sitting.oWorm affections.-~Incipient scrophulosis? -- Weakness from loss of animal fluids?-~Nervous consumption? Sleep.-Frequent yawning, with trembling and shudder. ing. —*Sleepless at night, with tossing about, crying. Fever.-Frequent shuddering, without trembling, even near the warm stove. —oIntermittentfever, with vomiting of the ingesta, and canine hunger.-Cold sweat on the forehead and hands. —Mucous fever? —*Violent heat, mostly about the head, with yellow or pale complexion, blue margins around the eyes. —Wornn fever. Emotive Sphere.*Wbhining and lamenting mood.-The child cries when touched. —Constant restlessness with desire for a variety of things which are rejected again when offered. -Anguish, and apprehensive feeling, during a walk in the open air. Sentient Sphere —*Delirium, ~also during the fever heat. —~Acute hydrocephalus? Head.-Headache, alternating with pressure in the abdomen. -Stupifying pressing-downwards of the head as from a load, especially when walking in the open air.Drawing-tearing headache, aggravated by reading and meditation.-Dull headache, early in the morning, with irritation of the eyes. Eyes. —*Pressure in the eyes after reading intently.Spasmodic twitching of the levatores palpebrarum muscles.Dimness of sight when reading, passing off by rubbing the eyes.-*Dilatation of the pupils. —Specks on the cornea.~Chronic weakness of sight, after onanism, with photophobia and pressure in the eyes as from sand. Ears.-Crampy twitching in the outer ear. Nose.-Nose-bleed. —*Disposition to bore in the nose.Purulent discharge from the nose. Face. —*Pale face with sickly appearance round the eyes.Bloated, bluish face, especially round the mouth. —Crampy tearing and twitching in the region of the malar bones. Teeth —Toothache caused by air and cold drinks. Mouth and Throat. —lnability to swallow, especially liquids. Appetite and Taste.-Increased thirst. —*Very hungry, shortly after eating.-OVoracious.-~Canine hunger. —The baby is averse to the mother's milk (which is good milk).~Bread tastes bitter. 140 CLEMATIS. Gastric Symptoms. —~ Vointing of mucus and lumbrici.OVomiting and diarrhcea after drinking. —Vomiting, the tongue being clean, with vomiting of bile. Abdomen. —Continual pinching in the bowels.-Painful movements round the umbilicus, which is painful when pressing upon it.-Labour-like pains in the abdomen, as if the menses would come on. Stool,-I~Papescent diarrhcea.-~Discharge of the lumbrici and ascarides.-~D)iarrhcea consisting of faeces and bile. Urine.-Frequent urging to urinate with copious emission. —~Wetting the bed.-*The urine becomes soon turbid. -~Involuntary emission of urine. Female Parts, —.Menses too early and excessive.-Metrorrhagia. Catarrhal Symptoms,-Violent sneezing, with pressing in the temples from within outwards, and as if the chest would fly to pieces. —Fluent coryza with burning in the inner nose. —*Stoppage of the nose. Windpipe.-A good deal of mucus in the windpipe, obliging one to hawk all the time. —*Occasional violent paroxysms of cough.-Cough is excited by a deep inspiration.-Hoarse hacking cough, a few turns, in the evening. — ~Dry spasmodic cough, with dyspncea, anxiety, pale face and moaning after the cough.-~Whooping-cough, also after measles.-Cough with sudden starting up and loss of consciousness. Chest and Respiration. —Tightness of the chest and anxious oppression of breathing, as if the sternum were pressing against the chest —-short, frequently interrupted or panting breathing.-Crampy digging in the chest, as though it would fly to pieces.-Jerking and boring stitching in the chest. Trunk.-Pain as if bruised and lamed in the small of the back. —Drawing or jerking tearing in the back. Upper Extremities.-Laming, drawing and tearing in the arms.-Cramrpy tearing in the arms and hands.-Contraction and twitching of the hand and fingers. Lower Extremities.-Laming, or crampy tearing and drawing in the lower limbs.-Spasmodic stretching of the lower limbs. 44.-CLEMATIS. General Symptoms, —Muscular twitchings here and there. -Relaxed condition of the muscles.- Emaciation.Weariness of all the limbs, especially after a meal, with CLEMATIS. 141 throbbing in all the arteries.- Vibrations in the whole body, after lying down.-Articular rheumatism, also after gonorrhoea. Skin, —~Chronic rash. —Vesicular eruption on the body. — ~Scaly (herpatic) eruptions, with yellowish, corrosive ichor. -o Chronic, red, humid herpes, with intolerable itching in a warm bed.-Burning, or tingling or throbbing in the ulcers, with stinging in the edges when touched. —Scirrhous indurations. —Scabies.-O During increasing moon the tetters are red and humid, during decreasing moon they are pale and dry. — ~tching-humid eruption with corrosive ichor, with heat, swelling and redness of the skin. —Cancerous ulcers? Sleep.-Very drowsy in the day-time, even early in the day, after rising.-Sleepless in the evening and at night.Restless at night, with dreams and tossing about. —Feels as if he had not slept enough early in the morning. Fever. —~Quartan fever, a shuddering followed by sweat. -Sweat when waking, cannot bear being uncovered. Emotive Sphere,-Sad, apprehensive.-Peevish.-Taciturn.- Indifferent. Head. —Gloomy and heavy head, early in the morning.Tension, with pressure in the forehead and side of the head, as if in the bone.-Digging pressure in the brain.-Boring in the temples.-Beating, and shocks in the head. Integuments of the Head. —Pustules on the forehead, painful when touched.-Burning cutting in the skin on the forehead.-~Eruptions on the hairy scalp. —OHumid vesicles on the occiput and nape of the neck. Eyes.-Pressure in the eye-balls —Smarting in the eyes and margins of the lids, especially when closing them.Stitches in the canthi.-*Ophthalmia, with profuse lacrymation. -o Chronic iritis. -~Inflammation and ulceration of the margins of the lids.-Photophobia. Ears.-Burning of the outer ear.-Ringing in the ears. Nose.-Pustules at the root and tip of the nose, painful when touched. Face, —Pale and sickly complexion.-Burning in the skin of the cheeks. —-~White blisters on the forehead and face, as if burned by the sun. —Burning cutting in the lower lip.Vesicular eruption on the lip.-~ Cancer of the lip?-Pustules on the chin.-Swelling of the submaxillary glands, with hard, tensive, throbbing tubercles, which are painful when touched. Teeth.-Toothache aggravated by smoking.-Nocturnal toothache, so violent in a horizontal position that it drives one to despair, with tossing about, debility, anguish, and intolerance of being uncovered.-Stinging, or drawing, jerking 142 COCCULUS. toothache, extending over the whole side of the head, and incapacitating one from mental labour. Mouth. —Dry tongue, early in the morning.-Boring dull stitches in the root of the tongue.-Expectorates bloody saliva. Gastric Symptoms. -Long-lasting satiety, though one relishes food.-Tobacco causes sickness at the stomach, the lower limbs feeling weak. Abdomen, —Pain, as if bruised in the region of the liver, when touching it, or when stooping.-Cutting contraction in the renal region, when walking.-Pressing in the abdominal ring, from within outward, as if hernia would come on.-*Slwelling and *induration of the inguinal glands, with jerking pain. Stool. —Frequent thin, or diarrhceic stools, without colic. Urine.-Increased urine. -Purulent urine. -Drawing in the spermatic cord, when urinating.-Burning and smarting in the urethra, when commencing to urinate.-Stricture of the uretha, with intermitting discharge of urine, drop by drop. Male Parts.-Drawing in the testicles and cords, extending to the inguinal region and thigh. — The testes are painfully inflamed and *swollen.-O nduration of the testes.Thickening of the right half of the scrotum.-Aversion to sexual intercourse, as if one had abused it. —Burning in the penis, when discharging the semen during an embrace. Catarrhal Symptoms.-Violent fluent coryza, and profuse discharge from the nose. Chest.-Violent, dull, stitching shocks in the side of the chest and abdomen. —Stitching in the chest, worse when drawing breath.-IZnduration of the mammary glands.~Cancer of the breast? Trunk. —~Humid eruption in the nape of the neck, rising up to the occiput.-~Itching pimples, with their tips filled with pus, and soreness after scratching. Upper Extremities.-Swelling of the axillary glands.Pressure, or drawing in the muscles of the arms and hands. -~Arthritic nodosities of the finger-joints. Lower Extremities.-Pustules around the loins.-Tearing in the thighs.-Scaly herpes on the thigh.-Boils on the thigh. 45.-COCCULUS. General Symptoms.-Lancing, drawing, and tearing, by turns, and also continuing, in the extremities, as if in the bones. -Muscular twitchings here and there.-Digging bone-pains in the extremities.-Pains, as, if bruised, also in the in VOCCvULUS. 143 ternal organs. —Empty or hollow feeling, or constriction in inner organs.-Painfulness of the extremities to contact. — Painful stiffness, cracking in the joints. —*Pains which appear on one side only.-~Arthritic complaints, with hot swelling of the parts. -*Cold, hard, glandular swellings, with stinging pains when touched.-Haemorrhages.-O Gastric and bilious conditions. — Sea-sickness. —~Ailments arising from riding in a carriage. —Ailments arising from chagrin, and abuse of chamomile. — Hysteric spasms, and complaints of various kinds, especially with sadness.- Chlorotic afections. —*Spasms and convulsions of the extremities, and whole body, ~also caused by touching painfully sensitive ulcers and wounds, or when attempting to use the parts. —*Epilepsy. — *Paralysis, especially hemiplegia. —*The pains are aggravated by sleeping, talking, eating or drinking, especially by coffee and tobacco. — * Weak and exhausted after the least bodily exertion, motion, or privation of sleep.- Want of animal spirits. -*Fainting fits. — Trembling. -Passing paroxysms of numbness, at times of the feet, at others of the hands. — Cannot bear the cold or warm open air. Skin.-Itching, especially in the evening when undressing, or at night under a feather-bed.-Red miliary pimples, itching in warmth.-Hard blotches with red areolae, and burning pain.-Red spots on the chest and sides of the neck. Sleep. —Continually sleepy, early in the morning.-Sopor vigil. —Sleep disturbed by frightful anguish and restlessness. -Starting during sleep, also with cries, and striking about with the hands during sleep.-Anxious,frightful dreams.Dread of ghosts, at night. Fever. —Chilliness, and feeling of coldness, with trembling. -Intermittent fevers, with chilliness; the skin feeling hot to the hand. —Gastric anI bilious fevers, with nervous symptoms. -Lentescent typhus, or acute typhus, with loss of consciousness. Emotive Sphere. —*Melancholy sadreverie, after an insult. -"'Apprehensive anguish, fear of death.*Tendency to start.Excessive sensitiveness of feeling.-Disposition to feel offended, with vexed mood. Sentient Sphere.-Mania.-Mistaking the time, it passes off too quickly.-Cloudiness of the head, especially after eating or drinking. —Dulness of the head, worse after reading, or thinking. — Vertigo, as if intoxicated, or with inclination to vomit, when raising one's self in bed; one is obliged to lie down again. —*Vertigo, with nausea, and falling down without consciousness.-~Apoplexy, also after loss of blood. fead, —*Ileadache, as if the eyes would be torn out. 144 COCCULUS.:*Headache with inclination to vomit, ~and bruised feeling in the bowels.-*Violent pressure in the forehead. — ~Headache, as if the head were empty and hollow, or *constrictive sensation in the brain.-Beating pain, at times in the vertex, at times in the temples. —Convulsive trembling of the head. Eyes.-Pressure, and bruising pain in the eyes, and difficulty to open the lids at night.-Inflammation of the lids.Glassy, protruded eyes.-Dimness of sight, with black spots before the eyes.-Figures before the eyes. Ears. -Humming in the ears, with hard hearing. —Swelling of the parotid glands. NOSe.-Swelling of the inner nose, also of one side only. Face —* The face isfiery-red, bloated, and hot. —Flushes of heat on the cheeks. —Blue margins around the eyes.Spasmodic distortion of the face.-Crampy feeling in the malar bones and masseter muscles.-Hard swelling of the submaxillary glands. Teeth. —Toothache in hollow teeth, only when eating.Looseness of the teeth, with swelling of the gums. Mouth.-Dry mouth without thirst.- Vessicular froth at the mouth.-Yellow-coated tongue. Throat.-*Dry throat.-The throat is very sensitive; the food seems too salt or smarting.-~cesophagitis'?-Constriction of thefauces, and as if lame. Appetite and Taste.-Taste metallic, brassy. —Sour taste especially after eating, and when coughing. —*Bread tastes sour.-Tobacco tastes bitter.-Desire for some cold drink, especially beer. —Thirst when eating.- -aExcessive aversion to food or drink.-*Aversion to sour things. Gastric Symptoms. -Eructations, with pain in the stomach and pit of the stomach..-Empty, fetid eructations, with inclination to vomit. —-*Fits of nausea. ~as though one would faint. —Inclination to vomit, when eating, or after taking or getting cold, with flow of saliva. — Vomiting and *nausea from riding in a carriage. Stomach.-Fulness of the stomach, with tightness of breathing.-* Violent cardialgia, griping-tearing and crampy, Oalso shortly after eating.-Anxious oppression and pinching in the pit of the stomach, with tightness of breathing. —Cardialgia, after debilitating causes. Abdomen, —Pains in the hypochondria, as if bruised.Aching pain in the region of the liver, aggravated by coughing and bending forward.-r~Stitching in the region of the Jiver. —OHepatitis and diaphragmitis? —Affections of the kidneys?-Colic, as if the bowels were smashed, or as from an internal ulcer, at every motion. —Pressure as from a COCCULUJS. 145 stone, in the umbilical and hypogastric region.-ieeling of emptiness and hollowness in the abdomen. —*Distended abdomen.-Pinching in the epigastrium stopping the breath.Drawing and tearing in the abdomen. —*Abdominal spasms, Oespecially hysterical, when the menses are suppressed or too short.-Nocturnal ~spasmodic *flattalent colic, increased by coughing.-~Ianguinal hernia, also of children. Stool. —Constipation, with ineffectual urging to stool.Hard, dfficult stool. —-*Soft ~yellow stools, with burning at the anus. Urine.-Watery urine with urging. —Urging to urinate, in pregnant females. Male Parts,-Itching of the scrotum.-Drawing and bruising pain of the testicles, when touching them.-Sensitive, excited sexual organs, with desire for an embrace. Female Parts, —*Premature menses, with abdominal spasms.-~Suppressed menses, with flatulent colic, lameness, spasms of the chest, convulsions and nausea unto fainting.Metrorrhagia.-ODischarge of bloody mucus fromn the uterus, during pregnancy.-*Leucorrhoea, Oresembling serum, with a purulent ichorous fluid. —Scanty menses, with leucorrhcea between the periods. —Painful menses with hbmorrhoidal complaints.-0Uterine spasms, with irregular menses. Catarrhal Symptoms, —Coryza, with ulcerated nostrils. Windpipe.-Racking cough, with oppression of the chest setting in at the same time as the cough.-Cough every fourth night, at twelve or two o'clock, with tightness of the larynx, causing one to cough. Chest and Respiration.-Stoppiaqe of breath in the throat-pit as from constriction of the throat.-O~Moaning during the spasms of the chest.-*Pressure on the-chest as from a stone. —Spasms of the chest, also hysterical.-Tensive constriction of the chest, also on one side, with stoppage of breath.-Rumbling and empty feeling in the chest. —The chest gets tired when reading loud. —Rushes of blood to the chest, with anxiety.-*Palpitation of the heart, ~also with nervousness. Trunk.-Laming drawing in the small of the back.Drawing and tearing "in the back, especially when talking, walking or stooping.-Stitching between the scapulae and in the small of the back.-Cracking of the cervical vertebrma during motion.-Weakness of the cervical muscles, they are unable to support the neck. Upper Extremities. -Stitches in the shoulder-join and upper arm during rest. —Stitching tearing through the arm, starting from an ulcerated finger.-Convulsions of the arms, 146 COPFEA CRU)A. with clenching of the thumbs. —Paralysis of the arm. —Jactitation of the muscles of the upper arms.-Bruising pain in the humeri, during motion. —~Arthritic hot swelling of the hands.-One or the other hand goes to sleep, with alternate heat and coldness.-Numbness of the hands. —Crampy contraction and twitching of the fingers. Lower Extremities.-Paralysis of the lower limbs, emanating from the small of the back.-Drawing tearing in the knees, feet and toes.-Bruising pain of the thighs, during motion. —Cracking of the knee during motion.-Inflammatory swelling of the knee, with fleeting stitching pains.Burning of the feet.-Hot, itching or evening-swelling of the feet. —The feet go to sleep.-Cold, sweaty feet. 46.-COFFEA CRUDA. General Symptoms, —*Excessive painfulness of the afikcted parts. —The muscles are moved quite readily, and all the bodily functions are carried on with great ease.-*Excessive irritability of the body and mind, ~also of lying-in women.0Ailments and pains after taking cold, especially with whining mood.-Aversion to the open air, with weary and languid feeling and aggravation of the pains during a walk in the open air. — Convulsions with grating of the teeth, with cold extremities.-~Sanguineous and nervous apoplexy. —Ailments arising fr-om excessive joy and other emotions, also during the action of other medicines. —~1l effects from getting tipsy on wine. Skin. —Nervous irritability during purple-rash, measles, &e. Sleep.-*Sleepless and wakeful.-Disposed to lie down and to close one's eyes, without being able to fall asleep. Fever. —A good-deal of chilliness, with feverish increase of temperature of the body. —~Violent attack of shuddering, colic, restlessness and jactitation of the extremities, during an attack of fever and ague. Emotive Sphere.-0 Whining mood, with cries, tossing about, as if beside one's sef, during the paroxysms of pain. -Crying of infants — Anguish about the heart, with anguish of conscience.-Excessively lively and loquacious. Sentient Sphere.-Lively, excited fancy and acuteness of the thinking powers. Head.-Headache as if the brain would be torn or smashed. —Hemicrania as friom a nail in the parietal bone.-Ileaviness of the head.-Rush of blood to the head, especially when talking. —~Hcadache after the measles. COLCICUM AUTUMNALE. 147 Ears.-Extremely sensitive hearing; music has a shrill sound. Nose.-Nose-bleed, with heaviness of the head. Teeth. — Toothache with restlessness, anguish and whining mood, especially at night and after a meal. —Jerking in the teeth, also with tearing. Throat.-~Sore throat with acute pain and swelling of the velum palati. Gastric Symptoms.-Taste in the mouth as of hazel-nuts or sweet almonds.-One relishes tobacco more than ordinarily.-Excessive feeling of hunger. —~Vomiting, during small-pox. —0Vomiting of bile. Stomach.- Cardialgia, the pain being violently-aching and stitching.-Anguish and oppression in the pit of the stomach, with pressing; the clothes oppress the parts. Abdomen, —oColic with acute sensitiveness driving one to despair, especially in females. Stool. —Frequent soft stools.-ODiarrhefla, also during dentition. Urine.-Copious urination, especially about midnight, with relaxation of the sexual organs. Male Parts.-Inclined to enjoy an embrace, with strong sexual excitement. Female Parts. —Excessive excitement of the parts, with voluptuous itching, profuse secretion of mucus and frequent discharge of blood.- Metrorrhagia?-OExccessive labour-pains and too long, and too violent after-pains. Windpipe.-*Short, hacking, dry cough, ~also after measles, or with violent irritation in the larynx and anxious tossing about. —Suffocative catarrh. Upper Extremities.-Trembling of the hands, when holding a thing. —Crampy contraction of the fingers. Lower Extremities. —Crampy feeling in the calves when drawing up the leg.-Crampy feeling in the soles when bending the foot forward.-Trembling of the feet. 47.-COLCHICUlM AUTUMINALE. General Symptoms. —*Rheumatic and arthritic tearing in the extremities and other parts.-Stitching, jerking drawing in the muscles and the periosteum.-Stitching in the joints. —Lameness of the muscles.-Pains which are accomnpa. nied by lameness or paralysis.-Dropsical conditions.-Epidemic dysentery with a number of gastric complaints. —The pains are very much increased by mental exertions, contact, bright light, smell of pork and the bad manners of others. 148 COLCHICUM AUTUMNALE. The pains are worst from evening till dawn of day.-General languor, the body being so sensitive to pain that one is unable to stir without moaning.-Nightly labour tires one and wears one out. —Tearing in the limbs when the weather is warm, stitching in the limbs when the weather is cold. Skin. —Itching as from nettles.-Tingling here and there, as if frozen. —~(Edematous swelling and anasarca. Sleep.-Drowsy in the day-time, with dread of work.~Sleepless nervous excitement.-Frequent waking as if in affiright. —*Nocturnal heat of the body. Emotive Sphere.-Desponding. —Peevish and dissatisfied.-Nervousness. Sentient Sphere.-Weak memory.-Forgetfal. Head.-Pressure in the occiput, when exerting the mind. -Crampy headache, especially above the eyes.-Semilateral tearing in the head. —Tingling in theforehead or on the head. Eyes.-Pain in the eyes, like a digging drawing deep in the orbits. —-Swelling of the lower lids. —Stppuration of the Meibomian glands.-Visible drawing in the lower lid. Ears.-Otalgia, with tearing stitching.-Tingling in the ears as if frozen.-Feeling as if the ears were stopped.ODischarge from the ears. Nose. —Pressure and heaviness in the nasal bones.-Sore pain of the septum, increased by contact.-Excessive sensitiveness of smell. Face.-Features disfigured.-Piteous, siffering looks.Sensation as if the facial bones were driven asunder.-The masseter-muscles feel as if expanded in breadth, with difficulty of opening the mouth.-Jerking drawing in the muscles and bones of the face.-O(Edema of the face.-Itching and eruption in the face.-Semilateral tearing in the face, as far as the ear and head.-Tingling in the skin of the face, as if frozen.-Cracked lips.-Tearing in the lower lip.- Crampy pain in the articulation of the jaw. Teeth.-Tearing toothache.-The teeth are sensitive when pressing them against each other.-Tearing in the gums. Mouth. —Heat in the mouth.-Tearing in the fauces.Profuse flow of watery salira, with dry throat.-The tongue feels heavy, stif and insensible. Throat.-Sore throat as from a swelling at the entrance of the cesophagus.-Tingling in the fauces.-Constriction of the fauces.-Inflammation of thefauces and throat.-A gooddeal of green mucus in the throat and mouth. Taste and Appetite.-The appetite disappears when merely looking at food, with loathing.-Food is tasteless. - A good deal of thirst, especially fbr coffee. COLCIIICUM AUTUMNALE. 149 Gastric Symptoms. —Frequent rising of air.-Continual hiccough.-Vomiting after violent straining. - Fainting sort of nausea caused by the smell of fresh eggs or fat meat.Nausea when eating.-Inclination to vomit after swallowing saliva.- Vomiting of the ingesta or of bile. Stomach.-The stomach is very sensitive to contact. —Sore feeling and tingling in the stomach. —Feeling of coldness or burning in the stomach. —Stitches in the stomach. Abdomen.-Distention and fulness of the abdomen.Pressing in the epigastrium from within outwards.-Colicky tearing in the abd6men.-Sore pain in the left side of the abdomen when touching it.-Flatulent colic of hysteric females. —Ascites.-Affections of the kidneys.-Burning and pressing in the hypogastrium, in the region of the bladder and the inner sexual organs. Stool.-Constipation. —Difficult, insufficient, indolent stool, with urging. —Unperceived discharge of faeces.-ODysenteric *diarrhwea consisting of white, transparent, jelly-like mucus. -Discharge of mucus from the rectum.-Bloody stools mixed with fragments of the mucous coat of the bowels.Prolapsus of the anus.-Tingling, itching, burning and tearing in the anus.-Spasm in the sphincter ani. Urine.-Violent urging to urinate, with increased dis, charge of clear urine. —Diminished secretion qf dark urine, with tenesmus and burning.-Painful emission of a little fiery urine. —Whitish sediment. —Brown, black urine. —Burning in the urinary passages.-Drawing, tearing and cutting in the urethra. —Constant urging to urinate, with scanty emission. Sexual Parts.-Tearing in the spermatic cords.-Menses premature. Catarrhal Symptoms.-Chronic catarrh, with hawking up of a quantity of nasal mucus. Windpipe.-Tingling in the trachea.-Tickling in the larynx, with desire to cough, the cough being a dry, hacking cough. —~Nocturnal cough, with involuntary jerking out of the urine. Chest and Respiration.-Oppression of the chest, with difficully of breathing.-Periodical, oppressive tightness of the chest. —~Spasms of the chest.-Stitching in the chest, also when drawing breath.-Dull-stitching tearing in the chest. -Sore pain in the chest, when touching or moving it. —~Hydrothorax.-Tingling in the chest.- Violent palpitation of the heart. Trunk.-Pain in the small of the back when touching it, as if sore.-Tearing in the back.-Stitching tension between the scapulao. 150 COLOCYNTtl,8. Upper Extremities.-Tearing in the arms, hands and Jilngers.-Laming pain in the arms.-Triembling of the hands. -Contraction of the fingers.-Tingling in the fingers, as if frozen.-Numbness in the tips of the fingers. Lower Extremities.- Tearing in the legs, feet and toes. -Laming drawing in the thighs.-Hot swelling of the legs, with tearing in the parts when moving them.-Tingling in the toes, as if frozen. 48. COLOCYNTHIS. General Symptoms. —Painful crampy feeling and spasmodic contraction of internal and external parts. —Contraction of tendons, in some parts only and in the whole body, with contraction of all the extremities.-Stiffihness in all the joints.- Lancinations striking through the whole body lengthwise. —A variety of ailments arising from suppressed anger or mortification on account of insulting treatment.Languor during a walk in the open air.-Fainting, with coldness of the outer parts. Skin. —Troublesome itching, with great restlessness, especially in the evening in bed, followed by sweat. —The skin all over scales off.-Itch-like eruptions. Sleep.-Restless sleep.-Lies on his back during sleep, with one hand under his occiput. —A number of vivid, sometimes lascivious dreams. —Sopor with delirium, and the eyes opened. —Sleeplessness after chagrin. Fever. —Coldness and chilliness, with pale face, without thirst.-Night-sweat smelling like urine, on the head, hands, thighs and feet — Puerperal fever. Emotive Sphere. —Lowness of spirits, and a peevish indisposition to talk.-Whining mood. —*Anguish and restlessness. —~Want of religious sentiment. Sentient Sphere.-Vertigo as if one would fall, when rapidly turning the head, with tottering of the knees. —Delirium with open eyes and desire to escape. Hlead —Headache as if caused by a draught of air, disappearing during -a walk in the open air.-Pressing in the forepart of the head, worse when stooping and lying on one's back. —*Semilateral aching crampy or ~drawing hemicrania, with nausea and vomiting, sometimes every afternoon at five o'clock.-Digging-tearing headache.-~Rush of blood to the head. —Violent headache not allowing one to lie quiet, and obliging one to scream and moan. —~Headache, succeeded by suffocative attacks. Integuments of the Head. —Burning pain in the skin on COLOCYNTHIS. 151 the forehead and hairy scalp.-Painfiulness of the roots of the hair. Eyes.-0Opthalmia, also of arthritic persons. —*Burning cutting in the eyes.-Discharge of an acrid humour from the eyes. —*Stitches in the eyes, and in the forehead from without inwards. Face. —Face pale and relaxed, with sunken eyes. —*Tearing tensive prosopa]gia. —*Scald in the face. —Burning and stinging in one side of the face. —Swelling of the face, with redness and heat of one cheek, with violent pains. Teeth.-Toothache, as if the nerve were pulled and put upon the stretch. —Throbbing toothache on the left side. Mouth and Throat.-Rough tongue.-Spasm in the fauces with empty eructationsand palpitations of the heart. Gastric Symptoms.-Diminished appetite, without thirst, but desire to drink, followed by flat taste in the mouth.Constant nausea. -*Vomiting and diarrhoea after eating ever so little. —*Vomiting of the ingesta. -~Greenish vomiting.*Cardi;tlgia, also after eating. —The pit of the stomach is painful when touched. Abdomen.-*Distention of the abdomen. — Tympanitis. — *Crampy pain and constriction in the bowels.-* Violent, excessive colic, cutting griping, or contractive, obliging one to bend double, with restlessness in the whole body, and shuddering in the face, emanating from the abdomen. —~ Colicky cramp-pain in the abdomen, after chagrin.-Pinching and tearing-griping in the abdomen, less after considerable exercise. —*Cutting in the abdomen, ~as with knives. with chilliness and tearing down the lower limbs. — *The inner abdomen feels very sensitive, bruised, and empty. —Rumbling in the abdomen. —* The colic abates by using coffee and tobacco.*Colic after eating potatoes, with sudden discharge of stool. Stool.-Constipationl.-Greenish-yellow, frothy diarrhceic stools, having a sourish-foul or mouldy smell. —Mucous diarrhoea.-Bloody stools.-*Dysenteric diarrhoea, with colic. — Paralysis of the anus.-Contraction of the rectum during stool. —Painfully-swollen varices at the rectum or anus.fHemorrhage fiom the anus. Urine.-Ineffectual urging to urinate. —Diminished secretion of urine. —Copious, light-coloured urine, during the pains. — Fetid urine, which soon becomes thick, like jelly, and sticky. Male Parts. —Pressure towards the parts emanating from both sides of the abdomen, obliging one to have an embrace. -Priapism. — Complete impotence.-Retraction of the prepuce behind the glans. l 152 CONIUM 4MACULATUtI. Female Parts. —~Suppression of the lochia and puerperat fyver after chagrin. Windpipe. -~Laryngeal phthisis?-Dry hacking cough, caused by an irritation in the larynx, also when smoking -tobacco. Chest and Respiration.-Attacks of nocturnal asthma.Oppression of the chest as if pressed together. —~Painful nodosities in the mammae. Trunk.-Pulling pain in the back, as if the nerves were put upon the stretch. —Tension about the neck and in the scapule.-Abscess of the axillary glands. Upper Extremities.-~Bruising pain in the shoulder-joint, after chagrin.-Aching-drawing bone-pain in the arms.Crampy pain in the hands, with difficulty of opening the fingers.-Drawing in the tendons of the thumbs. Lower Extremities. —Acute and chronic coxagra, especially when characterized by a hard crampy-drawigg pain in the region of the hip-joint, and the adjoining parts, with pains striking from the renal region down the thighs. —Tensive stitching in the region of the loins and hip-joint, mostly when lying on the back. —Pain when walking, as if the psoas-muscle were too short.- Voluntary limping. —Stiffness of the knees, not allowing one to -squat down.-Crampy feeling in the -legs.-Stitches in the legs, especially during rest. —Weight and trembling of the legs. —Tearing in the sole, during rest. 49. CONIUbM MACULATUMI. General Symptoms, —Crampy feeling and spasmodic pains in various parts. —*During rest the joints and limbs feel as if lamed and bruised. —irVocturnal pains and ailments, disturbing one's sleep.-The pains come oin during rest, and become worse by motion. —Liability to straining in consequence of lifting. —Ailments arising from a shock, contusion, &c. —Hysteric and hypochondriac complaints, especially in abstemious, unmarried persons, or arising from sexual abuses. -OHysteric spasms. —Scrofulous affections. — Swelling and induration of glands, with tingling, stinging pains; ~also after bruises or contusions. — Chlorosis.-*Fainting fits.-*Apoplexy, with paralysis; ~also of old people. —Ailments inci. dental to old age. —Various ailments of women, especially pregnant women. —General languor, with desire to laugh.*Sick and languid feeling, early, in bed. —Languor, especially of the lower limbs. — Weak and nervous, also after abuse of nitric acid. —Sudden prostration when walking.-Liability to taking cold.-*Ailments and exhaustion arising fiom a walk in the open air. CONIUMM MACULATU.M. 153 Skin.-Stinging and stinging *itching in the skin.-Painful inflammation of the skin of the body. —lNettlerash after violent exercise. —Itch-like pimples, forming scurfs. —-Brown spots on the body, or red itching spots coming and going. — 0inveterate, humid, or crusty, burning herpes.-Blackish ulcers, with bloody, fetid ichor and tingling tension —Caries. -Panaritia.-~Cancerous ulcers? —Schirrhous indurations. Sleep. -*Drowsy in the cday-time, -even early in the morning. s-*Drozwsy in the evening, with closing of the lids.*Falls asleep late.-*Unrefreshing sleep, ~with wandering of the fancy, *weeping, anwl many anxious dreams, and dreams full of tear.-Wakes half, after midnight, with great anguish.-Nightmare.-Twitchings during sleep. Fever.-Chilliness, coldness and shuddering.-Internal, dry heat.-Acute and lentescent fevers. —* Catarrhalfevers, with sore throat and cough.-Irregular pulse. —N ight-sweat, even when first falling asleep. Emotive Sphere.-*Hysteric anxiety with sad and weeping mood.-Dread of men, nevertheless one dislikes to be alone.-Full of fear (of thieves). —*Tendency to start.*Out of spirits, melancholy.-~*Iypochondriac indifference.ODiscouraged. —*Not disposed to work. —*Vexed and irritable. Sentient Sphere.-Confused thoughts, with mania.-In. ability to collect one's-self, as if half asleep. -Difficulty of comprehending. — WTeakness of memory and of the thinking faculties, ~forgetful.-The least quantity of spirits makes himr tipsy.-* Vertigo -as though one were turning in a circle, when raising one's-self, or ~as if one would fall to one side, when looking about. Head. — Hemicrania, with nausea and vomiting of mucus. -Painful dulness of the head, especially during a walk in the open air.-The brain is very sensitive, even from a little talk or noise. —Daily headache, on account of scanty stools. -Semilateral headache, as if bruised.-Sensation as of a( large foreign body in the head. —-*Weight and fulness of the head, -especially early in the morning on waking.-Drawing in the head, with sensation as if the brain had gn,,e to sleep. — *Paroxysms of tearing headache, obliging one to lie down. -~Chronic *s!itching pain in the bhead, (0sinciput), -or in the forehead, striking from within outwards. —Digging and griping in the forehead, as if proceeding from the stomach. — tIvdrocephalus. Integuments of the Head.-The hair falls of. —Itching on the head.-Painful blotches on the forehead. Eyes.-Pressure when reading. —~0tchinrg below the eyes, with smarting, burning when rubbing them. —Itching. sting. 154 CONIUM MACULATtLM. ing or smarting in the inner canthi. —~Feeling of coldness in the eyes, when walking in the open air.-Burning in the eyes, with pressure in the orbits, in the evening. —Inflammation and redness of the whites. —*Stye on the lids. —~Specks on the cornea?-Yellowness of the whites.-The eyes look faint.-Protruded eyes.-Tremulous look. -Obscuration of vision. — Weak eyes. —Passing blindness in the heat of the sun.- ~Cataract, especially after a blow.-*Near —si ghted. OFar-sighted.-Diplopia.-While reading the lines seem to move. — Dark points and coloured lines before the eyes, in a room. —Sees red colours. — The eyes are dazzled by the light of day. —Photophobia of scrofulous persons. Ears, —*Stinging in the ears, ~also when walking in the openl air. —Drawing stitches in the ears from within outwards. — Tearing and stitching in the ears and all around.~Accumulation of cerumen, looking like decayed paper, mixed with purulent mucus.-Blood-red cerumen. —*Humming, ringing and roaring in the ears.-Painful sensitiveness of the hearing.-~Diminution of hearing, ceasing after removing the cerumen, and commencing again as soon as the cerumen recommences to accumulate.-~Indurated swelling of the parotid gland. Nose,-"Inflammation.of the inner nose, also after abuse of mercury. —"Purulent discharge from the nose.-Heemorrhage from the nose.-*Increased sense of smell. Face. —*Hot face. —Pale, bluish complexion, also with swelling of the face.-Smarting of the skin of the face as if sore, after washing and drying.-Nocturnal *tearing-stitching prosopalgia. —Flashing tearings in the right forehead, every few minutes. —*Itching, itching eruption, herpes and phagedenic ulcers in the face.-Blotches on the forehead. —~Lips dry and scaly.-Blisters and ulcers on the lips. —~Cancer of the lips. Teeth * —* Toothache, mostly drawing -from walking in the open air, or in hollow teeth from eating any thing cold.~Stitchilg -jerking, gnawing and boring in the teeth. —Swollen, ecchymosed, bleeding gums. Mouth.-Swelling of the tongue.-Difficulty of speech.Painful stiffness of the tongue.-Ptyalism. Throat.-Sore throat as if a body were rising up from the pit of the stomach.-Impeded deglutition. — IOlnvoluntary swallowing. —Walking in the wind obliges one to swallow a good many times.-Spasms in the fauces.-Scraping in the throat.-Hawking.-Angina faucium with fever. Appetite and Taste,-Bitterness in the mouth and throat. -~Does not relish bread. —Canine hunger. - Desire for CO{NIUM MACULATU.M. 15l coffee and sour things.-Sudden feeling of satiety arid distention in the stomach and abdomen, after eating milk and during a meal. Gastric Symptoms,-*Frequent loud, empty eructations the whole day.-*Suppressed eructations ~with feeling of fulness in the throat-pit.-**Eructations tasting of the ingesta. — *Heartburn rising up into the throat, also after eating.*Sour gulping-up after eating. —*Acid stomach.-Inclination to vomit, with complete loss of appetite.-Nausea after every meal. —0ausea of pregnant women. Stomach. —Pressure at the stomach when eating. —Bloating of the stomach.-*Contractive cardialgia.-Sore pain in the stomach.- Cancer of the stomach? Abdomen,-Pain in the hypochondria, as if constricted by a band.-Pressure, drawing, tearing and stitching in the region of the liver,-*Stitches in the left hypochondrium, in the region of the spleen.-Fulness of the abdomen, early in the morning, on waking. —Swelling of the mesenteric glands."Oppressive contraction of the lower abdomen. —~Colicky abdominal spasms.-'Cutting-stitching colic. —*Digging and twisting in the umbilical region.- ~Sorefeeling in the abdomen, when walking on stone pavement. —Rumbling in the abdomen.-*Emission of cold flatulence (with colic). —lIncarcerated flatulence. Stool and Anus, —* Constipation, with ineffectual urging.*Hard stool, only once every other day.-Diarrhoeic, undigested stool, with colic and a good deal of eructations.-Debilitating diarrhoea.-Stitches in the anus. —Heat and burning in the rectum, during and between the passages. —*Discharge of blood at stool. Urine,-*Pressure on the bladder, ~as if the urine would come off i mmediately.-Frequent, also involuntary urination at night.-Enuresis with acute pains. —~Thick urine, turbid and white-looking. —Tenacious mucus in the urine, which passes off with great pain.-Purulent discharge from the urethra.-Bloody urine. —While urinating, the urine stops suddenly for a time, and then flows again. —* Cutting in the urethra whent urinating.-Burning in the urethra after urinating. —~Watery urine, with frequent urging. Male Parts, —~Swelling of the testicles after contusions.Lascivious.-~lmpotence, with deficient erections.-OFeeble embrace.-~Insufficient erections.-The semen passes off too easily, with feeble erections.-~Languor after an embrace.%Excessive emissions. Female Parts. — Uterine spasms, with pinching and griping pains. or with digging above the purlendum. distention 1 t; Ei(;ONIUM MACULA'IUM. of' the abdomen, and stitches striking into the left side of the chest.-*Itching of the pudendum and inside. —Stitching in the vagina and pressing downwards.-*Stitches in the labia. *MTenses too early ~and too scanty.-*Suppressed menses.ODuring the menses, pressing downwards and drawing in the upper abdomen, or painful abdominal spasms —Sterility, especially when the menses are suppressed.-*Smarting, burning, acrid, excoriating leucorrhcea, preceded by pinching in the abdoimen. Catarrhal Symptomns.-*Excessive sneezing. —Troublcsome feeling of dryness in the nose. — Chronic stoppage of both nostrils.-~Stoppage of the nose in the morning. Windpipe. —~Affections of the windpipe?-Dry spot in the larynx, with tingling and desire to cough. —Cough of pregnant females and scrofulous patients. —Dry tickling -cough, with oppression of the chest. —-~Suffocative cough with flushes of redness in the face. —~Dry spasmodic cough.*Whooping-cough, -with bloody expectoration, or in *nocturnal paroxysms, ~also after measles.-Loose cough, without expectoration.-Yellow, purulent, foul-tasting expectora*tion when coughing. —~Cough with bloody expectoration.The cough gets worse in a recumbent posture. —Coughing is attended with headache or bellyache, or stitches in the left side which are rendered worse by contact. Chest and Respiration.-~Shortness of breath when walk-ing. —Tight breathing, ~early in the morning, on waking.*Oppressed breathing, ~with pain in the chest, in the evening, in bed.-Suffocative fits as though something would close up -the upper throat.-*Stitches in the chest, -in the side or Oin the sternum. —~Jerks in the chest.-Typhoid pneumonia.Palpitation of the heart, after drinking.-Frequent shocks about the heart.-Caries of the sternum.-Inflammation of the mammse. —Induration of the mammace a/er a shock or bruise, with stinging pain. —Dwindling down of the mamma. -Cancer of the mammre. Trunk.-Pain in the small of the back, when bending backwards.-~Pressure and pressing together above the hips. -Aching-drawing, crampy feeling in the back. —oTension in the nape of the neck. —Sore pain of the lowermost cervical vertebrae.-Enlargement of the neck. Upper Extremities.-The shoulders are painfil as if made sore by pressure. —Hurnid, crusty, burning herpes on the forearmr.-Deadness of the hands, especially the palms.~Sweaty palms.-Numb fingers. —Itching of the backs of the.fingers. —Yellow spots on the fingers and yellow nails.Panaritia. C()PAIVA BALSAMUM. -CROCUS SATIV US. 157 Lower Extremities.-~Drawing pain in the hips.-~Tensive-tearing arthritic pain about the knee, worse when setting the foot down, or when commencing to move about after sitting, as though the tendons were too short (during suppression of the menses).-Weary knees.-Painful swelling of the legs and feet.-~Painful reddish spots on the calves, which afterwards change to green or yellow, as after bruises, and impede the motion of the foot which is crooked as though the tendons were contracted.-Crampy feeling in the calves. — ~Cold feet, liable to taking cold.-The feet are numb and insensible.-Purulent blisters on the feet.-~Gout. 50.-COPAIV]E BALSAMUM. General Symptoms.-Gastric complaints. —oHtemorrhages. =-~cHmoptysis. —Palpitation of the heart.-Inflammatory affections. Skin.-* Urticaria. Fever. —Fever every forenoon, chilliness and coldness; in the afternoon heat all over, with desire for water.-During the chilliness the dorsa of the feet are painful during motion. Abdomen.I-lnclination to vomit.-Colicky tearing in the abdomen, preceded by drawing in the femora.-Burning in the abdomen. —Rumbling and fermentation, in the bowels. Stool.- White diarrhoeic stools, mostly early in the morning, with chilliness, and drawing-tearing colic obliging one to bend double.-Involuntarv stools. Urine.- Constant ineffectual urging to urinate.-The urine is emitted drop by drop.-Itching, smarting and burning in the urethra, before and after micturition. —Sore pain in the orifice of the urethra.-Inf ammation, swelling and dilatation of the oriflce qf the urethra, with throbbing pains in the whole penis.-* Yellow, purulent g6norrhcea. Female Parts.-Metrorrhagia. 51.-CROCUS SATIVUS. General Symptoms. —*Bounding sensation here and there as from something alive. —0 Chorea.-The joints feel loose and crack.-Some limbs go to sleep, at night, during sleep. —The pains are less in the open air, many pains come on at night, and the pains are worse early in the morning.-Rushes of blood, also through the whole body.-*Hcemorrhage from various organs, the blood being tenacious, black.-The limbs 158 CROCUS SATIVUS. feel heavy and lame, after slight exercise.-Striking alternattion of the most opposite bodily and mental ailments. —~Is especially suitable to females.-General excessive debility, with fainting turns during motion.-Languor, early in the morning.-Trembling of all the limbs. Skin.-Scarlet-redness of the whole body.-~ Chilblains?Ulceration of former injuries. Sleep. — Very drowsy in the day-time, especially after eating, also in the evening.-~Sopor, with faint, glassy eyes.Singing, crying and starting during sleep.-Frightful, or else pleasant, merry dreams. Fever.-Fever with chilliness previous to the heat. Emotive Sphere. —Disposed to feel sad, sometimes alternating with great cheerfulness.-Disposed to laugh, sing, sometimes attended with great prostration. —Merry jesticulating mania, with pale face, headache, obscuration of sight.Diminished volition.-Vehement, angry, sometimes being sorry for it immediately after.-Alternate harshness and kindness of disposition.-'Religious melancholy. Sentient Sphere.-Forgetful and absent minded.-Vivid memory. —Dulness of the head as if tipsy, with dulness of sight.- Vertigo as if one would faint. —Reeling after rising from a recumbent posture, lead. —Headache above the eyes, with burning and pressure in the eyes, especially in the evening, at candle-light.-Heaviness of the head, early in the morning, with pressure on the vertex.-Drawing pain in the forehead, with nausea. —Semilateral throbbing in the head and face. —Shocks in the forehead and temples. —When stirring about the brain feels loose. Eyes. —Itching of the lids.-Tingling in the eyebrows.Pressure, sore pain and burning in the eyes and lids, especially when closing them and when reading.-The eyes feel swollen, as if from crying. —Dryness of the eyes.-Lachrymation when reading. —ONightly agglutination. - Visible twitching of the lids.-The lids are heavy and are closed as by a spasm. —N9Yocturnal spasm of the lids.-Constant winking.-Dilatation of the pupils.-Constantly disposed to wipe one's eyes. —Dimness of sight as from a gauze, especially in the evening, when reading at candle-light.-When reading the paper reflects a pale-red light.-Flashes before the eyes. Ears,-Otalgia, a crampy feeling.-Ringing in the ears, in the evening, after lying down.-Humming in the ears, with hardness of hearing, mostly when stooping. Nose.- *Discharg e of a tenacious black blood from the nose, frequently from one nostril only, unto fainting. Face.-OLivid complex;io.-Alternate rodness and pale CRoCUS SATIVUS. 159 ness of the face. —Glowing heat in the face, especially early in the morning. —Cracked lips. Mouth.-Scraping sensation in the mouth. —Flow of water in the miouth.-White-coated, moist tongue, with erect papillke. Throat. —Sore throat as if the uvula were elongated, or as if a plug had lodged in the throat, during and between the acts of deglutition.-Scraping in the throat. Appetite and Taste. —Taste repulsive sourish-sweetish. — Sweet or bitter taste in the back part of the throat.-Thirst in the evening all the time, with qualmishness in the abdomen, after drinking.-Loss of appetite, with satiety after eating but little. Gastric Symptoms.-Rising of air, early in the morning, before breakfast.-Heartburn after eating food that one relishes. Stomach. —Languid feeling in the pit of the stomach, with qualmishness.-Bounding in the pit of the stomach as of something alive. —Burning in the stomach.-Rumbling and fermenting in the pit of the stomach. Abdomen. - Abdomen full and distended.-Colicky pains.Pinching in the abdomen, after drinking water.-Catarrhal colic.-Bounding in the abdomen as of something alive. — Shocks below the right hypochondrium.-Feeling of weight in the pelvic region. Anus.-Itching and creeping at the anus.-Dull stitches by and above the allus. Female Parts.-The blood presses towards the sexual organs. as if the menses would come on. —Profuse and too frequent menses.-OPainful menstruation. -Profuse lochia.*Metrorrhagia, the blood being black and tenacious.-Sterility. —Discharge of blood at new and full moon. Catarrhal Symptoms. — Frequent, violent sneezing.Husky, rough voice, owing to a quantity of mucus. Windpipe. — Violent, dry, racking cough, abating by laying one's hand on the pit of the stomach. Chest and Respiration.-Difficulty of breathing.-Disposition to take a long breath, owing to a feeling of weight in the region of the heart. —Sensation, when inhaling air, as if the throat were filled with the vapours of sulphur.-Unpleasantly smelling breath.-Stitching in the chest, especially the sides.-Bounding in the chest as of something alive.Shocks in the chest which arrest the breathing.-Rising of warmth to the heart, with anxiety and oppression of breath, less after yawning. Trunk.-Drawing in the small of the back, with pain in 160 CROTALUS. the pelvic region.-Feeling of stiffness in the neck, during motion.-External swelling of the neck. Upper Extremities. —Pain in the shoulder-joint, when moving the upper arm, as though the arm were loose and would become dislocated.-The arms and hands go to sleep, with immobility of the same, especially at night, during sleep.-Digging-drawing in the forearms, from above downwards.-The forearms feel heavy and as if lamed and bruised, after moving them but slightly. —Burning tingling and tension in the tips of the fingers, as if the circulation had stopped, after a walk in the open air. — Chilblains on the hands and fingers. Lower Extremities.-Weak feeling of the thighs, when sitting. —Nocturnal tearing in the leg, with uneasiness in the same.-The calves feel as if bruised. -Weariness in the soles, with tension and tingling in the same.-~ Chilblains on the toes. 52.-CROTALUS. General Symptoms.-The symptoms on the right side are decidedly more numerous.-The bones of the extremities seem to be principally affected. —Seems to affect fat persons rather than lean. —Ailments incidental to spring. —All the extremities are painful, so that one is scarcely able to rest upon them.- Inveterate rheumatism. —*Paralysis. - Languor, fainting fits, apparently death.-Trembling over the whole body.-Spasms and convulsions of the extremities. — Hcemorrhage from every orifice of the body.-The wound bleeds readily. —~ Chlorosis? Skin.-Ecchymosis.-Black, red and marbled spots.-Yellow colour over the whole body. —*Jaundice.-~O Yellow fever. — CEdematous swelling of the whole body.-Ulcers around a former issue.-Former cicatrices open again. —Gangrene with blackish redness.-Very drowsy, even in the day-time, also in the evening.-Early in the morning one feels as if lamed and bruised.-Delirium, also particularly at night, and ~with the eyes open.-Pulse scarcely perceptible, tremulous, intermittent. —Hcetic fever. —~ Typhus.-Tertian intermittent. —Thirst during the fever. Emotive Sphere. —Lowness of spirits, with indifference to every thing.-Anguish and restlessness.-~Melancholy.0Quarrelsome? Sentient Sphere,-~Imbecility? - Striking weakness of memory.-Vertigo.-Cerebral aftections. Ilead. —Headache, caused by rush of blood and constipa CROTALUS. 161 tion.-Shaking and balancing in the sinciput, especially when going up-stairs.-Stitches in the the temples. Integuments of the Head.-Violent itching of the hairy scalp, also with increase of the scales on the head. —Swelling of the head, especially in the face. EyeS. —Burning in the eyes.-Red eyes, with lachrymation.-Blood oozes from the eyes.- Yellow eyes.-Faint, surken, dim, dull eyes.-Dilatation of the pupils. —Vanishing of the sight when reading. Ears. —Ieat in the ears.-Drawing, also with stoppage or feeling of heat.-Blood oozes from the ears. Nose.-Bleeding of the nose, with vertigo. Face.- Chalk-colouredface, with blueness around the eyes. -Leaden-coloured face.-Yellow face. —Bloated, red face. — Erysipelas of the face. —Pimples of girls, in spring.Tremulous lips.-Spasmodic closing of the jaws. Teeth.-Shocks in a molar-tooth. —Exfoliation of the teeth.-Loose teeth. Mouth.-Tongue black and swollen.-Speechless as though the tongue and mouth were tied.-Confused speech. Throat. —Difficulty of swallowing saliva. - Frequent swallowing of saliva, with sensation as though the throat would be closed. — Hydrophobia. Appetite, Taste, Gastric Smyptoms. -Rising of an acrid and sour fluid, after eating wheat-bread. — eartburn. —Hiccough. —Paroxysms of nausea, especially when walking or standing. —Green, bilious, very bitter, violent vomiting qf food, after every meal.-Cannot keep any thing on his stomach. Stomach.-Pains in the stomach.-Painfulness of the pit of the stomach. —Stitching in that part. —Pressure, with rancid sensation in the fauces. Abdomell.-Cannot bear tight clothes around the hypochondria and on pit of stomach.-Pressure in the region of the spleen.-Cutting as after a violent run. —Cutting in the abdomen *early.in the morning and after eating.-Burning in the abdomen.-Enteritis. —Distended abdomen, as from over-eating, with pain and burning when touched. Stool and Anus. -Constipation, with headache.-Frequent diarrhceic stools; with colic from the umbilicus down. -Involuntary evacuations. -Haemorrhage from the anus. Urinary Organs.- ~Painful retension of urine, with loud cries. —Sensation as if a ball were rolling round in the bladder, and would squeeze through the uretha.-Increased emission of urine.-Urine high-coloured, red-yellow, more copious. — HWemorrhage from the uretha. Male Parts.-Excitement of the sexual organs. .162 CUPRUVM. Windpilpe.-Itoarseness, and feeble rough voice.-Tickling in the throat-pit, inducing a dry cough.-Dry cough.Cough, with stitch in the side. —Bloody expectoration from the lungs.-Haemoptysis. Chest and Respiration.-Hurried breathing (cat), with open mouth.-Turns ofyelling and moaning (dogs). —Oppression of the chest, obliging one to get up, at night, in a case of hydrothorax. —Laboured breathing, with unquenchable thirst. -Tight breathing, with anguish, thirst, nausea, and diarrhcea. -*Oppression of the chest, unto fainting.-Pains in the chest, with vomiting of green fluid. -Pneumonia.-Pericarditis. Back. —Pain in the small of the back.-Pain in the larynx, when touching it.-Swelling below the jaw, and around the neck. Upper Extremities. —Soft blotches under the skin, near the shoulder-joint, with prickings.-Swelling of the (bitten) arm.-Trembling of the hands during rest,-Laming bonepains in the fingers.-Blood oozes from under the nails.~Panaritia. Lower Extremities. —The lower limbs are liable to going to sleep, when laying them across each other.-Drawing in the left lower limb, from the hip to the foot, in the evening, when walking.-Spasmodic weary pain in the thighs, as after undergoing great physical fatigue. —Ulcers on the thigh..Arthritic pains in the knee.-Swelling of the thigh, with burning.-Bruising pain in the ankles, very bad when walking.-Sore pain in the sole, as when stepping on something sharp.-Swelling of the feet, with coldness and burning in the same.-Toes feel weary, as by dint of walking. 53 — CUPRUM. General Symptoms.-Jerking or aching-tearing in the limbs. —Pains as if broken or bruised, in many places,.specially in the limbs and joints.- Bone pains.-Rheumatic pains.-Many pains, especially the aching pains, are made worse by contact.-Concussive pains, which strike through the whole body. -Painful jerks, or shocks, in various parts. — ~Inveterate spasms of various kinds. —Laughing spasms. - * Violent convulsions, characterised by great straining, —*Convulsive jactitation of the limbs, at night, during sleep. —*lTetanic spasms. -*Epilepticfits.- ~Chorea.-~ Gastric ailments, with convulsions.-OAsiatic cholera.-Jaundice. -Paralysis. -Ailments, which appear periodically, and in groups.-Gen CUPRUM. 163 eral languor. - Chronic debility.-Emaciation.-~Excessive sensitiveness of all the senses. Skin.-Itch-like *cutaneous eruptions. —Yellow scaly herpes. —~ nveterate ulcers. - Caries. Sleep. -Deep sleep, with jerks through the body, and *convulsive motions during sleep. Fever.-Chilliness, after an epileptic attack.-Consumptive fevers.-~Lentescent typhus?-Cold sweat. -Profuse night-sweats. Emotive Sphere.-Melancholy, with attacks of deathly anguish. -~Discourage. - Anxiety and crying, alternating with ludicrons jests. -Alternately yielding and headstrong. — Not disposed to work. and yet averse to being idle.-Fits of craziness, characterised by thoughts about some imaginary business, or by merry singing, or sullen and tricky disposition, generally accompanied by quick pulse, red, inflamed eyes, wild look, and followed by sweat. —Rage. Sentient Sphere. -Confusion of ideas. - Absence of thoughts and perceptions.-Delirium.-Vertigo when reading and looking up. —Vertigo, as if the head would fall forward.-~Hollow feeling in the head.!lead. —Headache in the parietal bone, when grasping it, causing one to cry. —Headache after an epileptic fit. —Pain, as if bruised, in the brain and orbits, when turning the eyes. -Stupifying pressure downwards in the head, with creeping in the vertex. —Pressure in the temples, increased by contact. — Drawing in the head, with vertigo, abating in a recumbent posture. — Meningitis. Integuments of the Read.-Burning stitches in the outer parts of the forehead, temple, and vertex.-Pain of the occiput and nape of the neck, when -moving the head.-Swelling of the head, with red face. —The head is turned sideways and backward. Eyes.-Itching of the eyes, towards evening. —*Pressure in the eyes -and lids, aggravated by contact. —Red, inflamed, wild, staring eyes. —Distortion, and unsteady motion of the ye-balls. —Protruded, glistening eyes. —Closed eyes. -Insensible pupils.-Obscuration of vision. Ears and Nose.-Tearing in the ears. —Hard pressure in the Pars.-violent rush of blood to the nose. Face. —Pale complexion, with sunken eyes, surrounded with blue margins. —Bluish face.-Spasmodic distortion of the face.-Features expressive of anguish and sadness.-Blue lips.-Soreness of the upper lip. —Pressure at the lower jaw, increased by motion.-Lock-jaw. Teeth. — Tearing toothache, extending to the temples. 164 OUPRUyM. Mouth. -The mouth is full of mucus, early in the morning.-Flow of water in the mouth.-Foam at the mouth.Burning in the mouth. — White slime on the tongue.Screams, like the croaking of toads. — Loss of speech. Throat.-Dry throat, with thirst.-Inflammation of the fauces, with impeded deglutition. —*The beverage rolls down the cesophagus with an audible bubbling noise. Appetite and Taste.-Taste sweet, or brassy, or saltishsour.-Food tastes watery.-Appetite for cold rather than for warm things. Gastric Symuptoms, —Constant eructations.-Hiccough.Waterbrash after eating milk. -Inclination to vomit, from the lower abdomen to the palate, worst in the pit of the stomach, with intoxication, loathing and foul taste in the mouth.-Periodical, violent vomiting, abating after drinking. - Vomiting of bile, or of water and mucus, also of blood.* Violent vomiting, with pressure at the stomach, spasms in the abdomen, diarrhcea, and convulsions. Stomach.-Cardialgia. -*Excessive distress in the stomach, and pit of the stomnach. —*HIard pressure in the pit of the stomach, =aggravated by contact.-Anxiety in the pit of the stomach. Abdomen. —Pain in the hypochondria, when touching them, as if' bruised and smashed.-Drawing from the left, hypochondrium to the hip. —Excessive colic with anguish.Hard abdomen, with excessive pains when touching it.-Retraction of the. abdomen. —Colicky abdominal spasms, with convulsions and violent cries. —Phagedenic stinging ulcers in the bowels. Stool.-Constipation, with great heat of the body. — Violent, also bloody diarrhcea.-Bleeding varices at the anus. Urine.-Urging to urinate, with scanty emission.-Frequent emission of fetid, tenacious urine.-Burning stinging in the urethra, during, and between the acts of micturition.ONocturnal enuresis. Male Parts.-Swelling of the penis, with inflammation of the glands. Female Parts.-The menses are preceded by rushes of blood, palpitation of the heart, and headache. Catarrhal Symptoms. —Stoppage of the nose.-Profuse fluent catarrh. Windpipe. -Continual hoarseness, with disposition to lie down.-Rattling in the bronchia, as if full of mucus. —*Dry cough, with stoppage of breath.-~Whooping-cough.-Morning-cough, with putrid expectoration. —Heemoptysis. Chest and Respiration. -Breathing hurried, rattling, CYCLAMNbS EUROPArCM 165 moaning, with convulsive straining of the abdominal muscles. -Asthmatic oppression when ascending an eminence, or when walking rapidly, with disposition to take a long breath.*Spasnzodic tightness of the chest -Suffocative fits.-~Difficulty of breathing, with spasmodic rattling in the chest. — ~Cough, with wheezing breathing, whenever one makes an attempt to draw a deep breath. —~The tightness of the chest is worse at night, also when coughing, laughing, or bending the body backward. —Pressure at the chest. —Painful contraction of the chest, especially after drinking. -~Spasms of the chest, depriving one of voice, and breath —Palpitation of the heart. Trunk. -Swelling of the cervical glands. -Feeling of weight in the axillary glands. Upper Extremities.-Herpes in the bend of the elbow.Swelling of the hand, with inflammation of a lymphatic vessel up to the shoulder.-Pressure and tearing in the metacarpal bones. —Weakness and paralysis of the hand.Twitching of the hands, early in the morning, after rising.Numbness and shrivelling of the fingers. Lower Extremities.-Pain of the lower limbs, especially the calves, during rest.-Tensive pain, and crampy feeling in the calves.-Pressure and drawing in the metatarsal bones. "Burning of the soles. —~Sweaty feet. —~Suppression of the sweat on the feet. 54.-CYCLAMEN EUROPIUM. General Symptoms. —Drawing, or tearing, with pressure, especially in those places where the bones are immediately covered by the skin. —All the pains, except the languor, cease during motion; whereas a good many pains come on while sitting.-Gastric derangement.-Very weary, especially in the evening, with stiffness in the lower limbs, and sensation as if they were lamed and bruised, and with drawing pressure in the thighs and knees. Skin.-Gnawing itching of the skin, here and there, especially when sitting.-Intolerable stinging itching, in the evening, in bed. Sleep. -Disposed to lie down and t —ke a nap. —Falls asleep, late in the evening, with perceptible throbbing in the brain.-Nightmare after going to sleep. Fever.-Chilliness and coldness, followed by a graduallyincreasing heat, without thirst, especially in the face, with redness, which increases after eating.-Evening chilliness, with great sensitiveness to cold, without thirst; afterwards, anxi 166 CYCLAMEN EUROPAEUM. ety with heat in single parts, dorsum of the hand, and nape of the neck, but not in the face. Emotive Sphere. -Internal grief and anguish of con. science. -Out of humour, with attacks of taciturnity. — Alternate dread and love of work. Sentient Sphere,-Alternate excellence and weakness of memory. -Stupified dulness of the mind, with inability to perform any kind of work. —Vertigo when standing, as if the brain were moved. Head.-Stupifying headache, with obscuration of vision. -Continual stitches in the brain, when stooping. —Stitches in the temples. Integuments of the Head.-Itching stinging on the hairy scalp, shifting to some other spot after scratching. Eyes.-Eyes faint and sunken.-Stinging in the eyes and lids.-Swelling of the lids. —Dilatation of the pupils. —Mistiness of sight. Ears.-Drawing in the ear. —Diminution of hearing, as if the ears were stopped. Nose.-Diminution of smell. Face.-Numb feeling in the upper lip, or as if hard. Teeth. —Dull drawing toothache, at night. —*Arthritic stitching and boring in the teeth. IMouth.-White-coated tongue. —Rough, slimy feeling in the mouth, continually.-The palate is very dry in the evening, with hunger and thirst. Appetite and Taste. -Foul taste.-Everything one eats tastes flat.-Little hunger and appetite, especially early in the morning and evening.- One is satiated, and loathes food as soon as one commences to eat.-mAversion to bread and butler, and cold food.-Very drowsy after eating. Gastric Symptoms. -Frequent empty, or sourish eructations.-Sobbing eructations, especially after eating.-Inclination to vomit, with qualmishness in the region of the stomach, as after eating grease, after dinner and supper. —Waterbrash, with nausea, in the evening. Stomach and Abdomen.-Fullness and pressure in the pit of the stomach, as if overloaded.-Malaise in the lower abdomen, with nausea. -The lower abdomen is painfully sensitive to the least touch. —Sudden attacks of pinching colic. — Rumbling in the lower abdomen, immediately after eating. Stool.-Frequent hard stools.-Papescent stools.-Drawing pressure at the anus, and in the perinoeum, as if ulcerated interiorly. Urine.-Frequent urging to urinate, and copious emission ,DAP'HNE INDICA. i 67 of a whitish urine. —Stitching in the urethra, while urinating. Catarrhal Symptoms.-Fluent coryza, with sneezing. Chest and Respiration.-Evening shortness of breath, as from weakness.-Suffocative fits.-Oppression, with laboured breathing.-Tearing stitches in the chest, with short, oppressed breathing. -Pressure at the heart, as fiom accumulation of blood, with perceptible palpitation of the heart. Trunk.-Stitching pains in the renal region, posteriorly. -Sore pain, as if excoriated, on and in the nape of the neck. -Rheumatic, laming pressure, or drawing, in the nape of the neck, and at the neck. Upper Extremities.-Laming, hard pressure in the arms down to the fingers, preventing one from writing.-Drawing in the arms, down to the fingers-Pain at the upper arm, as if bruised or contused.-Painful drawing at the inner side of the radius, and in the wrist-joint.-Contraction pf the fingers.-Red blisters at the finger-joints, after violent itching. Lower Extremities. —Crampy pain in the thigh.-Red spots on the thighs, as if burnt.-A good deal of violent itching of the calves, ankles, and toes.-Pain, as if sprained, in the tarsal joints.-The toes feel sore when walking.-After walking, the toes feel dead.-Fetid sweat between the toes. 55a.-DAPINE INDICA. General Symptoms. —*Rheumatic and arthritic pains in the muscles and bones of the extremities; larticular rheumatism after suppression of gonorrhcea; stitching pains, like shocks, here and there, sometimes shifting rapidly from one part to another, aggravated by cold air, Oand by drinking brandy; 0exostoses, with stitching or dull-aching pains; ~sore pain in the exostoses; *most of the pains are felt in the left side, and get worse in the cool air, Oalso during the declining moon, early in the morning, ~or towards evening, and especially in bed.-All the limbs feel very languid and lamed, as by blows; ~disposed to lie down. —Sleepless, ~also on account of bone-pains; "drowsy, without being able to sleep; dreams about fire, and black cats, with night-mare; restless, unrefreshing night-sleep; firequent starting when on the point of falling asleep, with chills and clammy sweat.-Fever, like typhus, with excessive chilliness, followed by continual heat, clammy sweat all over. loss of appetite; fever, with gastric and nervous symptoms, clammy sweat, which sometimes smells fetid.-D-~esponding; full of fear; irritable, nervous and trembling during the pains; vexed, irresolute, unable to 0ollect one's self: 168 DAPHINXlE ITN1ICA. Head.-Headache from every mental labour; ~pains under the eyes, from temple to temple.* Feeling offullness in the head, as if the skull would burst, ~especially when raising one's self in bed; sensation as if the head were enlarged, also with stitches in the temples.-Sensation as if the outer parts of the brain were inflamed, and were striking against the skull, with pain; *much heat in the head, especially in the vertex, also with sensation as if the head were compressed; painful beating in the temples (and in the gums), also with soreness when touched. Integuments of the Head. —Exostoses on the skull.~Soft tubercles on the vertex, as if filled with water, very painful, especially at night, disturbing one's sleep, worse when touched. —OIard swelling of the whole left side of the head, with feeling of numbness, and occasional stitches. Eyes and Ears, — Scraping in the eyes; disagreeable sensation around the eyes, with dryness and heaviness of the lids; painful sensation as if the eyes were pressed into the head; violent pains in the eyeballs, in the evening, with great nervousness; contraction of the pupils; eyes inflamed, weak, dull, and as if full of tears. —~ Weak sight, the letters looking blurred when reading; ~sensation as if a pellicle had been stretched over the eyes; ~diplopia.-Roarinog in the ears. Face and Teeth.-Heat and burning on the cheeks, around the ears, and on the vertex, also with constant disposition to yawn.-Sensation of swelling, stiffness and tension in the articulation of the jaw, with burning sensation of excoriation on the skin.-Toothache, with or without ptyalism; toothache after an embrace, or accompanied with erections; pulsations in the teeth and gums; tearing in all the teeth; toothache, with paroxysms of chilliness, or disposition to sweat. Mouth, Stomach, &. —Ptyalism; hot saliva.-Tongue dry, and as if burnt, after sleeping; coated on one side; ~fetor of the tongue.- Great desire for smoking; Oheartburn, and sour vomiting; vomiting and nausea after breakfast.-Pressure at the stomach, after drinking; ~frequent cardialgia; Ofeeling of fulness in the pit of the stomach, with distention; ~burning, and sore pain, in the pit of the stomach, after every meal, extending to the left hypochondrium, and back, with frequent empty eructations. —Pains, like stitches, in the splenetic region. —Colic, with chilliness; arthritic pains, suddenly shifting from the extremities to the abdomen. Stool, &c.-*Constipation; scanty stools, with blood towards the end; *frequent and profuse micturition; ~firequent urination at night; urine turbid, thick, yellowish. smelling DIGITALIS PURPUREA.. 169 like spoiled eggs; red-yellow urine; fetid urine; red sediment adhering to the sides of the vessel; sore pain in [the urethra when urinating. —Sweat on the scrotum; discharge of prostatic fluid when urinating; erections during the toothache; toothache after an embrace. Chest, &, —Feeble voice.-Racking *cough with vomiting, ~yellow, frothy, sometimes blood-streaked expectoration, and deprivation of sleep; copious, watery, expectoration when coughing; bloody expectorations.-Stoppage of breath, at night, with sensation as if the cervical glands were swollen, and the veins were turgid with blood; fetid breath. — Tearing in the region of the heart, with trembling, and being beside one's-self; ~throbbing and fluttering of the heart, with inability to lie on the left side. Extremities.-Pain in the nape of the neck, with headache; burning itching in the back; drawing pain down the spine, worse when stooping.-Itching vesicles on the arms and legs; boring bone-pains, and stinging in the fingers.Itching rash on the legs; rheumatic pains in the thighs and knees; cold knees and feet; contusive pain of the toes; Opainful swelling of the ball of the big toe, with pains which frequently shift to other parts. 56.-DIGITALIS PURPUREA. General Symptoms.-Tearing-burning stitcting, mostly in the extremities.-Piercing pains and bruising and laming feeling in the joints, as after great fatigue.-~Nodous gout?~ Glandular induration?-Tight, painful swellings, especially on the limbs, —Gastric affections.-'Jaundice. — Chlorosis. -Convulsions.-Epileptic fits. —Dropsy of internal organs. -Emaciation. - ~Serous apoplexy?-Nervous debility. - Rapid prostration like fainting, with sweat all over, Skinl. —Blueness of the skin.-Gnawing itching, increasing to intolerable burning prickings unless one scratches.Peeling off of the skin. Sleep. —Drowsy in the day-time, sopor, interrupted by convulsive vomiting.-Restless slumbering at night, with half consciousness.-Night-sleep disturbed by anxious dreams and starting. Fever.-Cold body, frequently with cold sweat, especially on the forehead. —Cold hands and feet.-Frequent sudden flushes of warmth, followed by weakness.-Profuse nightsweat, preceded by shuddering and chilliness with internal warmth, in the afterloon.-~Gastric, bilious, worm and lenSd 170 DlGITALIS PUR.KPURHA. tescent fevers?-Small, feeble or extremely low pulse, acce. lerated by the least exercise. Emotive Sphere, —*Anguish, -especially in the evening, with whining mood, apprehensions for the future. —Anguish of the conscience.-Whining, melancholy mood, with sick feeling internally.-Indifferent.-Very much disposed to work. Sentient Sphere. - Weak memory.-Nightly delirium and restlessness.-Gloomy feeling in the head.- Vertigo with trembling. Head.-Attacks of pressure in the head (forepart), especially when exerting the mind.-Tension in the forehead when turning the eyes.-Tearing in the temples and sides of the head.-Stitching in the temples and forehead and in the outer parts thereof. —Itching in one side of the head. —Sensation, when stooping, as if the brain were falling forward.Sensation in the brain as of undulating water, with dulness of the head.-~Hydrocephalus. Integuments of the Read.-Swelling of the head. —-The head is constantly falling backwards.-Pressure in the eyes, much worse when touching them.-Burning and pressure in the eyebrows, with decrease of the visual power. —Stitching in the eyes.-* Ophthalmia, ~also of arthritic and scrofulous persons. —*Infammation of the Meibomian glands. —*Smart. ing lachrymation. —*Agglutination of the eyes, ~with profuse secretion of mucus.-The eyes are disposed to turn sideways. —Insensible, dilated pupils. —Amaurosis. -Illusions of sight. —Figures, colours, visions befbre the eyes.-*objects look green or yellow.-Sparks.-0Obscuration of the crystalline lens. Ears. -Tensive-constrictive pain in the ears.-Swelling of the parotid gland.-*Noise in the ear as of seething water, with ~hard hearing. Face.-Paleface.-~Blueness of the lips and margins of the lids. —Convulsions of one side of the face.-Crampy and drawing pain around the zygomata.-Swelling of the cheek, with pain when touched.-Gnawing-itching eruption on the cheek and chin.-Black, ulcerated pores in the face.-Swelling of the lips.-Eruptions on the lips. —Dry, parched lips. Mouth. —Mouth andfauces are raw, rough, with slimy taste. — Saliva sweetish, and badly smelling.-*Ptyalism, with soreness of the tongue and gums. —~Blue tongue. —Ulcer on the tongue. —*Tongue coated with white mucus. Appetite and Taste.-Taste in the mouth as of sweet almonds, especially after smoking. —Bitter mouth. —*Sweetish, slimy taste. —Bread tastes bitter.-Loss of appetite, with clean tongue.-Thirst, especially for sour drinks.-Desire DIGITALIS PURPUREA. 171 for bitterfood.-After a meal, oppression and distention of stomach and abdomen. Gastric Symptoms.-Sour eructations, with gulping-up of a sour substance, also after eating.-Heartburn. —Inclination to vomit, also with lowness of spirits and apprehensive anxiety. —*Convulsive retching.-Vomiting and nausea, with fulness and pressure in the pit of the stomach. —Nocturnal vomiting or early in the morning.-* Vomiting of mucus and food, or bile, with great nausea.-*Inclination to vomit and nausea, early in the morning on waking. —Vomiting of the ingesta, after spitting. Stomach. —Pain in the stomach, as if drawn-in.-*Pressure, burning and oppressive weight in the stomach and pit of the stomach.-*Cardialgia, also with vomiting and nausea.~Stitches from the pit of the stomach to the side and back.~Fulness and pressure in the pit of the stomach, with nausea and vomiting. —'Feeling of weakness in the stomach, as though one would die, ~also particularly immediately after eating. Abdomen,-Constrictive-tensive pains in the hypochondria. ~-Sensitiveness and pressure in the region of the liver. — ~Ascites.-Spasmodic-pinching sensation of convolution in the bowels.-Tearing and stitching colic with inclination to vomit, especially during motion and expiration of air.-Cutting colic as if caused by a cold or diarrhbea. —Venous congestions in the abdomen.-Tension and crampy-feeling in the inguinal region.-Flatulent complaints. —Distention of the abdomen. Stool. —* Chalk.coloured or ash-coloured stools.-Diarrhoea, consisting of fteces and mucus, preceded by chilliness and colic. -Dysenteric diarrhcea. -Involuntary stools. —~ Watery diarrlhoea. Urine. —~Retention of urine. —*Anxious, almost ineffectual desire to urinate, and scanty emission of burning urine, ~also during gonorrhcea. -Alternate increase and decrease of urine. -Difficult mictnrition, as if caused by a stricture.-Nocturnal enuresis. -Enuresis.-Involuntary micturition.-Dark, red, brown urine.-Nausea before and after urinating.-Burning or contraction in the urethra, when urinating.-*Inflammation of the neck of the bladder. —Cutting before and after urinating. Male Parts. —Contusive pain in the testicles.-Swelling of the testicles.-~Hydrocele.-Excited sexual desire with erections and nocturnal emissions. Windpipe. —Hoarseness and catarrh, early in the morning. -Much mucus in the larynx, which can be detached by hawking. —Angina pectoris?-OExpectoration resembling 172 DtROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA. boiled starch. —Cough after a meal, with vomiting of the food. —Dry cough, with pains in the shoulders and arms.Dry spasmodic cough, excited by talking. —Bloody expectoration. -~Smarting as from excoriation in the chest, when coughing. Chest and Respiration. —Distressing *tightness of the chest, -at night, when lying, and in the day-time, when sitting. -Suffocative constriction in the chest, early in the morning, obliging one to sit up. —oTightness of the chest, when walking. - Pressure at the chest when sitting bent. -Tension across the chest, with disposition to take a long breath. — Contractive pain in the chest when stooping. -~Hydrothorax? -Rush of blood to the chest. — ncreased action of the heart, with audible beating, attended with anguish and contractive sensation in the sternum and slow pulse. -Shuddering across the mammae. Trunk. -Drawing pain in the small of the back and back, as after a cold.-Bruising pain in the small of the back, when blowing the nose. -Stiffness and tension of the cervical and posterior cervical muscles. Upper Extremities. -Laming tearing in the arms. —Nocturnal swelling of the right hand and fingers. - Cold hands.Tearing in the finger-joints. -Sudden, laming stiffness of the fingers. -The fingers are numb and liable to going to sleep. Lower Extremities. - 0Chronic coxalgia? - The lower limbs are very stiff after sitting, less when walking.-The lower limbs are weak as if lame. -Cutting in the thigh and burning in the calf when crossing the legs. -Tension in the bend of the knee. - Cold feet. 57.-DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIAt General Symptoms.- Gnawing stinging in the long bones especially in the joints, where it is attended with violent stitches, worse during rest than motion.-Painful, stitching pressure in the muscles (of the extremities) not changing by a change of position.-All the limbs feel bruised as by blows, lame and painful externally. -Weakness in the whole body, with sunken eyes and cheeks,-Most of the pains are felt early in the morning and in warmth. -Epileptic attacks, with convulsions, subsequent sleep, and ending with expectoration of blood. — Sudden emaciation with laryngeal phthisis. Skin. —~Violent itching when undressing, the skin com. ing off easily when scratching. Sleep, —Snoring during sleep and when lying on the back. DROSERA ROTIUNDIFOLIA. 173 -Frequent starting during sleep.-Wakes at night when commencing to perspire. — Drowsy at noon, also after sunset. Fever.-Feverish shuddering over the body, with hot face, icy-cold hands and loss of thirst. —~Intermittent fever with inclination to vomit. —~Chilliness, with cold and pale hands, feet and face.-*Constant chilliness, especially during rest, even in bed. Emotive Sphere.-Low-spirited on account of imaginary opposition.-Anxiety, especially when alone, with fear.Restlessness, not allowing one to dwell long on one object.Apprehension for the future. - Discouraged. - Desire to drown one's-self.-Obstinate in carrying out one's designs.~Beside one's-self about the least trifle. — Dread of ghosts. Sentient Sphere.-Painful dulness of the head, as from long talking. —Vertigo when walking in the open air, as if one would fall to the left side. Head. —Headache, especially in the forehead and malar bones, fiom within outwards, also with nausea and stupefac. tion. —OBeating and throbbing in the forehead. —The scalp feels sore. Eyes. —Stitching in the eyes from within outwards, especially when stooping.- *Vanishing of sight, or blurred letters when reading. —*Far-sighted. —The eyes are dazzled by the candles or day-light.-*Gauze before the eyes. Face and Nose. —Pale face, with sunken eyes and cheeks. -Prickling burning in the skin of the cheeks, below the eyes. -~Prosopalgia, worse when touching the face. —Cracked, dry lips.-*Bleeding of the nose.-*Blows blood from the nose. -— Black pores on the nose. Teeth.-Stinging toothache from drinking any thing warm. Mouth.-Ulcer at the tip of the tongue. —Hlemorrhage from the mouth and nose. Throat. —oStinging in the throat, when swallowing.~Scraping after eating any thing salt. —Sensation in the fauces as if little crumbs of food had lodged there. —Suppuration of the velum pendulum palati. —Difficulty of swallowing solid food, as if the faues were too narrow.-l~Hawking up of green or yellow mucus. Appetite and Gastric Symptoms. —*Food has no taste. -*Bitter mouth, ~when eating, or also early in the morning and lasting until dinner.-* Thirst, ~also especially early in the morning, only during the paroxysms of the fever.~Aversion to pork.-Bread tastes bitter. —Nausea after eating fat food.-*Waterbrash.-Vomiting at night or before dinner.-* Vomiting qf bile, ~or mucus, early in the morning. -~Vomiting of mucus or food, when coughing. —*Hvmatemesis. 174 DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA. Abdomen, &c.-*Pain in the hypochondria, when sneez ing or coughing. —Colic after eating sour food. — *Stools consisting of bloody mucus, with pains in the abdomen and small of the back. —~Frequent nocturnal micturition.~Urine brown, having a strong odour. —~Menses suppressed or retarded.-~Leucorrhcea, with labour-like colicky pains. Windpipe. —*Tingling in the larynx, with irritation and desire to cough. and fine stitches through to the pharynx.*Sensation as of a soft body in the larynx. —*Rough, scraping feeling of dryness, deep in the fiuces, with desire to cough. —*]Hoarseness and deep bass-voice. —~Chronic catarrh. — Laryngitis. — ~Laryngeal and tracheal phthisis. —Phlegm in the trachea, at times hard, at others soft (gray, green and yellow). —Chronic cough and hoarseness, also after measles.Cough coming deep out of the chest, with pain in the chest and hypochondria, abating by laying the hand on the chest.* Cough, at night and in the evening, immediately after lying down. — Whooping cough. — Dry spasmodic cough with retching.-Cough early in the morning, with bitter, disgusting expectoration.-~The cough is excited by singing, laughing, weeping, emotions, smoking and drinking. —When coughing, pain in the hypochondria, retching or vomiting of food. -0Green expectoration when coughing —* Cough with bloody puruient expectoration and stinging in the upper part of the chest. —OAcute suppuration of the lungs. Chest and Respiration. —* Tightness of the chest, as if the throat would be closed, when talking.-Oppression of the chest as if the voice would be arrested when talking or coughing, so that the air cannot be expelled. Trunk. —Pain in the back as if lamed and bruised. —Stiflness of the nape of the neck, with pain during motion. —The sternum feels as if subcutaneously ulcerated when pressing upon it. Upper Extremities.- The joints of the arms and wristjoints feel as if lamed and bruised.-Crarnpy and rigid feeling in the fingers when grasping any thing. —Nocturnal tearing in the bones of the upper arnms. Lower Extremities.-The hip-joints and thighs are painfifl as if lame, when walking, obliging one to limp.-Cutting stitching in the lower limbs. —Tearing in the tarsal-joints as if dislocated, only when walking. - Rigid feeling in the tarsal joints. -The feet are chilly, covered with cold sweat. DULCAIMARA. 175 58. —DILCAMARA. General Symptoms. —*Stitching-drawilg, or learing pains in the limbs, ~especially after a cold.-*Ailnzents arisingfrom a eold.-The pains are worse in the evening or at night and during rest; abate during motion.-Excessive secretion of the mucus membranes. —*Swelling and induration of the glands.-~Scrofulous complaints.- *Emaciation.-Cold swellings. -Dropsical swellings of internal 6rgans and of the whole body, limbs and 1tce. -Rapid swelling of the whole body.OParalysis of extremities.-*Very weary.-~Diseases arising fiom measles. Skin. —*Dryness and heat of the skin. —*Nettlerash.~Vesicular eruption, with yellowish-watery fluid.-Eruptions appearing suddenly after a cold. —Dry, furfuraceous, scaly, or ~suppurating, humid *herpes.-Herpetic crust over the whole body. —~Herpes with glandular swellings.-~Itching pustules, changing to scurfy ulcers. —Pale herpes, discharging water when scratched. —OHerpes bleeding when scratched, reddish or with red areolve, or small, round and brownishyellow. -~IIerpes with reddish border and painful when touched by cold water. — Herpes in the joints. —Thickening of the skin which scales off. —~Warts. Sleep. — Very drowsy in the day-time.-*Restless nightsleep, on account of heat and twitchings of the body, after midnight.- JWakes very early. Fever —Frequent chilliness and coldness in the evening, even near the warm stove. —Coldness during the pains.OChilliness, followed by burning heat, with stupifying headache, red face, burning heat of the palate and unquenchable thirst for some cold drink.-*Dry heat and burning in the skin, -with delirium and thirst. —Hard, tense pulse. —~Mucous fever atfter a cold? —Sweat all over, especially at night. —Fetid sweat with profuse discharge of urine. —Intermittent fevers with evening-exacerbations. Emotive Sphere. — Internal uneasiness. — Impatience.Disposed to dispute, without being vexed. —Nightly delirium, with increrase of pain. Sentient Sphere. - *The head feels very dull ~as if a board were pressing against the forehead. Head. —-*Stupifying headache, only in some spots. —*Boring and burning in the forehead, Kwith digging from within outwards. —~Rhush of blood to the head, with humming in the ears and hard hearing. —The occiput feels enlarged.-*The head feels heavv. —The headache is aggravated by motion and talking. Eyes.-Pressnre in the eyes when reading.-Sensation as 176 DULCAMARA. if fire were Starting out of the eyes.-*Ophthalmia, ~also scrofulous. -Twitchings of the eyelids, in cold air.-Amaurosis. -Scintillations, Ears. —*Otalgia, -at night, with nausea, or ~after a cold. NoSe.-N-ose-bleed, with warm, bright-red blood, and aching pain above the nose. Face. —Pale face, with circumscribed redness of the eheeks. —Red face.-~Eruption in the face, with warts.oCrusta lactea.-Twitchings of the lips in cold air. —~Swelling of the submaxillary glands.-~Thick, yellow-brown crusts on the face, temples, forehead and chin. Mouth. —cStomacace, after a cold. - Ptyalism. - *Dry tongue. —Paralysis of the tongue.-*Difficulty of speech.~Swelling or *paralysis of the tongue. Throat.-Sore throat as from elongation of the uvula, with aching pain.-Burning heat of the palate. — Sore throat after a cold. Appetite and Taste.-Taste flat as of soap.-* Violent thirst for cold liquids, ~generally with dry tongue and increased saliva.-Hunger, with aversion to every kind of food. -Distension of the stomach and pit of the stomach after a moderate meal. Gastric Symptoms.-*Nausea and vomiting of tenacious muc bus. Stomach. —*Pressure at the stomach, -extending into the chest.-Crampy-compressive sensation in the stomach, causing a stoppage of breath. —~Retraction of the pit of the stomach, with burning pain. Abdomen.-Colic in the umbilical region. —Stitching pinching and cutting around the umbilicus. -Creeping, gnawing and pinching in the abdomen, as of a worm. —~ Colic from cold.-~Ascites? —Swelling of the inguinal glands. Stool.-Costiveness.-*Diarrhea after a cold, with colic, *yellow, white or green. —Diarrhcea of pregnant or lying-in women.-* Greent, slimy diarrhoea. —Chronic, bloody diarrhcea with smarting at the anus. —0Nocturnal watery, summer-diarrhoea, with colic. Urine.-Retention of urine.-Scanty, fetid urine. —The urine, while passing out, is clear and tenacious, then turbid, and finally clears up again, *with slimy sedinent. —Catarrh of the bladder. —Gleet?-*Painful urination drop by drop. -~Paralysis of the bladder.-oThickening of the bladder?Stricture of the urethra? Male Parts.-Herpes on the sexual parts. Female Parts.-*Profuse and delaying menses. —Steri lity?-*Herpes on the labia. —Suppression of the menses after a cold. —~Rash previous to the menses. EUGENIA JAMBOS. 177 Catarrhal Symptoms.-*Dry coryza, ~worse in the open air. Windpipe. —oInverate tracheal and pulmonary catarrhs.OCatarrh and hoarseness after a cold.-Cough with hoarseness. -~ Whooping cough after a cold, caused by taking a long breath. —Moist cough. —Cough with expectoration of brightred blood. —~Mucous consumption? —Acute suppuration of the lungs. —Cough with copious expectoration of'mucus. Chest.-*Violent tightness of the chest, especially when inhaling or exhaling air.-Dull stitches like shocks, in both sides of the chest and in the outer sides thereof.-Distressing, undulating pain in the left side of the chest. —Hydrothorax? The beats of the heart are very strong, also at night. —Suppression of the milk of lying-in women, after a cold.~Herpes on the mammae. Trunk.-Digging-stitching, violent pain in the loins, above the the hip, most during rest. —~Lameness of the small of the back, after a cold. —Drawing from the small of the back down the thigh, during rest, with stitches during motion.Stitching with pressure in the back and arm, most violent during rest, at night. Upper Extremities.-Lameness of the arm, with icy coldness, as after an apoplectic fit. —~Herpes on the arms.-Laming pain in the arms, as if contused, most during rest. —*HHer. petic- eruption and warts on the hands. —Sweaty palms of the hands. Lower Extremities.-Drawing-tearing in the lower limbs, especially in the thighs. —Herpes on the knee.-Bloating and swelling of the legs, down to the feet.-Burning in the feet and toes.-~Erysipelatous peeling off and itching of the feet.- Formication in the feet. 59,-EUGENIA JAMBOS. General Symptoms.,-Complaints whichappear principally in the evening and at night.-Sound, deep sleep, also at noon, with confused dreams. —Cold as if without clothes.-Morning-sweat with thirst.- Disposition to sit alone.- Fitful mood, when lying down, one wants to rise; when sitting, one wants to be lying down. Sentient Sphere. —Constantly intoxicated, loquacious, lazy.-Vertigo, every thing seeming to be reversed. Head.-Hemicrania, in the evening, with rolling and burning in the head and through the eyes, with tlachrymation, nausea, vomiting, with increase of' the pains.-Nocturnal 8* 178t EUPHIORBIA OFFICINARUM. headache with burning in the eyes, thirst and a good deal of urinating. -Oppressive-crampy feeling in the head. Eyes.-Lachrymation, with burning-smarting pain in the head. Face.-Pimples, with pain all around. Mouth —Frothy, tenacious saliva in the mouth, especially before eating. Appetite. -Increased appetite for tobacco, desire of eating or drinking.-Thirst. Stool.-Diarrhceic stoals, followed by vomiting.-Scanty discharge of papescent, stirred stool.-Small, jerking, fetid stools, with burning in the abdomen.-Constipation. Urine.-Dark urine.-Shuddering after urinating, or sudden brightness of light. —Nocturnal enuresis. Male Parts.-Impotence.-Delaying emission of semen during an embrace.-Sweat and thirst after an embrace. Windpipe. —Moist cough, without expectoration, night and evening.-Raises a yellow, bloody mucus. Extremities.-Peeling off and suppuration of the skin around the nail of the thumb.-Laming and crampy pains in the tibiae and heels. —Nightly crampy feeling in the soles. 60.-EUPHORBIA OFFICINARUM. General Symptoms.-Rheumatic, tearing or aching-stitching pains in the limbs, mostly during rest, abating during motion.-Stitching and tensile pains in the muscles.-Burning pains in many parts of the body, especially in internal organs. —ll effects of mercury.-Diseases of the mucous membranes. —Caries. —Lameness of the joints, with difficulty of rising from a seat.-Very languid, weary.-Most pains are worse during rest, especially when sitting; abate during motion. Skln.-Burning, smarting-itching, obliging one to scratch. -Scarlet streaks on the skin. —Chronic eruptions.-Boils. — Olnveterate torpid ulcers. -Gangrene. — Warts? Sleep.-Drowsy in the day-time, with yawning. —Sopor in the day time. —Cannot fall asleep in the evening, with trembling and starting.-Frequent waking. Fever. —Shuddering and want of animal heat, especially when internal organs are affected. —Chilliness when commencing to eat.-Chill, with cold hands and hot cheeks, without thirst.-Sweat, early in the morning, with heat without thirst. Emotive Sphere.- Inxious and apprehensive. - Quiet seriousness.- Desire to work, EIPtlIORBIA OFFICOIARUM. 179 Sentient Sphere, —Vertigo, as if one would fall sideways. Head. -Stitching headache. —Bruising pain in the occiput. Erysipelas of the outer head. Eyes. —* Ophthalmia, -with itching and dryness of the lids and canthi.-~Chronic ophthalmia.- Smarting lachrymation and nocturnal agglutination of the eyes.-A good deal of gum in the canthi. —Dimness of the cornea.-Dimness of sight.-Short-sighted.-Diplopia. Ears.-Otalgia in the open air. Nose.-Suffocative biting in the nose, up into the brain, with profuse discharge of mucus. Face.-Erysipelatotts swelling in the cheeks, with yellowish vesicular eruption and boring-digging pains. —White swelling of the cheeks. —Burning in the face. Teeth. -Aching-stitching or screwing pain in the teeth, worse when touching them or when chewing; or when commencing to eat, with chilliness and pain in the head and malar bones. —Breaking off of the teeth. Mouth. —Dry mouth, without thirst.-Ptyalism with shud. dering, inclination to vomit and griping in the stomach.-Salt saliva. Throat.-Burning in the fauces down to the stomach, with heat, anxiety, trembling and waterbrash.-CEsophagitis. Gastric Symptoms. —Taste flat, rancid, bitter. —Desire for cold drinks. —Empty eructations. —Hiccough. Stomach. Pain in the stomach as if smashed.-Relaxed stomach with sunken abdomen.-Contractive cardialgia.Griping and griping-tearing in the stomach.-Burning in the stomach and pit of the stomach. —Gastritis. Abdomen.-Constrictive colic. - Spasmodic, flatulent colic, with pressing pains fiom within outwards, or from below upwards, mostly abating when leaning the head, knee or elbow against something.-Empty feeling in the abdomen.Burning in the abdomen.-Tearing in the groin as if luxated. Stool.-Urging to stool, with itching of the rectum. -Papescent diarrhoea, with tenesmus, burning at the anus, sore pain in the abdomen. Urine. —Urging to urinate, with scanty, difficult emission of urine, drop by drop. —~Hernorrhage fiom the urethra? Male Parts.-Tearing-stitching in the glans.-Voluptuous itching of the prepuce.-Tearing in the testicles.-Burning of the scrotum.-Constant erections without sexual excitement.-Discharge of prostatic fluid Catarrhal Symptoms, —Sneezing without catarrh. Windpipe. -Dry, hollow cough, owing to a burning ticklineg in the windpipe and ehe.t.-Dry cough, day and night. 1 80 EUPHRASIA OFFICINALIS. as if caused by shortness of breath, early in the morning, with copious expectoration. Chest and Respiration.-Tight and short breathing, with tensive pain in the pectoral muscles.-Spasmodic pressing in the chest from within outwards.-Sensation as if one of the lobes of the lungs were adhering.-Pressure in the pectoral muscles.-Stitching with pressure, in the region of the sterm num.-Stitches in the left side of the chest, abating during motion.-Burning in the chest. Trunk.-Cramp-pain in the dorsal vertebrae, early in the morning, when lying on the back —Sweat about the neck. Upper Limbs.-Laming tension in the shoulder-joints during rest, abating when walking.-Scarlet-red streaks on the forearm, itching when touched.-Crampy drawing in the hand, after writing. Lower Limbs.- Coxalgia as if sprained.-Nocturnal burning in the femora.-Great weakness of the legs.-Contraction of the toes. 61. —EUPHRASIA OFFICINALIS. General Symptoms. —Consequences of a blow, or contusion.-oCreeping in one or the other limb, from below upward, with numbness. Sleep.- Very drowsy in the day-time, as if proceeding from the eyes.-Violent yawning, when walking in the open air —Sleep is disturbed by violent stitches, here or there.Frightful dreams and frequent waking as if in affright. Fever.-Principally chilliness.-Profuse night-sweats. Emotive Sphere.-Taciturn. —Hypochondriac and indifferent.-Lazy. Hlead.-Confused feeling and bruising pain in the head, in the evening, worse when lying.-Oppressive headache, with photophobia and heat, especially in the forehead,-Stitching in the temples and forehead.-~Beating in the head, also perceptible on the oustside. Eyes.-Pressure in the eyes.-Smarting in the eyes.*Ophthalrnia; Oalso of new-born infants and scrofulous persons.-~ Corneitis. —*Inflammation and ulceration of the margins of the eyelids, with headache.-~ Ulcers, cicatrices and specks of the cornea.-*Profuse discharge of smarting tears, until one gets blind from it.-cSmarting or stinging in the eyes. —Blue, opaque coriea.-~Pellicle on the eyes, starting from the canthi. —Swelling of the lids, especially the lower lid. —Fine eruption around the eyes.-~Lachrymation in the wind. -~Nightly agglutination. —*Profuse secre UPTPHRASIA OFFICINALIS. 181 tion qf mucus from the eyes and lids. —Closing of the lids as if pressed together.-Contraction of the eyes and lids obliging one to wink.-The light seems obscure and wavering.*Photophobia, and pain in the eyes, especially when looking at the light of the sun or day. Ears.-Boring pain in the ears, in the region of the tympanum. Nose.-Pustules on the wings of the nose. —~Painful soreness of the nostrils. Face.-Stiffness of the cheeks when talking or chewing, with feeling of heat and stinging pain.-Stitching in the jaw and chin. —~Rash in the face, itching in warmth, burning and red when moistening it.-~Stiffness of the upper lip as if made of wood. Mouth. *Stuttering and frequent interruptions of the speech. —*Heavy speech, ~owing to lameness and stiffness of the tongue and cheeks. —Sensation of bubbling in the throat from below upward. Teeth.-Stitching toothache in the lower teeth.-Profuse bleeding of the gums. Gastric Symptoms.-Flat taste.-Nausea and bitterness in the mouth, after smoking.-Eructations tasting of the ingesta. Abdomen. —Short paroxysms of pinching in the bowels.*Burning-pressing tightness across the abdomen. —~Colic, alternating with the affection of the eyes. Stool. —Hard, insufficient stool. Urine. —Frequent emission of copious, clear urine. Male Parts.-Spasmodic retraction of the sexual parts, in the evening, in bed.-Voluptuous, stinging itching of the glans and prepuce.-OFig-warts.-Drawing-up sensation and tingling in the testes. Female Parts.-~Menses too short. Catarrhal Symptoms. —*Profuse fluent coryza, with pro. fuse secretion of mucus, ~confused feeling in the head and smarting lachrymation. Windpipe. —*Cough, especially in the day-time, with difficult expectoration.-~Cough with stoppage of breath.Morning-cough with profuse expectoration of mucus and fluent coryza. Chest.-Difficult breathing, even when sitting. Trunk.-Aching crampy pain in the back. Upper Extremities.-Numb pain in the arms and hands.-Aching crampy pain in the hands and fingers.~Painless swelling of the wrist and finger-joints when moving them. — CNumbness of the fingers. 182 FERRUM. Lower Extremities.-Stinging in the lower limbs, during rest. —Rigid feeling in the bend of the knee and tendo Achilles, as if the tendons were contracted, when walking.Feeling of weight and *cramp-pain in the lower limbs and calves, when standing long.-~Jerks through the leg from below upward, followed by lameness and numbness. 62.-FERRUM. General Symptoms.-OArthritic pains, with violent tearing and stitching, especially at night, with disposition to move the affected parts.-Varices. —~Ailments arising front abuse of cinchona and tea.-~Chlorosis. —-~Dropsical swellings, with stinging.-~ Worm-affections. —*Rushes of blood and haemorrhages. —*Most pains appear at night, are worse when sitting, abate during slight motion. —* General languor and debility, even from mere talking, and frequently alternating with anxious trembling of the whole body. —*Emaciation. —A walk in the open air tires one even unto fainting, with darkness of sight and humming in the head. —Wants to lie down. Skin.-Burning spots on the skin, sore when touched. Sleep.- Weary and drowsy, with restless night-sleep, anxious tossing about, dreams and difficulty of falling asleep again after waking.-Falls asleep late in the evening.-Inability to sleep lying on the side. Fever. — Frequent short chilly creepings.-Shaking chill, in the evening, in bed, the whole night. —Want of animal heat.-Vascular orgasm in the day-time, with heat in the evening, especially in the hands. —Intermittent fever, also after abuse of cinchona, with rush of blood to the head, bloat around the eyes, swelling of the veins; vomiting of food, shortness of breath and lameness of speech.-Ready breaking out of profuse sweat, after exercise or during sleep. -~Clammy, exhausting sweat. —Pulse hard and full. Emotive Sphere.-Anxiety, with throbbing in the pit of the stomach.-Quarrelsome. —Alternate mirthfulness and sadness, every other day. Sentient Sphere. —The head feels confused and heavy. — Vertigo as if one would fall forward, or as if one were riding in a carriage.-Reeling and vertigo when looking at flowing water. Head. —*Headache, on the vertex, with a painful pressure, when in the cool, open air.-Stupifying headache, above the root of the nose, in the evening,-Drawing from the nape of the neck up into the head, where one experiences a stinging, FERRUM. 183 humming and roaring.-*Periodical, throbbing headache, obliging one to lie down, every two or three weeks. —Rush of blood to the head. Integuments of the Head.-* The scalp is painful as if ecchymosed.-Considerable falling off of the hair, with painfulness of the same when touched. Eyes. —Eyes dim, dull and running, especially after using them a little (by writing).-Red eyes, with burning. —Scrofulous ophthalmia? Ears.-Humming in the ears, less when laying the head on the table. Nose.-Nose bleed, especially from one nostril.-~Constant accumulation of bloody crusts. Face. —*Face livid, or pale, emaciated, with sunken eyes. — Face red as fire. — Yellow or blue spots in the face. — ~Bloated appearance around the eyes. —*Pale lips. Throat.-Aching sore throat when swallowing.-Spitting of blood. Appetite and Taste.-Taste sweetish, as of blood. — *Food tastes bitter.-Eructations after eating, with gulping up of the ingesta, even when the food was relished. —Vomiting after eating any thing sour. —*Pressure in the stomach, or vomiting, after eating or drinking.-Beer mounts to the head or causes vomiting. Gastric Symptoms.-Inclination to vomit during a meal. -* Vomiting of the ingesta, especially at night, or soon after eating. —*Sour vomiting. Stomach. —— *Pressure at the stomach, after eating meat. — Crampy pain at the stomach.-*Oppressive cardialgia after every eating or drinking. Abdomen.- Distention of the abdomen.-~Abdominal spasmns. —~Nocturnal flatulent colic?-Painful heaviness of the lower abdomen when walking. Stool. — Watery, acrid, excoriating *diarrhoeic stools, sometimes with spasmodic pains in the abdomen, back and anus.-~Undigested diarrhceic stools.-Mucous stools.-~.Ascarides!-Blind and flowing piles. Male Parts. —ncreased sexual desire, with numerous erections and involuntary emissions. Female Parts, *Metrorrhagia, Owith vascular orgasm, face red as fire and profuse discharge of either fluid or black and coagulated blood, attended with labour-pains in the loins and abdomen.-The menses are preceded by stitching headache and ringing in the ears.-Sterility.-*Miscarriage.Milky, excoriating leucorrhcea. Windpipe,-Hoarseness and roughness of the throat. 184 FERRUM MURtATICUM. Tickling in the windpipe with desire to cough. —*Spasmodic cough, early in the morning, in bed, with profuse expectoration of mucus.-Cough, only during motion and when walking about.-Purulent expectoration. —Acute suppuration of the lungs.-Greenish, blood-streaked, putrid expectoration.-Nocturnal *bloody cough, -with increased tightness of the chest. Chest.-Tight breathing, with scarcely perceptible motion of the chest and dilatation of the nostrils when expelling the air. —* Oppressed breathing, -especially in the evening, or at night, as if proceeding from the pit of the stomach, worst during rest, lessened by mental or bodily work.-Suffocative fit, in the evening, in bed, with burning about the neck and upper part of the body, with cold extremities.-Constrictive tightness of the chest.-Contractive spasm of the chest, aggravated by walking or moving about.-Tensive stitching in the chest, extending to the scapule, —Rush of blood to the chest. —Palpitation of the heart. Trunk.-Nocturnal tearing between the scapulce.-Stitching in the scapulae when moving the arms. —Stiffness of the cervical muscles, with pain when moving them. - Swelling of the cervical glands. Upper Extremities.-*Stitching and tearing in the shoulder-joint and upper arm, so that one is unable to raise the arm.-Laming drawing and heaviness in the arm. —Restlessness in the arms.-Swelling and peeling off of the hands. -Crampy feeling and numbness in the fingers. Lower Extremities. -Tearing with violent stitches from the hip-joint down the tibia, during rest, worst in the evening and at night.-Laming pain and numbness of the thighs.The knees feel weak as if one would fall down, with uneasiness in the knees. —Varices on the legs. —~Stiffness, *Drawing and heaviness in the legs.-Swelling of the knee-joints, feet and tarsal joints.-Crampy feeling in the calves, soles and toes. 63.-FERRUM MURIATICUM. Symptoms.-Sudden spasms in the extremities, frequently, in the day-time; contraction of the limbs; laming tearing in the shoulder-joint, as far as the upper arm and clavicle, with inability to raise the arm, passing off during slight exercise of the arm; crampy feeling in the calves, during rest, especially at night. —Dry heat, with disposition to uncover one'sself; strong-smelling night-sweat; cold sweat as from anguish, during the nmuscular spasms.-H-eadache in the occiput, FLUORIS ACIDUM. 185 when coughing. -Coagulated blood in the nose, all the time. -Face pale, with red spots on the pale cheek. —Solid food tastes dry and unsavory.-No appetite, especially in the forenoon; aversion to meat and acids. -Unquenchable thirst, or loss of thirst. —Sour eructations; bitter eructations after eating solid food; vomiting after eating eggs. —Colic, spasms in the muscles as if the abdomen would contract, especially when stooping, after which one has great trouble to raise one's-self again. -Sore pain and smarting in the vagina, during an embrace, with deficient thrill. -Loud breathing, when sitting still.-Spasmodic cough, early in the morning, with raising of a transparent, tenacious mucus, ceasing after eating a little; bruising pain, or stitches, in the chest when coughing. 64.-FLUORIS ACIDUM. General Symptoms.-Violent burning, boring, or throbbing pains here and there. —Pain in. the bones of the forearms and legs.-Incereased muscular activity, without fatigue. —*s wearied by walking, cannot well raise his legs, they feel too heavy.-Languor, also with nausea aud eructations.-Most of the symptoms are felt in the right upper, and left lower, part of the body.-Coffee appears to increase the nervous symptoms, wine the heat and congestions of blood. Skin. -White, painful spots on the skin, and large blisters which suppurate, or pustules, from the external application. — Snlall groups of red tips, obliging one to scratch at night. — Obstinate aneurisms. —Dry, itching, burning herpes.Carious ulcers. -Mercurial ulcers. Sleep.-Sleepy all the time.-Sleeps until late in the day, feels stupified when waking. Fever. —Cold feels pleasant.-Heat all over, and nausea. copious, pungent, fetid sweat. Emotive Sphere.-IYissatisfied in the evening. —Imagines all sorts of things, when alone, especially against well-known persons.-Apprehensive~of danger, or of something frightful. -Not disposed to study, but well able to attend to practical business. Head.-Wavering sensation in the head.-Painful rush of blood to the head, when first commencing to move.-Heaviness above the eyes, with nausea.-Sensation as if some loreign body were contained in the left parietal bone.-Headache shifting about from spot to spot, with apprehension of danger.-QFalling off of the hair. —Caries of the mastoid process. 18tf FLUORIS ACIDUTM. EyeS.-Raised red spot above the brows. —Sensation as if the the eyes were opened by force, and as if a fresh wind were blowing upon them. —Fistula lachrymalis of the left eye, with thick, white crusts, discharge of humour and periodical itching. NOse. —Painful chronic soreness of the left nostril.Pimple on the dorsum of the nose, with a broad inflamed areola. Face. —Hot face after much talking. —Pain in the facial bones, as if something pointed were stirring about in them.~Pain firom the right eye to the upper jaw. —~Herpetic eruptions and.crusts in the faces of children.-~ Crusta lactea, with eruption on the head. Teeth.-Hot feeling in the teeth, especially in the cuspidati and incisors.-Dull teeth.-The teeth are so painfill that one is unable to chew. —The incisors feel sharp as if broken. Month and Throat. —Painful ulcer in the mouth, in the corner, between the upper and lower jaw, very sensitive when eating.-Sensation, during a walk in the open air, as if the posterior nares were wide open.-Constriction in the throat, with pressure and burning in the stomach, eructation, and inclination to vomit.-Difficult deglutition. Taste and Appetite.-Taste of ink, as if proceeding fiom a tooth.-Desire for piquant things, also for coffee. Gastric Symptoms. —Sour eructations, with heartburn. -Flat, fetid, eructations,with inclination to vomit. Stomach — *Aching or pinching pains in the left side of the abdomer, also in the spleen.-Throbbing when touching the chest and abdomen.-Fetid flatulence. Stool.-Diarrhceic stool, every morning, after coffee, with tenesmus and protrusion of the rectum, in patients affected with piles.-~Nocturnal diarrheea, with flow of saliva, pain in stomach, flatulence. CUrine., —Pungent smell of the urine. Male Parts. —Stitching and pulling from the right testicle to the abdominal ring. Female Parts, —Menses delaying and more copious than usual, with thick, coagulated blood. —Yellowish corrosive leucorrhcea, with soreness and burning of the parts. —Chronie metrorrhagia, with asthmatic complaints. Windpipe. —Soreness in the throat, down to the larynx.Hawks up bloody mucus. Chest.-Arrest of breathing, as from a foreign body. in the upper part of the chest and throat-pit.-Restlessness and GRAPHITES. 187 trembling of the heart.-One of the breasts is red, swollen, itching. Trunk. —Spasms in the cervical muscles.-Pain in the back, deep-seated, below the scapula. Upper Extremities.-Pains in the bones of the arm, shifting from the right to the left.-The hands feel weak and numb.-Bone-pains, pain as if sprained, prickling and beating in the fingers, as after contusion. —Skin of the hands dry, brittle, especially after washing. Lower Extremities.-Pain, and bruising pain in the left hip, especially when rising.-The limbs are disposed to go to sleep.-Laming pain in the tarsal joints. —~Ulcers around the ankles. 65.-GRAPHITES. General Symptoms.-*Cramp-pains, crampyfeeling and contraction of single parts. —*Rigid feeling here and there, as if the tendons were contracted.-Twitching and distortion of the limbs. —Arthritic *drawing and tearing in the limbs and joints, especially when affected with ulcers. —Arthritic nodes. -'Liable to straining parts by lifting — *Some parts go to sleep. —Stiff joints. —~Hard swelling, with stinging pain.~Pains which are felt during sleep.-The pains disappear after a walk in the open air. —Chlorosis.-Varices, with stinging, stretched feeling, and itching. —~Hard glandular swellings.Heavy, lazy, languid.-General malaise, obliging one to moan, without any particular pain.-Strong pulsations in the whole body, increased by motion; especially about the heart. -Drawing through the whole body, with disposition to stretch.-Tremulous feeling through the whole body, with twitching in all the limbs.-'Emaciation. —*Liable to taking cold, dreads the cold air. Skin. -o Chronic dryness of the skin.-Freckles.-Red spots on the skin, like flea-bites. —~Erysipelatous inflammations. —*Humid eruptions, and herpes.-Crusty eruption, with acrid humour under the crusts. —Zona.-Crusty herpes, itching at night, and in the evening.-~Sarcoma.-Phagedenic blisters. — Soreness and excoriations, especially of children. -0 Unwholesome skin.-Proud flesh, and fetid pus of ulcers, with tearing, burning, and stinging in the ulcers. —* Thick, distorted nails. Sleep.-Very drowsy in the day-time, and early in the evening. —*Difficulty of falling asleep. —Restless night-sleep, with fiequent waking.-~Unrefrieshing night-sleep, and heavy morning-sleep.-A crowd of ideas at night, also anxious 188 GRAPHITES. thoughts. —* Wandering of the fancy at night, with anxious, frightful dreams.-Pinching in the stomach, and digging in the chest, at night. —*Nocturnal anguish, not allowing one to remain in bed. -.*Starting up during sleep.-*Anxious, frightful dreams. Fever. —Chilliness, early in the morning, and in the evening, with, or without heat, followed by sweat. —Fetid sweat after the least exercise, even after talking. — *Night-sweat, -also fetid. Emotive Sphere. —*Lowness of spirits, desperate grief, with a good deal of weeping.-Anguish, as if one would die, or as if some misfortune would happen. —*Anxious restlessness, oalso during work when sitting, or *at night, driving one out of bed. —Oppressive anxiety, early in the morning. -Slowness in making up one's mind.-Irritable, with tendency to start.-* Vexed. —*Dread of labour. Sentient Sphere.-Absent-minded.-Forgetful.-Makes mistakes in talking or writing.-Numb feeling in the head. — *Intoxication, 0early in the morning when rising. Hlead, —*Hemicrania, -with nausea, and sour vomiting. — Violent headache, early in the morning, until cold sweat breaks out and one faints.-Headache when riding in a carriage, moving one's head, also during and after a meal.Headache on the side on which one is lying. — Oppressive constriction and tension in the occiput, with stiffiless of the nape of the neck.-Contractive, gloomy feeling in the forehead.-Compressive pain in the vertex, afternoon, with rolling in the head.-Rush of blood, with throbbing and humming in the head. —~Humming in the head. Integuments of the Head. —Drawing and tearing in the scalp, ~teeth and cervical glands.-*Itching of the hairy scalp. -— *Humid, scurfy scald-head. — Sweat about the head, when walking in the open air. —A number of scales on the hairy scalp.-The hair turns grey, and *falls off, ~even on the sides of the head. Eyes.-The eyelids are heavy, as if lame, and they close. -*Pressure in the eyes ~and lids, as from sand.-Smarting and *stirrging in the eves.-Heat and burning in the eyes, especially at candle-light. —* Ophthalmia, with redness, ~swelling of the lids, with profuse secretion of mucus from the same. -Stye, with drawing pain. —*Dry pus in the lids and lashes. *Lachrymation and agglutination of the eyes. —~Blackness of sight when stooping.-Short-sighted. —~The letters look blurred when reading. -OFlickering before the eyes. — *Photophobia, in the day-time, with dazzling of the eyes. Ears,-*Hissing in the ears.-Stinging and beating in the cRAPHITES. 189 ears. —Dryness of the inner ear. —Fetid smell, discharge of *blood and Opus from the ears. —Scurfs, herpes, dampness and soreness behind the ears.-*Hard hearing, ~less when riding in a carriage. —Singing, *ringing, humming and reports in the ears.-Nocturnal roaring in the ears. —Blowing in the ear as if air would penetrate into the Eustachian tube. Nose.-~Swelling of the nose. —Tensive feeling in the inner nose.-Black pores on the nose.-~'Dry scurfs and scabs in the nose.-~Sore, cracked, ulcerated nostrils. —*Fetid smell from the nose.-Blows blood from the nose, or nosebleed, especially in the evening and at night, with rush of blood to the head and heat in the face.-Discharge of fetid pus from the nose.-Sensitive smell. Face. —Pale-yellow complexion, with blue margins around the eyes. —~Flushes of heat in the face. —-*Erysipelas and swelling of the face.-Sarcoma of the cheek.-Sensation of cobweb in the face all the time. *Semilateral paralysis and distortion of the facial muscles, with heavy speech. —Tearing and drawing bone-pain in the face. —*Eruption in the face Olike raw skin. —Scabs and *humid pimples in the face.~Freckles. — Ulcers on the inner side of the lips.- Ulcerated corners of the mouth.-Sore, cracked lips.-~Scurfy eruptions on the chin and around the mouth.- Painful blotches at the lower jaw.-Hard swelling of the submaxillary glands. — OFalling off of the moustachios. Teeth, —* Toothache at night, -or in the evening, in bed, aggravated by warmth, with heat in the face and swelling of the cheek.-The molares ache when pressing them together. -Drawing and *stitching toothache, -especially after a cold drink.-Sore pain of the teeth and gums, during, and still more, after a meal.-The gums are swollen and bleed readily.-Black, sour blood comes out of the teeth. Mouth.-Dry mouth, early in the morning.-Putrid, urinous smell in the mouth, gums and through the nose.Sore pain, blisters and ulcers on the tongue.-A good deal of saliva and phlegm in the fauces and throat. Throat. —~Sore throat when swallowing, generally stitch. ing, with choking. —Nightly *sore throat, as if a plug had lodged in the throat, ~as if the throat were full of food.Spasm in the throat, like choking.-Roughness and scraping in the throat. Appetite and Taste. —Taste bitter or sour, with acidity in the mouth and throat.-Very thirsty, early in the morning and after eating.-~.Excessive hunger.-~Canine hunger with nausea. —Aversion to boiled, warm food and meat. 190 GRAPHITES. ~Dyspepsia, with drowsiness, headache, pain in the stomach, fulness and *distention of the abdomen after eating. Gastric Symptoms.-Frequent, also unsuccessful eructations.-Sour eructations with bitter taste in the mouth.Gulping up of a green, bitter substance.-IHiccough, especially after eating —*Nausea, especially early in the morning, or ~after eating, *with disposition to vomit.-Water. brash at night. — Chronic *vomiting of the ingesta, or after every little fit of loathing, with violent nausea and pinching in the abdomen. —Hawking up of mucus. —Sour vomiting. Stomach.-*Pressure at the stomach -with vomiting, lessened by lying down and by the warmth of the bed. —~ Cardialgia.-Griping-tearing in the stomach.-Burning in the stomach, obliging one to eat. —~Nightly pinching in the stomach, with digging in the chest. Abdomen.-Tension,stitching and beating in the hypochondria.-Pains in the liver, after breakfast, obliging one to lie down.-*Fulness and heaviness in the abdomen.*Distended abdomen. —*Hardness in the abdomen. —Nightly crampy pain in the bowels, with deficient secretion of urine.-'*Incarceration of flatulence.-Excessive emission of fetid flatulence, preceded by pinching. —Painfulness of the groins.-Painful swelling of the inguinal glands. —Erysipelas, with large blisters on the abdomen. Stool. *Constipation, chronic, with hardness in the region of the liver.-Hard, knotty, extremely large, ~insufficient stool. —Chronic extremely soft stool. —Stools smelling sour and fetid, or bloody stools.-Diarrhcea with distended abdomen.-Stool of a very small size like a worm. — Discharge of mucus from the rectum.-Lumbrici and ascarides. -~Tenia.-Itching, sore feeling and swelling of the anus.*Large varices at the anus, with sore pain, ~also after stool.Painfully.burning rhagades between the varices. Urine.-Anxious and painful urging to urinate, discharging only drops of urine. -Diminished secretion of dark urine which soon becomes turbid, with white or reddish sediment. -Acrid, sour-smelling urine. —Thin stream as if there were a stricture.-Involuntary micturition, also at night. —Pain in the sacrum, when urinating. —*Nightly urging to urinate. Male Parts. —Tension and cramp-pain in the sexual parts, with lascivious thoughts.-Pimples on the prepuce and penis.-Watery swelling of the prepuce.-Hydrocele.-Voluptuous irritation in the sexual organs. — The sexual desire is either dormant, or else ~excessive.-Deficiency of morningerections.-~Almost involuntary emission of semen without erection.-There is no emission during an embrace. — G-UAPrITES. 191 Flatulent colic during sexual excitement.-*Little pleasure during an embrace, with indifference. Female Parts.-Vesicles and pimples at the pudendum. -*Soreness of the pudendum and between the lower limbs. -Painful swelling of the ovaries.- Suppressed menses.Pressing towards the sexual organs. —*Menses too late, too little and too pale. —The first menstrual flow takes place with difficulty. —During the menses, spasms and violent cutting in the abdomen, worse appearance of the ulcers, discharge of blood from the anus, headache, nausea, pains in the chest and debility.-White, thin *leucorrhea, like water, with distended abdomen. — Sterility with delaying menses? Catarrhal Symptoms.- *Stoppage and troublesome dryness of the nose. —* Coryza, ~every day, when feeling cold. -Dry coryza, with headache and nausea, obliging one to lie down.-Discharge of thin or thick yellowish mucus from the nose, -having a putrid smell.-*Fluent catarrh. Windpipe.-The larynx is sensitive.-Catarrhal roughness and hoarseness, with pain as if raw, burning and *scraping in the larynx, and husky chest.-Cough, owing to roughness of the throat. —* Cough, at night, -or in the evening, in bed, caused by drawing a long breath, with tightness of the chest. Chest and Respiration. — *Tight and oppressed breathing.-Nightly suffocative fits, when on the point of falling asleep.-~Wheezing in the trachea when drawing breath.Pain in the chest, when ascending an eminence, riding on horse-back, yawning or touching the chest.-Crampy-aching pain in the chest. —Spasm of the chest.-Stitches in the chest during every slight motion.-Palpitation of the heart, during every slight motion.-*Painful sensitiveness and'soreness of the nipples, covered with humid pimples. —Induration and swelling of the mamme. Trunk.-*Pain in the small of the back as if lamed and bruised by blows, or else a violent griping and twisting pain. -Stiffness of the nape of the neck. —* Violent pain in the nape of the neck -and in the shoulders, when bending the head forwards and when raising the arms; a sort of cutting with a feeling of excoriation.-Tumours on the neck, like goitre. -Swelling of the cervical glands. Upper Extremities.-Tearing and stitching in the shoulders. —Contractive sensation in the bend of the elbow, when extending the arm. —~Cramp-feeling and *tearing in the hands.-Emaciation of the hands.-Erysipelas, ~horny indurations, *brittle skin and raghades of the hands. —~Pain as if sprained in the joint of the thumb. —Swelling, stiffness and contraction of the fingers.-Miliary rash, phagedenic blisters, 192 GRIATIOLA OFFICINALIS. and ~arthritic nodes an the fingers. —~Herpetic soreness between the fingers.-Thick nails. Lower Extremities. —In- the open air the lower limbs feel heavy, weary, dead. —*Soreness between the lower litmbs.Arthritic tearing in the hip-joints, feet and toes. — ONumbness and stiffness of the thighs and toes. —*Uneasiness in the lower limbs. —~Herpes in the thighs, in the bend of the knee and on the tibia. —Contractive sensation of the hamstrings and the tendo Achilles. —Tight feeling in the varices when extending the legs. —~The knees are stiff; so that one cannot squat down without difficulty.-Crampy-feeling and muscular twitchings in the calves.-Congestion of blood to the legs and toes, when standing. —~Ulcers on the legs. —Swelling of the legs and feet, with hardness and stinging pain.-Stiffness of the tarsal joints. —*Stinging ulcerative pain in the heels and soles, ~when pressing them to the ground or when rising from a seat. —*Cold feet, ~also in the evening, in bed. —*Burning fiet.-Fetid sweat of the feet. —*Swelling and contraction of the toes. —~Horny skin, phagedenic blisters and *ulcers in the toes. —~Herpetic *soreness between the toes. — Thick, distorted nails. 66.-GRATIOLA, OFFICINALIS. General Symptoms.-Tearing in the limbs.-Spasims, without loss of consciousness.-O-Hysteric and hypochondriac ailments.-Most pains appear at night, also in the open air; they abate by contact. Skin.-Itching, with burning after scratching.-Itch-like and humid, corrosive eruptions. Sleep. —Very drowsy, especially in the afternoon. Fever. —Disposed to feel chilly. Emotive Sphere. —Hypochondriac, and out of humour. -Hysteric fitfulness of mood.-Anxious, taciturn. —Loqua. cious and merry, Sentient Sphere.-Vertigo when closing one's eyes.Vertigo when sitting or lying, as if the head were balancing to and fro. Head.-Headache, with disposition to vomit'and sleepiness.-Feeling of fulness in the head.-Headache, especially in forehead and and occiput.-Stitching or throbbing headache.-Sensation as if the head were smaller, as if the brain had become contracted.-Vibrations in the head as if one would lose one's senses. Eyes. —Itching and twitching in the eyelids, with feeling of weakness.-Burning, and pressure in the eyes.-Nearsighted when reading. %RATIOLA' OFFICINAUIS. a9s Ears. —Tearing and stitching in the ears. Face.-Tensive and tingling feeling of swelling in the face. —Semilateral prosopalgia.-Burning heat and redness in the face. Teeth.-Nocturnal boring in the molares.-Cold feeling in the teeth. Mouth.-Flow of' saliva in the mouth. Throat.-Pressure in the throat as from tenacious mucus. — Creeping roughness and scraping in the throat. Appetite and Taste.-Pappy or bitter taste in the mouth. -Fetor of the mouth, early after waking. Gastric Symptoms.-Sweet or bitter eructations.-Gulping up of a bitter fluid. —Hunger, with loathing and aversion to food. —Inclination to vomit, all the time.-Nausea, with coldness in the stomach.-Vomiting, with stoppage of the nose.-Bitter-sour, or bilious vomiting. Stomach.-Malaise and feelhig of fulness in the stomach. — Pressure at the stomach, after eating, with nausea.-Digging in the stomach, with inclination to vomit.- The pains in the stomach are generally attended with nausea, inclination to vomit and ineffectual attempts at eructations. Abdomen. —Stitching colic.- Oppressive colic, with inclination to vomit.- Oppressive fiatulent colic, with nausea and offensive eructations.-Hypochondriac abdominal complaints. Stool.-Constipation.-Nocturnal mucous diarrhoea, with tenesmus,-Burning in the rectum, during and after stool.Stinging, itching, smarting and throbbing in the anus. — Blind piles. Urine.-Reddish urine, with cloudy sediment. Male Parts.-Stitching from the spermatic cord to the chest.-Painful erection after an emission. Female Parts.-N2ymphomania of lying-in women. Catarrhal Symptoms.-Frequent sneezing, with stitches in the left side.-Stoppage of the nose. Windpipe.-Dry cough, with feeling of roughness in the chest.-Night-cough, with sore pain in the windpipe, oppression of the chest and chilliness. Chest and Respiration., — Oppression qf the chest, with palpitation of the heart. -Stitches in the sides of the chest, when drawing breath.-Stitches in the mammee. —Pimples on the chest, burning after scratching. Extremities. —Stitching in the legs and feet, 194 G UAJACUM OFFICIALE. 67.-GUAJACUM OFFICINALE. General Symptoms,-.*Rheulmatic pains in the joints.~The least motion excites the pains, generally with heat in the affected parts. —Arthritic, tearing-stitching pains in the limbs, with contraction of the limbs. —The limbs go to sleep.The upper arms and thighs are weak, andfeel as if lamed and bruised by blows, with dread of motion. —One wants to stretch one's limbs all the time, to feel better.- The pains are mostly felt in the morning, after rising, and before going to bed. —~11l effects of mercury. —Bony tumours. —-Emaciation. Sleep.-Drowsy in the afternoon.-Frequent waking as if in affright, also when on the point of falling asleep.Tosses about at night.-One feels as if one had not slept enough, early in the morning. Fever,-Chilliness and shuddering, even near the warm stove.-Sweat, especially about the head, when walking in the open air. Emotive Sphere.-Out of humour, headstrong.-Censorious.-Dread of motion. Sentient Sphere. - Forgetful, especially of names.Frequent staring. Rlead,-Painful pressure, or drawing-tearing in the forepart of the head and temples.-Severe long stitches in the brain. —Tearing in one side of the head, down to the cheeks. Throbbing and stinging in the temples, with sensation as if the head were swollen and the vessels turgid.-~Hemicrania. Eyes.-Sensation of swelling in the eyeballs, -with protrusion of the eyes and sensation as if the lids were too short. -Pimples on the eyebrows. Ears.-Tearing and *dragging in the ears. Face. —Stitches in the cheeks (bones and muscles). Teeth. —Pressure in the teeth when pressing them against each other. — Drawing-tearing in the teeth, terminating in stitching. Gastric Symptoms,. —Flat taste in the mouth, with loss of appetite, *aversion to every kind of food, -with expectoration of mucous —Burning in the fauces. —Aversion to milk. — ~Nausea, owing to sensation as if mucus had lodged in the throat. —OEarly in the morning, violent vomiting of watery mucus, with straining. Abdomen.-Anxious constrictive feeling in the region of the stomach, oppressing the breathing.-Empty feeling in abdomen, with rumbling. —Pain in groin as if hernia would protrude. —Muscular twitchings of the abdomen. Stool. — Constipatiol. —C*ITard, lumpy stool, ~fetid. HELLEBOfUS. 19 Urine.-* Constant urging, with copious emission. —Cutting in the urethra, when urinating.-Ineffectual urging, with stinging at the neck of the bladder. —Fetid urine, with constant urging. Windpipe.-DI)ry *cough, with irritation in the pit of the stomach, as from want of air. —~Suppuration of the lungs.~Bad cough, with copious fetid purulent expectoration. Chest.-*Stitches in the chest, worse when drawing breath. Trunk.-Pressure in the cervical vertebra.- Stiffness of one whole side of the back.-Tearing and stitching down one side of the back.-Contractive pain between the scapulae. — Chilliness in the back. Extremities.-Tearing and stitching in the scapulve and forearms. -Creeping bone-pain in the thighs, when sitting.Laming tension in the thighs, when walking.-*Lancination in the legsfrom the feet upwards. 68. —HELLEBORUS. General Symptoms.- Stitchiny-boring pains, especially in the integuments of the bones, aggravated by cool air, bodily labour, eating or drinking.-Drawiwing-tearing in the limbs.-Stitching pains in the joints. —*Sudden relaxation of all the muscles.-One feels better in the open air, with sensation as if one had been sick for a long while, every thing appearing younger and fresher. - Spasms. — Fainting.~Dropsy. —Anasarca, also after purple rash. —The muscles do not act, unless attention is paid to what one is doing; one lets the bread fall, &c.-* Convulsive movements of the muscles, ~especially during sleep. Skin.-~Pale skin.-~Rash? —*Sudden dropsical swelling all over the body. Sleep. —*Sopor; -with the eyes half open and the pupils turned up. —Confused, anxious drearns.-Sleepless. Fever, —~Chilliness, alternating with stitching pains in the limbs.-Coldness of the whole body, especially the limbs.General shaking chill, with goose-flesh, painful sensitiveness of the scalp -to contact, drawing-tearing in the limbs, stitches in the joints, and no thirst. —In the evening, after lying down, burning heat of the whole body, especially the head, with internal shuddering and chilliness without thirst, with aversion to drinks.-Night-sweat towards morning. —Lentescent typhus? Emotive Sphere. —* Silent melancholy.-Excessive anguish as if one would die.-(Homesick) —~ Hypochondria.-Sobbing weeping.-OTaciturin. — Mistrustful, 196 tflELLEBORUS. Sentient Sphere. —*Dulness of the inner sense.-Dulness of sense, with thoughtless staring to one point.-Weak memory.-~Imbecility? Head.-Dull and bruising pain in the head. —Stupifying headache.-Painful heaviness of the head, with burning and heat in the head, cold fingers and general feeling of chilliness. -~Meningifis.-f~fydrocephalus.-The headache is least violent when one endeavours to lie still and forget it. Integuments of the Head.- The scalp, especially behind, feels painfil as if bruised, when touching or moving it.Twitching in the scalp, when stooping or moving about.~Boring of the head into the pillows.-Tumours on the forehead, painful as if bruised. —~Humid scurf on the occiput. Eyes. —Pain as from a nail in the orbital border.-Heaviness in the eyes, pressing from above downwards. —Staring involuntarily at one object.-*Photophobia in the day-time. Ears. —Stitching in the ears, night and day, with diggingboring. Face. —Face pale, frequently yellowish. —Wrinkles in the forehead.-Dull bone-pain in the malar bone.-~Lips swollen, with white vesicles. Teeth.-Stitching-tearing toothache, at night. Mouth, &c.-Troublesome dryness of the palate, with cutting-scraping pain when swallowing.-Flow of saliva in the mouth, all the time.-Rigid and swollen tongue.-*Ptyalism, ~also with soreness of the corners of the mouth.-*Vesicles on the tongue and in the mouth. —~Apththee. Taste,-Bitter taste in the throat, worse after eating. Gastric Symptoms.-Nausea, with great desire to eat and aversion tofood, especially meat, greens, and sourkrout.Blackish-green vomiting with colic. Stomach.-Stomach heavy, distended.-Distention of the pit of the stomach, oppressing the breathing, with ulcerative pain.-Indescribable distress in the pit of the stomach.-Painful pressure at pit of stomach, at every step.-Sensation of retraction in the pit of the stomach.-Burning in the stomach. -OGastritis? Abdomen.-Pinching colic. —Cold feeling in the abdomen. -Heaviness in the abdomen. - OAscites. -?Bubbling in bowels as if full of water, when drawing a long breath.Rumbling in abdomen. Stool. —Tenesmus, with discharge of jelly-like mucus, preceded by pinching in the umbilical region.-Diarrhcea with colic and nausea. —Frequent watery stools. Urine.-Frequent urging, with scanty discharge.-~Dark urine. —~Feeblc stream. TIEPA'R SULPHtURIS CALCAIREUM. 19)7 Male Parts.-Suppressed sexual desire, with relaxation of the parts. Windpipe.-Suffocative constriction of the nose and throat. -Dry and hacking cough, with painful tension in left hypochondrium. Chest, &c. —Heavy breathing.-Hurried, or else deep and slow breathing. —~Hydrothorax?-Constriction of the chest.Increased warmth in the chest. —Palpitation of the heart. Trunk. —Contractive pain in the small of the back. — Gnawing and dull stitches in the spine. —The neck is stiff and painful when moved. Upper Extremities.-Tearing in the bones of the arms and joints of the fingers.-Muscular twitchings in the upper arms. —*Boring and stinging in the carpal and metacarpal joints. —Hands powerless.-Spasmodic rigidity of the finger, as if dead from cold. Lower Limbs. -Violent stitches and burning pressure in the hip.-Unsteadiness of the limbs and knees.-Stiffness and tension in the thighs and bends of the knees.-D-]ull, boring stitches in the knee andfoot-joints. 69,.-HEPAR SULPHURIS CALCAREUM. General Symptoms. —Tearing or laming drawing in the limbs, ~mostly early, on waking.-Sore or bruising pain, here and there, when touching the parts.-*Stitches in the joints. ~Arthritic swellings, with heat, redness and contusive pain.~Inveterate syphilis. - 0~I1 effects of mercury. —Caries.~Scrofulous complaints. —*Swelling, inflammation and ulceration of the glands.-~Suppuration of inflamed parts. —*The pains come on or are aggravated at night, during the chilliness. -Atrophy and emaciation. —* Tremulous and weak ~fromn smoking, when walking in the open air, with heat and anxiety. -Fainting in the evening, the pains being light. Skin, — *Erysipelas of external parts.- Burning itching over the body, with white blisters after scratching.-Nettlerash.-Pimples and blotches, sore when'touched.-*Unwholesome skin.-*Rhagades. — *Readily bleeding ulcers Osmelling like old cheese, *with stinging and gnawing, or burning and throbbing, especially at night.-Suppurations of every description, — Panaritia. —Cancerous ulcers. Sleep.-Very drowsy early in the morning, and evening, with *convulsive yawning.-Restless, stupid slumber, with the head bent backwards.-*'Starting at night, as if he- had not air enough, with crying and excessive anguish. 9 lAR lt SfLVTIPHURItS CALCAREU:tM. Fever.-Shivering, especially in the open air.-Chilliness, with chattering of teeth, and cold hands and feet, followed by heat and sweat, especially on the chest and forehead; little thirst. —Bitter mouth, followed by chilliness and thirst; an hour after, heat and sleep, followed by vomiting and headache. —*Dry heat at night.-Burning heat, with thirst, red face. —~Flushes of heat, with sweat. —*Disposed to sweat in the day-time. —*Night-sweat. - Morning-sweat. - Clammy, sour sweat. Emotive Sphere.-Sad. —Anguish in the evening, as if one ought to kill one's-self. — Repugnant mood, even to one's own family. —Vehement, passionate, with hurried speech, *and weak memory. —Visions, early, in bed. Sentient Sphere.-* Vertigo, when shaking the head, -also when riding in a carriage, or in the evening.-Fainting nausea with vanishing of sight. Head.-Headache, early, from very little concussion.*Ulcerative pain in the forehead, above the eyes.-Headache as from a nail in the head.-Pressure in the temples and vertex, with palpitation of the heart.-Stitches in the head when stooping, as if the head would fly to pieces. —*Boring headache, ~especially at the root of the nose, every forenoon. Integuments of the Head.-The hair falls out.-Cold sweat about the head. -*Blotches on the head which are sore to the touch.- ~Iumid scald-head. Eyes, —Pain in the eyes as if drawn into the head.-The eyes ache when moved.-Pressure, burning and *stinging in the eyes.- Ulcerative pain above the eyes, every evening.*Inflammation of the eyes and eye-lids, also ~erysipelatous, scrolulous and arthritic, *with bruising and sore pain when touching them.-Pimples under the eyes and on the lids.~Specks and ulcers of the cornea.-*Lachrymation and nightly agglutination.-ONocturnal spasmodic closing of the eye-lids. o -Protruded eyes. —Darkness of sight when reading. —Photophobia, in the day-time and at candle-light.-Dimness of sight, in the evening at candle-light, alternating with increased brightness of sight. Ears.-Stinging in the ears when blowing the nose.-Heat, redness and itching of the ears.-Internal otitis. —*Discharge of Ofetid *pus from the ears. —~Scurfs behind and on the ears. —~Hard hearing, with beating and humming in the ears. Nose.-Naasitis.-Bruising and sore pain of the nose when touching it.-Bleeding of the nose, early, and after singing.Deficient smell, or else too acute. Face. —Yellow face, with blue margins around the eyes.~Brigh t-red, *hot face. —Erysipelas and swelling of the face HEPAR SUL'PHURIS CALCAREUM. 199 and cheeks, with prickling, tensive feeling.-~Drawing-tearing prosopalgia, proceeding from the cheeks to the ears and temples. —*The facial bones are painful when touched. — ~Chironic eruptions on the face.-Pimples on the forehead, passing off in the open air. —Vesicular erysipelas.-Swelling of the lips, with tension and pain when touched.-Ulceration of the corners of the mouth.-Blotches on the lips, chin and neck, sore when touched. —Blisters on the chin.-Stitching in the articulation of the jaw, when opening the mouth.~Acne of young people. Teeth. —Drawing.jerking toothache, worse when pressing the teeth together.-Swelling of the gums, with pain when touched. Mouth,-Flow of water in the mouth.-*Feverish paroxysms of ptyalism. —Hawking-tup of mucus.-Hoarse, hurried speech. —~Ulcer in the mouth, with ash-coloured base. Throat —*Sore throat as from a plug, or from some inner swelling. — *Scraping sore throat, ~imnpeding speech; also when swallowing saliva. —*Stinging in the throat as from splinters, when swallowing, coughing, drawing breath or turning the neck. —Dry throat.-*Swelling of the tonsils. Taste, &c. —Loss of taste.-Bitter taste in mouth and of the food, or only in mouth.-Very thirsty. —*Appetite only for something sour and piquant.-Aversion to fat.Desire for wine. —)Dyspepsia, also very bad. —~The stomach is easily deranged. Gastric Symptoms.-*Eructations -with burning in the throat.-Fits of nausea, ~with coldness and paleness.-Inclination to vomit, early in the morning.-Sour, bilious, green, or bloody and slimy vomiting. Stomach.,*Pressure at the stomach, also after a slight meal.-Oppressive swelling of the region of the stomach.Distention in the pit of the stomach as from seated flatulence, one cannot bear tight clothes. Abdomen. —Stithes in the spleen.-Stitches in the region of the liver when walking.-Nephritis, with stinging-burning in the lumbar region. —* Contractive pain and spasms in the abdomen. — Gnawing-grliping around the umbilicus, with anxiety, nausea and hot cheeks.-Smarting pain as if excoriated, in the abdomen. —*Stitches in the left side of the abdomen. -Swellihg and suppuration of the inguinal glands. Stool and Anus.-Stool hard dry.- A small quantity of soft fitces, with pressing and tenesmus. —Sour, whitish diarr]hea of children. —*Green, loamn-coloured, bloody and slimy, *dysenteric sfools. —After stool, sore feeling in the anus, w"fith discharge of humour.-Sweat on the perineum. EuPAit SULPfHUIs C'ALCAREWIM. Urilne.-Urine turbid, slow, with white sediment.-Emits a quantity of pale urine, with pressure on the bladder.Acrid, excoriating, or dark-red, hot urine.-Nocturnal enuresis. — Discharges blood after the urine.-Redness and inflammation of the orifice of the urethra. —oDischarge of mucus from the urethra.-0~Gleet? Male Parts. —Soreness and dampness between the thigh and scrotum.-Chancrous ulcers on the prepuce.-Painful, crampy, tensive erections. —Weak erection during an embrace. - *Discharge of prostatic fluid, qf'er hard stool.0Want of sexual desire. Female Parts.-Soreness of the pudendum and between the thigh and pudendum. —Rush of blood to the uterus.Discharge of blood between the menses, with distension of the abdomen.-Morbid lochia.-OLeucorrhcea with smarting of the pudendumn. Catarrhal Symptoms. — * Catarrh, -especially on one side only, with scraping in the throat.-Fetid nasal mucus. Windpipe -- Croup.-~ hoarseness. - Tracheal phthisis.. —Seated pain at one spot of the larynx, aggravated by pressure, coughing, talking, drawing breath. —Cough caused by an irritation in the larynx, or ~with pain in the larynx. — Deep, shrill cough, as if caused by tightness of breath.Violent suffocative cough, with violent retching. —~Whooping cough.- Cough after drinking. —*Dry evening cough, caused by one part of the body becoming cold, or also when in bed. —Paroxysms of dry, hoarse cough, with anguisht anmc retching, frequently terminating in a crying spell.-Vibrations and pain in the head, when coughing, as if the brain would fly out.-Sneezing, after coughing. —Barking cough. Chest. —~Anxious, hoarse, wheezing breathing, with danger of suffocation when lying.-~Suffocative fits obliging one to bend the head backwards.-~Spasmodic contraction of the chest when talking.-Stitches in the chest when drawing breath or walking. —Boils and pimples on the chest, which suppurate and feel sore when touched, also stinging. —~ Cancerous ulcer of the breast? Trunk.-Pain in the small of the back as if bruised and lamed, as far as the thighs.-Stitching and *drawing in the back, -between the scapukle and in the cervical muscles.Nightly tension in the back, when turning about in bed.OFetid sweat of the axillae.- Ulceration of the axillary glands. Upper Extreimities.-Pain in the humeri, as if lamed and bruised. —Sarcoma at the tip of the elbow.-oArthritie*swelling of the hand, fingers, joints of the fingers, with heat, redness, pain as if sprained, when moving the parts. —Rough, lIYOSCYAMUS NIGER.'lw1I dry, cracked skin of the hands.-Miliary eruption on the hand and wrist. —The fingers are liable to cracking. —Deadness of the fingers.-~Panaritia. — Bullai on the hands and fingers. Lower Extremities.-Pain of the nates, when sitting. - Boils on the nates. — ~oxalgia, with throbbing pains and disposition to suppurate?-Bruising pain of the thighs.Painful tension in the thighs, disturbing one's night's rest. - Frequent attacks of sudden languor of the lower limbs when walking. -Swelling of the knee. —Cramp in the calves, soles, and toes.-Burning of the feet. —Rheumatic swelling of the tarsal joint, with redness, and nightly aggravation of the pains. —*Swelling around the ankles, with difficulty of breathing.-~Rhagades of the feet.-Stinging in the corns. 70.-HYOSCYAMUS NIGER. General Symptoms. —Dull drawing and cutting tearing in the limbs and joints. —*Cold, trembling, numb limbs - OHysteric ailments.-Olnflammation of internal organs, with typhoid symptoms. —*Spasms, ~also caused by worms, or in the case of lying-in or pregnant females.-~ Convulsire motions or twitching of single parts, and of the whole body, also when attempting to swallow the least quantity of liquid.-Strilking about with hands and feet. -*Chorea. —*Epileptic spasms, and apoplectic attacks, also -alternating.-Fainlting turns.Debility, prostration. —~Paralysis.-~Ill effects of unfortunate love, with jealousy. —Ailments from taking cold, or from exposure to cold air —Most of the pains come on after eating. Skin.-*Dry, brittle skin.-Dry pustules, like confluent small-pox.-Brown spots on the body, now and then.-Large boils, frequently.-Gangrenous spots and vesicles here and there. Sleep.-Coma vigil. —*Falls asleep late, and is wakeful at night. —~Grasps at things in the air and about the bed, with picking at the bed-clothes.-Smiling features during sleep.*Starting as if in affright during sleep. —*Sleeplessness, owing to excessive nervous excitement. Fever.-Shuddering from the feet to the head.-Violent heat of the body, especially the head. —Puerperal, putrid, worm fever, and typhus.- Contagious typhus. —~Fevers, with epileptic attacks. Emotive Sphere. —Melancholy —Dread of men. —Mis. trust.-Escapes from his house, during the night.-*Fear of Q8* 12)2 0YIuYOSCYAMus NIEzR. being poisoned or Osold. —*Anguish.-OInclined to laugh at every thing. —* Loquacious. —*Jealozts. —Scolds and quarrels. -Rage, striking and endeavouring to kill people. —~Hydrophobia.-Mental alienation caused by brandy. Sentient Sphere. —Loss of memory. -*Loss of consciousness, lies with his eyes closed and talks about business.*Imbecility. —~Does not experience any want (except to drink).-Delirium.-*Acts absurdly in everything. —*Mania with loss of consciousness, or with ludicrous gesticulations. -Lascivious mania. —*Apathetic insensibility.-*Does not know his own family.-His head feels dull and heavy.Vertigo as if intoxicated, or with obscuration of vision. Head. —leadache as from concussion of the brain.-Stupi. fying ache in the forehead, especially after eating.-Constrictive gloomy feeling in the forehead. —Hemicrauia.-Balancing sensation in the brain. —~Typhoid meningitis, also after exposure to cold in the winter.-OHydrocephalus. — The head shakes to andfro. EyeS. —*Eyes dull, without lustre. —Red, protruded, staring, distorted eyes. —*Spasmodic motion of the eyes. — Squinting. —~Spasmodic closing of the lids.-*Dilated pupils. -~Dimness of sight.-Near-sighted, or *far-sighted.-Illusion of sight.-Diplopia.- The objects seem larger, or look red.-'Hemeralopia.-Incipient amaurosis. Ears. —~Humming in the ears. —*Hardness of hearing, as if stupified. Nose. -Nose bleeds.-Crampy pressure at the root of the nose. -Loss of smell. Face. —*Face cold, pale, bluish, or bloated and blue-red. -Crampy pressure in the region of the malar bones. —Dry lips.-~Lock-jaw? Teeth. -* Throbbing -tearing toothache, from the cheek to the forehead, especially after a cold, or when exposed to cold air, with a rush of blood to the head, and generally early in the morning. —* Tearing in the gums, wfth loose feeling in the teeth, and ~humming. —Beating and humming in the tooth, with spasms of the throat. —*The teeth feel elongated, loose, and are covered with mucus. Mouth. -Dry mouth.-Saltish ptyalism. —Bloody saliva. *Froth at the mouth.-Bad smell from the mouth, of which he is himself conscious.-Burning of the tongue, with numbness as if burnt.-*Red tongue. —Paralysis of the tongue.*Loss of speech. —*Tongue parched and dry, ~or coated brown. Throat.-Throat dry and burning. hot.- Constriction of the throat, Iith inability to swallow liquids. 1YOSCYAMLTS NIUMHG. 203 Appetite and Taste.-Loss of taste. —.Canine hunger, with thirst.-*Aversion to drinks. Gastric Symptoms. -Nausea when pressing on the pit of the stomach, — Choking and vomiting, with colic, obliging one to cry out. —Watery vomiting, with vertigo. -Vomiting of bloody mucus and dark-red blood-Frequent hiccough, especially after eating. -Vomiting of the ingesta, ~also soon after eating. Stomach. - Periodical cardialgia, abating after vomiting. — The pit of the stomach is painfuil to the touch. —Burning in the stomach.-~Gastritis, diaphragmitis? Abdomen. —~Dull pains in the region of the liver. —*Distended abdomen, painful when touched. —Colicky abdominal spasms. —~Cutting colic.-Stitching around the umbilicus, when walking and breathing.-~Enteritis? *Painful sensitiveness of' the abdominal integuments. —0The muscles are painful, as if bruised. —Sore pain when coughing. Stool.-Constipation.-Frequent urging with scanty discharge.- Watery diarrhoa.-Diarrhcea of lying-in women.~Involuntary s!ools. —~Painless diarrhcea. —~Paralysis of the sphincter ani. Urine. — etention of urine. —Frequent urging, with scanty emission.-Enuresis. —Copious watery urine. —O~nvoluntary discharge of urine. —Paralysis of the bladder. Male Parts. -Incrleased sexual desire.-Impotence. Female Parts.-Profuse menses.-Suppressed menses. -Suppressed lochia.-Discharge of bright-red blood from the womb. —During the menses, delirium, enuresis, sweat and convulsive trembling. - Previous to the menses, hysteric spasms, and loud laughing. — Sterility? —Suppressed lochia. ~Puerpeiral fever? —~Diarrhoea of lying-in females? —~Spasms of pregnant and parturient women? Windpipe.-A good deal of mucus in the windpipe, rendering the voice husky.-~ Catarrh of the bronchial passages. Clough when lying, passing off after rising. —*Nocturnal dry spasmodic cough, or cough with irritation. —Dry, racking panting cough (after and during the measles), with painful soreness in the pectoral muscles. —Greenish expectoration. — Olncipient suppuration of the lungs?-Attacks resembling whooping cough. —QBloody cough with congestions. Chest, Respiration.-Tightness of the chest, and laboured, rattling breathing.-Oppression as after running.-Pres. sure in the right side, with anguish and shortness of breath when going up-stairs.-"~Spasnms of the chest, with short breathing, and obliging one to bend forward.-Stitches in the sides of the chebst.-~ TYyphoid pneumon.i. —~Affections of the heart. W04: 1GNATIA. AMAXA. Trunk,-Pains in the back, especially in the loins, with swelling of the feet.-Stitches in the loins and scapulke.Herpetic spots in the nape of the neck. Upper Extremities. *Trembling of the arms -in the evening, after exercise.-Painful numbness and rigidity of the hands.-Swelling of the hands.-Clenching of the hands and thumbs. —Trermbling of the hands. Lower Extremities.-Painful spasms of the thighs and calves, contracting the limbs.-Gangrenous spots and vesicles on the lower limbs —Stiffness and languor of the kneejoints.-Swelling of the feet.-Contraction of the toes when walking and going up hill. 71.-JATROPHA CURCAS. General Symptoms.-Pains in the limbs and joints.Convulsions. -Prostration. -Eruptions. -Tumours. -Coldness all over. —Clammy sweat. —Anguish. Gastric Symptoms. - * Watery, albuminous vomiting in large quantity, but easy, with diarrhcea.-~Asiatic cholera? -Anxious burning in the stomach. -Gastro-enteritis. - * Watery diarrheaa, it gushes.from him. Extremities.-Spasmodic pains in the legs, the calves being turned towards the tibia. 72.-IGNATIA AMIARA. General Symptoms,-*Simple pain, here and there, violent only when touching the parts.*Sharp, also pointed or hard pressure in the limbs and other parts. — *Pressing asunder, or constrictive sensation in internal organs. —Rheumati6 tearing in thelimbs.-Pains in the joints as ifsprained. -The limbs feel heavy, with tingling as if gone to sleep.*Convutlsions, and spasmodic attacks, ~also hysteric. — Epileptic spasms, especially after fright and mnortification, or during dentition.-Spasmodic laughter —~ Chorea. —*Tetanic spasms. -~Bad effects offright, silent grief chagrin, unhappy love.OAilments fiom abuse of coffee.-~Scrofulous complaints.~Gastric and bilious complaints. —-~Worms.- ~Chlorosis.OIHysteric debility, and fainting fits.- *The pains are apt to come on after eating, or after lying down in the evening, or after rising in the morning.-*The pains pass off when lying on the back, or on the affected part, or also on the unaffected part, but always by changing one's position. * The pains are aggravated by smoking, coffee, *brandy, and noise. Skin.-Itching which. readily disappears by scratching. — 4Chil'blains.-~Sorniiess of infants. —~Nettlerash. IGNATIA AMAitA. 1%a05 Sleep. —Deep stupifying sleep, with snoring breathing. — Exrcessive spasmodic yawning, especially early, and after the siesta.-Light sleep.-*Restless sleep ~with nightmare.Twitching of the extremities when falling asleep.-Dreams full of thoughts and reflections, or thoughts about the same object the whole night. Fever. —Shaking chill along the back and arms, with desire for cold water. —*Chilliness, ~also with increase of the pains. —During the chilliness, vomiting of food, bile or mucus.-_Chill with thirst, then heat.-~Chill, followed by external heat, lastly sweat.~-Heat all over (except on the feet), with internal shuddering, red cheeks.-Sudden flashes of heat all over.-Anxious feeling of heat as if sweat would appear —Internal feeling of warmth with sweat.-No thirst either during the heat or sweat. — Catarrhal, rheumatic, intermittent and typhoid fevers. —Sweat when eating. —Sweat only in the face. Emotive Sphere.-~Sadness and *silent grief with moaning. —Paroxysms of nocturnal anguish.-Irresolute.-Impatient. —Inclines to start, is full of fear.-Sullen and vexed mood.-Bold manners.-Delicacy of feeling and conscience. -Inconstant.-*A lternate mirth, and sad and weeping mood. -*Taciturn.-~OGnawing grief.-Despairs of his health.Wants to be alone.-*-Indifferent to every thing, with ~dread of labour and weeping mood. Sentient Sphere.-* Vertigo ~with flickering before the eyes.-Dulness as after intoxication. Head.-~Hemicrania.-Headache aggravated by stooping. -Aching pain above tbe root of the nose, with inclination to vomit, lessened by bending the head forwards.-Pressing in the head from within outwards. —Crampy pressure in occiput and forehead, with obscuration of sight.-Headache as from a nail in the brain.-~Boring-stitching *tearing deep in the brain, ~and in the forehead, abating when lying down.Jerking-throbbing headache. —The headache is aggravated by coffee, brandy, smoking, noise and odours. —The head inclines backwards. —*Falling off of the hair. —~Trembling of the head. Eyes. —Pressure in the eyes as from sand. — Ophtha7mia ~of scrofulous persons, or inflammation of the eyeball as far as it is covered by the lid. —Red eyes. —*Lachrymation and agglutination of the eyes.- Convulsive movements:of the eyes and lids. —~Staring look with dilated pupils.-*Photophobia ~and lachrymation in the light of the sun.-*Misty sight. Ears. —~Swelling of the parotid gland, *with stitching O NA1TIA AMAtnA. pain. —Redness and burning heat of one car.-~llard hearing, except for human speech. Nose.-Itching of the nose. —*Ulcerated sore nostrils, ~with swelling.-*Nose-bleed. Face. —~Pale complexion, or else *red or ~blue.-Redness and burning heat of one cheek. —Convulsive twitching of the facial muscles.-"Alternate redness and paleness. — ~Eruption in the face. —~Livid, sunken face, with blue margins around the eyes.-*Lips dry and chapped, also bleeding. -Sore pain on the inside of the lower lip. —*Scurfy corners of the mouth. — Convulsive twitching of the corners of' the mouth. Teeth. —*Tocthache ~from cold, *as if the teeth would be smashed. —Dizfcult dentition. — Lockjaw. Mouth. —Mouth and fauces inflamed and red.-*Mucus in the mouth all the time, or ~sour mucus. —tOne bites one's tongue when chewing or talking. — Moist, white-coated tongue. —Stitching from the velum palati to the ear. Throat.-*Sore throat as from a plug, between the acts of deglutition.-~Sensation as if one had to swallow over a spot which feels sore as if burnt. —*Stinging sore throat, especially between the acts of deglutition.-OInflamed, hard and swollen tonsils, with little ulcers. —*Difficulty of swallowing (drinks).-Constriction of the fauces.-*Soreness of the throat, only when swallowing. Appetite and Taste. —*Aversion to food and drink, especially to milk and tobacco.-Milk leaves a long after-taste. — Hiccough after swallowing. —*Flat taste.-*No appetite. -*Is speedily satiated.-*Aversion to meat, warm food and brandy. —~Wants this or that thing, and does not relish it when trying it. Gastric Symptoms.-Gulping up of the ingesta or of a bitter fluid. —Hiccough especially after eating or drinking.*Nausea, ~after smoking, or with *uneasiness and anguish.* Vomiting of food, ~bile or mucus. Stomach. —~Periodical attacks of pain in the stomach, disturbing one's night's rest, increased by pressure —~Dull pressure or stitching in the pit of the stomach. —Burning in the stomach.-*Empty and weak feeling in the pit of the stomach.-*Prickings in the pit of the stomach. —The region of the stomach is painful to the touch. Abdomen.-Fulness and distention of the hypochondria, with tightness of breathing.-O-Pain in the region of the spleen, worse when walking or pressing on the part. —cSwelling and hardness of the spleen.-Pinching, and then stitching pain in the sides of the ahbdomen.-~Periodieal *abdominal TIGATIA AMAnA. 207 spasms.-Crampy pressing in the inguinal region, at times from without inwards, at others from within outwards. — Throbbing in the abdomen.-Rumbling in the bowels. — *Flatulent colic, ~especially of hysteric females. -OThe colic is aggravated by coffee, brandy and sweets. —Grumbling in the abdomen as if from hunger. Stool. —Stool hard, with frequent ineffectual urging.Large-sized, wuhitish-yellowish stool. —OCostiveness from riding in a carriage.-* Diarrhaoa, consisting of mucus, also ~bloody' mucus, ~with rumbling in the abdomen.-Discharge of blood from the anus. —*Prolapsus of the rectum, also during stool. -Itching and creeping in the rectum. —*Ascarides. — Stricture of the anus.-*Contractive sore pain in the anus, after stool.-Stitches from the anus, up the rectum. Urine.-Frequent discharge of watery urine.-Lemoncoloured urine. —~Involuntary emission of urine. —~0rresistible urging to urinate.-~Smarting when urinating. Male Parts.-Itching all around the parts and of the penis, in the evening, after lying down, going off by scratching.-Soreness and ulcerative pain at the border of the prepuce.-Choking and pressure in the testicles, especially in the evening, after lying down.-Sweaty scrotum.-Sexual desires, with weakness of the sexual powers.-Deficient sexual desire.-Erections with painful urging and pressure in the mons veneris.-Erection at every stool. Female Parts.-~Metrorrhagia?-* Uterine spasms, also with contractive pressing in the uterine region, -after which a purulent, whitish leucorrhcea is seen. —*Menses too profuse and early.-*During the menses, spasms in the abdomen, headache, photophobia, anguish, palpitation of the heart, fainting weakness. Catarrhal Symptoms. —~Dry or fluent coryza, with dull frontal headache and hysteric nervousness.-Dry nose. Windpipe. — Feeble voice, inability to talk loud.-~Hollow cough, early in the morning on waking.-*Cough.from constriction of the throat-pit.-~Chronic night-cough. —~Dry cough with fluent coryza, or continuing day and night.~Rough, dry cough, after measles. —Spasmodic racking cough.-Short cough as from feather-dust in the throat, getting worse as one coughs. Chest and Respiration.-Oppression of the chest and the breathing, especially at night.-Difficult respiration, as if impeded by a load on the chest. —Dyspncea when walking and cough when standing still. —Asthma lfillari.-~Sobbing respiration. —Stoppage of breath when running.-Pressure at the chest. —*Spasmodic constriction of the chest.-Stitches in the sides of the chest.-Throbbing in the chest. 20$0 tODrniUM. Trunk.-Violent pain in the small of the back, a stitch. ing, drawing and tearing-griping. — Opisthotonos.-Stiffness of the nape of the neck.-Aching pain in the cervical glands, — ~Painless glandular swellings on the neck. Upper Extremities.-Intolerable laming pains as if sprained, in the bones and joints of the arms, as if the flesh would be detached. — Convulsive twitchinge of the arms and fingers. —Tearing in the arms when exposed to cold air.Tight feeling in the wrists. —Warm sweat on the hands.~Nocturnal numb feeling and creeping in the arms. Lower Extremities. — Cutting tearing in the posterior side of the thighs when stretching the muscles.-Heaviness of the legs and feet, with tension in the legs and calves when walking.-Hot knees, with cold nose. —~Convulsive jactitation of the lower limbs.-Stiffness of the knees and feet. — Painful sensitiveness of the soles when walking.-Burning in the corns. —Stitching in the soles. —Ulcerative pain in the soles. 73.-IODIUM. General Symptoms.- Shifting pains in the joints.Tearing pains in the limbs, especially in the joints.-Numb feeling in the limbs.-Spasmodic twitchings and subsultus tendinum. —Curvature of the bones.-Excites the glandular system, the stomach, liver,&c. —*Swelling and induration of glands, ~also after a blow or contusion.-HIcemorrhage from various organs. —~Hysteric ailments.-Ill efects of mercury. — Great nervous excitement.-Rushes of blood and pulsations through the whole body, increased by every little effort.Trembling of the limbs.-Wavering gait.-*Excessive debility; even talking causes sweat to break out.-*Atrophy and emaciation, ~also of children. —(Edema, also of the whole body. Skin. —*Rough, dry, parched, -or else clammy, yellow skin.-Herpes.-Panaritia.-~Fungus articularis, after measles. Sleep.-Sleepless.-Anxious dreams. Fever.-Shaking chills, even in a warm room. —Increased temperature.-Flying heat. —*ight-sweat. —Sourish morning.sweat.-Hurried, small, hard pulse- Hectic fevers. Emotive Sphere.- Whining mood and lowness of spirits. -Melancholy, hypochondriac sadness, oppression, anguish. -Solicitous, apprehensive.-Uneasiness, restlessness, preventing sleep and obliging one to stir about all the time.-. Sensitive, irritable, nervous.- Illusions of tact.-Loquacious, merry to excess.-OPhlegmiatic temperament,~ IoD LCM.'00 Sentient Sphere.-Difficulty of collecting one's senses; irresolute. -Aversion to mental labour.-The ideas seem to stand still. -Delirium.-Grasping at flocks.-~Dizziness in the morning.-Dulness of the head. Hlead.-Headache in the warm air, also after long walking or riding in a carriage, aggravated by noise and talking.Bruising pain in the brain, with debility as if paralyzed.Acute aching pain in the forehead. —*rush of blood to the head, with throbbing in the head. EyeS.-Pains in the orbits.-Weak feeling above the eyes, as if they were sunken, in the evening.-Smarting of the eyes. —Ophthalmia, also after a cold. —Swelling of the lids.-Dirty-yellow whites of the eyes.-Lachrymation.Trembling and twitching of the lids.-Weakness of the visual power. —Diplopia.-Scintillations. Ears.-~lIumming in the ears. —*Hard hearing.-Sensitive to noise. Nose.-Nose-bleed.-Red, burning spot on the nose, below the eyes. Face.-Pale complexion *speedily changing to yellowish or brown. —Frequent attacks of sudden redness, with burning of the ears.-Disfigured face with sunken eyes. —Twitching of the facial muscles.-Abscess on the cheek, with swelling of the surrounding glands.-Swelling of the submaxillary glands. Teeth.-Toothache in the molar teeth.-Yellow teeth, covered with mucus, early in the morning.-Inflammatory swelling and bleeding of the gums.-Gumboil with swelling of the cheeks. —~Interstitial dis!ention of the gums. Mouth.-Aphthmc.-~MercuriaI ulcers in the mouth.-Pain and swelling of the glands in the mouth. —Fetor from the mouth. —*Ptyalism, ~also from abuse of mercury. —* Thickcly-coated tongve. Throat.-Aching sore throat between the acts of deglutition.- Constant constriction in the fauces, impeding deglutition. -Inflammation of the fauces, with burning and scraping. Appetite and Taste. —Taste bad, soapy, -or bitter, salt. -Increased thirst.-Fitful appetite, at times *canine hunger, -at times no appetite.-*Unusual hunger, -feels better after eating.-Dyspepsia. Gastric Symptoms. —*Eructations, Ogenerally sourish, with burning. —oHeartburn, especially after heavy food. — Frequent nausea.-Violent vomiting, coming on again after eating.-Vomiting of bile or yellow mucus. Stomach.-Violent pains in the stomach, with bilious evacuations.-Pressure in the stomach, after every meal, —l 21iV ITODIUM. Spasmodic, gnawing and burning pains in the stomach. — Gastritis.-Throbbing in the pit of the stoinach. —~Painfulness of the pit of the stomach and region of the liver. Abdomen. —Colic, again after eating.-*Distended abdomen.-Large abdomen; he cannot lie on his back without being threatened with suffocation. —Hard swelling of the spleen.-*Colic. -Labour-like abdominal spasms. —~Inflammation and swelling of the mesenteric glands.-Trembling in the abdomen, proceeding friom the stomach towards thel periphery, with increased warmth.-Swelling of the inguinal glands.-*Incarcerated flatulena e. —Ascites. Stool. —Stool hard, knotty. —Soft, frequently whitish diarrbceic stools, alternating. with constipation.-Papescent stools.-Frothy or bloody and frothy diarrhoeic stools.Dysenteric, slimy, also purulent stools, without fracal matter. -Burning at the anus, in the evening. Urine. — Suppression of urine.-Copious, frequent micturition. —~Nocturnal enuresis.-Dark, yellow-green, milky, acrid, corrosive urine.-Opalescent urine. Male Parts. —Increased sexual desire.-Distressing drawing in the fore part of the penis. —Swelling and induration of the testes. —Induration of the prostate gland. Female Parts.-Menses at times *too late, at others =too early. —~Metrorrhagia. —~Weakness, palpitation of the heart, and a variety of ailments, before, during and after the men. aes.-~Induration (and carcinoma) of the uterus? —~Inveterate leucorrhoea. — Corrosive leucorrhoea.-0~Ovarian dropsy. Catarrhal Symptoms.-Stoppage of the nose, or else increased secretion of mucus. Windpipe. —*Hoarseness and intolerable titillation in the throat, mostly early in the morning.-*Inflammation, qf the throat and windpipe, with contractive sore pain. —Chronic disposition to bronchitis. —lIncreased secretion of mucus in the trachea, with a good deal of hawking. —*Cough from violent tickling in the throat. — *Dry cough, with pressure, stinging and burning in the chest.-~Inveterate morningcough. —*Cough with a good deal of expectoration, also of bloody mucus. —Suppuration of the lungs. Chest, Respiration.-*Difflculty of breathing, with tightness of the chest.-*Dyspncea, ~also when going up-stairs. — Suffocative catarrh.-Weakness of the chest.-Congestion of blood to the chest.-Violent, spasmodic palpitation of the hteart, -increased by every exertion. —Affections of the heart?-Burning-stinging tension in the walls of the thorax. -Dwindling of the mammwe. Trunk.-Spasms in the back.-Tension about the neck. -Sweleing of the onter 1eck. —Enlargement of the neck 1PECACTIAN A. 21 caused by talking.-~ Swellingq of the cervical, posterior cervical and axillary glands. — *Large goitre -Constrictive sensation in the goitre, continually.-Yellow spots on the neck, and redness as if ecchymosed. Upper Extremities. —Bone-pain in the arm, aggravated by lying on it, and disturbing the sleep.-*Weakness of the arms, early in the morning, in bed.-Convulsive movements and trembling qf the arms, hands and fingers. —The fingers go to sleep.-Tearing in the fingers.-Subsultus tendinum of the fingers.-Panaritia. —~Coldness of the hands, with cold sweat, during work. Lower Extremities. —Crampy pain in the lower limbs, only when sitting.-Heaviness, swelling, trembling and lameness of the lower limbs. —Rheumatic drawing in the thighs and knees. —~ White swelling of the knee. —~lnflammatory swelling of the knee. —~Dropsical swelling of the knee. -Cramps in the feet, especially at night. —Subsultus tendinum of the feet.-Acrid, excoriating sweat on the feet. 74. —IPECACUANHA. General Symptoms.-Bruising pain in the bones. —Tingling in the joints as if gone to sleep. —~Attacks of illness, ith loathing of food and sudden prostratien. —-*Hcmorrhage from various organs. —~11i effects of arsenic and cinchona.~Beilious and gastric comnplaints.-111~ effects of a cold and nightly revelling.-*Tetanic spasms. —*Slpasms and convulsions, ~especially of children and hysteric females. —~Hysteric complaints. — Sporadic and Asiatic cholera.-OApoplexy.-~Loss of flesh. —Ill effects of pork and pastry. Skin. —Violent itching, during the nausea, with desire to scratch until vomiting takes place. —~Rash, also if suppressed. —Herpetic eruption with itching, in the evening in bed. Sleep.-One sleeps with the eyes half open.-Restless sleep, with moaning. —Shocks in the limbs, when on the point of falling asleep.-Frightful dreams, with firequent starting. Fever, —Shuddering with coldness of the limbs and face. -~Slight, short-lasting chilliness, followed by violent heat and thirst. —Coldness, especially of the hands and feet, with profuse cold sweat on the same.-Previous to the chilliness, malaise, stretching and languor.- ~Heat all over, with alternate coldness and paleness of the face, cold sweat on the forehead.0 Thirst only during the chilliness.-~Intermittent fevers, also after abuse of cinchona, especially when the chilliness is but slight, with many gastric ailments and constrictive oppression of the chest. —0~Mucous, puerperal, and putrid fevers. 22I IPECACUANIIA. Emotive Sphere,-~Crying of children. —Anguish and fear of death. —Peevish and contemptuous.-Desires to scold. -Desires a variety of things, without knowing what.-Irritable, out of humour.-Impatient. Sentient Sphere. —Slow ideas.-Vertigo when walking, with tottering. Ilead, —*Headache as if the brain were dashed to pieces, affecting all the bones of the skull through to the root of the tongue.- Hemicrania, nausea and vomiting.-Tearing in the forehead, excited and aggravated by contact.-Slitching headache, with heaviness of the head. —*Pressure in the head, ~especially in the forehead. Eyes.-Eyes red and inflamed. —Gum in the canthi.Twitchings of the eye-lids. Ears. —Coldness and chilliness of the ears, during the fever-heat.-Hardness of hearing in the right ear, with pressure in the ear. Nose. —Nose-bleed.-Loss of smell. —*Dry feeling in the the nose and frontal cavities. Face. —*Paleface, ~bloated, *with blue margins around the eyes. —~Livid, yellowish face.-~ Convulsive twitchings of the facial muscles.-Lips covered with aphthe and eruptions. -Lips painful as if sore. — Convulsive twitchings of the lips. — Red skin around the mouth. Teeth. —Paroxysms of toothache as if the tooth would be torn out. Mouth.-Painfulness of the whole inner mouth.-Flow of saliva in the mouth. —~White or yellow-coated tongue. Throat.-Sore throat when swallowing, as from a swellir.g in the pharnyx.-Difficulty of swallowing, as if the tongue and pharnyx were paralysed. Appetite and Taste, —Flat taste.-Beer tastes flat.~Sweet taste, as of blood. —Bitter mouth, especially early in the morning. —Tobacco has a nauseous taste and causes vomiting.-~Aversion to every kind of food. — Desire for dainties. —Olll effects of pork, fat and pastry. Gastric Symptoms. —* Nausea as if proceeding from the stomach, with flow of saliva and empty eructations.*Empty retching —* Vomiting of the beverage or the ingesta, or of thin bile, or of green, ~bitter-sour, acrid-smelling water and *jelly-like mucus.- ~Haematemesis. - 0Vomiting with sweat, heat, fetid breath and diarrhoea. — Vomiting with diarrhoea,-.Vomiting shortly after stooping.-~Waterbrash. Stomach,-* Violent distress in the stomach and pit of the stomach.-Sensation as if the stomach were empty and hanging down relaxed. —Gastritis? —Pinching around the pit of KALI (C'ARBONICUM). 213 the stomach and hypochondria.-~Pressure at the stomach, with vomiting. —Swelling of the region of the stomach. Abdomen.-en ensation as if a hand, with the fingers spread out, were pressing on the abdomen and the anterior joints were boring into the bowels, aggravated by motion. —~Hysteric abdominal spasms. —Cutting pain around the umbilicus, with shuddering. —*Flatulent colic. —Sore feeling in the abdomen. Stool.*D —Diarrhacic, fermented stools.-O~Chronic diarrhoea. -*Green, lemon-coloured, fetid, bloody, bilious-mucous diarrhceic stools.-0Dysenteric stools with white flocks and subsequent tenesmus.-OBlackish diarrhcea, like tar. —~Diarrhoea, with nausea, colic, vomiting. Urine. -Urine turbid. with brick-dust sediment.-Scanty, red urine. —*Bloody urine.-Discharge of pus from the urethra, with smarting pain. Female Parts.-Pressing towards the sexual parts and anus. —*Metrorrhagia, the blood being bright-red. —Miscarriage? —Nausea and vomiting of pregnant females. Catarrhal Symptoms,-~Inveterate dry coryza.-Stoppage of the nose. Windpipe.- Bronchitis. -*Cough, ~especially at night, with painful shocks in the head and stomach, also with loathing, gagging and vomiting.- -*Dry cough, caused by a contractive titillation in the larynx, and felt to the lowest extremities of the air passages.-*Dry, racking spasmodic cough with suffocative arrest of breathing.-~Suffocative cough, with rigidity of the body and blueness of the face. —Whoopingcough.-~Bloody cough, ~also principally after an exertion. Chest, Respiration.-~Breathing anxious and hurried.*Spasmodic tightness of the chest, with contraction of the throat and panting breathing. —*Mucous rattling in the chest when drawing breath. —*Fetid breath.-Dyspncea after the slightest exercise.-*Paroxysms of shortness of breath, also with panting in the trachea.-*Suffocative fits in the room, ~less in the open air. —Sobbing breathin g.-Oppression of the chest and shortness of breath, as from inhaling dust.~Asthma Millari. —Spasms of the chest, caused by the vapours of copper and arsenic.-Sore pain in the chest.-Palpitation of the heart. —ORed, itching spots on the chest, with burning after scratchin -. Extremities. — Opisthotonos and embrosthotonos.- Convulsire twitchings of the legs and feet. 75.-KALI (CARBONICUM.) General Symptoms.-The limbs are painful where they 214 KALI (CARBONICUM). rest upon ally thing. —Aching pains in the joints. —Crampy contraction of some parts. —*Drawing and tearing pains in the limbs, especially during rest, with swelling of the parts. Stinging pains in the joints, muscles and internal organs.*Swelling and ~induration of glands. —Dropsical conditions of internal organs and of the whole body.-The pains are frequently felt early in the morning, in which case they are more violent in the day-time during motion.-Chilliness, immediately after the pains.-In the open air many of the symptoms, especially the fever, are worse, whereas others abate.-Spasmodic attacks, and convulsions of the extremities and muscles.-Epileptic attack,;, at night. —~Liability to strain parts by lifting.-Liability of the limbs to going to sleep when lying on them.-~Paralysis.-The whole body feels as if hollow. -Heavy and lazy. -Fainting sort of weakness and *tremulousness, -especially after walking.-*Weakness after confinenment. -Vascular orgasm, with beating in all the arteries. - Dread of open air and of a draught of air. - Liability to talking cold, especially after heating exercise. Skin. —The skin is painful as from sub-cutaneous ulceration.-Burning, or burning and stinging itching of the skin. -Yellow, or red and itching-burning spots on the body, with dampness after scratching.-Nettlebrash.-Phagedenic blisters. -Blue-reddish chilblains. -- Dry skin.- ~Inveterate warts. —*Herpes.-Bleeding of the ulcers, especially at night. Sleep.-* Very drowsy in the day-time, and early in the evening. —Falls asleep late. — Weeping, talking, starting, and *twitching during sleep. —*Sleep full of fancies, and anxious, frightful dreamns.-Nightmare. Fever. —Chilliness and thirst, evening, frequently with toothache.-Chilliness, immediately after the pains. —*Heat, with pains in the chest and small of the back. —~Deficient exhalations from the skin. —*Disposed to perspire when walking or making a mental effort.-*Night-sweat. Emotive Sphere,-Sadness.-Anxious, apprehensive.* Tendency to start. —Irritable mood. Sentient Sphere.-Sudden loss of consciousness.- Verti go, early in the morning, in the evening after eating, also when turning the head or body rapidly. -Tottering vertigo. — Vertigo as if from the stomach. Iead, —*Headache ~when riding in a carriage, sneezing, or coughing, *or early in the morning.-Semilateral *headache, wi!h nausea and vomitingq, aggravated by the least motion.Violent headache, through the eyes. —*Aching in the occiput, especially when walking, with vexed mood, or in the forehead with photophobia. —Stitching headache, especially in the KALI (cARUBONICUM). 215 temples. —*Rush of blood to the head, with throbbing and ~humming.-Sensation of something moving and trembling in the head. Integuments of the Head,-The head is jerked sideways, with inability to collect one's senses. —*The outer head is liable to taking cold.-Painful abscesses on the head. —Scurfy eruption.-*The hair falls off and becomes dry. Eyes.-Tearing with pressure in the eyes.-Smarting as from excoriation, burning and stinging in the eyes. —Inflammation and redness of the eyes, with pain when reading at candle-light. —*Sweliing of the eyes and lids, with difficulty of opening them.-Soreness and ulceration of the canthi.-*Agglutination of the eyes, especially early in the morning.*Bag-shaped swelling between the brows and lids.-*Lachrymation. -Disposition to stare. — *Muscat volitantes when reading or looking in the air. —Colours, spots, sparks.Painful bright light in the closed eyes, extending deep into the brain, evening, after lying down.-Photophobia.-~ The light dazzles the eyes. Ears, —*Stitches in the ears, also from within.-Inflammatory swelling of the ears, with discharge of pus or thin cerumen. — Ulcer in the ears. -— Soreness behind the ears.~Inflammation and *swelling of the parotid glands.-Acute hearing, on lying down, in the evening. —*Dull hearing.Ringing and humming in the ears. Nose.-Swelling of the nose, with redness and burning pain.-Red nose, covered with pimples.-* Ulceration of the inner nose.-~Dull smell. Face, —~Face looks yellow, or pale and wretched, with sunken eyes and blue margins.-Alternate redness and paleness of the face, with tearing in the facial bones. —*Flushes of heat.-*Drawing. —Bloated falce. —Pimples in the face, with red and bloated cheeks. —*Swelling between the eyebrows.-Pimples in the eye-brows. —aInveterate warts in the face.-Freckles.-Lips thick and ulcerated.-Lips cracked, peeling off.-Spasmodic sensation in the lips.-Crampy feeling in the jaws.-Swelling of the jaw and submaxillary glands. Teeth.-* Toothache, only when eating, or early, on waking, and when in contact with cold water. — Toothache, with pain in the facial bones, drawing, or jerking-tearing, also in the evening, in bed.-Digging, boring, beating, and gnawing in the teeth.-Inflamed, swollen, ulcerated gums. Mouth.-Fetor of the mouth.-Feeling of dryness in the mouth, with profuse saliva.-Soreness and blisters on the inner margin of the tongue.-Swelling of the tongue. —Palate covered with mucus. 21 6 hALI (lURBONICUMI). Throat. —Stinging sore throat, when swallowing. —lnpeded deglutition, as if the pharynx were not active enough. -A good deal of mucus in the throat and palate. —*Hawking of mucus. Appetite and Taste. — *Taste bitter or sour. -*Spoiled taste. —~Craves sugar *or sour things.-Milk does not agree with one. -Drowsy after eating, with pale face, chilliness.Pinching and uneasiness in the bowels, after eating anything warm.-*Nausea unto vomiting, when eating. Gastric Symptoms. —*Frequent eructations.-*Sour eructations and gulping-up of sour things.-Heartburn. —-*Nausea unto fainting, also when eating. —*Inclination to vomit, ~with anxiety, *especially after eating, and during an emotion.Retching, in the evening. —Vomiting (of food or acrid things) with prostration, or as if one would faint. Stomach. —Repletion, especially after eating.-Contractive cardialgia, whenever he eats or drinks anything; or at night, with vomiting.-Pinching, digging, stitching in the stomach.-Stitches in the pit of the stomach and the hypochondria, arresting the breathing.-Throbbing in the pit of the sto)mach. Abdomen.-Burning, *pressure and stinging in the liver. -Pressure and stinging in the region of the kidneys.-Violent distress in the abdomen, down to the hip.-*Pressure in the lower abdomen, ~when stooping.-* Violent distention of the abdomen, especially after eating.-~Uneasiness and heaviness in the abdomen.-Contractive cramps in the abdomen. —Labour-like colic, with pains in the small of the back.-Stitches in the upper and lower abdomen. —Torpor and coldness in the abdomeni.-~Ascites.-Drawing and stitching in the groins. -Flatulence,-*Excessive emission of flatulence, preceded by aching pain in the rectum. Stool,-* Costiveness, with difficulty of passing the stool, which is too large. — Torpor of the rectum.-Diarrhoea, mostly in the evening and at night, with colic and languor.*Mucus or blood at stool.-Tania, lumbrici.-Anxiety before stool. — tching of the anus.-Stitching, tearing, cutting and burning at the anus (and in the rectum), also after stool. -Stinging and bleeding *varices.-Soreness and ulcerated eruption at the anus. Urine.-*Frequent urging to urinate, and scanty emission of fiery-red urine. —Cutting in the bladder, from right to left. -Burning in the urethra, especially when urinating. Male Parts.-Pulling and tearing in the glands and penis. -Itching and contusive pain of the scrotum. —Hot *swelling of the testes, -and spermatic cord.-*Sexual desir either XALI (CARBONICUNI). 217 excessive or *cleficient.- *Excessive nocturnal emissions.Weakness after an embrace, especially of the eyes. Female Parts. —Aversion to an embrace.-Pinching and sore pain in the vagina, during an embrace. -Constant pressing towards the sexual parts.- Burning and stinging in the pudendum. -~Itching and gnawing in and of the parts.*Menses tot) early, or ~too scanty. —~Slowness of the first menses.-Discharge of blood of pregnant females.-Acridity of the menstrual blood.-Itching eruption and soreness between the thighs, during the menses.-Gastric ailments and uneasy sleep during the menses.-*Leutcorrhea, with violent pains in the small of the back and labour-like colic.-Yellowish leucorrheea, with itching and burning in the puden dum. Catarrhal Symptoms.-*Stoppage of the nostrils.*Dry coryza, with green-yellow nasal mucus, and constant dyspnoea.-Fluent coryza, with bloody nasal mucus.-Purulent nasal mucus.-Dry nose. Windpipe.-*lHoarseness and rough throat, with excessive sneezing.-Aphonia.-Sensation of ta plug in the throat.Cough fiom playing on the violin. —* Cough with tickling.Dry cough, night and evening, with morning-expectoration. *Spasmodic cough, with gagging and vomiting. — Stitching in the throat or chest, when coughing.-Difficulty of expectorating.-~ Ulceration of the lungs. ~Whooping-co ugh. Chest, &c. -Shortness of breath, earlv.-~*Tightness of the chest, ~when walking rapidly. —Stoppage of breath, at night. —~Spasmodic tightness of the chest.-Oppression, at night.-Tension across the chest, when expiring air, during a walk.-Pain in the chest, when talking.-Contractive sensation in the region of the heart.-Pressure, burning, and stitching in the chest, also when drawing breath. —Cutting pain in the chest.-0~Hydrothorax. —*Palpitation of the heart (also anxious), ~especially earl]y, with vascular orgasm. Trunk. —*Drawing pain in the back, frequently proceeding from the small of the back. —*Stiffness between the scapulm. -Sti~fless of the nape of the neck. — Goitre.-Hard swelling of the cervical and axillary glands. —Sweat ot the axille. Upper Extremities.-Swelling of the shoulder, with pain. -Pressure on the shoulders.-Tension, drawing, and tearing in the muscles and joints of the shoulders, arms, hands, and fingers. -The arms feel cold, rigid, and *numb, -especially in the cold, and after a long walk.-* The arms and hands feel powerless, -especially early in bed.-Frequent twitching of the arms. —Stiffness of the elbow-joint.-~Laming, pain in the wrist-joint.-Stinging in the wrist-joints and fingers, dur. 10 218 KALI BICHROMATICUM. ing motion. —*Trembling of the hands when writing.-Rough, cracked skin of the hands. —The tips of the fingers feel numb. — Burning in the tips. —Phagedenic blisters on the fingers, — ~Contractive twitching of the fingers, when sewing. Lower Extremities. —* Tearing in the joints and bones of the hips, legs, feet, toes.-*Tearing with pressure in the thighs and legs. -Muscular twitchings of the nates and thighs. -Burning and stinging in the legs and feet. -Uneasiness in the lower limbs, in the evening. —The legs go to sleep. —*Swelling of the legs and feet.-Stiffness of the tarsal joint. —Stinging in the tarsal joints.-* Coldfeet, in the evening, in bed. —*Fetid sweat of the feet. —Burning and *stinging in the ball of the big toe.-Corns which are painful when touched. 76.-KALI BICHROIMATICUM. General Symptoms.-Tearing, drawing, boring, and bruising pain in the limbs.-Weariness of the limbs.-Debility, cachectic appearance.-Pains which rapidly shift from one part to another.-The rheumatic symptoms disappear as the gastric symptoms acquire a certain intensity. —The bone-pains alternate with the pains in the throat. —Many of the pains are aqgravated by hot weather.-General emaciation. Skin. —Hot, red, dry skin. —Measle-shaped eruption.Pork-shaped pustules, also with a black scurf in the centre. -Itching and burning of the skin.-Boils.-Confluent, scurfy pustulous eruptions.-Pustules, the centre of which is traversed by a hair. —Dry, egg-shaped ulcers, with a blackish, gangrenous spot in the middle, inverted edges, bright-red, in.flamed areola, penetrating more and more deeply, and leaving a deep cicatrix. —Syphilitic eruptions and ulcers, with thick crusts and a yellowish pus.-OEcthyma.-~Impetiginous eczema, with varicose ulcers. Sleep. —Sleepy, early in the evening.-Wakeful, owing to nervous excitement.-Vivid, frightful dreams.-Sleep is disturbed by a variety of ailments, especially headache. —NightIlare. Fever,-Feverish, at night, and early in the morning.Chills fiom the legs all over the body. —Chilliness of the lower extremities, alternating with flushes of heat. —~Rheumatic fever. Emotive Sphere.-Out of humour, lazy, not disposed to work. —Ind/fferent.-Melancholy.-Irritable.-Dread of men, lowness of spirits, even unto loathing of life. Sentient Sphere.-Frequent attacks of vertigo.- Vertigo, KALI BICHROMATICUM. 219 everything turns in a circle, as if one uwouldfall.-Vertigo across the forehead.- Vertigo with -nausea, followed by vomiting.-Dulness of the head, with nausea, anxiety and dullness of comprehension. lead.-I-Ieadache, with pains in the eyes and otalgia.Semilateral headache, also particularly in the forehead, above one eye.-Headache which is aggravated by cold air and motion.-Rush of blood to the head.-Lancinations in the head.-~Megrim? —~Hysteric headache.-~Congestive headache. Integuments of the Head -Sore pain on the vertex, the hairs standing on end.-Drawing in the bones of the skull, with sensitiveness. -The hair falls out. Eyes.-Pressure in the eyes as from sand.-Itching, burning of the eyes, with lachrymation.-Inflammation, swelling, itching and redness of the lids, also with sensation on the internal surface, as if rough and swollen. —Redness of the conjunctiva.-Ophthalmia, also with photophobia, loss of sight, and violent lachrymation.-Dimness of sight, as if a gauze were before his eyes.-Amaurotic weakness of sight.-Muscae volitantes and scintillations,-Yellowness of the colnjunctiva. -Brigh-red spots and ecchymoses in the whites.-Pustules on left cornea, surrounded with indolent inflammation. —Leucoma on right cornea. —~Catarrhal and scrofulous ophthalmia? Ears.-Stitching in the ears and in the side of the head, also down to the neck, with swelling of the glands. —Flapping or singing in the ears.-Stoppage of the ears. Nose. —Feeling of coldness in the nose, when inspiring air. -Sore pain in the nostrils.-Burning ulcers at the nostrils. — Burning and scurfs in the nose. —Frequent discharge of a thick, dark-red blood from the nose.-A good deal of watery discharge from the nose, with great sensitiveness of the nose. —'Copious secretion of purulent mucus, with constant stoppage of the nose. —Polypus of the nose.-* Ulceration and destruction of the septum narium.-Discharge of hard, greenish masses, having a fetid smell.-Discharge of hard, elastic plugs from the nose. —~Swelling of the nose, with pain in the region of the septum.-Pain of the nose at the junction of the cartilages.Throbbing at the root of the nose, which is hot to the touch, with swelling without redness.-Sensation of fullness and enlargement in the upper part of the nose, with frequent urging to blow it.-Sensation of heaviness in the nose. —Swelling cf one portion of the right lachrymal bone. —Bad smell before the nose.-Loss of smell. Face.-Pale, sickly, yellowish, livid or ash-coloured com 220'XALI BICHROMATICUM. plexion.-Eyes sunken, surrounded with margins.-Bruising pain and sensitiveness of the facial bones.-Tension in the muscles of the face.-Eruption in the face, resembling scurvy. — Itching and burning on the skin of the forehead and face.Itching in the whiskers.-Vesicular eruption on the lips, with itching when drying them.-~Syphilitic crusty eruption from the root of the nose across the cheeks, as far as the upper lip. -Sweat on the upper lip.-The lower lip is swollen and cracked. Teeth.-Toothache, with profuse flow of saliva.-Drawing tearing in the left teeth, also extending to the ear, temples, neck, and head, with swelling of the cervical glands, or followed by swelling of the gums.-Inflammation and ulceration of the gums.-Livid colour of the lips. M0outh.-Mouth and lips are very dry.-Vesicles, aphthae and ulcers on the inner surface of the mouth.-Tongue soft, red and cracked.-Painful ulcer on the tongue, lasting a long time. — Tongue coated with a thick layer of yellow mucus.Saliva tinged yellow.-Flow of water in the mouth.-Sensation of a hair at the root of the tongue, and on the velum palati.-Sloughing ulcer at the hard palate, leaving an excavated cicatrix. Throat —Dry throat, obliging one to swallow saliva.Sharp shooting pains in left tonsil. -Relaxed uvula and injected fauces. —Uvula and tonsils became red and swollen, and finally ulcerated, as if syphilitic.-Erythematous blush of the fauces and soft palate, sometimes of a coppery colour. —Excava'ed sore at the root of the uvula, with a reddish areola and containing a yellow matter. —Smarting and tingling in the fauces, and heat down the chest.-Sensation in the throat, down to the stomach, as if the food had remained in the cesophagus. —Interstitial distention of the posterior wall of the pharynx, with dark shining redness, bright-red little veins and small cracks from which blood oozes out. —Syphilitic ulcers in the throalt. Appetite and Taste.-Sweetish-metallic, brassy taste in the mouth, especially when smoking.-Bitter or sour taste in the mouth.-Salt taste.-Water has a disagreeable taste. -No appetite, especially early in the morning.-Aversion to food, meat, tobacco.-Constant and excessive thirst.-Desire for beer or sour drinks.-After a meal which he relished, sensation as if the food laid in the stomach like a heavy load. -Distress in the stomach after every kind of food, even the lightest.-Ailments firom using tea. Gastric Symptoms.-Frequent rising of air.-Frequent hiccough. -Frequent nausea, especially when walking, at KAI. BICHROMATICUM.. 22 1 night, or early in the morning, with feeling of heaviness in the head and eyes.-The nausea seems to abate after eating, but to come on after drinking.-Heartburn, especially after tea.-Nausea, with vomiting, especially of mucus, or a bitter, yellow substance. —Vomiting of mucus and blood.- Vomiting of the ingesta, also after breakfast.-Vertigo, burning at the stomach, and sweat as from anguish, during the vomiting. Stomach.-Pressure, fullness, and distension of the stomach, especially after eating. —Distress in the stomach, with nausea, uneasiness, heat.-Severe pains in the stomach, at night. Abdomen.-Tearing and shooting pains in right hypochondrium.-Aching in right hypochondrium, and lumbar region, with metallic taste, confusion in the head, and clay-coloured stools. —Shooting pains through the bowels.-Stabbing pains in left hypochondrium. -Flatulence. —Belly generally tumid. -Griping in lower belly, as if the bowels were pierced.Aching pain at navel, after breakfast, rising into the throat. - Inflammation, ulceration, suppuration and softening of the mucous membrane of the bowels. Stool.-Constipation, with aggravation of all the symptoms.-Severe pain in abdomen, followed by blackish, watery stool.-Dysenteric attack, every summer, with gnawing pain at navel, tongue smooth, red and cracked.-Scanty, pale, clay-coloured stools, with aching in right hypochondrium, gnawing at navel, fetid breath, confusion in head.Costive, with languor, foul tongue, headache, coldness of the extremities.-Smarting and rawness at anus.-Boring and smarting at anus. Urine.-Burning in urethra, during and between the acts of urinating.-Inflalnmation, softening, suppuration and other kinds of organic changes of the kidneys. —Frequent urging to urinate.-Copious urine, at night.-Red urine, also with pains across the back. —Complete suppression of urine until death. —Urine scanty, with white film and whitish deposit. Male Parts.-Itching of the parts covered with the hair, with clusters of small pustules on a spot of the size of an inch. -Scurfs on the glans.-Pricking pain in glans penis. Female Parts.-Smarting and rawness in the vulva. — Pains across the back and thighs, as if before catamenia. — Menstruation too soon, with vertigo, nausea, feverishness, headache. -Yellow, stiff, leucorrhoea, with dull pains in hypogastrium, and pain and weakness in small of back. Catarrhal Symptoms.-Troublesorne dryness and soreness of the nose, with burning. —*Frequent stoppage of the 2'~2 tsALC BICHROMATICUM. nose.-Frequent, violent sneezing.-Pain, stuffing and ulceration of nostrils, with sneezing, then tickling cough, with expectoration of reddish mucus. Windpipe. -Hoarseness and roughness, also particularly in the evening and early in the morning on waking. —Pains at larynx, as if ulcerated.-A good deal of heat in larynx, with desire to cough. —Cough, caused by a tickling in the larynx, with copious expectoration of thick mucus, also with spitting of blood. —Cough, with expectoration of white, or bluish-white, thick mucus.-Cough, excited by eating. — "Chronic bronchitis, after exposure to the vapours of arsenic. -*,morning cough, with tenacious expectoration. — Chronic cough, with tough mucus in the morning, also with rattling in the chest.-Distension of the stomach and nausea, before the cough. -Pains in the sides and loins, during cough. — Yellow expectoration, having a sweetish taste, as of pus.Violent vertigo and pains in forepart of the head, after cough. — Thick, ropyr muco-purulent fluid in the air passages. -False membrane in the trachea. -~Cough, with pains at a fixed spot in the chest, as if ulcerated. Chest and Respiration.-Dyspnaea, also with pain in the chest and violent cough. -Shortness of breath, as if -something were tied round the upper part of his belly, impeding respiration. —Pain in chest, when drawing a long breath. - Oppression and weight on the chest, also when waking. - Dull heavy pain in the right side of the chest, through to the back. -Fixed, burning pain in middle of sternum.-Dull, cold, heavy pain in region of heart, with dyspncea. -Sharp, irrita. tive, fixed pain in the region of the apex of the heart. - Violent palpitation of the heart, also with troublesome aching pain.-Enlargement of the heart. Trunk. — Violent pains in the os-coccygis, loins and sacrum, aggravated by cough, breathing and exercise.-Stitching in the renal region. -Suppurating blotches and boils on the back -Stiffness of the nape of the neck.-Drawing and tearing in the side of the neck, proceeding from the head. Upper Extremities.-Rheumatic pain in the shoulders.Pustules spreading from the nails over the back of the hand, with redness and inflammation of the arm, and suppuration of the axillary glands.-Burning on the forearms, as if scalded. -Tearing and drawing in the bones of the forearm and hands.-Laming weakness of the hand, he is scarcely able to hold a paper. -Rheumatic pains in the fingers. Lower Extremities. -Rheumatic pains in the hips. —especially in the daytime and during motion. -Severe pains in the knee-joints, -Tearing in the lower leg, with trembling KtREOSOTM. 223 of the same. -Pain as if bruised or pricked in the spina-tibive, coming and going again very rapidly. —Swelling of the tendo Achilles, with pain which abates while walking.-Pain as if sprained in the tarsal joint. —The heel is painful when walking.-Burning of the feet, especially of the soles. -Soreness of the balls of the big toes, like gout. 77.-KREOSOTUM. General Symptoms —Rheumatic and arthritic pains, also with swelling? —~Scrofulous affections? —~Haemorrhage. — Pains as if sore or ulcerated. - Contusive and bruising pains. -*Uneasiness in the whole body, during rest.* —Pains in the extremities, as if bruised, or as after a long walk. Skin. —tching, especially towards evening, also with irresistible desire to scratch. -Blotches like nettlerash. -Large pock-shaped pustules. -~Herpes, furfuraceous and pustulous, dry and humid, on almost every part of the body. Sleep. —*Very drowsy, with frequent yawning. —Tosses about in his bed, without sleep, feels very weary. -*Rest, less sleep, with dreams. -Feels weary and lame, on waking, early. -Feels faint on rising a little sooner than usual. Fever. —Chilliness. —Shaking chill, with heat of the face, bright-red cheeks, icy-cold feet, peevish mood. —Flushes of heat, with circumscribed redness of the cheeks. Emotive Sphere. -Sadness, weeping mood. -*Out of humour. -Irritable, headstrong. Sentient Sphere.-*Weak memory. —Painful dullness of the head. Head. -Pressing from within outward, under the left temporal bone, also in the forehead. —Tearing drawing in the temple, as if parts would be pulled out. —Tearing headache, day and night, with flushing heat in the face, toothache, heat all over, sleeplessness. — *Throbbing in the sinciput, with stitches in the temples and pressing from within outwards in the forehead, on stooping. - ~Whizzing in the head. Integuments of the Hlead.-Pain as if ulcerated, over the vertex and sinciput, when touching the parts. — *Falling of the hair. Eyes. —Itching and smarting in the eyes. —*Heat in the eyes, with lachrymation, especially when looking at bright light. —Swelling of the margins of the lids. —Chronic swelling of the lids. —Suppuration of the eyes.-*Lachrymation, hot, acrid, like salt —water. -*Dimness of sight, as through gauze. Ears. —Stinging in the ears.-Pimples in left concha, ~An - f VEO:OTsJr. with inflammation of the outer car. —~Humid herpes on the ears, with swelling of the cervical glands, and livid complexion. —Inflammation of the outer ear, with heat, redness, swelling and tensive burning pains. —IHard hearing, with humming. Nose.-Bad smell, with loss of appetite.-Nose-bleed, with thick, black blood. —*Frequent sneezing, also early. — *Dry coryza, also with sneezing. Face. —-~Livid complexion, with swelling of the cervical glands and herpes on the ears. —Pinmples on the forehead, ~also likle those of drunkards. — Acne rosacea. -~Scurfy herpes on the lids, cheeks, and around the mouth,-Lips dry, also with peeling off of the upper lip. Teeth, —*Toothache, extending to the temples, Oalso affecting the inner parts.-Gurns as if inflamed, with drawing pain. Mouth, &c. —Roughness and scraping in the fauces.Painful choking in fauces, through the chest to the dorsal vertebrae. -Sore pain when swallowing, with sensation as if deglutition were impeded by something hanging in the throat. Appetite and Taste.-Bitter taste, early.-Bitter taste of every thing one swallows. Gastric Symptoms.-*Nausea ~of pregnant females.Gaggilg, early, as of pregnant females. Stomach.-Drawing tearing in the pit of the stomach, as if a thread were drawn through. — Stitches in pit of stomach, night and day.-~Painful hard spot on the left side of stomach, or at the base of the stomach. —~Scirrhus of stomach? Abdomen.-Subdued pain around the navel, also with illhumour.-Contractive sensation as from a hard lump in the umbilical region, also at night.-Labour-like coiic.-Crampy feeling in bowels. —Ulcerative pain. —Painful feeling of coldness in the abdomen, with scanty urine. Stool. —Stool intermittent, hard, dry, with straining.~Constipation diuring carcinoma uteri. Urine -Diminished secretion of urine.-Frequent urging, also at night, *or with copious emission. —Hot urine, also when passing it frequently, with offensive smnell of se, men. —Burning in the pudendum, when urinating.-Mildyellowish, leucorrhoeal discharge, previous to every emission of urine. Male Parts. —Burning in the sexual parts, and impotence during an embrace, with swelling of the penis on the day following.-Dreams about elections and urging to urinate, and as if the penis would snap off when attempting to u rinate. KREOSOTUM. 22 - Female Parts, -Itching and smarting in the pudendum, with subsequent swelling, heat and hardness of the outer parts.-Ulcerative pain at the neck of the womb, during an embrace. —Prolapsus of the uterus.-*-Premature menses, with profuse discharge, also lasting eight days, ~with pains in the small of the back. —*Humming in the head, during the menses, or hard hearing. —Violent abdominal spasms after the menses. -~Aillnents remaining after too profuse menstruation. -~Metrorrhagia. —*Mild or corrosive leucorrhcea.-*Leucorrhcea, with excessive debility.-~Nausea of pregnant females.-~Dispositionl to miscarriage. Windpipe. —*Scraping and roughness in the throat. — OChronic catarrh, especially of old people. —*Evening cough, in-bed. - *Cough, ~with emission of urine and concussion of the abdomen. — *Wheezing, dry cough.-*Cough with retching. — ~Scraping cough, with discharge of thick yellowish or whitish mucus. Chest and Respiration.-*Breathing heavy and anxious. -Frequent inclination to take a long breath, also on account of a feeling of weight on the chest. —*Oppression of the chest. -*Heaviness on the chest, also "with anxiety.-Pain in the chest as if the sternum or chest were pressed in.~Frequent lancinations in right side of chest, night and day, with sleeplessness, abatement when pressing with the hand. -oStitches at the heart. Trunk.-Pains in the small of the back as if broken.Labour-like pains in the small of the back, also with ineffectual urging and swelling of the abdomen. —Ulcerative pains in the region of the lumbar vertebrac.- *Frequent pains in the back and small of the back, like raging labour-pains, *with violent urging to urinate. —*Pain in the back, at night, worse during rest. —Swelling of the cervical glands.-Humid herpes on the ears, and livid complexion. Upper Extremities.-Pain in the ulnar muscles. —Cracking of the skin of the hands which become quite rigid.-Pricking pain in the index-finger, as if it would ulcerate.-Deadness of the fingers. Lower Extremities.-Bruising pain of the crests of the ilia.-Red, scaly skin in the bends of the knees.-Tearing drawing from the heels through the soles and toes.-Stinging, in the evening, until one falls asleep, with swelling of the soles, early, on waking.-The soles are painful as if ulcerated. -Burning of the soles. — Edematous, white swelling from the calves to the toes, with coldness and heaviness of the feet. 1Q* cs,; L AeIME. 78.-LACHESIS. General Symptoms.-~Ailments arising from abuse of mercury. -~Colds.- ~Complaints of drunkards. - *Pains in the limbs. —*Rheumatism, with pain in the joints as if swollen, stiffness of the joints, exacerbation of the pains at night and in the evening, and disposition to invade the heart.-~Consequences of grief.-Pains shifting from one part to another, first on the right, then on left side. —Bone-pains, worst in the evening, passing off during sleep.-*Paralysis. — ~Hemiplegia. -~Emaciation.-O~Marasmus after abuse of cinchona.-*Dread of motion, ~also with inability to sit still.*Debility.-ODebility, attending other affections.-Frequent fainting fits. —Convulsions, also with violent shrieks.-Tetanus. — ~Spas'ms of children.-OEpileptic- spasms. —The attacks are preceded by a strange feeling in the throat.-Mucus in the throat, and mucus after the nocturnal attacks. —*Appears to affect the left side principally. —*The pains are worse in damp weather, and during rest, abate during motion, or after sleeping. —The curative action is disturbed by acids; wine, beer, emotions, especially fright, mortification, &c. Skin. — *ltching of the whole body.-*Burning, especially after acids.-Pimples. —Tubercles.-Blotches.-Rash. -Dry itch.-Reddish herpes on the face, - neck, arms. —*Gangrenous blisters.-0Jaundice, disappears in three or four days. —Erysipelas.- *Scarlet eruption. - ~Suppuration of deep-seated organs. —Ulcers with uneven, unclean base. —~Unclean, flat, ichorous ulcers.-Small ulcers surrounding the larger one. -Former citatrices become spongy, dark-red, brownish, with whitish spots and burning when wiping them. —Suppressed ulcers. —-Aneurisms. Sleep. —Drowsy, in the forenoon, or early in the evening. _*Though very sleepy, yet he cannot fall asleep. —*Tosses about during sleep. —Catarrh at night, constantly —-*Dreams the whole night. —*Headache, on waking, early. Fever. -Cold all over, wants to sit near the fire.-OChilliness every other day. —Clilliness after taking vinegar. —*Intermittent fevers, 0every afternoon or evening, or morning.*Tertian fever, especially shortly after eating. —Inveterate quartan fever, which had been treated with quinine, with convulsions during the chill and thirst during the heat. —Typhoid fevers, with sopor. —*Burning of the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. —*Sweats easily.- ~Profuse sweat attending other ailments. Emotive Sphere,-~Low-spirited, the future seemsdatrk. — *Restlessness. -*Anguish, with trembling. - OFear of LACHiESIS 227 death.-~Paroxysms of nightly fear.-Crazy jealousy.*Doubts every thing. —Fault-finding. - ~Ialicious. — Excessive moaning and lamenting about one's pains. —Excited and loquacious, in the evening, frerluent change of ideas.*lnability to think deeply. Sentient Sphere.-Weak memory, forgets that which he had just spoken.-Mistakes the time. —Nightly delirium.~Mental alienation after chagrin or after excessive studies, or of drunkards.-~Religious mania, he thinks he will be eternally damned.-~Vertigo in sinciput, with mistiness of sight. — Vertigo when reaching high. —~Vertigo after lying down. -*Vertigo with headache, ~especially before the menses.~Apoplexy, especially with paralysis of the left side. —Cerebral affections of children? —Acute hydrocephalus, with chronic worm affections. Head.-Headache, deep-seated.-ll~Headache from exposure to the sun. —'IIeaviness in the head, early, followed by pain above the right eye. —lleadache after a cold, attended with empty eructations at night. —*Headache with nausea.~Headache as if the head would fly to pieces when stooping. — *Throbbing headache, also worst above the left eye.*Rush of blood to the head, especially after stooping.-*Heat in the head, attending other ailments. —~Violent headache, with palpitation of the heart and vomiting every night at two o'clock. Integuments of the liead.-The left side is painful as if burnt by the sun. EyeS, —.Pain of the eyes when reading, ~especially at candle-light.-~Ulcers of the cornea.-Dimness of sight as from dust. Ears.-Sore ears. —Dry ears. —* White cerumen. -Hard hearing.-*Sensitive to noise. — Humming in the head, with sensation as if every sound were more distinct. Nose.-Pains in the nose from the head. —Red nose of drunkards, or of syphilitico-mercurial subjects.-Nose-bleed, also previous to the menses.-*Discharge of blood and pus fiom the nose. —Ozsena, in the case of a healthy girl.*Frequent attacks of imperfect catarrh.-~Suppressed catarrh with headache. Face. —*Distortion of the face, ~also during an apoplectic attack. —*Pale complexion and malaise.-Sallow complexion of patients attacked with fever and ague that had been badly treated with quinine.-*Heat in the face oof drunkards, or apoplectic patients. —*Swelling of the face. -~Swelling of the left side of the face and jaw. —Pimples and redness after erysipelas.-~Inveterate herpes with thick crusts in the whis tL38 LAC~LAESI, kers. —Re-appearance of suppressed herpes in the face. — *Lock- aw. —~Pimples under the jaw. Teeth.-*Tearing in the teeth. —Exfoliation of the teeth. — Soreness of the gums. -Gums swollen, painful and bluered.-Scurvy? Mouth.-Gangrenled spots in the mouth. —Stomacace.*Dry mouth, with ~sore feeling.-*Ptyalism.-*Burning on the tongue. —Paralysis of the tongue, after apoplexy.~Sore spots, fissures and large round warts on the tongue.*Difficulty of speech.-OInflammatory swelling of the velum palati as if the uvula were wedged in. Throat. —~Tickling in the left side of throat, as if caused by a dry spot. —*Sore throat with feeling of suffocation.*Sore throat extending to the ears. —*Sensation of swelling in the throat, ~also on the right side, with difficulty of swallowing liquids.-Sensation of a plug in the throat, from which all the other ailments seem to proceed. —Globus hystericus. -*Sensation as if something had remained lodged in the throat, when eating, obliging one to swallow.-*Burning and soreness in the throat. - *Angina faucium. —~Tonsillitis~Phlegmonous angina facium, with violent fever? —*Difficulty of swallowing. —'Liquids return by the nose. —*Dry spots in the fauces. —ODryness above the larynx, especially between the root of the tongue and the tonsils, with sensation as if a piece of dry skin were pressed upon in this region. —*Phlegm in the throat.-*Hawking of mucus. Appetite and Taste.-Brassy taste in mouth.-*Loss of appetite, also with nausea after drinking milk.-* Gnawing hunger -Itching in the nose when eating. —*Pressure in the stomach, after eating. -Vertigo. -*Drowsy. - *Lazy. — ~Dyspepsia. — Tobacco causes nausea, cough.-The pains are worse after wine.-Acids cause diarrhoea and disturb the waction of lach.-Feels better after coffee. —Chronic ailments of drunkards. Gastric Symptoms. -Rising of air, after tea, with hiccough.-*Eructations which afford relief.-*Gulping-up of the ingesta.or of sour water, after eating. —-*Nausea, with other ailments.-*Vomiting of the ingesta. -*Vom iting of bile or mucus, in pregnant females.-OTrembling of the hands of drunkards, with nausea, vomiting of mucus, with relief afterwards. Stomach. —~Violent pains in the stomach. —*Pressure as from a load. —~Painful fulness which causes lowness of spirits. -Sensation as if a ball were gathering in stomach and bowels.-OFrequent sudden stitch in pit of stomach, causing a weakness. — *Burning in pit of stomach. Abdomen. —Cannot bear tight clothes on hypochondria or LACHESIS. 29 stomach. —Hepatitis, especially of drunkards?-Sensation as if a ball were gathering in right side. —Softening of the liver?-Abscesses of the liver?-*Pain across the abdomen. -~Pains in the left lumbar region, with constipation.-Spasmodic cholic. —-Tearig in the abdomen ~during the menses. — Sensation as of some thing alive in abdomen, ~with intolerable'pain.-*Burning in the abdomen, ~with pressure up to the throat, with scanty menses.-*Distention of the abdomen, as from flatulence. —Flatulence with tenesmus in the anus. -Cutting, and drawing pains from right groin to uterus and sexual parts. —~Painful swelling and induration in right side of abdomen, with throbbing. Stool and Anus. —*Chronic constipation. -*Ineffectual urging to stool, as if the anus were closed.-*Thin stools, Oalso with slippery lumps.-Alternate constipation and diarrhcea. —~Chronic diarrhoa, generally evening and night.~Discharge of blood and pus from the anus.-*Pressing towards the rectum, worse when sitting, when the parts are lame. —Piles. —Varices of the anus and rectum at the critical age. Urine. - *Urinary difficulties. - *Frequent emission of foaming urine.-Urine "yellow, or ~turbid, with cutting during the emission.-*Burning when urinating. Male Parts. —~Hard prepuce, in a case of mercurial syphilis.-*Red spots on the glans, ~also with syphilitico.mercurial bone-pains.-~Contusive pain in the testes. —No emission during an embrace. Female Parts. —Scanty, delaying menses.-cSometimes indispensable to women at the critical age, even with profuse menses. —Before the menses, vertigo, headache, bleeding of the nose, pressure at the stomach, spasm of the chest, eructations, ~or leucorrhcea. -~During the menses, tearing in the abdomen, throbbing in the head, pains in the small of the back, abdomen, hips. Windpipe. - *Suffocative throbbing between the larynx and chest. —Sore sensitiveness of the larynx, early.*Hoarseness, with sensation as if something had to be hawk. ed up. —*Cough with tickling at the larynx, ~also with suffocative fluttering at the palate. — Dry, or racking cough. — oDifficult, yellow expectoration, with rough voice and soreness of the chest. —Spitting of blood. —Useful palliative in pulmonary phthisis. Chest —*Shortness of breath, or *dyspncea, ~in hydrothorax, with swelling of the feet.-Asthma, early abating after hawking up tough mucus. —*Weight on the chest Oalso with anguish. - *Pressure on the chest as if full of wind. - *Stitches 230 LACTUCA VIROSA. in the chest. — Sore pain in the chest, with sensitiveness to the inhaled air. —~Anguish at the heart, in rheumatism. — ~Chronic palpitation of the heart, also with dyspepsia. - ~Threatening rheumatism of the heart. -- Aneurism of the right carotid.-Cyanosis cardiaca? Back, &c.-OPain in small of back, with restlessness.Pains as if sprained in small of back. —0lnability to support the back, with weakness of the knees and stooping gait. — *Painfulness of the neck and sensitiveness to pressure, even from the cravat, shirt, &c.-Suffocative sensation when the neck or larynx is touched by any thing. —~Red, suppurating blotches under the jaw. —~Swelling of the cervical gland. — ~Tumours on right side of neck, forming ulcers. Upper Extremlties. —*Bone-pains in the arms. —~Ulcers on the upper arm. —Pain as if sprained in the wrist-joint. — ~Numb hands, also early. - OTrembling of the hands of drunkards. —~Congestion of blood to the hand. — ~Frequent swell. ing of the hands, ~also rheumatic swelling of the joints. — ~Chapped hands. -Warts. — *Stinging in the tips of the fingers. "Carbuncle on the finger. —Gangrene of horses. —~Anthrax. -*Panaritia. -~Proud flesh in the panaritia. Lower Extremities. —*Tearing in the hip. —~Bruising feeling in the hip, during the menses. —~Numb pain, with stitches. —*Tearing in the lower extremities, from below upwards or 0from above downwards. — *Drawing in the lower limbs. —Uneasiness in the lower limbs.-*Stinging in the knees. -~Contraction of the hamstrings. —*Swelling of the legs, with deep ulcers in the swollen tibia. — ~Elephantiasis? -Suppressed ulcers on the feet.-~Caries of the tibia. — *Tearing in the feet.-*Icy-cold feet. —*Swollen feet, Calso of pregnant females. — Cracked skin on the toes, ~also deep rhagades. 79.-LACTUCA VIROSA. General Symptoms, —Affects principally the respiratory organs.-Tearing, wandering about.-Unsteady gait.-Desire for fresh air. Skin.-Inflammation and eruption.- CEdema of the whole body, with asthma, dulness of the head, difficulty of lying on the back, shivering, loss of appetite, short cough, and small, slow pulse. Sleep. -Drowsy in the day-time.-Stupifying night-sleep. — ~Inability to lie on the back, with tension in the pit of the stomach.-~Dyspncea at night, with throbbing in the head and about the heart. LACTUCA VIROSA. 231 Fever.-Cold creeping over the back.-Fever with headache, painfulness of the scalp when touched, tearing in the joints of the limbs, heaviness of the head in the evening, dry heat about the head and trunk. Emotive Sphere.-Sadness, with exaggerations of the fancy. —Out of hurnour, lazy. Sentient Sphere.-Inability to attend to mental labour. Dulness of the head.-Vertigo with heaviness of the head. -The threads become blurred when sewing. Head.-Pain at vertex like clavus hystericus. —Pressing through the temples. —The least coughing racks the head, with humming and pressing in the same.-Trembling and throbbing in the head, during rest. Eyes.-Smarting and burning, also of the lids.-Redness of the conjunctiva, with increased secretion of mucus, in plethoric men.-Dim sight, with burning in the eyes. Face.-Tensive creeping in the face.-Swelling of the lymphatic glands. Mouth., —Flow of sourish saliva.-White.coated tongue, with pain at the tip as if burnt. Throat.-Rawness and burning at the uvula.-Phlegm in throat. Appetite and Taste. —Bitter taste. —Dragging feeling of fulness at stomach, after eating. Gastric Symptoms, —*Empty eructations.-Nausea. Stomach,-Pain in stomach, with retraction of the pit of the stomach, worse when pressing on the part. —Tightness and anxiety at pit of stomach.-Icy feeling in fauces and stomach.-The pains in the stomach abate after emission of flatulence, or when sitting bent. Abdomen. —Swelling of the liver, also with tension when pressing upon it.- Disagreeable feeling of warmth in the abdomen.-Frequent rising of blood into the chest.-Sense of weight on the abdomen, especially navel and pit of stomach. —-Diseases of the portal system. —OAscites (after fever and ague) with excessive swelling of the abdomen, feet and face, ~or with asthma and induration of the liver.-Rumbling. -Fetid flatulence. Stool and Anus. —Constipation. —Dry, hard stool.-Va. rices of the anus, with tenesmus in the rectum. Urine. —Increased urine, also at night. Male Parts.-Swelling of a lymphatic vessel of the penis. -Painful erections, early. Female Parts.-Increase of milk in the mammae.-Menses too soon. Windpipe.-Increased volume of the voice.-OFeeling of V tAUROCERASt%, fulness in the larynx, all the time, with loose hacking cough, difficulty of speech.-Short turns of cough, with tickling in the throat, racking the chest. —~Whooping cough. —Dry suffocative cough of hysteric women, with sleeplessness and a gnawing feeling of coldness in stomach and pit of stomach. Chest, Respiration. - Shortness of breath.- Frequent disposition to draw a long breath. —Tightness of' the chest, especially low down, with jerk when ever one undertakes to draw a long breath. —One has to sit bent, as if the thorax were too tight, compressed.-Feeling of fulness or heaviness on the chest, the clothes feel too tight.-One breathes more easily by sitting erect. —Spasmodic asthma, also when owing to organic affections of the heart. —Suffocative paroxysms, in a case of hydrothorax. —~Hydrothorax, with swelling all over, anxiety, dyspncea when lying, dry cough, debility, prostration, drowsiness in the afternoon, diminished urine.-Undulating sensation in the chest, with hurried breathing. Back, &c.-Pain in the spinal marrow, through to the os-coccygis.-Cramp-pain in the back, in various directions. Upper Extremities.-Drawing in the arms, wandering about, apparently on the bones.-Feeling of heat in the fingers, with subsequent weakness of the same. Lower Extremities.-Sensation in the legs as if the blood had stopped, with heaviness.-Pain in the big toe, as if distorted and bent over.-Ulcerative pain under the nail. 80.-LAUROCERASUS. General Symptoms. —* Convulsions and spasms. —Inflammation of internal organs. —Trembling, especially of the hands and knees, during exercise in the open air.-Sudden debility with excessive nervous prostration. —oEpilepsy. —Apopliexy, with paralysis of the extremities —Fainting fits.~Worse in the evening, better at night. Sleep.-Frequent yawning, with shuddering and gooseflesh.- Very drowsy in the day time.-Sopor. — Coma vigil.Sleepless, on account of nervous excitement and flashes of heat.-Heavy, anxious dreams. Fever. — Chill, even near the stove.-Shuddering with goose-flesh, followed by burning heat.-Coldness of the whole body, especially the feet. Emotive Sphere. —Lowness of spirits. —Anxiety and rest. lessness, preventing sleep in the evening.-Aversion to mental labour.-Preeipitate volition. LAVtROCEiASt'8 4233 Sentient Sphere. — Weak memory.-Dulness of sense, loss of consciousness, also with loss of speech and motion.-Stupor, with falling down without consciousness.-Intoxication and vertigo, with drowsiness.- Vertigo when raising one's head after stooping, like a gauze before the eyes, or if every thing around him were in motion. RHead.-Stupifying headache, with oppressive weight and sensation, on stooping, as if the brain were striking forward against the skull. —Continual coolness in the head. —Congestion of blood to the head, with heat and throbbing in the head. -The headache disappears, after which one experiences a feeling of coldness on the vertex, in the forehead and nape of the neck. Eyes.-Burning of the eyes.-Dry eyces.-Eyes wide, or half opern, distorted, protruded, staring.-Immoveable, dilated pupils.-Obscuration of vision.-Every object appears larger. -It diminishes the pain in cancer of the eye. Face. —Complexion pale, sallow. -Face sunken, bloated or swollen.-Spasmodic distortion of the features.-Lock-jaw.~Convulsions of the facial muscles.-~Eruption around the mouth. Mouth.-Mouth dry and full of mucus.-Foam at the mouth.-Cold feeling on the tongue.-*Aphonia, "after apoplexy. Throat.-Sore throat, like a painful drawing-down in the fauces, during and between the acts of deglutition.-Spasm in thelfauces and oEsophagus.-Audible rolling down of the beverage in the (esophagus. — Difficult deglutition.-Feeling of coldness, or else burning in the throat andfaulces. —(Esophagitis. Appetite and Taste.-Taste sweetish or acrid.- Vtiolent thirst.-Aversion to food. Gastric Symptoms. —Rising of air. —Loathing, vomiting of the ingesta.-Black vomiting. Stomach.-Pressure at stomach.-Fainting sort of pain at stomach. —Anguish in pit of stomach.-Feeling of coldness, or burning in stomach and pit of stomach.-Gastritis. Abdomen.-Colic below the navel, as if the bowels would be cut.-Sensation as if a tumour of the size of a nut, in left side of abdomen. —~Chronic induration of the liver.Colicky contraction and cutting in bowels.-Feeling of coldness or burning in abdomen.-Rumbling in abdomen and stomach. — OInguinal and femoral hernia? Stool. —* Constipation. -- *Hard stool. — *Diarrhzea with teesmus, cutting and burning in anus.-Green, diarrhceic stools, with contraction in groin.-Involuntary stools. —Paralysis of the sphincter ani, 234 tLDUM PALUSTRI. trine.-Rietenwion of urine. — Watery urine. -Frothy, acrid urine.-Thick, reddish sediment.-Involuntary emission of urine.-Paralysis of the bladder. Male PartS.-Increased sexual desire. —Gangrene of the parts. Female Parts.-Menses too soon and profuse, with fluid blood.-Tearing in the head, toothache and colic during the menses. Catarrhal Symptoms.-Stoppage of the nose, it feels full. Windpipe.-Hoarseness, scraping in throat and larynx.The larynx feels swollen.-Deep bass-voice.-Spasmodic constriction of the trachea. —tlacking cough, from tickling in the throat. —~Bloody cough. - -Copious, blood-streaked, jellylike expectoration. — Acute pulmonary phthisis. Chest, Respiration, —Breathing slow, feeble, anxious.Stertorous breathing.-The breath stops in the region of the stomach.-* Tightness, as if the lungs had not sufficient space to expand. —Paralysis of the lungs. —Tightness of the chest, when walking. —Pressure at the chest. — Oppressive constriction of the chest.-Burning and stinging in the chest.-Typhoid pneumonia.-Pains in the region of the heart.-Slow, irregular beats of the heart. Extremities.-Tearing and stitching in the shoulders and upper arms.-Burning of the hands with swelling of the veins. -Trembling of the hands.-Rough, scaly skin between the fingers.-Tearing and stitching in the knees. —The feet go to sleep. 81, —LEDUM PALUSTRE. General Symptoms, —Aching, or aching-tearing arthritic pains in the extremities, worst in bed.-Some limbs go to sleep.-Stinging, tearing, beating and laming pains in the joints, aggravated by motion. —Nodous gout. —~Hot, tense, hard swelling with tearing pains. —Dropsical swellings of single parts and of the whole skin.-*Coldness, want of animal heat.-The warmth of the bed causes a heat and burning in the limbs. Skin.-Itching and gnawing on the skin, with burning after scratching.-Biting itching as from vermin.-Rash. —Eruption resembling chicken-pox, which peels off.-Bluish spots on the body. —*Dry, violently itching herpes.-~Boils. Sleep.-Drowsy in the day-time, wants to lie down. —Sleepless at night, tossing about, starting on closing one's eyes and tLEDUM PALUSTR. 283 fanciful visions. —Anxious dreams. —Lascivious dreams with emissions. Fever.-Chilliness and shuddering, with cold extremities, -Heat of the hands and feet, in the evening. —Evening fever, with headache and pain in the eyes.-Sweats readily while walking, especially on the forehead, the sweat smelling sour. Emotive Sphere.-Anxious.-Inclines to start.-Peevish, out of humour.-Misanthropy. Sentient Sphere.- Inability to think. - Intoxication.Stupifying vertigo, as if one would fall forwards or backwards, most violent when stooping. Head.-Sensitiveness of the brain, with painful reverberations in the brain when making a wrong step.-*Stupifying headache.-Headache as from a load over the whole brain.Tearing pain in the head and eyes, with inflammation of the eyes and evening fever. —Violent beating pain in the head. Integuments of the Head. —Crawling itching on the hairy scalp and forehead. —*The outer head is liable to taking cold. —Cannot bear any covering on his head. Eyes.-Itching of the inner canthi.-Burning pressure in the eyes, especially evening. —Opththalmia with agglutination. - Smarting lachrymation. - Dilated pupils.- Dimness of sight, with vibrations before his eyes. Ears.-Roaring in the ears. Ringing in the ears. —*Hard hearing, ~after having the hair cut frequently. Nose. —Nose painful when touched.-Burning in nose.Nose-bleed. Face.-Pale face.-Red blotches in face and on the forehead, with stinging pain when touched. —~Scaly, dry herpes, burning in the open air. —*Pimples and boils on the forehead. -Violent, tearing prosopalgia, at night, alternating with stitches in a tooth, and terminating with shuddering and deep sleep. Mouth.,-Fetor of the mouth. —Spitting of blood? — 0Hatmorrhage from the mouth? Throat. —Stinging sore throat, during and between the acts of deglutition.-Feeling as of a plug in the throat, with stinging when swallowing. Appetite and Taste.-Taste musty and bitter. —Contractive pain in sternum, when eating rapidly. Gastric Symptoms.-Inclination to vomit, when spitting. - Water-brash with colic. Stomach.-Pressure at stomach after a slight meal. Abdomen.-Colic as if the bowels were bruised and smashed. —Dysenteric colic. —Ascites? —Flatulence. Stool.-Constipation.- Diarrhcea, mixed with mucus and blood. I236?.~:D DUM PALUSTR:.. Urine. —Frequent urqing with scanty emission.-Frequent and copious urine. —~Diabetes.-C losing of the urethra, by swelling.-Gonorrhcea. Male Parts. —Violent erections.-Emissions, with bloody or watery semren. —Inflammation of the glans. Female Parts. —2llenses too soon and excessive. Windpipe. —Cough, preceded by suffocative stoppage of breath. —Racking, spasmodic cough. — Whooping-cough?Nocturnal or morning-cough with discharge of pus. —Greenish, fetid expectoration.-~Pulmonary phthisis?-*Cough with expectoration of bright-red blood. Chest, Respiration.-Breathing oppressed and painful.Spasmodic, sobbing breathing, after crying hard.-*Tightness of breathing, when going up-stairs.- *Constrictive tightness qf the chest, worse when walking. —~Soreness under the sternum. —Pain in the chest when breathing, as from something, alive in the chest.-Stitches in the chest, especially when raising the arms.-Varicella on the chest. —*Smarting itching on the chest, with red spots and rash. Trunk. —Pain in back and loins, with stiffness after sitting. -Tearing from the small of the back to occiput, especially in the evening.-Violent cramp-pain above the hips, evenling, with stoppage of breath. Upper Extremities.- Tearing with pressure in the arms. -Stitching in the shoulder when raising or moving the arm. -Aching pain in the shoulder and elbow-joints, aggravated by motion. —Varicella on the upper arnls.-Tearing in hands and fingers.-Arthritic nodes of the wrist and finger-joints.Sweaty palms of the hands. —Itching rash on the wrist-joint. -Trembling of the hands when moving them or grasping any thing. Lower Extremities.-Bruising and sore pain in the periosteum of the femur and in the knees.-~Laming rheumatic pain in the hip-joint. —Tensive stiffness of the knees, with cracking when walking. —Crampy tension in the knees, calves and heels. —*Tensive, hard swelling of the knee with stinging and aching-tearing pains and hardness of the whole limb. —Hot swelling of the legs above and below the knee, with stinging-drawing pain.-Stiffness of the feet.-When walking, the soles are painful as if ecchymosed.-~Chronic *swelling of the feet. —Cutting pain in the toes, at night, during sleep.-Soft swelling of the ball of the big toe, with pain when treading. —Painful gout? —~Inflammatory, or cedematous swelling of the feet. LTCOPODIUM. 237 82. — LYCOPODIUM. General Symptoms. —Drawing and tearing in the limbs, mostly at night and during rest, also every other afternoon.*Stinging pains in inner and outer parts.-Painful stiffness of the muscles and joints, frequently with numbness and insensibility of the limbs. —Crampy feeling and contraction of single limbs.-Involuntary spasmodic extension and contraction of single muscles and limbs. — Twitching and jerking of single limbs and of the whole body, both when asleep and awake. —Spasms of inner and outer parts, also at night.Epileptic spasms. — Gastric complaints.-~Chlorosis.*Dropsical swelling of single parts and organs. —Varices, also of pregnant females — Arthritic nodosities.-Glandular swellings. —Scrofulous and rhachitic affections. — Ostitis, also with nightly pains. — Caries.-Aggravation in the afternoon, abatement of the pains in the evening. —Useful after calc. — 111 effects of mercury.-Sensation as if the circulation were arrested.-*Internal weakness. —* Weakness of the limbs, especially during rest. —Dread of motion.-Complete nervous prostration, with the lower jaw hanging down, gauze before the eyes which are only half open, and slow breathing through the mouth. *Emaciation, ~also of children.o Want of animal heat.-Desire for a walk in the open air, or else the contrary, with sensitiveness to open air.-*Liable to taking cold. Skinl,-*Itching ~in the day-time, when getting heated, or at night, before lying down.-*Dry skin. —~Cracked skin.~Painful eruption. —Nettlerash.-Large, red spots on the skin.-Itching hepatic spots.-Freckles.-OTorpid, brown-yellow, shrivelled, or humid, suppurating *herpes, full of deep rhagades and covered with crusts. —*Large, ~periodically returning *boils. —*Bleeding, stinging ulcers, ~burning when being dressed, ~with nightly tearing and itching. —*Sore skin ~of children.-Warts. —~Chilblains? Sleep. —*Frequent yawning. —Drowsy in the day-time, and early in the evening, thoughfalling asleep late, ~on account of ideas crowding upon him. —*Restless sleep, full of fancies and anxious or frightful dreams, and fiequent waking as if in affright.-Twitching, crying out and loud laughing during sleep. —Cannot lie on the left side, owing to palpitation of the heart and stitches. —No position in bed suits him at night. —Nightmare. —*Weary on waking. Fever.-Evening chilliness, sometimes on one side only, or everyv'other day, with heat, or followed by sweat without 238 LYCOPODImuM.. heat. —Tertian fever, with sour vomiting and bloated face and hands after the chill. —*Flushes ofheat.-Burning heat, with short breath.- ~Typhoid fever, also with threatening paralysis of the brain.-Nightsweat, sometimes fetid and clammy, especially on chest and back. Emotive Sphere.-#Melancholy Owith despair of salvation. —Anxiety, especially in the pit of the stomach, when people come too near him,-*Dreads being alone. —*Irritable, sensitive mood.-*Obstinate. —Rage, manifesting itself in reproaches, imperiousness, &c. —Apathy.-*Lowness of spirits. — ~Internal uneasiness. Sentient Sphere. — *Impeded activity of the mind.-Inability to select correct expressions.-Dizziness as if intoxicated. —* Vertigo when stooping, -or in a hot room, with inclination to vomit. Head,-*Headache from chagrin.-Headache when shak. ing or turning the head, or when setting the foot down.*Heaviness in the head.-Semilateral headache, in the evening, aggravated by mental labour.-*Pain as from a nail in the head, worse when lying down.-* Tearing headache at night, ~especially in the forehead, or in the whole head, eyes and nose down to the teeth. Stinging headache. —*Rush of blood to the head, with heat also early in bed, ~when raising the head. —~Shaking vibrations in the brain, at every step.OHeadache, with faintishness and restlessness. Integuments of the Head. —OBoring scraping and tearing about the head, at night. —Involuntary movements and convulsive shaking of the head. —*Eruptions, suppurating profusely, with Ofetid smell.-The hair turns gray.-*Baldness. Eyes. —*Pressure Fin the eyes —Smarting *burning and stinging in the eyes (and lids), "especially at candle-light. — Feeling of coldness in the eyes, at night.-*Infiammation of the eyes and lids. —~Fungus heematodes of the cornea?Stye.-OAgglutination, especially at night, with lachrymation, especially in the day-time.-*Dry eyes.-Twitching of the lids.-*Dimness of sight ~as through gauze. —Nearsighted or *far-sighted.-Vertical half-sightedness.-When reading, the letters become blurred. —~Blackness of sight, *scintillations.-~Candle-light irritates and dazzles the eyes. Ears. —Otalgia in open air. —Discharge from the ears.~Humid scurf behind the ears.-*Excessive sensitiveness of the:hearing to noise, ~music. —-~Ringing and *roaring in the ears. —*Hardness of hearing. Nose, —Nostrils ulcerated, scurfy, glued up over night.Swelling of the nose, with acrid, fetid, corrosive discharge. LYCOPODIUM. 239 -Convulsive movements of the nasal muscles.-Blows blood from the nose. —**Excessive sensitiveness of smell. Face. —Pale face.-Sallow face, with deep wrinkles, blue lips and blue margins around the eyes.- Circumscribed redness of the cheeks.-Red, bloated face, with red spots and eruption. —~Painful feeling of coldness in the face, with stinging. —Scaly herpes with yellow base. —*Swelling and tension of the face. —'Twitching of the facial muscles.-*Frequent flushes of heat. —*Itching eruption. —*Lips pale and bluish.-Convulsive movements of the mouth, with corners drawn to one side. —Swelling of the upper lip.-Soreness of the lips and corners of the mnouth. —Itching eruption on the chin.-~Swelling of the submaxillary glands. Teeth. —Toothache, abating after taking a warm drink. *Dull toothache, ~with swelling of the cheeks. —*Drawing in the teeth.-Crampy drawing and jerking in the teeth, especially when eating. —Fistula dentalis. —Swollen gums, with tearing and stinging.-Gumboil. Mouth.-*Dry mouth without thirst, and indistinct speech. -Numbness of the inner mouth and tongue. —Fetor of the mouth.. —*Unclean tongue.-Involuntary motions of the tongue. Throat. —*Throat feels as if closed, with difficulty of swallowing. —.*Dry throat.-Angina faucium, with stinging pain.-Swelling and suppuration of the glands in the throat. -* Chancrous ulcers in the tonsils.-~Chronic sore throat. Appetite, Taste,-*Bitter taste in mouth, early, ~or slimy, with nausea.-Food tastes sour. —*No appetite. —*Excessive hunger. —* Canine hunger. —~Aversion to warm food, *rye-bread, meat, coffee, tobacco. —Longing for sweets.After eating, pains in the liver, oppression and fulness of the chest and abdomen, nausea, heat in the head, red face, throbbing and trembling in the whole body; hot hands. —After eating milk, sour taste and diarrhcea.-~Palpitation of the heart, during the period of digestion. Gastric Symptoms.-Greasy, burning, *sour eructations. — Sour gulping-up of the food, milk.-*tHeartburn, especially after eating.-Paroxysms of violent hiccough. —*Nausea in the room, passing off in the open air, or vice versa. —Nausea when riding in a carriage. —~Qualmishness in the stomach, early.-* Waterbrash, also every other day, with flow of bitter water. —*Nocturnal vomiting of bile and food.-Haematemesis. Stomach.-Pain at stomach, with chilliness and deadness of the hands, after a slight cold. —*Pressure at the stomach, after every meal, with bitter taste. —Contractive cardialgia, 240 LYCOPODIUM. excited again by wine. —~Swelling of the pit of the stomach, *with painfulness to contact.-The clothes press on the stomach.- Carcinoma of the stomach? Abdomen.-Tightness as from a hoop, around the hypochondria. -Pinching, stinging, soreness, pressure and tension in the liver.-Cramp-pain in the diaphragm, and contusive pain in the liver when stooping. —~Chronic hepatitis. —*Distention of stomach and abdomen. —~Indurations in the abdomen.-Ascites.-Contractive spasms in the distended abdomen. —*Tearing, -drawing and *pinching in the abdomen, ~and sides thereof. —*Griping in abdomen, with'stoppage of breath. —*Cutting colic in epigastrium.-Tearing stitching, throbbing and pressing from within outward, in the abdominal ring.-Ol~nguinal hernia.-Cramp-pain in the abdominal muscles, especially at night.-Incarcerated flatulence.~Rumbling. Stool and Anus. —* Chronic constipation. — * Costiveness, with ineffectual urging. —~Diarrhcea of pregnant females.Pale, fetid stools. —Pains at the anus, after eating and stool. -Discharge of mucus or blood at stool.-~Lumbrici.-Distended abdomen, after stool. —*Itching and Otension of the anus. —Cutting, *stinging and sore pain in the rectum.Spasms of the rectum. —Varices, with protrusion of the rectum.-*Itching and eruption about the anus. Urine, —*Excessive micturition.-Dark urine, with yellow or reddish sediment. —l~tching in urethra, during and after micturition.-Stinging pinching and Ocutting in the bladder *and urethra. —Gleet.-*Bloody urine. Male Parts. —Stinging, drawing and cutting in the glans. -Balanorrhcea, with dark-red, smarting elevations behind the glans. —Soreness between scrotum and thigh. —Chronic swelling of the scrotum.-Dropsical swelling of the sexual parts. —*-Excessive or *deficient sexual desire. —lImpotence, chronic. —*Feeble erections. — Emission of semen, during an embrace, either too soon or too late. —Falls asleep during the embrace.-Weakness after an embrace.-Discharge of prostatic fluid. Female Parts —~Itching and burning, gnawing of the pudendum. —Pressing from within outward, from above the pudendum, into the vagina, when stooping. —Flatus from the vagina.-~ Chronic dryness of the vagina. —Stinging in the labia, when lying down. —Soreness of the pudendum, between the thighs.-Burning in the vagina, after an embrace. — *Menses too early, too long. —~Menses suppressed by fright.-*Before the menses, chilliness, ~sadness, *melancholy.,-During the nmenses, delirium and weeping, headache, acidity LYCOPODIUM. 241 ill the mouth, paitl in the smlall of the back, swelling of the feet, fainting.-Milky, yellowish, reddish and corrosive leuchorrhoea, ~preceded by cutting in abdomen.-~Disposition to miscarry, with varices of the pudendum? Catarrhal Symptoms. —*Coryza ~of every description.*Dry coryza, with dulness of the head and burning in forehead.-*Stoppage of the nostrils, especially at night.-*Fluent coryza. Windpipe.-Titillating scraping in windpipe, at night.Hoarseness, with soreness of the chest when talking. —*Much mucus in the chest, with rattling. —Chronic catarrh. —~Cough after drinking. —~Dry morning-cough for years. —*Nightly cough, affecting head, stomach, and diaphragm.-* Titillating cough, also excited by a long breath, with salt, yellowish-gray expectoration. —*Purulent expectoration when coughing.OUlceration of lungs. —*Bloody cough. —When coughing, shocks in the head, short breath, smarting and *concussion of the chest. —Difficulty of coughing deep enough. Chest, Respiration. —Shortness of breath, almost during any kind of work, also in the case of children.-* Oppression, increasing during a walk in the open air.-Jerking and stinging in the chest and sides of the chest, when drawing breath. ~-Bruising pain in the chest.-* Constant pressure in the chest. —~Heartburn in the chest. —-ension across the chest. — *Stitches in the chest, especially the left. —Raw feeling in the chest. -~ Typhoid pneumonia? -~Hydrothorax? -*Palpitation of the heart, during the period of digestion, 0sometimes anxious *and trembling. —~Painful eruption and hepatic spots on the chest.-Swelling of the mlamma-, with nodosities. — ~Soreness and humid scurfs of the nipples. Trunk.-Violent pains in the small of the back, not allowing one to sit erect.-*Stitching in the small of the back when raising one's self. —*Drawing pain -and stitching in the back, also at night. —Curvature of the spine. — Drawing and contractive griping in the nape of the neck up to occiput. -*Stiffness and ~hard swelling of one side of the neck.*Swelling of the cervical and axillary glands, -with stinging pain. -Lameness of the cervical muscles. —*Eruption on the neck, Opainful. -o~Herpes in the axilla and on the neck. Upper Extremities,-*Tearing and stinging in the shoulder, and elbow-joints. -~Nocturnal bone-pain in the arm and elbow. -*Drawing pain in the arms. —*Twitching of the shoulders and arms ~during the siesta.-*Lameness of the arms.-* The arms and fingers are liable to going to sleep, ~also at night. —Gnawing-itching and hepatic spots on the arms. 11 242 MAGNESIA CARBONICA. Erysipelatous inflammation of the lower arm, with suppuration. —~Arthritic stiffness of the wrist-joint.-*Dry skin on, the hands. —Burning in the palms of the hands.-Red, painless swelling of the hand. -Warts on the hands and fingers. *The hands and fingers become dead and numb.-Involuntary shaking of the hands. —*Redness, swelling and ~arthritic tearing of the finger-joints. — Arthritic nodes on the fingers.~The fingers become rigid while at work.-Contraction and twitching of the fingers.-Chilblains. Lower Extremities. —Periodical pain from the hip-joint to the foot, every fourth day.-* Tearing in the thighs and knees, ~down the tibiae and across of the dorsa of the feet, especially at night and in the evening.-Uneasiness, trembling of the legs and feet, especially at night. —lnvoluntary shaking of the lower limbs, or opening and closing of the thighs. — Contraction and *stifness of the knee. —*Swelling of the knee. -Swelling of the legs, with large, red, burning spots, and pain which does not allow one to press the foot against the ground.-O~Phlegmasia alba.-* Crampy pain or feeling in the calves ~when walking and *at night. —Burning of the legs. ~lnveterate ulcers on the legs, with nightly tearing, itching, burning. —Pain of the soles when walking. —Cramp in the feet and toes. —*Swelling of the feet, ~and ankles or soles (with stinging pain).-*Cold feet. —Profuse sweat on the feet, or cold sweat, causing soreness. — When walking the toes turn.-Contraction of the toes.-* Corns, also with stinging pain. 83.-MAGNESIA CARBONICA. General Symptoms. —The whole body is painful."While standing or walking one friequently falls down, without loss of consciousness. -~Epileptic attacks. —Gland ular swellings.-OEmaciation, especially of infants. — Weariness, especially of the feet.-Uneasiness in the limnbs, after sitting long, in the evening. —The pains are worse at night and during rest.-The. pains which come on while one is sitting, abate while one walks. Skin. — * Violent itching -and excessive dryness of the skin. -Large, stinging, painful blotches under the skin.Painless small, red, scaly herpes.-Phagedenic blisters.Small boils. Sleep. —*Drowsy in the day-tinze. —*Sleepless, ~owing to oppression in the lower abdomen, -owing to internal uneasiness and heat, with dread of being uncovered.-*Anxious dreams, with talking,-Unrefreshing sleep. MAGNEStA CARBONICA. 243 Fever-Chilliness in the evening. —Warm feeling, early. -Niaht-sweat, sometimes-fetid and greasy. —Sour sweat. Emotive Sphere.-Anxiety and fear, with trembling and heat. Sentient Sphere. —Vertigo as if one would faint, in the evening. Head.-Headache at night, when lying.-Aching over the head, when engaged in mental labour.-Tension and drawing in the occiput —Stinging pain in the head, on the side on which one is lying.-Rush of blood to the head, with heat in the same. Integuments of the Head,- Scaly scalp, itching especially in wet weather. —Falling off of the hair. Eyes.-* Ophthalmia, with redness, stinging, burning and dimness of sight. —Scrofulous ophthalmia.-Swelling of the eyeball.,-*Agglutination.-Dryness of the eyes, or lachrymation.-~ Obscuration of the cornea. —Black spots before one's eyes. — Cataract. Ears. -External otitis, with redness and ulcerative pain. B* Hard hearing, -with humming in the ears. -Ringing and roaring. Nose.-Nose-bleed, early. —Vesicles in the nose, with pushing pain. Face.-Face pale, livid.-Alternate redness and paleness of the face.-Looks cross.-Tension in the face as if albumen were drying on it. —*Nightly tearing, digging and boring in the malar bone, which is intolerable during rest, and drives one from one place to another.-Swelling of the malar bone with throbbing pain. —Tuberculous swelling of the face. —Herpes around the mouth. Teeth,- *Nightly toothache, intolerable during rest, mostly burning, ~or as if ulcerated, *or tearing, drawing and jerking, with twitching in the fingers and feet. —Throbbing and stinging in the teeth after eating. —Toothache of pregnant females.-Loose teeth. —Ailments at the time when the wisdom-teeth make their appearance. Mouth.-Dry mouth, especially at night.-Bloody saliva. -Vesicles in the mouth and on the tongue. —Little tubercles in the mouth, which bleed, and are painful when touched ever so slightly. Throat.-Stinging sore throat when swallowing. —Burning in the throat, with roughness. Appetite and Taste.-Loss of taste —Bitter taste, with tenacious mucus on the tongue and teeth. —Sour taste.-Desire for vegetables, with aversion to food, or vice versa. Gastric Symptoms,-Sour eructations. —Nausea and ver 244 MAGNESIA CARBON'ICA. tigo when eating, followed by gagging and vomiting, of bitter, salt water. Stomach, —* Contractive cardialgia. Abdomen. —Hardness and stinging pain in the region of the liver.-Distention and heaviness of the abdomen.-Abdominal spasms, followed by leucorrhawa.-Pinching in bowels. ~Inguinal hernia. Stool. — Costive.-Empty urging, with flatulence.-Green, frothy diarrhoea, with colic.-Chronic sour diarrhoea of children.-Ascarides and lumbrici.-Stitches in anus and rectum, also during empty urging to stool. Urine. —Urine more copious, pale or green.-Diabetes.Burning and smarting when urinating. Male Parts. —)Diminished sexual desire.-Discharge of prostatic fluid, when emitting flatulence. Female Parts. —Pressing toward the pelvis as if the menses would set in, with cutting in the bowels-*Menses too late, or Oquite suppressed.-Menstrual blood is dark, viscid, like pitch. —During the menses, languor, chiliness, headache, pale face, pain in the small of the back, or spaslnodic-pressing pains in the abdomen, with suppression of the discharge of blood. — White-slimy, smarting *leucorrhwea, preceded by abdominal spasms. Catarrhal Symptoms.-*Stoppage of the nose. -*Dry coryza, -one has to breathe through the nose. Windpipe. -Tickling cough, with thin, salt expectoration. Nightly spasmodic cough.-Morning-cough with yellowish, purulent expectoration.-Bloody expectoration when coughing. Chest. —Constrictive oppression of the chest.-Sore pain and stitches in the left chest and region of the heart. Trunk.-Bruising pain in the back and small of the back, at night. —~ Stiffneck, posteriorly. Upper Extremities. —*Pain in shoulder-joint as if sprained, when moving it. —Tearing in shoulder, also at night, with tingling down to the fingers and inability to move the arm onil account of pain. —Drawing pain in arms and hands.~Chapped hands.-Stinging phagedenic blisters on hands and fingers.-Crampy tension in the metacarpal joints.-Heat of the fingers. —Red, inflammatory swelling of thefingers. Lower Extremities. —Drawing pain in the same. —Restlessness.-Itching of the nates, with red spots after scratching. -Painful swelling of the bend of the knee.-Burning spots on the tibia. —Boils on the leg. MAGNESIA MURIATICA.')45 84- MAGNESIA MURIATICA. General Symptoms.-Boring or crampy-contractive pains. -~Hysteric ailments and spasms. —*Debility, ~as if proceeding from the stomach.-General sick feeling, with sensitiveness to noise.-Most pains come on at night or while one is seated. Skin.-Boils.-Glandular swellings.-Formication. Sleep.-Drowsy in the day-time.-Sleepless, owing to restlessness, heat, thirst.-Anxious dreams, with talking and crying out. —Jerks through the body, at night, on waking. -Nightmare. Fever.-Evening-chilliness.-Sweat after midnight. Emotive Sphere.-Anxious and whining mood.-Out of humour.-Not disposed to talk. Sentient Sphere. -Sense of intoxication. -Vertigo on rising and at dinner, passing off in the air. Head. -Headache with reeling. -Numb feeling in forehead.-Tension and pressure in forehead and occiput, with confused and giddy feeling, worst after rising.-Griping and raging in the temples, in the evening, in bed, with sensation as if one would become dizzy and lose one's senses.-Stinging or throbbing tearing in the head. -Rush of blood to the head, with painful undulating and humming sensation in the head. Integuments of the Head.-Drawing about the head and face, down to teeth, with confused feeling. Eyes.-Ophthalmia, with violent burning of the eyes, and redness of the whites.-N-octurnal agglutination. —The whites look yellow. Ears. —*Throbbing in the ears. -Hard hearing as if the ears were closed. Nose. —Swelling of the alto nasi. —*Red swelling of the nose. —*Sore and burning nostrils.- Scurfy nostrils, with pain when touched.-Want of smell. Face.-Pale, yellowish complexion.-*Eruption. - Large, clear blisters on the vermilion border. Teeth.-Toothache, aggravated by the contact of food.The upper incisors feel elongated. —Swollen, painful gums, readily bleeding. Mouth.-Flow of watery saliva.-The whole inner mouth feels as if burnt.-Burning on the tongue as of fire. Throat. —Throat feels raw and sore, worse in the evening. -Thick, tenacious phlegm in the throat, sometimes mixed with blood. Appetite and Taste. —Frequent thirst.-Canine hunger 20.46 M MAGNESIA bMURIATICA. and feeling of hunger in stomach, followed by nausea. —RHunger, without knowing what one would like to eat. —-Desire for dainties. Gastric Symptoms.-Gulping-up of the ingesta.-Violent hiccough, during and after dinner, causing pain in the stomach. -Sensation as if a ball were rising from the abdomen into the fauces, passing off after an eructation. —*Nausea soon after rising.-Frequent attacks of nausea as if one would faint, day and night. Stomach.-Pressure at the stomach, with nausea.-Tensive and ulcerative pain in the stomach.-Painful vibrations in the stomach as if shaking, when setting the foot down. Abdomen.,-Stitching and tension in region of liver. — Aching in liver, even when feeling it, worst when lying on the right side. —~ Chronic hepatitis.-*Distended abdomen, ~all the time, *with constipation.-OInveterate *painful hardness in the abdomen, ~also particularly in the right side. —*Abdominal spasms, especially in the evening, ~also hysteric spasms extending to the thighs and causing leucorrhcea.- Tearing in the abdomen.-Titillating stinging in the abdominal muscles. Stool. —*Stool hard, delaying and insufficient.-*Constipation. *Stool like sheep's dung. —A good deal of urging, with scanty stool. —Chronic *disposition to diarrhea,-Dl)iarrhcea, consisting of mucus and blood. —~Taenia. Urine.-Frequent urging, with scanty emission.-Cannot emit urine except by straining with the abdominal muscles. -Numbness of the urethra. Male Parts.-Itching of the scrotum and penis. —Burning in the back after an embrace. Female Parts. —Menses too soon and too copious.-Black, lumpy menstrual blood. —During the menses, paleface, pain in the small of the back, languor.-* Uterine spasms, ~also extending into the thighs, with subsequent leucorrhcea.*Leutcorrhoac, especially when moving the body, *or preceded by abdominal spasms.~-Scirrhous indurations of the uterus. Catarrhal Symptoms. -*Troublesome dryness of the nose.-Stoppage of the nose, at night.- Catarrh with loss (of taste and smell, and yellow, fetid nasal mucus.-~Discharge of acrid water from the nose, causing soreness and burning. Windpipe.-HIoarseness, and dryness of the throat. —Heat in the throat.-Dry cough, at night, with burning and sore pain in the chest.-*Nocturnal spasmodic cough with tickling in the throat. Chest.-Oppression in the region of the heart. —Sudden weight on the chest, with stoppage of breath, at dinner.Tension across the chest.-Stitches in the heart, cutting off MANGANUM. 247 one's breath.-Palpitation of the heart, when sitting, passing off during motion. Trunk. —Contractive spasmodic pain in the small of the back.-Stinging, tearing and burning in the back.-Swelling of the cervical glands. Upper Extremities.-Drawing and tearing from the shoulder-joints to the hands, worse when moving the arm.-Early, on waking, the arms go to sleep. Lower Extremities.-They feel languid even when sitting. — Jerking tearing in the hips.-Uneasiness and tension in the thighs.-Cramp in the calves, at night. —Burning of the soles, evening. —Sweaty feet. 85.-MANGINUM. General Symptoms.-Shooting dull stitches here and there. —~Articular gout, with stinging, twitching, digging, worst at night, sometimes on one side only, and cross-wise. — Shining-red swelling of the joint, also after a cold. — Ostitis, with nocturnal digging pains. —Ulcerative pain in every part of the body, when touched. —Most pains appear at night.Pains which come on in a room, pass off in the air, and vice versa. —Many pains are better- or worse as the weather changes. Skin.-Burning all over, when rising from the bed. —Itching tetters.-*Unwholesome skin. —Soreness and rhagades at the beads of the joints.-~Chronic inflammatory swelling and suppuration. Sleep. — Anx ous vivid dreams. — *Yawning. Fever.-Shaking chill, in the evening, with stinging headache, without thirst.-Chilliness, with flying heat about the head. —Feverish warmth on the chest and cheeks, with painfulness of the whole body to the touch.-Night.sweat, obliging him to scratch, frequently on the neck and lower limbs alone. Emotive Sphere. —Out of humour and taciturn. —Rancorous and angry mood. Sentient Sphere. —Absence of mind.-Vertigo as if one would fall forwards. Head. —~Hemicrania?-Heaviness of the head with sensation as if it had grown large.-Burning headache, passing off in the open air.-Drawing-stitching or tensive headache, in the open air.-Rush of blood to head, with throbbing as from suppuration.-Painful shaking of the brain during motion. Eyes.-Pressure in the eyes when straining them. —Burn 248 MANIAANUAM. ing heat and ~dryness in the eyes.-Swollen lids, painful when moving them.-ODinl-sighted.-~Near-sighted. Ears. —Otalgia. —Pains which affect the ears, proceeding from other parts. —Stinging in the ears, when talking, swallowing, laughing, walking.-*Hard hearing, as if the ears were stopped, ~afected by the weather, and opening of the ears when blowing the nose. —~Humming in the ears. —~eports, whcen blowing one's nose; quagging sensation when yawning. Face.-Face pale, sunken.-Shooting, from lower jaw to temple, when laughing.-Lips dry.-Eruptions and ulcers at the corners of the lips.-Cramp feeling in the jaws, after eating. Teeth. -Teeth painful and sensitive. — Violent toothache, quickly shifting to other parts. —Tearing in the molares and adjoining parts, with languor and restlessness, especially forenoon and evening.-Sore and smarting toothache, intolerable when any thing cold gets to the teeth. Mouth. —Snell from the mouth, as of clay, early.Blotches and burning vesicles on the tongue. Throat. —Sore throat between the acts of swallowing, a cutting soreness. —Dull stitches from either side of the larynx to the ear, when swallowing.-Dryness and scraping in the throat, with sensation as if the windpipe were closed with a leaflet.- Chlronic sore throat. Gastric Symptoms.-Taste as of oil. —Loss of thirst.Sourish-burning eructations. Stomach.-Bturning from stomach to chest, sometimes with restlessness.-Drawing in pit of stomach as if it would expand, with nausea. Abdomen.-Pressure in the hypochondria.-Distended abdomen.-Aeching sore pain in epigastrium.-Warm contraction fiom the middle of the abdomen to the chest, with nausea.-Cutting in the umbilical region, when drawing a long breath. —Shaking sensation in bowels. —-~Copious emission of flatulence. Stool.-Constipation. - Dry, lumpy stool.- Papeseent stools. Urine.-Frequent urging to urinate.-Clayey, violet-coloured sediment.-Stitches in the urethra, between the acts of micturition. Male Parts. —Feeling of weakness in the sexual organs, with burning and jerkingq-dratding in the spermatic cord., as far as the glans. —Itching of the carona glandis. Female Parts,- Menses too soon. Catarrhal Symptoms.-Stoppage of both nostrils. Windpipe.-*Roughiness and hoarseness, especially in the MENYANTHES TRIFOLIATA. 249 open air, early, ~consequent on former affections of the windpipe. — Tracheal phthisis. —Dry cough, excited by talking, with painful dryness and Toughness in the larynx.-Raises a number of little balls of yellowish-green mucus, in the morning, almost without cough. —Raises blood fiom the chest. Chest and Respiration. —Breath hot and burning, with unpleasant warmth in the chest.-Stitches in chest and sternum striking up and down.-Sudden shocks about the heart and in the side of the chest from above downward. Trunk. -Tearing down the spine, during rest and motion. -Stiffness of the nape of the neck. Upper Extremities. - Drawing and tearing from the shoulder through the whole arm, hands and fingers.-Tensive pain in the joints of the arms and wrists. —Boring and digging in the humerus. —Itching herpes on the forearm. —Inflarmmatory swelling and suppuration of the little finger. —Rhagades in the bends of the fingers. Lower Extremities.- Muscular twitchings, when moving them ever so little.-Crampy drawing or jerking stitching in the thighs. —Tensive pain in the thighs.-Unsteadiness of the knees.-Inflammation and swelling of the ankles, with stitches up into the legs.-Burning of the soles.-Soreness between the toes. 86.-MENYANTHES TRIFOLIATA. General Symptoms. — Stinging pains in the limbs.OArthritic pains.-Painless muscular twitchings here and there.-Stinginig-pinching pains. —Debility, especially when walking, also with chilliness.-~Chronic effects of abuse of cinchona. Sleep. -Restless sleep, with vivid dreams, which one does not recollect. Fever. —Chilliness principally.-IIorripilations over the upper part of the body, or the legs, the hair standing on end. -Chilly feeling, especially in the fingers.- ~Intermittent fever, with coldness in the abdomen. Emotive Sphere.-Apprehensive mood. —Apathy. —Jocose, indiscreetly merry. Head. —Continual heaviness.-Compressive headache, with sensation on going up-stairs as though a weight were pressing on the head.-Gloominess of the head, abating in the open air.-Tensive headache. Integuments of the Head.-Gnawing in the vertex.-,Burning pains in the forehead. 11' 250 MEPHITIS PUTORI'S. Eyes. —Blackness of sight when reading.- -The eyelids frequently feel rigid. Ears.-Ringingi.-Discharge, also after exanthemata.~Cracking in the ear when chewing. Nose.-SInell of spoiled eggs before the nose.-Tension in the root of the nose. Face. —Visible, painless twitching of the facial muscles and lids. —Pain and cracking in the articulation of the jaw when chewing. MOuth. —Sensation, when yawning and coughing, as if the left side of the palate were paralysed. Throat. —Dry and rough throat, with difficulty of swallowing saliva. Gastric Symptoms. -Bitter-sweet taste in mouth.-Frequent empty eructations.-Painful confusion in the head, after eating. Stomach.-Contractive pains in the stomach.-Rumbling, as if the stomach were empty. Abdomen-* Cold feeling in the abdomen -especially when pressing on it with the hands.-The outer abdomen feels sore. -Flatulent distention of the abdomen.-Pinching in bowels. Stool.-Constipation.-Hard stool, with pinching pain. — ~Flowing piles. Urine.-Frequent urging, with scanty emission. Male Parts.-Violent desire for an embrace, without erection or excitement of the fancy. Windpipe.-Rough, hoarse voice, with stoppage of the ears.-Spasmodic contraction of the larynx, with desire to cough when drawing.in air with force. Chest. —Stinging compression o0n both sides of the chest. Trunk.-Aching-bruising pain in the small of the back, when sitting and stooping.-Dull boring-stitching near the left scapula. —Tearing between the scapule.-Stiffness and heaviness in the cervical and posterior cervical muscles. Upper Extremities,-Crampy, laming drawing and tearing in the arms, hands and fingers. —Spasmodic stiffness of the, arm, with involuntary contraction of the fingers.-Painful twitching in the arm and little finger. Lower Extremities.-Bruising pains in the thighs.~Spasmodic tossing up of the legs. 87.-MEPHITIS PUTORIUS. General Symptoms.-Shifting pains, with desire to ulrinate and sometimes with sensation as of an electric shock.TUneasiness in the whole body, with an indescribably disagree MEPHITIS PUTOrItUS. 251 able feeling.-Fine nervous oscillations as if penetrating to the marrow of the bones, and causing uneasiness. —Prostra. tion, with soreness of the muscles wher. touched. —Disposition to stretch, with dread of work.-~ Various gastric complaints. Skin. —Itching of the hairy scalp, face and chin.-Pimples on the thighs, fbrehead, jaw, back. Sleep.-Frequent yawning, with lachry-mation.-Wakes at night, with congestion of blood to the legs. —Heat in the legs.-Nightmare. —-Vivid dreams about water, fire, spitting of blood, losses.-Excessively oppressed with sleep, early in the morning, and stretching as it stupified, with burning in the eyes, tearing in the limbs, with relief by turning to the other side.-Wakes early, also a curative effect. Fever, —Coldness, in the evening, with urging to urinate and colic as if diarrhcea would set in.-Increased temperature, early.-Icy-cold water feels pleasant to him. Emotive Sphere,-Out of humour about trifles.-Loquacious.-Excited fancy, preventing serious mental labour. Head and Sentient Sphere. —Dulness of the head, as if growing larger, with ill-humour and nausea.-Vertigo on stooping, or when moving the head.-Pain above the eyes. — Headache as if too full, with pressure upwards.-Pressure in occiput here and there, as if with the fingers. Eyes. —Pain in the eyes when turning them in certain directions.-Prickings in the eyes.-Burning, with pressure, in the eyes. —*Redness of the conjunctiva.-Pressure and burning on the lids as if a stye would form. —The letters are blurred when reading. Ears and Nose.-Otalgia.-Erysipelas of the outer ear, with heat, itching and vesicles.-Nose-bleed. Teeth. -Pains in decayed molars.-Sudden jerks in the roots of the teeth. Appetite and Gastric Symptomis.-Coppery taste in the mouth. — Desire for salt food. —Sobbing eructations. —NYausea, with scraping at the palate. —Nausea with empty feeling in the stomach, and sensation as if the head were distended. Stomach and Abdomen.-Pressure at the stomach and colic. -Pain in the region of the liver. —Pain as from flatulence. in the left side.-Pressure and flatulence, with urging to urinate, feeling of coldness and shivering, abating near the warm stove. Stool and Urine. — Urging, with frequent micturition. Sexual Parts.-Soreness of the pudendum and swelling of the labia. Windpipe. —ORecent and chronic catarrhs.-*Cough with 2.5:2,IERCITRIUS VIrVUP. fluent catarrh and soreness in the chest.-Cough when reading loud or talking. —~Cough with expectoration of mucus, every morning. Chest and Respiration.-Soreness of the region of the last ribs rising into the chest, when drawing a long breath. Trunk.-Pain in the back and limbs, with lameness.Stitches in the spine, during motion. —Tension of the right cervical muscles. Upper Extremities.-Laming-drlawing rheumatic pains in the arms.-Uneasiness and insensibility in the left arm. Lower Extremities. —Drawing rheumatic pains from the hip to the foot. —OUneasiness in the legs, as if they would become insensible. —Arthritic pains in the heels.-Pecking in the big toe as if it would be pinched off. —Continual pains and burning in the corns. 88. —MERCURIUS VIVUS. General Symptoms.,-*Rheumatic, arthritic, drawing and stitching-tearing pains, especially at night, with profuse sweat which does not afford any relief.-*Stinging pains.-Contraction of single parts. —Arthritic, shining-red swellings.*Dropsical swellings of internal and external parts. —~Influenza.- Worm-affectiols. —*Jaundice.-OGastric and bilious complaints. —'Swelling and suppuration of glands. —Scrofulous complaints. — ~Syphilitic affections.-.R~zachitis.-.Swelling and inflammation of bones with nocturnal pains. —*Contraction of bones.-*Caries.- ~Ifflammations of internal organs terminating in exudition and suppuration.-*Hcemorrhage from internal organs. ~-Rheumatic-catarrhal inflammations with disposition to sweat. —Ailments from abuse of cinchona.-OFall-dysentery. —*Aggravation of the pains in the evening and night.-* The pains are rendered intolerable by the warmth of the bed.-Early in the morning and during rest, especially when lying, one feels better than when walking or sitting.-When sitting every part of the body is liable to going to sleep, with tingling during motion.-Is especially, suitable to children. —* The whole body is painful as if bruised with painfulness of all the bones.- -Uneasiness in all the limbs, in the evening, with pains in every joint.-*Prostration with excessive physical and spiritual'distress. — *Excessive malaise and debility, with trembling and vascular orgasm even from slight labour.-Violent orgasm of the circulation with throb-;bing in all the arteries. —*Rush of blood to the chest, head and abdomen.-~Sanguineous and serous apoplexy. Slin. -*Skin of a dingy yellow, rough and dry. -*Violent MERCURIUS VIVUS. 253 itching nf the whole body, ~especially in the evening and at nighI, aggravated by the warmth of the bed. -Nocturnal stinging itching in the joints.-Itching rash.-*Phagedenic ulcers, bleeding readily.-Red spots like nettlerash. —~Dry, readilybleeding itch, resembling rash.- *Eruptions, ~itching and burning after scratching. —*Herpes which burn when touched. — ~Herpes which secretes a good deal of humour and is surrounded with a border consisting of large scales. —~Impetiginous herpes. —*Humid eruption, resembling scabies pustulosa.-~Suppurating pustules and herpetic spots on the skin, with itching. —Burning, scaly, dry, or phagedenic, ichorous, syphilitic herpes.-Hepatic spots. —*Erysipelatous inflammations of external parts. —Benign and malignant suppurations.-~oSyphilitic ulcers.-Panaritia. - ~Malignant scarlet eruptions. Sleep. — Sopor; very drowsy in the day-time.-Falls asleep late, with nightly sleeplessness, on account of anxiety, restlessness, heat and vascular orgasm.-Frightful visions previous to falling asleep. —Frightful, anxious dreams.*Uneasy, superficial sleep, with frequent waking. —*A good deal of anxiety at night, with vascular orgasm and stinging in the veins. Fever.-*A good deal of chilliness, shivering and cold creepings as if cold water were poured over one.-The body is cold all the time. —Chills in the evening and at night, even near the warm stove.-Shuddering, mixed up with flushes of heat. —Chilliness, externally and internally, with heat of the face and burning of the cheeks.-Burning heat, with aggravation of the pains when uncovering one's-selt.-*Hectic fevers, ~especially of children.-*Nocturnal fevers.- ~Mucous fever, with prostration. - ~Puerperal fever. —Pulse quick and thin, or irregular. —~Inflammato2ryfevers, with *disposition to perspire. - Morning-sweat. - *Profuse night-sweats -smelling sour, sometimes of a greasy and oily nature. Emotive Sphere. - *Anguish, apprehensive mood, restlessness, with fear of loosing one's senses.-Anguish of conscience, driving one about.-Aversion to life.-Apathy.Out of humour and averse to talking.- Obstinate, impatient. -Disputative mood. —Mania, whining mood. —Constant moaning. Sentient Sphere. —Weak memory.-Absence of mind. - Vanishing of ideas.-Illusions of the fancy.-Delirium.~Mental alienation of drunkards.-Dulness of the head.* Vertigo, -as if one were balancing.-Evening-vertigo with nausea, heat with anxiety, blackness of sight. —~Meningitis. Head. — *Itadache. as if the head weould fly to pieces. with 254 MERaURIUS VIVU6 fulness in the brain. —Heaviness of the head —Oppressive, tensive headache, especially in the sinciput, as if the head were tightly bandaged.-~Nocturnal headache, stinging-boring or tearing.-* Tearing headache, also only on one side, ~or stinging, down to the teeth and cervical muscles, with stitches in the ear. —* Tearing-burning headache, ~especially in the temples. —*Rush of blood to the head, with heat in the head. -~Hydrocephalus. Integuments of the Head. —Tensive sensation in the scalp.-~Sweat about the head.-*The whole scalp is painful to the touch. —Tearing in the bones of the skull. —Burning *itching in the hairy scalp and forehead, worse after scratching. -~Itching, dry, or *humid scald, causing the hair to fall off. * The hairfalls off. —Osseous tumours on the head. Eyes. —Distressing pain in the eyes, when straining them. -*Pressure in the eyes as from sand. —*Pain under the lids as from some cutting body. —*Stinging in the eyes.-*Itching and heat in the eyes.-*Burning smarting in the eyes, especially in the open air. —~Acute and chronic *opthalmia, especially ~of an arthitic, scrofulous and syphilitic nature, with redness of the whites, and intolerance of the glare of fire.*Profuse lachrymation ~in the evening.-Blear-eyed.- ~Pustules on the conjunctiva. —*Swollen lids, ~with ulcers and scurfs on the margins. —~Scurfs around the eyes.-*NNightly agglutination.-~Ulcers on the cornea.-~Faint-eyes, without lustre. —*The lids are closed as if by force and opened again with difficulty. —*Dimness of sight.-Periodical vanishing of sight. -~lncipient amaurosis. -Mist, sparks, muscme volitantes, or *black points before one's eyes. — *Dread of light and the glare of fire. Ears.-* Tearing or stitching pain in the ears. -*The inner ear is sore. - ~Inflammation of the inner and outer ear. - OFungous excrescenses in the ear, with tearing in the ear and side of the head. —*Purulent discharge from the ears, ~with ulceration of the concha. —Discharge of blood from the ears. -~Inflammatory *swelling of the parotid gland, with stinging and pressure. —*Hard hearing, every sound reverberating in the ear, ~or with sensation as if the meatus opened again when swallowing or blowing one's nose, also when caused by a cold or enlargement of the tonsils. — *Roaring, ringing and ~rushing in the ears. —*Stoppage of the ears. Nose. —Swelling of the nasal bone, painful when touched. -Inflammation and ulceration of the inner nose. - Red, shining swelling of the nose, with itching. —Discharge of greenish, fetid pus from the nose.-*Nose-bleed, -especially while coughing or sleeping. -- Blackish nose. MERCURIUS VIVUS. 255 Face.-* Complexion pale, ~jaundiced, *livid, with dim, dark-looking eyes.-*Red face.-*Feverish heat and redness of the cheeks.-The face is bloated and swollen.-~ODingyyellow crust in the face, with fetid humour, continual itching day and night, and bleeding after scratching. —Malignant crusta lactea. -*Tearing in the face. —~Swelling of the cheeks, from toothache.-*Lips rough, dry, Oblackish and with a burning pain when touched. —~Rhagades in the lips. —Soft, red swelling of the lips, with deep, ulcerated sores, full of watery, yellow, fetid ichor. -~Smarting-burning vesicles on the lip, with yellow crusts.-Fissured, *ulcerated corners of the mouth. - Pimples on the chin. -*Crampy stiffness of the jaws, ~caused by a tension in the articulation, with painfully-stinging or hard swelling of the submaxillary glands. Teeth. — Toothache, aggravated by cold or warm things, also by eating, or ~in the evening, or *at night, ~becoming intolerable at night in bed. —~Toothache caused by a cold. — *Tearing toothache, affecting the whole side of the face,.*Nightly, jerking, throbbing toothache, affecting even the ear and head and abating only when falling asleep. —*Stinging in decayed teeth, with tearing in the roots of sound teeth, and swollen cheeks which are painful to the touzh. -The teeth feel loose, they are loose andfall out. —Itching, burning and redness of the gums.-*Swollen, receding gums, with nightly burning and soreness when touched, and when eating. -*Spongy, readily-bleeding gums. —*The gums are raised, with white, ulcerated indentations. — *Nightly swelling of the gums. Mouth. —*Fetor of the mouth. — ~Inflammatory swelling of the inner mouth. —Burning *ulcers on the inner cheek. — *Apththe. —~Stomacace. -Ulceration of the salivary glands. -*Fetid ptyalism, ~also with feverish paroxysms.-Tongue moist, *covered with mucus, or hard, dry, *coated ~black. — "Inflammation, *swelling and induration or suppuration of the tongue. -~Stammering speech. —*Aphonia, -~A good deal of tenacious mucus in the mouth.-CRanula. Throat. -*Sore throat when swallowing, as if a foreign body would be swallowed.-*Soreness and smarting in the throat. *Burning in the fauces, as if a hot vapour were rising front the abdomen, with aching dryness of the throat when swallowing, and constant urging to swallow, the mouth being filled with water.-*-The fauces are inflamed and painful. —OCEsophagitis.-~Erysipelatous *inflammation of the soft parts of the throat. -*Inflammation and swelling of the uvula. —*Angina faucium, especially with stinging pains (also in the tonsils and submaxillary glands) during empty deglutition, worse at night and in the cool air. —*Suppuration of the tonsils. 25(1 MERCURIUS VIVUS. ~Syphilitic ulcers in the throat. —~Constant and *painful dryness in the throat.-*Difficult deglutition.-*The beverage returns by the nose. Appetite and Taste. -Food is tasteless. —*Foul, or metallic and saltish, or sweet taste in the mouth. —*Bitter taste in the mouth, especially before breakfast.-~Bread tastes sweet. —* Violent, burning thirst, for beer and cold drinks, day and night.-*Ravenous hunger. —Canine hunger, also after a meal.-*Aversion to food, especially warm and solid food.One is speedily satiated. - Very weak digestion, with constant hunger. Gastric Symptoms, — *Rising of air, or acrid, bitter, foul eructations.-*2Nausea, -as if proceeding from the chest, with pressure in the chest.-*Inclination to vomit, with sweetish taste in throat, vertigo, headache and heat.-Nocturnal nausea and *bitter bilious vomiting. - 0Vomiting of the ingesta. Stomach.-Pressure at the stomach, with sensation as if dragged down, also after the lightest kind of food. —Pressure from the pit of the stomach to the xiphoid cartilage.-Tension in the region of the stomach.-Burning in the pit of the stomach. —The region of the stomach is very painful. Abdomen. - Hepatitis, with stinging pain. - ~Indurated liver. —~The region of the liver is painful when touched.*Distension of the abdomen, with pressure and pain when touched. —* Cutting and pinching in the abdomen, especially after a cold.-Nightly cutting and tearing in the abdomen.~Lancinations in the abdomen. —*Excessive pain, not passing off till one lies down. - ~Sensation of emptiness in the lower abdomen. —Feeling in the abdomen as if alive.Shaking of the bowels when walking, as if loose. —Enteritis, ~peritonitis. —Ascites, caused by affections of abdominal glandular organs.-Rumbling in the abdomen. —*Painful inflammation, swelling, and 0suppuration of the inguinal glands. —Syphilitic buboes. Stool and Anus. - *Constipation. - *Ineffectual urging with tenesmus, especially at night. — Hard, tenacious, or lumpy stool, which only passes off after long pressing. —Thinshaped stool. —Stirred stool. —*Tenacious, sour-smelling, or green, slimy, acrid, bloody, tarry, excoriating stools.-*)Diarrhcea, Ocaused by cold evening-air, *with cutting colic, especially previous to stool.-*Slimy diarrhoea, ~also after measles. —*Dysenteric stools, ~also of infants.-*Scanty, bloody and slimy stools, after long pressing, and violent urging, as if the bowels would be pressed out, succeeded by violent tenesmul,. — Undigested stools. —*Di.charge of bright bloo. MERCURIUS VIVUS. 27 at stool. —*Burning at the anus, during stool.-*Discharge of mucus from the rectum.-*Lumbrici.-~OProlapsus recti, after stool and when pressing during stool. —Black rectum, with spirting of blood. Urine.-Excessive, almost continual urging to urinate. with scanty emission and feeble stream. —*Sudden urging fo urinate. -*Excessivec micturition.-Involuntary emission of urine. —*I)ark-red, fetid urine, which soon becomes turbid.*Sour-smelling, acrid urine.-*Urine as if mixed with blood, or white flocks and ~Opus.-*Hvemorrhage from the urethra.*Burning and stinging in the urethra, during, between and after the acts of urinating.-OThick, yellowish, or green gonorrhoea, especially at night. Male Parts.-Profuse sweat on the parts, when walking. — Soreness between the parts and thighs —-Swelling of the lymphatic vessels along the penis.-*Painful inflammation and swelling of the glans and prepuce.-*Ulcers on the glans with cheesy, ash-coloured bottom. — Chancres on the glans and prepuce. - *Balannorr hca.-*Swelling of the testes.-Lascivious fancy, with frequent painful erections at night.-Emissions of' bloody semen. Female Parts.-Profuse menses, with anxiety and colic. — Menses too feeble and short. —~Rush of blood to the uterus. —*Suppression of the menses —-~Sterility, with profuse Inenses.-*Prolapsus of the vagizn.-~Swelling of the labia, with heat and shining redness. —~Inflammation of the uterus, ovaries, *lubia, ~ovarian dropsy? —*Puruent, corrosive leucorrhoeca, with smarting in the pudendum. —During the menses, spongy gums, and red tongue, with dark spots and burning. Catarrhal Symptoms.-A good deal of sneezing without catarrh — Drv nose.-*Profuse, excoriating, watery coryza. — *Dry coryza. —*Catarrh, witih a good deal of sneezing. Windpipe.- OLairynitis. - ~Chronic *catarrh. — Hoarse, husky voice, with burning and tickling in the larynx. —Aphonia. —Influenza.-* Catarrh, with cough, coryza, sore throat. - ~Coucgh, with hoarseness. -~Cough, caused by an irritation in the larynx, or in the upper part of the chest. —*Dry, titillating cough, in the evening, previous to falling asleep.*Racking, day cough, especially at night, as if the head and chest would fly to pieces, sometimes with. inclination to vomit.-ODry, spasmodic cough, with retching. —Bloody expectoration from the chest.-~Phthisical ulceration qf the lungs. Chest and Respiration.-Tightness of breath when as. cending an eminence, with stinging below the short ribs. — *Tightness of the chest and shortness of breath, when going up 258 MERCURIUS SUBLIMATUS. stairs or walking fast. —~Spasms in the chest, caused by the vapours of copper or arsenic? —Oppression on the chest, as if caused by anxiety.-Stitches in the chest, through to the back, increased by coughing. —Burning in the chest, rising into the throat. - Pneumonia. -*Palpitation of the heart. — Hard swelling or suppuration of the marnrnae, especially the nipples. —Distortion of the nipples. —Bad milk, which the infant refuses to take. Trunk. —Stitching pains in the small of the back, with sensation of prostration and inability to support the back.Bruising pain in the small of the back, back and scapulae.Burning drawing in the back and nape of the neck.-Zoneshaped erysipelatous inflammation around, the abdomen.Rheumatic stiffness and swelling of the nape and outer neck.-Stinging in the cervical muscles.-Inflammation and swelling of the cervical glands, with stinging and pressure in the same. Upper Extremities.-*Tearing in the shoulders and upper arms, especially at night, and when moving it.-Jerking in the arms and fingers.-Arthritic, red, hot, swelling of the forearm, from the elbow joint as far as the wrist. —Itching rash on the arms. —*Scaly, burning herpes on the forearm and wrist-joint.-Lameness of the hands and joints thereof. -Sweaty palms of the hands —-*Itch-like eruption on the hands. —*Contraction of the fingers.-Swelling of the phalangeal joints.-Painful, deep, bleeding, rhagades in the fin. gers.-The skin near the finger-nails peels off.-Panaritia. Lower Extremities.-~Coxagra, with pains which are intolerable at night, sometimes with incipient suppuration and throbbing pains. —* Tearing and tearing-stitchinlg in the lower limbs, especially in the hip-joint, femora, and knees, ~especially at night, and during motion, with sensation of coldness in the affected parts.-Debility, healviness and bruising sensation in the thighs and legs.-Shining, transparent, dropsical swelling of the thighs and legs. —Itching rash on the lower limbs. —*Herpes on the thighs and legs.-Contraction of the legs, with cramp in the calves and toes. —Cold feet.-Cold sweat on the feet.-Swelling of the heels and dorsa of the feet.-PainfiUl swelling of the tarsal bones. 89. —MERCURIUS SUBLIMIATUS. General Symptoms. —Drawing in the periosteum, as in fever and ague, with feeling of heat in the head.-Fall dysentery.-Violent starting, as if in affright, when falling asleep, with concussion of the whole body. —Chilliness, especially MEZEREUM. 259 about the head. —Chilliness immediately, with colic and tenesmus when stirring about ever so little, also in the open (warm) air.-Heat when bending forward, cooling off when raising one's self again.-Out of humour, cannot be satisfied, alternating with cheerful mood. Head, &c. -Considerable swelling of the head and neck. -Eyes inflamed and protruded. —Staring look. -Distortion of the features. —Swelling of the lips.-Swelling and eversion of the upper lip. —Burning in the mouth and gums.Fetor of the mouth.-Saltish ptyalism.-Swelling of the tongue and throat. —Angina faucium. —Unquenchable thirst. -Painful burning from the mouth to the stomach.-Painful distention of the abdomen. Stool. — *Dysentery, with green or brown fetid, bilious evacuations, or with discharge of a small quantity of bloody mu. cus, almost constantly attended with colic and intolerable painful pressing, urging tenesmus. - Ineffectuul urging to stool. —Discharges of fmces and mucus, mixed with dark, coagulated blood. Urine, &c. —Tenesmus of the bladder. - *Gonorrhoea, -first thin, afterwards thicker, with smarting when urinating and stinging in the urethra. — Pale-yellow leucorrhcea, having a disgustingly sweet taste. Chest, &c. —Catarrh. - Hollow, racking, dry cough. - Nightly stitching through the whole chest, from side to side. -Painful glandular swellings around the nipples. —Stinging in the hip-joint, during rest and motion.-Icy-cold feet. 90.- MEZEREUM. General Symptoms. -~Rheumatic tearing, drawing and tension in the limbs, with lameness. —Jerking pains, with painfulness of the parts remaining long after. —Drawing pains in one half of the body, with chilliness. -Pains accompanied by chilliness and shivering. —Corrosive sore pains of the mucous membranes. —Burning in the digestive organs. — ~Inflammation and swelling of bones. - Caries. -0~Rhachitis. - Olnveterate syphilis. —~Abuse of mercury.-Twitching and jerking of muscles. —Heaviness and bruising sensation in the limbs.-OScrofilous complaints. - ~Glandular swellings. - 0One half tf the body is principally affected. —The pains are worse in the evening. —The pains are aggravated by contact or motion.-*Sensitiveness to cold air. Skin. —The skin of the whole body peels off. —*Itching, especially at night, -soon returning after scratching, sornetimes with swelling of the scratched part. —Rash, also chro 26() MEZEREUM. nic.-Boils.-Inflamed ulcers, with burning and stinging, or with corrosive soreness. -Inflammations terminating in suppuration. Sleep. —Drowsy in the day-time, with unrefreshing night-sleep. — The body starts during sleep. - Nightmare, early in the morning. Fever. -Chillirness''and coldness, with violent thirst, with out desiring to be warmed. —Violent acute fevers. — Tertian fever, with headache, pale face, painful swelling of the spleen, and great sensitiveness to cold air. — Sleep, with sweat, after the chillin'ess. Emotive Sphere. -Hypochoindriac mood, with sadness and weeping. —Anguish, especially when alone. - Out of humour. -Vehement.-Not disposed to work. Sentient Sphere,- Weak memory. -Dulness of intellect. —Frequent vanishing of ideas. Dulness, as if intoxicated. —Vertigo, as if one would fall sideways, with wavering before one's eyes. Plead. —Headache, with shuddering and chilliness, worse in the open air. —Stupifying headache in one hemisphere. - pressing pain in the head, from within or from without. - Violent, throbbing aching in the whole head, forehead, nose and teeth, made worse by contact.-Humming headache, with vomiting of mucus. Integuments of the lead. —Pain' of'the skull, worse when touching it. -The scalp and hair are painful when touched. —~Gnawing,'itching eruption won the scalp.-~Numb feeling in the scalp, especially on the side on which one had been lying, with drawing. Painful sensation in the eye, as if the eyeball were too larlge. — Ophthalmia.-Near-sighted or far-sighted. Ears.-Drawing and tearing pain in the ears. —OHumid, itching eruption behind the ears. Nose.-Soreness, inside.-~Excoriating discharge from the Nose, yellow, thin and sometimes bloody. Face.-Pale face.-* Cramnjy-drawing pain in the face, (malar bone), ~a stupifying pressure.-Boils in the face. — Lips and corners of the mouth are sore and burning.-The lips are swollen, cracked, peel off.-Stitches in the submaxillary gland. Teeth.-* Toothache in decayed teeth.-*Drawing-burning or boring stitches in the teeth, extending to the malar bones and temples.-* The teeth feel dull and elongated.-The teeth decay rapidly. —Burning vesicles on the'gums. Mouth.-Burning vesicles in the' mouth and on the tongue,-Continual burning in the mouth.-Dif)iculty of talking. MIEZEREUM. 261 Throat.-Soreness, roughness and stinging in the fauces. -Burning.-Inflammation of the fauces and cesophagus. — Constriction of the pharynx. Appetite —Aversion to meat. Gastric Symptoms,-Empty eructations, after drinking.Nausea, with flow of water in mouth and horripilation. — Vomiting of green, bitter mucus with headache.- Vomiting of blood. Stomach, —Pressure at stomach.-Burning in stomach.Contraction of the diaphragm. Abdomen.-Distention.- Colicky, tearing pains in abdomnen. —Burning in abdomen.-Enteritis.-Pressing asunder in the abdominal ring.-Drawing in the inguinal glands.Flatulent colic, with rumbling, oppressed breathing and chilliness. Stool.-Evacuations difficult, papescent, with violent pressing.- Violent diarrhcea with intolerable colic.-Constriction of the anus after stool, above the protruded rectum.-Chill before and after stool. Urine.-Flocks and red sediment in urine.-Bloody urine. -Soreness in urethra. —Discharge of mucus from the urethra. Male Parts,-Jerking-stitching-tearing in the penis.Prickling pain at the tip of the glans.-Balannorrhoca.Swelling of the testes. Female Parts,-*Albuminous leucorrhcea, ~also watery and chronic. Catarrhal Symptoms.-Sneezing, with soreness in the chest when sneezing.-~Catarrhal discharge of a thin, yellowish mucus, with soreness and burning in the nose and eruption on the lips. Windpipe.-Hoarseness, dryness and burning in throat, with oppressed breathing.-l)ry cough, with gagging and vomiting, evening and night.-Bloody cough. Chest and Respiration. —Tight breathing.-Pain in chest, when drawing breath, as though the lungs had grown fast, (adhered), and the thorax were too narrow. —Painful tension in the pectoral muscles. —Soreness and burning on the sternum.-Stitches in the chest, worse when drawing breath. Trunk,-Tensive-contractive pain in the back, down to,he small of the back.-Painful stiffness of the neck.-Tearing in the sides of the neck.-Sore pain inl the axilloe. Upper Extremities.-Pain in shoulder-joint as if it would fly to pieces.-Rheumatic tension in the arms, with lameness.-Painful twitchings in the shoulders, arms, hands and fingers.-Swelling and heat of the arm and hand, with muscular twitching and peckiing sensation in the parts. 262 MOSHtuS. Lower Extremities. -Twitching from the hip-joint to the knee. —Contraction of the lower limb.-Bone-pain in the linlb.-Tearing, drawing and tension in the thighs and legs. -Stiff knee.-Hard swelling of the calves.-Painful twitching in the toes, 91 — MOSCRUS. General Symptoms.-Prickling in the muscles.-Itching, pinching and stinging here and there.-Tefanus.-Convul. sions. —*Fainting and debility, ~especially at night, in the evening or open air, or ~particularly in hysteric females.~Hysteric ailments.- Hypochondriac complaints arising from Oderangement of the genital system.-Pimples, obliging one to scratch until blood appears. Sleep.-Drowswy in the day-time, with yawning. —Sopor. — Inability to remain long on one side, at night, on account of the part becoming painful as if sprained or broken.-Vivid dreams, affecting one's honour. —*Sleepless, ~owing to nervous excitement. Fever.-Accelerated circulation.- Frequent sensation as if cool air were blowing upon one, especially on parts which are uncovered. —The open air feels cold, —Frequent slight shiverings extending from the head over the whole body, and alternating with a comfortable sensation of natural warmth. -Paroxysms of burning heat in the evening.-Sweats every mornial. Emotive Sphere.-*Hypochondriac and hysteric anxiety with palpitaion of the heart. —Fear of death.-One acts as if one were very busy, allowing every thing to drop out of one's hands, from weakness.Sentient Sphere. -Vertigo and wavering before the eyes, when moving the head ever so little.- Vertigo with nausea, obliging one to lie down, with desire for black coffee.-S-tupefaction as if intoxicated. Head.-Headache with nausea, obliging one to lie down.Heaviness of the head.-Stupifying, compressive headache, espeJally close above the root of the nose.-Tensive, spasmodic drawing in the head, especially the occiput and nape of the neck. —Rush of blood to the head. Eyes.-Pressure, itching and pimples near the eyes.Eyes turned upward, staring, glistening.-Paroxysms of sudden blindness. Ears. —)ischarge of cerumen.-Reports and rushing in the ears. Nose.. —Nose-bleed.-Crawling at the tip of the nose. MURIATIS ACIDUM. Face. —Hot face, with dim eyes. —Livid complexion. — Tension of the facial muscles, as if too short. Gastric Symptoms. —Sudden attacks of nausea. —Nausea, rising from the pit of the stomach, with retraction of the umbilicus and cramp-pain. Stomach. —Pressure at the stomach. —Fulness and tight. ness in pit of stomach and stomach, with qualimishniess, worse after eating.-Smarting-burning-sore feeling in the region of the stomach, after dinner. Abdomen.-Contractive griping above the navel, in paroxysms, with oppression of breathing. —Hysteric abdominal spasms.-Sensation in abdomen as if too tight, with anxiety, driving one about. Stool.-Constipation,-Nightly diarrhoea, passing off duriug sleep. Sexual Parts.-Sexual excitement.-~Impotence after a cold.-Menses too soon and profuse.-Drawing and pressing in the sexual parts as if the menses would appear. Windpipe and Chest.-Constriction of the windpipe as from the vapovrs of sulphur.-Suffocative, spasmodic co nstric. tion of the chest. —~Asthma Millari? —~Hysteric spasms of the chest. Trunk. —Violent drawing in the back and nape of the neck, as if too tight.-Drawing in the arms, especially in the wrist, as from cramp.-Cooling burning in the first phalanges. Extremities.-Uneasiness in the legs, obliging one to move them all the time. —Vibrations in the legs as after getting tired, when sitting.-Laming weakness in the knees, when sitting down after walking. 92. —MURIATIS ACIDUM. General Symptoms.-Drawing tearing and cutting in the extremities, during rest, less during motion. —The periosteum is painful all over.-Dropsical swellings. —Scrofulous complaints.-Excessive languor; the eyes close as soon as one sits down.-Sensitive to damp weather. Skin. —Pleasurable stinging itching, obliging one to scratch.-Scrofulous eruptive diseases.-Scurfy eruptions, itching when in bed. —Boils, with stinging pain when touched.-Painful, putrid ulcers, with burning all round. —Black pocks. Sleep. —Drowsy in the day-time, passing off during motion.-Snoring, moaning, tossing about and talking, before midnight, *with settling down in the bed.-Frequent waking in bed, owing to chilliness. 264 MUItIATIS ACIDUM. Fever.-Chilliness, principally.- Chill, with yawning and stretching, without thirst, followed by heat.-Heat without thirst, with restlessness in the body and disposition to uncover one's self, in the evening. —Putrid and typhoid fevers. -Intermittent pulse.-Night-swleat before midnight, or when fialling asleep in the evening. Emotive Sphere. —Sad.-Taciturn, anxious and apprehensive, out of humour.-Ideas about recent events crowd upon one during work. —Disposed to be angry. Sentient Sphere.-Vertigo with tottering gait. IRead. —Headache, especially when walking in a rough wind. —Headache worse when raising one's self' in bed, passing off when moving about.-Heaviness, especially in the occiput, with obscuration of sight, which is made worse by straining the eyes.-Headache as if the brain were torn or smashed.-Pushing-tearing, or else stinging headache, in paroxysms. Eyes.-Itching smarting in the canthi.-Stitches through the eyes.-Red and swollen lids.-*Vertical half-sightedness. Ears.-Insensibility in the inner meatus.-Scurfy eruption in the ear.-*Hard hearing.-Sensitive to noise; one hears every thing readily. -Ringing and whizzing in the ears. Nose.-Ulcerated nostrils.-Continual bleeding of the nose. Face.-Glowing redness of the cheeks, when walking in the open air. —Freckles.-Scurfy pimples in the face, on the forehead and temples.-Bloated lower lip.-Burning of the lips.-Scurfy pimples on the lips. Teeth.-Throbbing toothache, aggravated by cold drinks.Pressing pain in the teeth from within outward.-Creeping in the teeth.-Scorbutic gums. MOuth. —Dry mouth, with lameness of the tongue.-Flow of saliva.- When talking, the tongue feels heavy.-Deep ulcers and blisters on the tongue.-Dwindling away of the tongue. Throat.-*Sore throat, fauces and palate, as if excoriated. Appetite and Taste.-Rancid taste in throat.-Every thing tastes sweet, especially beer, which causes a desire to vomit.-Ravenous desire to eat and drink.-G*Aversion to meat. Gastric Symptoms.-Foul or bitter eructations.-Vomiting of bile at night, with eructations.-Vomiting of the ingesta. Stomach and Abdomen.-Stolnach-ache, like ~ecessive MoscHUS. 2&i distress at the stoinach. —*Repletio.u after a.moderate meal, with distention of the: abdomen.-Emnpty feeling in stomach. — Sensation of retraction in stomach.-Tension, pressure, and crampyfeeling in the hypochondria.-*Colicky spasms in abdomell, with cutting and pinching from umbilical region to sides of abdomen.-Empty feeling in abdomen.-Stitches in the groins. Stool. —Slow stool, as from excessive torpor of the rectum. —Diarrhcea with smarting and burning in rectum and anus.-Fcecal diarrhcea.-Involuntary discharge of watery stool when urinating.-Blood at stool.-Prolapsus of the rectum, when urinating.-Itching of the anus. —*Swollen, blue varices at the anus, with burning and sore pain.-Flowing piles. Urine. -Tenesmus of the bladder.-Frequent urging with copious emission.-Relaxation of the bladder and neck of the bladder.. Male Parts. —Soreness of the prepuce. —Impotence.Extinction of the sexual desire. Female Parts.-Pressing towards the parts, as if the menses would appear. - Menses too early. Catarrhal Symptoms. -Discharge of a thick, yellow, or watery excoriating mucus.,Windpipe.-Hoarseness all the time, with soreness of the chest. -Severe, hacking cough, succeeded by a rumbling down the chest. -Bloody cough. Chest and Respiration, —Deep inspirations with moaning. - Oppression across the chest, evening. -Cutting pushes in the chest, with dull pressure in the back part of the thorax, and with oppression.-Stitches in the region of the heart. — At night the beats of the heart are so violent that they are felt even in the face. Trunk. -Back-ache, as from stooping. -Boils on the back. Upper Extremities.-Lameness and pain, as if sprained in the shoulder. - Heaviness of the arms. —*Drawing in the upper arms, with pressure and tearing. —Cramp-pain and heaviness of the fore-arms. — Cutting tearing in the fore-arms, hands, and fingers. -Pleasurable, stinging itching in the palms of the hands.-Scurfy eruption on the backs of the hands and fingers. —Swelling of the tips of the fingers, with burning.At night the fingers are numb. Lower Extremities.-Crampy drawing and tearing in the thighs.-Itching herpetic spot on the thighs. —Swelling of the keees. -Stitches in the tendo Achilles, day and night, preventing sleep and walking. —Putrid ulcers on the legs.Swelling of the tips of the toes, with burning. 12 266 NATRUM CARBONICUM. 93. NATRUM CARBONICUM. General Symptoms.-Laming drawing and tearing in the joints, especially in the evening and at night.-*Contraction of the tendons.-Jerkina or jerking sensation in single limbs, joints, or muscles. —~Tingling stinging in the muscles-*Liability to straining parts. —Glandular swellings.-~Scrofulous complaints. — Hypochondriac complaints. -~The pains are worse during a thunder-storm.-Most of the pains come on when sitting, and pass off during motion. —Anguish, trembling and sweat during the pains.-General uneasiness in the body, evening.-~Nervousness, he trembles even when hearing the piano. —Relaxation of the whole body.-~Unsteady gait.-Lazy, with dread of motion, especially early. —*Lameness of the limbs early, with feeling as if bruised.- Chronic debility.-Emaciation, with pale complexion, dilated pupils and dark urine. —*Dread of open air.-*Liable to taking cold. Skin.-*Dry skin with profuse sweat when stirring about ever so little.-Formication.- Itch. —*Herpes.-The herpes spreads and suppurates. —Yellow rings remaining after herpetic spots. - Tuberculous blotches.-~ Warts.-Stinging, cutting, and burning of wounded parts. Sleep. — * Very drowsy in the day-time, after falling asleep late in the evening.-Sleep full of vivid, confused, also lascivious dreams, with violent erections and emissions.-Restlessness at night, orgasm of the blood, palpitation of the heart, nightmare —Twitching and jerking during sleep.-Wakes too early. Fever. —Chilliness, with cold hands and warm cheeks, or vice versa, without thirst.-*Cold hands and feet. —Nightsweat, frequently alternating with dry skin.-Cold sweat as from anguish, continually. —*Profuse sweat during motion. Emotive Sphere, —*Sad, with whining mood and anxiety for the future.-*Restlessness, with attacks of anxiety, Oespecially during asthunder-storm, and when attending to some mental labour. —*Dread of comz)any.-*Hypochondriac aversion to life.-*Vehement and vexed mood. Sentient Sphere. —*Difficulty of comprehending when reading or listening. —*Inability to perform mental labour, oit affects the head.-Gloomy feeling in the head, especially when in a room and quiet. —Vertigo, especially after drinking wine, and mental labour. Ilead.-Headache in the sun, or when turning the head rapidly. —Tensive feeling of stoppage in the head, as though tilhe forehead would split.-Headache with nausea, eructations N-ATRUMA (CARBONICUM. 267 and dimness of sight. —Spasmodic tearing in the forehead, down to the eyes and tip of the nose.-*Lancinating head ache, Othrough the eyes.-Jerks through the head.-Throbbing pain in the vertex, every morning. —Rush of blood to the head, with heat in the head. Integuments of the liead. —Tearing in the front part of the scalp, every day at fixed hours. Eyes.-Burning of the eyes, especially when reading or writing.-St.itching in and through the eyes. —*InJlamm ation of the eyes and ~eyelids, with photophobia. -Swelling of the lids. — ~Ulcers on the cornea.-~Fistula lachrymalis.-The eyelids frequently close involuntarily, and are opened with difficulty.-Dimness of sight, with muscae volitantes or scintillations.-~Inability to read small print. —Fuzzy before the eyes. Ears.-Stinging in the ears.-Sensitive to noise.-Feeling as if the ears were stopped —-Hard hearing. Nose.-Sensitive nose. —The back and tip of the nose peel off. —Ulceration in the nose, high up. Face. —*Heat in the face.-Bloated face. —Swollen and red cheeks.-The face is either red and burning, or very pale, with blue margins around the eyes.-0-~reckles. -Itching humour near the nose and mouth. — Yellow spots on forehead and upper lip. —Swollen lips.-Eruptions, herpes and ulcers on the lips and around the mouth. Teeth. —*Digging-boring toothache, especially after or ~whilst eating, -particularly after eating sweet things or fruit. -Nocturnal toothache, with swelling of the lower lip and gu-ms.-The lower teeth are very sensitive. Mouth. -Blisters and flat ulcers in the mouth, with burning.-JHeavy tongue. Throat.-Throt is rough and dry. -Phlegm in throat. Appetite and Taste — *Taste bitter or ~as on waking.Sour taste in mouth, with coated tongue. —*Very thirsty, Obut cold drink do not agree.-Ravenous hunger, with feeling of emptiness and qualmishness.-Aversion to milk, it causes diarrhoaa. — ~Dyspepsia, with hypochondriac mood after eating, and after slight dietetic transgressions. — Rising in the stomach and pit of the stomach,after eating. Gastric Symptoms.-Eructations after eating.-Painful eructations. —~Qualmislness and *nausea. Stomach.-*Pressure at the stomach, especially after eating.-*Painfulness of the region of the stonach and ~pit of stomach, *when touching it or when talking.-*Aching-drawing and fine-cutting pain in the stomach. — *Contractive cardialgia. 268 TNATRUM CARBONICUM. Abdomen.- Pains in the hypochondria.-Stitches in left hypochondrium, also after cold drinks.-Stitches in region of liver.-Chronic hepatitis. -*Distended abdomen.-Colic at night, with tightness of the epigastrium and diarrhwea.Colic with retraction of the umbilicus and hardness of the abdominal walls. —Stinging and ~digging in the abdomen.Stinging and drawing in the sides.-Swelling of the inguinal glands. — *Accumulation, incarceration, and ~painful *shifting of flatulence. —Sour-smelling or fetid flatulence. Stool. —*Frequent, violent, but unsuccessful urging, or with ~scanty discharge.-Soft or thin stools, with hurried urging and tenesmus of the anus.-Yellow diarrhcea.Bloody stools. —Tmenia, at stool.-Burning and cutting in the anus and rectum, during and after stool. —Itching of the anus. -Stitches in perinoeum. Urine.m*Frequent strong urging, day, and night, with scanty or excessive discharge. —Wetting the bed.-Dripping of the urine, after urinating.-Bright-yellow, sour-smelling, or fetid, turbid urine, with slimy sediment. —Burning in the urethra, after and, during micturition.-Twitching, tearing, and smarting in the urethra as if excoriated. Male Parts. —Contusive pain in the testicles.-Soreness in the scrotum.-Balannorrhcea.-The glans and prepuce are inflamed, swollen, and are liable to becoming sore. —Increased sexual desire, with continual painful erections and emissions. - Discharge of prostatic fluid when urinating and after hard stool.-Disposed to sweat after an embrace. Female Parts,-*Pressing andpinching towards the genital organs.-Menses too early, with pains in the head, small of the back and abdomen.-~Metrorrhagia. —~Distortion of the os-tince.-Soreness between the thighs. —Sterility.Discharge of mucus from the vagina, after an embrace. —Profuse, yellowish, thick Oor fetid *leucorrhoea, -also after previous colic. Catarrhal Symptoms. —Stoppage of the nose, -with discharge of lumps of hard, fetid mucus.-~Catarrh every other day.-*Catarrh and cough fiom the least exposure to a draught of air, passing off after sweating. —Thick, green, or yellow nasal mucus. Windpipe. —_*Hoarseness and roughness on the chest, with catarrh, chilliness and scraping, painful cough.-*Cough, with tightness on the chest.-Violent dry cough, when passing from the cold into a warm room.-*Cough, with salt,. or greenish fetid purulent expectoration.-_H.-elnoptysis. Chest and Respiration. —Shortness of breath, also *with tightness of the -hest.-Tension across the chest, when draw. NATRUM MURIATICUM. 269 ing breath. —*Stitches in the chest and sides of the chest.~Continual chilliness in the left side.-Violent palpitation of the heart, also with anxiety, when going up-stairs or lying on the left side. Trunk.-*Sore pain in the small of the back.-Stitches in the small of the back, when sitting.-Spasmodic tension and drawing in the back and nape of the neck.-Formication in the back. —*Stiffness in the nape of the neck.-Hard swelling of the thyroid glands. Upper Extremities. -*Pressure on the shoulders.-Drawing and tearing in the shoulders, arms, and elbows, with languor in these parts.-Heaviness of the arms.-Twitching in the artns when grasping any thing. —~Cutting in the hands. -Tearing and boring in the metacarpal bones.-Burning in thewrists, evening.-Tremor of the hands.-Dry, cracked skin of the hands. —Warts on the dorsa of the hands.-Red spots and herpes on the hands.-Contraction of the fingers. -Twitching in the finger-joints. —Burning itching and blisters on the fingers. Lower Extremities. - The legs and feet feel very heavy, with tension when sitting.-Twitching in the thighs. —Herpes on the nates. —Contraction of the hamstrings. — Tuberculous blotches in leprous patients.-*Crampy, contracted feeling in the calves. —The legs are red, swollen, covered with ulcers. - Burning in the tarsal joints, evening. —*Swelling of the feet or soles, with stinging when setting the foot on the ground.Cold.feet. —0Chronic ulcers in the heels, arising from phagedenic blisters.-Soreness between the toes. —Swelling of the toes, with tearing and soreness, preventing sleep. —Blisters on the tips of the toes, as if burnt.-Boring and stinging in the corns. 94. NATRUM MURIATICUM. General Symptoms.-The joints are stiff and crack during motion. — Contraction cf tendons. -Twitching in the muscles. — Paralysis. -OVarices. — Glandular swellings.-0Scrofuious and hysteric affeciions. —~Chlorosis.-~Gastric affections. -*Ill effects of sour food and bread. — Consequences of chagrin.-~Onanism. —The nightly pains stop the breathing and cause a sort of hemiplegia. — ~Uneasiness in the body, with chilliness.-Rush of blood to the head, chest, and stomach. with coldness of the lower limbs.-Prostration, physical and mental. —Lazy, dread of motion, early. —The limbs feel bruised and lamed as if by blowcs. —Alternate debility and elasticity of the limbs.-*Emaciation.-*Liable to taking cold. ,,70 NATRIUM MURTATICUM. Skin. —Rash, with stinging pain. —Nettlerash after exercise. — Boils.- Warts.-Panaritia. Sleep.-Drowsy in the day-time.-~Sleepless night, tries to sleep in vain. —Vivid lascivious dreams during sleep, with painful erections and emissions.-*Heavy, anxious dreams and crying during sleep.-Vascular excitement at night, with flush of heat and palpitation of the heart.-Nightly tremor. — ~Somnambulism. Fever.-* Constant chilliness ~also internally.-Chill, with drowsiness, then sweat.-Alternate heat and chilliness, with headache.-Heat with.thirsf.-~Intermittent fever, also after abuse of cinchona, with chilliness and thirst, (commencing in the forenoon,) followed by heat and thirst, attended with headache, lassitude, and yellow complexion. -~Languor before the fever.-~Headache before the chilliness, with shortness of breath and gnawing during the chill.- Violent headache and dulness of mind during the heat. —Tearing in the bones and back during the fever, with heat and chill. — Typhoid fevers, with dry tongue and debility.-*Irregular pulse.-*Liability to sweating when moving about. Emotive Sphere. —*Sad and melancholy, worse when comforted by others.-*Anxiety for the future.-Apathetic, not disposed to work. —Hasty impatience and irritable mood..*Tendency to start. —* Vehement, irascible.-Alternately ill-humoured and cheerful. Sentient Sphere.-* Weak memory.-Absent-minded.* Unable to meditate. —Painful dulness and conjftsion of the head. — *Dizzy. —*Vertigo, as if one would fall forwards, everything turns before one's eyes.-* Vertigo, with jerks in the head and inability to collect one's senses. Head, —*Headache, when turning the head or body, or when running. — Heaviness of the head, especially in the occiput, with involuntary closing of the eyelids.* Headache, as if the head would fly to pieces, or as if compressed or in a vice, especially when writing. —Hemicrania with nausea and vomiting. r*Pressing in the head, especially in the temples and above the eyes, worse when drawirg the forehead into wrinkles.-Tearing *stitching in the head, especially above the eyes, with obscuration of sight.-Stitchihig jerks through the head.-*Throbbing in the head. —*Beating and drawing in the forehead. Integuments of the Head.-The hairy scalp feels sore when touched.-The scalp contracts and moves to and fio.~Pimples on the forehead. —- *Scurfs on the hairy scalp. —* The hair falls out, even the whiskers, ~also in the case of lyingin Nwomen. NATrUM MURIATICUM. 271 Eyes.-Itching of the eyes.-*Smarting as if excoriated, burning of the eyes. —* Ophthalmia, ~also scrofulous.-*Adcrid lachrymation.-Gum in the canthi. —*Nightly agglutination. - Red, ulcerated lids. —The lids close in the evenings.-~Obscuration of sight when stooping. —*Fuzzy dimness of sight. -The letters become blurred when reading.- *lncipient alnaurosis. —*Black points, or ~luminous streaks before the eyes. Ears.-*Stitching in the ears.-Swelling and heat of the ear. —Purulent discharge from the ears.-*I-ard hearing.*Ringing and humming in the ear. Nose. —One side of the nose feels dead.-One side of the nose is swollen and inflamed.-Sore nose.-Scurf in the nose. — Anosmia. Face.-Yellow complexionl.-Swollen face.-*Pimples in the face. —*The malar bones are painful, when chewing, ~also as if ulcerated.-Dry, cracked, or sore and burning lips, with burning smarting eruptions and scurfs.-*Herpes around the mouth.-*Swlelling of the upper lip. —Bloody blisters on the inner side of the upper lip, with burning pain when touched. Miliary eruption and ulcers on the chin, —Frequent swelling of the submaxillary glands. Teeth.-Teeth sensitive to air.-Drawing in the teeth, as if they would break off, extending to the ears and fauces, with swelling of the cheeks.-Stinging, boring, and beating in decayed teeth. —~Fistula dentalis.-Readily-bleeding, swollen gums. —~Putrid inflammation of the gums. —Gum-boil. Mouth. —Blisters and ulcers *on the tongue and in the mouth, with smarting-burning pain when touched by food or drink.-Spitting of blood. —Heavy tongue.-One half of the tongue feels numb and stiff. — Sensation as of a hair on the tongue, for a long timle. —Ptyalism. Throat, —*So-re throat when swallowing, also as if from a plug in the throat.-Spasm in the fauces-.-Angina faucium, with stinging pain and ulcers in the fauces. —8*Iawks up mucus, early. Appetite and Taste.-Loss of Taste.-*Bitter mouth.*Foul or sour taste.-Water has a putrid taste.-* Constant thirst; with nausea, distention of the abdomen and other ailments after drinking. —*No appetite, especially for bread or tobacco. —*Loathing of food, Oespecially fat.- Canine hunMger, without appetite, with repletion after a moderate meal. -~Desire for bitter food and drink — ~Sweat in the face during a meal. -*After eating, empty eructations, nausea, acidity in the mouth, ~heartburn, palpitation of the heart, and intermittent or accelerated pulse. —Repulsive eructations after eating milk or fat. 27f2 NATRUM MURIATICUM. Gastric Symptoms. —*Sour, scraping eructations, also tasting of the food. —*Heartburn from the stomach. —*Nausea especially early. -* Tfaterbrash, followed by sour vomiting of food. - *Vomiting of food, then bile.-~Vomiting and nausea of pregnant females. Stomach. —*Pressure at the stomach, early, or with nausea in the day-time, ~and rapid prostration. —*Pressure in pit of stomach, as from some hard body.-Pit of stomach swollen, and as if ulcerated when touched.-Contractive *cardialgia, -with nausea. —Jerks and griping in the pit of the stomach. Abdomen. —*Stitching, -drawing, tension and pinching in hepatic region. —Chronic hepatitis. —*Stinging or pressure in the region of the spleen. —*Distended abdomen. —Hypochondriac, oppressive-tensive feeling in lower belly. —*Pressure in epigastrium,-Contractive, labour-like colic. —* Cutting and pinching in abdomen, every day, also early and at night.*Incarcerated flatulence, -also in left side of abdomen, and at night. —*Rumbling in bowels. Stool. — Constipation, o also chronic, or every other day.Ineffectual and strong urging. —*Dificult stool, ~with tearing stitches in the rectum and anus.- Chronic looseness. —*Watery diarrhcea, ~also with colic. —~lnvoluntary stool. —Blood at stool.-*Burning at the anus and rectum during and ~after stool. —Beating in the rectum and smarting as from excoriation. —Painful stinging *varices.-Herpes, or soreness at the anus. Urine. —*Frequent urging, day and night, with copious flow.-*Involuntary urination, ~also when coughing, *walking, or %sneezing.-Clear urine, with brick-dust sediment.-*Dis. charge of mucus from the urethra. —Gleet? Male Parts.-Itching, herpes and soreness between the scrotum and thigh.-Balannorrh ea.- *Excessive sexual desire.- Emissions after an embrace. Female Parts.-Pressing to the sensual organs. —*Menses too early and profuse, or ~too late and scanty. —*ienses too long. —*Suppressed menses. —Headache during, before and after the menses.-~MIelancholy and chagrin before the menses. —~Abdominal spasms during the menses.-*Itching of the pudendum. —~Sterility, with profuse menses. —*Acrid leucorrhcea, ~with yellow complexion. Catarrhal Symptoms,-*Ineffective sneezing. —~Stoppage and dryness of the nose.-*Dry coryza ~in the morning.*Excessive fluent or dry coryza, with loss of smell and taste, and a good deal of sneezing. Windpipe. - *Hoarseness and feeling of dryness in larynx. -Much phlegm in larynx, early.-*Cough, with titillation in throat or pit of stomach. day and night. Oespeciallv when NITRUM. 273 drawing a long breath. - *Morning cough. — *Spasmodic cough, in bed, evening. —~Chronic *hacking, with rattling of mucus in chest. —Cough, with gagging and discharge of bloody mucus. —*Headache when coughing, as though the forehead would fly to pieces. Chest and Respiration. — *Shortness of breath when walking rapidly.-*Pain in chest, like internal tension.*Stitches in chest and sides, with oppressed breathing, ~also when coughing or drawing a long breath. -*Anxious paipitation of the heart, when moving about or lying on the left side.-Jerking and stitching pain in region of heart. —oIntermittent beats of the heart.-Fluttering of the heart. - Stinging in a mamma. Trunk.-*Pain in small of back as if bruised and lamed. -Stitches and throbbing in small of back. —Slow lancinations in small of back and hips. —~Weariness and aching *tension and drawing in back. —~Pressure and *rigid tension in nape of neck. — Goitre. — Scurfs in the axillee. Upper Extremities. —*Debility and laming heaviness of the arms. —Pain as if bruised in the shoulders.-Round, itching herpetic spots on the arms and hands. — *Stitches in the muscles and joints of the hands and fingers. — Brown spots on the dorsa of the hands. -~ Warts in the palms of the hands.- Sweaty hands. —Hang nails. —Panaritia. Lower Extremities. -*Pain in the hip, as if sprained, with stitches. — *Drawing pain in the thighs, legs and knees. -Lameness of the lower limbs.-~Painful contraction of the hamstrings. -*Languid feeling in the knees and calves. — *Heaviness of the legs and fJet. —*Burning of the feet.~Swelling of the feet.-*Ulcerative pain at the malleolus, when touching it.-Redness of the big toe, with tearing and stitching when walking or standing. —Corns, with boring or stinging pains. 95.-NITRUM. General Symptoms.- Tearing in the limbs, day and night. - Camphor aggravates the pains. —Inflammation of internal organs.-Sudden swelling of the whole body.-. Langour, early, with warmth in face and on forehead. —Feels weaker when sitting, pain when moving about. Skin. -Pricking, followed by burning, on the skin.-Peasized blotches on the skin. —Burning vesicles, containing a yellow fluid. Sleep.-Drowsy in the day-time.-Stupifying sleep.Threatening dreams.- Night-mare. 12: s274 NITRUNM. Fever.-Chilliness, with pains, eveninlg. -Coldness, with thirst in the afternoon, or after headache, coldness without thirst, with subsequent nocturnal heat without thirst or sweat. —Quotidian fever, with drawing pain in the limbs.— *Pofilse exhaustiny sweats. Emotive Sphere.-Desponding, restless. Head. — Headache after eating veal.- Headache, with closing of the lids, from evening to evening, and becoming excessive when bending the head forward.-Headache, alternating with spasmodic-tearing in the finger-joints.-Stulpifying heaviness of the head, early, as after intoxication. — Headache, less when riding in the open air. -Compression in the occ(iput, causing a feeling of stiffness. -Contractive headache, concentrating in the tip of the nose. -Spasmodic drawing in the occiput, obliging one to bend the head backwards.Stinging headache. —The pains of the occiput are diminished by tying up the hair. Integuments of the Head, —The scalp is sensitive to the touch. Eyes.-Burning in the eyes, with lachrymation and photophobia, especially after washing with cold water. —Passing~ blindness. - Smelling of camphor obscures the sight.- Coloured wheels before the eyes.-Halo around the flame of the candle. Ears.-Slitching in the ears at night, aggravated by lying it.-Inflammation and swelling of the lobules, with burning jerking pain.- Continual deafness. Nose.-Burning, digging and griping in the nose, aggravated by contact. —Inflammation of the tip of the nose, with stinging pains.-Ulcer in the nose.-Nose-bleed, the blood being acrid as vinegar. Face, —Sickly complexion.-Red cheeks, with tension, and headache. Teeth.-Stitching or tearing toothache.-Throbbing toothache, at night, aggravated by cold.-Inflammatory or scorbutic swelling of the gums, bleeding readily. Mouth.-Fetor. Throat.-Stinging sore throat, with inflanmmation of the velum and palate.-Pain in throat as though it would close, at night. Appetite and Taste.-*Loss of appetite, wit/h excessive thirst. -Appetite, especially in the evening. Gastric Symptoms.-Gagging and vomiting of mucus and blood. Stomach. -Gnawing, pressure, and fainting weakness in NNITRI ACIDUAL. 275 pit of stomach. -Contractive cardialgia. -Cold feeling or burning in stomach.-Gastritis. Abdomen.-Excessive colic after eating veal. - *Incarceration of fatulence. Stool01. —Hard stool, with pressing. — Violent tenesums.Soft stools, with colic. —*Liquid diarrhcea.-Bloody stools. Urine.-Copious clear urine, with reddish cloud. Male Parts. —Increased sexual desire. Female Parts.-Too early menses, with black blood.Thin, white leucorrhoca, rendering the linen stiff. Catarrhal Symptoms. —Catarrh with stoppage of nose. Windpipe. - Hoarse and rough throat. —Tension and cutting in larynx, with impeded deglutition. —Cough, early, with stupifying h eadache. —*Cough when arresting the breathing. -Cutting pain in chest, when coughing, until one raises. — ~Cougli with stitching in the chest, and *raising of clear blood. ~Pulinonary consumption, with profutse sweat. —Neglected pneumonia. Chest and Respiration.-Painful tensive oppression on the chest, with roughness under the sternumn, causing a severe coughing fit.-Constrictive pain in chest, proceeding from the back. —*Stitches in chest when drawing a long breath, -lying down or coughing, with excessive anguish and oppression.-oPnzeumonit. - Violent palpitation of the heart, especially at night. Trunk. -Pail in small of bactk when waking.-Stitches between the scapulwe, with stoppage of breath when lying on the back, less when turning to the right side. —Pain from.nape of neck to shoulders, as from violently pulling the hair. Upper Extremities. — octurncl tearinlg in the shoulders. -Tearing and stinging in the joints, with heaviness and feeling of enlargement in the land and swNelling of the fingers.Numlbness and creepingD in the arms and hands.-Tearing in tce twhole arm. —Pain as if sprained in the carpal and phalangeal joints.-Stiffiless of' the finger-joints., Lower Extremities., —Tearing. —The legs feel wteary and lame, after a short walk.-Numbnll ess of the feet. —Contrac. tion of the toes. 96.-NITRI ACIDUIM., General Slymptoms. —*Pricklingl pFains, especially when touched.-* Tearing in the limbs or tces. —*Painfulness of the bones, ~ostitis. —~ Caries —-Rickets? —Cracking in the joints. -~Hysteric comp!aints. -O ClIorosis, jaundice. -~Inflammation, *swelling and suppuratioY? of7gland.-. -Epilepsy. -Abuse "7, 4 NITRI ACIDUM. of mercury.-~Invterate syphilis. — Sycosis.-l~nflammation of internal organs. —Pains when the weather changes. — Pains which are felt during sleep.-The pains are worse at night and in the evening. —Most of the pains abate during a drive. -*General debility, with trembling and heaviness of the lower limbs. —Languor, early. —*Emaciation. —*Liable to taking cold. —Pains in the joints as if dislocated. Skin. —~Itching urticaria in the open air, even on the face. Black pores. —~Brown-red spots and dark freckles. —Itching herpes. —Painful chilblains and corns.-Even in slightly-cold weather, parts become frozen, inflamed and itch. —Large boils. -Profusely-bleeding wounds and ulcers with stinging pains or burning.-Ulcers, with bloody, corrosive ichor. —~Mercurial ulcer ulcers.- Carious ulcers. Sleep.-Drowsy in the day-time, from weakness.-* Wakes too early, or with extreme difficulty. —Frequent waking as if in affi-ight. —*Lascivious or anxious dreams. —*Pains and starting during sleep. Fever. -Cold skin. — Constantly chilly. — Internal heat without thirst. —*Fetid, ~sour-smelling *night-sweat.-Sour sweat, smelling like the urine of horses, in the day-tiune. Emotive Sphere. —*Sad. —*Anxious, with fear of death. — ONervousness, especially after abuse of mercury.-* Vexed mood.-Paroxysms of rage and despair, with curses. Sentient Sphere. —*Not disposed to intellectual labour. — Vertigo when walking or sitting, obliging one to lie down. Head.-The head is painfully affected by the rattling of carriages, or by putting the foot down. —Hemicrania with nausea and vomiting. —Fulness in the head, with tension and pressure.-Stitches all through the head, at night.-Throbbing headache.-*Rush of blood to the head with heat.-Drawingaching pain in the skull-bones. Integuments of the Head.-Painfulness of the scalp.Tension of the scalp.-~Itching. —~Sores, with burning and humour. —*Falling off of the hair. Eyes.-Eyes dim and sunken. —*Pressure and stinging in the eyes.-* Ophthalnia, ~especially after suppression of syphilis or abuse of mercury.-OUlceration of the eyes. — *Specks on the cornea.-Yellow margins round the eyes, with difficulty of opening them early.-~Lameness of the upper lids.*Near-sighted. — Diplopia.-*Muscva volitantes. -Day-light dazzles the eyes. — Ears.-* Stitching in the ears. —Caries of the mastoid process.-Discharge from the ears. —Soreness behind the ears, with itching and suppuration. —*Stoppage of the ears.*Hard hearinr, ~from enlargement of the tonsils. —*Roaring NITRI ACIDUM. 277 in the ears, Ocrepitation.-Cracking when chewing.-Swelling of the parotid. —Sarcoma at the lobule. Nose.-Red tip, with scurfy vesicles. —Itching herpes at the tip — Stinging in the nose when touched as from splinters. -*soreness, burning, scurfs in the nose.-*Nlose-bleed -caused by weeping, with black blood. —-*Bad smell before the nose, when breathing through it. — *Fetor in the nose. — Condyloma in the nose. Face.-Yellow face with red cheeks.-Crampy tearing in malar bones.-Swelling of the cheeks.-Pimples in face and on forehead.-Itching eruptions and tetters in the whiskers. -*Black pores. —Scurfy pustules, with large. red borders. -Swollen lips. —Chapped lips. —*Ulcerated lips and corners of the mouth.-Ulcers in the vermilion-border.-Boils on the chin. - Painful swelling of the submaxillary glands. Teeth.-Jerking, drawing-stitching or throbbing toothache, at night. —The teeth turn yellow and become loose. —White, swollen, ~bleeding gums. Mouth. — Stomacace. - Cadaverous odour from the mouth. -Soreness of the tongue, palate, and inner gums, with stinging pains.-Ptyalism, also in paroxysms with ferer.-Dry mouth with excessive thirst.- ~Syphilitic and mercurial ulcers in the mouth andfauces, with prickling pains. Throat. — *Angina faucium with prickling pain, ~also after mercury. —*Burning and sore pain in throat. —~Ulcers in throat.-Dry and hot throat. Appetite and Taste. —* Taste bitter, ~also after eating.Sour taste with burning in throat.-*Sweetish taste in mouth. -* Violent thirst, ~also attending suppuration of the lungs.*Loathing ofmeat. —*Desire for fat and herring.-Aversion to bread, it causes a sour taste and vomiting.-Desire for clay, chalk, lime.-Sweat during and after a meal. —Nausea fromn eating fat. -Repletion in stomach after eating, languor, and a little exercise causes heat, sweat, and palpitation of the heart. Gastric Symptoms. —*Sour eructations. —*Inclination to vomit.-Bitter and sour vomiting, with eructations. Stomach.-Pain at cardiac orifice, when swallowing food. — Contractive cardialgia. -*Stitches in pit of stomach. —Tensive *pressure and stitching in left hypochondrium. Abdomen.-Bloated abdomen. —*Frequent pinching and cutting in abdomen.-*Stinging in abdomen, when touching it. —.*Swelling and slppuration of the inguinal glands.-*Accumulation of flatulence. — *Rmbling. -0lncarcerated flatulence. Stool.-Diifficult, irregular stool.-* Costiveness. —*Consti. 42?S NITRI ACIDUM. pation.-*Pressing at stool.- *Diarrhlca, -slimy or fetid.Fetid, undigested stool. —Dysenteric, bloody stools, with tenesmus.-Colic before stool.-Nervous irritation and languor after stool. — Burning and *itching in the anus and rectum. -Humid soreness at the anus.-Swollen *varices of long standing, bleeding at every evacuation. Urine, —Frequent urging, with scanty, fetid, dark, or brown urine.-l~nability to retain the urine. —Painful micturition.-Cold urine.-*Fetid urine.-Red sediment, gravel or brick dust. —Smarting and burning when urinating.-Discharge of pus and mucus, also bloody, from the urethra.Sycosic gonorrhcea. —Gleet. Male Parts. —Itching.-The hair falls out.-Soreness between scrotum and thigh. —*Red, scurfy spots on the glans. -Balannorrhoea.-Swelling, inflammation and phimosis of the prepuce. —Chancrous ulcers on the prepuce and glans. -~Figwarts.-~Scrotum hanging down relaxed.-l~nflammatory *swelling of the testicles, ~with painful drawing in the spermatic cord as fair as the sides of the abdomen.-ODeficient desire and crections.-Excessive desire *with discharge of prostatic fluid.-Painful, almost spasmodic nocturnal erections. — *Excessive emissions. Female Parts. —Itching and dry burning of the pudendum. —Stitches in the vagina. -Soreness between the thighs. -Burning-itching ulcer in the vagina.-Menses too early.~Suppressed menses. —During the menses, spasms in the abdomen, pressing towards the parts.-Slimy, fetid, corrosive letucorrhcea. —Cherry-brown, fetid discharge from the vagina. Catarrhal Symptoms. —Dry nose, *stopped. —'Dry coryza. Windpipe. —*Hoarseness, ~with catarrh, cough and stinging sore throat. —Roughness on the chest. -Scraping and stinging in the windpipe, especially after talking. —~Tracheal phthisis.-Cough with stitches and sore pain in throat and chest. —Cough with vomiting.-*Dry barking-cough, especially in the evening, when lying down.-Racking nightcough, with stoppage of breath.-Stitches in the small of the back, when coughing. —Hacking cough with discharge of black, coagulated blood. —~Phthisis pulmonalis (especially after Kali carb.) —*Cough with expectoration of yellow, purulent mucus. Chest and Respiration.-*Panting breathinzg, ~especially when performing some manual labour. —Dyspna. —*Shortness of breath. —Apncea and palpitation of the heart when going up-stairs or walking. — Contractive spasm of the chest. Stitches through the chest and sides of the chest.-Sore NUX JUCLANS. 279 ness in the chest, when drawing breath and coughing.-Rush of blood to the chest, with anguish, heat and palpitation of the heart. —Knotty induration of the mamma. —Dwindling away of the mammae. Trunk —*Pain in back and small of back, after a cold.Sti'ching iln and between the scapulke.-*Stiffness of nape of neck. —*S Selling of the cervical and axillary glands. Upper Extremities.-Aching pain at the shoulder-joint. — Drawing in the arms. -Bruising pain in the upper arms.Drawing and tearing in the forearms and hands.-Debility and tremor of the lower arms and hands.-Cold hands.~Rhagades in the hands.-~Rough skin on the hands.-Tensive pain in the joints of the fingers.-Swelling of the fingers, especially in the joints, with stinging pain.-Numbness of the fingers in cold air.-Chilblains at the fingers and hands. -~Herpes between the fingers.-White spots on the fingernails. Lower Extremities.-Pain as if sprained in the hips, with limping.-Languor, heaviness and *coldness of the lower limbs and feet. —Drawing and tearing in the lower limbs and feet.-Itching of the thighs.-Pain in the patella, not allowing one to put the foot down.-Stiffness and stitching in the knee.-The knee and tarsal joints give way.-O Weak knees. — * Violent cramp in the calves, at night, also ~when walking after having been seated.-Twitching in the calves. —Stinging in the heel, when putting the foot down.-OFetid, also suppressed sweat of the feet.-Chilblains on the toes. 97.-NUX JUGLANS. General Symptoms.-OScrofulous affections.-Rickets.Relaxed feeling in all the muscles.-The pains abate after stool. Skin. —Itching here and there. —Glandular swellings. — Small pustules, like acne rosacea. —Red pimples, filled with a thick fluid.-Vesicles as in eczema rubre, with burning itching, red, cracked skin, discharging a fluid which stains the linen green and renders it stiff. —Blotches like lichen, with redness, itching, thickening of the skin and hard crusts. —Red spots with a tip in the centre that is filled with pus.-Hard, red, round swelling, like an indurated gland, or steatoma.*Ulcers, also with thick, hard edges, lardaceous bottom, and readily bleeding.-~Syphilitic, scrofulous and mercurial ulcers and herpes. Sleep.-Yawning and stretching.- Tossing about in bed, also with sensation as if one were flying, with vertigo. — *280 NUX JUGLANS. Restless sleep, with frightful dreams. —Jerking of the arms as if in affright, whenever one makes an attempt to fall asleep. Fever.-Burning-hot face, evening.-Flushes of heat. Emotive Sphere.-Dissatisfied.-Indolence of mind, inattention. Head,-Sense of intoxication and as if one were flying.I-Teaviness and dulness of the head, early.-Headache above the eyes, especially the left, worse during motion.-Megrinm, at a small spot on the left parietal bone, aggravated by conversation.-Burning heat in the head, evening, with icy-cold extremities. Eyes, Nose. —Burning of the eyes. Face,-Pustules in the face and around the mouth, like acne rosacea. —lard, reddish, painful swelling on the cheek and lip, suppurating afterwards. Teeth. —Dull drawing pain in hollow teeth, worse in bed. — Painful gum-boil. Mouth, &c. —Flow of water in the mouth.-White-slimy tongue, on waking.-Phlegm in throat. Appetite and Taste.-Bitter taste, on waking.-Loss of thirst at dinner, with aversion to wine.-The pains are worse after eating. Gastric Symptoms. —Loud eructations.-Hiccough.Nausea, loathing, with flow of water in mouth, inclination to vomit, burning in stomach.-Vomiting of the ingesta, in bed, evening. Stomach.-Repletion, less after an eructation, with good appetite. Abdomen.-Stitching in right side of abdomen and right hypochondrium. -Painful pressure in abdomen, less after emission of flatulence.-Fulness distention, heaviness of the abdomen, with frequent urging to stool.-Violent pain in lower belly, with too early menses.-Accumulation of flatulence.-Borborygmi.-Tymlpanitis. Stool.-Constipation.-Diarrhcca, preceded by pinching. — Itching at the anus, in bed, with stitches obliging one to rise.-Burning and pressure at anus, after stool. Urine.-Constant urging, day and night, with increased flow.-Clear urine. Male Parts.-Frequent erections, day and night.-Ulcer near the freenulum, with hard, raised edges, lardaceous bottom and bleeding readily. Female Parts.-Menses too early and long, preceded by pains in the groins and copious discharge of black coagula. Chest. —Oppression during rest or motion.-Fleeting stitch NUSX MOSCHATA. 281 es in the lungs.-Itching in the sternum, obliging one toscratch. Trunk, —Stitches in the small of the back, so violent that they cause one to tremble. -Red pimples like acne, with thick pus, on the back, nape of the neck and shoulders.Large painful boils on the shoulder and in the region of the liver. —Small, red eczematous vesicles in the axilla, with burning itching, slight exudation, soreness and cracked skin. Upper Extremities.-Large itching spots in the bends of the elbow, with an abscess in the centre.-Small, painless, red tumour on the arm.-Painful blotches on the forearm, filled with pus. —Large painful boils on the upper arm. —An old herpes on the hand becomes red and itches.-Pain as if sprained in the right thumb and index-finger. Lower Extremities,-Pain in the hip-joint, when walking. -Pain in the knee-joint, impeding walking.-Drawing pain as if sprained, in the big toe.-Herpetic blotches on the instep, with redness, itching, thickening of the skin, crusts. 98. -NUX MOSCHATA. General Symptoms.- Wandering, digging-aching pains, only at small spots, disappearing shortly but returning again. -Pains in the joints, caused by exposure to damp.-The pains are worse in the cold, open air. —~Pains attended by drowsiness and disposition to faint. -~Faintingfits. —~[lys. teric paroxysins. —~Apoplexy. —* Convulsions. —~Spasms, ecclampsia of children. -~Scrofulous consumption? —~Tabes dorsalis?-Catarrhal state, with pain in the bones and nape of the neck.-Painfulness of the body, the parts on which one rests are painful.-Restlessness in the muscular system. -Excessive languor, especially in the knees and small of the back, with drowsiness. Skin, —~Cool, dry skin, not disposed to sweat. —~Chilblains? —0 Wounds?-~Boils? Sleep. —Very drowsy. —Sopor, as if intoxicated. Fever. — Sensitive to cool air, which causes chilliness and paleness of face.-~Quartan fevers. —~Double tertian fevers, with drowsiness, coated tongue, rattling breathing, bloody expectoration and little thirst during the heat.-~Typhoid fevers?~-Putrid fevers? Emotive Sphere. —Fitful mood.- -Disposition to laugh at every thing.-At times serious, at times disposed to laugh. Sentient Sphere. —M*Weak memory. —Inability to collect one's ideas. —Confusion of mindi..- Mania, with strange speeches and awkward gesticulations. —Deliriotus talk.*I)/ul '%OA moscilIA; ness and oppiessive heaviness of the head, especially fore head.- Vertigo as if intoxicateds with delirium.,Iead.-Compkessive or distensive headaehe, —Headache,?Wth sense of looseness of the brain when shaking, the head, and heat in the head.-Beating headache, especially above the left eye. Eyes.-Feeling of dryness or fulness in the eyes. —~Weak sight. Ears.-Stinging otalgia.-Pain in the Eustachian tube as from a rough body, previous to rain and wind. Face. —~Freckles?-Feeling of swelling in the left half of the face, with prickling as from electric currents. Teeth. —~Toothache of pregnant females.-~Stitching and tearing extending to the ears and temples, with stinging in the teeth when sucking at them and aggravation of the pain by air and contact. —~Nocturrial tearing pain in the teeth, with inability to close the jaws which feel paralysed. —~Stitching toothache, increased by external warmth. —* Toothache, pressure as if the teeth had been grasped, ~with pain in the nape of the neck owing to exposure to damp evening-air; 0the teeth feel loose and warm water alleviates the pain.-Toothache after washing and taking cold.-Jerks in the teeth after drinking cold water.-The teeth feel dull as if lined with clay. —Bleeding gums. Mouth. - Dry feeling in the mouth or on the tongue.A good deal of saliva and phlegm in the mouth. — Aphthea? -~Lameness of the tongue. Throat. —Dry feeling in the throat, with scraping. Appetite and Taste. —Taste in mouth, as after eating much salt. —Chalky taste in mouth.-Excessive hunger.Loss of thirst. -Malaise after eating. —*Dyspepsia. Gastric Symptoms. —Scraping eructations after eating.~Nausea and vomiting of pregnant females. Stomach. —~Repletion with oppressed breathing.-Burning at stomach. - -Cardialgia with excessire dyspepsia?*Pressure at stomach. Abdomen. —Obstruction of the liver and spleen?-Swelling of the liver. —~Feeling of weight in the hypochondria and epigastrium. -~Colicky tearing in abdomen. —Colica renalis? —.*Distention of abdomen, with nausea.- Cutting colic, with drowsiness.*FIlatulence, ~also at night, hindering sleep. Stool.-Indolent, soft stools.-~D)iarrho ~: from debility.~Diarrhcea like stirred eggs, with loss of appetite, in children. — ~Diarrhcna, with loss of appetite and drowsiness in children. — Worm afections. Urine. —~Lithiasis? —Painftul strangury? —Urine smells like violets.-~Colica renalis? NUX VOMICA. 283 Male Parts.-Weakness of the sexual organs. Female Parts.-Before the menses, pain in the small of the back, lassitude pressure at stomach, waterbrash, pain in liver.-During the menses, pushing in the abdomen from the navel downwards, with drawing in the limbs. —Metrorrhagia? —-~False labour-pains? —Spasmodic labour-pains?~Threatening miscarriage? Catarrhal Symptoms.-Stopped nose. Windpipe.-*Hoarseness and catarrh. —~Sudden hoarseness when walking against the wind.-Desire to cough, with soreness in the trachea. —Bloody cough. —Phthisis pulmonalis?-*Dry cough ~with stoppage of breath, after taking cold by being in the water. Chest and Respiration. - Dyspncea. -- *Shortness of breath after eating. -The throat feels constricted.-* Oppression of chest, generally proceeding from the pit of the stomach.-Fulness and weight of the chest.-Palpitation of the heart ~with fainting turns? —Tremour of the heart? Trunk.-Pains in the back and small of the back as if bruised and lamed by blows. 99.-NUX VOMICA. General Symptoms. —Rheumatic and arthritic tearing and drawing, or tension and stiffness in tha limbs.-*Bruising pain in the limbs and joints, especially early, in bed.-Con. cussive shooting stitches through the whole body. —* Convul. sions and spasms, also epileptic. —*Fainting turns, early and after dinner. -- ~lysteric and hypochondriac affections. - ~Swelling and induration of glands. —~Scroftula. —*Jau ndice. - * Gastric and bilious complaints, ~also of pregnant females. -~Influenza, grippe. - Inflammation of internal organs.* Cootgestions.-~Apoplexy.X-*Paralysis with coldness of the parts. — Consequences of mental labour, sedentary habits, onanism, chagrin, spirits, cofee, tobacco, and taking cold.Most pains are aggravated by contact and motion, pains that come on while sitting, disappear by exercise in the open air. -The pains are worse soon after waking, or after mental labour or cotke.-Is suitable to sanguine, choleric temperaments, and to male persons with hcemorrhoidal disposition. —Nervous irritation, with exaltation of all the senses.-Rushes of blood. -- Great prostration, with heaviness and trembling of the limbs, -especially early, or after a walk in the open air. — *Sudden prostration. —*Dread of motion.-*Emaciation, ~especially of children.-*Liable to taking cold, with dread of the open air. 284 NUX VOMICA. Skin. —Stinging and burning itching of the whole body, especially when undressing in the evening. —~Blue skin.~Blue spots as if ecchymosed. -~Boils. —Sore feeling of the skin. —Itching-burnirng eruption. —~ Rash, nettlerash. —~ Ulcers with raised, pale-red edges.-* Chilblains ~with burning itching, or with bleeding rhagades and pale-red swelling. Sleep,-* Very drowsy in the day-time, especially after eating. —Sopor in the day-time. —*Falls asleep late owing to ideas crowding upon his mind. —*Szweet nap, early in the morning. —Morning-sleep, full of heavy dreams. —*Starting as if in affright during sleep.-Anxious, horrid dreams. —Weeping and talking during sleep.-Busy dreams in a kind of sopor, the night seeming too long.-Sleep on his back, with his arms stretched above the head and stertorous breathing.-Night. mare. — *Wakes early in the morning, with aggravation of the pains.-Yawning soon after waking, with convulsive yawning and stretching. Fever. —*Chilliness, evening or night, or after drinking, also after chagrin or exercise, or after staying in the open air. —* Chilliness with heat in the head or redness of the cheeks, or with drawing in the limbs, attended with pain in the back or small of the back. —Shaking chill with painfulness of the skin, numbness of the limbs and thirst; afterwards heat with thirst and sweat.-* Chilliness, with or without external coldness, with chattering of the teeth, blue skin and blue nails, without thirst; afterwards heat with thirst, with or without sweat after the heat.-* The chill is attended with pain in the small of the back. —Wandering'shiverings in the afternoon, during motion, alternating with flushes of heat, and abating near the warm stove. —*Alternate chilliness and heat.*-leat of single parts, with chilliness and shivering of the rest of the body.-OMorning-fever with little chilliness, but a good deal of heat and thirst. —*Fever with thirst during the hot and cold stage. —*Fever with heat preceding the chilliness, or mingled with it. —~ The fever is attended with yawn. ing, stretching, gastric symptoms and headache. —~During the heat, vertigo, headache, red face, vomiting of water, bile, mucus and food, red urine and pain in the chest. —Fever during dentition. —~Intermittent, hectic, putrid, puerperal and typhoid feiver.-Profuse, cold and *fetid sweats, frequently on one side only. —Night and morning-sweats, frequently having a sour smell, with painfulness of the parts on which one is lying. Emotive Sphere —*Sad, hypochondriac mood.-*Grief and Omelancholy.-*Anguish and restlessness, frequently attended with palpitation of the heart, and mania of suicide. NUx vOmICcA. 285 *Anxious and apprehensive, with thoughts of death? —Anxious about one's health, with desire to talk about one's condition. —Irresolute. —*Excessive sensitit eness to external impressions. —*Tendency to start.-*Intolerance of noise, talk, odours, bright light, music, song. —*The pains make one moan, scold, reproach others. —*Irascible, irritable. —*Whining obstinacy and headstrongness. —*Disposed to censure.-*Artful malice and desire to quarrel.-* Very lazy, with dread of work. Sentient Sphere,.-Absence of mind. - Using wrong words or syllables in talking or writing. —*Inability to think. *Erroneous representations of things. —*Confused talking. — Mental alienation, ~also of drunkards, or after excessive studies. —*Confused state of the head as after a night's revelling. — *Cloudiness of the head as after intoxication.Gloominess of the head, after dinner. —* The headfeels wearied by mental labour. — Chronic vertigo. —*Frequent attacks of vertigo of various kinds, especially early in the morning or after eating, also in the evening in bed, generally with sensation as if turning round, intoxication, balancing sensation and obscuration of sight. —*Fainting sort of vertigo.-~Apoplexy. Head. —*Headache, especially early or after eating, increased by motion or stooping forward. —*Headache aggravated by wine, coffee, mental labour.-*Hemicrania with nausea and sour vomiting.-'Semilateral headache, ~especially after excessive use of coffee.-*Headache when reflecting as if the skull would fly to pieces.-*Pressing in the head from within outwards.-Oppressive *heaviness of the head, -with vertigo, especially early in the morning or when moving the eyes.*Headache as if the brain would be smashed.- Oppressive or stinging headache, worse in the open air and when raising the head.-'Headache as from a nail in the skull. —*Tensivecrampy feeling, or drawing-tearing, or stitching jerks in the head.-Periodical frontal headache as if ulcerated, with constipation. —*Rush qf blood to the head, with humming in the head.-Vibratory shaking of the brain at every step.~-The headache is worse in stormy weather. Integuments of the Head. —*The outer head and the hairs are painful, especially when touched. —Sore pain about the head, in rough wind.-Painful small tumours on the forehead. Eyes.-Itching of the eyes. —~Pressure in the eyes when opening them and looking at bright light.-ONocturnal *tearing in the eyes. —*Burning and smarting in the eyes.-Itching burning and sore pain of the canthi and lids, especially when touched, and early in the morning. —*Redness of the whites. 286 Nux VOIICA, — *Ophthalmia, ~of scrofulous, arthritic persons, and newborn infants, also after a cold. —~Red, swollen, agglutinated lids — *Gum in the canthi. —~Nocturnal agglutination.~Ecchymosed spots in the pupil.-Lachrymation. —*Hcmorrhagefrom the eyes.-Contraction of the lids, as from heaviness. — Passing blindness. — Far-sighted. -Luminous vibrations outside of the visual ray.-Glistening, staring eyes. —*Obscuration of the eyes. —*Intolerance of the light of day, especially early in the morning. —*Twitching of the lids. Ears.-0Otalgia.-Painful sharp shocks and *stitches in the ear, -especially early in the morning, in bed.-~Tearing in the ear.-The sounds reverberate strongly in the ear.*Rityirig in the ears. —~Pain in the ear, worse when entering the room, and at night, in bed. NoSe. —Intolerable itching of the nose. —Sore or ulcerative pain in the nostrils.-~Inflammation of the inner nose, with discharge of greenish, fetid pus.-Bleeding of the nose, especially early in the morning.-Smell before the nose as of sulphur, spoiled cheese, or tallow-snuff: Face, —*Sickly, pale, sallow complexion, ~with pointed nose and blue margins round the eyes. — Yel70owish tint around the nose and mouth.-*Swollen, red face. —~Alternate paleness and redness of the face.-* Glowing redness of the face, with heat.-Formication in the face.-Twitching of the facial muscles, in the evening after lying down. —Tearing *pain in the malar bones, ~with swelling of one side of the face. —~Dry lips. —Painful peeling-off of the lips.-Phagedenic ulcers at the corners of the mouth.-Ulcers in the vermilion-border, with burning stinging. —Herpes on the chin.-Distortion of the mouth. —Lock-jaw.-Stitching in the submaxillary glands, when swallowing. Teeth. -OToothache caused by a cold. —Arthritic and rheumatic toothache.-~Toothache aggravated by wine, coffee or *the open air.-*Dull tearing in the teeth and jaws, extending through the facial bones to the head, excited again by cold drink, abating by warmth. —*Drawing, Oboring and *stinging in decayed teeth. —Boring-digging or sore pain in the teeth, *aggravated by mental labour.- -The teeth are loose. —Putrid, bleeding *swelling of the gums. Mouth.-Dry mouth, without thirst.-*Fetor of the mouth, especially early, after rising.-"Stomacace.-~Inflammation of the buccal cavity.-~Aphthm. —0Tongue black, cracked, with bright-red margins. —Painful blisters on the tongue and palate.- *Heavy tongue and speech.-Bloody saliva. —* Tongue white, coated with mucus. —Fetid ulcers in the mouth and fauces. NUX VOMICA. 287 Throat. —Rough sore throat, when swallowing and drawing in cold air. —*Se'nsation as of a plug in the throat, especially between the acts of deglutition. —~lnflainmation and *swelling of the uvula, with stinging and pressure during and between the acts of swallowing.-*Sore throat as if swollen.~Choking and constrictive sensation in the fauces. Appetite and Taste. —*Food is tasteless. —*Bitter taste, especially when expectorating — Sour taste, especially early in the morning, or after eating or drinking. — Metallic, herby taste, also of beer. —*Foul taste, especially early in the morning. — The bread tastes smoky. —*Thirst, with aversion to water and beer. —Drinks oppress the stomach and cause a feeling of nausea.-*Hunger, with aversion to food. —Canine hunger, especially after drinking beer. -*Aversion to food, especially bread, tobacco, coffee. —*Hyporhondriac malaise after dinner, with dulness of the head, drowsiness and heat of the face with red cheeks.-*Heat in the head when eating, or ~sweat on the forehead and hairy scalp. Gastric Symptoms.-~Eructations tasting of the ingesta. — Bitter, foul, sour eructations. —Spasmodic eructations with pain, as if the (esophagus were contracted.-*Frequent violent hiccough, when eating, the food being expelled again in consequence.-*Nausea and inclination to vomit, especially early in the morning and after eating.-*Water-brash.~Empty retching, especially in the case of drunkards. —Chronic morning sickness, with vomiting. -~Periodical attacks qf vomiting, immediately after eating.-* Vomiting and nausea ~of pregnant women.-Nocturnal vomiting of bile.-* Vomit. ing of the ingesta, or *of sour-smelling mucus. —*Hcematemesis. Stomach. —*Stomach and pit of stomach sensitive to external pressure and contact.-~Anguish in the region of the stomach, with agonizing pressure. —*Distention and pressure in stomach and pit of stomach, also as if from a stone, and especially after eating.-*Tension across the stomach._Painfulfeeling of contraction at the cardiac orifice, not allowing the food to pass through. —*Tearing, beating, and painful soreness in the stomach.-Pressure at pit of stomach, with dyspncea after drinking.-* Contractive, griping, tearing car. dialgia, before breakfast and after eating, Oespecially in the case of those who drink much coffee. —~Shocks fioml the stomach to the pit of the stomach.-Gnawing and choking sensation in the stomach.-*Burning in the pit of the stomach and at pyloric orifice.-OInflammation, induration and carcinoma of the stomach. Abdomen.-Contractive pain in the hypochondria. —*'The 288 NUX VOMICA. clothespress on the hypochondria, with feeling of tightness.*Beating, ~tensive pressure and *stitches in the hepatic region, aggravated by motion and contact. —Acute and chronic hepatitis.-ODiaphragmitis. - Afections of the kidneys. - ~Swelling and induration of the liver, also after abuse of cinchona. —Colic caused by cold. —Colic of pregnant women. -~Periodical colic, especially early in the morning, after eating. —*Pressure as from a stone, especially in the epigastrium, after eating. —*Distention of the abdomen, after a-moderate meal. —*Weight in abdomen. —*Griping, clawing, contraction in abdomen.-Drawing-tearing, colicky, spasmodic pains in abdomen.- Hysteric abdominal spasms. —*Cutting colic, ~especially in the umbilical region, *with inclination to vomit and eructations.- Venous congestion in abdomen, with heat and burning in the same. —*The abdomen is very sensitive to pressure or contact.-*The bowels feel as if bruised. -*Pain in abdomen as if sore and raw, especially when stepping.-~ Umbilical, inguinal, andfemoral hernia, also incarcerated.- Flatulence also incarcerated.-*Flatulent colic, with hard-aching pains. Stool. —* Constipation.-~also of babies at the breast.*Chronic costiveness. —*Ineffectual urging to stool, and hard, difficult stool, frequently streaked with blood. —Putrid or watery diarrhea, after a cold, with cutting and drawing in the abdomen and small of the back, as far as the thighs.~Dysenteric diarrhcea, with cutting in the umbilical region, tenesmus of the rectum, and discharge of blood, mucus and feeces. - *Frequent, small, mucous stools, with tenesmus.*Pitch-like, bloody, shaggy stools. —Pressure in the rectum, before and after stool.-Discharge of lumbrici and ascarides at stool. —Painful blind varices. —Painful spasmodic closing up of the anus. Urine. —Retention of urine?-*Ineffectual urging to urinate, with scanty emission, attended with burning and tearing.-~Strangury.-0Nightly urging to urinate, ending in disharge of blood and burning. —During and after urinating, discharge of tenacious, purulent mucus fron? the bladder.Haemorrhage from the urethra. Male Parts.-Balannorrhwea, with smarting-burning itching of the glans and prepuce.-Soreness of the prepuce.~Inflammation and swelling of the testes, with stitching and spasmodically constrictive strangulation up into the spermatic cord, with hardness and drawing-up of the testicle. —~Hydrocele? —*Sexual desire, easily and violently excited, with numerous *erections, which are sometimes painful, and -emlissions. NUX VOmICA. 289 Female Parts. —Gnawing-itching eruption on the pudendum.-~ Congestion of blood to the uterus, with *pressing towaords the sexual organs, and weight and heat in the same.O~Aflammation of the uterus and the lips of the vulva.-Varices of the pudendumn. — ~Prolapsus uteri and vagince. - *Menses too early and ~too lung. —*During the menses, abdominal spasms and headache.-~Disposition to miscarriage. -~Excessive violent labour-pains. — ~Suppressed lochia.*Leucorrhceal discharge of a fetid, yellow mucus.-*Uterine spasms. Catarrhal Symptoms. —*Stoppage of the nose and dry coryza,Oalso in the ease of infants at the breast. —-*Dry coryza in the evening, with dry mouth, fluent coryza in the daytime. —*Stopped nose with acrid discharge. Windpipe —* Catarrhal hoarseness with scraping in the fauees, tenacious phlegm in the larynx and on the chest, titillation in throat with desire to cough, and chilliness.-~ Constrictive spasns of the larynx.-OBronchitis.-* Cough which is excited or aggravated by exercise, reading or thinking. — * Cough with titillation, most violent early in the morning. — *Racking cough, with headache as if the skull would fly to pieces, or with bruising pain in the epigastrium, also at night or in the evening after lying down. —*Dry cough, 0sometimes with rattling of mucus. — Continual cough, which is dry in the afternoon, evening and at night, with expectoration towards morning. —Scraping cough, during or after measles.. -Hacking cough with soreness in the chest. —~Spasmodic cough with retching. —Hemoptce. —~Influenza. —~mhoopn ing-cough. Chest and Respiration,s —Dyspinwa, especially in the evening, when lying down. —~Suffocative fits after midnight. -~Asthma millari. —Anxious *oppression of theA chest, Oat night, early in the morning and after eating.-~Spasms of the chest caused by the vapours of copper and arsenic. —*Fe. tid, ~sour-smnelling breath.-~Spasmodic asthma of adults.Oppression of the chest as from a load.-Tension in the chest. -Constriction of the chest, especially the lower part, particularly when moving about, walking or ascending an eminence. -Rheumatic stitches in the chest and sides of the chest.*Rush of blood to the chest, with anxious uneasiness, heat and burning in the chest. —*Palpitation of the heart. Tfllnk.-*Pain in the back and small of the back as if bruised.-Pain in the small of the back, at night, not allowing one to turn in bed. —Drawing, from snall of back to shoulders. —Burning *tearin.g in the back, ~also in parox13 290 OtEANDER. ysms coming on in the evening.-Drawing heaviness and stiffness in nape of neck. Upper Extremities, —Rheumatic laming pains in the shoulder and upper arm, aggravated by moving the parts.Sudden loss of strength in the arms, early in the morning. — ~Lameness of the arm, with uneasiness and shocks in the arms as though the blood would start out of the veins.*Drawing in the arms, from the shoulder to the fingers, with numbness and immobility of the arm, especially at night.The hands are liable to going to sleep. —Hot palms of the hands.-Cold hands.-Cool and sweaty hands, frequently with cold tip of the nose.-Contraction of the fingers when yawning, and cramp in the fingers after midnight.-The phalangeal joints are apt to crack. —*Chilblains on the fingers. Lower Extremities.-O Coxagra with *stinging pains during motion. —*Drawing and stinging in the lower limbs, 0from the knee to the pelvis, aggravated by motion and contact.The lower limbs are very heavy. —* Unsteadiness of the lower limbs and'giving way of the knees, with tremblingf weakness.~Nurnbness and lameness of the legs and feet.-Coldness of the lower limbs, especially the thighs, even in bed. —*Arthritic inflammation and swelling of the knees, also with nodosities. -Rigid feeling in the bend of the knee, as from contraction of the tendons.-Dry feeling and cracking in the kneejoint when moving it. —Phlegmasia alba? —Bright-red swelling of the leg, with black, painful spots.-* Cramp in t'e calves at night.-Contraction of the toes.-The feet are liable to going to sleep. —*Chilblains. 100.- OLEANDER. General Symptoms. -Sensation of pressure in the limbs and in other parts of the body as if the bones would be crushed.-*Excessive debility.-Prostration as though one w\,ould die. — Paralysis. —~Tension through the whole body. -~Humming sensation in the limbs. —Numbness all over. -ODebility, with trembling of the knees and hands when writing. —Faintinig turns, ~also with loss of consciousness and passing off after sweat. Skin.-Gnawing itching, also when undressing. -Sensitive skin, with redness and soreness after the least friction.~ltch-like eruptions.-~Herpes. —Scurfy pimples. Sleep. —Frequent yawning with horripilations, and tremblitg of the muscles.-Soporous condition.-lestless at -:ight.-* Uneasy, lascivious dreams. Fever.-Frequent and sudden paroxysms of shuddering. OLEANDER. 291 -Feeling of heat with general chilliness.-Flushes of heat, especially when very busy.-Full, frequent pulse. —~Absence of animal heat. Emotive Sphere,-Sadness; no confidence in one's self. -Dread of work.-Not disposed to attend to any thing.Irascible, but sorry for being so. Sentient Sphere.-Weak memory. —*Absence of mind. -*Dulness of intellect.- Vertigo with tottering of the lower limbs. —Vertigo when rising fiom a recumbent posture or when looking down while standing.-Vertigo, with obscuration of sight and luminous vibrations. Head. —Headache as if the brain were put upon the stretch, with stllpefaction.-Painful heaviness of the head, less when lying down. —Dullpressure in the head, especially through the forehead. —Headache as if the forehead would fly to pieces.-Painful throbbing in the head. —Boring in the brain. Integuments of the Head. —Pressure about the head. — Gnawing itching on the hairy scalp, with smarting soreness after scratching. —~Scaly, or humid scald-head, with itching, especially at night, and burning after scratching. —The epidermis on the head scales off. Eyes. —Pain as from straining. —Pressure in the eyes.Burning and tension in the lids, especially when reading.Obscuration of sight when looking sideways. Ears. —Sharp pressure in the ear. —Crampy drawing in the ear. —Singing and buzzing in the ears. —~Humid, fetid scurfs behind the ears, with herpetic roughness in front. Nose.-Dull, stupifying pressure at the nose. —Itching around the nose. Face.-Face pale, sunken, with blue margins around the eyes. —~Alternate redness and paleness. Dull, stupifying pressure in the facial, especially the malar bones, extending deep into the head. —Hot cheeks without redness or viceversa.-Red swelling of the face and around the eyes.Pimples on the face and forehead.-Lips brown and dry.Feeling of numbness and swelling in upper lip.-Swelling around the corners of the mouth. —Twitchina of the corners of the mouth. Teeth. —Cutting pressure in the teeth when chewing.Tearing and drawing in the teeth, also at night, only in bed, passing off when rising.-The teeth feel loose, with bluishwhite gums. Mouth and Throat. — Dry mouth with white-coated tongue.-Loss of speech. —Burning in the fauces. Appetite and Taste, —Food tastes flat.-Canine hunger, 29-2 OLEANDER. with trembling of the hands:so great is the desire for food, frequently with loss of appetite. —Thirst, with desire for fresh water.- Vertigo, when eating but little at dinner. Gastric Symptoms.-Putrid-smelling eructations. —Enpty eructations, also when eating.-Inclination to vomit, with flow of saliva, followed by excessive hunger.-Vomiting of the ingesta, or of a bitter, yellowish-green fluid. Stomach.-Empty feeling in the stomach, with fulness of abdomen.-* Throbbing int pit of stomach, as though every beat of the heart were felt in the whole chest. Abdomen. -Pinching, as if diarrhcea would set in.-Stinging and gnawing in abdomen.-Empty and weak feeling in the bowels.-Borborygmi, with fetid flatulence. Stool. — Soft, yellow stools.-Almost involuntary discharge of undigested stool.-Burning at the anus, before, after and between stools. Urine. r*IIncreased urging and flow. —Brownish, burning urine, with whitish sediment. Windpipe.-Racking cough, from tickling in the throat.Tenacious phlegm in the windpipe. Chest and Respiration, —*Oppression of the chest when lying, with deep, slow breathing, as if the chest ewere too tight.-~Superficial breathing. — Compressive sensation of heaviness, or empty feeling in the chest.-Dull or tensive *stitches iln the chest, Oespecially when drawing a long breath. -Stitching on the sternum and in the region of the ribs.Dull drawing above the heart, increased by stooping. —Anxious palpitation of the heart, with sensation as if the chest were dilated. Trunk.-Pain in back as from straining.-Tensive, burning, fine stitches in back. Upper Extremities.-Pain in arms as if sprained, when moving them.- Crampy-drawing and tearing in upper arm and fingers.-Dull pressaure on the forearms, hands and fingers, as after a blow or contusion.-Swelling of the veins of the hands.-Swelling and stiffness of the fingers, with burning pain. Lower Extremities. —Pain as if sprained in the nates. -Weak feeling, as if gone to sleep, in the thighs and legs, feet and soles.-Dull, also stitching pressure in the thighs, feet and toes.-Paralysis of the legs and feet.-Crampy drawing in the legs and feet.-Cramp in the calves when sitting. — Trembling of the knees, when standing. ( PI. U.3 101.-OPIUM. General Symptoms. —General torpor of the nerves, with inability to react against drugs.-Restlessness in the limbs. -~ODiseases of drunkards. —~Affections incident to old age.Trembling of the whole body, with jerks in the extremities and coldness all over. -* Convulsions and spasms, also epileptic, with delirium. - *Tetanic spasms. - *Opisthotonos.*Apoplexy. -*Paralysis. —oll efects of fright and fear.~Poisoning by lead.-Fainting and debility.-Emaciation.Dropsical swelling of the whole body. —Premature old age. Skin, —Bluish skin with blue spots.-Constant itching on the skin, with small, round, colourless risings.-The epidermis peels off. —Chilblains. Sleep, —*Stupor, with stertorous breathing, open mouth and distorted, open eyes.-*Sleep with half consciousness, without being able to become wide awake.-*Anxious sleep with anxious dreams. — *Sleeplessness, with tossing about, delirium.-*Grasping at flocks and feeling about during sleep. -Moaning during sleep. —Starting of the extremities, as if in affright, during sleep.-Night-mare.-Lascivious dreams. Fever. —The skin feels cold, especially on the limbs. — Burning heat of the body, with redness of the face, anxiety, delirium, restlessness.-Pulse generally fitll, slow, intermittent, or quick and hard.-O~Interrnittent fever with coma, convulsions, stertorous breathing, suppression of the evacuations and warm sweat. —~Putrid fevers.-0 Typhus, also with loss of consciousness or delirium. Emotive Sphere.-Absence of all care, or else anxiety and uneasiness.- Inconstancy, fitfulness. - *Tendency to start, fearfulness.-Boldness during courage.-Internal tranquillity, with delightful fancies and forgetfulness of one's pains. Sentient Sphere. —Imbecility, as if idiotic. - *Loss of consciousness.-Ideas crowd upon the mind, with mirthfulness, and disposition to deep, elevated contemplations.- *IIlusions of the fancy. —Mania with strange fancies. —l)elirium tremens. -*Delirium. - *Delirious talk. —*Rage. - Gloomy feeling in the head, with feeling of heat in the eyes and disposition to close them. —Dulness of the head as after intoxication. —*Stupefaction as if intoxicated. —* Vertigo when sitting up in bed, obliging one to lie down. —Vertigo after fright.*Apoplexy. Head. —Headache, like oppressive tightness in the whole head. — Headache aggravated by moving the eyes.-Sensation as if the brain were torn.-Heaviness of the head.*Congestion of blood to the head, with violent throbbing in the same. '94o OPI,U. Eyes.,-The lids hang down as if paralysed..-Sensation as if the eyes were too large.* —-Red, inflamed eyes.-Trembling of the eyes and lids. —-Glassy, protruded, hanf-oFened, *distorted, staring eyes. —Iinmovable, dilated pupils. —Obscuration of sight.-Scintillations. Ears —*Roaring in the ears.-Ringing. Face.-Paleface, sallow, sunken, with sunken eyes and red spots on the cheeks.-LDark-red, cherry-brown, hot and bloatedface.-*Bluish face.-Alternate redness and paleness. — Swelling of the veins of the face and about the head.*The facial muscles hang down relaxed. -Tremour, convulsions and *convulsive motions of the facial muscles.-Swollen lips..*The lips and lower jaw hang down relaxed.-* Twitching of the corners of the mouth. —-Distortion of the mouth.*Lock-jaw. Teeth.-Loose teeth.-Gnawing piin in the teeth. Mouth. —Dry mouth and very thirsty. —Ptyalism.-Spitting of blood.-Ulcers in the mouth and on the tongue.Black tongue. —Paralysis of the tongue.-Feeble, low tone of voice, one has to make a great efibort to speak. Throat.-Dry throat. —~Daily paroxysms of spasmodic choking upwards, in -the throat, with difficult deglutition.Inability to swallow. Appetite and Taste.-Loss of taste.-Bitter or sour taste in mouth. —Violent thirst, especially for beer.-Paroxysms of canine hunger, with loss of appetite and loathing of food. -Weak digestion. Gastric Symptoms. - Inclination to vomit with ineffectual retching.- Vomiting with violent pains at the stomach and convulsions.-Vomiting of blood and of a green substance.* Vomifing ~of feces and urine. Stomach.-Painful distention of the stomach and pit of the stomach.-Constrictive pressure in the stomach, with great anguish.-Heaviness in the stomach. — Compression of the diaphragm. Abdomen. - *Abdomen distended.- Tympanitis. - Weight in abdomen. — Colica plambce. —oI2 carcerated inguinal hernia. Stool. —* Constipation, also chronic and ~in the case of infants.-Black, fetid stools.-Liquid, foaming diarrhaeic stools, with burning at the anus and violent tenesmus. —~Involuntary stools. Urine, —*Retention of urine as if the bladder were closed. — Scanty, dark urine with brick-dust sediment.-Hoematuria. Male Parts.-Increased sexual desire, with erections and emissions. —Amorous ecstacy.-Diminished sexual desire, impotence. PARIS QUADRIFOLIA. 295 Female Parts.-~SSuppressed, or false, spasmodic labourpains.-Labour-like uterine spasms. —Violent movements of the fcetus. Catarrhal Symptoms.-Stoppage of the nose. Windpipe.-Hoarseness, as if the windpipe were full cf phlegm,-with dry mouth and. white-coated tongue. —Violent hollow, dry cough, worse after eating.-Cough when swallowing or drawing breath, with stoppage of breath and blue face. —Cough with expectoration of thick frothy mucus and blood. Chest and Respiration.-*Stertorous breathing. —Heavy, slow, intermittent breathing.-Dyspncea and stoppage of breath with great angtuish.-Spalsmodic dyspncea. - Sfitctive paroxysm, when straining while coughing.-Pressure on the chest, with stitches in the side, when drawing breath. —Tension and constriction of the chest. —.Heat and burning in the chest, especially in the region of the heart. Trunkk, —* Opistho-'onos. —Swelling of the veins and throbbing of the (arotids. Upper Extremities. — Jactita!ion and convulsive motions of the arms.-Paralysis of the arms. —Trembling of the arms and hanls. —Chilblains. Lower Extremities.-Jactitation and convulsire motions of the lower limbs. —Weakness, lameness and numbness of the lower limbs. —WTeight and swelling of the feet.-Chilblains. 102.-PARIS QUADRIFOLIA. General Symptoms.-Stitches in all the limbs. —Crampy sensation in the joints, or sensation when moving them, as if swollen, broken and sprainedl.- Weigit in the whole body. Skin.-Creeping under the skin, without itching. Sleep. —Restless, interrupted sleep, at night, with tossing about and dreams. Fever.-Chilliness, especially on the chest, abdomen and lowe lixnbs, with gooseflesh and yawning.-Internal coldness all the time, with intertnal trembling. Emotive Sphere,-Contemptuous mood.-Childish manners.-Loquacious.-Vexed and dissatisfied. Sentient Sphere.-Dulness of the head.-Vertigo when reading loud. Head.-hIeadache worse when thinking.-Pressing g in head from awithin outwards, especially in the temples arld eves.Tightness in the brain and frontal integuments. —Bubbling headache, at night.-Stitches in the head. 291t$ MPRIs QUAD-Rtt)LIA. Integuments of the liead.-Soreness at the parietal bone when touching it. EyeS.-Sensation as if the eyes were swollen.-Lachrymation, early, with burning.-Unsteady sight. Ears.-Ringing. Nose.-Milk and bread have a putrid smell. Face.-Hot stitches in the malar bone. —Bloody pimples on the lower jaw. —Pimples on forehead, with aching pain when touched.-Ilerpes round the mouth. Teeth.-Cutting pain through the gums, every morning.Drawing-throbbing pain, especially in hollow teeth.-The gums look wrinkled as if crisped. Mouth. -Flow of astringent saliva.-Soreness and peeling off of the palate.-I-Hard, egg-sized swelling at the hard palate. Throat.-Sore throat as if a ball were pressing on the fauces.-Stinging and burning in throat. Appetite and Taste.-Gulping-up of water. —Hiccough after eating. Stomach. —Pressure as from a stone. —Burning from stomach to abdomen. Abdomen.-Colic, like a tension through the whole abdomen.-Hard pressure in abdomen.-Cutting-driawing and boring in one side of the abdomen, when lying on it, in the evening. Stool. —Fetid diarrhoeic stools, like putrid meat. Urine.-Frequent urging, with burning during emission. Fiery urine, with flocks, reddish sediment and opalescent after standing.-Burning and stinging in urethra. Sexual Parts.-Menses too early. Catarrhal Symptoms.-Stoppage of the nose, with discharge of thick, bloody mucus.-Discharge of thin mucus from the nose and eyes, causing a panting breathing.-Red and greenish nasal mucus. Windpipe. —The trachea feels as if parched, early in the morning.-Very hoarse, low tone of voice, with constant hawking of muzcus. —Cough as if caused by the vapour of sulphur.-Nightly cough, when lying on the left side.-Cough, with discharge of tenacious, greenish mucus from the larynx. Chest.-Dyspncea. —Palpitation of the heart during rest and motion. Trunk.-Pain in back and nape of the neck, when stoolping, as if oppressed by a weight.-Stitches in the back. Upper Extremities.-Lameness of the arms and phalangeal joints.-The fingers are alternately hot and cold, numb. Lower Extremities.-Laming pain in the tarsal joints.Formieation in the heel. —Tearing and stinging in the toes, PETh()LEUM. 2 9 103.-PETROLEUM. General Symptoms, —*Drawing pains in the limbs.*The limbs are liable to going to sleep.-* Cracking of the joints, ~with arthritic stiffness, and drawing.tearing pains. — ~Rickets.-~Swelling and induration of the glands, also after contusion. —Jactitation of the limbs, in the day-time and during sleep.~-Epileptic attacks. —*Debility, nausea and other ailments caused by riding in a carriage. -Sea-sickness. *Ill effects of chagrin.-Many of the pains are worse during a thunder storm.-Flushes of heat, *vascular orgasm -and sweat, after a walk or slight chagrin.-Emaciation. —Sick feeling, with trembling and languor.-*Excessive languor -early and evening. —Liable to taking cold. —Dread of the open air. —*Fainting, Oalso with heat, pressure at the heart, palpitation of the heart. Skin.-ONettlerash.-OItching herpes. —ltching, sore, humid spots on the skin. —~Itching, burning pustules. —~Brown and yellow spots on the skin. —Rhagades. * Unhealthy skin. -Boils.-Ulcers with stinging pains.-Proud flesh in the,ulcers.-Warts.-~ Corns. —~ Chilblains, also painful. Sleep. —Sleep, with anxious and frightful dreams, frequent waking and starting as if in affright, and anxious heat. Fever. — Chilliness, with headache and coldness of the hands and face.- Chill or coldness, generally in the evening, sometimes with blue nails. —Frequent chilliness through the body, followed by violent itching of the skin.-Sweat immediately after the chilliness.-~Evening intermittent-fever, with heat in the face and cold feet after the chilliness.-Frequent flushes of heat.-Fever, with full pulse and burning in the skin. —~ Nocturnal heat.- Night.sweats. Emotive Sphere.-*Anxiety and tendency to start. —*Irresolute. —*Irascible, with ~scolding mlood.-*Sad and desponding.-~Whining mood. Sentient Sphere, —*Loss of memory.-*Inability to think. — Dulness of the head.-~CChronic vertigo. —* Vertigo, like a balancing sensation.-* Vertigo when stooping, or when rising from a seat or a recumbent posture. Head.-Hemicrania.-~Frontal headache, increased to stupefaction by a mental effort. —*Heaviness and fulness in the head, early, when stooping.-*Aehing-stinging pain, especially in occiput.-Sensation as if the dura mater were put on the stretch.-Crampy-drawing, pinching headache.-* Throbbinq hedache, especially in the occiput.-Sensation as if every thing in the head were alive. Integuments of the Head. —The scalp feels bruised 13* -Ic3'j -PETROLEUIM. when touched.-Drawing about the head, forehead, temples, as far as teeth. —~Scurfs on the hairy scalp, or soft tumors.The hair falls out. Eyes.-Pressure, stinging, burning in the eyes.-OFistula lachmyralis?-Twitching of the lids.- *Far-sighted or'shortsighted.-Diplopia.-*Gauze betfore the eyes. Ears.-Crampy or jerking pain in the ears. —~Feeling of dryness in the inner ear.-Discharge of blood and pus from the ears.-Redness, soreness, humour behind the ears.ODeathess.-*Roaring and buzzing in the ears. Nose.-Pustules on the nose. —Swelling of the nose, with discharge of pus and pain at the root. Face. — *Hot face, also after eating.-Yell70owish complexion.-Scurfy pimples on the lips, with stinging pain.*Swelling of the submaxillary glands.-The articulation of the jaw is liable to feeling strained, early, in bed, with great pain. Teeth.-Nunmbness of the teeth, with pain when pressing them together.-Pustule on the gums.-Swollen gums, with stinging pain when touched. Mouth. —*Fetor, as of garlic. - Ulcers on the inner cheek. —Dry mouth, with thirst. Throat. -Stinging sore throat, when swallowing. —The inner throat is swollen and viery dry. Appetite, Taste. —*Fols,.flat, slimy, taste, -or bitter, sour. * Canine hunger. *Loss of appetite.-~Aversion to meat, fat, boiled food.-Dizziness after eating. Gastric Symptoms. - Sour eructations.- *Nausea. - *AT:ausea from riding in a carriage.-~ W;aterbrash.-~Vomiting of pregnant women. —Green, bitter vomiting. Stomach. - Cardialgia. - Empty feeling in stomach.Pain in pit of stomach as if something would tear off.~Bloatedness of pit of stomach, with pain when touched. Abdomen. -Distention.-* Cutting in abdomen. —~Hernia inguinalis. —Cold feeling in abdomen. Stool.-*Hard stool, ~knotty. —*Frequent stools. —*Bloody mucus. -Itching herpes at perineum. -~T.enia. Urine.-Frequent emission of a little red, or brown, fetid urine. -Nocturnal enuresis. -~Stricture. —*Burning in urethra. -~Wetting the bed. Male Parts, —*Itching, redness, soreness and dampness of the scrotum and the adjoining piarts, or itching pimples and herpes. —*Frequent emissions. —~Nervous debility after an embrace. Female Parts. -Itching and soreness near the pudendum. -Aversion to an embrace. —Menses too early, with itching. -Albuminous *leucorrhoea, ~also with lascivious dreams. — ~Diarrhcoa and nausea of pregnant women. PHOSPHORi'S. 299 Catarrhal Symptoms. — Dry nose. - Coryza, ~with hoarseness. Windpipe. —*Dry cough, deep out of the chest, at night. — Hoarserness. —Cough, with stinging under the sternum. Chest. —Dyspniea in cold air, or at night. —Rattling il bronchi. —*Stitching in side of chest.-~Herpes on chest.*Palpitation of heart. Trunk. —*Pain in small of back, ~not allowing one to stand. -*Pzain in back, not allowing one to move. —~Herpes at nape of neck.-OGlandular swellings and eruption at nape of neck. Upper Extremities.-The arms and fingers become numb. -Erysipelas of the arm.-Yellow spots on the armn.-Boils on the fore-arm. — lBrown spots on the wrist.-*Bleeding rhagades of hands and fingers, ~in winter.-~Chilblains.Warts on fingers. Lower Extremities.-Cracking in the upper joints.Boils. —Stitches in knee. —GHerpes on the knee.-Itching blotches on the calves. —Burning of the soles. —Swollen feet. —lot swelling of the soles. —cSwelling and redness of the heels, with burning and stinging. —~Chilblains. —I~erpes at the ankles. —Chronic ulcer on a toe, arising from a phagaedenic blister. 1041. —PHOSPUORUS. General Symptoms.* Tearing and stitching in the extremities, after every cold, especially at night, in bed.-Burning in the limbs.-Jactitation and contraction of single limbs.-Convulsions.-Some parts become numb and dead. — iTremblin7 of the limbs, especially during work. —~Throbbing in the b-ody.-*Rushes of blood, congestions. —*Hcemorrhage from different organs. —Loss of strength, and sensation as if bruised and lamed in the joints, especially the knees.*Extreme debility and lameness, sometimes suddenly, especially earl3, in bed. —*5?erlrous debilitiq.-*fHeaviness of the limbs, laziness.-Paralysis, formication in the affected parts. -*Enmaciation. -~0Onanism. — * Gastric conmplaints.-OChlorosis.-Glandular affections, especially after contusions. — ~Swelling of bones. -Rickets, scrofuila. - ~flypochondria, hysteria. —11ll effects of chagrin and anger. -~Inflammation of internal organs. —*Irritablity of all the senses.-Intolerance of the open air, especially Uwhen cool. —*Liable to taking cold. — Pains setling in when the weather changes. —The pains set in imorning or evening, or after or during a meal. —Suitable to thin, slender persons. 300 Hl'1OSPHORUtS. Skiln. —The skin peels off. —Sore places on the skin, with smarting and stinging.-~Fur'furaceous herpes. — Yellow or brown spots. - oEcchymosed spots. *Boils. - "Profuse bleeding of small wounds. - Chilblains and *corns, also painful. — o Ganglia. - Formication. Sleep. —*Very drowsy in the day-time. —~Coma. -*Falls asleep late, sleepless, or frequent waking, with uneasiness, anxiety, tossing about, heat, vertigo, rushes of blood. —Inability to lie on the back or side. -* Unrefreshing sleep, or sensation, as if one had not slept enough, early.-Jactitation of the limbs, during sleep.-Vivid, *anxious, heady, frightful dreams.-N ight-mare. -Somnabulism. Fever. —Horripilations, in the evening, in bed, with or without heat afterwards. -Cold. extremities.-*Chiliiness, in the evening. — Chilliness, followed by heat, with thirst and sweat, especially at night. —Anxious or ftying heat.-*Ileat at night.-Hilectic fever.-OTyphus. —Clammy':"night-sweat. — *iorning-sweat. —*Pulse hard and quick. Emotive Sphere.- Melancholy, low-spirited, sometimes with weeping, also interrupted by fits of laughter. —*Desponding. —'Anxious and tuneasy when alone, or during a thunder-storm, especially in the evening, also filled with fear and horror. — Anxiety for the future. —*Tendency to start. - Hypochondriac. —Tired of life. —*Irascible, irritable. —Misanthropy. -Dread of labour. -Loss of shame, as if crazy. Sentient Sphere.-Forgetful, especially early.- Ideas crowd upon one in confilsion. — Somnarnbulism. -*Dizzy.* zVertigo at different periods of the day. —Vertigo when sitting, as if the seat would be raised, with hypochondriac mood. — Vertigo, with nausea and oppressive headache. — OChronic vertigo. — Vertigo, with vanishing of ideas. liead, —Hernicrania, with nausea and vomiting, and a jerking-beating pain. -Evening-nausea, followed by nocturnal headache. - Ieadache after chagrin. -0~Morning-headache. -The head is affected by thinking, music, laughing, loud steps, &e.-The brain feels bruised.-*StpiJfying headache, -frequently with rushes of blood and pale face. —The head feels heavy, full, *with pressure from within outward. -Tearing, especially in the temples and in one side. —Stitches in various parts of the head, especially in the evening.-*Rush of blood to the head, -with beating, humming, burning in the head, especially the forehead. Integuments of the Head.-oStinging in one side.-Sensation at the forehead as it the skin were too tight, with anxiety.-The outer head is liable to taking cold, with sensation as if the brain would congeal. —Itching. —* The tair falls out. —*Scabs Oand osseous-tumnours on the head. PrlOPHORtV,. o,30 Eyes.-Pain as if in the orbital bones. —Pressure in the eyes as from a grain of sand.- *Rush of blood to the eyes. — Stinging, smarting and burning in the eyes, especially in the outer canthus. —* Ophthalmia.-*Lachrymation, especially in the open air ~and wind. —*Nocturnal agglutination, also with suppuration in the day-time.-Stye. —Difficulty of opening the lids.-Twitching of the lids and canthi.-*Dimness of sight.-Weak sight, early.-Shortsighted. —OCataract and amaurosis.-OGlaucoma.-*Frequent and sudden attack of nyctalopia, one sees nothing but a gray covering.- ODarkness of sight at candlelight.-*Blackness or black points before the eyes. —*The eyes dread day or candle-light, ~also the eyes of scrofulous persons. Ears. —Otalgia.-Tearing and stitching in the ears and head. —*Beating, throbbing in the ear.-The car feels dry.Yellow discharge from the ear, alternating with hardness of hearing. —Sensitive hearing. —Loud echo in the ears, especially of words, with reverberation in the head. —Hard hearing ~for the human speech.-Rushing in the ears.-Humming. Nose. —*Nose red acnd swollen, with pain when touched. Inflammation of inner nose.-Soreness of the corners.-U1cerated nostrils.-Freckles. —Bad smell.- *One blows blood from the nose. — *Xose bleeds, also at stool, or in the evening. -*Excessive sensitiveness of smell, especially during the headache.-~Anosmia.-ONasal polypus. Face. —*Face pale, sunken, livid, with sunken eyes surrounded with blue margins.-Alternate paleness and redness of the faoe, with flushes of heat.-4OE1ectic flush on the cheeks. -*Bloated face, especially around the eyes.-Muscular twitchings in the face. —* Tension of the skin of the face, Ofrequently only on one side. —0One half of the face is pain. ful when opening the mouth. —~Prosopalgia from taking cold. —* Tearing in the facial bones, especially in the evening or at night when lying.-~The pain in the face returns when talking, eating, or touching the parts.-Pimples.Crusta lactea.-Bluish lips.-Chapped lips.-Herpes and pimples around the mouth. —Ulcerated corners of the mouth. — Lock-jaw. Teeth.-Drawing, tearing, gnawing, boring, throbbing, jerking, or *stitching' toothache, especially in the open air, or in the evening or morning, ~also only at night, and when eating anything warm —~Toothache after taking the least cold, with ptyalism. —Early in the morning, the teeth are painful when chewing, as if ulcerated.-The teeth decay.-The teeth are loose.-Bleeding of the teeth.-Grating of the teeth.Painful sensitiveness, inflammat on, recession, llceration, swelling a nd rendy bleeding of the gumns. 3Q2 PPIIPOSPHORoUS. Mouth. —Soreness of the inner mouth.-Flow of a saltishsweetish saliva.-Viscous phlegm in mouth.-Spitting of blood. —Pustules at the palate.-Shrivelled appearance of the palate, as if the skin would peel off. Throat.-*Dry throat, day and night. —Smarting, scraping, *and burning in the throat. —*Hawking of mucus in the morning. Appetite and Taste. —Taste slimy, or as of cheese. —Bitter mouth and throat, with roughness.-*Sour taste, especially after eating.-~Loss of taste.-Loss of appetite owing to a feeling of fulness high up in the throat, with thirst. —~Longing for something refreshing.-~Hunger after eating.-*Canine hunger.-Drowsy and lazy after eating, with heat, anxiety, burning in the hands, increased acidity, pressure in the stomach, chest, abdomen, and dyspncea. —~Nausea and palpitation of the heart when smoking. Gastric Symptoms. —*Eructations, -with pain at the cardiac orifice, as if something would tear off. —*A good deal of eructation, generally empty, especially af-tr eating, also ineffectual, ~or spasmodic, *or sour, or testing of the ingesta. —* Sour regurgitation of the inzgesta. —Heartburn.-Hiccough.-*Nau.sea, especially early in the morning, or in the evening, or after a meal.-Nausea, with hunger or thirst, passing off by eating or drinking water. —-*Waterbrash, ~especially after eating any thing sour. —* Vomiting with pains iln the stomach, and great weakness.-Greenish or blackish vomiting. — * Vomiting of the food, in the evening.-*Niyghtly vomiting of bile or phlegm, with coldness and numbness of the hands and feet.-O~N.emetemeensis.-0Vomiting with diarrhea. —*Sour vomiting. Stomach.* — Pain in stomach, especially when touched.Violent pains at stomach, abating after a cold drink. —Striclure of the cardiac orifice; the food rises again as soon as eaten. —*Fulness of the stomach. — Pressure in the stomach, especially after eating, with vomiting of the ingesta. —*Cardialgia. —Pain of the pit of the stomach when feeling it. — Feeling of coldness, or heat and *burning in the stomach and pit of the stomach.-* Gastrisis.-Digging-up in pit of stomach. — *Clutching sensation in stomach, Owith stoppage of breath. -Distress all over, especially in the stomach. Abdomen.-*D)istention, especially after dinner. —Contractive pain in abdomen. —Colicky abdominal spasms. —*Pinching, cutting and ~tearing in abdomenl, *especially early, in bed, -at night and in the evenings, with urging to stool and diarrlhcea.-Sticking colic, also with pale face, chilliness and headache.-Feeling of coldness, or heat and "burning in the abdomen.-Qualmishness in abdomen after breakfast. —*Re PHOSPHORUS. 803 laxed feeling in abdomen. —*Pressing in the ~sides of abdomen.-~lnguinal hernia. —*Yellow spots on the lower belly. — *Incarcerated flat ulence.-*Flatulent colic, deep in lower belly, worse when lying. —*Tormenting flatulence. —*Borborygmni. Stool.-Constipation.-IHard dry stool. —~Paralysis of the intestinal canal. —*(~hronic looseness.-*Papescent stools.~Miucous diarrhcea.-Bloody diarrhea. —~Diarrhcea of pregnant women. —Alternate diarrhcea and constipation of old people. —~Undigested stool.-Gray, black, or green stools.Ilnvoluntary stools. —~Discharge of mucus from the anus, which is always open. —~TPenia or ascarides at stool. —After stool, pressure, burning and tenesmus of the anus and rectum, with great prostration,-*Itching and stinging in the anus and rectum —Spasm and stricture of the rectum.Protruded, readily-*bleeding varices of the rectum and anus, -with painful soreness when sitting or lying. Urine.- Urine increased and watery. —Frequent emissions of a little urine.-*Urine with white flocks, or yellow or red sandy sediment. —Opalescent urine.-Bloody urine.- Smarting and burning when urinating.-Tension or OtNitching and *burning in the urethra, between the acts of urinating. Male Parts, —*Increased sexual desire, with constant desire for an embrace.-* Frequent emissions. —*Weak and too rapid emissions during an embrace. Female Parts.-Tearing and stitching from the vagina to the uterus.-Sterility, owing to excessive sexual desire.*AMenses too soon and too profuse, or too scanty and watery. -Discharge of blood from the uterus during pregnancy.*During the menses, stitching headache, Ofermentation in bowels, bloody expectoriation, *pain in back, ~bruising and laming feeling in the limbs, *great languor and fever.~Smarting *leucorrhcea ~causing blisters. Catarrhal Symptoms. —*Stoppage and troublesome dryness of the nose.-Fluent and dry coryza, with sore throat aud dulness of the head. —*Constant discharge of a greenyellow mucus from the nose. Windpipe -*Hoarseness and roughness of the larynx, also chronic. —Catarrh, with cough, fever and fear lest one should die.-~Aphonia.-Dryness of the windpipe and chest. —Mucons expectoration from the larynx.-~Laryngeal phthisis.~Crou1. —f he larynx is very painful.-* Cough caused by a tickling in the chest, or ~with rawness and hoarseness on the chest —Hollow cough, at night. —* Cough with stinging in throat, chest and pit of stomach.-Dry cough every day, with pain in chest or stomach. —~Cough of pregnant women. 3004 0Irtoso8PI-gous. — *Dry, racking cough, as if the skull would fly to pieces, caused by cold air, drinking, or loud reading.-~Cough with vomiting. —~Cough from laughing.-0Old, dry cough, as if caused by tubercles or chronic pneumonia. —~Cough, with saltish purulent expectoration, especially morning and evening. — Greenish expectoration when coughing.-Cough with expectoration qf blood or tenacious mucus, with soreness in chest as if excoriated.- ~Phthisis. -0~Mucous consumption. Chest, —Breathing loud and panting. —*Dyspncea, especially in the evening, with anguish in the chest, worse when sitting.-*Dyspnoa of various kinds, morning and evening, or when moving about. —Spasmodic dyspnoea. —*Oppression of the chest.-*Heaviness, fulness and tightness of the chest. — Nightly suffocative paroxysms. -~Incipient paralysis of the lungs.-Contractive spasms of the chest.-Tearing in the chest.- Stitches in the chest, especially in the left side, ~also chronic, -sometimes excited by contact.-Sore and burning pain in chest.-~Pneumonia.-Faint feeling in chest.-Rush of blood to the chest, with hot rising to the throat.-*Palpitation of the heart, especially after eating, morning and evening, ~also when sitting and *during an emotion. —~Pain below the left breast when lying upon it. —~Yellow spots on the chest. —Erysipelas of the mamme, with burning and stinging. -~Abscesses on the mammte. Trunk. —*Pains in the small of the back and back ~as if broken, *especially after sitting a long while, hindering walking, rising fiom a seat, and every kind of motion. - Burning in the small of the back. —Tearing and stitching in the scapulee. —*Stiffness of the nape of the neck.-Pressure on the shoulders. -Enlarged neck. —*Swelling of the axillary and cervical glands.-Itching and stinging in the axillae. — ~Fetid sweat of the axillke. Upper Extremities, — *Burning of the arms and hands. -The arms and hands go to sleep. —*Languor and trembling of the arms and hands.-0-Herpes furfuraceous on the arm. — Rush of blood to the hands, with swelling of the veins, and redness of the hands when letting them hang down.-Spraining pain in the wrist, and finger-joints, with tension.-Swelling of the hands, also at night. —Hot hands.-The hands are cold at night. —Contraction and twitching of the fingers.Deadness of the fingers.-Lameness of the fingers. —*Numnb hands, 0especially the tips of the fingers. - Cracked skin in the phalangeal joints.- Chilblains. Lower Extremities. —Ulcerative pain of the nates, when sitting. -Spraining pain in the hip, knee, and tarsal joints, with external heat.-Painful weariness and heaviness of the P()SPsHOMtl AC'IDU.:. 305 lower limbs.-Burning of the legs and feet. —*Drawing and tearing in the knee, down to the feet. —Arthritic stiffness of the. knee, with lameness of the legs.-Herpes around the knee.-Ecchymosed spots on the legs.-Osseous tumour on the tibia. —Tearing and stitching in the feet, especially at night.-Stinging, painful *swelling of the feet, -or only the ankles, mostly after a walk in the open air. — The tarsal joint is liable to turning. —~Icv-cold feet. —*Pain of the soles when walking, ~also as if ulcerated.-Numbness of the tips of the toes.-Inflammation and redness of the ball of the big toe, with stitches. - Chilblains and corns on the toes. 105.-PHOSPHORI ACIDUM. General Symptoms, —~Drawing and jerking tearing in the limbs.-~Arthritic- complaints.-Crampy-aching pains. - rScraping as with a knife on the periosteum.-Nightly burning-tearing bone-pains. -- Swellinq ef bones. — ~Caries.~Ostitis. —~Rickets. -~Hypochondria.-1~ll effects of chagrin, grief or unhappy love. —~Ill effects of too rapid growth. -~Consequences of loss of animal fluids. —OOnanism.#Glandular swellings. -*The limbs and joints feel as if bruised or lamned.-The extremities feel powerless and numb.HIeaviness of the limbs and joints.-Weary after a walk.*NVerrous debility, with disposition to sweat in the day-time. -Emaciation. —Rushes of blood, with restlessness.-The pains are worst during rest, abate during motion; the nightly pains abate by pressure. Skill.-Insensible skin. —Formnication.-Rted, burning spots on the extremities. - ~Scarlet eruptions. - ~Erysipelas. - Clusters of red, fine rash or pimples.-Pimples with burning or sore pain.-Itch-pustules.-~Herpes.- Corns with stinging and burning.-Chilblaiins.-Ganglia. —-igwarts.-~Boils. -~Flat, painless ulcers with dirty-looking pus and shaggy bottom. -~Inveterate, itching ulcers. — *Smarting in the wounds, oven in those of the bones. Sleep. —Sopor.-Sleepless at night, on account of restlessness and heat.-Arithmetical figures before the eyes, when going to sleep.-Sound sleep. —Catching at things with the hands, or at times laughing, at others weeping, looks, while sleeping, with the eyes half-open, distorted.-Anxious dreams about dead persons, with fear on waking.-Lascivious dreams. Fever.-Shuddering, sometimes with cold hands and fingers, generally in the evening, without thirst. —Feeling of coldness, with chilliness and cold feeling in the abdomen. 306 PIOSPIOI ACIDU.cM. Feverish heat in the evening, with anxiety and vascular excitement.-~Lentescent typhus, also with loss of consciousness.-~Putrid typhus.-Night-sweats. Emotive Sphere.-Sad, anxious for the future. —*Inuward ill-humour, taciturn. —*Apathy. Sentient Sphere. —Dul, lazy intellect. —*Loss of thought, unable to attend to mental labour- lllusions of the senses.*Dulness of the head, as after intoxication.-Reeling vertigo when standing or walking. Head, —*Headache, early in the morning.-lHeadache, all the time, becoming intolerable by the least noise.-Heaviness of the head as iffull of water. —Hard cramnpy pressure in the head, worse when pressing on the head or turning it, or when going up stairs, but especially after midnight on the side of the head on which one is lying.-Compression in the brain.Tearing headache. -Stit7hes in the temples and above the eyes. -Jerkin, shocks, beating and hacking in the head. Integuments of the Head.-Pressure and stinging about the head.-Drawing pain in the occipital bones.-OFlaxen, withered, gray hair. —*The hair falls out. Eyes.-Eyes faint, glassy, without lustre.-Pressure in the eyes, as if the eye-ball were too large.-Coldness of the internal margins of the lids. —*Burning of the lids and canthi, especially at candle-light. -*Ophthalmia. -Yellow spot on the whites. - *Lachrymnation. -- Dilated pupils. - Staring look. —Misty sight. -*Short-sighted. - Black-streak before the eyes. *-Bright colours dazzle the eyes. Ears. —S.itching in the ears, also with drawing in the cheeks, jaws and teeth, aggravated by musical sounds.- Spasmiodic drawing in the ear. —*Intolerance of music ~and noise. -Every sound reverberates strongly in the ear.-Difficulty of hearing at a distance.-Shrieking in the ear when blowing one's nose. Face.-Pale, sunken face, with hollow eyes and pointed nose. —Irregular features. —Heat in the face, with tightness of the skin as if albumen were drying on it. —*Large pimples in the face. —*Burning in the cheeks.-Ulcerated rhagades in the lips, with soreness.- Pimples and scurfs on the vermilion border.-*Pirnples on the chin.-Swelling of the submaxillary glands. — Pain in the lower jaw as if torn out of the articulation. Teeth. —Tearing toothache, worse in bed or when anything cold or warm gets to the tooth.- Burning in the firont-teeth, at night. — Yellow teeth. —*Swollen, bleeding gums, Oor else loose, receding fiom the teeth. —~Painful tubercle on the gums. PIlOSPHORl' ACIDU. 307 Mouth,-Dry mouth without thirst. —~Viscous phlegm in the imouthl and on the tongue. —Stinging and burning on the tongue. —One bites one's tongue at night involhuntarily.Swelling of the tongue, with pain when talking. —Nasal voice. - Ulcerated velum, with burning pain. Throat. —Sore throat, with smarting and stinging.-Contractive pain in the throat-pit.-Tough phlegm. Appetite and Taste.-Putrid, sourish, herby taste.Long after-taste of what one eats, especially bread. — Bread tastes bitter. — *Thist -for cold milk or beer. —*Pressure after eating, 0or sensation in the stomach as if something were balancing up and down, -with dulness of the head, malaise, repletion and drowsiness, or a fainting sort of exhaustion. - ~Eructations and other complaints after eating sour things. Gastric Symptoms,-Incomplete or burning-sourish eruciations.-~ OContinlual nausea in the throat. - Vomiting of food. -Sour voiniting. Stomach. —Pressure as from a load, before breakfast and arfter eating, also when touching the pit of the stomach. Abdomen.-Crampy pressure, with anguish, in the hypochondria, especially in the liver.-Sense of weight in the liver. - Stitching in the renal region. - Distended abdomen. -Contraction in abdomen, from both sides of the umbilicus. -Crampy colic, especially in umbilical region.-Bubbling in bowels, as if full of water, especially when touching the abdomen or bending it forward or backward. — Frequent rumbling. —*Flatulence. —Swelling of the inguinal glands. Stool.-Stool hard, lumpy.- *Diarrhceic stools. - Grey diarrhceic stools, also undigested. -Involuntary papescent stool. —Tenesmus after stool. —Tearing, smarting and itching in anus and rectum. Urine, —*Urging, with diminished secretion.-*Frequent emission of copious watery urine, depositing at ollce a thick cloud. -OUrging, with pale face, heat and thirst.-~ Ur'ine like milk, with bloody, gelatinous lumps. —Nocturnal enuresis. - *Burning in the urethra during emission.-Spasmodic conDtraction in the bladder. - Diabetes? Male Parts. —Stinging pain in the glans. —Creeping and humid vesicles around the frienulum. - Sycosic warts.Eruption on the penis and scrotum.-Inflammatory swelling of the scrotum. —-The testes are painful when touched.~Gnawing pain in the testes. —Swelling of the testicle, and enlarged, hard, tight-feeling spermatic cord. —Deficient sexual desire. —*Fiequent, debilitating emissions.-Discharge of semen when pressing on the rectum at stool. Female Parts.-~Pain in the liver, during the menses. 308 PHI OSPHlORI ACIDUM. Yellowish, itching leucorrhcea after the menses. —~lMeteorismn of the uterus. Catarrhal Symptoms.-Violent coryza, with red borders of the nose. —Fluent coryza with cough and burning in the chest and throat. Windpipe.-Hoarseness and roughness of the throat.Contractive pain in the throat pit.-* Cough, caused by a tickling and scraping in the larynx, -or above the pit of the sto. mach, dry in the evening, and with a whitish-yellow expectoration early in the morning.-Cough with vomiting of food and headache. —Cough with expectoration having a herby taste and smell. —Cough with purulent expectoration and pains in the chest. Chest and Respiration.-~Shortness of breath, and inability to speak continually, owing to weakness of the chest. -Spasmodic-constrictive oppression of the chest. —Pres.sre at the chest, crampy or cutting.-Stitches in the sides of the chest. — Pneumonia, also typhoid. Trunk.-Eruption on the back, neck and chest, which is painful when touched.-Formication in the back and small of the back.-Tension and spasmodic drawing in the cervical muscles, especially when moving the head.-Rash on the neck. —~Boils in the axillve. Upper Extremities.- Crampy pressure on the upper and forearms, hands and fingers. —Pimples on the arms.-Drawing cutting in the elbow, wrist and phalangeal joints.-Trembling weakness of the arms. —Ganglion on the back of the hands.-Rough, wrinkled skin of the hands and fingers.Deadness of the fingers, frequently only of one side, the limit being sharply drawn.-Stitches in the fingers and joints. Lower Extremities. —Swelling ~and boils of the nates.Bruising pain in the hips and thighs, especially when walking.-Spasm in the hip-joint, with tearing through the whole limb, intolerable when sitting or eating. —Crampy pressure on the thighs and legs, feet and toes.-Tearing through the whole lower limb, with heaviness in the joints.-Nocturnal burning tearing in the tibia.-Pimples on the knees and legs, running into each other and changing to bleeding ulcers.~Inveterate itching ulcers of the legs.-Burning of the feet and soles, with soreness between the toes. —Swelling of the feet. -~Sweaty feet.- Corns. —Chilblains.-Swelling of the first joint of the big toe, with burning beating and dull cutting in the same when touched. PLATINA. 309 106.-PLATINA. General Symptoms.-Tightness in the extremities as if bandaged too tightly.-Sensation of laming numbness and congelation here and there, frequently with trembling and palpitation of the heart.-OHysteric spasms with consciousness. —Alternation of the physical and mental symptoms.~Poisoning by lead.-Excessive debility.-Tingling uneasiness, debility and trembling in the limbs, especially during rest.Is especially suitable to females. Skin. -Gnawing and itching, or prickling burning here and there.- Ulcers (on the fingers and toes). Sleep. —Spasmodic yawning.-Anxious dreams about war. -— Lascivious dreams. Fever. - Constant shuddering. Emotive Sphere,- *Involuntary weeping. —Excessive an2guish about the heart, with fear of approaching death, trembling, palpitation of the heart. —oFear, with illusions of fancy as though those who approach him were devils. —~Eysteria, with lowness of spirits.-Apathy.-Pride, overrating one's self, and underrating every thing and every body else. Sentient Sphere. —Loss of cansciotsness.-Illusion of the senses as though one were very tall and every thing else very small. —~0kental derangement after fright or illness. -Vertigo, in the evening, with loss of consciousness. Head.-Headache gradually increasing and decreasing.Numbfeeling in the head and on the vertex.-Pain inl the sides of the head asfrom a plug. —*Compressive pain in fore head and temples.- Roaring in head. —Formication in temrn. ple.-Contractive sensation on vertex. Eyes.-Crampy pain in the orbital border.-Tingling in the canthi.-Hot or cold feeling in the eyes.-Twitching of the lids.-Objects seem smaller than they are.-Gauze before the eyes. Ears.-Cold and numb feeling in the ears and cheeks.*Dull buzzing. Nose. —Crampy pain and numb feeling at the nose. Face. —Burning heat and redness of the face.-Cold and *numbfeeling in one side of the face. —Tensive stupifying pressure at the malar bones.-Stinging vesicles on the lips. -Aneurism by anastomosis on the chin.-Numb and cold feeling about the mouth and chin. Teeth.-Throbbing-digging toothache.-Rhagades in the gums. Mouth, &c. —Burntfeeling on tongue.-Constrictive.crampy drawing in throat.-Phlegm. 310 PLATINA. Appetite and Taste.-Viscid taste. —Sweet taste at tip of tongue. —Loathing of food from sadness. Gastric Symptoms.-Constant nausea with tremulous languor. Stomach.-Constrictive pain in pit of stomach.-Burning from throat to abdomen. Abdomen. —* Constrictive sensation.- Pinching in umbilical region.-Drawing in the groins from small of back. Stoo}l.-Constipation after being poisoned by lead. — Shuddering over the whole body after stool, or weak feeling in abdomen.-Frequent tinglilg or tenesmus in rectum.Vi)lent, dull stitches in rectum. Urine.-Red urine with white clouds. Male Parts.- Increased sexual desire. Female Parts. —.*Pressing towards the pudendum. —xcessive desire, with voluptuous tingling in the parts. —lnduration of uterus. —Sterility? — OMiscarriage. —Metrorrhagia, with thick dark blood. —*Menses too early and profuse.*Menses too long. —~Before the menses, cutting and labourlike pains in abdomen.-*Spasms at the appearance of the menses. —Pressing towards the pudendum, during the menses, with sensitNieness of the pudendurn. —oDebility after the menses. Catarrhal Symptoms., —*Dry coryza, often only on one nostril. Windpipe.-~Aphonia. (hest, &c. —*Short breath, with constrictive oppression of the chest. —Anxious oppression of the chest, with warm rising from the pit of the stomach.-Pain as from a weight on the chest, with disposition to take a long breath. —Dull pushing pressure in the chest. —Crampy pain in chest, gradually increasing and decreasing.-Palpitation of the heart. —Tension, pressure and stitching in the chest, not allowing one to lie on the side. Trunk, —Bruising pain in back and small of back.-Numb feeling in os-coccygis.-Tight and numb feeling in the nape of the neck. Upper Extremities.-Heaviness and exhausted feeling in the arms, with laming drawiing.-Itching, gnawing, prickling and burning of the arms and fingers. —Congealed feeling in the forearms.-Painful beating in the fingers.-Numb fingers. - Ulcers on the fingers. Lower Extremities.- Weakness of the thighs and knees as if bruised by blows.-Tremulous uneasiness and numb feeling of the legs. —Painful beating in the toes.- Ulcers on the toes. PLUMBUM. 31"1 107. PLUMBUII. General Symptoms.-Drawing and tearing in the limbs, sometimes shifting to another part when rubbing them.Burning of different parts of the body.-Violent paroxysms of tingling pains in the bones.-Constrictive pains and spasms of internal organs.-Rigidity, stiffness, contraction of single limbs.-Paralysis.-Spasmodic shaking and jactitation of the limbs, convulsions, and spasms, sometimes followed by paralysis. *Epilepsy. - C(hlorosis, jaundice. - Apoplexy.*Fainting fits, ~especially when among a crowd. —OHypochondria and hysteria.-Debilitu and trembling of the limbs.After a little exercise, so exhausted that one has to lie down, with pulsations in the whole body. —Withering of the muscles.- Emaciation all over, especially of the paralysed parts, followed by swelling of these parts. —Dropsical swellings, also of the whole body.-The pains develope themselves slowly, disappear for a time, and then come on again. Skin.-Chlorotic, bluish, or yellow colour of the skin.Dark-brown spots all over.-Small wounds are liable to becoming inflamed and suppurating.-Burning in the ulcers. - Ganglia. Sleep. — Very drowsy in the day-time. —Coma, sopor.Sleepless at night, also with abdominal spasms.-Many dreams, also lascivious, with erections.-Talking during sleep. Fever.-Chilliness and coldness, especially of the extremities.-Cold sweat. Emotive Sphere. —Silent, melancholy. -Anguish, restlessness, with moaning.-Loathing of life. Sentient Sphere.- Weak memory. - Imbecility. —Loss of sense. - Mania. - Delirium. —Rage. - Furibond delirium, with raving looks.-The head feels dull, as if stupid and melancholy.-Stupefaction, with unconscious falling down.-Intoxication.- Vertigo, especially when stooping and looking up. Head. —Headache, as if a ball were rising from the throat to the brain.-Heaviness of the head, especially in the occiput and forehead.-Rush of blood to the head, with heat and throbbing in it. Integuments of the Head.-The hair is very dry.-The hair, even the whiskers and rmoustachios, fall out. Eyes.- Pain as if the eyeball were too large.-Paralysis of the lids.-Contraction in the eyes and lids. —Rush of blood to the eyes. —Iiflammatzon of the eyes and iris. —Swollen eyes.- Yellowness of the whites. - Spasmodic closing of the lids.-Distortion of the eyes. —Contracted pupils.-Misty sight. Short-sighted. —Amaurosis. 312 PLUMBUM. Ears.-Sensitive to noise. —Frequent and sudden diminu. tion of hearing.-Deafhess. Nose.-Cold nose. -Erysipelas of the nose.-Pustules in the reddened corners of the nose.-Fetor before the nose.Anosmia. Face. —Face pale, yellow, cadaverous.-Confilsed looks.Bloated face.-Swelling of one side of the face. —Skin of the face shining and feeling like grease.-Tearing in the jaw bones, going off after rubbing them.-Lock-jaw.-Swelling of the submaxillary glands. Teeth. —Yellow sordes.-Blackness of the teeth. —Hollow, brittle, badly smelling teeth.-The teeth fall out.-Grating.-Pale, swollen gums. —Hard, painful tubercles on the gums. Mouth. —Dry mouth.-Sweetish saliva, with dry throat.Foam in the mouth.-Spitting of blood.-Aphthee and fetid ulcers in the mouth.-Inflammation, swelling and heaviness of the tongue.-Dry, brown, cracked tongue.-Green, or yellow-coated tongue. —Impeded speech. Throat. —Sore throat as if swollen.-Ascension of a ball in the throat.-Paralysis of the cssophagus.-Sensation, when eating, as if the esophagus would be torn off.-Crawling in the cesophagus. —Inflammation and induration of the tonsils Appetite and Taste.-Sweet or bitter taste.-Sulphurous sour taste deep in throat.-Intense thirst for cold water.Loss of appetite.-Violent hunger, also shortly after eating. -Desire for bread and pastry. Gastric Symptoms. —Empty eructations, sometimes very violent and painful. —Sweetish eructations. —Hiccough.Gulping-up of sour or sweet water. - Violent vomiting of the ingesta, or of yello~wish, greenish, or blackish substances, with violent pains in the stomach and abdomen.-Vomiting of bile or blood.-* Vomiting of fcces. Stomnach,-Excessive pain at the stomach.-Dull, anxious pressure in pit of stomach.-Constrictive cardialgia.-Stitching from pit of stomach to back.-Cutting and burning in stomach.-Gastritis. Abdomen.-Stitching pressure in liver.-Affections of the spleen. —Affections of the kidneys.-Excessive colic, with retraction of the navel.-Distended abdomen.- Constrictive colic, especially in the umbilical region, with hard contraction of the abdomen, frequently in irregular elevations and depressions, aggravated by the least contact, sometimes most violent at night.-Stinging around the umbilicus.-Sensation in the epigastrium and side of the abdomen as if something would be torn off and fall down. -Pulsations in the abdomen. —Feel. PLUMBUM. 313 ing of coldness or burning in the abdomen.-Enteritis,-Hard turnours in abdomen, like indurations.-Borborygmi with constant renewal of the flatulenice.-A good deal: of burning or fetid flatulence.-Painful urging of the flatulence in the rectum. Stool, —* Obstinate constipation.- Tenacious, hard, difficult stool, sometimes like sheep's dung.-Dysenteric stools. - Painful, fetid, also chronic diarrhocic stools, generally consisting of yellow ffeces. —Bloody diarrhcea.-Painful retraction and constriction of the anus. —Prolapsus recti.-OInveterate heamorrhoidal complaints. Urine.-Retention of urine. —Difficult urination, drop by drop. —Tenesmus of the bladder.-Watery, or reddish, fiery, turbid also thick urine.-Hoemorrhage from the urethra. Male Parts. —Inflamed and swollen penis and scrotum.Strangulation and constriction in the testes, with twitching in the spermatic cords. —The testicles are drawn.up. —Soreness of the -scrotumr.-Excessive sexual desire, with frequent erections. Female Parts. -Leucorrhaea.-Miscarriages:-atarrhal Symptoms. -Stoppage of the nose.-Watery mucus in the nose. Windpipe. -Hoarseness and roughness of the throat.Aphonia.- Constriction of the throat. — Discharge: of lumps of tenacious, transparent, or yellow.green mnucus from the larynx. —Dry, convulsive cough.-Purulent expectoration from the chest.-Cough with bloody expectoration. Chest, ke. -Laboured and oppressed breathing..-*Spasmodic dyspnwa. - Periodical oppressions.-Suffocative catarrh. -Stitches in the chest and sides, sometimes with arrest of breathing. —Rush of blood in the chest, with anxiety: about the: heart, and palpitation of the heart...Trlnk, —Tearing and stitching in the small of the back and between the scapulaw.-Curvature of the spine. Upper Extremities.-Couvulsive motion of the arms and hands, with pains in the joints.-Weakness and painful lameness of the arms and hands.-Ganglion on the back of the hands.-Swollen, red spots on the fingers. Lower Extremitles.-Painful feeling of lameness in the hip, knee and tarsal joint, especially when going up.stairs.Paralysis of the legs and feet.-Numbness of the lower limbs. -Swelling of the feet.-Fetid sweat of the feet.-'Contrac tion of the toes. 14 314 PRUINUS SPINOSA. 108.-PRUNUS SPINOSA. General Symptoms. -Staggering gait.-Tremour in the whole body. Sleep. —Many dreams and wandering of the fancy. Fever.-Dry heat of the whole body, with painfulness of the glans and redness of the prepuce. Emotive Sphere.-Restlessness, driving one about, with anxious breathing and oppression of the chest. Head. —Nervous headache, in occiput, so violent that one loses one's ideas. —Pressure under the skull as if pressed open by a plug. Eyes, Ears, &c.-Pain in right eye as if torn out.Pressing asunder in right ear. Face, &c. —Pain in a molar tooth as if it would be pulled out.-Pain as if the teeth would be raised out of their sockets. Mouth. —Burning on the tongue. Appetite and Taste. -Slimy taste in mouth. -Repletion in pit of stomach, after eating a spoonful of soup. Stomach, &c. —Swelling and repletion of pit of stomach. Abdomen,-Colicky pains.-Contractive pain in abdomen. -Dropsical swelling of the abdomen, with loss of appetite, scanty micturition, and hard, knotty, difficult stool. —Dis.charge of a good deal of fetid water by the rectum, in a case of sacculated ascites. Stool,-Stool in small lumps. —*Diarrheea, mixed with a good deal of faeces. Urine. —Strangury.-Tormenting urging, with burning smarting in bladder and urethra.-Hurry to urinate, extending only to the glans where it causes the most violent pains and spasms. —*One has to press a good deal before the urine comes out.-Spasms of the bladder, preventing sleep. -Ulcerative pain in urethra when touching it. Male Parts.-Retraction of the prepuce behind the glans, the penis becoming smaller. Female Parts.-Menses every fortnight, profuse, with pains in the small of the back.-Discharge of watery blood from uterus —Discharge of blood from the vagina, every day.-Excoriating leucorrhoea, leaving a yellow stain on the linen. Windpipe.-Roughness in the throat.-Wheezing cough. Chest.-Oppression of the chest, with pains under the sternum, fulness in pit of stomach and distention of abdomen. ULSATILLA. 315 Trunk.-Stiffiless as if from straining, in back and small of back. Upper Extremities.-Pain in thumb as if sprained, when writing. Lower Extremities.-Ulcerative pain in lumbar vertebra, especially when lying, also of the soles. 109. —PULSATILLA. General Symptoms. —*Jerking tearing and drawing in the muscles of the extremities.- Arthritic and rheumatic pains, abating in the open air, worse in bed and in a warm room. —Pains as if sore or ulcerated internally, when touching the parts.-Subsultus tendinum. —Acute articular gout, with stinging-drawing pains, also with bruising pains when touched. —l*Pains which suddenly shift to other parts, with swelling of the affected parts. —~Arthritic, red, hot swellings, with stinging pains. —Pains which are principally attended by chilliness, absence of thirst, pale face and dyspncea.OSemilateral complaints.-* The pains come on again and are worse while sitting, especially after a long walk, or when rising from, a seat, or when lying on the side or back, or generally during rest. —* The pains abate when sitting up after having been lying down, or when turning to the side after lying on the back, also by moving about or walking, by external pressure and in the open air. —The patient feels worst in the evening and before midnight. —Bad effects of mercury, cin-, chona, chamomilla, sulphur, pork, pastry, of a cold, of internal chagrin and fear. —Bilious and gastric, scrofulous, rhachitic, icteric and chlorotic, hysteric and hypochondriac affections.-.111 effects of suppressed mneasles.-~Complaints of infants, pregnant and parturient wornen. —Is suitable to persons with a phlegmatic temperament and who are fond of good-natured jests. —Spasms of internal organs.-~Inflammation of internal parts, with disposition to suppurate.-~Varices.-*Congestions. —*Swelling of the veins. —Curvature of bones.~Caries.-O~Diseases of the mucous membranes.-Malaise and restlessness of the whole body, not allowing one to sleep, with constant disposition to stretch the limbs.-Frequent troublesome pulsations through the whole body. —*Frequent anxious trembling of the limbs.-The limbs go to sleep during rest, with tingling.-Heaviness of the limbs with lameness and painfulness of the joints.-The morning-languor is worse in a recumbent posture. —~Apoplexy.-Enlaciation, especially of children.-Sensitive to the open air. Skin, —~tching of the skin, -generally a burning or sting 316- PULSATILLA. ing itching, ~especially before midnight when getting warm in bed, aggravated by scratching.-*Nettlerash.-Freqnent external redness, even of cold parts. —Eruptions caused by abuse of bacon, with violent itching in bed.-~Measles.o Varice7la.-OFrozen, inflamed parts. —~Rhagades. —Suppurating wounds. — *Readily-bleeding ulcers, -with smarting, burning stinging, or with itching all around and hard, shining redness. Sleep. —*Drowsy and dreamy. —~Feverish sopor. —*Falls asleep late in the evening, with nightly sleeplessness owing to ideas crowding upon one's mind, rushes of blood, congestion of blood to the head and anxious heat.-Restless sleep at night, with frigh~ful, disgusting, anxious dreams, starting as if in affright, talking, weeping and crying.out.-*One wakes at night without consciousness, or with excessive agony or anguish.-Frequent waking at night. and remaining awake for a long time.-0Starting of the body or of single limbs when on the point of falling asleep.-~Nightmare. Fever —-*Chilliness without thirst, principally, especially during the evening-pains.-*Constant internal chilliness.~Chilliness with stinging in the limbs, followed by a little thirst, then heat without thirst, lastly sweat. —*During the chilly stage, vertigo, stupefaction, headache, ~vomiting of mu. cus, pain in left side of abdomen.-Intolerance of external warmth. —*Paroxysms of anxious heat.- *Heat internally, not externally, without thirst. —*Thirst before or after the chill, before the heat. —Quotidian, tertian and quartan intermittent fevers, or intermittent fevers that set in in the evening, with bitter or foul taste in the mouth, loss of appetite, hard, red swelling of one breast, languor, little sleep.~Relapses after suppression of the paroxysm with quinine. — o Typhoid, mucous and puerperal fevers.-Sweat, frequently on one half of the body only.-**Night and morning-sweats, frequently having a bad smell. Emotive Sphere. —*Sad, whining, gloomy mood.-*An. guish and uneasiness, mostly in the pit of the stomach, sometimes increasing to a desire for suicide, with palpitation of the heart and trembling. —Dread of company. —ODifidence. *Fear of death. —*Dread of ghosts, in the evening.-Shy, timid, joyless mood.-Desponding.-*Anxiety for one's domestic affairs. - Whimsical. —Hypochondria, ill-humour, especially towards evening. -Precipitation. Sentient Sphere.-*Absence of mind. —One omits single letters when writing. —The mind is filled with ideas but they change constantly. —*Delirium, —Loss of consciousness.*The head is qffected by mental labovr. —*Dulness of the PULSATILLA. 31 7 head as after intoxication.-* Vertigo as from intoxication, with -heat in the head, pale face, *mostly in the evening or when sitting, also after eating, *and when looking up —* Vertigo with inclination to vomit, and ~obscuration of sight. —*Vertigo on stooping. lead. —Headache caused by abuse of mercury, a cold, or by derangement of the stomach in consequence of eating fat. — *Hemnicrania with nausea and vomiting.-*Semilateral headache. -Pain as if the brain would be torn. —Heaviness of the head.-*Headache as if the skull would fly to pieces, or as if the forehead. and eyes would fall out, especially when moving the eyes or head.-*Pains in the head as if in a vice. -*Drawing-jerking or turns of stitching-tearing in the head, with obscuration of sight, humming in the ears and vertigo. — Rush of blood to the head, with painful stinging,*beating in the brain, especially when stooping or performing some mental labour.-*Humming in the head.-Crepitation in the head when walking. —OHeadache ascending from the nape of the neck, where a contraction is experienced. —*Headache after lying down in the evening, or early in the morning, in bed. —*The headache is generally worse inthe evening and continues all night. Integuments of the Head. -Drawing pain in the integuments when turning the hair back with the hand.-Small tumours on the hairy scalp which are painful as if ulcerated.Pustules on the head. —*Sweat on the hairy scalp and in the face. Eyes.-Pain in the eyes as if scraped with a knife.Burning *pressure, -or boring cutting or ~tearing and *stitching of the eyes.-Itching and burning in the eyes. —*Painful inflammation of the eyes and MJeibomian glands, also after taking cold or in the case of new-born infants, scrofulous and arthritic persons. —*Swelling and redness of the lids.*Styes. —Dryness of the eyes and lids. —*Lachrymation in the cold open air. -Bleareyed.-Agglutination of the eyes.~Fistula lachrymalis. — Obscuration of the cornea.-Contracted pupils. —*Frequent obscuration of sight.-Things look pale.-Vanishing of sight.-*Dimness of sight; one is obliged to wipe one's eyes, especially early in the morning, after walking, after the siesta and in the evening.~Near-sighted.-Diplopia.-0~Incipient amaurosis and cataract.- *Fiery circles before one's eyes.-Photophobia.~Herneralopia. Ears.-Pain in the ears as if something would press out. -*Jerking-tearing pain in the ears.-Itching *stinging in the ears. —Rush of blood to the ears.-*Infnfammation of the outer 318 PU LSATILL A. and ~inner ear, with heat, redness and swelling. — Painful swelling of the cartilages of the ear. —*Purutent discharge from the ears.-Burning-smarting scurf on the helix. —Ringing, *roaring, humming and whizzing in the ears. —*Deafness as if the ears were stopped, ~especially after suppression of' measles, or caused by fiequent catarrhs of the head in consequence of having one's hair cut repeatedly. Nose.-Ulcerative pain of the outer and inner nose.-* Ulcerated, humid alas ntasi.-"Nose-bleed.-Purulent discharge from the nose. —Smell before the nose as of old catarrh. Face. — Complexion pale or Oyellowish. —Alternate paleness and redness of the face.-~Bloated, blue-red face.Twitchings in the face.-The skin of the face feels sore when touched.-Tightness of the face as if it would swell.-Shivering on one side of the face. — Erysipelas in the face, with stinging.-Cracked lips, with peeling off.-Tensive swelling of the lower lip.-Drawing tearing in the lower jaw. Teeth, -*Drawing-jerking toothache, as if the nerve were put upon the stretch and then let loose again, ~with fine stitches in the gums. —~Throbbing pains or digging in hollow teeth, with drawing extending to the eye. —*The toothache is worse in the evening and at night, also inl bed and in a warm room; it is easily excited by a toothpick, also by eating, especially by warm food; it abates in the cool air. — Soreness of the gums. —Pulsations in the gums. —*Looseness of the teeth, ~especially the painful ones. Mouth.-Dry mouth, early in the morning.-Bad, fetid smell of the mouth, especially early in the morning and at night. -Flow of sweetish saliva, with inclination to vomit. — The tongue feels burnt and insen.ible. —*Tongue coated yellowish, and covered with tenacious mucus.-A good deal of phlegm in the mouth. Throat. —Throat as if raw, during and between the acts of deglutition. —Sore throat when swallowing as if swollen. -*S!ingiinq sore throat, with pressure and tension when swallowing.-*Inzammation of the throat, ~with dark, varicose distention of the vessels.-Dryness and tenacious phlegm in the throat, especially at night and early in the morning. Appetite and Taste.- *Taste fiat or putrid,-or empyreurnatic, earthy or chalky.-Beer has a sweet taste.-*Sour taste, -especially after eating or drinking. -*Bitter taste, -in the evening and early in the morning, especially when eatinq, drinking or chewing, more particularly bread, or after swzallowing.food or drink. —*The taste of every kind of food is diminished.-*Adipsia or ~violent thirst with moist tongue, PULSATILLA. 319 %especially for beer, or spirituous drinks. — *Aversion to.food, especially meat. bread, butter and milk.-*Aversion to tobacco. —*Hunaer, with desire for food without knowing which kind. —*Derangernent of the stomach by bacon or pastry. —Coldness of the stomach caused by ice, fruit, &c. Gastric Symptoms. —*Eructations tastinz and smelling of the ingzestt. —*Sour, or bitter, bilious eructations and gulping3.-* VWaterbrash. —*Hiccough, -especially when smoking or aftel drinking. — *Ilclination to vomit, especially in the evening, or after eating or drinking, sometimes with creeping in the pit of the stomach. —* Vomiting of mucus, or of a bilious, bitter-sour fluid. —* Vomiting of the ingesta, ~also chronic, after eating, *especially in the evening and at night — Heemrnatemesis.-Bitter mouth and dull teeth after vomiting. Stomach. — Cardialgia, before breakfast and after eating or early in the morning with pinching and griping-tearing, sometimes terminating in vomiting -Pain in pit of stomach and hypochondria, in the case of pregnant women, aggravated by sitting. — Pressure in the pit of the stomach, ~af er every meal, with vomiting of the ingesta.-Stitch in the pit of stomach whern making a wrong step. —Creeping in pit of' stomach. —*Pereeptible pulsations in the pit of the stomach.~Gastritis? —*Painfulness when pressing on the stomach. Abdomfen. —Drawing tension in the hypochondria, or jerking and stinging as in an ulcer — ~Stinging in the region of the liver when walling. —Colic after drinking.-Tightness, fulness and distention of abdomen. —Abdominal spasms, also of pregnant women. —Griping pains deep in the lower belly, abatilg by band. aging the abdomen. —Cutting colic especially in the evening, also with di;arrhcea.-Tearing and stitching in the abdomen.OAbdomitnal infarcetions.-*The abdominal integuments are very sensitive to the touch.-Oppressive *flatflen.t colic, ~espec(ially of hysteric females, *with painful fermentation and borborygmi, especially after supper or rmidnight.-Emission of flatulence with cutting colic.-Fetid flatulence. Stool —*Constipation.-Difficult stool, with painful pressing pain in the back. -*Frequent urging to stoo?, Oalso at night, sometimes with spasmodic c olic. —*Frequent soft or diarru'xaic stools, consisting of mnere yellowish mucus, sometimes mixed with a little blood, and generally preceded by cutting colic.- Mucous diarrhcea after measles. —~Niohtly mwatery or green, bilious diarrhoea, preceded by shifting flatullence.- ~ White stools.-Acrid evacuations. —-Colic after stool. —* Varires of the anus with smarting and soreness. Uri!ne, —Retentionl of urine, with redness and heat in the region of the bladder, externally. —*Frequent urging to urin ~20 Pt.PULSATILLA. ate with cutting pressure and pressing in the bladder,'also in pregnant women, with drawing in the abdomen. —0 Tenesmus of the bladder. —~Inability to retain the mrine. —Involuntary micturition, with discharge of'the urine drop by drop, when sitting or walking.-' Wettingq the bed. —*Increased, watery, colourless, or scanty, red, brown urine. —*Gelutinous, -or violet-coloured, red, brick-coloured sediment.-OHcematuria, with burning at the orifice of the urethra. — CCatarrh of the bladder. —Phthisis renalis? —Stricture of the urethra; with thin stream.-Burning during inicturition. — requent pressing on the bladder, with constrictive pain without urging to urinate.-Drawing and pressure in the urethra.*Gonorrhcea. Male Parts.-Stinging itching and smarting in the prepuce.-Itehing of the scrotum, especially morning and evening-~lnflammation and *swuellinq of the testicles, Oalso after suppression of gonorrhcea, with intense redness and swelling of the scrotum and violent aching pains. — Hydrocele.*Tearing drawing in the spermatic cord, down to the testes.~Prostatitis.- The sexual desire is very much excited, ~almost like'priapism, *with violent desire for an enbrace and frequent painful continuous erections.-(Discharge of prostatic fluid). —*Frequent emissions, Oalso in the case of onanists. Female Parts. -OMetritis?-Cutting in the os-tinca. — *Delayilng or suppressedmenses, with abdominal spasms and other complaints. —'Delay of the first catamenia. —*Menses too soon. —Black, slimy blood during the menses. —Before the menses, oppressive weight in the abdomen, chilliness, stretching and yawning. —During the menses, cardialgia, stitches in the side, pressure in the lower belly and small of the back, with ineffectual urging to stool, nausea and obscuration of sight.-0~Metrorrhagia, the discharge being more or less profuse or continual, mixed with coagula. —Sudden suppression of the lochia, with feeling of burning fulness in the parts. —Fa7se, spasmodic or too.feeble laboer-pains. —Deficient labour-pains, with violent pains in the small of the back. — ~The after-pains are too long or too v'iolent.-*Leucorrhoeua before and during the menses, with cutting in the abdomen. -Acrid, burning, or thick, painless leucorrheca lik3 cream.~Ailments of pregnant females. Catarrhal Symptoms. — Stoppage of the nose, in the evening, with discharge of a thick, yellow mucus in the morning.-* CUatarrh, with loss of smell and taste.-oChronie catarrh with discharge of a yellowish-green, fetid mucus fr-om le nose. Windpipe.-*Hoarseness and roughness of the throat. Pt LSATILLA. 3:21 *Catarrhal huskiness of the chest, with cough and expectorationr of tenacious mucus. —*Cough with catarrh, itching, scraping and dryness in the chest and throat. —Racking, *dry cough, ~generally early in the morning, or at night, with gagging and vomiting, and sensation as if the stomach would turn.-Dry cough, with painful stitches in the chest and sides of the chest.-Loose cough.-*Cough with expectoration of ~bitter, *yellow mucus. —Cough with greenish or *bloody expectoration.-Hectic cough. —~Acute phthisis pulmonalis. — ~Whooping cough, with a good deal of phlegm on the chest. Chest and Respiration.-Dyspnoea with anxiety and palpitation of the heart when lying on the left side. —Rattling breathing. —OHurried breathing.-*Stoppage of breath Oas if caused by the vapour of sulphur.-*Shortness of breath after dinner. —*Anxious, also spasmodic dyspncea, *as if the chest were crowded, ~and the trachea constricted, *mostly in the evening (after supper) Oand at night, especially in a horizontal position in bed. —*Suffocative paroxysms at night.~Asthma Millari. —*Pain in the chest, as if ulcerated internally. -Spasmodic contractive tightness in 1he chest, especially when drawing breath, frequently vascular orgasm and internal heat.-Tearing, cutting and *stitching in the chest and sides of the chest. — Typhoid pneumonia.-Congestion of blood to the chest and heart, especially at night. —Frequent violent paroxysms of *]palpitation of the heart, frequently with anguish ~and obscuration of sight, or with dyspnoea, especially when lying on the left side. —~Weight, pressure and burning about the heart.-~ Chronic affections of the heart. —~ Vanishing of the milk of nursing females. Trunk,-*Pain in the small of the back and back, -as after stooping for a long time or as if a band were drawn through the back, with painful stiffness.-Labour-like pains in the small of the back.-Stitching in the small of the back and back, mostly between and in the scapulwa.-0~Spinal curvature. -Rheumatic drawing and tension in the loins, and also in the nape of the neck, with difficulty of moving about.-Swelling of the nape of the neck or of one side of the neck, with ulcerative pain when touching the part. -Cracking and crepitation in the cervical vertebrae and scapulae, when moving the parts. — Itching pimples on the neck. Upper Extremities. — *Drawing, jerking, tearing and stitching in the shoulder-joints and arms. —*Drawing pain from the shoulder to the wrist.-Laming pain in the shoulder-joint, when moving the arm.-Burning in the arm, in the evening, with a feeling of dryness in the fingers.-Oppressive heaviness'in the arms, from the shoulder to the fingers; with numb 14' 322 RANUNCULUS UIJLBOSUS. feeling.-Feeling of tensionr as if sprained, in the elbow, wrist, and finger-joints.-Swelling of the veins of the lowuer arms and hands.-Painful stinging blisters between the fingers.-Panaritia. Lower Extremities.-~Coxagra, also chronic, with jerking sore pain in the hip-joint, extending to the knee. - Pains as if ulcerated, in the glutei muscles, legs and soles of the feet.-Drawing and tension in the thighs and legs, especially in the calves.-Laming-bruising pan in the muscles and bones of the thighs and legs.-OlInyfammaiory *swelling of the knee, with shooting pains.-ORed, hot swelling of the legs and feet, after suppression of fever and ague.-*Drawing heaviness and weariness of the legs, with trembling, especially in the knees. -* Varices of the legs. —Red burning *swelling of the dorsa and soles of the feet, ~with stinging pains when touched or moved.-*Swelling of the feet, also inflammnatory and cedematous.-Painful feeling of numbness of the soles of the feet and balls of the toes. -Boring, stinging and cutting in the heels.-Stitches in the soles of the feet and tips of the toes. 110.-RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS. General Symptoms.-Rheumatic and arthritic, tearing. sti.ging and bruising pains.-Twitching of the muscles.Jerks through the whole body.-Epileptic attacks.-Scrofula. -Indurations. - Icteric conditions. - The pains, especially those of the trunk and limbs, are excited by contact, motion, stretching or altering the position of the limbs.-Many of the pains are also excited by going from a cold into a warm place, and vice-versa.-The whole body feels bruised. —Sud den debility, as if one would faint. Skin. —Stitches in the skin, terminating in itching. —Vesicular eruptions, like gangrenous blisters.-Dense clusters of small, deeply-penetrlating, dark-blue vesicles, with burning itching and herpetic, horny scurf.-Flat, phagedenic ulcers, with sharp edges and stinging-burning itching. — Herpes all over. Sleep.-Sleepless at night, generally without any apparent cause. —Frequent wa;king at night.-Lascivious dreams. Fever. —Heat in the head, with cold hands. Emotive Sphere. - Pusillanimous. - Irascible, quarrelsome. Sentient Sphere.-Dulness of comprehension.- Vertigo, when entering a room coming out of the cold air. Head, —Headache when eating, with anxiety and weakness. RANUNCULUS SCELERATUS. 323 -Headacheabove one eye, with whining and desponding mood. —The whole headfeels distended. —The headache mostly sets in when going from a war'n into a cold place, or viceversa. Integuments of the Head,-Painiul creeping or burning stinging on the hairy scalp. Eys., —Pressurc in the balls. —Burning soreness in the canthi.-ln flamnmation of the eyes, lachrymation. Ears.-Stinging in the ears, especially in the evening.Spasmodic sensation in the inner and outer ears. NoSe.-Painful pushing tingling in the nose.-Inflamed and swollen nose, with scurfs inside. Face.-Creeping in the face.-Tingling, spasmodic pains in the jaws.-Spasms of the lips. Teeth.-Cutting pushing-asunder in the molar teeth. Mouth, &c. —Fiow of saliva in mouth.-White saliva, tasting like copper.-Spasmodic rising in cesophagus.-Burning pains in throat. Appetite, &c, —Taste flat, sweetish or bitter-sour. Gastric Symptoms. —Spasmodic hiccough. Stomach. —ressure in pit of stomach.-Burning in the pit of the stomach.-Gastritis. Abdomen. —Bruising pain in the hypochondria.-Stitches in the region of the liver. —Colic, with sensation as if the bowels were ulcerated. —Blurning soreness in abdomen. Stool. - Copious stools. Urine.-Ischuria. -Ulcers of the bladder. Sexual Parts. -Acrid leucorrhcea. 4.'best and Respiration. —Short breathing, with dyspnea. -Rheumatic pains in the chest. —Stitches in chest and right side of chest.-The outer parts of the chest, the intercostal muscles, &c., are painful, especially when straining them. Extremities.-Spasmodic, stitching, tearing and jerking pains in the arms — Herpes in the palms of the hands. —Herpes, blisters and ulcers on the fingers. —Drawing pains in the thighs, from above downzwards.-Crampy, boring pains and itching in the middle of the thighs.-Pulsative stitches in the heels. 111. —RANUNCULUS SCELERATUS. General Symptoms.-Tingling, boring, gnawing or stinging pains, worse at night.-Convulsions.-Fainting fits. Skin. — Vesicles, with a thin, acrid, yellowish ichor.-Ob. stinate ulcers. 3ta4 RANUNCULUS SCMLREtATUS. Sleep.-Sleepless, after imidnight, with tossing about.-Anxious, frightful dreams after midnight. Fever. - Heat and thirst after midnight, followed by sweat. Emotive Sphere.-Sad, in the evening. Sentient Sphere. —Vertigo, with vanishing of ideas. Head.-Head as if in a vice.-Drawing-erampy, dull, gnawing pressure in the head, frequently only at a small spot on the vertex. - The head feels heavy and distended. Integuments of the lIead.-Itching of the scalp. Eyes. —Frequent pressure in the eyeballs.- Distortion of the eyes. Ears. -— Drawing, stitching and boring in the outer meatus. Nose. —Prickling at the tip. Face. —Face as if covered with cobweb.-Draw ing in the face, with feeling of coldness.-Tremulous sensation around the corners of the mouth and the lower lip. Teeth. —Stitching and jerking drawing in the teeth. Mouth.- Flow of frothy saliva.-lnflammation of the tongue.-The tongue peels off and cracks. Throat. - Burning in fauces. —Swelling of the tonsils, with stinging. Appetite, &c.-Sweetish taste, early. Gastric Symptoms. —Rancid, sour eructations.-N-ausea, after midnight. Stomach. - Constrictive pain in stomach. - Pressure and fulness, or soreness and burning in pit of stomach. -Gastritis. Abdomen. —Stitches in region of liver.-Colic, with fainting fits.-Pressure as from a plug behind the navel, night or morning, as if the parts were brought nearer to each other by turning them round.-Twitchings of the abdominal integuments. Stool.-Frequent urylgig wcith soft stools. Male Parts, —Drawing in the penis.-Smarting about the scrotum. Chest and Respiration. — Involuntary sighing. —Bruis. ing pain in the chest, with feeling of exhaustion in this part. -Stitching in the chest and region of the heart, and sensation in these parts as if pinched together, also with stoppage of breath, especially at night and in the evening. —Gnawing behind the sternum arresting the breathing. -The outer parts of the chest, especially the sternum, are very painful and sensitive. Trunk. - Prickling Na.l fot.mication in the back. and chest. EUM IJ. 3,55 Extremities.-Boring, stitching in the forearm, as far as the fingers.-Gnawing, boring and stinging-jerking in the phalangeal bones.-Swelling of the fingers. —Gnawing and boring in every part of the legs and feet, especially the toes. -Jerking-stinging and tingling in the big toes. 1 12.-RHEUM. General Symptoms.-Crepitating, bubbling sensation in. the muscles, especially around the joints. —~os especially suitable to children and infants. Sleep.-Restless sleep at night, with tossing about, screaming, moaning, snoring, or with convulsive twitching of the lids, facial muscles and fingers, especially in the case of children. -After sleep, headache, inability to collect one's-self, fetid mucus, and foul taste and odour in the mouth.-Vivid sad and anxious dreams. Fever.-Shuddering. -Alternate chilliness and heat, with anxiety, and repugnance to every thing.- One sweats even after a little exertion. Emotive Sphere.,-Taciturn. —*One asks boisterously for this or that thing. —Deathly anguish. Sentient Sphere,-*Delirium.-Dulness and cloudiness of the head, with bloated eyes.-Vertigo, when standing, as if one would fall sideways. Head-Stupifying headache, with anxiety.-IIeaviness of the head, with heat and tearing inside.-Dull tight and crampy feeling in the head.-Beating in the head, frequently rising from the abdomen.-The brain seems to move when stooping. Eyes.-Painful beating in the eyes.-Convulsive twitching of the lids. Ears. —Pressure and beating in the ears.-Dulness of hearing, with roaring. Nose.-Stupifying drawing at the root of the nose, down to the tip, where a tingling is felt.-Feeling of warmth about the nose. Face.-Tension of the skin of the face.-Wrinkling of the frontal muscles. Teeth.-Painful feeling of coldness in the teeth. —Difficult dentition. Mouth. —Tongue feels numb. Appetite, &c. —Loss of taste.-Sour or *flat, slimy taste. — Food tastes bitter. — Desirefor a variety of things which become repuhlsive after the first mouthful.-Aversion to fat, flat 326 RHODODENDRON CHRYSANTHUM. food.-Aversion to coffee unless it is sweetened.-Hunger without appetite. Gastric Symptoms.-Nausea as if proceeding fiom the abdomen with colic. Stomach. -Fulness and pressure at stomach.-Stinging and beating in pit of stomach. Abdomen. -Distention. - Cutting colic, worse when standing.-Incarcerated flatulence with pressure and tension on the chest.-Bubbling in the abdominal muscles. Stool. —*Frequent unsuccessful urging, worse when moving about. — *Thin, papescent mostly sour.smelling diarrhlic stools, with ineffectual urging before and after stool, constrictive pinching in bowels, and shuddering during stool. —Diarrhoea f lying-in females. —Greyish or brown diarrhceic stools, mixed with mucus. —Frequent diarrhceic stools, with vomiting and debility. Urine. — Increased flow of urine.-Red or greenish-yellow urine.-Burning urine. Chest, &c. —Weight on the chest when taking a deep breath.-Crepitating bubbling in the pectoral muscles.Pains and stitches in the nipples.-Yellow, bitter milk. Trunk.-Stiffness in the small of the back and hips, not allowing one to stand erect. Upper Extremities.- Stitches in the arms.-Bubbling in the elbow.joints. —Twitching in the arms and hands.-Swelling of the veins of the hands, with heat.-Sweat, also cold in the palms of the hands. Lower Extremities.-Bubbling in the bend of the knee, legs and toes.-Stitches in the knees and legs. 113.-RHODODENDRON CHRYSANTH UIM. General Symptoms. —Arthritic and rheumatic *drawing and tearing in the limbs, as if in the periosteum, worse during rest. —*Spraining pains and digging drawing in the joints, with redness and swelling. —oNVodous gout. -Restlessness, formication, debility and laming rigidfeeling in some limbs. -~Dropsical swellings.-The pains frequently intermit and appear early in the morning.- The pains are excited or aggravated by wet and cold weather, or come on during rest. Sleep.-Drowsy in the day-time, with burning in the eyes. -Morning-sleep disturbed by pains and restlessness of the body. Fever.- Alternate chilliness and heat. -Evening-fever with heat in the head, burning in the eyes and nose, heat at RHODODENDRON CHRYSANTHUM. 827 night and sleeplessness.-Sweat with itching and formication. — Sweat smells like spice. Emotive Sphere. —Apathy with dread of motion and work. Sentient Sphere.-Sudden inability to collect one's senses. -Dulness of the head, early, after rising, with drowsiness.Vertigo when lying in bed, as if the head would fall backwards.-Vertigo with anguish. Head. - Drawingpressure in the sinciput and temples, mostly in the bones. —Tearing in the bones of the skull. Integuments of the Head.-They are painful as if ulcerated.-Gnawing itching of the hairy scalp, especially in the evening. Eyes.- Stinging, with pressure in the margin of the orbit, with spasmodic contraction of the lids.-Pressure in the eyes, as if proceeding from one side of the fnce. —Dry burn. ing in the eyes, from time to time. —One pupil is contracted, the other dilated.- Dimness of sight, when reading or writing. Ears.-Buzzing in the ears, increased by swallowing.Sensation as of a worm in the ears. Nose.-Nose-bleed. Face.-Shuddering over the face.-Dry, burning lips.Teeth. —Drawing-tearing in the molar teeth, during a thunder-storm, and in wet and cold weather, aggravated by contact. —Nightly toothache, with otalgia. Mouth.-Flow of saliva, with dry palate.-Smarting vesicles under the tongue. Throat —Constriction and burning in the fauces. Appetite, &c, —Food is tasteless.-One is speedily satiated, with good appetite. Gastric Symptoms.-Nausea, with pressure at stomach and waterbrash. Stomach.-Contractive pressure at pit of stomach, with dyspncea. Abdomen.-Cramp)y pain in the hypochondria.-Distention, with oppressive feeling of fulness.-Borborygmi, with fetid flatulence. Stool.-Papescent stools.-Beating in the anus.-Drawing, from the rectum to the sexual organs. Urine. —lrcreased fetid urine. Sexual Parts. —Drawing and contusive pain in the testes, extending to the inner abdomen and thighs.-The testes are drawn up and swollen. —Itching, sweat and shrivelling of the scrotum. —*Swelling of the testes, ~also after gonorrhcea. — oHvydrocele.-.Suppressed menses. 8 ITUS TOX [ICODENDRaON. Catarrhal Symptoms.-Stoppage of one nostril, with fluent coryza, and loss of smell and taste. Windpipe. —Catarrh of the windpipe, with hoarseness.Dry cough, with rough throat and tight breathing. Chest. —Oppression of the chest, dyspncea, warm, undulating sensation in the chest and region of the heart. —Rush of blood to the chest. Trunk.-Rheumatic drawing and tension in the cervical and posterior cervical muscles. Upper Extremities.-Drawing pain in the arms, in rough weather.-Tingling weakness and heaviness in the arms. — D)rauing and tearing in the fore-arms and hands, worse during rest. Lower Extremities. — Cold feeling and shrinking of the skin of the legs, here and there.-Sweaty legs.- Swollen legs and feet.-Drawing and tearing in the legs and feet, worse during rest.-Very cold feet.-Corns, with stinging pain. 114.-RHUS TOXICODENDRON. General Symptoms.-~Rheumatic and arthritic tension, drawing and tearing in the limbs, worst during rest, with a feeling of numbness and insensibility in the affected part, after moving it.-Contraction of single limbs.-Tension here and there, as if the tendons were shorter.-*Tensive stitching and stiffness in the joints, worse when rising from a seat and in the open air.-*Laming stiffness in the extremities, especially when first moving a part.- *Paralysis, ~also semilateral, *with tingling in the affected parts. —*Luxations, ~also spontaneous.-OStraining a part by lifting. —~Red, shining *swellings, ~with stinging soreness when touched.-*Bruising pain in some parts or sensation as if the flesh had been detached from the bones by blows.-Drawing, with pressure on the periosteum, or sensation as if the bone were scraped to and fro. — Osseous swellings. —Caries. —Rickets and scrofula.-~Swelling and induration of the glands -o Typhoid inflammatory diseases. -~Influenza.-OAilmrents caused by suppression of measles. —~Gastric complaints, especially at night. -Jaundice.-Jactitation of the muscles and extremities.*Convulsions.-~Tetanic spasms.- o Opisthotonos.- Chorea. — *Semi-lateral complaints. —* The pains are worse during rest and wheln entering a room coming out of the open air; they abate during m.otion.I-Many pains come on again, or are worse in cold weather.-Nervousness, increased by chagrin. - Drawuing in all the limb. when lying.-Trembling of the RHIIS TOXICODENDRON. %29 limbs after a slight effort.-Tottering gait.-*DI)ebility and exhaustion.-Fainting turns.-* The open air, either cold or warm, is painful to the skin. Skin. —Itching of the whole body, especially of the parts covered with hair. - 0Erysipelas. - ~Zona.- o Vesicular crysipelas.-Nettlerash and other eruptions, especially vesicular, formizng scurfs, with burning itching. —Varioloid.-~Black pocks. —*Herpes, *alternating with pains ill the chest and dysenteric stools. — Warts all over the skin. —Rhagades.~Panaritia? -Creeping, or stinging, or burning smarting in the ulcers, especially at night.- Chilblains. — Corns, with burning and soreness.-Hangnails. Sleep. *7requent spasmodic yawning.-*Sopor, with distressing, interrupted dreams. —a'Sleepless, -especially before midnight, and generally owing to a feeling of heat, rushes of blood, anxiety, driving one out of bed. —One is waked by a bitter taste and dry feeling in the mouth.-Sleep is disturbed by pressure at the stomach, digging-pinching colic, and inclination to vomit.-inability to lie on the side. —Starting Was in affright, when on the point of falling asleep.-Restless slumber, with tossing about and many unpleasant ideas.Vivid dreams about one's daily business, with loud talking. - Loud weeping during sleep.-*Frightful dreams. Fever. —* Clilliness and coldness, generally towards evening, 0~nostly setting in attended with pain or some other secondary ailments.-Shaking chill in the open air, with violent thirst.-Chilliness and heat intermingled, either all over and simultaneously (internal chilliness and outer heat or viceversa) or affecting different parts.-*Evening/ fever, first chilliness, (afterwards heat antd thirst (and sweat) attended with or succeeded by cutting colic and diarrhcea. —*Double-tertian fever, ~first chilliness with thirst, followed by warmth all over, with chilliness during the least motion, afterwards sweat. —~Duriny the chilliness, pains in the limbs, headache, vertigo, throbbing toothache, with flow of saliva in the mouth and inclination to vomit —~During the night-heat, drawing in all the limnbs.-ODuring the fever, twitchings, ringing in the ears, hard hearing, dry coryza, sleeplessness, with tossing about, jaundice and nettlerash, gastric complaints and thirst at night. — Typhoid, mucous, putrid, and puerFperal fever. — *ight and morning-sweats, also with a sour sinell. Emotive Sphere. —*Sadness and anxiety, as if one would die, especially at night and in the evening, with disposition to weep and to be alone. —Restlessness, driving one about. — *Fear lest one should be poisoned. —~Anxiety for the fu 330 RIUS TOXICODENDRON. ture. —OMania of suicide. —*Ill-hunou r, with aversion to work. — *endency to start. Sentient Sphere. —Weak memory. —Inability to collect one's senses. —*Dulness of comprehension. —~ Illusions of the fancy. —~Deliriultn. —*Mental derangement. —The head feels as if into.icated.-Stupefaction.-* Vertigo, as if one would fall forwards or backwards, especially when rising fromn bed. —Vertigo, when lying down in the evening, with fear lest one should die. Head. —*Headache, ~immediately after eating, or after drinking beer, or when moving the arms. —eIemicrania.*Pain in the head, as if the brain were torn, worse when moving the eyes.-Oppressive fulness and heaviness of the heLd, with sensation, on stooping, as if the brain would issue through the fobrehead.-Pressing in the head, either fiom without inwards, or firom within outwards.-Drawing and tearing in the head, especially in the temples, particularly in the evening or at night.-*Stitching headache, -day and night, extending to the ears, root of the nose and malar bones, with painfulness of the teeth. —Throbbing, especially in the occiput.-Rush of blood to the head.-Burning, especially in the forehead and occiput.-*Painful tingling in the head.-I-Humming and whizzing in the head.-Shaking sensation in the head at every step, as if the brain were loose. Integuments of the Head.-They are painful as if ulcerated, especially when touched, or when pushing the hair backward.-Drawing and tearing in the hairy scalp. —*Swelling of the head.-Gnawing creeping in the hairy scalp.-ODry herpes on the hairy scalp.-Periodical tinea, every year.-Tinea with a thick crust, eating away the hair, with greenish pus and nightly violent itching. —Small soft tumtours on the hairy scalp. Eyes.-*Pain in the eyes when moving or turning the eyeballs.-Pressure and burning in the eyes. -Tearing in the eyes and lids.-* Inflammation of the eyes and lids, with redness and nighfly agglutinvtion, Oalso in arthritic persons. — ~Bleareyedness and *lach..ym,,ation. —*Swelling of the lids. -*Swelling of thc whole eye, and the surrounding parts.Stye.-Laming rigidity of the lids.-Twitching of the lids and eyes. —~Incipient amaurosis? —~Photophobia of scrofulous persons. Ears. —Painful throbbing in the ear, at night.-Swelling of the ears.-~Discharge of bloody pus from the ears, with hardness of hearing.-~Ainflammatory szwelling of the parotid gland. Nose -Redness of the tip of the nose, with soreness when touched.-Swelling of the nose.-Inflammation of the nose, RIMUS TOXICODENDRON. 331 also the inner parts.-Discharge of greenish, fetid pus from the nose. —-~Bleeding of the nose, also at night, and when stooping or hawking. Face. —'Face pale, wretched, sunken, with blue margins round the eyes and pointed nose. —Disfigured and distorted features. -*Erysipel.a7s and swelling of the face, with tight aching.stinging and burning tingling.-*Vesicular erysipelas, the vesicles being filled with yellow water. — Crusta lactea. — Chronic *suppurating eruplions of the face. —JHerpetic, crusty eruption round the nose and mouth, with itching twitching and burning. —The skin of the face peels off.-Cutting contraction and burning cramp7y feeling with cheeks (with heat and roughness of the same). —Acne rosacea round the mouth and chin.-Burning pimples round the lips and chin. -Cramp.pain in the articulation of the jaw, with cracking when moving the jaw —Lock-jaw.-r-Hard, painful swelling of the submaxillary glands. Teeth.-*Toothache as if sore, or tearing, stinging-jerking, digging and creeping, frequently at night, ~or worse in the open air, and abating by the application of warmth, also after a cold and in the case of arthritic persons.-The teeth are loose.-Fetor from decayed teeth.-Burning soreness of the gunms, also at night. _Mouth. —*Dry mouth, with thirst.-Flow of saliva.-Yellow or bloody saliva flows out of the mouth at night.-A A good deal of tenacious phlegm in the mouth. —Fetor friom the mo uth. —~Parched, red, dry tongue. Throat.-Sore throat as if swollen, with bruising pain, also when talking, and with pressure and stinging when swallowing. —Beating pain in back part of throat.-O~(Esophagitis.Sensation as if something would be torn off in the throat.M'Drynless with thirst. Appetite and Taste.-Foul taste, especially early, and after eating.-Flat, slimy, or acrid, bitter-sour, brassy taste in rnouth.-*Bitter taste of food, -especially the bread, which tastes rough and dry. —*Complete loss of appetite, with loathing of every kind of food, especially bread, -meat, coffee and wine.-Feeling of repletion and satiety in the stomach, taking away one's appetite.-Drowsy after eating, pressure and repletion in the stomach and abdomen, inclination to vomit, languor, vertigo, and shuddering.-Pain and heat in the head after drinking beer.-Desire for water and cold mtilk, owing to a feeling of dryness in the mouth.-Disposed to eat dainty food. —Sudden voXmiting when eating. Gastric Symptoms.-Violent eructations, with tingling in the stomach, abating when lying down, coming on again every 832 RHUS TOXICODENDRON. time one raises one's self.-Inclination to vomit, especially after eating or drinking, abating in a recumbent posture. Stomach. —*Pain in the stomach, as if a stone were lying in it, especially after dinner.-.*Pressure in the stomach and pit of the stomach, also with dyspncea. —'*Throbbing and stinging in the pit of the stomach. —~Ulcerative pain in the pit of the stomach.-~Sensation as if something would be torn off in the pit of the stomach, especially when stooping and making a wrong step. Abdomen. -*Distention, especially after eating. —Weight in abdomen. — *Contractive abdominal spasms, obliging one to walk bent. —Visible, hard contraction of the abdomen across the umbilicus.-Digging creeping in the abdomen as from a worm.-Cutting, tearing, jerking and pinching in the abdomen. —Burning in the abdomen. -- Sensation' as if something would be torn off in the abdomen.-Relaxed feeling in the abdomen, with shaking sensation at every step. —NVightly colic.-Ulcerative pain of the abdominal integuments, especially early in the morning, when stretching one's arms.Pushing in the groin from within outwards. —Ternia inguinalis.-Flatulence, with rumbling, fermentation, and pinching. shifting flatulence in the abdomen.-Fetid flatulence. Stool. —*Constipation.* —~l Tenesmus at stool, with nausea and tearing or pinching in abdomen. —* Watery or slimy, gelatinous, red or with yellow or white streaks, frothy, also bloody diarrhceic stools. —~White stools.-~lNightly diarrhcea, with violent colic, passing off after stool. — *lnvoluntary discharge of feeces, ~especially at night during sleep.-Shortness of' breath during stool. —Tingling and itching in the anus and rectum.-Protrusion of the varices with soreness, after a soft stool. —~Alternate constipation and diarrhoea. Urine. —~Retention of urine. —*Frequent urging to urinate, day and night, with increased discharge.-Ol~Inability to retain the urine, especially during rest, when the urine passes off involuntarily. Dark urine which soon becomes turbid.-Urine whitish and turbid.-Watery urine with sediment of a snowy white.-Swelling up of the urethra — Double stream. — Ischuria, with discharge of drops of blood-red urine, with tenesmus. Male Parts.-Bad eruptions on the sexual parts. —Inflammation of the glans. —Humid vesicle on the glans. -Swelling of' the glans and prepuce. —Paraphimosis of the prepuce.Red spots on the inner prepuce.-Swelling and thickening of the scrotum.-H-umid eruptions on the scrotum.-Frequent nocturnal erections, with urging to urinate. —Violent desire for an embrace towards morning. RHUS TOXICODENDRON. 333 Female Parts. —Menses too soon and *profuse. —~Menses too long.-Discharge of blood of pregnant women.-Soreness and stinging in the vagina. —Metritis? —The lochia become again bloody. — OMetrorrhagia with coagula and labour-like pains. Catarrhal Symptoms. — Frequent, almost spasmodic sneezing.-Discharge of a quantity of mucus from the nose, without catarrh. — ~Dyness and *stoppage of the nose. Windpipe. -Hoarseness and roughness of the larynx, with raw and sore feeling in the chest.-Feeling of coldness in the larynx, when drawing breath.- Liable to getting choked when swallowing.-Hot vapour from the windpipe.-Constrictive sensation in the throatpit, after a short walk. —Influenza.Cough caused by a tickling in the air-passages, generally short and dry, with anxiety and short breathing, especially in the evening and before midnight. -*Evening cough, with vomiting of the ingesta. —Morning cough, after waking.-Short cough, with bitter taste in mouth, in the evening after lying down and early in the morning after waking.-Cough with pain in the stomach or with concussion of the chest and head. —~Cough with expectoration of bright-red blood, and a qualmish feeling in the chest.-Chronic hcemoptysis. Chest and Respiration.-Dyspncea after a short walk. — *Anxitous oppression of the chest, -also at night. —-Short breathing in the evening, with tension across the chest.~Anxious oppression as if the breath were arrested in the pit of the stomach.-Weakness- of the chest after a walk in the open air, impeding speech. —Constrictive sensation in the chest. —*Stitches in the chest and sides of the chest, especially when sitting bent, talking or taking a long breath, less frequently when walking, sneezing or moving about. —Creeping in the chest, with tension in the pectoral muscles, worse during rest.-Rush of blood to the chest. - Typhoid pneumonia. -Weak and tremulousfeeling about the heart.-Violent palpitation of the heart when sitting still. —Stitching in the region of the heart with painful lameness and numbness of the left arm.-OGalactirrhcea or else suppression of milk in the case of nursing females. Trunk, —*Bruising pain in the small of the back, especially when touching the parts and during rest.-Painful stiffness of the small of the back.-Drawing and stitching in the back, especially when sitting still and stooping. —Rheumatic tearing between the scapulae, worse in the cold, less in the warmth.-Opisthotonos.-Rheumatic stiffness of the nape of the neck and neck, with painful tension when moving those parts.-Painful swelling of the axillary glands. —Spraining pain in the shoulders and back.-Curvature of the spine. 334 RUTA GRAVEOLEMS. Upper Extremities.- Tearing and burning in thie shoauT der, with lameness of the arm, especially in the cold season, during rest and in bed. — Coldness, immobility and insensibility of the arm. —Osseous swelling on the arm, with burning and ichorous ulcers.-*ErKysipecltoous swelling and burningitching pustules on the arms, hands and fingers.-Red spots on the arms.-Jerking, stinging and tearing in the upper arms.-Jerking tearing in the elbow, wrist and finger-joints. -Digging in the bones of the forearms. —Debility and stiffness of the forearms and fingers, when moving them; they tremble after making the least effort.-Hot swelling of the hands in the evening.-Clusters of vesicles on the wristjoint. —*Rhagades on the dorsum of the hand.-Swelling of the fingers.-Twitching of the thumbs.-Contraction of the fingers.-~oWarts on the hands and fingers. Lower Extremities. — Coxagra, with stitching and tearing in the hip-joint, extending to the bend of the knee, especially when putting the foot down in walking, or with dull drawing and burning during rest, and painfulness of the joint when rising from a seat or going up-stairs. —Spontaneous luxation.-Tension and stiffness in the muscles and joints of the lower limbs.-Drawing and jerking tearing in the thighs and legs.-Stitches in the thighs and legs, knees. feet and toes. —Heaviness of the lower limbs, especially of the bends of the knees and calves. —~Paralysis of the legs and feet.Phlegmasia alba.-Itching and spraining pain in the ankles, when putting the foot down. —*Scwellin7g af the feet, ~also particularly in the evening, ~or inflammatory, erysipelatous. -Numbness and deadness of the feet. -Contraction of the toes.-Corns, with burning and soreness. 1 15.- RUTA GRAVEOLENS. General Symptoms. —*Pains as if bruised, or as from a fall or contusion, in the limbs, joints and bones, especially when touching the parts. —*Burning and gnawing pains in the periosteum.-Pressive, crampy drawing and tearing in the limbs.-Sensation as if crowded in the whole body, with dyspnoea.-Debility and heaviness in the limbs, especially when sitting, with great restlessness in the limbs.-Tottering, staggering gait, on account of weakness of the thighs.When sitting down, after a short walk, all the limbs feel bruised, with painfullness of the small of the back and loins. -~The pains in the limbs are worse during rest and in damp and cold weather; they abate during motion. Skin. -Erysipelatous inflammations. —Liable to beconming RUTA GRAVEOLENS. 333 chafed, especially when riding on horseback or walking, also in the case of children.-~Inflamed ulcers. —~Varts. —.~Anasarca. —Coutusion and injuries of the bones and the periosteum. Sleep. -He wakes with a loud cry when touched ever so gently.-Tossing about at night. Fever. —Shuddering and chilliness even near the warm stove. -Heat all over, with anxious restlessness as if one would die, stoppage of breath and headache. —~Frequent flushes of heat. Emotive Sphere. —Anxiety as if proceeding from the conscience.-Disputative. —Dissati.fied, with whining mood.*Melancholy depression of spirits. Sentient Sphere,-Frequent absence'of thoughts. —Vertigo as if one would fall. Head.-Stupifying pressure on the whole brain, with restlessness.-Beating pain in forehead, evening and early in the morning.-Heat in the head. Integuments of the Head -Stinging or tensive drawing in the pericranium.-Gnawing itching on the head. —Tubercles on the hairy scalp, sore to the touch, making their appearance after a tearing had been felt in those spots.-Small ulcers on the hairy scalp. —~Humid scurfs on the hairy scalp.'Eyes. —Pains in the eyes caused by straining. — Itching smarting in the canthi. —Pressure in the eyes.-Burning in the eyes when reading by candle-light.-Twitchiing or the orbiculares muscles. —Spasms of the lids.-Disposition to stare.Lachrymation, ~especially in the open air.-*Incipient amau. rosis, with misty sight and complete dimness at a distance, ~especially when caused by straining the eyes in consequence of reading too much.-Muscme volitantes. —~Near-sighted.~Red halo around the candle-light. Ears.-Scratching sensation with pressure in the ears.Itching stitches in the ear.-Contusive pain in the cartilage and below the mastoid process. Nose.-Hard, sharp pressure at the root of the nose.Sweat on the dorsum of the nose. *Nose-bleed. Face.-Pail in the periosteum, as if bruised or confused. -Itching and gnawing in the face.-Erysipelas on the forehead.-Pimples on the lips.- Acne rosacea. Teeth.-Digging toothache.-The gums are painful and bleed readily. Mouth and Throat.-Dry and viscid mouth. —Sore throat as from a lump behind the palate. Appetite, &c.-Aversion to food after the first mouthful, 336 RUTA GRAVEOLENS. with sensation of fulness and satiety in the epigastrium, the appetite being good. Gastric Symptoms.-*Empty eructations.-~Putrid eructations after eating meat. —*Nausea in the pit of the stomach. -~Sudden nausea when eating, with vomiting of the ingesta. Stomach.-Burning or aching-gnawing pain at the stomach.-Tearing stitches in the pit of the stomach. —*Pinching in the stomach after eating bread and butter. Abdomen.-Gnawing pressure in the region of the liver.Throbbing and pecking in left hypochondrium.-~Painful swelling of the spleen. —*Gnawing in the abdomen. -Bruising pain in the bowels, with digging in the lumbar region.-Cutting pinching in the sides of the abdomen. —Stitching proceeding from the abdomen upwards, when sitting down.Cold or burning sensation in the abdomen. —Worm-colic, in children.-Stitches in the abdominal muscles, obliging one to draw the abdomen in. Stool. —Diicult stool, with violent pressing.-Stool like sheep's dung. — Blood at stool.-*Prolapsus of the rectum at stool. -Tearing in the rectum. — ~: Frequent urging, with scanty, soft evacuations. - ~Alternate mucous, diarrhcea and constipation. Urine. —Hurried urging to urinate, with pressing on the bladder and scanty discharge.-*Pressing on the bladder, also between and after the acts of urinating. —OGreen urine in small quantity, with constant urging. — Nocturnal enuresis. -~lnvoluntary emission of urine, in bed, and also during motion in the day-time. —Gravel. Sexual Parts. —Corrosive leucorrhoea after the menstrual flow.- Sterility?-OMiscarriage? Windpipe.-Cough after lying down in the evening, with expectoration of agood deal of tenacious mucus, and inclination to vomit.-Shrill cough, at night, with scraping in the chest. — Expectoration of thick, yellow mucus, almost without cough. Chest and Respiration.-Shortness of breath,5with dysptwa. —~Phthisis' pulmonalis, after mechanical injuries.Pressure at the chest, with feeling of fulness.-Nightly compression of the lower part of the chest.-Stitches in the chest, frequently with arrest of breathing, especially when going upstairs. Trunk. —Bruising pain in the back and small of the back, frequently with arrest of breathing.-~Stitching in the small of the back, especially when sitting, going off when pressing on the parts with the hand. SABADILLA. 7 Upper Extremities.-Pain as if sprained in the shoulderjoints, especially when the arms arare hanging down or leaning on something. — Contusive pain in the elbow-joint.-~Numbness and tingling in the hands, after making an effort. —Bruising pain in the forearms and in the bones and joints of the hands. —~Luxation of the wrist-joint. — ~The wrist-joint is painful when lifting any thing heavy. — Laming stiffness of the joint, worse in cold and damp weather. Lower Extremities. —Bruisim g pain of the hip-joints and femora, especially when touching or stretching them.,- Weakness in the femora as if broken, when rising from a seat - Tremulous weaklness and laming heaviness of the knees and legs, not allowing one to stand firmly. —* Giving way of the knees, especially when going down-stairs.-Burning-gnawing pain in the metatarsal bones, not allowing one to put the foot down. —Sensation of contraction in the hamstrings. —~Fistulous ulcers on the legs. 1 16. -SBADILLA. General Symlptoms.-Painful *drawing in the limbs, -as if in the marrow, with disposition to stretch the limbs. — Scraping and cultting, in the bones, especially in the articular extremities, abating during rapid motion. —Pecking and dull pressive stitches, here and there- Creeping in the limbs.-!nflammatio n of internal organs. —Convutsions. -- form. symptoms, also of tzenia. -Awkward movements.-The limbs feel languid and heavy, especially from ten to twelve o'clock. -Many pains first appear on the right, afterwards on the left side.-Cold increases the pains. Skin.-Burning-tingling stinging under the skin. -*Red streaks, spots and points here and there, more perceptible in the cold. Sleep.-Superficial sleep in the evening, with strange ideas passing through the mind. Fever. - Fever without thirst, principally coldness, with but a few paroxysms of heat, more particularly in the face and on the hands. — Chilliness; or else external coldness, and with shaking of the limbs without a chill, with little thirst or none at all, followed by heat with little thirst; this is either accompanied or succeeded by sweat.-During the chilliness, pain in the upper ribs, dry spasmodic cough, tearing in all the limbs and bones. —During the heat: delirium, yawning and stretching. -During the sweat: sleep. —Quotidian, tertian, and very obstinate quartan fevers, setting in at a regular hour, with loss of appetite, oppressive distention of the stomach, pain 15 338 SABADILLA. in the chest, cough, debility, chilliness and thirst between the chill and heat. Emotive Sphere.-*Anguish with restlessness.-Rage. Sentient Sphere.-Illusions of the fancy in reference to one's-self, such as if the body had fallen away like a dead body, as if the stomach were corroded, &c.-Vertigo with blackness of sight, after rising from a seat. Head.-Tensive headache, especially when making an intellectual effort.-*Stupifying headache, in the forehead and temples. —Painful heaviness of the head.-Turning-screwing headache, after every walk.-Painful pulsations in the head. Burning creeping and prickling on the forehead and hairy scalp. -Lice (from applying the drug externally). Eyes.-Smarting burning in the eyes. - *Lachrymation. in the open air, when coughing, looking at the light, or when experiencing the least pain any where. Ears. —Tickling of the outer ears.-Burning itching and stinging of the lobules. —Buzzing and reports in the ears.Boring in the parotid glands. Nose. —Itching tingling and contractive smarting in the nose —Sensitive to the smell of garlic. Face. —Hot face, with burning redness, especially after drinking wine.-Spots on the skin of the face, like herpes.Itching prickling of the lips.-Boring in the jaw and submaxillary glands. Teeth. -Stining pains in the molar teeth.-Bluish gums.-Stinging in the gums. MOuth —*Mouth and tongue feel as if sore and burnt.Stinging or *sore burning at the tip of the tongue.-Bluish tip of the tongue.-Confluence of sweetish saliva in the mouth.~Thick yellow coating on the tongue. Throat.-Sore throat as from a plug. —Pressure and burning in the throat.-D-ry throat. —Rough throat, with constant desire to swallow. Appetite and Taste, —*Repulsively bitter, or else ~nauseously sweet taste.-Desire for cold water, milk and beer, even early in the morning. —Ilunger with aversion to food, especially to meat, coffee, wine, and sour things.- Canine hunger, especially morning and evening, more particularly a desire for honey and dishes made of flour. Gastric Symptoms. —Eructations, sometimes with shuddering.-Heartburn.-*Inclination to vomit, —sometimes with shuddering, abating after eating.-0 Vomiting of lumbrici. Stomach.-Digging in pit of stomach with soreness when pressing upon it.-Frequent tightness of breathing in pit of stomach, with- anxiety.-Warm feeling in pit of stomach, with burning at stomach.-~Gastritis? SABINAi. 339 Abdomen.-Scraping with pressure, in region of liver.Digging drawing in liver, with soreness when pressing upon it. —~ Worm colic. —Ctting in abdomen. —Boring, digging and fermentation or shifting of flatulence in the whole abdomen. —Feeling of coldness or else burning in the abdomen.Spasmodic contraction of the abdominal muscles. —Red spots and dots on the abdomen. Stool.- Constipation.-Brown, or else fermented diarrhoeic stools, mixed with blood and mucus.-Pinching, tearing and tingling in the rectum.-~Teenia. Urine.-Turbid urine.-Burning when urinating. MIale Parts.-Tingling and aching pain in the testes. — Crab-lice (caused by applying the drug externally). Catarrhal Symptoms.-Stoppage of one or the other nostril.-Discharge of' thickish, white, transparent nasal mucus, without catarrh. —Fluent catarrh, with altered features and dulness of the head. Windpipe. —Husky voice.-*Cough ~when lying down.~Deep dull cough with bloody expectoration. — When cough ing, vomiting, stinging in the vertex and pains in the stomach. -Cough with expectoration and stitches in the chest. Chest and Respiration. —Oppressed breathing as from a stone on the chest. —*Short breath.-Wheezing breathing. — Burning in the chest.-Stitching in the side of the chest, especially when coughing or drawing breath, with inability to lie on one's side.-Pleuritis.-Palpitation of the heart, with throbbing in the whole body.-Red spots and dots on the chest. Trunlk.-Sensation from the scapulm to the chest as if constricted, with sensation as if the blood had ceased to circulate, worse in the cold. Upper Extremities.-Convulsive motions of the arms.Red spots, streaks and points on the arms and hands. —Pecking stitches in the forearms.-Contraction of the fingers.Yellow spots on the fingers. —The skin on the sides of the nails peels off. Lower Extremities.-Tearing and tension in the calves, also at night.-Swelling of the feet, with painful sensitiveness of the soles.-The soles are very sweaty. 117.-SABINA. General Symptoms.-~Acute and chronic gout. —Articular gout, with tearing stitches and swelling of the affected parts. —~Red, shining swellings.~-Arthritic nodosities.Stitching drawing in the long bones.-Burning with pressure 240 8-ABINA. in the periosteum. —Heemorrhages.-~Chronic diseases of fetnales.-Jerking beating in the whole body.-General malaise as after long watching. Skin.-Itching of the skin, with soreness and ulcerated or scurfy places after scratching.-Burning in the affected parts when touching them. —~Comedones and acne punctata. Sleep.-Restless sleep, with rushes of blood, heat and sweat.-Continual dreams full of mental labour.-Talking and loud sniffing during sleep. Fever.-Shuddering and chilliness, with gooseflesh and blackness of sight.-Burning heat all over, with restlessness. -Hot face, with icy-cold hands and feet.-Night-sweat. Emotive Sphere. —Depression of spirits. -I11-humoured and weeping.-Indifferent. Sentient Sphere.-Stupifying vertigo with obscuration of sight. Head, — ~emicrania. —Heaviness and pressing in the head, sometimes front the sinciput to the occiput.-Stinging or smarting-slinging headache, frequently through the whole brain. —Digging and boring in the head.-Beating headache, with heaviness and stupefaction. Eyes.-Tensive pains in the eyes.-Eyes without lustre.Cloudiness of sight.-Smarting lachrymation. Ears.-Pinching in the ear. Face.-Black pores on the cheeks and around the nose.Stitches fronm the jaws to the malar bones. Teeth. —Toothache during and after a meal.-*Pressing toothache, evening and night, as though the tooth would fly to pieces, aggravated by drinking, smoking or the warmth of the bed.-Gumboil. Mouth.-Fetor.-Reddish or white, frothy saliva.-Spitting of blood. Throat.-Sore throat as if swollen, with strangulating pressure.-Dull stitches in the throat. Appetite, &c.-Flat, greasy, or bloody taste in mouth.Bitter taste, also of the food, sepecially milk and coffee.Acid stomach after eating. Gastric Symptoms. —Empty eructaltions.-Nausea, with fulness in the stomach. —Vomiting of bile, or of the ingesta. Stomach.-Distention.-Stitches from the pit of the stoimach to the back. Abdomen.-Contractive pain in abdomen.-Enteritis. StOOl. —Diarrh(eic stools, with rumbling.-Discharge of bloody mucus from the anus. —Flow of blood from the anus, after hard stool. —Pain of the varices.-Creeping in the anus. Urine.-The urine is discharged drop by drop, with burn SAMBUCUS NIGRA. 341 ing.-Violent urging, with scanty emission.-Urethritis, with purulent gonorrhoeal discharge. Male Parts.-Hard swelling on the dorsum of the penis. -Stinging in the glans. —Dark redness of the glans.-Painfulness of the prepuce and difficulty of drawing it back.Swelling and tightness of the freenulum.-Soreness of the figwarts.-I-ncreased sexual desire, with violent, continuous erections. Female Parts.-Increased sexual desire.-Contractive pain in the uterine region.-Rush of blood to the uterus.*Metrorrhagia, ~especially after conrtnement, with discharge of coagulated blood, or discharge of bright-red blood with paroxysms of aggravation, and labour-like pressing from the small of the back to the groin. —*Profuse menses. —*Miscarriage, ~especially in the third month. —lItching, or else yellowish fetid, thick *leucorrhoea, ~like starch, especially when the menses are suppressed. Catarrhal Symptoms. —Dry coryza. —-Dry titillating cough, fbllowed by expectoration of blood-streaked mucus. Chest.-Spasmodic-oppressive tension in the chest, especially in the middle of the sternum.-Sore Stinging in the xiphoid cartilage, aggravated by deep breathing and contact. -Tremour in the lungs, with dull crackling and crepitation. — The beats of the heart are larger, more expanded.-Swelling of the mammae.-Voluptuous tingling in the nipples. Trunk.-Drawing with pressure from the small of the back to the pubic region.-Tearing with pressure, and stitching in the vertebrue.-Bruising pain in the muscles and vertebrme of the neck. Upper Extremities.-Arthritic stiffness and swelling of the wrist-joints, with tearing and stitching.-Contraction of the fingers. Lower Extremities.-Stinging boil on the nates. —Stinging pains in the hip-joints when putting the foot down in walking. —Tearing tension in the thighs, with sensation, when squatting down, as if the muscles were too short.-Abscess on the tibia. — Gout with red, shininzg swelling of the big toe and boring-stinging pains. SAMBUCUS NIGRA. General Symptoms. —Rush of blood, in the evening after lying down, with treembling sensation.-Sudden drawing over the whole body, firequently, when sitting. —~Dropsical swelling of the whole body. Sleep. —Drowsiness without sleep.. —*Frequent starting, as 342 SAMBUICUS WIGRA. if in affright, with anguish, trembling, and stoppage of breath, as if one would suffocate.- Lascivious dreams. Fever.-Chills with icy-cold hands and feet, and stinging creeping in the skin. —*lntolerable heat without thirst, with dread of being uncovered. —lntermittent fevers, with excessive sweats, especially at night. Emotive Sphere, —Tendency to start. —Every thing anrloys one. Sentient Sphere. —Occasional delirium, with frightful visions.-Dizziness and cloudiness of the head, especially during motion. Uead —Headache as if from intoxication. - Aching-tearing pain in the forehead and temples.-Sudden jerks through the brain.-Digging pain in the vertex. Eyes, Ears, &c. -Stitches and cramp-pein in the ears. Nose.-The nose feels numb, with itching of the dorsum. -Congestion of blood to the nose, with a feeling of weight in the tip. Face. —~The face is blbish and bloated.-~Circumnscribed redness of the cheeks. —Red spots here and there, with burning.-Feeling of numbness and tightness in the cheeks, as if swollen. —led, burning spots on the head. Teeth.- Tearing and stitches in every tooth, with sensation of swelling in the cheeks. Throat, &c.-Itching titillation in the throat. Stomach. -Little stitches below the stomach, worse when pressing on the part. Abdomen. —Spasmodic tearing, stitching and pinching in the abdominal muscles. Urine, &c.,-Frequent urging with copious emissions, also at night. —~Swelling of the scrotum. —*Profuse menses, ~like metrorrhagia. Windpipe.-Hoarseness, caused by tenacious phlegm in the larynx.-~Laryngitis? ~Tracheitis? —OAngina pectoris? -Deep, rough, hollow *colugh, -with restlessness and thirst. -Suffocative cough with screaming, in a child. Chest. —*Wheezing and hurried breathing.-Stoppage of breath when lying. —*Nightly spasmodic suffocative parox. ysms, with crying, restlessness, and striking about with the hands.- Suffocative catarrhs. - Asthma millari. - *Dyspinca. -*Oppression, -also with stitches in the side or pressure under the sternum -Sudden sensation in the sides of the chest as if clutched. Trunk, &c. —Cutting shocks in small of back.-Pressure in middle ofspine, during rest and motion. - Oppressive weight in nape of neck. —Deep lancinations in the cervical muscles. SANG UIN'ARIX. CANADENSSS. 343 -Laming heaviness of the elbow-joints. -Stitches in the wrists. —Crampy drawing and stitching in the thighs. —Sharp stitches in the tibia.-0~(Edema of the feet. 119. SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS. General Symptoms. —RRheumatic and arthritic pains in the limbs, -also with stiffness. —Weakness, especially after a walk in the open air, evening, or during and after the vomiting. Skin.~-Dry and hot skin. —~Itching nettlerash, preceded by nausea. —~Inveterate, torpid ulcers, with hard edges, and fetid ichor. -~Fungous excrescences. —Warts. —Jaundice.~ Sleep. —One dreams that one is on board a ship, a sort of vertigo. Fever. —*Flushes of heat, ~also as if a stream of hot water were flowing from the chest to the abdomen,-Burning heat, speedily alternating with chilliness and shuddering.~oHeat with dry skin and frequent pulse. -*Irritated, hard, fiequent pulse. —Soft, full, tremulous, and compressible pulse, in pneumonia. —Copious sweats. —Intermittent fever.-~Marsh fever. -~Hectic fevers. Emotive and Sentient Spheres.-Anxiety previous to the vomiting.-Delirium.-a* Vertigo, ~especially when turning the head rapidly, or raising the eyes.-Vertigo, with ringing in the ears, rising of air, and tickling in the throat.Vertigo with nausea and obscuration of sight, previous to the vomiting. Head.-Rush of blood to the head, with humming in the ears, flushes of heat and flow of water in the mouth. —-*Hemicrania, with bitter vomiting, ~generally commencing early in the morning, abating during sleep.-Throbbing in the head, with bitter vomiting..-~Soreness in the head, especially the temples.-~Jleadache proceeding from nape of neck.The headache is aggravated by movement and when stooping, and is apt to come on in paroxysms. Integuments of the Head. —Sensation as if the scalp were loose, with drawing, especially when moving the eyes.*Swvelli)ng of the sveins, ~especially at the temples. Eyes. —Burning, weeping eyes, with pain when touched.Sensation as of a hair in the eyes.-Darkness of sight. Ears. —~Burning heat of the ears, with red cheeks.Roaring. Nose., —Hot feeling in nose. —Anosmia.-Smell as of roast onions. —Polypus. Face, —Feeling of fulness in the face. —The face is red 344 SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS. and bloated, with feeling of stiffness. —Burning and redness of theface.-~Circumseribed redness of one or both cheeks. -Dry feeling of the lips. Teeth. —Toothache on waking, right side, with headache on that side. —The toothache is aggravated by cold water, and moderated by warm drinks. Mouth. —Flow of saliva, with loose teeth.-~ Tongue as if peeled oq, with soreness as if ulcerated.-Loss of taste. Throat.-Burning, especially after eating sweet things.Swelling of the throat as if closed, worse vwhen scallowving.~Sore throat. Appetite, &c.-*No appetite, with tongue coated white. -Sugar tastes bitter and causes a burning. -*Dyspepsia. Gastric Symptoms. —Empty, spasmodic eructations.Heartburn with loatbing.-"Freqnuent nc.ausea, also with spitting.-1' omiting, preceded by anguish, empty urging to stool and other ailments.-Vo-miting, \with diarrhea and debility; Stomach.-Heat in stomnach.-Lounding sensation in stomach.-~Gastritis. Abdomen. —Pains in hypochandria, with vertigo and languor. -'Torpor of the liver.- *Sensation of a hot stream firom the chest downacrds, ~also succeeded by diarrhcea.~Distention of the abdomen, in the evening, with discharge of flatus by the vagina.-~Spasmodic colic. Stool.-InecTectfaal frging, also with sensation as of a stopper in the anus, or with frequent emission of flatulence. -After the diarrhea set in, the c ough and pains in the chest cease.-~Piles? Urine. —Frequent discharge of watery urine. Female Parts. —Menases too soon, with black blood. — MIetrorrhagia.-0~Siscarriagce.-The os-tincee are open, with flatus from the vagina. —~Ailments at the critical age. Catarrhal Symptoms.-Ac:id fu.ent coryza, with sore nostrils, lachrymation cf the right- eye, and diarrhcea. Windpipe.-Dry cough duri7ng sleep, not passing off until one passes wind uplwards and downvards.-* (tough wvith expectoratioin, ~withl tuslhes o:,!t: Cc,'Tes a'nd pa in in the chest.*Whooping-cough; Chest, &c. —Paiin in the chest, with periodical dry or loose cough.- ~Dyspncea, with lii d colour of the face and hands, in a case of typhoid pneumonia.- ~Pressure and burning in the chest, with subsequent heat in the abdomen and diarrhcea. —Sensation as of a hot stream passing from the chest to the liver and abdomen. —Palpitation of the heart with debility.- Pnelz,ioniza, also typhoid.-~Phthisis. Trunllk. — Pains in the back.-'-*heunmatic pains in the nope of the neck, shoulders and arms, ~worse at night. SASSAPARtLLA. 345 Extremities.-Rheumatic pains in the arms and hands.Burning of the palms of the hands, also with redness. —Stiffness of' the wrist-joints.-~Panaritium on every finger.*Rheuyntic bruising pains in the left hip, Calterllating with burning and pressure in the chest. —*Burning of the soles and palms of the hands, worse at night. 120.-SASSAPARILLA. General Symptoms.-Laming tearing in the joints and limbs, frequently with trembling of the hands and feet.o Chronic arthritic pains with diminished secretion of urine, after suppression of gonorrhcea or after taking cold from being in cold water. —Effects of mercury.-Large, hot swellings. —*Languor, Omostly in the lower limbs.-Emaciation. Skin. —Itching, also all over.-Red, dry pimples, itching only in the warmth -Nettlerash.-Pustules.- Herpes, on almost every part of the body. -Warts. —~Shrivelled skin. -Deep, burning rhagades (on the fingers). -- Ulcers, caused by mercury. Sleep. —Dreams, with starting. Fever.-Coldness, especially of the feet.- Evening-heat, with rush of blood, palpitation of the heart, sweat on the forehead. Emotive Sphere,-Anxiety, with trembling of the feet. — Fitful mood. Sentient Sphere. —Vertigo when staring at an object.Vertigo, with nausea and sour eructations. Hlead. —Headache, with nausea and sour vomiting. —Semilateral, spasmodic headache, as if in a vice, with obscuration of sight, every word which one utters reverberating in the brain.-Buzzing in the head. Integuments of the Ilead.-Pressure, with cutting or stitching in the scalp, worse when touched or when walking. -The hairs fall out. Eyes.-Pain, caused by the light of day. - Stinging. — The inner canthi are swollen, blue. -Misty sight. —In the evlening white paper has a red reflection. Ears. —Stinging in the ears. -Burning-itching scurf on the lobules.-Ringing. Nose. —Nose-bleed. Face. -Itching eruption on the forehead, with burning and dampness after scratching. - Pale-red rough spots on the forehead. - Crsta lactea.-Stiffness and tension in the masseter muscles-muscles and articulation of the jaws. -Herpes on the upper lip. -Itching pustules on the chin, 15i 346} SASSAPARfILLA. Teeth.-Drawing-tearing pain in the teeth, caused by a current of cold air or by cold drink. -Swollen, sore gums. Mouth.-Aphthve on the tongue and palate. Throat.-Spasmodic pushing in the throat as if constricted, with difficulty of breathing. -Tenacious phlegm in the throat. Appetite, &e.-Taste bitter, or sour, or slimy, or sweet, metallic and herby. —After eating, the stomach feels empty as before breakfast, or a loathing even when merely thinking of food. Gastric Symptoms. - Gulping-up, especially during and after a meal, mostly bitter or sour.-*Frequent or constant nausea, with ineffectual urging to vomit. Stomach.-Constrictive pain at the stomach. —Burning in the stomach, especially after bread. Abdomen.-Bruising pain in left hypochondrium.-Contractive colic. —Stitching in sides of abdomen, especially the left. —Empty feeling in abdomen, with borborygmi.-Torpor of the intestines. Stool. — Difficult and painful stool, with contractive pain in bowels, and violent pressing.- ~Chronic constipation, with violent urging to urinate. —Viscid stool.-Acrid diarrhoeic stools, with colic. —Fainting during stool. —Soreness and burning itching of the anus. —~Blood at stool. Urine. —Tenesmus of the bladder, with discharge of a white, turbid matter and mucus.-Frequent emission of a quantity of watery urine, day and night, sometimes without sensations in the urinary passages. —Long flocks in the urine. - Bloody urine, towards the end. -~ Gravel. - ORenal and vesical calculi?-Burning when urinating. —Contractive spasm of the bladder. -Discharge of pus from the urethra. Sexual Parts.-Fetid smell around the parts -Inflammation and redness of the glans. —Herpes on the prepuce. — Desire for an embrace, with frequent painful ernissions. — Menses too late, scanty and acrid. -During the mense, urging to urinate, soreness in the bends of the groins, pinching in the bowels, griping in the small of the back and pit of the stomach. —~Slimy leucorrhoea, specially when walking. Catarrhal Symptoms, &c.-Violent cough, caused by a tickling in the throat, or by a roughness in the throat. Chest, &c. —Dyspncea, obliging one to loosen one's clothes.-Spasmsodic tightness across the chest.-Sensation of adhesion in the back, when drawing a long breath. —Stitching in the side of the chest, frequently obliging one to bend double. -Dwindling of the nipples. Trunk. —Formieation in the small of the back. — Painful SECALE C(O NUTU'rI.:)47 pressure and tension in the back and nape of the neck, with stitches at every motion of the trunk or head.-Swelling of one side of the neck, with pain when touched. Upper Extremities.- Tearin;g and stitching with pressure in the arms, wrists and finger-joints. — Herpes on the hands. — The tips of the fingers are painful, as if ulcerated..-Pustules on the fingers. -Rhagades of the fingers. Lower Extremities.-Tearing and stitching, with pressure in the thighs, knees, legs.-Swelling and stiffness of the knee, with stinging. —Red herpetic spots on the calves.Stiffness of the legs, as if contracted.-The soles are pain. fully sensitive.-Tension and swelling of the feet, with heat and redness. 121.- SECALE CORNUTU1M. General Symptoms-Drawing, tearing and tingling inz the extremities and joints. —Erratic, violent cramp-pains.Burning in every part of the body as from sparks.-Con. traction of the extremities. — Tonic spasms. — Convulsions of the extremities, mostly at night, sometimes returning periodically, abating by violently extending the parts.-Tetanic spasms.- Epilepsy. - ~Gastric and bilious complaints.Emaciation.- Tottering gait. -Fainting turns. - Languor and indolence.-Trembling of the limbs.- Weakness, heaviness and numbness of the ex.tremnities. —Paralysis.-Sphacelus. Skin. —*Skin livid, lead-coloured, wrinkled, shrivelled. — Skin dry and cracking.-Numb skin.- Formication. — The whole of the epidermis peels off. —*Rash — Petechie.Boils.-Gangrenous, black, suppurating blisters.-Bloody blisters on the extremities, terminating in gangrene. Sleep.-Sopor.- Coma..-~Sleeplessness, with restlessness and dry heat. Fever,-Violent chilliness, followed with burning heat and violent thirst.-Great coldness in the back, abdomen and limbs. Emotive Sphere. — Loss of courage, fear. —*Sad, melancholy.-*Anguish.-Rage, with desire to jump into the water.-Noisy and biting rage. —Dread of death. Sentient Sphere.-Craziness. —Weakness of intellect.Mental alienation.-*Delirium. - Loss of consciousness.Stupefaction. —* Various kinds of vertigo, ~also chronic. Hlead.-Headache, with painful dulness, especially of the occiput. —The hairs fill out. Eyes.-_*The eyeballs are deeply sunken.-The pupils are spasmodically contracted or dilrtel. -Distorted eyes. — 348 SWALE CORNV TUMf. Wild, staring look.-Diplopia.-Misty spots, gauze before the eyes.-Weakness of sight.-Amaurosis. Ears. —Humming and hard hearing.-Complete deafness, momentarily. Nose. —2Nose-bleed. Face. —*Face discoloured, pale, yellow, sunken, with sunken eyes, surrounded with blue margins. — Ugly spots in the face. — Dark-red face. —Swollen face.-Formication.-Hips and mouth are spasmodically distorted. —Lock-jaw. Teeth. -Grating. — The teeth are loose and fall out. Mouth. —Dry mouth, with thirst.-Spitting of blood.Bloody or yellow-green foam at the mouth.-Tongue discoloured, brown or black. -Painful tingling in the tongue.Swelling of the tongue.-Feeble, indistinct, heavy, stamnmering speech. - OTongue thickly coated with mucus. Throat. —Dryness. — Burnzing or violent tingling in the throa t. - (Esophagitis. Appetite. &c. -Dull taste.-* Unquenchable thirst. —Insatiable appetite, especially for something sour. Gastric Symptoms.- *Loathing and nausea. - Gagging and vomiting of rawz, bilious substances.-Vomiting of lumbrici, or of mucus. —Black vomiting. —Vomiting of the ingesta, with debility. Stomach. —Pressure at the stomach.-Cardialgia.-Painfulness, oppression and angu2lish at pit of stomach, with ineffectual urging to vomit. —Burning at stomach and pit of sto. mach.-~Inflarnmation and gangrene of the stomach. Abdomen.-Excessive distention.- Seated burning pain in the region of tlhe spleen. -*Painful attacks of colic with convulsions.-Sensation of severe coldness in the abdomen and back. —"*Burning in thie abdoumen.-ICutting and tearing in the abdomen. —Borborvgmii. Stool.-Constipation with ineffectual and constant urging. — ~Frequent diarrhovicE stools with watery-slimy discharges.Diarrhceic stools having a fetid smell.-*Diarrhoea with rapid prostration. —~Involuntary stools.-Badly-coloured, brown stools.-~Diarrhcea remaining after the cholera. Urine.-~Suppression of urine.-Constant urging to urinate, with difficult and scanty discharge of urine drop by drop. — Watery ourine.-The;nzrrhage fr2om the urethra.~Burning, scanty urine. Female Parts. —*Menses too profuse and 0too long.*Metrorrhagia consisting of black, fluid blood, which passes off especially during violent exercise. —Deficient labourpains. —-~2discarriage.-Deficient contraction of the womb, after a miscarriage.-~.Adhesion of the placenta. —The lochia SELENIUM. 349 last too long. —Swelling and warts near the half-opened ostince. * —Rush of blood to the uterus. —~Chronic metritis, after suppression of the loehia or courses, or also in child. bed, after a shock on the abdomen. —Deadness, sphacelus and cancer of the uterus. Windpipe.-Hoarse, hollow voice.-CBloody cough? Chest, &c.-Breathing anxious and heavy, with moaning and sobbing.-Dyspncea.-Suffocative oppression, with spasm of the pleura costalis.-Violent, spasmodic palpitation of the heart. Trunk. —Tingling and insensibility of the back.-Stiffness of the nape of the neck. —~Rash on chest and nape of neck. Upper Extremities.-Spasmodic contraction of the arm, with drawing.-Burning in the hands.-Swelling of the hands, with black blisters.-Soft, watery swelling on the wrist.-Distortion of the hands.- Tingling in the tips of the fingers, with numbness and insensibility of the same. —Contraction, distortion and retrotraction of the fingers.-Sphacelus of the fingers. Lower Extremities. -The lower limbs are weak and painDful.-Contraction of the lower limbs and toes.-* Violent cramps of the calves, Oat night. —Burning in the feet —-Distortion of the feet.-Swelling of the feet, with black blisters.Sphacelus of the toes. —Tingling in the toes. 122.-SELENIUM. General Symptoms. -Emaciation, especially of the face, hands and legs.-Thie pains are worse after sleep.-Intolerance of a draught of air. Skin.-Rash. —The places which are scratched, remain moist for a long time. —Flat ulcers. Sleep.-Light sleep at night, every little noise waking him. - Wakes early, always at the same hour. Fever. —Glowing burning on large places of the skin (chest, abdomen, loins, sides). —Excessive disposition to sweat, when walking or during the siesta. Emotive Sphere.-Loquacious. Sentient Sphere. —Forgetful about business.-Vertigo on rising. Head. —Headache after lemonade, wine and tea. —Paroxysms of violent, stinging headache above one eye, obliging one to lie down, with sensitiveness of the outer head, copious emission of urine, loss of appetite and melancholy; excited by walking and strong odours. —Pain of the scalp as if the hair were pulled out. 3.)0 SENEGA. Eyes.-Pains deep in the orbits. -Itching vesicles at the brows and margins of the lids. Ears and Nose. —Black pores at the nose. Face. -Greasy skin.-Cracking of the upper lip. Teeth.-Boring in the molares.-The teeth become hard and smooth. Throat.-Pain under the roots of the tongue. Appetite, &C.-Sweetish taste, after smoking. —Aversion to salt food.-Frequent desire for brandy. —Throbbing in the whole body, especially the abdomen, after dinner. Abdomen.-Pains in the liver, as far as the kidneys. — Red, itching rash in the region of the kidneys. Stool. —Constipation. —Hair-shaped threads in the stool. Urine. -- Red urine, evening. -Dribbling. -~ Gleet. Male Parts. —Itching. -Impotence.-Oozing out of the semen, during sleep.-Discharge of the prostatic fluid: — Weak and out of humnour, after an embrace. Catarrhal Symptoms. — Hawking-up of phlegm, with lumps of blood. —Racking cough, early, with expectoration of blood and mucus. Chest, &c. —At night one's breath is stopped by pains in the chest, side and small of the back. Trunk.-Stiffness of the cervical muscles. Extremities, —Rash on the forearm.-Pustules on the hands.-Itching pustules on the thighs.-Flat ulcers on the legs.-Itching of the feet, in the evening, especially around the ankles. 123.-SENEG1. General Symptoms, —~Diseases of the mucous membranes. Ol~nflammations of internal organs.-~Anasarca.-Suitable to lymphatic, phlegmatic persons. —Languor of the body and mind, with stretching of the limbs, heaviness and confusion of the head.-Debility, as if proceeding from the chest.-Fainting when walking in the open air.-The pains in the chest abate during motion, and are worse during rest. Skin. —Bites of poisonous animals (serpents, &c.) Sleep.-Stupifying sleep, immediately after lying down in the evening. Fever-Shuddering along the back, with heat in the face, burning in the eyes, dyspncea, stinging in the chest and beat ing in the head. Emotive Sphere.-Hypochondriac melancholy, with sensitiveness to offences. —Antguish, frequently with hurried breathing.-Cheerfiul and irascile. ssr.NEA. 351 Sentient Sphere. —Reeling. —The head is confused and feels empty, with pressure in the eyes.-Vertigo with roaring in the ears. Head,-Headache which affect the eyes, worse in a warm room, less in the cold or in the open air.-Oppressive headache in forehead and orbits.-Drawing, from the sinciput and temples to the face.-Rush of blood to the head and eyes, when stooping.-Beating headache, with pressure in the eyes. Integuments of the Hiead.-Shivering and itching on the hairy scalp.-Eruption on the head. Eyes.-Pain as if the eyes would be distended and pressed out of the sockets.-Pressure in the eyes, especially when stooping and at candle-light. —Burning in the eyes, when reading or writing (evening).-Swelling of the lids, with burning pressure and tingling.-Dry eyes.-Lachrymation in the open air and when looking steadily at an object.-*Indurated mucus at the lids, early.-Twitching and spasmodic drawing in the lids. —Ecchymosed spots on the iris, with dim pupil and stitching tearing around the eyes.-The lower lids are drawn to one side. —Staring.-'Dimness, swelling and specks of the cornea.-Dimness of sight, with flickering before the eyes, worse when rubbing the eyes.-When reading, the letters become blurred.-Objects look as if a shadow were falling upon them.-Shining spots before the eyes. —Photophobia.- Cataract? Ears. -Pressure in the ear, when chewing. —Painful sensitiveness of the hearing. Nose.-Itching in the nose. —Smell of" pus before the nose. Face.-The facial muscles feel as if paralysed.-Burning vesicles at the corners of the mouth and on the upper lip. Teeth.-The teeth are painfully sensitive.-Digging in the teeth when drawing in air (damp, cold air). Mouth.-Dry mouth, early. —Flow of saliva.-Fetor. — White-coated tongue.-Burning on the tongue and at the palate. Throat.-Throat as if sore and raw.-Scraping, burning and dryness of the throat, with desire to cough and difficulty of speech.-Constrictive sensation in the fauces.-Infiammatory swelling of the fauces and uvula.-A good deal of tenacious phlegm in the throat and fauces; it is hawked up in small lumps. Appetite, &c,-The taste of food is less.- Urinous or metallic taste in the mouth. —Slimy taste.-C-omplete loss of appetite, especially early.-Gnawing hunger, with empty feeling in the stomach. Gastric Symptoms,-Loathing and inclination to vomit, 8542 sENEGA. as if proceeding from the stomach.-Vomiting, with diarrhcea and anxiety. Stomach. — Cardialgia, with aching pains, also at night.Burning in the stomach. Abdomen, —Digging and boring colic, especially in the epigastrium and hypochondria.-Gnawing in the lower belly. -Warmth and oppression in the epigastrium, when drawing breath. —Drawing between the integuments, as if a foreign body were drawn through.-Flatulence, with pressing towards the lower belly. Stool. —Stool delaying, hard and scanty, followed by pressing in the anus and rectum. —Frequent papescent diarrhoeic stool s. Urine. — Urine less. —octurnal enuresis. —Foaming urine, or *mixed with threads of mucus, -becoming turbid and cloudy after cooling. —Reddish sediment with mucous flocks. -Sensation when urinating as if the urethra were glued up. -Stinging or burning in the urethra, after and during micturition. Sexual Parts. — Increased sexual desire, with painful erections. —Slimy leucorrhcea. Catarrhal Symptom. -Sneezing, with soreness in the chest. —Troublesome dryness of the nose. Windpipe. -Larynx very dry, especially early. —Ioarse and rough throat.-A good deal of mucus in the larynx and trachea, with short breathing. —~Angina of the mucus membrane in the throat? —Tracheal phthisis? —Excessive secretion of mucus in the chest?-* Cough dry and racking, with tickling in the larynx, worse in the open air. —* Cough with expectoration of tenacious mucus.-~lMucous phthisis? —'Cough when drawing a long breath.-~ When coughing, jerks in the forehead and sweetish taste in the throat.- Influenza. Chest, &c.-Dfl culty of breathing, with sensation of stoppage in the lungs.-Shortness of breath, when going upstairs or during a rapid walk.-* Oppression, -especially in the open air and when stooping, as if the chest were too narrow. -~Incipient paralysis of the lungs, with wheezing and rattling of mucus.-Pressure at the chest, most violent during rest, and at night on waking.-The inner walls of the chest are very sensitive when touching the chest.-Crampy, hard, aching feeling in the chest, with restlessness and anxiety, especially when lying on the side. —*Stitching in the chest, especially when coughing and drawing breath. —Soreness in the chest increased by external pressure, sneezing, coughing. -Draiwing and burning in the chest. —~Pneumonia? —~Hydrothorax?-Crawling in the chest.-Rush of blood to the SEPIA, 353 chest, with throbbing in the chest and rush of blood even unto fainting.-Violent palpitation of the heart. —Pressure and boring in the region of the heart. —Pain below the right scapula as though the chest would fly to pieces, when coughing or drawing a long breath. Trunk.-Burning and itching under the skin, over the whole back. Extremities.-Laming drawing in the forearms, as far as the fingers. -Spraining pain in the wrist-joints.-Languid feeling in lower limbs, with lameness of the joints.-Spraining pain in the hip.joint. 124.-SEPIA. General Symptoms.-*Stingin, and prickling pains in the limbs and other parts. —*Burning pains in many parts.Drawing and tearing in the extremities and joints.-Paroxysms of pain with shuddering. —Bad effects of' chagrin.~Onanism.-*The extremities are liable to going to sleep, especially after performing some manual labour. —Stifihess of tile joints. — iLiability of the joints to being sprained or strained.-Jerlking of the extremities, night and day. —Muscular twitchings.- Hysteric spasms and other ailments. — OChlorosis.-~ Affections of pregna2t females, especially gastric affections.-~Scroful.ous ailments. —Swelling and Osuppuration of glands. - ~Inflammation of internal organs. — The pains are worse during rest, also in the evening, at night (and in the forenoon).-The whole body is sensitive.-*Restlessness in all the limbs, with anxiety driving one fiom place to place. — *Rsh of blood, at night, with throbbing in the whole body.-Swelling of the whole body, with short breathing, without thirst.-*Indolence. — ~nsteadiness of the extremities. - *Attacks of languor and fainting. — Trem ious languor. *as Inrt of strength, oalso only wheni warkinyg. —Sensitive to cold air and liable to taXin.q cold. Skin.-Itehing here and there, changing to burning. —*Itching, pimples and soreness in the joints.-*Soreness ~of children. —~Jtch. —~row!w, or claret. coloureld, reddish, herpetic *spoJts on the skill. —*Circular spots on the skin with peeling ofi:-~Hlumid herpes, with itching and burning —~Bois.Itching, stinging, burning or also ~pain less ulcers. —Corns with stinging pains. —Distorted nails. — Pemphigus. —~Lynphatic swellings. Sleep —*Sieepy in the day-tine.-Paroxysms of sopor returning every third day. —'Falls asleep late in the evening. — * Wakeful.-~Frequent wakilg, without any apparent cause. — 354 SEPIA. Restless sleep, with rush of blood, tossing about, raving, anxious and fiightful dreams, and fiequent starting. —*Unrefreshed by sleep, early, or as if one had not slept enough.Lascivious dreams. —Talking during sleep.-Nightly delirium. —*Twitching of the limbs during sleep. Fever.-Shuddering during the pains.-*Deficient animal heat.-*C/hilliness, ~in the evening and in the open air.*Flushes of heat, especially when sitting or when walking ill the open air, also after chagrin and when talking about business of importance.-~Paroxysms of heat (and chilliness) with thirst.-Continual heat with red face and thirst. —~-lnter mittent fevers, with thirst during the chill. —Sweat when sitting. - *Profuse sweat during the least exercise. -*Night-sweat, also cold. -*Morning-sweat, also with sour smell. Emotive Sphere. —*Sad, depressed in spirits. -*Anxious, -also with flushes of heat, and mostly in the evening, in bed. - Anxious.for one's health. —~Reverie. -Tendency to start. -Depression of spirits, even unto loathing of' life. — *Indifference for every thing, even one's own family.-~Aversion to one's own aflairs. - *Irritable ill-hurhour, irascibility.Desire to scold. Sentient Sphere. —*Weak nzmemnzory.-*Unable to perform mental labour. *Dulness of the head.-*Momentary attacks of vertigo during a walk in the open air and when writing.Vertigo as though every object were moving and as though something were tumbling about in the head. Head. — *Hemicrania with nausea and vomiting and stinging and ~boring pains.-*MorninL-headache.-Headache when shaking the head or when putting the foot down as though the brain were shaken.-l~Headache with great desire for an embrace. —~Distress in the head, with photophobia and inability to open one's eyes on account of' the pain.-*Sezmilateral headache, also in the evening, after lying down, preceded by *uweiqht in the head. —Oppressive headache above the eyes, caused by the light of dayv.-*Pressing in the head from within outward, also when stooping, as if the head would fly to pieces.-Contraction in the head. -*Drawing and tearing in and about the head, also on one side oily. —Stiching headache, frequently on one side only or in the forehead.-Jerking in the head. —*Beating headache, especially in the occiput. *Rush of blood to the head, with heat in the head, especially when stooping. Integuments of the Head. -oColdness. — 0nvoluntary shaking of the head, and *jerking of the head to and fro.Motion of the scalp.-*Itching.-*The hairs fall out. Eyes. —~Paralysis of the eyes. —The upper lid is heavy StPrA.:355 and depressed — *Pressure in the eyealls. - Itching and smarting in the eyes and lids. —Prickling in the eyes at candle-light.-Burning of the eyes, especially early, on waking. — * Ophthalmia, with stinging. — Iflammation, redness and swelling of the lids, with styes. —*Swelling of the eyes, ~in the evening. —Pustules on the cornea.-Dry scurf on the lids, on waking.-Scurf in the eyebrows.-Glassy eyes, on waking. —The whites are yellow.-~Lachrymation. —*Nightlyagglutination. —T witching of the lids. —Ol~Inability to open the lids at night. — *Dimness of sight, when writing and ~reading.-Far-sighted. —~Amaurosis (with contracted pupils).~Gauze, *muscae volitantes, ~luminous lines. — Green halo around the candle-light. Ears.-Stitching in the ears.-Soreness in the ears. — Swelling and purulent eruption of the outer ear. —Herpes on the lobule, behind the ear and in the nape of the neck. —Discharge of thin pus from the ears, with itching. —Morbid Sensitiveness of the hearing ~to music. —OHard hearing. -Sudden deafness, as from a plug in the ears. —'Roaring in the ears NoSe.-*Nose swollen and inflamed, especially at the tip. -Scurfy tip.-~Cancer? - Ulcerated nostrils. —-Plugs in the nose.-*Frequent nose-bleed, and discharge of blood from the nose when blowing it.-*Anosmia. —OFetid smell in the nose. -~Indurated nasal mucus and discharge of a yellow-green skin with blood from the nose. Face. —*Paleflace, ~with blue margins round the eyes.* Yellow face. —* Yellow saddle across the cheeks and nose.*Hot face, frequently.-Face pale and bloated. — Erysipelas and swelling of one side of the face (proceeding fiom the decayed root of a tooth). —~Inflammatory swelling of the face, with pimples having a yellow scurf and close together.~Crusta lactea. —~Herpes, scurfs and *black pores in the face. — *Itching and eruption in the face and on the forehead, also like a red and rough skin. —Tumours on the forehead.-D-rawing pains in the face. —Cramp-pain and tearing in the facial bones. —Lips dry and scaly. —Tension of the lower lip.Yellowness or herpes around the moulth. —Humid scurfy eruptions in the vermilion border of the lips and on the chin. Teeth. — Toothache when pressing the teeth together or when touching them with the teeth or when talking, also when touched by a draught of cold air. —~ Toothache of pregnant females. —Nightly toothache with nervousness.-Beating, or stinging, drawing toothache, sometimes as far as the ear.Tearing jerks in the teeth. —The teeth are dull, loose, become hollow and bleed readily.-~0 Toothache with dyspncea, 356 SEPIA. swelling of the cheeks and submaxillary glands, cough, rush of blood. Mouth. -Fetor. - Swelling of the inner mouth.-Stomacace.-Flow of saltish saliva.-Pain of the tongue and palate as if burnt. —Vesicles on the tongue. —*White-coated tongue. Throat. — Sore throat with swelling of the cervical glands. -Sensation as of a pliug in the throat, or *soreness and stinging when swallowing.-Contractive-jerking sensation in the throat.-SXwelling and inflammation of the upper throat. -Inflammation, swelling and suppuration of the tonsils.Dryness in the throat, with tension and scraping.-Hawking zip phlegm, early, also bloody phlegm. Appetite, &C. —Putrid or sour taste. —*Food tastes salt. — *Adipsia. —* Voracious. —*Canine hunger with empty feeling in the stomach. —'Loathing of'food, especially meat and Omilk, which causes diarrhcea.-ODyspepsia.-~Acidity in mouth, after eating, *eructations, scraping and burning in the Esophagus, throbbing in pit of stomach, hiccough, distention of the abdomen, sweat, fever-heat, palpitation of the heart, headache. Gastric Symptoms.-*Eri'ctations, mostly sour or bitter, -or foul, or tasting of the ingesta. -Painful eructations, with rising of blood to the mouth.-,Acid stomach with loathing of lit e. —*Nausea, also before breakAfast. -Nausea with bitter taste and eructations.-0-Nausea when riding in a carriage.~Nausea and *vomliting after eating. —Nausea and *vomiting of pregnant women, -sometimes bringing up a milky water.- Vomiting of food and bile. Stolnach. —*Pains after eating. —Violent pains at the orifice, when swallowing food. —`YPressure asfirom a stone, especially qfter eating. -*Contractive cardialgia, -*Stitching in pit and region of stomach, with pressure. —*Burning in the'stomach and pit of stomach. -- Throbbing in the pit of stomach.-Painful feeling of emptiness in the stomach. Abdomen.-Pain in the liver when riding in a carriage. — Pressure, beating and stitching in the region of the liver.Hlepatitis.-~Boring or *tensive. stitching in the hypochondria, especially during motion.-Stinging in the left hypochondrium.-'-~Stinging in the region of the liver.-~ Colic of pregnant females...-*Pressure and weight in the abdomen, with distensive feeling as though the abdomen would burst. — *Distention. —Hardness in abdomen with sensation of adhesion. - ~Pot-bellied. - OAnasarca. - Griping abdominal spasms as though the bowels would be inverted. —*Cutting colic, at night, with urging to stool.-*Digging, cutting and SEPIA. 357 pressure in the lower belly.-Bruising pain of the bowels.~Coldness in the abdomen. — *Burning and stinging in the abdomen, by the navel. —*Empty feeling in the lower belly. -Stitches in the groin. —~Brown spots on the abdomen. — *Borborygmi, especially after eating. Stool. — Ineffectual urging, or with discharge of mere wind and muculs.-~ Chronic constipation. -~Constipation of pregnant females. — *Insufficient stool, like sheep's dung.-Scanty stool with tenesmus.-~Stool too soft.-J elly-like stools with cutting colic.-* Weakening diarrhcea.-0 Green diarrhoea of children, frequently with a foul or sour smell. —Blood at stool. —*Contractive pain, itching, creeping, burning and stinging at the anus and rectum.-0Oozing from the rectum. -Prolapsus recti, especially at stool.-Congestion of blood to the anus. —*Protrusion of the varices.-~Flowing piles.Soreness between the nlates.-Contractive pain in the perineum. Urine.-*Frequent urging, with inability. —*Pressure on the bladder.-*Nocturnal enuresis. -~Wetting the bed before midnight. - *Blood-coloured urine. -*Turbid urine with a red-sandy sediment. —Fetid urine, with white sediment.Blood in the urine.-Spasm of the bladder. —Burning in the bladder and urethra. — *Smarting in the urethra, during micturition. -Cutting and stinging in the urethra.-~ Gleet. Male Parts. —A good deal of sweat on the parts, especially the scrotum. —Itching eruption on the glans and prepuce.-Balannorrhcea, having a sourish-saltish odour.-U1 cers on the glans and prepuce. —Pains in the testicles.~Swelling of the scrotum. —~Weakness of the sexual organs. -"Increased sexual desire, with erections.-*Frequent nocturnal emissions, ~also after onanism.-Discharge of prostatic fluid after urinating and during hard stool. —Physical and mental weakness after an embrace or after an emission. Female Parts. —*Soreness of the pudendum and between the thighs, ~also previous to the menses.-Heat of the pudendum, also interiorly.-~Contractive pain in the vagina.~Swelling and itching, humid eruption on the labia minora.*Pressing downwards in the uterus, oppressing the breathing. —Prolapsus of the uterus. —*Menses too early or ~too feeble, or *suppressed.-Colic before the menses.-lDuring the menses: melancholy, toothache, headache and bruising pains in the limbs. —Sterility. -OD~isposition to miscarry. — *Leucorrhceal discharge of a yellowish or reddish-green water, or of a purulent, fetid fluid.-*Itching excoriating leucorrhcea. — Stitches in the vagina, during the leucorrhcea.-~Induration of the neck of the uterus. —*Itching of the pudendum. 358 SEPIA. Catarrhal Symptoms. — *Stoppage or *dryness ot the inose. -*Dry coryza.-lndurated nasal mucus. Windpipe.-*Hoarseness with catarrh.-Dry feeling of the windpipe. —*Cough caused by a tickling in the larynx and chest.-Dry cough, as if fromn the stomach, especially in the evening, in bed, frequently attended with nausea and vomiting. *Cough with profuse foul or salt-tasting mucous expectoration, frequently only morning and evening, attended with rattling, debility, rawness and soreness in the chest. —*Green, yellow, purulent expectoration.- OPhthisis pulmonalis. - *Cough with bloody expectoration, -morning and evening, and expectoration of mucus in the day-time. —Stitches in the chest or back when coughing. Chest, &c. —*Dyspncea when walking, standing or lying in bed, evening and night. —Oppression of the chest owing to frequent orstagnant expectoration. —*Pain in the chest caused by exercise.-*Pressure in the chest, especially in the evening in bed.-Heaviness, fulness and tension in the chest.Spasms of the chest. —*Stitching in the sides of the chest and chest, also when drawing breath and coughing, Oalso when performing some mental labour.-~Pneumonia.-*Rushes of blood in the chest and palpitation of the heart.-Intermission of the beats of the heart. —~Brownish spots on the chest.~Stitches in the mammae. —Soreness of the nipples. Trunk. — *Burning tearing pains in the small of the back and back. —OWeakness in the small of the back, when walking.-~Cutting, pressure, digging and crarnpy tearing in the back. —*Stiffness of the back and nape of the neck. —Chilliness of the back. -~Brownish spots on the back.-Reddish, herpetic spots above the hip and on both sides of the neck. — ~Itching eruption on the back.-Claret-coloured spots on the neck and under the chin.-Boil on the neck.-~Sweat in the axillke.-Swelling and suppuration of the axillary glands. -~Humid herpes in the axille. Upper Extremities. —*Pain in the shoulder-joints as if sprained.-Stiff and cold feeling in the arm, as if paralysed — *Laming-drawing pain in the arm and shoulder-joints, down to the fingers.-~Stitching in the arm and urist-joint, when exerting the parts. —Warts on the arms. —Painful tension of the arms, elbow and finger-joints, as if too short.~Bright-red, hard. red-spotted inflammatory swelling in the middle of the upper arim.-Blister on the upper arm, with violent itching. —Stiffness of the elbow-joints.-Brown spots, herpetic skin and itching scurfs at the elbow.-~Suppurating blisters on the backs of the hands and at the tips of the fingers —OBad itch and scuwfs on the hands. —Cold sweat on the SILICEA. 359 hands.-Arthritic drawing and stitching in the jfnger-joints. - Contraction of the fingers. —Painless ulcers on the joints and tips of the fingers. —Distorted nails. —*Panaritia. Lower Extremities. - *Coxalgia with tearing stitching. — *Lanmeness of the lower limbs, especially after chagrin.Stiffness of the lower limbs, after sitting.-* Cold legs and feet. —The legs go to sleep.-Swelling (f the legs and feet.Crampy feeling in the thighs when walking. —*Tearing or jerking-stitches in the thighs and tibiae.-Boils on the thighs and in the bends of the knees.-*Drawing and tearing stitching in the knees, legs and heels.-Painful swelling of the knees. —Stiffness of the knee and tarsal joint. —Creeping in the legs.-*Cramp in the calves, also at night.-Uneasiness in the legs, in the evening.-Itching pimples on the legs and dorsa of the feet.-~Ulcers on the dorsa of the feet.Tension in the heels and tarsal joints as if too short.-*Prickling and burning in the feet. —Tingling and numb feeling in the soles. —*Sweat on the feet, ~also suppressed. —~ Ulcers on the heels, arising from phagadenic blisters.-Painless ulcers on the joints and at the tips of the toes.-~Corns, *with stinging pain.-Distorted nails. 125.- SILICEA. General Symptoms. —*Drawing and tearing in the limbs. -~Nightly stitching in the joints. — *In the evening the limbs feel as if lame and bruised. —Painful ostitis. -~Caries.~Scrofulous and rhachitic complaints.-~Suppurating lymphatic swellings. — *Swelling and induration of the glands, painless, sometimes with troublesome itching. —-Hysteric affections. -Effects of abuse of mercury.-~Jactitation of the limbs, day and night.-*Epilepsy. —O Worm affections of scrofulous persons. -Many of the pains are worse at night, *or at full or new-moon, *or when the weather changes. — Restlessness in the whole body, after sitting a long time. — ~Rushes of blood and thirst, when drinking a little wine. — *Emaciation. -Children learn to walk with difficulty. — *Awkward gait. -The joints give way. —*Trembling of the limbs, especially early in the morning, *want of strength, 0nervous debility. —Fainting spell, when lying on the side. — Languor, drowsiness during a thunder storm.-*Liable to taking cold, ~when merely baring one's feet. Skin. —Skin painfully sensitive. -*Itching of the whole body, frequently creeping or prickling.-Eruption on the whole body, resembling varicella. —Erysipelatous tubercles on the skin.-0Suppurating lymphatic swellings. —Benign and 360 SILICEA malignant suppurations, especially in membranous parts.*Unhealthy skin. —oUlcers of every description, also when caused by mercury. —~Fetid ulcers. —Proud flesh, or fetid ichor in the ulcers. - Pressure, -itching, smarting and boring, *stingifng in the ulcers.-*Boils.-OMalignant carbuncles., — OGanglia. _Warts. —*Panaritia. Sleep.- l*Drowsy without being able to sleep. - *Sleepy early in the evening. -Light sleep at night. —Sleeplessness, especially on account of vascular orgasm, heat in the head, and ideas crowding upon the mind. —"Frightful visions, at night, and many anxious dreams, with wandering of the fancy, with crying, talking, frequent starting as if in affright. — *Starting of the body during sleep as if in aftiight.Lascivious dreams.-Nightmare.-Somnambulism. Fever, —* Chilliness and frequent shiverings, even during every little motion. —*Flushes of heat. — Intermiltent fever with violent heat, mostly without chilliness, little sweat, generally from morning till evening.-~0 Worm fever of scrofulous persons.-~Fever during dentition. —Sweat during a moderate walk. —*Profuse night-sweats, also with sour smell. Emotive Sphere.-Whining and melancholy.-Homesick.-*Anxious and restless.-*Tendency to start.- Want of cheeriulness. -Desponding. —*Irritable mood. —~Indifferent. Sentient Sphere, —*Weak memory. —*Unable to think. -~Fixed idea about pins.-* Gloominess of the head* —The head is wearied by mental labour. —*Dizzy as if intoxicated. — Vertigo, especially when raising the head or riding in a carriage. -*Vertigo, as if one would fall. Head,-'Headache ascending from the nape of the neck to the vertex, ~preventing sleep. —~Headache from getting heated.-Headache with chilliness, languor and desire to lie down.-Pressure iln the head, with ill-humour and heaviness in all the limbs, also early in the morning.:'.-Heaviness of the head, ~with pressure through the forehead. —*Tension and pressing in the head, ~as if the head would fly to pieces.Drawing in the head, through the forehead.-` Tearing headache, ~frequently on one side only, -:'with stitching ~through the eyes and facial bones, or every forenoon with heat in the head, especially in the forehead. —Stitches in the head, especially in the temples. —:Throbbing headache, with rush of blood,-Painful jerks in the head.-Tingling in the head, as if the inside were all alive. —Vibratory groaning sensation in the brain when putting the foot down.-The headache is excited by mental labour, stooping and talking.After the headache, obscuration of sight. SMILICEA 3$1 Integuments of the Head —They are painful to contact. -'-Enlarged head, with open fontanelles. —~Sweaty head, in the evening.-OTuberculous elevations on the scalp. —Itching of the hairy scalp. —~Itching,: humid scald head.-*The hair falls out. Eyes.-Pains, early in the morning, as if too dry, or as from sand in the eyes. *Itching smarting and heat in the eyes.:'Redness of the eyes, with painful smarting in the canthi.-:Opthalmia.- Swelling of the lachrymal -glands.~Fistula lachrymalis? —*Lachrymation, ~especially in the open air.- *octurnal agglutination of the eyes. — Ulcers of the cornea, with fungus hematodes. (? Ed.) —Specks and cicatrices of the cornea..-Twitching of the eyes.-Spasmodic closing of the lids.-~Far-sighted. —'*The letters run into each other, when reading.-OThe letters look pale when reading. — ~Obscuration of sight as if one were looking through smoke. 0QShort paroxysms of sudden blindness —~Cataract and amaurosis.-~Scintillations and black spots before the eyes — *Phol'ophobia, the light of the day dazzles the eyes. Ears. —Drawing pain in the ears. —Boring and *beating in'the ears.-~Stitching through the ears.-Itching in the ears. —Inflamed, moist margins of the ears.-Scurf behind the ears.-Swelling of the outer ear, discharge from the ears, with hissing.-Sensitive hearing.-*Stoppage of the ears, sometimes coming on when blowing them, or 0opening again with a report. —*Hard.hearing, ~especially with regard to speech. —OHard hearing worse at full moon.-Ringing, fluttering, bubbling in the ears.-Caries of the mastoid pros cless. —*Hard swelling of the parotid gland. Nose. —The nasal bones are painful to the touch.-~ Gnawing pains high tup in the nose, with weight on stooping and sensitiveness to pressure.-Pecking, ulcerative pain in the nose, extending into the head. —~Inflammation of the inner nose, also after abuse of mercury. —*ltching and redness of the nose (at the tip), succeeded by scurfy vesicles.-.-Boils on the nose. — *Scurfs and ~ulcers in the nose. —-Nosebleed.- ~Anosmia. Face. —Face pale, livid.-White -spots on the cheeks.Burning-red spots on the cheeks and nose, especially after dinner. —lteat in the face.-Itching in the' whiskers~-Boil on the cheek. —~Cracked skin in the face. Swollen lips.- Ulcerated corners of the mouth.-Scurfy eruptions on the lips, with smarting pain. —* Ulcers in the vermilion border. — ~Cancerof the lips.-Boils on the chin. —0Herpes on the chin. — *Cramp in the articulation of the jaw.-~Nocturnal drawing and stitching in the lower jaw.-~0Caries and swelling of the 16 36'2 SILICZA.: lower jaw. -*Swelling of the submaxillary glands, with pain when touched. —~Scirrhous induration of the upper lip and face. Teeth, —*Toothache from warm food and inhaling cold air. —~Drawing, jerking and *tearing in the teeth ~and cheek, worse at night or only when eating. —-*Nightly toothache, mostly stitching, preventing sleep, aggravated by any thing cold and warm. —Digging and boring in the teeth.-Dull teeth. —Painful inflammation, swelling, soreness and ready bleeding of the gums. Ilouth. —*Dry mouth.-~Stomacace. —Sensation as if a hair were lying on the forepart of the tongue. —*Soreness of the tongue.-One side of the tongue is swollen.-Ulcer at the palate.-* Tongue coated ~with brown mucus. Throat.-Sore throat with a good deal of phlegm in the throat.-Soreness and *stinging in the throat when swallowing.-Swelling of the uvula.-Difficulty of swallowing as if the oesophagus were paralysed. Appetite, &,-~Loss of taste.-*Bitter mouth, early in the morning.-* Violent thirst with loss of appetite. —* Canine hunger, with loss of appetite.-*Aversion to food, especially when boiled or warm.-Loathing of meat, it is indigestible. -The child dislikes to take the breast, and throws up after nursing. —*After eating: drowsiness, heartburn, acidity in the mouth, sour eructations, fulness in the stomach and abdomen, or also pressure at the stomach, waterbrash and vomiting. Gastric Symptoms,- *Eructations tasting of the ingesta, even after every meal. — Sour eructations.-I-Ieartburn.Hiccough, also in the evening, in bed. —Nausea, ~every morning, with headache and pain in the eyes on turning them, or followed by gagging up of bitter water. —*Nausea after a meal, 0or after every heating exercise. — Constant nausea and vomiting. —~ Waterbrash with shuddering. — Volniting every time one takes a drink. —*Vomiting of the ingesta. Stomach. —*Pressure at the stomach, after every meal, or Oafter drinking quickly.-* The pit of the stomach is painful to the touch.-Weight in the stomach.-* Griping in the pit of the stomach, also after eating. -.*Burning in the pit of the stomach. Abdomen. -~The region of the liver is hard and distended. -Stitches in the hypochondria, especially the left. —~Throbbing ulcerative pain in the region of the liver, worse when moving about. —Colic, during which the hands turn yellow and the nails blue. —*Pressure in the abdomen, especially after eating. —*Hot, distended abdomen ('of children), with pain when touched.- Colic with constipation. —*Pinching, or cutting colic, also without diarrha. —*Burning in the abdo. SILICEA. 363 men. —Painful inauinal hernia. —Innflamed, swollen inguinal glands. — *Borborygmi, when moving about. — Difficult emission of flatulence. —Fetid flatulence. Stool. —* Constipation, delaying, lumpy, hard stool. —* Costiveness with a good deal of ineffectual urging. —-Reddish or bloody mucous stools. — Frequent discharge of cadaverouslysmelling liquid stool. — Stinging and ~itching at the anus, -and rectum, also during stool. Urine. —Tenesmuis of the bladder.-*Frequent micturition, Lalso at night. —~ Wetting the bed.-Dribbling after urinating. -Reddish sand, or yellow gravel-shaped sedi mlent in the urine. Male Parts. —Itching and red spots on the glans. —*Redness of the prepuce, as if sore, with itching.-Swelling of the prepuce, with itching, humid vesicles. —~llydroeele. —Sweat and itching of the scrotum. —*Itching humid spot on the scrotumn. —*Deficient sexual desire and power.- *.rcessive sexual desire, -with lascivious thoughts, *and frequent and violent erections.-V*Nocturnal emissions. - Discharge of prostatic fluid at stool.-After an embrace, sensation of lameness in one side of the head or bruising sensation in the limbs. Female Parts.-*Menses too soon and ~sca'nty, or else profuse. —~Chronic suppression of the menses.-During the menses, pale sight or burning and soreness of the pudeudum. * —iching of the pudendum. —*Discharge of blood- from the uterus, while nursing.-OMisearriage.-*Leucorrh(ea, ~during micturition. —Leucorrhcea, like milk, by turns, preceded by cutting in the umbilical region.-Acrid, excoriating leucorrhoea. Catarrhal Symptoms.-*lneffectual or imperfect sneezing. -*Excessive sneezing. —Chronic *stoppage o(f the nose, ~also owing to plugs of mucus.-~Troublesome dryness of the nose, also at night.-*Dry coryza.-~Constant catarrh.-*Fluent coryza, also ~after chronic stoppage. —Acrid, excoriating discharge from the nose. Windpipe.-*Hoarseness, with roughness and soreness in the larynx. —Cough- when talking or taking a cold drink.Racking cough, caused by tickling in the throat-pit. —~Suffocative *nightly cough.-Spasmodic cough. —Dry cough, with soreness in the pain.-Cough with vomiting of mucus.~Wearing cough day and night, worse when moving about, with scanty expectoration. —*Cough with expectoration of a quantity of transparent mucus. — *Cough with purulent expecloration.-Deep, hollow cough with bloody expectoration. _- Phthisis pulmonalis. Chest, &c. —Stoppage of breath when lying on the back or stooping, running or coughing.-Deep, sighing breathing. 364 SILIC-EA, — Shortness of breath when performing a slight manual la. bour, or when walking fast, also with dyspncea ~during rest.~Panting when walking rapidly. —Tightness of the chest as if the throat would be closed. — * Oppression of the chest, ~also only when coughing or sneezing.-* Stitches in the chest and sides of the chest, ~also through to the back.-Beating in the sternum. —Bruising pain in the chest when coughing or drawina breath. — *Inflamed nipples, in confinement. —~Suppuration of the mammea of nursing women.-~Induration of the mammary glands. Trunk, —*Pain in the small of the back. —Crampy drawing in the small of the back, obliging one to lie down. —~Inflamed abscess on the psoas-muscle.- *Laming stiffness and debility in the back, small of the back and nape of the neck. — Tearing and stitching in the back.-~Stitching in the loin, when sitting or lying. —~Selling and curvature of the dorsal vertebrce.- ~Bruising pain between the scapulee.-Tensive drawing, tearing and stitches between the scapule,.-Abscess in the nape of the neck.-Pimples and boils in the nape of the neck. —*Swelling of the cervical and axillary glands, ~also with suppuration. Upper Extremities, —*Drawing and tearing in the arms, hands and fingers. —* Heaviness and lameness of the arms, ~with trembling of the same when doing a little work. — The arms go to sleep, ~when lying on them or *laying them on the table.-Beating and muscular twitching in the arms. —Chapping of the arms and hands. —Boils and warts on the arms. — ~Incipient paralysis of the lower arm. —Nocturnal stitching in the wrist-joints, extending up the arm.-Crampy pain in the hands and fingers.-Thle hands go to sleep at night. — OParalysis of the hands.-~Ganglion on the back of the hand. — ~Ulcer on the back of the hand.-Tingling in the fingers. -BlurLing in the tips of the fingers. —'Pain in the joints of the fingers when pre 4sing on them. —IWeakness, stiffness and unwieldy state of the fingers.-Burning pustules and:phagedenic blisters on the fingers.-*Panaritia. Lower Extremities. —*Drawing, tearing and Origid feeling in the lower limbs.-The limbs are liable to falling asleep, especially when sitting.-Lameness of the limbs. —~Pressure, *tearing and stitching in the muscles of the thigh. —ltching. ulcers on the thigh and ankle.-*Boils on the thighs and calves. — *Tearing in the knee.-~ Swelling of the knee.-~Fungus of the knee. —*Drawing pain in the legs. -Cold legs.-Swelling of the legs as far as the feet. —~Ulcers of the legs with sickly complexion.-Red spot on the tibia with pain as if excoriated. —-~ Caries of the tibia.-The calves feel as if contracted. -Numbness of the calves.* —Itching rash on the calves.-Tearing and stitching in the feet, heels and toes. —Stitches in the ankle when putting the foot down. —The feet go to sleep in the evening. —*Coldfeet, also after suppressed sweat.-Burning Qf the feet and soles, especially in the evening and at night. —*Swelling of thefeet, mostly early in the morning.*Bad smell of tie feet. -*Swedaty feet, with soreness between the toes. —~Suppression of the sweat on the feet. —Paiulful callosities on the soles. —~Voluptuous maddening titillation of the sole, after slight scratching.-Cramp of the soles. — Ulceration of the big toe, with stinging pain. 126, SPIGELIA. General Symptoms.-~Arthritic, stitching or * tearing paiins in the limbs. —Tearing near the joints, like a scraping on the bones.-Convulsions. —Languor, especially after a little exercise, also in the open air. — Sensitive to cool air, and to the effects of a walk in the open air. Skin. —The whole skin is: painfully sensitive.-Red pimples, painful when touched.-~Aneurisms? Sleep. —Restless night-sleep, with restlessness in the limbs. -Comatose sleep. Fever. —Chilliness during slight exercise. —Flushes of heat. -Thirst for beer, during the heat.-~Catarrhal, mucous and worm-fevers. — Fevers at noon. —~Headache and faceache, with a regular, intermittent type. Emotive Sphere.-Sad, depressed spirits.- Anxuiety Jbr the fJture. - Desponding unto thoughts about suicide. Sentient Sphere.- Weak memory.-Head as if intoxicated. —Vertigo when walking, standing and looking down.Vertigo with nausea. Head.-Headache from shaking the head, with vertigo and feeling of heaviness.-Headache, aggravated by the least exercise, by noise and by opening the mouth. -Painfulness of the occipiut, with sensation of stiffness and as if gone to sleep, in the nape of the neck. — Typical headache.-Pressing in the head, worse when stooping.-Boring and digging.tearing headache, especially during motion.-Long, pulsating stitches in the forehead, with throbbing in the ears.-Shocks in the head, when walking in the open air.-Vibratory shaking in the brain, at every step. Integuments of the Head. —Burning pain at the forehead and temples, as far as the eyes.-The scalp feels tight and painful. Eyes. —*Pains deep in the orbits. —*Pressure on the eye 360 SPRIELtA. balls, especially when turning the eyes.-*Pain of the eyes, when moving them, as if too large. —*Digging, ~boring and *stinging in the eyes.-Creeping in the eyes. —Dry heat and burning in the eyes, obliging one to close thein. —*Turgescence of the vessels of the sclerotica.-* Ophthalmia, ~also arthritic.-~Inflamlnation of the cornea.-*Iflanimation and ulceration of the lids, with smarting sore pain.-*Dim, faint eyes. —*Blear.eyed.-Acrid lachrymation.-*Difficulty of raising the lids, with painful feeling of stiffness.-*The lids hang as if paralysed.-ODebility of the eyes; they refuse to roll about in their sockets.-*Disposition to blink. —Involuntary motions of the eyes.-Dilated pupils. —Vanishing of sight.-Far-sighted.-Incipient amaurosis.-Scintillations. Ears. —Pressingz pain in the ears asfronm a plug.-Jerking tearing in the ears.-Crampy pain, itching and burning of the outer ear.-Stoppage of the ears, with or without hardness of hearing.-Periodical deafness.-Buzzing and throbbing in the ears. NOse.-Itching in the nose,-Tingling, stinging, boring and biting in the nose. —Herpes on the nose, with sore pain. Face, —*Face pale and altered, with yellow margins around the eyes. —*Bloated face, especially after sleeping. — *Typical prosopalgia.-*Jerking tearing, burning and pressure round the malar bones.-Osseous tumour at the temporal margin of the orbit. —Lips tight and burning. —Blackish pimple on the upper lip. —Aching pain at the angle of the lower jnvu, proceeding from the ear. Teeth. —Toothache after smoking.-Pressing pain in the teeth from within outvward, immnediately after eating, also at night, driving one out of bed. —Jerking, or throbbing-tearing toothache, especially in decayed teeth, aggravated by cold water, or the contact of the open air. Mouth.-Fetor.-Stinging dryness in the mouth, early in the morning, on waking -A quantity of white, foaming saliva in the mouth.-White or yellow mucus in the mouth or fauces.-Cracked tongue.-Vesicles on the tongue and at the palate, with burning pain. Throat -Sore throat with stinging and swelling in the.fauces. Appetite, &c,-Taste putrid, fetid.-Loss of appetite with much thirst.- Aversion to tobacco and coffee. —* Canine hunger, with nausea'and thirst. Gastric Symptoms.-Eructations after every meal.Sour eructations.-lV*Nausea, ~before breakfast, with sensation as if something were ascending from the stomach into the throat. SPIGELIA. -86 Stomach.-Much phlegm in the stomach.-Pressure'in the stomach and pit of the stomach, as from a heavy lump. - Stitches in the region of the stomach and diaphragm, also with stoppage of breath. —~The pit of the stomach is very painful to the least touch, with anguish caused by the least tightness of the clothes. Abdomen.-Abdomen painfully distended.-Pressure in the umbilical region as friom a hard lump. —Colicky pinching in the abdomen.-Cutting in the umbilical region, with chilliR ness, diarrhoea and a good deal of urinating.-Stitches in the abdomen.-Tensive pain in the groin when touching the parts. —lnguinal hernia. —Rumbling in the abdomen. —Discharge of fetid flatulence. Stool. - Frequent, unsuccessful urging. - Thin, white stools.-Hard stools, with pressing and much mucus.-Discharge (f mucus from the anus, without stool. Diarrhoea, consisting of thin fieces and mucus.-Diarrhoea, with pinching in the bowels and coldness of the body. —~Lumbrici and ascarides.-Itching and creeping in the anus and rectum. Urine.-Urine, with whitish sediment. —Frequent urging, with copious emission, also at night. —Involuntary dribbling, with burning in forepart of urethra. Male Parts. —Creeping around the glans.-Swelling of one side of the glans.-Erections, with lascivious thoughts, without sexual desire. —(Discharge of prostratic fluid.) Catarrhal Symptoms. - Stoppage and dryness of the nose, with a quantity of white and yellowish mucus fiom the posterior nares. Windpipe.- Catarrh with hoarseness, constant discharge from the nose, dry heat, without thirst, protruded eyes, violent headache and whining mood.-Nightly catarrh, with cough.-l~Influenza. -Cough caused by the open air, with painful soreness in the chest.-Violent, hollow dry cough,'wtith s.'oppge of breath unto suffocation. Chest, &c.-Shortness of breath, especially when talking, with anxiety, red cheeks and lips. —~Dyspncea when moving about in bed, only allowing one to lie on the right side, and with the head raised.- ~Suffocative sensation when stirring about or raising one's arms. —Sudden paroxysms of suffocation, with anguish and palpitation of the heart. —Spasmodic sensation in the chest, as if proceeding from the pit of the stomach. —*Tearing pain in the chest, when raising the arms. —-Pressure at the chest, with painful oppression of breathing.-*Contraction of1 the chest, with anguish and difficult blreathing.-~Cutting, burning, trembling and teareing in the chest. —Tensive stitches in the chest, especially when drawing breath. —~Hydrothorax, depending upon organic dis 3"iw 6;PONGIA TOSTAease.-*Violent palpitation of the heart, both visible and audible, frequently with anxious oppression of the chest, worse when sitting down or bending the chest forwards. -*Stitches in the region of the heart.-0~Carditis?-~Organic affections of the heart. —Purring sensation in the region of the heart. OUndulating motions of the heart.-The beats of the heart and the pulse differ. Trunk. —Bruising pain the back, even during rest. -- Stitches in the back, also when drawing breath. —Red pimples on the neck, sore when touched.-Hard, painful glandular swelling on the neck. Upper Extremities.-Heaviness and trembling of the arms.-The arms and hands are liable to going to sleep.Severe, jerking stitches in the bends of the elbows, tarsal and phalangeal joints.-H-ard pimples in the palms of the hands.,with burning itching.-Pale-yellow hands.- Contraction of the fingers.-Pustules on the fingers. Lower Extremities.-Bruising pain, tension and stitching in the thighs, only during rapid exercise.-Severe stitches in the knee, when bending it. —Painful stiffness of the kneejoints. —Stitehing jerks in the tarsal joints.-Warty excrescences on the toes. 127.-SPONGIA TOSTA. General Symptoms.- ~Affctions of the glands and Iymphatic vessels.- ~Swelling and induration of glands.- Numbness of the lower extremities.-Extreme physical and mental prostration.-One feels best durintg rest in a horizontal position. Skin.-Itchilng-stingig u in the skin, especially after getting warml in bed.-Creeping on the skin, with redness and heat where one scratches. —Red, itching spots on the skin. —ltching eruptions.-Rash.-lierpes. Sleep.-Sleeplessness, with ravings of the fancy when oin the point of filling casleep.-Sad, anxious, frightful dreams. Fever.-Chilliness all over, especially the back.-Flushes of heat.-Night-sweats.-* Great heat.-*Quick pulse. Emotive Sphere.-Paroxysmns of anxiety, with pain in the region of the heart.-Disconsolate.-Timorons. —Headstrong.-Wanton mirth.-Disposed to sing. Sentient Sphere.-Unable to attend to mental labour.-Vertigo, with reeling in the evening, or as if the head would fall to one side.-Vertigo with nausea, at night, on waking. Head.-Head heavy and full.-Dull headache on one side, when entering a warm room, coming out cf the open air. SPeONoA TOST'A. 36&9 Headache, with lachrymation when staring at an object.*Oppressive headache, sometimes with a compressive sensation.-Heada'he, as if the head would fly to pieces, especially in the forehead.- *Throbbing in the head.-Rush qf blood to the head. Integuments of the Head.-Unpleasant sensitiveness of the scalp.-Violent itching. Eyes.-Eyes faint, with bloated lids.-Pressure and stinging in the eyes.-Aggllltination.-Yellow crusts on the eyebrows.-Oppressive weight in the lids.-Contraction of the lids, early in the morning.-Short-sighted.-TRedltess of the eyes, with burning and lachrymation. Ears. - Contractive pain in the ears. - Pushing in the ears.-Ulceration of the outer ear. -Hard-hearing. NoSe,-Nose-bleed, especially when blowing the nose. — Eruption at the tip. Face. —Face pale, with sunken eyes. - Swelling of the cheeks. —Itching and stinging of the cheeks. —Eruptions on the lips.-Cramp.pain in the articulation of the jaws. —Swelling of the submaxillary glands, with tensive pain. Teeth.- Teeth as if dull and loose when chewing. —Itchin and stinging in the teeth.-Swelling of the gums, with pain when chewing. Month and Throat..-Mouth and tongue full of vesicles, with stinging and burning pains.-Ptyalisnz.-Faint speech. -Burning and stinging in the throat. Appetite and Taste.-Diminished taste.- *Bitter taste, -only in the throat.-Sweetish taste in mouth,.-Little appetite, one is speedily satiated.-Insatiable hunger.-Tobacco does not agree.-After eating, fulness and distress in the abdomnen, as from indigestion. *Violent thirst. Gastric Symptoms.-*Eructations, Ocutting and tearing in the stomach.-Bitter eructations.-Sour gulpings.-Frequent hiccough.-Nausea, with acidity in mouth.-Vomiting after milk. Stomach. —*Stomach, as if relaxed, ~with sensation as if it were open. —Pressure in stomach and pit of stomach.-The clothes press on the stomach —Contractive pain in stomach. Abdomen.-Abdomen distended. —Abdominal spasms.Digging and strangulating sensation in abdomen. —*Cutting in bowels, -after eating.- Grumbling in abdomen, especially early. in the morning and in the evening, in a recumbent posture.-Pain as from hernia, at the abdominal ring.-Swelling of the inguinal glands. Stool. -- *Stool hard and delaying. - White diarrhceic stools.-Previous to stool, stinging in the anus and grum. s 7 O) SPONGIA TOSTA. blihng in the abdomen.- Tenesmnls of the anus during stool.Itching, gnawing and painful soreness of the anus. —Ascarides and creeping at the anus. Urine.-Increased flow of urine. —Inability to retain the urine. — Thin stream.-Foaming urine.-Thick, grayish-white or yellow sediment in the urine. —Frequent urging, with scanty emission. Male Parts.-Crampy strangulating pain in the testes. -*liard swelling of the testes and spermatic cord, with aching pain.-Feeble sexual desire.-Deficient erections. Female Parts. —Menscs too soon and profuse.-Before the menses, palpitation of the heart and pain in the back. -Drawling in the thighs during the menses. Windpipe.-*Hoarseness, also with cough and coryza.~Husky, feeble voice, giving out when singing or talking.~Pain in the larynx, when touching it or?when turning the neck. -Pressure in the larynx, when singing.-~Feeling of stoppage in the larynx, with arrest of breathing. —l~nfammation of the larynx, trachea and bronchi. —~Membranous croup.-OLaryngealphthisis. —*Cough deep out of the chest, with painffil soreness and ~burning in the chest.-~Chronic cough, with yellowish expectoration and hoarseness.-OHollow, barking, dry cough, day and night, worse towards evening. —o*Dry cough, ~excited by a burning tickling at the larynx. —* Cough day and night, with burning in the chest, which abates after eating and drinking. Chest, &c. —Breathing slow and deep, as if from weakness. —~ Wheezing inspirations.-Paroxysms of rattling in the trachea. —Asthma. —Pain in the chest with dyspnoea.OSeated pain in the precordial region, stinging and aching.~Constrictive spasmodic pain in the chest. - Fulness and tightness of the chest.-Stinging in the chest.-Burning in the chest from below upwards. —Rush of blood in the chest, after the least effoirt and exercise, with arrest of breathing, anguish, nausea, and fainting weakness. —Pains and anxiety in the region of the heart. Trunk. —The small of the back and nates feel numb.~Drawing, tearing, stitching and *pressure in the small of the back.-Painfdl tension and stifJness of the cervical and posterior cervical muscles. -Large, also hard goitre, with pressure, tingling and stitching. -Spasms in the cervical muscles. Upper Extremities.-Muscular twitchings in the shoulderjoints.-IHeaviness and trembling of the forearms and hands. — Drawing in the forearmuls and carpal joints. — Large blisters on the lower arnis. —Swelling of the hands, with stiffness of the fingers. -Redness and swelling of the finger-joints, with SQUILLA MAITIzMA,. 37 tension when bending them.-Numbness of the tips of the fingers. Lower Extremities,-Muscular twitchings inthe nates.Spasmodic movement of the thighs forwards and backwards. -Stiffness of the lower limbs.-Drawing and tearing in the legs and feet, also only at night. 128.-SQUILL4 MARITIMA. General Symptoms.-Dull, rheumatic pains in the whole body, worse during motion, less during rest. —Bubbling in many muscular parts. — Convulsions and spasms.-Glandular ind urations.-Infammnation of inner parts.-(~Dropsical conditions? —~Gastric affections. —Restlessness in the extremities.-*Languor, like heaviness, Oalso with drawing in the extremities. Skin,-.-Itching burning on the skin.-Eruption resembling scabies, with burning itching.-Soreness in the larger joints. -Sphacelus. - Sleep. —Restless sleep, with frequent waking.-*Sleepless. Fever.-Chilliness.-lIcy-cold hands and feet, with warm. body. —*)ry, burning heat, also with chilliness and pains whenever one stirs. —~After the heat, pale face without chilliness. Emotive Sphere.-Anxiety with fear of death.-Moaning. -Ill.humour.-Aversion to physical and mental labour. Sentient Sphere.-Vertigo with nausea. —Vertigo early in the morning, causing one to fall to one side. Ilead. —Headache, early, after waking, like a painful op. pressive weight. — Painful sensitiveness of the sinciput, every morning.-Crampy pain in the sides of the head. —Contraction in the temples. —Drawing stitching headache. Eyes. —Contractive pain in the eyes.-Tearing in the eyes, as if' behind the balls.-Burning in the outer canthi.-Swelling of the upper lid.-Large, widely-opened eyes. —Staring. -Pupils contracted or very much dilated.-Turning sensation befobre the eyes and blackness of sight. Ears and Nose.-Tearing in the ears.-Sore pain of the nostrils. —Humid eruption under the nose, with stinging itching.' Face. —Face at times very much altered and sunken, at times looking bright and cheerful. —Dark redness during the heat. —Heat in the face, when talking or during the least exercise.-Distorted rigid features. —Chapped lips, black, with brown crust. Mouth and Throat. —Mouth viscid and full of phlegm. 3 *'3 QU*QIYILA ItARITISIA, Vesicles on the tongue.-Throat rouglh.-Burning in the palate and throat. —Dry throat. Appetite And Taste. —Food has no taste. —Food tastes bitter.-Burnt taste on the palate, when eating.-Food has a repulsive sweetish taste, especially meat and soup.-*Loss of appetite. — Aversion to food.-Violent thirst, ~especial]y for cold water. —Canine hunger with ravenous desire for food. — ~Dyspepsia. Gastric Symptoms,-*NVausea, also with desire to vomit. -— onstant nausea, early in the morning, when coughing.Constant alternation of inclination to vomit and diarrhceic urging.-Violent retching. —Bitter eructations. Stomach.-Presslure at the stomach as from a stone. —~Gastritis? AbIdomen.-Abdomen painfully sensitive, soft but bloated. -Drawing and tearing through the abdomen.-Enteritis.*Ascites?-Pinching and rumbling in the bowels.-Frequent emission of flatulence. Stool.-Constipation. —Hard, insufficient stool. —*Diarrhea, 0consisting of black substances, or -of brown mucus, with emission of a deal of flatulence. -Ascarides and a number of white filaments at stool. —Fetid stool, with undigested food.-Stool tinged with blood. Urine. —Decreased secretion of urine.- Violent urging with copious emission of watery utrine. —Diabetes?-*Nocturnal enuresis. —~[Iot, dark, "red urine, with red sediment. -Bloody urine.-Tenesmus of the bladder after urinating.OConstant pressure on thel bladder, with great sensitiveness of the same. Male Parts.-Compressive pain in the testes. Female Parts.-Mctrorrhagia. Catarrhal Symptoms. - Fluent coryza with ulcerated nostrils and a good deal of sneezing. —Acrid, excoriating nasal mucus. Windpipe. —Cough caused by a tickling under the xiphoid cartilage, or by drawing a long breath- Cough until retching. -'* Violent cough with stitches in the sides of the chest at every turn otf oughing. -Cough with painful concussion in the abdoillcn.-W*Dry short cough at every breath one draws.-Rattling previous to coughing.-* CCough with expectoration of mucus and 0short breathing. —Cough excited by a cold drink.-~Expectoration of reddish mucus. — Cough with bloody expectoration. —WThen coughing' headache and arrest of breathing, or pressure on the bladder with spirting out of urine. Chest, &c. —Moaning breathing, with the mouth open.*ID)spnea, also with hurried breathing and anxiety, or Ooblig STANnXM. 3 3 ing one to sit up. —OFeeling of heaviness in the chest.-Pressure on both sides of the chest, mostly when drawing breath. -Broad, oppressive or *shooting stitches in the chest and sides of the chest, when coughing or drawing breath. —Rush of blood to the chest.-OPneumonia and pleuritis. —~Hydrothorax?-OTowards morning the pains in the chest are worse. Trunk. —Itching eruption on the back.-Stiffness of the neck and nape of the neck. —Rheumatic drawing and crampy feeling in the cervical muscles.-Pimples:on the neck, painful only when rubbed. —Sweat in the axillTe. Extremities.- Convulsive jactitation of the arms.-Stitching in the carpal joints.-Convulsive jactitations in the lower limbs.-Rheumatic drawing in the thighs and legs.-Burning in the ball of the foot, as if frozen.-Sweaty toes. —Cold sweat on the feet. 129. —STANNUM. General Symptoms.-Aching-drawing pains in the limbs slowly increasing and decreasing.-OHysterie and hypochondriac spasms and pains.-~Epileptiform convulsions during dentition.-0~Evening paroxysms of epilepsy, with clenching of the thumbs and tossing about.-~Emaciation.-Consumption. -Paralysis. —Indolence.-*Excessive mental and physical depression of strength, with tremour, worse when moving about slowly.-~Talking wears one out.-The symptoms abate while walking, except the languor which increases. Skin.-Itching (burning) stinging of the whole skin.Chilblains.-Ilangnails. Sleep.-Yawning, wilh oppression of the chest as from a hoop all around.-Restlessness at night, and.many lascivious, anxious, vivid dreams.-Moaning during sleep, as if sighing for relief. Fever. — * Chilliness, with cold hands and numbness of the tips of the fingers.~-Evening chill over the back, or only about the head, with thirst. —Burning *heat in the limbs. — Anxious heat during the least exercise.. —~Hectic fever?~Worm fever? —*Debilitating night-sweats..-~Profuse *morning sweats. Emotive Sphere. —Sad, hypochondriac mood.-Restlessness and anxiety, ~melancholy mood.-Busy appearance, though without result. —*Depression of spirits.-Quiet, illhumour, with aversion to company and talking.-Irascible. OSomnamnbulism. Sentient Sphere. —Vertigo, as though the objects were too far distant. -Vertigo, when sitting, with vanishing of thought. Head. —Headache with nausea and strangling, sometimes with burning in the forepart of the head, eyes, and nose, or early in the morning, with ill-humour.-*Heaviness and stupifyin, pressure in the head, especially in the forehead, where it shifts about.-Spasmrodic headache, as if too tight, or constricted, or in a vice.-Boring headache.-Throbbing pain in the temples.-Painful jerks through the head. —*Stitching in the forehead, ~especially after the paroxysms of cough. Eyes.,-Pains as from rubbing the eyes sore. -Pressure in the lids and canthi.-EBurning stitches in the lids. —Itching, smarting, and burning of the eyes.-Styes.-2Nocturnal agglutination.-Ulcer in the inner canthus, like fistula lachryrnatis.-Dim, faint eyes.-Twitching of the eyes. —Distorted or protruded eyes. —Halo around the candle. Ears.-Drawing tearing in the ears. —Ulceration of the entrance of the ear.-Creaking in the ears when blowing the nose. Nose.-Nose heavy, and as if stopped, high up. —Ulcera. tion of the inner nose. Face. —*Face pale, sunken, 0with sunken eyes. —Chronic *prosopalgia, with drawing'and pressure, especially in the region of the malar bone, and near the orbit.-Stinging-burning pain in the facial muscles.-Swelling of the cheeks and upper jaw. -Cramp in the jaws.-Painful swelling of the submaxillary gland. Teeth. —Jerking toothache, after eating, with heat in the face. — *The teeth feel elongated. —*Loose teeth.-Gumboil with swelling of the cheeks. Mouth.-Fetor.-Sourish saliva.-Heavy, faint speech, owing to want of strength. —Red tongue. Throat.-Sore throat, as if swollen with drawing and tension. —Feeling of stinging dryness in throat.-Rough and scraping in throat, evening.-Much phlegm in throat and mouth, with desire to hawk, hawking making the throat sore. Appetite and Taste.-Taste bitter and sour.-Beer has a bitter, herby taste. —Increased hunger and thirst.-Nausea and vomiting after eating. Gastric Symptoms. —Eructations tasting of spoiled eggs. — *Sour eructations causing a roughness of the fauces.-Nausea, -especially after eating, followed by watery, bitter vomiting.-* Violent retching, -followed by vomiting of undigested food.-*Hcematemesis. Stomach. —*Pressure at the stomach, also very violent.Tensive pressure in the pit of the stomach, with ulcerative pain in the part when touching it. —* Cardialgia, ~also chronic,,especially with bitter eructations, feeling of hunger and STANNUM. 37 5 diarrhoea.-Griping in the stomach and around the umbilicus, with nausea. Abdomen.-Dull shock through the hypochondria. — Spasms in the region- of the diaphragm.-Pressure and burning in the region of the liver. The abdomen is painfully distended and sensitive to contact.-~"Hysteric and hypochon. driac spasms, with pains above and below the umbilicus.Digging, pinching and cutting in the abdomen.-Burning and stinging in the abdomen. —Soreness in the abdomen, aggravated by contact.-Empty feeling in the abdomen.Incarceration of flatulence. Stool.-Constipation. —OFrequent ineffectual urging. — Hard, dry, lumpy, or scanty, greenish stool.-Slimy stools. -*Diarrhea. Urine. —Retention. *Frequent urging, with copious emissions.-Deficient desire to urinate, as if the bladder were paralysed. Sexual Parts.-Increased sexual desire. —*Frequent emis. sions.-Profuse menstruation.-Anguish and melancholy before the menses.-Colic during the menses. —*Leucorrhcea consisting of transparent mucus —Yellowish leucorrhcea with loss of strength. Catarrhal Symptoms. —Dry coryza on one nostril, with swelling and redness of the same. Windpipe. — *Hoarseness and roughness of the throat, with titillation inducing cough. — Chronic catarrh.-*Much phlegm in the trachea, which can be hawked up by a little coughing. — OTracheal phthisis? —*Cough, "caused by laughing, talking or singing, or by *tickling in the chest.-*Violent, racking, dry cough, in the evening in bed, or most violent early in the morning. —~Humid cough. —Cough with gagging and vomiting of the ingesta. —* Cough with frequent expectoration of mucus. -- Mucous phihisis? —~Consumptive cough?-Expectoration ~tenacious or lumpy, or -watery, thin and slimy, or ~having a foul taste, *yellow, ~salt, or *green and sweetish. -*After the expectoration: soreness in the chest, or else stitching.-~ Phthisis? Chest, &C. —~Soppage of breath, at night when lying, or in the day-time during every exercise. —*Dyspnoea, in the evening, with feeling of emptiness in the pit of the stomach, and anxiety obliging one to detach orie's clothes. — Dyspncea when walking or ascending an eminence. —Wheezing and rattling in the chest.-A long breath causes a sensation of pleasant ease — *Oppression as from tight clothes. —*Desire to take a long breath as from a weight on the chest, with feeling of emptiness in the pit of the stomach.-Brusing pain.. 0.78 STAP tiY'SP A PIAv in the chest.-'*Pressure deep in the chest as from a weight. — Tension across the chest.-Stitches in the left chest, when drawing breath or when lying on the right side. —*Soreness in the chest.-* Weak feeling il the chest as if empty and hollow.-~Hydrothorax?-~The mother's milk is not good, and is repulsive to the infant? Trunk.-Opisthotonos. -Stitches in the scapulhe and nape -of the neck. —Weakness of the posterior cervical muscles, and cracking of the cervical vertebrae when shaking the head. Upper Extremities.-Laming pain in the shoulder-joint. -Paralytic heaviness in the arms.-Tearing with pressure in the muscles and joints of the upper arms, hands and fingers. -Weakness and trembling of the hands.-Evening-swelling of the hands. —Jerking of the hands.-Violent burning in the hands.-Small, red little spots on the back of the hands.Chilblains.-Contraction of the fingers.-Clenching of the thumbs.-Stinging in the tips of the fingers. —Painfill hang-.nails. Lower Extremities. —Drawing and tearing with pressure, in the hip, across the small of the back, in the thighs and knees.-Laming weakness and heaviness of the lower limbs. — Burning in the feet.-Tearing jerks from the ankles to the toes.-Evening *szwelling of the ankles. —Reddish *swelling of the feet. 130.-STAPPHYSAGRIA. General Symptoms.-Laming drawing in the joints, especially during motion or when the parts are in an uncomfortable position.-Drawing tearing in the muscles, especially when sitting. —Deeply-penetrating, sharp stitches in many parts. —~ Arthritic nodosities. — Scrofu lots and rhachitic affections.-~Painful ostitis.-~Caries.- Effects of abuse of inercury, onanism, chagrin with indignation, or grief: —~Gastric and bilious, hysteric and hypochondriac affections.-Fainting fits.-All the muscles are painful when touched, and the joints are painful when moved.-One feels weak and lamed as if by blows, worse during motion.-Very weary, early in the morning, the joints feeling stiff. —~Disposed to lie down. -Weary, with heaviness of the limbs, after the siesta. kain, —Crawling itching all over, especially early in the morning. — Chronic rash. —Itching humid pimples, with burning pain.-*Herpetic eruptions, with itching in the evening, burning after scratching and ~dry crusts. —The skin is disposed to fester. —*Frequent boils.-Ulcers with tearing stitches or itching smarting. —Jerking and tearing around the ukeers: especially evening and morning. —Cut.wounds. sl'APYSAGRIA. 8377 Sleep.- TVery drowsy in the day-time.- Violent stretching and yawning, causing the eyes to water.-Falling asleep late owing to variety of ideas crowding upon the mind, or owing to the itching and burning of the herpes and ulcers, or to violent pains in the calves.-Jactitation of the limbs during sleep.- Restless night-sleep with anxious dreams, and frequent waking as it in affright. -Lascivious dreams. Fever -Chilliness even at night. -~Ecening-intermittent fevers, consisting of mere coldness. —External burning heat, with vascular excitement and thirst.-At night, violent heat in the hands and feet, obliging one to uncover them. —Disposition to sweat, in the day-time, even when sitting quiet.#*Prqfuse night-sweats, also having a putrid odour. Emotive Spbere. —-*Hypochondriac mood, with indifference to every thing. —*Sadness, with dread of the future. _* Weeping, with anxiety for one's condition.-Longing for death.-Anxious restlessness driving one from place to place. -*I11-humour twith, excessive peevishness.-*He is so angry, that he wants to push every thing <away from him. —Not disposed to talk or to do any mental labour.-O-Very sensitive. Sentient Sphere.- Weak rmemory. —Dulness of intellect. -Images from the past crowd uponi the faney.-Illusion as though every thing were far below him. and he himself were much taller.-The head feels dull and confused.- Vertigo, in lbed, and when sitting in the day-time, abating when moving about. IHead.-H-eadache on waking, as though the brain were torn. —Stupifyi in pain in the head, sometimes alternating with borting.T-Heaviness of the head, especially above the root of the nose.-Pressure with drawing-tearing or stitching, in the head.-Headache as though the contents would issue through the forehead, when stooping or moving about. — Compressive or distensive headache. — Semilateral headache as froml a nail in the brain. —Stitching headache -The brain feels loose. Integuments of the Head.-Rheumatic-drawing pain in the scalp.-Creeping or gnawing itching of the hairy scalp, with soreness.-l~tching scabs on the hairy scalp. —*Hmid. Ofetid *scald-head, with violent itching. -The hair falls out. Eyes.-The eyes feel as if oppressed with sleep.-Pressure in the eyes, lids and canthi.-Itching of the margins of the lids.-Itchin-sg and smarting, excoriating sensation in the inner canthi.-Smarting and burning in the eyes, when writing.Severe stitches in the eyes, when straining them. —*Ophthal, mia, with red pimples around the eyes. —*Inftammation of the margins of the lids.-~ Tubercles in the margins of the lids. 87~8 STAPHYSAGRIA. -The eyes are very dry.-Dry eye-gum in the canthi.-Agglutination of the eyes.-Spasmodic closing of the lids.-Diminution of the visual power. —Dimness of sight, as if the eyes were full of water.-Black flashes before the eyes, with flickering. —Scintillations, in the dark.-Halo around the candle-light. Ears.-Stitching in the ears. —Eruption behind the ears. -Hard hearing from enlargement of the tonsils, especially after abuse of mercury.-Ringing. Nose.- Ulcerated nose, with scurfs inside, high up. Face. -Face sunken, piqued, with hollow eyes surrounded with blue margins. —*Violently aching and throbbing pain in the face, from the teeth to the eyes. —Olnflammation of the facial bones, with burning stinging, or cutting drawing or tearing with pressure.-Itching-stinging eruption in the face.~One turns brown and blue, out of chagrin.-The lips are covered with ulcers and scurfs, with burning pain.-The articulation of the jaw is liable to luxation. —Painful *swelling of the submaxillary glands. Teeth. —*Toothache with swelling of the cheeks or ~thbe submaxillary glands. — Arthritic and rheumatic toothache. -* Toothache immediately after eating, also after taking a cold drink or inhaling cold air, worst at night or early in the moriing.-*Aching-drawing and tearing in the decayed teeth, or in the roots of sound teeth and in the gums.-*Gnawing pain in decayed teeth.-Blackness, exfoliation and hollow decay of the teeth.-The gums are painful, *swollen and bleed readily. —Painful excrescences and *lubercles on the gums. -Pale, white, ulcerated gums. -Mouth.-Mouth and tongue are covered with blisters.~Painfiul excrescences on the inner cheek. - Ptyalism. — Bloody saliva.-Swelling of the sublingual glands.-Stitching on the tongue as from splinters. —Feeble voice, owing to a weakness of the organs of speech. Throat.-Throat rough, with soreness when talking or swallowing.-Dryness and stinging in the throat and palate. — *Swelling of the tonsils, ~also after abuse of mercury. Appetite and Taste.-Taste fiat and watery, food having a natural taste.-*Food tastes bitter.-Bread tastes sour.Appetite, though food has no taste. —*Canine hunger, even after a full meal, ~sometimes attended with waterbrash.Great desire for milk, ~wine, tobacco and liquids.-Tobacco smarts and causes heartburn. Gastric Symptoms.-*Eructations, empty or scraping.Waterbrash.-Ilnclination to vomit, every morning. —Saltbitter eruetations after eating Imeat. —Sobbing eructations, with rising of bitter water. STAPHYSAGRIA. 379 Stomach. -*Pressure at the stomach as from a load, early, in bed. —Fulness, pressure and stitching in the pit of the stomach. —Digging-up pain in the stomach.- -Anxious tension across the hypochondria, early in the morning, with dyspncea. Abdomen.- Tensive aching pain in abdomnen.-Enlarged abdomen of children. -Drawing across the inner abdomen. -Cutting in abdomen, after eating and drinking, each time. -- Splsmodic cuttinq colic, with urging to stool. — Fetid or hot flatulence. - ~Weak feeling in abdolen as though it would fall off.-*Swelling of the inguinal glands. — lnguinal hernia. Stool.-0 Constipation.-Frequent urging, with hard, scanty, thin-shaped evacuations. - Difficult stool. - Dysenteric stools, with urging and cutting in the bowels previous to, duringr, and after stool. — Diarrhceic stools with much flatulence.- Imperceptible discharge of thin stool. --- During stool: burning cutting, pressure and constriction of the (inalIS. Urine.- *Frequent urginq, with scanty emission of dark urine, either in a thin stream or drop by drop —Frequent emission of red urine. —*Profise emission of watery urine, with frequent urging.-Involuntary spirting out of urine during cough. —Urgiing after urinating, as though some urine had remained in the bladder, with burning in the urethra, which is also felt durinq micturition.-~ Painful micturition. Male Parts. —Soft, humid excrescences on the glans and behind. —~Figwarts. — ~Orchitis, -with burning stinging or aching drawing and tearing. —Excited sexual desire, with frequent erections.-Voluptuous itching of the scrotum, inducing a desire for an embrace. —Frequent emissions, even du ring the siesta.-Dyspnea- after an embrace. Female Parts.-They are painfully sensitive. —Stinging itehing and smarting of the pudendumn. — Ovaritis?-Menses too soon. Catarrhal Symptoms.-Profuse fluent coryza, with stoppage of one nostril, sneezing and lachrynlation. — ~Coryza with ulcerated nostrils. — *S:oppage of the nose, ~especially of the posterior nares. Windpipe. - *Hoarseness with a good deal of phlegm adhering to the larynx and chest.-~Pressure and contraction in the throat-pit, after chagrin, worse when swallowing.~Roughness of the larynx after much talking.-*Cough caused by titillation, only in the day-time.-* Violent cough with expectoration of tenacious mucus, in the evening, after lying down. — *Cough, with yellow, purru7ent expectoration, ~espe 3880 STRAMONIUM. cially at night. —Cough with raising of blood.-Ulcerative pain in the chest when coughing. Chest, &c, —~Spasms of the diaphragm, after chagrin.Pressure at the chest, with heaviness in the chest, when sittinc, abating when walking.-"'Contractive oppression, and great uneasiness in the chest.-Stitches in the chest.-Sore and ulcerative pain in the chest. —Tremor of the heart after the least exercise and mental effort, also when listening to music and after the siesta.-Rash on the chest, with redness and itching in the warmth. —Herpetic eruption on the lower ribs, with burning itching. Trunk.-Pain in the small of the back as if broken or sprained, especially during rest, mostly at night and early in the morning.-Pain in the small of the back when rising firom a seat and when turning the body in bed.-Severe stitches along the back from below upwards.-~Abscess in the psoasmuscle. —Rheumatic- drawing pressure and tension in the nape of the neck, with stiffness. —Itching pimples on the neck. — ~Swuellig, of tho cervical, posterior cervical and axillary glands. -Stitches in the axilla. Upper Extremities.- Pressure on the shoulders.-Stiffness of the shoulder-joints, early in the morning.-Bone-pain in the arms, when moving them.-Laming aching-drawing and stitching tearing in the arms, shoulders, hands and fingers. -Painful pressure in the humerus.-Herpes on the hands. -Numbness of the tips of the fingers. —Jerking tearing in the fingers, especially in the tips.-Arthritic nodosities on the finger-joints.-Cram:p in the fingers.- Convulsive motions of the fingers. Lower Extremities. —~Coxagra, with throbbing pains as if suppuration had set in?-Stiffness of the hip-joints, early. -Painful weakness of the thighs and legs, especially the kneejoints.-Itching herpes on the thighs and legs.-Drawing stitching in the knees and knee-joints. —Tearing and drawing with pressure, also along the tibiae and metacarpal bones.Nightly cramp in the calves and soles.-Swelling of the dorsa of the feet.-Swelling of a metacarpal bone.-Burning itching of the toes as after getting frozen. 131.- STRAMONIUM. General Symptoms. —Drawing, ]aming, spasmodic pains in the muscles and joints of the extremities. —Sensation as if the extremities had been detached from the body.-Contractive cramp in the extremities. — Creeping in the extremities. — Gradual contraction and extension of the limbs.-* Various STRA.MOOIUM. 381 kinds of spasms, ~also when caused by fright or mercurial vapours. —* l'etanus. —*Opisthotonlos. —Hysteric spasms and other complaints.-Rigidity and contraction of single limbs. — *Cataleptic stiffness of the whole body.-The limbs are either heavy or moved with great ease. — Chorea.-* Convul. sive motions, especially when touched or when looking at some bright object (looking-glass, light, water) or they appear periodically.-l~Epileptiform convulsions, with consciousness. -Fainting fits with stertorious breathing. - Trembling of the limbs.- Unsteadiness of the limbs when standing or walking. -*Paralysis, ~also after apoplexy.-Debility, —Suppression of the secretions. Skin.-Suppression of cutaneous eruptions. - Creeping under the skin. Sleep.-Drowsy in the day-time. —Deep sleep with stertorous breathing, screaming and shouting. — Coma with a comically-solemn look on waking.-Kneeling in bed, and starting up when touched ever so gently, with screams and wild gestures. Fever.-Coldness of the whole body,: especially the extremities, with general chilliness and starting of the body. — Cold hands and'feet, with red-face. —Ieat with anxiety: and red cheeks, or with thirst and vomiting.-Heat of the head, followed by coldness all over, heat and thirst. — Typhus with loss of consciousness.-0 Worm-fever?;-Small, quick pulse.Copious sweat, also at night. Emotive Sphere. —~ Melancholy. -Sadness, with anguish of death, and violent weeping, especially in the evening, in bed.-Anguish of conscience. —Inconsolable and very much irritated by trifles.-Hurriedness in all one's movements.-Headstrong.-~Loud laughter, alternating with excessive ill.humour or moaning.-Howling and moaning.- Constant muttering or screaming.-Indomitable rage, with desire to kill somebody, striking and pushing with hands and feet and desire to bite. — Hydrophobia? —At times he feels indifferent towards his business, at others he imagines he is not able to carry it on. —Desire for company, light and sunshine; darkness and solitude aggravate the mental condition of the patient. —This condition is worst after the fall equinox. Sentient Sphere.- Loss of memory. - ~)ulness of all the senses, with insensibility to external impressions. —Loss of consciousness, with internal uneasiness.-Idiocy. —*Delirium, also of a frightful nature. —Illusions of the fancy, -as though every thing around him were very small, but he himself very tall and elevated. - *Delirious talk, with strange notions. - *Mental derangement. - *Mania, espe 382 STRAMO.ItUM. cially with an inexhaustible variety of fanciful visions, lascivious talk, conversation with spirits, affectation of proud and haughty manners, dancing, laughing, striking about, or constant alternation of ludicrous gesticulations, and sad, serious gestures. -Intoxication and stupefaction.- Vertigo, with reeling, or with obscuration of sight and headache. Head, —*Headache, ~with obscuration of sight and hardhearing.-Unpleasant lightness and weakness in the head.*Throbbing headache ~on the vertex, with fainting turns.*Rush of blood to the head, with heat in the head. —~Hydrocephalus?-The head is drawn backwards, with convulsive motions.-The head is frequently raised off the pillow. Eyes. —Eyes red and swollen. —Pressure and tension in the eyes and lids.-Inflammation of the margins of the lids. -Ulceration of the lids.-Lachrymation.-Nocturnral agglutination.-Distortion of the eyes.-*The pupils are dilated and insensible. -* Obscuration of the eyes.-Passing blindness. Showrtsigh'ed. -Diplopia.-Indistinct, confused appearance of the letters when reading.-Objects appear coloured or in an oblique position.-Illhtsion of sight. —~Hemeralopia? Ears.-Wind rushes out of the ears. -Hard hearing. Face.-Stupid and distorted features, with expression oft fear in the gestures.-*Painfnll distortion of the features. — Deep wrinkles in the face. —OFriendly expression in the face, Oor the face is swollen and turgid with blood. -The face is very pale or bright red.-Erysipelas of one side of the tace or nose.-~Circumscribed redness of the fate.-The lips are dry and glued together.-Yellow line in the vermillion border. -Trembling of the lips.-Distortion of the mouth. Teeth. —Grating of the teeth.-Throbbing toothache as though the teeth would fall out. Month. —Dry mouth. - Profuse ptyalism.-Bloody foam at the mouth. -Spitting of blood. - Swollen and paralysed tongue. -- Stuttering. - Constant muttering. - Speechless.*Paralysis of the organs of speech. Throat. — Spasnodic constriction of the favces. —*Difficult deglutition -with stinging in the fauces, or with pressure in the submaxillary glands. —*lmpeded deglutition, -owing to dryness of the throat. Appetite and Taste.-Loss of taste. —Food tastes like sand or straw.-Constant bitterness in the mouth, with bitter taste of the food.- Violent thirst, generally with aversion to water and every kind of liquid. Gastric Symptoms. — Sour eructations. — *Violent hiccough, -also spasmodic.-Watery vomiting, with colic and diarrhcea.-Vomiting of sour-smelling or green mucus. — Vomiting of green vomiting after slight exercise. STRONTIANA CARBONICA. 383 StomSah.-Smarting or oppressive-aching pain at the stomach.-Anxiety in the pit of the stomach, with laboured breathing.-Gastritis. Abdomen.-The abdomen is painful to contact.-Hard, dis!ended abdomen.-The abdomen feels as if bruised, when moving it.-Tearing as if the umbilicus would be torn out. -Hysteric abdominal spasms.-Swelling of the inguinal glands.-Borborygmi.-flatulence. Stool. — Constipation.-Ineffectual urging.-Stools having a cadaverous smell.-Diarrhcea, with pain and rumbling in the abdomen.-Discharge of coagulated blood from the anus. Urine.- *Suppression of urine. -Discharge of drops of urine, with frequent urging.-Involuntary emission of urine. -(Enuresis.) Sexual Parts. —Sexual desire (of men).-Impotence.Suppression of the menses, with discharge of coagula of black blood. —Melrorrhayia.-LDuring the menses the body smells of semen, attended with loquaciousness, drawing in the abdomen and thighs. —Moaning and sighing after the menses. Windpipe.-Stoppage of the nose. —*Shrill voice. Chest, &c. - Apnoea.- Laboured, sobbing breathing.Suffocative stoppage of breath.-Constrictive oppression of the chest. —~Thoracic spasms of hysteric females, or depending upon spasms of the pectoral muscles? —Pressure in the chest, caused by talking. -Sensation as though something were turning about in the chest. —Typhoid pneumonia? Trunk. —Bruising pain in the back when touching this part.-Drawing and tearing in the back and small of the back.- Opisthotonos. Upper Extremities.-The arms are crossed. —The arms are convulsively moved above the head.-Contractive pain in the upper arm, with sharp stitches in the lower arm.-Contortion of the hands.-Clenching of the hands.-Cramp in the hands. —Tremour of the hands.-The fingers go to sleep. Lower Extremities.- Convulsions of the lower -limbs, which come like shocks, with retraction of these parts.Drawing in thighs. -The feet turn over when walking. — Trembling of the feet.-Contractive cramp in the feet. 132.- STRONTIANA CARBONICA. General Symptoms. — Tearing in the limbs, especially the joints, most violent in the evening and at night, in bed. — Immobility of the limbs on one si3e, as if paralysed, in the evening.-Emaciation.-Trembling of the limbs.-Pains in. crease and decrease gradually. —Ole half of the body is prin f84 STROST1ArA CARBONICKA. cipally affected.-One feels best in the warm sun, and in a warm place generally.-Languor and weary feeling morning and evening. Skin.-Tension of the skin here and there, when lying in bed.-A number of pimples here and there, with burning itching, especially after scratching. Sleep, —Falls asleep late.-Starting in the body, with. starting as if in affright when falling asleep. — Wakes frequently at night,, especially in consequence of a dry cough. — Sleep full of dreams and ravings of the fancy. Fever.-Chilliness in the forenoon and evening.-Heat issuing by the nose and mouth, with thirst.-Nightly, dry heat.-Prqfuse sweat at night, with painfulness of the limb, when uncovering it.-Sweat of the affected part. Emotive Sphere.-Anxiety with oppression and fear.I1l.humoured and irascible.-Forgetful. Head.-Headache with nausea and vertigo.-Pressing and aching in the forehead.- Tensive headache, as though the skin were drawn tightly over the vertex or as if the head were distended from within outwards.-Stitching headache.-Vibratory sensation in the temples, evening.-Feeling of great heat in the head and face, during a walk in the afternoon, with red face, anxiety and drowsiness. —*Burning in the forehead. Eyes.-Burning of the eyes.-Pressure on the upper surface of the eyeball. -Violent twitching of the lids. -Red and blue borders'before the eyes, after rubbing them, with pressure as from sand in the eyes.-Flickering before the eyes. — Green spots before the eyes, in the dark. Ears and Nose. —Tearing in the ears. —Humming.Twitching of one side of the nose.-One blows bloody crusts firom the nose. Face. —Red face, with burning heat.-Itching in the face.,-Jerking, tearing and boring in the mnalar bones. Teeth.-Jerking toothache.,-Tearing in the roots of the teeth.-Griping-tearing in the teeth, preceded by flow of saliva, -The gums are swollen and painful to contact. Mouth, &c, —The mouth feels numb and dry, early in the morning, though there is a sufficient quantity of saliva.-The throat is rough and dry.-Angina faucium, with pain when swallowing. Gastric Symptoms., —Taste in mouth as of clay. - Violent thirst especially for beer. —No appetite except for brown bread. - Hunger after dinner. - Nausea with burning heat in the face. -Violent hiccough. Stomach and Abdomen. -Pressure at the stomach, with SULPn L. 385 Veeling of ftlness ill the abdomen. -The abdonlll is painfully distended.-Colic in the umbilical region. —Cutting colic withl diarrhoea and chilliness.-Stitches in the groins. —Rumbling in the bowels, with emission of a good deal of fetid flatulence. Stool.-Stool delaying, hard, lumpy, passed with great straining and pain. —Diarrhawa conlsisting of yellcw water, with cutting and pinching in the abdomen.-Burning at the anus, during and after stool.-The varices are painful. Urine.-Diminished secretion of urine.-Dark-yellow, increased urine. —~Nocturnal eneuresis. - Pale utrine, with a.slrong ammnoniacal odour. Female Parts.-Menses too late, first resembling serum, afterwards coming off in coagula. Windpipe. - Hoarseness and roughness of the throat, causing one to coulgh. —Dry cough, caused by an irritation in tile trachea, worst at night. Chest and Breathing, —Dyspncea when walking, with burning in the face.-Oppression of the chest.-Drawing pain in the pectoral muscles.-Palpitation of the heart. Trunk.-Bruising pains in the back and small of the back. -Drawing pain in the back and lumbar region. Extremities.-Tearing in the arms, hands and fingers, especially in the joints.-Laming numbness of the forearms and hands. —Laming drawing in the lower limbs.-Jactitation of the lower limbs.-Drawing and tearing in the thighs, feet and toes, especially the joints.-Swelling of the feet. 133.-SULPHUR. General Symptoms.~-*Drawing, tearing and stitching in the limbs, especially the joints, with stifnless and intolerable aggravation of the pairs under feather beds.-*Pains as if sprained.-Contractive sensation in the limbs. —Cramp and contraction of the limbs. —Arthritic swelling of the joints, with heat. —~Pale, tight, hot, hard swellings.-OAneurisims. -*li!flammation, swelling, suppturation and induration of glands. —~Serofulous and rhachitic eomplaints. —*Bone-pains, as if' the flesh were detached from the bones.- Inflammation and swelling of the bones. —Curvature of bones. —o Caries.~Effects of onanism. —Effects of the abuse of cinchona, and. mercury. -~Hysteria and hypochondria. - ~Chlorosis and jaundice.-~Gastric and bilious affections. —~Inflammations, dropsy and suppuration of internal organs.-OParalysis.*Tingling in the limbs, with disposition to go to sleep. — Liability t) straining.-*Musculal twitchirgs. —*Fainting fits 17 386 S U LPHUR. a id spasms, ~also hysteric. —Single jerks inl the extremities, ~when sitting or lying. —*Epileptic attack, with creeping sensation proceeding from the back or arms. —*Trembling of the extremnities.-lMost pains are.felt during rest and disappear during motion.-*Pains which are fell or are worse at night. —The pains abate in warmth, increase in the cold. — One feels worse when standing. —* Uneasiness in the whole b:dy, preventing one from sitting still, with disposition to stretch the lirnbs.-* Violent vascular orgasm, -also after drinkincg beer. —Internal trembling. —* Talking prostrates one. - Langunor in the extremities, disappearing when walking. U n steady gait. — One walks stooping. - *Emaciation, Oalso of children. —*Sensitiveness to the open air and winds, with liability to taking eold.-~Pai'ns when the weather changes. - oDread of being washed. Skin. — *chiizll of the skin, -worse at night or early in the 0morningD, ina bed, frequently attended with soreness, or heat, or smarting, or bleeding of the scratched part.-~Eruptions after cowpox.-~Chronie eruptions with burning itching. -*Rash with soreness of the skin.-OItch.-*NYettlerash.~Yellow or lirer-colotured spots.-~Moles.-*Eechy mosis in consequence of a slight bhuise. — Herpes —~Erysipelatous inflammations with throbbing and stinging.-*Chilblains which itch in the warmth.-0-Soreness ~of children. —*Rhagades. —_ Unhealthy skin. — Suppurations.-OFistulous ulcers. -~Sulppurating stea tomnata.-*Boils. -* Ulcers, ~with tearing, stinging and tension, dischargilng a fetid pus and bleeding reai ily.-*Panaritia. - oWarts. - Hangnails. -- Corns, with aching-stinging pa-ns. Sleep.-'*.resistible drowsiness, especially in the afternoon and evening. — *alls asleep late in the evening. —*Sleeplessness at night, with uneasiness and tingling in the limbs.~The sleep is too light. —Deep morning-sleep, as if one were dead.-* One sleeps too long.-Sleep with the eyes half-open. -* Tnrefreshing sleep.-Inability to sleep except when lying on the back or half seated. - *'Raving, anxious, restless dreams, starting during s7eep and fear on waking. —*Moaning, snoring, talking and shrieking during sleep.-Nightly deli iirnim.-~ ight.mare. - *Sonmnambulisnm. -- Jerking and starting of the extremities during sleep. Fever, *Chilliness, -and cold feeling without thirst. — *A good derdl of chilliness at night. - Heat with a good deal of thirst. —Fltushes of heat. —~Quotidian intermittent fever with heat and thirst after the chill. —- Tertian fever, first coldness, with thirst and drawing in all the limbs, afterwards;hill, followed by heat without thirst, attended with throb SULPHUR. 387 bing pain in the temples.-Chilliness with thirst, followed by heat. —~The fever is attended with debility, stoppage of the nose, and scurfs ill the nose. —~Xorm-fever. — *Sweat, early in the morning, or in the evening, in bed.-*Profuse sweat in the day-lime, during work, an d at night in bed. Emotive Sphere.-*Depressed in spirits, sad.-*Jfelancholy ~with doubts about one's salvation.-*Whining mood, -fiequently alternating with ]aughing. — One is dissatisfied with every thing one does. —Evening paroxysms of anxiety. — Dread of ghosts at night.-*Tendency to start, with fear fulness. —Restless and hurried.-Obstinate, peevish.-*Irritable.-Not disposed to work. Sentient Sphere.-* Tieak mnemory. —Delirium and griasping at flocks.-One confounds objects. — PhiloroIphiral and religiousfancies, and fixed ideas. —*Mania, one fhncies that one possesses all sorts of beautiful objects in abundance. — *Dulness of the head, with difficulty of thinking.-Stupifying weakness of the head.-Inability to collect one's senses, with heaviness of the head when stooping.-* Vertigo, especially whena sitting, -or early in the morning, with nose-bleed, or ~after dinner, in the evening, at night, or *when walking, -and when crossing flowing water. eaead. —*I eadache with nausea. —Pain in the head, at every step. —Meningitis and hydrocephalus.-Pain in the vertex, when chewing, coughing and blowing one's nose.~Headache of workers in tin and lead.-*NViqhtly headache ~when stirring in the bed ever so little. —*TFeeln offtJlness and weight in the head, especially in the occiput. —Chronic aching in forehead and sinciput, with tightness in the brain when nmaking a mental effort. — Ieadache as fiom a hoop around the head, or as if in a vice.-Pressing in the temples, from within outwards.-OHeadache every day, as if it would fly to pieces. —*Drawing and tearing through the head.0Periodical headache, every week, consisting of pressure, tearing and stupefaction. — *Stitching headache, especially in the forehead.-Jerking headache. —Bubbling, *or throbbing headache, mostly with heat in the head, caused by a rush of blood to the head, especially early in the morning and in the evening.-Tingling, roaring and *hummning in the head.-The headache is worse in the open air, abates in a room. Integuments of the Head.-* Uoldness of the outer head. -Itching on the head, with impatience.-*Eruption on the hairy scalp.-~IHumid scald head, with fetid smell. —The roots of the hairs are painful when touched. —*The hair falls out. -~The head stoops when one walks about. Eyes, —*Pain in the eyes ~caused by the introduction of 38S StLPHUR. foreign bodies, dust or sand. —Ileaviness in the eyes and lids. —*Pressure in the eyes and lids, with stinging and rub. bing as if sand were in the eyes. —*Itching, smarting and burning in the eyes, lids and canthi. —*Redness of the eyes and lids.-*Inflammation of' the eyes and lids, ~especially in scrofulous subjects, or after a cold, or of new-born infants.*Swelling ~and interstitial distention of the lids.-~Interstitial distention of the conjunctiva. —*Vesicles on the cornea. Dimness of the cornea as if covered with dust.-*Obscuration, specks and ulcers of the cornea.-~Pellicle over the eye. —Tubercles in the lids. — Ulceration of the margins of the lids. —*Dryness of the eyes or profuse lachrymation.Greasy tears.-A good deal of gum on the eyes and on the lids, day and night.-*Nocturnal agglutination.-*The evelids are closed as by a cramp, early in the morning. - Twitching of the lids.-Trembling of the eyes. —*Mistiness of sight. -Gauze before the eyes.-OLong-sighted.-Objects appear as if more distant. — Nyctalopia. -Incipient amaurosis.-*Photop hobia.-~Cataract. -~Short-sigteed. Ears. —Tearing in the ears.-*Drawing and stitching in the ears. —Stitching behind the ears, as far as the eyes, after chagrin. - Glowing burning through the ears. -Sensation in the ears as if full of water.-Purulent discharge'from the ears. -Boil on the helix.-Excessive sensitiveness of hearing.~tDull hearing.-Stoppage of the ears, with rush of blood to the same. —~Closing of the ears when eating.-Ringing, *roalring, humming in the ears. Nose, —*The nose is inflamed and swollen, especially at the tip. —Boring in the root of the nose. —Burning in the nose, high up. —*Iflammation in the nose. —Scurfs in the nose.-~Dry ulcers on the nose. —Cancer of the nose.~Freckles, -acne punctata of the nose. —fBlood is blown out of the nose. -*fiose-bleed.-Excessive sensitiveness of smell. -Smell before the nose as of catarrh or burnt horn. Face. —*Pale and sickly complexion, with sunken eyes, surrounded with blue margins. —*Redness and heat of the face, with red spots. —~Circumscribed redness of the cheeks. -*Swelling of the cheeks with ~stinging pain.-~Erysipelas in theface. —~Red and rough skin in the face.-~OChronic eruption in, the face. —~Eruption on the forehead. —~Crusta lactea. —Freckles and *acne punctata in the face. — *Lips dry, -rough and cracked.-Tremour and twitching of the lips.Burning of the lips.-*Swelling of the lips. —Hepatic spots on the upper lip.-Scurfy ulcer in the vermilion border. — 0 Cancer of the lips? —Herpetic eruption at the corner of the mouth.-Acne punctata on the upper lip and chin. —Painful SULPHUR. 389 eruption around the chin.-*Swelling of the submaxillary glands. Teeth. -The points of the teeth are sensitive. —* Toothache, coming on in the open air and in a draught.-* Tearing and drawing in the teeth, ~aggravated by warm substances.*Jerks and stitches in, the teeth, also in decayed teeth, extending up into the teeth. -Burning boring in the teeth.-Toothache in the evening and at night. —*Painful feeling of looseness of the teeth, looseness, elongation and dulness of the teeth. —*Swelling of the glums, also with throbbing pain.Bleeding of the gums.~-Fistula dentalis? MlOuth. —Dry mouth, early in the morning, with thirst, with humid tongue, covered with a frothy mucus.-Ptyalism, also after abuse of mercury, or with paroxysm of fever.Bloody saliva. —Bad smell from the mouth, also particularly after eating.-Burning in the mouth and on the tongue.~Brown, parched tongue. —*Blisters in the mouth, with soreness. —Aphthaw. — The inner skin of the cheeks peels off.~Stomlacace.-~Cracked tongue, red as vermilion.-*Very dry tongue, early in the morning.-* White-coated tongue. Throat —*Sore throat as from a plug or tumour, ~also chronic, impeding deglutition. —Sensation, during empty deglutition, as though a morsel of meat were swallowed.*Painful feeling of contraction in the throat, when swallowing. -Sensation as if a hair in the fauces, with pungent taste.Stinging in the throat, during and between the acts of deglutition.- Soreness and burning in the throat.-*Dryness of the throat. -Angina faucium.-Swelling of the uvula and tonsils. Appetite and Taste. —Flat taste. —Sweetish, *fou!l taste, especially early in the morning, on waking.-*Bitter or sour taste in the mouth, also early in the morning, on waking.Food tastes bitter or too salt.-Food appears unsavory.*Constant thirst, -especially for beer. —Thirst at night. — * Too mzuch appetite.- * Canine hunger.-*Complete loss of appetite.-Aversion, to meat, brown bread, fat and milk.OAversion to wine.-Aver.sion to sweet and sour th]ings, or else desire for these things —Ill effects of acid things.-Sour taste and sour eructations after eating milk. —Beer has a long after-taste and causes vascular orgasln.-Dyspepsia.-*iAfter eating, oppression across the chest, pressure at the stomach, fulness in the abdomen, chilliness and nervousness.-~Vegetables are indigestible.-~After eating sweet things, the stomach, and bellyache gets worse. Gastric Symptoms. *Eructations, generally empty, -or tasting of the ingesta, also after eating.-Unsuccessful eructations.-~Fetid eructations, at night, during sleep. —~Burning *sour eructations.-*Sour regurgitations, also of food and 390 SUL'IHUR. drink. - *Iealrtburn. -*Hiccoigh. *Nausea, early in the morning, or after eating, also with inclination to vomit. — *Qualmishness before eating. —Nausea when riding in a carriage. —* Waterbrash, with oppressed digging in the ab)domen, early in the morning, or after eating. —# Vorniting of the ingessa, especially early in the nmorning, and in the eveninrg. Bitter and *sour vomiting, in the afternoon and at night, with nausea and cold sweat in the face.-Blaekish vomiting. — HEematemesis. Stomach. —*The region of the stomach is very sensitive to contact.-e*Pressure at the stomach, also after eating.HeaViness and feeling of fulness in the stomach. — -*Swelling of the pit of the stomach. — *Conractire cardialgia, ~also immediately afier eating1r, or at night. —~Digging in the pit of the stornach. —Stinging and burning in the stomach and pit of the stomach. Abdolmen.-The hypochondria are painfully sensitive as if sore. —*Pressure, -tension and *stiining in the hepatic region. —~Chronic hepatitis. —~WWeight in the left lhypochon drium, as from a lump. — Swelling and hardness of the liver and spleen. —*Pressure under the last ribs, ~also with eructations. —C* olic immediately after eating, or ~after drinking. — *Painfuil sensitiveness of' the abdomen to contact, as if the contents were raw and sore. —Full *distended abdomen.* Weight in t]he abdomen as from a lump, less when sitting bent. —*Motion in the abdomen, ~also as from a child's fist. *Pain as is some parts of the abdomen were torn off.* Violent pressure in the abdomen, ~sometimes digging-pressure, ~also chronic, only in the epigastrium. —*Tearing, colicky pains, especially at night, ~or caused by piles. —*Pinching and cutting in the abdomen.- *Stitching colic, ~especically in the left side, when walkintg or drawing a long breath. —Soreness in the abdomen. —~Sanguineous infarction in the abdomen. —~Asciteg. —~Inguinal hernia. —*Swelling of the inguinal glands. —*lincarceration of flatulence, also with violent pressure in the left side of the abdomen. —*Loued rumbling in the abdomen —Emission of a quantity of flatulence, also fetid. Stool. —* Constipation, ~also chronic, or of infants. —*Freqt!ent, ineffectual urging.-*Stool every two or three days. — *Ilard, lumpy, inslgicient stool. —~Diarrhcea of pregnant females. —Wratery diarrhcea, day and night, ~or diarrhoc a consisting of white mueus.-*Diarrhcea of children, ~consisting of green, bloody Imucus, with crying and shrieking.~Nightly dysenteric stools, with colic and violent tenesmus. — ~Brown diarrheic stools, with pinching in the bowels.Sour-smelling stools.- *Undigested stools. — Involuntary stools. -*Ascarides and lumbrici.-*Tm-nia.-*Prolapsus of SULPHUR. 0391 the rectum, ~with difficult stool. —*Itching, stinging and burninjg in the anus and rectum, also during stool.-Soreness of the anus.-Swellin g of the anus. —I-fumid and bleeding *varices of the anus. Urine,-~Suppression of urine, -or scanty urine. —*Frequent?turging to urinate, frequently very hurried. —Thin, intermittent stream. —*Frequent nicturition, also at night, with copious and violent discharge of watery urine.-Involuntary emission of urine.-~ Wetting tAe bed.-*Fetid urine.-Whitish urine.-Sedinment in the urine, reddish or like white flour. - Opalescent urine.-* Hamorrhage fiom the zrethra. — Tear. ing, stinginy and burning in the urethra, also during micturition.-Cutting urine.-Stitches in the bladder. —Redness and inflammation of' the orifice of the urethra. —Discharge of mucus friom the urethra.-O Gleet. Male Parts, —~Fetid sweat of the genital organs.-~Soreness between the thighs, when walking.-Stitching in the penis and glans. —Deep, suppurating ulcer on the glans and prepuce, with pad-shaped border. —~Belannorrhoa. —~Inflammation, swelling and phimosis of the prepuce, with deep rhagades, burning and redness.-Relaxed scrotum. —Swelling of the testicles.- H-ydrocele. — Soreness and dampness of the scrotum. necreased sexual desire. — Weakness of the sexual powers.-*Nocturnal emissions.-OThe semien is discharged too rapidly during an em race.-Discharge of prosta!ic fluid, also atter stool or emission of urine. Female Parts. —~Pressing on the sexual parts. -~Congestion of blood to the uterus. —*Itching, burning and soleness of the pudend ul.-~Inflanmmation of the labia. —-*Suppressed menses, or too scan ty. —ienses too soon and profuse.~Menses too pale. —The menstrual blood has a sourish odour. -~The menses are preceded by headache, or itching of the pudenduml. —*NNo se-bleed dlVuring and previous to the menses. -Abdo min ial spasms during the lenses. — Sterility, the menses being too soon and profuse?-~0ifscarriage?-Slimy, or yellowish, smarting -excoriating leucorrh&ca, -preceded by colic. Catarrhal Symptoms.-~Chronic;stoppage of the nose, Oal-o of one nostril. —*Dryness of the nose.-*Dry coryza. - *Profuse catarrhal discharge of burning water or bloody MLTUCUS. Windpipe. — *Hoarseness and roltughness in the throat, with a good deal of mucus on the chest. —Deep, rough voice, in damp andt cold weather. —Catarrh with discharge firom the nose, chilliness, rawness in the chest, cough.-*lTinyling in the lartyrnx, exciting a cough. Coutgh with pain and stitcling in the chest or head. —-* Cough with strangling and vomiting. and spasmodic contraction of the chest, day and night, or only early in the morning. —~Svfocative catarrh of children. -~Chronic whooping-cough.-*2Dry cough, mostly in the evening or at night, when lying down.-*Loose cough, with discharge of thick mucus, soreness and pressure on the chest. -~Cough with difficult, white, yellow or *green expectoration. — Expectoration of bloody pus. —Feverish cough with bloody expectoration. —~Ulcerated lungs? —Chronic suppuration of the lungs. Chest, &c. — *Frequent stopp-ige of breath, in the day-time, -also when talking. —*Shortness of breath during a walk in the open air. —*Dyspnoea and frequent sutffcative paroxysms, especially at night. —Wheezing brleathing.-P*Rattling in the chest.-Stitching in the back and small of the back when dlrawing breath. -~Pains in the chest from lifting a weight.Pain in the right side of the chest when turning about in bed, as if something were falling to one side. — Chronic pain in the chest, remaining after neglected pneumonia. —Painfiil sensation of stoppage in the left side of the chest, with anguish and inability to lie on that side. —-*Heaviness, pressure and fulness in the chest, also early in the morning.-*Pressure in the sternum, also as from a lump, when coughing, yawning or sneezing. —Pain as if the chest would fly to pieces, when coughing or sneezing.-~Spasnms in the chest.*Stitching in the sternran, or in the chest through to the back, or in the left side when coughing, drawing a deep breath, or raising the arms. —* l/Veakness of the chest, felt especially when talking. —The chest gets tired from singilg.-Feeling of coldness in the chest. — *rlning in the chest, rising to the face.~-Neglected pneumonia, with subsequent pain in the chest.-Vio!ent congestion of blood to the chest and heart. — Pallpitation of the heart, whichl is frequently visible and alttended with anxiety, also felt when ascending an eminence.-Sensation as if the heart were enlarged. —Inflanmmation and erysipelas of the mammie. — ~Itching and soreness of the nipples.- ~R/hagales in the nipples with burning pain.~Cancer of the breast?-~Tlndturation, inflammation of the mammle. Trunk —*Pains in the small of the back when walking, and rising frorm a seat. —*Cracking in the small of the back. -~Pain in the back after performing some manual labour. — Stitches in the back and small of' the back, also in the scaputee, with stoppage of breath.-~Rlheumatic tearing, drawing and tension in the small of the back, back and nape of the nec'k, *nwith sftfiess.-Pinelhing and burning!:etween the scapulh. SUIPnuR. 393' -Rhachitic curvature of' the spine.-Herpes in the nape of the neck. —Inflammation and swelling of the cervical and posterior cervical glands. —Fetid sweat in the axillce. -Swelling and suppuration of the axillary glands. Upper Extreinities.-Pressure on the shoulders as fi-om a load. —Twitching of the shoulders, hands and fingers.*Drawing, tearing ancd stitching in the muscles and joints of the shoulders, armses, hands and fingers -Nocturnal cramp in the arms. —Tingling in the arms and tips of the fingers.~Swelling, of the arms. —Osseous swelling of the arms.~Weakness of the arms and hands, especially early in the morning. —Red, burning spots on the arm, after washing.Hot, hard swelling of the upper arm. —Pustules in the bend of an elbow. —Swelling of the forearm, with burning and tightness (after a blow).-Stiffness and spraining pain of the wrist and finger-joints.- Trembling of the hands, ~when doing fine work. —Anxious, involuntary grasping with the hands.Coldness of the hands and fingers. -*Sweat of the hands and between the fingers.-Hard, dry, *cracked skin on the hands. -The epidermis of the hands and fingers peels off. —Iarge, shining swelling of the fingers. —*Deadness of the fingers.*Chilblains on the fingers.-*Panaritia. —Hangnails. Lower Extremities. —*The nates are painful when sitting long.-Painfill abscesses on the nates. —Bruising and spraining pain of the hip, when moving it ever so little.-Drawing and tearing in the lower limbs, especially at night, under a feather bed.-*Heaviness of the lower limbs, with tension in the thighs and knees, especially at night. —Transparent swelling of the lower limbs (after abuse of cinchona).Uneasiness in the thighs and feet. —Numbness of the lower limbs.-Langur and *lanmeness of the lower limbs, especially the knees, which give way.-~Red spots on the lower limbs. — ~Red, sore, humid spots on the inside of the thighs. —ConZractive tension in the knees. —Fungus of the knee; white swelling of the knee; ~dropsy of the knee. —;*Large, shining swelling of the knee, with contraction and stiffness. —Tearing and stitching in the knees and feet.-Swelling of the veins of the legs. —Erysipelas of the leg. —~Phlegmasia alba. —The calves are painful in walking.-Craump in the calves and soles, also at night. —The soles are painful when pressing them to the ground.-The foot is liable to turning in walking.-* Cold feet.-Burning of the soles. —*Swelling of the feet, especially the ankles. —Cold and sweaty feet. -~Chilblains. -Phagadenic blisters on the soles.-~ TUlcer on the dorsurn of the Jbot. - Cramp and contraction of the toes. —Coldness and stiffness of the toes. —Tingling in the tips of the toes.-~Large, 17* 3094 SULPIIURUS ACIDUMI. *shiningr swelling of the toes. — Painful gout. —~Phagedenic bullae and ulcerated blisters on the toes.-Corns *with aching or stinging pain. 134.-SULPHUJRUS ACIDUM. General Symptoms,-Tearing in the whole body, even the fice. —Cramp in the extremities.-Pains which are felt even during sleep. —Pains which increase, then suddenly de. crease, like a dull pressure.-Icteric conditions.-Subsultus tendinum.-The pains are worse in the forenoon and evening, also in the open air.-The left side appears to be principally affected.-Languor of the whole body, with tremulous sensation. Skin. —*Itching over the whole body. — Red, itching spots on the skin, or small, bluish spots as if ecchymosed. —Bad consequences of mechanical injuries, such as shocks, contusions, &c.-Boils.- Gnawing in the ulcers. —Sore places, also with gangrenous suppurationls.-Chilblains.-Corns with tearing and stitching. —Varts. Sleep.-Falls asleep laye and wakes early.-Quite wakeful. -Startings during sleep. -Anxious dreams.-Twitehing of the fingers during sleep. Fever —-A feeling of warmth prevails.-~Mucous fever? -Small, feeble pulse. —Sweat during every motion.-Profuse morning-sweat, Emotive Sphere. - Melancholy depression of spirits. — Whining mood.-Foreboding apprehensive mood, with distrust.-liestless, impatience. —Irritable, inclining to start. -Sulky and ill-humoured — Weary of life.-Alternate seriolls and jocose mood. Sentient Sphere.-Absence of mind.-Dulness of comprehension. -Dulness of one side of the head, as if filled with smoke.-Vertigo when sitting, passing off inl the open open air. liead.-Headache which increases at first and then suddenly rlecre:,ses.-Feeling of weakness in the head.-Headache as if the brain were torn — Oppressive headache. —Heaviness and feeling of fulness in the brain, as if the head would be dashed to pieces. —Constrictive feeling in the head.-Jerks and shocks in the head.-Drawing and tearing, or dull-stitching headache.-The brain feels loose. Integuments of the Hlead. -The outer head feels painful as if ulceratWld. —ltching and eruption on the hairy scalp.The hairs turn gray and fall out. Eyes, —Bllrning pressure in the eyes. in the open air, or SULPI-UIUS ACIDUIM. $95 when looking at any thing steady in the looml.-Tension in the lids, early in the mornoing.-Smnarting, burning of the eyes, lachrymation, especially when readcling.-Redness of the eyes, with photophobia.- Chrowtic oph'halaria. —Difficulty of opening the lids.-Short-sighted. Ears. —Tealing in the ears. —Ix'?ar'd ]hearing -as if a leaflet were lying against the ears. —Ringing before the ears. — Humnming in the cars, in the evening. Nose,.-Nose-bleed, in the evening. Face —Pale face.-Bruising pain in the malar bones.Tearing in the facial bones. —Feeling of swelling in the Iece, with sensation as if albumen were drying on the face.-The lips peel ofi: —Sore pain in the corners of the mouth. —Inflammation and swelling of the submaxillary glands. Teeth.-Too'hache, most violent in bed, in the evening, aggravated by cold, diminished by warmth, generally tearing and digging or gnawing. —Dull teeth. -The guI ms are swollen and bleed readily. —Gumriboil. MIoulth, —Aphthl, of children. —Dry feeling in the mouth. -Dry tongue. —Profuse ptyallism.-Spitting of blood. Throat. —Stinging sore throat, when swallowing, mostly in the evening. —Rough throat. Appetite and Taste.-Putrid taste.-Bread has a bitter taste and oppresses the stornach.-Canine hunger, with rumblinDg in the bowels. —Desire f&r fresh fruit (plums). —After eating, uneasiness, digging and cutting in the bowels, or distention of the stomnach.-After a warm meal, cold sweat inmediately.-Milk causes flatulence an'l languor. Gastric Symptoms. —*Sour, or -bitter crtectations.-Sourish-bitter, or salt or sweetish risings. -*fHeartburn. —Nausea in the stomach, with chilliness.-Vomiting, first of water, then food. Stomach. -The region of the stomach is very sensitive.Repletion and pressure in the stomach. Teatring-griping in the stomzach, in the evening. —Contraction in the stomach and pit of the stomach.-Cutting around the stomach. —Feeling of coldness or burning in the stomach. Abdomen. - Splenetic stitches. —Stitching in the region of the liver. -Colic, like labour pains, extending to the hips and small of the baek.-Writhilng, cutting and pinching in the abdomen, also at night.-Feeling of warmth in the umbilical region. —Twitching in the whole of the lower belly, rather externally.-Beating, tearing and stinging in the groins. — Smarting as from excoriation in the hernial region. -* Considerable protrusion of irguinal hernia -F11latulent colic in the lower belly, borborygwi and sensation as if hernia would 093t3 SULPIIUKUS ACIDUM. Stool. — Zgiiqg withoutt stool. - Delaying, lumpy, hard, black stool. -Large-sized stool. - Chronic looseness. - Watery, green, papescent diarrhceic stools.-Diarrhcea, consisting of nothing but frothy mucus, with burning in the rectum. — Discharges of blood-streaked mucus.-Stools resembling stirred eggs (in children). — Fetid stools.-Blood during stool. -Congestion of blood to the rectum.-Varices of the anus, with stinging, burning, itching and dampness. Urine.-Decrease of Urine, with burning during emission. — Nocturnal enuresis. - Watery urine. - Thick urine. — Brown-red urine, which becomes turbid while standing, like loam-water. - Slimy sediment. - Blood-like sediment, the urine being covered with a fine pellicle. —Pain in the bladder unless the urine is voided as soon as the desire is felt. Male Parts.-The parts and testes are very warm. —Discharge of semen without thrill. Female Parts,-Great desiro for an embrace in the vulva. * —Menses too soon, aznd profuse.-O~I venses too long.-Metrorrhagia.-Nightmare previous to the menses.-Stitches in the abdomen and vagina, during the menses.-Sterili!y, the menses being too early and profuse.-Acrid and burning, or else milky leucorrhcea.-Discharge of bloody mucus from the vagina. Catarrhal Symptoms.-Dry coryza, with loss of smell. -Discharge of water from the nose, with stoppage of one nostril. Windpipe. —Hoarseness, with dryness and roughness in the throat and larynx.-Pain in the larynx, with difficulty of talking, as though the organ were rigid.- Cough, when in the open air.-Short, panting, dry cough, also early in the morning, after rising.-Loose cough, with mucous expectoration. -~ Chronic hcemoplo. —The cough is followed by eructations, or gulping-up of the ingesta. Chest, &c.-Dyspnowa.-Debility of the chest, with difficulty of speech.-Pressure in the left chest and in the pit of the stomach.-Stitches in the chest.-Palpitation of the heart. -Stitches through the heart. Trunk.-Pain in the back and small of the back, as if sore and bruised.-Drawing in the back and small of the back. -Boils in the back.-Stiffness in the back early in the morning.-Painful sensitiveness of the axillary glands. Upper Extremities.-I-leaviness of the arms.-Lamingspasmodic contraction in the arms.-Stitching in the shoul-. der-joint when raising the arn~.-Tensive pain in the elbow. joints. —Bluish spots on the fore-arm, as if ecchymosed. — Cramp in the hands. —Jerks and shocks in the metacarpal TA4AXACU'. 397 bones, when writing.-Eruption on the hands and between the fingers.-Stitches in the phalangeal joints.-Chilblains on the fingers. Lower Extremities.-Heaviness of the lower limbs.Numbness of the same.-Stretching of the same.-Tearing in the varices of the thighs.-Painful weakness of the knees, with dull stitches, shocks and jerks in the same. —Red, itching spots on the tibia.-Stiffness of the ankles. —Cold feet. — Swollen feet.-Tearing and stitches in the corns. 135,-TARAXACUM. General Symptoms. — Painfulness of the whole body, especially when touched or lying in a wrong position.-Sick and weak feeling in the whole body, with constant disposition to be sitting or lying down. —~Gastric and bilious affections.-Almost all the pains appear while sitting and disappear while walking about. Sleep. —Drowsy in the day-time, with yawning.-Sleep at night, full of dreams, with firequent waking and tossing about. Fever,-Chilliness with headache. —Heat of the whole body, especially of the face and hands, without thirst.Sweat all over, at the commencement of sleep, at night. Emotive Sphere.-Irresolute, with dread of work. —Talkative, disposed to laugh. Sentient Sphere,-Vertigo, with reeling, during a walk in the open air. Hlead.-Headache as if the brain would be contracted or distended.-Heaviness and pressure in the head.-Stitches in the forehead and temples. —~ Violent headache, which is only felt when one is walking or standing.-The hairy scalp feels tight. Eyes.-Pain in the eyes, as if a grain of sand had lodged in the inner canthus.-Burning and burning stinging in the eyes. —Inflammllation of the eyes, with lachrymation and photophobia.-Nocturnal agglutination. Ears.-Stinging in the ears.-Hard hearing in the evening. Face.-Pustulous pimples on the cheeks, wings of the nose and in the corners of the mouth.-Chapped upper lip. Teeth.-Drawing pain in hollow teeth, up to the eyebrows.-Pressive shocks in the teeth.-Sour blood is discharged from hollow teeth.-Dull teeth. Mouth. -The mouth is filled with sourish saliva.- Whitecoated-tongue, which peels off. —Dry, brown-coated tongue, earlv in the morning, on waking. 398 TARTARUS EMETICUS. Throat. —Aching pain in the throat, as if firom a swelling. -Dryness, stinging and bitter phlegm in the throat.-Hauking utp sour mucus. Appetite and Taste.- The taste is bitter, food having a natural taste.-S Salt-sourish taste of food, especially butter and meat.-Tobacco has not a good taste, it causes heartburn and cuts off one's breath. — fhilliness, after drinking and eating. Gastric Symptoms.-Bitter eructations.-Empty eructations, especially after drinking.-Nausea, as after having eaten too much fat, with anxiety or oppressive headache, less in the open air. Abdomen. —Pinching in the bowels.-Oppressive stitches in the abdomen and sides of the abdomen, especially in the left. -Rumbling and movements in the abdomen as if bubbles were breaking. Stool —Stool several times a day, but difficult aud requiring a good deal of straining.-Papescent stool, after which the urging continues. -Voluptuous itching of the perineum. Urinle.-iFrequent urging, with considerable discharge of urine. Male Parts.-Pains in the testes.-Continual erections. — Emissions. Chest,-Pressure at the chest.-Stitching in the chest and sides of the chest.-Twitching in the intercostal muscles. Trunk. —Aching pain in the small of the back.-Oppressive and tensive stitching in the back and small of the back, in a recumbent posture, with laboured breathing. —Rumbling and bubbling in the scapulse and shoulders, attended with chilliness.-Oppressive twitching and stitching in the cervical muscles. Upper Extremities. — Throbbing and twitching in the shoulders and in the upper arm.-Muscular twitchings in the arms. —Stitchings in the arms and elbows.-Drawing and tearing in the fore-arm and wrist-joint. —Pimples on the hands and fingers. —lTy-coldness of tips of the fingers. Lower Extremities. — Stitching in the thighs, knees, calves, soles and toes. —Burning in the knees, legs, and toes. -A good deal of sweat between the toes. 136.-TARTARUS EMIETICUS. General Symptoms.-Rheumatic and arthritic drawing and tearing in the limnbs, with feeling as if bruised.-Contrac-tion of the extremities.-Muscular twitchings.- Convulsive jactitation of the limbs and spasms. —Stinging in the varices. 'ARTARUS EMETICUS. 399 -The pains are worse when in the act of sitting down, or when actually seated, also when rising from a seat.-O Gastric and bilious afections.-OInflammation of internal organs. -Heaviness in all the limbs and great indolence.-Violent throbbing in the whole body.-Prostration, languor.-Faint. ing spells. —The whole body is very sensitive, the child cannot be touched without causing it to cry violently. —The child wants to be carried all the time. Skiii. —Itching of the skin, —Itching pimples and rash.Itch-like eruptions. —*Pustules resembling smallpox, with red areola; they scurf over and then form cicatrices.-Itching around the former ulcers. Sleep.-* Very drowsy in the day-time, with a good deal of stretching and yawning.- *Irresistible somnolence, with deep, stupid sleep. —One feels as though one had not slept enough, early in the morning.-One falls asleep late, with sleeplessness during the night. —Light sleep, with fantastic dreams.- One talks a good deal during sleep.-Shrieking during sleep, with staring eyes and trembling limbs.-Jerks and shocks during sleep, at times a single limb being jerked up, at other times the whole body. - One sleeps on one's back, with the left hand under the head. Fever. —Chilliness and coldness prevail.-Chilliness, with very pale face and tremblingc body.- Violent heat of the whole body, especially the head and face, increased by the least exercise. — Full, or else feeble, accelerated pulse. —*Intermittent fever, without thirst and with sopor.-Rheumatic fevers.-Frequent and copious, also cold sweats.-Sweat of the affected parts.-Profuse night-sweat. Emotive Sphere.- Apprehensive anxiety and restlessness, with palpitation of the heart and trembling. —Anxiety for the future, (in the evening).-Despair, loss of all hope. — Mania of suicide.- Wild mirth (only in the day-time. Sentient Sphere.-Dulness of the head, as if stupified, with drowsiness and dizziness.- Attacks of vertigo, with flickering before one's eyes and reeling.-Dulness of all the senses. flead.-Hesdache, with palpitation of the heart and vertigo.-J-Heaviness of the head especially the occiput.-Hemicrania.- Oppressive, constrictive headache, as if the brain were agglomerated into a ball, frequently attended with sa feeling of stupefaction as far as the root of the nose, also in the evening and at night.-Drawing. tearing, and digging in the head.-Stitching headiche, sometimes extending to the eyes, with disposition to close them.-Boring in the forehead.Beating in one half of the forehead. —Chronic trembling of the head, 4A00 TARTARUS EMETIC US. Eyes.-The eyes are tired and full of sleep, with disposition to close them firmly.-The eyeball feels bruised when touched. — Pressure on the eyes. — Stinging, burning and smarting in the inner canthi, with redness of the conjunctiva. -Dirn, swimming eyes. —Incipient amaurosis? —Dimness of sight, with flickering before the eyes, especially when rising from a seat. Face. —~ The face is pale and sunken. —oRed and bloated face, with an expression of anguish in the features.-Drawing, dull pressure at the zygomatic arch.-Convulsive twitching of the facial muscles.-Lips dry and peeling off.-Chapped lips. Teeth. —Violent toothache, early in the morning. Mouth.-Flow of saliva in the mouth.-The tongue is moist, clean, or else coated gray.-Speechless. Appetite and Taste.-Food is tasteless.- Saltish taste in the mouth.-Desire for cold water.-Little appetite, with a good deal of thirst. - Good appetite, with speedy loathing of food after eating but little.-Canine hunger during a walk in the open air.- Great desire for acids and fresh fruit (apples).- Loathing of food, especially milc. Every morsel one swallows causes a pain down to the stomach. Gastric Symptoms.-Empty rising.-Sobbing eructations. -Nocturnal eructations, tasting of foul eggs.-Rising of an acrid, or saltish or sourish fluid.-Gulping-up of the milk one had eaten. —*Nausea, also continually, with inclination to vomit, anguish, pressure in the pit of the stomach, headache; discharges of gas by the mouth or rectum afford relief.-Violent retching, with considerable flow of saliva, sweat on the forehead and langour of the lower limbs. —* Violent vomiting, attended with great straining, pains in the stomach and abdomen, trembling and doubling up of the body, chilliness drowsiness.-* Vomiting of mucus, ~with great debility and mucous diarrheea. —Sour vomiting of food. Stomach. —The stomach is very sensitive, every mouthful of food causes a pain the stomach.-Stomach.ache, as if the stomach were overloaded. —Qualmishness and emptiness in the stomach. —Pressure in the stomach and pit of the stomach.-Violent throbbing in the region of the stomach.Stitching in the pit of the stomach. Abdomen — * Colic, with great bodily and mental uneasiness, and with aversion to any kind of work.-Malaise in the upper and lower abdomen, obliging one to lie down and stretch the limbs.-Fulness and pressure in the abdomen, as fro7m stones, especially when sitting bent.-Spasmodic colic, with violent closing of the lids and iirresistible drowsiness. TA RTARUS ENITICUS. 4:01 (olic, as if the bowrels would be cutl to pieces.-Pulsations in the abdomen. —A good deal of rumbling and pinching flatulence. Stool. -Constipation, alternating with diarrhcea. —Papescent s:oots. — Watery, or yellow, light-brown *or mucous diarrhoea, frequently preceded by cutting and shifting flatulence.-Bloody stools.-Involuntary stool. — Palpitation of the heart during stool.-Violent burning tickling from the rectum to the glans.-Stitching in the rectum. Urine. — Violent and painful urging to urinate, with tension in the perineum, burning in the urethra, and scanty emission of urine, which becomes at last bloody, and is then attended with violent pains in the bladder.-Nightly urging to urinate, with violent thirst and scanty emission. —Involuntary discharge of urine. - AInamed, red urin e, depositing bloody filaments while standing.-Turbid, acrid, dark-brown Urine.-l-ressure and tension over the bladder.-Stitching in the urethra and the lower portion of the bladder. Female Parts.- Discharge of watery blood from the vagina.-Pimples at the pudendum. Catarrhal Symptoms.-Profuse fluent coryza, with a good deal of sneezing, ulcerated nostrils, chilliness, loss of taste and smell. Windpipe.- *Catarrh, with desire to cough and a quantity of rattling 9nucus in the chest.- ~Hoarseness. —The larynx is painful when touchled. — Croup?-*Cough caused by violent titillation in the trachea. —The child coughs when it gets anngry.-*Puroxyms of cough, with slffocative arrest of breath;ing.- *Cough, with heat and moist hands, sweat about the head, especially the forehead. —* Cough, with vomiting of food, after eating. —~Rattling, hollow cough. —*Cough, with expectoration of mucus, also at night only, -especially after midnight. Chest.-*:Frequent arrest of breathing, especially in the evening or early in the morning, in bed, even unto suffocation. -Shortness of breath. - Dyspncea. —Paralysis of the lungs? Anxious oppression of the chest, -with rising of warmth, reaching- as fari as the hleart.-*Rattling breathing.-Paroxysin of pain in the chest, as if sore, especially in the left side. —Rheumatic pain the left side of the chest.-Burning in the chest, reaching up to the throat.-Pneumonia.-Visible and anxious palpitation of the heart.-Tingling and shocks about the heart, abating only after sweat breaks out.-Rash when on the chest. Trunk, —Pain in the back and small of the back, when sit. ting, as if tired.-Rheumatic pain in the back.-The cervical 402 TEUCRIUM MARUJM VERUTM. muscles are too weak to support the head erect. —Rash at the nape of the neck. Upper Extremities.,- Cracking in the shoulder-joints, with tearing in the arms, as far as the hands.-Weight in the arms.-Muscular twitchings in the arms and hands.-Rash on the arms. —Itching pimples on the upper arms and wrists. -Red spots on the hands, resembling flea-bites.-Trnembling of the hhands.-Cold hands.-Icy coldness of the tips of the fingers. —The tips of the fingers are dead, dry, hard.-Darkyellow spots on the fingers. —Contraction of the fingers. Lower Extremities. —Weight and rheumatic pains in the hips and thighs. —Painful weakness of the knee-joints, early in the morning, in bed. —Tension of the hamstrings and dorsa of the feet, during a walk. —Cramp in the calves. -Cold feet.-The feet go to sleep each time after sitting down. 137. —TEJCRIU'JM MARUM VERUM. General Symptoms.- Tearing in the extremities, especially the joints. —Muscular twitchings.-Nervousness and irritability, with trembling and reeling appearance. —While walking, the feet totter and involuntarily clross each other.T'ingling in the limbs; they go to sleep. -Desire for exercise in the open ailr. Skin. —Itching stinging in many parts of the body. Sleep.-One falls asleep late in the evening.-Unr-efreshing sleep.-Restless night -sleep, owing to great nervousness, with vivid drealams and fr-equent starting as if in affright. Fever. —Chililiness, with trembling, frequently with icycold hands and frequent yawning.-Increased temperature, in the evening. Emotive Sphere.,-Irritablc, even the talking of other persons affects one unpleasantly. —Out of humour. —Dread of work.-Considerable mental excitement and talkativeness. -Irreisti,,ible desire to sing. lead. — Dull crnamnpy headache.-Aching pain, especially in the forehead and temples. Eyes.-Pain in the eyes, like a pressure from a grain of sand.-Slmarting in the eyes, especially in the inner canthi, with redness of the conjunctiva. —-Red, inflamed eyes.Weeping eyes, as if bedimmed with tears. Ears.-Otalgia.-StinIging and tearing in the car.-Hiss. ing in the ear, when talking or singing a note.-Scaly herpes on the lobule. Nose. —oolypi? —Feeling of stoppage in the n'ose.-Creeping in the nose. TVUCRIUA1 MARUM VERUM. 403 Pace. —Pfale complexion, with sunken eyes.-Flushes of heat, without redness —Aching-tearing in the malar bone, extending to the teeth. Teeth. - Tearing pint iJI the roots of the teeth and in the gums.-When chewing the teeth and gums are painful. llouth.-A good deal of' phlegm in the mouth.-Smarting and scraping in the fauces and at the root of the tongue. Throat.-Stilging sore throat, with difficult deglutition. -Pressure, or drawing and tearing in the fauces. —Desire to hawk, with hawking 1tu a good deeal of mucus, having a imusty smell. Appetite and Taste. —Taste bitter, high up in the throat, after dinner.-Feeling of hunger, as though food did not satiate himn; it likew-ise prevents sleep. —Colic or nausea, after d inking vwater. Gastric. Symptoms.-Gulping up of food, with hitter taste. —Violent hiccough while eating, with violent shocks in the pit of the stomach. Stomiach. -Pain in the stomach as if empty, with grumbling in the stomach.-Qualmlishness in the pit of the stomach. -Pressure and oppressive anxiety in the pit of the stomach. Abdomen. -Tl'earig drawing below the short ribs. -Incarceration of faztulence, with pinching, rumbling in the abdomen.-Pressure in epigastrium.- Pressing towards the abdominal ring. —Discharge of a good deal of fetidflatullence. Stool,-Stool copious, papeseent fetid.- Discharge of ascarides.-Itching and creeping at the anus, also after every stool. Urine. —Urine increased and watery.-Aching-sore feeling, with smarting, in front-part of urethra. —Burning during and after micturition. -Diminution of the sexual desire. Catarrhal Symptoms. —Sneezing, with tingling in t'ne nosc. —Stqfied nose. -Fluent coryza in the open air. Chest. — Iuisky chest, with feeling of dryness in the windpipe.-Dry cough, owing to tickling in the trachea, as if from dust.-Oppressive-crampy feeling in the lower part of the chest, iwith anxiety and malaise. UIpper Extrenmities.-Rheuimatic drawing and tension in the baek.-Paintlfl weight in the upper and Ibrearms. —Muscular twitchings in the alrms.-Drawing tearing in the bones amnd joints of the arms, hands and fingers. - Painful throbbing and drawing in the index-finger. Lower Extremities. - Musciular twitchings in the lower limbs. —Tearing in the articulations and( bones of the lower limbs (including feet and toes). —Pain of the big toe, as if the nail wuould grow into the flesh. 404 THERIDION CURASSA~ICUM. 138,-THERIDION CURASSAVICUM. General Symptoms. —Debility with trembling of the li mbs. —~Sea-sickness. —~Gastric complaints. —Drowsiness, with many dreams.-Chilliness, with heaviness in the limbs, drowsiness, desire to lie down, after breakfast. - WXTant of spirits and confidence in one's-self. — Tendency to start.-Time passes too rapidly. - Dread of work. Head. -Dulness of the head, incapacitating one from work.-A good deal of vertigo, especially when stooping.Vertigo with nausea, unto vomiting. —Ieadache, behind the eyes.-Feeling of thickness in the head, as if it were somebody else's head.-~Violent frontal headache, with throbbing as far as the occiput. —Headache, when commencing to stir.Tensive pressure around the head as from a hoop across the root of the nose and ears.-Evening-headache, with great despondency. Eyes and Ears. —Frequent paroxysms of flickering before the eyes. —Humming in the ears.-Rushing in the ears like water.-Extreme sensitiveness of hearing, with vertigo and nausea caused by every loud report. —~Violent itching behind the ears. Mouth. —~The lower jaw is sometimes immoveable, especially early, after waking.-Mouth slimy and as if lined with phlegm. —Every sound, also the coldpeane:rates the teeth painfully. Appetite and Taste.-Desire for sour things, also for tc. bacco, wine and brandy.-Constant desire for food and drink, without knowing which kind.-~Salt taste, and hawking of salt mucus. Gastric Symptoms,-Nausea and vomiting at night, preceded by vertigo, renewed by the least motion, or by closing the eyes. —Sea-sickness? —*Pain in the inguinal region, ~especially during motion, as if some one were knocking hard on this part. Stool and Urine.-Constipation.-Scanty, papescent stool, with much straining.-Protrusion of the anus, with pain of the same when sitting.-Increased urine. —Excessive sexual desire.-Shrivelling of the testes. Catarrhal Symptoms, &c.-Sneezing and discharge of water from the nose, without catarrh.-Severe stitches high A(p in the chest.-Disposition to take a deep breath and to sigh. —Itching and blotches on the nates. THUJA OCClDlTNLTAf, A. 405 139. —THIUJA OCCIDENTALIS. General Symptoms.-Stinging in the articulations and limbs. — Cracking of the joints, wihen stretching the limbs. — Swelling of the cutaneous veins. —*Jactitation of single limbs. — ~lnflammatory swelling with redness. —Ill effects of getting heated, of tea, fat and onions. —~Syqcosis.-~Gout. —Trembling of single limbs.-The limbs are liable to going to sleep, especially at night, on waking.-Most of the pains are worse in the afternoon and at night, and prevent sleep in the evening.-*Many pains are likewise worse during rest and in warmth, especially in bed, and abate during motion, in the cold and when sweat appears.-A number of symptoms seem to come out, principally on the left side. —Stiffness and heaviness in all the limbs, especially in the shoulder and thighs. —Debility of the body, the mind being perfectly disembarrassed. — -Iequent starting of the trunk, during the day. - Violent rushes of blood in the evening, with throbbing all over, worse during motion, abating when sitting.-Dread of motion. Skin.-The skin is painfully sensitive.-Itching stinging in the skin, especially in the evening and at night. —Pustules resembling varicella. -— Figwarts. — Boils. —Chilblains. - Brown or red spots on the skin. —Most of the skin-symptoims abate by contict. —~Ulcers after abuse of mercury. Sleep.-Very drowsy in the evening.-Fails asleep late, owing to restlessness and, dry heat. —Nightly sleeplessness, with restlessness and coldness of the body. - Unrefreshing night-sleep. -Immediately after falling asleep, heavy, *anxious dreams about danger and death, with starting and cries, especially when lying on the left side. —Lascivious dreams without emission of semen, with painful erections on waking. Fever. —Chilliness with yawning, after midnight.-Chillinesslevery morning, without thirst. - Chilliness with internal and external coldness (and thirst) followed immediately by sweat. —Chilliness every evening (6 o'clock) with external heat, dryness of the mouth and thirst.-Evening-heat, especially in theface.-Sweat at the commencement of sleep. Emotive Sleep.-*Despondency. —Anxiety for the future. -Restlessness, on account of which every thing becomes disagreeable.-The least trifle causes one to reflect deeply.Aversion to life.-Out of spirits and humour. Sentient Sphere.-Slowness in talking and thinking, one has to think of the 7words.-Inability to think.-Confusion in the head, as if intoxicated, especially early, with nausea.Weakness and dulness of the head, as if the brain were numb 406 THUJA OCCIDENTALIS. and dead. -.ertigo as if one were balancing. —Vertigo when rising from a seat or a recumbent posture, or when looking up. Head. -Headache, early in the mnorning, as after stooping or sleeping too soundly, with redness of the face.-Dull, stupifying headachle. —Headache, aggravated by stooping, ameliorated by bendinj g the head backwards -Heaviness of the head, especially early in the morning, on waking, in the occiput, with ill-humour and want of disposition of talk.tHeadache as though the forehead would fall out, with internal chilliness, abating during a walk in the open air.-Jerkingoppressive headache in the forehead and temples. - Compressive headache, especially in the temples.-Headache as from a nail in the vertlex.-Selnilatelal tearing in the sinciput and face, down to the malar hone, especially early in the morning and evening. —Tcaring and jereking in the occiput.-Stitches through the brain. —Rush of blood to the head. —~Throbbing in the temples. Integuments of the Head.-The left side is very painful, even the hairs, at night in a recumlbent posture, and when touching it.-Pressure, with drawing, in the temporal muscles, especially when chewing.-Stinging at the temples. —Stelling of the temporal veins. —Itching and gnawing on the hairy scalp. Eyes.-Pain in the eyes as fi-om sand, aching and smarting. — Tearing in the eyebrows.-Stinging in the eyes, when exposed to sharp air or bright light.-Burning in the eyes.Inflamed, blood-red appearance of the whites.-~Hard, inflammatory swelling of the lids. —Red, painful tubercles on the margins of the lids. —Itching pustules between the eyebrows.~Figwarts in the eyebrows.-Heat and feeling of dryness in the outer canthi. —*Lachrymation during a walk in the open air, especially of the left eye.-OAgglutination of the eyes. -Obscuration of sight when reading, with feeling of drowsiness.-Gauze before the eyes. —Near-sighted. —Black motes. Ears. —Crampy compression in the ears, with violent stitches, mostly in the evening. - Crampy pain at the outer ear. — Hammering and tearing in the ear, in the evening, in bed, with frequent micturition and coldness of the legs and feet. - Aching pain behind the ears. Nose.-Swelling of the wings of the nose, with hardness and tension. —Drawing tension in the nasal bones.-*Painful scurfs in the nose.-*One blows blood out of the nose. -Fre. tuent nose-bleed, especially after getting heated. Face. —Heat in thle frce, frequently only a flush, or also with burning redness. —Sweat in the face.-Itching, scurfy eruption in the face. —Red, painful blotches at the temples. TIIUJA OCCIDENTALIS. 407— Boring and digging pain in the malar bone, abating by contact. —Twitchings of the lips.-Pimnples on the lips and chin. — Stitching from the lower jaw through the ear. — Swelling of the submaxillary glands. Teeth.,-Toothache after drinking tea, a pressing pain extending to the jaws.-Sharp drawing toothache, especially when eating. —*Gnawing in the (decayed) teeth, -with painfulness of the whole side of the head, increased by any thing cold and by chewing. —Swollen gums, painful as if sore. Mouth.-~Aphtha. —Swelling of the salivary glands, with increased flow of saliva.-Bitter, or bloody saliva.-The tip of the tongue is painful as if sore, when to:iched.-Swelling of the tongue, with pain when touched. —'Ranula on both sides of the tongue, transparent, of a bluish-red-gray and jelly-like appearance.-Slow-speech. Throat. —Throat rough and scraping.-PPressure and sore pain in the throat and at the palate, when swallowing. —Desire to swallow.-Stitching, from the fatuces to the ear.Swelling of the tonsils and t the throat.-Hawking up of bluered mucus.- Chanc, - like ulcers in the throat and fauces, ~also in mercurial syphilis. Appetite and Taste. -Taste in inouth flat and sweetish, in the evening and after eating —Bread has a bitter taste.Food does not taste salt enough. —Thirst, only at night and early in the morning. —Desire for cold food and drink. — One is speedily satiated. — 111 effects of fat and onions. —After eating, a good deal of indolence or faintness with anxiety and palpitation of the heart, or considerable distention with flatulence. Gastric Symptoms. —Eructations tastin.r, of the ingesta, after eating. —Foul or bitter eructations.-*Rancid eructations, Oespecially after eating fat food. — Nausea and qualmishness in the region of the stomach.-Vomiting of food and of a sour liquid. Stomach. -Cardialgia much worse towards evening. - Pressure in the pit of the stomach, after eating, with pain when touched.-Beating in the pit of the stomach.-Oppressive anxiety in the pit of the stomach, rising to the head. Abdomen. —Aching pain in region of liver. —Pressure in the region of the kidneys. —Distention of the abdomen, frequently with spasmodic contractive pain. —~Induration in the abdomen. - Constrictive tightness in the abdomen.-Pressing pains in the lower abdomen, especially towards the side (previous to stonl). —Sensation in the abdomen as of something alive. —Spasmodic colicky pains — ~Colic as from intus-susception of the bowels.-Rumbling in abdomen.-Pain in the groin, pressing inwards. -Drawing in the groin, when walk 408 T1tUJA OCCIDENTALIS. ing and standing, with stitching through the thighs front above downwards, on sitting down. —OPainful swelling of the inguinal glands, with drawing down to the knee. Stool. —* Constipation for several days, also after emissions. — *Inefectual urging to stool,.with erection.-Difficu7t discharge of hard, large-sized, blood-covered fieces. —~-Constipatlon as from torpor or violvulus.-OBlood at stool.-Painful contraction of the anus at stool. -Burning at the anus and between the nates.-0Figwarts at the anus.-Tearing in the rectum from below upwards.-OFistula recti. Urine. —Frequent urging, with copious enission of watery urine, also at night.-Flocculent sediment.-Bloody urine.Long-continued dribbling of the urine, after urinating. —Sensation as if a drop were running along in the urethra, between and after the acts of urinating.-Burning in the urethra, especially early in the morning and at noon, also after and during micturition.-Stitching in the urethra during and between the acts of urinating. —Smarting in the pudendum, when urinating. —*Itching in the urethra. — Gonorrheea? Male Parts, —The parts, especially the scrotum, sweat profusely. —*Balann orrhesa. —*iFgwarts on the glans and prepulce, ~which secrete a humour, suppurate and itch, especially during the increase of the moon. —Round, flat, unclean ulcers at the corona glandis. —Chancrous ulcers on the prepuce. -Swelling of the prepuce.-Stitches in the scrotum and penis, striking up the spermatic cord as far as the navel.Drawing in the testicles, with drawing-up of one testis (the left). —*Continuous painful erections -especially at night and early in the morning, with stitches in the urethra. -Emissions, with feeling of contraction in the urethra.-Discharge of prostatic fluid. —Profuse, watery discharge from the urethra. -OProstatitis. Female Parts.-Itching of the pudendum and burning and smarting as if sore.-Pressing on the pudendum. — Crampy-contractive pains in the pudendum, ascending up to the lower abdomen.-Swelling and soreness of the labia. — oWarts at the os-tincce, with stinging and burning when urinating. —Menses too scanty. —-Leucorrhcca.- ~Carcinoma uteri? Catarrhal Symptoms. -Dry coryza, which becomes fluent in the open air, with constant headache.-Fluent coryza, with cough and hoarseness. -Greenish fetid discharge fiom the nose. Windpipe.-Hoarseness as if caused by a contraction of the larynx.-Stinging and creeping in the wLindpipe.-Cough, early in the morning, from titillation in the windpipe, — THUJA OCCIDENTALIS. 409 Coughfrom getting heated. — Cough with expectoration of gray, yellow or green little balls.- Cough wi'h expectoration of yellow mucus and pain in the pit of the stomach, in the after110011. Chest and Breathing.-Dyspncea with great desire for owater and anxiety.-Dyspncea, with desire to draw a long breath. —Tightness or stricture, at times in the left chest, at ethers in the left hypochondrium, with desire to cough.Pain in the chest as if something had adhered in it.-l-'ressure in the chest, also after eating -Restlessness and feeling of distention in the chest. —*Stitches in the chest, ~especially after taking a cold drink.-Rush of blood in the chest, and:*;trong audible palpitation of the heart, especially when going up-stair s.-~Palpitation of the heart, with nausea.-~Painfulness of the region of the heart.-Blueness of the skin around the clavicles. Trunk.-Pain in the small of the back, back and nape of the neck as if stiff and bruised, especially in the morning after rising.-Drawing in the back and small of the b:lck. when sitting.-Boring in the back.-Pulsations in the back.Pustions i the spine, — Boils on, the back.-Restlessness in the nape of the neck, neck and chest.-The skin on the nape of the neck feels tight, wheln moving the head.-Swelling of the cervical glands.S'wellinjg of the veins of the neck.-Profuse sweat in the axille. Brown spots under the arms, like moles. Upper Extremities.-Throbbing in the shoulder-joint. — o Tearing-throbbing ulcerative pain, fromn the shoulder to the fingers.-Spraining pain in the shoulder and upper arm, with cracking.-Digging drawing in the arms, as if in the bone or periosteum.-Involuntary jerking of the arms, in the day time. — Cooling sensation about the arms, at night. —Stitching in the arms and their articulations.-Cracking in the elbow-joints awhen stretching the arms.-Red spots on the lower'arm.Trembliln of the arms aand hands when writing.-The skin of the hands feels d ry.-Sweaty hands. -Swelling of the veins of the hands. —Coldness and deadness of the tips of the fingers, frequently extending up to the fbrearims.-Tingling and stinging in the tips of the fingers.-Red, painful swelling of the tips qf the fingers. —The pains in the arms are worse in warmth and when the arms hang down; the pains abate during exercise, in the cold and after sweat breaks out. — vOWarts on the hands, in the case of onanists. Lower Extremities,-Drawing in the lower limbs. — Stitching in the lower limbs and their articulations.-Great weakness and languor of the lower limbs, especially when going up-stairs. -Heaviness and stiffness of the lower limabs, s18 410 VALERIANA. when walking.-Profuse sweat on the thighs, near the private parts.-Itching of the thigh.-Pimples on the nates, thighs and knces.-Ulcers on the thigh.-Cracking in knee, and tarsal joints, when stretching them.-Suppurating pustules on the knees.-Violently itching, white blotches on the calves.Painful inflammatory swelling and redness of the dorsum of the foot, and the tips of the toes, with tension when setting the foot down or moving the part.-Red spots on the dorsum of the foot. — Sweat on the feet, especially the toes. —Chilblains. 140.-VALERIANA. General Symptoms.-*BRhetlmatic tearing in the limbs, mostly in the parts between the joints, particularly during rest, after exercise, and generally abating during exercise. or else changed by exercise to some other sensation, or shifting to some other part. —Suddenly-appearing, jerking painls, causing one to start; in paroxysms. —Pains which make their appearance after one remains ior a while in any one position, and abate by a change of' position.-Drawing and jerking in the limbs, as if in the bones.-Laming pain in the limbs, at the end of a wallk.-Symptoms which recur periodically, every two or three months.-~Hypochondriac and hysteric affections.-~Epilepsy? -Laming and dull feeling in the limbs. —%ll eftects of mercury. —Most of the pains appear in the evening and after dinner —*General nervousness and morbid irritability, apparently with a considerable amount of vigour. — Early in the morning, after rising, the limbs, especially the lower, feel lamed and bruised. Skin.-Eruption, consisting first of red, confluent, afterwards of white, hard pimples. Sleep.- Sleepless.-~Restless sleep, with tossing about, and anxious, confused dreams. Fever.-Fever with constant heat, after a short chill, with dulness of the head and thirst. —-Worm-fever?-Accelerated pulse. —Frequent sweat, especially in the face and on the forehead, (frequent appearing and disappearing again suddenly). Emotive Sphere. -Anxious, hypochondriac feeling, as though all around one were deserted, strange.-* Tremulous joyouls *excitement. —Fearfulness in the evening. — ~Aternation of the most opposite emotions. Sentient Sphere.-Extremely rapid change of ideas. - Illusions of the senses and the sensus communis.-Cloudiness as after intoxication.- Intoxication ard stupefaction, without thought.- Vertigo on bending the head forwards. VALERIANA. 411 lead, —Headache which appears suddenly or in paroxysms. — ~Hysteric headache.-Headache, also stitching headache, especially in the forehead, towards the orbits, frequently alternating with stupifying dulness. —lrawing pain in one side of the head, after exposure to a draught of air —Stupifying contraction in the head, as if caused by a violent blow on the vertex.-Feeling of icy coldness of the upper half of the head, when pressed upon by the hat. Eyes.-Dull eyes, as after nightly revelling, especially after eating.-Pressure, burning and smarting in the eyes.Redness and sore pain of the marins of the lids. —lnflarn. mation of the margins of the lids, with smarting and stinging. -Swelling and painfulness of the lids.-Dimness of sight. -Near-sighted.-.Bright light before one's eyes, in the dark, so that one almost sees objects.-Scintillationis.-~Black points before one's eyes. Ears. —Crampy drawing in the ears.-Twitching in the ear.-Ringing before one's ears. Face. —Crampy drawing in the mlalar bones. —Redness and heat of the cheeks, in the open air. —White blisters on the cheek and upper lip, painful when touched.-Stinging toothache. Appetite and Taste.-Taste in mouth (and smell before the nose) as of fetid tallowv.-Bitter taste on the tip of the tongue, while licking the lips after a meal.-Flat, slimy taste in mouth, early in the morning, after waking.-Canine hunger with nausea. Gastric Symptoms, -Eruclations tasting of spoiled eggs, on waking in the morning. —Frequent empty, or rancid, burning eructations. —Desire to vomit, as though a thread were hanging from the fauces down into the abdomen, with copious flow of saliva. —Nausea, with fainting, white lips and cold body. —Vomiting of bile and mucus, with severe chill. -N'octurnal vomiting. Stomach. —Weak stomach, with weak digestion. —Pres. sure in the pit of the stomach, coming on suddenly, and suddenly disappearing again with a bubbling noise in the abdomen. Abdomen.-The region of the liver and the epigastrium are painful when touched. —Painfild jerks in the right hypochondrium.-Stitches in the renal region, when distended and hard abdomen. —Sensation of distention in the abdomen, as if it would burst.-Disposition to draw in the abdomen. — ~Abdominal spasms, also hysteric, most frequent in the evening in bed or after dinner, not abating in any position.Hoemorrhoidal colic. —Painful pinching and cutting in the ab 412 VERATROM ALBUM. domen, when drawing it in. —Evening-colic in the left side, as if ulcerated. —Drawing, pressure and bruising pains in the abdomen, groin or in the abdominal muscles, as after strain.f ing or taking cold.-Diggiig colic. Stool. -Diarrheic sfools. —Greenish papescent stools with blood. —Painful boring in the rectum. —Discharge of blood from the anus.-Ascarides. Urine.- Copious and frequent micturition. Chest.-Dyspncea and oppression.-Oppression of breath. ing, with pressure across the lower part of the chest. —Stitches in the chest and left side of the chest (region of heart) vhen drawing breath. —tlard pimples on the chest., Trunk.-Drawing pain in the back and small of the back. -— Pain in the lumbar region as if caused by a cold or strain. — Rheumatic pains in the seapulue. Upper Extremities.-Crampy drawing and jerking, or tearing in the upper arms.-Laming pain in the shoulder and elbow-joints, at the termination of a walk.-Hard pimples on the arms.-Tremblingl of the hands when writing. —Painful jerks through the hands. Lower Extremities. —Burning pain in the hip, in the evening in bed.-Crarnpy drawing and jerking in the thighs.Heaviness and weariness of the legs and calves. —B-uising pain of the thighs and tibiea.-Laming pain in the knees, when returning from a walk.-Tensive pain about the calves. -Tearing in the calves, especially when crossing the legs.Drawing in the tarsal joints, when sitting. —Spraining pain in the tarsal joints and malleoli.-Pain and stinging in the heels, especially when sitting.-Tearing in the soles and in the dorsa of the toes. 141.-VERATRUM ALBUM. General Symptoms,.-Paroxysms of pain, every paroxysm causing for a short time delirium and craziness.-Drawing pain in the limbs, especially when walking fast.-Aching and bruising pain in the limbs (their muscles and bones). — *Laming pains in the limbs, as after great fatigue.-Tearing in the extensor-mruscles, when sitting. —~Pains in the limbs, which do not bear the warmth of the bed, abate when rising, cease entirely when walking about, and generally appear early in the morning. —Pains in the limbs which get worse in bad weather, or in the fall and spring. —~Pains which are aggravated by the conversation of other persons.-*Relaxation of the muscle. —The limbs go to sleep.-Stiffness of' the limbs, especially in the forenoon and after walking. —Trembling of VERATRUM ALBUM. 413 the limbs. —Starting of the limbs as if by electric shocks. - *Spaslmodic paroxysms and convulsive movements of the limbs. -(Epileptic spa:ms). —~Tonic spasms. - ~Bilious and gastric, hysteric and hypochondriac complaints of various kinds.~SForadlic and Asiatic cholera. —Bad effects of cinchona.~Scrofulous conditions.-l~nflammations of internal organs, especially the digestive organs.-M'any pains come on after riinig, and disappear when lying down. —*Generalprostration as if paralysed.-*Excessive debility caused by the least exercise, and only allowing one to be lying or sitting.-Staggering gait. —**Fainting turns'after the least exercise.o General emnaciation. —Tingling in the whole body, as far as the tips of the fingers and,toes.-The open air affects one unpleasantly. Skin.-Rash which itches in the warmth and burns after scratching. Nettle-rash. —~Dry, *itch-like eruptions with nightly itching. —ODry herpes.-Peeling off of the epider. mis.-~Blue colour of the skin, in cholera. Sleep. —Coma, or coma vigil, with half:consciousness, starting as ifin affright, and the eyes half closed or only on one side. -Nightly sleeplessness, with great anguish.-Profound sleep. -One sleeps with the arms extended above one's head. Anxious dreams. —Moaning during sleep. Fever.-* Coldness all over, with cold ~clammy sweat, especially on the forehead.-Shuddering and chilliness, with desire for cold water.-Shuddering and goose flesh, after drinking. —~ntermittent fevers, with coldness only on the outside - ~Severe chill (followed by heat and a little thirst), afterwards sweat which soon changes to coldness.-~Chilliness with much thirst, followed by alternate chilliness and heat, afterwards constant heat and thirst. —Fever with only internal heat and dark urine. —During the chilliness, vertigo, nausea, pains in the back and small of the back. —During the heat, constant sopor, or delirium with red face. —Quotidian and tertian fevers, morning and forenoon-intermittent fevers. —~Lentescent typhus.-*Pulse slow and almost extinct, or ~small, quick, atrd intermittent.-*Liability to sweating in the daytime, when performing the least exercise. —*Cold sweat all over. Emotive Sphere.-Melancholy depression of spirits, whining mood.-Disconsolate and sad, with crying and weeping about imaginary misfortunes.-*Excessive anguish and orlpression, with forebodings and anxie'y of conscience, mostly at night, or early in the morning, frequently also whenever one rises from a seat or from a recumbent posture. -Tendency to start, with fearful mood.-*Disspirited and 414 VERATRUM ALBUM. desponding — loving about to and fro, as if very busy, with great desire to employ one's-self.- Very much out of humour, at the least provocation, fiequently followed by anxiety and palpitation of the heart. -Disposed to be silent, though scolding after provocations. -Disposed to, talk about other people's faults.-Extreme mirthfulness and loquacity. —Rage, with boisterous demeanor, desire to bite and to tear every thing, or to escape. Sentient Sphere. —Loss of memory.-Deficiency of ideas. -Loss of consciousness.-*arental alienation, with singing, whistling, laughing, running to and fro, and a variety of foolish or proud actions or imaginings, or the patients pretend to live in supposed stations or conditions.-*Amorous and religious craziness. —*Deliriun, Oalso furibond. —Dizziness as though no part in the head were firm.-Obscuration of all the senses.- Vertigo. -Intoxication and reeling. Head, —~Hemicrania, with nausea and vomiting.-Headache with painful stiffness in the nape of the neck. —Headache with enuresis. —Headache in paroxysms as though the brain were torn or crushed by blows.- Oppressive headache, frequently in the vertex, or on one side, with pain in the stomach. —Constrictive pain in the head (and fauces). —Cutting pain in the vertex. —Concussion in the head, with jerking in the arm, and pale fingers. - Considerable riush of blood to the head, on stooping. —Beating headache. —Burning pain in the brain. Integuments of the Head. —Feeling of warmth and coldness on the head, with *sensitiveness of the hairs.-*Chillio ness on the vertex, ~also as if ice were lying on the head. — * Cold sweat on the forehead. Eyes,-Pain in the eyes as though the eyeballs were bruised.-Painful tearing or compression in the eyes.-Constant heat in the eyes.-Red eyes.-Painful ophthalmia, with violent headache and nightly sleeplessness.-Dim, dull, yellowish eyes.-Blueness of the eye.-The eyes look watery as if covered with albumen.-The eyelids are very dry.Profuse lachrymnation, frequently with heat, cutting and feeling of dryness in the eyes. —Agglutination of the lids during sleep. —Paralysis of the lids.-Distorted, protruded eyes.The pupils are either very much contracted or dilated.Vanishing of sight.-Diplopia.-Hemeralopia.-Scintillations and black spots before the eyes, especially when rising from a seat or fi-om a recumbent posture. Ears. -Stinging, in the ears.-Pressing in the ears.-Alternate feeling of heat or coldness in the ears.-Deafness as if the ears were stopped.-Roaring in the ears, especially when rising fronm a seat. VERATRUM ALBUM. 41f5 Nose.-Nose icy-cold.- Inflanmation and ulcerative pain in the inner nose. —Pain of the nasal bone as if compressed. -— Nocturnal nose-bleed, or on nostril only. -Smell of manure before the nose. Face. —-t Fce pale, cold, sunken, like that of a dead person, ~with pointed nose and *blue margins around the nose. -.*Bluish face. —Alternate redness and paleness; redness in a recumbent posture, and paleness when raising one's-self — *Buirnig heat, dark redness and sweat of the face. —~Cold sweat on the face.-Drawing and tensive pain in one side of the face, extending to the ear.-Jerking and pinching in the facial muscies. —Pustules ill the face, which in the end feel sore when touched.-Acne rosacea.-Rash on one cheek.Swelling of the face.-*Lips dry, blackish and cracked. — Eruptions at the corners of the mouth.-Acne rosacea around the mouth and chin. —*Locking of the jaws.-Pain and swelling of the submaxillary glands. Teeth.-*Toothache, with headache, and red, swollen face. -Pressure and feeling of weight in the upper teeth, with drawing in the teeth when chewing, even when chewing soft food.- Grating of the teeth.-Loose teeth. Mouth.-Mouth dry and viscid.-Ptyalism with nausea, or with acrid, salt taste.-Froth at the mouth.-Cold feeling or burningz, in the mouth and on the tongue.-Illflanmnation of the inner mouth.-Red, swollen, or ~dry, blackish, cracked tongue. —~ Yellow-coated tongue.-Stuttering. —Speechless.Numb feeling and excessive dryness of the palate. Throat.-Constrictive, strangulating sore throat, especially when swallowing.-Contraction of the fauces, as if arising from a swelling causing a pressure.-Swelling of the (esophagus, with danger of suffocation.-Feeling of coldness or burning in the fauces and cesophagus.-Dryness in the throat which cannot be quenched by any kind of drink. —Roughness and scraping in the throat. Appetite and Taste. —The saliva tastes flat. —~Bilious, bitter taste in mouth.-Herby, putrid taste of manure in the mouth.-Cooling or smarting taste in the mouth and throat, as from peppermint.-*Unquenchable thirst for cold drinks.Appetite and desire for food, also during the vomiting and the alvine evacuations.-* Carnine hunger and voracious appetite. —Constant and intense desire for sour or cooling things (fruit).-Aversion to warm. food. — Vomiting and diarrhoea after taking the least food or drink. —* When eating, nausea with hunger and pressure at the stomach. Gastric Symptoms.-Eructations tasting of the ingesta. - Violent, empty eructations, also after eating. —Sour or *bit 416 VERATRUM ALBUM. ter eructations. —A good deal of violent hiccough.-*Violent nausea with desire to vomit, -firequently unto 1iinting, with great thit st. — *Frequent or constant nausea.-Waterbrash. _* Violent vomiting, with cons'!ant nausea, prostration, preceded by cold hands and shuddering all over, attended witt heat all over, and followed by vascular orgasm and h:)t hands. —* Vomiling qf the ingesta.-*Sour or ~bitter vomiting. -Volniting of fioth or white and yellow-green mucus.Voimiting of mucus at night. —* Vomiting oJ black bile and blood.-OConstant vomitino' with liarrhoea and pressure in the pit of the stomach.- ~Painful retraction of the abdomen when vorniting. Stomaell. -Pain in the stomach with violent hunger ajid thirst. —~Great sensitiveness of the region of the stomach the pit of the stomnach.-Empty and qualmish feeling in stomach.-Car dialgia. -*Pressure in pit of stomach,.-extending to the sternum, hypochondr ia and lower abdomen. —Burning in pit of stomach. —~Anguish in pit of stomach.-~Gastritis? ~Ctarcinomatous affection of the stomach? Abdomen. — *Colic in the umbilical region. —~The abdomen is very painful to contact. —'Colic after a cold or abuse of cinchona. - Nocturnal colic with sleeplessness. —Swell iug of the abdomen.-Tension in the hypochondria and the umbilical region. -Colicky abdominal spasrzs. —Drawing-opprcssive colic, in the evening when walking. — Cutting in the abdomze,, with diarrhcea, or thirst and enuresis. —Burning in the whole abdomen, as fiom red-hot coal.-Bruising pain of the abdominal viscera. —~Enteritis?-Inguinal hernia. — Flatulent colic with loud rulmbling.-The longer the emission of flatulence is delayed, the more difficult it is. —Vio]ent emission of flatulence upwards and downwards. —*Distenticn of the abdomen, ~also with hardness. Stool.-* Constipation, also chronic, ~or in the case of children, mnostly as if caused by torpor of the rectum, frequently attended with heat and headache.-*Co)stiveness. —Ilardc stool, of too large a size.-* Violent diarrhcea, also painfild, 0firequently with distention of the abdomen, or preceded and succeeded by cutting colic.-Diarrho2a consisting of acrid faces, with burning at the anus.-Nocturnal diarrhcea.Bloody diaiwhoea.-OGreenish or brown, blackish diarrhca. — Unpelrceived discharge of thin stool, during the emission of flattuence.-*Duriy stool: excessive ln guor-, -chilliness withl shlddering, cold sweat on the forehead and anxiety, with fear of apoplexy.-Burninig at the anus, during stool.-Smrnarting pain at the anus, as if' excoriated. —Pressing towards tile anus, with blind piles.-Worm-affections. VTATRUM AtBUM. 417 trline.- Retention of urine,- Ineffectual urging to urinate, when the bladder is empty, with pain as though the urethra behind the glans were closed by constriction.-Diminished, yellow urine which is turbid even while being eniitted.ETturesis with violent thirst and hunger, headache, nausea with inclination to vomit, colic, costiveness and catarrh. —nvoluntary emission of urine. —Acrid urine. —~Dark, frequent but scanty urir.e. —Aching pain in the bladder, and burning during micturition. —~Greenish urine. MIale Parts. —They are very sensitive.-Soreness of the pudendum.-Drawing in the testes. Female Parts. -iMenses too soonr and profuse.- Suppressed menses. —~Diarrhcea, nausea and chilliness, when the menses make their appearance.-The menses are preceded by headache, vertigo, nose-bleed and night-sweats.-The menses are accompanied by 1mol0rning-headache, nausea with inclination to vomit, humming in the ears, violent thirst and pain in all the limbs.-Towards the end of the menses: grating of the teeth and bluish face. —Suppressed lochia with delirium?~Nymphomania of lying-in women? C'atarrhal Symptoms.-Troublesome feeling of dryness in the nose. —Violent and frequent sneezing.-Catarrh. Windpipe.-Catarrhal huskiness of the chest, with roughness and scraping in the throat. —~Bronchial inflalnmations. G*Cough, -caused by a titillation in the lower bronchi, with easy expectoration, or else a dry cough. —Violent cough, with constant eructations causing a desire to vomit.-EEreningcough, with ptyalism.-Hot and dry cough, mostly at night and in the niorning. —Cough, with pain in the side, debility and dyspnoea.-Deep, hollow cough, as if proceeding from the abdomen, with cutting colic.-The cough is attended with stitches through the abdominal ring.-~Paroxysms of whooping- cough. —*Cough with copious expectoration. Chest and Respiration.-Frequent, suffocative stoppage of breath, generally caused by a spasmodic constriction of the throat and chest. —Shortness of breath after the least exercise. —Dyspncea, even when sitting. — A good d(eal of oppres sion on the ches', with pain in the side when drawing breath. -Pressure at the chest, especially in the region of the sternum, particularly after eating and drinking.-Feeling of fillness in the chest, obliging one to belch up wind continually. -Crampy feeling in the chest, especially after drinking.-.Painfe l sp,, smodic constriction of the chest.-Spasmodic contraction of the pectoral muscles.-Cutting pain in the chest. -Paroxysms of stitching in the chest, with stoppage of breath,-Violent palpitation of the heart, raising the ribs, at-. as 418 VERBASCUM. tended with stoppage of the breath and paroxysms of ex.cs. sire 7an,'uish about the heart. Trunk. —*Pains in the bhck and small of the back as if bruised, -also drawing and aching, particularly when stooping and raising one's-selt again. —Rheumatic stiffiless of the inape of the neck, with vertigo when moving the neck,.-Laming weakness of the posterior cervical muscles, they refuse to support the head. Upper Extremities.-Laming and bruising pain of the arms, fiom the shoulder-joint to the wrist. —Jerking in the arms. —Coldness, or sensation of fulness and swelling in the arm.-The arm feels all the time as if gone to sleep.-Trembling of the arm, when grasping any thing with the hand. — Shocks in the elbow, as from electricity.-Dry herpes on the hands. —'ingling in the hands and fingers. —T;he fingers are dead and numb. —~Icy-coldness of the hands. —Drawing and cramp in the fingers. Lower Extremities.-Laineness of the hip-joint, with difficult walking. —Lamzing and bruising pain of the lower limbs. —~Arthritic tearing and drawing in the legs and feet. — The lower limbs feel as if gone to sleep, all the time. — Tension of the hamstrings as if too short. —Bruising pain in the knees, when going down-stairs. —Shock in the knee, as from electricity. — *Cramp in the calves.-Pairinful weight in the knees, legs and feet, with awkward gait. —Suddeni swelling of the feet. —Trembling of the feet, with coldness, as if cold water were coursing about in the feet. —Stitching in the big toes. —Painful gout. —Stitches and soreness in the corns. 142. —VERBtSCUM. General Symptoms. —-Indolence, soon after rising. — Stretch/ing of the linmbs and frequent yawning. —Tearing or stitching tearing in various parts, from above downwards. — Staggering gait. Sleep.- Very drowsy after eating. —Restless night-sleep, with tossing about.-One wakes quite early, with anxious, horrible dreams about war and corpses. Fever. —Coldness in ti/e whole body/, also perceptible coldness of the hands and feet. —Shuddering, especially on one side o( the boldy, as if cold water were poured over it. Emotive Sphere.-Indifference. —lll-hiumnoured, vexed.Merry, laughing rnood. —Excited fancy, with lascivious Sentient Sphere. —Weak mnemory. —Absence of mind.Ideas and fancies crowd upon one.-Confusion and dulness of VERBASCUM. 419 the head. — Vertigo as from pressure in the head, or when pressing on one cheek. Head. —Headache as if the contents of the head would issue through the forehead. —SFupifjiny headache, especially in the forehead, or on one side of the head, especially when passing from a warm into a cold room.-Dull-aching weight in the head.-Pinching-together in the ternples.-Stupifying stitching ill the temples. —lVibratory sensation in the head when walking. Eyes. —Pain in the eyes as if the orbits would be contracted, with heat in the eyes. —Gauze before the eyes. Ears.-Tearing in the ears, also w!hen eating, witfh stitching. —Sensation as if the ear would be drawn into the head. -Hard hearing as if the ear were closed up by something. — Feeling of stoppage in tlr ear, when reading loud. Face. —Nerl-ous prosopalgia, mostly of a stupifying nature, aclhin or tensive, principally in the malar bones, and emanating from the articulations of the jaws, aggravated by externral pressure and by pressing the teeth together. -Dull-aching stitching in the malar bone.-Considerable tension in the integuments of the chin and the masseter muscles.!Mouth and Teeth.-Tearing, pain in the molar teeth.Flow of salt saliva in the mouth. —Brown-yellow tongue covered with tenacious mucus, early in the -morning and after dinner. Gastric Symptoms, -Flat taste, with bad smell fiom the mouth.-Hunger without appetite, one does not relish any food.-Unquenchable thirst.-Gulping up of a tasteless fluid. -Bitter or empty eructations, with desire to vomit. —Frequent hiccough. Stomach.-Pressure at the stomach. —Empty feeling in the pit of the stomach, passing off after a grumbling noise. -A good deal of grumbling under the left ribs.-Cutting and stitching in the left hypochondrium. Abuiomen. —Distended abdomen.-Painful hard pressure on the umbilicus, as from a stone, abating by bending forwards. —Spasmodic constriction of the abdomen, in the umbilical region. —Colic which descends low down, with urging to stool and spasnmodic contraction of the anus —Pinching and cutting in the abdomen.-Stitching in the abdomen, especially in the umbilical region, sometimes changing to a tearing, from above downwards.-Sensation as though the bowels adhered in the umbilical region, and would be torn out. Stool.-lIntermittent stool.-Hard stool, like sheep's-dung, with pressing. Urine. -Frequent urging to urinate, with copious emission. -.Emissions. 420 VIOLA ODORATA. Catarrhal Symptoms.-Feeling of stoppage in the nose and larynx, with *hoarsenhess when reading loud. —~Catarlh with hoarseness and huskiness of the chest. Windpipe. — *Cot(ogh, ~especially in the evening and at niglht, during sleep, mostly rough and dry, or hollow and deep-.sounl dci. Chest.-Stitching, in the chest, sometimes with oppression and stoppage of breath. —Tension across the chest, with stitches in the region of the heart, in the evening after lying down. T'runk.-Stitches in the back and scapule. —A red tube rcle by the cricoid cartilage which is painful to pressure. Upper Extremities. -Tearing on the shoulder, in the dorsum of the [land, and in the elbow downwards —-Crampy pressure in the forearin, halnd and thumb.-Tearing stitching in the hand and fingers.-Tensive pain in the wrist-joint. —Spraining pain in the wrist-joint.-Laminig pain in the finger joints. Lower Extremities. —Ieaviness and weariness in th thighs and ftete, especially -when going up-stairs.-Cramp.pressure in the thighs, legs and soles of the feet.-TremblinD. of the knees. —Dull stitches in the knee-pan, tarsal bones an toes.-Tearing in the legs from above downwards. 143.-VIOLA ODORATA. General Symptoms.-Relaxation of all the muscles.Drawing pain in the limbs.-Bruising pain in the joints, early in the morning on waking.-Trembling of the limbs. — Evanescent burning here and there.-''The pains are not severe but remain unchanged in a ny positionl.-*Hypochondriac and gastric qffections. Sleep and Fever, —YawnN-ing, every morning, with lachrymation.-H-e lies on his back during his night-sleep, with his left hand under his head, and the knees drawn up. —Feverish shiverings.-Night-sweat. Emotive Shere. -Melanecholy, gloomy and sad. -H-ysteric mood, with constant crying, without knowing why. —Taciturn. Sentient Sphere. —W cakness of mezmory. —Incomplete ideas crowd upon him.- Acuteness of the perceptive powers. -The intellect is mlore active than the enlotions.-Dull painful bewilderment about the head. — Vertig(o, also when sitting. lIead.-Headahele, with spasm il tile cevys and a fiery semi-circle beforc the eycs. —lcaviness of the head with sen.sation as if the posterior cervical muscles were too weak. — Rpush of blood to the head, with prickling in the siaciput. — VIOLA TRICOLOR. 421 Tens;on in the scalp, extending to the face, nose and ears, fiequently obliging one to draw the forehead into wrinkles. -Heat in the forehead. Eyes.-Spasm of the eyelids.-The eyelids close as if from a sensation of drowsiness in the eyes and lids.-Heaviness of the eyelids. —Sensation of compression in the eyeball.-Heat and burning in the eyes.-Near -sighted.-Fiery appearances before the eyes. Ears.-Stitchiikn in the ears. —One abhors music, especially the violin.-Rushing and ringing before the ears. NOSe, &c.-Nuinbness of the tip of the nose as from a blow.-Drawing with pressure in the malar bones.-Tension in the skin of the eyes, especially below the eyes.-Tearing in the lower jaw, pressing out at the ear.-Tearing pain in the lower teeth.-Constipation with ineffectual urging. —Emissions, followed by headache. Chest, Extremities.-Breathing laboured and scarcely perceptible, with painful expirations, anxiety and violent palpitation of the heart.-Shortness of breath. — Violent oppres sion and dyspncea, as if a stone were pressing on the chest. -Tension in the cervical muscles.-Drawing pains in the elbow-joints and dorsum of the hands.-Aching pain in the wrist-joints. 144.-VIOLA TRICOLOR. General Symptoms.-Weariness of the body, also as if one had not slept enough. —Stinging pain in the limbs. Skin.-Stinging gnawing rash on the whole body. Sleep.-Drowsy, in the afternoon.-Restless sleep, with frequent waking. —One falls asleep late, on account of ideas crowdin'r upon one's mind, with difficulty of awakening in the morning. — Vivid and amorous dreamns. -Twitching of the hands and clenching of the thumbs during sleep, with redness of the face and general dry heat. Fever. —Chilliness in the open air.-Night-sweats. Emotive Sphere.-Sadness about one's domestic affairs. - Hurriedness as fiom internal anxiety, with sensation of great weakness. -Whining, ill-humoured, peevish, with indisposition to talk.-Velry sensitive and quarrelsome.-Disobedient. -Dread of worlk. Sentient Sphere.-Bewilderment and dulness of the head. -Vertigo and reeling when walking. Head. —I-eadache, extending from the root of the nose into the brain, passing off' in the open air. —Ieaviness of the head, it is drawn backwards, abating while StoOping. - Oppres sive headache, especially in the forehead and temples.-Stinging in the occiput day and night. -Shaking of the brain when Mwalking. Eyes.-Pain in the eyes as if something hard were lying tinder the upper lids.-Smarting and itching lancinations in the eyes. —T'he eyelids close, with drowsiness. —(Nearsighted.) Fatce &c-.-Heat in the face, also on one side, in the evening, in bed. —Hardness of the skin of the face. —~Crusta lactea, with burning-itching, especially at night, and discharge of tenacious yellow pus.- Tension of the skin of the face and forehead.-Sore throat, in the evening. —White mucus on the tongue, with bitter taste.-A good deal of saliva in the mouth, with feeling of dryness. Gastric Symptoms.-Loss of appetite, and one does not relish food. —Heat all over, after eating, especially in the face, (with sweat,) attended with oppression of the chest, and great anguish which drives one about. —-Nausea and retching. Abdomen. —Cutting colic, with urging to stool and dis. charge of flatulence and large lumps of mucus. —Stinging in the abdomen.-Stitching with pressure in the diaphragm. Stool.-Stool, with mucus and a good deal of flatulence. -Soft stools, like stirred eggs.-Hard stool.-Huirried urging to stool. Urine.- Urging to urinate, with copious discharge. —Tenesmus of the bladder. —Burning urine. —Fetid urine, like cat's urine.-Stitches in the urethra. Sexual Parts. —Stitching or pressure in the penis, through the glans.-Burning in the glans.-Itching and swelling of the prepuce.-Erections.-Emissions.-Leucorrhoea. Chest.-Stitches in the chest. —Oppression and stitches in the region of the heart, when bending forward while sitting. -Anxiety at the heart, when lying, with palpitation of the heart. Trunk.-Crampy pain and pinching contraction between the scapulae.-Swelling of the cervical glands. Extremities.-Stitches in the shoulder-joints, elbows, fore-arms, and fingers. —Bruising pain in the thighs, early in the morning on wafking. —The knees give way, in walking, with draw-ing in the calves and thighs. —Muscular twitchingrs in the calves.-Stitching in the patellce, tibiw and feet. CONcURm- 423 145.-ZINCUM. General Symptoms. —Stitching, tearing in the lmb.sd worse atter getting heated or after exercise.-Drawing tear. ing in the middle of the bones, the pain being so acute that the limbs cannot support the body.-Painful soreness.Cramp-pains and cramp of the extremities.-Visible twitching of muscular fibres, here and there.-Formication.Paralysis, also semilateral, or after apoplexy.-Varices.Sometimes the pains seem to be seated between the skin and flesh. —Chamomlile, nux vomica and wine, aggravate or excite the pains, especially the nightly restlessness and constipation. — Most of the pains appear after dinner or towards evening.Insensibility all over the body.-OFeeling of coldness in the bones. —Violent throbbing through the whole body.- Violent trembling of the whole body, especially after an emotion.iHeavinzess and weariness, especially when walking and early in the morning on waking.-*Dread of motion. Ski.-0~Itching in the bends of the joints. —Violently stinging itching, especially- in the evening in bed, passing off immediately after contact.-Formication between the skin and flesh. —~Chronic *eruptions.-~lierpetic ulcers.-Ganglia. — Chilblains and liability of external parts to becoming congealed. — Rhagades.-Small boils. Sleep. —*Drowlzsiness in the day-time, with constant desire to sleep, especially early in the morning or after dinner, with disposition to yawn. —One falls asleep late.-Restless sleep, with frequent waking. — Unrefreshin sleep. —Disgusting, horrid, or restless, *firightful, wandering dreams, ~with talking or Atcrying-out during sleep.-The feet are very cold at night. —-Jerking of the body during sleep, with starting as if in affright. Fever. -Chill down the back.-Constant chilliness, with increase of internal warmth.-Feverish shuddering with flushes of heat, violent trembling of the limbs, short, hot breath, and throbbing through the whole body.-Disposition to sweat in the day-time.-*Night-sweats. Emotive Sphere.-HTypoehondriae mood.-*Thoughts about death as though he were near his end.-Peevish mood, with want of disposition to talk, especially in the evening.Very sensitihe to noise and talk.-Vexed and impatient.Irascibl)e, one feels exhausted after every fit of anger. —*.Not disFosed to ztork.-F'itCfl mood, sad at noon and cheerful in the evening, or vice-versa. Sentient Sphere,- *Weak mermory.-*Forgetful.-Ab. senee of thought. —Difficulty of comprehending. —Incoherent 424 ideas.-Constant dulness and thickness of the head..-:-ers tigro deep in the brain, especially in the occiput, causing one to fall to the left side. —V crtigo as though one were balalcing, early in the morning, sitting up in bed.-Stupefyiing vertigo with blackness of sight and general debility. Head. —- eadache, at night, or in the evening after lying down. — Headache after drinking wine. —Hemicraniqj with nausea and vomiting. —Oippressive headache, especially early in the nmorning, particularly in the forehead, with dulness, or in the temples and occiput. —Sensation as if the head were either screwted together or pressed fasunder.-Drawing in the occiput, or in the forehead.-Stitching and tearing iin the head, especially in the sides, temples, forehead and occiput, worse (Ijter dinner.-~Sore pain in the head. — Beating headache. — Buzzing in the head.-The headache abates in the open air, and is worse in the room. Integuments of the flead.-Itching, soreness or *uler.e ative pain on the hairy scalp. —;Sensation as if the hairs were standing on end. —Baldness. Eyes.-Pain in the eyes, in the evening after lying down, or after drinking wine. —Pressure in the eyes, or sensation as if they would be pressed into the head.Stitching tearing in the eyes, or tearing with pressure.Itching, smarting and feeling of soreness in the eyes, lids and inner canthi. —Burning and inflammation of the eyes and lids.-Redness and inflammation of the inner eanthi, with suppuration.-~Dryness of the eyes. —oThe upper lids are lamed and hang down.-Contraction of the pupils.Amaurosis.-Fiery flocks before the eyes, on looking upwards. Ears.-Earache, with tearing stitches ard external sweltl ing. especially in the case of children.-Discharge of fetid pus"from the ears. —Huamming in the ears. Nose.-The inner nose feels sare. —Severe pressure at the root of the nose, with crampy feeling. — nte-rnal4 a nd external, also tsemilateraE swelling of the nose, with loss of' smell. Ilace.-Pale, livid c>mplexiol.-Gloomy looks.-Tearing, with bruising pain in the facial bones.-The lips and corners of the mouth are cracked, and ulherated inside —— Thick>'viscid nmucus on the lips.-Redness ard itching eruption on the chin. Teeth.-Toot1mche whien chewinag,.-Drawing or stitchl ng earitng toothache, especially in the inolares.-* Toothache ca if the teeth were sore*.-~The teeth are loos-.-Viiolen. ZINCUM. 425 *bleeding of the teeth and gums.-The gums are white, swNollen, sore and painful.-Gunmboils. Mouth.-Small, yellow ulcers on the inner cheek.Creeping on the inner surface of the cheek, -and prqfrse Jflow of saliva, having a metallic taste.-Blisters on the tongue. Throat. —Sore throat with drawing tearing ill the back part of the fluces, more between the acts of; than during empty deglutition. —Sensation of contraction and spasm in the oesophagus, in the region of the throatpit. —Dryness and roughness in the fauces and throat, with slnarting and scraping. —Soreriess of the thrloat. —A good deal of phlegm inl the throat.-0Blulish herpes in the throat, after gonorlhea. Appetite and Taste. —Taste of blood in the mouth.*Sallish taste in the moullth — Very thirsty. —Disminished appetite. —A good deal of hunger with insatiable desire to eat. —Aversion to veal, sweets, fish, and warm cooked food. -Pressure at the stomach, with nausea, after eating bread. — After eating, hypochondriac mood, with pressure below the last ribs, dizziness. griping in the bowels, fulness and pressure or burning in the stomach. Gastric Symptoms.-Eructations, with aching pain in the chest. —Sour eruc'ations after eating, especially after eating milk.-Heartbrn after ealing) sweet things. —H iceough, especially after breakfast. —Nausea, with gagging and vomniting of bitter mucus, coming on again after the least exercise.-Huematemesis. Stomach. -Pressure at the stomach. — Disagreeable sensation at the cardioc orifice, rising up along the cesophagus. —Cramnpy feeling and pressure at the pit of the stomach. -Tearing and stitching in the pit of the stomach.-Burniny at the stomach. Abdomen.-Spasmodic pains in the hypochondria, alterna ting wvith oppression of the chest.-hard p2ressure in the hypochondrila and sides of the abdomen, increased by exercise. —Crampy feeling, pressure and stitchinT in the region of the liverl.-Stitching in the regrioJn of the spleen. —Pressure, stitching and painful soreness in the region of the kidneys. -Colic, after lying down in the evening. -- ard pressure and tensioin in the abdomen (and sides), with distention.Uncomfortable sensation of pressure on the inner walls of the trunk, without flatulence.-Spasmodic colic around the umbilicus. —Pillhin andcl cutting in the abdomen, with diarrhoea. —Tear'igl and stitching in the abdomlen.-*A good deal of flatulence, especially after eating, with rum 426 zINCrM. bling. —Flatulent colic, especially in the evening.-Frequent emission of hot, fetid fiatulence.-Inguinal hernia. Stool.-*Constipation.-Hard, dry, insufficient stool, frequently attended with a good deal of pressing. —*Soft, papescent or liquid diarrhcic stools, -frequently with discharge of bright red blood. —Involuntary stools:-Colic, during and after stool. —Tearing, stitching, burning, sore feeling and violent itching at the anus.-Creeping in the anus, as from worms. Utrine.-Retention of urine, when commencing to urinate. -Violent pressure of the urine on the bladder.-Painful micturition.-Involtuntary micturition during a walk, or when coughing or sneezing —Frequent emission of a light-yellow urine, which afterwards deposits a white, flocculent sediment. -While standing the urine becomes turbid like loam water. -Renal and vesical calculi. —Bloody urine. —Burning during and after micturition.- Cutting in the orifice of the urethra.-Discharge of blood from the urethra. Male Parts.-The testes are drawn up, swollen and painful.-Drawing in the testes, ascending along the spermatic chord. —Painful soreness about the scrotum.-Shrinking of the scrotum, attended with shuddering of the part.-Violent desire for an embrace, with difficult or *too rapid emission of semen. —*Continual erections ~at night. — Discharge of prostatic fluid. Female Parts.-The parts are very sensitive. —Pressing towards the parts. —Nymphomania of lying-in women.~Disposition to miscarria(ge, with varices at the pudendum? -~Suppression of the lochial discharge?-Menses too soon, or suppressed. —*During the menses, distention of the abdomen, cutting and pressing in the abdomen and small of the back, with great heaviness and languor in the lower limbs.-Leucorrhceal discharge of thick mucus, -also preceded by colic. Catarrhal Symptoms. —Stoppage of the nose. —Fluent coryza, with hoarseness and burning in the chest. Windpipe.-Roughness and dryness in the throat and chest, especially early in the morning and after dinner.One hawks up black blood. —Dry cough, also at night, with stitches and pain in the chest as if it would fly to pieces. —Cough with expectoration of tenacious mucus, followed by a sensation of coldness and rawness in the chest. — Bloody cough, with burning and painful soreness in the chest. Chest and Respiration.-Dyspncea and oppression of the chest, especially in the evening. —~ Spasmodic dyspncea. MAGiNS ARtIVICIAL1S. 427 OShortness of breath caused by flatulence, after a meal.OAccumulation of phlegm on the chest. —Oppression of the chest. —Tensive pain in the sternum. —Tearing in the chest. -Stitching in the chest, especially in the region of the chest.-Burning in the chest. —*Palpitation of the heart, with or without anxiety. —Irregular motions of the heart. — ~Shocks at the heart. —Painful soreness of the nipples.~Suppression of milk in lying-in women. Trunk. —*Pains in the small of the back, when walking or sitting down.-Feeling of lameness in tI e back and small of the back. —*Rheumatic paints in the back. —Itching herpes on the back. —Thnsion and stitching at and between the scapule.-Itching tearing, stiffness and tension in the nape of the neck and at the neck. Upper Extremities.-Rheumatic drawing and stitching tearing in the shoulders, arms, elbows, wrist-joints, hands and fingers. —Painful lameness of the arm. —Boils on the upper arm. —Deadness and paralysis of the hands.-Weakness and trembling of the hands, when writing. —*Dry, cracked skin of the hands.-Rhagades between the fingers. -The fingers go to sleep, early in the morning after rising. -~Rough, itching herpetic spot on the hands and fingers. Lower Extremities.-Rheumatic drawing and tearing in the lower limbs, knees, tarsal joints and feets. —Varices on the thighs and legs. —Tensive pain in the knees.-Nocturnal pains in the knees. —Sensation in the legs as if the blood had ceased to circulate. —Drawing and rigidity in the calves during a walk.-Formication in the calves.-Erysipelatous inflammation and swelling of the tendo Achilles. —Stiffness of the tarsal joint, after sitting.-Pain as if sprained in the tarsal and toe-joints. —Burnincg of the feet.-Inflammatory swelling of the feet.-Weakness and trembling of the feet. -Paralysis of the feet.-Painful chilblains.-Itching, heat, redness and swelling of the toes, as if frozen. —Throbbing stitches in the toes. 146.-3MAGNES ARTIFICIALIS, General Symptoms. —Burning in the extremities and joints. —Burnincr stitches in the fleshy parts. —Pain in the extremities as if sprained. —Bruising pains in the joints, especially in the evening and early in the morning, in bed, and mostly during motion. —Burning streaks in various directions, in every part of the body. —Shiverings extending throughout, the whole body. —Shocks through the body, also as if caused by fright, causing the body to be raised and bent alternately, sometimes with loss of consciousness. 428,.M.NES ARTIFICIALIS. SKin. -Dispositiotn of former wounds to bleed afiesh. — Ulcers are painiul like recent Nwounds.-Smarll boils.Blisters with drawi;:g-stingilng pain. Sleep.-Restless slpep, with talking, snoring and constant tossing about. —;ie remains awake fromn two o'clock in the morning; about sun.,; onefalls into a comatose sleep2. —Lying on one's back, with the extended hand resting under the occiput, with the klnees stretched apart and the mouth half open, with stertorous breathing.- -Early in the morning, after waking, headacdhe with bruised feeling in all the joints, obliging one to change the position of the limbs all the time. Fever. —Dry heal at night and; early in the morning, in bed, with disposition to uncover one's self: Emotive Sphere. -Precipitate volition.-Absence of mind.-Waveriring mood. —I rrascible. Sentient Sphere.-Vertigo, especially in the evening, after lying down, as if one would faIl, or like a jerk through one's head. —Vertigo, with staggering gait, the objects seem to be balancing. lead. — leadache when straining one's memory or one's faculty of comprehl':.sion. —Digging, stupefying headache, passing off immediately after flatulence sets in.-Headache as if a nail were pre;3.ed into the Aead, or as if the brain were sore, especially after chagrin. —Paroxysms of jerking tearing in the head. —-Htuniming in the head. Eyes. —Itching of tle eyes, especially of the lids.-White luminous vibrations outside of the visual ray, at twilight. Ears. -Hummilg in the ears.-Diiminished hearing. Nose.-Illusion of smell as if one were smelling manure, or musty smell as arises from cloth-presses that had been long closed. Face. —Sweat in the face, without heat, early in the morning.-Jerking tnaring in the upper jaws.-Violentlyburning stitches in the facial muscles, in the evening. — Swelling of the lips,i ]i the evening, with ptyalism.-Pimples on the lips which are painful as if sore. Teeth.-Toothache after taking a cold drink or after inhaling cold air. —Tur-.s of jerking toothache. —Toothache in decayed teeth, with swelling of the guFns. Mouth and Taste.-Fetor of the mouth -Metallic taste. -Tobacco and beer are tasteless.-Several articles of food taste musty.-One is soon satiated when eating. —Violent hungrer in the evening. Gastric Symptoms. — Ineffectual eructations,-Eructations which smell and taste like horn-filings.-Rising of acidity from the stomach, when stooping. MAGXIETIS POLUS ARCT1CUS. 429 Stomach.-Pressure at the stomach, with cramps rising upwards, restlessness which drives o-A from place to place, heaviness of the tongue, paleness of face ald coldness of the body. Abdomen.-Pressure and anxious fulness in the epigastrium, especially when reflecting intensely. —Loud rumbling in the bowels-Flatulene'c.-Flatulent colic.Emission of flatulence attended with painful pressure. Stool. - Constipation as if caused by a stricture of the rectum.-Painless diarrhoea with Hlatulene.-H Iamorrhoidal pain at the anus, as if excoriated, after eating, with constriction of the rectum.-Blind piles.-Prolapsus of the rectum. Male Parts. —Burning in the region of the seminal vesicles, causing a desire for an embrace. —Aversion to an embrace.-Erection.-The prepuee retreats behind the glans.Swelling of the cpidydimis, with painfulness during motion or when touching the parts. Female Parts.-Menses too soor, too copious and too lon. Windpipe.- Nightly attacks of dry cough.-Spasmodic cough, especially after midnight, while waking and thinking. Chest.-Nightly oppression caused by phlegm in the windpipe, which is easily hawked urp in the morning.Intolerable, burning stitches in the pectoral muscles. Trunk.-Jerking in the spine as f,rin something alive.Paintulness of the sacro-lumbar articulation, early in the morning, in bed, while lying on the Ode, or in the day time when stooping. Upper Extremities.-Pain in i;ne shoulder-joint as if sprained, or pain in the wrist-joint as if a tendon had been strained. - Drawing pains in the joints and muscles of the arms, frequently extending from the head to the fingers.Tearing jerking in the muscles of the arms, when staying long in the cold.-Red spots in the palms of the hands, resembling watery vesicles. Lower Extremities. —Attacks of cramp in the calves and toes, early, after waking.-Burni-arg stitches in the heels and corns. 147.-MAGNETIS POLUS ARCTICUS. General Symptoms.-Languid and bruised feeling in the whole body, with lowness of spirit., especially early in the morning and in the open air.-Drawing sensation in the peritoneum of all the bones, as when an intermittent foyever is about to set in.-Painful, digging stitches in 430 MAGNETIS POLtS ARCTICtVS, various parts of the body, the deeper the more painful. — In the parts touched by the magnet, the following symptoms are experienced: Stitching jerks, beating, trembling, feeling of coldness, sensation as if the blood were rushing to the parts. —*Nervousness with trembling, constant restl.essness in the extrenmities and great nervous debility. Skin. —Crawling, and crawling or stinging itching of the skin. —Burning, or burning tearing in the tetters.-Panaritia, Sleep.-Excessive, spasmodic yawning, with pain in the articulation of the jaw, as if it would become dislocated.Very drowsy in the day-time.-Sopor.-Sound sleep at night, generally on the back. —Many vivid, (also lascivious) dreams, and singing durirng sleep. —After going to sleepy in the evening, one is waked by a violent jerk in the muscles of the head and neck. —Tossing, about during sleep, attended with troublesome heat, which causes a desire to be uncovered, without thirst.-One is half awake early in the morning, with strong internal consciousness, vivid memory, a crowd of ideas and intense thinking about some important object. Fever.-Feeling of coldness or coolness over the whole body. —Disposed to feel chilly.-Cool hands, with coo. sweat, on the same or on the whole body —Shuddering, followed by a short heat and swelling of the veins on the hands.-Feeling of heat over the whole body, with cold hands or chilliness of the lower extremities. Emotive Sphere. —Whining mood, out of spirits, with chilliness.-Mild, yielding temper. —Indolence, while sitting, as if one were unable to stir.-CWant of decision, followed by prompt execution of one's will.-One talks aloud to one's-self, while attending to one's business.-Fitful mood.Anxiety of mind, with apprehensive mood. Sentient Sphere, —Loss of consciousness.-Vanishing, of thought. —Weak memory.-Liability to using wrong words in writing. —Vertigo as if one were intoxicated, with staggering gait in the open air and unsteadiness when standing.Semilateral, vertiginous movement from the middle of the head to the ears, resembling the motion of a pendulum. Head. —Headache when raising and moving the eyes. — Headache pressing downwards like a weight.-Headache as if the brain would be distended. Integuments of the Head.-They feel tight as if adhering too firmly to the skull. Eyes.-They protrude and stare.-The eyesfeel cold asice (they are weak).-Restlessness of the eye.-Stitches, itching and jerking drawing in the lids, with lachrynwation. MAGNETIS POLUS ARCTICUS. 431 Painful feeling of dryness of the lids, early in the morning on waking. Ears. —Roaring in the ears and warmth in the same, as from boiling water. — Deafness as if a pellicle were stretched across the ears. Nose. —Illusion of smell, as if one smelled spoiled eggs or recent whitewash and dust. —Nosebleed, preceded by an oppressive aching pain in the forehead.-R-edness and heat of the tip of the nose, succeeded by red, hot, sharply-circumscribed spots on the cheeks. Face.-Painful crampy feeling in the cervical muscles and the articulations of the jaws, with sensation, when moving the latter, as if' they would become dislocated. Teeth, —*Paroxysms of toothache in decayed teeth, as if they would be torn out. —Rheumatic *toothache in decayed teeth, with suollen gums which are painful when touched.~1'oothache (in decayed teeth), worse after eating and in warmth, abating in the open air and when walking. —Toothache, with swollen, red, hot cheeks. —~Toothache, with jerking-aching, or digging-tearing, or burning-stinging jerks which strike through the periosteum of the jaw.-Painfulness of the incisores on inhaling air through the mouth. -Numbness and insensibility of the gums, after the toothache ceases. — *Throbbing pains in hollow teeth. Appetite and Taste. -The food is tasteless.-Sourish taste in the mouth.-Tobacco tastes bitter. Gastric Symptoms.-Frequent rising of air.-Continual heartburn, especially after supper. Abdomen.-Frequent and copious flatulence and incarceration of flatulence.-Oppressive flatulent colic.-Jerks in the abdomen as if something were falling down, or shocks extending from the abdomen through the chest as far as the throat.-Distended abdomen.-Pressing and boring in the abdominal ring fiom within outwards, as if hernia would protrude, the ring being relaxed.-Inguinal hernia. Stool. —-Chronic costiveness and constipation. —Hard, large-sized, difficult stool, frequently preceded by a drawing, dysenteric pain in the abdomen. Urine.-Increased desire to urinate.-Dark urine. Male Parts. —Excessive erections and emissions.-Sexual desire. Female Parts, —Menses too scanty.-Suppression of the menses. Windpipe. —Dry, husky suffocative cough, worse after a walk in the open air. —Concussive spasmodic cough, in the evening, on going to sleep, preventing sleep.-Suffocative, spasmodic cough at midnight, proceeding from the finest 432 MAGNETUS POLUS AUSTRALIS. bronchial ramifications, racking the head and whole body, aflnd cautsing a heat which continues until sweat breaks out, aftcr which the cough abates. —Constant desire to cough, in the evening, which can only be removed by suppressing the cough. Trunk.-.Bruising pain in the back, on bending it backwards.-Cracking or crepitation in the cervical vertebrae, when moving them. Upper Extremities.-Infliammation of the dorsum of the hand, with throbbing pain. —Weight in the arms, hands and fingers. Lower Extremities.-Bruising pain in the hip-joints and lower limbs. —Weakness of the lower limbs as if they would break down, in walking.-Pain of the toes and corns as if sore. 148.-MAGNETIS POLIJS AUSTRALIS. General Symptoms. Drawing in the fingers, the metacarpal and tarsal joints, and the mnalleoli.-Stinging-throbbing pains at the roots of the nails, as if they would ulcerate. -Pinching, or stinging-burning pains here and there.Bruising pains in the extremities and joints as from lying on hard stones.-Liability to taking cold.-The nose, ears, hands and feet freeze even in moderately cold weather.Sudden exhaustion during a walk, with anxiety and heat, or sudden disposition to sleep. Sleep.-Very drowsy in the evening and early in the morning, with closing of the eyes without being able to fall asleep.-Wakefulness before midnight. -Confused, frightful dreams.-One dreams for a long while about the same subject, with great mental exertion. —Slow, sniffling expirations before midnight, after midnight the inspirations are of the same nature. —One sleeps on one's back. -Rush of blood to the head, early in the morning, obliging one to lie with the head high. Fever,-Dread of the open air, even when warm, it penetrates the very marrow of one's bone, attended with whining and peevish moods.-Shuddering with blackness of sight, jactitation of the limbs, without chilliness, followed by heat of the head and face. Emotive Sphere.-Peevish and not disposed to talk.Aversion to company and bright faces.-Irascible. —-Unsteady ideas. Sentient Sphere.-Vertigo as if intoxicated, with staggering gait. He0ad — aIviness of the head, with creeping and digging MAGNETUS POLUS AUSTRALIS. 433 in the head. Shocks in the head, sometimes attended with tearing. Eyes.-Smarting dryness of the lids, as if excoriated, especially when moving them, mostly in the evening and early in the morning.-Lachrymation.-Dimness of sight. Teeth.-Tearing or jerking toothache, aggravated by warmth. Mouth and Throat.-Flow of watery saliva in the mouth. -Difficult speech as if the tongue were swollen. Burning rising in the oesophagus. Appetite and Taste.-Metallic taste on and under the tongue, at times sweetish, at others sourish.-Food has too little taste.-Indifference to food, drink and tobacco.-Canine hunger, at noon and in the evening, also during the feverchill. Stomach and Abdomen, —Pressure in the pit of the stomach when exerting the mind.-Pinching in the bowels when exposed to a draught of air.-Loud rumbling in the bowels.-Pinching-oppressive flatulent cholic, with distended abdomen.-Sense of dilatation of the abdominal ring as if hernia would protrude, with painful distention of this spot at every turn of cough. Stool.-Soft, diarrhceic stools, preceded by cutting colic.Discharge of thin stool, with sensation as if flatulence would be emitted.-Continual contraction of the rectum and anus, preventing the emission of flatulence. Urine. —*Involuntary emission of urine, owing to lameness of the sphincter vesicw. Male Parts. —Violent sexual desire. —*Impotence, with sudden suppression of the thrill during an embrace.-Pain in the penis as if single fibres were pulled or torn. At night the testes are spasmodically drawn up. Swelling of the testes, with tearing, choking turns in the same. Female Parts.-The menses are too soon and too copious. -OMetrorrhagia? Catarrhal Symptoms and Cough.-Profuse fluent coryza. — Catarrh and cough, with expectoration of green mucus and short breath.-Paroxysms of suffocative cough, at night, during sleep. Chest and Breathing.-Disposition to take a deep breath, like sighing, with involuntary deglutition.-Oppression as if the breath were trembling and as if it produced a feeling of coolness.-Drawing with pressure on both sides of the sternum, with anguish of conscience which drives one from place to place.- Violent palpitation. of the heart.-Throbbing in the region of the heart, not as if proceeding from the heart, 19 434 MAGNETUS POLUS AUSTRALIS. Trunk.-Oppressive-burning pain in the small of the back, during rest and motion. Pain as if sprained and bruised in the sacro-lumbar articulation. Upper Extremities.-Crawling down the arm, like a series of small shocks.-Quick, painful jerking in the arms, from above downwards.-Creeping and throbbing in the tips of the.fingers.-Heaviness and languor of the arms.-Rumbling in the arms and in their blood-vessels, upwards and downwards.-Panaritia. Lower Extremities. —Jerking beating in the hamstrings, with contraction of the limbs, especially during motion.Tearing with pressure in the patellae.-Throbbing in the muscles of the feet, after a walk.-The knees give way, when walking.-Liability of the tarsal joint to becoming sprained, when making a wrong step.-The nail of the big toe is painful as if sore, and very sensitive,-~The nails grow into the flesh, - Varices. MANUAL OF THE HOM(EOPATHIC MATERIA MEDICA, EXHIBITING ALL THE CHARACTERISTIC PATHOGENETIC AND CURATIVE SYMPTOMS OF THE REMEDIAL AGENTS WHICH ARE USED IN HOMCEOPATHIC PRACTICE; WITH A REPERTORY, INTENDED TO FACILITATE THE SELECTION OF A SUITABLE REMEDY FOR EVERY PARTICULAR CASE. BY A. POSSART, M.D., TRANSLATED AND EDITED BY CHARLES J. HEMPEL, M.D. THE AUTHOR'S PREFACE. THE present work is, properly speaking, a compilation of Jahr's Symptomen Codex and Trinks' Manual, and would not have been published if I had known in the remotest degree that Jahr himself intended a republication of his own work. It was not my intention to interfere with the latter, and I am grieved to see that the publisher of Jahr's work should deem me capable of any such unkind motives. In many cases I have copied Jahr literally, lest any alteration of his original text should destroy the clear view of the pathogenesis of our drugs, which Jahr furnishes in such a masterly manner. It was not, by any means, my intention, merely to smuggle a new book into the market. If it should be found useful, it will be bought; if not, rejected and laid upon the shelves. In order to render my work as complete as possible, I have embodied in it all the recent provings and reprovings of a number of drugs, trusting that these additions will prove of service to the practitioners of our School. Besides the works above named which have been used in the compilation of my Manual, I ought to mention the following:Allgemeine homceopathische Zeitung, Hygea, Thorer's Beitrdge, Stapf's Archiv, and a number of others. I will conclude my preface with the following DAILY PRAYER OF A PHYSICIAN BEFORE VISITING HIS PATIENTS.* All-merciful God! Thou hast formed man's body with infinite wisdom. Thou hast combined in him tens of thousands of instruments which are continually busy to preserve and sustain this beautiful whole, the garment of an immortal spirit. They are constantly and silently in motion, full of order and harmony. But if this harmony should have been disturbed in consequence of the perish-, The author of this beautiful prayer is Moses Ben Maimonides, a disciple of Averroes. This prayer was first translated by Moses Mendelsohn, but has never been published in any of his works. The author was born at Cordova, in Spain, in the year 1139. We have made a few alterations in the original text, which are indicated by italics. 438 INTRODUCTION. able nature of the tissues, or through the uncontrolled fury of the passions, it is then that the body is reduced again to its original elements. But it is then also that thou sendest unto man the benevolent messenger, disease, that proclaims to him the approaching danger, and impels him to escape from it in time. Thy earth, thy rivers, thy mountains have been filled by thee with remedial agents capable of alleviating the sufferings of thy creatures and of preventing their destruction, provided thy holy providence permit. And thou hast imparted unto man the power to analyse the human body, to study its functions both in harmony or disorder, to fetch the remedial agents from their secret recesses, to investigate their curative virtues, and to adapt them, each in particular, to their curative purposes. I have been appointed by thy eternal providence, to watch over the life and health of thy creatures. I am now preparing for the exercise of my calling. Aid me in my purpose, all-merciful God, for without thy aid man cannot succeed in anything, howsoever little it may be. Grant that I may be animated by the love of art and of thy creatures. Do not allow the desire of lucre, or the love of glory and ambition, to take possession of my heart, for these impure feelings are hostile to truth and to the love of man, and might easily cause me to swerve from the noble aim to do good unto thy children. Preserve the strength of my body and mind, in order that it may always be at the service of the rich and the poor, the good and the wicked, the friend or the enemy. Grant that a sick person may never appear to me in any other light than that of a suffering fellowbeing. Thou too createst man, and preservest him from no other motive than because he is a human being, thy creature, without considering whether he is rich or poor, good or bad. Keep my mind sound and unbiassed, in order that it may correctly interpret perceptible phenomena, and not reason fallaciously in regard to the unseen features of the disease. Grant that my mind may never overlook that which ought to be seen, nor that it may ever pretend to see things which do not exist. In the art of curing the boundary between truth and sophism is scarcely perceptible. Grant that my mind may ever be independent. At the sick-bed it should not be interested in any thing but the patient. Grant that the treasures which experience and meditation have gathered up, should ever be present to me when sitting with a patient, and that the silent workings of my mind should not be disturbed by any thing while I am watching over him. For it is a noble and sacred work to preserve the life and health of thy cleatures. INTRODUCTION. 438 Grant that my patients may have confidence in me and my art, and may follow my instructions with punctuality. And make my mind willing to accept the advice of wiser physicians than I am. For the boundaries of art are immense, and nobody sees every thing. But, if fools should censure me, then let my mind, regardless of age or of the distinction they may enjoy in the world, remain insensible to their blame; let it firmly adhere to what it believes to be true, for it would be wicked to yield from mere weakness in matters concerning the life or death of thy creatures. Grant that my heart may bear with meekness the caprices of my patients and the foolish pride of my older professional brethren who consider themselves authorized, by virtue of their more advanced age, to tutor me or set me aside on every occasion. May I profit by their superior knowledge, but let not their arrogance disturb my peace of mind; for old age is not always exempt from folly and passion. Let me always remember that I too may expect to grow old under thy providence, oh, God! Grant that I may be content with every thing, except with the knowledge I possess of my art. May I ever recoil with horror from the thought that I know every thing! Give me the strength, leisure, desire and opportunity to improve my knowledge unceasingly. The realm of art is boundless, and man's mind admits of an endless expansion. All-merciful God, thou hast appointed me to watch over the life and death of thy creatures; I am now about to enter upon the exercise of my calling. Aid me in my work, that it may prosper, for without thy blessing man fails in every thing he may undertake. Would that all physicians, both young and old, might imitate our late Doctor Heim, who was not only a philanthropist but also a Christian in the true sense of the word, and who, notwithstanding his eminent abilities used to say, Iam a man and may err; since my art is of great importance my errors must be so likewise. This shows that he was not proud of his knowledge; on the contrary, he acknowledged God as the only true helper, even when the efforts of physicians were of no avail; and this it was (as is well observed by his biographer, G. XW. Kessler) which, in the moment of danger, gave his mind that decision and calmness of reflection for which Heim was distinguished, and preserved intact that warmth of feeling which is so easily chilled by the daily spectacle of misery and disease. Would that all physicians might pray as Heim was in the habit of doing: 440 INTRODUCTION. " God, grant me thy aid, and bless every thing good I may undertake. Give me strength to fulfil the duties of my calling worthily and with success, and, above all, with a cheerful mind!" It were desirable that the Old School physicians should cease to look down upon homeopathy with contempt, but that they should be willing to honor truth, and to investigate the claims of the new method. Heim, following the example of his celebrated teacher, Gaubius, did not hesitate to profit by the advice of so-called quacks, shepherds, nurses; and, though he did not practise homeopathy, yet he was without prejudice and open to truth. ACONITUM NAPELLUS. 441 ACONITUM NAPELLUS. (See Jahr, p. 1.) General Symptoms. —Inflammation of the serous membranes. —~Habitual venesections, to which some persons are in the habit of resorting, at stated periods, are, in most cases, rendered unnecessary by the use of Aconi.e and Belladonna in alternate daily doses; in other cases some other remedy may be necessary. Aconite acts likewise as a prophylactic in the case of persons who are liable to being attacked with inflammatory diseases of the chest when exposed to the influence of an east wind. Skin.-Red, hot, shining rheumatic or arthritic swellings.0Is a most distingiuishcd remedyfor recent jaundice.-~Dropsy when caused by a sudden fright. Fever,-~Intermittent fevers (quotidian and quartan) in children and full-grown persons'(especially plethoric people), commencing with chilliness, in the evening, after which a dry heat continues for a long time.-* Yellow Fever, especially in the case of emigrants who are not yet acclimated; used alternately with Belladonna. —0e~Fer, with vomiting (of lutmrbrici. _* Wound-fever antd pailns after sztrgical oi erasions. —*Dentition -fever. —l*ilk-fever, especially in the case of plethoric females, and when violent delirium sets in. —Cholera-fever, in alternation with Bellad. Sentient Sphere.-*It is a prophylactic against sanguineous apoplexy. Head.-Affections of the head during dentition. Eyes. —Syphilitic ophthalmia.-~Complete blindness. Nose. —Carbuncle at the tip of the nose. Face. —*Redness of both cheeks, also with sensation of enlargement or swelling. Teeth.-Toothache of decayed teeth, is frequently removed at once by inserting into the tooth a little cotton moistened with a drop of the tincture of Aconite. Gastric Symptoms,-* Vomiting in Asiatic cholera, after the other symptoms are removed. Stool. —Constipation in acute diseases. MIale Parts.-Orchitis after gonorrhoea.-Frequent emissions. Windpipe, — Bloody cough, caused by the presence of tubercles. 19* 442 AETHUSA CYNAPIUM. Lower Extremities.m~Rheumatic inflammation of the knee, with tearing pain. —Cutting-tearing pains in the right knee-joint. AETHIUSA CYNAPIUM. General Symptoms.-Coldness and rigidity of the extremities.-Spasms, with stupefaction and delirium.-Epileptic spasms, with clenching of the thumbs, red face, dilated pupils, foam at the mouth.-Vertigo so that one is unable to raise one's head, with stupefaction, headache, heat, quick and full pulse, frequent attacks of green vomiting, and periodical bloating of the face which is dotted with red spots. —Suffocative paroxysms and burning thirst. Fever.-General internal chilliness and external coldness. Emotive Sphere. —Anguish and oppression, with restlessness.-Fixed ideas.-Delirium, mania, rage. Sentient Sphere.-Loss of sense; stupefaction, dulness of the head.-Vertigo as if one would fall, with drowsiness and closing of the lids. Head.-Weight in the forehead.-Stinging and throbbing in the whole head.-Tumult in the head upon entering a room. Integuments of the Hlead.-Feeling of swelling about the head, face and hands, after walking in the open air, passing off in the room. Eyes. —Burning in the eyes, as from smoke in the roomn.Glistening, protruded, staring eyes.-Dilated pupils. Ears.-Stitching in the ears.-Hard hearing, especially on the left ear. Nose. —Ulcerative pain of the nose. Face.-Periodically bloated and marked with red spots; attended with vertigo.-The features are expressive of anguish and pain. —Pale, sunken face. Mouth and Throat.-Feeling of dryness, though the parts are moist. Appetite, Taste. —Sweetish taste, with dry mouth. Gastric Symptoms. —Loathing and vomiting, with headache, vertigo, weakness and trembling. —Vomiting, with anguish, restlessness, headache, colic and painful diarrhoea.Violent vomiting of curdled milk.-Vomiting of greenish mucus.-Milky-white, frothy vomiting.-Violent vomiting, with frequent diarrhlceic stools and discharge of greenish or bloody inucus. —* Vomiting of milk, in the case of infants. Stomach, &c. —Tearing in the pit of the stomach, extending along the cesophagus.-Sensitiveness of the region of the liver. Abdomen. —Pinching and shifting flatulence in the region AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. 443 of the navel, with urging to stool.-Feeling of coldness in the abdonien. —Black-blue swelling of the abdomen. Stool.-Thin, bilious, or greenish diarrhceic stools, with violent tenesmus. Windpipe,-Short, anxious breathing. Back, &C. —Pain in the small of back as if in a vice. Extremities.-Lancing pain in the forearm when sitting. -Lancing pain in the thigh. —Stitching in the right sole. AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. (See Jahr, p. 6.) General Symptoms,.-*Epilepsy; ~the paroxysms at first increase in violence, but afterward become less frequent and violent. Head, —It is suitable in nervous and congestive headaches with oppression, drowsiness, frequent and violent desire to gape, languid and painful feeling of the whole body, pain in the back, and a sensation as if the limbs were dislocated. Back, -Tabes dorsalis, and paralysis arising from softening of the spinal marrow. ILOES. General Symptoms,.-Congestion of blood, especially to the head, chest, abdomen and sexual organs.-Periodical headache alternating with pain in the back. Ears, &c.-Drawing and stinging.-Lips dry and cracked. — Stinging and throbbing in the teeth. —Tongue dry and very red —Clayey taste.-Loathing.-Fulness at the stomach after drinking water. —Malaise, pressure, tension and heat in the region of the liver. Abdomen,-Fulness, heat and distention of the abdomen,Dull stitches in the umbilical region.-Fetid flatulence.-Borborygmi. Stool,-Obstinate constipation.-Pinching before stool.Soft stools; bilious, or bloody stools. —*Dysenteric sfools.Haemorrhoidal complaints. —-Metaslatic hrmorrhoidal affeclions.-Tenesmus and burning at the anus. — Tenesmus in the rectum and at the neck of the bladder. Urinary &c. Organs.-Scanty, burning, bright-yellow urine.-Sexual desire, with erection.-Profuse menses. The menses which had remained suppressed for three months, appear again in the night, attended with violent pain in the small of the back. 444 AMMON-IACUM. AGNUS CASTUS.-(See Jahr, p. 9.) ALUMRINA.-(See Jahr, p. 11.) General Symptoms, —lnvoliunt.zr mtfionzs acn! startings of the extremities. Eyes. *Frequeiit lachrymation, especially in the open air. Faceo.*Stitching, tension in the malar bones. —*Itching of the forehead, and face. Stool, —~Is useful in the case of children who have been troubled with costiveness for yeas>, owing to a want of action in the rectum; the evalcuations are scanty and difficult. Female Parts. —'The menses which had gradually become suppressed, reappear. AMBRA GRISEA.- (See Jahr, p. 14.) Catarrhal Symptoms,-~Chronic suppression of catarrh.*Stoppage of the nose. Windpipe, —*Spasmodic couigh, ~especially of thin persons. AMMONIACIUM. General Symptoms.- Swelling of the joints of the upper and lower extremities. Coldnress and chilliness. Head. —Semi-lateral pressure in the forehead.-Stinging about the hairy scalp. Eyes.-Photophobia, even when the sky is clouded. Ears.-Bubbling in left ear, when scratching the occiput. Nose. -Sneezing, with copious discharge of mucus. Face.-Pale face, with feeling of sickness. Mouth and Throat.-Feeling of fulness, with nausea, in fauces and pharynx. —Burning scraping in fauces and oesophagus. Gastric Symptoms.-Sweetish taste in morning.-Bitter taste in pharynx, with absence of taste on front-part of tongue. Abdomen, &c.-Rumbling.-Papescent stool.-Pressure in rectum.-Burning in urethra. —Stinging in root of penis. Windpipe, &c,-Continual tickling. - Short, loud breathing, with anxiety.-Oppression, and stitches in left chest when drawing breath. Extremities.-Rheumatic pain in arm.-Swelling of the fingers.-The knee feels swollen, with pinching in the bend of ANAGALLIS ARVENSIS. 445 the knee.-Weariness and tingling of the right foot.-Burning and stinging in big toe. AMMONIUM CAIRBONICIJM. (See Jahr, p. 19.) Skin. —,Swelling of the cervical glands, with itching eruption of the face and body. Nose. —Chronic dryness of the nose. —*Dry coryza. AMMONIUM CAUSTICUM. Stool. —Is suitable in Asiatic cholera, when the pulse is approaching a state of collapse, with coolness of the face and forehead; veratrunr or some other remedy may be given, if the evacuations do not entirely cease. AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. (See Jahr, p. 22.) Windpipe.-~Bronchial catarrh, when the expectoration seemed loose but could not be detached. ANACARDIUM ORIENTALE. (See Jahr, p. 25.) Chest.-Rattling in the chest when lying on the left side. ANAGALLIS ARVENSIS. Sleep.-Restless sleep. Fever.-Tremor and shivering of the whole body, with violent trembling of the heart. Emotive Sphere.-Very cheerful. Sentient Sphere.-The intellect is very active. Head.-Spasmodic stitches in both temples, thence passing into the eyes, in the middle of which a pressure is experienced. -Mounting of heat to the head, with a little sweat on the forehead, followed by a stinging with pressure in the eyeballs and a titillating prickling in the urethra, exciting a desire for an embrace. Ea rs.-Otalgia in the right ear, preceded by itching in the eyes. Throat.-Feeling of dryness, with a little scraping. Stool and Anus. —Itching of the rectum, and a little pressure in the small of the back, as is experienced in piles. Urinary Organs.-Tickling prickling along the urethra, the orifice of which feels as if closed with a viscid mucus, attended with violent pressure until the urine is voided, the stream being 446 ANGUSTURIE CORTEX. divided.-Titillating prickling along the urethra, which excites a desire for an embrace. Sexual Parts.-During the erection burning-tensive pain in the urethra, which ceases during the emission. Chest and Extremities.-Sensation in the chest as if a number of pins were pricking it.-Tensive drawing from the left shoulder to the neck.-Cramp in the ball of the thumb when cutting with the scissors.-Dull drawing pain in the metacarpal bone of the thumb. ANGUSTURE CORTEX. (See Jahr, p. 29.) General Symptoms.-Prickling in the calves, and occa,sional sensation of swelling of the uterus as if some round body in the vagina would swell up and then decrease again, especially in the region of the perineum.-A sort of tightness of the whole body, at times a kind of prickling, at others a kind of stinging.-Lying on the left side is painful; the whole of the left side has gone to sleep. Skin. —Irritation of the skin, a sort of burning, she has frequently to bare her arms. Sleep.-The head is drawn backwards; this is followed by frequent yawning, which affords relief from the former sensation.-Sleepy about dinner-time, though she is only able to slumber, during which she hears everything.-Violent spasmtodic yawning during a walk in the open air, affording relief. -She becomes drowsy during dinner, loses her appetite, is seized with an internal chill though she feels warm externally, every thing becomes repulsive to her; she asks now for one thing, then for another, and rejects it when offered; during all this time heat frequently mounts to her head, she has a headache, and a fulness and uneasiness in the forepart of the head. -Languid early in the morning, as after a fever.-Previous to falling asleep restless, wakes at night covered with sweat, and very thirsty.-Wakes at night, with restlessness, an hour after he is taken with a dry cough, afterwards spitting up of sourish water.-During her morning-sleep she lies in a sort of magnetic reverie.-Wakes frequently at night and soon falls asleep again. —Dreams which cause anxiety and weeping. Fever.-Shivering, in the evening, when going to bed; afterwards, during her sleep, she gets warm, which wakes her; she does not feel thirsty, but has to take off some of the covering, no sweat. —Thirst without coldness, shortly after rising.Shivering in the right lower limb, from below upwards.After waking, early in the morning: sweat, bloating of the hands, she is unable to close them, she feels better and more ANGUSTURA CORTEX. 447 cheerful after rising.-Some sweat, early in the morning, followed by violent drawing in the nape of the neck. Emotive Sphere.-Striking ill-humor, she is put out with every thing, she feels anxious, with sweat and rising of heat.Gets mad at the least trifle. Sentient Sphere. —Periodical vertigo. —Vertigo, in the evening, with balancing of the head; vertigo when sitting, proceeding from the occiput; periodical vertigo, as if somebody were turning her round from behind, causing the head to reel. Head.-After a walk, the head is drawn to the right, afterwards to the left side.-The head is drawn sideways during a walk.-Throbbing in the right temple.-Frequent hammering in the head and pressure the whole day, abating in the evening. -Mounting of warmth to the head. —Teaviness in the head, when sitting, after a walk. Mouth.-Flow of saliva. Appetite.-No appetite at dinner, especially aversion to meat. Stomach.-Contraction from the region of the stomach to the right shoulder, as if drawn up into a ball, with turns of nausea, thirst; after drinking he feels a slight shivering, and an inclination to sleep when lying on his back. Abdomen. —Tensive contraction in the abdomen, below the umbilicus.-Periodical throbbing and contraction. Stool and Anus.-The haomorrhoidal tumors are painful the whole day and do not recede, attended with a disagreeable sensation of swelling and itching in the pudendum, without pleasure.-The haemorrhoidal tumors are softer and smaller, and there is some itching in the rectum.-Protrusion of the haemorrhoidal tumors at stool; cold applications afford relief. Female Parts.-Occasionally she feels a passing irritation in the parts and a contraction in the ligaments of the womb.Descension of the womb, in the morning after rising; she experiences in this organ stitches, in rapid succession, is relieved by the application of cold water.-Pressure in the right ovary, for one minute.-In the forenoon, while lying on the sofa, she feels an irritation and a tumult in the sexual parts, still more on the day following, less on third day.-Itching pimples on the left half of the labia majora; they burn during micturition and generally make their appearance when the menses delay. -Pretty large pimples on the internal labia, itching when touched.-Itching of the pudendum so that she had to scratch until blood made its appearance, after which the trouble in the sexual parts abated.-Suppression of the menses, almost.Disagreeable tickling sensation in the pudendum. —Discharge 448 ANGUSTUR2E CORTEX. of a milky fluid in the pudendum, several times in the afternoon. Windpipe.-Scraping in the throat, in the morning, causing a desire to cough. —Hacking cough.-Frequent desire to cough, induced by a tickling which was first felt under the sternum and extended to the back. Chest.-Beating on the sternum, ten or twelve times in succession.-Oppression on the chest, followed by a painful, contractive pressure between the shoulders, when he was yet in bed; followed by a sensation as if the uterus would become inverted, at the very spot where, some days previous, she had experienced the sensation of a round body in the vagina. - Sore scraping under the sternum, in the morning, at a spot of the size of half a square inch, worse every other day. -Painful contractive sensation on the right side of the chest, the part feels bruised when touched; it is felt most when raising the arm; afterwards continual pain like a continual hammering and tearing, as if some load were pressing on that part internally; her hand seemed swelled, after which she felt a heaviness in her arm for several hours, and was then relieved. Back.-Pain in the dorsal vertebrae as if bruised.-Nape of neck: drawing; turning, obliging one to bend the head to the right side.-Burning.- Slight pain in the posterior cervical vertebree.-The headache is followed by a sense of swelling at the neck, from the shoulder to the side of the chest.-Stinging sensation in the small of the back, towards noon, with contraction extending into the right hip, worse when pressing the foot to the ground.-Pains in the small of the back after rising, as if sprained, with difficulty to raise one's self. Upper Extremities.-Contractive pain under the top of the left shoulder, terminating in the upper part of the shoulder in the shape of painters' beatings, which follow each other in rapid succession; this is followed by a tensive contraction under the umbilicus, and after that by a beating sensation extending from the uterus to the right ovary and the right hip. Stitches in the right shoulder, with swelling of the right side of the neck, so that she was unable to turn her head; all this lasted only a short time while yet in bed. - Frequent stitches in the shoulder, during the day, with a tightening oppression on the sternum. —Frcquent stitches from the hand to the elbow.-Sense of spraining in the right wrist-joint, with stitching, after which a passing warmth was felt through the right arm. —The hands feel heavy, like several pounds, the,left hand less so.-Tumult and stitches in the arm attended with oppressive anxiety in the night, contraction between the shoulders, abating now and then for a few minutes ARGENTUM NITRICUM. 449 Lower Extremities.-Warmth of the right foot in the evening, followed suddenly by a shuddering.over the whole body, with nausea. —Heaviness in the feet, like a pressure in the heels, especially in the right.-Pressure in the right heel, followed by slight warmth over the abdomen. —Feeling as if sprained, in the left tarsal joint, sometimes also in the patella. Formication and throbbing in the foot, early in the morning, in bed, abating after rising. Pressure, as after having become tired by a long walk, under the right metatarsal bones, early in the morning, in bed, less in the heel. ANTIROKOKALI. Symptoms.-Chronic erysipelas.-Pustulous pimples, like blotches, with violent itching, appearing in the night and passing off again in the day-time.-Dropsy.- Chills alternating with heat, followed by slight perspiration and quick pulse.Redness and heat of the skin disappearing when the sweat appears.-General moisture of the skin, with hurried pulse, headache, restlessness, weary and bruised feeling.-Nightsweat all over or only on the affected parts.-Clammy morning sweat.-The sweat is preceded by oppression of the chest and violent palpitation of the heart.-Heat from the fauces to the stornach.-Want of appetite; bad taste in the mouth; burning thirst; vomiting of black mucus and bile.-Feeling of heat in the stomach; distended abdomen.-Blackish stools; papescent stools, with pains and rumbling in the bowels. —Copious pale urine; burning in the urethra, or itching at the orifice. Frequent erections. ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM. (See Jahr, p. 31.) Male Parts.-Dwindling away of the testes. Chest.-Pneumonia, pains in the chest, violent stitches through the chest to the shoulders and nape of the neck. Back.-Violent, continual itching. i i,m i- i m II II', I. i........ ARGENTYM FOLIATUM. (See Jahr, p. 35.) ARGENTUM NITRICUM. (See Jahr, p. 37.) -* -_ L _ Chest. —~Palpitation of the heart, arising from hypertrophy of the heart and dilatation of the ventricles. 450 ARNICA MONTANA. ARISTOLOCHIIA CLEMATITIS. This drug, which has not yet been proved, has been found very useful in the cure of frost-bitten limbs. Prepare a decoction of the leaves, and insert the parts into the liquid, twice a day, morning and evening, as hot as can be borne. Chilblains, even if already broken, can thus be cured, according to my own experience and that of one of my friends. ARISTOLOCHIA SERPENTARIA. General Symptoms. —Restless sleep with frightful dreams and tormenting tossing about. —Increased action of the skin.Pulse irritated; small and frequent; rather hard and strong. -Out of humor, and not disposed to work. Head.-Heaviness, especially in the region of the vertex.Slight dulness of the head, increasing to a pressure in the forehead and right side of the occiput, disappearing in the evening. -Pressure in the forehead, which terminates in two fleeting stitches that strike through the whole head. —Headache, especially in the temporal region.-Stitching in the head, commencing in the forehead and extending to the foramen magnum. Mouth and Appetite.-Increased secretion of saliva.Scraping in tile pharynx and cesophagus.-Fnulness of the stomach after eating a few mouthfuls. Gastric Symptoms.-Frequent eructations having a bitter, offensive taste like fir.-Fulness and heaviness in the stomach. -Sensation of distention of the stomach.-Slight pressure in the upper region of the stomach.-Pressure in the region of the cardiac orifice, with fulness and distention. Abdomen. -Distention of the abdomen, with unpleasant sensation.-Cutting pain in the umbilical region.- Rumbling, abating after emission of flatulence.-Cutting in the small intestines. Stool and Anus.-Continual urging to stool, in consequence of fulness and distention of the abdomen.-Continual itching of the anus, for several days. Urine.-Frequent discharge of brownish urine.-Profuse watery urine. Chest.-Oppression. ARNICA MONTANA. (See Jahr, p. 43.) General Symlptoms.-~Feeling of numbness in the lower limbs, as though they did not belong to the rest of the body. Fever.-~ Gastric-rheumati c fevers, with disposition to run ARSENICUM ALBUIM. 451 into the typhoid stage, characterized by violent frontal headache, and frequent nosebleed without relief. Eyes. —Amaurosis which had been caused by a fall on the head and had existed for some time. lbdomen. —* Distention of the ab-o:;cnn after supper, with pressure and tension especially in the side, which continues at night, attended with heat of the extremities, frequent waking and emission of inodorous flatulence. ARSENICUM ALBUM. (See Jahr, p. 47.) General Symptoms. —Atrophy of children, with enlargement of the abdomen and glandular swellings. —Trembling of the limbs, in the case of drunkards. Skin.-ORed pimples which are filled with pus, and change to ichorous, crusty, burning and spreading ulcers.-~Blotches which are filled with blood and pus. —~Herpes having a red, malignant appearance, with vesicles and violent burning, especially at night. —~Ulcers with red, shining areola and ashcolored or black-blue base. — ~Wart-shaped ulcers.-~Rhagades. Sleep. —OGrasping at flocks during sleep. Fever. —*General coldness of the extremrities, uwitl dry skin like parchment, or profuse sweat, or alternate dryness and sweat; ~coldness as if cold water were coursing over the skin. *Shuddering: *especially after drinking, with chilliness; *after dinner, when it sometimes disappears however; in the evening; ~also attended with stretching of the limbs and anxiety and restlessness; *during a walk in the oren air; *at the commencement of an attack of fever, previous to the chill; with hot forehead, hot cheeks and cold hands. —Chilliness: also violent, with shaking, every afternoon at three o'clock, wvith hunger and increased chilliness after eating; *in the evening, all over, with coldness, or only from the calves to the feet; with inability to get warm, especially in the evening, in bed;.first down the back, then all over. —*Heat which is generally dry and burning; anxious; dry, at night.- *Fevers, very violent;'after abuse of cinchona; *periodical; especially quotidian and quartan, or also tertian and double-tertian; Otyphoid, putrid, also attended with petechine and miliaria alba; gastric, bilious; mucous, *lentescent, consumptive, hectic.-Fevers which commence with coldness; *first a shivering, then chill, afterwards dry heat in the evening; *chilliness, generally in the afternoon or evening, followed by dry heat, mostly in the evening, afterwards sweat at the termination of the paroxysm, mostly at night or towards morning; *alternate chilliness and heat, ot a mingling of both; *heat u ithovt any 452 ARSENICUM ALBUM. previous chill, followed by sweat; Ofevers characterized by absence of thirst during the chilly stage or even during the heat, or else intense thirst especially during the heat, with frequent drinking though little at a time;'considerable languor, debility and trembling of the extremities; ~cedematous swelling of the feet and other dropsical symptoms; ~restlessness and intense anguish about the heart; Csevere pains in the bones and limbs; ~stretching of the limbs; ~delirium; ~vertigo, buzzing in the ears, fainting spells especially when raising the head; Oconfusion of the head, with tearing and pressure in the forehead and temples; ~bloat of the head and face; ~livid complexion; ~white-coated tongue; ~swollen, dry and cracked lips; Oeruptions and scurfs around the mouth; slow speech and answers; ~bitter taste in the mouth; ~nausea and loathing of food; ~violent pains, pressure, or burning in the stomach and pit of the stomach; pain and swelling of the spleen and liver; ~distended abdomen; ~hard, intermittent stool; ~dyspncea.-Before the paroxysm. —General malaise in the whole body; stretchy feeling through the whole body; ~yawning; debility, disposition to lie down, also Ofainting; ~headache, vertigo and stupefaction; confusion of the head and inability to collect one's senses.-During the paroxysm: Ochattering of the teeth; ~coldness, also especially in the abdomen; ~prostration; ~yawning; *stretching; *sick feeling in the whole body; *drawing in the twhole body; *pains in the limbs; ~tearing or stitching; headache; ~bitterness of the mouth; *anxiety; *pains in the stomach and pit qf the stomach, aching or gnawing.-Afler the chill: ~exhaustion and sleep; ~vertigo; *thirst; ~anxiety; ~nausea, also vomiting of bile; ~decrease of the pains. —During the heat: restlessness; ~delirium; Oconfusion and heaviness of the ]lead, vertigo, headache; ~anxiety; ~bitterness of mouth; ~nausea; Otongue white and dry; ~pains in the liver and spleen; ~tension and fulness of the abdomen;'pressure and burning in the pit of the stomach; ~pleuritic stitches; ~redness of the skin; ~oppression of the chest; ~dryness of the nose and mouth; ~dry cough.-Afier the heat: ~sleep, from which one wakes with anguish and covered with sweat. —After the fever: ~pressurLe in the forehead and temples, with frightful dreams; ~weary and bruised feeling of the extremities. — Sweat only at the termination of the paroxysm, generally at night; *in the evening, in bed, when commencing to sleep; *eaxhausting; cold, clammy; ~sour, fetid; *nigqhtiy, especially on the thighs and knees, or in the back, with itching; early in the morning, on waking. —During the sweat: ~the fever-pains abate; ~anguih; pulse: nsmall, q tkiT: quick, feeble; *intermittent; ARSENICUM ALBUM. 453 small, feeble, frequent; small, unequal; entirely suppressed, also with frequent beating of the heart. Emotive Sphere.- ~Indifference to life. —Loathing of life, and desire to destroy one's-self. Head.-* Tearing in the head, with heaviness of the same, and weary and drowsy feeling. — Violent megrim in the case of a female, which generally continued for three days, and during which the patient vomited all the time, being moreover deprived of consciousness.-Megrim which is caused by abdominal plethora, and seems to depend upon an irritated condition of the ganglionic system, can alone be cured by arsenic. Integuments of tle head: ~scaldhead, also with swelling of the cervical and posterior cervical glands. Eyes.-~Pains in the eyes, obliging one to lie down. — *Pains in the eyes, aggravated by moving them ~or by exposing them to the light.-0Ophthalmia, caused by taking cold in consequence of exposure in cold water. —~Specks and ulcers of the cornea. —Acute inflammation of the eyelids. —*Dryness of the lids, especially the margins.-*Spasmodic closing of the lids. —*Photophobia "also excessive. Ears. —*.Roaring in the ears, especially during the pains. NoSe. —Tuberculous swelling in the nose. Face. —Greenish complexion. Mouthi. —Swelling and gangrene of the tongue, with violent fever, putrid diarrhcea, and general convulsions. -*Glossitis. Appetite and Taste.-*Food tastes as if not salt enough. — After drinking: *shuddering and chilliness; Orecurrence of the vomiting and diarrhcea. Gastric Symptoms. —Vomiting of a brownish or blackish substance, attended with great straining and increase of the pains in the stomach, sometimes mixed with blood.-Bloody discharges upwards and downwards.-*Asiatic and spasmodic cholera, in the former when the vomiting and diarrhoea are accompanied by a burning pain extending from the pit of the stomach to the umbilicus, by violent cutting colic, tonic spasms in the fingers and toes, sudden and excessive prostration, anxious jactitation of the whole body, and inexpressible anguish and fear of death. During the vomiting: *violent pains in the stomach; internal burning heat and thirst; *soreness in the abdomen; fear of death; Oviolent colic; ~precursory symptoms of sea-sickness.-~Vomiting of drunkards; vomiting of pregnant females. Stomach.-*Hard pressure in the pit of the stomach; *after eating, especially at the cardiac orifice and in the oesophagus. Abdomen..-*Inflammation of the peritoneum and spleen. 454 ASPARAGUS. -~Large abdomen of children, with glandular swellings. — ~Ulcers over the umbilicus. Stool.-*Constipation, also with pains in the bowels.*Tenesmus, as in dysentery, with burning and pressing in the anus and rectum. —-ODiarrhca at night, or after eating and drinking; *attended with tenesmus; *with vomiting; *twith colic; with excessive debility; *with thirst; *alternating with constipation.-*Diarrhcea consisting of bile and mucus, mixed up with undigested food, attended with frequent vomiting of mucus, distended abdomen, frequent crying and drawing-up of the extremities. —~Diarrhcea during dentition, ~during smallpox. —*Inflammation of the rectum. Windpipe. —* Cough: caused by a constant tickling in the windpipe; *after drinking; *dhuring exercise, with dyspncea; *during a walk in the cold air; *in the evening, in bed, or at night; *hacking, with pain in the chest as if excoriated.~Dicfcult expectoration; ~scanty and frothy; *consisting of blood-streaked mucus, ~also with burning heat in the whole body. —Periodical turns of cough.-*Stoppage of breath when coughing. -. ASA FETIDA. (See Jahr, p. 51.) Chest.-*This remedy restores the proper secretion of milk of otherwise healthy nursing females, after it had gradually diminished. ASARUM EUROP]EUM. (See Jahr, p. 54.) Eyes. —Jerking pains, with vomiting and lienteria, after operations on the eyes. ASPARAGUS. General Symptoms.-Anxiety with palpitation of the heart and ill-humor. Sentient Sphere.-Vertigo in the forehead. Head.-Pressure in the forehead, downwards on the eyes. -Heaviness of the forehead. Eyes.-Stinging and creeping in the eyes. Nose.-Coryza, with slight dryness and swelling of the inner nares.-Profuse catarrh, with aching pain above the root of the nose extending across the forehead to the sinciput. Face.-Pale face.-Burning of the cheeks. Mouth.-Diminished secretion of saliva.-Spitting of blood. -Nasal speech. AURUM FOLIATUM. 4,5 Appetite and Taste.-Increased thirst.-Flat, sweetish taste.- Sweetish saliva. Gastric Symptoms.-Eructations.-Nausea on waking, afterwards vomiting of food, mixed with bile and mucus, lastly diarrhoea, consisting of bile and fteces. Abdomen.-Fulness of the abdomen. —Pinching in the umbilical region, also with painfulness to contact. Stool. —Bilious diarrhcea, with burning and soreness at the anus, colic, and drawing in the groins. Urinary Organs.-Straw-colored, scanty urine, which soon becomes turbid, with white pellicle and white-flocculent sediment.-Urine which deposits a greasy substance on the sides of the vessel.-Brown urine without sediment. Clear urine having a bad smell.-Peculiar smell of the urine.-Urging to urinate. —Frequent emissions of a little urine, preceded by a sensation as if something were penetrating into the urethra, and succeeded by burning.-Diminished secretion of urine. — Burning or cutting in the urethra, also attended with drawing in the groins, colic, diarrhoea and pain at the anus, also with sensation as if some more urine were flowing out.Frequent micturition, with fine stitches in the orifice of the urethra. Sexual Parts.-Swelling of the penis, with erection and urging to urinate. Windpipe.-Violent cough with oppression of the chest and a good deal of expectoration of mucus. Chest.-Dyspncea during exercise and when going up stairs, also at night, obliging one to sit up.-Sense of emptiness externally, with weight on the chest.-Darting through the right side when sitting, causing one to start. —Palpitation of the heart, also with anxious restlessness during exercise and when going upstairs. —Quick, redoubled, irregular beating of the heart.-The beats of the heart are scarcely perceptible. — Stitching in the region of the heart, after eating. AURUM FOLIATUM. (See Jahr, p. 56.) Skin.-0OJaundice. - ~Arthritic nodosities. Head. —~Sensation, when keeping the head warm, as though wind were rushing through the head. Integuments of the Head. —* Osseous tumors. Nose. —Anosmia. —Swelling of the nose, with peeling off of the epidermis. Abdomen.-~Induration of the liver. 456 AIURUM SULFURATUM:. AURUM MURIATICUM. (See Jahr, p. 59.) Skin.-* Chronic jaundice. Male Parts.-Syphilitic ulcers at the scrotum. AURUM SULFURATUM. SkilL.-Burning and biting; stinging, pricling. —Pimples. Sleep.-Drowsiness in the day-time, sleeplessness at night. -Nightly restlessness. —Horrid dreams about robbers and m.urderers,. Emotive Sphere, &cr-Disposed to remain alone.-Continual weeping.-Angry, sombre mood.-Out of humor. — Vexed and weary of wife.-Vertigo. Head.-* Constant rush of blood to the head.- Stitches in the occiput. —Violent itching about the head, especially at night.Burning and biting on the hairy scalp.-Falling off of the hair. —The head is constantly moved to and fro. Eyes.-Redness of the lids; stinging, prickling and itching of the lids. —~Ulceration of the lids.-Agglutination of the lids, early in the morning.-b*Falling off of the eyelashes.Throbbing in the eyes.-Stye near the outer canthus.-The eyes are sensitive to the light. Ears and Nose.-In the ears: continual buzzing; burning and stinging. -Hard hearing.-Redness and swelling of the nose. —Eruption on the wings of the nose.-The nose is very sensitive to the least contact. In the nose: stinging and itching; beating and cutting; scurfs.-Frequent sneezing. -Dry coryza. Face.-Red pimples in the face.-Face dotted with red spots; pale. —*Itching of the face; expression of great exhaultion. Teeth.-Drawing and cutting in the teeth.-Dull pains extending from the upper molares through the whole head and then again confined to the teeth; sensation of numbness.The gums look pale.-Redness, swelling, and bleeding of the gums. Mouth.-Aphthae, with smarting and stinging on the inner surface of the cheeks.-~Ptyalism.-Lips chapped; pimples on the lips, with feeling of heat in the pimples and fine stitches.-Pale color of the tongue. Throat.-Stitches and drawing in the throat.-Difficult deglutition. Appetite, &c.-Loss of appetite. —A good deal of thirst.Gulping-up of insipid water.-Eructations, with gulping-up of water tasting of the ingesta.-Frequent hiccough. —Slow digestion. —Desire to vomit, shortly after eating.-Feeling of AURUM SULFURATUM. 457 heat in the region of the stomach, accompanied by stitches. Abdomen.-Stinging and drawing in right hypochondrium. -Abdomen: distended, with sensitiveness to contact, and with sensation as if a ball were moving about in it.-Stitches in various parts of the abdolnen.-Lower abdomen: stitches; dull pain.- Violent colic. Stool.-Constipation. —Diarrheic evacuations of a gray color, at night.-Anus: stinging, drawing, tearing, itching, and cutting. Urine. —Urine yellow, thick, or red, mixed with gravel.Inability to retain the urine at night. Male Parts.-Feeling of heat, smarting and stitches in the penis.-Dampness on the glans.-Painful swelling of the testes.-Frequent erections, with desire for an embrace, which disappears again immediately. —)Draling along the spermatic chords. —Impotence. Female Parts.-Dampness of the pudendum, also redness and swelling, and feeling of heat.-Stinging and itching in the pudendum. —Sensation of pressure on the pudendum; sensation, while standing, as if something would press out of the body.-AMenses suppressed; irregular, at times too soon, at others too late. —Previcus to hce menses: bruised feeling in the whole body, nausea and inclination to vomit. Windpipe.-Hoarseness.-Cough: dry; shrill, in nightly paroxysms; violent, with expectoration of a small quantity of pure blood; loose, with yellowish expectoration; frequent turns of a loose cough, especially when the weather is bad; loose cough, with yellowish expectoration, having an insipid taste.-Aphonia. Chest.-Dyspncea.-Nightly paroxysms of suffocation.Stitches and prickling under the clavicles.-Stitches or dull pains in the region of the heart.-Palpitation of the heart in going upstairs, running, or after any kind of fatiguing exercise. -Swelling of the breasts.-The breasts feel painful to the touch.-Rhagades of the nipples; stinging and smarting in the nipples. Back.-Cutting and burning in the back.-Tearing along the vertebral column. —Painful stiffness of the neck.-Prickling and feeling of heat in the small of the back.-Sensation as if the small of the back would be broken. Extremities.-In the arms: stitching and tearing; cutting pains when moving them.-Stiffness of the arms.-Redness and swelling of the dorsum of the hand.-Stiffness of the lower limbs.-Stitches in the legs.-Unsteady gait.-Walking is troublesome.-Swelling of the feet. 20 458' PolELLAPDONNA. BARYTA CARBONICA. (See Jahr, p. 61.) Hlead. —c Chronic hydrocepho lRs. Throat. — Chronic disposition to sore throat and swelling1 of the tonsils. _ _ _ _ _? BARYTA MUIRIATICA. (See Jahr, p. 65.) General Symptoms. —Scrofulous ffections. Skin.-~ General anasarca after scarlet fever. Mouth. -~Profiuse ptyalism. Chest.-~Blennorrhcea of the lungs. BELLADONNA. (See Jahr, p. 66.) General Symptoms. — Effects from the abuse of cinchona, valerian, chamomilla, mercury, opium.-*Stitching or tearing pressure, especially in the extremities; *burning, stinging, *creeping (tingling) in the limbs.-~Seque7ce of the cholera, with congestion of blood to the brain.-*Spasms and convulsions of the limbs on waking from sleep; *after chagrin; renewed by the slightest contact; *with cry and loss of consciousness; *with delirium; with laughing; *with contortion of the eyes; *with stretching of the limbs, or violent contortion of the muscles. —*Tetanic spasms, with opisthotonos, or the head and trunk being drawn to the left side.-*Spasms, with stiffness of the whole body, clenched thumbs.-*Singing delirium. —* Trembling of the limbs, also with convulsive shaking. *Subsult ls tendinum, and jactitation of the extremities.-I-emiplegia. Skin. - *Measle-shaped eruption.* Purple rash, after aconite.-~Rubeole. —~Ielladonna should be given in variola when metastasis to the brain threatens to set in.-~Carbuncle. Sleep.-*Constant drowsiness, especially in the evening.*To.por;. *coma, also like lethargy, with deep sleep and stertorous breathing, the patient lying motionless.-During sleep: *tossing about; *crying out; *moaning; *startings, also when on the point of going to sleep; singing and talking. —Dreams: anxious, frighitful.-After sleeping: ~the pains are worse; *headache. Fever.- Chilliness: commencing *in the back or in the pit of the stomach, or on both arms, and thence extending over the whole body; *especially on the arms.-*Fevers, Oespecially quotidian, also double, *or tertian; *with shaking chill, mostly in the evening, also in bed, or at night, ~less frequently early in the morning, *followed by heat, with or without sweat.During the fever: *absence of thirst during the chilly or hot BELLADONNA. 459 stage, also burning thirst during the heat.-Heat: *violent, burning; *internal or external, or both at the same time; *dry; *especially of the head and face, with redness of the latter; especially after dinner or every noon; *at night, with pain when uncovering oneself, as if from chilliness.-During the heat: *delirium; redness of the face; *violent, burning thirst, or also absence of thirst; *rage; dulness of the head; swelling of the cutaneous veins; *throbbing of the carotids and temporal arteries;'restlessness, *redness and bloat of the face. —Sweats: during or after the heat; morningsweats. Emotive Sphere.-ODerangement of mind: ~after suppressed erysipelas, after meningitis, typhoid fevers, or after a stroke of paralysis; ~in the case of drunkards;~ in pregnant and lying-in women; ~after fright, chagrin, mortification, grief; ~after a cold.- Melancholia, also of an amorous character, with excitement of the sexual sphere; ~home sickness.-*Loathing of life, with desire to die, in consequence of anguish. — *Moaning, without any apparent cause. —* Whining mood, ~especially with fear; with crying and lamenting.-*Restlessness, which drives oie from spot to spot; continued restless motion of the body, especially the anus; *jumps out of the bed; *runs about. *Anguish: *about the heart; ~when he meets people; *with longing for death; *with great restlessness. *Tendency to start, with fearfulness; with whining or mistrustful mood; *crazy fear, or fear of imaginary things; ~he hides himself; *wants to escape; *is apprehensive of death.-*Indiference; *apathy.-*Desire to be alone; aversion to noise and company. —~He only answers with reluctance and in a growling or scolding tone; *aversion to talk.-*Increased susceptibility of all the senses, every impression being felt most vividly. — Vexed mood, also irritable and whining mood. —The child is obstinate. -*Crying and screaming, also about trifles, increases the more one endeavors to quiet the child. —'*Mania to dispute; ~swearing, with staring looks; *rage; *with grating of teeth and convulsions; *with staring looks; with loss of recognition of onre's own relatives; *with raging and committing acts of violence; *one tears things, one bites, spits at people's faces and strikes them.-*Hydrophobia.-* Wanton mirth, also especially in the evening; *excessive or crazy mirth; *singing, whistling, humming a tune; *loud laughter, also immoderate and involuntary laughter. —Fitful mood, at times whining, at others laughing. Sentient Sphere. —~Loss of sense, also with convulsions of the arms. —*Loss of consciousness, as if one were dreaming; he hears not and sees not: *does not recognize any body, not 460 BELLADONNA. even his own family, except perhaps by the hearing. —* Visions, beautiful or frightful, *of ghosts, vermin, bats; *of black dogs that seize him; ~of demons that accost him; ~of soldiers that want to catch him.-*Delirium, also especially at night; furibond, or melry; *with staring look; *muttering; ~singing; delirious talk about dogs, ~wolves, and bulls, ~war and soldiers, ~about travelling homewards.-i*Mental alienation, with foolish and crazy actions; sits still in a corner without doing any thing; *does not wish either to eat or drink; *acts ludicrously; ~wants to pull out his own teeth; ~walks about as if very busy; ~gathers herbs which he calls by wrong names and offers them for sale; ~uses his cane as a gun; ~talks on the churchyard with his deceased sister; ~imagines he is well, and wants to get off. —Mental alienation of drunkards. —*Loss of reason; *dulness of mind; absence of mind.-* Vertigo; ~with anguish and vibrations before the eyes; ~when stooping; ~when raising oneself from a recumbent position; ~with falling down without consciousness; ~with nausea; *as if every thing were turning in a circle, sometimes worse in a room and abating in a room; *s.'agge-'ing vertigo, *especially when walking; *balancing vertigo, asfr'om intoxication.-~Apoplectic attacks. — ~Ifiammation Qf the brain and acute hydrocephalus of children (first period). IIead.-*Pressure above the eyes, they close. —*Pressure as ftom a stone, in the forehead. —*Pressin/in theforehead from withibn outwards, with sensation as if the parts would fly to pieces, especially when stooping, less when leaning backwards, or ~leaniny the head against any thing. —*Painful balancing up and dowLn in the brain, at every step, as though the brain would rise and fall again.-*Shaking motion in the brain, as if full of water.-~Belladonna is suitable for headache' characterized by pressure, fulness, heat of the head, flying redness of the face, cold feet, humming in the ears, diminution of hearing, and dilatation of the pupils. Eyes. —*Pressure in the eyes, with heat and obscuration of objects, which moreover appear to be surrounded with a red border. —Scrofulous, arthritic, rheumatic, syphilitic, and erysipelatous ophthalnia; less suitable for ophthalrnia with blennorrhcea, and should only be used when there are violent pains, photophobia, and congestion.-OInterstitial distention of the sclerotica; ~specks, thickening and ulceration of the cornea; ~yellowness of the whites; *nightly agglutination. —*Continual trembling and twitching of the lids. —*Eyes distorted or spasmodically mor'ed. —*Objects appear as if upside down. -* Blindness in the evening and at night. Throat. —*Stitchin,g in the throat, extending even as far as BOVISTA. 461 the ear.-*SuJfocative, constrictive dryness of the throat and fauces.-*Spasmodic constriction, painful contraction of the fauces, also with inability to swallow the least food or drink, and sensation of stretching and extension when attempting to swallow. Stool. —*Diarrhoea with profuse secretion of urine. Urine. —*Burning in the bladder, with ineffectual urging to urinate. BENZOICUM ACIDUM. This remedy seems to exercise a specific action on the urinary organs; it removes an excess of urea, by which means the formation of urinary calculi is prevented; it is likewise recommended as a remedy for nocturnal enuresis. BERBERIS VULGARIS. To our knowledge there are no curative symptoms recorded of this remedy. It is proposed for ~arthritic and rheumatic afections, especially when accompanied by diseases of the urinary organs, by.hemorrhoidal or menstrual difficulties. For the pathogenetic symptoms we refer the reader to the SymptomenCodex, vol. i., p. 268. BISMUTHUM. (See Jahr, p. 72.) Stomach. —Pressure at the stomach, which afterwards passes into a burning, abating after belching up wind. — *Pressure at the stomach, with vertigo, aching in the forehead, redness of the conjunctiva, dimness of sight, coated tongue, bitter taste, violent thirst, loss of appetite, spasmodic pulse; the pain disappears after eructation, bilious vomiting, or bilious diarrhoea with colic. — Cardialgia, every kind of spirits or spice causing a burning. BORAX VENETA. (See Jahr, p. 73.) Eyes.-~Is said to have been useful in ophthalmia senilis, when entropium was present. Female Parts. —Chronic corrosive leucorrhcea.-~Sterility. BOVISTA. (See Jahr, p. 75.) 462 BROMIUM. BROMIIUM. (See Jahr, p. 78.) General Symptoms.-Languid feeling.-Frequent deep inspirations.-The spirits and the bodily symptoms are better during motion.-Feeling of emptiness.-The whole afternoon and evening he feels languid and sleepy.-Feeling of weakness. Skin.-Itching here and there, removed by scratching, but reappearing afterwards.- Scrofulous swellings. Sleep.-Very sleepy early in the evening and late in the morning.-One wakes easily.-Vivid dream as though one were descending a declivity; one attempts to get out at the other side of the bed, in order to save oneself, and does not become aware of its being a mere dream until one touches the cold floor; even then one does not get fairly roused. Glands.-Glandular swelling of the size of a pea on each side of the neck. Fever.-Cold feeling now and then.-Frequent chilliness.Sensitiveness to cool air and chilliness during motion, in the evening.-Chilliness in the back, when sitting, now and then. — Coolness and moist hands. —Coolness of the tips of the fingers.-Cold creeping over the back.-Sweat in the palms of the hands. —Heat in the back, rising to the head and face.The pulse appears more frequent. Emotive Sphere.-Cheerful mood. Sentient Sphere.-Not disposed to read.-Want of ideas. -Incipient vertigo. —Dizziness. —Dulness of the head, with heaviness. Ilead.-Slight aching pain in the forepart of the head, especially when coughing. — Increased warmth of the forehead. -In theforehead: aching pain; pain, in the evening; dull aching pain; pressure with weight.-Heaviness of the head, with want of disposition to think.-Tearing in the frontal bones.-Pressure in the right frontal eminence.-Pressure in the forehead, above the eyes, the forehead has to be drawn into wrinkles all the time. —Heat in the occiput.-The head is very sensitive to cool air. —Violent pressure in the left temporal bone. Eyes.-Closing of the lids as from sleep.-Aching pain deep in the eyes, with sensitiveness of the eyes when reading. —Pain above the right eye, with photophobia.-The eyes are sensitive to the light of day.-A gray point before the right eye, which rises and descends simultaneously with the motion of the eye; this point is seen both when looking at distant or near objects. Ears.-Stitching in the right ear. Nose.-Itching in the nose.-The nose is stopped up with BRYONIA. 463 mucus.-Thick, yellow, blood-streaked miucus in the nose, without sneezing or nosebleed, which used to be very violent when he had a catarrh.-He discharges a little blood from;the nose when blowing it. Teeth.-Distress in a hollow tooth which had never ached before, as if toothache would set in. MOuth. —Increased flow of thin saliva.-Inflamtlmation of the fauces and uvula, with dry cough, which is particularly violent in the morning, and arises from the irritation produced by the elongated uvula. Throat.-Painful deglutition, especially in the morning.~Sore throat,?with erysipelatous swelling of the tonsils, pressure during and between the acts of deglutitlion, hawking of mucus, stinging, difficulty of swallowing, especially liquids. Gastric Symptoms. —Empty eructations, continuing for a long time; nausea. Stomach.-In the region of the stomach: slight feeling of nausea; warmth; sensitiveness to pressure. —In the stomach: warmth, continuing for a long time.-Pressure ascending from the stomach to the cesophagus. Abdomen.-Distended abdomen. —Stitches striking from the liver to the umbilicus.-Flatulence. Stool.-Hard.-Soft stool after a morning-stool.-Painless hnemorrhoidal tumor.-Directly in front of the anus, in the raphe, there is a little tubercle under the skin, which is not painful except when pressed upon very hard, and when rubbed with paper, even soft paper. Urinary Organs.-Not much desire to urinate.-Scanty urine and dark. Windpipe.-In the larynx: titillation; frequent tickling with dry cough, which is followed again by tickling; stitches with itching; stitching with pressmue; continued pain on the left side. Chest. —Pain under the right ribs, increased by pressure.Several attacks of violent pain under the left ribs, passing off quickly; or the pains are felt higher up, more acute, worse when lying bent, but not aggravated by breathing. —Frequent palpitation of the heart, sometimes when walking, and at other times when rising from a chair.-Pain in the chest when coughing. BRYONIA. (See Jahr, p. 81.) Skin. —Miliaria alba. —~Purpura hoamorrhagica.-OFurfuraceous, red, itching tetter on the forehead.-~Tense, hot, pale, or 464 1BUNAFU. red swellings, also with stinging in the same during exercise.~Arthritic nodosities. Head. —*Bryonia is suitable for headache affecting one side of the forepart of the head, the pain extending to the nape of the neck, arm, and face, and the throbbing increasing in proportion as the pain increases. Windpipe. —~Acute and chronic bronchitis. Trunk.-~The neck is swollen and hard as stone, with difficult deglutition, moderate inflammation and fever. BUNAFU. Skin.-Prickling and violent itching of the body, here and there, especially at night.-Torpid ulcers. Sleep.-Drowsy in the day-time.-Sleepless; restless at night. —Wakes at night, as if in affright. Emotive and Sentient Sphere. —Impatient.-Irascible.Disposed to be alone.-Dread of death.-Vertigo, also on stooping. Head.-Burning in the head. —Violent heat in the forehead. -Megrim. —Stinging and prickling at the occiput, with sensation as if a part would be torn out. —Feeling of icy coldness in the day-time. EyeS.-Burning, gnawing, and prickling of the lids.Agglutination of the lids in the morning. —~Chronic ophthalmia. EarS. —Disagreeable feeling in the ears. —lissing and humming. Nose. —Redness of the nose, with sensitiveness to contact.Scurfs in the nose, with burning and smarting, ulcer. Face. —A number of small red pimples with white tips in the region of the whiskers. Teeth.-Various pains, especially in the molares, with nightly aggravation. — Inflammation of the gums. Mouth.-In the mouth: heat, aphthae; sensation in the tongue as if burnt.-Fetid breath -Bitter saliva. Throat. —Stinging, scraping, burning in the throat. —Difficult deglutition. Appetite.-Very thirsty. — Diminished appetite. - Slow digestion, with bitter eructations. Gastric Symptoms.-Bitter eructations.-Nausea. Stomach.-Cardialgia; continual feeling of warmth in the stomach, with cutting. — Gastritis. Abdomen. —Dull pains in the abdomen. —Continual burning in the lower abdomen- -Distended abdomen.-Colic before and CALADIUM SEGUINUM. 465 during stool.-Sensation of heat and weight in the lower abdomen. Stool, &c. —Diarrhcea, worse at night.-Yellow, thin discharges, with gnawing and burning at the anus.-Piles, with gnawing, burning, stinging, and prickling at the anus, as if sore, after stool. Urine. —Diminished secretion of urine. —Smarting during micturition. Female Parts.-Menses too soon and profuse.-Yellow or white, thin or thick leucorrhcea, with feeling of heat and smarting, biting in the pudendum. —Burning and prickling in the whole vagina.-Violent sexual desire. — Chronic infjamnation of the vagina. Windpipe.-Dry or moist cough.-~ Chronic catarrh of the lungs.-Severe, hollow cough.-Thick, yellow expectoration, or profuse, thick, and whitish. Chest.-Dyspnoea.-Constriction and heat in the region of the heart. Back.-Stinging in the small of the back.-Stinging and prickling in the nape of the neck. Extremities.-Stiffness of the arms and fingers.-Feeling of coldness along the sciatic nerve, shortly after rising from bed. —Sensation in the nates as if gone to sleep. —aBoils on the nates, thighs, and legs, along the track of the larger nervous trunks.-Stiffness of the thighs and legs. CALADIUM SEGUINUM. (See Jahr, p. 88.) Emotive Sphere. —Fear, when shaving, lest he should cut himself. Sentient Sphere.-So forgetful that he does not remember what he had been doing or writing the same day. Eyes.-Drowsiness before dinner, with tension in the temple. Appetite and Taste. —Relishes smoking uncommonly.Relishes his breakfast, but soon after he feels out of spirits, uncomfortable, his head feels dull, he becomes drowsy.-Feeling of hunger, soon after taking the medicine. Abdomen.-Drawing in the abdomen, after eating a sour plum. —Distended abdomen, with malaise, after eating sour fish at supper, aggravated by riding in a carriage. Stool.-Sudden and violent urging to stool; nevertheless he has to strain hard to expel the stool, which is yellow, papescent; the evacuation is accompanied by a sudden desire to vomit, while smoking a cigar. —Frequent urging to stool, which is yellow and papescent. 20* 466 CALCAREA CAUSTICA. Male Parts.-Stitches in the urethra. No erection for some days, even when excited by amorous caresses. CALCAREA ARSENICA. Dr. Herring recommends this agent for epilepsy, one drop of the 12th attenuation in a tumblerful of water, a tablespoonful to be given every day. CALCAREA CARBONICA. (See Jahr, p. 89.) Skin. —Suppressed eruptions, especially when the itch had been suppressed by mercurial ointment, causing ophthalmia and hardness of hearing, or when scald-head had been suppressed. Fever.-Is recommended as a specific for the endemic rheumatic miliaria typhosa, red or white, when a rheumatic-inflammatory irritation of the heart precedes the appearance of the eruption; it is especially useful during the crisis, particularly against the anguish, and in the case of children, to prevent convulsions, or, in general, to facilitate the coming out of the eruption. — Mucous fever, in the case of children and full-grown persons. Sentient Sphere. —Mental alienation, with frightful visions and anguish, causing one to despair of one's salvation, and to desire to stab one's-self. Eyes.-O Far-sightedness. Stool. —*Creeping in the rectum, as from ascarides.~ Tenia. CALCAREA CAUSTICA. General Symptoms.-Tearing in the muscles and bones; shifting rheumatic pains in all the joints.-Stinging pains.Violent, tearing, stitching, throbbing pains in single nervous branches.-Aching pain in various parts; tension. —Shifting pains in the extremities.-Languor, exhaustion, tremor of the body. —Tremor of the arms and feet.-The extremities go to sleep.-The left side is principally affected.-Dr. Koch prefers it to Cale. carb. in acute diseases. Skin. —Troublesome tension or burning of the skin.-Itching and stinging of the skin, especially at the occiput, behind the ears, on the neck, back, chest. —Small vesicles filled with lymph, and surrounded with a red border.-Brown, red, painless, fleabite-shaped spots, either single or running into each other. CALCAREA CaUSTCA. 46-7 Sleep.-Yawning.-Restless sleep; nightmaae. Fever. —Violent chilliness all over, before going to bed or rising in the morning.-Violent chill, followed by heat in the head. Emotive and Sentient Sphere,-Sensation as if the head were crazy —Vertigo. Head. —Dulness of the head, especially on the left side, with periodical stitches, or with pressure in the forehead, and fleeting stitches in the temples.-Dull, oppressive pain in the forehead, extending to the occiput. —Violent headache, on stooping.Dull, oppressive headache in the centre of the skull.-Dull, rheumatic pain in the occiput.-Stitches through the head from before backwards Eyes.-Pressure and weight of the lids.-Tearing and stitching in the eyes.-Sensation as of a thorn in the eye, obliging one to rub, and preventing the eye from being closed. -Burning of the eyes at candle-light, or when reading.-Photophobia. Ears.-Crampy-stitching pain in the ear, as far as the orifice of the Eustachian tube in the fauces.-Dull, stitching pain in one or both ears, as from a foreign body. —Ringing and *roaring in the ears. Nose. —Stitches, from the wing of the nose as far as the inner canthus.-Diseharge of tenacious phlegm. Face.-Tearing pain extending from the inner canthus to the upper lip, with feeling of swelling in that region.-Violent pain in the articulation of the jaw, which is somewhat swollen or immovable, with swelling of the cheeks. Teeth. -Quickly-passing tearing pain in a lower cuspidatus. -Dull, tearing-stitching pain in the hollow molares, which feel elongated. Mouth and Throat.-The tongue hns a greenish-yellow, thick coating.-Stinging in the throat.-Difficult deglutition. — Phlegm in the throat, which it is difficult to hawk up; this almost causes one to vomit. Appetite and Taste.-Loss of appetite.-Violent hunger, shortly after eating.-Bitter taste in the mouth. Gastric Symptoms. —Rising of air.-Rising of food, with sourish-bitter taste.-Nausea and inclination to vomit, with gulping-up of a frothy-liquid.-Inclination to vomit, with vomiting of a sour fluid. Stomach.-Sensation of tension in the stomach.-Spasmodic contraction of the stomach. Abdomen.-Stitching-tearing pain in the hypochondria.Pain in the splenetic region, as if a ball were turning round its axis-. Violent stitches in the small iitestines, when bending 468 CALTITA PALUSTILS. forwards. —Contractive pains in the abdomen, towards the uterus.-Borborygmi. Stool.-Papescent stool, with mucus. —Violent diarrhoea, like cholera.-Tvenia. —Creeping in the rectum and anus.Stitching-tearing pains in the rectum, towards the anus. Windpipe. —Hoarseness, with pain in the throat.-Cough, with stitches in the chest.-Cough, with discharge of mucus and blood. Chest.-*Influenza.-Tearing at the nipples.-Stitchingtearing pain, increased by an inspiration. - Stitching on drawing breath, and oppression as far as the sternum. Back.-Tension in the back.-Stiffness of the posterior cervical muscles.-Tearing in the posterior cervical muscles, back, small of the back, and os coccygis. Extremities.-Rheumatic pains in the shoulders and other parts of the upper extremities.-Sensation in both scapulae as if gone to sleep.-Pain in the shoulder-joint when letting the arm hang down.-Stitching pains in the hip-joint, especially when pressing the foot to the ground, extending to the middle of the thigh; similar pains in the knee-joint and sole of the foot. CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA. (See Jahr, p. 96.) CALENDULA OFFICINALIS, This agent is recommended in the cure of wounds and injuries to prevent suppuration. It has also been used for ophthalmia consequent upon operations upon the eye. CALTHA PALUSTRIS. Fever, —Pulse small, rather hard, somewhat quicker than usual; sometimes intermittent. Sklin.-The whole body is swollen.-Red spots on the thighs and feet, here and there.-Vesieular eruptions containing a clear, yellowish-white lymph, surrounded by a red, violently-itching areola; the eruption is seen here and there, especially on the extremities, back and face. -Sleep.-Bad. Emotive Sphere, &t.-Uneasy, full of anxiety.-Vertigo. Eyes, &C. —-Dim, full of tears; pupil somewhat contracted. -Humming in the ears. Face.-Very much swollen; the swelling is white, soft, somewhat doughy, and extends over the whole body.:Mouth. —Thick, dirty-white coating on the tongue. CAMPHORA. 469 Gastric Symptoms.-Thirst, eructations; vomiting. Abdomen. —Distended, constant pain in the region of the stomach and navel. Stool.-Several stools at night, with a good deal of flatulence. Urine.-Scanty, bright-red; burning in the urethra during micturition. CAMPHORA. (See Jahr, p. 98.) General Symptoms.-Dread of cold air, it feels very unpleasant to him, and chills him through unless he:dresses very warmly. Sleep.-No sleep in the evening, whereas she generally fell asleep while lying on the sofa and listening to somebody's reading.-Deep sleep the first nights, he was scarcely able to rouse himself in the morning; a few nights after, he woke after midnight, had trouble in falling asleep again, but was unable to rouse himself in the morning. —Confused dreams in the first days, after which his dreams became anxious, about robberies; he is liable to dreaming, especially in the morning-hours, about things which had been the subjects of conversation on the day previous. Fever.-Chilliness and shuddering, in the evening on lyingdown. Emotive Sphere. — Irascible, for some days.-Jealous thoughts. Head. —Headache in the right half of the head, with drawing.-Boring headache, in the right temple, terminating in a stitch which is very acute, and strikes to the eye and tooth, lasting for some seconds, and coming on again in three hours; in the morning after waking, the headache lasting for more than an hour. —Boring pain in the temples, especially during the morning-slumber, every day as long as he took the drug; the pain ceased after waking, when the toothache commenced. Eyes.-When endeavoring to read writing, in the forenoon, the letters looked blurred; when ceasing to write, he saw bright circles before his eyes. Ears.-Stitch in the ear when a draught of air or the wind got into it. Teeth.-Toothache for several weeks, in almost all the molares, especially those that were decayed; the pain was boring, aggravated by coffee and spirituous drinks, or by a soft crumb of bread coming in contact with the affected tooth; the pain was diminished for a moment by drinking cold water, but it was aggravated by rinsing the mouth with cold iiwater, or by 410o CANNABIS SATIVA. being exposed to cold air; he had a great desire for beer, which eased the pain; this was also accomplished by smoking.-A stitch strikes from the tooth to the eye, when he exposes himself to cold air or wind while affected with toothache. Stool. —At first increased, afterwards hard and difficult. Urinary Organs, &c. —Stinging burning during micturition. -~Increases the sexual desire and pleasure (primary effect). CANCER FLUVIATILIS. This agent has cured a red, itching eruption over the whole body, resembling nettle-rash; especially affecting the back, chest, arms, inner surface of the thighs, and the bends of the knees. CANNABIS SATIVA. (See Jahr, p. 100.) Skin. —Pimples on the chest and back, itching and painful. Fever.-In the eveniing: chilliness, yawning, stretching of the limbs, laziness, goes to bed early without being really sleepy.-Considerable heat and fever, with glowing heat of the face, but she felt chilly whenever she moved about, attended with severe pain in the throat, swelling of the neck internally, and externally difficulty of swallowing, debility; she had to lie down the whole day, and the stitches in the head continued.He feels very hot over night, and perspires some towards morning. Sentient Sphere.-In the afternoon and evening his ideas are confused and all mixed up, so that he does not know which is reality and which fancy, a sort of loss of sense. —Confusion of the head for some days, as though the room were turning with her.-Her head reels all the time, as though it were balancing from side to side.-lie is absent-minded, of difficult comprehension, while talking his ideas get confused, he frequently does not know what to write. Head.-Rush of blood to the head while writing (after an hour).-Frequent rushes of blood to the head, with heat and vascular orgasm.-Dull headache, aggravated by exereise or stooping, as-if the contents of the head had been shaken; she has to walk erect, or else sit still and lean against something; she felt easier when leaning the head on the right hand; at times stitches darted through the head, on the left side of the vertex, and also opposite the vertex behind the right ear; the stitches were so violent that they caused her to start; this-con CANNABIS SATIVA. 471 tinued even during her sleep at night, so that she had to moan continually, and was frequently awakened by the distress. Eyes.-For the first two days, on waking in the morning, he saw nothing but vertical, shining, white indentations moving before the eyes like lines from one eye to the other; they did not disappear until some time after he had risen from bed; afterwards he sometimes perceived vibratory movements before his eyes; both light and dark spots were hovering before them in different directions.-Pressure in the eyelids, so that she had great difficulty in opening them, with stitches in the orbits, here and there. Ears. —Ringing in the left ear, as when striking a tight chord. —Stitching in the ears. Nose.-Itching of the tip of the nose. Face.-Itching of the chin.-The left cheek is red, though not hot, either to her or to the touch; the right cheek being pale, with some pain in one of the right teeth.-The palate-side of the right upper jaw is somewhat swollen. and a painful red little tubercle is seen there, as if a gumboil would form. Teeth.-Drawing toothache in a hollow tooth, after some chagrin; on attempting to suck at the tooth, the pain is changed to a violent stitching.-Drawing pain in a hollow tooth, with swelling of the gums, most violent in the evening. Throat.-Hawking of mucus; it is detached with difficulty, and causes an irritation in the fauces.-Pain in the throat, as if sore, with feeling of dryness, which is worst in the morning in bed; after being up for a while a small lump of mucus was detached, affording great relief. Appetite and Taste.-Very good appetite for a few days; in the evening he has to eat a good deal, but this makes him feel uncomfortable.-Wine and water makes him feel more animated, but after the effect of the beverage is past, he experiences again his former nausea and malaise. —His breakfast, cocoa, relishes pretty well, but he is only able to taste a little, he is neither hungry nor satiated, with rumbling in the bowels and a slight cramp in the stomach; he does not care for anything, and yet the stomach feels empty.-Desire for wine at dinner, for some days, to cheer-up his spirits.-Malaise in the whole body, especially the abdomen, an hour after his breakfast.-Drowsiness and yawning after eating.: Gastric Symptoms.-Nausea, with desire to hawk up mucus and to vomit, abating after taking coffee.-Nausea on waking, increased when thinking of the food one had eaten.Considerable nausea and desire to vomit, on waking, especially when lying on the right side, abating when lying on the left side, until he falls asleep again.-Vomiting of mudus, which is 4 7 2 CANNABIS SATIVA. at first bitter, afterwards insipid, with great straining, leaving the teeth dull; shortly after hunger, he had to eat something, and relished it. —Heartburn. Abdomen.-Pinching in the bowels.-Loud emission *of flatulence, in the morning. Stool and Anus.-The evacuations, which had been regular heretofore, become irregular; at times they take place early in the morning, at others in the afternoon or evening, generally with a sort of tenesmus, they are scanty, and generally a feeling of tenesmus remains for some time after.-At times he is seized with a sudden urging to stool, and passes with great force a papescent, rather loose stool, which affords relief. -She imagined she had to pass wind, but passed a thin and yellowish stool along with it. —Stool at times diarrhceic, at others rather hard. -Urging to stool, on waking in the morning; passed only wind after violent bearing down; the pressing on the rectum and bladder continued so that he was scarcely able to walk; after taking a little coffee and smoking a pipe, he passed stool in detached lumps, and felt relieved; shortly after he vomits up the coffee he had taken, which is considerably mixed with mucus. Urinary Organs.-Frequent urging to urinate, with pressing and tenesmus, sometimes there is a little burning; the urine, especially that which is passed early in the morning, is turbid and cloudy.-The orifice of the urethra is somewhat inflamed, painful and feels rather hard. —Itching in the urethra. Male Parts.-Erections, after an embrace early in the morning.-No sexual desire.-No proper erection during an embrace, and scarcely any thrill. -Sexual desire without pleasure, followed by ill-humor, and aversion to an embrace; afterwards an embrace in the evening is followed by a painful erection in the night.-Violent erection in the morning in bed, with a cutting stitching in the orifice of the urethra.-Strangling sensation in the left testicle; the upper part of which and the spermatic cord seem to swell up and to be divided in several small lumps, like soft.beans; this strangling pain is only felt when walking. Chest.-Oppression, with anxiety in the chest, stitches between the scapulie, he has to sit down, after which he feels easier; it is worse after eating.-Rough, scraping, and dry feeling in the chest. —Pneumonia, with delirium and vomiting of green bile. Upper Extremities.-The right hand feels heavy and goes to sleep, it feels easier when moving it.-Itching of the hands and fingers. —Prickings in the tip of the right ring-finger.Sensation of great coldness under the nails. CARDUUS BENEDICTUS. 473 Lower Extremities. —From sitting he experiences a pain at the right buttock as if the parts had been violently pressed upon, the right foot going to sleep.-Pain near the left tibia, in the flesh, externally, as if contused, followed by stitching in the whole of the left limb.-Stinging-aching pain in the small toe of the left foot, at a spot where he had had a corn heretofore.-Stinging sensation under the left big toe, as if considerable coldness were penetrating under the nails. CANTHARIDES. (See Jahr, p. 102.) General Symptoms.-~Asiatic cholera, attended with retention of urine and spasmodic pains in the bladder, rumbling in the bowels, stools preceded by tenesmus and sometimes bloody. —Burns (employed externally, second dilution). Fever. —Tertian fever, with difficulty of urinating. Urinary Organs.-*Nephritis.-* Cystitis.-Dilatation of the bladder; paralysis of the neck of the bladder. —Violent pain in the urethra, with icy coldness of the hands and feet.~Painful gonorrhcea, with chordee. Female Parts.-Leucorrhcea with burning during micturition, corroding the parts.-Leucorrhcea, with violent sexual desire. —Obstinate leucorrhcea, with pains in the kidneys and loins, painful stool, general debility, &c. CAPSICUM ANNUUM. (See Jahr, p. 105.) CARBO ANIMALIS. (See Jahr, p..107.) liead. —Nervous and congestive headache, with pressure in the occiput, soon after eating. CARBO VEGETABILIS. (See Jahr, p. 111.) Stool. —~Painful varices in the rectum, ~also large, swollen, blue. Windpipe. —Catarrh and sore throat after measles.~Laryngeal and tracheal phthisis. Chest. —Asthenic pneumonia, with brown-red, frothy expectoration. —*Spasm of the chest, with blueness of the face. CARDUUS BENEDICTUS. Skin.-Eruption resembling nettlerash or gooseflesh, the rash being rather acuminated, hard, painless, preceded by a cold shivering over the whole body, becoming somewhat raised, 474 CARDUIUS BtNEDICTUS. which is attended with feverish motions, and remaining on the skin for several days, and then disappearing gradually. Fever.-Feverish shivering, with goose-flesh, continuing for several days from noon till evening.-Flushes of heat in the face, with heat all over after dinner, with dimness of the eyes and pressure in the same, hot breath, lips, hands, and feet, no thirst.-During the fever the tongue is sensitive as if swollen, with considerable coating, qualmish taste, ill-humor. —Slight sweat all over. Head.-Oppressive pain in the occiput, emanating from the vertex. Eyes.-Tremulous motion in the canthi.-Painful titillation in the eyes.-Small fiery streaks flit to and fro before the eyes, disappearing upon shutting and opening them repeatedly.Gray spots hover before the eyes.-Transitory obscuration of sight.-Dimness of sight, with turning before the eyes. Ears. — Sensation as if something were lying in the ears, or as if a little bladder were breaking, followed by buzzing. Nose. —Violent titillation in the nose, continually, followed by sneezing and drawing. Teeth.-Pain in the teeth, more drawing than stinging, attended with tickling at the root of the tongue, which, in a few minutes, changes to darting stitches. Mouth.-Continual sensation in the buccal cavity, as if contracted, slowly increasing and decreasing, passing off for a while after eating.-Constant flow of saliva in mouth.Impeded deglutition. Appetite and Taste.-Sour taste, all the time.-Disagreeable taste, almost as of sulphur, passing off for a while after eating. Gastric Symptoms.-Eructations after eating ever so little. -Nausea, vomiting. Stomach.-Sense of fasting, although the stomach feels full.-Bitter burning in the stomach, as from excessive derangement, every afternoon and evening. Abdomen. —Dull stitching above the hip, at times in the left, at others in the right side, at first only when stooping and moving about, afterwards permanently during and between the acts of respiration.-Pinching in abdomen.-Drawing, cutting pain in lower abdomen. — Diarrhoea. Windpipe.-Pain in windpipe as after a long coughingspell, becoming more and more violent until the windpipe feels as if inflamed, and the air which is inhaled feels cold. —Contraction of the windpipe, causing a hurried and wheezing breathing, and rendering the inspirations more laborious.Huskiness, hoarseness, constant hacking.-Frequent cough, without clangor, shrill, increasing until the sixth day, and then CAUSrICUM. -476 decreasing again, the breathing becoming likewise more easy. Chest.-Difficult, hurried breathing. -Stitching under the left breast. Extremities.-Cracking of the joints, with difficulty of moving them.-Tension of the tendons. —All the bones are painful, especially when the extremities are extended.-Paralytic heaviness of the limbs, worse during the fever.-Burning in the arms when leaning them on any thing.-Contractive sensation at the elbow and in the arms.-Trembling of the hands. —Sweaty hands, afterwards they feel burning hot.After sitting, the feet are weak.-When walking, especially during the fever, the knees feel weak and give way.-Feeling of soreness in the soles. CARDUUS MARIANUS. According to Dr. Gross, this agent is used in some parts of Germany as a domestic remedy for fever with pleuritic stitches, cough, bloody expectoration, liver complaint, and jaundiced complexion. Dr. Kurtz has found it useful in affections of the liver, either without fever and accompanied with pressure at the stomach, and a troublesome, dry cough (especially at night while lying down), or else with fever, as sub-acute affections; he also recommends it for hepatitis with dull pain, occasional stitches, aggravation by breathing or lying on the side, short, dry cough, difficulty of breathing, bitter taste, yellowish color of the skin, or when the symptoms point to pleuritis. CASTOREUM. This agent is recommended by Trinks as particularly useful to females of a lymphatic habit who, from the first, suffer with menstrual colic; who, during pregnancy, are attacked with spasmodic and other painful symptoms in the organs of the abdomen and the pelvic cavity, and in whom the labor-pains, even when first setting in, are attended with violent cutting pains, especially in the small of the back and the whole abdomen. It may also be given for the vomiting of pregnant females. For the symptoms the reader is referred to the SymptomenCodex, vol. i., p. 445. CAUSTICUM. (See Jahr, p. 115.) General Symptoms.-~Epileptic spasms, with shrieks, violent motions of the limbs, grating of the teeth, smiling or 476 CHAMOMILLA VULGARIS. crying, half-opened eyes, staring look, involuntary emission of urine; the paroxysms are excited again by cold water, they are preceded by colic and headache, and are succeeded by copious micturition and closing of the eyes. Skin. —Burns (employed externally). ~Dry and humid scabies. Urine. —Nocturnal enuresis, also in the case of young men, of long standing. Lower Extremities. —~Growing-in of the nails (employing the Causticum externally, and giving internally Silicia). CiAMOMILLA VULGARIS. (See Jahr, p. 120.) General Symptoms.-*Spasmodic attacks.-*Convulsive motions and twitchings of the limbs, lips, facial muscles, tongue, eyes, and lids. —*The child seems to lie in a state of unconsciousness, with rolling of the eyes, distortion of the face, cough, rattling of mucus, violent yawning, and stretching of the limbs. 0Catalepsy, with hippocratic face, coldness of the extremities, the eyes half-closed, and the pupils dilated and without lustre. — ~Epileptic spasms, with foam at the mouth, colic previous to, and vapor after the attack. Skin.-*Rash, 0red pimples clustered together upon a red spot on the skin. Fever.-~Icy-coldness of the cheeks, hands, and feet, with burning heat of the forehead, neck, and chest, followed by heat and redness of the right cheek, with warm hands and feet, contracted pupils which dilate with difficulty, and subsequent sleep. —During the fever-heat: ~delirium, at night, with the eyes open, and tossing about in bed; ~anguish; *red cheeks and hot sweat, especially on the forehead and about the head, even in the hairs. —*Heat: internal or external, mingled with shivering; *paroxysms of feverish redness of the cheeks; *heat and burning of the cheeks, especially in the evening, ~or at night; mingled with flying shiverings, or *general feverheat, with moaning, tossing about in bed and delirium, with the eyes open.-Sweat: *during sleep, especially about the head; *after or during the heat; ~with biting on the skin, ~also with sour smell. Emotive Sphere. —*Anguish, *in frequent paroxysms; *tremulous anguish, with palpitation of the heart.-*Excessive sensitiveness of feeling and of the senses, with intolerance of noise, odors, and even music. Eyes. —Recent ophthalmia neonatorum, with secretion of a quantity of mucus and intense congestion of the mucous membrane.- "Ophthalmia from teething. CHINA, 477 Teeth. —~Toothache, with painful swelling of the gums or of the submaxillary glands.-*Drawing in the teeth, especially at night. —Throbbing, stitching, and jerking in the teeth; ~digging and gnawing in hollow teeth; ~intolerable, maddening pain in the teeth.-Swelling of the gums, ~also with burning pain. —~Difficult dentition, with diarrhcea, fever, and convulsions. Stomach. -~Cardialgia, especially in the case of those who drink much coffee, or attended with aching pain, especially after a meal or at night, with restlessness and tossing about; the pain is either eased or aggravated by coffee. Stool. —ODiarrhcea caused by a fit of anger or chagrin. — *Diarrhoeic stools smelling like spoiled eggs. —Diarrhceic discharge from the bowels, whenever the child stirs; the child cries and writhes like a worm, previous to every evacuation (there was a rush out at the same time).-Blind and flowing piles; ~inflamed varices, with painful, ulcerated rhagades at the anus. Female Parts. —~lemorrhage after confinement. —Acrid, watery leucorrhoea, after dinner. —Erysipelas of the mammse, with soreness of the nipples. CHELIDONIUM MAJUS. (See Jahr, p. 124.) Skin. —Warts on the hands are removed by employing this agent externally. Urinary Organs. -~Gonorrhoeal discharge. CHENOPODII GLAUCI APHIS. (See Symptomen-Codex, vol. i., p. 487.) CIHINA.-(See Jahr, p. 126.) General Symptoms. —~Debility caused by the loss of animal fluids, or consequent upon severe illness. —~Hemorrhage, especially when caused by debility. Fever.-*Intermittent fever, with languor of the lower limbs; ~rush of blood to, and pressure in the head; *swelling and painfulness of the spleen and liver; *loss of appetite, bitter taste, bitter eructations, and bitter vomiting, yellow color of the skin and face, ~short, spasmodic cough, ~stitches in the chest, debility, pain in the limbs, colic, pains in the back, thirst before and after the chill, or thirst during the sweat, less frequently during the heat, and scarcely ever during the chill. — Previous to the paroxysm: *various accessory ailments make 478 CRLORUM. their appearance, such as: excessive thirst, palpitation of the heart, frequent sneezing, anguish, nausea,, etc.-During the chill: *headache; *nausea; *loss of thirst; *vertigo; *rush of blood to the head; ~pale face; *cold hands and feet; ~gagging and vomiting of mucus. —After the chill: thirst. — During the heat: *dry mouth and lips, with burning; *red face; *headache; Ocanine hunger; ~delirium; *violent desire for cold drink; ~loss of thirst; *disposition to uncover one'sself, or chill and shuddering when uncovering one's-self in the least; swelling of the veins, with liability of the pupils to dilating.-After the heat: *thirst, ~especially in the evening. Integuments of the Head.-~Pain in the scalp, as if the hair were pulled out or as if the scalp were clutched with the hand and drawn up in a point in a circle. Face. —~Circumscribed redness of the face, on a very white base. MIouth. —Stomacace. Appetite and Taste.-Aversion to food, drink, and tobacco, as if one had become tired of these things by using them to excess. —*Loss of appetite, also with nausea and ineffectual desire to vomit. —*Excessive loathing of every kind of food. —*Canine hunger, ~also particularly at night.-~Voracious appetite.-a* Violent thirst for cold water.-ODisposition to drink frequently, but little at a time. —* Taste in the mouth: flat, insipid, watery, *bitter, all the time, or especially early in the morning. — The food tastes too salt, sometimes bitter after swallowing it, ~or tasteless.-*Every thing he tastes, tastes bitter, Oespecially wheat-bread and beer. Stool.-~Constipation and accumulation of the freces in the bowels, also with dizziness and heat in the head. —OBlackish, bilious, or white stools. —Painless diarrhoea, also with excessive debility. Urine. — During stool the urine is never discharged; it can only be discharged with the body bent forwards (in the case of 4i pregnant female, with atony of the internal sexual parts). Windpipe. —Cough, excited by drinking, talking, drawing a long breath, or by exercise. —Expectoration of white phlegm with blackish specks. CHININUM SULPHURICUM. (See Jahr, p. 131, and 8ymptomen- Codex, vol. i., p. 509.) CfILORUM.-(See Jahr, p. 134.) CHLOROFORM. 479 CHLOROFORM. General Symptoms.-Sensation, on closing the eyes, as if the ground were wavering.-Sensation, when seated, as if the chair and table were moving in different directions.-Excessive languor of the joints, especially the tarsal joints.-One gets easily tired in any position where the muscles are strained. — Cracking of the joints, and weakness of the same during motion. Sleep. —A good deal of yawning, with closing of the eyes, even while walking. —Excessive yawning, as if the jaws would become dislocated, with continual chilliness, coldness of the extremities, and bruising pain in the joints of the arms and feet.-Drowsiness, with chilliness and coldness of the extremities. —He is overcome with sleep, accompanied by dimness of sight, buzzing in the ears, slow, deep breathing, and unequal pulse.-Frequent stretching and yawning.-Extremely agreeable sensation of drowsiness, with peace of mind. Fever. —Chilliness deep in the back, extending to the extremities.-A good deal of internal chilliness, with coldness of the skin.-Violent chilliness penetrating to the inmost parts of the spine, with coldness and paleness of the skin, trembling of the extremities, and blue nails.-Pulse 75, small, very irregular; quicker; soft, full, regular; very soft, sometimes intermittent; hard, 70 to 75, unequal; at one time very slow, afterwards several beats in rapid succession. Sentient Sphere and Head.-The head feels light, with a peculiar sensation of clearness. —The head feels heavy, confused; with vertiginous sensation as if it would fall forward, when sitting. -Heaviness of the head, with pain in the forehead.-Pressure or pressing in the temples.-Sensation of vertigo, which ascends from the spinal marrow to the occiput. -Pressure in various parts of the brain. —Heat and weight in the occiput. Eyes.-Eyes moist, full of tears.-Disposition to close the eyes.-The skin near the canthi looks very blue. — Vibrations before the eyes.-Obscuration of sight.-Large, black spots before the eyes.-A number of small gray spots and streaks hovering at the distance of a few inches from the eyes when looking at a distance; they follow the motions of the eye, and are seen before each eye separately.-Dark spots before the eyes, with bright spots when closing the eyes.-A number of bright spots, with disposition to close the eyes, and a good deal of yawning. —Dark points and bright streaks. —Objects appear more distinct, Ears. —Ringing in the ears; buzzing, also noise, as of 480 CHLOROFORM. boiling water; sensation as if the ears were stopped up with cotton. Nose.-The nose is liable to bleeding.-Bleeding from tile right nostril.-Smell seems to be weaker. Teeth.-They are on edge, as after taking something acid. Mouth. —A good deal of saliva in the mouth. Thin, frothy saliva. Taste as of soap. Throat.-Prickling in the throat; stinging, especially when swallowing.-Scraping and dryness. —In thefauces: scraping; burning; and continual coolness; violent burning.-Increased redness of the fauces. Appetite and Gastric Symptoms.-Tasteless eructations, or tasting of ether. —Frequent rising of air, strongly smelling of chloroform, and causing a prickling in the nose.-Nausea, loathing. Stomach and Abdomen. —In the stomach: warmth; heat; burning, mingled with chills; pressure; pressure increased by pressing on the stomach externally.-Deep-seated cutting from the stomach to the navel. —In the abdomen: rumbling; rumbling, with feeling of warmth; rumbling, with emission of flatulence. Urinary Organs.-Urging to urinate, also violent.-Urine dark-yellow, the smell being somewhat altered.-Stitches in the urethra. -Voluptuous titillation in the orifice of the urethra, with erection and urging to urinate. Male Parts.-Dwindling of the sexual parts. Chest. —Breathing slow, deep, the beating of the heart being distinctly perceived internally.-Breathing very slow, 15 inspirations a minute, superficial, with deeper inspirations between. -Tightness across the chest, with oppression. -Stitches through the chest from side to side.-Dull pressure in the left chest.Pain at the right border of the sternum, deep-seated.Pressure behind the sternum.-Stitches in the region of the heart, and in the left lung, superiorly.-Internal throbbing of the heart, like a tremor, worse when sitting, with tightness of the chest the whole day.-The beats of the heart are vigorous and rapid, and are felt in the whole chest, down into the arms, shaking the book which is held in the right hand.-The beating of the heart is felt in the chest, without being felt more strongly by the hand. Extremities.-Compression in the left elbow.-Pressing pain in the muscles of the right forearm and in the flesh above the bend of the knee. —Creeping in the fingers of the left hand.-Blue finger nails.-Continual languor in the whole of the left limb, especially in the left leg and left calf.-Compression in the right tarsal joint. ICUITA VIROSA. (See Jahi, pJ 156.) General SymptOIS. —Drawirng pains in the limbs.-'Opisthotonos and embrosthotonos (in the case of a child, caused by abuse of opi.ua). ~The tetanic spasm is preceded. by a sudder beading and s-etchling of the limbs, as with a.jerk-o-~pileptiform spasms, with shriek, paleness or yellowness of the face, and locking of the jaws.-o Spasms, especiaily in females and children. —-Asiatic cholera, when violent tonic spasms f the nauscles of the chest, and distortion of the eyes, alternate wlth vomting, when thele is but little diarrh'ea and Inot frequent, or when the spasms affect principally the organs,of voluntary emotio-n-~Inujauries caused by the peaetratioah of a -spliate or some other foreign body into soft parts. S!eep. —-FaUlig asleep when sitting, with falling forward of the head, during the period of digestion, or while listening to a,sermon or to any thing else uninteresting, is cured by smelling'f a globule of a very high potency.. Head. —Periodical chronic headache, consequent upon a cut-wouand.inflicted by a blow fiom a sharp instrumneit. — ~Headaclhe above the orbits, with weakmess of sight. CIMEX LECTULARIUS. (See Sy/nrptomen-Codex, vol. i, p. 5.24.) This bug is said to-be, a renaedy for soiae kiuds of fever atnd ngule. CINA. (See Jah1, p. 138.) General Symptoms.-~General spasims, the head and trunk being twisted in every direction, with striking, about of the limbs, occasional violent jerks through the whole body, more particularly perceived in the hand and epigastric region, with stamping of the feet, and jerking of the head upwards and backwards.- ~Epileptic convulsioins, especially at night, followed by headache; or in the day-time, with shrieking, lying on the back, and violent motions of the hands and feet. Fever. -~Intermittent fever, especially quotidian,'or tertian, with canine hunger, clean tongue, vomiting and diarrhcea,'~dilated pupils, emaciation. —After the fever: ~headache.~Heat, with delirium, restlessness, tossing about. CINCSIONINUM SUJLPHUJRICUM. (See Symploomen- Codex, vol. i. p. 535.) 21 482 cOCCULUS. CINNABARIS. For the symptoms the reader is referred to tile SymptonzenCodex. It has cured the symptom " small red tips or spots on the glans," and it has also removed the following morbid conditions: 0syphilitic bubo; ~acuminated bubo, so painful that the baby is unable to stir; it discharges a good deal of pus, especially in the case of cachectic and scrofulous individuals.~Figwarts. CINNAMOIMUM. This agent is said to have proved useful for belching up of wind attended with spasmodic symptoms. It is likewise recommended by homeopathic physicians for metrorrhagia, especially after confinement; also for excessive sexual desire. CISTUS CANADENSIS. It is useful in affections of the lymphatic and glandular system.-It has cured ~ulcers and other affections of scrofulous persons. —Swelling and suppuration of the cervical glands.~Discharge of dampness and fetid pus from the ear. —~CarieS. — Dryness of the tongue and palate. —Tickling in the throat and pain as if sore, especially early in the morning.-~Sensation of sand in the throat; ~the pain in'the throat abates after eating; ~pain when inhaling the open air. —~Qualmish feeling in the zesDphagus; ~stinging during every emotion, exciting a cough. — Fetid breath, in the evening, in bed, with itching over the whole body. CITRI SUCCUS. This seems to deserve attention in some kinds of dropsy, painful swelling of the spleen, in consequence of which the heart is pushed back; rising of air, after eating; lemon juice, according to the experience of Hahnemann and that of one of my friends, is likewise useful to women who have lost all desire to see to their domestic affairs; it may likewise be used externally for stings of insects, and is also a remedy for scurvy. CLEMATIS ERECTA. (See Jahr, p. 140.) COCCULUS. (See Jahr, p. 142.) General Symptoms.-~Acute gout shifting from one joint COCCUS CACTI, COCIIINEAL. 483 to the other, with redness, swelling, and iinmobility.-~Semilateral paralysis, or paralysis emanating from the small of the back, ~with nervousness. Fever. —According to the experience of one of my friends and my own, cocculus may be used as s' prophylactic in typhus. -~Intermittent fever, with spasmodic pains in the stomach and laming weakness in the small of the back. lead.-Cocculus is suitable for drawing, tearing, oppressive headache, abating during rest, aggravated by the least motion, and not remaining seated at one spot; also for headache, attended with a feeling of emptiness, ringing in the ears, weakness of sight; also for nervous-gastric headache, with nausea or vomitino; also for headache during the menses when they are premature; or when the pain is tearing, drawing, or contusive. Eyes. —Spasmodic rolling of the eyeballs under the closed lids (in a case of apoplexy). Throat. —Burning in the esophagus, extending up to the throat, with taste of sulphur in the mouth. Male Parts.-~After an embrace: weakness of the feet, general heaviness, and languid and bruising feeling, dizziness, ill-humor. Female Parts. —The menses which had been suppressed for a year reappear at once (in two cases). COCCUS CACTI, COCHINEAL. General Symptoms.-This ag ent is said to affect principally persons with gloomy~ dispositions, and in whom the mucous surfaces are especially active.-The respiratory, urinary, and sexual organs are the principal spheres of action for cochineal. -The pains caused by this drug, especially in the mucous membrane of the eye, tongue, fauces, windpipe, urethra, etc., are stinging, burning, also smarting as if sore; in the cesophagus, stomach, rectum, kidneys, bladder, etc., the pains are of a crampy or spasmodic natzure, sometimes the spasms are more clonic. The pains are increased by exercise, they abate during rest and in the cold.-Languor and weariness, with sweat, during an evening walk. Skin.-Itching and biting stinging on the extensor-surfaces of the extremities, on the abdomlen and back; a few isolated itching tubercles.-Hot and dry skin. Sleep.-Yawning.-Uneasy sleep, which is disturbed by pains in the bladder and by urging to urinate, accompanied by vivid drealms about a crowd, palaces, fashionable company, amnong whom one does not feel easy, or about love. Fever.-Evanescent paI'roxysms of shivering over the whole 484 COCCUS CACTI, COCHINEAL. body.-Chilliness, the whole day, with restlessness; also feeling of coldness without chilliness.-Chilliness, in the evening, followed by dry heat.-Pulse accelerated, with violent throbbing in the whole body. —Heat in the face, with cutting pains in the bladder. Emotive Sphere.-Feeling of eas'e and very cheerful mood, soon followed by a gloomy mood and ill-humor. liead.-Dulness of the head, with a dull, oppressive, digging (stitching) heaviness at the temples and vertex, as from rush of blood, increased by moving the head, diminished by cold, cold washing. Eyes.-Sensation as if a foreign body had lodged in the eye, and as if the lids were swollen, especially in the evening. Ears.-Feeling of stoppage in the ears, with drawing and pressing, tickling and itching in the meatus auditorius. Undulating throbbing, stitching with pressure in the ear, extending to the fuceal cavity and throat. —Humming. Nose. —Dryness and feeling of stoppage in the nose, with sneezing and catarrhal discharge (accompanied by pain in the temples).-The nostrils are red and smarting, as if excoriated (with crusts). Teeth.-Drawing and turns of painful tearing in the teeth. -Sensation as of coldness, not altered by the application of either warmth or cold. Mouth.-Dryness of the mouth, tongue, and fauces, with burning, scraping, and constriction, and increased thrist. — Deglutition impeded, as if by dryness.-The fauces feel as if lined with velvet, abating when taking a cold drink.-Irritation and redness of the tonsils, and pustules on the velum palati. -Increased sensitiveness of the above-named parts by talking or rinsing the mouth, attended with cough and desire to vomit. -Tongue clean, rough, and dry. Throat. —Sensation as of a hair in the throat, or as if full of phlegm, obliging one to hawk.-Feeling of roughness and dryness in the throat, increased by talking. Appetite and Throat.-Appetite slight; alternating with hunger.-Taste repulsive, pappy, acrid, somewhat aromatic; sweetish bitter (sour); metallic, with flow of saliva. Gastric Symptoms. — eartburn and nausea, desire to vomit, in the forenoon. Stomach. —Pressure at the stomach.-Sensitiveness (feeling of coldness) in the region of the stomach, with eructations Ilypochonldria.-PI'aroxysms of dull (fleeting) stitches in the region of the spleen and liver, extending upwards and downwards. Abdompln. —Twisting colicky pain round the umbilicus. COCCUS CACTI, COCIIINEAL. 485 Fulness and distention of the abdomen, also with flatulence. Stool and Anus.-Stool at first hard, afterwards soft and papescent, alternating with constipation, urging, stinging, and burning pain in the rectum, involving the neck of the bladder and the urinary passages. Urinary Organs. —Dull-aching and stitching, spasmodicallypressing pain in the kidneys (colica renalis), increased by pressure and motion, along the ureters, descending as far as the bladder and urethra, with sensitiveness of the whole abdomen. —Feeling of tension, fulness, and weight in the bladder, with twisting, spasmodic pain at the neck of the bladder.-Cutting pains in the region of the bladder.-Biting and titillation in the urethra, dull stitching and violent itching, especially about the glans, during and after micturition.Frequent, pressing, ineffectual urging to urinate, especially at night and early in the morning.-During the latter period of the morning, frequent, violent urging to urinate, almost every half hour, with scanty emissions.-Sensation as if the passage of the urine were prevented by an obstacle in the urethra; one has to wait a while before the urine flows out.The urine is emitted in considerable quantity and in a large stream. -Decreased secretion of urine.-The urine is watery, of a pale-yellow; of a straw-color or darker, heavy, turbid (cloudy) with red sediment; hotter than usual; of an alkaline odor; acrid, so as to cause a burning. Male Parts.-Hlleat in the parts, disagreeable feeling of warmth and stinging tickling in the glans and in the testicles, extending upwards towards the groins.-Sexual desire, with deficient erections.-Emissions, early in the morning; sexual desire and erection during micturition. Female Parts.-Discharge of thin mucus from the vagina, with pressing in the inguinal and pubic regions.-Menses sooner, more profuse, and lasting longer; darker, attended with qualms of nausea. Windpipe. -Titillation and scraping in the throat, early on waking.-Hawking and hacking.-Strong, short paroxysms of a dry, sonorous cough, as if caused by dryness of the throat (followed by a burning in the throat, as if sore), accompanied by thirst; the cough becomes looser after taking something warm.- Whooping-cough. -The cough is increased by the warmth of the room, it abates in the cold (open) air. —The cough is kept up by the continual irritation in the win(lpipe.Paroxysms of cough with titillation, especially at night and early in the morning, barking; after a few turns of cough: expectoration of a large, quantity of albuminous, tenacious, 486 COFFEA CRUDA. white, and whitish-yellow phlegm, of a salt taste, and traversed by tenacious threads; the cough is frequently attended with retching and, after eating, with vomiting of food.-Morningcough: with expectoration of big, roundish lumps of a yellowish, or reddish-gray, disgusting mucus, having a sour or sweetishsour taste. Chest. —Hot breath.-I-/ the chest: penetrating, irradiating stitches and aching pain. -Feeling of increased temperature, with throbbing, in the region of the heart.-Unusually vigorous expansion of the lungs, obliging one to draw a long breath involuntarily, and causing the chest to feel too narrow.-Sensation as if the contents of the thorax were pressed towards the heart. —Pressure, and digging pain, as if sore, in the region of the heart.-The beats of the heart are occasionally more vigorous.-Palpitation of the heart as after a fiight, and sensation of a jerking throbbing in the chest, also about the head and in the ear, at night. Back, Extremities. —Tensive pain in the small of the back and loins.-Tensive, aching-stitching, drawing (tearing) pain in the cervical and posterior cervical muscles, between the shoulders, extending to the arms, hands, fingers, and towards the small of the back and the renal region, worse early in the morning and during exercise; similar pains in the hips, thighs, bends of the knee, tibiae, calves, and toes.-Prickling as from electric sparks, and fine stitching as from glass-splinters, about the thighs, knees, in the tips, and under the nails of the fingers and toes; these pains are aggravated to such an extent by walking that it is sometimes rendered impossible. COCHLEARIA ARMORACIA. This agent has been successfully employed in several cases of gonorrhcea, attended with violent smarting and burning, difficult. micturition, and a rather scanty discharge of mucus from the urethra; ~also in some cases of chronic and neglected gonorrhcea. COFFEA CRUDA. (See Jahr, p. 146.) General Symptoms. —It is an excellent palliative in cases of apparent death by congelation, drowning, suffocation, &c., and in all other cases where it may be necessary to rouse the vital forces in a speeldy manner. Slee. —*Sleepless, in consequence of extreme bodily and mental excitement. Ilead.-Coffea i; suitable for megrim when the pain is COLOCYN' -iIS. 487 drawing, with pressure as from a rail in one side of the head, or when the whole brain feels as if crushed or dashed to pieces. Coffea is a specific for megrim caused by mental exertions, provided the patient has not been in the habit of using coffee. Eyes. C-Ic lllorrhage from the cornea, in the case of an infant of six weeks that had been fed exclusively on coffee and milk; attended with constipation, flatulent colic, &c., the colic being alleviated by emissions of flatulence. —~Was able to read distinctly small print, without feeling the troublesome pressure in tile eyes. NOSe. —~Nosebleed when stooping or pressing at stool, caused by abuse of coffee. COLCHICUM AUTUMNALE. (See Jahr, p. 147.) Fever.-~ Rheumatic fever, with stinging and numbness in the fingers and toes, painful bending of the carpal and tarsal joints, pains in the shoulder-joints, hips, and loins, pain and stiffness of the nape of the neck and occiput, sensation of constriction about the head, pains in the root of the tongue when swallowing or moving the tongue, and sour-smelling sweats.*Nightly hleat of the body, ~also with a good deal of thirst. Stoo001.-Rheunatic diarrhoea, with drawing tearing in the abdomen, worse at intervals in the day-time, but especially violent at night and in tile evening; discharge of large quantities of brownish (blood-streaked) shaggy mucus, sometimes whole lumps of it, generally occurring at night or in the morning, attended by slight tenesmus and evening-fever. COLOCYNTHIS. (See Jahr, p. 150.) General Symptoms.-*Arthrocace.-OArthritic ailments.-'Enlargement of the abdomen in consequence of adiposis, or depression of feeling in consequence of one's own or other people's misfortunes, are characteristic indications for Colocynth. Eyes — ~Is said to be an efficient remedy when the more deep-seated tissues of the eye are affected. Abdlomen.-~Crampy colic, as if the bowels were squeezed between stones.-~Excessive distress, and sudden stool after eating ever so little. Stool. —Epidemic dysentery, first and second stage.CCholerina, with violent cuttingl pains in the abdomen, burning fllirst, chocolate-colored evacuations m'xed with blood, and ilntense anguish emanating from the region of the diaphragm. 498 CIRGTAVL1TZP CONTIVM 1ICACULTITUM. (See Jahr, p. I52.J General Symptoms. —OConvulsive motion of the upper, ancl paralysis of the lower extremities. Nose. —Polypus. Tb rat.-~lInvoluntary swallowing. Urinary Organs.-The emission of the nrine is attended with violent urging and tenessmu, and with buruing pain in the urethra and neck of the bladder.-cConstant titillation and burning in the urrethra duri.ng inicturition.-Before the menses: OPain in the breasts, weariness in the limbs, with whining mood, restlessness, and anxiety albout every trifle. CONVOLVULUS ARVENSIS. This agent has been recommended for dropsy. CO)PARIVE BlLSAMUIM. (See Jahr, p. i57.) CORALLM IUN I RBRIUM. (See Synp'omen- Codex, vol. i. p. 605.) The pathogenesis of this agent would seem to indicate that it may prove useful in syphilitic affections of the male sexual organs. (:ROCUS SATIVA. (See Jahr, p. 5a7.) General Symptoms.-~Wounds with loss of substance; ~deep, neglected wounds caused by a burn (employed externally). Eyes. — Throbbing and jerking pains in the eyes, after operations upon the eye. —~Ophtltalmla after operations upon the eye. NoSe.-~Chronic, exhausting bleeding of the nose, when every other remedy had failed. Female Parts. —oUterine congestions and hlemorrhage, with rushes of blood, palpitation of the heart, alternate mirthfulness and sopor, disposition to faint, tendency to start and feeling of looseness in the abdomen. —~Metrorrhagia after confin ement. Windpipe. —~Bloody cough. CROTALUS.-(See Jahr, p. 1GO.) General Symptoms. —According to Dr. J. H. Weber, Crotalus, if employed in season, will be found valuable in CIUPRUM ACETICUM. 489 external and internal injuries, petechive, ecchymoses, contusions, wounds, affections of the bones, gangrene, haemorrhage, concussions of the brain, pneumonia, carditis, gastritis, enteritis; in gastric, typhoid, putrid fevers, consumption, dropsy, icterus, inveterate headache, habitual fainting turns, epilepsy, apoplexy, apparent death; hot and cold swellings, the itch, &c., and even in a case of actual stone of the bladder. Fever.-Coldness of the skin, also with desire to vomit or nausea; coldness of the hands and feet, sometimes attended with burning of the latter.-Delirium, also particularly at night; Omuttering delirium in typhus; ~delirium with the eyes open, attended with raging headache and red face, in fever and agmue.-Pulse scarcely perceptible, also when fainting; tremulous and scarcely perceptible, with loss of motion and speech; quick and feverish. —~ Yellow fever; ~typhus; ~tertian fewer, first chilliness, then heat, with pain in the small of the back, pain in all the extremities, which scarcely allows one to lie down, tossing about, oppression of the chest, raging headache, red, bloated face, delirium w.th the eyes open. —~Nervous throbbing. Extremities. —Large inflamed boil on the upper arm, near the elbow-joint. CROTON TIGLIUM. (See Symptomen-Codex, vol. i. p. 620.) CUPRUM. (See Jahr, p. 162.) General Symptoms. —*General clonic spasms.. —Tonic spasms in cholera after the vomiting and diarrhcea have subsided.-0~Convulsions and spasmodic motions and contortions of the extremities.-*Convulsive paroxysms during sleep, witll twitching of the fingers, arms, and hands in the direction of the body, distortion of the mouth, alternate opening, closing and rolling of the eyes.-~Convulsions with weeping, dyspncea, fainting, and drawing up of the thighs; the convulsions generally commence at theJingers and toes. Skin. —Common lepra. Gastric Symptoms. - ~Asiatic cholera, when the vomiting is attended with hard pressure, preceded by a contractive sensation in the chest, which increases unto an anxious I.yspnoea. CUPRUIM ACETICUM. General Symptoms.-~Threatening paralysis of the brain after the retrocession of acute eruptions, or in consequence of catarrhal fevers or of diffimuIt dentition. —~Symptoms of bodily 21* 490 DIGITALIS PURPUREA. and mental exhaustion, caused by mental exertions, watchings; or ~symptoms of puerperal mania; Oconsequences of suppressed erysipelas of the face; ~nervous apoplexy; ~nervous phenomena occurring in the last stage of whooping-cough. CYCLAMEN EUROP.EUM. (See Jahr, p. 165.) CYNAN!IIUM VINCETONICU.M. This agent has been used with success in many cases of aton'c gout, or even in ordinary gout to complete the cure. DAPHNE INDICA. (See Jahr, p. 167.) DAPIINE 3MEZEREUM. (See Jahr, p. 259.) Integuments of the Head. —*Feeling of fulness on the head,0 also particularly on one side, with drawing. Teeth. —*Seated pain in decayed teeth, with sensation of chilliness all over during the pain. —Aggravation of the toothache by contact and exercise, and during the evening —chilliness.-During the toothache: Orush of blood to the head, chilliness and constipation.-Caries of the teeth. Stomach.-~Cancer of the stomach, especially with daily vomiting of a chocolate-colored substance, attended with burning in the throat, frequent retching with anguish of death, and continual nausea. Female Parts. —Malignant chronic hemorrhcea. Windpipe.-~Advanced stage of phthisis in syphilitic patients, with aphonia, the patients being unable to talk with a loud voice; accompanied by stitches in the larynx and root of the tongue, little ulcers on the tongue which spread and cause a burning, pain and dryness of the mouth, by which the Imobility of the tongue is impeded.- Whooping-couglh, particularly when the paroxysms are most violent in the evening and at night. —Violent cough while lying down (after abuse of nitric acid). DICTAMNUS ALBUS. This drug is recommended by hahnemann for leucorrhcea. DIGITALIS PURPUREA. (See Jahr, p. 169.) Skin.-*Jaundice, with vomiting of mucus, nausea, languor, loss of appetite, thirst, dark-brown urine, chalk-colored stool, and full, slow pulse. —*Anasarca hydrothorax and ascites. Eyes. —~Inflammatory redness of the conjunetiva and lids, EUGENIA. JAMBOS. 491 with swelling and pain of the eyes as if full of sand. —The fire looks blue. Gastric Symptoms. —~iolent vomiting, with vertigo, so that one is unable to walk or to see. Urine. —When lying, he is unable to retain his urine. Female Parts. —lletention of the menses, with blue fingers and spots in the face. Chest. —Spitting of blood, after getting heated, without feeling any pain in the chest. Lower Extremities. —~Dropsical swelling of the feet.~Swelling of the feet in the day-time, passing off again over night. DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA. (See Jahr, p. 172.) Fever.-~Intermittent fever, with severe chill, cold face, icy coldness of the face, hands and feet, and vomiting of bile; these symptoms are followed by heat, with violent, throbbing headache, and spasmodic, racking cough. -oHeat in the head or face, Owith headache and spasmodic cough. Urine.-OFrequent dribbling of the urine, after urinating. Windpipe. —~Whooping-cough, with hxmorrhage from the mouth and nose, anguish, blueness of the face, wheezing, breaking and suffocative paroxysms. — When coughing: ~crampy pain in the chest and hypochondria obliging one to hold the parts with the hand.-~B3loody cough, with expectoration of a bright-red, firotlly, or black, coagulated blood. Chest. —The sternum is painful when pressed upon, as if from subcutaneous ulceration.. i _ DULCAIMRA. (See Jahr, p. 175.) Skin.-Itching pustules which change to ulcers and become covered with scurfs, especially on the lower limbs and the back.-Sudden cedema of the whole body, and bloating of the extremities, sometimes with pain and at others with a feeling as if gone to sleep. Fever. —~Intermittent fever, with evening-exacerbations. Eyes.-~Ophthalmia neonatorum. Teeth.-~Lameness of the lower jaw when getting cold. Female Parts.-~Ovarian dropsy. EUGENIA JAMBOS. (See Jahr, p. 177.) Ilead. —~Violent headache, with vomiting. 492 ZVONYMUS EUROPXA. EUPHORBIA OFFICINARUM. (See Jahr, p. 180.) EUPHIIRSIA OFFICI.n LIS. (See Jahr, p. 180.) EVONYMUS EUROPEA. General Symptoms.-The pains are not felt when lying, or else they then shift to some other part. Gnawing and itching on the skin, here and there, or creeping, with burning after scratching. Eruption consisting of small, dry pustules.Chill all over. Emotlve and Sentient Sphere.-Anguish about the heart like an internal oppression; sensation of fulness and tightness on the chest, causing one to moan and draw a long breath.Ill-humored and not disposed to work.-Vanishing of thought, when reading. —Vertigo. Head.-Headache with chilliress.-Stitches in the head, here and there.-Pain in the vertex, as if a nail would be pressed in.-Tension of the fiontal integulnents, they are moved to and fro convulsively. Eyes.-Violent pressure above the right brow, with pain in the eyeballs which feel as if pressed together. Obscuration of sight; dark spots before the eyes; dimness of sight as through fog which sometimes appears to tremble, also attended with vertigo. Ears, &c.-Buzzing.-Laming pains, drawing and stitches in the malar bones.-Creeping in the left cheek. Stomach, &c.-Stitching or constrictive pain in the abdomen, with sensation as if the diaphragm would be pressed towards the chest, or as if wind were moving about in the bowels.-Violent cutting and constriction in the abdomen, as if it would be cut off along the ribs. —Cutting in the penis, extending up into the bladder. Chest.-It feels sore and bruised. —Drawing, stupefying, crampy pressure and stitches in the region of the nipples.Electric shocks in the left side of the chest.-Compressive sensation in the left thorax, especially in the region of the left nipple and behind the scapula.- Small, reddish, dry pustules on the chest. Back and Extremities.-Formication in the back.-Small, dry pustules on the back.-Stitches, resembling electric shocks, from the small of the back to the scapula.-Laming pains in the fingers. —Laming pain, or creeping, gnawing and itching in the region of the hip. -Laming pain in the knees, after GRAPHITES. 493 sitting.-Pressure and stitching at the malleolus, with pain of the foot as if sore, when lying in bed. FERRUM. (See Jahr, p. 182.) Skin. —Dropsical swellings, with stinging pains.-Varices. Extremities.-*Painful lameness of one arm. —*Swelling of the feet, ~also with drawing pains, especially when commencing to walk.-~oedema of the feet, after loss of animal fluids. FILIX MAS.:Recommended for teamia, especially of the smaller kind. FLUORIS ACIDUM. (See Jahr, p. 185.) Teeth.-~Gradual disappearance of a fistula of several years standing, at the right upper cuspidatus, which had come on after frequent acute attacks terminating in suppuration, with constant sensitiveness when pressing on the upper jaw. Male Parts. —Violent sexual desire, with erection. —The thrill during an embrace is more intense. —More copious emission during an embrace. Chest. —~Alleviates the distress in a case of incurable hydrothorax. FRAGARIA VESCA. OIs recommended for taenia and arthritic nodosities. GEUM. This agent is earnestly recommended by Dr. Wurzter for eclampsia of parturient women. GRANATUM. CThis drug is recommended for tania, and has also been used with success for ~receding and readily-bleeding gums. For the symptoms the reader is referred to the "SymptomenCodex," vol. i. p. 7 3 7. GRAPHITES. (See Jahr, p. 187.) Eyes.-Scrofulous ophthalmia, with ulcers of the cornea and excessive photophobia. 494 IIHELLEBORS NIGER. Teeth.-o Congestive toothache after suppression-of flowing piles. Male Parts. —Tymnpanitic swelling of the parts, especially the scrotum. Female Parts.-~Is a specific remedy, provided Pulsatilla is of no avail, for suppression of the menses, with congestions to the head and chest, dark redness of the cheeks, oppression and anguish when lying. GRATIOLA OFFICINALIS. (See Jahr, p. 192.) GUAIACUM OFFICINALE. (See Jahr, p. 194.) Eyes. —Swelling of the eyes. iIELLEBORUS NIGER. (See Jahr, p. 195.) General Symptoms. —Heaviness of the extremities.-The pains seem to be felt principally in the afternoon and evening. - Disposition to sweat, without any apparent cause, in the afternoon, while sitting near the open window. —~Epileptiform spasms. Skin. —*Anasarca, %especially after suppression of eruptions. Sleep.-Frequent yawning.-Drowsy in the evening.Quiet night-sleep, without dreams. Fever.-Chilliness, moving to and fro along the left side of the vertebrae, and for a moment reaching across the left shoulder in front. Emotive Sphere.-Ill-humor.-Melancholy depression of spirits, of females whose menses flow for the first time, and then stop again. Sentient Sphere.-Reeling vertigo, with disposition to push forward.-Dulness of the head, with increased warmth, aggravated by stooping. Head.-Pain in the forehead as if the head would fly to pieces.-Intense aching pain in front, above the eyes. Intense, fine, tearing-aching pain in the left frontal eminence, involving the left eye.- Cloudiness and pressure in the forehead, and especially in the eyes, as if something would fall out. Face. —Pale, cedematous swelling of the face. Eyes.-Violent tearing pain with pressure, recurring three times and lasting in all about five minutes, in the evening; it is felt at a small spot near the left orbit, externally, as if between the eyeball and the wall of the orbit, being disagreeable to the eyeball.-Violent pressure in the orbits. Nose.-Sneezing with nausea.-Diminution of the sense of smell. Face.-E-xcessive heat after dinnpr.-Burning, red fae. IIELLEnBORmS NIGER. 495 Throat.-Scraping sensation at the velum and in the fauces, continuing almost the whole day.-Sensation in the throat as if something were closing and opening, during an inspiration, not felt during an expiration; apparently caused by mucus. Appetite and Taste. -Diminished appetite.-Sourish taste, with increase of saliva.-Long-continued, bitter taste on the tongue, after taking the drug. —Bitter taste of food, the whole day. Gastric Symptoms.-Rising of air.-Qualmishness and continual desire to vomit.-Gulping-up of bitter fluid. Stomach.-Irritation in the stomach as if vomiting would set in, attended with feeling of fulness and canine hunger. —In the pit of the stomach and immediately below it: distress like cardialgia, obliging one to draw one's self up in order to be relieved; attended with nausea in the abdomen; this distress disappears at once after commencing to walk, but reappears at once on sitting down; it is not effaced by an eructation. Abdomen.-The abdominal integuments in front and in the sides feel bruised.-Digging pain and fermentation in the abdomen.-Malaise in the abdomen, with feeling of coldness, as if diarrhoea would set in.-~Ascites. Stool and Anus.-Sudden pressing in the rectum, from within outwards, as if stool would come on; he passed a largesized and dry stool with great difficulty, attended with pain in the anus as if excoriated, which continued even after the evacuation. —No urging to stool in the morning, at the usual hour, with sensation in the anus as if closed; followed by sudden pressure and feeling of distention, with sudden urging; at first he only passes a little flatulence, after which a large-sized, dry stool is expelled with difficulty, attended and followed by smarting in the anus as if excoriated. Pressing and urging in the anus, with painful discharge of hard and somewhat frothy feces.-Suddenly one feels a dull pressure in the anus as from a foreign body, with disposition to stool, though only a little flatulence is passed; a little while after, the pressure is felt again, and a small quantity of large-sized faeces is expelled.Sudden urging to stool, with cutting in the abdomen, followed by a soft, papescent stool and cessation of the abdominal distress.-Frequent, papescent, undigested stools.-Ineffectual urging.-Sensation of obstinate constipation in the anus, the whole day. Windpipe.-A good deal of phlegm in the windpipe, with audible breathing. Chest.-Dragging-crampy sensation, at one time in the riglit side of the ~hest, auteriorly, at other times in the region 496 HEPAR SULPHURIS CALCAREUM. of the heart.-Occasional single, passing stitches in the left side of the chest. —Oppression of the chest, in dropsical patients. Back.-Boring stitches in the region of the spine, close below the shoulders.- Pain in the small of the back. Upper Extremities.-Languor of the anus and lower limbs.-Fine tearing in the right forearm. Lower Extremities.-Pain in the left hip, like coxalgia.Distinct painfulness of the anterior and external portion of the right thigh, lasting only a short time and resembling coxalgia; the pain does not shift fi-om one spot to another, but amounts to a permanent, steady, uniform tearing. HEPAR SULPHURIS CALCAREUM. (See Jahr, p. 197.) Skin.~-Rhagades, after abuse of mercury. —~Inflammatory abscesses; hepar helps to bring them to a head or to scatter them if it should not be too late. —Wounds with foreign bodies in the same (sulphur prevents them from becoming fistulous). Fever. —o Violent chill with chattering of teeth, icy-coldness and paleness of the hands and feet, continuing for several hours, attended with paleness of the face, alteration of the features, inability to collect one's mind and sopor. —Chilliness, with a little heat towards evening, dry mouth, periodical headache, liquid stools which become more copious during the night, and disposition to vomit. Sentient Sphere.-Weakness of memory, ~especially when vexed. —*Delirium on waking. Hiead. —Rheumatic headache, worse in the open air, the pain being boring and drawing, and seated in the pericranium and skull. Integuments of the Head.-Falling off of the hair ~after abuse of mercury, severe sickness or hemnicrania. Eyes. —~Hepar is excellent in scrofulous, catarrhal, and exanthematous ophthalmia, when there is a copious secretion and the Meibomian glands are involved. Mouth. —Ptyalism, caused by mercury. —*Painfulness of the mouth, increased by contact and drinking. Gastric Symptoms. —*Gagging and vomiting, when taking the least drink. —Dyspepsia especially when caused by abuse of china and mercury. Abdomen. —~Violent, colicky, cutting and tearing pains in the *hole abdomen, especially the umbilical region, extending deep into the pelvis. Female Parts. —Delaying ienses. HYOSCYAMUS NIGER. 497 Windpipe. — Croup, when the cough has become loose and the distress of breathing seems to be caused by the accumulation of mucus in the air-passages. HYDROCIANI ACIDUM. For the symptoms the reader is referred to the SymptomenCodex, vol. i. p. 795. —This agent is recommended for cholera when the stage of asphyxia has really set in.-Also for dyspepsia arising from chronic inflammation of the stomach and bowels. It has cured the following symptoms: *Occasional loud cries which it is impossible to repress, followed by debility or even fainting; also violent pain which is like a spasm of the heart and wakes one from sleep.-*Frightful distortion of the facial muscles. HYOSCYAIJUS NIGER. (See Jahr, p. 201.) General Symptoms. —~Worm affections. -~Numbness of the extremities, 0also with cold and trembling. —*Subsultus tendinum. —*Convulsive motions of the extremities, ~with cries, anguish, oppression of the chest and loss of consciousness.-Apoplexy, also with stertorous breathing.-Epileptic convulsions,'especially when characterized by blueness and bloatedness of the face, involuntary emission of urine, froth at the mouth, feeling of hunger and gnawing at the pit of the stomach, protrusion of the eyes, shrieks, clenching of the thumbs, &c. Skin. —~Rash, caused by abuse of Belladonna. Fever. —~Typhoid fever after an attack of cholera. —Tertian and quartan fever, ~with epileptic attacks, debility, flames before the eyes, and rush of blood to the head. Sentient Sphere. —~Mania a potu. Face.-Face ~blood-red or *brown-red. Throat.-*Inability to swallow. Gastric Syinptoms.-0~elematemesis, with convulsions, arrest of breathing, pains in the pit of the stomach, prostration and coldness of the extremities. Stool. —*Tenesmus of the rectum and neck of the bladder. Windpipe. -~Spasmodic affection of the larynx. —Catarrh of the bronchia. —Bloody cough with convulsions. Chest.-~Pleuritis, with gastric derangement. 4138 CIGNATIA AMARA. HYPERICUM PERFOLIATUI. (See " Symptomen-C odex," p. 807.) It is suitable, if employed externally, for wounds inflicted by stabbing, cutting, or by contusing or tearing the muscular fibre, when the pains are extremely violent or continue for a long time, -or when they resemble a violent toothache, extending onwards from the wound along the whole limb; it is also useful to children, when they become convulsed in consequence of every little injury.-It has removed a gastric derangement (coated tongue, loss of appetite, &c.) brought on by heavy lifting, straining, muscular exertions. IGNATIA AMARA. (See Jahr, p. 204.) Fever. — Chill, with thirst and external coldness, followed by heat without thirst, cold feet, with or without sweat.During the fever: ~headache, ~pain in the pit of the stomach, ~excessive languor, ~paleness of face or else alternate paleness and redness, ~lips dry and cracked, ~white-coated tongue, Odeep sleep with stertorous breathing, ~nettlerash.-During the chill: *Thirst, 0nausea, Ovomiting of food and bile or mucus, ~livid complexion, ~pain in the back, ~lameness of the lower extremities. —During the heat: *Redness of the cheeks, absence of thirst, ~internal shuddering, ~cold feet, Ostitching in the extremities, ~pain in the back, ~delirium, ~vertigo,'beating headache, ~tearing in the bones, sleep.-During the sweat: Ostinging and roaring in the ears. Iiead. —~Nervous headache of females, accompanied with hysteria; it comes and passes off rapidly. Eyes.-~Ophthalmnia neonatorum.-OThe eye is simply irritated, not inflamed. -* Violent stitching, also in the temples, after operations upon the eyes, in persons with a very mild disposition. —Staring look, with dilatation of the pupils. Mouth. —Froth at the mouth. Throat. —~Stitches from the throat to the ear. Gastric Symptoms. —Nausea, with sweat and colic, after smoking. Stool.-*Frequent diarrbheic stools, especially at night, after a fright, painless, with a good deal of flatulence and tendency to start. Female Parts. —Uterine spasms, with cutting stitching. Wirndpipe. —~Hollow cough, early in the morning, on waking, caused by a titillation in the pit of the stomach. Chest. —*Palpitation of the heart, Oat night, with stitches in the region of the heart. IPECACUANHA. 499 Back. —Lancinations striking from the small of the back thiough the loins. INDIGO. (See " Symptomen- Codex," p. 854.) It has been used with success in some cases of colic and cholerine. IPECACUANHA. (See Jahr, p. 211.) General Symptoms. —*Spasms and convulsions, with the head bent backward and ~distortion of the features; ~with loss of consciousness, redness and bloatedness of the face, partial closing of the eyes, jactitation of the limbs, twitching of the facial muscles, lips and eyelids; ~with shrieks, disposition to vomit and rattling in the chest. —~Languor, coupled, however, with a peculiar feeling of ease and good appetite. Gastric Symptoms.-* Vomiting. of large quantities of mucus. —Vomiting of a black, pitch-like substance. —~Nausea and vomiting of pregnant females.-~Cholerine, especially when every turn of vomiting is succeeded by a diarrhceic stool, when there is a succession of green or brown stools mixed with mucus, when the substance which is thrown up is not watery, and when there is still a liability to cramps in the calves, or where there is only a disposition to vomit, with coated tongue, deficient appetite, and a good deal of thirst. Abdomen.-~Colic of children, with restlessness, cries and tossing about.-*Flatulent colic, ~also with frequent di.arrhceic stools.-Severe stitches in the anus; herpetic eruption, with itching, especially in the evening in bed, and red blotches after scratching. Urine.-*Bloody urine, ~also after suppression of the itch, with cutting in the abdomen and urethra; also with pains in the bladder and umbilical region. Windpipe.-~Cough resembling whooping-cough, a succession of concussive shocks which cut off the breath, or are attended with hemorrhage from the mouth and nose, and with vomiting of the ingesta. Chest.-~Suffocative oppression, with anguish and dread of death, and a few single shocks through the whole body. Extremities.-~Sensation in the hip-joint on sitting down, as if it would be dislocated. —Nocturnal cramp in the calves. — Violent itching of the calves. — Ulcera pedalu with a black base. 500 JATROPHA CURCAS. JALAPPA. It is recommended for sleeplessness of infants, with restlessness and crying; also for colic, with bloody, painful diarrhaea. JATROPHA CURCAS. (See Jahr, p. 204.) This substance is recommended for Ochronic vomiting, O~Asiatic cholera, when characterized by horrid vomiting of large quantities of a watery or albuminous liquid which gushes from one, accompanied by spasmodic, constrictive pain in the region of the stomach, or also burning in the stomach, constant discharge of water from the rectum, cramps in the calves, general coldness of the body, etc. It is said it will cure when veratr-um is indicated but fails of effecting a cure. It is also recommended for pain which causes one to cry out. Among the known pathogenetic symptoms of this substance the following are the most characteristic: General Symptoms.-General sinking of strength.-Convulsions.-Pains in the joints and extremities.-In walking the body seems to incline to the left side. Skin and Fever.-Eruptions.-Coldness all over; deep in the spine.-Chilliness in the back.-Severe chilliness through all the limbs, extending up the scalp, with continual violent tearing pain in the umbilical region, aggravated by pressure.Frequent shuddering through the lumbar region. —Cold hands, with blue nails.-Clammy sweat. —Heat in the head, with heaviness. Emotive Sphere, Head, &c.-Anguish. —The head feels dull and heavy.-Pressure in forehead and occiput. Eyes, &c. -Trembling of the left upper lid.-Bright or dark spots before the eyes.-Flow of saliva.-Dryness of the throat, also with scraping. Gastric Symptoms. —Rising of air. — Constant nausea and flow of saliva.-Easy vomiting of a watery, viscous, albuminous substance, also with diarrhcea. Stomach. —Jerking pains in the region of the stomach.Heat or burning in the stomach, also with anxiety.-Dull pressure in the stomach, extending upwards and into the cesophagus.-Inflammation of the stomach and bowels. Abdomen. —Distended abdomen.-Bubbling deep in the abdomen.-Dull pain deep in the umbilical region.-Pressing pain in the left inguinal region. Stool and Anus.-*Watery diarrhcea, it gushes from him. -Ascarides and lumbrici. -Stitches in the rectum. Urinary Organs.-Frequent urging to urinate, with stitches IUNCUS EFFUSUS. 501 in the urethra.-Urine bright-yellow, foamy. —Stiches in the urethra and neck of the bladder. Windpipe, &C.-Painful pressing in the pectoral muscles. — Severe stitching pain from above downwards, under the sternum, deep in the chest. Back.-Painful pressing in the loins.-Creeping in the small of the back, under the skin. Upper Extremities.-Bruising sensation in the muscles of the arms. —Aching and contractive pain at the wrist-joint. Lower Extremities.-Painful feeling of weariness in the lower extremities.-Pressing pain in the calves.-Pain in the calves, also when walking, and internal drawing in the lower limbs.-Spasmodic pains in the legs, with contortion of the calves and tibike.-Creeping in both legs and feet, under the skin.-Pressing pain in the left tarsal joint.-Stinging and pressing in the sole of the left foot. IODIUM. (See Jahr, p. 208.) Skin.-Anasarca; dropsical swellings. Head.-Olleadache in the case of persons, especially females, affected with florid consumption, when the tubercles are still in a state of crudescence, frequently alternating with the pains in the chest. Ears. -~Sensation as if every little noise, his own words and those of others, re-echoed in his ears, and his whole body, causing pains in the head and chest. Stool. —Violent itching at the anus, as from ascarides. Female Parts. — Metrorrhagia, taking place at every stool, attended with cutting in the abdomen, pains in the small of the back and loins. —~The pains which used to occur previous to the menses disappear, and the menses appear without pain.~The pains which she had usually experienced during the menses cease. Windpipe.-ODisposition to hawk up tenacious mucus, with titillation in the larynx. —Croup (in alternation with Aconite). Lower Extremities.-~Inflammatory swelling of the knee, with violent pains and suppuration. —Dropsical swelling of the knee. JUGLANS REGIA, NUX JUGLANS. (See Jahr, p. 279.) IUNCUS EFF'USUS. The marrow of this plant, if boiled in milk, is an excellent remedy for taenia and other worms; the roots of the plant are 502 KALI CARBONICUM. boiled in some parts of Germany, with an admixture of a little chalk, and this preparation is supposed to be a remedy for stone. KALI BICHROMICUM. (See Jahr, p. 218.) This agent has been used with success in the treatment of ~chronic rheumatism, ~warts, ~secondary syphilitic eruptions, extending from the root of the nose across the cheek to the upper lip, ~polypus of the nose, *ulceration and destruction of the septum narium, Oswelling of the nose with pain in the region of the septum, Ocatarrhal ophthalmia, Oulceration of the larynx, Osecondary syphilitic ulceration of the throat,'cough with black, tenacious expectoration, ~ecthyma, 0impetiginous eczema with varicose ulcers, Ocough with pain at a fixed spot in the chest as if ulcerated. For the pathogenesis the reader is referred to the Symptomen-Codex, vol. i. p. 885. KALI CARBONICUM. (See Jahr, p. 213.) General Symptoms. —~Rheumatic and arthritic affections. -~Scrofuilous affections.-ODebility, especially after the loss of animal fluids, or after confinement, in hysteric females.~Lameness. Skin. —-~Anasarca and ascites. Sentient Sphere. —Loss of memory.-ODizziness. —Vertigo as if from the stomach. Eyes.-*Lachrymation, especially of the right eye, with smarting in one of the canthi, or irradiation around the candlelight. Teeth. —*Stitching in the teeth, also in the gums, followed by stinging swelling of the cheek. Abdomen. —oColic, as if the whole abdomen were full of water. Stool.-~Constipation, also every other day. —Stitchlinypressing pain in the anus (proctalgia). Urinary Organs. —Frequent emission of urine, day and night. Female Parts.-"Miscarriage (recommended as a specific remedy), ~also with habitual disposition to miscarriage. Windpipe.-~Cough, with purulent expectoration. Chest. —Violent stitching pain, increased by the difficulty of breathing, especially in the left side of the chest, with violent palpitation of the heart, dry and suppressed cough (after using.Aconite), or real pleurisy. Back. —Pain in the small of the back, caused by a fall. LACTUCA VIROSA. 503 oViolent pain in the small of the back, in the case of pregnant fenales, especially if it be a pressing and dragging pain, as though a weight were descending into the pelvis. — Weakness of the posterior cervical muscles. KALI IIYDROIODICUM. For the pathogenesis of this agent the reader is referred to the Symptomen-Codex, vol. i. p. 926. It has been employed with success for ~s3philitic swelling of the bones, and for bonepains; ~ascites, depending upon an affection of the liver; ~figwarts of every description; *troublesome cozgh, with gray (white) saltish (or sweetish) expectoration, wheezing and rattling in the chest, remaining after a catarrh, having the character of influenza; ~white swelling of the knee (in alternation with Conium). KREASOTUM. (See Jahr, p. 223.) General Symptoms.-~Scrofulous swellings, caries. —*Nocturnal pains. Stomach. —~Softening of the stomach. Urine.-~Nocturnal enuresis, especially when depending upon a deep, almost comatose sleep. Windpipe. —Cough with shortness of breath. Chest.- Stitches in the mamma. LACHESIS. (See Jahr, p. 226, and Symptomen-Codex, vol. ii. p. 25.) WVe have deemed it sufficient to refer the reader to the Synptomen-Codex for a description of the pathogenetic and curative symptoms of Lachesis, for the reason that, upon a closer examination, Possart's Lacllhesis was found to be almost literally copied from the former work. LACTUJCA VIROSA. Appetite and Taste. —~Bitter as gall, in the throat, after eating. Windpipe.-ODry cough, setting in with every change of temperature. Chest.-~Suffocative paroxysms depending upon hydrothorax. 504 LEDUM PALUSTRE. LAMIUM ALBUM. (See Symptomen-Codex, vol. ii. p. 66.) L.!UROCERASUS. (See Jahr, p. 232.) General Symptoms.-~Defiient reaction, after taking medicine.-~Absence of pain when sick. Teeth. —*Tearing in the left lower teeth and gums, passing off by applying cold water. Throat.-*Scraping in the fauces, particularly during deglutition (with roughness). Abdomen. — Hepatitis, when the liver is indurated.oChronic induration of the liver. Female Parts. —~Acts as a curative agent at the critical age, when the menses are about to stop; a discharge amounting to a haeinorrhage takes place several times a day, for some eight, ten, or fourteen days; then there is an interval of some duration, after which the discharges occur again. The blood is dark, and frequently comes off in large coagulated lumps. Chest. —~Dyspnea, when walking (diminished). i,, i. i i iii ii1!.., LEDUIM PALUSTRE. (See Jahr, p. 234.) General Symptoms. —Drawing in various parts of the body, such as: the left submaxillary bone, right wrist-joint, left hip-bone, left leg, right knee, left wall of the thorax, &c.Tearing, here and there; s'itching in the joints; pressing in the left elbow, &c.; boring; pressure, for instance: in the tarsal bones and lower part of the leg; sharp pressure, for instance: in the first joint of the left thumb, in the tarsal joints, tarsal bones.Severe pain in the joints of thebig toe, in the morning, dBring a walk; dull aching pains. — Pain as if bruised in the limbs, for instance: in the middle of the left forearm, right knee, left leg above the knee, right forearm, metatarsal bones, &c.; laming and bruising pain in the shoulder-joints; aching and bruising~ pain, in various parts of the body.-Excessive debility the whole day, debility followed by chilliness.-Trembling of the muscles. Skin.-A few red, painless little blotches, somewhat raised, on the left temple and cheek.-Cutting-lulrning pain in the skin, above the root of the nose, at a small spot, passing off again speedily.-Sensitiveness of the skin, a sort of burning, with a little redness, in the fold between the wing of the nose and the skin of the cheek, on both sides of the nose.-OlIot, tense, hard swellings, with tearing pains. Glands. —Swelling of the tonsils. LEDMI P'ALUSTRs, 3505 Sleep.-Yawning. -Frequent waking in the night, tossing about, confused dreams. Fever.-Chilliness in the biack, recurring afterwards; frequent chilliness in the back, with cold hands or coldness of the extremities; chilliness, at first between the shoulders, afterwards in the lumbar region.-Feeling of coldness in the lumbar region. —Sweat all over, with cold hands and feet, and cold creepings over the back, at noon, continuing for some hours. —Pulse quick and small. Sentient Sphere.-Confusion of the head, with dizziness.Vertigo, so that he has to hold on to something, vertigo on stooping. —Reeling, staggering, on raising himself after stooping.-Dulness of the forehead, and wavering gait, especially after raising himself from a stooping position. Head.-In the frontal bone: pressure; boring; tearing, on the left side, in the evening.-Pressure above the right eye.Tearing in the frontal and parietal bone. —Heat and heaviness in the forehead, with pressure in the right temple.-Boring in the left temple.-Pressure in the right temple.-Heat in the head, especially the forepart. —Violent boring in the coronal suture. —Miliary pimples on the forehead, dry. —*Pimples, as in drunkards.-*Pirnples and boils. —~The outer head is liable to taking cold. —CThe head does not bear any covering. Eyes.-Violent boring in the margin of the lids.-Boring pressure proceeding from the forehead towards the eyes, as if in the balls of the eyes.-Tearing in the bone over the left eye. Nose.-Pain at the junction of the nasal cartilages with the nasal bone, on the left side, worse when touching the parts. Face.-Violent boring in the articulation of the right jaw. -~The face is bloated, and is at times red, at others pale. Throat.- Sensation as of a plug in the throat, obliging him to swallow; this is accompanied by a sensation in the throat as if a body were sticking out in it. Gastric Symptoms.-Long-continued feeling of nausea. Stomach.-Continual dull pain in the region of the stomach, aggravated by external pressure. Abdomen.-Distention of the epigastrium, with dull pain, which continues for over an hour.-Fine stitching in the abdomen. Stool.-Retention of stool.-Fine stinging in the rectum, or dull stitches. Urinary Organs.-Frequent urging to urinate, the whole day. —Stinging in the urethra. Male Sexual Parts.-Titillation in the glans, for two nights in succession. 22 506 LEDUM PALUSTRE,. Windpipe.-Titillation in the larynx. Chest.-Stitching in the wall of the thorax, on the left side, impeding respiration; stinging, on the left side; aching pain in the wall of the thorax, under the right nipple.-Pressure or drawing in the left wall of the thorax. —Pressure in various parts of the wall of the thorax, right side, very frequently.Drawing in the muscles, along the sternum.-Pressure at the upper part of the chest, oppressing the breathing.-Pressure in the right pectoral muscle, extending to the upper arm.Pushing pressure, at the left border of the sternum, between the third and fifth rib, extending into the chest.-Stitching in the left lung, not aggravated by inspiration.-Stitching in the chest, on drawing breath, in the morning.-Palpitation of the heart. Back, &c.-Pressure in the left ischium and the trochanter major.-Boring in the ischium and trochanter major; pushingboring pain in the left trochanter major and behind it.Stitching in the left ischium.-Painful stiffness in the left posterior cervical muscles, diminished by moving the neck.Drawing from the neck to the right shoulder.-Pressure in the right scapula, afterwards on both sides of the right elbow.Drawing at the posterior border of the right scapula. —Stitching in the left shoulder-joint, anteriorly.-Severe pressure at the right shoulder-joint.-Pressure and drawing in the shoulderjoints, also compressive sensation. Upper Extremities.-Stitching and pressure in the muscles covering the joint of the upper arm, worse during rest.Severe tearing in the right humerus.-IDrawing in the muscles surrounding the joint of the left upper arm.- Stinging in the right upper arnn, superiorly and internally.-Compression in the left forearm, several times in the course of the day.-Aching pain in the lower part of the left upper arm, also in the first joint of the right finger.-Drawing in the lower part of the bones of the left forearm.-Painful feeling of languor above the right elbow.-Drawing above the left elbow.-Pain as if bruised in the right elbow-joint, extending to the right forearm. -Aching and bruising pain in the left elbow and joint of the upper arm, afterwards in the right wrist-joint.-Stitching above the wrist, on the extensor-surface.-Dull pressure in the lower part of the radius and the elbow joint (ulna), extending to the wrist-joint and the metacarpal bones, continuing for some time. -Painful feeling of stiffness in the left wrist-joint and the left elbow.-Pressure in the right phalangeal joints, evening.Stinging and pressing in the joint of the left thumb and the right fourth finger. —Boring, with feeling of stiffness, in the left joint of the left thumb.-Sensation under the nail of the LYCOPODIUM. 3507 third left finger, as if lifted up, attended with prickling at the tip; this sensation continues for a few hours, more or less strongly, in any position of the hands. Lower Extremities.-Drawing in the left hip-joint.Stitching in the psoas-muscles, in paroxysms.-Dull pressure on the sides of the lumbar vertebrae, deep-seated.-Pressure in the femora, in the forenoon. —Paroxysmal boring in the middle of the left femur, while sitting.-Drawing in the outer soft parts of the right thigh.-Drawing in the soft parts above the left knee.-Aching pain in the right knee; pressure in the left knee, worse in the evening; or else stitching, painful feeling of languor, drawing in the left knee. —Pain in the right knee, when moving it, immediately after rising.-Boring in the patella. —Drawing in the legs.-Tearing in the left leg, low down and in front, in the afternoon.-Tearing deep in the right leg.-Pain as if bruised in the left leg, above the knee.-Aching pain in the bones of the left leg, also in the lower part thereof. -Drawing in the left fibula. —Stinging in the calves.-Drawing, or tearing and stitching in the tibiae. —Boring in the left tibia, above the malleolus internus. —Boring in the tarsal-joint, also when sitting.-Compression in the lower part of both calves, near the tendo Achillis.-Violent scraping or stinging on the left tibia, while sitting.-Tearing along the whole of the right tibia.-Tearing in the right metatarsal bones, extending to the toes; stitching drawing in the right metatarsal bones, extending to the toes.-Feeling of stiffness in the left knee and tarsal-joint, when walking.-Tearing in the left tarsal-joint.Tearing in the bones, above the left tarsal-joint, accompanied by a feeling of languor in the tibia, below the right kneejoint.-Boring in the right malleolus internus, in the evening, in bed.-Boring in the right tarsal bones, extending to the toes. — Tearing in the left heel. — Drawing in the toes; drawing in the joint of the right big toe.-Stitching in the right big toe, or in the first joint of the left big toe.-Pressure under the nail of the right big toe.-Tearing in the left sole, towards the outer border.-~Inflammatory swelling of the feet, or cedematous swelling of the feet and legs. LOBELIA INFLATA. (See Symptomen-Codex, vol. ii. p. 9.) LYCOPODIUM. (See Jahr, p. 237.) General Symptoms.-~After a walk in the open air weariness of the legs, and burning in the soles of the feet. 508 LYCOPODIUM. ~Liable to straining a part by lifting, causing painful stiffness of the nape of the neck. —Paralysis. — ~Numbness of the extremities, day and night (arms, hands, lower limbs). Skin. —~Is very useful in anasarca, when the action of the skin and bowels is very much depressed.-*Freckles (for which it may also be employed externally).-~Herpetic eruption, resembling in appearance the shrivelled skin of washerwomen, spreading from the tonsils along the sides of the tongue as far as under its tip, or even as far as the fauces and larynx, causing hoarseness and a violent desire to cough; in persons who had been affected with syphilis.-OFistulous ulcers, with hardeverted, red and shining borders, or also attended with inflammatory swelling of the affected part.-~Ulcers, from abuse of mercury.-~Carious ulcers.-~Pedunculated warts. —~Varices, -3Chlorotic appearance of the skin. —Dropsical swellings. Fever. —OTyphoid fever, with constipation, peevishness on waking, scolding, screams, improper demeanor, redness of the face, circumscribed redness of the cheeks, debility, sweat which does not afford any relief, red and dry tongue. Sentient Sphere. — Vanishing of thought, momentary forgetfulness, &c. —~Sensation of vertigo about the head, and of wavering in the interior of the brain. Head.-ORushes of blood, with buzzing, ringing, and reports in the ears. Integuments of the Head. —~Eruption about the head, with swelling of the cervical glands; abscess at the occiput, and the hairy scalp is covered with a scurf, which bleeds when scratched.- Tumor at the occiput of the size of a walnut. EyeS.-*Lachrymation, ~in the open air.-~Dimness of sight, as if caused by a viscous humor in the eye, which cannot be wiped away. Face.- (A hard, sharply-circumscribed, little tubercle on the right cheek, of several years' duration and the size of a pin's head, white as snow, and shining, disappears within ten days under the influence of a single small dose. M0outh. —Dry mouth, with feeling of tension, difficulty of moving the tongue. —Sensation as if a hair were lying on the tongue. —OTongue dry, pappy, slimy. —~Pronounces distinctly every word in a phrase except the last, which he pronounces stuttering. -~Exsudatory inflammations in the mouth and fauces, generally of a herpetic nature. Throat. —Burning in the fauces, with thirst at night.~Continual accumulation of phlegm in the throat and fauces. Appetite and Taste. —-The appetite disappears after the first mouthful. —~Loss of taste. MAJORANA. 509 Stomach.-oPressure at the pit of the stomach, with anguish and oppression. Abdomen. —OAching pain in the hypochondria, followed by stitches under the false ribs as far as the loins and back, frequently continuing for hours, afterwards discharge of wind by the mouth and rectum. —In the region of the liver: stinging; pain after satisfying one's appetite. Stool and Anus. —Pains at the anus after eating, or after stool. Urine.-Inability to retain the urine, of many years' standing, caused by a fright during an embrace. —~Gravel' in the kidneys. —~Bloody urine, also with constipation and paralysis of the lower extremities. Chest. —Anguish, oppressive heaviness on the chest, with anxious breathing. MAGNESIA CARBONICA. (See Jahr, p. 242.) Stomach.-~Oppressive-aching pain in the stomach, with sour eructations. Male Parts.-~Deficient erections. m Upper Extremities.-oNightly attacks of tearing in the right shoulder, with creeping as far as the fingers, and inability to move the arm on account of the pain. MAGNESIA MURIATICA. (See Jahr, p. 245.) General Symptoms.-~Laming-drawing and tearing in the extremities. Gastric Symptoms.-~Constant nausea, with livid complexion, nervousness, and disposition to weep. MAGNESIA SULPHURICA. (See Symptomen-Codex, vol. ii. p. 165.) MAJORANA. Skin. —Painful, red, little tubercles on the outer side of both legs, transversely on one and vertically on the other leg; accompanied by single pale red spots on the thighs and legs and on the abdomen; in a few days these pimples appear covered with small, scaly scurfs. Sleep. —Frequent waking, on account of an urging to urinate; or as if in affright.-Wandering of the fancy, exciting, lascivious dreams. 510 MERCURIALIS PERENNIS. Emotive Sphere.-Taciturn for some days, Osad, weary of life; afterwards irritable, lively, full of ideas, and desirous of exercise. — Strong sensual desires. Head.- Vertigo, in the evening when lying down.-Pain in the temples; heat in the head, with restlessness in the same. Nose.-Contractive sensation and titillation at the tip of the nose, for some days; followed by bleeding at the nose. Appetite.-No appetite, with violent thirst at night. Gastric Symptoms. — Hiccough. Stomach and Abdomen.-Pains in the stomach and abdomen, alternating from one to the other; the pains in the abdomen are so violent at night, that they wake him from sleep. Sexual Parts. —~Increased sexual desire. Chest.-Swelling and itching of the nipples. Extremities.-Rheumatic pains in the right foot, also like a cramp in the sole of the foot, in the left thigh, also in the fingers and arm-joint; at times in the morning, at others in the evening, frequently coming and going. MANGANUM. (See Jahr, p. 247.) Sentient Sphere. —Diminished action of the senses. Throat.-~ Chronic sore throat. Windpipe.-~Roughness of voice, passing off by smoking tobacco. MENYANTHES TRIFOLIATA. (See Jahr, p. 249.) MEPHITIS PITORIUS. (See Jahr, p. 250.) Eyes.-*The conjunctiva is red, as if ecchymosed.0~nability to read fine print. Appetite. —~Desire for something very salt. Windpipe. —Recent catarrh, and remains of old chronic catarrhs. —*Cough when reading loud or talking.-Morningcough, with expectoration, having remained after a catarrh. Upper Extremities.-~Twitching of the hand. MERCURIALIS PERENNIS. (See Symptomen-Codex, vol. ii. p. 190.) AMERCURIUS S'OLUYBIIS HARNEMANNI. 511 MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS HAHNEMANNI. (See Jahr, p. 252.) General Symptoms.-~Epileptic attack at night, with shrieking, rigidity of the body, distention of the abdomen, exhaustion.-~Large doses of mercury produce an habitual disposition to quinsy. Skin. — Common scabies.-~Ichorous herpes, spreading visibly, breaking out after venereal ulcers. —Syphilitic buboes. -~Dropsical patients got rid of the dropsy very speedily, but were attacked with fetid, putrid ulcers on the legs, in the place of the dropsy. —Corroded finger and toe-nails, with itching. Fever. —Typhoid-fever, especially when the delirium is wanting or very inconsiderable. — ~Putrid typhoid fever, with sensitiveness and painfulness of the region of the liver, epigastrium, and pit of the stomach. — Copious sweats in rheumatism, not affording any relief. Head. - 0 Tearing-drawing pain, coming on and exacerbating in the evening; it is seated in the periosteum and facial bones. -~0lIercurius is likewise indicated for rheumatic headache, with vertigo, frontal headache, and functional derangement of the liver.-~Catarrhal headache. Integuments of the Head. —~Pain of the bones of the skull. Eyes.-~Iritis. Ears. —Polypus in the ear. Teeth. —* Tearing pain in the roots of the teeth, also the whole day, *after midnight, and especially early in the morning.-Painful dulness of the teeth. Mouth.-~Accumulation of a good deal of tenacious phlegm in the mouth. Throat. —Spasmodic difficulty of swallowing, with danger of suffocation.-~Constant desire to swallow. — The pain in the throat frequently extended to the ears, or to the parotid, submaxillary, and cervical glands. —Constant painful dryness, with slimy tongue, or with pressure during deglutition, as if the throat were too narrow, constant desire to swallow on account of an excess of saliva in the mouth. Gastric Symptoms.-~Violent eructations.-~Empty retching. Stomach. —Painfulness of the region of the stomach and pit of the stomach, especially when touehed. —-*Pressure at the stomach as from a stone, after eating, especially when sitting, or with nausea. Abdomen. —~Burning in the region of the liver. —~Pinching 5 12 IMORPHTUM. in the bowels, with chilliness and shuddering. —ODuring the pains the abdomen is very painful to contact or pressure. Stool.-'~Sporadic cholera, especially when assuming a dysenteric form, with warm and elastic skin, no pressure, not much pain in the bowels, but frequent urging and tenesmus; the discharges are thin but few, of a brown, greenish, or yellow color, mixed with mucus and blood; Mercurius may likewise prove useful for the sequelae of the real cholera, especially when it threatens to pass into typhus abdominalis.-~Stools of the color of sulphur, or whitish-gray, *bilious, dark-green, frothy.-Previous to stool: *Chilliness or shuddering; *pinching or writhing in the abdomen, or cutting colic. Male Parts.-~Hard swelling of the testes, with shining redness of the scrotum. Female Parts. — Previous to the menses:'Drv heat, with rushes of blood and congestions of the head. Catarrh and Windpipe.-~Is almost a specific for the common catarrh, with chilliness, sore throat, cough, dread of the open air. —Nasal voice. —~Influenza.- ~Dry cough, sounding as if the chest were entirely dry.-When coughing: disposition to vomit. —Stitches in the occiput. MERCURIUS ACETATUS. (See Symptomen-Codex, vol. ii. p. 240.) MERCURIUS DULCIS. (See Symptomen-Codex, vol. ii. p. 246.) MERCURIUS SUBLIMATUS CORROSIVUS. (See Jahr, p. 258.) MILLEFOLIUM. Chest. —Spitting of blood; ~every evening rising in the chest, with rising of blood to the mouth, cough, and discharge of bright-red blood. MORPHIUM. (See Symptomen-Codex, vol. ii. p. 439.) General Symptoms.-Lively twitching in the arms, about the head, and especially in the face, during a pleasant slumber, full of dreams, which, however, leaves him a pretty distinct consciousness of his condition.-Subsultus tendinum.-Violent MtORIPHtM. 513 concussions of the whole body. - Convulsive shocks, with reeling and slight stupefaction.-Slight rigidity and heaviness in the limbs, on rising from a chair (in I hour).-Languor of the limbs, neck, small of the back, joints. —Two turns of fainting, with dilatation of the pupils, pale tongue, viscid, bitter mouth. —Motion and raising the head aggravate a number of the pains, and cause nausea and headache. —The pains abate in a recumbent posture.-The nausea and headache seem to get worse after taking vinegar. Skin.-Eruption over the whole body.-Violent itching of the whole body.-Biting in the skin, without sweat, sometimes accompanied by small, round elevations.-Reddish little blotches here and there.-The arm and thigh are covered with reddish little blotches. Sleep. —irowsiness and short slumber, during which he fancied he experienced an itching of the extremities.-Quiet sleep of five hours' duration, from which he woke with a headache on the right side, languor of the extremities, pain along the vertebral column.-Restless sleep, interrupted by startings, from which he woke with general prostration, headache, sunken eyes.-Restless sleep, with frequent startings, followed by stiffness, pains in the arms, and small reddish blotches here and there.-Restless sleep for three hours; on waking he experienced a pain in the pit of the stomach and bladder; he emitted a small quantity of clear urine with great force.Heavy sleep, with red cheeks. Fever.-Heat all over, with coldness of the extremities, throbbing of the carotids, stupefaction.-Copious sweat, all over; he had to change his linen 19 times in one night; also with considerable dilatation of the pupils, pulse ninety-four (after twenty minutes).-Profuse sweat, with full pulse, slight stupefaction, and convulsions (after twenty hours).-Pulse regular, 80 (in I hour).-Pulse slow, full, intermittent.- Pulse rather hard, small (in 4 hour).-In half an hour the pulse rose from sixty-three to one hundred and eight beats.-The pulse rose from sixty-eight to 78 beats, with violent headache and heaviness in the forehead. Emotive and Sentient Sphere. —He is seized with an incomprehensible tranquillity. -Considerable excitement, without drowsiness.-Dulness of the mental powers.-Inability to perform. any mental labor.-Stupefaction, from which, after it had lasted four hours, he woke now and then for a minute, with full consciousness.-The head felt heavy and stupefied as soon as he raised it off the couch.-Dulness and dull pain of the head.-Vertiro with disposition to sleep (in i hour). 22* 514 MORPHIUM. Head.-Throbbing of the carotid, with heat in the head, which spread over the whole body, except the extremities, which remained cold. Heaviness of the head, with tightness in the head as if both parietal bones would be pressed asunder; this sensation impeded thinking and writing.-Violent headache, with red face, red conjunctiva which was turgid with blood, full, bounding pulse, uniformly-warm skin, with disagreeable itching.-Throbbing headache, with red, turgid face.Violent pain in the frontal region, cold sweat on the back.Dull pain in the forehead, especially on the right side.-Violent frontal headache, burning heat of the skin, languor; pulse 80. -Headache more violent on the right than the left side, the pupils being somewhat dilated. Intolerable pain in the right side of the head, restlessness, the usually pale face became red, drops of sweat stood on the face, with silly and desponding appearance, itching of the skin (in 35 minutes).-The headache is aggravated by reading and thinking.-Pain in the occiput and pressure above the eyes.-Tensive sensation on the head; pulse 90. Eyes.-Redness of the conjunctiva, as if injected. —The eyes looked as if ecchymosed, the face being bloated.-Stinging in the eyes, which feel as if covered with a gauze. — Feeling of fulness in the orbits (in 4 hour).-Aching pain above the eyes.-Dilatation of the pupils, even when looking at the sun. —The eyes protrude from their sockets. - Glistening eyes and silly looks (in 52 minutes). - Contraction of the pupils (19 times out of 20).-Weakness of sight. Ears and Face.-Ringing in the ears (in` hour).-The usually pale face became red, afterwards livid and covered with sweat.-Face red, bloated; animated, with livid lips, violent thirst and desire to vomit. —The face feels warmer, with pressing headache from within outwards (in a hour).-Circumscribed redness of the cheeks.-Stupid appearance.-Lips red, as if injected; pale; blue. Mouth.-Tongue red along the borders, violent in the middle.-Tongue heavy, pale; dry; uniformly red, with loathing, dryness, and contraction of the fauces.-The tip of the tongue and its borders are red. Throat.-Burning of the posterior surface of the fauces (in 5 minutes). —Irritation of the gullet, with burning thirst and colicky pain in the stomach (in i hour).-Dryness and contraction of the gullet. Appetite and Taste.-Appetite slight; with heaviness in the head and constipation (2d day). —Burning thirst, also with dry tongue.-Loathing, with redness of the tongue and dryness oaf the throat —Loatbig, with painful sensation in the head. MORPHIUM. 515 -Taste bitter, with irritation in the gullet (immediately). — Taste bitterish or bitter and acrid (immediately.) Gastric Symptoms.-Nausea, eructations, and considerable disposition to vomit, also waking him. —Continual nausea and pain in the umbilical region, when rising from a recumbent posture.-Nausea, with increased temperature of the face, heaviness and heat of the head, disposition to vomit set in.Nausea, with oppressive headache, and disposition to vomit.Inclination to vomit, also with considerable irritation of the gullet and violent headache.-Nausea in the evening, after rising, then vomiting of the food that one had eaten at dinner. -Vomiting, with slight pains in the umbilical region, intermittent, small, contracted pulse (in 16 hours). —Vomiting and copious stools, after taking milk (in 12 hours).-Violent vomiting, without thirst, without loss of appetite or red tongue.Vomiting of a green scustance. Stomach.-Violent pain in the region of the stomach; or oppressive sensation, with drowsiness.-Colicky pain in the stomach, with burning thirst, irritation of the gullet, headache and dilatation of the pupils (in I hour).-Pit of the stomach: Violent burning, whence a sensation like formication proceeds along the linea alba as far as the bend of the knee on either side (in 10 minutes).-Pain, with disposition to sleep and difficulty of breathing (in 5 minutes).-Pain which was worse after eating.-Violent pain, nausea, disposition to vomit.Painful sensation, extending as far as the bladder (immediately). Abdomen. —Distention of the abdomen, with heat all over, cold extremities, burning thirst, dry tongue, but without any nausea or vomiting, or derangement of the consciousness. Stool.-Constipation, for more than a month.-Constipation sometimes followed by diarrhoea, or attended with heaviness in the head (2d day). - Stool on the second day only, sluggish, with painful urging, scanty.-Two painful stools.-Watery diarrhcea, second morning; also with pains in the navel, stomach and bladder, in the evening and in the morning following; the diarrhcea continued the whole of the following day. Urinary Organs.-Pain in the region of the bladder.Pain in the bladder (in 2~ hours). —Urine suppressed; clear; turbid and slimy. - Scanty emission of turbid urine in the evening.-Ineffectual urging to urinate (in 8 hours). Male Parts.-Pain in the urinary and sexual organs, especially in the right spermatic cord (in 1i hour). Chest.-Anxious breathing with sharp pain in the chest, 516 NATRUM MtRIAMCUM, with strong, full pulse. —Acute pain in the abdomen and along the vertebral column, during an inspiration. Extremities. -Itching sensation, resembling formication, in the upper limbs, which are painful as if crushed, the same as the lower limbs. —Lively twitching of the anus. —Slight trembling and unsteadiness of the hand, when writing.-Slight rigidity or heaviness of the extremities, when rising from a chair (in a hour). MOSCHUS. (See Jahr, p. 262.) Fever. —Typhus, when the vital forces are about to become extinct. MURIITIS ACIDUM. (See Jahr, p. 263.) Fever.-0 Typhoid fever, with the character of torpor.~Typhus, when the following symptoms prevail: The patient settles down in bed continually, with the knees bent and the feet almost drawn up to the anus, with hurried, feeble, rattling, irregular breathing, aphthous blisters in the mouth, putridsourish smell from the mouth, miliaria alba over the whole body, especially on the neck and nape of the neck, and threatening paralysis of the lungs. Stool.-Painful protrusion of a hremorrhoidal tumor, of the size of an egg, at every stool, which it is afterwards very difficult to push back. Lower Extremities.- Cold feet. NATRUM CARBONICUM. (See Jahr, p. 266.) Eyes. —~Far-sighted, with inability to read fine print. Appetite and Taste. —After drinking: stitching in the left hypochondrium, with other ailments. Stool.-' Tenesmus of the rectum and bladder.-~Diarrhoea, after eating boiled milk. NATRUM MURIATICUM. (See Jahr, p. 269.) Skiln. —~Neglected chlorosis, when the reproductive powers have almost become extinct, the skin looks dead, shrivelled, dingy. Fever. —Quotidian or tertian intermittent fever, especially with bone-pains, pain in the back, sallow complexion, headache, prostration, bitter mouth, ulceration of the corners of the mouth, loss of appetite, pressure in the pit of the stomach, WITRI ACIDIUM. 517 painful sensitiveness to contact in that region; the paroxysms generally set in in the morning, first chilliness, then heat and thirst. Eyes.-Studden obscuration of sight, when an attack of tearing-stitching headache is about to commence.-ODiplopia. - Far-sightedness. Stool.-~ Constipation, in the case of a man whose spinal marrow had been weakened by excesses, and who frequently had to empty the rectum with his fingers. — Thickening of the rectum, in the case of an old man. —A number of small, not diarrhceic stools, sometimes 14, in one day, in the cure of a man who was disposed to frequent discharges from the bowels. Male Parts. —~Impotence. Female Parts. —Aversion to an embrace. —Delay of the first menses. —Profuse leucorrhbcea, with transparent, thick, white mucus. Chest. —Wheezing breathing, in the evening, in bed.Dyspncea, especially when performing some manual labor. Upper Extremities. —The fingers go to sleep, with tingling. Lower Limbs. —"Herpes at the malleolus. NATRUM SULPHURICUM. (See " Symptomen-Codex," vol. ii. p. 323.) NICCOLUM. (See " Symptamen-Codex," vol. ii. p. 329.) NITRUM. (See Jahr, p. 273.) General Symptoms.-~Involuntary trembling of one half of the body. —~Inflammatory conditions during dentition. Abdomen. —Enteritis, with icy-coldness of the feet. Urinary Organs.-OThis remedy is recommended by some physicians for gonorrhoea. Chest. —Angina pectoris. NITRI ACIDUM. (See Jahr, p. 275.) General Symptoms.-OHiamorrhage from arteries and capillary vessels. Skin. —Pain in former cicatrices and wounds. Eyes._oScrqfulous ophthalmia.-OVesicles on the cornea, which change to fiat ulcers.-~Inflammation of the cellular 518 NUX VOMICA. tissue in the inner canthus, terminating in suppuration and ulceration. Face.-~Pale face. Appetite. —Milk is indigestible. Gastric Symptoms.-~Waterbrash, after drinking rapidly. Abdomen. -~Liable to taking cold on the bowels. -- Ulceration of the bowels, in typhus. —~Inguinal hernia in children. Stool, &c.-Burning and *itching at the anus, ~also, especially after urinating. Urine.-OBloody urine. —Common and syphilitic balanorrhoea, with flat ulcers of a fetid smell. Chest. —~In the case of thin, emaciated old people of a choleric temperament, it acts as a specific in pneumonia, when the Aconite had been given previously, and a cough remains which is at times dry, at others attended with a copious, green, blood-streaked expectoration, with violent stitches, mostly in the left side of the chest, excessive dyspncea, soft, intermittent pulse, profuse sweat, disposition to excessive prostration. NUX MOSCHATA. (See Jahr, p. 281.) General Symptoms. —~Is said to act as a tonic, especially after depletions. Gastric Symptoms. —~Languor after eating. —Malaise, disappearing after exercise. Male Parts.-~Was formerly recommended for deficiency of semen, and weakness of the sexual organs. Female Parts. —Copious flow of a thick, dark blood, with pressing down in the lower abdomen, drawing in the lower limbs, white-coated tongue, bad smell from the mouth, speedy repletion, soft stool with straining, burning in the urethra during micturition, constant drowsiness as if half stupefied, cool and dry skin, with sensitiveness to the open air, fitful mood. NUX VOMICA. (See Jahr, p. 283.) General Symptoms.-~Periodical, intermittent affections. — ~Rheumatic affections, especially of the large muscles of the back, loins, chest, and small of the back. —Precursory symptoms of arthritic metastasis. -~Scrofulous and lymphatic affections. —Scrofulous atrophy of children.-0M~luscular debility, with difficulty of learning to walk, in the case of children.Stitching and tearing in the joints, worse during changeable NUX VOMICA. 519 weather.-*Drawing and tearing in the extremities, especially at night, with numbness of the affected parts. —*Pain in every joint, as if bruised, especially during motion and after midnight. —*Heaviness and weariness of the limbs. —*Bruising pain in the limbs, passing off by turning to the side where the pain is not felt. —~Paralysis, especially of the lower limbs.* Trembling of the limbs, Oalso of drunkards. —*Rigidity of the extremities.-0~Convulsions and spasms, the body being drawn to one side, followed by vomiting and involuntary discharge of stool and urine, the consciousness remaining intact. _- Chorea, especially in the case of boys, frequently attended with numbness of the affected parts after the attack. —*Faintingts, ~after the least exertion; *after a walk in the open air; Oat night; ~caused by congestion of the head and chest.* Weariness, after the least exercise.-*Languor of all the limbs.-*Inclination to lie or sit down. —~Pseudo-erysipelas of the knee and foot. - ~Erysipelas of the feet or knees, or when the cellular tissue is already in a state of mortification. Fever. — Chilliness, when uncovering one's self, even during the heat. —~Chilliness, with redness of one cheek, ~or rush of blood to the head; ~with headache; ~with stitching in the side or abdomen, pain in the back or small of the back, drawing in the limbs, stitching, spasmodic yawning, desire to lie down.- ~Intermittent fever, ~especially in the afternoon, evening, or at night; ~quotidian or tertian; ~consisting principally of chilliness, with partial heat (followed by sweat, or else no sweat at all); Oconsisting of heat, preceded, followed, or mingled with chilliness; ~alternate heat and chilliness, with thirst for beer (even during the chilly, and after the hot stage).-During thefever: ~Pains and languor of the extremities; ~dulness of the head, vertigo, oppressive headache; ~hard-aching, crampy pains in the stomach; ~pressure in the pit of the stomach; ~nausea, bitter eructations, foul or bitter taste; ~yellow or white-coated tongue; ~vomiting, also of the ingesta; ~loss of appetite; ~constipation, or less frequent small stools consisting of a watery mucus; ~abdominal spasms; Ofainting turns; Ogreat physical and mental depression; Olivid complexion; Ogastric and bilious symptoms; ~excessive prostration, even at the commencement of the paroxysm.-~Intermittent fever, after abuse of cinchona, even with swelling and hardness of the liver. Emotive Sphere. —OHysteria. Sentient Sphere. —Mental alienation after mortification, suppression of hemorrhoids, &c. —~Muttering delirium, illusions of the fancy, frightful visions.-~Stupefaction, with loss of consciousness.-~Apoplexy, with loss of consciousness, sopor, 520?4iXs VOMICA. paralysis of the extremities, organs of deglutition, and lower Jaw. Head. —Headache, caused by haemorrhoids.-According to Dr. Tietzer, this agent is principally suitable to men, when the disturbance proceeds from the ganglionic system, and the pain appears to be rather sympathetic; it is especially suitable to hemorrhoidal individuals with choleric temperament, who complain of pain in the small of the back, pressing on the rectum, difficult stool, and derangement of the stomach; or to persons who have drunk to excess; to literary persons who lead a sedentary life, or to persons who drink a good deal of coffee.-The pain is generally drawing-aching; frequently there is a sensation as if a nail had been driven into the brain; on the side where the pain is, the brain feels as if smashed, crushed.-In females the menses appear a few days too soon, and last a few days longer than they ought to.-The pain appears principally early in the morning, or immediately after eating, or after mental exertions. —~Rush of blood to the head, with heat and redness of the face; or Owith violent pains in the forehead, or ~with vertigo. Eyes.-~Lachrymation, as if blear-eyed. Ears. —OHard hearing, with ringing in the ears, passing off during rest, returning when performing the least labor, in the case of a healthy girl with delicate sensibilities. Nose. —Dulness of smell. Face. —Features haggard and gloomy. —~Swelling of one cheek, especially pale swelling. Teeth.-~Toothache on one side; Oin the morning; ~at night; ~while eating.-Jerking pain in the open air, terminating in a stitch. Appetite. — Loss of appetite, with constant thirst. —Ecessive hunger, with sensation of repletion, after taking the least nourishment.-OA good deal of appetite, with subsequent vomiting of the ingesta.-After eating: *fulness and distention of the stomach and abdomen; *nausea and qualmishness, also with rising to the pit of the stomach, and anguish, *vomiting, ~with pressure in the pit of the stomach and burning in the throat; *pressure at the stomach. Gastric Symptoms.-~ Waterbrash, especially of drunkards. — ~Heartburn. —Empty retching, especially in the case of drunkards.-~Vomiting, with cramps in the calves and feet, lock-jaw, cold feet, anguish and trembling.-~Vomiting of coagulated blood and a dark substance, attended with colic, pressure in the forehead, and undulating feeling in the chest. Stomach.-~Pain in stomach as if raw and sore. —~Throbbing in region of stomach, especially after supper. NUX VOMICA. 621 Abdomen. — Colic after bathing, or from suppression of the haemorrhoidal flow. —Fulness in the epigastrium, after a slight meal. — Enteritis.-~Abdominal enlargement of children, with glandular swellings and consumption.-OF/atulent colic, as though the bowels were pressed between stones, ~early in the morning. —Colica plumbae. — Incarceration of hernia, caused by the bowels being too much distended by excrements, &c.; inveterate, large scrotal hernia, which can be kept in place only imperfectly by means of a truss; when the incarceration had been caused by an excess in eating or drinking, when the symptoms of incarceration develope themselves slowly, and the hernial sac is not yet entirely separated from the portion of the bowels contained in the abdominal cavity. — Vux romnica is likewise a remedy for spasmodic incarceration of hernia, or for subacute incarceration, in which case Nutx may be given after, or in alternation with, Aconite and Belladonna, especially when the symptoms are partly spasmodic, and partly inflammatory. —~Sudden and violent incarceration of hernia, characterized by a crampy and pressing sensation in the hernial region, violent drawing pains, with periodical tearing and a sort of spasmodic constriction in the whole abdomen; nausea, disposition to vomit or vomiting of a sour mucus, constipation with frequent urging; most of these phenomena are aggravated by motion, or by touching the hernia in the least. Stool and Anus. -~Constipation, with rush of blood to the head; ~with abdominal congestions,'caused by sedentary habits; or ~as if caused by stricture of the bowels. —Constipation of pregnant women, ~or from abuse of coffee. — ~Frequent urging, with tenesmus and pressure at the anus, and cutting around the navel. —~Hard stool, of large size.~Alternate constipation and diarrhcea.-ODischarge of blood during stool, also with sensation as if the rectum were constricted.-* Constriction of the rectum, impeding stool.~Taenia. —~Prolapsus of the rectum. —*Piles. Urinary Organs.- *Burning at the neck of the bladder and in the urethra, during micturition. —Spasmodic contraction of the urethra, with retention or difficult emission of urine. -~Colica renalis, caused by calculi, with violent vomiting, chills, &c., in the case of a man of thirty-eight years. Male Parts. —Condylomata on the glans, ~figwart.~Impotence, in consequence of nightly revelling. Female Parts. —~Internal swelling of the vagina, like prolapsus, with burning and intolerance of contact. —QFalse, spasmodic labor-pains.-~Metrorrhagia after confinement. Windpipe. —ONux is recommended by some as a specific 522 OPIrtM. remedy in the first stage of ordinary bronchial catarrhs, with dry coryza and dry cough. —Cough at night. —Cough with stitching in throat-pit. —~Cough with vomiting; ~with danger of suffocation; *with pain as if bruised in hypochondria and epigastrium. Chest.-~Palpitation of the heart, with nausea, inclination to vomit, and weight on the chest. —*Stitching in the muscles. -~Rheumatism of the pectoral muscles. Back. —Stiffness of the back, caused by haemorrhoids.~Rheumatic or hcmorrhoidal pains in the loins, back, and small of the back to the groins and sexual parts. Upper Extremities.-*Redness of the fingers, as after being frozen, with burning itching, especially in bed or in a warm room. Lower Limbs.-~Laninations fromn the feet to the hips.~Erysipelas of the feet and knees, with painful, bright red swelling. —*Itching of the toes, as if frozen, also with burning, worse in bed and in a warm room. OLEANDER. (See Jahr, p. 290.) General Symptoms. —~Painless paralysis. OLEUM ANItALE. (See Symptomen-Codex, vol. ii. p. 411.) OLEUM JECORIS MORRHUE. (See Symptomen-Codex, vol. ii. p. 420.) ~This agent is recommended as an excellent remedy for the consequences of onanism, especially in the case of young girls. OPIUM. (See Jahr, p. 293.) General Symptoms. —~Ailments incident to old age.~Absence of pain. Skin. —Itching of the skin, in old people. Sleep. —~Deep sleep, from which the patient cannot be roused without being well shaken. —~Inability to fall asleep, although one is very sleepy. —*Sopor, with redness of the face. Sentient Sphere. —~Visions about mice, scorpions, &c.~Apoplexy, with vertigo, buzzing in the ears, loss of consciousness; red, bloated, hot face, red and half-closed eyes, dilated PETROLEUM. 523 and insensible pupils, foam at the mouth, convulsive motions of the extremities, slow, stertorous breathing; previous to the attack: sleeplessness, or else sleep with anxious dreams, vascular excitement, heat in the whole body; after the attack: nervous excitement, with laughing and delirium. Face. —~Stupid appearance, with the facial muscles and the lower lip hanging down relaxed, widely-opened nostrils, and difficulty of raising the upper eyelid. Stool.-Is excellent for constipation, which seems to proceed from torpor of the colon, or has been caused or increased by the excessive use of drastics. Female Parts. —Violent neuralgia of the uterus, in the case of a pregnant female, with retching, eructations, excessive uneasiness, intolerance of contact in the abdominal region (in drop-doses). Windpipe.-~Racking cough, with difficult expectoration, every paroxysm being followed by yawning (removed by one dose, after a great many remedies had been tried in vain). -~A peculiar titillating cough, day and night, and quite dry.-~Is an excellent palliative in the last stage of consumption, where it procures the patient a few hours' rest and sleep at night. Chest. —Erethism of the heart. Upper Limbs. — Swelling of the veins of the hands. PEONIA OFFICINALIS. (See Symptomen-Codex, vol. ii. p. 452.) PARIS QUADRIFOLIA. (See Jahr, p. 295.) PETROLEUM. (See Jahr, p. 297.) General Symptoms. —~Every exertion is followed by great weakness, trembling, buzzing in the ears, nausea. Sleep. —*Slumber, with wandering of the fancy. —* Vivid dreams. Head. —~Pain in the head, caused by chagrin. Eyes. —Fistula lachrymalis (in alternation with Silic.). Gastric Symptoms.-After eating: ~nausea; ~colic, with eructations. Abdomen. —Confused feeling in abdomen.-~Colic every night (towards morning), with diarrhoea. Stool. —Diarrhcea of pregnant women. 524 PHOSPHORUS. PETROSELINUM. ~This agent is recommended for clap, with frequent urging to urinate. PHELLANDRIUM AQUATICUM. (See Symptomen-Codex, vol. ii. p. 471.) Windpipe. — Habitual expectoration of mucus, early in the morning. Chest. —~Intolerable pains in the direction of the lactiferous tubes, affecting her mind and bodily health, every time she nursed her baby. PIHOSPHIORUS. (See Jahr, p. 299.) General Symptoms.-~Chronic rheumatism and arthritis. — Somnambulism, every night. Skin. —Lymphatic abscesses, full of fistulous ulcers with callous edges, fetid, badly-colored pus, and hectic fever.~Affections of the bones. —~Exostoses, with nocturnal pains.~Bad effects arising from the suppression of scarlet-fever and measles. Sleep.-Slumber, in the day-time, as if stupefied. Fever. —Putrid typhus, with sopor, open mouth, dry and black lips and tongue. Ears. —Affections of the sense of hearing, after typhoid and inflammatory diseases. Face. — Hippocratic face. —Burning and redness of the cheeks. — Stitching in the facial bones. Abdomen.-~Distress, especially early, in bed. —*Burning. Stool. —Diarrhcea of consumptive persons. —Typhoid diarrhoea.-Cholerine, the diarrhcea being followed by gradually-increasing nausea and by vomiting. Male Parts. —~Impotence. Female Parts. —*Stitches through the pelvis. — During the menses: Ocutting in abdomen, with pain in back and vomiting; ~raising of blood;'palpitation of the heart. Windpipe.-~Excessive painfulness of the larynx, impeding the speech. —~Cough, with chilliness all over. — Titillating cough, when lying on one's back. Upper Extremities.-~Tearing stitches in both arms and the scapulae. Lower Extremities.-~Twitching of the calves, ~also of the feet, in the day-time, and previous to falling asleep. PINUS SILVESTRIS. 525 PHOSPHORI ACIDUM. (See Jahr, p. 305.) General Symptoms. —~Ill effects arising from the suppression of scarlatina or other eruptions. —Burning in the whole lower half of the body, although it feels cold to the hand. Skin. —Burning in the ulcers. Fever.-O Typhus, also with loss of consciousness, debility, diarrhzea, aversion to talking (or else with oppressive headache, sunken eyes without lustre, paleness, white-coated tongue, rumbling in the distended abdomen, prostration, feeling about with the hands). Eyes. — Stye at the upper lid. —Inflammation of the lids. — Photophobia, in the day-time. Nose.-~Scurfs on the nose. —Bad smell from the nose. Mouth. —Smarting on the tongue, as if excoriated, when chewing solid food. Throat.-~Soreness and ulceration of the velum palati.o Violent thirst, after the colic, also thirst for beer, owing to a feeling of dryness in the whole body. Gastric Symptoms. — Violent nausea, obliging one to lie down. Abdomen. —Burning in the abdomen. Stool. —Watery diarrhcea. —oDiarrhcea, during epidemic cholera.-THaemorrhoidal tumors, with discharge of blood.~Anxiety and restlessness, before urinating. — Cutting in the urethra, during micturition.-According to Dr. Rosenberg, this agent is useful in chronic gonorrhoea, when affecting persons of a lymphatic, torpid constitution, disposed to discharges of blood and mucus, diarrhea, cutaneous eruptions, &c.; it is also useful in chronic blennorrhoea, resulting from bad treatment, the copious use of slimy, oily, warm drinks, leeches, &c., during the inflammatory period of a gonorrhea; it is especially useful in chronic gonorrhcea, when attended with torpor of the skin, testes, or epidydimis. —Pulling sensation in the testes or epidydimis, remaining after some previous affections of these parts (according to Dr. Rosenberg). PINUS SILVESTRIS. (The following pathogenetic and curative symptoms were observed on persons who were using baths prepared of this agent). General Symptoms. —This plant is used by the people in the neighborhood of Neisse in Germany, in baths, for the following affections:-Spasmodic affections, epilepsy, chorea, 526 PINtUS SILVESTRIS. arthritis, claudicatio spontanea, chlorosis, scrofula, abdominal diseases, pains in the kidneys, and bladder. —General languor and prostration, also with heaviness in all the limbs.-Drawinglaming pains in the limbs. — Aching-tensive pains. — Stiffness in the limbs.-~Articular rheumatism and arthritic affections of the joints.-CEdematous and lymphatic swellings, especially of the knee.-~Scrofulosis. —~Difficulty of learning to walk, in the case of scrofulous children. Skin.-Itching of the whole body, especially on the abdomen and around the joints.-Rash.-General sweat. —Dry, herpetic eruptions.-~Varicose, herpetic ulcers on the feet. —~Different forms of chlorosis. Sleep.-Drowsiness, especially in the forenoon, with restless sleep in the evening.-Sleeplessness. Fever.-Chills, towards evening, alternating with flushes of heat. 0 Emotive Sphere.-Low-spirited.-Anxious. lead.-Dulness of the head.-Fulness and heaviness of the whole head. —Inability to perform any mental labor.- oPeriodical headache, or headache coming on after mental labor, and attended with torpor of the bowels.-Tearing in the temples. -Sensitiveness of the scalp. Eyes.-Congestion of the vessels in the eyes (passing off in a few days).-Redness of the margins of the lids. —Dimness of sight, as if gauze were before the eyes.-~In one case of dimsightedness, with congested appearance of the vessels, the patient was almost entirely restored. Ears. —Humming in the ears. —Stitches in the ears. NOSe. —Profuse nosebleed (several days in succession). — Itching in the nose. - Catarrhal sensation. —-Blennorrhoea.0 Chronic catarrh. Face. —Eruption, which had lasted for years, and spread over the whole face.-Alternate redness and paleness.-~Pains in the face, attended with abdominal congestion. Teeth. —Toothache, with heat in the face, and headache. Mouth.-Dry mouth, with increased thirst. Appetite, Stomach, &c.-Diminished appetite (afterwards so much better).-After eating: pressure in the pit of the stomach, and distention of the pit of the stomach and whole abdomen.-~An excellent remedy for weak digestion. Hypochondria.-Distention and aching-burning pains in the hypochondria.- Swelling of the liver.-Pressure and feeling of fulness in the liver and spleen. —~Is a very efficient remedy for swelling of the liver and spleen, and affections caused thereby. Stool and AnluS.-Costiveness.-oObstinate constipation. PLATINA. 527 ~Papescent stools, with cutting colic and nervousness.Chronic diarrhoea, with violent colic.-Bilious evacuations. — Lumbrici.-Hvemorrhoidal discharge of blood and mucus, continuing for several days.-Itching and burning of the anus. Urinary Organs. —Various affections of the kidneys, attended with the formation of stone and bleulnorrhcea.Violent boring and burning pains in the kidneys, extending along the ureters. - Diminished secretion of urine.-Red urine, with strong smell.-Burning pains during micturition.-Spasm of the bladder, ~affections of the bladder like those of the kidneys.-The secretion of urine becomes much more copious in a few days. Female Parts.-Menses delayed. —Scanty menses become more profuse. —~A swelling of the left ovary disappeared almost entirely, after which the menses become more profuse. -~Leucorrhcea of various kinds. Windpipe and Chest.-Hoarseness.-Dry, short cough. — Increased secretion from the bronchial glands.-The expectoration increases, in the case of persons affected with cough. — oChronic catarrh. - Severe oppression of the chest.-Dyspncea, especially when walking. — Very efficient in asthma.-Burning in the sides of the chest.-Palpitation of the heart. Back. —Tensive, aching, drawing pains between the scapulae and in the small of the back.-Drawing and stiffness from the nape of the neck to the occiput. Extremities.-Arthritic pains in the joints of the hands and feet, especially the finger-joints. —Stiffness of the knee, with stinging-burning pains, causing one to sink down (got better in eight days). PLATINA. (See Jahr, p. 309.) General Symptoms.-~Spasmodic affections, especially of females. —Attack of spasmodic rigidity of the limbs, without consciousness, but with locking of the jaws, loss of speech, distortion of the eyes, and involuntary twitching of the lids and corners of the mouth. Emotive Sphere. —~Irresistible desire on the part of a mother to murder her infant. Head.-~Is especially suitable to nervous headache with leucorrhcea, when the pains are tensive, spasmodic, involving the forepart of the head, temples, and orbital region. Stomach. —Pressure at the stomach, after eating. Abdomen. —~Colica plumbee. Female Parts. —~Induration of the uterus. —~Headache, restlessness, and weeping, the menses being too soon and 528 PULSATILLA. copious.-ONymphomania, eclampsia, constipation of lying-in women. Lower Limbs.- Cold feet. PLUMBUM. (See Jahr, p. 311.) Sexual Parts. —Weakness of the sexual powers. Lower Limbs. —Fetid sweat of the feet, smelling like old cheese. POLYGONUM MARITIMUM. With one drop of the tincture Dr. Rosenberg effected a cure of gonorrhoea, in the case of a man who was habitually affected with urinary difficulty and gravel, and who, in the present case, was attacked with frightful pains in urinating, which caused him to tremble and cry, with fever, loss of appetite, rapid emaciation. PRUNUS SPINOSA. (See Symptomen-Codex, vol. ii. p. 574; and Jahr, p. 314.) General Symptoms. —Is in many cases the only suitable remedy for dropsy, especially for anasarca consequent upon exhausting, chronic maladies. Lower Extremities. —~Edema of the feet, depending upon hypertrophy of the heart. PULSATILLA. (See Jahr, p. 315.) General Symptoms. —Bad effects of the excessive use of wine,, or ~of fright and mortification.-OArticular rheumatism. -~Stinging and feeling of coldness in the affected parts when the weather changes. —Tension in single limbs, as if the tendons were contracted. -Swelling of the limbs, with stinging pains and numb feeling.~-The pains are worse after shaving. — Fainting fits, with cadaverous paleness of the face. — Epileptic convulsions (after suppression of the menses), with violent striking of the limbs, followed by relaxation, nausea, and eructations. Skin. —Erysipelas, also with swelling, hardness, burning heat, and stinging when touched, even without moving the part. —Cracking of the skin when moistening it. —~Flat, foul, carious ulcers. -~Suppuration of a wound. —Dropsical swellings.-0 Chilblains, with blue-red swelling, heat, and burning or beating.-During sleep, in the case of a child: PULSATILLA. 529 spasmodic distortion of the mouth, with opening, rolling, and closing of the eyes, and twitching of the fingers; "cries. Fever.-"Evening-chilliness, even in a warm room, also mingled with a feelingof heat.-Fever: *first chilliness,without thirst, followed by heat with thirst, aeoompanied or succeeded by sweat. -OIntermittentfevers, consisting of chilliness without thirst, followved by hBeat with thirst, and accompanied by or succeeded by sweat. - ~The fever generally sets in or is worse in the evening or afterioaion, abates towards morning; the chill is rccompanied by.: pale face, vertigo, stupefaction, painfulness and heaviness of the head, anxiety, oppression of the chest, or ~vomiting of imucus. DIuring the heat' paroxysms of anguish, headache, red and bloated face, sweat in the face, dcitliness when lifting the bedcover,'deep or restless:see, ~hurried and anxious breathing, Vinclination to Fait, ldaiTheeic stools.-~ln general, during the fever Ar.apy'reaia: headache, painful oppression of the chest, moist coughg, sopor, bitter mouth, diarrhea, or constipation -'~tntermittent fever, after abuse of cinehona.-A —Absence of thirst du ring the chill; thirst for beer, especially early in the morning, or after the heat, with white-coated tongue."OPWlsa#illa (or Nux v.) may sometimes be sufficient to prevent puerperal fever when the precursory symptoms had already set in. —*Heat all over at night, also mingled with chills, when turning about in bed. -Feeling of warmth as if the room were too hot, or as if warm air were blowing upon one.-Partial heat in the face, also particularly in the evening. -- Typhoid fever, also with consciousness, delirium, weeping, wringing of hands, sopor. -~Sweat during the sopor, with wandering of the faucy, thirst for beer, crampy feeling in the hands and cams. —*Sweat only in the face and on the hairy scalp. Emotive Sphere.- *Melancholy, gloomy mood. —Melancholy, with weeping, sadness, fear of death.-OMelancholy, as if arising from mental derangement, with cold, gloomy, strange look.-The patient sits quiet, with her hands folded. —~Dis. posed either to laugh or cry. —~Anxiety about one's health. -"Despair of one's salvation, with constant praying. —Anxiety as if one were threatened with apoplexy. —Anguish, with palpitation of the heart. —Dread of ghosts, at night, with dispo. sition to escape or to hide one's-self. —OHe feels indignant against females. —~Aversion to the company of females."Mild and yielding mood. —Ill-humor, also early in bed, with continual weeping.-*Sullen mood, also with anxiety and crying. —OHypochondriae, taciturn, irritable mood, with grying. —Disposed to take everything in bad part. —*Desire for one thing or another ~without knowing which, *also in the 23 303O PULSATILLA. case of a child. —Mental affections of females, especially after chagrin, menstrual suppressions, or after confinement; such as: mania, hysteria, melancholia, &c. Sentient Sphere.-Inability to collect one's mind, he neither knows where he is nor what he is doing. —~Imbecility. -Nocturnal delirium.-~Delirium with loss of consciousness. — ~Frightful visions, with fear and disposition to hide himself. -Dulness of the head, with vanishing of thought. —* Confusion of the head, with pain, as after intoxication or a night's watching; *with sensation of hollowness and emptiness in the head. —Vertigo, early in the morning, on raising one's-self.~Vertigo on rising from a seat; ~during a walk in the open air; ~after dinner; ~with roaring in the ears; ~aggravation of the vertigo by talking or thinking. —~Apoplectic fit, with loss of consciousness, blue redness and bloatedness of the face, loss of motion, violent beating of the heart, collapse of pulse, rattling breathing. Head. —ODistress in the head, ascending from the nape of the neck, where a contractive sensation is experienced. —~Headache as if from watching and intoxication.-*Stitching headache. —~Headache in the evening or early in the morning, or at night; ~the headache is generally worse in the evening, and continues through the night.-~The headache is eased by thinking or compressing the head.-According to Dr. Tietzer, Pulsatilla is indicated when the pain is tearing, beating, stitching, jerking; the pains, especially the jerking, tearing pains, are principally seated in the temples, also in the occiput; they are accompanied by inclination to vomit, weight in the head, vertigo; humming, stitching, jerking, and tearing in the ears, loss of appetite, absence of thirst, chilliness; the pains are worse in the evening, in hot weather, and in a warm room, during rest, and while sitting, they abate by compressing the head; in females, an additional indication for the use of Pulsatilla is when the menses appear a few days after the monthly term. EyeS.-~ Ophthalmia from suppressed gonorrhea. Nose. —Polypus. Face. —Twitchings in the face, during an apoplectic fit. Teeth. —~Stitching toothache.-~Looseness of the painful teeth. —~Rheumatic toothache. —Toothache of pregnant females. - ~Toothache from a- cold; ~in damp spring or fallweather, with tearing in the eaNs% semilateral headache, chilliness, pale face. Appetite and Taste. —*Loss of appetite.-Aversion to bread, *also with bitter taste of the bread, sometimes only when chewing it., oThirst, with putrid eructations.?-. After PULSATILLA. 531 eating: *eructations, with taste of the ingesta, also followed by inclination to vomit; ~pressure in the pit of the stomach; Oheaviness of the head; Ostiffness of the neck; ~dyspncea; *inclination to vomit; *vomiting; ~vexed and melancholy mood; ~laughing and weeping. —Pressure at the stomach, after eating bread.-Sour gulpings, after taking coffee.*Slimy taste in mouth; *taste as of putrid meat.-*Bitter taste as of bile.-*Food has no taste; beer has a sweetish sickish taste. Gastric Symptoms. —Weak digestion, also with vomiting of the ingesta.-Hiccough during sleep, at night.-*Eructations, especially after eating.-Previous to vomiting: ~chilliness; ~humming in the ears; Opaleness of face. Abdomen. — Pain in the hypochondria and pit of the stomach, during pregnancy, much worse when sitting. Stool and Anus. —Alternate costiveness and diarrhcea.~Acrid stoo!s, also soft. —~Diarrhoea after measles. —Dysenteric diarrhcea. —During stool: ~chill with gooseflesh; *burning in the rectum, or Osoreness. -After stool: *colic; Ostinging in the rectum. —Ailments arising from suppression of haemorrhoids. Urinary Organs. —The urine smells like manure-water.~Hematuria, also with purulent sediment and pains in the kidneys.-After urinating: Ospasmodic pain at the neck of the bladder, extending as far as the pelvis and thighs. —~Catarrh of the bladder.-~Consequences of suppression of gonorrhcea, especially ophthalmia and orchitis. Male Parts.-~Inflammatory swelling of the testes, with pressure and drawing in the spermatic chord, which extends towards the kidneys and loins. —Swelling of the testes, after a shock and contusion. —~Burning in the testes, without swelling. Female Parts.-Before the menses: Opressing on the rectum, like urging to stool; ~colica hepatica; ~abdominal spasms; ~colic with vomiting; ~waterbrash; ~vertigo and eructations;'pressing on the bladder and rectum; ~cardialgia. -Durinlg the menses: *chilliness and pale face; Oderangement of the emotive sphere; *the blood is thick and black.OAdhesion of the placenta.-~Ailments arising from weaning. Windpipe. -Influenza, the cough lasts day and night, and is especially violent while one is lying on one's back; attended with derangement of the mucous membrane of the digestive organs, and with diarrhcea.-~Cough caused by accumulation of mucus and titillation in the windpipe. —Cough caused by yawning.-*Evening-cough, especially after lying down in bed. — *Dry nigh!-cough, passing off when sitting up, and coming 532 RATANHIA. on again when lying down. —~Dry cough after sleeping, or ~as soon as one gets warm.-*Cough, with difficult expectoration of a small quantity of tenacious mucus. —ORacking cough, like whooping-cough, with nosebleed, rattling of mucus, and vomiting. —~Hemoptoe, with expectoration of dark coagula, ~at night, or ~when the menses are suppressed. —Cough with headache, ~shocks in the abdomen, ~pain in the small of the back, Opalpitation of the heart. Chest. —Dyspncea, caused or aggravated by cold air.~Asthmatic dyspnoea, increased by exercise and by ascending an eminence. —~Spasms of the chest, also with hacking cough and suffocative paroxysms. - Asthma, with evening paroxysms. -Suffocative paroxysms, with hiccough; or Oas if caused by a spasm in the throat and chest, with anguish. —~Pain in the side, with cough, not allowing one to lie on that side. —*Swelling of the mammee; ~or with painful stitching and discharge of thin, acrid milk, in the case of girls under age. —Pain in the muscles as if bruised. Trunk. —Swelling and curvature of the vertebrae, towards the neck. Lower Extremities.-~Jerking tearing in the lower limbs. -*Trembling of the lower limbs, ~especially during the pains. — ~Shining, white, doughy swelling of the knees. —~D!awing in the long bones of the leg. —Twitching at the malleolus when sitting, and stitching during a walk.-OErysipelatous, burning swelling of the tarsal joints.-~Red, hot swelling of the feet, extending upwards along the calves. RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS. (See Jahr, p. 322.) Skin. — Epidemic vesicular eruption of new-born infants; the blisters attain the size of from two to four inches; after they dry up, the infants look as if raw. —'Pustulous itch (together with Merc.) RANUNCULUS SCELERATUS. (See Jahr, p. 323.) RAPHANUS SATIVUS. (See Symptomen-Codex, vol. ii. p. 624.) RATANHIA. (See Symptomen-Codex, vol. ii., p. 625.) Eyes. —~Twitching of the lids of the right eye, to such an RHODODENDRON CHRYSANTHUM. 533 extent that the sight is impeded by it; the eyeball appears to be in rotatory motion. RHEUIM. (See Jahr, p. 325.) Stool. —Diarrhoea of infants. RHODODENDRON CIIRYSANTHUM. (See Jahr, p. 326.) General Symptoms.-~Sub-inflammatory arthritic pains (after the acute inflammation had been removed by Acon., Arn., Sulph.) —*Tearing in the extremities, ~at night, with drawing, particularly in the right foot and forearm, without swelling or redness, becoming intolerable in bed; *shifting tearing, also commencing in the right upper arm, afterwards extending to the nape of the neck, back, and leg, where it changes to a stitching sensation, worse during rest and in changeable weather, with painfulness of the heels and difficulty of walking; ~violent tearing, setting in after the excessive use of mercury for syphilis, with swelling and redness of single joints, and aggravation of the pains at night and towards morning. —Violent drawing, pinching, and stitching in the limbs, with lameness of the same, and aggravation of the pains at night. Ears. —Buzzing and ringing in the ears, for many years. Teeth. —Arthritic pains in the teeth, especially at night, equally aggravated by cold and warm drinks; they can only be moderated by warm applications.-~Pains which return every spring and fall during a sharp east wind, continue for several weeks, with boring in one tooth, which feels as if in a vice, stitching extending into the ear; the pain is aggravated by touching the tooth, and is worse at night. Upper Extremities. —Weakness in both arms, with tingling as if gone to sleep, especially in bed, or also in very cold weather, especially during a storm. —~Swelling of the hands, with drawing tearing, first in the joint, afterwards in the dorsum of the hand. Lower Extremities. — Tearing in the lower limbs, especially in the hip-joints, worse during rest and in stormy weather, also especially at night; ~tearing from the thigh to the foot, worse during rest, with formication in the lower limb; the foot goes to sleep while sitting; the pain is worse in the forenoon, and the limb is stiffer. —~Cold swelling of the right knee, with ringing pains which extend into the leg, especially during rest and in bed. —~White swelling of the knee, with intolerable tearing extending to the leg, especially at 534 RHUS TOXICODENDRON. night and during rest. — Constant feeling as if gone to sleep, in the feet, with stitching in the knees and tarsal joints, tension in the lower limbs when walking, aggravation of the pains when sitting, or early when rising. RIIHUS TOXICODENDRON. (See Jahr, p. 328.) General Symptoms.-~Affections of the ligaments, tendons, and synovial membranes. —Creeping pains here and there.~Consequences of getting wet through and through in the rain, or of bathing in cold water, or of staying in damp and cold air. —~Sensation in internal organs as if something would be torn off. —Straining of the muscular fibre. Skin.-Red spots on the left thigh, with burning itching.*Burning eruption, consisting of small vesicles, with redness of the skin over the whole body, except on the hairy scalp, the palms of the hands, and the soles of the feet. —Scrofulous ulcers. —Swelling of the face, hands, and left lower limb.iRed, shining swellings, with stinging soreness when touched. — ~Dropsical swelling of the whole body, after scarlatina.0Jaundice. Fever. —*Internal coldness in the limbs.- Sensation of coldness, at every motion. —~Nocturnal fevers, characterized by a drawing sensation along the spine, between the shoulders, and in the extremities, as though one would like to stretch the parts continually, loss of sleep, constant vertigo and sweat; violent fluttering of the heart, with pressure, crampy feeling, and throbbing in the proecordial region. —Violent thirst for water or beer.-Pulse quick; slow; sometimes irregular.~Typhoid fevers and putrid typhus, with violent delirium, severe pains in the extremities, excessive prostration, dry tongue; dry, brown or black lips, hot and red cheeks, grasping at flocks, quick and small pulse, sopor, muttering, and stertorous breathing.-Rhus t. is especially suitable in typhoid fevers, when they are accompanied by rheumatic, stinging pains in this or that part of the body, which torment the patient a good deal when in a state of rest.- ~Pneunmotyphus. -— %Nettlerash after a violent cold, or after getting wet through and through. —Night-sweats, with itching rash. Emotive Sphere. — Dread of company, with lowness of spirits. —~Agony, at twilight, towards evening. — Dread that one will be poisoned. Sentient Sphere. —Acute hydrocephalus, second stage.~Mental alienation, he fancies that he will have to die. Iead. —~Pain in the occipital protuberances. —Headache from drinking beer. RLTA nRAVEOLENS. 5'35 Eyes. -~Ophthalmia neonatorum.-O~Scrofulous, catarrhal, erysipelatous, rheumatic, exanthematic ophthalmia. —~ Weak sight, as from a gauze before the eyes, especially when owing to sudden suppression of habitual sweat on the feet. Face. —Lips dry, covered with a reddish or brownish crust. Teeth. —*Pain in the teeth, as if sore. Throat. —~Sensation in the throat as if something were torn off. Gastric Symptoms. —Sudden vomiting when eating.0Waterbrash. —0 Cholera, with general prostration and frequent vomiting. Stomach. —~Pressure at the stomach and pit of the stomach, as if the parts were swellen internally. Abdome. —OViolent pains in the abdomen, especially at night, worse after eating and drinking, or also with bloody stools. — Spasmodic pains in the right side, early in the morning, after a slight cold, with moaning and disconsolate mood.0Physconia peritonsalis.- Peritonitis.-~ Scarlet-redness of the abdomen. Stool. —~Chronie diarrhoea, depending upon a morbid condition of the meseraic glands.-~Dysenteric diarrhma, with discharges of blood. Urine.-~I.schuria, the urine is emitted drop by drop, bloodred, attended with tenesmus. Male Parts —~Tympanitie swelling of the parts, especially the scrotum, with a good deal of itching. Female Parts. —Miscarriage. Windpipe.-~lnfluenza, with nightly cough, and troublesome expectoration of white mucus early in the morning, on waking; ~or influenza, with oppressive anxiety, frequent, involuntary, deep inspirations, bodily restlessness (caused by exposure to cold and wet weather). -Chest. —Short breathing, caused by pressure and painfulness in the pit of the stomach. Back. —Painful osseous swelling in the small of the back. Lower Extremities. —oVesicular eruption on the right thigh, on a rough, though not inflamed surface, with itching and burning.-O~Eysipelatous swelling of the feet, sometimes with pustules and rash on the dotsum of the feet. RIUTA GRAVEOLENS. (See Jahr, p. 334.) Skin. —~Coldness of the skin. Face. —Aene rosatea (in alternation with Rhus tox.) Chest.-~Anxious palpitation of the heart 636 SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS. Extremities.-~Contraction of the fingers.-~Laming stiffness of the tarsal-joints, caused by a sprain or cold. SABADILLA. (See Jahr, p. 337.) General Symptoms. —Sensitireness to cold, which increases the pains. Fever. —Spring intermittent fevers, without any regular type, consisting principally of coldness. Teeth. —'Toothache on the left. Windpipe. — Aphonia.-~Influenza, with dingy-gray color of the skin, fluent coraza, dulness of the head, dull, husky eough, vomiting or spitting of blood; abating when lying down. SABINA. (See Jahr, p. 339.) General Symptoms. —Diseases of the periosteum. Female Parts. —0variab dropsy. —Prolapsus of the uterus, after artificial delivery. —Sabina is said to have removed a habitual disposition to miscarriage, alternately with Lycop. Lower Limbs. —An inveterate sarcomatous nIcer on the tibia grows larger, becomes more painful, with increased supr puration, and then heals. SAMBICUS. (See Jahr, p. 341.) SANGUINARIA CANADIENSIS. (See Jahr, p. 343.) General Symptoms.-~Paralysis of the right side, of fourteen years' standing. Iead. —Sowre spots in the head. —,Headache, irradiating upwards from the nape of the neek. — Violent pain in the head, every week, or less frequently, attended with inausea and vomiting, sometimes vomiting of bile; it may be excited by various causes.-QDistress in the head, the patient cannot bear other persons walking about in his room. Face. —ORedaess of one cheek, with burning of the ears — Livid color of the cheeks and hands, in typhoid pneumonia. Throat.-QoUlcerated sore throat. Gastric Sylmptoms. —~Nausea, previous to the nlettlerash. Abdome. — Induratious in the abdomen. Urine. —~Frequent and copious micturition at night. Male Parts.- Gonorrhcea. SENEGA. 5377 Female Parts. —Suppression of the menses. Windpipe. —Croup. —Phthisis. Chest. - ~Asthma. - OHydrothorax. - ~Acute, sub-acute, atonic, and chronic inflammations of the thoracic organs.0 Typhoid pneumonia, with difficult breathing, livid color of the cheeks and hands, vibratory, compressible pulse, &c. —~Habitual dyspncea, in the afternoon. Extremities. —Pain in the shoulders and in the right arm, worse in bed; cannot raise the arm. —Stifness of the phalanged joints. —~Rheumatic pain on the inner side of the thigh. —~ Coldfeet in the afternoon. SARSAPARILLA. (See Jahr, p. 345.) Fever.-~Sweat on the forehead, in the evening, in bed. SECALE CORNUTU1I. (See Jahr, p. 347.) General Symptoms.-~Spasms after fright.-Cramps of the fingers, especially in the case of children, incapacitating them from work. Fever.-*Profuse or cold sweat. Stool. —~Asiatic cholera, especially when veratrum and arsenic had proved ineffectual. Abdomen.-O Colic, with pain in the small of the back and thighs. Female Parts. —Metrorrhagia, after miscarrriage, ~or after confinement, with meteorism of the uterus. —Prolapsus of the womb, after hard labor.-~Nocturnal cramps in the calves and soles of the feet during pregnancy. ~Threatened miscarriage. SELENIUM. (See Jahr, p. 349.) Skin. —~Itch, setting in after the measles. SENEGA. (See Jahr, p. 350.) EyeS.-~Promotes the absorption of the lens, when it had been broken by the operator. Windpipe.-OFrequent cough, early in the morning, with difficult expectoration, wheezing breathing, racking pain in the chest, difficulty of lying on one side, loss of appetite, hard hearing, drawing in the limbs, &c.-Influenza, with tickling and burning in the fauces and throat, &c. _,.1) TX 538 SEPIA. SENNA. ~Sleeplessness, with cries and restlessness, especially in the case of infants.-~ Colicky pains, especially of little children. SEPIA. (See Jahr, p. 353.) General Symptoms.-~Affections of females, especially of females with a weak constitution and a fine, delicate, sensitive skin. - *Affections of the capillary system. —~Nervous ailments. — ~Bad effects of chagrin.-~Rheumatic affections, especially in the case of tall and slender persons, with disposition to sweat and alternate chilliness and heat.-~Pains as if sprained, especially when using the affected parts, also at night, and in bed. —Tension in some parts, as if too short.- *Liability of the limbs to going to sleep, especially after manual labor.~Slraining of the ligaments (when Rhus t. ceased to effect any good). Skin. —~Dropsy of drunkards.-"Altered color of the skin, in pregnant females. —ODry itch or itch-like eruptions (should be used, in conjunction with Causticumn, for itch which had been treated allopathically, internally with Sulphur, and Mercury). Fever. —After getting wet: violent chill, followed by fainting turns, and next day catarrh.-After taking a cold drink: excessive chilliness, and watery, slimy diarrhcea, continuing until bedtime. Head. — ~Headache, as if the brain were grasped with talons. —Sepia is suitable for hysteric headaches; or for chronic nervous headaches, especially when the pain is semilateral, stitching, when leucorrhbea sets in between the paroxysms, and the patient is affected with frequent sweats, especially a peculiar fetid sweat in the axillae and on the soles of the feet. Eyes.-*Painfitl heaviness of the lids, on waking, as if they were oppressed by a heavy weight. Nose. —~Nosebleed, whenever the nose is touched rather hard. Face. —Faceachle of pregnant females. — Facearhe in the case of a man of 58 years, striking from the supra-orbital region upwards and from the zygoma inwards; the pain had existed for ten years past, and camle on every summler, the more violent the greater the heat. Teeth. —Drawing pain iln a hollow tooth, also extending to the armls and fingers. —~0,titchling tooth ach". —vSwlo'ing of the gums, also painflul or witlh blleeding. SIICEbx. 539 Appetite, &C. —Aversion to bread, in the lcase of pregnant females.-~Aversion to milk. —~A gooddeal of thirst, especially early in the morning. —Painfiul feeling of hunger in the stomach, as if empty.'Gastric Symptoms. — Waterbrash, especially after drinking, Oor preceded by a turning sensation in the stomach. Stomach. —Paia in the pit of the stomach, when walking. -— ~Cardialgia, with spasms of the chest. —~Heat in the stomach, with sensation as if eating would afford relief. Stool. —Chronic diarrhkna of females, accompanied by lenucrrhea, hysteria, hemicfrania, hysteric sweat, flEshes of heat, frequent dcills, especially during stoo. — Discharge of'mucus from the rectuma, also with stite~hing atdc tearing. Female Parts —~Prolapsus of the vagina. —Aff5ards relief in scirrhus and cancer of the womb. —~Is an indispensable remedy for ailmnents incidental to a change of life in females.0Ailments during pregnancy. — Stitches in the pudendumn, sometimes striking up to the umbilicus. Windpipe. —OCough of pregnant females. Chest. —Palpitation of the heart. Back. —O~Throbbing, ~pressing pain in tire small of the back. Lower Extremities.-"0Spontaneois fimping, the limb becomes shorter, and a bubbling, undulating pain is felt in the limb from:above downwards, passing through the big toe, and then commencing again at the hip-joint after a jerk in this part.-~Twitching of the feet, during sleep. — Ulcers on the dorsa of the feet. —lntolerable itching of the toes, with peeling off of the skin (after iusing a high potency). SILICE1. (See Jahr, p. 359.) Genueral Symptoms. —~Muscular debility of children, and difficulty of learning to walk. —Chronic rheumatism and gout. -OScrrofula and rachitis, also when the head is very large, and the fontanelles remain open too long. —~Painful crepitation of the tendons, caused by heavy work (in thle case of locksmiths, printels, etc.); it is perceived when pressure is made on the parts, or when they are moved; the affected limb is stiff *and painful in consequence.-~Most of the symptoms of Silicea come on during new moon. Skin. —Induration and suppuration of glandular swellings. -oScirrhous indurations. —Cancer of the skin. Sleep. -*Anxious dreams about serpents. —He escapes from his bed during sleep. Fever. —Hectic fever, during chronic suppurations. ~4G1 SG(LANC' M T'Y1]R~OSCM AEGRUTAPi6. Head, —~Pains caused by organic disease, excessive stardy;, or by nervous exhaustion brought on by some cause or other, when there is vertigo, weakness of memory. EyeS.-~Paroxysms of sudden blindness. Appetlte. —Constaxt hanger, without being satiated, by eating, even when the stomach feels fulL —Desires only cold and raw food. Stool. —Several papeseent stools, daily. Feallak Parts.-Previous tol the menses' diarrhcea. - eDuring the menses: icy-cold feet, colic. Back. — Absesis of the psoas-musele. Extremlties. —Panarriti a, wih proud flesh or aries — *Tearing under the nails. SOLANITM NIGRUIM. This agent has removed the following symptoms, when caused by poisonous doses of spurred rye: —Tingling in the extremities; convals'ioas; ~contraction of the flexor-tendons, as though one would hop about; Ospasmodie contortion of the extremities; ~tonic spasms; 0epileptic attacks; Orage; ~imbecility; Orinu& sardonius. — Contraction of the hands; ~drawing in the fngers; Ocramps in the calves; inversion of the feet. SOLANLUM TUBEROSUM AEGROTANS. General Symptoms.-General and partial debility.Debility, she is about to faint.-Weariness in all the limbs, on waking.-Pain as if bruised, in bed, preventing her from stirring.-Cold water causes a sense of oppression. Skill.-Small pimples on the back; causing a violent itching.- Small red pimples on the cheeks.-The skin in the face peels off a little. Sleep.-Irrresistible drowsiness. -Very sleepy in the evening.-Restless sleep.-Starting from sleep, as in affright.Sleepless.-Confused dreams, about fires, revolution, corpses, thieves, &c.-Amorous dream.-He dreams that he is to dress or draw the body of a drowned person, but is prevented in consequence of the body falling all the time on the clothes or paper.-Dreams about men who become transformed to talking animals.-He dreams that his hands are cut to pieces.-He dreams that he is falling from a steeple.-She dreams that she is eating human flesh.-She dreams that she is swimming in a river, and that she cannot get out of it. Fever.-Chilliness and sensation of internal coldness.Coldness, with chattering of teeth. - Repeated chilly creepings SOLANUM TtftEROSUM AEGROTANS. i41 through the whole body, in the evening.-Feeling of coldness all over, she is tunable to get warm, her cheeks being very red, in the afternoon. —Heat all over, with sweat. —Violent paroxysms of heat, suddenly passing through the whole body, and proceeding from the vertex. —Alternate burning heat and chilliness, at night, in bed.-Exhalations from the skin, when performing the least work. —Sweat all over, early in the morning, in bed.-Cold night-sweat.-The sweat smells of potatoes, in bed.-Pulse irritated; irregular; hard and tense. Emotive Sphere. —Quarrelsome, irritable mood.-Dread of work. —Hypochondriac mood. —She wants to enjoy a change of scenery, &c.-She fancies she is miserable, and dwells much on the future. Sentient Sphere. —Crowd of ideas. —His attention is easily disturbed by other things. iead. —Heat in the head, evening. —Heaviness of the head; in the vertex; on stooping and then raising the head again.Catarrhal dulness of the head, especially the forehead.-Headache at noon; increased by the smell of spirits.-The head feels too heavy, she has to make an effort to support it.Pressure above the eyes, on waking. —In the forehead: violent pain, all day; stitching pain; with dulness of the head, and disposition to fall forwards.-Slight beating in the temples.Sensation as if the hair would be torn out on the vertex. Eyes.-Prickling about the lids, the surface of which is red. -Spasmodic contraction and twitching of the left upper lid.Burning in the lids. —Prickling and burning in the eyes.Congestion of the conjunctiva.-Lachrymation on waking. Ears.-Ringing in the left ear. Nose. —Repeated sneezing, followed by feeble cough. —Nosebleed. Face.-Face hot and red.-Mounting of heat to the face, now and then. — Upper lip bleeding, cracked. Teeth. —Swelling of the mucous membrane of the inner margin of the two incisores.-Teeth covered with white mucus. Mouth.-Dry mouth — Salt taste.-Taste of raw potatoes.The mucous membrane of the velum palati seems to become detached here and there.-Tongue swollen, cracked, early in the morning; coated white or yellowish-white; or coated white, with red tip, or yellowish along the mesian line.Prickling in the right half of the tongue. Throat.-Inflamed fauces, she is unable to swallow the saliva. Appetite. —Canine hunger.-Food tastes bitter as gall.Great desire for liquor and oranges. 542 SOLANUM TUBEROSUM AEGROTANS. Gastric Symptoms.-Eructations followed by rumbling in the stomach.-Sour eructations causing a cough. —Acidity, bitterness, and gulping-up, after eating. —Cardialgia after breakfast, dinner, and supper. Stomach.-Pain in the stomach, with red face, after breakfast.-Spasmodic pains, griping-tearing at night. Abdomen.-Pains and working in the bowels, early in the morning. —Painfulness of the abdomen to contact along the mesian line.-In the abdomen: pain after eating; spasmodic pains, as though the bowels became twisted together; dull pains in the hypogastric region, at night; pain with chilliness; rumbling; the clothes cause a feeling of tightness.-Emission offlatulelnce, also with colic. -Pain as if sprained, in the right groin. Stool and Anus.-Frequent urging to stool. —Stool scanty, with straining, passing off in small, black lumps; she has to strain until tears come; hard, large, lumpy; with violent burning in the anus and rectum; hard and large, followed by two liquid stools.-Copious, greenish-yellow diarrhceic stool.Constipation for five (lays.-Violent colic previous to stool.Alternate protrusion and retraction of the rectum during stool, with feeling of chilliness in the body. Urinary Organs.-Urine reddish, mingled with mucus.Thick urine; it becomes covered with white mucus after standing; turbid, of a dingy-yellow, with copious white sediment; turbid, dingy-yellow, covered with an oily pellicle.-Pain in the urethra, after urinating. Sexual Parts.-Weight in the right testicle, the whole day.-Suppression of the menses.-Menses smelling of foul fish, mixed with black coagula.-Small pimples and intolerable itching of the labia.-Spasmodic pains striking through the uterus.-Burning and itching in the vagina. Windpipe. —In the windpipe: tearing, prickling, with cough; tearing, with phlegm; sensation as of an obstacle, followed by cough and expectoration of a lump of hard,'yellowishgray mucus. —Hoarseness, on waking. - Cough, with expectoration of yellow Imucus, at n'ght -Dry cough, day and night.Cough, as from stoppage in the pharynx.-Expectoration of lumps of black blood, early in the morning. Chest.- Constriction and difficulty of breathing, caused by dryness of the mouth. —Oppression after supper. —Tearing in the chest, also with dryness of the mouth.-Sensation, on making the least motion, as though a hollow body were moving about in the chest quickly and with a noise, after which she fancies she will faint, early in the morning. —Prickling as from a thousand pins, on the inner surface of the sternum. —Violent SPIGELIA. 543 stitching pain above the right breast.-The mamme are painful, especially when raising the arm. —Congestions to the chest.-Acute pain in the left side, like a stitch.-Painful stitches in the right side.-Palpitation of the heart, for moments; at night; when lying; when raising one's-self; as though the heart would turn; with fainting feeling; with oppression of the chest (less when lying); irregular (after eating). Back.-Violent beating in the spine, early, when lying.Prickling sensation in the spine, during sleep, waking her.Stinging pain in the large dorsal muscle, right side, when drawing breath. —Burning and painful sensation on the fifth dorsal vertebra, caused by the friction of the clothes. — Sensation of weariness in the whole back.-Stiffness in the muscles of the back.-Sense of weight in the back part of the neck.Sensation as if something on the os sacrum became detached. -Pain at the sacrum, when walking or touching the part.Tingling at the os sacrum. —Beating in right shoulder.Prickling in the psoas-muscles. -Violent beating in the loins. -Pain in the lumbar vertebrae, impeding walking.-Intolerable pain in the lumbar region, obliging her to walk bent. Upper Extremities.-Feeling of weariness in the muscles, posteriorly. — Pain as if sprained, in the right upper arm, after leaning on the elbow.-Beating in the middle portion of the triceps brachealis.-Heat in the hands.-Stinging in the left little finger. —Beatingf in the right ring-finger. Lower Extremities. -Acute pains in the hip-joint, caused by the least motion.-Painful pressure on the hip-joint, as with an iron bar, compelling her to lie down. —In the left gluteus muscle: beating; pain, accompanied by loathing.Lancinations in the posterior part of the right thigh.-Weary feeling in the muscles of the right side, after walking.-Feeling of dislocation in the hip-joint, with pain in the womb, after a slight exertion.-Shooting pain in the posterior and inferior femoral muscles, when bending the knee. —Beating in the internal femnoral muscles. — Alternate beating and throbbing above the patella, in both limbs.-Pain as if sprained, in the whole of the vertebral column, striking through the posterior parts of the thighs, and extending down to the heels.-Drawing pain in the posterior part of the right lower limb, from the gluteus muscle down to the heel. SPIGELIA. (See Jahr, p. 365.) General Symptoms.-~Fainting turns, especially when straining at stool, or in a warm room. — Love of drinking. 544 sTANNUM. Head. —~ Typical pains, especially in the left brain, tearing, boring, stitching, worse in the evening, aggravated by motion, making a wrong step, noise, tall, opening the mouth, and when lying down.-ONervous-rheumatic headache, with achingstinging pains, extending to the face and nape, aggravated by contact, motion, and noise. —~Megrim on the left side, a digging-tearing, pressing pain, aggravated by stooping, noise, and the least exercise in the open air. Face.-~Prosopalgia, with anguish about the heart, and great restlessness;- ~Violent prosopalgia, with shining swelling of the affected side; the part does not bear contact, nor can it be moved. Teeth.-~Pains in the teeth, with faceache, pale, bloated face, yellow margins around the eyes, palpitation of the heart, chilliness, and restlessness. SPONGIA TOSTA. (See Jahr, p. 368.) Windpipe.-OBurning in the larynx and trachea.-*Larynx dry and ~rough. Chest. —~Breathing quick, anxious, labored, also with danger of suffocation and rattling in the chest. SQUILLA MARITIMA. (See Jahr, p. 371.) Head. —Beating in the head, when rising. Nose.-~Inflammation of the Schneiderian membrane. Appetite.-Very thirsty, but can only drink little at a time, on account of the dyspncea. Windpipe. —Dry cough, in short paroxysms. STACHYS RECTA. According to Dr. Maly (see Hygea xvii. p. 322) two cases of rheumatism of the face were cured speedily and thoroughly by bathing the parts with a warm infusion of the cut herb. STANNUM. (See Jahr, p. 373.) Sleep.-* Sleeplessness, continually. Gastric Symptoms. —Very weak digestion. Abdomen. -~Stitching in the region of the spleen. Chest. —~Cough caused by lying on the side. —Influenza, when it threatens to change to mucous phthisis. STRONTIANA. 545 STAPHYSAGRIA. (See Jahr, p. 376.) General Symptoms. —Scorbutic affections. —Semilateral paralysis, after chagrin. Skin. -~Suppurating, humid herpes, forming crusts.~Polypus. Fever. —~Tertian fever, with scorbutic symptoms. —Cold sweat, on the forehead and feet. —~Inability to sweat, even when trying ever so hard, with paleness of the face and headache. Eyes. —Swelling of both lids, with a number of incipient styes, nocturnal agglutination, aching pain, sometimes burning. Gastric Symptoms. —~Bitter eructations, after eating sour things. Stomach. -Pressure at the stomach, with tension, aggravated or excited again by eating, especially by eating bread. Windpipe.-~Dry and hollow cough. Chest. —Spasm of the diaphragm, after an attack of anger and chagrin. Upper Extremities. —The whole of the lower arm is covered with cowpock-shaped ulcers, yellow within, and surrounded with broad red borders. STRAMONIUM. (See Jahr, p. 380.) Fever.-OAcute gastric fever, with twitching of the arms and fingers.-~ Typhoid fever, with loss of consciousness; ~also with anasarca, after scarlet or purple-rash. Sentient Sphere.-*Does not even recognise his own relatives. —~Illusion of the fancy, as though his body were cut through in the middle. —~Cerebral affections and delirium during and after an attack of vesicular erysipelas.-~Religious mania, he looks very pious and seems full of devotion, ~kneels in bed, and jumps up with a loud shriek and wild gestures, when touchbed ever so slightly. Face. —*Distortion of the features, as if caused by pain. Male Parts. —Emission of semen, mixed with blood, Lower Extremities. —Small pustule on the left leg, towards the calf, causing much redness, beat and pain, and discharging shortly a hot and acrid water. STRONTIANA. (See Jahr, p. 383.) Eyes. —~Removes colored appearances, which sometimes remain after a successful operation on the eye, especially when every thing has the color of blood, 646 ttLPHtn. Gastric Symptoms. —Violent chronic pressure at the stomach, during the period of digestion. Windpipe. ~Phthisis.-oCopious, difficult expectoration of white pus, with considerable chilliness and coldness. Extremities. - ~Cramps in the calves and soles of the feet. O~Edema of the left foot. SULPHUR. (See Jahr, p. 3S5.) General Symptoms. —Chronic effects from the abuse of wine and coffee. —Consequences of taking cold (by standing in the water, or by exposure to damp and cold weather).~Acute articular rheumatism. —Wandering gout. —~ Cracking of the joints. — Spasms during dentition. — Trembling of the extremities, in the case of drunkards.-~Stooping when walking. —Difficulty of learning to walk, in the case of children.~Weakness of the extremities, with tingling. —Nervous debility. -OScrofulous atrophy. Skin. —~Rash on the extremities, with violent gnawingitching.-~Small-pox, during the suppurative stage. —Dry, furfuraceous herpes. —~Herpes consisting of thick crusts, of a grayish-yellow color, with burning itching. —~Herpes consisting of red spots, with watery vesicles.-~OHorny warts. — Ulcers, surrounded with pimples, with raised, swollen edges. —Proudflesh in the ulcers. —Jaundice; ~chlorosis; ~dropsy, especially ascites or anasarca. —~Red, hot, arthritic or rheumatic swellings. —~Pale, tense, hard swellings. Sleep.-At night, in bed: *violent headache; *throbbing in the head, waking one; ~thirst; ~pressure at the stomach, abating after eructations; Oflatulent colic; stitches in the abdomen, followed by emission of flatulence; palpitation of the heart. Head. —~Is especially suitable for headache affecting the vertex and forepart of the head, with heat in the head, and cold feet, constriction of the head, ringing in the ears, and throbbing.-0 Congestive headaches, attended with constipation or piles, or caused by suppression of inveterate ulcers, eruptions, piles. Eyes. —The lids burn and feel as if bruised. —~Styes.ORheumatic, arthritic, catarrhal ophthalmia; ~ophthalmia neonatorum.-0-Redness of the iris, ~of the whites, of the conjunctiva. —~ Chronic chemosis with ulcers on the cornea, after suppression of the itch. Face.~-Face bloated, yellowish. — Crusta lactea, groups of small, white vesicles on the forehead, cheeks, and at the tUtPHtTRIS ACIDUM. 547 lids, with scurfs and itching in the evening. —0 Cancerous, painless ulcers in the face. Teeth. —~Hard swelling of the gums, discharging blood and pus. —Spongy excrescence, growing again in spite of cutting, cauterization, pulling out a tooth, &c.; accompanied by stinging drawing pain in the jaws, frequent chilliness and heat in the evening, and coldness of the extremities. Appetite, &c.-After eating: ~nausea, ~vomiting; ~rising of the food to the throat; ~cardialgia; ~weariness in the extremities. Stomach. —Pressure at the stomach, with burning; ~extending to the chest, back; ~hypochondria and abdomen. -~Pressure at the stomach as from a lump. —Compressive sensation at stomach, with vomiting. Stool.-0 Constipation, from piles. —~Diarrhcea, consisting of white mucus, day and night. —Prolapsus of the rectum, during stool, in the case of feeble, scrofulous children. Urine. —Painful discharge of bloody urine, drop by drop, with great straining.-~Urine at times clear, at times saturated, with a thick sediment. -~Rose-colored urine. — Old gonorrhcea, smelling like old cheese. Male Parts. —~Hydrocele, especially of scrofulous persons. Female Parts. —~Prolapsus of the uterus. Windpipe.-~Sensation as if something had lodged in the larynx. —~Aphonia. —oDry cough, with hoarseness, dryness in the throat, and discharge of clear water from the nose. —~Dry cough, in the evening, or at night, also towards morning, with a little expectoration, and sensation as if small vesicles were breaking in the chest. -Laryngeal phthisis. —OCopious, viscous, purulent expectoration.- When coughing: Oheadache; stitching in the head; vomiting; stitches in the chest. Chest. —Phthisis and tubercles in the lungs. Upper Extremities. —~Red tips on the dorsa of the hands. -OPain as if sprained in the shoulders, with tearing and burning; the parts do not bear either contact or motion or the warmth of the bed, and the forearm is swollen. Lower Extremities. —Pain in the ischiatic bones, as if ulcerated, when touched; on rising from a seat, the thighs feel as if gone to sleep, with pinching at the ischium. —~Chilblains. SULPHURIS ACIDUM. (See Jahr, p. 394.) Skin. —~tching of the skin and breaking out of pustules here and there, after imperfectly cured itch. Fever. —oProfuse sweat, especially when breaking out while 548 TARTARUS EMETICUS. sitting and passing off during motion. —~Flashes of heat, in females, after suppression of the courses. Emotive Sphere. —~Anxious and oppressed; exaltation of spirits alternating with depression. Gastric Symptoms. —Acidity in the throat. Abdomen. — Continual pressing of the hernia through the ring, with smarting pain as from excoriation (even after the reduction of hernia). —Incarceration of hernia, especially on the left side, the patient having a melancholy-phlegmatic temperament (with sanguineo-choleric patients Nux v. is preferable). i. i TABACUM. (See Symptomnen- Codex, vol. ii. p. 935.) Stool. —Asiatic and sporadic cholera, according to Dr. Knorre, when the following symptoms occur: —Discharges by the mouth and rectum, consisting of a whitish liquid, accompanied by fainting turns; the vomiting sets in as soon as the patient raises himself or stirs; the alvine evacuations take place at short intervals, the face is deathly-pale, the features are altered, the body is cool, pulse small and feeble; or else, when the following symptoms are present:-Vomiting, attended with general cramps, loss of consciousness, involuntary stools without the knowledge of the patient, the evacuations take place simultaneously upwards and downwards in rapid succession, the body is cold, features altered, debility and thirst excessive. TARAXACUM. (See Jahr, p. 397.) Fever. —Sweat all over, the whole night, with frequent waking, sensation of heat all over, and glowing cheeks. Gastric Symptoms. —~Gastric derangement. TARTARUS EMETICUS. (See Jahr, p. 398.) General Symptoms. - OApoplexy. Head. —Violent aching pain, especially above the eyes, from twelve to two o'clock, every day, with sick feeling, coated tongue, slimy taste, loss of appetite, distended abdomen, constipation.-~Humid scald-head. Teeth. — lntermittent rheumatic toothache, with tearing pain in the face and head on the same side, aggravated by warmth and in bed, eased by cold, coming on and exacerbating THUJA OCCIDENTALIS. 549 every evening, abating towards morning; in a case of relapse, after Pals. had effected a cure the flrst time. Appetite. —~Bitter taste in mouth. Gastric Symptoms. —~Bitter and sour vomiting, also at night. —Asiatic cholera. Stool. —Diarrhlua in summer, after taking cold, worse at night, with irresistible desire for cold water. Sexual Parts. —Eruptions on the scrotum. Windpipe.-~ Whooping-cough, when the most violent paroxysms set in at night, with vomiting of mucus and food. Chest.- Pneulmonia, especially when complicated with gastric and bilious symptoms, or in the stage of hepatization, or when, after the inflammatory symptoms have abated, the oppression and anguish increase, and the pulse becomes small, soft, irregular; the physical symptoms (dulness of sound on percussion, crepitating rale, or bronchial respiration) point to hepatization. TALUS BACCATA. (See Symptomen-Codex, vol. ii. p. 957.) Skin. —~Erysipelas neonatorum. TEREBINTHINA. (See Symptomen-Codex, vol. ii. p. 960.) Urinary Organs. —Chronic cystitis. Sexual Organs. —Excessively painful erections. TEUCRIUM. (See Jahr, p. 402.) General Symptoms.-*Tremulous, nervous excitement in the whole body. —Polypus. Female Parts.-~Pedunculated, pear-shaped, smooth polypus of the vagina, protruding to the length of three inches in front of the hymen which remained intact, in the case of a girl of twenty-five years; used in the shape of embrocations, fomentations. THERIDION. (See Jahr, p. 404.) THUJA OCCIDENTALIS. (See Jahr, p. 405.) Head. - Mlegrim, especially when caused by former excesses, 550 fILIAt FLORESM characterized by a tearing pain in the forepart of the head, and in the face down to malar bone, and a sensation as if a convex button were pressed on the brain in the neighborhood of the sutures, or as if a nail were pushed into the brain. Back. —Tension of the skin at the nape of the neck. TILIE FLORES. General Symptoms. —General sick feeling, languor (on waking).-Excessive weariness and prostration, after exercise. — The left half of the body seems to be principally affected; warmth aggravates the symptoms; exercise in the open air sometimes diminishes the pains in the bowels, and improves the spirits, but on the other hand excites or aggravates the rheumatic sensations in the extremities. Skin.-Heat, rush of blood, and redness of the skin all over, with prickling itching (especially in bed).-Sensation as if the skin were swollen.-Clusters of small, reddish-white, deepseated little blotches on the arms, hands and neck, afterwards on the chin, back, nates, sexual parts, thighs, and around the knees, with horrible itching and smarting-biting (especially in bed) and burning like fire after scratching until blood comes; accompanied by glowing heat of the body. Sleep.-Frequent spasmodic yawning (with chilly creeping). -Drowsiness and going to sleep involuntarily.-Stupefying nap after dinner.-Restless, unrefreshing night-sleep, with confused and anxious dreams.-Difficulty of falling asleep (with itching of the skin).-Stupefying sleep towards morning, with desire to uncover one's-self.-Delirious talk, on waking. Fever.-Feverish chilliness and chilly creepings (with gooseflesh), alternating with flushes of heat (especially in the face), particularly towards evening.-General increase of temperature (with catarrh).-Vascular erethism, towards the head and chest.-Burning of the face, feet, with hot breath, hurried, full, tense pulse. Emotive Sphere. —Ill-humor, or low-spirited, melancholy mood. Sentient Sphere. —Vertigo, with gauze before the eyes, dulness of the head, fulness of the forepart of the head, with great languor, and occasional sickness at the stomach. Head. —Head heavy, dull, as if intoxicated (worse after eating, also early, on waking), with redness and heat of the body and face.-Catarrh, with sensation as if the head were swollen.-Stinging pain in the forehead, with heat of the head and face.-Crampy-aching pain in the forepart cf the head; also at night, in the eyes, sometimes in the occiput. —Tearing TILMA FLORES. 551 in one half of the head, as if through the ears and mastoid processes. Integuments of the Head.-Chilliness and shuddering of the hairy scalp.-Itching and clusters of pimples on the hairy scalp. Eyes.-Eyes big as if swollen, or swollen by tears.-Sensation as if warmth or coldness were suddenly passing through the eyes.-Swimming of the eyes and dimness of sight as if through a gauze, with vertigo. Ears.-Sensation of distention and obstruction in the ears. -Stitching and tearing in the ears, with heat and buzzing. Nose.- Tickling in the nose. Face.-In the face: heat, with hot forehead and dulness of the head; sensation as if something alive were creeping over the face, or as if a piece of ice were passed over it, burning, or cutting, especially in the region of the malar bones, towards the ears and lower jaws; itching, especially under the eyes, with hard blotches (pimples) which sometimes are seated near the corners of the mouth. Teeth.-They are sensitive to cold water.-Drawing, in the gums. Mouth.-Sensation as if the buccal cavity were lined with thick mucus or tallow, and sensation of contraction as if caused by acrid substances, or numb feeling.-Tongue coated whiteyellowish.-Scraping at the palate, with tickling in the nose. Throat.-Roughness, with sensation as if the uvula had become elongated. Appetite and Taste.-Loss of appetite, &c.-Aversion to smoking.-Desire for something refreshing.-Loathing after eating. — Taste: slimy; flat; sweetish-insipid, also too acrid, as if the tongue were sore. Gastric Symptoms.-Belching of wind, also with foul taste.-Loathing and nausea, especially after eating, with drowsiness, dulness of the head, and heat in the face. —Desire to vomit. Stomach. —Sensation of the stomach being overloaded.Pressure at the stomach and spasmodic pain at the stomach.The region of the stomach feels as if swollen, tight; it is painful to the touch.-Oppression and rushes of blood in the pit of the stomach. Abdomen.-Short dull stitches in the hypochondria, worse when drawing a long breath; pain in the hypochondria when coughing.-Distention of the abdomen, with frequent emissions of flatulence.-The umbilical region is painful, with burning and drawing, which extends to the lower abdomen and small of the back.-Fulness and distention of the epigastrium (with 652 TUSSILAGO PETASITES. oppression of breathing), pressing towards the sides, back, and abdomen, as from incarcerated flatulence. —Rumbling in abdomen; movements as if diarrhoea would set in. Stool. —Frequent, hurried urging to stool, with scanty, papescent evacuations. —Emissions of flatulence, during which a little mucus having a putrid smell escapes from the rectum. -Creeping at the anus. Urinary Organs.-Continual painful urging to urinate. — iFrequent and copious emission of pale, watery urine.-Feeling as if the urethra were swollen internally, with stitches. Female Parts. —Pressing towards the groin (as when the menses are about to appear), and pain as if sore in the vagina and pudendum.-Menses delaying, feeble, and pale. Windpipe and Chest. —Rough and hoarse voice. —Weariness of the chest, with oppression.-Drawing in the pectoral muscles, extending to the back, arms, and nape of the neck. Extremities.-In the arms; languor and weakness, as if all the strength had been beaten out.-Tearing in the hands and fingers. —Weakness of the lower limbs. —Drawing, tearing, and tension in the lower limbs and their joints. —Burning and throbbing in the hip-joint, when sitting. —Pain in the ball of the foot, as if ulcerated. TONGO. (See Symptomen-Codex, vol. ii. p. 983.) TUSSILAGO FARFARA. This agent is recommended for scrofulous ophthalmia, hoarseness, cough. TUSSILAGO PETASITES. This agent is said to act particularly on the urinary organs, and to be an excellent remedy for gonorrhoea and gonorrhoeal diseases, rheumatism, gout. It cured a case of ophthalmia of two years' standing, which had developed itself in consequence of a suppression of gonorrhcea. Among the few pathogenetic symptoms which we possess of this agent, we will mention the following concerning the urinary and sexual organs. Previous to micturition, a drop of yellow mucus is discharged from the urethra, which, however, is not inflamed. Drawing in the testicles. —Itching in the inguinal canal. — Little jerks in the spermatic chprd, here and there, obliging VERATRUM ALBUM, 553 him to bend backwards. - Increased erections, at night; also in the day-time.-The sexual desire is quiet.-Nocturnal emissions; also less frequent. URTICA URENS. This remedy has been used for ~urticaria; ~burns; ~dysenteric diarrhcea; Oanasarca and ascites; anasarca after scarletfever. —It has caused an cedematous, painless, monstrous swelling of the whole head, neck, and chest, down to the umbilicus. UVA URSI. It has been used as a palliative in ascites, depending upon disease of the heart or liver. —It has also cured ~dysenteric diarrhcea; painful micturition, with burning; ~hoematuria.It produces green, slimy, purulent urine. "'..i...... I! - i VALERIANA OFFICINALIS. (See Jahr, p. 140.) VERATRUM ALBUM. (See Jahr, p. 141,) General Symptos. —OBad effects of fright, chagrin, or anger.-~Tonic spasms, with curvature of the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. —~ Catalepsy, with lockjaw, loss of sensation and motion, convulsive twitching of the eyes, and, previous to the paroxysms, anguish, despair, and being beside one's-self. —Has to lie or sit down; on attempting to rise, he experiences the most frightful anguish, with desire -to vomit, and cold sweat on the forehead. HIead. —Deserves attention in hemicrania, with aching, throbbing pain in one side of the head, with stiffness of the nape of the neck; the head feels as though it would burst, with vomiting. Eyes. —~Hemeralgia, commencing at twilight. Teeth. — Toothache, with nausea and vomiting, coldness and bruised feeling in all the limbs, cold sweat on the forehead, internal heat, and unquenchable thirst. Throat. —~Paralysis of the cesophagns. Appetite, &C.-~After eating, hiccough, inclination to vomit, gulping-up of a bitter fluid. Gastric Symptoms. —CThe vomiting is brought on again by the least motion, or by swallowing a little liquid.-~Cholerine. —~Asiatic cholera, with rice-water discharges by the 24 55 4 ~ s~EAGTETrS POLUS ARCTICUCS mouth and rectum; the body becomes cooler; or when the body is not yet cold, but blue spots show themselves here and there, the pulse is not quite filiform, and the oppression on the chest is moderate. Or it may be used for the foIIlowing symptoms: rice-water discharges, -unquenchable thirst, desire for ice water or acids, pressure in the pit of the stomach, cold, dead, blue skin, cold and clammy sweat, icy-coldness of the hands and feet, cramps in the calves, &c. Windpipe. —Spasms of the larynx.-o-Cough with vomiting. Lower Limbs.-~Icy-coldness of the feet. VERBASCIIUM. (See Jahr, p. 142.) VINCA MINOR. (See Symptomen-Codex, vol. ii.. 1011.) VIOLA ODORATA. (See Jahr, p. 143.) Eyes. —~Sensation of dryness and burning in the lids, with sensitiveness to the light, violent Closing of the lids, and irresistible drowsiness. VIOLA TRICOLOR. (See Jahr, p. 144.) ZINCUM. (See Jahr, p. 145.) Skin. —~Dropsy, especially when the patients complain of pains in the region of the kidneys. Fever.-~Scarlet-fever, in cases where the brain is involved. Female Parts. —Menses scanty, with toothache. Lower Extremities. —Varices on the leg. MAGNES ARTIFICIALIS. (See Jahr, p. 146.) MIGNETIS POLUS ARCTICUS. (See Jahr, p. 147.) Teeth. —oPain, ceasing during a walk in the open air, but returning again in the room. —~Sudden fine beating towards the eye, with inflammatory swelling of the gums, burning redness of one cheek, aggravation of the pain after eating and in a close room, diminution of the pain in the open air. LMAGNETIS POLUS 1USTRILIS. (See Jahrt p. 148.) PART SECOND. CONCISE REPERTORY TO JA'HR'S AND POSSART4'S MiANUALS; CONTAINING ~S RYTHING OF INTEREST AND IMPORTANCE IN OUR MATERIA MEDICA AND CL#ILVC4 RECORDS. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS ON THE USE OF THIS REPERTORY.* 1. THE following Repertory is not a mere index to the Manual, as has already been stated in the preface to the latter, but an independent work, containing a good many more indications than the Manual, and mentioning not only all the * The following Repertory is a combination of the repertories of Jahr and Possart. Possart's additional remedies, and the symptoms appertaining thereto, have been incorporated in Jahr's text, the form of which has been preserved. We subjoin a list of the remedies not contained in Jahr's original Manual and Repertory, and which have been added by Possart:Aethusa cynapium, Citri succus, Aloeis, Coccus cacti, Ammoniacum, Cochlearia armoracia. Ammonium causticum, Convolvulus arvensis, Anagallis arvensis, Corallia rubra, Anthrakokali, Croton tiglium, Aristolochia clematitis, Cuprum aceticum, Aristolochia serpentaria, Cynanchum vincetoxicum, Asparagus, Dictamnus albus, Aurum sulfuratum, Evonymus europea, Benzoicum acidum, Filix mas, Berberis vulgaris, Fragaria vesca, Calcarea arsenicosa, Geum, Calcarea caustica, Granatum, Calendula, Hydrocianicum acidum, Caltha palustris, Hypericum perfoliatum, Cancer fluviatilis, Indigo, Carduus benedictus, Jalappa, Carduus marianus, Juncus effusus, Castoreum, Kali hydriodicum, Chloroform, Lamium album, Cimex lectularius, Lobelia inflata, Cinchoninum sulphuricum, Magnesia sulphurica, Cinnabaris, Majorana, Cinnamomum, Mercurialis perennis, Cistus aonnadensis, Mercurius aceticus, 55 INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. remedies in common use, but likewise all other remedies, in important cases, though they may not be found in the Manual. 2. In speaking of general symptoms, such as tearing, stitching, vomiting (without any particular indication), nausea, sleeplessness, drowsiness, etc., and, in general, in mentioning symptoms which are common to all remedies; only such remedies have been named for the sake of brevity, as can claim the above-mentioned pains as characteristic symptoms. Hence the reader does not lose anything by this designed omission; all he has to do is to add after every symptom the words-All the remedies, but more particularly the following. It would have been an useless waste ofpaper to repeat these words after every general symptom. 3. The different kinds of print which I have made use of in this Repertory are intended to distinguish the symptoms as regards their quality and importance:(a). Cale. = (equal to) Cale.; this kind of print signifies that the symptom is an ordinary pathogenetic symptom, which has not yet been confirmed by clinical experience. (b). Calc. - (equal to) Cal c, or ~Calc.; this kind of print signifies that the symptom has been observed by a number o/'provers, or that it is merely a clinical symptom which had disappeared during treatment, without having been previously discovered by pure experiment. (c). CALC. -- (equal to) ~C a 1 c. or *Calc.; this kind of print signifies that the symptom had yielded to treatment in many cases without being a pathogenetic symptom; or else that it is a pathogenetic symptom, which has been abundantly confirmed by clinical experience. Mercurius dulcis, Ratanhia, Millefolium, Senna, Morphium, Solanum nigrum, Natrum sulphuricum, Solanum tuberosum, Niccoluin, Solanum aegrotans, Oleum animale, Stachys recta, Oleum jeeoris, Tabacum, Pteonia officinalis, Taxus baccata, Petroselinum, Terebinthina, Phellandrium aquat'cum, Tilive flores, Pinus sylvestris, Tongo, Polygonurn maritimum, Tussilago farfara, Raphanls sativus, Tussilago petasites. ;N~TRMDUCRTORY REMARK,. 5 59 (d). C A L C. = (equal to) *C a 1 c. (oralso ~C a 1 c); this kind of print signifies that the symptom is an eminently characteristic symptom, bothe clinically and plathoqeneticallly. 4. These four classes, although constituting a sort of graduated series, should nevertheless not be confounded with Bmenninghausen's division, for we have frequently been guided in our classification bv different views, and the reader will therefore have to decide whether I have classed the remedies in accordance with his own judgment regarding their intrinsic value. My great object has been to adopt such a standard of classification as would make the principle I have endeavored to carry out perfectly intelligible to the reader. 5. To facilitate the finding of a symptom, I have used only one alphabetical series in every chapter, containing both the principal indications and the secondary conditions in one alphabetical order. It happens in most cases that these secondary conditions are adjoined, as subdivisions, to the principal symptoms, as is the case under spasms, palpitation of the heart, nausea, chilliness, heat, sweat, vomiting, diarrhcea, etc. 6. The first chapteT of the Repertory contains the general symptoms, and likewise a sort of index, pointing to the chapter where particular affections are treated. If, therefore, a certain general symptom or disease, such as cholera, jaundice, chlorosis, influenza, &c., should not be found in this first chapter, the reader will at least find the name of the disease indicated, together with the chapter where the remedies will be found mentioned in detail. 7. This first chapter likewise contains a sort of synopsis of all the symptoms and conditions, together with the principal remedies related thereto; but these indications should not be looked upon as a mere mechanical juxtaposition of names; on the contrary, they are founded on the general character of the remedy as resulting from its characteristic mode of affecting the organism. This observation applies especially to to the conditions and periods as detailed in the first chapter.* * A mechanical enumeration of the symptoms is no safe guide in selecting a remedy. A remedy may, for instance, have 100 symptoms, 50 of which may have appeared in the evening; nevertheless it would be inferior to a remedy with 1500 symptoms and only 6 evening symptoms, provided these 6 symptoms show a disturbance of the whole organism, or of the most varied organs and systems; whereas the 100 symptoms belong only to one category of symptioms or to one organ 560 INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. 8. These introductory remarks are followed by a list of the principal remedies, with their usually employed abbreviations, antidotes, and analogous remedies. It will be seen that I likewise differ with Bcenninghausen as to what are principal remedies. I cannot decide whether my views are correcter than his; but it is evident that there may be a difference of views, and the results obtained, though different, may be qqually true. For the present these differences are of not much consequence, but they will be when the character of our remedies, and the limits of their action and use, shall be fully known. 9. This Repertory contains a good many more names of diseases than the Manual. Though I disapprove of mere names, yet they may be allowed in a Repertory, provided they are sufficiently explained by the subjoined remarks. I have not been sparing of such elucidating observations and subdivisions of general diseases; and in this way I have endeavored to benefit beginningq practitioners who have not yet learned to look for more than,mere names. The subdivisions which are annexed to the leading names will guide them further, and will enable them, I trust, to obtain the desired information. If it should, nevertheless, prove incomplete, then the reader is referred to my Clinical Guide for a more complete pathological arrangement of the different diseases. JAHR. or system. The reader will understand my views better when I shall have had leisure to publish two works, a rough sketch of which is now lying before me; they are, 1. An Analytic Diagnostic Arrangement of the Symptoms of the Yateria Mediea Pura; and, 2. The Conditions and Periods when the Remedies Develope agd Manifest their effects. The first of these works would probably have been published already if I had not been prevented by the duty of attending to this new edition of the Manual. LIST OF THE HOM CEOPATHIC REMEDIES CONTAINED IN THIS MANUAL; TOGETHER WITH tHEIR ABBREVIATIONS, SYNONYMES, DURATION OF ACTION, ANTIDOTES, AND ANALOGOUS REMEDIES. 1. Acon. —Aconitum napellus, monlk's-hood. —-Acts for 16 to 48 hours in acute cases: is antidoted by vinum, acid. veget. -Compare: ARN. ars. BELL. bry. cann. CANTH. CHAM. COFF. croc. dros. dulc. graph. hyosc. MERC. N. VOM. op. petr. PHOSPH. p]uls. ruta SEP. spig. spong. SULPH. veratr.Previously: arn. sulph.-Afterwards: arn. ars. BELL. BRY. cann. ipec. spong. sulph.-It antidotes: cham. coff. n-vom. petr. sep. sulph. veratr. 2. Aeth.-Aethusa cynapium, garden-hemlock. —Acts from 3 to 4 weeks.-Is antidoted by: vegetable acids.-Compare: cic. con. cupr. and the other preparations of copper.-It antidotes: opium. 3. Agar. —Agaricus muscarius, bug-agaric. —Acts for more than 40 days.-Is antidoted by: camph. coff. puls. vin.Compare: acon. bell. cof. graph. nux vom. op. phosph.puls. staph. 4. Alots.-Aloes gurnmi. —Is antidoted by: vinegar and vegetable acids.-Large doses act from 8 to 12 days; small doses from 12 to 24 hours.-Compare: carb-v. puls. sabin. sulp. calc. carb. cham. coloc. jal. nux v. phosp. rheum. 5. A g n.-Agnus castus, vitex agnus castus, chaste-tree. - Acts from 8 to 14 days in chronic cases.-Antidotes?Compare: cupr. natr-m. nitr-ac. oleand. plat. selen. sep. 6. A 1 u m.-Alumina, aluminium oxydatum, argilla pura, terra aluminosa, pure clay.-Acts 40 days.-Antidotes: [camph.] cham. ipec. —Compare: ars. baryt. bell. bry. calc. 24* 562 rLIST O HOMCOPATHIC REMEDIES. cltan. ign. ipec. lach. led. magn-c. merc. nux vom. phosph. plumb. rhus. sil. sulph. 7. A m b r.-Ambra grisea, ambra ambrosiaca, ambergris.Acts from 6 to 7 weeks.-Is antidoted by: nux vom. 8. Ammoniacum.-Gum ammoniac.-Acts from 12 hours to 3 weeks. —Compare; bell. dulc. hep-s. merc. nitr. puls. seneg. stan. sulp. tart. emet. 9. A m m.-Ammonium carbonicum, carbonate of ammonia. -Acts for 40 days.-Is antidoted by: arn. camph. hep.Compare: amm-nm. arn. ars. bell. bry. chin. ferr. graph. hep. kal. lach. laur. lye. mang. nux vom. phosph. puls. rhus. sil. staph. sulph. 10. Am. caust.-Ammonium causticum, caustic ammonia.Acts from 12 hours to 28 days.-Is antidoted by-: dilute vinegar.-Compare: am-carb. am-mur. 11. Amm. m.-Ammonium muriaticum, muriate of ammonia. — Acts for some weeks. —Is antidoted by: arn. camph. hep. nux vom. 12. Anac.-Anacardium orientale, semicarpus anacardium, Malacca-bean.-Acts 30 days.-Compare; acon. ars. calc. nux vom. oleand. 13. Anagallis arvensis, scarlet pimpernel, red chickweed. 14. Ang.-Angustura, cortex angusturae, bonplandia trifoliata, Willd.-Is antidoted by: coff.-Compare: canth. carb-a. carb-v. coff. mere. plat. 15. Anthrak.-Anthrakokali, anthracite coal.-Acts for several weeks.-Compare: ant-cr. bry. carb-a. carb-v. kali. rhus-t. verat. 16. Ant.-Antimonium crudum, stibium sulphuratum nigrum, crude antimony.-Acts 60 days.-Is antidoted by: hep. mere. puls.-Compare: aeon. ars. cham. coff. hep. ipec. mere. nux vom. puls. sep. sulph. tart. 17. Arg.-Argentum foliatum, silver.-Is antidoted by: mere. puls.-Compare: aur. bell. chin. hep. mere. nitr-ac. nux vom. puls. plat. stann. 18. Arg. n. —Argentum nitricum, nitrate of silver.-Is antidoted by: puls.-Compare no. 17. 19. Aristolochia clematitis, morning-glory. 20. Aristol.-Aristolochia serpentaria, snake-root. 21. Arn.-Arnica montana, leopard's-bane.-Acts 4 weeks.Is antidoted by: camph. ipec.-Wine increases the pains.It antidotes: amm. chin. cic. ferr. ipec. seneg.-Compare: aeon. amm. ars. bell. bry. cham. chin. cic. cin. ferr. ipec. natr. puls. rhus. ruta, staph. sulph-ac. veratr.- Is frequently suitable after: aeon. ipec. veratr.-After it are suitable: aeon. ipec. rhus. sulph-ac. LIST OF tROMCEOPATHIC REMEDIES. 663 22. Ars.-Arsenicum albuml, arsenic. —Acts 6 weeks. —Is antidoted by: chi;i. ferr. graph. hep. ipec. nux vom. samb. veratr. (large doses by soap and iron-rust).-It antidotes: carb-v. chin. graph. ipee. lach. veratr.-Compare: acon. amrn. bell. carb-v. chain. chin. ferr. graph. hep. i2ec. lach. nux vorl. pklosph. puls. rhus. sanmb. sulph. veratr.-Suitable after: aeon. arn. bell. chin. ipec. lac1. veratr.-After it are suitable: chin. ipec. nux vorn. sulph. veratr. 23. Asa.-Asa foetida, ferula asa foetida.-Acts 7 weeks.-Is antidoted by: caus. chin. electr.-It antidotes: merc. puls. -Compare: ant. aur. caus. chin. coff. con. mere. nux vom. phosph. plat. puls. rhus. tart. thztj.-Suitable after: puls. thuj.-After it are suitable: caus. pals. 24. Asar.-Asarum europtrnm, hazelwort.-Is antidoted by: camph. ac. veget. —Compare: aeon. hep. puls. sep. stram. 25. Aspar.-Asparagus.-Acts from 12 hours to 7 days.-Is antidoted by: coffea.-Compare: am. cann. dig. spig. 26. Aur.-Aurum foliatum, gold.-Acts for 6 weeks.-Is antidoted by: bell. chin. cupr. nmerc.-It antidotes: mere. spig.-Compare: asa. bell. chin. cupr. hep. lach. merc. nitrac. nux vom. puls. spig.-Suitable after: bell. chin. puls. 27. Aur. m.-Aurumn muriatiotln, muriate of gold. —Compare: aurum f. 28. Aur. sulf.-Sulfuret of gold.-Compare: aurum f. and aur. mur. 29. Baryt.-Baryta carbonica. —Acts 50 days. —Is antidoted by: bell. camph. dule. merc.-Compare: alum. bell. calc. saus. cham. chin. dulc. lach. magn-c. merc. natr. phosph. sep. sil. sulph. tart. 30. Bar. m.-Baryta muriatica, muriate of baryta. —Compare: bar. carb. 31. Bell.-Belladonna, atropa belladonna, deadly night-shade. -Acts for weeks.-Is antidoted by: coff. hep. hyosc. puls. vinum (vinegar aggravates the symptoms).-It antidotes: aeon. cupr. ferr. hyosc. merc. plat. plumb.-Compare: acon. anim. amrn. canth. cham. chin. coff. con. cupr. dulc. ferr. hep. hyosc. lach. merc. nitr-ac. phosph. plat. plumb. puls. rhus. sep. sil. stran. valer.-Suitable after: hep. lach. mere. phosph. nitr. ac.-After it are suitable: chin. con. dilc. hep. lach. rhus. seneg. stram. veratr. 32. Benz. a.-Benzoicum acidum, benzoic acid. 33. Berb. v.-Berberis vulgaris, barberry.-Is antidoted by: camph.-Compare: ars. calc. carb-v. cham. chin. lye. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux vom. tart. emet. 34. Bism.-Bismuthum, bismuthi magisterium, nitrate of bismuth.-Antidoted by? 564 LIST OF HOM(EOPATHIC REMEDIES. 35. Bor.-Borax veneta, natrum boracicum. —Acts several weeks.-Is antidoted by: chain. coff.-Compare: cham. coff. mere. natr. puls. sulph. 36. Bov.-Bovista plumbea pers., lycoperdon bovista, puffball.-Is antidoted by: camph.-Compare: bell. bry. carba. carb-v. kal. mere. puls. sep. sil. spig. stront. valer. 37. Brom.-Bromum. —Acts several weeks.-Antidoted by: camph. magn. c. op. —Compare: ars. bell. caus. chin. coff. cin. cupr. hep. lach. mere. phosph. rhus. spong. sulph. 38. Bry.-Bryonia alba, white bryony.-Acts 4 weeks.Antidoted by: aeon. cham. ign. nux vom. rhus.-It antidotes: alum. rhus.-Compare: aeon. alum. arn. chain. ign. lach. lye. mere. nux vom. op. phosph. puls. rhus.-Suitable after: aeon. nux vomn. op. rhus. —After it are suitable: alum. rhus. 39. Bunafti, Brazilian toad. 40. Calad.-Caladium seguinum pers., arum seguinum, poisonous arum.-Aects 6 to 8 weeks. —Is antidoted by: caps. -Compare: caps. carb-v. chin. graph. ign. mere. nitr-ac. phosph. 41. Cale. ars. —Calcarea arsenica, arseniuret of lime. 42. Calc.-Calcarea carbonica, carbonate of lime.-Acts 50 days.-Is antidoted by: camph. nitr-ac. nitr-sp. nux vom. sulph.-It antidotes: bismr. chin. chinin. nitr-ac.-Compare: alum. arn. baryt. chin. cupr. kal. lye. magn. c. nitr. ac. nux vom. phosph. sil. sulph. veratr.-Suitable after: chin. cupr. nitr-ac. sulph.-After it are suitable: lye. nitrac. phosph. sil. 43. Cale. caust.-Calcarea caustica, caustic lime.-Acts from 12 hours to 8 days.-Is antidoted by: bry. nux vom. 44. Cale. ph.-Calcarea phosphorica, phosphate of lime.Compare: calc. carb. 45. Calend.-Calendula officinalis, marigold.-Compare: ARN. carb-a. carb-v. led. rhus. rut. sulp-ac. symph. 46. Caltha palustris, marsh-marigold. 47. Camph.-Camphora, laurus camphora, camphor.-Acts a few minutes. —Is antidoted by: opium. nitr-sp.-It antidotes: most vegetable substances.-Compare: canth. cham. coce. hyose. kal. laur. op. puls. rthus. stram. veratr. 48. Cancer fluviatilis, river-crab. 49. Cann. —Cannabis sativa, hemp.-Acts 3 weeks.-Antidoted by: camph. mnerc.-Compare: arn. bry. canth. nux vom. op. petr. puls. stann. 50. Canth.-Cantharis, meloe vesicatorius, lytta vesicatoria fabric., Spanish fly.-Acts 3 weeks. -Antidoted by: camph. -Coffee and oil aggravate —Compare: aeon. bell. camph. LIST OF HOMtEOPATHIC REMEDIES. 565 cann. caps. chin. coff. coloc. laur. led. lyc. puls. thus. seneg. 51. Caps.-Capsicum annuum, pepper. —Acts three weeks.Antidoted by: camph.-It antidotes: calad. chin. — Compare: arn. bell. calad. chin. cin. ign. nux vom. puls. veratr. 52. Carb. a.-Carbo animalis, animal charcoal.-Acts 36 days.-Antidoted by: camph.-Compare: carb. veg. 53. Carb. v.-Carbo vegetabilis, vegetable charcoal. —Acts 36 days.-Antidoted by: ars. camph. coff. lach. nitr-sp. —It antidotes: chin. lach. mere. vinum.-Compare: ars. chin. coff: ferr. graph. kal. lach. mere. nux vom. phos-ac. sep.Suitable after: kal. lach. nux vom. sep.-After it are suitable: ars. kal. mere. phos-ac. 54. Carduus benedictus, thistle. 55. Carduus marianus, ladies' thistle. 56. Castor.-Castoreum, castor.-Is antidoted by: camph. op.-Compare: amm. asa-f. camph. cham. croc. op. valer. zinc. 57. Caus.-Causticum, tinctura acris sine kali.-Acts 50 days. -Antidoted by: coff. cole. nitr-sp. nux vom.-It antidotes: asa. coloc.-Compare: amm. asa. bell. coff. coloc. cupr. ign. lach. nux vom. rhus. sep. stann.-Suitable after: asa. cupr. lach. sep.-After it are suitable: sep. stann. 58. Cham.-Chamomilla vulgaris, matricaria chamomilla, chamomile.-Acts from 3 to 4 days.-Antidoted by: acon. cocc. con. ign. nux vom. puls. —It antidotes: alum. bor. coff. coloc. ign. nux vom puls. valer.-Compare: acon. alum. arn. ars. bell. bor. bry. caus. cin. cocc. coff. coloc. hep. hyosc. ign. lye. magn-c. merc. nux vom. puls. rhab. sulph. 59. C(hel.-Chelidonium majus, great celandine. 60. Chin. —China, cortex peruviana, cinchona officinalis, Peruvian bark.-Acts 4 to 6 weeks. —-Antidoted by: am. ars. bell. calc. caps. carb-v. cin. ferr. ipec. mere. natr-m. puls. sep. sulph. veratr. — t antidotes: ars. asa. aur. cupr. ferr. hell. ipec. mere. sulph. veratr.-Compare: see the antidotes.-Suitable after: arn. ars. ipec. mere. phos-ac. veratr.-After it are suitable: ars. bell. carb-v. puls. veratr. 61. Chinin.-Chininum sulphuricum, sulphate of quinine.Compare: china. 62. Chlor.-Chlorum, chlore.-Large doses are antidoted by: sulphuretted hydrogen. 63. Chloroform. 64. Cic.-Cicuta virosa, hemlock.-Acts 5 to 6 weeks.-Antidoted by: arn., large doses by: tobacco.-It antidotes: 566 LIST OF HOMNCOPATHIC REMEDIES. op.-Compare: arn. con. lach. lye. mere. op. puls. thuj. veratr. 05. Cim. lect. —Cimex lectularius, bed-bug. 66. Cin.-Cina; semen cinx, semen santonici, semen contra; artemisia judaica, mugwort of Judaea.-Acts 14 to 21 days. -Antidoted by: ipec.-It antidotes: chin.-Compare: arn. bell. caps. cham. chin. ferr. hep. ign. ipec. phosph. sabad.-Suitable after: amn. 67. Cinch. sulph.-Cinchoninum sulphuricum, sulphate of cinchonine.-Compare: chin. sulph. 68. Cinnab.-Cinnabaris, sulphuret of mercury.-Antidoted by: nitr-ac. chin. op. sulph. —Compare: mere. sulp. nitrac. thuj. 69. Cinnam.-Cinnamomum, cinnamon. 70. Cist. can.-Cistus canadensis, rock-rose. —Compare: bell. carb-v. phos. 71. Citri succus, lemon-juice. - It antidotes: euphorb. and stramon. 72. Clem.-Clematis erecta, upright virgin's bower.-Acts 6 weeks.-Is antidoted by: bry. camph.-Compare: ars. bell. bry. canth. caps. caus. con. mere. rhus. sil. sulph. 73. Coce.-Cocculus, menispermum cocculus, Indian cockel.Acts 3 to 4 weeks.-Is antidoted by: camph. nux vom.-It antidotes: cham. cupr. ign. nux vom.-Compare: ars. carb-v. cham. coff. colch. cupr. ign. jod. ipec. mere. mosch. nitr. nux vom. oleand. puls. rhus. sabin. sass. stram. tart. valer.'74. Coccus cacti, cochineal. 75. Cochl. —Coch]earia armoracia, common horseradish. 76. Coff.-Coffea arabica cruda, raw coffee-bean.-Acts 10 days.-Is antidoted by: aeon. cham. ign. nux vom.-Compare: aeon. agar. ars. bell. canth. caus. chain. cocc. ign. mere. nux vom. op. phosph. puls. sep. sulph. 77. Colch.-Colchicum autumnale, meadow-saffron. — Acts 4 weeks.-Antidoted by: cocc. nux vomt. puls.-Compare: aeon. ars. chin. cocc. mere. natr-m. nux vom. op. puls. sep. 78. Coloc. - Colocynthis, cucumis colocynthis, bitter cucumber. -Acts 40 davs.-Antidoted by: camph. caus. cham. coff. staphl.-It antidotes: caust.-Compare: arn. bell. canth. cans. cham. coff: dig. veratr. 79. Con.-Conium maculatum, common hemlock.-Acts 35 days.-Antidoted by: coff. nitr-sp.- -It antidotes: nitr. ac. — Compare: arn. bell nic. coff. dulc. lye. magn-m. mere. nitr-ac. nux vom. phosph. puls. rhus. sulph. valer. 80. Conv.-Convolvulus arvensis, bindweed. LIST OF Ho0MCEOPATHIC REMEDIES. 667 81. Cop.-Copaivae balsamum, copaifera officinalis, balsam of copaiva. 82. Coral. —Corallium rubrum, red coral. 83. Croc.-Crocus sativus, saifron. —Antidoted by: aeon. bell. op.-Compare: acon. bell. op. plat. 84. Crotal. —Crotalus horridus, rattlesnake-poison. - Acts several weeks. -Compare: lachesis. 85. Crot.-Croton tiglium, croton oil.-Compare: jatroph. euphorb. coloc. tart-emet. verat. 86. Cupr.-Cuprum, copper.-Acts 2 to 3 weeks.-Antidoted by: bell. chin. coce. hep. ipec. mere. nux vom. —t antidotes: aur.-Compare: bell. calc. chin. cocc. dros. dulc. hep. jod. ipec. mere. nux vom. puls. rhus. sulph. veratr.Suitable after: verat.-After it are suitable: calc. veratr. 87. Cupr. acet. —('uprum aceticum, acetate of copper.-Compare: cupr. met. 88. Cycl. — Cyclamen europveum, sowbread.-Acts 2 to 3 weeks.-Antidoted by: puls. —Compare: am. ars. chin. puls. rhus. silic. 89. Cynanchum vincetoxicum. 90. Daphn. —Daphne indica, Indian daphne.-Antidoted by: bry. dig. rhus. sil. sep. zinc. 91. Diet. a.-Dictamnus albus, bastard dittany. 92. Dig. —Digitalis purpurea, foxglove.-Acts 6 weeks.Antidoted by: nux vom. op.-Compare: ars. bell. chin. coff. coloc. con. hell. mere. nux vom. op. puls. spig. sulphac. 93. Dros.-Drosera rotundifolia, sun-dew.-Acts 2 to 3 weeks.-Antidoted by: camph.?-Compare: acon. bry. cin. cupr. hep. hyose. ipec. nux vom. spong. veratr. 94. Dulc.-Duleamara, solanum dulcamara, bitter-sweet.Acts 30 to 40 days.-Antidoted by: camph. ipec. mere.It antidotes: cupr. —Compare: aeon. ars. bell. cupr. lach. merc. nux vom. rhus. —Suitable after: cupr. mere. lach. 95. Eugen.-Eugenia jambos, Malabar plum-tree.-Antidoted by: coff. 96. Euphorb.-Euphorbium officinarum, spurge.-Acts 7 weeks.-Antidoted by: camph. citr. succ. —Compare: bell. merc. mez. nitr-ac.-Suitable after: bell. mere. nitr-ae. 97, Euphr.-Euphrasia officinalis, eye-bright.-Acts 3 to 4 weeks. —Antidoted by: camph. puls. -Compare: am. puls. spig. 98. Evon.-Evonymus europaea, spindle-tree. 99. Ferr. —Ferrum, iron. —Acts 4 to 7 weeks.-Antidoted by: ars. chin. hep. ipec. puls.-It antidotes: ars. chin. mere. (??) Compare: ars. chin. graph. hep. ipec. puls. veratr. 68 uLIST OF HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES. 100. Ferr. m.-Ferrum muriaticum, muriate of iron. 101. Filix mas, male fern. 102. Fluor. ac.-Fluoris acidum. —Antidoted by: hep.? sil.? 103. Frag.-Fragaria vesca, strawberry. 104. Geurn, water-avens. 105. Gran.-Granatum, bark of the pomegranate tree. 106. Graph.-Graphites, blacklead.-Acts 50 days.-Antidoted by: ars. nux vom. vin. —It antidotes: ars.-Compare: acon. ars. calc. carb-v. chin. guaj hep. kal. lye. magn-c. magn-m. nux vom. phosph. sil.-Suitable after: lyc. 107. Grat. —Gratiola officinalis, hedge hyssop. 108. Guaj.-Guajicum officinale, guaiac resin.-Acts 5 weeks. -Compare: graph. mere. nux vom. 109. Hell. —Helleborus niger, black hellebore.-Acts 3 to 4 weeks. —Antidoted by: camph. chin.-Compare: ars. bell. bry. chin. —Suitable after: bell. bry. chin. 110. Hep. —Hepar sulphuris calcareum, sulphuret of lime.Acts 8 weeks.-Antidoted by: acet. bell. cham. (especially for the colic and diarrhoea). —It antidotes: ant. ars. bell. cupr. ferr. jod. mere. nitr-ac. sil. zinc.-Compare: amm. ant. ARS. BELL. cham. cupr. ferr. jod. LACH. MERc. nitr-ac. spong. SIL. zinc.-Suitable after: bell. lach. sil. spong. zinc. -Afterwards are suitable: bell. mere. nitr-ac. spong. sil. 111. Hydroc. ac. —Hydrociani acidum, hydroc. acid.-Antidoted by: amm-carb. coff. camph. ipec. op. 112. Hyosc. —Hyoseyamus niger, black henbane. —Acts 8 to 14 days. —Antidoted by: bell. camph. chin. —It antidotes: bell. plumb.-Compare: BELL. caus. chin. nux vom. op. plumb. STRAM. veratr.-Suitable after: bell. 113. Hyp. perf.-Hypericum perfoliatum, perforated St. John's wort.-Antidoted by: mesmerism. 114. Jal.-Jalappa, jalap. 115. Jatr. —Jatropha curcas, ficus infernalis. Barbadoes'-nut.Antidoted by:? 116. Ign.-Ignatia amara, St. Ignatius' bean.-Antidoted by: arn. camph. cham. cocc. coff. nux vom. puls.-It antidotes: cham. coff. nux vom. puls. zinc.-Compare: alum. arn. ars. caus. cham. cocce. coff. ipec. nux vom. puls. ruta. zinc.Suitable after: ipec. 117. Indigo.-Compare: ign. lye. nux vom. tong. 118. Jod. —Jodium, iodine.-Acts 6 weeks.-Antidoted by: ars. coff. phosph. sulph.-Compare: ARS. brom. cocc. con. cupr. merc. phosph. spong. sulph. 119. Ipec.-Ipecacuanha, cephaelis ipecacuanha.-Acts 12 to LIST OF HOMCEOPATHIC REMEDIES. 569 24 hours.-Antidoted by: am. ars. chin. nux vom.-It antidotes: alum. arm. ars. chin. cupr. dulc. ferr. laur. op. tart.-Compare: alum. arn. ARS. cham. CHIN. COCC. cupr. dul]c. ferr. ign. laur. NUX VOM. op. phosph. tart. veratr.Suitable after: aeon. arn. ars. veratr.-After it are suitable: arn. ars. chin. coce. ign. nux vorn. 120. Junc.-Juncus effiusus, flowering rush. 121. Kal. bich.-Kali bichromicum, bichromate of potash. 122. Kal. —Kali (carbonicum), carbonate of potash. —Acts 6 weeks.-Antidoted by: camph. coff. nitr-sp.-Compare: ars. carb-v. coff: laur. lye. natr-m. nitr-ae. phosph. puls. Suitable after: lye. natr-m. nitr-ac. —After it are suitable: carb-v. phosph. and the analogous remedies. 123. Kal. hyd. —Kali hydrosiodicum, hydriodate of potash.Is antidoted by: amm. mur. ars. chin. mere. rhus. sulp. valer.-Compare: iodine. 124. Kreos.-Kreosotun.-Acts 4 to 5 days. —Antidoted by: chain? jod? nux vom.-Compare: ars. cham. jod. merc. inur-ac. nitr-ac. nux vom. phos-ac. 125. Lach.-Lachesis trigonocephalus.-Acts 4 to 5 weeks.Antidoted by: ars. bell. caps. phos-ae.-Compare: alum. ARS. BELL. caps. carb-v. CAUS. con. dule. HEP. MERC. natr-m. nux vom. phos-ac. samh. veratr.-Suitable after: ars. con. hep. lye. mere. nitr-ae. nux vom.-After it are suitable: alum. ars. bell. carb-v. caus. con. dulc. mere. nux vom. phos-ac. 126. Lact.-Lactuca virosa, poisonous lettuce.-Acts 24 hours. -Antidoted by: coffee and vegetable acids. 127. Lam. alb.-Lamium album, dead-nettle.-Acts from 6 hours to 8 days. —Compare: calc-c. chin. ferr. puls. sabin. sec-c. sulp. 128. Laur.-Laurocerasus, cherry-laurel.-Acts from 6 to 8 days.-Antidoted by: camph. coff. ipec. op.-Compare: ipec. kal. mere. op. 129. Led.-Ledum palustre, marsh-tea.-Acts from 6 to 7 weeks.-Antidoted by: camph.-Compare: bry. lye. puls. Suitable after: lyc. —After it are suitable: chin. sep. 130. Lob. infl.-Lobelia inflata, Indian tobacco.-Antidoted by: camplih. ipee. lauroc. stram. tabac. —Compare: achydroc. cocc. lact-v. lauroc. straim. 131.-Lyc. —Lycopodium, wolfs foot.-Acts from 40 to 50 days.-Antidoted by: camph. coff. graph. puls. caus. —It antidotes: merc. —Compare: ars. bry. CALC. chin. graph. led. magn-m. nitr-ac. petr. phosph. phos-ac. puls. rhus. sep. SIL. sulph.-Suitable after: cale. sil.-After it are suitable: graph. led. phosph. puls. sil. 570 LIST OF HOMCEOPATHIC IREMEDIES. 132. Magn. c.-Magnesia carbonica, carbonate of magnesia.Acts 40 to 50 days. —Antidoted by: cham.?-Compare: ars. calc. chamn. graph. kal. lye. magn-m. 133. Magn. m.-Magnesia muriatica, muriate of magnesia.Acts 7 weeks. —Antidoted by: ars.?-Compare: ars. calc. chain. graph. kal. lye. magn-c. 134. Alagn. sulp. —Magnesia sulphurlica, sulphate of magnesia.-Antidoted by: camph.-Compare: calc. carb. magn. carb. magn. mur. nux vore. puls. sulp. 135. Majorana, marjoram. 136. Magn. — Manganum, manganese. —Acts 40 days.-Antidoted by: coff. —Compare: amm. coff: con. lye. plat. puls. thuj. veratr. 137. Men.- Menyanthes trifoliata, bulek-bean.-Acts 2 to 3 weeks. —Antidoted by: camph.-Compare: chin. op. puls. 138. Meph. — Mepliitis putorius, skunk. -Antidoted by: camph., for a while. 139. Mercurial. —Mercurialis perennis, dog's mercury. 140. Mere. v.-Mercurius vivus.-Acts 2 to 3 weeks.-Antidoted by: bell. carb-v. chin. dulc. hep. lach. nitr-ac. sulph. — It antidotes: ant. aur. bell. chin. coff. cupr. dule. (ferr.) lach. mez. op. sulph. valer.-Compare: annm. ant. ary. am. AUR. BELL. CARB. V. Clhin. clem. coffl colch. cupr. dulc..qvuaj. HEP. jod. LACH. lye. mez. NITR-AC. op. phosp1h. plios-ae. puls. sass. sep. sil. staph. SULPII. thuj. valer.Suitable after: bell. hep. lackh.-After it are suitable: bell. chin. dule. hep. lach. nitr-ac. sep. sulph. 141. Mere. acet. —Mercurius acetatus, acetate of mercury.Colipare: mere. viv. 142. Mere. dulc.-Mercurius dulcis, calomel, murliate of mercury.-Compare': merc-viv. 143. Mere. c.-Mercurius corrosivus s. sublimatus, bichloride of merctry. —Compare: mere. viv. 144. Mez.-Mezereum, mezereon. —Acts 50 days.-Antidoted by: camph. mere. —It antidotes: mere. nitr-ac.-Compare: mere. nitr-ac. 145. Millef.-Millefoliulm, millefoil. 146. Morph.-Morphium, morphine.-Compare: opium. 147. Mosch.-Mosehus, musk.-Antidoted by: camph. — Compare: op. 148. Mar. ac.-Muriatis aecidum.-Acts 5 weeks.-Antidoted by: bry. camph. —Compare: lye. 149. Nat. —Natrumn carbonicum, soda.-Acts 30 days. — Antidoted by: ars.? camph. nitr-sp.? —It antidotes: chin. -Compare; aln. ars. carb-v. chin. mere. natr-m. nux vom. puls. LIST OF IIOMCEOPATHIC REMEDIES. 571 150. Natr. m.-Natruln muriaticum, kitchen-salt. —Acts 40 days.-Antidoted by: ars. camph. nitr-sp. —Compare: am. ars. carb-v. chin. lyc. mere. mur-ac. natr. nux vom. puls.-Suitable after: lach. merc. 15a. Natr. sulph.-Natrunl sulphuricum, sulphate of soda. 152. Nicc. —Niccolumn, nickel. 153. Nitr. —Nitrum, kal. nitr., nitrate of potash.-Acts 6 weeks.-Antidoted by: nitr-sp.-Compare: calc. kal. 154. Nitr. ac.-Nitri acidum, nitric acid.-Acts 40 days.Antidoted by: calc. camph. coII. hep. mez. petr. sulph. — It antidotes: calad.? calc. merc.-Compare: bell. CALC. con. kal. MERC. mez. op. petr. puls. SULPH. thuj.-Suitable after: bell. calc. hep. kal. natr. puls. sulph. thuj.After it ar'e suitable: calc. petr. puls. sulph. 155. N. juol. —Nux juglans, +walnut.-Acts a short time. 156. N. mosch.-Nux moschata, nutmeg.-Acts 3 weeks.Antidoted by: caraway. —Compare: ign. mosch. nux vom. op. puls. sep. 157. N. vom.-Nux vomira.-Acts 15 to 20 days.-Antidoted bv: clliam. coff. —It antidotes: ambr. ars. calc. chainm. chin. cocc. coff. colch. enpr. dig. graph. lach. petr. phosph. puls. stram. sulph. —Compare: acon. amm-m. amrn. ars. calc. carb. v. CHEAM. C1-IN. Cocc. coff. colch. con. cupr. dig. dulc. graph. guaj. IGN. ipec. lach. mere. mur-ac. natr-m. op. petr. phosph. PULS. sep. stramn. SULPH. mgt-aus.Suitable after: ars. ipec. lach. petr. phosph. sulph.-After it are suitable: bry. puls. sulph. 158. Oleand.-Oleander, laurel-rose. —Acts 3 to 4 weeks. — Antidoted by: camph. cocc.? nux vom.? —Compare: cocc. UX VOn111. 159 01. an.-Oleum animale, purified animal oil of Dippel.Antidoted by: camph. nux vom. op.-Compare: anao. arn. cocc. ign. nux vom. op. phos. rhus-t. zinc. 160. 01. jec.-Oleum jecoris morrhuc, cod-liver-oil. 161. Op.-Opiumi, laudanum.-Antidoted by: bell. camph. coff. ipec. mere. nux vom. plumb. vin.-It antidotes: lach.? mere. plumb.-Compare: acon. BELL. camph. COFF. colch. ipec. LacIr. lact. dig. IvYosc. mere. mosch. Nux voM. phosph. phos-ac. PLUMB. stram. 162. Pveon.- Paeonia officinalis, peony. 163. Par.-Paris quadrifolia, true love.-Acts 2 to 4 days.Antidoted by: camph.? coff. —Compare: hell. ign. natr-m. nux vom. puls. sabad. 164. Petr.-Petroleum, naphtha.-Acts 40 days.-Antidoted by: acon. nux vom. —Compare: cham. lye. nitr-ac. nux vom. phosph. puls. sulp. —Suitable after: nitr-ac. phosph. 572 LIST OF HOM(EOPATHIC REMEDIES. 165. Petros. -Petroselinum, parsley. 166. Phel. aq.-Phellandrium aquaticum, water-fennel. — Compare: bry. puls. sep. stramn. sulp. 167. Phosph.-Phosphorus.-Acts 7 weeks.-Antidoted by: camph. coff. nux vom. vin. —Compare: alum. arn. ARS. bell. carb-v. graph. jod. ipec. kal. kreos. lyc. mere. NUX VOM. op. petr. puls. rhus. sil. spong. SULPH. veratr.-Suitable after: calc. chin. kal. kreos. lye. rhus. sil. sulph.After it are suitable: petr. rhus. sulph. 168. Phos. ac.-Phosphori acidum, phosphoric acid.-Acts 40 days. —Antidoted by: camph. coff.-It antidotes: lach. -Compare: ars. bell. chin. lach. lye. op. rhus. staph. veratr.-Suitable after: lach. rhus.-After it are suitable: chin. lach. rhus. veratr. 169. Pin. sylv. —Pinus silvestris, pine. 170. Plat.-Platina.-Acts 6 weeks. —Antidoted by: nitr-sp. puls.-It antidotes: plumb.-Compare asa. bell. croc. plumb. puls. —Suitable after: bell. 171. Plumb.-Plumbum, lead.-Antidoted by: alum. op. plat.-Compare: alum. bell. hyosc. natr-m. nux vom. op. plat. stram. 172. Polygonum maritimum, knotgrass. 1'73. Prun.-Prunus spinosa, sloe-tree.-Acts several weeks. 174. Puls.-Pulsatilla, wind-flower.-Acts 8 to 14 days.Antidoted by: cham. coff. ign. nux vom. vinegar. —It antidotes: agar. ambr. arg. bell. cham. chin. colch. ferr. ign. lye. mere. plat. ran. sabad. stann. sulph. sulph-ac. tart.Compare: agar. ambr. anq. ant. arn. asa. AuR. bell. bry. CHAM. chin. colch. con. FERR. ign. ipec. kal. lach. Lyc. MERC. nitr-ac. Nux voM. petr. plat. rhus. sep. stann. SULPII. sulph-ac. TART. thuj.-Suitable after: ant. aur. chin. lach. lye. nitr-ac. rhus. sep. sulph. tart. thuj.-After it are suitable: bry. nitr-ac. sep. thuj. 175. Ran.-Ranunculus bulbosus, bulbous-rooted crawfoot.Acts 4 to 6 weeks.-Antidoted by: bry. camph. puls. rhus. -Some pains are aggravated by staph. sulp. wine, brandy, vinegar.-Compare: bry. carb-v. nux vom. puls. ran-se. rhus. sass. sep. 176. Ran. se. —Ranunculus sceleratus, marsh-crawfoot.-Acts 6 weeks.-Antidoted by: camph.-Compare: bov. puls. ran. sil. veratr. 177. Raph.-Raphanus sativus, garden-radish. 178. Rat. —Ratanhia, rhatany-root. 179. Rhab.-Rhabarbarum (rheum), rhubarb.-Acts 2 days. -Antidoted by: camph. cham. nux vom.-Compare: ars. bry. CHAM. nfux vomn. Puts. lhus. LIST OF HOMCEOPATHIC REMEDIES. 573 180. Rhod.-Rhododendron chrysanthum.-Acts 6 weeks.Antidoted by: camph. clem. rhus.-Compare: calc. canth. carb-a. carb-v. clem. led. lye. nux vom. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. 181. Rhus.-Rhus toxicodendron, poison-oak.-Acts 3 to 6 weeks.-Antidoted by: bry. camph. coff. sulph.-It antidotes: bry. ran. rhod. tart.-Compare: amm. ant. arn. ars. bell. bry. calc. calc-ph. canth. carb-v. caust. chain. chin. clem. coce. coif. con. cupr. dulc. graph. hyosc. jod. ign. kal. lach. led. lye. magn. mere. mur-ac. natr. nitr-ac. nux vom. phosph. phos-ac. plat. puls. ran. rhab. rhod. ruta. sab. samb. sop. sil. squill. sulph. veratr. —Suitable after: arn. bry. calc. calc-ph. chlam. lach. phosph. phos-ac. sulph. —After it are suitable: amm. ars. bry. calc. con. phosph. phos-ac. puls. sulph. 182. Ruta. —Ruta graveolens, garden-rue.-Acts 8 to 14 days. -Antidoted by: camph.-Compare: acon. amm. arn. ars. asa. bell. bry. con. hyosc. ign. nux vom. op. plumb. puls. rhus. stratn. veratr.-May be alternated with ignat. if indicated. 183. Sabad.-Sabadilla, Indian caustic barley.-Acts 2 to 3 weeks.-Antidoted by: camph. puls.-Compare: ambr. ant. ars. caps. cham. chin. cin. con. ign. natr-m. nux vom. par. plat. plumb. puls. rhus. sep. veratr. 184. Sabin. — Sabina, savine. —Acts 3 to 4 weeks.-Antidoted by: camph.-Compare: aeon. arn. bell. cham. cocc. graph. ipec. puls. thuj. veratr. 185. Samb. —Sambucus nigra, elder-tree.-Acts a few hours. -Antidoted by: ars. camph.-It antidotes: ars.-Compare: ar. ars. bell. chin. nux vom. op. rhus. 186. Sang.-Sanguinaria canadensis, blood-root.-Antidoted by? 187. Sass.-Sassaparilla.-Acts 4 to 5 weeks.-Antidoted by: camph.-Compare: amm. cham. clem. cocc. fmerc. puls. ran. sep. sil. sulph. 188. Sec.-Secale cornutum, spurred rye.-Acts 2 to 3 weeks. -Antidoted by: camph. sol. nigr. —Compare: am. campb. igi. laur. veratr. 189. Selen.-Selenium.-Acts 6 weeks.-Antidoted by: ign. puls.-Chin. aggravates the pains.-Compare: carb-a. ign. lach. mere. nitr-ac. puls. rhus. thuj. 190. Seneg. -Senega.-Acts 3 weeks.-Antidoted by: arn. bell. bry. camph.-Compare: arn. ars. baryt. bell. bry. canth. euphr. lach. squill. stann. sulph. 191. Senna. 192. Sep.-Sepiae succus.-Acts 7 to 8 weeks.-Antidoted by: acon. tart. vinegar., —It antidotes: calc-ph. chin. mere. 4 LST OF C HOMeOPATiC fIAMEDIEM. sass..? sulph.-Compare: acon. ambr. ant. ars. baryt. belt. calc. calc-ph, carb-v. caus. cham. chin. coff. con. ferr. graph. ign. led. lyc. mere. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-rnosch. nux vom. petr. phosph. phos. ac. plumb. puls. rhod. rhus. sass. sil. sulph. tart. veratr. zinc. —Stitable after: caus. led. mere. puls. sil. sulph. —After it are suitable: carb-v. caus. puls. 193. Sil. —Silicia, silex.-Acts 7 to 8 weeks.-Antidoted by: camph. hep. —It antidotes: mere. sulp.-Compare: alum. amm. bell. calc. caus. cic. cin. graph. hep. kal. lach. lye. magn. merc. natr. petr. phosph. puls. rhod. rhus. sass. sep. spig. sulph. veratr. —Suitable after: cale. hep. lye. sulph.After it are suitable: hep. lach. lye. sep. 194. Sol. nigr.-Solanum nigruin, garden night-shade. 195. Sol. tub. regr. —Solanum tuberosum aegrotans, diseased potatoe. 196. Spig.-Spigelia, Indian pink.-Acts 3 to 4 weeks. —Antidoted by: aur. merc.-It antidotes: merc.-Compare: aeon. aur. bov. chin. dig. euphr. lach. laur. magn-m. mere. natr-m. sil. spong. tarax. veratr. 197. Spong.-Spongia tosta, burnt sponge.-Acts 3 to 4 weeks.-Antidoted by: camph.-Compare: aeon. dros. hep. jod. phosph. spig. —Suitable after: aeon. (in acute bronchial affections).-After it is suitable: hep. 198. Squill. —Squilla maritima, sea-onion.-Acts 2 to 3 weeks. — Antidoted by: camph.-Compare: bry. magn-c. mur-ac. nux vom. puls. rhab. rhus. seneg. 199. Stachys recta, iron-wort. 200. Stann. —Stannum, tin.-Acts 5 weeks.-Is antidoted by puls. —Compare: caus. puls. valer.-Suitable after: caust. 201. Staph.-Staphysagria, stavesacre. —Acts 4 weeks.-Antidoted by camph.-It antidotes: mere. thuj.-Compare: coloc. mere. phos. ac. thuj. 202. Stram.-Stramonium, thorn-apple. —Acts 24 hours.Antidoted by: nux vom. tobacco, vinegar, vegetable acids. — It antidotes: mere. plumb.-Compare: BELL. chain. hell. HYOSC. mere. nux vom. Op. plumb. VERATR. 203. Stront.-Strontiana carbonica.-Acts 40 days.-Antidoted by: camp.-Compare: mere. plat. 204. Sulph.-Sulphur.-Acts 5 to 6 weeks.-Antidoted by: aeon. camph. cham. chin. mnerc. nux vom. PULS. sep.-It antidotes: chin. jod. mere. nitr-ac. rhus. sep. —Compare: ars. bell. CALC. cham. chin. cupr. jod. MERC. nitr-ac. nux vom. PULS. rhus. sep. sil.-Suitable after: acon. ars. cupr. mere. nitr-ac. nux vom. puls. rhus.-After it are suitable: aeon. bell. ca-l. cupr. mere, nitr-ac. nux vom. puls. rhus. sep. sil. tLIST O ItOM(tOPAttYIC REMEDItS. 575 205. Sulph. ac. —Sulphuris acidum, sulphuric acid. —Acts 4 to 5 weeks.-Antidoted by: puls —Compare: amm. arn. con. dig. mur-ac. nitr-ac. phos-ac. puls. ruta. sulph.-Suitable after: az. —After it is suitable: puls. 206. Tab. —Tabacum, tobacco.- Antidoted by: camph. ipec. nux vom. vinum. —Compare: acon. ars. bell. cham. cic. cocc. con. hell. hyosc. ipec. nux vom. op. stram. verat. zinc. 207. Tarax. —Taraxacum, dandelion.-Compare: con. kal. nux vom. puls. spig. valel. 208. Tart.-Tartarus emeticus, tartar emetic.-Acts a few weeks.-Antidoted by: coce. ipec. puls.-It antidotes: sep. -Compare: baryt. cocc. ipec. puls. sep.-Suitable after: baryt. puls. natr. op. rhab. samb. —After it are suitable: baryt. ipec. puls. sep. 209. Tax-b.-Taxus baccata, yew-tree. 210. Terebinthina, turpentine.-Antidoted by: camph. canth. — Compare: aeon. bell. camph. canth. nux vom. puls. 211. Teucr.-Teucrium marum verum, wall germander.Acts 3 weels. —Antidoted by: camph. ign.-Compare: con. ign. mgt-arc. 212. Ther.-Theridion currasavivum.-Suitable after: calc. lye. 213. Thuj.-Thuja occidentalis, tree of life. —Acts 3 weeks.Antidoted by: camph. puls.? —It antidotes: merc. —Compare: mere. nitr-ac. puls. staph.-Suitable after: nitr-ac. (in sycosis, or mercurial syphilis). —After it are suitable: nitr-ac. puls. staph. 214. Til. flor.-Tiliae flores, tilia-blossoms. 215. Tongo, tonEkin-bean. 216. Tuss.-Tussilago farfara, colt's-foot. 217. Tussilago petasites, a species of colt's-foot. 218. Valer.-Valeriana, valerian. —Acts 10 days. —Antidoted by: camph. coff.-It antidotes: merc.-Compare: bell. camph. coff. mere. stann. 219. Veratr. -Veratrum album, white hellebore.-Acts 5 to 8 days. —Antidoted by: acon. camph. coff. —It antidotes: ars. chin. ferr.-Compare: acon. arn. ars. bry. chin. coff. cupr. dros. ferr. hell. hyosc. ipec. phos-ac. sep. spig. staph. stram.-Suitable after: ars. chin. cupr. phos-ac.-After it are suitable: arn. ars. chin. cupr. ipec. 220. Verb.-Verbascum thapsus, yellow-mullein. -Acts 4 to 8 days.-Antidoted by: camph.? —Compare: plat. stann. 221. Viol. od.-Viola odorata, sweet violet.-Acts 2 to 4 days.-Antidoted by: camph. —Compare: kal. mur-ac. nux vom. phosph. plat. 222. Viol, tric. —Viola tricolor, heart's-ease. —Acts 8 to 14 IST OF HOM(EOPATHIC REMEDIES. days.-Antidoted by: camph.-Compare: haryt. nitr-ac. rhus. sulph. 223. Zinc.-Ziacum, zinc.-Acts 30 to 40 days —Antidoted by: camph. hep. ign.-It antidotes: baryt.-(Chani. nux vom. aggravate the pains). —Compare: carb-v. hep. ign. 224. Magt.-Magnes artificialis, magnetis poli ambo, artificial magnet.-Acts 10 to 14 days.-Antidoted by: electr. ign. zinc. (imposing a zinc plate).-Compare: bell. ign. zinc. mgt-arc. mgt-aus. 225. Mgt. arc.-Magnetis polus arcticus, north pole of the magnet.- Acts 10 days.-Antidoted by: ign. zinc. mgt-aus. — Compare: bell. ign. puls. zinc. mgt-aus. 226. Mgt. aus. —Magnetis polus australis, south pole of the magnet.-Antidoted by: ign. zinc. mgt-arc.-Compare: ign. nux vom. zinc. mgt-arc. CHAPTER I. GENERAL AFFECTIONS AND CONDITIONS. P.S.-SEE P 6, PAGE 559. A bscesses, ars. asa. aur. BELL. Afternoon complaints, bry. CALC. carb-v. cham. con. agar. ALUM. amm. amm-m. ant. IIEP. jod. laur. led. Lyc. mang. ASA. BELL. bor. calc. camph. MERC. mrez. nitr-ac. PHOSPH. canth. chel. cic. colch. coloc. con. PuLS. sep. SIL. SULPH. dulc. graph. ign. jod. laur. Lye. -, acute, inflamed, ars. asa. mosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. BELL bry. cham. HEP. led. NITR. NITR-AC. NUX VOM. PHosPH. MERC. mez. phosph. PULS. plumb. PuLS. ren. sass. selen. SI. SULPH. spong. staph. stront. THUJ. valer. chronic, asa. aur. CALC. ZINc. carb-v. con. HEP. jod. laur. LYC. Air, worse in a draught of, mang. MERC. mez. nitr-ac. ACON. ANAC. BELL. CALC. capS. PHOSPH. sep. SIL. SULPH. caus. CHAM. CHIN. graph. hep. -, fistulous, Phos. ign. kal. natr. nux vom. rhus. Aching pain, amm-m. selen. sep. SIL. SULPH. ANAC. ang. arg. ARN. ars. -, open, aggravates, alum. ASA. aur. BELL. CALC. C-caust. AMM. arn. ars. BRY. CAL. cann. CAPS. CARB-A. carb v. caus. CAMPH. cale-ph. cann. caps. CHIN. cin, cocc. CUPR. cycl. carb-a. carb-v. CAUS. CHAM. dros. EUPHORB. IGN. LACH. led. chin. cic. COCC. COFF. CON.Lye. magn, mere. mur-ac. natro ferr. graph. guaj. HEP. IJN. IPEC. natr m. N UX VOM. OLEAND. kal. lach. led. LYae. mang. mere. petr. PHosPH. phos-ac. plat. ran- mosch. NATR. natr-m. nitr. NITRsc. RUTA. sass. SEP. STANN. AC. N-MosCInI NUX VOM. petr. STAPH. SULPI. sullph-ac. VALER. puls. sabin. sang. SELEN. seneg. veratr. zinc. mgt. arc. sep. SIT. SPIG. staph. STRAM. Acids, ill effects of (see chap. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. valer. XVII.) VERATRE viol. tric. zinc. MGT-, poisoned by, AcoN. BRY. coff. AUs. hep. op. PULS. STAPH. -,, relieves, aeon. ALUM. Acne (see chap. II.) ambr. amm. amm-m. arg. ASA. Adipic poison, ailments aur. baryt. brom. chlor. CRoc. from, ars. BRY. kreos. PRos-Ac. graph. hell. kal. kal-bi. lach. Adiposis, ANT. ARS. baryt. MAGN. MAGN-M. mang. natr. Nux CALC. CAPs. COLON. cupr. voM. oleand. op. phosph. PLAT. FERR. lyc. PULS. SULPH. veratr. PuLS rhod. RHUS. SAfin. 8sas. 25 7 GENERAL AFYECT!Y3CN sen. sep. stana. strOkt. sulph-ae. Apoplexy, of old pzpfe, Anwe tart. M(eT-ARC. baryt. con. digo mere. OF. pals. Alcohol, poisoned by, cotfi nux - after overloading the stovom. reach, ant. coff. IpEc..tZ vom, Alienation, m nental (see chap. PULS. tart. VI.) -, -with subsequent paralysis, Alone, worse when, ARs. con. alum. ANAc. arg-n. ARN. BARYT, dros. lye. mez. PHOSPH. PJLA.. Sil, BELL. cae:; CAUS. COC. con; STRAM. zinc. dulc. graph. hyosc. kal. LACH, Aluin, poisoned by, pul./ laur. natr-mr. NUX VOM. pho.spk. veratr. phos-ac. pi1?2b. REIUs. ruta. se. Amaunrosis (see chap. IX..) sil. stann. staph;. STmR. ssldlph-ac.; Anaenia, AaN. ARS. bell. bry. ZrNc. CALC. CARB-V. CHIN. cin. con. -, serous, ARN. baryt. CHIINy FERR. hep. igno kal. lach. lyc. cocc. con. dig. IPEr. we c. sulph, mere. NATR. NATR M. NUX Apparent death, ACON, VOM. phosph. FPHos-AC. PULS. arn. ars. BELL bar-m. bry.. rhus. sep. sil. SQUILL. STAPH. earb-v. chin. edff. LAcEa. mosh: SULPH. veratr. N-yoM. OP. TART.' Aneurisms, ambr. arn. ars. -, by congelation, act. Ans.. calc. CARB-V. cau.s. ferr. graph. CARB-V. bqe. coff. GUAJ. kal. LACH. LYC. natr-m. -, by hanging, Or. PULS. SULPH. zinc., by drowning, laci. Anus, affections of (see chap. -, by lightning, n-vom. XXII.), by a fall or blow, ARN. chit'i Aphthwa, (see chap. XIV.) -, of new-born infants, tart. Mouth, diseases of, by suffocation, aeon. bell. Apoplexy, ACON. alume. actac. coif. OP. AN.T. arg-n. ARN. baryt. BELL. Appetite, lost (see chap. XVI.) calc. carb-v. caus. CHIN. COCC. Arthritis, (see Gout.) CoFF. Cox. DIG. dule. graph. Articular affections, HYosc. IPEC. hal. LACH. laur. ACON. agar. AGN. alum. ambr. MERa. natr-m. Nx.eNca. N. VOM. AMx. anac. ARN. ars. aur. baryt. OP. phos-ac. plurnb. PULS. rims. bov. BRY. CALC. canth. carb-v. ruta. sep. sil. stann. staph. strata. CAUS. CRAM. CHIN. COLON. sulph. sulph-ac. TART. zinc. ferr. GRAPH. hep. hyosc. ign. jod. -, after bleeding, earb-v. CHIN, KAL. LED. LYe; magn-m. MERC~ cocc, IPEc. n-voei. puls. sep. mur-ac. nratr. natr-m. nitr. Nux, from a blow on the neck, VOM. petr. PsIOSPH. phos-ac; alum. anac. arg-n. ARN. BELL. PULs. ran. RHOD. RHUS. ruta. caus. chin. COCC. graph Hyosc. sabin. sass. sec. sep. sil. spig, kal. LACH. phos-ac. PLUMfB. rlus. spong. stann. STAPII. strot. stann, staph. sulph- rc. SULPH. teucr. zinc;.., congestive, aeon. ant. AE —. --—, bruised, as if, agar. ang. baryt. BELL. corff. hyosc. ipcc. ARG. amn. cur. bell. carb-a. caus. LACH. mere. N. vou. OP. puls. CrIIN. co?. cupr. dig. dros. ferr. -, of drunkards, baryt. coff. vrur —ac. natr-m. nitr-ac. Nux con. Lacn. NUX VOM. OP. vonr. par. phosph. phos-ac. PULS. puls. RT. sep. spig. veratr. viol. od. -, during the fitf, Acon, ant. mgt. mgt-aus. AnN. baryt. BELL. chin. cocc. —, cracking, aeon. atmm. anne. eqo. con. dig. hyosc. Irer. LACH. anu. ant. CAMPII. CAPS. carb-a. mere. n-mosch. NUX VOM. OCP. cham. cie. Cocc. con. croc. LED. PULS. tart. lye. Mnrc. natr-m. NITR AC. nlUX --—, nervous, ARN. BELL. cam;ph. VOrM. PETR. pl/o.sph. puls. rhus. coff. HIYOSC. Lm.r strain. aabad, teten. silic. swlph. thuj. ARTICULAR AFFECTIONS, ARSEN-IC, ETC. 579 Articular affections, hep. ign. jod. KAL. kreos. laur. cramp, cramp-pain, acon. ancc. ledl. magn-c. magn-m. MANG. ANG.;ur. bell brv. CALC. men. MERC. mur-ac. natr. cartph. canth. cau.s. cic. cocc. hep. natr-m. NITR. nitr-ac. nux vom. hvosc. ion. lach. mere. phosph. petr. phosph. phos-ac. Pui.s. PLAT. plumb. rhus. sec. staph. 1-noD. linus. sabin. sass. sep. SIL. STRAMI. SULPtI. veratr. SPIG. spong. stann. staph. stront. -, cutting, hyosc. SvLrn. SULPH-AC. tarax. THUJ. --, digging, mang. rlhod. valer. veratr. zinc. -, dry feeling, CANTIr. croc. Articular affections, lycop. INux vo.a. phos-ac. P)LS. swelling (see Rheumatism, Gout, ngt-arc. etc.), hydrarthrns (dropsy), calc. ~, tearing, aeon. agarl. alum. JoD. mere. sil. SULPH. AMBn amm. amm-m. anac. ARG. -, inflammation (see gout, swell- ARN. aur. bell. BRY. CALa. ing, rheumatism, &c.) caps. carb-a. CARB13-V. CAUS. —, laing pains, amm. arg. amn. chcl. CIIIN. COLCII. coloc. con. ars. asar. AUR. bell. boV. caps. dros. dulc. FERR. GRAPH. GUAJ. carb-v. chaim, CIHIN. cocc. colch. HELL. HEP. ign. kal. kreos. con. croc. dig. dros. enphorb. kal. LED. Iyc. magn-c. magn-mn. lach. led. lye. mez. natr. natr-in, mnang. MEN. MERC. satr. natr-m. nux vole. petr. 1)1hosph. plumb. nitr. NITR-AC. Nux voM. petr. puls. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. phosph. phos-ac. PULS. RHOD. sass. STAPH. strain. valer. RHus. sabin. SASS. sep. sil. spig., luxations, liable to, agn. spong. stann. STAPI. stront. amm. bry. calc. cann. carb a. SULPH. sulph-ac. TIsuj. valer. carb-v. con. hep. Iyc. mere. nafr. VERATR. zinc. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. nux vom. -., tension, AMpi. amm. mo. ant. petr. phosph. rthus. ruta. sulph. arg. ARN. ars. bov. BrY. caps. myt. aus. carb-a. carb-v.. CAUS. co]oc. -, pressure, agar. agn. anac. arg. croc. dig. euphorb. graph. kal. arn. baryt. carb-a. CAUS. chin. laur. led. lyc..magn. mang. mez. graph. KAL. led. merc. mosch. mur-ac. NATR-M. nitr-ac. nux sep. spong. staph. sulph. vom. petr. phosph. PuLs. rhab., soreness, ant. baryt. calc. rhod. RHUs. seneg. SEP. spong. CIAM. chin. IGN. kreos. lye. stann. SULPIT. sulph - ac. mang. mere. PuLS, ruta. SEP. sil. zinc. squill. SULPH., throbbing, amm-m. arg. dros., sprained, pains as if, ambr. led. mere. mez. oleand. phos-ac. AMM. ARN. baryt. bell. BRY. rhod. rhus. ruta. sabad. spig. CALC. caps. carb-v. CAUS. C(;CC. thuij. con. graph. IGN. Inch. mez., tingling, arn. ipec. sec. NATR-MI. nitr. par. petr phosph. -, ulceration (arthrocace), bell. PuLs. rhod. RIIUS. RUTA. sep. calc. COLOC. HEP. mere. nitrspig. stann. SULPH. t11huj. ac. phosph. PHOS-AC. rhus. SIL., stiffness, bry. canth. caps. szlph. carb-a. caus. cham. cocc. coloc. ~, unsteadiness, aeon. arnm. bry. graph. ]kal. LACM. lye. natr-m. croc. mez. rhus. sulpih. nux vorm. petr. RIIOD. RHUs. -, wveakness (see Weakness in sabad. sec. sep. stapnh. sulph. general)., stinging, agn. alum. amm-m. JArsenic, poisoned by, carb. v. ang. ant. arg. ARN. ars. ASA. CHIN. ferr. graph. HEP. jod. bargt. bell. bov. BRY. CALC. IPEC. lach. Nux VOM. samb. carb-a. carb-v. catus. chel. cocc. sulph. VERATR. coloc. COLCH. con. dros. dulc. Arthrocace (see Joints, Ulceeuphr. fcrr. graph. guaj. HELL. ration of the). 580 GENERAL AFFECTIONS. Ascending an emi- Blood, quality of the. nence, worse when, ACON. —, aclid, anim. ars. canth. carbalitm. ang. ars. aur. baryt. bry. v. KAL. NITR. rhus. sass. SIL. CALC. cann. carb-v. AIERC. Nux sulph. sulph-ac. zinc. vOM. p.etr. plat. plumb. RHUS., bright-red, ACON. arn. sep. spig. spong. stann. sulph. BELL. calc. carb-v. DULC. ferr. THUJ. HYosc. ipec. led. mgt-aus. mere. Asthma (see cha-,. XXIX.) phoslphl. rbus. SABIN. sec. zinc. Atrophl of scrofulous children, -, brown, BRY. calc. CARB-V. amrn. Aus. baryt. bell. CALC. con. puls. rhus. chain. CHIN. CIN. hep. jod. ipec. -, coagulated, arn. BELL. caus. lach. magn-c. Nux voM. petr. CHAM. chin. crocc. ferr. hyosc. phosph. puls. rhtus. SULPH. iqn. ipec. mere. nitr-ac. nux vom. Aversiomi to food (see phos-ac. PLAT. puls. Rnus. sabin. chap. XVII.) sec. sep. strain. stront. Awkwardness, bell. CAPS. -, dark-red, amtm. ant. arn. carb-a. caus. coloc. graph. kal. CHAM. CROC. lach. magn-c. lye. NATR-M. petr. sep. sil. sulph. nitr-anc. n-mosch. Nux vyor. Balanuorrhoea (see chap. phosph. PULS. SFr. sulph. XXIV.), fetid, BELL. BRY. CARB-A. Baud or hoop, sense of, cans. cham. chin. croc. ign. kal. anac. aur. bell. chin. con. graph. mere. phosph. plat. SABIN. sec. ign. mere. natr-m. nitr-aec. nux sil. sulph. vom. phosph. plat. puls. sass. -, hot, dule. sulph., pale, watery, ars. BELL. CALC. Bathing in the river aggra- CARB-V. chin. Cocc. con. FERR. vates, ANT. ars. bell. CALC. calc- GRAPH. hell. kal. LYc. natr-m. ph.. CARB-V. caus. nitr-ac. RHUS. NITR-AC. nux vom. phosph. PLAT. SASS. sep. sulph. plumb. PULS. sep. spig. SULPH., in the sea, ars. rhus. sep. -, tenacious, Cnoc. cupr. magn. Bed-sore (see Injuries, chap. sep. II.) -—, thick, arn. CROc. CuPR. nBeer aggravates (see Food, chap. mosch. PLAT. )UIs. SULPH. XVII.) Blood vessels, diseases of Belly, affections (see chap. (see chap. II.) XXI.) -, inflamned varices, ARN. ARS. Bilious Fever (see chap. IV.) CaAMI. kal, kreos. lach. LYC. Bilious persons, complaints nux vorn. PULS. SIL. SPIG. of, ACON. ant. AinN. ars. asa. SULPH. tart. thuj. zinc. asar. BRY. cann. CHAM. CIN. —, swelling of the veins, acon. Cocc. coloc. daph. dig. ign. ipec. amm. ARN. ars. baryt. BELL. lach. MERC. NUX VOM. PULS. calc. CHIN. CROc. FERR. graph. sec. staph. SULPH. tart. HYosc. lach. lye. mosch. natr-m. Bites of insects (see chap. II.) Nux vom. oleand. op. phosph, Bitter almonds (see Prussic phos-ac. PULS. rhod. rhus. sass. acid). sep. sil. spig. spong. staph. stront. Bladder (see Urine, chap. SULPH. TnHUJ. zinc. MGT-ARC. XXIII.), telangiectasia, ARS. bell. calc. Bland persons, ailments of, CARB-A. CARB-V. clem. CROTAL. bell. calc. caps. cham. clem. cocc. graph. kreos. LacH. LYc. AIERc. con. dig. graph. hyosc. lach. lye. natr-m. NITR-Ac. nux vom. petr. mere. rhus. sil. sulph. PHosPH. PLAT. puls. rhus. SEP. Blear-eyed (see chap. IX.) SIL. staph. SULPH. tart. thuj. Blennorrhea (see Dis- -, varices, ambr. ARN. ARs. charges.) CALC. CARB-V.. CAUs. coloc.ferr. Blindness (see chap. IX.) graph. kal-bi. kreos. lach. LYe. BLOODY BLISTERS, BLOTCHES, ETC. 581 natr-tn. Nux vo~N. PULS. spig. sil. phosph. PHOS-AC. puls. rhus. SULPHI. sulph-ac. ZINC. mgt-aus. ruta. sep. SIL. staph. SULPH. Bloode y blisters, ARS. aur. Bones, broken, pains as if, cocc. bry. eanth. fluor-ac. natr-m. sec. cupr. hep. magn-m. natr-m. supllh. puls. ruta. samb. sep. veratr. —, sweat, arn. CALC. chain. -, bruised, as if the flesh were clern. coce. crotal. lach. n-mosch. loose, bell. BRY. dros. ign. ipec. SUX VOM. rhus. sulph-ac. kreos. N\ITR- C. nuX vom. RHUS. --, tumours, arn. bry. sec. ruta. SULPrI. thuj. veratr. Blotches,tubercles, agar. alum, burning, asa. carb-v. amnm. ANT. arn. rn. As. sa. baryt. euphorb. phosph. phos-ac. rhus. bell. bry. CALC. caps. earb-v. ruta. sabin. CAus. chel. cic. cocc. con. erotal. -, caries, ang. ARs. Asa. Aut. D)ULC. HEP. hyose. ign. kal. CALC. chin. con. cupr. euphr. IACI. led. lyc. magn-c. magn-m. HEP. LYC. MERC. mez. NIT: - mnang. MERC. mez. natr. natr-mn. AC. op. PHOS-AC. puls. rhus. nitr. nitr-ac. n-jugl. nux vom. ruta. sabin. sep. SIL. spong. petr. PHosPII. RlUS. sass. sep. staph. SULPH. sil. spig. squill. staph. SULPII. --, creeping, chain. plumb. rhus. thbuj. Til-flor. see. Blue slkin, acon. amm. ang. -, curvature, amm. asa. bell. ARN. ARS. aur. bell. lism. bry. CALC. hep. jod. Lyc. MERC. nitrcalc. CAMPH. CARB-v. cocc. con. ac. phosph. plunmb. PULS. RHUs. crotal. cupr. DIG. LACH. led. SIL. staph. SULPH. mere. natr-m. Nux vont. Op. —, cutting, anac. dig. sabad. phosph. phos-ac. plumb. puls. -, digging, diad. mang. rhus. samb. SEC. sil. spong. -, drawing, amm. arg. bry. sulph-ac. thuj. VERATR. cann. CIIN. coCC. colch. cycl. Bodily efforts aggravate, merc-c. rhod. rhus. sabad. sabin. AcoN. alnbr. ARN. ARS. BRY. valer. zinc. CALC. cann. chin. COCC. COFF. -., fractures, asa. CALC. LYc. croc. ferr. hell. LYC. MERC. natr. nitr ac. ruta. SIL. SULPH. - NATR-tI. petr. phosph. RHUS. Symphitum officinale. RUTA. sep. SIL. SUL1-H. YERATR. -, gnawing, amm. canth. con. -, relieve, sep. DRos. lye. mang. phosph. phosBoilb (see chap. II.) ac. RUTA. staph. Bones, affections of, aeon. arnbr. -, inflammation, ASA. AUR. aos2. anlnm-n. ANG. arg. ars. bell. calc. CHIN. hep. Lyc. mangq. AsA. AUR. baryt. BELL. bry. MERC. mez. NITR-AC. phosph. CALC. carb-a. carb-v. caus. chel. phos-ac. puls. SIL. STAPH. SULPH. CIIIN. CIIININ. cocC. con. crotal. -., interstitial swelling, ASA. cupr. daphn. dros. DULC. graph. CALC. lyc. MERC. MMez. nitr-ac. gUaj. HEP. ign. jod. kal. kal-bi. PnosPH. PHOS-AC. pul?. rhus. kreos. lack. led. LYC. magn-c. ruta. sep. SIL. STAPH. SULPH. magn-m. nang. meph. MERC. -, jerking, asa. calc. chin. colch. MEZ. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr. lyc. natr-m. puls. rhus valer. NITR-AC. oleand. PHOSPH. -, mercurial pains, asa. AUR. Pros-AC. plat. plumb. puls. rhlod. cale. carb-v. caus. CiIN. GUAJ. Rims. ruta. sabad. sabin. sass. HEP. kal. hyd. LACH. LYC. mez. sec. sep. SIL. spig. spong. stann. NITR-AC. phosph. PHOS-AC. STAPH. stront. SULPiH. sulph-ac. staph. SULPH. thiuj. zinc. -, nightly pains, amnm-m. anac., boring, asa. aur. bell. calc. aur. bar-m. daphn. lach. LYC. hell. mere. puls. sep. sil. spig. many. MERC. phos-ac. -—, breaking, liable to, AsA. —, pains, agar. amm-m. ars. asa. CALC. LYc. MERC. mez. nitr-ac. AUR. BARYT. CALC. camph. 582 GENERAL AFFECTIONS. CHIN. cic. cocc. culpr. cycl. Breakfast, ailments before, DarHN. ferr. flior-ac. kreos. LAci. baryt. cale. graph. hep. ign. jod. LYC. mang. MERC. mez. mur- nrx voyn. petr. plat. rhus. sep. ac. IXITIl-AC. PIxosPrI. PHoS-AC. staph. sullbh. plumb. PULS. RUTA. sabin. sep. -, ailments after, amom-nm. bor. SIL. STAPH. SULPII. bry. cale. CARB-V. cans. cllam. Bones, pains of the periosteum, con. graph. kal. lach. NATR. mere. ruta. NTATR-M,. uitr. nitr-ac. nux vorn. p, ressure, ARG. aur. BELL. p.hosph. rhus. SEP. sulph. thllj. BRY. CUPR. cycl. DAPHN. guaj. zinc. hep. ign. kal. mere. mez. oletind. Bronchial affectiolns puls. RHUS. sabinl. staph. veratr. (see chap. XXVI.), craping, ASA. chin. PIios- Bruised, sense as if, in body Ac. pUls. rllus. sabad. spig. and limbs, Aco-. agar. ARN., softening, asa. CALC. dulc. arg. ars. aur. BELL. BRY. CALC. lye. MERI. phosph. puls. ruta. CARB. V. chain. CHIN. Co-N. sep. SIL. staph. SULPH. croc. daphn. (dros. dule. GUAJ. -, sore, pain as if, con. DAPIIN. ipec. kreos. LACII. rnagn. 1m. graph. hep. ign. mere. PIIos-Ac. MIERC. mez. natr. natr-m. N-UX -, sphacelus, ars. arsa. CALC. VOM. PIIosPH. I'HOS-AC. PULs. phosph. sabin. SEC. SIL. SULPH. ran. RHUS. IKUTA. SEP. SIL. spig..-, stinging, ars. asa. aur. BELL. spong. STAPHt. sulph. tart. CALC. CAUS. chin. colch. CON. valer. VERATR. mgt-are. mgtdaphn. DRos. lach. HELL. MERC. aus. mez. phosph. PULS. rota. sass. --, pain as if, Acox. arg. ARN. sabin. SEP. aur. bell. BRY. cale. camph. -, swelling, asa. AUR. CALC. Carb. v. cans. CHIN. eic. Cocc. clea. daphn. ddlc. GUAJ. Kal. con. eupr. dros. ferr. IIEP. IGN. hyd. lye. MERC. mez. nitr-ac. kreos. lacll. lact. magn-c. macnIoosrPii. phos-ac. PULS. RPUn. MR. mer. iuosch. merATR. NATR-M. RUTA. sabin. SIL. STAPH. SULPII. nitr-ac. n-jtgl. NUX VOM., tearing, ARG. agar. aur. OLEAND. I)hosl)h. phos-ac. plat. BARYT. bell. bisll. bry. CARB. V. PULS. ran. RIIUS. RUTA. SEP. caus. CHIN. cocc. cupr. cycl. sil. stann. SuLrP. tart. thuj. AT.. LYe. MERC. nlatr-m. nitr. VERATR. mgt-arc. mgt aus. phosph. PHos-Ac. plumb. ruta. --, pain as if, as if the flesh sabin. spig. STAPH. stront. zinc. were loose, bell. BRY. dros. ign., throbbing. asa. calc. lye. ipec. kreos. led. NITR.AC. nuz mere. mez. nitr. sabad. sil. vorm. RHUS. ruta. SULPIT. thuj. sulpll. veratr. -, tumors, exostoses, asa. AUR. lBuboes (see cha,. XXI.), inbell. CALC. clemn. IDAPHN. dulc. gouinal glands, swelling of. guaj. Lyc. MERC. mez. nitr-ac. Buckwheat aggravates (see PHOSPII. PIIOS-AC. puls. ruta. Food, chap. XVII.) sep. SIL. STAPeI. SUtLPaI. Burning pains, acon. arem. ARS. Boring, boring pains, aecon. A- BELL. BRY. cale. CANTH. CARBGAR. ang. ant. arg. aur. BELT. CALC. V. CAUS. chin. EureIonB. fluorcnarb a. carb-v. caus. cin. cocc. ac. GnRAPH. kal. lach. lye. MERC. DULC. fluor-ac. hell. HEP. ign. mez. Nux yo1r. petr. PHOSPH. kal. laour. led. mnagn-c. magn-m. PHIOS-Ac. plumb. rh:,d. PRtms. MERC. mosch. NATR-M. PULS. ran- RUTA. sabad. sabin. sec. sep. sil. sc. rhod. sabad. SEP. sil. SPIG. sIann. salph. veratr. viol. od. stann. staph. thuj. zinc. Burllt, pain as if, barvt. bell. Brain, paralysis of, cup-acet. bry. eaus. hyosec. ign. lach. Bread, ailments from (see chap. magn-m. nux vom. phosph. puls. XVII). sep. sulph-ac. BURNI, CAMPHOR, ETC. 583 Brnlls (see Injuries, chap. II,) Children, complaints of, Bu!itter aggravates (see Food, ACON. armbr. ars. au1r. BARYT. chap. XV1I.) BELL. Bon. BRy. CALC. canth. Canlphor, ailments from, CIUIAM. c/ise. cic. CiN. cocC. cant1h. CorIs. OP. veratr. Co F?. dros. IIEP. IG-. IPEC. Lye. Cancer (see chap. II.) magn-c. MIERC. N-Moscii. nux of the breast (see chap. Mom. puls. RIIAB. rhus. ruta. SIL. XXX.) SroNG. stann. staph. SULPH. CatsinLe hunger (see chap. sulpl-ac. veratr. viol-tric. XVI.) Chlorosis, ars. bell. CALC. Cantharides, poisoned by, CAMIPI. carb-v. caus. CiiiN. Cocc. ACON. CAMPH. puls. CoN. CROTAL. dig. FERR. Catalepsy (see Spasms.) GRAPI. HTELL. i4gn. kal. lach. LYC. mere. NATr-Mt, MITR-AC. Nux Cataract (see chap. IX.) mer. phosph -. s pin-syv. vOar. phos7h. phos-ace pin-sylv. Catarrhal affections (see chap. PLAT. plumb. PULS. sabin. sec. XXl 1.) SEP. spig. staph. SULPH. sulphCellar air, ailments caused c. ale. i. by, ars. bry. cale. dulc. PLS. neglected ntr. mu, neglected, natr. mur. sep. Choleu'a,1 ACON. ARs. bell Chagrin, effects of, ACON CAMPe. cath. CARs-. CRAM. ars bell.. CHAbell. coBRYff. chin.CHAMie.. CU. coduc. COLOC. NIuJ:X wvOm. pAh-osph. PLAT. 11yosC. jatr. ifn. IPEC. lach. laur. iPUls STAP. H.I- o nux vomn. op. phosph. PInOS-AC., with indignation, coloc. SEC. SUPh. VERATR.-kai SEc. sulph. VERATR.-kali STAPI. hydrocyanzwum. —, with vehemence, aeon. BRY. asplyxia, with collapse of chaiat. NUX VOMI. phoslph. pulse, aeon. ARS. CAMPH. CARB-, with suppressed vehemence, v. VERATR.-KAL-HYDROC. chain. IGN. staph., with blue skin, ACON. Ans. Chamnomile, ailments from, CAMPH. CARB-V. ipec. laur. op. AcoN. alum. bell. bor. CAMIPI. SEC. VERATR. kal-hydroc. Cocc. copf. coloc. IGN. NUX, with diarrhcea prevailing, VOM. PULS. Ars. carb-v. cham. cupr. dulc. Chancre (see chap. II.) ferr. jatr. IPrE. mere. phosph. Changinig one's position, phos-ac. SEP. sulph. VERATR. worse when, caps. carb-v. cans. -, with vomiting prevailing, con. lach. NITR-AC. phosph. ars. jatr. IPEC. nux vom. PULS. ran. Rnus. VERATR., relieved by, ars. charm IGN. -, with cerebral congestion,bell phos-ae. puls. VALEL. -, with spasms, CAMPH. cham. Cheek, swollen (see Face, chap. coloe. CUPR. ipec. laur. op. SEC. XII.) VER ATR. Chest affections (see chap. -., with headache, BELL. bry. XXVII to XXX.) CAMPH. hyose. ign. nux vom. Childbed complaints, acon. VERATR. ant. ARN. ars. BELL. BRY. CALC. -, with prostration, Ans. CARBcaus. CRAM. chlin. cqf. coloc. v. CHIN. FERR. ign. ipec. nux croc. cycl. dllc. hep. hyosc. iqn. Torne. VERATR. jod. ipec. kal. lach. lye. merec -, with vertigo, BELL. CAMPH. natr-m. n-mosch. NUX VOM. hyosc. lach. nux vom. op. op. phosph. phos-ac. PLAT. -, with typhoid symptoms, I'ULS. rhllab. rhus. sabin. sec. bell. BEY. carb-v. cocc. HYOSC. sep. sil. strain. SUvLPr. VERATR. op. phos-ac. Rnrus. stranm. zinc (see also chap. XXV.) -, with retention of urine, Chilblaiins (see chap. II.) canth. 584 GENERAL AFFECTIONS. Cholera, with cramps in the Cold, from bathing,- ant. ars. calves, CAMPH. coloc. CUPR. bell. CALC. carb v. cans. nitrVERATR. ac. PULS. RHUS. SASS. sep. SULPH. -, with icy coldness, VERAT. in cold weather, ars. baryt. Choleric affections: bell. BRY. CALC. camph. caps. -, oppressed breathing, aeon. CARB-v. cans. CHAM. cocC. dule. bell. bry. CARB-V. CHIN. nux hell. MERC. nux mosch. nux vom. eom. rhus. sulph. rhod. RHus. sabad. VRRATR. -, colic, spasmodic, ars. canmp. -, by a draught of air, AcoN. CHAM. CoLoc. cupr. nux vom. anac. BELL. CALC. caps. caus. op. VERATR. CHAM. CHIN. graph. hep. ign. -, diarrhoea, are. carb-v. cham. kal. natr. nux vom. rhus. selen. coloc. cupr. ferr. IPEC. mere. sep. SIL. SULPIr. phosph. phos-ac. sec. sulph. -, in the evening air, amnm. VERATR. bor. carb-v. MERC. mez. NITR-AC. -, fever, ACON, bell. n-mosch. plat. SULPH. -, fear, anxiety, ACeoN. ARS. -, by the feet, chainm. cupr. mere. CALC. carb-v. IGN. ipec. lach. natr. nitr-ac. puls. rhus. sep. si]. op. VERATR. -, by the head, aeon. baryt. -, gastric complaints, loss of bell. led. puls. seap. appetite, etc., bell. bry. carb-v. —, liable to taking, aeon. anac. IaN. IPEC. MERC. NUX VOM. baryt. BELL. bor. CALC. camph. PULS. rhus, sulph. VERATR. CARB-V. chin. COFF. con. -, vomiting, ars. carb-v. IPEC. DULC. GRAPH. hep. hyose. ign. nux vom. VERATR. kal. LYC. rnagn m. MERC. merc- temperament, aeon. ars. aur. c. NATR. NATR-M. NITR-AC. nBRY. carb-v. CAUS. CHAM. coCe. mosch. Nux voM. PETR. PHOSPH. hep. kal. lach. lye. natr-m. nitr- plat. PULS. RHUS. SEP. spig. SIL. ac. NUX VOM. PHOSPH. plat. SULPH. mgt-aus. sep. SULPH. MGT-AUS. -, after washing, or working in Cholerine, ARS. cupr. IPEC. water, amm. ant. bell. CALC. phosph. PHOS-AC. SEC. VERATR. carb-v. dule. mere. N-MoscH. Cinchona, ailments from, nitr-ac. phosph. PULS. rhus. ARN. ARS. bell. CALC. caps. carb- SASS. sep. spig. SULPH. v. cin. FERR. IPEC. LACH. MERC., in the wind, aeon. ars. aur. natr. natr-m. NUX VOM. PULS. bell. CARB-V. cham. chin. con. sep. SULPH. VERATR. graph. LAcH. LYc. mur-ae. nux Coal, ailments from vapor of, vom. phosph. plat. puls. sep. aceturn. arn. BELL. bov. OP. SULPH. thuj. Coffee aggravates, ars. BELL. -, in warm weather, ant. bry. CANTH. CARB-v. caus. CHAM. CARB-v. coCe. colch. jod. lach. cocc. fluor-ac. hep. IGN. ipec. lye. puls. sulph. lyc. MERC. NUX VOM. PULS. -, by getting wet, ars. bell. RHUS. SULPH. bry. CALC. carb-v. caus. colch. -- relieves, ars. cham. COLOC. DULC. hep. lye. N-MOSCH. phosph. ign. nux vom. PULS. rhus. sass. sep. SULPH. Colchiculm, ailments from, -, in wet and cold weather, cocc. inux vom. puls. Am.n. bor. CALC. carb-a. CARB. Cold, ill effects from taking, V. chin. colch. DULC. LACH. lye. ACON. ARS. BELL BRY. calc. mang. MERC. nitr-ac. N-iosCH. CARB-V. CHAM. chin. COFF. pule. RHOD. RHUS ruta. sass. coloc. con. DULC. graph. hep. sep. spig. sulph. VERATR. H1YOSC. IrEc. lye. mang. MERC., worse when the part gets, natr-m. nitr-anc. n-mosch. NUX bell. cham. hell. hep. puls. rhus. VOM. PHosPH. PULS. RHus. samb. sep. sil. sep. SIL. SPIG. SULPH. veratr., worse in, aeon. agar. amm. COLD AIR, COLDNESS OF THE LIMBS, ETC. 585 anac. ARS. asar. aur. baryt. bell. Coiistitutiois (see the parbor. cale. CAMPH. canth. CAPS. ticular kinds.) carb-a. carb-v. Czrus. coce. colch. Constriction, acon. ALUM. DULC. hell. HEP. hyose. ign. ANAC. aur. BELL. calc. canth. KAL. laC1. lYC. vmang. mere. mez. CI.IN. cocc. con. dig. dros, GRAPH. MoscH. nitr-ac. N-Moscii. NUX IGN. ipec. lye. mnosch. NATR. M. VOM. petr. phosph. phos-ac. NI'sR-AC. n-mosch. Nux voM. RIIOD. RHUS. SABAD. sep. sil. phosph. phos-ac. PLAT. PLUMB. spig. STRONT. sulpIh. sulph-ac. PULs. RHUS. sass. sep. stann. thuj. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. Cold air, worse in, acon. alum. ConsIsuption (see Emaciaamm. ARS. AuR. bell. BRY. tion, Atrophy, Marasmus, also CALC. camph. caps. carb-a. CARB- Phthisis Pulmonalis, in chap. v. caus. CIAM. cocc. colch. daphn. XXX.) DULC. FLUOR-AC. hell. hep. Contact aggravates, aeon. hyosc. kal. kal-bi. lach. lye. ANG. anac. am. ars. BELL, BRY. mang. MERC. mez. mosch. NITR- eamrnph. caInn. caps. carb-v. caus. AC. N-MOSCH. nux vom. phosph. cham. CHIN. CIN. COCC. COLCH. phos-ac. rhod. RHUS. sabad. coloc. CPra. DRos. euphoi b. SEP. spig. stront. sulph. graph. hell. HEP. Hy'osc. IGN. VERATR. kreos. lach. LYC. mang. magn-c. Coldness of the limbs, Aeth. magn-m. mere. IAEZ. natr. natr- (see Fevers, chap. IV.) m. nitr-aec. kNUX VOM. phosph. Colic (see chap. XXI.) phos-ac. PULs. ran. rhod. rhus. Company, worse in, anmbr. sabin. sep. sil. SPIG. squill. BARYT. carb-a. carb-v. con. STAPH. stram. SULPH. tart. hyosc. LYc. magn-c NATR. petr. veratr. mgt arc. ingt-aus. phosph. plumnb. PULS. rhus. sep. r- elieves, anac. asa. bry. stann. strain. sulph. calc. caus. mngn. men. mur-ac. Complexionl (see chap. XII.) natr. natr-in. oleand. phosph. Coinpression, alum. hell. plumb. sulph. thuj. coce. hell. ign. ipec. magn. c. Contraction (see Constricmosch. natr-m. nux vom. plat. tion.) spig. spong. sulph. sulph-ac. - of single limbs, ambr. amm. Concussion, ailments from, anac. bism. CALC. c-ps. carbarn. BRY. CIC. CON. RHUS. a. CAUS. chin. cic. cin. colch. sulph. COLOC. con. euphorb. ferr. ferr. Condylomna (see chap IL.) m. GRAPH. g9uaj. hyose. kal. lach. LYC. men. mere. nux vom. op. Cons gelati1onZ, consequ enes phosph. plat. Riius. SEC. SIL. of, AcoN. agar. ARS. BRY. strain. tart. camph. CARB-V. colch. ITYos. - of muscles; or sense of, AMM. LAC,,. nuit. ac. petr. phosph. ArnA-nr. ars. baryt. carb-a. carb-v. PULS, sulph. SULPH-AC. CAUS. COL(C. con. graph. Conlgestions, ACON. aloes. LACH. lye. NATR. NATERM. nux alum. AnMn. ARN. asa. AUR. VOI. PeLS. 1lnus. SEP. SULPH. BELL. BRY. C. CALC. CARe-V. Contraclions, anmm. BRY. chain. CHIN. COFF. FERIR. cale. CAUS. COLOC. ferr-m. graph. hep. H}xosc. kal. lye. GUAJ. plumb. rhus sec. sil. stram. MERC. mosch. natr. natr-sm. SULPH. nitr-ac. N. VOM. OP. PHOSPII. Contusions (see Injuries, chap. plumb. PULs. rhus. sep. SIL. II.) spong. stram. SULPH. sulph-ac. Contusive pain, aeon. alum. thuj. veratr. amm. ARN. caus. Cic. CIN. CON. Constipation (see chap. DRos. ign. kal. LACI. natr. natrXXII.) m. n-mosch. OLEAND. phosph. 25.* 586 GENERAL AFFECTIONS. PLAT. plumb. PULs. thus. RUTA. Or. pho.sph. puls. rhus. samb. sec. sulph. sil. spong. VERATR. Convulsions (see Spasms, Damp (see wet weather). clonic.) Dark, worse in the, amm-m. Copper, poisoned by, acr. BELL. ars. CALC. carb-v. puls. staph. chin. CocC. dule. 1IEP. IPEC.:NNUX STRAMt. stront. VOI. Dark - comiplexioied Corns (see chap. II.) persols, ailnlents of, acon. Coryza (see chap. XXVI.) anac. arn. ars. bry. kal. natr-m. —, suppressed, ill effects of, nitr-ac. nux vom. plat. puls. sep. AeoN. arlbr. AniNr. ARs. BELL. staph. sulph. BRY. cale. carb-v. CHIIN. C0i. Deadness of single parts, con. (lulc. graph. IPCc. kal. LACII. arnml-m. ant. ars. CALC. caus. Iyc. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mosch. CIEL. cic. con. kreos. lye. mere. NUX VOM. phosph.PULS. rhod. natr-m. Nux von. phosph. puls. sagsb. sep. SIL. SULPIT. rhus. snulph. tart. thuj. zinc. Cough (see chap. XXVIII.) Deafness (see chap. X.) Coxagra (see chap. XXXIII.) Debility, Acox. agar. alum. Crabapple vinegar (see Food, Amn. amm-m. anac. aug. arq-n. chapl. XVII.) ARN. ARS. asar. BARYT. bar-m. Cramp, agar. ambr. amm.AAac. bell. bism. brom. bry. CALC. AXG. ars.asa.BELL.CALC.CAMPH. CAIMPI. cann. canth. CARB-V. cann. CAPS. CAUS. cia. coec. coff. CAUS. c1hamiZ. CHIN. chlor. Coce. COLOC. con. ferr. ferr-m. GRAPLI. colcl. con. cupr. dig. ddcl. FEEn. hyosc. i/n. kal. Ly. MERe. umez. ez. or-ac. GRAll. hyosc. ign. IPEC. nitr-ac.NUX VOM. petr. phosph. jod. KAL. kreos. LACII. lalur. led. P1LAT. 1inUS. SEC. SEP. SIL. spig. LYe. rnagn-m. MERC. morph. stann. staph. stram. SULPIt. sulph- mosch. mur ac. NAT1. NATR-nf. ac. thuj. zinc. NITR-.AC. n-jug]. n-mosch. Nux Cramnp-pains, acon. agar. voM. OLEAND. op. petr. PHOSPH. acmbr. anac. anng. arn. ars. asa. PIIOS-AC. plct. puls. rhab. rhod. asar. bell. CAL.. carb-a. CARBn-. Rlius. ruta. sang. SEC. SEP. SIL. caus. chel. chin. cin. cocc. CO- stann. STAP1I-. stram. SULPH. LOC. con. euphorb. graph. IGN. tart. TsIER. VERATR. zinc. kal. lye. magn. magn-m. mez. --, in the open air, arnbr. amim. rnosch. natr. natr-m. nux vone. bry. calc. coff. coloc. con. ferr. OLEAND. phosph. PHos-Ac. PLAT. hep. kal. magn-c. nux vori. plat. puls. rhod. ruta. sec. sep. stann. spig. veratr. mgt-arc. mgt-aus. staph. strain. sulph., in bed, ambr. carb-v. con. Cross-waise pains going, agar. natr-m. phosph. cale. lach. nang. nits-ac. sil., of children, baryt. bell. valel. CALC. lac. lye. Nux von. SIL. Croup (see chap. XXVII.) SULPIH. Cru~ita lIactea (chap. 11.), chronic. ARS. CHIN. cupr. Crying of infants (see In- ITEP. NATR. nitr-ac. Pios-Ac. fants, diseases of, in chap. XXV.) VERATR. Cutting, alum. anug. arg. BELL. ~, inl the evening, amm. asar. CALC. CANTII. caus. chin. CoLoc. caus. cyel. petr. stront. con. Daos. dule. graph. IlYosc. —, after excesses, anac. arn. ign. KAL. LYC. mecr. Iun-R-c. natr. CALC. carb-v. CHIN. chinin. con. nitr-ac. nux vore. Pnosr1s. Pinos- mere. natr-m. INux von. phosph. AC. puls. RHus. sep. SIL. spig. PHOS-AC. sep. SIL. STAPlI-I. staph. sulph. SULPH-AC. SULPH. Cyanlaosis, Aco. ar1. ars. aur. -, after an exertion, anac. calc. bell. CAMPH. CARB-v. Curn. DIG. cocC. magn-e. n mosch. petr. sep. LACH. mere. natr-m. nux veon. sulph. DEBILITY, DEGLUTITION, DELIRIUS', ETC. 587 Debility, general, excessive, carb-a. earb-v. con. fluor-ac. hep. AnN. ARS. bar-nm. hlyose. jatr. jod. men. latr. phosph. phos-ac. IPEC. laur. RNAT': M~. isitr-ac. ux stann. sulph. zinc. voi. oleand. op. Psiolos. I'IIOS- Debility, from walking in the AC. plat. plumb. R sii. ST. -N. open air, am)br. amm. bry. cale. stran. tart. ther. VERATR. zinc. coff. coloc. ferr. ferr-m. hep. kai. -, from growing, PIIos —eA. stulph. lye. magn-e. nux vom. spig., hysteric, ars. chai n. ig. veratr. mgt-aus. moselh.natr-im.phosphl. sep. snulpl. from watching at night, -, after illness, calc. CI1N. I1EP. carb-v. cocc. colch. Nux voMr. PuLs. kal. etatr-m. phos-ac. SIL. suliph., from writing, cann. sil. VERAT'R. Deglutition, difficult (see -, from listening, alum. amim. chap. XV.) ars. veratr. Delirium (see chap. VI.) a, after loss of animal fluids, Demnentia (see chap. VI.) carb-v. CHIIN. h ep. IPEC. kal. Deranged stomach (see snatr.1NATn-.M. iNUX VOM. PHOS- chap. XVII.) AC. SULPIL VERATR. etc. Diarrhrea (see chap. XXIT.) —, in the morning, amlbr. bry. Digging, cocc. colch. n-mosch. eale. carb-a. cnrb-v. chel. con. puls. mgt-arc. croc. dig. lach. lye. natr. natr-m. Discharges, secretions, mornitr. nitr-ac. nux vom. petr. bid. phosph. puls. staph. stront. ingt- -, acrid, ALUm. amm. amnm-m. arc. ARS. bor. carb-v. cham. ferr. ign. -, during every motion, anac. kreos. MERC. mez. natr-m. nitrcocec. plumb. spig. stann. staph. ac. phosph. PULS. ruta. sep. SIL, veratr. SULPH. sulph-ac. —, nervous, ars. baryt. cale. cocc. -, albuminous, amm-no. bor, con. cupr. dig. hep. laur. mere. mez. petr. plat. Nux voar. phosph. PRios-ac. sil. -, bluish, ambr. ars. cupr,. suIph. MGT-ARC. Compare sen- -, bloody, ACON. Ans. baryt, sitiveness, excessive. BELL. canth. carb-v. caus. CaIN. -, of old people, ABRan. aur. coce. dros. FERR. jod. kreos. lye. BARYT. CON. OP. phosph. sec. MrEc. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux vom., after onanism, calc. carb-v. phosph. PULS. sabin. SEP. SIL. ClN. cocc. con, iatr-m. n-mosch. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. zinc. NUX VOM, phosph. PIIOS-AC. --—, brownish, ambr. ars. bell. STAPIs. SULPI-H. bor. carb-v. nitr-ac. sulph.. ——, from riding in a carriage, -, catarrh, tasting or smelling coec. petr. sep. like old, BELL. ign. nux vom. -, when sitting, magn-c. natr-m. phosph. PULS. SULPmT. nitr. plumb. ruta. -—, fetid, ars. aur. bell. cale. con. -, sudden, aeon. ARS. chain. dros. ferr. graph. guaj. hep. ipec. CARB-v. dig. graph. IPEC. lach. lach. led. magn-m. mere. natr. laur. nux vome. PiiOSPH. ran. sec. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux vom. phosVERATR. mgt-aus.-Faiblesse. ac. puls. sabin. sep. stann. sulph. --, when talking, alum. ambr. -, flesh-colored, alum. cocc. amm. calc. cann. ferr. natr-m. kreos. mere. nitr-ac. sabin. stann. sulph. -, flocculent, agar. anbr. kal., during a thunderstorm, caus. kreos. magn. mere. phosph. sanatr. nitr-ac, petr. phosph. rhod. bad. sabin. sep. stann. sulph. sil. -, gelatinous, arg. bell. caus. -, on waking, ambr. ant. chel. rhus. sabin. selen. con. lach. lye. nux vom. phosph. —, grayish, AIBR. anac. arg. Am. sep. zinc. carb-a. caus. chin. kreos. lach., from walking, alum, anac. Lyec. magn-m. mere. sep. 8il. thuj. 588 GENERAL AFFECTIONS. Discharges, greenish, ARS. kal. kreos. LYc. eatr. natr-m. carb-v. dros. ferr. kreos. led. lye. nitr-ac. nux vomn. PHOSPH. PULS. MAGN-C. MERC. natr. phosph. sabin. selen. sep. SIL. stann. staph. PULS. sep. stann. sulph. thuj. SULPH. thuj. -, indurated, bry. con. natr. Dislocations (see Sprains.) phosph. sep. sulph. Distensive pain, BELL., metallic taste, with, cale. BRY. carb-v. chin. dule. hyose. cupr. ipec. nux vom. rhus. IGN. laur. MERC. NUX VOM. -, milky, CALC. carb-v. con. ferr. oleand. op. puls. rhus. sep. SPIG. lye. phosph. puls. sabin. sep. SIL. staph sulph-ac. sulph-ac. Drawing pains, aeon. AMBR. -~, musty taste, having a, bor. ANT. ARN. ARs. BELL. BRY. carb-v. CARB-V. CAUS. CHAM. CHIN. -, purulent, ARs. ASA. aur. BELL. cic. cin. elem. coce. dig. GRAPH. CALC. cann. canth. CARB-V. CAUS. hell. HEP. kal. LACH. lact. led. CHIN. con. dros. dulc. hep. KAL. LYC. mang. MERC. merc-c. MEz. kreos. lach. magn-m. MERC. mur-ac. NATR. natr-m. nitr. NITRnatr. NITR-AC. PHOSPH. phos- Ac. n-mosch. NUX VOM. PETR. ac. PULS. rhus. sep. SIL. stann. phos-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. staph. SULPH. zinc. RHOD. RHUS. sebad. sep. SIL. -, putrid, ARS. bell. CALM. con. stann. staph. stram. SULPH. cupr. ferr. graph. hep. kreos. tart. valer. veratr. MERC. mur-ac. natr. nitr-ac. PULS. Drinking, worse when, aeon. sep. SIL. stann. SULPH. ant. ARN. ARS. aur. baryt. BELL., salt, ARns. baryt. cale. carb-v. bry. CANTI. carb-v. caus. CHIN. chin. dros. GRAPH. LYC. natr. cin. Cocc. coloc. con. cupr. FERR. petr. PHOSPH. PULS. rhus. samb. hell. hep. hyosc. ign. lach. lye. SEP. SmI stann. sulph. zinc. NATR. NATR-M. nitr-ac. Nux voM. -, sour, calc. chin. graph. kal. petr. phosph. phos-ac. puls. maogn-m. mere. natr. natr-m. nux RHUS. sep. SIL. stapl. stram. vom. phosph. plumb. puls. sep. sulph. sulph-ac. VERATR. sulph. —, fast, worse when, ARs. ipec. -, sweetish, asar. cale. dig.kreos. natr-m. NITR-AC. Nux VOM. SIL. carb-v. magn-c. mere. nux vom. sulph. phosph. plumb. puls. samb. stann. Dropsical affections, ant.,thick, acon. alum. ambr. amm- ARS. baryt. bry. camph. canth. m.ars.baryt. bor.calc.carb-v.kreos. chel. CHIN. con. DIG. DULC. ferr magn-m.' natr. natr-m. ph, sph. HELL. hyose. jod. KAL. lact. puls. ruta. sil. spong. stann. staph. LED. LYc. MERC. phosph. prun. sulph. rhuzs. sabad. sabin. sarnb. sass... viscid, alum. ars. bell. bor. squill. SULPH. cann. carb-a. carb-v. caus. chan. —, of drunkards, ars. chin. hell. hep. kal. nerc. mez. phosph. phos- led. rhus. sulph. ac. plat. samb. seneg. sep. spong., after exanthems, ars. dig. stann. sulph. HELL. rhus. sulph. *, watery, amm. amm-m. ARs., after fever and ague, ars. carb-a. carb-v. cham. chin. graph. dulc. ferr. mere. sulph. lach. magn-m. MERc. mez. mur-ac., after loss of fluids, CHIN. nux vom. PULS. rhus. sep. sil. FERR. mere. sulph. squill. SULPH. mgt-arc. -, after abuse of mercury, CHIN... whitish, asar. bell. calc. carb- dulc. hell. sulph. v. colch. con. ferr. lye. merc. Dysentery (see chap. XXII.) phosph. puls, sep, sil. sulph-ac. East-wvind (see Wind.) -, yellowish, aeon. alum. ant. Eating, ailments after, AMMr. ars. BELL. bry. calc. cann. canth. amm-m. ANAC. ant. ARS. bor. CAR^-v. cham. cic. graph. hep.' bov. BRY. CALC. earb-a. CARB-V. EATIN G, ECLAMPSIA, EMACIATED PERSONS, ETC. 589 CAUS. chain. CHIN. cinn. cocc. phosph. PHOS-AC. PLAT. PULS. rhus. CON. HEP. ign. KAL. LACH. LYe. sep. SIL. STAPH. STRAM. sulph. NATR. NATR-M. NITR-AC. NUX VERATR. VOM. petr. PHosPr. phos-ac. Emotions, ailments arising puls. ran. SEP. SIL. squill. stann. from, ACON. ars. AUR. BELL. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. ZINC. BRY. calc. caus. CHAM. cocc. Eating, before, A-MBR. alum. COFF. CoLoc. cupr. HYosc. IGN. anac. baryt. CALC. CANN. caps. LACHI. lye. MERC. natr-m. NUX chin. FERn. graph IGN. JOD. VOM. Op. phosph. PHOS-AC. PLAT. LACH. laur. NATR. PHOSPH. puls. PULS. rhus. sep. STAPH. stram. rhus. SABAD. sep. spig. STRONT. sulph. VERATR. sulph. ZINC., from chagrin, ACON. ars. -, during, ambr. Ama. arn. bell. BRY. CHAM. coff. COLOC. BARRT. bor. calc. carb-a. CARB-v. IGN. NUX vom. phosph. PLAT. puls. cans. chain. cic. Cocc. con. GRAPH. STAPH. HEP. KAL. LYe. Inagn-m. NATR-M. -, from fear and anxiety, ACON. NITR-AC. nux vom. PHosPH. phos- bell. cale. caus. coff. hyosc. IGN. ac. PULS. SEP. sil. sulph. veratr. lach. nux vom. OP. puls. samb. Eclampsia (see Spasms.) VERATR. EEmaciated persons, in -, from fright, ACON. BELL. consequence of grief, ailments of, caus. COFF. hyosc. IGN. LACH. AMBR. ant. ARS. BRY. cham. nux vom. OP. puls. samb. veratr. chin. clem. cupr. ferr. GRAPH. -, from grief, affliction, ars. ign. ipec. LACH. Iyc. MERC. coloc. graph. hyosc. IGN. lach. INATR-M. nitr-ac. NUX VOM. lye. nux vom. PHOS-AC. STAPH. phosph. plumb. puls. sec. sil. veratr. STANN. staph. SULPH. veratr. -, from home-sickness, aur. Emaciation, alum. ambr. CAPS. carb-a. caus. MERc. PHOSamm. anac. ant. ARS. baryt. bor. AC. staph. bry. CALC. canth. carb-v. cham. -, from indignation, CoLoc. CHIN. CHININ. chlor. CIN. clem. STAPH. cocc. con. cupr. dig. dros. DULC. -, from irascible temper, aeon. FERR. GRAPH. guaj. hep. ign. BRY. CHAM. COLOC. nux yom. JOD. IPEC. kal. LACH. LYC. phosph. STAPH. magn-c. mere. mez. natr. NATR- --, from jealousy, HYOSC. ign. M. NITR-AC. NUX VOM. op. lach. Nux vOM. phos-ac. PULS. petr. PsHosPH. phos-ac. plumb. staph. puls. ruta. samb. sass. sec. selen. -, from excessive joy, ACON. sep. SIL. STANN. staph. stram. caus. COFF. CRao. OP. puls. stront. SULPH. VERATR. -, from unhappy love, ACON. -, of children, arn. ars. baryt. AUR. caus. coff. hell. HYOSC. hell. CALC. cham. chin. cin. HEP. IGN. nux vom. PHOS-AC. jod. ipec. lach. lye. magn-c. mere. staph. Nux vom. l:etr. phosph. puls. thus. -, from mortification, aur. BELL. SULPH. cham. CoLoc. IGN. natr-m. phos-—, partial, BRY. cale. carb-v. ac. PLAT. PULS. seneg. STAPH. dulc. graph. PHosPIl. PLUI. puls. —, firom suppressed emotions, selen, IGN. phos-ac. staph. of scrofulous children (see Enlarged, sense as if, alutm. Atrophy.) bov. mere. nitr. Emissions (see chap. XXIV.) Enteritis (see chap. XXI.) Emotions, aggravated, ACON. Epilepsy (see Spasms, Epilepars. aur. BELL. BRY. calc, caus. tic.) CHAM. cocC. COFF. COLoC. hyosc. Erections (see chap. XXIV.) IGN. LACE. lye. MaER. natr-m. Eructations (see chap. nitr-ac. n-mosch. NUX VOM. Or. XVIII., Gastric Symptoms.) 590 GENERAL AFFECTIONS. Eruptions, suppression of, Faintiing fits, ACON. ANT. acon. amlbr. ARS. BELL. BRY. arn. ars. bar-m. BELL. BRY. CALC. cale. carb-z. caus. chain. cupI- calad. CAMPII. CARB-V.CIIAM. acet. D)ULC. GRAPH. TIEP. IPEC. CIuN. COCo. COFF. COIOC. CON. lach. lye. mere. natr. n-moseh. croc. cupr. dig. ferr. hell. HIEP. PHOSPH. phos-ac. PULs. rhus. hyose. IGN. IrEC. kreos. LACE. sass. sep. sil. staph. SULPH. thuj. latr. lye. magn-m. Morph. Erysipelas (see chap. II.) MIOSCII. n-mosch. NUX VOM. Erytheinaa (see Redness of the oleand. OP. PETR. plumb. phosph. Skin, chap. II.) Puios-Ac. puls. ran. ran-sc. rhus. Eveming air aggravates, AnAv. sang. sec. seneg. SEP. SIL. spigq. bor. CARTB-V. MERC. mez. KTITR- staph. STRAM. sulph. tart. AC. n-mosch. plat. SULPH. VERATRE. complailts, ACON. —, hysteric, ars. CIIA3. Coco. con. alum. ArAER. AAlut. A.nv-tr. ANAC. IGN. kal. MoscH. natr-7m. Nant. aln. ARS. asa. BELL. bor. moscu. Nux vonf. sep. sulph. BRY. CALC. CAPS. carb-a. carb-v., from abuse of mercury, C.RBCAus. chain. chin. ci. cocc. v. chllin. hep. lach. op. COLCII. coloc. con. croc. CYCL. ~., with nausea, alum. ambrr. daph. DUL'. EuPIIp. graph. guaj. aug. ars. baryt. bor. cace. CHAN. HELL. hep. HIYosc. ign. ipec. kal. Cocc. coff. GRAPH. hep. IPEC. LACII. LAUR. led. lye. MAGN-C. kal. lach. laur. lye. magn-m. Nux magn-m. MANC. MIEN. MEPH. voi. petr. phosph. SEP. sil. SULPH. MERn. MEZ. natr. natr-mr. NITR. ther. VERATR. NITR-AC. nux yom. oleand. petr. -, from pain, aeon. cham. PHOS. phos-ac. PLAT. PULS. ran.:, from the least pain, hep. RAN-sc. rhod. rhus. sabin. sarmb. n-mosch. sang. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. stann., from weakness, carb-v. chin. staph. STRONT. sulph. SULPH-AC. n-mosch. nux vom. veratr. tart. tencr. TIIUJ. valer. ZINC. -, with vertigo, ACON. ane6r. mgt-arc. mgt-aus. ARS. BELL. BRY. canth. carb-v. -,in bed, before falling asleep, ign. LACH. natr. KUX VOM. sep. alum. amm-m. arn. ARS. aur. staph. sulph. THER. BRY. calad. CALC. carb-a. CARB- Fall coInplaints, aur. bry. v. caus. chin. cocc. dulc. GRAPH. calc. chin. COLCii. DULC. LACEI. HEP. ign. ipec. kal. lach. led. MERC. PETR. rhod. RHUS. LYc. magn-c. magn-m. MERC. VERATR. natr. natr-m. nux vom. PnIos. Fall, consequences of (see Injuphos-ac. PULS. ran. Rnus. sass. ries, chap. II.) SELEN. SEP. sil. stront. SULrIL. Far-sighted (see chap. IX.) sulph-ac. tart. thuj. veratr. Fat persons, ailments of, ANT. Exanthemis (see chap. II.) bell. CALC. CAPS. cupr. ferr. Excesses, ailments from, agar. graph. lye. PULS. SULPH. anac. arn. ars CALC. carb-v. Fauces (see chap. XV) CHIN. CIN. CoSN. kal. esc.s natl. natr-m. TUx von. Petr.petr. PIosH. Fear, ailments from, AcoN. bell. P1-lOS-AC. puls. sep. Sn. pig. calc. caus. coff. hyosc. IGN. lach. STAPH. sulph. thuj. nux vom. O. puls. samb. Excresceices (see chap. II., VERATr Skin.) Feeble constitutions, Exostoses (see Bones, affections complaints of, ARN. ars. CALC. of.) carb-v. CiIN. Iach. mere. natr. Eyes (diseases of, see chap. NATR-,. Nun VnI. phosph. PHosIX.) AC. sec. sep. SULPH. veratr. Facial eruptions (see chap. Females, diseases of, ACON. IIu.) alum. AMBR. amm. AMum-M. ama. FEVER, FISH-POISON, ETC. 591 ASA. BELL. bor. calc. caus. Fractures (see Injuries, chap. CHA-M. CHIN. CIC. cocc. CON. I1.) CROC. ferr. graph. hell. hep. Freckles (see chap. II.) tlHyosc. IGN. kal. lyc. _MAGc-C. F'ight, ill effects of, ACON. MAcN-. M-ER. mMos. N. BEmoseLL.. B.. COFF. lhyOSC. IGN. MIOSCII. N-vor. phosph. PLAT. LACH. nux vom. OP. puls. samb. PULS. Rnus. luta. sabad. SA- veratr. BIN. sec. SEP'. SI)ig. STAN N. Frost-bitten limbs (see straiz. sulph. th-uj. ~ALER. ve- Chilblains, chap. II.), ratr. zinc. Fever (see chap. IV.) Frnit, ill effects of (see Food, Fever (see chap. IV.) cha. XVII.) Fish-poison, ailments from, BELL. camph. carb-v. coff. COP. Funguses (see chap. II.) Fistulae (see Ulcers, FiAtulous Fungus articularis, ANT. ars. ch ap. acrmalis II.) clem. con. JOD. kreos. lach. petr. Fistula lachrymalis (see chap. phlosph. rhus. sabin. SIL. staph. Ix.) Si LPIT. -- hsematodes (see chap. II.) Flatulence (see Belly Affec- _ medullaris (see chap. IL.) tions, chap. XXIV.) ~Gait, tottering, acon. agar. arg-n. Flocks, grasping at, arn. ars. Caus. jod. LACH. lact. mur-ac. bell. chin. cocc. hyosc. jod. op. natr-m. nux vom. phos-ac. puls. phosph. phos-ac. rhus. stram. rhus. sec. stram. SULPH. teucr. Flowing wiater, when cross- veratr. verb. ing it or seeing it, ang. FERR. -, stooping, mez. SULPH. sulph., unsteady, caus. lact. magn. ]luids, loss of animal, calc, natr. oleand. phosph. sulph. CARB-V. CHIN. cin. lach. nitr-ac. Gaingrene (see chap. II.) Nux voM. plhos-ac. SULPII. sulph- Gastric ailments (see chap. ac. veratr. XVIII.) Flying apart, pain as if, - fevers (see chap. IV.) AcON. amrn. ant. baryt. BELL. Glanders, ill effects of, ARS. BRY. CALc. caps. carb-a. carb-v. cale. PHOS-Ac. sulph. CAUs. chin. CON. graph. hep IGN. Glandular affections, kal. LacIr. MERC. mez. natr. AMM. ALUM. asa. AUR. BARYT. NATR-M.NUX VOM. oleand. petr. BELL. bov. bry. CALe. canth. phosph. PULS. ran. sabin. SEIP. carb-a. CARB-v. CIA3M. clem. cocc. SIL. SPIG. spong. staph. SULPII. CON. DULC. GRAPH. HEP. JOD. thuj. mgt-arc. KAL. LYC. nang. MERC. natr. Fontanelles remaining open, natr-m. rITR-Ac. petr. PHOSPH. CALC. SIx. sculph.' phos-ac. plumb. RHUS. sabin. sep. SIL. spig. SPONG. STAPH Food 1which causes trouble (see SULPII. thuj. chap. XVII.), atrophy, CHAM. chin. CON. Foot-batlIs, ailments from, JOD. kal. nitr-ac. n-mosch. see. chamn. Curn. mere. natr. NITR-Ac. sil. PULS. rhus. sep. SIL., boring, bell. lye. puls. sabad. Forenoon complainits —, burning, ars. bell. cann. amm-m. anane. ars. bry. cale. carb-v. coeec. con. hep. merc. CaANN. CARB-V. caus. chain. con. phosph. rhab. sil. lig. graph. guaj. hep. kal. mang. -, constriction, amm. bell. bor. NATR. NATR-IM. nitr. nitr-ac. chin. coee. con. IGN. JOD. lye. N-MOSCII. nux vom. phosph. mang. nitr-ac. nux vom. phosph. phos-ac. thus. SABAD. sass. SEP. plumb. puls. rhus. sep. SPONG. sil. staph. SULPH-AC. valer. veratr. sulph. sulph-ac. viol-trie. -, contusive pain, arg. ARN. ars. 592 GENERAL AFFECTIONS. Glandular affections, Glandular affections, CARB-A. caus. chin. CIC. CON. HtEP. hyose. ign. kreos. LAcH. cupr. JOD. kal. mgnt-arc. natr-m. LYc. MERC. NITR-AC. petr. phosph. plat. puls. rhod. rhus. phosph. sass. SEP. SIL. squill. RUTA. SEP. staph. su.ph. sulph-ac. SULPH., cramp-pain, alnm-tn. anac. —, swelling, alum. AMM. ammang. bell. bov. CALC. CARB-V. in. ARN. ars. ASA. AUR. BARYT. caus. chin. cocc. coloc. jod. kal. bar-m. BELL. bov. BRY. CALC. lye. natr. phos-ac. PLAT. sabad. canth. CGARB-A. CARB-V. caus. sep. sil. mgt-arc. mgt-aus. CHAM. CLEM~. Cocc. CON. DULC. -, cutting, arg. bell. calc. con. GRAPH. HEP. JOD. KAL. LYc. graph. ign. lyc. natr. phos-ac. mang. magn-c. magn-m. MERC. sep. sil. staph. sulph. mez. mur-ac. natr. netr-m. -, digging, aeon. amm-m. arn. NITR-AC. nux vom. n-jugl. asa. bell. bov. bry. CALC. DULC. PETR. PHOSPH. phos-ac. plumb. kal. natr. phosph. plat. RHOD. puls. RHUS. sabin. sass. sep. SIL. rhus. ruta. sep. spig. stann. spig. SPONG. stann. STAPH., gnawing, mez. phos-ac. plat. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. zinc. ran-sc. spong. staph. -, swelling of, cold, ars. asa., induration, BARYT. BELL. bell. cale. coce. con. DULC. lach. bry. CALC. carb-a. carb-v. CHAM. MERC. sil. SULPa. chin. CLEM. COCC. CON. dig. dule. - tearing, ambr. arn. bell. boy. GRAPH. JOD. kal. Lyc. magn-m. bry. calc. carb-a. carb-iv. caus. nux vom. petr. PHosPH. ran. cham. CHIN. dulc. ferr. graph. rhus. SIL. SPONG. squill. SULPH. ign. kal. lye. MERC. natr. nux, inflammation, acon. arn. vom. puls. rhod. rhus. seneg. baryt. bar-m. BELL. camph. sep. sil. sulph. zinc. carb-a. carb-v. CHAM. con. dulc. -, tension, amm. ambr. arn. GRAPH. HEP. kal. lye. MERC. baryt. bry. cale. earb-a. caus. nitr-ac. nux vomr. petr. PHOSPH. clem. coloc. Cos. GRAPH. kal. puls. rhus. sass. sep. SIL. staph. lye. merc. mur-ac. PHOSPH. puls. sulph. sulph-ac. THUJ. rhus. sep. sil. SPONG. stront. -, nodosities, bry. calc. carb-a. SULPH. thuj. clem. cocc. DULC. GRAPH. hep., throbbing, amm-m. asa. JoD. lye. PHosPH. puls. rhus. SIL. BELL. cale, caus. cham. clem. kal. sulph. lach. lye. MERC. nitr-ac. phosph., pressure, alum. ars. aur. rhod. sabad. sep. sil. sulph. BELL. calc. caus. ign. lye. mgt- thuj. are. magn-m. mang. MERC. natr-, tingling, aeon. ARN. bell. m. nitr-ac. phos-ac. spong. stann. calc. cann. canth. CON. laur. staph. stram. SULPH. mgt-aus. MERC. natr. phos-ac. --- sore, pain as if, alum. ant. plat. puls. rhod. REus. sabin. arn. bry. cale. caus. cic. clem. SEP. SPONG. sulph. zinc. Con. graph. hep. IGN. kal. mere., ulceration, Ans bell. con. mez. natr-m. nux vorn. phosph. hep. lach. PHOSPH. SIL. sulph. plat. puls. rhus. SEP. staph. thnj. sulph. sulph-ac. ZINC. —, ulcerative pain, amm. amm- stinging, alum. amm-m. arn. m. aur. bry. caus. CHAM. cic. asa. BELL. bry. ealc. carb-a. chin. graph. hep. ign. kal. KREoS. cocc. CON. graph. hep. IGN. kal. MERC. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. kreos. MERC. mur-ac. natr-m. PHosPEr. puls. rhus. ruta. sang. nitr-ac. nux vorn. phosph. puls. sil. sulph-ac. thuj. zinc. ran-sc. rhus. sep. sil. SPONG. Gnawing pain, alum. ars. asa. staph. sulph. thuj. baryt. bell. calc. canth. caus. —, suppuration, AUR. BAR-M1. cham. con. cupr. dros. kal. BELL. CALC. canth. coloc. dulc. kreos. GOITRE, GOUT, GROWING, ETC. 593 lach. lye. mang. mez. natr-m. hep. IGN. lye. magn-m. mere. phosph. phos-ac. plat. puls. ran- natr. natr-m. Nux voM. PnosPr. sc. rhus. ruta. sabad. spig. staph. PULS. SIL. stann. stront. SULPH. Goitre (see chap. XXXI.) HFwnoptysis (see chap. Gout, ACON. AGN. ANT. ARN. XXVIII.) ARS. asa. aur. BELL. BRY. Haemorrhage, ACON. ant. CALC. canth. CAPS. carb-a. CAnB- ARN. arg-n.? ars. asa. bar-m. v. CAUS. chel. CHIN. cic. cin. BELL. calc. cann. caps. carb-a. cocc. COLCIJ. coloc. con. daphn. carb-v. CHAM. CHIN. cocC. cop. dig. dulc. FERR. GRAPrI. guaj. CRoc. cipr. dros. FERR. hyosc. HEP. jod. lach. LED. LCe. mang. jod. IPEC. kal. kreos. LACH. led. men. MERC. 11-mosch. N-VOM. lye. MERC. nitr. NTTR-AC. Nux phosph. phos-ac. plumb. PULS. von. PHOSPHI. plumnb. PULS. ran. ran-sc. RHOD. rhus. SABIN. rhus. SABIN. SEC. SEP. SIL stramn. SASS. sep. sil. stann. STAPH. SULPH. sulph-ac. zinc. SULPH. tart. thuj. zinc. Haemorrhage, active, A-,acute, ACON. ANT. ARS. CON. amn. BELL. cale. cam. bell. BRY. canth. chin. COLCH. chin. CRoc. FERR. HYosc. ipec. FERR. hep. nux vom. PULS. kal. lye. mere. nitr-ac. nux vom. - chronic, together with, agn. phosph. PULs. thus. sabin. sep. aur. CALC. carb-a. carb-v. CAUS. stram. sulph. CoLoc. dig. graph. GUAJ. JOD. led. —, passive, ars. CARB-V. CHIN. lye. MANG. phosph. Pnos-Ac. FERR. ipec. PIIOS-AC. puls. rhue. RHOD. sabin. SAss. sep. sil. SEc. sep. staph. sulph. staph. SULPH. zinc. and the fol- Hair, falling off of (see chap. lowing. II.), contracting, BRY. calc. CAUS. Halnds (see chap. XXXII.) coloc. GUAJ. rhus. sil. SULPH. Hangnails (see chap. II.) thuj. Hearing, morbid (see chap., flying about, ARN. asa. X.) daphn. MANG. N-MOSCI-. Nux Heart, diseases of the (see chap. vogi. plumb. PULS. rhod. SULPH. XXX.), nodous, AGN. ANT. aur. bry. Heartburu (see chap. XVIII.) CALC. carb-a. CARB-V. dig. Heat (see Fever, chap. IV.) GRAPI. led. LYC. nlux vom. Heated, ailments from getting, phosph. RIJOD. sabin. sep. sil. ACON. ANT. BELL. BRY. CAMPH. staph. sulph. zinc. caps. CARB-V. kal. natr-m. nux —, metastatic, acon. bell. nux vom. op. SIL. thuj. zinc. vom. sass. sulph. Heavinesss feeling of, ACON. of drunkards, ACON. ars. agar. alum. amm. amm-m. ant. CALC. chin. hep. jod. lach. led. arn. ars. asa. baryt. bar-m. BELL. Nux voM. puls. SULII. CALC. camph. carb a. CARB-v. of good livers, ant. calc.jod. chainm. CIIN. cin. con. croc. dule. puls. sulph. ign. kreos. lach. lye. magn-e., of workers in water, ant. ars. magn-m. MERC. mez. mosch. CALC. dulc. n-mosch. PULS. rhus. mur. ac. natr. NATR-M. nSASS. SULPH. mosch. NUX VOM. op. par. Growing, ailments caused by, petr. PIOsrPH. phos-ac. plumb. Pnos-AC. sulph. PULS. rhab. Rnus. ruta. sabad. Gravel (see chap. XXIII.) sabin. SEP. SIL. spig, spong. Grief, ailments from, ACON. squill. STANN. staph. stram. ars. COLOC. graph. hyosc. IGN. SULPH. thuj. veratr. MaGTLACH. lye. nux vom. PHOS-AC. ARC. STAPH. veratr. Heavy feeling, asa. calc. camph. Griping, clutching, amm. bell. CHIN. ein. dig. euphr. fluor-ac. CALC. CARB-V. CAUS. GRAPH. ign. kal. mez. NATR. NATR-M. 594 GENERAL AFFECTIONS. PIosrPi. plios-ac. puls. rhab. MAGcN —M. puls. RHIUS. SEP. Sil. ruta. sabad. SEP. sil. spong. staph. SUTLPI. staunn. Indurations, scirrhous, bell. Hectic fever (see chap. IV.) CARB-A. CAnB-v. CA.uAM. CLEM. 1Itenueralopia (see chap. X.) sep. SI,. staph. nux vore. phosph. Hepar sulphinris. ill effects Cos. mag-n-m. suliph. of, alum. BELL. CIiAM. graph. Infants (see Children, diseases ign. SIL. of.) Jearnna (see cllhap. XXI.) Inflammatory affecllerpes (see chap. IT.) tions, ACON. Ans. BELL. lHiicough (see chap. XXVIII.) BRY. cale. camph. CAN-N. CANTI. Hoarsenhess (see chap. caps. carb-v. CIIAM. CaIN. CHIXXVII.) NIN. cia. COCC. CCfi COICh. coloc. MHome-sickness, aur. CAPS. con. dros. dulc. euphorb. ferr. carb 1. cans. AERC. PJIOS-AC. hell. HEP. IIYOSC. I'EC. KIAL. staph. lach. laur. LYC. magn-c. magn-m. Honey, poisoned by, camph. mang. MIERC. mez. NaITR. nitr-ac. coffl N'UX VTOMI. op. petr. PHOSPH. Hydrocele (see cllhap. XXIV.) plhos-ac. plullmb. PULS. rhab. H/ydrocephalus (see chlap. RIIUS. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. VII.) sec. seneg. sep. spig. sponq. squill. Ilydrophobia, BELL. canth. stann. stramn. stront. SULPH. hyosc. LACII. merc. stratn. veratr. sulph-ac. tlhnj. VERATR. }Hypochondria, asa. anac. Influenza (see chap. XXVII.) Atpr. bell. CALC. chaie. CIIIN. con. lln~uries (see chap. II.) hell. lach. magn-m. enosch. mez. Insensible to medicine, anac. NATR. natr-m. NUX VOM. bell. camph. CARB-V. CON. phosph. phos-ac. plumb. p1uls. hyose. lanch. laur. mosch. nitr-ac. SEP. stann. staph. SULPIH. olecad. OP. PIIOS-AC. stram. valer. reratr. viol-od. zinc. SUL:PH. Hysteria, acgs. anac. ars. asa. Intermittent fevers (see Aun. BELL. bry. CALc. caln. chap. II.) CAS. chain. chin. CIc. Cocc. Insensible to medicine, annac. CON. hyosc. IGN. jod. ipec. bell. camph. CA.RB-V. CON. LACIT. nagyn-in. AMoscH. NATR-M. hyosc. lach. laur. mosch. nitr-ac. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. NUX VOM. oleaed. OP. PIIOS-AC. stram. phosph. PLAT. plunmb. PULS. SULPH. SEP. SIL. stann. staph. STRAMI. lntermittent fever (see SULPH. valer. veratr. viol-od. chap. II.) Ichthyosis (see chap. II.) Intolerable pains, ACON. Ileus (see chap. XXI.) ars. CIIAM. COFF. lach. Nux Imbecility (see chap. VI.) voei. Inldignation, effects of (see lodiane, effects of, ARS. BELL. also Irascibility), coloc. STAPH. CnIN. coff. hep. PHOSPH. spong. Indurations, AGN. alum. arn. SULrI. baryt. bell. bov. bry. cale. canen. Irascibility, ill effects of, CARB-A. CARB-V. CITAI. chin. aeon. BRY. CIanA. COLOC. /Nux CLEM. CO. DULC. graph. jod. hal. von. phossph. STAPH. LACIT. lye. mnagn-r. petr. Iroen, ailments froml, arn. ars. phosph. phos-ac. plumb. puls. bell. CHIN.. HEP. ipec. mere. ran. MlIus. SEP. SIL. SPONG. PULS. veratr. squill. staph. SuLPrs. Itch (see chap. II.) -, after inflammations, agn. Itchiig- (see clap. II.) arn. baryt. BELL. bov. bry. calc. Jatandice, ACOX. arbr. arn. CARB-V. chasm. CuIN. CLEM. ars. aur. bell. brv. calc. canth. eon. dulc. graphl. jod. Lwci. lye. carb-v. caus. CIIOna. chel. CHIN. JAUNDICE, JEALOUSY, JOY, KIDNEYS, ETC. 595 CI-ININ. cin. cocC. con. Croc. BELL. bor. CARB-V. chin. dros. crotal. cupr. dig. ferr. HEP. ign. kal. lach. mang. phosph. STANN. jod. LACII. laUr. mnagn-m. MERC. LaziniEess, acon. ALUM. amm-m. nitr-ac. Nux vo.N. op. phosplh. ARS. BARYT. BELL. BRY. CAPS. plumb. puls. ran. rhaus. sec. sep. carb-a. chel. CHIN. cocc. dulc. spig. SULPH. sulph-ac. tarax. GlAJ. hell. ign. jod. kal. LACH. veratr. nlman-m. nmeph. mez. mur-ac. Jaundice, after chagrin. TNATR. NATR-M. NUX VO0M. CII.A.r. laci. Nux vof. sulph. op. petr. phosph. phos-ac. a, after abuse of cinchona, bell. plumb. PULS. ruta. sec. SEP. calc. MIFRc. tx vomre. stann. tart. thuj. verb., after abuse of mercury, CrIN. Lead, poisoned by, ALUM. bell. hep. Ioch. SUip7rh. v cham. LeZx omre. X OP. PILAT. -, after abuse of rhubarb, chain. Lepra (see chap. II. Skin.) merc. Leucophlegnmasia, atmm. JealoPIesy, effects of, IIYOSC. ant. ars. as. bell. calc. caps. ign. LACII. N\Un vor. piLes-ac. chin. cupr. ferr. hell. lea]. lach. iPugs. staphm. mere. puls. rlus. seneg. spig. sulphsl1. Joy, effects of, Aco:. caus. Lentcorrhma (see chap. COFF. Coxoc. OP. puls. XXIV.) Kidneyvs, diseases of (see chap. Lie downh, disposed to, acon. XXIII.) alum. ars. baryt. calad. canth. Knee (see chap. XXXII,) chain. ehel. clena. coff. cycl. Labor pains (see chap. daphn. ferr. grat. led. lye. nitrXXV.) ac. INUX VO'I. puls. rhus. Lactatioui, complaints fiom, staph. selen. tarax. tart. acon. ars. BEL1L. bor. bry. CALC. Light aggravates, AcoN. carb-a. carb-v. CHAM. chin. cin. amtm. anmm-m. arn. Ans. baryt. con. dalc. graph. ign. ipec. kal. BELL. bry. CALC. chain. chin. l]ach. ly. IMERC. natr-m. nux coff. COLCII. CON. croc. dig. VoaI. phosph. phos-ac. PULS. EUPUR. GREAPHI. hell. hep. r'hab. rhus. samrb. SEP. SIL. iLYosc. ign. Lyec. MERC. natr. stann. staph. zinc.-Compare: natr-mn. NUX VOM. PHOSPH. 3Milk,-Complaints caused by PIIos-AC. puls.?4hus. sep. SIL. (chap. SXXIII.) spig. STRAM. SULPH. Lameness, ACON. AAni. anto- LightilesS, feeling of, asar. mn. anac. ARN. ars. AUR. baryt. coif. lact. straTn.-Alternating bar-11. BELL. berb. BRY. CAPS.'with heaviness, natr-m. cann. CARB-V. CALUS. CRHAM. Limping, spontaneous (see chlel. CIIIN. CIN. COCO. COLCH. Coxagra, chap. XXXIII.) dros. euphorb. ferr. hep. IGON. Lips, diseases of (see chap. kreos. maqn-m. mneph. mez. natr. XXX.) NATR-M. nitr. NUX VOM. oleand. Liver complaint (see PIosPII. PIIIOS-Ac. PLAT. IPULS. chap. XX.) rhab. RisoD. RHUS. sabad. sabin. Lockjaw (see chap. XII.) SII. STAPH. stratn. valer. VE- Love, unhappy, ailments from, nATR. mgt-arc. AER. caus. COfE. hell. HYOSC. Laming pairn, acon. Anr. IGN. nux vom, PHOS-AC. bell. bry. CAPS. CARB-V. caus, staph. Ciintr. CHIN. CIN. COCC. CocrI. Lunmbago (see chap. XXXI.) ign. natr-mn. NUX VOM. pospho. Luxations, liable to, natr. PuLS. rhoed. RHUS. SABAD. SA- natr-m. rhus. sep. BIN-. sil. STAPII. veratr. mgt- Luxa~tion, spontaneous, CALC. arc. bry. Iye. nitr-ac. petr. phosph, Laughing, worse when, Ans. Rlius. sulph. zinc. 596 GENERAL AFFECTIONS. Lying, worse when, AMBR. Mlfelancholy (see chap. V.) alum. ARS. asa. aur. bell. brom. -- persons, diseases of, aeon. bry. calc. CAPrs. carb-v. caus. ARS. aur. bell. bry. calc. chin. chin. con. dig. Dnos. dulc. eu- GRAPH. ign. LACH. lye. MERC. phorb. ferr. hyosc. lye. Moscii. natr-m. Nux voM. plat. PULS. mur-ac. natr. NATR-M. nux vom. rhus. stram. SULPH. Veratr. PULs. rhod. Rnius. ruta. SAMB. Menory, loss of (see chap. SEP. sil. valer. VERB. VI.) -, relieved by, alum. ARN. Menses (see chap. XXV.) ARS. BRY. canth. carb-a. cupr. Menstrual suppression, lye. magn. MERC. morph. NATR- ill effects of, ACON. amtm. ars. M. NITR-AC. n-mosch. NUX VOM. baryt. bell. BRY. calc. caus. sabad. SPIG. spong. staph. stranm. cllain. chin cocc. CONx. cupr. veratr. DULC. ferr. GRAPHr. jod. KAL. --- onl the back, worse LYC. mere. natr-m. n-mosch. op. when, AeoN. amm. amin-mn. ars. phosph. plat. PULS. rhod. sabin. CAUS. cham. chin. coloc. cupr. SEP. SIL. staph. stram. SULPIT. IGN. mogn-m. mere. Nux vO. valer. r;eratr. zinc. liNosPuI. plnls. rhms. sep. sil. Meintagra (see chap. XII.) - on. oe s, se Mental exertions aggrawhon one side. wPorse vate, ambr. anac. ars. AuR. when, ACON. ars. baryt. BRY. BELL. hop. CALC. coce. coleb. CALC. CARB-A. cin. ferr. graph. IGN. LACH. lye. natr. NAT-n1. hep. IGN. kal. lye. natr. INUX VOM. oleand. plat. PuLs. PHOSPH. PULS. rhus. sabad... SlL. SANN. suph. sabad. selen. SEP. Sil. staphll. SIL. STANN. SUPI1. SULPh., relieved by: arn. ars. Mercurial cachexia, nux vom. PIHOSPH. sep. alum. amm. amm-m. arg. arg-n. - on the left side, worse arn. ars. asa. AUR. aur-m. BELL. when, aeon. ammm. colch. kal. calc. carb-a. CARB-V. cham. LYe. natr. natr-m. PHOSPH. puls. CIIIN. chinin. clenm. con. DULC. SEP. sil. sulph. thtuj. euphorb. ferr. graph. guaj. hell..- on the right side, HEP. jod. LACII. LYe. mez. worse when, amm-m. aur. bor. natr-m. NITR-AC. op. phosph. caus. kal. magn-m. mecrc. nux phos-ac. plat. puls. sass. sep. SIL. vom. puls. spong. stann. spig. staph. SULPH. thij. on the painless side, M4esmerism, desire for, calc. worse when, aribr. am. bry. Mezereuin, ill effects of, bry. cale. caus. cham. coloc. ign. kal. mere. rhus. puls. rhus. sep. stann. mgt-aus. lMild disposition, ambr. Lymphatic constitu- BELL. calad. CiC. Cocc. IGN. lye. tions, amm. arn. ars. baryt. PULS. SIL. sulph. MGT-ARC.:BELL. CALC. CARB-V. CHIN. dulC. Milk of nursing females (see ferr. graph. KIAL. Lyc. MERC. chap. XXX.) NATR-M. NITR-AC. nutX vom. petr., suppression of, aeon. bell. PHOSPH. PULS. rhus. SEP. SIL. BRY. calc. cham. coff. DULC. SULPH. thuj. mere. PuLS. RHUS. sulph. Mllarasmus of old people, Mlind, diseases of (see chap. V. baryt con. op. phosph. sec. and VI.) Magnesia, ill effects of, ars. Miscarriage (see chap. XV.) CHAM. COff. coloc. NUX VOM. PULS. Miserere (see lieus). rhab. Moles (see chap. I[.) Measles (see chap. II.) MIoon, worse during a change Meat, ailments from (see Food, of, ALUM. amm. CALC. caus. chap. XVII.) cupr. dulc. graph. lye. natr. Megrim (see chap. VII.) SABAD. sep. SIL. sulph. thuj! MOON, MORNING AILMENTS, ETC. 597 M1oon, worse during new moon, mnagn-c. magn-m. mere. men. alum. AzN. cale. caus. cupr. mosch. natr. op. phell. PHos-Ac. DAPIUN. lye. sabad. sep. SIL. plat. PuLs. RIIOD. RHUS. ruta., worse during full moon, sabad. samb. sen. sep. sill. stann. alum. calc. graph. natr. natr-m. SULPH. valer. sabad. sil. spong. sulph. Motions of the limbs, during increasing, alum. violent, alum. calc. canth. caus. dulc. thuj. cin. cupr. hell. hyosc. natr-n. op. Morning ailments, AcoN. sec. squill. stram. tart. zinc. ALUM. AMBR. AniM. AMM-M. Motion, dread of, aeon. anae. ANT. arn. ARS. aur. amm. ARS. BELL. calad. CAPS. baryt. bell. bovy. BRY. CALC. chel. CuIN. dulc. guaj. hell. carb-a. CARB-v. caus. chin. Cir. hyosc. ign. jod. LACH. lye. clem. COFF. con. CRoC. cupr. mere. mez. mur-ac. NATR. NATRdaphn. dig. DRos. dule. euphorb. M. NUX VOM. ruta. SULPH. ferr. graph. GUAJ. hell. IIEP. IGN. tart. ther. thuj. zinc. jod. KAL. kal-bi. lach. lye. magn- Miucons membranes, afc. magn-m. meph. mez. NATR. fections of, acon. ALUM. amm. NATR-M. NITR. NITR-AC. NUX amm-m. ant. ARS. BELL. bor. VOM. op. PETr. PHOSPH. phos. BRY. CALC. cann. canth. CAPS. ac. plat. plumb. puls. ran. rhab. carb-a. CARB-V. CAUS. cham. rhod. RHUS. sabin. sass. sen. CHIN. chinin. CHLOR. cocc. SEP. sil. spig. squill. stann. colch. dig. dros. DULC. EUPHR. staph. stram. SULP1a. sulph-ac. FLUOR-AC. graph. guaj. HEP. tart. thuj. Ivaler. VEIATR. viol- hyosc. ign. jod. kal. kal-bi. lach. od. sngt-arc. mgt-aus. led. LYe. magn-c. magn-rm. in bed, ALUM. AMBR. MERC. MIEZ. natr. natr-m. nitramm. AMM-M. ant. arn. ARS. ac. Nux voM. petr. PHOSPH. aur. bell. BRY. calc. cann. plumb. PULS. RHUS. SENEG. sep. canth. caps. carb-a. CARB-v. sil. spig. spong. STANN. staph. CAus. chin. Cox. croc. dros.ferr. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. zinc. GRAPH. tIEP. ign. KAL. lach. -, excessive secretions, alum. LYC. mang. mere. natr. natr-m. ars. bor. calc. canth. CAPS. carbNITR. NITR-AC. NUX VOM. op. a. carb-v. caus. cham. CHIN. petr. PHOSPI-I. phos-ac. plat. CHLoR. dig. dros. DULC. r'an. rhod. rhus. sabad. samb. EUPHR. fluor-ac. graph. HEP. SEP. sil. squill. staph. SULPH. hyosc. ign. lye. magn-c. MERC. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. mez. NATE-M. nitr-ac. nux vom. Mortification, effects of, petr. PHoSPH. PULS. rhus. SENEG. aur. BELL. cham. COLOC. IGN. SEP. sil. spig. STANN. staph. natr-m. phos-ac. PLAT. PULS. SULPH. sulph-ac. seneg. STAPII., inflammation, ACON. ARs. Moti)on aggravates, acon. bell. bor. BRY. CANN. CANTH. agn. ARN. ars. BELL. BRY. calc. cham. dros. hyosc. ign. ipec. CAPS. chin. COLCH. coloc. con. kreos. MERC. MEZ. NUx voM. cupr. DIG. GRAPH. guaj. HELL. petr. PIIosPr. PULS. sep. SIL. ign. IPEC. kal. laur. led. MERC. SPONG. squill. staph. SULPH. snez. NATR-M. nitr-ac. NUX, interstitial swelling, thickVOM. oleand. PnosPH. plumb. ening, alum. ars. bell. calc. carbran. sil. SPIG. SQUILi. stann. v. caus. chin. con. DuLC. euphr. STAPH. veratr. zinc. MGT-AUS. graph. lye. MERc. mez. natr-m. - relieves, AGAR. ambr. petr. phosph. PULS. seneg. sep. amm. atmnn-m. ars. ASA. AUR. sil. stann. staph. SULPH. baryt. calc. caps. coloc. CoN. chin. -, ulcer/tion, ARm. asa. AuR. cycl. DRos. DULC. euphorb. FERR. BELL. CALC. canth. CARB-v. CAUS. fluor-ac. kal. kreos. lach. lye. chin. con. dros. dulc. hep. kreos, 508 VtENERAL AFFECTIONS. lach. lye. MERC. NITR-AC. petr. Nervousness, after mental Pnosrii. PULS. rhus. SIL. staph. exertions, arn. BELL. CALC. COCC. SULPIT. thij. zinc. ign. LACH. lvc. natr-mn. NUX a~Munlps (see Parotids, in- VOMI. PULS. sabad. sep. sil. flamed, chap. X.) SCLvH. I![ushrooiss, poisoned by,, after physical exertions, aeon. carb-v. CoFF. 1nUX vom. aeon. alum. ARN br/,Y.GALe. C ann. PULS. CroIN. Cocc. coff. lye. gmerc. natrMusic aggravates, aeon. m. nlx vom. Ruus. ruLta. sabin. ambr. anae. CALC. CIIAmI. COFF. sil. sulph. veratr. kal. Lye. NATR. NTux voMr. -, from abuse of mercery, carbphosph. PHOS-AC. puls. sabin. v. clanl. chin. 1iEP. LACI. lye. SEP. STANN. staph. VIOL-OD. NITR-AC. puls. sulph. zinc. -, from narcotics, amnm. bell. -, piano, anac. eale. kal. CARB-V. canus. CHAM. COFF. natr. sep. zinc. graph. ipec. kal. LACI. lye. violin, ealc. kal. viol-od. MERC. natr-m. SUX VOM. LMussels, poisonous (see Fishl- PULS. rhus. sep. SUPII. poison). -, from sedentary habits, eale. carb-v. IL.\CuI. NUX VO~Z. puls. Nail, or plug, sense of, aeon. Sa LPF-. VOM. pls ANAC. ant. ARN. asa. earb-v.. f se of spirits Aco — ce, from-i abuse of spirits, Aco-x. eocc. cof. dulc. hell. HEP. IJGN. ars. BELL. calc. chin. COF. lach. lye. mgt-are. natr-m. NU X mere. natr. Nux vonM. PULS. VOMI. OL AND. PLAT. rhus. SULPIL RUTA. spig. spong. sulph., from watcling at night, SULPH-AC. thulj. anbr. BRY. CARB-V. C(m'N. Narcotics, ill effects of, AMI. COCC. ipec. natr. NATR-ni. NUX ars. BELL. CARB-V. caus. CTIIAr. VOM. phos-ac. PULS. ruta. COFF. graph. hyosc. ipec. kal. sabin. Si-LEN. sep. sulph. mytLACH. lye. MERC. natr-m. Nux arc. vonr. OP. PULS. rhus. sep. Nervous fits, ALur. ars. bell. SULPII. ale. carb-a. CARB-V. con. kal. Nervousness, excessive, A- ]ach. led. lyc. mur-ac. natr. CON. alum. arn. ars. ASAR. bell. NATR-M. nitr. nitr-ac. NUX cale. CnIAnM. CHINx. COFF. colch. VOM. PLAT. Sass. SEP. SIL. cupr. dros. HEP. hyosc. IGN. jod. SULPIt. thuj. kreos. MERC. NITR-AC. NUX - temperament, ACON. VOM. phos-ac. PULS. rhus. samb. alum. ars. BARYT. BELL. bry. sil. stann. sclph. TEUCE. VALER. carb-v. CHAMr. CHIN. COFF. con. VERATR. MGT-ARC. CvPR. dig. graph. hep. hyose. -, nervous debility, A- IGN. lau,. lye. AIERn. NATR. CON. alum. arnbr. nmm. amm- natr-m. N.UX VOM. PnIOSPII. m. ang. ARN. ASAR. baryt. bell. phos-ac. PLAT. PULS. rh1us. sabin. BRY. CALC. cann. carb-a. sep. Si,. ST.NN.sram. Stran.,PH. CARTB-V. caus. CHAM. CHIN. teuer. VALER. VIOL-oD. IMGTCocc. COFF. con. ferr. graph. ARC. Hlrr. IGN. jod. I:Jc. kal. lach. Neturalflia, ACON. agn. lact. ly/c. MIERC. mosel. nztr-,. alum. anac. ant. arg. ARN. Ans. nitr. N1ITR-AC. n-mosch.:NUX asa. asar. aur. barvt. BE1LL. VOMI. pet-. phosph. phos-ac. BRY. cale. cantl1. Cu'S. cans. PULS. RHUS. sass. sep. SIL. stann. CHAM. CHIN. coco. COFF. ColrC. SULLPH. ther. VALER. VERATR. COLOC. COx. ferr. graph. HEP. zinc. MGT-ARC. hyose. IGN. KAL. led. m.raqn-c. -, after coffee, cham. ign. MIERC. mez. natr. natr-m. NUX mere. nux voln. sulph. VOM. phospoh. PULS. rhod. Ru3s. NEURAtLGIA, NIGHTLY COMPLAINTS, ElCc 599 s'uta. sabin. sass. SEP. SPIG. ahnac ang. arn. BELL. BRT. cann, spong. stann. STAPH. stront. CA;aB-v. caus. chain, chin, sulph. TnI-J. VALER. VERATR GmizicP. TIEP. laeh. led. LYc, VERB. zinc. Ilgt-aus. mang. mere. mez. BAIR-Ac. petr, Neuralgia, after coffee, bell, phosph, PULs. rhus. SABAXD. spig, CANTH. caus. CHAM. coco. SProx. stann. staph. stront. COFF. hep. IGN. MERe. JNUX TART. va~ler. VOM. puls. Sn/pi. lp. ighttmare (see chap. IIL, after a cold, ACON. ars. under Sleep, ailments during). bell. bry. carb-v. CHAM. CIIn. Noise aggravates, AcoN, COFF. hep. lye. AIERC. nux vorn. amsn. ang. ARN. ARS. aur. BELL, phosph. PULS. RIIs. samb. sep. BRY. CALc. earb-a. CHIMAr. chin. spig. sulph. veratr. CoFF. colch. Co.. IEG. LYe. -, from abuse of mercury, arg. mang. NATR. NUX VOM. petr. ARN. bell. CARB-V. CRAMI. phosph. pho —ac. PLAT. puls. CHIN. dle. gucqj. lIEr. lach. lye. SEP. sil. SPIG. VERATR. zinc. mez. phos-ac. PULS. sass. Salph. North-xlind (see Wind). --- of sensitive persons, ACON. AE.of sensitiare persons, CON. N'ose, diseases of (see chap. XI.) ARS. asarr. aur. BR~. calzth. CHAM. CHIN. cocc. COFF. Numlb feeling, AeoN. anmbr. ferr. hep. IGN. phosph. pu/s. ars. asa. bell. BRY. cale. carb-a, rhus. sil. staph. VALER. VERATR. caus. CHaaM. chel. chin. cocc. mgrt-arc. enphr. jod. led. lye. Nux vor. -,of pletorie ACON. OLEAND. phosph. phos-ac. plat. ARN- aur. BELL. br. calc. chin. PULS. rhod. RHUs. see. sang. FERn. Hyosc. lye. MERC. NATR- s)ong. strain SULPIL valer. M. nitr-ac. NUX VOM. phosph. Zinc. PULS. sep. sulph. -- of affected parts, asa. Nightly complaints, A- cham. nux voma. oleand. rhus. coN. aram. atmm-mn. ant. AMN. sulph. ARS. azr. bary. BELL. bism. Nlimnbness of linmbs, ambr. bry. CaLC. carmph. ca CAPS. arg. baryt. CaLC. caps. CARB-A. carb-aC. calb-v. calns. CPAM. CAR-sV. chainm. CHIN. Cocc. con. CHIN.. clern. coff. oHa. CROC. croton. C RAPH. guaj. CON. croc. cupr. dig. DROS. DULC. hyos. ign. KAL. LED. LYC. eugen. FERR. graph. guaj. hell. mzagn-m. Meac. atr-m. nux HEP. HYOSC. IGN. jod. kal. vom. PETR phosph. PHOS-AC. klreos. lach. led. Iyc. MAGN-C. PULS. rhab. rhod. RHUS. SEP. MIAGN-MX. MAI G. MEICRC. Im3eZ. SIL. stram. SULPH. teucr. thuj. mur-ac. natr. NAuTE-n1. NITI-Ac. veratr. mgt-arc. mgt-aus. nux vom. oleand. op. par. - of left side, ag. PiiosrH. plat. plumb. PULS. ran. of lower limbs, arn. rhab. Rnus. sabad. samb. sec. CCsophagus (see chap. XV.) selen. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. Old age, complaints of, anbr. STAPH. SULPIL. tart. thuj. mgt- aur. bary. con. oP sec. are. after Onanisim, ill effects of, ant. mdihafter anidnirt,. n. calc. carb-v. chin. cin. cocc. amCOimAs... mere. natr-m. in-mosch. canth. caps. caus. coif. croc. NUX VOM. phosph. PHosdros. ferr. graph. hep. IGN, jod. Ac lat. puls sil. STAPH. KAL. MlAC,. MAANG. mere. natr. SULPI. NITR. UX. VOZM. PIIosPH. PHOS- Opium, ill effects of, acetuzn. A. PLAT. RnIIVs. saml. sil. spig. bell. coff. ipec. mere. nus vom. squill. sulph. SuLPHI-Ac. tart. Ovaries (see chap. XXV.) THUJ. Oysters, ailments from eating, -—, before midnight, amm-m. Iye. PULS, 600 GENERAL AFFECTIONS. Pains, from above downwards, LACIH. phos-ac. PLUMB. rhus. aeon. agar. baryt. bell. bry. sang. stann. staph. sulph-ac. canth. caps. carb-v. caus. chin. Paralysis, after spasms, ang. cin. ferr. graph. kal. kreos. lye. arg-n. arn. BELL. CAUS. cie. Cocc. mere. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux C UPR. hyose. lach. LAUR. lye. vom. phos-ac. puls. sabin. sass. Nux voNi plumb. rhus. SEC. sep. sep. sulph. valer. verata. zinc. sil. stann. stram. sulph. zinc. mgt-aus. Paroxysms of, asa. cann., from below upwards, aceon. cupr. plat. rhod. valer. alum. anac. arn. ars. bell. cale. Pastry, ailments from (see carb-v. cans. cham. chin. colch. Food, chap. XVII.) con. dulc. euphr. imagn-c. mere. Pears aggravate (see Food, natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux vom. chap. XVII.) puls. rhus. samb. sep. spong. Pemphigus (see chap. II.) stront. sulph. thuj. valer. Periodical complaints, -, from within outwards, aeon. alum. anac. ANT. ARN. ARS. aur. alum. arg. asa. bell. bry. calc. baryt. bell. BRY. calc. canth. chin. con. dros. dule. ign. lye. CAPS. CARB-v. CHIN. cocc. mere. mez. mur-ac. natr. natr-rm. cupr. ferr. hyosc. IGN. IPEC. nux vom. phosph. phos-ac. rhus. lach. lye. mere. NATR-M. NUX sabad. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. VOM. ploumb. PULS. ran-se. staph. sulph. valer. mgt-arc. mgt- rhod. RM:s. SABAD. sec. SEP. aus. sil. SPIG. staph. SULPH. valer., from without inwards, anac. veratr. am. bell. calc. cann. canth. caus. Petechial (see chap. II.) cocc. dulc. hell. ign. kal. lan. Phagedvenic blisters (see mez. nitr-ac. oleand. plat. plumb. chap. II.) rhus. sabin. spig. staph. sulph-ac. Phitnosis (see chap. XXIV.) zinc. Phlegmatic temperaPantaritia (see chap. II.) merits, bell. CAPS. chin. cocc. Paralysis, anac. ang. ARG-N. LAcH. merc. mez. natr. NATR.M. ARN. ars. BARYT. bar-m. BELL. PULS. SENEG. BaRY. CARB-v. CAUS. COCC. Phosphorus, poisoned by, colch. con. CHININ. cupr. DULc. alum. bell. COFF. magn-c. NUX FERR. fluor-ac. HYosc. KAL. lach. VOM. sulph. lAur. led. LYc. natr-m. NUX Photophobia (chap. X.) VOM. oleand. Or. phosph. Pityriasis (see chap. II.) plumb. RHUS. RUTA. sang. sec. Piles (see chap. XXII.) SEP. SIL. stann. stram. SULPI. Plethora, ACON. arn. aur. zinc. BELL. bry. calc. chin. croc. dig. -, after apoplexy, annac. ARN. FERR. graph. Ithosc. lye. mere. BELL. con. lach. laur. Nux natr-m. nitr nitr-ac. Nux voM. vo.M. STANN. stram. ZINC. PHOSPH. PULS. rhus. seneg. sep. -, from debility, CHIN. COCC. strain. SULPH. thuj. FESRR. nux vom. rhus. SULPR. Pleuritis (see chap. XXX.) -, after suppressed eruptions, Plica polonica (see chap. secretions, bell. bry. CAUS. VIII.) dulc. LACII. lye. rhus. sil. Podagra (see chap. XXXIII.) SULPH. Polypi, ambr. ant. aur. bell..-, after rheumatism, ARN. CALC. CON. graph. hep. LYC. BARYT. bry. caus. CHIN. coCC. MERC. mez. natr-m. NITR-AC. FERR. hell. lye. plumb. rhus. petr. PHOSPH. PHos-Ac. PULS. sep. RUTA. sass. staphll. sulph. sil. STAPH. sulph. sulph-ac. —, semilateral, alum. anac. THnuJ. teucr. ARG-N. am. BELI. CAUS. chinin. -, vesicular, cale. COCC. GRAPH. hyose. kal. —, fibrous, ars. CALC. lye. petr. POLYPI, PREGNANCY, ETC. 601 phosph. PuLs. sep. sil. STAPH. plat. rhus. sil. STRAM.-SOLAsulph. thuj. TEUCP. NUM NIGRUM. Polypi, fleshy, lye. MERC. Rash (see chap. II.) nitr-ac. PHOSPH. STAPH. THUJ. Reading, worse when, agn. -, granular, CALC. lye. NITR- asa. AUR. bell. bor. bry. CALC. AC. STAPH. THUJ. carb-v. caus. chin. CIN. cocc. coff., spongy, CALC. LY. MER. con. dclulc. fluor-ac. GRAPH. ign. NITR-AC. phosph. sep. sil. STAPII. kal. LYC. morph. natr. NATR-M. sulph. THUJ. N-VOM. oleand. phosph. puls. Pregnancy, complaints dur- rhod. RUTA. sabad. SIL. sulph. ing, acon. alum. ant. arn. ars. sulph-ac. verb. baryt. BELL. BRY. cale. carb-v. Rectum (see chap. XXII.) cham. cic. cin. cocc. cof. CON. Rest, worse during, AGAR. amm. croc. cupr. dulc. ferr. graph. amm-mn. ASA. Aua. brom. CAPS. HYosc. ign. IPEC. kreos. lackh. chin. coloc. CON. DROS. DULC. lye. magn-c. magn-m. MERc. EUPiHoB. FEnRR fluor-ac. kal. mosch. NATRi-M. nitr-ac. n-mosch. kIreos. LACh, lye. ma n-c. magn-m. NUX VOM. op. PETE. phosph. men. rmosch. mur-ac. nitr. op. phos-ac. PLAT. PULS. rhus. PHOS-AC. plat. PULS. RHOD. sabin. SEP. staph. strain SULPH. RHUS. ruta. sabin. SAMB. seneg. VERATR. sep. sil. stann. SULPH. thuj. tong. Pressure on the affected valer. viol-od. zinc. part, aggravates, AGAR, anac. -, relieved by, aeon. ant. ARN. ant. arg. BARYT. bell. BRY. CALC. baryt. BELL. BRY. camph. coff. eann. caps. carb-v. CIN. guaj. COLCH. coloc. cupr. dig. graph. HEr. KAL. LAC. Le.C. MAGN-C hell. ign. IPEc. kal. laur. LED. nnagn-m. MERC. Mez. mulr-ac. MIERC natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. Nnatr. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux vom. VOM.oleand. PHosPH. ran. sabad. oleand. phos-ac. PLAT. ruta. sep. sass spig. spong. squill. staph. SIL. valer. zinc. stram. thuj. veratr. -.. on the part, relieves, alum. Revelling at night (see atnm. ameom-n. anac. ars. aur, bry. the remedies for Watching.) cocc. con. dulc. graph. kal. magn- Rheumatic complaints, en. mang. munr-ac. natr. phosph. ACON. amm. amtm-tn. ant. ARN. phos-ac. puls. rhus. stant. sulph- ars. as I BELL. BRY. camph. ac. cann. canth. CARB-V. CAUS. CHAM. --, with stitching, in limbs, CHIN. clem. COLCIL coloc. cupr. BELL. euphr. ferr. hep. ign. kal-bi., with tearing, in limbs, BELL. kreos. LACH. lye. magn-c. MERC. Priapisin (see chap. XXIV.) rsez. nitr-ac. n-mo.wk. N-VOM. Prussic acid, poisoned by, PisosPr. Pin-sylv. PULS. ran. coff. ipee. n-vom. RHOD. RHUS. ruta. sabin. sass. Pulmonary complaints sep. spig. squill. stann. SULP. (see chap. XXVII to XXIX.) tart. thuj. valer. VERATR. Purple rash (see chap. -, acute, ACON. AR,. ars. bell. II.) BUY. cham. CHIN. COLCH. dulc. Ptyalismn (see chapl XIV.) ign. MIER. N-vom. PULS. RHUS. Raising one's self, aggra- snlph. thuj. veratr. vates, ACON. ARN. ARs. BELL. -. articular, ACON. ant. ARN. BRY. cham. chin. Cocc. con. IGN. bell. BRY. CHIN. CLEM. hep. lye. NATR. NATE-M. N-von. op. n-vore. RHUS. SULPr. PULS. RnJvs. SUTLPr. veratr. ~-, chronic, BRY. caun clem. Ranula (see Mouth, diseases DULc. kep. IGN. lach. lye. MERC. of, chap. XIV.) N-voN. phoSph. PuLS. RHUS. Raphania, aeon. ars. BELL. selph. THUJ. veratr. chin. COLnH. cuphorb. Hyosc. op. - in change of weather, bry. 2B 602 GENERAL AFFEeTEIOXN. CAWL. CARB-V. DULC, gaplph. when, bell. bry. caps. earb-v, LACH. mang. MERC. n-moseh. n. CAUS. chin. CON. ferr. lyc. mang, vom. phosph. rhodc rhus, SIL, NATR-M, NITR-AC. phosph. PULS, SULPH. veratr. rhus; ruta. sil. staph. SULPH. Rhennatic complaints, TART. thuj. VARATR. after taking cold, ACON. arn. Itoom, worse in a, accon. ALUM bry. cale. DULC. MERC. phos-ac. arnbr. anac. ant. asa. asar. AUR. sulph. baryt. CnoC., dig graph. hell., after congealing, in winter, hep. ipec. kal-bi. lye. MAGN-C, ARs. BRY. carb-v. colech. nitr-ac. MAGN-M. mang. mez. mosch.. N-vour. phosph. puls. sulph-ac. natr-m. N-VOM. Or. PHOSPH, --—, contracting, amm. amm-m. phos-ac. plat. PULS, rh-od, RnuS. ANT. BRY. CAUS. coloc. graph. SABIN. sass. seneg. sep. spong. GUAJ. LACH. lye. natr-m. n-vorn. stront. sulplh. thlj. MGT-ARC. rhus. sep. SULPIL. -, better in a, ar.. bry. caus,, gonorrhreal, CLEM. DAPHN. coff. cnn. matig. mscanc. sass. lye. sass. sulph. thuj. stann. mgt-are. laming, ARN. BARYT. bry. Rurniuatioal (see chap, caus. CmIN. coCe. FERR. hell. lye. XVIII.) plumb. rhus. RUTA. sass. sta ph. Ruunning, worse when, arn, sulph. ars. AUR. bry. calc. caus. ign. -, mercurial, arg. arn. bell. cale. kal. NATR-a. n-Vom. rlhus, seneg.. CARB-V. cham. CHIN. GUAJ. sepl. SIL. SulIn. HEP. lach. lyc. mez. phos-ac. Rush of blood, ACON.puls. SAss. SULPH. A.IBR. aemm. amm-m. ARN. Aup, -—. shifting, AnN. ars. asa. bell. BELL. 1RY. boy. CALC. carb-a. BRY. DAPHN. mang. mere. N- CaRB-V. caus. CHIN. con. croc. MOSCH. n-vom. plumb. PULS. FERR. IEP. jod. KAL. LYe. rhod rhus. sabin. sass. sep. sulph. mere. NATR-M. N-vOM. OP. PETR, valer. PIH(SPH. PHOs-AC. rhus. samb., in wet weather, amtm. ant. sass. sen. SEP. sil. stann. staph. CALC. carb-a. carbv-. DULC. laeh. SULPH. tart. THUn. lye. mang. rmere. nitr-ae. NT-MosCH. Rush of blood, at night, pals. RHOD. RHUS. sep. spig. amn. asar. baryt. bor. BaY. cale. stront. sulph. VERATR. carb-a. dulc. graph. hep. ign. after getting wet, bell. bor. magn-c. mere. mur-ac. natr. natrbry. CALC. car&v. caus COLCu. nl n-yom. pbosph. puls. ran. dule. hep. lye. n-moseh. PULS. rhus. sabin. sep. SIL. RHUS. SASS. SEP. SULPrI Saffron, ill effects of, aeon. bell. RIghls tox., ill effects of, ars. p]at. PULs. BELL. BPRY. mere. puls sassaf. Sal anitnonia (saltpetre,) sulph. poisoned by, coff. n-vom.-Nitri _Rickets, ASA. BELL. CALC. spiritus. LYC. MERC. mez. nitr-ae. petr. Salt, ill effects of, ars. CARB-Vw phosph. phos-ac. PULS. rhus. SIL. lye. mere. n-vom. puls.-N-itri STAPH. SULPH. spiritus. -, compare: Bones, Diseases of, Sarsaparilla, ill effects of, and Scrophulosis. aimm. BFm.LL Clam lye. MERC. Riding, in a carriage, worse sulph. when, Ans. bor. carb-v. COCC. Satyriasis (see lhap. XXIV.) COLCII. croc. ferr. graph. hep. Scarlatina (see chap. II.) ign. kal. natr. natr-n. n-mosch. Scirrhus (see chap. 11.) PETR. phosph. plat. selen. sep. Scrophulosis, ambrl. amni. sil. staph. ScuLPI. mgt-are. arg-n. Ans. A-A.. axr. aur-ni. BARigidity, of the limbs, Aeth. RYT. BAR-M. BELL. bry. CALC. Risinig, tLromn a halir, ailments carb-a, car&-v. cLin. CLN. coca. SCROPHULOSIS, SCURVY, SEA-SICKNESS, ETC. 603 CON. dulc. ferr. graph. HEP. ign. AC. PLAT. PULS. rhus. sabad. JOD. kreos. lach. LYC. magn-c. SASS. SPIG. stann. STAPH. stront. MERC. mez. mur-ac. natr. natr- SULPII-AC. thuj. verb. zinc. in. nitr-ac. N-JUGL n-voln. petr. Semi - lateral comphosph. pin-sylv. puls. ran. rhab. plainlts, right side, agar. RHus. sep. SIL. staph. SULPH. alum. atmm. amm-li. brom. calc. veratr. canth. caus. dros. ign. lyc. mosch. Scrophulosis, with affections ruta. sabad. sabin. stront. zinc. of bones, Aur. asa. bell. CALC. —, left side, amrn. asa. asar. calc. hep. LYe. MERC. inez. nitr-ac. caus. chin. colch. coloc. cupr. PHosPIr.IPos-AC. PUI.S. rhus. ruta. daplhn. graph. hep. lach. lye. SIL. sep. staph. SULPH. rlerc. mez. nitr-ac. petr. phosph. -,with consumption arnd large rhod. ruta. sabin. sep. spig. sulph. belly, ars. BARYT. BAR-N. bell. sulph-ac. thuj. CALC. chin. cin. lye. n-vorm. Senses, acuteness of, aur. bell. puls. rhus. SULPH. cllr. -, with muscular debility, and Seiisitiveness, excessive, of difficulty of learning to walk, the senses, aeon. agar. arn. ars. BELL. CALC. chin. cin. ferr. AsArn. AUR. baryt. bell. CANTH. lye. mnacn-c. pIls. rhab. sep. SIL. CIIAM. CIIIN. Cin. cOCC. COFF. SULPI L. cupr. lye. mere. INUX VOM. with eruptions, AuR. BARYT. phosph. mngt-arc. CALC. canth. CLEM. CON. I)ULC. ~, to contact, AcoN. agar. ant. IIEP. kal. lyc. MERC. nmez. mur- BELL. BRY. camph. cin. cocc. ac. nitr-ac. N-JUGL. petr. ran. N-lNosclI tart. (Compare Worse RHUS. SIL. SULPH. by contact), with glandular swellings, y, to dalnp t ir, allta. calc. ars. BARYT. BAR-MI. BELL. carb-v. dulc. mur-ac. rhod. sep. Brom. bry. CALC. carb-a. carb-v. —, to open air, BELL. calc. clem. CoN. Duic. graph. HEP. CA\rnPIT. CARB-A. anus. cham. cocc. kal. LYC. NIERC. natr. NITR-AC. COFF. graph. ign. kal. lye. mere. n-jugl. n-vom. PIospr. puls. inosch. natr. NUX VOM. petr. REIUs. SIL. STAPH. SULPH. phosph. plumb. puls. rhus. Scurvy, alum. ambr. AMni. SULPH. viol-tric. mgt-aus. AMM-M. ant. arg-n. ars. bell. -, to cold air, agar. amm. anec. bor. bry. calc. canth. caps. carb- ant. AUR. CALC. CAMPH. carb-a. a. caus. chin. cic. citr-suc. con. CAUS. COCC. coff. ipec. lyc. mez. dulc. hep. MERC. MUR-AC. natr- mosch. n-mosch. PnosPII. rhod. Mn. nitlr. N-VOM. petr. phosph. rhus. sabad. SEP. spig. phos-ac. lhus. sep. sil. stann. -, to warm air, aur. calc. cocc. STAPH. SULPIT. sulph-ac. zinc. ign. ipec. rIus. sep. Seasickness, Ains. COCC. -, to a draught of air, anac. colch. ferr. n-mosch. PETR. sep. BELL. CALc. CAUS. chin. graph. sil. SULPH. ther. mgt-arc. kal. natr. selen. SIL. SULPH. Sedentary life, ill effects of, —, to pain, ACON. agar. ARN. aeon. bry. calc. lye. N-VOM. asar. aur. baryt. canth. CHAM. SULPII. chin. cin. cccc. COFF. cupr. NUX Semi - lateral comn- VOM. phosph. sep. plaints, agar. ALUM. ambr. -, to wind, chnam. carb-v. lach. amm. amm-m. anac. arg. ars. asa. lye. sulph. (Compare Wind agbaryt. BELL. CALC. canth. carb- gravates.) v. CAus. CHIN. cic. cin. COCC. Sensitive temperament, COLOC. DULC. GRAPH. guaj. ars. ANT. cale. canth. coff. con. ign. KAL. lach. MIGT-ARC. MGT- CUPR. IGN. lach. lye. nux vom. AUS. mang. mere. MEZ. mur-ac. PInoSPH. plat. sabad. N-VOM. olcand. )phosph. PHos- Sensuous tempera 604 GENERAL AFFECTIONS. ments, carb-v. CrIIN. ipec. IGN. kal. kreos. lye. mere. nez. veratr. natr-m. nitr-ac. Nux VOM. phosph. Sexual organs, male and fe- plat. ptuls. ran. rthus. SEP. si]. male (see chap. XXIV. and stann. staph. sulph. SULPH-AC. XXV.) ZrINc. Shaving, ill effects of, calad. Spasms, acon. alum. ambr. ANo. CARB-A. puls. ARN. Ans. asa. aur. baryt. BELL. Shocks through the bodylv, bry. CALC. CAMPH. cantn. carbambr. ang. arg. baryt. bell. cic. v. vCAU. CIAM. CIC. cin. cocc. cocc. colch. cupr. kreos. lye. nux cof. coloc. con. croc. CUPR. dig. vorm. op. ran. sulph. veratr. zinc. ferr. bell. ITYOSC. jatr. IGN. mlagt. IPEc. kal. LAch. laur. lye. IERC. Short sighlted (see chap. IX.) -Moscir. nitr. n-moscllh. NUX Sight, weakness of (see chap. VOM. OP. p)hosph. PLAT. plumb. IX.) ran-sc. RHUTS. sabad. see. sep. Seating one's self, worse SrT. sol-m. sI(ip. squill. stann. when, alum. amm. arg. aur. bry. STRAM. SULPIr, tart. thuj. VEcans. chin. coff. croc. cycl. graph. RATR. zinc. hell. ipec. kal. lye. magn-c. —, cataleptic, Acox. AGCAs. argmang. nitr-ac. phosph. phos-ac. n? asa? B1ELL. camph. CITAIM. ptds. rhus. rtnta. sabin. samb. Clrc. coloc. dros. IIyosc. ign. sass. spig. spong. tart. thuj. valer. IPEC. mere. MioscI. op. petr. veratr. PLAT. STRAM. VERATR. Sittitg, worse when, aeon. —, clonic, aeon. amtm. Anx. AGAR. alum. Atna1R. anac. anug. ARS. asa. baryt. bar-in. BELL. ARs. ASA. BARYT. bell. broml. cale. canph. cann. canrth. cau's. cale. CAPS. cans. chin. CIN. eye]. CHGAI. chim. CIC. CINT. COCC. dig. dule. euphorb. FERR. fluor- cuf. con. eroe. CUPR. dig. HELL. ac. graph. GuAvJ. LACIL. lye. TIYOSC. jatr. IGN. IPEC. LACII. MACN-C. MIAGCN —.. men. merc. lact. laur. lye. mere. mIoseh. nNATR. natr-m. op. PLAT. phos-ac. mtosch. Nux yor. Or. phosph. PULS. rhod. rhus. RUTA. SEP. plumb. ran-se. RIms. sabad. sep. SIL. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. tart. spig. s(ulill. stann. STRAM. tart. valer. veratr. VERATR. -, relieved by, aeon. anac. aur. —, chorea (St. Vitus' dance) bry. calc. carba. carb-v. coff. agar. acz. n.? ars. -.. BELL. colch. mang. mere. natr-7n. nux CAUS. chin. cic. Cocc. cotf: rore. petr. phosph. phos-ac. rhus. CROC. CUPR. dalc. TIYosC. IG(N. squill. staph. thuj. veratr. jod. ipec. laur. NUX VOM. puls. Sleep, worse during, anac. calc. rhus. sabin. sep. sil. STEAXM. carb-v. cocc. con. graph. LACI. sulph. ZINC. stann. staph. sulph. thuj., ecclampsina, arg. BELL. Slender persons, complaints canth. CAUS. CHAM. Cic. CIN. of, ambr. nux vom. phosph. SEP. hell. IGN. kal. MAGN-C. nitr-ac. Skin (chap. II.) N-.Mosce.:NUX VOM. phosph. Small of back, pains in (see PLAT. stram. sulph. chap. XXXI.), epileptic, aeth. acon. AGAin Sm11eln, morbid (see chap. XI.) arg. ARG-N. ARS. BELL. CALC. Sl-eezing (see chap. XXVI.) CAMPI. CAUS. cham. CIC. CIN. So tnnainb lism, acon. agar. coec. CUPR. dig. dros. hell. BRY. cic. hyose. mosch. NATR-M. IIEP. HYOSC. IGN. lach. lye. PHOSPH. SIT. SULPeI. veratr. nagen. mer. NATR-Mr. NITE-AC. Icrt-are. NIUX VOM. )OP. petr. PeLUMl3. Sore, pain as if, aco. alunm. AnR. ])uls. ran. sec. SEP. SIL. STANN. rn. b1ry. eale. CANTI-I. cans. STiA.r. SULPH-I. tart. valer. Cic. cin. co!cb. GRAPH. HEP. veratr. SPAS~MS. 605 SlPasis,ll hysteric, alum. arg-n.? ars. bell. canth. cupr. natr-s. see. Ann. BELL. bry. calc. caus. CIIAM. squill. tart. CIC. COCC. ceft. con. czupr. Spasms, accompanied h]yosc. IGN. IPEC. mayn. 2magyn- by: contraction of the limbs, mn. 5IOSC1i. plat. peils. sec. sep. bell. bism. ferr-m. galv. hyosc. ST TRAN. STAMoh. ~slp. YE- lyc. mere. sec. stram. RATI., convulsions, agar. alum., internal, alutmn. bell. CALC. bar-m. bell. calc. camrph. caus. carb-a. carb-v. CA(S. CIIA3l. cham. chin. cic. cin. crotal. cupr. COCC'C. coff. COLOC. con. croc. dros. dule. graph. lyose. jod. CtU1PR. euphorb. GRAPI. hlyose. ipec. lach. lasur. lye. magn. op. I GN. IPEC. Lyc. MIAG-MI. plumb. rhus. see. sep. squill. mere. Mloscii. natr-m. nux vom. stram. sulsxh. veratr. plsumb. piuls. STANN. staph. -, copious urination, caus., tonic, AcoN. natm-in. ANG. cupr. hyose. lach. AnN. BELL. BRy. CAMPIII. -, cough, chain. cin. croc. cupr. cann. canth. ClnANl. CIc. Cin. dros. veratr. cocc. CUPR. hyose. ign. IPEC. -, craml ps in the calves, cale. Iach. LAUR. mere. MosCIT. nux eaus. camph. CIIAM. coloc. CuPR. von1. OP. PLAT. rhus. SEC. euphr. lye. natr. natr-m. nitr-ae. stann. STRAMI. VERATR. RuIus. sec. sep. sil. SULPH. VERATR. -, accompanied by: -- cramps in the legs, chain. anguish, bell. caus. chla. cei. crotal. cupr. ihyosc. Ic. elpr. hyose. ign. lye. natr-s. IPEC. men. mere. mnosch. nux veratr. vom. op. plumb. SEC. sep. sil. -, apoplexy, hyose. spong. squill. strainm., bloated face, bell. eamph. —, creeping in the limbs, BELL. chain. coce. hyose. ipec. nitr-ac. SULPI;. -, blue face, CAM.PIL. ein. cupr. —, delirium, bell. hyosc. ign. op. VEIRATR. -, diarrhoea, alum. chin. hyose. difficult breathing, amm. kal. led. nitr-ac. sep. ang. bell. camph. cic. con. cupr. --, distorted face, ang. ars. bell. hyose. ign. lach. led. lye. nux camp/s. chain. caus. eic. cocc. yoam. op. sulpllh. tllj. cupr. dtlc. ign. ipec. lach. mere. -, clenclling of the thumbs, ars. mosch. nux vom. op. rhus. sec. FHrosc. iqn. lach. stann. selpsh. stram. tart. veratr. MianeC. -, distorted mouth, cic. bell. -, closed mouth, aeon. camph. dule. lye. mere. nux yom. op. canth. caus. coff. laur. mosch. see. stratm. plat. -, distortion of the eyes, aeon. closing of the eyes, ARs. bell. canth. ccarb-v. canes. cham. ang.3 ELL. cnmph. CnIIAr. cocC. coce. cspr. 1gn. hyosc. lach. laur. cora. Ccoc. Cupr. IIEP. IIYosc. mgt-arc. mosch. plat. sec. sil. lach. MiIERc. NATR-M. rhus. ruta. tart. veratr. sep. sil. STAPIe. stram. sulph. -, eruetations, kal. aInch. lye. -, coldness of the limbs, eam)ph. puls. sass. caus. cie. coff. hyose. moscl. op. ~ -, fainting, aeon. camph. carbveiatr. v. cllam. eupr. ign. aInch. moseh., colic, alum. bell. causs. cheans. nux voan. -erntr. C?'pr. kal. lach. nzerc. nahtr-m. -, froth in the mouth, canth. piee7mb. sep. sulph. clham. ein. cupr. hyosc. ign. lach. -, congestions of the head, laur. lye. op. plumb. sil. alum. cale. chin. chinin. con. - -, grating of the teeth, acon. hyosc. mrosch. natr. natr-m. nux caus. coff. hyose. sulph. yvo(. sulph. -, hleat, aeon. caus. cham. coff., contortion of the limbs, mere. 606 GENERAL AFFECTIONS. Spasnms, accompanied lach. led. mosch. natr. natr-m. by: hot face, cocc. cycl. sil. sulph. -, hunger, cin. hyosc. Spasm*, accompanied, involuntary urination, caus. by: palpitation of the heart, hyosc. natr-m. nux vom. lack. merc. -, jactitation of the limbs, bar- -, paralysis, ang. arg-n. bell. m. cie. coff. hyose. men. mosch. CAus. cic. cocc. cupr. hyosc. sulph LACH. laur. nux voen. plumb. -, laughing, alum. AUR. bell. rhus. sec. sep. sil. stram. CALC. caus. CON. croc. cupr. IGN. —, pains in the back, alum. cale. phosph. zinc. con. kal. lye. mere. mosch. natr-, lock-jaw, ang. arn. BELL. n1. nitr-ac. CAuPIu. cans. Cic. cupr. hyosc. ign. -., pains in the limbs, bell. LACLr laur. MERC. OP. PLAT. sec. chainm. cans. cin. plumb. sec. SIL. VERATR., pains in the stomach, ars.. loss of consciousness, ars. con. hyosc. lye. natr-m. nitr-ac. BELL. CAMPIT. carb-v. chain. cic. n-vom. plat. plumb. CIN. cupr. IHYosc. IGN. IPEC. -, proceeding from the toes LAcH. natr-m, nux voan. op. Plat. and fingers, cupr. plumb. sass. sec. SIL. stann. stram. —, quivering of the lips, bell. sulph. veratr. CIAM. IGN. IPEC. plat. sil. stram. -, mental derangement, bell., rage, bell. canth. croc. hyosc. canth. croc. hyosc. mosch. sec. stram. strami., red eyes, aeon. hell. cupr., violent motions, alum. calc. hyosc. stram. canth, caus. cin. cupr. hell. hyosc., red face, bell. camph. cin. natr-m. op. sec. squill. stranl. tart. cocc. cupr. ign. ipec. lye. stram. -, motions of the hands, bell., rigidity of the limbs, aeon. bism. camph. carb-a. chain. cocc. nacth. alum. ANG. bell. CA.PH. cic. cupr. dulc. mosch. op. plumb. cupr. hell. hyosc. IGN. IPEC lach. see. stram. veratr. mere. nitr-ac. op. plat. see. sil. - motions of the head, ant. STRAM. suljph. tart. verotr. bell. camph. caus. chain. chin. -, screaming, aeon. bell. cale. cic. cocc. cupr. hell. ipec. kal. canth. caus. cic. ciq. crotal. hyosc. lach. laur. lye. magn. op. sil. ign. ipec. lach. lye. magn. merc. strain. nux vom. op. sil. stann. stram. -, motions of the toes, anac. sulph. veratr. calc. carb-a. caps, caus. chin. cic., sopor, bell. camph. chainm. cin. eupr. ferr. graph. guaj. dros. hyose. ign. lach. mere. hyosc. lanch. I/c. mere. nux vom. nitr-ac. op. sil. op. phosph. plat. rlhus sec. sil. ~, spasms in the arms, bell. bry. stram. tart. camph. cals. chain. chinin. cic. —, nausea, vomiting, alum. cale. cocc. crotal, cupr. ign. jod. ipec. camnph. carb-a. carb-v. chinin. mere. op. plumb. sabad. see. sep. cupr. IrPE. lach. lye. mosch. natr. sil. squill. stram..iatr-zm. nitr-ac. N-vo.. plat. -, spasms of the back, ang. ars. PULs. sass,. see. sep. sil. thuj. bell. canth. chainm. cic. ig. ipec. --, numbness of the limbs, aeon. jod. laur. op. rhus. stanan. stranz. bell. bry. camph. n-voen. oleand. sulph. op. pils. rlus. sec. sulph., spasms in the chest, amnm., obscuration of sight, alum. anf. bell. calnpbh. cie. con. cupr. bell. cal. earb-v. led. lye. natr. hyose. ign. ipec. kal. lach. led. natr-m. nitr. plat. sep. sulph. lye. n-vom. op. plumb. sep. -. open mouth, ang. carb-a. stann. strain. sulph. thuj. mosch. —, spasms in the throat, alunz,, pale face, carb-a. cie. ipec. ars. BELL. calc. canth. caps. SPASMS. 607 earb-r. coce. con. HYosc. IGN. natr-m. nlux vom. petlr. phosph. lach. laur. natr-mn. N-vom. plat. plat. ran. sep. STAPH.sUlph.veratr. STRAM, SULPH. veratr. zinc. Spasms, in the open air,carb-v. Spasms, accompanied led. nux vrm. plat. sass. sep. by: spasms of the tongue, caus. sulph. thuj. chain. dule. kal. lye. mosch. plat., when alone, con. plumb. sil. sulph. -, after cold bathing, RuHS. --, staring look, asar. bell. chain. —, of children, aeon. caus. cham. cie. coc 3. hep. hyosc. ign. lach. cin. coff. cupr. ign. ipec. lach. laur. mosch. nux vom. op. sec. sil. mere. nux vom. op. stann. sulph. stran. suiph. tart. veratr. mgt- -. after taking cold, aeon. bell. arc. chain. chin. cic. lach. nux vom. —, stretching of the limbs, amn. sil. any. BELL. CAS.IPIT ci. CIC. pec. -, after drinking, BELL. hyosc. ]ach. lye. mereb. sabad. SEC. sil. stram. strain. sulph. thuj. veratr. -, from emotions, aeon. bell., sweat, bell. sec. sil. mgt-arc. coff. hyose. ign. nux vom. puls. -, sweat about the head, camph. -, after suppressed eruptions, cham. calc. cans. ipec. lach. nux vom. --, headache, ars. bell. cale. caus. stram. sulph. chainm. chinin. cin. con. lach., in the evening, alum. calc. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. sep. veratr. caus. croc. graph. laur. natr., thirst, aeon. bell. cham. natr-m. nux vom. op. stann. mere. nitr. nux vom. veratr. stram. sulph. mgt-arc., tingling in the limbs, BELL. -., after exertions, alum. kal. caus. igqn. plumb. rhus. SEC. natr-m. petr. -, twitching of the eyelids, -, after fear (see Emotions.) camph. cham. ign. ipec. Plat., -- sudden fear, fright, rhab. chain. cupr. hyosc. ign. nux vom. ~-, twitching of the fingers, op. plat. amm. bism. camph. cham. cupr. —, by fright, IGN. hyosC. Op. sec. hyosc. ign. jod. magn. mere. sulph. veratr. inosch. sec. staph. tart. -, by the light, bell. stram. -, vertigo, alum. ars. bell. cale. -, when looking up, plat. carb-a. carb-v. lach. lye. Morph. -, during the menses, coce. coff. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux voom. eupr. ign. plls. op. sass. sec. sep. sil. thuj. —, by milk, natr-m. veratr. —, in the morning, kaL nux, vomiting, alum. calc. camph. vom. plat. sep. carb-a. carb-v. chin. cuspr. ipec. —, by narcotic substances, bell. lach. lyc. mosch. natr. natr-m. chan. coff. cupr. hyosc. ign. nux nux voen. nitr-ac. plat. puls. sass. vom. op. sec. sep. sil thuj. -, during new-moon, sil. -, weakness, bell. calc. cic. con. --, at night, calc. cin. eupr. hyose. kal. mere. lach. nux von. plumb. kal. lye. mere. op. see. sil. ssulph. puls. sec. sep. sil. squill. stram. —, from noise, ang. amrn. ign. veratr. —, by onanism, am. calc. carb-, weeping, alum. aur. bell. v. chin. lach. nux vom. phos-ac. cans. cin. cupr. ign. lach. mosch. sep. sil. sulph. plumb. stram., puerperal, bell. cham. cic. —, whooping-cough, cin. croc. hyosc. ign. cupr. dros. veratr., after rising from a seat, -, yawning, ign. hep. rhus. carb-v. yellow face, cic. -, after running, sulph., caused by anger, Aco.s. -, during sleep, kal. sil. alum. bell. bry. Cocc. IGX. hyosc. -, by talking, natr-m. 608 GENERAL AFFECTIONS. Spasms, during teething, Br.LL. sabad. sep. sil. stann. sull:,i. CALC. CHAM. cin. IGN. stann. valer. veratr. zinc. sulph. Stanlding, relieved by, ars. -, when touched, ang. bell. bell. calc. coce. colebh. graph. coce. stratn. tart. ipec. mere. mur-ac. phospll. -, traumatic, ang. ARN. lach. plumb. puls. rhus. sulph. tart. Starting of the linibs, - on waking, BELL. agar. ALUMi. AnIBRi. aig. amn. -, cold water, caus. rhus. ARS. asa. BAR-T. bar-nt. BELL. -, by tepid water, ang. B1r. CALc. CARB-v. CAIs. CIAi. -, after weeping, arn. cupr. CIIn-. cic. cin. Cocc. colchl. coln. -, from walking in the wind, CPrn. IRos. graph. hyosc. IGN. sep. sulph. jod. KAL. LacI. lact. laur. lye., by worms, cic. cin. hyosc. mnaqng. morpll. mosch. nalr. ncatrMERe. sulph. m. nitr-ac. nux zoom. op. petr., preceded by extension and phos-ac. plat. plumnb. ran-sc. bending of the limbs, cic. RHus. sec. SEP. SIL. squill. staplh. Speech, defects of, (see chap. strant. STRONT. SULPII. tart. thuj. XIV.) -, at night, in bed, alum. ambe. Spirits, ill effects of, ACON. ARS. BELL. calc. carb-v. chain. agar. ANT. ar A. BELL. con. cupr. dulc. yraph.. hep. byosc. CALC. CARB-V. CHIN. cocc. COFF. ign. KAL. lye. magn-c. mere. nztr. dig. HYOSC. ign. LACH. led. lye. natr-m. nitr-ac. op. phosph. puls. MEnR. natr. NATR-MI. n-mosch. rhab. rthus. selen. SEP. SIL. staplh. N-VOM. OP. PULS. ran. rhod. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tart. rhus. ruta. selen. sil. spig. STRAM. thuj. viol-tric. magt. SULPH. veratr. zinc. Starvation, effects of, -ambr. Spleen, diseases of, (see chap. ant. Ans. BRY. CaIN. ferr. graph. XX.) ipec. lach. lye. natr-m. nux vom. Splinters, pain as from, arn. PULS. Sllph. VERATR. CAnR-v. cic. colch. HIEP. NITR- Steatomna, (see Skin, chap. II.) AC. petr. plat. ran. SIL. sulph. Steppimng aggravattes, ant. Sprains, dislocations, AGN. an. bell. BRY. CALC. caus. chin. ambr. Anrn. ang. ARN. baryt. con. graph. magn-m. mere. bov. BRY. CALC. cann. cann. carb-a. NATR. NATR-MI. NITR-AC.:N-VOnr. carb-v. caus. con. graph. hep. ign. phcsph. raLn. Rnus. sep. SIL. Spig. kreos. LYe. mere. me. mosch. SuLPIr. natr. natr-rn. nitr-ac. nux vomn. Steriity (see chap. XSIV.) PETR. 2phosph. P2uls. rhod. REHUS. Stiffitess of the limbs, aeon. ang. RUTA. sabin. sep. spig. stann. arn. ars. bar-in. BELL. bro)10111. staph. sulph. zinc. megt-aus. CAPS. CARB-A. CAUS. CIIAM. S:prained, pain as if, agn. amm. chlor. Cocc. COLOC. cupr. ARN. baryt. BRY. CALC. carb-v. (G-CRAPI1. hell. ign. KAL. lach. Lye. Caus. dros. fluor-ac. graph. hoep. mere. natr-mn. Nux vo.. oleand. IGN. lach. moseh. NATR-M. nitr. PETR. plat. Iplumb. PuLS. RIIs. nux vom. oleand. petr. phosph. sabin. sang. sass. SEP. sil. stann. PuLS. rhod. RHUS. RUTA. sep. stalph. SULPII. thlluj. veratr. nigtspi-. stann. SULPnH. thuj. zinc. are. imnt-aus. Spring, aiilnents in, ambr. cur. Stitchimag, ACON. anm. alnmbell. cale. CARB-v. LACH. lye. mn allt. am. alrs. As bell. I3RY. natr-m. puls. rhod. RIIUS. sabad. CALC. CA.NTI. 1ls. Caals. colch. VERATR. daphn. digr. dros. fore, graph. Standing, worse when, a(rar. GUAJ. hiell. IGN. kal. kreos. lIe. Gmni hell. I -N. k'i. keos. yeC. amn-m. aur. bry. caps. caus. Inagn-c. magn-m. men. MEIC. cocc. con. fluor-ac. magn-c. rncre-c. natr-m. NITR-AC. nux maag. petr. phos-ac. plat. puls. vomz. par. PnuosSP. prun. tPU-s. STOMACACE, STOMACH, STONE, ETC. 609 ran. ran-sc. rhod. RItus. sabad. Sulphur, ill effects of, ars. chin. sass. sep. SIL. SPIG. SPONG. STAPII. Mia. lnC. yoti?. PULS. sep. SIL. SuLrPT. sulpIh-ac. TnuJ. Sul$try weather, worse in, Stomnacace (see chap. XIV.) BRY. Carb-v. caes. lach. mere. Stosnach, affections of (see NATI. NATR-M. n'lbl-ac. nllux VM. chap. XVIII.) petr. phosph. RPIeoD. SEP. SIL. Stone (see chap. XXIII.) Summier - diseases, BELL. Stooping aggravates, Acox. BRY. calc. CARB-V. DULC. lye. ALuM[. amni. amm-m. arn. BARYT. natr. zatr-mn. puls. rhod. selea. silt. BELL. BY~. CALc. cic. cocC. Sunishiine, worse in, agar. ant. GRArPI. lIEP. ipec. kal. lach. led. bell. bry. CAS~xlrI. elphr. graph. lye. mang. mere. natr. natr-m. laech. zatr. puls. SELEN. SUlpIh. NUX VOM.PETR.phosph. plumb:. valer. PUs.,. rhls. senegr. SEP. SPIG., relieved by, PLAT. STRONT. suiph. TIIvJ. valel. Suppurations (see chap. II.) Straining, ill effects of, alum. Swallow-ing, worse when ambr. AnN. baryt. bor. BaRY. (see Deglutition, difficult.) CALC. carb-a. carb-v. callS. chin. Sweat, bloody, ARN. CALC. chinin. Cocc. coloc. con. croc. chain. cler2. Cocc. con. crotal. dulc. ferr. graph. jod. kal. lach. dulc. lach. n-mosch. NUX VOM. lye. mere. mur-ac. NATR. natr-m. rhus. snlph. sulph-ac. nitr-ac. idiJX VOM. oleand. -, morbid (see chap. IV.) phosph. plhos-ac. plat. rhod. -, ill effects of suppressed, 1ItUS. ruts. sep. SIL. spig. stann. ACON. ars. BELL. BRY. calc. staph. SuLPIn. sulph-ac. thuj. zinc. CHAM. CHIN. DULC. graph., liable to, arn. BuY. CALC. LACH. lyC. vmcc. n-mosch. nux carb-a. CAREI-V. con. GRAPHI. KAL..op. P])hosp. puls. rhus. sep. lye. qnagn-c. mere. N-ATR. NATR-T1. SIL. SULPTI. phosph. RIIUS. SEP. SIL. sullph. —, ill effects of suppressed foot, Stralnillo iu, ill effects of, chainm. cupr. mere. natr. nitr-ac. bell. cof. hyosc. Nux vost - puls. thus. sep. SIL. Acetumn. Citri acidunz., relieves, ACON. calad. cham. Stretching, amm. canth. caus. natr. thuj. graph. guaj. meph. mur-ac. natr. Swelling in general, aeon. agn. nux vorn. oleand. petr. plat. puls. ambr. arlmn. ANT. ARN. ARS. nsa. ruta. sabad. senl. sep. staplh. aur. baryt. bar-in. BELL. bor. sulph. verb. bov. BRY. calc. cann. canth., spasmodic, of the limbs, amm. carb-a. CARBn-. CmUS. CHAM. anq. BELL. CAIPII. CIC. cin. ipcc. CrIIN. chinin. clemn. cocc. coleh. lach. lye. mere. sabad. SEc. sil. coloc. con. cupr. daphn. dig. strat?. sulph. tl1uj. vcratr. )Dui. euplhorb. ferr. graph. hell. Stutpefyiang, benumbing pains, HEP. hyosc. jod. kal. LACII. LED. AcoN. ainm. anae. ars. asa. bell. LYa. magn-c. magn-m. nang. B1ty. calc. carb-a. caus. CHAM. MERC. mez. mur-ac. natr. natrchin. COCC. con. hell. hlyosc. m1. nitr. NNITrm-.c. - XNux -or. IN-. Lye. mnerc. mosch. NUX oleand. op. petr. PHIOSPI1. phosVC)OM. OTLEAND. op. phosph. ne. plat. plumb. PULS. RlonD. phos-ac. PLAT. PuLs. Rluus. sec. RITUS. SARIN. SAsIB. sass. sec. sep. straim. SULPTs. SEP. SIL. seneg. spig. spong. squill. Styes (see Eyes, diseases of the, stann. staph. stram. stront. chap. IX.) SULPH. sulph-ac. thlj. veratr.,Subsuiltus teledinum, bell. -, arthritic, ACON. agn. ANT. con.hyose. jod.puls.rhus.sulph-ac. ARN. ars. asa. aurI. BELL. BRY. Silffocative catarrh (see cale. carb-a. cnarb-v. caus. CIIN. Breathing, difficulties of, chap. cllinin. cie. clem. cocc. COLCiI. XXIX.) 26* dig. graph. ITEr. krcos. LED.Lyc. 2(3 610 GENERAL AFFECTIONS. many. MERC. nitr. nitr-ac. nux Swelling, rheumatic, ACON. voze. PULS. ran. rhod. rhus. agn. ANT. ARN. asa. aur. BELL. SABIN. staph. SULPH. thuj. BRY.calc. calc-ph. carb-a. carb-v. Swelling, black, acon. arn. ARS. caus. CaMN.. CHIN. CIIININ. Ci. bell. dig. LACI, merC. op. pals. clem. cocc. COLCH. dig. graph. veratr. hep. kreos. lach. led. Iyc. mang. b, blue, red-blue, arn. ARs. IMERC. nitr. nitr-ac. NUX VOM. BELL. canth. CHAM. con. kal. PULS. ran. RHOD. RHUS. sabin. LACH. sil. staph. SULPH thuj. veratr. -, burning, ACON. ARu. ARS. -, sacculated, chin. ferr. KAL. BELL. BRY. Carb)-a. CAUS. LACI. phosplh. LYC. MERC. PHOSPrT. PULS. RIUS. -, sarcomatous, ant. BARYT. sep. sil. SULPH. sabin. cold, ars. ASA. bell. calc. -., shining, ARN. ARS. bell. BRY. COCC. con. DULC. lach. MIERC. mang. MERc. rhus. sabin. SULPH. puls. rhod. spig. SULPH. -, steatomatous (see Skin, Stea-, cord-slhaped,calc. dtcl. graph. tomna, chap. II.) hep. JOD. Inch. lye. rhuzs., stinging, ACON. ant. BRY. -, dropsical, AcoN. ant. ARS. CAus. cocc. ferr. graph. mang. aur. baryt. bell. BRY. canth. chel. NITR-AC. puls. rhus. SEP. SULPH. CHIN. CHININ. COLcH. coloc. -, sudden, Dulc. con. crotal. DLG. DULC. FERR. -, suppurating, baryt. calc. guaj. HELL. hyosc. JOD. KAL. graph. HEP. LACH. LyC. mang. lach. led. LYC. MERC. mez. mur- MERC. PHosr. SIL. staph. ac. nitr. op. phosph. plumb. SULPH. PRUN. puls. rhod. rhus. ruta. -, tense, ant. BELL. BRY. dig. sabin. samb. sass sec. seneg. sep. led. RIus. SULPH. thuj. Fil. SQUILL. straim. SULPII., tingling, AnN. colch. mere. veratr. puls. rhus. SEP. sulph. -, erysipelatous (see Skin, chap. -, white of the joints, ANT. II., Erysipelas). ARs. bry. chin. clem. CoLoc. con. -, hard, arn. ars. BELL. BRY. hep. JOD. KREos. lach. lye. MERC. calc. carb-a. cham. chin. graph. petr. phosph. puls. rhod. RIms. lach. led. lye. phosph. puls. Ruvs. sabin. sep. SIL. staph. SULPH. sep. sil. SULPIL. thuj. zinc., inflammatory, ACOX. an. —, white of the leg (phIegmasia ANT. ARE-. ARS. ASA. aur. BELL. alba dolens), ANT. ARS. bell. bor. BRY. cansm. canth. carb-a. BRY. calc. CHIN. CHININ. jod. CHIN. cocc. CoLCI. dule. euphr. KAL. LYC. MERC. nUX Vom. puls. RlEP. LACII. led. Lyc. mansg. rhus. SEP. sil. SULPH. MERC. natr-m. nitr-ac. Nux vom. Swelling, of the joints, Ampetr. PItosPIT. PULS. RHUS. moniac. sass. sen. SEP. Sir. SULPH. Sycosis (see chap. II.) thuj. Syphilis (see chap. II.), lymphatic, asa. BELL. calc. Tabes Dorsalis (see chap. carb-v. cocc. dulc. HEP. lach. XXXI.) MERC. phosph. SEP. SIL. SULmH. Taenia (see Stool, chap. XXII.) —, nodous, cale. dulc. hep. IG. Talking, worse when, acon jod. lye. nitr-aec. phosph. rhus. alum. arnbr. amm. ANAC. ARY. thuj. ARS. asa. aur. BELL. CALC. cann. -, painter's, ars. calc. coce. con. CARB-v. chin. COCC. dule. ferr. dule. mere. phos-ac. rhus. sep. IGN. kal. mafgn. magn-nm. mez. sil. sulph. natr. NATR-Mf. NUX-VOM., pale, arn. BARYT. bov. BRY. PnosrPI. PHOS-AC. plat. puls. calc. jod. LACH. Lyc. mere. puls. RHUS. selen. SIL. stann. SULPH. RITrs. sep. SULPI. veratr. TALK, TASTE TEA, TEARING, ETC. 611 Talk, worse when hearing, sabin.. sass. sep. spong. staph amm. Ans. VERIATR. sulph. thuj. ZINc. Taste altered (see Appetite Tension, as if too short, alum. and Taste, chap. XVI.) AMM. Anlr-t. arn. asa. BARYT. Tea, ill effects of, CHINI1. coff. bell. brv. carb-a. CAUS. COLOC. FERR. lach. selen. thuj. veratr. CoN. GRAPH. LACII. lye. magn-c. Tearing, Acon. agar. AL~UM. magn-m. mang. mere. mez. 1ATR. amm. amln-m. AMnR. anac. AaoC. NATR-N. nitr-ac. nux-vomn.PHsosPH. ARN. aur. bell. BRY. cann. CALC. phos-ae. plat. PuLs. rhod. RHUS. c-caust. CARB-V. CAUS. chain. seneg. SEP. stann. stront. SULPH. CHIN. Coce. COLCII. dule. eu- zinc. phorb. FERRn graph. hell. hyose. Tensive pains, arnm. ang. IGN. KAL led. LYC. MERC. mez- ant. arg. am. ars. ASA. aur. bamur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr. NITR- ryt. BELL. BRY. cale. CAUS. AC.'ux-Voil. phosph. phos-ac. coloc. con. euphorb. kal. LYC. plumb. PULS. RHOD. RHus. magn-m. nangz. merc.?mez. moseh. SASS. sec. SEP. SIL. spig. STAFH. NATR-M. nitr-ac. Nux-VoM.oleand. stront. SULPH. thuj. valer. ZINc. phosph. plat. PULS. rhod. rhuts. mgt-are. mgt-aus. sep. stann. strontf SULPiT. veratr. zinc. -, crampy, ANAC.ang. ant. arg. Teta, A am. a A asa. aur. bism. CALC. caus. chel. BELL. bry. CAMPH. cann. cham. CmIr. dule. euphorb. graph. jod. canth. CIC. cupr. hyosc. IGN. kal. mang. AIEN. moseb. muar-ac. IPEC. LACH. laur.mere. nux-vom. NATR. nD tr-m. nux-vom. OLE- OP. plumb. rhus. SEC. STRAM. AND. petr. phosph. phos-ac. VERATR. PLAT. ran. ruta. samb. sil. stann. Thinking of the pain stront. thuj. valer. relieves, cmp, with pressure, acon. ambr- Throat, sore (see chap. XV.) anac, arg. arn. bism. camph. Throbbing, in the whole cann. CARB-V. caus. CInIiN. colch. body, alum. ambr. anac. ars. nsa. cupr. euphorb. guaj. KAL. led. bell. bry. eanth. carb-a. CARB-V. Lyc. nitr. phos-ac. sass. sep. spig. clem. con. graph. hep. kal. kreos. STANN. STAPH. stront. sulph. zinc. jod. lye. mere. natr-m. petr. mgt-are. mgt-aus. PnIosrH. plat. plumb. PULs. sabad.., jerking, acon. agar. alum. sabin. see. sep. SIL tart. thuj. zinc. bell. calc. camph. caus. CHIN. Throbbing pain, ACON. cin. cupr. dig. dule. GUAJ. lyc. alum. AMM-M. ARS. asa. BELL. mang. IEIc. natr. oleand. bry. CALC. cann. caps. CARB-V. phosph. phos-ac. plat. PULS. CIIAnT. Cocc. FERR. IGN. KAL. IIHUS. spig. staph. stront. SULPII. kreos. lach. lyc. magn-c. magnulph-ace.. Nm ATn-M. nitr-ac. petr. PHOSPH. laming, ant. asa. bell. CARB- PULS. rhab. rhod. rhus. ruta. V. CHIN. cie. CIN. cocc. con. dig. sabad. SEP. SIL. stram. SULPH. graph. HELL. KAL. men. mez. TART. thuj. veratr. mgt-aus. mosch. natr-m. nitr-ac. phosph. Tight feeling, Ang. sabin. sass. seneg. sil. stann. Tin, poisoned by, carb-v. hep. STAPH. ign. Puts.., stitching, aeon. ambr. ang. Tingling, AcoN. ARN. bell. arg. arn, baryt. bell. bry. camph. brom.CAPs. CHIN. colch. euphorb. eann. canth, caps. C-IIN. cic. IGN. KAL. magn-m. mere. natr. COLCH, coloc. con. dros. dulc. par. phosph. PHOS-AC. PLAT. euphorb. graph. guaj. hyosc. ign. plumb. PULS. ran-se. rhod. rhus. Jod. kal. LED. lyC. magn. mang. sabad. SEC. SEP. SPIG. staph. MERC. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. stram. SULPH. teucr. veratr. zinc. phosph. phos-ac. puls. rhab. ox. 612 GENERAL AFFECTIONS. Tired, ailments from getting, KAL. lach. led. magn. Mnen. Maz. ARN. cann. chin. Rnus. natr. natr-mn. nux vorn.plat. ran. Toad-poison, effects of, ars. rat. rhus. sec. sep. sil. spig. carb-v. Nitri spiritus dulcis. spong. sulph. sulph-ac. tart. Tobacco, worse by smoking, thuj. zinc. acon. alum. AMnBR. anac. ant. arn. Twitching pains, alum. brv. CALC. carb-a. cham. chin. anac. AsA. A sar. aur. bell. bry. cic. clem. cocc. coloc. cupr. eu- CALC. CaUS. CHIN. cin. clem. phr. IGN. IPEc. LACIL. merc. natr. cocc. COLCH. con. CUep. fluornatr-m. NUX-VOM. petr. PIosPin. ac. GRAPI-I. IGN. KAL. lye. magnPULS. ruta. selen. sep. sil. SPoNG. c. mere. mez. mosch. natr. stann. STAPH. sulph. sulph-ac. NATR-AI. NITR-AC. NUX VOM. tart. thuj. veratr. mgt-arc. phos-ac. plat. PULS. Ru-IUs. sep. -, relieved by smoking. coloc. SIL. spig. stann. SULPH. valer. mere. natr. mgt-aus. Tobacco, ill effects of, aeon. Tymnpanitis (see chap. XXI.) bry. cham. chin. Cocc. coloc. T Lplhoid diseases (see chap. CuPR. mere. Nux-voNi. PULS. IV.) STAPH. VERATR. Typhus (see chap. IV.) Tongue, diseases of (see chap. Typhus putridus (see chap. XIV.) Iv.) Tonsils (see chap. XV.) Typical complaints,alum. Toothache (see chap. XIII.) anac. ant. ARN. ARS. baryt. Torn off, sense as if something bry. canth. CAPS. carb-v. CHIN. would be, calc. hep. nux-vom. cocc. ign. IPEC. lach. NATR —r. plumb. RHUS. Nux vor. plumb. PULS. rhod. Tremnbling, agar. agn. ALuM. rhus. sabad. SEP. SPIG. staph. ambr. anac. ARG-N. ARN. ARS. sulph. veratr. bar-m. BELL. brom. Bay. CALC. Ulcerative pain, amm. c-caust. carb-v. CAUS. CIIN. chlor. Arti-m. anac. BRY. cann. caus. CIC. Cocc. con. croc. cupr. ferr. CHAMf. cic. graph. IGN. kal. graph. hep. hyosc. JOD. KAL. KREOS. Lacu. mang. mere. lach. led. lye. MEac. mosch. naotr. mur-ac. natr-m. nitr-ac. PHosPI. natr-m. nitr-ac. SUx-vo.I. OP. PULS. ran. RHUS. SIL. thuj. petr. phosph. plat. plumb. prun. zinc. PULS. ran. RHI-IUS. sabad. sass. U (see Skin chap. II.) SEC. seneg. sep. SIL. stann. (see Skin, chap. II.) STRAM. stront. SULPH. tart. X on te fret (see chap. teucr. ther. thuj. veratr. viol-od. zinc. MGT-ARC. Urncoveredb, worse when, arn. - o. Of drunkards, AUs. s. Au. bry. camph. caus. cic. Tuberculosis, acon. ambr. clem. CoIc. colch. CON. dulc. ARS. bell. bry. CALC. carb-a. graph. aEp. IyOSC. KAL. magn-c carb-v. chin. chinin. con. dros. mngn-m. MEnc. MoscI. natm. ferr. HEP. JOD. KAL. /co-bi. H Lyc. pntJm.X n-mosch. Ua X vOM. iatr-in. NITR-AC. PHOSPH. phlos- phosIph. RIues. sabad. SAMB. sep. ac. PULS. seneg. sep. SIL. SPONG. SIL. SQUILL. staph. STRONT. STANN. SULPH. thuj. Uneasiness in the limBbs, Twilight aggravates, amm-m. AnN. ARs. asar. BELL. bor. BRY. aug. Ans. CALC. dig. natr m. calc. cann. canth. caots. CAIAM. plumb. PULS. rhus. staph. sulph- CIIIN. CiC. COCC. coff. con. ceupr. ac. valer. ferr. fluor-ac. HYOSC. ign. kreos. Twitching of tmuscles, laur. lyc. mosch. MIERC. natr-n,. ambr. ant. arg. arn. arl. asa. n-mosch. NUX vogr. op. PImos-Ac. baryt. bell. caus. cleml. cocc. plumb. prun. Pu'LS. RHUS. sacoloc. con. cupr. graph. ign. JoD. bad. ec. SEP. SIL. quill. STARNN. URINE, UTERINE AFFECTIONS, ETC. 613 STAPII. stran?. sulph. teucr. NATR —. n-vom. rhus. seneg. sep. valer. veratr. MGT-ARC. SIL. SULPIT. Urine (see chap. XXIII.) Wandering pains, ARN. Uteritne affections (see ars. asa. bell. CHIN. con. daphn. chap. XXV.) ign. jod. kal-bi. lact. mang. -- spas s (see chap. XXV.) reph. N-AIoscfI. plumb. PULS. Valerian, ailments from, RuIOD. sec. sep. SULPH. tarax. CHAM. COFF.?lU.x vomn. sulph. valer. zinc. Vapors, noxious, ailments Warm air, ailments firom, from, BELL. op. sulph-ac. ANT. aur. BRY. Cale. CARB-V. Variola (see chap. II.) cocc. colch. ign. JoD. kal-bi. lach. Venesection, instead of, LYC. PULS. selen. sep. SIJLPI. acon. in bed, worse when getVerdigris (see Copper.) ting, ambr. ARS. lach. BELL, Vertigo (see chap. VI.) calc. CARB-V. cans. CRIAM. cocC. Vibrations through the body, DRos. GRAPH. kal. led. LYC. as from a sound, am. clem. MERC. phosph. phos-ac. PULS. oleand. op. Rnus. sabin. spong. SULPH. Vinegar aggravates (see TIIUJ. veratr. Food, chap. XXII.) - weather, worse in, ANT. St. Virtus' dance, agar. ars. BRY. calc. CARB-V. cocc. colch. asa. BELL. CAUS. chin. cic. ign. jod. kal-bi. LACI. LYC. Cocc. coff. CROC. CUPR. dUlc. PULs. selen. sep. SULPH. 1IYosc. IGN. jod. ipec. laur. -- and damp weather, iNUX VOM. puls. rhus. sabin. worse in, AnM. bor. CALC. carb-a. sep. sil. STRAM. sulph. ZINC. CARB-V. chin. colch. DuLc. LACH. Vomiting (see chap. XVIII.) lye. mang MERa. nitr-ac. N-Moscu. WVaking, pains on (see Sleep, PULS. RhOD. RHUs. ruta. sass. pains during, chap. III.) sep spig. sulph. VERATR. Walk, difficulty of learning to, -- roomn, worse irl, aeon. agn. bell. CALC. nux vorm. SIL. sllvph. alum. anac. ant. arn. brom. cin. WValking aggravates, colch. croc. jod. natr-m. op. ARN. BELL. BRY. calc. CArn-v. phosph. plat. puls. sabin. spong. CIIIN. colch. CoN. dig. dros. sulph. thuj. graph. hell. hep. LED. magn-m. - aggravates, aeon. ambr. nere. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux vom. ant. am. ars. aur. bell. bry. oleand. sabad. sass. SEP. squlill. calc. camph. cann. CARB-V. staph. sulph. SULPH-AC. VERATR. dros. jod. kal. laur. led. lye. natrrelieves, agar. alum. mn. nitr-ac. phosph. puls. rhus. ambr. AAlb. AMNI-aI. ARS. aur. sec. seneq. sep. sil. thsnj. mgt-arc. caps. con. DuLa. FERR. fluor-ac. - relieves, ars. baryt. caus. graph. lye. MAGN-C. MAGN-N. coloc. lye. mere. rhus. stront. merec mosCh. s. MUR-AC. nitr. PLAT. sulph. PIJLS. RIIUs. sabad. salln. SEp. - deficient, alum. con. eustann. sulph. tarax. VALER. phorb. led. LYC. NATR-.f. SEP. reratr. Warts (see chap. II.), in the open air aggravates, Washing, dread of, amm. ars. calc. CAMIPII. carb-v. caus. CALC. TNITR-AC. SASS. sep. COFF. CON. ferr. hep. IPEC. kal. SULPH. (compare Working in LE-. MERc. Nux VOm. spig. water). STRAM. SULPIL. sulph-ac. veratr. Watching at night, effects myqt-ans. from, Acox. ant. bell. BaY. calt. - relieves, anmhr. asa. graph. CAuRB-v. CIIIN. COCC. COFF. colch. NUX VOM. Op. sen. sep. stann. dulc. natr. nitr-ac. NUX VOM. - rapidly aggravates, arn. ars. phosph. phos-ac,. PULS. rthus. AUR. bry. calc. caus. ign. kal. sulph. 614 GENERAL AFFECTIONS. Water, worse when working Wind, west wind, CALC. CARB-v. in, atnm. ant. bell. CALC. carb- DULC. lach. RIIOD. RHUS.'V1v. clem. mere. nitr-ac. N- RATR. MOSCIi. phosph. PULS. hus. SASS. Wine aggravates, acon. sep. SULPII. ant. arn. ars. bell. bov. CALC. Waterbrash (see chap. carb-a. carb-v. COFF. con. fluorXVII.) ac. LAcII. lyc. natr. natr-mn. NUX Weaning (see chap. XXV.) VOM. OP. petr. puls. rhod. Weather, worse during a selen. SIL. stront. SULPH. change of, CALC. CARB-v. DULC. ZINC. graph. LACH. mang. MERC. nitr- Winter complaints, ac. nux vom. phosph. puls. rhod. AcoN. amnm. ars. AUR. BELL. BRY. RHUs. SIL. SULPH. VERATR. CAMPH. caps. CARB-v. caus. Weeping, ailments from, ARN. charn. COLCH. con. DULC. hell. BELL. HEP. stann. hep. IPEC. kal. mere. natr-m. Wet, worse when getting, ARS. n-moseh. NUX VOM. PETR. bell. bry. CALC. COLCH. DULc. phosph. puls. rhod. RHUS. hep. ipec. lach. lye. N-MoscH. sabad. sep. sulph. VERATR. phosph. PULS. Rnus. SASS. sep. Wood, workers in, complaints SULPIIH. of, carb-v. GRAPH. - and cold weather, Worms (see chap. XXII.) worse in, amm. bor. CALC. CARB- Wound (see chap. II.) v. DULC. LACH. lye. mang. Writing, worse when, asa. n-mosch. puls. RHOD. RIItS. Aun. bor. bry. CALC. cann. carbruta. sep. VERATR. v. chin. cin. cocc. fluor-ac..Wetting the bed (see graph. hep. IGN. KAL. lye. natr. Urine, chap. XXIII.) NATR-M. nux vom. oleand. Whitlow (see Panaritium, ran. rhod. rhus. ruta. sabin. chap. II.) SEP. SIL. spong. sulph. sulph-ac. Whooping cough (see ZINC. chap. XXVII.) Wrong step, worse when Wiind, worse in, acon. ars. aur. making, am. BRY. Cic. con. bell. BRY. calc-ph. CARB-V. cham. PULS. RHUS. spig. chin. con. graph. LAci. Lyc. Yawning (see chap. III.) mnur-ac. n-rnosch. nux vom. -- aggravates, amm. caus. chain. phosph. plat. puls. RHOD. sep. cin. cocc. croc. euphr. HEP. IGN. SIL. SULPH. thuj. lach. magn-c. mur-ac. NATR-M., east wind, ACON. BRy. carb- nitr-ac. PLAT. puls. RHUS. sass. v. CAUS. HEP. nux vom. SIL. SULPH. tart. veratr. MGT-ARC. -, north wind, aeon. caus. hep. Yellow fever (chap. IV.) nux vom. SEP. sil. Zoua (see chap. II.) -, south wind, BRY. carb-v. rhod. sil. CHAPTER II. CUTANEOUS AFFECTIONS, AND OTHER AFFECTIONS OF EXTERNAL PARTS. Acne, are. BELL. calc. CARB- amm. amm-m. ant. am. bar-m. V. IIEP. laCh. LED. natr. natr-m. bov. bry. calc. camph. canth. ~nitr-ac. Nux-voiM. N-JUGL. phos- caps. carb-a. carb-v. caus. cocc. ac. puls. sabin. selen. SULPH. colch. coloc. con. dros. euphorb. comedones, aur. bry. calc. fluor-ac. hell. ipec. lach. led. lye. graph. NATR. natr-m. nitr-ac. magn. mere. mez. nitr-ac. nuxplumb. sabin. SELEN. sulp11. vom. oleand. op. phosph. phos-ac. of drunkards, ars. bell. plat. PULS. ran. ran-sc. rhus.ruta. CARB-V. LED. nux-vom. puls. selen. sep. Mil. spig. spong. stront. SULPH. sulph. sulph-ac. tart. thuj. veratr. -, indurated, bell. carb-v. hep. Black skin, acon. ant. arg-n led, sulph. asa. nitr-ac. sec. spig. -—, punctata, bell,. dig. DROS. Bloodvessels, diseases of, graph. hep. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. ACON. alum. AMM. ang. ARN. sabin. SELEN. SULPH. ARS. baryt. BELL. bry. CALC., of young people, BELL. calc. camph. CAPS. CARB-A. CARB-V. CARB-V. nux-vom. sulph. CAUS. chel. chin. chinin. cic. Acne rosacea, alum. ARS. coloc. con. croc. CROTAL. cycl. calc. cann. CARB-A. carb-v. KREOS. ferr. GRAPH. hyosc. LACH. lye. led. mez. phosph. Ruvs. ruta. men. mnosch. mur-ac. natr-m. nitr. veratr. nitr-ac. nux-vom. oleand. op. Anasarca, acon. ant. anthrak. PHOSPH. phos-ac. PULS. rhod. ARS. aur. bar-m. bell. bry. rhus. sass. SEP. sil. spig. spong. CHIN. chinin. COLCH. dig. dulc. staph. stront. SULPH. thuj. zinc. ferr. HlLL. jod. KAL. led. LYC. mgt-arc. mgt-aus. MERC. phosph. plumb. puls. rhod. -, aneurisms, arn. CARB-V. rhus. ruta. sabin. samb. sass. sep. caus. LACH. lye. puls. sep. spig. squill. strain. SULPH. veratr. —, haemorrhoidal varices, alum. by fright, ~ACON. ambr. amm. amm-m. ant. arn., of drunkards, sep. ARS. baryt. bell. CALC. canth. Baker's itch, ars. calc. clem. CAPS. carb-a. CARB-V. cans. cham. dulc. graph. lye. rhus. sulph. chin. coloc. cupr. ferr. GRAPI. Bites or Stings, of insects, hep. ign. kal. lach. lye. mere. (see Injuries.) MUR-AC. natr-m. nitr-ac. NuxBiting, in the.skin, agn. alum. vovr. petr. PHOSPHr. phos-ac. 616 CUTANEOUS AFFECTIONS. PULS. rhus. sabin. SEe. sil. spig. carb-v. cham. chin. colch. croc staplh. SULPI. sulph-ac. veratr. cycl. hep. hyose. jod. kal. LYC. zinc. NITn-Anc. n-nmosch. NUX-VOM., inflammation of arteries, op. PETR. PEosPII. phos-ac. PULS. ACON. arn. ars. BELL. earb-v. RliUS. sep. stann. staph. SULPH. CIAuM. lach. lye. puls. sep. spig. sulph-ac. T;iuJ. zinc. nmgt aus. --, of veins, AeoN. arm. Chilblains, blue, am. bell. ars. chain. kreos. lye. nux-vom. kal. puls. PULS. sil. spig. sulph. thuj. zinc. -, burning, nux-vom. puls. spig. Boils, alum. anuml. ant. ARlN., gangrenous, aecon.bell. canph. ars. anr. BELL. brom. bry. CALC. chin. hyosc. lach. nur-ac. rllhus. carb a. euphr. HEP. hyosc. kal- sabin. sil. bi. LACI-. LED. LYC. magn-c. —, inflamed, ars. bell. CIIs. hep. mnagn-m. MERC.mez. mur-ac. natr- lye. nitr-ac. phosph. PULs. rhus. m. nitr. NITR-AC. N-AIOSCII. NUX- staph. SuLPr. vo.M. PETR. PHI-OSPH. PHOS-AC. -, itching, agar. asar. aur. bor. PuLs. sec. SEP. SIL. spong. STAPH. coco. colch/. croc. LyC. NITR-Ac. SULPH. sulph-ac. tart. thuj. zinc. zNux-voMr. SULPIH. lmgt-arC. magt., painful, arn. BELL. chin. hep., large, ars. bell. caps. I-EP. lye. NITR-AC. NTUx-VOM. PET. hyosc. iach. LYe. natr. INITR-AC. phos-ac. PULS. sep. SULPH. NUX-VOTM. rhus. SIL. tart. --, tingling, arn. colch. nux-vom. ~-, like carbuncles, ars. bell. RHUS. sep. engt-aus. caps. hyosc. lach. Nux-vo.r. rhus. —, ulcerated, Ans. bell. CARB-v. sec. sil. CnAM. clem. graph. hep. kal. lach. -, small, ARN. baryt. BELL. lye. lye. MERCe. natr. NITR-AC. PETR. magn c. magn-m. ssatr-m. nux- PULS. rhus. sep. SULPeI. sulph-ac. Vorn. SULPH. zinc. -, vesicular, ant. bell. carb-a. Bulle, amnm. ARS. bell. bor. chin. cyel. magn-c. nitr-ac. C(ANTH. CAUs. chami. CLEM. phosph. RInus. sep. sulph. DULC. GRAPH. hep. kal. magn- Cicatrices, painful during a c. mnerc. natr. nitr-ac. petr. ran. change of weather, carb-v. lach. RHUS. SEP. sil. sulph. natr-m. NIT1R-AC. nux-vom. Burning in the skin, AcON. phosph. SIL. AGAA. AnnI3R. Ang. arg. arn. -., breaking of former, carb-v. ARS. aur-sag. BELL. bron. BRY crotal. graph. jod. LACH. nitr-ac. calad. CALO. CAPS. carb-v. CAUS. phoslph. Sil. ciC. coCC. dig. DULC. EuPrnoRB. Cold skin, Ruta. fluor-ac. hep. h osc. ign. kal. Coinedoges (see Acne.) kal-bi. kreos. LACKI. led. Lyc. Condylomata(see Firgwarts.) mang. MERC. MIEZ. natr. natr-sn. Corns, alum. Antr. ANT. Arisnitr. nux-vom. op. par. PHOSPI-I. tol. ARN. baryt. bor. bov. bry. plat. puls. ran. rhus. sabad. sel. CALC. carb-a. carb-v. caus. con. sep. SIL. spig. squtill. stann. graph. shep. IGN. kal. lach. LYC. SULPH. tart. thuj. veratr. natr. natr-im. NITR-AC. nux-vom. Burns (see Injuries.) etr. phosphl. phos-ac. PULS. rhod. Callosities, amm. ANT. bor. RPlus. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. GRAPHI. lach. PnosPH. ran. rhus. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. MGT-ARC. sep. sil. sulph., boring, bor. cans. natr. Cancer of the skin, Sil. phosph. ran-sc. sep. sil. Carbunicles, ARS. BELL. caps. -, burning, bry. cale. ign. sep. hyose. lach. rhus. sec. SIL. tart. sclph. rnmt-arc. Chapped skins (see Rha- —, horny, ANT. graph. ran. gades.) sulph. Chilblains, agar. ant. arg-n. -. inflamed, lye. puls. rh/us. sep. arn. ARS. BELL.' bry. CARB-A. sil. Sui7ph. COIRNS, CIIEE'ING, CYANOSIS, DAMP SKIN'. 617 Corns, with paroxysmal pain, MERe. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. cocc. sep. sulph. sulph-ac.?ngt- NITR-AC. N-mIoscI. nux-vom. arc. oleand. Piiosprn. PI)OS-AC. plt., with pressure, ant. bry. plulmb, plls. rpu1. hSABA. SEC. graph. ly.: phosph. sep. sil. sulph. seneg.Sur. SIL. spig. SrONG. stal'h. —, painfully sensitive, amom. SULPI. ANT. arm. baryt. bry. CALC. carb- Eceehynl osis, ARN. ars. Bry. v. hep. IGN. lach, lye. natr. natr- CALC. cham. chin. cocc. CON. Mn. NITPr-Ac. 9uX-voWm. petr. crotal. dulc. euphr. ferr. IIEP. pbhosph. puls. ran. rhus. SEP. sil. jod. lach. Jaur. led. natr. natr-n. sxlph. qgit-arc. IN-vomr. par. phosph. plumb. -, with pain, as if sore, ambr. PULS. rhs. RUITA. sec. sil. strlam. bry. calc. caus. graph. hep. ign. SULPII. SULPH-AC. lye. nux-vom. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. Eczel a, ACON. ARS. olur. - wgt-are. IaBELL. bry. eamph. canth. carb-a. --, with stinging pain, alum. CA-.. CO. DULC. Imi. at. oy Bay.cole.ab. CAaR-v. CLEAT. con. DULC. ]tep. atnomD. ant. bov. BRY. calc. earb-v. kal-bi. IERC. nitr. jg cans. graph. hep. Lec. natr. natr- oleand. petr. PITOSPI. ran-sec 1m. petr. phospli. phos-ac. pulls RiUs. sop. staph. SILPL. Illj. r lod. r1huAs. SeP. SIL. SULPI. sulph- i ac. thluj. panyt-arc. --. acute, acon. bell. dule. petr. w, with tearing pain, amm. am. pliospl. bry. calc. cocc. ign. lye. magn-m. cllronie, clen. dule. ner natr. rhus. sep. sil. sulp/h. sulph- plosph. sulph. ac. -, of children, acon. bell. dule. -, with ulcerative pain, amm. phosph. sulph. bor. nus-vomn., mercurial, acon. bell. chin. Cruepginng, crawTling,6 aorg-. dig. hep. sulph. carb-v. caus. led. lye. mur-ac., red, acoi. ars. aur. bell. chin. natr. nux-vomn. oleand. phlosph. digr. dole. hep. mere. phosph. phos-ae. plat. ran. RIonD. RHIus. szlph. SAB3AD. sec. sil. spig. spong. STAPBI. -, simplex, ars. aur. dulc. Fetr. SULPIT.,phloesph. sulph. Cyamrnosiks, ACOlN. s.-I, yellow, of old people, aur. Dalmp skin, alaln. ars. bo loh. stlh. sulph. brl. CALC. caln,-a. CArBn-v. Cztls., impetiginous, humid, bell. ehinin. cic. CLEM. CMI. DULe. CZhinl]. iep. CLEM. reCOn. lDuc. carb-v. con. dulc. mere. rhus. GRAP'II. hIp. kal. KnEos. lach. sulph. zinc. led. LYC. MERC. natr-m. nitrac. oleand. PETE. phos-ac. rhus. Elephaltf iasis, (see Lepra.) rita. selen. SEP.. suill. tap. sErqupio ACON. sagar. an7. SULPII. sull)h-ae. t/lnj. viol-trie. ANT. ARS. our. bairyt. bar-m. after scr~atcbhing, ca-v. BELL. bor. boy. BRY. CALC. grapl. hlp. hkal. kreos. lach. lye. ca-rb-a. CARB-V. CAUS. CTIA\3. CIC. olearnd. petr. rhus. sabin. selen. CLEM. coloc. Cox. croc. e col. stapll. tlarax. fladaphn?. dig. )ULnc. euphorlb. ]Dinagy color of the skin, ant. h P. PAIs. o i V.,jERR. jod. ASiRC. ipce. kal. Klnros. lach. lye?. mang. PIPIT. oslanb. SE'C. MiERC. moe7. ur-ac. natr nm. D1yEL 7 Ski., Acou. ambr. A NII. iITe-Ac. OLESAND. PFTR. phosph. AnaN. ARS. BE.L. BRY. CALC. phos-ac. PULS. ran. ran-se. comnmph. CAN-N. CHIAM3. CIIiN. RII1US. sabad. sas.. SEP. SIL. Chininl. (OCCe. CO: COLCc. Coloc. sta1)l. SULPH. sulph-ae. tart. DITCe. ferr. GeRAPHI. 1hell. lhep. thaj. veratr. viol-tric. zinc. TIYOSC. ign. JOD. IPEC. KAL. —, acute, Acox. ars. amm. baryt. k-reos. LACII. LED. LYC. mang. BELL. BRY. chin. CorF. hell. 618 CUTANEOUS AFFECTIONS. lach. MERC. PIIosPH. PULS. puls. ran. sel. SEP. sil. staph. RIJIUS. stram. SULPE. sulph. tart. thuj. Eruption, blackish, ARS. Eruptionl, granular, atnm. BELL BRY. chinin. con. crotal. ARS. CARB-V. graph. hep. natrlach. MeUR-Ac. NITR-AC. RHUS. m. phosph. phos-ac. zinc. sec. sep. SIL. spig. —, grape-shaped, agar. CALa. —. burning, AMBR. ant. arg. ARS. rhus. staph. veratr. BELL. boy. BRY. calad. calc. —, with a hair in the centre, CAPS. CARB-V. CAUS. COCC. con. kal-bi. HEP. KREos. LACH. LYC. ma(rn- -, hard, ant. aur. mez. ran. In. 1MERC. mez. nitr. n-voln. rhus. spig. valer. oleand. petr. phos-ac. ran. RIus.,horny, ANT. GRAPH. ran. S1L. squill. STAPI. stront. SULPH. -, humid, alum. ARS. baryt. viol-tric. bell. bov. bry. CALC. CARB-V. -, chronic, alum. Amnr. ARs. caus. CIC. CLEM. con. dap11n. aur. BARYT. bar-nr. BOR. CALc. DULC. GRAPT. hep. kal. kreos. carb-a. CARB-V. caus. chanm. chel. lach. led. lye. MERC. MEZ. natr. CLEM. con. croc. euphorb. GRAPH. natr-m. nitr-ac. OLEAND. petr. phosph. phos-ac. RHUS. selen. hell. HEp. kal. Ilch. Lycw. magn-c. phosph. phos-ac. RHUS. selen. mnlagn-wn. mang. rmur-ac. natr.' SEP. sil. squill. STAPH. SULPH. NrrR-Ac. n-yom. OLEA.ND. PETR. sulph-aC. thuj. phosph. phlos-ac. plumb. Riius. A GAR. amm. ANT. Ans. bov. BRY. calad. CALC.,_S.EP. SIL. sqtdill. slap 8ULPHI. canth. CAUS. chain. CLEM. con1. sUlph-ac. thuj. viol-tric. zinc. canth. CAUs. chai. CLE. con. -, clustering, agar. calc. ran. ign. kal. kreos. lach. Ied. MERC. uME. natr-m. NITR-AC. 11UX vom. crhu phosph. phos-aga. veratr. OLEAND. petr. ran. RHus. selen. —, confluent, agar. ant. CiS.. Sa. sil. spig. spong. squill. ~hvosc. lkal-bi. phos-ac. tart. STAPI. stront. SULPII. tart. thuj. v'aler.l' VERATR. crust, see Scurfs, Crusts. -, miliary, agar. amm. ars. coce. -, dry, alum. ars. BARYT. bov. kreos. led. n-vom. BaY. CALC. carb-v. caus. clem. -, painful, agar. ant. arn. ARs. cocc. cupr. dulc. graph. hyosc. asa. BELL. chin. clen. con. cupr. kreos. led. lye. magn-c. MERac. duc. HEP. LACH. Lyc. magn-c. MlEz. natr. natr-ln. petr. phosph. magn-m. MERC. nux vom. petr. phos-ac. rhus. sass. SEP. SIL. PnosPI. phos-ac. puls. sep. sil. stann. STAPH. sulpll. VERATR. spig. veratr. viol-tric. zinc., painless, anmbr. cham. Cocc. -, excoriated, painful as if, alum. con. dros. HELL. HYosC. laur. arnt-m. arg. aur. bry. calc. ca-as. nitr. oleand. phosph. phos-ac.pnls. Crc. colch. DRos. GRAPH. HEP. samb. sec. spig. STRAM. s1dph. /cal. MANG. MERC. natr-m. nitr- tart. ac. PETR. phoesph. PHOS-AC. PULS. -, peeling off, AcoN. agar. AMM. rhus. sep. sil. spig. staph. SULPI. anznz-m. ars. aur. BELL. calc. Cic. veratr. ZINC. clem. con. cupr. dule. graph. hell. -, fine, agar. alum. ars. bell. lach. LED. lyc. magn-c. mere. bry. CARB-V. caus. clem. coce. mez. mur-ac. oleand. PIosPI. con. dulc. GRAPIt. HEP. jod. phos-ac. puls. ran. sec. SEP. SIL. ipec. kreos. led. mere. mez. STAPH. sulph. veratr. NATR M. nitr-ac.nux vom. phosph. -, pustulous, see Pustules. PHos-ac. puls. rhus. sass. sulph. —, with rhagades, alum. cale. zinc. chain. cycl. GRAPu. hep. lach. -, flat, aemm. ang. ant. ars. asa. Lyc. merc. PETR. puls. RHiTS. bell. carb-a. lach. lye. merc. natr. SASS. SEP. sil. SuLPH. nitr-ac. petr. phosph. PrIOS-Ac. -, scurfy, see Scurfs. ERUPTIONS, ERYSIPELAS, ETC. 619 Eruptions, smarting, amm-m. nux vom. petr. phosph. phos-ac. bry. calc. cans. euphorb. lt:ch. plumb. PUILS. RIIUS. ruta. sabad. led. lye. mere. mez. natr-m. samb. SEP. sil. stram. SULPH. oleand. phos-ac. plat. puls. ran. thuj. zinc. sulph. Erysipelas, flying, bell. graph. -, spreading, (see Bulle, phage- puls. rhus. doenic.) -, gangrenous, aeon. ARS. bell., squamnous, agar. alum. amm. camph. CARB-V. chin. hyosc. amrmn-m. anac. A.RS. Aun. bell. LAcII. mur-ac. rhus. sabin. sec. sil. bov. BRY. CALC. canth. caus. —, phlegmonous, aeon. arn. eic. CLEM. COLOC. cupr. DULC. BELL. bry. carb-a. cham. graph. GRAPIt. hell. jod. kreos. lach. led. hep. lach. MERC. phosph. puls. Lyc. MERC. mez. mur-ac. natr-m. IRnIus, sep. sulph. nitr ac. oleand. petr. PIIOSPH. -, simplex, AcoN. bell. hep. lach. phos-ac. puls. rhus. sass. SEP. —, vesicular, amm. ars. baryt. SIL. staph. SULPHI. thuj. veratr. bell. bry. carb-a. chin. euphorb. *-, stinging, acon. ant. ars. baryt. graph. hep. lach. petr. phosph. bell. bry. clem. con. cycl. dros. puls. RIUs. sabad. sep. staph. hep. led. LYe. magn-c. mere. sulph. MUR-AC. natr-m. nitr-ac. Piios- —, watery, edematous, ars. chin. AC. plat. puls. ran. rhus. sabin. hell. kal. lye. mere. RHus. sulph. selp. SIL. STAPH. sulph. viol-tric. Erythema. (see Redness, and su)ppurating, ant. ars. CIc. Soreness.) CLEM. dulc. IIEr. lyc. magn-m. Exanthems, with fever, MERC. petr. RHIUS. sec. sep. sil. ACON. amm. ars. baryt. BELL. spig. staph. SULPH. tart. thuj. BRY. camph. carb-v. chin. COFF. veratr. zinc. (comp. humid.) dulc. euphorb. graph. hell. lach. -, with tearing pain, calc. lye. MERC. PHosPir. PULS. Rnus. mez. sep. sil. staph. sulph. stram. SULPI. veratr. tensive, alum. arn. baryt. -, with bronchial catarrh, BRY. bell. canth. carb-a. caus. cocc. carb-v. dros. duelc. hyosc. ign. ncon. hep. kal. mez. oleand. vom. PULS. sep. phosph. puls. RIIus. sep. spong. -, with affections of the chest, staph. sulph. thuj. BRY. IPEC. phosph. sulph. -, tuberculoid, see Tubercles. -, with diarrhcea, chin. mere.,ulcerated, painful as if, alum. piuls. sulph. veratr. AlrM-M. arg. aur. BRY. cale. caus. -, followed by dropsy, arnm. CHAM. Cic. colch. dros. GRAPH. ARs. bell. dig. HELL. phos-ac. hep. kal. mang. MERC. natr-m. seneg. SULPH. nitr-ac. petr. phosph. phos-ac. —, with affections of the ears, PULS. RHUS. sep. SIL. spig. BELL,. carb-v. colch. hep. lye. men. staph. sulph. thuj. veratr. zinc. mere. nitr-ac. phosph. PULS. --, vesicular, see vesicles. SULPH., whitish, agar. ARs. bor. BRY. —, with affections of the eyes, ipec. graph. lye. phosph. puls. bell. phosph. sulph. sulpll. thuj. valer. zinc. —, with acute fever, ACON., yellowish, AG.AR. ars. CIC. BELL. BRY. COFF. mere. rthus. euphorb. kreos. lach. MERC. —, with suppressed eruption, natr. NITR-AC. sep. ars. bell. bry. caus. hell. phosph. Erysipelas, ACON. amm. phosph-ac. puls. op. stram. sulph. anthrak. arg-n. ant. ARN. ars. -~. with typhoid symptoms, arn. aur. BELL. bor. BRY. calc. ars. BELL. BRY. HELL. HYOSC. CAMPI-. canth. CARB-A. CILAM. phos-ac. puls. RIIsI. STRAM. chin. clem. crotal. dulc. euphorb. sulph. GRAPII. HEP. hiyosc. jod. kal. Excrescetnces, aeon. agar. LACII. lyc. MERC. NiTR-AC. agn. alum. ambr. amm. ANT. 620 CUTAN EOUS AFFECTIONS. arn. ARS. a ur. BELL. bry. CALC. Freckles, ALUM. amrn. ANT. CARB-A. CARB-V. CAUS. Cie. C.LEM. BRY. CALC. con. dros. dulc. cocc. coleh. dig. euphr. GRAPH. GrAPH. kal. LYC. muerc. sur-ac. hep. jod. kal. klreos. lach. L-ca. NATR. nitr-ac. n-rnosch. petr. men. mnere. mCz. natr. natr-m. PJIOSPIT. plumb. PULS. SEP. sil. NITR-AC. n-yorm. petr. phosph. SULPII. tart. thuj. veratr. phos-ac. plhn&b. puls. RHnAN. rhod. Futigus artieularis, ANT. rhus. sabad. sabin. selen. sep. ARs. bell. BRY. chin. cleem. SIL. spong. stann. STAP1I. SuLrT. coloc. CoN,. dig. euphorb. graph. sulph-ac. tart. THUJ. zinc. hep. JOD. KR EOS. LACH. lye. Exerescences, fleshy, lye. mere. nux yom. petr. phospTh. merc. NITR-AC. phospb. STAPII. puls. rhod. /hus. sabin. sep. SIL. THIUJ. STAPII. SULPH. ZrIc., horny, ANT. RAN. sulph. h>inatodcs, ARS. bell., rash-shaped, AcoN. atom. ars. CALC. CARB-A. CARB-V. clem. BELL. boy. cale. canth. clemn. hep. CROTAL. graph. kreos. LACrI. lye. sitER. natr-rn. phohsp. ran. LYc. MERC. natr. NITR-AC. nllu rhas. sil. snlip~h. vom. petr. PIHOSPII. PLAT. p11ls., ring-shaped, calc. caus. CLEM. rhus. SEP. SIL. staphi. SuLPIi. mnayn-c. sagn-A.:AT\ NATR-M. tart. thu-. SEP. sulpI1. mnedullaris, BELL..~, see also Steatoma, Fungus, carb-a. InosPII. sil. sulph. thuj. Fig-warts, Chilblains, Corns, Moles, ILangnails, Polypi, Sar- Gaiglia, AnsI phospl. pioCOnma, Warts, Wens, Ganglia, ac. plumb. SIL. zinc. Proud Flesh. Gangrene, AcoN-. ARS. asa. Figwarts, calc. euphr. Lyc. BELL. camph. caps. carb-v. CInI-. NITR-AC. nux vom. phos-ac. CnIN. con. crotal. eup7horb. hell. sabin. sass. staph. snlph. THUJ. hyosc. LACH. mere. mur-ac. nmgt-aus.-Cinnabaris. phlosph. plumb. ran. rhus. sabin. -—, bleeding, TllJ. mgt-aus. SEC. SIL. SQUILL. SULPH. sulph-, dry, cin. nux vom. sss. ac. tart. thudry, cin. x. sass., hmid, CII-s. hell. phosph. flat, nitr-ac. SASS. sulph. -, hot, AoN. ARS. BELL. murTHIUJ. ac. sabin. sec. -, itching, euphr. thvj. cold, cold, ARS. asa. bell. con. -, painful, euphlr. sabin. th/zj. cphorb. LACH. mer. plumb. -, pedunculated, LYC. sabin. ran. SEC. SIL. SQUILL. sulph. -, split, lyc. NSTu-Ac. TTIUJ. sulph-ac. tart. s, suppurating, humid, TJIUJ. Galigrenouis blisters, -, wart shaped, nitr-ac. nux aeon. ars. bell. campph. carb-v. Yaom. sass. sulph. thuj. hiyosc. lach. mur-ac. ran. sabin. Flaccid skin, ang. bor. sec. C;LC. caps. chla. c chin. chinin. Ga vawing in thle skin, COCC. con. Curu. dig. ferr. agCar. AGN-. alin. ant. BAIRYT. graph. hell. JOD. ipec. Incllh. bis. canth. caps. caus. cham. LYC. merc. natr. puls. rhab. c!lem. cocc. con. CYCL. DiG. DI)ro. sabad. SEC. seneg. sil. sulph. euphorb. graph. guaj. hell hep. sulph-ac. VERATR. hyose. hal. LED. LYC. nlen. lFormnication, ACON. ARN. mere. mez. nux vom. OLEAND. baryt. carb-v. CAus. COLCHI. par. phosph. phos-ac. PLAT. KAL. magn-m. -MEC. Cmur-a. pmr-ac. ) RAN.-SC. rhILU. RUTA. sep. natr. NUX VOM. phiosph. lphios- pi(g. SPONG. squill. stann. ac. plat. PULS. RAN. rhocl. RHUS. STAPIt. sulph. thuj. VESAnBAD. SEC. selen. SEP. sil. SPIG. RATR. staph. stramn. SULPI. Zinc.. Greasy skiin, agar. aur. Bnr. HAIR, H1ANGNAILS, HARD SkIN, ETC. 621 calc. chin. magn-e. MERC. natr- bor. bov. bry. CALC. carb-v. m. plumb. selen. stram. caus. cic. CHLOR. CLEM. CON. Hair, diseases of the, alum. DULC. GRAPH. HEP. jod. kal. AMBR. amm. ant. ars. aur, BARYT. KREOS. ILED. LYC. MERC. NATR,. bell. bov. CALC. CANTII. CARB-A. NATE-I. nitr-ac. N-JUGL. nuX CARB-V. caus. chel. colch. vom. OLEAND. PETR. phosph. CON, cycl. dulc. ferr. GRAPH. phos-ac. ran. RHUS. SASS. SEP. hell. HEP. ign. jod. KAL. SIL. spong. STAPII. SULPH. KnR1os. lach. LYC. 9nagn-c. ZINc. 3lMERC. natr. N-ATR-M. NITR- Herpes, burning, ARS. ambr. AC. op. par. petr. phosph. phos- bov. bry. calad. CALC. CARB-V. ac. plumb. puls. rhus. SASS. see. CAUS. con. HEP. FLUOR-AC. led. selen. SEP. SIL. staph. SULPH. LYC. MERC. pZls. RHUS. sep. sulph-ac. zinc. STAPH. SULPH. mgt-arc., dryness of, alum. cale. kal..- furfuraceous (pityriasis), agar. phos-ac. plmnb. alum. anne. ARS. aur. BRY. --, entangling of the, bor. fluor- CALC. cic. DtULC. GRAPI. ac. lye. natr-nm. vine. mine. KREOS. lach. led. Ly'. mere. -—, falling off of the, amlbr. amim. natr-m. petr. PHOSPH. SEP. SIL. ant. ars. AUR. BARYT. bell. SULPH. thuj. CALC. CAN'TI. carb a. CARB-v., gray, SULPH. caus. con. ferr. GRAPH. IIEP., humid, alum. bov. CALC. carbjod. KAL. kal-bi. Ireos. lach. V. caus. CLAIM. con. DILc. GRAPIH. lygc. Inagn-c. mere. NATR-M. iep. KREOs. LYC. MERC. nati. nitr-ae. petr. PHOSPH. PIIOS-Ac. phos-ac. RIIUS. SEP. staph. plumb. rhus. sass. sec. SEP. sil. SULPII. STAPII. SULPH. sulph-nac. itching, alum. ambr. Ans. -, turning gray, ars. graph. bov. CALC. CAUS. CLEM. con. lye. pls-ac. staph. SIIlph. Xfior-ac. graph. kal. kreos. led., greasy, bry. plumb. mang. MI Ra. natr. nitr-ac. oleand. becolming stiff, phos-ac. petE. ran. RHus. SEP. sil. staph. Haxlgnails, CALC. lye. mere. SULPH. natr-m. RIIUS. sabin. stann. -, malignant, Ars. SULPi1., pustulous (ecthyma), ant. Hlard skini, amm. ANT. ers. arg-n. ARS. bor. cham. kal-bi. bov. chin. cic. CLEM. DULC. kreos. MERC. puls. rhus. staph. GRAPIL kal. lach. led. lye. par. SULPI. tart. thuj. PIospu. ran. RHUS. SEP. Sir. w, with rhagades, calc. GRAPH. sulph. thtuj. veratr. hep. LYC. mere. puls. rhus. SEP. callous, ANT. GRAsPIT. lach. sil. SurLPIr. phosph. ran. rhus. sabad. sep., ring shaped, calc. caus. natr. sil. snulph. natr-m. SEP. sulph. -- horny, amnm. ANT. bor. clem.., scaly, agar. alum. anom. graph. hep. aInch. phosph. ran. anom-m. anac. ARS. aur. bell. sep. sil. sulphl. boy. BRy. CALC. canth. caus., parchment-like, Ans. chin. cic. CLEM. CoLOC. cupr. DULC. clem. dulc. lye. phosph. si]. GArlPI. hell. jod. kreos. laeh -, with peeling off, atmm. ant. LED. LYC. MERC. amez. mur-aC. bor. clem. DuLc. graph. lach. natr-m. nitrac. oleand. petr. phosph. ran. RHus. SEP. sil. PHOSPH. phos-ac. puls. rhus. sulph. sass. SEP. SIL. staph. SULPH., thickened, ANT. c/em. DuLc. thnj. veratr. graph. lach. ran. rhius. SEr. sil., scurfy, impetigo (see ImSLurLPI. thuj. petigo), alunm. aInmi. ARS. baryt. Herpes, in general, alum. ARS. BELL. Bov. C(ALC. carb-v. caus. 622 CUTANEOUS AFFECTIONS. CIC. CLEM. con. DULC. GRAPH. Imnpetigo, granulata, ars, hLp. kreos. lach. Lvc. MERC. MUR- aur. aur-m. baryt. CALC. chinin. AC. natr-m. nitr-ac. oleand. graph. hep. lach. led. mere. phosph. phos-ac. ran. RHUS. phosph. rhus. SCLPEI. thuj..sass. SEP. sil. STAPII. SULPHI. -, larvalis, ars. bell. CALC. Herpes, spreading, alum. arnbr. carb-v. cic. dulc. graph. lyc. ARS. aur. baryt. bell. CALC. cic. mere. natr-m. phosph. phos ac. con. GRAPH. hep. LYC. chin. RHUS. sass. sep. SULPII. violMERC.NATR-M nitr-ac. oleand.petr. tric. phosph. puls. rthus. SEP. SIL. —, purulent, CALC. carb-v. cic. STAPH. SULPH. zinc. con. graph. lye. MERC. nitr-ac. -, suppurating, ars. CIC. CLEM. RHUS. sep. sil. staph. SULPn. dulc. lyc. MERC. natr. RHus. SEP. -, rodens, ARS. bell. calc. carbsil. staphys. SULPH. zinc. v. cic. con. GRAPH. hep. merc., syphilitic, at the tongue, natr-m. nitr-ac. Riius. sep. sil. lye. staph. SULPH. -, dry, ACON. ARns. BARYT. BRY. -, scabida, DItL. graph. lye. bov. CALC. carb-v. cans. clem. sulph. cupr. dulc. fluor-ac. graph. hyosc. —, scattered, cic. lach. sulph. kreos. LED. lyc. magn-c. MERC. Indurations, AGN. arn. Ans. natr. natr-m. petr. phosph. phos- BARYT. bar-m. BELL. bov. bry. ac. RHUS. sass. SEP. SIL. STAPIH. CALC. CARB-A. CARB-V. cates. sulph. VERATR. viol-tric. zinc. CIAA. chin. CLEM. CON. DULC., with tearing pain, calc. clem. GRAPH. hep. ign. JOD. kal. lach. vyc. merc. nitr-ac. puls. rhus. sep. led. LYc. mnagn-c. nux vom. petr. sil. sulph. pho.sph. puls. rhod. rhus. SEP., whitish, ars. bry. graph. lye. SIL. SPONG. staph. SULPH. thuj. zinc. -, scirrhous, BELL. bry. carb-a. -, yellowish, cupr. DuLC. LYC. carb-v. chain. chin. chinin. cic. mere. natr. sep. SULPH. CLEMI. con. graph. jod. lach. lye. Horny alterations of the skin, magn-m. PETR. phosph. ran. rhus. amm. ANT. BOR. cle7n. GRAPH. sep. SIL. spong. staph. SULPH. hep. lach. phosph. RAN. sep. SIL. Inflammation, liable to, SULPH. alum. amm. baryt. bor. calc. carbHypertrophy of the skin, v. caus. CHAM. chel. clem. amm. ANT. ARS. aur. baryt. bell. GRAPH. hell. HEP. kal. LACH. lye. bor. bry. CALC. caus. chin. cic. magn-c. mana. MERE. NITR-AC. CLEM. coloc. DULC. GRAPH. nux vomn. PETR. phosph. plumb. hep. kal. kreos. lach. led. lyc. rhus. sep. SIL. squill. STAPI. merc. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr- SULPH. ac. oleand. petr. phosph. phos- --, of external parts, ACON. ac. RAN. ran-sc. RHUS. SEP. SIL. ARN. ARS. ASA. aUr. BELL. bor. squill. staph. SULPH. thuj. BRY. CALC. camph. canth. caus. veratr. CHAM. CHIN. colch. GRAPH. HEP. Ichthyosis, coloc. hep. plumb. hyosc. LACH. lye. MANG. MERC. (compare Scurfy Herpes.) natr-m. NITR-AC. PETR. PHOSPH. Impetigo, alum. amm. ARS. plumb. puls. ran. RHus. ruta sep. barvt. BELL. BoV. CALC. carb-v. SIL. STAPH. strain. SULPH. caus. CIG. CLEM. con. DULC. veratr. zinc. MGT-ARC. GRAPH. hep. kal-bi. kreos. lach. Injl ries, wounds, acon amm. LYC. MERC. MUR-AC. nsatr-m. nitr- ARN. bell. bor. bry. cale. canus. ac. oleand. phosph. phos-ac. ran. chain. CIc. CON. dule. euphr. HEP. RHUS. sass. SEP. sil. STAPII. kreos. LACH. mere. nitr-ac. nux SULPH. vom. petr. phosph. plumb. PULS., figurata, ars. calc. clem. dulc. Rnus. RUTA. sep. SIL. staph. sulph. graph. hep. rhus. su]lph. SULPII-AC. veratr. zinc. INJURIES, INSENSIBILITY, ITCH. 623 Injuries, bedsores, ARN. carb-v. CARB-V, LACH. NATR-M. nitr-ac. chin. chintn. puls. StILPrH-AC. nux VOm. PROSPiH. sil. sulph., caused by bites, arn. SUVLiI- Injuries, gangrenous, acon. AC. amm. ARS. bell. carb-v. CHis. -, of poisonous animals, euphorb. lach. SIL. AMM. ARS. B1LL. caus. chinin., of glands, arn. cic. con. dulc. LACH. natr-m. puls. seneg. hep. jod. kal. merc. phosph4. puls. --, bleeding, NATR. uqitr-ac. thuj. rthus. sil. sulph. mgt-aus. -, inflamed, Acos. am. bor. —, readily bleeding, acon. ARN. CHAM. graph. hep. lach. mere. carb-v. CIIIN. CROTAL. KREOS. nitr-ac. PULS, rhus. SIT. sulph. LAcr. natr-m. PHOSPH. phos-ac. sulph-ac. puls. sulph. SULPr-Ac. zinc. -, itching, chin. sulph. tart. --—, bleeding, traumatic, aeon. -, painful, caus. natr. natr-m. ARN. carb-v. chin. chinin. croc. nitr-ac. sulph. thuj. crotal. euphr. hep. lach. mere. -, becoming painful again, con. natr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. nux vom. croc. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux vom. phosph. phos-ac. plnumb. puls. staph. sulph. mgt-arc. rhus. ruta. sep. sil. STAPI. sulph. -, shaggy, cale. lye. natr. nitrSULPII-AC. ac. phos-ac. rlhus. sabin. staph. -, caused by a blow, ARN. thuj. euphr. lach. puls. staph. sulph. -, caused by a shot, ARN. euphr. sulph-ac. plumb. puls. ruta. sulph. SULP1r-, of the bones, arn. calc. calen- AC. dula. phosph. phos ac. puls. ---— small, CaLc. dulc. hep. lach. rhus. ruta. sil. staph.- Sym- nitr-ac. RKIs. sass. sep. sulph. phitum qolcinale. TnHJ. ---, burning, acon. arn. ars. bry. -, sore, painful as if, hep. lAch. carb-v. caus. mere. mez. natr-m. natr-m. nitr-ac. sabin. sulph. rhus. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. —, by burns, acon. arg-n. Aus. -, sore, painful as if, amm. bell. calc. CANTH. CARB-V. CAUS. hep. nux vom. phos-ac. sulph. croc. KREOS. lach. rhus. strain.-, caused by splinter, aeon. arn. Urtica urers. carb-v. cic. HEP. lach. NrrR-Ac. -, with muscular contortions, SIL. suiph. arn. natr. natr-m. phosph. Rnus. -, stinging, acon arn. bell. bry. ruta. caus. chin. clem. merc. mez. nitr-, caused by contusions, ARN. ac. sep. sil. sulph. cic. CON. croc. euphr. hep. jod. -, caused by a stab, ARdN. carbmez. petr. phosph. PULs. ruta. v. cic. con. hep. LAC. nitr ac. sulph. SULPt-AC. plumb. sil. sulph.,caused by a cut, ARN. natr. -, caused by stings or bites of plumb. sil. STAPH. sulph. sulph- insects, acon. ant. arn. bell. calad. ac. lach. mere. seneg. sep., dislocations (see chap. I.) -, straining (see chap. I.) -, ecchymosed, ARN. bry. con. —, suppurating, asa. BELL. caus. dulc. lach. nux vom. puls. rhus. chin. croc. HEP. lach. MERac. RUTA. sulph. SuLPH-AC. plumb. puls. SULPII. extensive, CAus. dulc. kal. —, with swelling, ARN. bell. bry. natr. nitr-ac. sep. nux vom. puls. rhus. sulph. -, caused by a fall, with con- sulph-ac. cussion, ARN.bry. cic. con. euphr. -, throbbing, bell. cham. clem. jod. lach. puls. rhus. sulph. hep. merc. puls. sulph. sulph-ac. Insensibility (see Numbness.), flat, calc. dulc. lach. Itch and itch-like eruptions, ant. -,former, becoming sore again, arg-n. ars. CARn-v. CAus. chlor. 624 CUTANEOUS AFFECTIONS. clem. coloc. cupr. dule. HiEP. RHUS. STAPH. zinc. mgt-are. mgtkreos. lach. LYC. mang. MERC. aus. natr. phos-ac. rhus. SELEN. SEP. -, gnawing, agn. ars. cocc. eusquill. SULPH. tart. veratr. zinc. phorb. lye. oleand, plat. puls. Itch, suppressed, CALc. carb. rhod. ruta. staph., pustulous, ant. CAUS. CLEt. -, in the morning, ant bov. bry. cic. kreos. LYC. mere. ran. coloc. cycl. hell. hep. kal. lach. Ruius. selen. sep. squill. SULPHI. mang. nux-vom. petr. puls. ruta. -, vesicular, ars. CARB.V. caus. sass. sep. spong. staph. sulph. dulc. lach. MERC. natr. sep. SULPH. pigt-arc. veratr. - —, at night, amm. amm-m. ant., readily bleeding, arg-n. calc. arn. ARs. baryt. bry. calad. cann. dulc. mnerc. sulph. carb-v. caus. cham. chin. cin. -, dry, cale. CARB-V. caus. dulc. cocc. con. dig. dulc. euphr. ign. HEP. lach. MERC. natr. sep. sil. kal. kreos. magn-c. magn-m. SULPH. veratr. mere. nux-vom. oleand. phosph. -, humid, carb-v. CAUs. clem. plat. PULS. sabad. sabin. sass. graph. kreos. lye. MERc. sep. spong. staph. sulph. thZj.VERAT. SULPI. VIOL-TRIC. zinc. Itching, ACON. ngn. AMBR. -; with sore feeling, cann. led. AMMi. Amu-uN. ANT. arg. arg-n. mez. plat. ruta. staph. sulph.zinc. ARS. asa. baryt. boy. bry. calad. nmgt-arc. mgt-aus. calc. calc-ph. canth. carb-a. caus. -., stinging, agn. arg. arn. baryt. ca/el. chin. CIC. cocc. CON. CrCL. BYY. calc-caust. caus. cocc. con. dros. fluor-ac. graph. ign. ipec. cycl. dig. DRos. graph. ign. kal. kal. lreos. LAcI. LED. LYC. led. rlerc. mur-ac. natr-m. nuxmagn-c. mang. MERC. MEZ. vom. oleand. plat. puls. ran-sc. Morph. Nux vom. OLEAND. op. RHUS. ruta. sabin. sep. sil. SPrG. par. plat. plumhb. PULS. RAN. SPONG. squill. stann. STAPH. sulph. ran-sc. RHUS. ruta. sabad. SABIN. teucr. THnu. veratr. viol-tric. zinc. sass. selen. sep. SIL. spig. spong. mgt-arc. rngt-aus. STAPH. SULPH. SuLP1-Ac. tart. --, during sweat, agar. cann. thuj. veratr. mgt-arc, mgt-aus. CHAM. con. ipec. led. Op. par. -, in bed, alum. ang. boy. RuLUs. sabad. camph. carb-a. CARB-v. cham. -, with tearing, bell. bry. chin. clem. cocc. coloc. con. cycl. -, tingling, aeon. arn. baryt. kal. lye. mere. Nux-voir. phos-ac. bell. caus. chel. chin. colch. fluorplat. puls. rhus. sass. seneg. staph. ac. kal. mere. mnur-ac. nux-vom. selphll. thuLj. zinc. plat. puls. ran. RIlOD. RHIs. when getting warm, sabad. sec. selen. sep. sil. spig. alum. arg-n. bov. calad. calc. squill. staph. sulph. cann. chin. clem. cocc. MERC. -, while undressing, in the nux-vom. puls. sass. evening, amm-m. ars. cocc. mez. -, burning, aeon. AGAR. amnbr. nux-vom. oleand.puls. rhus. sil. anac. arg. Ans. bell. BRY. calad. stann. calc. caps. caus. chin. CIc. colch., voluptuous, annac. mere. murdig. euphorb. hep. ign. kal. lach. ac. sep. sil. spong. sulph. lye. mnere. mez. Nux-voM. oleand. -, in the day-time, when getphosph. plat. puls. ran. RIus. ting warm, ign. LYC. mang. puls. sabad. sep. sil. spig. squill. stann. sabad. staph. sulph. veratr. mgt-arc. Jaundice, ACON. ambr. arn., creeping, sil. spong. staphl)l. ars. aur. bell. brv. calc. canth., in the evening, alum. Aiiu-r.. cerb-v. caus. CHAIT. chel. CHIN. ant. ars. coce. coloc. cycl. ign. CLITNIN. Coce. con. CRoc. crotal. k-al. led. mere. Nux-vor,. phos-ac. clupr. dig. ferr. HEP. ign. jod. plat. PaLS. ran. ran-sc. rhod. LACn. laur. lye. magn-ln. MERC. JAUNDICE, LEPROUS AFFECTIONS, ETC. 625 nitr-ae. Nux VoM. op. phosph. Measles, previous to breaking plumb. puls. ran. r'hus. sec. sep. out, AcoN. bell. bry. PULS. sulph. spig. SULPHI. sulph-ac. tarax. -, during the breaking out, veratr. AcoN. ars. bell. bry. COFF. mere. Jaundice, after anger and cha- nux vom. phosph. PULS. rhus. grin, ACON. CHA1M chin. nux sulph. vonr. puls. sulph. -, sequeli, Ans. 3RY. carb-v., after abuse of cinchona, bell. cham. chin. dros. dule. hyosc. calc. MIERC. nux vom. ign. nux vom. PHosPH. PULs. --—, after abuse of mercury, CHIN. RiHius. sep. stram. sulph. hep. lach. sulph. —, suppressed,BRY.phosph. PULS..-, after abuse of rhubarb, CHALI. rhlius. sulph. mere. Mrtiliaria alba, see Rash, Leprous affections,'ALUM. White. ARS. arg-n. baryt. calc. carb-a. Moles, amm. ant. CALC. CARBcarb-v. cans. coloc. con. cupr- V. caus. CON. crotal. GRAPH. LYC. in. GRAPH. hep. kal. kreos. lac/. NATAR-M. nitr-ac. petr. PnosPH. lye. NATR. natr-m. nitr-ac. petr. phos-ac. PLAT. plumb. puls. SEP. PiosPII. phos-ac. rhus. SEP. SIL. SIL. SULPH. sulph-ac. THUJ. SULPH. thuj. zinc. -, flat, spotted, amm. ant. calc. Lichen, ACoN. a ar. amm. ars. carb-v. CON. graph. lye. natr-m. BRY. calc. carb-v. canus. cham. ssitr-ac. petr. PHOSPH. phos-ae. CIC. COCC. con. DULC. graph. plumb. puls. SEP. sil. SULPH. thuj. LYC. mere, AIUvR-AC. NATR-~M., raised, net-shaped, calc. CARBphos-ac. puls. rhus. staph. stront. v. caus. crotal. graph. lye. natr-m. SULPH. nitr-ac. petr. phos-ac. PLAT. SEP. -, fiery, cal. cic. duic. graph. sil. sulph. sulph-ac. THuJ. lye. mur-ac. rhus. sulph. Nails, affections of, alum. ANT. -, simplex, aeon. bry. cocc. dcle. ars. bor. calc. caus. con. GRAPH. puls. hell. HIEP. lyC. MERC. NATR-M. Lupus willan, anmbr. ARS. nitr-ac. nux vom. par. puls. aur. baryt. bell. CATc. carb-v. RHus. sabad. sec. SEP. SIL. cans. chin. clem. con. GRAPH. hep. squill. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. LYC. MERC. natr. NATR-M. nitr- MGT-AUS. ac. petr. phosph. puls. Rus. SEP. -, beating in, amm-m. con. sep. SIL. STAPH. SULPHI. zinc. mgt-aus., ambulans, serpiginosus. -, bleeding of the, crotal. alum. aembr. ARS. baryt. CALC. blue, amm. aur. chel. CHIN. CLE, I. con. GRAPH. hep. LYC. cocC. dig. dros. lye. natr-m. Nux MERC. natr. nitr-ac. petr. PH-IOSPH. VOM. petr. phos-ac. sass. sil. rhus. SEP. SIL. STAPH. sulph. _-, breaking, alum, GRAPH. mere. sabad. sil. SULPH., facialis (dry lupus with by- - brittle, ALU. graph. mere. pertrophy,) alum. arg-n. ARs. sep. SIL. squill. sulph. GRAPH. magn-e. natr. phosph. sil. burning, alum, cale. cam. staph. sulph. con. kal. merc. nitr-ac. -, perforans seu vorax, (lupus. corrosion, mere. sol. nasalis) arg-n. Ans. graph. mere. discolored, ant. ars. grap mez. natr-m. nitr-ac. phosph. mur-ac. nitr-ac. sil. sulph. SEP. SIL. STAPH. SULPH. -, distortion, alum. ant. cale. Mlacula, see Spots. GRAPH. mere. sabad. sep. siU. Mleasles, ACON. ARS. BELL. sulph. BRY. carb-v. cham. chin. coqf. -, falling off, GRAPH. hell, merc. dros. dulc. hyosc. ign. jod. ipec,. sec. sep. MERa. nux avom. PHOSPH. PULS. -, grooves, salad. sil. Raus. stram. SULPH. -, growing into the flesh, caus. 27 626 CUTANEOUS AFFECTIONS. colch. graph. sil. sulp/-. teuer. puls. RHUS. sang. sass. sep. IMGT-A.vS. sulph. tart. thuj. veratr.-CoNails, growth, slow, ant. PAIVA. -—, hng-nails, CALC. l?/C. mere. Nettlerash, acute, acon. bry. natr-m. RPEls. sabad. stanI. dule. rhus. SULPI. -, chronic, ars. CALC. carb-v. - inflammation, con. hell. kal. canus. lyc. petr. rthus. sulph. lye. natr-m. phos-ac. teucr. -, after poisoning by mussels,, jerkin(g pain, calc. cans. cop. graph. mere. natr-n. nux vom. Nightmare, see Nightly'Ailpuls. rhus. sil. mgt-aus. ments. -, paifiulness, amm-m. ant. Num1nb skin, ACON. AMBnR. CAus. GRArI. mere. natr-m. nitr- ANAC. ang. chain. con. cvycl. lach. ac. nux vom. puls. rhus. sabad. LrC. NUX VOM. OLEAN'D. sep. sil. squill. sulph. MGT-AUS. p)hosplh. P1os-.Ac. plat. plumb. —, pressure, calc. cans. sass. PULS. SEC. stranm. SULPI. tart. sulphI. mgt-arc. mgt-aus. Painfull skin,, agar. antm., roughness, sabad. sil. nrn. ARS. asa. aur. baryt. BELL. - sore, painful as if, alum. bry. CALC. camph. canth. CARBgraph. hep. kal. mere. mez. natr- A. CARB-V. chain. chin. ehilin. In. nux yvor. puls. sep. sulplh. cog. CON. ferr. HEP. ign. IPEC. mgt-aus. kal. kreos. LACII. led. LYC. magn-, splinter, pain as from, bell. c. MERC. mosch. natr. NATR-M. carb-v. coleh. he. nitr-uc. sil. NITR-AC. n-mosch. SUX V~0I. sutlph. PETR. phosph. PHOS-AC. pluml\. -, split. SIL. squill. puls. l{aEs. selen. sep. SIL. Smc. -, spots on, alum. ars. natr-m. staphi. SULPH. sulph-ac. Tiwj. N'ITR-AC. sep. sit. sulph. VERATR. - stitching, amm-m. bell. carb- Pale skin, chlorosis, ars. bell. v. coleh. con. graph. Ihep. kal. CALC. CAMIPH. caib-a. earlb-v. lye. nitr. nitr-ac. ph/os-ac. sep. sil. eaus. CIoN. Cocc. CON. CROTAL. sulph. mgt-ans. dig. FERaR. GRAPH. HELL. ign. kal. -, suppuration, cale. kal. phos- laclt. LYC. mere. NATR-AI. NITRac. sep. Ac. Iux VOM. PoSPmH. phos-ae., swelling around, natr-m. PLAT. plflmb. PULS. sabin. see. -, tearing around, ambri. baryt. SEP. spig. staph. SULPH. sulphbism. canmph. carb-v. colch. co- ac. valer. zinc. (Comp.: Chlorosis, loc. jod. 3lye. nitr. sulph-ac. Chap. 1.), thickening, alum. eale. Panaritia, alum. amm-m. Aas. GRaPH. mere. sabad. sep. SIL. baryt. bov. CALC. carb-v. CAUs. s8uph. con. HEP. jod. kal. LACH. -, ulcerative pain, AMM-.. bell. MERC. natr-In. NITR-AC. PETR caus. chin. con. GRAPIr. hell. puls. rhus. sang. SEP. SIL HEP. KAL. MaER. mur-ac. natr-m. 6ULPH. mgt-arc. mgt-aus. nitr-ac. nux vom. PuLs. ran. rhus. --, under the skin, ars. cale. sep. sil. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. caus. graph. HEP. lach. mere. mgt-arc. mgt-aus. nitr-anc. puls. SIL. SULPH. -, yellowness, ambr. ant. ars., under the nail, alum. ars. aur. carb-v. CON. mnere. nitr-ac. calc. carb-v. caus. graph. rEP. nux vomn. SEP. SIL. spig. sulph. LACH. mere. nitr-ac. phosph. Nettlerash, AcoN. ant. ARs. puls. rhus. sep. SIL. SULPH. be7l. bry. CALC. C1IC-Ph. CARB-V. -, between the tendons, canus. card-bened. cans. chin. clem. hep. lach. mere. SIL. SULPH. con. DULC. HEP. iyn. ka. -, penetrating to the periosteum, kreos. LYc. mere. nez. natr-m. calc. hep. lye. merc. niti-ac. phosnitr-ac. nux yom. petr. phosph. ac. SnL. sueph. PAPUL., PEDLAR S ITCH, ETC. 627 Papulne, ACON. agar. alum. PhagedAenic blisters, ambr. amm. ars. BRY. CALc. ulcerated, graph. kal. natr. cann. carb-v. cans. cham. cic. Phtyriasis, ars. lach. MERC. Cocc. con. DULC. graph. lye. O LEAN.,D. sabad. staph. SULPII. MIERC. morph. mur-ac. NATR-IM. nlgt-arc. NITR-AC. nZux vomn. oleand. op. Pimlples, AcoN. AN-T. arg. Aps. phos-ac. puls. rhats. Sra. SIL. BELL. boV. I3r. CAUS. CIIAI. cic. staph. stront. SULIPH. cocC. con. dulc. fluor-ac. graph. Pedlar's itch, calc. CIc. lduc. hell. hep. kal. MIERC. mur-ac. graph. Lye. mtur-ac. rhus. SurrPI. iNATR-M,. iNTR-Ac. n-jugl. nux Peeling off of the skin, vorn. oleand. PuIosPH. PHOS-Ac. aeon. ant. ars. bor. CLEI. dig. PULS. RIus. sass. SEP. spong. dros. DULC. graph. hell. MERC'. squill. STAPII. stront. SULPH. MERC-C. mez. ran. rhus. sec. Sar. tart. thuj. veratr. zinc. magt. si]. snllph. Pityriasis, see Herpes furfuPemnphigus, vesicular erup-. racels. tion with fever, amm. ARns. bell. Polypi, see Chap. 1. CANTIE. carb-a. caus. DULC. Phompholix solitarius, eut)horb. graph. HIEr. lach.. ars. bell. canth. caus. DULC. hep. phosphl. puls. RAN. RHUIS. staph. ran. RnT s. sulph. Proud Flesh, see Ulcers. Petechiae acon. amm. ARN. Prurigo, ACON. altlm. ambr. ARS. BELL. BRY. CALC. carb-a. atomn. baryt. Bur. CALC. CARB-V. carb-v. chain. chin. CoN. crotal. caas. coce. CON. GRAPHI. lye. dule. euphr. ferr. hep. hyose. LACI. MIERC. M NATER-. NITR-AC. iNux laur. led. mere. natr. natr-m. voi.. oleand. OP. phoasph. PULs. nitr-ac. niux vaon. PITOSPH. Rius. SEP. sil. sulph. thluj. phos-ac. plumb. PULS. RIlUS. -- of young people, acon. bry. RUTA. sabad. sec. SEP. sil. staph. coce. nux yorm. oleand. op. puls. stran. S SULPIL SULPU-AC. rhus. sil. sulph. -, with fever, acon. arn. Ans. --, of full-grown people, alum. bell. BRY. con. hyo. Inach. led. ambr. amm. baryt. CALC. carb-v. flnux orn. phosph. RItUS. ruta. cans. cocc. con. graph. MIEEC. sec. sil. strati. sulph. natr-mn. NITR.-AC. phosph. rthus. -, of old people, Aras. baryt. se.. sil. SULPI. thlUj. BRY. CON. lach. RHUS. SEC. sulph- ~, of old people, arg. ars. boy. ac. canth. caps. laur. mag(l-m. mere., rheumatic, acon. amn. ars. mez. oleand. plat. rhod. ruta. bell. bry. chin. lach. nix voma. sabad. stapl. sblpph. rhus. Psoriasi%-q ANT. arg-n. Ans., scorbutic, ARS. bell. bry. aur. bry,. CALC. caurs. CIC. CLEM. calc. CARB-A. CARB-V. cats. coloc. CoN. cupr. DULC. GRAPH. chin. con. dulc. KREOS. MIERC. hep. ign. jod. kal. LAcIT. LED. MUR-AC. NATR-Px-. NITR-AC. NUX LyC. Inagn-c. M3ER. 1imez. mur-ac. VOM. phosph. phos-ac. rhus. natr-m. nitr-oc. oleand. petr. ruta. si]. STAPHT. sulph. SULPHI — P)?osrIi. plhos-ac. RAN. Rins. AC. sass. SEP. SIL. SULPIH. zinc. -*, aerlhofii,(mnorbus maculosus) -, broad, ars. cale. cic. clem. aeon. arn. ars. bell. BRY, chin. ddlc. graph. lyc. mur-ac. rhus. hyose. kreos. lach. led. nux vom. sullph. phosph. R[us. ruta. sec. sil. strain., of children, ars. calc. cic. Phagedvenaie blisters, cleam. dulc. graph. lye. mur-ac. aminm. ARs. bor. caus. CHAM. rhus. sulph. CLaEM. GRAPH, hep. kal. maga-c. -—, inveterate, ars. aur. CALO. mere. NATR. nitr-ac. PETR. sep. CLEM. dule. grph. hep. MIRRC. SIL. SULPH. nmez. natr-m. hiR. phOs-aC. 628 CUTANEOUS'AFFECTIONS. puls. Ruus. sass. SEP. sil. SULPH. ARS. aur. baryt. BELL. BRY. zinc. cale ph. canth. caus. cham. CIC. P us in Ulcers. CLEI. cocc. con. cycl. DULC., acrid, ARS. carb-v. CAUrs. graph. hep. IIrosc. kal. kal-bi. chainm. clem. lye. AEI'C. natr. KREos. lach. lyc. magn-c. MAGNNITR-AC. petr. ran. RnIUs. SEP. i. MIERC. IEZ. INITR-AC. O). SIL.squill. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. PETR. phos-ac. plumb. PULS., bloody, AL{S. ASA. bell. carb- 1RHUS. samb. sass. sec. sep. SIL. V. caus. co1n. tIEP. jod. kal. spig. staph. stramn. SULPH. kreos. lach. lye. MERC. nitr-ac. TART. THUJ. veratr. zinc. phosph. phos-ac. puls. rhlus. sec. Rash, ACON. alum. aton.m. ammsep. SIL. sulph. suiph-ac. qm. ANT. amn. ARS. BELL. boy. -, brown, ars. bry. eale. carb-v. BRY. calad. cale. carb-v. caus. con. puls. rhus. sil. ClAM. clem. COFF. cupr. DULC. -, fetid, amm. Ans. ASA. calc. eephr. graph. hell. hyosc. IPEC. CARB-V. CHIN. con. graph. kal. lach. led. MERC. mez. natrI-I. krecs. LACII. lye. MERC. m. nux vorn. phosph. phos-ac.?ux voin. phosph. phos-ac. rhus. PuLS. RJns. sass. see. selen.. sep. SIL. staph. SULPII. spong. staph. stram. SUILI., gelatinous, arg. arm. cham. TA.RT, valer. VERATR. viol-tric. ferr. mere. sil., caused by belladonna, -, gray, dirty, ambr. ars. carb- hyosc. a. CAUS. chin. lye. mere. plos-ac, -, chronic, AmnI. carb-v. clem. sep. SIL. thuj. mez. sass. STAPH. sulph., greenish, ars. AsA. aur. brom., of infants at the breast, carb-v. CAUS. kreos. MERC. ACON. bell. BRY. cham. ipec. phosph. PrULs. rhus. sep. SIL. -, of parturient females, Bay. staph. ipec. -- ichorous, amm. ARS. ASA. -, purple, ACON. bell. COFF. bell. calc. CARB-V. caus. CILNx. sulph. clem. kreos. MERC. NITR-AC. -, white agar. ARs. bOV. BRY. pphosph. RHUS. sang. SIL. squill. ipec. nux vom.. phosph. sulph.valer. su/lp/e. Red skin, ACON. AGAR. ARN. -, salt, ambr. ars. calc. graph. ARS. ASA. BELL. BRY. calc. lye, puls. sep. staph. sulph. canth. CHAM. chin. DULC. -, sourisll, calc. hep. mere. al. EUPHORB. GRAPII. HEP. IhYOSC. sulph. ign. ipec. kal. kreos. lach. LYe. -, tenacious, ars. asa. bov. Cos. mang. MERC. mez. NUX VOM. mere. mez. phos-ac. sep. sil. oleand. petr. PiosPir. PHOS-AC. sulph. plumb. PULS. RHOD. RHUS., thin, ASA. carb-v. CAUS. jod. ratta. sabad. sec. SEP. sil. strainm. kal. lye. MERa. nitr-ac. plumb. SULPH. SULPH-AC. zinc. puls. rheas. ruta. SIL. staph. Rhagades, ALUaM. ant. arm. SULPH. thuj. ars. aur. baryt. bry. CALC. -, watery, Ars. ASA. carb-v. carb-a. carb-v. C-AM. C. CL. CAUS. graph. lyc. MERC. nitr-ac. graph. I-EP. kal. kreos. lach. pals. ran. ran-se. rhucs. SIL.,LYC. magn-c. mang. MERC. squill. staph. sultph. thuj. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. PETt., yellow, Aas. BRY. CALC. phosph. PULS. RHus. ruta. SASS. CARB-V. caus. Cic. cletn. hep. sep. SIL. SULPH. zinc. kreos. mere. nitr-ac. nux vtos. --, bleeding, merc. petr. puls. Io3PsI PIJL. r. hus. ruta. SEP. sass. SIL. SULPI. SIL. STAPxH. sulph. sulph-ac. - -, ulcerated, calc. CRAM. graph. Pustulous eruptions, lach. MERa. nitr-ac. petr. Sm. Am.-M. ANT. anthrak. ARY. staph. sulph. RHAGADES, ROUGH SEKIN, ETC. 629 Rhagades, mercurial, aur. Scirrhus, and cancer, carb-a. HEP. lach. NITn-AC. sass. open, ars. aur. bell. calc. con. sep. sulph. hep. lach. mere. nitr-ac. sep. SIL. -, syphilitic, merc. staph. SULPII. thuj. -, from working in the water, —, scirrhlous, BELL. bry. carb-a. alum. ant. CALC. chainm. hep. carb-v. chain. chin. chinin. cic. mere. rhus. sass. sep. sulph. CLEM. CON. graph. jod. lach. lye., in winter, hep. nitr-ac. PETR. magnr m. PETR. phosph. ran. sulph. rhus. SEP. SIL. spong. staph. Rough skin, BELL. CALC. SuLrr. graph. hyosc. JOD. kal. laur. Scratching, after: merc. natr. oleand. phosph. phos- -, biting, amm-m. bry. caus. ac. rhus. ruta. sass. sec. SEP. eupllr. hell. lach. led. lye. mez. sulph. oleand. puls. ruta. SULPnI. zinc. Rubeolae, ACON. BELL. BRY. -, bloody oozing, arg-n. chin. carb-v. cof. ign. mnerc. nux vom. lach. lye. mnerc. nux vom. sulph. phosph. PULS. rhus. szlph. -, blotches, CALC. CAUs. DULC. IRupia, alum. ARS. bor. calc HREP. ipec. LACH. lyC. mere. mez. CHAM. clem. GRAPITr. hep. MERC. natr. nitr-ac. op. petr. rhab. natr. nitr-ac. PETR. rhus. SEP. spig. veratr. staph. SULPH. -, burning, anmm. amm-m. anac. syphilitic, MERC. arn. ars. bell. bry. calad. cale. Salt-rheum (see Lupus am- canth. cans. che]. cic. cocc. cycl. bulans.) dros. dulc. hep. lach. led. magnSarcoma, ant, BARYT. calc. rI. MERC. OLEAND. plumb. par. graph. kep. nitr-ac. SABIN. sep. rhus sabin. samb. sep. SIL. sil. sulph. squill. staph. SULPIT. thuj. veratr. Scarlet eruptions, aeon., dampness, carb-v. graph. AMfr. amm-m. arn. ars. baryt. hep. kal. kreos. lach. lye. oleand. BELL. bry. camph. carb-v. caus. petr. rhus. sabin. selen. staph. cham. coff. con. croc. dule. eu- tarax. phorb. HEP. hyosc. jod. ipec. -, ecchymosed, cycl. dulc. lach. MERC. phosph. phos-ac. hyose. lach. mere. nitr-ac. par. rhus. strain. SULPH. sulph., genuine (searlatina) AcoN. -., gnawing, lye. oleand. staph. AMM. ars. baryt. bar-m. BELL. tarax. bry. camph. carb-v. coff. con. -, itching, worse, anac. arn. euphorb. hyose. ipec. lack. bism. bovy. calad. canth. caps. MIERC. PHosrPI. phos-ac. rhus. caus. clliam. con. cupr. dros. sulph. guaj. led. magn-c. mang. mez., gangrenous, amm. Ans. carb- par. phos-ac. puls. sil. spong. v. lach. sulph. squill. staph. stram. -, rash-shaped, ACON. BELL. -, relieved, agn. amm. arn. bry. coff. DULC. SULPH. asa. bry. cale. canth. caps. chel., suppressed, bell. BRY. cic. cycl. dros. guaj. ign. laur. PHosrn. phos-ac. sulph. mere. mosch. mur-ac. natr. Scirrhus and cancer, oleand. phosph. plumb. rhus. am. ARS. aur. BELL. calc. CARB- ruta. spig. sulph. thuj. zinc. A. CARB-V. cham. chin. CIc. CLEMN. -, unchanged, aeon. ambr. coloc. CON. GRAPH. hep. JOD. ang. arg. arn. bov. chel. ipec. KREOS. lach Ilyc. merc. nitr-ac. spig. magn-m. nux vom. puls. nux vom. phosph. puls. SEP. SIL. ran. spig. spong. tarax. mgt-arc. staph. SULPI. sulph-ae. thuj. - - shifting, anac. cycl. ign. -, with medullary substance, mez. spong. staph. sulph-ac. mgtBELL. carb-a. PHosPr. sil. sulph. are. thuj., pimples, amm-m. ant. bry. 630 CUTANEOUS AFFECTIONS. Scratching, after: CnINItN. cupr. ferr. graph. krecs. canus. chin. laur. nitr-ac. puls. lye. natr-rn. Nux voMi. par. plat. rhus. sabin. sass. sep. sulph. ran. rhod. RI-IUS. SELEN. st,,nn. veratr. zinc. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. zinc. -, pustules, cycl. rhus. sulph. Soreness of the Skin, aecon. -, rash, lach. mere. rhus. spong. aomn. ant. ARN ars. baryt. BELL. sulph. CALC. carb-,. CaUS. CHAM. CaIN., redness, agar. bell. bov. GRAPH. HEP. IGN. hal. kreos. graph. mere. natr-m. oleand. lach. lye. mang. MERC. nux voem. pllos-ac. rhus. spong. tarax. oleand. PETr. pllosph. phos-ac. teucr. plumb. PULS. ruta. SEP. sil. -, red streaks, carb-v. euphorb. squill. SULPH. sulph-ac. zinc. phosplh. sabad. —, of children, ACON. amm. -, soreness, graph. lach. lye. BELL. cale. caus. CHAM. chin. OLEAND. petr. sabin. sep. graph. hep. IGN. kal. lye. mere. sulp11. PuLS. sep. sil. squill. SULPH., sore, painful as if, ambr. ant. Sore, painful as if, acon. alum. bry. cann. caps. hep. mang. ARN. aur. bry. CALC. canth. caus. mere. mez. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux Crc. cochll. con. daphn. ferr. vomr. oleand. petr. phosph. phos- GRAPH. HEP. IGN. Lyc. mang. ac. rhus. sabin. sep. sil staph. MERC. mez. nitr-ac. nux vorn. sulph. oleand. par. PETR. phosph. plat. - spots, amm. ant. mang. PULS. rhus. SEP. squill. staph. phosph. rhus. sabad. sulph. SULPIH. SULPH-AC. veratr. zinc. -, stinging, baryt. bry. caus. Spots (maculn), alum. ant. arn. cycl. graph. mere. par. phos-ac. ARS. bell. BRY. calc. carb-v. puls. rhus. sabad. squill. staph. chain. chin. CON. dulc. euphr. sulph. viol-tric. ferr.,raph. Hyosc. lach. lalur., swelling, lach. lye. mang. led. LYC. MERc. NATR. natr-m. mere. MEZ. puls. ran. rhus. NITR-AC. nux vo7n. oleand. sulph. sulph-ac. PHOSPH. phos-ac. plumb. Rnis. -, thickening of the skin, dulc. ruta. SABAD. sec. SEP. sil. LACH. RHus. sep. staph. stram. SULPH. SULPH-AC. -, tickling, cocc. mere. sabad. thuj. sil., blue, ant. ARN. ars. baryt. -, ulceration, ang. als. caus. BELL. FERR. led. n-mosch. nux hep. lach. lye. mere. petr. rhus. vom. op. PiTOSPrs. plat. sulph. sil. staph. sulph. SULPII-AC., ulcerative pain, amm-m. --, brown, ant. Ans. aur. CAnB-V. graph. puis. rhus. sep. staph. caus. CON. HYosC. natr-m. NITRthuj. AC. petr. PIIosPH. plumb. SEP. -, Vesicles, antm. amm-m. cans. SULPH. thuj. cycl. hep. lach. mang. phosph. -, burning, amm. amm-m. ARS. ran. rhus. sass. spong. sulph. bell. canth. caus. chel. cupr. ferr. Sensitiveness of the jod. IPEC. KAL. lach. lye. magn-c. Skin, AGAR. AAIM. ARS. ASA. magn-m. mere. MEz. phos-ac. BELL. bry. CALC. camph. canth. rhus. samb. squill. sulph. sulphCARB-A. CARB-V. CHIN. chinin. ac. thuj. zinc. cO7'. CON. FERR. hep. ign. IPEC. -, claret-colored, SEP. LACH. LED. LYC. magn-c. mosch. —, confluent, BELL. CIC. hyosc. natr. NATR-M. NITR-Ac. n-mosch. phos-ac. valer. Nux VOM. PETR. phosph. PHos-Ac --, gangrenous, crotal. cycl. puls. RHUs. selen. sep. SIL. SPIG. hyosc. lach. staph. sulph. THuj. VERATR. -~, greenish, am. ars. CON. crotal. Skil, contraction of the, anac. sep. asar. bism. bry. CARB-v. CHIN. -, hepatic, ANT. carb-v. caus. SPOTS, SPLINTER, STEATOMA, ETC. 631 con. dlCe. ferr. hlosc. tach. LAUIR. ~Srophulh!,% aeon. caus. cham. LYC. MIERC. natr. NITR-AC. n.ux MERC. rhus.. SULPIT. yorm. petrl. phospk. SEP. SULPI. Suppurations, narg-n. arn., tclhing, agn. atnm-n. amrln. Ais. ASA. aur. bell. CALC. canth. cale. carb-v. caus. CON. culpr earb-a. CAIRB-. cans. CIIAfM. chin. graph. hep. jod. kal. Ilch. LED. clem. dlec. IIEI. kreos. LACH. vce. mere. nlur-ac. natr-mn. niti. Lyc. mrrmn. MERC. me. NITR-AC. ndtr-ac. op. pI)OSph. sasS. SEP. petr. Pi-osPn. plumb. PULS. 8IL spong. suilph. SULPH-AC. RMIus. SIL. staph. SULPH. sulphZIsc.C ac. thuj. zinc. Spots, mole-shaped, C.ALC. carh-v. -, benign, bell. cale. HEP. lach. graph. nitr-ac. petr. phos-ac. ail. malng. ELERC. phosph. PuLs. rhus. STULPH. sutlph c. TIJUJ. SIL stapll. SULPH. —, mottled, CARB-V. caus. crotal. -, excessive, ars. ASA. calc. chin. lye. natr-m. plat. TIlrJ. HIEP. lye. MiER. phosp)h. PULS. -- red,, alum. anlbl. ant. ARN. rlhus. SEP. sit. SULPH. Ans. BELL. bry. calad. CALC. cale-, malignant, ars. AsA. cale. eaust. caitlh. canth. caps. CARB-v. carbr. caus. tEm. kreos. MxaC. cansS. Ccc. CON. crotal. cyc]. enitr-ac. PRosPrI. rhus. SIL. sulph. dros. dulc. fluor-ac. graph. jod. sulphac. ipec. KAL. L.ACI. led. Lyc. mafgn- suppressed, cale. HEP. LacH. e. nman-m. M1ERe natr. natr-m. mere. sil. Nrra-Ac. n-jugIl. petr. PHosrn. Per.Z, ItSyp Philitic ulcers and p.lhos-ac. plurib. luls. Rius. SA- Splti u a d I)OS a; b AS6 SE? Si1 so her pes, Aur. C.RB-A. CAlRB-v. sBAD.. sarb. sass. SC. sil. spong.A clem. guaj. bep. jod. lach. MERC. squill. stann. SULat. SULrIL-AC. l g I d st1ujll. zitnn. STLPR. SULPI-Ac. -N-JUGL. PRIOsrH. phos-ac., t urnin pale in the plat. sas. SEP. SIL. tapl. SLP -ol, abad, t.llrint pale i1 t sull)-ac. THcvJ.-CINNABARIS. coWJ, Fsabadc., buboes, AcR. CARB-A. carb-v., re,-br1own, caII n. NITR-AC. - ZERC. zit7r-c. arscrlet-red, AM. amm-m. ra. -, anres, aur. CAB-V. MsERC. *r. baryt. BELL. earb-v. cans. a*nitr-ac. n-jugl. pkosph. phos-ac. croc. dulc. euphorb. hep. hyosc. sass. SILn. staph.TNUJ. —CINjod. ipec. lach. MERC. phosph. ABseRIL. phos-ac. rhus. strom. sulph. -, osseous affections, Aun. aur-, sore, painful as if, aeon. bry. iL guaj. jod. Lye. MERC. nitr-ac. FERR. IHEP. led. nntr-ni. nux voran. PHOS-AC. yor. par. ph-os-ac. plat. rhod. sil. diseased nails, mere. hverat r aa -, pustules, Mr.ERC. n-jugl. nitr-, wvhite, alum. ars. cale. carb-a. c thj 4kza mere. natr. nitr-ae. phosph. S.EP nn ri. SIL. SULP -ac. phosph., after mercury, AUR. AUR-M. belL carb-a. carb-v. clem. con. canth. CO. FER. kal. c gj. he. Jo. LAC L. z. NITRPAC. N-JUGL PIosPH. PHosnatr. natr-m. PETR. PinosPIi, ruta. A. sass. sep. seit. STAPIL Sw4lp. sahad. SEP. SULPIL. tart. THUJ Splinter, pain as from a, carb- -, psoriasis, calc. CLEM. DULC. v. eic. colch. HEP. hITR-AC. petr. lye. M.IERC. mez. nitr-ac. thuj. sil. snilpl~. - tubercles, CARB-V. MERC. Steatlona, agar. ant. baryt. CALC. grapht. I-IEP. kal. NITR-AC. Telangiectasia (see Bloodsabiss. sil. spong. SULPI. mgt-arc. vessels)., suppurating, CALC. sulpl1. Thick skin, amm. ANT. ars. Striated marks, ars. BELL. barvt. bor. CALC. Cie. CLEM. coloc. CARB-V. euphorb. HEP. phosph. DU'LC. GRAPH. Ihep. kreos. lach. phos-ac. rhus. SABAD. stranm. MEEc. nitr-ac. par. phospkh ran. 632 CUTANEOUS AFFECTION,. RHUS. sabad. SEP. SIL. SULPH. ARS. CALc. camph. carb-a. CARBthuj. veratr. v*. con. dulc. euphorb. GRAPH, Tingling, titillation, ACON. jod. IrEC. LACH, laur. Lte, MucIR ARN. baryt. carb-v, CAUs.COLCI-I Ac. NATR. nitr-ac. oleand, op, KAL. magn-m. MERC. mur-ac, phosph, PHOs-AC. plumb. PULS. natr.NUX VOM. oleand. phosph. rhus. RUTA. sec. sep. SIL. strati, phos-ac. plat. PULS. RAN. rhod. SULPH. zinc. RHUS. SABrD, SEC. selen. SEP. Ulcers, turning blaclk, ant. ARS. sil. SPIG. staph. stram. SULPH. asa. bell. carb-v. con. euphorb. zinc. ipec. LACH. MIUR-AC. plumb. rhus. Tuberculous eruptions, sass. sec. SIL squill. sulph. sulphformations, agar. ALUM amm. ae. arnm-m. ant. ARS. baryt. bry. —, bleeding, ARs. bell. carb-v. CALC. CARB-A. CARB-V. CAUS. con. HEP. hyosc. KAL. kreos. cic. con. DULC. graph. hell. hep. LACH. LYc. mere. NITR-AC. nLACI. led. lye. magn-c. magn-nm. jugl. PHOSPH. PHos-Ac. PULS. mere. MEZ. mur-ac. natr-m. SIL. sWIPh. PETR. PHOSPH. puls. RHUS. —, bluish, ars. asa. aur. bell. ruta. SrP. SIL. spig. staph. con. hep. lach. mang. mere. sec, SULPH. tart. thitj. veratr. zinc. seneg. sil. veratr. Unhealthy skin, ALUM. boring, aur. bell. chin. natrant. BARYT. BoR. CALC. CIEAM. In. sil. sulph. GRAPH. HEP. kal. kreos. lach. -, burning, ARs. bell. bovy. LYe. magn-c. MANG. mere. natr. CARB-V. charn. chin. clem. graph. NITR-AC. PETR. puls. plumb. hep. lye. lMERc. MEz. mur-ac. rhus. sass. sep. SIL. STAPH. natr. nitr-ac. nux voom. phosph. SULPH. zinc. phos-ac. plumb. PULS. ran. RHUts. Ulcerative pain, amm. sep. SIL. staph. SULPH. AMM-M. ars. bell. BRY. canth., callous (see Hard.) cans. CHAM. CHIN. eic. GRAPH. -, cancerous, ambr. ant. arg-n. HEP. iqn. kreos. lach. MAGN-M. ARS. aur. BELL. calc. carb-an. MANG. mere. mur-ac. natr-m. carb-v. caus. chel. chin. chinin. nitr-ac. PULS. RHUS. ruta. clem. CON. GRAPH. hep. KREOS. sang. sep. SIL. staph. sulph. lach. mere. nitr-ac. rhus. sep. sulph-ac. THUJ. SIL. squill. staph. SuLPH. thuj. Ulcers, acon. agn. alum. abhr. -, carious (see Bones, Caries of). atnm. ant. arg. arg-n. arn. ARS. —, chronic, baryt. carb-v. cham. ASA. AUR. baryt. BELL. bcr. chel. elem. CUPR. graph. HEP. BRY. CALc. calc-ph. CANTH. carb- kal. lach. lye. magn-c. mang, a. CARB-V. caus. cham. chel. chin. mere. mnur-ac. nitr-ac. PETR. chinin. CLEMr. CON. cupr. dulc. pllosph. PIIOS-Ac. rhus. sep. SIL. euphorb. GRAPH. HEP. ign. kal. staph. SULPIT. kreos. LACH. LYC. MERC. --, feeling cold, ars. bry. mere. mez. mur-ac. natr-m. NITR-AC. N- rhus. sil. JUGL. nux 1vom. petr. PHospr.I -, with creeping, aeon. arn. PHos-Ac. plat. plumb. PULS. bell. caus. chamin. elem. colch. ran. ran-se. RHUs. ruta. SANG. con. hep. lach. phosph. phos-ac. sass. sce. selen. SEP. SIL. STAPI-. RInUS. sec. sep. staph. sulph. SULPH. sulph-ac. tart. THUJ. sulph-ac. thuj. zinc. -, with cutting pain, BELL., arthritic, ant. ars. bell. BRY. calc. dros. graph. lye. mur-ac. calc. carb-v. caus. CHIN. chinin. natr. sep. sil. graph. LYc. nux yvom. phosph. -, deep, ant. Asa. aur. BELL. puls. rhus. sabin. sep. sil. staph. calc. carb-v. cans. clem. con. SULPH. dros. hep. kreos. LAC.L IYC. --—, atoric, agn. aznnt-m. anac. MERC. mur-ae. NITR-AC. petr. ULCERS. 633 phos-ac. puls. sabin. sep. sil. chainm. chin. clem. graph. HEPr. sulph. thuj. LYC. merc. nitr-ac. phosph. phosUlcers, fetid, anmm. ARS. asa. ac. PULS. RHUS. sep. S1L. staph. bar-mn. calc. carb-v. caus. chin. sulph. thuj. con. graph. hep. lach. lye. mang. Ulcers, mercurial, alum. amm. MERe. mur-ac. phosph. rhus. arn. asa. aur. bell. calc. carb-a. SEC. sep. SIL. staph. carb-v. cham. chin. clem. graph. -, fistulous, ANT. ars. asa. aur. REP. lach. lyc. natr-m. kNITR-AC. bell. CALC. CARB-v. CAUS. con. phosph. phos-ac. sass. sep. sil. hep. ]ach. LYC. mere. natr-m. staph. SULPII. thuj. TNITR-AC. petr. PHOSPH. phos- -, painful, ar. ARns. asa. bell. ac. PULS. rhus. ruta. sep. SIL. CARB-V. cham. chin. clem con. staph. SULPIT. thuj. cupr. GRAPIr. IIEP. kreos. lach. -, flat, ant. ARS. ASA. BELL. lye. mere. mez. mur-ac. natr-m. carb-a. carb-v. chin. LAC. L L. nitr-ac. petr. phos-ac. puls. ran. MERC. NITR-AC. petr. phosph. SABIS. sep. SIL. suIph. veratr. PHOS-AC. PULS. ran. SELEN. --, painless, ars. bell. carb-v. SF.P. SILn staph. sulph. tart. cocc. con. lach. lye. mere. nitrTIIUJ. ac. phosph. PMos-Ac. puls. 1hus. --, flocculent, arn. ars. con. ipec. sec. sep. sulph. lach. sulph-ac. -, phagedrenic, ARS. bell. bor. -, gangrenous, ars. bell. chin. calc. CARB-V. CAUS. CHAfM. con. hep. KAL-BI. kreos. lach. CIIEL. CLEMr. graph. HEP. kal. rhus. sec. SIL. squill. sulph. kreos. LACn. LYe. magn-c., with gnawing pain, baryt. MERC. natr. NITR-AC. nux vom. cham. cycl. DRos. hyosc. kal. PETR. phosph. puls. RAN-sc. rhues. lye. mere. mez. phosph. phos-ac. sep. SIL. SQUILL. SULPI. sulph-ac. plat. puls. ran-sc. rhus. ruta. zinc. STAPH. sulph. thuj. —, with pimples around, sulp. -, gray, ars. caus. mere. sil., with pressure, camph. carb-, greenish, ars. asa. aur. caus. v. chin. GRAPH. par. sil. magn-c. mere. puls. rhus. sil. -, with proud flesh, ant. ars., hard, callous, ant. ars. asa. carb-a. carb-v. caus. CHAM. clem. calc. carb-v. caps. chain. clem, graph. hep. kreos. lach. merc. graph. hep. LACiT LYe. MERc. PETR. phosph. sabin. sep. Sin. petr. phosph. phos-ac. PULS. ran. staph. SULPH. thuj. sep. SIL. staph. SULPI. thuj. -, putrid, amm. amm-m. ARS., herpetic, impetiginous, ARS. asa. bell. bor. brom. bry. calc. bell. CALC. cie. CLEM. COn. cycl. carb-v. caus. chel. chin. cic. con. dcul. GRAPH. hep. Lyc. MERC. CYCL. graph. IIEP. kreos. lye. natr-mn. petr. puls. RHus. SEP. MERC. MUR-AC. natr. nitr-ac. nux SIL. staph. SULPIT. thuj. ZINc. vom. phoslph. plos-ac. plumb. -, herpetic, with vesicles and puls. rhus sabin. sec. sep. SIL. pimples all around, ars. asa, staph. sutlph. SULPH-AC; bell. CARB-V. CAUS. clham. con. -, with raised edges, ars. asa. hep. LACIt. MERn. mez. mur-ac. bry. carb-a. cans. cic. con. hep. natr. petr. PnosPII. PULS. rhus. lye. MERC. petr. phosph. phos-ac. SEP. sil. staph. SunLPIl. puls. sep. sil. sulph., inflamed, Acon. ant. APS., sarcomatous, ant. ars. cupr. bell. bry. cale. CIIAM. colch. HEP. dros. HEP. kreos. MERC. nitr-ac. kreos. LYc. mang. MERC. mez. SABIN. sep. sulph. thutj. natr. nitr-ac. nux vom. petr. -~, scorbutic, alum. ambr. antm. PHOSPH. plumb. puls. rh-us. ruta. amm-m. ARS. a.sa. bry. caps. sass. sep. SIL. staph. sulph. zinc. CARB-A. CARB-V. caus. clem. con. -, itching, alum. ambr. ant. hep. jod. kreos. LACH. MERc. ARS. bell. bov. calc. canth. caus. MUR-AC. natr-m. nitr ac. nux 27* 634 CUTANEOUS AFFECTIONS. vom. phosph. puls. ruta. sep. sil. U leers, with tearing pain, AEs. STAPH. SULPHI. thsj. bell. CALC. canth. cycl. graph. Ulcers, scrofulous, Ans. aur. LYC. merc. mez. puls. SEP. sil. baryt. bar-rn. CALC. carb-a. CARB-v. staph. SULPH. caus. clem. con. dulc. graph. hep. —, with tensive pain, asa. baryt. jod. lach. LYC. MERC. natr. nitr- carb-a. carb-v. caus. clem. CoN. ac. n-jugl. n-vom. phosph. phos- h.ep. lach. lye. mere. mez. phosph. ac. sep. SIL. SULPH. thl1j. puls. rhus. sep. sil. SPONG. stront, -, scurfv, ARs. bell. bry. CALc. SULPH. thuj. cic. clem. con. graph. hep. led. —, throbbing, aeon. asa. calc. lye. MERC. mnur-ac. phos-ac. puls. chain. clezm. hep. kal. lye. mere. ran. Rnius. sabin. sep. SIL. staph. nitr-ac. phosph. puls. sep. si]. SULPIT. SULPII -, shaggy, hep. lach. mere. -, torpid, ars. calc. carb-a. PHOS-AC. sil. staph. sulph. thnj. CARB-V. con. euphorb lye. nitr-ac. -, asa, bell. calc. cans. cham. Or. PHOS-AC. sep. sil. SULPH. chin. cupr. lye. merc. natr-m. --, unclean, LACH. MERC. NITnnitr-nc, n-vom. PULS. rhus. sep. AC. in-mosch. sabin. thuj. sil. staph. sulph., varicose, arn. ars. calc. CARB-, smarting, bell. chain. colch. v. cans. chain. graph. kreos. lach. coloc. DiG. GRAPIT. ach. LED. lye. nux vom. PuIs. si]. spig. Lyc. mere. PULS. rhus. sil. staph. SULPII. tart. thnj. zinc. SULPH..-, wart-shaped, ARS. petr. sil., sores, painful lip, alum, -, containing worms, ars. cale. arn. ars. annr. brq. calc. canth. nerc. SIL. caes,. cic. GRAPH. HEP. ign. lyec. Varicelle conoides, aeon. mang. MERe. mez. nitr-ac. n-vom. ANT. ars. bell. bry. carb v. cans. petr. phosph. phos-ac. PULS. trhUS. cycl. ipec. natr. natr-m. PuLs. SEP. SIL. staph. SULPH. sulph-ac. sep. TART. thuj. thuj. zinc. mglt-aus. Varicelle papulosae, -, spongy, ant. ars. bell. carb-a. acon. ant. bry. cerb-v. puls. rhus. carb-v. CLEM. con. graph. kreos. sec. sep. sil. tart. thuj. LACa. lyc. MERe. nitr-ac. PETR. Varicell1e pustulosae, ant. phosph. phos-ac. rhus. sep. SIL. ars. LED. mere. puls. Rims. sulph. staph, sulph. thuj. tart. -, white, with white spots, ant. -, (chicken-pox), Acox. ant. ars. ars. calce. con. cupr. dros. graph. asa. BELL. camph. canth. carb v. hep. kreos. LAxc. MERc. nitr-ac. cans. con. ipec. led. mere. natr. phosph. sabin. sep. SIL. sulph. natr-m. PuLS. RiIus. sec. sep. sil. thaj. sulph. TART. thit'. -. with stingilg pain, aeon. ars. Varicellke verrucose, bell. BRY. cale. canth. carb-v. acon. ant, ars. bell. led. mere. chin. clem. con. graph. hep. LYe. ptls. rhus. sulph. tart. mang. MERC. mez. natr. natr-m. Varicella vesiciltosve, NITR-AC. PETR. PULS. It1hus. sabin. acon. ant. iell. PULS. RIIUs. sec. selen. sep. SnL. staph. SuLrn. thuj. SIL. tart. tlluj. -, suppurating, see Suppura- Varicose swellings, see tions. Bloodvessels, diseases of., swollen, ars. bell. bry. con. Variola, aeon. amm-m. ANT. hep. kal. lye. MERC. natr-m. nitr. arg-n. arn. ARS. bell. bry. camph. ac. petr. phosph. puls. Rnus. canth. chain. chin. clem. coce. SEP. SIL. sulph. coff. hyosc. kal-bi. lach. MERC. -, syphilitic, aur. carb-v. clem. nitr-ac. PULs. RIus. sec. sil. lach. MERC. nitr-ac. phosph. strain. SULPH. TART. THUJ. phos-ac. sass. sep. sil. thuj.- Variola, black, gangrenous, CIGNABARIS. ant. ARs. bell. bry. CARB-V. CHIN. VARIOLA, VARIOLOID, ETC. 635 hyose. lach. mur-ac. rhus. sec. pkosph. phos-ac. puls. Rnus. sep. sep. sil. sp)ig..Si/. SULPH. Variola, genuine, acon. ant. Vesicular herpes, warts, Ats. bel/. bry. camph. canth. amrn. arg-n. ars. bar.qt. bell. chin. coff. MaRC. pU1S. RHUS. bor. CALC. CAUS. chelid. DULC. SULPH. tart. TIIuJ. euphorb. euphr. hep. kal. lach., previous to breaking out, Lyc. NATR. natr-m. NITR-Ac. AcoN. ant. BELL. bry. camph. petr. phosph. phos-ac. RHUS. coff. mere. puls. rhus. SULPH. ruta. sang. sass. SEP. SIL. staph. tart. SULPH. sullph-ac. TnuJ. -:, during the breaking out, ant. —, burning, ars. lyc.petr. phosph. bell. nerec. stram. SULPII. thuj. rhus. sel. sulph. thuj., during the suplllration, ant. -, hard, horny, ANT. bor. dulc. ars. bell. canth. chin. hyosc. merc. graph. ran. sulph. thuj. puls. rhus. sulpli. tart. TnuJ., inflamed, amm. bell. calc.., during the desqualnation, caus. NATrr nitr-ac. rhus. sep. aeon. ant. bell. bry. chain. puls. sil. staph. sulph. thuj. rhus tart. -, inveterate, cal. caes. nitr-ac. Varioloid, ant. ARs. bell. bry. rhus. sullph. mere. puls. Rnus. sulph. tart. —, itching, euphorb. kal. nitr-ac. th]j. phosplh. thuj. Vesicular eru ptions, -—, pedunculated, dulc. lye. AcON. amm. amtm m. ANT. amn. SABIN. thalj. A1RS. BELL. boy. BRY. calad. -, stinging, calc. hep. nitr-ac. calc. calc-caust. caltll. CANTH. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. thuj. carb-a. CARB-v. CAUS. chain. chin. —, suppurating, ars. calc. caus. CLE-M. COff. CnUpr. DULC. EU- hep. natr. sil. th14j. PHORB. GRAPH. hell. HEP. -, tickling, sulph. thuj. hyosc. ipec. kal. LACH. lye. -, ulcerated, ars. calc. caus. MERC. mez. natr. nitr. n-jugl. hep. NATR. pllhosph. sil. tlluj. nux vom. op. petr. PHOSPH. Whitlow, see Ianaritia. phos-ac. PULs. RAN. ran-se. Wotunds, see Injuries. RHIUS. sabin. sass. selen. SEP. Wrinkling of the skin, sil. spong. staph. stram. SULPH. amhbr. anim. ant. bry. CALC. sulph-ac. TART. thuj. valer. veratr. CAMPH. cupr. graph. hell. lye. zinc. merc. inur-ac. nux vom. PIOS-AC. Vesicular herpes, ACON. plumb. Ihod. rhus. SASS. SEC. anim. amrn-m. arg-n. ARS. aur. SEP. spig. strami. sulph. VERATR. BELL. bov. calc. canth. cic. Zona, ars. bry. caus. chainm. clem. DULC. graph. HEP. ign. euphorb. GRAPH. mere. natr. nitrMERC. natr-m. nitr-ac. petr. ac. puls. RHUS. selen. sil. sulph. CHAPTER III. SLEEP AND DREAMS. Dreams, about accidents, anac. Dreams. about one's daily busiarn. ars. chin. graph. jod. kreos. ness, anac. arg. bell. BRY. cic. led. lye. magn-c. magn-m. nux cin. croc. GRAPH. kal. lach. lye. vom. phosph. puls. sass. magn-c. mere. natr. natr-n.,Nux, agreeable, agar. alum. ars. voM. phosph. phos-ac. PULS. aur. caus. dig. lach. lye. magn-c. Rnus. sass. selen. sep. Sit. staph. magn-m. mere. mur-ac. natr. nitr- sulph. ac. n-mosch. nux vom. op. phos- —, full of care, ars. mur-ac. nux ac. plat. plumb. puls. sep. stann. vom. phosph. staph. stront. teucr. sulph. mgt-, clairvoyant, aeon. PHosPr. are. mgt-aus. -, amorous, amnm. amm-m. ant. -, confused, aeon. alum. baryt. bism. canth. carb-a. caus. CHIN. bry. calc. cann. caus. CHIN. CIc. coloc. con. GRAPH, IGN. KAL. CROC. dulc. euphorb. hell. laur. LACH. led. lye. mere. mur-ac. led. LYe. mang. mez. NATR. petr. NATR. NATR-M. nitr. nitr-ac. Nux phosph. plat. plumb. PULS. ruta. ToM. oleand. Op. par. phosph. sabad. sabin. sil. spig. STrAN. phos-ac. plat. plumb. puls. ran. valer. mgt-aus. samb. sep. SmL. spigt. stann., continuing after waking, bry. STrAPI. thuj. viol-tric. calc. chin. natr. natr-m., causing anxiety, the anxiety -., full of danger, alum. AMM. continuing even after waking, amm-m. ANAC. arn. ARS. bell. amm. arg. calc. caus. CHIN. graph. calc-ph. cham. chin. coco. con. Iach. led. natr-m. nitr-ac. PuosPH. dig. ferr. GRAPH. guaj. hep. IGN. phos-ac. sil. sulph. jod. KAL. LACH. led. lye. magn-c., anxious, ACON. alum. ambr. magn-m. mere. NITR. nUX vom. amm-m. ANAC. arg. arg-n. ARN. phosph. puls. ran. sulph. sulphare. aur. bar. BELL. bov. CALC. ac. thuj. zinc. magt. carb-v. CAUS. CHIN. cocc. con., about dead persons, burial, dig. graph. hell. jod. KAL. laur. etc., alum. amm. ANAc. arn. ARS. led. LYO. MAGN-c. magn-m. mang. aur. baryt. brom. bry. calc. caus. mere. natr. NATR-M. nitr. NITR-AC. cocc. con. fluor-ac. graph. jod. Nux vOM. op. petr. PHosPH. phos- KAL. laur. MAGN-C. magn-m. ac. plat. PULS. ran. ran-sc. rhab. natr. nitr-ac. nux vom. op. RHUS. sep. SIL. spong. stann. PHOsrH. PHOS-AC. plat. ranse. staph. SUPIIH. sulph-ac. thuj. sass. sil. Sol-seg. sulph. sulph-ac. valer. veratr. verb. THui. verb. zinc DREAMS. 637 Dreamns, disagreeable, sad, kal-bi. lach. LYC. MAGN-C. magnagar. ang. cale. carb-a. caus. cin. m. M3ERC. natr. natr-m. NITR-AC. ign. kreos. lach. laur. lye. magn- n-jugl. NUX VOM. OP. petr, c., mere. natr. NATR-M. nitr-ac. PHOSPH. PULS. ran-sc. RHUS. sass, nux vomn. Or. phosph. phos-ac. sep. SIL. spong. SUTLPH. thuj. verb. PULS. ran-sc. RiHAB. sabin. sep. sil. ZINc. nmgt-aus. spong. staph. tart. zinc. Dreamns, about ghosts, alum., about diseases, injuries, amm. amm. bov. CARB-v. iqn. kal. amm-m. anac. asar. bor. calc. cocce. lach. lact. magn-c. natr. nitr-ac, con. dros. hep. KAL. kreos. nitr. op. puls. sass. sep. SIL. spig. Nux voMI. phosph. sep. sil. squill. sulph. tart. zinc., historical, amm. caus. cham. —, disgusting, amm. anace. kreos. hyose. magn-c. mere. phosphb. magn-m. natr-m. nitr. nux vom. selen. sil. straln. tart. puls. si]. sulph. zinc., indifferent, anac. bell. bry., about dogs, cats, etc., alum. cic. cin. croc. graph. kal. lach, amim. amm-m. ARN. bell. calc. lye. magn-c. mere. natr-m. nux daphn. hyose. lye. magn-m. mere. vom. phos-ac. puls. trhus. sass. sil. nux vom. phosph. PULs. Sil. staph. sulph. SULPH. sulph-ac. veratr. zinc. —, about journeys, brom. crotal,, exerting the mind, acon. laeh. magn-m. natr. op. sang. sil. alurn.anac. arn.ars. aur. bell.BRY. -, merry, ludicrous, ars. asa. cale. cale-ph. carb-a. carb-v. caus. coff. CRoc. dig. kreos. cham. chin. coff. GRAPH. IGN. LACH. laur. magn-c. magn-m. LACH. Nux voM. op. PHosrH. mang-m. mez. Or. phosph. squill, phos-ac. PULS. rhus. sabad. sabin. sulph. stann. sulph. thuj. MGT-ARC. MGT- -, about money, alum. cycl. AUS. magn-c. zinc.., about failing in plans, dig. -, mortifying, ign. mosch. rhab. IGN. mosbch. op. staph. -, about falling, alum. aur. bell. -, full of movements, mosch. caps. chin. dig. ferr. hep. ign. jod. nux vom. phosph. rhus. kal. kreos. magn-m. mere. mez. -, about murder, amm-m. bell. plumb. puls. sass. sep. sulph. cale. carb-a. cocc. guaj. IGN. kal. thuj. zinc. kreos. lach. led. lye. natr. natr-, fanciful, ACON. ars. calc. coff. m. nitr-ac. petr. phosph. sil. graph. hell. ign. LACH. lact. mere. spong. staph. zinc. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. Nux vonr. -, numerous, ALUM. nmm. ammOP. PULS. sep. SIL. spong. sulph. m. arg-n. arn. ars. BELL. CALC. zinc. calc-ph. camph. canth. caps., full of feeling, lach. sabin. CARB-V. cham. caus. CHIN. coloc. -,about festivities, alum. ant. CON. ferr. fluor-ac. GRAPH. hep. magn-m. natr. IGN. jod. KAL. KREOS. lach. lact. about fire, alum. anac. ars. LYC. MAGN-C. MAGN-M. mere. bell. calc. calc-ph. clem. croc. mez. natr. natr-m. NITR-AC. NUX daphn. hep. kreos. laur. magn-c. VOM. petr. PHOSPH. PIIOS-Ac. magn-m. natr. natr-m. nitr. plumb. PULS. rhod. sep. SIL. phosph. plat. rhod. rhus. spig. spong. stann. stram. stront. spong. stann. sulph. tart. zinc. SULPH. zinc. mgt-arc. -, about eating human flesh, —, about pins, mere. sil. Sol. Vegr. -, about quarrels, alum. amm, -, frightful, ACON. amm-m. ang. ant. arn. ars. baryt. brom. bry. ant. ARN. ars. aur. baryt. BELL. calc. canth. caus. cham. con. bov. CALC. cann. carb-v. caus. guaj. hep. kal. lach. lye. magn-c. CHIN. cocc. con. croc. dig. dule. mere. natr. natr-m. nitr. nuz euphr. GRAPH. hep. hyose. KAL. Vorn. phosph. phos-ae. pvls. sass. 638 SLEEP AND DREAMS. selen. sep. spig. stann. staph. strain. SULPH. tarax. tart. teucr. vetatr. zinc. mgt-aus. zinc. Ireams, ravi ng, ambr ars.l aryt. Dreams, walking, AcoN. fmnm. CALC. carb-a. CARB-v. chain. chin. arn. BRY. calc. CIIA.. hep. ign. led. CoN. GRiAPI. KAL. lact. led. LYC. mere. nux vom. op.1 petr. rhab. mere. mur-ac. NATR. NATR-3M. Sep. SIL. spi(g. spong. stram. nitl'. nit.ac. N-von.-. op. PETR. SULPH. tart. prun. puls. sep. SIL. spong. stront. —, about water, alum. amm-m. SULPII. tart. ZINC. ars. bov. dig. ferr. graph. ign. w, hich one cannot recollect, jod. k-al. magn-c. mnagn-m. ineph. arm ars. aur. bell bov. canth. mere. ntir. nitr. ran. sil. tart. cic. hell. ipec. jod. lact. laur. DrovsisaesS, in the afternoon, magn-ml. men. merc. mez. natr-m. aeon. anm. anna. ant. aur. baryt. petr. phos-ac. plat. sabad. samb. bov. carb-\. CHIN. cin. con. selen. seneg. spig. stann. sulph-ac. euphorb. GRAPIT. guj. 11yosc. tarax. mgt-arc. kal. LACIa. la lr. lyc. magn-c. -, withl remembrance of for- N-vom. par. PHosri. ran. irhod. gotten things, calad. RIIus. sep. sil. staph. SULPn. teucr. -, about the saime object, asa. thlluj. viol-od. zinc. ign. natr-mn. nitr-ac. petr. puls. -—, in the open air, acon. mosch. tart. mrqzt-aus. n-vom. tart. mat-aus. -, about science, carb-v. guaj. --—, in the day-time, AcoN. agar. ign. spong. mgt-arc. alnmbr. amrn. amlnm-n. anac. ang. -, full of shame, alum. am. con. AN-T. ar1g-n. arm. ars. asa. aur. led. mag;n-m. mosch. mur-ac. BARYT. BELL. bray. calad. CALC. staph. carnph. cann. CARB-V. CAUS. -, about shooting, ainm-m. hep. CHIIN. clem. colch. CON. croc. magn-c. mere. spong. dig. dulc. etpohorb. euphr. ferr., about soldiers, war, bry. ferr. GRAPHI. HIEP. KAL. kreos. LACH.'hyosc. natr. plat. ran-se. thuj. lauer. led. Iyc. magan-c. magn-m. verb. MIERC. mez. mosch. mur-ac. natr. -, about thieves alum. aurn natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. N-nmosci. bell. kal. magn-c. magn-m. MERC. n-vonm. OP. PHosPri. phos-ac. natir. natr-m. petr. phosph. PLUMn. PULS. ran. rhab. rhod. plumb. SIL. veratr. zinc. rhus. ruta. sabad. sec. sep. sil. —, about a thunder storm, arn. spig. staln. staph. stram. SUlLPH. ars. spig. TART. ther. veratr. zinc. myt-arc. -, about vermin, alum. amm., early in the evening, alum. bov. kal mur-ac. n-vom. phosph. atmrl-m. anac. ang. arn. ARS. ran-sc. sil. BELL. bor. bov. CALC. calc-ph. —, vexatious, aeon. alum. aembr. carb-v. chin. chlor. con. croc. ars. asar. bor. BaY. CAvUS CHAM. dros. fluor-ac. graph. hep. KAL. CiIN. con. dros. hep. lach. lye. kal-bi. LACIs. lact. laur. lye. magn-c. magn-mn. Inerc. mur-ac. mang. N-VOM. par. petr. Pnos-ac. natr. NATR-M. nitr. NITR-AC. In- plat. PULS. ruta. sass. sel. sen. vom. op. petr. phlosph. rhab. rhus. sep. SIL. spig. SULrII. thuj. mgtruta. sass. sep. sil. spong. staph. aus. sulph. ment-arc., in the forenoon, agar. alum. -, vivid, aeon. agar. ANAC. ars. amm. aug. baryt. bell. bism. bell. bism. bry. CALC. carb-a. carb-a. CARB-V. cycl. graph. hell. carb-v. cham. cic. clen't. Cocc. coff. HEP. lach. lye. magn-c. maogn-m. coloc. dros. graph. lact. laur. LYc. NATR. NATR-M. nitr. N-voM, mang. men. meph. merc. mosch. phosph. PHOs-Ac. sabad. sass. mur-ac. NATr. NATR-M. PETR. selen. sep. sil. spig. spong. SULPH. PaosPH. phos-ac. PULS. ran. rhab. tart. RaU. SIL spig. STASN. staph. —, irresistible, agar. ant. ars DROWSINESS, FALLING ASLEEP, ETC. 639 aur. baryt. BELL. BRY. cale. -amm. ars. bor. ferr. magn. NATRCAMPH. cann. canth. caus. chin. Ay. phosph. puls. ran-sc. sep. cin. cocc. coloc. croc. crotal. cycl. sull ph. eulllolrb. hyosc. hell. lach. lact. Lying down, intolerable, lye. laur. lyc. mere. natr. nitr-ac. n- sulph. mosch. N-VOm. Or. phosph. Pllllmb. Positions during sleep: PULS. rhod. RHUS. sabal. scamb. - arms above tile head, chin. sec. sep. sil. spig. SULPH. tarax. nitr-ac. nux von. plat. puls. rhab. TART. verb. zi.cC. suIph. veratr. Drowsiness, during and after, - crosswise on the abdoa meal (see Chap. XXI.) men, magn-e..lat. puls., in the morning, agar. alum. -, on the back, acon. ant. ars. amm. anae. ant. ars. bell. bism. aur. bry. calc. cllin. cic. coloc. bry. CALC. cnantl. CARB-v. clem. dig, dros. ferr. ign. lye. mosch. cocc. con. fluor-ac. GP.APii. hell. Nux-vo.r. phosph. plat. Puts. HEP. kal. lach. led. meplh. magn- rhus. sulph. tart. viol-od. mgt-arc. m. NATR. NATR M. nitr-ac. N- mgt-aus. VOM. ph sph. P1HOS-AC. paint. -, - unable, aeon. alum. pus/&. hus. SEP. spig. staph. baryt. caus. colchb. magn-m. mere. SULPH. tart. ther. veratr. verb. natr. nux vom. phosph. spig. ZINC. mgt-aus. sulph.:, at noon, aeon. aqar. amm. —, hands under the head, aeon. anac. am. ars. aur. baryt. bell. ars. chin. cocc. coloc. [phosph. boy. boy. bry. calc. canth. carb- phos-ac. plat. tart. viol-od. magt. a. carb-v. cans. challnm. CIN. clem. -~, head low, BELL. chin. HELL. croc. crotal. euphorb. ferr. GRAPII. heD. nux vom trhus. LACEI. laur. magn-c. rmagn-m. -, b- bent forwards, aeon. nitr-ac. n-nmosch. N-VOM. par. phosph. puls. PHOSPH.phos-ac. plumb. prun. -, - bent sideways, cin. puls. ran. rhuls. ruta. seneg. sep. spong. sil. squill. staph. SvLPT. verb., bent to left side, baryt. ZINc. sabin., while seated, listening to a -, - - unable to bend it sermon, cic. to left side, kal. lye. natr. phosph. -, dtring a thunder-storm, sil. -, knees bent, ambr. magn-c., durinrg work, amm. bism. puls. viol-od. lact. mur-ac. natr. ran. sul1ip. -, kneeling, stranm. zinc. -, legs drawn up, carb-v. plat. Falling asleep late, alum. puls. amnm. anac. ARS. brom. bry. --—,- spread, cham. magn-c. CALC. cale-ph. CRBn-A. CARB- putls. V. chel. CHIN. chlor. clem. con. -, unable to lie on the side, cYce. euphr.ferr. GRAPH. guaj. aeon. mosch. phosph. ran. rhus. hyosc. kal. kreos. LACH. Lyc. sabad. sulph. magn-m. AMERc. NATR. NATR-M., unable to lie on right side, nitr-ac. N-VOM. OP. PETR. aur. brv. mere. puls. PHosPrI. phos-ac. plumb. puls. -, sitting, aeon. chin. hep. ran. Runs. sabad. sel. SEP. SIL. phosph. puls. sulph. spig. stann. staph. stront. SuLPIr. Sleep accompanied and sulph-ac. tart. teucr. thuj. viol- disturbed by: tric. zinc., anxiety (see Sleep, anxious). ~ —-- --—, every other evening, -, begging, as from fear, stann. lach., boring, with the head into, when going to bed late, the pillow, BELL. HELL. amm. —, chewing, bry, calc. ign. inability of, after walking, -, clenched thumbs, viol-tric. 640 SLEEP AND DREAMS. Sleep accompanied and Sleep accompanied and disturbed by: disturbed by: -, cold body, ambr., mouth open, cham. dule. ign., concussions (see Shocks). mere. Op. samb. magt. -, crying, anac. arn. aur. BELL. —, night-walk, ACON. alum, bor. BRY. calc. caps. carb-a. caus. ATHM. amm-m. bell. BRY. CON. CHAIr. cin. cocc. croc. fluor-ac. cycl. daphn. guaj. HEp. kal. kal-bi. graph. HEP. hyosc. lye. magn-c. lyc. magn-m. meph. mere. mez. magn-m. mere. natr. nitr-ac. NATR. natr-n. nitr-ac. NUX phosph. plat. PULS. RHAB. ReUS. VOM. OP. PIOSPr. PULs. ruta. ruta.seneg. sep. SIL. staph. stram. SIL. SULPH. valer. SULPH. sulph-ac. tart. thuj. ZINc. —, nosebleed, mere. sass. -, - of children, aeon. BELL. -, pains felt during sleep, alum. CHAM. cin. coff. ign. IPEC. puls. ARS. aur. bell. lach. mere. mosch. rhab. nitr. NITR-AC. -, delirium (see Sleep prevented -., red face, op. stram. viol-tric. by)., seminal emissions (see Chap,, distorted eyes, chin. hell. op. XXIV.) phos-ac. puls., settling downwards, in bed, —, escape, desire to, Sil. ars. MUR-Ac. -, eyes open, BELL. bry. caps. -, shocks, aembr. ARS. BELL. coloc. ferr. hell. ign. ipec. OP. bry. carb-v. CIIAM. CHIN. COCC. phos-ac. SAMa. sulph. tart. veratr. con. cupr. DULC. hell. hep. hyose. -, grasping at flocks, Ars. IGN. IPEC. KAL. lye. mere. natr. grasping with the hands, arn. Or. PItOSPH. phos-ac. PULS. ars. bell. bor. chin. cocc. hyosc. RHAB. RHus. SAMB. selen. SEp. op. phosph. phos-ac. rhus. stram. SIL. staph. stront. SULPH. sulph-, grating of the teeth, arn. ars. ac. tart. THUJ. VERATR. viol-tric. hyosc. kal. mgt-arc. -, groaning, anac. arn. ars. aur. —, sighing, ars. BELL. bry. camph. baryt. bry. CAUs. CHAM. CHIN. ipec. lach. mere. op. puls. CIN. con. hyosc. IGN. ipec. LACH. —, singing, bell. croc. phos-ac. Lyc. mere. natr-m. nitr-ac. Nux mgt-ara voir'. op. phosph. phos-ac. RHAB., smiling, croc. hyosc. phos-ac. sulph. veratr. -, snoring, ang. am. BELL. calc. -, headache, chamin. magn. sulp. CAMPH. caps. CARB-V. chain. chin. -, hiccough, calc. dros. dulc. fluor-ac. hyosc. ign. -, illusion of hearing, canth. mur-ac. nitr-ac. nux vom. Op. carb-v. chamin. puls. rhab. RHus. sabin. SIL. -, jactitation of the limbs, bell. STRAir. sulph. magt. mgt-aus. tart., somnambulism, alum. Bay., jerks (see Starting and natr-m. op. petr. PHOSPH. rhab. Shocks). sil. SULPII. -, tormenting, stram. -, staring, tart., laughing, alum. caus. kreos. -~, starting as if in affright, lye. sil. sulph. ACON. ambr. ARS. BELL. bry., mental exertions, anac. bry. calc. carb-a. carb-v. caus. CHAM. ign. lach. sabad. sabin. mgt-aus. chin. cocc. cupr. dros. GRAPH., groaning, alum. ars. baryt. hep. HYosc. ign. ipec. kal. LACI. BELL. calad. carb-a. CHAM. graph. LYCe. magn-c. MERa. natr. natr-m. IGN. IPEC. LACII. mere. M-. R-A. TR-AC. UX VO. O. PETR. Nux-voM. op. sep. sulph. veratr. phosph. PULS. r11us. SAsMB. sass., motion of the limbs, aeon. SEc. sep. SIL. stront. SULPH. caus. hyosc. kal. natr. puls. rhab. tart. thuj. veratr. zinc. mget-arc. rhus. sep. stram. viol-tric. mgt- -, stoppage of breath, hep. aus., sweat (see Chap. IV.) SLEEP ACCOMPANIED AND DISTURBED, ETC. 641 Sleep accompanied and Sleep prevented by: disturbed by: —, coldness (see Chap. IV.) -—, talking, alum. arm Ans. -AR, colic (see Chap. XXI.) BARYT. bell. CALC. camph. carb-a. —, convulsions. BELL. bry. cac., carb-v. CHAM. graph. IGN. kal. CIHAAI. chin. cin. Cocc. cupr. hell. lye. magn-c. magn-m. mere. mur- HYosc. IGN. IPEc. kal. lye. mere. ac. natr-m. nitr-ac. Nux votm. op. phos-ac. puls. RHAB. rhus, phosph. phos-ac. plumb. PULS. SAMB. sec. veratr. rhab. rhus. sabin. sep. SIL. spong., delirium, AcoN. arn. aur, stann. SULPII. tart. thuj. ZINc. BELL. BRY. camph. cham. coloc. magt. dig. dulc. kal. lach. lye. men., thirst, BRY. carb-v. cans. nux vom. op. petrol. puls. RHAB. chain. lye. nitr-ac. sil. sulph. sec. sep. sulph. zinc. -, tossing about, ACON. alum. -, difficult breathing (see Chap. ARs. asa. BELL. BRY. CALC. CHAM. XXIX.) cic. CIN. clem. ferr. guaj. hell. —, dry mouth, ambr. anac. caus. kreos. lach. led. LYC. mur-ac. cham. graph. kal. mang. natr-m. n-jugl. op. par. phosph. PUTs. phosph. rhus. selen. sep. sil. ran-sc. RHAB. rhus. ruta. sep. -, erections (see Chap. XXIV.) squill. SULPH. tart. valer. verb. -,eructations (see Chap.XVIII.) —, trembling of the limbs, tart. -, fancies (see Ideas, crowding -, twitching of the eyes, rhab. of.) -, twitching of the fingers, ign. -, fear, aeon. amm. ARS. bell. puls. rhab. sulph-ac. calc. carb-v. caus. CHIN. coee; -, twitching of the hands, viol- con. dros. graph. hep. ign. ipec. tric. lach. lye. mere. natr. natr-m. —, twitching of the facial mus- nitr-ac. phosph. phos-ac. PULS. cles, rhab. rhus. sil. stann. stram. SULPH. -, weeping, alum. calc. carb-a. zinc. caus. CHAM. chin. con. hep. IGN. (Compare Thieves and Ghosts, IKAL. lye. mere. NATR-M. NITR-AC. Fear of.) Nux voe. phosph. PULS. rhab., flatulence (see Chap. XXI..) rhus. sil. stann. stram., gastric ailments (see Chap., weeping look, phos-ac. XVIII.) Sleep prevented by: -, ghosts, fear of, AcoN. alum. -, anguish, anxiety, aeon. alum. ARS. bov. CARB-V. COCC. DROS. amm. arn. ARS. baryt. BELL. kal. lach. natr. op. phospIs. BaY. CALC. cann. carb-a. carb-v. PULS. ran. sass. sep. sil. spig. eaus. chain. CHIN. cin. cocc. dig. strain. SULPH. zinc. ferr. GRAPH. HEP. HYosC. IGN. -, headache (see Chap. VII.) kal. lye. magn-c. mere. natr. natr- -., hearing, illusions and affecrm. nitr-ac. nux vom. petr. phosph. tions of (see Chap. X.) plumb. PULS. ran-se. RIIus. sabad. -, heat (see Chap. IV.) sep. sil. sulph. VERATR. zinc., ideas, crowding of, agar.. argarithmetical figures before n. bor. bry. CALC. canus. CHIN. the eyes, phos-ac. sulph. COCC.COFF. coloc. con. graph. hep. -—, backache (see Chap. XXXI.) hyosc. kal. LACH. led. lyc. nitr. -, bloodvessels, burning in, ars. Nux voM. phos-ac. PLAT. PULS. veratr. rhus. sabad. SEP.Sil. spong.staph., stinging in, amm. sulph. viol-tric. zinc. mgt-arc.,bone-pains,anac.aur. merc.sol. -, itching (see Itching.) —, canine hunger (see Chap., mirthfulness, ACON. ang. ant. XVI.) arn. aur. bor. cale. caps. chin., cold feet, amm-m. bry. carb- COFF. graph. hyosc. kal. lach. v. kal. nitr-ac. petr. phosph. lye. mere. natr-m. nitr-ac. nusulph. zinc. vom. phosph. prun. PULs. RaN, 42 SBLEEP AND DREAMS. RL.-sc. rhus. ruta. selen. SEP. Sleep prevented by: sil. spiq. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. -, sore tllroat (see Chap. XIV.) zinc. mnt-aus. -, startinl, AcoN. arebr. arn. Sleep prevented by: AlRS. BELL. bry. cale carb-a., nervousness, ambrn. arg-n. carb v. cans. CI-IAM. chin. c cc. bon. bry. CALC. camph. canth. cupr. dros. GRAPI. hep. Hyosc. caps. cans. CHIN. cocc. COFF. ign. ipec. kal. LACiH. Lyc. magncolch. con. graph. hep. hyosc. kal. c. MIEP. nate. natr-m. NITR-'AC. LACIJ. laur. Lyc. merce. MoSCII. NUX VOM. OP. PETR, phiosph. nitr-ac. NUX VOM. PLAT. phos- PULS. rhus. SAMB. sass. SEC. sep. na. puls. rhus. ran. SIL. stront. SULPII. tart. thuj, spong. sraph. sulph. sulph-ac. v eratr. zinc. mgt-arc. teuer. MGT-aRC, —, starting, of the limbs, armbr. -, nlihtmare, ACON. abot. AIRS. BELL. bry. carb-v. CHIrAr. ANi.i. umnm-m. bell. BRY. CON. CHaN. coce. con. cupr. DULC. e,11. cycl. daphrn. guaj. tIEP kal. kal- hep. hyosc. IGN., IPEc. KAL. lyeC. bi. lye.'magn-m. meph. mere. mere. natr. OS. PHOSPH. phosmez. hatr. natr-rm. zir-ac. NUX ac. IUS. s RHIAB. Rnus. SAMAB. VOM. Or. PIIOSPI. PULS. ruta. selen. SEP. SIL. sta ph. stront. SIL SULPR. valer. SULPtI. sulph-ac. tart. TnuJ. -, otallgia (see Chap.X.) VERATR. viol-tric. mgt-arc., pains in the arms and hands, -, stomach-ache (see Chlap. (see Arm-symptoms, Chap. XIX.) XXXII.) —, thieves, fear of, alum. ARs. -, pains in the bladder, cocc. annr. bell. con. ign. kal. LACII. cact. magn-c. magn-m. mere. natr., pains in chest (see Chap. natr-mn. petr. phosph. SIL. veratr. XXX.) zilc., pains in the joints, natr-m. -, thirst, amom-m. ant. ars. bell. puls. sulph-ac. mgt-arc. bor. BRY. CALC. carb-v. chain. -, pains in the limbs, alum. coff. colch. dros. ign. kal. lye. amm. amm-m. anac. ars. aur. Inagn-c. magn-m. mang. nitr-ac. bell. cale. earb-v. caus. chain. phosph. plat. ran-se. rh'us. selen. Cchin. con. graph. kep. kal. kreos. sil. SuLPII. suIlp11-a.C, lach. lye. magn-c. MERC. mosh. --, vomit, desire to (see Chap. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. phosph. XVIII.) plumb. PULs. ran-sc. RHIOD. sulph. -, weak feeling, ambr. amm. tart. zinc. bism. brv. cale. dulc. kreos. mur-, pains in lower limbs (see ac. ran-se. sabad. sep. sil. Chap. XXXIIL), wetting the bed (see Chap. -, palpitation of the heart (see XXIII.) Chlap. XXX.) Sleep, according to quality: -, rush of blood. amm. asar. -, anxious, AcoN. coce. dulc. baryt. bor. BaY. Cale. carb-a. graph. ferr. kal. lye. magn-c. dulle. graph. lhep. ig. agn -e.an-. natr-m. op. phosph. spon. spong. vemlere. niur-ac. natr. natr-m. nux ratr. vom phosph. puls. ran. rhus. -, comatose, anae. ANT. BELL. sabin. samb. sep. SIL. Bay. calad. CAMIPIT. caps. CLTAM. -, sensual illusions, ambr. BELL. COCC. CON. CRoc.eunphorb. GRAPH. bry. CALC. camph. canth. carb-a. HEP. hyose. ign. lach. lact. LED. carb-v. CHAMi. chin. cin. colch. melih. nitr. N-Aioscii. Nux yvoai. dule. guaj. hell. ign. led. lyc. OP. phosph. plumnb. PULS. rhus. mere. natr. nitr-ac. nux vome. op. SEc. seneg. spig. stram. sulph. par. petr. phosph. phos-ac. puls. tart. veratr. rnagt. rhab. rhus. sep. SIL. sponfg. stram. -, deep, sound, BELL. cupr. zuldph. tart fluor-ac. hyosc. IGN. lact. merc., LttEP PREVENTED, ETC. 643 N-MosCn. nux vom. OP. phos-ac. CON. dig. flluor-ac. hep. IIYOSO. rhod. sec. seneg. spig. stann. IGN. jod. Iach. led. nagn-c. magnSTnRAI. SULPI. TART. ther. veratr. mn. mnerc. MIoscII. nalr-mn. nitr-ac. mgt-arc. NUX VOM. OP. phosph. 1)hosSleep, deep, before undressing, ac. plat. plumb. prun. PULS. rhod. ran-sc. Rntus. sass. sec. SIL. spong. - -, in the morning, graph. squill. SULPH. tart. thuj. valer. nux vomr. sulph. veratr., fancies, full of, see Dreams. Sleeplssneess, before mid-, lighllt, aecon. alum. ars. calad. nigllt: ALUM. anmm-m. ag. bry. ign. lnch. MERn. nux VOIr. SELEN. lach. matn-l-. mur-ac. Nux vo-r. sil. sulph. tart. phosph. puls. r hus. tllulj. mgt-aus. —, too long, bor. brorn. CALC. -, after midnight, amrn. Ans. CAUS. ferr. fiuor-ac. GRAPII. hep. bell. CALAD. CAPS. chain. COFF. kal. kreos. lach. Inact. laur. led. IEPr. natr-m. N'ITR-AC. NUX vo-. magn-mn. mere. Nux VOr. PHosrPH. oleand. ran-sc. rhod. samb. SIL. plat. puls. SEP. SULPIT. mgt-aus. -, restless, alum. AMIBR. amm. -, with drowsiness, am. BELL. anace. anag. ARS. aur. BAnYT. bor. calad. CIIAM. COFF. DAPIr. LACH. boy. brom. bry. CALC. CnALM. mere. natr m. Or. PHOSPH. PuLS. CriN. cic. coloc. dig. dulc. ferr. sarb. SEP. sil. mgt-aus. GRAP1I. HEP. ign. ipec. KAL. Sopor, in general, AcoN. agn. lireos. lach. lact. Lyc. men. ANT. arg-n. arn. ars. asa. baryt. MERC. mez. morph. nitr. nitr-ac. BELL. BnY. carb-v. CAUS. n-jugl. PPOSPII. PULS. RsAn. CHAM. chlorof. cocc. coloc. con. Rnus. SABAD. SABIN. seneg. sep. Cntoc. cqycl. dig. euphr. BELL. hep. SIL. spig. squill. stann. staph. HYosc. ign. LACH. lact. LAUR. straim. SuLrn. teucr. valer. verb. LED. meph. MIERC. MoscII. Nviol-tric. zinc. MOSCIT. N-VOM. oleand. OP., interrupted, ars. cocc. dig. phosph. phos-ac. plumb. PULS. par. zinc. rhus. sec. sep. STRAII. TART. (Compare Waking, Frequent.) VERATE. zinc. qngt-arc., slumber, like, arn. ARas. bell. —, comatose, without fever, bry. canth. CHAM. CiC. coce. dig. ant. arg-n. baryt. BELL. BRY. enphorb. GuAPmI. hep. IGN. kal. CAMPIT. caps. croc. HELL. 11YOsC. laclh. mere. nitr. nitr-ac. Nux lach. laur. led. mosch. nux vorn. o-.I. OP. par. PETR. ran-sc. thus. oleand. OP. petr. phosph. phossabad. samb. sel. sil. SULPII. mgt- ac. plumb. puls. Rnius. SAMnB. SEC. are. straim. tart. veratr. mgt-arc., unrefreshing, agar. ALUM. —, with dim sight, and buzzing amm. arn. ars. asa. aur. bism. in the ears, chlorof. brom. BRY. calc. cann. CHIN. --—, feverish, acon. ant. BELL. bry. clem. cocc. CON. daphn. ferr. CuAir. hyosc. LACH. mnerc. Or. GReAPr. guaj. IEP. KIREos. lact. plumb. puls. sec. STRAM. tart. Lye. magn-c. magn-m. mex. natr- veratr. m. nitr-ac. Op. petr. PIosrIs. —, with stupor, aeon. ant. arnm. prun. sabad. SEP. spig. stann. BELL. CArPIL. caps. carb-v. CHAM. SULPII. tart. teucr. tliuj. zinc. cocc. con. cupr. euphr. hep. Sleep, succeeded by headache, hyosc. LACIT. nitr. nusx om. OP. BELL. MORPII. phosph. plumb. puls. sec. strainm. Sleeplessness, ACON. ambr. veratr. mgrt-arc. anna. Ans. aur. bar. BELL. bor. --, vigil, (coma vigil), ars. bell. bry. calc. camp',. canr. carb-a. CnIAT. cocc. hep. hyosc. ign. carb-v. caus. CHAIM. CIIN. cic. LACH. lanr. nux vom. OP. veCIN, Clem. coCC. COFF. coloc. ratr. 644 SLEEP AND DREAMS. Waking, with anxiety, alum. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tart. amm. bry. cale. carb-v. caus. thuj. zinc. chin. con. graph. ign. ipec. lye. Waking, late, brom. CALC. natr-m. nitr-ac. phosph. plat. CAUS. ferr. fluor-ac. GRAPH. hep. puls. samb. sep. sil. sulph. zinc. kal. kreos. lach. lact. laur. led. -, difficult, alum. amm-m. ba- magn-m. mere. natr-m. Nux voM. ryt. bell. bov. cann. CHIN. con. PHOSPII. plat. puls. SEP. SULPH. dig. ferr. graph. lact. led. lyc. -, about midnight, amm-m. bamagn-m. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. ryt, bry. calc. con. graph. laur. NITR-AC. n-mosch. nux vom. Op. Inagn-c. mang. natr. phcosph. phos-ac. plat. puls. rhab. ruta. plat. rhus,. sep. sil. tart. thuj. selen. sep. sil. staph. tart. teucr. -, after midnight, alum. ambr. thuj. viol-tric. amm. ars. bor. calc. carb-a.carb-, with dulness of mind, dizzy, v. caus. chin. croc. cycl. dulc. acon. ambr. amnm-m. anac. BARYT. graph. kal. kreos. lye. magn-c. bell. bov. calc. cann. caus. CHIN. meph. mere. mez. natr. natr-m. dig. graph. hep. kal. lach. laur. nitr-ac. Nux voM. prun. ran. lye. meph. mere. mez. n-mosch. ran-sc. sass. selen. sep. sil. spig. nux vom. op. PHOSPH. PLAT. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. verb. zinc. PULS. rhab. rhus. selen. seneg. mgt-arc. SIL. squill. stann. staph. stram., before midnight, bor. mere. sulph. ther. th2j. mez. mur-ac. natr-m. phosph., too early, ambr. amm. amm- plumb. sil. In. ant. ARS. bor. CALC. carb-a., with pains, see Night-sleep carb-v. CAUS. chin. croc. cycl. prevented by, and, in the folDULc. graph. guaj. hyosc. KAL. lowing chapters, under the parlyc. magn-c. magn-m. meph. ticular organs, see article on MERC. mez. NATR. nitr. NITR-AC. waking. NUX VOM. phosph. phos-ac. Yawning, acon. arg-n. ars. plat. prun. puls. ran. ran-se. brom. bry. canth. cin. euphr. rhod. rhus. selen. seneg. SEP. guaj. REP. KREOS. laur. led. SIL. Staph. SULPII. thuj. veratr. LYe. magn. magn-m. MANG. verb. zinc. mosch. Nux VOM. oleand. puls., frequent, alum. amm. anac. rhab. rhus. ruta. sabad. sil. stann. ars. asa. aur. baryt. BELL. bism. staph. tarax. viol-od. zinc. bov. bry. CALC. calc-ph. cann. -, frequent, acon. ars. euphorb. canth. carb-a. carb-v. caus. chin. kreos. laur. lye. magn-c. mang. cic. cocc. colch. dig. dros. euphorb. mosch. oleand. rhus. sil. stann. GRAPII. REP. ipec. KAL. LACI. sulp. tarax. LYe. magn-c. magn-m. meph. -, spasmodic, chlorof. cocc. MERC. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr. REP. IGN. mosch. nux vom. plat. NITR-AC. Nux VOM. OLEAND. par. RHUS. mgt-arc. petr. PHOSPH. PULS. RHUS. ruta. —, unsuccessful, lach. LYC. sabin. sam. sass. selen. seneg. -, violent, agar. hep. ign. magn. SEP. sil. squill. stann. staph. mosch. plat. rhus. mgt-arc. CHAPTER IV. FEVER AND FEVERISH CONDITIONS. Chill in General, Aco-. chel. CIIIN. chlor. cocc. ferr. hell. alum. amb. anac. arg. arm. ARS. ign. jod. laur. magn-m. mang. asar. BELL. bor. BRY. CALC. MERC. mur-ac. natr. N-voM. petr. cann. CANTH. CAPS. CHIN. phosph. phos-ac. PULS. RHUS. CiN. coca. coff. coloc. con. CUPR.. samb. staph. stram. SULPH. thuj. cycl. daphn. DROS. euphorb. veratr. mgt-aus. FERR. guaj. hep. h7/osc. IGN. Chill accompanied by: IPEC. kal. LAcIT. lact. led. LYC. -, anxiety, AcoN. arn. ars. caps. magn-m. mang. M:IERC. merc-c. carb-v. chin. ign. natr-m. phosph. mez. mur-ac. natr. NATR-M. nitr. plat. puls. VERATR. NITR-AC. n-mnosch. N-VOM. PETR. —, aversion to drink, hell. phosph. phos-ac. PULS. ruta. —, backache, ARS. BELL. calc. Rims. SABAD. sabin. samb. caps. caus. hyosc. ign. mosch. sass. SEP. spong. staph. SULPIr. natr-m. n-vom. sang. veratr. tarax. tart. ther. VERATR. zinc. zinc. magt. mgt-aus. -, beside oneself, being, acon. -, creeping, baryt. chainm. rhus. chain. coff. veratr. -, externally, ARN. bry. calc., bitter taste, alum. ars. hep. caus. chin. dig. hell. IGa. lye. spong. MERC. mez. Moscir. mur-ac. N-, bloated abdomen, spig. voNi. PHOSPH. phos-ac. PLAT. puls. -, blue hands, cocc. n-vom. Sxc. rhod. Rius. sabad. JEC. spong. VERATR. stann. staph. suiph. VERATR., blue nails, coce. dros. n-vom., internally, aeon. aqn. alum. petr. ambr. anac. ARS. bell. bry. CAL. -, blue skin, Ans. CAMPH. merc. chin. coff. colch. ign. lach. LAUR. n-vom. SEC. VERATR. LYe. men. mere. mez. natr-m. nitr., bone-pains, bor. NATR-M N-vOM. phosph. PULS. SEP. sil. sabad. spig. squill. sulph. veratr., breathing, difficult, ARs. -, partial, acon. BELL. cham. caps. cham. mez. natr-m. n-mosch. lach. n-vom. PULS. rhus. sulph. n-vom. PULS. rhus. seneg. stram., semi-lateral, baryt. bell. bry. zinc. CAUS. lye. natr. N-vo. PULS. -—, bruised feeling, BELL. RHUs. thuj. verb. -, buzzing in the ears, mgt-aus., with shaking, ACON,. agar. -, canine hunger, mgt-aus. amm. anac. ARs. asar. BELL. -, chattering of teeth, AcoN. brom. BRY, camph. cann. canth. Ars. chin. chinin. camph. caps. 646 FEVER AND FEVERISH CONDITIONS. cupr. hep. ign. lach. mere. natr. Chill accompanied by, n-vom. plat. ran. sabad. ]Iair on end, baryt. men. Chill accompanied by, puls. cold face, dros. ipec. natr. petr. -, headache, AcoN. alum. anac. -, cold feet, chin. dros. kreos. arn. Ars. bor. BRY. calc. caps. lach. merc. mez. carb-v. chamt. chin. cin. con. dros., cold hands, chin. dros. mere. ferr. GRAPI. hell. ign kal. kreos. mez. led. lye. mIang. mere. MEz. natr. -, colic, ars. bor. boy. CALAD. NATR-M. nitr. n-vom. petr. cans. clhin. cocc. coif. ign. lach. phosph. puls. rhus. seneg. SEP. meph. mere. natr. n-mosch. n- spong. sulph. tart. thju. mnt-aus. vorn. puls. ran. sep. spig. imgt- -, heat of tile ears, aeon. pals. ans., heat in the head, AcoN. ant. -, congestion of the head, aeon. AnN. ASAR. BitY. CIIIN. cil. ferr. ARgN. chin. ferr. ipec. veratr. HELL. IPEC. inepl. natr. N-vor. -, contraction of the limbs, rhod. thus. sabad. VERATn. caps. -, hot face, acon. agrar. ANAC. ----- ---—, of the skin, par. APN. asar. BELL. bry. CALC. cann. —, convulsions, CAlPIT. IlYosc. canth. CIIxlM. chinin. n. cocc. cog:, convulsions, mere. strain. coloc. di(g. dros. euphorb. ferr. -, coryza, aur. bry. calad. caps. hvosc. kreos. Lyc. mere. natr. kal. mur-ac. n-vom. spong. tart. Nux vom. oleand. phosph. puls. -, cough, calc. kreos. phosph. RAN. rhus. ruta. SABAD. sabin. rhus. sabad. sulph. senec. sep. staph. sulph. veratr.,creeping in the skin, n-vom. -—, hot hands, ipec. nux-vom. samb. puls. sabad. spong. -, dead hands, sep. -, heaviness of the limbs, HELL. deafness, chain. -, - of the lower limbs,, debility, ars. asar. bor. calc. chin. HELL. veratr. caps. carb-v. CAUS. chin. dros. -—, hoarseness, sep. HELL. lach. lye. mere. n-yvo. -, liver-complaint, ars. CHIN. petr. puls. strain. ther. VERATR. mere. nux vom. -, delirium, veratr -, loss of appetite, anac. bry. -, diarrhcea, ars. calad. hyosc. led. n-mosch. phospll. sil. laur. phosph. spig. salph. VERATR. -, loss of thirst, aeon. AGAR. mrgt-arc. alum. amim. ARS. asar. Ann. —, dim sight, cham. bell. BRY. calc. canth. caps. carb-, dli-coulageament, anac. caps. v. CAus. chainm. CHIN. cin. cocc. CLAM. kreos. spig. rmgt-aus. co/. coloc. con. cycl. DRos. dulc. -, drowsiness, anmbr. bor. calad. ItELL,. hep. Hyosc. ipec. aInch. CAMPII. caps. cin. cycl. hell. led. mere. MUR-AC. natr. natr-nm. mez. natr-m. N-mnoscH. n-v-m. n op. nitr. nitr-ac. N-MosCH. INUX plat. PaLs. rhus. sabad. staph. VOAL. OLEAND. petr. phospll. TART. ther. VERATR. phos-ac. PULS. RIMUS. ruta. -—, dry month, aln. petr. phosph. SABAD. sass. SPIG. spoang. ran. rhus. staph. thuj. mgt-aus. squill. STAPhI. sulph. thuj. zinc. -, dnlness of the head, calc. mrt-ans. caps. cic. dros. hell. kal. led. natr- —, melancholy, veratr. a. mosch. plumb. rhus. —, nausea, arg-n. ars. asa. anr. -, eructations, alum. arg-n. bell. bor. bry. canth. caps. cham. carlb-v. ipec. i-vaom. ran. rhus. chel. chin. cil. cof: con. crotal. sabad. sass. dros. dule. hep. ign. kal. lye. —, fainting, aeon. coff. n-vom. natr. plat. PuLs. rhus. sang. pnls. valer. sabad. sep. valer. VERATR., goose flesh, baryt. canth. zinc. hell. laur, par. sabin. veratr. -—, numb fingers, stann. CHILL, ACCOMPANIED BY, ETC. 647 Chill accompanied by, Chill accompanied by, obscured sighlt, bell. chlor. cycl. stretching, ars. bry. caps. ipec. lach. sabin.,ngt-aus. mur-ae. natr., otatgiar asar. GRAPNx. -, stupor, acon. chin. bor. CAPIrn. -, pailful lairs, sep. charu. natr-m. op. puls. stram., painful skin, nux vomn. veratr., pains in the clhest, Ans. bell. —, sweat on forehead, bry. dig. BarY. calad. ipec. kal. lach. mez. VERATR. n-mosh. nux vore. puls. RHUS. -, tenesmus of rectum, mere. sabad. ser.egr. phosph. -, pains in the eves, rhus., tlhirst, Acos. amm-m. ang. -, lpale face, bell. BRY. CAPI-. ant. AnN. 1ar. bov. BRY. calad. canth. CHIN. CIN. coff. dros. mere. CAILC. CAN-x. caps. CARB-V. n-mosch. PULS. rhus. sulph. CuAMr. CHIN. CIN. eroc. ferr. hep. tart. VERATR. IGN. ipec. kal. lach. laur. led. -, pains in the joints, hell. magn-mi. MEZ. mur-ac. natr. - a, Inmis in tile limbs, aeon. NATRR-M. nitr. nux vore. op. ARs. brV. canth. caps. cie. cof. plumnb. Rnus. sep. sil. spong. hell. hep. led. LYC. mere. nitr. squill. stann. sulph. thuj. VERATR. Nux voxr. phosphll. puls. rhus.?ngt-aus. sabad. sep. sulph. veratr. -, throbbing in the body, zinc. --- pains in pit of stomach, ARS. —, toochache, carb-v. GRAPH. kal. Baiy. cin. euphlrb. lye. mere. led. mere. rhus. phosph. sil. sulph. -, trembling, AcoN. agn. anac. pains in smlall of back, ars. ars. asa. bell. bor. casnn. canth. calc. kreos. lahll. n-moseh. nux caps. chin. Cix. cocc. con. croc. vore. sabad. veratr. led. mere natr-m. nix vom. olepalpitation of the heart, and. op. par. plat. puls. sabad. phos-ac. tart. teucr. zinc. ingt-aus., panting, calad. —, vertigo, alum. calc. caps. pleuritic stitches. chel. chin. cocc. phosph. plumb. -—, tyalisln, ACON. alum. caps. puls. rhus. sulph. veratr. violcham. mnerc. tric. pulse collapsed, ARs. CARB-V. -, vomiting, ARS. bor. caps. kreos. op. puls. sang. SEC. sil. chin. CI.. dros. ign. kal. laur. -, red cheeks, aeon. bry. calc. natr. PULS. thuj. valer. chainm. ign. nnu vom. rthus. -, water-brash, SIL. -, red fa:ce, acon. ARS. BRy. —, whining mood, aeon. lye. chain. chin. coce. hyosc. ign. mere. kreos. LYC. merc. nux vom. —, wrinkling of the fingers, ant. plumb. puls. ran. rhus. -, yawning, aeon. ant. arn. ars. -, restlessness, anac. ars. cale. B3RY. calad. caps. CAUS. chin. cin. caps. coff. lach. sabad. sil. cycl. dig. ipec. men. natr-m. nux, sensitiveness to cold, cycl. vorn. oleand. phosph. plat. Rmvs. mere. sil. tart. thuj. mgt-are. -, sleeplessness, ambr. cham. -—, yellow iace, arg-n. hell. ign. capr. nux voin. puls. nat1r. -, sore throat, boy. led. nux Chill occurring: vom. lihus. sep. spig. —, in the afternoon, ang. arg.., splenetic pains, Ans. CAPS. ars. bor. BRY. cham. CHNi. dig. CuAMT. CHIN. MEZ. NUX VOM. euphr. LACH. laur. lye. nitr. nitr-, stiff knees, hell. ac. sux vom. phosph. Puls. ran. -, stiffness, acon. chin. merc. stapth. SULPIi. -, stomach ache, ars. BRY. cin. -—, in the open air, agar. alum. euphorb. lye. phosph. sil. amnm. ARS. caus. CHIN. hep. kal. sulph. laur. mere. mere-c. moseh. nitr. 648 1FEVER AND FEVERISHI CONDITIONS. nitr-ac. n-mosch. Nux VOM. PETR. cale. carb-v. caus. ferr. hep. plat. plumb. rhus. seneg. kreos. mere. mur-ac. nux vorn. Chill occurring, during phosph. SABAD. sas stph. SULPI. exercise, ars. mere. sulph. thuj. verat., after exercise, nux vom. Chill[ occurring, after the -, in bed, ars. alum. bor. canth. pains, kal. carb-a. ferr. laur. mere. natr-mn. -, during the pains, Ans. bry. nux vom. phosph. dulc. graph. led. lye. mez. natr-m. (Comp. in the evening). puls. myt-arc. -, - abating, kal. magn-c. -., when raising oneself after magn-m. natr. nitr-ac. puls. stooping, merc-c. sulph., in the room, ars. chlor. puls, -, after chagrin, nux vom. teuer. —, after sleeping, bry. mere. -, after a cold, lye. sep., near the warm stove, alum. -, day and night, sass. nac. an ov. canth. chlor. cin. coce., after drinking, Ar.s. caps. dulc. guaj. jod. LACH. lact. laur. CHIX. Nux voN. veratr. mere. Nux voar. PULs. sep. sil., after an epileptic fit, cupr. —, in the sun, chlor., in the evening, aeon. agar. -, when uncovering oneself, alum. AMM. amm-rt. ARN. ARS. acon. agar. bell. bor. CnAM, CHIN, bell. bov. BRY. calc. CAPS. carb-a. lach. n-mosch. nux vorm. PULS. carb-v. cham. CHIN. CIN. cocc, spong. squill. CYCL. dulc. ferr. graph. guaj. hep. -—, after getting wet, sep. kal. LACH. led. LYc. AACGN-M. Chill succeeded by; many. meph. MERC. mur-ac. hairr- -—, cold feet, petr. m. nitr. NITR-AC. nux vrom. PETR. -, languor, ars. PIIOSPH. phos-ac. prun. PULS. -, sleep, ars. mez, Rnus. samb. SEP. sil. spig. -, thirst, ars. chin. dros. kreos. STANN. STAPIH. stront. SULPH. puls. sabad. thuj. teucr. thuj., vomiting, lye, in bed, AcoN'. alum. Chill feeling, agn. ars. asar. ambrr. anztn. ars. aur. bell. Bay. bell. BRnA. CAMPH. Cocc. coff. dulc. carb a. ferr. lye. mere. mur-ac. guaj. IIELL. iHYOSC. KREos, LACH. n.ux vom. phosph. sang. sulph. nitr. n-mosch. par. petr. POSPIIs.,. — every other evening, plat. prun. PULS. RAN. sabad. lye. seneg. SEP. sil. SPIG. SQUILL. -, - during the pains, puls. STANN. SULPII. teucr. thuj. zinc. -, in the forenoon, ambr. ars. Chillinless, agar. agn. alunzm. cycl. guaj. nagn-rn. natr. petr. ANAc. Ans. ASA.. baryt. bov. phos-ac. ran. sass. stann. stront. BRY, calc. carb-a. carb-v. caus..rulph. chainm. chel. CHIN, CIc. coce. CRcc. —, during a meal (see Chap. euphr. hep. lPEc. kal. kreos. laur. XVII.) LED. lye. men. MERC. mez. -, after midnight, bor. chainm. mosch. natr. NATR-iM. nitr-ac. cocc. SULPH. thuj. rN-iosss. iNux Voi. par. petr. -, in the morning, ARS. BELL. phosph. phos-ac. plumb. PULS. barvt. bov. BRY. CALC. carb-v. ran. rhus. SABAD. sabin. sep. SIL. chin. chlor. graph. many. mere. spig. squill. SULPH. tart. teucr. nitr-ac. nuxvolm. phosph. spig. viol-tric. MGT-ARC. ther. thuj. veratr. Coldness in general, -, after motion, nux vom. AcoN. ambr. arn. Ans. asa. aU'. -, during motion, asar. coff. bell. bor. BRY. CAMPH. CANN. mere. mez. nux vom. rhus. sil. CANTH. carb-v. CAPS. CHAM. chel. spig. chin. Cic. coce. coff. CRoc. CUPR.: —, at night, alum. ambr. amm. dig. DULC. dros. euphorb. ferr. amm-m,. arg. ars. BELL. bor. boy, HELL. jatr. IkEc. kreos. lach. COLDNESS IN GENERAL, ETC. 649 LAUR. LED. Lyc. merc. MEZ. MERC. mu1r-ac. NATR-M. NITRnatr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. nux AC. Nux vof. Or. PHOS-AC. voin. oleand. op. phosph. plumb. plumb. SEC. sulp/h. veratr. PULS. RAN. rhus. ruta. sabad. sass. Coldness, accompanied sec. sep. staph. STRAI. sulph. by: tart. thtlj. VERATR. zinc. -, irregular, aeon. ant. ARS. bry. Coldness in general, chin. CON. dig. hep. kal. lach. feeling of, ARm. asar. CIIIN. laur. MERC. INATR-M. NITR-AC. sec. STAPrI. SULPLr. vematr. zinc. oleand. phos-ac. rhus. SEC. spig. mgt-aus. stram. valer., of extremities, ARs. bell. -~, slow, BELL. camph. cnann. CAMPIT. caq-b-a. carb-v. cic. coloc. chin. con. cupr. dig. laet. laur. dig. HELL. hyosC. jatr. ipec. laur. mere. op. phosph. plumb. puls. led. lye. mere. MEz. natr-m. op. rhod. rhus. samb. SEC. VERATR. plumnb. puls. sep. squill. strain. —, small, ACON. ARns. asa. BELL. VERATR verb. nlagt. bism. bry. CAIPH. CAN-TH. carb-v., semrnilateral, am. bry. caus. CIHAMr. chin. cin. CLEM. cocc. CuPR. chin. dig. par. rhus. DIG. dulC. HELL. hyosc. jod. Coldness, accompanied klreos. LACII. laur. mere. nux vom. by: OP. PIIOPHi. phos-ac. plat. PLUMB. -, pulse, accelerated, ACON. PULS. rhus. samb. SEC. SIL. spong. ai-n. Ans. asa. baryt. BELL. BRY. stann, staph. STRAM. SULPH. sulphcamnph. chin. COLoc. cupr. guaj. ac. VERATR. hep. H'osc. JOD. ipec. MIERC. --, soft, bell. carbhv. CIIIN. CUPr mosch. nux vcm. op. PITOS P H. JOD. lach. PLUMB. ran-sc. STRAM. phos-ac. PULS. rhus. SANC. SEC. veratr. SiL. SPrOSN. starn. staph. stram?. -, strong, Acos. BELL. hyosc. SULPIr valler. veratr. AIERC. op. strain. mgt-arc. pulse, feeble, ARs. baryt. cann. —, suppressed, Aco.N. ars. CARBCArB-v. dig. CroN. LACH. LAUR. V. kreos. op. puls. sang. sec. sil. MIERC. NUX vo3i. phos-ac. plat. verat. PULS. rhus. sang. sulph-ac. tart. —, tense, BELL. bry. chain. dulc. VERATR. MhEZ., frequent, ACON. ARns. bar-m., tremulous, ars. ciec. con. lach. BRY. carb-v. cin. coce. ign. lach. MERC. rhus. spig. STEAM. TART. AIERC. nux vomi. oleand. PHOS-AC. ]Fever in Genreral. plumb. SANGc,. seneg. SIL. S-TANN. —, acute, (see Inflammatory.) stram7., afternoon, alum. ant. ARN. -, full, ACON. am. bar-in. bry. ars. BRY. CALC. caus. chin. coff. CAirII. chin. cocc. COLOc. dig. dig. LACH. natr-m. NITR-AC. nUX ferr. hep. HYosc. LACH. mere, morm. plhosph. PULS. ran. spong. Nux voM. Op. petr. PHosPH. stapZh. stram. SULPH. phios-ac. PuLs. ran-sc. SAMr. -, annual, ars. carb-v. lach. SANG. SEC. sil. Spiy. STRAsfr. SuLPmI. bilious, aeon. ars. bry. cham. tart. VALER. chin,. coeC. coloc.- daphn. dig. —, hard, AcoN. ARu. B13ELL. B3aY. ipe. n-vonz. puls. sulph. CANTH. c/hin. ciin. coce. coloc. dule. -, catarrhal, acon. arn. ars, ferr. hep. Hvosc. ign. JoD. NUx: BELL. bry. camph. cans. CHAM. voMr. op. PHosPH. PULS. SANC. S:vc. chin. cocc. coif. DULC. ign. ipec. SL. SPOIX. steram. SULrII. ve-aitr. mang. mere. Ncx voM. phosph. imperceptible, AcoN. Ams. PuIT.. husS. sabad. sang. sil. spig. eann. CARB-V. Cor;. Cuvn. - squill. stann. sulvh. veratr. IHYosC. lach. OP. puls. SEC. il. -, catarrhal fever (see Catarrhal STRAM. TA.RT. veratr. complaints, Chap. I.), intermitting, Acox.ARS. bism. -., after abuse of cinchona, arn. BRY. CHIN. DIG. hep. kal. -LACI. ARS. BELL. calc. caps. carbsv. cin. 28 FEER ANDT FEVERtISH CONDITION5. FERP. IPEC. LACI. mere. natr-m. Fever, milk,Aco.N.bell. coff rbhu. nux moseh. nux voe. PULS. sep. -, morning, ARN. ars. BELL sulph. VERATR. bor. BRY. CALC. carb-v. CHAM. Fever, in damp and cold wen- chin. ehlor. con. graph. guaj. ther, calc. carb-v. cfin. lach. n- hep. LACH. lye. mere. NATR-M. mosch. puls. rhus. sulph. veratr.'nitr-ac. NUX VOM. RHas. sabad. -, dentition, Aco.. bell. calb. sep. sil. spig. spong. staph. sulph. chain. nux vom. sil. sulph. V ERATR.. Zinc. -, evening, aeon. alum. ant. -, mucous, saburral, ars. bell. ARN. ARS. baryt. BELL. boy. bry. Cham. chin. cin. Wy. dul1. BRY. calad. CALe. carb-a. CARB- ipec. mere. nux vom. puls. rhab. V. chin. cyvc1. DULC. GRAPH. hell. rhnus. spig. sulph-ac. ign. ipec. kal. LACH. led. lye. -, night, anini-m. ARS. baryt. MERC. natr-m. NITR-AC. nux BELL. bor. CALc. caps. carb-a. vorm. petr. phosph. phos-ac. PU LS. CARB-V. Caus. CHAM. hell. HEPr ran. rhod. Inus. sabad. sabin. lach. MERC. INITR-AC. 5TNux vou. SEP. staph. stram. SUI.PH. thutj. PHOSPH. PULS. ran-se. RHUS. -, fall, bry. chin. nux vom. SEP. squlill. STAPH. stram. SuLPH. rhus. veratr. thuj. V ERATR. -, forenoon, calc. chin. lach., noon, spig. natr-m. sabad. sil. staph. eulph. -, puerperal, ACON. am. ars., every fortnight, ars. BELL. BRY. CHAM. eo/f. COLOc. -, gastric, ant. bell. bry. chainm. hyosc. ipee. mere. NUiX VOM. cocc. daphn. dig. IPEC. Nux vonf. plat. pulls. RHUS. sec. stram. PULS. rhus. squill. sdulph. tart. veratr. veratr. -, putrid, arn. ARs. bell. BRY. —, hectic, ARS. baryt. bell. canth. carb-v. CHIN. hyosc. ipee. CALC. CHI-. CocC. con. cupr. dig. MEtc. inur-ae. n-mosch. nux vom. hell. ign.jod. IPEC. kal. lach. Iye. op. plhos-ac. puls. RI-US. sulph. gmerc. e. voin. o. PII. Puos-, quartan, aeon. anac. arn. AC. pu1s. sep. SIL. stanl. staph. ARS. bell. bry. carb-v. chin. cin. SULPH. velatr. zinc. clein. hyosc. ign. jod. ipee. laeh. inflanmmnatory, ACON. ars. lye. natr-im. n-mosch. nux vom. BELL. BRY. chain. chin. chinin. PULS. rhus. sabad. sulph. VERATR. cocc. cff. coloc. hep. Hyosc. ipec. Fever, quotidian, aeorn. alum. kal. lach. lye. MERC. mez. natr-m. am. ars. bell. bry. cale. caps. carbnitr. nitr-aC. TNux voM. op. v. chin. cic. cin.con. graph. hvosc. PHOSPII. puls. rhus. sec. sep. ign. ipec. lach. lye. natr-m. nitr. sulph. veratr. nux von. petr. puls. rhus. sabad. -, intermittent, ant. ARN. ARS. stramn. sullh. veratr. bell. bov. bry. calc. canth. CAPS. —, double quotidian, ars. bell. CARBnv. chain. CHIN. CHININ chin. dulc. graph. n-mosch. puls. CIN. cocc. culpr. dros. ferr. hell. rhus. stram. hep. hyose. IGN. IPEC. kal. LACH. -, rheumatic, ACON. arn. ARs. lye. men. mere. mez NATRa-M. n- BELL. BRY. camph. caus. mosch. NUX VOM. op. petr. CHAM. CIIN. coif. dulc. ign. phosph. PULS. ran. ran-sc. Ruus. ipec. kal-bi. MIERc. Nux vom. sabad. samb. sep. sil. SPIG. staph. phosph. PULS. RHus. sabad. sang. SULPH. thuj. valer. VERATR. sil. spig. squill. stann. SULPH., disguised, ars. spig, veratr. —, marsh, arn. ars. carb-v. chin., spring, ant. ars. BELL. bry. chinin. cin. ferr. ipec. natr-m, CALe. caps. CARB-V. cin. ipec. rhus. sulph. veratr. LACH. natir-m. nux vom. puls. -, after midnight, anm.. bor RHUS. sulph. thuj. VERATR. bhosph. ran-sc. thuj. -, tertian, anac. ant. am. Ass., before midnight, veratr. bar-in. BELt. BRY. calE. Q4,.?. rEVER, ET'C. 51 eap8. CABn-V. chain. CHIN. cic. CHIN. Color. help lach. natr-m. cin. dres. dule. hyose. ign. IPEC, INUn voAf. PULS. (comp. Bilious lack. lye. tmez. natr-m. ti-snor7.,. Ailments.) Nux yo0M. PULS. RTius. sabad. Fever paroxysmn, acstaph. sulph. veratr. companied and suec Fever, double tertian, ars. bell. ceeded by: chin. dulc, graph. n-mosch. puls. -—, bloated face, atmm. ars. hell. rhus. stranl. crotal. lye. puls. sil., with postponing tpe, chin. -, around the eyes, ferr. cin. --, bone-pains, arn. ars. bell, -, ~anticipating type, ars. bor. bry. eamph. carb-ql. chin. chin, ign, natr mr. nux vonr. hell. ig i. lach. led. magn-(. -, typhoid, ACON. amn. Ars. iNATR-M. nux vyon. phos-ac. PuiLS. bell. BRY. chin. coce. Ii-osc. sabad, LACH. nere. mer. mntr-ac. n-mnoshe. —, breaking, difficultS, accl. usaxt ror. op. pko~s-tc. puls ant. amn. Ans. bovy bEl?. earb-v, RHUS. stram. SULPH. suiph-ac. chini. ferr hep. IPEC. lach. lye. veratr. mere. natr-mn. nux vor. phosph., typhus, aon arg-n. nrn. PULS.ruta. seneg. sep.sulph.zinc. Ans. BELL. BRY. camph. carb-v. -, bruised feeling in thle limbs, rhamn. chin. cocc. eupr. daphnll. bell, magn-c. rhod. sulFh. (see ihell. IIYosc, LACII. l1. n1ERc. Chap. I.) IMuR-AC. natr-m. n-nosch. Nvx, —, inears,ars.ign.nux vom. vonm. op. phosph. Pnos1-Ac. plls. -, canine hunger, CInx. Cie, RIIHUS. STRAM. SULPH. sulph -aC. CiNx. phiosph. mgt-aus. veratr. -, cold feet; aeon. brom. chin. ambulans, ars. campl. cocc. dros. kreos. Iach. mere. chin. coca. cupr. dig. hell. ign. rnez. petr. puls. rhod. phos-ac. veratr. —, colic, ant. crs. bov. brv. -, worm, ACON. chinl. cic. CIs. calad. ch/am. kisa. eic. cog? coloc. dig. /.yosc. MERC. nux vo11. sabald. meplh. mere. nux yom. phospll. SIL. Spiq. stann. stranm. SULP:r. 2pls. ran.'ahus. teucr. vller. Fever, congestions of the head,, of scrofulous persons, sil. Aco-. BELL. BRY. CAMPFH. carb-'v. -,w ound,acon. ARN. brVy.pulls. rlhs chin. chinin. coloc. ferr. hiyosce, yellow, ACON. ars. bell. bry. lccch. Nux oar. PiIosPIL PPLs. crotal. guaco. qnux ore. sulp. srhod. rhus. sep. spig. veratr. —. constipation, ars. bell. BayR Fever paroxysm, ac- CALTC. CiC. COCC. llpr. Lye-. natercomlpaiied and sue mil. Nu7x -voN. Op. puls. staphb ceeded by: VYERAT71. -, anxiety, Acos. ambr. ARs, --—, convulsions, Rnus. strasn. bell. CALc. caps. CHAM. chllin., coryza, aeon. amm. bell. bry. coff. ferrli. fluor-ae. ign. IPEC. calad. CHIN. con. 1E:P. kreos. magn. mere. NATR. nnth-e1. op. lch.. lyve. MErc. Nux voer PIUILS. phospll. phos-ac. plumb. PL's,. slhus. sabad. spig. suiph. rhab, sep. spong. stann. STrAMl. --, coulgh, Aco.N. BELL. br-. cale. sull)l. chin. con.. dros. HIEP. ipec. kal. ba-, backache, arn. Ans. bell, klicos. ach11. lact. MERc. n-mosch. caps. cans. CHIN. hyose. LAcL. NUx von. PLS. rh. hus. sabad. ]act. mosIch. N:ATER-I. nuxs von. sulph. veratr. rhus. sang. verat. —, deafness, clhinin. rhus. b, bilious ailments, Acos. ant. —, debilit, ancne. ARS. bell. ars. BRY. CHAM. CnINS. Cocc. coloc. bor. eale. canth. CHIN. crotal. laphn. dig. iyn. ipec. Nux vor. ferrt. Hyos. ign. IPEC. kreos. PULS. s.11aph. LACIi. LYC. mere. mez. mz. noseh. bittr F taste, ANT. ara. ai-. N4.TR —I. w-moscl. NUX von.. op. 65 2 FEVER AND FEVERISH CONDITION. Pnos-Ac.-puls. rhab. RHUS. sabad. mtTr-ac. natr-m. op. phoas-a. sep. sulph. tcratr. zinc. stramn. Fever, 1eIiriumn, AcoN.ARs.BELL. Fever, loss of thirst, amm-m. ant. BRY. calc. elain. chin. cin. coloc. ars. bell. CAMPII. eanth. CAPS. dulc. Hyosc. ign. lach.'ux CARB-V. Chain. CIIN., HELL. hep. vor.J OP. phos-ae. plat. PULS. IGN. IPEc. MIEN. iMEC. natr-mn RIIus. sabad. samb. spong. nitr-ae. PULS. rhod. sabad. tart. STRA3I. sulph. veratr. Ingt-arc. mgt-aus., diarlrhcea ant. amr. ars c hain. -—, nmausea, aeon. amm. annc. CIIIN. cic. Ci. CiOIOe. con. Ipvr. ANT. nrg-n. Ans. asar. aur. baryt. n-2mosch. nux vorn. PlospIr. PsIos- bell. BRY. carb-v. chain. chin. ACPULS. RIU s. sil. SULPr. VERATR. c.iinin. chlor. cic. cin. crotal., drowsiness, anbr. arn. ars. dros. ferr. fluor-aec. hep. IrEc. BELL. bor. calad. carb 2y. cham. lach. lye. mere. \Tux vom. op. chlol. cic. coloc. cupr. IIELL. hlep. Po10Spl. PULS. trLs. sabad. sang. Hyosc. ign. lach. Inere. natim-m. SEP. VERATR. Zinc. n-mosch. Op. phosph. PULS. rhus. —, nervousness, aeon. ars. bell. sabad. tart. ther. veratr. bry. chanz. coff. ign. lye. ly. nux, dulness of head, amm. ang,. voln. puls. tener. ars. bell. bry. canlph. caps. carb-, otalgia, calad. graph. ign. v. cupr. ipee. lach. laur. Nux, pain in the chest, aeon. aninm. voar. Ihus. ratal. VALER. veratr. ant. (ae. brv. calad. caps. carb-v. -, eructations, amm. ANTT. Crnu. chin. cil.?pee. kal. lach/. nux cic. lach. nux vorin. rhos. yorm. slabad. seney. -, gastric ailiments, ANT. ARns. -, pains in the eyes, kreos. lact. ASAR. BELL. BraI. CntIAI. (CIt-IN. led. rhod. seneg. cocc. daphlln. I)G. dros.. IpS. —, pains in the legs, laeh. nitr. ~s.atr..nX voW. PuLnLs. rhuis. sabad. phosph. strail. SULm. TA.RT., 1pains in the limbs, arn., grasping at flocks, can. are. acon. Ans. bell. bry. CAPS. CIA[M. bell. chin. cocc. hy/osc. jod. op. Cfm>.cin. COFF. hell. ign. lach. lye. phosph.phos-ac.rhua. strian. d~ulph. miany. mere. natr. NATR-3. Ilitr. -, headache, Aco-. atlnm. anac. Nux voa. plhospll. puals. rhod, any. arg-n. ARN. Arns. BELL. bor. RIus. sabad. sep. stront. sllph. bry. camph. caps. carb-v. chain. VERATR. Chin. chinin. chlor. colac. crotal. -, pain in pit of stomach, amtm. dros. dule. ferl. graph. hell. hep. ant. Ars. earb-v. CIIAn. COCe. TIG. ipee. ka!. kreos. LAca. lCct. cloc. IcN. aErc. NATE-nM. Nux led. LYe. mnagn-c. mang. mere. voar. rhus. sabad. sep. zinc. mez. NATR-M!. NUX VOM. petr. -, pale face, bell. bry. CAMPi. phoslh. PULS. rhod. rhus. ruta. canth. ce.in. cic. cin. coce. dros. seneg. sep. spig. spong. stracn., IGN. ipeC. meZ. I1-imosCIl. PUrS. SULmH. tart. valer. Ingt-aus. RnuIs. sep. sulph. tart. -, jactitatioa of thie limbs, aeon. --, palpitation of heart, calco bell. cham. cin. coff. lach. chin. crotal. lach. mere. rhus., jaundice, ant. ars. cham. chin. sass. sep. spig. sulph. Ilux VoInI. puls. thus. sulph. - paralysis of brain, ais. coloc. -, liver comiplaints, Ars. caps. lye. CmIIN.?nerc. nzs Vorn,. —,prosopalgia,lact.n? om. aon.SiPin., loathing of food, ai on. bry. -, red face, Aco.x amlm-nm. ars. ANT. APs. IPEC. Hal. RlIAB. bar-m. BELL. brv. camnph. carb-v. -, 1o3s of appetite, ANT. arn CHIA3N. C Cx.. cyl. dinc. cale. canth. CmII. con. daphn. I(a,. kreos. lye. mnerc. natr-m. lach. natr-mni. Naux vo-tf. pu el. -Nux von O. op. pule. RIXes. SEP. SABAD. staph. STRAM. SULPL. V ERATR., loss of consciousness, arn. bell., restlessness, Acox. amm. carb-v. coce. hell. Haosc. laeih, anac, ARs. bel. boy. b.r. CHAMs FEVER, ETC. 653 cin. COFF. ipec. LAcaI. magn-m. cin. natr. natr-m. nux vrin. rhus. merc. mur-ac. op. rtius. ruta. sep. sulph. sabad. sabin. sec. Fever commencing Fever, sleeplessness, amm. bor. with Chills, preceded chin. hep. puls. rhod. RIRns. sec. by, are. ARS. bell. calc. carb-v. (see Sleeplessness, Chap. III.) CHIN. Cin. liep. ign. ipec. netr-m., sobbing, bry. ipec. nux vore. phosph. p1uls. rhua., sore throat, bell. con. dros. spong. sulph. mere, phos-ac., colic, ars. chin. rhus. spong. -, splenetic ailments, amr. ars. -, cold feet, carb-v. caps.chamn.chis,.mez. n-voom.sulph. --—, gastric symptoms, chin. cin. stomach-ache, amm. ant. stranm. Aas. carb-v. CIHAM. cocc. coloc., pain in chest, ars. IGN. ITERC. NATR-M. KNux vOM. -, pains in the limbs, arn. Ans. rhus. sabad. sep. zinc. bry. carb-v. cinz. lach. sulph. -, swvelling of tlhe veins, carb-v. -—,stretching, ars.bry.carb-v.ipec. chin. ferr. puls., stupefaction, ars. -, thirst, Aco.. amm. anm-m., taste bitter, hep. anac. ant. bell. bov. bry. calad., thirst, arn. ars. caps. chin. canzth. caps. carb-v. CHAM. cic. lach. magn-c. nux vom. pouls. crotal. dulc. IoN. IPEC. kreos. sep. sulph. lach. laurl. MERc. mur-ac. Nux -, vomit, desire to, chin. cin. vOM. op. PULS. RIiUS. ruta. SEPs., yawning, ars. rhus. SULPI. tart. valer. vcratr. Tngt-arc. ]Fever comnnencing mgt-aus. writ,: --, throbbing, bell. zinc., backache, ars. ipec. tongue coated, ANT. ARS. —, blue nails, cocc. coloc. ign. ipec. lach. natr-m. n- -- bone-pains, arn. carb-v. mosch.'Nux vogi. op. phosph. -, buzzing in ears, ars. PULS. ruta., drowsiness, rhus.,- red, ars. lach. lye. rhus., fainting, ars. -—,~- -- dry, ars. crotal. lach. -, headache, ars. bry. CARB-v lye. natr-m. phosph. rhus. ruta. chin. natr. natr-m. nitr. spong. ~-, white, ARs. ign. lach., hunger, chin. natr-m. n-mosch. nux vom. op. —, malaise, ipec. puls. ruta. -, restlessness, lach. phosph. toothache, carb-v. graph. -, sneezing, cham. kal. lach. rhus. staph., toothache, carb-v., trembling, anac. ARs. carb-a. -, vertigo, ars. bry. chinin. sabad. zinc. -, weakness, Ans. ipec. lach., urticaria, ign. rhus. natr-m. eux voesn. rhus. vascular excitement, ars. Fever comilposed of: boy. fcrr. mosch. phosph. phos- -, chill alternating with heat, ac. sass. SEP,. staph. sulph. agn. ARS. asar. baryt. bell. BRaY. -, vertio, Aco)N.. ARs. bell. bry. CALC. CIHIN. COCC. coloc. lach. caps. carb-v. chinz. chinin. ign. lye. MERC. szatr-m. Nux voe. ipec. lach. laur. mere. natr-m. phosph. phos-ac. rhab. rhod. rhus. Nux vOM. puls. rhus. veratr. sabad. sang. selen. sil. spig., vomiting, ANT. ars. bor. sulph. veratr. caps. chin. cirn. hep. ign. IPEC. —, then heat, veratr. lach. lye. Nux von. PULS. stram. -., then heat and sweat, veratr. bry. yawning, ars. brom. calad., - then sweat, kal. calc. caus. cin. lach. laur. nur- -, chill, then heat, ACON. ac. natr-m. nux vom. oleand. par. amm-m. ARN. baryt. bor. BELL. phosph. sil. teuer. thuj. bry. caps. carb-v. chin. CaN. croc. yellow face, arn. ars. CaIN. cycl. dros. dulc. graph. HEP. ~664 FEVER AND FEVERISH CONDITIONS. hyosc. iq. n. ipec. NATR-M. nitr. Fever composed of: NUX VOM. petr. phosph. phos- —, heat, externally, chill interac. PULS. RHUS. sabad. sec. nally, aeon. ars. bell. calc. coff. SPIG. straru. SULPI. valer. ign. lach. lye. men. nitr. nux vom. veratr. phosph. sep. sil. squill. sulph. Fever composed of:,, internally, chill exter-, chill, with feeling of heat, nally, amrn. bry. Chin. hell. mere. oleand. inosch. phos-ac. puls. rhus. sabad. —,, then partial heat, cyel. spong. stann. veratr. -,, with partial heat, nux, partial, with cold vom. sabad. limbs, bell. chalin. nux vom. (see Chill, partial.) puls. rhus. sulph., with heat, Acox. a nac. -,, of hands and feet, with Ais. asar. BELL. bry. CALC. CIIAMI. cool face, rhab. chin. coce. coff. coloc. HELL. IGN. --,, in tlhe face, then chill,:ipec. lye. MERC. ntitb-ac. Nux voM. calc. sulph. oleand. PULS. rhab. iRues. sabad. - -,, in the head, then chill, SEP. spig. sulph. thuj. veratr. then heat, strain. zinc. - -,, in the head or face, -,, then heat ill the face, with cold hands and feet, amnm. ambr. cycl. petr. arn. aur. lact. ran. rhllod. ruta. -, -, then heat in the head, sabin. squill. stratm. mgt-arc. ipec., heat, then cold hands, calc., chill, with heat, then sweat,,, with shuddering, acon. graph. bell. charn. hell. ign. mere. nux, —, then heat, then sweat, vorn. rhab. sep. amm. amm-m. AR.S. bell. bor. -,, then sweat, ant. ARs. BRY. carb-a. CaIIN. cin. graph. bell. bry. carb-v. CHArM. chin. cia. hep. ign. ipec. LACI. lye. magn- cotf. graph. hep. IGN. IPEC. lach. m. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. plumb. lye. nit -cac. op. puls. ran-sc. Raus. PULS. RHUS. SABAD. sabin. sep. spong. staph. sulph. VERATIR. sulph. VERATR.,, with sweat, aeon. alum. -, -, then heat with sweat, amim-m. BELL. bry. CAPS. CHAM. BELL. bry. caps. carb-v. CIIAM. chiin. cn. con. euphorb. hell. CIIN. cin. daphn. hell. hep. ign. IHEP. iqn. ipec. mere. Nux voNi. nux vom. op.phosph. puls. RHUS. Or. phosph. puls. RHUS. sabad. SABAD. spig. sulph. sep. spig. staph. stram. sulph.,, then heat and partial valer. veratr. sweat, hep.,, with partial sweat, -,, then sweat, Bny. caps. sulph. CARB-A. Caus. dig. LYC. natr-m. —, shuddering, alternating with' petr. phos-ac. RIIus. sabad. THUJ. heat, mere. mosch. nux vom. veratr. mgt-aus. -,, with heat, aeon. bell. —, with sweat, ars. calc. chain. hell. ign. nux vein. rhab. euphorb. led. Lyc. Znx vein zinc. PULs. SABAD. SULPI'. thzuj. -,, with partial heat,, heat, then chill, bell. bry. aeon. nux vom. calc. caps. lye. nux vom. puls. -, then heat, bell. laur. sep. staph sulph. mgt-are.,, with chill, AcoN. anac. —,, then heat in the head ARs. asar. BELL. bry. CALC. CIIAA. and face, Ingt-aus. chin. COCC. COff. Coloc. HELL. I;N,,, then sweat, clem. dig. ipec. ly/e. MERC. nitr-ac. Nux VOM. natr-m. oleand PULS. rhab. RunIs. sabad. Fevers succeeded by: SEP. spig. sulph. thuj. veratr. zinc., bruised feeling, ars. sabad., with chill in face (see buzzing in the ears, lach. Heat). coldness, veratr. FEVIER HLEAT, ETC. 665 Fevers succeeded by: PULS. rhus. SABAD. SAMB. 8eC., colic, boy. hell. tart, SIL. soPng. SQUILL. staph. stront., cough, puls. SULPH. thuj. VALER. VERATR., creeping in the limbs, laeh. Heat,exte rnally, AcoN. analc. ars. -, debility, dig. bell. bry. cale. caiaph. cham. coce. —, diarrhcea, l)hospl. cof.L coloc. con, dulc. hell. hyose., dreanns, ars. plumb. IGN. Vlye men. viere. nitr. nux -—, headaclhe, ars. carb v. eic. vom. op. phosph. plumb. puls. coff hep. lach. plumb. puls. rhus. RHUS. sep. sil. spong. squill. -, hiccough, ars. lach. stram. sulph. #gt-aes., ill humor, sil. -—, feeling of, asar. bell. bry., pain in simall of back, kreos. cae.aV. CmCIN. COFF. ign. LED. magU-, pale face, plumb. c. nitr-ac. oleand. phosph rhus., sleep, ars. chain. op. plumb. SIL. spig. squill. statn. STAPH. rhus. sidph. zinc. myiqf-arc. thirst, ant ars. chin. igy. -, flying, agn. anbr. bell. bor. natr-m. n-vom. rhus. calc. car6-v. dig. graph. hlep. ign. vomiting, chin. cin. hep. jod. Lye. ilagn. merc. nitr-ac. nlach. jugl. oleand. petr. PIIOSPJH. Heat, in general, ACON. ANuM- plumb. rhus. ruta. stang. SEP sil. 3f. ANT. A N. Ars. BELL. baryt. spig. spong. stanza sulph. thij. Bsrsz. bov. broyii. BRY. cale. —, internal, ACON. ARN. AiRS. camphl. CAPS. CAcs. CIIAM. chel. B3ELL. BRY. chain. chel. chin. CIHIN. chlor. CIN. C CFF. coloc. con. IIELL. merc. mosch. nitr-ac, colch. con cupr. CYcL dros. dule. Nux voMl phos-ac. PULS. Rums. ferr. fllluor-ac. GRAPH. IIELL. HEP. sabad. samnb. spig. spong. squill. Hyosc. IGN. jod. IPEc. KAL. lach. stanin. thulj. VERATR. zinc. lact. lyc. m. mawn-c. mang. MERC. -, fron nose and mouth, stront. mez. mnosch. mur-ac. natr-m. Nux, semilateral, puls. rhus, vorf. OP. PHOSPH. PHOS-AC. -., accompanied by: puls. rhab. rhod. rhus. ruta. -, agony, ruta. SABAD. SAMB. SEP. sil. spig. -, anxiety, ACON. atnbr. ARS. SPONG. SQULL. STANN. STAPHE. boy. calc. CRAM. cycl. ferr, lep, STRAIM. stront. sulph. SULPH- ign. IPEc. magn-m. natr-m. Nux AC. tarax. tart. tlher. VALER. vom. op. PHOsPrI. phos-ac. plat. VERATR. ZINC. plumb. PULS. riuta. sep. spong. anxious, ACON. ambr. ARS. STANN. STRAMv. sulph. bov. calc. CHrAIx. cyel. ferr. hep. -, back-ache, arn. camph. caps. igrn. IPEr. magn-c. natr-m. NUx ign. natr-m. rhus. v-oM. op..PHospiT. phos-ac. plat. -, bitter taste, ars. caps. phosph. plumb. PULS. ruta. sep. spong. sep. stann. STRAM. sulphl. -, bloated abdomen, ars. cupr. burning, ACO-N. ARS. bell. nux vom. strain. bism. brom. Bay. canth. caps. —, bloated face, amm-m. ars. CHAxML. chin. Cocc. dulc. hell. HEP. bell. puls Ilyosc. LkcIi. laur. lyc. mere. -, bone-pain, ign. puls. mosch. nux vos op. puls. rhus. -. breathing difficult, aeon. sabin. sang. SQUILL. STANN. anac. ars. boy. camph. CARB-V. staph. coce. ign. ipec. lye. mere. phosph. -, dry, ACON. arn. ARS. bar- phos-anc. puls. ruta. m. BELL. bisot.BRY. cal.C. camph. -, burning in the veins, ars. cans. chin. cocc. C OFF. 3olCh. Co- -, buzzing in ears. Nux vom. 1.oc. con. DULC. ferr. graph. HEP. —, canine hungrer, bry. chin. IoN. ipec. kal. LACH. lact. lvce. Cvs. PHOSPH. MERC. natr. nitr. nitr-ac. Nuux, cold face, ipec. rhab. spong. yOe. op. PHOSPH. phos-ac. prun. -, cold knees, agn 566 FEVER lAND FEVERISH CONDMrIONS. Heat, accompanied by: Heat, accompanied by: -, colic, ars. caps. carb-v. cin. -, nervousness, ACON. ARS. bell. mosch. puls. nrhus. valer. BR3y. bov. CHAMT. cin. COFF. con. -, constipation, calad. cupr. ipec. LACIL. magln-m. mur-ac. op. dule. lye. nux yorn. rnta. sabin. sec. mgt-arc., crying, spig. spong. -, pains in chest, acon. ars. bov. -, debility, anac. arg. bell. bry. caps. carb-v. chin. cin. ipec. nux CaLc dig. ign. laur. men. mere. volne. kal. mere. puls. natr-m. Nux vouI. PirosePI. plumb. *, pain in legs. caps. carb-v. pUls. rhus. spig. veratr. lact. -, delirium, ACON. ars. BELL. -, pains in the limbs, amr. calc. BRY. carb-v. CHAI. chinl. Cil. caps. carb-v. chin. ign. puls. rhus. COFrI. dule. hep. Hyiosc. ign. lach. sep. nitr-ac. OP. puls. sabad. spong., pain in liver, ars. VERATR., pain in pit of stomach, ars., diarrhcca, con. mere. PuLS. bry. earb-v. cin. sep. RHUS. —, pain in small of back, kal. - drowsiness, calad. caniph. -, pale face, bell. cin. cocc. IPEc. hep. ign. OP. spong. strain. ve- lye. PULs. rhus. SEP. spong. ratr. - palpitation of the heart, -, dry mouth, asar. coff. nitr-ac. ACON. cale. igl. MIERC. sass. SEP. Nux vox-4. phosph. phos-ac. sabad. SULH!. sep. spig. valer., irage, beli. veratr., dry tongue, ars. -, red cheeks, Aeon. CrA.M. dulness of head, alg. arg. chin. cocc. ferr. hyosc. Nux voM. ars. bell. bry. chanl. ign. phosph. rhus. sulph. puls. sep. VALER. VERATR., red face, aeon. agar. alum., eyes, affection of the, carb- atnm-m. BELL. BRY. camp. earb-v. v. hyosc. lye. NATE-M. puls. spig. chain. chin. coce. cq/ con. cycl. valer. dulc. IG.N. kreos. LYC. natr-m. —, eyes, weakness of, carb-v. nux vom. Or. puls. rhus. SEP. NATR-M. spig. STRAM3. SULPI. VERATR. zinc. -, fainting, nux vom. -, red lobules, camph. -. groaning, cham. puls. -, red skin, ars. canth., head-ache, AcoN. arg. Ans, -, red urine, nux vorn. VERATR. BELL. bor. bry. calc. calph. caps. ---—, sleeplessness, cham. chin. carb-v. chin. cin. cupr. dros. cocc. ign. laur. mosch. nux vom. dulc. graph. hep. hyose. ign. PULS. ran. ran-sc. sabin. staph. ipec. KAL. men. mosch. INATR-TM. veratr. Nux vous. PuLS. rhus. rutal.SABAD. -, sore throat, mosch. phosph. sep. sil. spig. spong. staphl. slph. PnIos-ac. sep. tart. valer., spleen, hard and painful, ars. -, heat in chest, amm-m. mez., hot palate, dulc. -—, stomach-ache, ars. bry. carb-, loss of appetite, con. v. cin. sep. -, loss of thirst, agn. arg. ARS. -, stretching, rhus. sabad. BELL. bry. calc. CAMPH. canth. -, stupor, ars. camph. chanm. CAPS. CARB V. CtEL. CHIN. cin. dulc. Hyiosc. laur. naLr-m. Or. cocc. coff. cyc. IIELL. hep. IGN. Pnios-Ac. PULS. sep. IPEC. lach. led. magn-c. mang. -, sweat in face, puls. spong. MEN. MIERC. mur-ac. nitr. nitr-ac. sulph. valer. N-MOSCH. NXux vour, phosph, —, sweat on forehead, ipec. phos-ac.ePULS. rhab. Rnus. SA- magn-carb. sass. veratr. BAD. samb. sep. SPIG. spong. -, swelling of veins, bell. camph. SQUILL. staph. sulph.tarax. veratr. CHIN. coCC. Cycl. PULs. rhus. mgtmgt-arc. mgt-au,. are. HEAT, ACCOMPANIED BY, ETC. 657 Heat, accompanied by: Heat occurring: -, tenesmus of rectunm, caps. --—, when bending forward, -, thirst, ACORN. aCnmqn. atiac. merc-c. ang. ARN. ars. asar. BELL. bov. -, after chagrin, petr. sep. RRY. calad. CALC. cann. caps., when drinking coffee, rhus. carb-v. CHAM. CHIN. cin. cocc. -, after eating (see Chap. XVII.) ferr. HEP. HYosc. ign. ipec. kal. —, after an embrace, nux vom. LACH. laur. bMERc. mez. natr., in the evening, agn. alum. INATR-M. nitr. nitr-ac. Nux voM. ammz. anac. ANG. ant. am. ARS. petr. plat. PULS. ran-se. R-IUS. borS.BRY. calad. calc. carb-a. carbSEC. sep. sil. spig. spong. staph. v. CIITA. chin. ferr. hell. graph. stann. strarn. SULPIl. thluj. VALER. I/ep. hyosc. ipec. kal. lach. laur. VE~RATn, lye. magn-rn. MEN. MIuEnc. mur-ac. -, toothlacehe, hyosc. rhus. snatr-n. PHOSPH. PHIOS-AC. plat. ~-, trenbling, calc. camph. puls. rhus. ruta. sass. sep. spig. inagn-c. piat. puls. sep. stann. strain. SULPIT. sulph-ac. —, uncover oneself, desire to, tart. teucr. thuj. valer. zinc. coff. mosch. mur-ac. nux vorn., in bed, amnm. arn. bor. op. plat. puls. rthus. veratr. mgt- BaY. CALC. cham. hell. magn-c. are. magn-m. mere. natr. nitr. nux, dread of, chin. coff. vom. PULS. RHUS. sulph. ]ach. magn-c. nux vom. PULS. -, in the forenoon, amm. calc. rhus. samr). stram. mgt-aus. magn-c. phosph. sass. - vascular excitement, AnN. -:, in the morning, bor. BRY. ars. bell. cocc. ferr. phos ac. cham. chin. coff. cycl. euphr. rhus. sass. staph. KAL. lact. lye. magn-m. meph. -, vertigo, AcoN. arg. ars. bell. Nux Vo-N. puls. sep. staph. BRY. carb-v. croc. ign. ipec. laur. SULPH. magt. led. magn-m. moscl. MErnc. natr- —, after motion, amm-m. canth. m. nux veon. p hosph. PUes. sep. caus. nitr-ae. phosph. sep. spong. strani. stann., vomit, desire to, acon. anae. —, during motion, ant. bell. bry. arg. ars. baryt. bry. CARn-v. chel. campll. led. nux vom. oleand. Clc. cocc. dros. fluor-ac. ipec. samb. spig. spong. stann. tart. iach. mere. nitr-ac. nux vom. -, at night, alum. amm. anlm-m. par. phosph. puls. sep. strain. anac. ant. arn. ARS. baryt. bar-rn. -, vomiting, ars. bell. bry. cham. BELL. bor. BRrY. CALC. CANTIH. cin. con. ipee. laclh. Nux vo-N. carb-a. carb-v. CAUS. chamn. cof. stram. con. COLCH. dule. graph. HEP. iga., yawning, cale. kal. sabad. kal. LACI. lact. laur. led. magn-e., yellow face, ars. cin. natr- magn-m. meph. aterc. natr-m. m. nitr. nitr-ac. nsiux retO. PETE. Heat commencing with phosph. pllhos-ac. PULS. ran. or preceded by: ran-sc. rhod. rhus. sabin. sec. sep., cough, cale. SIL. SPil. STAPIL stront. sutlph., thirst, chin. natr. puls. sabad. tlhuj. sveratr. viol-tric. mngt-larc. y, awning, cale. sabad. —, during the pains, carb-v. Heat occurring:, in a room, amm-m. ipec., in the afternoon, anim-m. magn-m. nitr. puls. rhus. anae. ang. asa. asar. bry. calad. —, when sitting, alum. graph. chin. coff. ipee. NITR-AC. N"UX Inang. phospli. sep. valervoM. phosph. puls. rhus. squili. -., during sleep, con. dule. petr. stann. sulph. viol-tric. -, of affected parts, aeon. bry., when smoking, cic. sep. sulph. -, during a serious talk, sep., from drinking beer, bell. ferr., on waking, (see Chap. IX.) 28* 658 FEVER ArND FEVERISH CONDITIONX, Heat occurring: nitr-ae. nux vom. phosph. plumb,, after walking in the open rhus. sep. spong. stann. staplI. air, amm. amm-m. arg. camih. stram. sulph. thuj. CI.IN. hep. Ntrx vos. phos-ac. Sweeat, biting, CHAM. con. ipec. rhus. sep. spig. staph. mgt-aus.; smelling of blood, lye. -, after drinking wine, carb-v. -, bloody, crotal. lach. n-mosch. natr-m. -, clammy, AcaN. anac, arnm, during work, mere. oleand. ARs. bry. calc. carnph. carb-a,, during manual work, rere. GCAM. chin. daphn. dig. ferr. Heat succeeded by: hep. lach. LYC. mere. nux vom. -,debility, dig. PHOSPH. phos-ac. plumb. sec., thirst, armmn-n. chin. coff. spig. tart. VERATP. vomiting and headache, hep. —, cold, aeon. ambr. arn. ARS, EIorripilation (see Shudder- nsa. au-r. bar-in. BRY. CAMPH. ing). CANN. canth. caps. CARB-v. CHIN. Slihddering (see Chill and CIN. (ocC. COff. CUPR. dig. DTLc. Chilliness, the whole chapter), ferr. hell. IEP'. HYosC. IGN. IPEC, AcoN. alumn. am. anac. ang. ARG. lach. lyc. vmerc. natr. Nux vroMr. ARS. asa. asar. BARYT. bell. bor. pets. plumb. PULS. rhab. sabad, bry. calad. calc-ph. camph. caus. SEC. sep. staph. straam. sulph. ClGIuA. chel. CHIN. ilm. CLr. L. lph-ac. TART. VERATR. mngt ccgf. colch. guaj. hep. hyosc. IGN. arc. ipec. kal. lact. laur. LED. magn- -, of covered parts, aeon. bell, 7m. men. mere. mosch. mur-ac. -, critical, bry. NJXS VOM. OLEAN)D. phoisph. -, exhausting, aeon. ambr. am. phos-ac. plat. PULS. rhab. RHus. ars. BRY. calc. canth. CARB-A. RUTA. sabad. SABIN. sass. seneg. CHrN. coce. croc. ferr. graph. sep. sil. spig. spong. STAPH. thllj. hyosc. jod. lye. mere. natr-m. veratr. verb. zinc. mgt-arc.nagt aus. nitr. nux vom. phosph. SAMB. -, semilateral, baryt. bell. bry. sep. sil. stcan. sulph. veratr. caus. cham. cocc. lye. nux vom. -, fetid, ammz-rn. ars. BARYT. puls. rhus. verb. bell. canth. carba. coloc. con., shifting about, baryt. chain. DULC. ferr. fluor-ac. GRAPH. HEP, rhuls. h-al. lach. led. lyc. magn-c. mere, Sudor anglicus, ACON. MITR-AC. NuS VOMf. PsIOSPH. PULS. BRY. ipec. thus. samb. rhod. rha.s. SELEN. sep. sil. spig. Sweat, AcoN. ambr. amm. aomn- STAPH. sulph. veratr. mgt-arc. in. am. ARn. baryt. BELL. bor., flies attracting, calad. bry. CALC. caps. CARB-A. CARB-V., greasy, agar. bry. chin. magnchlor. CAUS. CHtAM. CHIN. cn. c. mere. strain. Cocc. COFF. co1OC. con. dros, dulc. -, hot, ant. bell. bry. camph. ferr. GRAPIT. guaj. hell. HEP. chain. chin. hell. lach. Op. hyosc. igm. ipee. KAL. lach. led. phosph. sabad. stann. strain. lye. MERc. natr. NATR-rM. nitr., itching, cann. ipec. led. qitr-ac. Nux voNr. OP. PuIosPII. mang. Or. par. rhod. phos-ac. PULs. rhab. rhod. RHUS. —., musty smell, nux vom. stann. SABAD. sabiZ. SAMB. SELEN. Illgt-arc. S4,P. Sii,. spig. spong. stansz. -, onions, smelling of, bov. SiAPrr. stram. SeLPl. sulph-ac. -, partial, anac. ars. bell, calc. TARAx. tart. thj. valec. VERATR. carb-v. chain. coloc. con. dig. lye. amnt-arc. mgt-aus. mang, mere. nitr-ac. mnx voin. -, of affected parts, ambr. phosph. puls. sep. stann. sulph. mere. stront. tart., pungent, bell. sulph. mgt-arc. -, anxious, ant. am. ars. calc. -, having a putrid smell, carbcaus. cham. cic. ferr. graph. v. nux vom. staph. stram. man. mere. me. mez ur-ac. natr. —, semilaterl, ambr. baryt, bey, 8WEAT. 659 cham. chin. cocc. fluor-ac. ign. con. hep. ragn m. mere. natr, nux vom. PULS. rhlab. rhus. spig. natr-m. nux vom. op. phosph. sulph. PULS. rhus. stram. veratr. Sweat, semilateral, left side, Sweat, accomnpanied fluor-ac. by: —, sour smelling, acon. arm. -, uncovering one's self, dread ARS. ASAR. bell. bry. carb vr. caes. of, stront. chain. ferr. fluor-ae. hep. hyose. —, urine, copious, acon. bell. jod. ipec. kal. led. Lyc. magn. dulc, phosph. mere. NITR-AC. 11UX vom. puls. Sweat, commencing rhus. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. wvith: SULPI. VERATR. -, thirst, coff. thuij., with spicy smell, rhod. -, ending with, staining, ars. bell. carb-a. thirst, bor. lye. nux vom. sabad. graph. lach. magn-c. gmere. rhab. -, occurring: selen. -, of affected parts, ambr. cocc. -, yellow, ars. bell,. graph. MERC. strain. stront. tart. magn-c. mere. rhab. -, on the affected side, ambr., stiffening the linen, mere. -, in cold air, bry. carb-a. caus. selen. chin. guaj. nux vom.,urinous, canth. coloc. nitr-ac., when coughing (see Chap, Sweat, accompanied XXVIII.) by: —, in the day time, readily, cough, bry. mur-ac. rhus. agar. ambr. antm-m. anac. asar --, crying loud, anthrokokali. bar-m. bell. brom. bry. CALC., debility, Ans. cans. chinin. carb-a. carb-v. caus. CHIN. dule. hep. hyosc. jod. laur. mere. rhod. ferr. graph. guaj. hep. KAL. sep. stann. lach. led. LYc. NATR. NATR-M. dry mouth, bry. magn-m. nux nitr-ac. nux vom. petr. phosph. vom. phos-ac. puls. rhab. rhod rhus. fainting, ars. selen. SEP. SIL. spig. stann. staph., fornication, rhod. str:Lm. SULPH. sulph-ac. tart., gastric ailments, ars. baryt. VERATR. zinc. hep. lach. mere. nitr-ac. nux -:, when eating (see Chap. vom. sulph. veratr. XVII.) -, headache, caus. lach. sep. -, in the evening. anac. ammsulph. m. ARs. asar. bar!/t. bell. bor., loss of thirst, ars. carb-v. eu- bov. cale. CHAM. CHIN. chinin. phorb. ign. ipec. lye. nux vom. con. graph. hep. MEN. mere. murphosph. sabad. sep. ac. nitr. op. phos-ac. puils. rhus-, pain in chest, bry. sass. sep. spong. SULILI. tarax. pains disappear, calad. VERATR. -, pains in the limbs improved, -, during mental labor, bor. ACON. nux vorn. graph. hep. sep. sulph., pain of the parts on which -, after midnight, ambr. ammone lies, nux vom. m. arg. dros. ferr. graph. hep. -, pain when uncovered, stront. lye. ciagn-c.magn-. mere. an-m. mernux, restlessness, anthrokokali. vom. phosph. plumb rhus. sabry. bad. saimb. staph. -, sleep, ars. mere. op. puls. -, before midnight, mur-ac. sabad.,, in the morning, aeon. amm. sleeplessness, anac. BRY. amm-m.. arg-n. ars. aur. bell. lIov. chainm. jod. natr-m. nitr-ac. rhus. BRY. CALC. canth. carb-a. carb-v. tarax. causs. clh am. chel. CHIN. cic. cleam. —, sobbing bTy- coce. coloc. con. dros. euphorb. -,thii t, ar& obab.: chin. coff. ferr. ofoej. H.l Ap,i kal. 660 }MIND AND DISPOSITION. lach. lye. magn-c. mverc. Moscr-. calc. con. ferr. phos-ac. rhus. sep. NATR. NATR-n. nitr. nitr-ac. NUX spong. staph: sulph. sulph-ac. VOM. op. par. P1IOSPH. phos- Sweat, occurring: ac. PULS. Rnvs. selen. SEP. sil. -, when commencing to sleep, STANN. suilph. sulph-ac. veratr. ars. con. mur-ac. thuj. veratr. zinc. —, during sleep, ayar. ant. bell. Sweat, occurring: bor. carb-a. con. CHAir. CHIN. cic. -, at night, acon. agar. alum. dig. euphr. ferr. hyosc. kal. me. anmbr. AiMn. amm-m. anac. arg. nair-m. nitr-ac. nux vom. OP. arg-n. arn. Aas. aur. BARPYT. bell. phosph. phos ae. plat. prun. bor. BraY. CALC. canth. carb-a. PIuLS. rhod. rhus. selen. sep. CARB-v. canes. chain. chel. CmIN. sulph. zinc. cic. cocc. coloc. con. cupr. daphn. —, when talking, graph. jod. dig. dros. dulc. euphr. ferr. graph. sulph. he1;. 1IEP. jod. ipec. KAL. LACI., when walking, agar. ambr. Lye. magn-c. magn-m. mere. cale. kal. led. natr-m. selen. sil.,nur-ac. NATR. nctr-mr,. -, - in the open air, bry. NITR-AC. N-VOM. PETE. PIHOSPtI. carb-a. caus. chin. guaj. nux PHOS-AC. PULS. RHUs. sabad. voM?. sabin. SArBH. SEP. SIL. spong. -, during work, exercise, slight, STANN. STAPIr. strama. stront. agar. ambr. amnm-tz. anac. asar. SULPHI. tart. veratr. viol-od. bar-m. bell. brom. bry. CALC. viol-tric. zinc. nzgt-arc. carb-a. carb-v. caus. CHIN. dulc. during the pains, acon. cham. ferr. graph. guaj. hep. KAL. chin. dulc. lach. lye. mere. NATR. lach. led. LYC. mere. N-ATR. rhus. stram. NATR-M. nitr-ac. nux vorn. petr. -, after rage, cupr.. phosph. phos-ac. puls. rhab. rhod., during rest, anac. asar. calc. rhus. selen. SEP. SIL. spig. stann. con. ferr. phos-ac. rhus. sep. staph. stram. SULPH. sulph-ac. spong. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. tart. VERATR. zinc. -, when sitting, ANAC. asar. CHAPTER V. MIND AND DISPOSITION. (TEMPERAMENT.) Absent-minded, agn. ALUA. Absurd Actions (see Mania). AMm. amm-m. anac. ang. ARN. Airs, high, cupr. ferr. hyosc. lyc. asar. baryt. bell. bov. calc. cann. STRAM. veratr. caps. CAUS. CHAM. chin. coff. Alienation, mental, acon. colch. con. croc. crotal. graph. 2Eth. agar. ant. arg-n. am. ARS. hell. hep. kal. lye. magn-c. mang. aur. BELL. CALC. camph. cann. mere. mez. natr. NATR-N.'Nux canth. carb-a. cham. chinin. cic. voM. OLEAND. phosph. phos-ac, cocc. con. Cnoc. crotal. CuPR. plat. plumb. puls. rhod. sass. dig. dulc. HYOS. kal. LACH. S iP. sil. pig. spong. stann. sulph. le. lye. MERc. mez. mosh natr sulphace, thuj. verb. magt,. m. n~mosA. NUX VOM. OP ALIENATION, ETC. 661 phosph. phos-ac. PLAT. plumb. spong. staph. stront. sulph. sulphPULS. rhod. RHus. see. sep. SIL. ac. thuj. VERATR. mygtarc. stram. sulph. tart. veratr. Anguish, Anxiety. Alienation, after menstrual -, driving one about, ACON. suppression, Puls. alum. ambr. A-I. anac. ARS., after paralysis, or suppressed asa. aur. BELL. bov. BRY. CALC. eruption, Bell. eamph. caps. carb-a. CARB-V. -, of lying-in women, Bell. caus. CHAM. chin. chinin. coff. A lone, disposed to be, aur. BELt,. croc. crotal. dros. GRAPH. hell. carb-a. chin. cic. con. cupr. ycl. R[-EPr. lact. men. MERC. natr. dig. eugen. graph. IGS, led. lye. natir-n. nitr-ac. nux vorm. op. magn-m. men. nux vom. rthus. phos-2oh. phos-ac. plat. puls. rhus. sep. mgt-aus. ruta. SABAD. sep. spig. spong. Amorous mnood, ant. hyosc. staph. valer. veratr. rzgt-arc. straim. verair. - hypochondriac, am. ars. asa. Anthrophobia, neon. AInnT. calad. canth. cham. dros. natr. anac. aur. 1br//t. bell. cie. con. natr-m. nitr-ac. phosph. phos-ac. HYosc. kal-bi. lyec. merc. NATR. valer. PULS. rhus. selen. stann. sulph. -, paroxysms of, arn. ars. CHAAn. Anguish, Anxiety, AcoN. cocc. natr. natr-m. phosph. plat. zEth. alum. ambr. anmn. amm-m. sep. spong. SULPI. anac. arg. AnN. ARS. Aur. BA- -, tremulous, ambr. ars. aur. RYT. bar-mn. BELL. BRY. calad. cale. carb-v. caus. CRAM. coff. CALC. CArIpr. cann. canth. croc. cupr. graph. lach. magn-c. CARB-v. CAUS. CHAM. CuIN. mosch. NATR. phosph. puls. rhus. chlor. cie. cin. Cocc. COFF. coloc. sass. sep. CobN. crotal. Curn. cycl. DiG. dros. Anguish accompanied euphorb. Evon. ferr. fluor-ac. by GRAPI. grat. HELL. HEP. IIYosc. -, bitter mouth, amm-m. bell. jatr. IGN. jod. ipec. kal. LAc. —, breathing, difficult, aeon. lact. LAUR. led. LYc. magn-mu. arnbr. atmm. anac. ars. bor. cale. mang. men. MIERC. mosch. mur- carb-v. cocc. HEP. jod. lact. lyc. ae. NATR. NTATR-MI.NiTR-AC. NUTX nitr-ac. nux vom. rhus. sil. spig. VOM. petr. PHOSPH. PLAT. veratr. pluInb. PULS. ran-se. RKnus. ruta., cold feet, graph. sabad. sang. sass. SEc. seneg. -, cold hands, graph. puls. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. squill. -, colic, alum. amm-m. ars. aur. stann. staph. STRAM. stront. bor. bov. cham. cupr. sep. SULPH. sulph-ac. tart. thuj. va- -, congestion of the head, aeon. ler. VERATR. viol-tric. mgt-arc. carb-v. laur. magn-c. phosph. puls., apprehensive of death, AeoN. sulph. alum. amm. Ais. asa. aur. caps. -, debility, aeon. agn. alum. Coco. con. cupr. graph. hell. A:N. ang. ars. aur. bor. calc. hep. ipec. lye. mosch. natr-m. carb-a. carb-v. caus. cic. ign. nitr-ac. Nux vor. phosph. plat. magn-c. nitr. phosph. rhus. sil. puls. rhab. rhus. squill. sulph. veratr. --—, apprehensive of evil, AcoN., drowsiness, ars. bor. led. agar. alum. amm. anac. ant. arn. nux vom. rhus. ARS. aur. baryt. bry. calad. -, fainting, ars. cic. ign. magncarb-a. carb-v. caus. chin. cin. m. nitr-ac. op. ran. COCC. COFF. cycl. dig. dros. -, gastric ailments (nausea, dulc. euphorb. ferr. graph. hell. vomiting, etc.) alum. amm-nt. hyose. kal. lach. magn-c. men. ars. bar-m. calc. cupr. nitr-ac. mere. mur-ac. NATR-u. nitr-ac. nux vom. phosph. puls. Nux voM. PETa. PHosrP. pu18., headache, aeon. alum. bell. rhus. ruta. sabin. sop. sit. spig. boy. cale. carb.v. caus. graph. 662 MIND AND DISPOSITION. laur. magn-c. phosph. puls. ruta. AMin. ars. baryt. bell. bry. calad. sulph. CALC. carb-a. CARB-V. caus. chin. Anguish, accompanied cocc. dig. graph. hep. laur. lye. by: magn-c. mere. natr. nitr-ac. nux -, hot face, Acox. arg-n. bell. vomn. phosph. puls. rhus. ruta. carb-v. graph. mere. sabin. sep. sil. stront. SULPH. ve—, hot hands, carb-v. ratr. -, hot head, carb v. laur. magn- Anguish occurring: c. phosph. sulph. -—, when falling asleep (see -, noise in the ear, puls. Chap. III.), obscured sight, arl-n. staph. -, early in the morning, alum. —, pains about the heart, baryt. anac. ARS. carb-a. carb-v. caus. carb-v. cham. nitr-ac. r:us. spong. chin. GRAPH. ign. ipec. led. lye. -, pains in tile limbs, ars. bell. magn-c. magn-m. nitr-ac. nux -, pale face, puls. veon. phosph. plat. puls. rhus., palpitation of the heart sep. sulph-ac. VERATR. (comp.Chap. XXX.), aeon. alum. -—, at nirht, acon. alum. amm-m. amm. asp. bor. calc. CH.aM. ferr. amn. ARS. baryt. BELL. BRY. ign. mosch. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux C.AL. cann. carb-a. carb-v. caus. vom. phosph. plat. PULs. sil. cham. CHIN. cin. cocc. dig. ferr. tart. veitltl. GRAPH. HEP. HYosc. ION. kal. -, red face, AcoN. sep. lye. magn-c. mere. natr. natr-mn. -., sleeplessness aeon. agar. nitr-ac. nux vom. petr. phosph. am. ARS. baryt. BELL bry. carb- plumb. PULS. ran-se. 1Rus. saa. carb-v. caue. CHA.Mr. chin. chi- bad. sep. sil. sulph.VERtATR. zinc. nin. cocc. COFF. con. Cupr. ferr. -, during the pains, ARs. caus. GRAPH. HEP. HYOSC. kal. lanr. natr. magn-c. MERC. natr. natr-m. nitr- -, when riding in a carriage, ac. ran. ran-sc. sabin. sep. sil. bor. lach. sulph. thuj. veratr. mgt-arc. -, when shaving, calad. -, stomach-ache, bar-m. cale. -, when talking, alum. ambr. carb-v. cham. ferr. graph. mere. plat. -, stupefaction, alum. bov. caus. -., during a thunder storm, sil. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. phosph., sweat (see Chap. IV., Sweat, --, at twilight, CALC. rhus. anxious). -, when waking (see Chap. III.) -:, sweat in the face, ars. cic., at work, graph. jod. mur-ac. natr. Anxiety, oppressive, aeon. -, sweaty hands, cham. mere,. alum. amm-m. ARN. Ars. BELL. -, sweaty head, forehead, ars. calad. calc. CANTH. CAUS. chanm. carb-v. nux vom. phosph. sep. chel. chin. cin. coc. DIG. -, thirst, cupr. euphorb. GRAPH. jod. lact. men., trembling hands, amm. cic. MERC. MuR-Ac. rhus. sep. sil. plat. puls. spig. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. tart. —, vascular excitement, anac. veratr. zinc. baryt. bry. calc. Apathy, (see Indifference.), vertigo, bar-n. seneg. sil. Apprehensive, AcoN. amm. veratr. [BARYT. BELL. BRY. CALC. carbAnguish occurring: a. carb-v. clem. Cocc. COFF. -, in the open air, anac. arg. colch. con. cupr. dig. graph. hell. bell. cin. hep. ign. lach. plat. hep. hyosc. IGN. jod. ipec. kal.,when alone, dros. mez. PnosPH. lach. lact. laur. magn-c. mang. --—, after chagrin, lye. veratl: men. mere. mur-ac. natr-m. nux, in a crowd, BELL. lye. petr. vom. phosph. puls. rhus. ruta. after eating (see Chap. XVII). sabin. spong..sulph. sulpk-ae. in the evening, alum. arbr. veratr. MiTARO. mgt-s. AVERSION TO OTHERS, AWKWARDNESS, ETC. 663 Aversion to others, amm- jod. lye. oleand. rhus. stram. calc. fluor-ac. ther, —, to one's business, brom. puls. Confounding objects SEP. and ideas, cale. cann. hyosc. -, to laughing, ambr, nux vom. plat. SuLPH., to music, acon. nux vom. Contemptuoils mood, sabin. alumn. ARS. CHIN. guaj. ign. -, to playing of children, baryt. ipec. LACH, par. PLAT. pulS. Awkwardness, ambr. anac. Contradict, disposed to, bov. CAPS.. NAT NAT a. CAUS. ferr. Nux vomx. sass. sulph. ig.l. ]ach. mere. OLEAND. ruta. Barking, bell, canth. Cowardly disposition, 1Beside one's self, ACON. baryt. anac. AnN. ARs. baryt. BELL. Cruelty, anac. op. cale. cnarb-a. carb-v. caus. CH,~t. Cunning, bell. CHIN. COFF. con. capr. draos. Dantcing, aeon. BELL. CIc. GRAP-I. IGXS kal.lyc. MAEIC. natr. hyosc. natr-m. Ihos-ac. plat. nitr. Nux vo-ir. phosph. phos-ac. STRA'M. plumb. PvLs. sec. sep. sil. spig. Deliriuin tremens, aeon. stann. stram. sulph. tart. ther. arar. ant. arn. ARS. bell. CALC. veratr. verb. carb-v. chin. COFF. dig. HELL. Biting l[ania, BELL, canth. HYosc. ign. LACH. led. lye. mere. cupr. see. strana. veratr. ntr. natr-m. n-mosch. NUX Bold Manners, aneon. agar. VOM. OP. PULs. ran. rhod. rhus. alum. bov. IGN.. mere. OP. sulph. ruta. selen. sil. spig. STRAM. mgft-arc. SULPIn. sulph-ac. veratr. zinc. Brooding mood, alum. arn. Deriding, contemptuaur. canth. caps. caus. cham. ous mood, alum. ARS. cycl. euphr. hell. ipec. mez. mur- CHIN. guaj. ign. ipec. LACH. ac. nux vom. oleand. op. sulph. par. PLAT. Calumuiate, mania to, ipec. Desire for one thing or Censorious mood, aceon. another, ars. BaY. cham. allmrn. arnm. ARS. aur. bell. bor. chin. cin. DULC. ign. ipec. PULS. cale-ph. CAPS. cans. chain. chin. rhab. hyosc. ign. LACH. lye. MERC. Despondency, ACON. alum. mez. iosch. NATR-Ml. NUX VOMi. am t)r. r, r's.. a. r. CALC. petr. sep. staph. VERATR. canth. carb-a. carb-v. caus. chin. Cheerfull, ang. arg. ars. aur. cocc. colch. dig. graph. hyosc. BELL. bor. bov. cann. canth. IGN. LACH. Iyc. nata. natr-m. caps. carb-v. caus. chinin. COFF. nitr-ac. PULS. rhus. stram. SULPH. CROC. cycl. LACH. laur. LYc. tart. VALER. VERATR. mere. NATR-M. nitr-ac. OP. petr. Disconsolate, ACON. ambr. phosph. phos-ac. PLAT. plumb. ARS. CHAM. COFF. dig. lye. ruta. sabad. sass. seneg. spig. natL. NUX VOM. phosph. plat. squill. stann. STRAM. tarax. teler. SPONG. STRAM. sulph. veratr. ther. thuj. valer. VERATR. Discouraged, ACON. ang. zinc. agar. aium. ambr. ANAC. arn. Cold Temperament, plat. AUR. baryt. bry. calc. canth. sabad. squill. carb-a. carb-v. CAUS. CHANM. chin. Comnpany, dread of, (see chinin. cocc. cof. colch. CON. Alone, disposed to be.) cupr. dig. graph. hep. hyosc. -, dread of the company of ign. ipec. jod. kal. LACFI. LAun. females, puls. LYC. mere. mur-ac. NATR. natr-m. Confidence in one's- nitr. nitr-ac. nux vom. oleanid. self, want of, anac. ang. op. PIETR. phosph. phos-ac. aur. basft ceanth. chlor. ign. plumb. PULS. ran. rhus. sabin. 664 MIND AND DISPOSITION. sec. SEP. sil. spig. STANN. stram. Fear of, death, ACON, agnr sulph. sulph-ac. tart. ther. valer. alum. anac. ARS. BELL. bry, VERATR. vdrb. zinc. MGT-ARC. Cal. coce. cupr. dig. graph, Disputative, camph. caus. HEP. IPEC. LACH. MOSCH. nitr. ferr. lach. mere. nitr-ac. nux vom. PLAT. PULS, Dominieer, desire to, lye. lius. sec. squill. strain. ZINC. Doubtful, ars. aur. baryt. -, of disease, bor, CALC, chin. graph. mur-ac. nux vom. -, of dogs, caus. CHIN, sil. sulph. thnj. mgt-arc. —, of being eaten, stranm, Embarrassed in come -, of ghosts, aeon. ARs. carb-v. pany, ABRa. cocC. dcros. phosph. PULs. ran, Ennui, alum. baryt. con. lach, stranm. SULP.1. zinc. lve. magn-m. NATR. niZr.;Nux -, of imaginary things, bell. vo. pets. plumb. zinc. -, of being poisoned, I-yose. EnvyL, ARS. BRY. calc lye. RIIms. PULS. sep. —, of beinng sold, TIYosc. Envy, cupidity, ana ch. lah. -, of solitude, Ans. con. dros. LYC. PULS. kal. Lyc, ran. Escape, desire to, AeoN. BELL,. --, of thieves, alum. ARS. aur, BRY. CoLoc. cupr. dig. hyosc. bell. con. ign. LACHM magn-c. lach. NUx voM,'. PULS. STRAM. magn-m. mere. natr. natr-m. veratr. phosplh. sil. veratr. zinc. Exaltation, see Irritated Fitful mood, ACON. agn. ]Mind. ALux. almlbr. anac. arg. ars. AUR, Express himself, unable BELL. bor. bov. cann. caps. to, see Chap. XI., Weaknessof carb-a. caus. chin. cocc. coccMind. cact. CROC. cycl. dig. ferr, Fancies, see Illusions. graph. hyosc. IGN. jod. kal. lye. Fancy, excess of, agar. alum. men. mere. imez. natr. natr-m. ambr. anac. ang. ant. arn. ars. nitr-ac. n-mosch. petr. PLAT. asa. aur. bry. calc. cann. canth. ran. sass. SEP. spig. spong. caus. chin. coff. con. croc. dig. staph. STRtAM. sulph-ac. tart, graph. hyosc. kal. lach. lact. lye. ~V[LER. veratr. ZINC. maqt-arc. meph. mur-ac. nux vom. oleand. Fixed notions, acon. AN-AC. op. phosph. phos-ac. puls. sil. AUR. BELL. calc. chain. chin. sulph. valer. veratr. verb. viol- CIC. cocc. con. croc. CUPr. dros. od. Hyosc. IGN. jod. LACa. magn-c. Fear, aeon. alum. Almr. anac. plat. rhus. sabad. Srn. STRAM. ang. ARs. BARYT. BELL. bor. SuLrPI. VERATR. bry. CALC. camph. carb-a. carb- Foreboding, see Apprehenv. caus. CHIN. CiC. COCCe. coloc. sive. con. crotal. cupr. daphn. dig. Foreboding of death, dros. graph. hep. hyosc. ign. kal. aeon. ars. BELL. cale. canth. LACIs. lye. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. cupr. kal. LACII. ye. mere. mnosch. nitr-ae. OP. PHosrn. PLAT. PULS. natr-m. nitr. nitr-aec. Nux vom. ran. rhod. rhus. see. SEP. Sil. spig. PLAT. sep. staph. veratr. ZINC. staph. STRAAM. SuLPr. valer. ve- Forebodings, aeon. phlosph. ratr. zinc. ngt-arec. Forwardness, n mosch., of animals, caus. CHIN. hyosc. Frivolous, ARN. baryt. mere. strain. spong., of the bed, cann. caus. lye. Gesticulatious, foolish, mere. natr. BELL. eic. croc. cupr. hyosc. ign. -, of the cholera, lach. lach. mere. op. STRAM. -,of contagion, bor. calc. Gestures, foolish, (see Illu—, of darkness, calc. lye. PUIs. sions.) valor. Grief, aeon. agar. Aiuxr. amm. GROANING, HATRED, ETC. 665 anzm-tm. ARs. aur. baryt. calc. cycl. fluor-ac. graph. guaj. hep. carb-a. CAUS. cycl. graph. IGN. IGN. jod. KAL. kreos. lach. lact. LACI. lact. Ly'c. natr-m. op'. led. LYC. magn-m. mang. meph. P11oS-Ac. puls. SEP. STAPIL. AERC. mez. mur-ac. natr. natr-mn. sulph-ac. NITR-AC. NUX VOM. oleand. petr. Groaning, ACON. a/lun. ainm. PHOSPH. plos-ac. plat. prun. ang. BELL. B:lRY. CIAMX. chin. PULS. rhab. rhus. sabin. samb. coce. dig. graph. hell. IGN. kal. sass. SEP. sil. spig. squill. stann. Lcn:. n.agn-c. merc. hatr. nitr- STAPI. stront. SULPH. sulphac. ISUX - )'ViOM. plumb. puls. ac. teucr. thuj. verb. viol-tric. Rl-Ius. sass.sep. stratn. tart. veratr. zinc. mrgt-aus. H3atred, rancour, agar. arnm-m. ]Illless, apprehensive of, Acox. anac. aur. calc. lc. ach. led. alum. anmm. Aas. bor. BRY. mnanig..NATTR-M. nitr-ac. phosph. calad. CALC. IGN. kal. kreos. stann. sulpih. LACH. mere. NATR. natr-m. Honesick, aur. BELL. CArs. nitr-ac. NUX VONi. phosph. carb-a. hell. ION. magn-m. mere. Puios-Ac. PULS. sep. sulph. mgtnitr-ac. PHos —Ac. sil. are. Hurriedless, anmbr. aur. bry. Illusions, of the fancy, aeon. cann. carb-a. con. hep. lach. anmbr. anac. ant. arn. ars. aur. laur. mere. natr. natr-m. phos- BELL. bry. CALC. camph. CANTH. ac. viol-tric. mlgt-arc. mut-aus. carb-a. carb-v. caus. CHAM. chin. Hydrophobia, arg-n. BELL. chinin. cic. cin. cof. colch. coloc. canteh. hyosc. lich. stram. veratr. con. cupr. dig. dros. dulc. graph. Hlypochondriac notions hell. HEP. Hy-osc. ign. jod. kal. ACON. agn. alusn. amtm. arg-n. lach. lye. mnagn —m. mere. natr. arn. Ans. asa. AuR. BFLL. bor. nitr-ac. ni-mosch. Nux vonx. OP. BRY. calad. CALC. canth. carb-a. phosph. phos-ac. plat. plumb. CAUS. CIIAM. CHIN. coCC. C0ON. PULS. rlab. rhod. Raus. sec. staph. croc. cupr. dig. euphr. graph. STRAM. sulph. veratr. grat. HELL. hep. IGN. jod. ipec., in cyphering, amm. kal. kreos. LACI lye. nerc. me. ez., date, in regard to, cocc. lach. AMoscs. NATR. NATR-ZN. nitr. nux vom. petr. ther. nitr-ac. n-mosch. YUX V\OM. —, in discerning objects, calc. petr. phosph. PuOS-Ac. PLAT. cann. hyosc. nux vom. plat. PULS. RiIus. sabad. sabin. sec. SULPIT. seneg. SEP. squill. stann. staph. —, about measure and weight, straxn. slp7ph. valer. veratr. viol- nux vore od. ZiNc. nlyt-arc., of sight, arnbr. ars. BELL. Hy3steric mnood, aeon. anac. calc. camph. carb-a. carb. v. caus. asa. AuR. bell. bry. CALC. cann. cham. cic. dros. dulc. hell. HEp. cans. chainm. chinin. cic. cocc. IIYOSC. kal. lach. magn-m. CoN. croc. grat. hyosc. IGN. mere. zatr. nitr-ac. Nux voM. jod. kal. lact. magn-c. magn-m. OP. phosph. phos-ac. plat. PULs. natr-m. nitr-ac. N-3IosCI. NUX RIIus. sep. STRAM. sulph. veratr. VOM. PHnosPr. PLAT. PULS. sep. sil. —, of tact, ANAc. bell. canth. staph. sulph. ther. valer. viol-od. ign. magn-m. nux vom. op. petr. 1i1 behavior, arn. eugen. phosph. plat. rhus. sabad. STRAM. hell. HYOSC. LYC. nuX mosch. sulph. tart. nux vom. op. phosph. stram. V~-, in talking, liable to making RATR. mistakes, amm. calc. caus. chamin. I11 humor, aeon. alum. amm. chin. con. graph. hep. kal. mang. AnsI-sm. ang. ant. arg. arn. ARS. mere. natr-m. nux vsomn. sep. sil. asa. asar. aur. BELL. bor. bry. -, in writing, liable to making CALC. calc-ph. carb-a. CAUS. mistakes, anmn. bov. cann. cham. CHAM. chin. chlor. cic. colch. con. chin. crotal. graph. hep. LAcm. 666 MINID AND DISPOSITION. natr. natr-nm. nux vom. puls, Illusory perceptions, rhod. sep. notions, acts. Illusory perceptions, -, cancer, as if he had a, veratr. notions, actv, AcoN. agar. -, captain, as if le were a, amb. ANAC. ant. ARS. aur. BELL. cupr. bism. BRY. CALC. cann. catnh., catchingat things or persons, carb-a. carb-v. cans. chain. chin. hyosc. stratn. chinin. cic. eim. coff. colch. coloc. —, cats, on, puls. strain. - arn. con. croc. crotal. cmpr. dig. dalc. daphn. hyosc. grap. hell. hep. HYOSC. ign. jod. --, caught, as if he would be, kal. LACH. lyc. nmagn-m. MERC. bell. mez. Mosc. na natr. nati-m. nitr- -, chairs, as if he would mend, ac. n-mosch. Nux vom. Op. cupr. phosph. phos-ac. plat. pln.b. -. churchyard, one visits a, PULS. rhab. rhod. RIHU. sabad. BELL. strain.- anac. arn. sec. sep. SIL. staph. STRAMI. —, climbin up the stove, hyosc. SULPH. tart. VERATR., clock strike, as if one heard, -, abandoned, as if he were, phos-ac. carb-a. stram. -, closing one's eyes when -, abundance, believes to be in, asked a question, sep. SULPIS. —, clothes, as if he had fine, -, abdomen sunk, as if his, sa- SuLPrr. bad. -, clouds before his fancy, hep. -, accosting inanimate objects, magn-m. rhus. stram., commanding, as if she were,, as if alone, stram. cupr. -, animals, he sees forms of, ars., corpses, one sees, ANAC. ARs. BELL. CAL coleb. op. p.uls. BELL. canth. hep. natr. nmx vom. STRAM. alum. amm. amm-m. op. - alum. amnr. arn. aur. am. daphn. hyosc. lye. magn-m. baryt. brom. bry, calc. canus. mere. nux vom. phosph. sil. ccc. co0,. fluor-ac. graph. jod. SULPn. sulph-ac. veratr. zinc. KAL. laur. MAGN-C. inagn-m. -—, animals started out of the nitr-ac. PHosPH. PHOS-AC. plat. ground, as if, stram. ran-sc. sass. sil. sulph. sulph-ac. -—, bats, as if lie saw, bell. THUJ. verb. zinc. -, bed, as if a strange person., cow-dung, lapping up, mere. were in the, carb-v. nux vorn. -, cravat, pulling his, ant. op. petr. rhus. -, creeping about the bed, --, as if raised, canth. stratn. —, as if noise under it,, criminal, as if he were a, bell. calc. canth. colch. h.yosc. -, bees, seeing of, puls. -, cut through, as if he were,, biting, bell. cantli. cupr. sec. STRAM.., black, as if her body were, —, dead persons, he sees, anac. sulph. ars. BELL. canlth. hep. natr. natr-. black phantoms, one sees, m. nux vom. op. - cans. con. BELL. op. PLAT. PULS. - arn. magll-c. ars., deaf pretending to be, veratr. -, brown-spotted, as if, bell. -, devils, he sees, ambr. BELL. burnt, as if everything in hyosc. op. PLAT. - kal. natr. the house were, bell. --—, dirt, eating, veratr. —, business, as if lie were at- -—, dirt and pieces of shoe, tending to some, bell. bry. canth. swallow, veratr. phosphl., (10s, lhe sees, BELL. pls.8, called, as if lie were, anac. stram. - arn. calc. lye. mere. dros. PLAT. - kal. thuj. sil. sulph. veratr. zinc. ILLUSIONS, PERCEPTIONS, ETC. 667 Illusory pelrceptions, Illusory perceptions, notions, acts. notionus, acts. -, dragons, as if he saw, op., labor-pains, as if she had,, drink, as if he would, bell. veratr. eaten, as if he would be,, labor, pretends to be in, stram. veratr. -, entering, as if one heard -, lunatic, as if a, anac. hyosc. somebody, con., masks, as if he saw, op. - -, errin-g about, bell. canth. kal. hbyose. Nux yom. stram. veratr. -, mice, as if he saw, CALC. —, faces, one sees, arnmbr. arg-n. colch. op. - magn-s. cale. carb-a. caus. op. sulph. -, mind and body detached, as, fall, as if things would, hyosc. if, anne., fight, as if he saw a, op. -, money, as if he were count-,figures, sees arithmetical, ing, bell. - alum. cycl. magn-e. phos-ac. sulph. zinc., fire, as if he saw a, BELL. -, moving, as if things were, CALC. spong. sulph. - alum. phosph. anac. ars. calc-ph. clem. croc. -, niurder, he sees some one, daphn. hep. kreos. laur. magn- calc. mn. natr-mn. Ilitr. phosph. plat. --, murdered, as if lie would be, rlod. rhus. spig. stann. tart. zinc. bell. hyosc. op. phosph. stram., gestures, mraking, aIs. hyosc. veratr. - amm-ln. ign. kal. lact. mosch. nux vorm. puls. strain. lye. magn-c. mere. zinc. ghosts, dead persons, talks -, mutilated bodies, sees, ant. with, BELL. natr-m. stratm. arn. con. magn-m. mere. Nux g, ghosts, demons, etc., seeing vou.m sep. mgt-arc. of, AnRs. BELL. dule. lacth. natr- -, naked, going, hyosc. phosph. m. OP. PLAT. sep. stram. sulph., needles, he sees, SIL. - nere. -alum. anrn. bov. CARB-v. cocc. —, noise, as if one heard a, bell. ign. kal. natr. nitr-ac. puls. sass. cale. canth. carb-v. chamin. colel. SIL. spig. tart. con. magn-m. phos-ac. -, groping about, hyos --—, nose, takes people by the,, hanged people, as if one mere. saw, ars. -, ox, as if riding on an, bell., harlequin, as if he were a, -, peacocks, as if he were chashyosc. ilig, I1yose. —, hell, calling for, PLAT. -, people, lie sees, hyosc. magnh-, herbs, gathering, bell. cupr. c. op. PULS. rhab. sep. stram. -, hide, tries to, BELL. puls. bell. mere., hogs, mistaking nien for, -. plihantasmata, frightful, hyose. BELL. CALC. carb-v. caus. CHIN., home, wants to go, bell. bry. hep. Lye. mere. nitr-ac. Nux voM. LACI. op). veratr. OP. PULS. rhod. SIL. sportg., hunter, as if he were a, STRAM. sulph. - ars. baryt. veratr. con. croc. GRAPH. hyose. kal., immovable, sitting, cham. laur. mang. mur-ac. natr. petr. hyose. puls. stram. PiosPH. phos-ac. RMIeS. sass. —, insects, one sees, ars. bell. -, phantoms, as if one saw, puls. - phosph. ambr. arg-n. ars. BELL. cale. island, as if he were on a camph. carb-a. carb-v. cans. distant, phosph. chain. cic. dros. dule. hell. hep., journey, as if he were on a, hyosc. kal. lach. mere. natr. nitrBELL. hyosc. - brom. crotal. ac. Nux vowI. OP. phosph. phoslach. magn-m. natr. op. sang. ac. plat. PULs. RHUS. sep. STRAM. sil. sulph. veratr. 668 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Illusory perceptions, Illusory perceptions, notions, acts. notions, acts., phantoms, one sees on one's —, taller, things grow taller, ride, strata. camph. dros. nitr-ac. sulph. kreos. -,, he sees all over, SIL. - -- —, as if he were, stram. mere.. teeth, as if he would pull, playing with one's fingers, out, bell. calc., thieves, as if he saw, ars., poisoned, as if he would be, MERC. SIL. alum. aur. bell. kal. Hyosc. Rius. magn-c. magn-m. natr. natr-m. -, prince, as if he were, veratr. petr. phosph. veratr. zinc., pregnant, as if she were, -, tongue, putting out his, bell. veratr., touching every thing, bell., pulling one's hair, bell., transparent, as if head and, rabbits, one sees, stratz. nose were, bell. read behind him, he hears --, vermin, one sees crawl about, some one, magn-nm. ars. alum. arnm. bov. kal. nmur-, rocks in the air, as if, magn-m. ac. Nux voN. phosph. ran-sc. sil., roasted, as if he would be,, visions, alum. ambr. bell. stranm. calc. cham. graph. hyosc. lye. scorpions, one sees, op. natr-m. n-mosch. op. plat. rhod., scrotum, as if swollen, sabad. sep. sil. spong. stram. sulph. -, seized, as if, canth, phosph. -, voices, hearing, cham., shaking one's head, bell., vow, as if one had to fulfil a, cham. veratr., shoot with a cane, tries to,, walk, as if one heard some mere. one, canth. carb-v., skeleton, one sees a, op., war, as if engaged in, bell. -, slaughtered, as if he would - ferr. hyosc. plat. ran. thuj. be, stram. verb. -, small, things look, PLAT., wash, as if he would, bell. strain., water, as if he saw, mere., smaller, things grow, camph. sep. tart. - alum. amm-m. ars. carb-v. nitr-ac. bov. dig. ferr. graph. ign. jod., sold, as if he would be, hyosc. kal. magn-e. magn-m. meph., soldiers, one sees, BELL. bry. natr. nitr. ran. sil. natr. -, wedding, as if he were at a,, speeches, makes, lach. - arn. hyose. - alum. magn-m. natr. cham., wilderness, as if he were in, spin, as if he would, stran. a, stram. sass., wolves, as if he saw, BELL. spittle, licking up, mere. Imaginations, (see Fixed stamp with the feet, veratr. notions.) - ant. Impatience, ambr. ars. cale., stomach corroded or ulce- carb-v. dros. DULC. hep. hyose. rated, as if his, ign. sabad. ign. IPEC. kal. lach. lye. MERc., stones, taking in one's mouth, natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. phos-ac. mere. _puls. sep. SIL. spong. sulph., stove for a tree, mistaking a, sulph-ac. thuj. zinc. hyosc. Inattentive in study-, strange land, as if one were ing, alum. asar. BARYT. bell. in a, bry. par. veratr. - plat. cans. chainm. coff. kal. natr. spig. -, stretching one's arms, sep. sulph. stram. Indifference, apathy, agar. sunken, as if the abdomen agn. alum. ambr. amm-m. anac. were, sabad. arn. arg-n. ARS. asa. BELL. IND1IF.FERENCE, INDIGNATION, ETC. 669 bism. boy. CALc. cann. caps. stann. STAPH. SULPH. sulph-ac. carb-a. carb-v. cans. chain. CnIN. teucer. thuj.viol-tric. zinc. mgt-arc. cic. cin. clem. con. croc. crotal. Irritated feelings, cann. cycl. dig. euphr. hell. IGN. ipec. con. dig. graph. hep. jod. LACH. kal. kal-bi. lach. laur. lyc. men. laur. led. mere. natr. NATR-M. rmerc. 7nez. natr. natr-imn. nitr-ac. nitr-ac. iNux vo3. petr. plat. n-mosch. OP. phosph. P0-A. sass. selen seneg. sene p. sep pong. plat. puls. rhab. rhod. rhus. ruta. stann. sulph. stlph-nc. teuer. zinc. sabad. sLbin. sec. seneg. SEP. Irritated miad, acon. SIL. squill. stann. STAP-I. strain. ALUM. anmbr. amm. anac. ang. sulph. thuj. VERATR. verb. zinc. nag. ar. asa. ASAR. bell. chin. mgt-arc. chinin. cic. COFF. crotal. cupr. Indifference, to one's busi- cyc]. hyosc. jod. kreos. LACH. ness, arn. fluor-ac. sep. STRAMI. meph. natr. natr-m. petr. plh(sph. -, to one's family, phosph. plat. phos-ac. sabad. stram. sulph. SEP. sulph-ac. TEUCn. VALER. zinc. Indignation, coloc. STAPIT. Jealousy, camph. HYOSC. Industriousness, aeon. aur. LACH. nux yom. puls. bell. bry. cale. caps. dig. hlyosc. Joking mnood, bell. caps. IGN ipec. LACl.I magn-c. mnosch. Cnoc. IG;N. lach. men. plat. sass. natr. stann. sulph-ac. vera.r. strata. sulph-ace. mngt-arc. Lamenting, ACON. alum. Insensibility, (see Indiffer- anace. ar. asa. bell. bism. calc. elce.) canth. cham. chin. CIN. cocC. Insipid demeanor, aeon. hyose. ign. LACH. mere. mosch. anac. carb-a. earb-v. n-mnosch. N UX VOM. op. phosph. phos-ac. pal. seneg. pubs. puls. thus. SULrL. reratr. Irascible, aeon. anmbr. at7n. Laughter, Ac. o-alum. alu. m. anae. arnz. Ans. AUR. bell. BRY. anac. asa. aur. BELL. calc. carbcale. cann. canllth. caps. carb-a. v. cic. con. CROC. cupr. graph. CARB-V. CAIS. CHAM. chin. conI. Hrosc. kreos. laeh. natr-a-P. ncroc. cyel. feir. graph. hell. ign. mnoscha. op. PiiosrPI. plat. puls. ipec. jod. kal. lach. led. vlye. sabad. sep. STRAM. sulph. tarax. mang. mere. mncz. mulr-ac. NArR. veratr. verb. zine. natr-mn. NITR-AC. NUX VOM. —, about serious things, anae. oleand. op. PE:TR. PHOSPII. ran. —, spasmodic, aeon. alum. anac. ruta. sabad. seneg. sep. sii. spig. asa. Aun. bell. CALC. caus. cie. stann. stront. SULPII. sulph-ac. CON. croc. cc)pr. IGN. natr-m. nveratr. zinc. hMGT-AS. mnoschll. phosph/. plat. strain. veIrresolute, alum. ars. baryt. ratr. zinc. cale. chaim. chin. ceupr. daphn. —, sardonic, ran-so. ee. zinc. ferr. hell. i,?. jod. a]l. LACH. Lqz isRess alum. arn. asa. asar. magn-in. maez. natr-m. usx sor; ca. anr-nm. bell. camph. cann. canth. PETR. plhosph. puls. rnta. sulph. CAPS. carb-a. carb-v. chel. CHIN tarax. Tngt-arc. chinini. cocc. con. croc. CROTAL. Irritable, ACON. amb. ammn. euplhr. ferr. 9guaj. hell. jod. amqn7-s?. anae. ang. ara. crs. LAC. larO. C. 1a1. NATR-r1.n-jugl. barytt. bell. bor. bov. BRY. c ac. hNUX VO'lJ. oleancd. petl. phosph. earnph. cann. canth. caps. carb-a. phos-ac. plilub. ran-se. rhab. ('ARB-V. CXus. chain. ein. coce. SEP. Spig. squill. sulph.. nygt-arc. eoloe. CoN. eyel. daphn. dros. Lively, (see Mirthful.) graph. HEP. iqn. ipec. JOD. KAL. Loathitg of life, agn. alum. kal-bi. lach. lact. Lye. maogn-c. AMBR. A-Aui. ant. ARs. AR. B13ELL. MERC. mez. mur-ac. natt. NATn- bovy. carb-v. cans. chin. dros. hep. Mf. nitr. iNITR-AC. NUX VOM. hyose. lkal-bi. kreos. LACH. laur. petr. PHOSPEI. plat. PULS. ran, led. lve. inere. mez. natr. natr-m. iang. sass se. se pig. spong. nitr-ac. NUX VOM. phosph. plat. 6710 MIND AN!)D WISPOSITI'O. plumb. PULS. rhus. ruta. sec. ther, t.huj. VERATR.'verb. zinc. SEP. Sil. spig. spong. staph. stram. mgt-arc. sulph. sulph-ac. tart. thuj. Misanthropy, amm-m. aur. Look- d at, cannot bear be- calc, cic. led. phosph. stann. ing, ant. Moaning, ars. bell. canth. Loquacious, arg. ars. bell. caus. CHAM. CHIN. cic. coce. bor. canth. caus. CroC. HYOSC. coleh. lhyosc. ign. TPEc. mere. jod. lach. magn-c. meph. natr. phosph. RIAB. squill. veratr, PAR. selen. stann. STRAM. tarax. zinc. magt. teucr. thuj. veratr. mgt-arc. Murder, mania of, ars. chin. Lov-spirited, aeon. alum. hep. hyosc, lach. PLAT. stramn. bell. BRY. CALC. canth. caus, Multtlering, BELL. hyosc. lach, chel. CHIN. colch. coloc. crotal. n.xy vom. stram. cupr. daphn. dros. graph. jod. Obstinacy, acon. alum. AniM. kreos. Iach. laur. mang. mere. anac. ARN. BELL. CALC. canth. iNATR. nitr-ac. nux vom. PETR. caps. carb-a. cans. chin. dig. PIIosPH. plat. plumb. RHUS. RUTA. dros. ferr. guaj. hep. IGN. hka sabin. sass. SEP. SIL. SULPH. kreos. LYC. N1TR-AC. NUX sulph-anc. thuj. veratr. VOM. phosph. phos-ac. sec. sil, -, during the first menses, hell. sponrg. SULPH. thoij. viol-tric. Ml alice, cupr. lach. nux vorm. Open-hearted, excessively, _IlalPiee vindictiveness, agar. bor. ANAC. ars. baryt. bell. cann. Panlgs of Consciencee canth. caps. carb-a. chin. coce. alum. anmm. ARS. AUR. carb-r. coloc. con. croc. cupr. hep. cans. chain. cin. cocc. COFF. con. llvosc. LAcm. lye. mere. mnosch. cycl. dig. ferr. graph. hyose. natr. natr-mn. NUX VOM. op. LACYI. merc. nux vorei. PULS. ruta. petr. plat. sec. strain. stront. sabad. selen. sil. STRAM. SULPH. veratr. zinc. VERATR. zinc. Mngt-arc. Melancholy, ang. ambr. Peevi.hness, ACON. amm. amn-rn. annea. ARS. asar. AUR. arnm-m. arm. ARS. AUR. bell. bell. boy. calc. canth. carb-a. bor. BRY. cale. calc-ph. eanth. CArS. clinin. clem. cocc. con. CARB-V. CAUS. CHAM. chin. croc. crotal. cupr. eupbr. GRAPH. chlor. cocc. coloc. CON. croc. HELL. HiYosc. IGN. jod. kal-bi. daphn. fluor-ac. GRAPH. HEP. kreos. lach. lact. laur. LYC. IGN. ipee. kal. kal-bi. kreos lact. mere. NATR. NATR-M. nitr-ac. led. lye. MERC. mosch. mul-anc. Nuvx voN. op. petr. phosph. phos- natr. NATR-M. NITR-AC. NUX ac. PLAT. plumb. PULS. ran-sc. VOM. oleand. par. PETR. RHUS. selen. seneg. SEP. SIL. PHOSPH. phos-ac. plat. PULS. stann. strait. SILPH. sulph-ac. ran. rhus. sabad. sabin. sass, VERATR. viol-od. zinc. SEP. SIL. spig. squill. stann.!ild temper, ai's. croc. cupr. STAPH. stratn. SULPH. teucr, IGN. kal. LYC. mosch. PULS. veratr. verb. zinc. magt. mgt-aus. SIL. MGT-ARC. Phlegmnatic, see Lazy. Mlirthful, Acox. alum. amm. Plans mnakling, anac. ang. chin. anac. arg. arn. asa. asar. aur. coff. oleand. baryt. BELL. cann. caps. carb-a. Praying, AUR. BELL. PULS. carb-v. caus. chin. clhinin. cic. stratn. veratr. cocc. con. CR()C. Curn. ferr. Precipitancy, bov. calad. graph. Hy-osc. IGN. jod. krleos. camph. IG-N. kal. natr-m. pul's. LACH. lalur. LYC. magn-e. men. MGT-ARC. inere. mez. natr. natr-17. n-mosch. Pride, arrogance, alum. arm. op. par. petr. phosph. phos-ac. chin. cupr. ferr. byose. ipee. PLAT. puls. sabad. sass. seneg. LACH. lyc. par. PLAT. stram. sep. spong. stann. staph. STRAM. veratr. sulph. sulph-ac. tarax. tart. teuer. Prophecying, agar. PTSILLANIMOUS, QUARRELSOME, ETC. 671 Pusillanimous, AcoN-. alum. oleand. petr. PHOSPH. PHOS-AC. anac. anng. aur. baryt. BRY. PLAT. prun. PULS. RHUS. sabin. canth. carb-a. carb-v. cans. chin. sec. SEP. SIL. spig. STAPII. stram. IGN. jod. kal. lye. mur-ac. natr- SULPH. veratr. viol-od. viol-tric. m. nitr. nitr-ac. phosplh. PULS. zinc. ran. sil. suplh. sulph-ac. verb. Scolding, swearing, amm. zinc. mngt-arc. anac. bell. bor. hyosc. ipec. lye. Quarreblsome, aeon. alum. nitr-ac. Nux von. petr. stramn. ambr. amm. anac. ARN. a7s. reratr. AUR. baryt. BELL. bor. bry. Sensitiveness, excessive, cnamph. canth. caps. CAUS. ACON. amm. ang. ant. ARN. ars. CHAM. chin. croc. crotal. dulc. asa. ASAR. AuR. baryt. BELL. ferr. hyosc. IGN. LACH. LYC. bry. CALC. carb-a. carb-v. CHAM. MERC. mez. MloCH. natr. natr- CsIIN. cocC. COFF. daphn. dros. m. nitr-ac. NUX VOM. oleand. ferr. hep. hyosc. ign. kreos. lach. petr. plat. ran. ruta. seneg. sep. lye. magn-m. meph. MERC. natrspong. staph. stram. VERATR. m. nitr-ac. NUX VOM. PHosPrr. viol-tric. mgt-aus. PULS. sep. stann. sulph. TEUCR. Rage, aeon. ~th. agar. arg-n. VALER. zveratr. MGT-ARC. As. baryt. BELL. camph. cann. Sensitiveness of temper, CANTH. COCC. colch. croc. cupr. ACON. alum. anac. ang. arn. ars. HYOSC. kal. lach. LYc. mere. bell. boy. calc. camph. canth. nitr-ac. Op. phosph. plumb. sa- CARB-V. CAUS. cnliam. cin. cocc. bad. sec. seneg. STRAM. tart. dros. jod. kal. lach. LYC. magnVERATR. c. mez. natr. nitr. nux vom., with staring looks, bell. phosph. plat. puls. sass. seneg., with violence, bell. sep. spig. stann. staph. viol-tric. one does not know one's Sensitive feeling, ant. ars. own relatives, bell. calc. calc-ph. canth. COFF. con. Recovery, doubtftul of one's, crotal. IGN. kreos. ]a(ch. lye. see illness, apprehensive of. Nux vo.i. phosph. plat. puls. Religious miania, alum. Serious mood, alum. amm. amin. ARS. aur. BELL. carb-v. amim-mi. ars. aur. bell. bor. cham. caus. cham. cin. coffi con. croc. chin. cin. cocc. euphorb. ign. led. cyc]. dig. ferr. graph. IIYOSC. mere. n-moscll. phos-ac. spig. LACII. Lyc. mere. nux vonm. starl. sulph-ac. PULS. ruta. sabad, selen. sil. -, when seeing ludicrous things, STRANM. SULPH. veratr. zinc. anac. Repulsive mlood, aeon. Shamneless, hell. HYOSC. nalum. ambr. ANT. arn. ars. aur. mosch. nux vomn. op. phosph. bell. calc. camph. caps. caus. STRAM. VERATR. con. croc. hep. ign. ipec. KAL. Shrieking, AcoN. amr. ars. lact. LAUR. led. lyec. magn-c. aur. BELL. bor. BRY. calc. canth. magn-m. MERC. nitr-ac. nux carb-a. CAUS. CHAM. chin. cie. vom. petr. phosph. plumb. cocc. COFF. croc. cuppr. hyosc. PULS. samb. sass. sil. spong. ign. ipec. kal. LYe. magn-c. sulph. TriuJ. mere. nitr-ac. nux voam. plat. Sadness, aeon. agn. ambr. ammn. puls. ral-sc. rhab. rep. SIL. stram. ANAC. Ans. asar. AUR. aur-ln. sulph. veratr. bell. bov. brorn. BaRY. CALC. Silent mnood, aeon. agar. cann. calrb-a. caus. chain. CmITN. alum. ambr. armm. amm-m. anac. clem. COCC. con. croc. cupr. ant. arn. ars. aur. BELL. bism. dig. ferr. graph. hell. lep. Hilosc. bor. bry. calc. cantlh. caps. carbIGN. kal. LACH. lat. laur. lye. a. CArS. CHAMI. chin. cie. cin. men. MERC. mez. mur-ac. NATR. clem. coce. coff. coloc. con. cups. NATR-M. NITR-AC. nux vorn. cycl. dig. euphorb. euphr. graph. 6 72 MIND'AND DISPOSITION'. guaj. HELL. hep. HYOSC. IGN. Swearing, scolding, ANAC. lye. ipec. kal. lach. led. lye. magn-c. veratr. magn-m. lang. men. mere. mez. Taciturn, agar. alum. ambr mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. anmn-m. airg. ars. BELL. brom. n-mosch. Nux v-on. oleand. Or. bryv. calc. cale-ph. CIIAM. chin. petr. phosph. phos-ac. PLAT. clem. coloc. cycl. Cupr. IGN. plumb. PULS. RIIAB. sabad. LACLd. MAGN-M. mere. natr-in. sabin. sass. sep. spig. spong. n-jugl. Nux vom. PHOS-AC. plat. squill. STANN. staph. stront. plumb. puls. rhab. sabin. spong. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. VERATR. stann. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. viol-od. viol-tric. VERATR. viol-od. viol-tric. zinc. Silly demeanour, neon. mgt-aus. anac. arg-n. bell. carb-a. carb-v. Talking to one's self, cic. croc. cupr. hyose. ign. op. moseh. mgt-are. par. seneg. stram. Tearing things, BELL.stram. Singing, acor. BELL. cocc. veratr. CROC. cupr. hj/osc. magn-c. natr. Thoughtful Mnood, cocc. natr-m. op. phosph. plat. spong. ign. lach. sep. staph. STRAM. TEUCR. ther. veratr. Tranquillity, incomprehenmpqt-arc. sible, morph. Solitude, dread of, ars. bism. Uneasiness of mind, bov. eale. con. lye. inez. phosphl. ACON;. alum. ambr. anmm. anae. STnAM. ant. ArN-. ARS. asa. aur. BELL. Solitulde, love of, see Alone, boy. bry. calc. eanth. carb-a. disposed to be. CArPB-v. CHIAMI. cin. coloc. dig. Sonmnaanba llisxi!n acon. cros. dolc. grcah. hll. ll. osc. PHOSPII. stann. zinc. MIGT-AP.C. ig t. jod. kal. LACIL. laur. led. Spitting, BELL. cann. eupr. lye. many. AMERC. NATR nitr-ac. Start, tendency to, aeon. alum. NUX VOM)I. op. posph. phos-ae. ang. ant. arn. BELL. BOR. calc. plat. psLib. pfuls. RIIUS. SABAD. cann. CArs. CARB-A. CAUS. chiln. 5iL. sig. spong. stann. staph. eic. cocc. CoC. graph. IGN. KAL. strami. SULPI. sulph-ac. tarax. LACII. led. mere. natr. NATR-.-. thLj. VALER. veratr. MCT-ARC. nitr-ae. NUX VO1M. OP. PETR. Vagaries, fanciful, agar. ambr. PnosRPI. plat1. RImus. sabad. samb. aug. ant. lach. nux vom. selen. SEP. sil. spong. STPRAi. SULPII. sniph. sulph-ac. ther. veratr. Veltemence, ambr. anac. Stiranger, sensation as if one alnin. ang. n;'n. aur. baryt. bell. were at, valer. bor. BRY. csc!. CAaB-V. CACS. Strikiig, BELL. canth. c:oe. DRos. ferr. graph. HEP. 5IiYOSC. lye. natr. nuxs om. hyosc. ign. f7al lach. led. LYc. plat. STRAM. stront. mang. mez. mosech. natr. natrSuicide, mania of, alum. ant. m. nitr-ac. NUX VOM. oleand. ARS. AuR. aur-m. bell. carb-v. petr. phosph. plat. seneg. sep. chin. dros. hep. hyosc. mez. NIJX stann. stront. suIph. VOM. PULS. rhus. sec. Epp..spi. Verses, lie makes, agar. stratn. tart. Viotelat deeds, rage leading Superstitious, disposed to be, one to, anac. baryt. BELL. chin. con. eoce. con. hep. lvYosc. lach. lye. S1uspicio-us, acon. ambr. anac. inosch. nat r. nux voan. plat. ant. aur. BARYT. bell. calb-v. STRAMt. stront. zinc. caus. chain. C;c. con. crotal. Visionsw, see Illusions. cupr. dros. hell. HIIosc. lach. Vivacity, alum. ang. cann. LYe. mere. natr. nux vow. op. chin. COFF. crotal. uprl'. cycl. PutLs. lhus. ruta selen. stann. HYosc. natr. petr. phos-ae. sulphsnlph-ac. rc- - G. valer, VOLITION, WEEPING, ETC. 673 VoUition, deficient, ANAC SEP. sit. spong. stann. etram, alum. ARS. asa. baryt. bry. calc. STAPH. SULPH. sulph-ac. veratr. chinin. cin. coff. coloc. croc. dulc. VIOL-OD. viol-tric. zinc. mgt-arc. ign. ipec. kal. laur. natr. natr- Wit, caps. cocc. croc. LACH. m. op. petr. puls. rhab. spong. WVeeping, spasmodie, alum. Work, desire to, eycl. dig. AUR. BELL. CAUS. cin. cupr. IGN. euphr. sass. veratr. mgt-arc. lach. mosch. plumb. stram. —, dread of, agar. ALUM. amm. Whining mood, ACON. amm-m. anac. arn. aur-m. baryt. alum. amm. amm-m. ant. arn. BELL. bor. calc. calc-ph. CAS. ars. asar. AUR. aur-mur. baryt. carb-v. caus. caam. CHIN. chinin. BELL. bor. bry. CALC. cal'1P)h. coff.colch. CON. cupr. cycl. cann. canth. caps. carb-a. carb-v. GRAPH. ign. jod. ipec. kal-bi. CAUS. CHAM. chin. chinin. LACKH lact. laur. magn-m. mere. CIN. eoce. COFF. con. cupr. dig. mez. NATR-M. NrrR-AC. n-jugl. dros. GRAPH. hep. IGN. ipec. jod. NUX VOM. oleand. par. plumb. kal. kreos. lach. lact. laur. led. PIospPH. puls. ran-sc. rhod. rhus. Lyc. magn-m. mang. men. mere. ruta. sabad. sass. sep. sil. squill. mosch. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ae. staph. sulph. tart. ther. viol-trie. n-mosch. Nux VOM. op. PETn. ZINC. phosph. phos-ac. PLAT. plumb. YieldingS Lye. PULS. SIr. PULS. rhab. rhus. ruta. sass. MaT-ARC. CHAPTER VI. SENSORIUM. (CLOUDINESS, DULNESS, VERTIGO, ETC.) Absence of mind, (see Conf used state of the Chap. V.) head, acon. agar. ambr. amm. Affected, deranged, the head ANAQ. ant. ars. asa. asar. BELL. feels, aeon. ambr. amm. annac. bov. BRY. CARB-V., CHIN. AuR. bell. CALC. caus. cham. chin. chinin. coloc. croc. euphr. ferr. cic. cocc. COLcH. dig. hell. hep. graph. grat. hell. ign. lact. led. hyosc. ign. LACII. laur. LYC. 1Yc. MERC. mez. natr. NUX MoscH. mere. NATR. natr-m. VOM. PosrPH. phos-ac. PULS. nitr. n-mosch. NUX VOM. Or. rhod. sabad. sec. seneg, SPIG. phosph. phos-ac. plat. PULS. squill. staph. thuj. rhus. SEP. SIL. spong. staph. Consciousness, loss of, alum. stram. SULPH. sulph-ac. valer. ARN. BELL. CAMPH. canth. veratr. zinc. -. HYOSC. laur. magn-m. nitr-ac. Cloudiness, alum. bell. caps. NUX VOM. OP. phos-ac. PLAT, carb-v. caus. coce. hyose. kal. RHUS. STRAM. tart. VERATR. lact. nitr-ae. nux vorn. op. rhab. Cyphering, making mistakes samb. sep. squill. thuj. valer. in, amm. 29 974 ENSOFfRIUTm,. Delirium, Aco'. ant. arn. Dulness, with anxiety, caps. ARs. aur. BELL. BRY. cale. carb-a. cic. natr-m. camph. canth. carb-v. CHAM. -, with apprehension, carb-a. CHIN. chinin. cic. cidt. coloe. ean. -, as from beer, bell. CurP. duclc. IIYOSC. ign. jod. -, as from brandy, bell. kal. LACH. lye. i-mosch. INux -, aftel' coffee, arg-n. VOM. OP. PHOSPII. plumb. puls. -, from drinking, coce.. riod. r]is. sabin. SEc. spong. -, after eating, (see Chap. STRAM. SULPH. TERATR. XVII.) -, anxious, frightening, acon. -, in the evening, amm. ars. anac. BELL. cale. hep. IlYos. n- baryt. ealc. carb-v. dig. ferr. vomr. OP. phosph. pUtls. SIL. ipec. lye. nux vom. sass. sil. spig. STRAM. veratr. stann. zinc., fanciful, BELL. chainm. graph. —, in the forenoon, ealc. lach. hyosc. op. sep. sil. spong. STRAm. lye. natr. sulph. sulph-ac. SULPH., after excessive labor, ars., loquacious, B.LL. lacki. op., with desire to lie down, RIus. STRAM. VERATR. nitr-ac. ten'cr., merry, aeon. BELL. o p. sulph. —, lie down, obliging one to, veratr. nitr-nc. teucr. --—, muttering, BELL. HiYos. nux —, when lying dtown, mere. vom. op. STRA r. -, in the morning, agar. alum., sad, acon. bell. puTs. arlbr. anae. arn. asa. asar. aur. -, furious, AcoN. BELL. BRY. bell. calc. eanth. caps. carb-v. CoLoc. OP. plumb. veratr. graph. ig. l. singing, bell. bnach. laet. lye. qnagn-rn. mere. Demetia' (see Alien tion, nitr. n-jugl. petr. phospli. ran-sc. Demnentia, (see Alienation, 7 0 rhod. rhus. ruta. seneg. sep. mental, Chap. V.) sulph. thl]. veratr. Dizziness, aneon. arg-n. asa. in bed, caps. pbosph. bell. CALC. cann. CAUS. chain., during motion, rhod. cin. eyel. dig. graph. hyose. JOD., at night, anac. KAL. mang-e. MERc. mosCh., relieved in the open air, NATR-M. n-mnosch. petl. anomn-rt. bell. dulc. men. mere. PHOSPH. prun. ran. rhab. par. nitr-ac. rhod. sabad. spig. stann., with restlessness, ars. Dulness, obnubilation, ACON. -, in the room, amm-m. agar. alum. ambr. ang. arg-n. -, as from excessive sexual inarn. ars. asa. esar. aur. bar-nt. tercourse, phos-ac. BELL. bism. bromar bry. da. q -t, after the siesta, calc. carb-v. cale-ph. cann. caps. C(ARB-A. -, when sitting, amm. asa. bell. CARB-V. caus. CHIN.'chinin. carb-a. caus. mang. mere. nitrCie. coloc. con. croc.eupllr. dig. ac. mgt-aus. dros. euphr. ferr. fluor-ac. graph. -, from smoking,, bell. HELL. hep. hyosc. ign. jod. kreos., when standing, cic. plumb. LACH. lact. laur. led. mnagi-nm. thtj. mang. men. mneph. MERC. mez. -, when stooping, caus. mur-ac. natr. NATR-M. nitr. -, in the sun, natr-m. nux vom. riitr-ac. n-jugl. n-mosch.'UX -, from suppressed catarrh, lye. VOM. op. par. PETR. Pos-Ac., from thinking, laur. plat. plumb. puls. ran. rhab. wh, when turning about, amm. -rhod.. RHUS. samb. sang. sass., with vexed mood, carb-a. sec.seneg. SEP. spig. stann. staph. -, when walking, ang. calc. SULPH. sulph-ac. tart. ther. carb-a. carb-v. cie. coff. con. thuj. valer. VERATR. viol-od. dros. kal. natr-m. nitr-ac. sep. viol-tric. ZINC. M'GT-A.S. spong. tara x.-..aut-aus.. DULNESS, DULNESS OF -MIND, ETC. 675 Dulness, when walking in the stram. SULPH. tart. valer. VERopen air, agar. carb-v. caus. ATR. VERB. zinc. lye. Ideas, vanishing of, anac. asar., as from watching, chin. bor. bry. calc. canth. carb a. -, worse when reading, cocc. cham. coff. cupr. hlep. kal. kreos. -, when writing, laur. LACII. merc. mez. riitr-ac. n-mosch. Dulness of minid, alum. puls. ran. rhod. staph. annec. arg-n. asar. chin. mez. Illusions of sense, (see natr-?n. OLEAND. phos-ac. spong. Illusions of fancy, Chap. V.) staph. sulph. Imbecility, agar. alum. ANAC. Dulness of sense, aeon. angar. ant. arg-n ars. BELL calc. croc. ALUM. ambr. amm. anacne s.ars. HELL. IHYOSC. LACII. natr. asar. aur. calc. caps. dig. hell. natr-m. N-nioscii. oleand. OP. hyosc. ign. jod. lach. lact. laur. phos-ac. plumb. puls. sec. SEP. magn-m. men. mez. NATR-M. nitr staph. STRAM. SULPH. ac. op. petr. plumb. sabad. sec. Inloxication, acon. AGAR. selen. SIL. tlher. alum. ang. ant. arg. arg-n. asar. Forgetful, altm. anom. ANAC. bell. bov. bry. CAsiPHu. caps. carbars. baryt. BELL. bor. BRY. calc. a. CARB-v. caus. cham. cie. cocc. carb-a. carb-v. cocc. colch. CON. con. croe. graph. hyosc. kreos. croc. cycl. dig. graph. guaj. hell. LACH. lact. LAuR. LED. Iye. hep. HYosc. kreos. LACH. magn- mere. n-jugl. n-mosch. NUX c. mere. mez. mosch. natr. NATR- VOM. OP. plumb. PULS. rhod. hi. N-MOSCH. oleand P'ETE. phosph. RHus. see. sil. spig. stram. thnj. phos-ac. rhod. Rius. selen. SIL. valer. veratr. mngt-aus. spig. STAPIT. strat. stront. SUL'Ir. M][emory more acute, veratr. viol-od. ZINC. ANAc. CRoc. cycl. H YOSC. seneg. Gloominess, amm-m n. an. Melory deficient, aeon. arg. am. ars. asar. baryt. BRY. alum. ambr. amm. ANAC. arg-n. calad. cann. caps. carb-. CAUS. aCr. Ans. AUR. baryt. BELL. bor. cin. (lem. coloc. dig. dulc. ferr. bov. B3y. calc. camph. carb-a. graph. hyosc. ign. kal. laur. lye. carb-v. cocc. coff. colch. con. croc. magn-e. manng. men. lMERC. cupr. CYCL. dig. graph. GUAJ. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. N-MosCH. HELL. IIEP. HYOSC. IGN. kal. Nux voM. OP. phosph. phos-ac. KREOS. LACH. LYe. magn-c. prun. puls. rhab. rlhus. ruta. sep. mang. mere. mez. mosch. natr. SIL. stann. sulplh. NATR-MA. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. Ideas, absence of, agn. ALUM. cleand. OP. PETR. phosph. phosAMM. annec. arg-n. asa. aur. bov. ac. plumb. puls. rhod. RiUs. cale. cann. CAUS. chin. clem. sabad. selen. SEP. SIL. spig. stann. coff. croc. cupr. gnaj. hell. IYosC. STAPH. STRAM. stront. SULPH. ign. jod. kreos. LACH. Lye. men. VERATR. verb. viol-od. zinc. mgtimez. NATR. NATR-M. NITR-AC. are. nt-nosch. OLEAND. I'IPHOS-AC. Reeling, aeon. alum. ars. baryt. Ruus. scp. sil. STAPI1 sulph. BELL. bor. bry. calc. comph. TInvJ. valer. VERATR. mg(t-are. caps. carb-n. caus. cic. croc. dule. Ideas, inability to collect one's, ferr. graph. hell. hyosc. kal. Aeon. agar. atmm-m. ang. arg-n. kreos. lye. nagn-m.. mere. natr. ARN. ars. asa. aur-m. BELL. - nitr. nitr-ac. N-Mosce. Nvx vovM. bism. bor. boy. brv. CALC. carb-a. oleand. phosph. phos-ac. puls. caus. cin. cycl. DfULC. HYOSC. sass. sec. sep. sil. spong. stram. jod. kal. LACH. lact. LAU.R. led. SULPH. thuj. veratr. mgt aus. lyevc. mere. mosch. nzatr-mn. Nux Sense, acuteness of, anac. con. voM. OLEAND. OP. PHOsrPI. PNOS- lach. op. valer. AC. plumb. puls. ran. RHUS. samb. Stupefaction, Acon. agar. sang. eec. sil. spig. STAN.. staph. -ARN, ars. asa. BELL. boy. CALC. 6'7(5 8ENSORIU.T. caps. carb-a. caus. chin. cic. cin. veratr. viol-tric. zinc. magt. mgt; cycl. DULC. euphorb. hell. HYOSC. aus. LACH. L.AUR. LED. magn-c. Vertigo, ascending from the mang. men. MERC. mez. nmosch. back, SiL. natr-in. n-mosch. NUX VOM. -—, balancing, calad. ferr. lact. OLEAND. OP. phosph. PHOS- WC. mere. thuj. zinc. plumb. rhab. RHus. ruta. sabad. -, as if in a circle, arg-n. CoN. sabin. seneg. STANN. staph. SULPH. kal-bi. sulllh-ac. tarax. tart. thuj. valer. —, causing one to fall, aeon. agar. VERATR. VERB. zinc. mgt-arc. alum. anmn. ang. arn. ars. BELL. Stupidity, acon. alum. aug. cann. caus. chin. chinin. CIc. ar-,. asar. aur. bell. boy. bry. Cocc. coloc. CON. dros. euphorb. canth. caps. Cocc. CON. croc. ferr. graph. kal. kal-bi. kreos. cupr. dule. hell. hep. HYosC. kal. lact. led. magn-c. magn-m. mez. LACIL. laur. led. magn-m. nmere. natr-mn. phos-ac. plumb. PULS. mosIh. n-mosch. nux vom. ran. rhab. rhod. RHUS. ruta. pll:sph. phos-ac. puls. rhab. sil. sabin. sass. SIL. spig. spong. stratn. sulph. tart. verb. squill. stram. SULPH. zinc. magt. Talking, making mistakes in, - -, backwards, chin. chinin. anom. caIC. caus. chain. chin. con. kal. led. phos-ac. rhod. rhus. sass. graph. hep. kal. mnan. mere. spig. spong. stram. natr-m. nu viom. sep. sil. -, sideways, amm-m. cann. T hought, comprehension, CON. dros. euphorb. mez. nux slowness of; ALUM. ambr. amm. vom. rhod. sil. squill. sulph. arg-n. aur. BELL. CALC. carb-v. --—, forwards, arn. cic. cupr. caus. con. cycl. HELL. lIYOSC. ferr. graph. magn-c. natr-m. ign. L.ca. LYC. mere. NATR. phos-ac. ran. rhus. sabin. sass. NATR-M. nitr ac. n-mosch. NUX sil. sulph. VOM. OLEAND. OP. petr. -, like floating, lact. PIIOs-Ac. rhaus. SEP. sil. -STAPII., caused by gastric derangeSTRAM.. sulph. Tnus. veratr. ment, AcoN. ANT. arn. BELL. Vanishinig of the senses, chant. mere. NUX VOM. PULS. anac. asar. bor. bry. cale. canth. rhus. carb-a. clain. coff. cupr. hep. —, moving, zinc. mgt-arc. kal. kreos. lach.;nere. mnez. nitr- -, nervous, ARN. bell. chamn. ac. n-mosch. puls. ran. rhod. CHIN. cin. hep. mosch. NUX staph. VOM. PULS. Rnus. Vertigo, ACON. Eth. afar. -, in the occiput, chin. zinc. alum. AMiBR. A.ir. amm-m nanae. -, reeling, ars. BELL. bry. ant. arig-n. ARN. ars. BARYT. camph. CAus. cic. croc. ferr. hell. BELL. boy. brom. BaY. CALC. hyosc. lyc. magn-m. N-MosciI. calc-ph. camph. CARB-A. carb-v. Nux vo.r. phos-ac. puls. sec. C.tus. CaIim. CHIN. chinin. chlor. spong. strain. SuLPII. thi;j. veratr. chlorot: cic. cin. Coco. CON. crotal. cupr. dig. ferr. fluor-ac., as from riding in a carriage, graph. HELL. HEP. hyosc. IGN. cycl. ferr. grat. hep. ipec. kal. KAL-Br. LACHI. lanur. -, from rush of blood, ACON. LYC. mnagn-c. mlagnn. MERC. Etha. ARN. BELL. chin. con. mosch. natr. NATR-M. NITR-AC. LACIH. mere. NUX VOM. OP. n-jugl. n-rnosch. NUX VOM. PULs. rhus. sil. SULPH. oleand. OP. par. petr. PHOSPHI. -, semi-lateral, mgt-are. phos-ac. plat. plumb. prun. PULS., in the silciput, rhab. ran. ran-sc. rhod. RHUS. sabad., from suppressed eruption, SANG. sass. sec. SEP. SIL. spig. bell. bry. CALC. carb-v. chain. hep. spong. stann. strain. SULPH. ipec. lach. phosph. rhus. SULPH. sulph-ae. tart. ther. thuj. valer. -., with turning, aeon. anae. VERTIGOO: 6f77 nargIn. amr. asa. bar-m. bell. Vertigo, accompanied bism. bry. calad. chel. cie. CoN. by: cupr. euphorb. ferr. grat. kal-bi. —, headache, ACON. AEth. arg]act. Iyc. mur-ac. natr-m. nux n. ars. asa. baryt. l]ov. calc. vom. OLEAND. phosph. puls. ran. CAMPI. chin. cllinin. Cocc. coff. rhod. ruta. staph. valer. veratr. coan. grat. IGN. lach. lact. laur. viol-od. magn-c. mayg-m. mosch. murVertigo, with, in a circle, arg- ac. natr. NUX VOM. phosph. n. CON. kal-bi. plat. PULS. ran. sec. SEP. sil. Vertigo, accompanied stront. SULPH. by: -, heat, ang. chin. chinin. croc., anxiety, BELL. caps. caus. led. sep. coff. mere. n-mosch. op. rhod. -, heavy legs, ]act., burning in pit of stomach, -, hot face, ant. cham. dulc. ang. petr. -, buzzing in the ears, arg-n..-,hypochondriac mood,phosph. CHIN. nux vom. PULS. sang. —, loathing, mosch. seneg. sep. -, locking of the jaw, mosch.., chilliness, calc. caps. graph. -, motion of the brain, cycl. Ophaospr. -, mouth full of water, magn-c. cold feet, sep. -, nausea, ACON. alum. amm. _, cold hands, sep. ang. arg. arg-n. ARN. baryt. *, coldness, caps. magn-c. BELL. BRY. CALC. CHIN. COCC. -, colic, asa. coloc. hell. petr. ferr. graph. hep. kal-bi. LYc. spig. magn-c. mosch. N1ITR-AC. rNUX —, congestion of the head, vomr. petr. phosph. PULS. sang. ACON. AnN. BELL. chin. con. sass. sil. Equill. stront. SULPH. LACII. mere. NUX VOM. OP. ther. PULS. rhus. sil. SULPII. -, nose-bleed, sulph. *, delirium, bell. n-mosch. op. —, obscuration of sight, ACON. deranged stomach, AcoN. agar. arg-n. ARN. ars. BELL. ambr. ANT. arn. BELL. cham. CALC. carb-a. CIIAM. CIc. cin. hell. kal. merc. NUX VOM. coff. dulc. hep. HYosc. ign. lact. PULS. rhus. mere. nitr-ac.:NUX VOM. -, diarrhceic stools, phosph. oleand. phosph. pIuls. sabad., dulness, cloudiness of head, sang. Acos. ~Eth. amna-m. ars. bor. -, oppression, laur. Bov. CAMPIT. cantl. carb-a. caus., pain in chest, sass. spig. cham. clem. Cocc. coff. coloc. -, pale face, lach. led. magn-c. croc. Iact. laur. magwn-c. nmagn-m. petr. PULS. nitr. NUX VOM. Or. phosph. —, palpitation of the heart, plat. sec. SEP. sulph. suiph. -, eructations, magn-c. n-mosch. -, sadness, phosph. lpetr. sang. sass. -, saliva, flow of, phosph. --—, fainting, alum. arg-n. baryt. —, shuddering, graph. BRy. canth. carb-v. charn. cin. -, sleep, disposition to, ang. croc. hep. lach. mnan c. niez. ]aur. pllosph. puls. rhod. mzosch. natr. natr-m. Nux vomi. ---—, trembling, carb-v. dig. dulc. phosph. sabad. sulph. —, vanishing of hearing, nux ~, flickering before the eyes, vom. amm. bell. ign. mez. oleand. —, vanishing of sense, ang. asar. tart. baryt. bor. bov. canth. caps. -, gauze before the eyes, canth. carb-a. caus. cham. chin. con. carb-a. cupr. ]ach. laur. plumb. ipec. lach. laur. magn-c. natr-m. -—, hair as if pulled up, mur- ux vorm. op. phosptl. plat. ranac. se. seneg. spong. sulph. 067-B3 SENSORIUM. Vertigo, accompanied con. LACH. natr. petr. phosph. by: rthus. sep. staph. thluj., vomiting, kal-bi. lach. mosch. Vertigo occurring: ther. -, lie down, obliging one to,, weariness, debility, cupr. asa. aur. mosch. natr. nitr-ac. op. dule. jod. laur. NATR. oleand. spizg. phosph. stront. —, after a meal, chainm. kal. lach. -, weeping, phosph. NATR-MI. Nux VOM. phosph. Vertigo occurring: PULS. rhus. sabad. sep. SULPr. -, in the afternoon ambr. anac. -, before a meal, dule. phosph. sep. stront. sulph-ac. -, during a meal, AMMr. arn. -,in the open air, agar. ambr. magn-c. magn-m. phosph. sil. ang. cale. canth. caus. dros. -, during the menses, (see Chap. grat. kal. mur-ac. ran. ruta. sep. XXV.) spig. sulph. -, early in the morning, agar. -, relieved, amm-m. grat. mosch. alum. amm. baryt. BELL. bov. natr. phosph. plumb. rhod. bry. calc. CARB-A. cham. cin. sulph-ac. clem. con. dule. grat. hep. jod. -, less after breakfast, alum. kal. kreos. lach. magn-c. magn-—, after chagrin, calc. m. natr-m. nitr-ac. NUX VOM., when closing the eyes, ars. phosph. PULS. ruta. sep. sil. chlorof. hep. lach. petr. thuj. squill. sulph. zinc., after coffee, CHAM. mosch., in bed, bor. carb-v. lux voWm. con. graph. lach. Nux voM. phos-, when crossing a little bridge, ac. PULS. baryt., during motion, amm-m. carb—, when crossing flowing water, a. chin. cupr. ang. brom. FERR. sulph. -, -, relieved by, magn-m., after drinking, mang. sep. when moving the head,, in the evening, alum. amrn. aeon. agar. amrm. arn. cale. chin. ars. asa. asar. bor. bry. caic. coloc. grat. natr-m. SANG. spig. CARB-A. carb-v. chamn. graph. stalh. hep. kal. lach. laur. mere. nitr. -, at night, amm. calc. carb-a. nitr-ac. Nux voM. phosph. phos- caus. natr. nitr-ac. phosph. sass. ac. plat. PuLS. sabad. sulph. zinc. spong. sulph. zinc. agiot-arc. -, in bed, n-mosch. NUX V -, at noon, dulec. phosph. stront. —, in bed, n-mosch. NUX ~0M.` petr. rhod. staph., when opening the eyes, -, after fright, O. Aco.. alum. PULS. SANG..~ after fright, Or., when going down stairs, -, in paroxysms, agar. cupr. ~~ferr. a —— b plat. tart. going upwhen raising one's self, aeon. when going up, bor. CALC. when going upstairs, bor. ARN. ars. baryt. bell. bry. carb-a. chin. cic. cocc. con. mere. natrcale. con. di. inm. nitr-ac. puls. sep., when kneeling, manog. 1 -3'e.., when reaching( high, lach. after mental labor, natr. - ~., when reading, AMaa. ang. ~, when lyincg down, cham. Cin1. ar. grat. par. ferr. graph. nitnr-ac. puls., when rising from bed, aeon. when looing down, olend asar. bell. bov. bry. cale. carb-, when looking round, CON. v. con. dig. grat. laur. mere., when looking up, caus. cupr. oleand. petr. phosph. sabad. graph. plumb. sep. selen. -, when lying on the back, after, cham. natr-m. mere. nux vom. sulph. pllos-ac. rhus. sep. -, when lying down, ars. carb-a. -, - passing off, hell. VERTIGO. 679 Vertigo occurring: Vertigo occurring:, when rising from a seat, —, during a walk in the open PULS. air, ambr. ars. aur. calc. canth. i, in the room, aogar. mere. natr. dros.. graph. led. merc. nux veo. sulph-ac. oleand. phosph. ruta. mgt-arc., - wlen entering the, -, relieved, bell. phosph,, relieved after, anac., passing off in the, caus. cale. kreos. -, in wet weather, brom., after the siesta, hep., wiping the eyes, relieved by,, when sitting, alum. AhMr. alum. ang. bell. cale. carb-a. carb-v. -- when writing, kal. mere. caus. chin. chlorof. cic. kal. phos-ac. rhod. LacH. led. mangr. gmerc. nitr-ac. Mental weakness, aeon. petr. PULS. ran-se, rhus. sabad. agn. alum. ambr. amto. armm-m. sass. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. ANAc. arn. ars. AUR. BELL. bry. SULPII. sulph-ac. thuj. mgt- CALC. carb-a. CARB-V. caus. aus. charn. chel. CHIN. chinin. clem. when sittingr erect, cham. cocc. coff. con. cycl. graph. hell. —, when sitting up, petr. hep. HYOSC. ign. ipec. ka]., after sleeping, carb-v. kreos. LACH. laur. Lye. magn-e. - after smoking, bor. sil. zinc. MERC. NATR. NATR-M. nitrafter taking snuff, sil. ac. n-mosch. NUX VOM. OLEAND. -, when sowing, lact. sulph-ac. OP. petr. phosph. P110S-Ac. plat., when standing, ang. aur. plumb. PULS. RHUS. ruta. sass. bov. bry, cann. caus. cycl. mang. selen. SEP. SIL. spong. stann. mere. oleand. petr. phllosph. phos- STAPH. STRAM. SULPIL ac. plat. rhab. rhus. sabad. sass. sulph-ac. thuj. valer. VERATR. mrt-are. zinc...-, when stooping forwards, -, from rush of blood, CIIN. chain.:MERc. Rius. SULPH..(comp. -, when stooping, acon. alum. Rush of Blood, Chap. VII.) anac. aur. BARYT. BELL. BRY. -., from damp air or dwelling, cale. carb-v. chin. cic. coff. graph. calc. CArIB-V. puls. RHUS. sil. LACI. led. Lyc. men. nel'h. VERATR. mosch. nitr-ac. NUX VOM. op. -, from emotions, ACON. Op. PETR. phosph. phos-ac. plumb. phos-ae. STAPrI. PULS. rhus. sep. sil. staph. ther. -, fron mental exertion, aur. thuj. caic. lach. natr. natr-m. Nux.from the sunlight, agar, vo-. puls. sil. SULPH. (comp., when talking, cham. Affected.) when thinking, agar. ang. -, fromn loss of fluids, CHIN. PULS. qNUX VOM. SULPH., as from strong(tobacco, rhod. —, in drunkards, CALC. lach., when turning about, agar. mere. NUX VOM. Or. puls. ipec. phosph. ther. SULPH. during a walk, agar. ARN. —, after injuring the head, ARN. ars. asar. BELL. bry. cale. camph. cie. mere. rhus. cann. carb a. chin. dule. ferr. Words, loss of, con. kal. lye. ngrat. hell. ign. ipec. kal. mere. vom. puls. thuj. natr. natr-m. NITR-AC. NUX voir. Writing, making mistakes in, petr. phos-ac. ran. rhus. sabad. amin. bov. cann. elarm. chin. sass. sep. sil. spig. staph. tart. crotal. graph. hep. LACH. natr. thuj. mgt-aus. natr-m. nux vom. puls. rhod., relieved, zinc. sep. mgt-arc. -, relieved after, amm. CHAPTER V1I. 1HEADACHE AND OTHER INTERNAL AFFECTIONS OF THE IIEAlI Abdomeuns proeeding from Affectedy aseendig from the the, graph. plumb. rhab. nape of the neck, amnbr. eale. Aching (see Pressure e~anth. earb-v. caus. gulaj. hell. Affected, head feels (see Chap. kal. mang. puls. SANG. sil. valer, VI.) -, falling asleep, relieved by,; —:-, in the afternoon, ASAR. BELL. anac. ang. earb-v. chin. graph. kal. kreos. —, as far as the back, annac. bell. lach. lact. laur. LYC. magn-c. bry. eale. caus. dig. lye. magn-c. magn-mn. mang. satr. natr-m. nitr. naatr-m. nitr-ac. petr. pho.pls nitr-ac. nux vomn. phos-ac. plat. prun. PULS. rhod. rhus. samb. plumb. ran. sep. sil. strot. sitdph. sep. sil. spig, spong. stann. stront. tart. mgt-arc. sulph-ac. thluj. mgt-arc. in cold air, bovy. carb-a. coff. -—, with back-ache, sabad. sabin. ferr. kal-bi. natr-m. plat. veratr. -, in the open air, ang. arg-n. ---—, balancing sensation of the calc. caus. chel. chin. ferr. grat. brain during motion, crotal. hep. jod. mang. men. Nux von. fluor-ac. lye. rhus. spig. sulph. -, ball, as if the brain were warm air, worse in, jod. pressed together like a, ARN.. alive in the brain, as if, petr. chin. staph. tart. sil. tarax. -, ball rising, sense as of a,, fit of anger, after a, brly. acon. cham. Nux vo. -—, band around the head, as, angry, with getting, dule. from, jod. merc. stann. -, with anguish, ambr. ant. -, like a band, hoop, cloth, chinin. lach. pinat. stront. round the head, cyel. jod. laur. -, with anxiety, carb-a. natr. merec. Aitr-ac. sass. stann. sulph. nitr. plat. ran. rihab. ruta, sep. ther. tart. -, by bandaging the head, calc. with increase of appetite, -, relieved, CALr. hep. sil. chinin. -I., after bathing, ant. calc. puls., with apprehension, FLuon-Ac. -,beating (compare Throbbing),, in arthritic persons, arn. ars. amm. aur. carb-v. ign. kreos. aur. BELL. BaY. caps. caus. cin. NATR M. nitr-ac. op. phos-ac. COLOC. IsN. IPEc. mang. nitr-ac. rhab. rhod. rhus. sass. sep. sil, NUX VOM. petr. phosph. puls. SPONG. stann. sabin. SEP. VERATEL zinc. —, in bed, KTA AFPECTED. 681 Affected, in the warm bed, Affected, during or after BELL. breakfast, lyc. nitr-ac. phosph. -, from below, upwards, pains, plumb. supllh-ac. meph. phos-ac. rhus. sep. sil., relieved, bov. canth. staph. con. -, bending forward, from, asar. ---—, bubbling, kreos. nux vom. caps. coleb. Cupr. dig. mang. par. puls. spig. SULIH. mere. muir-ac. nitr. nux vom. -, burning, acon. amm-m. arg. plat. puls. spig. staph. thuj. valer. arn. aur. baryt. bell. bov. BaY. veratr. - - - arb-v. as. cocc. dulc. eugen. -, - relieved by, bell. cann. graph. bell. kal. AMERC. nur-ac. mang. veratr. mgt-aus. nux vomr. phosph. phos-ac. rhod. -, big feeling, with, natr-m. rhus. sabad. sep. spig. stauln. -, with biting on one's teeth, STRONT. sulph-ac. veratr. crotal., buzzing, kal. lact. sass. spong. --—, bloated feeling, with, BELL. -—, candle-light, by, croc. dulc. ran-se. —, from carrying, natr. --, blood as if arrested, baryt. -, catarrhal headache, ACON. sul ph. ars. bell. carb-v. chamin. CHIN., blood blown fronm the nose, CIN. ign. lach. lye. MERC. NUX with, lach. VOM. puls. SULPIT. -, blood, after loss of, Cocc. -, by chagrin, BRY. CHAM., bloody saliva, with, magn-c. CoLoc. IGN. LMc. vnaqn-c. natr-m. -, as from a blow, agn. led. NUX VOM. PETR. phosph. PLAT. oleand. plat. sabad. sulph-a. ran. Rats. staph. tart. valel'. -~, in change of temperature, --—, when blowing the nose, mur- carb-v. ac. nitr-ac. sulph. -, changing one's position, re-,board in front of the hlead lieved by, magn-c. as if a, acon. coc. DULC. eugen. —, with chatteri:bg of the teeth, oleand. op. sulph. carb-v.'.., when chewing, nmm. amm-, boiling sensation, alum. caus. -. when ei. SULPI' chin. coff. dig. graph. grat. kal. —, in chilldren, especally, Acos. Sli. sulph. IBELL. caps. chain. coff. ign. sii. sul h 1)1. ipec. in tile bones, acon. amm. -, with cllhilliness, anac. arg-n. ARG. AUR. bell. CALC. cantl. ar. cale. camb-v. con. euphr. chin. cupr. DAPIINT. hep. ipec. LYc. le]]. LACel.. ang. mez. nitr. vitrmang. MERC. vnez. natr-m. nitr- ac. petr. rhus. stann. sil. sulph. cic. pliosph. pjhos-ac. puls. rhuls. thlluj. mgt-arc. ruta. sabin. samb). sep. SIL. -, cloth around the head, like STAPII. SULPIIc. viol-tric. a, Ceyel -, boring, agar. amin. amm-m., in the cold, grat. ang. nnt. aur. bell. bism. bor. -, relieved, seneg. bov. CALC. caimphI. cann. carb-v., by a cold dr:nk, ACON'. ars. chin. clem. cocc. coloc. dros. BELL. nlatr. jadus. DULC. hell. 1IEP. ign. ipec. kal. -, cold feeling in the head, lach. laur. led. magn-c. nmagn-m. aeon. arn. BELL. CALC. dulc. mang. moseh. mur-ac. natr-m. moscll. phosph. nitr-ac. oleand. petr. phos-ac.., with cold feet, cawph. sulph. PULS. ran-sc. rihod. ruta. sabad. -, with cold fingers, lell]. seiet. SEP. sil. spig. spong. -, from getting cold, 13r. st-oln. stapl.. tart. thuj. aeic. IHTose. ingt-arc. —, with cold hands, arnmr. -—, filom taking brandy, IG.. camnl:h. lact. 29* 682 INTERNAL AFYE(ITON9:-OF THE HEAD. Affected, from taking cold, natr m. nitr. n-mosch. par. petr. ACON. ant. BELL. bry. CALC. plat. plumb. puls. staph. sulph. CIIAZM. chin. coloc. DULC. LACH. tarax. thnj. valer. mgt-aus. Nux voxv. phosph. PULs. sil. Contusive pain, alum. plat. -, by cold water, sulph. Convalsions, with, veratr., relieved, ARs. natr. tart. Cool breath, sense of, zinc. arg-n., withcolic, cin. c-pr. hep. led. Cool, when keeping the head, nitr. nitr-ac. phosph. stram. ve- AUR. ratr. zinc. Coryza, with, CHIN. chlor. cic. Catarrh would set in, as if a, euphr. hell. lach. lye. magn-m, arnbr. aur. BELL. i CARB-V. nitr-ac. CHIN. cic. euphr. hell. HEP. Covering the head, when, led. LAc. lye. magn-m. MERc. mez. sulph. mur-ac. nitr-aec. NUX VOM. Cracking, crackling, aeon. phos-ac. puls. rhod. sep. sil. sulph. ars. calc. carb-v. cham. coff. con. -, with dry coryza, croc. dig. puls. Comnpression, aeon. alum. Cranpy-pain, Acox. ambr. anac. asa. asar. bov. BRY. cale. antm-m. anac. aug. ars. asa. calc. camph. cann. carb-v. caus. chin. carb-v. cin. colch. CoLoc. croc. cic. cin. cocc. con. daphn. dule. eugen. IGN. kal. magn-m. mez. graph. hell. IGN. lact. lye. nitr-ac. nux vom. oleand. petr. magn-m. men. iEosch. natr-m. phos-ac. plat. ran-sc. rhab. cep. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. oleand. squill. stann. zinc. petr. phos-ac. PLAT. prun. rhus. Crampy sensation, amm. sabad. sabin. sep. sil. spongf. tart. verb. stant. staph. stront. sulph-ac. Crowd, in a, magn-c. plat. tart. ther. thuj. mgt-arc. Crunlble to pieces, head Compressing the head, as if it would, natr-m. relieved by, arg-n. cin. magn-m. Cough, during the paroxysms natr-m. nux vom. puls. sulph. of, AnN. aur. bell. chel. hep. Coffee, by, bell. CAUS. CHAM. hyosc. kal. lye. NUX VOM. cocc. hep. IGN. lach. lye. MERC. phos-ac. sep. spig. sulph. nitr. NUX VOM. puls., -- after, STANN. Concussing the brain, Cul.tilig, arg. arn. BELL. bism. from, AnN. BELL. CIC. hep.:MERC. cale. Camph. eanth. caps. caus. phos-ac. sep. chin. con. dros. ferr. kal-bi. lath. Confused motion and nitr-ac. mosch. puls. veratr. noise, alum. ammn. AUR. boy. Daily, CoLoc. con. HEP. LACTI. magn-m. petr. PLAT. zinc. IYc. MAGN-3-. mang. natr. NATR-, with mental confusion, aur. M. nitr-ac. NUX VOM. petr. petr. phosph. sabad. seneg. SEP. SIL. Congealed,brain as if, phosph. stann. SULPH. zinc. —, with constipationl, BRY. coff. Day and night, cans. kreos. con. CROTAL. ign. lach. magn-c. led. RIus. sulph-ac. viol-trie. MERc. NUX VOM. OP. puls. Daylight, by, sep. veratr. Dashed to pieces, as if (see Constriction, acon. anac. asa. Torn, as if). camph. cann. carb-v. chin. cocc. Deep in. the brain, ACON. graph. hyosc. ipec. lach. merec. alum. amm. anac. asar. barlyt. mosch. petr. phosph. phos-ac. bell. bov. CGAc. camph. canth. plat. puls. stann. sulphll-ac. tarax. carb-v. cans. chain. CrIx. cin. valet. veratr. coloc. con. croc. dule. graph. Contraction, neon. agn. bism. hyosc. ign. lach. laur. lye. magnbov. earll)-V. clel. chin. con. cloc. c. mere. mosch. miul-ac. natl;-m. dig. grat. iat-r. lye. mang. natr-c. *i4r. Nux vo6i.- petr. pmosph. DIGGING, -DRAWING, ETC. 683 phos-ac. prun. ran. rkod sabad. kreos. lach. laur. mur-ae. nitr. sass. sil. STANN. staph. sulph. n-mosch. puls. stann. stront. sulph-ac. thnij. sulph-ac. zinc. Deranged stomach, from, eu- Drunkards, in, BARYT. LACH. phorb. kal. PULS. Rnvs. pils. Despair, unto, agar. Dull ache, aqgar. alum. ant. Diarrhuea, with, graph. nitr. boy. cal. ccamph. carb-v. chinin. stram. cin. croc. crotal. duic. euphorb. Digging, agar. anac. aur. baryt. graph. LACIT. lact. laum. lye. bell. bism. bov. bry. calc. cans. magn-m. men. meph. mosch. chiln. chinin. clenm. cocc. coloc. natr-m. nitr-ac. pho.sph. phos-ac. dulc. hep. kal. mnagn-m. mang. ran-sc. rlhod. sabad. sec. seneg. merc. mez. phosph. phos-ac. plat. spong. squill. sabin. samb. sep. spig. squill. Dulnless of sense, with, Hyosa. mgt-aus. Ears, in the region of the, Dilmness of sight, with, amm. agar. ambr. asar. baryt. bry, bov. bry. carb-a. croc. ferr. carb-v. chin. coff. ign. lach. laur( magn-m. mur-ac. natr. nitr-ac. lye. magn-c. merc. mosch. mulrphosph. PULS. sass. sep. ac. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. nDisagreeable work, when mosch. nux vom. phos-ac. puls. doing some, chin. ran-sc. sep. spong. sulph-ac. ther. Distance from the mgt-arc. mgt-aus. Skull, as if the brain were, lEating, when, con. dule. graph. staph. inmagf11-1l. natr-m. ran. rhus. Distorted, as if, natr-m. sabin. sec. zinc. Disturbed spirits, with, sil., after eating, agar. alum. Dragging sensation, crotal. Aal. AR.N-. ARS. baryt. BRY. tart. calc. canth. CARB-A. CARB-V. Draw-iig, principally, AcoN. caus. cham. chin. chinin. chlor. agar. asar. aur. baryt. BELL. cin. cofq. con,. graph. grat. hyosc. lisen. bry. CALc. caps. carb-v. ign. kal. lach. laur. Lyc. nlmagn-c. cham. chin. cin. croc. graph. hell. magn-m. mnr-ac. natr. nitr. nitrguaj. kal. magn-c. mang. mosch. Reac. NUX VOM. petr. phosph. NATR —M. nux vonz. PULS. rhab. plat. prun. puls. ran. Rnus. ruta. rhod. ruta. sabin. SEP. sil. squill. seneg. sulph. zinc. stann. staph. stront. SuLPI1 sulph- —, - relieved, anac. con. ac. tart. valer. zinc. phLosph. -, to one side, ang. Effort, when makling an, ambr. to the left side, LACI. anac. utor-ae. natr. nitr-ac., the head to the right side, Embrace, withl desire for an, sabad. sep. Drawn back, head being, Emotions, by, bry. chain. coff. camph. chin. kreos. mlagn-c. Inlu- igla. kreos. rux veon. op. ac. natr. nitr-ac. viol-tric. Empty feeling, see Hollow., sideways, the head being, Enlargement, sense of, b*. ANAC. 1plsM. sil. daphn. 1u. ma. mag. -mosh. Draught of air, by a, Acos. Enteriit tile room, when, bell, Camx. coloc. nlux vorn. valer. lanul. Inez. natr-m. ran. rthus. Dreams, with, chin. pnls. sabad. Drinking wine, by, lach. Nux Enturegis, with, chinin. SELEN. von. rh1od. selen. zinc. veratr., as from, sabad. ]Epileptic fit, after an, CuPR. Driving in a carriage, from, Eructation,witlh, cale. carb-v. glaph. jod. kal. meph. sulph. jod. lach. lye. ilati. op. sil. -, relieved by, nitr. Evening' ai, caused bty, plat. Drows.ln.ess, with, ars. grat. Breuiing, in the,'artinul3arly, 684 INTERNAL AFFECTIONS OF THE HEAD. ALUM. ambr. amm. ang. ars. -Eyes, when opening the, BRY. btryt. bell. bor. bov. ealc. carb-a. CHIN. coff. ign. magn-c. rhus. carb-zv, caus. chinin. cocC. COLOC. sulph. croc. dulc. eugen. euphr. ferr. -. - relieved by, cham. graph. hell. HEr. kal. lach. laur. -, proceeding from the, acon. lye. magn-c. magnnm. mere. mur- colch. lach. nux vom. ac. nitr. nitr-ac. n-jugl. Nux vo. -.. -, when turning the, dig. rhus. petr. phosph. plumb. PULS. ran. sep. rhod. rtus. sep. sil. stann. staph. Fainting, with cale. graph. stront. SULPI. sulph-ae. ther. LYC. natr-m. nux vom. puls. sil. thuj. valer. zinc. STRAM. Eventng, abating in the, lach. From falling, ARN. natr-m. Falling forward, the head, - i, in, camph. carb-a. carb-v. calc. kal. par. plumb. puls. ran. dule. laur. lye. magn-c. magn-m. sass. sulph. nux oain. phosph. phos-ac. plat. -, when stooping (the brain), rhus. sabad. sep. alum. amm. baryt. earb-a. coff. -, -relieved, anac. magn-c. dig. giat. kal. kreos. nux vom. phosph. rhus. rhus. sabad. sulph-ac. Excitement, with, ruta. Farewell, after a touching,, with mental excitement, natr-m. phosph. Fat, after eating, PCLS, Exerting the sight, when, tnur- Fear of death, with, lach. tc. par. pulls. Feeble voice, with, natr. nux relieved by staring at one vom. point, AGN. sabad. Flat, pressed, as if, veratr. Exertion, by mental, anac. Flatulence, relieved by emis. arg-n. Aun. CALC. CaIN. cin. sion of, eic. colch. daphn. graph. ign. LACI. —, as from flatulence, carb-v. lye. magn-c. natr. NATR-M. NUX chinin, magn-c. nitr-ac. sulph. VOM. petr. phosph. PULS. sabad., relieved by formation sep. SI~. SULPH. MG(T-ARC. of, magn-c. Extorting cries, anane. bov. Flickering before the eyes, CoLoc. magn-m. SEP. sil. stann. with, chinin. LACH. sass. stram. Fly to pieces, as if the head Extravasations, ARN. would, amm. ant. arg-n. asa. Eyes, when closing the, nux baryt. BELL. BRY. caIc. caps. vom. sabin. crb-a. caus. chain. CHIN. thinist. -, relieved by, ipee. con. DAPMN. dig. euphr. ferr. —, wii (losing of the, agar. graph. HIEP. ign. kal. LACtI. BELL. CALC. carb-a. carb-v. cocc. MIERC. mez. natr. N^ATR-rl. ritrhep. kreos. mosch. natr-m. nitr. ace. nux vom. oleand. petr. phosph. nitr-ac. n-mosch. nux vorm. petr. phio-ac. PULS. SEP. SIL. spig. phus-ae. plat. plumb. sep. sl1ph. spong. stront. SULPII. tart. ForenLoon, in the, alum. carb-, involving the, acon. ANAC. a. con. dig. magn-c. nitr. sass. arg-n. ars. BARYT. bell. BRY. sep. SIL. sulph. calc. carb-v. caus. chinin. cic. ciz. Forgetful state of mind, with, COCC. con. croc. eugen. ign. kal. caps. 7nez. kreos. LACH. magn-c. magn-m. Forehead and forepart of mere. mez. mosch. 2nurc-ac. natr. head, in, ACON. ALUM. AMM. nitr. nitr-ac. Nux vou. op. par. arom-in. ant. ARN. ARS. aur. petr. phosph. PULS. ran. rhod. baryt. BELL. bism. BRY. CALC. rhus. sabad. samb. seneg. SEP. camph. cann. canth. caps. carb-a SIL -spg. spong. - stan. stgranl carb-v. caus. cham. chel. CHIN. stront. tu!p. tart. vaer. -:zIct. ceia Ccc tfi- o eahco:h, elo.: con. Ot1EI&N fBOtj, ItLIEs5. &85 croc. cupr. dros. DtLC. ferr. Headache, see the particular graph. guaj. hell, hep. hyosc. pains, and catarrhal, gastric, 1GN. jod. IPEC. kal. KREOS. lach. nervous, &c., headaches. laur. led. LYC. magn-c. magn-m. -, alternating with pain in the mang. mere. mez. mosch. mur-ac. chest, iod. natr. NATR-Mi nitr. NITR-A. N- -, arising from nape of neck, 3ioscl. Nux voMf. oleand. op. par. sang; PETR. PIIOSPH. PLAT. plumb., periodical, with torpid puls. ran. rhod. rhus. ruta. bowels, pen. sylv. SABAD. sabin. sec. selen. seneg. -, semilateral, in vertex, sulp. sep. SIL. spig. spong squill. —, with heat of the body, boy. STANiN. staph. SULPH. sUlph-ae. chin. hlep. kreos. sang. sulph. tarax. thuj. valer. veratr. verb. (comp. Chap. IV, Heat with viol-od. viol-tric. zinc. Headache.) Foreign body, as from, con. lHeat in the head, ACON. fluo"-ac. rhod. alum. ambr. amm-mn. anac. ARN. Fright, by, calc. IGN. OP. plat. [., baryt. BELL. BRY. calc. camph. Fulness, especially, ACON. canth. carb-a. carb-v. cans. chinamin. amm-m. arg-n. bov. BRY. in. chlorof. con. DAPHN. dulc. calc. caps. carb-v. chin. coff. eulphr. graph. grat. kal. Lacma. crotal. DAPHN. graph. grat. meph. laur. led. magn-c. magn-m. mang. MERC. petr. phosph. ran-sc. MERa. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. nrhus. SIL spong. sulph. sulph nc. jugl. phosph. plumb. ruta. sabad.'Gastric headache, ANT. SEP. SIL. spig. stann. stram. arm. bry. carb-v. cocc. coff. IPEC. strollt. SULPH. tart. valer. violmagn-c. n-mosch. NUX VOM. od. mgt-arc. op. PULS. SULPI. veratr. Heat in vertex, ca]c. carb-a. Girls, in young, ACON. bell. Heaviness, principally, ACON. puls. alum. amm. ammn-m. arg-n. Gnawing, calc. canth. natr-rm. ARN. ARS. asa. asar. bar-nm. par. phosph. ran-sc. zinc. BELL. bism. bov. brom. BRY. Grating of the teeth, with calc. CAMPI. eanth.CARB-A.CARBstram. V, CnHAM CCHIN. clem. cocc. Grief, by, ignl. phos-ac. staph. coff. CoN. cupr. dig. dros. DULC. Griping, con. magn-tn. sep. grat. hell. hyose. ign. kal. LACH. Groaning, with, sil. laur. LYC. tma#y-c. magn-m. Grumbling, sulph-ac. msang. MERC. mosch. natr. Hacking, in the head, amm. NATR-M. nitr-ac. n-mosch. NUX ars. aur. lvc. nitr. phos-ae. OM. oleand.o0p. PETr. PHOSPH. Haelrorrhoids, by. Nux voM. p)hos-ac. plumb. PULS. rhab. Hair as if pulled, AcoN. rhus. sass. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. alum. amn. carb-v. laur. magn-Im. squill. STANN. staph. stront. mur-ac. nitr. phosph. stann. SULPII. sulph-ac. -, as if standing on end, ar;-. Heaving up and down, BELL. ran. con. lye. -—, when touching the, agar. Heavy limbs, with, CARB-V. sil. Hantmering, Ai',. ars. CALC. Hemicrauia, ARs. asar. BELL. chinin. cic. clem. dros. FERR. br/y. CALC. caps. chain. CHrN. hlep. natr-m. nitr-ac. phosph. ehllinin. Cocc. COLOC. guaj. ign. rhab. sulph. ipec. lye. merc. NUX VOM. Hard hearing, with, bell. prun. puls. SANG. SEP. sil. chinin. cupr. dulc. ign. sep. (comp: semi-lateral pains.) Hard-substance, as if by a, Hot cheeks, with, CALO. cann. ign. mez. n-rlosch. sil. staph. mere. mgt-arc. Holding the head erect, by, Hat9 by the,:ecab-v. -baryt. .~8S INTERNAL AFFECTIONS OF THE -HEAD. Hot headache, from getting, as if the brain would, Acox. ACON. amm. baryt. BELL. BRY. A-nr. ancg arn. BELL. BRY. calc. caps. CARB-V. ign. ipec, canth. carb-v. cauts. kreos. magnSIL. mn. mzany. natr. nux vom. plat. Hot face, with, ACON. agar. puls. rhod. sep. SIL. spig. spong. ang. arn. asa. bry. calc. canth. stann. staph. stront. sulph-ac. chinin. coff. grat. kcreos. laur. thuj.-. magn-c. men. natr-m. nux vom. Jerking pain, aeon. anmbr. op. phospll. plat. ran. sabad. sil. amlm-lm. anac. amrn. asa. baryt. stront. sulph. tarax. nmgt-arc. bell. bism. bor. BRY. cale. canth. Hot cheeks, CALC. cann. mere. carb-a. carb-v. caus. CHIN. cycl. Hollow, empty feeling, calc. dulc. graph. IG.. kal. kreos. lach. caus. cocc. cupr. mang. natr. lye. magn-c. magn-m. men. lnerc. PULS. sep. natr. nitr-ac. nux vom. petr. Hoop around the head, as phosph. phos-ac. plumb. prun. from a, laur. sulph. teucr. - PULS. ran-sc. sabad. sep. sil. (eomp: Bandaged, as if.) spong. squill. sulph. tart. mgtHunger, by, SIL. aus. Hurried speech, with, LACH. Knocked in, head as if, Hydrocephalus, acute, mosch. AcoN. ARn. BELL. BRY. chinin. Knocking the foot against cin. con. crotal. HELL. hyosc. anything, when, baryt. sep. sil. laclh. mere. Lachrymation, with, asar. -, chronic, ARS. crotal. dig. bov. carb-a. carb-v. eugen. IGN. HELL. lach. mere. stram. mere. plat. puls. stram. SULPHI. Lameness of the limbs, with, Hypochondriac persons, ars. jod. in, NUX VOM. STAPH. Laming pain, cin. Hysteric headache, AUR. Languor, with, alum. arn. bov. BELL. bry. caps. cham. Cocc. chin. C1mNIN. grat. kal. kreos. HEP. IGN. kal-bi? lach. MAGcN-. lach. lact. magn-m. nitr. nux vom.'MAGN-M. YMOSCH. nitr-ac. phosph. sil. PLAT. rhus. ruta. SEP. VALER. Lascivious dreams, with, VERATR. bor., with1 ill-humor, boy. kal. Laughing, when, zinc. kreos. PLAT. sil. Lay the head on something,, with impatience, plat. obligingi one to, con. -, with inability to collect Laying the hand on the head, one's-self, carb-v. chin. crotal. when, chin. cycl. kreos. mang. mez. nitr-ac. —, relieved, con. rhus. sass. sil. stanin. sulph. La]ying the head on one side, Inflammtnation of the when, men. brain, AeoN. BELL. BRY. -, the head on one side, reCAMPH. canth. crotal. cupr. HELL. lieved by, graph. nux vom. hyosc. lach.?mere. SULPII. Laziness, with, dule. lact. laur. Intermnitting pain, agar. phos-ac. anneac. plat. stann. valer. veratr. Lead in the head, as if, sep. sil..Intoxication, by and as -., from poisoning by, SULPIH. after, agar. carb-a. CARB-V. Lemonade, by, selen. nitr-ac. N UX VOM. par. phos-ac. Leaning back, when, anac. PULS. rhus. tarax. aur. lye. mang. spig. stann. valer. -—, with, Acos. ant. BELL. Nux -, relieved by, baryt. BEL'L. von. OP. PULS. Ruus. sabad. rhus. thuj. veratr. mgt-aus. sabin. sil. Leaning the head against Irritated feeling, with, op. sil. anything, when, cann. Issue throrgh tfi forehead, -, relieved, bell. MER-I1,- ETC. 687 Leaning the head on one's ipei. kal-bi? lyc. mere. n-jugl. arm, when, natr-m. NUX VOM. prun. PJLS. SANG. --- -—, relieved by, dros. natr- SEP. sil. spig. m. staph. Moaning, with, bell. Leaving the room, when, laur. MIorning, early in the, agar. mang. alum. amm. amrr-m. ang. arg-n. Load, as from a, bell. led, men. ars. asar. aur. baryt. bell. bor. mosch. phos-ac. plat. rhus. sass. boyv. BRY. CALC. carb-a. CAUS. sil. spig. squill. sulph. thsj. mgt- CHIN. chinin. cic. con. graph. are. grat. HEP. ipec. jod. kal. kreos. Loose feeling in the brain, lach. lact. lye. magn-c. magn-m..amtm. baryt. carb-a. caus. cic. con. mang. mur-ac. natr. NATR-M. eroc. graph. guaj. kal. lact. mur- nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. NUX ac. natr-m. nitr. rhus. staph. VOM. PETR. PHOSPH. Pros-Ac. s~ulph-ac. ran. rhod. ruta. SANG. seneg. Loss of animal fluids, after, SEP. sil. squill. staph. stront.. CALC. CHIN. Nux voOM. sulph. sulph. thuj. zinc. myt-arc. veratr. —, relieved, kreos. Loss of appetite, with AcoN. -—, in bed, agar. alum. amm. ant. LACII. natr-m. SELEN. seneg. anac. aur. baryt. bell. BRY. stann. stram. C.ALC. carb-a. chain. chin. chinin. Loss of mind, with, AcoN. ambr. cic. coff. con. dig. dulc. ferr. eocc. magn-c. graph. hell. hep. iYgz. ipec. KAL. Lie dowin, obliging one to, kreos. lach. lact. laur. LYc. magnalulm. amln. anac. bell. BraY. c. magn-in. mez. NATR-M. nitrCALC. chinin. chlor. CON. crotal. ac. NUX VOM. petr. phosph. euphr. graph. jod. kal. maqn-m. PULs. ran. ruta. squill. SULPH. natr-m. nitr-ac. NUX VOMI. sulph-ac. tart. thtlj. veratr. mgtoleand. op. petr. phos-ac. pzts. arc. RHus. SELEN. sil. stann. sulph. Motion, during, ACON. agn. zinc.; amm. anane. arn. aur. bell. BRY. Lying, when, BELL. bov. camph. cans. CHIN. cocc. cupr. dulc. clem. euphr. kal. led. lye. magn- fluor-ac. graph. grat. hep. ign. c. mere. nux vom. phosph. puls. jod. lach. lye. magn-c. magn-m. ran. rhod. spig. spong. stront. mang. mez. NATR-M. n-jugl. sulph. mgt-aus. petr. phosph. phos-ac. rhab. sa-, relieved by, alum. ambr. bad. SANG. sep. sil. spig. spong. am. asar. bell. CALC. chin. cllhinin. staph. SULPH. tart. ther. veratr. cupr. dule. hell. ign. kal. lach., relieved by, caps. hyosc. inur-ac. sep. rnagn-c. magn-m. mosch. Lying hard, as if from, phos- M1oved, sense as if the brain ac. were, ACON. ang. ars. BELL. Lying on the back, when, bry. bry. CrIIx. kal. mosch. n-mosch. eoioe. rhab. sep. stront. sulph., relieved, ign. veratr. MIoving the arms, when, caus. Lying with tile head low, ferr. magn. rhus. when, stront. l[oving the eyes, when, BELL. jLying on the side, when, ign. BRY. chin. chinin. coloc. con. Lying on the right side, when, cupr. dros. hep. mur-ac. nux brom. vom. op. puls. rhus. sep. valer. iMaddening pain, AeON. jod. mgt-arc. M~egrinl, nervous headache Moving the head, baryt. cale. (compare Semi-lateral head- cann. caps. CHIN. chinin. cocc. ache, HI-emicrania), ARs. a.sar. graph. lact. mere. mez. mosch. bell. bry. CALC. caps. chain. CHIN. plat. sass. spig, staph. c,Winin. Coca. COLOJ. guajg. -. -, relievTed by, cin. sulph. 688 INTERNAL AFFECTIONS UF THE HEAD. melancholy, with, SELEN. Noise, by, ANAC. baryt. calc. con, Mleningeal membranes, as if IGN. jod. mere. nitr-ac. phos-ac. in the, hyose. spig. stann. XMeningitis, see Inflammation. Noise in the ears, with, ACON. IMercury, after abuse of, AUR. anac, ars. bor. chin. dulc. lach. CARB-V. CHIN. REP. NITR-AC. Op. pnlat. PULS. rhus. sang. puls. SULPrI. staph. thuj. Menses, during the, alum. Noon, at, ars. bov. carb-v. cic. amm-m. bor. bov. cale. carb-a. con. graph. ign. magn-c. mang. carb-v. caus. graph. hyose. ign. mnur-ac. natr. nitr. puls. rhus. kal. KREOS. lach. lye. magn-c. sil. spong. sulph. zinc. mgt-arc. magn-m. giatr. natr-m. nitr. nux Nosebleed, with, alum. ant. tom. phosph. PLAT. puls. veratr. ferr. sep. -, relieved, veratr. Numb, as if, graph..-, nfter the, lye. natr-m. -, numb, pain as if, bell. graph. -, before the, alum. calc. CABn- phosph. plat. v. ferr. hep. joe. LACH. mere. Obscuration of sight, with, natr. n-mosch. sil. SULPH. grat. IIYOSC. IGN. sil. STRAM. 1]idnight, about, arn. ars. Occiput, in the, aeon. ambr. llep. kal. plat. puls. sep. anac. baryt. bell. bism. CALC. -, after midnight, cham. ign. camph. carb-a. carb-v. chel. chin. -, at night, alum. amm. arnm- cole. graph.. IGN. KAL. lye. in. arn. ars. bell. bor. bov. camph. magrn-c. t:i,,in-m. mang. merc. canth. carb-a. carb-v. caus. incz. wtosch. mur-ac. natr. nitr. chain. CHIN. chinin. cycl. eugen. NITR-AC. nux vorm. petr. graph. grat. guaj. HEP. ign. kal. phosph. puls. rhus. sabad. SEP. kreos. LAcH. lact. led. LYC. seneg. sil. spig. spong. stann. magn-c. magn-m. MERC. mez. SIULPH. thuj. veratr. zinc. mosch. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr- Odors, by, IGN. selen. ec. n-mosch. nux vom. op. par. Old people in, BARYT. CON. phosph. plat. PULS. rhus. sass. Opening the mouth, when, spig. sep. SIL. SULPHI. tart. veratr. Oppressed breathing, with, zinc. mgt-aus. carb-v. nitr. nitr-ac. ran. sep. Milk, by, brom. Orbital region, in the, aeon. Music, by, ambr. alum. amm. ant. ars. asa. BARYT. Nail in the brains, as if, amrn. BELL. bor. bov. carb-. caes. carb-v. coff. evon. hell. hep. IGN. chin. cie. fluor-ac. hep. hyosc. lact. lye. natr-m. NUX VOM. ipec. jod. kal. kal-bi. kreos. tlhuj. a-gt-arc. LACH. lyc. mang. nmeph. mere. Nausea, desire to vomit, with, mlosch. NATR. NATR-M. nitr. nitralum. AMM. ant. arn. ars. asar. ac. n-jugl. n-mosch. NUX VOM. bor. BRY. calad. CALC. Camph. petr. pbosph. phos-ac. plat. PULS. cann. caps. CARB-V. caus. CHIN. ran. sabad. selen. sep. sil. sponq. chinin. cic. cocc. COLOC. con. croc. stann. staph. stront. sulph. sulphcrotal. dlec. eugen. fluor-ac. ac. tart. ther. thuj. valer. veratr. graph. grat. hep. ign. IPEC. KAL. nmgt-arC. mgt-aus. kal-bi. LACI. lye. magn-c. moscll. Orbits, in the, AcoN. anac. natr. natr-m. NITR-AC. NUX carb-a. cupr. DAPHN. dig. ign. VOM. petr. phosph. PULS. thus. lach. laur. mang. stront. zinc. ruta. SANG. seneg. SEP. sil. Pai in the chest, with, LAcdr. stann. SULPH. VERATR. Pain in the, or as far as the Neck, as far as the, chin. graph. ears, with, agar. anac. alum. arn. mere. nitr. sass. asar. baryt. bor. bovy. calc. canth. Nervous headache, (see Megrim caps. caus. con. ign. lach. LCe. and Hemicrania.) mang. mere. mosch. mur-ac. natr. Night and day, bor. natr-m. nitn phosph. plumb. PAINt, ETC. 680 prun. PULS. RHt. sep. seuph. Peevish mood, with, anac. viol-od. zinc. mgt-arc. bell. bov. chin. con. kreos. laur. Pain in the face, with, ACON. mere. plat. thiuj. ambr. B-ay. calc. carb-a. carb-v. Peg in the head, as if, rhod. cin. crotal. dros. euphorb. Periodical headache, anac. graph. HEP. kreos. lach, laur. ARS. chinin. ferr. laur. phosph. mosch. natr-m. nitr. n-mosch. rhus. spig. sulph. (compare NUX VOM. petr. phosph. RHUS. Typical and Megrim.) seneg. SIL. SPIG. spong. stront. Photophobial with, kal. sulph. tart. tlhuj. viol-od. mgt- puls. sep. arc. Piercing pain, cann. hell. - ain the legs, with, calc. Pinching, calc. carb-a. carb-, legs feel heavy, nitr-ac. v. caus. mere. mez. petr. sep. sil., in the lower jaw, with, staph. ang. baryt. canth. carb-a. nitr-ac. Plug or peg, as from a, anac. par. plat. ran. suiph. asa. bov. coec. dulc. hep. kreos., in the limrbs, with, aeon. oleand. plat. prun. ran-sc. rhus. carb-v. lach. seneg. sulph-ac. —, in nape of the neck, with, Pressed asunder, as if, ant. alum. ambr. amm. anac. asar. am. baryt. bell. bov. BRY. caps. baryt. bell. bor. bry. cann. chin. euphorb. hell. lvce. mere. carb-a. carb-v. caus. con. graph. mez. NATR-M. nitr. NUtX VOM. llyosc. kal. lye. magn-c. mere. par. prun. ran. rhus. sabad. samez. mosch. mur-ac. natr. nitr. bin. spig. stann. staph. stront. plumb. ran. sabin. sass. sil. tarax. zinc. Ingt-arc. spong. —, in, as if, hell. ign. in the nose, with, aeon. —, upon with the thumb, as if, bism. calc. cic. colch. croc. ign. nitr-ac. lach. LYC. mere. mez. mosch. Pressing, anac. am. asa. natr. nitr. nitr-ac. Nux yor. op. baryt. calc. caus. chel. CHiN. phosph. phos-ac. plat. ran. squill. ehinin. cocc. coloc. guaj. hell. stann. viol-od. ign. kal. kreos. lach. lact. laur., in the palate, with, mere. mez. NATR-M. nitr. petr. plat. natr-m. prun. ran. rhod. sabad. sabin., in the shoulder, with, sass. SIL. spig. spong. stann. cupr. staph. stront., in small of the back, -, against the skull, as if, alternating with, brom. mez. rhod. -, in the spleen, with, bor., the foot to the ground, Painful glands, with, amm. alum. ambr. bell. calc. con. bor. bry. dros. hell. lach. lye. natr-m. Pale face, with, ACON. alutn. phos-ac. sep. sil. spig. spong. ambr. chinin. hell. magn-c. sulph. VERATR *VERATR., on the head, when, agar., fingers, with, reratr. ant. bism. cale. camph. cin. Palpitation of the heart, kal. lach. mang-c. magn-m. tmurwith, hep. ]ach. tart. ac. natr. phos-ac. prun. Paralysis of the brain, ars. _-, relieved, alum, anac. bell. carb-v. lach. camph. carb-a. chin. ipec. laur. Paroxysmal pains, aeon. imagn-c. mang. men. mere. mez. agar. arn. dig. ]vce. mur-ac. plat. nitr. par. phos ac. puls. sabad. sil. spig. spong. stann. stront. sep. spig. stann. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. valer. veratr. thuj. veratr. Pecking, carb-a. mosch. nux -, on the head with a cold vom. rhus. ruta. hand, by, cal.. 690Q INTERNAL AFFECTIONS' OF THE HEAD. Pressure, acon. amm. amm- Rlaising the head, boy. m. ANAC. arg. ARN. ars. asa. calc. caps. dros. ign. lach. spong. aur. BELL. bisin. bov. BRY. tarax. CALC. calc. caust cann. caps.CARB- -- -, relieved by, ign. kal. A. carb-v. CAUS. CHAM. CfIN. Raising one's self from CIc. COCC. dig. DuLO. FERR a recumbent posture, hell. hyosC. IGN. IPEC. jod. KAL. when, arn. daphn. LYC. mur-ac. LACH. LYC. mez. natr. NATR- - -, relieved by, kal. stann. M. nitr. nitr-ac. NUX VOM. Rattling of carriages, by the, par. PETR. PHOSPI-. phos-ac. nitr-ac. plat. puls. rhab. SABAD. sass. Reading, by or while, agn. seneg. SEP. sil. SPONG. STANN. amrn. ar. bor. bry. CALC. carbstaph. SULPH. verb. rmnt-arc. v. caus. cin. cocc. coif. ign. lye. -, downwards, painful, ambr. natr-m. oleand. pal. sabad. SIL. asar. cin. con. cupr. men. Red cheeks, with, alum. bov. mur-ac. nitr-ac. nux vom. cann. ign. zinc. phos-ace. plat. rhus. spig. spong. Red face, with, ACON. canth. sulph. tart. veratr. mgt-arc. coff. IGN. LACH. magn-c. magn-m. Prickling, with, aur. chinin. natr. NUX VOM. OP. phosph. phos-ac. viol-od. PLAT. plumb. sil. stront. sulph. Proceeding from the back, tarax. thuj. zinc. calc. sep. sil. -—, cheeks, alum. bov. cann. Ptyalism, with, ANT. sep. ign. zinc. Pulled, hair, as if, ACON. Redness, of the eyes, with, arg. ALuA. arn. canth. carb-v. laur. Reeling, AcON. BELL. magn-m. mur-ac. nitr. phosph. Regularly - beating stann. pains, BELL. nitr. (comp. PulPulling, like, lach. sations.) Pnlsations, asa. asar. BELL. Relieved by laying the bor. bov. bry. CARB-v. chel. head on something, chrnin. coff. croc. dig. eugen. alum. anac. arn. BELL. mereC nux hep. hyosc. ig#. kreos. LACH. vom. rhod. sulph. lact. magn-e. oleand. OP. par. Relieved by tying up petr. phosph. phos-ac. puls. ruta. the hair, nitr. sabad. spong. stann. sulph. THuJ. Rest, during sitting, caps. chin. (compare Throbbing, and Beat- cic. coff. lach. lye. nitr. rhus. ing.) staph. Pushing, with, NATR-M. phosph. -, - relieved, hell. hep. kal. phos-aC. -. laur. phosph. rhod. SANG. staph., forward, as if, canth. grat. Restlessness, with, LYC. nnitr-ac. n-mosch. iux vom. mosch. ran. ruta. rhus. Revelling, as from nightly, Putrid fever, as in, mur-ac. BRY. calc. chin. COCC. dulc. puls. mgt-arc. laur. nitr. nitr-ac. NUX VOM. Raising one's self, when, phosph. PULS. sulph. anu. ars. laur. nux vot. Retching, with, asar., relieved by, carb-v. cic. con. Rheumatic headache, latur. natr. ACON. baryt. bell. bry. caus. llaising the eyes, when, CHAMi. CHIN. CmIIN. coff. ign. arm. caps. mgt-arc. lach. led. LYe. magn-m. MERC. Raiing one's self, when, NITR Ac. NUX VOM. pho.sph. bov. cale. caps. dros. ign. lach. PULS. sang. sep. SPIG. SULPH. spong. tarax. Rigid feeling, CAUS. rhab. Raising the head after Rising from bed, when, stooping, when, hep. lye. ars. asar. dulc. petr. sep. magn-m. mang. mur-ac. sulphi-ac. -, relieved by, amnt. earb-a. RISING FROM -A RECUMBENT POSTURLE, { carb-v. hep. ign. nux vom. head, as if, acou. baryt. magnphiosph. ran. mgt-arc. n. Rising from a recunl- Senilateral headache, bent posture, natr. nitr. (see Hemicrania.) oleand., agar. alum. amm-rn. anac., relieved by, natr-m. arg. ARG-N. ars. asa. ASAr. baryt. nitr. bell. CALC. canth. carb-v. caus. Rising from a seat, when, chel. CHIN. CHININ. CI. cin. grat. mang. sil. spong. COLOC. con. cycl. dig. graph. Roariing, with, acon. AUR. g7zaj. IGN. kal. kal-bi. laur. led. baryt. cale. carb-v. caus. croc. eyc. magn-c. magn-m. mang. graph. kal. kreos. LACI. lact. lye. MsER. yez. morph. mur-ac. nitrmagn-c. maRn-m. mur-ac. natr. ac. n-jugl. n-mosch. NUX VOM.. nux vom. petr. phosph. phos-ac. oleand. phosph. phos-ac. plat. PLAT. PULS. sass. STAPH. PULS. sabad. sass. SEP. SIL. SULPH. thuj. veratr. ZINC. spig. staph. sulph-ac. verb. zinc. Rolling, eugen. mgt-aus. Room, in the, amm-m. ars. -, left side, acon. alum. ambr. hyosc. laur. magn-c. magy-n-. ant. arg. am. asa. ASAR. aur. many. mosch. natr. NUX VOM. calc. cann. caps. chel. chin. chlor. rhod. sep. mgt-aus. cic. coloc. con. cupr. cycl. dulc., relieved, coff. ferr. magn-c. hyosc. jod. LACH. magn-m. mere. mzany. sulph. mgt-aus. n-jugl. n-mosch. nux vorn. petr. Rooin, in a warm, ARN. baryt. rhod. selen. spig, stann. staph, bov. caus. lact. laur. phosph. sulph. veratl: verb. mgt-arc. phos-ac. plat. spong. mgt-aus. Root of the nlose, above -, right side, agar. alum. ARG-N. the, ACON. aflgar. amm-tn. ars. bell. bism. bor. bry. CALC. canth. asar. baryt. bell. bism. bor. bov. carb.a. \caus. coff. dig. dros. camph. caps. carb-a. carb-v. cin. cuphr. guaj. hep. ign. lye. morph. dulc. HEP. ign. jod. kal. lach. mosch. mur-ac. nitr. nitr-ac. lact. lye. mang. men. mez. phos-ac. plumb. ran. rhus. ruta. mosch. nux von. phosph. RHus. sabad. sabin. seneg. sil. squill. ruta, sil. stann. tarax. tart. sulph-ac. valer. ther. thuj. viol-tric. mgt-arc. Sensitive persons, in, Running, by or with, natr-m. ACON. chain. chin. COFF. IGN. nux vom. ipec. spig. veratr. Rush of blood, ACON. Senasitiveness, with excessive, ALu-I. ambr. ant. arg-n. asa. chin. chinin. AUR. baryt. bor. brom. BRY. Sewing, when, petr. cale. cann. CARB-A. CARB-v. caus. Sexual parts involved, CHIN. CIC. coff. coloc. croc. dig. bor. dulc. fluor-ac. ign. jod. KAL. Shaking of the brain LACH. Lyc. mosch. natr. natr-m. during mlotion, anac. nitr. NITR-AC. NUX VOM. OP. petr. calc. cie. cocc. crotal. hyosc. kal. PHiospiI. puls. ran. sang. seneg. lact. led. lye. mang. mnez. nux. SEP. SLL. spong. stapll. stramn. vom. phos-ac. plat. rhod. sep. SULPH. thuj. valei. veratr. mgt- sil. spig. veratr. viol-tric. mgt-arc. are. mwt-aus. Shaking the head, when, caus. Sadness, with, con. crotal. con. hep. lact. lye. mang. natr-m. Screwed together, as if, nitr-ac. n-mosch. rhus. sep. spig. alum. baryt. bell. bov. magn-c. stann. staph. mgt-aus. sulph. zinc. Shocks, pushes, asa. calc. Sedentary habits, by, acon. carnph. caus. clem. croc. ferr. Nux voiM. graph. lach. laur. lyc. mere. Seeking water in the NATR-M. nitr-ac. nux vom. oleand. 692 INTERNAL AFFECTIOS-S OF 1THE HEAD). phosph. phos-ac. plumb. puls. Sleep, gone to, brain as if, ran. sabad. spig. squilL sulph. con. cupr. natr-m. sulph-ac. mgt-arc. mgt-aus. Sleeping, after, coff. hep. ign. Shock, with shuddering in the - -, with slimy tongue, calc. face, rhod. Spasmodic pains, ARN. Sides of the head, in the, cale. carb-v. chin. mosch. natr. principally, AcoN. agar. asa. nitr-ac. n-mosch. sass. stann. baryt. bov. BRY. canth. caps. STRAM. stront. clem. croc. graph. guaj kal. laur. Spirits, by, ant. ars. bell. bry. lye. magn-c. magn-m. NATR-M. CALc. CARB-V. chin. coff. ipec. nux vomr. phos-ac. plat. puls. nitr-ac. NUX VOM. op. phosphl. sass. sulph. thuj. veratr. zinc. PULS. rhus. SULPH. mgt-arc. mgt-aus. Split, head as if, amm. Side on which the head is lying, Spot, on the head, hot, carb-v. in the, calc. carb-v. magr- Solitude, with desire for, c. magn-m. phos-ac. sep. stann. ant. Side on which one is not lying, Sore, pain as if, ars. CmiN. daphn. in the, puls. lach. lye. mez. natr-m. oleand. Sitting, when, agar. amm-m. par. phosph. prun. rhod. rhus. ars. bism. bov. bry. calb-v. caus. sabad. sulph. ZiNc. mgt-arc. chin. coff. grat. laclh. ly. magn- Sound as if a chord c. mang. men. natr. phosph. were breaking, lye. rhod. staph. squill. sulph. veratr. Standing, when, ars. dig., relieved, acon. ars. asar. bell. magn-c. staph. sulph-ac. TARAX. coff. led. magn-c. magn-m. veratr. veratr. —, relieved by, plumb. tarax. Sitting erect, when, hell. ign. Staring, with, spig. mang. veratr. mgt-aus. Step, when making a, wrong, Sitting erect, relieved by, ANAC. led. spig. ci. Stiffness of nape of neck, with, Sitling up, when, am. cham. ant. baryt. calc. graph. lach. Sense of being smaller, maogn-c. nitr. phos-ac. sep. veratr. grat. Stitching, principally, ACON. Small pox, after, COFF. alum. ambr. amm. arn. asa. Small spots, at, ACON. ambr. BELL. bov. BRY. calc. canth. anac. dule. eugen. graph. hep. caps. CA.US. chain. chel. chin. laur. led. lye. mosch. nux vom. cic. CoN. cupr. guaj. hell. IGNplat. ran-se. sep. sep. spig. squill. ipec. kal-bi. LACH. laur. magn. staph. zinc. c. MERC. mosch. NATR. NATR-M. Smoke, as in a room full of, n-mosch. Nux vo.N. PETR. plumb. AGN. PULS. RnHs. sabad. SELEN. sep. Smuoking, by, ACON. ANT. SIL. spong. squill. STANN. staph. CAus. IGN. magn-c. par. SULPH. tart. verb. Sneezing, when, amm-m. KAL. Stomach, as if out of the, natr-m. sulph. alum. carb-v. con. magn-m. -, relieved by, calc. mur- Stone, as from a, BELL. cann. ac. con. dig. nitr. Sleep, during, chainm. dig. ferr. Stones, around the eyes, like, nagn-c. petr. nitr. -,- relieved by, laur. phosph. Stooping, from, alum. amm-m. SANG. thulj. ang. ARN. aum. baryt. BELL. boy. Sleep disturbed by the BRY. calc. camph. canth. carb-a. ache, AcoN. canth. caus. CHIN. carb-v. caus. chinin. coloc. dig. chinin. hep. mur-ac. nitr. nitr ac. dros. hell. hep. hyose. ign. kal. phosph. plat. SIL. SULPH. mgt- kreos. LACH. laur. lyc. mang. arc. men. mere, -mur-at. xnatr. nitr. STITCHING, STOOPING. 698 itr-ac. Nux vom. n-mosch. par. carb-v. cham. chel. CHIN. colch. petr. phosph. puls. rhab. rhus. con. cupr. dros. guaj. hell. IGN. SANG. seneg. SiL. spong. stann. ipec. kal. LACH. LYC. magn-c. sulph. veratr. maan-m. MERC. mez. mur-ac. Stitching, relieved by, baryt. natr NATR-M. NITR-AC. NUX caus. cin. con. ign. mez. tarax. VOM. phosph. phos-ac. plumb. Stooping, from sitting, con. PULS. rhus. samb. sass. SEP. SIL. Stopped, head as if, natr. spig. stann. staph. SULPH. thuj. Stormy weather, in, Nux vOM. Tearing, in the temples, acon. Stove, near the warm, ARN. agar. agn. alum. amm-m. anac. baryt. anyg.BELL.BRY.CALC. canth. caus. Straining, when lifting, by, chin. cin. coce. cycl. guaj. hell. ambr. am. bry. CALC. natr. phos- kal. kreos. lach. laur. lye. magn-c. ac. RHUS. SIL. magn-m. mang. merc. mur-ac. -, as from, phos-ac. natr. NATR-AM. n-mosch. oleand. Striking against the par.petr. phosph. phos-ac. PLAT. skull during motion, plumb. puls. rhod. rhus. sabad. brain as if, laur. plat. stann. sabin. samb. sass. seneg. sil. spig. sulph. sulph-ac. stann. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. verb. String, as from a, mosch. viol-tric. zinc. rngt are. mgt-aus. (comp. Band.) Tension, principally, acon. Strunng together, as if, jod. alum. ARN. ars. asa. asar. baryt. spiy. bell. bov. cale. cann. carb-a. Suffocative fit, witb, coloc. carb-v. CAUS. clem. coff. con. Sun, by the, baryt. brorn. CAMPI. crotal. dig. graph. grat. hell. hep. clhinin. euphr. ign. LACH. NATR ipec. kal.-lach. acet. laur. LYc. SELEN. magn-c. men. mosch. mur-ac. -, relieved by, graph. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. NUX Suppression of sweat, by, VOM. par. petr. puls. rhod. cham. sabad. SIL. spig. stann. stront. Swashing in the head SULPH. tart. valer. veratr. viol(compare Watery Feeling), asa. od. zinc. myt-arc. mgt-aus. BELL. carb-a. dig. hep. hyosc. nux Throbbing, ACON. anac. vorn. rhus. spig. squill. ARS. asar. BELL. bor.- bov. bry. Sweat in the face, with, CALC. CnRB-v. caus. cham. chinmagn-c. plat. thuj. in. cocc. con. dros. euphr. FERR. Swelling of the eyes, with, grat. ign. jod. kal. KREOS. hyose. LACIr. laur. LED. lye. magn-m. -, with glandular swellings, mang. mez. morp. natr. NATR-M. baryt. mur-ac. nitr. nitr-ac. oleand. par. PETR. —, with swelling of the lower phosph. PULS. ruta. sabad. sang. jaw, AcoN. seneg. SEP. SIL. SQUILL. STRAM. -, with swollen cheeks, calc. SULPH. THER. veratr. mgt-aus. carb-a. lye. Thinking.of the pain, Taciturnity, with, ant. con. relieved by, camph. cic. thuj. Thin, sense as if the cranium Talking of others, by the, were, bell. puls. baryt. mere. Thinking, by or while, arn. Talking, by, ACON. aur. canth. asar. aur. calc. cham. CHIN. cin. CHIN. cocc. con. dtlc. ign. jod. cocc. coff. dig. hell. ign. natr-m. mez. natr-m. n-jugl. sass. SIL nitr-ac. NUX VOM. par. phosph. spig. sulph. zinc. sulph. mgt-arc. mgt-aus. Tea, by, selen. -, relieved, puls. sabad. Tearing, ambr. aunac. ARN. Thirst, with, agar. arn. chinin. ARS. aur. BELL. bov. bry. CALc. cupr. Laca. mang. natr. plat. eamph. caen. eanth. caps. carb-a. rhus. stram. thuj. !Bi94 TERNAt AFFEC'tIONS OF TnE IEAD. Tickling, phosph. lye. men. mosch. par. phos-ae. Tin, by poisoning with, sulp. thus. sulph. Tingling, ARN. baryt. cic. Vertigo, with, CALe, cocc. colch. cupr. HIYosc. laur. Vacillation in the head, phosph. phos-ac. puls. rhab. n-mosch. RHUS. sulph. tarax. mgt-aus. Vanishing of sense, with, Toothaehe, with, bor. cale. ACON. arnbr. cur. coce. laur. carb-v. cans. dig. euphr. ign. magn-c. MIANG. mosch. PETR. kreos. LACEI. laur. LYv. magn-c. prun. puls. rthus. merc. mez. mosch. natr-m. petr. Vapor of coal, as from the, prun. PULS. Rfims. sabad. sass. amm. nitr-ac. zinc. sep. stram. sulph. zinc. Vapor of unclean clothes, Touched, when, Acor. agn. carb-a. alum. arg. baryt. bov. carb-a. Veal, by, nitr. CHIN. con. cupr. daphn. ipec. kal. Vertex, upper part of head, mez. nitr. phosph. sep. staph. in, AcoN. AGN. ambr. anac. - relieved by, asa. coloc. thuj. CALC. carb-a. CAUS. chin. coCc. Torn, brain as if, agar. alum. CON. capr. dule. kreos. LACH. amm-m. ang. crs. Aun. BELL. led. LYC. men. natr. natr-m. bov. camph. carb-a. caus. cham. NITR-AC. n-mosch. par. phosph. CHIN. coff. con. euphr. ferr. ran-sc. sabad. sep. sil. spig. stann. graph. hell. hep. ign. IPEC. jod. staph. stram. sulph. thuj. valer. lauri. magn-c. merec. moscll. mur- veratr. verb. mat-arc. mgt-aus. ac. nitr. nitr-ac. NUX VOM. op. Vertigo, with, anac. ars. antr. phosph. phos-ac. PULS. RHUS. sep. BRY. CALC. CARB-A. CAUS. cham. stann. staph. stront; sulph. thuj. CHIN. chinin. Cocc. CoN:. crotal. VERATR. zinc. mgt-arc. cupr. ferr. hell. LACH. laur. Lyc. Trembling, with, bor. CALC. magn-m.)mur-ac.natr.NATR-M-.nitr. carb-v. lye. sep. NITR-Ac. N-VOM.PHOSPH. prun. -, with tremor, lact. petr. ITTLS. ran. RHus. sabad. SEP. Turning sensation in spi. stram. tarax. tart. veratr. the head, bell. bry. calc. kal. Vibratory groaning senpetr. rhus. sabad. sil. sationgcalc. kal. lye. magn-c.n- the head, when, hyosc. vom. sil. stann. sulph. verb. zinc. lye. natr. natr-m. phllos-ac. Vice, as if in a, amm-m. cans. - thebody,when, natr-m. sil. cin. coco. euphorb. graph. grat. -, in the twilight, ang. mere. petr. plat. PULS. ran-sc. Twitching in the brain, rhod. stann. sulph-ac. tart. bov. cann. —, pain as if in a, alum. che-l. Typical ache (compare Pe- sabad. riodical and Daily), Aloes. CtIN. Violent pains, ars. cann. phosph. plat. spig. sulph. canth. ein. croc. crotal. cpr. Ulcerated, pain as if, aeon. grat. hell. hyosc. laur. led. lye. amm. bor. bov. carb-v. cans. kal. magn-c. mosch. op. plumb. sil. kreos. magn-c. malng. nux vom. straia. TARAX. THER. sep. stront. sulph. Voices, by male, baryt. Uncomfortable feeling, Vomitingg, with, chin. coloc. cin. con. eugen. graph. IPEC. kal. Uncovering the head, LACIL. moseh. natr-m. NUX VOM. relieved by, sulph. op. phosph. PULS. SANG. SEP. Undulating mnotion, ferr. VERATR. hyosc. LACH. par. petr. Waking, on, agar. alum. anac. -- pain, asa. eoce. ferr. plat. arg-n. aur. baryt. bell. bov. sep. tart. zinc. BRY. CALC. carb-a. carb-v. cans. Up-stairs, when going, alum. cham. chin. chinin. cic. cin. coff. ant. arn. bell.- crotal. cupr. -ign. con. dig. -graph; hell.-;ep.- ign. WALKING IN THE OPEN AIR, ETC. 695 RAL. kreos. lach. lact. lye. mnaqn- Wild and muddled c. mnagn-mn. natr. NATR-M. nitr. feeling, aeon. agar. ambr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. NUX VOM. arnm. ANAC. ant. ars. asa. asar. par. petr. phosph. phos-ac. puls. BrELL. boy. BRY. CARB-V. CHIN. rhus. rlat. sep. sulph. sulph-ac. chinin. coloc. eeoc. euphr. ferr. tart. thtj. graph. grat. hell. ign. lact. led. Walking in the open lyc. MERC. mez. natr. NUX air, aeon. alum. ant. arn. bell. VOM. PuiosrH. phos-ac. PULS. bor. bov. bry. CALC. caus. chin. rhod. sabad. sec. seneg. SPIG. cin. coff. con. dule. grat. hell. squill. staph. thij. hep. kal. laur. mang. mere. mur- Wind through the head, ac. natr-m. par. petr. plat. puls. as if, AUR. bov. colch. puls. ran. Rims. sass. spig. staph. sabin. zinc. sulphaac. tarax. zinc. mgt-arc. —, in the wind, CIIIN. mur-ac.,mgt-aus. -, by rough winds, mur-ac.-,relieved by, alum. amm. ang. Within outward, from, pain, ant. asar. bov. carb-a. caus. coff.- either pressing, stitching, &c. coloc. crotal. grat. hep. lach. acon. alum. atom. ant. asa. asar. laur. lye. naq7n-mn. mang. mosch. BELL. bov. BRY. calc. canth. oleand. phosph. sass. seneg. sep. carb-v. caus. cham. chel. CHIN. sulph. thji. viol-tric. mgt-aus. cin. clem. coloc. comn. cupr. dros. Wlhen walking, aeon. alum. dullc. eugen. graph. hell. hep. anaec. am. ars. asar. bell. cale. ign. kal. kreos. lach. laur. lye. caps. carb-a. caus. chin. clem. maygn-nz. men. mere. mez. murcocc. con. hell. jod. LACH. lye. ac. natr. natr-m. nitr. n-mosch. mang. nitr. nitr-ac. nulx vorn. oleand. par. phosph. phos-ac. petr. phosph. plat. p)ls. ran. prun. ran. ran-sc. rhod. rhus. rhlab. rhod. sass. spig. spong. sabad. sabin. sarnb. SEP. SIL. staph. stront. sulph. tart. them. spig. spong. stann. staph. sulph. veratr. verb. viol-tric. zinc. mgt- tarax. thuj. valer verb. mgt-arc. are. mgt-aus., relieved by, chin. dros. Withoutt inwards, from pains, magn-c. puls. ran. spig. staph. alum. anac. ant. arn. asa. calc. sulph. tarax. mgt-aus. canth. carb-v. coco. dule. kal., in the sun, chin. selen. laur. magn-c. magn-m. mang., in walking fast, bry. calc. mur-ac. n-mosch. plat. plumb. cli]. crotal. sep. ran-sc. rhod. rhus. sabad. spig. Vant of sleep, as from,magn- squill. stann. staph. sulph-ac. m. nux vom. tart. Warmth, by, grat. Worms creeping in the Washing, relieved by, magn-c. head, as if, sulph. zinc. Water in the brain, as Wrinkling of the forefrom, amm. AUR. BELL. dig. lach. head, grat. SULPH. viol-od. nmagn-m. plat., when, ars. Weakness in the head, Wrong position, as from LACIt. natrlm.., agar. lye. phos. ac. Weary feet, with, carb-a. Wrapping up, relieved by, Wedge, as if driven in, rhod. magn-nm. sil. Weeping, with, CoLoc. ferr. Writing, by, aur. bor A CAe. kreos. phosph. PLAT. ran. sep. dros. ign. kal. natr-m. ran. rhus. Wet weather, by, bry. carb- SIL. a. carb-v. nux vomn. rhod. Yawning, with, amm. zinc. Whirling sensation in, —, by yawning, baryt. chinin. lach. petr. sabad. sil. sulph. cycl. magn-c. n-rnosch. tarax. -, relieved by, mgt-arc. W.hiz;ing, lact. CHAPTER VIII. INTEGUMENTS AND EXTERNAL PARTS OF THE HEAD. Aching pain, ARG. chin. cic. Convulsions of the nitr-ac. oleand. phos-ac. rhod. head, ant. bell. CAMPI. cans. SASS. tlluj. cham. chin. cic. cocc. cupr. hell. Adhering, scalp is, arn. IGN. IPEC. kal. laech. later. LYa. Baldness, BARYT. LYC. zinc. INUx-voM. op. SEP. sil. STRAM. Blood-vessels, swelling of magt. the, bell. SANa. thuj. -, drawing the head back, ang. Boils, baryt. bell. calc. kal. bell. CAMPII. cic. cupr. IGN. IPEc. LED. magn-m. mur-ac. nitr-ac. nux vom. Op. stran. rhus. -, drawing the head sideways, Bone-paius, aeon. ant. ARG. bell. lye. nux vom. stram. AUR. canth. cin. cupr. ipec. lach., by fits and starts, cic. kal. MERC. mez. NITR-AC. phos-ac. sep. RHOD. ruta., drawing the head forward, Boring with the head cic. ipec. magt. into the pillow, BELL. Creeping, alum. arg-n. cann.;JELL. chin. kal. ran. sil. staph. thuj. Bruised, painful as if, hell. Cutting, clen. sass. ipec. petr. rhod. ruta. Desquamation, see Scales. Burning, ars. bry. coloc. cupr. Drawing, canth. chin. graph. mere. ran. sabad. lact. magn-rn. men. nitr-ac. petr. Caries, FLUOR-AC. phos-ac. puls. rhod. rhus. ruta. Cold drops, sense as of, cann. sass. sep. staph. thuj. Cold feeling, agar. CALC. -, as by the hair, aeon. alum. chel. laur. SEP. SULPH. canth. chin. rhus. sel. VERATR. EEnlarged, sense as if, bov. Cold, liable to taking, BARYT. daphn. dulc. mang. meph. rancalc. CARB-v. kal. LED. IYC. natr- se. ther. m. phosph. Erysipelas, bell. euphorb. Contraction of the GRAPHI. LACH. puls. RHUS. scalp, natr-m. plat. ran-sc. Ernptions, alum. arg. arg-n. rhus. ARS. aur. BARYT. brom. CALC. Contractive feeling in CARB-A. CARB-V. chel. cic. clem. the scalp, carb-v. chin, graph. hell. HEP. kal. kreos. ERUPTIONS, ETC. 697 LED. LYC. inagn-c. MERC. mez. alum. ars. baryt. bry. caps. mur-ae. NATR-M. nitr-ac. chari. DRos. nux vom. OLEAND. OLEAND. par. PETR. phosph. RHUS. RUTA. sep. STAPH. thuj. phos-ac. RHUS. RUTA. sass. veratr. seneg. sep. SIL. staph. SULPH. Hair in general. sulph-ac. veratr., dry, alum. calc. KAL. phosEruptions, burning, cie. mere. ac. plumb. oleand. -, end, standing on, am. canth. -, crusty, scaly, ALUMJ. ARS. kal-bi. zinc. BARYT. bar-il. brom. CALC. -, entangled, bor. fluor-ac. lye. CARB-A. chel. GRAPII. HELL. I-EP. natr-m. vine-in. KAL. kreos. MERC. NAMTR-Mr. -, falling out, anrbr. amm. ant. NITR-AC. OLEAND. PETr. ars. AUR. BARYT. bell. bov. PHOSPH. PHos-Ac. RHUS. RUTA. CALC. CANTH. carb-a. CARB-V. sep. SIL. STAPH. SULPH. caus. chin. con. ferr. fluor-ae. (comp. Scaldhead.) GRAPH. HEP. IGN. jod. KAL., dry, alum. arg. ARS. aur. kal-bi. kreos. lach. lye. magn-c. BARYT. bar-in. CALC. C CAB-A. mere. NATR-M. nitr-ac. par. petr. chel. Crc. clem. GRAPH. hell. PHOSPH. PImOS-Ac. plumb. rhus. IIEP. kreos. led. LYC. magn-c. sass. sec. selen. SEr. SIL. STAPH. MERC. mez. mur-ac. nitr-ac. SULPIJ-. sulph-ac. ZINc. OLEAND. par. petr. PHIOSPH. pllos- —, in clusters, CANTH. JOD. ae. RHUS. ruta. sass. seneg. SEP. phosph. sil. STAPH. SULPH. sulph-ac.., behind, carb-v. petr. veratr. viol-tric. ZINC. phosph. sil. -, fetid, LYC. STAPH. SULPII., behind the ears, PnosPr. -, gnawing, eating away the -, hair on the vertex, hair, MERC. RnIvs. BARYT. graph. LYC. sep. zinc. -, herpetic, alum. graph. magn- --, on the temples, calc. m. petr. rhus. kal. lye. natr-m. -, hurried, ALUM. ARS. BARYT. - -, on the sides, GRAPH. CALC. clemn. GRAPIr. HELL. HEP. kal. PHosPH. zinc. kreos. LYC. MERC. IEz. nitr- -, in front, ars. natr-m. ae. OLEAND. RIIs. ruta. sep. SIL. phosph. STAPH. SULPH., gray, turning, ars. graph. lyc., itching, arg-n. MERC. MEZ. PHOS-AC. staph. sulph-ac. OLEAN). Rims. sil. STAPH., greasy, bry. plumb. SULPII. -, painfulness, aluml. AMBR., painful, arg. baryt. HEr. ARS. asar. calc. caps. CHIN. ruta. ferr. mez. NUX VOM. par. -, pimples, arg. cann. clem. sulph. thuj. veratr. zinc. kreos. sulph., pulled, as if, AcoN. ALUM. -, pustulous, ars. clem. puls. canth. chin. rhus. selen. scaly, fufuraceous, agar. -—, withered, phos-ac. ALUM. ars. aur. Bay. CALC. dtale. Heat on the head, bell. GRAPH. KAL. led. lyc. m-nere. MEZ. bry. chuai1. coloc. veratr. natr-m. OLEAND. pets'. phosph. Itching, biting, agn. ALUM. RHus. sep. STAPH. thuj. A.M. AMIM-. anae. ant. arg-n. -, sore, painful as if, arg-n. baryt. CALC. calc-ph. caps. HEP. ruta. caus. cham. crotal. cycl. GRAPH. n —, suppurating, bar-n. CIC. kal. lach. laur. led. Iye. MERC. LYc. RIIus. MEz. natr-mn. NITR-AC. oleand. -, tuberculoid, arg-n. hep. sil. PHOSPH. puls. ran. RIno,. rhus. Fottanelles remaial open, ruta. sass. SENEG. SE P. SIL. CAGLC. SIL. spong. STAPH. SULPH. sulphGnuawing in the scalp, agnr. ac. thuj. zinc..30 698 INTEGUMENTS, ETC., OF THE HEAD. Itching as from vernin, Scald head, humid (porrigibov. caps. laur. mere. mez. nosa, sen muciflua), baryt. CALC. OLEAND. rhod. ruta. sabad. staph. carb-v. cic. dulc. graph.HEr. LYC. sulph. emgt-arc. mere. natr-m. oleand. phosph. Jerking pain, agar. bry. phos-ac. RHUS. SEP. staph. cham. hell. SULPH. viol-tric. Large head in children, -, malignant (favosa), ARS. CALC. SIL. sulph. baryt. brom. calc. hep. mere. Loose, detached, sense phosph. SULPII. as if the scalp were,, scaly, agar. alum. anac. ars. sang. aur. BRY. CALC. cie. dulc. iMobility, excessive, of GRAPHI. KAL. LACI. led. LYC. the scalp, NATR-M., sang. sep. mezcc. IMIEz. natr-n. OLEAND. petr. sulph. phosph. RIIUS. SEP. STAPIL SULPH. Numb feeling, ang. carb-a. thuj. caus. daphn. mez. plat. - -, fine scales, agar. ALUM. Painftil {when touched, anac. ars. aur. BRy. CALC, dulc. agar. ambr. arg. ars. bell. bov. GRAPH. KAL. LACH. led. lye. bry. calc. carb-v. CHIN. cin. mere. MEZ. natr-m. OLEAND. cupr. FERR. graph. hell. ITEP. petr. phosph. RIIUS. sep. STAPH. ign. lye. magn-c. BMERC. mez. thuj. natr-n. nitr-ac. n-mosch. NUX -- —, large scales, CALC. cic. VOM. par. petr. phosph. phos-ae. GRnPhr. led. LYe. mere. oleand. puls. rhus. sil. SPIG. STAPIT. SEP. SULPIT. SULPH. thuj., serpiginosa (compare Dry), Pityriasis capitis, (see Ans. CALC. cie. clein. con. dalc. Eruptions, scaly.) graph. lye. mere. natr-m. phosPlica polonica, bor.?fuor- ce. ran. rhus. sass. sep. SULPH. ac.? ICye.? natr-1.? Scales, ALUM. Cale. graph. kal. Psoriasis capitis, (sec lach. mez. oleand. PHOSPH. STAPH. Eruptions, scaly.) -, itching, ALUM. magn-c. Ptyriasis, ars. Iach. mere. STAPH. OLEAND. SABAD. stap[h. SULPIT. Sensitiveness, painful, myt-arc. alunJ. ambr. amm. ARs. asar., pulled out, sense as if the baryt. bell. calc. caps. carb-a. hair would be, Aco-. ALuMA. carb-v. CHIN. ferr. kreos. lach. canth. chin. jod. rhus. selen. lact. IIIz. AMTcE. nitr. NITR-AC. Scald head (tinea capitis), n-mosh. NUX VOM. par. petr. alum. arg. ARS. aur. BARYT. sass. sep. sil. SPIG. spong. SULPI. brom.? CALC. CARB-A. carb-v. thuj. veratr. cinc. chel. Cic. clen. GRAPII. hell. Sore, painful as if, alum. HEP. kal. kreos. led. LYC. AsIBR. anac. AnG. ars. BRY. cale. ma!ga-c. MERC. 11ez. vur-ac. nitr- DRos. graph. HEP. jod. kal-bi. ac. OLEAND. pari. peir. PiIosPri. magn-c. MERC. MEZ. natr. natrphos-ac. RHUS. ruta. sass. seneg. n. nux vom. par. petr. phosph. SEP. sil. STAPH. SULPH. sulph- phos-ac. ran. ruta. sang. staph. ac. veratr. viol-tric. Zixc. stront. ZIN'C. -—, amiantacea (like asbestos, Sore places on the scalp, eczema capitis), ars. carb-a. bov. CALC. nitr-ac. sang. mere. rhus. staph. Stinging, agn. cans. chin. cin. -, crusty (imipetiginous), oas. daphn. dig. euphorb. guaj. CALC. hep. mere. phosph. )rhus. phosph. pllos-ac. ran. ruta. sass. SULPH. thuj. -, fiarfuraceous (see Scaly.) Stoops, the head, sulph., granulated (see Crusty, irn- Swelling, ARS. BELL. cham. petiginous.) crotal. cupr. DAnPN. dig. GRAPH. SWEAT, TEARING, ETC. 699 lach. mere. op. petr. phosph. Tumors, osseous, AUR. DAPHX. RHUS. ruta. sep. stram. sulph. mere. Sweat, aeon. BELL. BRY. CALC. Tunmors on the head, CHAM. CHIN. cin. coloc. dig. arg-n. calc. daphnl. hell. nux graph. guaj. hep. KAL. led. MERC. vom. petr. puls. rhus. ruta. sep. nux vom. op. phosph. PU LS. rhab. sil. rhus. sep. SIL. veratr. Ulcerated spots, nitr-ac. -, co]d, bly. cin. dig. hep. me rc. dig. hertr. Ulcerative pain, agar. arg., cmmy, chalm. mere. nux AnsC.colch. graph. kreos. MERC. vom. mur-ac. nitr-ac. petr. phosph. Tearing, arg. bry. carb-a. phos-ac. rhod. rhus. ruta. sil. CARB-V. graph. LYC. natr. rhod. Spig. stann. snlph-ac. zinc. rhus. sass. sep. Ulcers, little, ars. ruta. Tension of the skin, agn. Vacillates, the head, bell. ang. arn. ars. asar. caus. lach. hyose. merc. nitr-ac. ruta. spig. tart. Weakness of the head, viol-od. mgt-arc. arn. caus. chin. cupr. rhod. Thinness, sense of, in the spong. viol-od. skull, bell. Tingling, aeon. alum. amm. -—, drawing it back, camph. chin. ARN. ars. baryt. calc. carb-v. dig. rhod. viol-tric. CHEL. COLCH. lach. laur. led. nitr- - -, sideways, spong. ac. nux vom. plat. ran. rhod. —, forwards, cupr. RHUS. sabad. spig. veratr. Wrinkling of the foreTrembles, the head, aur-m. head, grat. rhab. SULPH. violcocc. ign. sep. tart. od. CHAPTER IX. AFFECTIONS OF THE EYES AND THE VISUAL POWERS. Affected, the eyes feel, cin. mere. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux vom. ruta. sep. petr. phosph. PULS. RHAB. RUTA. —, in the afternoon, agar. ang. seneg. sep. SIL. staph. suliph. alum. amm-m. bry. calc. canth. sutlph-ac. thuj. chin. con. jod. kal. laur. lyc. Affected, relieved, arg-n. maygn-c. mur-ac. natr. nux vomn. Amaurosis, acon. agar. anac. phosph. phos-ac. plumb. sil. spig. nrg-n. aur. baryt. BELL. bry. staph. sulph. valer. veratr. viol- CALC. caps. CAus. chel. CHIN. tric. zinc. CHiNN.. Cic. coce. CON. croc. DIG., in the open air, acon. anm.. dros. dulc. euplir. ferr. HYOSC. anmn-m. ASAR. BELL. BRY. ka]. laur. lyc. MERC. natr. CALC. camph. canth. caus. coff. NATR-M. nitr-ac. n-mosch. oleand. con. graph. hell. kal. led. LYC. Or. petr. PHOSPH. pllumb. PULs. 700 AFFECTIONS OF THE EYES. rhus. RUTA. sec. SEP. SIL. spig. CHEL. chin. cic. con. croc. Dir. staph. STRAM. SULPH. tart. dros. EUPHR. graph. HYosc. kal. veratr. zinc. kal-bi. lye. mere. NATR-M. nux Arnaurosis, incipient, agar. vom. oleand. op. petr. PHosPH. aur. BELL. CALC. caps. CAUS. CHLN. plumb. PULS. ruta. sec. sep. SIL. Crc. cin. CON. dig. dros. dulc. spig. STRAM. SULPH. veratr. violeuphr. guaj. Hyosc. kal. lach. od. (comp. Hemeralopia and lyc. MERa. natr. NATR-M. N ITR- Nyctalopia.) AC. n-mosch. OP. PHOSPH. plumb. Blindness, in paroxysms, argPULS. rhus. 8ec. SEP. SIL. SULPH. n. calc. chel. chin. dig. euphr. veratr. zinc. hyosc. natr-m. nux vom. PHOSPH. - - -, erethic, bell. calc. cic. puls. sep. SIL. SULPH. con. hyosc. mere. nitr-ac. op. -—, after sun-set, BELL. phosph. sep. sulph. Blood-color, objects have a, -, torpid, aur. caps. caus. after surgical operations on the chin. dros. dulc. natr. natr-m. eyes, STRONT. Op. phos-ac. plumb. sec. veratr. Blood, exuding, BELL. CALC. Appearances, see the Parti- NUX VOM. seneg. cular Appearances. Blood-vessels, swelling of, Arthritic affections, A- AosN. AMBR. ARS. BELL. IGN. CON. ANT. ars. BELL. BRY. lach. MERC. phos-ac. spig. CALC. cham. coloc. DIG. HEP. sulph. led. lye. mere. Nux voM. phosph. Bloody-spots, arn. BELL. PULS. rhus. SPIG. SULPH. calc. cham. crotal. kal-bi. NUX Ball, sense as if a, magn-m. VOM. plumb. ruta. SENEG. Band round the eyes, as Blue, things look, bell. lye. if, laur. stram. stront. sulph. zinc. Beating, aeon. ars. bell. bry. Blurred, letters look, when calc. cham. cocc. ign. mang.petr. reading, arg-n. bell. bry. CHIN. phosph. rhab. nmgt-arc. mgt-aus. DAPHN. DROS. GRAPH. hyosc. Big, eyes feel, lach. lye. NATR-M. seneg. SIL. stram. Biting, especially, ambr. ars. viol-od. BELL. bry. KREOS. LACH. LYC. Bone-pain, aur. hep. mere. nitr-ac. nux vom. phosph. ran. natr-m. nitr-ac. phosph. phos-ac. ran-sc. sep. SIL. SULPH. VALER. rhus. staph. sulph. Black appearance, agar. Bony-swelling, mere. anac. amr. baryt. calc. caus. Borders of the lids, CHIN. chinin. con. euphr. magn- ARS. BRY. CHAM. CLEM. c. MERc. natr. NATR-M. nitr-ac. EUPHR. DIG. KREOS. MERC. nux vorm. PHOSPII. sep. SIL. PULS. SPIG. STAPH. SULPH. stram. VALER., Black color before the Boring, bism. calc. hep. kal. eyes, BELL. calc. chin. cocc. natr-m. SPIG. thuj. euphr. KAL. lye. MAGN-C. Bruised, as if, am. bry. chin. PHOSPHI. SEP. SIL. staph. cupr. HEP. lye. nux vom. rhus. STRAM. SULPH. tart. veratr. Blear-eyed, ACON. arg-n. Burning, principally, ACON. EUPHR. MERC. nux vom. par. amm-m. arn. ARS. asa. ASAR. PULs. rhus. spig. staph. stram. BELL. broin. BRY. CALC. Blennorrhuwa, alum. amm. CARB-V. COLOC. CROC. CRobell. calc. caus. chin. DIG.'rAL dros. EuPIRt. kal. kal-bi. EUPHR. GRAPII. guaj. hep. lye. LACH. laur. LYC. magn-m. MERC. nitr-ac. PULS. SENEG. MERC. nmur-ac. natr. nitr. nsil. spig. SULPII. thuj. jugl. nux vomr. phosph. PHOSBlindness, principally, aeon. AC. rhus. sep. spong. SULPH. aur. BELL. CALC. cann. caius. tarax. CAMPHOR, CANCER, ETC. 701 Camphor, smell of, nitr. Cold water, caused by, murCancer, ars. BELL. calc. con. ac. nitr. SEP. hep. LAUR. lye. sep. sil. - -, relieved by, nitr. Canthi, principally, AGAR. Colored appearances, ALUM. ant. arg-n. asar. aur. amm. aur. baryt. BELL. bor. BELL. bor. bry. CALC. carb-a. bry. camph. cann. con. croc. dig. CARB-V. caus. chel. cin. clem. graph. hyosc. jod. kal. nux vom. con. euphorb. euphr. graph. hell. puls. spig. stront. valer. veratr. ign. kal. L.ACH. laur. magn-c. viol-od. zinc. MERC. mur-ac. NATR-M. NUX Condylomata, THUJ. VOM. petr. PHOSPH. phos-ae. Congestion, ACON. BELL. puls. ran. ran-se. ruta. sep. SIL. MERC. PHOS. SULP. squill. stann. STAPH. stront. Conjunctiva affected, sulph. tart. thuaj. ACON. ambr. ant. arn. ARS. -, outer, alum. baryt. bor. bry. ASAR. aur. baryt. BELL. BRO1a. CALC. chin. euphr. hep. ign. bry. cslc. chan. chel. chin. clem. kal. mur-ac. natr-m. nux vom. con. DIG. EUPHR. ferr. hep. ign. ran. sep. SQUILL. spong. stann. ka]. lye. magn-m. meph. MERC. staph. SULPH. thuj. nux vom. phosph. plumb. PULS. -, internal, AGAR. alum. aur. sep. sil, spig. stram. SULPH. BELL. bry. CALC. carb-a. carb- sulph-ac. veratr. v. caus. clem. con. euphr. graph. —, interstitially distended, and hell. laur. mayn-c. natr-m. nux red, nitr. nic. vom. petr. phosph. phos. ac. puls. Conjunctiva, interstitial disrhod. ruta. sep. sil. stann. tension of the, arg-n. BELL. STAPH. sulph. tart. thuj. broln. SENEG. SULPH. Cataract, AMM. baryt. bell. Cornea, affections of the, arg-n. calc. cann. caus. chel. chin. CON. ARs. aur. BELL. CALC. CANN. croc. DIa. EUPHR. hep. hyosc. chel. CHIN. cin. con. euphorb. lye. MAGN-C. mere. natr-m. nitr- EUPHR. HEP. LACII. magn-c. ac,. op. PHosPH. PULS. rhus. ruta. MERC. NITR-AC. RUTA. SEsenteg. SIL. spig. stram. SULPH. iEG. SEP. SIL. SPIG. SULPH. Catarrhal affections, -, specks, arg-n. ars. aur. BELL. ACON. ARS. BELL. CHAM. dig. CALC. CANN. Chel. cin. con. euphorb. EUPHR. HEP. IGN. kal- EUPHR. HEP. kal-bi. lach. lye. bi. MERC. NUX VOM. PULS. magn-c. NITR-AC. puls. ruta. sulph. SENEG. sep. SIL. spig. sulph. Closing the eyes, when, bell. -, ulcers, arg-n. ARS. bell. CALC. cale. clem. croc. dig. hell. lye. EUPHR. HEP. LACH. MERC. sep. sil. sulph. natr. SIL. SULPH., relieved by, aur. nitr-ac., pustules, arg-n. kal-bi. mere. phos-ac. - obscuration, ang. arg-n. BELL. disposed to, agar. alum. amm- CALC. CANN. caps. CHEL. CHIN. m. baryt. cale. lye. mang. phos- EUPHR. lach. MAGN-C. nitr-ac. ac. plumb. PULS. ruta. SULPH. Cobwebs, see Gauze. —, condylomata, arg-n. Cold, affected by a, Acon. ARS. Crystalline lens, pressure bell. calc. CHAM. DULC. euphr. in, men. hep. mer. HNux vDoU. PULS. Cutting, especially, bell. CALC. SULPH. canth. COLOC. kal. lye. MEac. Cold. air, in, DIG. Pu)srhus. z mur-ac. puls. rhus. spoig. sulpl. Cold air, in, DIG. PULS. thus. veratr. Cold feeling, alum. AMM. Dark spots, etc., AGAR. ammcale. CON. kal. lyc. par. PLAT. m. ANAC. arn. AuR. BARYT. bell. mgt-arc. CALC. CArs. CHIN. chinin. cocc. Cold, relieved by, ASAR. CON. euphr. hep. MAGN-C. MERC. 702 AFFECTIONS OF THE EYES. mosch. NATR. NATR-M. nitr-ac. Dry feeling, asar. baryt. PHOSPH. ruta. SEP. SIL. staph. caus. graph. stram. sulph. Dryness, acon. agar. ARS. asa. Dazzled, by bright light, BARYT. bell. BRY. caus. euphr. ACON. BARYT. CALC. camph. kal. laur. LYC. magn-c. magn-m. carb-a. caus. chel. cic. con. dig. MANG. natr. natr-m. n-mosch. nux dros. euphr. GRAPH. hyosc. vom. phosph. PULS. rhod. seneg. KAL. lye. mang. merc. natr. nitr- spig. STAPH. SULPH. tbuj. ac. nux vomn. oleand. PHOSPH. VERATR. ZINC. PIIOS-AC. seneg. SEP. SIL. Dust in the eyes, pains as stram. sulph. valer. from, ambr. baryt. cocc. dig. ign. Digging, phosph. SPIG. lach. lye. magn-m. nitr. rhab. Diminished space be- rhu'. tween the lids, see Con- -- dust in the eyes, pain from, traction. SULPI. Dimness, aeon. ang. ARN.Ass.. -, accompanied by affections asar. BELL. bov. BRY. cann. of the ear, cie. nitr-ac. petr. carb-a. caus. CHIN. cin. clem. phosph. pulb. con. croc. cupr. cycl. FERR. Eating, after, ambr. croc. nux graph. HYOSC. jod. LACt. vom. ruta. valer. MERC. natr. nitr-ac. op. phos-ac. Ecchyinosed, ARN. bell. cale. rhab. seneg. SPIG. squill. stann. cham. crotal. NUX VOM. plumb. STRAM. tart. valer. VERATR. ruta. SENEG. zinc. Eruption, bell. EuPIn. mere. Dim sight, aeon. agar. AMBR. nitr-ac. SFrNEG. sep. SPONG. AMM. ANAC. arn. ars. atur. STAPH. SULPH. thuj. BARYT. BELL. bov. BRY. CALC. -, suppressed affections, after, CANN. caps. CAUS. chel. CHIN. alum. Ans. bell. BRY. cale. chinin. cin. clem. CON. CROC. CARB-V. CAUS. chain. GRAPI. dig. dulc. EUPHR. HEP. hyose. hep. hyosc. LACH. mere. natr-m. IGN. kal-bi. KREOS. LYC. nitr-ac. puls. rhus. sel. sep. magn-c. mnang. MERC. n'atr. SULPH. zinc. natr-m. nitr-ac. op. PHOSPH. Erysipelas of the lids,HEP. plumb. PULS. rhus. RUTA. sass. -, in the evening, agar. agn. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. stann. alulm. AMM. AMann-M. aug. ASAR. staph. stramn. SULPH. BELL. bry. CALC. carb-a. CAUS. Diplopia, principally, aur. chel. chin. cin. con. croc. daphn. BELL. CIC. con. I)APHN. dig. EUPIIR. ferr. graph. hep. HYosc. eugen. euphorb. hyose. jod. lye. ign. jod. kal. LACH. LAUR. led. NATR-M. nitr-ae. oleand. puls. LYC. magn-c. magn-n. MERC. see. stram. sulph. veratr. mgt- mang. MUR-Ac. natr. NATR-M. aus. NITR-AC. nux vom. petr. PHosPH. Discharge, acrid, coloc. (comp. phos-ac. plat. PULS. ran. rhab. Bleeding, gum.) RHOD. rhus. ruta. sass. SENEG. Distant, objects look, anac. SEP. sil. staph. SULPH. SULPH-AC. carb-a. cic. natr-m. n-mosch. valer. veratr. zinc. mgt-arc. mytphosph. stann. stram. sulph. auts. Distortion of the eyes, -,in bed, amm. cale. dig. nux ACON. aug. arn. ars. BELL. vom. bry. camph. CANTH. CHAM. Cic. —, involving the sight, alum. cocc. CUPR. hell. HYOSC. LACI. cale. carb-a. cham. cin. CRoc. laur. OI'. petr. PLAT. plumb. dros. ferr. HEP. ign. kal. laur. pals. SEC. spig. STANN. STRA3M. LYC. nitr. petr. phosph. phos-ac. SULPIT. veratr. puls. rhod. rhus. sep. sulph. -, in drunkards, CHIN. lach. nux valer. veratr. vom. op. sulph. Eversion of the lids, BELL. EXANTHEMS, ETC. 703 Exanlthems, affection of the Fistiula lachrymalis, eyes after, BELL. BRY. chaam. arg-n.? BELL. CALC. chel. FLUORhep. HYosc. MERC. nitr-ac. AC. puls. ruta. PULS. rhus. SULPIT. Foreigin body in the eye, Exerting the eyes, weak- as if a, AcoN. agar. alum. anac. ness from, BELL. carb-v. RUTA. aur. bell. bor. bry. calc. calc-ph. spig. carb-a. carb-v. chin. cin. con. from working, natr. phosph. ferr. gralph. hyosc. ign. MERC. Exerting the mnind, from, natr-m. nitr-ac. oleand. phosph. cin. plumb. puls. spig. SULPH. SULPHEyebrows, eruption, clem. AC. thuj. cupr. guaj. kal. par. selen. sil. —, sore by a forei.gn body penespong. stann. thuj. trating,AcoN. SULPII.SULPH-AC., falling off of the hair, agar. Fuingus haematodes, plumb. selen. BELL. CALC. LYc. SEP. SIL. pain, bell. dig. kal ig. k al. Fuagt Bnedallaris, BELL. -, wart, CAUS., with gastric symptoms, Eyegum, agar. alum. AzBir. ant. calc. caps. chin. cocc. lye. arg-n. calc. caus. chain. chin. con. natr-m. nux vom. phosph. puls. dig. dros. EuPHR. GRAPIH. guaj. sulph. hep. lye. natr. nitr-ac. phos-ac. Gauze, mist, agar. alum. arn. rhab. seneg. sil. spig. sulph. asa. baryt. bell. bry. CALC. tarax. thuj. caLus. cuh>ini. con. croc. dig. Far-sighted, alum. amm. DROS. euphr. IGN. kal-bi. arg-n. bell. bry. CALC. carb-a. KREOS. lanr. lye. MERC. natr. caus. cof. COIN. DROS. IIYOSC. NATR-MI. nitr-ae. petr. phosph. lye. magn-m. MEss. MEPm. Me AT. AT phos-c. plumb. puls. RUTA. sass. NATR-M. nOX VOm. PETR. SEP. ETR. sep. sil. spig. staph. stram. SIL. spig. SULPIH. SULPIT. tart. Feathers before the Glaucoma, PITOSPI. PULs. eyes, CALc. LYc. NATR. NATR- GoEorrhcea, soreness from M. sull ph. suppression of, AcoN. rrerc. nitrFeeble sight, A CAR. alum. ac. PULS. SULhS. thlsj. ANAC. AuR. BELL. CALC. CA~N. Gray, things appear, nitr-ac. CAPS. carb-a. caus. chel. CI[TN. nux vTom. PI-IOSPH. sep. SIL. cic. CIN. CoN. CROC. DAPIIN. dig. strain. DRos. dulc. euphr. gunj. he). Greasly, as if, calc. IYosc. ign. jod. kal. kreos., laeh. Green, objects look, DIG. led. LYe. magnS-c. many. MERC. merc. P1IOsPr. ruta. sep. stront. ~natr. NATR-M. nitr-ac. N-Moscr. sulph. zinc. ux vorem. op. PHOSPH. plant. eminorrhage, BELL. calc. plumb. PULS. rhab. rhus. RUTA. CARB-V. CHAi. crotal. euphr. sec. SEP. SIL SPIG. stCaph. stram. lach. NUX VOGM. ruta. seneg. stront. SULPH. tart.veratr. zinc. B:HIae orrhage, after supFiery appearancees,sparks, pressed, be;l. calc. lye. nux vom. etc., amm. Aula. baryt. bell. phosph. puls. sep. sulph. brom. BRY. caus. con. croc. dig. HEair in the eye, as if a, dule. hyosc. kal. LYC. mere. Tnatr. puls. ran. sang. natr. natr-m. nux veon. PULS. Half-sighted, aur. calc. caus. sec. sep. sil. spig. staph. strain. lye. mur-ac. natr-m. sep. sulph. veratr. viol-od. zinc., vertical, caus. lye. mur-ac. Fiery glare inconveni- natr-m. ences, magn-m. AIERC., horizontal, aur. Fine sewing, by, BELL. Htalo, bell. cic. con. dig. euphr. NATR-M. RIUTA. tral. iltr. phosph. plhos-ac. stann., whlen, NATR-M. IrlIs-ac. shoi-a.t, sunlph. 704 AFFECTIONS OF TIIE EYES. Halo around the can- croc. DIG. euphorb. EUPHR. dle, alum. anac. BELL. CALC. ferr. GRAPHI. HEP. IGN. jod. cic. COCC. DIG. euphr. ferr. hal. I(AL. kal-bi. KREos. LACH. led. nitr. PIOSPH. phos-ac. PULS. LYC. magn-c. MERC. natr. NATR. RUTA. sass. SEP. stann. staph. AM. NITR-AC. NUX VOM. par. stront. SULPH. zinc. PETR. PHOSPH. PHOs-AC. PULS. -, with affection of the heart, RHUS. RUTA. sabad. sang. SIL. aur. caic. cann. dig. lach. phosph. SPIG. squill. SPONG. stann. puls sep. spig. STAPH. SULPH. tart. THUJ. Heat, principally, acon. ars. veratr. zinc. BELL. bov. br~l. calc. carb-v. Large, sense as if too, asar. cham. con. croc. enphr. graph. BELL. bism. cauls. guaj. hep. kal. KREOS. lach. lye. MERC. hyosc. natr. natr-m. op. par. nux vom. op. par. PHOSPH. sep. phos-ac. plumb. seneg. SP1G. SIL. stram. sulph. velatr. tarax. thuj. Heavy feeling, BELL. calc. Larger, objects seem, euphorb. natr. plat. sep. hylosc. laur. natr-m. phosph. Hleneralopia, arg-n. BELL. staph. verb. chinin. HYosc. MERC. puls. Lids, especially, ACON. agar. STRAM. VERATR. alum. ambr. ANT. ARN. ARS. Herpes, BRY. sep. BELL. bor. BRao. BRY. CALO. Hypopyon, plumb. cann. carb-v. CAUS. CHAM. —, in itnfants, ACON. BELL. bor. cllel. chin. colch. CROC. cycl. bry. CALC. CHAM. DULC. EUPHR. DIG. euphorb. euphr. ferr. MERC. nux vom. PULS. RHUS. GRAPH. HEP. hyosc. ign. kal. SULPH. KREOS. LYC. magn-c. men. Inflammation (see Ophthal- MIERC. NATR. natrm. NITR-AC. mia.) INUX VOM. oleand. par. phosph. Injuries, after mechanical, PHOS-AC. plumb. PULS. rhab. ACON. ARN. CALC. cic. con. rhod. RHUS. seneg. SEP. sil. EUPHR. hep. nitr-ac. petr. puls. SPIG. spong. stann. 4taph. stram. ruta. SIL. SULPH. sulph ac. SULPH. tart. VALERE. veratr. lnv erted, objects appear, BELL. viol-od. zinc. mgt-arc. mgt-aus. Iris, affections of, CLEM. MERC. -, agglutination at nlight or SENEG. SULPH. towards morning, aeon. agar. Itching, especially, agar. alum. ALUM. arg-n. ARS. BARYT. BELL. asa. baryt. bell. bry. CALC. BRY. CALC. CARB-V. CAUS. cans. chel. cycl. ig#n. kal-bi. CHAM. CRoc. DIG. dros. eumagn-m. qmerc. natr. natr-m. nux phorb. EUPHR. ferr. GRAPH. vom. puls. SIL. spig. SULPH. HEP. igz. ka]. led. LYC. magn-c. zinc. magn-m. MANG. MERC. natr. of the lids, bell. bry. CALC. NATR-{f. NUX VOM. PHOSPII. eycl. euphorb. kal-bi. mez. natr. PLUnB. PULS. RsUS. RUTA. SEP. nux vom. rhus. phosph. SULPH. SIL. SPIG. STAPHI. SULPIH. mgt-arc. mint-aus. TaUJ. mgt-arC. rngt-aus., of the canthi, bell. calc. caus., closing, spasmodic, ang. ARS. con. lye. magn-c. natr-m. puls. BELL. calc. camph. carb-v. cans. ruta. staph. stront. sulphll. CIGAM. cocc. con. CROC. cupr. Lachrymal gland, affec- hell. HEP. HYOSC. kal. laur. ted, arg-n. BELL. bry. CALC. MIERC. NATR-M. nitr-ac. PIIOSPH. CnIEL. natr. petr. phosph. puls. plumb.,hus. SEP. sil. spig. ruta. sil. stann. staph. STAPH. STRAM. SULPH. viol-od. - sac, bloating of, natr-m. -, contraction, agar. ant. arg-n. Lachrymation,, ACON. arn. caitth. croc. clotal. squill. ALUM. ARN. ARS. aur. BELL. -, dryness, ACON. alum. ang. brom. BRY. CALC. carb-a. carb- arn. ars. bry. carb-v. cham. chin. v. chel. chin. chlor. coloc. con. cin. cocc. cycl. euphorb. graph. LIDS. ( O ipec. mang. n-mosch. petr. puls. Lids, spasm, alum. ambr. ang. RHUS. sass. sulph. VERATR. BELL. CHAM. CocC. CROC. HEP. magt. mgt-arc. MGT-AUS. 11YOSC. men. MERC. NATR-M. Lids, enlarged, as if, kal-bi. rhod. RUTA. seneg. sep. SIL. STAPI. verb. VI~L-o1. -, eversion, BELL. merc. puls. STApH. verb. YIO-O..'., spots, red, camph. sil. falling as if paralysed, BELL. tifsnese, RHU. SPI. cocc. NITR-AC., op. plumb. rhus. veratrs SEP. SPIG. STRAMI. TERATR., ZINC. -, swelling, ACON. ARN. ARS. baryt. BELL. BRY. CALC. —, heaviness, aeon. bell. cau. s. caUS. CHA. eYCe. DIG. euphorb. CHAM. ehel. euphorb. euphr. EUPHR. ferr. hyosc. IGN. jod. hell. INUX VOM. phos-ac. rhus. KAL. kal-bi. KREos. lye. magn-e. SEP. spig. spong. veratr. mang. MIERC. mur-ac. natlr. -, herpes, BRY. rhus. sep. nitr-anc. INUX VOM. phosph. indurations, bry. ran-sc. phos-ac. PULS. rhod. RHUS. SPIr. STAPH. THUJ. RUTA. seneg. spong. STRAM. -, inflammation of the, ACON. SULPH. TnUJ. VALER. ARS. BELL. BRY. CALC. carb-v. -—, tubercles, aur. bry. CALC. CAUS. CHAM. DIG. euphorb. ran-sc. STAPH. thuj. euphr. HEP. hyosc. IGN. kal-bi. --—, ulceration, CLEM. colch. croc. LYC. NUX VOM. PULS. RHUs. EUPHR. ign. led. lyc. natr-m. sass. SEP. SPIG. spong. staph. nux vom. puls. rhus. sil. SPIc:. strainm. SULPH. thuj. mgt-aus. STAPH. stram. -, external surface, AcoN. Lie down, pains obliging one bell. HEP. sulph. to, ARS. MERC..- -, internal surface, acon. Light, caused by, aeon. Ains. ars. bell. hep. mere. nux vreo. asar. CALC. carb-a. clem. colch. phosph. puls. rhkus. sulph. dig. EUPHR. lye. magn-m. mang. ~- —, upper lids, alum. baryt. mur-ac. nitr-ac. INUX VOM. bell. bry. cale. caus. cham. chel. phosph. sass. staph. sulph. thuj. con. croc. cycl. ferr. hep. lye. -, relieved by, amum-im. mere. phosph. puls. thus. sep. -, candle-light, calc. carb-a. sil. spig. staph. sulph. cin. croc. DRos. EUPHR. graph. - -, margins, bell. chanm. hep. LACH. laur. lye. magn-m. euphr. hep. mere. nux vuom. puls. mang. MERC. mez. n-mosch. petr. - -, lower lids, alum. ars. phlosph. phos-ac. plat. PULS. bell. bry. cale. caus. dig. mnere. RUTA. sass. seneg. SEP. sulph. natr-m. rhus. ruta. seneg. sep. -, sun-light, ASAR. BELL. BRY. opening, difficulty of, ACON. EUPEr. graph. IoGN. magn-m. agar. ambr. BELL. bov. bry. natr. puls. stram. suolph. zinc. CALC. caps. carb-v. CHAMN. mgt-arc. chel. cin. coce. con. croc. cupr. —, day-light, ant. CON. DROS. euphorb. ferr. hell. hep. HYOSC. EUPHR. GRAPH. HEP. magn-c. kal. lach. magn-c. magn-m. mang. MERC. nitr-ac. iNUX IMERC. nitr-ac. nux vorn. petr. VOM. petr. phosph. PHOS-AC. PHOSPH. puls. rhus. SEP. rhod. sass. SEP. SIL. SULPII. SPIG. spong. sulph-ac. veratr. Looking at bright coviol-tric. lors, when, amm-m. cale., redness, ACON. ant. ARS. graph. ign. kreos. magn-m. BELL. bism. bry. CALC. cann. mang. Nux voM. PHOS-Ac. carb-v. caus. CHAM. DiG. ferr. -, at near objects, magn-m. jod. LYC. mur-ac. natr-m. NUX, at a thing steadily, anac. VOM. par. phos-ac. plumb. pul'. aur. baryt. calc. canth. CARB-V. rhod, sabad. sep. stram. sulph.j chel. cin. croc. dros. graph., roughness, sense of. kal-bi kreos. laur. lye. MRne. natr-m. 30* 706 AFFECTIONS OF THE EYES. petr. phosph. plat. ran. rhod. mang. natr-m. nux vom. phosph. rhus. RUTA. seneg. spong. staph. ran. ran-sc. rhus..spig. spong. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. valer. stann. stront. SULPH. valer. Looking sideways, baryt. mgt-aus. magn-m. MlInscae volitantes, ACON. Looking down, relieved AGAR. AnIM-M. aur. BELL. by, baryt. calc. CHIN. cocc. coaf. con. Looking up, when, ars. puls. dulc. mere. natr-m. iNITR-AC. sabad. sass. PHOSPH. rhus. ruta. SEP. SIL. Loss of fluid, after, anac. stram. SuLPH. cale. CHIN. CIN. natr. natr-m. Nervous pains in the nux vom. phos-ac. sep. sulph. eyes, BELL. asar. caus. CHIN. Lower lids, principally, alum. guaj. hep. HYosc. par. phos-ac. anmm-m. ARS. bell. BRY. CALC. plumb. SPIG. thuj. canth. caus. colch. COLOC. croc. -, at night, AcoN. alum. ammDIG. lach. magn-c. MERc. NATn- m. arn. ARS. calc. carb-v. CHAM. M. phos-ac. puls. RIus. RUTA. chel. CHIN. cOCC. CROC. EUPHR. SENEG. SEP. stann. zinc. HEP. HYOSC. IGN. KAL. LYC. Lumnious spots and MERc. NATR-M. NITR-AC. NUX colors, amm. aur. baryt. bell. VOM. phosph. rhod. rhus. SEP. bor. bry. CALC. camph. cann. sil. STAPH. SULPH. chlor. con. croc. dig. graph. Nyctalopia, aeon. con. mere. hyosc. jod. kal. NATR-M. nUX vom. nitr. nux vom. PHuOSPH. SIL. puls. sep. SIL. S:PIG. stront. tart. stram. SULPH. valer. veratr. viol-od. zinc. Obscuration of sight, Luminous vibrations, aeon. agar. anac. arn. asar. aur. alum. amm. bell. carb-v. caus. bell. BRY. CALC. caus. cham. CHAM. chin. dig. GRAPH. hep. chel. CIC. con. croc. cycl. dig. ign. jod. led. LYC. nux vomn. dros. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. hep. oleand. petr. plat. seneg. sep. hyosc. jod. kal. LYe. mang. staph. sulph. tart. THER. veratr. mere. mosch. mur-ac. NATR-M. Mieibomnian glands, DIG. nitr. nitr-ac. NUX VOM. PULS. oleand. op. PHOSPH. puls. MINenstrual derangement,with, ruta. sang. sec. SIL. spig. staph. aur. bell. cic. cocc. con. magn- STRAM. sulph. thuj. zinc. c. natr-m. nux vom. phosph. Onanisnl, by, CGIN. plat. puls. rhus. sep. stramn. Ophthalmia, ACON. alum. sulph. ANT. arg-n. ARN. ARS. aur. lMercury, caused by abuse of, baryt. BELL. brom. bry. CALC. aur. BELL. carb-v. dulce. Cain. cann, canth. CAUS. CHAM. HEP. LACH. Iye. NITR-AC. CHIN. clem. CoLoc. con. DIG. puls. sil. staph. SULPIH. thuj. DULC. EUPHORB. EUPHR. ferr. Mlorning, early in the, AeoN. GRAPH. HEP. hyosc. IGN. kal-bi. AnIM —I. bell. CALC. CARB-V. cin. LACH. led. LYC. MERC. NATR. EurPnT. GRAPH. IGN. lach. natr-mI. nitr-ac. NUX VOM. mere. mnur-ac. natr. NATR-nf. PETR. PIROSPH. PHOS-AC. PULS. NITR. NITR-AC. NUX VOM. par. RHUS. SEP. SIL. SPIG. stapth. PETE. PHosPII. PHOS-AC. rhod. sep. SULPH. SULPH-AC. THUJ. VALER. sil. SULPH. sulph-ac. veratr., in bed, alum. amm-mn. BELL. —, acute, ACON. ant. arnm. BELL. BRY. kreos. lye. magn-c. phos- bor. CHAM. canth. DuLC. EUPHR. ac. rhod. sep. staph. IGN. lach. MERl. nitr-ac. Nux Mloving the eyes, when, oarM. PULS. spig. sulph-ac. veratr. acon. ARN. ARS. bell. BRY. calc. —, chronic, ALUAM. ant. ARS. campll. chain. CHIN. clem. con. baryt. Bo30n. CALC. caus. chin. tIEP. ign. kal. laehi. led. mnagn-m. Loloc. dig. dule. EUPHR. follr. OPI-ITIIALMIA, ORBITS, LTC.'707,graph. HEP. hyosc. LAcH. LYC. dros. NATR. SIL. sulph. violNITR-AC. petr. PHOSPH. rhus. tric. sep. SIL. SPIG. THuj. veratr. Pressure from without inOphthalmia, Egyptian, per- wards, acgar. anac. aur. bism. haps, ACON. BELL. CALC. EUPHR. bry. calc. cann. caus. chel. CAIN. MERC. NITR-AC. phosph. staph. daphn. hep. kal. phos-ac. spig. SULPH. thuj. zinc. Orbits, especially, BELL. bov., - stitching, arn. BELL. calc. CHIN. hyosc. plat. SPIG. phosph. valei. Protrusion of the Eyes, -, margin, ARN. ACON. agn. ara. ars. aur. BELL. Pale, things look, Duos. petr. canth. caps. chlor. cic. cocc. con. SIL. eupr. HEP. RiYOSC. laur. op. Pellicle over the Eyes, rhus. spig. SPONG. squill. stann. as if, DAPHN. staph. strai. veratir. mgt-arc. Photomania, ACON. amm- Pterygion, arg-n. lach. m. bell. stratn. Pulmonary patients, in, Photophobia, ACON. alum. calc. cann. hep. lach. lye. natratom. artm-nz. ant. aem. ARS. 1n1. phosph. sil. sulpll. BARYT. BELL. Brpy. calc. caus. Pu2".Hs coxntracted, aeon. chain. chin. cic. cin. clem. coft agar. aliac. ang. arn,. ars. aur. colch. CON. croc. dig. dros. BELL. caaph. chainm. chel. chin. EUPHR. GRAPH. IHELL. HEP-'. (it. ein. cocc. dig. dros. ign. led. /iyosc. IGJ. kal-bi. laiur.. mlnng. men. nrc. mar'-ac. phospoh. MERC. NATR. natr-m. nitr. Nvx plumb. puls. ~rhab. ruta. see. voti. PHOSPH. PHOS-AC. pius. SEP. sil. sqzill. stann. stram. RHUS. seneg. sep. SIL. SPrs. snlph/. thaj. veratr. zinc. mgtSULPH. mgt-arc. ale. Pinching, croc. nitr-ae., dilated, acorn. agar. am. Pressing asunderl, anar. BELL. CALC. caps. carb-a. prun. CHIN. CIc. CIN. Cocc. con. croc., the foot to the ground, cycl. dig. dulc. gacj. hell. hep. hep. -1.YOSC. ign. ipec. laur. led. lyc. Pressure, especially, afgar. inang. natr. iNITR-AC. nux vom. alum. anae. AnN. asa. aur. OP. petr. phos-ae. plumb. puls. BARYT. BELL. BRY. CALC. samb. sarahng. secn. spig. squill. earb-a. CARB-V. caus. CHIN. stapht. strain. veratr. zi nc. mgtCIN. coce. erotal. CUPR. nt;s, GRAPH. hep. IGNN. kal. kal-bi. -, inamoveable, baryt. bell. LACII. LYC. mangr. MIERC. cpr. d;c. /yosc. laslr. q2itr-ac. mRez. natr-m. NITR-AC. NTTX Or. straiao. VO I. oleand. per. phosph. - d, nlhering, CALc. graph. NITRPvLs. ran. RHUS. RUTA, SABAD. AC. sil. sulph. SEP. sil. SPIG. spong. STAPIJ. -, distorted, 13ARYT. MERC. stranm. SUILPIJ. VERATR. ZIN-C. SUPrI., from ablove downwards, PUstIles, AIERC. SEr. aur. cann. hell, oleoad, par, pilsl Reading, by, agar. ngn. ang. ran. asar. CALC. eanth. earb-v. CIc., from witllin outwards, acor. ein, coff con. croc. Daos. dule. nsa. asar. aur, bell. bry. cale. GtraJr. ign. lial. LACH. lye. camph. cann. canth. caus. con. mez. natr. ssatr-n. nitr-ac. oleand. dros. gtaj. hell. IGN. lachl. laur. petr. phosph. phos-ac. puls. led. nitr. nusx vonr. PAR. phosae. rhod. RUTA. sass. seneg. SEP. puls. ran. rhus. seneg. SPIG. SIL. sulph. sulph-ac. mgt-arc..staph. valer. inqt-arc., at candle-light, cale. cin. --, stitcllinir, cab. one. imnll. moz. na-moseh. 708 AFFECTIONS OF THE EYES. Red as blood, thuj. Short-sighted, agar. ammn,. Red spots in the sclerotica, anac. ang. calc. carb-v. chiz.j puls. CON. cycl. euphr. hep. 1hyosc! -, above the brows, fluor-ac. lach. LYC. mang. meph. natr. Red, things look, bell. cann. con. natr-lm. NITR-AC. PETR. croc. dig. hep. hyosc. sabad. sass. PHOSPH. PHOS-AC. plumb. spig. stram. stront. sulph. PULS. RPITA. stram. SULPEI. SULPIRedness, especially, ACON. AC. tart. thuj. VALER. viol-od. ANT. arn. ars. asar. BELL. Smaller, objects look, hyose. BRY. calc. CHAM. CHIN. plat. stram. EUPHR. GRAPH. ign. lach. meph. Smartin-, especially, alum. MERC. TR-Ac. 1nux VOeM. arn. baryt. bry. CALC. carb-v. PHOSPII. PULS. SEP. SnL. SPIG. cans. coloe. croc. EIUPHR. JOD. SPONG. SuLPH. thuj. kal. LYC. N5ATR-M. nitr-ac. -, bloody, arg-n. INUX VOM. phosph. sep. sil. -, scarlet, arg-n. staph. SULPH. mgt-aus. Reticulated cataract, Smloky as if, acon. BRY. petr. CAUS. plumb. ran. Rheumatic affections Sore, painful as if, alum. ang. of the eye, ACON. AiS. bell. ARN. baryt. bry. CARB-V. CROC. BRY. chain. euphr. ign. led. lye. dros. euphr. ign. jod. kal. lye. MERC. nux vorm. PULs. rhus. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux vonm. SPIG. SULPH. veratr. phosph. ran. SEP. sil. spig. stapllh. Sand in the eye, as if, alum. nars. sulph. valer. veratr. mgt-aus.,a. baryt. BELL. BRY. CALC. (comp. Smarting.) CARB-v. cans. CHIN. CIN. con.ferr. Sparkling eyes, aeon. BELL. GRAPH. hyosc. IGN. jod. kal-bi. BRY. HYOSC. OP. STRAM. magn-m. mere. mosch. natr-m. Sparks, see Fiery. nitr. N.itr-ac. PHOSPH. plat. Spasmn, ambr. ang. cann. bell. PULS. sass. seneg. sep. sil. spig. brorn. CHAur. coce. CRoc. HEP. SULPIH. sulph-ac. thuj. mgt-arc. HYOSC. MERC. NATR-M. ruta. --—, getting into the eye, from, SIL. STAPI. SULPII. Spectacles, intolerable, fluorScintillations, see Fiery. ac. Scorbutic affections, Splinter, pain,as if from, par. amim. amm-m. canth. carb-v. sil. caus. hep. mere. mur-ac. natr-m. Spots before the eyes, nitr-ae. nux vorn. staph. sulph. agar. AMM-M. ANac. aur. baryt. Scraping, asa. lye. puls. rhus. bell. CALC. CAUS. CHIN. chinin. Scratching, DAP11N. con. euphr. KAL. kal-bi. lye. Scrofulous affections, MERC. nalr-2m. nitr-ac. phosph. ARS. aur. BARYT. BELL. CALC. sec. SEP. SIL. sulph. valer. cann. CAus. chain. chin. CLE.M. Squinting, ALurM. BELL. con. dig. DULC. euphr. FERR. HYOSC. men. puls. sec. *graph. HEP. IGN. jod. kal-bi. Starilg look, aeon. ang. lye. magn-c. MERC. natr-m. amn. Ans. ASAR. BELL. brv. NUX VOM. petr. PHOSPH. PULS. eamph. cic. cocc. con. cupr. dig. RHUS. sep. SULPHI. hep. HIose. ign. kal. laur. mere. Scurfs around thM eyes, zur-ac. nux vom. op. P10os-Ac. MERO. sep. spong. rhus. sec. seneg. sep. squill. Seal, on rising from a, veratr. STRAM. sulph. veratr. Imnt-arc. Semilateral paii, phosplh. Stiffness, alc. rllus. spig. Shadows before the Stinging, ARS. BELL. bron2. eyes, seneg. BRY. CALC. earb-a. COLOC. Shaking the head, when, CON. DIG. EUPIIR. GRAPH. puls. HEP. ipee, lach. LYC. MERC. STOOPING, ETC. 709 natr. Nrrt-AC. phosph. phos-ac. Twvilight, sight affected, BELL. PULS. SENEG. SEP. SPIG. Twitching, agar. BELL.CALC. spong. thuj. valer. VERATR. carb-v. cans. chin. croc. jod. Stooping, when, dros. ipec. kreos. lyc. NUX VOM. sulph. seneg. valer. Ulcerated lids, CLEM. —, affections of sight, GRAPII. EUPHR. SPIG. SULPII. NATR-M. Ulcerative pain, dros. kal. -, defect of sight, when rising nitr-ac. from, hep. Ulcers of the cornea, Streaks, seeing, AMM. amm-m. ARS. CALC. EUPHR. HEP. LACH. bell. chain. CON. jod. kal. NATn- MERC. sil. SULPH.:i. phosph. puls. SEP. Upper lids, principally,'alum. Stye, ambr. Cos. ferr. graph. ARN. asa. asar. baryt. bell. BRY. PULS. rhus. seneg. sep. stann. calc. cann. caus. cham. chel. con. staph. SULPH. valer. mgt-aus. croc. cycl. ferr. hep. IGN. kal. Suppressed secretions, LYC. mang. mere. nat:r. NITRafter, chin. euphr. hep. lye. puls. AC. NUX VOM. oleand. par. sil. sulph. phosph. phos-ac. plumb. puls. Suppuration, bell. brom. rhlus. sep. sil. spig. stann. staph. bry. CAUS. EUPHR. graph. stram. sulph. veratr. zinc. hep. KREos. mere. NITR-AC. PUls. Vanishing of sight, see sulph. Obscuration. Swelling, principally, ACON. Varicose swellings, carb-v. baryt. BELL. BRY. CALC. plumb. PULS. CIIAM. DIG. EUPHR. graph. Waking, on, alum. ambr. GUAJ. IGN. kal. kreos. MERC. BELL. BRY. chin. croc. euphr. Nux voM. PULS. RHUS. seneg. hell. hep. ign. kal. kreos. lye. SEP. SULPH. THUJ. magn-c. nux vom. phosph. PULS. Syphilitic affections,aur. rhab. rhod. sass. sep. staph. talye. MERC. NITR-AC. phosph. thuj. rax. zinc. magt. mgt-arc. Tearing, especially, ARs. BELL. Walking, when, Cic. NATR-r. BRY. cham. chin. colch. con. sep. kal. led. lye. magn-c. mere. Nux —, in the open air, anac. ars. VOM. puls. SENEG. sil. sulph. bry. carb-v. CON. euphr. mere. ZINC. natr-m. nux vom. sabad. staph. Tension, especially, acon. aur. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. zinc. calc. camph. led. lye. natr-m. Warm room, worse in a, p)hosph. SULPT-AC. arg-n. Thread, as if drawn through, Warts at the brows, bry. ign. lach. mur-ac. par. plat. CAUS. nitr-aec. THUJ. valer. Wind blowing upon the Touched, when, agar. aur. eyes, sense as of, fluor-ac. BELL. caus. chel. CHIN. clem. Wind, caused by, asar. euphr. cupr. dig. dros. hell. HEP. lye. natr m. PHosPn. puls. mere. natr. nux vorn. oleand. Winking, CRoc. euphr. hep. par. petr. phosph. seneg. sep. petr. phos-ac. plat. staph. SULPII. Wipe, constant desire to, arg-n. -, relieved by, b'y. carb-a. croc. lye. natr. phosph. Trichiasis, bell. mere. PULS. P1JLS. vinec-m. Writing, when, carb-v. hep. Turning the eyes, when, natr. natr-m. phos-ac. rhod. seacon. bry. cupr. lye. meph. nux neg. SEP. SIL. staph. vom. puls. RHUS. sep. sil. SPIG. Yello~v, objects look, alum. Twilight, in the, amm-m. amim-m. ars. bell. canth. chin. dig. natr-mi. puls. sulph-ac. hyose. kal. mang. merc. sep. sil. relieved, pbosph. stront. sulph. zinc.. 710 AFFECTIONS OF THIE EARS, ETC. Yellow spots before the BELL. bry. canth. CHAM. chel. eyes, phos-ac. CHIN. cocc. CON. DIG. ferr. ign. —, gauze, kal-bi. jod. kal-bi. magn-m. MERC. nux Yellowness of the scle- vom. op. phosph. phos-ac. plumb. rotica, aeon. ambr. ant. ARS. puls. rhus. sep. SULPH. CHAPTER X. AFFECTIONS OF THE EARS AND SENSE OF HEARING. Beating, (see Throbbing and Ceruinen, fetid, aur. bov. Pulsations.) CARB-V. CAus. hep. zinc. Behind the ears, BARYT. -, spoiled, con. LACH. CALC. GRAPI. HEP. LYC. MEZ. —, increased, agar. calc. CON. OLEAND. PULS. SEP. STAPI. THER. selen. sep. sil. thuj. Blowing the nose, when, Change of weather, durMANG. ing, MANG. -, stoppage, relieved by, Cinchona, after abuse of, MANG. CALC. carb-v. hep. nux vonm. Borinlg, principally, amm-m. PULS. sldiph. AUR. baryt. BELL. euphr. hell. Closing of the ears, as by magn-m. lact. plumb. ran-sc. something in front, aeon. ant. rhod. SrL. SPIG. zinc. arg-n. asar. bell. CALC. canth. Burning, agar. alum. ars. carb-v. chin. cocc. cyc]. hyosc. brom. caus. clem. ign. kreos. kal-bi. led. magn-m. men. NITRnitr. sabad. SANG. Spig. AC. par. phosph. rhab. rhus. Caries of the ossicula, AsA. sabad. spig. SULPIu. sulph-ac. AUR. NITR-AC. SIL. STAPIT. verb. Catarrhal complaints, -, frequently, CALC. NITRbell. calc. CARB-v. hep. lyc. MERC. AC. SULPIH. natr-m. phosph. PULS. SuL. Cold, after a, CHAM. CHIN. DULC. SULPil. led. mere. PULS. sulpsh. Cerumen, altered, agar. ammm. CALc. CAnr-v. CON. LAC. Coldness, dulc. ipec. kal. lach. mer. selen. seV. sil. t Lhnj. manang. iMERC. plat. seneg. vemere. selen. sep. sil. thuj.rr -, discharging, amm-m. anac. atr. KAL. Lyc. AIERC. mosCh. NATR-M. Cracking, during mastication NITR-AC. PHOSPH. PULS. or motion of the jaws, baryt. -, blood-red, con. brom. CALC. cocc. graph. kal. -, liquid, amm-m. mere. men. natr-m. nitr-ac. petr. sabad. hard, selen., when swallowing, MANe., deficient, CALC. CARR-V. Creeping, ambr. ars. coleh., papeseent., lneh. nmere. plt.. smhb. DEAFNESS. 711 Damnpness, arg-n. CALe. graph. Echo, of words, phosph. phosLyc. oleand. petr. ac., behind the ears, CALC. Eruption, ant. agar. BARYT. GRAPH. LYC. OLEAND. PETR. CALC. chin. CIC. GRAPH. hep. Deafness, from paralysis of kal. lach. lye. mere. mez. OLEthe nerve, acon. ANAC. ant. arg- AND. petr. phosph. puls. sep. sil. n. arn. ars. asar. aur. baryt. spong. staph. SULPH. BELL. bor. bry. CALc. caps. -, behind the ears, ant. CAUS. chel. chin. cocc. con. dulc. BARYT. CALC. canth. chin. dros. GRAPH. hyosc. ign. kal. led. graph. hep. lye. mez. OLEAND. LYc. magn-c. MERC. mur-ac. natr. PULS. sabad. selen. sep. STAPH. natr-m. NITR-Ac. nux vom. op. Erysipelas, meph. PULS. PETR. PHOSPH. phos-ac. Exanthema, sequele of, bell. PULS. rhus. sec. sep. SIL. spig. bry. carb-v. COLCH. hep. lye. SULPH. veratr. magt. MIEN. mere. PULS. RHus. sulph. -, congestive, anac. aur. bell. Fetor of the ears, AUR. bry. calc. caus. graph. lye. mere. Boy. CARB-V. GRAPH. HEP. mur-ac. nux vom. phosph. puls. oleand. sep. sil. spig. sulph. -, behind, OLEAND., catarrhal, acon. ars. bell. Fluttering in the ears, calc. caus. chain. coff. hep. lach. aur. bell. calc. caus. graph. petr. led. mere. nitr-ac. puls. sulph. puls. sil. spig. sulph. Dischartes, alum. anac. asa. Foreign body in the aur. bell. CALC. CARB-A. CARB-V. ear, as if a, PHosPH. CAUS. CHAM. COICh. CON. kal. Full-moon, affections during, lach. lye. MEN. MERC. natr-m. SIL. NITR-AC. petr. phosph. PULS. Fungous excrescences, SIL. SULPH. MERC., bloody, bell. bry. calc. cic. Glands, inflammation of, AUR. con. GRAPH. lach. lye. MERC. BELL. BROM. CALC. CHAM. CARBnitr-ac. petr. phosph. PULS. v. cocc. con. hyosc. KAL. MERC. Rnus. sep. sil. sulph. Nux voM. puls. RHUS. sil. purulent, alum. amm. AsA. -, swelling, amm. aur. BELL. AUR. BELL. BOR. BoV. CALC. BROM. CALC. CHAM. carb-v. cocc. CARB-V. caus. GRAPI. HEP. kal. CON. hyosc. IGN. KAL. kal-bi. lach. lye. MERC. natr.m. nitr-ac. MERC.Nux vome.puls. RHUS.SIL. petr. PULS. RnHU. sep. SIL. —, induration, CON. sil. SULPII. Hard-hearing, principally;, -, slimy, bell. calc. carb-v. hep. AMBR. AaM. AMM-M. ANAC. ang. lye. MERC. natr-m. phosph. ant. arn. arg-n. ars. ASA. asar. PULS. sil. SULPH. AuR. BELL. bry. CALC. caps. suppressed, aur. BELL. bry. caus. chel. chin. cic. co.f: CON. dulc. hep. lach. led. MERC. nux CRoc. cyci. dros. dulc. GRAPH. vom. PULS. zinc. HEP. HYosC. ign. JOD. KAL. Dragging, AMBR. arg-n. ARN. LACH. laur. LED. LYC. magn-c. BELL. CIIAM. clem. colch. magn-m. many. MERC. MURDROS. DULC. guaj. mur-ac. n- AC. NATR. NATR-M. NITR-AC. mosch. NUX VOM. phosph. plat. nux vom. oleand. op. petr. PULS. ran-se. RHOD. sabad.SPIG. PHOSPH. phos-ac. plumb. sponq. stann. SULPH. thusj. verb. PULS. rhod. thus. ruta. sabad. Drawing, (see Tearing.) sec. SEP. SIL. spig. STAPH. stram. Dryness of the ears, (comp. SULPH. SULPH-AC. VERATR. mgtCerumen, deficient,) graph. lach. are. mgt-aus. (comlp. Deafness.) nitr-ac. petr. phosph. -. Hard and fine hearing, Echo of sounds, long, cans. alternately, aur: bell. calc. coff. lach. mere. nux vom. phosph. lye. sep. sep. spi. I'h""oc an 712 AFFECTIONS OF THE EARS, ETC. Hard hearing occur- lyc. nux vom. PULS. phosph. ring: RHUS. sass. sep. si]. spig. SULPH., after abuse of cinchona, mgt-arc. calc. carb-v. hep. nux vom. puls. Itching, internally, anac. caps. sulph. nux vom. puls. rhab. ruta. samb. —, after discharges, bell. hep. sep. lach. led. mere. puls. Jerking pain, amm-m. ang. -, after exanthems, bell. carb-v. cin. petr. PULS. RHOD. spig. men. mere. phosph. puls. sulph. valer. -, from abuse of mercury, asa. Menstrual suppression, aur. carb-v. chin. hep. nitr-ac. affections of the ears after, PULS. petr. staph. sulph. Mercury, after abuse of, asa., after suppressed eruptions, aur. carb-v. hep. NITR-AC. petr. ant. caus. graph. lach. sulph. sil. STAPH. SULPH. —, from swelling of the tonsils, l]usic, averse to, aeon. ambr. aur. mere. nitr-ac. staph. bry. cham. lyc. natr. nux vom. -, after typhoid fevers, arm. phosph. PHOS-AC. puls. SEP. phosph. phos-ac. veratr. Otalgia, see the particular Hearing, more sensitive, aeon. kinds of pain. ARN. ars. AUR. BELL. BRY. Plug, sense as of a, anac. spig. calc. cham. chin. cocc. COFF. Polypus, CALc. staph. colcb. con. graph. hep. kal. Pulsations, alum. amm-m. LACH. LYC. mere. mur-ac. CALC. dig. MAGN-M. Ihosph. spig. NATR. nux vom. petr. phosph. (comp. Throbbing.) PHOS-AC. puls. SEP. spig. sulph. Pressing-out, pain as if, bell. Heat of the ears, alum. CON. IAL. mere. PUls. SIL. ang. ant. asar. camph. carb-v. Pressure, anac. asa. asar. bell. chin. hep. ign. kreos. meph. natr- camph. cann. caps. cupr. fluorm. puls. sabin. SANG. ac. kreos. oleand. rhab. ruta. -, of one ear, alum. carb-v. ign. sabad. sass. seneg. spig. spong., internal, calc. canth. mgt-arc. veratr. Herpes on the lobules, Redness, principally, alum. ant. SEP. teucr. (comp. Eruption.) camph. chin. PULS., behind the ears, amm-m. —, of one ear, alum. ant. carb-v. GRAPH. OLEAND. SEP. ign. sep. Hissing, graph. kreos. mur-ac. Reports, graph. kal. MANG. nux vom. sil. teucr. natr. rhus. sabad. SIL. staph. Humming, AMM. BELL. zinc. CAUS. CON. GRAPH. HYosc., with the ear opening when JOD. NATR-M. PULS. SuLPH. (see closed, MANG. SIL. Roaring.) Rheumnatic pains in the Inflammation, internal, ears, arn. BELL. chin. hep. aeon. BELL. bor. bry. cale. MERC. nux vom. PULS. cham. hep. kal. lye. 2magn-c. Riding in a carriage, MERC. nitr. Nux voM. phos-ac. relieved by, graph. PULS. sil. spong. SULPH. Ringing, alum. AMBR. arg-n., external, BELL. bor. calc. ars. CALC. clem. CON. hyosc. kal. magn-c. MERC. PULS. rhus. sil. LED. lye. magn-c. mang. men. sulph. NATR-M. phosph. rhod. sass. SIL., of the margins, sil. sulph. sulph-ac. valer. zinc. Insensibility in the ears, Roaring, buzzing, ACON. MUR-AC. ALUM. AMBR. AMM M. ANAC. ANT. Intermittent Fevers, arg-n. ARS. AUR. BARYT. after, CALc. carb-v. hep. nux BELL. BOR. BRY. calc. CARBvom. PULS. sulph. A. CARB-V. CAUS. CHAM. chel. Itching, principally, agar. CHIN. cocc. COFF. CON. CROC. alum. AMM. ANAC. arg. baryf. boyv. caps. con. ign. kal. lanu. RUSHI OF BLOOD, ETC. 713 dros. dule. GRAPH. HEP. hyose. CON. cycl. graph. jod. kal. lach. kal. lach. LYC. magn-C. MERC. LYC. MANG. men. MERC. nitrNATR-M. NITR-AC. NUX ac. petr. PULS. selen. sep. SIL. VOM. OP. PETR. PHOSPH. SPIG. 8slHpr. velratlr. verb. plat. PULS. rhod. sabad. sang. Sulphur, after abuse of, MERC. SEP. sil. spig. SULPH. THER. PULS. mgt.-arc. Suppressed eruptions, Rush of blood, lye. PHOSPH. after, ant. caus. graph. lach. puls. sulph. sulph. Scrofulous persons, hep. Suppuration of the ears, lye. mere. puls. sulph. alum. AMM. CARB-V. kal. mere. Scurfs, graph. HEP. LACH. LYC. puls. ruta. spong. stann. (comp. puls. sulph. Ulceration.), behind, GRAPH. HEP. LYe. Swelling of the bones, PULS. STAPIt. PULS. Sensitiveness of hear- —, of the periosteum, behind lug: the ear, carb-a. - to noise, ACON, ang. -, of the ear, ANAC. ant. bor. Aur. aur. BELL. bor. BRY. calc. caus. kal. LYe. MERC. natrCALC. carb-a. CHAM. chin. m. ilitr. nitr-ac. phos-ac. PULS. COFF. colc1l. con. IGN. ipec. RHcs. SEP. SIL. spong. zinc. LYC. mang. NATR. iNUX VUM. -, behind, bry. caps. carb-a. petr. phosph. phos-ac. PLAT. -, in friont, bry. puls. SEp. sil.. zincIG. zinc., of the lobule, nitr., to human speech, ARS. PHos- Tearing, principally, AcoN. AC. VERATE:. agar. alum. anmbr. ant. ARN. -, to music, aeon. clliam. coff. BELL. bor. bry. calc. caps. Lye. Pilos-Ac. sep. sulph. viol-od. carb-v. CHAM. chel. CIIIY. COLCET., to organ music, lye. CorN. cupr. dule. graph. guaj. to violin sounds, viol-od. hep. kal. lye. rnagn-c. MERC. Shocks, jerks, arn. natr-m. nux mez. Nux voM. parI. phos-ac. vom. plat. PLAT. plumb. PUIS. sass. SPIG. Soreness, graph. kal. LACH. stann. SULPH. sulph-ac. verb. MIERC. p)etr. sulph. ZINC.,behind, GRAPII., as if torn out, BELL. MERC. Speech appears indis- PULs tinet, ars. PIosPn. sil. sulph. Steatoina at the lobule, Teitnsion, ambr. asa. aur. cham. iNITR-AC. dig. lact. Stinging, principally, alum. Throbbing, l econ. baryt. bell. anm. aznt. barlyt. BELL. bov. CALC. cann. caus. chain. chin. CALC. cazth. caus. CEAM. CHIN. con. graph. kal. kal-bi. magn-n-. colch. coloc. CON. DROS..dole. MURAC. NATR. NITR-AC. PHuOSPH. graph. hell. lep. igzN. KAL. kal- puls. rhab. -hod. rhus. SEP. SIL. bi. magn-mn. men. MERC. natr. suiph. (comp. Pulsation.) NATER-1. nitr. MITR-AC. iNUX Thundering, rolling, ammVOM. phos-ac. plat. plumb. m. CALC. caus. chel. GRAPiI. PULS. RA.N. ran-se. sarma. sass. PLAT. SIr. SPIG. STAPiI. SULPH. verb..Tingling, AEMt. AMm-m. arg-n. ZINC. anci. BARYT. BELL. BOR. --—, from within, alum. amm-nz. CALC. earb-v. CAUS. CHEL. cann. Co-N. KAL. laur. mang. CHIN. cllor. CON. euphorb. natr. SIL. SPONG. stront. tarax. GRAPH. hep. KAL. kal-bi. viol-od. lach. led. LYC. magn-c. MEN. Stoppage, principally, asar. mere. mur-ac. NATR-M. NUX BhY. calc. carb-v. caus. celel. VOM. PETR. PULS. rhus. sang. 714 AFFECTIONS OF THE NOSE, ETC. sass. sep. SIL. spig. SULPH. mgt- after, arn. PHOSPH. phos-ae. arc. veratr. Tonsils, enlargement of the, Ulceration, alum. amm. bov. consequences of, AUR. mere. carb-v. camph. kal. MERC. NITR-AC. STAPH. PULS. RUTA. SPONG. stann. Tumours in front of the Voices, one hears, cham. ears, bry. Water in the ears, as if, -, behind the ears, bry. CALC. d rushing o hel carb-a. cas, staph. staWind rushing out, chel. Tyrnpanub n relaxed, Worm in the ears, as if, rhab. rhod. Typhus, affections of the ears Writing, affection when, sep. CHAPTER XI. AFFECTIONS OF THE NOSE AND THE SENSE OF SMELL. Biting, anug. aur. bry. euphorb. Bleeding, after an exertion, ran-sc. sabad. spig. am. bry. calc. C.ARB-v. puls. rhus. Blackness, mere. sulph. Black pores, dros. GRAPI. -, after exhaustio, carb-v. NITR-AC. sabin. SULPII. CHIN. cin. ferr. SEC. Bleeding of the nose, -, with fainting, calc. croc. ACON. agar. alum. AMBR. amm., hmorrhage, ACON. ARN. anac. arg. ARN. ars. baryt. bell. CHIN. MERc. puls. rhus. BELL. bor. brom. BRY. calc. sec. CANN. caps. carb-v. cans. chan. -., with headache, alum. carb-a. CHIN. CON. CROC. dros. dulc. dulc. magt. FERR. hep. hyosc. ign. jod. IPEC. -, after getting heated, thuj. kal-bi. KREOS. lach. led. lye. -, menses too feeble, when the, ineph. MERC. mosch. nitr. NITR- bry. PuLs. sec. sep. AC. NUX VOM. petr. PIOSPH. --, profuse, aecon. calc. phos-ac. PULS. rhod. RHUS. croc. sabin. ruta. sabad. SABIN. sass. SiEC. -, suppressed, BRY. poulS. sep. sil. spong. SULPH. thuj. sep. veratr. -, early in the morning, ambr., after blowing the nose, arg. AmIm. bell. bry. calc. caps. carbbaryt. spong. v. hep. kal. kreos. magn-c. NITRa-, during a catarrh, ARS. puls. AC. nux vomn. sulph., after eating (see Chap. —, at night, bell. calc. carb-v. XVII.) graph. RIIus. veratr. —, in the evening, ant. dros. -, with pale face, carb-v. ferr. graph. phosph. sulph. -, with rush of blood to the BLEEDING, ETC. 715 head, aeon. alum. bell. cham. Crusts, of blood, ambr. amm. chin. con. croc. graph. rhus. ferr. nux vom. Bleeding, after singing, hep. Deadness, natr-m. during sleep, bry. mere. Drawing, rhab. thuj., after spirits, AeoN. bell. bry. Dry nose (see Coryza, Chap. MUX VOM. XVI.) -—, during stool, carb-v. phosph. Eruption, amm. ant. AUR., with vertigo, carb-a. sulph. BARYT. bell. brom. carb-a. carb-v., hen washing, amm. clem. euphr. FLUOR-AC. GRAPH., after weeping, nit.-ac. kal. lach. magn-c. natr. natr-m. -, worms, with, CIN. mere. nitr-ac. petr. phos-ac. plumb. Blood blown from the rhus. sass. sep. sil. SULPH. nose, agar. alum. atmm. arg-in., under the nose, BARYT. caps. aur-m. bor. calc-ph. caus. dros. fluor-ac. SAss. squill. graph. lach. lye. par. PHosPr. -., at the tip, carb-a. carb-v. puls. sep. stront. su/ph. thuj. CAUS. clem. nitr-ac. sil. spong. Bone-pain, arg-n. ars. AUR. Eruptionus: carb-a. colch. kal-bi. MERC. natr- -, vesicles, magn-c. nitr-ac. in. sil. thuj. veratr. plumb. sil. Boring, natr-m. spig. sulph., pimples, amm. caps. clem., with the fingers, cin. phos- euphr. kal. lach. petr. plumb. ac. selen. sil. Bruised, pain as if, arn. bell. —, pustules, brom. clem. crotal. cie. hep. viol-od. euphr. fluor-ac. mere. petr. Burning, aur-m. BELL. CIN. plumb. kal. PULS. Fetor from the nose, bell. in the nostrils, ars. aur-m. cale. graph. mere. nitr-ac. nux canth. hep. kal-bi. led. magn-m. vom. phosph. phos-ac. nitr-ae. stann. sulph. —, urinous, graph., at the tip, carb-a. Foreign body, sense as of, Cancer, ARS. aur. cale. carb-a. calc-ph. sep. SmL. SULPI. Freckles, phosph. SULPH. Caries, AUR. MERC. Fulness, sense of, kal-bi. Coldness, arnm. bell. Nux vo.e. Hardness, thuj. plumb. VERATR. Heat, cann. canth. chin. kal-bi. -, internally, kal-bi. magn-m. nux vom. sang. Conmpression, aeon. veratr. Heaviness, amm. coleb. kalCondylonlata, nitr-aec. hi. mere. samb. sil. stann. Convulsions, ambr. lye. Herpes, nitr-ac. spig. Copper-nose, ARs. cale. cann. Illusory smell: CARBI-A. carb-v. kreos. mez. rhus. -, of brandy, aur. ruta. VERATR., burnt, as if, anac. aur. graph. Cracking, sulplh. nux vom. sulph. Cramp-pains, plat. zinc., of catarrh, graph. PULS., at the root, arn. hyose. zinc. stllph. Crusts, BAR1YT. carb-a. carb-v. -., of chalk or lime, calc. mgt-arc. GRAPH. natr-m. nitr-ac. phos-ac., of cheese, nux vom. sass. sep. sil. SULPIL. -, of coffee, puls., in the nostrils, ALUMr. ant. -, disgusting, canth. men. arg-n. AuR. aurrMn. bor. bov. -, of dust, mgt-arc. brom. CALC. calc-ph. CHAM. CIC. —, of spoiled eggs, calc. men. Cocc. GRAPI. hep. kal-bi. LACH. mgt-arc. LYC. magn-m. nitr-ac. nux vorn. -, fetid, aur. BELL. calc. kal-bi. phosph. ran. sass. sil. spig. squill. kreos. men. mere. nitr-ac. nux staph. SULPH. thuj. vom. PHOSPH. plumb. SEP. veratr. —, under the nose, BARYT. sass. nmgt-are. 716 AFFECTIONS OF THE NOSE, ETC. Illusory smell: Loss of smell, catarrhal, -, of gunpowder, calc. alum. calc. hep. mez. natr-m. ~, of herring, agn. bell. Nux VOM. PULS. sep. sil. sulph. -, of burnt horn, puls., from paralysis of the nerves, of manure, anac. cale. veratr. BELL. caus. HYosc. lye. natr-m. magt. Nux voM. op. plumb. sep., of musk, agn. Mllercury, after abuse of, asa., of pitch, ars. con. AUR. bell. HEP. LACH. sulph. -, of pus, seneg. Numb feeling, asa. natr-m., putrid, aur. BELL. plat. samb. viol-od. -, of smoke, sulph. Pains: -, of snuffers, nux vomn. —, when pressed upon, amm-m., sour, alum. sil. -—, of burnt sponge, anac. -, when touched, aur. BELL. -, of sulphur, anac. ars. calc. BRY. HEP. led. magn-m. MERC. graph. Nux vouI. natr-m. nitr-ac. PHOSPH. ruta. sil. *, sweetish, aur. —, at night, bell. lach. -, of tallow, valer. Peeling off, ars. aur. aur-m. -, of tobacco, puls. carb-a. natr. Inflaxnmation, ars. AUR. Plugs in the nostrils, kalaur-m. BELL. bry. calc. canth. bi. sep. sil. hep. mang. MERC. nux vom. ran. Polypi, CALC. KAL-BI. PHOSPH. rhus.sep. sil. stann. SULPH.veratr. PULS. SANG. sep. sil. teucr., internal, ALU-If. arnn. asa. Pressure, asa. magn-c. mere. AUR. bry. cale. carb-v. caus. cic. oleand. ran. con. graph. kal. LACH. lye. magn- —, at the root, agn. hyosc. ruta. c. magn-m. MERC. mez. natr. Redness, alum. AUR. aur-m. nitr-ac. PULS. sil. SULPH. thuj. BELL. CALC. CANN. chin. hep. kal. Insensibility, natr-m. magn-m. mang. mere. phosph. Sensitiveness of smell, RHUS. ACON. agar. alum. aur. baryt. —, of the margins, lach. BELL. cale. cham. Cocc. coff. -, painful, alum. BELL. bry. COLCH. con. cycl. graph.. HEP. calc. HEP. MERC. phosph. rthus. kal. LYC. mez. NUX VOM. sulph. PHosPH. phos-ac. plumb. sabad. -, of the tip, CALC. carb-a. nitrsep. sil. SULPH. ac. rhus. sil. mgt-arc. -, to eggs and fat meat, colch., in drunkards, ARS. bell. -, to garlick, sabad. CALC. hep. lach. mere. PULS., to acids, dros. SULPH., to syrup, sang., after injury, am. -, to tobacco-smoke, bell. -, of the corners, plumb. Itching, agar. amm. aur-m. Red spots, phos-ac. sil. BELL. bor. carb-v. chel. CIN. ign. Rhagades. of the nosmere. nux vom. oleand. samb. trils, ant. SELEN. SPIG., at the tip, carb-a., of the wings, eaus. selen. Rush of blood, amm. cupr. -, in the interior, agar. arg-n. samb. aur-m. nux orm. sabad. selen. Scrofulous affections, senEg. asa. AUR. bry. CALC. HEP. -, of the tip, caus. sil. lach. MERC. phosph. puls. Loss of smell, alum. anac. SULPH. aur. BELL. calc. caps. CAUS. hep. Sensitiveness, agar. amm-m. hyosc. ipec. kal. kal-bi. lye. magn- natr. sil. m. mez. natr-m. nitr-ac Nux voM. -, to contact, amm-m. aur. sil. oleand. op. PHOSPH. PULs. rhus., of the inner nose, agar. SEP. SIL. SULPIL. veratr. amm. SMELL, SORE, SORENESS, ETC. 717 Smell, weak, alum. arg-n. Swelling of the dorsum,phos-ac. BELL. calc. eycl. KAL. mez. Nux -, of the tip, bor. calc. sep. VOM. PULS. sulph. Sore, painfill as if, amm. ant. bor. Syphilitic affections, asa. brom. camph. chin. chlor. colch. AUR. hep. LACH. MERC. NITRSoreness, agar. alum. ang. ant. AC. sulph. thuj. bov. brom. cale-ph. FLUOR-AC. Tension, asa. mere. ran. graph. ign. lach. magn-m. mang., of the wings, thuj. mez. natr-m. nitr-ac. Nux voM., in the interior, graph. PHoSPH. SPIG. zinc., in the bones, thuj. Spasms, ambr. -, at the root, men. Splinter, pain as from a, nitr- Thrbbing, coloc. kal-bi. sil. ac. Tickling, arg. carb-v. puls. Spots, yellow, SEP. spig. zinc. —, red, jod. phos-ac. sil. Tingling, ARN. bor. Stitching, AUR. BELL. nitr-ac. -, in the nostrils, arg. aur-m. spig. carb-v. CIN. RAN. ran-sc. sabad. —, in the tip, nitr. spig. teucr. MGT-AUS. Stoppage (see Chap. XVI.), at the tip, mosch. rhab. Suppuration of the Schnei- Tubercles, ars. derian membrane, alum. amm. Twitching, chel. stront. arg. arg-n. ars. AsA. AUR. aur-m. Ulceration of the SchneideCALC. cic. cin. con. graph. KAL- rian membrane (see SuppuraBI. lach. LYC. MERC. petr. phos- tion). ac. PULS. rhus. SULPH. Ulceration, cham. PULS. Sweat, ruta. staph. sulph. Swelling, alum. amm-m. ARN. -, of the wings, puls. ars. asa. AUR. aurm. BELL. bov., of the nostrils, alum. arn. bry. calc. CANN. canth. carb-a. * AUR. aur-m. bry. calc. GRAPII. chainm. CHEL. hep. ign. kal. KAL- ign. kal. kal-bi. lyc. MERC. murBI. lye. magn-m. MERC. natr-m. ac. natr. nitr. nitr-ac. petr. nitr-ac. petr. phosph. puls. ran. phosph. puls. sep. sil. SQUILL. rhus. sep. spig. stram. sulph. STAPH. sulph. zinc. Ulcerative pain, Nux VOM. of the wings, lach. magn-m. RHUS. sulph. thuj. -, in the interior, amm-m. ars., of one side, brom. cocc. croc. aur. aur-m. bell. bor. bry. hep. natr-m. zinc. sil. veratr., of the nostrils, amm. bell. Ulcers, calc-ph. canth. cocc. lach. nitr. zinc. Warts, CAUS. CHAPTER XII. AFFECTIONS OF THE FACE, LIPS, CHIN, AND JAWS. Acne, BELL. CARB-V. HEP. LACH. PHOSPH. plumb. PULS. rhus. (comp. Chap. II.) SAMB. sang. sep. SIL. SPIG. Acne rosacea, alum. ARS. SPONG. stann. stram. SULPH. anr. calc. cann. canth. caps. TART. veratr. CARB-A. carb-v. cic. clem. euphr. Bloated, around the eyes, kal. KREOS. lach. led. mez. nitr- ARS. FERR. mere. PHOSPH. ac. petr. phosph. phos-ac. plumb. puls. rhab. ruta. sep. RHUS. RUTA. sep. sil. sulph. sulph-, under the eyes, ARS. bry. ac. thij. VERATR. chanm. nux vom. oleand. Albumen on the skin, PHOSPH. puls. as if, alum. magn-c. phos-ac. Bloody blisters on the sulph-ac. lip, natr-m. Altered features, ARS. Blue spots, FERR. bell. bism. CAMPH. canth. CAUS. Bluish color, ACON. agar. CHAM. CHIN. chinin. COLCH. ANG. arg-n. ARS. aur. BELL. graph. HELL. jod. lach. lact. lye. bry. camph. CHAM. cin. con. mere. oleand. OP. PHOS-AC. CUPR. DIG. hep. HYosc. IGN. ran. ran-sc. RHUS. see. SPIG. LACH. lye. OP. SAMB. SPONG. STRAM. VERATR. STAPI. tart. VERATR. Aneurismn by anasto-, around the mouth, cin. mnosis, plat. cupr. Black pores, DIG. DRos. Blue-red face, ACON. graph. hep. NATR. NITR-AC. sabad. ANG. ars. aur. bell. bry. camph. sabin. SULPII. CHAM. con. CUPR. hep. hycsc. Blackish appearance, ign. ipec. LACH. mere. PULS. chin. samb. spong. veratr. -, around the mouth, ars. Boils, alum. amm. carb-v. LED. Blood-red face, HYosc. mez. mur-ac. nitr-ac. sil. Bloated, principally, ACON. Brown-red color, BRY. amm. ARN. ARS. aur. baryt. carb-v. Hyosc. JOD. kreos. NITRbell. bov. BRY. calc. canth. AC. OP. puls. sec. SEP. STAPH. caps. CHAM. CHIN. colch. CRO- stram. SULPH. TAL. dulc. FERR. hell. IIYOSC. Cancer, ars. IPEC. KAL. lach. laur. led. lye. Caries, lower jaw, mere. SIL. magn-c. mere. natr. nitr-ac. n- Change of color, ACON. mosch. NUX VOM. OP. alum. ars. aur. BELL. bov. caps. COBWEBS, ETC. 719 carb-a. CHAM. chin. CIN. Eruptions in the WhisCROC. ferr. graph. hyosc. IGN. kers, CALC. lach. nitr-ac. kal. ]aur. led. magn-c. natr. Erysipelas, acon. amm. arg-n. NUX VOM. OLEAND. op. PIH)SPH. ars. baryt. BELL. bor. bry. calc. phos-ac. PLAT. PULS. SPIG. SQUILL. camph. canth. carb-a. CHAM. stram. SULPH-AC. VERATR. zinc. clem. CROTAL. euphorb. GRAPH. Cobweb, sense of, baryt. bor. HEP. LACH. lye. mere. natr. brom. graph. ran-sc. phosph. PULS. RHUS. ruta. Cold feeling, LYc. PLAT. samb. SEP. sil. stram. SULPH. RAN-SC. thuj. Coldness, bism. cic. HYosc. Freckles, ALUM. amm. ANT. VERATR. bry. CALC. carb-v. con. dros. Contortion of features, DuLc. GRAPI. hyosc. jod. kal.lach. acon. aTnbr. amm. ang.' ARS. laur. LYC. mere. mez. MUR-AC. BELL. bry. CAMPH. canth. caus. PULS. SEP. sil. stann. SULPH. CHAM. cic. cocc. cupr. dulc. tart. thuj. GRAPH. hyose. ign. ipec. LACII. Gray complexion, CARB-V. laur. lyc. merc. Nux voM. op. kal-bi. kreos. LACH. laur. plat. puls. ran. rhus. SEC. sil. Greenish complexion, spig. spong. squill. STRAM. ARS. CARB-V. VERATR. veratr. -, around the eyes, VERATR. Crusta lactea, ars. baryt. Hair falls out, eyebrows, bell. CALC. carb-v. cic. dulc. agar. BELL. caus. hell. KAL. graph. lyc. m7erc. RHUS. sass. par. plumb. selen. sep. SULPII. viol-tric. —, whiskers, agar. ambr. CALC. Dingy complexion, LACH. GRAPH. natr. NATR-M. nitr-ac. phosph. SEC. (comp. Gray,Livid.) plumb. sil. Drunkards, eruptions of, -, moustaches, baryt. KAL. KREOS. LACTI. plumb. selen. Emaciation, CALC. FEaR. Heat, principally, ACON. amm. mez. SELEN. SEP. amm-m. anac. ANT. arg-n. arn. Eruptions, alum. ambr. AMM. BELL. ale. CANN. CHRAM. CHIN. ANT. ars. AUR. BARYT. bell. chinin. cin. COCC. coff. CON. bov. bry. CALC. canth. carb-a. croc. fluor-ac. GRAPH. grat. HEP. CARB-V. caus. cham. chel. CIC. KAL. kreos. LACH. lact. LYC. con. CROTAL. DULC. GRAPH. mang. MERC. mosch. mum-ac. HEP. IGN. KREOS. lach. LED. ssatr. nux vonz. Op. PETR. phosLYC. magn-c. MAGN-M. merc. ac. plat. PULS. ran. RHUS. sabad. MUR-AC. natr. NATR-M. NITR-AC. sang. SEP. sil. squill. stront. nux vom. par. petr. PHOSPH. SULPH. tart. thuj. VERATR. PROS-AC. RHUS. sass. SEP. SIL. -, burning, amnm-m. arn, bell. STAPH. SULPH. VERATR. zinc. bry. caps. croc. grat. ign. natr. -, around the eyes, ARS. calc. nux vom. plat. rhus. sabad. sang. con. HEP. ign. MERC. oleand. stront. sulph. thuj. veratr. petr. sil. spong. staph. SILPH. -, flying, alum. ambr. coce. Eruptions on the chin, graph. kal. lye. phosph. teucr. principally, amrm-n. ANT. ARs. thuj. bell. calc. eirb-a. carb-v. cans. CIc. clem. con. dulc. GRAPH. Heavy feeling in the HEP. kal. KREOS. LACH. led. LYC. face, alm. MERC. mez. natr-m. oleand. par. Herpes, BARYT. CARB-V. CHEL. phosph. phos-ac. Pnus. sass. CON. DULC. KREOS. LAH. LYC. SEP. SIL. spig. stront. SULPH. NATR-M. PIOS-AC. RHUS. SEP. thuj. veratr. (comp. Mentagra.) SIL. SULPH. Eruption in spots, CALC. Hippocratic face, ARS. MERC. NATR. canth. CARB-V. CHIN. chinii. 720 AFFECTIONS OF THE FACE, ETC. cupr. lach. Nux vom. PHOSPH. sabad. selen. SQUILL. sulph. tart. PHOS-AC. plumb. rhus. SEC. VERATR. zinc. staph. VERATR. (comp. Sunken Lips, deadness, calc. and Altered.), dry, AcoN. alum. amm. ammIndurations, BELL. CON. SIL. m. ARS. baryt. BELL. BRY. Indurations, glandular, in CHIN. CON. DIG. dros. hyose. the face, BRY. IGN. kreos. lach. mang. MERC. lndurations, lower jaw, natr-in. Nux voM. oleand. GRAPH. PHOSPH. plat. rhod. RHUS. Itching, principally, agn. SEP. strain. SULPH. tart. VEALUM. ambr. amm. ant. bell. RATR. zinc. CALC. cann. CHEL. CON. kal-bi., eruption, acon. arnm —n. ant. lach. LYC. NATR-M. nux vom. arn. ARS. baryt. BELL. bov. BRY. ruta. stront. CALC. cann. canth. caps. CAUS. Jaw, lower. chin. chinin. con. dule. HELL..-, dislocation, liable to, petr. hyose. IGN. ipec. kal. kreos. staph. led. magn-m. mur-ac. natr. nux, swelling, Aco,. MERC. SIL. vore. RHvs. samb. SEP. spig., caries, SIL. spong. squill. STAPH. SULPH., paralysis, ARS. DULC. LacH. tarax. teucr. zinc. mgt-arc. LYC. OP., eversion, BELL. merc., pain, CAus. dros. graph., indurated, BELL. SIL., stiffness, LACH. -, pale, caus. ferr. lye. spig. Leaden - colored ap- —, peeling off, alum. amnm-m. pearance, ARS. LACH. merc. canth. cham. con. kal. mez. Left side of the face, mosch. nux vom. plumb. puls. affections of, COLOC. GRAPH. sep. sulph-ac. tart. LACH. staph. -- red, baryt. bell. spig. Leprous complaints, -, rhagades, full of, amlm. ant. ALUM. MAGN-C. (comp. Chap. am1. ARs. BRY. caps. CARB-V. II.) chin. IGN. lach. MERC. NATRLips affected, ARS. BARYT. M. NITR-AC. nux vom. phos-ac. bell. BRY. CALC. carb-v. caus. plat. SQUILL. VERATR. graph. HELL. KAL. KRE08., sore, painful as if, ign. ipec. mere. mez. NATR. NATR-M. PAR. phos-ac. plat. sabad. phos-ac. Rnus. sabad. SEP. sil., scirrhous, see Indurated. STAPH. SULPH. thuj. zinc., sore, excoriated, ars. canth., black, ACON. ARS. CHIN. caus. cham. cupr. graph. lye. mere. RHus. SQUILL. VERATR. mez. natr-m. -, bleeding, ars. bry. carb-a., stiff, EurPH. IaN. mere., swollen, alum. arn. ARS. -, bloody blisters, NATR-M. aur. aur-m. baryt. BELL. Bov. blue, arg-n. ARS. caus. chin- BRY. CALC. canth. caps. carb-a. in. cupr. dig. Lyr. phosph. carb-v. chin. dig. HELL. HEP., brown, ars. bry. oleand. op. kal. lach. lye. MERC. mez. natr. phosph. staph. NATR-M. nitr-ac. phosph. puls. -, cancer, ARS. BELL. CLEM. rhus. sep. SIL. STAPH. SULPH. CON. SIL. SULPH. magt. -., chapped, agar. alum. amm. - -, upper, arg. arg-n. baryt. amm-m. ant. arn. ARS. baryt. bell. bov. calc. canth. kal. kal-bi. bov. bry. calc. caps. carb-a. lye. mere. NATR. NATR-M. CARB-V. cham. CHIN. colch. phosph. rhus. staph. SuLPH. con. croc. dros. graph. IGN. kal., lower, alum. bor. LacH. ]ach. magn-m. MERC. natr. lye. mez. mur-ac. puls. sep. NATR-M. NITR-AC. nux vom., ulcerated, amm-nm. arg-n. par. phosph. phos-ac. plat puls. ARS. AUR. aur-m. BELL. caps. LIVID COMPLEXION, LOCKJAW, ETC. 721 cham. chin. cic. con. graph. liep. kreos. led. mere. oleand. sap. KAL. lye. mere. mez. natr. NATR- sep. SIL. spig. staph. SULPH. r. nitr-ac. nux vorom. phos-ac. thuj. SEP. SIL. STAP1t. SULPII. zinc.;Mlottled appearance, aur. Livid complexion, ARS. aur-m. bism. bor. BnY. cantl. CARB-V. Mouth, brealiing out all CHIN. chinin. cic. CRoc. FERR. around, alum. amm. ant. ARS. ign. IPEC. kal-bi. KREos. LACH. baryt. bell. Boy. BRY. CALC. Cann. ]aur. LYC. magn-c. MERC. caps. CAUS. graph. hyosc IaN. mosch. natr-m. nit-ac. N-VOMI. kal. KREOS. laur. led. lye. op. phosph. SAMB. sep. sil. zinc. magnec. magn-m. mere. mez. Lockjaw, principally, acon. natr. NATR-M. nux vom. par. ang. arg-n. ARN. BELL. bry. phos-ac. RHUS. SEP. sil. spong. CAMPH. canth. CArs. cllhm. STAPH. SuLPn. veratr. cie. con. cupr. HYosc. IGN. -, bluish, cin. cupr. LACH. ]aur. MERC. nux vom. -, herpes, NATR-M. OP. phosph1. PLAT. plumb. rhus., yellowness, Nux voM. sep. sec. SIL. VERATR., open, aeon. ang. ARs. BELL. Looking as if affected by carb-v. camph. hyose. lyc. OP. sickness and fatigue, am. ars. plumb. PULs. samb. squill. bell. canth. chain. CTIIN. dros. -, red skin around, IGN. ipec. FEaR. ign. lye. mang. oleand. op., distorted, BELL. DULC. PHOSPH. phos-ac. plat. rhus. sec. GRAPH. LACH. LYC. mere. Nux squill. stann. STAPH. tart. VE- VOM. Op. sec. STRAM. (comp. RATR. Contorsion.), anxious, bell. cupr. SPONG. Mouth, ulcerated corners of, tart. (compare Lips, ulcerated.) friendly, STRAM. AMM-M. ant. arn. BELL boy. timorous, strain. CALC. carb-v. CAUS. coloc. suffering, chinin. coleb. GRAPH. hell. HEP. IGN. LACH. lact. PULS. KREOS. mang. MERC. mez. sad, colch. cupr. natr. NATR-I. NITR-AC. nux out of humor, magn-c. zinc. vom. petr. phosph. rhod. SEP. confused, plumb. stram. zinc. SIL. veratr. zinc. mgt-arc., desperate, canth. Muscular twitching, Lnp!s, alum. arg-n. ars. graph. ambr. arn. bell. cann. cham. ign..nagn-c. natr. phosphl. sil. staph. jod. ipec. lach. lye. mere. mez. sulph. nux vom. op. phosph. puls. ranof the nose, ars. graph. mere. sc. selen. tart. veratr. zinc. natr-m. nitr-ac. sep. sil. staph. Old and wrinkled, arg-n. sulph. calc. fluor-ac. Margins around the Pale face, CHIN. FERn. HELL. eyes, anac. ARS. bism. cale. PHOSPH. SEC. SULP. -. CHIN. cic. Cocc. CUPR. ferr. Paleness, ALUM. ambr. anac. graph. hep. ign. IPEc. kal. kal- ARN. arg-n. ARS. aur-m. bell. bi. lach. Lye. mere. mez. natr. bisrn. brom. BRY. CALC. n-mosch. NUX VOM. OLEAND. eamph.,ann. canth. caps. carbphosph. PHOS-AC. RHUS. SA- a. CARB-V. cans. CHAM. CHIN. BAD. sabin. SEC. SEP. STAPH. ti. CIN. CLEM. OCLE. coloc. con. SULPII. VERATR. dros. cupr. dig. dros. Duwc. —, yellow, NITR-AC. nUX VOJP. FERR. graph. HELL. hyose. IGN. SPIG. jod. IPEC. kal. kal-bi. lach. lact., greenish, VERATR. laur. led. lye. magn-e. magn-m. Mentagra, anom-m, ANT. arg- mang. MERC. mez. natr. natr-m. n. ARns. carb-a. -carb-v. CIC. nitr. NITR-AC. N-MOSCH. nux vom. clem. con. dule. GRAPH. HEP. oleand. op. petr. PHOSPH. 31 722 AFFECTIONS OF THE FACE, ETC. phos-ac. plat. pluiemb. PIt.LS. carb-v. chain. colch. HEP. KAL. RHUS. sabin. SAMB. S:1n14g. see. kreos. rnman-m. nux vom. phosSEP. sil. SPIG. spon(,. STAN' N. ac. ran-se. rhus. sep. SIL. stann. staph. strain. SULPII sllph-'ie. veratr. TART. teuer. VEItATI[. zinc. Prosopalgia, in the evening, mgt-arc. CoN. PHOSPHf. pldat. PULS. Paralysis of the facial, inflammatory, Acox. AUR. muscles, CAUS. GR.API. OP. BARYT. MERC. STAPH. —, one side, AcoN. CAus. GRAPH. —, jerking, chin. cin. coleh. Peeling-off, canth. phosl~l. mang. NUX VOM. phosph. puls. rhus. SPIG. stront. thuj. Pimples, alum. ambr. t'eS Itr. —, left side, COLOC. GRAPH. bor. carb-a. carb-v. caus. cie. LAcH, staph. eugen. hep. lach. MUlr-Ac. natr- lower jaw, CAUS. dros. graph. 11. NITR-AC. nllx vO'n. I)etl. - nr, lvolts, allcr-n. BELL. CHI'N. phosph. phos-ac. sep. stlllll -. CruI[Nrx. S\l. STAPH. STRAIM. Pointed appearance, -, t night, con. led. magn-c. SIL. ARS. CHIN. Nux vo-m. Pmios c:., I1ib. PLAT. rlhus. STAPH. ~ERATr1 -, per'iodical, SPIG. Prosopalgia, Acon. itl.. —, pessulle, anac. arfq. bell. arn. ars. bayt. bell. lI. cl'. q I ism. caps. hyose. mere MEz. caps. caus. chin. COLOC. C()N. (). J\N). par. ['LAT. RHu:s. sadig. DROS. hep. hyose l.. \ KA. bin. sainb. SPIG. stann. STAPH. LACH. led. lye. magn e. n1ag1-. s tlpli. tart. tuern. VERB. violMERC. MEZ. natr-ln. neitr-a. od. NUX VOM. PH0OPH. PHOS,'T. -., pulling, staph. PULS. RHUS. rtua. selp. SPlf(., pulsating (comp. Throbbing,) STANN. STAPH. ST1R.a. TIm.J. I'LArT. VE;RATR. verb. rh, lleumati, CrIN., arthritic, CAUs. -, tigfht side, Co.N. SPrm. -, articulation of the jaw, men. - semilateral, ACON. atmm., bone-pain, ALUM. amn 7m. atom-mo. arg-n. caus. cham. arg. AuR. bor. CAIC. carb-v. colch. COLOC. CON. kreos. mez. CAUvs. CHIN. cin. CoxN. Daos..NATrL-. NUX VOM. PHoSPH. graph. IhEr. kal. kal-bi. ivc. PLAT. SPIG. staplh. veratr. mayn-c. MERC. MIe7. NATR nr.,stinging, ALUM. art m. ARS. nitr. nitr-ac. Nux vo>m. PHOSPI. asar. bell. cham. COLOC. con. ruta. sang. sep. SPIG. ST.APII. euphr. GRAPH. guaj. LIc. mang. stront. sulph-ac. teuer. zinc. SIERC. nitr-ac. 1puls. RHUS., boring, bell, boy. eul-horb. SIL. spong. stann. STAPH. magn-c. plat. sabad. thuj. SULPH., bruised, as if, con. kal-bi. -., stupefying, asar. CArs. MEZ. nitr-ac. sulphl. sulph-ac. zinc. OLEAND. PLAT. verb. -, burning, ars. BELL. CHAMf. -, tearing, agar. ALU.M. amnr. CoLOC. euphorb. GRApH. e IG. aGRnio-i. art m -n. bell. bor. carb-'. kal-bi. PnHOSH. Pnos —AC. Riu's. chin. coleh. COLOC. Cox. CUPR. SA-MB. SPIG. VER.AT. grat. rEP. led. yec. MERC. MEZ., cold, caused by a, PROSPH. nitr-ac. Nux vomf. PHOSPH., contractive, stann. rhus. SPIG. staph. sulph. viol-, contusive, sulph. sulph-ac. od. zic. --—, teeth, fi'om the, CUPR. STAPH. -, crampy feeling, MIEZ. nitr-ae., tension, atmm. asa. Aun. par. plat. stann. thuj. BARYT. CAUS. CoLoc. tIIP. -, cutting, BELL. rhus. staph. lach. magn-m. par. PHOSPH. -, digging, coloc. PLAT. RHUS. VERATR. VERB. -, drawing, arg-n. Ars. bar-m. -, throbbing, anrg. arg-n. arn. PROSOPALGIA, PUSTULES, ETC. 723 bell. caus. CHAMr. croc. kreos. Redness, around the mouth, merec. PLAT. STAPH. 1GN. ipec. Prosopalgia, tingling, plat. -, purple, baryt. —, scarlet, BELL. -- torn out, ath i pepi, cr ioet, ELL. - r, circumscril)ed, ACON. bry., worse when eating, PIIosPi. CAL,. CHIN. dros. IDULC. FERR.,w'-rse during motion, alum. AL. S. LA. amnm-tn. bor. inang. natr-m. LYC. PIHOSPtI. PULS. SAMB. phosphI. SPIGC. verb. SAN-G. sep. STAN-N. STRAMI. SULPH.,worse during rest, PLAT. (co-mp. Rled Cheeks.), worse, by talking, PHosP, of the cheeks, AcoN. agar. worse when touched, BRY. alum. ars. bry. CALC. CANN. caps. cupr. dig. DRos. HEP. CSM.. CIIAM. CHIN. O(mC. mer. me. mez. Posif. picol. coI coloC os. (IIos. DTLc. FERR. SPICe. JoDy KAL. KREOS. LACH. le(d. zygomata, in the (malar LY(. MERC. mosch. mur-ac. bones), aeon. agar. ALUI. anac. nitr-ac. NUN VOM. oleand. ang. aeg. asa. AuR. bell. bism. PHOSPII. PULS. ran. rhus. bolr. bry. CALC. caps. carb-v.. SAiB. sep. spig. STANN. STRAM. chel. CIIIN. cin. coCe. colch. SULPII. valel. coloc. Cos. dig. DROS. guaj. ign., of one cheel, AcoN. AnN. Ial. lye. nZagn-m. inanr. ng. ere. BELL. can. CIAM. CoOC. IGN. MIEE. mosb.X mur-ac. NATR-MX. 11mosch. Nux VOM. sang. gV. ERATR. nitr-ac. nux vom. oleand. PLAT. (see Rledness.) plumb. puls. rut. sain. saru. elaxed muisces, coloc. )Op. sep. SPIG. STANN. STAPH. sulph. Right side of face, pains il, sulph-ac. thuj. valer. VERB. viol- CON. SPIG. od. ILotugh skin, alum. anne. arls. Pustules, mere. nitr-ac. Gr.APHI. lrhus. sep. SULPII. lRash. ch{aim. Eupi-. hep. lach, around the mouth, anac. ars. t~asfa. chnm. Ec.- v ta, as if raw, GRAPH. SULPH. ver tr. Scirrhus, BELL. SIL. Red spots in face, alum. Scorbutie eruption, kalambr. aur. bell. bry. carb-a.ferr. bi. ferr-mn. lye. mere. op. SAMB. sil. SCurfs, crusts, ALUM. ARs. SULPH. mgt-arc. BARYT. BELL. CALC. CIu. COLOC. Redness, principally, ACON. DULC. GRAPH. LACH. MiERC. phosagar. ambr.. amm. amn-m. anae ac. SEP. arg. am. ARS. baryt. BELL. Shining as from grease, agar. boy. bry. calc. cann. canth. caps. aur. bry. chin. magn c. mere. caus. CHAM. CHIN. chinin. cin. natr-m. plumb. rhus. selen. COCC. COLOC. con. croc. cro- stram. tal. cupr. dros. DULC. ferr. HEP. Sickly look, amm. bor. CHIN. HYOSC. IGN. JOD. kal. kreos. CIN. CLEM. kal-bi. mang. nitr. LACH. laur. lyc. MERC. mur- NUX VOM. PHOSPH. rhus. anc. natr. nitr. INUX VOM. sil. SULPH. teucer. (Compare oleand. OP. petr. phosph. phos- Pale, Sunken, Affected.) nc. PLAT. PULS. ran. RHUs. sabad. Spasuis, convulsions, arg-n. samb. sang. sep. sil. spig. spong. BELL. CHAM. IGN. IPEC. lye. SQUILL. staph. STRAM. stront. op. PULS. RHAB. SIL. SULPH. TART. thuj. valer. Spots, alum. ambr. amm. ARS. VERATR. viol-tric. mgt-arc. bell. CALC. carb-a. COLCH. croc. copper-colored, alum. ARS. FERL kreos. laur. lyc. mere. calc. calc-ph. cann. CARB-A. natr. phosph. RIJUS. ruta. SAkreos. LED. anux-jUgl. RHUS. BAD. SAiB. SIL. SULPH. veICUTA. \TERATR. ratr. -. 724 AFFECTIONS OF THIE FACE, ETC. Suffering, expression of, STArH. SULPH. szlph-ac. thuj. chinin. ]act. colch. LACI. PULS. veratr. Sunken face, arg-n. am. Sweat in the face, alum. bell. ARS. bell. canth. chain. CHIN. bor. carb a. CARB-v. chin. coec. dros. ferr. ign. LACIT. laur. lye. coff. dros. dulc. ign. laur. magnmang. Nux vo.r. oleantd. op. c. w7erc. nux vorn. plat. plumb. phosph. phos-ac. plat. rhus. puls. rhus. ruta. sarmb. sep. sil. SEC. sep. squill. STANN. staplh. spong. sulph. veratr. tart. VERATR1., upper lip, aeon. kal-bi. nux, arounld the eyes, hollow, vom. rhab. ANAC. arn. ARS. bell. CAtrPH. Syphilitic crusts, kal-bi. canth. CHIN. Cic. CoLoc. CUPr. Tension of the skin of the face, cycl. dros. FERR. ign. jod. kal. alum. BARYT. grat. hep. kal-bi. kal-bi. LACII. LyeC. nitr-ac. Nusx lach. lye. magn-c. mere. moseh. vo:f. oleatnd. PHOSPIT. PHOS- nitr. nux vom. PHOSPH. PHOSAC. plat. puls. rhus. SEC. sep. Ac. puls. rhab. RHUS. samb. spong. stann. STAPH. SULPr. VIOL-OD. VIOL-TRIC. VERATR. Thickening of the skin, Suppuration, RIIUs. BELL. VIOL-TRIC. Swelling of bones, AUR. Tingling, aeon. alum. ambr. SIL. SP1G. cann. COLCI. ferr. grat. lach. —, lower jaw, ang. lact. nux vom. plat. ran. rhus. Swelling of the cheeks, amm. sabad. sec. ARN. ars. aur. BELL. boy. bry. Tubercles, ALUr. MAGN-C. calc. canth. carb-v. caus. CITAM. Ulcers, CoN. chin. dig. euphorb. graph. KAL. Warts, CAUS. DULc. KAL. SEP. LACH. lyc. MERC. nitr-ac. NUX White spots in the face, si]. VOM. phosph. PULS. rllus. SEP. lVhiskers itch, agar. ambr. spong. stann. staph. SULPtI. CA. kal-bi. natr-m. nitr. sil. MGT-ARC. Wrinkled face, CALC. hell. -, of one cheek, ARN. BELL. LYC. rhab. SEP. stram. BRY. canth. CHAM. IERC. —, forehead, amnm. bry. chamin. NUX VOM. plumb. puls. SEP. graph. HELL. LYC. nux vom. SPIG. MGT-ARC. rhab. rhus. SEP. STRAM. viol-od. —, of the face, Aco.. aImm. Yellow complexion, ARN. ARS. AUR. BARYT. ACON. ambr. ARN. ARS. bell. BELL. bor. boy. BaY. calc. BRY. CALC. canth. carb-v. caus. canth. caps. carb-v. CIIAir. chin. CHAM. CHIN. chinin. con. croc. cic. COLCII. CoLoc. crotal. ldulc. dig. FERR. graph. hell. hep. ign. euphorb. ferr. graph. HELL. hep. jod. IPEC. KAL. kal-bi. LAcS. hyosc. ipec. KAL. LACH. laur. laur. LYC. magn.m. MERC. natr. LYC. magn-c. MERC. natr-m. nsatr-m. NITR-Ac. Nux voM. op. nitr-ac. n-moscbh. N UX VOM. PETR. PHosPH. PLUMB. PULS. Op. PHOSPH. puls. RHUS. rhus. sec. SEP. SPIG. SULPH. SAMB. sec. SEP. sil. spiq. spong. VERA'rr. stfann. STRAM. SULPH. tart. —, around the eyes, NITR-AC. veratr. m(rt-arc. nlux vor. SPIG., of glands, under the lower —, around mouth and nose, jaw, amnz. atmn-m. arn. ARS. Nux VOM. sep. BARYT. BELL. bov. CALC. —, at the temples, CAUs. CHIN. CiC. clem. Cocc. CON. DULC. Yellow spots, ambr. COLCH. grapll. jod. kal. KREos. led. LYe. FERn. NATR. nux vown. SEP. MIERC. natr. NATR-nr. nitr-ac. Yellow streak across cheek PETR. phosph. phos-ac. plumb. and nose, SEP. puls. rhus. sep. SIL. SPON.G stann. CHAPTER XIIII. AFFECTIONS OF THE TEETH AND GUMS. Afternoon, in the, lach. Breaking off of the teeth, MERC. nux vom. PULS. suiph. bell. bor. euphorb. lach. plumb. Air, in cold, bell. CALC. fluor-ac. sabad. STAPH. hyosc. mere. mosch. Nux vom. Bread, frorm eating, carb-a. puls. sass. seneg. sep. SIL. STAPH. Bruised, teeth as if, alum. magt. cauns. IGN. lye., relieved by, nux vom. IPULS. Bubbliig in the teeth, lye. Sep. nitr-ae. spig. worse, BELL. cale. chin. HYosc. MERC. nitr. n-mosch. Burning, baryt. chinin. kal. nux vom. petr. sass. seneg. sep. magn-c. merc. mez. phos-ae. sil. STAPH. SULPH. mgt-are. sulph. mgt-are., in open, alum. ambr. amm., gunis, bell. chain. merec. nux ant. BELL. bov. canmph. caus. vom. petr. puls. rhus. sang. CHIN. con. graph. magn-c. natr. Chewing, when, alum. amm. Nux voM. PETR. PIOSPH. RHUS. arg-n. Ans. aur. BRY. CARB-V. spig. staph. SULPIT. MGT-ARC. chin. euphorb. HYosc. lye., relieved, ANT. boy. BRY. MERC. Nux voM. oleand. phosph. HEP. magn-m. nux vom. rhus. sabin. sang. spig. STAPH. SULPH. PULS. sabad. stann. mgt-are. teucer. thuj. veratr. zinc. Arthritic toothache (see Children, in, ACON. BELL. Rheumatic). calc. CHAM. coff. ign. MERC. Asleep, worse when falling, sulph. ARs. -, while teething, ACON. ars. relieved, MERC. BELL. bor. CALC. CHAM. cin. Bed, by the warmth of the, COFF. ferr. IGN. magn-c. magnBELL. BRY. CHAM. graph. magn- m. mere. nux vom. stann. sulph. c. MERC. phosph. PHOS-AC. PULS. Chilliness, daphn. euphorb. sabin. spig. sulph-ae. lach. MERC. PULS. -, relieved, amm. bry. lye. nux Cleaining the teeth, when, vom. carb-v. graph. lach. lye. phos-ac. Black coating on, chin. ruta. staph. Black, teeth turn, mere. plumb. Coffee-drinkers, in, BELL. sep. squill. staph. camph. canth. carb-v. CHAM. Bloated face, with, spig. Cocc. IGN. MERc. NUX VOM. Bones of the face, as far puls. rhus. as, hyosc. MERC. NUX VOM. Coffee, worse after, chain. IGN. RHUS. spig. SULPI. Nux voM. -, involved, clem. Htiosc. magn- Cold, in the, agar. ant. ARS. C. MERC. NUX VOM. RIivs. CALC. hell. lye. magn-c. MERC. SpIG. sulph. nitr-ae. PHos-Ac. sulph. sulph-ac. Boring (see Digging). thor. 7 26 AF'FECTIONS OF THE TEETH AND GUMS. Cold, relieved,chalm.hlep.magn-c. Creeping in teeth, ocon. arnm. nux vom. puls. rhod. mgt-are. bary!t. mur-ac. rhus. Cold air, by inhaling, BELL. -, ili gums, ara. BRY. MIERC. nux yone. STAPH. Cough, with, sep. sulph. voDanmp air, in, amm. bor. natr. I-AioscH. rhod. rhus. seneg. Cold, caused by a, ACON. baryt. Diarrhcea, with, CEAM. bell. calc. CriAsr. chin coff. DULC. DULc. rhUS. HYosc. IGN. MERC. n-nosch. HNUX *VOM. phosph PULS. Digging in the teeth, aMlm. ant. RUs. u. rhosph. PULS. bor. carb-a. ign. kal. magn-m. RIus. sulph. mgt-arc. rhus. sulph11-ac. Cold dritnk, by, bry. CALC. Digging, boring, ant. BELL. campll. carb-a. CHAM. cin. graph. bor. bov. CALC. CHAM. CYCL. kal. MERC. mur-ac. n-rmosch. Nlux laur. MACG-C. MEZ. natr. natr-m. VOM. PULS. rhus. sang. sass. sep. NUx voM. PLAT. PULS. rhab. ruta. sil. spig. STAPH. SULPI. magt. seneg. SIL. sulph. sulph-ac. MaT-, relieved, bry. clem. puls. ARC. Cold ears, with, lach. Discolored gums, CARB-V. Cold feeling in the teeth, kal-bi. MERC. asar. grat. nitr-ac. phos-ac. rhab. Dislocated, pain as if, arn. sep. lmere. nux vom. prun. Cold haind, relieved by plac- Draught of air, by a, BELL. inug upon it the, rhus. CAr.;C. CHIN. sass. SEP. SULPH. Cold things, caused by, ant. Draw-ing pains in the teeth, ary-n. CALC. CARB-V. chain. con. alum. amnbr. amm. anac. ang. kal. mang. MERC. nitr. par. phos- baryt. bell. bism. bov. bry. CALC. ac. plumb. puls. sil. spig. sulph. canth. caps. carb-a. CARB-V. caus. thuj. CHAM. chin. clean. CON. cycl. Cold tips of fingers and hands, daphn. graph. guaj. hep. kal. with, ARS. kal-bi. KREOS. LACH. LYC. maganCold water, by, ANT. arg-n. c. meph. MEZ.,natr-m. nitr. nitrbor. BRY. CALC. carb-a. chain. ac. nux voir. oleand. phosph. phoscin. GRAPH. lach. MERC. mzur-ac. ac. plat. PULS. ran-sc. rhod. n-mosch. NUX VOM. puls. sang. SABAD. sabin. sass. SEP. SIL. sass. SEP. SIL. staph. SULPH. STAPH. SULPH. tarax. thuj. magt. veratr. zinc. r, relieved, PULS.. —, gurs, ars. caps. nux vom. -, -, for a moment, BIY.. stap)h.,by touching with the Drinking, by, amm. caus. finger dipped in cold water, CHAM. dros. lach. rhus. sabin. CHAM. sil. spig. Coldness, with, veratr. Drowsiness, with, sulph. Congestion of head, with, Dry mouth, with, CHIN. PULs. ACON. AUR. calc. CHIN. hyosc., with thirst, CHIN. rmez. PULS. sulph., without thirst, PULS. Congestive toothache, Dull teeth, AMM. aur. caps. ACON. BELL. chain. MERC. DULC. kal. lach. lye. MERC. Constipation, with, MERC. MEz. natr-n. nitr-ac. n-m-,sch. nux vom. STAPH. phosph. PHOS-AC. ran-sc. sep. Contractive pain in the sil. spong. staph. SULPH. SULPHteeth, carb-v. AC. tarax. Crampy toothache, amzbr. Ear-ache, with, BELL. bor. anac.CARB-V. cham. lye. n-mosch. PULS. rhod. plat. spig. rngt-arc. Ears, as far as the, amm. anac. Creakilg of the teeth, when ars. baryt. BELL. bor. BRY. rubbed, selen. CHAM. clem. kal-bi. kreos. lach. EAERLY EA;TIOG, ELONGA.IED, ETC. 727 AMERC. natr-rn. n-imosch. nux von. cantli. CAUS. lye. NATP'R-H. petr. PULS. rhus. sep STAPI-H. SULPI. SIL. STIAPH. SULPH. Early, in bed, kal. kreos. lach. Forenoon, in the, carb-v. MA;GN-C. -Nux voM. ran. P1ULS. S'iLPIi. Eating, after, ant. BELL. bor. Fruit, ly eating, natv. BRY. CHA.M. Chill. COFF. glrapll. Girls, in voung, ACON. BELL. IGN. kal. lach. lyc. xnagn-c. natr. cob. natr-n. NUX VOuLI. sabin. Wil. Gniawing toothache, spig. stalln. STAPHI. SULPII. wgt- e;alc. CARB-V. CHAIr. con. kal. arc. 1)hos40lh. PvLs. STAPH. sulph-ac. w, hile, ant.'ars. aur. BELL.'Frn1J. BRY. canth. carb-a. CAnB-V. Grating of the teethl caus. coec. colch. euphorb. grap,. aeon.:lnt. ARS. BELL. cycl. HiEP. ign. Ial. lye. magn c. lagnr- ] vosec. LYe. phosph. plumb. see. In. MERC. natr. H()SPH. PULs. straam. veratr. sabin. sang. sil. STAP1r. SULPH. Guln-boil, CALC. canth. caus. thutj. mgt-arc. lye. natr-2m. petr. SIL STAPH. ~., relieved, anilb. an1to. SULP};. chain. nitr-ae. phos-ac. rlod. sil. Heavy, teeth feel, sep. veratr. mI1gt-arc. Head, as far as, ant. ARs. aur. Elongated, as if, alum. ARN. baryt. BELL bor. CHAM. cleml. As. BELL. BRY. calc. camph. eulpr. HYosc. kal-bi. magn-c. caps. carb-a. carb-,. CAr'. CHAM. IMERC. ilez. NUX VOM.'PULS. H1yose. kreos lacth. magn-e. Ius. S. TAPH. SULPH. magn-m. 3EZ. nitr-ac. petr. Headache, with, bor. euSTANN. SULPI. phllolb. laell. nitl'. puls. thuj. Evening-air, in tlhe, inerxe. verater. In-mosch. Heat of body, with, lach. sil. ]Evening-chilliness, dur- veratl. ing the, mlez. Hollow, teeth become, baryt.', wo se in the, alum. KREOS. nlez. phosph. plumb..amm. anac. ANT. baryt. BELL. saba1d. SEP. STAPH. bov. BRY. chain. graph. hep. Hollow teeth ache, Aco-. IGN. kal. magn-c. mayng n. tllam. armbr. ang. ANT. BARYT; mlang. MERC. MEZ. natr. nitr-ac. BELL. BoR. bov. BRY. CALC; NtXT vo.r. petr. phosph. PULS. carb-v. CIAM. CHIN. clei. COFF. IHUS. SArN.. SASS. SUPITI. CON'. hyosc. kal. kreos lach, lye. sulph-ec. wmagn-c. nmeplh. MERC. mez. -, in bed, alum. AMniM. ANT. NATR. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. Nbaryt. bell. calc. cham. chin. cqfi. VOM. par. phosph. PHos-Ac. plat. graph. kal. magn-c. MEI1C. plumb. PULS. rhab. rhus. SEP. MIEZ. NITR-AC. n-moseh. nux vore. S. spig. STAPH. SULPH. tarax. phosplh. PULS. rhus. SAwBIN. sil. thuj. inagt. MGT-ARC. staph. SULPH. sulph-ac. Hot face, with, cham. graph.Exertious, by mental, BELL. stann. (comp. Hot Head, with.) ign. NUX VOM. Hot head, with, ACON. Aun. Exfoliation of the teeth, }hyosc. puls. arg-n. lach. staph. Humming in the teeth, F}ace, as far as the, alum. anmm. hyosc. nux vom. sep. sulph. mgtHYosc. MERC. mez. NUX VOM. arc. puls. RIUs. sulphI. Hysteric females, in, IGN. Fainting, with, veratr. sep. Fetor of the Teeth, calc. lncisores ache, agar. alum. graph. kal. plumb. rhus. carb-v. chin. colch. ign. kal. —, of the gunms,; graph. merec. natr-m. n-mosch. phosph. Fistula dentalis, CALC. rhus. sep. sulph. mgt-arc. 728 AFFECTIONS OF THE TEETH AND GUMS. Inflamed gumls, AmN. aur. Lying on the painless aur-m. carb-a. HEP. jod. kal. side, when, BnY. kal-bi. kreos. mere. NATR-M. lnitl. Lying in a horizontal NUX VOM. phosph. ran-sc. SEP. position, when, clem. sil. SULPH. (comp. Swelling.) ienses, during the, An*. baryt. Inhaling air, when, alum. CALC. CARB-V. CRAM. GRAPH. ant. aun. BELL. bry. cale. caus. lach. MAGNT-C. natr-mn. initr-ac. chin. cic. HYosc. MERe. natr-m. phosph. SEP. N-MOSCH. Nux Vo. petr. phosph. Mercery, by abuse of, bell. sabin. selen. sep. SIL. spig. STAPH. CARB-V. chin. hep. NITR-Ac. sulph. magt. MGT-ARC. puls. staph. sulph. Irritable mood, with, alum. Tfloaning, with, nux vom. sep. MIorning, worse early in the, Itching of the teeth, kal. ars. baryt. BRY. caus. CHIN. dros. lach. prun. spong. zinc. hyosc. IGN. kreos. lach. magn-c. -, gums, bell. mere. rhod. magn-m. MERC. mez. nitr. NUX Jerking of the feet, with, VOM. petr. PHOSPH. phos-ac. magn-c. PULS. ran-sc. sabin. sep. sil. Jerking of the fingers, STAPH. SULPH. tart. thuj. magn-c. M1l[oving the mouth, when, Jerking toothache, amm. cham. Nux voM. anae. ant. ars. aur-m. bell. bry. Nape of neck, with pain in, CRAM. chin. CLEM. COFF. colo. n-mosch. hep. ka]. kreos. magn-c. merc. Nausea, with, veratr. mez. NITR-AC. NVUX VO.r. phosph. Neck, as far as the, natr-m. plumb. PULS. ran-sc. rhus. SIL. Nervous toothache, SPIG. stann. stront. sulph. MGT- ACON. ars. BELL. cham. COFF. ARC. mgt-aus. HYOSC. IGN. magn-c. meZ. NUX Loose teeth, ALU-n. AMM. VOM. plat. SPIG. sulph. veARis. baryt. BRY. carb-a. CARB- ratr. MGT-ARC. v. CAUS. hep. hyosc. MERC. Night, at, ambr. amm. anac. ars. natr-m. nitr-ac. Nux voM. PULS. baryt. bar-m. BELL. bov. BRY. rhus. sil. STANN. STAPH. sulph. calc. CHAM. CHIN. clem. COFF. Loose, teeth feel, acon. ALUM. cycl. GRAPH. grat. hell. hep. kal. AMM. am. ars. aur. baryt. bry. lye. MAGN-C. magn-m. MERC. cale. camph. carb-a. CARB-V. natr. natr-m. nitr. nzitr-ac.. NCAUS. cham, chin. cocc. hep. MOSCH. Nux vo.. oleand. petr. hyosc. ign. lach. magn-c. MERC. PHOSPH. PuIOS-AC. PULS. rhod. natr-mn. nitr-ac. N-osCH. NUX PRnUS. SABIN. sep. SIL. spig. VOM. oleand. op. phosph. STAPH. SULPH. plumb. PULS. RHUS. sang. sec. -, after midnight, MERC. staph. sep. sil. spong. STANN. STAPH., before midnight, BRY. SULPH. veratr. zinc. Noise aggravates, cale. Lower teeth affected, Nlumnb, teeth feel, arn. chin. ign. ambr. amm. anac. arn. aur. bell. natr-m. petr. plat. mgt-arc. carb-a. carb-v. caus. cham. chin. Pain in the jaws, with, natr. nitr-ac. petr. phosph. rhus. nux vom. thuj. mgt-arc. ruta. sabad. sabin. spig. staph. Painful gums, agar. ambr. sulph-ac. thuj. zinc. ngt-arc. ARS. calc. CARB-V. cans. HEP. Lying, when, clem. IGN. hyosc. MERC. natr-m. nux vom., relieved, MERC. phosph. PULS. ruta. STAPH. Lying on the affected Pale face, with, ars. PULS. side, ARS. SPImG.., -, relieved, bry. Palpitation of the Lying down, with, bry. heart, with, spig. PARALYSIS OF THE LOWER JAW, ETC. 729 Paralysis of the lower Rest aggravates, magwn-c. jaw, with, n-mosch. -, relieves, BRY. Picking the teeth, by, Restlessness, with, coff. magnPULS. sang. c. mang. spig., relieved, amrn. sass. Rheumatic toothache, when blood comes, ACON. arn. BELL. bry. CAUS. BELL. CHAir. CHIN. cycl. hep. lye. -, obliging one to, selen. magTl-c. MIERC. NUX VOM. Pregnant females, alum. phosph. PULS. rhus. sabin. BELL. calc. hyosc. MIAGN-C. n- STAPH. SULPH. veratr. mgt-arc. mosch. Nux NOM. PULS. rhus. Riding in a carriage, SEP. STAPH. worse by, calc. magn-c. Pressing the teeth to- Roonm, in the, chain. sulph. gether, relieved by, ars. bry. (comp. Warm Room.) CHIN. COFF. seneg. Boots affected, arnm. —, aggravated by, alum. amm. camp. caus. lach. magn-c. meph. bry. CHIN. colch. graph. guaj. MERC. mez. puls. sep. staph. HEP. hyose. lye. natr-m. nitr-ac. stront. teuer. izinc. petr. phosph. phos-ac. puls. rhus. Rubbing relieves, MERC. sep. sil. sponlg. staph. sulph. Salt, by eating, carb-v. zinc., relieved, magn-c. Pressure in teeth, anac. Scorbutic gums, AMM. arn. ARS. asa. bism. bor. CARB- AlMN-M. ant. ars. aur. aur-m. bry. v. CAUS. chin. euphorb. graph. canth. CAPS. carb-a. CARB-V. guaj. jod. kal. nalr. natr-m. N- cans. con. dulc. hep. jod. kal. Mosci. oleand. phosph. SEP. kreos. magn-c. MERC. miur-ac. STAPI. sulph. tarax. veratr. mzgt- NATR-M. nitr. NITR-AC. NUX are. VOM. oleand. phosph. plumb. -, gums, ars. staph. sabin. SEP. sil. STAPH. SULPH. Prickling in the guins, Semilateral pains, calc. puls. CHAM. chin. coloc. ign. kal-bi. Prosopaigia, with, ars. clem. MIERC. mez. NUX VOM. phoseuphorb. HYosc. kal. kreos. ac. plat. PULS. RHUS. spig. mnagn-c. sil. SPIG. sulph. Ptyalismn, with, BELL. daphn. Sensitive persons, in, DULC. kal-bi. MERC. phosph. ACON. BELL. COFF. hyosc. stront. IGN. Nvx voM. plat. spig. Pulsations in the body, Sensitiveness of the with, sep. teeth, mang. natr. natr-m. Pustules on the gums, sass. seneg. sulph. carb-a. petr. -, gums, agar. ambr. Ans. calc. Putrid gums, amm. natr-m. CARB-V. cans. natr-m. nux vony. nux vom. (comp. Spongy.) phosph. ruta. STAPH. (comp. Reading, when, ign. nux vom. Painfulness.) Receding, the gums are, ant. Shifting pains, ambr. bell. arg. arg-n. CARB-V. CrsTus. graph. hep. jod. Inagn-c. nitr-ac. dulc. jod. MERC. natr. phosph. puls. P1Ios-Ac. rhus. sep. sulph. Shocks in the teeth, acon. Red face, with ACON. BELL. BARYT. bell. palc. lye. meph. chain. mere. puls. sulph. veratr. mere. in-mosch. plat. sep. spig. Red gums, AMim. aur. aur-m. sulph. magt. MGT-ARC. carb-a. HEP. jod. kal. kreos. Sitting aggravates, PULS. mere. NATR-M. nitr. INUX VOM. RHUS. phosph. ran-sc SEP,. sil. SULPH. Sleeplessness, with, sil. Reflecting, when, bell. nux Smooth, the teeth. grow, yvore, phospl.. sel.e '7-3 0 AFFECTIONS OF THE TEETH AND GUMS. Soft, the teeth feel, alum. caus. Swelling of the gums, ACON. ign. lye. nitr-ac. n-mosch. zinc. agar. alum. ambr. antm. amm-m. Sordes, alum. am. bov. chant. anac. ars. aur. aur-m. baryt. HYosC. jod. magn-c. mnez. natr. BELL. bism. bor. CALC. caps. petr. plumb. sulph. carb-a. CAUS. CHAMI. CHIN. Sore, painful as if, BELL. calc. CISTUS. coCC. con. GRAPH. 1-EP. carb-vi. caus. graph. ign. lach. jod. kal. kal-bi. lach. lye. magnNUX VOM. RHUS. sep. sil. staph. in. IMERC. natr. natr-m. nitr. TauJ. ZINC. nitr-ac. NUX VOM. petr. phosph., gums, alum. bism. bry. PHOS-AC. plumb. ran-sc. RHns. graph. merc. puls. rhus. sass. sass. SEP. sil. spong. STAPH. thluj. zinc. stront. SULPHI-. sulph-ac. thuj., between gums and cheek, zinc. magt. mgt-arc. (Compare rhod Inflamed.) Soreness of the gums, carb-v. -, nightly, aur-m. mere. chinin. dig. nitr-ac. sep. sil., painful, carb-a. lye. magn-m. Sour things, by, arg-xe. nux vorn. ran-se. rhod. sabin. Spirits, by, acon. IGN. Nux sass. sil. staph. sulph. thuj. zinc. VoM. mgt-arc. Spo0igy, gums become, Airm. -, around old stumps, sabin. amnm-m. ant. ars. canth. BRY. SULPH. CArs. carb-a. CARB-V. CAUS. Swelling of the periosteum, con. DULC. jod. kal. kreos. lach. with, sil. magn-c. MERC. nur-ac. NATR-M. of the submaxillary glands, nitr. NITR-AC. oleand. plumb. with, camph. CARB-V. CHAM. sabin. sep. STAPH. SULPH. kal-bi. MaERC. NUX VOM. SEP. zinc. STAPH. Sticking together, sense as of, Swollen face, with, cham. vezinc. ratr. Stiff neck, with, lye., feeling as if (gums), puls. Stitching in teeth, aeon. ambr. gums, with, aeon. BELL. aenm. BARYT. bar-m. BELL. bor. chain. chin. llep. hyose. MERC. CALc. CAUS. CIIAI. clem. CON. Nux voIr. phos-ac. rthus. sep. CYCL. dros. euphorb. euphr. STAPH. SULPH. GRAPH. guaj. hell. IKAL. LACIi. lips, with, bov,. natr. laur. magn-c. MIERC. MEz. natr- Talking aggravates, sep. mn. ritr. ilitr-ac. N-Aioscn. Nvux of other persons, ars. BRY. voNi. PIosprH. PULS. ran-sc. rhus. Tea, by, IGN. thuj. sabad. samb. SEP. sil. spong. Tearing in the teeth, agar. SULPH. valer. zinc. MGT-AUS. alum. amlbr. amm. amm-n. anac., gums, anmm-n. bIell. calc. aln. ars. BELL. bor. carb-v. caus. camph. lye. petr. puls. sabad. chin. coff. colch. CUPR. daphn. Stretch, nerve on the, coloc. graph. grat. guaj. hell. HYosc. PUTLS. kal. kal bhi. LACH. lye. magn-c. Sucking the teeth, when, amm. mang. mepli. MERC. mez. mrurbell. carb-v. kal. nitr-ac. n-mosch. ac. nitr. N-ioscii. Nux vona. nux voin. zinc. oleand. phosph. phos-ac. plumb., relieved by, clem. PULS. rhcd. RUUS. sanmb. sass. Suppuration of the gums sep. SIL. spig. STAPH. sulph. suiph(comp. Ulceration), alum. amm. ac. verb. viol-od. MIT-ARC. MeTcanth. CARB-V. caus. kal. kal- AUs. bi. lye. MERC. natr-m. staph. -, gums, ars. chinin. colch. SULPH. sulph-ac. hyosc. lvc. sass. staph. teucr. Sweat on forehead, cold, with Tensive toothache, Ami-n. cold, veratr. anac. coloc. puls. Sweets, caused by, natr. Thirst, with, BELL. chin. veratr. THIRST, THIROBBING, ETC. 731 Thirst, when the throat is dry, WValking, when, in the open BELL. air, con. Nux vOM. - w, when the mouth is dry, -, relieved, boy. mgt-are. CHIN. Warn drinks, by, agn. amm. Throbbing in teeth, ACON. CtIAM. dros. lach. MERC. n-mosch. amm. ang. ars. baryt. bar-in. Nux vo-i. PULS. rhus. sil. mgt-aus. BELL. calc. carb-a. CAUS. CHAM. -, relieved by, lye. n-mosch. CHIN. CoLoc. daphn. HYOSC. sulph. KAL. lye. MAGN-C. mere. mur-ac. -- food, by, agn. ambr. anac. natl'. NATR-M. nitr. NITa-Ac. par. BARYT. BELL. BRY. CALC. CARBphosph. plat. PULS. sabad. SEP. v. CHAM. COFF. kal. lach. mere. SPIG. stram. SULPH. veratr. nux vom. PHosPH. phos-ac. PULS. gmyt-arc. sep. Sir. SULPH. mgt-aus., gums, bell. brom. cale. daphn., relieved, magn-m. nitr-ac. nfux von. SULPH. N-MOSCH. phosph. sil. sulph. Thunderstorm, during a, - roomn, in a, CHAM. HEP. rhod. magn-c. nux vom. PHOSPH.PULS. Tobacco, by, BRY. CHIN. Clem. rhod. SULPH. mgt-arc. IGN. sabin. sass. spig. Warmth, by external, chai relieved, bor. MERC. natr. graph. hell. hep. magn-c. n-noscFi spig. nux V om. puls. rhod. MGT-ARC. Tubercles in gums, CALC., yelieved, ARs. bov. kal. lach. CAUS. natr. PHOS-AC. plumb. lye. MERC. natr. N-MosCH. NUX STAPH. tlhUj. VOM. RHus. SULPH. sulph-ac. Ulcerated roots, alum. Washing, cold, by, CALC. ~. gums, agn. alum. amn. aur. MERC. SULPIH. bor. CALC. carb-v. jod. kal. lye. Weak feeling in teeth, amm. MERC. qzatr-m. nux vom. phosph. mere. sabin. sep. stann. STAPH. sulph- Weakness, with, clem. veratr. ac. zinc. Whining mood, with, coff. Ulcerative pain in the White, gums turn, aur. carb-a. teeth, alum. amm-m. arn. bell. MERC. nitr-ac. oleand. plumb. carb-v. caus. graph. lye. magn-c. STAPH. zinc. mang. natr. nux vom. petr. Whole set of teeth, in a, cham. phosph. sil. MERC. thus. STAPH. Upper teeth, principally, Wind, in the, ACON. graph. aeon. aur. bell. carb-v. chin. PULS. RHvs. si]. kreos. magn-c. magn-m. natr-m. Wine, by, IGN. Nuvx vow. nitr-ac. petr. phosph. sep. zinc. Women, in, AcoN. BELL. cale. Vomiting, with, aeon. are. CHAM. chin. CorF. HYosC. ign. mere. nux vom. puls. plat. PULS. sabin. SEP. SPIa. Waking, on, BELL. carb-v. Yellowness of the teeth, jod. Nux VOM. lye. nitr-ac. PHos-ZC. CEHAPTER XIV. AFFECTIONS OF THE INNER MOUTHI, PALATE, TONGUE, SALIVA, ETC. Aphthe, agar. ars. aur. aur-m. Burning, asa. asar. aur-m. _BOR. canth. jod. kal-bi. MERC. cale. cham. cupr. lach. mez. nux Nux voM. plumb. sass. SULPI. vom. plat. SABAD. sulph. VERATR. SULPH-AC. thuj. -, of the palate, camp&. carb-v. Atrophy of the tongue, mur-ac. cin. dulc. ign. lach. magn-c. ran. Biting his tongue, liable to, seneg. squill. Msar. cham. LACE. nitr-ac. see. -, tongue, aeon. asar. bell. cale. Black tongue, ARs. CHIN. LACI. caus. coq. hyose. jod. lach. magnNux voM. op. phosph. rhus. sec. m. phos-ac. prun. ran-sc. seneg. VERATR. sulph. veratr. Blisters, ambr. baryt. calc. Burnt, as if, magn-m. sabad. canth. caps. carb-a. cham. HELL., palate, sep. jod kal. kal-bi. magn-c. mere. -, tongue, daphn. hyose. mere. mez. natr. natr-mn. nux orom. plat. puls. sabad. sep. phosph. rhod. spong. staph. Cancer of the tongue, ars? ULPH. anur? bell? clemr? con? lach? -, at the palate, cale. nux vom. mere? SIL? SULPII spig. Caries of palate, AUR. baryt. -, on the tongue, amin. amm-m. cale. LACH. MERC. sil. ant. arg. baryt. bry. cale. caps. Coating on the tongue, aeon. carb-a. eaus. cham. graph. HELL. ambr. ANT. arg-n. ARN. ars. jod. kal. magn-c. mang. mere. BELL. BRY. carb v. CHAM. mez. mur-ac. natr. NATR-M. nitr- CHIN. cin. DIG. dulc. hep. hyosc. aW. ntux vom. puls. sabad. sep. IGN. jod. IPEC. kal-bi. lach. spig. spong. squill. staph. thuj. MERC. natr. NATR-M. nitr. nitrzsnc. ac. NUX VOM. petr. PIIOSH. Blood, spitting, ACON. ARN. PLUMIB. PULS. RHUS. SABAD. CHIN. cop. FERR. lYosc. LED. sabin. sec. seneg. SEP. SIL. staph. natr-m. NrrR-AC. nux vom. op. SULPH. TART. thuj. VERATR. PHOSPH. plumb. sabin. sec. verb. strami. sulph. SULPE-AC. -, blackl, CHIN. MERC. Po10SPH. Blue tongue, ARS. DIG. mqr-ae —, brown, bell. carb-v. hyosc. sabad. nux vom. phosph. sabin. SIL. Boring in the tongue, ars. clem. sulph. verb. Brown tongue. Aus. chin. lach. —, dirty, bry. lye. oleand. mere. Nux vow. phosph. plumb. gray, AMBR. arg-U. cu pds. R~u. sc~ pongr a y,knr. n.argn. eupr. pul Rgo. e apong. Swats. tart. COATING ON THE TONGUE, ETC. 733 Coating on the tongue, green- v. caus. CHAM. chel. CHIN. ish, MAGN-C. magn-m. plumb. chiuin. Cocc. con. euphorb. rhod. GRAPH. HYOSC. IGN. kal-bi. —, slimy, arg-n. BELL. CHIN. LACH. lact. laur. led. LYc. chinin. cupr. DIG. DULC. kal-bi. MAGN-C. magn-m. MERC. MURlach. lact. MERC. natr. n-mosch. Ac. N1TR-AC. n-mosch. NUX Nux vo r.phosph.phos-ac. PULS. VOM. oleand. op. par. petr. SEC. seneg. sep. sil. stann. stront. PHOSPH. phos-ac. plumb. PULS. SULPH. verb. viol-tric. mgt-arc. RHUS. ruta. SABAD. sass. sec. thick, baryt. bell. bry. CHAM. SENEG. SEP. sil. squill. STRAM. chin. kal-bi. LACH. lact. MERC. SULPH. VERATR. zinc. nux vom. phosph. puls. SABAD. Dry month, in the evening, sabin. sec. selen. sulph. alum. amm. baryt. bov. bry., white, alum. ambr. ant. arg- cann. cyci. kal. n-mosch. n. ARN. ars. BELL. bism. bry. -., early in the morning, alum. calc. carb-v. CHAM. CHIN. Croc. ambr. amm. arn. baryt. canth. cupr. cycl. DIG. IGN. IPEC. MERC. carb-v. coff. GRAPH. hyosc. laur. nitr. n-mosch. Nux voxr. oleand. lye. magn-c. magn-m. mur-ac. PETR. phosph. prun. PULS. ran- nitr-ac. nux vom. par. petr. pls. se. sabin. sang. selen. seneg. sep. sass. seneg. spig. stront. sulph. staph. sulph. tart. thuj. viol.tric. thuj. yellowish, alum. arg-n. bell. —, with thirst, ACON. alum, BRY. carb-v. CHAM. CHIN. chinin. arn. ARS. BELL. BRY. canth. cocc. COLOC. IPEC. kal-bi. lach. carb-a. CHAM. chel. chin. mez. Nux vowI. plumb. PULS. sa- chinin. cin. cycl. kreos. laeh. bad. sabin. seneg. VERATR. verb. laur. natr. nitr-ac. op. petr. rhus.. zinc. sec. stramn. sulph. thuj. veratr. Cold feeling, veratr. —, at night, amm. caus. cin. —, on the tongue, bell. laur. cocc. magn c. magn-m. nitr-ac. veratr. nux vom. ran-sc. Contraction of the mouth, -, without thirst, ang. bell. spasmodic, calc. BRY. cann. carb-a. caus. cocc. Contortion of the organs of coff. euphorb. lact. lye. magn-c. speech, when talking, cans. nitr-ac. n-mosch. nux vom. op. Convulsions of the tongue, phos-ac. SABAD. sass. sep. CHAM. lye. Dry palate, arg-n. CALC. CARBCracked tongue, ars. BARYT. A. CYCL. fluor-ac. hell. magn-c. BELL. CHAM. CHIN. cic. kal-bi. mere. samb. staph. stram. lach. Nux voM. plumb. PULS. veratr. ran-se. spig. SULPH. VERATR. -, tongue, ACON. arg-n. ARS. Cutting, bor. hell. bar-m. BELL. BRY. CALC., at palate, hell. CARB-A. CARB-V. CHAM., tongue, bor. chlor. DAPHN. DULC. HYOSC. Dirty tongue, bry. lach. oleand. LACH. merc. n-nosch. nuzx om. (comp. Coating.) par. PHOSPH. plumb. RHUS. Drv feeling in mouth, ACON. sep. spong. SULPH. sulph-ac. ARS. asa. BELL. BnY. cic. cocc. VERATR. kal. lye. n-mosch. phosph. rhab. —, early in the morning, RHUS. stront. sulph-ac. viol-tric. ambr. arg-n. calc. clem. graph., on the tongue, ACON. arg. hell. nitr-ac. plumb. sep. sulph. ARs. bell. cage. camph. caps. --, at night, CALC. n-mosch. chin. coff. con. n-mosch. sang. Dumb (see Speech, defect of.) Dry mouth, ACON. ALUM. Enlarged, sense as if the amm. anac. ang. ant. ar. arn. tongue were, par. pulsk. ARS. ada. ba,*t. bar-in. iELL Excrescenc si mthe buccal BRY.- AA M.canhi.; -CAR*: A OA-; - caity, STAPI. 574 AFFECTIONS OF THE INNER MOUTH, ETC. Fetor, see Smell from the Numb feeling, of the tongue, Mouth. ambr. amm. ars. bell. bor. colch. Froth at the mouth, agar. hyosc. laur. lye. mere. natr-m. nBELL. camph. canth. cham. cic. mosch. puls. rhab. cocc. colch. cupr. HYOSC. IGN. Opening the mouth, difficulty lach. laur. par. plumb. sec. of, colch. nux vom. stann. STRAM. veratr. Palate in particular, aeon. ars. -, bloody, sec. strain. AUR. BARYT. BAR-M. BELL., greenish, see. CALC. camph. canth. caps. carbr, ed, bell. v. chin. coff. ign. kal. LACH.Gangrene, ars. chinin. SULPH- MERC. mez. nitr-ac. Nux voM. AC. par. phosph. puls. rhus. sil. staph. -, of the tongue, ARs. zinc. Haemorrhage from the Paralysis of the organs of mouth, ARN. BELL. canth. speech, aeon. ars. BELL. canth. CHIN. dros. ferr. kreos. LED. lye. carb-v. CAUS. chin. DULC. merc. nux vom. EUPrR. GRAPH. Hyosc. ipec. Hanging out, tongue is, LACH. laur. mur-ac. natr-m. Ncrotal. LACH. merc. MOSCH. INLx voaO. OP. stann. Hair on the tongue, sensati6n of staph. STRAM. zinc. a, kal-bi. NATR-M. sil. -, tongue in particular, aeon. Hard tongue, baryt. mere. BELL. CAUS. DULC. EUPHL. Heat, carb-v. cham. cin. colch. GRAPH. HYosc. ipec. LACH. laur. -- in palate, camph. dule. mur-ac. N-MosCH. op. straim. - on the tongue, bell. Peeling off of the skin. sulph. Heavy tongue, anac. BELL. - palate, par. carb-v. colch. lye. mur-ac. natr. - tongue, ran-sc. natr-m. nux vom. plumb. Pimples, dulc. Inflammation, ACON., tongue, nux vom. amm. BELL. canth. ign. LACH. Ptyalism, aeon. ALUM. am1m. MERC. nux vo7m. veratr. ant. arn. arg-n. baryt. BELL. - of the palate, AUR. baryt. bar- brom. bry. CALC. CANTH. caus. m. bell. CALC. CHIN. LACH. cha.m. CHIN. chinin. chlor. cin. MERC. Nux VOM. ran. COLCH. con. daphn. dig. DROS., velum palati, AcoN. BELL. DULC. EUPIIORB. fluor-ac. COFF. mere. nux voin. graph. HELL. HEP. hyosc. ign. -, tongue, ACON. ang. ARN. ipec. JOD. LaCH. lyc. MERC. BELL. canth. LACH. MERC. merc-c. natr-mr. NITR-AC. nux plumb. ran-sc. vom. OP. plumb. puls. ran. ranMlercury, cousequences of sc. rhus. sang. seneg. sep. spong. abuse of, AUR. bar-m. BELL. stann. staph. stram. SULPH. calc. LACH. sil. sulph-ac. veratr. zinc. Mloving the tongue, difficulty, in the evening, magt. of, anac. BELL. calc. carb-v. con., at night, nux vom. rhus. LYC. mere. (comp. Rigidity.), after abuse of mercury, argIMuCUS, accumulation of, aluln. n? bell. CHIN. dulc. HEP. jod. ang. asar. BELL. calc. caps. LA.cH. NITR-AC. op. SULPH. CAUS. chin. chinin. cupr. graph. -, with shuddering, arg. euhep. IGN. kreos. LACH. lye. magn- phorb. m. MERC. natr-m. n-mosch. bux —, with nausea, euphorb. puls. vom. petr. PHOSPH. PEROS- veratr. zinc. AC. plumb. PULS. rhus. sil. Pustules, mur-ac. phosph. spig. squill. STRAM. sulph. teucr. -, on the palate, phosph. ther. nmgt-arc. -, on the tongue, mrur-ac. Numllib feeling, ambr. baryt. boyt. Railla, inbr. calc. MERC. kal. lye. magn-c: stront. staph. THUJ. RED TONGUE, ETC. 7'35 Red tongue, ARS. BELL. bry. Saliva, reddish, sabin. CHAM. HY)SC. kal-bi. lach. n- -., salt, euphorb. hyosc. mere. vom. ran-se. RIIs. STANN. sulph. phosph. sep. su/ph. veratr. verb. veratr., sour, alum. calc. calc-ph. ign., margins of tongue, ant. BELL. lact. stann. sulph. Nux vOer. —, slimy, camph. Rigidity of the tongue, bor. -, soapy, bry. colch. con. EUPHR. hell. LAcH.. sweetish, alum. dig. phosph. mere. natr-m. plumb. puls. sabad. Roughness, carb-v. caus. cycl. —, tenacious, arg. arg-n. asar. dig. ipec. phosph. bell. camph. dulc. eugen. mere., of palate, magn-c. mez. nitr-ac. plumb. veratr. tongue, ang. arg-n. bell. bry. -, thick, bell. bism. n-mosch. calc. carb-v. cocc. coloc. croc., viscid, arg. bell. camph. can-n. hlyosc. laur. mere. mez. oleand. eugen. par. sass. SULPH., watery, asar. kreos. magnSaliva, accumulation of, ACON. m. puls. mgt-aus. alum. ambr. amm. ANAC. ant. —, white, ran. sabin. spig. arg. arg-n. ARS. asar. baryt. -, yellowish, lal-bi. rhus. BELL. bism. boy. bry. CALC. calc- Salivary glands, affected, aeon. ph. camph. CARB-V. CauS. cham. MERC. thuj. chel. CHIN. croc. cupr. dig. dros. Scraping, eroc. dig. eugen. graph. grat. hell. HEP. -, at palate, carb-v. bell. mez. ign. ipec. kal. kal-bi. kreos., tongue, teucr. LAH. lact. led. Lye. magn-m. Shining tongue, lach. MIERc. mur-ac. natr, NATR-M. Skin on the tongue, sense as of NITR-AC. n-mosch. NUX VOM. a, rhus. par. petr. PHOSPH. plumb. Smell from the mouth, agar. PULS. ran. rhod. RHUS. sabad. alum. ambr. amm. ANAC. arg-n. seneg. SEP. sil. spig. staph. ARN. ARS. AUR. baryt. bar-rn. SULPH. thuj. veratr. verb. viol- BELL. bry. camph. carb-a. graph. trie. zinc. mgt-aus. hyosc. kal. led. lye. MERC. natr., with dry feeling in mouth, nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. nux vomn. colch. kal. plumb. rhod. PETR. RHUS. seneg. sep. SIL., alteration of, alum. arg. ars. spig. stann. stront. SULPH. asar. bell. Bison. bry. calc. cale- verb. magt. ph. camph. cann. canth. clem. -, after eating, cham. nux vom. daphn. Dir. eugen. euphorb. sulph. HYosc. ign. kreos. lact. magn-c. -, in the evening, puls. sulph. magn-m. MERC. nitr-ac.n-mosch., earthy, mang. nux vom. phosph. plumb. PULS. -, early in the morning, arg-n. ran. ran-sc. rhus.:labad. SABIN. ARN. BELL. camph. grat. nux sep. spig. stann. staph. SULPH. vom. puls. SIL. SULPH. thuj. veratr. verb. Ingt-aus., cheesy, aur., acrid, MERC. veratr., garlick, of, petr. bitter, ars. sulph. thuj., horse-radish, of, agar., bloody, arn. ars. canth. clem. —, mercurial, bar-m. hyosc. magn-c. mere. nitr-ac. nux -, at night, puls. sulph. vorn. rhus. staph. sulph. thuj., of pitch, canth brownish, bism., putrid, alum. ARN. aur. bov. fetid, dig. mere. bry. chamin chin. graph. jod. lye. —, frothy, bry. canth. eugen. MERC. NITR-AC. nux vom. plumb. ran-sc. sabin. spig. sulph. puls. sabin. seneg. hot, daphn., sour, sulph., metallic taste, having-a bies. -. urine, of, graph. ran. zinc. Soft tongue, kalMbiL: 736 AFFECTIONS OF THE INNER MOUTH, ETC. Sore, painful as if, agar. alum. natr-mn. N-MOSCH. nux vom. op. ambr. amm. asa. asar. aur-m. stann. staph. strain. zinc. bell. bism. caus. dig. ign. phos- Speech, slowness, Ans. sec. ac. sabad. thuj. -, palate, agar. alum. carb-v., caused by a spasm of the caus. fluor-ac. mez. mur-ac. par. organs, BELL. CANTH. cic. con. thuj. cupr. HYOSC. lach. laur. OP. —, velum, ruta. ruta. sec. STRAM. VERATR., tongue, alum. ant. arn. asar. —, stammering, aeon. arg-n. caus. graph sabad. sang. thuj. BELL. Bov. CAUS. EUPHR. Soreness, chinin. kal. LACH. lach. MERe. natr. nux vom. op. MERC. NUX VOM. phosph. sec. STRAM. sulph. veratr., of palate, lach. MEZ. nitr-ac., stuttering, (see Stammering.) fnux voIn. Stinging, aur. spig. -, of velum, phos-ac., in the palate, ign. mez. nitr-, of tongue, agar. carb-v. dig. ac. ran-sc. staph. kal. LACH. lyc. MERC. mez. mur- in the tongue, acon. ang. ac. natr-m. nitr-ac. UX VOM. in. clem. mec. nitr-ac. phosphosph. phos-ac. sabad. sep. SIL. ac. prun. sabad. staph. Speech, defects of, acon. amm. anac. BELL. boy. bry. calc. Stomach ache, As. Bo. cann. carb-a. ca b-v. caUS cnps. CARB-V. chin. dulc. hep. jod. cann. carb-a. carb-v. CAUS. chin. cic. eon. cupr. dule. MERC. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mosch. EUPHR. hep. hyosc. cLAup. laur NUX VOM. sep. sil. staph. sulph. EUPHR. hep. hiyosc. LACH. laur. D T A n lye. MEac. mez. natr-m. Niux vom. oleand. Op. plumb. ruta., of children, BOR. mere. nux sec. sil. stann. STRAM. SULP. a. sph. SULPH-AC. thij. veratr. *-, after abuse of table-salt, -, difficult, amm. anac. arg-n. of mercury, CARB-V AUR. bell. calc. cann. caus. cic. of mercury, CARB-V. con. DULC. EUPHR. graph. chin. de. REP. jod. natr-m. hep. LACH. mere. mez. natr. NIT-AC staph. sulph. natr-m. NUX VOM. op. ruta. Suppuration of the tongue, sec. stann. STRAM. sulph. canth. mere. -,, single words, lach. Swelling, amm. bell. lach. -, dumb, BELL. CAUS. CHIN. mere. sep. cic. con. cupr. DULC. EurPIIR. HEP. -, of the palate, baryt. bar-m. HYOSC. tiach. LAUR. MIERC. CALC. chin. Nux voM. oleand. Or. PLUMB. ruta. sec. -, of the velum, BELL. COFF. STRAMt. tart. veratr. LACH., hurried speech, ARs. BELL. -, salivary glands, bar-m. REP. LACH. MERC. thuj., indistinct, BRY. calc. CAITS., tongue, anac. arg-n. ARS. lach. LYC. sec. seneg. BELL. calc. canth. chin. con. dig., caused by inflammation of dlec. HELL. KAL. LACH. the organs of, ACON. alum. ars. MERC. phos-ac. plumb. sec. sil. BELL. bry. cale. CANN. canth. stram. thuj. DULC. hep. LACH. lye. MERC., - sublingual glands, nniatr-m. Nvx von. sil. staph. mosch. staph. SULPH., -- half of the tongue, calc., nasal twang, alum. BELL. lach. sil. bry. lach. lye. phos-ac. sil. staph. Swelling, sensation of, at -, caused by paralysis of the palate, arg-n. nux vom. puls. organs, aeon. ars. BELL. canth. -., tongue, mgt-aus. nux vom. carb-v. CAUS. chin. DULC. Tilgling, zinc. EUPHR. graph. hiosc. LAOH..laU.:,, in the tongue, acon. seec. TONGUE, ULCERS, ETC. 737 Tongue, affections of the, in Ulcers, velum, PHOS-AC. particular, acon. agar. amnm. ant. -., tongue, agar. ars. bov. chin. arn. ARs. bell. bor. bry. calc. cic. DIG. dros. graph. kal-bi. CANTH. carb-v. CAUS. chamin. chin. lye. MERC. mur-ac. natr-m. nux dig. dros. GRAPH. hell. hyosc. ign. vom. op. veratr. ipec. kal. LACH lye. MERC. mez. -, - frenulum, agar. mur-ac. NATR M. nitr-ac. nux Ulcerated, pain as if, at the vom. phosph. PRHO-AC. PLUMB. tongue, arg-n. CALC. PULS. RAN-SC. sec. sep. sil. spig. Velum palati, (see Chap. XV.) staph. straim. sulph. thuj. veratr. White-coated tongue, acon. -, of the tongue, ars. bell. caps. ambr. anac. ang. ars. bell. bry. mere. coloc. graph. hell. kreos. lach. Ulcers, agn. alum. arg-n. caus. nat:r nitr-ac. NUX VOM. oleand. dule. HEP. JOD. kal-bi. MERC. op. petr. phosph. PULS. SEP. natr. natr-m. NITR-AC. Nux s8ulph. vonr. op. petr. plumb. staph. Withering tongue, kreos. THUJ. zinc. Wrinkling of palate, bor., at the palate, AUR. KAL-BI. phosph. LACH. MERC.'Nux von. sil. CHAPTER XV. AFFECTIONS OF THE THROAT, SORENESS, AND OTHER AILMENTS IN THE FAUTICES, PHARYNX, AND CESOPIHAGUS. Acute sore throat, with fever, Boring, arg. ACON. ars. baryt. BELL. bry. Brandy aggravates, rhus. canth. caps. cham. chin. COFF. Breth, worse when drwing, sluC. IGN. HEP. Iach. mang. Breath, worse when drawing, dulc. IGN. RIEP. lach. mang. MERC. Nux vom. PULS. RHUS. arg hep. staph. Bruised, pain as if, rhus., worse in the evening, ALUM. Burning, acon. ALUMr. arn. amm. baryt. bov. caus. dig. hep. ARS. asa. aur. bell. bism. bov. Iach. mayn-nm. mang. natr. natr- brom. camnph. canth. CARB-V. m. nitr. phosph. PULS. seneg. canus. cham. chel. chinin. euphorb. sep. spong. stann. sulph. sulph- guaj. hyose. ign. jod. kal-bi. ac. viol-tric. LACH. lact. laur. lye. magn-c. ~-, in the winds, CON. MERC. mez. NITR-AC. NUX VOM. Alternating, with stoppage oleand. par. phosph. PULS. ran. of the nose, lach. ran-sc. rhod. RHUS. sabad. sec. Aneurysmns by anastomosis, SENEG. spong. squill. sulph. kal-bi. veratr. mgt-aus. Ball, rising of a, con. lye. magn-, in the oesophagus,. kal-bi. m. plumb. sulph. Catarrhal sore throat, acon. Blood oozes out, kal-bi. BELL. caps. carb-v. CHAM. dulc. 7 38 AFFECTIONS OF THE THROAT, ETC. lhep. lach. MERC. SNux vor,. low, alum. baryt. bry. chaim. PuLS. rhus. seneg. SULPH. hep. nitr-ac. nux -om. phosph. Choking, strangling, aeon. Ihus. sep. si]. sulph. ambr. arg-n. baryt. BELL. canth. Deglutition, dry morsels, chel. graph. kreos. laeh. nux kal-bi. vom. ran-sc. sabin. veratr. -, witl a noise, am. CuPR. LArR. Chronic sore throat, ALUM., frequent, alum. BELL. cale. BARYT. bell. CaLc. CARB-V. chin. caps. cans. CHAM. chin. con. dule. HEP. LACH. lye. mang. ICGN. lal. LACIJ. Lye. AIERC. mere. natr-lu. nitr-ac. nux vore. UX VOM. PnosPI. PuLs. sabad. puls. sabad. seneg. sep. staph. seneg. staph. sulph. SULPH. thuj.,, in the wind, Coy. Cold air aggravates, mere. nux, painful, BELL. bry. HEP. ign. vom. LAcm. MERC. nux vori. phosph., caused by a, Acox. baryt. puls. rhus. sep. staph. tlhuj. BELL. bry. CHIAa. COFF. DULC. -, impeded, Acon. ambr. atmm. ign. LACH. MERC. Nux vome. ang. ant. am. ars. BELL. puls. sulph. CANTH. carb-v. CHAAI. Cic. cia2. -, feeling, laur. verntr. con. cutpr. hep. HYOSC. jod. Lal. Constriction, Aaum. ars. LACHT. ]aur. Lyc. AMERC. op. BELL. calc. caps. carb-v. cocc. plumb. STRAM. sulpll. con. croc. fluor-ac. hyose. IG:N. -, worse between the acts of, jod. lach. lyc. mnez. natr-m. Nux alum. ambr. caps. graph. IG.N. vom. plat. plumb. rhod. sabad. jod. lach. lanr. led. mang. merc. sass. seneg. STRAM. SLnPII. inez. Nuxi vo. pllt. puls. sabad. veratr. spong. stann. staph. sulph. zinc. -, of cesophagus, Aas. chinin., worse during the acts of, Contact, aggravated by, alumz. amm-m. arg. arg-n. ars. BELL. LACH. mez. teucr. zinc. asa. bar1yt. BELL. Bay. calc. Contraction, acon. baryt. calc-ph. camph. canth. caps. calc-ph. cin. phos-ac. ran-sc. carb-v. caus. cham. chin. chinin. rhab. sulph. Coce. dros. ferr. graph. hell. Cough causes a pain, carb-v. IIHEP. ipec. kal. klal-bi. kreos. hep. LACH. laur. led. lye. mang. Cramp, alum. lach. nitr-ac. ran. MERC. mez. natr-mz. Nvx vo-r. sass. zinc. petr. PHosir. phos-ac. PULS. Crawling in the cesophagus, Rues. ruta. sabad. sabin. sass. plumb. SEP. sil. STAPH. stront. SULPIT. Croup, (see Chap. XXVIT.) sulph-ac. TiIUJ. veratr. Crumnb of bread, sense as of, Diphtheritis, alum. annl. dros. lach. arg-n. ars. Bon. brom. chin. euDeglutition, aggravated, phorb. hep. JOD. kreos. lach. LYC. AcoN. alum. ambr. amm. arg. NITR-AC. Nux voM. spou2g. SULPH.,rs. aur-m. baryt. bar-ni. BELL. SULPH-AC. brom. BRY. canth. carb-v. Caus. Draught of air,worse in a, chin. cham. chel. chinin. cic. con. Drawing, aur. caps. laur. plat. cupr. Dros. fluor-ac. hep.HIIYOSC. plumb. stann. staph. teucr. zinc. IGN. ipec. LACH. lact. laur. Dryness, ACON. alum. anac. LYe. men. mere. Nux voM. op. ant. arg-n. ars. asa. BELL. bor. puls. RHus. sep. sil. STRAM. BaY. calad. CALC. caus. CHAM. TART. teucr. chin. chinin. cocc. con. cupr. hep. -, drinks return by the nose, hyose. IGN. kal-bi. lcreos. lach. Aua. BELL. canth. cupr. ign. lye. magn-c. wmang. men. MERC. LACH. MERC. natr-m. petr. natr. NITR-Ac. n-moseh. N-VOM. phosph. SIL. petr. PHOSPH. PULS. Rnus. ---—, -, food, difficult to swal- sabad. sass. see. selen. SENEG. DRY FEELING, ETC. 739 sep. squill. STAPH. stram. stront. Inflammation, of velum, SULPH. veratr. zinc. ACON. arg. BELL. carb-v. COFF. Dry feeling, amm-m. ars. bry. LACI. MERC. natr-m. phosph. carb-v. dros. lye. men. n-mosch. phos-ac. stram. sulph. rhu.s. sang. stann. tarax. -, of tonsils. ACON. alum. AMaM. Early in the morning, worse, aur. baryt. BELL. brom. calc. amm. cale-lph. carb-a. chinin. CANTH. CHAM. 1IEP. IGN. LACH. hep. lach. natr. natr-m. sil. LYe. MERC. NITR-AC. Nux VOM., on waking, calc-pl. cauns. PHOSPH. plumb. PULS. sep. STAPH. graph. lach. natr. sulph. thuj. Ears, pain extending to the, —, cesophagus, amm. ars. asa. BELL. HEP. ign. LACH. MERC. cantll. carb-v. COCC. lach. natr. n1UX yor. -, uvula, BELL. CALC. CARB-V. Elongated uvula, CALC. Croc. cans. COFF. jod. lye. MERC. COFF. dulc. jod. lye. NATR-M. nitr. NUX VOM. PULS. Exanthenms, after, ars. baryt. sabad. seneg. sil. sulph. bell. carb-v. ign. mere. puls. Injuries, consequences of, Fauces, affections of thle, alum. ACON. BELL. c,?rb-v. CHAM. CIC. bell. earb-v. ign. lach. mere. nux con. 1Gs. lach. MERC. nitr-ac. vom. phosph. puls. sulph. puls. sulph-ac. Foreign body in oesophagus, as Interstitial distension of muif (see Plug, sense of). cons membrane, kal-bi. Gangrenous sore throat, Itching, samb. spig. aomm. ars. CARB-V. con. euphorb. Larynx involved, ACON. ars. _reos. lach. mere. sulph. bell. bry. carb-v. DRos. HEP. JOD. %]i[nI dular swelling, external, nux vom. PHOSPH. SPONG. baryt. J'. h.. LAL,. -, after measles, etc. (see ExanMERC. nitr USE ULP. thems, after.), of ttsils, bell. cocc. nuxf T. l[ercury, consequences of zinc. abuse of, arg. BELL. carb-v. HEP. -, esophagus, asa. MERc. natr. LACH. lyc. NITR-AC. staph. SULPH. Gunsl involved, ALUM. lach. THUJ. G-urgling, when drinking, Mlucus, accumulation of, ALUM. CUPR. LAUR. ambr. amin-m. arg. arg-n. arn. Hair, a sense as of a, ars. kal-bi. ars. asar. BELL. bor. bry. CALC. SIL. sulph. CAPS.CARB-A. carb-v.CAUs. chain. Hawking of mucus, alum. chin. colch. CON. graph. grat. ambr. amm. amm-m. arg-n. bell. IGN. KAL. LACH. lact. LYe. magancalc. CON. graph. KAL. LACH. c. natr. n-jugl. Nux voM. petr. LYC. magyn-m. natr. natr-m. nitr. PHOSPH. plat. PULS. ran. rhus. nitr-ac. n-jugl. petr. PIIOSPH. sass. SENEG. sep. sil. spig. stann. rhus. sabad. seneg. SEP. teucr. STAPH. SULPH. zinc. Heat, feeling of, camplh. CHAI. —, on the affected parts, bell. cin. coff. ferr. hyosc. laur. mere. canth. chin. mere. plumb. puls. nitr-ac., quality of the (see Chap. Indurated tonsils, IGN. plumb. XXVIII., Expectoration, and Inflammation, ACON. Chap. I., Secretions). alum. amm. arg. ars. BARYT. Nares, returning by the posteBELL. bism. brom. BRY. calc. rior, aur. BELL. LACH. mnerc. canth. CAPS. carb v. CHAM. CHIN. petr. SIL. cic. cocc. COFF. coloc. con. cupr. -, of food, SIL. DULC. IGN. jod. kreos. LAC. -, drinks, aur. BELL. LACH. lye. mang. MERC. mez. NITR-AC. MERa. petr. n-mosch. Nux voM. PULS. RHUS. Night, at, alum amm-m. carmph. ian. SABAD. sang. seneg. SEP. canth. lach. lye. mere. MUR-AC. staph. stront. SULPH. veratr. natr. nitr. petr. sass. 740 AFFECTIONS OF THE THROAT, ETC. (Esophagus, affections of the, cham. CrIN. ign. LACH. lye. amm. arq-n. ARS. asa. canth. MIERC. natr-m. nitr-ac. nfux vom. carb-v. COCC. lach. natr. PnosPIr. puls. rhus. sep. sil. Paralysis of the organs of SULPH. deglutition, ars. bell. CAUS. con. Salt things aggravate, dros. CUPR. ipec. kal. LACH. LAUR. Cn-s. ipec. mal.?LAH. LAUR. Sleeping, worse after, LACH. n-mosch. plumb. puls. SIL. -, sensation of, ars. cocc. ipec. Smarting, baryt. carb-v. mere. kal. lach. laet. puls. sil. mez. mur-ac. phosph. phos-ac. Phlegmonous sore throat, puls.teucr. zinc. ACON. alum. barcyt. BELL. calc. Sobbing, euphr. canth. co2 HEP. 1GN. lach. Sore, painful as if, ALUvM. almm. 3IERC. NUx voM. sep. SULPH. arg. ars. asa. bell. bry. CALC. thuj. (Compare Inflammation, camph. caps. carb-a. CARB-V. Swelling, Suppuration). CAUS. dig. fluor-ac. GRAPH. IGN. Plug, lump, sense as of a, ambr. kal. kreos. LAca. lye. magn-c. amm. ant. arn. baryt. BELL. calc. mang. MERC. MUR-AC. NITR-AC. caus. CHAM. chinin. croc. graph. NUX VOM. POSPrH. phos-ac. hep. kal-bi. IGN. LACH. led. plat. PULS. ruta. seneg. SEP. sil. MERC. NATR-M. nitr. NITR-AC. stann. STAPH. sulph. thuj. zinc. NUX VOM. par. plumb. PULs. Soreness, ALUM. AMBR. ARG. ruta. SABAD. sabin. sep. SULPH. arg-n. brom. cale. carb-v. dig. Pressed upon, worse when, ferr. GRAPH. kal. lach. MERC. mez. bell. lach. mur-ac. NITR-AC. phosph. phos-ac. Pressure, ALUM. arn. ars. asa. sabad. sil. BRY. cale. CAMPH. caus. dule. Spasms in the fauces, almn.' ferr. grat. HEP. jod. kal-bi. kreos. arg-n. ars. BELL. calc. caps. MERC. mez. NITR-AC. nux vom. ca'rb-v.-ocoec. eoloc. con. grg.h par. PHOSPH. PULS. rhus. ruta. 19yose. IG43. lach. laud. natr-i sabad. sabin. sass. SEP. SULPH. NUX VOm. plat. ran. sass. sabad. teucr. thuj. veratr. zinc. seneg. STRAM. SULPH. veratr. Red as copper, kal-bi. zinc. Redness, ACON. arg-n. ALUM. -, cesophagus, arg-n. AMr. baryt. BELL. cale. CHAM. Splinter, pain as from a, aeon. coff. hep. IGN. kal-bi. lach. lye. arg-n. hep. kal-bi. nitr-ac. sil. MERC. Nux voM. PULS. staph. Stinging, ACON. alum. amm-m. SULPH. (Comp. Inflammation.) aur. baryt. BELL. brom. BRY. o, f tonsils, ACON. aur. BELL. CALC. carb-a. caus. chamin. chin. CHAM. kal-bi. NITR-AC. PULS. chinin. DRos. graph. HEP. IGN. staph. kal. kal-bi. lach. led. LYC. magn-, of uvula, cale. BELL. kal-bi. c. mang. MERC. mez. NATR-M. PULS. nitr. NITR-AC. nux voIn. par. Roughness, scraping, ACON. petr. phos-ac. PULS. rhus. sabin. ALUM. ambr. amm. ant. arg. sass. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. arg-n. ARS. aur-m. bell. bov. staph. STRAM. SULPH. sulph-ae. cale. carb-a. CARB-V. CAUS. teucr. thuj. chel. CON. croc. dig. dros. GRAPH. —, in the tonsils, BELL. MERC. grat. hep. jod. kal-bi. kreos. nitr-ac. ran-sc. magn-c. mang. men. mez. natr. Straining, caused by, CALa. n-mosch.Nux voM. par.PHOSPH. Stricture, ALUM. arm. BELL. plat. PULS. rhod. SABAD. sass. CALC. caps. carb-v. caus. chel. seneg. SEP. squill. stann. STAPH. chin. cia. DROS. mez. lach. lye. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. teucr. NATR-M. nux vom. phosph. PULS. thuj. veratr. zinc. RHUS. SULPH. veratr. Saliva, with flow of,ACON.ALUM. SuffocatiVe fit, with, BELL. ambr. ant. arg. BELL. bry. calc, HEP. SUPPURATION OF TONSILS, ETC. 741 Suppuration of tonsils, aur. Tickling, chinin. crotal. dros. baryt. BELL. canth. HEP. ign. grat. LAcd. mez. nitr. nitr-ac. LACH. LYC. MIERC. sep. petr. spig. Swallow, desire to, alum. ars. -, as from a crumb of bread, BELL. calc. caps. caus. cham. dros. lach. chin. con. ign. kal. LACH. Lyc. Tingling, acon. carb-v. colch. MERc. NUx VOM. PHOSPH. PULS. grat. lach. samb. sec. seneg. sabad. seneg. staph. sulph. Tonsils, affections of the, alum. --—, with danger of suffocation, AMM. arg-n. baryt. BELL. calc. BELL. CANTH. CHAM. HEP. IGN. LACH. Swelling, BELL. CALc. LACH. LYC. MERC. NITR-AC. Nux vom. nitr-ac. op. petr. seneg. sep. PMiosPrH. PULs. sep. STAPH. sulph. _ huj. veratr. thuj..f., ofkonsils, alum. amm. arg-n. Tulmors, lach. aur. BARYT. BELL. brom. CALC. Turning the neck, worse CHANM. canlth. DULC. HEP. IGN. when, bry. chinin. hep. LACH. lye. MIERC. NITR-AC. Ulcerative pain, arg-n. phosNux voM. phosph. ran-sc. sep. ac. qtann. STAPH. SULPII. thuj. Ulcers, ALucM. BELL. bor. calc. would, BELL. calc. chin. dros. IGN. jod. kal bi. LACH. COFF. jod. MERC. NUX VOM. LYC. MERC. NATIR-n. NITR-AC. sabad. seneg. S1L. SULPH. iNux voM. sang. STAPH. thuj. -, sense of, ary. ars. bell. calc. -, on the tonsils, aur. ign. carb-v. caus. CHIN. colch. hep. LACIu. Iyc. MERC. thtj. ign. ipec. LACH. MERc. NITR-AC. Uvula, affected principally, Nux voM. plumb. PULS. rhus. BELL. CALC. CARB-V. caus. sabad. sabin. sang.: stann. SULPH. COFF. jod. lye. MERC. NATR-M. veratr. NUX VOM. PULS. sil. sullph. Syphiliiic sore throat, aur. Varicose swellings, ARBs-v. carb-v. KAL-BT. lach. MERC. PULS. NITR-AC. phosph. phos-ac. THUj. Veluin, affections of, ACON. Talking, worse when, arg. arg. BELL. earb-v. COFF. LACH. cale. carb-v. caus. cic. DULC. IGN. MIERC. natr-m. phosph. phos-ac. kal-bi. lach. lye. natr-m. nux stramn. sulph. vom. stann. Waking, on, baryt. calc-ph. Tearillg, drawing, Annx. ARS. caus. graph. LACH. natr. colch. JOD. LYC. teuer. zinc. Warm drink, worse when takTearing off, sense of, cans. ing, alum. rhus. Warm food, worse when eatTension, asa. chel. puls. sep. ing, alum. sil. sulph. stann. CHAPTER XVI. APPETITE AND TASTE, WITH AVERSION TO *SOME, AND A DESIRE FOR OTHER, THINGS. After-taste of food, fluor-ac. SANG. seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. natr-m. phos-ac spong. SQUILL. stront. SUiAPH., of beer, sul'ph. TART. thuj. veratr. viol-tric. zinc., bread, phos-ac. Appetite, in the evening, arm., milk, ign. nux vom. canth. cupr. cyc]. graph. Appetite, increase of, alum., with thirst, AMM. ars. CALC. amm. ang. arg. brom. bry. CALC. lye. nitr. Inux vom. phosph. sil. CHIN. GIN. eugen. fllor-ac. lach. spig. tart. zinc. lact. LYC. MERC. NATR-IJ. II-, at breakfast, AnM. cycl. ferr. jugl. n-mosch. nux vomr. par. kal-bi. ]ach. phosph. selen. seneg. PETR. SEP. SIL. STAPH. SULPH. zinc. tart. teucr. Aversion to certain things in with canine hunger, bry. general, acon. ang. arg. ARN. ferr. lach. natr-m. oleand. op. ars. aur. BELL. BRY. canth. sil. CHIN. chinin. cin. Cocc. cupr. -, with hunger, agar. alum. ars. dulc. grat. guaj. hell. IGN. IPEC. baryt. bry. calc. CHIN. dulc. kal-bi. LACH. lact. laur. mang. ferr. HELL. ign. lach. magn-m. mere. MUR-Ac. NATR-M. NUX NATR-H. nUX vom. oleand. op. ~TOM. oleand. op. plat. prun. Rnus. sil. sull;h-ac. PULS. RHus. sabad. SEP. sil. -, sudden, when eating, ang. squill. sltront. sulph. tart. arg. cans. colch. jod. lye. plat. —, to beer, asa. BELL. chamn. rhab. ruta. tart. CHIN. cocc. nux cvom. puls. sang. -, alternating with loss of ap- stann. sulph. petite, ALUM. lach. meph., brandy, IGN., loss of, ACON. alum. ambr., bread, agar. CHIN. con. AMar. amm-in.ANAac. ANT. arg- KAL. LACIL lact. LYc. magn-c. n. ARN. ARS. aur. aur-m. baryt. men. NATR-M. NITR-AC. NUX VOM, bar-m. BELL. bor. BRY. CALC. PnOS-AC. PULS. Rnus. SULPH. canth. carb-v. cham. CHIN. —, butter, ars. carb-v. chin. men. chinin. cic. cin. cocc. coloc. ccn. merc. puls. croc. eupl. CYCL. dig. ferr-m., butter and bread, cycl. sang. guaj. HEP. IGN. jod. LACH. lact., coffee, bell. bry. cham. chin. laur. led. LYc. M ER(C.NATR-HL. fluor-ac. lye. mere. natr. natr-nm. nitr. NITR-AC. n-n-o)sch. NUX nitr. Nux von. rhab. rhus. saVOM. op. PETR. phosph. PLAT. bad. spig. plumb. PULS. ran-sc. RHLS. -, cold things, cycl. AVERSION, DAINTIES, ETC. 743 Aversion, cold water, BELL. kal-bi. mer'c. natr. nux vom. op. brom. calad. CHIN. Nuvx voN. petpr. phos-ac. puls. sabad. spig. STRAM. stront. SULPH. magt. -, drinks, agn. arn. BELL. Desire for: CANTIH. chin. chinin.Cocc. Cupr. -, bitter things, DIG. NATR-M. II1OSC. IGN. lach. mere. natr-rn. —, brandy, ARs. chin. IIHEP. N cx voM. snrnt). STR1AMI. LACtI. merec. nux vom. op. selen. fat, bry!. carb-a. carb-v. hell. sep, SULPH. ther. hep. NATr.-M. petr. PULS. rhab..., bread, ars. bell. natr. natr-m. sulp. h. plumb. puls. stront. _, fish, qraph. zinc. --—, clay, chalk, limle, calc. hep. -, fruit, ba1'yt. ign. NtTrI-AC. NUX VOm. meat, alum. arn. ara. aur. -. e! alk (see Clay.) bell. calc. carb-v. ferr.'ferr-n. -, cheese, actid, arg-n. graph." Ill. 1T,. kal-bi. lact. -, coal, charcoal, CIC. con. TLYC. m:lgrl-... ne. Mr.- -, coffee, any. arg. ars. aur. AC. N ITR-AC. petr. plat. PUL%. bry. caps. carb-v. chain. colch. RHIus. SABAI). SrP. STL. SULPI. con. conosel. selen. zinc., cold food, cupr. sil. thuj. -, meat-soup, arn. chain. rhus. VERATR., milk, animi. arn. bell. bry. -, cold drinks, ang. ARS. aur. calc. carb-v. Cis. guaj. IGN. natr. boy. bry. CALc. caus. CHAM. chin. nux yomi. pZls. SEP. sil. sulph. coce DuLc. euphorb. led. mere. tart. oleand. phos-ac. plumb. puls., mother's milk, CIx. MERC. rhus. ruta. sabad. squill. sulph. SIL,. stann. tart. thuj. \VERATR. -, pork, aug. CoLCH. dros. -, cuculmbers, ant. veratr. -, lye bread, LYe. NATR-I1. N'UTX -, dainties, cale. CHIN. ipec. vo.n. phos-ac. sulph. nlagn-m. natr. petr. rhus. --, salt things, graph. selen., fat food, nux vom. nitr-ac. --—, soulkrout, hell., flour, dishes made of, SABAD. sour things, BELL. COCC. -, fruit, alum. ign. magn-c. puls. FEUR. ign. sabad. SULPH. sulph-ac. tart. veratr. sweet things, ars. CAUS., herrings, nitr-ac. veratr. GRAP1. mere. nitr-ac. phosph. -, honey, sabad. -. (compare SULPli. zinc. Sweet.) smoking, arl. brom. CALC. -, indefinite, BRY. CHIN. IPEC. camplh. canth. carb-a. cocc. IGN. magn-rn. puls. sang. ther. kal-bi. lach. lye. meph. natr-m., juicy things, phos-ac. N-JUGL. nux vom. PULS. spig. -, lemonade, sabin. tarax. tart. -, liquid food, bry. ferr. mere., snuff, spig. staph. sulph. warm food, cooked, BELL., meat, hell. magn-c. sulph. CALC. cupr. graph. IGN. lach. lye. -, milk, ars. bov. bry. lach. magn-c. mere. petr. SIL. veratr. MERC. nu x orm. phos-ac. rhu*s. zinc. SABAD. SIL. STAPH. - w, wine, fluor-ac. ign. LACIt. -, oysters, lach. mere. rhus. sabad. mgt-aus., pastry, plumb. -, veal, cinc., pungent, something, arg-n. -, vegetables, hell. magn-c. fluor-ac. hep. puls. sang. Dainties,desire for, calc.CHIN., refreshing things, caus. coce. IPEc. magn-m. NATR. petr. thus. hep. phosph. phos-ac. puls. rhab. Deranged stomach (see Chap. sabin. valer. XVII.) -, salt things, calc. carb-v. cans. Desire for:, con. MRPH. veratr. -, beer, aeon. cauts. chin. cocc. —. smoked things, cans. '744 APPETITE AND TASTE, ETC. Desire for: Hunger, false, ant. asar. aur., sourkrout, carb-a. cham. plat. seneg. stann., sour things, ACON. ANT., gnawing, arg. bell. jod. lach. ARN. ARS. bor. brom. bry. cham. seneg. CHIN. con. dig. ferr. hep. ign., immoderate, CARB-v. coff. KAL. kal-bi. phosph. PULS. sabin. GRAPH. guaj. lye. SULPH. sec. sep. SQUILL. stram. SULPH., insatiable, aug. ant. arg. tart. ther. VERATR. BELL. merc. sec. spong. stann., spirits, wine, aeon. ARS. aur. zinc. bry. CALC. CHIN. CiC. HEP. lach. —, voracious, CHIN. CIN. fluormere. nux vom. op. pls. sel. sep. ac. MERC. miur-ac. petr. SEP. STAPH. sulph. sulph-ac. ther. squill. staph. VERATR. zinc. sugar, AMm. arg-n. IPEC.,occurring in the eveninl, agar. KAL. LYC. bor. boy. canrb-a. cham. IGN. mez. -, sweet things, Aimr. arg-n. plumb. sabad. sep. sil. teucr. baryt. earb-v. CHIN. iPEC. KAL. zinc. magt. mgt-arc. mgt-aus. LYC. magn-m. natr. rhab. rhus., after beer, nux vom. sabad. sulph., after eating, boy. cale. chinin. —, tobacco, calad. daphn. eugen. cin. lach. lye. mere. phosph. staph. ther. plumb. stront. -, uneatable, BRY., during fever, (see Chap. IV.) -, vegetables, alum. magn-c., early in the morning, agar. -, warm, cooked food, cycl. ant. asar. calc. carb-a. chin. murferr. lye. ac. ran. rhus. sabad. zinc. -, water, cold, ACON. arn. —, at night, bry. CHIN. chinin. ARS. CALC. chin. cop. led. magn- phosph. selen. sulph. c. oleand.plumb. puls. rhus. ruta. Loathing in general, AEON. sabad. sass. SQUILL tart. zinc. ANT. arg-n. am. ars. asa. bell., wine, acon. bry. CALC. chin. BRY. canth. caus. CHIN. Coco. cic. chlor. hep. lach. mere. sep. cupr. DRos. grat. guaj. hell. hep. STAPH. sulph. ther. IPEC. LACH. laur. lye. MERC. Hlunger in general, amm. ang. NUX VOM. oleand. PETR. phosant. arg. aur. BELL. boy. BRT. ac. plumb. prun. PULS. sec. CALC. CARB-V. caus. chain. CHIN. seneg. SEP. sil. zinc. chinin. CIN. coff. dig. dulc., after drinking beer, nux GRAPH. grat. hell. IGN. jod. vom. LACH. laur. LYC. magn-m., when eating, ars. bell. bry. mere. mez. mur-ac. natr. nitr-ac. canth. canus. chainm. colch. cycl. n-mosch. NUX VOM. op. PETR. sass. tart. phosph. plumb. PULS. rhab., after eating, ipec. sass. rhus. sabad. see. selen. seneg. Relished, food is more, camp/. SEP. SIL. spong. stann. staph., ea p, stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. teucr. meat-soup, cff. e valer. veratr. verb. zinc. magt. tobacco, coff eugen -, canine, agar. amm. bry. Satiated, sense as if, arn. CALC. CEHIN. chinin. CIN. Ccoxc CHIN. cin. clem. magn-c. rthus. CON. GRAPH. ITEP. HYOSC. JOD. rut kal. lach. LYe. magn-mn. men. Satiety when eating, sudden, MERC. natr-m. nux voin. oleand. atnm. ars. baryt. bry. cic. colch. op. petr. PHosPIr. puls. rhus. con. CroC. CYCL. fluor-ac. IGN. SABAD. sep. SrL. SPIG. squill. led. MLAGN-C. MIERC. natr-2n. nSTAPH. SULPH. sulph-ac. tart. mosch. iN ux vor. prun. RHOD. valer. VERATR. spong. THuj. magt. -, constant, bov. mere. Taste altered:, deficient, alum. amm. ars. -, acrid, aur. brom. fluor-ac. caps. chain. cie. lach. phosph. rhus. TASTE ALTER-ED. 7 45 Taste altered: mang. mur-ac. puls. rhus. sabin., astringent, alum. arg-n. ars. sang. sil. valer. lach. mur-ac. Taste altered: bad, agar. ARs. asa. BRY., hazelnuts, as of, coff. CALC. caus. chin. ign. jod. KAL. -, herby, calad. NUX VOM. MERC. natr-m. Nux VOM. petr. phos-ac. PULS. sass. stann. veratr. PULS. SEP. stann. sulph-ac. valer. -, insipid, watery, flat, ACON. zibnc. agar. armbr. ant. arg-n. am. ars. -, bilious, (see Bitter.) asa. BELL. BRY. caps. chel.'bitter, ACON. AMM. amm-m. CHIN. chinin. dulc. euphorb. -—, bitter, ACON. *t~i~~l~.'m. euphr. guaj. IGN. ipec. kal. lye. anac. ang. ANT. arg-n. ARiN. e n l.. ARS. asa. baryt. BELL. bor. bry. oagnnd. pang. natr. NATR-M. CALC. CAR-A. CARB-V. * * * oleand. par. PETR. phosph. phosCHAM. che-A. C AHIN. chii. co*u ac CPULS. ran. rhab. rhus. ruta. )CRAM. ch~el., CHIN. chiiiiu. olT. sabin. stann. STAPH. sulph. thuj. COLOC. con. croc. dig. DROS. DULC. verb euphorb. ferr. graph. grat. hell. metallic AGN. alum AMM hep. hyosc. jod. IPEc. kal. kal-bi. CALc. Cocc. ooc. cur. kali. kreos. LACH. lact. led. LYC' CAL. COCm. meoc. ctpr. kal-b. Inagn-c. magn-m. MERC. mez. AUX VOM. ran. natr. natr-s mur-ac. NATR. NATR-M. NITR-AC. seneg. suph. zinc. mgt-au n-jugl. NUX VOM. op. par. petr., milky, aur. phosph. plumb. prun. PULS. -, musty, led. rhab. RHus. SABAD. sabin. sass. oily, mang. sil. sep. SitL. SPONG. SQUILL. stann., ePPermint, as ofs VERAT STAPI, strain. SULPI. tarax., pungent, chinin. cycl. puls. TART. VERATR. (See Taste.) ran. squill. sulph., - in the eveniiig, anlm., pus, of, mere. natr. puls. arm. puls. -, rancid, alum. AMBR. asa. bry. - after eating, amin. ang. chain. euphorb. ipec. mur-ac. ars. bry. hell. lyc. nitr-ac. PULS. petr. ran. teucr. valer. -, salt, ARS. CARB-V. chin. cupr. early in the morning, jod. kal. kal-bi. LACH. LYC. amm. amm-m. ain. baryt. bry. MERC. n-mosch. nux vom. carb-a. ipec. lye. magn-c. mere. phosph. PULS. rhus. SEP. sulph. puls. sil. sulph. tart. THER. veratr. ZINc. bitter almonds, as of, coft. -:, slimy, arn. bell. carb-a. cham. chin. DIG. Lye. magn-c. nmagn-m. M ERC. n-jugl. NUX VOM. par. bitter-sour, peti. ran. Ilhus. petr. PHosri. plat. prun. PULS. sulph. rhab. Rues. sabin. sang. sass., bitter-sweet, magn-c. men. seneg. sil., bloody, alum. amm. bism. —, soapy, dulc. jod. bov. FER. IPEC. kal. natr. sabin. -, sour-salt, cupr. fluor-ac. SIL. ZINC. -, sour, alum. AMM-M. ars. baryt. -, catarr1h, as of old, puls. sabin. BELL. CALC. carb-a. caps. cham. sulph. CHIN. cocc. con. croc. cupr. graph. -, cheesy, PHOSPII. ign. KAL. kal-bi. LACH. lyc. magn-, copper, as of, agn. cocc. c. magn-m. mang. MERC. natr. CUPR. kal-bi. natr-m. rhus. NATR-M. nitr. nitr-ac. NUX -, disgusting, sabad. VOM. op. petr. PHOSPH. phos-, earthy, cann. CHIN. chinin. ac. PULS. rhab. rhus. sass. sep. ferr. hep. ign. IPEC. n-mosch. sil. stann. SULPH. tarax. mgtphosph. puls. stalin. stront. arc. fetid, agar. anac. spig.'valer. -, spoiled, baryt. kal. greasy, alum. asa. caus. lyes., spQiled eggs, as of, AcoNo 32 7Z46 APPETITR AND TASTE, ETC. ARN. bar-r1. BELL. bov. BRY. Taste, nauseous, chinin. sguill. carb-v. caus. cham. con. cupr. -, of tobacco, ipec. selen. cycl. fluor-ac. MERC. mur-ac. -, putrid, bar-m. fluor-ac. ign. NATR-M. NUX VOM. PETr. mosch. phosph. phos-ac. PULS. RIuus. - -, of beer, fluor-ac. ign. sep. sil. spig. SULPH. sulph-ac., of meat, fluor-ac. puls. VERATR. -, of water, fluor-ac. natr. Taste altered: -, salt, of food, ars. bell., sulphur, as of, nux vom. CARB-V. chin. puls. sep. sulph. plumb. tarax. -—, sweetish, acon. alum. amm. -, slimy, of beer, asa. sang. aur. BELL. BRY. CHIN. croc. -, smoky, of bread, nux vom. cupr. DIG. ferr. IPEC. kal. kal-bi., sour, amm. ars. BELL. CALC. laur. lye. MERC. NITR-AC. nlux Cr IN. lye. NUX VOM. PULt omre. PnosPH. plat. PLUMB. TARAX. PULS. ran. rhus. SABAD. sass. ----, of beer, mere. puls. spong. SQUILL, STANN. SULPH. -, bread, BELL. cham. sulph-ac. thuj. chin. cocC. puls. staph., tallow, as of, valer., butter, puls. tarax. -, urine, as of, seneg. - -, meat, caps. puls. tarax. Taste, dull, calc. calls. cie. rhod. -, drinks, chin. sec. seneg. spong. -, coffee, chin., of the bread, rhus. -, milk, amm. Nux vom., bad, of water, kal-bi. puls., bitter, aeon. ars. bor. BRY. -, wheat bread, nux vom. camph. CHAM. CHIN. COLOC. -, straw, as of (see Flat.) dros. ferr. hep. ign. NUX VOM., sweetish, mur-ac. PULs. PULS. rhab. rhus. SABIN. stann. squill. staph. stram. sulph., of beer, mur-ac. puls. -- —, of the beer, ars. chin. sang. ign. mez. puls. stann. -, bread, mere. PuLs. - -—, bread, ars. ASAR. chinin. sang. cin. dig. dros. mere. nux vom. -, butter, puls. sang. phos-ac. puls. sass. sulpl-ac. -, meat, puls. sang. squill. thuj. - -, milk, puls. sang., butter, puls., tobacco, kal-bi. sang. -- —, meat, camph. puts. selen. -, of drinks, aconm chin. Taste, loss of the, alvum. annam-n. puls. anac. BELL. bor. bry. calc. canth., of coffee, sabin. hep. hyosc. kal. kreos. LYc. Inagn-, of milk, puls. c. magn-m. natr-m. nux vom. op. - - of tobacco, asar. camplh. PHOSPU. PULS. rhab. rhod. see. coce. mgt-arc. sep. SIL. stram. veratr. -, wine, ptuls. Taste of food, loss of, alum., dry, ferr. ruta. arg-n. ARS. bell. BRY. CHIN. - —, of bread, phos-ac. rhus. colch. cycl. dros. ferr-m. IGN. -, earthy, chin. mere. nux vom. PULS. rhod., flat, insipid, anac. ars. CALC. sass. seneg. squill. staph. stram. CHIN. cupr. cycl. oleand. ruta. tart. viol-tric. mgt-arc. mgt-aus. STRAM. thuj., of beer, puls. magt. -----—, of the beer, ipec., butter, puls., herby, of the beer, nux -, solid food, ferr-m. vom. -, meat, alum. nux vom. puls. -, metallic, of food, amm. -, coffee, nux vom., of tobacco, kal-bi. —, milk, nux vom. -, mustv, of food, magt -, tobacco, nux vom. magt;. THIRST IN GENERAL, ETC. 747 Thirst in general, ACON. AMM. Thirstearly in the morning,bell. ANAC. ang. ant. am. ARS. aur. bor. bry. cale. carb-a. chin. DRos. BARYT. bar-rn. BELL. bry. CALC. graph. grat. hep. nmgn-m. natlr. campli. canth. CARn-v. caus. nitr-ac. pluimb. plu]s. rhus. sabad. CHAM. CHIN. chiilin. cic. cin. sass. SEP. thuj. cocc. colch. dig. dros. DULC. ell- -, with dry mouth (see Chap. gen. euphorb. graph. grat. hcp. XIV.) hyosc. IGN. jod. KAL-BT. lact. -, at night, antm. ant. ars. laur. led. magn-c. Inaqgn-m. BELL. bor. BRY. CALC. carb-v. MERC. NAT.. NATR-AI. n'TR. chain. cin. coff. dros. ign. kal. NITR-AC. NUX VOI. oleand. op. Vye. magn-c. magn-m. mang. nitr. petr. PHOSPH. PI1os-Ac. pluvmb. ac. phosph. plat. rhus. selen. sil. puls. rhod. sabad. sanmb. sass. SULPI'H. sulph-ac. tart. thuj. SEC. seneg. SEP. SIL. slig. -, stoppling after every swallow SPONG. SQUILL. stann. stram. when drinking, Ans. chin. stront. SULPIT. tart. VERATR. —, taking seldom a full draught, verb. zinc. bry. —, in the evening, amm-m. ant. —, loss of; pirlcilaily, agn. Ais. bell. bov. cham. croc. grat. hep. BELL. calad. CAMPH. canth. kal. mnagn-c. magn-m. mere. natr. CHIN. con. eyel. HELL. ipec. lye. natr-m. puls. sabad. sep. spig. m7ang. n jug]. n-mosch. plat. spong. thuj. zinc. PULS. SEP. thuj. mgt-aus., with aversion to drinking, -, during fever (see Chap. IV.) arn. BELL. CANTII. IIYOSC., with dry mouth (see Chap. lach. inerc. KNux voM. sambl. XII.) STRAM. -, with violent, ACON. anac. -, with loss of appetite, Asiu. ARS. aur. BELL. bry. CALC. als. CALC. lye. nitr. nux vom. camph. CARB-v. CH-JAM. CHIN. p)hosph. sil. spig. tart. zinc. D)ULC. ferr. kal-bi. lach. laur. lyc., worse atter drinking beer, MERC. Ilitl. NITR-AC. njugl. op. BRY. PHos-AC. plumb. PIIS. SEC. SIL., during a fever (see Clhap. spig. SPONG. SQUILL. straam. IV.) VERATR. verb. CHAPTER XVII. DERANGEMENT OF THE DIGESTIVE FUNCTIONS, COMPLAINTS AFTER EATING, AND AFTER PARTICULAR KINDS OF FOOD) OR DRINK. Beer, from, aeon. alumn. ars. asa. Beer, vomiting, FErnR. mez. BELL. COLOC. euphorb. FEER. ign., canine hunger, nux vom. mez. mur-ac. NUX VOM. PULs., head affected, BELL. ferr. RHUS. SEP. stann. SULPI. RHUS. veratr., headache, ferr. rhus., rush of blood, sulph. -, stomach-ache, aeon. -, loathing, mnr-ac. —, after taste of, sulph. 748 DERANGEMENT OF THE DIGESTIVE FUNCTIONS, ETC. Beer, nausea, Ans. phosph. PULS. RIUS. ruta. sep. Brandly, from, ARS. CALC. COCC. sil. staph. SULPH. veratr. hep. IaN. LACH. led. INUX Digestion, after abuse of cinVOM. OP. strain. SULPH. velatr. chona, arn. ARS. bell. calc. caps. Breadl, from, BARYT. BRY. CAUS. CARB-V. cin. FERR. IPEC. LACH. CHIN. cin. coff. kal. M'IERc. NATP- mere. natr. natr-m. iNUX VOM. 5.. nitr-ac. nux vorm. phosph, Puts. sep. sulph. VERATR. P1os-AC. PULS. RHUS. sass. SEP. --, in coffee-drinkers, carb-v. staph. SULPH. zinc. cham. Cocc. IGN. mere. NUX, after taste of, phos-ac. VOM. puls. rhus. sulph., eructations, bry. —, in drunkards, ars. bell. CARB-, colic, bry. v. chin. LACH. mere. natr. NUX vomiting, bry. nitr-ac. VOM. puls. SULPII., stomach-ache, aeon. bry. -, after emotions, bry. cham. cans. kal. mere. puls. rthus. ruta. chin. coloc. nux voein. phos-ac. sass. sulph-ac. zinc. staph., sour taste, BELL. nitr-ac., after excesses, calc. mere. -, nausea, zinc. Nux voMn. phos-ac. staph. SULPH. IButter, from, ars. carb-v. chin. -, in hypochondriac persons, hep. nitr-ac. puls. sep. bry. calc chin. con. lach. NATR. Chocolate, from, bry. cans. NUX VOM. staph. SULPII. veratr. lye. puls. -, in hysteric persons, bell. bry. Coffee, from, calc-plh. CANTH. calc. con. hlyose. IGN. lach. nux caps. carb-v. cans. CHAM. chin. mosch. phosph. PULS. SEP. sulph. Cocc. hep. IGN. ipec lye. MERC. veratr. Nux VOM. puls. rllhus. sulph., after injuries, amm. ARN., anguish, CHAM. ign. Nux bry. calc. coI. puls. rhus. ruta. voA. -, after loss of fluids, calc. CARB-, breathing, labored, CHAM. v. CHIIN. lach. Nux vogN. ruta. nux vom. SULPrI. -, colic, bell. CHAMl. IGN. coIoc., — after mental exertions, APN. NT.S VonI. calc. cocc. LACH. NUX VOM. —, nausea, calc-ph. caps. chanl. PULS. SULPH. vercatr. Nux voNr. -, after abuse of mercury, arn. -, hernia, as if it would pro- AUR. bell. CARB-V. chin. HIEP. trude, Nux von. LACIL. pul. staph. SULPnI., cough, caps., of old people, anl. BARYT., headache, calc-ph. CsII.rn. carb-v.chin. Cic.n-mosch. nux vom. NUX VO0i5., ill pregnnt females, acon., stomnach-ache, CItAM. Cocc. ars. CON. ferr. IPEC. kreos. lach. NUX VOM. rnagn-m. natr-m. n-mosch. NUX ----- --- relieved, cham. coloc. VO.M. petr. phosph. puls. SEP., ill-humor, calc-ph., sedentary habits, caused -, sleeplessness, Nux von. by, bry. calc. Nux voM. sep. -, vertigo, cale-phl. suilph., heartburn, calc-ph., spoiled or overloaded, ANT., toothache (see Chap. XII.) a.rs. 1PEC. Nux vo-iO. PULS. Deranged stomach, (see, tea, caused by, ferr. thlluj. Overloading.) -, watching, caused by, arn. Digestion, weak, ammn. anac. carb-v. Cocc. nux vom. puls. ant. arg-n. ARN. ars. aur. baryt. veratr. bell. BRY. CALC. CARB-v. CHIN. Drinking, after, aeon. ambr. c()1n. dros. ferr. graph. HEP. amrn. ARS. asa. I3ELL. CANTH. caps. Ihyosc. ign. kal. kal-bi. kreos. CARB-V. cauns. CHIN. czn. LACII. lye. MERC. natr. NATR-.M. Cocc. coloc. FERR. graph. hell. n-mosch. NUX VOWr. petr. l.N. kal. lach. MERc. mez. DRINKING, EATING. 749 NATR. NATR-m. nitr-ac. NUX Eating, difficult breathing (see VOM. PuLS. rhod. RHUS. SIL. Chap. XXIX.) staph. SULPH. SULPH-AC. -, dizziness, Anm. oleand. tart. teucr. thztj. veratr., drowsy, with internal chill, Drinking, bone-pain, hell. ang., breathing, labored, anlac. -, eructations, natr. oleand. Nux VoM. petr. sass. -, chill, Ans. caps. CHIN. Nux, fainting, nux vom. VOM. tart. veratr. -, gulping-up of food, mere. -, cloudiness, bell. Cocc. phosph. -, cold stomach, sulph-ac. -, headache, con. dulc. graph., colic, aembr. ARS. bry. CHIN. xnagn m. natr-m. ran. rhus. cocc. ferr. NATR-M. nitr-ac. NUX sabin. sec. zinc. VOM. puls. RHus. staph. SULPHI., hiccough, magn-m. mere. teucr. veratr. teucr.: convulsions, BELL. HYos. -—, hot face, amnm. STRAM., hot head, Nux voM. -, cough (see Chap. XXVIII.) -, hunger, veratr. -, diarrhuea, ars. CAPS. cin. jod., nausea, ang. bell. baryt. bor. nux vom. rhod. carb-v. caus. cic. cocc. colch. dig. -, eructatione, ars. mez. rhus. ferr. KAL. magn-c. nux voln. tarax. sulph. PULS. ruta. VERATR., flatulence, chin. cocc. ferr. —, cesophagus, pain at, ars. Nux voM. veratr. -, pains in the chest, led. magn-, headache, acon. m. hiccough, IGN. lach. puls. -, stomach-ache, ang. am. cic. hypochondria, pain in, con. sep. tart. veratr. NATR. --, when swallowing, baryt. -, nausea, natr-m. Nux von. nitr-ac. sep. puls. rhus. teucr., sweat, CARB-A. CARB V. -, pains in chest, chin. thuj. NATR-M. NITR-AC. VERATR., sweat in the face, NATR-M., sore throat, nitr-ac., sweat about the head, nux —, stomach-ache, acon. ferr. vom. kal. nitr-ac. nux voen. rhod. sil., thirst, arrm. cocc. sulph-ac. -, toothache (see Chap. XIII.) —, taste flat, coloc. -, vertigo, AMn. arn. magn-c. - —, foul, chin. mnagn-m. phosph. sil., toothache (see Chap. XIII.) —, vomiting, dig. nitr. puls., vomiting, ARN. ARS. bry. rhus. CIN. FERR. Inez. Nux voI. PULS. Eating, after, AMM. amnm-tn. SIL. VERPATR. ANAC. ant. ARS. bor. bov. bry. Eating, when, alum. amnbr. CALC. carb-a. CARB-V. CAUS. AMM. anac. ang. ant. arn. ars. chain. CHIN. cin. cocc. CON. BARYT. bell. bor. bov. calc. cantlh. HEP. ign. KAL. KAL-BI. LACH. CARB-A. CARB-V. caus. cham. LYc. natr. NATR-M. NuITR-AC. chin. cic. Cocc. con. dule. NUX VOM. petr. Pnosrii. phosGRAPH. HEP. ign. KAL. lach. ac. plat. puls. ran. SEP. SIL. led. LYC. magn-m. mur-ac. natr. squill. stann. SULPH. sulph-ac. NATR-IM. NITR-AC. VUX VOaM. thuj. ZINC. petr. PHOSPH. phos-ac. PULS., acid mouth, CARB-V. graph. samb. SEP. SIL. sulph. thuj. valer. lye. natr-m. phosph. SEP. SIL. VERATR. -, after taste, natr-m. phos-ac., bloat, con. -, anguish, oppression, asa. -, chilliness, euphorb. ran-sc. carb-v. hyosc. kal. nitr-ac. nux - colic, are. vomin. thuj. viol-tric. 750 DERANGEMENT OF THE DIGESTIVE FUNCTIONS, ETC. Eating, anus, pain at, lye. ran-se. sass. sep. SIL. spig., bone-pains, hell. SULPH. thuj. veratr. zinc. -, bruised, sense as if, lnch. Eating, eructations, bitter, bry. meph. chin. sams. -, canine hunger (see Chapter ---, with taste of the food, XVI.) bry. ran-sc. sil. sulph. thuj., chilliness, caus. kal. nux vom. - -, loud, calc. sil. sulph. tarax. - -, empty, ang. natrm., cloudiness, bell. cocc. hyosc. phosph. ran-sc. rhus. sulph., colic, alum. ambr. amnl. veratr. anac. ant. arg. arn. ARs. bell. - - sour, bry. carb-v. chin. bor. bov. bry. cale. carb-v. CAUs. dig. kal. petr. sass. sil. zinc. chel. chin. cic. COLoc. con. dig. - -, acrid, n-moseh. grat. igqn. jod. kal. lach. lye. nux, sobbing, cycl. vorn. PETt. phosph. plat. puls. —, eyes affected (see Chap. IX.) rhab. thus. sil. spong. staph., fainting, nux vom. phos-ac. SULPII. sulph-ac. valer. zinc., fetor from the mouth (see -, COugh, (see Chap. XXVIII.) Chap.. XIV.) -, deadness of the fingers, con. —, flatulence, CARB-V. CHIN., diarlrha, amm. ARs. bor. con. kal. lach. nitr-ac. nux vom.' CHIN. CoLoc. FERrP LACl. VE- puls. SULPH. thuj. zinc. RATR. -, gulping-up of food, AsA. -—, difficult breathing, (see Chap. BRY. con. dig. FERR. LACH. XXIX.) mere. nux vom. phosph. puls. -, distension, fulness, agar. agn. sass. thuj. VERATR. anac. amrn. ambr. ant. bry. calc. —, headache, agar. alum. AMur. CARB-v. caus. baryt. bell. bor. am. ARS. baryt. bry. calc. cauth. chamn. CHIN. con. croc. dig. dulc. CA.RB-A. CARB-V. cans. cham. fluor-ac. GRAPH. ign. KAL. LACH. CHIIN. chinin. chlor. cin. cof. con. lye. mere. natr. natr-m. NITR-AC. graph. grat. hyosc. ign. kal. n-jugl. Nux voMi. PETR. PHOSPII. lach. laur. LYC. magn-c. magn-m. phos-ac. puls. rhus. sep. SIL. men. mur-ac. natr. nitr. nitr-ac. nspong. sulph. thuj. zinc. mosch. NUX VOM. petr. phosph., drowsiness, aeon. agar. anzm. plat. prun. puls. ran. Raus. ruta. anac. arn. ars. aur. baryt. bell. seneg. sep. sil. sulph. zinc. bor. boy. bry. CALC. canth. carb- -, heartburn, AM.x. calc. chin.. CArnB-v. canls. cham. chel. con. croc. jod. kal. mere. NATR-M. CHIN. cic. clemn. croc. crotal. nux vom. sep. SIL. mgt-arc. cycl. dig. eugen. euphorb. ferr. -., heat, bell. CaLc. nitr-ac. nux graph. grat. kal. LACH. laur. lye. vom. PIiosrH. sep. viol-tric. mIagn-c. magn-m. natr. NATR-M., heaviness, LAcI. NITR-AC. n-mosch. NUX VOM. -, hiccough, alum. boy. carb-a. PHIOSPH. phos-ac. plumb. prun. cycl. graph. hyosc. ign. lye. PULs. ran. RHUs. rata. seneg. magn-m. mere. natr. par. phosph. sap. SIL. squill. staph. verb. sep. VERATR. zinc. zinc. -, hot face, amm. amm-m. anac., dulness of the head, bell. asa. cans. cham. nux vom. petr. cocc. men. natr-m. N UX VOM. sil. sulph. viol-tric petr. phos-ac. sulph. -, hot hands, lye. PuosmP. sulph., eructations, anug. ARS. —, hot head, lye. nux vom. IBARYT. BRY. CALC. CARB-v. -, hypochondria, pain in (see chain. chin. con. cycl. daphn. dig. Chap. XX.) ferr. kal. LACH. mere. natr. -, hypochondriac mood, anac. NATR-M. nitr-ac. n-mosch. Nux chin. natr. nux vom. zinc. von.r. petr. phosph. PLAT. PULS. --, ill-humor, kal. natr. puls. EATING, EGGS, ETC. 751 Eating, indolence, asar. baryt. phosph. PULS. rhus. sabad. sep. CHIN. LACH. ZUx vOm. PHOSPH. SULPH. thuj. Eating, vomiting, AcoN-. amm., laughter, involuntary, puls. anac. ARN. ARS. CALC. DIG. dros. -, liver-painls, bry. graph. lye. FERR. HYosC. jod. IPEC. LACH.'-, loathin, alum. JPEG. ka. magn-c. nitr-ac. NUX VOM. loathing, alum. I.NUX rM k8 PHOSPH. Pus. ruta. SEP. SIL. sasssan. SULPHI. tart. VERATR. -, Imalaise, baryt. CHIN. cin., of the ingesta, ARS. lach. N-MoscH. NUX VOI. phos- CALC. FERR. hyosc. LACH. NUX ac. rhod. sulph. VOM. PHOSPH. PuLs. ruta. tart. -, melancholy, puls. -, water, flow of, chin. natr., nausea, agar. alum. amm. -, water brash, amm-m. CALC. amm-m. anac. ars. bism. bry. SIL. SULPH. cale. carb-v. cans. chanz. chinin. -, weak feeling, alum. anac. con. cycl. dig. GnAAPi. grat. kal. ant. asar. calc. CHIN. con. clem. Iach. lye. merc. NATR-M. nitr-anc. lach. NITR-AC. nux VOm. phosph. NUX VOM. PETR. PuosPH. PULS. rhus. sulph. thuj. RHus. SEP. SIL. stann. SULPH., weak knee, lach. VERATR. -. (compare Nausea, —, weary, weak as if, N-mosca. Chap. XVIII.) phos-ac. -, pains in the chest (see Chap. —, whining mood, arn. puls. XXX.) Eggs, from, COLCH. ferr. PuLS. -, pale face, kal. Fat, from, ARS. carb-a. CARB-V., palpitation of the heart (see CHIN. colch. cycl. dros. ferr. hell. Chap. XXX.) IPEC. magn-m. NATR-M. nitr-ac., pulse irregular,; natr-m. PULS. SEP. SULPH. TARAX. -, red face, lye. nux vonm. sil. thuj. -, restlessness, arnm-m. phosph. -—, eructations, CARB-V. natr-m. -, retching, chin. magn-c. sep. thuj., sadness, anac. hyosc. PULS. -, headache, PULS. -, shivering, arnm-m. rhus. —, heartburn, natr. nux vom. sore throat, ambr. ams. LACII., nausea, carb-a. dros. nitr-ac. —, stomach-ache, acon. agar. PULS. sep. alum. amm. anac. ARS. asa. Fish, from, CARB -A. chin. kal. BARYT. bell. bism. BRY. caIC. plumb. calc-ph. caps. CARBn- caV. c -, poisonous, BELL. CARB-V. CHAM. CHIN. CIc. cocc. coloc. COP. euphorb. lye. rhus. con. daphn. dig. FERR. graph. —, spoiled, CARB-v. CHIN. pl8s. grat. hep. jod. kal. KAL-BI. LACH. rhus. led. lye. mere. mosch. natr. Flour, from, ars. BRY. carb-v. NUX VOM. PETR. phosph. PHos- kal. PULS. SULPH. veratr. AC. PLAT. plumb. PULS. rhus. Food, from flatulent, BRY. CARBsep. SIL. stront. SULPH. tart. v. CHIN. cupr. lye. petr. puls. veratr. zinc. sep. veratr., sweat, con. nitr-ac. sulph-ac. Food, from raw, ruta. sweat in the face, chlam. Fruit, from, ARS. BRY. chin. viol-tric. magn-m. merc. natr. PULS., swelling, sense of, cin. selen. sep. VERATR., thirst, bell. bry. graph. -, diarrhcea, ARS. chin. lach., throbbing in the body, lye. PULS. rhod., toothache (see Chap. XI.) —, stomach-ache, bor. trembling all through, lye. -, toothache, natr., urging to stool, anac. Ice, from, ARS. BELL. BTY. -, vertigo, cham. kal. LACH. CARB-V. NUx vOm. PULS. NATR-M. NUX VOM. petr, Lemonade, from, selen. '752 DERANGEMENT OF THE DIGESTIVE FUNCTIONS, ETC. Tlfeat, from, CALC. COLCH. ferr. Potatoes, from, ALUM. amm. mere. PULs. ruta. sep. sil. sulph. coloc. sep. veratr. -, smell of, nausea caused by, -, colic, alum. coloc. colch. ~~~~coi~~ch., diarrhcea, coloc. Milkq, from, ambr. cars. BRY. Salt, from, ars. calc. CARB-V. dros. CALe. carb-v. chel. chin, con. lye. cupr. ign. kal. lach. lye. magn-c. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. Nux ambr. an.g from, acony. alum. amhr. anac. ant. arn. bry. calc. SULP. hosph. puls-. *b~is. Sol. carb-a. cham. CHIN. cic. clem. after taste, ign. -, after taste, ign. coce. coloc. cupr. euphr. IGN. bloat, CARB-V. con. ipec. lach. mere. natr. NATR-M. -, colic, ang. bry. NUX VOM11. petr. PHOSPH. PULS. -, deranged stomach, chin. ruta. sass. selen. sep. sil. SPONG. -, diarrhea, BRY. LYC!. na;tr. stann. STAPI. sulph. sulph-ac. sep. SULPH. tarax. thluj. veratr. mgt-arc., eructations, calc. carb-v. chin. -, bittel mouth, euphr. lye. sulph. tart. zinc., colic, bor. ign. -,, sour, calc. chin. carb-v., cough, ambr. ant. arg. ign. lye. sulph. tart. zinc. lach. puls. ruta. selen. flatulence, CARB-V. con.slph-, debility, clem. hep. ac. ns, difficult breathing, tarax., nausea, calc. —, eructations, selen. sour taste, ambr. carb-v. lye., headache, ant. nagn-c. Nux VOM. sulph. heartburn, staph. tarax. vomiting, samb. spong. sulph.,nausea, carb-a. clem. euphr. weary, as from weakness IGN. PHOSPH. sulph —ac. a, palpitation of the heart, itlother's milk, from the, phosp. iNothe'. SIL. —, sweat, ign. -, toothache, BRY. CHIN. clem. Onions, from, thuj. IGN. sabin. sass. spig. Overloading the stom-, vertigo, bor. sil. zinc. ach, from, aeon. alum. ANT. -, vomiting, IPEC. ARN. ars. asa. bry. carb-v. chin. Sour food, from, ACON. ant. coff. hep. ign. IPEC. magn-c. natr. ARS. bell. calc. CARB-V. caus. n-mosch. Nux VoM. PULS. staph. dros. FERR. HEP. LACH. natr-m., colic, ars. caps hep. nux vorn. NUX VOM. phosph. phos-ac. PULS. RHus. SEP. STAPH. SULPH., dia:rrhcea, coff. IPEC. nux sulph ac. vom. PULS., after taste, natr-m., fever, ant. BRY. caps., chest affected, BELL. -, flatulence, asa. CARB-V. CHIN., chill, veratr. n-mosch. nux vom. puls., chronic consequences, CALC., gastric ailments, alum. ANT. CAUS. ferr. SEP. ARN. ars. BRY. IPEC. magn-c., colic, dros. STAPn. NUx VOMr. PULS., diarrhcea, ANT. brom. BRY., headache, aeon. ant ar. arn ch. a. Nuxvo. STAPH. BRY. carb-v. ipec. Nux vo1. —, feverish heat, LAcH. PULS., flatulence, carb-v. phos-ac., rash, BRY. IPEC. puls., headache, BELL. Oysters,from,ACON.PULS.Lv-c., heartburn, nux vom. Pepper, from, ars. CHIN. cin. -, rash, BELL. RHUS. nux vom., scarlet eruptions, BELL. Pork, from, CARB-V. COLCH. dros. rhus. natr-m. PULS. sep. -, water-brash, phosph. SPIRITS, SWEET THIINGS, ETC. 753 Spirits, from, ant. ARS. bell. Water, caused by drinking, ars. bor. CALC. carb-a. CARB-V. caps. cham. CHIN. ferr. MERC. chel. chin. cof. con. HELL. natr. nux vom. PULS. RIHus. Hyosc. ign. LACH. led. lye. SULPH-AC. veratr. merc. natr. natr-m. n-mosch. Wilte, from, ant. arn. ars. bell. NUX VOM. OP. petr. PULS. bov. CALC. carb-a. carb-v. COFF. rhod. rhus. selen. SIL. stram. con. LACH. LYe. natr. natr-m. stront. SULPH. veratr. zinc. NUX VOM. OP. petr. puls. rhod. Sweet things, from, aeon. selen. SIL. stront. sulph. ZINC. cham. ign. mere. selen. sulph. —, cardialgia, lye. zinc., eyes affected, zinc., eructations, phos-ac. staph. sudden cloudiness, alum., vomiting, ferr. bov. con. -- t-, vomchaeng, fellr. p-, rush of blood, sil. - stomach-ache, suhstomac. -a, heat, carb-v. -, heartburn, zinc. *, headache, calc. Nu-x voM. Tea, from, ars. CHIN. coff. rhod. selen. zinc. FERR. hep. kal-bi. lacl. SELEN., nausea, ant. thuj. veratr., vertigo, bov. natr. zinc., eructations, foul, ruta. Veal, from, calc. caus. ipec. nitr., headache, selen. sep. -, stomach-ache, ferr. Vinegar, from, AcoN. ars. —, heartburn, kal-bi. CARB-v. hep. lach. natr-m. puls. -—, toothache, thuj. sulph. su]ph-ac. CHAPTER XVIII. GASTRIC AILMENTS, ERUCTATIONS, HICCOUGH,i NAUSEA, VOMITING, ETC. Acidity in the stomach, alum. CHAM. CHIN. Cocc. coloc. daphn. ambr. amm. arg-n? Ans. asar. dig. ign. ipec. lach. MERC. NUX baryt. bell. bor. bry. C('\LC. VOM. PULS. sec. SEP. staph. carb-a. CXRB-V. caus. C11AM1. sulph. tart. VERATR. C(IiT. ciTir-.cycl.' &alhn. dig. Breakfast, after, bell. bovy. FfitR. ferr-m. qraph. hep. ign. chain. daphn. zinc. ipec. jod. KAL. tI7ht.%YC. mtagn-c. Chamomile, from abuse of, mere. NATR-M. NITR-AC. NUX NUX voM. PULS. VOM. petr. PHOSPH. PHOS-AC. Children, in, baryt. BrLL. illurb. PULS. ran-sc. sass. sep. BRY. calc. hyosc. IPEC. lye. ~SI.%:. ~TANN. stratn.'T LPH. magn-c. MERC. Nux voA. PULS.,1-1_1:i-AC. TART. thuj. verar7- sulph. Air, open, aggravates, aeon. ang. Coffee, after drinking, caps. bell. lye. chain. -, relieves, lye. tarax. Coffee-drinkers, in, CHAM. Bilious derangement, ACON. Cocc. IGN. mere. NUX VOM. ant. ars. asa. asar. Bay. cann. puls. rhus. sulph.,2* 7'14 GASTRIC AILMENTS, ETC. Cold, when getting, coCe. ipec. Emotions, after, aeon. bry. -, after taking, ars. bell. cham. CHAM. chin. CoLoc. nux otre. Cocc. dule. IPEC. puls. puls. -, on the stomach, from eating Eructations, ALuMr. AMBR ice or fruit, ARS. carb-v. PULS. A.nl-n. ANT. arg-n. ARN. ars. Deranged stomach, fiom over- BELL. BRY. CALC. carb-a. CARBloading it, acon. ANT. arn. ars. V. caus. CHIN. CocC. (QTX, cupr. bell. bry. carb-v. chin. coff. ferr. dule. graph. HEP. ign. KAL. kalhep. IPEC. Nux von. PULS. bi. LACH. lie. MIERc. mez. MURrhus. sulph. TART. AC. nair. NATR-M. NUX VOM. Diarrhoea, with, ant. ARS. PETR. PIIOSPIL PULS. ran. rhus. asar. BELL. COLOC. cupr. dulc. RUTA. sabad. sass. sec. seneg. SEP. eugen. jatr. IPEC. LACH. PItOSPH. sil. SPONG. STANN. STAPH. SULPH. rlhab. seneg. stram. TART. VE- sulph-ac. TnUJ. valer. EA RB. RATR. VERATR. Drinking, after, aeon. AaN., acrid, alum. asa. mere. ARS. BRY. chamin. CIfN. FERR., bitter, amru. ANT. ang. ARN. ign. lach. mere. mez. natr-m. arls. BELL. bry. CALC. carb-v. nitr-ac. Nux von. PULS. rhus. CHIN. chinin. dros. ferr. ferr-m. sep. SIL. tarax. teucr. VERATR. grat. lye. mere. mur-ac. NUX Drunkards, in, ant. ARS. VOM. PULS. sass. SEP. spong. calc. CARB-v. coff ipee. LACH. SQUILL. stann. STAPH. sulph-ac. NUX VOM. OP. puls. sulph. tarax. thuj. VERATR. verb. Early in the morning, aeon., burning, bell. canth. hep. alum.ANAc.ARN. ars. BARYT. BAR- jod. lye. phos-ac. sulph. valer.,. bov. bry. calad. calc. CARB-v. -, constant, con. cupr. LACH. caus. chamn. cic. croc. DIG. dros. sulph. GRAPI. hlep. kreos. Iclch. lye. -, empty, aeon. agar. AMnBr magn-m. mosch. natr-m. NUX Alnm. amm-rn. ang. arg-n. AnN. VOM. petr. phosph. ran-se. rhus. ars. barvt. BELL. BRY. calad. sep. SIL. spig. squill. staph. cann. CARB-V. CAUS. CHIN. SULPH. valer. veratr. chinin. Cocc. colch. coloc. CON. Eating, after, aeon. agar. alum. cvcl. euphorb. fluor-ac. guaj. AMM. amn-m. anac. ang. arn. HIEP. ipec. KAL. kal-bi. LACH. ARS. asa. baryt. bistll. bov. LACT. laur. men. MERe. 1mez. BRY. CALC. carb-a. CARB-v. NATR. NATR-M. NUX VOM. caus. chain. CHIN. chinin. CoX. oleand. PHosPu. plat. plumb. croc. CYCL. daphn. DIG. dros. PULS. ran-se. RaHUS. RUTA. sabad. FERR. graph. grat. ItYosc. ign. s-rbin. sang. SEP. STAPI. SULPH. ipec. jod. kal. LACH. LYe. magn- tart. valer. VERATR. verb. mgtc. magn-m. MERC. natr. NATR- arc. IM. NITR-AC. n-mosch. NUX -, fetid, bism. cocc. SULPH. VOM1. par. petr. PHOSPH. plat. -, garlick, tasting, of, asa. PULS. ran-sc. rhus. ruta. SASS. -, greasy, lye. SEP. SIL. spig. stann. SULPIT., horn, tasting of, magt. tart. thuj. VERATR. zinc. mgt- -, ineffectual, aeon. ABnn. amnom. are. aug. bell. CARB-A. CAUS. cocc. -, while, ang. baryt. bell. bor. CON. graph. hyosc. ign. kal. carb-v. cans. cic. coce. colch. dig. magn-c. nux vom. PHOSPH. ferr. ipec.- KAL. magn-m. MERC. plumb. puls. rhus. SULPIT. Zinc. natr. nitr. nux-vom. oleand. petr. mgt-are. phosph. PULS. rhus. sass. teucer. -, ingesta, tasting of the, agar. VERATR. AnfBR. AnM. ANT. bry. calc. Eating, relieves, phosph. sabad. carb-a. CARB-V. caus. chanm. sep, chel. CHiIN. CON. croc. euphr. Eggs, after, colch. ferr-m,. ch laurr.lye. natr-m. nux vom. ERUCTATIONS, ETC. 755 PHosPH. plumb. PULS. ran-se. Eructations accompathus. ruta. sep. SIL. sulph. th,0j. nied by: veratr., stoppage of breath, grat. Eructatiols, loud, belching, lach. ambr. ant. caus. CON. kal. lach. Eructations occurring: LACT. magn-c. mosch. n-jugl. par., after drinking, ars. mez. PETR. phosph. plat. puls. sil. zinc. rhus. tarax., nauseous,cin. lact.natr-m. sep., when eating, natr. oleand., painful, carb a. caus. Cocc. petr. sass. con. natr. Nux VOM. PETR. -, after eating, ang. Ans. baryt. PHOSPH. plumb. sabad. SEP. BRn, c c. CARB-V. hamin. CHiN., putrid, arn. asar. bell. cocc. chinin. con. cycl. daphn. dig. mere. mur-ac. nux vom. oleand. ferr. kal. lach. mere. NATR. NATRthuj. N. nitr-ac. n-mosch. nuz vetom. -—, rancid, asa. merc. ran-s-o. petr. phosph. plat.\ puls. ran-sc. THUJ. valer. sass. sep. R.l. spig. sulph. thuj. -, salt, STAPH. VERATR. ZillC., scraping, ant. natr-m. n- -—, after eating f.t, CARB-V. natrmosch. m. sep. thuj. -- ---—, of grease, carb-r. ferr. -, after eating meat, ruta., sobbing, cycl. meph. staph. -, early in the morning, croe. tart. valer. -—, sour, ALUM. AMBR. AMM. —, in hysteric females, ruta. ars. ASAR. BARYT. bell. bry. cale. --—, after milk, chin. natr-m. CARB-A. CARB-V. cans. CHAM. sulph. zinc. CHIN. cycl. dig. ferr. ferr-m., at night, LACE. SULPH. tart. graph. ign. JoD. KAL. LacH., after smoking, selen. LYC. magn-c. mere. NATR-M. Eructatiors relieve, NITR-AC. NUX VOM. petr. LACH. rhod. tart. PItOSPH. phos-ac. PULS. ran- Evening, in the, ansc. ambr. sc. sass. SEP. SIL. 8pig. STANN. asar. bell. bry. calc. con. cycl. stram. SULPH. SULPH-AC. kal. phosph. PULS. ran. sil. veratr. zinc. sulph. mgt-arc., spasmodic, Nux voM. PHOSPrT. Fat, from eating, aeon. CARB-A. sang. carb-v. cycl. tdros. natr. natr-m., spoiled eggs, tasting as of, nitr-ac. nux vom. PULS. sepANT. brom.: COFF. PULS. sep. tarax. thuj. stann. suIph. tart. valer. Fluids, after the loss of, ealc., sweetish, grat. plumb. CARBn-. CHIN. lach. nux vom. -—, violent, arn. bism. lach. RUmA. sulph.'MERC. plumb. veratr. "astric derangements, A4r. Eructations accompa- arn. ars. bell. BRY. carb-v. cham. nied by: coff. HEP. IPEC, MERe. NUX, colic, cham. VOM. PULS. TART. veratr.,constricted throat, cans. nux Gulping up of food, ant. ARN. Tom. asa. bell. BRY. calc. cann. CARBfull throat, con. V. con. dros. GRAPH. hep. ign. —, hawking, cupr. LACH. lyc. magn-m. mere. natir—, improvement, LACH. m. NUX VOM. PHOSPH.pluemb. —,nausea, chinin. PULS. ran. SASS. spig. staph., nausea, with desire to vomit, SULPH. SULPH-AC. TART. veratr. cocc. verb. verb. zinc. mgt-aus., pan in chest. zinc. -., acrid, ars. cann. tart. -, stomach-ache, calad. cham. bitter, amm. arn.- ars.: cann. coce. magn-c. PROsPH. rhus. cic. graph. grat. ign. nux vom. spong. puls. ses:. sulph-ae. t'enr., '7356 GASTRIC AILMENTS, ETC. Gulping, bloody, zux vom. sep. Hiccough accompa-, of drinks, SULPH. ntied by: -—, of green substance, ars., vexed mood, agn. graph. -, stoppage of breath, puls. -, of the ingesta, amm. amm-m., pain in the chest, amm-m. bell. BRY. camph. canth. CHAM., shocks in pit of stomach, CON. FERR. graph. IGN. LAcn. teuer. LYC. magn-m. mez. natr-m. nux —, convulsions, bell. vom. PHOSPH. PULS. SULPH. —, stomach-ache, magn-m. teucr. thuj. -, sweat, bell., of the milk, lye. tart. Hiccough occurring:, rancid, mere., after breakfast, zinc. -, salt, am. sulph-ac. tart. —, after drinking, ign. laclh. -, slimy, arn. puls. -, sour, ars. calc. carb-v. con. —, while eating, magn-m. mere. dig. graph. kal. lye. mang. natr- teucr. m. nux vom. petr. PHosPH. plumb. —, after eating, alum. bov. carbpuls. sass. spong. SULPI. tart. a. cycl. graph. hyosc. ign. lye. magt. magn-m. mere. natr. par. phosph. —, sweetish, AcoN. mere. plumb. sep. VERATR. zinc. sulph-ac. —, in the evening, sil. -, watery, ant. arn. grat. plumb. —, during every motion, carb-v. tart., at night, ars. of yellow matter, cic. —, after smoking, ambr. ant. Gulping up occurring: arg. ign. lach. puls. ruta. sang. -, after drinking, mere. selen. when eating, mere. phosph. Loathing (see Chap. XVI.) sass. Mleat, from eating, colch. ruta. -, after eating, asa. bry. con. Mental effort, after a, ARN. dig. ferr. LACH. mere. nux vom. calc. carb-v. cocc. ipec. lach. NUX phosph. puls. sass. thuj. VE- VOM. PULS. SULPH. veratr. RATR. Mlercury, from abuse of, CARB—, after eating milk, calc. carb- v. chin. HEP. sulph. v. lye. tart. Mlilk, from eating, CALe. carb-v. -, at night, canth. chin. cupr. lye. natr-m. phosph., when stooping, cic. magt. samb. spong. SULPII. tart. zinc. when walking, magn-m. Mucous derangement of the Heated, from getting, BRY. stomach, ars. BELL. CAPS. carb-v. SIL.' chain. CHIN. cin. dulc. IPEC. Heavy food, after, jod. MERC. Nux von. petr. PULS. Hiccough, ACON. agar. agn. rhab. trhus. spig. SULPH.VERATR. AMM-M. ars. baryt. BELL. BOR. Nausea, acon. agar. agn. ALUM. BRY. calc. carb-a. carb-v. chel. AMBR. amm. ANAC. ang. ANT. chinin. cocc. coff. colch. cupr. arg-n. ARN. ars. ASAR. BARYT. dros. euphorb. graph. HYOSC. bar-in. BELL. bism. bor. boy. IGN. kal-bi. lach. led. lye. MAGN- brom. BRY. calad. CAMePH. cann. M. mere. mur-ac. natr-m. nitr-ac. caps. CARB-A. CARB-V. CAUS. N-MoscH. NUX VOM. phosph. chamn. CHIN. cic. coCC. colch. plumb. PULS. ruta. selen. sep. con. cupr. cyc]. DIG. DULc.GRAPH. sil. spong. stann. staph. STRAM. grat. hell. HEP. hyosc. IGN. JOD. stront. SULPH. veratr. verb. zinc. IPEC. KAL. kal-bi. KREOS. LACH. —, violent, amm-m. cie. lye. lact. laur. led. LYc. magn-c. NUx VOM. stront. MAGN-M. MERC. mez. mosch. NATR., spasmodic, BELL. NUX VOM. NATR-M. nitr. NITR-AC. n-jugl. ran. STRAM. NUX VORM oleand. PETE. PHosPH. -, painful, magn-m. teucr. PHOS-Aa plat. plumb. prun. PULS, NAUSEA, ETC. 757 rapn. ran-se. rhod. rhus. RUTA. Nausea, in the evening, asar. sabad. sang. SASS. SEc. seneg. cale. con. cycl. phosph. PULS. ran. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. SQUILL. —, fat, from eating, carb-a. dros. STANN. STAPH. stront. SULPEI. nitr-ac. PULS. sep. sulph-ac. tarax. TART. ther. thuj.,, as from, aeon. cycl. valer. VERATR. viol-tric. zinc. tarax. Nausea, in the afternoon, ran. -, flatulence, after emission of, -, in the open air, aeon. ang. tart. bell. lye. -—, forenoon, in the, bov. -, -, relieved, lye. tarax., hair in throat, as fiom a, -, after breakfast, bell. cham. valer. -, when closing one's eyes, --, heated, after getting, sil. ther., injuries, after, ARN. BRY. -—, coffee, from drinkling, caps. puls. RHUS. ruta. CHAM. -, lying down relieves, rhus. —, cold, after getting, cocc. —, meat, caused by the smell -, cold, after taking, cocc. of, colch. -—, constant, frequent, arg-n. -, milk, after taking, calc. CARB-V. cupr. kal-bi. Lyc., motion, caused by, ARS. ther. MAGN-n. NATR. NITR-AC. INUX, at night, alum. amm. calc. VOM. P-IOS-AC. SIL. SQUILL. VE- carb-a. carb-v. cham. con. kal-bi. RATR. mere. nitr. nitr-ac. phosph. PULs. —, coughing, when (see Chap. rhus. sulph. ther. XXVIII.), after midnight, ran-sc. -, drinking, bry. kal-bi. natr-m. -, noise, caused by, ther. nux vorn. puls. rhus. teucr., phlegm in throat, as from, —,, relieved, phosph. guaj. --—, early in the morning, aeon. -, when pressing on the abdoalum. ANac. ARN. baryt. bry. men, hyosc. calad. calc. CARB-V. caus. chain., when raising one's self in cic. DIG. GRAPH. hep. kal-bi. bed, bry. coce. lach. lye. magn-m. natr-m. NUX —, riding in a carriage, from, VOM. petr. phosph. ran-sc. rhus. bor. COCC. n-mosch. PETR. sep. SIL. spig. squill. staph. sulph. sep. SULPH. VERATR., saliva, when swallowing, -—, --—, on waking, bry. LACH. colch. petr. -, sitting down, when, bry. -, after eating, agar. alum. amm. -, smoking, carb-a. clem. euphr. amm-m. anac. ars. bism. bry. ign. phosph. cale. carb-v. caus. chain. chinin., when spitting, led. con. cycl. dig. GRAPH. grat. kal., sweets, as from, aeon. mere. lach. lye. mere. NATR-M. nitr-ac., talking, when, alum. bor. NUX VOM. petr. PiosPIr. PULS., thinking, fron, bor. RHUs. SEP. SIL. stann. SULPH. —, when walking, aeon. alum. VERATR. kal-bi. -, when eating, ang. baryt. -, —, in the air, aeon. alum. bell. bor. carb-v. caus. cic. coce. ang. colch. dig. ferr. KAL. magn-m. -, wine, from drinking, ant. nux vom. PULs. ruta. VERATR. Nausea accompanied, eating relieves, kal-bi. by: phosph. sabad. sep., anguish, bry. cupr. dig. IGN. -, eggs, caused by the smell of, KAL. mere. nitr-ac. plat. tarax. coleh. tart. -, emotion, caused by, kal., backache, puls. -, eructation relieves, rhod. -, canine hunger, chinin. magntart. m. spig. valer. 75 8 GASTRIC AILMENTS, ETC. Nausea accompanied Nausea accompanied by: by:, chilliness, bov. kreos. nitr-ac. -, stomach-ache, amm. ars. capuls. SANG. sulph-ac. lad. caps. croc. dig. grat. lact., colic, agar. cupr. mere. riagn-c. mang. mere. natr-m. mosch. PULS. rhab. puls. sabin. sec. stann. sulph. confusion of thoughts, calc- tart. ph., suffocative fits, cham. —, constipation, cupr., taste bitter, bell. chinin. lye. —, convulsions, cupr. sep., cough, cupr., foul, cupr. difficult breathing, chain., sour, spong. petr. SANG. —, - weetish, mere. —, eructations, aeon. ars. chinin., thirst, bell. phosph. veratr. cocc. con. ipec. mosch. petr. sep., tongue yellow, chinin. spig. sulph., dry, chinin. petr., face, pale, hep. puls. tart. -, white, chinin. petr. - gray, magn-m. —, trembling, ars. nitr-ac. sulph. —, — hot, petr. SANG. stront., urging to urinate, cupr. -- red, veratr., vertigo, calad. calc-ph. —, fainting, arg-n. baryt. bor. CAMPIr. magn-c mere. petr. ther. cale. cham. coff. crotal. graph. (Compare Chapter VI., Vertigo lach. lve. magn-m. nux vom. with Nausea.) -, flatulence, chinin. -, water in mouth, flow of, headache, asar. chinin. cic. asar. coce. ipec. kreos. mez. petr. kal-bi. kreos. mere. mez. nux valer. vom. ran. sil. tarax. tart. (Com- -~, weak feeling, con. plat. pare Chap. VII., Headache with sulph. Nausea.), whining mood, magn-m. —, heat, ars. mere. (Compare, worm in the cesophagus, as Chap. IV., Heat with Nausea.) if a, puls. -, humming in ears, acon. Nausea felt in:, hunger, hell. magn-m. natr. -, abdomen, agn. cupr. rhab. oleand. phosph. spig. valer., chest, mere. -, intoxication, cupr., throat, cupr. cycl. phos-ac. -, lips pale, valer. (stann.) -, liver, pains in, petr., pit of stomach, agn. cap., loathing of food, ant. bell. cupr. mosch. RUTA. (squill. teuer.) con. cupr. hell. later. prun. Night, at, ARS. bell. bry. cale. —, loss of appetite, chinin. canth. carb-v. caus. CHIN. dig. -, loss of consciousness, cupr. dros. ferr. graph. ign. kal. lach. -, lying down, ARS. asar. cocc. lye. mere. mur-ac. nitr-ac. Nux mosch. PbOS-AC. voM. PnIosPR. puls. ran-sc. RHUS., mouth bitter, chinin. sep. sil. SULPH. tart. ther. -, burning, kreos. valer. veratr. -, navel retracted, mosch. Pregnant women, in, aeon. -, nervousness, magn-m. ars. CON. ferr. IPEC. kreos. lach. -, noisy flatulence, puls. magn-m. natr-m. n.mosch. NUX, otalgia, puls. VOM. PETR. phosph. PULS. SEP., pains in chest, mere. veratr., pain in the eyes, kal-bi. sil. Retching, empty, aeon. arg., pains in the feet, ars. ARN. ars. ASAR. bar-mn. BELL. -, restlessness, ign. brom. BRY. cann. CHIN. chinin., shuddering, ars. asar. calc. cupr. dig. graph. hyose. IPEC. mez. sabad. kal. magn-e. MERC. natr-m. nitr. --—,sleeplessness, chinin, NUX VOM. op. PLUMB. sab$ad RETCHING, ETC. 759 sec. sil. squill. STAN'N. sulph. amrn. ARS. BELL. BRY. calc. TART. viol-tric. zinc. camph. cann. canth. CHAM. Retching, in the evening. kal. CHIN. CIN. COFF. coICh. coloc. con. after eating, chin. magn-c. cupr. dig. Dios. dulc. grat. hep. -, early in the morning, kreos. ign. jod. Ipac. LACII. LYe. magn-c.,after getting cold, ipec. MERe. mez. mur-ac. natr-m. nitrat night, amrn. ran-sc. ac. NUX VOM. oleand. PETR., when hawking, ambr. Pniiosr. plumb. PULS. sabin. —, after smoking, ipec. sanlb. sang. sec. SEP. sil. stann. Retching accompanied stram. sulph. tart. valer. VERATR. by: zinc. —, aggravations of the pains, Vomiting, black, ARS. CALC. asar. CHIN. hell. IPEC. laur. Nux vonm. -, beer, after, fert. mez. PETE. PIIOSPi. plumb. sec. SULPH., bread, after eating, chin. sulph-ac. ~ERATR. (Compare nitr-ac. Brownish.) colic, hyose. —, black stain, leaving a, arg-n. -, languor, tart. —, bloody, ACON. AMM. ARN., motion, during, ars. bry. Aris. BELL. brom. BRY. CALC. carb-v. nux vom. stram. ther. camph. canth. CARB-v. caus. chin. veratr. zinc. cie. cupr. dros. FERR. hep. —, ptyalism, tart. HYOSC. IPEC. kal-bi. lach. lye. stomach-ache, arn. mez. nitr. NUX ~OM. op. -, sweat on forehead, tart. PHOSPH. plumb. PuLS. STANN. Riding in a carriage, or swing- sulph. veratr. zinc. ing, bell. bor. COCC. COLCI. -—;bluish, cupr. croc. FERn. lyc. n-mosch. PETR. -, brownish, Ans. bism. sec. sep. sil. sulph. —, fecal, BELL. BinRY. Op. plumb. S"moking, after, ambr. ant. SULPIT. arg. carb-a. clem. cocc. euphr. —, frothy, cupr. veratr. ign. IrEc. lach. merc. Nvx vom. —, gelatinous, ipec. phosph. PULS. ruta. sang. selen. -, green, AcoN. ARS. cann. staph. tarax. CoLoc. cupr. hell. hep. ipec. Sour food, from eating, LAcII. lye. mez. oleand. op. ACON. Aas CARB-V.HREP. lach. PETR. phosph. PLUMB. PULS. natr-m. nux vom. phosph. sulph. stram. VERATR. Sweets, after eating, aeon. mere. —, of the ingesta, ARS. BELL. zinc. BRy. CAte. canth. CAIJs. CRAM. Vomiting, acon. AMBR. anac. chin. cin. cocc. colch. CoLoc. cupr. ant. arg-n. ARN. ARS. BELL. BaY. DIG. dros. FERR. GRAPH. HYOSC. calc. camph. CARB-V. CAus. IGN. IPEC. kal. kal-bi. LACH. CHAI. CHIN. CIC. CIN. coc1. coICI. laur. LYe. mere. mur-ac. natr-m. CoLoc. con. cupr. dig. FER. grat. n-jugl. NUX VOM. oleand. GUAJ. hyosc. IGN. IPEC. kal-bi. PHOSPH. phos-ac. plumb.PULS. LACH. lact. laur. Lye. MERC. thus. ruta. sabin. samb. Sac. NATR-M. N-MOSCe. NUX VOM. SEp. SIL. stann. SULPH. sulphop. PETR. PiiosrH. PULS. SEC. ac. tart. thuj. VERATR. zinc. SEP. SIr. STANN. SULPIrs. TART. -, of milk, arm. samb. spong. ther. valer. TERATR. zinc. -, pitch-like, IrPc., acrid, arg. ipec., salt, jod. magn-c. puls. sil. a, lbuminous, Ans. JATR. IPEc. sulph. VERATR. —, slimy, AeoN. ANT. ARS. baryt., of the beverage, amrn. ARs. BELL. bor. bry. CALC. canth. cin. Hyose. Ipac. samb. SIL. chain. chin. CIN. con. cupr. DIG. spong. VERATR. DROS. DULC. grapb. GUAJ. hep. --— bitter, bilious, ACON. AiNT hyosc. ign. jod. IPEC. kal-bi. 760 GASTRIC AILMENTS, ETC. kreos. lach. MERC. mez. nitr. Vomiting accompanied Nvx voM. phosph. PULS. samb. by: sec. stram. SULPH. tart. valer. -, eructations, cans. mur-ac. veratr. zinc. nitr-ac. Voniting, sour, Ans. BELL. —, fainting, baryt. CALC. kal. bor. calad. CALOe. caus. CHAM. kal-bi. sulph. ther. veratr. CHIN. daphn. FERR. graph. hep. —, fetid breath, ipec. ipec. kal. natr-m. nitr-ac. NUX —, flow of urine, lach. VOM. PHOSPH. PnOS-AC. PULS. headache, asar. kreos. sep. sass. stram. SULPH. sulph-ac. (Comp. Chap. VII. Headache TART. thuj. veratr. with Vomiting.) -, sweetish, kreos. -, heat, ars. bell. ipec. veratr. -, of urine, Op. -, hiccough, bry. -, violent, ARS. BELL. bisin. —, hot hands, veratr. CUPR. jod. LACII. mere. mez. —, lying down, veratr. mosch. NUX VOM. plumb. puls. —, nausea, bar-m. daphn. dig. TART. VERATR. graph. kal-bi. inur-ac. nux vom. -, watery, arg. arn. ars. bar-mn. sulph. veratr. zinc. BELL. BRY. CAUS. chin. cupr. -, noisy flatulence, puls. DROS. hyosc. jatr. IPEC. kreos., numb feet, phosph. magn-c. nux vom. puls. sil. stann. -, numb hands, phosph. stranl. sulph. sulph-ac., otalgia, puls. --—, white, cupr. (Comp. Albu- -, pains in the chest, mosch. minous.), pale face, puls. tart. -, of worms, AcON. Cie., rush of blood, veratr. -, yellowish, ARS. jod. kal-bi., screaming, ars. oleand. plumb. veratr. -, shuddering, veratr. omniting accompanied -, spasms, cupr. by: -, spasms in the chest, cic. -, agony, ars., stomach-ache, ACoN. arg-n. -, anguish, ant. ars. asar. bar-m. ARS. asar. bar-mn. BaY. cale. cupr. kal-bi. nux voim. sang. CUPR. DIG. hyosc. IPEC. kal. seneg. kal-bi. lach. mosch. NUX VOM., back-ache, puls. OP. PHOSPH. plumb. PULs. burning in the throat, arg. SULPH. tart. VERATR. puls. -, stoppage of breath, hyosc. -, chilliness, puls. tart. valer., sweat, bell. ipec. kal-bi. -, clear tongue, CIN. sulph. -, cold extremities, hyosc. -, cold, camph. -, cold feet, kreos. phosph. -, sweat in the face, camph. -, cold hands, kreos. phosphl. sulph. veratr. -, thirst, ipec. -, colic, arg-n. ars. asar. bry., trembling, nux vom. tart. calc. CUPR. graph. hell. hyosc., vertigo, hyosc. kal-bi. ther. nux vom. plumb. puls. stram., weak feeling, ARS. hyosc. tart. veratr. IPEC. kal. phosph. VERATR. -, constipation, plumb. Vomiting occurring: -, convulsions, ant. cupr. hyosc. —, after beer, ferr. m erc. op., after bread, nitl-ac., cramps in the feet, nux voin., after breakfast, bor. daphn. -, diarrhoea, ant. arg-n. ARS. kal-bi. asar. BELL. COLOC. cupr. dulc., — when coughing (see Chap. eugen. jatr. IPEC. LACH. PHOSPH. XXVIII.) rhab. seneg. stram. TART. VE-, after drinking, ACON. ARN.' RATR. ARS. BRY. CHAM. CHIN. FERR. --—, drowsinress, tart. Ntx VOM. PULs. SIL. VERATR., VOMITING OCCURRING, ETC. 761 Vomiting occurring: Vomiting occurring: —, in drunkards, ARS. calc. -, after smoking, ipec. LACH. NUX VOM. Op. sulph. -, after spitting, dig., early in the morning, ARS., after spoiling one's stomach, bar-m. bor. calc. dig. DROS. kal- ANT. ars. bell. bry. ferr. IPEC. bi. kreos. LACH. lye. mosch. NUX Nux voM. PULS. rthus. sulph. VOM. sil. sulph. -, during stool, arg., after eating, AcON. amm., after stooping, ipec. anac. ARN. ARS. CALC. DIG. dros. -, after sucking, SIL. FERR. HYosC. jod. IPEC. LACI. -, when worms are present, magn-c. nitr-ac. NUX VOM. AcoN. bell. carb-v. chin. CIN. PHOSPH. PULs. ruta. SEP. SIL. IPEC. lach. MERC. Nux VOM. PULS. stann. SULPIH. tart. VRRATR. SULPH., after eating sour things, ferr. Waking, on, bry. LACH. petr., when eating, dig. nitr. puls. Walkling in the open air, rtlus. while, acon. alum. ang. -, after eggs, ferr-m. Waterbrash, amm~. anac. —, in the evening, anac. bell. AFB. P.Thky. i ALC/earbbry. phosph. puls. sulph. a. C:: -V/4, WI!1. dros. -, after eating milk, samb. grall] iEwc. le? 7? LC.v /NATR-M. spong. sulph..;1 —AC. NLT.X VOM. PETR. -, after motion, ARS. BRY. Pi &iyPULTZ, rhod. RHUS. SEP. NUX VOM. stram. THER. SIL.. S. L1p h.-/SH c;wA-ratr. VERATR. zinc. —, after acid thlings, phosph. -, at night, arg-n. ARS. bell. —, after drinking, nitr-ac. sep. bry. cale. caus. CHIN. dig. dros., in the evening, anac. cycl. FERR. ign. kal. lye. mere. mur- —, after eating, amm-m. calc. ac. nitr-ac. Nux voM. PHosPEI. SIL. SULPH. PULS. sep. SIL. SULPH. tart. ther. —, early in the morning, valer. veratr. SULPH. -, in pregnant females, acon. -, after milk, cupr. phosph. ars. CON. ferr. IPEC. kreos. —, at night, carb-v. graph. lach. magn-m. natr-m. n-mosch. -, every other day, LYe. NUX VOM. PETR. phosph. PULS. Wine, after drinking, ant. carbSEP. veratr. v. Nux voM. puls. -, after riding in a carriage, or Worms, caused by, ACON. swinging, ARS. bell. COCC. bell. carb-v. chin. CIN. IPEO. COLCH. croc. FERR. n-mosch. lach. MERC. Nux voM. PULs. PETR. sec. sil. sulph. SULPH. CHAPTER XIX. AFFECTIONS OF THE STOMACH AND PIT OF THE STOMACH. Alive in stomach, sense as of, Burning in the pit of the CROC. sang. stomach, acon. ambr. amm n. Anguish, with, bov. CARB-V. ant. arg.,,-A bell. BRY. caps. CHAM. Nux VOM. op. ran-sc. sa- CEIAr. dig. DULC. euphb:rt. LACH. bad. SPIG. 1iXL. mere. NLTX VOM. P osif, feeling of, ARS. CANTH. plat. ran. ran-sc. see. EIe. SIL. CHAM. Cic. Cocc. COFF. CUPR. sulph. veratr. guaj. jatr. lact. laur. NUX VOM. —, stoniia-ianlbr. amm. ammplumb. SEc. STRAM. teucr. thuj. m. arg-n. ARS. asa. bar-m. bell. VERATR. brom. BRY. calad. CAMPH. Animal fluids, from loss of, canth. caps. CARB-A. CARB-V. CARB-V. CHIN. cocc. nux vom. cham. chel. CIC. colch. croc. Back-ache, with, bor. daphn. DIG. dulc. euphorb. Balancing, sense of, phos-ac. fluor-ac. graph. hell. hyosc. jatr. Bending double, relieved by, ign. jod. LACH. lact. laur. cham. lact. mang. mere. mere-c. mez. mosch. Bitter mouth, with, lye. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. NUX Bloat, ARS. caps. con. hell. VOM. par. PHOSPH. phos-ac. ipec. kal-bi. lye. n-jug]. N-Mosci. plumb. ruta. sabad. sang. sass. nux vom. op. sabin. sec. seneg. SEP. SULPH. sulph-, pit of stomach, ars. bell. calc. ac. zinc. cic. DAPr1N. hell. hep. NUX VOM. Carcinoma of the stomach, op. PETR. prun. arg-n. ars. baryt. con. LYC. nux Boring in the stomach, ars. sep. vom. phosph. sil. staph. sulph. Bounding in stomach, croc. veratr. Brandy, caused by, ign. Chagrin, after, carb-v. cham. Bread, after (see Chap. XVII.) coloc. nux vorn. staph. Breath, when drawing, anac. Chanomile, from abuse of, caps. bell. ign. Nux voM. PULS. Breathing, with difficult, Chilliness, with, arg-n. lye. alum. chain. chel. cocc. cupr. PULS. dulc. guaj. hell. lye. N-MoscH. Coffee, from drinking, CiAM. Nux VOM. PoosPH. puls. rhod. Nux vor. RBus. spig. stram. -, relieved by, CIAM.T. Bruised feeling in stomach, —, drinkers, in, CHAM. cocc. nux vom. ign. NUX VOM., pain as if, asa. Cold feeling in stomach, alum. -, pit of stomach, camph amnm. ars. baryt. bov. caps. chel COLD, COLIC, ETC. 763 chin. colch. con. ign. lach. lact. chin. lvce. NATR-M. NUX vo0r. laur. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. phosph. PULS. ran-sc. staph. sulph. phosph. phos-ac. rhus. sabad. Eating, while (see Chapter spong. sulph. sulph-ac. zinc. XVII.) Cold drink relieves, phosph. Eat, obliging one to, graph. Cold, after taking, carb-v. caus. Einotions, after, carb-v. CHAM. lye. sulph-ac. COLOc. nux vom. staph. Colic, with, cupr. Empty feeling in stomach, ant. calad. IGN. IPEC. meph. murT:. Constriction, alum. ars. nat'r. oieand.' petr. seneg. sep. chinin. fluor-ac. guaj. lact. mere. tart. teucr. veratr. verb. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. NUX VOM. Erctations, with, ARs.grat. op. phosph. plat. plumb. puls. lach. MAGN-C. nUX VOm. STANN. a-n sc. rhab. rhod. sass. sass. sep. relieved by, dig. par. spong. SULPHI. sulph-ac. C -, in the evening in general, —, pit of stomach, AMM. CARB-V. alum. carb-a. CARB-V. LYC. lact. plat. puls. rhod. sulph-ac. PHOSPH. PULS. SEP. sulph-ac. Contractive pain, aeon. arn. thuj. asa. bell. bor. cale. CARB-A. -, relieved in bed, lye. CARB-V. chel. CON. cupr. Fainting, with, cupr. laur. euphorb. GRAPH. kal. ]ye. nitr. MAGN-C. men. mur-ac. NATR. Fermenting in pit of stomCoughing, when (see Chap. ach, croc. XXVIII.) Flatulent food, after, carb-v. Cryilag, with, cham. Flatulence, with, CARB-V. Cutting in pit of stomach, ant. LACH. bry. calad. CALC. cann. nitr. Fright, after, carb-v. -, stomach, ang. cann. NATR. Full feeling in stomach, arg-n. plumb. sulph-ac. arn. asa. baryt. bell. bov. canth. Deadness of the fingers, when, carb-v. chlain. CHIN. chinin. lye. coce. cycl. DAPHIN. DIG. grat. hell. Debility, with, cale-ph. natr-m. KAL. KAL-BI. LACH. lact. LYe. sabad. mosch. natr. N-MoscH. NUX Deranging the stomach, af- VOM. PETR. PHOSPH. prun. ranter, ant. bry. carb-v. chin. nux sc. rhab. sabin. staph. sulph. vom. puls. sulph-ac. Despair, with, ant. Gangrene of the stomach, Diarrhiea, with, calc-ph. kal-bi. sec. PULS. STANN. Gastraigia, ACON. agar. Digging in pit of stomach, am. AMM. ant. arg-n. am. ars. bar-m. phosph. sabad. sulph. BELL. BisM. BrY. CALC. cann..-, stomach, grat. kal. staph. CARB-A. CARB-V. CAUS. CHAM. sulph. chel. CEIIN. chinin. COCC. cqff. Distension, feeling of, in pit coloc. CON. cupr. DAPIIN. DIG. of stomach, mang. dulc. euphorb. ferr. GRAPE. grat. Distension of mucous mem- HYosc. IGN. jod. kal. kal-bi. brane, interstitial, arg-n. kreos. LAcS. LYC. MIAGN-C. mere. Drawn down, as if the stom- NATR. natr-m. NITR. nitr-ac. Nach was, euphorb. ipec. mere. Moscu. NUX VOM. petr. PHosPH. Drawing at stomach, amm-m. plumb. PULS. sec. seneg. SEP. ars. bry. mang. natr. SIL. STANN. staph. stront. SULPH. Drinking, after (see Chap. thuj. veratr. zinc. mant. XVII. Difficult Digestion.), loss of animal fluids, caused Drunkards, in, calc. carb-v. by, carb-v. CHIN. cocc. nux vom. lach. NUX VOM. SULPH., chamomile, by abuse of, bell. Early in the morning, anac, ign. Nux voM. PULS. 764 AFFECTIONS OF THE STOMACH. Gastralgia, of coffee-drinkers, Heavy tongue, with, magt. CHAM. cocc. ign. Nux voM. Hunger, with, men. STANN. -, caused by congestion of the veratr. portal system, carb-v. Nux voM. Hypochondriacs, in, calc. -, caused by derangement of Cocc. grat. ign. NATR. NUX stomach, ant. BRY. carb-v. chin. VOM. magn-c. stann. Nux vom. PULS. Hysteric persons, in, Cocc. -, of drunkards and debauchees, IGN. magn-c. nux mom. calc. CARB-V. lach. NUX VOM. Lying down relieves, bel], sulph. caus. chin. graph. stann. (Comp., by emotions, CHAMI. CoLoc. Rest, relieves.) nux vom. staph. Lying on one side relieves, bry., in hysteric persons, calc. Lying-in women, in, CARB-V. cocc. grat. ign. nux vom. magn-c. CHIN. cocc. n7ux vom. stann. Malaise in stomach, kal-bi., caused by menstrual disor- nimu-ac. phosph. sabad. zinc. der, calc. cham. cocc. 1ye. nux MIenstrual irregularities, durvom. puls. ing, calc. cham. Cocc. lye. nux, scanty menses, cocc. vom. PULS. puls. Mental exertions, from, mgt-, profuse menses, calc. aus. lyc. MIoaning, groaning, with, ARs. -, salt, abuse of, carb-v. -. NUX VOM. Nitri spiritus. M]otion, during, ang. bry. caus. Gastritis, Acos. ant. arg-n. cupr. ARS. asa. baryt. bar-m. BELL. IMovements in the stomach, BRY. camph. cann. canth. CHEL. natr-m. nitr. colch. coloc. cupr. dig. euphorb. Nausea, with, amm. ARS. hell. HYosc. IPEC. kal-bi. laur. calad. CARB-V. caps. croc. mez. nitr. NUX VOM. PHosPH. DIG. grat. IPrc. kal-bi. lact. PULS. ran. sabad. sec. squill. magn-m. mang. meph. mere. strata. VERATR. NATR-M. NUX VOM. puls. sec. Gna~wing at stomach, ars. STANN. SULPH. tart. amm-om. calad. chel. grat. jod. Night, at, alum. amim. arg-n. nitr. nux vom. ars. CALC. CARB-V. CHAM. con. Griping in pit of stomach, caus. GRAPH. ign. kal. kal-bi. lye. Nux NATR-. vo. VM. itr-ac. PHaosPH. puls. rhod., stomach, arg-n arn. CALC. rhus. seneg. sep. sil. SULPH. CARB-A. CAUS. cocc. euphlorb. lNursing females, in, CARB-v. graph. NATR-M. NUX VOM. chin. cocc. nux vom. PHOSPH. PULS. sass. SIL. stann. Obstacle at cardiac orifice, sulph-ac. sense of, lach. nuxvom. phosph. Hardness, feeling of, at pylo- Open air, in the, lyc. nux vom. ric orifice, kreos. Open, sense as if the stomach Headache, with, bov. calc-ph. were, spong. Heat, feeling of, arg-n. Ans. bar- Oppression in pit of stomach, m. brom. bry. camph. chin. brv. cocc. coff. kreos. mosch. chinin. cupr. fluor-ac. lact. mang. plat. prun. sabad. sec. teucr. men. mez. n-liosch. phosph. sa- Overloading the stomach, bad. sang. sass. SEP. sulph. from, ANT. BRY. carb-v. chin. Heat in head, with, caus. cycl. Nux vonr. PUILS. rhab. tart. Heavy feeling in pit of stomach, Pain in the chest, with, ARN. barvt. dig. lyc. nux vom. SULPH., stomach, agar. arg. baryt. Painfulness of region of carb-v. dig. hep. nitr. op. plumb. stomach, amm. amm-m. ARS. sil. sulph. baryt. BRY. CALC. canth. earb-v. PAINFULNESS OF THE STOMACH, ETC. 765 caus. colch. hep. kreos. lach. lye. puls. rhab. rhod. RHUS. ruta. magn-m. merc. NUX VOM. sabin. saimb. sec. seneg. SEP. SIL. SPIG. spong. sulph. sulph-ac. tart. spong. squill. STANN. STAPH. VERATR. stram. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. Painfulness of the stomach, TART. verb. zinc. magt. when pressed upon, bry. cale. Pressure, as from a stone in lach. natr-m. lnux vom. sil. pit of stomach, aeon. BARYT. -, when stepping on the CHAM. grat. IGN. LACI. NUX ground, baryt. VOM. spig. spong. STAPH., when talking, natr. -, AeoN. arg-n. ARN. ARs. Pale face, with, cann. magn-c. BRY. CARB-A. CHAM. IGN. stann. MERC. par. phos-ac. rhus. SEP. Palpitation of the heart, SPIG. squill. staph. with, Nux VOr. Qualmishness at stomach, Periodical pains, hyosc. ign. calc-ph. lye. nacqn-c. mosch. salye. bad. sil. sulph. tart. teucr. Pinching in pit of stomach, veratr. calc. cann. cocc. ipec. Rattling breathing, with,, stomach, amrn. asar. calc. cann. cann. graph. kal. plat. puls. Red spots at pit of stomach, Pre.ssed upon, when, acon. AMMIm. NATR-M. BRY. cale. ign. lach. LYC. Relaxed feeling in stomach, NATR-M. NUX VOM. PULS. ran- euphorb. IPEC. mere. spong. sc. sabad. samb. SIL. sulph. Rest relieves, BRY. cham. Pressing the foot to the Restlessness, with, cham. ground, when, anac. baryt. mang. mnagt. BRY. hell. magn-m. Retchi-ng, with, lach. nux Pressure in pit of stomach, von. acon. agar. amm. anac. ant. arg. Retraction of pit of stomach, arg-n. arn. ARS. asar. baryt. calad. dulc. bell. boV. CALC. CAMPH. cann. -, sense of, dig. hell. mur-ac. CARB-V. cans. CHAM. chin. Rumbling, anac. carb-a. croc. coff. coloc. CUPR. cvel. DIG. fluor-ac. laur. men. teucr. verb. hell. hep. ign. kal. kal-bi. lact. Salt, after abuse of, CARB-v. - mang. MERC. NATR-MA. nitr. Nitri spiritus. N-.ioscI. NUX VOM. plat. Scraping in stomach, croc. plumb. prun. PULS. ran. ran-sc. Seansitiveness to contact, r'hod. RHUS. sass. se p. stann. arnm-in. ant. BRY. CALC. carb-v. staph. sulph. TA1rT. teucr. thlluj. eaus. coff. colcb. coloc. HEP. valer. VERATR. zinc. mgt-auis. lyosc. ign. kreos. lach. LYe. natr. - --, hard, severe, ars. crab- natr-m. NUX VOM. phosph. v. CHAM. nux vom. SULPH. spig. spong., at stomach, acon. agar. alum. Sensitive to the pressure of ambr. anac. arg-n. ARS. asa. tile clothes, amm-m. BRY. asar. BAI'YT. bar-m. BELL. CALC. carb-v. CAUS. coff. HEP. BISM. bro1m. BRY. calad. CALC. krcos. lach. LYC. NUX VOM. cann. canth. CARB-A. CARB-V. sass. SPIG. spong. SULPH. CAUS. CHAAM. CIIN. chinill. CIC. Shlocks in pit of stomach, natr. coff. coloc. CoN. daphn. dig. nux vom. plat. DULc. FERI. fluor-ae. GRAPH. Shuddering in pit of stomGRAT. IHEP. IGN. jod. I1pEc. ach, caus. LAcH. lacnr. led. LYC. magn-c. —, with, caus. magn-im. meph. MERC. inez. Sick feeling in stomach, m ur-aC..1osch. NATR. NATR-M. nitr-ac. phosph. sabad. zinc. n-jugl. N-MosCH. NUX VOM. op. Sighing, with, cupr. par. petr. PHOSPH. PLAT. plumb. Sittixg,, when, hep. puls. sulph. 70 ~ AFFECTIONS OF THE STOMACH. Softening of the stomach, ant. Tetters at pit of stomach, Ans. arg-n. ars. baryt. CALC. carb-v. Thirst, with, veratr. KREOS. nux vom. puls. SEC. Throbbing, aeon. asa. bell. sulph. VERATR. calad. chel. cie. dros. jod. kal. Sore, pain as if, in pit of stom- kreos. NUX VOM. OLEAND. ach, alum. BRY. con. LACH. plat. PULS. rhab. rhus. SEP. mang. Nux vou. ran. ran-se. sulph. tart. thuj., stomach, ang. baryt. chin. Tingling in pit of stomach, colch. con. daphn. mosch. Nux puls. VOM. sabad., in stomach, coleh. lact. rhus. Spoiled stomach (see Chap. Torn off, sensation as if, rhus. XVII.) Touched, when, ant. arn. Stitching in pit of stomach, ARS. aur. BARYT. BRY. CALC. anae. ARN. aur. bell. BRy'. calad. canth. caps. colch. CoLoc. CUPR. caps. CAUS. chel. COLCH. con. hyose. lach. lye. i1ERC. NATR. DIG. dros. kal. LACH. nitr. NMITR- NATR-M. NUX VOM. petr. AC. phosph. plumb. puls. ran-se. PHOSPH. phos-ac. ran. SPIG. rhab. rhod. RHUS. ruta. sabin. stann. SULPH. thuj. samb. SEP. spig. staph. sulph. Turning in stomach, nitr. tart. zinc. Ulceration of stomach, arg-n., stomach, bell. BR~Y. CALC. kal-bi. chel. coff. con. ign. kal. nitr. Ulcerative pain in pit of plat. RHUS. SEP. sulph. stomach, CARB-V. hell. NATR-M. Stooping, when, alum. rhus. ReIUs. Straining, after, amr. bor. -, stomach, arg-n. cann. magnBRY. calc. RHIUS. ml. stann. Stretching, when, ammn. Violenat pains, ARS. aur. CUPR. Stricture at orifice of stomach, HELL. jod. IPEc. LACI. mere. sense of, bry. lach. NUX VOM. PHOSPH. PLUEMB. ran. ran-se. Pnlosrpi. sec. stann. VERATR. Suicide, with desire of, ant. Vomiting, with, aeon. arg-n. Swallowing food, when, ARS. asar. bar-in. BR~. cale. BARYT. nitr-ac. sep. CUPR. Die. graph. hyosc. IPEC. Sweat, with, cann. chain. kal. kal-bi. lach. mosch. NUX Swelling of pit of stomach, V0OM. OP. PHOSPH. plumb. aeon. aur. CALC. HEP,. LY. NATR- PULS. SULPH. tart. VERATR. M. PETR. SULPH. Walking, while or after, bell. S:welling, sense of, in pit of bry. calad. CALC. PI1osPH. SEP. stomach, bry. Warmn bed, relieved in the, Talking, when, caps. natr. graph. lye. Tearing in pit of stomach, cupr. Weak stomach (see Chapter ruta. sep zinc. XVII. Weak Digestion.) —, off, as if, petr. rhus. -, feeling in pit of stomach, Tension in pit of stomach, croc. nitr. aeon. ant. cham. nux vom. ran- Wormn in stomach, sense as of se. stann. a, lach. -., stomach, aecon. asa. bry. Wrong step, when making a, carb-v. kal. magn-m. mere. staph. BRy. puls. rhus. CHAPTER XX. AFFECTIONS OF THE HYPOCHONDRIA, INCLUDING LIVER, SPLEEN, AND DIAPHRAGM. Abscess in liver, LACIt. SIL. dros. lye. magn-m. nux vom. Anguish, feeling of, in hypoch., ran. sep. valer. cham. phos-ac. staph. Contact, pain in liver, agar. Biliary calculi in liver, calc. bry. carb-a. carb-v. chin. clem. hep. lach. sil. sulph. lye. magn-m. nux vom. sep. Bloat in hypoch, bell. ign. valer. (Comp. Swelling.) Contraction in hypoch., nux -, liver, SIL. VOmh. spleen, jod., liver, canth. Boring in hypochondria, seneg. -, diaphragm, asar. mez., liver, amm. Contusive pain in liver, Breath, when drawing, agar. kreos. asa. bry. selen. Coughing, when, see Chap. -, pain, in liver, bry. selen. XXVIII. -, pain in spleen, agar. Cramp in pain in hypoch., lye., when drawing a long, ran-sc. mur-ac. natr-m. phos-ac. rhod. Bruised in hypoch., feeling as stann. zinc. if, carb-v. cocc. cupr. ran. -, liver, phos-ac. -, liver, carb-v. clem. lact., spleen, stann. spleen, sass., diaphragm, lye. natr-m. Burning in hypochondriac Cutting in hypoch., ang. acon. AMM. bell. BRY. MERC. -, liver, ang. CARB-A. LACH., liver, aeon. amm. bry. kal. -, spleen, verb. LAcH. mere. STANN. Digging in hypoch., asa. seneg. spleen, bell. ign. sec. —, liver, lact. sabad., diaphragm, asa. Drawing pain in hypoch., calc. Cilchona, from abuse of, puls. teucr. Ans. calc. CAPS. lach. natr-m. —, liver, BRY. con. lact. natr-m. NUX VOM. puls. SULPH. sabad. sulph. Conpression in diaphragm, —, spleen, cupr. sulph. op. Dull pain in liver, chinin. hyose. -, liver, ars. Early in the morning, amm-m. Constriction in hypoch. acon. bry. con. staph. con. dig. —, pain in liver, bry. -, diaphragm, asar. nux vom., pain in spleen, amm-m. Contact, from, agar. aur. bry. Eating, while or after (see carb-a& earb-v. chin. clem. cuplr. Chap. XVII.) 768 EVENING, FLATULENCE, ETC. Evening, pain at spleen in M[otion, during, ang. mnerc. nux the, magn-c. vom. ran. sep. zinc. lFlatulence, pain as from, in -, pain in liver, ang. mere. nux spleen, meph. vom. Fulness in hypoch., feeling of,, pain in spleen, ran. chllam. ign. sulph. Oppression in hypoch., nux -, liver, kreos. Vom. Gnawing in liver, ruta. Painfulness of hypoch., bell. Hardness of hypoch., bor. bry. CHIN. HYosc. kal. MERC. natr. chinin. puls. sulph. -, of liver, ARis. CALC. cann. -, liver, aeon. ambr. CiiIN,. dig. caps. CHIN. graph. LYe. magn-c. MERC. NUX VOM. MAGN-M. MERC. natr-m. Nux -, spleen, natr-m. MOSCi. NUX VOM. puls. SIL. Pinchinlg in hypoch., ipec. SULPH. -, liver, lye. natr-m. -—, spleen, AGS. ARS. CAPS. Pressing asunder in hypoch., CHIN. IGN. jod. mez. nitr-aC. cale. N-Moscu. SULPH. Pressure in hypoch., aeon. Heavy feeling in hypoch. Acox. ANAC. bor. CHIN. chinin. KAL. N-MosCIL SULPH. mang. tmur-ac. phos-ac. rhod. -, liver, lact. N-uoscr. phos-ac. SULPII. veratr. zinc. - spleen, sulph. -, liver, ACON. agn. ambr. Hepatitis, ACON. alum. ambr. amnm. anac. arg-n. arn. asa. cale. amnm. ars. AUR. BELL. BRY. carb-a. CARB-V. chin. cocc. CALC. cann. canth. CAPS. CHAM. con. DIG. kal. kal-bi. kreos. lact. chel. CHIN. cic. dig. graph. hep. lvce. magn-m. n-mosch. Nux voM. ign. jod. KAL. kal-bi. LACII. phosph. phos-ac. plumb. prun. Lyc. magn-c. MAGN-M. MERC. ran-sc. ruta. sabad. sabin. sep. mez. N.ATR. NATR-1M. nitr. NITR- stann. SULPH. thuj. zinc. AC. n-mosch. NUX VOM. petr. —, spleen, bor. ign. NATR. NITRPULS. ran. sil. SULPH. AC. STANN. SULPH. -, acute, ACON. BELL. bry. —, diaphragm, viol-tric. chain. chin. lach. MERC. Nux Pressure, from, aeon. ign. YOM. PUls. sulph. sabad. selen. -, chronic, alum. ambr. ars. -, pain in liver, sabad. selen. Aun. bell. calc. caps. chel. chin., pain in spleen, ign. graph. ign. jod. lach. LAUR. LYC. Prickling in spleen, rnta. MNIAGN-3M. mbere. NATFC. natr-m. n- [1ush at region of liver, selen. nmosch. NUX V(OM. puls. sil. Rheumnatic pain in liver, SULPH. meph. Hoop around the hypoch., like Riding in a carriage, when, a, con. lye. bor. lach. sep. Hot feeling in liver, sabad. —, pain in liver, sep. Insensibility in spleen, ars., pain in spleen, bor. lach. Jerkiing pain in hypoch., puls. Rumbling in spleen, verb. Liver, affections of the, acon. Scraping in liver, sabad. ALuM,. Auaun amnm. arg-n. ars. Sensitiveness in hypocl., AUR. bell. bry. CALC. eann. bell. CHIN. HYosc. kal. MERC. canth. CAPS. chain. chel. CIIIN. natr. puls. sulph. cic. dig. GrAPHa. hep. ign. jod. -~, liver, aecon. ambr. CHIN. dig. kal. kal-bi. LACH. LAUFr. LYC, MERC. Nux VOo,. mangn-c. MAGN-M. MERC. mez. -, spleen, natr-mn. NATR. NATR-M. nitr. nitr-ac. Shocks in hypoch., lact. nux N-moscu. Nux voou. petr. PULS. vom. stann. ran. SIL. SULPH., liver, croc. valer. SITTING, SOFTENING OF LIVER, ETC. 769 Sitting, when, amm. puls. ruta. Stooping, pain in liver, alum., pain in liver, amm. ruta. clem. coce. ka]l. lye. Softening of liver, kal-bi. -, pain in spleen, rhod. lach., diaphragm, lye. natr. Sore in hypoch., pain as if, alum. Swelling of hypoch., aeon. aur. sulph. bry. chinin. -, liver, aeon. amm. carb-a. -, liver, ARs. asar. bar-m. lye. CALC. cann. caps. CHIN. graph. -, spleen, ASAR. ran. lact. lye. magn-c. MAGN-M. MERC. Spasms of diaphragm, stann. natr-m. N-MosCR. NUX VOM. Spleen, affections of the, aeon. puls. sil. SULPH. agn. arg-n. ARN. Aas. bry. caps. -, spleen, AGN. ARS. CAPS. CHIN. ferr. IGN. jod. mez. nux CHIN. IGN. jod. mez. nitr-ac. Nvom. SULPH. MOSCH. SULPH. Splenitis, AcON. AGN. ARN. Tearing in hypoeh., teuer. ars. BRY. CAPS. CHIN. ferr. -, liver, con. IGN. jod. mez. NuxvoMr. SULPH. Tension in hypoch. ACON —, acute, ACON. arn. ARs. bry. bell. BRY. CALC. CARB-V. CHAM. CHIN. nux vorm. chinin. con. dig. graph. LACH. chronic, ARs. caps. CHIN. LYC. mur-ac. Nux voM. PULS. sep. iqng. iez. SULPH. staph. SULPH. veratr. Spraiiled, in liver, pain as if, -, liver, bry. calc. carb-v. cans. kal. lye. lye. magn-m. natr-m. Nux voM. Stitching in hypoch., asa. aur. sulph. carb-v. chinin. graph. kal. lact. -, spleen, nitr-ac. rhod. sulph. puls. rhod. sep. sil. Throbbing in hypoch., acon. liver, AcoN. agar. alum. graph. puls. amm. arg-n. asar. BRY. calc. —,liver, Nux voM. sep. sil. canth. CARB-V. CAUS. CHIN., spleen, grat. ran. ruta. Cocc. con. hep. kal. kal-bi. kreos. Tight feeling in hypoch., lact. lye. magn-c. magn-m. caused by the clothes, amm-m. MERC. mosch. natr. natr-m. BRY.'CALC. carb-v. CAUS. COif. NUX VOM. phosph. phos-ac. HEP. kreos. lach. LYC. NUX plumb. PULS. ran. ran-sc. SEP. VOM. sass. SPIG. spong. SULPH. SULPH. sulph-ac. zinc. Ulcerative pain in hypoch.,, spleen, agar. amm. AMM-M. chinin. puls. ARN. bry. CARB-v. chin. CON., liver, Slt. hep. irn. kal-bi. lach. lact.NATR. Walking, when, am. hep. ign. NATR-M. nitr. phos-ac. ran se. lach. magn-m. rhod. selen. sep. rhod. sass. selen. sep. sil. stann. zinc. sulph. sulph-ac. verb. zinc., pain in liver, hep. magn-m. diaphragm, spig. viol-tric. sep. Stooping, when, alum. clem. -, pain in spleen, am, ign. lach. cocc. kal. lye. natr. rhod. rhod. selen. CHIIAPTER XXIL PAINS AND OTHER AILMENTS IN THE ABDOMEN, INGUINAL REGION, ETC. Air, in the open, Mux vorm. kreos. LAcm. LYe. magn-e. MAGMAlive, sense as of, cann. CROc. M. mang. men. MERC. merc-c, mere. nux vom. sabad. thuj. MUR-Ac. NATR. tnatr-m. nitr. nitrAngut ish, with, AFRS. CARB- ac. n-jugl. N-MosCII. nuxc vom. op, V. CiHA. cic. cupr. hep. lyc. petr. PHOSPH. phos-ac. plat. MERC. mosch. nux vom. plat. plumb, puts. rWhab. rhod. RBus, PHOSPH. puls. rhlus. see. sep. sabin. SANG. sec. SEP. SIL. spig, sulph. sulpli-dc. VERATR. squill. stann. stram. stront., sense of, Amr. bell. carb-v. SULPH. thuj, valer. verb. mgtmagt. are. mgt-aus. An~us, with pain in, verb. -, in the evening, rhod. Anxiety, with oppressive, bell. —, after eating (see Chapter carb-v. coloc. mosch. tart. XVII.) Arthritic pains, daphn. -., early in the morning, nitrBackache, with, alum. AMm. ac. rhod. baryt. CALc. caus. CIAM. al. -, eprgastlum, aeon. hell. rhod. kreos. MAGXn,4. natr-m. NUX -, painfl, baryt. bell. caus. VONM. phosph. PULS. see. chamin. mere. merc-c. spig. stanm. SULPH. stront. Ball rising of a, aeon. arg-n. -, groin, amm-m. nyagn-m. phltmb. -, sides, caus, natr-m. zinc. Bending double relieves, 6ell. -, at spots, bell. plumb. ~hel. coloc. grat. rhab. rhus. -, tympanitic, CARB-V. CHIN. sabad. coloc. lye. Nux voM. SULPI Beside one's self, with being, -, hypogastrium, bell. AcoN. COFF. ign. nux vom. Boring, arg. ars. cin. cqloc. Jig Blowing one's nose, when, sabad. seneg. sep. tarax. canth., epigastrium, seneg, Blne nails, with, sil., sides, par. Bloat, Aco.x. ambr. amm. annae., groin, mgt-arc. ant. arg. ARN. ARS. asa. asar. -, hypogastrium, sabad. aur. aur-m. baryt. IBELL bism. Bounding in abdomen, croe, BRr. CALC. calc-ph. caps. carb BrandyV caused by, ign. a. CARB-V. CAUS. CHAM. CHIN, Breakfast, after, graph. nux chinin. Coc. colch. coloc. crac. vom. phosph. Cupr. DIG. ferr. GRAPH. grat. Breath, when drawing, anne. Hxosc. ign. JoD. kal. kal-bi. arg. asa. bry. dig. hyo$q. kreos. BREVATH, ROWNs SPOTS, ETC. 771 rnang. magn-c. mosch. ran-sc. Cold, liable to taking, cans. nitrselen. seneg. sulph. ac. lireath, when drawing a deep, -, caused by a, alum. chami mang. ran-sc. sulph. chin. coloc. dule. merc. nitr-ac, Brewn spots on the skin, Nux VOM. PULS, veratr, SEP. —, as from a, coloc. croc, dig. Briised, sensation as if, ang. meph. mere. nux vom. sabin. arm. cann. coce. COLoc, hep. led. samb. valer. NUX VOM. PULS. ran. ruta. Colic, AcON. agn. alum. ant. am. samb. sep. stram, SULPH. ARS. BELL. cale. CARB-V. caus. veratr. CHAM. CHIN. COCC. COFF. colch. —, integuments, NUX TOM. COLOC, cupr. ferr. HYosc, IGN. plumb. sabin, SULP. va]ler. ipec. kal. kal-bi. lach, LCe.., right side, ang. camph. magn-c. magn-m. MERC. natr. groins, valer. natr-m. rtitr-ac. n-mosch. NUX, sides, aug. arn. VOM. op. PHosPH. plat. PULS. hypogastrium, valer. rhab, ruta. SEC. seneg. stann. iilboes (see Inguinal Glands.) staph. SULPH., veratr. zinc. Burning, ACON. ARS. bar-m, —, chagrin, from, CHAM. CoLoc. calc. camph. canth. carb-v. colch. staph. sulph. cop. euphorb. euphr. LACH. laur. —, of children, acon. bell. bor. lye. mez, Nux voM. PHOSPH, calc. caus. CHAM. cic. CIN. cot. PHOS-AC. plumb. ran. rI1us, sabad. ipec. jod. N-MOscH. nux vomn. sass. SEC. sep. sil. stann, VE- RHAB. sil. staph. sulph. RATR, -, cold, caused by a, cham. chin. -, integuments, selen, CoLoc. mere, Nux VOM. PULS. -, left side, sep. -, deranged stomach, from,, navel, acon. mere. sep. aeon. ANT. ars. BELL. bry. carb—, epigastrium, calad. camph, v. chin. coff. hep. Ntux voM. canth. chain. PULS. sulph. tart. -, hypogastrium, camph. phos- —, flatulence, caused by, agn. ac. BELL. CARB-v, CHAM. CHIN. Chagrin, from, CHAM. CoLoc. Cocc. colch. coloc. ferr. graph. staph. sulph. lye. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. nChildren, in, aeon. bell. bor. mosch. NUX VOM. phosph. calc. caus. CHAM. cic. CGIN. cof. PULs. SULPH. veratr. zinc. mgtjod. ipec. N-Mosc. nux vom. are. RHAB. sil. staph. sulph. -, gastric, aeon. ars. BELL. bry. Chilliness, ARS. colch. kal. carb-v. chin. coff. hep. Nux voM. magn-c. MERC. par. PULS. PULS. sulph. tart. - with, ARs. colch. coloc. daphn. -, hamorrhoidal, carb-v. cham. ferr. kal. kreos. magn-c. MERC. coloc. lach. NUX VOM. PULS. mnez. phosph. PULS. spig. stront. sec. SULPH. --, followed by, kreos. —, inflammatory, ACON. cra. Coffee, caused by, ign. nux BELL. bry. chain. coloc. HYosc. vom. lach. MERe. nux vom. phosph. relieved by, coloc. puls. sulph. veratr. Cold body, with, ars. bov. -, injuring the parts, caused meph. by, ARN. bry. carb-v. lach. Cold feeling in abdomen, alum. RHUs. ambr. ARS. asa. bov. CALc. -, intussusception, caused by, camph. caus. colch. hell. kal. bry. nux vom. OP. plumb. sulph. kreos. laur. men. meph. PETR. THUJ. phosph. plumb. sabad. sass. sec. -, lead, alum. BELL. chain. OP. seneg. SEP. mgt-arc. plat., integuments, vmbr. -, of lying-in females, A.N. 7'72 PAINS IN Ta A1DOMES, ETC. bell, bry. CIAiL hyosc. lach. Crauip in the calves, with, Nvx voM. PULS. sep. veratr. CAMPH. coloc. CUPR. Colic, menstrual, BELL. cham. Cramp-pains amm. arg-n. carb-v, Cocc. coff. Nux VOM, ARs, aur. BELL. BRY. CALC, PULS. sec. SULPH. zinc. CAMPH. carb-v. CHAM. chel, chin, -, of pregnant females, arn. Cocc. COLOC. con. cupr. bell. bry. chain. hyosc. lach, Nux euphorb. FE. FE graph. hep. vom. PULS. SEP. veratr. hyose. ign. JOD. IPEC. kal, lach., spasmodic, ars. BELL. CHAM. lye. magn.c. MAGN-M. mere, Cocc. GOLOC. cupr. ferr. mosch. MUR-AC. NUX VOM, HYosc. IGN. IPEC. kal, lach, petr. phosph. phos-ac. plat. magn-c. MAGN-M. NUX VOM. PULS. rhab. rhus. sang. sec, phosph. PULS. stann. staph. sep. spong. STANN. staph. stram. -, worm, ACoN. arg-n. Cia. SULPH. teucr. VALER. veratr. CIN. ferr. hyosc. MERC, ns —, of the integuments, ferr. lye. mosch. nux vom. ruta, sabad. sabin. samb. SULPH., navel, bell. calad. phos-ac. Compression, acon. ambr. verb. zinc. ign. puls. thuj. -, groin, dig. ign. -, umbilicus, aeon., hypogastrium, carb-v., groin, ign. thuj. Creeping in abdomen, dule., hypogastrium, puls. Crying, with, cupr. hyosc. ipec. Constipation, with, ALUM. viol-tric. BELL. BRY. calc. CARB-v. CON. CUtling pain in bowels, aeon. LYe. NATR-is. NUX VOM. Or. agar. ALUM. ambr. ANT. arg. PLUMB. SEP. SIL. SULPH. ARS. baryt. bell. bov. bry. CALC. Constriction -of abdomen, chain. chel. chin. chinin. cic. BELL. carb-a. chin. COLOC. eu- COLOC. CoN. cupr. cycl. dig. phorlb. mez. PLAT. pltuZmb. sabad. HEP. hyosc. ign. lach. lact. laur. thuj. verb. led. LYe. magn-c. MAGN-M. umbilicus, bell plumb. verb MERC. mur-ac. NATR-M. nitr., hypoflastrium, bell. verb. NITR-AC. n-mosch. Nux voM,. PETR. PHOSPH. phos-ac. plumb. Contact is painful, AcON. agar. PULS. ran-sc. RHAB. rhus. sass. ARN. ARS. aur. bell. bry. canth. SEC. SEP. SIL. SPONG. stann. carb-a. CARB-V. cllam. chin. STAPH. stront. SULPH. SULPH-AC. clem. CUPR. CYCl. drOS. HYOSC. tart. valer. VERATR. verb. violLYO. magn-m. MERC. nitr-ac. tric zinc NUX, VOM. PaosPIr. plumb. - umbilical region, bov. calad. PULS. ran. RHUS. SEP. SIL. chinin. dulc. ign. ipec. laur. stram. SULPH. valer. veratr. mang. ur-ac. nux vom p mang. mur-ac. nux vom. puls. Contraction of abdomen, sass. spig. tart. verb. con. ferr. lach. n-jug]. plumb., epigastrium, asar. calc. cham. rhus. sang. lye., integuments, arg. sabad., groin, carb-a. valer. -, hypogastrium, con. rhus. -, sides, arn. mur-ac. par. ruta. Contractive pain, amm. BELL., hypogastrium, ang. laur. sep. calc. caus. coloc. HEP. kal. kal- sil. bi. kreos. laur. lye. mang. mere. Deranged stomach, mosch. natr-ln. Nux VoM. phosph. caused by a, aeon. ANT. ars. rhus. sabin. sass. SULPH. thuj. BELL. bry. carb-v. chin. coff. hep., umbilicus, bell. phosph. Nux VOM. PULS. sulph. tart. Convulsions, with, Cic. cupr. Diarrhma, with, agar. ambr. sec. amm. ang. ARS. baryt. bor. bry. Cough, with, chin. CHAM. chel. COLOC. dig. kal-, during, (see Chap. XXVIII.) bi. lach. -meph.- MERC natr.. DIFFICULT BREATHING, ETC.'73 Nvx VOM. oleand. petr. PHosPII. Drowsiness, at sunrise, CHAM. PULS. RHAB. sabin. spig. stront. Effusion of blood in peritoneSULPH. TART. VERATR. zinc. um, brom. lach. Difficult breathing, with, Empty feeling, ant. cham. COCC. amm-m. arn. caps. CARB-V. CoLoc. euphorb. guaj. LACH. cham. CnIN. coce. ign. kal. kreos. mere. mur-ac. oleand. petr. lach. lye. mez. mosch. prun. phosph. sass. SEP. stann. PULS. rhod. staph. SULPH. Epigastrium, aeon. amm. Digging in abdomen, ars. bell. ant. am. bell. calad. calc. canth. natr. rhus. ruta. sabad. sang. caus. cham. chel. chin. cin. cocc. spong. stann. sulph. valer. coloc. ign. kal. lye. mere. nux -, umbilicus, con. vom. plhosph. plumb. puls. rhus., epigastrium, sep. staph. sulph. mgt-arc. ises-, h feypo lnastrinmn, i p Eructations, with, bell. grat. Distensive feeling, ign. sep. kal. nux vom. rhod. sec. valer. (see Bloat.) -,groin, mgt-aus. causet d -, relieved by, baryt. lach. ~ groin, mgt-aus. Draught of air, caused by a, Expelling the air from the kal-bi. mgt-aus. lungs, when, dig. Drawing-in the abdomen, Erysipelas of the abdomen, when, valer. graph. Drawing breath, when, -, in the evening, ambr. ant. bry. selen. am. bell. bry. calc. caus. chin. Drawing pain, aeon. arg-n. con. dule. hep. ign. kal. lach. ars. caps. chin. cocc. lach. led. laur. lye. magn-c. magn-m. mang. lyc. magn-c. MAGN-M. natr-m. n- meph. mere. mez. nitr-ac. par. jugl. nux vom. op. squill. staph. phosph. plat. puls. ran. rhod. veratr. rhus. seneg. sep. stront. sulph. - integuments, seneg. valer. sulph-ac. valer. veratr. zinc. -, right side, camph. -, relieved, nitr. -, inguinal region, calc. kal.., in bed, par. sabin. VALER. zinc. plat. thuj valer. zinc. —, sides, lye. natr. par. Face pale, with, cann. phosph. —, hypogastrium, chin. valer. - hot, with, hep. mere. nux Drinking, after, ambr. ARS. vom. bry. chin. croc. ferr. natr-m. red, with, mere. nux vom. nitr-ac. NUX VOM. PULS. rhus. —, shuddering in, with, coloc. staph. SUILPI. teucr. veratr. Fainting weakness, with, ranDropsy of bowels, AcoN.-. AGN. SC. arg-n. ARS. ASA. aur-m. BRY. Falling down, sense as of, camph. cann. caus. CHIN. cin. plumb. colch. cupr. dig. DULn. euphorb. Fat, caused by eating, carb-v. HELL. JOD. KAL. lact. led. lye. CIriN. colch. natr-m. PULS. -MERC. PRUN. puls. SEP. SQUILL. Fermenting,ang. rhus. seneg. SULPH. stram. -, sacculated, cann. chin. Flatulence, complaints arisDrowsiness, with, nux vom. ing from, acon. ambr. amm. anac. tart. ayn. arn. Asa. aur. BELL. CALC. -, early in the morning, ALUM. calc-ph. caps. CARB-V. CAUs. ambr. amm-m. asa. baryt. bry. CHAM. CHIN. Cocc. colch. coloc. calc. carb-a. caus. chamn. hep. CoN.cupr.euphorb.ferr.GRAPH. kregs. natr-m. NITR-AC. NUX grat. HEP. IGN. IPEC. KAL. LACH. VOM. petr. PIosPH. ran-se. rhod. lact. laur. lye. mez. natr. NATR-M. sep. staph. mgt-arc. NITR. NITR-AC. n-jugl. N-AOscn. N-—, in bed, aeon. ambr. con. VOM. PHOSPH.PHos-Ac. plumb. NITR-Ac. NUX VOM. PHosPH. sep. PULS. rhab. rhod. rhus. SIL '774 PAINS IN THE ABDOMEN, ETC. SULPH. tart. teucr. veratr. zigic. Flatulence, loud, caus. lach. mgt-arc. mgt-aus. mere. squill. teucr. zinc. Flatulence, accumulation of, -, painful, arn. con. graph. kal. ant. baryt. bor. calc-ph. CARB- natr-m. puls. magt. V. CHIN. cic. GRAPH. kal-bi. —, putrid smell, having n, AnN. lye. nitr-ac. nux vom. phos ac. ars. calad. carb-v. ign. natr. prun. rhus. sep. tart. ZINC. oleand. puls. SULPH. zinc. - -, hypochond., chamn. lye. -, sour, arn. calc. cham. graph. nux vom. hep. magn-c. mere. natr. natr-m. - -, epigastrium, graph. lye. rhab. sep. sulph. nux vom. i~hab. ~, spoiled eggs, swelling of, arn. -, groin, cham. lach. coff. natr. natr-m. SULPH. tart. - hypogast., aeon. chin. teucr., violent, veratr. phosph. sulph-ac. -, bendin forward relieves, -, in the evening, nitr-ac. puls. bell. rhod. zinc. -, cough aggravates, cocc. -, flatulent colic, agn. BELL. CARB-V. CHAM. CHIN. Cocc. -, after eating (see Chap. colch. coloc. ferr.graph. lye. natr. oXVf.) natr-m. nitr-ac. n-moseh. NUX -, enission of, AGAR. agn. VOM. phosph. PULS. SULPH. arg-n. aur. bell. bor. bry. veratr. zinc. mgt-arc. canth. CARB-A. CARB-V. caus. incarcerated flatul., ambr. CHIN. chinin. dig. fluor-ac. aur. CALC. canth. CARB-A. CARBGRAPH. hell. KAL. lact. led. V CA. CHIN. inin. CON. LYC. MANG. merc. nitr-ac. n-jugl. GRAPH. guaj. HEP. JOD. KAL. oleand PHOSPH.phos-ac. plumb. LACH. LYC. mosch. NATR. ran. rhod. sass. squill. staph. NATR-M. NITR. NITR-AC. NUX stram. stront. sulph. teucr. VE- VOM. PHOSPH. plumb. prun. RATn. viol-tric. zinc. puls. rhab. rhod. sep. SIL. stann. deficient, kal. LYC. natr staph. SULPH. teucr. mgt-arc. Si.'' * * -, at night, aeon. ambr. aur. CARB-V. COCC. ferr. kal. mere. -, difficult, ealc-ph. HEP. Lyc. natr-m. n-mosch. puls. SULPH. plat. Sin. veratr. —, pressure relieves, bell. Flatulence, fetid, agar. anm. Flatulent complaints ars. asa. aur. ca/c. carb-a. carb-v. accompanied by: caus. CIIN. chinin. fluor-ac. graph. lact. petr. plumnb. puls. -, anguish, sense of, cie. NVx ran. rhod. rhus. sass. sil. spig. difficult breathing, CARBV staph. st-ont. sulph. - -, difficult breathing, CARB V. staph. stront. sulph. mez. PULS. -, frequent, AGAR. agn. arg-n. aur. bell. bor. bry. canth. CARB- uctatons, grat. A. CARB-V. caus. CHIN. chinin. -, chilliness, mez. dig. fluor-ac. GRAIPH. KAL. lact. -, headthe, calc-ph. led. LYC. MANG. mere. NITR-AC., ill-humor, cic. n jugl. oleand. PHOSPH. phos- -, nasea, grat. ac. plumb. ran. rhllod. sass. squill. Flatulent complaints staph. stram. stront. sulph. teucr. occurring: VERATR. viol tric. zinc., after flatulent food, brv., garlic, smelling of, agar. ealc. chin. kal. lye. petr. puls. agn. asa. mosch. phosph. sep. velatr., hot, aeon. chain. phosph. -, early in the nmorning, alum. plumb. staph. zinc. asa. baryt. carb-a. caus. cham.,inodorous, ambr. bell. cilnn. hep. natr-m, nitr-ac. Nux vone carb-v. coff. lye. phosph. plat. phosph. rhod. FLATUtENT 0OMPLXINW, ETC. 77B Flatulent complaints Rux vom. phosph. sass. seneg. occurring: SIL. I-, in hysteric persons, cocc. Heat, navel, suiph-ae. TGN. puls. Hernia, acon. alum. AMM-M., when lying, phosph. asar. Aurn carb-a. chaim. chin., after sour food, carb-v. pkos. clem. Cocc coloc. guaj. lach. LYa. 4c. MAGN-c. nitr-ac. NUX VOM. op., after drinking, cAin. cocc. petr. phosph. prun. puls. rhus. ferr. Nux VOM. veratr. SIL. spig.staph. SULPH. SULPHFlatulent food, after, BRY. AC. thuj. VERATE. zinc. mgt-arc. calc. CHIN. kal. LYc. PETR. jpUIl. -, incarcerated, ACON. ars. sep. veratr. bell. lack. Nux von. Op. SULPH. Flow of urine, with copious, sulph-ac. veratr. bell. lach. spig. veratr., scrotal, magn-m. nlux vom. Flyintg to pieces, pain as if, -, children, of, aur. eoce. nitrsep valer. ac. Nux voM. veratr. rFuluess, feeling of, anac. ant. -, inguin al, altnm. AMM-M. asar. caniph. carb-v. chin. con. asar. AUR. carb-a. CHAM. chin. croc. lact. MUR-Ac. n-jugl. NUX CLENI. COCO. coloc. guaj. lach. VOM. puls. rhod. SULPI. tart. LyC. MAGN-C. NITR-AC. NUX verb. magrt. VO.M. OP. PETR. PtiosrP. prun hypogastrium, ant. —, umbilical, Nux voN. G.nawing, ars. cale. cupr. dulc. -, femoral, nux vom. oleand. plat. ruta. —, flatulent. amm. caps. —, hypogastrium, aur. —, pain a3 from, in groin, AuR. Griping ii abdomen, carb-a. chin. clem. coloc. mgt-arc. mgtcoloc. hep. ipee. moscla. sep. aus. zinc. Heavy feeling, ambr. ars. asa. navel, aeon. stann, carb-v. ferr. GRAPH. HELL., epigastriurn, mosch. KAL. LACa. laet. lyc. magn-c., hypogastrium, bell. lye. tuls. mez. n-jugl. NUX VOM. op. Growiti fast, sense as if the rhus. sep. sulph. bowels and navel had, verb. -, epigastrium, n-mosch. H[ntorrhoids, from, carb-v. -, inguinal region, calc. croc. cham. coloc. lach. NUX VOM. —, after drinking, asa. PULS. SULPIJ. Hypochondriac persons,in, Hard body in abdomen, like a, calc. chin. coec. coloc. grat. NATR. bor. natr-nt NUX VOM. stann. staph. kHardness of abdomen, ANAC. sulph. ARN. Ags. CALC. CARB-V. chin. Hypogastriurn, ambr. ara. cupr. ferr. GRAPH. grat. lach. bell. bey. eale. caps. carb-v. caus. mtagn-nL nmez2 Nux voz. op. chin. cocc. coloc. ign. kal. lye. PETR. PHOSPH. plumb. puls. mnerc. nux vom. phosph. sep. siL sep.SiL. spig. spong. sulph. strain. spig. thuj. valer. Hysteric persons, in, ars. bell. -, integuments, naitl bry. Coce. IGN. IPEC. magn-am. n, avel, bry. plumb. rhus. mosch. Nux von. stann. stran., right side, magn-m. sulph. valer. veratr., groin, ant. Ilens (see Intussusception.) -~, hypogastriunm, graph. sep. ll-humor, with, asa. cic. Headache, with, hyose. kreos. sulph. phosph. Indurations in abdomen, ars. Heat of the body, with, ars. cale. chin. lye. plumb. carb-v. Inflanlsnation (see also the Heat in the abdomen, bell. Latin names of the particular camph. lact. laur. inang. mez diseases). 7l6 PAINS IN THE ABDOMEN, ETC. Inflammation, ACON. ant. am. baryt. BELL. boy. cann. con. ars. BELL. BRY. canth. CHAM. euphorb. ign. kal. laur. magn-c. chin. co/. coloc. Hyosc. ipec. mere. natr. petr. phosph. puts. LACH. MERC. nitr-ac. Nux voM. sep. spig. sulph. phosph. puls. rhus. sec. squill. Jerjitig in abdomen, ars. fluorsulph. ac. rhus. -, of peritoneum, ACON. BELL. —, integuments, ang. guaj. nux BRY. CHAM. coff. coloc. hyosc. vom. ran-sc. sulph-ac. nux vom. rhus. sulph. -, inguinal region, cale. - of bowels, ACON. ant. ars. —, hypogastrium, sulph-ac. BELL. bry. canth. cham. chin. Labor-like pain, asa. CHAM. coloc. hyose. ipec. kal-bi. LACH. cin. jod. kal. kreos. natr-m. MERC. nitr-ac. nux vorn. phosph. PULS. sulph-ac. puls. rhus. see. squill. sulph. Lacing the abdomen relieves, Inguinal glands affected, Ams. puls. AUR. CALM. CARB-V. clern. DULC. Lame legs, with, carb-v. graph. HEP. JOD. MERC. natr. Large abdomen, ant. ars. baryt. NITR-AC. nux vom. phosph. phos- bell. CALC. caps. caus. chin. cin. ac. SIL. spong. STAPI. stram. graph. jod. lye. mang. ntatr. Nux SULPH. thuj. magt. VOM. puls. rhus. sep. staph., drawing pain, dulc. mez. SULPH. thuj. -', from fat, ant. ars. baryt., hardness, clem. dule. CALC. caps. lye. puls. SULPH. - jerking pain, clem. -, in girls at the age of pubes-, inflammation, ACON. dule. cenee, lach. MERC. SIL. -, of mothers and old women,, p-infulness, ars. cale. graph. BELL. cale. chin. coloc. nux vom. mere. thuj. magt. PLAT. SEP. ---—, suppuration, AUR. HEP. —, of scrofulous children, ar8. MERC.NITR-AC. phosph. SULPH. baryt. bell. CALa. chin. cin. lye. -, swelling, ARS. AUR. CALC. N'UX VOMr. puls. rhus. SULPH. CARB-V. CLEM. DULC. GRAPH., of lying-in women, CoLoc. HEP. JOD. MERC. natr. NITR-AC. SEP. nux vom. phosph. phos-ac. SIL. Laughing, when, ars. nux spong. STAPH. stram. SULPH. vom. thuj. Lencorrhmea, with, kreos. —, syphilitic ulceration, AUR. mnagn-e. MAGN-HI. PULS. (ComCARB-A. CARB-V. hep. MERC. pare Chap. XXV., Leueorrhcea.) NITR-AC. thuj. Lumnbar regior affected, ARN. -, tension, dule. asal.aur. canth. ccarb-a. chin. coloc. Inguinal region and ring, hvosc. lach. laur. lye. mez. nitr. alum. amm-m. aur. calc. cham. nitr-ac. plumb. PULS. rhab. sep. clem. coey. coloc. ign. lye. nux staph. thuj. zinc. vom. ihus. sil. spig. sulph. sulph- Lump, feeling as of a, rhus. ac. thu;l. veratr. mgt-arc. mgt-aus. spg. SlULPH. tarlt. Injuring the abdomen, from, —, umbilical region, spig. ARN. bry. earb-v. lach. Rnus. Lie down, unable to, prun. Insensibility, ars. Lying on left side, when, par. Intussusception, bry. nux phosph. wom. OP. pltumb. sulph. TnuJ. -- on al)domen, relieved by, Integuments, principally, amm. CALC. phosph. ambr. bell. BRY. cale. canth. -- down, with, nux vom. tart. chin. colo. dros. lye. mere. Nux Lying-in, women, in, ARN. vOM. plat. puls. rhus. sep. staph. bell. bry. CHAM. coloc. hyosc.:sulph. thuj. veratr. lach. Nux vom. PULS. SsEPr Itching of the integuments, veratr, MALAISE, ETC. 777 Malaise, asa. aur. eycl. muro cop. cycl. fluor-ac. guaj. hell. ac. natr. natr-m. tart. IGN. LACH. lact. laur. lyec merc. l][argins around the eyes, with, mez. mur-ac. NATR. NATR-M. charn. CIN. mere. nutx yom. NITR-AC. n-juql. nux vom. oleand. M1entses, during, after, before, petr. PIIOSIPH. I'uos-AC. plumb. (see Chap. XXV.) PULS. rhod. rhus. SAss. SEC., as if the menses would SEP. SIL. spig. spong. squill. appear, chin. coce. magn-c. stram. SULPH. stllph-ac. tart. mosch. mur-ac. stann. teucer. thuj. VERATR. zinc. mIenstrual irregularity,caused magt. mgt-aus. by, BELL. cham. carb-v. Cocc. -, in the evening, puls. spong. coff. Nux voMr. PULS. sec. ---—, in bed, bry. SULPH. zinc. -, motion, during, sil. Mesenteric glands affected, -, early in the morning, when ars. baryt. bell. CALC. chin. cin. lying, spong. lyc. Nux vom. puls. rhus. -, on the left side, lyc. SULPH. after eating, (see Chap. miidnight, after, ambr. XVII.) Milk, caused by, ang. bry. carb- -, sleep, during, agn. v. con. sulph-ac. -, breath, when drawing, hell. Miserere, see Intussusception. -, hypogastrium, in, aur. cycl. Miotion, during, ang. arn. cocc. sil. sulph-ac. dig. ipec. kreos. mere. natr. Nux Numlb fee.ing in abdomen, carbVOM. plumb. PULS. ran. sep. v. SANG. stram. THUJ. zinc. Obscured sight, with, calc., relieved by, coloc. Oppressed feeling, con. euphr. Movements in abdomen, Inagn-c. mosch. seneg. cann. caps. carb-v. chinin. croc. -, epigastrium, seneg. hell. lact. natr. phos-ac. puls. -, hypogastrium, sil. rhus. sabad sep. sulph. thuj. Pain in bladder, with, lach. n-, as from water, hell. phos ac. vom. prun. Nausea, with, anmm. ANT. ARS. Pains in chest, with, bell. caps. bell. chel. CON. cycl. grat. hep. carb-v. lach. lye. nux vom.phospl. IPEC. kal-bi. mang. NATR-M. n- plumnb. sulph. mosch. NUX VOM. samb. stann. Pain in eyes, alternating with, sulph. TART. VERATR. (Conlp. euphr. Chap. XVIII., Nausea with Pain in legs, with, coloc. cop. Colic. sec. Neuralgia of the ccecum, ARS. Peritoneuim, principally, Nux VOM. MAGN-C. acon. bell. bry. cham. coff. coloc. Night, at, ACON. ambr. amm. hyosc. nux vom. rhus. sulph. amm-m. ARN. ARS. aur. baryt. Plhthisis abdominalis, amm. BELL. BRY. CALC. carb-v. arn. ARS. baryt. bell. CALC. caus. CHAM. chin. cocc. dulc. ferr. cham. CHIN. cin. IEP. jod. kal. GRAPH. HEP. kal. kreos. lye. LACH. magn-c. merc. nitr-ac. nux magn-c. MAGN-M. MERC. natr. vowr. petr. PHosPH. puls. Raus. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mosch. PETR. sil. SULPH. PIOSPH. plumb. prun. PULS. -, ulcerated, amm. arg-n. ars. ran-sc. RHUS. SEP. SIL. SULPH. CALC. caus. chin. HEP. jod. kal. sulph-ac. veratr. kal-bi. LACH. mere. nitr-ac. petr. Noises from flatulence, such as phosph. rhus. SIL. SULPH. rumbling, etc., aeon. AGAR. agn. -, scrofulous, arn. ars. baryt. anac. ang. ANT. arg. ARN. alrs. BELL. CALC. cham. CHIN. CIN. aur. bell. bism. brom. BRY. hep. jod. lach. lye. magn-c. Nrx calc. canth. CARB-A. CARB-V. vom. petr. PaosPr. puls. RHs. caus. CHIN. chinin. COLOC. CON. SULPH. 838* 7i 8 PAINS IN THE ABDOMEN, ETC. Potatoes, caused by, alum. Pressure outwards, umbilical Pot-bellied, (see Large region, cocc. lact. spig. verb. Abdomen.) -, epigastrium, nux vom. Pregnant women, in, am. bell., groin, bell. bry. chain. hyosc. lach. Nux, hypogastrium, bell. cocc. VOM. PULS. SEP. veratr. sep. Pressed upon, when, anac. bell. Pustules in region of groin, cin, nux vom. ran. samb. sass. puls. -, relieved, bell, Pinching in abdomen, agar. Pressing in the abdomen, calce. alum. amm-m. anac. asac. aur. cham. GRAPH. PHOSFH. sulph. baryt. BELL. bor. bry. CALC. teucr. CARB-V. CHIN. cic. coce. coloc., towards the groin, calc. croc. cyel. dig. dulc. euphr. clham. GRAPH. phosph. sulph. graph. grat. guaj. hell. ign. jod. teucr. ipec. lact. LYC. magn-c. magnPressing downwards, in abdo- mn. men. MERC. natr-m. NLITRmen, agn. dig. dulec. LACH. teucer. AC. NUX VOM. oleand. petr. Pressure, ambr. arg. arg-n. phosph. plat. plumb. ran. ranBELL. bism. CALC. caps. CARB- se. rhius. sabin. samb. SIL. spig. V. CAUS. CHIN. chinin. cupr. squill. stann. SULPH. sulph-ac. euphorb. euphr. grat. ign. KAL. tart. teucr. valer. verb. zinc. LACH. lye. mang. meph. MERC. mgt-aus. mez. NATR-M. n-jugl. NUX VOM. -, integuments, samb. op. par. PHosPII. plat. plumb., left side. asar. carb-v. prun. puls. rhab. rhus. sabin., navel, dulc. mar-ac. plat. sarnb. seneg. SEP. sil. staph. verb. SULPH. tart. veratr. zinc. mgt- -, epigastrium, con. are. mgt-aus., sides, ign. lye. mur-ac. ruta., on left side, sulph. tart. -, hypogastrium, aur. ruta. sil. -, in umbilical region, anac. Red cheeks, with, mere. chinin. cocc. lach. men. ran-sc. Red spots on the integuments, rhab. spig. verb. bell. lach. sabad. SEP. —, epigastrium, ambr. nuxvom. Reflecting, when, magt. sulph. teucr. Relaxed feeling, lact. phosph., right side, prun. rhus. - groin, bell. mere. Rest, during, bov. -, sides, asar. thuj. zinc. —, relieved by, ipec. puls., hypogastrium, ambr. arg. Restlessness in abdomen, aur. bell. carb-v. caus. chin. agar. kal. cocc. colch. kal. natr-m. ruta. Retention of urine, with, arn. sep. thuj. valer. graph. -, of the clothes, caused by the, Retraction of the abdomen, ammm. BRY. CALC. carb-v. when, cupr. puls. caus. coff. HEP. kreos. lach. —, umbilicus, aeon. baryt. chel. LYC. NUX VOM. SPIG. spong. natr. plumb. SULPH. Riding in a carriage, when, Pressure, outwards, anac. anug. bor. carb-v. hep. natr. sep. asa. bell. colch.CoN. euphorb. ign. Rigidity, on left side, NATR-M. kal. lye. phos-ac. prun. rhab. Rising from a recumbent sulph. sulph-ac. zinc. mgt-arc. posture relieves, arg., groin, bell. cann. clem. con. Rumbling, see Noises. ign. kal. lye. mez. phos-ac. rhus. Rush of blood, ARs. bell. bry. sulph-ac. mgt-arc. CAPS. CARB-V. cham. mere. NUX -, as from a stone, bell. CALC. VOM. puls. rhus. SULPH. veratr. coco. lact. MERC. Nux VoM. sep. Scarlet-redness of the abdospig. SULPH. tart verb. men, rhnu. s8EISITVEN;',I:ss, ETC. 779 Sensitiveness,3 ACON. bell. Softening of tile mucous bov. coff. coloc. cantk. CnAM. membrane of the bowels, kal-bi cupr. hep. HYOSC. kal. lye. Sore, pain as if, arg-n. ARS, mere. nitr-ac. NUX VOM. ASAR. BELL calc. CON. hep. phosph. PULS. ran. squill. HYosc. ITEC. NUX VOM. phosph. stram. SUL'PH. ran. stann. sulph. sulph-ac. -, integuments, acon. BELL. boy., integuments, ambr. bell. men. canth. N\ux voI. PULS., left side, colch., to contact, aeon. BELL. bism., epigastrium, mang. canth. cham. eyel. hyose. NUX -, inguinal region, sulph-ae. VOM. puls. stann. stram. sulph., sides, arn. veratr. Sour food, caused by, carb-v. —, during motion, mere. nux dros. phos-ac. staph. vom. puls.ELL. CAM. -, to pressure, MEra. nux vom. Spasms, ar B,sass. to pressure, AIER MX VOM Cocc. COLOC. cupr. ferr. Hiosc. IGN. IPEC. kal. kal-bi. lach. —, when walking, ran. MAGINT-M. INLX VOM., umbilical region, chlin. dule. magn-c. MAN-. NUX VOM. phosphO. stront. veratr. phosph. PULS. stann. staph. epigastrinm, stann. Spots on the integuments, bell. -, painful, ACON. C~AMr. hep. canth. lach. PHOSPH. sabad. HYOSC. PULS. SULPH. SEP. —, groin, graph. -, brown, SEP., hypogastrium, cycl. stann. -, yellow, canth. PHOSPIH. verb. SEP. Shaking of the bowels, amrm., red, bell. lach. sabad. SEP. cann. mang. mere. nux vom. Stitching in abdomen, alum. rhuLs. ang. bell. bry. calc. CHAM. chin. when moving the arms, cnnn. con. cupr. dig. grat. kal. kal-bi., when pressing the foot to kreos. MERC. mez. NATR. nitr. the ground, smrm. NITR-AC. nux vom. oleand. —, when walking, mere. nux phosph. phos-ac. puls. ruta.sang. vom. rhus. SEP. spig. stann. SULPH. verb. Shocks in abdomen, cann. plat. viol-tric. zinc. mgt-arc., integuments, magn-m. ruta., inguinal region, cann. samb., hypogastriumrn, arn. -, left side, bell. hep. samb. Shuddering, with, chin. sass. sep. sulph. ipec., navel, aeon. anac. asa. dulc. —, in abdomen, cann. coloc. hyosc. nux vom. plat. plumb. sabad. sep. verb. Sides of the abdomen, asa. asar. -, epigastrium, kal. bell. bry. cale. carb-v. caus. chin. -, inguinal region, bell. calc. cocc. ign. led. lye. natr. natr-m. carb-a. kal. lye. mere. mur-ac. nux vom. rhus. staph. suph. prun. sep. stront. sulph-ac. tarax. thuj. zinc., sides, calc. ign. natr. nux Sighing, with, ign. vom. plat. sabad. sass. Singing, when, puls. -, hypogastrium, chel. chin. Sitting, when, amm. puls. ruta. kal. samb. nux vom. Sitting crooked, when, tart. Stitching from within out-, relieved by, sulph. wards, asa. Sitting-down, when, ruta. Stooping, when, alum. clem. Smoking, when, bor. ign. KAL. lye. natr. rhod., relieved by, coloc. Stooping forwards, when, Snieezing, when, bell. canth. bell. cocc. prun. verb. cham. -—, relieved by, bell. 180 PAIN INW THE ABDOMEN, ETC. Straining, caused by, ARN. Tubercles in abdomen, amm. carb-v. lach. RHUS. ars. CALC. caus. chin. HFP. jod. Stretch one's self, obliging one kal. LACH. mere. nitr-ac. petr. to, tart. phosph. rhus. SIL. SULPH. Sweat, with, ars, cupr. veratr.'Tunor in pelvis, osseous,, cold, ars. veratr. aur. Sweets, caused by, ign. sulph. Turning the body, when, Swelling of abdomen, ambr. (see Bloat, Distension, Dropsy.) Tympanitis, (see Bloat, -, of navel, bry. caus. prun. Swelling.) puls. Ulceration of bowels, -, sense of, in groin, ammn-m.ant. (see Phthisis.) Tearing, alum. ars. bry. Ulcers in bowels, nrg-n. CHAM. chinin. cocc. colch. con. chin. cupr. kal-bi. (Compare cupr. dig. LACI. LYC. magn-m. Phthisis.) merc. mez. n-mosch. nux vom. —, above navel, externally, ars. phosph. puls. rhus. SEc. squill. Ulcerative pain in abdomen, stram. sulph. verb. zinc. arg-n. BELL. chamn. coce. kreos., in the integuments, samb. NITR-AC. ran. valer. -, navel, stram. verb. —, in integuments, rhus., groin, euphorb. lye. sulph-ac., groin, amnl-m. Cic. -, sides, lyc., sides, valer. Tension of abdomen, ambr. -, hypogastrium, NITR-AC. baryt. bell. bry. cale. caps. carb- Umlbilieal region, aeon. ammv. CARB-V. caus. chin. chinin. m. anac. bell. bry. chin. cin. colch. graph. hyosc. kal. kal-bi. coloc. con. ign. ipec. kreos. nkreos. lact. lye. magn-c. magn-m. mosch. nux vom. phos-ac. plat. MERC. mez. mosch. natr-m. n- plumb. rhab. rhus. sep. sulph. jugl. N-MoscH. nux vom. par. sulph-ac. verb. veratr. petr. phosph. phos-ac. plumb. Undulating sensation, lact. puls. rhab. rhod. sec. SIL. sponzg. nux vom. squill. staph. stram. stront. sullph. Urging to stool, with, anac. thuj. VERATR. ZINC. aur. baryt. bism. petr. phosph., navel, chinin. mere. VE:RATR. sep staph. verb. viol-tric., epigastrium, natr. Stool, during (see Chap. XXII.), inguinal region, amm-m. Urging to urinate, with, kreos. crotal. dig. mere. spig. meph. -, sides, zinc. Veal, caused by, nitr., hypogastrium, aur. chin. Venous congestion, bell. bry. Thirsl, with, chin. veratr. dig. Nux voM. PULS. SULPH. Throbbing, caps. fluor-ac. Vertigo, with, cale. ign. op. plumbn. sang. tart. Violent pains, ARS. bell. chain., umbilicus, aeon. COLOC. CUPR. nitr. PLUMB., epigastrium, calad. con. Vonitinlg, with, asar. ARS. —, groins, lye. sulph-ac. bell. brv. CUPR. hIyose. IPEC. Tingling, camph. caus. grat. lach. NUX VOM. puls. SEc. magn-m. mere. stann. tart. zinc. TART. VERATRR. Torn off, senseas if something Walking, when, ambr. arn. would be, plumb. rhus. verb. chin. ferr. hep. hyose. ign. laclih. Torpor, alum. camph. chin. magn-m. ran. rhod. selen. sep. kal. sass. sulph. thuj. veratr. zinc. Tossing about, with, bell. Warm eating, from, kal. cham. ipec.. Warmth relieves, alum. ARs. Trembling, with, bov. cupr. barvt. sil. meph. meph. Waierbrash, with, bry. SIL. Tremor in abdomen, ign. aulph. WATER IN BOWELS, ETC. 781 Water in bowels, sense of, ferr. hyose. MERC. n-mosch. nux HELL. phos-ac. vorn. ruta. sabad. SULPH. Water, from drinking, croc. Workers in lead, in, alum. teucr. ARG-N. BELL. cham. OP. PLAT. Weak feeling in abdomen, bor. Writhing in bowels, caps. dig. chlor. ign. oleand. phosph. staph. ign. kal-bi. lact. sabad. sep. -, with, nux vom. -, umbilical region, ign. ran. -, while or after eating (see Yellow spots on the skin, canth. Chap. XVII.) PHOSPH. SEP. Whining mood, with, carb- Yellowness of hands, with, V. sil. Worms, from, ACoN. CIC. CIN. Yawning, when, puls. CHAPTER XXII. AFFECTIONS OF THE ANUS, INCLUDING THE ALVINE EVACUATIONS AND THE SYMPTOMS OF THE RECTUM AND PERINAUM. Ascarides, (see Worms.) Constipation, agar. alum. Blackness of rectum, mere. AMBR. AzM. amm-m. ANT. arg-n. Blood between the stools, dis- ARN. ARS. aur. baryt. BELL. boy. charge of, AMM. ANAC. ant. BRY. CALC. camph. CANN. asar. bor. cale. CARB-V. CAUS. canth. CARB-V. CAUS. cham. CHIN. CON. ign. LACH. lye. MERC. cic. cocc. colch. coloc. CON. CROMERC-f. mur-ac. natr-m. Nux TAL. cupr. DAPHN. eugen. GRAPH. VOM. PETR. PHOSPH. plat. puls. GRAT. GUAJ. hep. hIyosc. KAL. SASS. sabin. SEP. stram. THUJ. KAL-BI. KREos. LACH. lact. laur. valer. zinc. led. LYC. magn-c. MAGN-M. mang. Boil at perinieum, ant. men. MERC. mosch. NATR-M. nBoring in rectum, valer. jugl. NUX VOM. OP. phosph. Burnilg at anus, alum. amm. PLAT. PLUMB. PULS. RHUS. ang. ant. aur-m. ARS. baryt. RUTA. sabad. SASS. selen. SEP. bry. calc. CAPS. carb-a. CARB-V. SIL. squill. stann. STAPH. stram. Cocc. colch. euphorb. graph. jod. SULPH. ther. TnUJ. VERAT. kal. lach. lact. laur. MERC. tmur- viol-od. ZINC. MGT-ARC. ac. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-jugl., alternating with diarrhoea, Pnux vom. oleand. op. PULS. SSS. ANT. ars. BRY. jod. LAc. "natrSEP. staph. stront. SULPH. thuj. m. Nx OM. O PH PH. veratr. zinc, t. Nux voM. Op. PHOSPH. ~veratr. zinc. P~RHUS. RUTA. tart. -, between the nates, thuj. at rectum, ARS. CALC. canth. —, after cathartics, ant. lach. carb-a. con. grat. kal. mur-ac. Nux voM. OP. ruta. natr. NATR-M. nitr-ac. nux vom. -, chronic, BRY. caus. chinin. petr. phosph. PULS. SEP. *ulph. GRAPH. kal-bi. LACH. LYe. sulph-ac. tart. NATR-M. NUX YOM. - OP. 782 AFFECTIONS OF THE ANUS, ETC. PLUMB. sass. SULPH. thuj. VE- Contractive pain, rectum, RATR. MGT-ARC. aLfrm. bor. calc. coloc. Nux voM. Constipation, with colic, sep. kal-bi. Costiveness, (see Constipa-, with distended abdomen, tion and Stool, hard.) bell. Cramp-pain in rectum, kal-, in drunkards, calc. LacH. bi. kreos. prun. NUX VOM. op. sulph. Cutting in anus, caus. kal. -, with emissions, thuj. laur. natr, staph., habitual, with hard stool,,rectum, caus. lye. mang. natr. agn. asa. BRY. CALC. CAus. Dampness at anus, baryt. Cocc. CON. daphn. dulc. GRAPH. carb-a. carb-v. nitr-ac. kal. LACH. LYC. magn-c. NATR-M. -, rectum, ANAC. carb-v. SEP. nitr-ac. NUX VOM. SEP. SIL. -, perinpeum, carb-a. carb-v. staph. SULPH. VERATR. MGT-ARC. Diarrhcea, acon. agar. alum., with hardness of liver, graph. ambr. amm. ANT. arg. arg-n., with headache, con. nux am. ARS. asa. asar. baryt. bell. vom. veratr. bor. bov. BRY. CALC. cann. canth. -, with heat of the body, cupr. carb-v. CAPS. CH-AM. chel. CHIN. valer. chinin. cin. clem. cocc. coff., with heat of the head, bell. colch. CoLoc. con. cupr. dig. -, of infants, alum. BRY. lye. DULC. eugen. FERR. graph. NUX VOM. OP. sulph. veratr. hell. hep. hyosc. ign. jod. IPEC. -, as from intussusception of the kal. kal-bi. kreos. lach. lact. laur. bowels, bry. Nux voM. OP. led. magn-c. magn-m. meph. plumb. sulph. THUJ. MERC. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. -., lead, in workers in, alum. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. Nux voM. OP. PLAT. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. PHOS-AC. of lying-in females, alum. prun. PULS. ran-sc. RHAB. ant. BRY. lyC. NUX VOM. OP. RHUS. RUTA. sabad. sabin. sass. plat. sep. SEC. seneg. SEP. sil. SPIG. spong., of old people, ANT. bry. lach. SQUILL. staph. STANN. stram. OP. PHOSPH. rhus. ruta,. SUlp. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. TART., of pregnant females, aluhm. valer. VERATR. ZINc. mgt-aus. ant. BRY. lye. NUX VOM. OP. -, acids, caused by, ANT. brom. plat. SEP. BRY. lach. Nux voM. STAPH. -, sedentary life, from, BRY. -, from the evening air, MERC. lye. NUX VOM. op. plat. -, with anguish, ant. lach. SULPH. mere., with sweat, bell. -, with backache, ferr. -, torpor of the bowels, from,, bilious, (see Stool.) ALUM. anac. arn. bry. carb-v. -, with bloated abdomen, graph. CHIN. cocc. graph. HEP. ign. sulph. veratr. KAL. lye. magn-m. mur-ac. natr. -, with labored breathing, natr-m. n-mosch. NUX VOM. sulph. op. petr. rhod. ruta. sep. sil. -, after chagrin or anger, STAPH. sulph. THUJ. VERATR. CHAM. CoLoc., when travelling, ALUM. op -, after chagrin or grief, ign. PLAT; MGT-ARC. PHOS AC. staph., with urging to urinate, sass., of children, ant. ars. BoR. Constriction of anus, mez. calc. CHAM. coff. ferr. hyosc. natr-m. Nux voM. thuj. mgt-aus. IPEC. MAGN-C. MERC. n mosch. Contractive pain in anus, rhab. SULPH. sulph-ac. ang. bor. ign. mang. plumb. sec., with chilliness, cop. dig. thuj. MERC. PULS. spig. SULPH. -, perinreum, sep. -, chronic, ars. CALO. chin. ferr. DIARRH(EA, ETC. 783 GRAPH. hep. KREos. lach. natr- Diarrhlea, after emotions, m. NITR-AC. petr. PHOSPH. aeon. ant. CHAM. coff. COLOC. phos-ac. sep. SULPH. ign. op.phos-ac. puls. veratr. Diarrhcea, cold air, caused by -, with eructations, con. dulc. MERC. mere. —, cold, caused by a, ars. BELL. -, in the evening, caus. kal. BRY. carb-v. caus. CHAM. chin. lach. DULC. MERC. natr. N-MoscH. -, after exanthems, ARs. chin. Nux VOM. op. puls. SULPH. YE- merc. phos-ac. PULS. sulph. RATR. -, feecal, ARS, CHAM. brom. -, cold drink, caused by a, CIN. hep. led. MERC. mosch. ARS. CARB-V. n-mosch. puls. MUR-AC. plumb. prun. PULS. -, with coldness, spig. RHAB. spig. SULPH., with colic, acon. AGAR. alum. -, in the fall, ARS. bry. carb-v. amm. amm-m. ang. AST. ARS. duzc. MERC. n-mosch. puls. ASA. BARYT. bor. bov. BRY. SULPT. CANN. CANTI. caps. CHAM., with copious flow of urine, COLOC. con. cop. dig. dulc. acon. euphorb. hell. HEP. IGN. IPEC. -, after fright, aeon. ant. coff. kal. lach. magn-c. MERC. 4.ERC- Or. puls. VERATR. c. MEZ. mosch. natr. NATR-M. -, fruit, after eating, ARS. chin. NITR-AC. Nux VOOMVETR. prun. lach. PULS. rhod. PuLs._RHAB. RHUS. sang. sass. -, with headache, rhus. sil. SPIG. staph. stram. STRONT. ----—, with heat of the body, mere. SULPH. tart. VERATR. mgt-aus. -, after a sudden joy, AeoN. -, constipation, alternating ant. COFF. op. puls. veratr. with, ANT. ars. BRY. jod.TACH. -, lienteria, ant. am. ARS. asar. lact. natr-m.. TNux voM. Or. bor.BRY. calc. CHIN. con. FERR. PHOSPH. RHUS. RUTA. tart. MEN. nitr-ac. nux vom. OLEAND., of consumptive persons, PHOSPH. PHOS-AC. rhab. rhus. sil. CALC. chin.ferr. PHOSPH. sulph-ac. -, with crying, in children,, of lying-in women, ant. dulc. carb-v. CHAM. IPEC. RHAB. hyosc. rhab. SULPH., mercury, after abuse of,, damp air, caused by, LACI. carb-v. chin. HEP. NITR-AC. rhod. sulph. day and night, aur-m. sulph. -, milk, after eating, BRY. LYC. during dentition, arg-n. ars. natr. sep. SULPH. calc. cham. coff. ferr. ipec. —. early in the morning, BRY. magn c. MERC. rhab. SULPH. cop. fluor-ac. deranged stomach, caused by -, nausea, with, ars. bell. carba, ANT. ars. bry. carb-v. chin. v. hell. IPEC. lach. MERC. nux cof. IPEC. lach. lye. natr. NUX vom. VERATR. VOM. PULS. sep. sulph., at night, anac. arg-n. ARN., drinking, after, ars. CAPS. ARS. aur. aur-m. bor. bry. canth. cin. jod. nux vom. rhod. CAPS. cauns. CHAM. chel. CHIN., dysenteric, acon. ARS. BELL, cin. dulc. fluor-ac. kal. lach. bry. canth. CAPS. CARB-V. cham. MERC. mosch. PULS. Rnus. chin. COLCH. COLOC. dig. dulc. SULPH. VERATR. HEP. jod. IPEc. kal-bi. kreos. -, old people, ANT. ARS. BRY. lach. MERC. MERC-C. nitr-ac. jod. LACH. natr-m. Nux voM. op. n-mosch. Nux voM.. plumb. PULS. PHOSPH. RHus. ruta. SEC. tart. RHUS. STAPH. SULPH., with pains in the limbs, amm-.., after eating, amm. ARS. bor. m. rhus. CHIN. CoLoc. FERIR LACH. ve- -, with pain in small of back, ratr. nux vom. PULS. 784 AFFECTIONS OF TMtE A-NtUS, ETC. Diarrhcea, painful, carb-v. COLCH. COLOC. dig. dulc. HEP. mere. petr. plumb. SEC. sulph. jod. IPec. kreos. lach. MERC. veratr. (Comp. with Colic and MERC-C. nitr.ac. n-mosch. Nux Tenesmus.) voM. plumb. PULS. RI US. STAPH. —, painless, ARS. bar-m. CHIN. SULPH. (Compare Diarrhoea.) cin. clem. FERR. HYoSC. nitr. lEruption at the anus, calc. PHos-Ac.PULS. SuVLH.VERATR. kal. lye. magt. Figwarts at the anus, NITR-, of pregnant females, ANT. AC. THUJ, dule. hyosc. lye. petr. PHOSPH. ]Fistulous ulcer at rectum, rhab. SEP. SULPH. CALC. caus. SIL. sulph. -—, after revelling, CARB-v. NUX Gnawing at anus, ang. spong. VOM. HaeInorrhoidsvarices, alum. -, rhubarb, after abuse of, AMBR. Amn. ANAC. ANT. arn. CHAM. coloc. MERC. nux voen. ARS. BARYT. bor. brom. CALC. PULS. caps. carb-a. CARB-V. CAUS. -, of scrofulous persons, ars. COLOC. cupr. ferr. GRAPH. KAL. baryt. CALC. chin. dulc. lyc. sep. LACH. lact. LYc. MUR-AC. NATR-M. SIL. SULPH. NITR-AC. NUX VOM. PHOSPH. -, slimy (see Stool). P, UB. PULS. SULPH. sulph-ac., with shuddering, mere. puls. -, bleeding, flowing, ACON., with sore anus, cham. ferr.!amm. ant. aur. aur-m. BELL. MERC. SASS. bor. C'LC. carb-v..,s. cupr. -, in spring, ars. bry. CARB-V. ferr. IPEC. kal. lach. men. MERC. DULC. MERC. n-mosch. puls. mr-ac. nitr-ac. PHOSPH. PULS. sulph. SEP. SULPH. _, with stomach ache, bell. bry., blue and swollen, CAB-v. - sugar, cauqed by eating,arg-n. MUR-AC. -, in summer, ARS. BRY. carb- -, burning, ant. ars. CALC. carbV. DULC. MERC. n-mosch. puls. a. lach. sulph-ac. -, sweets, caused by, arg-n. -, chronic, calc. CARB-V. caus.,with tenesmus, Ans. caps. GRAPH. lach. NUX VOM. petr. hep. ipec. lach. MERC. MERC-c. SULPH. Nux VOM. RHAB. rhus. SULPH., with colic, CARB-V. coloc. -, with thirst, ars. dulc. lach. Nux voM. PULS. SULPH. -, tobacco, caused by abuse, cracked, CHAM. caus. of, cham. PULS. -, creeping, ant., with trembling, mere., with cutting pain, lach., with vomiting, ant. ARS., flowing (see Bleeding.) asar. BELL. COlOC. CUPR. dulc., humid, alum. amm. baryt. eugen. jatr. IPEC. kal-bi. lach. caus. natr-m. sep. sulph. sulphphosph. RHAB. seneg. stram. ac. tart. VERATR. -, inflamed, acon. ARS. chain. -, warm weather, from, LACI. MUR-AC. NUX VOM. PULS., weakening, arg-n. ARS. bry. SULPH. CHLIN. con. IPEC. mere. nitr. —, itching, ACON. ars. graph. N-MoscH. PHOSPH. PHOS-AC. rhab. Nux VoM. SULPH. sulph-ac. SEC. sep. SULPH. VERATR. -—, mucous, ant. BOR. caps. carb-, of weakly persons, CHIN. v. ign. lach. mere. puls. sulph. FERR. n-mosch. phosph. PHos-AC. —, painful, alum. ANAC. ARS. sec. brom. CARB-V. caUS. chain. coloc. Drawing in anus, cyc]. lact. GRAPH. NATR-M. nux vom. sabin., rectum, kreos. mang. rhod. stront. Dysentery, fall-dysentery,, protruded, CALC. CAUs. hep. ACON. arg-n? ARS. BELL. bry. lye. mere. phosph. phos-ac. puls. cant/,. CAPS. CARB-v. chamin. chin. rhus. SEP. sulph. IHTMORRHOIDS, ETC. 785 Haemorrhoids, in the Paralysis of sphincter ani, rectum, ars. CALC. CAUS. COLOC. aeon. bell. hyosc. laur. hep. LAci. LYe. NUX OM1. -, intestinal canal, phosph. PIiosrn. phos-ac. SEP. sil. stront. Pinching in rectum, sabad., with sore pain, amtm. graph. Pinworms (see Worms). mur-ac. phosph. puls. rhus. Plug, sense as of a, kal-bi. magt. Pressure at anus, aeon. ant., stinging, ars. baryt. kal. natr- baryt. chel. chin. cycl. lach. lact. m. sulph-ac. laur. nitr. n-jugl. Nux vomo -, suppressed, calc. carb-v.NUX, phosph. puls. seneg. spig.. staph. VOM. puls. SULPH. verb. zinc. -, swollen, ang. baryt. CALC. —, rectum, arn. chin. Nux voM. CARB-A. CARB-V. caus. coloe. phosph. seneg. ferr. GRAPH. kal. MUR-AC. nitr-ac. -, perinseum, alum. eyel. nux NUX VOM. phosph. phos-ac. vom. PULS. SULPH. Pressure from within out-, ulcerated, CIAM. nux vom. wards, at perineum, asa. PULS. Prolapsus of rectum, ant. ARS. Heat, feeling of, in rectum, con. ASAR. cale. canth. colch. dulc. Herpes at anus, natr-m. IGN.!ach. lye. magn-m. MERC. - at perineum, petr. mez. mur-ae. natr-m. nitr. nitrItching at anus, ACON. ALUM. ac. Nux voM. plumb. RUTA. sep. AMaNIR. AMm. ANAC. ant. arg-n. SULPH. tler. magt. BARYT. bor. CALC. CARB-v. -, when urinating, mur-ac. CAUS. colch. CRao. graph. grat. Retraction of the anus, IGON. KAL'. LYC. MERC. mur-ac. plumb. natr. NITR-AC. Nux voM. Rhagades in anus, AGN. chamin. PHosPt. phos-ac. plat. rhus. sass. graph. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. SULPH. Rush of blood to anus, SEP. THUJ. TEUCR. ZINC. sulph-ae., rectum, ambr. bor. calc. Smarting at anus, as if excoclhinin. nitrl-ac. Nux von. phosph. riated, AMi. ant. ARS. caus. phos-ac. rhus. SEP. SIL. spig. dulc. graph. grat. hep. ign. murSULPII. ac. n-jugl. nux vorL. phos-ac. -, perinmeum, agn. nux vom. PLS. sass. spoag.. veratr. zinc. petr. tarax. magt. Lienteria (see Diarrlieea). —, rectum, amm. ars. grat. ign. Looseness of bowels, neon. lye. mur-ac. natr-m. nux vom. amm-m. aug. ars. bor. CALC. pl1os-nc. puls. carb-a. chin. chinin. cic. c? Soreness of anus, amm. ars. evel. dlros. DtULC. GRAPH baryt. calc. CARB-A. carb-v. ferr. aTEOS. lrct. mang. rez. GNTR-A. grat. HEP. kal. lach. MERC. natr-:REos. ]act. manr. mez. NATR-M. NITR-AC. par. petr. PHOSPH. us. Str-Lc. nux vom. phosph. phos-ac. ran. ran-sc. salng. seneg. sit. SULPrHa. SULPs-AC. e, between the thighs, ars. aur. CAUS. COff. GRAPH. hep. jod. Lumbrici (see Worms). yAe. mere. n. phospmer. nrhod. -Itueus between stools,discharge SeTLPH. of, alum. ANT. ars. ASAR. bor., between the nates, calc. natrCHIN. COLCH. GRAPH. KAIL.. sep. Inchb. AIERC. Nux Yonm. PETR. -, perinscum, carb-v. rhod. PHOSPH. PULS. Rimus. sabin., pain as from, at anus, AMm. SEP. spig. sulph. TART. ant. ARS. caus. dule. graph. grat. Open anus, constantly, PHosPr. hep. ign. kal-bi. mur-ac. n-jugl. Painfulness of rectum, aeon. nux z'om. phos-ac. PULS. sass. Caus. con, nux vom. seneg, spong. veratr. zinc. magt. 786 AFFECTIONS OF THE ANUS, ETC. Soreness of anus, rectum, Stool: amm. ars. grat. ign. lye. mur-ac., cadaverous, bism. brom natr-m. nux vom. phos-ac. puls. CARB-V. sil. stram., from riding, liable to, carb-a, clay-colored, see Pale and Spasm in anus, colch. kal-bi.A Light-colored., rectum, cale. lye. phosph., clayey, calc. hep. Stinging in anus, aeon. ars. -, copious, ang. aur. chinin. bor. CARB-A. carb-v. chin. con. ran. teuer. croc. grat. ign. kal. magn-c. mere., dark-colored, agar. nux vonm. NATR-M. nux vom. PHosPH-. SEP., delaying, amm. asa. carb-a. sil. spong. sunlph. zinc. CHIN. chinin. colch. hvosc. lach. rectum, bor. earb-a. chin. magn-m. nitr. n-mosch. phosph. ign. kal. lye. magn-e. NATR-M. ran. ran-sc. rhod. RuTS. sass nux vo1I. PHOSPH. plat. PULS. seneg. SEP. sil. spong. STAPH. ruta. SEP. sil. sulph. tart. stront. sulph-ac. -, perima-um, alum. natlr -, diarrhceic, (see Diarrhcea.) Stool: —, difficult, agn. ALUIM. Ax-. -, acrid, excoriatino, ant. ARS. ANT. asa. BARYT. cRX. eale. CLIAM. CHIN. dule. FEaRR. ign. kal. CAMPfH. tARB-V. calns. CHIN. lach. MERC. Nux vore. phcsp)h. chinin. o::!-. colch. grat. hep. PULS. sass. SULPH. VERATR. IGN. I~AL. kreos. Laca. lact., ash-colored. asar. DIn. LAUs. l.. MAGN-M. mang. mere. bilious, ARS. CHAM. CHIN. mez. rmur-ac. natr. NATR-M. CIN. CoLoc. dale. IPrC. MERC. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. NUX MERC-c. N-vov. PHOSPI. PULS. VOM. PETR. phosph. phos-ac. SULPH. VERATR. zinc. plat. plumb. prun. puls. rhod. -, black, blackish, ARS. CAMPH. sass. sep. SIL. staph. stront. CHIN. CUPr. IPEC. MERC. op. SULPH. THUJ. nmgt-are. phosph. SQUILL. stram. sulpk. —, relieved by standing, sulph-ac. VERATR. cans. blood-streaked, con. magn, - -, also when soft, anac. m. nux vom. squill. thuj. carb-v. CHIN. hep. n-mosch. rhod. -, bloody, arg-n. arn. ARS. —, dry, arg. hep. kreos. mang. asar. bry. cale. canth. caps. carb- nitr-ac. phosph stann. zinc. v. CatN. coleh. coloc. eupr. daphn. —, dysenteric, (see Dysentery.)' dros. ferr. hep. IPEC. kal-bi., fermented, as if, IPEC. sabad. kreos. lach. lye. MEIRC. mere-c. —, fetid, arg-n. ARS. asa. bism. natr. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. Nux brom. CALC. cale-ph. CARB-V. vom.. petr. phosph. plumb. PULS. CHAM. CHIN. chinin. eugen. RHUS. SEP. sil. SULPIt. sulph- GUAJ. lach. MERa. MEnC-c. nitrac. tart. valer. veratr. ac. N-MosCH. nux vorm. op. par. - bloody and mucous, amrn. phos-ac. plumb. PULs. ran-sc. ARS. caps. carb-v. eupr. DAPIN. rhab. sep. SIL. sqtcill. strain. dros. dule. graph. IHEP. IGN. SULPH. sulph-ae. teucr. jod. IPEc. lach. magn-m. MERC., filiform, selen. MERC-C. Nux voM. petr. PULS., flocculent, ARs. IPEC. squill. Runs. sabad. sil. SULPH. sulph- VERATR. nc. -, foamy, CALC. CHIN. COLOC. -, brown-colored, ambr. arm. jod. kal-bi. lach. mayn-c. mere. arg-n. ars. asa. brom. camph. op. RHus. SULPIT. sulph-ac. CHIN. dule. kal-bi. magn-c. -, frequent, every day, soft, magn-m. m mere. mere-c. rhab. aeon. amm-m. ang. ars. bor. sabad. SEC. squill. SULPH. tart. CALC. carb-a. chin. chinin. eic. VERATR. coif. cycl. dros. DULC. GRAPH. -, burning, ARs. LACn. MEBC. KREOS. lact. mang. mez. NATR-M. --—, burnt as if, bry. NITR-AC. par. petr. PHOSPH. STOOL. 787 phos-ac. ran. ran-sc. sang. seneg. plumb. ruta. sep. verb. (comp. sil. SULPH. SULPH-AC. Knotty, Lumpy.) Stool: Stool:, gelatinous, colch. hell. rhus. -, light-colored, carb-v. caus. sep. kal-bi. grayish, asar. aur. aur-m.. liquid, ang. ARN. ARS. dig. MERC. Phosph. PHOS-AC. CALC. cann. CARB-V. CHIN. Cic. rhab. clem. IPEC. lach. meph. mur-ac. greenish, amm-no. arg-n. nitr. n-jugl. oleand. PsOSPH. ARS. aur-m. bell. bor. brom. rhab. SEC. spig. staph. VEcnnth. CHAM. coloc. cupr. DULC. RATR. mgt-aus. hep. IPEc. laur. mnan-c. magn-m., lumpy, knotty, ALUM. amm. MERC. merc-c. nux vom. BARYT. calc. carb-a. caus. chel. PHosPII. PULS, SXr. stann. graph. jod. kal. kal-bi. LACH. SULPH. sulphl-a. valer. VERATR. lact. led. MAGN-M. MANG. mere., hard, acon. agar. agn. ALuMv. nux vom. OP. PETR. plumb. prun. AMM. amm-m. ANT. asa. SEP. SIL. spig. stann. stront. BARYT. bell. bov. brom. BRY. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj. verb. CALC. CAMPH. canth. ccarb-a. viol-od. CARB-v. caus. chel. chin. cocc. musty smell, having a, coloc. CoN. cycl. euphr. graph. grat. —, pale-colored, carb-v. kal-bi. GUAJ. hep. ign. jod. kal. kal-bi. lye. LACH. lact. LAUR. LYC. -—, papescent, agar. ANT. arn. magn-c. MAGN-M. MERC. natr. asa. BELL. brom. calad. CALC. NATR-M. nitr. n-jugl. NUX VOM. CHIN. chinin. CIN. cYCI. eugen. OP. PETR. phosph. phos-ac. euplir. jod. LACH. lact. mang. PLUMB. prun. ran. RHus. ruta. mlerc. mez. natr. par. PHOSPH. sabad. sass. selen. seneg. SEP. PHOs-AC. plat. PULS. RHAB. SIL. spig. SPONG. squill. stann. RHOD. selen. seneg. SIL. SULPH. staph. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. sulph-ac. tart. teucr. ther. valer. thiuj. veratr. verb. viol-tric. zinc. zinc. MGT-ARC. -, pitch-like, IPEc. LACH. MERC. insufficient, (see Scanty.) Nuvx voM. sass. intermittent, ambr. calc. con., purulent, ARN. bell. calc. kal. kal-bi. natr-m. nitr-ac. calch-ph. CANTII. jod. kal. LACH. phosph. sabad. sulph. verb. MERC. pjuls. sep. SIL. sulph. -, every other day, ambr., putrid smell, having a, arg-n. calc. con. kal. ncatr-n.. SULPH. ARS. bry. calc. CARB-V. chamn. CHIN. cocc. coloc. graph. gauaj. involuntary, aeon. arg. ARN. ipec. lyc. MEuc. NITR-Ac. Nars. BELL. CALC. CARB-V. CHIN. O CIN. coP. dig. HYOSC. lach. SEP. SIL. squill. strai. SULPH. laur. rnur-ac. natr-m. oleand. sulph OP. PHosrH. PHOS-AC. puls.-, ruslling out with force, ARs. RHUS. SEC. sulph. tart. VERATR. JATR. ipec. kal-bi. sec. YEZLi C..RATR., when urinating, mur- -, sandy, eugen. ac. -, scanty, aeon. ALUM. arg. - -, at night, ARN. ARN. ARS. baryt. bell. bry. calad. h- -., during sleep, ARE'. CALC. caps. carb-v. cham. CHIN. mosch. pulS. RHrUS. coIch. DAPIIN. eugen. euphr. -, large-sized, aur. BRY. CALC. GRAPH. hep. hyose. kal. LAcmI. graph. ign. KAL. magn-m. 7merc. lact. LYC. magn-c. MAGN-M. mere. natr-m. NUX VOM. stann. sulph- merc-c. mez. NATR. natr-m. ac. thuj. veratr. ZINC. MGT-ARC. NUX VOM. par. petr. plat. -, laurel-shaped, brom.magn-m. ruta. sabad. sass. seneg. SEP. SIL. 788 AFFECTIONS OF TiIE ANUS, ETC. squill. stann. STAPH. SULPH. ARS. bell. bism. CALC. CHAM. ther. zinc. CHIN. DiG. dul]. FERR. HELL. Stool: hyosc. jatr. IPEC. kal-bi. lach. -, slimy, amm. ang. arg-n. arn. mur-ac. NATR-M. N-VOM. PETR. ARS. asar. bar-mn. BELL. bor. PHOSPH. PHOS-AC. PULS. brom. canth. CAPS. CARB-V. ran-sc. R-US. SEC. stront. SULPIL CHAM. chel. CHIN. colch. coloc. sulph-ac. tart. VERATR. dig. DULC. ferr. graph. grat. hell. Stool: HEP. hyosc. IGN. jod. IPEC. laur., white flocks, like, IPEC. MERC. natr-m. nitr-ac. Nux squill. VERATR. VOM. PETR. PHOSPH. PHOS-AC. —, whitish, ACON. ANT. ARS. PULS. rhab. rhod. RimUS. RUTA. asar. aur. bell. calc. CAUS. CHAM. SEC. SEP. spig. squill. stann. CHIN. CIN. coICh. cop. dig. HEP. SULPH. sulph-ac. TART. ign. jod. lach. MERC. nfux vorn., small, (see Scanty.) petr. PHOSPH. phos-ac. PULS., small pieces, in, amnm. guaj. rhus. spig. spong. SULPH. veratr. magn-m. merc. phos-ac. ruta., white-streaked, rhus., shining, like grease, brom. -, with worms, (see Worms.) caus., yellow-streaked, rhus. -, skinny, canth. colch. -, yellowish, ambr. ARS. asa., soft, AcoN. agn. alum. ambr. aur-m. CALC. cann. CHAM. CHIN. amrm. amn-m. anneac. baryt. bor. Cocc. coloc. DULC. ign. IPEC. calc. cann. carb-a. carb-v. caus. magn-m. MERC. natr. oleand. CHIN. cin. Cocc. coff. graph. petr. phosph. plumb. puls. rhus. GUAJ. jod. kal. lach. lact. laur. stront. tart. magn-m. mez. mur-ac. natr. Stool accompanied by: natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. -, anguish before stool, ambr. oleand. PHOSPII. phos-ac. baryt. caus. KAL. PULS. ran-sc. rhod. ruta. sabin. --, during stool, veratr. SEP. staph. SULPH. viol-tric. -, after, caus. ZINC. mgt-aus. antllropophobia, before,, soulr-smelling, ammVCALC. ambr. cham. coloc. GRAPH. HEl.AIAGN-, back-ache, durillg, puls. c. MERC. natr. RHAB. sep. —, bleeding varices, aur-m. SULPH. nitr-ac.,stirred eggs, like, CHAM. -, bloated abdomen, lye. chinin. lach. MERC. n-mosch., bloody discharge, alum. PULS. RIUS. sulph. sulph-ac. ambr. AlMM. amm-m. ANAC. viol-tric. ARS. ASAR. CalC. CARB-V. ~-, tenacious, ARS. CAUS. CAUS. CON. kal. lye. MERCLACH. mere. plumb. sass. MERC-C. mur-ac. natr-m. NUX -, thin-sized, caus. graph. hyosc. VOM. PETR. PHOSPII. plat. mere. MUR-AC. natr. puls. sep. prun. puls. ruta. SASS. selen. staph. SEP. sulph-ac. THUJ. zinc. -, undigested, ant. ARN. ARS. (Comp. Stool, Bloody, Bloodasar. bor. BRY. calc. CHAM. streaked, and Bloody and CHIN. con. FERR. IPEC. LACH. Mucous.) MEN. MERC. nitr-ac. n-mosch., after stool, alum, lye. Vux vom. OLEAND. PHOSPH. PHOS- sabin. AC. rhab. 1hus. sang. sil. squill., bruised, as if, after stool, SULPII. VERATR. cale. -, at night, CHIN. ferr. -, burning at anus, lach. MERe. -, unperceived, ars. colch. lach. PULS. phos-ac. puls. staph. sulph. -., chilliness before stool, baryt. veratr. mgt-aus. dig. mez. MERC., water, ACON. ant. arg-n. arm. - -, after stool, mez. Mto0t. 8 Stool atcompanied by: carb-a. carb-v. mere. oleand. colic, before stool, AGAR. phosph. spong. alum. amm. amm-m. ars. ASAR. Stool accompanied byI baryt. bry. caps, carb-v. cin. dig., pain, during stool, acon. ang dulc. eugen. hell. MERC. nitr- ant. ARS. baryt. bry. caic. ac. petr. puls. RHAB. rhus. sang. CAPS. carb-v. caus. chel. CHIN. stann. staph. sulph. tart. thuj. Cococ. dulc. euphorb. grat, hell. VERATR. viol-tric. mgt-arc. mgt- kep. ipec. lach. laur. MERC. aus. MERC-C. mur-ac. natr. NATR-1L, during stool, agar. ang. nitr. nitr-ac. Nux voM. op. PULs. ANT. ARS. bovy. bor. bry. cann. rhus. sass. selen. sep. sil. spig. carb-v. cham. con. dros. dulc. spong. staph. stront. SULPH. eugen. euphorb. hell. IGN. kalb thuj. bi. lach. magn-c. mang. MERC., after stool, alum. caps. knerc-c, NATR-M. nitr. nux vom. caus. grat. hep. ign. ipec. kal. RHAr. sass selen. sep. SPICG. lach. lye. mere. mez. natr. natr' SIULPH. VERATR. zinc. m. oleand. petr. phosph. phos-- —, after stool, ambr. agar. ac. rhab. seneg. stront. sulph. amm. arg. bov. canth. carb-v. tart. teucr. magt. kal-bi. puls, rhab. staph. veratr. —, pain in groin, laur. zinc., pain in liver, kal-bi. -- congestion of the head, after --, pain in rectum, before, nux stool, lach. vom. puls. -, constriction of anus, lach. - -., during, ARS. AsAR thuj. CALC. CAtS. con. coloc. grat. ign. -, after stool, ign. lach. mang. MERC. mur-ac., contraction of anus, thuj. natr. NATR-M. nllX VOm. PULS. - —, after stool, mez. magt. RUTA. sil. SULPH. sulph-ac. -, erections, before stool, thuj. —, after stool, asar. grat. —, during, ign. kal. natr. natr-m. nux vom. petr. —, fainting, sass. phosph. PULs. seneg. —, flatulence, emission of, agar., painful varices, caps. rhus. arg-n. asa. bor. CALC-PH. sabin., after stool, amm. graph. squill. staph. viol-tric. magt. magt. - -, after stool, con. -, palpitation of the heart -, heat in rectum. con. before stool, tart. i, itching at anus, mere. sil., after, caus. con. tart. sulph. - prolapsus recti, ant. ars. asar.. after stool, teucr. calc. canth. dulc. IGN. kal-bi., itching of rectum, sil. lach. magn-m. MERu. mez. mursuiph. ac. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. NUX, languor after stool, calc. VOM. ruta. sep. SULPI. nitr-ac. phosph. --, after, mere. -, mucus, discharge of, alum. -, prostatic fluid, discharge of, COLCH. KAL. lach. lye. magn- (see Chap. XXIV.) m. MERC. MERC-C. NUX VOM., protruded varices, alum. PETR. selen. spig. SULPH. tart. CALC. phos-ac. rhus., after, ASAR. MERC. -, retracted abdomen, agar. phosph. selen., shuddering, before, mez. -, nausea, before, acon. rhus. -, during, rhab. veratr. -, during, hell. MERe. —, after, mez. plat. prun., stomach ache, agar. -, after, acon. -, tenesmus, before, mere. rhab.. nervousness, before, CALC., during, AcoN. ARS. - after,'nitr-ac. bell. brom. calc. COLCH. cupr. -—, plin at anus before stool, euphorb. grat. hell. hep. ipec. 790 AFFECtIONS OP THE AMtS, EMTC kal-bi. lach. LAUR, MERC. MEReC arn. bry. camph. carb-v. C1HIi c. natr. nitr-ac. NUX VOM. opt coce. graph. HEr. ign. KAL. lye - RHUS. selen. sep. spong. magn-m. rnur-ac. natr. natr rw, SULPH. nDmosch. NUX VOM. op. petr, Stool accompanied by: rhod. rutsa sep. sil. staph. sulphb -- — t, after, caps. IPEC. kal-bi. THUJ. VERATR. MERC. phosph, phos-ac. RHAB. Ulcer at anus, sass. sulph. Ulcerative pain at anus, cycl, throbbing at anus, after Urging to stool, ant. ARN. ars. stool, lach, BARYT. bell. calc. caps. carb-v, - trembling, before, mere. caus. chin, chinin. cocc. CON. -, after, con, graph. hyosc. IGN, kal. kal-bi,, urination after stool, (Comp. LACH. lact. LYc, magn-c. magnChap. XXIII.) m. MERC. MERC-C. natr. natr. - -, impossibleiduring, CniN. m. nitr. nitr-ac. n-jugl. NUX —, vomiting before stool, tart. VOM. PnoSPH. plat. puls. ran-sec, during stool, arg. kal. RHAB. rhod. rhus. ruta. sabad. hi. (Comp. Diarrhcea with vomit- sass. see. SEP. SIL. spig. STANN, ing.) staph. SULPH, THUJJ. veratr,, after stool, eugen. kal- zinc, bi. -, with anguish, ambr. caus. -—, weak abdomen, plat. —, with anthropophobia, ambr, -, weak feeling, veratr., with colic, ars, baryt. pul. - after, CALC. chin. coloc. rhus. con. lach. -, with emission of flatulence, -, yawning, before stool, lye. carb-a. lach. magn-c. magn-tn. SULPH. VERATR. sep. Sweat at perinaeum, hep., with erection, thuj. Swelling at anus, graph. hep., —, in the evening, bism. nux vom. sulph., ineffectual, ambr. anac. ARN. Tania (see Worms). ars. asa. bell. bism. CALC. CAPS, Tearing in anus, colch. kal, carb-a. carb-v. CAus. chinin. Cocc. natr-m. phos-ac. zinc, CON, ferr-m. graph. grat. IGN., —, rectum, kal. natr-m. phos-ac. KAL. kal-bi. LACH. LYC. magnaruta. sabad. sep. thuj. c. magn-m. MERC. MERC-C, Tenesmus on anus, ACON. NATR. NATR-M. NITR-AC. NUX ARS. BELL. CALC. CAPS. chinin. VOM. oleand. plumb. PULS. ran. COLCH. euphorb. HELL. HEP. RHAB. ruta. sang. SEP. SIL. spig. IPEC. LACH. lact. LAUR. MERC. STANN. STAPh. SULPH. sulph-ac. IERC-C. natr. nitr. NITR-AC. THUJ. VERATR. viol-od. rinc. NUX VOM. op. phosph. phos-ac., with itching of rectum, euplat. RHAB. RHus. selen. seneg. phorb. SEP. spong. SULPH. zinc., during motion, rhab. Tension at anus, lye. sep. -, with nausea, rhus. -, rectum, sep., at night, mere. puls. sualph. Throbbing in anus, grat. —, with pain in bladder, sulph. lach. rhod. -, with pain in loins, baryt. Titillation in anus, agar. -, painful, ars. cans. magn-c. ambr. chin. colch. croc. ign, natr. sulph. nux vom. plat. rhus. sabin. sep. —, with prolapsus of rectum, spig. teucr. zinc. ruta. -, rectum, calc. nux vom. rhus. -, with red face, caus, sabad. sep. spig. spong. tart. Worms, complaints arising Torn out, sensation as if the from, ACON. arg-n. ars. CALC. anus were, aur-m. calc. carb-v. chin. CIc. CIN. FEaRR. Torpor of rectum, ALUM. anac. GRAPH. IQN. kal. MERC. natr-m. WcR4M8. lot t-mosch. Nux VOM. petr. phosph. CIN. graph. lye. natr-m. SPri, puls. ruta. SABAD. sabin. SIL. SULPH. SPIG. SULPH. valer. Worms, with fever, ACON. Worms, from ascarides, ACON. bell. calc. chin. cic. CIN. ferr. ign. arg-n. asar. CALC. CHIN. cin. cupr. lach. MERC. sil. spig. FERR. GRAPH. IGN. magn-c. -, during full moon, CAle, chin. MERC. Nux voM. PiHsPH. plat. ferr. SULPIT. spig. spong. squill. SULPH. -, from lumbrici, ACON. baryt. TEUCR. valer. bell. calc. cham. chin. CIc. CIN. —, with canine hunger, baryt..graph. hyosc. kal. lye. magn-c. calc. chin. GIN. graph. lye. natr- MERC. natr-m. nux vomS rhuS8 m. SPIG. sulph. ruta. SABAD. sil. SPIG, SULPH. ---—, of scrofulous persons, SIL,, with colic, aeon. bell. CIC. f ro tfuous persons, SICAC. —, from toenia, arg-n. CALC. GIN. ]nCh. MIERC. SPIG. sul~ph. carb-a. CARB-V. GRAPH. ign. kal. with convulsions, Cic. MAGN-M. MERC. natr. Nux VOM., with diarrhcea, acon. GIN. petr. phosph. plat. PULS. SABAD. MERC. SPIG. SIL. STANN. SULPH. -Filix nmas -, with emaciation, baryt. calc. fragaria vesca, granatum. CHAPTER XXIII. AFFECTIONS OF THE URINARY ORGANS, BLADDER, rIDNEYS, ETC, Bladder, affectlons:of the, acon. Constrictionl of bladder, caps. ant. ars. asa. bell, bor. CALC. phos-ac. puls, sass. c~mph. cann. CANT1I. caps. Contact causes a pain, in recarb-v. cic. clem, con. dig. DULC. gion of bladder, canth. puls. GRAPH. hell. loyose. kal. lach. Cramp-pains of the bladder, laur. lyc. MERC. mez. Nux VOM. prun. phosph. PRHO-AC. PULS. sam. - -, kidneys, sulph. sep. SULPH. mgt-aus. Cutting iii urethra, A.-T. canth. Burning in urethra, ambr caps. colch. con. DIG. lach. lye. anrt. ars. bry. calc. CANN. clem. MERC. PHOS-AC. sep. zinc. colch. cupr. kal. kal-bi. ]act. -- in bladder, canth. caps. kal. mere. natr. nitr-ac. par. petr, lach. LYe. mang, phiosphl. phos-ac. sep. staph. - in kidneys, canth. clemn. mere. SULPH. thuj. n-mosch., bladder, acon. colch. lach. Cystitis (see Inflammation). rhab. sep. Diabetes, aur. baryt. carb-v. -, kidneys, bell. hep. con. led. magn-c. meph. mere. Catarrh of the bladder, arg-n? mur-ac. natr-m. nitr-ac. phosph. ant. calc. con. DULC. kal. nux PHOS-AC. sulph. vom. phosph. PULS. SULPH. Discharge from urethra, agar. Closed, bladder as if, op. seneg. AGN. ant. arg-n. calc. CANN. 792 AFFECTIONS OF THE URINARY ORGANS, ETC. canth. CAPS. dulc. ferr. hep. ties, Coca. con. nux oro. PHosMERC. mez. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux AC. PULS. sulph. vom. PULS. SASS. SULPH. THUx. Dysuria, paralytic, aeon. ARS. Discharge, bloody (see H-ema- bell. caus. cic. cin. DULC. HYoso. turia). lact. laur. mgt-aus. Discharge of pus from ure- -, of pregnant females, Cocc. thra, CANN. CANTH. caps. clem. con, nux vom. PHOS-AC. PULs. con. ipec. MERC. MERc-C. natr- sulph. m. nitr-ac. nux vor. sabin. SAss. -, spasmodic, bell. canth. caps. sulph. thuj. caus. cin. coloc. ign. ]ach. lye. -, slimy, agar. agn. ant. calc. NUX VOM. Or. PULS. rhus. veCANN. canth. CAPS. DULC. ferlr ratr. HEP. MERC. mez. natr-m. nitr-ac. -—, after spirituous drinks, ars. nux vom. PULS. sass. SULPr. bell. calc. hep. lach. mere. NUX thuj. VOM. PULS. SULPn., thick, MERC. MERC-C., with stricture, CLEM. dulc., viscous, agar. nux vom. mere. PETR. puls. rhus. SULPH. -, watery, CANN.MERc.MERc-c. -, after getting wet, alum calc. -, yellowish, AGN. CANN. cop. PULS. SASS. SULPH. MERC. natr-m. thuj. ElRissiont of urine: Drawing pain in urethra, -, difficult, ars. BELL. calc-ph. colch. puls. zinc. cann. canth. con. dig. euphorb. bladder, rhod. magn-m. n-jugl. N-MOSCH. plumb., region of kidneys, clem. n- ran. sec. mnosch. -, dribbling, arg-n. bry. CALC. Dribbling (see Emission of KAL. Inch. natr. petr. rhod. SaUrine). LEN. sil. staph. thuj. Drop running along the ure-, drop by drop, arn. BELL. thra, sense of a, lact. thuj. cautph. CANN. CANTH. caps. ysria, ACN.ANcaus. clem. colch. con. cop. dros. Dysuria, ACON. ARN. ars. aur.Tr T*ULC.- euphorb. graph. mere. baryt. BELL. cal. camph. CANN. n-jugl. up-moscr. NUX VOM. CANTH. caps. cans. colch. coloc. petj. plumb. pru. PULS. thus. con. diq. DULC. graph hell. he bin. se. sheig. stape. strai. Iyosc. kal. lach. laur. lye. MERC. SULPH. MGT AUS mn!r-ac. n-mosch. NUX VOM., frequent, amm. anac. ant. phosph. phos-ac. plumb. PUL R AUR. BART. bar-m. bell. ARG. AUR. BARYT. bar-in. bell. rhus rut. abin. sass, staph bism. bor. bovy. BRY. CALC. calcstram. SULPH. veratr. mgt-aus. ph. CAUS. chel. cof. cupr. catarrhal, acon. bell. Duic. DAPHN. euphr. ign. KAL KREOS. mere. Nux VOM. PULS. LACH. lecd LYC. MERC. mur-, after a concussion, arn. Cic. ac. NITR. n-jugl. Nux voM. con. rhus. PULS. OLEAND. petr. phosph. PHOS-, after fright, acon. BELL. AC. plat. plumb. RHUS. RUTA. hyosc. OP. veratr. sang. sass. SIL. spig. SQUILL. -, hsemorrhoidal, aeon. ars. stann. STAPH. sulph. ualer. VEcalc. carb-v lach. merc. NUX RATR. zinc. VOM. PULS. SULPH. —, unfrequent, ACoN. agar. ARN. inflammatory, ACON. bell. ARS. AUR. BELL. BRY. camph. CANN. CANTH. cop. dig. dulc. CANTH.o chin. COLCe. fluor-ac. MERC. NUX VOM. PULS. sabin. hep. HYosc. LAUR. MERC. Nux sass. sulph. VOM. Or. PLUMB. prun. puls. ruta. -, with lithiasis, calc. cann. SEc. stann. STRAM. stront. s/lph. LYC. nux vom. petr. phosph. -, interrupted, carb-a. CAUS. SASS. sep. sil. CLEM. CON. DULC. kal. phos-ac., ~with. menstrual irregulari- pluls. su1ph. thuj. zinc..mgt-ae,.. EMISSION OF URIi-RE. 7193 Enission of urine: Enuresis, ACON. bar-m. bell. -, involuntary, acon. ARN. ars. calc-ph. cann. dig. HYosc. merc. bar-m. BELL. bry. carb-a. CARB. squill. STRAM. VERATR. V. CAUS. chain. cic. CIN. con. -, with colic, aecon. veratr. dig. dulc. graph. HEP. HYOSC. -, with diarrhcea, acon. bell. ign. kreos. lach. laur. lye. magn- puls. c. mere. NATR-Mr. n-jugl. petr., with emaciation, mere. PULS. RIIUS. RUTA. SEP. sil. spig. -, with headache, veratr. stram. SULPH. tart. veratr. -, with hunger, bell. veratr. ZINC. MGT-AUS., with languor, calc-ph. -, when passing wind,, with nausea, veratr. puls. sulph. -, nocturnal, ALUM. AMm. amm—, ----, when walking, arn. n. anac. arg-n. ARN. ARS. baryt. bry. caus. natr-m. puls. ruta. BELL. bor. bov. bry. CALC. calczinc. ph. carb-a. carb-v. CAUS. CIN. —, when coughing, ant. coff. con. cupr. daphn. dig. dros. caps. CAUS. colch. BkreosF. NATnR-M. GRAPH. hep. jod. kreos. lach. lact. phosph. uls. p Qul staph. Sagn-c. magn-m. meph. merc. sulph. verat:. ZISNC. natr. NATR-M. petr. phos-ac. -, -, at night, during sleep NUX VOM. OP. PULS. RaUs. ruta. (see Wetting the Bed). sabin. sang. sass. SEP. SIL. spig. during rest, rhus. SQUILL. stram. SULPH. sulph-ac. -, oozing, ar. PETR. PUl. tart. thuj. MGT-AUS. zinc. -, during sleep, (see Wetting -, -, when sitting, puls. the Bed.) acon. agar. arg-n. alum, -. when standing, bell. ambr. amm. ant. BELL. caRIC. -, day and night. caus. CANN. CANTH. carb-a. chin., nocturnal (see Wetting the colch. hep. lach. LYC. mere. oBe(d). natr-mn. nitr-ac. n-mosch. Nux —. painful, ar. ba-m. bell. calc- VoM. petr. phosph. PULS. rhab. ph. camnph. CANN. CANTH. ruta. SASS. sep. sil. sulph. thuj. caus. clem. colch. coloc. con., with pain in small of back, DULC. hep. lye. mere. natr n. hos-ac. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. NUX VOA. —, with sweat, acon. bell. op. phosph. phos-ac. plumb. puls. with thirst, bell. veratr. ran. sass. sep. stann. STAPH., ith weakness in small of SULPH. thuj. veratr. zinc. back, puls. Foreign body in kidneys, as —, scanty, ACON. agar. anm. if, nux Vom. auac. arg. ant. aur. aur-m. BELL. Ful, bladder as if, calad bry. CANN. CANTH. CARB-V. caus. Gonorrhaea, acon. agn. arg-n. chel. COLCH. cupr. DIG. dros. eu- CANN. CANTH. caps. clem. cop. phorb. fluor-ac. HELL. Hrosc. dig. dule. ferr. hep. led. lye. JOD. kal. lach. LAUR. led. mayn- MERC. MERC-c. mez. natr-m. nitrm. men. MERC. natr. nitr-ac. n- ac. nux vorm. petr. puls. rhua jug].NUX VOM.OP. petr. phosph. sabin. selen. sep. sulph. thuj.phosph-ac. plumb. PULS. rius. Cinnabaris, cubebae, petroseliRUTA. sabad. sabin. sass sil. num. spong. STAPH. sulph. tart. ve-, acute, inflammatory, corn ratr. CANN. CANTH. MIra. kRac-O. s —, uppressed, ACON. alum. are. sulph.-Cinnabaris. aur. BELL. bism. CANTf. colch. -., chronic, AGN. CANN. caps. dig. graph. hell. HYosc. JOD. kal- con. dig. dulc. ferr. hep, led, lye. bi. LAUR. nux vom. OP. PLUMB. MERC. mez. natr-m. NITR-AC. nUX ruta. sass. SEC. STRAM. sulph. vom. petr. sabin. selen, SEP. VERAT-R. SULP. t/huj. —Ci n;aari&. 34 I 94 AFFECTIONS OF THE ITRTNARY ORGA,S ETC. Gonorrhuea, greenish,CANN. Inflalmmation of the kidMERc. MERc. —C innabaris. neys, alum. BELL. CANN. CANTI., with difficult urination, aeon. colch. hep. kal-bi. lye. Nux voM. CANN. CANTH. dig. mere. sulph. PULS. sass. -Petroselinum. Ischuria, acon. ARN. AUR. -, with orchitis, ACON. arn. BELL. CAMPH. CANN. CANTH. eon. AUR. mere. nitr-ac. puls. rhod. cycl. diq. dule. hep. hyose. lach. --—, milky and thick, CANN. laur. Lyc. NUX VOM. Or. CArs. ferr. mere. nux vom. sulph. plumb. prun. PULS. rhus. ruts. --—, with stricture, arg-n. CANN. sabin. stann. STRAM. SULPH. CLEM. petr. rhus. sulp/h. veratr. ZINC. (Comp. Dyschuria.) Gravel, alum. ambr. amm. ANT. —, inflammatory, ACoN. bell. am. CALC. CANN. canth.chin. lach. CANN. CANTH. cop. dig. dule. LYC. natr-m. nitr-ae. n-mosch. MERC. NUX VOM. PuLS. sabin. Nux ora. PETR. PHOSPH. RUTA. sass. sulph. SEP. SIL. SASS. sulph. thuj. ZINC. —, spasmodic, bell. CANTEs. caps. Haematuria, amm. ant. arg- cans. cin. coloc. iqn. lach. lye. n. ARN. ARS. CALC. CANN. NUX VOM. OP. PULS. rhus. veCANTH. caps. caus. CHIN. CON. ratr. euphorb. HEP. IrPE. Lye. MERC. -, paralytic, acon. ARS. bell. MEZ. NUX VOM. phosph. plumt,. caus. cic. cin DULC. D HYos.. ach. PULS. sep. SULPH. tart. zinc. Inur. mgt-anus., with burning, puls. —, painful, aeon. ain. AuR. -, with constipation, lye. CANTI. PULS. —, after gonorrhcea, CANN. Itching of the urethra, alum. CANTIT. pUls. ambr. anac. ars. canth. ign, lye. -, after injuries, ARN. con. mere. mez. natr-m. nux vom. sep. psls. RHUS. SULPH. thuj. zinc. -, with labored breathing, con. Neck of the bladder, affections -, with nausea, Iec. of the, acon. alum. arn. ars. --—,with pains in bladder, ipec. CAMPH. CANN. CANTCI. caps. PULS. cham. con. DIG. guaj. ign. lye. -, with pains in the kidneys, Nux voM. petr. plumb. PULS. CANTH. ipec. lye. PULS. SULPH. rnta. sep. stann. sulph. sulph-ac. -, with paralysis of the legs, Numb feeling in region of kidlye. neys, alum. cann. coce. colch. -—, with stomach-ache, ipec. nux vom. plumb., after suppressed eruptions, —, urethra, magn-nm. ars. calc. con. SULPH. Pains or ailnents durHaemorrhoids of the blad- ing, before, and after der, aeon. ars. BOR. cale. carb-v. inicturition: dulc. graph. lach. mere. NUX —, anguish, feeling of, during, VOM. PULS. SULPR. aeon. carb-v. cham. dig. graph. Inflammation of the ure- phos-ac. thra, ACON. bell. CANN. CANTH. -, blood, discharge of, after, dig. dulc. MERC. NUX VOM. hep. zinc. PULS. sabin. sass. sulph. --—, bright vision, after, eugen. -, bladder, ACON. cale. CAMPH. -—, burning, after, brom. CALC. CANN. CANTH. DIG. graph. CANN. con. mere. natr. puls. hyosc. kal. lye. mez. Nux vow. seneg. teucr. thuj. zinc. PuLa sep. suloh. -, burning, before, bry. cann., neck of bladder, AcoN. cap. camph. CANN. CANTH. caps. -, during, ACON. alum. chain. con. DIG. guaj. ign. lye. ARS. CALe. camph. CANN. canth. Nvr voM. petr. plumb. PULS. caps. caus. chain. cletn. coch. ruts. sop. staph. sdph. sulph-ae. eupr. dig. ign. kal. kal-bi. lach. MICTURITION. 795 magn-c. MERC. NATR. nitr-ac. n- Pains or ailments durmosch. PnosPH. PHos-AC. prun. ing, before, and after puls. rbab. sabad. sabin. sass. niicturition: SENEG. spig. staph. SULPH. sulph- -, after, asar. chin. ruta. ac. teucr. thuj. veratr. viol-tric., shuddering, after, eugen. zinc. plat. Pains or ailments dur- -, sore, pain as if, before, cop. ing, before, and after -, during, arg-n. bov. micturition: canth. CARB-V. clem. daphn. IGN. -, burning in the bladder, dur- lye. magn-c. merc-c. nitr-ac. nux ing, nux vom. rhab. vom. PHOSPH. SEP., burning in the bowels, dur- -, aftel;r, bor. chinin. cop. ing, lach., spasm of the bladder, dur—, burning at the lips of the ing, asa. vulva, before, dulc. - -, after, asa. PULS., contractive pain, during, dig. -, stitching, during, calc-ph. - -, after, chinin. cupr. cyc]. mere. seneg. sulph. -, cutting, before, bry. canth. thuj. dig. -, after, con. mere..- -, during, ANT. bell. canth., tearing, during, nux vonm. CON. n-mosCIh. PHOS-AC. sulph. sulph., after, canth. DIG. mere. -, tenesmus, during, ag. arn., discharge of mucus, during, colch. rhus. calc. mere. - -, after, ang. squill., involuntary stool, during, -, ulcerative pain, during, argmur-ac. n. -, itching, before, cop. nux vom. -, urging to urinate, after, ruta. - -, during, LYc. nux vom. stapbl. zinc., after, cop. Lye. nux —, weakness before and after, vom. nux vom., nausea, before, dig. Paralysis of the bladder, ARs. - -., after, dig. hell. laur., pain at the bladder, before, —, neck of the bladder, aeon. tart. ARS. bell. cic. DuMc. Hyosc..- -, during, hell. puls. rhod. lach. laur. mgt-aus. ruta. sulph-ac. Pinching in the urethra, lye., pain at glands, during, aeon. Polypi of the bladder, CALC. anac. con. mere. phosph. puls. sil.,- after, anac. staph. thuj. -, pain in groin, during, fluor- Pressure in urethra,colch.puls. ac. rhod. teucr. -,pain at kidneys, before, rhab. —, bladder, aeon. arn. nur chin.:- -, during, kal-bi. lach. colch. Cox. LACH. lact. NITRpuls. AC. puls. iihus. ruta. sass. SEP., pain in pudendum, during, SQUILL. tart. zinc. thuj. —, kidneys, kal. ran-sc. thuj., pain at os sacrum, during, zinc. graph. Relaxation of the bladder, -, pain at spermatic cord, dur- mur-ac. ing, bell. clem. Rolling, like a ball, in the —, pain at stomach, during, urethra, lach. laur. Sediment, acon. alum. AMBR. -—, pressure at the bladder, be- amnm. amm-m. ant. ARN. ARs. fore, ang. chin. con. baryt. bar-m. bell. BRY. calc.. —-----—, during, asar. hep. ye- CAMPH. cann. CANTU. caps. carbratr. a. carb-v. caus. CHAX. CHIN. 968 AFFECTIONS OF THE URINARY ORGANS, ETC. chinin. COLCH. COLOC. CON. chinin. lach. LYC. natr-m. nitrdaphn. dig. DULC. euphorb. ac. n-mnosch. Nux voM. PETR. graph. hyosc. jod. ipec. kal. PHOSPH. puls. SASS. SEP. SL. kreos. LacI. laur. LYC. mang. thuj. ZINC. MERC. mnez. NATR-M. nitr. Sedinelt, slimy, ant. ARs. aur. NITR-AC. n-mosch. nux vom. calc. canth. carb-v. coloc. con. oleand. op. petr. PHOSPH. DULc. hep. kal-bi. MERC. natr. P110S-AC. PULS. rhus. ruta. NATR-M. nitr-ac. nux vom. PULS. SASS. sec. selen. SENEG. SEP. sass. seneg. sulph. SIL. spong. SQUILL. SULPH. --—, strong-smelling, chinin. fluorsulph-ac. tart. thazj. VALER. ZiNC. ac. Sediinenit, bloody, aeon. cann. —, thick, alum. bell. CAMPH. canth. dubc. lye. phos-ac. puls. kal-bi. laur. mere. phos-ac. SEP. SULPII-AC. spong. SuLPIr. -, blue-red, arum. —, thready, cann. canth. mere., bluish, prun. mez. nitr-ac. seneg. tart. brick-dust, aeon. amtm. armm- —, turbid, con. rhus. zinc. m. ARN. bell. camph. CANrH. -, violet-red, mang. puls. CHIN. chinin. daphn. graph. —, white, alum. baryt. bell. ecale. ipec. iaur. krens. LACH. LYC. colch. ddeic. graph. hep. kal-bi. mez. NATR-M. nux von. op1). par. kreos. nitr-ac. petr. phosph. PHOSPH. plat. PULS. sass. se- phos-ac. prun. rhus. sep. spig. len. SEP. SQUILL. sulph. VALER. spong. sulph. zinc., brown, ambr. lach. —, yellow and turbid, con. rhus., clay-colored, amm-m. chinin., yellowish, amln. BARYTr. sass. sep. sulph. su ph-ac. zinc. canth. CHAM. CHIN. chinin. CuPR. -, cloudy, AMBR. ant. BRY. LACH. LYC. PHOSPH. SIL. SPONG. carb-v. CAus. chin. kal. lach. SULPH-AC. ZINC. MERC. NITR. par. PETR. PHos-Ac. Softening of the kidneys, kalplat. r1hod. sass. SENEG. TIIUJ. bi. --—, crystals, FERR. itur. ant. Sore, pain in urethra, as if, chinin. selen. baryt. cop. lach. mez. natr., earthy, mang. phosph. prun. sep. teucr. -, filamentous, (see Thready.), kidneys, zinc. -, flocculent, cann. cham. mere. Spasm of the bladder, asa. mrez. nitr-ac. sass. seneg. tart. zinc. caps. clem. phos-ac. puls. sass. --—, flour-like, cale. chin. graph. sep. mere. natr-m. phos-ac. sulph. Stinging in urethra, bry. ecalc. tart. ph. cann. canth. caps. con. cupr. -, gelatinous, coloc. PHOS-AC. lach. lye. mang. mere. merc-c. PULs. par. petr. sep. sulph. tart. thuj. granular, ambr. canth. chi- viol-tric. nin. LYC. natr-m. nitr-ac. ruta. in bladder, canth. lye. sulph. SASS. selen. SEP. sil. ZINC. tart. —, gray, con. hyosii. spong.,in kidneys, aeon. bell. canth. -, oily, cale. chin. hep. jod. par. chin. dig. hep. kal. nitr. phospetr. phosph. puls. ran-sc. v purulent, cann. canth. clem. lye. nux voin. puls. sep. Stone, ant. calc. CANN. LYe. red filaments, tart. phosph. ruta. SASS. sil. zinc., red gravel, ant. chinin. selen. Stream: red sand, alum. natr-m. nitr-, thin, feeble, camph. canth. ac. phosph. sep. sil. chin. graph. mere. prun. puls. -, red clouds, ambr. nitr. samb. spong. staph. sulph. -, sandy, alum. ambr. amm. -, scattering, CANN. canth. ant. CAN.. cauth., chin. rhun. STREAM, STRICTURE, ETC. 797 Stream, slow, camph. chin. MERC-C. mez. natr-m. nitr-ac. mere. plat. nux vom. petr. PuLS. rhus. sabin. -—, feeble, cale-ph. cham. hell. selen. sep. SULPH. thuj. mere. mgt-aus. Urethra, diseases of the, (see, interrupted, carb-a. CAUS. the particular diseases.) CLEM. CON. DULC. kal. phos-ac. Urinate, urging to, ACON. puls. sulph. thuj. zinc. mgt-aus. alum. arnbr. amm. ant. arg. arg-, large, agn. n. am. sar. asar. ARYT. BELL. bor. Stricture of the urethra, arn. bov. BRY. calc-ph. CANN. bell. bry. cale. camph. canth. CANTH. CAPS. carb-a. CARB-V. carb-v. chin. cic. CLEM. COCC. CAUS. chin. chinin. chlor. cic. con. dig. dule. graph. lye. magn- cin. Cocc. coloc. COLCH. con. cop. m. mere. nux vom. PETR. DIG. dros. DULC. euphorb. phosph. puls. rhus. sil. spong. GRAPH GUAJ. HELL. hyOSC. SULPIT. IGN. KAL. kal-bi. kreos. iach. —. callous, after gonorrhiea, arnm. lact. led. LYC. magn-c. magn-m. cale. campih. canth. carb-v. cic. mang. men. meph. MERC. MURCLEM. con. dig. dulc. graph. lye. AC. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-oc. magn-m. mere. PETR. phosph. n-jugl. NUX VOM. par. petr. puls. rhus. sil. spong. SULPH. Pnosrn. PHOS-AC. PULS., spasmodic, bell. camph. RHUS. RUTA. SABAD. SABIN. canth. cic. coce. NUX VOM. scrmb. sang. SASS. sec. SEP. sil. PULS. sj.iq. SPONG. SQUILL. stann. -- sense of, arg-n. bry. dig. STAPH. stram. SULPH. tart. graph. thuj. verb. viol-tric. Supputration of bladder, -, in the afternoon, bell. canth. -, with burning in abdomen, —, kidneys, canth. kal-bi. PULS. lach. Swelliing of urethra, arg-n., with colic, lach. pils. cop. led. nitr-ac. rhus., with copious emission, ALUM. -, neck of bladder, PULS. ARG. ARS. BARYT. BELL.CARBTearing in the urethra, coleh. A. chin. chinin. chlor. cin. colch. natr. ruta. sulph. cycl. HELL. KREOS. LACH. a]nct. Tenesnlus of the bladder, arn. AIUR-AC. NATR. NATR-M. NITR. calc. CANN. CANTII. caps. colch. n-jugl. RHUS. samb. spig. spong. lach. MERC. Inur-ac. Nux VOM. squill. STANN. tarax. thuj. verb. plumb. prun. PULS. sabad. sass. viol-tric. sil. viol-tric., dav and night, carb-v. kal. Teision in urethra, phosph. magn-m. mere. natr. natr-m. n-, in bladder, tart. jugl. sass. Thickening of the bladder,, after drinking coffee, ign. DULC. -, early in the morning, ambr. Throbbing, in the bladder, in the evening, amm. bell. canth. sabad. -, urethra, canth. mere. —, with heat, phos-ac. -, region of the kidneys, canth. -, with inability to retain the Tumor in urethra, small, lach. urine, ambr. baryt. BELL. bor. Twitching in urethra, natr. bry. calc. carb-a. CHIN. con. dig. phosplh. IGN. kreos. magn-c. MERC. natr-, region of the kidneys, canth. m. NITR-AC. phosph. PHOS' Ulcer of bladder, ran. AC. prun. PULS. RHUS. RUTA. Ulcerative pain in urethra, spong. SQUILL. tart. arg-n., ineffectual, acon. am. bor. Urethra, affections of the, camph. CANTH. caps. CAus. aeon. arg-n. bell. CANN. chan. chin. coloc. cop. DIG. hell. CANTH. caps. clem. cop. dig. hyosc. kal. lye. mere. NUX dule. ferr. hep. led. lye. -MERo VOM. PET.. phoposp phos-a: 798 AFFECTIONS OF THE URINARY ORGANS, ETC. plumb. PULS SASS. SEP. 8il. lact. merc. NITR-AC. PETR. PHOSPH. SULPH. veratr. prun. PULS. SULPH. sulph-ac. Urinate, urging to, when lift- tart. ing a load, bry. Urine, quality of the: —, at night, ALUM. AMM. amm- -, burning, acon. ars. camph. m. anac. ARN. ARS. baryt. BELL cann. caps. carb-a. dig. dulc. bor. boy. bry. CALC. calc-ph. carb- kreos. lact. lyt. mere. phosph. a. carb-v. CAUS. CIN. coff. con. sec. cupr. daphn. dig. dros. GRAPH. -, cat's urine, smelling of, BoR. hep. jod. kreos. lach. lact. magn- viol-trie. c. magn-m. meph. mere. natr. -, clay-colored, anac. sabad. NATR-M. Nux voM. op. petr. sass. sulph-ac. zinc. phos-ac. PULS. RHus. ruta. —, cloudy, AMBR. ant. BRY. sabin. samb. sang. sass. SEP. carb-v. CAUST. chin. kal. lach. SIL. spig. SQUILL. stratn. SULPH. MERC. NITR. PETR. PHOS-AC. rhod. sulph-ac. tart. thu j. MGT-AUS. sass. SANG. THUJ. -, with pain in bladder, fluor-, cold, agar. nitr-ac. ac. hell. nux vom. puls. rhod. -, copious, aeon. agn. ALUM. ruta. sulph-ac. AMBR. amm. amm-m. ang. ant. with pain in groin, rhod. ARG. arg-n. ars. baryt. bell. bism. -, with pain in perineumn, tart. calc-ph. CANTH. carb-a. CARB-V. -, with pain in small of back, caus. chel. chlor. cin. clem. coff. lach. colch. CoLoc. cycl. DAPHN. dig., with pale face, phos-ac. euphr. GUAJ. hep. hyosc. ign. jod., with scanty emission, aeon. kal-bi. KREOS. lach. lact. LED. agar. amm. anac. ang. ant. aur. MERC. MUR-AC. NATR. NATRaur-m. bell. brom. bry. CANN. M. nitr. OLEAND. PHOSPII. PHOSCARB-V. caus. chel. colch. cupr. AC. PULS. rhab. rhod. RHUS. DIG. dros. euphorb. fluor-ac. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sass. hell. hyosc. jod. kal. lach. led. sec. seneg. SPIG. spong. SQUILL. magn-m. men. MERC. nitr-ac. n- stront. SULP. teuc. valer. jugl. NUX VOM. petr. phosph VERB. mgt-arct. phos-ac. plumb. PULS. Rnus.-, dark, saturated, aeon. ant. RUTA. sabad. sabin. sass. sil. ARN. ars. BELL. BRY. calc. calcSPONG. STAPH. SULPH. tart. ph. canth. caps. CARB-V. chin. VERATR. COLCH. dig. dros. graph. hell. hep. -, with thirst, caus. phos-ac. jod.. ipec. kal. lach. lyVC. MERCe. tart. veratr. natr. nitr-ac. nux voez. op. Urine, quality of the: phosph. petr. puls. rhus. selen., acrid, arn. BOR. calc. CANN. SEP. squill. staph. stront. SULPH. CAUST. graph. HEP. jod. kal. TART. veratr. mgt.arc. kreos. laur. MERC. natr-nz. -—, diminished, ACON. alum. phos. prun. rhus. sang. tart. amrbr. arn. BELL. bry. CANN. thuj. verat. CANTI-. CARB-V. caust. chinin., ammoniacal, asa. carb-v. COLCH. coloc. DIG. dulc. fluorchinin. jod. mosch. nitr-ac. petr. ac. GRAPH. grat. HELL. hep. phosph. stront. HYOSC. JOD. ipec. kal. kreos. blackish, colch. LAUR. led. MERC. mez. nitr-ac., bloody, ambr. arg-n. ARN. NUX VOM. OP. par. phos. ARS. cale. camph. CANN. canth. PLUMB. puls. RHus. RUTA. sass. CAPS. CHIN. con. hep. IPEC. lye. SEC. seneg. squill. stann. STAPH. MERC. MEZ. fLux vom. op. STRAM. stront. SULP. sulp-ac. PHOSPH. PULS. sass. see. sep. VERAT. squill. sulph. tart. thuj. zinc. —, fetid, ambr. ARs. bor. cal. --—, brown, aeon. ambr. ant. ARN. CARB-A. CARB-VEG. coloc. cupr. ars. asa. BELL. BRY. cale. CAUS. daphn. dulc. GUAJ. kreos. MERC. COLCe. dig. DRos. kreos. LAcH. natr. NITR-AC. petr. phos. phos. URINE. 799 ac. PVLS. rhod. seteg. stratn. graph. MERC natr. nitr-ac. SULP. viol-tric. petr. Urine, quality of the: Urine, quality of the: -, frothy, chinin. laeh. laur. lyc. —, spoiled eggs, smelling of, seneg. spong. daphn., greenish, ARS. aur. CAMPH. _ —, strong-smelling, chinin. dros. chin. jod. kal. magn-c. RHAB. —, tenacious, arg. canth. coloc. rhod. RUTA. seneg. VERATR. cupl. dulc. kreos. phos-ac. —, hot, aeon. ars. bry. calc-ph. —, thick, camph. carb-v. CoN. canth. chain. coleb. dig. hep. dule. nux vem. plumb. sabad. lact. mere. nitr-ne. nux vom. sulph-ac. phos-ac. see. squill. -, thick, becoming, coloc., inflammatory, bell. colch. seneg. kal. par. plumb. sass. tart. —, turbid, becoming, ang. aur, (Comp. Red.) bry. caust. chainm. chinin. cin., jumentous, see Turbid. dule. graph. eep. merec. mez. phos-, light-coloured, ant. chinin. ac. plat. rhus. seneg. sulph. sulphcolch. coloc. dulc euphr. ign. ac. zinc. lach. natr-m. niti. n-jugl. sang. —, turbid while passing, alum. —, milky, aur. CARB-V. dule. jod. ambr. anac. ars. bell. canph. mur-ae. PHOS-AC. caln. carb-a. carb-v. cham. CHmN. -. opalescent, jod. par. phosph. chinin. CIN. CON. CupI1. CYCl. puls. sulph. DCLC. hep. ign. ipec. kreos. lach. -, pale, watery, spastic, alum. MERe. Inosch. natr. phos. plumb. arog-n. arn. AUR. bell. canth. caus. 1pis. AhuS. SABAD. sass. SEP. chel. chinin. colebh. COLOC. CON. sulph. tart. veratr. viol-tric. dig. hep. ign. magn-e. IUR-A. -, violets, smelling like, lact. natr-m. NIT1R. n-jugl. nux vomr. n-mosch. P-IOSPH. PIIOS-AC. plat. PuLS. —, watery, (see Pale.) rhus. sang. sass. sec. sep. STAPIH. -, white and turbid, cann. strain. strolnt. SULPH. sulph-ac. chin. CON-. CYCe. rhus. —, pungent smell, having a, bor. —, whitish, alum. amm. am. calc. aur. bell. cann. canth. carb-v. -, purulent, cann. canth. clem. caust. chin. CIN. CON. CYCi. lye. nux vom. puls. sabin. sep. dulc. hep. jod. MERC. mur-ac. -, red, reddish, ACON. amm-m. natr-mur. nitr-ac. p]os. PRlOSANT. ARnN. aur. aur-m. BELL. BRT. AC. rhus. sec. SULP. cale. CAMPLI. cam. canth. caps. —, yellowish, agar. AMBR. amm, CARB-V. caust. chin. chinin. ang. ant. ARtN. aur. BELL. cantth COLCH. con. cupI. daphn. dig. carb-v. CHAM4. CHIN. colch. daphn. dros. dule. hell. HEP. ipec. kal. hyosc. ign. IPEC. LACH. lat. led. kal-bich. lach. MERC. NUX magn-m. natr. nitr. prun. RHAB. VOM. petr. plat. phosp. plumb. samnb. SASS. spong. veratr. ZINC. PtUns. rhab. sass. selen. SEP. Weakness of bladder, alum. SQUILL. staph. SULP. snlp-ac. magn-m. rhab. TART. VERAT. Wettiing the bed, acon. amm., red as blood, bell. CALe. am. ars. BELL. bry. calc. carbcarb-v. COFF. hep. mere. petr. v. CAUS. cham. chin. CIN. rhus. SEP. sulph-ac. con. graph. hep. mere. natr-m., sandy, alum. amm. ambr. n-jugl. op. petr. PULS. Rius. ant. CALC. CANNT. canth. chin. ruta. seneg. SEP. SIL. stram. chinin. lach. LYC. natr-mur. SULPH. mgt-acs. nitr-ac. n-moseh. NUX VOM. —, in the first part of the night, PETR. PHOSPII. puls. SASS. sep. SEP. sil. thuj. ZINC. Wornm, feeling in bladder, as of,, sour-smelling, AMBa. calc. bell. CHAPTER XXIV. AFFECTIONS OF THE MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. Amorous paroxysms, aeon. Constriction of the prepuce, ant. fluor-ac. hyose. op. stram. CANN. MERC. NITR-AC. rhus. veratr. sabin. sep. SULPH. thuj. Aversion to an embrace, (see Contraction of testes, alum. Embrace.) mere. nux vom. plumb. -, to females, amm. -, spermatic cord, alum. nux Balannorrhcea, alum. caus. vorm. chin. lach. lye. MERC. mez. Cramp-pains, graph. spong. natr. natr-m. NITR-AC. Nux -, testes, spong. VOM. SEP. SULPH. THUJ.-Cinna- Cutting of glans, lye. baris. Dampness of the glans, alum. Blotches on parts, lye. caus. chin. lach. lye. MERC. Bruised, pain as if, aeon. arg. mez natr. natr-m. NITR-AC. am. calc. con. dig. kal. natr. Nux vox. SEP. SULPH. THUJ.rhod. Ciznnabaris. -, testes, arg. arn. cale. con., scrotum, carb-v. PETR. SIL. dig. natr. S UJ. -, scrotum, aeon. kal. SJLPH. THuJ. pei, scrotum, acon. kal. —, between the thighs, baryt., penis, arm. carb-v. hep. PETR. Burning, ars. bov. calc. mere. nux vom. plat. staph. sulph. rawng n glans, jod. kal. tart. viol-tric. magt. lact.lyc. glants, ars. nux vom. tart. -., testes, agar. amm. chin. clem. gviol-tric., ars. nux tart coce. MERC. natr. nitr-ac. PULS. -, testes, plat. staph. rhod. staph. thuj. veratr. zinc. -, tenist, mer. samb. Y, penis, kal. lact. ran-sc. rhod., seminal vesicles, ambr. ma mgt-us., spermatic cord, magft. spermatic cord, agn. clem., prepuce, ars. calc. mere. nux lact. ang. merc nitr-ac. NU vom. sulph. Chancre, (see Ulcers.) Drawing-up of testes, bell. Coldness of the parts, AGN. coloc. euphr. jod. men. nux vom. cann. caps. mere. sulph. plumb. puls. rhod. thuj. ZINC., scrotum, caps. mere. mgt-aus., penis, mere, sulph. Dryness of glans, calad. -, prepuce, sulph. -, prepuce, alum. calad. ign. EMBRACE, EMISSIONS, ETC. 801 mur-ac. natr. nux vom. SIL. Embrace, thrill, deficient, veratr. anac. calad. plat. Embrace, aversion to, agn. --- -, toothache, after, daphn. cann. chlor. clem. KAL. LYC. —, vertigo, after, bov. phosph. rhod. magt., vomiting, after, moseh., ailments, accompanying an, -, weakness, after, AGAR. agar. alum. bov. cale. carb-v. calc. con. KAL. lye. PETR. selen. llin. graph. kal. mere. natr. nux sep. vom. phos-ac. puls. selen. sep. —, desire for an, ant. CALC. staph. CANTH. CARB-V. CHIN. con. ign. --— ~ --—, back-ache, after, magn- LACH. MoSCH. NATR-I-. nitr-ac. m. PHOSPH. PuLS. sass. SEP. sil. spig. - —, bruised as if, after, sil. stann. stram. veratr. zinc. mgt—, dimness of sight, after, arc. (Comp. Sexual desire exkal. cited.) -- —, dulness of the head, —, without excitement of the after, baryt. calc. parts, LACH. sulph. - -, dry mouth, after, nux Emissions, alum. AMM. anac. vom. anth. arg. ars. aur. baryt. bar-m. - —, emission, without, calad. bell. bism. b onm. calc. canth. eugen. graph. KAL. LACH. lye. carb-a. CARB-V. CAUS. CHIN. - -- -, feeble, CALc. con. cic. coff. CON. diq. ferr. graph. natr-m. PHOSPH. su]ph-ac. KAL. ]act. led. LYC. magn-c. - -- -—, slow, CALC. eugen. imagn-m. mere. mosch. natr. fluor-ac. LACH. lye. zinc. vtatr-m. NTITR-AC. NUX VOM., quick, brom. op. par. PETR. PHOSPH. PHOScalad. carb-v. con. lye. PnosPH. AC. plumb. PULS. ran. ran-sc. plat. selen. sulph. ZTNC. ihus. ruta. sang. SEP. SIL. -, insufficient, agar. STANN. stap1h. SULPH. tlhuj. plumb. verb. viol-od. viol-tric. ZINC. --- —, falling asleep, during, mgt-arc. mgt-aus. baryt. lyc. -, followed by aggravation of --— ~ -, flatulent colic, during, the pains, alum. graph. -, followed by oppressive, heat, after, nux vom. anxiety, carb-a., ill-humour, after, petr., bloody, caus. led. mere. sil., followed by cold limbs, nux -- -, irritability, after, petr. vom. sil. followed by constipation, ----, mental languor, after, thuj. sep. -, in the day-time, am. canth. - nausea, after, mosch. graph. lach. -—, pain in perineum, after, —, deficient, CALC. KAL. lach. alum. LYC. natr-m. - —, pain in urethra, after, —, followed by dulness of the canth. head, bov. cale. sil. -- _ -, prepuce drawn back, -, followed by weak eyes, kal. after, calad., frequently, AMM. arg-n. bov., relaxed penis, during, CHIN. CON. dig. ferr. CAUS. nux vor. CHIN. CON. dig. ferr. KAL seinal eission, after, LYC. magn-c. natr. natr-m. ---—, seminal emission, after, NITR-AC. nux vom. op. PETRnatr-m. NITR-AC. fUX VoM. op. PETR. PHOSPH. PHOS-AC. plumb. -, sweat, after, AGAR. PULS. sass. SEP. si]. STANN. staph. eugen. natr. SULPH. mgt-arc. - - - -, thirst, after, eugen. -, with lascivious dreams, alum. 34* 802 AFFECTIONS -OF THE MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. arn. ars. aur. baryt. bism. bor. Erections, during stool, ign. bov. calc. carb-a. dig. grat. kal. -, too strong, canth. kreos. lact. phosph. puls. sabin. ZINC. mgtEmissions, after onanism, are. chin. NUX VOM. PHOS-AC. —, during toothache, daphn. puls. SEP., with urging to stool, thuj. -, painful, calc. clem. mosch. -, deficient, AGN. CAUS. CON. natr. sass. GRAPH. HEP. KAL. LACH. LYC. followed by sense of para- MAGN-C. nitr-ac. n-mosch. puls. lysis of one lobe of the brain, rhod. spong. teucr. sil. ----- early in the morning, -, with relaxed penis, bell. GRAPH. calad. con. mosch. nux vom. Eruption, aur. bry. calad. sabad. selen. cann. caus. dulc. graph. hep. without, anac. ars. lach. lye. mere. natr-m. nitr-ac. aur. baryt. bism. calc. cic. guaj. PETR. phos-ac. rhus. sass. SEP. natr. phosph. puls. ran-sc. stann. sil. sulph. tart. verb. zinc. —, on the glans, bry. calad. lach., during the siesta, alum. lye. petr. rhus. sep.-Cinnacarb-a. caus. clem. mere. staph. baris. SULPH. ther. —, scrotum, cale. cann. graph., followed by sweat, lach. natr-m. PETR. phos-aC. rhus. -, followed by weakness, CARB- —, penis, graph. phos-ac. A. CHIN. KAL. lach. LYc. Nux —, hairs, kal-bi. lach. sil. vor. PHOS-AC. sep. —, prepuce, aur. CAUS. dulc. Erections, agn. amm-m. anac. graph. HEP. mere. NITR-AC. PHosarn. CANN. CANTH. CHIN. COLOC. AC. rhus. sass. SEP. sil. SULPH. dig. euphorb. ferr. GRAPH. —, between the thighs, calc. ign. kal. kreos. lact. led. magn- natr-m. PETR. m. mere. NATR. NATR-M. NITR- Erysipelas of scrotum, ARs. AC. n-jugl. NUX VOM. op. mere. PHOSPH. phos-ac. PLAT. plumb. Excoriation, sensation of, PULS. Rnus. seneg. SEP. SIL. (see Sore, Pain.) staph. THUJ. viol-tric. ZINC. Falling off of the hair, bell. magt. myt-are. hell. natr. NATR-M. nitr-ac. -, easily excited, lye. nux vom. RHus. sass. SELEN. phosph. sabin. Fetid smnell of the parts, natrin the evening, phosph. m. sass. sulph., too feeble, agar. baryt. hep. Gangrene of the parts, ars. lye. selen. sulph. canth. laur. rhus., insufficient, con. mgt-aus. Glans, affections of the, alum., in the morning, ambr. brom. ars. can. canth. carb-v. caus. caps. lact. Nux voM. phosph. CHIN. lach. led. Iye. MERC. MEZ. thuj. natr. natr-m. NITR-AC. Nux --—, at night, NluArr.AT. CANTIR-. vTOVI. petr. phosph. phos-ac. rhod. flo MERc NATR. NATRA rhus. sabin. SEP. sil. staph. nitr-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. rhus. SULPT. THUJ.-Cinnabaris.staph. thuj. ZINa. (see the Particular Affections.) ~, painful, alum. bor. CANN. CANTH. hep. ign. kal. lact. Gnawing in testes, plat. phosmere. mosch. natr. nitr-ac. NUX ac. VOM. puls. sabad. seneg. THUJ. Gonorrhoea, (see Chap. —, without sexual desire, ambr. XXIII.) cann. eugen. fluor-ac. lach. phos- Hanging down of the testes, ac. sabad. spig. rnagt. calc. chin. NITR-AC. puls. -, too short, cale. CON. mgt-aus. SULPH. HARDNESS, HEAT, ETC. 803 Hardness of the glans, CANN. AUR. clem. MERC. nitr-ac. sulph. PULS. -, testicles, AGN. arg. aur. bar- Irritation of the parts, aur. m. CLEM. con. graph. jod. lye. carb-v. cocc. coff. graph. lye. MERe. nux vomn. RHOD. spong. natr-m. phosph. plat. sil. sulph. sulph. ItchiNg, agar. AMBR. amnm. - -, right testicle, arg-n. ang. CALC. cann. canth. carb-v. spermatic cord, phos-ac. caus. cocc. coff. CON. eugen. spong. graph. hep. IGN. KAL. kreos., prepuce, LACH. MERC. SULPR. lye. MAGN-M. MERC. natr-m. prostate gland, jod. NITR-AC. nux vom. PETR. puls. Heat, feeling of. sulph-ac. SEP. SIL. SULPH. thzj. Heaviness of the testes, amm., glans, ars. cann. eupt.r natr. mang. mere. nux vom. sil. Hernia scrotalis, lach. MAGN-, testes, mere. nux vom. M. NUX VOM. -, scrotum, carb-v. caus. coc~. Herpes, aur. cans. DULC. HEP. graph. kal. lye. magn-m. meph. mere. natr-m. NITR-AC. PETR. nitr-ac. nux vom. PETR. prun. PHOS-AC. sass. sep. sil. stulph. puls. rhod. selen. sil. staph. -, scrotum, calc. natr-m. PETR. -, penis, cann. ign. nitr-ac., between the thighs, natr-m., spermatic cord, mang. PETR. hairs, agar. carb-a carb-v. -, preeputialis, aur. CAUS. dulc. kal. kal-bi. sulpl,. HEr. merc. NITR-AC. phos-ac. -, between the thighs, carb-v. sass. SEP. sil. supl). petr. Hydrocele, ARN. GRAPH. -, prepuce, aeon. ars. cann. LYC. Nux voM. PULS. RHOD. 2,aus. euphorb. euphr. merc. SIL. SULPH. litr-ae. nux vom. puls. sil. viol-, of scrofulous persons, SIL. tric. mgt-arc. Impotence, (see Sexual Jerking of penis, mez. power, unable.)., spermatic cord, mang,. plumb. Inflamclation, AcoN. ars. Lasciviousness, ant. CALC. calc. cann. canti. con. MERC. CANTH. CARB-V. CHIN. con. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. Nux voM. graph. ign. LACH. mosch. NATR-M. phos-ac. plumb. PULS. sep. nitr-ac. PHOSPH. PULS. sass. SPONG. STAPH. THUJ. mgt-aus. SEP. sil..stann. stram. veratr. -, glans, am. ars. CANN. cupr. zinc. mgt-arc. —Mfjoran. led. MERc. natr. rhus. sass. Nodosities in the glans, bell. —, penis, cann. mere. plumb. Nnmlb feeling of the part6, lymphatic vessels, ambr. mere. Painfulness of testes, aeon. prepuce, calc. cann. MERC. alum. atIm. clem. con. natr. natr. nitr-ac. sulph. phosIph. PHOS-AC. RHOD. selen., prostatic gland, agn. aur. SEP. sil. SPONG. zinc. cann. canth. jod. merc. PULS. Penis, affections of the, ALUM. spong. sulph. THUJ. ambr. ant. arn. ars. bov. bry. scrotum, ARS. phos-ac. plumb. calc. CANN. CANTH. CAPS. —, spermatic cord, nux vom. carb-a. CARB-V. caus. chin. clerm. PULS. colch. CON. GRAPH. hep. ign. ipec. —, testes, AUR. CLEM. CON. LYc. KAL. lach. led. LY(. MERC. MERc. natr. NITR-AC. NUX VOM. mez. natr. natr-m. NITR-AC. NUX PULS. STAPH. ZINC. (comp. Swell- VOM. petr. PHOSPH. phos-ac. ing.) PULS. rhus. sabad. sabin. sass. --, after the mumps, MERC. SEP. sil. STAPH. SULPH. thuj. nux vom. PULS. ZINC.., after gonorrhcea, agn. Phimosis, CANN. MERC. 804 AFFECTIONS OF THE MALE SBXUAL ORGANS. NITR-Ac. rhus. sabin. sep. SULPH. Relaxed, the parts are, ANw. thuj. calad. hell. Pimples, graph. lach. lye. sil. -, penis, mere. prun. Pinching in glans, aeon. Retraction of prepuce, bell. Prepuce, affections of the calad. coloc. ign. natr. natr-m. ars. calad. calc. CANN. caus. chin. nfux vom. prun. sulph. mgt-arc. graph. hep. ign. lach. lye. MERC. Rhagades, ars. mere. SULPH. MERC-C. MEZ. natr. natr-m. -, glans, ars. NITR-AC. nux vom. phosph. --—, prepuce, mere. SULPH. PHOS-AC. rhod. rhus. sabin. Satyriasis, agn. CANTH. sep. SIL. SULPH. thUj. viol-tric. hyosc. MERC. NATR-M. NUX Priapism, arg-n. canD. VOM. phosph. stram. SULPH. CANTH. coloc. GRAPH. ign. kal. veratr. -Majoran. NATR. NATR-M. nitr-ac. NUX Scrotum, affections of the, VOM. op. PHosri. phos-ac. plat. ambr. ant. arn. ARS. baryt. calc. PULS. RHus. SIL. staph. thuj.- cann. car-b-v. caus. chin. CLEM. Majoran. con. GRAPH. hep. kal. lye. mere. Pressing towards the parts, NATR-M. PETR. Pnos-Ac. plat. asa. coloc. plumb. PULS. rhod. RHUS. samb. Pressure in the testes, aur. sep. SIL. staph. SULPH. TlHUJ. bism. calce. cann. carb-v. caus. zinc. ign. lach. natr. puls. sabad. Scurfs on glans, kal-bi. spong. squill. staph. sulph. -, prepuce, caus. nitr-ac. penis, viol-tric. Semen, quality of the:, spermatic cord, spong. sulph., bloody, caus. led. mere. Prostatic fluid, discharge -, inodorous, selen. of, ALUM. anac. ars. bell. CALC. -, frothy, mlur-ac. con. daphn. dig. eugen. euphorb., strong smell, having, lach. HEP. lye. natr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. -, watery, led. mur-ac. sep. PETR. PHOS-AC. PLAT. puls. selen. sulph. SEP. SIL. spig. staph. SLPH. thuj. Sensitiveness of the parts, zinc. cocc. veratr., after emotions, con. - testicles, arn. asa. aur. cann. -. during micturition, anac. cocc. ign. phos-ac. sep. tart. zinc. calc. hep. lach. natr. sep. sulph. magt. —, relaxed parts, with, aur. -, prepuce, sabin. bell. Sexual desire, excited, -, during stool, agn. ALUM. aeon. agar. agn. ALUM. amm. amtm. anac. cale. carb-v. caus. ant. arn. aur. bov. calc. cann. con. HEP. natr. selen. SEP. SIL. CANTH. carb-v. caus. CHIN. coCc. staph. SULPH. coif. dig. ferr. fluor-ac. GRAPH. Pustules on penis, bov. hyosc. ign. jod. kal. lach. laur. -_, hairs, kal-bi. LYCe. mang. men. MERC. mosch. Rash, bry. NATn. NATR-M. nitr. nitr-ac. Red spots on the glans, arn. NUX VOM. op. par. PHOSPH. carb-v. LACH. sil. PLAT. plumb. PULS. rhus. sabin., penis, calc. sass. seneg. sep. SIL. stann. prepuce, rhus. nitr-ac. STAPH. stram. SULPH. VERATR. Redness of glans, ars calad. zinc. MGT-ARC.-Cinnabaris. cann. mere. sabin. sass., with desire for an embrace, —, scrotum, arn. mere. petr. chin. con. mere. puls., deficient, agn. alum. AMM. --—, penis, cann. arg-n. bell. bor. CALC. campb. --—, between the thighs, PhrR. carb-a. carb-v. chinin. con., prepuce, cale. cann. mere. GRAPH. hell. HEP. ign. KAL. Sil. sulph.-Cinnabaris. lack LYC. mur-ac. natr-m. SEXUAL DESIRE. 805 NITR-AC. n-mosch. phos-ac. sil. natr-m. nitr-ac. petr. phosph. stann. sulph. magt. rhod. SULPH. Sexual desire, diminished, Sore, pain as if, ambr. arn. bor. aeon. baryt. bell. chinin. fluor-ac. cann. cham. cic. coff. ferr. hep. lact. magn-c. op. petr. sabad. kal. kreos lach. nux vom. phosspong. teucr. ac. puls. ran-sc. rhod. rhus. sabin., excessive, ALUM. CANTH. teucr. ZINC. coloc. dig. ferr. GRAPH. HYOSC. -, glans, lach. nux vom. sabin. kal. Lyc. MERC. NATR. NATR- -, scrotum, con. phos-ac. ran-sc. M. NUX VOM. op. PHOSPH. teucr. zinc. PLAT. plumb. PULs. RHUS. sabin., penis, arn. bor. cann. ciC. seneg. sep. SIL. spig. staph. -, between the thighs, hep. STRAM. SULPH. VERATR.-Ma- rhod. joran. —, prepuce, cham. nux voL., with feeble erections, agar. puls. sabin. anim. graph. men. selen. Speratorrh a canth. -, priapism, like, cann. CANTI:. ding stool, phos-ac. coloc. GRAPIL. ign. kal. NATR. Spots, arn. carb-v. sil. NATR-M. nitr-ac. NUX VOM. Stinging in glans, aeon. ars. op. PHosPH. phos-ac. plat. PULS. euphorb. euphr. lye. merc. mez. RHUS. SIL. staph. thuj. phos-ac. ran-sc. rhod. sabin. -, readily, kal. lye. nux vom. sulph. phosph. -, testes, arn. bell. caus. mere. -, like satyriasis, agn. CANTH. Lux vom. rhod. staph. sulph. hyosc. MERC. NATR-M. NUX, scrotum, mere. sulph. thuj. VOM. phosph. stram. SULPH. -, penis, mere. mez. sulph. thulj. veratr.-ifa.joran. viol-tric. Sexual powers, feeble, —. spermatic cord, amm-m. arm. BARYT. calad. CALC. ign. n-mosch. grat. nux vom. sulph. thuj. sep. sil. sulph. -, prepuce, ars. euphr. merm, unable, AGN. ant. BARYT. puls. CALAD. CALC. camph. CANN. Strangling sensation in testes, caps. caus. CHIN. chlor. c,)loc. amm. ign. nux vom. plumb. CoN. eugen. graph. hyosc. lach. spong. mgt-aus. LYC. MoscH. vIUR-AC. NATR-M. -, spermatic cord, nux vom. n-mosch. op. petr. plumb. SELEN. Sweat, calad. mere. SEP. SULPr. sep. stram. SULPH. MGT-AUs. thuj., after a cold, Mosci. -, scrotum, amm. baryt. daphn. Shocks in testes, mgt-aus. ign. magn-m. rhod. sep. 8il. thuj. Shrivelling of scrotum, arg-n. -, at nights, bell. caps. rhod. ther. zinc. -, between the thighs, hep.Shuddering at scrotum, zinc. Cinnabaris. Soreness, alum. ambr. amm. Swelling of the parts, ars. lye. arn. ars. aur. baryt. calad. calc. plumb. CARB-V. CAUS. CHAM. chin. -, frsenum, sabin. coff. GRAPH. hep. hyosc. ign. -, epididymis, sulph. jod. LYe. meph. MERC. natr. -, glans, ars. CANN. MERO. natr-m. nitr-ac. NUX VOM. natr. rhus. spig. thuj. petr. phosph. plumb. rhod. SEP., one side, spig. SULPH. veratr. zinc. -, penis, am. cann. cupr. mere. -, scrotum, arn. kal. natr. natr- plumb.-Cinnabaris. m. petr. plumb. SULPH. zinc. --- -, lymphatic vessels, lact. -, between the thighs, ars. aur. mere. baryt. CAUS. chin. coff. GRAPH. - -, on the back, sabin. HEP. jod. Lye. mere. natr. -, prepuce, calad. cann. graph. 806 AFFECTIONS OF THE MALE SEXUAI, ORGANS. MERC. natr. nitr-ac. rhus. sil. Tension, glans, kal. SULPH. thuj. viol-tric.-Cinna- -, scrotum, arn. baris., penis, arn. kal. Swelling of the parts, prostatic -, spermatic cord, cann. sulph. gland, cann. PULS. THUJ. Testes, affection of the, AGN. -, scrotum, am. phos-ac. plumb. amm. ARN. ars. AUR. calc. carbpuls. rhus. samb. sep. v. cans. chin. CLEM. cocc. con., spermatic cord, cann. chin. graph. ign. JOD. kal. lyc. MERC. kal. nitr-ac. phosph. phos-ac. natr. natr-m. NITR-AC. NJux PULS. spong. voM. phosph. phos-ac. plumb., testes, AGN. arg-n. ARN. ARS. PULS. RHOD. rhus. sep. sil. spig. AUR. bar-m. bor. cann. canth. SPONG. staph. SULPR. thuj. zinc. CHIN. CLEM. CON. DIG JOD. (See the Particular Affections.) KAL. LYC. MERC. mez. natr. nitr- Thickening of scrotum, clem. ac. Nux VoM. phos-ac. PULS. rhus. RHOD. SPONG. staph. sulph. —, prepuce, lach. SULPH. ZINC. magt. mgt-aus. -, epidydimis, sulph. after the menses, Thinner, skin of scrotum gets, MERC. nux vom. PULS. lach. -, after gonorrhcea, agn. Throbbing in glans, rhod. AUR. clem. MERC. nitr-ac. PULS. -, penis, cop., after an injury, blow, -, spermatic cord, amm-m. bruise, ARN. con. PULS. zinc. Tingling, acon. euphr. merc. Sycosic warts, calc. euphr. mosch. phos-ac. selen. spig. LYC. NITR-AC. nux vom. PHos- tart. AC. sabin. SASS. staph. sulph. --—, glans, mere. spig. tart. THUJ. mgt-aus.-CINNABARIS. —, scrotum, aeon. selen. -, bleeding, thuj. mgt-aus. -, spermatic cord, euphr. mere., flat, NITR-AC. sass. THUJ. -, prepuce, mere. phos-ac. -, cauliflower, lye. NITR-AC. Turning sensation in testes, THUJ. sabad., itching, euphr. thuj. Ulcers, on the glans, MERC., humid, NITR-AC. TnuJ. NITR-AC. SEP. SULPH., painful, euphr. sabin., herpetic, like chancre, arg-, dry, nux vorn. sass. sulph. n. aur. caus. dulc. graph. HEP. THUJ.-Cinnabaris. MERC. NITR-AC. phos-ac. rhus. -, sore, painfull as if, sabin. sass. SEP. sil. SULPH. THUJ. Tearing, bell. calc. colch. eu- -, syphilitic, kal-bi. MERC. phorb. kal. mez. puls. staph. nitr-ac. n-jugl. sep. sulph. thuj. mgt-aus. -CINNABARIS., glans, euphorb. kal. -, on the prepuce, arg-n. aur., testes, euphorb. puls. staph. CAUS. dulc. graph. HEP. MERC. mgt-aus. NITR-AC. n-jugl. PHOS-AC. rhus., penis, calc. mez. mgt-aus. sass. SEP. sil. SULPH. THUJ. -, spermatic cord, bell. colch. Ulcerative pain, ambr. ign. puls. Voluptnons feeling, ambr. Tension, arn. cann. graph. kal. ang. graph. plat. sulph. CHAPTER XXV. AFFECTIONS OF THE FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS, AND OF INFANTS. N. B.-The affections of infants will be found under the letter I, in the general alphabetical order. Aching pain, c.alc. ign. mang. magn-m. nitr-ac. plat. puls. rhus. sabin. sabin. stramn. stront. zinc. Acrid humors in the pudendum, Blood, congestion of, towards amm. CALC, CARB-V. CON. graph. the womb, BELL. bry. CHIN. croC. KAL. kreos. lye. magn-c. NATR- HEP. mere. Nux VOM. plat. sabin. Mi. nitr-ac. SEP. SIL. staph. SEC. SULPH. SULPH., discharge of, between the AmIenorrhea, (see Reten- eriods, ambr. arn. BELL. boy. tion.) bry. calc. chain. chin. Cocc. coff. Aphthae at the pudendum, CRoc. hep. magn-m. mere. nux carb-v. vorn. petr. PHosPH. prun. rhus. Bloat of the womb, lye. phosph. -sep. strain. mgt-arc. - —, in pregnant women, Blood, discharge of, (Compare Cocc. kal. PHOSPH. rhus. Chap. I.) - -, in nursing women, rhus., acrid, amm. carb-v. kal. natr. sil. nitr. phosph. prun. puls. sass. - -, at full and new moon, sil. sulph. tart. CROc. --—, badly-smelling, BELL. bry. -, by fits and starts, cham. puls. carb-a. carb-v. caus. cham. croc. sabin. kal. phosph. sabin. sil. —, flesh-colored, stront., blackish, amm. ant. asar. -, pale, watery, ars. BELL. CALC. BELL. BRY. canth. carb-a. CHAM. CARB-V. cocc. con. FERR. CHIN. CROC. ferr. ign. kreos. GRAPH. hell. kal. Lyrc. natr-m. lach. magn-c. magn-m. natr-m. NITR-AC. nux vom. phosph. PLAT. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. Nux vOM. plumb. prun. PULS. sep. spig. plat. PULS. selen. sep. SULPH. SULPH. tart. stramn., pitch, like, magn-c. -, bright-red, bell. brom. calc. ~, slimy, Cocc. puls. sulph-ac. carb-v. dulc. ferr. HYosc. IPEC. -, sour smelling, sulph. nitr-ac. sabin. sulph. -, thick, arn. carb-v. CRoc., burning, (see Acrid.) CUPR. fluor-ac. magn-c. nitr. n-, coagulated, amm. arn. bell. mosch. PLAT. PULS. sulph. caus. CHAM. CHIN. cocC. ferr. -, viscous, CROC. magn-m. hyose. ign. IPEr. kreos. magn-c. wateryv, (see Pale.) 808 AFFECTIONS OF THE FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. Bruised, pain as if, internally, ars. BELL. cale. jod. lach. nux bar-m. vom. puls. RHUS. sil. sulph. Burning at the pudendum, Confinement, pot-bellied, ambr. amnm. bry. calc. canth. COLOC. SEP. catb-a. CARB-V. caus. chain. -, puerperal fever, ACON. BELL. hyosc. kal. laur. lye. mere. mez. BRY. CIAM. COff. coloc. hyosc. nitl-ac. nux vom. petr. SULPH. ipeC. mere. NUX VOM. puls. thuj. mgt-aus. RHUS. veratr., vagina, cham. hyosc. lye. -, sleeplessness, AON,. bell. 7sulp. thaj; COFF. hyosc. ign. mosch. nux SUl~Ph1. thanj. vom. op. puls. Cancer of the womb, ars. bell., sore nipples, ARNCALc. caus. calc. CARB-A. chin. clem. GRAPH.c. mere. IKREOS. K lach. mere. phosph. om. PgaLS. sep. sil. SULPH. sabin. sep. sil. staph. sulph. thuj., sweat, ACONl.BRY. CHIN. Conception, liable to, mere. sulph. veratr. natr., weakness, CALC. CHIN. KAL. Confinelnenlt, affections dur- nux vom. phos-ac. SULPH. veratr. ing, ACON. ant. ARN. BELL. BRY. Contact at the os tincue is painCALC. caus. CHAM. Cdin. COFF. fu]l, CHIN. coloc. croc. cycl. dule. hep. Contractive pain, ign. Nux Hyosc. ign. jod. ipec. kal. lach. voM. sabin. sep. thuj. lye. mere. natr-m. Nux voyr. op. Cutting in the os tince, puls. phosph. phos-ac. PLAT. PULS. Deformity of the os tincxe, rhab. RHus. see. sep. sil. stram. NATR. SULPH. VERATR. zinc. Digging in the pudendum, con. -, after-pains too strong or Drawing pain, lye. mosch. long, ARN. bell. bry. CALC. rhus. sabin. CHAM. COFF. ferr. ign. kal. --, uterus, PULS. natr-m. Nux voM. op. PULS. RHUS. Drynlless of the vagina, BELL. ruta. SABIN. see. sep. sulpl. LYC., breasts inflamed, arn. BELL. -, sterility, agn. AMM. BOR. bry. calc. carb-a. carb-v. con. CALC. CANN. CAUS. Cic. Cos. graph. mere PsIosPI. puls. SIL. croc. dule. ferr. GRAPH. IhyOSC. sulph. MERC. natr. NATR-M. PHOSPH. -, colic, arm. bell. BRY. CHAM. plat. ruta. sep. SULPH. SULPH-AC. hyosc. lach. nux vom. puls. sep. Embrace: veratr. —, aversion to, caus. chlor. kal., constipation, alum. ant. natr-m. petr. BRY. lye. NUX VOM. op. plat., without thrill, ferr. ferr-m. sep., swelling of the parts, fol-, diarrhoea, ANT. dulc. hyosc. lowed by, kreos. RHAB. -, tubercles at the os tinee, fol-, eclampsia, bell. CYCL. HYosc. lowed by, kreos. sulph-ac. IGN. PLAT. stram., desire for, fer!. ferr-m. kreos. -, falling out of the hair, CALC. Eruptions on the pudendum, lye. NATR-M. sulph. ang. bry. caus. con. DuLa. GRAPH., lochia, morbid (see Lochia.) kal. MERC. natr-m. nux vom., mania (see Nymphomania.) PETR. SEP. sulph. tart., milk, deficient, acon. bell. bry. Flatus from the vagina, brom. CALC. CAUS. chain. coff. mere. lye. sang. PULS. rhus. sulph. Fulness, feeling of, chin., milk-fever, ACON. am. bell. Globus hystericus, lach. plumb. bry. COFF. rhus. Gnawing itching at the pu—, moral derangement, BELL. dendum, KAL. LYC. PLAT. PULS. sulph. veratr. zinc. Heat of the pudendum, carb-v. -, phlegmasia alba, aeon. ARN. kreos. mere. nux vom. sep. HERPES, INDURATION, ETC. 809 Herpes, cans. DuLa. PETR. Infants, affections of new(Comp. Eruptions) born, fever, ACON. bell. bor. Induration of the uterus, CHAM. COFF. ign. merc. nux vorn. si]. AUR. BELL. CARB-A. CHIN. ni]. clem. cocc. con. RMAGN-M. phosph. fontanelles remaining open, rhus. SEP. STAPH. CALC. SIL. sulph. —, gastric derangement, baryt. Infants, affections of new- BELL. calc. CHAM. hyosc. JPEC. born, aeon. ars. bell. bor. bry. lye. magn-c. MERC. NUX VOM. calc. carb-v. cham. chin. cin. con. PULS. rhab. sulph. dulc. ign. ipec. kal. lye. mere. —, head large, CALC. mere. SnL. nux vom. phosph. phos-ac. puls. sulph. rhab. thus. sep. sil. stann. staph. —, hernia, aur. cham. NUX stram. sulph. zinc. VOM. SULPH. veratr. acid stomach, bell. calc. —, hernia inguinalis, aur. CHAM. RHAB. sulph. chainm. NUX VOM. SULPH. veratr. —, aphth, BOR. MERC. nux -, hernia umbilicalis, aur. cham. orz. SULPH. SULPH. -AC. NUX VOM. SULPH. veratr. -, apparent death, aeon. chin. —, hypertrophy of the brain, Or. TART. CALC. mere. SIL. sulph. -, breasts, swollen, ARN. bell. -, jaundice, CHIN. MERC. bry. CHAM. hep. sil. —, luxatio spontanea, BELL. calc. —, indurated, CHAM. coloc. MERC. rhus., breathing, difficult, acon. ars. -, ophthalmia, ACON. bell. bry. CHAM. IPEc. lach. mosch. sacnb. calc. CHAM. DtLC. MERC. nux —, colic. acon. bell. BOR. calc. vom. puls. sulph. caus. CHAM. cic. CIN. cof. IPEC. —, rash, ACON. CHAfM. sulph. N-Moscm. RHAB. sil. staph. —, retention of urine, acon. constipmtion, alum. BRY. lye. CAMPH. PULS. NUX VOM. Op. sulph. veratr. —, screaming, acon. BELL. BOR. —, dentition, difficult, ACoN. ars. CHAM. COFF. ign. ipec. puls. BELL. BOR. CALC. CHAM. cin. RHAB. COFF. ferr. IGN. magn-c. magn-m. -, sleeplessness, acon. bell. bor. MERe. nux vom. stann. SULPH. cham. COFF. Op. rhab., with diarrhmea, arg-n. —, sore, becoming, aeon. Boa. ars. calc. charn. coff. ferr. nmagn- CARB-V. caus. CHAM. graph. ign. c. MERC. rhab. SULPI. lye. MERC. puls. sep. sil. sulph. - --—, with fever, ACON. bell. -, spasms, convulsions, acon. bor. CHAM. COFF. Nux voM. sil. BELL. caus. CHAM. CGIN. COFF. —, with cough, cham. CIN. cupr. IGN. IPEC. lach. MERC. nu:X Nux vo3M. vom. Op. stann. sulph., with spasms or con- —, stoppage of the nose, carb-v. vulsions, BELL. calc. CHAM. CIN. cham. dulc. NUX VOM. SAMB. IGN. stann. sulph. -, stuttering, bell. euphr. mere. -, with nervousness, SULPIT. ACON. BELL. bor. charn. COFF. —, swelling of the head, ARN. - -, with sleeplessness, ACON. RHUS. sil. bor. charn. COFF., walk, difficulty of learning, with constipation, BRY. to, bell. CALC. caus. SIL. SULPH. magn-m. NUX VOM., weak muscles, bell. CALC. -—, deranged stomach, chin. caus. SIL. SULPH. IPEC. Nux voM. PULS. —, weak stomach, baryt. CALC. —, diarrhoea, ant. ars. BELL. bry. IPEC. mere. Nux VOM. PULS. carb-v. CHAM. dulc. ferr. hep. SULPH. IPEC. magn-c. mere. Nux voM. Inflammation of ovaries, RHAB. SULPH. slllph-ac. aeon. ambr. ant. ars. BELL. 810 AFFECTIONS OF THE FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. canth. chin. CON. dulc. LACH. mere. natr. natr-m. puls. sep. sil. MERC. PLAT. sabin. staph. sulph. zinc. Inflammation of lips of Leucorrhea, diarrhcea, natrthe vulva, aeon. bell. calc. MERC. m. nitr-ac. Nux voM. SEP. sulph. -, face, pale, ARs. graph. -, vagina, MERC. kreos. PULS. SEP. -, uterus, ACON. BELL. bry. - - -, yellow, chin. ferr. canth. CHAM. chin. coff. ign. lach. NATR-M. sep. mere. NUX VOM. plat. puls. --, headache, natr-m. rhus. sec. - -, lascivious dreams, petr. Itching of the pudendum, -, labor-like pains, dros. ambr. amm. ang. CALC. CARB- - -, small of back, pain in, V. coff. CON. KAL. kreos. lach. baryt. caus. con. graph. kal. kallye. mere. NATR-M. nitr-ac. petr. bi. kreos. MAGN-M. nitr. plat. SEP. SIL. staph. SULPH. - —, stinging in the parts, thuj. sep. Labor-like pains, arz. asa. —, trembling, alum. bell. calc. CHAM. cin. COFF. jod. - -, weakness, alum. baryt. kal. kreos. natr-m. n-mosch. nux kal-bi. KREOS. vom. op. PULS. SEC. sulph-ac. -, albuminous, amm-m. bor. Labor-pains, (see Parturi- bov. mez. petr. plat. tion.), before the menses, alum. Lactation, (see Chap. XXX., BARYT. CALC. CARB-V. CHIN. Mammae.) graph. kreos. LACH. PHosPH. Leucorrhaea, aeon. agn. puls. ruta. sep. sulph. zinc. ALUM. ambr. AMM. anac. arg-n. -., blistering, PHOSPH. (Comp. ars. bell. bor. bov. CALC. cann. Acrid.) CARB-A. CARRB-V. CAUS. CHIN. -, bloody, baryt. calc. carb-v. COCC. coff. CON. dros. GRAPH. CHIN. Cocc. con. kreos. nitr-ac. hep. jod. KAL. KREOS. lach. LYC. sep. sulph-ac. tart. MAGN-c. MAGN-M. mang. MERC. -, blue and coagulated, ambr. MEZ. NATR. NATR-M. nitr. nitr-ac. -, brown-colored, anm-m. cocc. Nux voM. PETR. PHosPH. phos-ac. nitr-ac. plumb. PULS. ruta. SABIN. SEP., burning, alum. amm. CALC. SIL. STANN. SULPH. sulph-ac. thuj CARB-A. canth. con. fluor-ac. kal. viol-tric. ZINC. kreos. puls. sulph-ac. (Compare, acrid, ALUM. AMu. anac. ant. Acrid.) ARS. BOR. bov. CALC. canth. -, corrosive, jod. KREOS. lyC. CARB-A. carb-v. CHAM. chin. nitr-ac. phos-ac. ran. RUTA. CON. ferr. fluor-ac. hep. ign. jod. (Comp. Acrid.) kal. KREOS. LACH. lyc. magn-c. -, after an eInbrace, natr. mere. MEz. NATR-M. nitr-ac. excoriating, alum. AMM. ARS. PHOSPH. phos-ac. prun. PULS. BOR. bov. carb-v. CON. ferr. ran. RUTA. SEP. sil. SULPH. PHOSPIT. prun. SEP. sil. SULPH. SULPHI-AC. (Comp. Acrid.) -, ailments accompanying the,, fetid, caps. KREOS. NATR. nitrambr. anac. baryt. caus. CON. ac. Nux voM. sabin. sep. cop. dros. graph. hep. kal. kcreos. foul smell, having a, kreos. lye. magn-c. magn-m. natr-n. AT. itr-ac. sep.!qATR. nitr-ac. sep. nitr. phos-ac. prun. puls. sabin. sep. sil. stann. sulph. zinc. -, greenish, carb-v. lach mere. abdomen, distension of, natr-m. nitr-ac. sep. amm-m. graph. sep., itching, alum, anac. CALC. - -, colic, alum. amm-m. chain. chin. con. ferr. kal. lach. bell. caus. con. dros. IGN. kal. mere. phosph. phos-ac. sabin. kal-bi LYe. MIAGN-. MAGN-M. sep. sil. sulph. (Comp. Acrid.) LEUCORRHMEA, ETC. 811 Leucorrhaea, after the men- phosph. PULS. sabin. sep. SIL. ses, ALUM. bov. coce. graph. sulph. sulph-ac. kreos. inagn-c. kreos. mere. nitr- Leucorrhcea, yellow stain, ac. phos-ac. PULS. RUTA. SABIN. leaving a, earb-a. Nux voM sil. sulph. prun. during the menses, ALUM. —, yellowish, aeon. alum. ars. chin. chinin. coce. graph. lach. carb-v. charn. fluor-ac. kal. kaipuls. zinc. bi. kreos. lye. mere. natr. Nux, during micturition, amm-m. voM. phos ac. prun. sabin. SEP. cale. CARB-V. SIL. STANN. sulpLh., milky, amm. CALC. carb-v. Lips of the vulva, affections of con. ferr. lye. phosph. PULS. the, agar. alum. ambr. amm. sabin. sep. SIL. sulph-ac. baryt. bry. CALC. eanth. carb-v. motion, passing off during, caus. CON. dulc. graph. hep. kal. magn-c. kreos. lyc. magn-c. meph. MERC., at night, passing off, ambr. natr. NATR-M. nitr-ac. Nux caus. natr-m. VOM. phosph. puls. SEP. SIL. in paroxysms, CALC. SIL. staph. sulph. THUJ. (See the purulent, calc. chin. cocc. particular affections.) con. cop. ign. merc. nitr-ac. sep. Lochia, morbid, brom. bry. -, reddish, alum. eale. Cocc. calc. carb-a. coloc. con. croc. hep. kreos. lye. nitr-ac. phosph. sabin. hyosc. nux vom. PLAT. PULs. sep. RHus. SEC. veratr. zinc.., serous, alum. calc. Cocc. too long, SEa. kreos. lye. nitr-ac. phosph. sabin. too copious, bron. bry. sep. CALC. con. croc. hep. PLAT., slimy, alum. ambr. amm. PULS. RHUS. SEC. amm-m. carb-v. chin. cocc. con. - fetid, BELL. CARB-A. SEC. LAcH. magn-c. mere. mez. NATR. -, sup pressed, BELL. CoLoc. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux vom. phosph. hyosc. Nux voM. plat. PULS. PULS. SASS. seneg. sep. STANN. sec. veratr. zinc. sulph. tart. thuj. zinc. -, watery, CARB-A., sore, burning as if, alum. ant. carb-a. cham. CON. hep. LACH. magn-e. mere. P*oSPH. sulph. -*, too long, aeon. asar. chin. -—, stiffening the linen, alum. cupr. grat. kreos. LYC. NATR-M. NUX VOM. PHOSPH. PLAT. nitr. SABIN. PULS. rhus. sabad. SEC. SIL., stream, passing off in a, CALC. IL. SULPH-AC. magt. CALC. SIL. --, tenacious, acon. bov. phosph. -, at night only, bov. tart., delaying, amm. CAUS. chel. - thick and slimy, ambr. ars. cic. CON. Cupa. DROS. DULC. bor. bov. carb-v. con. kal-bi. GRAPH. HlEP. ign. Jon. KAL. LACH. magn-m. natr. uatr-m. PULS. LYC. MAGN-C. NATR-M. phosph. sabin. SEP. zinc. PULS. sabad. sass. SEP. SIL. stront. thin, (see Watery.) SULPH. zinc., transparent, alum. natr-m. -, profuse, AeoN. agar. alum. STANN. sulph-ac. amm. arg-n. ARs. BELL. bor. bov., watery, alum. amm. ant. bry. CALC. canth. CARB-V. ca us. carb-a. carb-v. cham. chin. GRAPH. chain. chel. CHIN. CIN. CROC. cupr. magn-c. mnagn-m. mere. mez. nitr. dule. FERR. hyose. IGN. TPEC. PULS. sep. sil. sulph. tart. KREOS. laur. led. LYC1. magn-m., weakening, stann. mere mosch. NATRPni'nitr. nitrwhite, bor. CALC. carb-v. ac. Nux voM. PI-IOSPH. PLAT. con. ferr. graph. kreos. lye. prun. rhod. rhus. RUTA. sabad. magn-c. mere. natr-m. nitr. SABIN. SAMB. SEC. sep. SIL. 812 AFFECTIONS OF THE FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. spong. stann. STRAM. sulh. Menstrual ailments, beSU,.PH-AC. veratr. magt. mgt-a'i fore the menses, amm. asar. Menses: ALU~L BARYT. CALC. CARB-V. CHAM. -, scanty, ALUMr. AIM. asa. COCC. con. CuPR. dulc. LACH. BARYT. CARB-V. CAUS. Coco. LYC. MERC. natr-m. Piosrn. CON. crotal. FLRR. GRAPH, phos-ac. plat. PULS. SEP. sil. KAL. LACIH. lye. magn-e. mere. SULPH. veratr. NATR-M. nux vom. PHOSPH. -, bleeding at the anus, ammpuls. RUTA. sabad. sass. SEP. SIL. m. graph. staph. sulph. thuj. mgt-arc., blood, raising of, PEOSPH. -, too soon, alum. AMBR. AMM. -, breathing, difficult, during, amm-tm. arn. ars. asa. asar. bar- Cocc. graph. lach. puls. sep. m. bell. bor. boy. brom. bry. sulph. CALC. canth. carb-a. CARB-V., bruised, as if, before, lach. chain. chinin. GIN. cocc. coloc. n. -, during, ambr. con. CROC. fluor-ac. grat. IGN. jod. spong. strarn. IPEC. KAL. kal-bi. KREOS. -, canine hunger, before, lact. laur. led. lye. mnaqn-c. magn- magn-c. sm. mang. merc. mosch. mur-ac. -, catarrh, during, graph. -chilliness, bell. ale. carb-a. natr. NATR-M. nitr. nitr-ac. n- chilliness, bell. cl jugl. NUX VOM. par. petr. graph. kal. kreos. lye. magn-c. PHOSPH. PLAT. pru.. natlr. natr-m. nux vom. PHOSPH. PHOSPH. PLAT. prun. PULS. rhod. RHUS. RUTA. SABIN. PULS. sep. sulph. veratr. zinc. sang. sec. SEP. SIL. spong. staph., before, calc. kal. lyc. SULPH. SULPH-AC. veratr. zinc. p auls. verntr. magt. myt-aus. ~s —, after, grapll. nux vom. magt. mgt-aus. puls., too short, alum. AMM., colic, before, alum. amm. BARYT. DULC. graph. LACH. BARYT. BELL. CALC. caus. CHAM. Iatr-m. phosph. plat. PULS. ruta. graph. lye. lach. nitr. phosph. sulph. PLAT. PULS. sep. -, suppressed (see Retention.), during, AGN. ALUM. Mlenstrual ailments, aeon. AvMMv. AMM-M. baryt. BELL. CALC. amrz. amm-m. baryt. BELL. bor. carb-v. caus. CHAM. CHIN. CocC. BRY. CALC. carb-v. caus. cham. coff. CON. CROC. GRAPH. IGN. chel. COCC. COFF. con. cupr. kreos. LACH. laur. lyc. magn-c. GRAPH. IGN. kal. kreos. lach. merc. natr. Nux voMi. PHOSPH. lye. magn-c. magn-m. mere. natr- PLAT. PULS. sass. SEC. SEP. SIL. m. n-mosch. NUX VOM. petr. stann. stra.m. sulph. sulph-ac. PHOSPH. phos-ac. PLAT. PULS. ZINC. sabin. SEC. SEP. sil. stram. --, after, lach. PULS. SULPH. VERATR. zinc., congestion of the head, calc., acid mouth, during, lye. caus. chin. con. ign. jod. kal. -, after the menses, alum. ars. magn-c. mere. phosph. sulph. veBOR. calc. con. GRAPH.KREOS. ratr. Lye. magn-c. NATR-M. NUX —, before, mere. VOMI. phosph. PHOS-AC. PLAT., during, calc. caus. chin. RUTA. sep. sil. STRAM. con. jod. mere. pho.sph. sulph. -—, anguish, before, Cocc. mere. veratr. stann., constipation, kreos. ---, during, bell. ign. mere., convulsions, chin. -, after, phosph., coryza, graph. -, back-ache, before, spong., cough, graph. sulph. phosph. -, debility, alum. brom. calc. during, AMm. amm-m. caus. graph. ign. magn-c. nux ars. bell. caus. lye. I'HOSPH. vorn. puls. sep. MENSTRUAL AILMENTS. 813 Menstrual ailments: CARB-V. hyosc. LYC. magn-c. NUX, before, Coce. VOM. phosph. PULS. sulph...- -, during, calc. graph. rERA.TR. ign. jod. magn-c. magn-m. nux Mlenstrual ailments: vom. phosph. -, grating of the teeth, veratr. - -, after, alum. jod. phosph. —, gums affected, baryt. MERa. PLAT. ph1osph. delirium, hyosc. lye. -, hrmolrhoidal complaints, -- diarrhcea, alum. amm. caus. cocc. LAIH. phosph. PULS. GRAPH. magn-e. SIL. VERATR -, before, LACH. phosph., before, SIL. VERATR - -, after, cocc. PULS., during, amm-ln. VE- —, hard hearing, KREOS. RATR. -, head, hot, before, con., dimness of sight, before, bell. —, during, calc. ign., discharge from urethra, lach. —, headache, before, alum., distended abdomen, before, brom. calc. CARB-V. cupr. ferr. kreos. hep. jod. LACH. mere. natr. natr--- -—, during, alum. hep. in. n-mosch. puls. sil. SULPH. ZINC. veratr., distortion of the eyes, graph. -, during, alum. amm-m. lye. bor. bov. calc. carb-a. CARB-V. dreams, alum. calc. cans. cans. cupr. graph. hyosc, ign. con. kal. kal. kal-bi. KREOS. LACH. laur. during the menses, alum. LYc. magn-c. magn-m. natr. AMM. AMM-M. ars. bor. bry. NATR-M. nitr. Nux VOM. phosph. CALC. CARB-v. CHAM. chin. cocc. PLAT. puls. sep. SULPH. veratr. coff. CON. GRAPH. HYosc. ign. - —, after, lach. lye. natr-m. KAL. KREOS. LACH. lye. magn- puls. c. magn-m. mere. natr-m. nux --—, heartburn, before, sulph. vom. P1IosPH. plat. PULS. SEP. —, heat, during, MERe. nitr-ac. sil. sulph. veratr: zinc. nux vom. sep. sulph., enuresis, hyosc. -, before, carb-a. kal. epileptic fit, sulph. mere., erethism, vascular, alum. -, hiccough, stranm. eupr. MERC. -, hoarseness, graph. - -, before, alum. cupr. -, irritable, before, kreos. mere. natr-am. —, during, alum., itching of the parts, graph., eructations, graph. kal.kreos. hep. lye. petr. SULPH. zinc. LAcO. magn-c. nitr-ac. PuLS. - -, before, graph. SULPIL eruption between the legs, -, labor-like pains, before, plat. kal. languor of lower limbs,.dureyes affected, cale. magn-c. ing, sulph. zinc. mere. puls. sil. sulph., after, kreos. -, face pale, inzan-c. magn-m. - -, painful, ambr. cham. PULS. con. lach. spong. stram. -- —, blue, veratr., heavy, baryt. lye. zinc. --- —, bloated, chin. - —, with varices, ambr. - -, yellow, caus. natr-m. -, laughter, spasmodic, hyosc., hot, alum. -, liver, pains in the, con. n-, fainting, ign. nux vom. mosch. phos-ac. PULS., fermentation in abdomen, - -, before, con. n-mosch. phosph. PULs.,fever, during, kal-bi. phosph. - -, during, phos-ac. puls.,flatulence; Cocc.' kreos. loathing, during, kal-bi. -—, gastric' ailments, Aux. caps. (Compare INausea.) 814 AFFECTIONS OF THE FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. Menstrual ailments: CON. LACH. mosch. nitr-ac. n-, loquacious, stram. mosch. plat. sep. -, loss of appetite, before, bell. 1Menstrual ailments: -, loss of consciousness, chin. —, after, chin. -, lying down, amm., rage, at the appearance, mammTe, swelling of, calc. of the menses, acon. --- -, painful, calc. con. sang. -, rash, DULC. - —, before, CON. -, redness of the pudendum, -, margins around the eyes, aeon. bell. calc. carb-v. MERe. phosph. Nux VOM. SEP. sulph. -, moral depression, aeon. amm., restlessness, before, con. caus. chainm. Cocc. hyosc. LYCe. kreos. sulph. NATR-M. PULS. sep. stann. stram. - -, during, plat. sulph. veratr. -., sadness, amm. caus. LYe., nausea, before, Cocc. magn- NATR-M. sep. stann. c. puls. -, before, caus. LCe. NATR~- -, during, AMM. bor. calc. M. stann. caps. CARB-V. graph. hyosc. LYC. - -, during, amm. natr-m. magn-c. nat,. Nux vom. phosph. sep. PULS. sulph. VERATR., salt taste, MERC., after, puls., semen, body smells of, stram. -, nightmare, during, sulph-ac., sleep restless, alum. kal., night-sweats, bell. graph. ve- natr-m. sep. ratr. -, small of back, pain in, amm. -, nose bleed, lach. sulph. ve- amm-m. arg-n. asar. baryt. bor. ratr. brom. CALC. carb-v. caus. graph. ~ —-- --—, itching of the, after, hyosc. jod. kal. LACH. magn-c. sulph. magn-m. natr. nitr. nitr-ac. nux -, pain in chest, caus. GRAPH. vom. phosph. plat. prun. PULS. kreos. lach. phosph. puls. sass. sep. sulph. sulph-ac. -, pains in the feet, amm. - -, before, anmm. baryt. -, pain in the groin, arg-n. brom. caus. hyose. lach. magn-c. -, pains in the limbs, CON. nitr. n-mosch. puls. graph. PHosPH. SrFP. spong. ve- - -, during, amm. amm-m. ratr. asar. bor. CALC. carb-v. kreos., before, alum. LACH. lye. magn-c. magn-m. natr. -. -, during, alum. ars. canth. nitr. phosph. prun. puls. sass. croc. magn-c. natr. sulph. —, pain in the parts, amm. bell. -, after, bor. magn-c. CHIN. con. kreos. nitr-ac. n-mosch. PULS. plat. puls. sil. sulph-ac. --—, sobbing, stram. -, before, chin. plat. -, soreness between the thighs, - -, after, chin. kreos. bov. kal. sass. -, pale sight, sil. -, soreness of the parts, bov. -, palpitation of heart, alum. graph. KAL. sep. sil. cupr. ign. JOD. nitr-ac. phosph., before, kal. sep. sep. SPONG., during, graph. kal. sil., before, cupr.jod. spong.. s. --, during, alum. ign. jod. -, spasms, ACON. bry CHAM. phosph. chin. COCC. COFF. con. CUPR. - -, after, jod. graph. hyosc. IGN. kreos. IACH., photophobia, ign. magn-m. natr-m. nux vom. PLAT. -, pleuritic stitches, puls. PULs.,pressing towards the parts, -, spasms of abdomen, carb-v. before, plat. CHAM. COCC. CoN. cupr. chin. -- -, during, AMa. bell. bor. graph. hyose. IGN. magn-m. MENSTRUAL AILMENTS. 815 natr-m. nitr-ac. nux vore. plat. Mellenstrual ailments: PULS. SEP. SULPH. zinc. -, vertigo, calc. caus. LACH. Menstrual ailments: phosph. PULS. veratr. - -, befole, carb-v. CRHAM —, before, calc. LACH. Cocc. hyosc. kal. PULS. SULPH. PULS. veratr. ring, Coc CON. - -, during, cans. phosph. during, Cocc CoN. veratr. cupr. CHIN. GRAPH. IGN. magn-,after, LACH. puls. m. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux vom. vomiting, amm. AMM-M. bor. PLAT. PurIs. SEP. SuLPH. ZiNc. CARB-V. kal. kreos. lye. phosph. -—, spasms of the chest, chin. PULS. Cocc. LACH. - -, before, kreos. puls., before, lach. —, during, amm. AMM-M. ~ —-- -, during, chin. CARB-V. kal. lye. phosph. PULS. -, spasm of the eyes, chin., after, bor. puls. start, tendency to, calc., water brash, PULS. -, stinging in the parts, sulph-, before, n-mosch. ac. -, weights in abdomen, puls., stomach-ache, before, LACH. -, whining mood, CON. LYc. n-mosch. PULS. sulph. PHospH. PLAT. zinc., during, bor. sass. --, before, CON. lye. PHOSPH. -, sweat, bell. bor. graph. - -, during, LYc. PLAT. zinc. hyo.sc. kreos. veratr., whizzing in the ears, before, -, at night, bell. graph. ferr. veratr. - -, during, bor. kreos. —, sweat on the back, kreos. veratr., sweat on the chest, bell. yawning. before, puls. kreos., during, bell. -, swelling of the checks, graph. iIetrorrhagia, acon. arg-n. phosph. sep. ARN. BELL. BRY. cale. cann. -, swollen feet, graph. lye. carb-a. CHAM. CHIN. CROC. - swollen lips, phosph. FERR. Hyosc. ign. IPEc. jod. tearing in the parts, phosph. magn-m. natr-m. nux vom. teeth on edge, MERC. phosph. PLAT. PULs. ruta., tenesmus of the rectum, SABIN. SEC. SEP. si]. sulph. puls. veratr. - thirst, during, bell. kal. nitr. —, after miscarriage or confinesulph-ac. veratr. ment, ACON. arn. BELL. bry., before, kal. cham. CHIN. croc. ferr. hyosc. -, tongue dry, MERC. ipec. PLAT. SABIN. -, toothache, amm. bov. CALC. -, after abuse of chamomile, CARB-V. CIIAM. graph. kal. IGN. PULS. LACH. laur. MAGN-C. natr-m. nitr-, at the critical age, bell. ac. phosph. SEP. sulph-ac. LACH. plat. PULS. sec. SEP. --, before, BARYT. sulph. -, in feeble women, carb-v., after, calc. CHIN. croc. IPEC. nux vom., trembling, hyosc. phosph. PULS. sec. sep. sulph. -, ulcers worse, GRAPH. phosph. veratr., bleeding, phosph., in -pethoric persons, ACON., uterine spasms, during, arn. BELL bry. calc. CHAM. hyosc. CROC. ferr. hvosc. ign. PLAT. - -, after, chin. SABIN. sil. sulpk. -, urging to stool, during, puls. Milk-feYer,(see Confinement.) -—, urinate, urging to, PHosgp. 1iscarriage, arg-n. -arn, PULS. Eass. asar. BELL. CAtc. cann. canth. -, varies, swollen, ambr. CARB-V. CHAM. CaN. cin. 81-B6 AFFECTIONS OF THE FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. CROC. cyel. FERR. hyosc. IPEC. CHAM. CIC. coCC. HYOSC. IGN. lach. Lyc. N-MOSCH. Nux VoM. ipee. mosch. plat. stram. veratr. PLAT. plumb. puls. RUTA. Parturition, spasmodic SABIN. SEC. SEP, SIL. SULPH. pains, BELL. caus. CHAM. COFF. ZINC. cupr. hyosc. ign. ipec. kal. NMIliscarriage, in chlorotic MoscH. NUX VOM. op. PULS. persons, carb-v. ferr. SEP. sulph. sec. sep. stann. -, at the commencement of -, deficient pains, arn. BELL. pregnancy, sabin. carb-v. cham. cocc. graph. ign., with congestion of blood to KAL. magn-m. natr. natr-m. the womb, BELL. fnux vom. n-mosch. nux vom. OP. plat. PLAT. PULS. ruta. SEC. sep. sulph., disposition to, asar. CALC. —, after-pains too violent or cann. CARB-V. coce. FERR. kreos. long, ARN. bell. bry. CALC. LYC. n-mosch. plumb. puls. CHAM. COFF. ferr. ign. kal. ruta. SABIN. SEP. sil. SULPH. natr-m. Nux vom. op. PULS. ZINC. RHus. ruta. SABIN. sec. sep. sulph. -, after injuries, ARN. PULS. —, placenta adhering, bell. plat. ruta. PULS. SEC. -, in plethoric persons, cale. Pimples at the pudendum, ang. ferr. lye. SABIN. sulph. con. graph. kal. mere. natr-m. -, precursory symptoms of, ARN. tart. BELL. BRY. cann. CHAM. chin. Polypi of the womb, CALC. cin. cocc. croc. HYOSC. IPEC. nitr-ac. STAPH. thlj. n-mosch. Nux voMa. plat. puls. Pregnancy, ailments during, rthus. ruta. SABIN. SEC. ACON. alum. ant. arn. ars. BELL. -, with profuse leucorrhcea. Ban. calc. carb-v. chain. cic. cale. ferr. SEP. SULPH. Cocc. CON. cupr. ferr. HYosc. ign. -, with spasmls, chain. JIYOSC. ipec. kreos. LACTI. LYC. magn-c. IPEC. -zmagn-m. mere. mosch. natr-7m. —, with varices on the parts, nitr-ac. n-lnosch. NUX VOM. cale. carlb-v. op. PETR. phosph. phos-ac. PLAT..][oles, discharge of, canth. PULS. rhus. SEP. staph. stram. Nympholnania, bell. canth. SULPH. VERATR. chin. grat. HYosc. mere. natr-m. -, canine hunger, magn-m. nux vom. PHOSPH. PLAT. puls. natr-m. Nux voM. PETP. SEP. STRAM. sulph. VERATR. -, colic, ARN. bell. BRY. CHAM. Ovaries, affections of the, acon. hyosc. lach. NIJX VOM. PULS. ambr. ant. ars. asa. aur. BELL. SEP. veratr. CANTH. carb-a. carb-v. chel., constipation, alum. BRY. CHIN. coloc. CON. DULC. graph. lye. Nux voM. op. sep. ign. kal. LACH. lye. MERC. mez., diarrhmea, ANT. dulc. hyose nitr-ac. nux vom. PLAT. ran. lye. petr. PROSPH. SEP. SULPH. ran-sc. SABIN. sec. sep. STAPH. -, gastric ailments, nausea, sulph. THUJ. zinc. vomiting, acon. ars. CON. ferr. Parturition, ailments dur- IPEC. kreos. lach magn-m. natring, acon. ARN. bell. calc. carb-v. m. n-mosch. NUX VOM. petr. caus. CHAM. cic. cocc. COFF. phosph. PULS. sep. veratr. cupr. ferr. graph. hyosc. iqn. ipec. -, headache, acon. BELL. BRY. KAL. magn-m. mosch. natr. natr- calc. Coca. magn-c. NUX VOM. m. N-MoscH. Nux voM. Op. plat. PLAT. PULS. sep. sulph. VERATR. PULS. rhus. ruta. sabin. SEC. -, moral depression, acon. BELL. sep. stann. stram. sulph. veratr. cupr. lach. mere. plat. PULS., hemorrhage, BELL. cham. stram. veratr. CHIN. CROC; ferr. PLAT. sabin. -, nausea, (see Gastric.) -, spasms, convulsions, BLL. ---—, spasms and convulsions, B13L. PREGNANCY, PRESSING, ETC. 81 7 CHAM. Cic. cocc. HYosc. IGN. grat. kreos. lach. moscb. nux ipec. mosch. plat. strain. veratr. vom. PLAT. sulph-ac. VERATR. Pregnancy, spots in the face, zinc. (Comp. Chap. XXIV.) CON. ferr. nitr-ac. SEP. Sexual desire, diminished,, urinate, urging to, and dys- baryt. bell. caus. chlor. fluor-ac. churia, Cocc. con, nux vom. kal. natr-m. petr. PHOS-AC. PULS. sulph. Smarting, (see Sore, pain as, varices, CARB-v. lye. PULS. if.) -, vomiting, (see Gastric Ail- Sore, pain as if, amrbr. cham. ments.) ferr-m. kal. kal-bi. kreos. rhus. Pressing towards the parts, staph. thuj. asa. BELL. CALC. CHAM. CHIN. Soreness between the thighs, CHININ. cill. con. croc. graph. amm. ars. aur. carb-v. CAUS. ipec. kal. mnagn-c. mosch. mur-ac. coff. GRAPH. hep. jod. kreos. NATR. natr-m. nux vonm. PLAT. lye. meph. natr. nitr-ac. petr. sep. SULPH. thuj. zinc. phosph. rhod. SEP. SULPH. thuj., as if the menses would set -, pudendumn, ambr. amm. in, cin. croc. magn-c. mosch. CARB-V. cans. graph. hlep. lye. mur-ac. meph. mere. natr. nitr-ac. petr. Prolapsus of the uterus, aur. SEP. suitph. thuj. BELL. calc. kreos. mere. n-mosch.;, vagina, hyosc. kal-bi. NUX VOM. SEP. stann. Spasmodic pains, ign. kreos. Puerperal fever, (see Confine- nux vom. thuj. ment.) Spasms, uterine, arg-n. bell. Pulsations, alum. merc. prun. bry. caus. cham. CIc. COCC. CON. Pustules of the pudendum, bry. hyosc. IGN. MAGNM. fnatr-m. mere. Nux vom. plat. PULS, sep. stann. Putrefaction of the womb, Stinging, alum. ars. bell. calc. SEC. cannl. con. graph. kal. kreos. Retention, menstrual, AcoN. LY. ere. mur-ac. mur-a. nitr-ac. agn. alum. atm. ars. baryt. bell. phosph. puls. rhus. sabin. SEP. BRY. calc. caus. chasn. chin. staph. thulj. cocc. CON. Cupr. dros. DULC. ferr., vagina, ars. mur-ac. nitr-ac. GRAPH. hyose. jod. KAL. laeh. phosph. LYC. magn-c. mnagn-m. mere. -, womb, bor. phosph. plat. mnez. natr-7m. nitr-ac. n-mosch. Swelling of the parts, amm. op. phosph. plat. PULS. rhod. antt/. BELL. bry. cnnth. carb-v. sabin. see. SEP. SIL. staph. strain. lach. meph. MERC. NUX VOM.'SULPHI. valer. veratlr. zinc. mgt- sec. SEP. thuj. are., ovaries, GRAPH. LACH., after a cold, bell. dule. IIYP. —, lips of the vulva, amm. bry. PERF. N-MoscII. PULS. sep. sulp/h. CARB-v. lach. meph. MERc. sec. -, of young girls, cans. cocc. SEP. thuj. graph. kal. natr-m. petr. PULS. -, vagina, kal-bi. mere. sep. SuLrsT. velatl'. -, womb, ang. BELL. canth., after a firight, ACON(. coif. mere. t.TX VOM. sec. SEr. LYC. op. veratr. thuj. Scirrhus, (see Induration.) Titillation, voluptuous, coff. Sensitiveness of the parts, klreos. plat. coff. merc. nux vom. plat. sec. Tubercles at the pudendum, staph. zinc. calc. mere. phosph., neck of the womb, CHIN. —, neck of the womb, kreos., painful, mere. nux vom. plat. Ulcers of the pudendum, graph. staph. NITR-AC. SEP. TnuJ. Sexual desire excited, ars.BELL. -, os tincae, ars. bell. chin. cocc. canth. CHIN. ciD. COFF. fluor-aC. mere. NITR-AC. sep. Taut'. 35 818 AFFECTIONS OF THE FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. Uterus, affections of the, arn. Nux vom. phosph. plat. puT&. asa. BELL. bry. ca]c. carb-a. rthus. sabin. SEP. sil. stann. caus. CHAM. chin. Cocc. coff. staph. SULPH. thuj. (see the CON. croc. ferr. GRAPT. IHYosc. Particular Affections.) IGN. ipec. kal. KIREOS. MAGN-C. Varices of the pudendum, calc. MAGN-M. mZosek. natr. uaatr-m. carb-v. lye. nux vom. zinc. Iz-mosch. NJX VOM. op. phos-ac. Vesicles at the pudendum, PLAT. PULS. rhus. SABIN. SEC. graph. staph. sulph. SEP. stann. stram. SULPH. thuj. Warts at the os tinc-e, sec. veratr. (see the Particular Affec- TawJ. tions.) Weakness of the parts, agn. Vagina, affections of the, alum. calc-ph. hep. mang. sep. sulph. ars. BELL. canth. caps. carb-v. -, after stool, and urine also, chain. chin. CON. FERR. ftrr-m. cal]-ph. graph. hyose. KAL. kreos. LYc. Weight in the parts, feeling MERC. mur-ac- NATR. witr-ac. of, nux voui. CIIAPTER XXVI. CATARRHI AND CATARRHAL AFFECTIONS. Catarrh, (see Coryza, and also Catarrhal ailments: Chap. XXVIT.) —, eyes affected, ARS. BELL. Catarrhal ailnents: CRaAM. EUP1-IR. hep. IGN. LACH. -, anguish at heart, anac. merc. Nux vosi. PULS. staph. -, breathing, difficult, ARS. sulph. bov. BRY. calc. IPEC, kal. lact., fetor from the nose, bell. Nuvx vOU. su1iph. _-, fever, Aco.. ars. hep. lack., bruised as if, hep. hIERC. ctatr. Nux vo.. sabad., chilliness, arg-n. ars. CnHA. P. SPIG. slph. tMart. hep. lachll. MIERC. ilatr. nus einp. PULS. spig. su. tart., headache, ACON. arg-n. -v Ucolic, acon. ucalc. tart. Ans. BELL. bov. bry. cale. carbcoulgh, aeon. alum. ambr. v. caus. CHAM. CHIN. CIN. euphr. baryt. BELL. bry. canth. CIIAI. graph. ign. lach. LYCe. NUX CUPR. euphr. ign. lkal-bi. vly. VOM. phosph, puls. sabad. sulph. MERC. natr. nitr-ac. NUX -, heat, aeon. ars. hep. lac,. VOMI. phos-ac. IPULS. RIIUs. AIERC. natr. Nux vOM. sabad. SANG. spong. SULPH. thuj. (Comp. SPIG. Catarrh in Chap. XXVII.), heat in head, lye. wux vom., diarrhoea, ars. bell. calc. carb- -, hoarseness, ars. carb-v. caus. v. CHA'.I. CHIN. dulc. hep. IPEC. CHAM. DIG. DULC. euphr. MERC. nitr-ac. PULS. SA.NG. graph. IGN. kal. LACH. MERc. staph. SULPH. NATR. SITR-AC. PETR. PULS. -—, dry mouth, Nux vom. SANG. SEP. spig. SPONG. SuLPH., eruptions at the mouth, ars. THUJ. (Comp. Hoarseness in, BELL. HEP. lach. MERC. mez. Chap. XXVII.) nux vom sulph --—, humming in the ears, acon. CATARRHAL AILMENTS. 819 Catarrhal ailments: Catarrhal fever, (see ars. bell. hep. lach. MERC. nux Coryza, Feverish.) vom. PULS. Coryza, alum, AMM. amm-m. -, lachrymation, arg-n. ars. anac. arg. ARS. BELL. brom. bry. CHIN. EUPIR. lach. sang. stapl. calc. carb-v. caus. CHAM. CHIN. -, lips cracked, CHAM. hell. Coc. con. dig. dros. DULC. staph. EUPnR. graph. HEP. IGN. IPEC. -, loss of smell, amm-m. carb-a. LACH. lact. LYc. magn-c. MERC. magn-m. mang. mez. NATR-M. NATR. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. NUX nitr. Nux VOM. PULS. rhod. VOM. petr. PULS. SAME. sang. sulph-ac. tart. sep. sil. SULPH. TART. zinc. - of taste, magn-m. NATR- -, better when sweating, NATR. M. PULS. rhod. tart. -, chronic, alum. anac. CALC. —, lying down, arg-n. graph. carb-v. caus. con. GRAPH. lye. -, nausea, graph. ACON. NATR. natr-m. nitr-ac. PULS. sep. -, nervousness, ACON. ign. mere. SIL. SULPH. zinc. Nux voM. -, cold, when growing, dule. —, nose bleed, acon. ARS. bell. graph. bry. chin. MERC. Nux VOMi. -, cold, after a, amm. ARs. PULS. rhus. sulph. BELL. bry. chain. DULC. euphr. -, oppression of the chest, ARS. graph. HEP. ign. IPEC. LACH. bov. BaRY. calc. IPEC. kal. lact. MERC. natr. Nux voM. puls. Nux von. sulph. spig. sulph. -, otalgia, BELL. lach. MERC. -, constant, calc. canus. graph. PULS. natr. SIL. -, pain in chest, ACON. bell. —, draught of air, caused by a, BRY. carb-v, kreos. meph. natr. MERC. Nux voM. phos-ac. PULS. —, drinking beer, after, fluor-ac. RI1us. SANG. SULPH. zinc. —, dry, ambr. AMM. amm-m. -, pains in the limbs, ACON. aur. Banor. BRY. CALC. cann. ars. bell. BRY. chiln. hep. mere. caps. carb-a. CARB-V. CAUS. cham. natr-m. PULS. SEP. sulph. chel. coff. cupr. graph. HEP. IGN. -, photophobia, ARs. MERC. ipec. kal. kal-bi. kreos. LACH. PULS. LYC. MAGN-C. mang. merc. 9natr. s, neezing, arg. arg-n. ars. natr-m. NITR-AC. NUX VOM. calad. calc. carb-a. chin. cycl. op. par. PHosPH. PLAT. puls. dros. kal. kreos. lach. natr-m. sabin. SAMB. sass. sep. SIL. spig. nux vom. sep. squill. staph. SULPII. sulph-ac. thuj. tart., in the evening, calad. —, sore nostrils, amm-m. ARS. - -, fluent, in the open air, calc. CHAM. chlor. cocc. graph. thuj. hep. kal-bi. LACu. lact. magn-m. -, in the day-time, Inang. MERC. mez. mur-ac. nitr- euphr. Nux voM. ac. nuc o vom. par. phosph. PULS. -- —, early in the morning, sang. senleg. sil. spong. squill. calc. natr-m. Nux vom. staph. SULPII. tart. zinc. - -, from one nostril, alum., sore throat, AcoN. BELL. plat. stann. canus. dulc. RIEP. LACH. MERC. - -, worse in the cold, dulc. nitr-ac. nux vom. phosph. phos-, at nights, caus. Nux ac. puls. sulph. voM. -, swollen nose, bry. nitr-ac. - -, alternating with fluent —, thirst, ars. CIIAM. hep. la1ch. coryza, alum. bell. euphr. nux MERC. vom. par. -, toothache, lach. —, epidemic, see (Influenza,, whining mood, PULS. SPri. Chap. XXVII.) --—, yawning, carb-a. -, every day, graph. 820 CATARRH AND CATARRHAL AFFECTIONS. Coryza, every other day, natr. Coryza, suppressed, with head-, feverish, aeon. ars. hep. lach. ache, AcoN. ars. BELL. carb-v. MERC. natr. Nux vonM. sabad. CIIAMr. CHIN. CIN. lach. lye. sep. SPIG. sulph. tart. NUX VOM. puls. SULPH. -, fluent, arg. ARS. aur. baryt. -, after getting wet, PULS. sep. BELL. boy. brom. bry. cale. carb- wine, caused by drinking, a. cans. CIIAM. chin. chlor. cin. fluor-ac. clem. cocc. cupr. cyc]. dros. DULC. Discharge, catarrhal, (Comp. euphr. graph. hell. HEP. ign. Chap. I. Secretions.) IPEC. kal. kreos. lach. LYc. meph. -, acrid, amm-m. ARS. cham. MERC. mez. natr. natr-m. NITR- chlor. graph. lach. lact. magn-m. Ac. wux vom. petr. phosph. phos- mang. MERC. mez. mur-ac. nitrac. plumb. PULS. ran. sabad. ac. Nux voM. par. phosph. PULS. sang. selen. sep. SIL. spig. squill. SANG. seneg. sil. spong. squill. staph. SULPH. tart. zinc. sulph. zinc. -, in the evening only, --, bloody, aeon. atnm. arn. ars. sil. aur-m. bell. bor. bry. chin. daphn. -, with stoppage of lach- euphr. ferr. fluor-ac. jod. ipec. rymation, lach. KAL. lach. laur. lye. magn-m. —, in the open air, teucr. natr-m. Nux voMn. op. par. thuj. PHOSPH. PULS. sabin. sep. -, early in the morning, SULPR. sulph-ac. THUJ. zinc. Nux von., burning, AMM-M. ARS. -, from one nostril, alum. CHAM. graph. lach. lact. MERC. bell. rhod. staph. mez. par. phosph. PULS. seneg..-.., headache ceasing, spong. sulph. zinc. LACH., fetid, arn. ars. bell. CALC., stoppage of the nose carb-v. cans. cham. con. cupr. ceasing, SIL. ferr. graph. guaj. hep. LED. IYCe., of the ears ceas- magn-m. NATR. nitr-ac. plhos-ac. ing, lack. PULS. sep. SIL. stann. SULPH. - -, alternating with dry thuj. coryza, alum. bell. euphr. nux -, foul smell, having a, arn. vom. par. bell. carb-v. chamin. con. cupr., liable to, calc. graph. natr. ferr. graph. PULS. sep. stann. puls. SIL. SULPH. -, gelatinous, arg. baryt. chin. -, ordinary, bell. HEP. lach. chinin DIG. ferr. LAUn. selen. IMERC., greenish, ars. BOR. cann., precursory symptoms of, carb-v. colch. dros. ferr. hyosc. AMM. CALC. caus. hep. LACH. kal. led. lye. magn-c. mang. natr-m. NUX VOM. SULPH. NATR. par. PHosPrr. PULS. sep., suppressed, AcoN. ARS. BELL. sil. stann. sulph. THUJ. mgt-aus. BRY. carb-v. chain. CHIN. CIN. —, purulent, ars. BELL. bry. euphr. hep. ign. ipec. lach. lye. CALC. CARE-V. CHIN. CON. dros. mere. Nux von. PULS. rhus. dulc. ferr. graph. guaj. hep. KAL. SULPII. led. Lyc. magn-e. mere. NATR. - —, with difficult breathing, nitr. nitr-ac. PHosPII. phos-ac. ARs. bry. IPEC. nux o!om. puls. plumb. PULS. rhus. ruta. sec. sulph. sep. SIL. stannl. staph. SULPH. —, with affection of the --—, reddish, br1. par. squill. eyes, BELL. cham. EUPUR. hep. —, tenacious, alum. ant. ars. bell. IGN. LACH. mere. Nux voM. PULS. BOV. cann. canth. carb-v. cham. sulph. chin. colck. dulc. ferr. ferr-m. -, with inflammation of jod. kal. lach. magn-c. magn-m. the chest, acon. BRY. mere. NUX mere. mez. nux vom. par. phosph. VOM. pluls. rhus. sulph. phos-ac. plumb. puls. ran. rhue. DISCHARGE, DRYNESS OF THE NOSE, ETC. 821 samb. seneg. sil. spong. stann. M][ucuS in the nose, disstaph. sulph. zinc. charge of, plugs, forming, sep. Discharge, thick, ACON. amm- SIL. m. ant. arg. asa. aur-m. baryt. —, scurfs, forming, ALUM. bell. bor. calc. graph. KREOS. bry. natr. SEP. SIL. mang. mur-ae. natr. nitr-ac. oP. Purulent discharges (see par. phosph. PULS. RUTA. sabad. Chap. XI.) samb. sass. selen. sil. stann. VSTAPH. SULPH. * Stoppage of the nose, alum. -, watery, agar. amm-nm. arg. AMBR. amm. aomn-m. anac. ANT. Aas. boy. CARB-v. cham. chin. arg. arg-n. ars. AUR. aur-m. bov. daphn. ferr. graph. LA. 1cV. brom. BRY. CALC. carb-a. mdaphn. Mfer. groph. LACH. paC. CARB-v. CAUS. cham. CHEL. ciC. magn-c. MERc. inez. mur-ac. par. Ci CON. pr. G plumb. ran-se. stann. sulph. CI-. CON. cPr. GRAPH. grat. sulph-ac. jod. ipec. KAL. KAL-BI. lach. white, ACON. ambr. amm-m. laur. Lmc. MAuN-C. Nag-m. ARG. aur-m. carb-a. CARB-V. iang. mere. mur-ac. NATR. chin. cin. cupr. ferr. KREOs. Lye. NATR-M. nitr. NITR-AC. n-mosch. PHosPH. phos-ac. PULS. rhus NUX VOM. op. par. petr. sabad. SEP. si]. spig. SULPH. PHOSPH. plumb. PULS. ran. sad Sellowish, acon. amm-m. rhod. sabad. SAMB. sang. sass. ang. ant. ars. ao. aur-i. Bo. selen. sep. SIL. spig. stann. staph brom. BRY. CALC. CARB-V. tram. SULPH. teucr. THUJ. chlor. CON. DAPUN. DROS. er znc graph. kreos. lyc. magn-c. magn-, in the evening, carb-v. euphr. m. mang. merc. mez. mur-ac. pus. natr. NITR-AC. phos. phosph. phos-ac., early in the morning, con. PULS. RUTA. selen. seneg. SEP. lach par phosph. rhod. spig. SPONG. STANN. STAPH. —, at night, amm. lyvc. maga-m. SULPH. THUJ. veratr. Nux VOM. Dryness of the nose, agar. —, on one nostril, alum. chlor. AMBR. ars. baryt. BELL. BRY. n-mosch. RHOD. staph. SULPu. CALC. CANN. chlor. CON. dros. sulph-ac. GRAPH. ign. kal. kal-bi. lact. posterior nares, staph. rnagn-m. eph. MERC. mez. —, when reading loud, verb. NATR-M. nzitr-ac. PETR. PHOSPR., in a room, puls. ran. rhus. seneg,. SEP. SIL. SPIG., in a warm room, PULS. ran. SULPH. ZINC. -, with watery discharge, ars. —, burning, kzal-bi.nc., in the open air, ant. Sneezing, agar. ambr. arg-n. night, at, nux vom. sil. ARN. bor. CALC. calc-ph. carb-a., feeling of, anac. con. mez. carb-v. chin. cin. CON. euphorb. petr. seneg. SIL. veratr. fluor-ac. grat. KAL. kreos. lach. Influenza,(see Chap. XXVII.) lact. meph. mere. mez. NATR-M. Mucus in the nose, in- nux vonl. phosph. prun. puls. creased, baryt. euphr. jod. ran-se. RHus. sang. SIL. squill. plumb. phosph. ran-sc. rhod. STAPH. sulph. tarax. TART. teuer. sabad. spig. ther. veratr. -, in the open air, rhod., with colic, aeon., discharge of, without cold, -, with creeping in the nose, agar. anac. calc-ph. carb-v. cans. plat. teucr. chlor. crotal. euphorb. graph., in the evening, puls. kreos. magn-m. mere. nitr-ac. -, excessive, CON. KAL. SIL. par. PHosPH. ran. ran-sc. sulph- -, with headache, cin. ac. ther., ineffectual, ACON. NATR-M. --, chronic, anac. phosph. nitr-ac. SIL. 822 CATARRH, AND CATARRHAL AFFECTIONS. Sneezing, early in the morn- Sneezing, with pain in nape ing, caus. kreos. puls. of neck, amm-m. with nausea, sulph. -—, spasmodic, stram. sulph., with pain in chest, aeon. cin. -, with stitches in the side, grat. seneg. acon. bor. grat., with pain in hypochondria, -L, violent, aeon. ars. kal-bi. grat. RHUS. sabad. CHAPTER XXVII. AFFECTIONS OF THE LARYNX AND TRACHEA, INCLUDING CATARRHAL AFFECTIONS AND DEFECTS OF THE VOICE. Aphonia, (see Voice Extinct.) CALC. CHAM. cin. coif. DROS. Ball, sense of a, lach. ign. ipec. sulph. Bronchial affections, Catarrh of the air-pasACON. arn. ARS. baryt. BELL. sages, chronic, ARS. bry. BRY. calc. cann. CAPS. CARB-V. CALC. CARB-V. CAUS. DULC. jod. caus. CHAM. CHIN. cin. con. lach. lye. mang. natr. natr-m. DROS. DULC. euphr. ferr. HEP. petr. PHosPrI. phos-ac. SIL. STANN. HYosc. iyn. IPEC. kal-bi. lach. staph. SULPH. lye. magn-c. Inang. MERC. natr. -, epidemic (influenza), ACON. natr-m. NUX VOM. petr. am. Ans. BELL. bry. camph. PHOSPH. phos-ac. PULS. RHUS. CAUS. chin. ipec. MERC. NUX sabad. sep. sil. SPIG. SroNG. VOM. phosph. puls. rhus. sabad. squill. STANN. staph stram. seneg. sil. spig. squill. veratr. SULPH. tart. veratr. VERB., with fever, ACON. arn. ARS. Bronchitis, (see Catarrh In- BELL. BRY. CHAM. chin. flammatory.) COFF. dulc. IGN. ipec. MERe. fzux Bunrning AMM-M. ARns. CHAM. vo2n. phosph. PULS. RHUS. seneg. graph. lach. lact. MERC. mez. par. squill. veratr. phosph. seneg. spong. zinc., inflammatory, ACON. ars. Catarrh of the air-pas- BELL. BRY. CuIIA. DROS. lye. sages, ACON. arnm. ARS. baryt. mere. nux vom. PHOSPH. puls. BELL. BRY. calc. cann. CAPS. SPONG. squill. sulph. CARB-V. caus. CHAM. CHIN. cin. —, after measles, aeon. bell. con DROS. DULC. euphr. ferr. hep. BRY. CARB-V. CHAM. cin. coff. HYosC. ign. ipec. LACH. lye. DROS. dulc. IGN. NUx voM. PULS. magn-c. mang. MERC. natr. sep. sulph. natr-m. N-VOM. petr. PHospir. —, in old people, baryt. carb-v. phos-ac. PULS. RHUS. sabad. con. hyosc. kreos. phosph. stann. sep. sil. SPIG. spong. squill. sulph. STANN. staph. stram. SULPH. -, ordinary, with cough, AeoN. tart. veratr. VERB. bell. CHAM. MERe. NUX VOM. -, in children, ACON. BELL. PULS. rhus. sulph. CATARRH OF THE AIR-PASSAGES, COLD, ETC. 823 Catarrh of the air-pas- seC. SENEG. SPONG. stann. sages, with profuse sweat, sulph-ac. teuer. zinc. bry. CHIN. MERC. samb. SULPII. Exuudations, brom. hep. kal-, with rheumatism, ACON. bi. SPONG.-(Comp. Croup.) Aas. bell. brv. earb-v. CAUS. Food getting into the CHAM. CHrN. col Ban. IHE. I LACH. larynx, liable to, acon. ARG. CHAMf. chlil. croc. DROS. DuILC. bell. kal. meph. rhus. graph. IIEP. kreos. ladc. MANG. -, especially when eating ap-, in scrofuloas persons, BELL. ples, ARG. CALE. hep. ulIph. Heat, aeon. ant. canth. hyose. suffocative, ARS. baryt. jod. kal-bi. magn-m. camph. CARL-NV. CHIrN graph. Hissing, (see Chap. XXIX. IPEC. LACH. OP. puls. samb. Breathin, HIissing.) tart. H oarseness, al urn..abr. amm. Cold, feeling of, w-hen antm-tr. ang. arg-n. ars. barrt. drawinog breath, ARG. ithus. I34111. boy. bromn. Bay. calc. Constriction, ars. asar'. canth. caps. carb-a. CAIRB-V. BELL. calad. camphl. canth. CAsUS. CnlA^A. chin. ehinin. cic. con. chain. chinin. Cocc. dros. [tELL. elupr. dig. DTROS. DULc. ferr. IPEC. LACTI. LAUR. Y)eoSch. a1- gra'p,. 1H. jo.:rl. kal-bi. mosch. ntx yvor. phos-ae. plziumbi. oreos.?. lact. lact. laurl. lye. magnPULS. rhus. sass. sil. spong, xe- in. MANG. men. MEinc. mez. ratr. imur-ac. NATr. naetr-mn. nitr. nitrContractive pain, bron. a~c. n-mosch. Nvx voma. op. par. jod. phos-ae. staph. thUj. PETR. PHOSPH. phos-ac. plumb., after vexation in the throat- PIrLS. Ihod. RIIUs. sabad. SAMB. pit, staph. sec. selen. seneg. sep. SIL. spig. Contusive pain, ruta. SI)ONMNC. stann. staph. stront. Croup, ACON. arn. ARS. bell. SULPH. supjk-ac. tart. thuj. verb. brom. carb-v. cham. chzi. cin. zinc. CUPR. dros. aErP. hyose. LACI. -, in tile open air, especially, Ivye. Moscn. nux omre. PHosPIi. mang. samb. SPONG. TART. veratr.- after eatarrll, CARB-V. KAOLIN. CAUS. DROS. MANG. PHOSPI!., during the attack, ACON. rhus. sil. sulph. he p. SPONG., catarrhal, bell. calc. caps. m, embrane, when raising a, CARB-V. CHIAM. DROS. DULC. SPONo. hep. manlq. MERCI-. natr. Nux, precursory stage, AeON. voM. pcoWsph. PULs. Riius. SAMB. chan. chin. cin. DROS. HEP. SULPH. tart. hyose. nux vom. SPONG. veratr. -, with chilliness, MERC. natr., with paralysis of the lungs, nux vom. PULS. ARS. mosch. TART. -....., chronic, ant. baryt. bell. -, inveterate, ARS. cham. eupr. CARB-V. CAUS. dros. dulc. laeh. mosch. PHosPII.-KAOLN. ItEP. AMANG. mere. PETR -—, recurrenee, to prevent a, PHOSPH. rhus. SIL. SULPH. Lye. PHOSPH., after a cold, bell. bry. CARBa - sequelae, arn. bell. carb-v. v. CHAM. DULC. sulph. dros. HEP. PHOsPii. -, with coryza, ars. carb-v. Cutting, arg. canth. nitr. caus. CHAM. DiG. DULc. euphr. Drawing pain, bor. graph. IGN. kal. LACH. MERC. Dryness of the larynx, NATR. NITR-AC. PETa. PULS. ant. ARG. ARs. carb-r. caus. eint. SANG. SEP. spip. SPONG. SULPH. con. dros. ferr. hyosc. ka. lach. THUJ. lact. magn-m. mang. mez. natr. -, with cough, ambr. amm. natr-m. par. phosph. PULS. rhod. arg-n. bell. BaR. calc. caps. 824 AFFECTIONS OF TIlE LARYNX AND T''ACHEA, ETC. CARB-v. CHAM. DROS. DULC. squill. STANN. staph. stram, hep. kal-bi. mang. MERC. natr. sulph. tart. veratr. verb. natr-m. nitr-ac. Nvx voM.phoph. Inflammation, acute, PULS. RHUs. SAMB. seneg. SPONG. ACON. ars. BELL. BRY. cale. SULPIr. tart. thuj. carb-v. caus. CHAM. DRos. REP. Hoarseness, after croup, bell. jod. IPEC. LACH. led. nmang. carb-v. dros. HEP. PnOSPH. MERC. nitr. nitr-ac. NUX, in the evening, alum. carb-a. VOM. PHOSPH. PULS. seneg. CARB-V. caus. graph. kal-bi. SPONG. stann. tart. LACI. lact. mang-c. nux vom. —, arsenious vapor, caused by, sulph. thuj. KAL-BI. in bed, nux vone., bronchia, ACON. ARs. BELL., after measles, bell; bry. BRY. cale. CARBn-. CAus. cham. CARB-V. cham. Dros. dule. DROS. HEP. jod. ipec. KAL-BI. sulph. LACIL. led. lyc. mang. MERC., early in the morning,', acon. nitr. nitr-ac. NUX VOM. PuosPH. arn. ars. boy. cale. carb-a. CARB- PULS. seneg. SPONG. squill. V. caus. coff. colebh. dig.' JOD. stram. sulph. kal-bi. kreos. lact. magn-m., chronic, ARG. ary-n. ARS. mang. natr-m. Nux voyo. sulph. bry. CALC. CARB-V. CAUS. —, in bed, alum. coff. kal- dros. ditlc. HEP. JOD. kal-bi. bi. par. K]PEOS. lach. led. lye. MANG., at night, arg-n. sil. mere. natr. natr-m. NITR-AC. -, periodical, nux yvom. nux vom. petr. PHOSPIT. phos-, when reading loud, verb. ac. puls. seneg. sil. spong. STANN. -, when singing, ARG. selen. staph. SULPH. with sore throat, CARB-V. -, with ulceration, ARG. arg-n. nitr-ac. ARS. CALC. CARB-V. CAUS. with stoppage of the ears, dros. IErP. jod. kreos. led. mang. MEN. puls. NITR-A('. PHOSPH. spong. sulph., sudden, alum. n-rnosch., larynx, ACON. ARG. arg-n., from talking, ARG. carb-v. ARS. bell. BROM. cale. canth. staph. CARB-V. CAUS. CHAM. chin., when walking against the cin. cupr. DROS. REP. hyosc. wind, N-Moscdi. JOD. ipec. kreos. LACH. led. lye., from the warmth of the mosch. Nux voM. PHOSPH. samb. room, BRY. SPONG. tart. veratr., in wet weather, carb-v. -, trachea, ACON. arg. arn. sulph. ARS. bry. canth. CARB-V. CAus. Huskiness of the chest, chamin. chin. cin. DROS. REP. amnm. anmm-m. baryt. BELL. jod. ipec. kreos. LACH. laur. led. carb-v. caus. chin. graph. lach. mang. MERC. mez. nitr-ac. Nux NATR-M. nitr-ac. PULS. sulph-ac. vom. PHOSPH. PULs. rhus. teucr. veratr. VERB. seneg. SPONG. stann. staph. Inflammation, ACON. sulph. thuj. veratr. zinc. ARG. ARG-N. arn. ARS. baryt. -, in clergymen, teachers, BELL. brom. BRY. calc. cann. ARG. lach. caps. CARB-V. CAUS. CHAM. Influenza, (see Catarrh, chin. cin. con. cupr. DROS. dulc. Epidemic.) euphr. ferr. HEP. hyosc. ign. Irritation inducing JoD. rPEC. kreos. LACH. LED. lye. cough, agar. agn. alum. arg. magn-c. MANG. MERC. mosch. bell. bov. bry. caps. carb-a. carbnatr. natr-m. NITR. NITR-AC. v. chinin. cocc. cof. colch. con. NUX VOM. PHOSPH. phos-ac. dros.ferr. graph. ign. kal. kalPULS. rhus. sabad. SAMB. SE- bi. lach. lact. lyc. magn-c. mang. NEG. sep. sil. spig. SPONG. imnez. n-mosch. numx vom. rhod. sil. LARYNX, MUCUS, ETC. 825 STANN. stront. SuLPE. tart. CAUS. chin. cof. colch. dig. teucr. dros. GRAPH. hep. jod. kal. Larynlx, affections of the, kal-bi. KREOS. lach. lact. laur. ACON. ambr. amm-m. ant. ARG. lye. MIANG. natr. natr-m. nitr. ARG-N. ARS. bell. BROMI. cale. nitr-ac. N-MOSCH. nux vom. CANTH. CARB-V. CAUS. CHAM. PHOSPH. plumb. prun. PULS. chin. cin. con. cupr. DROS. ferr. rhod. rhus. seneg. sil. spong. HEP. hyosc. JOD. ipec. kal-bi. STANN. staphs SULPH. veratr. KIREos. LACH. laur. led. lye. Scraping, (see Roughness.) mosch. lNux VOM. PHOSPH. Sensitiveness of the phos-ac. PULS. rhus. sabad. larynx, arg. BELL. bor. SAMB. seneg. sep. SPONG. stann. BROM. bry. chinin. graph. HEP. sulph. tart. veratr. zinc.-(See LACH. nitr-ac. PHOSPH. sang. the Particular Affections.) SPONG. sulph. Ilucus, accumulation of, AMBR. -., to contact, BELL. chinin. amm. ang. ARG. ARS. aur. baryt. HEP. LACH. seneg. SPONG. bell. bov. bry. CALC. CAMPH. —, when turning the neck, cann. canth. caps. caus. chain. LACH. SPONG. chin. cin. croc. cupr. dig. DROS. -—, when drawing breath, bell. graph. hyosc. JOD. lach. Lyc. hep. magn-m. natr-m. Nux voM., when coughing, ARG. BELL. oleand. plumb. PULS. samb. bor. brom. bry. sang. SENEG. sep. STANN. staph. -, after reading loud, nitr-ac. SULPH. TART. zinc. magt., when sneezing, bor., hawking up of, ant. bism. —, when singing, ARG. spong. canth. carb-a. carb-v. caus. cin. -, when talking, ARG. bell. bry. con. croc. HEP. jod. KAL. laur. hep. nitr-ac. phosph. sulph. Lyc. natr-m. par. petr. PHOSPH. —, to tobacco smoke, bry. phos-ac. PLAT. plumb. rhod. Singing aggravates, ARG. rhus. sabin. selen. seneg. SEP. Sore, pain as if, ARG. jod. kal-bi. stann. tarax. teucr. thuj. zinc. natr. PULS. sil. STAINN. (Comp. -, early in the morning, ambr. Rawness.) caus. natr-m. petr. phosph. rhus. -, when talking, AnG. sep. Spasm of the air-pas—, rattling of, alum. amm. sages, ant. ars. asar. bell. ANAc. BELL. calc. carb-a. chainm. calad. camph. canth. cham. chin. chinin. cin. cupr. jod. kal- chinin. Cocc. dros. HELL. IPEC. bi. lach. laur. LYC. NATR-M. LACH. laur. MoscH. n-mosch. nux nitr-ac. OP. PETR. phosph. PULS. vom. phos-ac. plumb. PULS. rhus. sep. spong. STANN. SULPH. SAMB. sass. sil. spong. veratr. TART. Stinging, ang. baryt. bor. Numb feeling, acon. canth. caps. chin. croc. dros. Phtlhisis, (see Inflammation hyosc. latr. men. nitr-ac. oleand. and Ulceration.) phosph. sulph-ac. thuj. Plug, sense of a, ANT. BELL. Stoppage, sense of, aur-m. dros. KAL. LACH. spong. sulph. mang. SPONG. verb. Polypi, kal-bi. Swelling, sensation of, chinin. Pulsation, lach. lach. laur. sulph. Raw feeling, ant. ARG. bov. Talking aggravates, ARG. bry. caus. fluor-ac. graph. jod. Tension, lach. nitr. kal-bi. lach. mur-ac. natr. PULS. Tickling, (see Titillation.) seneg. sil. STANN. SULPH. Titillationl, ACON. amm. zinc. amm-m. ang. ARS. asa. baryt. Roughness, ALUM. ambr. bell. bor. boe. brom. bry. caps. amm. anac. ant. bor. bov. brom. carb-a. carb-v, caus. CHAM. chin. calc. cann. canth. caps. carb-v. cin. colch. con. cupr. dig. ferr. 35* 826 AFFECTIONS OF THE LARYNX AND TRACHEA, ETC. graph. hep. ign. JOD. IPEC. Voice, feeble, ang. ANT. BELL. kal. LACH. lact. laur. led. magn- CANTH. CARB-V. CAUS. chin. c. magn-m. MERC. mur-ac. natr. daphn. HEP. ign. lach. laur. lyc. NATR-M. nitr. NUX VOM. nux vom. op. par. PHosPH. prun. oleand. PHOSPH. prun. PULS. PULS. sec. spong. staph. VERATR. sabin. seneg. SEP. SPONG. STANN., fine, piping, bell. caus. cupr. STAPH. sulph. tart. teucr. VE- phosph. stann. stram. RATR. zinc., giving out, alum. dros. SPONG. Trachea, affections of the, -, hollow, acon. BARYT. BELL. ACON. arg. arn. ARS. bell. bry. camph. carb-iv. CAUS. DROS. hep. CANTH. CARB-V. CAUS. CHAM. ipec. PIHOSPH. SAMB. SPONG. chin. cin. DROS. ferr. HEP. JOD. stann. VERATR. ipec. kal-bi. kreos. LACH. laur. -, husky, baryt. camph. CAUS. led. MANG. merc. mez. nitr. chin. croc. GRAPH. hvosc. NITR-AC. Nux VOM. PHOSPH. MERC. nitr-ac. n-mosch. sabad. ptls. rhus. seneg. SPONG. stann. SPONG.' (Comp. Huskiness of staph. sulph. thuj. veratr. zinc.- the Chest.) (see the Particular Affections.) —, nasal, ALUMr. AUR. BELL. Voice, defects or quality of the, bry. LAca. LYc. MERC. phos-ac. acon. ambr. ant. BARYT. bell. staph. bry. calc. cann. carb-a. carb-v. -, raised, BELL. cupr. stann. cans. cham. chin. cupr. dig. STRAM. DROS. graph. hep. hyosc. jod. —, rough, ambr. ars. aur-m. kal. lach. laur. mang. men. mere. BELL. BRY. calc. CAPS. CARB-V. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n- CAUS. CHAM. chin. croc. DROS. mosch. nux vom. oleand. petr. DULC. graph. HEP. kreos. lach. phosph. plat. plumb. puls. rhus. MANG. MERc. NATR. natr-m. ruta. sabad. samb. selen. sep. sil. nux vom. PETR. PHOSPH. PULS. spong. stann. sulph. veratr. RIUS. SAMB. seneg. SIL. SPONG. verb. stann. SULPH. veratr. -, changeable, ars. lach., shrill, cupr. STRAM., croaking, AcoN. cin. lach., sound, having an uniform, -, crowing, AcoN. CHIN. CIN. dros. graph. spong. stram. dros. hep. samb. spong. -, timorous, agn. canth. laur., deep, bass, anac. BARYT. -., tremulous, ars. canth. CHIN. DROS. jod. laur. par. Ulceration of larynx, SULPH. arg. arg-n. ARS. CALC. CARB-, dull, agn. asa. dros. lyVC. V. CAUS. dros. HEP. jod. kreos. spong. sulph. led. mang. NITR-AC. PHOSPH. -, extinct, ANT. BARYT. BELL. spong. sulph. brom. cann. carb-a. CARB-V. Ulcerative pain, carb-v. CAUS. dros. hep. kal. lach. kal-bi. MERC. natr-m. PHOSPH. plat. Weakness, feeling of, canth. plumb. puls. spong. SULPH. caus. veratr. Wheezing, (see Chap. XXIX., with sensitive nostrils, Breathing, Wheezing.) ANT. CIIAPT1ER XXVIIL COUGH, AND ACCOMPANYING AILMENTS. Cough, principally, ACOX. aN. ar arb-a. carb-. caus. CHAM. chinARs. BELL. BRY. CALC. caps. chinin. IN. COFF. Cos. croc. CARB-V. cans. CHAM. ckin, cin. cupr. dig. DRos. euphorb. grat. CON. DROS. DULC. euphr. HEP. guaj. HEPR HRYOSC, IGN,- JoD. HYosc. IGN. IPEC. kal. KAL-BI. IPEC. kal. KREos. LACEI. act. lach. led. LYC. NUX VOM. op. LYC. rnagn-m. mang. MERC. mercPiiosPH. phos-ac. PULS. rthus. c. mez. natr. natr-m. nitr. NITR. SEP. sil. spong. squill. STANN. Ac. N —Soscn. NUX VO.M. op. staph. SULPH. tart. VERATR. PETR. PIIOSPH. PLAT. plumb. verb. PULS. rhod. RImUS. sabad. sabin. -, barking, BELL. DRos. HEP. sang. SENEG. SEP. sil. SPIG. lact. NITR-AC. phosph. SPONG. SPONG. SQUILL. STANN. STAPH., cachectic, nux vom0. PHOSPIIr. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. teucr. puls. stann. veratr. v-erb. zinc., catarrhal, ACON. arn. ARs. CoUgh, dry, in the evening, BELL. BRY. calc. CAPS. CARB-V. araryt. cale hep. magn-m. caus. CHAM. chin. cin. DROS. n m.__ I&__. pos-ac. I)uLC. euphr. hyosc. igrn. IPEC. rhus. sep. stans.n_ lach. MERC. NUX VOM. early in the morning, PHoSPIr. phos-ac. PULS. RRHUS. alum. arnoi-m. ant. chin. grat. sep. sil. SPIG. squill. stann. staph. lye. rhod. stann. sulph-ac. veratr. SULPH. veratr. VERB., with expectoration -, concussive, ANAC. ant. ars. only in the morning, ALUM. AMM. bell. CARB-V. caus. chin. con. bell, BRY. CALC. CARB-V. FERR. cupr. graph. HYosc. IGN. ipec. HEP. kal. led. lye. MAGN-c. MANG;kal. LACH. led. LYe. MERC. nitr- mur-ac. natr. NATR-3r. nitr-ac. ac. Nux voMf. oleand. phosph. PHosPH. phos-ac. PULS. SEP. sil. PULS. rhus. seneg. SIL. STANN. SQUILL. SULPH-AC. SULPIT. mgt-arc. - —, at night, acon. ARS. bell.' -, crowing, aeon. CHIN-. CIN. bry. CALC. carb-a. CHAM. chin. DROs. hep. ruta. SAMB. SPONG. GRAPH. grat. kal. magn-c. magn-, deep, ang. ars. HEP. lach. m. merc. mez."Wx v;i. op; p er. samb. SABAD. sil. STANN. VERATR. PuLS.'hod. rhus. SABAD. SIL. VERB. stri;ont. SULPH. veratr. verb. zinc. -, dry, ACON. alum. amm. magt. amm-m. arg. arg-n. ARN. ARs. - -, day and night, bell. aur-m. baryt. BELL. bor. bov. euphorb. ign. lye. spong. brom. BRY. CALC. cann. caps. —, hoarse, ACON. ambr. ars. 828 COUGH, AND ACCOMPANYING AILMENTS. asa. brom. carb-a. carb-v. caus. SIL. spig. SULPH. tart. MGT. cham. CIN. DROS. REP. IGN. ARC. KREOs. lyc. MERC. natr. natr-m. Cough, wheezing, brom. CIN. tnitr-ac. NUX VOM. rhod. samb. cupr. DROS. hyosc. KAL. KREOS. SPONG. STANN. VERATR. VERB. laur. lye. mur-ac. phosph. prun. kreos. ]act. led. mecr-c. NITR-AC. rhus. sep. SPONG. sulph. sulph-ac. op. phosph. samb. sil. spig. Cough accompanied Cough, hollow, BELL. brom. by: caus. cin. DROS. euphorb. IEP. —, abdomen painful, alum. ars. ign kreos. laet. led. mr-i (. aur. BELL. caps. coloc. con. NITr-Ac. cp. po10,'p/. saMn.,1l. kreos. NUX VOM. plospll. spig. SPONG. STAPH. tart. te- PULS. sil. stann. sulph. veratr. ratr. verb., abdominal ring, painful,, in paroxysls,;. alum. cocc. natr-m. Nux voM. sil. sulph. AnMI. anac. ARS. bLi. )]i VERATR. wgt-are. mgt-aus. j-pg~. eale. CASRB-NX ne. i.., anguish, acon. cin. coff. hep. CIN. co.. crc. CeioC:. I)1C. jod. rhus. fcrr. ferr-m. HEP. HIt QC. I-. —, arms painful, dig.'j6d IPEC. kal. kre);. iact. T;,T., bleeding at the mouth, magn-e. iWdEl-Ee. R1ERC. ali-i. DROS. IPEC. nux vom. nitr-ac. TNUX VOMI. <'p. phIosi. — o, burning in the air-passages, pluimb. PULS..ep. ij S i. ant. carb-v. caus. cin. jod. lach. VE=ATR. M(+T-APC. mgt-aus. Imagn-m. SPONG. sulph. zinc.. ricking, ANYC. AIn-.m. ang. (Comp. Sore, Pain, as if.) ars. bell. brom. calc. CARB-v. -, complexion blue, aeon. BELL. cann. caus. chin. chinin. coce. CIN. con. cupr. DROS. IPEC. con. croc. cupr. daphn. DULC. kal. nux vom. op. sil. graph. HYosc. IGN. ipec. kal., congestion of the head, anac. LACH. lact. led. Lye. MERC., concussive pains, carb-a. kal. mer-c. MEE. mur-ac. natr. NUX kreos. lact. mang. nitr-ac. puls. VOM. op. phosph. PULS. rhod. rhus. squill. sulph. rhus. selen. SIL. spig. squill. —, constriction, acon. amm. ars. STANN. SULPH. VERATR. zinc. dros. mang. squill. sulph. " — ltt AC,'.CONaYalu m., -ana"a. crying, ARN. BELL. CIN. REP. tg-n. AS. asa. bell. b1y. samb. tart. CTUS. CHIN'. COFF.gi57az hep. -, after the attack, HEP. ign. kreos. LACH. lact. laur. lye., cutting in the affected parts, MERC. NATR-M. nitr. nitr-ac. arg. natr-m. NITR. veratr. Nux VOM. oleand. petr. PLAT. -, debility, VERATR. rhus. sabad. sep. spong. squill. —, emission of urine, ant. caps. stann. SULPH. sulph-ac. CAUS. colch. KREOS. NATR-M. -—, spasmodic, aecon. AMBR. BELL. PHOSPH. puls. staph. SQUILL. brom. BRY. cale. CARB-V. chin. sulph. zinc. CIN. con. CUPR. dig. DRos. FERR. -, erethism, vascular, arn. ferr-m. REP. HYOSC. ign. jod. —, eructations, arnbr. sulph-ac. IPEC. kal. kreos. lact. led. veratr. magn-c. magn-m. MERe. natr-m. -, eyes painful, lach. nitr-ac. NUX VOM. plumb. -, flow of water in the mouth, PULS. sep. sil. SULPH. veratr. ambr. ars. bry. lach. MGT-ARO., flying to pieces, as if the -, suffocative, aeon. arg-n. ars. parts would, BRY. caps. LYC. brom. BRY. carb-a. CARB-V. caus. mere. natr-m. NUX VOM. cham. CHIN. CIN. CON. CUPR. phosph. sulph. zinc. DROS. HEP. IPEC. kreos. lach.; hands sweaty, TART. lact. led. natr-m. n-mosch. Nux -, hard-hearing, chel. seneg. voM. OP. petr. Puts. samb. SEP. -, headache, alum. AMBR. anac. COUGH. 829 arm. ars. BELL. BRY. CALC. CAPS. mach, alum. amm. ars. BRY. carb-v. CAUS. con. hep. ipec. kal- lach. phosph. sep. thuj. bi. lach. lye. MERC. NATR-M. Cough, accompanied nitr. nitr-ac. NUX VOM. PHOSPII. by: phos-ac. PULS. rhus. SABAD. sep. —, pain as if raw, ambr. anac. SQUILL. SULPH. ant. arg. arn. calc. carb-v. grat. Cough, accompanied kal. kreos. laur. magn-c. mez. by: n-mosch. petr. PHOSPH. ruta. sep. -, heat, ars. kreos. lach. natr. sil. mgt-arc. nux vom. squill. sulph., pain ill the shoulder, chin., larynx painful, ACON. ant. dig. puls. sulph. ARG. ARN. ars. BELL. calc. carb- -, pain in the sides, ACON. v. cans. cham. clin. grat. HEP. ambr. amm-m. ars. BELL. bor. kal. lach. magn-m. mang. natr- BRY. chin. con. dros. ferr. kal. i m. nux vom.r' —phqh. sep. kal-bi. MERc. nitr. PHosPH. PULS. SPONG. seneg. SQUILL. sulph. veratr., loss of consciousness, cin., pain in small of back, AmM. -, nausea, ars. BRY. calc. caps. kal-bi. mere. nitr-ac. sulph. DROS. hep. ipec. jod. kal. kal-bi. —, pain as if sore, alum. ambr. lach. mere. natr. petr. puls. sep. amm. arg. ars. baryt. BELL. calc. veratr. CARB-V. CAUS. chin. cin. hep. -, nose-bleed, DROS. ipec. mere. lach. lye. magn-m. meph. mere. Nux VOM. puls. natr. natr-.m. nitr. nitr-ac. n-, oppression of chest, amm. mosch. nux vom. PHOSPH. sep. cocc. con. graph. grat. rhod. sil. spig. spong. STANN. SULPH. rhus. zinc. -, pain as if bruised, arn. ars., pain in stomach, BELL. CALC. ferr. ferr-m. natr. NUX VOM. ipec. kal-bi. lye. nitr-ac. phosph., pains in chest, ACON. ambr. PULS. rhus. sabad. amm-m. ant. arn. ars. BELL. --, before the attack, BELL. bor. BRY. calc. carb-a. CARB- -, pain in testes, zinc. V. CAUS. CHIN. con. dig. DROS. -, palpitation of the heart, arn. ferr. ferr-m. JOD. kal. lach. LYC. calc. nitr. PULS. MAGN-M. MERC. natr-m. NITR., panting, chin. CIN. nitr-ac. n-mosch. nux vom. CupR. DROS. DuLC. HYOSC. ipec. PETR. PHOSPH. phos-ac. rhus. kreos. mur-ac. phosph. PULS. PULS. sabad. seneg. sep. sil. rhus. sep. sulph. sulph-ac. VEspig. spong. SQUILL. STANN. RATR. staph. SULPII. VERATR. ZINC. —, pressure in the affected parts,, pain in the ear, caps. ambr. anac. bell. bor. bry. caps., pain in the groins, bor. chin. dig. grat. jod. phosph. sil., pain as if hernia would set spong. squill. stront. SULPH. in, cocc. natr-m. nux vom. sil. ptyalism, BELL. LACH. vesulph. VERATR. ingt-arc. ratr. -, pain in hips, bell. cans. suipl-., rattling Of mucus, arg. BELL. -, pain in hypochondria, aonbr. caus. CHrAM n.on. IPE. kal-bi. amm. amm-m. arn. ars. BRY natr. NATR-M. NUx VOM. pu18. DROS. hell. hep. LACH. lyc sep. sil. TART. nitr-ac. NUX VOM. PHOSPH. —, red face, bell. con. kal. sep. sulph., retching, bell. brom. CARB-, pain in nape of neck, alum. V. CIIIN. DROS. HEP. ipec. kal. bell. ferr. mere. KREOS. lye. mere. mez. natr-m. -, pain in occiput, anac. ferr. NUX VOM. PULS. sep. squill. MERC. sulph. stann. SULPH., pain in the pit of the sto- -, shrieking, chin. samb. sep. 830 COUGH, AND ACCOMPANYING AILMENTS. Cough, accompanied kreos. LACH. mez. natr-m. nitr-ac. by: NUX VOM. PHOS-AC. PULS., smarting in the air-passages, RHUS. SABAD. SEP. sil. SULPH. (see Pain, as if Sore.) TART. VERATR. -, sneezing, BELL. bry. nitr-ac. Cough, accompanied sep. tart. by: ~- ~ ~, after the attack, BELL. -, of the ingesta, anac. HEP. BRY. dig. DROS. ferr. IPEC., sore throat, ACON. ambr. NUX VOM. PHos-AC. puls. rhus. ars. bry. calc. caps. carb-a. stann. TART. CARB-V. caus. chin. HEP. KAL. -, waterbrash, bry. lyc. MERC. NATR-M. nitr-ac. Nux -, wheezing breathing, dros. voi. PHOSPH. SPONG. (Comp, KAL. magn-m. Larynx, painful.) Cough occurring:, spasms of chest, ars. chlor., from ars. lach. sulph. phosp., stiffness of the body, ipec., when expiring air, cann., stitches in the back, mere. carb-v. caus. nux vom. puls. sep. -, when inspiring air, calc. cin. -, stitching in the affected magn-m. men. op. puls. squill. parts, alum. AMM. amm-m. anac. sulph. ARs. aur. BELL. bor. BRY. calec. -, in the open air, alum. ARs. caps. carb-v. caus. chin. con. ipec. lach. NITR. PHoSPH. rhus. crotal. dros. ferr. ferr-m. hep. seneg. spig. SULPH. SULPrH-AC. jod. kal. lach. lyc. mere. nitr. mgt-arc. nitr-ac. nux vom. PETR. phosph..-, arising from the chest, acon. puls. rhus. SABAD. sep. squill. ars. bell. bov. bry. chlam. Cocc. SULPH. VERATR. zinc. dros. EUPHORB. graph. grat. jod., stitching in the sides, (see 1ach. MERC. mur-ac. nitr. NUX Pain in the Sides.) VOM. petr. PHOSPH. phos-ac., stoppage of breath, acon. PULS. rhus. sep. spong. STANN. alum. amm. anac. arg-n. ARS. VERATR. zinc. mgt-arc. BELL. bry. calad. cale. carb-a. -, arising from the larynx, carb-v. caus. chlor. CIN. con. ACON. ang. ARN. asar. bell. bor. CUPR. DROS. euphr. hep. IPEC. brom. bry. calad. CHAM. chlor. KREOS. lach. led. mere. natr-m. coce. colch. coloc. DROS. euphorb. nitr-ac. N-MoscfH. NUX VOM. ferr. HEP. IPEC. kal-bi. LACI. OP. puls. sep. SIL. spig. squill. laur. mere. oleand. par. phos-ac. TART. mngt-arc. prun. puls. rhus. seneg. sep. —, sweat, ars. carb-v. dig. kal. SPONG. squill. STANN. STAPH. natr. rhus. sabad. sulph. teucr. -, sweat on the forehead, —, arising from the pit of the TART. stomach, bell. bry. calad. guaj. -, throat-pit painful, Nux vom. ign. lach. natr-m. phos-ac. puls., tickling, (see Cough excited sep. by tickling.), arising from the stomach, -, trembling, phosph. bell. BRY. calad. ign. lach. natr- ulcerative pain, CALC. hep. m. phos-ac. puls. sep. KAL. KAL-BI. lach. magn-m., — arising from the throat, phosph. SIL. staph. SULPI. ACON. ambr. amm. amm-m. -, vanishing of sight, coff. kal. anac. ang. arg-n. arn. ARS. bell. lach. sulph. bor. bov. brom. BRY. calad. -, vertigo, calc. kal-bi. cale. carb-v. CAUS. CHAM. CHIN., vomiting, anac. arg-n. BRY. cin. colch. CON. DROs. euphorb. calc. CARB-V. chin. DAPHN. ferr. IGN. IPEC. kal. LACH. dig. DROS. FERR. HEP. IPEc. kal. LAUR. LYC. magn-c. magn-m. COUGH OCCURRING. 831 MERC. natr. NATR-M. nux vom. chin. dig. ferr. hep. kal. kal-bi. oleand. PHOSPE. phos-ac. prun. lach. n-mosch. NUX VOM. op. PULS. rhus. sass. seneg. SEP. PHOSPH. puls. rhus. sep. sil. staph. sil. SPONG. squill. STANN. sulph. TART. STAPH. sulph. tart. teucr. thtj. Cough occurring: (Compare Arising from the -, relieved, ferr. Larynx.), from some emotion, dros. Cough occurring: -, in the evening, aeon. ambr. -, arising from the throat-pit, amm. amm-m. ARS. baryt. bell. cann. CiiAM. clTihn. —T5. TM. CALC. CAPS. CARB-A. CARB-V. (Compare Arising from the caus. cham. chin. chinin. cin. Larynx.) con. DROS. eugen. graph. HEP., from coffee, caps. ign. jod. kal. KREOS. lach. lye., in the cold, AMM-M. ARS. magn-m. MERC. me. natr. CARB-V. CAUS. dulc. HEP. NATR-M. NITR-AC. nux vom. LACH. nitr-ac. PHoSPH. sabad. PETR. phosph. phos-ac. PULS. sep. SIL. SQUILL. rhod. rhus. ruta. SEP. sil. spong., from a cold drink, amm-m. squill. STANN. staph. sulph. veratr. carb-v. sil. squill. verb. from getting cold, HEP. - -, in bed, agn. amm. after taking cold, BELL. amm-m. anac. ARS. bell. bor. CARB-V. CHAM. DULC. hep. CALC. carb-a. carb-v. cocce. coff. natr. nitr-ac. N-moscIi. PULS. con. dros. ferr. graph. hep. ipec. SEP. kal. KREOS. lach. lye. MERC., from crying, in the case of NATR-M. nitr-ac. nux vom. children, ARN. CHAM. dros. tart. PETR. phosph. PULS. rthus. ruta., day and night, BELL. bism. STANN. staph. teucr. verb. mgtcarb-a. chinin. euphorb. hep. arc. IGN. LYC. mur-ac. natr. natr-m., from exerting one's self, ipec. nitr. phosph. sep. sil. SPONG. -, as from feather-dust in the stann. SULPH. throat, amm. ARs. bell. calc. -, only in the day-time, alum. CHIN. cin. cycl. IGN. PULS. teucr. AMM. amm-m. arg. baryt. bell. -, as from a foreign body in bism. bov. bry. calc. cham. con. the larynx, bell. EUPHR. KAL. LACH. mez. mur-, hair on the tongue as from, ac. natr. nitr. nitr-ac. nux vom. SIL. PHOSPH. rhus. sass. stann. -, when getting heated, magnstaph. sulph. thuj. zinc. c. N-nosca. TIIUJ. ~ —-- -, in the afternoon, amm- -, when laughing, arg. CHIN. m. bell. bry. al. rimez. mur-ac. dros. lach. PuosPH. stann. natr. nux vom. suiph. thuj. —, laying on the hands, relieved ----- —, forenoon, alum. bell,. by, croc. dros. kal. magn-c. rhus. -, when lying down, ARS. con., when drinking, acon. amm- hep. HYOSC. ipec. mere. MEz. m. ARs. BRY. carb-v. CIIN. dros. nitr-ac. nux vom. par. petr. HEP. LACH. lye. meph. phosph. phosph. PULS. SABAD. sep. sil. Sil. SQUILL. SULPH. -, cold, amm-m. carb-v. --—, on the left side, ipec. si]. SQUILL. par. —, from a dry feeling in the air- - -, on the right side, ammpassages, carb-a. lach. mere. m. carb-a. STANX. petr. puls., on the bac k, armni. kal-, as from dust, (see Feather- bi. natr-m. nux vom. PtosH. dust.), with the head low -, after eating, amm-m. anac. amm-m. ARS. bell. BRY. calc. carb-v. chain. -, at night, ACON ambr. AMM. 832 COUGH, AND ACCOMPANYING AILMENTS. amm-m. anac. arg-n. arn. ARS. Cough occurring: aur. aur-m. BARYT. BELL. bor., from accumulated phlegm, bry. calad. CALC. CAPS. carb-a. kreos. carb-v. caus. CHAM. chin. cocc., when playing on the piano, coff. COLCH. con. DROS. eugen. calc. ferr. GRAPH. grat. hep. HYOSC. —, from playing on the violin, IGN. ipec. KAL. kreos. lach. led. kal. lyc. magn-c. magn-m. MERC. —, when raising one's self from mez. NATR-M. nitr. nitr-ac. Nux a recumbent posture L voNr. op. par. PETR. phosph. when reading, mang. mep. PULS. rhod. rhus. ruta. sabad. Nux voM. phosph. STANN. SEP. SIL. spig. squill. staph., when reflecting, Nux voM. stront. SULPH. tart. VE~RATR. magt. VERB. zinc. magt. mgt-arc. mgt- —, when entering the room, aus. veratr. Cough occurring:, when eating salt things, con., from singing, dros. STANN. before midnight, rhus. ZD ) stann. (Comp. in the evening, in -, during sleep, am. bell. bed.) * CALC. CHAM. LACH. MERC. nitrac. verb. mgt-aus. about midnight, BELL. a verb. mgt-aus. mgt ~~~arc. *, after sleeping, LACH. mgt. are, from smoking, acon. arg-n. after midnight, acon. bry. clem. coloc. dros. LAcI. amm. ars. baryt. BELL. bry. petr. mgt-arc. caus. chainm. coff. grat. hep. -, when taking sour things, hyosc. kal. magn-c. merc. mez. con. nitr-ac. Nux voM. phosph. tart. -, as from vapor of sulphur, magt. amm. ARS. brom. bry. calc. -- —, during sleep, am bell. CIN. cin. IGN. lach. lye. par. CALC. CHAM. LACH. MERC. nitr- PULS. ac. verb. mgt-aus. —, when taking stimulants, —, early in the morning, ALUM. stann. amm. anac. ant. arg. arn. ARS. -, from talking, anac. baryt. aur. baryt. bor. bov. bry. calc. caus. cham. CHIN. dig. hep. canth. carb-a. carb-v. caus. cham. LACH. mang. meph. mere. mur-ac. CHIN. cin. cupr. dig. dros. natr-m. phosph. sil. STANN. sulph. euphorb. euphr. ferr. grat. hep. -, touching the throat when, JoD. ipec. kal. KAL-BI. kreos. LACTI. lach. led. Lye. magn-c. mang.., from - liin the air-pasMREPH. merc. natr. NATR-M. nitr. s fe an in-in. nitr-ac. NUX VOM. phosph. arg-n. RN. asa. barr. phos-ac. PULS. rhod. rhus. selen. bov. brom. br caps. carb-tr. sep. sil. stann. SULPF. sulph-ac. carb-v. caus. HAM. ch in. thuj. veratr. colch. CoN. cupr. dig. ferr. graph. -, when moving about, ArS. hep. ign. JOD. IPEC. kal. KAX-nI. bell. BRY. CHIN. DROS. FERR. LACH. lact. laur. led. mayn-c. hep. LACIT. natr-m. Nux von. magn-m. mlerc. mur-ac. 9iatr. PHOSPIT. SIL. STANN. (Compare NXT1. 1n5tr. NUX VOM. Walking.) oleand. PfiosPH. prian.'PuLs. when moving the chest, sabin. seneg. SEP. sil. SPONG. anac. barb cocc. CHIN —. dros. STANN. STAPH. sulhtart. teucr. LAGH. I C. mur-ac. ratr- VERATR. zinc. m:' NU!. PHOSPH. sil., as from tubercles in the ANN. lungs, PHOSPH. oIosion of the chest,, from going up stairs, NITR. -, when walking, ARS. ferr. COUGH OCCURRING, EXPECTORATION, ETC. 893 hep. ipec. lach. magn-m. NATR —M. Expectoration, bluish, kalNITR. phosph. seneg. stront. bi. sulph. sulph-ac mgt-arc. -, old catarrh, tasting like, Cough occurring: BELL. ign. nux yorn. phosph. — tRS, 9in the open air, alum. PULS. SULPH. ARS. ipee. magn-m. NITR. -, cold, rhus. mere. PHIOSPH. rhus. seneg. SuLrI. —, copious, asar. cin. daphn. SULPH-AC. mgt-arc. DULC. euphorb. EUPHR. hep., firom want of breath, aur. jod. kal-bi. KREOS. lact. laur. lyc. euphorb. guaj. hep. nitr. PULS. ruta. samb. seneg. SEP. -, when getting warm in bed, SIL. SQUILL. STANN. SULPH. n-mosch. veratr., from the warmth of the —, only in the day time, arg. room, natr. veratr. ars. calc. cham. euphorb. graph. —, when getting wet, N-MoscH. nux vom. puls. sabad. sil. sulph. PULS. -, difficult to detach, ARS. aur., wine, fiom drinking, bor. CHIN. chinin. cupr. kal. LACH. Expectoration, AcoN. SENEG. sep. stann. SULPH. zinc. ALUM. ambr. amm. ANAC. ang. -, difficult to raise, although arsr. ARS. asar. BELL. bism. bor. detached, ambr. ARPN. CAUS. kal. BRY. CALC. cann. carb-a. SEP'. CARB-v. caMs. CHILN. cic. con., disgusting, dros. CUPR. DAPIIN. DIG. DROS. dulc., after eating, sep. euphr. ferr. JoI). KAL. KAL-BI. -, only in the evening, AnN. lact. LAUR. led. LYC. magn-c. calc. CIN. GRAPH. kal. lye. murmagn-m. MEPI. mere. natr. natr- ac. natr. nitr. nux vom. phosph. mz. op. par. PiosPIn. phos-ac. ruta. sep. stann. staph. PULS. rhod. ruta. sabad. sabin., fetid, arn. ars. bell. CALC. SENEG. SEP. SIL. SPONG. SQUILL. caps. carb-v. caus. cham. con. STANN. STAPH. SULPH. sulph-ac. cupr. ferr. graph. guaj. hep. LED. tart. TnuJ. VERATR. zinc. magt. lye. magn-m. NATR. nitr-ac. —, bitter-tasting, arn. ARS. bry. phos-ac. PULS. sep. SIL. stann. canth. CHAM. dros. MERC. nitr-ac. SULPH. thuj. mgt-aus. Nux VOm. PULS. sep. -, flocculent, agar. phosph., blackish, chin. lye. nux vom. stann. SULPU. rthus. -, frothy, Ans. daphn. ferr., blood streaked, amm. ARS. lach. op. phosph. puls. see. sil. bor. CHIN. DAPHN. ferr. laur. -, gelatinous, arg. baryt. chin. sabin. seneg. sep. chinin. DIG. ferr. LAUR. selen., bloody, ACON. AsMm. amm- -, gray, AMBR. anacne. arg. ARS. m. anac. arg-n. ARN. ARS. bell. chin. dros. kreos. lach. LYC. bor. BRY. CALC. carb-v. CHIN. magn-m. nux vom. SEP. thuj. CON. croc. cupr. daphn. dig. —, greenish, ARS. bor. cainn. Dnos. DULC. FERR. hep HYosc. carb-a. CARB-V. colch. Dnos. jodl. IPEC. kal-bi. lach. LAU1. ferr. hyosc. kal. led. LYC. LED. LYC. magn-c. mang. merc. MIAGN-C. mnang. natr. par. mez. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. NITR. PHosPII. PULS. sep. sil. STANN. nitr-ac. n-mosch. nux vom. op. SULPH. THUJ. mgt-aus. PHOSPH. plumb. PULS. RHUS., with herby taste, phos-ac. sabad. SEC. selen. SEP. sil. —, loose, arg. kreos. sang. veSQUILL. staph. SULPH. SULPH- ratr. AC. zinc. --, memibrane~it, rbrom. hep. of bloody mucus, AcoN. kal-bi. SPONG. (Comp. Croup, amm. am. ARS. aur-m. BELL. Chap. XXVII.) bor. BRY. CHIN. DAPHN. eugen. -, only in the rning, I*LT.M. euphr. FERR. fluor-ac. jod. AMM. bell. Blc. drb-a. 834 COUGH, AND ACCOMPANYING AILMENTS. CGARB-V. cham. cupr. dros. Expectoration, tenacious, euphorb. euphr. FERR. HEP. kal. ant. asa. CIIN. ferr-m. KAL-BI. led. lye. MAGN-C. MANG. meph. magn-c. phosphl. SIL. mur-ac. natr. NATR-MI. nitr-ac. -, thick, ACON. amm-m. ant. NUX VOM. PIosPII. phos-ac. arg. asa. aur-m. baryt. bell. bor. PULS. SEP. sil. SQUILL. SULPH-AC. cale. graph. kal-bi. KREOS. nmang. Expectoration, musty taste, mur-ac. natr. nitr-ac. op. phosph. with, bor. PULS. RUTA. sabad. samb. sass. -, only at night, BELL. calc. selen. sil. slann. staph. SULPH. caus. hep. led. lyc. mez. sep. staph. —, tobacco-juice, tasting like, tart. puls. -, polypus-like substances, kal- —, transparent, ars. ferr. ferr-m. bi. seneg. SIL. -, purulent, anac. ars. BELL. —, watery, agar. arq. amm-m. bry. CALC. carb-a. CARB-V. CHIN. Ans. bo,. CARB-V. chainm. chin. CON. dros. dulc. ferr. graph. guaj. daphn. ferr. graph. LACH lye. HEP. KAL. kal-bi. led. LYC. magn-c. MERc. mez. mur-ac. par. magn-c. merc. NATR. NITR. NITN- plumb. ran-sc. stann. sulph. AC. PHosrii.phos-ac. plumb. puls. sulph-ac. rhus. ruta. sec. SEP. SIL. stann. -, white, ACON. anibl. ammSTAPH. SULPH. in. ARG. aur-mn. carb-a. CARB-V. -, putrid taste, with, am. bell. chin. cin. cupr. ferr. kal-bi. carb-v. chainm. con. cupr. ferr. KnEos. LYC. PHOSPII. phos-ac. GRAPH. PULS. sep. STANN. PULS. rhus. SEP. sil. SULPH. -, reddish, BRY. SQUILL. —, yellowish, aeon. amln-m. ang. -, with salt taste, alum. ambr.- ars. aur. aur-m. BRY. CALC. ARs. BARYT. cale. chin. dros. CARB-V. chlor. con. DAPHN. graph. Ijq. magn-c. magn-m. DROS. eugen. kal-bi. KREOS. mere. NATR. nux vom. Po10SPHI. lye. magn-c. mang. mere. natr. PULS. samb. SEP. sil. stratn. NITR-AC. phosph. phos-ac. PULS. sulph. RUTA. seneg. SEP. SPONG. STANN., slimy, AcoN. ambr. ammn. STAPH. SULPH. THUJ. veratr. aug. ARS. BARYT. BELL. bisru. HWe!mopte, (see ExpectoraBaY. CALC. CARB-V. CHIN. tion, Bloody.) chinin. ci. DAPHN. DULC. ferr- NWhoopiimg-cough, aeon. m. hep. JOD. klal-bi. kreos. lach. anac. arg-n? arn. ars. bell. bry. lact. Lyc. mnagn-m. mang. MERC. calc. CARB-V. chain. CIN. con. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mosch. op. cupr. DROS. dulc. ferr. hep. jod. PHOSPH. plumb. PULS. RUTA. IPEC. kal. lach. led. mere nitr-ac. sabad. sabin. selen. SENEG. Nux voM. PuLs. samb. sep. sulph. SEP. SIL. SQUILL. STANN. tart. VERATR. STAPH. SULPH. sulph-ac. tart. -., catarrhal period, ACON. THUJ. zinc. mgt-aus. carb-v. DULC. ipec. nux vom. puls. -, sour tasting. bell. CALC. cham. tart. chin. hep. kal. magn-m. Nux -, spasmodic period, bell. calc. vo-M. PHOSPH. plumb. puls. sulph. CARB-V. CIN. cupr. DROS. hep., sweetish taste, with, CALC. KAL. mere. nux vom. puls. kreos. kal. kal-bi. lach. magn-c. veratr. nux vomn. PHOSPH. puls. samb. -, when passing off, ARN. carbsquill. STANN. sulph. v. dulc. hep. PULS. CHAPTER XXIX. DISORDERS OF THE RESPIRATORY FUNCTIONS. Open air, worse in, ars. aur. Asthma, after catarrh, ARs. graph. lyc. nux vom. puls. seneg. CAMPH. carb-v. chin. IPEC. sulph. lach. Nux voM. puls. samb. tart. relieved, bell. -, in children, ACON. ARs. -, with anxiety, ACON. anac. BELL. camnph. CHAM. chin. COFF. arg-n. arn. ARS. BELL. BRY. cupr. hep. ign. IPEC. lach. lye. calc. camph. cann. CHAM. cin. MOSCII. N-MoscH. NUX VOM. lach. lact. mere. nux vom. op. Or. phosph. puls. SAMB. stram. PHOSPH. PLAT. PULS. rhus. sabad. sulph. TART. samb. spig. STANN. staph1. SULPH. -, from a cold, AcoN. ars. BELL. tart. thuj. valer. veratr. (Comp. BRY. cham. chin. DULC. IPEC. Breatliing, unxious.) -, from copper vapors, ars., arising from the stomach, camph. HEP. IPEz. nerc. caps. rhls., from emotions, AcoN. ars., from arsenious vapors, CHAM. coff. IGN. NUX VOM. camph. cupr. HEP. IPEc. kal-bi. puls. ran. STAPHi. veratr. mere. —, from accumulation of flatu-, when ascending an eminence, lence, ars. caps. CARB-V. CHAM. amm. ang. ars. aur. baryt. bor. CHIN. hep. natr. NUX VOM. Or. cale. canth. cupr. graph. grat. phosph. SULPII. veratr. ZrNc. hyosc. jod. led. AIERC. nitr. nitr-, — in hysteric women, AcoN. asa. ac. nux vomn. ruta. seneg. sep. aur. BELL. caus chain. COFF. con. stann. zinc. cupr. IGN. ipec. lach; MOSCH. Asthma, ACON. ambr. AMM. N-MoscI. NUX VOM. phosph. ant. ARS. aur. BELL. BRY. PULS. stann. STRAM. sulph. calc. CAMPH. CARB-V. caus. chant. -, menstrual, acon. BELL. CHRIN. coc. coff. CUPR. dulc. COCC. CUPR. MERC. Nux VOM. FERR. Hyosc. ign. IPEC. I(AT. phosph. PULS. sep. sulph. LACH. lyc. mere. MoscH. nitr-ac. —, millari, ACON. ars. IPEC. lach. n-mosch. NUX VOM. op. mosch. SAMB. PHOSPH. PULS. SAMB. sep., mucous, ARS. baryt. bell. sil. stann. STRAM. SULPH. tart. BRY. CALC. CAMPH. CHIN. con. veratr. ZINC. CUPR. DULC. FERR. GRAPH. hep. —, of old people, ant. AUR. ipec. LACH. merc. n-vom. PHosPH. BARYT. CAMPH. carb-v. caus. chin. PULS. SENEG. SEP. sil. STANN. CON. LACH. OP. sulphi. SULPH. tart. zinc., from arsenious vapors, -, during the paroxysm, ACON.. camph. cupr. HEP. IPEc. kal-bi. AaR. bell. bry. CAMPH. CRAM. merc. chin. IPEc. LiH. MOSCH. 836 DISORDERS OF THE RESPIRATORY FUNCTIONS. n-mosch. nux vom. OP. puls. kreos. LACH lact. mere. mur-ac. SAMB. TART. nux vom. oleand. OP. pal. plat. Asthma, to prevent a return, ran. ran-sc. rhus. sass. selen. sil. amm. ANT. AKs. CALC. carb-v. spong. stann. stram. thuj. mgtcaus. cupr. ferr. graph. KAL. aus. lach. lyc. NITR-AC. Nux voM. Breath, breathing: pZhosph. sep. sil. stann. SULPH., difficult, agar. ALuiN. amm. zinc. ant. arg-n. arn. ARS. aur., from rush of blood to the BELL. calc. CAMPH. cann. canth. chest, ACON. anmm. AURn. BELL. CARB-v. cic. coich. con. cop. croc. calc. carb-v. cupr. ferr, MERC. crotal. cycl. dig. dros. ferr. NUX VOM. PHOSPH. puls. graph. hell. Hyosc. JOD. KAL. SPONG. SULPH. kal-bi. KREOS. LACH. mere. -, spasmodic, ant. arg-n. ars..mosch. NATR. n-mosch. nux vom. BELL. bry. camph. caus. Cocc. op. PHOSPH. plumb. prun. rhus. CUPR. fel1'r. HIYos. KAL. LACH. sass. sec. stram. SULPH. tart. lye. MOSCIT. NUX VOM. op. valer. (Comp. Dyspncea.) SAiMB. sep. stann. STRAM. SULPH. —, feeble, BELL. canth. hep. TART. ZINC. laur. OLEAND. PHOSPH. sulph. -, from stoiie-dust, ars. bell. veratr. viol-od. CALC. chin. HEr. ipec. nux vom. —, fetid, ACON. agar. ambr. anac. phosph. SIL. SULPH. arn. ars. AUR. bell. bism. bry. -, from sulphur vapors, PuLs. carb-a. CARB-V. cham. chin., thymicum, ACON. ambr. cof. croc. daphn. dulc. graph. atnrm. asa. aur. BELL. CON. cupr. jod. IPEC. lach. MEmc. NATR-M. ferr. IEP. ign. IPEC. lach. MERc. nitr-ac. NUX VOM. petr. puls. phosph. SENEG. SPONG. TART. sass. sep. spig. stram. SULPH. VERATR. zinc. valer. zinc. -., wigandi, ACON. ars. baryt. —, groaning, aeon. ars. BELL. BELL. cham. chin. coff. cupr. cupr. lach. mur-ac. squill. IPEC. lach. nux vom. op. SAMB. -, hissing, arg-n. -, in bed, ars. bell. carb-a., hot, AeoN. ant. calc. CHAM. carb-v. chin. con. ferr. GRAPH. mang. natr-m. phosph. rhus. lach. mere. natr-m. nux vorn. sabad. squill. stront. sulph. zinc. sep. spig. sulph. tart. verb., hurried, ACON. arn. ars. -, when turning, spig. sulph. asa. aur. BELL. BRY. calc. -, when bending backward, camph. CARB-V. CHGAM. chin. cupr. CIN. cocc. CUPR. hell. HEP., when bending forward, ar,. hyosc. ign. IPEC. kal. lact. LYC. dig. seneg. merc. mez. natr. natr-m. NUX Breath, breathing: VOM. op. PIIOSPH. PULS. -, anxious, ACON. anac. arn. rhod. rhus. SAMB. seneg. SEP. sil. ARS. BELL. BRY. camph. cann. spig. SPONG. squill. stann. SULPH. chain. coff. HEP. ign. IPEC. tart. veratr. zinc.:KREOS. lach. laur. mez. nitr-ac. -, irregular, ANG. BELL chain. nux vom. op. PHOSPH. PLAT. cic. cin. cocC. CUPR. dros. ign. plumb. PuLs. rhus. samb. sec. jod. laur. led. mosch. nux vom. spig. SPONG. SQUILL. STANN. stram. Or. puls. sep. mgt-arc. thuj. veratr. loud, aeon. alum. arnm. calc., cold, CARB-V. chin. mur-ac. cinn. CHAM. CHIN. CIN. Cocc. rhus. VERATR. ferr. graph. hep. hyosc. ign. kal., crowing, cham. lach. mur-ac. natr-m. nux vom. op. -, deep, aeon. agar. ant. arn. PHOSPH. puls. rhus. sabad. saaur. bell. bor. BRY. cale. cale- bin. SAMB. sep. sil. SPONG. ph. camph. CAPS. carb-v. cham. SQUILL. stann. strain. sulph. croc. cupr. ii. hell. hep. IPEC. veratr. ~~~~~~~eatr. BREATH, CARDIALGIA, ETC. 837 Breath, with the mouth open, carb-v. chin. IPEC. lach. Nux aeon. SQUILL. VOM. puls. samb. tart. —, painful, CHIN. led. viol-od. Chagrin, from, ars. IGN. ran., panting, aeon. ARN. ars. STAPH. baryt. bell. BRY. CALAD. carb- Children, in, ACON. ARs. a. cham. chinin. cin. cocc. cupr. BELL. camph. CHAM. chin. COFF. IPEC. mur-ac. NITR-AC. nux cupr. hep. ign. IPEC. lach. lye. yom. PHOSPH. plumb. pru-n. MOSCH. N-Moscu. NUX VOM. puls. SIL. spong. STRAM. OP. phosph. puls. SAMB. stram., putrid, arn. ars. aur. nitr-ac. sulph. TART., rale, chin. lach. laur. OP. Coffee, from, bell. petr. phosph. PULS. Cold, after a, ACON. ars. BELL. -, rattling, aeon. ANAC. arn. ars. BnY. chain. chin. DULC. IPEC. BELL. bry. calc. cann. carb-a. Cold, from the, ARS. BRY. CARBcarb-v. caus. cham. CHIN. cin. v. petr. PULS. CUPR. fluor-ac. HEP. hyosc. Cold air, worse in, ars. bry. ipec. lach. laur. led. LYC. NATR- carb-v. petr. puls. M. nux vorn. OP. petr. phosph. Cold feeling, with, ARs. PULS. samb. spong. STANN. Colic, with, arn. ars. bry. cale. stram. SULPH. TART. cann. caps. chamin. CnIN. Cocc., short, (see Shortness of croc. dros. hell. IGN. kal-bi. led. Breath.) mez. mosch. NTUX VOM.. phosph. -, short, ACON. ARN. ARS. puls. rhod. rhus. ruta. spig. stann. BELL. BRY. calc. cann. CARB- staph. mgt-aus. V. cham. CHIN. cin. cocc. con. Copper vapors, caused by, cupr. hep. IPEC. kal. kreos. lachk ars. campl. IEP. IPEC. merc. mere. mosch. op. plat. prun. Cold drinkli when taking a, PULS. SEP. SIL. sulph. veratr. thuj. -, sighing, AeCON. arg-n. ant. Congh, with, ars. asas bry. BRY a h s. c alc-ph cocc. c aps. cocc. CON. CUPR. DROS. IPEC. IPEC. lach. op. an-sc.,sec. s al-bi. lach. mez. mosch. Nux straIn. mgt-aus. vogi. petr. PULS. RIius. sil. spig. tart. VFRATrn. —, slow, aeon. arn. aur. BELL. tart VElATR. BRY. camph. caps. chin. cic. con. Delsilty, with, ARS. LACTI. croe. cupr. dig. dros. hell. hep., as from, cycl. os ig. pec. ac L Dizziness, with, cham. sh.osch. n-. Zoec. lac. LAUm Drinkilg, from, arn. bell. oleasd. OP. -phosphb. plat. svo.g euphr. nux yom. thiuj. veratr. oleand. OP. phosph. plat. spong. Dust. as fronf, (see Feathersquill. sfann, mgt-aus. squi~l. stann. n~rt-aus.]Dust, as from, (see Feathersnoring, AI'N. CHA. chi- ysp am. A. nin. hep. LACI-I. laur. lye. NATR- Dyspnt Ra, asan. A B. AMI-.:. OP. petr. stann. SULPH. ant. RS. asa. aur. B. CAUS., sobbing, ang. asa. cale. led. CAB. A chain. CHIN. cin. cocc. colch. op. sec. coloc. CoN. CUPR. DIG. DRos., sour smelling, nux yom. FERR. GRAPH. Hyose. ign. —, spasmodic, cupr. bach. IPEC. KAL. LACHI. LED. lye. -, tremulous, mgt-us. me re. mez. natir. NATR-M. NITR. —, wheezing, ambr. arg-n. ars. NITR-AC. NUX VOM. op. petr calad. calc. eann. chlam. chin. PHOSPH. plat. plumb. PULS. Cumra. graph. HEP. kal. LACH. rhab. ruta. sabin. SAMB. sass. nitr-ac. nuxvom. phosph. sabad. sec. SEP. SIL. SrG. spong SAMB. SPONG. SQUILmL. STANN. stront. SULPH. Cardialgia, with, CHAM. laur. thuj. veratr. viol-od. zinc. magn-m. nux yom. petE. Eating, when, agar. amm. ara Catarrh, after a, Ans. CAMPIT. bell. brv. carb-v. CON. T)IG. ferr. 838 DISORDERS OF THE RESPIRATORY FUNCTIONS. hep. LAUR. led. lye. magn-m. nux Lying, on the side, carb-a. plat. vom. puls. rhus. selen. seneg. sep. puls. sabad. seneg. sulph. SIL. STANN. stront. -, sound side, stann. Eating, relieved by, staph. -, sick side, bor. calc. lye. —, after, arn. ars. asa. carb-a. sabad. sulph. cham. chin. lacb. nlere. n-mnosch. —, left side, spig. nux vom. phosph. PULS. SULPH., with the head low, chin. thuj. veratr. viol-tric. zinc. colch. hep. nitr. puls. Emotions, caused by, ACON. lIelancholy, with, cans. ars. CHAM. coff. IGN. NUX lach. VOM. puls. ran. STAPH. veratr. Morning, early in the, ambr. Evenling, in the, ARS. bel]. bell. carb-a. con. dig. kal. nux carb-a. carb-v. chin. con. cycl. vom. phosph. seneg. squill. sulph. ferr. GRAPH. lach. mere. natr-m. tart. nux vom. phosph. pals. ran-sc., in bed, carb-a. con. tart. rthus. sep. STANN. SULPH. tart. Mortification, caused by, verb. zinc. ars. IGN. ran. STAPH. -, in bed, ARS. bell. carb-a. Motion, during, arn. Ans. bor. carb-v. chin. con. ferr. GRAPH. bry. cale. cann. caps. colch. con. lach. mere. natr-m. nux vom. ferr. graph. ipec. led. lye. meph. sep. verb. mur-ac. nux vom. PHosPH. puls. Exertions, from bodily, amm. rhus. seneg. sep. spig. STANN. ars. bor. veratr. Expectoration, with copi- Mouth, when anything gets ous, SEP. before the, lach. -, when suppressed, SEP. Moving the arm, when, Feather-dust in the throat, ang. camph. led. spig. as from, amm. ARS. bell. calc. M]ucus, accumulation of. caused CHIN. cin. cyc]. IGN. PULS. teucr. by, ars. baryt. bell. bry. catc. Flatulence, incarcerated, camph. chin. con. cupr. dulc. caused by, ars. caps. CARB-V. ferr. graph. hep. ipec. lach. mere. CHAM. CHIN. hep. natr. INUX nux vom. phosph. puls. seneg. VOM. Op. phosph. SULPH. sep. sil. sulph. tart. zinc. veratr. ZINC. Nausea, with, canth. lach. rhus. Heat of the body, with, samnb. anac. plat. tart. Night, at, aeon. alum. amm. Hiccough, with, puls. anim-m. ARS. aur. bry. CALC. Hot face, with, kreos. puls. CARB-V. CHAM. chin. coloc. stront. cupr. daphn. dig. FERR. GRAPH. Hysteric women, in, AcoN. ign. kal. kreos. lach. lye. magnasa. aur. BELL. caus. chaim. in. mere. iNUX VOM. op. petr. COFF. con. cupr. IGN. ipec. lach. phosph. plumb. PULS. ran. ranMOSCH. N-MoscH. NUX VOM. se. rhus. ruta. sabad. samb. selen. phosph. PULS. stann. STRAM. seneg. sep. stann. sulph. magt. sulph. Nose, with dry, canth. Laughing, when, ars. cupr. Oppressioll, ACON. ambr. ant. lye. plumb. arg-n. ARN. ARS. ASAR. aur. Lips, with red, spig. BELL. brom. bry. camph. cann. Load on the chest, as CARB-v. cans. CHAM. CHIN. from a, cann. ign. rhab. sabad. chinin. chlor. cin. cocc. coff. Lying, when, ars. asa. calc. colch. CON. croc. CROTAL. DIG. hep. lachl. NITR. nuS voim. CUPR. cycl. DULC. ferr. flrior-ac. oleand. PHosPH. puls. samb. GRAPH. grat. hep. hyose. IoN, sep. sulph. tart. IPEc. kal. KREOS. LACH. lact. -, on the back, phosph. sil. laur. LYC. mere. mur-ac. NATR-, relieved, bor. M. n-jugl. N-MOSCH. NUX PAINS, ETC. 839 VOM. OLEAND. petr. PHosPH. Pupils dilated, with, BELL phos-ac. PLAT. plum. prun. PULS. Raising the arm, when, ran. rhod. RHUS. sabad. SAlMB. ant. cupr. led. spig. sulph. SANG. sass. sec. SENEG. SEP. sil. Red face, with, mosch. spig. spig. spong. squill. stann. Rest, during, euphorb. Ierr. STAPH. SULPII. tart. THUJ rhus. seneg. sil. valel. VERATR. verb. viol-od. Riding on horseback, viol-tric. zinc. mgt-aus. when, graph. Pains, during the, ars. PULS. si]. Runnling, caused by, ang. aur. Pain in back, with, arg. bor. CAUS. ign. puls. SIL. cann. lach. petr. ruta. sep. staph. Rush of blood, caused by, Pain in chest, with, ACON. ACON. amm. AUR. BELL. calc. agn. amm. ant. arg. asar. baryt. carb-v. cupr. ferr. MERc. NUX BELL. bor. BRY. CALC. CANN. VOM. PHOSPH. puls. SPONG. caps. carb-a. CARB-v. canus. CHIN. SULPH. clem. colch. dulc. guaj. hep. jod. Sadness, with, caus. lach. kal. kal-bi. kreos. lach. led. lye. Shortness of breath, meph. mere. mez. mur-ac. natr. ACON. agar. AMBR. AMM. anac. natr-m. nitr. NITR-AC. nllX von. ARN. ARS. asar. aur-m. BELL. oleand. op. plat. plumb. puls. bor. bov. BRY. calc. cann. rhus. SABAD. sabin. SEP. spig. CARB-V. CAUS. CHIN. chinin. SQUILL. stann. SULPH. valer. cin. CoN. cupr. cycl]. euphorb. Pain in hypochondri- IPEC. kal-bi. kreo.s. LACH. lact. ac, with, ars. CEIAM. chin. cocc. LYC. magul-c. MERC. mosch. hell. IGN. led. NUX VOM. puls. NATR. NATR-M. NITR-AC. Nstaph. MosCIU. nux voln. phosph. PHOsPain in the liver, with, AC. PLAT. plumb. prun. PULS. ran. ran. sep. rhus. ruta. SABAD. sass. seneg. Pain in pit of stomach, SEP. SIL. SPIG. stann. SULPH. with, arn. bry. calad. camph. tart. veratr. viol-ocld. ZINc. cann. chain. chin. cic. cin. cocc. Sighing, with, cocc. ferr. hell. Iyosc. ign. mosch. n- Singing, by, amm, sulph. mosch. NUX VOM. oleand. puls. Sitting, when, alum. dig. dros. RHUS. ruta. sabad. samb. spig. euphr. lach. phosph. samb. staph. STRAM. mgtt-aus. veratr. Pain in scapula, with, petr. Sitting bent, when. dig. rhus. puls. rhus ruta. sass. sep. Sleep, during. lach. sulph. Pain in the side, with, Sneezing, from. dros. meph. ACON. BELL. BRY. mwerc. graph. imere. sec. sil. sulph. selen. SQUILL. Standing, when, SEP. Pain in small of back, Stool, during, rhus. with, NUX VOM. PULS. selen. Stone-cutters, in, ars. bell. mugt-aus. CALC. chin. 1IEP. ipec. nux vom. Pain in spleen, with, arn. phosph. SIL. SULPII. ruta. Stooping, when, alum. amm. Pain in stolnach, with, calc. oleand. sil. ars. calad. caps. chain. guaj. Stoppage of the breath, PHosPri. stann. rhus. aeon. alum. anac. am. ARS. People, in old, ant. AUP. baryt. bor. BRY. CALC. canth. BARYT. CAMPIT. carb-v. caus. chin. caps. carb-a. carb-v. caus. chin. Cox. LACH. OP. Sulph. chinin. chlor. coce. croc. cupr. Pressure of the clothes, daphn. dros. euphr. grat. guaj. caused by the, amm-m. BRY. ign. ipec. laur. led. lyc. magn-m. CALC. carb-v. CAus. coff. H-EP. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mosch. nux kreos. lach. LYC. NUX VOM. vom. op. phosph. plat. plumb. sass. SPIG. spong. SULPH. PULs. ran-sc. ruta. sabad. samb. 840 DISORDERS OF THE RESPIRATORY ORGANS. sass. SIL. spig. spong. squill. Swallowing, when, BELL. STANN. stram. SULPH. tart.valer. Sweat, with, ars. lach. nux veratr. verb. vom. Straining by lifting, af- Talking, by, bor. cann. cans. ter, CALC. RHUS. SULPH. DRos. kal. lye. rhus. spig. stram. Suffocative paroxysms, SULPH. ACON. ant. arg-n. ARS. AUR. Thirst, with, lach. BARYT. bell. bry. calc. CAMPH. Tongue, with red, mosch. carb-a. CARB-V. CHAM. CHIN. Touching the throat, chinin. chlor. coff. con. cupr. when, BELL. IIEP. lach. cyel. dig. dros. ferr. GRAPH. hell. SPONG. HEP. hyosc. iqn. jod. IPEC. Turning the neck, when, LACH. LACT. laur. led. lye. mere. BELL. HEP. SPONG. mosch. Nux VOM. OP. PHOSPH. Up-stairs, when going, amm. plat. PULS. SAMB. SEC. seneg. ang. ars. bor. led. hyosc. MERC. SPIG. SPONG. stann. staph. nitr-ac. ruta. seneg. stram. SULPH. TART. veratr. Urging to stool, with, bry. mgt-arc. Vascular erethism, with,, in old people, ars. aur. puls. BARYT. carb-v. chin. con. LACH. Vertigo,with, puls. OP. sulph. Vomiting, with, cann. cic., catarrhal, ARS. CAMPH. carb- lact. v. CHIN. graph. IPEc. puls. samb. Walking fast, when, ang. TART. aur. bor. CAUS. ign. puls. SIL., in children, ACON. ars. Want of breath, ars. bell. camph. CHAM. IPEC. lach. mosch. carb-v. chin. cycl. JOD. IPEC. lye. SAMB. TART. merc. nitr-ac. sep. stann. -, from paralysis of the lungs, Warm., from dressing, ars. ARs. aur. BARYT. CARB-V. chin. Warm roon, in a, ars. GRAPH. LACH. OP. Warmth relieves, baryt. Sulphur, vapor of, as from, Weeping, with, CuPn. ran. amm. ARS. brom. bry. calc. rlhus. sarmb. camph. CHIN. cin. croc. IGN. Whizzing in the ears, lath lyc. par. PULS. nux vom. PULs. CHAPTER XXX. AFFECTIONS OF THE CHEST, INCLUDING THE DISEASES OF THE HEART AND MAMMzE. a. PAINS AND OTtIER AILMENTS IN THE CHEST AND REGIONS OF TIIE HEART. Adhering, sensation as if the cupr. grat. sabin. sulph. tart. pleura were, euphorb. mez. nitr. zinc. ran. seneg. thuj. Beats of the'heart, feeble, Air, open, worse in the, magn-m. dig. mere. nux vom., almost imperceptible, dig. Alive in the chest, as if, —, irregular, alum. arn. ARs. croc. led. aur. laur. NATR-M. sabin. SPIG. Anxiety in chest, ACON. zinc. anac BRY. calc. carb-v. cocc., jerking, am. daphn. hyosc. nitr-ac. Nux voNr. petr. --—, not synchronous withl the PHOosPI. seneg. SPIG. spong. stann. pulse, acon. agar. arn. cann. teucr. viol-od. DIG. dulc. hell. KAL. laur., region of heart, ARS. bell. NATR-M. nitr. sec. SPIG. veratr. calc. cann. CAUS. CHAM. coff. —, slow, laur. croc. DIG. DIlye. lerc. mosch. nux -, stronger, ars. baryt. chin. vom. plat. plumb. PULS. spong. dig. dulce. mur-ac. rhod. sabin. veratr. x iol-tric. mgt-aus. seneg. tart. Ascending an eminence ag- -, trembling, ARS. CALC. gravates, ang. bell. graph. NUX camph. cic. cocc. KAL. kreos. VO~IM. rhus. tuta. SEP. spong. LAca. NATR-MV. n-mosch. phosph. staph. thuj. ZINC. rhus. sep. SPIG. STAPH. -, stairs, Nux VOA. rhus. ruta. Bloated, sensation as if, thuj. spong. staph. Boring in the chest, bism. Beats of the heart, inter-, region of heart, seneg. cin. mitting, AcoN. ARS. bry. caps. mur-ac. carb-v. CHIN. CHININ. DIG. hep. Bounding in chest, croc. KAL. LACII. laur. nlur-ac. NATR- Bruised, as if, in chest, aeon. M. op. PHOS-AC. rhus. samb. SEP. amm-m. ARN. kreos. lact. LYC. SULPR. veratr. zinc. mere. nux vom. ran-sc. sil. stann. accelerated, amm. ars. bar-mi. -, sternum, aeon. 36 842 AFFECTIONS OF THE CHEST, ETC. Bruised sides, aeon. mur-ac. phos-ac. puls. ruta. sabin. ]Burning ilt the chest, SPIG. stann. sutlph. veratr. AMim. ARS. bism. BRY. cale. Deep breath aggravates, cauth. carb-a. CARB-V. chain. Aco. arg. arn. BRY. CALC. dros. cic. colch. euphorb. kal. kreos. itr. rhus. spig. spong. valer. lach. ]act. laur. LYC. magn-m. Digging inl chest, cin. duic. m2ang. mere. mez. nux voin. op. Distended, sensation as if the PIJOSPH. phos-ac. plat. puls. chest were, oleand. sabad. seneg. sep. spig. spong. Drawing breath, when, SULPrI. sulph-ac. tart. zinc. (see Chnp. XXIX. Breathing, -, region of heart, carb-v. op. Painful.) pals. Drawing in chest, camph. con. Cold aggravates, rhus. sa- lact. oleand. seneg. mgt-aus. bad. -, region of heart, bell. nCold air causes pain, aeon. bry. moseh. rhus. CARB-V. cocC. n-mosch. PETR. Drinkin g, incommoded by, rihts. sabad. spong. arn. chin. cocc. con. cupr. nux Cold feeling in chest, vorn. thuj. veratr. Ans. brom. carb-a. graph. lanch. Eating, after, aeon. ambr. lact. oleand. petr. rhus. ruta. amm-m. ant. arn. asa. bry. carbsuiph. zinc. a. chin. lach. phosph. thuj. --—: left side, natr-m. veratr. Cold, when taking, ACON. bell. Emnpty feeling in the chest, BRY. CARB-V. chain. DULC. mnerc. calad. Cocc. oleand. STANN. Nux voTr. PULS. rhus. sulph., region of heart, sulplh. Constriction of chest, -, after raising and coughing, aeon. agar. ALUM. arn. ARS. calad. STANN. asar. anu. bell. bism. bov. brom. Evening, in the, aeon. ang. CAM^IPH. canth. caps. carb-a. carb- arg. arn. bry. carb-v. chin. ferr. v,. CAUs. chaim. COCC. COLCi. ign. kal. Iaur. mere. mez. nitr. CUPR. dig. dros. ferr. GRAPrI. titr-ac. n-moseh. PULS. ran. rhus. hell. HYOSC. ign. IPE:. KAL. sep. spig. stann. tart. LACH. laur. led. magn-c. 9nagn- Exertion, worse by making mn. MOSCH. nitr. nritr-ac. n- an, alum. nux vorn. rhus. spong. mosch. NUX VOM. op. PuosPni. Fall down, sense as if somephos-ac. plat. plumb. PULS. rhod. thing in the chest would, SULPH. rhus. sabad. sass. sep. sil. SPIc. Flying to pieces, pain in chest SpONG. STANN. STAPI. STRAM. as if, cin. sulph. sulph. veratr. Fulness in chlest, sense of, agar., region of the heart, arg. calc. baryt. cale. carb-v. lact. lyc. nkal. mosch. phosph. puls. rhus. ruta. Consumption, (see Phthisis.) sep. spong. SULPr. selph-ac. Cough causes pain, (see veratr. Chap. XXVIII. Cough accompa- Gangrene of the lungs, lach. nied by.) Gnawing in the chest, ranCracking in the chest, sc. sabi n. Griping in chest, samb. stront. -, sternum, calc-ph. Haemorrhage, pulmonary, Cramp in chest, bism. cin. ACON. atnm. ARN. ars. bell. bry. dros. graph. lact. mere. PHOS-AC. carb-v. CIIIN. cOCe. coff. con. croc. PLAT. seneg. teunel. veratr. cupr. dros. d/lc. FERn. hyosc. ign. -, region of heart, kal. IPEC. kal. kreos. lach. led. lye. Creeping in chest, aeon. mere. NITR-AC. nux vom. op. ars. colch. rhus. seneg. stann. PHOSPH. PULS. rhius. sep. SULPH. Ct' tting in the chest, ang. sulph-ac. nrg. aur. cale. duic. kal. magn e. -., violent, threatening to be HAEMORRHAGE, AFFECTIONS OF THE HEART, ETC. 843 come fatal, ACON. CHIN. IPEC. Lying, on the back, alum. ars. op. chin. kal. nux vom. sep. Haemorrhage, sequelve, ars. ~, on the side, amm-m. bry. CARB-V. CHIN. coff. ign. sulph. ign. puls. -, to prevent a relapse, ars. -, left, ACON. bry. ipec. nux vom. sulph. lye. PnosPn. puls. sep. SIL. Heart, affections of the, ACON., ight, acon. ipec. puls. ambr. arm. ars. asa. aur. bell. seneg. spig. stann. BROM. CALC. calnn. caus. con., painless, ambr. arn. cupr. dig. kal-bi. kreos. lach. bry. cham. ign. nux vom. puls. mang. mosch. natr. NATR-M. n- Morning, early in the, arn. moseh. nux vom. phosph. PULS. carb-v. kal. kal-bi. lye. nuxvom. rhus. SEP. SPIG. spong. SULPII. phosph. ran. seneg. squill. sulph. -, aneurisms, ambr. arn. ars. -, in bed, carb-a. con. kal-bi. cale. CARB-V. caus. ferr. graph. Motion aggravates, ACON. am. guaj. LACHI. LYC. natr-m. puls. bell. bry. CALC. camph. caps. rhus. spig. zinc. chin. colch. graph. led. mere. -, inflammation, ACON. ars. nnux vom. PnosPH. puls. ran. SEBRY. CANN. CAUS. coCC. LAc}I. NEG. sep. staph. zinc. PULS..pig. Oppression in region of heart, -, hypertrophy, ars. brom. jod. brom. cann. CAUS. magn-m. kal-bi. phosph. spong. mere. spig. viol-tric. -, polypi, cale. lach. staph. Palpitation of the heart, -, rheumatism, AcoN. ars. bry. ACON. ALUM. ambr. amm. ang. CAUS. LACH. puls. spig. ARS. ASA. AUR. baryt. BELL. Heart on the right side, as if, bism. bov. Bnv. CALC. cann. bor. canth. carb-a. carb-v. CAUS. cham. Heat in chest, ARS. bar-m. CHIN. chinin. Cocc. COFF. colch. bism. I3RY. CAMPIL. caus. cic. dig. coloc. con. cop. cupr. cycl. mang. nitr ac. nux voen. op. DAPHN. dig. ferr. graph. grat. phosph. puls. plat. rhus. ruta. hell. IGN. JOID. ipec. KAL. kal-bi. SANG. sulph. thuj. LACH. LYC. magn-m. MERC. natr. —, region of the heart, op. NATR-M. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. Hydrothorax, AMM. ARS. Nvx voM. oleand. par. PETR. op. aur. BRY. calc. CARB-V. DIG. PHOSPH. PHOS-AC. plat. plumb. dulc. HELL. KAL. LACH. lye. PULS. rhus. RUTA. sabad. sass. MERC. seneg. SPIG. squill. stann. see. seneg. SEP. SPIG. staph. Jerking pain in chest, cin. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tart. croc. crotal. DAPHN. dule. lact. THUJ. VERATR. viol-od. zinc. mgt-,natr. natr-am. oleand. plat. puls. aus. squill. stann. tarax. valer. -, anxious, ACON. ars. AUR. -, region of heart, arn. DAPHN. calc. cann. carb-v. caus. DIG. fluor-ac. natr-m. kal. lach. LYC. mosch. natr. Laughing causes pain, laur. NATR-M. nitr-ac. nux vom. lye. mez. mur-ac. plumb. stann. oleand. phosph. plat. plumb. Leanilg with the back against PULS. RUTA. sass. sep. SPIG. anything, worse by, staph. sulph. tart. veratr. vicl-od. violLifting, by, baryt. kal. lye. tric. zinc. sulph ac. -, when ascending an eminence, Light feeling in the chest, bell. natr. nitr-ac. THUJ. stann. --, stairs, natr. nitr-ac. Lump in chest, sense of a, ambr. THuJ. cic. SULPH. -, audible, bell. camph. dig. Lying aggravates, amm. amm-m. SPIG. THuJ. asa. cale. carb-v. cham. ferr. -, when bending forward, spig. NITR. nitr-ac. puls. rhus. sulph. sulph-ac. 844 AFFECTIONS OF TIIHE CIIEST, ETC. Palpitation of the heart, Palpitation of the heart, with cough, lach. with pain in chest, hep. IGN. -, with drawing in the abdo- nux vom. men, amm. -, painful, hep. IGN., after drinking, con. -, with pale face, ahlbr., with dyspncea, acon. AUR. —, during rest, phosph. rhus. BRY. calc. lach. nitr. PULS. --, with rush of blood, kal. saSPIG. bad., after eating, calc. camph., after the siesta, staph. carb-a. carb-v. ign. hep. Lye., when singing at church, natr-m. nitr-ac. nux vorn. phosph. CARB-A. puls. sep. sil. sulph. thuj. -, when sitting, ang. carb-v. -, after an emotion, nitr-ac. dig. magn-m. natr. phosph. thus. phosph. PULS. sil. spig. -, in the evening, ang. carb-a. -, after stool, caus. tart. caus. lyevc. natr. nitr. nitr-ac. petr., after talking, puls. phosph. sep. sulph. zinc. -, with vanishing of sight, puls. -, in bed, ang. lye. nitr. -, with vertigo, bov. nitr-ac. sulph. -, with vibratory feeling in, when exerting the mind, head, bell. ign. staph., violent, ang. ars. aur. BELL. --, the body, amm. bry. natr. natr-m. nitr. oleand. -, with faint feeling, amm. arg- phosph. PULs. rhus. see. seneg. n. N-mioscH. sep. spig. sulph. thuj. veratr. —, with headache, bov. viol-od. mgt-aus., with heat, acon. nitr-ac., visible, spig. sulph. tart. —, with hot face, aeon. veratr., irregular, ars. NATR-M., when walking, nitr-ac., with languor, AcoN. CAUS. -, with weak feeling, amm., when lying on the back, ars. Pains ini the chest, nightly, nitr. ALUM. AMBR. ARS. brv. CHAM. - -, on the side, ang. baryt. CHIN. DULC. ferr. ign. kal. Iach. daphn. natr. natr-m. nux vom. lye. nmagn-m. MERC. natr. natr-m. puis. viol-tric. NITR-AC. nux vom. op. petr. -, at the time of the menses, ophosph. phos-ac. PULs. ran. rhus. alum. CUPR. ign. jod. nitr-ac. RUTA. sass. see. seneg. sep. phosph. sep. spong. SPONG. stram. stront. SULPH. -, early in the morning, alum. zinc. carb-a. ign. KAL. nux vom. Pains at the heart, (see phosph. the different Pains in this chap-, in bed, ign. KAL. ter.), during motion, GRAPH. NATR- —, apex, seated at, kal-bi. M. nitr-ac. par. PHOSPH. STAPH. Painfulness of the —, relieved, magn-m. chest, chinin. coloc. dulc. lact., when listening to music, PHOSPH. SANG. SeP.,CAR A. staph.' -, region of the heart, cann. lach. laur. NaTR-M. spong., with nausea, arg-n. bov. N- THUJ. voM. TH UJ. Paralysis of the lunigs,, at night, agar. antm. arg-n. aeon. ARS. aur. BARYT. bell. A~s. baryt. CALC. dule. IGN. bry. camph. CARB-V. cham. lye. mere. mur-ac, natr. natr-m. chin. con. dros. GRAPH. hep. nitr. NITR-AC. PHOSPH. PULS. HYose. ign. IPEC. LACH. mere. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. zinc. Nux vowm. OP. phosph. puls., with oppressioni of the chest, SAMB. spong. sulph. tart. veratr. AUR. BRY. cale. nitr. SPIG. mgt-arc. PARALYSIS OF THE LUNGS, ETC. 845 Paralysis of the lungs, Pleuritis, ACON. ARN. ars. from congestion of blood, ACON. bell. BRY. carb-v. caus. cham. ars. aur. BELL. BRY. chainm. CHIN. chin. colch. KAL. LACH. mere. IPEC. nux vom. op. PHOSPH. nux vom. phosph. puls. SQUILL. SAMB. spong. sulph. SULPH. veratr., of old people, ars. aur. —, acute, ACON. amrn. BRY. BARYT. carb-v. chin. con. LACH. chin. kal. lach. nux vom. SQUILL. OP. plhosph. veratr. SULPII. —, after a catarrh, ARS. CAMPH. -—, false, rheumatic, AcoN. ARN. carb-v. CHIN. dros. graph. hep. BRY. chin. lach. Nux voM. puls. IPEC. mere. phosph. puls. samb. ran. sulph. veratr. spong. sulph. TART. veratr. Plug in chest, sense of a,, of children, ACON. bell. anac. aur. chain. hep. ipec. mere. SAMB. Pneumonia, ACON. ars. bell. sulph. TART. BRY. CANN. canth. CHIN. lach. Phthisis pulmonalis, amm. mere. nitr. nux vom. op. amnm-m. arg-n. arn. ARS. bell. PHOSPH. phcs-ac. puls. RHus. bry. CALC. carb-v. CHIN. con. sabad. seneg. sep. sil. SQUILL. dig. DRos. dulc. FERR. guaj. SULPH. tart. veratr. HEP. hyosc. JOD. KAL. kreos. -, first stage, ACON. BRY. LACIL. laur. led. LYC. rnerc. natr- chin. lach. lye. PHOSPH. sil. SULPH. m. NITR. NITR-AC. n-mosch. nux -, asthenic, of old people, vom. PHOSPH. phos-ac. PULS. ACON. ars. BELL. chamin. ipec. samb. seneg. SEP. SIL. SPONG. MIERC. nux vom. veratr. STANN. SULP1I. zinc. -, with purulent expectoration, —, acute, dros. dulc. ferr. ITEP. bell. chin. dros. dulc. ferr. HEr. LACH. laur. led. LYC. mere. hyosc. LACH. laur. led. LYC. mere. puls. SULPH. PHosPr. ph1os-ac. puls. SULPH. —, incipient, aeon. AMM. arn. -, hepatization, tach. lye. ars. bell. CALC. CARB-V. dule. PHOSPH. SULPH. ferr. HEP. hyose. KAL. LYC. —, chronic, neglected, AMm. ars. mere. nitr. NITR-AC. PHOSPH. aur. calc. hep. kal. LACH. LYC. SPONG. stann. SULPH. sulph- nitr. nitr-ac.'PHosPH. stann. ac. SULPH. sulph-ac., after abuse of mercury, calc., typhoid, ARN. ARS. bell. CARB-V. chin. dule. GUAJ. HEP. BRY. chin. ipec. natr-m. OP. LACIL. lye. NITR-AC. sil. SULPII. RnUS. sulph. YERATR., mucous, ars. cale. carb-v. Pressure in chest, alum. chin. dig. DULC. HEP. LACH. ambr. amnm-m. anac. ang. arg-n. lye. MERC. phosph. puls. SENEG. ARS. asa. asar. BARYT. BELL. SEP. sil. STANN. SULPH. zinc. bism. bry. CALC. carb-v. caus. purulent (second stage), chin. ciC. COCC. colch. con. cupr. brom. CALC. carb-v. chin. con. dig. fluor-ac. graph. grat. hyosc. dros. ferr. guaj. HEP. jod. KAL. ign. kal. kal-bi. LACH. lact. laur. lach. laur. LYC. merc. natr. nitr. lye. magn-c. magn-m. mere. mez. nitr-ac. PnosPH. phos-ac. PULS. mosch. mur-ac. natr. nitr. nrhus. samb. SEP. SIL. SPONG. mosch. NUX VOM. op. PHOSPH. stann. SULPH. zinc. phos-ac. plat. plumb. ran. ran-sc. —, of stone-cutters, CALC. HEP. rhod. ruta. sabad. sabin. SAMB. lach. lye. SIL. sulph. SANG. seneg. SEP. SIL. SPIG. —, tuberculous, anmm. arn. ars. spong. STANN. STAPH. stram. bell. brom. bry. CALC. carb-v. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tarax. dule. HEP. hyosc. jod. KAL. thuj. veratr. viol-od. zinc. mgtlach. led. LYC. mere. natr. natr-m. aus. nitr-ac. n-mosch. PHOSPH. PULS. -, sternum, arg. ARS. asa. bry. samb. SIL. SPONG. STANN. sulph. con. lact. mere. SEP. SULPH. 846 AFFECTIONS OF THE CHEST, ETC. Pressure, lower chest, bism. Spasm of the chest, (see Asthma lact. teucr. valer. Spasmodicum, Chap. XXIX.) -, region of heart, ambr. bell. Spasms in the chest, ang. ars. bor. cale. CHAM. con. cycl. kal- bell. CAMPH. CAUS. COCC. bi. N-VOM. PuLS. sang. seneg. zinc. COLCH. CUPR. FERR. GRAPH. -, sides, arg. aur. carb-v. chin. HYOSC. IPEC. KAL. lach. lact. con. lact. par. plumb. sulph-ac. led. mere. mosch. rnitr-ac. NUX Purring in region of heart, VOM. OP. phosph. phos-ac. SPIG. plumb. PULS. sass. sec. sep. SPIG. Raising the arm, worse SPONG. staph. STRAM. SULPH. by, ant. bry. caps. chin. ferr. veratr. zinc. led. plumb. ran. thuj. -, muscles, cic. stram. Raising one's self, worse by, —, region of heart, lach. zinc. ACON. arg. BRY. calad. cann. cic. Stagnant, sensation as if the dig. ign. ran. stann. blood in the chest were, sabad. Restlessness in the chest, bell. seneg. fluor-ac. petr. seneg. staph. thuj. Stitching:, region of the heart, anac. -~, chest, ACON. agar. amm. fluor-ac. amm-m. ang. ant. ARN. ARS. Rheumnatic pains in the chest, asa. asar. aur. baryt. BELL. bor. AeoN. ARN. BRY. chin. lach. bov. brom. BRY. CALC. camph. Nux voM. puls. ran. sulph. tart. CANN. canth. caps. carb-a. carbveratr. v. caus. CHAM. CHIN. chinin. Rnsh of blood to the chest, cin. clem. colch. con. croc. cycl. ACON. amm. AUR. BELL. brom. dulc. ferr. graph. GUAJ. hep. ign. carb-v. CHIN. cocC. dig. ferr. jod. kal. KREOS. LACH. lact. laur. led. lact. MERC. nitr-ac. NUX VOM. LYe. niagn-c. mang. merc. mercPHOSPH. puls. rhod. rhus. se- c. mez. mosch. mur-ac. natr. neg. sep. SPONG. SQUILL. SULPH. NATR-M. NITR. nitr-ac. n-jugl. thuj. Nux VOM. OLEAND. par. PEraR. heart, lye. nitr-ac. PHosPn. PHOSPH. PLAT. plumb. PULS. PULS. sulph. ran. ran-sc. rhab. RHUS. ruta. Sensitiveness of the chest, sang. SENEG. SEP. SIL. spig. ang. calc. seneg. SQUILL. STANN. staph. SULPH. Shocks in the chest, ang. calc. sulph-ac. tarax. ther. THUJ. valer. clem. con. croc. dule. mang. veratr. verb. viol-od. zinc. mur-ac. plat. -, sternum, ang. arg. ARS. aur. -, region of the heart, alum. BELL. canth. cans. chin. chinin. ang. cann. con. mang. nux vom. CON. dulc. euphorb. laur. mang. tart. zinc. natr-m. OLEAND. plumb. ruta. Singing aggravates, amm. stann. sabin. SULPH. zinc. Sitting aggravates, asa. carb-a. -, side of the chest, ACON. CARB-V. chin. dros. ferr. mangn-m. amnm. ang. arg. ARN. brom. men. natr. PHosPH. RHUS. ruta. BRY. calc. canth. chin. clem. sabad. seneg. spig. spong. staph. cocc. con. croc. dulc. grat. hyosc. tart. ign. kreos. lach. MIERC. men. Sore in chest, pain as if, mosch. natr. nzatr-m. nitr-ac. alum. baryt. calc. CARB-V. cocc. nux vom. op. par. petr. PHOSPH. colch. dig. ipec. kal. LAH. LED. phos-ac. PLAT. plumb. PULS. lyc. magn-c. meph. merc. natr-m. ran. rhus. sabad. samb. sass. sep. nitr. nitr-Ac. phosph. rhus. SE- SIL. SQUILL. SULPH. tarax. zinc. NEG. sep. STANN. staph. stront. - -, left, amm. baryt. calc. tart. canth. caps. carb-a. caus. chin., sternumj LED. mez. sabin. chinin. cocc. colch. eupborb. ign. -, region of heart, fluor-ac. jod. LACH. laur. LYc. mang. magn-c. mere. mur-ac. natr-m. nitr. STITCHING, ETC. 847 oleand. PETR. PHOSPH. plumb. Torn off, sensation as if, intan. rhus, sabad. sabin. sass ternally, brlv. SENEG. sep. squill. stan,. STAPH. Trembleig in chest, AMBR. sulph. tarax. TEurc. thuj. valer. carb-a. kal. sabin. SPIo. zinc., region of heart, BELL. eamph. Stitchiing: cin. nitr-ac. SSPG. —, right side, ars. bor. CHIN. Turning in region of heart, chinin. canth. carb-a, coc. kal. tart. lack. Iact. mere. teatr-mi. hitr. Ulcerative pain in chest, bry. nitr-a. plumb6. ran. seabad. SEP. earb-a. DROS. MnEc. PULS. squill. sulph-ac. ran. SPIG. STAPHL, region of the heart, aeon. —, sternum, DRos. amm. anac. ARN. aur-in. cale. Undulating feeling in chlest, cap&s carb-v. CAUS. chana. chin. eocc. lact. nux vonm. plumb. ehinin. ign. KREos. magn-c. rhod. seneg. sep. thnj. n-agn-m. mur-ac. natr-m. n-jugl. Undulating pain in cLest, nux vorn ran-se. Rnus. sang. dule. spig. SpG. suiph. sutlph-ac. valer. verb. —, sensation in region of heart, viol-triL. zinc. spig., interecostal musecles, Boa. Walking aggravates, bry. nux canth. kreos. mur-ac. SENEG. spig. vorn. ran. tarax. teuer.'Walking fast, worse when,, as far as the back, ferr. mere. chin. spig. squill. SENEG. SIL. SULPI. WVarm roomn, in a, BRY. Stooping aggravates, aeon. arg. YWeak feeling in the chest, bor. bry. cann. chin. dig. mere. nitr- brom. CALC. canth. carb-v. dig. ac. phosph. phos-ac. seneg. SIL jod. kal. mere. phosphI PHOS-AC. stann. staph. plat. ran-se. rhus. SANG. sil. Swollen, sense as if the chest spo~g. STANN. SULPH. sulph-ac. were, mere. zinc.'Talking aggravates, BY. canA. -, region of the heart, rhus. Talking aggravates, BRY. ca"X. Bang eanth. iga. sang. canth. carb-v. chin. ecoce. Ig -, after walking in the kal. led. mur-ac. natr-m. pule. air rwne. ran. rhus. STAsN. straln. SULPH., wen reading loud, Tearing in the chest, cie. colcl cocc. phosph pul. spig. zinc., after raising mucus, Tension in the chest, ars. STANN. BELL. bry. eham. cocc. colch. dig. - -, when singing, earb-v. euphorb. ferr. ign. kal. laet. lye. SULPH. mnagn-m. mere. NATR-M. nitr. - -, after talking, CALC. nux vom. oleand. op. PaHosPH. PHOS-Ac. rhus. STANN. SULPIL PLAT. -puls. rhus. sabin. seneg. sul ph-ac. sep. sil. spig. STANN. sulph. sulplh- lV'eight in chest, feeling of, ac. verb. ZINC. aeon. amm. amm-m. arg-n. bar-, region of the heart, cann. m. bor. bry. KnEos. LACH. last. sec. zinc. Itour. lye. magn-c. magn-m. nEThrobbing in chest, amm-m. mosch. nux voin. oleand. petr. asa. calad. caps. ign. mang. nux PHOSPI. plat. prun. PULS. vom. seneg. sulph. rhab. sep. sil. SQUILL. sulph. -, sternum, sil. sulph. -, region of the heart, croc. -, region of heart, fluor-ac. Puis. sil. zinc. graph. mgt-aus. Yawninlg is painful, alum., sides, nux vom. anm. oleand b. EXTERNAL CHEST, TOGETHER WITH THE MAMMzE AND DISORDERS OF THE LACTEAL FUNCTIONS. Abscess of the rnammte, HEP. Herpes, mammie, CAUS. dulc. PHosPH. SIL. Indurations in the mammnte, Atrophy of the mammve, cham. am. BELL. CARB-A. CHAM. clem. con. jod. nitr-ac. coloc. CON. GRAPH. lye. mere. -, nipples, sass. nitr-ac. PHOSPH. puls. sep. SIL. Bleeding of nipples, sep. SULPH. SULPH. -, after a blow, arn. carbBlue skin, clavicles, thuj. a. CON. Boils, amm. chin. hep. —, nipples, agar. BRY. sulph. Brown spots, CARB-V. SEP. Inflamnmati on of mammTe, Bruised, as if the muscles BELL. BRY. carb-a. carb-v. con. were, amnbr. ang. arg-n. arn. hep. tmere. PHOSPH. SIL. SULPH. calad. rhod., nipples, calc. phosph. SIL. Burning in the mammoe, s-ulph. phosph. Itching, agar. alum. anac. ant., nipples, etc. graph. sulph. baryt. bov. calc. canth. carb-v., skin, bell. calc. jod. led. con. kal. LED. lye. mez. natr-in. selen. magt. phosph. sabad. sep. spong. squill. Cancer of the mammae, ARS. stann. staph. sulph. bell. CLEM. con. hep. kreos. SIL. -, mammte, ALUM. con. Caries of the sternum, con. -, nipples, agar. petr. SULPI. Chilliness, par. ran. Lactation, (see Milk, DisorContact is painful, ALus. graph. ders of the.) nux vom. puls. rhod. sabin. 1][ilk, disorders of the, acon. ars. seneg. stront. sulph. BELL. bor. bry. CALC. carb-a. Crampy pains, arg. carb-v. CHAM. chin. cin. con. dulc. Creeping, calc. ran-se. spong. graph. ign. ipec. kal. lach. lye. -, mammee, sabin. MERO. natr-m. nux vom. phosph. Drawing, carb-v. stront. phos-ac. PrLS. rhab. rhus. samb. Eruption, alum. ant. bell. SEP. SIL. stann. staph. zinc. bov. cale. canth. con. grat. hep. —, bad milk, bor. carb-a. CIIAfr. lach. led. LYC. mere. mez. PLUMB. CIN. lach. MERa. flux vom. puls. rhus. sec. staph. stront. valer. rhab. samb. SIL., nipples, graph. —, after a cold, aeon. BELL. Erysipelas of the mammae, CHAM. DULC. mere. PULS. suiph. carb-a. CHAM. PHOSPH. sulph. —, deficiency, aeon. AGN. bell. Fistulous ulcers of the main- bry. CALC. CAus. cham. chin. moe, PHosPH. SIL. cocC. DULC. jod. mere. n-mosch. Hepatic spots, LYC. sulplh. PULS. RHUS. sep. sulph. ZINC. Herpes, ars. PETn. staph. - -, with indurations in the, MILK, ETC. 849 mammse, agn. bell. cham. DULC. Rheumatic pains, mamnmae, rhus. bry. Milk, deficiency in weakly wo- Scaly eruption on the mammene, men, calc. cans. pils. rhus. petr. -- -, in plethoric women, Scurfs on the nipples, LyC. ACON. bell. BRY. CHAM. mer. Sensitiveness, mosch. ran-sc. —, after an emotion, acon. bell. ruta. zinc. BRY. CHAM. COFF. —, mammn, GRAPH., galactirrhcea, BELL. bor. ---—, nipples, GRAPI-. rhab. sang. BnY. CALC. chin. con. phosph. zinc. PULS. rhod. rhus. stram. Shivering over the mammae, -, milk fever, ACON. arn. bell. dig. bry. COFF. rhus. Smallness of the mammse, n- nursing aggravates, FERnn. mosch. SIL. Sore nipples, ARN. CALC. -, suppression of the milk, me- caus. CHAM. graph. IGN. lye. mnerc. tataric, acon. BELL. BRY. cale. nux yVor. PULS. sang. sep. sil. chan. coff. DULC. mere. PULS. SULPH. rhus. sulph. -—, pain as if, cic. led. phospb. -, after weaning, bell. bry. CALC. zinc. PULS. —, nipples, caus. nux vom. motioni causes pain, ang. ant. sang. ZINC. lanr. nux vom. ran. Spasm of the muscles, cic. Muscular twitchings, anac. stram. veratr. asar. oleand. puls. stann. ta- Spots, amm-m. ars. bell. CARB-V. 1ax. Cocc. IPEC. ]ach. led. magn-c. Numbness, graph. mez. nitr-ac. PHosPH. SEP. squill. Painfulness of the mammse, sulpll. phosph. rhab. Sprained, pain as if, am. - n, nipples, graph. sulph. Stitching, amm. calc. canth. Pimples, tubercles, amm. ant. caus. chinin. cin. jod. kreos. led. bell. bor. bov. calc. canth. chin. mum-ac. NUX VOM. oleand. cocc. con. dulc. hep. jod. lach. rthus. ruta. sabin. spig. squill. magn-m. natr. plunmb. rhus. staph. sulph. teucr. mgt-arc. squill. staph. stront. zinc. -, mamrnse, con. graph. jod., nipples, GRAPII. ]reos. natr-m. phosph. rhab. Pocks, alum. led. sang. SEP. Pressure, alum. ambr. ang. Sweat, agar. am. bov. calc. arg. carb-v. ehin. cic. dig. canth. chin. chinin. cocc. graph. euphorb. graph. LYe. magn-m. hep. lye. nitr. nitr-ac. phosph. nnx vom. oleand. ruta. seneg. phos-ac. sabad. selen. sep. sil. thuj. Swellilng of the mammce, Prickling, cale. ran-sc. BELL. BRY. calc. CARB-A. con. Pustules, alum. hep. LED. graph. HIEP. lye. MERc. merc-c. stront. tart. PiosPH. puls. sabin. SIL. sulph. Rash, amm. bry. calad. cupr. —, pad-shaped, arg-n. lach. LED. mere. sil. staph. stram. —, nipples, lye. mere. tart. Tearing, amm. amm-m. carb-v. iRed spots, BELL. COCC. IPEC. Tension, euphorb. jod. lye. lach. LED. magn-c. mez. phosph. mez. oleand. rthus sass. SABAD. Ulceration of the mammme, Rlhagades, graph. SULPI1. kreos. AIERC. IIOSPHs. SIL., mamrne, CAUS. graph. -, nipples, CHAM. MERC. SIL. SULPH. Vesicles, graph. Rheumatic pains, ambr. Yellow spots, ars. PHosrn. ARN. carb-v. nux vorn. ran. tart. 36* CHAPTER XXXI. AFFECTIONS OF THE BACK, INCLUDING AXILLYE, NECK, SMALL OF TIIE BACK, NAPE OF THE NECK, BACK, SCAPULIE, AND OS SACRUM. N, B.-In the following arrangement only such conditions and circumstances have been recorded as specifically belong to the respective parts. Conditions and circumstances which are not contained in the following list, may be found in Chapter I. The details of the skin-symptoms, such as eruptions, herpes, ulcers, etc., have likewise been omitted in this Chapter, as the reader will find them minutely recorded in Chapter 1I. Axilla, affections of the, am. Axilla, pressure, asa. asar. chel. ars. barvt. bell. bry. CALC. caps. led. staph. teucr. carb.a. carb-v. chin. colch. graph. -, pulsations, dulc. HEP. kal. lyc. natr-m. nitr-ac. -, scurfs, NATR-M. petr. phosph. rthus. sep. SIL. spig. -, sensitiveness, kal. staph. SULPH. sulph-ac. -, soreness and pain as if sore, -, boils, bor. lye. PIos-Ac. ars. carb-v. mnez. n-jugl. teucr., burning, carb-v. caus. kal. zinc. natr-m. spig. zinc., stitching, arn. ars. asa. chel. -, creeping, BRY. mez. graph. grat. kal. lact. magn-c. -, cutting, aug. kal. sulph-ac. men. natr-m. phosph. puls. spong., dampness, carb-v. stann. staph. stront. sulph-ac. -, dragging. mang. zinc. -, glandular affections, amm. —, sweat, bov. bry. caps. carb-a. arnm-m. arg-n. ars. asar. baryt. IIEP. kal. Iach. nitr-ac. petr. SEP. bell. CALO. CARB-A. clem. coloc. squill. sulph. thuj. cupr. HEP. JOD. kal. lye. natr-m. -, swelling, baryt. initr-ac. phosph. phos-ac. prun. —, tearing, bell. canth. carb-v. rhus. sep. SiL. STAPH. SULPH. chin. colch. kal. lach. natr-m. sulph-ac. zinc., herpes, CARB-A. LYC. SEP. —, tension,aur. spig. teucr. zinc. -, itching, anac. asar. carb-a. --, tumors, PETR. carb-v. dig. grat. kal. nitr-ac. - -, twitching, dulc. valer. phosph sep. spig. spong. Back ache, in general, alum. -, nodosities, nitr-ac. phosph. armbr. amm.. arn. ars. asa. baryt. -, pain, colch. graph. veratr. bar-m. bism. bov. CALC. cann., pimples, CARB-A. LYC. NATR- canth. caps. carb-a. cocc. hyosc. M. nitr-ac. n-jugl. PETR. phosph. Aal. KREOS. LACH. lye. magnSEP. c. meph tmerc. mnur-ac. natr. AXILLA. 851 nctal-m. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. kal. led. lye. magn-m. mur-ac. oleand. PETR. phosph. plat. natr-m. nitr. petr. plat. puls. plumb. PULS. ran. rhus. sabad. rhod. sass. SEP. sil. spong. stann. seneg. SEP. S1L. strata. SULPH. staph. tencr. thuj. veratr. zinc. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. zinc. mgt- Axilla, purring, sulph. arc. mgt-aus. -, riding in a carriage, when, Axilla, beating, baryt. lye. inez. fluor-ac. puls. sil. -, sensitiveness, squill. -, boils, cats. fluor-ac. mur-ac. -, shocks, plat. stann. 8ulph-ac. -, shuddering, mgt-aus. --—,boring, agar. bism. cocc. thuj., soreness, thuj., burning, aeon. agar. amm. -, spasms, agar. con. ipec. jod. arn. bism. bry. CARB-A. carb-v. -, spots, SEP. zinc. lye. magn-m. mere. mur-ac. natr., sprained, pain as if, agar. nitr-ac. sil. sulph. tart. zinc. con. lye. petr. sulph. -, bruised, pain as if; agar. ---—, stiffness, agar. alum. anac. alum. amm-m. arn. ars. asar. ars. caps. CARB-V. CAUS. coca. carb-v. caus. chin. coloc. dros. guaj. KAL. laur. led. lye. NUX kal. rnagqn-m. natr. natr-m. nitr. VOM. petr. prun. puls. SEP. NgUX VOM. ran. stram. sulph. SIL. SULPI. sulph-ac. thuj. VERATR. zinc. -, stinging, alum. arg. arn. asa. -, chilliness, cale. lach. lye. SEP. calc. cann. caps. caus. cham. chin. sil. colch. cupr. eugen. euphorb. hep. coldness, amm-m. cale. croc. kal. lach. laur. lye. magn-c. RHUS. sec. mang. mez. mur-ac. natr. nitr-ac. —, constriction, asa. oleand. par. plat. plumb. puls., contraction, kal. mez. nux rhod. rhus. sabad. sass. sil. spig. vom. stann. staph. stront. sulph. tarax. -, crampy feeling, arg-n. bry. thuj. valer. verb. zinc. mgt-arc. euphr. lact. led. nitr. petr. -, sweat, CHIN. petr. phos-ac. -, creeping, acon. alum. caus. -, swelling, STAPH. graph. laur. natr. sec. -, tearing, drawing, rheumatic -, cutting, dig. SEP. sil. pain, agar. ambr. amm. ant. ars. -, digging, SEP. bell. BRY. canth. caps. CARB-V., eruptions, alum. baryt. cale. cans. chan. cin. cocc. colch. cupr. CARB-v. dig. fluor-ac. lach. led. dig. dros. ferr. graph. guaj. mez. natr. natr-mn. n-jugl. phos-ac. HEP. KAL LACH. YC. magn-e. puls. selen. SEP. squill. zinc. mang. mez. moseh. natr. NATR-, gnawing, magn-m. mgt-aus. M. nitr-ac. NUX VOM. op. petr. -, heat, con. fluor-ac. snerc. phos-ac. puls. ran. rhod. rhus. sulph. mgt-aus. SEP. sii. stann. stram. stront. immobility, alum. SULPH. sulph-ac. teuer. valer. -, itching, alum. ant. baryt. zinc. magt. cale. caus. daphn. eugen. guaj. -, tension, amm-m. arg-n. con. jod. kal. laur. lye. mere. nitr-ac. hep. kal. laur. lye. magn-m. phos-ac. seneg. sil. spig. ther. mur-ac. natr. NATR-M. sulph. -, jerking, alum. caus. magn-c. teucer. ZINC.,,jerks, agar. atmm. calc. petr., trembling, cocc. staph., warmth, carb-v. hyosc. -, lameness, agar. laur., numb feeling, cale. sec. -, weakness, agar. arn. carb-v., pinching, cann. kal. lyc. nitr- LACH. ae. si]. stann. zinc., weary, pain as if, NATR —r. -, pressure, aeon. agar. alum. phosph. sulph. tart. amm. amnm-m. cale. caps. carb-v. -, weight, carb-v. petr. phosph. caus. chel. cocc. eupbr. graph. sep. sulph. 862 AFFECTIONS OF THE BACK, ETC. Cervical vertebrae, affec- Dorsal vertebrae and tions of the, acon. anac. arn. spine: calc. carb-v. CON. dig. guaj. lach. -, shocks, cic. dig. rhod. mang. natr. nitr. nitr-ac. nux, smarting, natr-m. staph. vom. puls. sabin. sep. stann., spasm, euphorb. sulph. mgt-arc. mgt-aus. -, sprained, pain as if, bell. --—, beating, nitr. -, stiffness, baryt. calc. nitr-ac., bruised, pain as if, sabin., swelling, PULS. SIL. -, cracking, anac. natr. nitr-ac. -, stinging, ang. arg. aur. bell. nux vom. puls. stann. sulplh. cann. chel. chin. cin. dule. grat., cutting, graph. hell. ign. led. men. meph. mere., heat, mgt-aus. moseh. nitr-ac. phosph. phos-ac., pressure, aeon. am. carb-v. ruta. sabin. stann. sulph-ac. guaj. ign. verb. -, sore, pain as if, CON. dig., tearing, bell. cin. cocc. graph. mang. sep. daphn. dros. ign. kal. lyc. mang. -, swelling, calc. men. mosch. mur-ac. ruta. strain. -, tearing, lach. sulph. zinc. —, tension, am., tension, natr. zinc. Clavicles, pain at, amm. asa. -, tumors, lach. aur. bisn. chain. magn-m. mez. -, ulcerative pain, carb-a. rhod. sass. -, warmth, carb-v. pressure, asa. aur. bism., weakness, baryt. hep. magn-m. Goitre, ambr. AMM. brom. tearing, amlin-m. chain. mez. CALC. carb-a. caus. con. dig. -, aching, rhod. hep. JOD. KAL. LYC. magn-c. -, stinging, guaj. sass. mere. NATR. NATR-Ml. petr. Dorsal vertebrae and phosph. plat. sil. SPONG. staph. spine, painful, aeonl. ang. arg. sulph. anrn. Aun. BELL. CALC. cann. -, bloat, sense of, and as if it carb-v. chel. chin. chinin. cin. would split, spong. cocc. dros. dule. graph. hell. ign., constrictive sensation, jod. kal. led. lye. men. nleph. mere., hard, JOD. SPONG. 2nosch. nitr-ac. nux vom. petr. -, jerking, lye. phosph. phos-ac. PULS. RHUS., movements as from someRUTA. sabad. sabin. samb. sep. thing alive, spong. SIL. spong. stann. STAPII., painful, jod. plat. SULPIH. sulph-ac. verb. zinc., pressure internally, natr. bruised, pain as if, hell. ruta., tension, jod. spig. mgt-arc., throbbing, jod. lye. -, burning, asa. tart. magt. -, tickling, plat. -, contraction, cham. Lumbar region, affections,creeping, aeon. arz. con. of the, AeON. AGAR. alum. -,curvature, CALC. lye. PULS. ambr. anrm. arnm-m. arg. asa. RHUS. SIL. STAPH. SULPH. AvR. baryt. BRY. CALC. cann..-, cutting, acon. carb-a. carb-v. caus. chel. chin. -, digging, aeon. CIN. clem. colch. coloc. crotal., gnawing, bell. hell. dig. dros. DULc. hep. hyosc. ign., heat, mgt-aus. K(AL. kal-bi. KREos. laclh. led. -, jerking, bry. ruta. Lye. MEN. mez. mur-ac. NATR-N. -, pinching, bell men. phos-ac. nitr-ae. n-nmosch. NUX VOM. -, pressure, arn. asa. bell. cale. phosph. phos-ac. PLUMB. PULS. cann. carb-v. dulc. graph. led. rhod. ruta. sabin. sil. spong. nux vom. plat. sabin. samb. sep. STANN. staph. stram. stront. spong. staph. zinc. SULPH. thuj. valer. veratr. zinc. -, pulsations, mez. thuj. -, beating, amm. LUMBAt REGIONI ETC, 853 Lumbar region, bruised, PETR. PHOSPH. phos-ac. plat. puls. pain as if, acon, agar. lact. men. Mhod. RHUS. sabad. SEP. SIL. ruta. spig. stann. staph. SULPH. thuj., burning, baryt. nitr-aco veratr. zinc. -, constriction, cin. -. Nape of the neck, boring,, crampy feeling, caus. baryt,, cutting, dulc. —, bruised, pain as if, agar. *, debility, agar. asar. caus. hep, nux sorm. zinc. eruption, clem. -, burning, amm. calc. ign. itching, alum. dig. puls. mere., jerking, crotal. men. -. constriction, dulc., lameness, agar. arg-n., crampy feeling, arn. sil. thuj. pinching, dros., creeping, lact., pressing outwards, dulc. -, cutting, dig. pressure, amm-m. calc. cann., eruption, arn. bell. carb-v. caus. cocc. kal. lye. natr-m. nux caus. clem. hep. kal. lye. nitr. vom. rhod. sabin. teucr. PETR. SIL. staph. mgt-aus., shocks, stann. -, glandular affections, AMM. -, shuddering, rhod. BARYT. CALC. HELL. jod. mur-, smarting, puls. ac. PETR. PosrPH. SIL. STAPH., sprained, pain as if, agar. hep. sulph. stiffness, acon. -, grasped, as if, LYe. -- stinging, amm. asa. cann. -, heat, ign. lach. coloc. dulc. hep. hyosc. IGN. kal. herpes, caus. Lye. PETR. SEP. kal-bi. LACH. lye. natr-m. phos- sulph. ac. plumb. puls. SIL. spong. -, itching, alum. amm-m. carbsulph. valer. mgt-arc. v. nitr-ac. sep. staph. ther., swelling, lye. SIL. STAP., jerking, caps. caus. magn-c., tearing, agar. chin. c;n. ]vc. phos-ac. sep. NUX VOM. plumb. PuLs. stann. -, lameness, natr. par. spig. stront. sulph. -, nodosities, ant. caus. zinc., tension, ombr. natr-m. zinc. -, numb feeling, dig. plat. weary, pain as if, cin. spig. weight, arg-n., pimples, am. bell. carb-v. Lumbar vertebrae painful, hep. kal. lye. nitr. sil. staph. agar. amm-m. arg. aur. bry. chel. mgt-aus. dig. KREOS. mez. mur-ac. n- —, pressure, ambr. anac. asa. mosch. phosph. phos-ac. prun. asar. carb-v. cocc. coloc. dulc. puls. stann. thuj. laur. men. mere. NATR-M. petr., cutting, dig. phosph. phos-ac. prun. ran. stann., gnawing, phos-ac. staph. tarax., )ressure, amm-m. aur. chel., rash, ant. caus. mez. SEC. puls., shuddering, caus. con., stitchling, arg. aur. bry. mez. —, sore, pain as if, bry. dig. phosph. prun. thnj. phos-ac., tearing, agar. bry. kreos., spots, carb-v. mur-ac. stann. -, sprained, pain as if, agar., ulcerative pain, kreos. nitr. sulph. Nape of the neck, affec- -, stiffness, agar. alum. amm-m. tions of the, acon. alum. AMM. anac. ang. ars. BARYT. BELL. anac. arn. asar. BARYT. BELL. CALC. carth. caps. CARB-V. brv. CALC. caps. CARB-v. CAUS. CAUS. dig. dros. graph. guaj. chin. coloc. daphln. dulc. graph. ign. KAL. kalbi. LACIT. laur. ign. KAL. LACH. lact. laur. LYc. men. mere. NATR. NATR-M. nitr. men. mere. Ihoseh. NATR. NlTR-AC. nux vom. PHOSPH. NATR-M. NITR-AC. nux vorm. phos-ac. rhod. rhus. sec. SEP. 854 AFFECTIONS OF THE BACK, ETC. SIL. spong. squill. stann. staph. ac. puls. spig. spong. squill. sulph. veratr. zinc. staph. sulph. tart. thuj. veratr. Nape of the neck, stinging, mgt-arc. mngt-aus. acon. alum. ang. BARYT. bell. Neck, glandular affections, alum. calc. cann. canth. caus. cocc. AMM. AMM-M. ARN. BELL. dig. graph. guaj. ign. laulr. magn- brom? CALC. CARB-A. carb-v. c. mere. natr. par. puls. rhus. cans. cupr. ferr. graph. hell. ign. sep. stann. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. kal. KREos. LACI. LYC. magntarax. in. MERC. natr. natr-rn. NIITR-, sweat, nitr-ac. sulph. AC. PHOSPH. pull. selen. SIL., swelling, baryt. BELL. calc. spig. spong. STAPH. sulph. tart. puls. sep. -, goitre, ambr. AMiM. brom. -, tearing, drawing, acon. ambr. CALC. carb-a. caus. con. dig. amm. amm-m. anac. asa. camph. hep. JOD. kal. LYC. magn-c. cann. canth. CARB-V. chin. coloc. mere. NATR. NATR-M. petr. con. dig. graph. ign. kal. laur. phosph. plat. sil. SPONG. staph. LYC. magn-c. magn-m. mez. sul ph. mosch. natr. natr-m. NUX VMOM., herpes, carb-v. cocc. jod. sep. oleand, petr. phosph. plumb. stann. puls. rhod. rhus. sep. sil. spig. —, itching, alum. anac. ant. staph. SULPH. zinc. carb-v. nitr-ac. puls. rhus. squill. -, tension, alum. amm-m. ant. sulph. thuj. amn. aur. baryt. bov. calc. carb-a. -, larger, growing, jod. phosph. CAUS. chin. CON. graph. lact. —, nodes, IoN. LACH. lye. murlaur. mang. NATR. natr-m. plumb. ac. phosph. sil. staph. stront. sulph. THUJ. -~, pain, cale. chinin. coce. ign. zinc. LACH. meph. phos-ac. spong. -, tumors, SIL. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. -, tremb,ling, carb-v. zinc. —, ulcerative pain, puls., pimples, (see Eruptions.), weakness, aeon. caps. nitr-ac. -, pinching, caus. lye. phosph. plat. phos-ac. -, weary, pain as if, tart. zinc. -, pressure, aeon. agar. alum., weight, caps. par. petr. anac. arg. arn. aur. bell. carb-v. phosph. colch. dig. ign. lach. magn-c. Neck, affections of the, alum. oleand. phos-ac. sil. spong. staph. amm. arn. ars. baryt. BELL. sulph. teucr. zinc. BRY. calc. camph. carb-v. caus. -, rash, bry. Cocc. graph. hep. IGN. jod. KAL., red, swollen streak around, LACH. LYC. mang. mere. mez. mang. nux vom. oleand. phosph. phos- -, redness, jod. veratr. ac. PULS. rhod. rhus. SAss. sep., rheumatic pain, BELL. mez. sil. spong. staph. thuj. PULS. squill. -, bloated, con. -, rush of blood, kal., boils, natr-m. sep., sensitiveness, ant, LACH., bruised, pain as if, crotal. -, soreness, bry. sabin., spasm, fluor-ac., burning, caus. grat. stront., sprained, pain as if, sass. constriction, dulc. ferr. jod., stiffness, alum. am7n. arg. sep. ars. BELL. BRY. camph. carb-a., contortion, hyosc. caus. cham. cic. coloc. croc. dig. -, crampy feeling, jod. men. laur. lyc. mere. natr-m. par. petr. plat. zinc. phosph. phos-ac. rhus. sil. spong. -, creeping, spong. squill. staph. sulph. -, eruption, ant. ars. aur. boy., stinging, acon. alum. amm-m. bry. clem. hep. LYC. mez. phos- anac. ant. bry. calc. cocc. graph. NECK, 08 SACRtUM ETC. 855 guaj. hep. ign. men. mosch. Scapular region, aeon. natr-m. spig. spong. staph. tarax. alum. AMM. amm-m. anac. arg. thuj. arn. asa. baryt. bell. bry. cale. Neck, stretching the, sep. CAUS. CHiN. CiC. COCC. coloc. -, sweat, BELL. dulc. ferr. GRAPH. KAL. lach., swelling, ars. BELL. bov. laur. magn-m. men. 9mere. mez. calc. cic. croc. crotal. hyosc. mur-ac. natr. natr-mn. NITR. NITRKAL. LACH. LYC. mang. natr. AC. Nux voM. phosph. phos-ac. nitr-ac. nux vom. par. puls. sass. PLUMB. PULS. ran. rhod. rhus. sulph. ruta. samb. sep. sil. spig. squill. - —, tearing, drawing, atom- STANN. staph. sulph. veratr. zinc. m. arn. bov. kal-bi. lye. magn-c., boils, anlm-m. led. n-jugl. mez. natr. nitr. phosph. selen., boring, aeon. laur. natr. staph. zinc., burning, alum. ambr. baryt. -, tension, arg. BARYT. BRY. bry. cann. carb-v. caus. jod. kal. caus. chin. crotal. grat. laur. sep. laur. lye. natr. natr-m. seneg. spig. sil. sulph. teucer. veratr. zinc., throbbing, BELL. laur. —, bruised, pain as if, amm-m. sulph. anac. baryt. graph. hell. kal. -, tumors, graph. led. mere. natr-m. nux vom. sil., twisted, ars. calc. CAUS. cocc. sulph. thuj. HYOSC. phosph. sil. -, chilliness, alum. ---, caused by arthrocace, -, coldness, amm-m. cale. cocc. phosph. sil. -, contraction, guaj. lach. lye. ---- -, by spasm or pa- nux vom. rhus. sep. viol-tric. ralysis, ars. CAus. HYOSC..- cracking, anac. cocc. puls. -., contraction, ars., crampy feeling, baryt. chel. caus. ipec. mere. rhus. viol-tric. -, ulcers, LACIL., creeping, anac. arg. dulc. Os sacrum, painful, agar. alum. lact. mez. sil. mgt-arc. amm. BELL. bor. bov. cann. -, cutting, asa. calc. rhus. canth. CARB-A. carb-v. CAUS. sulph-ac. graph. jod. kal. kal-bi. kreos. -, dampness, lach. lawr. LED. mere. mur-ac. PAR. —, digging, laur. PETR. PHOSPH. phos-ac. plumb. -, eruptions, amm. bell. caus. rhus. SIL. sulph. thuj. ZINC. cic. lach. lye. mere. phos-ac. puls., bruised, pain as if, carb-a. squill. caus. sulph. —, glandular swelling, amm. --—, burning, laur. mur-ac., gnawing, alum. natr., crampy feeling, bell., heat, mur-ac. - creeping, bor. -, itching, alum. arn. baryt. -, dampness, graph. led. laur. mere. oleand. ruta. seneg. gnawing, alum. kal. stront. ther. zinc. itching, agar. alum. bor. bov. -, jerkiilg, asa. cale. natr-m. graph. laur. led. par. plumb. phosph. rhus. squill., pinching, zinc., nodes, amrm-m. squill. -, pressing, zinc., pinching, amm-m. bell. eu-, pressure, cann. jod. valer. phorb. men. nitr-ac. zinc. -, pressing as under, sil. -, stiffness, petr. -, pressure, agar. anac. arg., stitching, amm. canth. dros. am. nsa. bell. bism. bry. calc. par. phos-ac. rhus. veratr. camph. cann. carb-a. CHIN. -, tearing, canth. carb-v. caus. cocc. con. cupr. graph. kal. lach. graph. kreos. mere. par. thnj. laur. lye. natr. natr-m. phosph. -, twitching, alum. caus. phos-ac. plat. ran-sc. rthus. ruta. -, weary, pain as if, petr. sabin. seneg. sep. sil. staph. 856 AFFECTIONS OF THE BACK, ETC. sulph. teucr. veratr. zinc. men. MERc. mez. mur-ac. natr. magt. natr-m. nitr. NITR-AC. NUX Scapular region, rash, ant. VOM. PETR. phosph. plat. prun. cans. PULS. ran. STAPI. stront. -, rumbling, tarax. SULPH. sulph-ac. tart. veratr., shocks, anac. arn. asar. dulc. ZINC. -, soreness, coloc. lach. plat. Small of back, boil, thuj., spasm, bry. --, boring, aeon. -, spots, lach., burning, anmm. asar. bor., sprained, pain as if, baryt. lach. natr. phosph. phos-ac. kal. petr. plumb. rhod. sulph. rhus. stann. sulph. sulph-ac., stiffness, ang. BELL. cans. led. mgt-aus. lye., bruised, pain as if, aeon., stitching, alum. ambr. Amr. agar. alum. amm. amm-mt. arg. anac. ang. ant. arg. asa. asar. arn. ars. bry. caps. caus. cham. aur. baryt. bell. bov. cale. camph. cin. ferr. GRAPH. hep. kal. cann. canth. caps. carb-a. carb-v. LACH. magn-c. magn-m. mere. caus. chel. cin. cocc. colch. coloc. natr. natr-m. nitr. n-mosch. con. cupr. dig. dule. ferr. graph. NUX VOM. ran-sc. RHUS. sass. grat. guaj. hep. hyosc. ign. jod. stront. sulph. thu. VERATR. kal. kreos. lach. laur. lye. mang. —, chilliness, lach. lye. sabad. men. mere. mez. mur-ac. natr. sabin. natr-m. NITR. nitr-ac. ntuX vom. -, coldness, carb-v. spong. par. phosph. plumb. puls. ran., contortion, graph. ruta. sabad. saamb. sep. sil. spig. —, contraction, hell. magn-m. spong. stann. sulph. tarax. thuj. men. mez. nux vom. verb. zinc. mgt-aus. -, cracking, SULPH. zinc. -, tearing, drawing, agar. alum. -, crampy feeling, bell. bry. ambr. anac. arg. ars. asa. aur. caus. plat. bell. bor. bov. calc. canth. carb-, creeping, alum. sass. stann. v. CAUS. cham. chin. cocc. coloc., cutting, aur. hep. natr. con. dig. dulc. ferr. graph. guaj. NATR-M. petr. puls. zinc. kal. lach. LYs. magn-m. mang. —, digging, aeon. dulc. kreos. men. mere. mez. mur-ac. natr., eruption, eale. natr. sep. natr-m. nux vom. oleand. petr. -, gnawing, alum. amm. canth. phosph. phos-ac. plat. plumb. magn-m. phosph. stront. sulph. ran-sc. rhod. RnHUS. ruta. sep. sil. -, griping, graph. mere. squill. stann. sulph. thuj valer. -, herpes, sep. veratr. zinc., itching, kal. mere. natr-m., tension, alum. ant. BARYT. -, jerking, amm. calc. cans. carb-a. cans. cie. colch. crotal. chin. staph. kal. kreos. lye. mur-ac. natr. -, jerks, chin. ferr. petr. rhus. rhus. sep. sulph. zinc. magt. -, throbbing, baryt. kal. mere. -—, lameness, cocc. coff. DULC. phosph. lach. magn-m. NATR-M. ran-sc. -, trembling, mere. selen. sil. zinc., ulcerative pain, cie. --, numb feeling, carb-v. plat., weight, men. spong. Small of back, affections of -, pinching, aur. zinc. the, aeon. ALUM. amm. ang. --, plug, sense of a, carb-v. arn. aur. bor. bry. CALC. CALC-, pressure, aeon. amm. ammiH. canth. carb-a. cans. cham. m. ang. asa. canth. carb-a. caus. CHIN. COff. con. croc. CROTAL. dig. coff. graph. kal. lahe. lye. magndulc. ferr. graph. hell. hep. lGN. m. men. mez. mosch. nitr. nitr-ac. KAL. kal-bi. KREOS. LACH. phos-ac. plumb. prun. puls. rhod. ed. MAGN-C. magn-m. mang. rhus. ruta. samb. seneg. SEP. SMALL OF BACK, SPINAL MARROW, ETC. 857 sil. SPONG. staph. stront. croc. dig. dulce. hep. KAL. SULPH. tarax. thuj. valet. veratr. KREOS. LACH. ]act. led. vlye. zinc. magn-m. mez. nitr-ac. Nux VOM. Small of back, pulsations, phos-ac. rhod. sabin. sep. SIL. caus. natr-m. nitr-ac. SPONG. stram. STRONT. SULPH., pushing, calec. zinc. thuj. valer. zinc.,pustules, natr. Small of back, tension,, shot, like a, amm. BARYT. carb-v. cans. ign. nitrsore, pain as if, cans. NATR. aec. sass. sil. thuj. zinc. spasm, thuj. as i.aa., throbbing, amm. caus graph., sprained, pain as if, agar. kal. lach. NATR-M. nitr-ac. nux arg-n. lach. petr. rhod. sep. vom. SEP. suiph. strething, sil -, weakness, ars. lach. petr. —, stretching, sit.;Mhosph. SEP. zinc. stiffness, aeon. AMBR. AMM- phosph. SEP. zin. M. ars. BARYT. bell. earb-a- -, weary, pain as if, hep. kal. M. ars. BARYT. bell. carb-a. laur. meph. petr. sep. CAUS. guaj. kal. LACH. laur. weight, baryt. rhus. lyc. petr. prun. rhab. rhus. SIL. Spinal arrow, affections sulph. mgt-aus. oSpinal marrow, affections - stinging, ambr. anac. ang. of the, aeon. ars. bell. bry. cale. arn. baryt. bry. calc. canth. carb- carb-v. caus. chin. COCC. dig. a. carb-v. cans. cocc. colch. con.. in. ach. ntr. natr-m. cupr. dig. graph. ign. jod. kal NUX VOM. PHOSPH. phos-ac. LACH. laur. LYC. magn-c. puls. rhus. staph. SULPH. vemere. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr- ratr. ac. n- jugl. NUX VOM. phos-ac. -, inflammation, acon. ars. bell. plumb. puls. rhus. ruta. sabin. bry. cale. CAUS. cocc. dig. DULC. sep. sil. spig. spong. staph. stront. ig. LACH. NUX VOM. puls. rhus. sulph. tlhsj. veratr. zinc. mgt-aus. vratr. striking through, sense as if —, chronic, nux vom. ProsPrr. something were, NATR-M. -, tabes, calc. carb-v. caus. chin. swelling, RHUS. Cocc. natr-m. NUX VOM. tearing, drawing, alum. arg. PHOSPH. phos-ac. STAPH. SuLPH. ars. asa. baryt. cale. canth. carb- Tabes dorsalis, (see Spinal a. carb-v. caus. chainm. chin. coleh. Marrow.) CHAPTER XXXII. AFFECTIONS OF THE UPPER EXTREMITIES. N. B.-See the note accompanying the heading of Chapter XXXI. The articles arms, fingers, hands, contain the parts thereof, together with all the essential condi. tions and circumstances. Arms painful, aeon. ALUMI. puls. RHUS. rfta. sep. veratr. ant. arg. ars. asa. asar. bell. bor. mgt-arc. mgt-aus. bry. canth. calc. calc-ph. carb-v. Arms, contraction, asar. nitr-ac. chin. cocc. con. cupr. dros. dulc. nux vom. rhod. sulph-ac. (see ferr. graph. gullj. IGN. jod. kal. Curvature.) LACH. laur. led. LYC. mang., contractive sensation, bell. men. mez. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac., contusive pain, dros. dulc. nux vorn. oleand. PIIosPH. phos- -, convul ive motions, bell. ac.plumb. PULS. rhus. ruta. sabin. camph. caus. cocc. IGN. op. plumb. sep. squill. stann. sulph. mgt-aus. sabad. squill., in the evening, amm-m. -, cracked, sil. bov. calc. hell. hyosc. kal. lye. -, cramp-pain, amm. bell. bry. magn-m. nitr. phosph. puls. chin. coff. LYC. mere. rhod. sec. stront. zinc. mgt-aus. sulph-ac. ------, in bed, hell. ign. nitr., crampy feeling, calc. carb-v. stront. graph. nitr. petr. sulph. mgt—, back, when lying on the, arc. cham. nitr. -, crawling, bell. IGN. lach. -, beating, ign. LACH. phos-ac. (comp. Creeping.) sep. sil. TnuJ. mgt-aus. -, creeping, arnm. arn. BELL., blotches, natr-m. caps. cham. cocc. croc. natr-m. -, bluish skin, bism. sep. ITR. see. SULPH. mgt-aus., boil, mez. sil., curvature, ANT. lye. sec. -, boring, n-mosch. mgt-arc. (see Contraction.) bruised, as if, acon. agar. -, cutting, anac. mgt-arc. alum. arm. calc. carb-v. cin. -, deadness, amm. natr-m. cocc. coloc. croc dulc. hep. ign., debility, agar. amm. bov. mez. nitr-ac. plat. puls.VERATR. cie. zinc. --, digging, carb-a. rhod., burning, alum. bov. BRY. -, aistensive feeling, bell. chin. calc. cocc. dig. LAca. magn-m. mere. petr. mere. petr. phos-ac. plat, puls. —, drops flowing from the hand rhus. sulph. to the axilla, sense of, chinin. -, chilliness, aeon..., eruptions, pimples, ant. ars. --, coldness, anznm. cic. dlc. kal. canth. caus. daphn. kal. kal-bi. ARMS. 859 lach. magn-c. natr-m. PHOS-AC. lact. led. magn-c. mere. mez. puls. rhus. tart. NATR-M. nitr-ac. nux vom. Arms, erysipelas, petr. RHUS. phosph. plat. rhod. sep. SIL. -, flesh as if beaten loose, BRY. stann. stront. myt-aus. DRos. ign. Arms, when lifting anything,, fulness, feeling of, veratr. puls. mgt-aus. -., when lying on them, AMBR., gangrene, ran. calc. graph. hep. ign. kal. petr., when grasping anything, SIL. cham. -, early in the morning, ambr., when hanging down, thuj. AMM. amm-m. bell. hell. ign. heat, alum. amm. calc-ph. kal. MAGN-M. nux vom. petr. graph. ruta. sil. sulph. thuj., heaviness, ALUM. a. --------, in bed, ign. JOD. kal. anm-m. ang. baryt. bell. carb-v. MAGN-M. petr. sil. caus. cic. croc. crolai. dig. dulc. —, when moving the part, calc. led. mere. mur-ac. natr. NATR- cocc. con. croc. dig. dros. dulc. M. nux vom. par. phosph plat. kal. MERc. nitr-ac. petr. phos-ac. puls rhod. sil. spig. stann. sass. sil. stann. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. tart. teuer. thuj. mgt- —, muscular twitching, graph. arc. Tnyt-aus. lach. mere. oleand. petr. sil. tart. -. herpes, DULC. hell. natr-m. mgt-arc. PHOSPH. -, at night, alum. amm. arg-n., hot water, sense as of, cours- ARS. CALC. carb-v. caus. chaim. ing through the arm, rhus. croc. cupr. hep. IGN. kal. lye., inflammation, ANT. petr. ran. magn-m. MERC. natr. nitr. nitritch-pimples, tart. ac. Nux voM. petl'. puls. sep., itching, agar. ang. ant. bov. stront. sulph. cale. CAUS. cupr. hell. kal. lach. -, nodes, ars. nux vom. op. phosph. puls. rhus. - -, numbness, acon.. AMBR. ruta. suiph. tart. bell. cale-ph. cham. IGN. kal. jerking, ambr. bell. BaY. eale. meph. natr-m. NITR. phosph. camph. caus. chin. cic. coff. cupr. puls. rhus. sec. graph. hep. ign. kal. LACH. lact. —, osseous swelling, RHUS. LYC. magn-c. men. mosch. natr. SULPH. nitr. op. puls. ran. rhab. rhod. -, paralysis, acon. ant. bell. rhus. sep. squill. stanu. sulph. CALC. CALC-PH. CHIN. CHININ. sulph-ac. tart. thnj. veratr. zinc. COCC. FERR. lye. nitr. NUX mgt-aus. VOM. RHUS. SEP. tart. veratr. —, jerks, shocks, arn. cic. lye.,- -., rheumatic, chin. cocc. mez. nitr-ae. n-mosch. nux vom. FERR. tart. sulph. -, pinching, ipec. -, lameness, ALUM. amm. -, pressure, anac. ang. BELL. amni-m. ang. arg. asar. BELL. caus. chain. coloc. eyel. dig. led. bism. bov. brorn. calc. caus. nitr-ac. petr. sil. stann. staph. CIIAM-. chin. cin. cocc. colch. coloc. sulph. tarax. croc. cyel. dig. dule. ferr. ferr-m. -, pustules, kal-bi. rhus. jod. kal. led. lye. mang. meph. —, when raising them, cans. cic. NATR-M. nitr-ac. NUX VOM. cocc. ign. magn-c. mur-ac. op. phosph. plat. rhod. sabin. phosph. sulph, veratr. seneg. stann, staph. stront. sulph, -—, rash, nux vom. sulph. tart. sulph.ac. thuj. VERATR. mgt- -.-, red stigmata, sabad. aus. -, redness, arg. BELL. ruta. -, languor, agar. alum. anac, sabad. am. asar, bell, bism. bov. bry., restlessness, calc. ferr. meph, CALC. hep. JOD. KAL, lach. sil, 860 AFFECTIONS OF THE UPPER EXTREMITIES. Arms, rolling down, sense of, baryt. BRY. caus. HYosC. meph. rhus. op. petr. phosph. phos-ac. rhus. -, rush of blood, sil. sabad. SIL. spig. stram. thuj. —, scarlet redness, BELL. lach. veratr. -, shaking, bry. mere. Arms, tumors, steatoma, n-jugl. going to sleep, AMBR. amm. -, turning them inwards, bell. anac. ars. BARYT. cale. carb-v. laur. caus. chain. cocc. croc. cupr., ulcerative pain, thuj. fluor-ac. graph. hep. ign. KAL., ulcers, rhus. lach. LYC. MAGN-M. mere., warts, CAUS. nitr-ac. SEP. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. nux vom. SULPH. petr. phosph. puls. sep. SIL. spig. -, weakness, agar. amm. ANAC. sulph. mgt-arc. mgt-aus. asar. BELL. brorn. CALC. carb-v., sore, pain as if, bov. dig. caus. chin. cic. coff. dig. euphorb. nux vom. phosph. KAL. lach. LYC. mang. mere., spots, cupr. lach. natr-m. mez. natr. nitr. nux vom. petr. petr. sabad. sulph. phosph. phos-ac. plat. rhod. sa-, sprained, pain as if, bov. bin. spig. stann. SULPH. teucr. coloc. ign. mere. nitr-ac. phosph. Elbow and elbow-joints, painstann. ful, alum. ambr. anac. ANT. arg., stagnant blood, sense of, bell. bry. calc. caps. cans. chin. rhod. cocc. eoloc. dulc. graph. HEP. -, stiffness, AMM. amm-m. bell. ign. KAL. kreos. led. LYc. mang. bov. caps. caus. chain. cic. coff. MERc. mez. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. croc. dulc. ferr. kal. men. natr. nux vom. petr. phosph. puls. NUX VOM. phos-ac. sass. sep. rhod. rhus. ruta. sabin. sass. sep. stann. thuj. spig. staph. stront. sulph. sulph-, stinging, alum. ant. arg. caus. ac. thuj. veratr. zinc. cie. cin. COCC. coloc. dros. -, beating, crotal. rhus. thuj. graph. kreos. lach. lact. petr. -. blow, pain as from a, caus. PHOSPH. puls. rhab. rhod. rhus. crotal. puls. sulph. valer. ruta. sabin. sulph-ac. tarax. ther. -, bone-pain, AMBR. LYC. valer. mgt-arc. —, blisters, sulph., swelling, alum. ant. ARS. -,boring, alum. amm. caus. nux baryt. BELL. bov. CALC-rPI. vom. phosph. thuj. crotal. rhus. SULPH. -, burning, amm-m. arg. asa. --, tearing, drawing, rheumatic carb-a. carb-v. dule. laur. mere. pain, aeon. agar. alum. arnbr. nitr. phos-ac. plat. rhus. staph. amnm-m. anac. ang. am. ARS. sulph. teucr. asar. BELL. bry. CALC. CALC- —, bruised, pain as if, baryt. PH. camph. canth. caps. CAUS. caus. hep. ruta. mgt-arc. chain. CHIN. cic. CIN. COCC. coff. -, contraction, nux vom. euphr. ferr. ferr-m. graph. guaj. -, contusive pain, dros. plat. hell. HEP. ign. jod. KAL. LACH. cracking in the joints, amm. lact. led. LYC. magyn-c. magn-m. ant. con. natr-m. magt-arc. mang. meph. MERC. mez. natr. -, cramp-pain, sabad. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. NUX -, crampy feeling, aur. chel. VOM. phosph. plumb. PULS. dros. kreos. rhus. spong. verb. rhab. rhod. rhus. sabin. sass. creeping, canth. mere. see. seneg. SEP. SIL. stann., cutting, bell. con. mur-ac. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. tart., eruption, amm-m. ant. bell. THUJ. valer. zinc. mgt-are. dulc. hyosc. lach. merc. phosph. -, tension, ANAC. arg. asar. SABIN. staph. sulph. zinc. baryt. chin. dig. dulc. kal. mang. - -, gnawing, dulc. magn-c. nitr-ac. phosph. puls. SEP. phosph. puls. ran-sc., trembling, aeon. AnaB. -, herpes, cupr. sep. ELBOW AND ELBOW-JOINTS, ETC. 861 Elbow and elbow-joints, in- Fingers, affections of the, flammation of the tendons, ANT. ambr. amm. amm-m. cale. carb-v., itch, L.Ac. caus. graph. hep. kal. lach. lye. -, itching, agar. amm-m. canth. mang. mere. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux coloc. dulc. hep. lach. laur. vom. petr. phosph. phos-ac. puls. mere. oleand. petr. phosph. puls. rhod. rhus. sep. sil. spig. staph. rhus. sep. spig. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. -, jerking, agn. baryt. cin. nitr-, arthritic nodes, GRAPH. ac. rhab. rhus. sabad. LYC. -, jerks, natr-m. -, awkwardness, CALC. phosph. -, lameness, bell. caps. cin. SIL. cocc. graph. prun. sabin. sass. -, accumulation of blood, sense stalph. of, rhus., nodes, mur-ac. -, bloat, natr.,numb feeling, sulph., blotches, like mosquito bites, paralysis, mez. petr. HEP. -, pressure, alum. arg. clem. —, bone-pain, crotal. daphn. hep. hyosc. jod. lye. mez. nux fluor-ac. vom. ruta. sabin. spong. verb. —, boring, cocc. daphn. magn-c. zinc. mez. ran-sc., pustules, n-jugl. sulph. —, bruised, as if, natr-m. nitrrash, zinc. ac., red stigmata, phosph. -, burning, AGAR. asa. bor. —, scurfs, sep. calc. carb-v. cans. coloc. con. -, shortened, sense as if, caus. croc. dig. euphorb. kal. LACH. lach. sass. sulph. laur. lye. magn-m. mang. mez., sore, pain as if, carb-a. mosch. mur-ac. natr. nitr-ac. nux CROTAL. plat. stann. sulph-ac. vom. oleand. petr. ran. ran-sc., spots, sep. rhod. sabad. sabin. sil. spig. sprained, pain as if, alum. sulph. sulplh-ac. tarax. teucr. lach. mang. ther. veratr. zinc. mgt-arc. -, steatoma, hep. -, burnt, sense as if, Frun. si]., stiffness, painful, amm. ang. —, carbuncles, LACH. KAL. LYC. sep. mgt-arc. mgt-aus. —, chilblains, carb-a. lye. PETR., stitching, alum. amm. asa. PULS. SULPH. sulph-ac. bov. bry. carb-a. cocc. coloc., chilliness, kal. mere. sulph. grat. kal. laur. magn-c. mere. —,, early in the morning, mur-ac. natr-m. phosph. ran-sc. AMr. arnm-m. caus. cham. hell. sabin. spig. spong. tlluj. valer. ign. kal. kreos. lye. mere. natr. viol-tric. nitr-ac. puls. rhus. sulph. -, swelling, HEP. LACH. mere. -., coldness, ang. asar. chain. puls. VERATR. chel. cic. lye. mur-ac. par. phos-,, of the joint, bry. puls. ac. rhod. sulph. tarax. mgt-are., tearing, drawing, acon. alum. -, contraction, (see curvature,) arnbr. amm. arg. aur. baryt. bell. acon. caps. carb-v. dros. lye. bov. bry. catthA. caps. carb-a. mere. prun. sabad. stann. tart. cans. CHuN. cin. con. croc. graph. -., contraction of the tendons, jod. KAL. laur. Lye. magn-c. CAUS. magn-m. mere. mur-ac. satr. -, contusive pain, caus. cin. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. phosph. cupr. fluor-ac. prun. ruta. verb. puls. rhus. ruta. sil. spong. stann. -, convulsions, caus. CHAMr. stront. SULPH. valer. veratr. IGN. KAL. sulph-ac. zinc. -, convulsive motions, CHAM. —, tension, arg. dros. lach. mez. ign. kal. lye. nux vom. staph. nitr. puls. sep. stann. sulph. --—, crampy feeling or pain, aeon. tener. agar. amm. amm-m. anac. arn. 862 AFFECTIONS OF THE UPPER EXTREMITIES. ars. asa. bell. calc. carb-v. cin. rhod. spig. sulph. ther. veratr. cocc. coff. con. cycl. dig. dros. verb. zinc. dulc. euphr. ferr. GRAPH. IGN. Fingers, affections of the, itch, kal. lye. magn-m. mang. men. vesicles, lach. sabad. mere. mosch. natr. nitr. nux vom. —, jerking, aeon. agar. amm-m. oleand. phosph. phos ac. rhus. anac. arn. ars. bry. cale. chin. sabad. st;nn. staph. stront. sulph. cie. cin. cocc. dig. dule. ign. VERATR. lach. lye. magn-m. mang. men. Fingers, affections of the, cur- mnerc. mez. natr. nitr. oleand. vature, ambr. anace. arg. CALC. phosph. ran-sc. rhod. sil. stann. cans. cin. cocc. coff. colch. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. zinc. mgtcycl. ferr. GRAPH. lye. nux vom. are. mgt-aus. phosph. plat. RUTA. sec. sil. —, jerks, aeon. cic. con. nitr-ac. (see Contraction.) spig. stann. sulph. mgt-aus. --, cutting, bell. con. mang. --, during motion, aeon. bry. mur-ac. petr. stann. cans. dros. hep. hyose. ign. rhod., deadness, agar. amm. ang. stapll. veratr. CALC. caus. chel. cie. HEP. -, at night, ambr. amm. anac. kreos. lach. lye. mere. mur-ac. ars. mang. mur-ac. nux vom. nitr-ac. par. phosph. phos-ac. puls. rhod. sabad. sec. SULPH. tart. veratr. -, numbness, aeon. AMM. BARYT. -, dryness, annac. FLUOR-AC. sil. CALC. cann. carb-a. cham. cic. tart. d;g. JOD. kal. kreos. LYC. mere., eczema solare, sil. mosch. mur-ac. NATR-M. nitr-ac. -, eruption, anac. ant. bell. op. phos-ac. puls. rhus. sabin. caus. CLEM. cupr. cycl. graph. sass. sulph. veratr. mgt-arc. grat. HEP. kal. lach. laur. led. -, numbness as if dead, anac. lye. magn-c. mang. mur-ac. natr. ang. cale. cann. caus. cic. cin. coff. natr-m. nitr-ac, phos-ac. plumb. colch. con. crotal. cupr. dig. euphr. puls. ran. Rnus. sass. sil. spig. ferr. kal. kreos. lach. lye. magntarax. ther. veratr. zinc. m. mur-ac. PHOSPH. phos-ac., in the evening, alum. ambr. plat. rhod. rhus. sec. sep. sil. amton-m. anac. asar. calc. carb-v. spong. staph. sulph. tart. thuj. ign. laur. mang. mere. mez. natr- --, peeling oftf, baryt. sabad. m. petr. rhod. sep. sulph. zinc. sulph., glued together, sense as if, -, phaged.enic blisters, CLEM. calc. graph. kal. magn-c. nitr-ac. sil. -, when grasping anything, sulph. dros. graph. op., pocks, sil. -, hardness, tart. pressure, agn. ang. asa., heat, feeling of, bor. lact. colch. euphorb. graph. hell. lye. magn-c. par. sabad. mgt-aus. hyosc. prun. ran-se. sabad. spig. -, hepatic spots, ferr-m. stann. staph. sulph. tarax., herpes, ambr. caus. GRAPH. teucr. NITR-AC. -, prickling, ferr-m. natr-m. sil. -, impressions of tools, remain- sulph. ing a long while, bov. mere., pustules, anac. baryt. bor. -, inflammation, magn-c. ran. kal-bich. spig. sass. zinc. sil. -, red stigmata, lach. -, itching, AGAR. ALUM. ambr. -, redness, AGAR. bor. laur. amnm-m. anac. ant. ars. bor. cale. lye. Inaqgn-c. mur-ac. NUX VOM. carb-a. caus. coce. con. cycl. ran. rhod. ther. thulj. euphorb. grat. lac. lact. laur. -, rhagades, baryt. FLUOR-AC. lye. magn-c. mang. mere. natr-m. kal. PETR. nux vonm. oleand. petr. phos-ac. -, roughness, laur. PETR. plat. plumb. prun. ran. ran-sc. -, scurfs, anae. FINGERS, ETC. 863 Fingers, smarting as if raw, grat. hell. mere. ran-sc. sep. mang. mere. petr. zinc. verb. —, sore, pain as if, ambr. kal. Fingers, tingling, aeon. agar. petr. alum. amm-m.CALc. cann. cin. croc. -, soreness, GRAPH. hep. kal. kreos. lach. lact. laur. -, splinter, pain as from, bell. magn-m. mur-ac. NATR-M. nitrsil. sulph. ac. op. ran. rhod. rhus. sec. sep., spots, con. ferr-m. mang. SIL. staph. sulph. teucr. thuj. natr-m. phos-ac. plumb. sabad. veratr. verb. mgt-arc. myt-aus. tart. -, trembling, jod. mosch. stront. --—, stitching, aeon. alum. ambr. -, tumors, con. lach. led. amm-m. am. asa. baryt. bell., ulcers, ARS. lye. mang. ran. bov. bry. calc. caps. carb-a. carb- sep. v:. caus. coce. coich. con. croc. --, ulcerative pain, bry. carb-v. cyci. daphn. dig. dros. graph. caus. graph. kal. par. plat. sass. grat. hep. kal. LACH. laur. lye. SIL. m.aqgn-m. mere. mez. mur-ac., warts, lach. SuLPEI.?natr. natr-m. oleand. par. petr. —, watery vesicles, cupr. magnphos-ac. ran-sc. rhod. rhus. c. plumb. puls. sabad. sabin. sep. sil. spig. stann. -, weakness, aeon. ambr. bov. sulph. sulph-ac. tarax. thuj. carb.v. kal. ]act. phosph. SIL. valer. verb. viol-tric. zinc. mgt- --, weight, aeon. phosph. mgttare. are. -, suppuration, bor. mang. —, wrinkles, ambr. cupr. flubr-, sweat, baryt. carb-v. ign. ac. phos-ac. sulph. sulph. -, writing, bad effects of, bry., swelling, alum. A.mi. ars. caus. cocc. grat. kal. bor. bry. calc. canth. chin. hep. -, yellow, turning, chel. phosjoJ. LAcII. led. magn-c. mur-ac. ac..titr-ac. oleand. phosph. ran. ran. IFinger-joints, agn. aur. cale. se. rhus. sulph. thuj. carh-a. carb-v. caus. chain. chin., tact, want of, staph. colch. clem. cycl. graph. hell. tearing, drawing, acon. agar. hep. ign. kal. lach. led. lye. natrALUM. AMBRP. amm. amm-m. arg. m. nitr. petr. phosph. puls. rhus. ars. asa. aur. aur-m. baryt. bell. sabin. sep. sil. spig. spong. staph. bism. bov. bry. canth. carb-a. sulph. CARB-V. caus. chel. chin. coce. -, arthritic nodes, AGN. BROM. coff. COLCH. cupr. cycl. dros. CALC. CARB-A. carb-v. CLEM. grat. hell. ign. jod. eal. kal-bi. GRAPH. hep. LYC. petr. sep. kreos. LACH. lact. -laur. led. LYC. STAPH. zinc. magn-c. mnagn-m. mang. mere. -, boils, calc. mez. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. uitr. —, boring, carb-v. HELL. NITR-AC. oleand. PAR. petr. -, burning, carb-v. caus. sabin. phosph. phos-ac. plumb. puls. spig. ran. sabad. SABIN. sass. sep. Sir. -, bruised, as if, crotal. sulph. spig. STANN. STAPH. STRONT. —, cracked skin, phosph. SULPH. tarax. TFUCR. thuj., cracking, baryt. meph. VERATR. zinc. -, crampy feeling, anac. euphr -, tension, calc. canth. caus. magn-c. maang. oleand. phos-ac. croc cupr. hep. jod. mang. natr- sulph. im. nitr-ac. phosph. veratr. -, dislocated, pain as if, amm. —, throbbing, amm-m. anac. ang. camph. lye. n-jugl. phosph. baryt. bor. carb-v. caus. crotal., dry feeling, anae. fluor-ac. magn-c. sil. sulph., eruption, cycl. hep. tecer. mgt-arc. mgt-aus., flexibility, want of, CALc. --, tickling, anac. ars. calc. coce. graph. natr-m. phosph. SIL. 864 AFFECTIONS OF THE UPPER EXTREMITIES. Finger-joints, gone to sleep, Finger-joints, ulcers, sep. sense as if, euphr. LACH. LYC. Forearms, acon. agar. am. -, inflammation, LYC. amm. ANAC. ant. ARG. CALC. -, itching, alum. arn. camph. canth. carb-a. CARB-V. CAUS. caus. crotal. ign. natr-m. nux chel. CHIN. cin. colch. coloc. con. vom. petr. croc. cupr. DULC. euphorb. ferr. -. jerking, agar. amm-m. chin. hep. KAL. led. LYC. magn-m. stront. zinc. men. MERC. MEZ. mur-ac. natr. —, lameness, aeon. ambr. baryt. nitr. NITR-AC. nlux vom. oleand. bell. bry. carb-v. cin. cocc. cro- pal. phos-ac. plat. prun. ran. tal. dig. hell. kreos. laur. mang. rhod. RSus. sabad. SASS. SEP. SIL. par. rhod. sabin. sil. spig. verb. spig. spong. STAPH. stront. -, numbness, anac. SULPH. sulph-ac. tarax. thuj. -, paralysis, CALC. CALC-PH. veratr. magn-c. phosph. -—, boils, CALC. petr. -, phagedvenic blisters, hep. -,bone-pain, arg-n. kal-bi. natr., pressing asunder, natr-m. mspg. slpong. -, pressure, graph. laur. mere. -, boring, bov. caus. dulc. hep. phos-ac, ruta. spong. staph. zinc. phos-ac. plumb. ran-sc. spig. -, redness, LYC. spong. sulph. spong. -, snap, liable to, bell. hep. -, burning, amm. amm-m. arn. teucr. asa. carb-a. carb-v. caus. dig., sores, ulcerated, mere. euphorb. graph. kal-bi. laur. -, sprained, pain as if, aeon. magn-m. mosch. mur-ac. oleand. alum. fluor-ac. GRAPH. ign. laur. ran-sc. rhus. staph. SULPH. tarax. lyc. magn-c. natr-mn. nitr. n- zizc. mosch. phosph. rhod. stann. -, bruised, pain as if, baryt. sulph. bism. con. croc. cupr. dros. mur-—, stiffness, ambr. amm. anmm- ac. natr-m. nitr-ac. phosph. phosm. ars. bor. brom. CARB-A. ac. rhus. ruta. sabin. zinc. chin. con. dig. dros. graph. hell. -, cold, feeling as if, bry. caus. hep. kal. LYC. mosch. mur-ac. nux vom. rhus. nitr. oleand. petr. sabad. sep. -, contraction, caus. cin. cocc. sulph. mez. ran. rhab. spong. -, stinging, agn. arn. bov. —, contusive pain, dros. hep. camph. carb-v. colch. grat. mur-ac. sulph-ac. HELL. ign. laur. magn-c. mang. -, crampy feeling, anac. asa. men. natr-m. nitr-ac. phos-ac. calc. cin. con. feir-m. graph. sabin. sep. stann. staph. sulph- kreos. laur. men. mere. mosch. ac. verb. mur-ac. natr. phos-ac. plat. prun. -, swelling, anlbr. canth. carb- ran. ruta. sep. spig. stann. stront. v. euphr. graph. hep. LYC. nitr- zinc. ac. spong. sulph. -, creeping, arn. bry. caus. con., tearing, drawin g, agar. amm- ign. m. anac. ang. ant. arg. aur. bell. —, cutting, bell. bism. dros. bisrn. bry. calc. CARB-V. CAUS. mosch. mur-ac. teucr. chin. colch. dig. graph. KAL. led. -, deadness, nux vom. LYC. Inagn-c. magn-m. mur-ac. -, digging, cin. croc. rhus. natr-m. nitr. oleand. phos-ac. —, elevations on the skin, mez. puls. rhod. rhus. ruta. SABIN. natr-m. staph. seneg. sep. sil. spig. stann. staph. -, eruptions, blisters, pimples, stront. sulph-ac. verb. zinc. etc., agar. amm. amm-mn. bov., tension, carb-a. jod. magn-c. carb-a. CAUS. lach. laur. Lye. nitr-ac. phos-ac. puls. rhod. sep. magn-c. mur-ae. nitr. n-jug]. spong. rhod. sabad. sil. spong. staph., ulcerative pain, kal. s8lph. ZINc. POREARMS, H ANDS. 865 Forearms, gnawrig, graph. Forearms, stiffness, OatLs. plaL nitr. stront. rhus. prun. rhus. stann. -, hard spot, carb-a. -, stitching, amm. ANAC. arg. 1-ent, feeling of, bry. -Eap arn. sa. hell. bov. -bry. camph. nitr-ace caps carb-a. CAUS. eic. c]enm, herpes, cos. maang. ME5RC. cocc. cye]. dig. dTos. eupllr. gtmj., humming, sain. sc. yo. agn-c. miwnqg. men. mere. —, indarafiosi of the cellular mez. mosch. natr. nitr-ac. oleand. tissue, SIL. phos-ac. ran. ran-se. sabad.-sabin. —, itching, amm. amm-m. tov. sass. spig. spong. st-aph. strat. -eab-a. earb-v. caus. co-n. dilc. stront. tarax. thuj. viol-tric. euphorb. hyosc. laur. mragn c. -, swelling, calc. caus. lach. lye. rnagn-m. mere. nitr. puls. ran. nux vom. sep. SULPH. spig. stront. sUlpYg. verb. -, tearing, drawing, aeon. agar., jerking, alum. asa. cans. tein. ALUM. ambr. amnm. amm-m. anac. ign. led. plat. pt-u-n. puls. Aehod anng. ant. A.RG. esa. aur. baryt. sabad. sil. staph. teucr tbell. -bism. bov. bry. calc. camlph —, jerlks, ang. duk. eausth. CAR-B-V. caus. cham., lameness, SIL -chel. chin. cic. cin. clem. cocc. - aming pain, aeon. ant. colch. con. croc. -cupr. cycl. dig. baryt. bism. cans. cin. cocc. dig. Dutc. ferr-m. grapi. grat. guaj. dros. dAlc. ferr-m. kreos. men. hep. KAL. k-al-bi. kreos. lach. miosc1. natr-m. NITR. -nitr-ac. I-act. mn-agn-c. magn-m. mang. nux om. phos-aec. plat. ran-sc. ez. mlar-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr. rhod. suta. sass. seneg. sil. staan. NITR-AC. nux vom. oleand. par. stront. sulp4]. 1lhosph. puls. ran. rhab. rhod., languor, avg. nux yiom. ruta. sabinl. SASS. seneg. sep. siL muscul]ar twitching, igrL spong. stann. STAPH. stront. sulph. natr-m. fspig. tarax. tart. tecter. thsuj. valer. verb. u, numbness, alum. anim-ml. zinc. caps. Chlin. ccc. e. uphr. grapl., tension, arm. calc. colon. mnagn-m. natr-m. ntux oen. rhab. grap1h. kal. led. mang. natr. stront. sulph. prun. puls. stront. sulph. teuer. peeling off -of lie ski-n, uere., throbbing, eaus. oleand. stront. stront., pinching, dig. dule. -, trembling, cans. nitr-ac. —, pressre, a-nbhr. amnm-nl. anac. spong. ant. ARG. asa. aur. bism. cale. --, uleerative pain, stront. camph. cin. coce. eycl. hiep. laur. -, veins, swelling of the, nux led. mang. men. mosch. nux vom. vom. puls. rhod. oleand. phos-ac. plat. prun. uta. -, vibratory sensation, hism. sabal. sabin. sass. sep. spig. caps. stanr. -staph. tarax. verb., gt- warts, CALO. are. —, weakness, aeon. dros. dule. -pustules, rshod. staph. nitr. nux vom. rhod. rhlus. sabin., rash, bry. mere. selen., wealy, pain as if, muerc. natr-, scarlet streaks, eupholb. sa- In. par. bad. —, weight, aeon. alnumi. amm-nI. - sraping, asa. chin. ANAAc. aur. cans. croc. laur. mtur-—, AU-'u, AU. sa. nitr. phos-ac. sabin. spong. -;,re, pain as if, tic. hep. sulph. teucr. thuj. mgt-aus. tlhu. Hands, ambr. anan. aur. bell. spots, anmm. magn-in. merc. bry. calc. carb-v. cans. cham. sulp7j-ac. that. chin. clem. coce. ferr. graph. sprained, pain as if, cocc. hep. hyosc. kal. lach. lyc. mere. —, stagnant, blood as if, rhod. mlez. natr. natr-mr. nstx vomr 37 G66 ABFFECTIONS: OF TT- U'PP'Et E'TREMITrE., petr. phoeph, rhotd rbhus sep, kal. kreos. LACH MAGN-C. mereC sil. spig. spong. sulph. zinc. atnr. aitr-m. NrR-Ae. PETR, Hanlds, abscess, ars. sil. SULPH. ZTNCG akwasr-dness,. cann, Hands cramnp-pain, an, ae. earb — beating; awnm-mm aur, drosr. v. eaus. cocc. eupborb. laet. lye; grat. mez. nitr. sabad. pruni spig bone-pain, agar. anac. arg. -; crampy feeTing, acon. AMBR. asa. As. bell. bism. earb-a. arg. ars. aur. CALC. eafnr. chin. CIA.RVB-V. CUR. CEL. C CHEN.. cian.. euphorb. enphr. GRArPS lauro. euphr. ign. jod. kal. LACH.I laur.; te, msang. mMen. mere.. mosch;. ed. nagn. magn n-m. iMANG. natr-mn. nitr. plat. ruta. sbad6a MERC m'ez. NATR.. wtr; par, stann. thluj. ver b. zin. phosph. PHos-AC. ran-se. rhod.; creeping, arm. ars. bwryt. bry, SABIN. S;SS; s peg STANN. stapk. eaus; hyose. lach. mez. op. par; sulph. sulph-ac. tecr;: zirsc. phospb. phos-ae. pla~t.. RVSTA -, bleed, liable to, ALUM. spig. snlpt. veratr., blisters, ant. arg-n. bov.. -, curvature, ana. MERC. nux; caus. CLEM. cocc. daphn. HEP. vom.. (See Co traetion.. lach. mere. rnez.. natr-m. phosph. —, cutting, NATR. rhus. selen. sep. sil. squill. sulph. -, deadness, CALe. eanm coeow ~-, blotches as from nettles, lach. nux vonm. HIERP. star n. sulph. -, debility, arnm bism. 6vo bry.. -, blueness, aeon. amm. laeh;- calc. CARB —V.. cCus. eupr. fluorzinc; ac. hell. hep. kal. krel-bi. mez. -, boils,, CALC. IC. natr-m. nitr, nsux vom. rhod., brittle skin, graph, n}atr. sauin.. sep. stanr. sZlplh. zinc. nnctr-mr petr., distorted, LACH. bruised, as if,. carb-v. ein -, distortion, see. dros. siX -, dryness, asac. bary(. ferr-m. -, burning,. anae. baryt. bry. kep. lacdl LYC. xatr. nratr-rm cale. CANTHt carb-a. ehanm. dgule. phosph.. sabad. sslph. thuj. kep. kal. LACH. laur. lye. magn-c. - emaciation, graph. seler. mere. natr-m. n-mosch. nux vom. -, eruption agar. alum.. amm-m. petr. PHOSPI, phos-ac. plat. ant. ARS. 6ov. carb-a. CARB-V. ran. rhod.. rbus. sass.. see; spig.. dig. hep. ipec. kel. kreos. lye; spong. stann. stront.. su)pbh. nman-e. MERC, nwr-ac. nitr-ac. zinc. RHUS. selen. SPIG- slph. sulph-ac., callosities,. horny, GRAPIL. farax: zine;, chilblains, nitr-ae. stenr.., erysipela:s, graph; zine. - in the evening, alum. ambr., cilliness, ansbr. n-momsch ammn-cm ang. ars.. bor., caus.. nux von. petr. sabin. ipee: kreos. lye. magn-e. mere., co'bweb, like, bor. rnez. natr. nitr-ac. nux vom. -, coldness, aeon. alunm. aebr. rhod. rblus, sep. stront. suniph. ars. bry. eann. ~crb-v. eaus. charn.. -, fulness,. feel-iing of, CAuso. chin. coce. erotal. cupr. ferr. crotal.. hell. hep. ipec, JOD. kal. LacH. ganlion An. pispirhod lye. natr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. Bur SIL. vom. phosph. rar. sass; s p..sp9. -, gangren'ous blisters, sec; SULPH. tart. thuj. VERATR. zinc, when grasping anything,. *............ ehin. led. nmelre; nIltr. nitr-ac;, contractiou, aeon. carb-v hin. ledtr itra ain. prun. (See Curvatnure.) plat., contusive pain, dros. spig., graspig hurriedly, stram. copper-spots, NITR-AC. - grasping, involuntary,. sulpi. -, cracked skin, ALUM. graph. - b. hard skin, sulpK. HANDS. 867 Hands, heat, anac. ang. bry. amm-m. baryt. eugen. ferr. mere. CARB-V. cocc. eugen. hep. jod. natr-m. sep. lach. lye. mang. mez. nitr-ac. n- Hands, pemphigus, SEP. mosch. nux vom. petr. phosph. -—, phagedenic blisters, CLEM. rhus. sass. SEP. stann. staph. magn-c. natr-m. SEP. sil. -, hepatic spots, ferr-m. —, pressure, anac. ang. arn. asa., herpes, DULC. IPEC. natr. cupr. cycl. hyose. kal. men. mez. n-jugl. sass. sep. staph. veratr. nitr-ac. ran-sc. staph. thuj. verb. ZINC. zinc. humming, n-mosch., rash, dig. led. -, inflammation, bry. cupr., red stigmata, SULPHI. natr-m. —, redness, baryt. carb-a. dulc. -, itching, alum. amin-m. annac. fluor-ac. hep. nux vom. ran. saaur. bor. calc. earb-a. caus. cin. bad. staph. sulph. colch. dig. euphorb. graph. hep. —, rhagades, painful, graph. ipec. kreos. lach. lye. mere. natr- mere. PETR. SULPH. m. nitr-ac. phosph. phos-ac. plat. -, roughness, ALUM. baryt. ran. rhus. sass. spig. stann. HEP. kal. NITR-AC. petr. phosph. sulph. phos-ac. -- -, palms of the hards, —, rush of blood, sense of, LACH. agar. ambr. anac. earb-v. grat. pho.sph. phos-ac. hep. kal. kreos. lye. magn-c., scales, hep. mang. mur-ac. natr-m. petr. ruta., scurfs, sass. SEP. sil. spig. staph. sulph., going to sleep, alum. amm. itch-vesicles, lach. selen. baryt. bor. earb-a. carb-v. caus. SEP. coce. croc. euphr. fluor-ac. graph. j, erking, calc. caus. cin. cupr. ign. kal. LACa lyel. magn-c. natr. grat. lach. lact. laur. lye. MEPH. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux vom. phosph. mez. natr. nitr-ac. plat. plumb. sep. sil. spig. squill. sulph. veran. sep. ratr. mgt-arc. mgt-aus. -, jerks, canth. sep. sulph-ac. -, sore, pain as if, calC. carb-a. valer. NITR-AC. RHUS. -, early in the morning, ars. —, spots, bell. dros. ferr-m. jod. bry. cale. carb-a. cupr. ferr. kal. kal. natr. natr-m. NITR-AC. lye. magn-c. natr. nitr-ac. nux sabad. sep. stann. tart. zinc. yvom. petr. phosph. puls. sulph., stiffness, ars. asa. bell. bov. -, during motion, chin. led. chan. liyo-c. ign. kreos. MERc. men. mere. natr. rhod. sil. staph. nitr. nitr-ac. sass. zinc. sulph. tart. -, stinging, ambr. amm-m. anac.,muscular twitching, mez. ran. ang. ars. nsa. aur. bor. canth..at night,'am-m. ant. ars. caps. carb-a. cisn. clem. colch. b-y at nlght, cam-m. antdig. ars. dulc. hell. ign. kreos. lach. laur. bry. calc. cans. coc. dig natr led. lye. magn-m. mez. inosch. elenitr. nitr-ac. posph. phosac. atr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. nux vom. petr. plumb. ran. ran-sc. rhod., numbness, acon. ars. bov. squill. sulph. verb. zinc. cann. carb-a. carb-v. coca. fluor-, suppuration, eugen. ae. graph. hyosc. lach. Lyc. nitr., sweat, bell. CALC. caps. puls. RUTA. sep. sil. zinc. carb-v. coce. coff. con. fluor-ac. paralysis, ambr. arg. cupr. hell. hep. ign. jod. natr. natr-nm. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux vom. pul.s. rhab. sass. --, sense of, aeon. amm-m. SEP. sil. spig. SULPH. thuj. zinc. cann. carb-v. caus. chainm. crotal. -, palms, aeon. baryt. dig. fluor-ac. ign. kreos. mere. CALC. cham. CON. dulc. FLUORnitr. phospli. tart. verb. zinc. AC. hell. ign. kal-bi. kreos. led. —, peeling off, alum. amm. lye. nitr-ac. Nux voM. rhab. 868 AFFECTIONS OF THE UPPER EXTREMITIES. Hands, swelling, acon. amm-m. ac. sabad. stann. sulph. tlhuj. ars. bar-m. BELL. BRY. CALC. valer. zinc. caus. CHAM. chin. clem. COCC. —, yellowness, ign. spig. cupr. dig. ferr. hep. hyosc. LACH. Nails, ALUM. ambr. atom-m. ant. laur. lye. mere. mez. mosch. natr. arg-n. ars. baryt. bell. bism. boy. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. nux vom. calc. carb-v. CAUS. ehe]. chin. phosph. RHOD. rhus. sec. sep. colch. CoN. CROTAL. ferr-m. spong. STANN. sulph. qraph. hell. HEP. jod. KAL. -, tearing, drawing, ambr. AMM. LACH. lye. mere. mez. NATR-M. amm-m. anac. ars. aur. bor. nitr. nitr-ac. petr. phosph. phosCANTH. carb-a. CARB-V. cas. ac. ae. ls. ran. rhod. SEP. SIL. CHIN. chiytin. colch. cupr. dig. stann. SULPH. sulph-ac. mgt-aus. euphorb. graph. GRAT. hell. (See Chap. II., Nails, Affections hyosc. ign. kal. LACH. lact. laur. of the.) LED. lyc. MAGN-M. mang. mere. Shoulder beating, ammmez. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. NITR. in. coCC. magn-m. mur-ac. rhod. nitr-ac. nux vom. par. PETR. sulph. tarax. magt. phosph. plumb. rhab. rhod. sabad. —, boils, amm. nitr. phos-ac. sabin. selen. sep. sil. spig. stann. -, boring, mez. phosph. rhod. stront. sulph. teucr. verb. zinc., burning, amm-m. carb-v., tension, baryt. canth. crotal. cocc. graph, lye. magn-m. men. ferr-m. laur. mang. mere. natr. mez. mur-ac. nux vom. par. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. phos-ac. RHUS. spong. sulph. trembling, aeon. a~qar. amm. -, bruised, pain as if, amnm. ANAC. ARS. baryt. bism. bov. cann. cans. kal. vlye. magn-c. bry. calc. cann. caus. chin. cocc. nitr. nitr-ac. plumb. stram. sulph. co. colch. crotal. dule. ferr. hep. zinc. mgt-arc. YOsc. jod. KAL. LACH. lact. —, cold feeling in it, magn-m. laur. led. mez. natr. natr-m. colch. kal. mez. phos-ac. sep. nitr-ac. Nux voi. oleand. op. —, concussion, alum. PHOSPH. phos-ac. plat. ran. -, contraction, magn-c. nitr-ac. rhod sabad. stann. SULPH. tart. —, cramp-pain, yec. thuj. valer. zinc., creeping, coca. mez. - -, of drunkards, ARS., cutting, veratr. lach. Nux voM. suiph. —, eruption, alum. amm-m. ars. cocc. kal nitr. zinc., ulcers, little, dros. SIL., nawing, sulph., veins, swelling of, alum. -, itching, natr. op. amm. am. baryt. bry. calc. chel. -, jerking, asa. cic. lyc. magncic. laur. nux vom. Or. phosph. m. rhab. ruta. sass. Ptront. sulph. mez. petr. phosph. SULPE. zinc. mgt-aus., lameness, lach., warts, anac. bor. CALC. -, laming pain, anmbr. carb-v. dulc. ferr-m. lach. lye. phosph. cans. chin. laur. magn-c. mur-ac. RHUS. sep. THUJ. natr-m. nux vem. rhod., warty indurations in the -, muscular twitching, asa. palms, bor. dros. magn-m. spig. spong. —, watery blisters, cocc. sass., numb feeling, mere. sep., weariness, crotal. grat. sulph., painfull, acen. alum. ambr., weight, bov. bry. canus. nitr. amm-m. am. asa. asar. BELL. phosph. phos-ac. rhod. sulph-ac. bor. bry. cann. carb-v. caus. chin. zinc. cic. colch. dros. euphorb. ferr. -, wrinkled skin, phos-ac. hlep. KAL. kreos. lach. LAUR. led., when writin, cann. CARB- LYC. MAGN-C. MAGN-M. mere. V. chin. coff. colch. hep. KAL. mez. NATR. NITR-AC. nux vom. men. natr. natr-m. oleand. phos- PiJOSPH. plumb. puls. ran. rhod. SHOULDER, BONES OF THE ARMS. 869 RHUS. sep. sil. stalin. staph. plumb. RHUS. ruta. sil]. stapll. stront. SULPH. thuj. zinc. SULPH. thuj. Shoulder pinching, rhod. Bones of the arms, brosulph. ken, pain as if, natr-m. —, ressure, anmm. ammn-m. arn. -, bruised, as if, meph. BELL. bov.bry.cale. caus. dig. kal. -, burning, natr. kreos. laur. lyec. magn-c. magn-m. -, digging, natr. thuj. mez. mur-ac. NATR. nitr. NITR- -, griping, natr. AC. oleand. phosph. phos-ac. —, hammering, nitr-ac. prun. ran. rhus. sabin. sep. sil. -, pressure, anac. sil. stann. staph. stront. sull)h. sulph- -, pressure outwards, thuj. ace. valer. zinc., swelling, RHUS. SULPH., pressure downwards, carb-a. -, tearing, acon. ang. lact. LYe. nux vore. staph. meph. mere. nitr-ac. plumb. ruta., raised, becoming, nterc. thuj., shocks, sass. stann. magt., weariness, anac. —, smarting, arn. valer. Shoulder-joint, painful, -, sore, pain as if, arn. aur. ambr. arn. bov. BRY. calc. con. sep. mgt-arc. canth. caps. CARB-V. caus. ferr. —, sprained, pain as if, amnbr. ign. KAL. lach. laur. led. lye. asar. caus. hep. AIAGN-C. mur-ae. mnagn-m. nmang. MERC. mez. phosph. pulls. sep. stann. tart. moseh. natr. natr-m. nux vom., stiffness, euphorb. sep. petr. phosph. puls. rhus. sabin. -, stinging, aeon. ambr. anae. sep. STAPH. SULPH. veratr. zinc. asa. aur. bor. bry. eale. earb-v. -, beating, merec. mez. phos-ac. cie. graph. grat. kal. k;reos. lack. thzej. laur. lye. nmagn-m. mez. mosch., boring, plumb. mur-ac. natr. nitr-ac. phosph., broken, pain as if, magn-m. p-lat. plumb. ran. rhus. sass. -, bruised, pain as if, CoLoc. squill. staph. stront. sulph. sulph- crotal. dros. ferr. ign. lye. natr. ac. thuj. valer. zinc. natr-m. nux vom. sulph., swelling, CALC-PH. —, bubbling, mang., tearing, drawing, rheumatic, burning, graph. stront. pain, amrbr. amm. arg. ar. —, contusive pain, aeon. dros. BELL. bor. calc. calc-ph. carb-a. -, cracking, anne. baryt. chinin. CAnR-v. caus. cupr. dulc. euphorb. cic. eroc. ferr. kal. mere. mez. graph hep. JOD. KAL. kal-bi. tart. thuj. kreos. lacA. laur. LYC. magn-c. -, campy feeling, kal. puls. MAGN-A. mez. moseh. mur-ac., digging, baryt. mez. natr-m. natr. NATR-M. nitr. IIUX vom. -, flesh loose, pain as if, staph. par. petl. PHosrPi. plumb. puls. -, gnawing, sulph. rhod. RHUS. sahin. sass. sep. sil. -, griping, IGN. staann. stront. SULPH. sulph-ac. —, heavy feeling, magn-m. puls. tart. tenclr. thuj. zinc. magt., itching, mang. -, tension, dig. kal. lach. laur. —, imimobility, thuj. nlez. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. petr. —, jerking, amm. chin. mere. snlph. teucr. zinc. mosch. puls. -, trembling, puls. sulph-ac., jerk1, sil. sulph-ac. —, warm feeling, nux yom., lameness, euphorb. lact. lye. -, weakness, carb-v. plat. mez. natr-m. nux vom. phos-ac. -, weary, as if, carb-a. nitr. prun. puls. sabin. sass. stann., weight, pho.sp. -, ligaments torn, pain as if the, Bones of the arms, pain- nux vom. ful, aeon. anac. ang. fluor-ac., loose feeling, croc. jod. LACH. lact. LYC. meph. -, nodosities, ~rotal. phosph. mere. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. -, numb feeling, zinc. 870 AFFECTIONS OF THE UPPER EXTREMITIES. Shoulder-joint: Thumbs, crampy feeling, anac. -, pressure, agn. arg. bism. bry. asa. merc. mur-ac. nitr. plat. sil. calc. kal. laur. led. sep. staph. spong. valer. verb. valer., creeping, arnmbr. cin. natr. -, sore, pain as if, cic. sabad. teucr. zinc. -, sprained, pain as if, alum. -, cutting, zinc. anac. bry. caps. croc. ign mag. -, griping, amnm. oleand. petr. ruta. sabin. SEP., heat, zinc. mgt-aus. spig. staph., inflammation, natr. sass., stitching, asa. BRY. chel., itching, ant. carb-v. cocc. coc'. crotal. ferr. ign. jod. laur. grat. oleand. plumb. spong. led. magn-m. merc. n-mosch. staplh. puls. sil: staph. stront. sulph. —, jerking, alnm. lach. mere. stll:h-ac. thuj. veratr. viol-tric. natr. nux vorm. phosph. plat., swelling, BRY. sabad. staph. SULPIJ-AC. valer. tearing, agar. agn. ambr. zinc. rngtarc. mgt-aus. amm. amnm-rn. arg. asa. bism. -, jerks, sabad. bov. BRY. canth. carb-v. caus. —, lameness, kal. laur. mez. ferr. graph. ign. kal. lach. led. nitr-ac. phosph. rhod. sabad. lye. magn-m. mang. MERC. mez. -, numb feeling, cin. kal. plat. natr. natr-m. nux vorn. phosph. stront. verb. zinc. phos-ac. puls. ran. rhod. rhu.. —, numbness, kal. plumb. zinc. sabin. sep. stann. staph. SULPH., paralysis, magn-c. tart. thuj. zinc., phagedrenic blisters, hep. -, tension, asa. bov. BRY. croc. natr. nlitr-ac. euphorb. laur. lye. natr-m. sep. -., pimples, ant. kal. lach. lye. zinc. ther., torn asunder, pain as if, mez., pinching, men. prun., torn, pain as if the ligaments, pressure, colch. graph. hell. were, nux vom. laur. sass. verb. -—, weak feeling, bov. dros. sabin. -, red points, canth. -, weary, pain as if, mez. mur- -, redness, lach. ac. natr-m. *, rhagades, sass. Thumbs, principally, amnbr., sore, pain as if, mez. amm. anac. arn. asa. baryt. spon g. CALC-PII. carb-v. caus. clem. -, sprained, pain as if, con. GRAPH. HEP. ign. LACH. laur. GRAPH. kreos. laur. natr-m. nitr. LED. lYC. mere. mez. NATR. natr- petr. phosph. prun. sulph. vcratr. m. nitr. nitr-ac. Nux VOM. petr. -, stiffness, kal. phosph. phos-ac. rhab. sep. sil. -, stitching, ambr. anac. asa. spig. staph. stront. sulph. SULPH- colch. graph. grat. guaj. ign. AC. veratr. laur. men. mere. mez. natrl. natr-, beating, bor. carb-v. magn-c. m. nitr. nux vom. petr. phos-ac. sass. stront. zinc. mgt-aus. rhab. sabad. sabin. sass. sil., blisters, HEP. lach. NATR. spong. staph. verb. zinc. phos-ac. sep. -, swelling, led. nux vom., boils, nitr. phosph., boring, magn-c. -, tearing, drawing, alum., bruised, pain as if, amm. anbr. amnm. anac. asa. baryt., burning, graph. laeh. laur. bov. carb-v. clem. colch. coloc. mere. nux vom. oleand. sass. graph. grat. jod. laur. led. lye. staph. magn-c. magn-m. natr. natr-m., chap, liable to, nux vom. nfit'. nitr-ac. par. plumb. rhab. -, cold feeling, mang. sabad. seney. sep. sil. spig. stann. —, contraction, anac. mere. staph. stront. sulph. sulph-ac., contusive pain, cin. plat. teucr. zinc. aHUM3S, tJPPEfR ARM 8'7 1 Thumbs, tension, -atr- olean& Upper arni, heaviness, carb-v. phosph. plumb. staph. coca. led. mnez. teucr. mgt-arc. 7treembling, ambr. oleana -d heIrpes, grat. plat., hummini:g sep. ulceration, azaus nat, itelhing, bov. eafb-v. dig. -- warts, lack. ducl. euphlorb. la la. laur. led., we-akness, kaL sit. lyco mang. -oleand. phos-ac. ran-, writing, bad efflcts of, kal. se. ruta. thuj. mgt-arc. mgt-aus&!mere. mur-ac. phosph. prun. -, indurated muscles, magn-ec UJpper arin, agar. are. -as. petr. BARYT. bell. BRY. eSale. CA.NTrH. -, jerks, acac. arnu. -.upr. hell,,carb-v. caus. -chin. ein. clem. rutna. tarax. valer. Cocc. con,. crotal. cupr. ceycl. dig. -, jer-king, amm. ant. arm. asa, ltros. dule. FERn.;hell. hep. i u. -bell. bry. calc. camph..chin. dulc. IKALO LACIL lact. 1e&I mang. igl2. mang MereC. imez. mur-ac. anerc. m-ez. MAIen-ac natr.,natr-m. elea-nd. petr. phos-ac. ran. sil nitr. petrs plat. puls..ran. rhoid sulph. valer. ngt-arc. SEP. sil. staz n. SaLPE. valer. -, lameness, aar. an.t. bisln. zinc. t-arc. ahel. -chlit in.m coGC. con1. duleC, air-bubbles, nse of, upr kal. mez. mz. mur-ac. niti. nux vom., boils, carb-v. n:jugl. zinc. phos-ae. -sabin. staph. teubr. thuj. boring, asa. -cantk. cin. veratr. mang. plumb, thus. —, languor, guaj. phosph., burning, arg. asa. bor. carb-v. loose, as if the flesh were, caus. coleh. Celo. dig. dulc. thuj. graph. kaL mang. mulr-ac. natr- n museulax twitehing, arn -asa. in. plosph. sep. zinc. mgt-,rc. bell. bry. cooc. hell. ig#s kal. lye., bone-pain, baryt. bell. smen mur-ac. nitr-ac. phos-ae. bruised, pain as if, baryLt plumb. sep. squilJ. stann. sulph. belL bov. canth. Cocc. coff. -cro- tarax. valer. tal. c-upr. cyel. grat. hep. ka --, nuambuess, KA.. nmagn-m. mez. natr. szatr-m. nitr-, pinching, arg. caus. kreos.;ac. 2hoeph. puls. se2. stann. laur. natr. oleand. sabad. sulph.:sulph. thuj. veratr. zinc. mgt- —, pressed together, as if, ammaus. m. stann. - eeldess, feeling -of, gapth. -., pressure, agn. anac. ang. arg. plhos-ac. amrn. asa aur. bism. bry. CALC. - clrampy feeling, arg. asa. eamph. celd. clem. colch. cupr. calc.. -in. erotal. dulc. laet. euplhorb. laur. led. nmez. mosch. nagi-e. men. mur-ac. nitr. MUR-AC. petr. phosph. phos-ace oleand. petr. p-hos-ac. rtta. rlhod. sabad. sabin. spig. staw-n valer- staph. sulph. tarax. tecc. -, contraction, bisLs. strit. -, pustules, anuan, eontusive pain, cycl. hell. rash, ant. kreos. merc. ez. -, redness, dulc., creepiag, lach, sep. thu.. —, sensitive t -cold, natr-m., cutting, aus. spig. -, sore. pain as if, graph. digging, eooc. mang. NAT-. ---- spots, pl1t. rkus. stann. —, spraiaed, pain as if, alum. -, dislocatS, pain.as if, eaus. euphorb. lact rhod., erupton, prmples, etc., anac -, stiffness, feeling of, anac. carb-v. delc. kal laci. laur. led,., stinging, aeon. alum.,ar'g. sep. rmo asa. BRY. calc. canth. oaus. -, gn.awing, caatk. laur. mang. chill..coc. con. dig. euphorb., gripig, magnl-c. FERR. grat. guajo kal. laur. led., heat, natr-m. magn-nm. mang me. me. mez. nitr. 872 AFFFI'TONRs O THE UPPiR EXTRENITIES;. n-moseh. o]eanrai. phos-ae. pu]ls. plls.. xrhod sabin.. sil. stanrnl ran-sc. rhod rhus., sabad. sabin. verb. sass. spong. stann. sulph. tc6wax. Wrist-joints,. drawing inthicj. valer. zicie. ligt-are. mgt — wards, nitr'. als. - eruptions,. amnm-n. baryt.. Upper arnm, swelling, BRtY. hlep. led. mere. Raus. SEP_ s,.lpJ;,. itching, atom-mt, arg. kal. -, tearing, drawing, ete., agar. led. alunmz. amin-m. aiac.. autI - ttlrg.,, jerking, anae. baryt. calc arn. lsa. aur. bell. bism. boiy. natr. squill. stann. veratr. CaeI. eaml-hA CA'rNTI earb-a.., jerks, eale. spig- sulph-ae.. CARa-V. CAUS. cJel. ch/inr, ci. -, ll'ne-less,; calc-ph.; coec. Cots, dig. Dnos. FERR.. —,.lamiiag pain, agn- asar. congrat. hep. ign. kd. lach. laur. euphorb. KAL m-en. iere. me7z led. lyc meagan-. a agn-,. mrag. iux voin.. RUTA. si', men.. mere. mez. MUR-AC. nati.,. nodes,. alnm-m. nitr. nux vom.. rpetr. plsosph., numb feeling,.bov. plumb.. p/hOS-ae.. PLUMB. pulI. ran. rhod..,. pinceing,. nitr-a. phos-nce rhus. ruta.. sabin.. sss. sep.. sil. stann. spig. s,)ong. STANN. STAP1I. S8t all, —,. pressure,. arg. ~isa. barvL. sulph. tart. valem... ZiNc.. men. nitr-ae rta. spig -, tension, asa. kal. laux. rlhs. spong. stanna staph. zinc., throbbing, eoec dig. kal. —, rash, led.. nitr. rhod. sass.. tarax.. -,. redness,. magn-e.. mere: -, ulcers, LACH., rhagades, SULPH.. -, uleeratire pain, btyt. —,. sensitiveness,. alum., warts,. nitr-ae_,. spots,t kal. mere.. PETR. —, weakness,. feeling of,. laet. —, sprained, pain as if, alun.x mang.. nitr. sulph.. AMMI.. ARN. baryt. bov. bry., weary, pain as if, g.yrat CALC. earb-a. CAYTS. en.. con. Wrist-joiiils,.alum. AMM. ferr-m, graph. ig#. Inch. mez,. amrn-m. CALC. CA LC-BII. earb-v. nUx venr:, phosph. praI. n. -hod, CAUS. cin. eon. dros. euphr. Rtus. RUTA. sass.. seneg. sik GRAPH. ell,. joeld, KAL. LACF. led. s*annr. sulpJt;. thsj. z;ne. mang. mnerc. natr-m. NIT,.o nitl- —, stiffness, chel. ign. laur. Iom ac. puls. Ruse,. PAUTA. sabin. nitr. phos-ac. PULS,. rhod. RUTA, SEP. sil. stront. SlIUI',Fa. sulph- sabin. SEP. sslIph. ac. —, stitcldng,. aeo g. ag,. ALUMr, arthritie nodes, CIAL. lye. namm. ang. aig. arn. aur-mn., blisters, amm-rni. rl5yt. ar-yt. boy. br/. cale. caus, chin, —, boring, IIELL. elem. con. dolec grapla IH-ELL,, burnirng, g j. pl. al. Inach. al. ae. lar. many. men. stroa. th-lj. mrc. m nrseh. NATR -M. [),1hosI)h -, bruised, as if, asas natr-m- plat.. rtod. rhus, R1UTA. sabirn. nitr-ae. RUTA. Apon.11. thul} sep. sil. spig. spong. sqmill..staph. cold- feeling, hus. sulphk thoj. zins. -, cracking,.lat. cie. eon. mere. -, swelling,. ur-m. earb-z. selen. EUPIIR. LAca. magn-c. iner~. cranrpy feel~ino, ewc; ba-rvyt phosph. sabin, CALC. men, par.. pllos-ac. plt. -, tearing,. d awing, amb-. rhod. sta)h. nmlDn. almm-m. arg. amrn. aur., creeping, ealc. Baryt- bsw,. boy. cale. CARB-V. -, eutti-ng, spig. CAUS. cham. ckhel. chinin. n. elem. --—, dislocated, pain as. if, AMM; eolch.. coda. cups. dig. GRAT. guaj; amm-m. ARN. CALC. cari-v. KAL. LACM. laur. mang. meta, Caus. hep. lach. lasr. vlye petr. aez. nitr. sitr-twi. plsspb. plumb. WRIST-JOINTS. 8 73 PULS. ran. RHOD. rhus. RUTA. Wrist - joints, throbbing, sabin. sass. sep. sil]. spig. spong. mere. phosph. squill. stann. staph. stront. -, ulcerative pain, bov. SULPH. sulph-ac. tarax. teucr., warts, ferr-m. thuj. ZINC. —, weakness, mere. Wrist-joints, tension, amm. -, weariness, rhod. sulph-ac. baryt. carb-a. carb-v. caus. mang. -, weary, pain as if, lach. nux spong. zinc. vom. sabad. CHIAPTER XXXIII. AFFECTIONS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. N. B.-See the note accompanying the heading of Chapter XXXI. Ankles, alum. ambr. amm. ars. Ankles, spots, ant. sulph. AsA. camph. caus. dulc. KAL. —, stiffness, sulph-ac. kreos. lach. led. lye. natr. NATR- -, stitching, agar. alum. arg. M. nitr. nux vom. par. PETR. asa. bov. coff. con. graph. ign. ph1osph. PULS. rhod. rhus. SIL. jod. kal. kreos. lach. led. lye. spong. stann. stront. thuj. zinc. mnerc. natr. nitr-ac. nux vom. mngt-aus. oleand. par. phosph. phos-ac., blisters, graph. selen. PULs. rhus. sass. SIL. stann. burning, ang. calc. kreos. staph. sulph. tarax. thuj. mgtlaur. nitr-ac. petr. rhab. spig. aus. staph. tarax. thuj. veratr. zinc. —, swelling, ambr. ars. ASA. —, bruised, pain as if, crotal. calc. HEP. kal. led. lye. mang. graph. kal. puls. sil. stann. sulph. zinc., cutting, alum. arg., tearing, drawing, etc., aeon., eruption, graph. selen. sulph. agar. alum. ambr. ainm. am. ars., gnawing, agar. dig. plat. bism. camph. cann. caus. cic. --—, heaviness, nitr-ac. spong. dulc. grat. hep. kal. lach. laur. herpes, NATR-M. PETR. magn-m. natr. natr-m. nitr. Nux, inflammation, mang. voM. PAR. phosph puls. rhod., itching, agar. ant asa. bor. samb. spong. stann. stront. zinc. cale. dig. grat. nitr-ac. oleand. mgt-aus. petr. phos-ac. rhus. selen. stann. —, tension, aur. lye. natr-m. staph. phos-ac. sulph., jerking, aeon. coff. laur., ulcers, FLUORAC. selen. PULS. -, ulcerative pain, amm-m., jerks, stann. sulph-ac. NATR-M. nitr., pressure, agar. aur. camph. —, walking and treading are graph. ign. laur. led. mere. mez. painful, alum. ambr. amm-m. sulph-ac. veratr. zinc. mgt-aus. CAUS. coff. con. crotal. cycl. —, redness, hep. phos-ac. euphr. graph. kal. led. lye., sore, pain as if, ars. mur-ac. mang. mere. natr-m. nitr-ac. plat. phosph. PULs. sil. sulph. sulph-ac. 37* 874 AFFECTIONS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Calves, ALUM. armbr. amm. Calves, cutting, dros. mur-ac. anlc. ant. ARS. BRY. CALC. phos-ac. thuj. carb-a. caus. CHAM. chin. coce., dampness, tarax. coff. coloc. CON. cupr. EUPHR. —, digging, cupr. spig. FERR. GRAP1I. hep. ign. kal. —, enlarged in size, ant. LYC. mnaggn-c. magn-m. mere. —, eruptions, blisters, pimples,'NATR. natr-m. NlTR-AC. Nux caus. petr. sabin. sep. voAr. oleand. petr. PULS. RHUS. —, griping, led. mang. sulph. sass. selen. SEP. SIL. spig. STAPIT. —, hardness, ars. stann. SULPIT. VALER. veratr. —, heat, hyose. sulph. zinc. mgt-are. mgt-aus., heaviness, euphr. stann. -, beating, alum. bov. graph. staph. valer. natr-m. n-mosch. plumb. rhod. —, itching, alum. cocc. coloc. spig. tarax. valer. mgt-are. cycl. euphr. IPFc. laur. lyc. mang., blotches, carb-v. mez. mur-ac. phosph. rhus. sabin. —, boils, SIL. sass. sil. staph. tarax. ther. thiuj. —, bruised, as if, caus. croc. veratr. mgt-aus. magn-m. mez., jerking, guaj. laur. lye. magn-, burning, alum. asa. chel. m. mez. NITR-AC. l-jUg]. oleand. cycl. dig. mang. mez. ran-se. PHosPH. puls. rhus. spig. tart. sulph. thuj. zinc. mgt-arc. mgt- zinc. aus. —, lameness, magn-m. staph. -, coldness, lach. mosch. phos- -, languor, arg-n. belL croc. ac. puls. sil. stront. sulph. valer., contraction, caus. ferr. ferr- -, nodes, petr. selen. thuj. m. guaj. kreos. LYC. natr-m., numb feeling, dulc. SIL. nitr. sulph. -, pinching, ant. hyosc. natr. —, contractive sensation, caus. stann. thuj. valer. kal. natr. natr-m. rhus. sil. —, pressed flat, as if, ars. -, cramp, alum. am-br. amm., pressure, agar. anac. ars. asa. anlac. arg. ars. baryt. bell. bry. laur. mur-ac. natr. nux vom. CALC. CAMPH. cann. carb-a. prun. sep. stann. staph. tarax. CAUS. CHAM. chin. cocc. coff., rush, hyosc. sil. coloc CON. CUPR. dule. euphorb. -, sore, pain as if, croc. crotal. EUPHR. FERR. ferr-m. graph., spots, con. sass. hep. hyosc. ign. kal. lach. led., stiffness, con. sass. zinc. LYC. magn-c. magn-m. mere., stitching, agar. agn. amm. mez. NATR. natr-m. nitr. NITR- amm-mn. bell. BRY. cale. carb-v. AC. N-JUGL. n mosch. Nux caus. chin. clem. coloc. cycl. VOM. oleand. petr. plat. phosph. dros. dulc. euphorb. graph. grat. PULs. rhus. sass. selen. SEC. guaj. lach. mang. mere. mur-ac. SEP. SIL. spig. stann. staph. nux vom. phos-ac. plumb. ran-sc. SULPH. sulph-ae. tart. VERATR. rhus. sil. spig. spong. staph. ZINc. mgt-aus. st!lph. thuj. mgt-arc. mgt-aus., at night, ambr. anac., suppuration, chin. ars. bry. CHAM. chin. cocc. dros., swelling, carb-v. chin. hyosc. lach. led. LYe. magn-c. magn-m. mez. sulph. mez. mur-ac. nitr-ac. N-JUGL. me. mur-ac. nitr-ac. NJUGL, tearing, drawing, agar. agn. nux vom. rhus. SEP. stann. alum. ANAC. ant. arn. ars. bov. sulph. zinc. BRY. calc. canth. carb-v. CAUS. contusive pain, ant. cupr. chin. cin. colch. coloc. con. croc. euphorb. cupr. dulc. graph. kal. laur. magn-, creeping, alum. ant. baryt. e. magn-m. many. mere. mez. murcaus. ipec. lach. nux vom. spig. ac. NATR. nitr-anc. n-mosch. olesulph-ac. veratr. zinc. and. par. plat. puls. rhus. sabin. VALVES, IMORSk OF THE FEET, EWTC 875 Se. S&L. spig. staRn. stapk. suilt. Dorsa of the feet, itchvaler. ZINC. MGT-AUS. vesicles, lack. Calves, tension, alumii. amrm -, jerking, cupr. sass. spig. ANAC. arg-n. arnm asa. bov. BRY., jerks, anac..calc. canth. caps. carb-o. caus. -, numbness, graph. chain. cocc. con. cupr. ig. KAL. -, pressure, asa. camph. led. kreos. Iaer. led. maagn-c. mragn- Pmur-ac. olea;nd. ran. tarax. tart. 1n. mur-ac. natr. iNaTR-M. nvx, pustules, rhus. evomr phosplh plat. puls. rhus. —, relaxed feeling, ferr. sulph. sabad. sep. spig. stann. staph., sore, pain as if, ambr. anac. SULPrI. vfler. zinc. mgt-ar. asa. carb-a. cans. chin. led. lye., tremulous feeling, men. anatr- -, standing is painful, chin. sl. sulph. mur-ac. nater. tarax., tumult;, bov, -, stitching, agar. anac. ang. -—, unsteadiness, natr-m. asa. aur. bell. chin- coloc. guaj., when walking, alum. atm. hep. kal. lye. mur-ac. par. puls. amm-m. anac. ars. caiv. calln. ran. ran-se. rhus. ruta. sass. sep. canth. caps. carb- caus. chin. spig. sulph. tarax. cocc. dule. euphr. ign. lact, led. -, swelling, calc. carb-a. lye. LYC. magn-m. mere. inez. natr. imerc. nux vom. PULS. staph. nitr. NITR-AC. N-JUGLr oleand. thuj. phosplh puls. rhus sabad. sil. —, tearing, drawing, etc., ang. spig. spong. stann. sulph. sulph- asg. ars. bry. camph. caus. chin. ac. thuj. valer. zinc. mgt-are. colch. coloc. con. cupr. graph., weakness, cale. igym. kal mur-ac. nitr. plat. puls. Dorsa of the feet, alrac. ran. sabin. sass. spig. tarax. ang. arg. ars. asa. bry. CALC. —, tension, asa. bor. BRT. carb-a. CAMPH. CARB-A. CAUS. chin. lye. magn-m. natr. tart. thuj. colch. con. cupr. graph. hep. ign. -, throbbing, cann. rhus. kal. led. Lye. Meac. mur-ac. nat., ulcers, SULPHL zinc. nitr. nux vom. petr. plat. PULS. -, walking is painful, CAus. rhus. sabin. sass. SPIG. staphl graph. lach. ran. sep. thuj. sulph. THUJ. zinc. Extremities, lower, agar., bone-pain, alum. anac. ang. arn. asea aur, bell, bruised, pain as if, cocce bry. CALC. CAUS. cham. CHIN. laur. sil. coloc. dig. euphorb. graph., burning, cale. chin. hep. igs. GUAJ. ign. kal. led. men. MERC. lye. puls. rhus. spig. stram. Mez. natr. na r-m. nitr-ac. Nux sulph. tarax. yoN. petr. phos-ac. plat. PULS., coldness, graph. rhod. Ravs. SEP. SIL. spig. stann. contractive feeling, carb-a. STAPH. sulph. thuj. valer. -, cramp, bry. ran. -, arthritic pain, graph. VE—, crampy feeling, arg. eamph. RATR. sulph., beating, brom., creeping, amln. magn-c. —, bone-pain, amm, ang. asa. -, cutting, plat. thuj. baryt. caus. chin. CROTAL. dros. --—, digging, hell. magn-c. spig. kal. magn-m. MEN. mez. nitr. zinc. sulph., eruption, pimples, etc., bov. —, bruised, pain as if, bell. lach. LED. rhus. tarax. zinc. CALC. caus. croc. dig. lye., erysipelas, PULS. magn-m. mez. natl;r. phos-ac. puls., itching, agar. alum. anac. stann. sulph. nsa. bell. bism. calc. caus. coloc., burning, carb-a. chin. kal. dig. hep. ign. led. natr-m. ran-sc. nitr-ac. prun. thuj. rhus. spig. stann. stram. tarax., coldness, ars. camph. carb-a. thzj. euphorb. lye. natr. NITR-AC. 7 6 AVFIECTTONS Or' TIE LOW-EER' EXT'EMrFEI3. N-JUGL. nux vom, pety. SEP. bry. CALC. eamph. earb-v. CAxS. sulp7l. chin. CON. ere6. dig. graph.. grat. Extremities~ cntraction5 grazj. WPEC. kreos. LACH. ]act, hep. sec. lye. mang. nmoselh mez.. nitr. -, contusie pain, nitr.r rhod, aitr-ca. n-jugl. n-moseh, nsx convulsions, arS. cans.. Ils, rom. phosph. rhod, rhus. ruta. IPEC. lye. MiEN, see. sil. spig, stann, SULPII, tart. --, cracking, camph. kal, thuj. zinc. MGT-ARC, c, cramp-pain, amnm, ars. chin. Extremities, limping, dros. MEN. mere. natr-m. phosph., mottled skin, caus8, PLUMB. stram. sulph-ae. --. when moving them, alum. --, cramnpy feeling, aalbr. ars. ars. dig. kreos. lye. mang. mere, barvt. bov. CALC, Eurrmn. ferr. veratr. graph. phosphl -—, muscular twitehing, eale. creeping, arl. boy. caps. cans. mang, plat. sil. teucr. caus.. eic. enphorb. guaj. hep. --—, numbness, ALUM. CALe. kal.. magn-c. nitr-ac. plat. rhod. earb-v. graph. kal. lye. NUX sep. stapl. mgt —nrc. VOM. sep, sulph. sulph-ac. —, crossing the legs is painful, -, going down stairs is painful, agar. arn, crotal, plat. squill. bry. rhod. stann, -, dampness, lep. - —, up stairs is painful, ars. ---- deadness, euphorb. phospl. plumb. prun. stann. —,emaciation, arg-n. selen, " —, paralysis, ars. BELL. BBY. -~, eruption, ant. arg-l, tIycse. CumIN, COCC. jod, NUX VOM, staph. RHUS. veratr, heat, nitr-ae. staph. sulph, —, pressure, anac. KAL lach., heaviness, agar. ALUM, nitr. phosph, rhod, amnbr. amm, anne. ang. arg-n. —, relaxed feeling, ambr. earb-v. BELL. CALC. earb-v. cans. -—, restlessness, alum. amm. graph. grat. hep. jod. kal. LACIn, annc. ars. cale. CARB-V. caus. lact. lye. merc. natr, natr-m. nitr- chain. CON, GRAPH. hep. jod. ac. n-jugl. nux vom. petr. phosph. kal. lach. magn-c. mez. moseh. phos-ac. PULS. rhod. rthus. ruta. natr-m. NITR-AC, n-jugl. nsil. staunn. staph, SULPH, SULPrl- mosch. petr. phosph. puls. ruta. AC. zinc. mgt-are. sep. sil. stann. SU LPH, -, herpes, CLE.M. staph., when rising from a seat, -, humming, con, kreos, mosbc. sil, mot-arc, mgt-aus. sulph., sitting is painful, agar. alum., itching, caus. daphn. lach, anac. ANT. baryt. bell. CALC. lye. Inere, natr-m, nitf'ac, sil. camph. carb-v. chel. chin. cie. zinc, con. dig, euphorb. ign. jod. kal. r —., jerking, anm, ars. dulc. IGN, lach. lact. lye. men, moseh. natr. IPEC. lach. lye. mang. mere. nitr-ae. nux vom, phos-ac. plat. natr-m. nux voyam, Pu. sep, rhod. sep. sil. spig. squill. sulphsquill. stront, ac. thuj, mgt-aus., jerks, calc, kreos, magn-c, —, gone to sleep, agar. ALUM. phospl. alnbr. ANT, boyv, CALC. camph. -, lameness, cagar. arg-n. bell. carb-v. caus. chain. chin, con. carb-v. caus. chel, cocc. croc. crotal. dulce. eunphorb. fluor-ac. dig. dros. euphorb, hyose. ign. graph. ign. kal. lach. lact. lyc. kreos. aech. mere. ncatr-m. nitr- mere. natr-m. nux vom. phosph. ac. par. phlosph. phos-ac. plumb. phos-ac. SEP. sil. squill. sulph. prln. rhus. SEP. sil. stann. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. stront. sulph-ac. mgt-aus. -, soreness, GRAPH. hep. lye. --—, languor, alum. AMM. amm- —, spots, ant. hyose. NATR. m. ang. arg-n, ars. baryt. bell. SULPH. 'EXRExMTIr1s. 8$7 EXtreinities, spriained, pain Feet, armbr. ammn. AiN. Ans. asa. as if, amm. RHUS. aur. baryt. BELL. BRY. cale. -, standing is painful, agar. CAMPH. earb-a. carb-v. CAUS$ baryt. caus. cyel. EuUPaR. hep. cham. chin. coce. coleh. con. diq. natr. sep. stann. sulph. mgt- FERR. GRAPH. hep. hyosec jod. are. KAL. kreos. lach. led. LYC. natr. -, stiffness, ALUM. ang. brom. NATR-M. NITR-ac. Nux VOM. op. CALC. caps. ign. kal. mere. petr. petr. PHosPH. phos-ac. plumb. phosphl. rhod. rhus. sep. spong. PULS. rhod. RHus. ruta. sabad., stinging, ars. bell. bov. cale. sarlb. sec. SEP. sil. stann. stront. caus. chin. graph. kal. kreos. SULPH. zinc. lach. men. nerc. natr. NUX, arthritic pain, ACON. ambr. VOM. sil, tbuji atmm. arg-n. ARN. Ans. asa. BRY.. when stretching them, thuj. CALC. coce. graph. kal. led. ~-, swear, ars. hep. SABIN. sil. SULPH. thuj. zinc., swelling, ars. con. jod. LYC., blackness, anti mrerc. SULPH. -, blisters, ARs. cauus. con. -, sense of, prunn graph. lach. phosph. zinc. -, tearing, drawing, etc., agar. -, boils, straim agn. ALUM. ambr. anac. arm. -, bone-pain, aeon. agar. alum. Ars. BARYT. bell. BRY. calc. ars. asa. aur. bell. bism. carb-v. CARB-V. CAUS. cham. cbel. chin. CHIN. cocc. CUPR. lach. MERC. cocc. con. crotal. GRAPIH. hep. nitr-ac. RUTA. sabin. SPIG. jod. KAL. kreos. LACH. LYC. stann. STAPH. teucr. veratr. meph. merc. natr. NATR-M. nitr. ZINC. nitr-ac. N-JUGL. par. petr. phos-ac. —, bruised, pain as if, ang. bry. PULS. RHOD. SIL, STRONT. chin. magn-c. SULPH. sulph-ac. veratr. ZiNc. —, burning, ant. arn. boy. CALC. mgt-arc. mgt-aus. earb-a. caus. cham. con. croc. —, tension, ambr. baryt. carb-a. erotal. dulc. GRAPH. hep. ign. CAUS. cham. crotal. hep, jod. kal. kal-bi. lye. maginm. mere. mnagn-m. mang. men. natr. mez. natr. NATR-M. nitr-ac. puls. phosph. prun. puls. sep. sil. stram. rhab. rhus. sabin. sec. sep. sil. -, when treading, baryt. mere. squill. stann. strain. stront, tarax. zinc. -, chilblains, ant. cans. cham. trembling, amm-m. arn. caus. hep. squill. chinin. cic. dig. jod. LACH. lact. -, chilliness, amm. coloc. DRos. lye. nerec. PULS. lye., unsteadiness, ars. bry. cycl. -, cold, liable to taking, CON. jod. kreos. mere. Nux voni. plat., coldness, aeon. arnzbr. amm. rhod. stann. veratr. mgt-arc. AMM-M. anac. ars. asar. CALC., vacillation, bry. jod. Ye- carb-a. CAUS. chin. CON. crotal. ratr. daphn. ferr. GRAPH. hep. hyosc. -, walking is painful, amm. ars. ign. KAL. kreos. LACH. lact. bell. cans. chel. chin. croc. crotaj. LYC. nagn-c. mang. mnerc. mez. dros. GRAPH. hep. hyose. lact. MUR-AC. NATR. natr-m. nitr-ac. lye. magn-m. mere. Inez. natrj N-JUGL. OLEAND. PETR ux or vom. phos-ac. plat. plumb. PHOSPH. PLAT. sabad. sa&bn. petr. ruta. sil. sulph. sulph-ac. sass. sep. SIL. stront. SULPH. —, weakness, ALUM. amm. tart. VERATR. zinc. mgt-aus. amim-in. caus. chlor. cupr. cyct. - c ~mm-m. caus. chlor. cupr. cr — contraction, CAUS. pltmb. dig. dulc. hell. kal. kreos. lye. natr-m. nitr. nzux vor. oleand. -, cramp, bry. carb-v. caus. phosph. phos-ac. rhod. RUTA. euphorb. hep. ign. kal. lach. sil. stann. staph. stront. SULPH. LYC. natr. petr. ran. zinc. —, crampy pain, ang. chin. s87#8 AFFECTIONS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. euphorb. jod. kal. lach. meph. ac. oleand. plat. sabin. spig. natr. natr-n. phos-ac. verb. stram. sulph-ac. Feet, creeping, alum. ambr. ARN. Feet, prickling, SEP. bell. carb-a. croc. DULC. eu- -, redness, ant. BRY. hyosc. phorb. mang. mez. phosph. puls. lach. puls. sass. sil. rhod. rhus. sass. SEP. spong. --, restlessness, arn. baryt. carbstann. zinc. v. magn-m. natr. phosph., crossing the legs aggravates,, rhagades, HEP. ang. asa. laur. phosph., rush of blood, graph. puls., cutting, arg. ign., sensitiveness, ferr-m. lach. -, dead, liable to, feeling, asa. op. puls. sulph-ac. cham., shuddering, coloc. -, deadness, asar. CALC. nux -,sitting down is painful, anac. vom. phos-ac. plumb. rhus. sass. tart., emaciation, jod. plumb., gone to sleep, aeon. alum. -, erysipelas, DULC. amm-m. ang. ant. caus. cocc., fetor, sep. SIL. coloc. euphorb. graph. kal. laur., ganglion, ferr-m. lyc. magn-m. mang. NATR. nair-, gangrene, ant. tart. m. nux vom. phosph. phos-ac. - heat, bell. carb-a. caus. cocc. plumb. rhod. SEP. SIL. sulph-ac. crotal. ign. kal. lach. lye. mez. tart. zinc. ingt-arc. mgt-aus. nux vorn. puls. rhus. sep. sil., sore, pain as if, natr. phos-ac. stann. stront. plat., heaviness, agar. agn. alum., spots, ARS. ant. bor. bov. croc. crotal. graph. —, stiffness, ambr. ars. ferr. kal. hell. ign. jod. kal. kreos. lach. laur. led. op. led. lye. magn-c. mang. natr., stitching, agn. ambr. amm. NATR-M. op. phosph. sabad. ant. arg. arn. asar, baryt. BRY. sabin. sep. sulph. tart. veratr. carb-a. chin. cin. cocc. con. ign. zinc. kal. lye. magn-m. meph. mez., horny places, ANT. mur-ac. natr-m. nitr. MITR-AC. -, humming, graph. OLEAND. phosph. plat. ran-sc. rhab. rhod. sep. rhus. sabin. sil. spig. sulph. viol-, itching, bell. bov. calc. caus. tric. cham. cocc. dulc. grat. ign. lach., stretching them is painful, laur. ran-sc. selen. stram. caus. -, jerking, canth. chin. cin. -, sweat, AMM. ang. BARYT. hyosc. IPEc. laur. led. petr. bell. CALC. carb-a. CARB-V. PHosPH. SEP. spig. thuj. veratr. cocc. coqf. CUPR. Dnos. graph., jerks, phosph. hep. jod. KAL. kreos. lach. LYC. -, lameness, cham. euphorb. MAGN-M. mere. natr. NATR-M. mez. par. phosph. nitr-ac. N-JUGL. petr. phosph. —, languor, ambr. amm. bov. PHOS-AC. puls. sabad. sabin. SEP. caus. chin. CROC. ferr. graph. SIL. SQUILL. SULPH. thioj. hell. hyosc. ign. led. nitr. n-jugl. zinc. plat. zinc. mgt-aus. -, sweat, cold, DROS. hep. LYC. -, numbness, acon. ambr. ang. mere. nitr-ac. SQUILL. ant. ars. carb-v. con. lye. op. -, fetid, BARYT. graph. phos-ac. plat. rhus. kal. NITR-AC. N-JUGL. sep. sil. -, paralysis, ars. chin. OLEAND. zinc. plumb. -, suppressed, CUPrR. NATR-M. NITR-AC. N-JUGL. SEP., peeling off, I)ULC. SIL., pinching, chin. hyosc. ipec. swelling, AnBR. AMM. am. -, in pregnant females, lach. ARS. ASA. bar-m. bov. BRY., pressure, ang. arn. led. mur- calc. carb-a. carb-v. caus. chainm. FEET, HEELS. 879 CHIN. chinin. cocc. colch. con. Heels, boils, calc. crotal. DIG. FERR. GRAPH., bone-pain, caps. coloc. crotal. hyosc. jod. KAL. kreos. LACH. ign. LED. lye. NATR. NATR-M. -, boring, puls. zinc. nitr-ac. nux vom. op. PETR., bruised, pain as if, amm-m. PHOSPH. PHOS-AC. plumb. caps. cocc. ign. led. PULS. RHUS. sabad. SAMB., burning, cycl. graph. ign. sass. sec. SEP. SIL. STANN. nitr. puls. rhus. sabin. sep. STRONT. SULPH. veratr. zinc. sulph-ac. veratr. zinc. Feet, tearing, drawing, etc., -, callosities, lye. agn. alum. amnbr. amm-m. anace. -, coldness, sep. ang. ant. arg. ars. baryt. Bov. -, crampy feeling, bry. caus. cann. canth. carb-v. CAUS. cham. magn-c. CHIN. cic. cin. colch. dros. dulc. -, cramp-pain, amm. anac. ant. graph. hell. HEP. ign. kal. crotal. natr. plat. sep. LACHI. led lye. magn-m. mere., creeping, amm. cans. ferr-m. mez. natr. natr-m. NITR-Ac. N- graph. natr. par. phosph. stront. JUGL. petr. phosph. rhab. rhod. sulph. sabin. sep. sil. SPrIG. STRAM., cutting, lye. magn-m. puls. sulph. teucr. zinc. sulph., tension, ambr. bor. BRY., ecchymosed, as if, aur. cann. carb-a. kal. petr. phos-ac. -, frozen, pain as if, puls. sabin. plat. puls. sass. sulph. veratr. zinc., itching, calc. caus. cham. ign. --, throbbing, amm-m. asa. con. oleand. phosph. phos-ac. puls. natr-m. sulph. ran-sc. sabin. sil. staph. veratr. —, trembling, amm. baryt. coloc. --, jerking, amm. ign. magn-c. con. magn-m. veratr. zinc. magn-m. natr. -, ulcerative pain, amm-m. -, numbness, alum. caus. clem. BRY. cans. lyc. IGN. nux vom. sep. stront. ulcers, IPEC. phosph., phagedaenic blisters, caus. going up stairs aggravates, NATR. SEP. sil. bor. magn-c. magt-aus. -, pressure, anac. cann. graph. -, walking and treading are hell. kal. petr. ruta. sabin. spong. painful, AMBR. amm-m. anace. stann. mgt-arc. ang. ars. baryt. BRY. carb-a. -, rhagades, lye. CARn-V. caus. coco. graph. kreos. -, gone to sleep, as if, arg. lye. lach. mang. natr. natr-m. nitr. -, sore, pain as if, bor. cycl. nitr-ac. op. petr. phosph. phos-ac. euphorb. ign. nux vom. phos-ac. rad. rhod. sabad. sil. spong. sep. mgt-arc. veratr. zinc. mgt-arc. -, splinter, pain as from a, petr. -, weak feeling, croc. ferr. —, sprained, pain as if, cyc]. hyosc. ign. mez. nitr-ac. petr. euphorb. laur. mere. nitr. phosph. —, stitching, agar. ambr. AMM., weary, pain as if, ALUM. ang. baryt. bry. calc. chin. cic. Heels, alum. ambr. AMM-M. cin. GRAPH. hep. ign. kal. ANT. arg. ARN. calc. CAUS. kreos. lye. magn-c. men. mere. coloc. con. dros. euphorb. natr. nitr. NITR-AC. N-JUGL. nux GRAPH. IGN. kal. laur. LED. vom. oleand. petr. phos-ac. puls. LYC. merc. NATR. NITR- ran. ran-sc. rhod. rhus. ruta. AC. nux vom. petr. phosph. sabin. sass. sep. sil. spong. stann. phos-ac. PULs. rhod. RHUS. SABIN. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. SEP. SIL. SPONG. stann. SULPH. valer. zinc. mgt-arc. zinc. MGT-ARC. -, swelling, con. mere., abscess, lach. -, tearing, drawing, agn. amm., blisters, calc. caus. lach. natr. amm-m. anac. ant. arg. arn. ars. petr. phosph. sep. aur. bism. cann. caps. carb-a. 880 AFFECTIONS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. cans. chin. cin. colch. coloc. con. Hip and hip-joint: dros. graph. ign. kreos. lach. lye. -, cracking in the joint, anac. magn-c. mere. mez. PAR. petr. cocc. croc. plat. plumb. rhus. sep. sil. stann. -, cramp and crampy pain, ang. stront. sulph. sulphl-ac. zinc. baryt. bell. cann. carb-a. caus. mgt-arc. CoLoc. kal. natr-m. phos-ac. plat. Heels, throbbing, natr, ran. sep. sulph. sulph-ac. veratr. zinc., ulcerative pain, amm. AMM- -, eruption, pimples, alum. M. carb-a. caus. euphorb. graph. amm. petr. sulph. laur. zinc., gout, coxalgia, ANT. arg., ulcers, ARS. bor. NATR. arg-n. arn. ars. asa. aur. BELL. SEP. BRY. CALC. canth. CAUS. -, walking and treading is pain- CHAM. COLCa. COLOC. dig. ful, alum. ambr. amm-m. arg. graph. hep. LACH. LED. lye. con. dros. euphorb. GRAPH. MERC, Nux VOM. PULS. RHUS. ign. kal. kal-bi. laur. lye. natr. SEP. spontg. STAPII. SULPH. NITR-AC. N-JUGL. nux vom., griping, LACH. phosph. phos-ac. rhus. sep. -, heat, valer. zinc. spong. stann. zianc. -, heaviness, phos-ac. tart. Hip and Hip-joint, agar. —, ischias nervosa, arm. BELL. alum. amm. amm-m. ang. ANT. bry. cham. CoLoc. lyvc. nux vom. arg. arn. asar. baryt. BELL. PULS. rhus. SEP. BRY. CALC. calc-ph. CARB-A. -, itching, caus. coloc. led. CARBV. CAUS. chain. chel. cin. magn-c. mur-ac. natr. petr. clem. Cocc. COLOC. con. crotal. phosph. phos-ac. euphorb. ferr. graph. hell. ipec. -, jerking, calc. cann. cic. kal. KAL. kreos. lach. LED. LYe. magn-c. magn-m. mez. natr. nux magn-c. mang. men. MERC. mez. vom. phos-ac. puls. sep. sil. mosch. NATR-M. nitr. NITR-AC. —, jerks, bry. graph. sulph. oleand. par. PosPHu. phos-ac., lameness, ang. ARG. aur. bell. prenu. PULS. rhod. RHUS. ruta. cans. CHAM. cocc. dros. ensabad. sabin. SEP. sil. stann. phorb. hell. LED. lyc. mang. stram. SULPH. thuj. veratr. natr-m. phosph. phos-ac. sass. zinc. stann. VERATR. mgt-au.'. -, blow, pain as from a, bry. —, limping, spontaneous, BELL. cic. cin. euphorb. kal. ruta. bry. CALC. CARB-A. CAUS. CoLoc., bone-pain, calc. cans. cic. dros. dulc. LYC. mang. MERC. kal. kreos. magn-c. oleand. ruta. nitr-ac. n-jugl. PULS. RHus. stann., boils, alumn. amm. nitr-ac. SULPH. zinc., boring, ang. cin. mere., loose, flesh as if, zinc. -, burning, bell. CARB-V. caus. -, when lying, bell. bry. lye. chel. cic. hell. magn-c. magn-m. plumb. prun. rhod. sep. mgtmang. nitr. nux vom. rhus. sep. aus. valer. zinc., during the menses, LACH. -, bruised, pain as if, alum., wher moving them, anac. amm. anac. calc. cans. dulc. ang. arg. asar. calc. crotal. eufluor-ac. kal. kreos. LACH. magn- phorb. ign. jod. kal. kal-bi. laur. c. magn-m. mang. natr. natr-m. led. magn-c. MERC. petr. phosphos-ac. puls. ruta. sass. sep. ac. ruta. sulph. sulph. zinc. mgt-arc. mngt-aus. —, at night, pain, bell. colch., cold feeling, bell. MERc. ferr. ferr-in. magn-c. MERC. -, contractive feeling, LACH. -, numb feeling, calc. LACI. prun. staph. -, coxalgia, (see Gout.), pinching, calc. caus. dulc. -, coxarthrocace, (see Ulcera- led. magn-c. mnur-ac. tion.), pressure, agn. ambr. ang. ?IP AND HIP-JOINT, ETC', 881 arg. ar. c. arb-v. caus: coce, eu- Hip and hip-joint: phorb. ferr-m. hell. jod. led. lye. - throbbing, bry, cic. erotal. nez. moseh. natr. nitr-ae. petr. hep. magn-im. puls. rhus. SABAD. sabin. sep., twitching, asa, -aler. staph. zinc. -, lcu-ation, CGLC. COLOGC. fip and hip-joint: hep. PHOS-AC. rhlgs. ShiL., when sittiing, amnn-m. bry. SULPHI. zinc. earb-a. ein. coloe. con, nmang. U, lcerative pain, pnls. mere. mur-ac. natr, petr. phospn1. unsteadiness, chin. natr-m, pllos-ac. puls. sabad. -, urticaria, sulph. - sore, pain as if, cic. puls. -, when walking. agar. atnm, —, soleness, bov. mang. petr. ant. aur, baryt. bell. ealc. carb-a. sep. cearb-v, cans. ein. coce, dule. hell., spots, rhus. ign. kal, magn-e. mnfgn-m. men, -, sprained, pain as if, anmm-mn. nere. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. phosannae. ang. arn. baryt. bell. calc. ac. ihod. rius. samb. spig. stann. CA1US. chain chin. con, dros. snlpih. thuj. zinc. dule. hep. ILPEC. laur. NATR-M. -, weakness, arg. chin. mang. _~itr-ac. n-jngl, petr. phosplh. sep. pUls. rhod. stann. stlph. -—, weary, pain as if, ein. -—, when standing, lair. nitr. K ee and Ineei -oiut, staph. veratr. zinc. agar. ALM a. amni. aac. ant,, stiffnles, ang. baryt. BELL.. lan. arn. asr. r', baryt. bell. caps. chaiz. hell. ign. sep. bov. BRY. CAL. enlc-pl., stitclhing, agn. alum. AmmM-sa. cnnth. carb-a. CARB-V. CAUS. fng. arg. Ans. asa. baryt. bell. CON. croc. ferr. CniN. coee. CoN. eroe. r ero bry. cale. eann. eanth. caps. GRAPH. gnj. hell. hep igq. Jo. eairb-a. CAUS. ci. cocc. oni. ero- A-al. kal-bi. kreos. LACH. LED. tal. dule. felr. graph. grat. hell. Ic. m11gll-C. MEPC. MeZ. Mioseb, ign. kal. kreos. LACs. laur. led. mnur-ac. aatr. NATR-M. nitr. Miagn-c. wang. meni. mere. Intir- \ITR-AC. n-mosch. NUX VOM. ne. natr. natr-n. rtitr. nix omm. PETR. PIOSPIH. plat. PULS. o!eand. par. petr. plhosph, plzwnb. RIol). RHI S. ruta. SEP. SIL. prnin. ris. h abin. sep. tart. SPIG. Safni. STAPI. STRONT. -y, whe. n stooping, calc. )gOv. SULPH. snlph-ac. thaj. valer, lye. In~ngSn-c. sieratr. ZINC. ingt-anis. -, when stretching themn, arrnism, ARB-V. CI'OC., arthritic pain, AnN. BRr., slibcntanneous -ulceration, as chin. coce. con. crotal. lach. led. ftiou, cale. prun. iy. NUX VOM. pllosplh PULS, -, tearing, drawing, etc., ag. Irhod. sass. sep. S;ULPI. lima. almbr. allm. alnm-m. ang. nllt. Ia. nrs. nsa. cale. can. -, bandiged tightly, ansif, nnae, caps. CARB-V. CAUs. GCAM. lant. ais. aor coloc. mnagn-m. eic. cin. COLCII. CON. daic. ferr. n-moseh. plt. sil. graph. hell. hep. jod. kal. kal-bi. -, when bending it, alum. anac. LACII. LED, lyC. nmagn-e. MaAGN- arb-a. ferr-m. graph. led. murt. MIERC. mnez. natr. natr-m. ac. nitr-ac. oleand. par. rhod. nitr-ac. petr. phos-ae. plumb. s2pig. spong. sulplh. tarax. thuj. ran. rhus. samb. SEP. sil. spig. -, boils, natr-mn. nux rom. squill. stAnin. stront. sulph. tart. -, boring, amar. alum. amm. veratr. zinc. cauth. cans. hell. kreos. magn-c. -, tension, arg. bell. cale. cans. men. natr. ran-se. sep. spig. zinc. ferr-m. LACII. lyc. mez. natrn-m. —, bone-pain, bov. carb-a. earbnitr-ac. plhos-ac. plat. Rinu. spig. v. grat. magn-c. phosph. prun, sulph. thuj. stann. zinc. 882 AFFECTIONS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Knee and knee-joinlt, ruta. sabad. staph. sulph. mgtbruised, pain as if, arg. ARS. aus. bry. carmph. caus. chin. con. Knee ald k nee-joint, cupr. cycl. graph. BIEP. lach. led. when going down, bell. lye. mere. mur-ac. natr. nitr-ac. -, hardness, led. nux vonm. petr. phosph. puls. -, heat, cin. ig. men. phosphb spig. stann. sulph. veratr. zinc. sulph., burning, amm. anac. asa. -, heaviness, graph. magn-c. baryt. brom. bry. cann. carb-v. ruta. ther. veratr. grat. LYC. mur-ae. natr. oleand., herpes, ARs. CARB-V. petr. phos-ac. plat. plumb. rhkts. DULC. GRAPH. KREOS. eabad. stann. st}aph. sulph. sulph- NATR-M. PETR. phosph. ac. tarax. tart. thuj., inflammation, ant. arn. ars. -, coldness, chin. coloc. daphn. BELL. BRY. CALC. chin. cocc. ign. nitr-ac. phosph. puls. sep. con. dig. ferr. hep. JOD. led. LYC. stann. MIERC. Noux voM. puls. rhus., contraction, amm-m. nitr-ac. sabin. sep. SIL. SULPH. ruta. squill. zinc. (see Curva- - —, suppurating, bell. hep. ture.) MERC. SIL. sulph. -, contraction of the tendons, -, arthritic, rheumatic, RUTA. ARN. BRY. chin. cocc. led. lye. -, contractive pain, amto-m. NUX VOM. puls. sass. sep. graph. LACH. lyc. magn-c. NATR- SULPH. - M. nitr-ac. nux vom. phosph. —, lymphatic, arn. ars. ihus. RUTA. samb. sulph. veratr. CALC. ferr. JOD. LYe. SiL. mgt-arc. SULPH.,cracking, alum. amm. camph., with serous effusion, CAUS. chamn. cocc. con. croc. ign. CALc. con. dig. JOD. mere. sil. led. natr-m. nitr-ac. petr. puls. SULPH. ran. selen. sep. sulph. veratr. -, white and swollen, ANT. nmgt-aus. arg-n? ARs. bell. BRY. calc. -* cramp, cramp-pain, ang. chil. jod. LYC. mere. PULs. Rues. lach. petr. phosph. ruta. sulph. SABIN. sep. sil. SULP. mgt-aus., itching, ambr. ant. asa. bry. -, crampy feeling, bell. bry. caus. coloc. grat. hep. ign. kal. cale. cann. carb-a. hep. oleand. lach. Lye. mang. men. mur-ac. par. petr. sulph. tbuj. valer. natr. nux vom. ran. petr. rhus., curvature, carb-a. lye. sulph. samb. sport#. stann. sulph. zinc. mgt-aus. (see Contraction.) -, jerking, aeon. agar. alum., cutting, baryt. thuj. veratr. amm. caus. chin. cycl. graph., dislocated, pain as if, agar. kreos. laur. lye. mere. mez. nux amm. lach. n-mosch. phosph. vorn. prun. rhod. staph. veratl: sulph. ingt-aus., dryness of the joint, croc. -, jerks, chin. phosph. PULS. fnux rVonl. spong. sulph-ac., eruption, blisters, pimples,., lameness, agar. amnbr. anae. anac. bry. carb-v. hep. kal. led. ang. ant. ars. aur. baryt. carb-v. nux vom. phos-ac. puls. rhus. chin. coloc. con. kal. nal r-m. sabad. thuj. petr. phosph. puls. ruta. sulph..-, fiungus, (see Swelling,, languor, anac. ASAR. bry. White.) carb-v. ecaus. chin. coCe. CON., giving way, aeon. agar. ARN. croc. cupr. euphr. ferr. graph. ars. bell. bry. carnmph. CAUS. chel. hyose. led. lye. magn-c. mere. chin. cocc. crloc. cupr. nitr-ac. NATR-M. pu7s. rhab. ruta. sabad. n-jugl. nux vom. puls. ran. rhod. spong. stann. sulph. KNEE, AND KNEE-JOINT. 883 Knee and knee-joint, n-jugl. nux vom. oleand. PETR. limping, calc. nitr-ac.. phosph. phos-ac. plumb. rhab., loose, flesh as if, kreos. rthus. sabad. sass. sep. spig. spong. phosph. stann. staph. sulph. sulph-ac., nodosities, chin. nux vom. tart. teucr. thuj. veratr. zinc. numb feeling, calc. graph. Knee and knee-joint, plat. streaks, red, rhus.,paralysis, nmbr. ars. baryt. —, when stretching, asa. bov., pressure, agn. alum. anac. carb-a. carb-v. caus. con. kal. arg. asa. asar. baryt. bell. hism. laur. petr. thuj. cale. cnmph. carb-v. chel. colch. -, sweat, bry. calc. led. lye. cycl. dule. hep. kreos. lach. led. spong. AIAGN-uJ. mez. oleand. plat. pr1un. -, swelling, ant. arn. ars. BRY. rhab. sabad. spong. SULIn. tarax. CALC. CHIN. COCC. ferr. hep. teucr. t/lj. valer. JOD. lach. LED. LYC. magn-c. rash, nux von. mur-ac. NUX VOM. phosplh., realness, (see Inflammation.) PULS. rhod. sass. sep. SIL. restlessness, an ac. asar. SULPH. mniLng. spig. staph., inflammatory, ARN.. when rising fiom a seat, ars. ars. BRY. CALC. chin. cocc. ferr. bov. calc. carb-v. caus. chin. jod. Lye. NUX VOM. sil. cocc. croc. ferr. kal. lach. laur. SULPH. mur-ac. natr-m. Iux vom. puls. -- -, arthritic, rheumatic, rhus. ruta. sep. staph. sulph. AnN. BRY. chin. coce. led. lye. thuj. NUX VOMN. PULs. rhod. sass., rough skin, kreos. sep. SULPH. - sensitiveness, painfiul, canth. -, scrofulous, arn. ars., gone to sleep, as if, canth. CALC. ferr. JOD. LYC. SIL. CARs-v. kal. petr. SULPH., spots, petr. rhus. ----—, serous, dropsical, CALe. sprained, pain as if, ambr. con. dig. JOD. mere. sil. SULPH. ars. ca1C. chin. con. graph. ipec. - -, white, ANT. arg-n? Ans. kal. kreos. lach. lye. mere. natr. bell. BRY. calc. chin. jod. LYC. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. mere. PULS. RHUS. SABIN. sep. phosph. plat. prun. rhod. staph. sil. SULPII. sulph. -, swollen, sense as if, alum. --, standing is painful, arm. canth. carb-v. lach. mere. nitr-ac. carb-v. cupr. plat. prun. —, tearing, drawing, etc., acon. stiffness, ambr. AMn1-uI. anac. agar. alhm. ambr. amm. amm-m. ant. aur. boy. BRY. carb-v. anac. ang. ant. arg. arg-n. asa. caus. COLOC. dig. dros. ferr-m. asar. aur. baryt. brom. BaY. GRAPtt. hell. hyosc. IGN. kal. CALC. camph. canth. CARB-A. LACH. led. LYC. mere. mez. carb-v. CAUS. chain. chin. clemn. mur-ac. nntr-m. nitr-ac. n-jugi. cocc. coff. colch. CON. croc. cronux vom. petr. PHOSPH. plumb. tal. cupr. cycl. daphn. dule. puls. rhab. sass. SEP. sil. stann. euphorb. graph. hep. jod. KAL. sulph. thuj. zinc. tkreos. LcII. laur. LED. LYC. -, stitching, agn. alum. anac. magn-c. rnagn-m. mang. merc. ang. ant. arg. amrn. ars. asa. asar. mez. mosch. MUR-Ac. natr. natrbaryt. bell. Bovy. BRY. CALC. m. nitr. nitr-ac. nux vom. oleand. caomph. canth. carb-a. carb-v. par. petr. PHOSPH. phos-ac. caus. chel. cin. Cocc. coloc. con. plumb. PULS. ran. rhod. rhus. ferr-m. graph. grat. guaj. hell. sabad. sass. sep. SIL. spig. spong. hep. ign. kreos. LACH. laur. stann. staph. STRONT. SULPH. LED. magn-m. mang. men. mere. sulph-ac. valer. veratr. zinc. mez. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. myt-aus. 884 AFFECTIONS OF TIlE LOWER EXTIREMITIES. Knee and knee-joint, graph. ign. ipec. KAL. kreos. tendons. pain in the, bell. carb-a. LbCH. LYC. mere. MEZ. mosch. con. eye]. euphr. hell. ipec. lach. natr. nitr-ac. Nux voM. oleand. mosh. ZNATR-M. pal'. phosph. PHOS-AC. PULS. rhus. RUTA. phos-ac. rhus. ruta. tart. mgt-arc. SABIN. SEP. SIL. squill. STAPIL. myt-aus. tart. veratr. zinc. -, tension, ang. arg. ars. BRY. Legs, bandaged tightly, as if, calc. canth. caps. CARB-v. caus. chin. cocc. lye. phosph. stann. chain. CON. croe. cye]. dig. -, blotches, lach. euphlr. graph. grat. ka]l. kreos., blotches, as from nettles, LACH. laur. LED. lye. magn-c. aur. mez. mur-ac. natr-m. nitr-ac. —, blueness, con. nsux vonm. par. petr. phosph. plat. -, boils, ]MAGN-C. pIls. rhab. rhod. rhus. s-,mb. -, bone-pain, baryt. bry. chin. sep. stann. sulph. tart. veratr. croc. crotal. graplh. ign. kal. lye. zinc. nitr-ac. puls. zinc. -, throbbing, asa. calc. carb-h. -, bruised, pain as if, alum. chin. kal. nitr. oleand. tart. thuj. ambr. bry. cale. campli. cans., when treading, annac. aug. chin. con. dig. ferr. guaj. natr-m. aur. con. magn-c. nitr. nitr-ac. phosph. plumb. thus. sep. sulph. n-jugl. plat. staph. sulph. veratr. thuj. zinc. mgt-aus. -, trembling, alumn. bell. chin. -, burning, agar. anac. ARS. coff. dros. laur. led. mang. -.ux bell. bor. chel. chin. crotal. tomn. OLEAND. phosph. plat. ruta. graph. LYC. men. phos-ac. saba3d. tumlors, ant. sep. sulph. tarax., ulcers, phos-ac. --—, callos;ties, lach. -, unsteadiness, aecon. AnN. ars. -, chilliness, chin. kreos. alur. bry. canth. carb-v. eyel. -, coldness, arnbr. ars. led. kreos. laur. rrux tom. prun. puls. mang. mere. puls. ruta. sil. sulph., walking is )painful, aeon. -., contraction, artm-n. cantll. agar. alum. amm-i. nae. aug. coec. ferr. kreos. nux vom. arg. aur. baryt. bell. B3RY. --, cramp, arlmn. CALC. carb-a. CALO. calc-ph. calnn. canth. carb- carb-v. coloc. hep. sulph. zinc. a. CARB-v. CAUS. chel. chin. cocc. —, crampy pain, alum. amm. coloc. crotal. cul)r. dros. cuphr. anlmn-n. ars. bell. CALC. carb-a. grpl)h. hell. ipec. kal. lach. carb-v. cans. cin. coloc. ferr. led. magn-c. mang. mere. mnur-ac. graph. HEP. men. vmerc. natr-m. natr. natr-ma. ltitr. niitr-ac. nux jitr-ac. nux vorn. petr. phos-ac. vomr. par. petr. phospll. phos-ac. plat. thus. sponDg. stann. sulph. plat. puls. ran. ]hab. rhus. ruta. zinc. mgt-aus. sabad. sass. sep. sil. spig. spong. -, crawling, SEP. staph. stront. sulph. tart. thuj. -, creeping, bell. calc. graph. veratr. mgt-aus. ign. phos-ac. plat rhod. ihus. -—, weakness, anac. arn ars. nur. sep. sulph. veratr. carb-v. caus. coce. cyc]. ferr. kal., cutting, bell. dule. LACH. led. rmagn-m. merc. nitr. -, eruption, agal. petr. puls. NITR-AC. N-JUGL. nlx omre. p~tr. sep. staph. puls. ran. sabad. sep. sil. sulph- --, erysipelas, bor. calc. hep. ac. TART. SULPH. -, weary, pain as if, anac. dig., hardness, graph. ferr. ipec. laur, puls. sulph., heat, feeling of, bor. cyel. veratr. guaj. lach. laur. nitr-ac. spig. Legs, agar. amm. annac. ant. arn. -, heaviness, acon. anac. ars. ARs. asa. BARYT. BELL. bor. BELL. camph. cann. clem. cupr. BPRY. CALC. carb-v. CAUS. cham. FERR. graph. hep. ign. kreos. chin. clem. con. eye]. dros. FERR lact. laur. led. lye. magn-m. natr LEGS. 885 m. nitr-ac. puls. rhes. ruta. sep. Legs, sore, pain as if, ambr. chin. spig. stann. teucr. valer. veratr. dig. mang. plat. mgt-arc. -, spots, CALC. chel. con. lyc. Legs, herpes, ars. kal. LACH. nux vom. phosph. stann. zinc. -, humming, ars. caus. oleand., stagnant, sense as if the puls. mgt-arc. blood were, lact. zinc. -, inflammation, bor. natr. sa- —, stiffness, ars. bell. FERR. bad. merc. ranl. sass. -, insensibility, amm-m. puls. -, stitching, agar. ars. bell. itching, agar. ambr. aur. BRY. calc. caps. CARB-A. coloc. calc. cocc. coloc. dulc. euphorb. dulc, graph. grat. gyaj. hell. ign. graph. kal. lach. laur. mere. lach. lye. men. mere. nux vom. natr. natr-ml. op. phos-ac. sabin. petr. phos-ac. plumb. rhab. rhus. sil. staph. tart. sulph. -, jerking, agn. anac. ars. bry. -—, when stretching them, chin. calc. cin. con. lyc. men. nitr-ac. dros. phosph. sulph. petr. phosph., sweat, bry. euphorb. -, jerks, con. cupr. plat. thtj. —, swelling, ambr. ars. aur. bor. -, lameness, acon. agar. amm. BRY. calc. chin. colch. crotal. ars. baryt. bell. cann. carb-v. DULC. graph. KAL. LACH. led. cin. cocc. ign. men. mosch. natr-m. lyc. merc. natr. NUX VOM. nitr. nitr ac. oleand. puls. rhus. PULS. rhod. SEP. sil. stroult. -, languor, agar. alum. am. ars. -, tearing, dralwing, etc., AGAR. bell. bov. bry. camph. clem. croc. agn. ALUM. ambr. AMM. amm-m. dig. dulc. hep. led. mere. nitr. anac. ANT. arn. ARS. asa. BARYT. nitr-ac. phos-ac. PLAT. puls. bell. bism. bor. BRY. calc. caps. rhus. sabad. samb. sep. staun. CARB-A. CARB-V. CAUS. chinin. stront. sulph. tarax. thuj. valer. clem. colch. con. croc. crotal. zinc. cuplr. cycl. dule. euphorb. FERR. -, nodes, aur. stront. graph. grat. guaj. hep. ign. jod., numbness, aeon. alum. anac. KAL. kal-bi. kreos. LACEI. Iyc. bor. bry. graph. plat. mrnagn-c. m agn-m. men. mere. -, paralysis, ACON. ars. mez. NATR. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac., peeling off of the skin, agar. nux uvon. oleand. par. petr. pressure, arn. ars. asa. bell. phosph. phos-ac. plumb. puls. camtph. chin. cupr. mang. men. ran-sc. RHOD. rhus sabad. sass. n-mosch. petr. phos-ac. ran-se. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. squill. ruta. sep. stront. teucr. zinc. stann. staph. stront. sulph. tart. mgt-arc. thuj. valer. zinc. —, pulsations, anac. dig. phos- --, tension, anto-m. bor. BRY. ac. plat. stront. calc. camph. chain. clem. colch., rash, natr-m. dulc. euphr. graph. ign. kreos., redness, nux vom. led. magn-c. phospll. rhus. sa-, restlessness, anac. asa. calc. bad. stalin. sulph. thuj. zinc. carb-v. chin. hep. lye. MEPH. -, trembling, bell. caenph. coff. mere. rnosch. plat. rhod. sep. kal-bi. lact. plat. puls. ruta. spig. spong sulph. scurfs, ars. sabin. zinc., ulcerative pain, jod. puls.; shuddering, cann. chin. con. —, ulcers, ARS. BARYT. BRY. lye. CALC. CARB-V. clem. IPEC.., gone to sleep, aeon. antn. LACH. LYC. natr. PHOS-AC. asa. asar. calc. carb-a. caus. RUTA. SABIN. SIL. staph. cham. chin. cupr. ferr. lhep. ign. -, vacillation, camph. lact. laur. magn-m. imang. mosch. -, varices, CAUS. coloc. ferr. nux vom. phosph. plat. RHOD. graph. PULS. spong. sulph. zinc. —, vibratory feeling, guaj. puls. 886 AFFECTIONS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Legs, when walking, bry. calc. Nates, redness, hyosc. camph. carb-a. carb-v. caus. cin., rising from a seat is painful, cocc. con. croc. crotal. dros. dros. mang. sulph. euphorb. graph. guaj. hep. ign., seating one's self is painful, laur. men. mere. nitr-ac. nux guaj. mang. vom. oleand. petr. phosph. -, sitting is painful, alum. ant. phos-ac. plat. puls. ran. rhus. cans. chin. cycl. dig. hep. laur. sep. spong. stann. sulph. tarax. mang. phosph. selen. stann. zinc. mgt-arc. mgt aus. staph. SULPH. weakness, agar. coloc. dros. -, going to sleep, alum. dig. euphorb. nitr. oleand. op. puls. —, sore, pain as if, lye. tarax. -, soreness, kal. natr-m. nitr-ac. Nlails, alum. baryt. calc. camph. selen. carb-v. caus. colch. coloc. GRAPH. -, stitching, aur. barytL BRY. hep. jod. kal. lact. lye. mosch. canth. caus. dros. dulc. guaj. nitr-ac. nux vom. sass. sep. sil. hyosc. laur. lye. natr-m. par. sulph. teucr. zinc. MGT-AUS. (see prun. sass. stann. staph. zinc. Chap. II., Nails.), stretching them aggravates, Nates, amm, ant. baryt. bor. mang. calc. canth. CAus. chin. con. —, tearing, drawing, etc., ambr. cycl. graph. hyosc. KAL. laur. baryt. cale. canth. chin. cin. cupr. lyc. mang. men. mere. mez. cycl. dig. kal. lye. magn-m. mang. oleand. PHOSPH. PHOS-AC. plat. mez. natr. natr-m. nitr. phos-ac. RHUS. sass. selen. sep. sil. staph. rhus. zinc. SULPH. zinc. -, tension, ant., blisters, bor. oleand., tubercles, hep. nitr. —, boils, baryt. graph. hep., ulceration, verb. ACON. lye. PHOS-AC., ulcerative pain, cale. kal. -, burning, amm. baryt. cale. phosph. sulph. lye. magn-m. mang. mere. mez., walking is painful, calc. natr. staph. stront. thuj. verb. guaj. magn-m. mez. natr-m., bruised, pain as if, magn-m. nitr-ac. phos-ac. zinc. Soles of the feet, agar. - cramp, rhus. alum. AMBR. aur. baryt. bell., crampy pain, calc. hyosc. bov. BRY. CALC. carb-v. CAUs. kal. mang. phos-ac. rhus. chin. con. CUPR. GRAPH. hep. ign., deadness, dig. kal. led. LYC. men. MUR-Ac. -, eruption, pimples, etc., ant. NATR. par. PHOSPH. PHOS-AC. bor. canth. graph. mang. mere. plumb. PULS. rhus. SIL. SrIG. natr. nux vom. selen. thuj. SULPH. tarax. thuj. zinc., herpes, bor. caus. -, beating, kreos. petr. sass., itching, amm. ant. baryt. sulph. calc. caus. kal. laur. lye. magn-, blisters, ars. sulph. m. nitr-ac. oleand. prun. sil. -- r, from walking, kal-bi. stann. staph. stront. sulph. -, boring, bell. ran. tarax. tarax. ther. -, burning, alum. AMBR. amm., jerking, phosph. ANAC. asar. baryt. bell. bov., loose, flesh as if, nux vom. CALC. canth. carb-v. cans. croc. -, lying is painful, SULPH. crotal. CuPR. graph. hep. kal., muscular twitching, ant. kal-bi. kreos. lach. led. lye. calc. kal. spong. stann. tarax. magn-m. mere. mur-ac. nzatr., phagedaenic blisters, bor. nitr. nux vom. petr. phos-ac. -, pressure, chin. cupr. jod. puls. sil. sulph. tarax. zinc. lye. phosph. sass. stann. zinc., bruised, "pain as if, puls. --—, psoritis, ACON. BRY. nux sulph-ac. thuj. vom. PULS. RIvus. staph. sulph. —, callosities, SIL. SOLES OF THE FEET, TARSAL JOINTS. 887 Soles of the feet, coldness, Soles of the feet: ars. lach. mere. sulph. -, stitching, alum. amm. ant. -, intolerable, baryt, arm. ars. asar. bell. bor. BRY., contraction, anac. nux vom. earb-a. chin. con. crotal. dig. plumb. IGN. kreos. lach. magn-m. men. -, contractive sensation, spig. mere. NATR. natr-m. nitr. nux sulph. vom. oleand. par. phosph. phos-ac. cramp, agar. AniM. arn. bell. plat. puls. ran-sc. rhab. rhus. calc. carb-v. chel. coff. ferr. hep. sass. sep. sil. spig. sulphl. tarax. natr. natr-m. nux vo?,. petr. thuj. zinc. mgt-aus. phosph. selen. sep. sil. mgt-aus., sweat, acon. am. kal. natr-, crampy pain, anac. baryt. m. nitr-ac. petr. plumb. saba& mere. mur-ae. natr. nux vom. sil. sulph. phos-ac. plumb. rhus. stann. —, swelling, chainm. kal. kreos creeping, am. caus. clem. LYC. natr. petr. con. croc. hep. kal. laur. magn-, sense of, bry. CALC. m. natr-m. phosph. plat. puls. -, tearing, drawing, agar. agn. SEP. spig. staph. slph. thuj. amm. ang. arg. aur. baryt. bell., cutting, calc. dule. mur-ac. alec. canth. chin. colch. coloc. sil. con. cupr. graph. HEP. hyosc. —, dry feeling, phosph. kal. kreos. magn-c. magn-m,. -, ecchymosed, pain as if, leac mur-ac. natr. nitr. nux yvom. par. puls. phosph. puls. sass. sep. sil strant. --, growth, sense as of some, sulph. valer. zinc. puls. --, tension, alum. bell. bry. rhus. h, heat, asar. natr. petr. phos- sil. spig. sulph. zinc. ac. sass. zinc. -, thick skin, ars. —, humming, caus. cic. OLE- -, tickling, alum, euphorb. AND. graph. hep. mang. ruta. sil. --—, itching, alum. alnbr. amm., ulcerative pains, baryt. amm-m. num. chain. chin. con. canth. graph. IGN. Iaur. nitr. eupr. euphorb. lep. kreos. mur- PnosR. zinc.-also: AMBR. calc. ac. natr. oleand. ran-sc. rliab. kreos. lye. prun.puls. spig. sulph. sass. sep. spig. sulph. tarax. tart. -, ulcers, ARs. SEP. sulph. thnj. zinc. —, walking and treading are jerking, ctpr. ferr-m. graph. painful, agar. alumn. AMBR. aur. nitr. sulph. thuj. valer. baryt. bov. bry. calc. carb-v. numb feeling, bry. puls. caus. chin. con. cnpr. graph. hep. suiph. ign. kal. led. LYC. men. mur-ac., numbness, SEP. STAPH. su11h. natr. par. PHOSPH. plumb., pressure, anac. asa. aur. puls. spig. sulph. thnj. zinc. cupr. graph. hell. hep. kal. led. -, weary, pain as if, nux vom. natr. n-mosch. oleand. phos-ac. —, weight, bry. phos-ac. plat. ruta. sabad. sass. stann. Tarsal joints, AIRnR. anac. staph. tarax. ang. arg. ars. aur. bor. BRY. redness, kal. phosph. cale. CARB-A. carb-v. CAUS., rhagades, ars. coc0. cycl. dros. HEP. hyosC. ign.,sensitiveness, alum. ant. calc. kal. kreos. LYe. men. MERc. hep. ign. kal. sass. NATR. NATR-Mf. nitr-ac. Nux voM. —, soft, pain as if, calc. oleand. PnosPur. plumb. PULS. softer, getting, calc. sulph. ran. rhab. Rnus. RUTA. SEP., sore, pain as if, croc. crotal. spig. staph. SULPH. veratr. zinc., soreness, nux vom. sil. -, beating, arg. dros. kal. ruta. -, spots, rhus. —. bruised, p)ain as if, arg. boy. standing is painful, croc. calc. hep. hyose. mang-c. mez. mere. plat. puls. sabad. valer. 888 AFFECTIONS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Tarsal joints, burning, eu- ars. aur. bor. calc. carb-a. cans. phorb. spig. sulph. cocc. cycl. dros. hep. hyose. ign. -, cracking, camph. caus. hep. kal. men. mere. natr-m. nitr-ac. petr. phos-ac. sass sulph. Nux voM. phosph. plumb. ran. -, going down stairs is painful, rhab. SEP. sulph. veratr. sulph. Tarsal joints, weakness,, heaviness, cupr. sulph. carb-a. -, jerks, spig. teucr. -, weary, pain as if, cans. nux -, lameness, aung. eham. dros. vom. euphorb. fluor-ac. imez. natr-m., wrong step, pain as from par. phosph. phos-ac. RUTA. having made a, anac. ang. ant. mi-, nssing one's step is painful, ars. baryt. BRY. eamph. chel.'cals. lanr. led. lye. mere. natr-m. —, motion is painful, BRY. coce. phosph. phos-ac. plat. puls. ran. kreos. laur. led. nux vom. petr. rhus. sulph. veratr. zinc. mgtphos-ac. puls. sass. staph. sulph. aus. zinc. Tendo - achillis, acon., nunmb feeling, hep. alun. arg. arn. aur. bell. bism., paTalysis, ars. chin. OLE- cann. carb-a. CAUS. chel. chin. AND. plumb. euphr. graph. HEP. laur. magn c. -, pressure, ang. chel. coloc. m7ze. MERec. mez. MUR-AC. natr. ign. led. mere. NATR. oleand. PRUN. ran. rhod. rhus. SABIN. sep spig. staph. mgt-aus. selen. sep. sulph. sulph-ae. -, shorter, sense as if, sep. spig. teuer. thuj. valer. ZINC., sore, pain as if, plat. spig., crampy feeling, CANN. carbsprained, pain as if, amrn. ars. a. canus sabin. zinc. BRY. cale. cans. chin. coce. -, erysipelas, zinc. cycl. dros. fluor-ac. hell. ign. —, inflammation, zinc. kal-bi. lyc. men. mosch. NATR., jerking,, aeon. mere. nitr. nitr-ae. nux vom. plumb. -, pulsations, prun. zinc. PRUN. rhab. rhus. ruta. sil. sulph., when sitting, cans. men. valer. zinc. mgt-aus. valer. -, stiffness, AMBR. ars. carb-a. —, spots, chel. caus. chel. dros. ferr. grapl. hep. -, sprained, pain as if, kreos. ign. kal. laur. led. lye. op. RUTA., stitching, arn. antur. chel. hep. sil. sulph. mur-ae. rhus. sabin. sulph. sulph-, stitching, ang. am. ars. asa. ae. thuj. valer. BRY. carb-v. dros. guaj. kal. —, when stretching the foot, kreos. mere. moseh. natr. oleand. am. cans. rhus. spig. sulph/. -, swelling, kal-bi. zinc. -, tearing, drawing, etc., ami., tearing, drawing, acon. alum. ang. arn. ars. earb-a. cans. cochi. bell. bism. caus. graph. hep. coloc. con. eroc. dros. euphorb. mez. mur-ae. natr. prun. SABIN. grat. kal. mang. mere. moseh. valer. zinc. puls. ran. rhus. spig. spong. —, tension, euphr. graph. magnstaph. stront. tarax. tener. valer. c. mur-ac. ran. sep. teuer. veratr. zinc. mgt-atus. —, when treading, rhod. -, tension, bell. BRY. cale. -, when walking, hep. magun-ec eroc. sep. sil. zinc. merc. mur-ae. ran. -, twisted, liable to getting, --, relieved, kal-bi. agn. CARB-A. NATI. natr-m. nitr- Thighs, agar. armm-m. aral. bell. ac. nux vomn. phosph. sil. sulph. BRY. CALC. canth. caps. earb-a. mgt-auns. carb-v. CAUS. CHIN. Cic. Cocc. -, ulcerative pain, hep. colch. coloc. dig. dule. euphorb. -, walking and treading are GArAP GA. EP. jodAJ. kal. painful, anmbr. anac. aug. arg. laecL led. lye. magn-c. MERac. MEm THIGHS;. 889 NATR-M. NrUX VOM. oleand. PETR. Thighs, creeping, arg. chin. phosph. PHOS-AC. PLAT. puls. guaj. hep. sep. sulph. sulph-ac. RHOD. RHus. sabin. SASS. SEP., cutting, bell. calc. dig. dros. SIL. spig. spong. STANN. stront. graph. stann. sulph-ac. SULPH. thuj. zinc., dampness, SULPH. Thighs, blotches, zinc., eruption, blisters, pimples,, blue skin, bism. etc., agar. alum. ant. bov. calc. boils, clern. cocc. hyose. ign. cann. caus. chel. kal. lach. mang. lye. nitr-ac. nux vom. petr. sep. mere. mez. natr-m. petr. phosph. SIL. prun. rhod. selen. stann. sulph., bone-pain, aur. baryt. bor. zinc. canth. carba. chin. coee. cofl., heat, caus. graph. nitr-ac. euphorb. graph. guaj. lach. lye. oleand. sulph. magn-c. men. mez. mur-ac. puls., heaviness, bell. cic. laur. ruta. sep. sil. sulph. zinc. rhod. sass. zinc. boring, anac. carb-a. phos-ac. itching, agar. alum. anac. ran. ihus. spong. t~arax. ang. ant. arn. ars. baryt. bry.., burning, alum. anac. nsa. calc. canth. caus. chel. cic. dig. baryt. bor. bov. calc. cann. carb-. graph. guaj. kal... a. carb-v. chin. cie. colch. dule. dule. graph. guaj. kal. lach. laur. ephorb. graph. gat. laur. led led. magn-m. mang. mere. mosch. lyehorb. graph. gr. laur. led. mur-ac. nitr-ac. n-jug]. oleand. nuxlye. mang. o end. php. mur-.os phosph. rhod. sil. spig. spong. nux vom. oleand. phosph. phos- 8tann. staph. sulph. zinc. ac. rhod. rhus. ruta. sabin. samb. spig. staph. sulph. sulph-ac zinc., jerking, agn anac. ara. asa-, bruisedl, p7ain as if, AMM. bell. cale canth. caps. carb-a. asar. baryt. bry. calc. camph. cans. chin. graph. guaj. jodcaps. cllam. chin. coce. coff. cro- kreos. lach. lact. laur. magn-c. tall. cupr. dros. graph. grat. gucj. mang. mosch. mur-ac. natr. petrhep. ign. kal. lact. laur. led. phos-ac. plumb. rhab. rhus. silnmagnl-e. mac n-in. mang. men. stront. sulph. valer. veratr. zinc. magn-c. magn-nm. mang. men. mere. natr. nitr. NITR-ac. nux -, jerks, colch. EUPHR. magn-m. vom. phosph. phos-ac. PLAT. puls. phosph. sabad. rhus. RUTA. sabad. s'ibin. sep. sil. —, lameness, aeon. agar. ang. spig. squill. staph. stilph. tarax. arg-n. asa. aur. carb-v. caus. thiuj. valel. veratr. zinc. nmgt-arc. chain. chel. chin. cin. cocc. colch. c —, aries, SIL. dule. EUPHR. ferr. kal. laur. led. c, oldness, agar. mere. nitr-ac. lye. mez. mosch. nux vomr. puls. nux vom. oleand. rhod. mgt-aus. sabin. staph. stront. zinc., contraction, anac. carb-v. -, languor, aeon. agar. amm. cocC. IPEC. lye. nitr-ac. ruta. asar. bry. calc. camph. caus. sulph. sulph-ac. cham. chin. crotal. dulc. graph. —, contractive sensation, amm. guaj. hep. KAL. laur. natr. phoskreos. lach. nux vom. sabin. ac. rhab. rhod. squill. staph. spong. stPont. thuj. veratr.,he p. IPEC. lyec. merne. mu l-ac. pet., loose, flesh as if, crotal. led. hep. Irrc. lye. mere. mur-ac. petr. natr. sep. sulph. natr. crampy pain, agn. anac. ang. -, muscular twitchings, arg. nrg. am asar. aur. cale. cann. ama. asa. aur. carb-v. cans. crocaro-v. chin. cn. colh. con. cycl. tal. graph. jod. kal. lye. mez. dig. HEP. jod. IPEC. magn-m. natr-m. nux,oom. oleand. puls. men. MERC. mosch. natr. PETR. rhab. sep. veratr. phos-ac. plat. plumb. ran. rhus. -, nodes, amm. chin. IPEc. kal. ruta. samb. SEP. sulph. valer. magn-m. mere. nuT vom.. rhod. veratr. n$amb. 3t3 890 AFFECTIONS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. Thighs, numbness, aeon. agar. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. zinc. mgtcarb-v. EUPHR. ferr. GRAPH. are. mgt-aus. hep. men. op. plat. Thighs, subcutaneous ulcera-, paralysis, aeon, aur. chel. tion, pain as from, anac. cocc. sulph. -, sweat, mere. nux vom. thuj., pressure, aeon. agar. anac., swelling, bov. chin. ang. arn. aur. baryt. bell. cale. -, glandular, phos-ac. cann. caps. chin. cocc. dig. dros. -, tearing, drawing, agar. ammguaj. ign. lach. laur. led. lye. m. anac. ang ant. arq. asa. asar. men. mere. mosch. mur-ac. nitr- aur. baryt. bar-m. bell. bor. bry. ac. oleand. petr. phos-ac. prun. calc. camph. CANTH. caps. CARB-A. puls. ran-sc. rhus. ruta. sabin. carb-v. caus. CHIN. cic. cin. sass. sep. SIL. spig. spong. stann, clem. COCC. COLCH. coloc. con. sulph-ac. valer. veratr. cupr. dig. DULC. euphorb. eu-, pustules, lach. phr. GRAPH. grat. GUAJ. hep., rash, nux vomr. hyosc. jodl. KAL. kreos. lach., red stigmata, graph. LYC. MAGN-C. men. mere. MEZ. -, restlessness, anac. asa. caus. mur-ac. natr. NATR-M. NITR-AC. lye. magn-m. mez. phos-ac. staph. n-mosch. NUX VOM. oleand., when rising from a seat, arn. par. PnosPH. phos-ac. PLAT. cham. chin. cic. ferr. graph. plumb. prun. PULS. ran. ran-se. NITR-AC. N-JUGL nux vom. phos- rhod. Riius. SABIN. samb. SASS. ae. rhod. rhus. ruta. SEP. SIL. spig. spong. squill. shrivelling of the skin, rhod. STANN. staph. stram. STRONT. -, shuddering, catn. n.. SULPII. tart. valer. veratr. ZINC., gone to sleep, asar. canth. mgt-arc. mgt-aus. chel. cocc. colch. rhab. rhod., tension, acon. ambr. ang. -, sore, feeling as if, arn. ars. ant. asa. asar. aur. calc. carb-v. aur. bell. CAUS. chel. coqf. cro- chin. clem. coloc. euphorb. guaj. tal. jod. kal. led. LYe. mang. mez. hyose. kreos. lach. lye. magn-m. phosph. rhod. staph. SULPH. thuj. men. merc. natr-m. nitr-ac. nux zinc. vomi. oleand. petr. plat. prun., soreness in the bend, ars. puls. rhod. rhus. sabin. sep. spig. aur. CAUS. cqof. jod. phosph. spong. staph. rhod. SULPH., tetters, GRAPH. MERC. -, spots, amm. ant. cann. cycl. mur-ac. nitr-ac. graph. mur-ac. rhod. -, throbbing, asar. bell. bry. -, sprained, pain as if, amm. caus. coce. dig. lye. nitr-ac. eaps. euphorb. led. lye. rhod. phos-ac. ruta. spong. stann. stann. staph. veratr. -, stiffness, amrn. bell. bry. -, trembling, caus. coce. con. chamin. CIc. graph. laur. nitr-ac. plat. sep. puls. -, tumors, inerc. -:, stitching, agn. anac. ang. -, ulcerative pain, sep. ant. arn. asa. baryt. bell. bov. -, ulcers, crotal. kal. mere. SIL. BRY. CALC. caps. carb-a. carb- -, varicocele, CALC. zinc. v. caus. cliel. chin. cocc. coloc. -, weakness, acon. agar. amm. con. dig. dros. dulc. euphr. graph. aur. caus. con. croc. magn-m. grat. guaj. liyosc. jod. lach. mez. mosch. mur-ac. nitr-ac. plat. laur. led. lye. magn-c. magn-m. puls. ruta. stann. mang. men. mere. mez. mosch. Tibia, agar. anac. ang. ant. mur-ac. natr. nitr-ac. nux vom am. ars. ASA. aur. BELL. CALC. oleand. phosph. phos-ac. plumb. canth. caus. CON. crotal. dig. puls. rhod. rhus. sabad. sabin. dulc. GRAPH. ign. kal. LACH. laur. samb. sass. SEP. SIL. spig. LYC. magn-m. mang. MERC. spong. squill. stann. staphl. stront. MEZ. MUR-AC. natr. natr-m. nitr. TIBIA, TOES. 891 petr. PHOSPH. phos-ac. plumb. ang. ant. arg. arm. asa. bov. chin. prun. PULS. rhod. RHUS. SABIN. cin. coloc. dig. grat. kal. men. SEP. SIL. spong. thuj. ZINC. mere. mez. phosph. puls; rhus. Tibia, blow, pain as from a, sabin. samb. SEP. spig. staph. arn. caus. natr-m. prun. sep, stram. valer. zinc. -, bone-pain, ang. kal-bi. lye. Tibia, swelling, graph. LACH. magn-m. thuj. rhus. stann. sulph-ac. -, boring, anac. ars. euphr. -, tearing, drawing, agar. ambr. mere. natr. rhod. staph. amm. ANAC. ang. ant. ARS. bell. -, burning, agar. ang. arg. bry. cale. carb-a. caus. chin. cale. cann. caus. magn-c. natr. colch. con. cycl. dig. dule. euphr. nux vom. puls. rhus. stront. GRAPH. grat. ign. kal. laur. sulph-ac. veratr. zinc. magn-m. mang. MEsR. MEZ. mur-, bruised, pain as if, alum. ac. NATR. nitr. par. petr. phosph. asar. cale. carb-a. coff. con. PULs. rhod. rhus. sabin. sass. GRAPH. hyose. magn-c. magn-m. spong. staph. veratr. ZINC. mgtmang. mez. puls. sep. valer. aus. -, caries, LACH. SIL. -, tension, baryt. colch. coloc. -, coldness, feeling of, mosch. laur. sabin. spig. zinc. rhus. samb. —, ulcers, graph. lach. sabin. -, cramp, amm. calc. coloc. ferr., when walking, alum. anac. mere. mez. moseh. rhus. sass. aug. am. calc. carb-a. chin. con. -, cutting, calc. magn-c. cycl. dig. hyosc. ign. mez. petr. -, eruption, blisters, etc., arg. phosph. plumb. sabad. valer. bov. kal. rhus. zinc., erysipelas, puls. Toes, agar. amm. ARN. AsA. aur. hardness, rhus. bry. carb-a. carb-v. CAUS. chin., heaviness, dig. spong. cocc. colch. GRAPH. kal. led. lye. -., herpes, GRAPH. mere. nitr-ac. n-mosch. nux vom. -, itching, ant. asa. bism. calc. petr. phosph. phos-ac. plat. puls. coloc. grat. kal. lach. mang. rhab. rhus. SABIN. sep. sil. staph. mosch. phosph. plumb. sep. spig. SULPH, thlj. zinc. ngt-arc. stront. sulph-ac., arthritic pain, gout, ACON. -, jerking, arn. bry. coff. men. ambr. amm. arg-n. ARN. ARs. asa. mez. plumb. BRY. CALC. CocC. con. graph., lameness, baryt. cycl. mez. kal. led. SABIN. Sil. SULPII. thuj., languor, alum. dig. rhod. veratr. zinc. rhus. -, blotches, sulph. -, loose, flesh as if, canth. stann. -, bone-pain, mez. sep. -, nodes, kal. sulph-ac. -, boring, colch. mere. phos-ac. -, osseous tumors, mere. thuj. ran-sc. sabin. sil. spig. -, pressure, agar. agn. anac. —, bruised, pain as if, bry. ang. arn. asa. aur. bell. cale. sulph. carb-a. caus. chin. coloc. --—, burning, AGAR. ALUM. amrm. con. cycl. ign. men. mere. mez. ant. asa. bor. cale. carb-a. caus. natr. rhus. sabad. sabin. sil. con. dulc. hep. KAL. lach. laur. stann. staph. thuj. zinc. mgt-are. lyc. magn-c. mere. mez. mosch. mgt-aus. mur-ac. natr. nitr-ac. nux vom. --, pulsations, stann. oleand. par. phosph. phos-ac., rash, cale. plat. puls. ran-sc. rhus. ruta., going to sleep, samb. sabin. sep. staph. zinc., sore, pain as if, coff. mang. -, chilblains, amm. asar. bor. sep. bry. carb-a. carb-v. caus. chin., spots, ambr. ant. caus. lach. cocc. colch. kal. lye. NITR-AC. magn-c. phosph. sil. sulph-ac. n-jugl. n-mosch. NUX VOM. stitching, agar. alum. anac. petr. PnosPH. plus. rhab. rhus. 892 AFFECTIONS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITIES. staph. SULPH. THu. zinc. mgt- Toes, pinching, amm-m. sulphaus. ac. Toes, coldness, aeon. brom., pressure, arg. asa. bism. bor. mere. ran. SULPH. valer. bry. caus. colch. cupr. cycl., contraction, CALC. carb-v. graph. ign. kal. led. lyc. petr. chel. euphorb. ferr. graph. hyose. phosph. phos-ac. rhus. sass. sep. magn-m. mere. nitr. nux vom. staph. mgt-aus. sec. sulph. tart., pustules, cycl. -, contusive pain, am. daphn., redness, AGAR. alum. amm. mez. ruta. arn. bor. CARB-V. lye. mur-ac. -, corns, (see Chap. IL) nitr-ac. sabin. sep. staph. zinc. -, cracked skin, LACH., rhagades, LACH., cramp, arm. baryt. bar-m. -, scurfs, sil. calc. carb-a. ferr. ign. kal. LYe. -, sensitive, CALC. mere. nvux vom. petr. phos-ac. -, gone to sleep, as if, colch. plat. ruta. selen. sep. sulph. nux vom. mgt-aus., cralnpy pain, anac. crotal., soft, growing, led. hyosc. lach. mere. nux vom. -, sore, pain as if, agar. ARS. phos-ac. plat. rhus. ruta. sil. camph. carb-a. clem. coff. cycl. verb. GRAPH. kal-bi. LYe. mang., creeping, alum. amm. asa. mur-ac. NATR. natr-m. nitr-ac. caus. chin. colch. euphr. hep. kal. phos-ac. plat. ran. sep. zinc. iach. lact. magn-m. natr. nitr-ac. -, soreness, carb-a. coff. GRAPH. plat. plumb. puls. ran-sc. sep. mang. natr. nitr-ac. phos-ac. spig. staph. SULPH. zinc., spots, lach. natr. -, cutting, alum. ant. carb-a. -, sprained, pain as if, AMM. cin. kal. led. phos-ac. sep. sil. arn. mosch., dead, as if, cycl. sec., stiffness, ars. sil. SULPH. -, eruption, blisters, pimples, -, stitching, agar. agn. alum. bor. graph. lach. nitr-ac. petr. armbr. amm. amm-m. arn. asa. phos-ac. selen. sulph. baryt. bov. bry. calc. canth., heat, amm. bor. bry. carb-a. cap& carb-v. caus. chin. coff. lach. magn-m. nitr-ac. zinc. colch. con. croc. cyel. dros. dulc. -, herpes, alum. graph. hell. hep. jod. KAL. ]ach., horny skin, GRAPE. laur. led. lye. magn-c. magn-m. inflammation, carb-a. caus. mere. mez. mur-ac. natr-m. nitr. lach. nitr-ac. phosph. phos-ac. nitr-ac. oleand. par. petr. phosph. puls. sulph. teucer. thuj. phos-ac. plat. plumb. prun. puls., itching, AGAR. alum. ambr. ran. ran-sc. rhab. rhus. ruta. amm. amm-m. ant. ars. asa. bor. sabad. sabin. sep. sil. spig. stann. carb-a. clem. cycl. dros. graph. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. hep. kal. lact. mang. mere. mur- veratr. zinc. ac. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. NUX -, sweat, aceon. arn. clem. cycl. VOM. plat. pouls. ran-sc. rhab. sep. squill. tarax. rhus. sep. spig. spong. stann. -, swelling. amm. carb-a. CARBstaph. sulph. zinc. V. DAPHN. GRAPH. mere. -, jerking, agar. amm. asar. mur-ac. natr. nitr-ac. phos-ac. chin. cic. hell. mere. mez. natr. plat. sabin. SULPH. thuj. zinc. nitr. par. phosph. ran-sc sulph- —, tearing, drawing, etc., agar. ac. agn. alum. ambr. amm. amm-m. -, jerks, anac. puls. rhus. stann. anac. ant. arg. arn. asar. aur. lameness, aur. baryt. bism. calc. camph. canth., numbness, arn. chel. crotal. carb-a. carb-v. caus. chin. cic. cycl. lach. PLUMB. PUis. cocc. colch. con. cycl. dros. dulc., phagedaenic blisters, ARS. graph. hep. jod. kal. laur. led. GRAPH. nitr-ac. PETR. sulph. lyc. magn-c. MA.N-M. mere. mez. TOES, TOE-JOINTS. 893 mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr. par. Toes, warty excreseence, spiy. petr. phosph. phos-ac. plat.plumb., weariness, crotal. puls. rhus. ruta. sabin. SASS. Sep. —, wind, sense as of, cupr. valer. sil. spig. stann. stront. sulph. Toe-joints, ern. aur. cale. THUJ. valer. verb. zinc. mgt-aus. caus. cham. chin. con. ferr. kal. Toes, tension, oleand. plat. prun. led. lye. nux vom. rhus. sabin. —, throbbing, am. asa. con. sep. sil. sulph. zinc. dule. mur-ac. nux vom. oleand. -, bruised, pain as if, aur. phos-ac. plat. rhus. zinc., burning, con. when treading, bor. ]act. -, cracking, ant. rhab. led. n-moseh. sil. (comp. Walk- —, coldness, natr-m. ing.), jerking, ehin. -, turning over, carb-a. LyC., redness, natr-m., ulcerative pain, amm. carb-a. -, sprained, pain as if, aur. carb-v. caus. con. natr. phos-ac. carb-a. kal. petr. sil. zinc. sil. valer. zinc. —, stinging, natr-m. sil. zinc. -, ulcers, ARS. GRAPH. PETR. -, swelling, led. -, when walking, alum. amm., tearing and drawing, aur. amm-m. arn. ARS. asa. bry. chin. con. natr-m. sabin. stront. camph. carb-a. CAUS. con. cyel. sulph. teuer. zinc. dros. graph. hep. hyosc. kal]. led. —, ulcerative pain, natr-m. LYC. magn-e. magn-m. mez. natr. -, when walking aur. earb-a. nitr-ac. phosph. plat. ran. rhus, kal. natr-m, sabin. si]. ther. mgt-aus IN D E X TO T' HE REPERTORY. [Symptoms which are not found recorded among the symptoms of particular Organs, will be found in the general alphabetical order of the Index. Names with adjectives have been arranged with reference to the adjective; for example: to find "black tongue," look for " black," not " tongue;" with very few, if any, exceptions.] PAGE PAGE Abdominal Organs, affections Colic with blue nails,. 770 of the,....770 Colic from chagrin,. 771 Alive in abdomen, sense as Colic in children,.. 771 if,. 770 Colic caused by coffee,. 771 Ball rising in abdomen, sense Colic with constipation,.'772 as of a,,. 770 Colic with convulsions,. 772 Bloating of the bowels. 770 Colic with cough,. 772 Boring.770 Colic with cramp in the Bounding,.... 770 calves,.. 772 Brown spots on abdomen. 770 Colic with crying,.. 772 Bruised in bowels, sensation Colic caused by a deranged as if,... 70 stomach,... 772 Buboes (see Inguinal Glands). Colic with diarrhcea,. 772 Burning in bowels,.. 771,, difficult breathing, 773 Chilliness in bowels,.. 771 Colic caused by a draught Cold feeling in abdomen,. 771 of air,.73 Cold, bowels are liable to Colic when drawing breath, 773 taking,... 771 Colic after drinking,.. 773 Compression in abdomen,. 772 Colic with drowsiness,. 773 Constriction in abdomen,. 772 Colic with eructations,. 773 Contraction of abdomen,. 772,, when expelling the air Cramp pains in bowels,. 772 from the lungs,.. 773 Creeping in abdomen,.. 772 Colic with pale face,. 7. 73 Colic,.. 771,, fainting weakness, 773 Colic caused by brandy,. 770 Colic caused by eating fat,. 773 Colic after breakfast,.. 770 Colic after flatulent food,. 775 Colic when drawing breath, 770., with flow of urine,. 775 Colic relieved by bending Colic, hsemorrhoidal,.. 775 double,... 770 Colic with headache,..75 Colic as if beside one's-self, 770 Colic with heat of the body, 775 896 INDEX TO TIlE REPERTORY. PAGIC PAGE Abdomen, affections of the, Colic when walking.. 780 Colic in hypochondriac per- Colic relieved by warmth,. 780 sons, -. 775 Colic with water brash,. 780 Colic of hysteric persons,. 775 Colic from drinking water, 781 Colic with ill-humor,. 775 Colic with whining mood,. 781 Colic with lame legs, - 776 Colic from worms,..781 Colic when laughing,. 776 Colic, lead,... 781 Colic with leucorrhcea,. 776 Colic with yellow hands,. 781 Colic in lying-in-women,. 776 Colic when yawning,. 781 Colic with margins around ])igging in abdomen,.. 773 the eyes,... 777 Distensive feeling in abdoColic, menstrual,. 777 men, 773 Colic caused by milk,. 777 Dropsy of the bowels,. 773 Colic during motion,.. 777 Effusion of blood in periColic with nausea,.. 777 toneum,... 773 Colic at night,.. 777 Empty feeling in abdomen, 773 Colic with obscured sight,. 777 Epigastrium,... 773 Colic caused by potatoes,. 778 Erysipelas of the abdomen, 773 Colic it, pregnant women,. 778 Falling down, sense as of,. 773 Colic when pressing on the Fermenting in bowels.. 773 abdomen,.. 778 Flatulence, complaints from, 773 Colic with pain in bladder, 777 Fulness in bowels, feeling Colic with pains in chest,. 777 of, 775,, alternating with pain Gnawing in bowels,.. 775 in eyes,.. 777 Griping in abdomen,.. 775 with pain in legs,. 777 Grown fast, sense as if the Colic with red cheeks,. 778 bowels and navel had, 775,, with red spots on ab- Hard body in abdomen, as domen,.. 778 if a,.. 775 Colic relieved by rest,. 778 Hardness of abdomen,. 775 Colic with retention of urine, 778 Heat in abdomen,.. 775 Colic when riding in a car- Hernia, 775 riage,.. 778 Heavy feeling in abdomen, 775 Colic with shuddering,. 779 Hypoastrium, 775 Colic with sighing,. 779 IleIs (see Intussusception),,, when singing,. 779 Indurations in abdomen,. 775,, when sitting,. 779 Inflammation of peritonecrooked, 179 m m,..776 relieved,, 779 Inflammation of bowels,. 776 when smoking. 779 Inguinal glands,.. 776 when sneezing,. 779 Inguinal ring and region, 776 Colic caused by sour food. 779 Injuries of the abdomen,. 776 Colic when stooping,.. 779 Insensibility of abdomen,.776,, relieved,. 779 Intussusception,.. 776 by straining,... 780 Integuments, abdominal,. 776 with sweat,.. 780 Itching of the abdom. inwith stretching,.. 780 teguments,... 776 by sweets,... 780 Jerkilg in abdomen,.. 776 Colic with thirst,. 780 Large abdomen,. 776 Colic with tossing about,. 780 Lumbar region,.. - 776 with trembling, 780 Lump in abdomen, as if a, 776 Colic with urging to stool, 780 Lying, when... 776 Colic with urging to urinate, 780 Malaise in abdomen,. 777 Colic with vertigo,. 780 Mesenteric glands,.. 777 Colic with vomiting,.. 780 Miserere, (see Intussusception.) INDEX TO THE REPERTORY. 897 PAGE PAGE Movements in abdomen,. 777 Torpor in bowels,. 780 Neuralgia of ccecum,.777 Tremor in abdomen,. 780 Noises in bowels,. 777 Tubercles in abdomen,. 780 Numb feeling in abdomen,. 777 Tumour in pelvis, osseous, 780 Oppressed feeling in abdo- Tympanitis (see Bloat, men.777 Swelling), Pain in abdomen, with an- Ulceration of bowels, (see guish,...770 Phthisis.) Pain in abdomen, with Ulcers in the bowels,. 780 back-ache,..'770 Umbilical region,..780 Pain in abdomen, contract- Undulating sensation in ive,... 772 bowels,.. 780 Pain in bowels, cutting,. 772 Venous congestion,. 780 Pain in bowels, drawing,. 773 Water in bowels, as if,. 781 Pain in bowels, as if flying Weak feeling in abdomen,. 781 to pieces,.. 775 Writhing in bowels,.. 781 Pain in abdomen, labor-like, 776 Yellow spots on abdomen,. 781 Pain in abdomen, relieved Abscesses.. 577 bylacing,..'776 Abscess in liver,.. 767 Pain in bowels, ulcerative, 780 Absent-minded,. 660 Pain in bowels, violent,. 780 Acids, ill effects of,. 577 Painfulness of bowels to Acne,. 577, 615 contact,... 772 Adiposis,. 577 Peritoneum,.. 777 Afternoon-complaints,. 577 Phthisis,. 777 After-taste of food,..742 Pressing downwards in ab- Aggravation (see Worse), domen,... 778 Airs, high,..660 Pressure in abdomen,.. 778 Alienation, mental,. 660 Pustules at groin,.. 778 Almonds, bitter (see Prussic Acid.) Pinching in abdomen,. 778 Alone, disposed to be,.. 661 Relaxed feeling in abdomen, 778 Amorous mood,. 661 Restlessness in abdomen,. 778 Amorous paroxysms,. 800 Retraction of abdomen and AnDemia,. 578 umbilicus,.. 778 Anasarca,..615 Rush of blood to bowels,. 778 Ankles, symptoms of the,. 873 Scarlet redness of abdomen, 778 Aneurisms,..578 sensitiveness of abdomen,. 779 Anguish,. 661 Shaking of the bowels,. 779 Anguish accompanied by,. 661 Shocks in abdomen,. 79 Anguish occurring,.. 662 Sides of abdomen,.. 779 Anthrophobia,.. 661 Softening of the mucous Anus, rectum, perineum, sympmembrane of the bowels, 779 toms of,... 781 Sore, pain in bowels as if,. 779 Boil at perineum,. ~ 781 Sprasms in bowels,.. 779 Burning at anus,.. 781 Spots on the abdom. inte- Constriction of anus,.. 782 guments,... 779 Contractive pain in anus,. 782 Stitching in abdomen,. 779 Cramp-pain in rectum,. 782 Swelling of abdomen,. 780 Cutting in anus,.. 782 Tearing in the abdomen,. 780 Dampness at anus,..782 Tension of abdomen,. 780 Diarrhoea,...782 Throbbing in bowels,. 780 Drawing in anus,.. 784 Tingling in bowels,. ~ 780 Dysentery,.. 74 Torn off, sense as if some. Eruption at anus,.. 784 thing in the bowels Figwarts at anus,. 794 could be,. 780 Fistulous ulcer at rectum. 784 38 * 898 INDEX TO THE REPERTORY. PAGE PAGE Anus, gnawing at,. 784 Baker's-itch,. 615 Hremorrhoids,. 784 Balannorrhea,... 800 Heat in rectum, feeling of,. 785 Band, sense as of a,..80 Herpes at anus.. 785 Barking,. 663 Itching of anus,. 785 Bed-sores (see Injuries), Painfulness of rectum,. 785 Beside one's-self,.. 663 Paralysis of sphincter ani,. 785 Bilious complaints,. 580 Pinching in rectum,.. 785 Biting mania,. 663 Pin-worms (see Worms), Biting in the skin,. 615 Plug in bowels, sense as of a, 785 Bites (see Injuries), Pressure at anus,. 785 Black rectum,... 781 Prolapsus of rectum,. 785 Black skin... 615 Retraction of anus,. 785 Bladder, affections of the,. 791 Rhagades in anus,. 785 Catarrh of bladder,.. 791 Rush of blood to anus,. 785 Closed, bladder as if,.. 791 Smarting at anus,. 785 Constriction of bladder.. 791 Soreness of anus,. 785 Cramp-pains in bladder. 791 Spasm in anus,.. 786 Cystitis (see Inflammation), Stinging in anus,. 786 HIemorrhoids of the bladSweat at perinneum,. 790 der,.. 794 Swelling at anus,.. 790 Inflammation of bladder,. 94 Tearing at anus,.. 790 Neck of the,... 794 Tenesmus of anus,. 790 Painfulness to contact in Tension at anus,.. 790 region of bladder,. 791 Throbbing in anus,. 790 Paralysis of bladder,.. 794 Titillation in anus,. 790 Polypi of bladder,.. 795 Torn out, sensation as if the Relaxation of bladder,. 795 anus were,.. 790 Spasm of bladder,.. 796 Torpor of rectum,. 790 Suppuration of bladder,. 797 Ulcer at anus,.. 790 Tenesmus of bladder,. 797 Ulcerative pain at anus,. 790 Thickening of the bladder, 797 Anxiety,.. 661-662 Throbbing in bladder, 797 Apathy (see Indifference), Ulcer in bladder,. 797 Aphtbse, 578-732 Weakness of the bladder, 799 Apoplexy,... 578 Worm in bladder, feeling as Apparent death,.. 578 of a,... 799 Appetite,. 742 Blistersin mouth,. 732 Apprehensive,. 662 Bland persons, ailments of,. 580 Arms, symptoms of the,. 858 Blennorrhea, see discharges, Arms, symptoms of the upper, 871 Blood between the stools,. 781 Arrogance (see Pride), Blood, quality of the,. 580 Arthritis (see Gout), Blood-vessels, diseases of the, Arthrocase, (see Hip and Knee.. 580, 615 " Joints,") ulceration of Blood-spitting,... 732 the,... 579 Bloody blisters,... 581 Articular affections,. 578 Blotches,..581 Ascarides (see Worms), Boils,.... 616 Atrophy of scrofulous child- Bold manners,. 663 ren,.. 580 Bones, affections and pains of Aversion to females,. 8(00 the,.. 581 Aversion to others,. 663 Bones of the arms, symptoms Aversion to food,.. 742 of the,.... 869 Awkwardness,. 580-663 Boring in rectum,. 781 Axilla, affections of the, 850-851 Brooding mood,. 663 Back-ache,.... 850 Breakfast, ailments before,. 582 INDEX TO THE REPERTORY. 899 PAGE PAGE Breakfast, ailments after,. 582 Painfulness of the mammre, 849 Buboes, (see Inguinal Glands, Pimples on the chest,. 849 swelling of the), Pressure in outer chest,. 849 Burns (see Injuries), Pustules on the chest,.. 849 Burning in the skin,.. 616 Rash on the chest,. 849 Bullse,.. 616 Red spots on the chest,. 849 Cachexia, mercurial,. 596 Rhagades of mammee,.. 849 Cancer (see Scirrhus),.. Rheumatic pains in outer Cancer of the skin,.. 616 chest,. 849 Calumniate, mania to,.. 663 Scurfs on the nipples,.. 849 Callosities,. 616 Sensitiveness of chest, mamCalves, symptoms of the,. 874 mue,. 849 Carbuncles,.. 616 Shivering over the mammse, 849 Caries of palate,. 732 Sore nipples,.. 849 Catalepsy (see Spasms,) Spasm of the muscles of the Catarrh (see Coryza), chest,.849 Catarrhal ailments,. 818 Spots on the chest,. 849 Catarrhal affections,. 818 Sprained, pain in outer chest Cellar air, ailments caused by, 583 as if,. 849 Censorious mood,.. 663 Stitching in outer chest,. 849 Chapped skin (see Rhagades), Sweat on the chest,.. 849 Chagrin, ill effects of,. 583 Swelling of the mammie,. 849 Cheerful,..663 Tearing in outer chest,. 849 Chest, affections of the, Tension in outer chest,. 849 827, 835, 841 Ulceration of mammee,. 849 " affections of the external, Vesicles on chest,. 849 848 Yellow spots on the chest,. 849 Abscess of the mamnirlt, 848 Chest, affections of the organs Atrophy of the mnlammt, 848 in the,.... 841 Bleeding of nipples,. 848 Adhering, sensation as if the Boils on chest,.. 848 pleura were,. 841 Brown spots on the chest, 848 Alive, in the chest, as if,. 841 Pain as if the muscles of the Anxiety in the chest,.. 841 chest were bruised,. 848 Asthma,. 835 Burning in the mammnfe,. 848 Beats of the heart,. 841 Cancer of the malnmme,. 848 Boring in the chest,.. 841 Caries of the sternum,. 848 Bounding in the chest,. 841 Constant painfulness of the Breath and breathing,. 836 outer chest, &c.. 848 shortness of,... 839 Crampy pain at chest, 848 stoppage of,... 839 Creeping in external chest, 848 want of,.. 840 Eruption on chest,. 848 Bruised, sense as if the chest Erysipelas of the mammae, 848 were.. 841 Fistulous ulcers of the mam- Burning in chest,. 842 inte,.. 848 Cold feeling in the chest,. 842 Hepatic spots on chest, 848 Constriction of the chest,. 842 Herpes of chest,. 848 Consumption (see Phthisis), Indurations in the mammre, 848 Cough,... 827 Inflammation of the mam- accompanied by,.. 828 me,... 848 occurring,. 830 Itching of outer chest,. 848 Cracking in the chest,. 842 Lactation (see Milk), Cramp in the chest,.. 842 Milk, disorders of the,. 848 Creeping in the chest,.. 842 Muscular twitchings of the Cutting in the chest,. 842 outer chest,.. 849 Digging in chest,. 842 900 INDEX TO THE REPERTTRY.. PAGE PAGE Chest distended, sensation Pains in the chest, as if,.. 842 jerking,... 842 Drawing in ehest,.. 842 when laughing,. 838 Dyspncea,... 837 with red lips,.. 838 Empty feeling in chest,.. 842 as from a load on the Expectoration,... 832 chest,... 838 Fulness in chest,,..842 when lying,.. 838 HIemopte, (see Expeetoratioa. with melancholy,.. 838 Bloody), in the morning,. 838 Gnawing in chest,..- 842 caused by mortification, 838 Griping in chest,. 842 during motion,.. 838 Hmmorrhage from lungs... 842 when moving the arm, 838 Heart, affections of the,.. 843 caused by mucus,. 838 Heat in the chest,. 843 with nausea,.. 838 Hydrothorax,. 843 at night,.. 838 Light feeling in chest,. 843 nightly,... 844 Lump in chest, sense as of a, 843 with dry nose,. 838 Oppression,..839 with pain in the back, 839 Oppression in region of heart 843 with pain in hypochonPalpitation of the heart,. 843 dria,.. 839 Pains in the chest,. 839 with pain in the pit of caused by cold air;.,.. 842 stomach,.. 839 with cardialgia,. 837 with pain in scapula,. 839 after catarrh, 837 " in the side,. 839 from chagrin,.. 837 " in small of back, 839 in children,.. 837 " in spleen,. 839 from coffee,.. 837 " in stomach, 839 after a cold,.. 837, 842 in old people,. 839 worse in cold air,.. 837 caused by pressure of the with cold feeling,.. 837 clothes,. 839 with colic,... 837 with dilated pupils,. 839 by copper-vapors,.. 837 when raising the arm,. 839 when taking a cold drink, 837 with red face,.. 839 with cough,.. 837 during rest,... 839 with debility,.. 837 rheumatic,.. 846 with dizziness,.. 837 when running,. 839 from drinkirg,.. 837 caused by rush of blood, 839 as from dust,. 837 with sadness,. 839 when eating,. 837 with sighing,.. 839 relieved by eating,. 838 caused by singing,. 839 caused by emotions,. 838 when sitting,.. 839 in the evening,. 838, 842 from sneezing,. 839 from bodily exertions, 838 when standing,.. 839 with expectoration,. 838 in stone-cutters,. 839 as from feather-dust in the after straining by lifting, 840 throat,. 838 as from vapor of sulphur, 840 caused by incarcerated flat-. when swallowing,. 840 ulence,... 838 with sweat,.. 840 as if flying to pieces,. 842 by talking,. 840 with the heat of body, 838 when touching the throat, 840 at the heart,. 844 when turning the neck, 840 with bilious cough,. 838 ulcerative,.. 847 with hot face,. 838 when going up stairs,. 840 in hysteric women,. 838 when walking fast,. 840 INDEX TO THE REPERTORY. 901 PAGE PAGE Pains in the chest, with Uneasy feeling in chest after whizzing in the ears,. 840 eating,.. 842 worse in the air,. 835 Weak feeling in the chest, 847 worse in the open air, 841 Weight in chest, feeling of a, 847 worse when ascending Whooping-cough,.. 83i eminence,. 841 Child-bed complaints,. 583 worse by taking a long Children, complaints of,. 583 breath,. 842 Chilblains,. 616 worse by making an ex- Chill,. 645 ertion,... 842 Chill accompanied by,. 645 worse by leaning with Chill, occurring,... 647 the back against any- Chill succeeded by,.. 648 thing,.. 843 Chilliness,. 648 worse by lifting, 843 Chilly feeling,.. 648 worse when lying,. 843 Chlorosis,.583 early in the morning, 843 Chlorosis (see Pale Skin), worse by motion,. 843 Cholera,.... 583 worse when raising the Choleric affections,.. 684 arm,... 846 Cholerine,. 584 one's self,... 846 Chorea (see St. Vitus's Dance), worse when sitting,. 846 Cicatrices,. 616 worse when stooping, 847 Clavicles, affections of the,. 852 worse when talking,. 847 Cloudiness,. 673 worse by walking,. 847 Clutching (see Griping), in a warm room,. 847 Cold, ill effects of taking,. 584 when yawning,.. 847 Cold, from various causes, takPainfulness of the chest,. 844 ing,... 584 Paralysis of the lungs,. 844 Cold temperament,. 663 Phthisis pulmonalis,.. 585 Coldness of the limbs (see also Plenritis,.. 484 Fevers),.586 Plug in chest, sense as of a, 458 Coldness in general,.. 648 Pneumonia, 845 Coldness accompanied by,.649 Pressure in chest,. 845 Cold skin,. 616 Purring in region of heart, 846 Cornedones (see Acne,) Restlessness in chest,. 846 Company, dread of,.. 663 Rush of blood to the Compression,... 585 chest,.. 846 Concussion, ailments from,. 585 Sensitiveness of tilhe chest, 866 Condyloinata (see Figwarts), Shocks in the chest,.. 846 Confidence in one's-self, want Sore in chest,. 846 of,.. 663 Spasms in chest,. 846 Confounding objects and ideas, 663 Stitching in chest,.. 846 Confused state of the head,. 673 Suffocative paroxysms,. 840 Congestions,.... 585 Swollen, sense as if the chest Congelation, consequences of, 585 were,.. 847 Consciousness, loss of,.. 672 Tearing in the chest,.. 847 Constipation,.. 781 Tension in the chest,.. 847 Constitutions, feeble,. 590 Throbbing in the chest,. 847 Constitutions, lymphatic,. 596 Torn off in the chest, sense as Constriction,.. 585 if,. 847 Consumption (see EmaciaTrembling in the chest,. 847 tion, Atrophy, Marasmus, Undulating feeling in the Phthisis, Pulmonalis). chest,... 847 Pains in the chest, Uneasy feeling in chest when in a warm room,.. 840 drinking,. 842 with weeping,. 840 902 INDEX TO THE REPERTORY. ~PAGE PAGE Contemptuous mood,.. 663 Derangements caused by fruit, 751 Contraction (see also Constric- when heated,... 756 tion),.. 585 heavy food,... 756 Contractions,.. 585 ice,... 751 Contraction of the skin,.. 630 lemonade,. 751 Contradict, disposed to,.. 663 meat,. 752-756 Convulsions (see Spasms, mental effort,.. 56 Clonic), mercury,... 756 Corns,...616 milk,. 752-756 Coryza,.. 820 mother's milk,. 752 Costiveness (see Constipation), at night,. 758 Coryza, ill effects of sup- onions,.. 752 pressed.. 586 oysters,.. 752 Cowardly disposition,.. 663 pepper,... 752 Cramp,.. 586 pork,... 752 Crawling (see Creeping), potatoes,. 752 Creeping,..617 pregnant women,. 758 Cruelty,.... 663 riding in a carriage,. 759 Cunning,.. 663 salt,.... 752 Cutaneous affections,. 613 smoking, 752-759 Cutting,. 586 sour food, 752-759 Cyanosis,... 586-617 spirits,.. 753 Cyphering,making mistakes in, 67 3 sweets,. 753-759 Damp (see Wet Weather), tea,.. 753 Damp skin,.. 617 water,. 753 Dancing,.. 663 wine,.. 753 Dark-complexioned persons, veal,.. 753 ailments of,.. 586 wine,... 761 Deadness of single parts, 586 worms,.. 761 Debility, 586 vinegar,.... 753 Delirium,..674 on waking,. 761 Delirium tremens,. 663 walking in the air,. 761 Derangements caused by beer, 747 Deriding mood,. 663 bile,..753 Desire for dainties and other brandy,.. 748 things,.... 743 bread,.. 748 Desire for one thing or anbreakfast,... 753 other,. 663 butter,.. 748 Despondency,. 663 chamomile,.. 753 Desquamation of scalp (see in children,. 1. 3 Scales), chocolate,... 748 Diabetes,.... 791 coffee,... 748-753 Digging,.. 586 a cold,..754 Dingy colour of the skin,. 617 drinking,. 748-754 Digestion, weak,.. 748 drunkards,.. 754 Discharge, catarrhal,. 820 eating,.. -748-749-754 Discharges, morbid,. 586 early in the morning,. 754 Disconsolate,.. 663 eggs,.. 751-754 Dislocations (see Sprains), after emotion,.. 754 Discouraged,.. 663 in the evening,.. 754 Disputative,.. 664 fat,. 751-754 Dislocations (see Sprains), fish,... 751 Dizziness,... 674 flour,. 751 Domineer, desire to,. 664 after loss of fluids,.. 754 Doubtful,. 664 food,.. 751 Drawing in scalp,. 696 INDEX TO THE REPERTORY. 903PAGE PAGE Dreams,. 636 Hearing, sensitive,.. 712 Dribbling of urine (see Emis- Heat of the ears,.. 12 sion), Herpes on the lobules,. 712 Dropsical affections,. 588 Hissing in ears,... 712 Drowsiness,. 638 Humming in ears,. 712 Dry nose,.... 821 Inflammation of inner ears, 712 Dry palate,....733 Insensibility of the ears,. 712 Dry skin,....617 Itching in the ears,.. 712 Dulness,.... 674 Jerking pain in the ears,. 712 Dysuria,.... 792 Menstrual suppression, afEars, symptoms of the,. 710 fections of the ears Behind ears, affections,. 710 after.712 Blowing the nose, affections Mercury, affections of the of the ears when,. 710 ears after,... 712 Boring the ears,.. 710 Music, averse to,... 712 Burning in the ears,.. 710 Otalgia,.... 712 Cries of the auricula,.. 710 Plug in the ears, sense as of Catarrhal complaints,. 710 a,.... 712 Cerumen, affections of the, 710 Polypus in ears,.'712 Change of weather, sore Pulsations in ears,. 712 ears during,. 710 Pain in ears, pressing out,. 712 Cinchona, hard hearing,, rheumatic,. 712 after the abuse of,. 710 Pressure in the ears,.. 712 Closing of the ears,.. 710 Redness of the ears,.. 712 Deafness after a cold,.. 710 Reports in ears,... 712 Coldness of the ears,.. 710 Relieved by riding, ears. 712 Cracking in the ears, during Ringing in ears,.. 712 mastication,.. 710 Roaring in ears,.. 712 Creeping in the ears,.. 710 Rush of blood to ears,. 713 Dampness in the ears,. 710 Scrofulous persons,affections Deafness,.... 711 of the ears in,.. 713 after intermittent fever,. 712 Scurfs behind the ears,. 713 from enlargement of the Sensitive hearing,. 713 tonsils,... 114 Shocks in ears,... 713 Discharges from the ears,. 711 Jerks (see Shocks), Dragging in the ears,.. 711 Soreness behind the ears,. 713 Drawing in ears (see Tearing), Speech appears indistinct,. 713 Dryness of the ears,.. 711 Steatoma at lobule,.. 713 Echo in the ears,.. 711 Stinging in ears,.. 713 Eruption on the ears,.. 711 Stoppage of the ears,. 713 Erysipelas of the ears,. 711 Sulphur, affections of the Exanthems, sequelse of, in ears after abuse of,. 713 the ears,... 711 Suppressed eruptions, affecFetor of the ears,.. 711 tions of the ears after,.'713 Fluttering in the ears,. 711 Suppuration of the ears,. 713 Foreign body in the ear, as Swelling of the auricula,. 713 if,.... 711 Tearing in the ears,..713 Full-moon, affection of the Tension in the ears,.. 713 ears during,.. 711 Throbbing in the ears,. 713 Fungous excrescences in the Thundering in the ears,. 713 ears,..711 Tingling in the ears,.. 713 Glands behind the ears, in- Tumors in front of the ears, 714 flamed,... 711 Tympanum relaxed,.. 714 Hard hearing,... 711 Typhus, affections of the Hard-hearing occurring,. 712 ears after,... 714 904 INDEX TO THE REPERTORY. pAGOE PAGO Ears, ulceration of the,. 714 Eyes, ball in the, sense as of Voices one hears,.. 714 -a,... 700 Water in the ear, sense as Band round the eyes, as of,... 714 if a, 700 Wind rushing out of the Beating,. 700 ear.714 Big, the eyes feel,. 770 Worm in the ear, sense as Biting in the eyes,. 700 of a,.714 Black appearance before Writing, pain in the ear the eyes,. 700 when,.7. 14 Blear-eyed,.. 700 Eating, ailments after,.. 558 Blennorrhcea from the eyes, 700..." before,. 589 Blindness,.. 700 t.." during,. 589 Blood-color, objects have a, 700 Ecchymosis,. 617 Blood exudes from the eyes, 700 Eclampsia, (see Spasms.) Blood-vessels, swelling of Erzemo,. 617 the,... 700 Elbow, and elbow-joints, 860 Bloody spots on the eye,. 700 Elephantiasis, (see Lepra.) Blue, things look,.. 7e0 Emaciation,.589 Blurred, letters look,. 700 Embarrassed in company,. 664 Bone-pain in the eyes,. 700 Emission of urine,... 792 Bony swelling of the eyes, 700 Emotions, ailments arising Borders of the lids,..700 from,..589 Boring in the eyes,. 700 Enlarged, sense as if,. 589 Bruised, eyes feel as if,. 700 Enlarged, sense as if the head Burning in the eyes,. 700 were,. 696 Cancer of the eyes,. 700 Ennui,.664 Canthi, 700 Enuresis,..793 Cataract,.. 700 Envy,.. 664 Catarrhal affections,. 700 Epilepsy, (see Spasms.) Closing the eyes,. 700 Eructations,.754 Cobwebs (see Gauze.) " accompanied by,.. 755 Cold, eyes affected by a,. 700 " occurring,... 755 Cold air upon the eyes, efEruption, 617 fects of,. 701 Eruption, suppression of,. 590 Cold feeling in the eyes,. 701 Erysipelas.619 Relieved by cold, eyes,. 701 Erythema,(see Skin, Redness of the) Cold water, eyes affected by, 701 Erysipelas of head,.. 696 Colored appearances before Escape, desire to,.. 664 the eyes,.. 701 Exultation,(see Irritated Mind.) Condy]omata of eyes,. 701 Exanthems,..619 Congestion of eyes,.. 701 Excesses, ailments from,. 590 Conjunctiva,.. 701 Excrescences,. 619 Cornea,. 701 Express himself, unable to, Crystalline lens, pressure in, 701 (see Weakness of Mind.) Cutting,. 701 Extremities, symptoms of the Dark spots,. 701 lower,.875 Dazzled by light,.. 702 Eyes, symptoms of the,. 699 Digging,.... 702 Affected, the eyes feel,. 699 Diminished space between Amaurosis,. 699 the lids,.7. 702 Appearances before the Dimness.702 eyes (see the Particular Dim sight,.... 702 Appearances), 700 Diplopia,. 702 Arthritic affections of the Discharge from eyes,. 702 eye,.. 700 Distant, objects look,. 702 INDEX TO TIHE REPERTORY. 905 PAGE PAGE Eyes, distortion of the,. 702 Eyes, lachrymation of the,. 704 Dry feeling in eyes,. 702 Large, sense as if too,. 704 Dryness,... 702 Lids, affections of the,. 704 Dust in the eyes, sense as of, 702 Lie down, pains in eyes obEating, pain in eyes after,. 702 liging one to,.. 705 Ecchymosed, eyes as if,. 702 Light, pain in eyes caused 705 Eruption about the eyes,. 702 Y,..705 Erysipelas of lids,.. 702 Bright colors, pains in eyes Eversion of the lids, 702 caused by looking at,. 705 Exanthems, affection of the Looking sideways,.. 706 eyes after,..703 Looking down, pains in eyes Exerting the eyes, weakness relieved by,.. 706 from, 703 Looking up, pain in eyes mind,..703 when, 706 Eyebrows, 703 Lower lids,.. 706 Eye-gum,.. 703 Luminous spots and colors,. 706 Far-sighted,...'703 Meibomeian glands,.. 706 Feathers before the eyes,. 703 Menstrual derangement sore Feeble sight,.. 703 eyes with,.. 706 Fiery appearances before Mercury, sore eyes caused by the eyes,... 703 abuse of,.. 706 Fiery glare inconveniences Morning, sore eyes in the,. 706 the eyes,... 703 Moving the eyes, soreness Fine sewing, eyes made when,.706 worse,.. 703 Muscar volitantes,..706 Fistula lachrymalis,,. 703 Nervous pains in the eyes,. 706 Foreign body in the eye,. 703 Nyctalopia,... 706 Fungus h.ematodes of the Obscurationof sight,. 706 eye,'703 Onanism, weak eyes caused medullaris,.. 703 by,. 706 Gauze before the eyes,. 703 Ophthalmia,... 706 Glaucoma,... 703 Orbit,.. 707 Gonorrhcea, soreness fromn Pale, things look,.. 707 suppressed,.. 703 Pellicle over the eyes, as if Gray, things appear,. 703 a.707 Greasy, eyes feel as if,. 703 Photomania,. 707 Green, objects look,.. 703 Photophobia,.. 707 H}emorrhage,.. 703 Pinching,.... 707 Hair in the eye, as if a,. 703 Pressing asunder,.. 707 Half-sighted,... 703 Pressure in eyes,.. 707 Halo,... 703 Protrusion of the eves,. 707 Heat in the eyes,. 704 Pterygian, 707 Heavy feeling in the Pulmonary patient, weak eyes,.... 704 eyes in,... 07 Hemeralopia,... 704 Pupils contracted, 707 Herpes around the eyes,. 704 Pustules on the eyes,,. 707 Hypopyon,'704 Reading, weak eyes, by,. 707 Inflammation of eyes, (see Red as blood, eyes look,. 708 Ophthalmia). Red spots on the sclerotica, 708 after injuries,... 704 Red, things look,.'708 Inverted, objects appear,. 704 Redness of eyes,.. 708 Iris, affections of the,.. 704 Reticulated cataract,.. 708 Itching,.. 704 Rheumatic affections,. 708 Lachrymal gland, affections Sand in the eye, as if,. 708 of the,.... 704 Scintillations, (see Fiery.) ot906 INDEX TO THEE REPERTORY. PAGE PAGE Eyes, Scorbutic affections of,. 708 Eyes, wind blowing upon the, Scraping in eyes,.. 708 sense as of,. 709 Scrofulous affections,. 7. 708 Wind, sore eyes caused by, 709 Scurfs around the eyes, 708 Winking,. 709 S.eat, pain in eyes on ris- Wipe the eyes, constant ing from a,... 708 desire to,... 709 Semilateral pain in one eye, 708 Writing, sore eyes when,. 709 Shadows before the eyes,. 708 Yellow, objects look,. 709 Shaking the head, pain in " spots before the eyes,. 710 eyes when,... 708 Yellowness of the sclerotica'710 Short-sighted,. 708 Evening complaint,.. 590 Smaller, objects look, 708 Face, affections of the left Smarting in eyes,.. 708 side of,... 721 Smoky, eyes as if,. 708 right,.... 723 Sore, eyes are painful as if,. 708 Ache of face,. 718 Sparkling eyes,... 708 Albumen on skin of face, Spasm in eyes,... 708 as if,'718 Splinter, pain in eyes as Altered features,.. 718 from a,.. 708 Aneurism by anastomosis in Spots before the eyes,. 708 face,.... 718 Squinting,.. 708 Black pores in face,.. 718 Staring look,.. 708 Blackish in appearance,. 718 Stiffness,.... 708 Blood-red face,.. 718 Stinging,.... 708 Bloated face,... 718 Stooping, eyes worse when, 709 around the eyes,. 718 Streaks, seeing,... 709 Blue spots in the face,. 718 Stye,..709 Bluish colour of face,.. 718 Suppressed secretions, sore Blue-red face,... 718 eyes after,.. 709 Boils in the face,.. 718 Suppuration of eyes,..709 Brown-red color of the face, 718 Swelling of eyes,.'709 Cancer of the face,.. 718 Syphilitic affections of eyes, 709 Change of color in face,.'18 Tearing in eyes,... 709 Cobweb in face, sense of,. 719 Tension of eyes,. 709 Cold feeling in face,.. 719 Thread, as if drawn through Coldness of face,. 719 eyes,... 709 Contortion of features,. 719 Touched, eyes worse when, 709 Crusta lactea,... 719 Trichiasis,... 709 Dingy complexion,. 719 Turning the eyes, pain when 709 Drunkards, eruptions in the Twilight, sore eyes in the,. 709 faces of.. 719 Twitching in the eyes,. 709 Emaciation of the face,. 719 Ulceration of lids,.. 709 Eruptions in the face,. 719 Pain in eyes, ulcerative,. 709 (see also the Particular Ulcers on the corner,.. 709 Eruption.) Upper lids,.. 709 on the chin,... 719 Vanishing of sight, (see Ob- spots on the face,.. 719 scuration.) in the whiskers,.. 719 Varicose swellings on the Erysipelas of face,.. 719 eyes,. 709 Freckles in the face,. 719 Waking, sore eyes on,. 709 Gray complexion,.. 719 Walking, sore eyes when,. 709 Greenish complexion,. 719 Worse in a warm room, Hair of face falls out,. 719 eyes are,... 709 Heat in face,... 719 Wart at the eyebrow,. 709 Heavy feeling in face,. 719 Herpes in face,... 719 INDEX TO TAHE REPERTORY.- 907 PlAGE PX($1 Face, hippocratic,. 719 Yellow spots,.. 724 Indurations in the face,. 720,, streaks across the Itching in the face,.. 720 cheeks and nose,. 724 Lead-colored complexion,. 720 Fainting fits.. 690 Livid complexion,. 721 Falling asleep late,. 639 Lupus in face,.. 721 Fancies (see Illusions). Margins around the eyes,. 721 Fancy, excess of,.. 664 Mentagra,.. 721 Face complaints,.. 590 Mottled appearance,.. 721 Fat persons, ailments of,. 590 Mouth, breaking out all Fauces, affections of the,. 739 around the,.. 21 Fear, ailments from,. 590,, ulcerated corners of the, 721 Fear,... 664 Muscular twitching in face, 721 Feet, soles of the,. 886 Old and wrinkled face,. 721 Peet, symptoms of the,. 877 Pale face,. 721,, of the dorsa Paleness,.. 721 of the,. 877 Paralysis of facial muscles, 722 Females, diseases of,. 590 Peeling off of face,. 722 Fever,.. 649 Pimples in face,.. 22 Fever, accompanied and sucPointed appearance,.. 722 ceeded by,.. 651 Prosopalgia,.. 722 Fever preceded by,. 653 Pustules in face,. 723 Fever commencing with,. 653 Rash in face,. 723 Fever composed of,. 653 Red spots in face,.. 723 Fever succeeded by,. 654 Redness of face,.. 723 Figwarts,. 620 Relaxed facial muscles,. 723 Fingers, symptoms of the. 861 Rough skin of face,. 723,, joints,. 863 Scirrhus of face,.. 723 Fistule (see Ulcers). Scorbutic eruption in the Fixed notions,. 664 face.. 723 Flaccid skin,... 620 Scurfs in the face,. 723 Flocks, grasping at,. 691 Shining, as from grease, face Flowing water, symptoms is,... 723 caused by,.. 591 Sick, looking as if,.. 721 Fluids, loss of animal,. 591 Sickly looks,... 723 Fontanelles remaining open,. 591 Spasms of face,... 723 Foot baths, ailments from Spots in face,.. 723 taking,.. 91 Suffering in the face, expres- Forearms, symptoms of the, 864 sion of,... 724 Foreboding (see Apprehensive). Sunken face,. 724 Foreign bodyin kidneys, as if, 793 Suppuration of face, 724 Forenoon complaints,. 591 Swelling of facial bones,. 724 Forgetful,.675,, cheeks,.. 724 Fornication,. 620 Sweat in face,.. 724 Forwardness,.. 664 Syphilitic crusts in face,. 24 Freckles,. 620 Tension of the skin in the Fright, ill effects of,. 591 face,.. 724 Frivolous,. 664 Thickening of the skin in Frost-bitten (see Chilblains). the face,... 724 Fungus,... 591 Tingling in face,.. 724 Funguses,. 620 Tubercles in the face,. 724 Gait, tottering,.. 591 Ulcers,.... 732 Ganglia,... 620 Warts,..724 Gangrene,..620 White spots,.. 724 Gangrenous blisters,. 620 Wrinkles,.. 724 Gastric derangement,.. 755 908 INDEX TO THE REPERTORY. PAGE PAGE Gesticulation, foolish,. 664 Head, gnawing in the,.. 685 Glandular affections,. 591 Griping in head,. 685 Glandular swellings, internal, 739 Grumbling in head,. 685 Gloominess,.... 675 Harking in the head,.. 685 Gnawing in the skin,. 620 Hammering in head,.. 685 Goitre,..852 Head feels affected (see Affected). Gonorrhcea,.... 793 Head-ache, accompanied by Gout,..592 other sensations, or Gravel],..794 pains, or occurring at Greasy skin,.... 620 particular periods, or in Grief,..664 particular positions, or Grief, ailments from,. 593 affecting particular porGrief, ailments of emaciated tions of the head, or persons in consequence of, 589 aggravated or relieved Griping,. 593 by particular influences, Groaning,.. 665 see the whole chapter Growing, ailments caused by, 593 on Head-ache, from Gulping up of food,. 755 page.. 680, 695 Hmematuria,.. 794 Head-ache proceeding from Hsemorrhage,.. 593 the abdomen,.. 680 Hands, symptoms of the, 865 Heat in head,...685 Hair, diseases of the,,. 621,, in vertex,... 685 Hang-nails,.... 621 Heaviness of head,.. 685 Hard skin,. 621 Hollow feeling in head,. 686 Hatred,.. 665 Hydrocephalus,. 686 Head, symptoms of the, 680 Heaving up and down, in Affected, head feels, 673, 680 head,...686 Boring with the head into Hemicrania,... 685 the pillow,.. 696 Inflammation of the brain, 686 Catarrhlal feeling in head,. 682 Integuments (see Scalp), Cold, head is liable to taking, 696 symptoms of the, Compression of head,.682 Knocked-in, head feels as Confused movements and if,. 686 noises in the head,. 682 Large head of children,. 698 Congealed. brain as if,. 682 Loose feeling in brain,. 687 Constriction of the head, 682 Megrim (see Hemicrania). 687 Contraction of the head,. 682 Meningitis (see Inflammation Convulsions of the head, 696 of Brain). Crampy sensation in head, 682 Moved, sense as if the brain Crumble, head feels as if it were,.. 687 would,.. 682 Paralysis of the brain,. 689 Cutting,. 682 Pecking in head,.. 689 Deranged,head feels(seeAffected) Pinching in head,.. 689 Digging in head,. 683 Pressing in head,.. 689 Dragging in head,. 683 Pressure in head,. 690 Drawing in head,. 683 Pulsations in head,.. 690 Drawn back, head is,. 683 Pushes in the head (see Shocks.) Empty~ feeling in head (see Hol- Pains, regularly - be ating low Feeling). (see Pulsations).. 690 Enlargement of head, sense Pains in head, contusive,. 682 of,.. 683 Pain in head, intermittent, 686 External (see Scalp), symptoms Pain in head, jerking,. 686 of the, Pain in head, lancing,. 686 Extravasations in the head, 684 Pain in head, maddening,. 687 Fulness of the head,..685 Pains in head, paroxysmal, 689 INDEX TO THE REPERTORY. 909 PAGE PAGE Head, piercing pain in,.. 689 Herpes,. 621 Pain in head, as if sore,. 692 Hiccough,..756 Pain in head, spasmodic. 692 Hip and hip-joint, symptoms Pain in head, as if ulcerated, 694 of the,.. 880 Rigid feeling in head,. 690 House sickness,. 594, 665 Rolling in head,. 691 Hoop (see Band). Rush of blood to the head, 691 Horny alterations of the skin, 622 Shocks in the head,. 691 Iorripilation (see Shuddering). Sleep, head feels as if the Hot feeling inliver,.. 768 brain had gone to,. 692 Hunger,.... 744 Smaller, head feels as if,. 692 Hurriednesa,.. 665 Sound in head as if a chord Hydrophobia,. 594, 665 were breaking,. 692 Hypertrophyof the skin,. 622 Split, head feels as if,. 692 Hypochondria,.. 594 Stitching in head,. 692 Hypochondria, symptoms of Stoops, the head,. 698 the,.765 Stopped, head feels as if,. 693 Anguish in hypochondria,. 767 Striking against the skull Bloat in hypochondria,. 767 during motion, head Boring in hypoch,..767 feels as if the brain were, 693 Bruised in hypoch, feeling Swashing in the head, (see as if,... 767 Watery Feelings) 693 Burning in hypoch,. 767 Tearing in head,. 693 Cinchona, affections of hyTension in head,. 693 poch, fromn abuse of,. 767 Thinner, head feels as if the Constriction in hypoch,. 767 cranium were,. 693 Contraction in hypoch,. 767 Throbbing in head,.. 693 Cramp-pain in hypoch,. 767 Tickling in head,. 694 Cutting in hypoch,. 767 Tingling in head,. 694 Fulness in hypoch,feeling of, 768 Turning, head feels as if,. 694 Hardness of hypoch,..768 Twitching in brain,.. 694 Heavy feeling in hypoch,. 768 Uncomfortable feeling in Hoop around hypoch, like a, 768 head,.. 694 Oppression in hypoch,. 768 Undulatingmotion, pain in Pain in hypoch, drawing, 767 head,.. 694 Pain in hypoch, when drawVaccillation of the head,. 699 ing breath,. 767 Vaccillation in head,.. 694 Pain in hypoch, jerking,. 768 Vibratory, groaning sensa- Pain in hypoch,when touchtion in head,. 694 ed,. 767 Weakness of the head, 695, 699 Pain in hypoch, ulcerative, 769 Whirling in head,. 695 Pain in hypoch, when walkWild feeling in head,. 695 ing.769 Wind were rushing through Painfulness of hypoch,. 768 it, head feels as if,. 695 Pricking in hypoch,.. 768 Heat,.655 Pressure in hypoch,..768 Heat, accompanied by,.. 655 Sensitiveness of hypoch,. 768 Heat, commencing with, or Shocks in hypoch,..768 preceded by,.. 657 Sore in hypoch, pain as if,. 769 Heat occurring,.. 657 Spasms of diaphragm,. 769 Heat succeeded by, 658 Stitching in hypoch,..769 Heated, ailments from getting, 593 Swelling of hypoch,..769 Heaviness, feeling of (see also Tearing of hypoch,..769 Heavy Feeling)... 593 Tension in hypoch,.. 769 Heels, symptoms of the,. 879 Throbbing irn hypoch,. 769 Hepatitis, 768 Tight feeling in hypoch,. 769 910 INDEX TO THE REPERT0Y1, PAGE PAGS Hypochondriac notions,. 665 Lamenting,... 669 Hysteria,.. 594 Larynx andtrachea, affections Hysteric mood,... 665 of the, Ichthyosis,... 622 Ball in larynx, sense as of a, 822 Ideas, absence of,... 675 Bronchial affections,.. 822,, inability to collect one's, 675 Bronchitis (see Catarrh, Inflamvanishing of,. 675 matory). Ill-behaviour,.. 665 Catarrh of the air-passages, 822 Ill-humor,.... 665 Cold feeling in larynx, when Illness, apprehensive of,. 665 drawing breath,.. 823 Illusions,..., 665 Constriction of larynx,. 823 Illusory perceptions, notions, Contractive pain in larynx, 823 acts,. 666 Croup,. 823 Imaginations (see Fixed Notions). Cutting in larynx,. 823 Imbecility,.. 675 Drvness of larynx,.. 823 Impatience,.... 668 Exudations in larynx,. 823 Impetigo,.. 622 Food getting into the larynx, Inattentive in studying,. 668 liable to,... 823 Indifference,. 668 Heat in larynx,... 823 Indurations,... 594, 622 Hoarseness,.. 823 Indignation,... 669 Huskiness of the chest,. 824 Indignation, effects of,.. 594 Inflammation of air-passages, 824 Industriousness,... 669 Influenza(see Catarrh,Epidemic). Inflammation,... 622 Irritation inducing cough,. 824 Inflammatory affections,. 594 Larynx, affections of the,. 825 Inflammation of kidneys,. 794 Mucus in air-passages,. 825 Injuries,. 622 Numb feeling in the air-pasInsensible to medicine,.. 594 sages,... 825 Insensibility (see Numbness). Phthisis of air-passages (see In. Insensibility in spleen,.. 768 flammation and Ulceration). Insipid demeanour,. 669 Plug in larynx, sense as of a, 825 Intoxication, sense of, 675 Polypus in larynx,.. 825 Irascibility (see also Indigna- Raw feeling in air-passages, 825 tion).. 594 Roughness in air-passages, 825 Irascible..669 Sensitiveness of larynx,. 825 Irritable,..669 Sore, pain in air-passages as Irritated feelings,.. 669 if,.... 825 Irritated mind,... 669 Spasm of air-passages,. 825 Irresolute,.... 669 Stinging in air-passages, 825 Ischuria,... 794 Stoppage in larynx, sense of, 825 Itch. 623 Swelling in larynx, sense of, 825 Itching,. 624 Tension in larynx,. 825 Itching of the whiskers,. 724 Titillation in air-passages,. 825 Jaundice,.624 Trachea, affections of the,. 826 Jaw, diseases of lower,.. 720 Voice, defects or quality of,, caries,. 718 the,.. 826,, lock,.... 721 Ulceration of larynx,. 826 Jealousy,... 595, 669 Ulcerative pains in larynx, 826 Joking mood,... 669 Weak feeling in larynx,. 826 Joy,..595 Laughtel;.629 Kidneys, diseases of the,. 791 Laziness,.. 595, 669 Knee and knee-joint, symp- Legs, symptoms of the,.. 884 toms of the,... 881 Leprous affections,.. 625 Lactation,.595 Leucophlegmasia,. 595 Lameness... 595 Lichen,. 625 INDEX TO THE REPERTORY. 9 1 PAGE PAGE Lie down, disposed to,.. 595 Mouth, contraction of,.. 733 Lienteria (see Diarrhea), Cutting, 733 Limping, spontaneous (see Dry feeling in mouth,. 733 Conagra), Dry mouth,. 733 Lightness, feeling of,.. 594 Excrescences in mouth,. 733 Lips, diseases of the,.. 718 Froth at the mouth,.. 734 Lips, 720 Gangrene of mouth,.. 734 Bloody blisters on,. 718 Haemorrhage from mouth,. 734 Lively (see Mirthful). Heat in mouth,...734 Liver, affections of the,. 768 Mercury in mouth, conseCalculi in,.... 767 quences of abuse of,. 734 Compression in,.. 767 Mucus in mouth, accumulaSoftening of,... 769 tion of,.. 734 Loathing,.. 744 Opening the mouth, diffiLoathing of life, 669 culty of, 734 Looseness of bowels,. 785 Pimples in mouth,.. 734 Looked at, cannot bear being, 670 Pustules in mouth,..734 Loquacious,.... 670 Roughness in mouth, tongue, 735 Love, ailments from unhappy, 595 Scraping in mouth,..735 Low-spirited,.. 670 Smell from the mouth,. 735 Lumbar region, affections of Soreness of mouth, tongue, 736 the,... 853 Stinging in mouth,.. 736 Lumbrici (see Worms). Tingling in mouth,..736 Lupus,.. 625 Ulcers in mouth,.. 737 Lunations, liable to,. 595 Mucus between the stools,. 785 Lunations, spontaneous,. 595 Mucus in nose,.. 821 Lying down, intolerable, 639 Mucous membranes, affections Maculee (see Spots). of the,.597 Malice,. 670 Mumps(see Glands, Parotid). Marasmus of old people,. 596 Murder, mania of,.. 670 Measles,. 625 Muttering,.670 Melancholy. 670 Nails, affections of the,. 625 Melancholy persons, diseases of, 596 Nails, symptoms of the finger, 868 Mental weakness,.. 679 Nails, symptoms of the toe,. 886 Memory more acute,. 675 Nail, sense as of a,. 598 Memory deficient,. 675 Nape of the neck,. 853 Menstrual suppression, ill ef- Narcotics, ill effects of,. 598 fects of,.596 Nares, food and drink return Mesmerism, desire for,. 596 by the,.... 739 Mild disposition,.. 596 Nausea,... 756 Mild temper,.. 670 Accompanied by,. 757 Milk, suppression of,.. 596 Nates, symptoms of the,. 886 Miliaria (see Rash). Neck,..854 Mind, diseases of the,. 660 Nervous fits,... 598 Mirthful,..670 Nervousness,... 598 Misanthropy,.. 670 Nervous temperament,.. 598 Miserere (see Ileus). Nettlerash, 626 Moaning,. 670 Neuralgia, 598 Moles,.626 Nightmare (see Sleep, ailMorning, ailments,. 597 ments during). Mortification, effects of,. 597 Nightly complaints,.. 599 Motion, dread of,... 597 Nose, symptoms of the,.. 714 Motions of the limbs, violent, 597 Biting in the nose,.. 714 Mouth, symptoms of the,. 732 Blackness of the nose,. 714 Burning in mouth,. 732 Black pores of the nose,. 714 912 INDEX TO TUE REPERTORY. PAGE PAGE Nose, bleeding of the,. 714 Nose, stitching in,. 717 Bone-pain in the nose,. 715 Suppuration of nose,.. 717 Boring in the nose,.. 715 Sweat on nose,...717 Bruised, pain in nose as if,. 715 Swelling of nose,. 717 Burning of nose,. 715 Syphilitic affections of nose, 717 Cancer of nose,...715 Tension of nose,.. 717 Caries of nose,.. 715 Throbbing in nose,.. 717 Coldness of nose,.. 715 Tickling in nose,.. 717 Compression of nose,.. 715 Tingling in nose,. 717 Condylomata of nose,. 715 Tubercles on the nose,. 717 Convulsions of nose.. 715 Twitching in the nose,. 717 Copper-nose,... 715 Ulceration of the nose,. 717 Cracking in nose,.. 715 Ulcerative pain,.. 717 Cramp-pains in the nose,. 715 Ulcers in nose,... 717 Crusts in nose,... 715 Warts on the nose,.. 717 Deadness of nose,.. 715 Numb feeling,.. 714 Drawing in nose,. 715 Numb feeling in region of kid. Dry nose, see Coryza,. neys,. 794 Eruptions on nose,.. 715 Numb skin,.. 626 Fetor from the nose,.. 715 Numbness of limbs,.. 714 Foreign body in nose, sense Obstinacy,. 670 as of,.. 715 Oesophagus, affections of Freckles on nose,.. 715 the,.. 737, 740 Fulness of nose, sense as of, 715 " crawling in,. 738 Hardness of nose,. 715 Old age, complaints of;.. 599 Heat in nose,... 715 Onanism, ill effects of,.. 599 Heaviness of nose,. 715 Open-hearted,... 670 Herpes on nose,.. 715 Os sacrum,..855 Illusory smell,.. 715, 716 Oysters. ailments fiom eating, 599 Inflammnation of nose,. 716 Pain, aching, 577 Insensibility of nose,.. 716 Pains from above downwards, Itching in nose,.. 716 etc.,.... 600 Mercury, affections of nose Pains, boring,... 582 after abuse of,. 716 Pains as if bruised, in body Numb feeling in nose,. 716 and limbs,. 582 Pains in nose,.. 716 Pains, burning,.. 582 Peeling off of nose,. 716 Paimn as if burnt,... 582 Plugs in nose,... 716 Pain, contusive,... 585 Polypi in nose,..716 Pains, cramp,... 586 Pressure in nose,. 716 Pains going cross-wise,.. 586 Rednes- of nose,.. 716 Pain, distensive,.. 588 Red spots on nose,. 716 Pains, drawing,... 588 Rhagades of nostrils,.. 716 Pain in liver, dull,. 767 Rush of blood to nose,. 716 Pain as if flying apart,.. 591 Scrofula of nose,. 716 Pain, gnawing,... 592 Sensitiveness of nose,.. 716 Pains, intolerable,.. 594 Sensitiveness of smell,. 716 Pain, laming,. 595 Smell, loss of,.. 716 Pain in liver when riding in a Smell, weakness of,. 717 carriage,.. 768 Sore, nose painful as if,. 717 Pain as of rose,. 604, 630 Soreness of nose,. 717 Pain as from a splinter, 608, 630 Spasms of nose,... 717 Pain as if sprained,. 608 Splinter, pain in nose, as Pain in liver as if sprained, 769 from a. 717 Pain in liver when stooping,. 769 Spots on nose, yellow,. 717 Pains, stupefying, benumbing, 609 INDEX TO T[MK REP'ERTORIY, 13 PAGiE PAG! Pains, tensive,. 611 III effects of nmezereum,. 596 Pain, throbbing,. 611 Of mushrooms,.. 598 Pains, twitching,... 612 By mussels (see Fish). Pain, ulcerative,.. 612 Ill effects of opium,. 599 Pains in head, violent,.. 694 11l effects of ospsphorus,. 600 Pains on waking (see Painis Ill effects of prussic acid, 601 during Sleep). Ill effects of rhuston,. 602 Pains, wandering,. 613 Ill effects of saffron,. 602 Painful skin,.6. 66 Ill effects of sal ammoniac, 602 Palate,.....734 Ill effects of salt,. 602 Pale slain,.... 626 Ill effects of sarsaparilla,. 602 Panaritia,.. 626 Ill effects of stramonium,. 609 Pangs of conscience,.. 670 111 effects of sulphur,. 609 Papule,... 627 Ill effects of tin,. 611 Paralysis,.... 600 Ill effects of toad,. 612 Paralysis of the brain,.. 582 Ill effects of tobacco,. 612 Paralysis of the organs of de- Ill effects of valerian,. 613 glutition,... 740 Polypi,.600 Paralysis of organs of speech, 734 Pampholia,. 627 Paralysis after spasms,. 600 Positions during sleep,. 639 Pedlar's itch,... 627 Praying. 670 Peeling off of the skin,. 627 Precipitancy,.. 670' Peevishness,..670 Pregnancy, complaints during, 601 Pemphigus,.627 Pride,. 670 Periodical complaints,. 600 Prophesying,. 670 Petechie6,. 627 Prickling in spleen,. 768 Phalledvenic blisters,.. 627 Proud flesh (see Ulcers). Phlegmatic (see Lazy). Prurigo,.... 627 Phlegmatic temperaments,. 600 Psoriasis.627 Phtyriasis,. 627 Pt- alism,... 734 Pimples,.. 27 Pus in ulcers,. 628 Pityriasis,..627 Pustulous eruptions,. 628 Plans, making,... 670 Pusillanimous,. 671 Plethora,.600 Quarrelsome,.. 671 Plug (see Nail), Rage,.671 Poison, ill effects of adipic,. 577 Ran ula,.. 734 Alcoholic,.578 Raphania,... 601 Ill effects of alum,. 578 Rash,. 627 Ill effects of arsenic,. 579 Recovery, doubtful of one's Ailments from camphlor,. 583 (see Illness, apprehensive Ill effects of cantharides,. 583 of). Ill effects of chamomile,. 583 Redskin,.. ~. 628 Ill effects of cinchona,. 584 Reeling,... 675 Ill effects of the vapor of Relieved in or by air,. 577 coal,.584 Relieved in warm ail;. 613 Ill effects of colchicumi,. 584 Rising from a chair, ailments Ill effects of copper,.. 586 when,.602 Ill effects of fish,.. 591 Relieved by contact,. 585 Of glanders,... 591 Relieved by motion,. 597 Ill effects of hepar sulphuris, 594 Relieved by rest,.. 601 Poisoned by honey,.. 594 Relieved in a room,. 602 Poison, ill effects of iodine,. 594 Relieved by sitting,. 604 Ill effects of iron,.. 594 Relieved by smoking,. 612 Ill effects of lead,. 595 Relieved by standing,. 608 Ill effects of magnesia,. 596 Relieved by sunshine,. 609'39 914 rNDEX TO THE REPERTOR,. PAGE PAUE Relieved by thinking of the Pain in scalp, as if sore,. 698 pain,..611 Pain in scalp, ulcerative,. 699 Relieved by walking,. 613 Plica polonica,. 698 Religious mania,... 671 Psoriasis capitis (see Eruptions Relished, food is more,.. 744 on Head). Repulsive mood,... 671 Ptyriasis of head, 698 Retching,. 79 Pulled, hair as if,. 685 Revelling at night (see Watch. Scald head,. 698 ing), Scales,.. 698 Rhagades,.., 628 Sensitiveness of scalp,. 698 Rheumatic complaints,. 601 Sore places on scalp,. 698 Rickets,.... 802 Stinging in scalp,. 698 Rigidity of the limbs,.. 602 Sweat about the head,. 699 Rough skin,.. 629 Swelling of head,. 698 Rubeole,.. 629 Tearing,. 699 Rupia,.. 629 Tension of the skin of the Rush of blood,... 602 head,.. 699 Sadness,.... 671 Tinea capitis (see Scaldhead). Saliva, affections of the,. 735 Touched,scalp painful when, 698 Salivary glands,.. 735 Tumors, osseous, on head,. 699 Satiated, sense as if,.. 744 Ulcerated spots on head,.699 Satiety, when eating, sudden,. 744 Ulcers on scalp, little,. 699 Salt-rheum (see Lupus}. Wrinkling of the forehead, 695, Sarcoma,.... 29 699. Scalp, symptoms of the,. Scapular region,. 855 Adheres, the scalp,. 696 Scarlet eruptions,. 629 Baldness,.. 696 Scirrhus,.. 629 Blood vessels of scalp, swell- Scolding,.. 671 ing of the,. 696 Scratching after,.. 629 Boils on scalp,.. 696 Scrophulosis,.. 602 Bone-pains in scalp,. 696 Scurvy,. 603 Burning about the scalp,. 696 Sea sickness,. 603 Caries of skull,... 696 Secretions (see Discharges). Cold drops on scalp, sense Sedentary life, ill effects of,. 603 of,.696 Sediment in urine,. 795 Cold feeling about the scalp, 696 Semi-lateral complaints,. 603 Contraction of scalp,.. 696 Sense, acuteness of,. 675 Contractive feeling in,. 696 Senses, acuteness of the,. 603 Creeping about scalp,. 696 Senses, sensitiveness of the,. 603 Cutting in scalp,. 696 Sensitive temperament,. 603 Eruptions on the head,. 696 Sensitiveness,. 671 Fontanelles remain open,. 697,, of temper,. 671 Gnawing in scalp,.. 697,, mood,. 671 Hair, the,.697 Sensitiveness of the skin,. 630 Heat on the head,. 697 Sensuous temperament,. 603 Hot spot on the head,. 6t)2 Serious mood,. 671 Itching on the head,.. 697 Sexual organs, male,symptoms Loose, sense as if the scalp of the,. 800 were,. 698 Bruised, pain as if,. 800 Mobility of the scalp,. 698 Burning of the male parts, 800 Numb feeling in scalp,. 698 Coldness of the male parts, 800 Pain about scalp, aching,. 696 Constriction of the prepuce, 800 Pain about scalp, as if Contraction of the testes,. 800 bruised,.. 696 Cramp pains in male parts, 800 Pain in scalp, jerking,. 698 Cutting of glans,. $00 INDEX TO THE REPERTORY. 915 PAGE PAGE Sexual organs, male, Sexual powers, male, feeble, 805 Dampness of glans,.. 800 Shocks in testes,. 805 Drawing in glans,.. 800 Shrivelling of scrotum,. 805,, up of testes,. 800 Shuddering at scrotum,. 805 Dryness of glans, 800 Soreness of male parts,. 805 Embrace, aversion to, and Sore, pain as if the male ailments caused by an, 801 parts were,. 805 Emissions,... 801 Spermatorrhoea,. 805 Erections,. 802 Spots on the male parts,. 805 Eruption on the male parts, 802 Stinging in glans,. 805 Erysipelas of scrotum,. 802 Strangling in testes, 805 Falling off of the hair of male Sweat on the male parts,. 805 parts,... 802 Swelling of the male parts,. 805 Fetid smell of male parts,. 802 Sycosic warts on male paxts, 806 Gangrene of male parts,..802 Tearing in male parts,. 806 Glans, affections of the,. 802 Tension of male parts,. 806 Gnawing in testes,.. 802 Testes, affections of the,. 806 Hanging down of the testes, 802 Thickening of scrotum,. 806 Hardness of the glans,. 803 Throbbing in glans,. 806 Heat in male parts, feeling of, 803 Turning sensation in testes, 806 Heaviness of the testes,. 803 Ulcers on male parts,.. 806 IHerpes on male parts,. 803 Ulcerative pain of male Hydrocele,.. 803 parts,... 806 Inflammation of male parts, 803 Voluptuous feeling in male Irritation of male parts,. 803 parts,.. 806 Itching of male parts,.. 803 Sexual organs, female, sympJerking of penis,. 803 toms of the,. 807 Lasciviousness,.. 803 Aching pain in female parts, 807 Nodosities ill glans,.. 803 Acrid humors in pudendum, 807 Numb feeling of male parts, 803 Aphthea at pudendum,. 807 Painfulness of testes,. 803 Bloat of womb,.. 807 Penis, affections of the,. 803 Blood fiom female parts, Phimosis,... 803 discharge of,. 807 Pimples on male parts,. 804 Bruised, pain in pudendum Pinching in glans. 804 as if,. 808 Prepuce, affectionsof the,. 804 Burning at pudendum,. 808 Pressing towards the male Cancer of womb,... 808 parts,.. 804 Conception, liable to,.. 808 Pressure in the testes,. 804 Confinement, affections dlrPriapism,.. 804 ing,... 808 Prostatic fluid, discharge of, 804 Contact, painfulness of os Pustules on penis,. 804 tinge to,. 808 Rash on tho male parts,. 804 Contractive pain in pudenRed spots on the male parts, 804 dumn,.... 808 Redness of the glans,. 804 Cutting in os tincse,.. 808 Relaxed, the male parts are, 804 Digging in pudendum,. 808 Retraction of the prepuce, 804 Drawing pain in female Rhagades of male parts,. 804 parts,.... 808 Satyriasis,.. 804 Dryness of vagina,. 808 Scrotum, affections of the,. 804 Embrace in females,.. 808 Scurfs on the glans,.. 804 Eruptions on the pudendum, 808 Semen, quality of tile,. 804 Flatus from the vagina,. 808 Sensitiveness of male parts, 804 Fulness of pudendum, feelSexual desire excited,. 804 ing of,. 808,, diminished,. 8(t5 Globus hystericus,.. 808 916 INDEX TO THE REPEIHtORYL. PAGE PAGE Gnawing itching at puden- Warts at os tincee,. 818 dum,.. 808 Weakness of pudendum,. 818 Heat of pudendum,.. 808 Weight in the pudendum, Herpes on pudendum,. 808 feeling of;... 818 Induration of the uterus,. 809 Shaking of the brain during Infants, affection of,.. 809 motion.... 691 Inflammation of ovaries. 809 Shameless,.. 671 " of lips of vulva, 810 Shaving, ill effects of,. 604 ", of other parts, Shucks through the body,. 604 " of female parts, 810 Shoulders, symptoms of the,. 868 Itching of pudendum,. 810 Shoulder-joints, symptoms of Labor-like pains,.. 810 the,.... 869 Labor-pains (see Parturi- Shrieking,.671 tion). Shudderin g. 658 Leucorrlcea,. 810 (See also Chill and Chilliness.) Vulva, affections of lips of, 811 Silent mood,.671 Larhia,... 811 Silly demeanour,. 671 Menses,.. 811 Singing,.. 671 Menstrual ailments,.. 812 Skin, blue,.. 581 Metrorrhagia,.. 812 Sleep,. 641 Milk-fever (see Confinement). Sleep accompanied and disMiscarriage,... 812 turbed by,.. 639 Moles in uterus,. 813 Sleep prevented by,. 641 Nymphomania, 813 Sleeplessness,..643 Ovaries, affections of the,. 813 Slender persons, complaints of, 604 Parturition,ailments during, 813 Small of the back,... 856 Pimples at pudendum,. 813 Sneezing,.821 Polypi of womb,. 813 Softening of kidneys,.. 796 Pregnancy, ailments during, 81.3 Solitude, dread of,... 671 Pressing towards the parts, 817 Somnambulisln,. 604, 671 Prolapsus of uterus,.. 817 Sopor,. 643 Puerperal fever (see Con- Sore throat, with larynx infinement). volved,..739 Pulsations in female parts,. 817 Soreness of the skin,.. 630 Pustules at the pudendum,. 817 Sores (see Injuries). Putrefaction of womb,. 817 Spasms,. 604 Retention of menses,.. 817 " accompanied by other Scirrhus of womb (see Indu- affectios,... 605 ration). " caused by particular Sensitiveness of the female influences,. 607 parts,.817 Speech, defects of,.. 736 Sexual desire of females,. 817 Spinal marrow,... 857 Soreness of female parts,. 817 Spirit, ill effects of,. 608 Spasmodic pains in puden- Spitting.... 672 dum,.. 817 Spleen, diseases of the,. 765 Spasms, uterine,... 817 Spleen, affections of the,. 769 Stinging in pudendum,. 817 Splenitis,. 769 Swelling of the pudendum,. 817 Spots,. 630 Titillation in pudendum, 817 Sprains. 608 Tubercles at pudendum,. 817 Sprinig, ailments in,. 608 Ulcers on pudendum,.. 817 Starvationl, effects of,. 608 Uterus, affections of the,. 818 Starting of the limbs,.. 608 Vagina, affections of the,. 818 Start, tendency to,.. 672 Varices of the pudendumn,. 818 Stentona..... 631 Vesieles of the pudenllun,. 818 Stiffnl(ss of flhe limbs,. 608 INDEX To THE REPERTORY. 917 PkG E PAGE Stitching,.. 608 Deranged Stomach, Stings (see Injuries),. with rattling breathing, 765 Stomach, symptoms of the,. 762 relieved by rest,.. 765 Acid stomach,... 754 with restlessness,.. 765 Alive in stomach. sense as if, 762 with retching,.. 765 Balancing, sense as if the after abuse of salt,...765 stomach were,.. 769 with sighing,... 765 Bloating of stomach,.. 762 when sitting,... 765 Boring in stomach,..'62 when stooping,.. 766 Bounding in stomach,. 762 after straining,.. 766 Bruised feeling in stomach, 762 when stretching,.. 766 Burning in stomach,. 762 with desire for suicide,. 66 Carcinoma of stomach,. 762 when swallowing food,.'766 Cold feeling in stomach,. 762 with sweat,... 766 Constriction of stomach,. 763 when talking,.. 766 Contractive pain in stomach, 763 with thirst,.'766 Cutting in stomach,.. 763 when touched,.. 766 Deranged, with bitter mouth, 762 with vomiting,.. 766 Deranged stomach, by bran- when walking,.. 766 dy,.. 7 62 when making a wrong after chagrin,.. 762 step,... 766 with diarrhwea,.. 763 Digging in stomach,. 763 by chamomile,.. 762 Drawn-down, stomach as if, 763 with chilliness,.. 762 Drawing at stomach,. 763 by coffee,... 762 Empty feeling in stomach,. 763 of drunkards,. 763 Full feeling in stomach,. 763 obliging one to eat,. 763 Fermentingin pitof stomach, 763 after emotions,.. 763 Gangrene of the stomach,. 763 with eructations,.. 763 Gastralgia,... 763 with fainting.. 763 Gastritis,... 764 after flatulent food,. 763 Gnawing at stomach.. 764 after a fright,... 763 Griping in stomach,.. 764 with headache,.. 764 Hardness at pyloric orifice, with heat in head,. 764 feeling of,.. 64 with heavy tongue,. 764 Heat in stomach, feeling of, 764 with hunger,... 764 Heavy feeling in pit of stoin hypochondriacs,. 764 ach,... 764 in hysteric persons,. 764 Malaise in stomach, 6.74 relieved by lying down, 764 Movements in stomach,. 764 in lying-in women,. 764 Obstacle at cardiac orifice, during menstrual irregu- sense as of,. 764 larities,.. 764 Open, sense as if the stomach from mental exertions,. 764 were,.. 764 with moaning,.. 764 Oppression in pit'of stomach, 764 from mucus,... Overloading the stomach,. 652 at night,... 764 (see also Deranged Stoof nursing females,. 764 mach, 754). in the open air,.. 764 Painfulness of region of stofrom overloading it,. 764 mach,... 764 with pain in the chest,. 764 Pinching in pit of stomach, 765 with pale face,.. 765 Pressure in pit of stomach, 765 with palpitation of heart, 765 Qualmishness at stomach,. 755 when pressed upon,. 765 Red spots in region of stowhen pressing the foot to mach... 755 the ground,.765 Relaxed feeling in stomach,'765 39* 91 8 INDEX TO THE REPERTORY. PAE ~ PAGE Stomach, retraction in pit of, 765 Striking,,.. 672 Rumbling in stomach,. 765 Strophulus,.. 631 Scraping in stomach,.. 765 Stupefaction,... 675 Sensitiveness to contact,. 765 Stupidity,. 676 to pressure of clothes,. 765 Subsultus tendinurm,.. 609 Shocks in pit of stomach,. 765 Sudor anglicus,.. 658 Shuddering inl pit of sto- Suffocative catarrh (see machb,. 765 Breathing, difficulties of). Sick feeling in stomach,. 765 Suicide, mania of,.. 672 Softening of stomach,. 766 Summer-diseases,... 609 Sore in pit of stomach, pain Superstitious, disposed to be, 672 as if,... 766 Suppurations,.. 631 Stitching ill pit of stomach, 766 Suspicious,. 672 Stomach ache,.. 736 Swallow, desire to,.. 751 Stomach-acle with anguish, 762 Swearin,... 671, 672 Stomach-ache with colic,. 763 Sweat,... 609 Stomach ache after taking Sweat,.. 658 cold,.... 763 Seat accompanied by,. 659 Stomach-ache with crving,. 7 3 Sweat commencing with,. 659 Stomach-ache relieved by,Sweat ending with,. 659 cold drink,. 762 Sweat occurring,. 659 Stomach-ache when diaw- Swelling,.. 609 ing breath,.. 6 2 Syphilitic ulcers and hbrpes, 631 Stomach-ache with difficlllt Tabes dorsalis (see Spinal Marrow). breathing,.. 762 Taciturn,. 672 Stomach-ache relieved byv Talking, making mistakes in, 676 bending double,. 762 Talking to one's-self,. 672 Stricture at orifice of sto- Tarsal joinlts, svmptoms of the, 887 mach, sense as of,. 766 Taste altered,.. 744 Swelling of pit of stomach,. 766,, loss of,.. 746..., sense of, 766,, of food,... 746 Tearing in,,,,.. 766 Ten, ill effects of,.. 611 Tension,,,,. 766 Tearing,.... 611 Tetters at,,,,..766 Tearing thing s.. 672 Throbbing in stomach,. 766 Teeth, symptoms of the,. 723 Tingling in pit of stomach, 7 6-6 Black coatinlg on the teeth, 725 Torn off, sensation in sto-,, the teeth turn,. 725 mach as if,.. 76f Boiing in the teeth (see Diggir;g). Turning in stomach,.. 766 Breaking off of the teeth,. 725 Ulceration of stomach,. 766 Bubbling in the teeth,. 725 Ulcerated pain in stomach, Burning in the teeth,. 725 as if, 766 Cold feeling in the teeth,. 726 Violent pains in stomach, 766 Creakiing of the teeth when Weakness, from loss of fluids, 762 rubbed,... 726 Worni in stomach, sense as Creeping in the teeth,. 726 of a.. 766 Digging in the teeth,.. 726 Stone,. 796 Discolored gums,. 726 Stool,.... 786 Dull teeth,.. 726 Stool accompanied by,.. 788 Exfoliation of the teeth,. 727 Stoppage of nose,.. 821 Fetor of the teeth,.. 727 Stranger, sensation as if a,. 672 Fistula dentalis,.. 727 Straining, ill effects of,.. 609 Grating of the teeth,.. 727 Stream of urine,. 796 Gum boil,. 727 Stretching,. 609 Heavy, teeth feel,.. 727 Striated marks... 631 Hollow, the teeth become, 727 TNDEX TO THE REPERTORY. 919 PAGE PAGE Teeth, humming in the,. 727 Toothache with cold ears,. 726 Inflamed gums,.. 728 Toothache relieved by placItching of the teeth,.. 728 ing a cold hand upon Loose teeth,. 728 the part,.. -726 feel],.. 728 Toothache caused by cold Teeth, lower, 7...28 things,. 726 Numb, teeth feel,.. 728 Toothache with cold tips of Painful gums,.. 728 fingers and hands, -'. 726 Pressure in the teeth,. 729 Toothache caused by cold Prickling in the gums,. 729 water,.. 726 Pustules on the gums,. 729 Toothache with coldness,. 726 Putrid gums,... 729,, congestion of Receding of the gums,. 729 the head,... 726 Red gumIs,.. 729 Toothache with constipation,7 26 Scorbutic gums,... 729 Toothache, congestive,. 726 Shocks in the teeth,.. 729 contractive,... 726 Smooth, teeth grow,.. 729 crampy,... 726 Soft, teeth feel,... 730 with cough,.. 726 Sordes on teeth,.. 730 in damp air,.. 726 Sore gums,.. 730 with diarrhoea,. 726 Spongy, gums become,. 730 as if dislocated,. 726 Sticking, teeth as if,.. 730 by a draught of air,. 726 Stitchling in the teeth,. 730 drawing,... 726 Suppuration of the gums, 730 by drinking,... 726 Swelling of the gums,. 730 with drowsiness,. 725,, periosteum, 730 with dry mouth,.. 726 Tearing in the teeth,. 730 with ear-ache,.. 726 Throbbing in the teeth,. 730 as far as the ears,.. 726 Toothache in the afternoon, 725 early in bed,... 727 Toothache in cold air,. 725 after eating,... 727,, arthritic (see Rheu- as if elongated,. 727 matic). in the evening air,.. 727 Toothache, worse when fall- during evening, chilliness, 727 ing asleep,.. 725 by mental exertions,. 727,, relieved,,. 725 as far as the face,.. 727 Toothache worse in bed,. 725 with fainting,.. 727 r,, elieved,, 725 in the forenoon,.. 727 Toothache with bloated face,725 by eating fruit,.. 727 Toothache, extending to the in young girls,.. 727 facial bones,.. 725 gnawing,.. 727 Toothache from eating bread,7 25 as far as the head,. 727 Toothache, as if the teeth with headache,. 727 were bruised,. 725 with heat of the body,. 727 Toothache when chewing,. 725 hollow,.. 727 Toothache in children,. 725 with hot face,.. 727 Toothache when cleaning the with hot head,.. 727 teeth,. 725 in hysteric females,. 727 Toothache in coffee drinkers, 725 in incisor teeth,. 727 Toothache, worse after coffee,725 when inhaling air,. 728 Toothache in the cold,. 725 with irritable mood,. 728 Toothache relieved by cold,726 with jerking of the feet,.:28 Toothache by inhaling cold jerking,.... 728 air.7. 726 when lying,... 728 Toothache caused by a cold,726,, on the affectToothache caused by a cold ed side,... 728 drink,.... 726 920 INDEX TO THE REPERTORY. PAGE PAGE Toothache with lying down, 728 with swollen face,.. 730 when lying on the pain- worse by talking,. 730 less side,.. 728 by tea, 730 horizontally, 728 tensive,.... 730 during the menses,. 728 with thirst, 730 by mercury,... 728 during a thunder storm, 731 with moaning,.. 728 by tobacco,.. 731 worse in the morning,. 728 as if ulcerated, 731 when moving the mouth, 728 with vomiting,.. 71 with pain in nape of neck, 728 on waking,. 731 as far as the neck,.. 728 when walking in the open nervous,... 728 air,.. 731 at night,... 728 by warm drinks, 731 worse by noise,. 728 by external warmth, 731 with pain in the jaws,. 728 by cold washing, 731 with pale face, 728 with weakness,.. 731 with palpitation of the with whining mood, 731 heart,. 728 in a whole row of teeth, 731 with paralysis of the low- in the wind,. 731 er jaw,... 729 by wine,.. 731 by picking the teeth,. 729 of women,. 731 of pregnant females,. 729 Tubercles in the gums, 731 relieved by pressing the Ulcerated roots of teeth, 731 teeth together,. 729 Teeth, upper,. 731 worse,,,,,,. 729 Weak feeling in the teeth, 731 with prosopalgia,.. 729 White, gums turn,.. 731 with ptyalism,. 729 Yellow teeth,. 731 with pulsations in the Telangiectasia (see Blood-yesbody,... 729 sels).. when reading,. 729 Tendo achillis, symptoms of with red face,. 729 the,.. 888 when reflecting,. 729 Tension, as if too short, 611 worse or better by rest,. 729 Tetanus,... 611 with restlessness,.. 729 Thick skin,.. 631 rheumatic,. 729 Thiglls, symptoms of the, 888 worse by riding,.. 729 Thin, skull as if,. 699 in the room,... 729 Thirst,.. 747 at lte roots,.. 729 Thought, slowness of,. 676 relieved by rubbing,. 729 Thoughtful mood,.. 672 by eating salt,.. 729 Throat, symptoms of the,. 737 semilateral,.. 729 Aneurisms by anastomosis of sensitive persons,. 729 in throat,.. 737 with sensitive teeth,. 729 Ball in throat, rising as of a, 737 shiftin... 729 Blood oozes from throat,. 737 worse when sitting,. 729 Boring in throat,. 737 with sleeplessness,. 729 Burning in throat,.. 737 soreness of the teeth,. 730 Choking,. 738 by sour things,.. 730 Constriction of throat, 738 by spirits,... 730 Contraction of throat, 738 with stiff neck,.. 730 Cramp in throat,. 738 as if the nerve were Crumb of bread in throat, stretched,.. 730 sense as of,.. 738 when sucking the teeth, 7.0 Drawing in throat,. 738 with sweat on forehead,. 730 Diphtheritis,.. 738 by sweets,... 730 Dry feeling in throat,. 739 INDEX TO THE REPERTORY. 921 PAGE PAGE Dryness of throat,. 738 Sore throat worse when Elongation of uvula,..739 talking,... 741 Gurgling in throat when Sore throat worse when drinking.. 739 turning the neck,. 741 Hair in throat, sense as of a, 739 Sore throat on waking,. 741 Hawking of mucus,..739 Sore throat worse when Heat in throat,..739 taking a warm drink,. 741 Induration of tonsils,. 739 Soreness of throat,.. 740 Inflammation of throat, Spasms in fauces,. 740 velum,.. 739 Stinging in throat,..740 Injuries of throat,..739 Stricture of throat,.. 740 Itching in throat,. 739 Suppuration of tonsils,. 741 MIucus in throat,. 739 Swelling of throat,.. 741 Pain in throat when cough- Syphilitic sore throat,. 741 ing, 738 Tearing in throat,. 741 Pain in throat, ulcerative,. 741 " off, sense as of,. 741 Plug in throat, sense as of a, 740 Tension in throat,.. 741 Pressure in throat,.'740 Tickling in throat,.. 741 Redness of throat, copper,. 740 Tingling in throat,. 741 Rough throat,.. 740 Tonsils, affections of the,. 741 Smarting in throat,. 740 Tumors in throat,.. 741 Sore throat,.. 737 Ulcers in throat,. 741 Sore throat, worse when Uvula, affections of the,. 741 taking brandy,. 737 Velum, affections of the,. 741 Sore throat, catarrhal,. 737 Throbbing,. 611 Sore throat, chronic,.. 738 Thumbs, symptoms of the,. 870 Sore throat, worse in cold Tight feeling.. 611 air,. 738 Tingling,... 611, 632 Sore throat, worse by con- Tired, ailments from getting,. 612 tact,. 738 Tingling in scalp,.. 699 Sore throat, worse in a Titillation (see Tingling). draught,.. 738 Tongue, diseases of the,. 732 Sore throat to the ears,. 739 Tongue, symptoms of the,. 732 Sore throat after exanthems, 739 Atrophy of tongue,.. 732 Sore throat, gangrenous,. 739 Biting his tongue, liable to, 732 Sore throat from mercury,. 739 Black tongue,... 732 Sore throat worse in the Blue tongue,.. 732 morning,.. 739 Boring in the tongue,. 732 Sore throat, worse when Brown tongue,.. 735 pressed upon,..740 Cancer of tongue,.. 732 Sore throat at night,..739 Coating on tongue,. 732, 733 Sore throat, phlegmonous,. 740 Cold feeling in tongue,. 733 Sore, throat is painful as if, 740 Convulsions of the tongue, 733 Sore throat with flow of Cracked tongue,.. 733 saliva,. 740 Dirty tongue,.. 733 Sore throat worse by salt Enlarged, sense as if the things,.. 740 tongue were,..733 Sore throat as from a splin- Hanging out, tongue is,. 734 ter,. 740 Hair on tongue, sense as of a, 734 Sore throat caused by strain- Hard tongue,.. 734 ing,.'. 740 Heavy tongue,..'734 Sore throat with suffocative Inflammation of mouth, pafit,. 740 late, tongue, &c.,. 734 Sore throat, worse when Moving the tongue, diffiswallowing,. 718 culty of,... 734 922 INDEX TO THE REPERTORY. PAGE PAGE Numb feeling in mouth,. 734 Urine, quality of the,. 797 tongue,. 734 Vagaries, fanciful,. 672 Peeling off of the skin in Vanishing of the senses,. 676 mouth, tongue, &c.,. 734 Vapors, ill effects of noxious, 613 Red tongue. 735 Varicell,.634 Rigidity of the tongue,. 735 Varicose swellings (see BloodShining tongue,... 735 vessels). Skin on tongue, sense as of a, 735 Varicose swellings in the Soft tongue,... 735 throat,.... 741 Suppuration of tongue,. 736 Variola,. 634 Swelling of mouth, tongue, Variolid,.... 635 palate, &c.,.. 736 Vehemence,.. 672,, sense of,... 736 Venesections, instead of,. 613 White-coated tongue,. 737 Verdigris (see Copper). Withering tongue,.. 737 Verses, making,. 672 Torn off, sense as if something Vertebrze, cervical, dorsal,. 852 would be,... 612 Vertigo,.. 676 Tonsils, diseases of the,.. 737,, accompanied by, 676 Tranquillity, incomprehensible, 672,, occurring,.. 677 Tr'embling,.612 Vesicular eruptions,. 635 Trembling of the head,. 699 Vesicular herpes,. 635 Tubercles (see Blotches). Vibrations through the body Tuberculosis,... 612 as from a sound,. 631 Tuberculous eruptions,. 632 Violent deeds, rage leading Twitching of muscles,.. 612 one to,.. 672 Typical complaints,.. 612 Visions (see Illusions). Ulcers,.. 632 Vitus's, St., dance,. 613 Uneasiness in the limbs,. 612 Vivacity,.. 672 Uneasiness of mind,. 672 Volition, deficient,. 673 Unhealthy skin,. 632 Vomiting,.. 759, 760 Urethra, affections of the,. 797 Waking,.. 644 Burning in urethra,.. 791 Walk, difficulty of learning to, 613 Cutting in urethra,.. 791 Warm air, ailments from,. 613 Discharge from urethra,. 791 Washing, dread of, 613 Drop running along the Watching at night, effects of, 613 urethra, sense as of a, 792 Waterbrash,. 761 Inflammation of urethra,. 794 Weakness of mind (see Mental Itching of urethra,.. 794 Weakness). Pain in urethra,' drawing,. 792 Weeping, spasmodic,. 673 Pains when urinating, 794 Weeping, ailments from, 614 Pain in urethra, ulcerative, 797 Wetting the bed,.. 799 Pinching in urethra,.. 795 Whining mood,. 673 Pressure in urethra,.. 795 Whitlow (see Panaritia). Rolling in urethra, like a Whizzing in head,. 695 ball,.. 795 Winter complaints,. 614 Sore in urethra, pain as if,. 796 Wit,. 673 Stinging in urethra,.. 796 Wood, complaints of workers Stricture of urethra,.. 797 in,.. 614 Swelling of urethra,.. 797 Words, loss of,. 679 Tearing in the urethra,. 797 Work, desire to,. 673 Tensiornin urethra,. 797,, dread of,. 673 Tumor in urethra,.. 797 Worms,.. 790 Twitching in urethra,. 797 Worse in cold air,. 585 Urging to stool,... 790 Worse in warm air,. 613 Urinate, urging to,. 797 Worse when alone,. 578 itbiIX TO tHt RMPt'WrOkY. 923 AGS PAAGOi Worse when ascending an Worse when sitting,.. 604 eminence,. 580 Worse during sleep,. 604 Worse when bathing in the Worse when standing,. 608 river,.580 Worse when stepping,. 608 Worse in bed,. 613 Worse in sultry weather,. 609 Worse when drinking beer Worse in sunshine,. 609 (see Food), Worse when swallowing (see Worse when riding in a cars Deglutition, Difficult). riage,..602 Worse when smoking tobacco, 611^ Worse when taking coffee,.584 Worse when stooping,.. 60~ Worse in company,.. 585 Worse when talking,. 609 Worse when changing one's,, when hearing people position,.. 583 talk,.... 611 Worse by contact,. 585 Worse during twilight,. 612 Worse in the dark,. 586 Worse when uncovered,. 612 Worse in a draught of air,. 577 Worse when walking,.. 613 Worse when drinking,.. 588 Worse when working in Worse when making an effort, 581 water,. 614 Worse by emotions,. 589 Worse in wet and cold Worse in the evening air,. 590 weather,... 614 Worse by mental exertions,. 596 Worse in warm weather,. 613 Worse when laughing,. 595 Worse during a change of Worse by light,... 595 weather,... 614 Worse when lyingin particular Worse when getting wet,. 614 positions,.. 596 Worse in the wind,.. 614 Worse during a change of moon,596 Worse by wine,... 614 new,, 597 Worse when making a wrong full,, 597 step,. 614 increasing,, 597 Worse when writing,.. 614 Worse during motion,.. 597 Worse when yawning,.. 614 Worse by music,... 598 Wounds (see Injuries), Worse by noise,.. 599 Wrinkling of the palate,. 737 Worse when pressing on the Wrinkling of the skin,.. 635 affected part,... 601 Wrist joints, symptoms of the, 872 Worse when raising one's self, 601 Writing, making mistakes in, 679 Worse when reading,.. 601 Yawning,.,.. 644 Worse during rest,.. 601 Yellow complexion,.. 724 Worse in a room,.. 602, 613 Yielding, 678 Worse when running,.. 602 Zona,. 635 Worse when seating one's self, 604 924 CATALOGUE OF HOMEOPATHIC BOOKS. WAI. RADDE'S CATALOGUE OF HOMCEOPATHIC BOOKS. In Press: DISEASES OF FEMALES, by Dr. Leadam; with a Treatise on OBSTETRICS, by Dr. Croserio. Translated and edited by J. C. PETERS, M.D. 1853. Just Published: GUIA DE FAMELIA, PARA LA ADMINISTRACION DE Los REMEDIOS HOMI(OPATICOS, Par El Doctor en Medicina T. lMalan. 1853. Bound, 75 cts. LAURIE, Dr. J. Homeeopathic Domestic Medicine, with the Treatment and Diseases of Females, Infants, Children, and Adults. 7th American edition, much enlarged, with many additions, and the dose minutely indicated to every medicine. By A. Gerald Hull, M.D. 1853. $1.50. LAURIE, Dr. J. Elements of Homnoopathic Practice of Physic, with additions, by A. G. Hull, M.D., and an Appendix on Intermittent Fevers, by Dr. F. S. Douglass. A large thick 8vo. vol. 1853. $3.00. RUECKERT, Th. J. A Treatise on Headaches: Including Acute, Chronic, Nervous, Gastric, or Sick Headaches; also Congestive, Rheumatic, anl Periodical Headaches. 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Translated and edited by Charles J. Hempel, M.D. 1853. Bound, $4.00. MADDEN, Henry R., M.D. Uterine Diseases, with an Appendix containing abstracts of 180 cases of Uterine Diseases and their treatment, together with Analytical Tables of results, ages, symptoms, dose, &c., to which is added a Clinical Record of interesting cases treated in the Manchester Homceopathic Hospital. 1852. 50 cts. MATERIA MEDICA OF AMERICAN PROVINGS. Collected and arranged by the American Institute of Homceopathy. With a Repertory by W. P. Esrey, M.D. 1853. Bound, $1.00.