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I - - , V I.,.,,,, f, - I I I. -, h 1 6 1 w z The reproduction of this book has been made possible through the sponsorship of the Grand Traverse Historical Society, Traverse City, Michigan. A Reproduction by UNIGRAPHIC, INC. 1401 North Fares Avenue Evansville, Indiana 47711 ' Nineteen Hundred Severity Four Binding by MODBRN PBtBINDING CORPORATION Portdid, Indiana AI (I I i.i, 1 N _ I --- CO NTE NTS. The Traverse Region.............. 9 General )escription..................... 9 Early Explorers........................ 14 Indian History......................... 14 Conspiracy qWiPontiac.:................ 14 Massacre at Fort Mackinac.............. 18 First Permanent White Settlement...... 18 Indian Movements...................... 18 Land Titles........................... 26 Indial Treaties........................ 26 First Protestant Mission................ 26 The Mormon Kingdom.................. 29 Jalmes Jesse Strang.................... 29 Killing of Strang....................... 29 Grand Traverse County........... 38 Physical Features....................... 38 Early Settlements...................... 38 Early Events....................... 38 Old Mission in 1849.................... 43 The Monroe Settlement................ 43 Early Religious Activities............... 43 Organization of County................ 49 County Officers.................... 49 Bench and Bar......................... 49 School Matters............... 49 Village of Traverse City................. 55 Hannah, Lay & Co............... 55 Early History....................... 55 Glimpses at Different Periods........... 55 Church History............ 55 Hannalh & Lay Mercantile Co........... 55 N ews apers............................ 55 General Progress..................... 55 Fife L ake............................. 84 W alton............................. 84 Paradise.............................. 84 Kingsle.................. 84 M ayfield....................... 84 Westminster.................. 84 Acm e................................. 84 W illiansburgh......................... 84 Summit...................... 84 Other Settlemenlts..................... 84 Cheboygan County................ 95 Topographical Features................. 95 Organizationl and Officers................95 Items of Civil History................... 95 County Bar........................... 95 Supervisors 95 Town Or anizatio..................... 97 Land Entries........................ 97 Early H istory..........................101 Clilurcl Incorporations..................101 Statistics.............................101 Village of Cheloygan...................104 Early History.........................104 Churches. Sc1hools and Societies........104 Miscellaneous Industries................104 Duncau City. 104 Village of MIachkiuaw City....... 119 Early History.1........................119 Churches and Schools.............. 119 General Progress.......................119 The Inland Routee......................122 M ullet Lake...........................122 Topinabee.............................122 Indian River and Wolverine............. 122 Emmet County...................127 General Description....................127 Early Movements......................129 Early M issions......................... 129 The Mission Farm......................129 Settlement and Progress............ 132 School Matters........................ 132 Bar of Emmet County.................. 132 County and Town Organizations........135 Civil History......................135 County and Town Officers..............135 Little Traverse Bay.....................137 The Summer Resorts...................137 Village of Cross Village................. 141 History and Interests................... 141 Village of Harbor Springs...............144 General History........................144 Sketches and Legends.................. 144 Village of Petoskey..................... 153 Early History.........................153 General Progress................ 153 Newspapers.......................... 153 Churches, Schools, Societies............153 Miscellaneous Interests................ 153 Charlevoix County................168 General Description.....................168 Holy Island............................168 Battle at Pine River.....................173 Mormon Troubles...................... 173 Early Settlements...................... 178 County and Town Organization..........182 County and Town Officers...............182 First Court............................182 School M atters........................ 182 Village of Charlevoix....................186 Early Movements.......................186 Churches, Schools and Societies.......... 186 Newspapers............................ 18 General History and Progress............186 Summer Resorts........................ 186 Village of Boyne.......................206 Bay Springs............................206 East Jordan and South Arm........... 206 Boyne Falls............................206 Ironton........................206 l.eelanaw County...........222 Physical Features.......................222 First Settlements............. 2...... 22 Settlements at Leland and Glen Arbor... 227 Development..........................227 Civil History...........................230 County and Town Organization.........230 County Officers........................ 230 First Court.......................230 Northport.......................238 Leland.................................238 Glen Arbor.............................238 Burdickville............................238 Sutton's Bay...........................238 New MIission......................238 Provement.............................238 Antrim County....................249 General Description.................... 249 Early Stttlers and Settlements..........251 County and Town Organization..........254 First Court..........................254 County Officers........................254 County Seat............... 254 Village of Elk Rapids.................257 General History........................257 Churches and Schools...................257 Newspapers......................257 General Development..................265 Antrim City........................265 Torch Lake......................... 265 Eastport.................. 265 Spencer Creek.........................265 Cential Lake.......................... 265 M ancelona...................... 268 B ellaire........................... 273 General Development.............. 278 Benzie County.................... 288 Description..........................288 Early Settlement........................288 The Bpnzonia Enterprise................288 County and Town Organization..........292 County Officers.........................292 County Seat...........................292 Frankfort..............................292 South Frankfort........................292 General History and Improvements.......292 Churches and Schools...................292 Industries........................... 292 Kalkasha Couny..................313 General Description....................313 Early Settlement........................313 County and Town Organization..........320 County and Town Officers...............320 T he B ar...............................320 Schools.............................. 320 Statistical...............................320 Village of Kalkaska.....................325 History and Progress...................325 Chturches, Schools and Societies........325 Newspapers......................... 325 Miscellaneous Industries................325 South Boardman........................329 Crofton, Westwood, Leetsville...........329 Wexford County.................. 335 General Description.....................335 First Settlement........................335 County and Town Organization..........337 County Officers........................ 337 County Seat Contest...................337 Wexford County Bar...............337 Sherm an...............................34 General History and Progress............342 Churches and Societies.................. 342 M anton................................342 General History........................342 Settlement and Development............342 Village of Cadillac................ 352 Early Settlement and Development.......352 Churches, Schools, Societies.............352 Cadillac City..........................352 City Officers...........................352 Conclusion........................... 366 I I J -~I i L -- L - - -rJ - c I 1 it CO N T E N T.-Continued. BIOGRAPHIES. Granl Traverse County............ Anderson I M......................... 87 Arn)old J VW............................ 91 A iltoll B D........................... 71 Bauiley Clinanc!y C..................... 85 Barlnes Sm itlh.......................... 75 Barnet v J-B........................... 93 Bartlett WV W.......................... 92 Bates Hon, Mortgan..................... 63 Batcs Rev M erlltt...................... 7( Brates Thollm;as 'rT..................... G64 Beadc ' H S........................... 45 Beadle Jollln '....................... 77 B ell Charles MI......................... 77 B ennett I E.......................... 87 Bl nnett JT L.......................... 93 Billiings Jolii 1)....................... 7!, Blc(k Joln.......................... 4; Bl;air R v HoIrace....................... 89 Bodl] Artllhur T......................... 81 Boultoil James M..................... 86 Boe(rmalll:l M oses Jl.................... 91 Broi: lff ool Johl n N...................... 80 Broscli Franlk F...................... 78 Lro n ( Tcorge........................ 45 Brow1\\ isonl Di Myhron S.................. 88 131nrkl itt N........................... 89 Caidwe'lli 1l-obel rt....................... 81 Claiiipbell Henry D.................... 76 C ' ~e~.JallJ m es M..................... 87 Campbl llul Robert A...................... 78 (Canjute G( H........................... 93 Car-penlter llobert...................... 93 C arter ]) Ej............................ 81 Carver 0.;ea 1'........................ 78 Chandler W illiam A.................... 92 C handler W 8......................... 92 Chickeril,- <& K vs(.......................... 86 C lark G oi Ion........I................. 86 Clark 0:'............................ 94 C randtill 1- i;.......................... 89 C urdy S............................ 90 C urtis Jo.sial.......................... 46 ('Cutter Asa;L C................ 80 D avis E A............................. 94 D evoe W illiam P....................... 93 Do tg-heri v 1cv Peter................... 39 Downs C.'i rL(......................... 92 D iiigga W illiam R...................... 92 E llis M artin E......................... 78 E lmis Julitns K......................... 78 1.istes C H............................. 92 Fairba bii s A K......................... 46 Fell D r Vickers....................... 83 F en is H A............................ 90 F ife W H.............................. 45 F in'eh N elson.......................... 87 F ollett J I............................ (1I F oster E H 1............................ 85 Fowie WVi1 iMll ) 1......................... M0 F ulllr Santford........................ 93 ("ta-' L ovell H......................... 77 G ermaine C1uyler........................ 83 G ibbs J L............................