IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES OCTOBER TERM, 1925 ORIGINAL NO. 19 IN EQUITY STrATE OF MICHIGAN, Plaintiff, v. STATE OF VWISCONSIN, Defendant. SUPPLEMENT TO BRIEF OF DEFENDANT, STATE OF WISCONSIN HERMAN L. EKERN, Attorney General, ROBERT M. RIESER, Special Counsel, Solicitors for the Defendant. EMMERT L. WINGERT, Of Counsel. " 4 , , i, 4 1 :: ^ A: abB.i%: ~i-*.t"f C,S" 91%d I\?" 3h:b D is irei :isi I: tv, k i8 I I I / i ' s> n~ 4 i f I j A: *N A I Ji,W. V ~, #*.. I *:;:,;f;::f::;;f:;;: S~:::: ~: h:: A::: v N.v I I *: i: E a C,/fX i FIGURE 1. Part of Wisconsin Exhibit 103. Sketch of map of the Montreal River taken from page 2991 of the manuscript notes of Douglass Hought;on for the year 1841. Misin IPageR Misin IPageR d - N '1 S tia. *:i:: E:t: ive:It A %:i: A:::, e:,::*r 0MX8 0d< Vi IN "..4. -.:. Cm o o'- ' 7 O:t~ TW pf...,. i: fN u.:iL> s11,< N Al 1:* m 0 I: FIGURE 3. Part of Wisconsin Exhibit 105. Map of Wisconsin takenfrom Farmer's Atlas of 1844. Note designation of West Branch and Lakes of the Desert. , W II ell I ",.,% M Pk lif - ALI '. IL i. 77Nr Ii..v ~S w C *re*a J* s*rr 0 t t:~ *_ II- I 6it I E i.,,iirn." i t.. 4. I~:: dpV r *i'" j wO- -I- -o -fI 0 I I f",e h b ~r-:~- sx9a_^ p:' a i I k,- 0.04I110011 -W VW -L - *- *.'' - *Wwl -O~to Z C." I V 1, I ''It I I 4qg II) 8 pr,::*BD:r g 1 —*X*0. dlx *(1P* :i.,;: B ~L, 9, F t: ' x $: ~,: 86;:? nH a1% 3i:-:C: ~.:,::~:::: ~I~:s g ~, —ww-, ow r "P" -*A Om #1:~8~ ~% rf;ks;O: f,.e . 1. I: 0. 7:, I I. x:I I ii - 40 w j If r I -* o W W "-"- f rrLlie *:, I *A t: Orio t I :: r* :p I*re -~ tl -Ir;;YJ I f ii E i t C*-111 qL*8h r. O Oel a t ifk7x s~ ,r CI*rcj, I 4"aw tmw "* qv - I I I 4: NWO: w t w 4.*: p c P' 11 I - I I f I I$ f I. wow-4.d.A.I fr~ II ar: 4 I I I.. X.., It 4 M "W0 I -ww I —,. AW X;eo, I.,, I0,a #..1 -1. A- I-.7 7 -s'. — *,. v, 1.I I - -11It III N I ili I ' \1 f I 1, I t, t: t;. I:\ I y 1 vyv f Jt-^;L:.^:. -i,.e /A I ~,-s~, 11':t ili^^^^ ~, i t I 1, ' I icr^ I I t I I I I t x I I t I 1.,w.A-w"',loft ft *,s^'y - k00 I L -.- -#* i V.A4~:... I:f- I i 6 x' I t I 1. I I I:t i -t i It~ <w~~ 00ft W~^.,~ 1 I I I:-I Ww4%.J0 - k. * Y,'. r!". NL Xi il, -^:f FIGURE 4. Part of Wisconsin Exhibit 107. Map of the Montreal River published in 1846 by Jacob Houghton, Jr. Note the portage trail. ME=,V" - I. I OEM= ME= IGHIP19M MI Oval I FIGU[RE 5. Part of Wisconsin Exhibit 121. Captain Cram's map of the Montreal River, 1841. WI0 [ x'< ^Ss\ ^s..^^ - ~~ * ^.,. * ' '.;?-.8,.V:m^~A{, ^\^ ^'^J & ) ~ 'I ^ ^1 i ^ai6 ^:-.^ r*:m:..- WO >,so:,,.. r ^^ q; - M -".. Y k.-~I --. k.. 'ip"k,. '?* FIGURE 6. Part of Wisconsin Exhibit 131. Farmer's map of 1829. Note designation of West Branch and Montreal River rising in Lac Vieux Desi ert. FIGURE 7. Part of Wisconsin Exhibit 133. Farmer's map of 1836. Note designation of West Branch, and Montreal River rising in Lac Vieux Des4 Brt. Note also islands in Green Bay surveyed as part of Wisconsin. I" " 1, 1* Ovr.. W 0 1.:. 1 *^:: M %i I~ I w: x -, 1: *A f^: ^-AJ\ — *'. '*. '; s"; -"'"- - **SS i ^. ^ *^y y, rI ^ I-. `, r ^ ANI.40^ -C * ^~ x *v;*4 i^ VI,? rv' ^! Yr- V).^,> ^.r'; ^: ^Ar ff i 4.I.*^ Pi. II b ^..I, tl '% t;>: ~ %.** A*? *?^ y v im ip" j: *,^^-l|p1 f 01, X4.' FIGURE 7. i Exhibit 133. Farmers map of 1836. Note designation of West Branch, and Montreal River rising in Lac Vieux Desert. Note also is,Q ands in Green Bay surveyed as part of Wisconsin. Ip I g.0 I 11 0 -1. ~ ed k -r Q> bi ~c k O cf k E: O Tb F: v; a, 1 O F1 F4 a> o 6(3 00 cC-i O c3 E r/z ~ - ~ - O di ~r( $2 ~r) X W E= ~r( F1 O C) r/Z rr O k F-r::":::::: i-ii -_.::::::::II;::::::r::::::~::::: t:: -'* I.. I I.. "IL f;i 7" 0 6. r~:..g x.::: I I - Imm oo::: 0c IIe It ff; i ML I.A. —...... 1% j::: 'J 00,:....:!~ H~ -.", W::: FIGURE 9. Part of Wisconsin Exhibit 144. Map accompanying geological report of D. D. Owen, 1848. Note Pine Wood Lakes and portage trail. FIGURE 10. Part of Wisconsin Exhibit 146. Map accompanying report of Captain John Pope, 1849. Note Pine Wood Lakes and portage trail. ^ im H; **:',' ^:::,.v', ', ^ ^:::;::^ ^: '..~"'^:.';':' —!' *.;?:,; -.:: **' ' I"; '.^:: /'::. *, ^ y::' ^*;:; *:;, ^iy iii^''.:. t::-1' *i^^:'\:;:::1: ^,:..:' '..: *:. *::^;;;:!: '^-^'^ ^ Ili^:-^.S ^i'^^'^s:^'..:^^^;;'!'!^!' lI'M lllS.^ iiill^^i^ii'/lliliillllill KBIIilM^^^^^^^^^^^^ 111111^^^^^^ ^ylllllilllli^^-^^tl^i^ B ta iiis^^&l.^.iii?;:!^^^^^^^. BBIiiM^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^tii~fc..|I;;;s;:(::i, l!!^?^^;!:!1:,?!;:;!;1::^;^;!;:^^^ IIIIIIISliB^^^ aiM^^^^^^^^ liiilil^ |l|il|j|lj|il^ Siiw::^^^^ ^SA;:^^^ *w::^ sasaa":^:^ . 'l' ' */ - ^ ^:::^ I1 a'lin, FIGURE 11. Part of Wisconsin Exhibit 184. William A. Burt's map of Michigan-Wisconsin boundary as run and established by him. I I !'..........w y ' i 'r \*~-'f ''s,- (' -?:: ^::: * i:: -::::::: ^::::-::i:! ii: —:-: -.*: — ||Jt ^,\!:- j~ ^ -.::::::^l ~ __.i::i~i' A ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ I s.^^ ^ ' K^ ^^^^^:.... ~, ^ S- a.!...':,..I' ^ ~:.~ FIGURE 12. Part of Michigan Exhibit 43. M~itc-hell's map of 1846. Note designation of West Branch and Lakes of the Desert. AA A i!& h, 4 4011. x7y V JLILAS 4ccVu"1 WISCONSIN STA-,-Ny IDAR I,, 1) NL,%P CMCIkGOAU, rEl-s XP L.AN.ATI,Srlfrr romAW. I 40. 0 a r-OUvrv o4wa* 0.0-11,c.t#*' 1091A 14 01004 0 lrqA14s &/ jeelm OR OCNO04 0 C. 4 jjjIl Lfte A,-" F 'A a 1 is 7- - 14 to 1, 0 Pk a -.00"" Ir... i - is $0 29 I i 1 1 11 i- 7 I. a w r4wr AA" a 's ow I, Mo. MM -------- -..... 11 i 1 7 Alt I St $I n Or- $r 00 too p i 11 I; a 0 VP -.. - ^ 2 71- I X% AIM -6-11, w. I L., I -,I - 'w IN, I Sri —I S# SS I -T' 14=.j 4w I A MM! f. f I A 6 "7.1'77 _IV - at I FIGURE 13. Part of Wisconsin Exhibit 376. Map of part of Vilas County, Wisconsin at present time. Note large number of roads, towns, villages, Ac. I5 ES; -: f:: E~ f -:' EX PL A 1Am /1O 1-h.~' K::71 t ol x C>T-A t^1! I VNr 0 &3 S.:: - -J S4 - 3JuPL STATE T7~UN, HI6HWAY Now ','::i.| COUNTY T2WUNK H6HWAY w = '.., Hf6HWA = Y. t41LROA 0.....! VERO~ 5TR~AM ------ - RI VERBRA NCH LSCHOOL @H/INKLE SCHOOL In K/imball D-stt. with Hurley Dist. D FE~R SCHOOL In Kimrbalt DS/t.J/. witfh Hur/ey Dist.' M~ D VLLLE SCHOOL-In -tmnbal D/StJt. w th Hurley Dst. () HURLEY H.S. & Oraodes below H.S. In city of Hurley.,EY (MONT ~EA LL SCH~OOL HUR-L EY GRA ~E$ on Sidae in city, of HurleyCVJCAREY ORADES in cty of Hurley. #p R pIN SCHOOL in toiwn of Om a, l' ~ G/LEC SCHOOL (Grodes) In cify of Montreal. NEW S. CAREY SCHOOL ToWvn of Carey. k OLD S. CAREY SCHOOL Town of Carey. ^ V^ CENTRAL SCHOOL Town of Oma. = r STATE RAD ED SCHOOL - aTown of Omr. A @ VND ROCK SCHOOL Town7 of On a Q, it 4 l FIGURE 1 4. Part of Wisconsin Exhibit 377 in slightly altered form but with no change in substance. Part of Iron County, Wisconsin, showing schoc districts, town, cities, villages, roads, etc. Note that both Joint District No. 1 and Oma District No. 2 are composed partly of territor the disputed area between the Montreal River and the Gogoashun River. lIs, school:y in FIGURE 15. Wisconsin Exhibit 123. PhoLograph looking toward confluence ofMontreal River and West Branch, taken below confluence. Note volume of water on left (east) and dry run on right (west). xw, W.", K,~ '2:: - ",i:~ ~ A l...... B) ] Aeo.;wvI 40 ~B z" J ilNil IS:~ -SEE P.:~::~'''''-'~ieii~OEM i;` ~:iz:,: FIGURE 16. Wiscnsi Exibi 12. Poto aA f prt f ciifueiw ofMonrea Ptvernd VestIli iih lokig, o-wistram.Not ba orrif 9 a B:-cof sall oulers epartin watr o Wes 1-3anc (let) f~nithatof ontral Pive (riht) FIGURE 17. Wisconsin Exhibit 124a. Photograph of part of confluence o:f olontreal Rixver at W\est lancllh,. shlowing bar or riffle of boulders over which water of West Branch falls into the main Montreatl. V I L N S 0 N M A R I N E FIGURE 18. Sketch of boundary between Lac Vieux Deselrt and Green Bay. Note that Paint River rises much closer to Lac Vieux Desert than does Brul' a River. I,( -11 r - A) r+ r) -3 (D:3 I '... -. -- --.... %I.. lw. - I... 1%. I.. -j 7 n "... -3 -ID 3 (T (b - I (n LITTLE OT-:r CD ft (40 — ZT1 Crr(J) o 4wft.ft O -.;S. "-.%., (P 0II'll rl 11,01 - It (p 10117-1 n It (ID (It P171, 0) It C71, 0 t kI'll, I'll 11 C(' I I I I I I I I I 1-1 I I I I,11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Sketch of Gre 6n Bay section showing boundaries claimed FIGURE 1 go by Mich -l9an and Wisconsin, and numerous land marks referred tt U) n CD 0" tTD LITTLE 4 - i(le ---- X- X > -- ~ A% I' -406I -AVA — \11~ I I - I I I '^1 I / s (11 1 I'll n ^ \ 0 ^ I'l~ cPi I.-l40QQ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I <3 \p Co Ce FIGURE 19. lay section showing boundaries claimed by Michigan and Wisconsin, and numerous land marks referred to in brief. I 7 I (I,l, Y,,? A I k; \:~?, I I ^( i'' ' a 1fi is* e.4 y I g I:f i, F F. o A. \\ FIGURE 20. Farmer's map of 1830. Note "Ship Chan." designated by dotted line north of "I. Pou." Part of Wisconsin Exhibit 162. I ~Id I i Lui 0 it.i I W: t X?~~.ia ga:W&Unqi FIGURE 21. Part of Wisconsin Exhibit 164. Map showing route of Fox and Wisconsin rivers improvement in 1853. Note! location of dotted line showing ship route. V hr C re pC~ r i~ r: v Z~ u. M i _; X 3 c. r-r vl r-. v i. ri k r =j hk-2 r —~ CiC ~h vi tcL re ~-i 'rr C1 ru -j -~I~~ CIL3 I-, rC~ r LII i. r J h. 3~ ii. v be r Y1: T3;I v`i 2= -r I g l i 1~ FIGURE 23. Part of Wisconsin Exhibit 170. Map of 1839 showing land clededl to the Uniiited States by varios iid(lial trleaties. The tlract on tile ext is that celled to the United States by Ottawas and Chippewas by the Trealty of March 28, 1836. Note boundiary passing north of IRock 1, e rl e I - (),"I If,, 1 lt <, I I "I reme ri-ghtl sT"rt iTs 01 - jb #A 9- fXP JiVtcM>#ltt I b9 cW7 amF A;+88~ ~ g vF>x: At Ant; Oa: I:: V 1~ I: X" - I i:: l If: 5 4:: 2 Gra"d I., [:p vnd FIGURE 24. Part of Wisconsin Exhibit 171. Chart of 1848 showing location of light houses. I.- m.!..... 1* or gy " i, N- -,%', i 11,, < AM 0 mIe V: w 1 /I V,: w AVi AHt - FIGURE 25. Part of Wisconsin Exhibit 172. Farmer map of 1853. Note sailing cou rse from Lake Michigan to Rock Island light. FIGURE 26. Part of Wisconsin Exhibit 181. Young's map of 1837. Note disputed islands surveyed as part of Wisconsin. ...., -.;.,;..-.i.,.;c- ---- I' — I.. -;-;~; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~*n ~-;i'i ~Y: i~~:- -;i 1.~ -;L~;i.I::_~~ - - (, I. IN: IB, - V z \ 0 (.:: ~:..:. i N'V-. ^.:.,,...: Part of Wisconsin Exhibit 183. FIGURE 27. Captain Cram's map of 1839 compiled from the Public Surveys. Note disputed islands surveyed as part of Wisconsin. Vt *: ~'.:.:1' k t% t~ ',.~ l I ~ 0 r FIGURE 28. Part of Wisconsin Exhibit 359. Bradford's map of 1838. Note boundary designated by dotted line north of "Keans I." I FlIGURE 29. Profile of Grand Traverse from north point of Door County peninsula to Summer Island, along line shown in black on next figure. The sent water in the various channels. Vertical distances are very much exaggerated in relation to horizontal contour lines on land areas and soundings of water, as shown on Michi middle horizontal line indicates water level, and shaded areas below said line repredistances. The altitudes and depths are obtained from yn Exhibit 114. I I I ~a;a~in g Suipaoead ut umoqsa aigoad jo asaxnoa 2ui~oysauij 31;)nlq SAUz~q pappe ucaaaq sey qwym ol PTT 41qlqxa rrziqyilq jo ppedd '09 anflold-1 vti:, I., -X,.. -:;;- i. I i I.,b ; J.: I w. - 4 $4e: k i;/ 17:. ",4 1 C -M 3f i -r lf -rr _,:::::.:::-. %:I :I 2. 1 '':, . 11,-tll ", -,tII.., j,:,IIi.1-.1, -,,.-i- -. '... . I . I . - - , ". I I. I I. - I II ., - I:III.:I11..I..!%.. "... I -, I.,. I 1 44. I , , if-, :.. I;i;iA; ,11..... -,,:;-I -, -;... . -..,-I,,... a, I:I. I": " ,.1-;m;-.. -11-4-1.1- W.-: -,.,,,.: I . I, II i,,, —.-; I.., I : -1-2 -1.-_ yX,.,:-], I::,I,,-, :, ,.,-..-.:.L,..., -.-I.. "":,LAI...........,-,,Jq:...- '..1. t:. , .,,,,- .. i - - ,, ... ..,II % :,, -41..-1.-I ---L —,, -.-, ;,.-. —, -, "-4`,-- -L4,, -— 11.4-4-11-l-.1 III-11 ---I" .. .-,-, —- ,,-......,4m,-"11,11-1 111.1-.. -11 —.1-71 1-.1 1;I,.,,,.,,,,,,.,.-," —',.",,: I,. I. IIII. II. I 1 —ii..,-. —., I..1. . ....... -,, - ....., 1-, ...,:...- -: i.;.- —., I. I,I I-II! .,.I:I:,I! II.III , II.. I.. , : ,: -, -4,- ]t : ., 1,,,.'L, , ,.I - 11. i:i "..... II I...ii:, .,: II. I,.I I.. I I,. :. -, I,.I.. .::. ..I... 11.I -I.....-,,-,,:II!: -1 - 11.1 ". T,..,:i-, -. . I w., —....:.I I I 1 I I. -,,,- .".. :...II.1 .11-1,-.,...,I., ,:,:,,.., ..1I. 1 II II I I.I.:.. I .-... I... w..,. 1. 11. . I...I, -1, I I I.1 I ,, I I, %: I I 1.,.. i., 6., X.i: I I:,,,,.; I... - ..I,.,.,,:, , I I.. ,:,,-,,"..: I. - I 111Zi -:::,,-I1-1 I,II,,.-iv-.,, --- —i,:,, ,- '.-Ii —, — "... - — x,-,,II..I:I.,.II.I.1 ,..........i' ,, I..:.:.1- 1. I -,, -,,,, ",.. I...I- I, -.1% -., -, - I-,............... ,,............. 1111-,i4...... -, - -;.. 11-1-1 —... "..I...WI -, -.111. 111..,-.;- ,. I-A,,,-,,-,.,-.,,-,.&.; I.:. -.,-,-;. ,, 11F-.- 11 I I..-11.,- ..1". ---- -,.1.1 -.- 11.. Jl —. I I.1 I.,:!:, — II .,,,,' II -.i.1.1 " , L- L... -,. ".,....,,,I.,-, I... JI... zg,:;::....11- - -111.......... L..:i ---, -,.- 11.1111.111i I: -q.. I. M: I.,I,,,- ,- -,-,;. -,: ... I — -,. 11.'. 1. I - - 111 —i,11.1... -,. -.,.11,1'1. —i...... , 11-11-,....I... —. -,..i.... iiw-A' —.. ... - ---,,.:..I.I.,,".,,-..,.-I-,.,..-,,;::-I ..!,.-,,.i.... i..., ,,i. -..-. . I..1 -!% ---1 —,. i...: - ........., -. -.. 1,, UW.1,. .. II,,-.i. I.,I ----,:1. 7,-I —L-I,... I I,-. -,,,.,.,.,I, q ,". -, . , "I'L-- -.1, - I i 51:. I I .:-,-:I1.-... '.,,.. —, 1-1-1.11IL-1-111. ,".,.,."..,.,.".,..,,"",,i A..-al.,...... L-L -1-1- ... IL ...... ---...... .- 1 -—:...,, —,:....-, -.-.1-1-.1 - - ,., —.:q — ---11- —,-. —4.-, — -N;-,,,.,;'.1,.,.,:-, 11 I,,. - -—;.-,-., —-Ii-:. ----L -L - X, i I.-,,..., .1 -,..... - -.....,.1. 1.,L"..I,,..'-' - -.. 1..... -- - L-L..I 4 - 1:- -% :.,, ,;-,+..;,",...... -.- -'-41-......i;'. —'-1Z............ -.- -IT"".il 11 ' —.-,.-.,. i,,,_.,-,:1,-- — - - I.,..I.I...". -,'] - Ha 4 4 "I 4........ - J _.... -j... RAW 7. E:, 1, I A...................... J - flar to that shown i s is not accurate. I acc I 14 41... ~ 0 it t~R:.: of. FIGURE 32. Part of Michigan Exhibit 115, on which heavy black line has been drawn to indicate course of profile shown in preceding figure. I A D~ Mae' Pt~,o, P Congr --— ~~~~ ----^J /'-^. \.c ~ ~.o__ 'l ~ ~/, \'u EE I I N N E S O T Ao.f_ 'v~/. Scale a,^-^ /^^^^ '\ Pte x E -^P/ '- ' C] Earle Ria / AE~WEENAW^- Y Krwf Pi. "> \w Pi AhPulisher, o MAUIET,m R JACKET ~ "." n" HANCOCK KE ENI K pay. Pt Ann (^ ^ { ONTO AGON^ -L! 4i^BSPA hAj Ytef --- s^'s;; / enr~rJ G A Ir~,trr MilrAw Sable Pi.; 'AI I(W T~oI~ F ~ g~robri~arBJuttte -0 Sa "uCyuFl^^ v lJ —'- __ _ SH^CAT)^? S" S ^ / IC M I.... Map, of U p rrei sua o M ci anp bis ehnL95 byt e Tp IV^ Crystal Fs) ii r LCRAF AHAGA I H 1AT rtl,4 dA; r D LJ) S' COB ^ P D R OLCoio~ Pt. ',t MI. qOY Cou,, p~./ la k/,..c '. t 0, JC. sou n Ai~~~~lr~.... "t,~ 00 P.Dfsr a H Vi GIY ' ECharlevi:CIt x~l lt~LC ~N PEL /dog', I XYAC tol rowbrldgeIC 3 ManpoitrnIKNou I, ~ ltg. OSPR FIGUREr 3. Map ~ ~~~of Upe P eninslaP, EofI Mchigan pulihe ign 12 hte ofCKI Michi g a n I.I inrh:herBuel B o o k o thar year. Notea rerese boundar y Ptxactl s Wona YPrth IIID rl."h il South W P-o boudar exctl asWisonsn caim it PLATE 4 MAP OF ~essional Districts pper Peninsula of Michigan bout 36 miles to 1 inch ed, 1925 by C. W Chadwik vf CombWICK MI~, Ann Arbor. \ o K ONT \ RMOREND ' CH;ANNEi;J \ Ok PRESOUE I!ntation of *':' '.. 'a..I bR IS, 5 VI) [~ ]. [-] Lo,,gl,/ F iSttO| s f CLt.UU ~" V..' ( -- p r Pi.,, Rc --!; nW* BV mot ~, yor t: " /j I-br -T Co U Is i tooI -V A DtQp;By,J E aN g,,jONr u r,<,,,, ) tmrre Ht I tr )4,KS r-b# —~,IE E,,,,, l rUNSI | tl5 c 4t ~ I lr JJ 2j _Chatbaij Mowa I I At cfl w U A,' SE\ | 5stinildl da't — - I ---f qt~ai P61 1.Ton / 0.e a tE F15 l I' T x I D. Map of Uppr P n Freste St o Ie.N -uth o St. Mir 'a ithe eye u' A', ~E2,,_c,.U,,Bj LAI J ELD =; bl renary tf. THU SAS r ro C1 IN,Ao s-,iv., c "' olcer ~" mmmmi,.~. Dllr ~ _. -AL I~rPIC I k,.,,~'zq. L~,Ix —.. Rork~ I ';.V Sah. n,%bfrbnfl GA R DrN Trmly hA N v L MARNA L Est l ~ "W' t":-or 1717,drn itiqtlue Blaney LAWUPI ~A-.A, F\-'(*"~"-s ~OCt e NI Stun SPA id RA i verP ^~^,,, ~'~ m it G ' L t tHOMP SON CQ f r=I t MA C'S pq SPAUDI~?~C~C~.~/ '"""'"'" "' Oro~ PerJ~..........,~LC~~ P 7- L TONE, """'"""7 1 CL 3YD o.u MgBy ' am ESCA UA De NO, Mc anl Indian TOVF:-T1OLIS O rFOliD RIX eaue I % i I I etb MRR ~E~Bt ':.7o_, —./,____. A~rA GOULEYLittle Su11,,,o. l. J~ 0 I-E 0 at~~l.Illd ]iCrnyI wansdo tM N E Ed nrrr c oIfDAGGETT Crisp P. klmaset: Oss r~ - /ln LA~v I STEpHRENSoN ni ' z '. Packard I BO _ h1 hltrc rbon!IE:.,., Ar.,,,z Bar Pt 'Nr C';iiA-mgPt Al FN PIS U L L FIGURE 34. Map of Upper Peninsula of. Michigan published in 1925 by the State of Michigan in, her Blue Book f or that year. Note immevdiately southof St MartinsIslnd, iue. e xactly no caimed by Wisconsn.1 IC I C \.,, '4 c E S unters' '/11 I PENTLEND ODonala I GARFIELD I MACK INAC,.HUDI, 1 1C - Carde,S u g Hop t Biddlt Pt St -Yazoo 'Al Potttrr.on ~aoWr't,:,$ _~ ws"' Ho, L, uaiNEg boundary passing I. - I- 11 -1 I ". I 11 I I I " I UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 113 111119011111111115104639 I 0095 3 9015 04639 0095 -W I I II I :k MM, 'An t